/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import Tooltip from '@material-ui/core/Tooltip'; import produce from 'immer'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import { classes } from 'typestyle'; import { V2beta1Pipeline, V2beta1ListPipelinesResponse } from 'src/apisv2beta1/pipeline'; import CustomTable, { Column, CustomRendererProps, ExpandState, Row, } from 'src/components/CustomTable'; import { Description } from 'src/components/Description'; import { RoutePage, RouteParams } from 'src/components/Router'; import { ToolbarProps } from 'src/components/Toolbar'; import { commonCss, padding } from 'src/Css'; import { Apis, ListRequest, PipelineSortKeys } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import Buttons, { ButtonKeys } from 'src/lib/Buttons'; import { formatDateString } from 'src/lib/Utils'; import { Page } from './Page'; import PipelineVersionList from './PipelineVersionList'; interface DisplayPipeline extends V2beta1Pipeline { expandState?: ExpandState; } interface PipelineListState { displayPipelines: DisplayPipeline[]; selectedIds: string[]; // selectedVersionIds is a map from string to string array. // For each pipeline, there is a list of selected version ids. selectedVersionIds: { [pipelineId: string]: string[] }; } const descriptionCustomRenderer: React.FC<CustomRendererProps<string>> = ( props: CustomRendererProps<string>, ) => { return <Description description={props.value || ''} forceInline={true} />; }; class PipelineList extends Page<{ namespace?: string }, PipelineListState> { private _tableRef = React.createRef<CustomTable>(); constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.state = { displayPipelines: [], selectedIds: [], selectedVersionIds: {}, }; } public getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps { const buttons = new Buttons(this.props, this.refresh.bind(this)); return { actions: buttons .newPipelineVersion('Upload pipeline') .refresh(this.refresh.bind(this)) .deletePipelinesAndPipelineVersions( () => this.state.selectedIds, () => this.state.selectedVersionIds, (pipelineId, ids) => this._selectionChanged(pipelineId, ids), false /* useCurrentResource */, ) .getToolbarActionMap(), breadcrumbs: [], pageTitle: 'Pipelines', }; } public render(): JSX.Element { const columns: Column[] = [ { customRenderer: this._nameCustomRenderer, flex: 1, label: 'Pipeline name', sortKey: PipelineSortKeys.NAME, }, { label: 'Description', flex: 3, customRenderer: descriptionCustomRenderer }, { label: 'Uploaded on', sortKey: PipelineSortKeys.CREATED_AT, flex: 1 }, ]; const rows: Row[] = => { return { expandState: p.expandState, id: p.pipeline_id!, otherFields: [p.display_name!, p.description!, formatDateString(p.created_at!)], }; }); return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 'lr'))}> <CustomTable ref={this._tableRef} columns={columns} rows={rows} initialSortColumn={PipelineSortKeys.CREATED_AT} updateSelection={this._selectionChanged.bind(this, undefined)} selectedIds={this.state.selectedIds} reload={this._reload.bind(this)} toggleExpansion={this._toggleRowExpand.bind(this)} getExpandComponent={this._getExpandedPipelineComponent.bind(this)} filterLabel='Filter pipelines' emptyMessage='No pipelines found. Click "Upload pipeline" to start.' /> </div> ); } public async refresh(): Promise<void> { if (this._tableRef.current) { await this._tableRef.current.reload(); } } private _toggleRowExpand(rowIndex: number): void { const displayPipelines = produce(this.state.displayPipelines, draft => { draft[rowIndex].expandState = draft[rowIndex].expandState === ExpandState.COLLAPSED ? ExpandState.EXPANDED : ExpandState.COLLAPSED; }); this.setState({ displayPipelines }); } private _getExpandedPipelineComponent(rowIndex: number): JSX.Element { const pipeline = this.state.displayPipelines[rowIndex]; return ( <PipelineVersionList pipelineId={pipeline.pipeline_id} onError={() => null} {...this.props} selectedIds={this.state.selectedVersionIds[pipeline.pipeline_id!] || []} noFilterBox={true} onSelectionChange={this._selectionChanged.bind(this, pipeline.pipeline_id)} disableSorting={false} disablePaging={false} /> ); } private async _reload(request: ListRequest): Promise<string> { let response: V2beta1ListPipelinesResponse | null = null; let displayPipelines: DisplayPipeline[]; try { response = await Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.listPipelines( this.props.namespace, request.pageToken, request.pageSize, request.sortBy, request.filter, ); displayPipelines = response.pipelines || []; displayPipelines.forEach(exp => (exp.expandState = ExpandState.COLLAPSED)); this.clearBanner(); } catch (err) { await this.showPageError('Error: failed to retrieve list of pipelines.', err); } this.setStateSafe({ displayPipelines: (response && response.pipelines) || [] }); return response ? response.next_page_token || '' : ''; } private _nameCustomRenderer: React.FC<CustomRendererProps<string>> = ( props: CustomRendererProps<string>, ) => { return ( <Tooltip title={props.value || ''} enterDelay={300} placement='top-start'> <Link onClick={e => e.stopPropagation()} className={} to={RoutePage.PIPELINE_DETAILS_NO_VERSION.replace(':' + RouteParams.pipelineId,} > {props.value || ''} </Link> </Tooltip> ); }; // selection changes passed in via "selectedIds" can be // (1) changes of selected pipeline ids, and will be stored in "this.state.selectedIds" or // (2) changes of selected pipeline version ids, and will be stored in "selectedVersionIds" with key "pipelineId" private _selectionChanged(pipelineId: string | undefined, selectedIds: string[]): void { if (!!pipelineId) { // Update selected pipeline version ids. this.setStateSafe({ selectedVersionIds: { ...this.state.selectedVersionIds, ...{ [pipelineId!]: selectedIds } }, }); const actions = this.props.toolbarProps.actions; actions[ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN].disabled = this.state.selectedIds.length < 1 && selectedIds.length < 1; this.props.updateToolbar({ actions }); } else { // Update selected pipeline ids. this.setStateSafe({ selectedIds }); const selectedVersionIdsCt = this._deepCountDictionary(this.state.selectedVersionIds); const actions = this.props.toolbarProps.actions; actions[ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN].disabled = selectedIds.length < 1 && selectedVersionIdsCt < 1; this.props.updateToolbar({ actions }); } } private _deepCountDictionary(dict: { [pipelineId: string]: string[] }): number { return Object.keys(dict).reduce((count, pipelineId) => count + dict[pipelineId].length, 0); } } export default PipelineList;
/* * Copyright 2021 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { act, queryByText, render, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'; import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'; import * as React from 'react'; import { V2beta1Run, V2beta1RuntimeState } from 'src/apisv2beta1/run'; import { V2beta1Experiment, V2beta1ExperimentStorageState } from 'src/apisv2beta1/experiment'; import { RoutePage, RouteParams } from 'src/components/Router'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { Api } from 'src/mlmd/Api'; import { KFP_V2_RUN_CONTEXT_TYPE } from 'src/mlmd/MlmdUtils'; import { mockResizeObserver, testBestPractices } from 'src/TestUtils'; import { CommonTestWrapper } from 'src/TestWrapper'; import { Context, GetContextByTypeAndNameRequest, GetContextByTypeAndNameResponse, GetExecutionsByContextResponse, } from 'src/third_party/mlmd'; import { GetArtifactsByContextResponse, GetEventsByExecutionIDsResponse, } from 'src/third_party/mlmd/generated/ml_metadata/proto/metadata_store_service_pb'; import { PageProps } from './Page'; import { RunDetailsInternalProps } from './RunDetails'; import { RunDetailsV2 } from './RunDetailsV2'; import fs from 'fs'; const V2_PIPELINESPEC_PATH = 'src/data/test/lightweight_python_functions_v2_pipeline_rev.yaml'; const v2YamlTemplateString = fs.readFileSync(V2_PIPELINESPEC_PATH, 'utf8'); testBestPractices(); describe('RunDetailsV2', () => { const RUN_ID = '1'; let updateBannerSpy: any; let updateDialogSpy: any; let updateSnackbarSpy: any; let updateToolbarSpy: any; let historyPushSpy: any; function generateProps(): RunDetailsInternalProps & PageProps { const pageProps: PageProps = { history: { push: historyPushSpy } as any, location: '' as any, match: { params: { [RouteParams.runId]: RUN_ID, }, isExact: true, path: '', url: '', }, toolbarProps: { actions: {}, breadcrumbs: [], pageTitle: '' }, updateBanner: updateBannerSpy, updateDialog: updateDialogSpy, updateSnackbar: updateSnackbarSpy, updateToolbar: updateToolbarSpy, }; return Object.assign(pageProps, { gkeMetadata: {}, }); } const TEST_RUN: V2beta1Run = { created_at: new Date(2018, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2), scheduled_at: new Date(2018, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2), finished_at: new Date(2018, 8, 7, 4, 3, 2), description: 'test run description', experiment_id: 'some-experiment-id', run_id: 'test-run-id', display_name: 'test run', pipeline_spec: { pipeline_id: 'some-pipeline-id', pipeline_manifest: '{some-template-string}', }, runtime_config: { parameters: { param1: 'value1' } }, state: V2beta1RuntimeState.SUCCEEDED, }; const TEST_EXPERIMENT: V2beta1Experiment = { created_at: '2021-01-24T18:03:08Z', description: 'All runs will be grouped here.', experiment_id: 'some-experiment-id', display_name: 'Default', storage_state: V2beta1ExperimentStorageState.AVAILABLE, }; beforeEach(() => { mockResizeObserver(); updateBannerSpy = jest.fn(); updateToolbarSpy = jest.fn(); }); it('Render detail page with reactflow', async () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RunDetailsV2 pipeline_job={v2YamlTemplateString} run={TEST_RUN} {...generateProps()} ></RunDetailsV2> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); expect(screen.getByTestId('DagCanvas')).not.toBeNull(); }); it('Shows error banner when disconnected from MLMD', async () => { jest .spyOn(Api.getInstance().metadataStoreService, 'getContextByTypeAndName') .mockRejectedValue(new Error('Not connected to MLMD')); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RunDetailsV2 pipeline_job={v2YamlTemplateString} run={TEST_RUN} {...generateProps()} ></RunDetailsV2> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ additionalInfo: 'Cannot find context with {"typeName":"system.PipelineRun","contextName":"1"}: Not connected to MLMD', message: 'Cannot get MLMD objects from Metadata store.', mode: 'error', }), ), ); }); it('Shows no banner when connected from MLMD', async () => { jest .spyOn(Api.getInstance().metadataStoreService, 'getContextByTypeAndName') .mockImplementation((request: GetContextByTypeAndNameRequest) => { const response = new GetContextByTypeAndNameResponse(); if ( request.getTypeName() === KFP_V2_RUN_CONTEXT_TYPE && request.getContextName() === RUN_ID ) { response.setContext(new Context()); } return response; }); jest .spyOn(Api.getInstance().metadataStoreService, 'getExecutionsByContext') .mockResolvedValue(new GetExecutionsByContextResponse()); jest .spyOn(Api.getInstance().metadataStoreService, 'getArtifactsByContext') .mockResolvedValue(new GetArtifactsByContextResponse()); jest .spyOn(Api.getInstance().metadataStoreService, 'getEventsByExecutionIDs') .mockResolvedValue(new GetEventsByExecutionIDsResponse()); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RunDetailsV2 pipeline_job={v2YamlTemplateString} run={TEST_RUN} {...generateProps()} ></RunDetailsV2> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({})); }); it("shows run title and experiments' links", async () => { const getRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'getRun'); getRunSpy.mockResolvedValue(TEST_RUN); const getExperimentSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.experimentServiceApiV2, 'getExperiment'); getExperimentSpy.mockResolvedValue(TEST_EXPERIMENT); jest .spyOn(Api.getInstance().metadataStoreService, 'getContextByTypeAndName') .mockImplementation((request: GetContextByTypeAndNameRequest) => { return new GetContextByTypeAndNameResponse(); }); jest .spyOn(Api.getInstance().metadataStoreService, 'getExecutionsByContext') .mockResolvedValue(new GetExecutionsByContextResponse()); jest .spyOn(Api.getInstance().metadataStoreService, 'getArtifactsByContext') .mockResolvedValue(new GetArtifactsByContextResponse()); jest .spyOn(Api.getInstance().metadataStoreService, 'getEventsByExecutionIDs') .mockResolvedValue(new GetEventsByExecutionIDsResponse()); await act(async () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RunDetailsV2 pipeline_job={v2YamlTemplateString} run={TEST_RUN} {...generateProps()} ></RunDetailsV2> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); }); await waitFor(() => expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ pageTitleTooltip: 'test run', }), ), ); await waitFor(() => expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ breadcrumbs: [ { displayName: 'Experiments', href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS }, { displayName: 'Default', href: `/experiments/details/some-experiment-id`, }, ], }), ), ); }); it('shows top bar buttons', async () => { const getRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'getRun'); getRunSpy.mockResolvedValue(TEST_RUN); const getExperimentSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.experimentServiceApiV2, 'getExperiment'); getExperimentSpy.mockResolvedValue(TEST_EXPERIMENT); jest .spyOn(Api.getInstance().metadataStoreService, 'getContextByTypeAndName') .mockResolvedValue(new GetContextByTypeAndNameResponse()); jest .spyOn(Api.getInstance().metadataStoreService, 'getExecutionsByContext') .mockResolvedValue(new GetExecutionsByContextResponse()); jest .spyOn(Api.getInstance().metadataStoreService, 'getArtifactsByContext') .mockResolvedValue(new GetArtifactsByContextResponse()); jest .spyOn(Api.getInstance().metadataStoreService, 'getEventsByExecutionIDs') .mockResolvedValue(new GetEventsByExecutionIDsResponse()); await act(async () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RunDetailsV2 pipeline_job={v2YamlTemplateString} run={TEST_RUN} {...generateProps()} ></RunDetailsV2> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); }); await waitFor(() => expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ actions: expect.objectContaining({ archive: expect.objectContaining({ disabled: false, title: 'Archive' }), retry: expect.objectContaining({ disabled: true, title: 'Retry' }), terminateRun: expect.objectContaining({ disabled: true, title: 'Terminate' }), cloneRun: expect.objectContaining({ disabled: false, title: 'Clone run' }), }), }), ), ); }); describe('topbar tabs', () => { it('switches to Detail tab', async () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RunDetailsV2 pipeline_job={v2YamlTemplateString} run={TEST_RUN} {...generateProps()} ></RunDetailsV2> </CommonTestWrapper>, );'Detail')); screen.getByText('Run details'); screen.getByText('Run ID'); screen.getByText('Workflow name'); screen.getByText('Status'); screen.getByText('Description'); screen.getByText('Created at'); screen.getByText('Started at'); screen.getByText('Finished at'); screen.getByText('Duration'); }); it('shows content in Detail tab', async () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RunDetailsV2 pipeline_job={v2YamlTemplateString} run={TEST_RUN} {...generateProps()} ></RunDetailsV2> </CommonTestWrapper>, );'Detail')); screen.getByText('test-run-id'); // 'Run ID' screen.getByText('test run'); // 'Workflow name' screen.getByText('test run description'); // 'Description' screen.getByText('9/5/2018, 4:03:02 AM'); //'Created at' screen.getByText('9/6/2018, 4:03:02 AM'); // 'Started at' screen.getByText('9/7/2018, 4:03:02 AM'); // 'Finished at' screen.getByText('48:00:00'); // 'Duration' }); it('handles no creation time', async () => { const noCreateTimeRun: V2beta1Run = { // created_at: new Date(2018, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2), scheduled_at: new Date(2018, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2), finished_at: new Date(2018, 8, 7, 4, 3, 2), experiment_id: 'some-experiment-id', run_id: 'test-run-id', display_name: 'test run', description: 'test run description', state: V2beta1RuntimeState.SUCCEEDED, }; render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RunDetailsV2 pipeline_job={v2YamlTemplateString} run={noCreateTimeRun} {...generateProps()} ></RunDetailsV2> </CommonTestWrapper>, );'Detail')); expect(screen.getAllByText('-').length).toEqual(2); // create time and duration are empty. }); it('handles no finish time', async () => { const noFinsihTimeRun: V2beta1Run = { created_at: new Date(2018, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2), scheduled_at: new Date(2018, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2), // finished_at: new Date(2018, 8, 7, 4, 3, 2), experiment_id: 'some-experiment-id', run_id: 'test-run-id', display_name: 'test run', description: 'test run description', state: V2beta1RuntimeState.SUCCEEDED, }; render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RunDetailsV2 pipeline_job={v2YamlTemplateString} run={noFinsihTimeRun} {...generateProps()} ></RunDetailsV2> </CommonTestWrapper>, );'Detail')); expect(screen.getAllByText('-').length).toEqual(2); // finish time and duration are empty. }); it('shows run parameters', () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RunDetailsV2 pipeline_job={v2YamlTemplateString} run={TEST_RUN} {...generateProps()} ></RunDetailsV2> </CommonTestWrapper>, );'Detail')); screen.getByText('param1'); // 'Parameter name' screen.getByText('value1'); // 'Parameter value' }); it('switches to Pipeline Spec tab', async () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RunDetailsV2 pipeline_job={v2YamlTemplateString} run={TEST_RUN} {...generateProps()} ></RunDetailsV2> </CommonTestWrapper>, );'Pipeline Spec')); screen.findByTestId('spec-ir'); }); it('shows Execution Sidepanel', async () => { const getRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'getRun'); getRunSpy.mockResolvedValue(TEST_RUN); const getExperimentSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.experimentServiceApiV2, 'getExperiment'); getExperimentSpy.mockResolvedValue(TEST_EXPERIMENT); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RunDetailsV2 pipeline_job={v2YamlTemplateString} run={TEST_RUN} {...generateProps()} ></RunDetailsV2> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); // Default view has no side panel. expect(screen.queryByText('Input/Output')).toBeNull(); expect(screen.queryByText('Task Details')).toBeNull(); // Select execution to open side panel.'preprocess')); screen.getByText('Input/Output'); screen.getByText('Task Details'); // Close side panel.'close')); expect(screen.queryByText('Input/Output')).toBeNull(); expect(screen.queryByText('Task Details')).toBeNull(); }); it('shows Artifact Sidepanel', async () => { const getRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'getRun'); getRunSpy.mockResolvedValue(TEST_RUN); const getExperimentSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.experimentServiceApiV2, 'getExperiment'); getExperimentSpy.mockResolvedValue(TEST_EXPERIMENT); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RunDetailsV2 pipeline_job={v2YamlTemplateString} run={TEST_RUN} {...generateProps()} ></RunDetailsV2> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); // Default view has no side panel. expect(screen.queryByText('Artifact Info')).toBeNull(); expect(screen.queryByText('Visualization')).toBeNull(); // Select artifact to open side panel.'model')); screen.getByText('Artifact Info'); screen.getByText('Visualization'); // Close side panel.'close')); expect(screen.queryByText('Artifact Info')).toBeNull(); expect(screen.queryByText('Visualization')).toBeNull(); }); }); });
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import ExperimentList from './ExperimentList'; import ArchivedExperiments from './ArchivedExperiments'; import MD2Tabs from '../atoms/MD2Tabs'; import { Page, PageProps } from './Page'; import { RoutePage } from '../components/Router'; import { ToolbarProps } from '../components/Toolbar'; import { classes } from 'typestyle'; import { commonCss, padding } from '../Css'; export enum AllExperimentsAndArchiveTab { EXPERIMENTS = 0, ARCHIVE = 1, } export interface AllExperimentsAndArchiveProps extends PageProps { view: AllExperimentsAndArchiveTab; } interface AllExperimentsAndArchiveState { selectedTab: AllExperimentsAndArchiveTab; } class AllExperimentsAndArchive extends Page< AllExperimentsAndArchiveProps, AllExperimentsAndArchiveState > { public getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps { return { actions: {}, breadcrumbs: [], pageTitle: '' }; } public render(): JSX.Element { return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 't'))}> <MD2Tabs tabs={['Active', 'Archived']} selectedTab={this.props.view} onSwitch={this._tabSwitched.bind(this)} /> {this.props.view === 0 && <ExperimentList {...this.props} />} {this.props.view === 1 && <ArchivedExperiments {...this.props} />} </div> ); } public async refresh(): Promise<void> { return; } private _tabSwitched(newTab: AllExperimentsAndArchiveTab): void { this.props.history.push( newTab === AllExperimentsAndArchiveTab.EXPERIMENTS ? RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS : RoutePage.ARCHIVED_EXPERIMENTS, ); } } export default AllExperimentsAndArchive;
/* * Copyright 2023 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { fireEvent, render, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Api } from 'src/mlmd/library'; import { Artifact, ArtifactType, GetArtifactsRequest, GetArtifactsResponse, GetArtifactTypesResponse, Value, } from 'src/third_party/mlmd'; import { RoutePage } from 'src/components/Router'; import { testBestPractices } from 'src/TestUtils'; import ArtifactListSwitcher from 'src/pages/ArtifactListSwitcher'; import { PageProps } from 'src/pages/Page'; import { CommonTestWrapper } from 'src/TestWrapper'; testBestPractices(); describe('ArtifactListSwitcher', () => { let getArtifactsSpy: jest.Mock<{}>; let getArtifactTypesSpy: jest.Mock<{}>; const getArtifactsRequest = new GetArtifactsRequest(); beforeEach(() => { getArtifactsSpy = jest.spyOn(Api.getInstance().metadataStoreService, 'getArtifacts'); getArtifactTypesSpy = jest.spyOn(Api.getInstance().metadataStoreService, 'getArtifactTypes'); getArtifactTypesSpy.mockImplementation(() => { const artifactType = new ArtifactType(); artifactType.setId(6); artifactType.setName('String'); const response = new GetArtifactTypesResponse(); response.setArtifactTypesList([artifactType]); return Promise.resolve(response); }); getArtifactsSpy.mockImplementation(() => { const artifacts = mockNArtifacts(5); const response = new GetArtifactsResponse(); response.setArtifactsList(artifacts); return Promise.resolve(response); }); }); function generateProps(): PageProps { const pageProps: PageProps = { history: {} as any, location: { pathname: RoutePage.EXECUTIONS, } as any, match: {} as any, toolbarProps: { actions: {}, breadcrumbs: [], pageTitle: '' }, updateBanner: () => null, updateDialog: () => null, updateSnackbar: () => null, updateToolbar: () => null, }; return pageProps; } function mockNArtifacts(n: number) { let artifacts: Artifact[] = []; for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) { const artifact = new Artifact(); const pipelineValue = new Value(); const pipelineName = `pipeline ${i}`; pipelineValue.setStringValue(pipelineName); artifact.getPropertiesMap().set('pipeline_name', pipelineValue); const artifactValue = new Value(); const artifactName = `test artifact ${i}`; artifactValue.setStringValue(artifactName); artifact.getPropertiesMap().set('name', artifactValue); artifact.setName(artifactName); artifacts.push(artifact); } return artifacts; } it('shows "Flat" and "Group" tabs', () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <ArtifactListSwitcher {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); screen.getByText('Default'); screen.getByText('Grouped'); }); it('disable pagination if switch to "Group" view', async () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <ArtifactListSwitcher {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); const groupTab = screen.getByText('Grouped');; // "Group" view will call getExection() without list options getArtifactsRequest.setOptions(undefined); await waitFor(() => { expect(getArtifactTypesSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); // once for flat, once for group expect(getArtifactsSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); // once for flat, once for group expect(getArtifactsSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(getArtifactsRequest); }); expect(screen.queryByText('Rows per page:')).toBeNull(); // no footer expect(screen.queryByText('10')).toBeNull(); // no footer }); });
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import CustomTable, { Column, Row } from '../components/CustomTable'; import Toolbar, { ToolbarActionMap } from '../components/Toolbar'; import { ListRequest } from '../lib/Apis'; import { RouteComponentProps } from 'react-router-dom'; import { logger, errorToMessage, formatDateString } from '../lib/Utils'; import { DialogProps } from '../components/Router'; interface BaseResponse { resources: BaseResource[]; nextPageToken: string; } export interface BaseResource { id?: string; created_at?: Date; description?: string; name?: string; error?: string; namespace?: string; } export interface ResourceSelectorProps extends RouteComponentProps { listApi: (...args: any[]) => Promise<BaseResponse>; columns: Column[]; emptyMessage: string; filterLabel: string; initialSortColumn: any; selectionChanged: (selectedId: string) => void; title?: string; toolbarActionMap?: ToolbarActionMap; updateDialog: (dialogProps: DialogProps) => void; } interface ResourceSelectorState { resources: BaseResource[]; rows: Row[]; selectedIds: string[]; toolbarActionMap: ToolbarActionMap; } class ResourceSelector extends React.Component<ResourceSelectorProps, ResourceSelectorState> { protected _isMounted = true; constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.state = { resources: [], rows: [], selectedIds: [], toolbarActionMap: (props && props.toolbarActionMap) || {}, }; } public render(): JSX.Element { const { rows, selectedIds, toolbarActionMap } = this.state; const { columns, title, filterLabel, emptyMessage, initialSortColumn } = this.props; return ( <React.Fragment> {title && <Toolbar actions={toolbarActionMap} breadcrumbs={[]} pageTitle={title} />} <CustomTable isCalledByV1={false} columns={columns} rows={rows} selectedIds={selectedIds} useRadioButtons={true} updateSelection={this._selectionChanged.bind(this)} filterLabel={filterLabel} initialSortColumn={initialSortColumn} reload={this._load.bind(this)} emptyMessage={emptyMessage} /> </React.Fragment> ); } public componentWillUnmount(): void { this._isMounted = false; } protected setStateSafe(newState: Partial<ResourceSelectorState>, cb?: () => void): void { if (this._isMounted) { this.setState(newState as any, cb); } } protected _selectionChanged(selectedIds: string[]): void { if (!Array.isArray(selectedIds) || selectedIds.length !== 1) { logger.error(`${selectedIds.length} resources were selected somehow`, selectedIds); return; } this.props.selectionChanged(selectedIds[0]); this.setStateSafe({ selectedIds }); } protected async _load(request: ListRequest): Promise<string> { let nextPageToken = ''; try { const response = await this.props.listApi( request.pageToken, request.pageSize, request.sortBy, request.filter, ); this.setStateSafe({ resources: response.resources, rows: this._resourcesToRow(response.resources), }); nextPageToken = response.nextPageToken; } catch (err) { const errorMessage = await errorToMessage(err); this.props.updateDialog({ buttons: [{ text: 'Dismiss' }], content: 'List request failed with:\n' + errorMessage, title: 'Error retrieving resources', }); logger.error('Could not get requested list of resources', errorMessage); } return nextPageToken; } protected _resourcesToRow(resources: BaseResource[]): Row[] { return r => ({ error: (r as any).error, id:!, otherFields: [, r.description, formatDateString(r.created_at)], } as Row), ); } } export default ResourceSelector;
/* * Copyright 2021 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { Elements, FlowElement } from 'react-flow-renderer'; import { V2beta1Pipeline, V2beta1PipelineVersion } from 'src/apisv2beta1/pipeline'; import MD2Tabs from 'src/atoms/MD2Tabs'; import { FlowElementDataBase } from 'src/components/graph/Constants'; import { PipelineVersionCard } from 'src/components/navigators/PipelineVersionCard'; import { PipelineSpecTabContent } from 'src/components/PipelineSpecTabContent'; import SidePanel from 'src/components/SidePanel'; import { StaticNodeDetailsV2 } from 'src/components/tabs/StaticNodeDetailsV2'; import { PipelineFlowElement } from 'src/lib/v2/StaticFlow'; import { commonCss, padding } from 'src/Css'; import DagCanvas from './v2/DagCanvas'; const TAB_NAMES = ['Graph', 'Pipeline Spec']; interface PipelineDetailsV2Props { templateString?: string; pipelineFlowElements: PipelineFlowElement[]; setSubDagLayers: (layers: string[]) => void; pipeline: V2beta1Pipeline | null; selectedVersion: V2beta1PipelineVersion | undefined; versions: V2beta1PipelineVersion[]; handleVersionSelected: (versionId: string) => Promise<void>; } function PipelineDetailsV2({ templateString, pipelineFlowElements, setSubDagLayers, pipeline, selectedVersion, versions, handleVersionSelected, }: PipelineDetailsV2Props) { const [layers, setLayers] = useState(['root']); const [selectedTab, setSelectedTab] = useState(0); const [selectedNode, setSelectedNode] = useState<FlowElement<FlowElementDataBase> | null>(null); const layerChange = (l: string[]) => { setSelectedNode(null); setLayers(l); setSubDagLayers(l); }; const onSelectionChange = (elements: Elements<FlowElementDataBase> | null) => { if (!elements || elements?.length === 0) { setSelectedNode(null); return; } if (elements && elements.length === 1) { setSelectedNode(elements[0]); } }; const getNodeName = function(element: FlowElement<FlowElementDataBase> | null): string { if (element && && { return; } return 'unknown'; }; return ( <div className={} data-testid={'pipeline-detail-v2'}> <MD2Tabs selectedTab={selectedTab} onSwitch={setSelectedTab} tabs={TAB_NAMES} /> {selectedTab === 0 && ( <div className={} style={{ position: 'relative', overflow: 'hidden' }}> <DagCanvas layers={layers} onLayersUpdate={layerChange} elements={pipelineFlowElements} onSelectionChange={onSelectionChange} setFlowElements={() => {}} ></DagCanvas> <PipelineVersionCard pipeline={pipeline} selectedVersion={selectedVersion} versions={versions} handleVersionSelected={handleVersionSelected} /> {templateString && ( <div className='z-20'> <SidePanel isOpen={!!selectedNode} title={getNodeName(selectedNode)} onClose={() => onSelectionChange(null)} defaultWidth={'50%'} > <div className={}> <div className={padding(20, 'lr')}> <StaticNodeDetailsV2 templateString={templateString} layers={layers} onLayerChange={layerChange} element={selectedNode} /> </div> </div> </SidePanel> </div> )} </div> )} {selectedTab === 1 && ( <div className={commonCss.codeEditor} data-testid={'spec-ir'}> <PipelineSpecTabContent templateString={templateString || ''} /> </div> )} </div> ); } export default PipelineDetailsV2;
/* * Copyright 2018-2019 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import CircularProgress from '@material-ui/core/CircularProgress'; import InfoIcon from '@material-ui/icons/InfoOutlined'; import { flatten } from 'lodash'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Link, Redirect } from 'react-router-dom'; import { ExternalLink } from 'src/atoms/ExternalLink'; import InputOutputTab from 'src/components/tabs/InputOutputTab'; import { MetricsTab } from 'src/components/tabs/MetricsTab'; import { GkeMetadata, GkeMetadataContext } from 'src/lib/GkeMetadata'; import { useNamespaceChangeEvent } from 'src/lib/KubeflowClient'; import { ExecutionHelpers, getExecutionsFromContext, getRunContext } from 'src/mlmd/MlmdUtils'; import { isV2Pipeline } from 'src/lib/v2/WorkflowUtils'; import { Context, Execution } from 'src/third_party/mlmd'; import { classes, stylesheet } from 'typestyle'; import { NodePhase as ArgoNodePhase, NodeStatus, Workflow, } from 'src/third_party/mlmd/argo_template'; import { ApiExperiment } from 'src/apis/experiment'; import { ApiRun, ApiRunStorageState } from 'src/apis/run'; import { ApiVisualization, ApiVisualizationType } from 'src/apis/visualization'; import Hr from 'src/atoms/Hr'; import MD2Tabs from 'src/atoms/MD2Tabs'; import Separator from 'src/atoms/Separator'; import Banner, { Mode } from 'src/components/Banner'; import CompareTable from 'src/components/CompareTable'; import DetailsTable from 'src/components/DetailsTable'; import Graph from 'src/components/Graph'; import LogViewer from 'src/components/LogViewer'; import MinioArtifactPreview from 'src/components/MinioArtifactPreview'; import PlotCard from 'src/components/PlotCard'; import { PodEvents, PodInfo } from 'src/components/PodYaml'; import ReduceGraphSwitch from 'src/components/ReduceGraphSwitch'; import { RoutePage, RoutePageFactory, RouteParams } from 'src/components/Router'; import SidePanel from 'src/components/SidePanel'; import { ToolbarProps } from 'src/components/Toolbar'; import { HTMLViewerConfig } from 'src/components/viewers/HTMLViewer'; import { PlotType, ViewerConfig } from 'src/components/viewers/Viewer'; import { componentMap } from 'src/components/viewers/ViewerContainer'; import VisualizationCreator, { VisualizationCreatorConfig, } from 'src/components/viewers/VisualizationCreator'; import { color, commonCss, fonts, fontsize, padding } from 'src/Css'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import Buttons, { ButtonKeys } from 'src/lib/Buttons'; import CompareUtils from 'src/lib/CompareUtils'; import { OutputArtifactLoader } from 'src/lib/OutputArtifactLoader'; import RunUtils from 'src/lib/RunUtils'; import { compareGraphEdges, KeyValue, transitiveReduction } from 'src/lib/StaticGraphParser'; import { hasFinished, NodePhase } from 'src/lib/StatusUtils'; import { decodeCompressedNodes, errorToMessage, formatDateString, getNodeNameFromNodeId, getRunDurationFromNode, getRunDurationFromWorkflow, logger, serviceErrorToString, } from 'src/lib/Utils'; import WorkflowParser from 'src/lib/WorkflowParser'; import { ExecutionDetailsContent } from './ExecutionDetails'; import { Page, PageProps } from './Page'; import { statusToIcon } from './Status'; export enum SidePanelTab { INPUT_OUTPUT, VISUALIZATIONS, TASK_DETAILS, VOLUMES, LOGS, POD, EVENTS, ML_METADATA, MANIFEST, } interface SelectedNodeDetails { id: string; logs?: string; phase?: string; phaseMessage?: string; } // exported only for testing export interface RunDetailsInternalProps { isLoading?: boolean; runId?: string; gkeMetadata: GkeMetadata; } export type RunDetailsProps = PageProps & Exclude<RunDetailsInternalProps, 'gkeMetadata'>; interface AnnotatedConfig { config: ViewerConfig; stepName: string; } interface GeneratedVisualization { config: HTMLViewerConfig; nodeId: string; } interface RunDetailsState { allArtifactConfigs: AnnotatedConfig[]; allowCustomVisualizations: boolean; experiment?: ApiExperiment; generatedVisualizations: GeneratedVisualization[]; isGeneratingVisualization: boolean; logsBannerAdditionalInfo: string; logsBannerMessage: string; logsBannerMode: Mode; graph?: dagre.graphlib.Graph; reducedGraph?: dagre.graphlib.Graph; runFinished: boolean; runMetadata?: ApiRun; selectedTab: number; selectedNodeDetails: SelectedNodeDetails | null; sidepanelBannerMode: Mode; sidepanelBusy: boolean; sidepanelSelectedTab: SidePanelTab; workflow?: Workflow; mlmdRunContext?: Context; mlmdExecutions?: Execution[]; showReducedGraph?: boolean; namespace?: string; } export const css = stylesheet({ footer: { background: color.graphBg, display: 'flex', padding: '0 0 20px 20px', }, graphPane: { backgroundColor: color.graphBg, overflow: 'hidden', position: 'relative', }, infoSpan: { color: color.lowContrast, fontFamily: fonts.secondary, fontSize: fontsize.small, letterSpacing: '0.21px', lineHeight: '24px', paddingLeft: 6, }, link: { color: '#77abda', }, outputTitle: { color: color.strong, fontSize: fontsize.title, fontWeight: 'bold', paddingLeft: 20, }, }); class RunDetails extends Page<RunDetailsInternalProps, RunDetailsState> { public state: RunDetailsState = { allArtifactConfigs: [], allowCustomVisualizations: false, generatedVisualizations: [], isGeneratingVisualization: false, logsBannerAdditionalInfo: '', logsBannerMessage: '', logsBannerMode: 'error', runFinished: false, selectedNodeDetails: null, selectedTab: 0, sidepanelBannerMode: 'warning', sidepanelBusy: false, sidepanelSelectedTab: SidePanelTab.INPUT_OUTPUT, mlmdRunContext: undefined, mlmdExecutions: undefined, showReducedGraph: false, }; private readonly AUTO_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 5000; private _interval?: NodeJS.Timeout; public getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps { const buttons = new Buttons(this.props, this.refresh.bind(this)); const runIdFromParams = this.props.match.params[RouteParams.runId]; return { actions: buttons .retryRun( () => this.state.runMetadata ? [this.state.runMetadata!.id!] : runIdFromParams ? [runIdFromParams] : [], true, () => this.retry(), ) .cloneRun( () => this.state.runMetadata ? [this.state.runMetadata!.id!] : runIdFromParams ? [runIdFromParams] : [], true, ) .terminateRun( () => this.state.runMetadata ? [this.state.runMetadata!.id!] : runIdFromParams ? [runIdFromParams] : [], true, () => this.refresh(), ) .getToolbarActionMap(), breadcrumbs: [{ displayName: 'Experiments', href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS }], pageTitle: this.props.runId!, }; } public render(): JSX.Element { if (this.props.isLoading) { return <div>Currently loading run information</div>; } const { allArtifactConfigs, allowCustomVisualizations, isGeneratingVisualization, runFinished, runMetadata, selectedTab, sidepanelBannerMode, selectedNodeDetails, sidepanelSelectedTab, workflow, mlmdExecutions, showReducedGraph, } = this.state; const { projectId, clusterName } = this.props.gkeMetadata; const selectedNodeId = selectedNodeDetails?.id || ''; const namespace = workflow?.metadata?.namespace; const selectedNodeName = getNodeNameFromNodeId(workflow!, selectedNodeId); let stackdriverK8sLogsUrl = ''; if (projectId && clusterName && selectedNodeDetails && { stackdriverK8sLogsUrl = `${projectId}&interval=NO_LIMIT&advancedFilter=resource.type%3D"k8s_container"%0Aresource.labels.cluster_name:"${clusterName}"%0Aresource.labels.pod_name:"${}"`; } const workflowParameters = WorkflowParser.getParameters(workflow); const { inputParams, outputParams } = WorkflowParser.getNodeInputOutputParams( workflow, selectedNodeId, ); const { inputArtifacts, outputArtifacts } = WorkflowParser.getNodeInputOutputArtifacts( workflow, selectedNodeId, ); const selectedExecution = mlmdExecutions?.find( execution => ExecutionHelpers.getKfpPod(execution) === selectedNodeId, ); const hasMetrics = runMetadata && runMetadata.metrics && runMetadata.metrics.length > 0; const visualizationCreatorConfig: VisualizationCreatorConfig = { allowCustomVisualizations, isBusy: isGeneratingVisualization, onGenerate: (visualizationArguments: string, source: string, type: ApiVisualizationType) => { this._onGenerate(visualizationArguments, source, type, namespace || ''); }, type: PlotType.VISUALIZATION_CREATOR, collapsedInitially: true, }; const graphToShow = this.state.showReducedGraph && this.state.reducedGraph ? this.state.reducedGraph : this.state.graph; return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 't'))}> {!!workflow && ( <div className={}> <MD2Tabs selectedTab={selectedTab} tabs={['Graph', 'Run output', 'Config']} onSwitch={(tab: number) => this.setStateSafe({ selectedTab: tab })} /> <div className={}> {/* Graph tab */} {selectedTab === 0 && ( <div className={classes(, css.graphPane)}> {graphToShow && ( <div className={}> <Graph graph={graphToShow} selectedNodeId={selectedNodeId} onClick={id => this._selectNode(id)} onError={(message, additionalInfo) => this.props.updateBanner({ message, additionalInfo, mode: 'error' }) } /> <ReduceGraphSwitch disabled={!this.state.reducedGraph} checked={showReducedGraph} onChange={_ => { this.setState({ showReducedGraph: !this.state.showReducedGraph }); }} /> <SidePanel isBusy={this.state.sidepanelBusy} isOpen={!!selectedNodeDetails} onClose={() => this.setStateSafe({ selectedNodeDetails: null })} title={selectedNodeName} > {!!selectedNodeDetails && ( <React.Fragment> {!!selectedNodeDetails.phaseMessage && ( <Banner mode={sidepanelBannerMode} message={selectedNodeDetails.phaseMessage} /> )} <div className={}> <MD2Tabs tabs={this.getTabNames(workflow, selectedNodeId)} selectedTab={sidepanelSelectedTab} onSwitch={this._loadSidePaneTab.bind(this)} /> <div data-testid='run-details-node-details' className={} > {sidepanelSelectedTab === SidePanelTab.VISUALIZATIONS && this.state.selectedNodeDetails && this.state.workflow && !isV2Pipeline(workflow) && ( <VisualizationsTabContent execution={selectedExecution} nodeId={selectedNodeId} nodeStatus={ this.state.workflow && this.state.workflow.status ? this.state.workflow.status.nodes[ ] : undefined } namespace={this.state.workflow?.metadata?.namespace} visualizationCreatorConfig={visualizationCreatorConfig} generatedVisualizations={this.state.generatedVisualizations.filter( visualization => visualization.nodeId ===, )} onError={this.handleError} /> )} {sidepanelSelectedTab === SidePanelTab.VISUALIZATIONS && this.state.selectedNodeDetails && this.state.workflow && isV2Pipeline(workflow) && selectedExecution && ( <MetricsTab execution={selectedExecution} namespace={this.state.workflow?.metadata?.namespace} /> )} {sidepanelSelectedTab === SidePanelTab.INPUT_OUTPUT && !isV2Pipeline(workflow) && ( <div className={padding(20)}> <DetailsTable key={`input-parameters-${selectedNodeId}`} title='Input parameters' fields={inputParams} /> <DetailsTable key={`input-artifacts-${selectedNodeId}`} title='Input artifacts' fields={inputArtifacts} valueComponent={MinioArtifactPreview} valueComponentProps={{ namespace: this.state.workflow?.metadata?.namespace, }} /> <DetailsTable key={`output-parameters-${selectedNodeId}`} title='Output parameters' fields={outputParams} /> <DetailsTable key={`output-artifacts-${selectedNodeId}`} title='Output artifacts' fields={outputArtifacts} valueComponent={MinioArtifactPreview} valueComponentProps={{ namespace: this.state.workflow?.metadata?.namespace, }} /> </div> )} {sidepanelSelectedTab === SidePanelTab.INPUT_OUTPUT && isV2Pipeline(workflow) && selectedExecution && ( <InputOutputTab execution={selectedExecution} namespace={namespace} /> )} {sidepanelSelectedTab === SidePanelTab.TASK_DETAILS && ( <div className={padding(20)}> <DetailsTable title='Task Details' fields={this._getTaskDetailsFields(workflow, selectedNodeId)} /> </div> )} {sidepanelSelectedTab === SidePanelTab.ML_METADATA && !isV2Pipeline(workflow) && ( <div className={padding(20)}> {selectedExecution && ( <> <div> This step corresponds to execution{' '} <Link className={} to={RoutePageFactory.executionDetails( selectedExecution.getId(), )} > "{ExecutionHelpers.getName(selectedExecution)}". </Link> </div> <ExecutionDetailsContent key={selectedExecution.getId()} id={selectedExecution.getId()} onError={ ((msg: string, ...args: any[]) => { // TODO: show a proper error banner and retry button console.warn(msg); }) as any } // No title here onTitleUpdate={() => null} /> </> )} {!selectedExecution && ( <div>Corresponding ML Metadata not found.</div> )} </div> )} {sidepanelSelectedTab === SidePanelTab.VOLUMES && ( <div className={padding(20)}> <DetailsTable title='Volume Mounts' fields={WorkflowParser.getNodeVolumeMounts( workflow, selectedNodeId, )} /> </div> )} {sidepanelSelectedTab === SidePanelTab.MANIFEST && ( <div className={padding(20)}> <DetailsTable title='Resource Manifest' fields={WorkflowParser.getNodeManifest( workflow, selectedNodeId, )} /> </div> )} {sidepanelSelectedTab === SidePanelTab.POD && selectedNodeDetails.phase !== NodePhase.SKIPPED && ( <div className={}> {selectedNodeId && namespace && ( <PodInfo name={selectedNodeName} namespace={namespace} /> )} </div> )} {sidepanelSelectedTab === SidePanelTab.EVENTS && selectedNodeDetails.phase !== NodePhase.SKIPPED && ( <div className={}> {selectedNodeId && namespace && ( <PodEvents name={selectedNodeName} namespace={namespace} /> )} </div> )} {sidepanelSelectedTab === SidePanelTab.LOGS && selectedNodeDetails.phase !== NodePhase.SKIPPED && ( <div className={}> {this.state.logsBannerMessage && ( <React.Fragment> <Banner message={this.state.logsBannerMessage} mode={this.state.logsBannerMode} additionalInfo={this.state.logsBannerAdditionalInfo} showTroubleshootingGuideLink={false} refresh={this._loadSelectedNodeLogs.bind(this)} /> </React.Fragment> )} {stackdriverK8sLogsUrl && ( <div className={padding(12)}> Logs can also be viewed in{' '} <a href={stackdriverK8sLogsUrl} target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' className={classes(, commonCss.unstyled)} > Stackdriver Kubernetes Monitoring </a> . </div> )} {!this.state.logsBannerMessage && this.state.selectedNodeDetails && ( // Overflow hidden here, because scroll is handled inside // LogViewer. <div className={commonCss.pageOverflowHidden}> <LogViewer logLines={( this.state.selectedNodeDetails.logs || '' ).split('\n')} /> </div> )} </div> )} </div> </div> </React.Fragment> )} </SidePanel> <div className={css.footer}> <div className={commonCss.flex}> <InfoIcon className={commonCss.infoIcon} /> <span className={css.infoSpan}> Runtime execution graph. Only steps that are currently running or have already completed are shown. </span> </div> </div> </div> )} {!graphToShow && ( <div> {runFinished && <span style={{ margin: '40px auto' }}>No graph to show</span>} {!runFinished && ( <CircularProgress size={30} className={commonCss.absoluteCenter} /> )} </div> )} </div> )} {/* Run outputs tab */} {selectedTab === 1 && ( <div className={padding()}> {hasMetrics && ( <div> <div className={css.outputTitle}>Metrics</div> <div className={padding(20, 'lt')}> <CompareTable {...CompareUtils.singleRunToMetricsCompareProps(runMetadata, workflow)} /> </div> </div> )} {!hasMetrics && <span>No metrics found for this run.</span>} <Separator orientation='vertical' /> <Hr /> {, i) => ( <div key={i}> <PlotCard key={i} configs={[annotatedConfig.config]} title={annotatedConfig.stepName} maxDimension={400} /> <Separator orientation='vertical' /> <Hr /> </div> ))} {!allArtifactConfigs.length && ( <span>No output artifacts found for this run.</span> )} </div> )} {/* Config tab */} {selectedTab === 2 && ( <div className={padding()}> <DetailsTable title='Run details' fields={this._getDetailsFields(workflow, runMetadata)} /> {workflowParameters && !!workflowParameters.length && ( <div> <DetailsTable title='Run parameters' fields={ => [, p.value || ''])} /> </div> )} </div> )} </div> </div> )} </div> ); } getTabNames(workflow: Workflow, selectedNodeId: string): string[] { // NOTE: it's only possible to conditionally add a tab at the end const tabNameList = []; for (let tab in SidePanelTab) { // enum iterator will get both number key and string value of all cases. // Skip string value because we only switch by numeric key later. if (isNaN(Number(tab))) { continue; } // plus symbol changes enum to number. switch (+tab) { case SidePanelTab.INPUT_OUTPUT: { tabNameList.push('Input/Output'); break; } case SidePanelTab.VISUALIZATIONS: { tabNameList.push('Visualizations'); break; } case SidePanelTab.ML_METADATA: { if (isV2Pipeline(workflow)) { break; } tabNameList.push('ML Metadata'); break; } case SidePanelTab.TASK_DETAILS: { tabNameList.push('Details'); break; } case SidePanelTab.VOLUMES: { tabNameList.push('Volumes'); break; } case SidePanelTab.LOGS: { tabNameList.push('Logs'); break; } case SidePanelTab.POD: { tabNameList.push('Pod'); break; } case SidePanelTab.EVENTS: { tabNameList.push('Events'); break; } case SidePanelTab.MANIFEST: { if (WorkflowParser.getNodeManifest(workflow, selectedNodeId).length === 0) { break; } tabNameList.push('Manifest'); break; } default: { console.error(`Unable to find corresponding tab name for ${tab}`); break; } } } return tabNameList; } public async componentDidMount(): Promise<void> { window.addEventListener('focus', this.onFocusHandler); window.addEventListener('blur', this.onBlurHandler); await this._startAutoRefresh(); } public onBlurHandler = (): void => { this._stopAutoRefresh(); }; public onFocusHandler = async (): Promise<void> => { await this._startAutoRefresh(); }; public componentWillUnmount(): void { this._stopAutoRefresh(); window.removeEventListener('focus', this.onFocusHandler); window.removeEventListener('blur', this.onBlurHandler); this.clearBanner(); } public async retry(): Promise<void> { const runFinished = false; this.setStateSafe({ runFinished, }); await this._startAutoRefresh(); } public async refresh(): Promise<void> { await this.load(); } public async load(): Promise<void> { this.clearBanner(); const runId = this.props.match.params[RouteParams.runId]; try { const allowCustomVisualizations = await Apis.areCustomVisualizationsAllowed(); this.setState({ allowCustomVisualizations }); } catch (err) { this.showPageError('Error: Unable to enable custom visualizations.', err); } try { const runDetail = await Apis.runServiceApi.getRun(runId); const relatedExperimentId = RunUtils.getFirstExperimentReferenceId(; let experiment: ApiExperiment | undefined; let namespace: string | undefined; if (relatedExperimentId) { experiment = await Apis.experimentServiceApi.getExperiment(relatedExperimentId); namespace = RunUtils.getNamespaceReferenceName(experiment); } const runMetadata =!; let runFinished = this.state.runFinished; // If the run has finished, stop auto refreshing if (hasFinished(runMetadata.status as NodePhase)) { this._stopAutoRefresh(); // This prevents other events, such as onFocus, from resuming the autorefresh runFinished = true; } const jsonWorkflow = JSON.parse(runDetail.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest || '{}'); if ( jsonWorkflow.status && !jsonWorkflow.status.nodes && jsonWorkflow.status.compressedNodes ) { try { jsonWorkflow.status.nodes = await decodeCompressedNodes( jsonWorkflow.status.compressedNodes, ); delete jsonWorkflow.status.compressedNodes; } catch (err) { console.error(`Failed to decode compressedNodes: ${err}`); } } const workflow = jsonWorkflow as Workflow; // Show workflow errors const workflowError = WorkflowParser.getWorkflowError(workflow); if (workflowError) { if (workflowError === 'terminated') { this.props.updateBanner({ additionalInfo: `This run's workflow included the following message: ${workflowError}`, message: 'This run was terminated', mode: 'warning', refresh: undefined, }); } else { this.showPageError( `Error: found errors when executing run: ${runId}.`, new Error(workflowError), ); } } let mlmdRunContext: Context | undefined; let mlmdExecutions: Execution[] | undefined; // Get data about this workflow from MLMD try { mlmdRunContext = await getRunContext(workflow, runId); mlmdExecutions = await getExecutionsFromContext(mlmdRunContext); } catch (err) { // Data in MLMD may not exist depending on this pipeline is a TFX pipeline. // So we only log the error in console. logger.warn(err); } // Build runtime graph const graph = workflow && workflow.status && workflow.status.nodes ? WorkflowParser.createRuntimeGraph(workflow, mlmdExecutions) : undefined; let reducedGraph = graph ? // copy graph before removing edges transitiveReduction(graph) : undefined; if (graph && reducedGraph && compareGraphEdges(graph, reducedGraph)) { reducedGraph = undefined; // disable reduction switch } const breadcrumbs: Array<{ displayName: string; href: string }> = []; // If this is an archived run, only show Archive in breadcrumbs, otherwise show // the full path, including the experiment if any. if (runMetadata.storage_state === ApiRunStorageState.ARCHIVED) { breadcrumbs.push({ displayName: 'Archive', href: RoutePage.ARCHIVED_RUNS }); } else { if (experiment) { breadcrumbs.push( { displayName: 'Experiments', href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS }, { displayName:!, href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENT_DETAILS.replace( ':' + RouteParams.experimentId,!, ), }, ); } else { breadcrumbs.push({ displayName: 'All runs', href: RoutePage.RUNS }); } } const pageTitle = ( <div className={commonCss.flex}> {statusToIcon(runMetadata.status as NodePhase,!.created_at)} <span style={{ marginLeft: 10 }}>{!}</span> </div> ); // Update the Archive/Restore button based on the storage state of this run const buttons = new Buttons( this.props, this.refresh.bind(this), this.getInitialToolbarState().actions, ); const idGetter = () => (runMetadata ? [runMetadata!.id!] : []); runMetadata!.storage_state === ApiRunStorageState.ARCHIVED ? buttons.restore('run', idGetter, true, () => this.refresh()) : buttons.archive('run', idGetter, true, () => this.refresh()); const actions = buttons.getToolbarActionMap(); actions[ButtonKeys.TERMINATE_RUN].disabled = (runMetadata.status as NodePhase) === NodePhase.TERMINATING || runFinished; actions[ButtonKeys.RETRY].disabled = (runMetadata.status as NodePhase) !== NodePhase.FAILED && (runMetadata.status as NodePhase) !== NodePhase.ERROR; this.props.updateToolbar({ actions, breadcrumbs, pageTitle, pageTitleTooltip:, }); this.setStateSafe({ experiment, graph, reducedGraph, runFinished, runMetadata, workflow, mlmdRunContext, mlmdExecutions, namespace, }); // Read optional exeuction id from query parameter. If valid, shows detail of selected node. const paramExecutionId = this.props.match.params[RouteParams.executionId]; if (mlmdExecutions) { const selectedExec = mlmdExecutions.find( exec => exec.getId().toString() === paramExecutionId, ); if (selectedExec) { const selectedNodeId = ExecutionHelpers.getKfpPod(selectedExec); if (typeof selectedNodeId === 'string') { this.setStateSafe({ selectedNodeDetails: { id: selectedNodeId } }); } } } } catch (err) { await this.showPageError(`Error: failed to retrieve run: ${runId}.`, err); logger.error('Error loading run:', runId, err); } // Make sure logs and artifacts in the side panel are refreshed when // the user hits "Refresh", either in the top toolbar or in an error banner. await this._loadSidePaneTab(this.state.sidepanelSelectedTab); // Load all run's outputs await this._loadAllOutputs(); } private handleError = async (error: Error) => { await this.showPageError(serviceErrorToString(error), error); }; private async _startAutoRefresh(): Promise<void> { // If the run was not finished last time we checked, check again in case anything changed // before proceeding to set auto-refresh interval if (!this.state.runFinished) { // refresh() updates runFinished's value await this.refresh(); } // Only set interval if run has not finished, and verify that the interval is undefined to // avoid setting multiple intervals if (!this.state.runFinished && this._interval === undefined) { this._interval = setInterval(() => this.refresh(), this.AUTO_REFRESH_INTERVAL); } } private _stopAutoRefresh(): void { if (this._interval !== undefined) { clearInterval(this._interval); // Reset interval to indicate that a new one can be set this._interval = undefined; } } private async _loadAllOutputs(): Promise<void> { const workflow = this.state.workflow; if (!workflow) { return; } const outputPathsList = WorkflowParser.loadAllOutputPathsWithStepNames(workflow); const configLists = await Promise.all({ stepName, path }) => OutputArtifactLoader.load(path, workflow?.metadata?.namespace).then(configs => => ({ config, stepName })), ), ), ); const allArtifactConfigs = flatten(configLists); this.setStateSafe({ allArtifactConfigs }); } private _getDetailsFields(workflow: Workflow, runMetadata?: ApiRun): Array<KeyValue<string>> { return !workflow.status ? [] : [ ['Run ID', runMetadata?.id || '-'], ['Workflow name', workflow.metadata?.name || '-'], ['Status', workflow.status.phase], ['Description', runMetadata ? runMetadata!.description! : ''], [ 'Created at', workflow.metadata ? formatDateString(workflow.metadata.creationTimestamp) : '-', ], ['Started at', formatDateString(workflow.status.startedAt)], ['Finished at', formatDateString(workflow.status.finishedAt)], ['Duration', getRunDurationFromWorkflow(workflow)], ]; } private _getTaskDetailsFields(workflow: Workflow, nodeId: string): Array<KeyValue<string>> { return workflow?.status?.nodes?.[nodeId] ? [ ['Task ID', workflow.status.nodes[nodeId].id || '-'], ['Task name', workflow.status.nodes[nodeId].displayName || '-'], ['Status', workflow.status.nodes[nodeId].phase || '-'], ['Started at', formatDateString(workflow.status.nodes[nodeId].startedAt) || '-'], ['Finished at', formatDateString(workflow.status.nodes[nodeId].finishedAt) || '-'], ['Duration', getRunDurationFromNode(workflow, nodeId) || '-'], ] : []; } private async _selectNode(id: string): Promise<void> { this.setStateSafe( { selectedNodeDetails: { id } }, async () => await this._loadSidePaneTab(this.state.sidepanelSelectedTab), ); } private async _loadSidePaneTab(tab: SidePanelTab): Promise<void> { const workflow = this.state.workflow; const selectedNodeDetails = this.state.selectedNodeDetails; let sidepanelBannerMode: Mode = 'warning'; if (workflow && workflow.status && workflow.status.nodes && selectedNodeDetails) { const node = workflow.status.nodes[]; if (node) { selectedNodeDetails.phaseMessage = node && node.message ? `This step is in ${node.phase} state with this message: ` + node.message : undefined; selectedNodeDetails.phase = node.phase; switch (node.phase) { // TODO: make distinction between system and pipelines error clear case NodePhase.ERROR: case NodePhase.FAILED: sidepanelBannerMode = 'error'; break; default: sidepanelBannerMode = 'info'; break; } } this.setStateSafe({ selectedNodeDetails, sidepanelSelectedTab: tab, sidepanelBannerMode }); switch (tab) { case SidePanelTab.LOGS: if (node.phase !== NodePhase.PENDING && node.phase !== NodePhase.SKIPPED) { await this._loadSelectedNodeLogs(); } else { // Clear logs this.setStateSafe({ logsBannerAdditionalInfo: '', logsBannerMessage: '' }); } } } } private async _loadSelectedNodeLogs(): Promise<void> { const selectedNodeDetails = this.state.selectedNodeDetails; const namespace = this.state.workflow?.metadata?.namespace; const runId = this.state.runMetadata?.id; if (!selectedNodeDetails || !runId || !namespace) { return; } this.setStateSafe({ sidepanelBusy: true }); let logsBannerMessage = ''; let logsBannerAdditionalInfo = ''; let logsBannerMode = '' as Mode; try { const nodeName = getNodeNameFromNodeId(this.state.workflow!,; selectedNodeDetails.logs = await Apis.getPodLogs(runId, nodeName, namespace, ''); } catch (err) { let errMsg = await errorToMessage(err); logsBannerMessage = 'Failed to retrieve pod logs.'; if (errMsg === 'pod not found') { logsBannerMessage += this.props.gkeMetadata.projectId ? ' Use Stackdriver Kubernetes Monitoring to view them.' : ''; logsBannerMode = 'info'; logsBannerAdditionalInfo = 'Possible reasons include pod garbage collection, cluster autoscaling and pod preemption. '; } else { logsBannerMode = 'error'; } logsBannerAdditionalInfo += 'Error response: ' + errMsg; } this.setStateSafe({ sidepanelBusy: false, logsBannerAdditionalInfo, logsBannerMessage, logsBannerMode, selectedNodeDetails, }); } private async _onGenerate( visualizationArguments: string, source: string, type: ApiVisualizationType, namespace: string, ): Promise<void> { const nodeId = this.state.selectedNodeDetails ? : ''; if (nodeId.length === 0) { this.showPageError('Unable to generate visualization, no component selected.'); return; } if (visualizationArguments.length) { try { // Attempts to validate JSON, if attempt fails an error is displayed. JSON.parse(visualizationArguments); } catch (err) { this.showPageError('Unable to generate visualization, invalid JSON provided.', err); return; } } this.setState({ isGeneratingVisualization: true }); const visualizationData: ApiVisualization = { arguments: visualizationArguments, source, type, }; try { const config = await Apis.buildPythonVisualizationConfig(visualizationData, namespace); const { generatedVisualizations } = this.state; const generatedVisualization: GeneratedVisualization = { config, nodeId, }; generatedVisualizations.push(generatedVisualization); this.setState({ generatedVisualizations }); } catch (err) { this.showPageError( 'Unable to generate visualization, an unexpected error was encountered.', err, ); } finally { this.setState({ isGeneratingVisualization: false }); } } } /** * Circular progress component. The special real progress vs visual progress * logic makes the progress more lively to users. * * NOTE: onComplete handler should remain its identity, otherwise this component * doesn't work well. */ const Progress: React.FC<{ value: number; onComplete: () => void; }> = ({ value: realProgress, onComplete }) => { const [visualProgress, setVisualProgress] = React.useState(0); React.useEffect(() => { let timer: NodeJS.Timeout; function tick() { if (visualProgress >= 100) { clearInterval(timer); // After completed, leave some time to show completed progress. setTimeout(onComplete, 400); } else if (realProgress >= 100) { // When completed, fast forward visual progress to complete. setVisualProgress(oldProgress => Math.min(oldProgress + 6, 100)); } else if (visualProgress < realProgress) { // Usually, visual progress gradually grows towards real progress. setVisualProgress(oldProgress => { const step = Math.max(Math.min((realProgress - oldProgress) / 6, 0.01), 0.2); return oldProgress < realProgress ? Math.min(realProgress, oldProgress + step) : oldProgress; }); } else if (visualProgress > realProgress) { // Fix visual progress if real progress changed to smaller value. // Usually, this shouldn't happen. setVisualProgress(realProgress); } } timer = setInterval(tick, 16.6 /* 60fps -> 16.6 ms is 1 frame */); return () => { clearInterval(timer); }; }, [realProgress, visualProgress, onComplete]); return ( <CircularProgress variant='determinate' size={60} thickness={3} className={commonCss.absoluteCenter} value={visualProgress} /> ); }; const COMPLETED_NODE_PHASES: ArgoNodePhase[] = ['Succeeded', 'Failed', 'Error']; // TODO: add unit tests for this. /** * Visualizations tab content component, it handles loading progress state of * visualize progress as a circular progress icon. */ const VisualizationsTabContent: React.FC<{ visualizationCreatorConfig: VisualizationCreatorConfig; execution?: Execution; nodeId: string; nodeStatus?: NodeStatus; generatedVisualizations: GeneratedVisualization[]; namespace: string | undefined; onError: (error: Error) => void; }> = ({ visualizationCreatorConfig, generatedVisualizations, execution, nodeId, nodeStatus, namespace, onError, }) => { const [loaded, setLoaded] = React.useState(false); // Progress component expects onLoad function identity to stay the same const onLoad = React.useCallback(() => setLoaded(true), [setLoaded]); const [progress, setProgress] = React.useState(0); const [viewerConfigs, setViewerConfigs] = React.useState<ViewerConfig[]>([]); const nodeCompleted: boolean = !!nodeStatus && COMPLETED_NODE_PHASES.includes(nodeStatus.phase); React.useEffect(() => { let aborted = false; async function loadVisualizations() { if (aborted) { return; } setLoaded(false); setProgress(0); setViewerConfigs([]); if (!nodeStatus || !nodeCompleted) { setProgress(100); // Loaded will be set by Progress onComplete return; // Abort, because there is no data. } // Load runtime outputs from the selected Node const outputPaths = WorkflowParser.loadNodeOutputPaths(nodeStatus); const reportProgress = (reportedProgress: number) => { if (!aborted) { setProgress(reportedProgress); } }; const reportErrorAndReturnEmpty = (error: Error): [] => { onError(error); return []; }; // Load the viewer configurations from the output paths const builtConfigs = ( await Promise.all([ ...(!execution ? [] : [ OutputArtifactLoader.buildTFXArtifactViewerConfig({ reportProgress, execution, namespace: namespace || '', }).catch(reportErrorAndReturnEmpty), ]), => OutputArtifactLoader.load(path, namespace).catch(reportErrorAndReturnEmpty), ), ]) ).flatMap(configs => configs); if (aborted) { return; } setViewerConfigs(builtConfigs); setProgress(100); // Loaded will be set by Progress onComplete return; } loadVisualizations(); const abort = () => { aborted = true; }; return abort; // Workaround: // Watches nodeStatus.phase in completed status instead of nodeStatus, // because nodeStatus data won't further change after completed, but // nodeStatus object instance will keep changing after new requests to get // workflow status. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [nodeId, execution ? execution.getId() : undefined, nodeCompleted, onError, namespace]); // Temporarily use verbose undefined detection instead of execution?.getId() for eslint issue. return ( <div className={}> {!loaded ? ( <Progress value={progress} onComplete={onLoad} /> ) : ( <> {viewerConfigs.length + generatedVisualizations.length === 0 && ( <Banner message='There are no visualizations in this step.' mode='info' /> )} {[ ...viewerConfigs, => visualization.config), ].map((config, i) => { const title = componentMap[config.type].prototype.getDisplayName(); return ( <div key={i} className={padding(20, 'lrt')}> <PlotCard configs={[config]} title={title} maxDimension={500} /> <Hr /> </div> ); })} <div className={padding(20, 'lrt')}> <PlotCard configs={[visualizationCreatorConfig]} title={VisualizationCreator.prototype.getDisplayName()} maxDimension={500} /> <Hr /> </div> <div className={padding(20)}> <p> Add visualizations to your own components following instructions in{' '} <ExternalLink href=''> Visualize Results in the Pipelines UI </ExternalLink> . </p> </div> </> )} </div> ); }; const EnhancedRunDetails: React.FC<RunDetailsProps> = props => { const namespaceChanged = useNamespaceChangeEvent(); const gkeMetadata = React.useContext(GkeMetadataContext); if (namespaceChanged) { // Run details page shows info about a run, when namespace changes, the run // doesn't exist in the new namespace, so we should redirect to experiment // list page. return <Redirect to={RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS} />; } return <RunDetails {...props} gkeMetadata={gkeMetadata} />; }; export default EnhancedRunDetails; export const TEST_ONLY = { RunDetails };
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import Tooltip from '@material-ui/core/Tooltip'; import CustomTable, { Column, CustomRendererProps, Row } from 'src/components/CustomTable'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Link, RouteComponentProps } from 'react-router-dom'; import { V2beta1PipelineVersion, V2beta1ListPipelineVersionsResponse, } from 'src/apisv2beta1/pipeline'; import { Description } from 'src/components/Description'; import { Apis, ListRequest, PipelineVersionSortKeys } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { errorToMessage, formatDateString } from 'src/lib/Utils'; import { RoutePage, RouteParams } from 'src/components/Router'; import { commonCss } from 'src/Css'; export interface PipelineVersionListProps extends RouteComponentProps { pipelineId?: string; disablePaging?: boolean; disableSelection?: boolean; disableSorting?: boolean; noFilterBox?: boolean; onError: (message: string, error: Error) => void; onSelectionChange?: (selectedIds: string[]) => void; selectedIds?: string[]; } interface PipelineVersionListState { pipelineVersions: V2beta1PipelineVersion[]; } const descriptionCustomRenderer: React.FC<CustomRendererProps<string>> = ( props: CustomRendererProps<string>, ) => { return ( <Tooltip title={props.value || ''} enterDelay={300} placement='bottom-start'> <span> <Description description={props.value || ''} forceInline={true} /> </span> </Tooltip> ); }; class PipelineVersionList extends React.PureComponent< PipelineVersionListProps, PipelineVersionListState > { private _tableRef = React.createRef<CustomTable>(); constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.state = { pipelineVersions: [], }; } public _nameCustomRenderer: React.FC<CustomRendererProps<string>> = ( props: CustomRendererProps<string>, ) => { return ( <Tooltip title={props.value || ''} enterDelay={300} placement='bottom-start'> {this.props.pipelineId ? ( <Link className={} onClick={e => e.stopPropagation()} to={RoutePage.PIPELINE_DETAILS.replace( ':' + RouteParams.pipelineId, this.props.pipelineId, ).replace(':' + RouteParams.pipelineVersionId,} > {props.value} </Link> ) : ( <Link className={} onClick={e => e.stopPropagation()} to={RoutePage.PIPELINE_DETAILS.replace(':' + RouteParams.pipelineVersionId,} > {props.value} </Link> )} </Tooltip> ); }; public render(): JSX.Element { const columns: Column[] = [ { customRenderer: this._nameCustomRenderer, flex: 1, label: 'Version name', sortKey: PipelineVersionSortKeys.NAME, }, { label: 'Description', flex: 3, customRenderer: descriptionCustomRenderer }, { label: 'Uploaded on', flex: 1, sortKey: PipelineVersionSortKeys.CREATED_AT }, ]; const rows: Row[] = => { const row = { id: v.pipeline_version_id!, otherFields: [v.display_name, v.description, formatDateString(v.created_at)] as any, }; return row; }); return ( <div> <CustomTable columns={columns} rows={rows} selectedIds={this.props.selectedIds} initialSortColumn={PipelineVersionSortKeys.CREATED_AT} ref={this._tableRef} updateSelection={this.props.onSelectionChange} reload={this._loadPipelineVersions.bind(this)} disablePaging={this.props.disablePaging} disableSorting={this.props.disableSorting} disableSelection={this.props.disableSelection} noFilterBox={this.props.noFilterBox} emptyMessage='No pipeline versions found.' /> </div> ); } protected async _loadPipelineVersions(request: ListRequest): Promise<string> { let response: V2beta1ListPipelineVersionsResponse | null = null; if (this.props.pipelineId) { try { response = await Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.listPipelineVersions( this.props.pipelineId, request.pageToken, request.pageSize, request.sortBy, request.filter, ); } catch (err) { const error = new Error(await errorToMessage(err)); this.props.onError('Error: failed to fetch runs.', error); // No point in continuing if we couldn't retrieve any runs. return ''; } this.setState({ pipelineVersions: response.pipeline_versions || [], }); } return response ? response.next_page_token || '' : ''; } } export default PipelineVersionList;
/* * Copyright 2022 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { render, screen, waitFor, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react'; import * as React from 'react'; import { CommonTestWrapper } from 'src/TestWrapper'; import TestUtils, { testBestPractices } from 'src/TestUtils'; import { Artifact, Context, Event, Execution } from 'src/third_party/mlmd'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { QUERY_PARAMS } from 'src/components/Router'; import * as mlmdUtils from 'src/mlmd/MlmdUtils'; import * as Utils from 'src/lib/Utils'; import { TEST_ONLY } from './CompareV2'; import { PageProps } from './Page'; import { METRICS_SECTION_NAME, OVERVIEW_SECTION_NAME, PARAMS_SECTION_NAME } from './Compare'; import { Struct, Value } from 'google-protobuf/google/protobuf/struct_pb'; import { V2beta1Run } from 'src/apisv2beta1/run'; const CompareV2 = TEST_ONLY.CompareV2; testBestPractices(); describe('CompareV2', () => { const MOCK_RUN_1_ID = 'mock-run-1-id'; const MOCK_RUN_2_ID = 'mock-run-2-id'; const MOCK_RUN_3_ID = 'mock-run-3-id'; const updateBannerSpy = jest.fn(); function generateProps(): PageProps { const pageProps: PageProps = { history: {} as any, location: { search: `?${QUERY_PARAMS.runlist}=${MOCK_RUN_1_ID},${MOCK_RUN_2_ID},${MOCK_RUN_3_ID}`, } as any, match: {} as any, toolbarProps: { actions: {}, breadcrumbs: [], pageTitle: '' }, updateBanner: updateBannerSpy, updateDialog: () => null, updateSnackbar: () => null, updateToolbar: () => null, }; return pageProps; } let runs: V2beta1Run[] = []; function newMockRun(id?: string, hideName?: boolean): V2beta1Run { return { run_id: id || 'test-run-id', display_name: hideName ? undefined : 'test run ' + id, pipeline_spec: { pipeline_manifest: '' }, }; } function newMockContext(name: string, id: number): Execution { const context = new Context(); context.setName(name); context.setId(id); return context; } function newMockExecution(id: number, displayName?: string): Execution { const execution = new Execution(); execution.setId(id); if (displayName) { const customPropertiesMap: Map<string, Value> = new Map(); const displayNameValue = new Value(); displayNameValue.setStringValue(displayName); customPropertiesMap.set('display_name', displayNameValue); jest.spyOn(execution, 'getCustomPropertiesMap').mockReturnValue(customPropertiesMap); } return execution; } function newMockEvent(id: number, displayName?: string): Event { const event = new Event(); event.setArtifactId(id); event.setExecutionId(id); event.setType(Event.Type.OUTPUT); if (displayName) { const path = new Event.Path(); const step = new Event.Path.Step(); step.setKey(displayName); path.addSteps(step); event.setPath(path); } return event; } function newMockArtifact( id: number, isConfusionMatrix?: boolean, isRocCurve?: boolean, displayName?: string, ): Artifact { const artifact = new Artifact(); artifact.setId(id); const customPropertiesMap: Map<string, Value> = new Map(); if (isConfusionMatrix) { const confusionMatrix: Value = new Value(); confusionMatrix.setStructValue( Struct.fromJavaScript({ struct: { annotationSpecs: [ { displayName: 'Setosa' }, { displayName: 'Versicolour' }, { displayName: 'Virginica' }, ], rows: [{ row: [31, 0, 0] }, { row: [1, 8, 12] }, { row: [0, 0, 23] }], }, }), ); customPropertiesMap.set('confusionMatrix', confusionMatrix); } if (isRocCurve) { const confidenceMetrics: Value = new Value(); confidenceMetrics.setStructValue( Struct.fromJavaScript({ list: [ { confidenceThreshold: 2, falsePositiveRate: 0, recall: 0, }, { confidenceThreshold: 1, falsePositiveRate: 0, recall: 0.33962264150943394, }, { confidenceThreshold: 0.9, falsePositiveRate: 0, recall: 0.6037735849056604, }, ], }), ); customPropertiesMap.set('confidenceMetrics', confidenceMetrics); } if (displayName) { const displayNameValue = new Value(); displayNameValue.setStringValue(displayName); customPropertiesMap.set('display_name', displayNameValue); } jest.spyOn(artifact, 'getCustomPropertiesMap').mockReturnValue(customPropertiesMap); return artifact; } it('Render Compare v2 page', async () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <CompareV2 {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); screen.getByText(OVERVIEW_SECTION_NAME); }); it('getRun is called with query param IDs', async () => { const getRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'getRun'); runs = [newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_1_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_2_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_3_ID)]; getRunSpy.mockImplementation((id: string) => runs.find(r => r.run_id === id)); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <CompareV2 {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); expect(getRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(MOCK_RUN_1_ID); expect(getRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(MOCK_RUN_2_ID); expect(getRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(MOCK_RUN_3_ID); }); it('Clear banner when getRun and MLMD requests succeed', async () => { const getRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'getRun'); runs = [newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_1_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_2_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_3_ID)]; getRunSpy.mockImplementation((id: string) => runs.find(r => r.run_id === id)); const contexts = [ newMockContext(MOCK_RUN_1_ID, 1), newMockContext(MOCK_RUN_2_ID, 2), newMockContext(MOCK_RUN_3_ID, 3), ]; const getContextSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getKfpV2RunContext'); getContextSpy.mockImplementation((runID: string) => Promise.resolve(contexts.find(c => c.getName() === runID)), ); const executions = [[newMockExecution(1)], [newMockExecution(2)], [newMockExecution(3)]]; const getExecutionsSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getExecutionsFromContext'); getExecutionsSpy.mockImplementation((context: Context) => Promise.resolve(executions.find(e => e[0].getId() === context.getId())), ); const artifacts = [newMockArtifact(1), newMockArtifact(2), newMockArtifact(3)]; const getArtifactsSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getArtifactsFromContext'); getArtifactsSpy.mockResolvedValue(artifacts); const events = [newMockEvent(1), newMockEvent(2), newMockEvent(3)]; const getEventsSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getEventsByExecutions'); getEventsSpy.mockResolvedValue(events); const getArtifactTypesSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getArtifactTypes'); getArtifactTypesSpy.mockReturnValue([]); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <CompareV2 {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); await waitFor(() => { // Spies are called twice for each artifact as runs change from undefined to a defined value. expect(getContextSpy).toBeCalledTimes(6); expect(getExecutionsSpy).toBeCalledTimes(6); expect(getArtifactsSpy).toBeCalledTimes(6); expect(getEventsSpy).toBeCalledTimes(6); expect(getArtifactTypesSpy).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({}); }); }); it('Log warning when artifact with specified ID is not found', async () => { const getRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'getRun'); runs = [newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_1_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_2_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_3_ID)]; getRunSpy.mockImplementation((id: string) => runs.find(r => r.run_id === id)); const contexts = [ newMockContext(MOCK_RUN_1_ID, 1), newMockContext(MOCK_RUN_2_ID, 2), newMockContext(MOCK_RUN_3_ID, 3), ]; const getContextSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getKfpV2RunContext'); getContextSpy.mockImplementation((runID: string) => Promise.resolve(contexts.find(c => c.getName() === runID)), ); const executions = [[newMockExecution(1)], [newMockExecution(2)], [newMockExecution(3)]]; const getExecutionsSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getExecutionsFromContext'); getExecutionsSpy.mockImplementation((context: Context) => Promise.resolve(executions.find(e => e[0].getId() === context.getId())), ); const artifacts = [newMockArtifact(1), newMockArtifact(3)]; const getArtifactsSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getArtifactsFromContext'); getArtifactsSpy.mockResolvedValue(artifacts); const events = [newMockEvent(1), newMockEvent(2), newMockEvent(3)]; const getEventsSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getEventsByExecutions'); getEventsSpy.mockResolvedValue(events); const getArtifactTypesSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getArtifactTypes'); getArtifactTypesSpy.mockReturnValue([]); const warnSpy = jest.spyOn(Utils.logger, 'warn'); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <CompareV2 {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); await waitFor(() => { expect(warnSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( 'The artifact with the following ID was not found: 2', ); }); }); it('Show page error on page when getRun request fails', async () => { const getRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'getRun'); runs = [newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_1_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_2_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_3_ID)]; getRunSpy.mockImplementation(_ => { throw { text: () => Promise.resolve('test error'), }; }); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <CompareV2 {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); await waitFor(() => expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({ additionalInfo: 'test error', message: 'Error: failed loading 3 runs. Click Details for more information.', mode: 'error', }), ); }); it('Failed MLMD request creates error banner', async () => { const getRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'getRun'); runs = [newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_1_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_2_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_3_ID)]; getRunSpy.mockImplementation((id: string) => runs.find(r => r.run_id === id)); jest .spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getKfpV2RunContext') .mockRejectedValue(new Error('Not connected to MLMD')); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <CompareV2 {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); await waitFor(() => { expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({ additionalInfo: 'Not connected to MLMD', message: 'Cannot get MLMD objects from Metadata store.', mode: 'error', }); }); }); it('Failed getArtifactTypes request creates error banner', async () => { const getRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'getRun'); runs = [newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_1_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_2_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_3_ID)]; getRunSpy.mockImplementation((id: string) => runs.find(r => r.run_id === id)); jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getKfpV2RunContext').mockReturnValue(new Context()); jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getExecutionsFromContext').mockReturnValue([]); jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getArtifactsFromContext').mockReturnValue([]); jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getEventsByExecutions').mockReturnValue([]); jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getArtifactTypes').mockRejectedValue(new Error('Not connected to MLMD')); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <CompareV2 {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); await waitFor(() => { expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({ additionalInfo: 'Not connected to MLMD', message: 'Cannot get Artifact Types for MLMD.', mode: 'error', }); }); }); it('Allows individual sections to be collapsed and expanded', async () => { const getRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'getRun'); runs = [newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_1_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_2_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_3_ID)]; getRunSpy.mockImplementation((id: string) => runs.find(r => r.run_id === id)); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <CompareV2 {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); screen.getByText('Filter runs'); screen.getByText('There are no Parameters available on the selected runs.'); screen.getByText('Scalar Metrics');; expect(screen.queryByText('Filter runs')).toBeNull();; screen.getByText('Filter runs');; expect( screen.queryByText('There are no Parameters available on the selected runs.'), ).toBeNull();; expect(screen.queryByText('Scalar Metrics')).toBeNull(); }); it('All runs are initially selected', async () => { const getRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'getRun'); runs = [newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_1_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_2_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_3_ID)]; getRunSpy.mockImplementation((id: string) => runs.find(r => r.run_id === id)); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <CompareV2 {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); // Four checkboxes: three runs and one table header let runCheckboxes = screen.queryAllByRole('checkbox', { checked: true }); expect(runCheckboxes.filter(r => r.nodeName === 'INPUT')).toHaveLength(4); // Uncheck all run checkboxes[0]); runCheckboxes = screen.queryAllByRole('checkbox', { checked: true }); expect(runCheckboxes.filter(r => r.nodeName === 'INPUT')).toHaveLength(0); }); it('Parameters and Scalar metrics tab initially enabled with loading then error, and switch tabs', async () => { const getRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'getRun'); runs = [newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_1_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_2_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_3_ID)]; getRunSpy.mockImplementation((id: string) => runs.find(r => r.run_id === id)); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <CompareV2 {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); expect(screen.queryAllByRole('circularprogress')).toHaveLength(2); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); await waitFor(() => { screen.getByText('There are no Parameters available on the selected runs.'); screen.getByText('An error is preventing the Scalar Metrics from being displayed.');'Confusion Matrix')); screen.getByText('An error is preventing the Confusion Matrix from being displayed.'); expect( screen.queryByText('An error is preventing the Scalar Metrics from being displayed.'), ).toBeNull();'Confusion Matrix')); screen.getByText('An error is preventing the Confusion Matrix from being displayed.');'Scalar Metrics')); screen.getByText('An error is preventing the Scalar Metrics from being displayed.'); expect( screen.queryByText('An error is preventing the Confusion Matrix from being displayed.'), ).toBeNull(); }); }); it('Metrics tabs have no content loaded as artifacts are not present', async () => { const getRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'getRun'); runs = [newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_1_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_2_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_3_ID)]; getRunSpy.mockImplementation((id: string) => runs.find(r => r.run_id === id)); jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getKfpV2RunContext').mockReturnValue(new Context()); jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getExecutionsFromContext').mockReturnValue([]); jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getArtifactsFromContext').mockReturnValue([]); jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getEventsByExecutions').mockReturnValue([]); jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getArtifactTypes').mockReturnValue([]); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <CompareV2 {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); await waitFor(() => { screen.getByText('There are no Scalar Metrics artifacts available on the selected runs.');'Confusion Matrix')); screen.getByText('There are no Confusion Matrix artifacts available on the selected runs.');'HTML')); screen.getByText('There are no HTML artifacts available on the selected runs.');'Markdown')); screen.getByText('There are no Markdown artifacts available on the selected runs.');'ROC Curve')); screen.getByText('There are no ROC Curve artifacts available on the selected runs.'); }); }); it('Confusion matrix shown on select, stays after tab change or section collapse', async () => { const getRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'getRun'); runs = [newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_1_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_2_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_3_ID)]; getRunSpy.mockImplementation((id: string) => runs.find(r => r.run_id === id)); const contexts = [ newMockContext(MOCK_RUN_1_ID, 1), newMockContext(MOCK_RUN_2_ID, 200), newMockContext(MOCK_RUN_3_ID, 3), ]; const getContextSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getKfpV2RunContext'); getContextSpy.mockImplementation((runID: string) => Promise.resolve(contexts.find(c => c.getName() === runID)), ); // No execution name is provided to ensure that it can be selected by ID. const executions = [[newMockExecution(1)], [newMockExecution(200)], [newMockExecution(3)]]; const getExecutionsSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getExecutionsFromContext'); getExecutionsSpy.mockImplementation((context: Context) => Promise.resolve(executions.find(e => e[0].getId() === context.getId())), ); const artifacts = [ newMockArtifact(1), newMockArtifact(200, true, false, 'artifactName'), newMockArtifact(3), ]; const getArtifactsSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getArtifactsFromContext'); getArtifactsSpy.mockResolvedValue(artifacts); const events = [newMockEvent(1), newMockEvent(200, 'artifactName'), newMockEvent(3)]; const getEventsSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getEventsByExecutions'); getEventsSpy.mockResolvedValue(events); const getArtifactTypesSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getArtifactTypes'); getArtifactTypesSpy.mockReturnValue([]); // Simulate all artifacts as type "ClassificationMetrics" (Confusion Matrix or ROC Curve). const filterLinkedArtifactsByTypeSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'filterLinkedArtifactsByType'); filterLinkedArtifactsByTypeSpy.mockImplementation( (metricsFilter: string, _: ArtifactType[], linkedArtifacts: LinkedArtifact[]) => metricsFilter === 'system.ClassificationMetrics' ? linkedArtifacts : [], ); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <CompareV2 {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); await waitFor(() => expect(filterLinkedArtifactsByTypeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(15)); expect(screen.queryByText(/Confusion matrix: artifactName/)).toBeNull();'Confusion Matrix'));'Choose a first Confusion Matrix artifact')); // Get the second element that has run text: first will be the run list. fireEvent.mouseEnter(screen.queryAllByText(`test run ${MOCK_RUN_2_ID}`)[1]);; screen.getByText(/Confusion Matrix: artifactName/); screen.getByText(/200/); // Change the tab and return, ensure that the confusion matrix and selected item are present.'HTML'));'Confusion Matrix')); screen.getByText(/Confusion Matrix: artifactName/); screen.getByText(/200/); // Collapse and expand Metrics, ensure that the confusion matrix and selected item are present.'Metrics'));'Metrics')); screen.getByText(/Confusion Matrix: artifactName/); screen.getByText(/200/); }); it('Confusion matrix shown on select and removed after run is de-selected', async () => { const getRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'getRun'); runs = [newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_1_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_2_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_3_ID)]; getRunSpy.mockImplementation((id: string) => runs.find(r => r.run_id === id)); const contexts = [ newMockContext(MOCK_RUN_1_ID, 1), newMockContext(MOCK_RUN_2_ID, 200), newMockContext(MOCK_RUN_3_ID, 3), ]; const getContextSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getKfpV2RunContext'); getContextSpy.mockImplementation((runID: string) => Promise.resolve(contexts.find(c => c.getName() === runID)), ); // No execution name is provided to ensure that it can be selected by ID. const executions = [[newMockExecution(1)], [newMockExecution(200)], [newMockExecution(3)]]; const getExecutionsSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getExecutionsFromContext'); getExecutionsSpy.mockImplementation((context: Context) => Promise.resolve(executions.find(e => e[0].getId() === context.getId())), ); const artifacts = [ newMockArtifact(1), newMockArtifact(200, true, false, 'artifactName'), newMockArtifact(3), ]; const getArtifactsSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getArtifactsFromContext'); getArtifactsSpy.mockResolvedValue(artifacts); const events = [newMockEvent(1), newMockEvent(200, 'artifactName'), newMockEvent(3)]; const getEventsSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getEventsByExecutions'); getEventsSpy.mockResolvedValue(events); const getArtifactTypesSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getArtifactTypes'); getArtifactTypesSpy.mockReturnValue([]); // Simulate all artifacts as type "ClassificationMetrics" (Confusion Matrix or ROC Curve). const filterLinkedArtifactsByTypeSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'filterLinkedArtifactsByType'); filterLinkedArtifactsByTypeSpy.mockImplementation( (metricsFilter: string, _: ArtifactType[], linkedArtifacts: LinkedArtifact[]) => metricsFilter === 'system.ClassificationMetrics' ? linkedArtifacts : [], ); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <CompareV2 {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(screen.queryByText(/Confusion matrix: artifactName/)).toBeNull();'Confusion Matrix'));'Choose a first Confusion Matrix artifact')); // Get the second element that has run text: first will be the run list. fireEvent.mouseEnter(screen.queryAllByText(`test run ${MOCK_RUN_2_ID}`)[1]);; screen.getByText(/Confusion Matrix: artifactName/); screen.getByText(/200/); // De-selecting the relevant run will remove the confusion matrix display. const runCheckboxes = screen .queryAllByRole('checkbox', { checked: true }) .filter(r => r.nodeName === 'INPUT');[1]); screen.getByText(/Confusion Matrix: artifactName/);[2]); expect(screen.queryByText(/Confusion Matrix: artifactName/)).toBeNull(); }); it('One ROC Curve shown on select, hidden on run de-select', async () => { const getRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'getRun'); runs = [newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_1_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_2_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_3_ID)]; getRunSpy.mockImplementation((id: string) => runs.find(r => r.run_id === id)); const contexts = [ newMockContext(MOCK_RUN_1_ID, 1), newMockContext(MOCK_RUN_2_ID, 200), newMockContext(MOCK_RUN_3_ID, 3), ]; const getContextSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getKfpV2RunContext'); getContextSpy.mockImplementation((runID: string) => Promise.resolve(contexts.find(c => c.getName() === runID)), ); // No execution name is provided to ensure that it can be selected by ID. const executions = [[newMockExecution(1)], [newMockExecution(200)], [newMockExecution(3)]]; const getExecutionsSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getExecutionsFromContext'); getExecutionsSpy.mockImplementation((context: Context) => Promise.resolve(executions.find(e => e[0].getId() === context.getId())), ); const artifacts = [ newMockArtifact(1), newMockArtifact(200, false, true, 'artifactName'), newMockArtifact(3), ]; const getArtifactsSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getArtifactsFromContext'); getArtifactsSpy.mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve(artifacts)); const events = [newMockEvent(1), newMockEvent(200, 'artifactName'), newMockEvent(3)]; const getEventsSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getEventsByExecutions'); getEventsSpy.mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve(events)); const getArtifactTypesSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getArtifactTypes'); getArtifactTypesSpy.mockReturnValue([]); // Simulate all artifacts as type "ClassificationMetrics" (Confusion Matrix or ROC Curve). const filterLinkedArtifactsByTypeSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'filterLinkedArtifactsByType'); filterLinkedArtifactsByTypeSpy.mockImplementation( (metricsFilter: string, _: ArtifactType[], linkedArtifacts: LinkedArtifact[]) => metricsFilter === 'system.ClassificationMetrics' ? linkedArtifacts : [], ); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <CompareV2 {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await TestUtils.flushPromises();'ROC Curve')); screen.getByText('ROC Curve: artifactName'); const runCheckboxes = screen .queryAllByRole('checkbox', { checked: true }) .filter(r => r.nodeName === 'INPUT');[1]); screen.getByText('ROC Curve: artifactName');[2]); expect(screen.queryByText('ROC Curve: artifactName')).toBeNull(); }); it('Multiple ROC Curves shown on select', async () => { const getRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'getRun'); runs = [newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_1_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_2_ID), newMockRun(MOCK_RUN_3_ID)]; getRunSpy.mockImplementation((id: string) => runs.find(r => r.run_id === id)); const contexts = [ newMockContext(MOCK_RUN_1_ID, 1), newMockContext(MOCK_RUN_2_ID, 200), newMockContext(MOCK_RUN_3_ID, 300), ]; const getContextSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getKfpV2RunContext'); getContextSpy.mockImplementation((runID: string) => Promise.resolve(contexts.find(c => c.getName() === runID)), ); // No execution name is provided to ensure that it can be selected by ID. const executions = [[newMockExecution(1)], [newMockExecution(200)], [newMockExecution(300)]]; const getExecutionsSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getExecutionsFromContext'); getExecutionsSpy.mockImplementation((context: Context) => Promise.resolve(executions.find(e => e[0].getId() === context.getId())), ); const artifacts = [ newMockArtifact(1), newMockArtifact(200, false, true, 'firstArtifactName'), newMockArtifact(300, false, true, 'secondArtifactName'), ]; const getArtifactsSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getArtifactsFromContext'); getArtifactsSpy.mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve(artifacts)); const events = [ newMockEvent(1), newMockEvent(200, 'firstArtifactName'), newMockEvent(300, 'secondArtifactName'), ]; const getEventsSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getEventsByExecutions'); getEventsSpy.mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve(events)); const getArtifactTypesSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'getArtifactTypes'); getArtifactTypesSpy.mockReturnValue([]); // Simulate all artifacts as type "ClassificationMetrics" (Confusion Matrix or ROC Curve). const filterLinkedArtifactsByTypeSpy = jest.spyOn(mlmdUtils, 'filterLinkedArtifactsByType'); filterLinkedArtifactsByTypeSpy.mockImplementation( (metricsFilter: string, _: ArtifactType[], linkedArtifacts: LinkedArtifact[]) => metricsFilter === 'system.ClassificationMetrics' ? linkedArtifacts : [], ); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <CompareV2 {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await TestUtils.flushPromises();'ROC Curve')); screen.getByText('ROC Curve: multiple artifacts'); screen.getByText('Filter artifacts'); }); });
/* * Copyright 2021 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { fireEvent, render, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'; import * as React from 'react'; import { MemoryRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; import { Api } from 'src/mlmd/library'; import { Artifact, ArtifactType, GetArtifactsRequest, GetArtifactsResponse, GetArtifactTypesResponse, Value, } from 'src/third_party/mlmd'; import { ListOperationOptions } from 'src/third_party/mlmd/generated/ml_metadata/proto/metadata_store_pb'; import { RoutePage } from 'src/components/Router'; import TestUtils from 'src/TestUtils'; import { ArtifactList } from 'src/pages/ArtifactList'; import { PageProps } from 'src/pages/Page'; import { testBestPractices } from 'src/TestUtils'; testBestPractices(); describe('ArtifactList', () => { let updateBannerSpy: jest.Mock<{}>; let updateDialogSpy: jest.Mock<{}>; let updateSnackbarSpy: jest.Mock<{}>; let updateToolbarSpy: jest.Mock<{}>; let historyPushSpy: jest.Mock<{}>; let getArtifactsSpy: jest.Mock<{}>; let getArtifactTypesSpy: jest.Mock<{}>; const listOperationOpts = new ListOperationOptions(); listOperationOpts.setMaxResultSize(10); const getArtifactsRequest = new GetArtifactsRequest(); getArtifactsRequest.setOptions(listOperationOpts), beforeEach(() => { updateBannerSpy = jest.fn(); updateDialogSpy = jest.fn(); updateSnackbarSpy = jest.fn(); updateToolbarSpy = jest.fn(); historyPushSpy = jest.fn(); getArtifactsSpy = jest.spyOn(Api.getInstance().metadataStoreService, 'getArtifacts'); getArtifactTypesSpy = jest.spyOn(Api.getInstance().metadataStoreService, 'getArtifactTypes'); getArtifactTypesSpy.mockImplementation(() => { const artifactType = new ArtifactType(); artifactType.setId(6); artifactType.setName('String'); const response = new GetArtifactTypesResponse(); response.setArtifactTypesList([artifactType]); return Promise.resolve(response); }); getArtifactsSpy.mockImplementation(() => { const artifacts = generateNArtifacts(5); const response = new GetArtifactsResponse(); response.setArtifactsList(artifacts); return Promise.resolve(response); }); }); function generateNArtifacts(n: number) { let artifacts: Artifact[] = []; for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) { const artifact = new Artifact(); const pipelineValue = new Value(); const pipelineName = `pipeline ${i}`; pipelineValue.setStringValue(pipelineName); artifact.getPropertiesMap().set('pipeline_name', pipelineValue); const artifactValue = new Value(); const artifactName = `test artifact ${i}`; artifactValue.setStringValue(artifactName); artifact.getPropertiesMap().set('name', artifactValue); artifact.setName(artifactName); artifacts.push(artifact); } return artifacts; } function generateProps(): PageProps { return TestUtils.generatePageProps( ArtifactList, { pathname: RoutePage.ARTIFACTS } as any, '' as any, historyPushSpy, updateBannerSpy, updateDialogSpy, updateToolbarSpy, updateSnackbarSpy, ); } it('renders one artifact', async () => { getArtifactsSpy.mockImplementation(() => { const artifacts = generateNArtifacts(1); const response = new GetArtifactsResponse(); response.setArtifactsList(artifacts); return Promise.resolve(response); }); render( <MemoryRouter> <ArtifactList {...generateProps()} isGroupView={false} /> </MemoryRouter>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(getArtifactTypesSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(getArtifactsSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); screen.getByText('pipeline 1'); screen.getByText('test artifact 1'); }); it('displays footer with "10" as default value', async () => { render( <MemoryRouter> <ArtifactList {...generateProps()} isGroupView={false} /> </MemoryRouter>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(getArtifactTypesSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(getArtifactsSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); screen.getByText('Rows per page:'); screen.getByText('10'); }); it('shows 20th artifact if page size is 20', async () => { render( <MemoryRouter> <ArtifactList {...generateProps()} isGroupView={false} /> </MemoryRouter>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(getArtifactTypesSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(getArtifactsSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); expect(screen.queryByText('test artifact 20')).toBeNull(); // Can not see the 20th artifact initially getArtifactsSpy.mockImplementation(() => { const artifacts = generateNArtifacts(20); const response = new GetArtifactsResponse(); response.setArtifactsList(artifacts); return Promise.resolve(response); }); const originalRowsPerPage = screen.getByText('10');; const newRowsPerPage = screen.getByText('20'); // Change to render 20 rows per page.; listOperationOpts.setMaxResultSize(20); getArtifactsRequest.setOptions(listOperationOpts), await waitFor(() => { // API will be called again if "Rows per page" is changed expect(getArtifactTypesSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(getArtifactsSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(getArtifactsRequest); }); screen.getByText('test artifact 20'); // The 20th artifacts appears. }); it('finds no artifact', async () => { getArtifactsSpy.mockClear(); getArtifactsSpy.mockImplementation(() => { const response = new GetArtifactsResponse(); response.setArtifactsList([]); return Promise.resolve(response); }); render( <MemoryRouter> <ArtifactList {...generateProps()} isGroupView={false} /> </MemoryRouter>, ); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); screen.getByText('No artifacts found.'); }); });
/* * Copyright 2019 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import { ListRequest } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { Api, ArtifactCustomProperties, ArtifactProperties, getArtifactCreationTime, getArtifactTypes, getResourcePropertyViaFallBack, } from 'src/mlmd/library'; import { Artifact, ArtifactType, GetArtifactsRequest } from 'src/third_party/mlmd'; import { ListOperationOptions } from 'src/third_party/mlmd/generated/ml_metadata/proto/metadata_store_pb'; import { classes } from 'typestyle'; import { ArtifactLink } from 'src/components/ArtifactLink'; import CustomTable, { Column, CustomRendererProps, ExpandState, Row, } from 'src/components/CustomTable'; import { RoutePageFactory } from 'src/components/Router'; import { ToolbarProps } from 'src/components/Toolbar'; import { commonCss, padding } from 'src/Css'; import { CollapsedAndExpandedRows, getExpandedRow, getStringEnumKey, groupRows, rowFilterFn, serviceErrorToString, } from 'src/lib/Utils'; import { Page } from 'src/pages/Page'; interface ArtifactListProps { isGroupView: boolean; } interface ArtifactListState { artifacts: Artifact[]; rows: Row[]; expandedRows: Map<number, Row[]>; columns: Column[]; } const ARTIFACT_PROPERTY_REPOS = [ArtifactProperties, ArtifactCustomProperties]; const PIPELINE_WORKSPACE_FIELDS = ['RUN_ID', 'PIPELINE_NAME', 'WORKSPACE']; const NAME_FIELDS = [ getStringEnumKey(ArtifactCustomProperties, ArtifactCustomProperties.NAME), getStringEnumKey(ArtifactCustomProperties, ArtifactCustomProperties.DISPLAY_NAME), ]; export class ArtifactList extends Page<ArtifactListProps, ArtifactListState> { private tableRef = React.createRef<CustomTable>(); private api = Api.getInstance(); private artifactTypesMap: Map<number, ArtifactType>; constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.state = { artifacts: [], columns: [ { customRenderer: this.nameCustomRenderer, flex: 2, label: 'Pipeline/Workspace', }, { customRenderer: this.nameCustomRenderer, flex: 1, label: 'Name', }, { label: 'ID', flex: 1 }, { label: 'Type', flex: 2 }, { label: 'URI', flex: 2, customRenderer: this.uriCustomRenderer }, { label: 'Created at', flex: 1 }, ], expandedRows: new Map(), rows: [], }; this.reload = this.reload.bind(this); this.toggleRowExpand = this.toggleRowExpand.bind(this); this.getExpandedArtifactsRow = this.getExpandedArtifactsRow.bind(this); } public getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps { return { actions: {}, breadcrumbs: [], pageTitle: 'Artifacts', }; } public render(): JSX.Element { const { rows, columns } = this.state; return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 'lr'))}> <CustomTable ref={this.tableRef} columns={columns} rows={rows} disablePaging={this.props.isGroupView} disableSelection={true} reload={this.reload} initialSortColumn='pipelineName' initialSortOrder='asc' getExpandComponent={this.props.isGroupView ? this.getExpandedArtifactsRow : undefined} toggleExpansion={this.props.isGroupView ? this.toggleRowExpand : undefined} emptyMessage='No artifacts found.' /> </div> ); } public async refresh(): Promise<void> { if (this.tableRef.current) { await this.tableRef.current.reload(); } } private async reload(request: ListRequest): Promise<string> { const listOperationOpts = new ListOperationOptions(); if (request.pageSize) { listOperationOpts.setMaxResultSize(request.pageSize); } if (request.pageToken) { listOperationOpts.setNextPageToken(request.pageToken); } // TODO(jlyaoyuli): Add filter functionality for "entire" artifact list. // TODO: Consider making an Api method for returning and caching types if (!this.artifactTypesMap || !this.artifactTypesMap.size) { this.artifactTypesMap = await getArtifactTypes( this.api.metadataStoreService, this.showPageError.bind(this), ); } const artifacts = this.props.isGroupView ? await this.getArtifacts() : await this.getArtifacts(listOperationOpts); this.clearBanner(); let flattenedRows = await this.getFlattenedRowsFromArtifacts(request, artifacts); let groupedRows = await this.getGroupedRowsFromArtifacts(request, artifacts); // TODO(jlyaoyuli): Consider to support grouped rows with pagination. this.setState({ artifacts, expandedRows: this.props.isGroupView ? groupedRows?.expandedRows : new Map(), rows: this.props.isGroupView ? groupedRows?.collapsedRows : flattenedRows, }); return listOperationOpts.getNextPageToken(); } private nameCustomRenderer: React.FC<CustomRendererProps<string>> = ( props: CustomRendererProps<string>, ) => { return ( <Link onClick={e => e.stopPropagation()} className={} to={RoutePageFactory.artifactDetails(Number(} > {props.value} </Link> ); }; private uriCustomRenderer: React.FC<CustomRendererProps<string>> = ({ value }) => ( <ArtifactLink artifactUri={value} /> ); private async getArtifacts(listOperationOpts?: ListOperationOptions): Promise<Artifact[]> { try { const response = await this.api.metadataStoreService.getArtifacts( new GetArtifactsRequest().setOptions(listOperationOpts), ); listOperationOpts?.setNextPageToken(response.getNextPageToken()); return response.getArtifactsList(); } catch (err) { // Code === 5 means no record found in backend. This is a temporary workaround. // TODO: remove err.code !== 5 check when backend is fixed. if (err.code !== 5) { this.showPageError(serviceErrorToString(err)); } } return []; } private async getFlattenedRowsFromArtifacts( request: ListRequest, artifacts: Artifact[], ): Promise<Row[]> { try { const artifactsWithCreationTimes = await Promise.all( artifact => { const artifactId = artifact.getId(); if (!artifactId) { return { artifact }; } return { artifact, creationTime: await getArtifactCreationTime(artifactId, this.api.metadataStoreService), }; }), ); const flattenedRows: Row[] = artifactsWithCreationTimes .map(({ artifact, creationTime }) => { const typeId = artifact.getTypeId(); const artifactType = this.artifactTypesMap!.get(typeId); const type = artifactType ? artifactType.getName() : artifact.getTypeId(); return { id: `${artifact.getId()}`, otherFields: [ getResourcePropertyViaFallBack( artifact, ARTIFACT_PROPERTY_REPOS, PIPELINE_WORKSPACE_FIELDS, ) || '[unknown]', getResourcePropertyViaFallBack(artifact, ARTIFACT_PROPERTY_REPOS, NAME_FIELDS) || '[unknown]', artifact.getId(), type, artifact.getUri(), creationTime || '', ], } as Row; }) .filter(rowFilterFn(request)); // TODO(jlyaoyuli): Add sort functionality for entire artifact list. return flattenedRows; } catch (err) { if (err.message) { this.showPageError(err.message, err); } else { this.showPageError('Unknown error', err); } } return []; } /** * Temporary solution to apply sorting, filtering, and pagination to the * local list of artifacts until server-side handling is available * TODO: Replace once is done. * @param request * @param artifacts */ private async getGroupedRowsFromArtifacts( request: ListRequest, artifacts: Artifact[], ): Promise<CollapsedAndExpandedRows> { const flattenedRows = await this.getFlattenedRowsFromArtifacts(request, artifacts); return groupRows(flattenedRows); } /** * Toggles the expansion state of a row * @param index */ private toggleRowExpand(index: number): void { const { rows } = this.state; if (!rows[index]) { return; } rows[index].expandState = rows[index].expandState === ExpandState.EXPANDED ? ExpandState.COLLAPSED : ExpandState.EXPANDED; this.setState({ rows }); } private getExpandedArtifactsRow(index: number): React.ReactNode { return getExpandedRow(this.state.expandedRows, this.state.columns)(index); } } export default ArtifactList;
/* * Copyright 2020 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import produce from 'immer'; import RunListsRouter, { RunListsRouterProps } from './RunListsRouter'; import React from 'react'; import { RouteParams } from 'src/components/Router'; import { V2beta1Run, V2beta1RunStorageState } from 'src/apisv2beta1/run'; import { ApiExperiment } from 'src/apis/experiment'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import * as Utils from 'src/lib/Utils'; import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; import { PredicateOp } from 'src/apis/filter'; describe('RunListsRouter', () => { let historyPushSpy: any; let runStorageState = V2beta1RunStorageState.AVAILABLE; const onSelectionChangeMock = jest.fn(); const listRunsSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'listRuns'); const getRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'getRun'); const getPipelineSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.pipelineServiceApi, 'getPipeline'); const getExperimentSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.experimentServiceApi, 'getExperiment'); const formatDateStringSpy = jest.spyOn(Utils, 'formatDateString'); const consoleErrorSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => null); const MOCK_EXPERIMENT = newMockExperiment(); const archiveRunDisplayName = 'run with id: achiverunid'; const activeRunDisplayName = 'run with id: activerunid'; function newMockExperiment(): ApiExperiment { return { description: 'mock experiment description', id: 'some-mock-experiment-id', name: 'some mock experiment name', }; } function generateProps(): RunListsRouterProps { const runListsRouterProps: RunListsRouterProps = { onTabSwitch: jest.fn((newTab: number) => { // this.refresh(); if (newTab === 1) { runStorageState = V2beta1RunStorageState.ARCHIVED; } else { runStorageState = V2beta1RunStorageState.AVAILABLE; } }), hideExperimentColumn: true, history: { push: historyPushSpy } as any, location: '' as any, match: { params: { [RouteParams.experimentId]: } } as any, onSelectionChange: onSelectionChangeMock, selectedIds: [], storageState: runStorageState, refreshCount: 0, noFilterBox: false, disablePaging: false, disableSorting: true, disableSelection: false, hideMetricMetadata: false, onError: consoleErrorSpy, }; return runListsRouterProps; } beforeEach(() => { getRunSpy.mockImplementation(id => Promise.resolve( produce({} as Partial<V2beta1Run>, draft => { draft = draft || {}; draft.run_id = id; draft.display_name = 'run with id: ' + id; }), ), ); listRunsSpy.mockImplementation((pageToken, pageSize, sortBy, keyType, keyId, filter) => { let filterForArchive = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent('{"predicates": []}')); filterForArchive = encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify({ predicates: [ { key: 'storage_state', op: PredicateOp.EQUALS, string_value: V2beta1RunStorageState.ARCHIVED.toString(), }, ], }), ); if (filter === filterForArchive) { return Promise.resolve({ runs: [ { run_id: 'achiverunid', display_name: archiveRunDisplayName, }, ], }); } return Promise.resolve({ runs: [ { run_id: 'activerunid', display_name: activeRunDisplayName, }, ], }); }); getPipelineSpy.mockImplementation(() => ({ name: 'some pipeline' })); getExperimentSpy.mockImplementation(() => ({ name: 'some experiment' })); formatDateStringSpy.mockImplementation((date?: Date) => { return date ? '1/2/2019, 12:34:56 PM' : '-'; }); }); afterEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); }); it('shows Active and Archive tabs', () => { render( <BrowserRouter> <RunListsRouter {...generateProps()} /> </BrowserRouter>, ); screen.getByText('Active'); screen.getByText('Archived'); }); });
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import ErrorIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Error'; import PendingIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Schedule'; import RunningIcon from '../icons/statusRunning'; import SkippedIcon from '@material-ui/icons/SkipNext'; import SuccessIcon from '@material-ui/icons/CheckCircle'; import BlockIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Block'; import CachedIcon from '../icons/statusCached'; import TerminatedIcon from '../icons/statusTerminated'; import Tooltip from '@material-ui/core/Tooltip'; import UnknownIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Help'; import { color } from '../Css'; import { logger, formatDateString } from '../lib/Utils'; import { NodePhase, checkIfTerminated } from '../lib/StatusUtils'; import { Execution } from 'src/third_party/mlmd/generated/ml_metadata/proto/metadata_store_pb'; export function statusToIcon( status?: NodePhase, startDate?: Date | string, endDate?: Date | string, nodeMessage?: string, mlmdState?: Execution.State, ): JSX.Element { status = checkIfTerminated(status, nodeMessage); // tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name let IconComponent: any = UnknownIcon; let iconColor = color.inactive; let title = 'Unknown status'; switch (status) { case NodePhase.ERROR: IconComponent = ErrorIcon; iconColor = color.errorText; title = 'Error while running this resource'; break; case NodePhase.FAILED: IconComponent = ErrorIcon; iconColor = color.errorText; title = 'Resource failed to execute'; break; case NodePhase.PENDING: IconComponent = PendingIcon; iconColor = color.weak; title = 'Pending execution'; break; case NodePhase.RUNNING: IconComponent = RunningIcon; iconColor =; title = 'Running'; break; case NodePhase.TERMINATING: IconComponent = RunningIcon; iconColor =; title = 'Run is terminating'; break; case NodePhase.SKIPPED: IconComponent = SkippedIcon; title = 'Execution has been skipped for this resource'; break; case NodePhase.SUCCEEDED: IconComponent = SuccessIcon; iconColor = color.success; title = 'Executed successfully'; break; case NodePhase.CACHED: // This is not argo native, only applies to node. IconComponent = CachedIcon; iconColor = color.success; title = 'Execution was skipped and outputs were taken from cache'; break; case NodePhase.TERMINATED: IconComponent = TerminatedIcon; iconColor = color.terminated; title = 'Run was manually terminated'; break; case NodePhase.OMITTED: IconComponent = BlockIcon; title = 'Run was omitted because the previous step failed.'; break; case NodePhase.UNKNOWN: break; default: logger.verbose('Unknown node phase:', status); } if (mlmdState === Execution.State.CACHED) { IconComponent = CachedIcon; iconColor = color.success; title = 'Execution was skipped and outputs were taken from cache'; } return ( <Tooltip title={ <div> <div>{title}</div> {/* These dates may actually be strings, not a Dates due to a bug in swagger's handling of dates */} {startDate && <div>Start: {formatDateString(startDate)}</div>} {endDate && <div>End: {formatDateString(endDate)}</div>} </div> } > <div> <IconComponent data-testid='node-status-sign' style={{ color: iconColor, height: 18, width: 18 }} /> </div> </Tooltip> ); }
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import TestUtils from 'src/TestUtils'; import { ListRequest, Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { shallow, ReactWrapper, ShallowWrapper } from 'enzyme'; import RecurringRunsManager, { RecurringRunListProps } from './RecurringRunsManager'; import { V2beta1RecurringRun, V2beta1RecurringRunStatus } from 'src/apisv2beta1/recurringrun'; describe('RecurringRunsManager', () => { class TestRecurringRunsManager extends RecurringRunsManager { public async _loadRuns(request: ListRequest): Promise<string> { return super._loadRuns(request); } public _setEnabledState(id: string, enabled: boolean): Promise<void> { return super._setEnabledState(id, enabled); } } let tree: ReactWrapper | ShallowWrapper; const updateDialogSpy = jest.fn(); const updateSnackbarSpy = jest.fn(); const listRecurringRunsSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi, 'listRecurringRuns'); const enableRecurringRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi, 'enableRecurringRun'); const disableRecurringRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi, 'disableRecurringRun'); jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(); const RECURRINGRUNS: V2beta1RecurringRun[] = [ { created_at: new Date(2018, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6), display_name: 'test recurring run name', recurring_run_id: 'recurringrun1', status: V2beta1RecurringRunStatus.ENABLED, }, { created_at: new Date(2018, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6), display_name: 'test recurring run name2', recurring_run_id: 'recurringrun2', status: V2beta1RecurringRunStatus.DISABLED, }, { created_at: new Date(2018, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6), display_name: 'test recurring run name3', recurring_run_id: 'recurringrun3', status: V2beta1RecurringRunStatus.STATUSUNSPECIFIED, }, ]; function generateProps(): RecurringRunListProps { return { experimentId: 'test-experiment', history: {} as any, location: '' as any, match: {} as any, updateDialog: updateDialogSpy, updateSnackbar: updateSnackbarSpy, }; } beforeEach(() => { listRecurringRunsSpy.mockReset(); listRecurringRunsSpy.mockImplementation(() => ({ recurringRuns: RECURRINGRUNS })); enableRecurringRunSpy.mockReset(); disableRecurringRunSpy.mockReset(); updateDialogSpy.mockReset(); updateSnackbarSpy.mockReset(); }); afterEach(() => tree.unmount()); it('calls API to load recurring runs', async () => { tree = shallow(<TestRecurringRunsManager {...generateProps()} />); await (tree.instance() as TestRecurringRunsManager)._loadRuns({}); expect(listRecurringRunsSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(listRecurringRunsSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, 'test-experiment', ); expect(tree.state('runs')).toEqual(RECURRINGRUNS); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('shows error dialog if listing fails', async () => { TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(listRecurringRunsSpy, 'woops!'); jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(); tree = shallow(<TestRecurringRunsManager {...generateProps()} />); await (tree.instance() as TestRecurringRunsManager)._loadRuns({}); expect(listRecurringRunsSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ content: 'List recurring run configs request failed with:\nwoops!', title: 'Error retrieving recurring run configs', }), ); expect(tree.state('runs')).toEqual([]); }); it('calls API to enable run', async () => { tree = shallow(<TestRecurringRunsManager {...generateProps()} />); await (tree.instance() as TestRecurringRunsManager)._setEnabledState('test-run', true); expect(enableRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(enableRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('test-run'); }); it('calls API to disable run', async () => { tree = shallow(<TestRecurringRunsManager {...generateProps()} />); await (tree.instance() as TestRecurringRunsManager)._setEnabledState('test-run', false); expect(disableRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(disableRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('test-run'); }); it('shows error if enable API call fails', async () => { tree = shallow(<TestRecurringRunsManager {...generateProps()} />); TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(enableRecurringRunSpy, 'cannot enable'); await (tree.instance() as TestRecurringRunsManager)._setEnabledState('test-run', true); expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ content: 'Error changing enabled state of recurring run:\ncannot enable', title: 'Error', }), ); }); it('shows error if disable API call fails', async () => { tree = shallow(<TestRecurringRunsManager {...generateProps()} />); TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(disableRecurringRunSpy, 'cannot disable'); await (tree.instance() as TestRecurringRunsManager)._setEnabledState('test-run', false); expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ content: 'Error changing enabled state of recurring run:\ncannot disable', title: 'Error', }), ); }); it('renders run name as link to its details page', () => { tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<RecurringRunsManager {...generateProps()} />); expect( (tree.instance() as RecurringRunsManager)._nameCustomRenderer({ id: 'run-id', value: 'test-run', }), ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders a disable button if the run is enabled, clicking the button calls disable API', async () => { tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<RecurringRunsManager {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); tree.update(); const enableBtn = tree.find('.tableRow Button').at(0); expect(enableBtn).toMatchSnapshot(); enableBtn.simulate('click'); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(disableRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(disableRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(RECURRINGRUNS[0].recurring_run_id); }); it('renders an enable button if the run is disabled, clicking the button calls enable API', async () => { tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<RecurringRunsManager {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); tree.update(); const enableBtn = tree.find('.tableRow Button').at(1); expect(enableBtn).toMatchSnapshot(); enableBtn.simulate('click'); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(enableRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(enableRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(RECURRINGRUNS[1].recurring_run_id); }); it("renders an enable button if the run's enabled field is undefined, clicking the button calls enable API", async () => { tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<RecurringRunsManager {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); tree.update(); const enableBtn = tree.find('.tableRow Button').at(2); expect(enableBtn).toMatchSnapshot(); enableBtn.simulate('click'); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(enableRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(enableRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(RECURRINGRUNS[2].recurring_run_id); }); it('reloads the list of runs after enable/disabling', async () => { tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<RecurringRunsManager {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); tree.update(); const enableBtn = tree.find('.tableRow Button').at(0); expect(enableBtn).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(listRecurringRunsSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); enableBtn.simulate('click'); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(listRecurringRunsSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }); });
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as JsYaml from 'js-yaml'; import { fireEvent, render, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'; import { graphlib } from 'dagre'; import * as React from 'react'; import { testBestPractices } from 'src/TestUtils'; import PipelineDetailsV1, { PipelineDetailsV1Props } from './PipelineDetailsV1'; import { color } from 'src/Css'; import { Constants } from 'src/lib/Constants'; import { SelectedNodeInfo } from 'src/lib/StaticGraphParser'; testBestPractices(); describe('PipelineDetailsV1', () => { const testPipeline = { created_at: new Date(2018, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2), description: '', id: 'test-pipeline-id', name: 'test pipeline', parameters: [{ name: 'param1', value: 'value1' }], default_version: { id: 'test-pipeline-version-id', description: '', name: 'test-pipeline-version', }, }; const testPipelineVersion = { id: 'test-pipeline-version-id-2', name: 'test-pipeline-version', description: '', }; const pipelineSpecTemplate = ` apiVersion: kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: entry-point-test- spec: arguments: parameters: [] entrypoint: entry-point-test templates: - dag: tasks: - name: recurse-1 template: recurse-1 - name: leaf-1 template: leaf-1 name: start - dag: tasks: - name: start template: start - name: recurse-2 template: recurse-2 name: recurse-1 - dag: tasks: - name: start template: start - name: leaf-2 template: leaf-2 - name: recurse-3 template: recurse-3 name: recurse-2 - dag: tasks: - name: start template: start - name: recurse-1 template: recurse-1 - name: recurse-2 template: recurse-2 name: recurse-3 - dag: tasks: - name: start template: start name: entry-point-test - container: name: leaf-1 - container: name: leaf-2 `; function generateProps( graph: graphlib.Graph | null, reducedGraph: graphlib.Graph | null, description_version: string = '', description_pipeline: string = '', description_default_version: string = '', custom_version: boolean = true, ): PipelineDetailsV1Props { testPipeline.description = description_pipeline; testPipeline.default_version.description = description_default_version; testPipelineVersion.description = description_version; const props: PipelineDetailsV1Props = { pipeline: testPipeline, selectedVersion: custom_version ? testPipelineVersion : testPipeline.default_version, versions: [testPipelineVersion], graph: graph, reducedGraph: reducedGraph, templateString: JSON.stringify({ template: JsYaml.safeDump(pipelineSpecTemplate) }), updateBanner: bannerProps => {}, handleVersionSelected: async versionId => {}, }; return props; } beforeEach(() => {}); it('shows correct versions in version selector', async () => { render(<PipelineDetailsV1 {...generateProps(new graphlib.Graph(), new graphlib.Graph())} />); expect(screen.getByText('test-pipeline-version')); expect(screen.getByTestId('version_selector').childElementCount).toEqual(1); }); it('shows description for pipeline version and pipeline with custom version', async () => { render( <PipelineDetailsV1 {...generateProps( new graphlib.Graph(), new graphlib.Graph(), 'test-pipeline-version-desc', 'test-pipeline-desc', 'test-default-version-desc', )} />, ); expect(screen.getByText('test-pipeline-desc')); expect(screen.getByText('test-pipeline-version-desc')); expect(screen.queryByText('Default Version Description')).toBeNull(); expect(screen.queryByText('test-default-version-desc')).toBeNull(); }); it('shows description for pipeline version and pipeline with default version', async () => { render( <PipelineDetailsV1 {...generateProps( new graphlib.Graph(), new graphlib.Graph(), 'test-pipeline-version-desc', 'test-pipeline-desc', 'test-default-version-desc', false, )} />, ); expect(screen.getByText('test-pipeline-desc')); expect(screen.getByText('test-default-version-desc')); expect(screen.queryByText('test-pipeline-version-desc')).toBeNull(); expect(screen.getByText('Default Version Description')); }); it('shows pipeline description even when not set with default version', async () => { render( <PipelineDetailsV1 {...generateProps( new graphlib.Graph(), new graphlib.Graph(), 'test-pipeline-version-desc', '', 'test-default-version-desc', false, )} />, ); expect(screen.getByText('test-default-version-desc')); expect(screen.getByText('Pipeline Description')); expect(screen.getByText('empty pipeline description')); }); it('shows pipeline description even when not set with custom version', async () => { render( <PipelineDetailsV1 {...generateProps( new graphlib.Graph(), new graphlib.Graph(), 'test-pipeline-version-desc', '', 'test-default-version-desc', true, )} />, ); expect(screen.getByText('test-pipeline-version-desc')); expect(screen.getByText('Pipeline Description')); expect(screen.getByText('Version Description')); expect(screen.queryByText(/Default Version Description/)).toBeNull(); expect(screen.getByText('empty pipeline description')); }); it('hides version description when not set with default version', async () => { render( <PipelineDetailsV1 {...generateProps( new graphlib.Graph(), new graphlib.Graph(), 'test-pipeline-version-desc', 'test-pipeline-desc', '', false, )} />, ); expect(screen.getByText('test-pipeline-desc')); expect(screen.queryByText(/Version Description/)).toBeNull(); }); it('hides version description when not set with custom version', async () => { render( <PipelineDetailsV1 {...generateProps( new graphlib.Graph(), new graphlib.Graph(), '', 'test-pipeline-desc', 'test-default-version-desc', true, )} />, ); expect(screen.getByText('test-pipeline-desc')); expect(screen.queryByText(/Version Description/)).toBeNull(); }); it('hides description for pipeline version when not set with custom version', async () => { render(<PipelineDetailsV1 {...generateProps(new graphlib.Graph(), new graphlib.Graph())} />); expect(screen.getByText('Pipeline Description')); expect(screen.queryByText(/Version Description/)).toBeNull(); }); it('hides description for pipeline version with default version', async () => { render( <PipelineDetailsV1 {...generateProps(new graphlib.Graph(), new graphlib.Graph(), '', '', '', false)} />, ); expect(screen.getByText('Pipeline Description')); expect(screen.queryByText(/Version Description/)).toBeNull(); }); it('shows clicked node info in the side panel if it is in the graph', async () => { // Arrange const graph = createSimpleGraph(); const reducedGraph = createSimpleGraph(); // Act render(<PipelineDetailsV1 {...generateProps(graph, reducedGraph)} />); fireEvent( screen.getByText('start'), new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, }), ); // Assert screen.getByText('/start'); }); it('closes side panel when close button is clicked', async () => { // Arrange const graph = createSimpleGraph(); const reducedGraph = createSimpleGraph(); // Act render(<PipelineDetailsV1 {...generateProps(graph, reducedGraph)} />); fireEvent( screen.getByText('start'), new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, }), ); fireEvent( screen.getByLabelText('close'), new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, }), ); // Assert expect(screen.queryByText('/start')).toBeNull(); }); it('shows pipeline source code when config tab is clicked', async () => { render(<PipelineDetailsV1 {...generateProps(new graphlib.Graph(), new graphlib.Graph())} />); fireEvent( screen.getByText('YAML'), new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, }), ); screen.getByTestId('spec-yaml'); }); it('shows the summary card when clicking Show button', async () => { const graph = createSimpleGraph(); const reducedGraph = createSimpleGraph(); render(<PipelineDetailsV1 {...generateProps(graph, reducedGraph)} />); screen.getByText('Hide'); fireEvent( screen.getByText('Hide'), new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, }), ); fireEvent( screen.getByText('Show summary'), new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, }), ); screen.getByText('Hide'); }); it('shows empty pipeline details with empty graph', async () => { render(<PipelineDetailsV1 {...generateProps(null, null)} />); screen.getByText('No graph to show'); }); }); function createSimpleGraph() { const graph = new graphlib.Graph(); graph.setGraph({ width: 1000, height: 700 }); graph.setNode('/start', { bgColor: undefined, height: Constants.NODE_HEIGHT, info: new SelectedNodeInfo(), label: 'start', width: Constants.NODE_WIDTH, }); return graph; }
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import { ArchivedRuns } from './ArchivedRuns'; import TestUtils from 'src/TestUtils'; import { PageProps } from './Page'; import { V2beta1RunStorageState } from 'src/apisv2beta1/run'; import { ShallowWrapper, shallow } from 'enzyme'; import { ButtonKeys } from 'src/lib/Buttons'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; describe('ArchivedRuns', () => { const updateBannerSpy = jest.fn(); const updateToolbarSpy = jest.fn(); const historyPushSpy = jest.fn(); const deleteRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApi, 'deleteRun'); const updateDialogSpy = jest.fn(); const updateSnackbarSpy = jest.fn(); let tree: ShallowWrapper; function generateProps(): PageProps { return TestUtils.generatePageProps( ArchivedRuns, {} as any, {} as any, historyPushSpy, updateBannerSpy, updateDialogSpy, updateToolbarSpy, updateSnackbarSpy, ); } beforeEach(() => { updateBannerSpy.mockClear(); updateToolbarSpy.mockClear(); historyPushSpy.mockClear(); deleteRunSpy.mockClear(); updateDialogSpy.mockClear(); updateSnackbarSpy.mockClear(); }); afterEach(() => tree.unmount()); it('renders archived runs', () => { tree = shallow(<ArchivedRuns {...generateProps()} />); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('lists archived runs in namespace', () => { tree = shallow(<ArchivedRuns {...generateProps()} namespace='test-ns' />); expect(tree.find('RunList').prop('namespaceMask')).toEqual('test-ns'); }); it('removes error banner on unmount', () => { tree = shallow(<ArchivedRuns {...generateProps()} />); tree.unmount(); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({}); }); it('enables restore and delete button when at least one run is selected', () => { tree = shallow(<ArchivedRuns {...generateProps()} />); TestUtils.flushPromises(); tree.update(); expect(TestUtils.getToolbarButton(updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.RESTORE).disabled).toBeTruthy(); expect( TestUtils.getToolbarButton(updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN).disabled, ).toBeTruthy(); tree.find('RunList').simulate('selectionChange', ['run1']); expect(TestUtils.getToolbarButton(updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.RESTORE).disabled).toBeFalsy(); expect( TestUtils.getToolbarButton(updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN).disabled, ).toBeFalsy(); tree.find('RunList').simulate('selectionChange', ['run1', 'run2']); expect(TestUtils.getToolbarButton(updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.RESTORE).disabled).toBeFalsy(); expect( TestUtils.getToolbarButton(updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN).disabled, ).toBeFalsy(); tree.find('RunList').simulate('selectionChange', []); expect(TestUtils.getToolbarButton(updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.RESTORE).disabled).toBeTruthy(); expect( TestUtils.getToolbarButton(updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN).disabled, ).toBeTruthy(); }); it('refreshes the run list when refresh button is clicked', async () => { tree = shallow(<ArchivedRuns {...generateProps()} />); const spy = jest.fn(); (tree.instance() as any)._runlistRef = { current: { refresh: spy } }; await TestUtils.getToolbarButton(updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.REFRESH).action(); expect(spy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(); }); it('shows a list of available runs', () => { tree = shallow(<ArchivedRuns {...generateProps()} />); expect(tree.find('RunList').prop('storageState')).toBe( V2beta1RunStorageState.ARCHIVED.toString(), ); }); it('cancells deletion when Cancel is clicked', async () => { tree = shallow(<ArchivedRuns {...generateProps()} />); // Click delete button to delete selected ids. const deleteBtn = (tree.instance() as ArchivedRuns).getInitialToolbarState().actions[ ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN ]; await deleteBtn!.action(); // Dialog pops up to confirm the deletion. expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ content: 'Do you want to delete the selected runs? This action cannot be undone.', }), ); // Cancel deletion. const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const cancelBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Cancel'); await cancelBtn.onClick(); expect(deleteRunSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('deletes selected ids when Confirm is clicked', async () => { tree = shallow(<ArchivedRuns {...generateProps()} />); tree.setState({ selectedIds: ['id1', 'id2', 'id3'] }); // Mock the behavior where the deletion of id1 fails, the deletion of id2 and id3 succeed. TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(deleteRunSpy, 'woops'); deleteRunSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({})); // Click delete button to delete selected ids. const deleteBtn = (tree.instance() as ArchivedRuns).getInitialToolbarState().actions[ ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN ]; await deleteBtn!.action(); // Dialog pops up to confirm the deletion. expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ content: 'Do you want to delete the selected runs? This action cannot be undone.', }), ); // Confirm. const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const confirmBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Delete'); await confirmBtn.onClick(); await deleteRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); tree.update(); expect(deleteRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); expect(deleteRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('id1'); expect(deleteRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('id2'); expect(deleteRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('id3'); expect(tree.state('selectedIds')).toEqual(['id1']); // id1 is left over since its deletion failed. }); });
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button'; import Buttons, { ButtonKeys } from 'src/lib/Buttons'; import Dialog from '@material-ui/core/Dialog'; import DialogActions from '@material-ui/core/DialogActions'; import DialogContent from '@material-ui/core/DialogContent'; import Paper from '@material-ui/core/Paper'; import PopOutIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Launch'; import RecurringRunsManager from './RecurringRunsManager'; import RunListsRouter, { RunListsGroupTab } from './RunListsRouter'; import Toolbar, { ToolbarProps } from 'src/components/Toolbar'; import Tooltip from '@material-ui/core/Tooltip'; import { V2beta1Experiment, V2beta1ExperimentStorageState } from 'src/apisv2beta1/experiment'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { Page, PageProps } from './Page'; import { RoutePage, RouteParams } from 'src/components/Router'; import { classes, stylesheet } from 'typestyle'; import { color, commonCss, padding } from 'src/Css'; import { logger } from 'src/lib/Utils'; import { useNamespaceChangeEvent } from 'src/lib/KubeflowClient'; import { Redirect } from 'react-router-dom'; import { V2beta1RunStorageState } from 'src/apisv2beta1/run'; import { V2beta1RecurringRunStatus } from 'src/apisv2beta1/recurringrun'; const css = stylesheet({ card: { border: '1px solid #ddd', borderRadius: 8, height: 70, marginRight: 24, padding: '12px 20px 13px 24px', }, cardActive: { border: `1px solid ${color.success}`, }, cardBtn: { $nest: { '&:hover': { backgroundColor: 'initial', }, }, color: color.theme, fontSize: 12, minHeight: 16, paddingLeft: 0, marginRight: 0, }, cardContent: { color: color.secondaryText, fontSize: 16, lineHeight: '28px', }, cardRow: { borderBottom: `1px solid ${color.lightGrey}`, display: 'flex', flexFlow: 'row', minHeight: 120, }, cardTitle: { color: color.strong, display: 'flex', fontSize: 12, fontWeight: 'bold', height: 20, justifyContent: 'space-between', marginBottom: 6, }, popOutIcon: { color: color.secondaryText, margin: -2, minWidth: 0, padding: 3, }, recurringRunsActive: { color: '#0d652d', }, recurringRunsCard: { width: 270, }, recurringRunsDialog: { minWidth: 600, }, runStatsCard: { width: 270, }, }); interface ExperimentDetailsState { activeRecurringRunsCount: number; experiment: V2beta1Experiment | null; recurringRunsManagerOpen: boolean; selectedIds: string[]; runStorageState: V2beta1RunStorageState; runListToolbarProps: ToolbarProps; runlistRefreshCount: number; } export class ExperimentDetails extends Page<{}, ExperimentDetailsState> { constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.state = { activeRecurringRunsCount: 0, experiment: null, recurringRunsManagerOpen: false, runListToolbarProps: { actions: this._getRunInitialToolBarButtons().getToolbarActionMap(), breadcrumbs: [], pageTitle: 'Runs', topLevelToolbar: false, }, // TODO: remove selectedIds: [], runStorageState: V2beta1RunStorageState.AVAILABLE, runlistRefreshCount: 0, }; } private _getRunInitialToolBarButtons(): Buttons { const buttons = new Buttons(this.props, this.refresh.bind(this)); buttons .newRun(() => this.props.match.params[RouteParams.experimentId]) .newRecurringRun(this.props.match.params[RouteParams.experimentId]) .compareRuns(() => this.state.selectedIds) .cloneRun(() => this.state.selectedIds, false); return buttons; } public getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps { const buttons = new Buttons(this.props, this.refresh.bind(this)); return { actions: buttons.refresh(this.refresh.bind(this)).getToolbarActionMap(), breadcrumbs: [{ displayName: 'Experiments', href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS }], // TODO: determine what to show if no props. pageTitle: this.props ? this.props.match.params[RouteParams.experimentId] : '', }; } public render(): JSX.Element { const { activeRecurringRunsCount, experiment } = this.state; const description = experiment ? experiment.description || '' : ''; return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 'lrt'))}> {experiment && ( <div className={}> <div className={css.cardRow}> <Paper id='recurringRunsCard' className={classes( css.card, css.recurringRunsCard, !!activeRecurringRunsCount && css.cardActive, )} elevation={0} > <div> <div className={css.cardTitle}> <span>Recurring run configs</span> <Button className={css.cardBtn} id='manageExperimentRecurringRunsBtn' disableRipple={true} onClick={() => this.setState({ recurringRunsManagerOpen: true })} > Manage </Button> </div> <div className={classes( css.cardContent, !!activeRecurringRunsCount && css.recurringRunsActive, )} > {activeRecurringRunsCount + ' active'} </div> </div> </Paper> <Paper id='experimentDescriptionCard' className={classes(css.card, css.runStatsCard)} elevation={0} > <div className={css.cardTitle}> <span>Experiment description</span> <Button id='expandExperimentDescriptionBtn' onClick={() => this.props.updateDialog({ content: description, title: 'Experiment description', }) } className={classes(css.popOutIcon, 'popOutButton')} > <Tooltip title='Read more'> <PopOutIcon style={{ fontSize: 18 }} /> </Tooltip> </Button> </div> {description .split('\n') .slice(0, 2) .map((line, i) => ( <div key={i} style={{ overflow: 'hidden', textOverflow: 'ellipsis', whiteSpace: 'nowrap' }} > {line} </div> ))} {description.split('\n').length > 2 ? '...' : ''} </Paper> </div> <Toolbar {...this.state.runListToolbarProps} /> <RunListsRouter storageState={this.state.runStorageState} onError={this.showPageError.bind(this)} hideExperimentColumn={true} experimentIdMask={experiment.experiment_id} refreshCount={this.state.runlistRefreshCount} selectedIds={this.state.selectedIds} onSelectionChange={this._selectionChanged} onTabSwitch={this._onRunTabSwitch} {...this.props} /> <Dialog open={this.state.recurringRunsManagerOpen} classes={{ paper: css.recurringRunsDialog }} onClose={this._recurringRunsManagerClosed.bind(this)} > <DialogContent> <RecurringRunsManager {...this.props} experimentId={this.props.match.params[RouteParams.experimentId]} /> </DialogContent> <DialogActions> <Button id='closeExperimentRecurringRunManagerBtn' onClick={this._recurringRunsManagerClosed.bind(this)} color='secondary' > Close </Button> </DialogActions> </Dialog> </div> )} </div> ); } public async refresh(): Promise<void> { await this.load(); return; } public async componentDidMount(): Promise<void> { return this.load(true); } public async load(isFirstTimeLoad: boolean = false): Promise<void> { this.clearBanner(); const experimentId = this.props.match.params[RouteParams.experimentId]; try { const experiment = await Apis.experimentServiceApiV2.getExperiment(experimentId); const pageTitle = experiment.display_name || this.props.match.params[RouteParams.experimentId]; // Update the Archive/Restore button based on the storage state of this experiment. const buttons = new Buttons( this.props, this.refresh.bind(this), this.getInitialToolbarState().actions, ); const idGetter = () => (experiment.experiment_id ? [experiment.experiment_id] : []); experiment.storage_state === V2beta1ExperimentStorageState.ARCHIVED ? buttons.restore('experiment', idGetter, true, () => this.refresh()) : buttons.archive('experiment', idGetter, true, () => this.refresh()); // If experiment is archived, shows archived runs list by default. // If experiment is active, shows active runs list by default. let runStorageState = this.state.runStorageState; // Determine the default Active/Archive run list tab based on experiment status. // After component is mounted, it is up to user to decide the run storage state they // want to view. if (isFirstTimeLoad) { runStorageState = experiment.storage_state === V2beta1ExperimentStorageState.ARCHIVED ? V2beta1RunStorageState.ARCHIVED : V2beta1RunStorageState.AVAILABLE; } const actions = buttons.getToolbarActionMap(); this.props.updateToolbar({ actions, breadcrumbs: [{ displayName: 'Experiments', href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS }], pageTitle, pageTitleTooltip: pageTitle, }); let activeRecurringRunsCount = -1; // Fetch this experiment's jobs try { // TODO: get ALL jobs in the experiment const recurringRuns = await Apis.recurringRunServiceApi.listRecurringRuns( undefined, 100, '', undefined, undefined, experimentId, ); activeRecurringRunsCount = (recurringRuns.recurringRuns || []).filter( rr => rr.status === V2beta1RecurringRunStatus.ENABLED, ).length; } catch (err) { await this.showPageError( `Error: failed to retrieve recurring runs for experiment: ${experimentId}.`, err, ); logger.error(`Error fetching recurring runs for experiment: ${experimentId}`, err); } let runlistRefreshCount = this.state.runlistRefreshCount + 1; this.setStateSafe({ activeRecurringRunsCount, experiment, runStorageState, runlistRefreshCount, }); this._selectionChanged([]); } catch (err) { await this.showPageError(`Error: failed to retrieve experiment: ${experimentId}.`, err); logger.error(`Error loading experiment: ${experimentId}`, err); } } /** * Users can choose to show runs list in different run storage states. * * @param tab selected by user for run storage state */ _onRunTabSwitch = (tab: RunListsGroupTab) => { let runStorageState = V2beta1RunStorageState.AVAILABLE; if (tab === RunListsGroupTab.ARCHIVE) { runStorageState = V2beta1RunStorageState.ARCHIVED; } let runlistRefreshCount = this.state.runlistRefreshCount + 1; this.setStateSafe( { runStorageState, runlistRefreshCount, }, () => { this._selectionChanged([]); }, ); return; }; _selectionChanged = (selectedIds: string[]) => { const toolbarButtons = this._getRunInitialToolBarButtons(); // If user selects to show Active runs list, shows `Archive` button for selected runs. // If user selects to show Archive runs list, shows `Restore` button for selected runs. if (this.state.runStorageState === V2beta1RunStorageState.AVAILABLE) { toolbarButtons.archive( 'run', () => this.state.selectedIds, false, ids => this._selectionChanged(ids), ); } else { toolbarButtons.restore( 'run', () => this.state.selectedIds, false, ids => this._selectionChanged(ids), ); } const toolbarActions = toolbarButtons.getToolbarActionMap(); toolbarActions[ButtonKeys.COMPARE].disabled = selectedIds.length <= 1 || selectedIds.length > 10; toolbarActions[ButtonKeys.CLONE_RUN].disabled = selectedIds.length !== 1; if (toolbarActions[ButtonKeys.ARCHIVE]) { toolbarActions[ButtonKeys.ARCHIVE].disabled = !selectedIds.length; } if (toolbarActions[ButtonKeys.RESTORE]) { toolbarActions[ButtonKeys.RESTORE].disabled = !selectedIds.length; } this.setState({ runListToolbarProps: { actions: toolbarActions, breadcrumbs: this.state.runListToolbarProps.breadcrumbs, pageTitle: this.state.runListToolbarProps.pageTitle, topLevelToolbar: this.state.runListToolbarProps.topLevelToolbar, }, selectedIds, }); }; private _recurringRunsManagerClosed(): void { this.setState({ recurringRunsManagerOpen: false }); // Reload the details to get any updated recurring runs this.refresh(); } } const EnhancedExperimentDetails: React.FC<PageProps> = props => { // When namespace changes, this experiment no longer belongs to new namespace. // So we redirect to experiment list page instead. const namespaceChanged = useNamespaceChangeEvent(); if (namespaceChanged) { return <Redirect to={RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS} />; } return <ExperimentDetails {...props} />; }; export default EnhancedExperimentDetails;
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import CustomTable, { Column, Row, CustomRendererProps } from 'src/components/CustomTable'; import Metric from 'src/components/Metric'; import { MetricMetadata, ExperimentInfo } from 'src/lib/RunUtils'; import { V2beta1Run, V2beta1RuntimeState, V2beta1RunStorageState } from 'src/apisv2beta1/run'; import { V2beta1ListExperimentsResponse } from 'src/apisv2beta1/experiment'; import { Apis, RunSortKeys, ListRequest } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { Link, RouteComponentProps } from 'react-router-dom'; import { V2beta1Filter, V2beta1PredicateOperation } from 'src/apisv2beta1/filter'; import { RoutePage, RouteParams, QUERY_PARAMS } from 'src/components/Router'; import { URLParser } from 'src/lib/URLParser'; import { commonCss, color } from 'src/Css'; import { formatDateString, logger, errorToMessage, getRunDurationV2 } from 'src/lib/Utils'; import { statusToIcon } from './StatusV2'; import Tooltip from '@material-ui/core/Tooltip'; interface PipelineVersionInfo { displayName?: string; versionId?: string; runId?: string; recurringRunId?: string; pipelineId?: string; usePlaceholder: boolean; } interface RecurringRunInfo { displayName?: string; id?: string; } interface DisplayRun { experiment?: ExperimentInfo; recurringRun?: RecurringRunInfo; run: V2beta1Run; pipelineVersion?: PipelineVersionInfo; error?: string; } interface DisplayMetric { metadata?: MetricMetadata; // run metric field is currently not supported in v2 API // Context: } // Both masks cannot be provided together. type MaskProps = Exclude< { experimentIdMask?: string; namespaceMask?: string }, { experimentIdMask: string; namespaceMask: string } >; export type RunListProps = MaskProps & RouteComponentProps & { disablePaging?: boolean; disableSelection?: boolean; disableSorting?: boolean; hideExperimentColumn?: boolean; hideMetricMetadata?: boolean; noFilterBox?: boolean; onError: (message: string, error: Error) => void; onSelectionChange?: (selectedRunIds: string[]) => void; runIdListMask?: string[]; selectedIds?: string[]; storageState?: V2beta1RunStorageState; }; interface RunListState { metrics: MetricMetadata[]; runs: DisplayRun[]; } class RunList extends React.PureComponent<RunListProps, RunListState> { private _tableRef = React.createRef<CustomTable>(); constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.state = { metrics: [], runs: [], }; } public render(): JSX.Element { // Only show the two most prevalent metrics const metricMetadata: MetricMetadata[] = this.state.metrics.slice(0, 2); const columns: Column[] = [ { customRenderer: this._nameCustomRenderer, flex: 1.5, label: 'Run name', sortKey: RunSortKeys.NAME, }, { customRenderer: this._statusCustomRenderer, flex: 0.5, label: 'Status' }, { label: 'Duration', flex: 0.5 }, { customRenderer: this._pipelineVersionCustomRenderer, label: 'Pipeline Version', flex: 1 }, { customRenderer: this._recurringRunCustomRenderer, label: 'Recurring Run', flex: 0.5 }, { label: 'Start time', flex: 1, sortKey: RunSortKeys.CREATED_AT }, ]; if (!this.props.hideExperimentColumn) { columns.splice(3, 0, { customRenderer: this._experimentCustomRenderer, flex: 1, label: 'Experiment', }); } if (metricMetadata.length && !this.props.hideMetricMetadata) { // This is a column of empty cells with a left border to separate the metrics from the other // columns. columns.push({ customRenderer: this._metricBufferCustomRenderer, flex: 0.1, label: '', }); columns.push( => { return { customRenderer: this._metricCustomRenderer, flex: 0.5, label:!, }; }), ); } const rows: Row[] = => { const displayMetrics = => { const displayMetric: DisplayMetric = { metadata }; return displayMetric; }); const row = { error: r.error, id:!, otherFields: [!.display_name, || '-', getRunDurationV2(, r.pipelineVersion, r.recurringRun, formatDateString(, ] as any, }; if (!this.props.hideExperimentColumn) { row.otherFields.splice(3, 0, r.experiment); } if (displayMetrics.length && !this.props.hideMetricMetadata) { row.otherFields.push(''); // Metric buffer column row.otherFields.push(...(displayMetrics as any)); } return row; }); return ( <div> <CustomTable columns={columns} rows={rows} selectedIds={this.props.selectedIds} initialSortColumn={RunSortKeys.CREATED_AT} ref={this._tableRef} filterLabel='Filter runs' updateSelection={this.props.onSelectionChange} reload={this._loadRuns.bind(this)} disablePaging={this.props.disablePaging} disableSorting={this.props.disableSorting} disableSelection={this.props.disableSelection} noFilterBox={this.props.noFilterBox} emptyMessage={ `No` + `${ this.props.storageState === V2beta1RunStorageState.ARCHIVED ? ' archived' : ' available' }` + ` runs found` + `${ this.props.experimentIdMask ? ' for this experiment' : this.props.namespaceMask ? ' for this namespace' : '' }.` } /> </div> ); } public async refresh(): Promise<void> { if (this._tableRef.current) { await this._tableRef.current.reload(); } } public _nameCustomRenderer: React.FC<CustomRendererProps<string>> = ( props: CustomRendererProps<string>, ) => { return ( <Tooltip title={props.value || ''} enterDelay={300} placement='top-start'> <Link className={} onClick={e => e.stopPropagation()} to={RoutePage.RUN_DETAILS.replace(':' + RouteParams.runId,} > {props.value} </Link> </Tooltip> ); }; public _pipelineVersionCustomRenderer: React.FC<CustomRendererProps<PipelineVersionInfo>> = ( props: CustomRendererProps<PipelineVersionInfo>, ) => { // If the getPipeline call failed or a run has no pipeline, we display a placeholder. if (!props.value || (!props.value.usePlaceholder && !props.value.pipelineId)) { return <div>-</div>; } const urlParser = new URLParser(this.props); const search = props.value.recurringRunId ?{ [QUERY_PARAMS.fromRecurringRunId]: props.value.recurringRunId }) :{ [QUERY_PARAMS.fromRunId]: }); const url = props.value.usePlaceholder ? RoutePage.PIPELINE_DETAILS_NO_VERSION.replace(':' + RouteParams.pipelineId + '?', '') + search : !!props.value.versionId ? RoutePage.PIPELINE_DETAILS.replace( ':' + RouteParams.pipelineId, props.value.pipelineId || '', ).replace(':' + RouteParams.pipelineVersionId, props.value.versionId || '') : RoutePage.PIPELINE_DETAILS_NO_VERSION.replace( ':' + RouteParams.pipelineId, props.value.pipelineId || '', ); if (props.value.usePlaceholder) { return ( <Link className={} onClick={e => e.stopPropagation()} to={url}> [View pipeline] </Link> ); } else { // Display name could be too long, so we show the full content in tooltip on hover. return ( <Tooltip title={props.value.displayName || ''} enterDelay={300} placement='top-start'> <Link className={} onClick={e => e.stopPropagation()} to={url}> {props.value.displayName} </Link> </Tooltip> ); } }; public _recurringRunCustomRenderer: React.FC<CustomRendererProps<RecurringRunInfo>> = ( props: CustomRendererProps<RecurringRunInfo>, ) => { // If the response of listRuns doesn't contain job details, we display a placeholder. if (!props.value || ! { return <div>-</div>; } const url = RoutePage.RECURRING_RUN_DETAILS.replace( ':' + RouteParams.recurringRunId, || '', ); return ( <Link className={} onClick={e => e.stopPropagation()} to={url}> {props.value.displayName || '[View config]'} </Link> ); }; public _experimentCustomRenderer: React.FC<CustomRendererProps<ExperimentInfo>> = ( props: CustomRendererProps<ExperimentInfo>, ) => { // If the getExperiment call failed or a run has no experiment, we display a placeholder. if (!props.value || ! { return <div>-</div>; } return ( <Link className={} onClick={e => e.stopPropagation()} to={RoutePage.EXPERIMENT_DETAILS.replace(':' + RouteParams.experimentId,} > {props.value.displayName} </Link> ); }; public _statusCustomRenderer: React.FC<CustomRendererProps<V2beta1RuntimeState>> = ( props: CustomRendererProps<V2beta1RuntimeState>, ) => { return statusToIcon(props.value); }; public _metricBufferCustomRenderer: React.FC<CustomRendererProps<{}>> = ( props: CustomRendererProps<{}>, ) => { return <div style={{ borderLeft: `1px solid ${color.divider}`, padding: '20px 0' }} />; }; public _metricCustomRenderer: React.FC<CustomRendererProps<DisplayMetric>> = ( props: CustomRendererProps<DisplayMetric>, ) => { const displayMetric = props.value; if (!displayMetric) { return <div />; } return <Metric metadata={displayMetric.metadata} />; }; protected async _loadRuns(request: ListRequest): Promise<string> { let displayRuns: DisplayRun[] = []; let nextPageToken = ''; if (Array.isArray(this.props.runIdListMask)) { displayRuns = => ({ run: { run_id: id } })); const filter = JSON.parse( decodeURIComponent(request.filter || '{"predicates": []}'), ) as V2beta1Filter; // listRuns doesn't currently support batching by IDs, so in this case we retrieve and filter // each run individually. await this._getAndSetRuns(displayRuns); const predicates = filter.predicates?.filter( p => p.key === 'name' && p.operation === V2beta1PredicateOperation.ISSUBSTRING, ); const substrings = predicates?.map(p => p.string_value?.toLowerCase() || '') || []; displayRuns = displayRuns.filter(runDetail => { for (const sub of substrings) { if (!runDetail?.run?.display_name?.toLowerCase().includes(sub)) { return false; } } return true; }); } else { // Load all runs if (this.props.storageState) { try { // Augment the request filter with the storage state predicate const filter = JSON.parse( decodeURIComponent(request.filter || '{"predicates": []}'), ) as V2beta1Filter; filter.predicates = (filter.predicates || []).concat([ { key: 'storage_state', // Use EQUALS ARCHIVED or NOT EQUALS ARCHIVED to account for cases where the field // is missing, in which case it should be counted as available. operation: this.props.storageState === V2beta1RunStorageState.ARCHIVED ? V2beta1PredicateOperation.EQUALS : V2beta1PredicateOperation.NOTEQUALS, string_value: V2beta1RunStorageState.ARCHIVED.toString(), }, ]); request.filter = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(filter)); } catch (err) { logger.error('Could not parse request filter: ', request.filter); } } try { const response = await Apis.runServiceApiV2.listRuns( this.props.namespaceMask, this.props.experimentIdMask, request.pageToken, request.pageSize, request.sortBy, request.filter, ); displayRuns = (response.runs || []).map(r => ({ run: r })); nextPageToken = response.next_page_token || ''; } catch (err) { const error = new Error(await errorToMessage(err)); this.props.onError('Error: failed to fetch runs.', error); // No point in continuing if we couldn't retrieve any runs. return ''; } } await this._setColumns(displayRuns); this.setState({ // metrics: RunUtils.extractMetricMetadata( =>, runs: displayRuns, }); return nextPageToken; } private async _setColumns(displayRuns: DisplayRun[]): Promise<DisplayRun[]> { let experimentsResponse: V2beta1ListExperimentsResponse; let experimentsGetError: string; try { if (!this.props.namespaceMask) { // Single-user mode. experimentsResponse = await Apis.experimentServiceApiV2.listExperiments(); } else { // Multi-user mode. experimentsResponse = await Apis.experimentServiceApiV2.listExperiments( undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, this.props.namespaceMask, ); } } catch (error) { experimentsGetError = 'Failed to get associated experiment: ' + (await errorToMessage(error)); } return Promise.all( displayRun => { this._setRecurringRun(displayRun); await this._getAndSetPipelineVersionNames(displayRun); if (!this.props.hideExperimentColumn) { const experimentId =; if (experimentId) { const experiment = experimentsResponse?.experiments?.find( e => e.experiment_id ===, ); // If matching experiment id not found (typically because it has been deleted), set display name to "-". const displayName = experiment?.display_name || '-'; if (experimentsGetError) { displayRun.error = experimentsGetError; } else { displayRun.experiment = { displayName: displayName, id: experimentId, }; } } } return displayRun; }), ); } private _setRecurringRun(displayRun: DisplayRun): void { const recurringRunId =; // TBD(jlyaoyuli): how to get recurringRun name if (recurringRunId) { displayRun.recurringRun = { id: recurringRunId }; } } /** * For each run ID, fetch its corresponding run, and set it in DisplayRuns */ private _getAndSetRuns(displayRuns: DisplayRun[]): Promise<DisplayRun[]> { return Promise.all( displayRun => { let getRunResponse: V2beta1Run; try { getRunResponse = await Apis.runServiceApiV2.getRun(!.run_id!); = getRunResponse; } catch (err) { displayRun.error = await errorToMessage(err); } return displayRun; }), ); } /** * For the given DisplayRun, get its ApiRun and retrieve that ApiRun's Pipeline ID if it has one, * then use that Pipeline ID to fetch its associated Pipeline and attach that Pipeline's name to * the DisplayRun. If the ApiRun has no Pipeline ID, then the corresponding DisplayRun will show * '-'. */ private async _getAndSetPipelineVersionNames(displayRun: DisplayRun): Promise<void> { const pipelineId =; const pipelineVersionId =; if (pipelineId && pipelineVersionId) { try { const pipelineVersion = await Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.getPipelineVersion( pipelineId, pipelineVersionId, ); displayRun.pipelineVersion = { displayName: pipelineVersion.display_name, pipelineId: pipelineVersion.pipeline_id, usePlaceholder: false, versionId: pipelineVersion.pipeline_version_id, }; } catch (err) { displayRun.error = 'Failed to get associated pipeline version: ' + (await errorToMessage(err)); return; } } else if ( { // pipeline_spec in v2 can store either workflow_manifest or pipeline_manifest displayRun.pipelineVersion = displayRun.recurringRun?.id ? { usePlaceholder: true, recurringRunId: } : { usePlaceholder: true }; } } } export default RunList;
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import AllExperimentsAndArchive, { AllExperimentsAndArchiveProps, AllExperimentsAndArchiveTab, } from './AllExperimentsAndArchive'; import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; function generateProps(): AllExperimentsAndArchiveProps { return { history: {} as any, location: '' as any, match: '' as any, toolbarProps: {} as any, updateBanner: () => null, updateDialog: jest.fn(), updateSnackbar: jest.fn(), updateToolbar: () => null, view: AllExperimentsAndArchiveTab.EXPERIMENTS, }; } describe('ExperimentsAndArchive', () => { it('renders experiments page', () => { expect(shallow(<AllExperimentsAndArchive {...(generateProps() as any)} />)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders archive page', () => { const props = generateProps(); props.view = AllExperimentsAndArchiveTab.ARCHIVE; expect(shallow(<AllExperimentsAndArchive {...(props as any)} />)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('switches to clicked page by pushing to history', () => { const spy = jest.fn(); const props = generateProps(); props.history.push = spy; const tree = shallow(<AllExperimentsAndArchive {...(props as any)} />); tree.find('MD2Tabs').simulate('switch', 1); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/archive/experiments'); tree.find('MD2Tabs').simulate('switch', 0); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/experiments'); }); });
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import Buttons, { ButtonKeys } from 'src/lib/Buttons'; import RunList from './RunList'; import { Page, PageProps } from './Page'; import { V2beta1RunStorageState } from 'src/apisv2beta1/run'; import { ToolbarProps } from 'src/components/Toolbar'; import { classes } from 'typestyle'; import { commonCss, padding } from 'src/Css'; import { NamespaceContext } from 'src/lib/KubeflowClient'; interface ArchivedRunsState { selectedIds: string[]; } export class ArchivedRuns extends Page<{ namespace?: string }, ArchivedRunsState> { private _runlistRef = React.createRef<RunList>(); constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.state = { selectedIds: [], }; } public getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps { const buttons = new Buttons(this.props, this.refresh.bind(this)); return { actions: buttons .restore('run', () => this.state.selectedIds, false, this._selectionChanged.bind(this)) .refresh(this.refresh.bind(this)) .delete( () => this.state.selectedIds, 'run', this._selectionChanged.bind(this), false /* useCurrentResource */, ) .getToolbarActionMap(), breadcrumbs: [], pageTitle: 'Runs', }; } public render(): JSX.Element { return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 'lr'))}> <RunList namespaceMask={this.props.namespace} onError={this.showPageError.bind(this)} selectedIds={this.state.selectedIds} onSelectionChange={this._selectionChanged.bind(this)} ref={this._runlistRef} storageState={V2beta1RunStorageState.ARCHIVED} {...this.props} /> </div> ); } public async refresh(): Promise<void> { // Tell run list to refresh if (this._runlistRef.current) { this.clearBanner(); await this._runlistRef.current.refresh(); } } private _selectionChanged(selectedIds: string[]): void { const toolbarActions = this.props.toolbarProps.actions; toolbarActions[ButtonKeys.RESTORE].disabled = !selectedIds.length; toolbarActions[ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN].disabled = !selectedIds.length; this.props.updateToolbar({ actions: toolbarActions, breadcrumbs: this.props.toolbarProps.breadcrumbs, }); this.setState({ selectedIds }); } } const EnhancedArchivedRuns = (props: PageProps) => { const namespace = React.useContext(NamespaceContext); return <ArchivedRuns key={namespace} {...props} namespace={namespace} />; }; export default EnhancedArchivedRuns;
/* * Copyright 2018-2019 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { Api } from 'src/mlmd/library'; import { render } from '@testing-library/react'; import * as dagre from 'dagre'; import { mount, ReactWrapper, shallow, ShallowWrapper } from 'enzyme'; import { createMemoryHistory } from 'history'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Router } from 'react-router-dom'; import { NamespaceContext } from 'src/lib/KubeflowClient'; import { Workflow } from 'third_party/argo-ui/argo_template'; import { ApiResourceType, ApiRunDetail, ApiRunStorageState } from 'src/apis/run'; import { QUERY_PARAMS, RoutePage, RouteParams } from 'src/components/Router'; import { PlotType } from 'src/components/viewers/Viewer'; import { Apis, JSONObject } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { ButtonKeys } from 'src/lib/Buttons'; import * as MlmdUtils from 'src/mlmd/MlmdUtils'; import { OutputArtifactLoader } from 'src/lib/OutputArtifactLoader'; import { NodePhase } from 'src/lib/StatusUtils'; import * as Utils from 'src/lib/Utils'; import WorkflowParser from 'src/lib/WorkflowParser'; import TestUtils, { testBestPractices } from 'src/TestUtils'; import { PageProps } from './Page'; import EnhancedRunDetails, { RunDetailsInternalProps, SidePanelTab, TEST_ONLY } from './RunDetails'; import { Context, Execution, Value } from 'src/third_party/mlmd'; import { KfpExecutionProperties } from 'src/mlmd/MlmdUtils'; const RunDetails = TEST_ONLY.RunDetails; jest.mock('src/components/Graph', () => { return function GraphMock({ graph }: { graph: dagre.graphlib.Graph }) { return ( <pre data-testid='graph'> {graph .nodes() .map(v => 'Node ' + v) .join('\n ')} {graph .edges() .map(e => `Edge ${e.v} to ${e.w}`) .join('\n ')} </pre> ); }; }); const STEP_TABS = { INPUT_OUTPUT: SidePanelTab.INPUT_OUTPUT, VISUALIZATIONS: SidePanelTab.VISUALIZATIONS, TASK_DETAILS: SidePanelTab.TASK_DETAILS, VOLUMES: SidePanelTab.VOLUMES, LOGS: SidePanelTab.LOGS, POD: SidePanelTab.POD, EVENTS: SidePanelTab.EVENTS, ML_METADATA: SidePanelTab.ML_METADATA, MANIFEST: SidePanelTab.MANIFEST, }; const WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE = { metadata: { name: 'workflow1', }, }; const NODE_DETAILS_SELECTOR = '[data-testid="run-details-node-details"]'; interface CustomProps { param_exeuction_id?: string; } testBestPractices(); describe('RunDetails', () => { let updateBannerSpy: any; let updateDialogSpy: any; let updateSnackbarSpy: any; let updateToolbarSpy: any; let historyPushSpy: any; let getRunSpy: any; let getExperimentSpy: any; let isCustomVisualizationsAllowedSpy: any; let getPodLogsSpy: any; let getPodInfoSpy: any; let pathsParser: any; let pathsWithStepsParser: any; let loaderSpy: any; let retryRunSpy: any; let terminateRunSpy: any; let artifactTypesSpy: any; let formatDateStringSpy: any; let getRunContextSpy: any; let getExecutionsFromContextSpy: any; let warnSpy: any; let testRun: ApiRunDetail = {}; let tree: ShallowWrapper | ReactWrapper; function generateProps(customProps?: CustomProps): RunDetailsInternalProps & PageProps { const pageProps: PageProps = { history: { push: historyPushSpy } as any, location: '' as any, match: { params: { [RouteParams.runId]:!.id, [RouteParams.executionId]: customProps?.param_exeuction_id, }, isExact: true, path: '', url: '', }, toolbarProps: { actions: {}, breadcrumbs: [], pageTitle: '' }, updateBanner: updateBannerSpy, updateDialog: updateDialogSpy, updateSnackbar: updateSnackbarSpy, updateToolbar: updateToolbarSpy, }; return Object.assign(pageProps, { toolbarProps: new RunDetails(pageProps).getInitialToolbarState(), gkeMetadata: {}, }); } beforeEach(() => { // The RunDetails page uses timers to periodically refresh jest.useFakeTimers('legacy'); // TODO: mute error only for tests that are expected to have error jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => null); testRun = { pipeline_runtime: { workflow_manifest: '{}', }, run: { created_at: new Date(2018, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2), description: 'test run description', id: 'test-run-id', name: 'test run', pipeline_spec: { parameters: [{ name: 'param1', value: 'value1' }], pipeline_id: 'some-pipeline-id', }, status: 'Succeeded', }, }; updateBannerSpy = jest.fn(); updateDialogSpy = jest.fn(); updateSnackbarSpy = jest.fn(); updateToolbarSpy = jest.fn(); historyPushSpy = jest.fn(); getRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApi, 'getRun'); getExperimentSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.experimentServiceApi, 'getExperiment'); isCustomVisualizationsAllowedSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis, 'areCustomVisualizationsAllowed'); getPodLogsSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis, 'getPodLogs'); getPodInfoSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis, 'getPodInfo'); pathsParser = jest.spyOn(WorkflowParser, 'loadNodeOutputPaths'); pathsWithStepsParser = jest.spyOn(WorkflowParser, 'loadAllOutputPathsWithStepNames'); loaderSpy = jest.spyOn(OutputArtifactLoader, 'load'); retryRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'retryRun'); terminateRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'terminateRun'); artifactTypesSpy = jest.spyOn(Api.getInstance().metadataStoreService, 'getArtifactTypes'); // We mock this because it uses toLocaleDateString, which causes mismatches between local and CI // test environments formatDateStringSpy = jest.spyOn(Utils, 'formatDateString'); getRunContextSpy = jest.spyOn(MlmdUtils, 'getRunContext').mockImplementation(() => { throw new Error('cannot find run context'); }); getExecutionsFromContextSpy = jest.spyOn(MlmdUtils, 'getExecutionsFromContext'); // Hide expected warning messages warnSpy = jest.spyOn(Utils.logger, 'warn').mockImplementation(); getRunSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(testRun)); getExperimentSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ id: 'some-experiment-id', name: 'some experiment' }), ); isCustomVisualizationsAllowedSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(false)); getPodLogsSpy.mockImplementation(() => 'test logs'); getPodInfoSpy.mockImplementation(() => ({ data: 'some data' } as JSONObject)); pathsParser.mockImplementation(() => []); pathsWithStepsParser.mockImplementation(() => []); loaderSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve([])); formatDateStringSpy.mockImplementation(() => '1/2/2019, 12:34:56 PM'); artifactTypesSpy.mockImplementation(() => { // TODO: This is temporary workaround to let tfx artifact resolving logic fail early. // We should add proper testing for those cases later too. const response = new GetArtifactTypesResponse(); response.setArtifactTypesList([]); return response; }); }); afterEach(async () => { if (tree && tree.exists()) { // unmount() should be called before resetAllMocks() in case any part of the unmount life cycle // depends on mocks/spies await tree.unmount(); } jest.resetAllMocks(); jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); it('shows success run status in page title', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); const lastCall = updateToolbarSpy.mock.calls[2][0]; expect(lastCall.pageTitle).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('shows failure run status in page title', async () => {!.status = 'Failed'; tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); const lastCall = updateToolbarSpy.mock.calls[2][0]; expect(lastCall.pageTitle).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('has a clone button, clicking it navigates to new run page', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); const instance = tree.instance() as RunDetails; const cloneBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.CLONE_RUN]; expect(cloneBtn).toBeDefined(); await cloneBtn!.action(); expect(historyPushSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(historyPushSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( RoutePage.NEW_RUN + `?${QUERY_PARAMS.cloneFromRun}=${!.id}`, ); }); it('clicking the clone button when the page is half-loaded navigates to new run page with run id', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); // Intentionally don't wait until all network requests finish. const instance = tree.instance() as RunDetails; const cloneBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.CLONE_RUN]; expect(cloneBtn).toBeDefined(); await cloneBtn!.action(); expect(historyPushSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(historyPushSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( RoutePage.NEW_RUN + `?${QUERY_PARAMS.cloneFromRun}=${!.id}`, ); }); it('has a retry button', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); const instance = tree.instance() as RunDetails; const retryBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.RETRY]; expect(retryBtn).toBeDefined(); }); it('shows retry confirmation dialog when retry button is clicked', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); const instance = tree.instance() as RunDetails; const retryBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.RETRY]; await retryBtn!.action(); expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ title: 'Retry this run?', }), ); }); it('does not call retry API for selected run when retry dialog is canceled', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); const instance = tree.instance() as RunDetails; const retryBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.RETRY]; await retryBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const cancelBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Cancel'); await cancelBtn.onClick(); expect(retryRunSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('calls retry API when retry dialog is confirmed', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); const instance = tree.instance() as RunDetails; const retryBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.RETRY]; await retryBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const confirmBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Retry'); await confirmBtn.onClick(); expect(retryRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(retryRunSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(!.id); }); it('calls retry API when retry dialog is confirmed and page is half-loaded', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); // Intentionally don't wait until all network requests finish. const instance = tree.instance() as RunDetails; const retryBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.RETRY]; await retryBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const confirmBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Retry'); await confirmBtn.onClick(); expect(retryRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(retryRunSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(!.id); }); it('shows an error dialog when retry API fails', async () => { retryRunSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.reject('mocked error')); tree = mount(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); const instance = tree.instance() as RunDetails; const retryBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.RETRY]; await retryBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const confirmBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Retry'); await confirmBtn.onClick(); expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ content: 'Failed to retry run: test-run-id with error: ""mocked error""', }), ); // There shouldn't be a snackbar on error. expect(updateSnackbarSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('has a terminate button', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); const instance = tree.instance() as RunDetails; const terminateBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.TERMINATE_RUN]; expect(terminateBtn).toBeDefined(); }); it('shows terminate confirmation dialog when terminate button is clicked', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); const instance = tree.instance() as RunDetails; const terminateBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.TERMINATE_RUN]; await terminateBtn!.action(); expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ title: 'Terminate this run?', }), ); }); it('does not call terminate API for selected run when terminate dialog is canceled', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); const instance = tree.instance() as RunDetails; const terminateBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.TERMINATE_RUN]; await terminateBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const cancelBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Cancel'); await cancelBtn.onClick(); expect(terminateRunSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('calls terminate API when terminate dialog is confirmed', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); const instance = tree.instance() as RunDetails; const terminateBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.TERMINATE_RUN]; await terminateBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const confirmBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Terminate'); await confirmBtn.onClick(); expect(terminateRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(terminateRunSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(!.id); }); it('calls terminate API when terminate dialog is confirmed and page is half-loaded', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); // Intentionally don't wait until all network requests finish. const instance = tree.instance() as RunDetails; const terminateBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.TERMINATE_RUN]; await terminateBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const confirmBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Terminate'); await confirmBtn.onClick(); expect(terminateRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(terminateRunSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(!.id); }); it('has an Archive button if the run is not archived', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(TestUtils.getToolbarButton(updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.ARCHIVE)).toBeDefined(); expect(TestUtils.getToolbarButton(updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.RESTORE)).toBeUndefined(); }); it('shows "All runs" in breadcrumbs if the run is not archived', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ breadcrumbs: [{ displayName: 'All runs', href: RoutePage.RUNS }], }), ); }); it('shows experiment name in breadcrumbs if the run is not archived', async () => {!.resource_references = [ { key: { id: 'some-experiment-id', type: ApiResourceType.EXPERIMENT } }, ]; tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ breadcrumbs: [ { displayName: 'Experiments', href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS }, { displayName: 'some experiment', href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENT_DETAILS.replace( ':' + RouteParams.experimentId, 'some-experiment-id', ), }, ], }), ); }); it('has a Restore button if the run is archived', async () => {!.storage_state = ApiRunStorageState.ARCHIVED; tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(TestUtils.getToolbarButton(updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.RESTORE)).toBeDefined(); expect(TestUtils.getToolbarButton(updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.ARCHIVE)).toBeUndefined(); }); it('shows Archive in breadcrumbs if the run is archived', async () => {!.storage_state = ApiRunStorageState.ARCHIVED; tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ breadcrumbs: [{ displayName: 'Archive', href: RoutePage.ARCHIVED_RUNS }], }), ); }); it('renders an empty run', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('calls the get run API once to load it', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(getRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(getRunSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(!.id); }); it('shows an error banner if get run API fails', async () => { TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(getRunSpy, 'woops'); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); // Once initially to clear expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ additionalInfo: 'woops', message: 'Error: failed to retrieve run: ' +!.id + '. Click Details for more information.', mode: 'error', }), ); }); it('shows an error banner if get experiment API fails', async () => {!.resource_references = [ { key: { id: 'experiment1', type: ApiResourceType.EXPERIMENT } }, ]; TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(getExperimentSpy, 'woops'); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); // Once initially to clear expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ additionalInfo: 'woops', message: 'Error: failed to retrieve run: ' +!.id + '. Click Details for more information.', mode: 'error', }), ); }); it('calls the get experiment API once to load it if the run has its reference', async () => {!.resource_references = [ { key: { id: 'experiment1', type: ApiResourceType.EXPERIMENT } }, ]; tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(getRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(getRunSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(!.id); expect(getExperimentSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(getExperimentSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('experiment1'); }); it('shows workflow errors as page error', async () => { jest .spyOn(WorkflowParser, 'getWorkflowError') .mockImplementationOnce(() => 'some error message'); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); // Once to clear on init, once for error expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ additionalInfo: 'some error message', message: 'Error: found errors when executing run: ' +!.id + '. Click Details for more information.', mode: 'error', }), ); }); it('switches to run output tab, shows empty message', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); tree.find('MD2Tabs').simulate('switch', 1); expect(tree.state('selectedTab')).toBe(1); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("loads the run's outputs in the output tab", async () => { pathsWithStepsParser.mockImplementation(() => [ { stepName: 'step1', path: { source: 'gcs', bucket: 'somebucket', key: 'somekey' } }, ]); pathsParser.mockImplementation(() => [{ source: 'gcs', bucket: 'somebucket', key: 'somekey' }]); loaderSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve([{ type: PlotType.TENSORBOARD, url: 'some url' }]), ); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); tree.find('MD2Tabs').simulate('switch', 1); expect(tree.state('selectedTab')).toBe(1); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('switches to config tab', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); tree.find('MD2Tabs').simulate('switch', 2); expect(tree.state('selectedTab')).toBe(2); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('shows run config fields', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ metadata: { name: 'wf1', creationTimestamp: new Date(2018, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2).toISOString(), }, spec: { arguments: { parameters: [ { name: 'param1', value: 'value1', }, { name: 'param2', value: 'value2', }, ], }, }, status: { finishedAt: new Date(2018, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3).toISOString(), phase: 'Skipped', startedAt: new Date(2018, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2).toISOString(), }, } as Workflow); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); tree.find('MD2Tabs').simulate('switch', 2); expect(tree.state('selectedTab')).toBe(2); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('shows run config fields - handles no description', async () => { delete!.description; testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ metadata: { creationTimestamp: new Date(2018, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2).toISOString(), }, status: { finishedAt: new Date(2018, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3).toISOString(), phase: 'Skipped', startedAt: new Date(2018, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2).toISOString(), }, } as Workflow); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); tree.find('MD2Tabs').simulate('switch', 2); expect(tree.state('selectedTab')).toBe(2); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('shows run config fields - handles no metadata', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ status: { finishedAt: new Date(2018, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3).toISOString(), phase: 'Skipped', startedAt: new Date(2018, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2).toISOString(), }, } as Workflow); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); tree.find('MD2Tabs').simulate('switch', 2); expect(tree.state('selectedTab')).toBe(2); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('shows a one-node graph', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ ...WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE, metadata: { name: 'workflow1' }, status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1' } } }, }); const { getByTestId } = render(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(getByTestId('graph')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <pre data-testid="graph" > Node node1 Node node1-running-placeholder Edge node1 to node1-running-placeholder </pre> `); }); it('shows a one-node compressed workflow graph', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ ...WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE, status: { compressedNodes: 'H4sIAAAAAAACE6tWystPSTVUslKoVspMAVJQfm0tAEBEv1kaAAAA' }, }); const { getByTestId } = render(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); jest.useRealTimers(); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500)); jest.useFakeTimers('legacy'); expect(getByTestId('graph')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <pre data-testid="graph" > Node node1 Node node1-running-placeholder Edge node1 to node1-running-placeholder </pre> `); }); it('shows a empty workflow graph if compressedNodes corrupt', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ ...WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE, status: { compressedNodes: 'Y29ycnVwdF9kYXRh' }, }); const { queryAllByTestId } = render(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); jest.useRealTimers(); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500)); jest.useFakeTimers('legacy'); expect(queryAllByTestId('graph')).toEqual([]); }); it('opens side panel when graph node is clicked', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ metadata: { name: 'workflow1' }, status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1' } } }, }); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); expect(tree.state('selectedNodeDetails')).toHaveProperty('id', 'node1'); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('opens side panel when valid execution id in router parameter', async () => { // Arrange testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ metadata: { name: 'workflow1' }, status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1' } } }, }); const execution = new Execution(); const nodePodName = new Value(); nodePodName.setStringValue('node1'); execution .setId(1) .getCustomPropertiesMap() .set(KfpExecutionProperties.POD_NAME, nodePodName); getRunContextSpy.mockResolvedValue(new Context()); getExecutionsFromContextSpy.mockResolvedValue([execution]); // Act tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps({ param_exeuction_id: '1' })} />); await getRunSpy; await getRunContextSpy; await getExecutionsFromContextSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); // Assert expect(tree.state('selectedNodeDetails')).toHaveProperty('id', 'node1'); expect(tree.find('MD2Tabs').length).toEqual(2); // Both Page Tab bar and Side Panel exist, }); it('shows clicked node message in side panel', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ metadata: { name: 'workflow1' }, status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1', message: 'some test message', phase: 'Succeeded', }, }, }, }); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); expect(tree.state('selectedNodeDetails')).toHaveProperty( 'phaseMessage', 'This step is in ' +!.status + ' state with this message: some test message', ); expect(tree.find('Banner')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <Banner message="This step is in Succeeded state with this message: some test message" mode="info" /> `); }); it('shows clicked node output in side pane', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ metadata: { name: 'workflow1' }, status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1' } } }, }); pathsWithStepsParser.mockImplementation(() => [ { stepName: 'step1', path: { source: 'gcs', bucket: 'somebucket', key: 'somekey' } }, ]); pathsParser.mockImplementation(() => [{ source: 'gcs', bucket: 'somebucket', key: 'somekey' }]); loaderSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve([{ type: PlotType.TENSORBOARD, url: 'some url' }]), ); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); await pathsParser; await pathsWithStepsParser; await loaderSpy; await artifactTypesSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); // TODO: fix this test and write additional tests for the ArtifactTabContent component. // expect(pathsWithStepsParser).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); // Loading output list // expect(pathsParser).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); // expect(pathsParser).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({ id: 'node1' }); // expect(loaderSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); // expect(loaderSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({ // bucket: 'somebucket', // key: 'somekey', // source: 'gcs', // }); // expect(tree.state('selectedNodeDetails')).toMatchObject({ id: 'node1' }); // expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('switches to inputs/outputs tab in side pane', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ metadata: { name: 'workflow1' }, status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', templateName: 'template1', inputs: { parameters: [{ name: 'input1', value: 'val1' }], }, name: 'node1', outputs: { parameters: [ { name: 'output1', value: 'val1' }, { name: 'output2', value: 'value2' }, ], }, phase: 'Succeeded', }, }, }, }); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); tree .find('MD2Tabs') .at(1) .simulate('switch', STEP_TABS.INPUT_OUTPUT); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.state('sidepanelSelectedTab')).toEqual(STEP_TABS.INPUT_OUTPUT); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('switches to volumes tab in side pane', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ metadata: { name: 'workflow1' }, status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1' } } }, }); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); tree .find('MD2Tabs') .at(1) .simulate('switch', STEP_TABS.VOLUMES); expect(tree.state('sidepanelSelectedTab')).toEqual(STEP_TABS.VOLUMES); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('switches to manifest tab in side pane', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ metadata: { name: 'workflow1' }, status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1' } } }, }); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); tree .find('MD2Tabs') .at(1) .simulate('switch', STEP_TABS.MANIFEST); expect(tree.state('sidepanelSelectedTab')).toEqual(STEP_TABS.MANIFEST); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('closes side panel when close button is clicked', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ metadata: { name: 'workflow1' }, status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1' } } }, }); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.state('selectedNodeDetails')).toHaveProperty('id', 'node1'); tree.find('SidePanel').simulate('close'); expect(tree.state('selectedNodeDetails')).toBeNull(); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('keeps side pane open and on same tab when page is refreshed', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ metadata: { name: 'workflow1' }, status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1' } } }, }); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); tree .find('MD2Tabs') .at(1) .simulate('switch', STEP_TABS.LOGS); expect(tree.state('selectedNodeDetails')).toHaveProperty('id', 'node1'); expect(tree.state('sidepanelSelectedTab')).toEqual(STEP_TABS.LOGS); await (tree.instance() as RunDetails).refresh(); expect(getRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(tree.state('selectedNodeDetails')).toHaveProperty('id', 'node1'); expect(tree.state('sidepanelSelectedTab')).toEqual(STEP_TABS.LOGS); }); it('keeps side pane open and on same tab when more nodes are added after refresh', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ metadata: { name: 'workflow1' }, status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1' }, node2: { id: 'node2', name: 'node2', templateName: 'template2' }, }, }, }); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); tree .find('MD2Tabs') .at(1) .simulate('switch', STEP_TABS.LOGS); expect(tree.state('selectedNodeDetails')).toHaveProperty('id', 'node1'); expect(tree.state('sidepanelSelectedTab')).toEqual(STEP_TABS.LOGS); await (tree.instance() as RunDetails).refresh(); expect(getRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(tree.state('selectedNodeDetails')).toHaveProperty('id', 'node1'); expect(tree.state('sidepanelSelectedTab')).toEqual(STEP_TABS.LOGS); }); it('keeps side pane open and on same tab when run status changes, shows new status', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ metadata: { name: 'workflow1' }, status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1' } } }, }); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); tree .find('MD2Tabs') .at(1) .simulate('switch', STEP_TABS.LOGS); expect(tree.state('selectedNodeDetails')).toHaveProperty('id', 'node1'); expect(tree.state('sidepanelSelectedTab')).toEqual(STEP_TABS.LOGS); expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); const thirdCall = updateToolbarSpy.mock.calls[2][0]; expect(thirdCall.pageTitle).toMatchSnapshot();!.status = 'Failed'; await (tree.instance() as RunDetails).refresh(); const fourthCall = updateToolbarSpy.mock.calls[3][0]; expect(fourthCall.pageTitle).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('shows node message banner if node receives message after refresh', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ metadata: { name: 'workflow1' }, status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', phase: 'Succeeded', message: '' } } }, }); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); tree .find('MD2Tabs') .at(1) .simulate('switch', STEP_TABS.LOGS); expect(tree.state('selectedNodeDetails')).toHaveProperty('phaseMessage', undefined); testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1', phase: 'Succeeded', message: 'some node message', }, }, }, }); await (tree.instance() as RunDetails).refresh(); expect(tree.state('selectedNodeDetails')).toHaveProperty( 'phaseMessage', 'This step is in Succeeded state with this message: some node message', ); }); it('dismisses node message banner if node loses message after refresh', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ metadata: { name: 'workflow1' }, status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1', phase: 'Succeeded', message: 'some node message', }, }, }, }); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); tree .find('MD2Tabs') .at(1) .simulate('switch', STEP_TABS.LOGS); expect(tree.state('selectedNodeDetails')).toHaveProperty( 'phaseMessage', 'This step is in Succeeded state with this message: some node message', ); testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ metadata: { name: 'workflow1' }, status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1' } } }, }); await (tree.instance() as RunDetails).refresh(); expect(tree.state('selectedNodeDetails')).toHaveProperty('phaseMessage', undefined); }); [NodePhase.RUNNING, NodePhase.PENDING, NodePhase.UNKNOWN].forEach(unfinishedStatus => { it(`displays a spinner if graph is not defined and run has status: ${unfinishedStatus}`, async () => { const unfinishedRun = { pipeline_runtime: { // No graph workflow_manifest: '{}', }, run: { id: 'test-run-id', name: 'test run', status: unfinishedStatus, }, }; getRunSpy.mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.resolve(unfinishedRun)); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); [NodePhase.ERROR, NodePhase.FAILED, NodePhase.SUCCEEDED, NodePhase.SKIPPED].forEach( finishedStatus => { it(`displays a message indicating there is no graph if graph is not defined and run has status: ${finishedStatus}`, async () => { const unfinishedRun = { pipeline_runtime: { // No graph workflow_manifest: '{}', }, run: { id: 'test-run-id', name: 'test run', status: finishedStatus, }, }; getRunSpy.mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.resolve(unfinishedRun)); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }, ); it('shows an error banner if the custom visualizations state API fails', async () => { TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(isCustomVisualizationsAllowedSpy, 'woops'); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await isCustomVisualizationsAllowedSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); // Once initially to clear expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ additionalInfo: 'woops', message: 'Error: Unable to enable custom visualizations. Click Details for more information.', mode: 'error', }), ); }); describe('logs tab', () => { it('switches to logs tab in side pane', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1' } } }, metadata: { namespace: 'ns', name: 'workflow1' }, }); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); tree .find('MD2Tabs') .at(1) .simulate('switch', STEP_TABS.LOGS); expect(tree.state('sidepanelSelectedTab')).toEqual(STEP_TABS.LOGS); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('loads and shows logs in side pane', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1', phase: 'Running', }, }, }, metadata: { namespace: 'ns', name: 'workflow1' }, }); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); tree .find('MD2Tabs') .at(1) .simulate('switch', STEP_TABS.LOGS); await getPodLogsSpy; expect(getPodLogsSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(getPodLogsSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( 'test-run-id', 'workflow1-template1-node1', 'ns', '', ); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('shows stackdriver link next to logs in GKE', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1', phase: 'Succeeded' }, }, }, metadata: { namespace: 'ns', name: 'workflow1' }, }); tree = shallow( <RunDetails {...generateProps()} gkeMetadata={{ projectId: 'test-project-id', clusterName: 'test-cluster-name' }} />, ); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); tree .find('MD2Tabs') .at(1) .simulate('switch', STEP_TABS.LOGS); await getPodLogsSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.find(NODE_DETAILS_SELECTOR)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div className="page" data-testid="run-details-node-details" > <div className="page" > <div className="" > Logs can also be viewed in <a className="link unstyled" href="\\"k8s_container\\"%0Aresource.labels.cluster_name:\\"test-cluster-name\\"%0Aresource.labels.pod_name:\\"node1\\"" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" > Stackdriver Kubernetes Monitoring </a> . </div> <div className="pageOverflowHidden" > <LogViewer logLines={ Array [ "test logs", ] } /> </div> </div> </div> `); }); it("loads logs in run's namespace", async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ metadata: { namespace: 'username', name: 'workflow1' }, status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1', phase: 'Succeeded' }, }, }, }); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); tree .find('MD2Tabs') .at(1) .simulate('switch', STEP_TABS.LOGS); await getPodLogsSpy; expect(getPodLogsSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(getPodLogsSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( 'test-run-id', 'workflow1-template1-node1', 'username', '', ); }); it('shows warning banner and link to Stackdriver in logs area if fetching logs failed and cluster is in GKE', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1', phase: 'Failed' }, }, }, metadata: { namespace: 'ns', name: 'workflow1' }, }); TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(getPodLogsSpy, 'pod not found'); tree = shallow( <RunDetails {...generateProps()} gkeMetadata={{ projectId: 'test-project-id', clusterName: 'test-cluster-name' }} />, ); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); tree .find('MD2Tabs') .at(1) .simulate('switch', STEP_TABS.LOGS); await getPodLogsSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.find(NODE_DETAILS_SELECTOR)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div className="page" data-testid="run-details-node-details" > <div className="page" > <Banner additionalInfo="Possible reasons include pod garbage collection, cluster autoscaling and pod preemption. Error response: pod not found" message="Failed to retrieve pod logs. Use Stackdriver Kubernetes Monitoring to view them." mode="info" refresh={[Function]} showTroubleshootingGuideLink={false} /> <div className="" > Logs can also be viewed in <a className="link unstyled" href="\\"k8s_container\\"%0Aresource.labels.cluster_name:\\"test-cluster-name\\"%0Aresource.labels.pod_name:\\"node1\\"" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" > Stackdriver Kubernetes Monitoring </a> . </div> </div> </div> `); }); it('shows warning banner without stackdriver link in logs area if fetching logs failed and cluster is not in GKE', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1', phase: 'Failed' }, }, }, metadata: { namespace: 'ns', name: 'workflow1' }, }); TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(getPodLogsSpy, 'pod not found'); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} gkeMetadata={{}} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); tree .find('MD2Tabs') .at(1) .simulate('switch', STEP_TABS.LOGS); await getPodLogsSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.find('[data-testid="run-details-node-details"]')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div className="page" data-testid="run-details-node-details" > <div className="page" > <Banner additionalInfo="Possible reasons include pod garbage collection, cluster autoscaling and pod preemption. Error response: pod not found" message="Failed to retrieve pod logs." mode="info" refresh={[Function]} showTroubleshootingGuideLink={false} /> </div> </div> `); }); it('does not load logs if clicked node status is skipped', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ metadata: { name: 'workflow1' }, status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1', phase: 'Skipped', }, }, }, }); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); tree .find('MD2Tabs') .at(1) .simulate('switch', STEP_TABS.LOGS); await getPodLogsSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(getPodLogsSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(tree.state()).toMatchObject({ logsBannerAdditionalInfo: '', logsBannerMessage: '', }); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('keeps side pane open and on same tab when logs change after refresh', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1', phase: 'Succeeded' }, }, }, metadata: { namespace: 'ns', name: 'workflow1' }, }); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); tree .find('MD2Tabs') .at(1) .simulate('switch', STEP_TABS.LOGS); expect(tree.state('selectedNodeDetails')).toHaveProperty('id', 'node1'); expect(tree.state('sidepanelSelectedTab')).toEqual(STEP_TABS.LOGS); getPodLogsSpy.mockImplementationOnce(() => 'new test logs'); await (tree.instance() as RunDetails).refresh(); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('shows error banner if fetching logs failed not because pod has gone away', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1', phase: 'Succeeded' }, }, }, metadata: { namespace: 'ns', name: 'workflow1' }, }); TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(getPodLogsSpy, 'getting logs failed'); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); tree .find('MD2Tabs') .at(1) .simulate('switch', STEP_TABS.LOGS); await getPodLogsSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.state()).toMatchObject({ logsBannerAdditionalInfo: 'Error response: getting logs failed', logsBannerMessage: 'Failed to retrieve pod logs.', logsBannerMode: 'error', }); }); it('dismisses log failure warning banner when logs can be fetched after refresh', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1', phase: 'Failed' }, }, }, metadata: { namespace: 'ns', name: 'workflow1' }, }); TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(getPodLogsSpy, 'getting logs failed'); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); tree .find('MD2Tabs') .at(1) .simulate('switch', STEP_TABS.LOGS); await getPodLogsSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.state()).toMatchObject({ logsBannerAdditionalInfo: 'Error response: getting logs failed', logsBannerMessage: 'Failed to retrieve pod logs.', logsBannerMode: 'error', });!.status = 'Failed'; await (tree.instance() as RunDetails).refresh(); expect(tree.state()).toMatchObject({ logsBannerAdditionalInfo: '', logsBannerMessage: '', }); }); }); describe('pod tab', () => { it('shows pod info', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1', phase: 'Failed' }, }, }, metadata: { namespace: 'ns', name: 'workflow1' }, }); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); tree .find('MD2Tabs') .at(1) .simulate('switch', STEP_TABS.POD); await getPodInfoSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.find(NODE_DETAILS_SELECTOR)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div className="page" data-testid="run-details-node-details" > <div className="page" > <PodInfo name="workflow1-template1-node1" namespace="ns" /> </div> </div> `); }); it('does not show pod pane if selected node skipped', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1', phase: 'Skipped' }, }, }, metadata: { namespace: 'ns', name: 'workflow1' }, }); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); tree .find('MD2Tabs') .at(1) .simulate('switch', STEP_TABS.POD); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.find(NODE_DETAILS_SELECTOR)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div className="page" data-testid="run-details-node-details" /> `); }); }); describe('task details tab', () => { it('shows node detail info', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1', displayName: 'Task', phase: 'Succeeded', startedAt: '1/19/2021, 4:00:00 PM', finishedAt: '1/19/2021, 4:00:02 PM', }, }, }, metadata: { namespace: 'ns', name: 'workflow1' }, }); tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); clickGraphNode(tree, 'node1'); tree .find('MD2Tabs') .at(1) .simulate('switch', STEP_TABS.TASK_DETAILS); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.find(NODE_DETAILS_SELECTOR)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div className="page" data-testid="run-details-node-details" > <div className="" > <DetailsTable fields={ Array [ Array [ "Task ID", "node1", ], Array [ "Task name", "Task", ], Array [ "Status", "Succeeded", ], Array [ "Started at", "1/2/2019, 12:34:56 PM", ], Array [ "Finished at", "1/2/2019, 12:34:56 PM", ], Array [ "Duration", "0:00:02", ], ] } title="Task Details" /> </div> </div> `); }); }); describe('auto refresh', () => { beforeEach(() => {!.status = NodePhase.PENDING; }); it('starts an interval of 5 seconds to auto refresh the page', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(setInterval).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(setInterval).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.any(Function), 5000); }); it('refreshes after each interval', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); const refreshSpy = jest.spyOn(tree.instance() as RunDetails, 'refresh'); expect(refreshSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); jest.runOnlyPendingTimers(); expect(refreshSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); }, 10000); [NodePhase.ERROR, NodePhase.FAILED, NodePhase.SUCCEEDED, NodePhase.SKIPPED].forEach(status => { it(`sets 'runFinished' to true if run has status: ${status}`, async () => {!.status = status; tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.state('runFinished')).toBe(true); }); }); [NodePhase.PENDING, NodePhase.RUNNING, NodePhase.UNKNOWN].forEach(status => { it(`leaves 'runFinished' false if run has status: ${status}`, async () => {!.status = status; tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.state('runFinished')).toBe(false); }); }); it('pauses auto refreshing if window loses focus', async () => { tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(setInterval).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(clearInterval).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('blur')); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(clearInterval).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('resumes auto refreshing if window loses focus and then regains it', async () => { // Declare that the run has not finished!.status = NodePhase.PENDING; tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.state('runFinished')).toBe(false); expect(setInterval).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(clearInterval).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('blur')); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(clearInterval).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('focus')); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(setInterval).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }); it('does not resume auto refreshing if window loses focus and then regains it but run is finished', async () => { // Declare that the run has finished!.status = NodePhase.SUCCEEDED; tree = shallow(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.state('runFinished')).toBe(true); expect(setInterval).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); expect(clearInterval).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('blur')); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); // We expect 0 calls because the interval was never set, so it doesn't need to be cleared expect(clearInterval).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('focus')); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(setInterval).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }); }); describe('EnhancedRunDetails', () => { it('redirects to experiments page when namespace changes', () => { const history = createMemoryHistory({ initialEntries: ['/does-not-matter'], }); const { rerender } = render( <Router history={history}> <NamespaceContext.Provider value='ns1'> <EnhancedRunDetails {...generateProps()} /> </NamespaceContext.Provider> </Router>, ); expect(history.location.pathname).not.toEqual('/experiments'); rerender( <Router history={history}> <NamespaceContext.Provider value='ns2'> <EnhancedRunDetails {...generateProps()} /> </NamespaceContext.Provider> </Router>, ); expect(history.location.pathname).toEqual('/experiments'); }); it('does not redirect when namespace stays the same', () => { const history = createMemoryHistory({ initialEntries: ['/initial-path'], }); const { rerender } = render( <Router history={history}> <NamespaceContext.Provider value='ns1'> <EnhancedRunDetails {...generateProps()} /> </NamespaceContext.Provider> </Router>, ); expect(history.location.pathname).toEqual('/initial-path'); rerender( <Router history={history}> <NamespaceContext.Provider value='ns1'> <EnhancedRunDetails {...generateProps()} /> </NamespaceContext.Provider> </Router>, ); expect(history.location.pathname).toEqual('/initial-path'); }); it('does not redirect when namespace initializes', () => { const history = createMemoryHistory({ initialEntries: ['/initial-path'], }); const { rerender } = render( <Router history={history}> <NamespaceContext.Provider value={undefined}> <EnhancedRunDetails {...generateProps()} /> </NamespaceContext.Provider> </Router>, ); expect(history.location.pathname).toEqual('/initial-path'); rerender( <Router history={history}> <NamespaceContext.Provider value='ns1'> <EnhancedRunDetails {...generateProps()} /> </NamespaceContext.Provider> </Router>, ); expect(history.location.pathname).toEqual('/initial-path'); }); }); describe('ReducedGraphSwitch', () => { it('shows a simplified graph', async () => { testRun.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest = JSON.stringify({ ...WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE, metadata: { name: 'workflow1' }, status: { nodes: { node1: { id: 'node1', name: 'node1', templateName: 'template1', children: ['node2', 'node3'], }, node2: { id: 'node2', name: 'node2', templateName: 'template2', children: ['node3'] }, node3: { id: 'node3', name: 'node3', templateName: 'template3' }, }, }, }); const tree = render(<RunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await getRunSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.getByTestId('graph')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <pre data-testid="graph" > Node node1 Node node1-running-placeholder Node node2 Node node2-running-placeholder Node node3 Node node3-running-placeholder Edge node1 to node1-running-placeholder Edge node2 to node2-running-placeholder Edge node3 to node3-running-placeholder Edge node1 to node2 Edge node1 to node3 Edge node2 to node3 </pre> `); // Simplify graph tree.getByLabelText('Simplify Graph').click(); expect(tree.getByTestId('graph')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <pre data-testid="graph" > Node node1 Node node1-running-placeholder Node node2 Node node2-running-placeholder Node node3 Node node3-running-placeholder Edge node1 to node1-running-placeholder Edge node2 to node2-running-placeholder Edge node3 to node3-running-placeholder Edge node1 to node2 Edge node2 to node3 </pre> `); }); }); }); function clickGraphNode(wrapper: ShallowWrapper, nodeId: string) { // TODO: use dom events instead wrapper.find('GraphMock').simulate('click', nodeId); }
/* * Copyright 2020 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import Buttons from '../lib/Buttons'; import ExperimentList from '../components/ExperimentList'; import { Page, PageProps } from './Page'; import { V2beta1ExperimentStorageState } from 'src/apisv2beta1/experiment'; import { ToolbarProps } from '../components/Toolbar'; import { classes } from 'typestyle'; import { commonCss, padding } from '../Css'; import { NamespaceContext } from 'src/lib/KubeflowClient'; interface ArchivedExperimentsProp { namespace?: string; } interface ArchivedExperimentsState {} export class ArchivedExperiments extends Page<ArchivedExperimentsProp, ArchivedExperimentsState> { private _experimentlistRef = React.createRef<ExperimentList>(); public getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps { const buttons = new Buttons(this.props, this.refresh.bind(this)); return { actions: buttons.refresh(this.refresh.bind(this)).getToolbarActionMap(), breadcrumbs: [], pageTitle: 'Experiments', }; } public render(): JSX.Element { return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 'lr'))}> <ExperimentList onError={this.showPageError.bind(this)} ref={this._experimentlistRef} storageState={V2beta1ExperimentStorageState.ARCHIVED} {...this.props} /> </div> ); } public async refresh(): Promise<void> { // Tell run list to refresh if (this._experimentlistRef.current) { this.clearBanner(); await this._experimentlistRef.current.refresh(); } } } const EnhancedArchivedExperiments = (props: PageProps) => { const namespace = React.useContext(NamespaceContext); return <ArchivedExperiments key={namespace} {...props} namespace={namespace} />; }; export default EnhancedArchivedExperiments;
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import Buttons, { ButtonKeys } from 'src/lib/Buttons'; import DetailsTable from 'src/components/DetailsTable'; import RunUtils from 'src/lib/RunUtils'; import { ApiExperiment } from 'src/apis/experiment'; import { ApiJob } from 'src/apis/job'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { Page } from './Page'; import { RoutePage, RouteParams } from 'src/components/Router'; import { Breadcrumb, ToolbarProps } from 'src/components/Toolbar'; import { classes } from 'typestyle'; import { commonCss, padding } from 'src/Css'; import { KeyValue } from 'src/lib/StaticGraphParser'; import { formatDateString, enabledDisplayString, errorToMessage } from 'src/lib/Utils'; import { triggerDisplayString } from 'src/lib/TriggerUtils'; interface RecurringRunConfigState { run: ApiJob | null; } class RecurringRunDetails extends Page<{}, RecurringRunConfigState> { constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.state = { run: null, }; } public getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps { const buttons = new Buttons(this.props, this.refresh.bind(this)); return { actions: buttons .cloneRecurringRun(() => ( ? [!] : []), true) .refresh(this.refresh.bind(this)) .enableRecurringRun(() => ( ?! : '')) .disableRecurringRun(() => ( ?! : '')) .delete( () => ( ? [!.id!] : []), 'recurring run config', this._deleteCallback.bind(this), true /* useCurrentResource */, ) .getToolbarActionMap(), breadcrumbs: [], pageTitle: '', }; } public render(): JSX.Element { const { run } = this.state; let runDetails: Array<KeyValue<string>> = []; let inputParameters: Array<KeyValue<string>> = []; let triggerDetails: Array<KeyValue<string>> = []; if (run && run.pipeline_spec) { runDetails = [ ['Description', run.description!], ['Created at', formatDateString(run.created_at)], ]; inputParameters = (run.pipeline_spec.parameters || []).map(p => [ || '', p.value || '', ]); if (run.trigger) { triggerDetails = [ ['Enabled', enabledDisplayString(run.trigger, run.enabled!)], ['Trigger', triggerDisplayString(run.trigger)], ]; if (run.max_concurrency) { triggerDetails.push(['Max. concurrent runs', run.max_concurrency]); } triggerDetails.push(['Catchup', `${!run.no_catchup}`]); if (run.trigger.cron_schedule && run.trigger.cron_schedule.start_time) { triggerDetails.push([ 'Start time', formatDateString(run.trigger.cron_schedule.start_time), ]); } else if (run.trigger.periodic_schedule && run.trigger.periodic_schedule.start_time) { triggerDetails.push([ 'Start time', formatDateString(run.trigger.periodic_schedule.start_time), ]); } if (run.trigger.cron_schedule && run.trigger.cron_schedule.end_time) { triggerDetails.push(['End time', formatDateString(run.trigger.cron_schedule.end_time)]); } else if (run.trigger.periodic_schedule && run.trigger.periodic_schedule.end_time) { triggerDetails.push([ 'End time', formatDateString(run.trigger.periodic_schedule.end_time), ]); } } } return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 'lr'))}> {run && ( <div className={}> <DetailsTable title='Recurring run details' fields={runDetails} /> {!!triggerDetails.length && ( <DetailsTable title='Run trigger' fields={triggerDetails} /> )} {!!inputParameters.length && ( <DetailsTable title='Run parameters' fields={inputParameters} /> )} </div> )} </div> ); } public componentDidMount(): Promise<void> { return this.load(); } public async refresh(): Promise<void> { await this.load(); } public async load(): Promise<void> { this.clearBanner(); const runId = this.props.match.params[RouteParams.recurringRunId]; let run: ApiJob; try { run = await Apis.jobServiceApi.getJob(runId); } catch (err) { const errorMessage = await errorToMessage(err); await this.showPageError( `Error: failed to retrieve recurring run: ${runId}.`, new Error(errorMessage), ); return; } const relatedExperimentId = RunUtils.getFirstExperimentReferenceId(run); let experiment: ApiExperiment | undefined; if (relatedExperimentId) { try { experiment = await Apis.experimentServiceApi.getExperiment(relatedExperimentId); } catch (err) { const errorMessage = await errorToMessage(err); await this.showPageError( `Error: failed to retrieve this recurring run's experiment.`, new Error(errorMessage), 'warning', ); } } const breadcrumbs: Breadcrumb[] = []; if (experiment) { breadcrumbs.push( { displayName: 'Experiments', href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS }, { displayName:!, href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENT_DETAILS.replace( ':' + RouteParams.experimentId,!, ), }, ); } else { breadcrumbs.push({ displayName: 'All runs', href: RoutePage.RUNS }); } const pageTitle = run ?! : runId; const toolbarActions = this.props.toolbarProps.actions; toolbarActions[ButtonKeys.ENABLE_RECURRING_RUN].disabled = !!run.enabled; toolbarActions[ButtonKeys.DISABLE_RECURRING_RUN].disabled = !run.enabled; this.props.updateToolbar({ actions: toolbarActions, breadcrumbs, pageTitle }); this.setState({ run }); } private _deleteCallback(_: string[], success: boolean): void { if (success) { const breadcrumbs = this.props.toolbarProps.breadcrumbs; const previousPage = breadcrumbs.length ? breadcrumbs[breadcrumbs.length - 1].href : RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS; this.props.history.push(previousPage); } } } export default RecurringRunDetails;
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import AllRunsAndArchive, { AllRunsAndArchiveProps, AllRunsAndArchiveTab, } from './AllRunsAndArchive'; import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; function generateProps(): AllRunsAndArchiveProps { return { history: {} as any, location: '' as any, match: '' as any, toolbarProps: {} as any, updateBanner: () => null, updateDialog: jest.fn(), updateSnackbar: jest.fn(), updateToolbar: () => null, view: AllRunsAndArchiveTab.RUNS, }; } describe('RunsAndArchive', () => { it('renders runs page', () => { expect(shallow(<AllRunsAndArchive {...(generateProps() as any)} />)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders archive page', () => { const props = generateProps(); props.view = AllRunsAndArchiveTab.ARCHIVE; expect(shallow(<AllRunsAndArchive {...(props as any)} />)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('switches to clicked page by pushing to history', () => { const spy = jest.fn(); const props = generateProps(); props.history.push = spy; const tree = shallow(<AllRunsAndArchive {...(props as any)} />); tree.find('MD2Tabs').simulate('switch', 1); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/archive/runs'); tree.find('MD2Tabs').simulate('switch', 0); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/runs'); }); });
/* * Copyright 2019 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { Api, ArtifactProperties, getResourceProperty, LineageResource, LineageView, } from 'src/mlmd/library'; import { ArtifactType, Artifact, GetArtifactsByIDRequest, GetArtifactTypesByIDRequest, } from 'src/third_party/mlmd'; import { CircularProgress } from '@material-ui/core'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom'; import { classes } from 'typestyle'; import MD2Tabs from '../atoms/MD2Tabs'; import { ResourceInfo, ResourceType } from '../components/ResourceInfo'; import { RoutePage, RoutePageFactory, RouteParams } from '../components/Router'; import { ToolbarProps } from '../components/Toolbar'; import { commonCss, padding } from '../Css'; import { logger, serviceErrorToString, titleCase } from '../lib/Utils'; import { Page, PageProps } from './Page'; import { ArtifactHelpers } from 'src/mlmd/MlmdUtils'; export enum ArtifactDetailsTab { OVERVIEW = 0, LINEAGE_EXPLORER = 1, } const LINEAGE_PATH = 'lineage'; const TABS = { [ArtifactDetailsTab.OVERVIEW]: { name: 'Overview' }, [ArtifactDetailsTab.LINEAGE_EXPLORER]: { name: 'Lineage Explorer' }, }; const TAB_NAMES = [ArtifactDetailsTab.OVERVIEW, ArtifactDetailsTab.LINEAGE_EXPLORER].map( tabConfig => TABS[tabConfig].name, ); interface ArtifactDetailsState { artifact?: Artifact; artifactType?: ArtifactType; } class ArtifactDetails extends Page<{}, ArtifactDetailsState> { private get fullTypeName(): string { return this.state.artifactType?.getName() || ''; } private get properTypeName(): string { const parts = this.fullTypeName.split('/'); if (!parts.length) { return ''; } return titleCase(parts[parts.length - 1]); } private get id(): number { return Number(this.props.match.params[RouteParams.ID]); } private static buildResourceDetailsPageRoute( resource: LineageResource, _: string, // typename is no longer used ): string { // HACK: this distinguishes artifact from execution, only artifacts have // the getUri() method. // TODO: switch to use typedResource if (typeof resource['getUri'] === 'function') { return RoutePageFactory.artifactDetails(resource.getId()); } else { return RoutePageFactory.executionDetails(resource.getId()); } } public state: ArtifactDetailsState = {}; private api = Api.getInstance(); public async componentDidMount(): Promise<void> { return this.load(); } public render(): JSX.Element { if (!this.state.artifact) { return ( <div className={}> <CircularProgress className={commonCss.absoluteCenter} /> </div> ); } return ( <div className={classes(}> <Switch> {/* ** This is react-router's nested route feature. ** reference: */} <Route path={this.props.match.path} exact={true}> <> <div className={classes(padding(20, 't'))}> <MD2Tabs tabs={TAB_NAMES} selectedTab={ArtifactDetailsTab.OVERVIEW} onSwitch={this.switchTab} /> </div> <div className={classes(padding(20, 'lr'))}> <ResourceInfo resourceType={ResourceType.ARTIFACT} typeName={this.properTypeName} resource={this.state.artifact} /> </div> </> </Route> <Route path={`${this.props.match.path}/${LINEAGE_PATH}`} exact={true}> <> <div className={classes(padding(20, 't'))}> <MD2Tabs tabs={TAB_NAMES} selectedTab={ArtifactDetailsTab.LINEAGE_EXPLORER} onSwitch={this.switchTab} /> </div> <LineageView target={this.state.artifact} buildResourceDetailsPageRoute={ArtifactDetails.buildResourceDetailsPageRoute} /> </> </Route> </Switch> </div> ); } public getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps { return { actions: {}, breadcrumbs: [{ displayName: 'Artifacts', href: RoutePage.ARTIFACTS }], pageTitle: `Artifact #${}`, }; } public async refresh(): Promise<void> { return this.load(); } private load = async (): Promise<void> => { const request = new GetArtifactsByIDRequest(); request.setArtifactIdsList([Number(]); try { const response = await this.api.metadataStoreService.getArtifactsByID(request); if (response.getArtifactsList().length === 0) { this.showPageError(`No artifact identified by id: ${}`); return; } if (response.getArtifactsList().length > 1) { this.showPageError(`Found multiple artifacts with ID: ${}`); return; } const artifact = response.getArtifactsList()[0]; const typeRequest = new GetArtifactTypesByIDRequest(); typeRequest.setTypeIdsList([artifact.getTypeId()]); const typeResponse = await this.api.metadataStoreService.getArtifactTypesByID(typeRequest); const artifactType = typeResponse.getArtifactTypesList()[0] || undefined; let title = ArtifactHelpers.getName(artifact); const version = getResourceProperty(artifact, ArtifactProperties.VERSION); if (version) { title += ` (version: ${version})`; } this.props.updateToolbar({ pageTitle: title, }); this.setState({ artifact, artifactType }); } catch (err) { this.showPageError(serviceErrorToString(err)); } }; private switchTab = (selectedTab: number) => { switch (selectedTab) { case ArtifactDetailsTab.LINEAGE_EXPLORER: return this.props.history.push(`${this.props.match.url}/${LINEAGE_PATH}`); case ArtifactDetailsTab.OVERVIEW: return this.props.history.push(this.props.match.url); default: logger.error(`Unknown selected tab ${selectedTab}.`); } }; } // This guarantees that each artifact renders a different <ArtifactDetails /> instance. const EnhancedArtifactDetails = (props: PageProps) => { return <ArtifactDetails {...props} key={props.match.params[RouteParams.ID]} />; }; export default EnhancedArtifactDetails;
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import { RouteComponentProps } from 'react-router'; import { ToolbarProps } from '../components/Toolbar'; import { BannerProps } from '../components/Banner'; import { SnackbarProps } from '@material-ui/core/Snackbar'; import { DialogProps } from '../components/Router'; import { errorToMessage } from '../lib/Utils'; export interface PageProps extends RouteComponentProps { toolbarProps: ToolbarProps; updateBanner: (bannerProps: BannerProps) => void; updateDialog: (dialogProps: DialogProps) => void; updateSnackbar: (snackbarProps: SnackbarProps) => void; updateToolbar: (toolbarProps: Partial<ToolbarProps>) => void; } export type PageErrorHandler = ( message: string, error?: Error, mode?: 'error' | 'warning', refresh?: () => Promise<void>, ) => Promise<void>; export abstract class Page<P, S> extends React.Component<P & PageProps, S> { protected _isMounted = true; constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.props.updateToolbar(this.getInitialToolbarState()); } public abstract render(): JSX.Element; public abstract getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps; public abstract refresh(): Promise<void>; public componentWillUnmount(): void { this.clearBanner(); this._isMounted = false; } public componentDidMount(): void { this.clearBanner(); } public clearBanner(): void { if (!this._isMounted) { return; } this.props.updateBanner({}); } public showPageError: PageErrorHandler = async (message, error, mode, refresh): Promise<void> => { const errorMessage = await errorToMessage(error); if (!this._isMounted) { return; } this.props.updateBanner({ additionalInfo: errorMessage ? errorMessage : undefined, message: message + (errorMessage ? ' Click Details for more information.' : ''), mode: mode || 'error', refresh: refresh || this.refresh.bind(this), }); }; public showErrorDialog(title: string, content: string): void { if (!this._isMounted) { return; } this.props.updateDialog({ buttons: [{ text: 'Dismiss' }], content, title, }); } protected setStateSafe(newState: Partial<S>, cb?: () => void): void { if (this._isMounted) { this.setState(newState as any, cb); } } }
/* * Copyright 2022 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import React, { useContext, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { useQuery } from 'react-query'; import { V2beta1Run } from 'src/apisv2beta1/run'; import Separator from 'src/atoms/Separator'; import CollapseButtonSingle from 'src/components/CollapseButtonSingle'; import { QUERY_PARAMS, RoutePage } from 'src/components/Router'; import { commonCss, padding, zIndex } from 'src/Css'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import Buttons from 'src/lib/Buttons'; import { URLParser } from 'src/lib/URLParser'; import { errorToMessage, logger } from 'src/lib/Utils'; import { classes, stylesheet } from 'typestyle'; import { filterLinkedArtifactsByType, getArtifactTypes, getArtifactsFromContext, getEventsByExecutions, getExecutionsFromContext, getKfpV2RunContext, LinkedArtifact, } from 'src/mlmd/MlmdUtils'; import { Artifact, ArtifactType, Event, Execution } from 'src/third_party/mlmd'; import { PageProps } from './Page'; import RunList from './RunList'; import { METRICS_SECTION_NAME, OVERVIEW_SECTION_NAME, PARAMS_SECTION_NAME } from './Compare'; import { SelectedItem } from 'src/components/TwoLevelDropdown'; import MD2Tabs from 'src/atoms/MD2Tabs'; import { ConfidenceMetricsFilter, ConfidenceMetricsSection, } from 'src/components/viewers/MetricsVisualizations'; import CompareTable, { CompareTableProps } from 'src/components/CompareTable'; import { compareCss, ExecutionArtifact, FullArtifactPathMap, getScalarTableProps, getParamsTableProps, getRocCurveId, getValidRocCurveArtifactData, MetricsType, metricsTypeToString, RocCurveColorMap, RunArtifact, RunArtifactData, } from 'src/lib/v2/CompareUtils'; import { NamespaceContext, useNamespaceChangeEvent } from 'src/lib/KubeflowClient'; import { Redirect } from 'react-router-dom'; import MetricsDropdown from 'src/components/viewers/MetricsDropdown'; import CircularProgress from '@material-ui/core/CircularProgress'; import { lineColors } from 'src/components/viewers/ROCCurve'; import Hr from 'src/atoms/Hr'; const css = stylesheet({ outputsRow: { marginLeft: 15, }, outputsOverflow: { overflowX: 'auto', }, }); interface MlmdPackage { executions: Execution[]; artifacts: Artifact[]; events: Event[]; } const metricsTypeToFilter = (metricsType: MetricsType): string => { switch (metricsType) { case MetricsType.SCALAR_METRICS: return 'system.Metrics'; case MetricsType.CONFUSION_MATRIX: return 'system.ClassificationMetrics'; case MetricsType.ROC_CURVE: return 'system.ClassificationMetrics'; case MetricsType.HTML: return 'system.HTML'; case MetricsType.MARKDOWN: return 'system.Markdown'; default: return ''; } }; // Include only the runs and executions which have artifacts of the specified type. function filterRunArtifactsByType( runArtifacts: RunArtifact[], artifactTypes: ArtifactType[], metricsType: MetricsType, ): RunArtifactData { const metricsFilter = metricsTypeToFilter(metricsType); const typeRuns: RunArtifact[] = []; let artifactCount: number = 0; for (const runArtifact of runArtifacts) { const typeExecutions: ExecutionArtifact[] = []; for (const e of runArtifact.executionArtifacts) { let typeArtifacts: LinkedArtifact[] = filterLinkedArtifactsByType( metricsFilter, artifactTypes, e.linkedArtifacts, ); if (metricsType === MetricsType.CONFUSION_MATRIX) { typeArtifacts = typeArtifacts.filter(x => x.artifact.getCustomPropertiesMap().has('confusionMatrix'), ); } else if (metricsType === MetricsType.ROC_CURVE) { typeArtifacts = typeArtifacts.filter(x => x.artifact.getCustomPropertiesMap().has('confidenceMetrics'), ); } if (typeArtifacts.length > 0) { artifactCount += typeArtifacts.length; typeExecutions.push({ execution: e.execution, linkedArtifacts: typeArtifacts, } as ExecutionArtifact); } } if (typeExecutions.length > 0) { typeRuns.push({ run:, executionArtifacts: typeExecutions, } as RunArtifact); } } return { runArtifacts: typeRuns, artifactCount, }; } function getRunArtifacts(runs: V2beta1Run[], mlmdPackages: MlmdPackage[]): RunArtifact[] { return, index) => { const events = => e.getType() === Event.Type.OUTPUT); // Match artifacts to executions. const artifactMap = new Map(); mlmdPackage.artifacts.forEach(artifact => artifactMap.set(artifact.getId(), artifact)); const executionArtifacts = => { const executionEvents = events.filter(e => e.getExecutionId() === execution.getId()); const linkedArtifacts: LinkedArtifact[] = []; for (const event of executionEvents) { const artifactId = event.getArtifactId(); const artifact = artifactMap.get(artifactId); if (artifact) { linkedArtifacts.push({ event, artifact, } as LinkedArtifact); } else { logger.warn(`The artifact with the following ID was not found: ${artifactId}`); } } return { execution, linkedArtifacts, } as ExecutionArtifact; }); return { run: runs[index], executionArtifacts, } as RunArtifact; }); } export interface SelectedArtifact { selectedItem: SelectedItem; linkedArtifact?: LinkedArtifact; } interface CompareTableSectionParams { isLoading?: boolean; compareTableProps?: CompareTableProps; dataTypeName: string; } function CompareTableSection(props: CompareTableSectionParams) { const { isLoading, compareTableProps, dataTypeName } = props; if (isLoading) { return ( <div className={compareCss.smallRelativeContainer}> <CircularProgress size={25} className={commonCss.absoluteCenter} style={{ zIndex: zIndex.BUSY_OVERLAY }} role='circularprogress' /> </div> ); } if (!compareTableProps) { return <p>There are no {dataTypeName} available on the selected runs.</p>; } return <CompareTable {...compareTableProps} />; } interface RocCurveMetricsParams { linkedArtifacts: LinkedArtifact[]; filter: ConfidenceMetricsFilter; } function RocCurveMetrics(props: RocCurveMetricsParams) { const { linkedArtifacts, filter } = props; if (linkedArtifacts.length === 0) { return <p>There are no ROC Curve artifacts available on the selected runs.</p>; } return <ConfidenceMetricsSection linkedArtifacts={linkedArtifacts} filter={filter} />; } interface CompareV2Namespace { namespace?: string; } export type CompareV2Props = PageProps & CompareV2Namespace; function CompareV2(props: CompareV2Props) { const { updateBanner, updateToolbar, namespace } = props; const runlistRef = useRef<RunList>(null); const [selectedIds, setSelectedIds] = useState<string[]>([]); const [metricsTab, setMetricsTab] = useState(MetricsType.SCALAR_METRICS); const [isOverviewCollapsed, setIsOverviewCollapsed] = useState(false); const [isParamsCollapsed, setIsParamsCollapsed] = useState(false); const [isMetricsCollapsed, setIsMetricsCollapsed] = useState(false); const [isLoadingArtifacts, setIsLoadingArtifacts] = useState<boolean>(true); const [paramsTableProps, setParamsTableProps] = useState<CompareTableProps | undefined>(); const [isInitialArtifactsLoad, setIsInitialArtifactsLoad] = useState<boolean>(true); // Scalar Metrics const [scalarMetricsTableData, setScalarMetricsTableData] = useState< CompareTableProps | undefined >(undefined); // ROC Curve const [rocCurveLinkedArtifacts, setRocCurveLinkedArtifacts] = useState<LinkedArtifact[]>([]); const [selectedRocCurveIds, setSelectedRocCurveIds] = useState<string[]>([]); const [selectedIdColorMap, setSelectedIdColorMap] = useState<RocCurveColorMap>({}); const [lineColorsStack, setLineColorsStack] = useState<string[]>([...lineColors].reverse()); const [fullArtifactPathMap, setFullArtifactPathMap] = useState<FullArtifactPathMap>({}); // Two-panel display artifacts const [confusionMatrixRunArtifacts, setConfusionMatrixRunArtifacts] = useState<RunArtifact[]>([]); const [htmlRunArtifacts, setHtmlRunArtifacts] = useState<RunArtifact[]>([]); const [markdownRunArtifacts, setMarkdownRunArtifacts] = useState<RunArtifact[]>([]); // Selected artifacts for two-panel layout. const createSelectedArtifactArray = (count: number): SelectedArtifact[] => { const array: SelectedArtifact[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { array.push({ selectedItem: { itemName: '', subItemName: '' }, }); } return array; }; const [selectedArtifactsMap, setSelectedArtifactsMap] = useState<{ [key: string]: SelectedArtifact[]; }>({ [MetricsType.CONFUSION_MATRIX]: createSelectedArtifactArray(2), [MetricsType.HTML]: createSelectedArtifactArray(2), [MetricsType.MARKDOWN]: createSelectedArtifactArray(2), }); const queryParamRunIds = new URLParser(props).get(QUERY_PARAMS.runlist); const runIds = (queryParamRunIds && queryParamRunIds.split(',')) || []; // Retrieves run details. const { isLoading: isLoadingRunDetails, isError: isErrorRunDetails, error: errorRunDetails, data: runs, refetch, } = useQuery<V2beta1Run[], Error>( ['v2_run_details', { ids: runIds }], () => Promise.all( id => await Apis.runServiceApiV2.getRun(id))), { staleTime: Infinity, }, ); // Retrieves MLMD states (executions and linked artifacts) from the MLMD store. const { data: mlmdPackages, isLoading: isLoadingMlmdPackages, isError: isErrorMlmdPackages, error: errorMlmdPackages, } = useQuery<MlmdPackage[], Error>( ['run_artifacts', { runs }], () => Promise.all( runId => { // TODO(zijianjoy): MLMD query is limited to 100 artifacts per run. // const context = await getKfpV2RunContext(runId); const executions = await getExecutionsFromContext(context); const artifacts = await getArtifactsFromContext(context); const events = await getEventsByExecutions(executions); return { executions, artifacts, events, } as MlmdPackage; }), ), { staleTime: Infinity, }, ); // artifactTypes allows us to map from artifactIds to artifactTypeNames, // so we can identify metrics artifact provided by system. const { data: artifactTypes, isLoading: isLoadingArtifactTypes, isError: isErrorArtifactTypes, error: errorArtifactTypes, } = useQuery<ArtifactType[], Error>(['artifact_types', {}], () => getArtifactTypes(), { staleTime: Infinity, }); // Ensure that the two-panel selected artifacts are present in selected valid run list. const getVerifiedTwoPanelSelection = ( runArtifacts: RunArtifact[], selectedArtifacts: SelectedArtifact[], ) => { const artifactsPresent: boolean[] = new Array(2).fill(false); for (const runArtifact of runArtifacts) { const runName =; if (runName === selectedArtifacts[0].selectedItem.itemName) { artifactsPresent[0] = true; } else if (runName === selectedArtifacts[1].selectedItem.itemName) { artifactsPresent[1] = true; } } for (let i: number = 0; i < artifactsPresent.length; i++) { if (!artifactsPresent[i]) { selectedArtifacts[i] = { selectedItem: { itemName: '', subItemName: '', }, }; } } return [...selectedArtifacts]; }; useEffect(() => { if (runs && selectedIds && mlmdPackages && artifactTypes) { const selectedIdsSet = new Set(selectedIds); const runArtifacts: RunArtifact[] = getRunArtifacts(runs, mlmdPackages).filter(runArtifact => selectedIdsSet.has(!), ); const scalarMetricsArtifactData = filterRunArtifactsByType( runArtifacts, artifactTypes, MetricsType.SCALAR_METRICS, ); setScalarMetricsTableData( getScalarTableProps( scalarMetricsArtifactData.runArtifacts, scalarMetricsArtifactData.artifactCount, ), ); // Filter and set the two-panel layout run artifacts. const confusionMatrixRunArtifacts: RunArtifact[] = filterRunArtifactsByType( runArtifacts, artifactTypes, MetricsType.CONFUSION_MATRIX, ).runArtifacts; const htmlRunArtifacts: RunArtifact[] = filterRunArtifactsByType( runArtifacts, artifactTypes, MetricsType.HTML, ).runArtifacts; const markdownRunArtifacts: RunArtifact[] = filterRunArtifactsByType( runArtifacts, artifactTypes, MetricsType.MARKDOWN, ).runArtifacts; setConfusionMatrixRunArtifacts(confusionMatrixRunArtifacts); setHtmlRunArtifacts(htmlRunArtifacts); setMarkdownRunArtifacts(markdownRunArtifacts); // Iterate through selected runs, remove current selection if not present among runs. setSelectedArtifactsMap({ [MetricsType.CONFUSION_MATRIX]: getVerifiedTwoPanelSelection( confusionMatrixRunArtifacts, selectedArtifactsMap[MetricsType.CONFUSION_MATRIX], ), [MetricsType.HTML]: getVerifiedTwoPanelSelection( htmlRunArtifacts, selectedArtifactsMap[MetricsType.HTML], ), [MetricsType.MARKDOWN]: getVerifiedTwoPanelSelection( markdownRunArtifacts, selectedArtifactsMap[MetricsType.MARKDOWN], ), }); // Set ROC Curve run artifacts and get all valid ROC curve data for plot visualization. const rocCurveRunArtifacts: RunArtifact[] = filterRunArtifactsByType( runArtifacts, artifactTypes, MetricsType.ROC_CURVE, ).runArtifacts; updateRocCurveDisplay(rocCurveRunArtifacts); setIsLoadingArtifacts(false); setIsInitialArtifactsLoad(false); } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [runs, selectedIds, mlmdPackages, artifactTypes]); // Update the ROC Curve colors and selection. const updateRocCurveDisplay = (runArtifacts: RunArtifact[]) => { const { validLinkedArtifacts, fullArtifactPathMap, validRocCurveIdSet, } = getValidRocCurveArtifactData(runArtifacts); setFullArtifactPathMap(fullArtifactPathMap); setRocCurveLinkedArtifacts(validLinkedArtifacts); // Remove all newly invalid ROC Curves from the selection (if run selection changes). const removedRocCurveIds: Set<string> = new Set(); for (const oldSelectedId of Object.keys(selectedIdColorMap)) { if (!validRocCurveIdSet.has(oldSelectedId)) { removedRocCurveIds.add(oldSelectedId); } } // If initial load, choose first three artifacts; ow, remove artifacts from de-selected runs. let updatedRocCurveIds: string[] = selectedRocCurveIds; if (isInitialArtifactsLoad) { updatedRocCurveIds = validLinkedArtifacts .map(linkedArtifact => getRocCurveId(linkedArtifact)) .slice(0, 3); updatedRocCurveIds.forEach(rocCurveId => { selectedIdColorMap[rocCurveId] = lineColorsStack.pop()!; }); } else { updatedRocCurveIds = updatedRocCurveIds.filter(rocCurveId => { if (removedRocCurveIds.has(rocCurveId)) { lineColorsStack.push(selectedIdColorMap[rocCurveId]); delete selectedIdColorMap[rocCurveId]; return false; } return true; }); } setSelectedRocCurveIds(updatedRocCurveIds); setLineColorsStack(lineColorsStack); setSelectedIdColorMap(selectedIdColorMap); }; useEffect(() => { if (isLoadingRunDetails || isLoadingMlmdPackages || isLoadingArtifactTypes) { return; } if (isErrorRunDetails) { (async function() { const errorMessage = await errorToMessage(errorRunDetails); updateBanner({ additionalInfo: errorMessage ? errorMessage : undefined, message: `Error: failed loading ${runIds.length} runs. Click Details for more information.`, mode: 'error', }); })(); } else if (isErrorMlmdPackages) { updateBanner({ message: 'Cannot get MLMD objects from Metadata store.', additionalInfo: errorMlmdPackages ? errorMlmdPackages.message : undefined, mode: 'error', }); } else if (isErrorArtifactTypes) { updateBanner({ message: 'Cannot get Artifact Types for MLMD.', additionalInfo: errorArtifactTypes ? errorArtifactTypes.message : undefined, mode: 'error', }); } else { updateBanner({}); } }, [ runIds.length, isLoadingRunDetails, isLoadingMlmdPackages, isLoadingArtifactTypes, isErrorRunDetails, isErrorMlmdPackages, isErrorArtifactTypes, errorRunDetails, errorMlmdPackages, errorArtifactTypes, updateBanner, ]); useEffect(() => { const refresh = async () => { if (runlistRef.current) { await runlistRef.current.refresh(); } await refetch(); }; const buttons = new Buttons(props, refresh); updateToolbar({ actions: buttons .expandSections(() => { setIsOverviewCollapsed(false); setIsParamsCollapsed(false); setIsMetricsCollapsed(false); }) .collapseSections(() => { setIsOverviewCollapsed(true); setIsParamsCollapsed(true); setIsMetricsCollapsed(true); }) .refresh(refresh) .getToolbarActionMap(), breadcrumbs: [{ displayName: 'Experiments', href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS }], pageTitle: 'Compare runs', }); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); useEffect(() => { if (runs) { setSelectedIds( => r.run_id!)); } }, [runs]); useEffect(() => { if (runs) { const selectedIdsSet = new Set(selectedIds); const selectedRuns: V2beta1Run[] = runs.filter(run => selectedIdsSet.has(run.run_id!)); setParamsTableProps(getParamsTableProps(selectedRuns)); } else { setParamsTableProps(undefined); } }, [runs, selectedIds]); const showPageError = async (message: string, error: Error | undefined) => { const errorMessage = await errorToMessage(error); updateBanner({ additionalInfo: errorMessage ? errorMessage : undefined, message: message + (errorMessage ? ' Click Details for more information.' : ''), }); }; const selectionChanged = (selectedIds: string[]): void => { setSelectedIds(selectedIds); }; const updateSelectedArtifacts = (newArtifacts: SelectedArtifact[]) => { selectedArtifactsMap[metricsTab] = newArtifacts; setSelectedArtifactsMap(selectedArtifactsMap); }; const isErrorArtifacts = isErrorRunDetails || isErrorMlmdPackages || isErrorArtifactTypes; const metricsTabText = metricsTypeToString(metricsTab); return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 'lrt'))}> {/* Overview section */} <CollapseButtonSingle sectionName={OVERVIEW_SECTION_NAME} collapseSection={isOverviewCollapsed} collapseSectionUpdate={setIsOverviewCollapsed} /> {!isOverviewCollapsed && ( <div className={commonCss.noShrink}> <RunList onError={showPageError} {...props} selectedIds={selectedIds} ref={runlistRef} runIdListMask={runIds} disablePaging={true} onSelectionChange={selectionChanged} /> </div> )} <Separator orientation='vertical' /> {/* Parameters section */} <CollapseButtonSingle sectionName={PARAMS_SECTION_NAME} collapseSection={isParamsCollapsed} collapseSectionUpdate={setIsParamsCollapsed} /> {!isParamsCollapsed && ( <div className={classes(commonCss.noShrink, css.outputsRow, css.outputsOverflow)}> <Separator orientation='vertical' /> <CompareTableSection isLoading={isLoadingRunDetails} compareTableProps={paramsTableProps} dataTypeName='Parameters' /> <Hr /> </div> )} {/* Metrics section */} <CollapseButtonSingle sectionName={METRICS_SECTION_NAME} collapseSection={isMetricsCollapsed} collapseSectionUpdate={setIsMetricsCollapsed} /> {!isMetricsCollapsed && ( <div className={classes(commonCss.noShrink, css.outputsRow)}> <Separator orientation='vertical' /> <MD2Tabs tabs={['Scalar Metrics', 'Confusion Matrix', 'ROC Curve', 'HTML', 'Markdown']} selectedTab={metricsTab} onSwitch={setMetricsTab} /> <div className={classes(padding(20, 'lrt'), css.outputsOverflow)}> {isErrorArtifacts ? ( <p>An error is preventing the {metricsTabText} from being displayed.</p> ) : isLoadingArtifacts ? ( <div className={compareCss.relativeContainer}> <CircularProgress size={25} className={commonCss.absoluteCenter} style={{ zIndex: zIndex.BUSY_OVERLAY }} role='circularprogress' /> </div> ) : ( <> {metricsTab === MetricsType.SCALAR_METRICS && ( <CompareTableSection compareTableProps={scalarMetricsTableData} dataTypeName='Scalar Metrics artifacts' /> )} {metricsTab === MetricsType.CONFUSION_MATRIX && ( <MetricsDropdown filteredRunArtifacts={confusionMatrixRunArtifacts} metricsTab={metricsTab} selectedArtifacts={selectedArtifactsMap[metricsTab]} updateSelectedArtifacts={updateSelectedArtifacts} namespace={namespace} /> )} {metricsTab === MetricsType.ROC_CURVE && ( <RocCurveMetrics linkedArtifacts={rocCurveLinkedArtifacts} filter={{ selectedIds: selectedRocCurveIds, setSelectedIds: setSelectedRocCurveIds, fullArtifactPathMap, selectedIdColorMap, setSelectedIdColorMap, lineColorsStack, setLineColorsStack, }} /> )} {metricsTab === MetricsType.HTML && ( <MetricsDropdown filteredRunArtifacts={htmlRunArtifacts} metricsTab={metricsTab} selectedArtifacts={selectedArtifactsMap[metricsTab]} updateSelectedArtifacts={updateSelectedArtifacts} namespace={namespace} /> )} {metricsTab === MetricsType.MARKDOWN && ( <MetricsDropdown filteredRunArtifacts={markdownRunArtifacts} metricsTab={metricsTab} selectedArtifacts={selectedArtifactsMap[metricsTab]} updateSelectedArtifacts={updateSelectedArtifacts} namespace={namespace} /> )} </> )} </div> </div> )} <Separator orientation='vertical' /> </div> ); } function EnhancedCompareV2(props: PageProps) { const namespace: string | undefined = useContext(NamespaceContext); const namespaceChanged = useNamespaceChangeEvent(); if (namespaceChanged) { // Run Comparison page compares multiple runs, when namespace changes, the runs don't // exist in the new namespace, so we should redirect to experiment list page. return <Redirect to={RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS} />; } return <CompareV2 namespace={namespace} {...props} />; } export default EnhancedCompareV2; export const TEST_ONLY = { CompareV2, };
/* * Copyright 2022 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { Button, Dialog, DialogActions, DialogContent, InputAdornment, FormControlLabel, Radio, } from '@material-ui/core'; import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import * as JsYaml from 'js-yaml'; import { useMutation } from 'react-query'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import { V2beta1Experiment, V2beta1ExperimentStorageState } from 'src/apisv2beta1/experiment'; import { V2beta1Pipeline, V2beta1PipelineVersion } from 'src/apisv2beta1/pipeline'; import { V2beta1PipelineVersionReference, V2beta1Run } from 'src/apisv2beta1/run'; import { V2beta1Filter, V2beta1PredicateOperation } from 'src/apisv2beta1/filter'; import BusyButton from 'src/atoms/BusyButton'; import { ExternalLink } from 'src/atoms/ExternalLink'; import { HelpButton } from 'src/atoms/HelpButton'; import Input from 'src/atoms/Input'; import { CustomRendererProps } from 'src/components/CustomTable'; import { NameWithTooltip } from 'src/components/CustomTableNameColumn'; import { Description } from 'src/components/Description'; import NewRunParametersV2 from 'src/components/NewRunParametersV2'; import { QUERY_PARAMS, RoutePage, RouteParams } from 'src/components/Router'; import Trigger from 'src/components/Trigger'; import { color, commonCss, padding } from 'src/Css'; import { ComponentInputsSpec_ParameterSpec } from 'src/generated/pipeline_spec/pipeline_spec'; import { Apis, ExperimentSortKeys, PipelineSortKeys, PipelineVersionSortKeys } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { URLParser } from 'src/lib/URLParser'; import { errorToMessage, generateRandomString, logger } from 'src/lib/Utils'; import { convertYamlToV2PipelineSpec } from 'src/lib/v2/WorkflowUtils'; import { classes, stylesheet } from 'typestyle'; import { PageProps } from './Page'; import PipelinesDialogV2 from 'src/components/PipelinesDialogV2'; import { V2beta1RecurringRun, RecurringRunMode } from 'src/apisv2beta1/recurringrun'; import ResourceSelector from 'src/pages/ResourceSelector'; import { convertExperimentToResource, convertPipelineVersionToResource, } from 'src/lib/ResourceConverter'; const css = stylesheet({ nonEditableInput: { color: color.secondaryText, }, selectorDialog: { // If screen is small, use calc(100% - 120px). If screen is big, use 1200px. maxWidth: 1200, // override default maxWidth to expand this dialog further minWidth: 680, width: 'calc(100% - 120px)', }, }); const descriptionCustomRenderer: React.FC<CustomRendererProps<string>> = props => { return <Description description={props.value || ''} forceInline={true} />; }; interface RunV2Props { namespace?: string; existingRunId: string | null; existingRun?: V2beta1Run; existingRecurringRunId: string | null; existingRecurringRun?: V2beta1RecurringRun; existingPipeline?: V2beta1Pipeline; handlePipelineIdChange: (pipelineId: string) => void; existingPipelineVersion?: V2beta1PipelineVersion; handlePipelineVersionIdChange: (pipelineVersionId: string) => void; templateString?: string; chosenExperiment?: V2beta1Experiment; } type NewRunV2Props = RunV2Props & PageProps; export type SpecParameters = { [key: string]: ComponentInputsSpec_ParameterSpec }; export type RuntimeParameters = { [key: string]: any }; type CloneOrigin = { isClone: boolean; isRecurring: boolean; run?: V2beta1Run; recurringRun?: V2beta1RecurringRun; }; function getCloneOrigin(run?: V2beta1Run, recurringRun?: V2beta1RecurringRun) { let cloneOrigin: CloneOrigin = { isClone: run !== undefined || recurringRun !== undefined, isRecurring: recurringRun !== undefined, run: run, recurringRun: recurringRun, }; return cloneOrigin; } function getPipelineDetailsUrl( props: NewRunV2Props, isRecurring: boolean, existingRunId: string | null, originalRecurringRunId: string | null, ): string { const urlParser = new URLParser(props); const pipelineDetailsUrlfromRun = existingRunId ? RoutePage.PIPELINE_DETAILS.replace( ':' + RouteParams.pipelineId + '/version/:' + RouteParams.pipelineVersionId + '?', '', ) +{ [QUERY_PARAMS.fromRunId]: existingRunId }) : ''; const pipelineDetailsUrlfromRecurringRun = originalRecurringRunId ? RoutePage.PIPELINE_DETAILS.replace( ':' + RouteParams.pipelineId + '/version/:' + RouteParams.pipelineVersionId + '?', '', ) +{ [QUERY_PARAMS.fromRecurringRunId]: originalRecurringRunId }) : ''; return isRecurring ? pipelineDetailsUrlfromRecurringRun : pipelineDetailsUrlfromRun; } export async function getLatestVersion(pipelineId: string) { try { const listVersionsResponse = await Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.listPipelineVersions( pipelineId, undefined, 1, // Only need the latest one 'created_at desc', ); return listVersionsResponse.pipeline_versions ? listVersionsResponse.pipeline_versions[0] : undefined; } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot retrieve pipeline version list.', err); return; } } function NewRunV2(props: NewRunV2Props) { // List of elements we need to create Pipeline Run. const { existingRunId, existingRun, existingRecurringRunId, existingRecurringRun, existingPipeline, handlePipelineIdChange, existingPipelineVersion, handlePipelineVersionIdChange, templateString, chosenExperiment, } = props; const cloneOrigin = getCloneOrigin(existingRun, existingRecurringRun); const urlParser = new URLParser(props); const [runName, setRunName] = useState(''); const [runDescription, setRunDescription] = useState(''); const [pipelineName, setPipelineName] = useState(''); const [pipelineVersionName, setPipelineVersionName] = useState(''); const [experimentId, setExperimentId] = useState(''); const [experiment, setExperiment] = useState(chosenExperiment); const [experimentName, setExperimentName] = useState(''); const [serviceAccount, setServiceAccount] = useState(''); const [specParameters, setSpecParameters] = useState<SpecParameters>({}); const [runtimeParameters, setRuntimeParameters] = useState<RuntimeParameters>({}); const [pipelineRoot, setPipelineRoot] = useState<string>(); const [isStartButtonEnabled, setIsStartButtonEnabled] = useState(false); const [isStartingNewRun, setIsStartingNewRun] = useState(false); const [errorMessage, setErrorMessage] = useState(''); const [isParameterValid, setIsParameterValid] = useState(false); const [isRecurringRun, setIsRecurringRun] = useState( urlParser.get(QUERY_PARAMS.isRecurring) === '1' || cloneOrigin.isRecurring, ); const initialTrigger = cloneOrigin.recurringRun?.trigger ? cloneOrigin.recurringRun.trigger : undefined; const [trigger, setTrigger] = useState(initialTrigger); const initialMaxConCurrentRuns = cloneOrigin.recurringRun?.max_concurrency !== undefined ? cloneOrigin.recurringRun.max_concurrency : '10'; const [maxConcurrentRuns, setMaxConcurrentRuns] = useState(initialMaxConCurrentRuns); const [isMaxConcurrentRunValid, setIsMaxConcurrentRunValid] = useState(true); const initialCatchup = cloneOrigin.recurringRun?.no_catchup !== undefined ? !cloneOrigin.recurringRun.no_catchup : true; const [needCatchup, setNeedCatchup] = useState(initialCatchup); const clonedRuntimeConfig = cloneOrigin.isRecurring ? cloneOrigin.recurringRun?.runtime_config :; const labelTextAdjective = isRecurringRun ? 'recurring ' : ''; const usePipelineFromRunLabel = `Using pipeline from existing ${labelTextAdjective} run.`; const isTemplatePullSuccess = templateString ? true : false; const titleVerb = cloneOrigin.isClone ? 'Clone' : 'Start'; const titleAdjective = cloneOrigin.isClone ? '' : 'new'; // Pipeline version reference from selected pipeline (version) when "creating" run const pipelineVersionRefNew: V2beta1PipelineVersionReference | undefined = cloneOrigin.isClone ? undefined : { pipeline_id: existingPipeline?.pipeline_id, pipeline_version_id: existingPipelineVersion?.pipeline_version_id, }; // Pipeline version reference from existing run or recurring run when "cloning" run const pipelineVersionRefClone = cloneOrigin.isRecurring ? cloneOrigin.recurringRun?.pipeline_version_reference :; // Title and list of actions on the top of page. useEffect(() => { props.updateToolbar({ actions: {}, pageTitle: isRecurringRun ? `${titleVerb} a recurring run` : `${titleVerb} a ${titleAdjective} run`, }); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [isRecurringRun]); // Pre-fill names for pipeline, pipeline version and experiment. useEffect(() => { if (existingPipeline?.display_name) { setPipelineName(existingPipeline.display_name); } if (existingPipelineVersion?.display_name) { setPipelineVersionName(existingPipelineVersion.display_name); } if (experiment?.display_name) { setExperimentName(experiment.display_name); } if (experiment?.experiment_id) { setExperimentId(experiment.experiment_id); } }, [existingPipeline, existingPipelineVersion, experiment]); // When loading a pipeline version, automatically set the default run name. useEffect(() => { if (existingRun?.display_name) { const cloneRunName = 'Clone of ' + existingRun.display_name; setRunName(cloneRunName); } else if (existingRecurringRun?.display_name) { const cloneRecurringName = 'Clone of ' + existingRecurringRun.display_name; setRunName(cloneRecurringName); } else if (existingPipelineVersion?.display_name) { const initRunName = 'Run of ' + existingPipelineVersion.display_name + ' (' + generateRandomString(5) + ')'; setRunName(initRunName); } }, [existingRun, existingRecurringRun, existingPipelineVersion]); // Set pipeline spec, pipeline root and parameters fields on UI based on returned template. useEffect(() => { if (!templateString) { return; } const spec = convertYamlToV2PipelineSpec(templateString); const params = spec.root?.inputDefinitions?.parameters; if (params) { setSpecParameters(params); } else { setSpecParameters({}); } const defaultRoot = spec.defaultPipelineRoot; const clonedRoot = clonedRuntimeConfig?.pipeline_root; if (clonedRoot) { setPipelineRoot(clonedRoot); } else if (defaultRoot) { setPipelineRoot(defaultRoot); } }, [templateString, clonedRuntimeConfig]); // Handle different change that can affect setIsStartButtonEnabled useEffect(() => { if (!templateString || errorMessage || !isParameterValid || !isMaxConcurrentRunValid) { setIsStartButtonEnabled(false); } else { setIsStartButtonEnabled(true); } }, [templateString, errorMessage, isParameterValid, isMaxConcurrentRunValid]); // Whenever any input value changes, validate and show error if needed. useEffect(() => { if (isTemplatePullSuccess) { if (runName) { setErrorMessage(''); return; } else { setErrorMessage('Run name can not be empty.'); return; } } else { if (!existingPipeline) { setErrorMessage('A pipeline must be selected'); return; } if (!existingPipelineVersion) { setErrorMessage('A pipeline version must be selected'); return; } } }, [runName, existingPipeline, existingPipelineVersion, isTemplatePullSuccess]); // Defines the behavior when user clicks `Start` button. const newRunMutation = useMutation((run: V2beta1Run) => { return Apis.runServiceApiV2.createRun(run); }); const newRecurringRunMutation = useMutation((recurringRun: V2beta1RecurringRun) => { return Apis.recurringRunServiceApi.createRecurringRun(recurringRun); }); const startRun = () => { let newRun: V2beta1Run = { description: runDescription, display_name: runName, experiment_id: experiment?.experiment_id, // pipeline_spec and pipeline_version_reference is exclusive. pipeline_spec: !(pipelineVersionRefClone || pipelineVersionRefNew) ? JsYaml.safeLoad(templateString || '') : undefined, pipeline_version_reference: pipelineVersionRefClone || pipelineVersionRefNew ? cloneOrigin.isClone ? pipelineVersionRefClone : pipelineVersionRefNew : undefined, runtime_config: { pipeline_root: pipelineRoot, parameters: runtimeParameters, }, service_account: serviceAccount, }; let newRecurringRun: V2beta1RecurringRun = Object.assign( newRun, isRecurringRun ? { max_concurrency: maxConcurrentRuns || '1', no_catchup: !needCatchup, mode: RecurringRunMode.ENABLE, trigger: trigger, } : { max_concurrency: undefined, no_catchup: undefined, mode: undefined, trigger: undefined, }, ); setIsStartingNewRun(true); const runCreation = () => newRunMutation.mutate(newRun, { onSuccess: data => { setIsStartingNewRun(false); if (data.run_id) { props.history.push(RoutePage.RUN_DETAILS.replace(':' + RouteParams.runId, data.run_id)); } else { props.history.push(RoutePage.RUNS); } props.updateSnackbar({ message: `Successfully started new Run: ${data.display_name}`, open: true, }); }, onError: async error => { const errorMessage = await errorToMessage(error); props.updateDialog({ buttons: [{ text: 'Dismiss' }], onClose: () => setIsStartingNewRun(false), content: errorMessage, title: 'Run creation failed', }); }, }); const recurringRunCreation = () => newRecurringRunMutation.mutate(newRecurringRun, { onSuccess: data => { setIsStartingNewRun(false); if (data.recurring_run_id) { props.history.push( RoutePage.RECURRING_RUN_DETAILS.replace( ':' + RouteParams.recurringRunId, data.recurring_run_id, ), ); } else { props.history.push(RoutePage.RECURRING_RUNS); } props.updateSnackbar({ message: `Successfully started new recurring Run: ${data.display_name}`, open: true, }); }, onError: async error => { const errorMessage = await errorToMessage(error); props.updateDialog({ buttons: [{ text: 'Dismiss' }], onClose: () => setIsStartingNewRun(false), content: errorMessage, title: 'Recurring run creation failed', }); }, }); isRecurringRun ? recurringRunCreation() : runCreation(); }; return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 'lr'))}> <div className={commonCss.scrollContainer}> <div className={commonCss.header}>Run details</div> {cloneOrigin.isClone && ( <div> <div> <span>{usePipelineFromRunLabel}</span> </div> <div className={classes(padding(10, 't'))}> {/* TODO(jlyaoyuli): View pipelineDetails from existing recurring run*/} {cloneOrigin.isClone && ( <Link className={classes(} to={getPipelineDetailsUrl( props, cloneOrigin.isRecurring, existingRunId, existingRecurringRunId, )} > [View pipeline] </Link> )} </div> </div> )} {!cloneOrigin.isClone && ( <div> {/* Pipeline selection */} <PipelineSelector {...props} pipelineName={pipelineName} handlePipelineChange={async updatedPipeline => { if (updatedPipeline.display_name) { setPipelineName(updatedPipeline.display_name); } if (updatedPipeline.pipeline_id) { const latestVersion = await getLatestVersion(updatedPipeline.pipeline_id); const searchString ={ [QUERY_PARAMS.experimentId]: experimentId || '', [QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineId]: updatedPipeline.pipeline_id || '', [QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineVersionId]: latestVersion?.pipeline_version_id || '', [QUERY_PARAMS.isRecurring]: isRecurringRun ? '1' : '', }); props.history.replace(searchString); handlePipelineVersionIdChange(latestVersion?.pipeline_version_id!); handlePipelineIdChange(updatedPipeline.pipeline_id); } }} /> {/* Pipeline version selection */} <PipelineVersionSelector {...props} pipeline={existingPipeline} pipelineVersionName={pipelineVersionName} handlePipelineVersionChange={updatedPipelineVersion => { if (updatedPipelineVersion.display_name) { setPipelineVersionName(updatedPipelineVersion.display_name); } if (existingPipeline?.pipeline_id && updatedPipelineVersion.pipeline_version_id) { const searchString ={ [QUERY_PARAMS.experimentId]: experimentId || '', [QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineId]: existingPipeline.pipeline_id || '', [QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineVersionId]: updatedPipelineVersion.pipeline_version_id || '', [QUERY_PARAMS.isRecurring]: isRecurringRun ? '1' : '', }); props.history.replace(searchString); handlePipelineVersionIdChange(updatedPipelineVersion.pipeline_version_id); } }} /> </div> )} {/* Run info inputs */} <Input label={isRecurringRun ? 'Recurring run config name' : 'Run name'} required={true} onChange={event => setRunName(} autoFocus={true} value={runName} variant='outlined' /> <Input label='Description' multiline={true} onChange={event => setRunDescription(} required={false} value={runDescription} variant='outlined' /> {/* Experiment selection */} <div>This run will be associated with the following experiment</div> <ExperimentSelector {...props} experimentName={experimentName} handleExperimentChange={experiment => { setExperiment(experiment); if (experiment.display_name) { setExperimentName(experiment.display_name); } if (experiment.experiment_id) { setExperimentId(experiment.experiment_id); let searchString; if (existingPipeline?.pipeline_id && existingPipelineVersion?.pipeline_version_id) { searchString ={ [QUERY_PARAMS.experimentId]: experiment.experiment_id || '', [QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineId]: existingPipeline.pipeline_id || '', [QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineVersionId]: existingPipelineVersion.pipeline_version_id || '', }); } else if (existingRunId) { searchString ={ [QUERY_PARAMS.experimentId]: experiment.experiment_id || '', [QUERY_PARAMS.cloneFromRun]: existingRunId || '', }); } else if (existingRecurringRunId) { searchString ={ [QUERY_PARAMS.experimentId]: experiment.experiment_id || '', [QUERY_PARAMS.cloneFromRecurringRun]: existingRecurringRunId || '', }); } else { // Enter new run page from run list (none of pipeline is selected) searchString ={ [QUERY_PARAMS.experimentId]: experiment.experiment_id || '', }); } props.history.replace(searchString); } }} /> {/* Service account selection */} <div> This run will use the following Kubernetes service account.{' '} <HelpButton helpText={ <div> Note, the service account needs{' '} <ExternalLink href=''> minimum permissions required by argo workflows </ExternalLink>{' '} and extra permissions the specific task requires. </div> } /> </div> <Input value={serviceAccount} onChange={event => setServiceAccount(} required={false} label='Service Account' variant='outlined' /> {/* One-off/Recurring Run Type */} {/* TODO(zijianjoy): Support Recurring Run */} <div className={commonCss.header}>Run Type</div> {cloneOrigin.isClone === true && <span>{isRecurringRun ? 'Recurring' : 'One-off'}</span>} {cloneOrigin.isClone === false && ( <> <FormControlLabel id='oneOffToggle' label='One-off' control={<Radio color='primary' />} onChange={() => setIsRecurringRun(false)} checked={!isRecurringRun} /> <FormControlLabel id='recurringToggle' label='Recurring' control={<Radio color='primary' />} onChange={() => setIsRecurringRun(true)} checked={isRecurringRun} /> </> )} {/* Recurring run controls */} {isRecurringRun && ( <> <div className={commonCss.header}>Run trigger</div> <div>Choose a method by which new runs will be triggered</div> <Trigger initialProps={{ trigger: trigger, maxConcurrentRuns: maxConcurrentRuns, catchup: needCatchup, }} onChange={({ trigger, maxConcurrentRuns, catchup }) => { setTrigger(trigger); setMaxConcurrentRuns(maxConcurrentRuns!); setIsMaxConcurrentRunValid( Number.isInteger(Number(maxConcurrentRuns)) && Number(maxConcurrentRuns) > 0, ); setNeedCatchup(catchup); }} /> </> )} {/* PipelineRoot and Run Parameters */} <NewRunParametersV2 pipelineRoot={pipelineRoot} handlePipelineRootChange={setPipelineRoot} titleMessage={ existingPipeline || cloneOrigin.isClone ? Object.keys(specParameters).length ? 'Specify parameters required by the pipeline' : 'This pipeline has no parameters' : 'Parameters will appear after you select a pipeline' } specParameters={specParameters} clonedRuntimeConfig={clonedRuntimeConfig} handleParameterChange={setRuntimeParameters} setIsValidInput={setIsParameterValid} /> {/* Create/Cancel buttons */} <div className={classes(commonCss.flex, padding(20, 'tb'))}> <BusyButton id='startNewRunBtn' disabled={!isStartButtonEnabled} busy={isStartingNewRun} className={commonCss.buttonAction} title='Start' onClick={startRun} /> <Button id='exitNewRunPageBtn' onClick={() => { // TODO(zijianjoy): Return to previous page instead of defaulting to RUNS page. props.history.push(RoutePage.RUNS); }} > {'Cancel'} </Button> <div className={classes(padding(20, 'r'))} style={{ color: 'red' }}> {errorMessage} </div> {/* TODO(zijianjoy): Show error when custom pipelineRoot or parameters are missing. */} </div> </div> </div> ); } export default NewRunV2; const PIPELINE_SELECTOR_COLUMNS = [ { customRenderer: NameWithTooltip, flex: 1, label: 'Pipeline name', sortKey: PipelineSortKeys.NAME, }, { label: 'Description', flex: 2, customRenderer: descriptionCustomRenderer }, { label: 'Uploaded on', flex: 1, sortKey: PipelineSortKeys.CREATED_AT }, ]; const PIPELINE_VERSION_SELECTOR_COLUMNS = [ { customRenderer: NameWithTooltip, flex: 2, label: 'Version name', sortKey: PipelineVersionSortKeys.NAME, }, // TODO(jingzhang36): version doesn't have description field; remove it and // fix the rendering. { label: 'Description', flex: 1, customRenderer: descriptionCustomRenderer }, { label: 'Uploaded on', flex: 1, sortKey: PipelineVersionSortKeys.CREATED_AT }, ]; const EXPERIMENT_SELECTOR_COLUMNS = [ { customRenderer: NameWithTooltip, flex: 1, label: 'Experiment name', sortKey: ExperimentSortKeys.NAME, }, { label: 'Description', flex: 2 }, { label: 'Created at', flex: 1, sortKey: ExperimentSortKeys.CREATED_AT }, ]; interface PipelineSelectorSpecificProps { namespace?: string; pipelineName: string | undefined; handlePipelineChange: (pipeline: V2beta1Pipeline) => void; } type PipelineSelectorProps = PageProps & PipelineSelectorSpecificProps; function PipelineSelector(props: PipelineSelectorProps) { const [pipelineSelectorOpen, setPipelineSelectorOpen] = useState(false); return ( <> <Input value={props.pipelineName} required={true} label='Pipeline' disabled={true} variant='outlined' InputProps={{ classes: { disabled: css.nonEditableInput }, endAdornment: ( <InputAdornment position='end'> <Button color='secondary' id='choosePipelineBtn' onClick={() => setPipelineSelectorOpen(true)} style={{ padding: '3px 5px', margin: 0 }} > Choose </Button> </InputAdornment> ), readOnly: true, }} /> {/* Pipeline selector dialog */} <PipelinesDialogV2 {...props} open={pipelineSelectorOpen} selectorDialog={css.selectorDialog} onClose={(confirmed, selectedPipeline?: V2beta1Pipeline) => { if (confirmed && selectedPipeline) { props.handlePipelineChange(selectedPipeline); } setPipelineSelectorOpen(false); }} namespace={props.namespace} pipelineSelectorColumns={PIPELINE_SELECTOR_COLUMNS} // TODO(jlyaoyuli): enable pipeline upload function in the selector dialog ></PipelinesDialogV2> </> ); } interface PipelineVersionSelectorSpecificProps { namespace?: string; pipeline: V2beta1Pipeline | undefined; pipelineVersionName: string | undefined; handlePipelineVersionChange: (pipelineVersion: V2beta1PipelineVersion) => void; } type PipelineVersionSelectorProps = PageProps & PipelineVersionSelectorSpecificProps; function PipelineVersionSelector(props: PipelineVersionSelectorProps) { const [pipelineVersionSelectorOpen, setPipelineVersionSelectorOpen] = useState(false); const [pendingPipelineVersion, setPendingPipelineVersion] = useState<V2beta1PipelineVersion>(); return ( <> <Input value={props.pipelineVersionName} required={true} label='Pipeline Version' disabled={true} variant='outlined' InputProps={{ classes: { disabled: css.nonEditableInput }, endAdornment: ( <InputAdornment position='end'> <Button color='secondary' id='choosePipelineVersionBtn' onClick={() => setPipelineVersionSelectorOpen(true)} style={{ padding: '3px 5px', margin: 0 }} disabled={!props.pipeline} > Choose </Button> </InputAdornment> ), readOnly: true, }} /> {/* Pipeline version selector dialog */} <Dialog open={pipelineVersionSelectorOpen} classes={{ paper: css.selectorDialog }} onClose={() => setPipelineVersionSelectorOpen(false)} PaperProps={{ id: 'pipelineVersionSelectorDialog' }} > <DialogContent> <ResourceSelector {...props} title='Choose a pipeline version' filterLabel='Filter pipeline versions' listApi={async ( page_token?: string, page_size?: number, sort_by?: string, filter?: string, ) => { const response = await Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.listPipelineVersions( props.pipeline ? props.pipeline.pipeline_id! : '', page_token, page_size, sort_by, filter, ); return { nextPageToken: response.next_page_token || '', resources: response.pipeline_versions?.map(v => convertPipelineVersionToResource(v)) || [], }; }} columns={PIPELINE_VERSION_SELECTOR_COLUMNS} emptyMessage='No pipeline versions found. Select or upload a pipeline then try again.' initialSortColumn={PipelineVersionSortKeys.CREATED_AT} selectionChanged={async (selectedVersionId: string) => { const selectedPipelineVersion = await Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.getPipelineVersion( props.pipeline?.pipeline_id!, selectedVersionId, ); setPendingPipelineVersion(selectedPipelineVersion); }} // TODO(jlyaoyuli): enable pipeline upload function in the selector dialog /> </DialogContent> <DialogActions> <Button id='cancelPipelineVersionSelectionBtn' onClick={() => setPipelineVersionSelectorOpen(false)} color='secondary' > Cancel </Button> <Button id='usePipelineVersionBtn' onClick={() => { if (pendingPipelineVersion) { props.handlePipelineVersionChange(pendingPipelineVersion); } setPipelineVersionSelectorOpen(false); }} color='secondary' disabled={!pendingPipelineVersion} > Use this pipeline version </Button> </DialogActions> </Dialog> </> ); } interface ExperimentSelectorSpecificProps { namespace?: string; experimentName: string | undefined; handleExperimentChange: (experiment: V2beta1Experiment) => void; } type ExperimentSelectorProps = PageProps & ExperimentSelectorSpecificProps; function ExperimentSelector(props: ExperimentSelectorProps) { const [experimentSelectorOpen, setExperimentSelectorOpen] = useState(false); const [pendingExperiment, setPendingExperiment] = useState<V2beta1Experiment>(); return ( <> <Input value={props.experimentName} required={true} label='Experiment' disabled={true} variant='outlined' InputProps={{ classes: { disabled: css.nonEditableInput }, endAdornment: ( <InputAdornment position='end'> <Button color='secondary' id='chooseExperimentBtn' onClick={() => setExperimentSelectorOpen(true)} style={{ padding: '3px 5px', margin: 0 }} > Choose </Button> </InputAdornment> ), readOnly: true, }} /> {/* Experiment selector dialog */} <Dialog open={experimentSelectorOpen} classes={{ paper: css.selectorDialog }} onClose={() => setExperimentSelectorOpen(false)} PaperProps={{ id: 'experimentSelectorDialog' }} > <DialogContent> <ResourceSelector {...props} title='Choose an experiment' filterLabel='Filter experiments' listApi={async ( page_token?: string, page_size?: number, sort_by?: string, filter?: string, ) => { // A new run can only be created in an unarchived experiment. // Therefore, when listing experiments here for selection, we // only list unarchived experiments. const new_filter = JSON.parse( decodeURIComponent(filter || '{"predicates": []}'), ) as V2beta1Filter; new_filter.predicates = (new_filter.predicates || []).concat([ { key: 'storage_state', operation: V2beta1PredicateOperation.NOTEQUALS, string_value: V2beta1ExperimentStorageState.ARCHIVED.toString(), }, ]); const response = await Apis.experimentServiceApiV2.listExperiments( page_token, page_size, sort_by, encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(new_filter)), props.namespace, ); return { nextPageToken: response.next_page_token || '', resources: response.experiments?.map(e => convertExperimentToResource(e)) || [], }; }} columns={EXPERIMENT_SELECTOR_COLUMNS} emptyMessage='No experiments found. Create an experiment and then try again.' initialSortColumn={ExperimentSortKeys.CREATED_AT} selectionChanged={async (selectedExperimentId: string) => { const selectedExperiment = await Apis.experimentServiceApiV2.getExperiment( selectedExperimentId, ); setPendingExperiment(selectedExperiment); }} /> </DialogContent> <DialogActions> <Button id='cancelExperimentSelectionBtn' onClick={() => setExperimentSelectorOpen(false)} color='secondary' > Cancel </Button> <Button id='useExperimentBtn' onClick={() => { if (pendingExperiment) { props.handleExperimentChange(pendingExperiment); } setExperimentSelectorOpen(false); }} color='secondary' disabled={!pendingExperiment} > Use this experiment </Button> </DialogActions> </Dialog> </> ); }
/* * Copyright 2023 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import { render } from '@testing-library/react'; import { createMemoryHistory } from 'history'; import { PageProps } from './Page'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { V2beta1Pipeline, V2beta1ListPipelinesResponse } from 'src/apisv2beta1/pipeline'; import TestUtils from 'src/TestUtils'; import { BuildInfoContext } from 'src/lib/BuildInfo'; import PrivateAndSharedPipelines, { PrivateAndSharedProps, PrivateAndSharedTab, } from './PrivateAndSharedPipelines'; import { Router } from 'react-router-dom'; import { NamespaceContext } from 'src/lib/KubeflowClient'; function generateProps(): PrivateAndSharedProps { return { ...generatePageProps(), view: PrivateAndSharedTab.PRIVATE, }; } function generatePageProps(): PageProps { return { history: {} as any, location: '' as any, match: {} as any, toolbarProps: {} as any, updateBanner: jest.fn(), updateDialog: jest.fn(), updateSnackbar: jest.fn(), updateToolbar: jest.fn(), }; } const oldPipeline = newMockPipeline(); const newPipeline = newMockPipeline(); function newMockPipeline(): V2beta1Pipeline { return { pipeline_id: 'run-pipeline-id', display_name: 'mock pipeline name', created_at: new Date('2022-09-21T13:53:59Z'), description: 'mock pipeline description', }; } // This test is related to pipeline list where we intergrate with v2 API // Thus, change to mock v2 API behavior and return values. describe('PrivateAndSharedPipelines', () => { const history = createMemoryHistory({ initialEntries: ['/does-not-matter'], }); beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); let listPipelineSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2, 'listPipelines'); listPipelineSpy.mockImplementation((...args) => { const response: V2beta1ListPipelinesResponse = { pipelines: [oldPipeline, newPipeline], total_size: 2, }; return Promise.resolve(response); }); }); afterEach(async () => { jest.resetAllMocks(); }); it('it renders correctly in multi user mode', async () => { const tree = render( <Router history={history}> <BuildInfoContext.Provider value={{ apiServerMultiUser: true }}> <NamespaceContext.Provider value={'ns'}> <PrivateAndSharedPipelines {...generateProps()} /> </NamespaceContext.Provider> </BuildInfoContext.Provider> </Router>, ); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('it renders correctly in single user mode', async () => { const tree = render( <Router history={history}> <BuildInfoContext.Provider value={{ apiServerMultiUser: false }}> <NamespaceContext.Provider value={undefined}> <PrivateAndSharedPipelines {...generateProps()} /> </NamespaceContext.Provider> </BuildInfoContext.Provider> </Router>, ); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import Page404 from './404'; import { PageProps } from './Page'; import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; describe('404', () => { function generateProps(): PageProps { return { history: {} as any, location: { pathname: 'some bad page' } as any, match: {} as any, toolbarProps: {} as any, updateBanner: jest.fn(), updateDialog: jest.fn(), updateSnackbar: jest.fn(), updateToolbar: jest.fn(), }; } it('renders a 404 page', () => { expect(shallow(<Page404 {...generateProps()} />)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });
/* * Copyright 2023 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import Buttons, { ButtonKeys } from 'src/lib/Buttons'; import DetailsTable from 'src/components/DetailsTable'; import { V2beta1Experiment } from 'src/apisv2beta1/experiment'; import { V2beta1RecurringRun, V2beta1RecurringRunStatus } from 'src/apisv2beta1/recurringrun'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { Page } from './Page'; import { RoutePage, RouteParams } from 'src/components/Router'; import { Breadcrumb, ToolbarProps } from 'src/components/Toolbar'; import { classes } from 'typestyle'; import { commonCss, padding } from 'src/Css'; import { KeyValue } from 'src/lib/StaticGraphParser'; import { formatDateString, errorToMessage, enabledDisplayStringV2 } from 'src/lib/Utils'; import { triggerDisplayString } from 'src/lib/TriggerUtils'; interface RecurringRunConfigState { run: V2beta1RecurringRun | null; } class RecurringRunDetailsV2 extends Page<{}, RecurringRunConfigState> { constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.state = { run: null, }; } public getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps { const buttons = new Buttons(this.props, this.refresh.bind(this)); return { actions: buttons .cloneRecurringRun(() => ( ? [!] : []), true) .refresh(this.refresh.bind(this)) .enableRecurringRun(() => ( ?! : '')) .disableRecurringRun(() => ( ?! : '')) .delete( () => ( ? [!.recurring_run_id!] : []), 'recurring run config', this._deleteCallback.bind(this), true /* useCurrentResource */, ) .getToolbarActionMap(), breadcrumbs: [], pageTitle: '', }; } public render(): JSX.Element { const { run } = this.state; let runDetails: Array<KeyValue<string>> = []; let inputParameters: Array<KeyValue<string>> = []; let triggerDetails: Array<KeyValue<string>> = []; if (run) { runDetails = [ ['Description', run.description!], ['Created at', formatDateString(run.created_at)], ]; inputParameters = Object.entries(run.runtime_config?.parameters || []).map(param => [ param[0] || '', param[1] || '', ]); if (run.trigger) { triggerDetails = [ ['Enabled', enabledDisplayStringV2(run.trigger, run.status!)], ['Trigger', triggerDisplayString(run.trigger)], ]; if (run.max_concurrency) { triggerDetails.push(['Max. concurrent runs', run.max_concurrency]); } triggerDetails.push(['Catchup', `${!run.no_catchup}`]); if (run.trigger.cron_schedule && run.trigger.cron_schedule.start_time) { triggerDetails.push([ 'Start time', formatDateString(run.trigger.cron_schedule.start_time), ]); } else if (run.trigger.periodic_schedule && run.trigger.periodic_schedule.start_time) { triggerDetails.push([ 'Start time', formatDateString(run.trigger.periodic_schedule.start_time), ]); } if (run.trigger.cron_schedule && run.trigger.cron_schedule.end_time) { triggerDetails.push(['End time', formatDateString(run.trigger.cron_schedule.end_time)]); } else if (run.trigger.periodic_schedule && run.trigger.periodic_schedule.end_time) { triggerDetails.push([ 'End time', formatDateString(run.trigger.periodic_schedule.end_time), ]); } } } return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 'lr'))}> {run && ( <div className={}> <DetailsTable title='Recurring run details' fields={runDetails} /> {!!triggerDetails.length && ( <DetailsTable title='Run trigger' fields={triggerDetails} /> )} {!!inputParameters.length && ( <DetailsTable title='Run parameters' fields={inputParameters} /> )} </div> )} </div> ); } public componentDidMount(): Promise<void> { return this.load(); } public async refresh(): Promise<void> { await this.load(); } public async load(): Promise<void> { this.clearBanner(); const recurringRunId = this.props.match.params[RouteParams.recurringRunId]; let run: V2beta1RecurringRun; try { run = await Apis.recurringRunServiceApi.getRecurringRun(recurringRunId); } catch (err) { const errorMessage = await errorToMessage(err); await this.showPageError( `Error: failed to retrieve recurring run: ${recurringRunId}.`, new Error(errorMessage), ); return; } const relatedExperimentId = run.experiment_id; let experiment: V2beta1Experiment | undefined; if (relatedExperimentId) { try { experiment = await Apis.experimentServiceApiV2.getExperiment(relatedExperimentId); } catch (err) { const errorMessage = await errorToMessage(err); await this.showPageError( `Error: failed to retrieve this recurring run's experiment.`, new Error(errorMessage), 'warning', ); } } const breadcrumbs: Breadcrumb[] = []; if (experiment) { breadcrumbs.push( { displayName: 'Experiments', href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS }, { displayName: experiment.display_name!, href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENT_DETAILS.replace( ':' + RouteParams.experimentId, experiment.experiment_id!, ), }, ); } else { breadcrumbs.push({ displayName: 'All runs', href: RoutePage.RUNS }); } const pageTitle = run ? run.display_name! : recurringRunId; const toolbarActions = this.props.toolbarProps.actions; toolbarActions[ButtonKeys.ENABLE_RECURRING_RUN].disabled = run.status === V2beta1RecurringRunStatus.ENABLED; toolbarActions[ButtonKeys.DISABLE_RECURRING_RUN].disabled = run.status !== V2beta1RecurringRunStatus.ENABLED; this.props.updateToolbar({ actions: toolbarActions, breadcrumbs, pageTitle }); this.setState({ run }); } private _deleteCallback(_: string[], success: boolean): void { if (success) { const breadcrumbs = this.props.toolbarProps.breadcrumbs; const previousPage = breadcrumbs.length ? breadcrumbs[breadcrumbs.length - 1].href : RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS; this.props.history.push(previousPage); } } } export default RecurringRunDetailsV2;
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import { Page } from './Page'; import { ToolbarProps } from '../components/Toolbar'; export default class Page404 extends Page<{}, {}> { public getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps { return { actions: {}, breadcrumbs: [], pageTitle: '' }; } public async refresh(): Promise<void> { return; } public render(): JSX.Element { return ( <div style={{ margin: '100px auto', textAlign: 'center' }}> <div style={{ color: '#aaa', fontSize: 50, fontWeight: 'bold' }}>404</div> <div style={{ fontSize: 16 }}>Page Not Found: {this.props.location.pathname}</div> </div> ); } }
/* * Copyright 2021 Arrikto Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { shallow, ShallowWrapper } from 'enzyme'; import * as React from 'react'; import { RoutePage } from '../components/Router'; import { ButtonKeys } from '../lib/Buttons'; import { AllRecurringRunsList } from './AllRecurringRunsList'; import { PageProps } from './Page'; describe('AllRecurringRunsList', () => { const updateBannerSpy = jest.fn(); let _toolbarProps: any = { actions: {}, breadcrumbs: [], pageTitle: '' }; const updateToolbarSpy = jest.fn(toolbarProps => (_toolbarProps = toolbarProps)); const historyPushSpy = jest.fn(); let tree: ShallowWrapper; function generateProps(): PageProps { const props: PageProps = { history: { push: historyPushSpy } as any, location: '' as any, match: '' as any, toolbarProps: _toolbarProps, updateBanner: updateBannerSpy, updateDialog: jest.fn(), updateSnackbar: jest.fn(), updateToolbar: updateToolbarSpy, }; _toolbarProps = new AllRecurringRunsList(props).getInitialToolbarState(); return Object.assign(props, { toolbarProps: _toolbarProps, }); } function shallowMountComponent( propsPatch: Partial<PageProps & { namespace?: string }> = {}, ): void { tree = shallow(<AllRecurringRunsList {...generateProps()} {...propsPatch} />); // Necessary since the component calls updateToolbar with the toolbar props, // then expects to get them back in props tree.setProps({ toolbarProps: _toolbarProps }); updateToolbarSpy.mockClear(); } beforeEach(() => { updateBannerSpy.mockClear(); updateToolbarSpy.mockClear(); historyPushSpy.mockClear(); }); afterEach(() => tree.unmount()); it('renders all recurring runs', () => { shallowMountComponent(); expect(tree).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div className="page" > <RecurringRunList history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location="" match="" onError={[Function]} onSelectionChange={[Function]} refreshCount={0} selectedIds={Array []} toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "newRecurringRun": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "createNewRecurringRunBtn", "outlined": true, "primary": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 195, }, "title": "Create recurring run", "tooltip": "Create a new recurring run", }, "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [], "pageTitle": "Recurring Runs", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </div> `); }); it('lists all recurring runs in namespace', () => { shallowMountComponent({ namespace: 'test-ns' }); expect(tree.find('RecurringRunList').prop('namespaceMask')).toEqual('test-ns'); }); it('removes error banner on unmount', () => { shallowMountComponent(); tree.unmount(); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({}); }); // TODO: We want to test that clicking the refresh button in AllRecurringRunsList calls the // RecurringRunList.refresh method. This is not straightforward because `render` does not // render the toolbar in this case. RoutedPage is where the page level common elements are // rendered in KFP UI. However, in tests, we built a util that generates similar page callbacks // and passes them to the tested component without actually rendering the page common elements. // it('refreshes the recurring run list when refresh button is clicked', async () => { // const tree = render(<AllRecurringRunsList {...generateProps()} />); // await TestUtils.flushPromises() //'Refresh')); // }); it('navigates to new run page when new run is clicked', () => { shallowMountComponent(); _toolbarProps.actions[ButtonKeys.NEW_RECURRING_RUN].action(); expect(historyPushSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( RoutePage.NEW_RUN + '?experimentId=&recurring=1', ); }); });
/* * Copyright 2023 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import React, { useState } from 'react'; import MD2Tabs from 'src/atoms/MD2Tabs'; import { commonCss, padding } from 'src/Css'; import { classes } from 'typestyle'; import { PageProps } from 'src/pages/Page'; import ArtifactList from './ArtifactList'; function ArtifactListSwitcher(props: PageProps) { const [selectedTab, setSelectedTab] = useState(0); return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 't'))}> <MD2Tabs tabs={['Default', 'Grouped']} selectedTab={selectedTab} onSwitch={setSelectedTab} /> {selectedTab === 0 && <ArtifactList {...props} isGroupView={false} />} {selectedTab === 1 && <ArtifactList {...props} isGroupView={true} />} </div> ); } export default ArtifactListSwitcher;
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as Utils from '../lib/Utils'; import { statusToIcon } from './Status'; import { NodePhase } from '../lib/StatusUtils'; import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; describe('Status', () => { // We mock this because it uses toLocaleDateString, which causes mismatches between local and CI // test enviroments const formatDateStringSpy = jest.spyOn(Utils, 'formatDateString'); const startDate = new Date('Wed Jan 2 2019 9:10:11 GMT-0800'); const endDate = new Date('Thu Jan 3 2019 10:11:12 GMT-0800'); beforeEach(() => { formatDateStringSpy.mockImplementation((date: Date) => { return date === startDate ? '1/2/2019, 9:10:11 AM' : '1/3/2019, 10:11:12 AM'; }); }); describe('statusToIcon', () => { it('handles an unknown phase', () => { const consoleSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log').mockImplementationOnce(() => null); const tree = shallow(statusToIcon('bad phase' as any)); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(consoleSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('Unknown node phase:', 'bad phase'); }); it('handles an undefined phase', () => { const consoleSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log').mockImplementationOnce(() => null); const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(/* no phase */)); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(consoleSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('Unknown node phase:', undefined); }); // TODO: Enable this test after react-scripts is upgraded to v4.0.0 // it('react testing for ERROR phase', async () => { // const { findByText, getByTestId } = render( // statusToIcon(NodePhase.ERROR), // ); // fireEvent.mouseOver(getByTestId('node-status-sign')); // findByText('Error while running this resource'); // }); it('handles ERROR phase', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(NodePhase.ERROR)); expect(tree.find('div')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <pure(ErrorIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#d50000", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> `); }); it('handles FAILED phase', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(NodePhase.FAILED)); expect(tree.find('div')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <pure(ErrorIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#d50000", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> `); }); it('handles PENDING phase', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(NodePhase.PENDING)); expect(tree.find('div')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <pure(ScheduleIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#9aa0a6", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> `); }); it('handles RUNNING phase', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(NodePhase.RUNNING)); expect(tree.find('div')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <StatusRunning data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#4285f4", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> `); }); it('handles TERMINATING phase', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(NodePhase.TERMINATING)); expect(tree.find('div')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <StatusRunning data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#4285f4", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> `); }); it('handles SKIPPED phase', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(NodePhase.SKIPPED)); expect(tree.find('div')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <pure(SkipNextIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#5f6368", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> `); }); it('handles SUCCEEDED phase', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(NodePhase.SUCCEEDED)); expect(tree.find('div')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <pure(CheckCircleIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#34a853", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> `); }); it('handles CACHED phase', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(NodePhase.CACHED)); expect(tree.find('div')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <StatusCached data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#34a853", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> `); }); it('handles TERMINATED phase', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(NodePhase.TERMINATED)); expect(tree.find('div')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <StatusRunning data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#80868b", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> `); }); it('handles OMITTED phase', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(NodePhase.OMITTED)); expect(tree.find('div')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <pure(BlockIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#5f6368", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> `); }); it('displays start and end dates if both are provided', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(NodePhase.SUCCEEDED, startDate, endDate)); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('does not display a end date if none was provided', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(NodePhase.SUCCEEDED, startDate)); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('does not display a start date if none was provided', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(NodePhase.SUCCEEDED, undefined, endDate)); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('does not display any dates if neither was provided', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(NodePhase.SUCCEEDED /* No dates */)); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); Object.keys(NodePhase).map(status => it('renders an icon with tooltip for phase: ' + status, () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(NodePhase[status])); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }), ); }); });
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import Buttons, { ButtonKeys } from 'src/lib/Buttons'; import CustomTable, { Column, Row, ExpandState, CustomRendererProps, } from 'src/components/CustomTable'; import RunList from './RunList'; import produce from 'immer'; import { V2beta1ListExperimentsResponse, V2beta1Experiment, V2beta1ExperimentStorageState, } from 'src/apisv2beta1/experiment'; import { V2beta1Filter, V2beta1PredicateOperation } from 'src/apisv2beta1/filter'; import { V2beta1Run, V2beta1RunStorageState } from 'src/apisv2beta1/run'; import { Apis, ExperimentSortKeys, ListRequest, RunSortKeys } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import { Page, PageProps } from './Page'; import { RoutePage, RouteParams } from 'src/components/Router'; import { ToolbarProps } from 'src/components/Toolbar'; import { classes } from 'typestyle'; import { commonCss, padding } from 'src/Css'; import { logger } from 'src/lib/Utils'; import { statusToIcon } from './StatusV2'; import Tooltip from '@material-ui/core/Tooltip'; import { NamespaceContext } from 'src/lib/KubeflowClient'; interface DisplayExperiment extends V2beta1Experiment { last5Runs?: V2beta1Run[]; error?: string; expandState?: ExpandState; } interface ExperimentListState { displayExperiments: DisplayExperiment[]; selectedIds: string[]; selectedTab: number; } export class ExperimentList extends Page<{ namespace?: string }, ExperimentListState> { private _tableRef = React.createRef<CustomTable>(); constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.state = { displayExperiments: [], selectedIds: [], selectedTab: 0, }; } public getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps { const buttons = new Buttons(this.props, this.refresh.bind(this)); return { actions: buttons .newExperiment() .compareRuns(() => this.state.selectedIds) .cloneRun(() => this.state.selectedIds, false) .archive( 'run', () => this.state.selectedIds, false, ids => this._selectionChanged(ids), ) .refresh(this.refresh.bind(this)) .getToolbarActionMap(), breadcrumbs: [], pageTitle: 'Experiments', }; } public render(): JSX.Element { const columns: Column[] = [ { customRenderer: this._nameCustomRenderer, flex: 1, label: 'Experiment name', sortKey: ExperimentSortKeys.NAME, }, { flex: 2, label: 'Description', }, { customRenderer: this._last5RunsCustomRenderer, flex: 1, label: 'Last 5 runs', }, ]; const rows: Row[] = => { return { error: exp.error, expandState: exp.expandState, id: exp.experiment_id!, otherFields: [ exp.display_name!, exp.description!, exp.expandState === ExpandState.EXPANDED ? [] : exp.last5Runs, ], }; }); return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 'lr'))}> <CustomTable columns={columns} rows={rows} ref={this._tableRef} disableSelection={true} initialSortColumn={ExperimentSortKeys.CREATED_AT} reload={this._reload.bind(this)} toggleExpansion={this._toggleRowExpand.bind(this)} getExpandComponent={this._getExpandedExperimentComponent.bind(this)} filterLabel='Filter experiments' emptyMessage='No experiments found. Click "Create experiment" to start.' /> </div> ); } public async refresh(): Promise<void> { if (this._tableRef.current) { this.clearBanner(); await this._tableRef.current.reload(); } } public _nameCustomRenderer: React.FC<CustomRendererProps<string>> = ( props: CustomRendererProps<string>, ) => { return ( <Tooltip title={props.value} enterDelay={300} placement='top-start'> <Link className={} onClick={e => e.stopPropagation()} to={RoutePage.EXPERIMENT_DETAILS.replace(':' + RouteParams.experimentId,} > {props.value} </Link> </Tooltip> ); }; public _last5RunsCustomRenderer: React.FC<CustomRendererProps<V2beta1Run[]>> = ( props: CustomRendererProps<V2beta1Run[]>, ) => { return ( <div className={commonCss.flex}> {(props.value || []).map((run, i) => ( <span key={i} style={{ margin: '0 1px' }}> {statusToIcon(run.state, run.created_at)} </span> ))} </div> ); }; private async _reload(request: ListRequest): Promise<string> { // Fetch the list of experiments let response: V2beta1ListExperimentsResponse; let displayExperiments: DisplayExperiment[]; try { // This ExperimentList page is used as the "All experiments" tab // inside ExperimentAndRuns. Here we only list unarchived experiments. // Archived experiments are listed in "Archive" page. const filter = JSON.parse( decodeURIComponent(request.filter || '{"predicates": []}'), ) as V2beta1Filter; filter.predicates = (filter.predicates || []).concat([ { key: 'storage_state', operation: V2beta1PredicateOperation.NOTEQUALS, string_value: V2beta1ExperimentStorageState.ARCHIVED.toString(), }, ]); request.filter = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(filter)); response = await Apis.experimentServiceApiV2.listExperiments( request.pageToken, request.pageSize, request.sortBy, request.filter, this.props.namespace || undefined, ); displayExperiments = response.experiments || []; displayExperiments.forEach(exp => (exp.expandState = ExpandState.COLLAPSED)); } catch (err) { await this.showPageError('Error: failed to retrieve list of experiments.', err); // No point in continuing if we couldn't retrieve any experiments. return ''; } // Fetch and set last 5 runs' statuses for each experiment await Promise.all( experiment => { // TODO: should we aggregate errors here? What if they fail for different reasons? try { const listRunsResponse = await Apis.runServiceApiV2.listRuns( undefined, experiment.experiment_id, undefined /* pageToken */, 5 /* pageSize */, RunSortKeys.CREATED_AT + ' desc', encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify({ predicates: [ { key: 'storage_state', operation: V2beta1PredicateOperation.NOTEQUALS, string_value: V2beta1RunStorageState.ARCHIVED.toString(), }, ], } as V2beta1Filter), ), ); experiment.last5Runs = listRunsResponse.runs || []; } catch (err) { experiment.error = 'Failed to load the last 5 runs of this experiment'; logger.error( `Error: failed to retrieve run statuses for experiment: ${experiment.display_name}.`, err, ); } }), ); this.setStateSafe({ displayExperiments }); return response.next_page_token || ''; } private _selectionChanged(selectedIds: string[]): void { const actions = this.props.toolbarProps.actions; actions[ButtonKeys.COMPARE].disabled = selectedIds.length <= 1 || selectedIds.length > 10; actions[ButtonKeys.CLONE_RUN].disabled = selectedIds.length !== 1; actions[ButtonKeys.ARCHIVE].disabled = !selectedIds.length; this.props.updateToolbar({ actions }); this.setState({ selectedIds }); } private _toggleRowExpand(rowIndex: number): void { const displayExperiments = produce(this.state.displayExperiments, draft => { draft[rowIndex].expandState = draft[rowIndex].expandState === ExpandState.COLLAPSED ? ExpandState.EXPANDED : ExpandState.COLLAPSED; }); this.setState({ displayExperiments }); } private _getExpandedExperimentComponent(experimentIndex: number): JSX.Element { const experiment = this.state.displayExperiments[experimentIndex]; return ( <RunList hideExperimentColumn={true} experimentIdMask={experiment.experiment_id} onError={() => null} {...this.props} disablePaging={false} selectedIds={this.state.selectedIds} noFilterBox={true} storageState={V2beta1RunStorageState.AVAILABLE} onSelectionChange={this._selectionChanged.bind(this)} disableSorting={true} /> ); } } const EnhancedExperimentList: React.FC<PageProps> = props => { const namespace = React.useContext(NamespaceContext); return <ExperimentList key={namespace} {...props} namespace={namespace} />; }; export default EnhancedExperimentList;
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import * as Utils from 'src/lib/Utils'; import EnhancedExperimentList, { ExperimentList } from './ExperimentList'; import TestUtils from 'src/TestUtils'; import { V2beta1RunStorageState, V2beta1RuntimeState } from 'src/apisv2beta1/run'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { ExpandState } from 'src/components/CustomTable'; import { PageProps } from './Page'; import { ReactWrapper, ShallowWrapper, shallow } from 'enzyme'; import { RoutePage, QUERY_PARAMS } from 'src/components/Router'; import { range } from 'lodash'; import { ButtonKeys } from 'src/lib/Buttons'; import { NamespaceContext } from 'src/lib/KubeflowClient'; import { render, act } from '@testing-library/react'; import { MemoryRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; import { V2beta1ExperimentStorageState } from 'src/apisv2beta1/experiment'; import { V2beta1Filter, V2beta1PredicateOperation } from 'src/apisv2beta1/filter'; // Default arguments for Apis.experimentServiceApi.listExperiment. const LIST_EXPERIMENT_DEFAULTS = [ '', // page token 10, // page size 'created_at desc', // sort by encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify({ predicates: [ { key: 'storage_state', operation: V2beta1PredicateOperation.NOTEQUALS, string_value: V2beta1ExperimentStorageState.ARCHIVED.toString(), }, ], } as V2beta1Filter), ), // filter undefined, // namespace ]; const LIST_EXPERIMENT_DEFAULTS_WITHOUT_RESOURCE_REFERENCE = LIST_EXPERIMENT_DEFAULTS.slice(0, 4); describe('ExperimentList', () => { let tree: ShallowWrapper | ReactWrapper; jest.spyOn(console, 'log').mockImplementation(() => null); const updateBannerSpy = jest.fn(); const updateDialogSpy = jest.fn(); const updateSnackbarSpy = jest.fn(); const updateToolbarSpy = jest.fn(); const historyPushSpy = jest.fn(); const listExperimentsSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.experimentServiceApiV2, 'listExperiments'); const listRunsSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'listRuns'); // We mock this because it uses toLocaleDateString, which causes mismatches between local and CI // test enviroments jest.spyOn(Utils, 'formatDateString').mockImplementation(() => '1/2/2019, 12:34:56 PM'); function generateProps(): PageProps { return TestUtils.generatePageProps( ExperimentList, { pathname: RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS } as any, '' as any, historyPushSpy, updateBannerSpy, updateDialogSpy, updateToolbarSpy, updateSnackbarSpy, ); } function mockListNExpperiments(n: number = 1) { return () => Promise.resolve({ experiments: range(n).map(i => ({ experiment_id: 'test-experiment-id' + i, display_name: 'test experiment name' + i, })), }); } async function mountWithNExperiments( n: number, nRuns: number, { namespace }: { namespace?: string } = {}, ): Promise<void> { listExperimentsSpy.mockImplementation(mockListNExpperiments(n)); listRunsSpy.mockImplementation(() => ({ runs: range(nRuns).map(i => ({ run_id: 'test-run-id' + i, display_name: 'test run name' + i, })), })); tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<ExperimentList {...generateProps()} namespace={namespace} />); await listExperimentsSpy; await listRunsSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); tree.update(); // Make sure the tree is updated before returning it } afterEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); jest.clearAllMocks(); if (tree.exists()) { tree.unmount(); } }); it('renders an empty list with empty state message', () => { tree = shallow(<ExperimentList {...generateProps()} />); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders a list of one experiment', async () => { tree = shallow(<ExperimentList {...generateProps()} />); tree.setState({ displayExperiments: [ { description: 'test experiment description', expandState: ExpandState.COLLAPSED, display_name: 'test experiment name', }, ], }); await listExperimentsSpy; await listRunsSpy; expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders a list of one experiment with no description', async () => { tree = shallow(<ExperimentList {...generateProps()} />); tree.setState({ experiments: [ { expandState: ExpandState.COLLAPSED, display_name: 'test experiment name', }, ], }); await listExperimentsSpy; await listRunsSpy; expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders a list of one experiment with error', async () => { tree = shallow(<ExperimentList {...generateProps()} />); tree.setState({ experiments: [ { description: 'test experiment description', error: 'oops! could not load experiment', expandState: ExpandState.COLLAPSED, display_name: 'test experiment name', }, ], }); await listExperimentsSpy; await listRunsSpy; expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('calls Apis to list experiments, sorted by creation time in descending order', async () => { await mountWithNExperiments(1, 1); expect(listExperimentsSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(...LIST_EXPERIMENT_DEFAULTS); expect(listRunsSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( undefined, 'test-experiment-id0', undefined, 5, 'created_at desc', encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify({ predicates: [ { key: 'storage_state', operation: V2beta1PredicateOperation.NOTEQUALS, string_value: V2beta1RunStorageState.ARCHIVED.toString(), }, ], } as V2beta1Filter), ), ); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('displayExperiments', [ { expandState: ExpandState.COLLAPSED, experiment_id: 'test-experiment-id0', last5Runs: [{ run_id: 'test-run-id0', display_name: 'test run name0' }], display_name: 'test experiment name0', }, ]); }); it('calls Apis to list experiments with namespace when available', async () => { await mountWithNExperiments(1, 1, { namespace: 'test-ns' }); expect(listExperimentsSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( ...LIST_EXPERIMENT_DEFAULTS_WITHOUT_RESOURCE_REFERENCE, 'test-ns', ); }); it('has a Refresh button, clicking it refreshes the experiment list', async () => { await mountWithNExperiments(1, 1); const instance = tree.instance() as ExperimentList; expect(listExperimentsSpy.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); const refreshBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.REFRESH]; expect(refreshBtn).toBeDefined(); await refreshBtn!.action(); expect(listExperimentsSpy.mock.calls.length).toBe(2); expect(listExperimentsSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(...LIST_EXPERIMENT_DEFAULTS); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({}); }); it('shows error banner when listing experiments fails', async () => { TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(listExperimentsSpy, 'bad stuff happened'); tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<ExperimentList {...generateProps()} />); await listExperimentsSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ additionalInfo: 'bad stuff happened', message: 'Error: failed to retrieve list of experiments. Click Details for more information.', mode: 'error', }), ); }); it('shows error next to experiment when listing its last 5 runs fails', async () => { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console console.error = jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(); listExperimentsSpy.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({ experiments: [{ display_name: 'exp1' }] })); TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(listRunsSpy, 'bad stuff happened'); tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<ExperimentList {...generateProps()} />); await listExperimentsSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('displayExperiments', [ { error: 'Failed to load the last 5 runs of this experiment', expandState: 0, display_name: 'exp1', }, ]); }); it('shows error banner when listing experiments fails after refresh', async () => { tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<ExperimentList {...generateProps()} />); const instance = tree.instance() as ExperimentList; const refreshBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.REFRESH]; expect(refreshBtn).toBeDefined(); TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(listExperimentsSpy, 'bad stuff happened'); await refreshBtn!.action(); expect(listExperimentsSpy.mock.calls.length).toBe(2); expect(listExperimentsSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(...LIST_EXPERIMENT_DEFAULTS); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ additionalInfo: 'bad stuff happened', message: 'Error: failed to retrieve list of experiments. Click Details for more information.', mode: 'error', }), ); }); it('hides error banner when listing experiments fails then succeeds', async () => { TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(listExperimentsSpy, 'bad stuff happened'); tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<ExperimentList {...generateProps()} />); const instance = tree.instance() as ExperimentList; await listExperimentsSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ additionalInfo: 'bad stuff happened', message: 'Error: failed to retrieve list of experiments. Click Details for more information.', mode: 'error', }), ); updateBannerSpy.mockReset(); const refreshBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.REFRESH]; listExperimentsSpy.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({ experiments: [{ display_name: 'experiment1' }], })); listRunsSpy.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({ runs: [{ display_name: 'run1' }] })); await refreshBtn!.action(); expect(listExperimentsSpy.mock.calls.length).toBe(2); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({}); }); it('can expand an experiment to see its runs', async () => { await mountWithNExperiments(1, 1); tree .find('.tableRow button') .at(0) .simulate('click'); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('displayExperiments', [ { expandState: ExpandState.EXPANDED, experiment_id: 'test-experiment-id0', last5Runs: [{ run_id: 'test-run-id0', display_name: 'test run name0' }], display_name: 'test experiment name0', }, ]); }); it('renders a list of runs for given experiment', async () => { tree = shallow(<ExperimentList {...generateProps()} />); tree.setState({ displayExperiments: [ { experiment_id: 'experiment1', last5Runs: [{ id: 'run1id' }, { id: 'run2id' }] }, ], }); const runListTree = (tree.instance() as any)._getExpandedExperimentComponent(0); expect(runListTree.props.experimentIdMask).toEqual('experiment1'); }); it('navigates to new experiment page when Create experiment button is clicked', async () => { tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<ExperimentList {...generateProps()} />); const createBtn = (tree.instance() as ExperimentList).getInitialToolbarState().actions[ ButtonKeys.NEW_EXPERIMENT ]; await createBtn!.action(); expect(historyPushSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(RoutePage.NEW_EXPERIMENT); }); it('always has new experiment button enabled', async () => { await mountWithNExperiments(1, 1); const calls = updateToolbarSpy.mock.calls[0]; expect(calls[0].actions[ButtonKeys.NEW_EXPERIMENT]).not.toHaveProperty('disabled'); }); it('enables clone button when one run is selected', async () => { await mountWithNExperiments(1, 1); (tree.instance() as any)._selectionChanged(['run1']); expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(updateToolbarSpy.mock.calls[0][0].actions[ButtonKeys.CLONE_RUN]).toHaveProperty( 'disabled', true, ); expect(updateToolbarSpy.mock.calls[1][0].actions[ButtonKeys.CLONE_RUN]).toHaveProperty( 'disabled', false, ); }); it('disables clone button when more than one run is selected', async () => { await mountWithNExperiments(1, 1); (tree.instance() as any)._selectionChanged(['run1', 'run2']); expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(updateToolbarSpy.mock.calls[0][0].actions[ButtonKeys.CLONE_RUN]).toHaveProperty( 'disabled', true, ); expect(updateToolbarSpy.mock.calls[1][0].actions[ButtonKeys.CLONE_RUN]).toHaveProperty( 'disabled', true, ); }); it('enables compare runs button only when more than one is selected', async () => { await mountWithNExperiments(1, 1); (tree.instance() as any)._selectionChanged(['run1']); (tree.instance() as any)._selectionChanged(['run1', 'run2']); (tree.instance() as any)._selectionChanged(['run1', 'run2', 'run3']); expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(4); expect(updateToolbarSpy.mock.calls[0][0].actions[ButtonKeys.COMPARE]).toHaveProperty( 'disabled', true, ); expect(updateToolbarSpy.mock.calls[1][0].actions[ButtonKeys.COMPARE]).toHaveProperty( 'disabled', false, ); expect(updateToolbarSpy.mock.calls[2][0].actions[ButtonKeys.COMPARE]).toHaveProperty( 'disabled', false, ); }); it('navigates to compare page with the selected run ids', async () => { await mountWithNExperiments(1, 1); (tree.instance() as any)._selectionChanged(['run1', 'run2', 'run3']); const compareBtn = (tree.instance() as ExperimentList).getInitialToolbarState().actions[ ButtonKeys.COMPARE ]; await compareBtn!.action(); expect(historyPushSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( `${RoutePage.COMPARE}?${QUERY_PARAMS.runlist}=run1,run2,run3`, ); }); it('navigates to new run page with the selected run id for cloning', async () => { await mountWithNExperiments(1, 1); (tree.instance() as any)._selectionChanged(['run1']); const cloneBtn = (tree.instance() as ExperimentList).getInitialToolbarState().actions[ ButtonKeys.CLONE_RUN ]; await cloneBtn!.action(); expect(historyPushSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( `${RoutePage.NEW_RUN}?${QUERY_PARAMS.cloneFromRun}=run1`, ); }); it('enables archive button when at least one run is selected', async () => { await mountWithNExperiments(1, 1); expect(TestUtils.getToolbarButton(updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.ARCHIVE).disabled).toBeTruthy(); (tree.instance() as any)._selectionChanged(['run1']); expect(TestUtils.getToolbarButton(updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.ARCHIVE).disabled).toBeFalsy(); (tree.instance() as any)._selectionChanged(['run1', 'run2']); expect(TestUtils.getToolbarButton(updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.ARCHIVE).disabled).toBeFalsy(); (tree.instance() as any)._selectionChanged([]); expect(TestUtils.getToolbarButton(updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.ARCHIVE).disabled).toBeTruthy(); }); it('renders experiment names as links to their details pages', async () => { tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<ExperimentList {...generateProps()} />); expect( (tree.instance() as ExperimentList)._nameCustomRenderer({ id: 'experiment-id', value: 'experiment name', }), ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders last 5 runs statuses', async () => { tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<ExperimentList {...generateProps()} />); expect( (tree.instance() as ExperimentList)._last5RunsCustomRenderer({ experiment_id: 'experiment-id', value: [ { state: V2beta1RuntimeState.SUCCEEDED }, { state: V2beta1RuntimeState.PENDING }, { state: V2beta1RuntimeState.FAILED }, { state: V2beta1RuntimeState.RUNTIMESTATEUNSPECIFIED }, { state: V2beta1RuntimeState.SUCCEEDED }, ], }), ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); describe('EnhancedExperimentList', () => { it('defaults to no namespace', () => { render(<EnhancedExperimentList {...generateProps()} />); expect(listExperimentsSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(...LIST_EXPERIMENT_DEFAULTS); }); it('gets namespace from context', () => { render( <NamespaceContext.Provider value='test-ns'> <EnhancedExperimentList {...generateProps()} /> </NamespaceContext.Provider>, ); expect(listExperimentsSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( ...LIST_EXPERIMENT_DEFAULTS_WITHOUT_RESOURCE_REFERENCE, 'test-ns', ); }); it('auto refreshes list when namespace changes', () => { const { rerender } = render( <NamespaceContext.Provider value='test-ns-1'> <EnhancedExperimentList {...generateProps()} /> </NamespaceContext.Provider>, ); expect(listExperimentsSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(listExperimentsSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( ...LIST_EXPERIMENT_DEFAULTS_WITHOUT_RESOURCE_REFERENCE, 'test-ns-1', ); rerender( <NamespaceContext.Provider value='test-ns-2'> <EnhancedExperimentList {...generateProps()} /> </NamespaceContext.Provider>, ); expect(listExperimentsSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(listExperimentsSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( ...LIST_EXPERIMENT_DEFAULTS_WITHOUT_RESOURCE_REFERENCE, 'test-ns-2', ); }); it("doesn't keep error message for request from previous namespace", async () => { listExperimentsSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.reject('namespace cannot be empty')); const { rerender } = render( <MemoryRouter> <NamespaceContext.Provider value={undefined}> <EnhancedExperimentList {...generateProps()} /> </NamespaceContext.Provider> </MemoryRouter>, ); listExperimentsSpy.mockImplementation(mockListNExpperiments()); rerender( <MemoryRouter> <NamespaceContext.Provider value={'test-ns'}> <EnhancedExperimentList {...generateProps()} /> </NamespaceContext.Provider> </MemoryRouter>, ); await act(TestUtils.flushPromises); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( {}, // Empty object means banner has no error message ); }); }); });
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import * as Utils from 'src/lib/Utils'; import { render, screen, waitFor, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react'; import RunList, { RunListProps } from './RunList'; import TestUtils from 'src/TestUtils'; import produce from 'immer'; import { V2beta1Filter, V2beta1PredicateOperation } from 'src/apisv2beta1/filter'; import { V2beta1Run, V2beta1RunStorageState, V2beta1RuntimeState } from 'src/apisv2beta1/run'; import { Apis, RunSortKeys, ListRequest } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { ReactWrapper, ShallowWrapper, shallow } from 'enzyme'; import { range } from 'lodash'; import { CommonTestWrapper } from 'src/TestWrapper'; class RunListTest extends RunList { public _loadRuns(request: ListRequest): Promise<string> { return super._loadRuns(request); } } describe('RunList', () => { let tree: ShallowWrapper | ReactWrapper; const onErrorSpy = jest.fn(); const listRunsSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'listRuns'); const getRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'getRun'); const getPipelineVersionSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2, 'getPipelineVersion'); const listExperimentsSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.experimentServiceApiV2, 'listExperiments'); // We mock this because it uses toLocaleDateString, which causes mismatches between local and CI // test enviroments const formatDateStringSpy = jest.spyOn(Utils, 'formatDateString'); function generateProps(): RunListProps { return { history: {} as any, location: { search: '' } as any, match: '' as any, onError: onErrorSpy, }; } function mockNRuns(n: number, runTemplate: Partial<V2beta1Run>): void { getRunSpy.mockImplementation(id => { let pipelineVersionRef = { pipeline_id: 'testpipeline' + id, pipeline_version_id: 'testversion' + id, }; return Promise.resolve( produce(runTemplate, draft => { draft = draft || {}; draft.run_id = id; draft.display_name = 'run with id: ' + id; draft.pipeline_version_reference = pipelineVersionRef; }), ); }); listRunsSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ runs: range(1, n + 1).map(i => { if (runTemplate) { let pipelineVersionRef = { pipeline_id: 'testpipeline' + i, pipeline_version_id: 'testversion' + i, }; return produce(runTemplate as Partial<V2beta1Run>, draft => { draft.run_id = 'testrun' + i; draft.display_name = 'run with id: testrun' + i; draft.pipeline_version_reference = pipelineVersionRef; }); } return { run_id: 'testrun' + i, display_name: 'run with id: testrun' + i, pipeline_version_reference: { pipeline_id: 'testpipeline' + i, pipeline_version_id: 'testversion' + i, }, } as V2beta1Run; }), }), ); getPipelineVersionSpy.mockImplementation(() => ({ display_name: 'some pipeline version' })); listExperimentsSpy.mockImplementation(() => ({ display_name: 'some experiment' })); } function getMountedInstance(): RunList { tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<RunList {...generateProps()} />); return tree.instance() as RunList; } function getShallowInstance(): RunList { tree = shallow(<RunList {...generateProps()} />); return tree.instance() as RunList; } beforeEach(() => { formatDateStringSpy.mockImplementation((date?: Date | string) => { return date ? '1/2/2019, 12:34:56 PM' : '-'; }); onErrorSpy.mockClear(); listRunsSpy.mockClear(); getRunSpy.mockClear(); listExperimentsSpy.mockClear(); }); afterEach(async () => { // unmount() should be called before resetAllMocks() in case any part of the unmount life cycle // depends on mocks/spies if (tree && tree.exists()) { await tree.unmount(); } jest.resetAllMocks(); }); it('renders the empty experience', () => { expect(shallow(<RunList {...generateProps()} />)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); describe('in archived state', () => { it('renders the empty experience', () => { const props = generateProps(); props.storageState = V2beta1RunStorageState.ARCHIVED; expect(shallow(<RunList {...props} />)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('loads runs whose storage state is not ARCHIVED when storage state equals AVAILABLE', async () => { mockNRuns(1, {}); const props = generateProps(); props.storageState = V2beta1RunStorageState.AVAILABLE; tree = shallow(<RunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RunListTest)._loadRuns({}); expect(Apis.runServiceApiV2.listRuns).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify({ predicates: [ { key: 'storage_state', operation: V2beta1PredicateOperation.NOTEQUALS, string_value: V2beta1RunStorageState.ARCHIVED.toString(), }, ], } as V2beta1Filter), ), ); }); it('loads runs whose storage state is ARCHIVED when storage state equals ARCHIVED', async () => { mockNRuns(1, {}); const props = generateProps(); props.storageState = V2beta1RunStorageState.ARCHIVED; tree = shallow(<RunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RunListTest)._loadRuns({}); expect(Apis.runServiceApiV2.listRuns).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify({ predicates: [ { key: 'storage_state', operation: V2beta1PredicateOperation.EQUALS, string_value: V2beta1RunStorageState.ARCHIVED.toString(), }, ], } as V2beta1Filter), ), ); }); it('augments request filter with storage state predicates', async () => { mockNRuns(1, {}); const props = generateProps(); props.storageState = V2beta1RunStorageState.ARCHIVED; tree = shallow(<RunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RunListTest)._loadRuns({ filter: encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify({ predicates: [{ key: 'k', op: 'op', string_value: 'val' }], }), ), }); expect(Apis.runServiceApiV2.listRuns).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify({ predicates: [ { key: 'k', op: 'op', string_value: 'val', }, { key: 'storage_state', operation: V2beta1PredicateOperation.EQUALS, string_value: V2beta1RunStorageState.ARCHIVED.toString(), }, ], } as V2beta1Filter), ), ); }); }); it('loads one run', async () => { mockNRuns(1, {}); const props = generateProps(); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RunList {...props} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(listRunsSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); screen.getByText('run with id: testrun1'); expect(screen.queryByText('run with id: testrun2')).toBeNull(); }); it('reloads the run when refresh is called', async () => { mockNRuns(0, {}); const props = generateProps(); tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<RunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RunList).refresh(); tree.update(); expect(Apis.runServiceApiV2.listRuns).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(Apis.runServiceApiV2.listRuns).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( undefined, undefined, '', 10, RunSortKeys.CREATED_AT + ' desc', '', ); expect(props.onError).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('loads multiple runs', async () => { mockNRuns(5, {}); const props = generateProps(); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RunList {...props} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(listRunsSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); screen.getByText('run with id: testrun1'); screen.getByText('run with id: testrun2'); screen.getByText('run with id: testrun3'); screen.getByText('run with id: testrun4'); screen.getByText('run with id: testrun5'); }); it('calls error callback when loading runs fails', async () => { TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce( jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'listRuns'), 'bad stuff happened', ); const props = generateProps(); tree = shallow(<RunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RunListTest)._loadRuns({}); expect(props.onError).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( 'Error: failed to fetch runs.', new Error('bad stuff happened'), ); }); it('displays error in run row if experiment could not be fetched', async () => { mockNRuns(1, { experiment_id: 'test-experiment-id', }); TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(listExperimentsSpy, 'bad stuff happened'); const props = generateProps(); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RunList {...props} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(listRunsSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(listExperimentsSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); screen.findByText('Failed to get associated experiment: bad stuff happened'); }); it('displays error in run row if it failed to parse (run list mask)', async () => { TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce( jest.spyOn(Apis.runServiceApiV2, 'getRun'), 'bad stuff happened', ); const props = generateProps(); props.runIdListMask = ['testrun1']; render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RunList {...props} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { // won't call listRuns if specific run id is provided expect(listRunsSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); expect(getRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); screen.findByText('Failed to get associated experiment: bad stuff happened'); }); it('shows run time for each run', async () => { mockNRuns(1, { created_at: new Date(2018, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10), finished_at: new Date(2018, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11), state: V2beta1RuntimeState.SUCCEEDED, }); const props = generateProps(); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RunList {...props} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(listRunsSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); screen.findByText('1:01:01'); }); it('loads runs for a given experiment id', async () => { mockNRuns(1, {}); const props = generateProps(); props.experimentIdMask = 'experiment1'; tree = shallow(<RunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RunListTest)._loadRuns({}); expect(props.onError).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Apis.runServiceApiV2.listRuns).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( undefined, 'experiment1', undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, ); }); it('loads runs for a given namespace', async () => { mockNRuns(1, {}); const props = generateProps(); props.namespaceMask = 'namespace1'; tree = shallow(<RunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RunListTest)._loadRuns({}); expect(props.onError).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Apis.runServiceApiV2.listRuns).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( 'namespace1', undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, ); }); it('loads given list of runs only', async () => { mockNRuns(5, {}); const props = generateProps(); props.runIdListMask = ['run1', 'run2']; tree = shallow(<RunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RunListTest)._loadRuns({}); expect(props.onError).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Apis.runServiceApiV2.listRuns).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Apis.runServiceApiV2.getRun).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(Apis.runServiceApiV2.getRun).toHaveBeenCalledWith('run1'); expect(Apis.runServiceApiV2.getRun).toHaveBeenCalledWith('run2'); }); it('loads given and filtered list of runs only', async () => { mockNRuns(5, {}); const props = generateProps(); props.runIdListMask = ['filterRun1', 'filterRun2', 'notincluded']; tree = shallow(<RunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RunListTest)._loadRuns({ filter: encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify({ predicates: [ { key: 'name', operation: V2beta1PredicateOperation.ISSUBSTRING, string_value: 'filterRun', }, ], } as V2beta1Filter), ), }); expect(tree.state('runs')).toMatchObject([ { run: { display_name: 'run with id: filterRun1', run_id: 'filterRun1' }, }, { run: { display_name: 'run with id: filterRun2', run_id: 'filterRun2' }, }, ]); }); it('loads given and filtered list of runs only through multiple filters', async () => { mockNRuns(5, {}); const props = generateProps(); props.runIdListMask = ['filterRun1', 'filterRun2', 'notincluded1']; tree = shallow(<RunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RunListTest)._loadRuns({ filter: encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify({ predicates: [ { key: 'name', operation: V2beta1PredicateOperation.ISSUBSTRING, string_value: 'filterRun', }, { key: 'name', operation: V2beta1PredicateOperation.ISSUBSTRING, string_value: '1' }, ], } as V2beta1Filter), ), }); expect(tree.state('runs')).toMatchObject([ { run: { display_name: 'run with id: filterRun1', run_id: 'filterRun1' }, }, ]); }); it('shows pipeline version name', async () => { mockNRuns(1, { pipeline_version_reference: { pipeline_id: 'testpipeline1', pipeline_version_id: 'testversion1', }, }); const props = generateProps(); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RunList {...props} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(listRunsSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(getPipelineVersionSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); screen.findByText('some pipeline version'); }); //TODO(jlyaoyuli): add back this test (show recurring run config) //after the recurring run v2 API integration it('shows experiment name', async () => { mockNRuns(1, { experiment_id: 'test-experiment-id', }); listExperimentsSpy.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({ experiments: [ { experiment_id: 'test-experiment-id', display_name: 'test experiment', }, ], })); const props = generateProps(); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RunList {...props} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(listRunsSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(listExperimentsSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); screen.getByText('test experiment'); }); it('hides experiment name if instructed', async () => { mockNRuns(1, { experiment_id: 'test-experiment-id', }); listExperimentsSpy.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({ display_name: 'test experiment' })); const props = generateProps(); props.hideExperimentColumn = true; render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RunList {...props} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(listRunsSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(listExperimentsSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }); expect(screen.queryByText('test experiment')).toBeNull(); }); it('renders run name as link to its details page', () => { expect( getMountedInstance()._nameCustomRenderer({ value: 'test run', id: 'run-id' }), ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders pipeline name as link to its details page', () => { expect( getMountedInstance()._pipelineVersionCustomRenderer({ id: 'run-id', value: { displayName: 'test pipeline', pipelineId: 'pipeline-id', usePlaceholder: false }, }), ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('handles no pipeline id given', () => { expect( getMountedInstance()._pipelineVersionCustomRenderer({ id: 'run-id', value: { displayName: 'test pipeline', usePlaceholder: false }, }), ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('shows "View pipeline" button if pipeline is embedded in run', () => { expect( getMountedInstance()._pipelineVersionCustomRenderer({ id: 'run-id', value: { displayName: 'test pipeline', pipelineId: 'pipeline-id', usePlaceholder: true }, }), ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('handles no pipeline name', () => { expect( getMountedInstance()._pipelineVersionCustomRenderer({ id: 'run-id', value: { /* no displayName */ usePlaceholder: true }, }), ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders pipeline name as link to its details page', () => { expect( getMountedInstance()._recurringRunCustomRenderer({ id: 'run-id', value: { id: 'recurring-run-id' }, }), ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders experiment name as link to its details page', () => { expect( getMountedInstance()._experimentCustomRenderer({ id: 'run-id', value: { displayName: 'test experiment', id: 'experiment-id' }, }), ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders no experiment name', () => { expect( getMountedInstance()._experimentCustomRenderer({ id: 'run-id', value: { /* no displayName */ id: 'experiment-id' }, }), ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders status as icon', () => { expect( getShallowInstance()._statusCustomRenderer({ value: V2beta1RuntimeState.SUCCEEDED, id: 'run-id', }), ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders pipeline version name as link to its details page', () => { expect( getMountedInstance()._pipelineVersionCustomRenderer({ id: 'run-id', value: { displayName: 'test pipeline version', pipelineId: 'pipeline-id', usePlaceholder: false, versionId: 'version-id', }, }), ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });
/* * Copyright 2020 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import AllRunsList from './AllRunsList'; import MD2Tabs from '../atoms/MD2Tabs'; import { Page, PageProps } from './Page'; import { RoutePage } from '../components/Router'; import { ToolbarProps } from '../components/Toolbar'; import { classes } from 'typestyle'; import { commonCss, padding } from '../Css'; import ArchivedRuns from './ArchivedRuns'; export enum AllRunsAndArchiveTab { RUNS = 0, ARCHIVE = 1, } export interface AllRunsAndArchiveProps extends PageProps { view: AllRunsAndArchiveTab; } interface AllRunsAndArchiveState { selectedTab: AllRunsAndArchiveTab; } class AllRunsAndArchive extends Page<AllRunsAndArchiveProps, AllRunsAndArchiveState> { public getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps { return { actions: {}, breadcrumbs: [], pageTitle: '' }; } public render(): JSX.Element { return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 't'))}> <MD2Tabs tabs={['Active', 'Archived']} selectedTab={this.props.view} onSwitch={this._tabSwitched.bind(this)} /> {this.props.view === 0 && <AllRunsList {...this.props} />} {this.props.view === 1 && <ArchivedRuns {...this.props} />} </div> ); } public async refresh(): Promise<void> { return; } private _tabSwitched(newTab: AllRunsAndArchiveTab): void { this.props.history.push( newTab === AllRunsAndArchiveTab.RUNS ? RoutePage.RUNS : RoutePage.ARCHIVED_RUNS, ); } } export default AllRunsAndArchive;
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import RecurringRunDetails from './RecurringRunDetails'; import TestUtils from 'src/TestUtils'; import { ApiJob, ApiResourceType } from 'src/apis/job'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { PageProps } from './Page'; import { RouteParams, RoutePage, QUERY_PARAMS } from 'src/components/Router'; import { shallow, ReactWrapper, ShallowWrapper } from 'enzyme'; import { ButtonKeys } from 'src/lib/Buttons'; describe('RecurringRunDetails', () => { let tree: ReactWrapper<any> | ShallowWrapper<any>; const updateBannerSpy = jest.fn(); const updateDialogSpy = jest.fn(); const updateSnackbarSpy = jest.fn(); const updateToolbarSpy = jest.fn(); const historyPushSpy = jest.fn(); const getJobSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.jobServiceApi, 'getJob'); const deleteRecurringRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi, 'deleteRecurringRun'); const enableRecurringRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi, 'enableRecurringRun'); const disableRecurringRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi, 'disableRecurringRun'); const getExperimentSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.experimentServiceApi, 'getExperiment'); let fullTestJob: ApiJob = {}; function generateProps(): PageProps { const match = { isExact: true, params: { [RouteParams.recurringRunId]: }, path: '', url: '', }; return TestUtils.generatePageProps( RecurringRunDetails, '' as any, match, historyPushSpy, updateBannerSpy, updateDialogSpy, updateToolbarSpy, updateSnackbarSpy, ); } beforeEach(() => { fullTestJob = { created_at: new Date(2018, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2), description: 'test job description', enabled: true, id: 'test-job-id', max_concurrency: '50', no_catchup: true, name: 'test job', pipeline_spec: { parameters: [{ name: 'param1', value: 'value1' }], pipeline_id: 'some-pipeline-id', }, trigger: { periodic_schedule: { end_time: new Date(2018, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6), interval_second: '3600', start_time: new Date(2018, 9, 8, 7, 6), }, }, } as ApiJob; jest.clearAllMocks(); getJobSpy.mockImplementation(() => fullTestJob); deleteRecurringRunSpy.mockImplementation(); enableRecurringRunSpy.mockImplementation(); disableRecurringRunSpy.mockImplementation(); getExperimentSpy.mockImplementation(); }); afterEach(() => tree.unmount()); it('renders a recurring run with periodic schedule', async () => { tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders a recurring run with cron schedule', async () => { const cronTestJob = { ...fullTestJob, no_catchup: undefined, // in api requests, it's undefined when false trigger: { cron_schedule: { cron: '* * * 0 0 !', end_time: new Date(2018, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6), start_time: new Date(2018, 9, 8, 7, 6), }, }, }; getJobSpy.mockImplementation(() => cronTestJob); tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('loads the recurring run given its id in query params', async () => { // The run id is in the router match object, defined inside generateProps tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(getJobSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(; expect(getExperimentSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('shows All runs -> run name when there is no experiment', async () => { // The run id is in the router match object, defined inside generateProps tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ breadcrumbs: [{ displayName: 'All runs', href: RoutePage.RUNS }], pageTitle:, }), ); }); it('loads the recurring run and its experiment if it has one', async () => { fullTestJob.resource_references = [ { key: { id: 'test-experiment-id', type: ApiResourceType.EXPERIMENT } }, ]; tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(getJobSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(; expect(getExperimentSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('test-experiment-id'); }); it('shows Experiments -> Experiment name -> run name when there is an experiment', async () => { fullTestJob.resource_references = [ { key: { id: 'test-experiment-id', type: ApiResourceType.EXPERIMENT } }, ]; getExperimentSpy.mockImplementation(id => ({ id, name: 'test experiment name' })); tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ breadcrumbs: [ { displayName: 'Experiments', href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS }, { displayName: 'test experiment name', href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENT_DETAILS.replace( ':' + RouteParams.experimentId, 'test-experiment-id', ), }, ], pageTitle:, }), ); }); it('shows error banner if run cannot be fetched', async () => { TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(getJobSpy, 'woops!'); tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); // Once to clear, once to show error expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ additionalInfo: 'woops!', message: `Error: failed to retrieve recurring run: ${}. Click Details for more information.`, mode: 'error', }), ); }); it('shows warning banner if has experiment but experiment cannot be fetched. still loads run', async () => { fullTestJob.resource_references = [ { key: { id: 'test-experiment-id', type: ApiResourceType.EXPERIMENT } }, ]; TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(getExperimentSpy, 'woops!'); tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); // Once to clear, once to show error expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ additionalInfo: 'woops!', message: `Error: failed to retrieve this recurring run's experiment. Click Details for more information.`, mode: 'warning', }), ); expect(tree.state('run')).toEqual(fullTestJob); }); it('has a Refresh button, clicking it refreshes the run details', async () => { tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); const instance = tree.instance() as RecurringRunDetails; const refreshBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.REFRESH]; expect(refreshBtn).toBeDefined(); expect(getJobSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); await refreshBtn!.action(); expect(getJobSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }); it('has a clone button, clicking it navigates to new run page', async () => { tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); const instance = tree.instance() as RecurringRunDetails; const cloneBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.CLONE_RECURRING_RUN]; expect(cloneBtn).toBeDefined(); await cloneBtn!.action(); expect(historyPushSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(historyPushSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( RoutePage.NEW_RUN + `?${QUERY_PARAMS.cloneFromRecurringRun}=${fullTestJob!.id}` + `&${QUERY_PARAMS.isRecurring}=1`, ); }); it('shows enabled Disable, and disabled Enable buttons if the run is enabled', async () => { tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); const enableBtn = TestUtils.getToolbarButton(updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.ENABLE_RECURRING_RUN); expect(enableBtn).toBeDefined(); expect(enableBtn!.disabled).toBe(true); const disableBtn = TestUtils.getToolbarButton( updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.DISABLE_RECURRING_RUN, ); expect(disableBtn).toBeDefined(); expect(disableBtn!.disabled).toBe(false); }); it('shows enabled Disable, and disabled Enable buttons if the run is disabled', async () => { fullTestJob.enabled = false; tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); const enableBtn = TestUtils.getToolbarButton(updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.ENABLE_RECURRING_RUN); expect(enableBtn).toBeDefined(); expect(enableBtn!.disabled).toBe(false); const disableBtn = TestUtils.getToolbarButton( updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.DISABLE_RECURRING_RUN, ); expect(disableBtn).toBeDefined(); expect(disableBtn!.disabled).toBe(true); }); it('shows enabled Disable, and disabled Enable buttons if the run is undefined', async () => { fullTestJob.enabled = undefined; tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); const enableBtn = TestUtils.getToolbarButton(updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.ENABLE_RECURRING_RUN); expect(enableBtn).toBeDefined(); expect(enableBtn!.disabled).toBe(false); const disableBtn = TestUtils.getToolbarButton( updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.DISABLE_RECURRING_RUN, ); expect(disableBtn).toBeDefined(); expect(disableBtn!.disabled).toBe(true); }); it('calls disable API when disable button is clicked, refreshes the page', async () => { tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); const instance = tree.instance() as RecurringRunDetails; const disableBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.DISABLE_RECURRING_RUN]; await disableBtn!.action(); expect(disableRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(disableRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('test-job-id'); expect(getJobSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(getJobSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('test-job-id'); }); it('shows error dialog if disable fails', async () => { tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(disableRecurringRunSpy, 'could not disable'); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); const instance = tree.instance() as RecurringRunDetails; const disableBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.DISABLE_RECURRING_RUN]; await disableBtn!.action(); expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ content: 'could not disable', title: 'Failed to disable recurring run', }), ); }); it('shows error dialog if enable fails', async () => { fullTestJob.enabled = false; tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(enableRecurringRunSpy, 'could not enable'); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); const instance = tree.instance() as RecurringRunDetails; const enableBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.ENABLE_RECURRING_RUN]; await enableBtn!.action(); expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ content: 'could not enable', title: 'Failed to enable recurring run', }), ); }); it('calls enable API when enable button is clicked, refreshes the page', async () => { fullTestJob.enabled = false; tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); const instance = tree.instance() as RecurringRunDetails; const enableBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.ENABLE_RECURRING_RUN]; await enableBtn!.action(); expect(enableRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(enableRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('test-job-id'); expect(getJobSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(getJobSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('test-job-id'); }); it('shows a delete button', async () => { tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); const instance = tree.instance() as RecurringRunDetails; const deleteBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN]; expect(deleteBtn).toBeDefined(); }); it('shows delete dialog when delete button is clicked', async () => { tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); const instance = tree.instance() as RecurringRunDetails; const deleteBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN]; await deleteBtn!.action(); expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ title: 'Delete this recurring run config?', }), ); }); it('calls delete API when delete confirmation dialog button is clicked', async () => { tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); const instance = tree.instance() as RecurringRunDetails; const deleteBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN]; await deleteBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const confirmBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Delete'); await confirmBtn.onClick(); expect(deleteRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(deleteRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('test-job-id'); }); it('does not call delete API when delete cancel dialog button is clicked', async () => { tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); const instance = tree.instance() as RecurringRunDetails; const deleteBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN]; await deleteBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const confirmBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Cancel'); await confirmBtn.onClick(); expect(deleteRecurringRunSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); // Should not reroute expect(historyPushSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); // TODO: need to test the dismiss path too--when the dialog is dismissed using ESC // or clicking outside it, it should be treated the same way as clicking Cancel. it('redirects back to parent experiment after delete', async () => { tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); const deleteBtn = (tree.instance() as RecurringRunDetails).getInitialToolbarState().actions[ ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN ]; await deleteBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const confirmBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Delete'); await confirmBtn.onClick(); expect(deleteRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('test-job-id'); expect(historyPushSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(historyPushSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS); }); it('shows snackbar after successful deletion', async () => { tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); const deleteBtn = (tree.instance() as RecurringRunDetails).getInitialToolbarState().actions[ ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN ]; await deleteBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const confirmBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Delete'); await confirmBtn.onClick(); expect(updateSnackbarSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(updateSnackbarSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({ message: 'Delete succeeded for this recurring run config', open: true, }); }); it('shows error dialog after failing deletion', async () => { TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(deleteRecurringRunSpy, 'could not delete'); tree = shallow(<RecurringRunDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); const deleteBtn = (tree.instance() as RecurringRunDetails).getInitialToolbarState().actions[ ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN ]; await deleteBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const confirmBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Delete'); await confirmBtn.onClick(); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ content: 'Failed to delete recurring run config: test-job-id with error: "could not delete"', title: 'Failed to delete recurring run config', }), ); // Should not reroute expect(historyPushSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); });
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import { ArchivedExperiments } from './ArchivedExperiments'; import TestUtils from '../TestUtils'; import { PageProps } from './Page'; import { ApiExperimentStorageState } from '../apis/experiment'; import { V2beta1ExperimentStorageState } from '../apisv2beta1/experiment'; import { ShallowWrapper, shallow } from 'enzyme'; import { ButtonKeys } from '../lib/Buttons'; describe('ArchivedExperiemnts', () => { const updateBannerSpy = jest.fn(); const updateToolbarSpy = jest.fn(); const historyPushSpy = jest.fn(); const updateDialogSpy = jest.fn(); const updateSnackbarSpy = jest.fn(); let tree: ShallowWrapper; function generateProps(): PageProps { return TestUtils.generatePageProps( ArchivedExperiments, {} as any, {} as any, historyPushSpy, updateBannerSpy, updateDialogSpy, updateToolbarSpy, updateSnackbarSpy, ); } beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); afterEach(() => tree.unmount()); it('renders archived experiments', () => { tree = shallow(<ArchivedExperiments {...generateProps()} />); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('removes error banner on unmount', () => { tree = shallow(<ArchivedExperiments {...generateProps()} />); tree.unmount(); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({}); }); it('refreshes the experiment list when refresh button is clicked', async () => { tree = shallow(<ArchivedExperiments {...generateProps()} />); const spy = jest.fn(); (tree.instance() as any)._experimentlistRef = { current: { refresh: spy } }; await TestUtils.getToolbarButton(updateToolbarSpy, ButtonKeys.REFRESH).action(); expect(spy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(); }); it('shows a list of archived experiments', () => { tree = shallow(<ArchivedExperiments {...generateProps()} />); expect(tree.find('ExperimentList').prop('storageState')).toBe( V2beta1ExperimentStorageState.ARCHIVED.toString(), ); }); });
/* * Copyright 2023 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import React from 'react'; import * as JsYaml from 'js-yaml'; import { useQuery } from 'react-query'; import { V2beta1RecurringRun } from 'src/apisv2beta1/recurringrun'; import { RouteParams } from 'src/components/Router'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import * as WorkflowUtils from 'src/lib/v2/WorkflowUtils'; import { PageProps } from './Page'; import RecurringRunDetails from './RecurringRunDetails'; import RecurringRunDetailsV2 from './RecurringRunDetailsV2'; import { RecurringRunDetailsV2FC } from 'src/pages/functional_components/RecurringRunDetailsV2FC'; import { FeatureKey, isFeatureEnabled } from 'src/features'; // This is a router to determine whether to show V1 or V2 recurring run details page. export default function RecurringRunDetailsRouter(props: PageProps) { const recurringRunId = props.match.params[RouteParams.recurringRunId]; let pipelineManifest: string | undefined; const { isSuccess: getRecurringRunSuccess, isFetching: recurringRunIsFetching, data: v2RecurringRun, } = useQuery<V2beta1RecurringRun, Error>( ['v2_recurring_run_detail', { id: recurringRunId }], () => { if (!recurringRunId) { throw new Error('Recurring run ID is missing'); } return Apis.recurringRunServiceApi.getRecurringRun(recurringRunId); }, { enabled: !!recurringRunId, staleTime: Infinity }, ); if (getRecurringRunSuccess && v2RecurringRun && v2RecurringRun.pipeline_spec) { pipelineManifest = JsYaml.safeDump(v2RecurringRun.pipeline_spec); } const pipelineId = v2RecurringRun?.pipeline_version_reference?.pipeline_id; const pipelineVersionId = v2RecurringRun?.pipeline_version_reference?.pipeline_version_id; const { isFetching: templateStrIsFetching, data: templateStrFromPipelineVersion } = useQuery< string, Error >( ['PipelineVersionTemplate', { pipelineId, pipelineVersionId }], async () => { if (!pipelineId || !pipelineVersionId) { return ''; } const pipelineVersion = await Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.getPipelineVersion( pipelineId, pipelineVersionId, ); const pipelineSpec = pipelineVersion.pipeline_spec; return pipelineSpec ? JsYaml.safeDump(pipelineSpec) : ''; }, { enabled: !!pipelineId && !!pipelineVersionId, staleTime: Infinity, cacheTime: Infinity }, ); const templateString = pipelineManifest ?? templateStrFromPipelineVersion; if (getRecurringRunSuccess && v2RecurringRun && templateString) { const isV2Pipeline = WorkflowUtils.isPipelineSpec(templateString); if (isV2Pipeline) { return isFeatureEnabled(FeatureKey.FUNCTIONAL_COMPONENT) ? ( <RecurringRunDetailsV2FC {...props} /> ) : ( <RecurringRunDetailsV2 {...props} /> ); } } if (recurringRunIsFetching || templateStrIsFetching) { return <div>Currently loading recurring run information</div>; } return <RecurringRunDetails {...props} />; }
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import 'brace'; import 'brace/ext/language_tools'; import 'brace/mode/yaml'; import 'brace/theme/github'; import { graphlib } from 'dagre'; import * as JsYaml from 'js-yaml'; import * as React from 'react'; import { FeatureKey, isFeatureEnabled } from 'src/features'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { convertFlowElements, convertSubDagToFlowElements, PipelineFlowElement, } from 'src/lib/v2/StaticFlow'; import * as WorkflowUtils from 'src/lib/v2/WorkflowUtils'; import { convertYamlToV2PipelineSpec } from 'src/lib/v2/WorkflowUtils'; import { classes } from 'typestyle'; import { Workflow } from 'src/third_party/mlmd/argo_template'; import { ApiGetTemplateResponse, ApiPipeline, ApiPipelineVersion } from 'src/apis/pipeline'; import { V2beta1ListPipelineVersionsResponse, V2beta1Pipeline, V2beta1PipelineVersion, } from 'src/apisv2beta1/pipeline'; import { QUERY_PARAMS, RoutePage, RouteParams } from 'src/components/Router'; import { ToolbarProps } from 'src/components/Toolbar'; import { commonCss, padding } from 'src/Css'; import Buttons, { ButtonKeys } from 'src/lib/Buttons'; import RunUtils from 'src/lib/RunUtils'; import * as StaticGraphParser from 'src/lib/StaticGraphParser'; import { compareGraphEdges, transitiveReduction } from 'src/lib/StaticGraphParser'; import { URLParser } from 'src/lib/URLParser'; import { logger } from 'src/lib/Utils'; import { Page } from './Page'; import PipelineDetailsV1 from './PipelineDetailsV1'; import PipelineDetailsV2 from './PipelineDetailsV2'; import { ApiRunDetail } from 'src/apis/run'; import { ApiJob } from 'src/apis/job'; import { V2beta1Run } from 'src/apisv2beta1/run'; import { V2beta1RecurringRun } from 'src/apisv2beta1/recurringrun'; import { V2beta1Experiment } from 'src/apisv2beta1/experiment'; interface PipelineDetailsState { graph: dagre.graphlib.Graph | null; reducedGraph: dagre.graphlib.Graph | null; graphV2: PipelineFlowElement[] | null; graphIsLoading: boolean; v1Pipeline: ApiPipeline | null; v2Pipeline: V2beta1Pipeline | null; selectedNodeInfo: JSX.Element | null; v1SelectedVersion?: ApiPipelineVersion; v2SelectedVersion?: V2beta1PipelineVersion; template?: Workflow; templateString?: string; v1Versions: ApiPipelineVersion[]; v2Versions: V2beta1PipelineVersion[]; } type Origin = { isRecurring: boolean; runId: string | null; recurringRunId: string | null; v1Run?: ApiRunDetail; v2Run?: V2beta1Run; v1RecurringRun?: ApiJob; v2RecurringRun?: V2beta1RecurringRun; }; class PipelineDetails extends Page<{}, PipelineDetailsState> { constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.state = { graph: null, reducedGraph: null, graphV2: null, graphIsLoading: true, v1Pipeline: null, v2Pipeline: null, selectedNodeInfo: null, v1Versions: [], v2Versions: [], }; } public getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps { const buttons = new Buttons(this.props, this.refresh.bind(this)); const origin = this.getOrigin(); const pipelineIdFromParams = this.props.match.params[RouteParams.pipelineId]; const pipelineVersionIdFromParams = this.props.match.params[RouteParams.pipelineVersionId]; if (origin) { const getOriginIdList = () => [origin.isRecurring ? origin.recurringRunId! : origin.runId!]; origin.isRecurring ? buttons.cloneRecurringRun(getOriginIdList, true) : buttons.cloneRun(getOriginIdList, true); return { actions: buttons.getToolbarActionMap(), breadcrumbs: [ { displayName: origin.isRecurring ? origin.recurringRunId! : origin.runId!, href: origin.isRecurring ? RoutePage.RECURRING_RUN_DETAILS.replace( ':' + RouteParams.recurringRunId, origin.recurringRunId!, ) : RoutePage.RUN_DETAILS.replace(':' + RouteParams.runId, origin.runId!), }, ], pageTitle: 'Pipeline details', }; } else { // Add buttons for creating experiment and deleting pipeline version buttons .newRunFromPipelineVersion( () => { return this.state.v2Pipeline ? this.state.v2Pipeline.pipeline_id : pipelineIdFromParams ? pipelineIdFromParams : ''; }, () => { return this.state.v2SelectedVersion ? this.state.v2SelectedVersion.pipeline_version_id : pipelineVersionIdFromParams ? pipelineVersionIdFromParams : ''; }, ) .newPipelineVersion('Upload version', () => pipelineIdFromParams ? pipelineIdFromParams : '', ) .newExperiment(() => this.state.v1Pipeline ?! : pipelineIdFromParams ? pipelineIdFromParams : '', ) .deletePipelineVersion( () => pipelineIdFromParams && pipelineVersionIdFromParams ? new Map<string, string>([[pipelineVersionIdFromParams, pipelineIdFromParams]]) : new Map<string, string>(), this._deleteCallback.bind(this), pipelineVersionIdFromParams ? true : false /* useCurrentResource */, ); return { actions: buttons.getToolbarActionMap(), breadcrumbs: [{ displayName: 'Pipelines', href: RoutePage.PIPELINES }], pageTitle: this.props.match.params[RouteParams.pipelineId], }; } } public render(): JSX.Element { const { v1Pipeline, v2Pipeline, v1SelectedVersion, v2SelectedVersion, v1Versions, v2Versions, graph, graphV2, reducedGraph, templateString, } = this.state; const setLayers = (layers: string[]) => { if (!templateString) { console.warn('pipeline spec template is unknown.'); return; } const pipelineSpec = convertYamlToV2PipelineSpec(templateString!); const newElements = convertSubDagToFlowElements(pipelineSpec!, layers); this.setStateSafe({ graphV2: newElements, graphIsLoading: false }); }; const showV2Pipeline = isFeatureEnabled(FeatureKey.V2_ALPHA) && graphV2 && graphV2.length > 0 && !graph; return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 't'))}> {this.state.graphIsLoading && <div>Currently loading pipeline information</div>} {!this.state.graphIsLoading && showV2Pipeline && ( <PipelineDetailsV2 templateString={templateString} pipelineFlowElements={graphV2!} setSubDagLayers={setLayers} pipeline={v2Pipeline} selectedVersion={v2SelectedVersion} versions={v2Versions} handleVersionSelected={this.handleVersionSelected.bind(this)} /> )} {!this.state.graphIsLoading && !showV2Pipeline && ( <PipelineDetailsV1 pipeline={v1Pipeline} templateString={templateString} graph={graph} reducedGraph={reducedGraph} updateBanner={this.props.updateBanner} selectedVersion={v1SelectedVersion} versions={v1Versions} handleVersionSelected={this.handleVersionSelected.bind(this)} /> )} </div> ); } public async refresh(): Promise<void> { return this.load(); } public async componentDidMount(): Promise<void> { return this.load(); } private getOrigin() { const urlParser = new URLParser(this.props); const fromRunId = urlParser.get(QUERY_PARAMS.fromRunId); const fromRecurringRunId = urlParser.get(QUERY_PARAMS.fromRecurringRunId); if (fromRunId && fromRecurringRunId) { throw new Error('The existence of run and recurring run should be exclusive.'); } let origin: Origin = { isRecurring: !!fromRecurringRunId, runId: fromRunId, recurringRunId: fromRecurringRunId, }; return fromRunId || fromRecurringRunId ? origin : undefined; } private async getTempStrFromRunOrRecurringRun(existingObj: V2beta1Run | V2beta1RecurringRun) { // existing run or recurring run have two kinds of resources that can provide template string // 1. Pipeline and pipeline version id const pipelineId = existingObj.pipeline_version_reference?.pipeline_id; const pipelineVersionId = existingObj.pipeline_version_reference?.pipeline_version_id; let templateStrFromOrigin: string | undefined; if (pipelineId && pipelineVersionId) { const pipelineVersion = await Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.getPipelineVersion( pipelineId, pipelineVersionId, ); const pipelineSpecFromVersion = pipelineVersion.pipeline_spec; templateStrFromOrigin = pipelineSpecFromVersion ? JsYaml.safeDump(pipelineSpecFromVersion) : ''; } // 2. Pipeline_spec let pipelineManifest: string | undefined; if (existingObj.pipeline_spec) { pipelineManifest = JsYaml.safeDump(existingObj.pipeline_spec); } return pipelineManifest ?? templateStrFromOrigin; } // We don't have default version in v2 pipeline proto, choose the latest version instead. private async getSelectedVersion(pipelineId: string, versionId?: string) { let selectedVersion: V2beta1PipelineVersion; // Get specific version if version id is provided if (versionId) { try { selectedVersion = await Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.getPipelineVersion(pipelineId, versionId); } catch (err) { this.setStateSafe({ graphIsLoading: false }); await this.showPageError('Cannot retrieve pipeline version.', err); logger.error('Cannot retrieve pipeline version.', err); return undefined; } } else { // Get the latest version if no version id let listVersionsResponse: V2beta1ListPipelineVersionsResponse; try { listVersionsResponse = await Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.listPipelineVersions( pipelineId, undefined, 1, // Only need the latest one 'created_at desc', ); if ( listVersionsResponse.pipeline_versions && listVersionsResponse.pipeline_versions.length > 0 ) { selectedVersion = listVersionsResponse.pipeline_versions[0]; } else { return undefined; } } catch (err) { this.setStateSafe({ graphIsLoading: false }); await this.showPageError('Cannot retrieve pipeline version list.', err); logger.error('Cannot retrieve pipeline version list.', err); return undefined; } } return selectedVersion; } public async load(): Promise<void> { this.clearBanner(); const origin = this.getOrigin(); let v1Pipeline: ApiPipeline | null = null; let v1Version: ApiPipelineVersion | null = null; let v1SelectedVersion: ApiPipelineVersion | undefined; let v1Versions: ApiPipelineVersion[] = []; let v2Pipeline: V2beta1Pipeline | null = null; let v2SelectedVersion: V2beta1PipelineVersion | undefined; let v2Versions: V2beta1PipelineVersion[] = []; let templateString = ''; let breadcrumbs: Array<{ displayName: string; href: string }> = []; const toolbarActions = this.props.toolbarProps.actions; let pageTitle = ''; // If fromRunId or fromRecurringRunId is specified, // then load the run and get the pipeline template from it if (origin) { const msgRunOrRecurringRun = origin.isRecurring ? 'recurring run' : 'run'; try { // TODO(jlyaoyuli): change to v2 API after v1 is deprecated // Note: v2 getRecurringRun() api can retrieve v1 job // (ApiParameter can be only retrieve in the response of v1 getJob() api) // Experiment ID and pipeline version id are preserved. if (origin.isRecurring) { origin.v1RecurringRun = await Apis.jobServiceApi.getJob(origin.recurringRunId!); origin.v2RecurringRun = await Apis.recurringRunServiceApi.getRecurringRun( origin.recurringRunId!, ); } else { origin.v1Run = await Apis.runServiceApi.getRun(origin.runId!); origin.v2Run = await Apis.runServiceApiV2.getRun(origin.runId!); } // If v2 run or recurring is existing, get template string from it const templateStrFromOrigin = origin.isRecurring ? await this.getTempStrFromRunOrRecurringRun(origin.v2RecurringRun!) : await this.getTempStrFromRunOrRecurringRun(origin.v2Run!); // V1: Convert the run's pipeline spec to YAML to be displayed as the pipeline's source. // V2: Directly Use the template string from existing run or recurring run // because it can be translated in JSON format. if (isFeatureEnabled(FeatureKey.V2_ALPHA) && templateStrFromOrigin) { templateString = templateStrFromOrigin; } else { try { const workflowManifestString = RunUtils.getWorkflowManifest( origin.isRecurring ? origin.v1RecurringRun : origin.v1Run!.run, ) || ''; const workflowManifest = JSON.parse(workflowManifestString || '{}'); try { templateString = WorkflowUtils.isPipelineSpec(workflowManifestString) ? workflowManifestString : JsYaml.safeDump(workflowManifest); } catch (err) { this.setStateSafe({ graphIsLoading: false }); await this.showPageError( `Failed to parse pipeline spec from ${msgRunOrRecurringRun} with ID: ${ origin.isRecurring ? origin.v1RecurringRun!.id : origin.v1Run!.run!.id }.`, err, ); logger.error( `Failed to convert pipeline spec YAML from ${msgRunOrRecurringRun} with ID: ${ origin.isRecurring ? origin.v1RecurringRun!.id : origin.v1Run!.run!.id }.`, err, ); } } catch (err) { this.setStateSafe({ graphIsLoading: false }); await this.showPageError( `Failed to parse pipeline spec from ${msgRunOrRecurringRun} with ID: ${ origin.isRecurring ? origin.v1RecurringRun!.id : origin.v1Run!.run!.id }.`, err, ); logger.error( `Failed to parse pipeline spec JSON from ${msgRunOrRecurringRun} with ID: ${ origin.isRecurring ? origin.v1RecurringRun!.id : origin.v1Run!.run!.id }.`, err, ); } } // We have 2 options to get experiment id (resource_ref in v1, experiment_id in v2) // which is used in getExperiment(). Getting the experiment id from v2 API works well // for any runs created via v1 api v2 APIs. Therefore, choosing v2 API is feasible and also // makes the API integration more comprehensively. const relatedExperimentId = origin.isRecurring ? origin.v2RecurringRun?.experiment_id : origin.v2Run?.experiment_id; let experiment: V2beta1Experiment | undefined; if (relatedExperimentId) { experiment = await Apis.experimentServiceApiV2.getExperiment(relatedExperimentId); } // Build the breadcrumbs, by adding experiment and run names if (experiment) { breadcrumbs.push( { displayName: 'Experiments', href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS }, { displayName: experiment.display_name!, href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENT_DETAILS.replace( ':' + RouteParams.experimentId, experiment.experiment_id!, ), }, ); } else { breadcrumbs.push({ displayName: `All ${msgRunOrRecurringRun}s`, href: origin.isRecurring ? RoutePage.RECURRING_RUNS : RoutePage.RUNS, }); } breadcrumbs.push({ displayName: origin.isRecurring ? origin.v2RecurringRun!.display_name! : origin.v2Run!.display_name!, href: origin.isRecurring ? RoutePage.RECURRING_RUN_DETAILS.replace( ':' + RouteParams.recurringRunId, origin.recurringRunId!, ) : RoutePage.RUN_DETAILS.replace(':' + RouteParams.runId, origin.runId!), }); pageTitle = 'Pipeline details'; } catch (err) { this.setStateSafe({ graphIsLoading: false }); await this.showPageError(`Cannot retrieve ${msgRunOrRecurringRun} details.`, err); logger.error(`Cannot retrieve ${msgRunOrRecurringRun} details.`, err); return; } } else { // if fromRunId or fromRecurringRunId is not specified, then we have a full pipeline const pipelineId = this.props.match.params[RouteParams.pipelineId]; const versionId = this.props.match.params[RouteParams.pipelineVersionId]; try { v1Pipeline = await Apis.pipelineServiceApi.getPipeline(pipelineId); v2Pipeline = await Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.getPipeline(pipelineId); } catch (err) { this.setStateSafe({ graphIsLoading: false }); await this.showPageError('Cannot retrieve pipeline details.', err); logger.error('Cannot retrieve pipeline details.', err); return; } try { // TODO(rjbauer): it's possible we might not have a version, even default if (versionId) { v1Version = await Apis.pipelineServiceApi.getPipelineVersion(versionId); } } catch (err) { this.setStateSafe({ graphIsLoading: false }); await this.showPageError('Cannot retrieve pipeline version.', err); logger.error('Cannot retrieve pipeline version.', err); return; } v1SelectedVersion = versionId ? v1Version! : v1Pipeline.default_version; v2SelectedVersion = await this.getSelectedVersion(pipelineId, versionId); if (!v1SelectedVersion && !v2SelectedVersion) { // An empty pipeline, which doesn't have any version. pageTitle = v2Pipeline.display_name!; const actions = this.props.toolbarProps.actions; actions[ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN].disabled = true; this.props.updateToolbar({ actions }); } else { // Fetch manifest for the selected version under this pipeline. // Basically, v1 and v2 selectedVersion are existing simultanesouly // Set v2 has higher priority is only for full migration after v1 is deprecated pageTitle = v2SelectedVersion ? v2Pipeline.display_name!.concat(' (', v2SelectedVersion!.display_name!, ')') :!.concat(' (', v1SelectedVersion!.name!, ')'); try { // TODO(jingzhang36): pagination not proper here. so if many versions, // the page size value should be? v1Versions = ( await Apis.pipelineServiceApi.listPipelineVersions( 'PIPELINE', pipelineId, 50, undefined, 'created_at desc', ) ).versions || []; v2Versions = ( await Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.listPipelineVersions( pipelineId, undefined, 50, 'created_at desc', ) ).pipeline_versions || []; } catch (err) { this.setStateSafe({ graphIsLoading: false }); await this.showPageError('Cannot retrieve pipeline versions.', err); logger.error('Cannot retrieve pipeline versions.', err); return; } templateString = await this._getTemplateString(v2SelectedVersion); } breadcrumbs = [{ displayName: 'Pipelines', href: RoutePage.PIPELINES }]; } this.props.updateToolbar({ breadcrumbs, actions: toolbarActions, pageTitle }); const [graph, reducedGraph, graphV2] = await this._createGraph(templateString); // Currently, we allow upload v1 version to v2 pipeline or vice versa, // so v1 and v2 field is "non-exclusive". // TODO(jlyaoyuli): If we decide not to support "mix versions", // v1 and v2 should be "exclusive" if (isFeatureEnabled(FeatureKey.V2_ALPHA) && graphV2.length > 0) { this.setStateSafe({ v1Pipeline, v2Pipeline, v1SelectedVersion, v2SelectedVersion, v1Versions, v2Versions, graph: undefined, graphV2, graphIsLoading: false, reducedGraph: undefined, templateString, }); } else { this.setStateSafe({ v1Pipeline, v2Pipeline, v1SelectedVersion, v2SelectedVersion, v1Versions, v2Versions, graph, graphV2: undefined, graphIsLoading: false, reducedGraph, templateString, }); } } public async handleVersionSelected(versionId: string): Promise<void> { if (this.state.v2Pipeline) { const v1SelectedVersion = (this.state.v1Versions || []).find(v => === versionId); const v2SelectedVersion = (this.state.v2Versions || []).find( v => v.pipeline_version_id === versionId, ); const pageTitle = this.state.v2Pipeline.display_name?.concat( ' (', v2SelectedVersion?.display_name!, ')', ); const selectedVersionPipelineTemplate = await this._getTemplateString(v2SelectedVersion); this.props.history.replace({ pathname: `/pipelines/details/${this.state.v2Pipeline.pipeline_id}/version/${versionId}`, }); this.props.updateToolbar(this.getInitialToolbarState()); this.props.updateToolbar({ pageTitle }); const [graph, reducedGraph, graphV2] = await this._createGraph( selectedVersionPipelineTemplate, ); if (isFeatureEnabled(FeatureKey.V2_ALPHA) && graphV2.length > 0) { this.setStateSafe({ graph: undefined, reducedGraph: undefined, graphV2, graphIsLoading: false, v2SelectedVersion, templateString: selectedVersionPipelineTemplate, }); } else { this.setStateSafe({ graph, reducedGraph, graphV2: undefined, graphIsLoading: false, v1SelectedVersion, templateString: selectedVersionPipelineTemplate, }); } } } private async _getTemplateString(pipelineVersion?: V2beta1PipelineVersion): Promise<string> { if (pipelineVersion?.pipeline_spec) { return JsYaml.safeDump(pipelineVersion.pipeline_spec); } // Handle v1 pipelines created by v1 API (no pipeline_spec field) let v1TemplateResponse: ApiGetTemplateResponse; if (pipelineVersion?.pipeline_version_id) { v1TemplateResponse = await Apis.pipelineServiceApi.getPipelineVersionTemplate( pipelineVersion.pipeline_version_id, ); return v1TemplateResponse.template || ''; } else if (pipelineVersion?.pipeline_id) { v1TemplateResponse = await Apis.pipelineServiceApi.getTemplate(pipelineVersion.pipeline_id); return v1TemplateResponse.template || ''; } else { logger.error('No template string is found'); return ''; } } private async _createGraph( templateString: string, ): Promise< [dagre.graphlib.Graph | null, dagre.graphlib.Graph | null | undefined, PipelineFlowElement[]] > { let graph: graphlib.Graph | null = null; let reducedGraph: graphlib.Graph | null | undefined = null; let graphV2: PipelineFlowElement[] = []; if (templateString) { try { const template = JsYaml.safeLoad(templateString); if (WorkflowUtils.isArgoWorkflowTemplate(template)) { graph = StaticGraphParser.createGraph(template!); reducedGraph = graph ? transitiveReduction(graph) : undefined; if (graph && reducedGraph && compareGraphEdges(graph, reducedGraph)) { reducedGraph = undefined; // disable reduction switch } } else if (isFeatureEnabled(FeatureKey.V2_ALPHA)) { const pipelineSpec = WorkflowUtils.convertYamlToV2PipelineSpec(templateString); graphV2 = convertFlowElements(pipelineSpec); } else { throw new Error( 'Unable to convert string response from server to Argo workflow template' + ':', ); } } catch (err) { this.setStateSafe({ graphIsLoading: false }); await this.showPageError('Error: failed to generate Pipeline graph.', err); } } return [graph, reducedGraph, graphV2]; } private _deleteCallback(_: string[], success: boolean): void { if (success) { const breadcrumbs = this.props.toolbarProps.breadcrumbs; const previousPage = breadcrumbs.length ? breadcrumbs[breadcrumbs.length - 1].href : RoutePage.PIPELINES; this.props.history.push(previousPage); } } } export default PipelineDetails;
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { Button, Switch, TableCell } from '@material-ui/core'; import Table from '@material-ui/core/Table'; import TableBody from '@material-ui/core/TableBody'; import TableHead from '@material-ui/core/TableHead'; import TableRow from '@material-ui/core/TableRow'; import * as React from 'react'; import { commonCss, padding } from 'src/Css'; import { getFeatureList, initFeatures, saveFeatures } from 'src/features'; import { classes } from 'typestyle'; interface FrontendFeaturesProps {} // Secret page which developer can enable/disable pre-release features on UI. const FrontendFeatures: React.FC<FrontendFeaturesProps> = () => { initFeatures(); const srcFeatures = getFeatureList(); const [features, setFeatures] = React.useState(srcFeatures); const reset = () => { setFeatures(srcFeatures); }; const submit = () => { saveFeatures(features); setFeatures(getFeatureList()); }; const toggleChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { const index = features.findIndex(f => ===; if (index < 0) { console.log(`unable to find index for feature name: ${}`); return; } const newFeatures = [...features]; newFeatures[index].active =; setFeatures(newFeatures); }; return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 't'))}> <div className={classes(, padding(20, 'lr'))}> <div style={{ alignSelf: 'flex-end', flexDirection: 'initial' }}> <Button variant='contained' color='primary' onClick={submit}> Save changes </Button> <Button variant='contained' color='secondary' onClick={reset}> Reset </Button> </div> <Table aria-label=' table'> <TableHead> <TableRow> <TableCell>Feature Flag Name</TableCell> <TableCell align='left'>Description</TableCell> <TableCell align='right'>Enabled</TableCell> </TableRow> </TableHead> <TableBody> { => ( <TableRow key={}> <TableCell component='th' scope='row'> {} </TableCell> <TableCell align='left'>{f.description}</TableCell> <TableCell align='right'> <Switch checked={} onChange={toggleChange} color='primary' name={} inputProps={{ 'aria-label': 'primary checkbox' }} /> </TableCell> </TableRow> ))} </TableBody> </Table> </div> </div> ); }; export default FrontendFeatures;
/* * Copyright 2019 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button'; import FormControlLabel from '@material-ui/core/FormControlLabel'; import InputAdornment from '@material-ui/core/InputAdornment'; import Radio from '@material-ui/core/Radio'; import { TextFieldProps } from '@material-ui/core/TextField'; import * as React from 'react'; import Dropzone from 'react-dropzone'; import { DocumentationCompilePipeline } from 'src/components/UploadPipelineDialog'; import { classes, stylesheet } from 'typestyle'; import BusyButton from 'src/atoms/BusyButton'; import Input from 'src/atoms/Input'; import { CustomRendererProps } from 'src/components/CustomTable'; import { Description } from 'src/components/Description'; import { QUERY_PARAMS, RoutePage, RouteParams } from 'src/components/Router'; import { ToolbarProps } from 'src/components/Toolbar'; import { color, commonCss, padding, zIndex } from 'src/Css'; import { Apis, PipelineSortKeys, BuildInfo } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { URLParser } from 'src/lib/URLParser'; import { errorToMessage, logger } from 'src/lib/Utils'; import { Page, PageProps } from './Page'; import { NamespaceContext } from 'src/lib/KubeflowClient'; import PrivateSharedSelector from 'src/components/PrivateSharedSelector'; import { BuildInfoContext } from 'src/lib/BuildInfo'; import { V2beta1Pipeline, V2beta1PipelineVersion } from 'src/apisv2beta1/pipeline'; import PipelinesDialogV2 from 'src/components/PipelinesDialogV2'; interface NewPipelineVersionState { validationError: string; isbeingCreated: boolean; errorMessage: string; pipelineDescription: string; pipelineId?: string; pipelineName?: string; pipelineVersionName: string; pipelineVersionDescription: string; pipeline?: V2beta1Pipeline; codeSourceUrl: string; // Package can be local file or url importMethod: ImportMethod; fileName: string; file: File | null; packageUrl: string; dropzoneActive: boolean; // Create a new pipeline or not newPipeline: boolean; // Select existing pipeline pipelineSelectorOpen: boolean; unconfirmedSelectedPipeline?: V2beta1Pipeline; isPrivate: boolean; } interface NewPipelineVersionProps extends PageProps { buildInfo?: BuildInfo; namespace?: string; } export enum ImportMethod { LOCAL = 'local', URL = 'url', } const css = stylesheet({ dropOverlay: { backgroundColor: color.lightGrey, border: '2px dashed #aaa', bottom: 0, left: 0, padding: '2.5em 0', position: 'absolute', right: 0, textAlign: 'center', top: 0, zIndex: zIndex.DROP_ZONE_OVERLAY, }, errorMessage: { color: 'red', }, nonEditableInput: { color: color.secondaryText, }, selectorDialog: { // If screen is small, use calc(100% - 120px). If screen is big, use 1200px. maxWidth: 1200, // override default maxWidth to expand this dialog further minWidth: 680, width: 'calc(100% - 120px)', }, }); const descriptionCustomRenderer: React.FC<CustomRendererProps<string>> = props => { return <Description description={props.value || ''} forceInline={true} />; }; export class NewPipelineVersion extends Page<NewPipelineVersionProps, NewPipelineVersionState> { private _dropzoneRef = React.createRef<Dropzone & HTMLDivElement>(); private _pipelineVersionNameRef = React.createRef<HTMLInputElement>(); private _pipelineNameRef = React.createRef<HTMLInputElement>(); private _pipelineDescriptionRef = React.createRef<HTMLInputElement>(); private pipelineSelectorColumns = [ { label: 'Pipeline name', flex: 1, sortKey: PipelineSortKeys.NAME }, { label: 'Description', flex: 2, customRenderer: descriptionCustomRenderer }, { label: 'Uploaded on', flex: 1, sortKey: PipelineSortKeys.CREATED_AT }, ]; constructor(props: NewPipelineVersionProps) { super(props); const urlParser = new URLParser(props); const pipelineId = urlParser.get(QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineId); let isPrivate = false; if (props.buildInfo?.apiServerMultiUser) { isPrivate = true; } this.state = { codeSourceUrl: '', dropzoneActive: false, errorMessage: '', file: null, fileName: '', importMethod: ImportMethod.URL, isbeingCreated: false, newPipeline: pipelineId ? false : true, packageUrl: '', pipelineDescription: '', pipelineId: '', pipelineName: '', pipelineSelectorOpen: false, pipelineVersionName: '', pipelineVersionDescription: '', validationError: '', isPrivate, }; } public getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps { return { actions: {}, breadcrumbs: [{ displayName: 'Pipeline Versions', href: RoutePage.NEW_PIPELINE_VERSION }], pageTitle: 'New Pipeline', }; } public render(): JSX.Element { const { packageUrl, pipelineName, pipelineVersionName, pipelineVersionDescription, isbeingCreated, validationError, pipelineSelectorOpen, codeSourceUrl, importMethod, newPipeline, pipelineDescription, fileName, dropzoneActive, } = this.state; return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 'lr'))}> <div className={classes(commonCss.scrollContainer, padding(20, 'lr'))}> {/* Two subpages: one for creating version under existing pipeline and one for creating version under new pipeline */} <div className={classes(padding(10, 't'))}>Upload pipeline or pipeline version.</div> <div className={classes(commonCss.flex, padding(10, 'b'))}> <FormControlLabel id='createNewPipelineBtn' label='Create a new pipeline' checked={newPipeline === true} control={<Radio color='primary' />} onChange={() => this.setState({ codeSourceUrl: '', newPipeline: true, pipelineDescription: '', pipelineName: '', pipelineVersionName: '', }) } /> <FormControlLabel id='createPipelineVersionUnderExistingPipelineBtn' label='Create a new pipeline version under an existing pipeline' checked={newPipeline === false} control={<Radio color='primary' />} onChange={() => this.setState({ codeSourceUrl: '', newPipeline: false, pipelineDescription: '', pipelineVersionDescription: '', pipelineName: '', pipelineVersionName: '', }) } /> </div> {newPipeline === true && this.props.buildInfo?.apiServerMultiUser && ( <PrivateSharedSelector onChange={val => { this.setState({ isPrivate: val, }); }} ></PrivateSharedSelector> )} {/* Pipeline name and help text for uploading new pipeline */} {newPipeline === true && ( <> <div>Upload pipeline with the specified package.</div> <Input id='newPipelineName' value={pipelineName} required={true} label='Pipeline Name' variant='outlined' inputRef={this._pipelineNameRef} onChange={this.handleChange('pipelineName')} autoFocus={true} /> <Input id='pipelineDescription' value={pipelineDescription} required={false} label='Pipeline Description' variant='outlined' inputRef={this._pipelineDescriptionRef} onChange={this.handleChange('pipelineDescription')} autoFocus={true} /> {/* Choose a local file for package or specify a url for package */} </> )} {/* Pipeline selector and help text for uploading new pipeline version */} {newPipeline === false && ( <> <div>Upload pipeline version with the specified package.</div> {/* Select pipeline */} <Input value={pipelineName} required={true} label='Pipeline' disabled={true} variant='outlined' inputRef={this._pipelineNameRef} onChange={this.handleChange('pipelineName')} autoFocus={true} InputProps={{ classes: { disabled: css.nonEditableInput }, endAdornment: ( <InputAdornment position='end'> <Button color='secondary' id='choosePipelineBtn' onClick={() => this.setStateSafe({ pipelineSelectorOpen: true })} style={{ padding: '3px 5px', margin: 0 }} > Choose </Button> </InputAdornment> ), readOnly: true, }} /> <PipelinesDialogV2 {...this.props} open={pipelineSelectorOpen} selectorDialog={css.selectorDialog} onClose={(confirmed, selectedPipeline?: V2beta1Pipeline) => { this.setStateSafe({ unconfirmedSelectedPipeline: selectedPipeline }, () => { this._pipelineSelectorClosed(confirmed); }); }} namespace={this.props.namespace} pipelineSelectorColumns={this.pipelineSelectorColumns} ></PipelinesDialogV2> {/* Set pipeline version name */} <Input id='pipelineVersionName' label='Pipeline Version name' inputRef={this._pipelineVersionNameRef} required={true} onChange={this.handleChange('pipelineVersionName')} value={pipelineVersionName} autoFocus={true} variant='outlined' /> <Input id='pipelineVersionDescription' value={pipelineVersionDescription} required={false} label='Pipeline Version Description' variant='outlined' onChange={this.handleChange('pipelineVersionDescription')} autoFocus={true} /> </> )} {/* Different package explanation based on import method*/} {this.state.importMethod === ImportMethod.LOCAL && ( <> <div className={padding(10, 'b')}> Choose a pipeline package file from your computer, and give the pipeline a unique name. <br /> You can also drag and drop the file here. </div> <DocumentationCompilePipeline /> </> )} {this.state.importMethod === ImportMethod.URL && ( <> <div className={padding(10, 'b')}>URL must be publicly accessible.</div> <DocumentationCompilePipeline /> </> )} {/* Different package input field based on import method*/} <div className={classes(commonCss.flex, padding(10, 'b'))}> <FormControlLabel id='localPackageBtn' label='Upload a file' checked={importMethod === ImportMethod.LOCAL} control={<Radio color='primary' />} onChange={() => this.setState({ importMethod: ImportMethod.LOCAL })} /> <Dropzone id='dropZone' disableClick={true} onDrop={this._onDrop.bind(this)} onDragEnter={this._onDropzoneDragEnter.bind(this)} onDragLeave={this._onDropzoneDragLeave.bind(this)} style={{ position: 'relative' }} ref={this._dropzoneRef} inputProps={{ tabIndex: -1 }} disabled={importMethod === ImportMethod.URL} > {dropzoneActive && <div className={css.dropOverlay}>Drop files..</div>} <Input data-testid='uploadFileInput' onChange={this.handleChange('fileName')} value={fileName} required={true} label='File' variant='outlined' disabled={importMethod === ImportMethod.URL} // Find a better to align this input box with others InputProps={{ endAdornment: ( <InputAdornment position='end'> <Button color='secondary' onClick={() => this._dropzoneRef.current!.open()} style={{ padding: '3px 5px', margin: 0, whiteSpace: 'nowrap' }} disabled={importMethod === ImportMethod.URL} > Choose file </Button> </InputAdornment> ), readOnly: true, style: { maxWidth: 2000, width: 455, }, }} /> </Dropzone> </div> <div className={classes(commonCss.flex, padding(10, 'b'))}> <FormControlLabel id='remotePackageBtn' label='Import by url' checked={importMethod === ImportMethod.URL} control={<Radio color='primary' />} onChange={() => this.setState({ importMethod: ImportMethod.URL })} /> <Input id='pipelinePackageUrl' label='Package Url' multiline={true} onChange={this.handleChange('packageUrl')} value={packageUrl} variant='outlined' disabled={importMethod === ImportMethod.LOCAL} // Find a better to align this input box with others style={{ maxWidth: 2000, width: 465, }} /> </div> {/* Fill pipeline version code source url */} <Input id='pipelineVersionCodeSource' label='Code Source' multiline={true} onChange={this.handleChange('codeSourceUrl')} required={false} value={codeSourceUrl} variant='outlined' /> {/* Create pipeline or pipeline version */} <div className={commonCss.flex}> <BusyButton id='createNewPipelineOrVersionBtn' disabled={!!validationError} busy={isbeingCreated} className={commonCss.buttonAction} title={'Create'} onClick={this._create.bind(this)} /> <Button id='cancelNewPipelineOrVersionBtn' onClick={() => this.props.history.push(RoutePage.PIPELINES)} > Cancel </Button> <div className={css.errorMessage}>{validationError}</div> </div> </div> </div> ); } public async refresh(): Promise<void> { return; } public async componentDidMount(): Promise<void> { const urlParser = new URLParser(this.props); const pipelineId = urlParser.get(QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineId); if (pipelineId) { const pipelineResponse = await Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.getPipeline(pipelineId); this.setState({ pipelineId, pipelineName: pipelineResponse.display_name, pipeline: pipelineResponse, }); // Suggest a version name based on pipeline name const currDate = new Date(); this.setState({ pipelineVersionName: pipelineResponse.display_name + '_version_at_' + currDate.toISOString(), }); } this._validate(); } public handleChange = (name: string) => (event: any) => { const value = ( as TextFieldProps).value; this.setState({ [name]: value } as any, this._validate.bind(this)); // When pipeline name is changed, we have some special logic if (name === 'pipelineName') { // Suggest a version name based on pipeline name const currDate = new Date(); this.setState( { pipelineVersionName: value + '_version_at_' + currDate.toISOString() }, this._validate.bind(this), ); } }; protected async _pipelineSelectorClosed(confirmed: boolean): Promise<void> { let { pipeline } = this.state; const currDate = new Date(); if (confirmed && this.state.unconfirmedSelectedPipeline) { pipeline = this.state.unconfirmedSelectedPipeline; } this.setStateSafe( { pipeline, pipelineId: (pipeline && pipeline.pipeline_id) || '', pipelineName: (pipeline && pipeline.display_name) || '', pipelineSelectorOpen: false, // Suggest a version name based on pipeline name pipelineVersionName: (pipeline && pipeline.display_name + '_version_at_' + currDate.toISOString()) || '', }, () => this._validate(), ); } // To call _onDrop from test, so make a protected method protected _onDropForTest(files: File[]): void { this._onDrop(files); } private async _create(): Promise<void> { this.setState({ isbeingCreated: true }, async () => { try { let namespace: undefined | string; if (this.props.buildInfo?.apiServerMultiUser) { if (this.state.isPrivate) { namespace = this.props.namespace; } } // 3 use case for now: // (1) new pipeline (and a default version) from local file // (2) new pipeline (and a default version) from url // (3) new pipeline version (under an existing pipeline) from url let pipelineVersionResponse: V2beta1PipelineVersion; if (this.state.newPipeline && this.state.importMethod === ImportMethod.LOCAL) { const pipelineResponse = await Apis.uploadPipelineV2( this.state.pipelineName!, this.state.pipelineDescription, this.state.file!, namespace, ); const listVersionsResponse = await Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.listPipelineVersions( pipelineResponse.pipeline_id!, undefined, 1, // Only need the latest one 'created_at desc', ); if (listVersionsResponse.pipeline_versions) { pipelineVersionResponse = listVersionsResponse.pipeline_versions[0]; } else { throw new Error('Pipeline is empty'); } } else if (this.state.newPipeline && this.state.importMethod === ImportMethod.URL) { const newPipeline: V2beta1Pipeline = { description: this.state.pipelineDescription, display_name: this.state.pipelineName, namespace, }; const createPipelineResponse = await Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.createPipeline( newPipeline, ); this.setState({ pipelineId: createPipelineResponse.pipeline_id }); pipelineVersionResponse = await this._createPipelineVersion(); } else { pipelineVersionResponse = await this._createPipelineVersion(); } // If success, go to pipeline details page of the new version this.props.history.push( RoutePage.PIPELINE_DETAILS.replace( `:${RouteParams.pipelineId}`, pipelineVersionResponse.pipeline_id! /* pipeline id of this version */, ).replace( `:${RouteParams.pipelineVersionId}`, pipelineVersionResponse.pipeline_version_id!, ), ); this.props.updateSnackbar({ autoHideDuration: 10000, message: `Successfully created new pipeline version: ${pipelineVersionResponse.display_name}`, open: true, }); } catch (err) { const errorMessage = await errorToMessage(err); await this.showErrorDialog('Pipeline version creation failed', errorMessage); logger.error('Error creating pipeline version:', err); this.setState({ isbeingCreated: false }); } }); } private async _createPipelineVersion(): Promise<V2beta1PipelineVersion> { if (this.state.importMethod === ImportMethod.LOCAL) { if (!this.state.file) { throw new Error('File should be selected'); } return Apis.uploadPipelineVersionV2( this.state.pipelineVersionName, this.state.pipelineId!, this.state.file, this.state.pipelineVersionDescription, ); } else { // this.state.importMethod === ImportMethod.URL let newPipeline: V2beta1PipelineVersion = { pipeline_id: this.state.pipelineId, display_name: this.state.pipelineVersionName, description: this.state.pipelineVersionDescription, package_url: { pipeline_url: this.state.packageUrl }, }; return Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.createPipelineVersion(this.state.pipelineId!, newPipeline); } } private _validate(): void { // Validate state // 3 valid use case for now: // (1) new pipeline (and a default version) from local file // (2) new pipeline (and a default version) from url // (3) new pipeline version (under an existing pipeline) from url const { fileName, pipeline, pipelineVersionName, packageUrl, newPipeline, pipelineName, } = this.state; try { if (newPipeline) { if (!packageUrl && !fileName) { throw new Error('Must specify either package url or file in .yaml, .zip, or .tar.gz'); } if (!pipelineName) { throw new Error('Pipeline name is required'); } } else { if (!pipeline) { throw new Error('Pipeline is required'); } if (!pipelineVersionName) { throw new Error('Pipeline version name is required'); } if (pipelineVersionName && pipelineVersionName.length > 100) { throw new Error('Pipeline version name must contain no more than 100 characters'); } if (!packageUrl && !fileName) { throw new Error('Please specify either package url or file in .yaml, .zip, or .tar.gz'); } } this.setState({ validationError: '' }); } catch (err) { this.setState({ validationError: err.message }); } } private _onDropzoneDragEnter(): void { this.setState({ dropzoneActive: true }); } private _onDropzoneDragLeave(): void { this.setState({ dropzoneActive: false }); } private _onDrop(files: File[]): void { this.setStateSafe( { dropzoneActive: false, file: files[0], fileName: files[0].name, pipelineName: this.state.pipelineName || files[0].name.split('.')[0], }, () => { this._validate(); }, ); } } const EnhancedNewPipelineVersion: React.FC<PageProps> = props => { const buildInfo = React.useContext(BuildInfoContext); const namespace = React.useContext(NamespaceContext); return <NewPipelineVersion {...props} buildInfo={buildInfo} namespace={namespace} />; }; export default EnhancedNewPipelineVersion;
/* * Copyright 2021 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import React from 'react'; import * as JsYaml from 'js-yaml'; import { useQuery } from 'react-query'; import { V2beta1Run } from 'src/apisv2beta1/run'; import { RouteParams } from 'src/components/Router'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import * as WorkflowUtils from 'src/lib/v2/WorkflowUtils'; import EnhancedRunDetails, { RunDetailsProps } from 'src/pages/RunDetails'; import { RunDetailsV2 } from 'src/pages/RunDetailsV2'; // This is a router to determine whether to show V1 or V2 run detail page. export default function RunDetailsRouter(props: RunDetailsProps) { const runId = props.match.params[RouteParams.runId]; let pipelineManifest: string | undefined; // Retrieves v2 run detail. const { isSuccess: getV2RunSuccess, isFetching: runIsFetching, data: v2Run } = useQuery< V2beta1Run, Error >(['v2_run_detail', { id: runId }], () => Apis.runServiceApiV2.getRun(runId), {}); if (getV2RunSuccess && v2Run && v2Run.pipeline_spec) { pipelineManifest = JsYaml.safeDump(v2Run.pipeline_spec); } const pipelineId = v2Run?.pipeline_version_reference?.pipeline_id; const pipelineVersionId = v2Run?.pipeline_version_reference?.pipeline_version_id; const { isFetching: templateStrIsFetching, data: templateStrFromPipelineVersion } = useQuery< string, Error >( ['PipelineVersionTemplate', { pipelineId, pipelineVersionId }], async () => { if (!pipelineId || !pipelineVersionId) { return ''; } const pipelineVersion = await Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.getPipelineVersion( pipelineId, pipelineVersionId, ); const pipelineSpec = pipelineVersion.pipeline_spec; return pipelineSpec ? JsYaml.safeDump(pipelineSpec) : ''; }, { enabled: !!pipelineVersionId, staleTime: Infinity, cacheTime: Infinity }, ); const templateString = pipelineManifest ?? templateStrFromPipelineVersion; if (getV2RunSuccess && v2Run && templateString) { const isV2Pipeline = WorkflowUtils.isPipelineSpec(templateString); if (isV2Pipeline) { return <RunDetailsV2 pipeline_job={templateString} run={v2Run} {...props} />; } } return <EnhancedRunDetails {...props} isLoading={runIsFetching || templateStrIsFetching} />; }
/* * Copyright 2019 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { CircularProgress } from '@material-ui/core'; import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { useQuery } from 'react-query'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import { Api, getArtifactTypes } from 'src/mlmd/library'; import { ExecutionHelpers, EXECUTION_KEY_CACHED_EXECUTION_ID, getArtifactName, getContextByExecution, getLinkedArtifactsByEvents, KFP_V2_RUN_CONTEXT_TYPE, } from 'src/mlmd/MlmdUtils'; import { ArtifactType, Context, Event, Execution, ExecutionType, GetEventsByExecutionIDsRequest, GetEventsByExecutionIDsResponse, GetExecutionsByIDRequest, GetExecutionTypesByIDRequest, } from 'src/third_party/mlmd'; import { classes, stylesheet } from 'typestyle'; import { ResourceInfo, ResourceType } from '../components/ResourceInfo'; import { RoutePage, RoutePageFactory, RouteParams } from '../components/Router'; import { ToolbarProps } from '../components/Toolbar'; import { color, commonCss, padding } from '../Css'; import { logger, serviceErrorToString } from '../lib/Utils'; import { Page, PageErrorHandler } from './Page'; interface ExecutionDetailsState { execution?: Execution; executionType?: ExecutionType; events?: Record<Event.Type, Event[]>; artifactTypeMap?: Map<number, ArtifactType>; } export default class ExecutionDetails extends Page<{}, ExecutionDetailsState> { public state: ExecutionDetailsState = {}; private get id(): number { return parseInt(this.props.match.params[RouteParams.ID], 10); } public render(): JSX.Element { return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 'lr'))}> <ExecutionDetailsContent key={} id={} onError={this.showPageError.bind(this)} onTitleUpdate={title => this.props.updateToolbar({ pageTitle: title, }) } /> </div> ); } public getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps { return { actions: {}, breadcrumbs: [{ displayName: 'Executions', href: RoutePage.EXECUTIONS }], pageTitle: `Execution #${}`, }; } public async refresh(): Promise<void> { // do nothing } } interface ExecutionDetailsContentProps { id: number; onError: PageErrorHandler; onTitleUpdate: (title: string) => void; } export class ExecutionDetailsContent extends Component< ExecutionDetailsContentProps, ExecutionDetailsState > { public state: ExecutionDetailsState = {}; private get fullTypeName(): string { return this.state.executionType?.getName() || ''; } public async componentDidMount(): Promise<void> { return this.load(); } public render(): JSX.Element { if (!this.state.execution || ! { return <CircularProgress />; } return ( <div> <ExecutionReference execution={this.state.execution} /> <ResourceInfo resourceType={ResourceType.EXECUTION} typeName={this.fullTypeName} resource={this.state.execution} /> <SectionIO title={'Declared Inputs'} events={[Event.Type.DECLARED_INPUT]} artifactTypeMap={this.state.artifactTypeMap} /> <SectionIO title={'Inputs'} events={[Event.Type.INPUT]} artifactTypeMap={this.state.artifactTypeMap} /> <SectionIO title={'Declared Outputs'} events={[Event.Type.DECLARED_OUTPUT]} artifactTypeMap={this.state.artifactTypeMap} /> <SectionIO title={'Outputs'} events={[Event.Type.OUTPUT]} artifactTypeMap={this.state.artifactTypeMap} /> </div> ); } public getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps { return { actions: {}, breadcrumbs: [{ displayName: 'Executions', href: RoutePage.EXECUTIONS }], pageTitle: `Execution #${} details`, }; } private refresh = async (): Promise<void> => { await this.load(); }; private load = async (): Promise<void> => { const metadataStoreServiceClient = Api.getInstance().metadataStoreService; // this runs parallelly because it's not a critical resource getArtifactTypes(metadataStoreServiceClient) .then(artifactTypeMap => { this.setState({ artifactTypeMap, }); }) .catch(err => { this.props.onError('Failed to fetch artifact types', err, 'warning', this.refresh); }); const numberId =; if (isNaN(numberId) || numberId < 0) { const error = new Error(`Invalid execution id: ${}`); this.props.onError(error.message, error, 'error', this.refresh); return; } const getExecutionsRequest = new GetExecutionsByIDRequest(); getExecutionsRequest.setExecutionIdsList([numberId]); const getEventsRequest = new GetEventsByExecutionIDsRequest(); getEventsRequest.setExecutionIdsList([numberId]); try { const [executionResponse, eventResponse] = await Promise.all([ metadataStoreServiceClient.getExecutionsByID(getExecutionsRequest), metadataStoreServiceClient.getEventsByExecutionIDs(getEventsRequest), ]); if (!executionResponse.getExecutionsList().length) { this.props.onError( `No execution identified by id: ${}`, undefined, 'error', this.refresh, ); return; } if (executionResponse.getExecutionsList().length > 1) { this.props.onError( `Found multiple executions with ID: ${}`, undefined, 'error', this.refresh, ); return; } const execution = executionResponse.getExecutionsList()[0]; this.props.onTitleUpdate(ExecutionHelpers.getName(execution)); const typeRequest = new GetExecutionTypesByIDRequest(); typeRequest.setTypeIdsList([execution.getTypeId()]); const typeResponse = await metadataStoreServiceClient.getExecutionTypesByID(typeRequest); const types = typeResponse.getExecutionTypesList(); let executionType: ExecutionType | undefined; if (!types || types.length === 0) { this.props.onError( `Cannot find execution type with id: ${execution.getTypeId()}`, undefined, 'error', this.refresh, ); return; } else if (types.length > 1) { this.props.onError( `More than one execution type found with id: ${execution.getTypeId()}`, undefined, 'error', this.refresh, ); return; } else { executionType = types[0]; } const events = parseEventsByType(eventResponse); this.setState({ events, execution, executionType, }); } catch (err) { this.props.onError(serviceErrorToString(err), err, 'error', this.refresh); } }; } function parseEventsByType( response: GetEventsByExecutionIDsResponse | null, ): Record<Event.Type, Event[]> { const events: Record<Event.Type, Event[]> = { [Event.Type.UNKNOWN]: [], [Event.Type.DECLARED_INPUT]: [], [Event.Type.INPUT]: [], [Event.Type.DECLARED_OUTPUT]: [], [Event.Type.OUTPUT]: [], [Event.Type.INTERNAL_INPUT]: [], [Event.Type.INTERNAL_OUTPUT]: [], [Event.Type.PENDING_OUTPUT]: [], }; if (!response) { return events; } response.getEventsList().forEach(event => { const type = event.getType(); const id = event.getArtifactId(); if (type != null && id != null) { events[type].push(event); } }); return events; } interface ArtifactInfo { id: number; name: string; typeId?: number; uri: string; } interface SectionIOProps { title: string; events: Event[]; artifactTypeMap?: Map<number, ArtifactType>; } class SectionIO extends Component< SectionIOProps, { artifactDataMap: { [id: number]: ArtifactInfo } } > { constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.state = { artifactDataMap: {}, }; } public async componentDidMount(): Promise<void> { try { const linkedArtifacts = await getLinkedArtifactsByEvents(; const artifactDataMap = {}; linkedArtifacts.forEach(linkedArtifact => { const id = linkedArtifact.event.getArtifactId(); if (!id) { logger.error('Artifact has empty id', linkedArtifact.artifact.toObject()); return; } artifactDataMap[id] = { id, name: getArtifactName(linkedArtifact), typeId: linkedArtifact.artifact.getTypeId(), uri: linkedArtifact.artifact.getUri() || '', }; }); this.setState({ artifactDataMap, }); } catch (err) { return; } } public render(): JSX.Element | null { const { title, events } = this.props; if (events.length === 0) { return null; } return ( <section> <h2 className={commonCss.header2}>{title}</h2> <table> <thead> <tr> <th className={css.tableCell}>Artifact ID</th> <th className={css.tableCell}>Name</th> <th className={css.tableCell}>Type</th> <th className={css.tableCell}>URI</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> { => { const id = event.getArtifactId(); const data = this.state.artifactDataMap[id] || {}; const type = this.props.artifactTypeMap && data.typeId ? this.props.artifactTypeMap.get(data.typeId) : null; return ( <ArtifactRow key={id} id={id} name={ || ''} type={type ? type.getName() : undefined} uri={data.uri} /> ); })} </tbody> </table> </section> ); } } // tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name const ArtifactRow: React.FC<{ id: number; name: string; type?: string; uri: string }> = ({ id, name, type, uri, }) => ( <tr className={css.row}> <td className={css.tableCell}>{id}</td> <td className={css.tableCell}> {id ? ( <Link className={} to={RoutePageFactory.artifactDetails(id)}> {name ? name : '(No name)'} </Link> ) : ( name )} </td> <td className={css.tableCell}>{type}</td> <td className={css.tableCell}>{uri}</td> </tr> ); const css = stylesheet({ tableCell: { padding: 6, textAlign: 'left', }, row: { $nest: { '&:hover': { backgroundColor: color.whiteSmoke, }, '&:hover a': { color: color.linkLight, }, a: { color:, }, }, }, }); interface ExecutionReferenceProps { execution: Execution; } function ExecutionReference({ execution }: ExecutionReferenceProps) { const { isSuccess, data: context } = useQuery<Context | undefined, Error>( ['context_by_execution', { id: execution.getId(), state: execution.getLastKnownState() }], () => getContextByExecution(execution, KFP_V2_RUN_CONTEXT_TYPE), { staleTime: Infinity }, ); const customPropertyMap = execution.getCustomPropertiesMap(); const originalExecutionId = customPropertyMap ?.get(EXECUTION_KEY_CACHED_EXECUTION_ID) ?.getStringValue(); return ( <section> <h2 className={commonCss.header2}>{'Reference'}</h2> <table> <thead> <tr> <th className={css.tableCell}>Name</th> <th className={css.tableCell}>Link</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> {isSuccess && context && ( <tr className={css.row}> <td className={css.tableCell}>{'Pipeline Run'}</td> <td className={css.tableCell}> <span> <Link className={} onClick={e => e.stopPropagation()} to={RoutePage.RUN_DETAILS_WITH_EXECUTION.replace( ':' + RouteParams.runId, context.getName(), ).replace(':' + RouteParams.executionId, execution.getId().toString())} > {'runs/details/' + context.getName()} </Link> </span> </td> </tr> )} {originalExecutionId && ( <tr className={css.row}> <td className={css.tableCell}>{'Original Execution'}</td> <td className={css.tableCell}> <span> <Link className={} onClick={e => e.stopPropagation()} to={RoutePage.EXECUTION_DETAILS.replace( ':' + RouteParams.ID, originalExecutionId, )} > {'execution/' + originalExecutionId} </Link> </span> </td> </tr> )} </tbody> </table> </section> ); }
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { ReactWrapper, shallow, ShallowWrapper } from 'enzyme'; import { range } from 'lodash'; import * as React from 'react'; import { RoutePage, RouteParams } from 'src/components/Router'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { ButtonKeys } from 'src/lib/Buttons'; import TestUtils from 'src/TestUtils'; import { PageProps } from './Page'; import PipelineList from './PipelineList'; describe('PipelineList', () => { let tree: ReactWrapper | ShallowWrapper; let updateBannerSpy: jest.Mock<{}>; let updateDialogSpy: jest.Mock<{}>; let updateSnackbarSpy: jest.Mock<{}>; let updateToolbarSpy: jest.Mock<{}>; let listPipelinesSpy: jest.SpyInstance<{}>; let listPipelineVersionsSpy: jest.SpyInstance<{}>; let deletePipelineSpy: jest.SpyInstance<{}>; let deletePipelineVersionSpy: jest.SpyInstance<{}>; function spyInit() { updateBannerSpy = jest.fn(); updateDialogSpy = jest.fn(); updateSnackbarSpy = jest.fn(); updateToolbarSpy = jest.fn(); listPipelinesSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2, 'listPipelines'); listPipelineVersionsSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2, 'listPipelineVersions'); deletePipelineSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2, 'deletePipeline'); deletePipelineVersionSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2, 'deletePipelineVersion'); } function generateProps(): PageProps { return TestUtils.generatePageProps( PipelineList, '' as any, '' as any, null, updateBannerSpy, updateDialogSpy, updateToolbarSpy, updateSnackbarSpy, ); } async function mountWithNPipelines(n: number): Promise<ReactWrapper> { listPipelinesSpy.mockImplementation(() => ({ pipelines: range(n).map(i => ({ pipeline_id: 'test-pipeline-id' + i, display_name: 'test pipeline name' + i, })), })); tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<PipelineList {...generateProps()} namespace='test-ns' />); await listPipelinesSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); tree.update(); // Make sure the tree is updated before returning it return tree; } beforeEach(() => { spyInit(); jest.clearAllMocks(); }); afterEach(async () => { // unmount() should be called before resetAllMocks() in case any part of the unmount life cycle // depends on mocks/spies await tree.unmount(); jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); it('renders an empty list with empty state message', () => { tree = shallow(<PipelineList {...generateProps()} />); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders a list of one pipeline', async () => { tree = shallow(<PipelineList {...generateProps()} />); tree.setState({ displayPipelines: [ { created_at: new Date(2018, 8, 22, 11, 5, 48), description: 'test pipeline description', display_name: 'pipeline1', parameters: [], }, ], }); await listPipelinesSpy; expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders a list of one pipeline with no description or created date', async () => { tree = shallow(<PipelineList {...generateProps()} />); tree.setState({ displayPipelines: [ { display_name: 'pipeline1', parameters: [], }, ], }); await listPipelinesSpy; expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('renders a list of one pipeline with error', async () => { tree = shallow(<PipelineList {...generateProps()} />); tree.setState({ displayPipelines: [ { created_at: new Date(2018, 8, 22, 11, 5, 48), description: 'test pipeline description', error: 'oops! could not load pipeline', display_name: 'pipeline1', parameters: [], }, ], }); await listPipelinesSpy; expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('calls Apis to list pipelines, sorted by creation time in descending order', async () => { listPipelinesSpy.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({ pipelines: [{ display_name: 'pipeline1' }] })); tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<PipelineList {...generateProps()} namespace='test-ns' />); await listPipelinesSpy; expect(listPipelinesSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('test-ns', '', 10, 'created_at desc', ''); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('displayPipelines', [ { expandState: 0, display_name: 'pipeline1' }, ]); }); it('has a Refresh button, clicking it refreshes the pipeline list', async () => { tree = await mountWithNPipelines(1); const instance = tree.instance() as PipelineList; expect(listPipelinesSpy.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); const refreshBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.REFRESH]; expect(refreshBtn).toBeDefined(); await refreshBtn!.action(); expect(listPipelinesSpy.mock.calls.length).toBe(2); expect(listPipelinesSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('test-ns', '', 10, 'created_at desc', ''); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({}); }); it('shows error banner when listing pipelines fails', async () => { TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(listPipelinesSpy, 'bad stuff happened'); tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<PipelineList {...generateProps()} />); await listPipelinesSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ additionalInfo: 'bad stuff happened', message: 'Error: failed to retrieve list of pipelines. Click Details for more information.', mode: 'error', }), ); }); it('shows error banner when listing pipelines fails after refresh', async () => { tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<PipelineList {...generateProps()} />); const instance = tree.instance() as PipelineList; const refreshBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.REFRESH]; expect(refreshBtn).toBeDefined(); TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(listPipelinesSpy, 'bad stuff happened'); await refreshBtn!.action(); expect(listPipelinesSpy.mock.calls.length).toBe(2); expect(listPipelinesSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(undefined, '', 10, 'created_at desc', ''); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ additionalInfo: 'bad stuff happened', message: 'Error: failed to retrieve list of pipelines. Click Details for more information.', mode: 'error', }), ); }); it('hides error banner when listing pipelines fails then succeeds', async () => { TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(listPipelinesSpy, 'bad stuff happened'); tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<PipelineList {...generateProps()} />); const instance = tree.instance() as PipelineList; await listPipelinesSpy; await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ additionalInfo: 'bad stuff happened', message: 'Error: failed to retrieve list of pipelines. Click Details for more information.', mode: 'error', }), ); updateBannerSpy.mockReset(); const refreshBtn = instance.getInitialToolbarState().actions[ButtonKeys.REFRESH]; listPipelinesSpy.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({ pipelines: [{ display_name: 'pipeline1' }] })); await refreshBtn!.action(); expect(listPipelinesSpy.mock.calls.length).toBe(2); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({}); }); it('renders pipeline names as links to their details pages', async () => { tree = await mountWithNPipelines(1); const link = tree.find('a[children="test pipeline name0"]'); expect(link).toHaveLength(1); expect(link.prop('href')).toBe( RoutePage.PIPELINE_DETAILS_NO_VERSION.replace( ':' + RouteParams.pipelineId + '?', 'test-pipeline-id0', ), ); }); it('always has upload pipeline button enabled', async () => { tree = await mountWithNPipelines(1); const calls = updateToolbarSpy.mock.calls[0]; expect(calls[0].actions[ButtonKeys.NEW_PIPELINE_VERSION]).not.toHaveProperty('disabled'); }); it('enables delete button when one pipeline is selected', async () => { tree = await mountWithNPipelines(1); tree.find('.tableRow').simulate('click'); expect(updateToolbarSpy.mock.calls).toHaveLength(2); // Initial call, then selection update const calls = updateToolbarSpy.mock.calls[1]; expect(calls[0].actions[ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN]).toHaveProperty('disabled', false); }); it('enables delete button when two pipelines are selected', async () => { tree = await mountWithNPipelines(2); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(0) .simulate('click'); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(1) .simulate('click'); expect(updateToolbarSpy.mock.calls).toHaveLength(3); // Initial call, then selection updates const calls = updateToolbarSpy.mock.calls[2]; expect(calls[0].actions[ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN]).toHaveProperty('disabled', false); }); it('re-disables delete button pipelines are unselected', async () => { tree = await mountWithNPipelines(1); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(0) .simulate('click'); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(0) .simulate('click'); expect(updateToolbarSpy.mock.calls).toHaveLength(3); // Initial call, then selection updates const calls = updateToolbarSpy.mock.calls[2]; expect(calls[0].actions[ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN]).toHaveProperty('disabled', true); }); it('shows delete dialog when delete button is clicked', async () => { tree = await mountWithNPipelines(1); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(0) .simulate('click'); const deleteBtn = (tree.instance() as PipelineList).getInitialToolbarState().actions[ ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN ]; await deleteBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(call).toHaveProperty('title', 'Delete 1 pipeline?'); }); it('shows delete dialog when delete button is clicked, indicating several pipelines to delete', async () => { tree = await mountWithNPipelines(5); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(0) .simulate('click'); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(2) .simulate('click'); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(3) .simulate('click'); const deleteBtn = (tree.instance() as PipelineList).getInitialToolbarState().actions[ ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN ]; await deleteBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(call).toHaveProperty('title', 'Delete 3 pipelines?'); }); it('does not call delete API for selected pipeline when delete dialog is canceled', async () => { tree = await mountWithNPipelines(1); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(0) .simulate('click'); const deleteBtn = (tree.instance() as PipelineList).getInitialToolbarState().actions[ ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN ]; await deleteBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const cancelBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Cancel'); await cancelBtn.onClick(); expect(deletePipelineSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('calls delete API for selected pipeline after delete dialog is confirmed', async () => { tree = await mountWithNPipelines(1); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(0) .simulate('click'); const deleteBtn = (tree.instance() as PipelineList).getInitialToolbarState().actions[ ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN ]; await deleteBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const confirmBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Delete'); await confirmBtn.onClick(); expect(deletePipelineSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('test-pipeline-id0'); }); it('updates the selected indices after a pipeline is deleted', async () => { tree = await mountWithNPipelines(5); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(0) .simulate('click'); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('selectedIds', ['test-pipeline-id0']); deletePipelineSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve()); const deleteBtn = (tree.instance() as PipelineList).getInitialToolbarState().actions[ ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN ]; await deleteBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const confirmBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Delete'); await confirmBtn.onClick(); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('selectedIds', []); }); it('updates the selected indices after multiple pipelines are deleted', async () => { tree = await mountWithNPipelines(5); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(0) .simulate('click'); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(3) .simulate('click'); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('selectedIds', ['test-pipeline-id0', 'test-pipeline-id3']); deletePipelineSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve()); const deleteBtn = (tree.instance() as PipelineList).getInitialToolbarState().actions[ ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN ]; await deleteBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const confirmBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Delete'); await confirmBtn.onClick(); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('selectedIds', []); }); it('calls delete API for all selected pipelines after delete dialog is confirmed', async () => { tree = await mountWithNPipelines(5); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(0) .simulate('click'); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(1) .simulate('click'); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(4) .simulate('click'); const deleteBtn = (tree.instance() as PipelineList).getInitialToolbarState().actions[ ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN ]; await deleteBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const confirmBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Delete'); await confirmBtn.onClick(); expect(deletePipelineSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); expect(deletePipelineSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('test-pipeline-id0'); expect(deletePipelineSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('test-pipeline-id1'); expect(deletePipelineSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('test-pipeline-id4'); }); it('shows snackbar confirmation after pipeline is deleted', async () => { tree = await mountWithNPipelines(1); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(0) .simulate('click'); deletePipelineSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve()); const deleteBtn = (tree.instance() as PipelineList).getInitialToolbarState().actions[ ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN ]; await deleteBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const confirmBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Delete'); await confirmBtn.onClick(); expect(updateSnackbarSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({ message: 'Deletion succeeded for 1 pipeline', open: true, }); }); it('shows error dialog when pipeline deletion fails', async () => { tree = await mountWithNPipelines(1); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(0) .simulate('click'); TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(deletePipelineSpy, 'woops, failed'); const deleteBtn = (tree.instance() as PipelineList).getInitialToolbarState().actions[ ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN ]; await deleteBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const confirmBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Delete'); await confirmBtn.onClick(); const lastCall = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[1][0]; expect(lastCall).toMatchObject({ content: 'Failed to delete pipeline: test-pipeline-id0 with error: "woops, failed"', title: 'Failed to delete some pipelines and/or some pipeline versions', }); }); it('shows error dialog when multiple pipeline deletions fail', async () => { tree = await mountWithNPipelines(5); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(0) .simulate('click'); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(2) .simulate('click'); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(1) .simulate('click'); tree .find('.tableRow') .at(3) .simulate('click'); deletePipelineSpy.mockImplementation(id => { if (id.indexOf(3) === -1 && id.indexOf(2) === -1) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-throw-literal throw { text: () => Promise.resolve('woops, failed!'), }; } }); const deleteBtn = (tree.instance() as PipelineList).getInitialToolbarState().actions[ ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN ]; await deleteBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const confirmBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Delete'); await confirmBtn.onClick(); // Should show only one error dialog for both pipelines (plus once for confirmation) expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); const lastCall = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[1][0]; expect(lastCall).toMatchObject({ content: 'Failed to delete pipeline: test-pipeline-id0 with error: "woops, failed!"\n\n' + 'Failed to delete pipeline: test-pipeline-id1 with error: "woops, failed!"', title: 'Failed to delete some pipelines and/or some pipeline versions', }); // Should show snackbar for the one successful deletion expect(updateSnackbarSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({ message: 'Deletion succeeded for 2 pipelines', open: true, }); }); it("delete a pipeline and some other pipeline's version together", async () => { deletePipelineSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve()); deletePipelineVersionSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve()); listPipelineVersionsSpy.mockImplementation(() => ({ pipeline_versions: [ { display_name: 'test-pipeline-id1_name', pipeline_id: 'test-pipeline-id1', pipeline_version_id: 'test-pipeline-version-id1', }, ], })); tree = await mountWithNPipelines(2); tree .find('button[aria-label="Expand"]') .at(1) .simulate('click'); await listPipelineVersionsSpy; tree.update(); // select pipeline of id 'test-pipeline-id0' tree .find('.tableRow') .at(0) .simulate('click'); // select pipeline version of id 'test-pipeline-id1_default_version' under pipeline 'test-pipeline-id1' tree .find('.tableRow') .at(2) .simulate('click'); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('selectedIds', ['test-pipeline-id0']); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('selectedVersionIds', { 'test-pipeline-id1': ['test-pipeline-version-id1'], }); const deleteBtn = (tree.instance() as PipelineList).getInitialToolbarState().actions[ ButtonKeys.DELETE_RUN ]; await deleteBtn!.action(); const call = updateDialogSpy.mock.calls[0][0]; const confirmBtn = call.buttons.find((b: any) => b.text === 'Delete'); await confirmBtn.onClick(); await deletePipelineSpy; await deletePipelineVersionSpy; expect(deletePipelineSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(deletePipelineSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('test-pipeline-id0'); expect(deletePipelineVersionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(deletePipelineVersionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'test-pipeline-id1', 'test-pipeline-version-id1', ); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('selectedIds', []); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('selectedVersionIds', { 'test-pipeline-id1': [] }); // Should show snackbar for the one successful deletion expect(updateSnackbarSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({ message: 'Deletion succeeded for 1 pipeline and 1 pipeline version', open: true, }); }); });
/* * Copyright 2019 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import Markdown from 'markdown-to-jsx'; import * as React from 'react'; import { classes, cssRaw } from 'typestyle'; import { V2beta1Filter, V2beta1PredicateOperation } from 'src/apisv2beta1/filter'; import { AutoLink } from 'src/atoms/ExternalLink'; import { RoutePageFactory } from 'src/components/Router'; import { ToolbarProps } from 'src/components/Toolbar'; import SAMPLE_CONFIG from 'src/config/sample_config_from_backend.json'; import { commonCss, padding } from 'src/Css'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import Buttons from 'src/lib/Buttons'; import { Page } from './Page'; const DEMO_PIPELINES: string[] = SAMPLE_CONFIG; const DEMO_PIPELINES_ID_MAP = { control: 1, data: 0, }; const PAGE_CONTENT_MD = ({ control, data }: { control: string; data: string }) => ` <br/> ## Build your own pipeline with * Kubeflow Pipelines [SDK]( <br/> ## Demonstrations and Tutorials This section contains demo and tutorial pipelines. **Tutorials** - Learn pipeline concepts by following a tutorial. * [Data passing in Python components](${data}) - Shows how to pass data between Python components. [source code]( * [DSL - Control structures](${control}) - Shows how to use conditional execution and exit handlers. [source code]( Want to learn more? [Learn from sample and tutorial pipelines.]( `; cssRaw(` .kfp-start-page li { font-size: 14px; margin-block-start: 0.83em; margin-block-end: 0.83em; margin-left: 2em; } .kfp-start-page p { font-size: 14px; margin-block-start: 0.83em; margin-block-end: 0.83em; } .kfp-start-page h2 { font-size: 18px; margin-block-start: 1em; margin-block-end: 1em; } .kfp-start-page h3 { font-size: 16px; margin-block-start: 1em; margin-block-end: 1em; } `); const OPTIONS = { overrides: { a: { component: AutoLink } }, disableParsingRawHTML: true, }; export class GettingStarted extends Page<{}, { links: string[] }> { public state = { links: ['', '', '', '', ''].map(getPipelineLink), }; public getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps { const buttons = new Buttons(this.props, this.refresh.bind(this)); return { actions: buttons.getToolbarActionMap(), breadcrumbs: [], pageTitle: 'Getting Started', }; } // token size sort filter public async componentDidMount() { const ids = await Promise.all( => Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2 .listPipelines(undefined, undefined, 10, undefined, createAndEncodeFilter(name)) .then(pipelineList => { const pipelines = pipelineList.pipelines; if (pipelines?.length !== 1) { // This should be accurate, do not accept ambiguous results. return ''; } return pipelines[0].pipeline_id || ''; }) .catch(() => ''), ), ); this.setState({ links: }); } public async refresh() { this.componentDidMount(); } public render(): JSX.Element { return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 'lr'), 'kfp-start-page')}> <Markdown options={OPTIONS}> {PAGE_CONTENT_MD({ control: this.state.links[DEMO_PIPELINES_ID_MAP.control], data: this.state.links[], })} </Markdown> </div> ); } } function getPipelineLink(id: string) { if (!id) { return '#/pipelines'; } return `#${RoutePageFactory.pipelineDetails(id)}`; } function createAndEncodeFilter(filterString: string): string { const filter: V2beta1Filter = { predicates: [ { key: 'name', operation: V2beta1PredicateOperation.EQUALS, string_value: filterString, }, ], }; return encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(filter)); }
/* * Copyright 2023 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { fireEvent, render, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Api } from 'src/mlmd/library'; import { Execution, ExecutionType, GetExecutionsRequest, GetExecutionsResponse, GetExecutionTypesResponse, Value, } from 'src/third_party/mlmd'; import { ListOperationOptions } from 'src/third_party/mlmd/generated/ml_metadata/proto/metadata_store_pb'; import { RoutePage } from 'src/components/Router'; import TestUtils, { testBestPractices } from 'src/TestUtils'; import ExecutionList from 'src/pages/ExecutionList'; import { PageProps } from 'src/pages/Page'; import { CommonTestWrapper } from 'src/TestWrapper'; testBestPractices(); describe('ExecutionList ("Default" view)', () => { let updateBannerSpy: jest.Mock<{}>; let updateDialogSpy: jest.Mock<{}>; let updateSnackbarSpy: jest.Mock<{}>; let updateToolbarSpy: jest.Mock<{}>; let historyPushSpy: jest.Mock<{}>; let getExecutionsSpy: jest.Mock<{}>; let getExecutionTypesSpy: jest.Mock<{}>; const listOperationOpts = new ListOperationOptions(); listOperationOpts.setMaxResultSize(10); const getExecutionsRequest = new GetExecutionsRequest(); getExecutionsRequest.setOptions(listOperationOpts), beforeEach(() => { updateBannerSpy = jest.fn(); updateDialogSpy = jest.fn(); updateSnackbarSpy = jest.fn(); updateToolbarSpy = jest.fn(); historyPushSpy = jest.fn(); getExecutionsSpy = jest.spyOn(Api.getInstance().metadataStoreService, 'getExecutions'); getExecutionTypesSpy = jest.spyOn( Api.getInstance().metadataStoreService, 'getExecutionTypes', ); getExecutionTypesSpy.mockImplementation(() => { const executionType = new ExecutionType(); executionType.setId(6); executionType.setName('String'); const response = new GetExecutionTypesResponse(); response.setExecutionTypesList([executionType]); return Promise.resolve(response); }); getExecutionsSpy.mockImplementation(() => { const executions = mockNExecutions(5); const response = new GetExecutionsResponse(); response.setExecutionsList(executions); return Promise.resolve(response); }); }); function generateProps(): PageProps { return TestUtils.generatePageProps( ExecutionList, { pathname: RoutePage.EXECUTIONS } as any, '' as any, historyPushSpy, updateBannerSpy, updateDialogSpy, updateToolbarSpy, updateSnackbarSpy, ); } function mockNExecutions(n: number) { let executions: Execution[] = []; for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) { const execution = new Execution(); const pipelineValue = new Value(); const pipelineName = `pipeline ${i}`; pipelineValue.setStringValue(pipelineName); execution.getCustomPropertiesMap().set('pipeline_name', pipelineValue); const executionValue = new Value(); const executionName = `test execution ${i}`; executionValue.setStringValue(executionName); execution.getPropertiesMap().set('name', executionValue); execution.setName(executionName); execution.setId(i); executions.push(execution); } return executions; } it('renders one execution', async () => { getExecutionsSpy.mockImplementation(() => { const executions = mockNExecutions(1); const response = new GetExecutionsResponse(); response.setExecutionsList(executions); return Promise.resolve(response); }); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <ExecutionList {...generateProps()} isGroupView={false} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(getExecutionTypesSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(getExecutionsSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); screen.getByText('test execution 1'); }); it('displays footer with "10" as default value', async () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <ExecutionList {...generateProps()} isGroupView={false} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(getExecutionTypesSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(getExecutionsSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); screen.getByText('Rows per page:'); screen.getByText('10'); }); it('shows 20th execution if page size is 20', async () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <ExecutionList {...generateProps()} isGroupView={false} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(getExecutionTypesSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(getExecutionsSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); expect(screen.queryByText('test execution 20')).toBeNull(); // Can not see the 20th execution initially getExecutionsSpy.mockImplementation(() => { const executions = mockNExecutions(20); const response = new GetExecutionsResponse(); response.setExecutionsList(executions); return Promise.resolve(response); }); const originalRowsPerPage = screen.getByText('10');; const newRowsPerPage = screen.getByText('20'); // Change to render 20 rows per page.; listOperationOpts.setMaxResultSize(20); getExecutionsRequest.setOptions(listOperationOpts), await waitFor(() => { // API will be called again if "Rows per page" is changed expect(getExecutionTypesSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(getExecutionsSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(getExecutionsRequest); }); screen.getByText('test execution 20'); // The 20th execution appears. }); it('finds no execution', async () => { getExecutionsSpy.mockClear(); getExecutionsSpy.mockImplementation(() => { const response = new GetExecutionsResponse(); response.setExecutionsList([]); return Promise.resolve(response); }); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <ExecutionList {...generateProps()} isGroupView={false} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(getExecutionTypesSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(getExecutionsSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); screen.getByText('No executions found.'); }); });
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import ResourceSelector, { ResourceSelectorProps, BaseResource } from './ResourceSelector'; import TestUtils from '../TestUtils'; import { ListRequest } from '../lib/Apis'; import { shallow, ReactWrapper, ShallowWrapper } from 'enzyme'; import { Row } from '../components/CustomTable'; class TestResourceSelector extends ResourceSelector { public async _load(request: ListRequest): Promise<string> { return super._load(request); } public _selectionChanged(selectedIds: string[]): void { return super._selectionChanged(selectedIds); } public _resourcesToRow(resources: BaseResource[]): Row[] { return super._resourcesToRow(resources); } } describe('ResourceSelector', () => { let tree: ReactWrapper | ShallowWrapper; const updateDialogSpy = jest.fn(); const selectionChangedCbSpy = jest.fn(); const listResourceSpy = jest.fn(); const RESOURCES: BaseResource[] = [ { created_at: new Date(2018, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), description: 'test-1 description', id: 'some-id-1', name: 'test-1 name', }, { created_at: new Date(2018, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6), description: 'test-2 description', id: 'some-2-id', name: 'test-2 name', }, ]; const selectorColumns = [ { label: 'Resource name', flex: 1, sortKey: 'name' }, { label: 'Description', flex: 1.5 }, { label: 'Uploaded on', flex: 1, sortKey: 'created_at' }, ]; const testEmptyMessage = 'Test - Sorry, no resources.'; const testTitle = 'A test selector'; function generateProps(): ResourceSelectorProps { return { columns: selectorColumns, emptyMessage: testEmptyMessage, filterLabel: 'test filter label', history: {} as any, initialSortColumn: 'created_at', listApi: listResourceSpy as any, location: '' as any, match: {} as any, selectionChanged: selectionChangedCbSpy, title: testTitle, updateDialog: updateDialogSpy, }; } beforeEach(() => { listResourceSpy.mockReset(); listResourceSpy.mockImplementation(() => ({ nextPageToken: 'test-next-page-token', resources: RESOURCES, })); updateDialogSpy.mockReset(); selectionChangedCbSpy.mockReset(); }); afterEach(async () => { // unmount() should be called before resetAllMocks() in case any part of the unmount life cycle // depends on mocks/spies await tree.unmount(); }); it('displays resource selector', async () => { tree = shallow(<TestResourceSelector {...generateProps()} />); await (tree.instance() as TestResourceSelector)._load({}); expect(listResourceSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(listResourceSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined); expect(tree.state('resources')).toEqual(RESOURCES); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('converts resources into a table rows', async () => { const props = generateProps(); const resources: BaseResource[] = [ { created_at: new Date(2018, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), description: 'a description', id: 'an-id', name: 'a name', }, ]; listResourceSpy.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({ resources, nextPageToken: '' })); props.listApi = listResourceSpy as any; tree = shallow(<TestResourceSelector {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as TestResourceSelector)._load({}); expect(tree.state('rows')).toEqual([ { id: 'an-id', otherFields: ['a name', 'a description', '2/2/2018, 3:04:05 AM'], }, ]); }); it('shows error dialog if listing fails', async () => { TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(listResourceSpy, 'woops!'); jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(); tree = shallow(<TestResourceSelector {...generateProps()} />); await (tree.instance() as TestResourceSelector)._load({}); expect(listResourceSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ content: 'List request failed with:\nwoops!', title: 'Error retrieving resources', }), ); expect(tree.state('resources')).toEqual([]); }); it('calls selection callback when a resource is selected', async () => { tree = shallow(<TestResourceSelector {...generateProps()} />); await (tree.instance() as TestResourceSelector)._load({}); expect(tree.state('selectedIds')).toEqual([]); (tree.instance() as TestResourceSelector)._selectionChanged([RESOURCES[1].id!]); expect(selectionChangedCbSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(RESOURCES[1].id!); expect(tree.state('selectedIds')).toEqual([RESOURCES[1].id]); }); it('logs error if more than one resource is selected', async () => { tree = shallow(<TestResourceSelector {...generateProps()} />); const consoleSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(); await (tree.instance() as TestResourceSelector)._load({}); expect(tree.state('selectedIds')).toEqual([]); (tree.instance() as TestResourceSelector)._selectionChanged([ RESOURCES[0].id!, RESOURCES[1].id!, ]); expect(selectionChangedCbSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(tree.state('selectedIds')).toEqual([]); expect(consoleSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('2 resources were selected somehow', [ RESOURCES[0].id, RESOURCES[1].id, ]); }); });
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import { Redirect } from 'react-router-dom'; import { useNamespaceChangeEvent } from 'src/lib/KubeflowClient'; import { classes, stylesheet } from 'typestyle'; import { Workflow } from '../third_party/mlmd/argo_template'; import { ApiRunDetail } from '../apis/run'; import Hr from '../atoms/Hr'; import Separator from '../atoms/Separator'; import CollapseButton from '../components/CollapseButton'; import CompareTable, { CompareTableProps } from '../components/CompareTable'; import PlotCard, { PlotCardProps } from '../components/PlotCard'; import { QUERY_PARAMS, RoutePage } from '../components/Router'; import { ToolbarProps } from '../components/Toolbar'; import { PlotType, ViewerConfig } from '../components/viewers/Viewer'; import { componentMap } from '../components/viewers/ViewerContainer'; import { commonCss, padding } from '../Css'; import { Apis } from '../lib/Apis'; import Buttons from '../lib/Buttons'; import CompareUtils from '../lib/CompareUtils'; import { OutputArtifactLoader } from '../lib/OutputArtifactLoader'; import { URLParser } from '../lib/URLParser'; import { logger } from '../lib/Utils'; import WorkflowParser from '../lib/WorkflowParser'; import { Page, PageProps } from './Page'; import RunList from './RunList'; import { METRICS_SECTION_NAME, OVERVIEW_SECTION_NAME, PARAMS_SECTION_NAME } from './Compare'; const css = stylesheet({ outputsRow: { marginLeft: 15, overflowX: 'auto', }, }); export interface TaggedViewerConfig { config: ViewerConfig; runId: string; runName: string; } export interface CompareState { collapseSections: { [key: string]: boolean }; fullscreenViewerConfig: PlotCardProps | null; paramsCompareProps: CompareTableProps; metricsCompareProps: CompareTableProps; runs: ApiRunDetail[]; selectedIds: string[]; viewersMap: Map<PlotType, TaggedViewerConfig[]>; workflowObjects: Workflow[]; } class CompareV1 extends Page<{}, CompareState> { private _runlistRef = React.createRef<RunList>(); constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.state = { collapseSections: {}, fullscreenViewerConfig: null, metricsCompareProps: { rows: [], xLabels: [], yLabels: [] }, paramsCompareProps: { rows: [], xLabels: [], yLabels: [] }, runs: [], selectedIds: [], viewersMap: new Map(), workflowObjects: [], }; } public getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps { const buttons = new Buttons(this.props, this.refresh.bind(this)); return { actions: buttons .expandSections(() => this.setState({ collapseSections: {} })) .collapseSections(this._collapseAllSections.bind(this)) .refresh(this.refresh.bind(this)) .getToolbarActionMap(), breadcrumbs: [{ displayName: 'Experiments', href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS }], pageTitle: 'Compare runs', }; } public render(): JSX.Element { const { collapseSections, selectedIds, viewersMap } = this.state; const queryParamRunIds = new URLParser(this.props).get(QUERY_PARAMS.runlist); const runIds = queryParamRunIds ? queryParamRunIds.split(',') : []; const runsPerViewerType = (viewerType: PlotType) => { return viewersMap.get(viewerType) ? viewersMap.get(viewerType)!.filter(el => selectedIds.indexOf(el.runId) > -1) : []; }; return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 'lrt'))}> {/* Overview section */} <CollapseButton sectionName={OVERVIEW_SECTION_NAME} collapseSections={collapseSections} collapseSectionsUpdate={this._collapseSectionsUpdate.bind(this)} /> {!collapseSections[OVERVIEW_SECTION_NAME] && ( <div className={commonCss.noShrink}> <RunList onError={this.showPageError.bind(this)} {...this.props} selectedIds={selectedIds} ref={this._runlistRef} runIdListMask={runIds} disablePaging={true} onSelectionChange={this._selectionChanged.bind(this)} /> </div> )} <Separator orientation='vertical' /> {/* Parameters section */} <CollapseButton sectionName={PARAMS_SECTION_NAME} collapseSections={collapseSections} collapseSectionsUpdate={this._collapseSectionsUpdate.bind(this)} /> {!collapseSections[PARAMS_SECTION_NAME] && ( <div className={classes(commonCss.noShrink, css.outputsRow)}> <Separator orientation='vertical' /> <CompareTable {...this.state.paramsCompareProps} /> <Hr /> </div> )} {/* Metrics section */} <CollapseButton sectionName={METRICS_SECTION_NAME} collapseSections={collapseSections} collapseSectionsUpdate={this._collapseSectionsUpdate.bind(this)} /> {!collapseSections[METRICS_SECTION_NAME] && ( <div className={classes(commonCss.noShrink, css.outputsRow)}> <Separator orientation='vertical' /> <CompareTable {...this.state.metricsCompareProps} /> <Hr /> </div> )} <Separator orientation='vertical' /> {Array.from(viewersMap.keys()).map( (viewerType, i) => !!runsPerViewerType(viewerType).length && ( <div key={i}> <CollapseButton collapseSections={collapseSections} collapseSectionsUpdate={this._collapseSectionsUpdate.bind(this)} sectionName={componentMap[viewerType].prototype.getDisplayName()} /> {!collapseSections[componentMap[viewerType].prototype.getDisplayName()] && ( <React.Fragment> <div className={classes(commonCss.flex, css.outputsRow)}> {/* If the component allows aggregation, add one more card for its aggregated view. Only do this if there is more than one output, filtering out any unselected runs. */} {componentMap[viewerType].prototype.isAggregatable() && runsPerViewerType(viewerType).length > 1 && ( <PlotCard configs={runsPerViewerType(viewerType).map(t => t.config)} maxDimension={400} title='Aggregated view' /> )} {runsPerViewerType(viewerType).map((taggedConfig, c) => ( <PlotCard key={c} configs={[taggedConfig.config]} title={taggedConfig.runName} maxDimension={400} /> ))} <Separator /> </div> <Hr /> </React.Fragment> )} <Separator orientation='vertical' /> </div> ), )} </div> ); } public async refresh(): Promise<void> { if (this._runlistRef.current) { await this._runlistRef.current.refresh(); } return this.load(); } public async componentDidMount(): Promise<void> { return this.load(); } public async load(): Promise<void> { this.clearBanner(); const queryParamRunIds = new URLParser(this.props).get(QUERY_PARAMS.runlist); const runIds = (queryParamRunIds && queryParamRunIds.split(',')) || []; const runs: ApiRunDetail[] = []; const workflowObjects: Workflow[] = []; const failingRuns: string[] = []; let lastError: Error | null = null; await Promise.all( id => { try { const run = await Apis.runServiceApi.getRun(id); runs.push(run); workflowObjects.push(JSON.parse(run.pipeline_runtime!.workflow_manifest || '{}')); } catch (err) { failingRuns.push(id); lastError = err; } }), ); if (lastError) { await this.showPageError(`Error: failed loading ${failingRuns.length} runs.`, lastError); logger.error( `Failed loading ${failingRuns.length} runs, last failed with the error: ${lastError}`, ); return; } else if ( runs.length > 0 && runs.every(runDetail =>'pipeline_manifest')) ) { this.props.updateBanner({ additionalInfo: 'The selected runs are all V2, but the V2_ALPHA feature flag is disabled.' + ' The V1 page will not show any useful information for these runs.', message: 'Info: enable the V2_ALPHA feature flag in order to view the updated Run Comparison page.', mode: 'info', }); } const selectedIds = =>!.id!); this.setStateSafe({ runs, selectedIds, workflowObjects, }); this._loadParameters(selectedIds); this._loadMetrics(selectedIds); const outputPathsList = => WorkflowParser.loadAllOutputPaths(workflow), ); // Maps a viewer type (ROC, table.. etc) to a list of all viewer instances // of that type, each tagged with its parent run id const viewersMap = new Map<PlotType, TaggedViewerConfig[]>(); await Promise.all( (pathList, i) => { for (const path of pathList) { const configs = await OutputArtifactLoader.load( path, workflowObjects[0]?.metadata?.namespace, ); configs.forEach(config => { const currentList: TaggedViewerConfig[] = viewersMap.get(config.type) || []; currentList.push({ config, runId: runs[i].run!.id!, runName: runs[i].run!.name!, }); viewersMap.set(config.type, currentList); }); } }), ); // For each output artifact type, list all artifact instances in all runs this.setStateSafe({ viewersMap }); } protected _selectionChanged(selectedIds: string[]): void { this.setState({ selectedIds }); this._loadParameters(selectedIds); this._loadMetrics(selectedIds); } private _collapseAllSections(): void { const collapseSections = { [OVERVIEW_SECTION_NAME]: true, [PARAMS_SECTION_NAME]: true, [METRICS_SECTION_NAME]: true, }; Array.from(this.state.viewersMap.keys()).forEach(t => { const sectionName = componentMap[t].prototype.getDisplayName(); collapseSections[sectionName] = true; }); this.setState({ collapseSections }); } private _loadParameters(selectedIds: string[]): void { const { runs, workflowObjects } = this.state; const selectedIndices = => runs.findIndex(r =>!.id === id)); const filteredRuns = runs.filter((_, i) => selectedIndices.indexOf(i) > -1); const filteredWorkflows = workflowObjects.filter((_, i) => selectedIndices.indexOf(i) > -1); const paramsCompareProps = CompareUtils.getParamsCompareProps(filteredRuns, filteredWorkflows); this.setState({ paramsCompareProps }); } private _loadMetrics(selectedIds: string[]): void { const { runs } = this.state; const selectedIndices = => runs.findIndex(r =>!.id === id)); const filteredRuns = runs.filter((_, i) => selectedIndices.indexOf(i) > -1).map(r =>!); const metricsCompareProps = CompareUtils.multiRunMetricsCompareProps(filteredRuns); this.setState({ metricsCompareProps }); } private _collapseSectionsUpdate(collapseSections: { [key: string]: boolean }): void { this.setState({ collapseSections }); } } const EnhancedCompareV1: React.FC<PageProps> = props => { const namespaceChanged = useNamespaceChangeEvent(); if (namespaceChanged) { // Compare page compares two runs, when namespace changes, the runs don't // exist in the new namespace, so we should redirect to experiment list page. return <Redirect to={RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS} />; } return <CompareV1 {...props} />; }; export default EnhancedCompareV1; export const TEST_ONLY = { CompareV1, };
import React, { useState } from 'react'; import * as JsYaml from 'js-yaml'; import { useQuery } from 'react-query'; import { QUERY_PARAMS } from 'src/components/Router'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { NamespaceContext } from 'src/lib/KubeflowClient'; import { URLParser } from 'src/lib/URLParser'; import { NewRun } from './NewRun'; import NewRunV2 from './NewRunV2'; import { PageProps } from './Page'; import { isTemplateV2 } from 'src/lib/v2/WorkflowUtils'; import { V2beta1Pipeline, V2beta1PipelineVersion } from 'src/apisv2beta1/pipeline'; import { V2beta1Run } from 'src/apisv2beta1/run'; import { V2beta1RecurringRun } from 'src/apisv2beta1/recurringrun'; import { V2beta1Experiment } from 'src/apisv2beta1/experiment'; function NewRunSwitcher(props: PageProps) { const namespace = React.useContext(NamespaceContext); const urlParser = new URLParser(props); // Currently using two query parameters to get Run ID. // because v1 has two different behavior with Run ID (clone a run / start a run) // Will keep clone run only in v2 if run ID is existing // runID query by cloneFromRun will be deprecated once v1 is deprecated. const originalRunId = urlParser.get(QUERY_PARAMS.cloneFromRun); const embeddedRunId = urlParser.get(QUERY_PARAMS.fromRunId); const originalRecurringRunId = urlParser.get(QUERY_PARAMS.cloneFromRecurringRun); const [pipelineIdFromPipeline, setPipelineIdFromPipeline] = useState( urlParser.get(QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineId), ); const experimentId = urlParser.get(QUERY_PARAMS.experimentId); const [pipelineVersionIdParam, setPipelineVersionIdParam] = useState( urlParser.get(QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineVersionId), ); const existingRunId = originalRunId ? originalRunId : embeddedRunId; let pipelineIdFromRunOrRecurringRun; let pipelineVersionIdFromRunOrRecurringRun; // Retrieve v2 run details const { isSuccess: getV2RunSuccess, isFetching: v2RunIsFetching, data: v2Run } = useQuery< V2beta1Run, Error >( ['v2_run_details', existingRunId], () => { if (!existingRunId) { throw new Error('Run ID is missing'); } return Apis.runServiceApiV2.getRun(existingRunId); }, { enabled: !!existingRunId, staleTime: Infinity }, ); // Retrieve recurring run details const { isSuccess: getRecurringRunSuccess, isFetching: recurringRunIsFetching, data: recurringRun, } = useQuery<V2beta1RecurringRun, Error>( ['recurringRun', originalRecurringRunId], () => { if (!originalRecurringRunId) { throw new Error('Recurring Run ID is missing'); } return Apis.recurringRunServiceApi.getRecurringRun(originalRecurringRunId); }, { enabled: !!originalRecurringRunId, staleTime: Infinity }, ); if (v2Run !== undefined && recurringRun !== undefined) { throw new Error('The existence of run and recurring run should be exclusive.'); } pipelineIdFromRunOrRecurringRun = v2Run?.pipeline_version_reference?.pipeline_id || recurringRun?.pipeline_version_reference?.pipeline_id; pipelineVersionIdFromRunOrRecurringRun = v2Run?.pipeline_version_reference?.pipeline_version_id || recurringRun?.pipeline_version_reference?.pipeline_version_id; // template string from cloned run / recurring run created by pipeline_spec let pipelineManifest: string | undefined; if (getV2RunSuccess && v2Run && v2Run.pipeline_spec) { pipelineManifest = JsYaml.safeDump(v2Run.pipeline_spec); } if (getRecurringRunSuccess && recurringRun && recurringRun.pipeline_spec) { pipelineManifest = JsYaml.safeDump(recurringRun.pipeline_spec); } const { isFetching: pipelineIsFetching, data: pipeline } = useQuery<V2beta1Pipeline, Error>( ['pipeline', pipelineIdFromPipeline], () => { if (!pipelineIdFromPipeline) { throw new Error('Pipeline ID is missing'); } return Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.getPipeline(pipelineIdFromPipeline); }, { enabled: !!pipelineIdFromPipeline, staleTime: Infinity, cacheTime: 0 }, ); const pipelineId = pipelineIdFromPipeline || pipelineIdFromRunOrRecurringRun; const pipelineVersionId = pipelineVersionIdParam || pipelineVersionIdFromRunOrRecurringRun; const { isFetching: pipelineVersionIsFetching, data: pipelineVersion } = useQuery< V2beta1PipelineVersion, Error >( ['pipelineVersion', pipelineVersionIdParam], () => { if (!(pipelineId && pipelineVersionId)) { throw new Error('Pipeline id or pipeline Version ID is missing'); } return Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.getPipelineVersion(pipelineId, pipelineVersionId); }, { enabled: !!pipelineId && !!pipelineVersionId, staleTime: Infinity, cacheTime: 0 }, ); const pipelineSpecInVersion = pipelineVersion?.pipeline_spec; const templateStrFromSpec = pipelineSpecInVersion ? JsYaml.safeDump(pipelineSpecInVersion) : ''; const { isFetching: v1TemplateStrIsFetching, data: v1Template } = useQuery<string, Error>( ['v1PipelineVersionTemplate', pipelineVersionIdParam], async () => { if (!(pipelineId && pipelineVersionId)) { throw new Error('Pipeline id or pipeline Version ID is missing'); } let v1TemplateResponse; if (pipelineVersionId) { v1TemplateResponse = await Apis.pipelineServiceApi.getPipelineVersionTemplate( pipelineVersionId, ); return v1TemplateResponse.template || ''; } else { v1TemplateResponse = await Apis.pipelineServiceApi.getTemplate(pipelineId); } return v1TemplateResponse.template || ''; }, { enabled: !!pipelineId || !!pipelineVersionId, staleTime: Infinity, cacheTime: 0 }, ); const v1TemplateStr = v1Template || ''; const { isFetching: experimentIsFetching, data: experiment } = useQuery<V2beta1Experiment, Error>( ['experiment', experimentId], async () => { if (!experimentId) { throw new Error('Experiment ID is missing'); } return Apis.experimentServiceApiV2.getExperiment(experimentId); }, { enabled: !!experimentId, staleTime: Infinity }, ); // Three possible sources for template string // 1. pipelineManifest: pipeline_spec stored in run or recurring run created by SDK // 2. templateStrFromSpec: pipeline_spec stored in pipeline_version // 3. v1TemplateStr: pipelines created by v1 API (no pipeline_spec field) const templateString = pipelineManifest ?? (templateStrFromSpec || v1TemplateStr); if ( v2RunIsFetching || recurringRunIsFetching || pipelineIsFetching || pipelineVersionIsFetching || (!isTemplateV2(templateString) && v1TemplateStrIsFetching) || experimentIsFetching ) { return <div>Currently loading pipeline information</div>; } if (templateString && !isTemplateV2(templateString)) { return ( <NewRun {...props} namespace={namespace} existingPipelineId={pipelineIdFromPipeline} handlePipelineIdChange={setPipelineIdFromPipeline} existingPipelineVersionId={pipelineVersionIdParam} handlePipelineVersionIdChange={setPipelineVersionIdParam} /> ); } return ( <NewRunV2 {...props} namespace={namespace} existingRunId={existingRunId} existingRun={v2Run} existingRecurringRunId={originalRecurringRunId} existingRecurringRun={recurringRun} existingPipeline={pipeline} handlePipelineIdChange={setPipelineIdFromPipeline} existingPipelineVersion={pipelineVersion} handlePipelineVersionIdChange={setPipelineVersionIdParam} templateString={templateString} chosenExperiment={experiment} /> ); } export default NewRunSwitcher;
/* * Copyright 2021 Arrikto Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import * as Utils from 'src/lib/Utils'; import RecurringRunList, { RecurringRunListProps } from './RecurringRunList'; import TestUtils from 'src/TestUtils'; import produce from 'immer'; import { Apis, JobSortKeys, ListRequest } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { ReactWrapper, ShallowWrapper, shallow } from 'enzyme'; import { range } from 'lodash'; import { V2beta1RecurringRun, V2beta1RecurringRunStatus } from 'src/apisv2beta1/recurringrun'; class RecurringRunListTest extends RecurringRunList { public _loadRecurringRuns(request: ListRequest): Promise<string> { return super._loadRecurringRuns(request); } } describe('RecurringRunList', () => { let tree: ShallowWrapper | ReactWrapper; const onErrorSpy = jest.fn(); const listRecurringRunsSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi, 'listRecurringRuns'); const getRecurringRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi, 'getRecurringRun'); const listExperimentsSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.experimentServiceApiV2, 'listExperiments'); // We mock this because it uses toLocaleDateString, which causes mismatches between local and CI // test environments const formatDateStringSpy = jest.spyOn(Utils, 'formatDateString'); function generateProps(): RecurringRunListProps { return { history: {} as any, location: { search: '' } as any, match: '' as any, onError: onErrorSpy, refreshCount: 1, }; } function mockNRecurringRuns(n: number, recurringRunTemplate: Partial<V2beta1RecurringRun>): void { getRecurringRunSpy.mockImplementation(id => Promise.resolve( produce(recurringRunTemplate, draft => { draft.recurring_run_id = id; draft.display_name = 'recurring run with id: ' + id; }), ), ); listRecurringRunsSpy.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ recurringRuns: range(1, n + 1).map(i => { if (recurringRunTemplate) { return produce(recurringRunTemplate as Partial<V2beta1RecurringRun>, draft => { draft.recurring_run_id = 'testrecurringrun' + i; draft.display_name = 'recurring run with id: testrecurringrun' + i; }); } return { recurring_run_id: 'testrecurringrun' + i, display_name: 'recurring run with id: testrecurringrun' + i, } as V2beta1RecurringRun; }), }), ); listExperimentsSpy.mockImplementation(() => ({ display_name: 'some experiment' })); } function getMountedInstance(): RecurringRunList { tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<RecurringRunList {...generateProps()} />); return tree.instance() as RecurringRunList; } beforeEach(() => { formatDateStringSpy.mockImplementation((date?: Date) => { return date ? '1/2/2019, 12:34:56 PM' : '-'; }); onErrorSpy.mockClear(); listRecurringRunsSpy.mockClear(); getRecurringRunSpy.mockClear(); listExperimentsSpy.mockClear(); }); afterEach(async () => { // unmount() should be called before resetAllMocks() in case any part of the unmount life cycle // depends on mocks/spies if (tree) { await tree.unmount(); } jest.resetAllMocks(); }); it('renders the empty experience', () => { expect(shallow(<RecurringRunList {...generateProps()} />)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1.5, "label": "Recurring Run Name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 0.5, "label": "Status", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Trigger", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Created at", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No available recurring runs found." filterLabel="Filter recurring runs" initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={Array []} /> </div> `); }); it('loads one recurring run', async () => { mockNRecurringRuns(1, {}); const props = generateProps(); tree = shallow(<RecurringRunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RecurringRunListTest)._loadRecurringRuns({}); expect(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi.listRecurringRuns).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, ); expect(props.onError).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(tree).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1.5, "label": "Recurring Run Name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 0.5, "label": "Status", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Trigger", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Created at", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No available recurring runs found." filterLabel="Filter recurring runs" initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={ Array [ Object { "error": undefined, "id": "testrecurringrun1", "otherFields": Array [ "recurring run with id: testrecurringrun1", undefined, undefined, undefined, "-", ], }, ] } /> </div> `); }); it('reloads the recurring run when refresh is called', async () => { mockNRecurringRuns(0, {}); const props = generateProps(); tree = TestUtils.mountWithRouter(<RecurringRunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RecurringRunList).refresh(); tree.update(); expect(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi.listRecurringRuns).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi.listRecurringRuns).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( '', 10, JobSortKeys.CREATED_AT + ' desc', undefined, '', undefined, ); expect(props.onError).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('loads multiple recurring runs', async () => { mockNRecurringRuns(5, {}); const props = generateProps(); tree = shallow(<RecurringRunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RecurringRunListTest)._loadRecurringRuns({}); expect(props.onError).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(tree).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1.5, "label": "Recurring Run Name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 0.5, "label": "Status", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Trigger", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Created at", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No available recurring runs found." filterLabel="Filter recurring runs" initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={ Array [ Object { "error": undefined, "id": "testrecurringrun1", "otherFields": Array [ "recurring run with id: testrecurringrun1", undefined, undefined, undefined, "-", ], }, Object { "error": undefined, "id": "testrecurringrun2", "otherFields": Array [ "recurring run with id: testrecurringrun2", undefined, undefined, undefined, "-", ], }, Object { "error": undefined, "id": "testrecurringrun3", "otherFields": Array [ "recurring run with id: testrecurringrun3", undefined, undefined, undefined, "-", ], }, Object { "error": undefined, "id": "testrecurringrun4", "otherFields": Array [ "recurring run with id: testrecurringrun4", undefined, undefined, undefined, "-", ], }, Object { "error": undefined, "id": "testrecurringrun5", "otherFields": Array [ "recurring run with id: testrecurringrun5", undefined, undefined, undefined, "-", ], }, ] } /> </div> `); }); it('calls error callback when loading recurring runs fails', async () => { TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce( jest.spyOn(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi, 'listRecurringRuns'), 'bad stuff happened', ); const props = generateProps(); tree = shallow(<RecurringRunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RecurringRunListTest)._loadRecurringRuns({}); expect(props.onError).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( 'Error: failed to fetch recurring runs.', new Error('bad stuff happened'), ); }); it('loads recurring runs for a given experiment id', async () => { mockNRecurringRuns(1, {}); const props = generateProps(); props.experimentIdMask = 'experiment1'; tree = shallow(<RecurringRunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RecurringRunListTest)._loadRecurringRuns({}); expect(props.onError).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi.listRecurringRuns).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, 'experiment1', ); }); it('loads recurring runs for a given namespace', async () => { mockNRecurringRuns(1, {}); const props = generateProps(); props.namespaceMask = 'namespace1'; tree = shallow(<RecurringRunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RecurringRunListTest)._loadRecurringRuns({}); expect(props.onError).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi.listRecurringRuns).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( undefined, undefined, undefined, 'namespace1', undefined, undefined, ); }); it('loads given list of recurring runs only', async () => { mockNRecurringRuns(5, {}); const props = generateProps(); props.recurringRunIdListMask = ['recurring run1', 'recurring run2']; tree = shallow(<RecurringRunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RecurringRunListTest)._loadRecurringRuns({}); expect(props.onError).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi.listRecurringRuns).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi.getRecurringRun).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi.getRecurringRun).toHaveBeenCalledWith('recurring run1'); expect(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi.getRecurringRun).toHaveBeenCalledWith('recurring run2'); }); it('shows recurring run status', async () => { mockNRecurringRuns(1, { status: V2beta1RecurringRunStatus.ENABLED, }); const props = generateProps(); tree = shallow(<RecurringRunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RecurringRunListTest)._loadRecurringRuns({}); expect(props.onError).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(tree).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1.5, "label": "Recurring Run Name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 0.5, "label": "Status", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Trigger", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Created at", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No available recurring runs found." filterLabel="Filter recurring runs" initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={ Array [ Object { "error": undefined, "id": "testrecurringrun1", "otherFields": Array [ "recurring run with id: testrecurringrun1", "ENABLED", undefined, undefined, "-", ], }, ] } /> </div> `); }); it('shows trigger periodic', async () => { mockNRecurringRuns(1, { trigger: { periodic_schedule: { interval_second: '3600' } }, }); const props = generateProps(); tree = shallow(<RecurringRunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RecurringRunListTest)._loadRecurringRuns({}); expect(props.onError).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(tree).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1.5, "label": "Recurring Run Name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 0.5, "label": "Status", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Trigger", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Created at", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No available recurring runs found." filterLabel="Filter recurring runs" initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={ Array [ Object { "error": undefined, "id": "testrecurringrun1", "otherFields": Array [ "recurring run with id: testrecurringrun1", undefined, Object { "periodic_schedule": Object { "interval_second": "3600", }, }, undefined, "-", ], }, ] } /> </div> `); }); it('shows trigger cron', async () => { mockNRecurringRuns(1, { trigger: { cron_schedule: { cron: '0 * * * * ?' } }, }); const props = generateProps(); tree = shallow(<RecurringRunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RecurringRunListTest)._loadRecurringRuns({}); expect(props.onError).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(tree).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1.5, "label": "Recurring Run Name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 0.5, "label": "Status", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Trigger", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Created at", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No available recurring runs found." filterLabel="Filter recurring runs" initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={ Array [ Object { "error": undefined, "id": "testrecurringrun1", "otherFields": Array [ "recurring run with id: testrecurringrun1", undefined, Object { "cron_schedule": Object { "cron": "0 * * * * ?", }, }, undefined, "-", ], }, ] } /> </div> `); }); it('shows experiment name', async () => { mockNRecurringRuns(1, { experiment_id: 'test-experiment-id', }); listExperimentsSpy.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({ experiments: [ { experiment_id: 'test-experiment-id', display_name: 'test experiment', }, ], })); const props = generateProps(); tree = shallow(<RecurringRunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RecurringRunListTest)._loadRecurringRuns({}); expect(props.onError).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(tree).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1.5, "label": "Recurring Run Name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 0.5, "label": "Status", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Trigger", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Created at", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No available recurring runs found." filterLabel="Filter recurring runs" initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={ Array [ Object { "error": undefined, "id": "testrecurringrun1", "otherFields": Array [ "recurring run with id: testrecurringrun1", undefined, undefined, Object { "displayName": "test experiment", "id": "test-experiment-id", }, "-", ], }, ] } /> </div> `); }); it('hides experiment name if instructed', async () => { mockNRecurringRuns(1, { experiment_id: 'test-experiment-id', }); listExperimentsSpy.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({ display_name: 'test experiment' })); const props = generateProps(); props.hideExperimentColumn = true; tree = shallow(<RecurringRunList {...props} />); await (tree.instance() as RecurringRunListTest)._loadRecurringRuns({}); expect(props.onError).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(tree).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1.5, "label": "Recurring Run Name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 0.5, "label": "Status", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Trigger", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Created at", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No available recurring runs found." filterLabel="Filter recurring runs" initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={ Array [ Object { "error": undefined, "id": "testrecurringrun1", "otherFields": Array [ "recurring run with id: testrecurringrun1", undefined, undefined, "-", ], }, ] } /> </div> `); }); it('renders recurring run trigger in seconds', () => { expect( getMountedInstance()._triggerCustomRenderer({ value: { periodic_schedule: { interval_second: '42' } }, id: 'recurring run-id', }), ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> Every 42 seconds </div> `); }); it('renders recurring run trigger in minutes', () => { expect( getMountedInstance()._triggerCustomRenderer({ value: { periodic_schedule: { interval_second: '120' } }, id: 'recurring run-id', }), ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> Every 2 minutes </div> `); }); it('renders recurring run trigger in hours', () => { expect( getMountedInstance()._triggerCustomRenderer({ value: { periodic_schedule: { interval_second: '7200' } }, id: 'recurring run-id', }), ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> Every 2 hours </div> `); }); it('renders recurring run trigger in days', () => { expect( getMountedInstance()._triggerCustomRenderer({ value: { periodic_schedule: { interval_second: '86400' } }, id: 'recurring run-id', }), ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> Every 1 days </div> `); }); it('renders recurring run trigger as cron', () => { expect( getMountedInstance()._triggerCustomRenderer({ value: { cron_schedule: { cron: '0 * * * * ?' } }, id: 'recurring run-id', }), ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> Cron: 0 * * * * ? </div> `); }); it('renders status enabled', () => { expect( getMountedInstance()._statusCustomRenderer({ value: 'Enabled', id: 'recurring run-id', }), ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div style={ Object { "color": "#d50000", } } > Enabled </div> `); }); it('renders status disabled', () => { expect( getMountedInstance()._statusCustomRenderer({ value: 'Disabled', id: 'recurring run-id', }), ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div style={ Object { "color": "#d50000", } } > Disabled </div> `); }); it('renders status unknown', () => { expect( getMountedInstance()._statusCustomRenderer({ value: 'Unknown Status', id: 'recurring run-id', }), ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div style={ Object { "color": "#d50000", } } > Unknown Status </div> `); }); });
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import BusyButton from 'src/atoms/BusyButton'; import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button'; import Input from 'src/atoms/Input'; import { V2beta1Experiment } from 'src/apisv2beta1/experiment'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { Page, PageProps } from 'src/pages/Page'; import { RoutePage, QUERY_PARAMS } from 'src/components/Router'; import { TextFieldProps } from '@material-ui/core/TextField'; import { ToolbarProps } from 'src/components/Toolbar'; import { URLParser } from 'src/lib/URLParser'; import { classes, stylesheet } from 'typestyle'; import { commonCss, padding, fontsize } from 'src/Css'; import { logger, errorToMessage } from 'src/lib/Utils'; import { NamespaceContext } from 'src/lib/KubeflowClient'; import { getLatestVersion } from 'src/pages/NewRunV2'; import { NewExperimentFC } from 'src/pages/functional_components/NewExperimentFC'; import { FeatureKey, isFeatureEnabled } from 'src/features'; interface NewExperimentState { description: string; validationError: string; isbeingCreated: boolean; experimentName: string; pipelineId?: string; } const css = stylesheet({ errorMessage: { color: 'red', }, // TODO: move to Css.tsx and probably rename. explanation: { fontSize: fontsize.small, }, }); export class NewExperiment extends Page<{ namespace?: string }, NewExperimentState> { private _experimentNameRef = React.createRef<HTMLInputElement>(); constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.state = { description: '', experimentName: '', isbeingCreated: false, validationError: '', }; } public getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps { return { actions: {}, breadcrumbs: [{ displayName: 'Experiments', href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS }], pageTitle: 'New experiment', }; } public render(): JSX.Element { const { description, experimentName, isbeingCreated, validationError } = this.state; return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 'lr'))}> <div className={classes(commonCss.scrollContainer, padding(20, 'lr'))}> <div className={commonCss.header}>Experiment details</div> {/* TODO: this description needs work. */} <div className={css.explanation}> Think of an Experiment as a space that contains the history of all pipelines and their associated runs </div> <Input id='experimentName' label='Experiment name' inputRef={this._experimentNameRef} required={true} onChange={this.handleChange('experimentName')} value={experimentName} autoFocus={true} variant='outlined' /> <Input id='experimentDescription' label='Description' multiline={true} onChange={this.handleChange('description')} required={false} value={description} variant='outlined' /> <div className={commonCss.flex}> <BusyButton id='createExperimentBtn' disabled={!!validationError} busy={isbeingCreated} className={commonCss.buttonAction} title={'Next'} onClick={this._create.bind(this)} /> <Button id='cancelNewExperimentBtn' onClick={() => this.props.history.push(RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS)} > Cancel </Button> <div className={css.errorMessage}>{validationError}</div> </div> </div> </div> ); } public async refresh(): Promise<void> { return; } public async componentDidMount(): Promise<void> { const urlParser = new URLParser(this.props); const pipelineId = urlParser.get(QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineId); if (pipelineId) { this.setState({ pipelineId }); } this._validate(); } public handleChange = (name: string) => (event: any) => { const value = ( as TextFieldProps).value; this.setState({ [name]: value } as any, this._validate.bind(this)); }; private _create(): void { const newExperiment: V2beta1Experiment = { description: this.state.description, display_name: this.state.experimentName, namespace: this.props.namespace, }; this.setState({ isbeingCreated: true }, async () => { try { const response = await Apis.experimentServiceApiV2.createExperiment(newExperiment); let searchString = ''; if (this.state.pipelineId) { const latestVersion = await getLatestVersion(this.state.pipelineId); searchString = new URLParser(this.props).build({ [QUERY_PARAMS.experimentId]: response.experiment_id || '', [QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineId]: this.state.pipelineId, [QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineVersionId]: latestVersion?.pipeline_version_id || '', [QUERY_PARAMS.firstRunInExperiment]: '1', }); } else { searchString = new URLParser(this.props).build({ [QUERY_PARAMS.experimentId]: response.experiment_id || '', [QUERY_PARAMS.firstRunInExperiment]: '1', }); } this.props.history.push(RoutePage.NEW_RUN + searchString); this.props.updateSnackbar({ autoHideDuration: 10000, message: `Successfully created new Experiment: ${newExperiment.display_name}`, open: true, }); } catch (err) { const errorMessage = await errorToMessage(err); await this.showErrorDialog('Experiment creation failed', errorMessage); logger.error('Error creating experiment:', err); this.setState({ isbeingCreated: false }); } }); } private _validate(): void { // Validate state const { experimentName } = this.state; try { if (!experimentName) { throw new Error('Experiment name is required'); } this.setState({ validationError: '' }); } catch (err) { this.setState({ validationError: err.message }); } } } const EnhancedNewExperiment: React.FC<PageProps> = props => { const namespace = React.useContext(NamespaceContext); return isFeatureEnabled(FeatureKey.FUNCTIONAL_COMPONENT) ? ( <NewExperimentFC {...props} namespace={namespace} /> ) : ( <NewExperiment {...props} namespace={namespace} /> ); }; export default EnhancedNewExperiment;
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import Buttons, { ButtonKeys } from 'src/lib/Buttons'; import RunList from './RunList'; import { Page, PageProps } from './Page'; import { V2beta1RunStorageState } from 'src/apisv2beta1/run'; import { ToolbarProps } from 'src/components/Toolbar'; import { classes } from 'typestyle'; import { commonCss, padding } from 'src/Css'; import { NamespaceContext } from 'src/lib/KubeflowClient'; interface AllRunsListState { selectedIds: string[]; } export class AllRunsList extends Page<{ namespace?: string }, AllRunsListState> { private _runlistRef = React.createRef<RunList>(); constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.state = { selectedIds: [], }; } public getInitialToolbarState(): ToolbarProps { const buttons = new Buttons(this.props, this.refresh.bind(this)); return { actions: buttons .newRun() .compareRuns(() => this.state.selectedIds) .cloneRun(() => this.state.selectedIds, false) .archive( 'run', () => this.state.selectedIds, false, selectedIds => this._selectionChanged(selectedIds), ) .refresh(this.refresh.bind(this)) .getToolbarActionMap(), breadcrumbs: [], pageTitle: 'Runs', }; } public render(): JSX.Element { return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 'lr'))}> <RunList onError={this.showPageError.bind(this)} selectedIds={this.state.selectedIds} onSelectionChange={this._selectionChanged.bind(this)} ref={this._runlistRef} storageState={V2beta1RunStorageState.AVAILABLE} hideMetricMetadata={true} namespaceMask={this.props.namespace} {...this.props} /> </div> ); } public async refresh(): Promise<void> { // Tell run list to refresh if (this._runlistRef.current) { this.clearBanner(); await this._runlistRef.current.refresh(); } } private _selectionChanged(selectedIds: string[]): void { const toolbarActions = this.props.toolbarProps.actions; toolbarActions[ButtonKeys.COMPARE].disabled = selectedIds.length <= 1 || selectedIds.length > 10; toolbarActions[ButtonKeys.CLONE_RUN].disabled = selectedIds.length !== 1; toolbarActions[ButtonKeys.ARCHIVE].disabled = !selectedIds.length; this.props.updateToolbar({ actions: toolbarActions, breadcrumbs: this.props.toolbarProps.breadcrumbs, }); this.setState({ selectedIds }); } } const EnhancedAllRunsList = (props: PageProps) => { const namespace = React.useContext(NamespaceContext); return <AllRunsList key={namespace} {...props} namespace={namespace} />; }; export default EnhancedAllRunsList;
/* * Copyright 2019 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { fireEvent, render, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'; import * as React from 'react'; import { ImportMethod, NewPipelineVersion } from './NewPipelineVersion'; import TestUtils from 'src/TestUtils'; import { shallow, ShallowWrapper, ReactWrapper } from 'enzyme'; import { PageProps } from './Page'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { RoutePage, QUERY_PARAMS } from 'src/components/Router'; class TestNewPipelineVersion extends NewPipelineVersion { public _pipelineSelectorClosed = super._pipelineSelectorClosed; public _onDropForTest = super._onDropForTest; } describe('NewPipelineVersion', () => { let tree: ReactWrapper | ShallowWrapper; const historyPushSpy = jest.fn(); const historyReplaceSpy = jest.fn(); const updateBannerSpy = jest.fn(); const updateDialogSpy = jest.fn(); const updateSnackbarSpy = jest.fn(); const updateToolbarSpy = jest.fn(); let getPipelineSpy: jest.SpyInstance<{}>; let createPipelineSpy: jest.SpyInstance<{}>; let createPipelineVersionSpy: jest.SpyInstance<{}>; let uploadPipelineSpy: jest.SpyInstance<{}>; let MOCK_PIPELINE = { pipeline_id: 'original-run-pipeline-id', display_name: 'original mock pipeline name', }; let MOCK_PIPELINE_VERSION = { pipeline_version_id: 'original-run-pipeline-version-id', display_name: 'original mock pipeline version name', description: 'original mock pipeline version description', }; function generateProps(search?: string): PageProps { return { history: { push: historyPushSpy, replace: historyReplaceSpy } as any, location: { pathname: RoutePage.NEW_PIPELINE_VERSION, search: search, } as any, match: '' as any, toolbarProps: {} as any, updateBanner: updateBannerSpy, updateDialog: updateDialogSpy, updateSnackbar: updateSnackbarSpy, updateToolbar: updateToolbarSpy, }; } beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); getPipelineSpy = jest .spyOn(Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2, 'getPipeline') .mockImplementation(() => MOCK_PIPELINE); createPipelineVersionSpy = jest .spyOn(Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2, 'createPipelineVersion') .mockImplementation(() => MOCK_PIPELINE_VERSION); createPipelineSpy = jest .spyOn(Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2, 'createPipeline') .mockImplementation(() => MOCK_PIPELINE); uploadPipelineSpy = jest .spyOn(Apis, 'uploadPipelineV2') .mockImplementation(() => MOCK_PIPELINE); }); afterEach(async () => { // unmount() should be called before resetAllMocks() in case any part of the unmount life cycle // depends on mocks/spies if (tree) { await tree.unmount(); } jest.resetAllMocks(); jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); // New pipeline version page has two functionalities: creating a pipeline and creating a version under an existing pipeline. // Our tests will be divided into 3 parts: switching between creating pipeline or creating version; test pipeline creation; test pipeline version creation. describe('switching between creating pipeline and creating pipeline version', () => { it('creates pipeline is default when landing from pipeline list page', () => { tree = shallow(<TestNewPipelineVersion {...generateProps()} />); // When landing from pipeline list page, the default is to create pipeline expect(tree.state('newPipeline')).toBe(true); // Switch to create pipeline version tree.find('#createPipelineVersionUnderExistingPipelineBtn').simulate('change'); expect(tree.state('newPipeline')).toBe(false); // Switch back tree.find('#createNewPipelineBtn').simulate('change'); expect(tree.state('newPipeline')).toBe(true); }); it('creates pipeline version is default when landing from pipeline details page', () => { tree = shallow( <TestNewPipelineVersion {...generateProps(`?${QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineId}=${MOCK_PIPELINE.pipeline_id}`)} />, ); // When landing from pipeline list page, the default is to create pipeline expect(tree.state('newPipeline')).toBe(false); // Switch to create pipeline version tree.find('#createNewPipelineBtn').simulate('change'); expect(tree.state('newPipeline')).toBe(true); // Switch back tree.find('#createPipelineVersionUnderExistingPipelineBtn').simulate('change'); expect(tree.state('newPipeline')).toBe(false); }); }); describe('creating version under an existing pipeline', () => { it('does not include any action buttons in the toolbar', async () => { tree = shallow( <TestNewPipelineVersion {...generateProps(`?${QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineId}=${MOCK_PIPELINE.pipeline_id}`)} />, ); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({ actions: {}, breadcrumbs: [{ displayName: 'Pipeline Versions', href: '/pipeline_versions/new' }], pageTitle: 'New Pipeline', }); expect(getPipelineSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('allows updating pipeline version name', async () => { tree = shallow( <TestNewPipelineVersion {...generateProps(`?${QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineId}=${MOCK_PIPELINE.pipeline_id}`)} />, ); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('pipelineVersionName')({ target: { value: 'version name' }, }); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('pipelineVersionName', 'version name'); expect(getPipelineSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('allows updating pipeline version description', async () => { tree = shallow( <TestNewPipelineVersion {...generateProps(`?${QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineId}=${MOCK_PIPELINE.pipeline_id}`)} />, ); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('pipelineVersionDescription')({ target: { value: 'some description' }, }); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('pipelineVersionDescription', 'some description'); expect(getPipelineSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('allows updating package url', async () => { tree = shallow( <TestNewPipelineVersion {...generateProps(`?${QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineId}=${MOCK_PIPELINE.pipeline_id}`)} />, ); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('packageUrl')({ target: { value: 'https://dummy' }, }); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('packageUrl', 'https://dummy'); expect(getPipelineSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('allows updating code source', async () => { tree = shallow( <TestNewPipelineVersion {...generateProps(`?${QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineId}=${MOCK_PIPELINE.pipeline_id}`)} />, ); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('codeSourceUrl')({ target: { value: 'https://dummy' }, }); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('codeSourceUrl', 'https://dummy'); expect(getPipelineSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it("sends a request to create a version when 'Create' is clicked", async () => { tree = shallow( <TestNewPipelineVersion {...generateProps(`?${QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineId}=${MOCK_PIPELINE.pipeline_id}`)} />, ); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('pipelineVersionName')({ target: { value: 'test version name' }, }); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('pipelineVersionDescription')({ target: { value: 'some description' }, }); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('packageUrl')({ target: { value: 'https://dummy_package_url' }, }); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); tree.find('#createNewPipelineOrVersionBtn').simulate('click'); // The APIs are called in a callback triggered by clicking 'Create', so we wait again await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(createPipelineVersionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(createPipelineVersionSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('original-run-pipeline-id', { pipeline_id: 'original-run-pipeline-id', display_name: 'test version name', description: 'some description', package_url: { pipeline_url: 'https://dummy_package_url', }, }); }); // TODO(jingzhang36): test error dialog if creating pipeline version fails }); describe('creating new pipeline', () => { it('renders the new pipeline page', async () => { tree = shallow(<TestNewPipelineVersion {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('switches between import methods', () => { tree = shallow(<TestNewPipelineVersion {...generateProps()} />); // Import method is URL by default expect(tree.state('importMethod')).toBe(ImportMethod.URL); // Click to import by local tree.find('#localPackageBtn').simulate('change'); expect(tree.state('importMethod')).toBe(ImportMethod.LOCAL); // Click back to URL tree.find('#remotePackageBtn').simulate('change'); expect(tree.state('importMethod')).toBe(ImportMethod.URL); }); it('creates pipeline from url in single user mode', async () => { tree = shallow( <TestNewPipelineVersion {...generateProps()} buildInfo={{ apiServerMultiUser: false }} />, ); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('pipelineName')({ target: { value: 'test pipeline name' }, }); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('pipelineDescription')({ target: { value: 'test pipeline description' }, }); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('packageUrl')({ target: { value: 'https://dummy_package_url' }, }); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); tree.find('#createNewPipelineOrVersionBtn').simulate('click'); // The APIs are called in a callback triggered by clicking 'Create', so we wait again await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('isPrivate', false); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('newPipeline', true); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('importMethod', ImportMethod.URL); expect(createPipelineSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(createPipelineSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({ description: 'test pipeline description', display_name: 'test pipeline name', }); }); it('creates private pipeline from url in multi user mode', async () => { tree = shallow( <TestNewPipelineVersion {...generateProps()} namespace='ns' buildInfo={{ apiServerMultiUser: true }} />, ); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('pipelineName')({ target: { value: 'test pipeline name' }, }); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('pipelineDescription')({ target: { value: 'test pipeline description' }, }); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('packageUrl')({ target: { value: 'https://dummy_package_url' }, }); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); tree.find('#createNewPipelineOrVersionBtn').simulate('click'); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('isPrivate', true); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('newPipeline', true); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('importMethod', ImportMethod.URL); expect(createPipelineSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(createPipelineSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({ description: 'test pipeline description', display_name: 'test pipeline name', namespace: 'ns', }); }); it('creates shared pipeline from url in multi user mode', async () => { tree = shallow( <TestNewPipelineVersion {...generateProps()} namespace='ns' buildInfo={{ apiServerMultiUser: true }} />, ); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('pipelineName')({ target: { value: 'test pipeline name' }, }); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('pipelineDescription')({ target: { value: 'test pipeline description' }, }); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('packageUrl')({ target: { value: 'https://dummy_package_url' }, }); tree.setState({ isPrivate: false }); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); tree.find('#createNewPipelineOrVersionBtn').simulate('click'); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('isPrivate', false); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('newPipeline', true); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('importMethod', ImportMethod.URL); expect(createPipelineSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(createPipelineSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({ description: 'test pipeline description', display_name: 'test pipeline name', }); }); it('creates pipeline from local file in single user mode', async () => { tree = shallow( <TestNewPipelineVersion {...generateProps()} buildInfo={{ apiServerMultiUser: false }} />, ); // Set local file, pipeline name, pipeline description and click create tree.find('#localPackageBtn').simulate('change'); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('pipelineName')({ target: { value: 'test pipeline name' }, }); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('pipelineDescription')({ target: { value: 'test pipeline description' }, }); const file = new File(['file contents'], 'file_name', { type: 'text/plain' }); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion)._onDropForTest([file]); tree.find('#createNewPipelineOrVersionBtn').simulate('click'); tree.update(); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('isPrivate', false); expect(tree.state('importMethod')).toBe(ImportMethod.LOCAL); expect(uploadPipelineSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( 'test pipeline name', 'test pipeline description', file, undefined, ); }); it('creates private pipeline from local file in multi user mode', async () => { tree = shallow( <TestNewPipelineVersion {...generateProps()} namespace='ns' buildInfo={{ apiServerMultiUser: true }} />, ); // Set local file, pipeline name, pipeline description and click create tree.find('#localPackageBtn').simulate('change'); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('pipelineName')({ target: { value: 'test pipeline name' }, }); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('pipelineDescription')({ target: { value: 'test pipeline description' }, }); const file = new File(['file contents'], 'file_name', { type: 'text/plain' }); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion)._onDropForTest([file]); tree.find('#createNewPipelineOrVersionBtn').simulate('click'); tree.update(); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('isPrivate', true); expect(tree.state('importMethod')).toBe(ImportMethod.LOCAL); expect(uploadPipelineSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( 'test pipeline name', 'test pipeline description', file, 'ns', ); }); it('creates shared pipeline from local file in multi user mode', async () => { tree = shallow( <TestNewPipelineVersion {...generateProps()} namespace='ns' buildInfo={{ apiServerMultiUser: true }} />, ); // Set local file, pipeline name, pipeline description and click create tree.find('#localPackageBtn').simulate('change'); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('pipelineName')({ target: { value: 'test pipeline name' }, }); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion).handleChange('pipelineDescription')({ target: { value: 'test pipeline description' }, }); const file = new File(['file contents'], 'file_name', { type: 'text/plain' }); (tree.instance() as TestNewPipelineVersion)._onDropForTest([file]); tree.setState({ isPrivate: false }); tree.find('#createNewPipelineOrVersionBtn').simulate('click'); tree.update(); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); expect(tree.state()).toHaveProperty('isPrivate', false); expect(tree.state('importMethod')).toBe(ImportMethod.LOCAL); expect(uploadPipelineSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( 'test pipeline name', 'test pipeline description', file, undefined, ); }); it('allows updating pipeline version name', async () => { render( <TestNewPipelineVersion {...generateProps(`?${QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineId}=${MOCK_PIPELINE.pipeline_id}`)} />, ); const pipelineVersionNameInput = await screen.findByLabelText(/Pipeline Version name/); fireEvent.change(pipelineVersionNameInput, { target: { value: 'new-pipeline-name' } }); expect(pipelineVersionNameInput.closest('input')?.value).toBe('new-pipeline-name'); }); }); });
/* * Copyright 2023 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as Utils from 'src/lib/Utils'; import { statusToIcon } from './StatusV2'; import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; import { V2beta1RuntimeState } from 'src/apisv2beta1/run'; describe('Status', () => { // We mock this because it uses toLocaleDateString, which causes mismatches between local and CI // test enviroments const formatDateStringSpy = jest.spyOn(Utils, 'formatDateString'); const startDate = new Date('Wed Jan 2 2019 9:10:11 GMT-0800'); const endDate = new Date('Thu Jan 3 2019 10:11:12 GMT-0800'); beforeEach(() => { formatDateStringSpy.mockImplementation((date: Date) => { return date === startDate ? '1/2/2019, 9:10:11 AM' : '1/3/2019, 10:11:12 AM'; }); }); describe('statusToIcon', () => { it('handles an unknown state', () => { const consoleSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log').mockImplementationOnce(() => null); const tree = shallow(statusToIcon('bad state' as any)); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(consoleSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('Unknown state:', 'bad state'); }); it('handles an undefined state', () => { const consoleSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log').mockImplementationOnce(() => null); const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(/* no phase */)); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(consoleSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('Unknown state:', undefined); }); // TODO: Enable this test after react-scripts is upgraded to v4.0.0 // it('react testing for ERROR state', async () => { // const { findByText, getByTestId } = render( // statusToIcon(NodePhase.ERROR), // ); // fireEvent.mouseOver(getByTestId('node-status-sign')); // findByText('Error while running this resource'); // }); it('handles FAILED state', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(V2beta1RuntimeState.FAILED)); expect(tree.find('div')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <pure(ErrorIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#d50000", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> `); }); it('handles PENDING state', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(V2beta1RuntimeState.PENDING)); expect(tree.find('div')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <pure(ScheduleIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#9aa0a6", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> `); }); it('handles RUNNING state', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(V2beta1RuntimeState.RUNNING)); expect(tree.find('div')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <StatusRunning data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#4285f4", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> `); }); it('handles CANCELING state', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(V2beta1RuntimeState.CANCELING)); expect(tree.find('div')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <StatusRunning data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#4285f4", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> `); }); it('handles SKIPPED state', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(V2beta1RuntimeState.SKIPPED)); expect(tree.find('div')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <pure(SkipNextIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#5f6368", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> `); }); it('handles SUCCEEDED state', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(V2beta1RuntimeState.SUCCEEDED)); expect(tree.find('div')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <pure(CheckCircleIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#34a853", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> `); }); it('handles CANCELED state', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(V2beta1RuntimeState.CANCELED)); expect(tree.find('div')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` <div> <StatusRunning data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#80868b", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> `); }); it('displays start and end dates if both are provided', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(V2beta1RuntimeState.SUCCEEDED, startDate, endDate)); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('does not display a end date if none was provided', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(V2beta1RuntimeState.SUCCEEDED, startDate)); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('does not display a start date if none was provided', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(V2beta1RuntimeState.SUCCEEDED, undefined, endDate)); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('does not display any dates if neither was provided', () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(V2beta1RuntimeState.SUCCEEDED /* No dates */)); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }); Object.keys(V2beta1RuntimeState).map(status => it('renders an icon with tooltip for phase: ' + status, () => { const tree = shallow(statusToIcon(V2beta1RuntimeState[status])); expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); }), ); }); });
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { render, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'; import { graphlib } from 'dagre'; import * as JsYaml from 'js-yaml'; import React from 'react'; import { ApiExperiment } from 'src/apis/experiment'; import { ApiPipeline, ApiPipelineVersion } from 'src/apis/pipeline'; import { V2beta1Pipeline, V2beta1PipelineVersion } from 'src/apisv2beta1/pipeline'; import { ApiRunDetail } from 'src/apis/run'; import { V2beta1Run } from 'src/apisv2beta1/run'; import { QUERY_PARAMS, RouteParams } from 'src/components/Router'; import * as features from 'src/features'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import TestUtils, { mockResizeObserver, testBestPractices } from 'src/TestUtils'; import * as StaticGraphParser from 'src/lib/StaticGraphParser'; import { PageProps } from './Page'; import PipelineDetails from './PipelineDetails'; import fs from 'fs'; const V2_PIPELINESPEC_PATH = 'src/data/test/lightweight_python_functions_v2_pipeline_rev.yaml'; const v2YamlTemplateString = fs.readFileSync(V2_PIPELINESPEC_PATH, 'utf8'); // This file is created in order to replace enzyme with react-testing-library gradually. // The old test file is written using enzyme in PipelineDetails.test.tsx. testBestPractices(); describe('switch between v1 and v2', () => { const updateBannerSpy = jest.fn(); const updateDialogSpy = jest.fn(); const updateSnackbarSpy = jest.fn(); const updateToolbarSpy = jest.fn(); const historyPushSpy = jest.fn(); let testV1Pipeline: ApiPipeline = {}; let testV1PipelineVersion: ApiPipelineVersion = {}; let testV1Run: ApiRunDetail = {}; let testV2Pipeline: V2beta1Pipeline = {}; let testV2PipelineVersion: V2beta1PipelineVersion = {}; let testV2Run: V2beta1Run = {}; function generateProps(fromRunSpec = false): PageProps { const match = { isExact: true, params: fromRunSpec ? {} : { [RouteParams.pipelineId]:, [RouteParams.pipelineVersionId]: (testV1Pipeline.default_version && testV1Pipeline.default_version!.id) || '', }, path: '', url: '', }; const location = { search: fromRunSpec ? `?${QUERY_PARAMS.fromRunId}=test-run-id` : '' } as any; const pageProps = TestUtils.generatePageProps( PipelineDetails, location, match, historyPushSpy, updateBannerSpy, updateDialogSpy, updateToolbarSpy, updateSnackbarSpy, ); return pageProps; } const v1PipelineSpecTemplate = ` apiVersion: kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: entry-point-test- spec: arguments: parameters: [] entrypoint: entry-point-test templates: - dag: tasks: - name: recurse-1 template: recurse-1 - name: leaf-1 template: leaf-1 name: start - dag: tasks: - name: start template: start - name: recurse-2 template: recurse-2 name: recurse-1 - dag: tasks: - name: start template: start - name: leaf-2 template: leaf-2 - name: recurse-3 template: recurse-3 name: recurse-2 - dag: tasks: - name: start template: start - name: recurse-1 template: recurse-1 - name: recurse-2 template: recurse-2 name: recurse-3 - dag: tasks: - name: start template: start name: entry-point-test - container: name: leaf-1 - container: name: leaf-2 `; beforeAll(() => jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation()); beforeEach(() => { mockResizeObserver(); testV1Pipeline = { created_at: new Date(2018, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2), description: 'test pipeline description', id: 'test-v1-pipeline-id', name: 'test v1 pipeline', parameters: [{ name: 'param1', value: 'value1' }], default_version: { id: 'test-v1-pipeline-version-id', name: 'test-v1-pipeline-version', }, }; testV1PipelineVersion = { id: 'test-v1-pipeline-version-id', name: 'test-v1-pipeline-version', }; testV1Run = { run: { id: 'test-v1-run-id', name: 'test v1 run', pipeline_spec: { pipeline_id: 'run-v1-pipeline-id', }, }, }; testV2Pipeline = { created_at: new Date(2018, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2), description: 'test v2 pipeline description', pipeline_id: 'test-v2-pipeline-id', display_name: 'test v2 pipeline', }; testV2PipelineVersion = { pipeline_id: 'test-v2-pipeline-id', pipeline_version_id: 'test-v2-pipeline-version-id', name: 'test-v2-pipeline-version', pipeline_spec: JsYaml.safeLoad(v2YamlTemplateString), }; testV2Run = { run_id: 'test-v2-run-id', display_name: 'test v2 run', pipeline_version_reference: {}, }; jest.mock('src/lib/Apis', () => jest.fn()); Apis.pipelineServiceApi.getPipeline = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(testV1Pipeline); Apis.pipelineServiceApi.getPipelineVersion = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(testV1PipelineVersion); Apis.pipelineServiceApi.deletePipelineVersion = jest.fn(); Apis.pipelineServiceApi.listPipelineVersions = jest .fn() .mockResolvedValue({ versions: [testV1PipelineVersion] }); Apis.runServiceApi.getRun = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(testV1Run); Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.getPipeline = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(testV2Pipeline); Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.getPipelineVersion = jest .fn() .mockResolvedValue(testV2PipelineVersion); Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.listPipelineVersions = jest .fn() .mockResolvedValue({ pipeline_versions: [testV2PipelineVersion] }); Apis.runServiceApiV2.getRun = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(testV2Run); Apis.experimentServiceApi.getExperiment = jest .fn() .mockResolvedValue({ id: 'test-experiment-id', name: 'test experiment' } as ApiExperiment); }); afterEach(async () => { jest.resetAllMocks(); }); it('Show error if not valid v1 template and disabled v2 feature', async () => { // v2 feature is turn off. jest.spyOn(features, 'isFeatureEnabled').mockImplementation(featureKey => { return false; }); Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.getPipelineVersion = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ display_name: 'test-pipeline-version', pipeline_id: 'test-pipeline-id', pipeline_version_id: 'test-pipeline-version-id', pipeline_spec: { apiVersion: 'bad apiversion', kind: 'bad kind', }, }); const createGraphSpy = jest.spyOn(StaticGraphParser, 'createGraph'); TestUtils.makeErrorResponse(createGraphSpy, 'bad graph'); render(<PipelineDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); screen.getByTestId('pipeline-detail-v1'); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); // Once to clear banner, once to show error expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ additionalInfo: 'Unable to convert string response from server to Argo workflow template:', message: 'Error: failed to generate Pipeline graph. Click Details for more information.', mode: 'error', }), ); }); it('Show error if v1 template cannot generate graph and disabled v2 feature', async () => { // v2 feature is turn off. jest.spyOn(features, 'isFeatureEnabled').mockImplementation(featureKey => { return false; }); Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.getPipelineVersion = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ display_name: 'test-pipeline-version', pipeline_id: 'test-pipeline-id', pipeline_version_id: 'test-pipeline-version-id', pipeline_spec: { apiVersion: '', kind: 'Workflow', }, }); const createGraphSpy = jest.spyOn(StaticGraphParser, 'createGraph'); TestUtils.makeErrorResponse(createGraphSpy, 'bad graph'); render(<PipelineDetails {...generateProps()} />); await waitFor(() => { expect(createGraphSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); screen.getByTestId('pipeline-detail-v1'); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); // Once to clear banner, once to show error expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ additionalInfo: 'bad graph', message: 'Error: failed to generate Pipeline graph. Click Details for more information.', mode: 'error', }), ); }); it('Show error if not valid v2 template and enabled v2 feature', async () => { // v2 feature is turn on. jest.spyOn(features, 'isFeatureEnabled').mockImplementation(featureKey => { if (featureKey === features.FeatureKey.V2_ALPHA) { return true; } return false; }); Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.getPipelineVersion = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ display_name: 'test-pipeline-version', pipeline_id: 'test-pipeline-id', pipeline_version_id: 'test-pipeline-version-id', pipeline_spec: JsYaml.safeLoad( 'spec:\n arguments:\n parameters:\n - name: output\n', ), }); const createGraphSpy = jest.spyOn(StaticGraphParser, 'createGraph'); TestUtils.makeErrorResponse(createGraphSpy, 'bad graph'); render(<PipelineDetails {...generateProps()} />); await waitFor(() => { expect(createGraphSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }); screen.getByTestId('pipeline-detail-v1'); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); // Once to clear banner, once to show error expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ additionalInfo: 'Important infomation is missing. Pipeline Spec is invalid.', message: 'Error: failed to generate Pipeline graph. Click Details for more information.', mode: 'error', }), ); }); it('Show v1 page if valid v1 template and enabled v2 feature flag', async () => { // v2 feature is turn on. jest.spyOn(features, 'isFeatureEnabled').mockImplementation(featureKey => { if (featureKey === features.FeatureKey.V2_ALPHA) { return true; } return false; }); const createGraphSpy = jest.spyOn(StaticGraphParser, 'createGraph'); createGraphSpy.mockImplementation(() => new graphlib.Graph()); Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.getPipelineVersion = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ display_name: 'test-pipeline-version', pipeline_id: 'test-pipeline-id', pipeline_version_id: 'test-pipeline-version-id', pipeline_spec: { apiVersion: '', kind: 'Workflow', }, }); render(<PipelineDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); screen.getByTestId('pipeline-detail-v1'); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('Show v1 page if valid v1 template and disabled v2 feature flag', async () => { // v2 feature is turn off. jest.spyOn(features, 'isFeatureEnabled').mockImplementation(featureKey => { return false; }); Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2.getPipelineVersion = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ display_name: 'test-pipeline-version', pipeline_id: 'test-pipeline-id', pipeline_version_id: 'test-pipeline-version-id', pipeline_spec: { apiVersion: '', kind: 'Workflow', }, }); const createGraphSpy = jest.spyOn(StaticGraphParser, 'createGraph'); createGraphSpy.mockImplementation(() => new graphlib.Graph()); render(<PipelineDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); screen.getByTestId('pipeline-detail-v1'); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('Show v2 page if valid v2 template and enabled v2 feature', async () => { // v2 feature is turn on. jest.spyOn(features, 'isFeatureEnabled').mockImplementation(featureKey => { if (featureKey === features.FeatureKey.V2_ALPHA) { return true; } return false; }); const createGraphSpy = jest.spyOn(StaticGraphParser, 'createGraph'); createGraphSpy.mockImplementation(() => new graphlib.Graph()); render(<PipelineDetails {...generateProps()} />); await TestUtils.flushPromises(); screen.getByTestId('pipeline-detail-v2'); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); });
/* * Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as React from 'react'; import BusyButton from 'src/atoms/BusyButton'; import CustomTable, { Column, Row, CustomRendererProps } from 'src/components/CustomTable'; import Toolbar, { ToolbarActionMap } from 'src/components/Toolbar'; import { V2beta1RecurringRun, V2beta1RecurringRunStatus } from 'src/apisv2beta1/recurringrun'; import { Apis, JobSortKeys, ListRequest } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { DialogProps, RoutePage, RouteParams } from 'src/components/Router'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import { RouteComponentProps } from 'react-router'; import { SnackbarProps } from '@material-ui/core/Snackbar'; import { commonCss } from 'src/Css'; import { logger, formatDateString, errorToMessage } from 'src/lib/Utils'; export interface RecurringRunListProps extends RouteComponentProps { experimentId: string; updateDialog: (dialogProps: DialogProps) => void; updateSnackbar: (snackbarProps: SnackbarProps) => void; } interface RecurringRunListState { busyIds: Set<string>; runs: V2beta1RecurringRun[]; selectedIds: string[]; toolbarActionMap: ToolbarActionMap; } class RecurringRunsManager extends React.Component<RecurringRunListProps, RecurringRunListState> { private _tableRef = React.createRef<CustomTable>(); constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.state = { busyIds: new Set(), runs: [], selectedIds: [], toolbarActionMap: {}, }; } public render(): JSX.Element { const { runs, selectedIds, toolbarActionMap: toolbarActions } = this.state; const columns: Column[] = [ { customRenderer: this._nameCustomRenderer, flex: 2, label: 'Run name', sortKey: JobSortKeys.NAME, }, { label: 'Created at', flex: 2, sortKey: JobSortKeys.CREATED_AT }, { customRenderer: this._enabledCustomRenderer, label: '', flex: 1 }, ]; const rows: Row[] = => { return { error: r.error?.toString(), id: r.recurring_run_id!, otherFields: [r.display_name, formatDateString(r.created_at), r.status], }; }); return ( <React.Fragment> <Toolbar actions={toolbarActions} breadcrumbs={[]} pageTitle='Recurring runs' /> <CustomTable columns={columns} rows={rows} ref={this._tableRef} selectedIds={selectedIds} updateSelection={ids => this.setState({ selectedIds: ids })} initialSortColumn={JobSortKeys.CREATED_AT} reload={this._loadRuns.bind(this)} filterLabel='Filter recurring runs' disableSelection={true} emptyMessage={'No recurring runs found in this experiment.'} /> </React.Fragment> ); } public async refresh(): Promise<void> { if (this._tableRef.current) { await this._tableRef.current.reload(); } } public _nameCustomRenderer: React.FC<CustomRendererProps<string>> = ( props: CustomRendererProps<string>, ) => { return ( <Link className={} to={RoutePage.RECURRING_RUN_DETAILS.replace(':' + RouteParams.recurringRunId,} > {props.value} </Link> ); }; public _enabledCustomRenderer: React.FC<CustomRendererProps<V2beta1RecurringRunStatus>> = ( props: CustomRendererProps<V2beta1RecurringRunStatus>, ) => { const isBusy = this.state.busyIds.has(; return ( <BusyButton outlined={props.value === V2beta1RecurringRunStatus.ENABLED} title={props.value === V2beta1RecurringRunStatus.ENABLED ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled'} busy={isBusy} onClick={() => { let busyIds = this.state.busyIds; busyIds.add(; this.setState({ busyIds }, async () => { props.value === V2beta1RecurringRunStatus.ENABLED ? await this._setEnabledState(, false) : await this._setEnabledState(, true); busyIds = this.state.busyIds; busyIds.delete(; this.setState({ busyIds }); await this.refresh(); }); }} /> ); }; protected async _loadRuns(request: ListRequest): Promise<string> { let runs: V2beta1RecurringRun[] = []; let nextPageToken = ''; try { const response = await Apis.recurringRunServiceApi.listRecurringRuns( request.pageToken, request.pageSize, request.sortBy, undefined, request.filter, this.props.experimentId, ); runs = response.recurringRuns || []; nextPageToken = response.next_page_token || ''; } catch (err) { const errorMessage = await errorToMessage(err); this.props.updateDialog({ buttons: [{ text: 'Dismiss' }], content: 'List recurring run configs request failed with:\n' + errorMessage, title: 'Error retrieving recurring run configs', }); logger.error('Could not get list of recurring runs', errorMessage); } this.setState({ runs }); return nextPageToken; } protected async _setEnabledState(id: string, enabled: boolean): Promise<void> { try { await (enabled ? Apis.recurringRunServiceApi.enableRecurringRun(id) : Apis.recurringRunServiceApi.disableRecurringRun(id)); } catch (err) { const errorMessage = await errorToMessage(err); this.props.updateDialog({ buttons: [{ text: 'Dismiss' }], content: 'Error changing enabled state of recurring run:\n' + errorMessage, title: 'Error', }); logger.error('Error changing enabled state of recurring run', errorMessage); } } } export default RecurringRunsManager;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`RecurringRunsManager calls API to load recurring runs 1`] = ` <Fragment> <Toolbar actions={Object {}} breadcrumbs={Array []} pageTitle="Recurring runs" /> <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 2, "label": "Run name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "flex": 2, "label": "Created at", "sortKey": "created_at", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "", }, ] } disableSelection={true} emptyMessage="No recurring runs found in this experiment." filterLabel="Filter recurring runs" initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={ Array [ Object { "error": undefined, "id": "recurringrun1", "otherFields": Array [ "test recurring run name", "11/9/2018, 8:07:06 AM", "ENABLED", ], }, Object { "error": undefined, "id": "recurringrun2", "otherFields": Array [ "test recurring run name2", "11/9/2018, 8:07:06 AM", "DISABLED", ], }, Object { "error": undefined, "id": "recurringrun3", "otherFields": Array [ "test recurring run name3", "11/9/2018, 8:07:06 AM", "STATUS_UNSPECIFIED", ], }, ] } selectedIds={Array []} updateSelection={[Function]} /> </Fragment> `; exports[`RecurringRunsManager reloads the list of runs after enable/disabling 1`] = ` <Button className="root" classes={ Object { "colorInherit": "MuiButton-colorInherit-841", "contained": "MuiButton-contained-831", "containedPrimary": "MuiButton-containedPrimary-832", "containedSecondary": "MuiButton-containedSecondary-833", "disabled": "MuiButton-disabled-840", "extendedFab": "MuiButton-extendedFab-838", "fab": "MuiButton-fab-837", "flat": "MuiButton-flat-825", "flatPrimary": "MuiButton-flatPrimary-826", "flatSecondary": "MuiButton-flatSecondary-827", "focusVisible": "MuiButton-focusVisible-839", "fullWidth": "MuiButton-fullWidth-845", "label": "MuiButton-label-821", "mini": "MuiButton-mini-842", "outlined": "MuiButton-outlined-828", "outlinedPrimary": "MuiButton-outlinedPrimary-829", "outlinedSecondary": "MuiButton-outlinedSecondary-830", "raised": "MuiButton-raised-834", "raisedPrimary": "MuiButton-raisedPrimary-835", "raisedSecondary": "MuiButton-raisedSecondary-836", "root": "MuiButton-root-820", "sizeLarge": "MuiButton-sizeLarge-844", "sizeSmall": "MuiButton-sizeSmall-843", "text": "MuiButton-text-822", "textPrimary": "MuiButton-textPrimary-823", "textSecondary": "MuiButton-textSecondary-824", } } color="primary" component="button" disableFocusRipple={false} disabled={false} fullWidth={false} mini={false} onClick={[Function]} size="medium" type="button" variant="text" > <WithStyles(ButtonBase) className="MuiButton-root-820 MuiButton-text-822 MuiButton-textPrimary-823 MuiButton-flat-825 MuiButton-flatPrimary-826 root" component="button" disabled={false} focusRipple={true} focusVisibleClassName="MuiButton-focusVisible-839" onClick={[Function]} type="button" > <ButtonBase centerRipple={false} className="MuiButton-root-820 MuiButton-text-822 MuiButton-textPrimary-823 MuiButton-flat-825 MuiButton-flatPrimary-826 root" classes={ Object { "disabled": "MuiButtonBase-disabled-771", "focusVisible": "MuiButtonBase-focusVisible-772", "root": "MuiButtonBase-root-770", } } component="button" disableRipple={false} disableTouchRipple={false} disabled={false} focusRipple={true} focusVisibleClassName="MuiButton-focusVisible-839" onClick={[Function]} tabIndex="0" type="button" > <button className="MuiButtonBase-root-770 MuiButton-root-820 MuiButton-text-822 MuiButton-textPrimary-823 MuiButton-flat-825 MuiButton-flatPrimary-826 root" disabled={false} onBlur={[Function]} onClick={[Function]} onContextMenu={[Function]} onFocus={[Function]} onKeyDown={[Function]} onKeyUp={[Function]} onMouseDown={[Function]} onMouseLeave={[Function]} onMouseUp={[Function]} onTouchEnd={[Function]} onTouchMove={[Function]} onTouchStart={[Function]} tabIndex="0" type="button" > <span className="MuiButton-label-821" > <span> Enabled </span> </span> <NoSsr defer={false} fallback={null} > <WithStyles(TouchRipple) center={false} innerRef={[Function]} > <TouchRipple center={false} classes={ Object { "child": "MuiTouchRipple-child-817", "childLeaving": "MuiTouchRipple-childLeaving-818", "childPulsate": "MuiTouchRipple-childPulsate-819", "ripple": "MuiTouchRipple-ripple-814", "ripplePulsate": "MuiTouchRipple-ripplePulsate-816", "rippleVisible": "MuiTouchRipple-rippleVisible-815", "root": "MuiTouchRipple-root-813", } } > <TransitionGroup childFactory={[Function]} className="MuiTouchRipple-root-813" component="span" enter={true} exit={true} > <span className="MuiTouchRipple-root-813" /> </TransitionGroup> </TouchRipple> </WithStyles(TouchRipple)> </NoSsr> </button> </ButtonBase> </WithStyles(ButtonBase)> </Button> `; exports[`RecurringRunsManager renders a disable button if the run is enabled, clicking the button calls disable API 1`] = ` <Button className="root" classes={ Object { "colorInherit": "MuiButton-colorInherit-310", "contained": "MuiButton-contained-300", "containedPrimary": "MuiButton-containedPrimary-301", "containedSecondary": "MuiButton-containedSecondary-302", "disabled": "MuiButton-disabled-309", "extendedFab": "MuiButton-extendedFab-307", "fab": "MuiButton-fab-306", "flat": "MuiButton-flat-294", "flatPrimary": "MuiButton-flatPrimary-295", "flatSecondary": "MuiButton-flatSecondary-296", "focusVisible": "MuiButton-focusVisible-308", "fullWidth": "MuiButton-fullWidth-314", "label": "MuiButton-label-290", "mini": "MuiButton-mini-311", "outlined": "MuiButton-outlined-297", "outlinedPrimary": "MuiButton-outlinedPrimary-298", "outlinedSecondary": "MuiButton-outlinedSecondary-299", "raised": "MuiButton-raised-303", "raisedPrimary": "MuiButton-raisedPrimary-304", "raisedSecondary": "MuiButton-raisedSecondary-305", "root": "MuiButton-root-289", "sizeLarge": "MuiButton-sizeLarge-313", "sizeSmall": "MuiButton-sizeSmall-312", "text": "MuiButton-text-291", "textPrimary": "MuiButton-textPrimary-292", "textSecondary": "MuiButton-textSecondary-293", } } color="primary" component="button" disableFocusRipple={false} disabled={false} fullWidth={false} mini={false} onClick={[Function]} size="medium" type="button" variant="text" > <WithStyles(ButtonBase) className="MuiButton-root-289 MuiButton-text-291 MuiButton-textPrimary-292 MuiButton-flat-294 MuiButton-flatPrimary-295 root" component="button" disabled={false} focusRipple={true} focusVisibleClassName="MuiButton-focusVisible-308" onClick={[Function]} type="button" > <ButtonBase centerRipple={false} className="MuiButton-root-289 MuiButton-text-291 MuiButton-textPrimary-292 MuiButton-flat-294 MuiButton-flatPrimary-295 root" classes={ Object { "disabled": "MuiButtonBase-disabled-240", "focusVisible": "MuiButtonBase-focusVisible-241", "root": "MuiButtonBase-root-239", } } component="button" disableRipple={false} disableTouchRipple={false} disabled={false} focusRipple={true} focusVisibleClassName="MuiButton-focusVisible-308" onClick={[Function]} tabIndex="0" type="button" > <button className="MuiButtonBase-root-239 MuiButton-root-289 MuiButton-text-291 MuiButton-textPrimary-292 MuiButton-flat-294 MuiButton-flatPrimary-295 root" disabled={false} onBlur={[Function]} onClick={[Function]} onContextMenu={[Function]} onFocus={[Function]} onKeyDown={[Function]} onKeyUp={[Function]} onMouseDown={[Function]} onMouseLeave={[Function]} onMouseUp={[Function]} onTouchEnd={[Function]} onTouchMove={[Function]} onTouchStart={[Function]} tabIndex="0" type="button" > <span className="MuiButton-label-290" > <span> Enabled </span> </span> <NoSsr defer={false} fallback={null} > <WithStyles(TouchRipple) center={false} innerRef={[Function]} > <TouchRipple center={false} classes={ Object { "child": "MuiTouchRipple-child-286", "childLeaving": "MuiTouchRipple-childLeaving-287", "childPulsate": "MuiTouchRipple-childPulsate-288", "ripple": "MuiTouchRipple-ripple-283", "ripplePulsate": "MuiTouchRipple-ripplePulsate-285", "rippleVisible": "MuiTouchRipple-rippleVisible-284", "root": "MuiTouchRipple-root-282", } } > <TransitionGroup childFactory={[Function]} className="MuiTouchRipple-root-282" component="span" enter={true} exit={true} > <span className="MuiTouchRipple-root-282" /> </TransitionGroup> </TouchRipple> </WithStyles(TouchRipple)> </NoSsr> </button> </ButtonBase> </WithStyles(ButtonBase)> </Button> `; exports[`RecurringRunsManager renders an enable button if the run is disabled, clicking the button calls enable API 1`] = ` <Button className="root" classes={ Object { "colorInherit": "MuiButton-colorInherit-487", "contained": "MuiButton-contained-477", "containedPrimary": "MuiButton-containedPrimary-478", "containedSecondary": "MuiButton-containedSecondary-479", "disabled": "MuiButton-disabled-486", "extendedFab": "MuiButton-extendedFab-484", "fab": "MuiButton-fab-483", "flat": "MuiButton-flat-471", "flatPrimary": "MuiButton-flatPrimary-472", "flatSecondary": "MuiButton-flatSecondary-473", "focusVisible": "MuiButton-focusVisible-485", "fullWidth": "MuiButton-fullWidth-491", "label": "MuiButton-label-467", "mini": "MuiButton-mini-488", "outlined": "MuiButton-outlined-474", "outlinedPrimary": "MuiButton-outlinedPrimary-475", "outlinedSecondary": "MuiButton-outlinedSecondary-476", "raised": "MuiButton-raised-480", "raisedPrimary": "MuiButton-raisedPrimary-481", "raisedSecondary": "MuiButton-raisedSecondary-482", "root": "MuiButton-root-466", "sizeLarge": "MuiButton-sizeLarge-490", "sizeSmall": "MuiButton-sizeSmall-489", "text": "MuiButton-text-468", "textPrimary": "MuiButton-textPrimary-469", "textSecondary": "MuiButton-textSecondary-470", } } color="secondary" component="button" disableFocusRipple={false} disabled={false} fullWidth={false} mini={false} onClick={[Function]} size="medium" type="button" variant="text" > <WithStyles(ButtonBase) className="MuiButton-root-466 MuiButton-text-468 MuiButton-textSecondary-470 MuiButton-flat-471 MuiButton-flatSecondary-473 root" component="button" disabled={false} focusRipple={true} focusVisibleClassName="MuiButton-focusVisible-485" onClick={[Function]} type="button" > <ButtonBase centerRipple={false} className="MuiButton-root-466 MuiButton-text-468 MuiButton-textSecondary-470 MuiButton-flat-471 MuiButton-flatSecondary-473 root" classes={ Object { "disabled": "MuiButtonBase-disabled-417", "focusVisible": "MuiButtonBase-focusVisible-418", "root": "MuiButtonBase-root-416", } } component="button" disableRipple={false} disableTouchRipple={false} disabled={false} focusRipple={true} focusVisibleClassName="MuiButton-focusVisible-485" onClick={[Function]} tabIndex="0" type="button" > <button className="MuiButtonBase-root-416 MuiButton-root-466 MuiButton-text-468 MuiButton-textSecondary-470 MuiButton-flat-471 MuiButton-flatSecondary-473 root" disabled={false} onBlur={[Function]} onClick={[Function]} onContextMenu={[Function]} onFocus={[Function]} onKeyDown={[Function]} onKeyUp={[Function]} onMouseDown={[Function]} onMouseLeave={[Function]} onMouseUp={[Function]} onTouchEnd={[Function]} onTouchMove={[Function]} onTouchStart={[Function]} tabIndex="0" type="button" > <span className="MuiButton-label-467" > <span> Disabled </span> </span> <NoSsr defer={false} fallback={null} > <WithStyles(TouchRipple) center={false} innerRef={[Function]} > <TouchRipple center={false} classes={ Object { "child": "MuiTouchRipple-child-463", "childLeaving": "MuiTouchRipple-childLeaving-464", "childPulsate": "MuiTouchRipple-childPulsate-465", "ripple": "MuiTouchRipple-ripple-460", "ripplePulsate": "MuiTouchRipple-ripplePulsate-462", "rippleVisible": "MuiTouchRipple-rippleVisible-461", "root": "MuiTouchRipple-root-459", } } > <TransitionGroup childFactory={[Function]} className="MuiTouchRipple-root-459" component="span" enter={true} exit={true} > <span className="MuiTouchRipple-root-459" /> </TransitionGroup> </TouchRipple> </WithStyles(TouchRipple)> </NoSsr> </button> </ButtonBase> </WithStyles(ButtonBase)> </Button> `; exports[`RecurringRunsManager renders an enable button if the run's enabled field is undefined, clicking the button calls enable API 1`] = ` <Button className="root" classes={ Object { "colorInherit": "MuiButton-colorInherit-664", "contained": "MuiButton-contained-654", "containedPrimary": "MuiButton-containedPrimary-655", "containedSecondary": "MuiButton-containedSecondary-656", "disabled": "MuiButton-disabled-663", "extendedFab": "MuiButton-extendedFab-661", "fab": "MuiButton-fab-660", "flat": "MuiButton-flat-648", "flatPrimary": "MuiButton-flatPrimary-649", "flatSecondary": "MuiButton-flatSecondary-650", "focusVisible": "MuiButton-focusVisible-662", "fullWidth": "MuiButton-fullWidth-668", "label": "MuiButton-label-644", "mini": "MuiButton-mini-665", "outlined": "MuiButton-outlined-651", "outlinedPrimary": "MuiButton-outlinedPrimary-652", "outlinedSecondary": "MuiButton-outlinedSecondary-653", "raised": "MuiButton-raised-657", "raisedPrimary": "MuiButton-raisedPrimary-658", "raisedSecondary": "MuiButton-raisedSecondary-659", "root": "MuiButton-root-643", "sizeLarge": "MuiButton-sizeLarge-667", "sizeSmall": "MuiButton-sizeSmall-666", "text": "MuiButton-text-645", "textPrimary": "MuiButton-textPrimary-646", "textSecondary": "MuiButton-textSecondary-647", } } color="secondary" component="button" disableFocusRipple={false} disabled={false} fullWidth={false} mini={false} onClick={[Function]} size="medium" type="button" variant="text" > <WithStyles(ButtonBase) className="MuiButton-root-643 MuiButton-text-645 MuiButton-textSecondary-647 MuiButton-flat-648 MuiButton-flatSecondary-650 root" component="button" disabled={false} focusRipple={true} focusVisibleClassName="MuiButton-focusVisible-662" onClick={[Function]} type="button" > <ButtonBase centerRipple={false} className="MuiButton-root-643 MuiButton-text-645 MuiButton-textSecondary-647 MuiButton-flat-648 MuiButton-flatSecondary-650 root" classes={ Object { "disabled": "MuiButtonBase-disabled-594", "focusVisible": "MuiButtonBase-focusVisible-595", "root": "MuiButtonBase-root-593", } } component="button" disableRipple={false} disableTouchRipple={false} disabled={false} focusRipple={true} focusVisibleClassName="MuiButton-focusVisible-662" onClick={[Function]} tabIndex="0" type="button" > <button className="MuiButtonBase-root-593 MuiButton-root-643 MuiButton-text-645 MuiButton-textSecondary-647 MuiButton-flat-648 MuiButton-flatSecondary-650 root" disabled={false} onBlur={[Function]} onClick={[Function]} onContextMenu={[Function]} onFocus={[Function]} onKeyDown={[Function]} onKeyUp={[Function]} onMouseDown={[Function]} onMouseLeave={[Function]} onMouseUp={[Function]} onTouchEnd={[Function]} onTouchMove={[Function]} onTouchStart={[Function]} tabIndex="0" type="button" > <span className="MuiButton-label-644" > <span> Disabled </span> </span> <NoSsr defer={false} fallback={null} > <WithStyles(TouchRipple) center={false} innerRef={[Function]} > <TouchRipple center={false} classes={ Object { "child": "MuiTouchRipple-child-640", "childLeaving": "MuiTouchRipple-childLeaving-641", "childPulsate": "MuiTouchRipple-childPulsate-642", "ripple": "MuiTouchRipple-ripple-637", "ripplePulsate": "MuiTouchRipple-ripplePulsate-639", "rippleVisible": "MuiTouchRipple-rippleVisible-638", "root": "MuiTouchRipple-root-636", } } > <TransitionGroup childFactory={[Function]} className="MuiTouchRipple-root-636" component="span" enter={true} exit={true} > <span className="MuiTouchRipple-root-636" /> </TransitionGroup> </TouchRipple> </WithStyles(TouchRipple)> </NoSsr> </button> </ButtonBase> </WithStyles(ButtonBase)> </Button> `; exports[`RecurringRunsManager renders run name as link to its details page 1`] = ` <Link className="link" replace={false} to="/recurringrun/details/run-id" > test-run </Link> `;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`AllRunsList renders all runs 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <RunList hideMetricMetadata={true} history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location="" match="" onError={[Function]} onSelectionChange={[Function]} selectedIds={Array []} storageState="AVAILABLE" toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "archive": Object { "action": [Function], "disabled": true, "disabledTitle": "Select at least one resource to archive", "id": "archiveBtn", "title": "Archive", "tooltip": "Archive selected run(s)", }, "cloneRun": Object { "action": [Function], "disabled": true, "disabledTitle": "Select a run to clone", "id": "cloneBtn", "style": Object { "minWidth": 100, }, "title": "Clone run", "tooltip": "Create a copy from this runs initial state", }, "compare": Object { "action": [Function], "disabled": true, "disabledTitle": "Select multiple runs to compare", "id": "compareBtn", "style": Object { "minWidth": 125, }, "title": "Compare runs", "tooltip": "Compare up to 10 selected runs", }, "newRun": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "createNewRunBtn", "outlined": true, "primary": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 130, }, "title": "Create run", "tooltip": "Create a new run", }, "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [], "pageTitle": "Runs", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </div> `;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`ExperimentsAndArchive renders archive page 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={1} tabs={ Array [ "Active", "Archived", ] } /> <EnhancedArchivedExperiments history={Object {}} location="" match="" toolbarProps={Object {}} updateBanner={[Function]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[Function]} view={1} /> </div> `; exports[`ExperimentsAndArchive renders experiments page 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={0} tabs={ Array [ "Active", "Archived", ] } /> <EnhancedExperimentList history={Object {}} location="" match="" toolbarProps={Object {}} updateBanner={[Function]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[Function]} view={0} /> </div> `;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`ExperimentDetails fetches this experiment's recurring runs 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <div className="cardRow" > <WithStyles(Paper) className="card recurringRunsCard cardActive" elevation={0} id="recurringRunsCard" > <div> <div className="cardTitle" > <span> Recurring run configs </span> <WithStyles(Button) className="cardBtn" disableRipple={true} id="manageExperimentRecurringRunsBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Manage </WithStyles(Button)> </div> <div className="cardContent recurringRunsActive" > 1 active </div> </div> </WithStyles(Paper)> <WithStyles(Paper) className="card runStatsCard" elevation={0} id="experimentDescriptionCard" > <div className="cardTitle" > <span> Experiment description </span> <WithStyles(Button) className="popOutIcon popOutButton" id="expandExperimentDescriptionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > <WithStyles(Tooltip) title="Read more" > <pure(LaunchIcon) style={ Object { "fontSize": 18, } } /> </WithStyles(Tooltip)> </WithStyles(Button)> </div> <div key="0" style={ Object { "overflow": "hidden", "textOverflow": "ellipsis", "whiteSpace": "nowrap", } } > mock experiment description </div> </WithStyles(Paper)> </div> <Toolbar actions={ Object { "archive": Object { "action": [Function], "disabled": true, "disabledTitle": "Select at least one resource to archive", "id": "archiveBtn", "title": "Archive", "tooltip": "Archive selected run(s)", }, "cloneRun": Object { "action": [Function], "disabled": true, "disabledTitle": "Select a run to clone", "id": "cloneBtn", "style": Object { "minWidth": 100, }, "title": "Clone run", "tooltip": "Create a copy from this runs initial state", }, "compare": Object { "action": [Function], "disabled": true, "disabledTitle": "Select multiple runs to compare", "id": "compareBtn", "style": Object { "minWidth": 125, }, "title": "Compare runs", "tooltip": "Compare up to 10 selected runs", }, "newRecurringRun": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "createNewRecurringRunBtn", "outlined": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 195, }, "title": "Create recurring run", "tooltip": "Create a new recurring run", }, "newRun": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "createNewRunBtn", "outlined": true, "primary": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 130, }, "title": "Create run", "tooltip": "Create a new run", }, } } breadcrumbs={Array []} pageTitle="Runs" topLevelToolbar={false} /> <RunListsRouter experimentIdMask="some-mock-experiment-id" hideExperimentColumn={true} history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location={Object {}} match={ Object { "params": Object { "eid": "some-mock-experiment-id", }, } } onError={[Function]} onSelectionChange={[Function]} onTabSwitch={[Function]} refreshCount={1} selectedIds={Array []} storageState="AVAILABLE" toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "some-mock-experiment-id", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> <WithStyles(Dialog) classes={ Object { "paper": "recurringRunsDialog", } } onClose={[Function]} open={false} > <WithStyles(DialogContent)> <RecurringRunsManager experimentId="some-mock-experiment-id" history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location={Object {}} match={ Object { "params": Object { "eid": "some-mock-experiment-id", }, } } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "some-mock-experiment-id", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </WithStyles(DialogContent)> <WithStyles(DialogActions)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="closeExperimentRecurringRunManagerBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Close </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(DialogActions)> </WithStyles(Dialog)> </div> </div> `; exports[`ExperimentDetails removes all description text after second newline and replaces with an ellipsis 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <div className="cardRow" > <WithStyles(Paper) className="card recurringRunsCard" elevation={0} id="recurringRunsCard" > <div> <div className="cardTitle" > <span> Recurring run configs </span> <WithStyles(Button) className="cardBtn" disableRipple={true} id="manageExperimentRecurringRunsBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Manage </WithStyles(Button)> </div> <div className="cardContent" > 0 active </div> </div> </WithStyles(Paper)> <WithStyles(Paper) className="card runStatsCard" elevation={0} id="experimentDescriptionCard" > <div className="cardTitle" > <span> Experiment description </span> <WithStyles(Button) className="popOutIcon popOutButton" id="expandExperimentDescriptionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > <WithStyles(Tooltip) title="Read more" > <pure(LaunchIcon) style={ Object { "fontSize": 18, } } /> </WithStyles(Tooltip)> </WithStyles(Button)> </div> <div key="0" style={ Object { "overflow": "hidden", "textOverflow": "ellipsis", "whiteSpace": "nowrap", } } > Line 1 </div> <div key="1" style={ Object { "overflow": "hidden", "textOverflow": "ellipsis", "whiteSpace": "nowrap", } } > Line 2 </div> ... </WithStyles(Paper)> </div> <Toolbar actions={ Object { "archive": Object { "action": [Function], "disabled": true, "disabledTitle": "Select at least one resource to archive", "id": "archiveBtn", "title": "Archive", "tooltip": "Archive selected run(s)", }, "cloneRun": Object { "action": [Function], "disabled": true, "disabledTitle": "Select a run to clone", "id": "cloneBtn", "style": Object { "minWidth": 100, }, "title": "Clone run", "tooltip": "Create a copy from this runs initial state", }, "compare": Object { "action": [Function], "disabled": true, "disabledTitle": "Select multiple runs to compare", "id": "compareBtn", "style": Object { "minWidth": 125, }, "title": "Compare runs", "tooltip": "Compare up to 10 selected runs", }, "newRecurringRun": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "createNewRecurringRunBtn", "outlined": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 195, }, "title": "Create recurring run", "tooltip": "Create a new recurring run", }, "newRun": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "createNewRunBtn", "outlined": true, "primary": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 130, }, "title": "Create run", "tooltip": "Create a new run", }, } } breadcrumbs={Array []} pageTitle="Runs" topLevelToolbar={false} /> <RunListsRouter experimentIdMask="some-mock-experiment-id" hideExperimentColumn={true} history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location={Object {}} match={ Object { "params": Object { "eid": "some-mock-experiment-id", }, } } onError={[Function]} onSelectionChange={[Function]} onTabSwitch={[Function]} refreshCount={1} selectedIds={Array []} storageState="AVAILABLE" toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "some-mock-experiment-id", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> <WithStyles(Dialog) classes={ Object { "paper": "recurringRunsDialog", } } onClose={[Function]} open={false} > <WithStyles(DialogContent)> <RecurringRunsManager experimentId="some-mock-experiment-id" history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location={Object {}} match={ Object { "params": Object { "eid": "some-mock-experiment-id", }, } } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "some-mock-experiment-id", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </WithStyles(DialogContent)> <WithStyles(DialogActions)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="closeExperimentRecurringRunManagerBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Close </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(DialogActions)> </WithStyles(Dialog)> </div> </div> `; exports[`ExperimentDetails renders a page with no runs or recurring runs 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <div className="cardRow" > <WithStyles(Paper) className="card recurringRunsCard" elevation={0} id="recurringRunsCard" > <div> <div className="cardTitle" > <span> Recurring run configs </span> <WithStyles(Button) className="cardBtn" disableRipple={true} id="manageExperimentRecurringRunsBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Manage </WithStyles(Button)> </div> <div className="cardContent" > 0 active </div> </div> </WithStyles(Paper)> <WithStyles(Paper) className="card runStatsCard" elevation={0} id="experimentDescriptionCard" > <div className="cardTitle" > <span> Experiment description </span> <WithStyles(Button) className="popOutIcon popOutButton" id="expandExperimentDescriptionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > <WithStyles(Tooltip) title="Read more" > <pure(LaunchIcon) style={ Object { "fontSize": 18, } } /> </WithStyles(Tooltip)> </WithStyles(Button)> </div> <div key="0" style={ Object { "overflow": "hidden", "textOverflow": "ellipsis", "whiteSpace": "nowrap", } } > mock experiment description </div> </WithStyles(Paper)> </div> <Toolbar actions={ Object { "archive": Object { "action": [Function], "disabled": true, "disabledTitle": "Select at least one resource to archive", "id": "archiveBtn", "title": "Archive", "tooltip": "Archive selected run(s)", }, "cloneRun": Object { "action": [Function], "disabled": true, "disabledTitle": "Select a run to clone", "id": "cloneBtn", "style": Object { "minWidth": 100, }, "title": "Clone run", "tooltip": "Create a copy from this runs initial state", }, "compare": Object { "action": [Function], "disabled": true, "disabledTitle": "Select multiple runs to compare", "id": "compareBtn", "style": Object { "minWidth": 125, }, "title": "Compare runs", "tooltip": "Compare up to 10 selected runs", }, "newRecurringRun": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "createNewRecurringRunBtn", "outlined": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 195, }, "title": "Create recurring run", "tooltip": "Create a new recurring run", }, "newRun": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "createNewRunBtn", "outlined": true, "primary": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 130, }, "title": "Create run", "tooltip": "Create a new run", }, } } breadcrumbs={Array []} pageTitle="Runs" topLevelToolbar={false} /> <RunListsRouter experimentIdMask="some-mock-experiment-id" hideExperimentColumn={true} history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location={Object {}} match={ Object { "params": Object { "eid": "some-mock-experiment-id", }, } } onError={[Function]} onSelectionChange={[Function]} onTabSwitch={[Function]} refreshCount={1} selectedIds={Array []} storageState="AVAILABLE" toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "some-mock-experiment-id", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> <WithStyles(Dialog) classes={ Object { "paper": "recurringRunsDialog", } } onClose={[Function]} open={false} > <WithStyles(DialogContent)> <RecurringRunsManager experimentId="some-mock-experiment-id" history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location={Object {}} match={ Object { "params": Object { "eid": "some-mock-experiment-id", }, } } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "some-mock-experiment-id", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </WithStyles(DialogContent)> <WithStyles(DialogActions)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="closeExperimentRecurringRunManagerBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Close </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(DialogActions)> </WithStyles(Dialog)> </div> </div> `; exports[`ExperimentDetails uses an empty string if the experiment has no description 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <div className="cardRow" > <WithStyles(Paper) className="card recurringRunsCard" elevation={0} id="recurringRunsCard" > <div> <div className="cardTitle" > <span> Recurring run configs </span> <WithStyles(Button) className="cardBtn" disableRipple={true} id="manageExperimentRecurringRunsBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Manage </WithStyles(Button)> </div> <div className="cardContent" > 0 active </div> </div> </WithStyles(Paper)> <WithStyles(Paper) className="card runStatsCard" elevation={0} id="experimentDescriptionCard" > <div className="cardTitle" > <span> Experiment description </span> <WithStyles(Button) className="popOutIcon popOutButton" id="expandExperimentDescriptionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > <WithStyles(Tooltip) title="Read more" > <pure(LaunchIcon) style={ Object { "fontSize": 18, } } /> </WithStyles(Tooltip)> </WithStyles(Button)> </div> <div key="0" style={ Object { "overflow": "hidden", "textOverflow": "ellipsis", "whiteSpace": "nowrap", } } /> </WithStyles(Paper)> </div> <Toolbar actions={ Object { "archive": Object { "action": [Function], "disabled": true, "disabledTitle": "Select at least one resource to archive", "id": "archiveBtn", "title": "Archive", "tooltip": "Archive selected run(s)", }, "cloneRun": Object { "action": [Function], "disabled": true, "disabledTitle": "Select a run to clone", "id": "cloneBtn", "style": Object { "minWidth": 100, }, "title": "Clone run", "tooltip": "Create a copy from this runs initial state", }, "compare": Object { "action": [Function], "disabled": true, "disabledTitle": "Select multiple runs to compare", "id": "compareBtn", "style": Object { "minWidth": 125, }, "title": "Compare runs", "tooltip": "Compare up to 10 selected runs", }, "newRecurringRun": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "createNewRecurringRunBtn", "outlined": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 195, }, "title": "Create recurring run", "tooltip": "Create a new recurring run", }, "newRun": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "createNewRunBtn", "outlined": true, "primary": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 130, }, "title": "Create run", "tooltip": "Create a new run", }, } } breadcrumbs={Array []} pageTitle="Runs" topLevelToolbar={false} /> <RunListsRouter experimentIdMask="some-mock-experiment-id" hideExperimentColumn={true} history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location={Object {}} match={ Object { "params": Object { "eid": "some-mock-experiment-id", }, } } onError={[Function]} onSelectionChange={[Function]} onTabSwitch={[Function]} refreshCount={1} selectedIds={Array []} storageState="AVAILABLE" toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "some-mock-experiment-id", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> <WithStyles(Dialog) classes={ Object { "paper": "recurringRunsDialog", } } onClose={[Function]} open={false} > <WithStyles(DialogContent)> <RecurringRunsManager experimentId="some-mock-experiment-id" history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location={Object {}} match={ Object { "params": Object { "eid": "some-mock-experiment-id", }, } } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "some-mock-experiment-id", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </WithStyles(DialogContent)> <WithStyles(DialogActions)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="closeExperimentRecurringRunManagerBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Close </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(DialogActions)> </WithStyles(Dialog)> </div> </div> `;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`RunList handles no pipeline id given 1`] = ` <div> - </div> `; exports[`RunList handles no pipeline name 1`] = ` <Link className="link" onClick={[Function]} replace={false} to="/pipelines/details/?fromRun=run-id" > [View pipeline] </Link> `; exports[`RunList in archived state renders the empty experience 1`] = ` <div> <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1.5, "label": "Run name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 0.5, "label": "Status", }, Object { "flex": 0.5, "label": "Duration", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Pipeline Version", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 0.5, "label": "Recurring Run", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Start time", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No archived runs found." filterLabel="Filter runs" initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={Array []} /> </div> `; exports[`RunList reloads the run when refresh is called 1`] = ` <RunList history={Object {}} location={ Object { "search": "", } } match="" onError={[MockFunction]} > <div> <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1.5, "label": "Run name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 0.5, "label": "Status", }, Object { "flex": 0.5, "label": "Duration", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Pipeline Version", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 0.5, "label": "Recurring Run", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Start time", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No available runs found." filterLabel="Filter runs" initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={Array []} > <div className="pageOverflowHidden" > <div> <Input InputLabelProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "root": "noMargin", }, } } InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "notchedOutline": "filterBorderRadius", "root": "noLeftPadding", }, "startAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <pure(FilterListIcon) style={ Object { "color": "#80868b", "paddingRight": 16, } } /> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, } } className="filterBox" height={48} id="tableFilterBox" label="Filter runs" maxWidth="100%" onChange={[Function]} value="" variant="outlined" > <TextField InputLabelProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "root": "noMargin", }, } } InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "notchedOutline": "filterBorderRadius", "root": "noLeftPadding", }, "startAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <pure(FilterListIcon) style={ Object { "color": "#80868b", "paddingRight": 16, } } /> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, } } className="filterBox" id="tableFilterBox" label="Filter runs" onChange={[Function]} required={false} select={false} spellCheck={false} style={ Object { "height": 48, "maxWidth": "100%", "width": "100%", } } value="" variant="outlined" > <WithStyles(FormControl) className="filterBox" required={false} spellCheck={false} style={ Object { "height": 48, "maxWidth": "100%", "width": "100%", } } variant="outlined" > <FormControl className="filterBox" classes={ Object { "fullWidth": "MuiFormControl-fullWidth-145", "marginDense": "MuiFormControl-marginDense-144", "marginNormal": "MuiFormControl-marginNormal-143", "root": "MuiFormControl-root-142", } } component="div" disabled={false} error={false} fullWidth={false} margin="none" required={false} spellCheck={false} style={ Object { "height": 48, "maxWidth": "100%", "width": "100%", } } variant="outlined" > <div className="MuiFormControl-root-142 filterBox" spellCheck={false} style={ Object { "height": 48, "maxWidth": "100%", "width": "100%", } } > <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputLabel)) classes={ Object { "root": "noMargin", } } htmlFor="tableFilterBox" > <WithFormControlContext(InputLabel) classes={ Object { "animated": "MuiInputLabel-animated-154", "disabled": "MuiInputLabel-disabled-148", "error": "MuiInputLabel-error-149", "filled": "MuiInputLabel-filled-155", "focused": "MuiInputLabel-focused-147", "formControl": "MuiInputLabel-formControl-151", "marginDense": "MuiInputLabel-marginDense-152", "outlined": "MuiInputLabel-outlined-156", "required": "MuiInputLabel-required-150", "root": "MuiInputLabel-root-146 noMargin", "shrink": "MuiInputLabel-shrink-153", } } htmlFor="tableFilterBox" > <InputLabel classes={ Object { "animated": "MuiInputLabel-animated-154", "disabled": "MuiInputLabel-disabled-148", "error": "MuiInputLabel-error-149", "filled": "MuiInputLabel-filled-155", "focused": "MuiInputLabel-focused-147", "formControl": "MuiInputLabel-formControl-151", "marginDense": "MuiInputLabel-marginDense-152", 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"MuiSvgIcon-colorPrimary-202", "colorSecondary": "MuiSvgIcon-colorSecondary-203", "fontSizeInherit": "MuiSvgIcon-fontSizeInherit-207", "fontSizeLarge": "MuiSvgIcon-fontSizeLarge-209", "fontSizeSmall": "MuiSvgIcon-fontSizeSmall-208", "root": "MuiSvgIcon-root-201", } } color="inherit" component="svg" fontSize="default" viewBox="0 0 24 24" > <svg aria-hidden="true" className="MuiSvgIcon-root-201" focusable="false" role="presentation" viewBox="0 0 24 24" > <path d="M10 6L8.59 7.41 13.17 12l-4.58 4.59L10 18l6-6z" /> <path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none" /> </svg> </SvgIcon> </WithStyles(SvgIcon)> </ChevronRightIcon> </pure(ChevronRightIcon)> </span> </button> </ButtonBase> </WithStyles(ButtonBase)> </IconButton> </WithStyles(IconButton)> </div> </div> </CustomTable> </div> </RunList> `; exports[`RunList renders experiment name as link to its details page 1`] = ` <Link className="link" onClick={[Function]} replace={false} to="/experiments/details/experiment-id" > test experiment </Link> `; exports[`RunList renders no experiment name 1`] = ` <Link className="link" onClick={[Function]} replace={false} to="/experiments/details/experiment-id" /> `; exports[`RunList renders pipeline name as link to its details page 1`] = ` <WithStyles(Tooltip) enterDelay={300} placement="top-start" title="test pipeline" > <Link className="link" onClick={[Function]} replace={false} to="/pipelines/details/pipeline-id?" > test pipeline </Link> </WithStyles(Tooltip)> `; exports[`RunList renders pipeline name as link to its details page 2`] = ` <Link className="link" onClick={[Function]} replace={false} to="/recurringrun/details/recurring-run-id" > [View config] </Link> `; exports[`RunList renders pipeline version name as link to its details page 1`] = ` <WithStyles(Tooltip) enterDelay={300} placement="top-start" title="test pipeline version" > <Link className="link" onClick={[Function]} replace={false} to="/pipelines/details/pipeline-id/version/version-id?" > test pipeline version </Link> </WithStyles(Tooltip)> `; exports[`RunList renders run name as link to its details page 1`] = ` <WithStyles(Tooltip) enterDelay={300} placement="top-start" title="test run" > <Link className="link" onClick={[Function]} replace={false} to="/runs/details/run-id" > test run </Link> </WithStyles(Tooltip)> `; exports[`RunList renders status as icon 1`] = ` <WithStyles(Tooltip) title={ <div> <div> Executed successfully </div> </div> } > <div> <pure(CheckCircleIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#34a853", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> </WithStyles(Tooltip)> `; exports[`RunList renders the empty experience 1`] = ` <div> <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1.5, "label": "Run name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 0.5, "label": "Status", }, Object { "flex": 0.5, "label": "Duration", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Pipeline Version", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 0.5, "label": "Recurring Run", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Start time", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No available runs found." filterLabel="Filter runs" initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={Array []} /> </div> `; exports[`RunList shows "View pipeline" button if pipeline is embedded in run 1`] = ` <Link className="link" onClick={[Function]} replace={false} to="/pipelines/details/?fromRun=run-id" > [View pipeline] </Link> `;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`RunDetails closes side panel when close button is clicked 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={0} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="page graphPane" > <div className="page" > <GraphMock graph={ Graph { "_defaultEdgeLabelFn": [Function], "_defaultNodeLabelFn": [Function], "_edgeCount": 1, "_edgeLabels": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "color": "#9aa0a6", "isPlaceholder": true, }, }, "_edgeObjs": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "v": "node1", "w": "node1-running-placeholder", }, }, "_in": Object { "node1": Object {}, "node1-running-placeholder": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "v": "node1", "w": "node1-running-placeholder", }, }, }, "_isCompound": false, "_isDirected": true, "_isMultigraph": false, "_label": Object {}, "_nodeCount": 2, "_nodes": Object { "node1": Object { "height": 64, "icon": <WithStyles(Tooltip) title={ <div> <div> Unknown status </div> </div> } > <div> <pure(HelpIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#5f6368", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> </WithStyles(Tooltip)>, "id": "node1", "label": "node1", "name": "node1", "statusColoring": "#f7f7f7", "templateName": "template1", "width": 172, }, "node1-running-placeholder": Object { "height": 28, "icon": <WithStyles(Tooltip) title="More nodes may appear here" > <pure(MoreHorizIcon) style={ Object { "color": "#9aa0a6", "height": 24, "width": 24, } } /> </WithStyles(Tooltip)>, "isPlaceholder": true, "width": 28, }, }, "_out": Object { "node1": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "v": "node1", "w": "node1-running-placeholder", }, }, "node1-running-placeholder": Object {}, }, "_preds": Object { "node1": Object {}, "node1-running-placeholder": Object { "node1": 1, }, }, "_sucs": Object { "node1": Object { "node1-running-placeholder": 1, }, "node1-running-placeholder": Object {}, }, } } onClick={[Function]} onError={[Function]} selectedNodeId="" /> <ReduceGraphSwitch checked={false} disabled={true} onChange={[Function]} /> <SidePanel isBusy={false} isOpen={false} onClose={[Function]} title="" /> <div className="footer" > <div className="flex" > <pure(InfoOutlinedIcon) className="infoIcon" /> <span className="infoSpan" > Runtime execution graph. Only steps that are currently running or have already completed are shown. </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails displays a message indicating there is no graph if graph is not defined and run has status: Error 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={0} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="page graphPane" > <div> <span style={ Object { "margin": "40px auto", } } > No graph to show </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails displays a message indicating there is no graph if graph is not defined and run has status: Failed 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={0} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="page graphPane" > <div> <span style={ Object { "margin": "40px auto", } } > No graph to show </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails displays a message indicating there is no graph if graph is not defined and run has status: Skipped 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={0} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="page graphPane" > <div> <span style={ Object { "margin": "40px auto", } } > No graph to show </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails displays a message indicating there is no graph if graph is not defined and run has status: Succeeded 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={0} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="page graphPane" > <div> <span style={ Object { "margin": "40px auto", } } > No graph to show </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails displays a spinner if graph is not defined and run has status: Pending 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={0} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="page graphPane" > <div> <WithStyles(CircularProgress) className="absoluteCenter" size={30} /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails displays a spinner if graph is not defined and run has status: Running 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={0} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="page graphPane" > <div> <WithStyles(CircularProgress) className="absoluteCenter" size={30} /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails displays a spinner if graph is not defined and run has status: Unknown 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={0} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="page graphPane" > <div> <WithStyles(CircularProgress) className="absoluteCenter" size={30} /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails keeps side pane open and on same tab when run status changes, shows new status 1`] = ` <div className="flex" > <WithStyles(Tooltip) title={ <div> <div> Executed successfully </div> <div> Start: 1/2/2019, 12:34:56 PM </div> </div> } > <div> <pure(CheckCircleIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#34a853", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> </WithStyles(Tooltip)> <span style={ Object { "marginLeft": 10, } } > test run </span> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails keeps side pane open and on same tab when run status changes, shows new status 2`] = ` <div className="flex" > <WithStyles(Tooltip) title={ <div> <div> Resource failed to execute </div> <div> Start: 1/2/2019, 12:34:56 PM </div> </div> } > <div> <pure(ErrorIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#d50000", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> </WithStyles(Tooltip)> <span style={ Object { "marginLeft": 10, } } > test run </span> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails loads the run's outputs in the output tab 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={1} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="" > <span> No metrics found for this run. </span> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <Hr /> <div key="0" > <PlotCard configs={ Array [ Object { "type": "tensorboard", "url": "some url", }, ] } key="0" maxDimension={400} title="step1" /> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <Hr /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails logs tab does not load logs if clicked node status is skipped 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={0} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="page graphPane" > <div className="page" > <GraphMock graph={ Graph { "_defaultEdgeLabelFn": [Function], "_defaultNodeLabelFn": [Function], "_edgeLabels": Object {}, "_edgeObjs": Object {}, "_in": Object { "node1": Object {}, }, "_isCompound": false, "_isDirected": true, "_isMultigraph": false, "_label": Object {}, "_nodeCount": 1, "_nodes": Object { "node1": Object { "height": 64, "icon": <WithStyles(Tooltip) title={ <div> <div> Execution has been skipped for this resource </div> </div> } > <div> <pure(SkipNextIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#5f6368", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> </WithStyles(Tooltip)>, "id": "node1", "label": "node1", "name": "node1", "phase": "Skipped", "statusColoring": "#f1f3f4", "templateName": "template1", "width": 172, }, }, "_out": Object { "node1": Object {}, }, "_preds": Object { "node1": Object {}, }, "_sucs": Object { "node1": Object {}, }, } } onClick={[Function]} onError={[Function]} selectedNodeId="node1" /> <ReduceGraphSwitch checked={false} disabled={true} onChange={[Function]} /> <SidePanel isBusy={false} isOpen={true} onClose={[Function]} title="workflow1-template1-node1" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={4} tabs={ Array [ "Input/Output", "Visualizations", "Details", "Volumes", "Logs", "Pod", "Events", "ML Metadata", ] } /> <div className="page" data-testid="run-details-node-details" /> </div> </SidePanel> <div className="footer" > <div className="flex" > <pure(InfoOutlinedIcon) className="infoIcon" /> <span className="infoSpan" > Runtime execution graph. Only steps that are currently running or have already completed are shown. </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails logs tab keeps side pane open and on same tab when logs change after refresh 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={0} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="page graphPane" > <div className="page" > <GraphMock graph={ Graph { "_defaultEdgeLabelFn": [Function], "_defaultNodeLabelFn": [Function], "_edgeLabels": Object {}, "_edgeObjs": Object {}, "_in": Object { "node1": Object {}, }, "_isCompound": false, "_isDirected": true, "_isMultigraph": false, "_label": Object {}, "_nodeCount": 1, "_nodes": Object { "node1": Object { "height": 64, "icon": <WithStyles(Tooltip) title={ <div> <div> Executed successfully </div> </div> } > <div> <pure(CheckCircleIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#34a853", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> </WithStyles(Tooltip)>, "id": "node1", "label": "node1", "name": "node1", "phase": "Succeeded", "statusColoring": "#e6f4ea", "templateName": "template1", "width": 172, }, }, "_out": Object { "node1": Object {}, }, "_preds": Object { "node1": Object {}, }, "_sucs": Object { "node1": Object {}, }, } } onClick={[Function]} onError={[Function]} selectedNodeId="node1" /> <ReduceGraphSwitch checked={false} disabled={true} onChange={[Function]} /> <SidePanel isBusy={false} isOpen={true} onClose={[Function]} title="workflow1-template1-node1" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={4} tabs={ Array [ "Input/Output", "Visualizations", "Details", "Volumes", "Logs", "Pod", "Events", "ML Metadata", ] } /> <div className="page" data-testid="run-details-node-details" > <div className="page" > <div className="pageOverflowHidden" > <LogViewer logLines={ Array [ "new test logs", ] } /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </SidePanel> <div className="footer" > <div className="flex" > <pure(InfoOutlinedIcon) className="infoIcon" /> <span className="infoSpan" > Runtime execution graph. Only steps that are currently running or have already completed are shown. </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails logs tab loads and shows logs in side pane 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={0} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="page graphPane" > <div className="page" > <GraphMock graph={ Graph { "_defaultEdgeLabelFn": [Function], "_defaultNodeLabelFn": [Function], "_edgeCount": 1, "_edgeLabels": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "color": "#9aa0a6", "isPlaceholder": true, }, }, "_edgeObjs": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "v": "node1", "w": "node1-running-placeholder", }, }, "_in": Object { "node1": Object {}, "node1-running-placeholder": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "v": "node1", "w": "node1-running-placeholder", }, }, }, "_isCompound": false, "_isDirected": true, "_isMultigraph": false, "_label": Object {}, "_nodeCount": 2, "_nodes": Object { "node1": Object { "height": 64, "icon": <WithStyles(Tooltip) title={ <div> <div> Running </div> </div> } > <div> <StatusRunning data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#4285f4", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> </WithStyles(Tooltip)>, "id": "node1", "label": "node1", "name": "node1", "phase": "Running", "statusColoring": "#e8f0fe", "templateName": "template1", "width": 172, }, "node1-running-placeholder": Object { "height": 28, "icon": <WithStyles(Tooltip) title="More nodes may appear here" > <pure(MoreHorizIcon) style={ Object { "color": "#9aa0a6", "height": 24, "width": 24, } } /> </WithStyles(Tooltip)>, "isPlaceholder": true, "width": 28, }, }, "_out": Object { "node1": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "v": "node1", "w": "node1-running-placeholder", }, }, "node1-running-placeholder": Object {}, }, "_preds": Object { "node1": Object {}, "node1-running-placeholder": Object { "node1": 1, }, }, "_sucs": Object { "node1": Object { "node1-running-placeholder": 1, }, "node1-running-placeholder": Object {}, }, } } onClick={[Function]} onError={[Function]} selectedNodeId="node1" /> <ReduceGraphSwitch checked={false} disabled={true} onChange={[Function]} /> <SidePanel isBusy={false} isOpen={true} onClose={[Function]} title="workflow1-template1-node1" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={4} tabs={ Array [ "Input/Output", "Visualizations", "Details", "Volumes", "Logs", "Pod", "Events", "ML Metadata", ] } /> <div className="page" data-testid="run-details-node-details" > <div className="page" > <div className="pageOverflowHidden" > <LogViewer logLines={ Array [ "test logs", ] } /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </SidePanel> <div className="footer" > <div className="flex" > <pure(InfoOutlinedIcon) className="infoIcon" /> <span className="infoSpan" > Runtime execution graph. Only steps that are currently running or have already completed are shown. </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails logs tab switches to logs tab in side pane 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={0} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="page graphPane" > <div className="page" > <GraphMock graph={ Graph { "_defaultEdgeLabelFn": [Function], "_defaultNodeLabelFn": [Function], "_edgeCount": 1, "_edgeLabels": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "color": "#9aa0a6", "isPlaceholder": true, }, }, "_edgeObjs": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "v": "node1", "w": "node1-running-placeholder", }, }, "_in": Object { "node1": Object {}, "node1-running-placeholder": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "v": "node1", "w": "node1-running-placeholder", }, }, }, "_isCompound": false, "_isDirected": true, "_isMultigraph": false, "_label": Object {}, "_nodeCount": 2, "_nodes": Object { "node1": Object { "height": 64, "icon": <WithStyles(Tooltip) title={ <div> <div> Unknown status </div> </div> } > <div> <pure(HelpIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#5f6368", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> </WithStyles(Tooltip)>, "id": "node1", "label": "node1", "name": "node1", "statusColoring": "#f7f7f7", "templateName": "template1", "width": 172, }, "node1-running-placeholder": Object { "height": 28, "icon": <WithStyles(Tooltip) title="More nodes may appear here" > <pure(MoreHorizIcon) style={ Object { "color": "#9aa0a6", "height": 24, "width": 24, } } /> </WithStyles(Tooltip)>, "isPlaceholder": true, "width": 28, }, }, "_out": Object { "node1": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "v": "node1", "w": "node1-running-placeholder", }, }, "node1-running-placeholder": Object {}, }, "_preds": Object { "node1": Object {}, "node1-running-placeholder": Object { "node1": 1, }, }, "_sucs": Object { "node1": Object { "node1-running-placeholder": 1, }, "node1-running-placeholder": Object {}, }, } } onClick={[Function]} onError={[Function]} selectedNodeId="node1" /> <ReduceGraphSwitch checked={false} disabled={true} onChange={[Function]} /> <SidePanel isBusy={true} isOpen={true} onClose={[Function]} title="workflow1-template1-node1" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={4} tabs={ Array [ "Input/Output", "Visualizations", "Details", "Volumes", "Logs", "Pod", "Events", "ML Metadata", ] } /> <div className="page" data-testid="run-details-node-details" > <div className="page" > <div className="pageOverflowHidden" > <LogViewer logLines={ Array [ "", ] } /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </SidePanel> <div className="footer" > <div className="flex" > <pure(InfoOutlinedIcon) className="infoIcon" /> <span className="infoSpan" > Runtime execution graph. Only steps that are currently running or have already completed are shown. </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails opens side panel when graph node is clicked 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={0} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="page graphPane" > <div className="page" > <GraphMock graph={ Graph { "_defaultEdgeLabelFn": [Function], "_defaultNodeLabelFn": [Function], "_edgeCount": 1, "_edgeLabels": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "color": "#9aa0a6", "isPlaceholder": true, }, }, "_edgeObjs": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "v": "node1", "w": "node1-running-placeholder", }, }, "_in": Object { "node1": Object {}, "node1-running-placeholder": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "v": "node1", "w": "node1-running-placeholder", }, }, }, "_isCompound": false, "_isDirected": true, "_isMultigraph": false, "_label": Object {}, "_nodeCount": 2, "_nodes": Object { "node1": Object { "height": 64, "icon": <WithStyles(Tooltip) title={ <div> <div> Unknown status </div> </div> } > <div> <pure(HelpIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#5f6368", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> </WithStyles(Tooltip)>, "id": "node1", "label": "node1", "name": "node1", "statusColoring": "#f7f7f7", "templateName": "template1", "width": 172, }, "node1-running-placeholder": Object { "height": 28, "icon": <WithStyles(Tooltip) title="More nodes may appear here" > <pure(MoreHorizIcon) style={ Object { "color": "#9aa0a6", "height": 24, "width": 24, } } /> </WithStyles(Tooltip)>, "isPlaceholder": true, "width": 28, }, }, "_out": Object { "node1": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "v": "node1", "w": "node1-running-placeholder", }, }, "node1-running-placeholder": Object {}, }, "_preds": Object { "node1": Object {}, "node1-running-placeholder": Object { "node1": 1, }, }, "_sucs": Object { "node1": Object { "node1-running-placeholder": 1, }, "node1-running-placeholder": Object {}, }, } } onClick={[Function]} onError={[Function]} selectedNodeId="node1" /> <ReduceGraphSwitch checked={false} disabled={true} onChange={[Function]} /> <SidePanel isBusy={false} isOpen={true} onClose={[Function]} title="workflow1-template1-node1" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={0} tabs={ Array [ "Input/Output", "Visualizations", "Details", "Volumes", "Logs", "Pod", "Events", "ML Metadata", ] } /> <div className="page" data-testid="run-details-node-details" > <div className="" > <DetailsTable fields={Array []} key="input-parameters-node1" title="Input parameters" /> <DetailsTable fields={Array []} key="input-artifacts-node1" title="Input artifacts" valueComponent={[Function]} valueComponentProps={ Object { "namespace": undefined, } } /> <DetailsTable fields={Array []} key="output-parameters-node1" title="Output parameters" /> <DetailsTable fields={Array []} key="output-artifacts-node1" title="Output artifacts" valueComponent={[Function]} valueComponentProps={ Object { "namespace": undefined, } } /> </div> </div> </div> </SidePanel> <div className="footer" > <div className="flex" > <pure(InfoOutlinedIcon) className="infoIcon" /> <span className="infoSpan" > Runtime execution graph. Only steps that are currently running or have already completed are shown. </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails renders an empty run 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={0} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="page graphPane" > <div> <span style={ Object { "margin": "40px auto", } } > No graph to show </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails shows failure run status in page title 1`] = ` <div className="flex" > <WithStyles(Tooltip) title={ <div> <div> Resource failed to execute </div> <div> Start: 1/2/2019, 12:34:56 PM </div> </div> } > <div> <pure(ErrorIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#d50000", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> </WithStyles(Tooltip)> <span style={ Object { "marginLeft": 10, } } > test run </span> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails shows run config fields - handles no description 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={2} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="" > <DetailsTable fields={ Array [ Array [ "Run ID", "test-run-id", ], Array [ "Workflow name", "-", ], Array [ "Status", "Skipped", ], Array [ "Description", undefined, ], Array [ "Created at", "1/2/2019, 12:34:56 PM", ], Array [ "Started at", "1/2/2019, 12:34:56 PM", ], Array [ "Finished at", "1/2/2019, 12:34:56 PM", ], Array [ "Duration", "25:01:01", ], ] } title="Run details" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails shows run config fields - handles no metadata 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={2} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="" > <DetailsTable fields={ Array [ Array [ "Run ID", "test-run-id", ], Array [ "Workflow name", "-", ], Array [ "Status", "Skipped", ], Array [ "Description", "test run description", ], Array [ "Created at", "-", ], Array [ "Started at", "1/2/2019, 12:34:56 PM", ], Array [ "Finished at", "1/2/2019, 12:34:56 PM", ], Array [ "Duration", "25:01:01", ], ] } title="Run details" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails shows run config fields 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={2} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="" > <DetailsTable fields={ Array [ Array [ "Run ID", "test-run-id", ], Array [ "Workflow name", "wf1", ], Array [ "Status", "Skipped", ], Array [ "Description", "test run description", ], Array [ "Created at", "1/2/2019, 12:34:56 PM", ], Array [ "Started at", "1/2/2019, 12:34:56 PM", ], Array [ "Finished at", "1/2/2019, 12:34:56 PM", ], Array [ "Duration", "25:01:01", ], ] } title="Run details" /> <div> <DetailsTable fields={ Array [ Array [ "param1", "value1", ], Array [ "param2", "value2", ], ] } title="Run parameters" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails shows success run status in page title 1`] = ` <div className="flex" > <WithStyles(Tooltip) title={ <div> <div> Executed successfully </div> <div> Start: 1/2/2019, 12:34:56 PM </div> </div> } > <div> <pure(CheckCircleIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#34a853", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> </WithStyles(Tooltip)> <span style={ Object { "marginLeft": 10, } } > test run </span> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails switches to config tab 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={2} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="" > <DetailsTable fields={Array []} title="Run details" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails switches to inputs/outputs tab in side pane 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={0} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="page graphPane" > <div className="page" > <GraphMock graph={ Graph { "_defaultEdgeLabelFn": [Function], "_defaultNodeLabelFn": [Function], "_edgeLabels": Object {}, "_edgeObjs": Object {}, "_in": Object { "node1": Object {}, }, "_isCompound": false, "_isDirected": true, "_isMultigraph": false, "_label": Object {}, "_nodeCount": 1, "_nodes": Object { "node1": Object { "height": 64, "icon": <WithStyles(Tooltip) title={ <div> <div> Executed successfully </div> </div> } > <div> <pure(CheckCircleIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#34a853", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> </WithStyles(Tooltip)>, "id": "node1", "inputs": Object { "parameters": Array [ Object { "name": "input1", "value": "val1", }, ], }, "label": "node1", "name": "node1", "outputs": Object { "parameters": Array [ Object { "name": "output1", "value": "val1", }, Object { "name": "output2", "value": "value2", }, ], }, "phase": "Succeeded", "statusColoring": "#e6f4ea", "templateName": "template1", "width": 172, }, }, "_out": Object { "node1": Object {}, }, "_preds": Object { "node1": Object {}, }, "_sucs": Object { "node1": Object {}, }, } } onClick={[Function]} onError={[Function]} selectedNodeId="node1" /> <ReduceGraphSwitch checked={false} disabled={true} onChange={[Function]} /> <SidePanel isBusy={false} isOpen={true} onClose={[Function]} title="workflow1-template1-node1" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={0} tabs={ Array [ "Input/Output", "Visualizations", "Details", "Volumes", "Logs", "Pod", "Events", "ML Metadata", ] } /> <div className="page" data-testid="run-details-node-details" > <div className="" > <DetailsTable fields={ Array [ Array [ "input1", "val1", ], ] } key="input-parameters-node1" title="Input parameters" /> <DetailsTable fields={Array []} key="input-artifacts-node1" title="Input artifacts" valueComponent={[Function]} valueComponentProps={ Object { "namespace": undefined, } } /> <DetailsTable fields={ Array [ Array [ "output1", "val1", ], Array [ "output2", "value2", ], ] } key="output-parameters-node1" title="Output parameters" /> <DetailsTable fields={Array []} key="output-artifacts-node1" title="Output artifacts" valueComponent={[Function]} valueComponentProps={ Object { "namespace": undefined, } } /> </div> </div> </div> </SidePanel> <div className="footer" > <div className="flex" > <pure(InfoOutlinedIcon) className="infoIcon" /> <span className="infoSpan" > Runtime execution graph. Only steps that are currently running or have already completed are shown. </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails switches to manifest tab in side pane 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={0} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="page graphPane" > <div className="page" > <GraphMock graph={ Graph { "_defaultEdgeLabelFn": [Function], "_defaultNodeLabelFn": [Function], "_edgeCount": 1, "_edgeLabels": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "color": "#9aa0a6", "isPlaceholder": true, }, }, "_edgeObjs": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "v": "node1", "w": "node1-running-placeholder", }, }, "_in": Object { "node1": Object {}, "node1-running-placeholder": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "v": "node1", "w": "node1-running-placeholder", }, }, }, "_isCompound": false, "_isDirected": true, "_isMultigraph": false, "_label": Object {}, "_nodeCount": 2, "_nodes": Object { "node1": Object { "height": 64, "icon": <WithStyles(Tooltip) title={ <div> <div> Unknown status </div> </div> } > <div> <pure(HelpIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#5f6368", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> </WithStyles(Tooltip)>, "id": "node1", "label": "node1", "name": "node1", "statusColoring": "#f7f7f7", "templateName": "template1", "width": 172, }, "node1-running-placeholder": Object { "height": 28, "icon": <WithStyles(Tooltip) title="More nodes may appear here" > <pure(MoreHorizIcon) style={ Object { "color": "#9aa0a6", "height": 24, "width": 24, } } /> </WithStyles(Tooltip)>, "isPlaceholder": true, "width": 28, }, }, "_out": Object { "node1": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "v": "node1", "w": "node1-running-placeholder", }, }, "node1-running-placeholder": Object {}, }, "_preds": Object { "node1": Object {}, "node1-running-placeholder": Object { "node1": 1, }, }, "_sucs": Object { "node1": Object { "node1-running-placeholder": 1, }, "node1-running-placeholder": Object {}, }, } } onClick={[Function]} onError={[Function]} selectedNodeId="node1" /> <ReduceGraphSwitch checked={false} disabled={true} onChange={[Function]} /> <SidePanel isBusy={false} isOpen={true} onClose={[Function]} title="workflow1-template1-node1" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={8} tabs={ Array [ "Input/Output", "Visualizations", "Details", "Volumes", "Logs", "Pod", "Events", "ML Metadata", ] } /> <div className="page" data-testid="run-details-node-details" > <div className="" > <DetailsTable fields={Array []} title="Resource Manifest" /> </div> </div> </div> </SidePanel> <div className="footer" > <div className="flex" > <pure(InfoOutlinedIcon) className="infoIcon" /> <span className="infoSpan" > Runtime execution graph. Only steps that are currently running or have already completed are shown. </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails switches to run output tab, shows empty message 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={1} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="" > <span> No metrics found for this run. </span> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <Hr /> <span> No output artifacts found for this run. </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`RunDetails switches to volumes tab in side pane 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={0} tabs={ Array [ "Graph", "Run output", "Config", ] } /> <div className="page" > <div className="page graphPane" > <div className="page" > <GraphMock graph={ Graph { "_defaultEdgeLabelFn": [Function], "_defaultNodeLabelFn": [Function], "_edgeCount": 1, "_edgeLabels": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "color": "#9aa0a6", "isPlaceholder": true, }, }, "_edgeObjs": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "v": "node1", "w": "node1-running-placeholder", }, }, "_in": Object { "node1": Object {}, "node1-running-placeholder": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "v": "node1", "w": "node1-running-placeholder", }, }, }, "_isCompound": false, "_isDirected": true, "_isMultigraph": false, "_label": Object {}, "_nodeCount": 2, "_nodes": Object { "node1": Object { "height": 64, "icon": <WithStyles(Tooltip) title={ <div> <div> Unknown status </div> </div> } > <div> <pure(HelpIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#5f6368", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> </WithStyles(Tooltip)>, "id": "node1", "label": "node1", "name": "node1", "statusColoring": "#f7f7f7", "templateName": "template1", "width": 172, }, "node1-running-placeholder": Object { "height": 28, "icon": <WithStyles(Tooltip) title="More nodes may appear here" > <pure(MoreHorizIcon) style={ Object { "color": "#9aa0a6", "height": 24, "width": 24, } } /> </WithStyles(Tooltip)>, "isPlaceholder": true, "width": 28, }, }, "_out": Object { "node1": Object { "node1node1-running-placeholder": Object { "v": "node1", "w": "node1-running-placeholder", }, }, "node1-running-placeholder": Object {}, }, "_preds": Object { "node1": Object {}, "node1-running-placeholder": Object { "node1": 1, }, }, "_sucs": Object { "node1": Object { "node1-running-placeholder": 1, }, "node1-running-placeholder": Object {}, }, } } onClick={[Function]} onError={[Function]} selectedNodeId="node1" /> <ReduceGraphSwitch checked={false} disabled={true} onChange={[Function]} /> <SidePanel isBusy={false} isOpen={true} onClose={[Function]} title="workflow1-template1-node1" > <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={3} tabs={ Array [ "Input/Output", "Visualizations", "Details", "Volumes", "Logs", "Pod", "Events", "ML Metadata", ] } /> <div className="page" data-testid="run-details-node-details" > <div className="" > <DetailsTable fields={Array []} title="Volume Mounts" /> </div> </div> </div> </SidePanel> <div className="footer" > <div className="flex" > <pure(InfoOutlinedIcon) className="infoIcon" /> <span className="infoSpan" > Runtime execution graph. Only steps that are currently running or have already completed are shown. </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> `;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`404 renders a 404 page 1`] = ` <div style={ Object { "margin": "100px auto", "textAlign": "center", } } > <div style={ Object { "color": "#aaa", "fontSize": 50, "fontWeight": "bold", } } > 404 </div> <div style={ Object { "fontSize": 16, } } > Page Not Found: some bad page </div> </div> `;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`ExperimentList renders a list of one experiment 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "flex": 2, "label": "Description", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Last 5 runs", }, ] } disableSelection={true} emptyMessage="No experiments found. Click \\"Create experiment\\" to start." filterLabel="Filter experiments" getExpandComponent={[Function]} initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={ Array [ Object { "error": undefined, "expandState": 0, "id": undefined, "otherFields": Array [ "test experiment name", "test experiment description", undefined, ], }, ] } toggleExpansion={[Function]} /> </div> `; exports[`ExperimentList renders a list of one experiment with error 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "flex": 2, "label": "Description", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Last 5 runs", }, ] } disableSelection={true} emptyMessage="No experiments found. Click \\"Create experiment\\" to start." filterLabel="Filter experiments" getExpandComponent={[Function]} initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={Array []} toggleExpansion={[Function]} /> </div> `; exports[`ExperimentList renders a list of one experiment with no description 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "flex": 2, "label": "Description", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Last 5 runs", }, ] } disableSelection={true} emptyMessage="No experiments found. Click \\"Create experiment\\" to start." filterLabel="Filter experiments" getExpandComponent={[Function]} initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={Array []} toggleExpansion={[Function]} /> </div> `; exports[`ExperimentList renders an empty list with empty state message 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "flex": 2, "label": "Description", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Last 5 runs", }, ] } disableSelection={true} emptyMessage="No experiments found. Click \\"Create experiment\\" to start." filterLabel="Filter experiments" getExpandComponent={[Function]} initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={Array []} toggleExpansion={[Function]} /> </div> `; exports[`ExperimentList renders experiment names as links to their details pages 1`] = ` <WithStyles(Tooltip) enterDelay={300} placement="top-start" title="experiment name" > <Link className="link" onClick={[Function]} replace={false} to="/experiments/details/experiment-id" > experiment name </Link> </WithStyles(Tooltip)> `; exports[`ExperimentList renders last 5 runs statuses 1`] = ` <div className="flex" > <span style={ Object { "margin": "0 1px", } } > <WithStyles(Tooltip) title={ <div> <div> Executed successfully </div> </div> } > <div> <pure(CheckCircleIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#34a853", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> </WithStyles(Tooltip)> </span> <span style={ Object { "margin": "0 1px", } } > <WithStyles(Tooltip) title={ <div> <div> Pending execution </div> </div> } > <div> <pure(ScheduleIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#9aa0a6", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> </WithStyles(Tooltip)> </span> <span style={ Object { "margin": "0 1px", } } > <WithStyles(Tooltip) title={ <div> <div> Resource failed to execute </div> </div> } > <div> <pure(ErrorIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#d50000", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> </WithStyles(Tooltip)> </span> <span style={ Object { "margin": "0 1px", } } > <WithStyles(Tooltip) title={ <div> <div> Unknown status </div> </div> } > <div> <pure(HelpIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#5f6368", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> </WithStyles(Tooltip)> </span> <span style={ Object { "margin": "0 1px", } } > <WithStyles(Tooltip) title={ <div> <div> Executed successfully </div> </div> } > <div> <pure(CheckCircleIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#34a853", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> </WithStyles(Tooltip)> </span> </div> `;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`Status statusToIcon displays start and end dates if both are provided 1`] = ` <Tooltip TransitionComponent={[Function]} classes={ Object { "popper": "MuiTooltip-popper-1", "popperInteractive": "MuiTooltip-popperInteractive-2", "tooltip": "MuiTooltip-tooltip-3", "tooltipPlacementBottom": "MuiTooltip-tooltipPlacementBottom-8", "tooltipPlacementLeft": "MuiTooltip-tooltipPlacementLeft-5", "tooltipPlacementRight": "MuiTooltip-tooltipPlacementRight-6", "tooltipPlacementTop": "MuiTooltip-tooltipPlacementTop-7", "touch": "MuiTooltip-touch-4", } } disableFocusListener={false} disableHoverListener={false} disableTouchListener={false} enterDelay={0} enterTouchDelay={1000} interactive={false} leaveDelay={0} leaveTouchDelay={1500} placement="bottom" theme={ Object { "breakpoints": Object { "between": [Function], "down": [Function], "keys": Array [ "xs", "sm", "md", "lg", "xl", ], "only": [Function], "up": [Function], "values": Object { "lg": 1280, "md": 960, "sm": 600, 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"\\"Roboto\\", \\"Helvetica\\", \\"Arial\\", sans-serif", "fontSize": "3rem", "fontWeight": 400, "letterSpacing": "0em", "lineHeight": 1.04, }, "h4": Object { "color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)", "fontFamily": "\\"Roboto\\", \\"Helvetica\\", \\"Arial\\", sans-serif", "fontSize": "2.125rem", "fontWeight": 400, "letterSpacing": "0.00735em", "lineHeight": 1.17, }, "h5": Object { "color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)", "fontFamily": "\\"Roboto\\", \\"Helvetica\\", \\"Arial\\", sans-serif", "fontSize": "1.5rem", "fontWeight": 400, "letterSpacing": "0em", "lineHeight": 1.33, }, "h6": Object { "color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)", "fontFamily": "\\"Roboto\\", \\"Helvetica\\", \\"Arial\\", sans-serif", "fontSize": "1.25rem", "fontWeight": 500, "letterSpacing": "0.0075em", "lineHeight": 1.6, }, "headline": Object { "color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)", "fontFamily": "\\"Roboto\\", \\"Helvetica\\", \\"Arial\\", sans-serif", "fontSize": "1.5rem", "fontWeight": 400, "lineHeight": "1.35417em", }, "overline": Object { "color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)", "fontFamily": "\\"Roboto\\", \\"Helvetica\\", \\"Arial\\", sans-serif", "fontSize": "0.75rem", "fontWeight": 400, "letterSpacing": "0.08333em", "lineHeight": 2.66, "textTransform": "uppercase", }, "pxToRem": [Function], "round": [Function], "subheading": Object { "color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)", "fontFamily": "\\"Roboto\\", \\"Helvetica\\", \\"Arial\\", sans-serif", "fontSize": "1rem", "fontWeight": 400, "lineHeight": "1.5em", }, "subtitle1": Object { "color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)", "fontFamily": "\\"Roboto\\", \\"Helvetica\\", \\"Arial\\", sans-serif", "fontSize": "1rem", "fontWeight": 400, "letterSpacing": "0.00938em", "lineHeight": 1.75, }, "subtitle2": Object { "color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)", "fontFamily": "\\"Roboto\\", \\"Helvetica\\", \\"Arial\\", sans-serif", "fontSize": "0.875rem", "fontWeight": 500, "letterSpacing": "0.00714em", "lineHeight": 1.57, }, "title": Object { "color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)", "fontFamily": "\\"Roboto\\", \\"Helvetica\\", \\"Arial\\", sans-serif", "fontSize": "1.3125rem", "fontWeight": 500, "lineHeight": "1.16667em", }, "useNextVariants": false, }, "zIndex": Object { "appBar": 1100, "drawer": 1200, "mobileStepper": 1000, "modal": 1300, "snackbar": 1400, "tooltip": 1500, }, } } title={ <div> <div> Unknown status </div> </div> } > <div> <pure(HelpIcon) data-testid="node-status-sign" style={ Object { "color": "#5f6368", "height": 18, "width": 18, } } /> </div> </Tooltip> `;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`ResourceSelector displays resource selector 1`] = ` <Fragment> <Toolbar actions={Object {}} breadcrumbs={Array []} pageTitle="A test selector" /> <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Resource name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "flex": 1.5, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="Test - Sorry, no resources." filterLabel="test filter label" initialSortColumn="created_at" isCalledByV1={false} reload={[Function]} rows={ Array [ Object { "error": undefined, "id": "some-id-1", "otherFields": Array [ "test-1 name", "test-1 description", "2/2/2018, 3:04:05 AM", ], }, Object { "error": undefined, "id": "some-2-id", "otherFields": Array [ "test-2 name", "test-2 description", "11/9/2018, 8:07:06 AM", ], }, ] } selectedIds={Array []} updateSelection={[Function]} useRadioButtons={true} /> </Fragment> `;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`GettingStarted page initially renders documentation 1`] = ` <div> <div class="page kfp-start-page" > <div> <p> &lt;br/&gt; </p> <h2 id="build-your-own-pipeline-with" > Build your own pipeline with </h2> <ul> <li> Kubeflow Pipelines <a class="link" href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" > SDK </a> </li> </ul> <p> &lt;br/&gt; </p> <h2 id="demonstrations-and-tutorials" > Demonstrations and Tutorials </h2> <p> This section contains demo and tutorial pipelines. </p> <p> <strong> Tutorials </strong> - Learn pipeline concepts by following a tutorial. </p> <ul> <li> <a class="link" href="#/pipelines" > Data passing in Python components </a> <ul> <li> Shows how to pass data between Python components. <a class="link" href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" > source code </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a class="link" href="#/pipelines" > DSL - Control structures </a> <ul> <li> Shows how to use conditional execution and exit handlers. <a class="link" href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" > source code </a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p> Want to learn more? <a class="link" href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" > Learn from sample and tutorial pipelines. </a> </p> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`GettingStarted page renders documentation with pipeline deep link after querying demo pipelines 1`] = ` Array [ Array [ undefined, undefined, 10, undefined, "%7B%22predicates%22%3A%5B%7B%22key%22%3A%22name%22%2C%22operation%22%3A%22EQUALS%22%2C%22string_value%22%3A%22%5BTutorial%5D%20Data%20passing%20in%20python%20components%22%7D%5D%7D", ], Array [ undefined, undefined, 10, undefined, "%7B%22predicates%22%3A%5B%7B%22key%22%3A%22name%22%2C%22operation%22%3A%22EQUALS%22%2C%22string_value%22%3A%22%5BTutorial%5D%20DSL%20-%20Control%20structures%22%7D%5D%7D", ], ] `;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`RecurringRunDetails renders a recurring run with cron schedule 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <DetailsTable fields={ Array [ Array [ "Description", "test job description", ], Array [ "Created at", "9/5/2018, 4:03:02 AM", ], ] } title="Recurring run details" /> <DetailsTable fields={ Array [ Array [ "Enabled", "Yes", ], Array [ "Trigger", "* * * 0 0 !", ], Array [ "Max. concurrent runs", "50", ], Array [ "Catchup", "true", ], Array [ "Start time", "10/8/2018, 7:06:00 AM", ], Array [ "End time", "11/9/2018, 8:07:06 AM", ], ] } title="Run trigger" /> <DetailsTable fields={ Array [ Array [ "param1", "value1", ], ] } title="Run parameters" /> </div> </div> `; exports[`RecurringRunDetails renders a recurring run with periodic schedule 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="page" > <DetailsTable fields={ Array [ Array [ "Description", "test job description", ], Array [ "Created at", "9/5/2018, 4:03:02 AM", ], ] } title="Recurring run details" /> <DetailsTable fields={ Array [ Array [ "Enabled", "Yes", ], Array [ "Trigger", "Every 1 hours", ], Array [ "Max. concurrent runs", "50", ], Array [ "Catchup", "false", ], Array [ "Start time", "10/8/2018, 7:06:00 AM", ], Array [ "End time", "11/9/2018, 8:07:06 AM", ], ] } title="Run trigger" /> <DetailsTable fields={ Array [ Array [ "param1", "value1", ], ] } title="Run parameters" /> </div> </div> `;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`PrivateAndSharedPipelines it renders correctly in multi user mode 1`] = ` Object { "asFragment": [Function], "baseElement": <body> <div> <div class="page" > <div class="tabs" > <div class="indicator" /> <span style="display: inline-block; min-width: 20px; width: 20px;" /> <button class="MuiButtonBase-root-35 MuiButton-root-9 MuiButton-text-11 MuiButton-flat-14 button active" tabindex="0" title="Only people who have access to this namespace will be able to view and use these pipelines." type="button" > <span class="MuiButton-label-10" > <span> Private </span> </span> <span class="MuiTouchRipple-root-151" /> </button> <button class="MuiButtonBase-root-35 MuiButton-root-9 MuiButton-text-11 MuiButton-flat-14 button" tabindex="0" title="Everyone in your organization will be able to view and use these pipelines." type="button" > <span class="MuiButton-label-10" > <span> Shared </span> </span> <span class="MuiTouchRipple-root-151" /> </button> </div> <div 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<span> mock pipeline description </span> </div> <div class="cell" style="width: 20%;" > 9/21/2022, 1:53:59 PM </div> </div> </div> <div class="expandableContainer" > <div aria-checked="false" class="tableRow row" role="checkbox" tabindex="-1" > <div class="cell selectionToggle" > <span class="MuiButtonBase-root-35 MuiIconButton-root-116 MuiPrivateSwitchBase-root-112 MuiCheckbox-root-106 MuiCheckbox-colorPrimary-110" > <span class="MuiIconButton-label-121" > <svg aria-hidden="true" class="MuiSvgIcon-root-97" focusable="false" role="presentation" viewBox="0 0 24 24" > <path d="M19 5v14H5V5h14m0-2H5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2z" /> </svg> <input class="MuiPrivateSwitchBase-input-115" data-indeterminate="false" type="checkbox" value="" /> </span> <span class="MuiTouchRipple-root-151" /> </span> <button aria-label="Expand" class="MuiButtonBase-root-35 MuiIconButton-root-116 expandButton" tabindex="0" type="button" > <span 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class="link" href="/pipelines/details/run-pipeline-id" title="mock pipeline name" > mock pipeline name </a> </div> <div class="cell" style="width: 60%;" > <span> mock pipeline description </span> </div> <div class="cell" style="width: 20%;" > 9/21/2022, 1:53:59 PM </div> </div> </div> <div class="expandableContainer" > <div aria-checked="false" class="tableRow row" role="checkbox" tabindex="-1" > <div class="cell selectionToggle" > <span class="MuiButtonBase-root-35 MuiIconButton-root-116 MuiPrivateSwitchBase-root-112 MuiCheckbox-root-106 MuiCheckbox-colorPrimary-110" > <span class="MuiIconButton-label-121" > <svg aria-hidden="true" class="MuiSvgIcon-root-97" focusable="false" role="presentation" viewBox="0 0 24 24" > <path d="M19 5v14H5V5h14m0-2H5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2z" /> </svg> <input class="MuiPrivateSwitchBase-input-115" data-indeterminate="false" type="checkbox" value="" /> </span> <span class="MuiTouchRipple-root-151" /> </span> 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</div> </Tooltip> `;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`NewRun arriving from pipeline details page indicates that a pipeline is preselected and provides a means of selecting a different pipeline 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="scrollContainer" > <div className="header" > Run details </div> <div> <div> <span> Using pipeline from previous page. </span> </div> <div className="" > <Link className="link" replace={false} to="/pipelines/details/?fromRun=some-mock-run-id" > [View pipeline] </Link> </div> </div> <PipelinesDialog history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?fromRun=some-mock-run-id", } } match="" onClose={[Function]} open={false} pipelineSelectorColumns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Pipeline name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 2, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } selectorDialog="selectorDialog" toolbarActionMap={ Object { "uploadPipeline": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "uploadBtn", "outlined": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 160, }, "title": "Upload pipeline", "tooltip": "Upload pipeline", }, } } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> <WithStyles(Dialog) PaperProps={ Object { "id": "pipelineVersionSelectorDialog", } } classes={ Object { "paper": "selectorDialog", } } onClose={[Function]} open={false} > <WithStyles(DialogContent)> <ResourceSelector columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 2, "label": "Version name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No pipeline versions found. Select or upload a pipeline then try again." filterLabel="Filter pipeline versions" history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } initialSortColumn="created_at" listApi={[Function]} location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?fromRun=some-mock-run-id", } } match="" selectionChanged={[Function]} title="Choose a pipeline version" toolbarActionMap={ Object { "uploadPipeline": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "uploadBtn", "outlined": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 160, }, "title": "Upload pipeline", "tooltip": "Upload pipeline", }, } } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </WithStyles(DialogContent)> <WithStyles(DialogActions)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="cancelPipelineVersionSelectionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="usePipelineVersionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Use this pipeline version </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(DialogActions)> </WithStyles(Dialog)> <UploadPipelineDialog onClose={[Function]} open={false} /> <WithStyles(Dialog) PaperProps={ Object { "id": "experimentSelectorDialog", } } classes={ Object { "paper": "selectorDialog", } } onClose={[Function]} open={false} > <WithStyles(DialogContent)> <ResourceSelector columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "flex": 2, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Created at", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No experiments found. Create an experiment and then try again." filterLabel="Filter experiments" history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } initialSortColumn="created_at" listApi={[Function]} location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?fromRun=some-mock-run-id", } } match="" selectionChanged={[Function]} title="Choose an experiment" toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </WithStyles(DialogContent)> <WithStyles(DialogActions)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="cancelExperimentSelectionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="useExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Use this experiment </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(DialogActions)> </WithStyles(Dialog)> <Input autoFocus={true} id="runNameInput" label="Run name" onChange={[Function]} required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <Input id="descriptionInput" label="Description" multiline={true} onChange={[Function]} required={false} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div> This run will be associated with the following experiment </div> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="chooseExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Experiment" required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div> This run will use the following Kubernetes service account. <HelpButton helpText={ <div> Note, the service account needs <ExternalLink href="" > minimum permissions required by argo workflows </ExternalLink> and extra permissions the specific task requires. </div> } /> </div> <Input label="Service Account" onChange={[Function]} required={false} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div className="header" > Run Type </div> <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(FormControlLabel)) checked={true} control={ <WithStyles(Radio) color="primary" /> } id="oneOffToggle" label="One-off" onChange={[Function]} /> <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(FormControlLabel)) checked={false} control={ <WithStyles(Radio) color="primary" /> } id="recurringToggle" label="Recurring" onChange={[Function]} /> <NewRunParameters handleParamChange={[Function]} initialParams={Array []} titleMessage="This pipeline has no parameters" /> <div className="flex" > <BusyButton busy={false} className="buttonAction" disabled={true} id="startNewRunBtn" onClick={[Function]} title="Start" /> <WithStyles(Button) id="exitNewRunPageBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <div className="" style={ Object { "color": "red", } } > Run name is required </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`NewRun changes the exit button's text if query params indicate this is the first run of an experiment 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="scrollContainer" > <div className="header" > Run details </div> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="choosePipelineBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Pipeline" required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="choosePipelineVersionBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Pipeline Version" required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <PipelinesDialog history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?experimentId=some-mock-experiment-id&firstRunInExperiment=1", } } match="" onClose={[Function]} open={false} pipelineSelectorColumns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Pipeline name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 2, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } selectorDialog="selectorDialog" toolbarActionMap={ Object { "uploadPipeline": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "uploadBtn", "outlined": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 160, }, "title": "Upload pipeline", "tooltip": "Upload pipeline", }, } } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> <WithStyles(Dialog) PaperProps={ Object { "id": "pipelineVersionSelectorDialog", } } classes={ Object { "paper": "selectorDialog", } } onClose={[Function]} open={false} > <WithStyles(DialogContent)> <ResourceSelector columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 2, "label": "Version name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No pipeline versions found. Select or upload a pipeline then try again." filterLabel="Filter pipeline versions" history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } initialSortColumn="created_at" listApi={[Function]} location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?experimentId=some-mock-experiment-id&firstRunInExperiment=1", } } match="" selectionChanged={[Function]} title="Choose a pipeline version" toolbarActionMap={ Object { "uploadPipeline": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "uploadBtn", "outlined": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 160, }, "title": "Upload pipeline", "tooltip": "Upload pipeline", }, } } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </WithStyles(DialogContent)> <WithStyles(DialogActions)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="cancelPipelineVersionSelectionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="usePipelineVersionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Use this pipeline version </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(DialogActions)> </WithStyles(Dialog)> <UploadPipelineDialog onClose={[Function]} open={false} /> <WithStyles(Dialog) PaperProps={ Object { "id": "experimentSelectorDialog", } } classes={ Object { "paper": "selectorDialog", } } onClose={[Function]} open={false} > <WithStyles(DialogContent)> <ResourceSelector columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "flex": 2, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Created at", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No experiments found. Create an experiment and then try again." filterLabel="Filter experiments" history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } initialSortColumn="created_at" listApi={[Function]} location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?experimentId=some-mock-experiment-id&firstRunInExperiment=1", } } match="" selectionChanged={[Function]} title="Choose an experiment" toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </WithStyles(DialogContent)> <WithStyles(DialogActions)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="cancelExperimentSelectionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="useExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Use this experiment </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(DialogActions)> </WithStyles(Dialog)> <Input autoFocus={true} id="runNameInput" label="Run name" onChange={[Function]} required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <Input id="descriptionInput" label="Description" multiline={true} onChange={[Function]} required={false} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div> This run will be associated with the following experiment </div> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="chooseExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Experiment" required={true} value="some mock experiment name" variant="outlined" /> <div> This run will use the following Kubernetes service account. <HelpButton helpText={ <div> Note, the service account needs <ExternalLink href="" > minimum permissions required by argo workflows </ExternalLink> and extra permissions the specific task requires. </div> } /> </div> <Input label="Service Account" onChange={[Function]} required={false} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div className="header" > Run Type </div> <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(FormControlLabel)) checked={true} control={ <WithStyles(Radio) color="primary" /> } id="oneOffToggle" label="One-off" onChange={[Function]} /> <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(FormControlLabel)) checked={false} control={ <WithStyles(Radio) color="primary" /> } id="recurringToggle" label="Recurring" onChange={[Function]} /> <NewRunParameters handleParamChange={[Function]} initialParams={Array []} titleMessage="Parameters will appear after you select a pipeline" /> <div className="flex" > <BusyButton busy={false} className="buttonAction" disabled={true} id="startNewRunBtn" onClick={[Function]} title="Start" /> <WithStyles(Button) id="exitNewRunPageBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Skip this step </WithStyles(Button)> <div className="" style={ Object { "color": "red", } } > A pipeline must be selected </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`NewRun changes title and form if the new run will recur, based on the radio buttons 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="scrollContainer" > <div className="header" > Run details </div> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="choosePipelineBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Pipeline" required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="choosePipelineVersionBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Pipeline Version" required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <PipelinesDialog history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?experimentId=some-mock-experiment-id", } } match="" onClose={[Function]} open={false} pipelineSelectorColumns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Pipeline name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 2, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } selectorDialog="selectorDialog" toolbarActionMap={ Object { "uploadPipeline": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "uploadBtn", "outlined": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 160, }, "title": "Upload pipeline", "tooltip": "Upload pipeline", }, } } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> <WithStyles(Dialog) PaperProps={ Object { "id": "pipelineVersionSelectorDialog", } } classes={ Object { "paper": "selectorDialog", } } onClose={[Function]} open={false} > <WithStyles(DialogContent)> <ResourceSelector columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 2, "label": "Version name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No pipeline versions found. Select or upload a pipeline then try again." filterLabel="Filter pipeline versions" history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } initialSortColumn="created_at" listApi={[Function]} location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?experimentId=some-mock-experiment-id", } } match="" selectionChanged={[Function]} title="Choose a pipeline version" toolbarActionMap={ Object { "uploadPipeline": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "uploadBtn", "outlined": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 160, }, "title": "Upload pipeline", "tooltip": "Upload pipeline", }, } } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </WithStyles(DialogContent)> <WithStyles(DialogActions)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="cancelPipelineVersionSelectionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="usePipelineVersionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Use this pipeline version </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(DialogActions)> </WithStyles(Dialog)> <UploadPipelineDialog onClose={[Function]} open={false} /> <WithStyles(Dialog) PaperProps={ Object { "id": "experimentSelectorDialog", } } classes={ Object { "paper": "selectorDialog", } } onClose={[Function]} open={false} > <WithStyles(DialogContent)> <ResourceSelector columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "flex": 2, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Created at", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No experiments found. Create an experiment and then try again." filterLabel="Filter experiments" history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } initialSortColumn="created_at" listApi={[Function]} location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?experimentId=some-mock-experiment-id", } } match="" selectionChanged={[Function]} title="Choose an experiment" toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </WithStyles(DialogContent)> <WithStyles(DialogActions)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="cancelExperimentSelectionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="useExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Use this experiment </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(DialogActions)> </WithStyles(Dialog)> <Input autoFocus={true} id="runNameInput" label="Recurring run config name" onChange={[Function]} required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <Input id="descriptionInput" label="Description" multiline={true} onChange={[Function]} required={false} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div> This run will be associated with the following experiment </div> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="chooseExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Experiment" required={true} value="some mock experiment name" variant="outlined" /> <div> This run will use the following Kubernetes service account. <HelpButton helpText={ <div> Note, the service account needs <ExternalLink href="" > minimum permissions required by argo workflows </ExternalLink> and extra permissions the specific task requires. </div> } /> </div> <Input label="Service Account" onChange={[Function]} required={false} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div className="header" > Run Type </div> <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(FormControlLabel)) checked={false} control={ <WithStyles(Radio) color="primary" /> } id="oneOffToggle" label="One-off" onChange={[Function]} /> <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(FormControlLabel)) checked={true} control={ <WithStyles(Radio) color="primary" /> } id="recurringToggle" label="Recurring" onChange={[Function]} /> <div className="header" > Run trigger </div> <div> Choose a method by which new runs will be triggered </div> <Trigger initialProps={ Object { "catchup": true, "maxConcurrentRuns": undefined, "trigger": undefined, } } onChange={[Function]} /> <NewRunParameters handleParamChange={[Function]} initialParams={Array []} titleMessage="Parameters will appear after you select a pipeline" /> <div className="flex" > <BusyButton busy={false} className="buttonAction" disabled={true} id="startNewRunBtn" onClick={[Function]} title="Start" /> <WithStyles(Button) id="exitNewRunPageBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <div className="" style={ Object { "color": "red", } } > A pipeline must be selected </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`NewRun changes title and form to default state if the new run is a one-off, based on the radio buttons 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="scrollContainer" > <div className="header" > Run details </div> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="choosePipelineBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Pipeline" required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="choosePipelineVersionBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Pipeline Version" required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <PipelinesDialog history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?recurring=1", } } match="" onClose={[Function]} open={false} pipelineSelectorColumns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Pipeline name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 2, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } selectorDialog="selectorDialog" toolbarActionMap={ Object { "uploadPipeline": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "uploadBtn", "outlined": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 160, }, "title": "Upload pipeline", "tooltip": "Upload pipeline", }, } } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> <WithStyles(Dialog) PaperProps={ Object { "id": "pipelineVersionSelectorDialog", } } classes={ Object { "paper": "selectorDialog", } } onClose={[Function]} open={false} > <WithStyles(DialogContent)> <ResourceSelector columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 2, "label": "Version name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No pipeline versions found. Select or upload a pipeline then try again." filterLabel="Filter pipeline versions" history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } initialSortColumn="created_at" listApi={[Function]} location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?recurring=1", } } match="" selectionChanged={[Function]} title="Choose a pipeline version" toolbarActionMap={ Object { "uploadPipeline": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "uploadBtn", "outlined": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 160, }, "title": "Upload pipeline", "tooltip": "Upload pipeline", }, } } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </WithStyles(DialogContent)> <WithStyles(DialogActions)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="cancelPipelineVersionSelectionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="usePipelineVersionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Use this pipeline version </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(DialogActions)> </WithStyles(Dialog)> <UploadPipelineDialog onClose={[Function]} open={false} /> <WithStyles(Dialog) PaperProps={ Object { "id": "experimentSelectorDialog", } } classes={ Object { "paper": "selectorDialog", } } onClose={[Function]} open={false} > <WithStyles(DialogContent)> <ResourceSelector columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "flex": 2, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Created at", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No experiments found. Create an experiment and then try again." filterLabel="Filter experiments" history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } initialSortColumn="created_at" listApi={[Function]} location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?recurring=1", } } match="" selectionChanged={[Function]} title="Choose an experiment" toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </WithStyles(DialogContent)> <WithStyles(DialogActions)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="cancelExperimentSelectionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="useExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Use this experiment </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(DialogActions)> </WithStyles(Dialog)> <Input autoFocus={true} id="runNameInput" label="Run name" onChange={[Function]} required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <Input id="descriptionInput" label="Description" multiline={true} onChange={[Function]} required={false} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div> This run will be associated with the following experiment </div> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="chooseExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Experiment" required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div> This run will use the following Kubernetes service account. <HelpButton helpText={ <div> Note, the service account needs <ExternalLink href="" > minimum permissions required by argo workflows </ExternalLink> and extra permissions the specific task requires. </div> } /> </div> <Input label="Service Account" onChange={[Function]} required={false} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div className="header" > Run Type </div> <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(FormControlLabel)) checked={true} control={ <WithStyles(Radio) color="primary" /> } id="oneOffToggle" label="One-off" onChange={[Function]} /> <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(FormControlLabel)) checked={false} control={ <WithStyles(Radio) color="primary" /> } id="recurringToggle" label="Recurring" onChange={[Function]} /> <NewRunParameters handleParamChange={[Function]} initialParams={Array []} titleMessage="Parameters will appear after you select a pipeline" /> <div className="flex" > <BusyButton busy={false} className="buttonAction" disabled={true} id="startNewRunBtn" onClick={[Function]} title="Start" /> <WithStyles(Button) id="exitNewRunPageBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <div className="" style={ Object { "color": "red", } } > A pipeline must be selected </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`NewRun fetches the associated pipeline if one is present in the query params 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="scrollContainer" > <div className="header" > Run details </div> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="choosePipelineBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Pipeline" required={true} value="original mock pipeline name" variant="outlined" /> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={false} id="choosePipelineVersionBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Pipeline Version" required={true} value="original mock pipeline version name" variant="outlined" /> <PipelinesDialog history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?pipelineId=original-run-pipeline-id&pipelineVersionId=original-run-pipeline-version-id", } } match="" onClose={[Function]} open={false} pipelineSelectorColumns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Pipeline name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 2, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } selectorDialog="selectorDialog" toolbarActionMap={ Object { "uploadPipeline": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "uploadBtn", "outlined": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 160, }, "title": "Upload pipeline", "tooltip": "Upload pipeline", }, } } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> <WithStyles(Dialog) PaperProps={ Object { "id": "pipelineVersionSelectorDialog", } } classes={ Object { "paper": "selectorDialog", } } onClose={[Function]} open={false} > <WithStyles(DialogContent)> <ResourceSelector columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 2, "label": "Version name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No pipeline versions found. Select or upload a pipeline then try again." filterLabel="Filter pipeline versions" history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } initialSortColumn="created_at" listApi={[Function]} location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?pipelineId=original-run-pipeline-id&pipelineVersionId=original-run-pipeline-version-id", } } match="" selectionChanged={[Function]} title="Choose a pipeline version" toolbarActionMap={ Object { "uploadPipeline": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "uploadBtn", "outlined": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 160, }, "title": "Upload pipeline", "tooltip": "Upload pipeline", }, } } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </WithStyles(DialogContent)> <WithStyles(DialogActions)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="cancelPipelineVersionSelectionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="usePipelineVersionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Use this pipeline version </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(DialogActions)> </WithStyles(Dialog)> <UploadPipelineDialog onClose={[Function]} open={false} /> <WithStyles(Dialog) PaperProps={ Object { "id": "experimentSelectorDialog", } } classes={ Object { "paper": "selectorDialog", } } onClose={[Function]} open={false} > <WithStyles(DialogContent)> <ResourceSelector columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "flex": 2, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Created at", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No experiments found. Create an experiment and then try again." filterLabel="Filter experiments" history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } initialSortColumn="created_at" listApi={[Function]} location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?pipelineId=original-run-pipeline-id&pipelineVersionId=original-run-pipeline-version-id", } } match="" selectionChanged={[Function]} title="Choose an experiment" toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </WithStyles(DialogContent)> <WithStyles(DialogActions)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="cancelExperimentSelectionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="useExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Use this experiment </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(DialogActions)> </WithStyles(Dialog)> <Input autoFocus={true} id="runNameInput" label="Run name" onChange={[Function]} required={true} value="Run of original mock pipeline version name (88888)" variant="outlined" /> <Input id="descriptionInput" label="Description" multiline={true} onChange={[Function]} required={false} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div> This run will be associated with the following experiment </div> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="chooseExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Experiment" required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div> This run will use the following Kubernetes service account. <HelpButton helpText={ <div> Note, the service account needs <ExternalLink href="" > minimum permissions required by argo workflows </ExternalLink> and extra permissions the specific task requires. </div> } /> </div> <Input label="Service Account" onChange={[Function]} required={false} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div className="header" > Run Type </div> <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(FormControlLabel)) checked={true} control={ <WithStyles(Radio) color="primary" /> } id="oneOffToggle" label="One-off" onChange={[Function]} /> <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(FormControlLabel)) checked={false} control={ <WithStyles(Radio) color="primary" /> } id="recurringToggle" label="Recurring" onChange={[Function]} /> <NewRunParameters handleParamChange={[Function]} initialParams={Array []} titleMessage="This pipeline has no parameters" /> <div className="flex" > <BusyButton busy={false} className="buttonAction" disabled={false} id="startNewRunBtn" onClick={[Function]} title="Start" /> <WithStyles(Button) id="exitNewRunPageBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <div className="" style={ Object { "color": "red", } } /> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`NewRun renders the new run page 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="scrollContainer" > <div className="header" > Run details </div> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="choosePipelineBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Pipeline" required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="choosePipelineVersionBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Pipeline Version" required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <PipelinesDialog history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?experimentId=some-mock-experiment-id", } } match="" onClose={[Function]} open={false} pipelineSelectorColumns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Pipeline name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 2, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } selectorDialog="selectorDialog" toolbarActionMap={ Object { "uploadPipeline": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "uploadBtn", "outlined": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 160, }, "title": "Upload pipeline", "tooltip": "Upload pipeline", }, } } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> <WithStyles(Dialog) PaperProps={ Object { "id": "pipelineVersionSelectorDialog", } } classes={ Object { "paper": "selectorDialog", } } onClose={[Function]} open={false} > <WithStyles(DialogContent)> <ResourceSelector columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 2, "label": "Version name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No pipeline versions found. Select or upload a pipeline then try again." filterLabel="Filter pipeline versions" history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } initialSortColumn="created_at" listApi={[Function]} location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?experimentId=some-mock-experiment-id", } } match="" selectionChanged={[Function]} title="Choose a pipeline version" toolbarActionMap={ Object { "uploadPipeline": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "uploadBtn", "outlined": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 160, }, "title": "Upload pipeline", "tooltip": "Upload pipeline", }, } } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </WithStyles(DialogContent)> <WithStyles(DialogActions)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="cancelPipelineVersionSelectionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="usePipelineVersionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Use this pipeline version </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(DialogActions)> </WithStyles(Dialog)> <UploadPipelineDialog onClose={[Function]} open={false} /> <WithStyles(Dialog) PaperProps={ Object { "id": "experimentSelectorDialog", } } classes={ Object { "paper": "selectorDialog", } } onClose={[Function]} open={false} > <WithStyles(DialogContent)> <ResourceSelector columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "flex": 2, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Created at", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No experiments found. Create an experiment and then try again." filterLabel="Filter experiments" history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } initialSortColumn="created_at" listApi={[Function]} location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?experimentId=some-mock-experiment-id", } } match="" selectionChanged={[Function]} title="Choose an experiment" toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </WithStyles(DialogContent)> <WithStyles(DialogActions)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="cancelExperimentSelectionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="useExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Use this experiment </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(DialogActions)> </WithStyles(Dialog)> <Input autoFocus={true} id="runNameInput" label="Run name" onChange={[Function]} required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <Input id="descriptionInput" label="Description" multiline={true} onChange={[Function]} required={false} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div> This run will be associated with the following experiment </div> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="chooseExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Experiment" required={true} value="some mock experiment name" variant="outlined" /> <div> This run will use the following Kubernetes service account. <HelpButton helpText={ <div> Note, the service account needs <ExternalLink href="" > minimum permissions required by argo workflows </ExternalLink> and extra permissions the specific task requires. </div> } /> </div> <Input label="Service Account" onChange={[Function]} required={false} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div className="header" > Run Type </div> <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(FormControlLabel)) checked={true} control={ <WithStyles(Radio) color="primary" /> } id="oneOffToggle" label="One-off" onChange={[Function]} /> <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(FormControlLabel)) checked={false} control={ <WithStyles(Radio) color="primary" /> } id="recurringToggle" label="Recurring" onChange={[Function]} /> <NewRunParameters handleParamChange={[Function]} initialParams={Array []} titleMessage="Parameters will appear after you select a pipeline" /> <div className="flex" > <BusyButton busy={false} className="buttonAction" disabled={true} id="startNewRunBtn" onClick={[Function]} title="Start" /> <WithStyles(Button) id="exitNewRunPageBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <div className="" style={ Object { "color": "red", } } > A pipeline must be selected </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`NewRun starting a new recurring run includes additional trigger input fields if run will be recurring 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="scrollContainer" > <div className="header" > Run details </div> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="choosePipelineBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Pipeline" required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="choosePipelineVersionBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Pipeline Version" required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <PipelinesDialog history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?recurring=1", } } match="" onClose={[Function]} open={false} pipelineSelectorColumns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Pipeline name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 2, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } selectorDialog="selectorDialog" toolbarActionMap={ Object { "uploadPipeline": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "uploadBtn", "outlined": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 160, }, "title": "Upload pipeline", "tooltip": "Upload pipeline", }, } } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> <WithStyles(Dialog) PaperProps={ Object { "id": "pipelineVersionSelectorDialog", } } classes={ Object { "paper": "selectorDialog", } } onClose={[Function]} open={false} > <WithStyles(DialogContent)> <ResourceSelector columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 2, "label": "Version name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No pipeline versions found. Select or upload a pipeline then try again." filterLabel="Filter pipeline versions" history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } initialSortColumn="created_at" listApi={[Function]} location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?recurring=1", } } match="" selectionChanged={[Function]} title="Choose a pipeline version" toolbarActionMap={ Object { "uploadPipeline": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "uploadBtn", "outlined": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 160, }, "title": "Upload pipeline", "tooltip": "Upload pipeline", }, } } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </WithStyles(DialogContent)> <WithStyles(DialogActions)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="cancelPipelineVersionSelectionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="usePipelineVersionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Use this pipeline version </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(DialogActions)> </WithStyles(Dialog)> <UploadPipelineDialog onClose={[Function]} open={false} /> <WithStyles(Dialog) PaperProps={ Object { "id": "experimentSelectorDialog", } } classes={ Object { "paper": "selectorDialog", } } onClose={[Function]} open={false} > <WithStyles(DialogContent)> <ResourceSelector columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "flex": 2, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Created at", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No experiments found. Create an experiment and then try again." filterLabel="Filter experiments" history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } initialSortColumn="created_at" listApi={[Function]} location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?recurring=1", } } match="" selectionChanged={[Function]} title="Choose an experiment" toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </WithStyles(DialogContent)> <WithStyles(DialogActions)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="cancelExperimentSelectionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="useExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Use this experiment </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(DialogActions)> </WithStyles(Dialog)> <Input autoFocus={true} id="runNameInput" label="Recurring run config name" onChange={[Function]} required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <Input id="descriptionInput" label="Description" multiline={true} onChange={[Function]} required={false} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div> This run will be associated with the following experiment </div> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="chooseExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Experiment" required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div> This run will use the following Kubernetes service account. <HelpButton helpText={ <div> Note, the service account needs <ExternalLink href="" > minimum permissions required by argo workflows </ExternalLink> and extra permissions the specific task requires. </div> } /> </div> <Input label="Service Account" onChange={[Function]} required={false} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div className="header" > Run Type </div> <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(FormControlLabel)) checked={false} control={ <WithStyles(Radio) color="primary" /> } id="oneOffToggle" label="One-off" onChange={[Function]} /> <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(FormControlLabel)) checked={true} control={ <WithStyles(Radio) color="primary" /> } id="recurringToggle" label="Recurring" onChange={[Function]} /> <div className="header" > Run trigger </div> <div> Choose a method by which new runs will be triggered </div> <Trigger initialProps={ Object { "catchup": true, "maxConcurrentRuns": undefined, "trigger": undefined, } } onChange={[Function]} /> <NewRunParameters handleParamChange={[Function]} initialParams={Array []} titleMessage="Parameters will appear after you select a pipeline" /> <div className="flex" > <BusyButton busy={false} className="buttonAction" disabled={true} id="startNewRunBtn" onClick={[Function]} title="Start" /> <WithStyles(Button) id="exitNewRunPageBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <div className="" style={ Object { "color": "red", } } > A pipeline must be selected </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`NewRun updates the run's state with the associated experiment if one is present in the query params 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="scrollContainer" > <div className="header" > Run details </div> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="choosePipelineBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Pipeline" required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="choosePipelineVersionBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Pipeline Version" required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <PipelinesDialog history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?experimentId=some-mock-experiment-id", } } match="" onClose={[Function]} open={false} pipelineSelectorColumns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Pipeline name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 2, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } selectorDialog="selectorDialog" toolbarActionMap={ Object { "uploadPipeline": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "uploadBtn", "outlined": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 160, }, "title": "Upload pipeline", "tooltip": "Upload pipeline", }, } } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> <WithStyles(Dialog) PaperProps={ Object { "id": "pipelineVersionSelectorDialog", } } classes={ Object { "paper": "selectorDialog", } } onClose={[Function]} open={false} > <WithStyles(DialogContent)> <ResourceSelector columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 2, "label": "Version name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No pipeline versions found. Select or upload a pipeline then try again." filterLabel="Filter pipeline versions" history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } initialSortColumn="created_at" listApi={[Function]} location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?experimentId=some-mock-experiment-id", } } match="" selectionChanged={[Function]} title="Choose a pipeline version" toolbarActionMap={ Object { "uploadPipeline": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "uploadBtn", "outlined": true, "style": Object { "minWidth": 160, }, "title": "Upload pipeline", "tooltip": "Upload pipeline", }, } } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </WithStyles(DialogContent)> <WithStyles(DialogActions)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="cancelPipelineVersionSelectionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="usePipelineVersionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Use this pipeline version </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(DialogActions)> </WithStyles(Dialog)> <UploadPipelineDialog onClose={[Function]} open={false} /> <WithStyles(Dialog) PaperProps={ Object { "id": "experimentSelectorDialog", } } classes={ Object { "paper": "selectorDialog", } } onClose={[Function]} open={false} > <WithStyles(DialogContent)> <ResourceSelector columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Experiment name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "flex": 2, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Created at", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No experiments found. Create an experiment and then try again." filterLabel="Filter experiments" history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], "replace": [MockFunction], } } initialSortColumn="created_at" listApi={[Function]} location={ Object { "pathname": "/runs/new", "search": "?experimentId=some-mock-experiment-id", } } match="" selectionChanged={[Function]} title="Choose an experiment" toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object {}, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Start a new run", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </WithStyles(DialogContent)> <WithStyles(DialogActions)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="cancelExperimentSelectionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} id="useExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Use this experiment </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(DialogActions)> </WithStyles(Dialog)> <Input autoFocus={true} id="runNameInput" label="Run name" onChange={[Function]} required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <Input id="descriptionInput" label="Description" multiline={true} onChange={[Function]} required={false} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div> This run will be associated with the following experiment </div> <Input InputProps={ Object { "classes": Object { "disabled": "nonEditableInput", }, "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" id="chooseExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", } } > Choose </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, } } disabled={true} label="Experiment" required={true} value="some mock experiment name" variant="outlined" /> <div> This run will use the following Kubernetes service account. <HelpButton helpText={ <div> Note, the service account needs <ExternalLink href="" > minimum permissions required by argo workflows </ExternalLink> and extra permissions the specific task requires. </div> } /> </div> <Input label="Service Account" onChange={[Function]} required={false} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div className="header" > Run Type </div> <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(FormControlLabel)) checked={true} control={ <WithStyles(Radio) color="primary" /> } id="oneOffToggle" label="One-off" onChange={[Function]} /> <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(FormControlLabel)) checked={false} control={ <WithStyles(Radio) color="primary" /> } id="recurringToggle" label="Recurring" onChange={[Function]} /> <NewRunParameters handleParamChange={[Function]} initialParams={Array []} titleMessage="Parameters will appear after you select a pipeline" /> <div className="flex" > <BusyButton busy={false} className="buttonAction" disabled={true} id="startNewRunBtn" onClick={[Function]} title="Start" /> <WithStyles(Button) id="exitNewRunPageBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <div className="" style={ Object { "color": "red", } } > A pipeline must be selected </div> </div> </div> </div> `;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`PipelineList renders a list of one pipeline 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Pipeline name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 3, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No pipelines found. Click \\"Upload pipeline\\" to start." filterLabel="Filter pipelines" getExpandComponent={[Function]} initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={ Array [ Object { "expandState": undefined, "id": undefined, "otherFields": Array [ "pipeline1", "test pipeline description", "9/22/2018, 11:05:48 AM", ], }, ] } selectedIds={Array []} toggleExpansion={[Function]} updateSelection={[Function]} /> </div> `; exports[`PipelineList renders a list of one pipeline with error 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Pipeline name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 3, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No pipelines found. Click \\"Upload pipeline\\" to start." filterLabel="Filter pipelines" getExpandComponent={[Function]} initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={ Array [ Object { "expandState": undefined, "id": undefined, "otherFields": Array [ "pipeline1", "test pipeline description", "9/22/2018, 11:05:48 AM", ], }, ] } selectedIds={Array []} toggleExpansion={[Function]} updateSelection={[Function]} /> </div> `; exports[`PipelineList renders a list of one pipeline with no description or created date 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Pipeline name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 3, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No pipelines found. Click \\"Upload pipeline\\" to start." filterLabel="Filter pipelines" getExpandComponent={[Function]} initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={ Array [ Object { "expandState": undefined, "id": undefined, "otherFields": Array [ "pipeline1", undefined, "-", ], }, ] } selectedIds={Array []} toggleExpansion={[Function]} updateSelection={[Function]} /> </div> `; exports[`PipelineList renders an empty list with empty state message 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Pipeline name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 3, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No pipelines found. Click \\"Upload pipeline\\" to start." filterLabel="Filter pipelines" getExpandComponent={[Function]} initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={Array []} selectedIds={Array []} toggleExpansion={[Function]} updateSelection={[Function]} /> </div> `;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`RunsAndArchive renders archive page 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={1} tabs={ Array [ "Active", "Archived", ] } /> <EnhancedArchivedRuns history={Object {}} location="" match="" toolbarProps={Object {}} updateBanner={[Function]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[Function]} view={1} /> </div> `; exports[`RunsAndArchive renders runs page 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <MD2Tabs onSwitch={[Function]} selectedTab={0} tabs={ Array [ "Active", "Archived", ] } /> <EnhancedAllRunsList history={Object {}} location="" match="" toolbarProps={Object {}} updateBanner={[Function]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[Function]} view={0} /> </div> `;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`ArchivedExperiemnts renders archived experiments 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <ExperimentList history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location={Object {}} match={Object {}} onError={[Function]} storageState="ARCHIVED" toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [], "pageTitle": "Experiments", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </div> `;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`NewExperiment enables the 'Next' button when an experiment name is entered 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="scrollContainer" > <div className="header" > Experiment details </div> <div className="explanation" > Think of an Experiment as a space that contains the history of all pipelines and their associated runs </div> <Input autoFocus={true} id="experimentName" inputRef={ Object { "current": null, } } label="Experiment name" onChange={[Function]} required={true} value="experiment name" variant="outlined" /> <Input id="experimentDescription" label="Description" multiline={true} onChange={[Function]} required={false} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div className="flex" > <BusyButton busy={false} className="buttonAction" disabled={false} id="createExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} title="Next" /> <WithStyles(Button) id="cancelNewExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <div className="errorMessage" /> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`NewExperiment re-disables the 'Next' button when an experiment name is cleared after having been entered 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="scrollContainer" > <div className="header" > Experiment details </div> <div className="explanation" > Think of an Experiment as a space that contains the history of all pipelines and their associated runs </div> <Input autoFocus={true} id="experimentName" inputRef={ Object { "current": null, } } label="Experiment name" onChange={[Function]} required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <Input id="experimentDescription" label="Description" multiline={true} onChange={[Function]} required={false} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div className="flex" > <BusyButton busy={false} className="buttonAction" disabled={true} id="createExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} title="Next" /> <WithStyles(Button) id="cancelNewExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <div className="errorMessage" > Experiment name is required </div> </div> </div> </div> `; exports[`NewExperiment renders the new experiment page 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="scrollContainer" > <div className="header" > Experiment details </div> <div className="explanation" > Think of an Experiment as a space that contains the history of all pipelines and their associated runs </div> <Input autoFocus={true} id="experimentName" inputRef={ Object { "current": null, } } label="Experiment name" onChange={[Function]} required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <Input id="experimentDescription" label="Description" multiline={true} onChange={[Function]} required={false} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div className="flex" > <BusyButton busy={false} className="buttonAction" disabled={true} id="createExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} title="Next" /> <WithStyles(Button) id="cancelNewExperimentBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <div className="errorMessage" > Experiment name is required </div> </div> </div> </div> `;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`ArchivedRuns renders archived runs 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <RunList history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location={Object {}} match={Object {}} onError={[Function]} onSelectionChange={[Function]} selectedIds={Array []} storageState="ARCHIVED" toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "deleteRun": Object { "action": [Function], "disabled": true, "disabledTitle": "Select at least one run to delete", "id": "deleteBtn", "title": "Delete", "tooltip": "Delete", }, "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, "restore": Object { "action": [Function], "disabled": true, "disabledTitle": "Select at least one resource to restore", "id": "restoreBtn", "title": "Restore", "tooltip": "Restore the archived run(s) to original location", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [], "pageTitle": "Runs", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </div> `;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`CompareV1 collapses all sections 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <CollapseButton collapseSections={ Object { "Metrics": true, "Parameters": true, "Run overview": true, "Table": true, "Tensorboard": true, } } collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Run overview" /> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CollapseButton collapseSections={ Object { "Metrics": true, "Parameters": true, "Run overview": true, "Table": true, "Tensorboard": true, } } collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Parameters" /> <CollapseButton collapseSections={ Object { "Metrics": true, "Parameters": true, "Run overview": true, "Table": true, "Tensorboard": true, } } collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Metrics" /> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <div key="0" > <CollapseButton collapseSections={ Object { "Metrics": true, "Parameters": true, "Run overview": true, "Table": true, "Tensorboard": true, } } collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Tensorboard" /> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> </div> <div key="1" > <CollapseButton collapseSections={ Object { "Metrics": true, "Parameters": true, "Run overview": true, "Table": true, "Tensorboard": true, } } collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Table" /> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> </div> </div> `; exports[`CompareV1 creates a map of viewers 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Run overview" /> <div className="noShrink" > <RunList disablePaging={true} history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location={ Object { "pathname": "/compare", "search": "?runlist=run-with-workflow", } } match={Object {}} onError={[Function]} onSelectionChange={[Function]} runIdListMask={ Array [ "run-with-workflow", ] } selectedIds={ Array [ "run-with-workflow", ] } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "collapse": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "collapseBtn", "title": "Collapse all", "tooltip": "Collapse all sections", }, "expand": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "expandBtn", "title": "Expand all", "tooltip": "Expand all sections", }, "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Compare runs", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </div> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Parameters" /> <div className="noShrink outputsRow" > <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CompareTable rows={Array []} xLabels={ Array [ "test run run-with-workflow", ] } yLabels={Array []} /> <Hr /> </div> <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Metrics" /> <div className="noShrink outputsRow" > <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CompareTable rows={Array []} xLabels={ Array [ "test run run-with-workflow", ] } yLabels={Array []} /> <Hr /> </div> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <div key="0" > <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Tensorboard" /> <div className="flex outputsRow" > <PlotCard configs={ Array [ Object { "type": "tensorboard", "url": "gs://path", }, ] } key="0" maxDimension={400} title="test run run-with-workflow" /> <Separator /> </div> <Hr /> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> </div> <div key="1" > <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Table" /> <div className="flex outputsRow" > <PlotCard configs={ Array [ Object { "data": Array [ Array [ "test", ], ], "labels": Array [ "col1, col2", ], "type": "table", }, ] } key="0" maxDimension={400} title="test run run-with-workflow" /> <Separator /> </div> <Hr /> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> </div> </div> `; exports[`CompareV1 creates an extra aggregation plot for compatible viewers 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Run overview" /> <div className="noShrink" > <RunList disablePaging={true} history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location={ Object { "pathname": "/compare", "search": "?runlist=run1-id,run2-id", } } match={Object {}} onError={[Function]} onSelectionChange={[Function]} runIdListMask={ Array [ "run1-id", "run2-id", ] } selectedIds={ Array [ "run1-id", "run2-id", ] } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "collapse": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "collapseBtn", "title": "Collapse all", "tooltip": "Collapse all sections", }, "expand": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "expandBtn", "title": "Expand all", "tooltip": "Expand all sections", }, "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Compare runs", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </div> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Parameters" /> <div className="noShrink outputsRow" > <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CompareTable rows={Array []} xLabels={ Array [ "test run run1-id", "test run run2-id", ] } yLabels={Array []} /> <Hr /> </div> <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Metrics" /> <div className="noShrink outputsRow" > <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CompareTable rows={Array []} xLabels={ Array [ "test run run1-id", "test run run2-id", ] } yLabels={Array []} /> <Hr /> </div> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <div key="0" > <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Tensorboard" /> <div className="flex outputsRow" > <PlotCard configs={ Array [ Object { "type": "tensorboard", "url": "gs://path", }, Object { "type": "tensorboard", "url": "gs://path", }, ] } maxDimension={400} title="Aggregated view" /> <PlotCard configs={ Array [ Object { "type": "tensorboard", "url": "gs://path", }, ] } key="0" maxDimension={400} title="test run run1-id" /> <PlotCard configs={ Array [ Object { "type": "tensorboard", "url": "gs://path", }, ] } key="1" maxDimension={400} title="test run run2-id" /> <Separator /> </div> <Hr /> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> </div> <div key="1" > <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="ROC Curve" /> <div className="flex outputsRow" > <PlotCard configs={ Array [ Object { "data": Array [], "type": "roc", }, Object { "data": Array [], "type": "roc", }, ] } maxDimension={400} title="Aggregated view" /> <PlotCard configs={ Array [ Object { "data": Array [], "type": "roc", }, ] } key="0" maxDimension={400} title="test run run1-id" /> <PlotCard configs={ Array [ Object { "data": Array [], "type": "roc", }, ] } key="1" maxDimension={400} title="test run run2-id" /> <Separator /> </div> <Hr /> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> </div> </div> `; exports[`CompareV1 displays a run's metrics if the run has any 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Run overview" /> <div className="noShrink" > <RunList disablePaging={true} history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location={ Object { "pathname": "/compare", "search": "?runlist=run-with-metrics", } } match={Object {}} onError={[Function]} onSelectionChange={[Function]} runIdListMask={ Array [ "run-with-metrics", ] } selectedIds={ Array [ "run-with-metrics", ] } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "collapse": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "collapseBtn", "title": "Collapse all", "tooltip": "Collapse all sections", }, "expand": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "expandBtn", "title": "Expand all", "tooltip": "Expand all sections", }, "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Compare runs", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </div> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Parameters" /> <div className="noShrink outputsRow" > <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CompareTable rows={Array []} xLabels={ Array [ "test run run-with-metrics", ] } yLabels={Array []} /> <Hr /> </div> <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Metrics" /> <div className="noShrink outputsRow" > <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CompareTable rows={ Array [ Array [ "0.330", ], Array [ "0.554", ], ] } xLabels={ Array [ "test run run-with-metrics", ] } yLabels={ Array [ "some-metric", "another-metric", ] } /> <Hr /> </div> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> </div> `; exports[`CompareV1 displays metrics from multiple runs 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Run overview" /> <div className="noShrink" > <RunList disablePaging={true} history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location={ Object { "pathname": "/compare", "search": "?runlist=run1,run2", } } match={Object {}} onError={[Function]} onSelectionChange={[Function]} runIdListMask={ Array [ "run1", "run2", ] } selectedIds={ Array [ "run1", "run2", ] } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "collapse": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "collapseBtn", "title": "Collapse all", "tooltip": "Collapse all sections", }, "expand": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "expandBtn", "title": "Expand all", "tooltip": "Expand all sections", }, "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Compare runs", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </div> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Parameters" /> <div className="noShrink outputsRow" > <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CompareTable rows={Array []} xLabels={ Array [ "test run run1", "test run run2", ] } yLabels={Array []} /> <Hr /> </div> <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Metrics" /> <div className="noShrink outputsRow" > <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CompareTable rows={ Array [ Array [ "0.330", "0.670", ], Array [ "0.554", "", ], ] } xLabels={ Array [ "test run run1", "test run run2", ] } yLabels={ Array [ "some-metric", "another-metric", ] } /> <Hr /> </div> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> </div> `; exports[`CompareV1 displays parameters from multiple runs 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Run overview" /> <div className="noShrink" > <RunList disablePaging={true} history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location={ Object { "pathname": "/compare", "search": "?runlist=run1,run2", } } match={Object {}} onError={[Function]} onSelectionChange={[Function]} runIdListMask={ Array [ "run1", "run2", ] } selectedIds={ Array [ "run1", "run2", ] } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "collapse": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "collapseBtn", "title": "Collapse all", "tooltip": "Collapse all sections", }, "expand": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "expandBtn", "title": "Expand all", "tooltip": "Expand all sections", }, "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Compare runs", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </div> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Parameters" /> <div className="noShrink outputsRow" > <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CompareTable rows={ Array [ Array [ "r1-shared-val2", "r2-shared-val2", ], Array [ "r1-unique-val1", "", ], Array [ "", "r2-unique-val1", ], ] } xLabels={ Array [ "test run run1", "test run run2", ] } yLabels={ Array [ "shared-param", "r1-unique-param", "r2-unique-param1", ] } /> <Hr /> </div> <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Metrics" /> <div className="noShrink outputsRow" > <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CompareTable rows={Array []} xLabels={ Array [ "test run run1", "test run run2", ] } yLabels={Array []} /> <Hr /> </div> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> </div> `; exports[`CompareV1 displays run's parameters if the run has any 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Run overview" /> <div className="noShrink" > <RunList disablePaging={true} history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location={ Object { "pathname": "/compare", "search": "?runlist=run-with-parameters", } } match={Object {}} onError={[Function]} onSelectionChange={[Function]} runIdListMask={ Array [ "run-with-parameters", ] } selectedIds={ Array [ "run-with-parameters", ] } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "collapse": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "collapseBtn", "title": "Collapse all", "tooltip": "Collapse all sections", }, "expand": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "expandBtn", "title": "Expand all", "tooltip": "Expand all sections", }, "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Compare runs", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </div> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Parameters" /> <div className="noShrink outputsRow" > <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CompareTable rows={ Array [ Array [ "value1", ], Array [ "value2", ], ] } xLabels={ Array [ "test run run-with-parameters", ] } yLabels={ Array [ "param1", "param2", ] } /> <Hr /> </div> <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Metrics" /> <div className="noShrink outputsRow" > <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CompareTable rows={Array []} xLabels={ Array [ "test run run-with-parameters", ] } yLabels={Array []} /> <Hr /> </div> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> </div> `; exports[`CompareV1 does not show viewers for deselected runs 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Run overview" /> <div className="noShrink" > <RunList disablePaging={true} history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location={ Object { "pathname": "/compare", "search": "?runlist=run-with-workflow-1,run-with-workflow-2", } } match={Object {}} onError={[Function]} onSelectionChange={[Function]} runIdListMask={ Array [ "run-with-workflow-1", "run-with-workflow-2", ] } selectedIds={Array []} toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "collapse": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "collapseBtn", "title": "Collapse all", "tooltip": "Collapse all sections", }, "expand": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "expandBtn", "title": "Expand all", "tooltip": "Expand all sections", }, "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Compare runs", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </div> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Parameters" /> <div className="noShrink outputsRow" > <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CompareTable rows={Array []} xLabels={Array []} yLabels={Array []} /> <Hr /> </div> <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Metrics" /> <div className="noShrink outputsRow" > <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CompareTable rows={Array []} xLabels={Array []} yLabels={Array []} /> <Hr /> </div> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> </div> `; exports[`CompareV1 expands all sections if they were collapsed 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Run overview" /> <div className="noShrink" > <RunList disablePaging={true} history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location={ Object { "pathname": "/compare", "search": "?runlist=run-with-workflow-1,run-with-workflow-2", } } match={Object {}} onError={[Function]} onSelectionChange={[Function]} runIdListMask={ Array [ "run-with-workflow-1", "run-with-workflow-2", ] } selectedIds={ Array [ "run-with-workflow-1", "run-with-workflow-2", ] } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "collapse": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "collapseBtn", "title": "Collapse all", "tooltip": "Collapse all sections", }, "expand": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "expandBtn", "title": "Expand all", "tooltip": "Expand all sections", }, "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Compare runs", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </div> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Parameters" /> <div className="noShrink outputsRow" > <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CompareTable rows={Array []} xLabels={ Array [ "test run run-with-workflow-1", "test run run-with-workflow-2", ] } yLabels={Array []} /> <Hr /> </div> <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Metrics" /> <div className="noShrink outputsRow" > <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CompareTable rows={Array []} xLabels={ Array [ "test run run-with-workflow-1", "test run run-with-workflow-2", ] } yLabels={Array []} /> <Hr /> </div> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <div key="0" > <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Tensorboard" /> <div className="flex outputsRow" > <PlotCard configs={ Array [ Object { "type": "tensorboard", "url": "gs://path", }, Object { "type": "tensorboard", "url": "gs://path", }, ] } maxDimension={400} title="Aggregated view" /> <PlotCard configs={ Array [ Object { "type": "tensorboard", "url": "gs://path", }, ] } key="0" maxDimension={400} title="test run run-with-workflow-1" /> <PlotCard configs={ Array [ Object { "type": "tensorboard", "url": "gs://path", }, ] } key="1" maxDimension={400} title="test run run-with-workflow-2" /> <Separator /> </div> <Hr /> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> </div> <div key="1" > <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Table" /> <div className="flex outputsRow" > <PlotCard configs={ Array [ Object { "data": Array [ Array [], ], "labels": Array [ "col1, col2", ], "type": "table", }, ] } key="0" maxDimension={400} title="test run run-with-workflow-1" /> <PlotCard configs={ Array [ Object { "data": Array [ Array [], ], "labels": Array [ "col1, col2", ], "type": "table", }, ] } key="1" maxDimension={400} title="test run run-with-workflow-2" /> <Separator /> </div> <Hr /> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> </div> </div> `; exports[`CompareV1 renders a page with multiple runs 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Run overview" /> <div className="noShrink" > <RunList disablePaging={true} history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location={ Object { "pathname": "/compare", "search": "?runlist=mock-run-1-id,mock-run-2-id,mock-run-3-id", } } match={Object {}} onError={[Function]} onSelectionChange={[Function]} runIdListMask={ Array [ "mock-run-1-id", "mock-run-2-id", "mock-run-3-id", ] } selectedIds={ Array [ "mock-run-1-id", "mock-run-2-id", "mock-run-3-id", ] } toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "collapse": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "collapseBtn", "title": "Collapse all", "tooltip": "Collapse all sections", }, "expand": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "expandBtn", "title": "Expand all", "tooltip": "Expand all sections", }, "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Compare runs", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </div> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Parameters" /> <div className="noShrink outputsRow" > <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CompareTable rows={Array []} xLabels={ Array [ "test run mock-run-1-id", "test run mock-run-2-id", "test run mock-run-3-id", ] } yLabels={Array []} /> <Hr /> </div> <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Metrics" /> <div className="noShrink outputsRow" > <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CompareTable rows={Array []} xLabels={ Array [ "test run mock-run-1-id", "test run mock-run-2-id", "test run mock-run-3-id", ] } yLabels={Array []} /> <Hr /> </div> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> </div> `; exports[`CompareV1 renders a page with no runs 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Run overview" /> <div className="noShrink" > <RunList disablePaging={true} history={ Object { "push": [MockFunction], } } location={ Object { "pathname": "/compare", "search": "", } } match={Object {}} onError={[Function]} onSelectionChange={[Function]} runIdListMask={Array []} selectedIds={Array []} toolbarProps={ Object { "actions": Object { "collapse": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "collapseBtn", "title": "Collapse all", "tooltip": "Collapse all sections", }, "expand": Object { "action": [Function], "icon": [Function], "id": "expandBtn", "title": "Expand all", "tooltip": "Expand all sections", }, "refresh": Object { "action": [Function], "id": "refreshBtn", "title": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the list", }, }, "breadcrumbs": Array [ Object { "displayName": "Experiments", "href": "/experiments", }, ], "pageTitle": "Compare runs", } } updateBanner={[MockFunction]} updateDialog={[MockFunction]} updateSnackbar={[MockFunction]} updateToolbar={[MockFunction]} /> </div> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Parameters" /> <div className="noShrink outputsRow" > <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CompareTable rows={Array []} xLabels={Array []} yLabels={Array []} /> <Hr /> </div> <CollapseButton collapseSections={Object {}} collapseSectionsUpdate={[Function]} sectionName="Metrics" /> <div className="noShrink outputsRow" > <Separator orientation="vertical" /> <CompareTable rows={Array []} xLabels={Array []} yLabels={Array []} /> <Hr /> </div> <Separator orientation="vertical" /> </div> `;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`NewPipelineVersion creating new pipeline renders the new pipeline page 1`] = ` <div className="page" > <div className="scrollContainer" > <div className="" > Upload pipeline or pipeline version. </div> <div className="flex" > <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(FormControlLabel)) checked={true} control={ <WithStyles(Radio) color="primary" /> } id="createNewPipelineBtn" label="Create a new pipeline" onChange={[Function]} /> <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(FormControlLabel)) checked={false} control={ <WithStyles(Radio) color="primary" /> } id="createPipelineVersionUnderExistingPipelineBtn" label="Create a new pipeline version under an existing pipeline" onChange={[Function]} /> </div> <div> Upload pipeline with the specified package. </div> <Input autoFocus={true} id="newPipelineName" inputRef={ Object { "current": null, } } label="Pipeline Name" onChange={[Function]} required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> <Input autoFocus={true} id="pipelineDescription" inputRef={ Object { "current": null, } } label="Pipeline Description" onChange={[Function]} required={false} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div className="" > URL must be publicly accessible. </div> <DocumentationCompilePipeline /> <div className="flex" > <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(FormControlLabel)) checked={false} control={ <WithStyles(Radio) color="primary" /> } id="localPackageBtn" label="Upload a file" onChange={[Function]} /> <n disableClick={true} disablePreview={false} disabled={true} getDataTransferItems={[Function]} id="dropZone" inputProps={ Object { "tabIndex": -1, } } maxSize={Infinity} minSize={0} multiple={true} onDragEnter={[Function]} onDragLeave={[Function]} onDrop={[Function]} preventDropOnDocument={true} style={ Object { "position": "relative", } } > <Input InputProps={ Object { "endAdornment": <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment)) position="end" > <WithStyles(Button) color="secondary" disabled={true} onClick={[Function]} style={ Object { "margin": 0, "padding": "3px 5px", "whiteSpace": "nowrap", } } > Choose file </WithStyles(Button)> </WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(InputAdornment))>, "readOnly": true, "style": Object { "maxWidth": 2000, "width": 455, }, } } data-testid="uploadFileInput" disabled={true} label="File" onChange={[Function]} required={true} value="" variant="outlined" /> </n> </div> <div className="flex" > <WithStyles(WithFormControlContext(FormControlLabel)) checked={true} control={ <WithStyles(Radio) color="primary" /> } id="remotePackageBtn" label="Import by url" onChange={[Function]} /> <Input disabled={false} id="pipelinePackageUrl" label="Package Url" multiline={true} onChange={[Function]} style={ Object { "maxWidth": 2000, "width": 465, } } value="" variant="outlined" /> </div> <Input id="pipelineVersionCodeSource" label="Code Source" multiline={true} onChange={[Function]} required={false} value="" variant="outlined" /> <div className="flex" > <BusyButton busy={false} className="buttonAction" disabled={true} id="createNewPipelineOrVersionBtn" onClick={[Function]} title="Create" /> <WithStyles(Button) id="cancelNewPipelineOrVersionBtn" onClick={[Function]} > Cancel </WithStyles(Button)> <div className="errorMessage" > Must specify either package url or file in .yaml, .zip, or .tar.gz </div> </div> </div> </div> `;
// Jest Snapshot v1, exports[`PipelineVersionList calls Apis to list pipeline versions, sorted by creation time in descending order 1`] = ` <PipelineVersionList history={Object {}} location={ Object { "search": "", } } match="" onError={[MockFunction]} pipelineId="pipeline" > <div> <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Version name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 3, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No pipeline versions found." initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={ Array [ Object { "id": "test-pipeline-version-id0", "otherFields": Array [ "test pipeline version name0", undefined, "-", ], }, Object { "id": "test-pipeline-version-id1", "otherFields": Array [ "test pipeline version name1", undefined, "-", ], }, ] } > <div className="pageOverflowHidden" > <div> <Input InputLabelProps={ Object { 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"flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No pipeline versions found." initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={ Array [ Object { "id": undefined, "otherFields": Array [ "pipelineversion1", undefined, "9/22/2018, 11:05:48 AM", ], }, ] } /> </div> `; exports[`PipelineVersionList renders a list of one pipeline version with description 1`] = ` <div> <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Version name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 3, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No pipeline versions found." initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={ Array [ Object { "id": undefined, "otherFields": Array [ "pipelineversion1", "pipelineversion1 description", "9/22/2018, 11:05:48 AM", ], }, ] } /> </div> `; exports[`PipelineVersionList renders a list of one pipeline version with error 1`] = ` <div> <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Version name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 3, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No pipeline versions found." initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={ Array [ Object { "id": undefined, "otherFields": Array [ "pipeline1", undefined, "9/22/2018, 11:05:48 AM", ], }, ] } /> </div> `; exports[`PipelineVersionList renders a list of one pipeline version without created date 1`] = ` <div> <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Version name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 3, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No pipeline versions found." initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={Array []} /> </div> `; exports[`PipelineVersionList renders an empty list with empty state message 1`] = ` <div> <CustomTable columns={ Array [ Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 1, "label": "Version name", "sortKey": "name", }, Object { "customRenderer": [Function], "flex": 3, "label": "Description", }, Object { "flex": 1, "label": "Uploaded on", "sortKey": "created_at", }, ] } emptyMessage="No pipeline versions found." initialSortColumn="created_at" reload={[Function]} rows={Array []} /> </div> `;
/* * Copyright 2021 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import React from 'react'; import ReactFlow, { Background, Controls, Elements, MiniMap, OnLoadParams, ReactFlowProvider, } from 'react-flow-renderer'; import { FlowElementDataBase } from 'src/components/graph/Constants'; import SubDagLayer from 'src/components/graph/SubDagLayer'; import { color } from 'src/Css'; import { getTaskKeyFromNodeKey, NodeTypeNames, NODE_TYPES } from 'src/lib/v2/StaticFlow'; export interface DagCanvasProps { elements: Elements<FlowElementDataBase>; setFlowElements: (elements: Elements<any>) => void; onSelectionChange: (elements: Elements<any> | null) => void; layers: string[]; onLayersUpdate: (layers: string[]) => void; } export default function DagCanvas({ elements, layers, onLayersUpdate, onSelectionChange, setFlowElements, }: DagCanvasProps) { const onLoad = (reactFlowInstance: OnLoadParams) => { reactFlowInstance.fitView(); }; const subDagExpand = (nodeKey: string) => { const newLayers = [...layers, getTaskKeyFromNodeKey(nodeKey)]; onLayersUpdate(newLayers); }; elements.forEach(elem => { // For each SubDag node, provide a callback function if expand button is clicked. if (elem && elem.type === NodeTypeNames.SUB_DAG && { = subDagExpand; } }); return ( <> <SubDagLayer layers={layers} onLayersUpdate={onLayersUpdate}></SubDagLayer> <div data-testid='DagCanvas' style={{ width: '100%', height: '100%' }}> <ReactFlowProvider> <ReactFlow style={{ background: color.lightGrey }} elements={elements} snapToGrid={true} onLoad={onLoad} nodeTypes={NODE_TYPES} edgeTypes={{}} onSelectionChange={onSelectionChange} onNodeDragStop={(event, node) => { setFlowElements( => { if ( === { return node; } return value; }), ); }} > <MiniMap /> <Controls /> <Background /> </ReactFlow> </ReactFlowProvider> </div> </> ); }
/* * Copyright 2023 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { useQuery } from 'react-query'; import Buttons, { ButtonKeys } from 'src/lib/Buttons'; import DetailsTable from 'src/components/DetailsTable'; import { V2beta1RecurringRun, V2beta1RecurringRunStatus } from 'src/apisv2beta1/recurringrun'; import { V2beta1Experiment } from 'src/apisv2beta1/experiment'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { PageProps } from 'src/pages/Page'; import { RoutePage, RouteParams } from 'src/components/Router'; import { Breadcrumb, ToolbarProps } from 'src/components/Toolbar'; import { classes } from 'typestyle'; import { commonCss, padding } from 'src/Css'; import { KeyValue } from 'src/lib/StaticGraphParser'; import { formatDateString, enabledDisplayStringV2, errorToMessage } from 'src/lib/Utils'; import { triggerDisplayString } from 'src/lib/TriggerUtils'; export function RecurringRunDetailsV2FC(props: PageProps) { const { updateBanner, updateToolbar } = props; const [refresh, setRefresh] = useState(true); const [getRecurringRunErrMsg, setGetRecurringRunErrMsg] = useState<string>(''); const [getExperimentErrMsg, setGetExperimentErrMsg] = useState<string>(''); // Related to Api Response const [experimentName, setExperimentName] = useState<string>(); const [experimentIdFromApi, setExperimentIdFromApi] = useState<string>(); const [recurringRunName, setRecurringRunName] = useState<string>(); const [recurringRunIdFromApi, setRecurringRunIdFromApi] = useState<string>(); const [recurringRunStatus, setRecurringRunStatus] = useState<V2beta1RecurringRunStatus>(); const recurringRunId = props.match.params[RouteParams.recurringRunId]; const Refresh = () => setRefresh(refreshed => !refreshed); const { data: recurringRun, error: getRecurringRunError, refetch: refetchRecurringRun, } = useQuery<V2beta1RecurringRun, Error>( ['recurringRun', recurringRunId], async () => { return await Apis.recurringRunServiceApi.getRecurringRun(recurringRunId); }, { enabled: !!recurringRunId, staleTime: 0, cacheTime: 0 }, ); const experimentId = recurringRun?.experiment_id!; const { data: experiment, error: getExperimentError } = useQuery<V2beta1Experiment, Error>( ['experiment'], async () => { return await Apis.experimentServiceApiV2.getExperiment(experimentId); }, { enabled: !!experimentId, staleTime: 0 }, ); useEffect(() => { if (recurringRun) { setRecurringRunName(recurringRun.display_name); setRecurringRunStatus(recurringRun.status); setRecurringRunIdFromApi(recurringRun.recurring_run_id); } }, [recurringRun]); useEffect(() => { if (experiment) { setExperimentName(experiment.display_name); setExperimentIdFromApi(experiment.experiment_id); } }, [experiment]); useEffect(() => { const toolbarState = getInitialToolbarState(); toolbarState.actions[ButtonKeys.ENABLE_RECURRING_RUN].disabled = recurringRunStatus === V2beta1RecurringRunStatus.ENABLED; toolbarState.actions[ButtonKeys.DISABLE_RECURRING_RUN].disabled = recurringRunStatus !== V2beta1RecurringRunStatus.ENABLED; toolbarState.pageTitle = recurringRunName || recurringRunIdFromApi || 'Unknown recurring run'; toolbarState.breadcrumbs = getBreadcrumbs(experimentIdFromApi, experimentName); updateToolbar(toolbarState); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [ recurringRunIdFromApi, recurringRunName, recurringRunStatus, experimentIdFromApi, experimentName, ]); useEffect(() => { if (getRecurringRunError) { (async () => { const errorMessage = await errorToMessage(getRecurringRunError); setGetRecurringRunErrMsg(errorMessage); })(); } // getExperimentError is from the getExperiment useQuery which is enabled by the // experiment ID in recurringRun object. => when getExperimentError changed, // getRecurringRun useQuery must be successful (getRecurringRunError is null) if (getExperimentError) { (async () => { const errorMessage = await errorToMessage(getExperimentError); setGetExperimentErrMsg(errorMessage); })(); } }, [getRecurringRunError, getExperimentError]); useEffect(() => { if (getRecurringRunErrMsg) { updateBanner({ additionalInfo: getRecurringRunErrMsg ? getRecurringRunErrMsg : undefined, message: `Error: failed to retrieve recurring run: ${recurringRunId}.` + (getRecurringRunErrMsg ? ' Click Details for more information.' : ''), mode: 'error', }); } if (getExperimentErrMsg) { updateBanner({ additionalInfo: getExperimentErrMsg ? getExperimentErrMsg : undefined, message: `Error: failed to retrieve this recurring run's experiment.` + (getExperimentErrMsg ? ' Click Details for more information.' : ''), mode: 'warning', }); } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [getRecurringRunErrMsg, getExperimentErrMsg]); useEffect(() => { refetchRecurringRun(); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [refresh]); const deleteCallback = (_: string[], success: boolean) => { if (success) { const breadcrumbs = props.toolbarProps.breadcrumbs; const previousPage = breadcrumbs.length ? breadcrumbs[breadcrumbs.length - 1].href : RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS; props.history.push(previousPage); } }; const getInitialToolbarState = (): ToolbarProps => { const buttons = new Buttons(props, Refresh); return { actions: buttons .cloneRecurringRun(() => (recurringRun ? [recurringRun.recurring_run_id!] : []), true) .refresh(Refresh) .enableRecurringRun(() => (recurringRun ? recurringRun.recurring_run_id! : '')) .disableRecurringRun(() => (recurringRun ? recurringRun.recurring_run_id! : '')) .delete( () => (recurringRun ? [recurringRun.recurring_run_id!] : []), 'recurring run config', deleteCallback, true /* useCurrentResource */, ) .getToolbarActionMap(), breadcrumbs: [], pageTitle: '', }; }; return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 'lr'))}> {recurringRun && ( <div className={commonCss.scrollContainer}> <div className={padding(20)}> <DetailsTable title='Recurring run details' fields={getRecurringRunDetails(recurringRun)} ></DetailsTable> <DetailsTable title='Run triggers' fields={getRunTriggers(recurringRun)}></DetailsTable> <DetailsTable title='Run parameters' fields={getRunParameters(recurringRun)} ></DetailsTable> </div> </div> )} </div> ); } function getBreadcrumbs(experimentId?: string, experimentName?: string): Breadcrumb[] { const breadcrumbs: Breadcrumb[] = []; if (experimentId) { breadcrumbs.push( { displayName: 'Experiments', href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS }, { displayName: experimentName || 'Unknown experiment name', href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENT_DETAILS.replace(':' + RouteParams.experimentId, experimentId), }, ); } else { breadcrumbs.push({ displayName: 'All runs', href: RoutePage.RUNS }); } return breadcrumbs; } function getRecurringRunDetails(recurringRun: V2beta1RecurringRun): Array<KeyValue<string>> { let details: Array<KeyValue<string>> = []; details.push(['Description', recurringRun.description!]); details.push(['Created at', formatDateString(recurringRun.created_at)]); return details; } function getRunTriggers(recurringRun: V2beta1RecurringRun): Array<KeyValue<string>> { let triggers: Array<KeyValue<string>> = []; triggers.push(['Enabled', enabledDisplayStringV2(recurringRun.trigger, recurringRun.status!)]); triggers.push(['Trigger', triggerDisplayString(recurringRun.trigger)]); triggers.push(['Max. concurrent runs', recurringRun.max_concurrency]); triggers.push(['Catchup', `${!recurringRun.no_catchup}`]); triggers.push(['Start time', '']); return triggers; } function getRunParameters(recurringRun: V2beta1RecurringRun): Array<KeyValue<string>> { let parameters: Array<KeyValue<string>> = []; parameters = Object.entries(recurringRun.runtime_config?.parameters || []).map(param => [ param[0] || '', param[1] || '', ]); return parameters; }
/* * Copyright 2023 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { render, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'; import * as React from 'react'; import fs from 'fs'; import * as JsYaml from 'js-yaml'; import { CommonTestWrapper } from 'src/TestWrapper'; import RecurringRunDetailsRouter from 'src/pages/RecurringRunDetailsRouter'; import TestUtils from 'src/TestUtils'; import { V2beta1RecurringRun, V2beta1RecurringRunStatus } from 'src/apisv2beta1/recurringrun'; import { V2beta1PipelineVersion } from 'src/apisv2beta1/pipeline'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { PageProps } from 'src/pages/Page'; import { RouteParams, RoutePage } from 'src/components/Router'; import * as features from 'src/features'; const V2_PIPELINESPEC_PATH = 'src/data/test/lightweight_python_functions_v2_pipeline_rev.yaml'; const v2YamlTemplateString = fs.readFileSync(V2_PIPELINESPEC_PATH, 'utf8'); describe('RecurringRunDetailsV2FC', () => { const updateBannerSpy = jest.fn(); const updateDialogSpy = jest.fn(); const updateSnackbarSpy = jest.fn(); const updateToolbarSpy = jest.fn(); const historyPushSpy = jest.fn(); const historyReplaceSpy = jest.fn(); const getRecurringRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi, 'getRecurringRun'); const deleteRecurringRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi, 'deleteRecurringRun'); const enableRecurringRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi, 'enableRecurringRun'); const disableRecurringRunSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.recurringRunServiceApi, 'disableRecurringRun'); const getExperimentSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.experimentServiceApiV2, 'getExperiment'); const getPipelineVersionSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2, 'getPipelineVersion'); let fullTestV2RecurringRun: V2beta1RecurringRun = {}; let testPipelineVersion: V2beta1PipelineVersion = {}; function generateProps(): PageProps { return { history: { push: historyPushSpy, replace: historyReplaceSpy } as any, location: '' as any, match: { params: { [RouteParams.recurringRunId]: fullTestV2RecurringRun.recurring_run_id }, isExact: true, path: '', url: '', }, toolbarProps: { actions: {}, breadcrumbs: [], pageTitle: '' }, updateBanner: updateBannerSpy, updateDialog: updateDialogSpy, updateSnackbar: updateSnackbarSpy, updateToolbar: updateToolbarSpy, }; } beforeEach(() => { fullTestV2RecurringRun = { created_at: new Date(2018, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2), description: 'test recurring run description', display_name: 'test recurring run', max_concurrency: '50', no_catchup: true, pipeline_version_reference: { pipeline_id: 'test-pipeline-id', pipeline_version_id: 'test-pipeline-version-id', }, recurring_run_id: 'test-recurring-run-id', runtime_config: { parameters: { param1: 'value1' } }, status: V2beta1RecurringRunStatus.ENABLED, trigger: { periodic_schedule: { end_time: new Date(2018, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6), interval_second: '3600', start_time: new Date(2018, 9, 8, 7, 6), }, }, } as V2beta1RecurringRun; testPipelineVersion = { display_name: 'test_pipeline_version', pipeline_id: 'test_pipeline_id', pipeline_version_id: 'test_pipeline_version_id', pipeline_spec: JsYaml.safeLoad(v2YamlTemplateString), }; jest.clearAllMocks(); // mock both v2_alpha and functional feature keys are enable. jest.spyOn(features, 'isFeatureEnabled').mockReturnValue(true); getRecurringRunSpy.mockImplementation(() => fullTestV2RecurringRun); getPipelineVersionSpy.mockImplementation(() => testPipelineVersion); deleteRecurringRunSpy.mockImplementation(); enableRecurringRunSpy.mockImplementation(); disableRecurringRunSpy.mockImplementation(); getExperimentSpy.mockImplementation(); }); it('renders a recurring run with periodic schedule', async () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RecurringRunDetailsRouter {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(getRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(getPipelineVersionSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); screen.getByText('Enabled'); screen.getByText('Yes'); screen.getByText('Trigger'); screen.getByText('Every 1 hours'); screen.getByText('Max. concurrent runs'); screen.getByText('50'); screen.getByText('Catchup'); screen.getByText('false'); screen.getByText('param1'); screen.getByText('value1'); }); it('renders a recurring run with cron schedule', async () => { const cronTestRecurringRun = { ...fullTestV2RecurringRun, no_catchup: undefined, // in api requests, it's undefined when false trigger: { cron_schedule: { cron: '* * * 0 0 !', end_time: new Date(2018, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6), start_time: new Date(2018, 9, 8, 7, 6), }, }, }; getRecurringRunSpy.mockImplementation(() => cronTestRecurringRun); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RecurringRunDetailsRouter {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(getRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); screen.getByText('Enabled'); screen.getByText('Yes'); screen.getByText('Trigger'); screen.getByText('* * * 0 0 !'); screen.getByText('Max. concurrent runs'); screen.getByText('50'); screen.getByText('Catchup'); screen.getByText('true'); }); it('loads the recurring run given its id in query params', async () => { // The run id is in the router match object, defined inside generateProps render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RecurringRunDetailsRouter {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(getRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); expect(getRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(fullTestV2RecurringRun.recurring_run_id); expect(getExperimentSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('shows All runs -> run name when there is no experiment', async () => { // The run id is in the router match object, defined inside generateProps render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RecurringRunDetailsRouter {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(getRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ breadcrumbs: [{ displayName: 'All runs', href: RoutePage.RUNS }], pageTitle: fullTestV2RecurringRun.display_name, }), ); }); it('loads the recurring run and its experiment if it has one', async () => { fullTestV2RecurringRun.experiment_id = 'test-experiment-id'; render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RecurringRunDetailsRouter {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(getRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); expect(getRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(fullTestV2RecurringRun.recurring_run_id); expect(getExperimentSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('test-experiment-id'); }); it('shows Experiments -> Experiment name -> run name when there is an experiment', async () => { fullTestV2RecurringRun.experiment_id = 'test-experiment-id'; getExperimentSpy.mockImplementation(id => ({ experiment_id: id, display_name: 'test experiment name', })); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RecurringRunDetailsRouter {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(getRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(getExperimentSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ breadcrumbs: [ { displayName: 'Experiments', href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS }, { displayName: 'test experiment name', href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENT_DETAILS.replace( ':' + RouteParams.experimentId, 'test-experiment-id', ), }, ], pageTitle: fullTestV2RecurringRun.display_name, }), ); }); it('shows error banner if run cannot be fetched', async () => { TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(getRecurringRunSpy, 'woops!'); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RecurringRunDetailsRouter {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(getRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ additionalInfo: 'woops!', message: `Error: failed to retrieve recurring run: ${fullTestV2RecurringRun.recurring_run_id}. Click Details for more information.`, mode: 'error', }), ); }); it('shows warning banner if has experiment but experiment cannot be fetched. still loads run', async () => { fullTestV2RecurringRun.experiment_id = 'test-experiment-id'; TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(getExperimentSpy, 'woops!'); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RecurringRunDetailsRouter {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(getRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); expect(updateBannerSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ additionalInfo: 'woops!', message: `Error: failed to retrieve this recurring run's experiment. Click Details for more information.`, mode: 'warning', }), ); // "Still loads run" means that the details are still rendered successfully. screen.getByText('Enabled'); screen.getByText('Yes'); screen.getByText('Trigger'); screen.getByText('Every 1 hours'); screen.getByText('Max. concurrent runs'); screen.getByText('50'); screen.getByText('Catchup'); screen.getByText('false'); screen.getByText('param1'); screen.getByText('value1'); }); it('shows top bar buttons', async () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RecurringRunDetailsRouter {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(getRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ actions: expect.objectContaining({ cloneRecurringRun: expect.objectContaining({ title: 'Clone recurring run' }), refresh: expect.objectContaining({ title: 'Refresh' }), enableRecurringRun: expect.objectContaining({ title: 'Enable', disabled: true }), disableRecurringRun: expect.objectContaining({ title: 'Disable', disabled: false }), deleteRun: expect.objectContaining({ title: 'Delete' }), }), }), ); }); }); it('enables Enable buttons if the run is disabled', async () => { fullTestV2RecurringRun.status = V2beta1RecurringRunStatus.DISABLED; render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RecurringRunDetailsRouter {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(getRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ actions: expect.objectContaining({ cloneRecurringRun: expect.objectContaining({ title: 'Clone recurring run' }), refresh: expect.objectContaining({ title: 'Refresh' }), enableRecurringRun: expect.objectContaining({ title: 'Enable', disabled: false }), disableRecurringRun: expect.objectContaining({ title: 'Disable', disabled: true }), deleteRun: expect.objectContaining({ title: 'Delete' }), }), }), ); }); }); it('shows enables Enable buttons if the run is undefined', async () => { fullTestV2RecurringRun.status = undefined; render( <CommonTestWrapper> <RecurringRunDetailsRouter {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); await waitFor(() => { expect(getRecurringRunSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ actions: expect.objectContaining({ cloneRecurringRun: expect.objectContaining({ title: 'Clone recurring run' }), refresh: expect.objectContaining({ title: 'Refresh' }), enableRecurringRun: expect.objectContaining({ title: 'Enable', disabled: false }), disableRecurringRun: expect.objectContaining({ title: 'Disable', disabled: true }), deleteRun: expect.objectContaining({ title: 'Delete' }), }), }), ); }); }); });
/* * Copyright 2023 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button'; import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { useMutation, useQuery } from 'react-query'; import { commonCss, fontsize, padding } from 'src/Css'; import { V2beta1Experiment } from 'src/apisv2beta1/experiment'; import { V2beta1PipelineVersion } from 'src/apisv2beta1/pipeline'; import BusyButton from 'src/atoms/BusyButton'; import Input from 'src/atoms/Input'; import { QUERY_PARAMS, RoutePage } from 'src/components/Router'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { URLParser } from 'src/lib/URLParser'; import { errorToMessage } from 'src/lib/Utils'; import { getLatestVersion } from 'src/pages/NewRunV2'; import { PageProps } from 'src/pages/Page'; import { classes, stylesheet } from 'typestyle'; const css = stylesheet({ errorMessage: { color: 'red', }, // TODO: move to Css.tsx and probably rename. explanation: { fontSize: fontsize.small, }, }); interface ExperimentProps { namespace?: string; } type NewExperimentFCProps = ExperimentProps & PageProps; export function NewExperimentFC(props: NewExperimentFCProps) { const urlParser = new URLParser(props); const { namespace, updateDialog, updateSnackbar, updateToolbar } = props; const [description, setDescription] = useState<string>(''); const [experimentName, setExperimentName] = useState<string>(''); const [isbeingCreated, setIsBeingCreated] = useState<boolean>(false); const [experimentResponse, setExperimentResponse] = useState<V2beta1Experiment>(); const [errMsgFromApi, setErrMsgFromApi] = useState<string>(); const pipelineId = urlParser.get(QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineId); const { data: latestVersion } = useQuery<V2beta1PipelineVersion | undefined, Error>( ['pipeline_versions', pipelineId], () => getLatestVersion(pipelineId!), { enabled: !!pipelineId }, ); useEffect(() => { updateToolbar({ actions: {}, breadcrumbs: [{ displayName: 'Experiments', href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS }], pageTitle: 'New experiment', }); // Initialize toolbar only once during the first render. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); // Handle the redirection work when createExperiment is succeed useEffect(() => { if (experimentResponse) { const searchString = pipelineId ? new URLParser(props).build({ [QUERY_PARAMS.experimentId]: experimentResponse.experiment_id || '', [QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineId]: pipelineId, [QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineVersionId]: latestVersion?.pipeline_version_id || '', [QUERY_PARAMS.firstRunInExperiment]: '1', }) : new URLParser(props).build({ [QUERY_PARAMS.experimentId]: experimentResponse.experiment_id || '', [QUERY_PARAMS.firstRunInExperiment]: '1', }); props.history.push(RoutePage.NEW_RUN + searchString); updateSnackbar({ autoHideDuration: 10000, message: `Successfully created new Experiment: ${experimentResponse.display_name}`, open: true, }); } // Only trigger this effect when search string parameters change. // Do not rerun this effect if updateSnackbar callback has changes to avoid re-rendering. // Do not rerun this effect if pipelineId has changes to avoid re-rendering. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [experimentResponse, latestVersion]); useEffect(() => { if (errMsgFromApi) { updateDialog({ buttons: [{ text: 'Dismiss' }], onClose: () => setIsBeingCreated(false), content: errMsgFromApi, title: 'Experiment creation failed', }); } // Do not rerun this effect if updateDialog callback has changes to avoid re-rendering. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [errMsgFromApi, updateDialog]); const newExperimentMutation = useMutation((experiment: V2beta1Experiment) => { return Apis.experimentServiceApiV2.createExperiment(experiment); }); const createExperiment = () => { let newExperiment: V2beta1Experiment = { display_name: experimentName, description: description, namespace: namespace, }; setIsBeingCreated(true); newExperimentMutation.mutate(newExperiment, { onSuccess: response => { setExperimentResponse(response); setErrMsgFromApi(undefined); }, onError: async err => { setErrMsgFromApi(await errorToMessage(err)); }, }); }; return ( <div className={classes(, padding(20, 'lr'))}> <div className={classes(commonCss.scrollContainer, padding(20, 'lr'))}> <div className={commonCss.header}>Experiment details</div> <div className={css.explanation}> Think of an Experiment as a space that contains the history of all pipelines and their associated runs </div> <Input id='experimentName' label='Experiment name' required={true} onChange={event => setExperimentName(} value={experimentName} autoFocus={true} variant='outlined' /> <Input id='experimentDescription' label='Description' multiline={true} onChange={event => setDescription(} required={false} value={description} variant='outlined' /> <div className={commonCss.flex}> <BusyButton id='createExperimentBtn' disabled={!experimentName} busy={isbeingCreated} className={commonCss.buttonAction} title={'Next'} onClick={createExperiment} /> <Button id='cancelNewExperimentBtn' onClick={() => props.history.push(RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS)} > Cancel </Button> <div className={css.errorMessage}> {experimentName ? '' : 'Experiment name is required'} </div> </div> </div> </div> ); }
/* * Copyright 2023 The Kubeflow Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { fireEvent, render, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'; import * as React from 'react'; import { CommonTestWrapper } from 'src/TestWrapper'; import TestUtils from 'src/TestUtils'; import { NewExperimentFC } from './NewExperimentFC'; import { Apis } from 'src/lib/Apis'; import { PageProps } from 'src/pages/Page'; import * as features from 'src/features'; import { RoutePage, QUERY_PARAMS } from 'src/components/Router'; describe('NewExperiment', () => { const TEST_EXPERIMENT_ID = 'new-experiment-id'; const createExperimentSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.experimentServiceApiV2, 'createExperiment'); const historyPushSpy = jest.fn(); const updateDialogSpy = jest.fn(); const updateSnackbarSpy = jest.fn(); const updateToolbarSpy = jest.fn(); function generateProps(): PageProps { return { history: { push: historyPushSpy } as any, location: { pathname: RoutePage.NEW_EXPERIMENT } as any, match: '' as any, toolbarProps: { actions: {}, breadcrumbs: [], pageTitle: TEST_EXPERIMENT_ID }, updateBanner: () => null, updateDialog: updateDialogSpy, updateSnackbar: updateSnackbarSpy, updateToolbar: updateToolbarSpy, }; } beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); // mock both v2_alpha and functional feature keys are enable. jest.spyOn(features, 'isFeatureEnabled').mockReturnValue(true); createExperimentSpy.mockImplementation(() => ({ experiment_id: 'new-experiment-id', display_name: 'new-experiment-name', })); }); it('does not include any action buttons in the toolbar', () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <NewExperimentFC {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); expect(updateToolbarSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ actions: {}, breadcrumbs: [{ displayName: 'Experiments', href: RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS }], pageTitle: 'New experiment', }); }); it("enables the 'Next' button when an experiment name is entered", () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <NewExperimentFC {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); const experimentNameInput = screen.getByLabelText(/Experiment name/); fireEvent.change(experimentNameInput, { target: { value: 'new-experiment-name' } }); const nextButton = screen.getByText('Next'); expect(nextButton.closest('button')?.disabled).toEqual(false); }); it("re-disables the 'Next' button when an experiment name is cleared after having been entered", () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <NewExperimentFC {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); const experimentNameInput = screen.getByLabelText(/Experiment name/); fireEvent.change(experimentNameInput, { target: { value: 'new-experiment-name' } }); const nextButton = screen.getByText('Next'); expect(nextButton.closest('button')?.disabled).toEqual(false); // Remove experiment name fireEvent.change(experimentNameInput, { target: { value: '' } }); expect(nextButton.closest('button')?.disabled).toEqual(true); }); it('updates the experiment name', () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <NewExperimentFC {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); const experimentNameInput = screen.getByLabelText(/Experiment name/); fireEvent.change(experimentNameInput, { target: { value: 'new-experiment-name' } }); expect(experimentNameInput.closest('input')?.value).toBe('new-experiment-name'); }); it('create new experiment', async () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <NewExperimentFC {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); const experimentNameInput = screen.getByLabelText(/Experiment name/); fireEvent.change(experimentNameInput, { target: { value: 'new-experiment-name' } }); const experimentDescriptionInput = screen.getByLabelText('Description'); fireEvent.change(experimentDescriptionInput, { target: { value: 'new-experiment-description' }, }); const nextButton = screen.getByText('Next'); expect(nextButton.closest('button')?.disabled).toEqual(false);; await waitFor(() => { expect(createExperimentSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ description: 'new-experiment-description', display_name: 'new-experiment-name', }), ); }); }); it('create new experiment with namespace provided', async () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <NewExperimentFC {...generateProps()} namespace='test-ns' /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); const experimentNameInput = screen.getByLabelText(/Experiment name/); fireEvent.change(experimentNameInput, { target: { value: 'new-experiment-name' } }); const nextButton = screen.getByText('Next'); expect(nextButton.closest('button')?.disabled).toEqual(false);; await waitFor(() => { expect(createExperimentSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ description: '', display_name: 'new-experiment-name', namespace: 'test-ns', }), ); }); }); it('navigates to NewRun page upon successful creation', async () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <NewExperimentFC {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); const experimentNameInput = screen.getByLabelText(/Experiment name/); fireEvent.change(experimentNameInput, { target: { value: 'new-experiment-name' } }); const nextButton = screen.getByText('Next'); expect(nextButton.closest('button')?.disabled).toEqual(false);; await waitFor(() => { expect(createExperimentSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ description: '', display_name: 'new-experiment-name', }), ); }); expect(historyPushSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( RoutePage.NEW_RUN + `?experimentId=${TEST_EXPERIMENT_ID}` + `&firstRunInExperiment=1`, ); }); it('includes pipeline ID and version ID in NewRun page query params if present', async () => { const pipelineId = 'some-pipeline-id'; const pipelineVersionId = 'version-id'; const listPipelineVersionsSpy = jest.spyOn(Apis.pipelineServiceApiV2, 'listPipelineVersions'); listPipelineVersionsSpy.mockImplementation(() => ({ pipeline_versions: [{ pipeline_version_id: pipelineVersionId }], })); const props = generateProps(); = `?${QUERY_PARAMS.pipelineId}=${pipelineId}`; render( <CommonTestWrapper> <NewExperimentFC {...props} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); const experimentNameInput = screen.getByLabelText(/Experiment name/); fireEvent.change(experimentNameInput, { target: { value: 'new-experiment-name' } }); const nextButton = screen.getByText('Next'); expect(nextButton.closest('button')?.disabled).toEqual(false);; await waitFor(() => { expect(createExperimentSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ description: '', display_name: 'new-experiment-name', }), ); }); expect(historyPushSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( RoutePage.NEW_RUN + `?experimentId=${TEST_EXPERIMENT_ID}` + `&pipelineId=${pipelineId}` + `&pipelineVersionId=${pipelineVersionId}` + `&firstRunInExperiment=1`, ); }); it('shows snackbar confirmation after experiment is created', async () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <NewExperimentFC {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); const experimentNameInput = screen.getByLabelText(/Experiment name/); fireEvent.change(experimentNameInput, { target: { value: 'new-experiment-name' } }); const nextButton = screen.getByText('Next'); expect(nextButton.closest('button')?.disabled).toEqual(false);; await waitFor(() => { expect(createExperimentSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ description: '', display_name: 'new-experiment-name', }), ); }); expect(updateSnackbarSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({ autoHideDuration: 10000, message: 'Successfully created new Experiment: new-experiment-name', open: true, }); }); it('shows error dialog when experiment creation fails', async () => { TestUtils.makeErrorResponseOnce(createExperimentSpy, 'There was something wrong!'); render( <CommonTestWrapper> <NewExperimentFC {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); const experimentNameInput = screen.getByLabelText(/Experiment name/); fireEvent.change(experimentNameInput, { target: { value: 'new-experiment-name' } }); const nextButton = screen.getByText('Next'); expect(nextButton.closest('button')?.disabled).toEqual(false);; await waitFor(() => { expect(createExperimentSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); expect(updateDialogSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ content: 'There was something wrong!', title: 'Experiment creation failed', }), ); }); it('navigates to experiment list page upon cancellation', () => { render( <CommonTestWrapper> <NewExperimentFC {...generateProps()} /> </CommonTestWrapper>, ); const cancelButton = screen.getByText('Cancel');; expect(historyPushSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(RoutePage.EXPERIMENTS); }); });
/// <reference path="./custom.d.ts" /> // tslint:disable /** * backend/api/v2beta1/run.proto * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen * * OpenAPI spec version: version not set * * * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. * * Do not edit the class manually. */ import * as url from 'url'; import * as portableFetch from 'portable-fetch'; import { Configuration } from './configuration'; const BASE_PATH = 'http://localhost'.replace(/\/+$/, ''); /** * * @export */ export const COLLECTION_FORMATS = { csv: ',', ssv: ' ', tsv: '\t', pipes: '|', }; /** * * @export * @interface FetchAPI */ export interface FetchAPI { (url: string, init?: any): Promise<Response>; } /** * * @export * @interface FetchArgs */ export interface FetchArgs { url: string; options: any; } /** * * @export * @class BaseAPI */ export class BaseAPI { protected configuration: Configuration; constructor( configuration?: Configuration, protected basePath: string = BASE_PATH, protected fetch: FetchAPI = portableFetch, ) { if (configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; this.basePath = configuration.basePath || this.basePath; } } } /** * * @export * @class RequiredError * @extends {Error} */ export class RequiredError extends Error { name: 'RequiredError'; constructor(public field: string, msg?: string) { super(msg); } } /** * The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( * @export * @interface GooglerpcStatus */ export interface GooglerpcStatus { /** * The status code, which should be an enum value of [google.rpc.Code][google.rpc.Code]. * @type {number} * @memberof GooglerpcStatus */ code?: number; /** * A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the [google.rpc.Status.details][google.rpc.Status.details] field, or localized by the client. * @type {string} * @memberof GooglerpcStatus */ message?: string; /** * A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use. * @type {Array<ProtobufAny>} * @memberof GooglerpcStatus */ details?: Array<ProtobufAny>; } /** * A dependent task that requires this one to succeed. Represented by either task_id or pod_name. * @export * @interface PipelineTaskDetailChildTask */ export interface PipelineTaskDetailChildTask { /** * System-generated ID of a task. * @type {string} * @memberof PipelineTaskDetailChildTask */ task_id?: string; /** * Name of the corresponding pod assigned by the orchestration engine. Also known as node_id. * @type {string} * @memberof PipelineTaskDetailChildTask */ pod_name?: string; } /** * `Any` contains an arbitrary serialized protocol buffer message along with a URL that describes the type of the serialized message. Protobuf library provides support to pack/unpack Any values in the form of utility functions or additional generated methods of the Any type. Example 1: Pack and unpack a message in C++. Foo foo = ...; Any any; any.PackFrom(foo); ... if (any.UnpackTo(&foo)) { ... } Example 2: Pack and unpack a message in Java. Foo foo = ...; Any any = Any.pack(foo); ... if ( { foo = any.unpack(Foo.class); } Example 3: Pack and unpack a message in Python. foo = Foo(...) any = Any() any.Pack(foo) ... if any.Is(Foo.DESCRIPTOR): any.Unpack(foo) ... Example 4: Pack and unpack a message in Go foo := &pb.Foo{...} any, err := anypb.New(foo) if err != nil { ... } ... foo := &pb.Foo{} if err := any.UnmarshalTo(foo); err != nil { ... } The pack methods provided by protobuf library will by default use '' as the type URL and the unpack methods only use the fully qualified type name after the last '/' in the type URL, for example \"\" will yield type name \"y.z\". JSON ==== The JSON representation of an `Any` value uses the regular representation of the deserialized, embedded message, with an additional field `@type` which contains the type URL. Example: package google.profile; message Person { string first_name = 1; string last_name = 2; } { \"@type\": \"\", \"firstName\": <string>, \"lastName\": <string> } If the embedded message type is well-known and has a custom JSON representation, that representation will be embedded adding a field `value` which holds the custom JSON in addition to the `@type` field. Example (for message [google.protobuf.Duration][]): { \"@type\": \"\", \"value\": \"1.212s\" } * @export * @interface ProtobufAny */ export interface ProtobufAny { /** * A URL/resource name that uniquely identifies the type of the serialized protocol buffer message. This string must contain at least one \"/\" character. The last segment of the URL's path must represent the fully qualified name of the type (as in `path/google.protobuf.Duration`). The name should be in a canonical form (e.g., leading \".\" is not accepted). In practice, teams usually precompile into the binary all types that they expect it to use in the context of Any. However, for URLs which use the scheme `http`, `https`, or no scheme, one can optionally set up a type server that maps type URLs to message definitions as follows: * If no scheme is provided, `https` is assumed. * An HTTP GET on the URL must yield a [google.protobuf.Type][] value in binary format, or produce an error. * Applications are allowed to cache lookup results based on the URL, or have them precompiled into a binary to avoid any lookup. Therefore, binary compatibility needs to be preserved on changes to types. (Use versioned type names to manage breaking changes.) Note: this functionality is not currently available in the official protobuf release, and it is not used for type URLs beginning with Schemes other than `http`, `https` (or the empty scheme) might be used with implementation specific semantics. * @type {string} * @memberof ProtobufAny */ type_url?: string; /** * Must be a valid serialized protocol buffer of the above specified type. * @type {string} * @memberof ProtobufAny */ value?: string; } /** * `NullValue` is a singleton enumeration to represent the null value for the `Value` type union. The JSON representation for `NullValue` is JSON `null`. - NULL_VALUE: Null value. * @export * @enum {string} */ export enum ProtobufNullValue { NULLVALUE = <any>'NULL_VALUE', } /** * A list of artifact metadata. * @export * @interface V2beta1ArtifactList */ export interface V2beta1ArtifactList { /** * A list of artifact metadata ids. * @type {Array<string>} * @memberof V2beta1ArtifactList */ artifact_ids?: Array<string>; } /** * * @export * @interface V2beta1ListRunsResponse */ export interface V2beta1ListRunsResponse { /** * List of retrieved runs. * @type {Array<V2beta1Run>} * @memberof V2beta1ListRunsResponse */ runs?: Array<V2beta1Run>; /** * The total number of runs for the given query. * @type {number} * @memberof V2beta1ListRunsResponse */ total_size?: number; /** * The token to list the next page of runs. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1ListRunsResponse */ next_page_token?: string; } /** * Runtime information of a task execution. * @export * @interface V2beta1PipelineTaskDetail */ export interface V2beta1PipelineTaskDetail { /** * ID of the parent run. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineTaskDetail */ run_id?: string; /** * System-generated ID of a task. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineTaskDetail */ task_id?: string; /** * User specified name of a task that is defined in [Pipeline.spec][]. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineTaskDetail */ display_name?: string; /** * Creation time of a task. * @type {Date} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineTaskDetail */ create_time?: Date; /** * Starting time of a task. * @type {Date} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineTaskDetail */ start_time?: Date; /** * Completion time of a task. * @type {Date} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineTaskDetail */ end_time?: Date; /** * Execution information of a task. * @type {V2beta1PipelineTaskExecutorDetail} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineTaskDetail */ executor_detail?: V2beta1PipelineTaskExecutorDetail; /** * Runtime state of a task. * @type {V2beta1RuntimeState} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineTaskDetail */ state?: V2beta1RuntimeState; /** * Execution id of the corresponding entry in ML metadata store. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineTaskDetail */ execution_id?: string; /** * The error that occurred during task execution. Only populated when the task is in FAILED or CANCELED state. * @type {GooglerpcStatus} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineTaskDetail */ error?: GooglerpcStatus; /** * Input artifacts of the task. * @type {{ [key: string]: V2beta1ArtifactList; }} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineTaskDetail */ inputs?: { [key: string]: V2beta1ArtifactList }; /** * Output artifacts of the task. * @type {{ [key: string]: V2beta1ArtifactList; }} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineTaskDetail */ outputs?: { [key: string]: V2beta1ArtifactList }; /** * ID of the parent task if the task is within a component scope. Empty if the task is at the root level. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineTaskDetail */ parent_task_id?: string; /** * A sequence of task statuses. This field keeps a record of state transitions. * @type {Array<V2beta1RuntimeStatus>} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineTaskDetail */ state_history?: Array<V2beta1RuntimeStatus>; /** * Name of the corresponding pod assigned by the orchestration engine. Also known as node_id. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineTaskDetail */ pod_name?: string; /** * Sequence of dependen tasks. * @type {Array<PipelineTaskDetailChildTask>} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineTaskDetail */ child_tasks?: Array<PipelineTaskDetailChildTask>; } /** * Runtime information of a pipeline task executor. * @export * @interface V2beta1PipelineTaskExecutorDetail */ export interface V2beta1PipelineTaskExecutorDetail { /** * The name of the job for the main container execution. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineTaskExecutorDetail */ main_job?: string; /** * The name of the job for the pre-caching-check container execution. This job will be available if the Run.pipeline_spec specifies the `pre_caching_check` hook in the lifecycle events. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineTaskExecutorDetail */ pre_caching_check_job?: string; /** * The names of the previously failed job for the main container executions. The list includes the all attempts in chronological order. * @type {Array<string>} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineTaskExecutorDetail */ failed_main_jobs?: Array<string>; /** * The names of the previously failed job for the pre-caching-check container executions. This job will be available if the Run.pipeline_spec specifies the `pre_caching_check` hook in the lifecycle events. The list includes the all attempts in chronological order. * @type {Array<string>} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineTaskExecutorDetail */ failed_pre_caching_check_jobs?: Array<string>; } /** * Reference to an existing pipeline version. * @export * @interface V2beta1PipelineVersionReference */ export interface V2beta1PipelineVersionReference { /** * Input. Required. Unique ID of the parent pipeline. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineVersionReference */ pipeline_id?: string; /** * Input. Required. Unique ID of an existing pipeline version. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1PipelineVersionReference */ pipeline_version_id?: string; } /** * * @export * @interface V2beta1ReadArtifactResponse */ export interface V2beta1ReadArtifactResponse { /** * Byte array of the artifact content. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1ReadArtifactResponse */ data?: string; } /** * * @export * @interface V2beta1Run */ export interface V2beta1Run { /** * Input. ID of the parent experiment. The default experiment ID will be used if this is not specified. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1Run */ experiment_id?: string; /** * Output. Unique run ID. Generated by API server. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1Run */ run_id?: string; /** * Required input. Name provided by user, or auto generated if run is created by a recurring run. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1Run */ display_name?: string; /** * Output. Specifies whether this run is in archived or available mode. * @type {V2beta1RunStorageState} * @memberof V2beta1Run */ storage_state?: V2beta1RunStorageState; /** * Optional input. Short description of the run. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1Run */ description?: string; /** * ID of an existing pipeline version. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1Run */ pipeline_version_id?: string; /** * Pipeline spec. * @type {any} * @memberof V2beta1Run */ pipeline_spec?: any; /** * Reference to a pipeline version containing pipeline_id and pipeline_version_id. * @type {V2beta1PipelineVersionReference} * @memberof V2beta1Run */ pipeline_version_reference?: V2beta1PipelineVersionReference; /** * Required input. Runtime config of the run. * @type {V2beta1RuntimeConfig} * @memberof V2beta1Run */ runtime_config?: V2beta1RuntimeConfig; /** * Optional input. Specifies which kubernetes service account is used. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1Run */ service_account?: string; /** * Output. Creation time of the run. * @type {Date} * @memberof V2beta1Run */ created_at?: Date; /** * Output. When this run is scheduled to start. This could be different from created_at. For example, if a run is from a backfilling job that was supposed to run 2 month ago, the created_at will be 2 month behind scheduled_at. * @type {Date} * @memberof V2beta1Run */ scheduled_at?: Date; /** * Output. Completion of the run. * @type {Date} * @memberof V2beta1Run */ finished_at?: Date; /** * Output. Runtime state of a run. * @type {V2beta1RuntimeState} * @memberof V2beta1Run */ state?: V2beta1RuntimeState; /** * In case any error happens retrieving a run field, only run ID and the error message is returned. Client has the flexibility of choosing how to handle the error. This is especially useful during listing call. * @type {GooglerpcStatus} * @memberof V2beta1Run */ error?: GooglerpcStatus; /** * Output. Runtime details of a run. * @type {V2beta1RunDetails} * @memberof V2beta1Run */ run_details?: V2beta1RunDetails; /** * ID of the recurring run that triggered this run. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1Run */ recurring_run_id?: string; /** * Output. A sequence of run statuses. This field keeps a record of state transitions. * @type {Array<V2beta1RuntimeStatus>} * @memberof V2beta1Run */ state_history?: Array<V2beta1RuntimeStatus>; } /** * Runtime details of a run. * @export * @interface V2beta1RunDetails */ export interface V2beta1RunDetails { /** * Pipeline context ID of a run. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1RunDetails */ pipeline_context_id?: string; /** * Pipeline run context ID of a run. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1RunDetails */ pipeline_run_context_id?: string; /** * Runtime details of the tasks that belong to the run. * @type {Array<V2beta1PipelineTaskDetail>} * @memberof V2beta1RunDetails */ task_details?: Array<V2beta1PipelineTaskDetail>; } /** * Describes whether an entity is available or archived. - STORAGE_STATE_UNSPECIFIED: Default state. This state in not used - AVAILABLE: Entity is available. - ARCHIVED: Entity is archived. * @export * @enum {string} */ export enum V2beta1RunStorageState { STORAGESTATEUNSPECIFIED = <any>'STORAGE_STATE_UNSPECIFIED', AVAILABLE = <any>'AVAILABLE', ARCHIVED = <any>'ARCHIVED', } /** * The runtime config. * @export * @interface V2beta1RuntimeConfig */ export interface V2beta1RuntimeConfig { /** * The runtime parameters of the Pipeline. The parameters will be used to replace the placeholders at runtime. * @type {{ [key: string]: any; }} * @memberof V2beta1RuntimeConfig */ parameters?: { [key: string]: any }; /** * * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1RuntimeConfig */ pipeline_root?: string; } /** * Describes the runtime state of an entity. - RUNTIME_STATE_UNSPECIFIED: Default value. This value is not used. - PENDING: Service is preparing to execute an entity. - RUNNING: Entity execution is in progress. - SUCCEEDED: Entity completed successfully. - SKIPPED: Entity has been skipped. For example, due to caching. - FAILED: Entity execution has failed. - CANCELING: Entity is being canceled. From this state, an entity may only change its state to SUCCEEDED, FAILED or CANCELED. - CANCELED: Entity has been canceled. - PAUSED: Entity has been paused. It can be resumed. * @export * @enum {string} */ export enum V2beta1RuntimeState { RUNTIMESTATEUNSPECIFIED = <any>'RUNTIME_STATE_UNSPECIFIED', PENDING = <any>'PENDING', RUNNING = <any>'RUNNING', SUCCEEDED = <any>'SUCCEEDED', SKIPPED = <any>'SKIPPED', FAILED = <any>'FAILED', CANCELING = <any>'CANCELING', CANCELED = <any>'CANCELED', PAUSED = <any>'PAUSED', } /** * Timestamped representation of a runtime state with an optional error. * @export * @interface V2beta1RuntimeStatus */ export interface V2beta1RuntimeStatus { /** * Update time of this state. * @type {Date} * @memberof V2beta1RuntimeStatus */ update_time?: Date; /** * The state of a runtime instance. * @type {V2beta1RuntimeState} * @memberof V2beta1RuntimeStatus */ state?: V2beta1RuntimeState; /** * The error that occurred during the state. May be set when the state is any of the non-final states (PENDING/RUNNING/CANCELING) or FAILED state. If the state is FAILED, the error here is final and not going to be retried. If the state is a non-final state, the error indicates that a system-error being retried. * @type {GooglerpcStatus} * @memberof V2beta1RuntimeStatus */ error?: GooglerpcStatus; } /** * RunServiceApi - fetch parameter creator * @export */ export const RunServiceApiFetchParamCreator = function(configuration?: Configuration) { return { /** * * @summary Archives a run in an experiment given by run ID and experiment ID. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be archived. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ archiveRun(run_id: string, options: any = {}): FetchArgs { // verify required parameter 'run_id' is not null or undefined if (run_id === null || run_id === undefined) { throw new RequiredError( 'run_id', 'Required parameter run_id was null or undefined when calling archiveRun.', ); } const localVarPath = `/apis/v2beta1/runs/{run_id}:archive`.replace( `{${'run_id'}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(run_id)), ); const localVarUrlObj = url.parse(localVarPath, true); const localVarRequestOptions = Object.assign({ method: 'POST' }, options); const localVarHeaderParameter = {} as any; const localVarQueryParameter = {} as any; // authentication Bearer required if (configuration && configuration.apiKey) { const localVarApiKeyValue = typeof configuration.apiKey === 'function' ? configuration.apiKey('authorization') : configuration.apiKey; localVarHeaderParameter['authorization'] = localVarApiKeyValue; } localVarUrlObj.query = Object.assign( {}, localVarUrlObj.query, localVarQueryParameter, options.query, ); // fix override query string Detail: delete; localVarRequestOptions.headers = Object.assign({}, localVarHeaderParameter, options.headers); return { url: url.format(localVarUrlObj), options: localVarRequestOptions, }; }, /** * * @summary Creates a new run in an experiment specified by experiment ID. If experiment ID is not specified, the run is created in the default experiment. * @param {V2beta1Run} body Run to be created. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ createRun(body: V2beta1Run, options: any = {}): FetchArgs { // verify required parameter 'body' is not null or undefined if (body === null || body === undefined) { throw new RequiredError( 'body', 'Required parameter body was null or undefined when calling createRun.', ); } const localVarPath = `/apis/v2beta1/runs`; const localVarUrlObj = url.parse(localVarPath, true); const localVarRequestOptions = Object.assign({ method: 'POST' }, options); const localVarHeaderParameter = {} as any; const localVarQueryParameter = {} as any; // authentication Bearer required if (configuration && configuration.apiKey) { const localVarApiKeyValue = typeof configuration.apiKey === 'function' ? configuration.apiKey('authorization') : configuration.apiKey; localVarHeaderParameter['authorization'] = localVarApiKeyValue; } localVarHeaderParameter['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; localVarUrlObj.query = Object.assign( {}, localVarUrlObj.query, localVarQueryParameter, options.query, ); // fix override query string Detail: delete; localVarRequestOptions.headers = Object.assign({}, localVarHeaderParameter, options.headers); const needsSerialization = <any>'V2beta1Run' !== 'string' || localVarRequestOptions.headers['Content-Type'] === 'application/json'; localVarRequestOptions.body = needsSerialization ? JSON.stringify(body || {}) : body || ''; return { url: url.format(localVarUrlObj), options: localVarRequestOptions, }; }, /** * * @summary Deletes a run in an experiment given by run ID and experiment ID. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be deleted. * @param {string} [experiment_id] The ID of the parent experiment. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ deleteRun(run_id: string, experiment_id?: string, options: any = {}): FetchArgs { // verify required parameter 'run_id' is not null or undefined if (run_id === null || run_id === undefined) { throw new RequiredError( 'run_id', 'Required parameter run_id was null or undefined when calling deleteRun.', ); } const localVarPath = `/apis/v2beta1/runs/{run_id}`.replace( `{${'run_id'}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(run_id)), ); const localVarUrlObj = url.parse(localVarPath, true); const localVarRequestOptions = Object.assign({ method: 'DELETE' }, options); const localVarHeaderParameter = {} as any; const localVarQueryParameter = {} as any; // authentication Bearer required if (configuration && configuration.apiKey) { const localVarApiKeyValue = typeof configuration.apiKey === 'function' ? configuration.apiKey('authorization') : configuration.apiKey; localVarHeaderParameter['authorization'] = localVarApiKeyValue; } if (experiment_id !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameter['experiment_id'] = experiment_id; } localVarUrlObj.query = Object.assign( {}, localVarUrlObj.query, localVarQueryParameter, options.query, ); // fix override query string Detail: delete; localVarRequestOptions.headers = Object.assign({}, localVarHeaderParameter, options.headers); return { url: url.format(localVarUrlObj), options: localVarRequestOptions, }; }, /** * * @summary Finds a specific run by ID. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be retrieved. * @param {string} [experiment_id] The ID of the parent experiment. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ getRun(run_id: string, experiment_id?: string, options: any = {}): FetchArgs { // verify required parameter 'run_id' is not null or undefined if (run_id === null || run_id === undefined) { throw new RequiredError( 'run_id', 'Required parameter run_id was null or undefined when calling getRun.', ); } const localVarPath = `/apis/v2beta1/runs/{run_id}`.replace( `{${'run_id'}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(run_id)), ); const localVarUrlObj = url.parse(localVarPath, true); const localVarRequestOptions = Object.assign({ method: 'GET' }, options); const localVarHeaderParameter = {} as any; const localVarQueryParameter = {} as any; // authentication Bearer required if (configuration && configuration.apiKey) { const localVarApiKeyValue = typeof configuration.apiKey === 'function' ? configuration.apiKey('authorization') : configuration.apiKey; localVarHeaderParameter['authorization'] = localVarApiKeyValue; } if (experiment_id !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameter['experiment_id'] = experiment_id; } localVarUrlObj.query = Object.assign( {}, localVarUrlObj.query, localVarQueryParameter, options.query, ); // fix override query string Detail: delete; localVarRequestOptions.headers = Object.assign({}, localVarHeaderParameter, options.headers); return { url: url.format(localVarUrlObj), options: localVarRequestOptions, }; }, /** * * @summary Finds all runs in an experiment given by experiment ID. If experiment id is not specified, finds all runs across all experiments. * @param {string} [namespace] Optional input field. Filters based on the namespace. * @param {string} [experiment_id] The ID of the parent experiment. If empty, response includes runs across all experiments. * @param {string} [page_token] A page token to request the next page of results. The token is acquired from the nextPageToken field of the response from the previous ListRuns call or can be omitted when fetching the first page. * @param {number} [page_size] The number of runs to be listed per page. If there are more runs than this number, the response message will contain a nextPageToken field you can use to fetch the next page. * @param {string} [sort_by] Can be format of \&quot;field_name\&quot;, \&quot;field_name asc\&quot; or \&quot;field_name desc\&quot; (Example, \&quot;name asc\&quot; or \&quot;id desc\&quot;). Ascending by default. * @param {string} [filter] A url-encoded, JSON-serialized Filter protocol buffer (see [filter.proto]( * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ listRuns( namespace?: string, experiment_id?: string, page_token?: string, page_size?: number, sort_by?: string, filter?: string, options: any = {}, ): FetchArgs { const localVarPath = `/apis/v2beta1/runs`; const localVarUrlObj = url.parse(localVarPath, true); const localVarRequestOptions = Object.assign({ method: 'GET' }, options); const localVarHeaderParameter = {} as any; const localVarQueryParameter = {} as any; // authentication Bearer required if (configuration && configuration.apiKey) { const localVarApiKeyValue = typeof configuration.apiKey === 'function' ? configuration.apiKey('authorization') : configuration.apiKey; localVarHeaderParameter['authorization'] = localVarApiKeyValue; } if (namespace !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameter['namespace'] = namespace; } if (experiment_id !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameter['experiment_id'] = experiment_id; } if (page_token !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameter['page_token'] = page_token; } if (page_size !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameter['page_size'] = page_size; } if (sort_by !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameter['sort_by'] = sort_by; } if (filter !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameter['filter'] = filter; } localVarUrlObj.query = Object.assign( {}, localVarUrlObj.query, localVarQueryParameter, options.query, ); // fix override query string Detail: delete; localVarRequestOptions.headers = Object.assign({}, localVarHeaderParameter, options.headers); return { url: url.format(localVarUrlObj), options: localVarRequestOptions, }; }, /** * * @summary Finds artifact data in a run. * @param {string} run_id ID of the run. * @param {string} node_id ID of the running node. * @param {string} artifact_name Name of the artifact. * @param {string} [experiment_id] The ID of the parent experiment. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ readArtifact( run_id: string, node_id: string, artifact_name: string, experiment_id?: string, options: any = {}, ): FetchArgs { // verify required parameter 'run_id' is not null or undefined if (run_id === null || run_id === undefined) { throw new RequiredError( 'run_id', 'Required parameter run_id was null or undefined when calling readArtifact.', ); } // verify required parameter 'node_id' is not null or undefined if (node_id === null || node_id === undefined) { throw new RequiredError( 'node_id', 'Required parameter node_id was null or undefined when calling readArtifact.', ); } // verify required parameter 'artifact_name' is not null or undefined if (artifact_name === null || artifact_name === undefined) { throw new RequiredError( 'artifact_name', 'Required parameter artifact_name was null or undefined when calling readArtifact.', ); } const localVarPath = `/apis/v2beta1/runs/{run_id}/nodes/{node_id}/artifacts/{artifact_name}:read` .replace(`{${'run_id'}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(run_id))) .replace(`{${'node_id'}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(node_id))) .replace(`{${'artifact_name'}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(artifact_name))); const localVarUrlObj = url.parse(localVarPath, true); const localVarRequestOptions = Object.assign({ method: 'GET' }, options); const localVarHeaderParameter = {} as any; const localVarQueryParameter = {} as any; // authentication Bearer required if (configuration && configuration.apiKey) { const localVarApiKeyValue = typeof configuration.apiKey === 'function' ? configuration.apiKey('authorization') : configuration.apiKey; localVarHeaderParameter['authorization'] = localVarApiKeyValue; } if (experiment_id !== undefined) { localVarQueryParameter['experiment_id'] = experiment_id; } localVarUrlObj.query = Object.assign( {}, localVarUrlObj.query, localVarQueryParameter, options.query, ); // fix override query string Detail: delete; localVarRequestOptions.headers = Object.assign({}, localVarHeaderParameter, options.headers); return { url: url.format(localVarUrlObj), options: localVarRequestOptions, }; }, /** * * @summary Re-initiates a failed or terminated run. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be retried. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ retryRun(run_id: string, options: any = {}): FetchArgs { // verify required parameter 'run_id' is not null or undefined if (run_id === null || run_id === undefined) { throw new RequiredError( 'run_id', 'Required parameter run_id was null or undefined when calling retryRun.', ); } const localVarPath = `/apis/v2beta1/runs/{run_id}:retry`.replace( `{${'run_id'}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(run_id)), ); const localVarUrlObj = url.parse(localVarPath, true); const localVarRequestOptions = Object.assign({ method: 'POST' }, options); const localVarHeaderParameter = {} as any; const localVarQueryParameter = {} as any; // authentication Bearer required if (configuration && configuration.apiKey) { const localVarApiKeyValue = typeof configuration.apiKey === 'function' ? configuration.apiKey('authorization') : configuration.apiKey; localVarHeaderParameter['authorization'] = localVarApiKeyValue; } localVarUrlObj.query = Object.assign( {}, localVarUrlObj.query, localVarQueryParameter, options.query, ); // fix override query string Detail: delete; localVarRequestOptions.headers = Object.assign({}, localVarHeaderParameter, options.headers); return { url: url.format(localVarUrlObj), options: localVarRequestOptions, }; }, /** * * @summary Terminates an active run. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be terminated. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ terminateRun(run_id: string, options: any = {}): FetchArgs { // verify required parameter 'run_id' is not null or undefined if (run_id === null || run_id === undefined) { throw new RequiredError( 'run_id', 'Required parameter run_id was null or undefined when calling terminateRun.', ); } const localVarPath = `/apis/v2beta1/runs/{run_id}:terminate`.replace( `{${'run_id'}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(run_id)), ); const localVarUrlObj = url.parse(localVarPath, true); const localVarRequestOptions = Object.assign({ method: 'POST' }, options); const localVarHeaderParameter = {} as any; const localVarQueryParameter = {} as any; // authentication Bearer required if (configuration && configuration.apiKey) { const localVarApiKeyValue = typeof configuration.apiKey === 'function' ? configuration.apiKey('authorization') : configuration.apiKey; localVarHeaderParameter['authorization'] = localVarApiKeyValue; } localVarUrlObj.query = Object.assign( {}, localVarUrlObj.query, localVarQueryParameter, options.query, ); // fix override query string Detail: delete; localVarRequestOptions.headers = Object.assign({}, localVarHeaderParameter, options.headers); return { url: url.format(localVarUrlObj), options: localVarRequestOptions, }; }, /** * * @summary Restores an archived run in an experiment given by run ID and experiment ID. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be restored. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ unarchiveRun(run_id: string, options: any = {}): FetchArgs { // verify required parameter 'run_id' is not null or undefined if (run_id === null || run_id === undefined) { throw new RequiredError( 'run_id', 'Required parameter run_id was null or undefined when calling unarchiveRun.', ); } const localVarPath = `/apis/v2beta1/runs/{run_id}:unarchive`.replace( `{${'run_id'}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(run_id)), ); const localVarUrlObj = url.parse(localVarPath, true); const localVarRequestOptions = Object.assign({ method: 'POST' }, options); const localVarHeaderParameter = {} as any; const localVarQueryParameter = {} as any; // authentication Bearer required if (configuration && configuration.apiKey) { const localVarApiKeyValue = typeof configuration.apiKey === 'function' ? configuration.apiKey('authorization') : configuration.apiKey; localVarHeaderParameter['authorization'] = localVarApiKeyValue; } localVarUrlObj.query = Object.assign( {}, localVarUrlObj.query, localVarQueryParameter, options.query, ); // fix override query string Detail: delete; localVarRequestOptions.headers = Object.assign({}, localVarHeaderParameter, options.headers); return { url: url.format(localVarUrlObj), options: localVarRequestOptions, }; }, }; }; /** * RunServiceApi - functional programming interface * @export */ export const RunServiceApiFp = function(configuration?: Configuration) { return { /** * * @summary Archives a run in an experiment given by run ID and experiment ID. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be archived. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ archiveRun( run_id: string, options?: any, ): (fetch?: FetchAPI, basePath?: string) => Promise<any> { const localVarFetchArgs = RunServiceApiFetchParamCreator(configuration).archiveRun( run_id, options, ); return (fetch: FetchAPI = portableFetch, basePath: string = BASE_PATH) => { return fetch(basePath + localVarFetchArgs.url, localVarFetchArgs.options).then(response => { if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) { return response.json(); } else { throw response; } }); }; }, /** * * @summary Creates a new run in an experiment specified by experiment ID. If experiment ID is not specified, the run is created in the default experiment. * @param {V2beta1Run} body Run to be created. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ createRun( body: V2beta1Run, options?: any, ): (fetch?: FetchAPI, basePath?: string) => Promise<V2beta1Run> { const localVarFetchArgs = RunServiceApiFetchParamCreator(configuration).createRun( body, options, ); return (fetch: FetchAPI = portableFetch, basePath: string = BASE_PATH) => { return fetch(basePath + localVarFetchArgs.url, localVarFetchArgs.options).then(response => { if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) { return response.json(); } else { throw response; } }); }; }, /** * * @summary Deletes a run in an experiment given by run ID and experiment ID. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be deleted. * @param {string} [experiment_id] The ID of the parent experiment. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ deleteRun( run_id: string, experiment_id?: string, options?: any, ): (fetch?: FetchAPI, basePath?: string) => Promise<any> { const localVarFetchArgs = RunServiceApiFetchParamCreator(configuration).deleteRun( run_id, experiment_id, options, ); return (fetch: FetchAPI = portableFetch, basePath: string = BASE_PATH) => { return fetch(basePath + localVarFetchArgs.url, localVarFetchArgs.options).then(response => { if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) { return response.json(); } else { throw response; } }); }; }, /** * * @summary Finds a specific run by ID. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be retrieved. * @param {string} [experiment_id] The ID of the parent experiment. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ getRun( run_id: string, experiment_id?: string, options?: any, ): (fetch?: FetchAPI, basePath?: string) => Promise<V2beta1Run> { const localVarFetchArgs = RunServiceApiFetchParamCreator(configuration).getRun( run_id, experiment_id, options, ); return (fetch: FetchAPI = portableFetch, basePath: string = BASE_PATH) => { return fetch(basePath + localVarFetchArgs.url, localVarFetchArgs.options).then(response => { if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) { return response.json(); } else { throw response; } }); }; }, /** * * @summary Finds all runs in an experiment given by experiment ID. If experiment id is not specified, finds all runs across all experiments. * @param {string} [namespace] Optional input field. Filters based on the namespace. * @param {string} [experiment_id] The ID of the parent experiment. If empty, response includes runs across all experiments. * @param {string} [page_token] A page token to request the next page of results. The token is acquired from the nextPageToken field of the response from the previous ListRuns call or can be omitted when fetching the first page. * @param {number} [page_size] The number of runs to be listed per page. If there are more runs than this number, the response message will contain a nextPageToken field you can use to fetch the next page. * @param {string} [sort_by] Can be format of \&quot;field_name\&quot;, \&quot;field_name asc\&quot; or \&quot;field_name desc\&quot; (Example, \&quot;name asc\&quot; or \&quot;id desc\&quot;). Ascending by default. * @param {string} [filter] A url-encoded, JSON-serialized Filter protocol buffer (see [filter.proto]( * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ listRuns( namespace?: string, experiment_id?: string, page_token?: string, page_size?: number, sort_by?: string, filter?: string, options?: any, ): (fetch?: FetchAPI, basePath?: string) => Promise<V2beta1ListRunsResponse> { const localVarFetchArgs = RunServiceApiFetchParamCreator(configuration).listRuns( namespace, experiment_id, page_token, page_size, sort_by, filter, options, ); return (fetch: FetchAPI = portableFetch, basePath: string = BASE_PATH) => { return fetch(basePath + localVarFetchArgs.url, localVarFetchArgs.options).then(response => { if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) { return response.json(); } else { throw response; } }); }; }, /** * * @summary Finds artifact data in a run. * @param {string} run_id ID of the run. * @param {string} node_id ID of the running node. * @param {string} artifact_name Name of the artifact. * @param {string} [experiment_id] The ID of the parent experiment. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ readArtifact( run_id: string, node_id: string, artifact_name: string, experiment_id?: string, options?: any, ): (fetch?: FetchAPI, basePath?: string) => Promise<V2beta1ReadArtifactResponse> { const localVarFetchArgs = RunServiceApiFetchParamCreator(configuration).readArtifact( run_id, node_id, artifact_name, experiment_id, options, ); return (fetch: FetchAPI = portableFetch, basePath: string = BASE_PATH) => { return fetch(basePath + localVarFetchArgs.url, localVarFetchArgs.options).then(response => { if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) { return response.json(); } else { throw response; } }); }; }, /** * * @summary Re-initiates a failed or terminated run. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be retried. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ retryRun(run_id: string, options?: any): (fetch?: FetchAPI, basePath?: string) => Promise<any> { const localVarFetchArgs = RunServiceApiFetchParamCreator(configuration).retryRun( run_id, options, ); return (fetch: FetchAPI = portableFetch, basePath: string = BASE_PATH) => { return fetch(basePath + localVarFetchArgs.url, localVarFetchArgs.options).then(response => { if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) { return response.json(); } else { throw response; } }); }; }, /** * * @summary Terminates an active run. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be terminated. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ terminateRun( run_id: string, options?: any, ): (fetch?: FetchAPI, basePath?: string) => Promise<any> { const localVarFetchArgs = RunServiceApiFetchParamCreator(configuration).terminateRun( run_id, options, ); return (fetch: FetchAPI = portableFetch, basePath: string = BASE_PATH) => { return fetch(basePath + localVarFetchArgs.url, localVarFetchArgs.options).then(response => { if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) { return response.json(); } else { throw response; } }); }; }, /** * * @summary Restores an archived run in an experiment given by run ID and experiment ID. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be restored. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ unarchiveRun( run_id: string, options?: any, ): (fetch?: FetchAPI, basePath?: string) => Promise<any> { const localVarFetchArgs = RunServiceApiFetchParamCreator(configuration).unarchiveRun( run_id, options, ); return (fetch: FetchAPI = portableFetch, basePath: string = BASE_PATH) => { return fetch(basePath + localVarFetchArgs.url, localVarFetchArgs.options).then(response => { if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) { return response.json(); } else { throw response; } }); }; }, }; }; /** * RunServiceApi - factory interface * @export */ export const RunServiceApiFactory = function( configuration?: Configuration, fetch?: FetchAPI, basePath?: string, ) { return { /** * * @summary Archives a run in an experiment given by run ID and experiment ID. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be archived. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ archiveRun(run_id: string, options?: any) { return RunServiceApiFp(configuration).archiveRun(run_id, options)(fetch, basePath); }, /** * * @summary Creates a new run in an experiment specified by experiment ID. If experiment ID is not specified, the run is created in the default experiment. * @param {V2beta1Run} body Run to be created. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ createRun(body: V2beta1Run, options?: any) { return RunServiceApiFp(configuration).createRun(body, options)(fetch, basePath); }, /** * * @summary Deletes a run in an experiment given by run ID and experiment ID. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be deleted. * @param {string} [experiment_id] The ID of the parent experiment. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ deleteRun(run_id: string, experiment_id?: string, options?: any) { return RunServiceApiFp(configuration).deleteRun( run_id, experiment_id, options, )(fetch, basePath); }, /** * * @summary Finds a specific run by ID. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be retrieved. * @param {string} [experiment_id] The ID of the parent experiment. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ getRun(run_id: string, experiment_id?: string, options?: any) { return RunServiceApiFp(configuration).getRun(run_id, experiment_id, options)(fetch, basePath); }, /** * * @summary Finds all runs in an experiment given by experiment ID. If experiment id is not specified, finds all runs across all experiments. * @param {string} [namespace] Optional input field. Filters based on the namespace. * @param {string} [experiment_id] The ID of the parent experiment. If empty, response includes runs across all experiments. * @param {string} [page_token] A page token to request the next page of results. The token is acquired from the nextPageToken field of the response from the previous ListRuns call or can be omitted when fetching the first page. * @param {number} [page_size] The number of runs to be listed per page. If there are more runs than this number, the response message will contain a nextPageToken field you can use to fetch the next page. * @param {string} [sort_by] Can be format of \&quot;field_name\&quot;, \&quot;field_name asc\&quot; or \&quot;field_name desc\&quot; (Example, \&quot;name asc\&quot; or \&quot;id desc\&quot;). Ascending by default. * @param {string} [filter] A url-encoded, JSON-serialized Filter protocol buffer (see [filter.proto]( * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ listRuns( namespace?: string, experiment_id?: string, page_token?: string, page_size?: number, sort_by?: string, filter?: string, options?: any, ) { return RunServiceApiFp(configuration).listRuns( namespace, experiment_id, page_token, page_size, sort_by, filter, options, )(fetch, basePath); }, /** * * @summary Finds artifact data in a run. * @param {string} run_id ID of the run. * @param {string} node_id ID of the running node. * @param {string} artifact_name Name of the artifact. * @param {string} [experiment_id] The ID of the parent experiment. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ readArtifact( run_id: string, node_id: string, artifact_name: string, experiment_id?: string, options?: any, ) { return RunServiceApiFp(configuration).readArtifact( run_id, node_id, artifact_name, experiment_id, options, )(fetch, basePath); }, /** * * @summary Re-initiates a failed or terminated run. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be retried. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ retryRun(run_id: string, options?: any) { return RunServiceApiFp(configuration).retryRun(run_id, options)(fetch, basePath); }, /** * * @summary Terminates an active run. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be terminated. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ terminateRun(run_id: string, options?: any) { return RunServiceApiFp(configuration).terminateRun(run_id, options)(fetch, basePath); }, /** * * @summary Restores an archived run in an experiment given by run ID and experiment ID. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be restored. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ unarchiveRun(run_id: string, options?: any) { return RunServiceApiFp(configuration).unarchiveRun(run_id, options)(fetch, basePath); }, }; }; /** * RunServiceApi - object-oriented interface * @export * @class RunServiceApi * @extends {BaseAPI} */ export class RunServiceApi extends BaseAPI { /** * * @summary Archives a run in an experiment given by run ID and experiment ID. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be archived. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} * @memberof RunServiceApi */ public archiveRun(run_id: string, options?: any) { return RunServiceApiFp(this.configuration).archiveRun(run_id, options)( this.fetch, this.basePath, ); } /** * * @summary Creates a new run in an experiment specified by experiment ID. If experiment ID is not specified, the run is created in the default experiment. * @param {V2beta1Run} body Run to be created. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} * @memberof RunServiceApi */ public createRun(body: V2beta1Run, options?: any) { return RunServiceApiFp(this.configuration).createRun(body, options)(this.fetch, this.basePath); } /** * * @summary Deletes a run in an experiment given by run ID and experiment ID. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be deleted. * @param {string} [experiment_id] The ID of the parent experiment. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} * @memberof RunServiceApi */ public deleteRun(run_id: string, experiment_id?: string, options?: any) { return RunServiceApiFp(this.configuration).deleteRun( run_id, experiment_id, options, )(this.fetch, this.basePath); } /** * * @summary Finds a specific run by ID. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be retrieved. * @param {string} [experiment_id] The ID of the parent experiment. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} * @memberof RunServiceApi */ public getRun(run_id: string, experiment_id?: string, options?: any) { return RunServiceApiFp(this.configuration).getRun( run_id, experiment_id, options, )(this.fetch, this.basePath); } /** * * @summary Finds all runs in an experiment given by experiment ID. If experiment id is not specified, finds all runs across all experiments. * @param {string} [namespace] Optional input field. Filters based on the namespace. * @param {string} [experiment_id] The ID of the parent experiment. If empty, response includes runs across all experiments. * @param {string} [page_token] A page token to request the next page of results. The token is acquired from the nextPageToken field of the response from the previous ListRuns call or can be omitted when fetching the first page. * @param {number} [page_size] The number of runs to be listed per page. If there are more runs than this number, the response message will contain a nextPageToken field you can use to fetch the next page. * @param {string} [sort_by] Can be format of \&quot;field_name\&quot;, \&quot;field_name asc\&quot; or \&quot;field_name desc\&quot; (Example, \&quot;name asc\&quot; or \&quot;id desc\&quot;). Ascending by default. * @param {string} [filter] A url-encoded, JSON-serialized Filter protocol buffer (see [filter.proto]( * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} * @memberof RunServiceApi */ public listRuns( namespace?: string, experiment_id?: string, page_token?: string, page_size?: number, sort_by?: string, filter?: string, options?: any, ) { return RunServiceApiFp(this.configuration).listRuns( namespace, experiment_id, page_token, page_size, sort_by, filter, options, )(this.fetch, this.basePath); } /** * * @summary Finds artifact data in a run. * @param {string} run_id ID of the run. * @param {string} node_id ID of the running node. * @param {string} artifact_name Name of the artifact. * @param {string} [experiment_id] The ID of the parent experiment. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} * @memberof RunServiceApi */ public readArtifact( run_id: string, node_id: string, artifact_name: string, experiment_id?: string, options?: any, ) { return RunServiceApiFp(this.configuration).readArtifact( run_id, node_id, artifact_name, experiment_id, options, )(this.fetch, this.basePath); } /** * * @summary Re-initiates a failed or terminated run. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be retried. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} * @memberof RunServiceApi */ public retryRun(run_id: string, options?: any) { return RunServiceApiFp(this.configuration).retryRun(run_id, options)(this.fetch, this.basePath); } /** * * @summary Terminates an active run. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be terminated. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} * @memberof RunServiceApi */ public terminateRun(run_id: string, options?: any) { return RunServiceApiFp(this.configuration).terminateRun(run_id, options)( this.fetch, this.basePath, ); } /** * * @summary Restores an archived run in an experiment given by run ID and experiment ID. * @param {string} run_id The ID of the run to be restored. * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} * @memberof RunServiceApi */ public unarchiveRun(run_id: string, options?: any) { return RunServiceApiFp(this.configuration).unarchiveRun(run_id, options)( this.fetch, this.basePath, ); } }
# Swagger Codegen Ignore # Generated by swagger-codegen # Use this file to prevent files from being overwritten by the generator. # The patterns follow closely to .gitignore or .dockerignore. # As an example, the C# client generator defines ApiClient.cs. # You can make changes and tell Swagger Codgen to ignore just this file by uncommenting the following line: #ApiClient.cs # You can match any string of characters against a directory, file or extension with a single asterisk (*): #foo/*/qux # The above matches foo/bar/qux and foo/baz/qux, but not foo/bar/baz/qux # You can recursively match patterns against a directory, file or extension with a double asterisk (**): #foo/**/qux # This matches foo/bar/qux, foo/baz/qux, and foo/bar/baz/qux # You can also negate patterns with an exclamation (!). # For example, you can ignore all files in a docs folder with the file extension .md: #docs/*.md # Then explicitly reverse the ignore rule for a single file: #!docs/
#!/bin/sh # ref: # # Usage example: /bin/sh ./ wing328 swagger-petstore-perl "minor update" git_user_id=$1 git_repo_id=$2 release_note=$3 if [ "$git_user_id" = "" ]; then git_user_id="GIT_USER_ID" echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$git_user_id to $git_user_id" fi if [ "$git_repo_id" = "" ]; then git_repo_id="GIT_REPO_ID" echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$git_repo_id to $git_repo_id" fi if [ "$release_note" = "" ]; then release_note="Minor update" echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$release_note to $release_note" fi # Initialize the local directory as a Git repository git init # Adds the files in the local repository and stages them for commit. git add . # Commits the tracked changes and prepares them to be pushed to a remote repository. git commit -m "$release_note" # Sets the new remote git_remote=`git remote` if [ "$git_remote" = "" ]; then # git remote not defined if [ "$GIT_TOKEN" = "" ]; then echo "[INFO] \$GIT_TOKEN (environment variable) is not set. Using the git credential in your environment." git remote add origin${git_user_id}/${git_repo_id}.git else git remote add origin https://${git_user_id}:${GIT_TOKEN}${git_user_id}/${git_repo_id}.git fi fi git pull origin master # Pushes (Forces) the changes in the local repository up to the remote repository echo "Git pushing to${git_user_id}/${git_repo_id}.git" git push origin master 2>&1 | grep -v 'To https'
// tslint:disable /** * backend/api/v2beta1/run.proto * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen * * OpenAPI spec version: version not set * * * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. * * Do not edit the class manually. */ export * from './api'; export * from './configuration';
declare module 'portable-fetch'; declare module 'url';
// tslint:disable /** * backend/api/v2beta1/run.proto * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen * * OpenAPI spec version: version not set * * * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. * * Do not edit the class manually. */ export interface ConfigurationParameters { apiKey?: string | ((name: string) => string); username?: string; password?: string; accessToken?: string | ((name: string, scopes?: string[]) => string); basePath?: string; } export class Configuration { /** * parameter for apiKey security * @param name security name * @memberof Configuration */ apiKey?: string | ((name: string) => string); /** * parameter for basic security * * @type {string} * @memberof Configuration */ username?: string; /** * parameter for basic security * * @type {string} * @memberof Configuration */ password?: string; /** * parameter for oauth2 security * @param name security name * @param scopes oauth2 scope * @memberof Configuration */ accessToken?: string | ((name: string, scopes?: string[]) => string); /** * override base path * * @type {string} * @memberof Configuration */ basePath?: string; constructor(param: ConfigurationParameters = {}) { this.apiKey = param.apiKey; this.username = param.username; this.password = param.password; this.accessToken = param.accessToken; this.basePath = param.basePath; } }
/// <reference path="./custom.d.ts" /> // tslint:disable /** * backend/api/v2beta1/visualization.proto * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen * * OpenAPI spec version: version not set * * * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. * * Do not edit the class manually. */ import * as url from 'url'; import * as portableFetch from 'portable-fetch'; import { Configuration } from './configuration'; const BASE_PATH = 'http://localhost'.replace(/\/+$/, ''); /** * * @export */ export const COLLECTION_FORMATS = { csv: ',', ssv: ' ', tsv: '\t', pipes: '|', }; /** * * @export * @interface FetchAPI */ export interface FetchAPI { (url: string, init?: any): Promise<Response>; } /** * * @export * @interface FetchArgs */ export interface FetchArgs { url: string; options: any; } /** * * @export * @class BaseAPI */ export class BaseAPI { protected configuration: Configuration; constructor( configuration?: Configuration, protected basePath: string = BASE_PATH, protected fetch: FetchAPI = portableFetch, ) { if (configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; this.basePath = configuration.basePath || this.basePath; } } } /** * * @export * @class RequiredError * @extends {Error} */ export class RequiredError extends Error { name: 'RequiredError'; constructor(public field: string, msg?: string) { super(msg); } } /** * The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the [API Design Guide]( * @export * @interface GooglerpcStatus */ export interface GooglerpcStatus { /** * The status code, which should be an enum value of [google.rpc.Code][google.rpc.Code]. * @type {number} * @memberof GooglerpcStatus */ code?: number; /** * A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the [google.rpc.Status.details][google.rpc.Status.details] field, or localized by the client. * @type {string} * @memberof GooglerpcStatus */ message?: string; /** * A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use. * @type {Array<ProtobufAny>} * @memberof GooglerpcStatus */ details?: Array<ProtobufAny>; } /** * `Any` contains an arbitrary serialized protocol buffer message along with a URL that describes the type of the serialized message. Protobuf library provides support to pack/unpack Any values in the form of utility functions or additional generated methods of the Any type. Example 1: Pack and unpack a message in C++. Foo foo = ...; Any any; any.PackFrom(foo); ... if (any.UnpackTo(&foo)) { ... } Example 2: Pack and unpack a message in Java. Foo foo = ...; Any any = Any.pack(foo); ... if ( { foo = any.unpack(Foo.class); } Example 3: Pack and unpack a message in Python. foo = Foo(...) any = Any() any.Pack(foo) ... if any.Is(Foo.DESCRIPTOR): any.Unpack(foo) ... Example 4: Pack and unpack a message in Go foo := &pb.Foo{...} any, err := anypb.New(foo) if err != nil { ... } ... foo := &pb.Foo{} if err := any.UnmarshalTo(foo); err != nil { ... } The pack methods provided by protobuf library will by default use '' as the type URL and the unpack methods only use the fully qualified type name after the last '/' in the type URL, for example \"\" will yield type name \"y.z\". JSON ==== The JSON representation of an `Any` value uses the regular representation of the deserialized, embedded message, with an additional field `@type` which contains the type URL. Example: package google.profile; message Person { string first_name = 1; string last_name = 2; } { \"@type\": \"\", \"firstName\": <string>, \"lastName\": <string> } If the embedded message type is well-known and has a custom JSON representation, that representation will be embedded adding a field `value` which holds the custom JSON in addition to the `@type` field. Example (for message [google.protobuf.Duration][]): { \"@type\": \"\", \"value\": \"1.212s\" } * @export * @interface ProtobufAny */ export interface ProtobufAny { /** * A URL/resource name that uniquely identifies the type of the serialized protocol buffer message. This string must contain at least one \"/\" character. The last segment of the URL's path must represent the fully qualified name of the type (as in `path/google.protobuf.Duration`). The name should be in a canonical form (e.g., leading \".\" is not accepted). In practice, teams usually precompile into the binary all types that they expect it to use in the context of Any. However, for URLs which use the scheme `http`, `https`, or no scheme, one can optionally set up a type server that maps type URLs to message definitions as follows: * If no scheme is provided, `https` is assumed. * An HTTP GET on the URL must yield a [google.protobuf.Type][] value in binary format, or produce an error. * Applications are allowed to cache lookup results based on the URL, or have them precompiled into a binary to avoid any lookup. Therefore, binary compatibility needs to be preserved on changes to types. (Use versioned type names to manage breaking changes.) Note: this functionality is not currently available in the official protobuf release, and it is not used for type URLs beginning with Schemes other than `http`, `https` (or the empty scheme) might be used with implementation specific semantics. * @type {string} * @memberof ProtobufAny */ type_url?: string; /** * Must be a valid serialized protocol buffer of the above specified type. * @type {string} * @memberof ProtobufAny */ value?: string; } /** * * @export * @interface V2beta1Visualization */ export interface V2beta1Visualization { /** * * @type {V2beta1VisualizationType} * @memberof V2beta1Visualization */ type?: V2beta1VisualizationType; /** * Path pattern of input data to be used during generation of visualizations. This is required when creating the pipeline through CreateVisualization API. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1Visualization */ source?: string; /** * Variables to be used during generation of a visualization. This should be provided as a JSON string. This is required when creating the pipeline through CreateVisualization API. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1Visualization */ arguments?: string; /** * Output. Generated visualization html. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1Visualization */ html?: string; /** * In case any error happens when generating visualizations, only visualization ID and the error message are returned. Client has the flexibility of choosing how to handle the error. * @type {string} * @memberof V2beta1Visualization */ error?: string; } /** * Type of visualization to be generated. This is required when creating the pipeline through CreateVisualization API. * @export * @enum {string} */ export enum V2beta1VisualizationType { ROCCURVE = <any>'ROC_CURVE', TFDV = <any>'TFDV', TFMA = <any>'TFMA', TABLE = <any>'TABLE', CUSTOM = <any>'CUSTOM', } /** * VisualizationServiceApi - fetch parameter creator * @export */ export const VisualizationServiceApiFetchParamCreator = function(configuration?: Configuration) { return { /** * * @param {string} namespace * @param {V2beta1Visualization} body * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ createVisualizationV1( namespace: string, body: V2beta1Visualization, options: any = {}, ): FetchArgs { // verify required parameter 'namespace' is not null or undefined if (namespace === null || namespace === undefined) { throw new RequiredError( 'namespace', 'Required parameter namespace was null or undefined when calling createVisualizationV1.', ); } // verify required parameter 'body' is not null or undefined if (body === null || body === undefined) { throw new RequiredError( 'body', 'Required parameter body was null or undefined when calling createVisualizationV1.', ); } const localVarPath = `/apis/v2beta1/visualizations/{namespace}`.replace( `{${'namespace'}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(namespace)), ); const localVarUrlObj = url.parse(localVarPath, true); const localVarRequestOptions = Object.assign({ method: 'POST' }, options); const localVarHeaderParameter = {} as any; const localVarQueryParameter = {} as any; // authentication Bearer required if (configuration && configuration.apiKey) { const localVarApiKeyValue = typeof configuration.apiKey === 'function' ? configuration.apiKey('authorization') : configuration.apiKey; localVarHeaderParameter['authorization'] = localVarApiKeyValue; } localVarHeaderParameter['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; localVarUrlObj.query = Object.assign( {}, localVarUrlObj.query, localVarQueryParameter, options.query, ); // fix override query string Detail: delete; localVarRequestOptions.headers = Object.assign({}, localVarHeaderParameter, options.headers); const needsSerialization = <any>'V2beta1Visualization' !== 'string' || localVarRequestOptions.headers['Content-Type'] === 'application/json'; localVarRequestOptions.body = needsSerialization ? JSON.stringify(body || {}) : body || ''; return { url: url.format(localVarUrlObj), options: localVarRequestOptions, }; }, }; }; /** * VisualizationServiceApi - functional programming interface * @export */ export const VisualizationServiceApiFp = function(configuration?: Configuration) { return { /** * * @param {string} namespace * @param {V2beta1Visualization} body * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ createVisualizationV1( namespace: string, body: V2beta1Visualization, options?: any, ): (fetch?: FetchAPI, basePath?: string) => Promise<V2beta1Visualization> { const localVarFetchArgs = VisualizationServiceApiFetchParamCreator( configuration, ).createVisualizationV1(namespace, body, options); return (fetch: FetchAPI = portableFetch, basePath: string = BASE_PATH) => { return fetch(basePath + localVarFetchArgs.url, localVarFetchArgs.options).then(response => { if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) { return response.json(); } else { throw response; } }); }; }, }; }; /** * VisualizationServiceApi - factory interface * @export */ export const VisualizationServiceApiFactory = function( configuration?: Configuration, fetch?: FetchAPI, basePath?: string, ) { return { /** * * @param {string} namespace * @param {V2beta1Visualization} body * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} */ createVisualizationV1(namespace: string, body: V2beta1Visualization, options?: any) { return VisualizationServiceApiFp(configuration).createVisualizationV1( namespace, body, options, )(fetch, basePath); }, }; }; /** * VisualizationServiceApi - object-oriented interface * @export * @class VisualizationServiceApi * @extends {BaseAPI} */ export class VisualizationServiceApi extends BaseAPI { /** * * @param {string} namespace * @param {V2beta1Visualization} body * @param {*} [options] Override http request option. * @throws {RequiredError} * @memberof VisualizationServiceApi */ public createVisualizationV1(namespace: string, body: V2beta1Visualization, options?: any) { return VisualizationServiceApiFp(this.configuration).createVisualizationV1( namespace, body, options, )(this.fetch, this.basePath); } }
# Swagger Codegen Ignore # Generated by swagger-codegen # Use this file to prevent files from being overwritten by the generator. # The patterns follow closely to .gitignore or .dockerignore. # As an example, the C# client generator defines ApiClient.cs. # You can make changes and tell Swagger Codgen to ignore just this file by uncommenting the following line: #ApiClient.cs # You can match any string of characters against a directory, file or extension with a single asterisk (*): #foo/*/qux # The above matches foo/bar/qux and foo/baz/qux, but not foo/bar/baz/qux # You can recursively match patterns against a directory, file or extension with a double asterisk (**): #foo/**/qux # This matches foo/bar/qux, foo/baz/qux, and foo/bar/baz/qux # You can also negate patterns with an exclamation (!). # For example, you can ignore all files in a docs folder with the file extension .md: #docs/*.md # Then explicitly reverse the ignore rule for a single file: #!docs/
#!/bin/sh # ref: # # Usage example: /bin/sh ./ wing328 swagger-petstore-perl "minor update" git_user_id=$1 git_repo_id=$2 release_note=$3 if [ "$git_user_id" = "" ]; then git_user_id="GIT_USER_ID" echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$git_user_id to $git_user_id" fi if [ "$git_repo_id" = "" ]; then git_repo_id="GIT_REPO_ID" echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$git_repo_id to $git_repo_id" fi if [ "$release_note" = "" ]; then release_note="Minor update" echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$release_note to $release_note" fi # Initialize the local directory as a Git repository git init # Adds the files in the local repository and stages them for commit. git add . # Commits the tracked changes and prepares them to be pushed to a remote repository. git commit -m "$release_note" # Sets the new remote git_remote=`git remote` if [ "$git_remote" = "" ]; then # git remote not defined if [ "$GIT_TOKEN" = "" ]; then echo "[INFO] \$GIT_TOKEN (environment variable) is not set. Using the git credential in your environment." git remote add origin${git_user_id}/${git_repo_id}.git else git remote add origin https://${git_user_id}:${GIT_TOKEN}${git_user_id}/${git_repo_id}.git fi fi git pull origin master # Pushes (Forces) the changes in the local repository up to the remote repository echo "Git pushing to${git_user_id}/${git_repo_id}.git" git push origin master 2>&1 | grep -v 'To https'
// tslint:disable /** * backend/api/v2beta1/visualization.proto * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen * * OpenAPI spec version: version not set * * * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. * * Do not edit the class manually. */ export * from './api'; export * from './configuration';
declare module 'portable-fetch'; declare module 'url';