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The dataset generation failed because of a cast error
Error code:   DatasetGenerationCastError
Exception:    DatasetGenerationCastError
Message:      An error occurred while generating the dataset

All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 1 missing columns ({'label'})

This happened while the csv dataset builder was generating data using

hf://datasets/Shiv-Pal/Fake_Real_News/test.csv (at revision e07578b24b0d44b4fd106a3e707acc2ac65cf35c)

Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2011, in _prepare_split_single
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 585, in write_table
                  pa_table = table_cast(pa_table, self._schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2302, in table_cast
                  return cast_table_to_schema(table, schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2256, in cast_table_to_schema
                  raise CastError(
              datasets.table.CastError: Couldn't cast
              id: int64
              title: string
              author: string
              text: string
              -- schema metadata --
              pandas: '{"index_columns": [{"kind": "range", "name": null, "start": 0, "' + 693
              {'id': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'title': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'author': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'text': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'label': Value(dtype='int64', id=None)}
              because column names don't match
              During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1321, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations = convert_to_parquet(builder)
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 935, in convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1027, in download_and_prepare
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1122, in _download_and_prepare
                  self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1882, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2013, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationCastError.from_cast_error(
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationCastError: An error occurred while generating the dataset
              All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 1 missing columns ({'label'})
              This happened while the csv dataset builder was generating data using
              hf://datasets/Shiv-Pal/Fake_Real_News/test.csv (at revision e07578b24b0d44b4fd106a3e707acc2ac65cf35c)
              Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at

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House Dem Aide: We Didn’t Even See Comey’s Letter Until Jason Chaffetz Tweeted It
Darrell Lucus
House Dem Aide: We Didn’t Even See Comey’s Letter Until Jason Chaffetz Tweeted It By Darrell Lucus on October 30, 2016 Subscribe Jason Chaffetz on the stump in American Fork, Utah ( image courtesy Michael Jolley, available under a Creative Commons-BY license) With apologies to Keith Olbermann, there is no doubt who the Worst Person in The World is this week–FBI Director James Comey. But according to a House Democratic aide, it looks like we also know who the second-worst person is as well. It turns out that when Comey sent his now-infamous letter announcing that the FBI was looking into emails that may be related to Hillary Clinton’s email server, the ranking Democrats on the relevant committees didn’t hear about it from Comey. They found out via a tweet from one of the Republican committee chairmen. As we now know, Comey notified the Republican chairmen and Democratic ranking members of the House Intelligence, Judiciary, and Oversight committees that his agency was reviewing emails it had recently discovered in order to see if they contained classified information. Not long after this letter went out, Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz set the political world ablaze with this tweet. FBI Dir just informed me, "The FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation." Case reopened — Jason Chaffetz (@jasoninthehouse) October 28, 2016 Of course, we now know that this was not the case . Comey was actually saying that it was reviewing the emails in light of “an unrelated case”–which we now know to be Anthony Weiner’s sexting with a teenager. But apparently such little things as facts didn’t matter to Chaffetz. The Utah Republican had already vowed to initiate a raft of investigations if Hillary wins–at least two years’ worth, and possibly an entire term’s worth of them. Apparently Chaffetz thought the FBI was already doing his work for him–resulting in a tweet that briefly roiled the nation before cooler heads realized it was a dud. But according to a senior House Democratic aide, misreading that letter may have been the least of Chaffetz’ sins. That aide told Shareblue that his boss and other Democrats didn’t even know about Comey’s letter at the time–and only found out when they checked Twitter. “Democratic Ranking Members on the relevant committees didn’t receive Comey’s letter until after the Republican Chairmen. In fact, the Democratic Ranking Members didn’ receive it until after the Chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Jason Chaffetz, tweeted it out and made it public.” So let’s see if we’ve got this right. The FBI director tells Chaffetz and other GOP committee chairmen about a major development in a potentially politically explosive investigation, and neither Chaffetz nor his other colleagues had the courtesy to let their Democratic counterparts know about it. Instead, according to this aide, he made them find out about it on Twitter. There has already been talk on Daily Kos that Comey himself provided advance notice of this letter to Chaffetz and other Republicans, giving them time to turn on the spin machine. That may make for good theater, but there is nothing so far that even suggests this is the case. After all, there is nothing so far that suggests that Comey was anything other than grossly incompetent and tone-deaf. What it does suggest, however, is that Chaffetz is acting in a way that makes Dan Burton and Darrell Issa look like models of responsibility and bipartisanship. He didn’t even have the decency to notify ranking member Elijah Cummings about something this explosive. If that doesn’t trample on basic standards of fairness, I don’t know what does. Granted, it’s not likely that Chaffetz will have to answer for this. He sits in a ridiculously Republican district anchored in Provo and Orem; it has a Cook Partisan Voting Index of R+25, and gave Mitt Romney a punishing 78 percent of the vote in 2012. Moreover, the Republican House leadership has given its full support to Chaffetz’ planned fishing expedition. But that doesn’t mean we can’t turn the hot lights on him. After all, he is a textbook example of what the House has become under Republican control. And he is also the Second Worst Person in the World. About Darrell Lucus Darrell is a 30-something graduate of the University of North Carolina who considers himself a journalist of the old school. An attempt to turn him into a member of the religious right in college only succeeded in turning him into the religious right's worst nightmare--a charismatic Christian who is an unapologetic liberal. His desire to stand up for those who have been scared into silence only increased when he survived an abusive three-year marriage. You may know him on Daily Kos as Christian Dem in NC . Follow him on Twitter @DarrellLucus or connect with him on Facebook . Click here to buy Darrell a Mello Yello. Connect
FLYNN: Hillary Clinton, Big Woman on Campus - Breitbart
Daniel J. Flynn
Ever get the feeling your life circles the roundabout rather than heads in a straight line toward the intended destination? [Hillary Clinton remains the big woman on campus in leafy, liberal Wellesley, Massachusetts. Everywhere else votes her most likely to don her inauguration dress for the remainder of her days the way Miss Havisham forever wore that wedding dress. Speaking of Great Expectations, Hillary Rodham overflowed with them 48 years ago when she first addressed a Wellesley graduating class. The president of the college informed those gathered in 1969 that the students needed “no debate so far as I could ascertain as to who their spokesman was to be” (kind of the like the Democratic primaries in 2016 minus the terms unknown then even at a Seven Sisters school). “I am very glad that Miss Adams made it clear that what I am speaking for today is all of us — the 400 of us,” Miss Rodham told her classmates. After appointing herself Edger Bergen to the Charlie McCarthys and Mortimer Snerds in attendance, the bespectacled in granny glasses (awarding her matronly wisdom — or at least John Lennon wisdom) took issue with the previous speaker. Despite becoming the first to win election to a seat in the U. S. Senate since Reconstruction, Edward Brooke came in for criticism for calling for “empathy” for the goals of protestors as he criticized tactics. Though Clinton in her senior thesis on Saul Alinsky lamented “Black Power demagogues” and “elitist arrogance and repressive intolerance” within the New Left, similar words coming out of a Republican necessitated a brief rebuttal. “Trust,” Rodham ironically observed in 1969, “this is one word that when I asked the class at our rehearsal what it was they wanted me to say for them, everyone came up to me and said ‘Talk about trust, talk about the lack of trust both for us and the way we feel about others. Talk about the trust bust.’ What can you say about it? What can you say about a feeling that permeates a generation and that perhaps is not even understood by those who are distrusted?” The “trust bust” certainly busted Clinton’s 2016 plans. She certainly did not even understand that people distrusted her. After Whitewater, Travelgate, the vast conspiracy, Benghazi, and the missing emails, Clinton found herself the distrusted voice on Friday. There was a load of compromising on the road to the broadening of her political horizons. And distrust from the American people — Trump edged her 48 percent to 38 percent on the question immediately prior to November’s election — stood as a major reason for the closing of those horizons. Clinton described her vanquisher and his supporters as embracing a “lie,” a “con,” “alternative facts,” and “a assault on truth and reason. ” She failed to explain why the American people chose his lies over her truth. “As the history majors among you here today know all too well, when people in power invent their own facts and attack those who question them, it can mark the beginning of the end of a free society,” she offered. “That is not hyperbole. ” Like so many people to emerge from the 1960s, Hillary Clinton embarked upon a long, strange trip. From high school Goldwater Girl and Wellesley College Republican president to Democratic politician, Clinton drank in the times and the place that gave her a degree. More significantly, she went from idealist to cynic, as a comparison of her two Wellesley commencement addresses show. Way back when, she lamented that “for too long our leaders have viewed politics as the art of the possible, and the challenge now is to practice politics as the art of making what appears to be impossible possible. ” Now, as the big woman on campus but the odd woman out of the White House, she wonders how her current station is even possible. “Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?” she asked in September. In May she asks why she isn’t president. The woman famously dubbed a “congenital liar” by Bill Safire concludes that lies did her in — theirs, mind you, not hers. Getting stood up on Election Day, like finding yourself the jilted bride on your wedding day, inspires dangerous delusions.
Why the Truth Might Get You Fired
Why the Truth Might Get You Fired October 29, 2016 The tension between intelligence analysts and political policymakers has always been between honest assessments and desired results, with the latter often overwhelming the former, as in the Iraq War, writes Lawrence Davidson. By Lawrence Davidson For those who might wonder why foreign policy makers repeatedly make bad choices, some insight might be drawn from the following analysis. The action here plays out in the United States, but the lessons are probably universal. Back in the early spring of 2003, George W. Bush initiated the invasion of Iraq. One of his key public reasons for doing so was the claim that the country’s dictator, Saddam Hussein, was on the verge of developing nuclear weapons and was hiding other weapons of mass destruction. The real reason went beyond that charge and included a long-range plan for “regime change” in the Middle East. President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney receive an Oval Office briefing from CIA Director George Tenet. Also present is Chief of Staff Andy Card (on right). (White House photo) For our purposes, we will concentrate on the belief that Iraq was about to become a hostile nuclear power. Why did President Bush and his close associates accept this scenario so readily? The short answer is Bush wanted, indeed needed, to believe it as a rationale for invading Iraq. At first he had tried to connect Saddam Hussein to the 9/11 attacks on the U.S. Though he never gave up on that stratagem, the lack of evidence made it difficult to rally an American people, already fixated on Afghanistan, to support a war against Baghdad. But the nuclear weapons gambit proved more fruitful, not because there was any hard evidence for the charge, but because supposedly reliable witnesses, in the persons of exiled anti-Saddam Iraqis (many on the U.S. government’s payroll ), kept telling Bush and his advisers that the nuclear story was true. What we had was a U.S. leadership cadre whose worldview literally demanded a mortally dangerous Iraq, and informants who, in order to precipitate the overthrow of Saddam, were willing to tell the tale of pending atomic weapons. The strong desire to believe the tale of a nuclear Iraq lowered the threshold for proof . Likewise, the repeated assertions by assumed dependable Iraqi sources underpinned a nationwide U.S. campaign generating both fear and war fever. So the U.S. and its allies insisted that the United Nations send in weapons inspectors to scour Iraq for evidence of a nuclear weapons program (as well as chemical and biological weapons). That the inspectors could find no convincing evidence only frustrated the Bush administration and soon forced its hand. On March 19, 2003, Bush launched the invasion of Iraq with the expectation was that, once in occupation of the country, U.S. inspectors would surely find evidence of those nukes (or at least stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons). They did not. Their Iraqi informants had systematically lied to them. Social and Behavioral Sciences to the Rescue? The various U.S. intelligence agencies were thoroughly shaken by this affair, and today, 13 years later, their directors and managers are still trying to sort it out – specifically, how to tell when they are getting “true” intelligence and when they are being lied to. Or, as one intelligence worker has put it, we need “ help to protect us against armies of snake oil salesmen. ” To that end the CIA et al. are in the market for academic assistance. Ahmed Chalabi, head of the Iraqi National Congress, a key supplier of Iraqi defectors with bogus stories of hidden WMD. A “partnership” is being forged between the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which serves as the coordinating center for the sixteen independent U.S. intelligence agencies, and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine . The result of this collaboration will be a “ permanent Intelligence Community Studies Board” to coordinate programs in “social and behavioral science research [that] might strengthen national security .” Despite this effort, it is almost certain that the “social and behavioral sciences” cannot give the spy agencies what they want – a way of detecting lies that is better than their present standard procedures of polygraph tests and interrogations. But even if they could, it might well make no difference, because the real problem is not to be found with the liars. It is to be found with the believers. The Believers It is simply not true, as the ODNI leaders seem to assert, that U.S. intelligence agency personnel cannot tell, more often than not, that they are being lied to. This is the case because there are thousands of middle-echelon intelligence workers, desk officers, and specialists who know something closely approaching the truth – that is, they know pretty well what is going on in places like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Israel, Palestine and elsewhere. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper (right) talks with President Barack Obama in the Oval Office, with John Brennan and other national security aides present. (Photo credit: Office of Director of National Intelligence) Therefore, if someone feeds them “snake oil,” they usually know it. However, having an accurate grasp of things is often to no avail because their superiors – those who got their appointments by accepting a pre-structured worldview – have different criterion for what is “true” than do the analysts. Listen to Charles Gaukel, of the National Intelligence Council – yet another organization that acts as a meeting ground for the 16 intelligence agencies. Referring to the search for a way to avoid getting taken in by lies, Gaukel has declared, “ We’re looking for truth. But we’re particularly looking for truth that works. ” Now what might that mean? I can certainly tell you what it means historically. It means that for the power brokers, “truth” must match up, fit with, their worldview – their political and ideological precepts. If it does not fit, it does not “work.” So the intelligence specialists who send their usually accurate assessments up the line to the policy makers often hit a roadblock caused by “group think,” ideological blinkers, and a “we know better” attitude. On the other hand, as long as what you’re selling the leadership matches up with what they want to believe, you can peddle them anything: imaginary Iraqi nukes, Israel as a Western-style democracy, Saudi Arabia as an indispensable ally, Libya as a liberated country, Bashar al-Assad as the real roadblock to peace in Syria, the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) aka Star Wars, a world that is getting colder and not warmer, American exceptionalism in all its glory – the list is almost endless. What does this sad tale tell us? If you want to spend millions of dollars on social and behavioral science research to improve the assessment and use of intelligence, forget about the liars. What you want to look for is an antidote to the narrow-mindedness of the believers – the policymakers who seem not to be able to rise above the ideological presumptions of their class – presumptions that underpin their self-confidence as they lead us all down slippery slopes. It has happened this way so often, and in so many places, that it is the source of Shakespeare’s determination that “what is past, is prelude.” Our elites play out our destinies as if they have no free will – no capacity to break with structured ways of seeing. Yet the middle-echelon specialists keep sending their relatively accurate assessments up the ladder of power. Hope springs eternal.
15 Civilians Killed In Single US Airstrike Have Been Identified
Jessica Purkiss
Videos 15 Civilians Killed In Single US Airstrike Have Been Identified The rate at which civilians are being killed by American airstrikes in Afghanistan is now higher than it was in 2014 when the US was engaged in active combat operations. Photo of Hellfire missiles being loaded onto a US military Reaper drone in Afghanistan by Staff Sgt. Brian Ferguson/U.S. Air Force. The Bureau has been able to identify 15 civilians killed in a single US drone strike in Afghanistan last month – the biggest loss of civilian life in one strike since the attack on the Medecins Sans Frontieres hospital (MSF) last October. The US claimed it had conducted a “counter-terrorism” strike against Islamic State (IS) fighters when it hit Nangarhar province with missiles on September 28. But the next day the United Nations issued an unusually rapid and strong statement saying the strike had killed 15 civilians and injured 13 others who had gathered at a house to celebrate a tribal elder’s return from a pilgrimage to Mecca. The Bureau spoke to a man named Haji Rais who said he was the owner of the house that was targeted. He said 15 people were killed and 19 others injured, and provided their names (listed below). The Bureau was able to independently verify the identities of those who died. Rais’ son, a headmaster at a local school, was among them. Another man, Abdul Hakim, lost three of his sons in the attack. Rais said he had no involvement with IS and denied US claims that IS members had visited his house before the strike. He said: “I did not even speak to those sort of people on the phone let alone receiving them in my house.” The deaths amount to the biggest confirmed loss of civilian life in a single American strike in Afghanistan since the attack on the MSF hospital in Kunduz last October, which killed at least 42 people. The Nangarhar strike was not the only US attack to kill civilians in September. The Bureau’s data indicates that as many as 45 civilians and allied soldiers were killed in four American strikes in Afghanistan and Somalia that month. On September 18 a pair of strikes killed eight Afghan policemen in Tarinkot, the capital of Urozgan provice. US jets reportedly hit a police checkpoint, killing one officer, before returning to target first responders. The use of this tactic – known as a “double-tap” strike – is controversial because they often hit civilian rescuers. The US told the Bureau it had conducted the strike against individuals firing on and posing a threat to Afghan forces. The email did not directly address the allegations of Afghan policemen being killed. At the end of the month in Somalia, citizens burnt US flags on the streets of the north-central city of Galcayo after it emerged a drone attack may have unintentionally killed 22 Somali soldiers and civilians. The strike occurred on the same day as the one in Nangarhar. In both the Somali and Afghan incidents, the US at first denied that any non-combatants had been killed. It is now investigating both the strikes in Nangarhar and Galcayo. The rate at which civilians are being killed by American airstrikes in Afghanistan is now higher than it was in 2014 when the US was engaged in active combat operations. Name
Iranian woman jailed for fictional unpublished story about woman stoned to death for adultery
Howard Portnoy
Print An Iranian woman has been sentenced to six years in prison after Iran’s Revolutionary Guard searched her home and found a notebook that contained a fictional story she’d written about a woman who was stoned to death, according to the Eurasia Review . Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee, 35, is the wife of political prisoner Arash Sadeghi, 36, who is serving a 19-year prison sentence for being a human rights activist, the publication reported. “When the intelligence unit of the Revolutionary Guards came to arrest her husband, they raided their apartment – without a warrant – and found drafts of stories that Ebrahimi Iraee had written,” the article stated. “One of the confiscated drafts was a story about stoning women to death for adultery – never published, never presented to anyone,” the article stated. “The narrative followed the story of a protagonist that watched a movie about stoning of women under Islamic law for adultery.
Jackie Mason: Hollywood Would Love Trump if He Bombed North Korea over Lack of Trans Bathrooms (Exclusive Video) - Breitbart
Daniel Nussbaum
In these trying times, Jackie Mason is the Voice of Reason. [In this week’s exclusive clip for Breitbart News, Jackie discusses the looming threat of North Korea, and explains how President Donald Trump could win the support of the Hollywood left if the U. S. needs to strike first. “If he decides to bomb them, the whole country will be behind him, because everybody will realize he had no choice and that was the only thing to do,” Jackie says. “Except the Hollywood left. They’ll get nauseous. ” “[Trump] could win the left over, they’ll fall in love with him in a minute. If he bombed them for a better reason,” Jackie explains. “Like if they have no transgender toilets. ” Jackie also says it’s no surprise that Hollywood celebrities didn’t support Trump’s strike on a Syrian airfield this month. “They were infuriated,” he says. “Because it might only save lives. That doesn’t mean anything to them. If it only saved the environment, or climate change! They’d be the happiest people in the world. ” Still, Jackie says he’s got nothing against Hollywood celebs. They’ve got a tough life in this country. Watch Jackie’s latest clip above. Follow Daniel Nussbaum on Twitter: @dznussbaum
Life: Life Of Luxury: Elton John’s 6 Favorite Shark Pictures To Stare At During Long, Transcontinental Flights
Ever wonder how Britain’s most iconic pop pianist gets through a long flight? Here are the six pictures of sharks Sir Elton John likes to stare at to pass the time on an airplane. 1. A Shark Swimming Sit next to Elton John on a flight and you’ll see a man living in the lap of luxury, as he immediately tapes this photo of a shark darting through the ocean over his window to stare at throughout the trip. The platinum-selling artist has been known to pull his window shade down to make the shark disappear, and then quickly retract it to mark the animal’s triumphant return. He will often repeat this act dozens of times per flight. 2. A Great White Shark Leaping Into The Air When you’re an international pop sensation worth an estimated $450 million, people go the extra mile to make you happy. Flight crews are instructed to place this photo of a breaching great white in Elton John’s seat-back pocket before he even boards the plane. The five-time Grammy winner loves to pull the image out at his leisure to stare at while flying, sometimes holding it a mere 3-to-4 inches away from his face while he fixates upon the shark’s beady eyes. 3. A Shark On The Prowl Rumor has it Elton John first acquired this shark photo in 1997, just before flying to London to perform “Candle In The Wind” at Princess Diana’s funeral. It’s been a staple of his travel routine ever since. Those who have flown with the music legend say that Sir Elton turns on every single overhead light in his row to study this picture with a magnifying glass. 4. Two Hammerhead Sharks How does the man behind “Tiny Dancer” and “Rocket Man” handle turbulence as his plane traverses the Atlantic? Once that “Fasten Seat Belts” sign lights up, this picture of two hammerhead sharks comes out. Elton John holds the photo in a tight vice grip and stares straight at it until the turbulence passes, often without blinking for minutes at a time. 5. The Poster For Jaws Sir Elton John absolutely adores the poster for Steven Spielberg’s Jaws and hopes to one day see the film. In the meantime, the British icon makes do by slowly unfolding his 24-by-36-inch copy of the poster whenever he’s on a long flight, gently tracing the shark’s teeth with his finger as he stares lovingly into its gaping mouth. 6. Pilot’s Choice As much as Elton relishes in the calming regularity of his shark picture rotation, he also loves the excitement of gazing upon a totally unexpected shark when flying from London to a distant corner of Europe. That’s why all pilots who fly Sir Elton print out a shark picture of their choice from their home computers before going to the airport, and hand it to the visibly excited musician prior to takeoff. So yeah—it’s good to be Elton!
Benoît Hamon Wins French Socialist Party’s Presidential Nomination - The New York Times
Alissa J. Rubin
PARIS — France chose an idealistic, traditional candidate in Sunday’s primary to represent the Socialist and parties in the presidential election this spring. The candidate, Benoît Hamon, 49, who ran on the slogan that he would “make France’s heart beat,” bested Manuel Valls, the former prime minister, whose campaign has promoted more policies and who has a strong background. Mr. Hamon appeared to have won by a wide margin, with incomplete returns showing him with an estimated 58 percent of the vote to Mr. Valls’s 41 percent. “Tonight the left holds its head up high again it is looking to the future,” Mr. Hamon said, addressing his supporters. “Our country needs the left, but a modern, innovative left,” he said. Mr. Hamon’s victory was the clearest sign yet that voters on the left want a break with the policies of President François Hollande, who in December announced that he would not seek . However, Mr. Hamon’s strong showing is unlikely to change widespread assessments that candidates have little chance of making it into the second round of voting in the general election. The first round of the general election is set for April 23 and the runoff for May 7. The Socialist Party is deeply divided, and one measure of its lack of popular enthusiasm was the relatively low number of people voting. About two million people voted in the second round of the primary on Sunday, in contrast with about 2. 9 million in the second round of the last presidential primary on the left, in 2011. However, much of the conventional wisdom over how the elections will go has been thrown into question over the past week, because the leading candidate, François Fillon, who represents the main party, the Republicans, was accused of paying his wife large sums of money to work as his parliamentary aide. While nepotism is legal in the French political system, it is not clear that she actually did any work. Prosecutors who specialize in financial malfeasance are reviewing the case. France’s electoral system allows multiple candidates to run for president in the first round of voting, but only the top two go on to a second round. Mr. Hamon is entering a race that is already crowded on the left, with candidates who include Mélenchon on the far left, and Emmanuel Macron, an independent who served as economy minister in Mr. Hollande’s government and who embraces more policies. Unless he decides to withdraw, Mr. Fillon, the mainstream right candidate, will also run, as will the extreme right candidate Marine Le Pen. The two have been expected to go to the runoff. Mr. Hamon’s victory can be attributed at least in part to his image as an idealist and traditional leftist candidate who appeals to union voters as well as more environmentally concerned and socially liberal young people. Unlike Mr. Valls, he also clearly distanced himself from some of Mr. Hollande’s more unpopular policies, especially the economic ones. Thomas Kekenbosch, 22, a student and one of the leaders of the group the Youth With Benoît Hamon, said Mr. Hamon embodied a new hope for those on the left. “We have a perspective we have something to do, to build,” Mr. Kekenbosch said. Mr. Hollande had disappointed many young people because under him the party abandoned ideals, such as support for workers, that many voters believe in, according to Mr. Kekenbosch. Mr. Hollande’s government, under pressure from the European Union to meet budget restraints, struggled to pass labor code reforms to make the market more attractive to foreign investors and also to encourage French businesses to expand in France. The measures ultimately passed after weeks of strikes, but they were watered down and generated little concrete progress in improving France’s roughly 10 percent unemployment rate and its nearly 25 percent youth joblessness rate. Mr. Hamon strongly endorses a stimulus approach to improving the economy and has promised to phase in a universal income, which would especially help young people looking for work, but would also supplement the livelihood of French workers. The end goal would be to have everyone receive 750 euros per month (about $840). “We have someone that trusts us,” Mr. Kekenbosch said, “who says: ‘I give you enough to pay for your studies. You can have a scholarship which spares you from working at McDonald’s on provisional contracts for 4 years. ” Mr. Hamon advocates phasing out diesel fuel and encouraging drivers to replace vehicles that use petroleum products with electrical ones. His leftist pedigree began early. His father worked at an arsenal in Brest, a city in the far west of Brittany, and his mother worked off and on as a secretary. He was an early member of the Movement of Young Socialists, and he has continued to work closely with them through his political life. He also worked for Martine Aubry, now the mayor of Lille and a former Socialist Party leader.
Excerpts From a Draft Script for Donald Trump’s Q&ampA With a Black Church’s Pastor - The New York Times
Donald J. Trump is scheduled to make a highly anticipated visit to an church in Detroit on Saturday, the first such visit of his campaign. There, he will participate in a session conducted by Bishop Wayne T. Jackson of the church, Great Faith Ministries International. Given the importance of the visit, the Trump team went so far as to script Mr. Trump’s answers to Bishop Jackson’s questions, which were submitted in advance. After this article was published on Thursday night, a campaign official said that Mr. Trump would also speak to the church’s congregation and then tour some neighborhoods with Ben Carson, a former presidential candidate and Detroit native. Below are excerpts from a draft of the script that was obtained by The New York Times. _____ Mr. Trump there is racial divide in our country and it is evident that the tension is boiling over. Case and point Reverend Pinckney in South Carolina was gunned down when a white young man came into their Bible Study and slaughtered the Reverend and eight other individuals because he wanted to start a race war. What would your administration do to bring down the racial tension that is in our Country? In the Bible Jesus said that a house divided cannot stand. Our best hope for erasing racial tensions in America is to work toward a society. In business, we hire, retain and award based on merit. In society, however, we have divisions that can only be eliminated if we have equal opportunity and then equal access to programs and institutions that will lift all people in the country. We have to reform our tax system so that we can spur economic growth for the long haul. We have to have stronger enforcement of immigration laws. We have to renegotiate our trade deals so that we can bring advantage back to the American workforce. But perhaps most important is that we must provide equal opportunity for a quality education for all Americans. The higher the educational attainment, the greater the likelihood one can climb the economic ladder. We must bring school choice programs to our cities and we must get rid of Common Core. We must make sure that access, affordability and accountability are brought into our higher education system. Without a focus on educational outcomes for every American, we will perpetuate the permanent underclass that progressive policies have sustained. Republicans like me need to have the courage to speak the truth about where we are and what has to be done. We have to have the courage to go into communities and work with everyone there to make sure that our schools are good and that our children have access to the whatever educational situation they may need. This is not something one person can do, but it is something that we can do together. _____ Mr. Trump there is a perception that your administration is racist. With many of the African American voters their belief is that the Republican Party as a whole does not cater to African American needs. In 2008 and 2012 we had two Republican Candidates John McCain and Mitt Romney and neither one of them came to Detroit, or any urban area that I can remember to even address the concerns of our community. First I would like to commend you for coming to our community as a Republican Candidate. Second I need to know how would you change that perception in our community? The proof, as they say, will be in the pudding. Coming into a community is meaningless unless we can offer an alternative to the horrible progressive agenda that has perpetuated a permanent underclass in America. We need to be true to our word and offer all Americans more opportunities so that each and every one of them can reach their full potential. This means economic policies that will bring jobs back to America and will raise wages for all. This means working hard to provide as many educational options as possible to our parents and children. This means cleaning up drugs and making our neighborhoods and communities safer. We need to get people off welfare and back to work. We need to make sure that anyone who qualifies can go into a bank, get a loan and then start a business. We need to reduce regulations and expand options for people who want to be independent of government. We need to make sure that people can worship how they want and where they want without worrying that some federal agency is going to threaten the religious liberties. Republicans have better options. We just need to have the courage to present them with conviction. _____ Mr. Trump what is your vision for America? And specifically Black America? If you repeal Obama care what is your plan to provide health care and medicine to those who can’t afford it, yet need it the most? As President, I must serve all Americans without regard to race, ethnicity or any other qualification. I must approach my task with the utmost wisdom and make sure that all Americans have opportunities to achieve to their potential. If we are to Make America Great Again, we must reduce, rather than highlight, issues of race in this country. I want to make race disappear as a factor in government and governance. Every individual, regardless of race or ethnicity, must have access to the full array of opportunities in America. My vision for America is that every citizen and legal resident of this nation will be able to stand side by side and be proud of the fact that they live in the greatest nation on earth. As for the Affordable Care Act, I will work to repeal the act and replace it with market driven solutions that will offer more access to healthcare at more affordable prices. Every American should be able to purchase health insurance across state lines, have health savings account that belong to them, have price transparency so they can shop for the best services at the best prices and know that they will not have to compete with those who are clogging the system simply because they are in this country illegally. We want to block grant Medicaid so that states can provide services closer to the people. We want to make sure that every American has great economic opportunity so that they can seek out their own health insurance and still be able to afford it. This approach will serve all Americans and will ensure that more Americans are covered by better insurance and healthcare options. _____ Mr. Trump I am a registered Democrat but I am an undecided voter in this election for 2016. It is not only myself but there has been a lot of Pastors and African Americans who have not made up their minds concerning who they are going to cast their vote for. The latest polls indicate that you have 1 percent of the African American vote. What can you say to undecided voters such as myself and others in the African American Community that will win our vote on November 8, 2016? And beyond winning, why is the African American vote important to you? All votes are important to me and my campaign. Your vote, your neighbor’s vote, the vote of every American is critical and I must do all I can to make sure you know that if you vote for me, you are voting for a stronger, more vibrant America. My policies offer you a clear choice. You can continue down the road of progressivism that has created a permanent underclass in this country that, unfortunately, includes far too many people of color. If you want a better America, you must break from the historical hold that Democrats have had on people of color and move to options that allow you to achieve your potential. This is all about opportunity — not outcomes and promises of things to come that never materialize. The progressives have worked tirelessly to bring all Americans down to one level rather than allowing as many as possible to rise as high as possible. Education, jobs, religious liberty and protection of civil rights are the promises that I will keep, not just utter to gain favor. If you are interested in a greater America with more opportunity, liberty and prosperity, you must take a chance and walk over to my side. If you want a strong partner in this journey, you will vote for me. I will never let you down. By the way, my support is now up to 8% and climbing.
A Back-Channel Plan for Ukraine and Russia, Courtesy of Trump Associates - The New York Times
Megan Twohey and Scott Shane
A week before Michael T. Flynn resigned as national security adviser, a sealed proposal was to his office, outlining a way for President Trump to lift sanctions against Russia. Mr. Flynn is gone, having been caught lying about his own discussion of sanctions with the Russian ambassador. But the proposal, a peace plan for Ukraine and Russia, remains, along with those pushing it: Michael D. Cohen, the president’s personal lawyer, who delivered the document Felix H. Sater, a business associate who helped Mr. Trump scout deals in Russia and a Ukrainian lawmaker trying to rise in a political opposition movement shaped in part by Mr. Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort. At a time when Mr. Trump’s ties to Russia, and the people connected to him, are under heightened scrutiny — with investigations by American intelligence agencies, the F. B. I. and Congress — some of his associates remain willing and eager to wade into efforts behind the scenes. Mr. Trump has confounded Democrats and Republicans alike with his repeated praise for the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin, and his desire to forge an alliance. While there is nothing illegal about such unofficial efforts, a proposal that seems to tip toward Russian interests may set off alarms. The amateur diplomats say their goal is simply to help settle a grueling, conflict that has cost 10, 000 lives. “Who doesn’t want to help bring about peace?” Mr. Cohen asked. But the proposal contains more than just a peace plan. Andrii V. Artemenko, the Ukrainian lawmaker, who sees himself as a leader of a future Ukraine, claims to have evidence — “names of companies, wire transfers” — showing corruption by the Ukrainian president, Petro O. Poroshenko, that could help oust him. And Mr. Artemenko said he had received encouragement for his plans from top aides to Mr. Putin. “A lot of people will call me a Russian agent, a U. S. agent, a C. I. A. agent,” Mr. Artemenko said. “But how can you find a good solution between our countries if we do not talk?” Mr. Cohen and Mr. Sater said they had not spoken to Mr. Trump about the proposal, and have no experience in foreign policy. Mr. Cohen is one of several Trump associates under scrutiny in an F. B. I. counterintelligence examination of links with Russia, according to law enforcement officials he has denied any illicit connections. The two others involved in the effort have somewhat questionable pasts: Mr. Sater, 50, a pleaded guilty to a role in a stock manipulation scheme decades ago that involved the Mafia. Mr. Artemenko spent two and a half years in jail in Kiev in the early 2000s on embezzlement charges, later dropped, which he said had been politically motivated. While it is unclear if the White House will take the proposal seriously, the diplomatic freelancing has infuriated Ukrainian officials. Ukraine’s ambassador to the United States, Valeriy Chaly, said Mr. Artemenko “is not entitled to present any alternative peace plans on behalf of Ukraine to any foreign government, including the U. S. administration. ” At a security conference in Munich on Friday, Mr. Poroshenko warned the West against “appeasement” of Russia, and some American experts say offering Russia any alternative to a international agreement on Ukraine would be a mistake. The Trump administration has sent mixed signals about the conflict in Ukraine. But given Mr. Trump’s praise for Mr. Putin, John Herbst, a former American ambassador to Ukraine, said he feared the new president might be too eager to mend relations with Russia at Ukraine’s expense — potentially with a plan like Mr. Artemenko’s. It was late January when the three men associated with the proposed plan converged on the Loews Regency, a luxury hotel on Park Avenue in Manhattan where business deals are made in a lobby furnished with leather couches, over martinis at the restaurant bar and in private conference rooms on upper floors. Mr. Cohen, 50, lives two blocks up the street, in Trump Park Avenue. A lawyer who joined the Trump Organization in 2007 as special counsel, he has worked on many deals, including a tower in the republic of Georgia and a mixed martial arts venture starring a Russian fighter. He is considered a loyal lieutenant whom Mr. Trump trusts to fix difficult problems. The F. B. I. is reviewing an unverified dossier, compiled by a former British intelligence agent and funded by Mr. Trump’s political opponents, that claims Mr. Cohen met with a Russian representative in Prague during the presidential campaign to discuss Russia’s hacking of Democratic targets. But the Russian official named in the report told The New York Times that he had never met Mr. Cohen. Mr. Cohen insists that he has never visited Prague and that the dossier’s assertions are fabrications. (Mr. Manafort is also under investigation by the F. B. I. for his connections to Russia and Ukraine.) Mr. Cohen has a personal connection to Ukraine: He is married to a Ukrainian woman and once worked with relatives there to establish an ethanol business. Mr. Artemenko, tall and burly, arrived at the Manhattan hotel between visits to Washington. (His wife, he said, met the first lady, Melania Trump, years ago during their modeling careers, but he did not try to meet Mr. Trump.) He had attended the inauguration and visited Congress, posting on Facebook his admiration for Mr. Trump and talking up his peace plan in meetings with American lawmakers. He entered Parliament in 2014, the year that the former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych fled to Moscow amid protests over his economic alignment with Russia and corruption. Mr. Manafort, who had been instrumental in getting Mr. Yanukovych elected, helped shape a political bloc that sprang up to oppose the new president, Mr. Poroshenko, a wealthy businessman who has taken a far tougher stance toward Russia and accused Mr. Putin of wanting to absorb Ukraine into a new Russian Empire. Mr. Artemenko, 48, emerged from the opposition that Mr. Manafort nurtured. (The two men have never met, Mr. Artemenko said.) Before entering politics, Mr. Artemenko had business ventures in the Middle East and real estate deals in the Miami area, and had worked as an agent representing top Ukrainian athletes. Some colleagues in Parliament describe him as corrupt, untrustworthy or simply insignificant, but he appears to have amassed considerable wealth. He has fashioned himself in the image of Mr. Trump, presenting himself as Ukraine’s answer to a rising class of nationalist leaders in the West. He even traveled to Cleveland last summer for the Republican National Convention, seizing on the chance to meet with members of Mr. Trump’s campaign. “It’s time for new leaders, new approaches to the governance of the country, new principles and new negotiators in international politics,” he wrote on Facebook on Jan. 27. “Our time has come!” Mr. Artemenko said he saw in Mr. Trump an opportunity to advocate a plan for peace in Ukraine — and help advance his own political career. Essentially, his plan would require the withdrawal of all Russian forces from eastern Ukraine. Ukrainian voters would decide in a referendum whether Crimea, the Ukrainian territory seized by Russia in 2014, would be leased to Russia for a term of 50 or 100 years. The Ukrainian ambassador, Mr. Chaly, rejected a lease of that kind. “It is a gross violation of the Constitution,” he said in written answers to questions from The Times. “Such ideas can be pitched or pushed through only by those openly or covertly representing Russian interests. ” The reaction suggested why Mr. Artemenko’s project also includes the dissemination of “kompromat,” or compromising material, purportedly showing that Mr. Poroshenko and his closest associates are corrupt. Only a new government, presumably one less hostile to Russia, might take up his plan. Mr. Sater, a longtime business associate of Mr. Trump’s with connections in Russia, was willing to help Mr. Artemenko’s proposal reach the White House. Mr. Trump has sought to distance himself from Mr. Sater in recent years. If Mr. Sater “were sitting in the room right now,” Mr. Trump said in a 2013 deposition, “I really wouldn’t know what he looked like. ” But Mr. Sater worked on real estate development deals with the Trump Organization on and off for at least a decade, even after his role in the stock manipulation scheme came to light. Mr. Sater, who was born in the Soviet Union and grew up in New York, served as an executive at a firm called Bayrock Group, two floors below the Trump Organization in Trump Tower, and was later a senior adviser to Mr. Trump. He said he had been working on a plan for a Trump Tower in Moscow with a Russian real estate developer as recently as the fall of 2015, one that he said had come to a halt because of Mr. Trump’s presidential campaign. (Mr. Cohen said the Trump Organization had received a letter of intent for a project in Moscow from a Russian real estate developer at that time but determined that the project was not feasible.) Mr. Artemenko said a mutual friend had put him in touch with Mr. Sater. Helping to advance the proposal, Mr. Sater said, made sense. “I want to stop a war, number one,” he said. “Number two, I absolutely believe that the U. S. and Russia need to be allies, not enemies. If I could achieve both in one stroke, it would be a home run. ” After speaking with Mr. Sater and Mr. Artemenko in person, Mr. Cohen said he would deliver the plan to the White House. Mr. Cohen said he did not know who in the Russian government had offered encouragement on it, as Mr. Artemenko claims, but he understood there was a promise of proof of corruption by the Ukrainian president. “Fraud is never good, right?” Mr. Cohen said. He said Mr. Sater had given him the written proposal in a sealed envelope. When Mr. Cohen met with Mr. Trump in the Oval Office in early February, he said, he left the proposal in Mr. Flynn’s office. Mr. Cohen said he was waiting for a response when Mr. Flynn was forced from his post. Now Mr. Cohen, Mr. Sater and Mr. Artemenko are hoping a new national security adviser will take up their cause. On Friday the president wrote on Twitter that he had four new candidates for the job.
Obama’s Organizing for Action Partners with Soros-Linked ‘Indivisible’ to Disrupt Trump’s Agenda
Aaron Klein
Organizing for Action, the activist group that morphed from Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign, has partnered with the Indivisible Project for “online trainings” on how to protest President Donald Trump’s agenda. [Last week, Breitbart News extensively reported that Indivisible leaders are openly associated with groups financed by billionaire George Soros. Politico earlier this month profiled Indivisible in an article titled, “Inside the protest movement that has Republicans reeling. ” The news agency not only left out the Soros links, but failed to note that the organizations cited in its article as helping to amplify Indivisible’s message are either financed directly by Soros or have close ties to groups funded by the billionaire, as Breitbart News documented. Organizing for Action (OFA) is a community organizing project that sprung from Obama’s 2012 campaign organization, Organizing for America, becoming a nonprofit described by the Washington Post as “advocate[ing] for the president’s policies. ” In a recent Facebook post titled, “Take a deep breath. Then take action,” OFA called on constituents to lobby particularly hard between now and February 26, when lawmakers will be in their home districts. The post included a link to a guide released by Indivisible on how to organize against Trump. “Stay tuned for online trainings and invitations to calls with coalition partners like Indivisible Guide,” the OFA post states. Paul Sperry, writing at the New York Post, relates: The manual, published with OFA partner “Indivisible,” advises protesters to go into halls quietly so as not to raise alarms, and “grab seats at the front of the room but do not all sit together. ” Rather, spread out in pairs to make it seem like the whole room opposes the Republican host’s positions. “This will help reinforce the impression of broad consensus. ” It also urges them to ask “hostile” questions — while keeping “a firm hold on the mic” — and loudly boo the the GOP politician if he isn’t “giving you real answers. ” “Express your concern [to the event’s hosts] they are giving a platform to authoritarianism, racism, and corruption,” it says. … “Even the safest [Republican] will be deeply alarmed by signs of organized opposition,” the document states, “because these actions create the impression that they’re not connected to their district and not listening to their constituents. ” Sperry reported OFA “plans to stage 400 rallies across 42 states this year to attack Trump and Republicans over ObamaCare’s repeal. ” Earlier this month, NBC News reported on OFA’s new actions and its partnership with Indivisible: OFA has hired 14 field organizers in states home to key senators as part of its campaign to defend Obama’s signature healthcare law. To run that campaign, the group hired Saumya Narechania — the former national field director at Enroll America, which worked to sign people up for Obamacare — and a deputy campaign manager. … OFA says more than 1, 800 people have applied to its Spring Community Engagement Fellowship, a training program, of whom have not previously been involved with OFA. And the group has teamed up with Indivisible, a buzzy newcomer to the progressive movement, to offer organizing training that began Thursday night with a video conference. A combined 25, 000 people have registered to participate in those trainings, OFA said. Indivisible’s DC branch was implicated in a scuffle last week that reportedly injured a staffer for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher ( ) as well as reportedly knocking a to the ground. Protesters claimed they were only delivering Valentine’s Day cards. Indivisible is a part of a coalition of activist groups slated to hold a massive Tax March in Washington and at least 60 other locations on April 15. Unreported by the news media is that most of the listed partners and support organizers of the march are openly financed by Soros or have close links to Soros financing, as Breitbart News documented last week. Meanwhile, earlier this month, Politico profiled Indivisible and reported that “conservatives” are “spreading unfounded rumors” that the group is “being driven by wealthy donors like George Soros. ” Politico, however, seemingly failed to do even the most minimal research on the Indivisible leaders cited in the news outlet’s own profile. Some of those personalities are openly associated with groups financed by Soros. Politico further failed to note that the organizations cited in its article as helping to amplify Indivisible’s message are either financed directly by Soros or have close ties to groups funded by the billionaire. Citing Angel Padilla, a of the group, Politico reported: Dubbed “Indivisible,” the group launched as a way for Padilla and a handful of fellow aides to channel their heartbreak into a manual for quashing President Donald Trump’s agenda. They drafted a protest guide for activists, full of pointers on how to bird dog their members of Congress in the language of Capitol insiders. The manual has since been downloaded over one million times. Indivisible says on its website that over 4, 500 local groups across the nation have “signed up to resist the Trump agenda in nearly every congressional district in the country. ” The manual has been utilized to form the basis of a protest movement. The group’s website states: “What’s more, you all are putting the guide into action — showing up en masse to congressional district offices and events, and flooding the congressional phone lines. You’re resisting — and it’s working. ” Politico reported on “unfounded” rumors being spread about Soros’s involvement with Indivisible (emphasis added by this reporter): Its handful of senior leaders count about 100 contributors to their national organizing work but insist that all are working on a volunteer basis. They know conservatives are spreading unfounded rumors that their success is being driven by wealthy donors like George Soros, which they flatly deny. That paragraph was followed by the following quote from Padilla (emphasis again added by this reporter): “It doesn’t matter who we take money from — we’re always going to get blamed as a Soros group, even if we don’t take money from Soros,” said Padilla, now an analyst with the National Immigration Law Center. “That’s one of the attacks and that’s fine. ” While “Indivisible” has yet to disclose its donors, Politico failed to inform readers that the National Immigration Law Center where the news outlet reported Padilla serves as an analyst is financed by Soros’s Open Society Foundations. The Center has received numerous Open Society grants earmarked for general support. Also unmentioned by Politico is that Padilla previously served as an immigration policy consultant at the radical National Council of La Raza. Soros is a major La Raza donor. Politico went on to detail how Indivisible has been aided by MoveOn. org and the ACLU. The news website failed to tell readers that MoveOn. org and the ACLU are both financed by Soros, a relevant tidbit given Politico’s claim about “unfounded rumors” that Indivisibles’ success was being driven by Soros . The news website reported: In addition, MoveOn. org and the Working Families Party joined with Indivisible for its first nationwide call on Jan. 22. Nearly 60, 000 people phoned in that day, according to Levin and MoveOn organizing director Victoria Kaplan. Indivisible estimates that its second national call, on the impact of Trump’s immigration order with assistance from the ACLU and Padilla’s group, drew 35, 000 people. Politico also missed that, according to its Twitter account, another organizer of the conference call with MoveOn. org was the International Refugee Assistance Project, a project of the Urban Justice Center, another recipient of an Open Society grant. Taryn Higashi, executive director of the Center’s International Refugee Assistance Project, currently serves on the Advisory Board of the International Migration Initiative of Soros’s Open Society Foundations. Politico further reported on Indivisible’s ties to the organizers of last month’s Women’s March while failing to mention that Soros reportedly has ties to more than 50 “partners” of that march. Also, this journalist first reported on the march leaders’ own close associations with Soros. Regarding Indivisible and the Women’s March, Politico reported: Indivisible is also embracing collaboration with other major protest outlets. Leaders of the group were in communication with Women’s March organizers before their main event on Jan. 21, and that partnership will become official when the March unveils the third in its series of 10 direct actions that attendees have been asked to pursue in their communities. Another Indivisible leader mentioned in the Politico article is Jeremy Haile. Not reported by Politico is that is Haile served as federal advocacy counsel for the Sentencing Project. The Sentencing Project is reportedly financed by Soros’s Open Society Foundations, which has also hosted the Project to promote its cause. Aaron Klein is Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter. He is a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio. ” Follow him on Twitter @AaronKleinShow. Follow him on Facebook.
BBC Comedy Sketch "Real Housewives of ISIS" Causes Outrage
Chris Tomlinson
The BBC produced spoof on the “Real Housewives” TV programmes, which has a comedic Islamic State twist, has been criticised by Leftists and Muslims who claim the sketch is offensive. [The BBC released the trailer earlier this week and were immediately slammed by those on the left and Muslims who thought that making fun of the brides of members of the terror group was out of the bounds of conventional humour. The sketch is part of a new programme called “Revolting” written by Jolyon Rubinstein and Heydon Prowse which, according to the BBC, is “satirising the state of the nation. ” LOLOLOL pic. twitter. — Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) January 4, 2017, The BBC2 Facebook page was inundated with criticism. One user wrote, “I’m mortified that the BBC had produced such a programme. This is simply bad taste. The fact it is a comedy makes it even more worrying that humour should be associated with the actions of ISIS. Is this really what TV licenses are funding! ?” Others took a different point of view including a Muslim saying, “As a Muslim I find this HILARIOUS! Brilliant! The satire is on point highlighting the pathetic ideals of a pathetic group like ISIS. ” Not all Muslims agreed with the sentiment and users on Twitter expressed just as much outrage for the sketch. One man, a Bangladeshi, said “The BBC really made a satirical show called ‘The Real Housewives of ISIS’ while the real housewives of ISIS are being raped and abused daily. ” The BBC really made a satirical show called ”The Real Housewives of ISIS” while the real housewives of ISIS are being raped and abused daily, — Meraj. (@UncleMeraj) January 4, 2017, Another wrote, “‘Real Housewives of ISIS’ will make Hijabis feel more isolated n targeted by Islamophobes. Thanks @BBC for adding to the negative stereotype. ” ’Real Housewives of ISIS’ will make Hijabis feel more isolated n targeted by Islamophobes. Thanks @BBC for adding to the negative stereotype, — aѕн (@AshKaneSkittles) January 4, 2017, Leftists also articulated how offended they were that the public broadcaster would dare create such a sketch mocking Islamic State. Some questioned whether the use of taxpayer money via the TV license fee should go toward the funding of the programme. As if people’s TV license in this country is going towards funding the production of a programme called ”the real housewives of ISIS”. Wow, — Cameron Edgar (@CammyyyEdgar) January 4, 2017, The video itself has already been viewed millions of times on Facebook and other social media platforms. The clip shows several women in hijabs talking to each other in a house taking selfies and showing off their suicide belts to each other. One woman even mentions that she hadn’t come from Birmingham “to do this” as she scrubbed the floor of the home. Women joining Islamic State and travelling to Syria to become brides has become a real problem in European countries as the terror group promises young girls a more glamorous lifestyle. In 2014, eight schoolgirls from Bethnal Green travelled to Syria to become brides of Islamic State fighters, all of them under the age of 18.
Russian Researchers Discover Secret Nazi Military Base ‘Treasure Hunter’ in the Arctic [Photos]
Amando Flavio
The mystery surrounding The Third Reich and Nazi Germany is still a subject of debate between many observers. Some believe that Nazi Germany, under the control of Adolf Hitler, possessed supernatural powers, and largely employed pseudo-science during the 1933-1945 period. However, some also hold that the above belief is just a mere speculation without any proven fact. Over the years, researchers have searched extensively for answers to some of the more mysterious activities associated with Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany invaded Russia (formerly the USSR) during the Second World War on June 22, 1941. At the time, the German army progressed deep into Russian territory, gaining ground close to the capital Moscow, before the Russians could counter-attack, eventually driving the Nazis back. During the Nazi occupation in Russia, in 1942, the Nazis built a secret military base around the Arctic, code-named “Schatzgraber” or “Treasure Hunter,” which was reportedly very instrumental in the war against Russia. The base was primarily used as a tactical weather station for planning the strategic movements of Nazi troops, warships and submarines. The base also housed eminent Nazi scientists, whom conducted many experiments to help progress a German win of the war. It was widely speculated at the time that the Nazis used the base to contact aliens or extraterrestrial beings. The controversial Ahnenerbe was even linked to the base. The Ahnenerbe was an institute in Nazi Germany. Responsible for researching archaeological and cultural history of the Aryan race, it is rumored to have had heavy occult influences. Founded on July 1, 1935, by Heinrich Himmler, Herman Wirth and Richard Walther Darré, the Ahnenerbe later conducted experiments and launched expeditions in attempts to prove that mythological Nordic populations had once ruled the world. However, the Nazis abandoned the base in 1944 – a time when the Russian army began its offensive, pushing the Germans out of the country. According to a war-time story, supplies had dwindled to dangerously low levels, and the Nazi officers stationed at the base outpost were forced to kill and eat polar bear, which ultimately, was infected with trichinosis. This caused those stationed at the base to fall severely ill and eventually they required rescue by a German U-boat. Despite Russian authors telling the story of “Treasure Hunter,” some observers consider it a myth, doubting its existence. But Russian researchers have now announced that “Treasure Hunter” has been discovered, saying the base is on the island of Alexandra Land in the Arctic Circle, located 620 miles from the North Pole. A senior researcher at the Russian Arctic National Park, Evgeny Ermolov said in a statement announcing the discovery : “Before it was only known from written sources, but now we also have real proof.”
US Officials See No Link Between Trump and Russia
Jason Ditz
Clinton Campaign Demands FBI Affirm Trump's Russia Ties With the 2016 election campaign winding down, the Clinton campaign is ratcheting up demands for the FBI to publicly confirm the campaign’s allegations that Republican nominee Donald Trump is secretly in league with Russia. Sen. Harry Reid (D – NV) went so far as to claim the FBI has secret “explosive” evidence of coordination between the Trump campaign and the Russian government that it is withholding. FBI officials familiar with their investigations into the allegations, which the Clinton campaign started publicizing around the Democratic National Convention, say they’ve turned up nothing to connect Trump and Russia , leading FBI Director James Comey to decide against making any statements to that effect. The Clinton campaign has been making the allegations so long that they have taken to claiming “everyone knows” that they are true, and appears unsettled by the FBI’s refusal to sign off on the claims simply because they haven’t been able to find real evidence corroborating the story. The Trump campaign has repeatedly denied ties to Russia, but that didn’t stop Clinton from calling Trump a “puppet” of Russian President Vladimir Putin during the final presidential debate. The calls have grown since Friday’s FBI report to Congress about further Clinton emails being sought. With Clinton’s main campaign scandal growing in the waning weeks of the deal, some in her campaign have suggested that affirming Trump as secretly in league with the Russians would only be fair. Absent any evidence, however, it appears that won’t be happening.
Re: Yes, There Are Paid Government Trolls On Social Media, Blogs, Forums And Websites
Yes, There Are Paid Government Trolls On Social Media, Blogs, Forums And Websites February 26th, 2014 Do you want solid proof that paid government shills are targeting websites, blogs, forums and social media accounts? For years, many have suspected that government trolls have been systematically causing havoc all over the Internet, but proving it has been difficult. But now thanks to documents leaked by Edward Snowden and revealed by Glenn Greenwald, we finally have hard evidence that western governments have been doing this. As you will see below, a UK intelligence outfit known as the Government Communications Headquarters, through a previously secret unit known as the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group, has been systematically attempting “to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse”. This should be deeply disturbing to anyone that values free speech on the Internet. It isn’t just that the British government is trying to influence what people are thinking. The reality is that this is far bigger than a mere propaganda campaign. As Greenwald recently noted on his new website , the “integrity of the Internet itself” is at stake… By publishing these stories one by one, our NBC reporting highlighted some of the key, discrete revelations: the monitoring of YouTube and Blogger , the targeting of Anonymous with the very same DDoS attacks they accuse “hacktivists” of using, the use of “ honey traps ” (luring people into compromising situations using sex) and destructive viruses . But, here, I want to focus and elaborate on the overarching point revealed by all of these documents: namely, that these agencies are attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse , and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the internet itself. So what techniques are the British using to control and manipulate discourse on the Internet? According to Greenwald, the documents that Snowden has uncovered show that they are willing to sink to despicable lows in order to get the results that they desire… Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. To see how extremist these programs are, just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends: “ false flag operations ” (posting material to the internet and falsely attributing it to someone else), fake victim blog posts (pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and posting “ negative information ” on various forums. The following is a list of Internet infiltration techniques that were listed on one particular slide that Snowden leaked… – Infiltration Operation – Sting Operation You can check out this slide for yourself right here . There is also evidence that the Canadian government has been involved in this sort of thing as well. Natural News … You’ve probably run into them before — those seemingly random antagonizers who always end up diverting the conversation in an online chat room or article comment section away from the issue at hand, and towards a much different agenda. Hot-button issues like illegal immigration, the two-party political system, the “war on terror” and even alternative medicine are among the most common targets of such attackers, known as internet “trolls” or “shills,” who in many cases are nothing more than paid lackeys hired by the federal government and other international organizations to sway and ultimately control public opinion . Several years ago, Canada’s CTV News aired a short segment about how its own government had been exposed for hiring secret agents to monitor social media and track online conversations, as well as the activities of certain dissenting individuals. This report, which in obvious whitewashing language referred to such activities as the government simply “ weighing in and correcting ” allegedly false information posted online, basically admitted that the Canadian government had assumed the role of secret online police . You can see a video news report about this activity up in Canada right here . Are you disturbed yet? You should be. So what kind of people are the governments of the western world targeting online? Well, when it comes to the U.S. government, all you have to do is to look at their official documents to see who they consider the “problems” to be. For much more on this, please see my previous article entitled “ 72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered ‘Potential Terrorists’ In Official Government Documents “. Sadly, the reality of the matter is that the days of the free and open Internet are numbered. The governments of the world are increasing their control over the Internet with each passing day, and eventually a time will likely come when we will not be able to communicate openly like this any longer. Things have gotten so bad in the U.S. already that even Google is spooked … A recent court decision that endorsed a broad view of the Federal Communications Commission’s authority over the Internet has Google and other Web companies nervous. In closed-door meetings with regulators and Capitol Hill staff, Google’s lawyers have said they’re worried how the FCC may use its newfound powers, according to multiple people familiar with the meetings. The extent of the FCC’s authority over Google and other Web services remains unclear, and the current FCC has given no indication that it is interested in pushing aggressive new regulations. But the possibility that the commission could begin telling Google how to organize its search results or handle its users’ data is enough to spook the company’s army of Washington lobbyists. And this is just the beginning. If you think that the control freaks that are running things now are bad, just wait until you see the next generation of control freaks. For example, there is one prominent student writer at Harvard that apparently believes that free speech at her university should be abolished and that any professor that does not advocate for her politically-correct version of “justice” should be fired … A student writer at Harvard University is raising eyebrows after publishing her belief that free speech on campus should be abolished and professors with opposing views be fired. Sandra Korn, a senior who writes a column for the Harvard Crimson newspaper, thinks radical leftism is the only permissible political philosophy, and the First Amendment only hinders colleges from brainwashing students with her viewpoint. “Let’s give up on academic freedom in favor of justice,” states the subtitle of her Feb. 18 column , in which she insists Harvard stop guaranteeing students and professors the right to hold controversial views and conduct research putting liberalism in a negative light. “If our university community opposes racism, sexism, and heterosexism, why should we put up with research that counters our goals?” Korn asks. This is what control freaks always want. They always want to shut down those that are presenting opposing views. They don’t believe in free speech and a “marketplace of ideas”. Rather, they believe in shoving what they believe down the rest of our throats. And now we have solid proof that the governments of the western world are paying people to manipulate discourse on social media, blogs, forums and websites. So will there be great outrage over this, or will the apathetic public just roll over and ignore this like they have so many other times the past few years? My guess, most will just roll over and ignore this. People don’t care. Hammerstrike At least I know why people disagree with me other dem intrenets now, they are paid trolls! Paid by the governement to spread falsehoods and hurt muh feelins! seth datta Most of my comments get deleted by bankster paid control freaks if they don’t troll my comments. Banksters truly are the psychopaths destroying the world. K The amazing thing is, they are not that hard to spot. But since like so many other things, people will not face the truth. This information will only help a very few. For those of you still sitting on the fence. How much more evidence do you need? How many more ways does the Government have to mess with you? What will it finally take, to say enough? Rodster “Don’t confuse me with the facts. I already made up my mind.” SupernaturalCat “The amazing thing is, they are not that hard to spot. But since like so many other things, people will not face the truth.” Indeed. Never underestimate the power of denial. DJohn1 This is called doing anything for a paycheck. Otherwise known in the world as prostituting for money. Snowden probably has a few other “surprises” in the material he has not released yet. This also dates back to way before the internet was ever thought of. PR firms for the government have been making fun of anything that they truly want to hide. Such as any legitimate UFO reporting over the last 50 or so years. Anyone with a thorough knowledge of Solar System Astronomy was made to feel like a nut as far back as the 50s. One Russian Scientist came up with a fantastic theory of how Venus came to be where it is in the Solar System. In 1949 or 1950 scientists all over the planet wanted his books banned from publication and actually boycotted anyone that would pub his work. His theory said that Venus was extremely hot(800 degrees Fahrenheit). That the planet had a weird rotation. That it possibly came into the Solar System around the time of Joseph of Egypt and 400 years later caused the plagues of Egypt under Moses. That placed it in BIblical times. Well Venus does have a weird day. It is longer than its year. Venus is full of hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide. It has an atmosphere much thicker than the Earth’s. All of which sort of lend credit to the theory. It is volcanic and has a very hot surface. In 1950, astronomers were guessing that Venus was a twin to Earth with a slightly higher temperature. Possibly 150 at the equator and comfortable at the poles. Then the Russian Drones sent to Venus told an entirely different story and blew all of the astronomers out of the water. I hope I am embarrassing them for their efforts to ban the man from publication. He spent his years at Princeton University after leaving Russia. Two aspects of the theory should make us all sit up and listen. He claimed the Hydrocarbons rained oil over the surface of the Earth and that might be where a lot of Earth’s supply of oil came from. The Russians are acting on that theory to find new oil reserves. The second aspect is that Venus played a kind of bounce game as it came down through the Solar System and removed the second planet from the Sun in the process and dumped it out further in the Solar System. He thought that Mars was originally in the orbit where Venus is today. His theory was that mankind forgot what happened in a kind of national amnesia. IF what he says was true, then Mars could have had a thick enough atmosphere and water to support life! More important it might have had a thick magnetic layer that filtered out the Sun and kept the planet temperate at one time. All of which was ruined as Venus dragged it out of orbit. That might have happened in biblical times. The Earth might have been slightly closer to the Sun with a 360 day year instead of 365 and a quarter day year. This of course is all speculation until we go out there and find out the real truth of what is going on. My own guess is that if there is life on Mars it is in caves under the surface with a slightly heavier atmosphere and possibly seas in these huge caverns. If there is any surface life left, it is likely to be about the size of a dog or a racoon. If there is large life, I suspect it will be Sand Worms deep in the sands of Mars. I mention this because it is very easy to ridicule ideas. The one I just told you about actually happened in the 50s and was ridiculed coast to coast by actual scientists. We are in a universe with over 100 billion galaxies out there. The number of stars with life possible is at a fantastic number. If one in a million stars has life, that is still a whole lot of life out there. The only explanation that makes sense to me is we are far off the trade lanes between the stars. Otherwise we would have been contacted years ago. Or have we been? I suggest that when a civilization reaches the level of using Atomic Bombs then that civilization bares watching. We had a lot of UFO activity after World War II and the setting off of bombs all over the planet as governments tested these weapons. Governments all over the world that are big enough are probably hiding a lot of things from all of us. I think we might all be amazed at just exactly what has been withheld. NowAlive This is quite a postulation on the mere evidence that was correct, namely the temperature of Venus. The plagues of Egypt were localized. You had firstborns killed unless you used a passover lamb. Second, what about the oils raining down all over the Earth? I was quite young when Valdez crashed. The oil rig explosion in the Gulf is more recent. The hydrocarbon dumping would have killed off most life on the planet. Basically my point is that observational science shows that virtually none of what you just stated has been proven or even has any legitimate evidence. It’s wild speculation. I’m not an astrophysicist, but I doubt you are either. The governments hiding things is obvious. This in no way shows life on Mars or Venus dumping oil or switching orbital positions. It does not even slightly point to alien visitations or life. I’m not trying to offend you. I’m just trying to understand what you just said in a way that shows there is some evidence for it. DJohn1 You are quite right. It is wild speculation on my part. Except the temperature is not the only evidence. Venus rotates the wrong direction in its spin or day. It is the only planet in the entire solar system to do so. The day is 268 of our days long. The year is 222 of our days. That the temperatures are so high could just be the closeness to the Sun. The atmosphere is 15 times thicker than our planet’s atmosphere. That speaks to me that something unusual is going on. As for the oil, it is showing up in places that only a rain of oil might explain. The critical thing that we do not know is When it occurred or if it occurred at all. If I am right, there is a good possibility that the Moon will have some fairly large deposits of oil under the surface. There is a lot of unexplained discoloration on face of the Moon. If there is oil under the surface of the Moon, it might also mean that the Moon was a small planet at one time with an atmosphere and life. Again, I am speculating. The theory did not come from astrophysics. It came from examining a lot of stories all over the planet from the approximate time of Moses. That was Velinkovsky’s specialty, ancient languages and psychology of ancient cultures. Rastus A field of study that you may or may not have heard of is called “catastrophism”. Not without its critics and highly controversial among biblical scholars, you may find the subject a good scratch to your itch. A book by Donald Wesley Patten called “Catastrophism And The Old Testament” might be in accordance with your fancy. Johnny Are you speaking of Immanuel Velikovsky? He is the Author of Worlds in Collision. He points out the chaos of the universe. I found him interesting to read in 1958. DJohn1 Yes. He was not a specialist in astronomy. He simply pointed out what the beliefs of the ancient world were. He did upset the scientific world of his time. I think he was at least 50% right about things. We now know that Venus could not have come from Jupiter or Saturn. My own thought is that it had to come from the outer solar system or beyond. We have well over 100 moons around the planets. Most of which are around the gas giants. Most of which have a nickel/iron core. None of which could have come from the major gas giants in the Solar System. They had to come from something much more dense and much older. The man most likely to shake the core beliefs of astrophysics and astronomy is an accomplished astronomer, Dr. Mike Brown. What he is finding is there are a series of small, Pluto sized planets, some with small moons in the outer solar system. Scientists have been looking in the wrong place. Of the four new planets he has found, they seem to be 40-50 degrees off the orbits of the gas giants. Some are in extremely comet like orbits and at least one is on its way out of the Solar System. I am no scientist. A lot of what I read about it makes little sense with current theories. Unless there is something out there that is big enough to drag small planets and moons out of their original orbits around the Sun. Some think we have a brown dwarf about a light year out at the edge of the Sun’s influence(gravity). So far no one has found it. I think we are looking in the wrong places. IF there is a brown dwarf, it is quite small as stars go. IF it is in a comet-like orbit, then somewhere down the road it will return causing all kinds of changes in the Solar System. IF it has planets around it, then those planets might cause a lot of destruction as they come close to existing planets and moons in our solar system. Our planets as viewed from the North and top of the Solar System rotate around the Sun counter-clockwise. IF this brown dwarf is rotating clockwise around the Sun, that might complicate finding and plotting an orbit for it. IF it is way off the angle that most planets orbit the Sun, that might also keep it from being discovered. I do find it interesting that a lot of astronomy telescopes are moving towards the South Pole for observations. Known Brown Dwarf Stars do exist around stars in our stellar neighborhood and some are independent of any other stars all within about 12 light years of our Sun. A lot of what we do know is kept fairly low key and doesn’t really get a lot of news headlines. How many people know about Dr. Brown’s work in the outer solar system? How many know about the gap(hole) in the orbits of the ORB cloud? A gap big enough for something the size of Venus or much larger could have made in the outer asteroid belt. I think it is possible that an object possibly the size of a gas giant might be out there somewhere but so little light is coming from it that we will only discover it by accident. What is significant is we are still learning about new planets in our own solar system. The governments have spent enormous amounts of money in this area through NASA. So someone must think we have things out there we need to know. GrimReaperLady I found your reply facinating! There is no way we are the only planet with life. I think I am going to go read some scientific journals, any suggestions. jaxon64 Awesome distraction technique…you turned a discussion of govt media control and trolling into a lengthy discussion of planetary formation?…truly masterful. You deserve a raise. DJohn1 Thank you. Just for the record, I have no salary from the U.S. Government for trolling. The only funds from them I see is my monthly Social Security Check as someone that has retired. Not sure how long that lasts before they steal what they haven’t all ready spent out of the general fund. The true masters are the PR people hired to keep the sheep all sleeping peacefully while the government steals everything in sight. I started getting suspicious about 20 years ago, when the entire newspaper business stopped mud raking and went with bland stories handed out by the wire services. It appears stirring up things has legal penalties and newspapers do not want to get hung up in legal battles. So they run news from wire services and leave the real reporting to others. Making advertisers angry has financial penalties as well, so lord help the reporter that angers an advertiser. Everything is wrapped up in money motivations. That above anything else is what has destroyed the country’s estate that used to bring down the crooked politicians. The only way this related to planetary formation is that this media was used to go against this man by scientists that were angry at his claims. These scientists literally boycotted the publishers willing to pub his work. My own thought is that controling the scientific discovery press is just as bad. Jonathon von Tischner A good video on that is “Return of the Nephilim” by Chuck Missler. DJohn1 Immanuel Velikovsky wrote the book in question. Worlds in Collision was the title. He was wrong about a lot of things. For instance I do not think it is possible to have Venus come out of Jupiter. The elements are different. Venus has a heavy core vs Jupiter has a Hydrogen and Helium core. What he did get right was a lot of facts about what Venus actually consisted of. My own idea is Venus might have been a wondering planet not orbiting any Star. I mentioned this man because by coincidence he did get a lot of things right. His ideas should not have been debunked or censored in any way. How was Venus created? I think it might have come from Brown Dwarf that was coming apart at the seams. That would make it a whole lot older than Velinkovsky thought. The idea is Brown Dwarfs might have a lot of heavy materials on them than regular stars and gas planets. We have an entire solar system full of heavy objects like that. We also have at least 4 gas giants that consist mostly of hydrogen and helium. The question is where did all of those heavy material objects consisting of nickel/iron cores come from? That is a question that most astronomy scientists do not have a good answer yet. 2¢Wurth Wow, less than two sentences into the article and the icon of Gary2 started appearing on the left and right sides of the screen. I used to think of a troll as a small ugly creature, now I think of this perverted looking plastic muppet who barks out this “take from the rich, give to me” mantra. Must be very weird living in that world… Chris Yes the Purple colored Cookie Monster from Sesame Street! seth Half my comments get deleted or trolled outright. There is little to no freedom of speech in the West. Heck, other countries are the lands of the free, relatively speaking. blackciti_fo5 So they’re doing with the internet what has already been done to television basically? Great. Just great. Eric Blair Those who propose that only one perspective is viable and that all competing viewpoints should be abolished by decree are the worst trolls of all, no matter what ideals they hold up to justify their actions. America was founded on the idea of freedom, and primarily freedom of speech and ideas. Any who would seek to deter that freedom are as tumors on the political body of this country, and as such should be excised lest their disease continue to spread. Goebbels and Bernays would be proud of such people, but they have no place in a truly free country. Nicholas Mull yes brotherjohnf We have been telling people this for years as we have battled these trolls for more than a decade. People just refuse to believe it. Sad. Syrin Anyone reading my unrelenting attacks on GARY at Michael’s other web site knows that I believe without a doubt he is a paid disinformation gov’t agent. NO ONE can read the facts that Michael presents, and logically reach the conclusions he does when faced with pages of data and facts unless they are brain dead or have an agenda. He might have both. Guest LOL. I don’t think Gary is a disinformation agent. I think he’s just an angry man who feels that he’s owed something. But that’s just my opinion. jaxon64 agreed…now gay vet may actually be a troll. Gary at least discusses the issues,-albeit from his redundant and close-minded viewpoints which are inalterable by facts—yet gay vet and a few others are always trying to distract from the topic and turn any intelligent discourse in the comments section into a name calling and Repub vs Democrat discussion. His very name was probably chosen to distract from article content. Another tactic I see from some here consistently is that if anyone mentions any faith, or God or just finishes a post with “God help us”…then trolls who never post anything else will pounce in and start attacking God—I think the true motive is to turn the conversation toward one of atheism/religion/creation instead of the topic of the article… You see it from the same people over and over–then they disappear and someone new with a different moniker will take their place ( quite possibly the same shill but different name.) All said, they are very effective at distraction if one reads through the comments, they often take over an entire article and it never gets back on topic. Gay Veteran speak of trolls and jaxon64 pops up. “…yet gay vet and a few others are always trying to distract from the topic and turn any intelligent discourse in the comments section into a name calling and Repub vs Democrat discussion… hey Einstein, get a clue, there is no differences between the 2 parties …His very name was probably chosen to distract from article content….” I’ll choose my own name, j-hole. “…Another tactic I see from some here consistently is that if anyone mentions any faith, or God or just finishes a post with “God help us”…then trolls who never post anything else will pounce in and start attacking God…” OR you post something incredibly stoopid and get hammered for it FirstGarden You know a tree by its fruit. Veteranforpeace Some folks take pride in being prime slime. They’re so desperate for attention that any kind would be better than none. Veteranforpeace They’ll do it for buck too, Paid prime time slime. Facts seldom stand in the way of what someone wants to believe English Kev I think Gary has genitalia dimension disorder. Syrin Michael, I actually believe the gov’t push to take over the internet will HELP America. Why? because most Americans are fat, lazy brain dead zombies who let Jon Stewart do their thinking for them. They’re intellectual sloths and are 100% unaware of the noose being placed around their neck. HOWEVER, they are internet addicts, and take away an addicts fix, and he/she will react potentially violently. It might just shake enough people from their stupor to effect meaningful change. FirstGarden How dare you speak my mind? :-) Media-mesmerized couch potatoes. Derp So basically, what you’re saying is that the only way to save the internet (and all that it represents) is to destroy it? Apple Cider Your beliefs step on the rights of free citizens and we are not here to serve your needs. Please stick your head in a bucket of water and drown yourself. Gay Veteran you’ll get more truth from Jon Stewart than from the corporate media (including Fox) rkb100100 Public sector employee unions troll everything. FirstGarden The New “Free Speech”– no speech tolerated but their own. (If you disagree, you’re automatically a hater and a phobe.) The New “Diversity”– Everyone except veterans and white males in their 50s. The New “Constituency”– Left wing voting blocks (Formed by tax incentives to corporations for target hiring; promotion of welfare vs. workfare.) Rastus Their father is the “father of lies” FirstGarden Aye, but he is an equal-opportunity father, with children in many a camp. Derp Freedom of Speech means that you have the freedom to speak your mind. That doesn’t mean that what you say is automatically correct or true. FirstGarden You’re correct. Unfortunately, Statism does not tolerate free speech, dissent, nor true diversity. Joey D’Fixer I dont know why they even bother anyway. Its not like this garbage works and they are so easy to spot. For instance, on YT, they are always a dead give away, as for 95% of the time, they use a First and Last name, which from what i can tell, is autogenerated through some script they use. I had seen in a video, the FedBizOpps site putting out a contract for a system to make multiple IDs for use in some Social Media program. If i recall, it was the Air Force or something like that. Operation Earnest Voice was another one as well. But they basically log in through some front-end of sorts, and they dont actually use YT like we do. The profiles are ALWAYS empty: no dates, no vids, no likes, no uploads, no playlists, nothing on the ‘About’ section. Its all pure vapor. And Cass Sunstein was the one who recommended all this in his paper, calling it ‘cognitive infiltration’, and who is another Dr Goebbels wanna-be and who should be hung from a tree. And its not like they are ‘going to change our minds’ on anything. Troll or no troll, if i dont like what youre saying to me, i have 3 words for you ‘Go F yourself.’ This is what actually enrages me more than anything, that they feel everyone but themselves, are going to be that malleable, zombified and sloth-like, to just believe everything they spew. If its one thing i hate, its people with superiority complexes, they are just a total scourge on the planet and its mindset of every control-freak authoritarian out there, past, present and future. Randall Thrift The illusion of privacy is just that, AN ILLUSION. My granddaddy always taught me that once an idea, thought, or opinion leaves you mind it is no longer private and you no longer should have any expectations of privacy. In today’s world of the high tech social media this truth is more evident than ever. GrimReaperLady Wow that is scary, this my last post until I think this through. Captain Canuck Yeah if you guys are worried about Obama’s NSA, then you wouldn’t believe Prime Minister Harper. He’s diabolical. He’s managed to remove or control most press and cameras from Parlaiment Hill. This is huge, as media used to have access and reporters had a presence at the capital. He’s also managed to muzzle ANYONE who comes out and questions the Big Oil agenda. c p Corrupt governments hate free speech, and ours will be gone for good with the next major terrorist attack or natural disaster. Then the internet will be every bit as dumbed down as the broadcast media. Blitzkrieg Oh Gay Veteran… Paging Gay Veteran. Blitzkrieg …and Gary — if they’re not already the same person. Gay Veteran sorry junior but I detest our fascist government Charles Reece By the way, since Britain and America are BOTH English-speaking countries – and the closest of allies, along with France; that therefore, England is ALREADY “in league” with whatever almost EVERTHING that the U.S. does in the first place, AND therefore, given Edward Snowden’s revelations of the U.S. Government’s intelligence apparatus “spying” on its own citizens; that accordingly, why not EXPECT Britain to do the “same” – to not only their OWN people, but also ours as well, anyway. And besides, truly, during the 1960’s, the English-speaking countries; such as England itself, and Canada, Australia, and New Zealand have already been SHARING “signals-intelligence” information – or electronic “eavesdropping” information – with each other and with Uncle Sam; through the ECHELON electronic eavesdropping network; which was set up back in 1964. By each member nation of ECHELON electronically spying on each other’s respective private citizens – and passing on intelligence-gathered information to the OTHER member nations; that consequently, each member nation could actually CIRCUMVENT their own respective government’s laws PROHIBITING ECHELON from “spying” on its OWN country’s citizens. They’ve been doing this ever since ECHELON was “set up” back in ’64. But very few Americans have already known about what’s been “going on” all of these past five decades; that being, with ECHELON members permitting each other to electronically “spy” and “share” intelligence information dealing with each other’s country’s citizens. Thus, by ONE member nation allowing ANOTHER one to gather information on its own citizens – and sharing that same “information” with the others; that consequently, each member nation COULD NOT legally be “accused” of violating its own respective government’s laws prohibiting domestic spying. BART SIMPSONSON Hey, it’s just another means of getting the prog’s agitprop out there and countering any notion of Free Speech on the internet. In case you haven’t noticed they also pretty much have the non-Fox TV news networks, channels, and programs fellating them daily……. James It’s not really a surprise tho is it? And I don’t think it’s a Lib vs Dem thing, I imagine most governments do it. And it’s not just governments either. Big business is up to exactly the same thing. Big pharma, oil companies spreading disinformation about climate change. Sad times we live in really, difficult to know who to trust on the Internet these days. We all seek out the stories and opinions that support our view on the world. ButIDigress In any society, most people do nothing. It’s up to the minority to defend the naive majority. It’s how things are done. Bob G If I read the article correctly the government is targeting conservative thought. I always wondered why liberals would deliberately read conservative web sites and then harass the commentators. I certainly have no wish to read liberal web sites let alone comment on them. It all makes sense now. OGIS The DNC is behind a lot of this. False flag operations to make “conservative” posters sound ignorant, stupid and racist. (Not to say that there are not elements of that in many conservatives AND liberals, but these j@ck@sses ramp it up to 11.) Tami Chapman I almost posted this until you mentioned the Harvard Student’s article, which was taken totally out of context. Great article until the very end when you very sneakily try to place all of the blame on liberals when we all know the the real villains completely control both parties, especially the conservatives. It’s Independents like Sanders who will fight for our rights…people who are not bought by the power elite.
In Major League Soccer, Argentines Find a Home and Success - The New York Times
Jack Williams
Guillermo Barros Schelotto was not the first Argentine player to set foot on a Major League Soccer field. Statistically speaking, he was the 28th when he made his debut for the Columbus Crew in 2007. But Schelotto’s phone still rings to this day, more than six years after he left the league, with calls from fellow Argentines looking for advice. Though Schelotto, 43, is currently the coach of Boca Juniors, the most decorated team in Argentina, most of the players who call him want to talk about other teams, about other countries, about a soccer world away from the environment of Buenos Aires. “Most of them like to talk about the cities,” Schelotto said. Many of them find a way to come. Argentines now make up the demographic in M. L. S. trailing only Americans. According to the Elias Sports Bureau, going into this season’s openers, 98 Argentine players had been featured in an M. L. S. game since the league’s inception. Sebastian Blanco, a new designated player for Portland, made his debut in an opener Friday and became No. 99. In a ranking by nationality, Argentines have the goal total, too. Twelve of the 22 teams in M. L. S. will start the season with at least one Argentine on their roster, a list that includes stars like Dallas’s Mauro Diaz and Montreal’s Ignacio Piatti and newcomers like Atlanta’s Hector Villalba and New York City F. C.’s Maxi Moralez. Why do they come? For some it’s the money, or at least the promise that it will be paid regularly. Others come for the lifestyle, the chance to fade into a comparative anonymity unavailable to them at home, or to live the “quiet, clean” life that Schelotto describes as he reminisces about his days in Ohio. The Portland Timbers playmaker Diego Valeri was one such player who called Schelotto, his former manager, and he eventually heeded his advice. But he said it was for an entirely different reason. A year before he signed with Portland, while under contract to his hometown club Lanus, Valeri had had a gun pressed to his throat when robbers attempted to steal his BMW with his wife, Florencia, and daughter, Connie, inside. “After that moment,” Valeri said with considerable understatement, “we thought about opportunities to play outside and know different places in the world. ” Within a year, Valeri, who had had loan spells in Portugal and Spain, was on his way to Portland. “Situations like that are very hard for the Argentinian people to change,” he said. The Valeri and his family are now settled in the Northwest, where he is playing arguably the best soccer of his career. He is a and in between was named the most valuable player when Portland won the 2015 M. L. S. Cup championship game. “I think they like the anonymity and the tranquillity here,” Caleb Porter, Valeri’s coach with the Timbers, said of his star and his countrymen. “They really relish the opportunity to be here and to live a lifestyle that’s different to how they lived in Argentina. They transition well into M. L. S. ” Since 2011, Portland has signed six Argentines, including its acquisition of Blanco, 28. Valeri has been a good ambassador — he speaks English and urges newcomers to try to learn it as soon as possible, to ease the transition. But Porter and the Timbers’ general manager and president of soccer, Gavin Wilkinson, believe there is another, more straightforward reason for Argentina’s outsize presence in M. L. S.: It simply produces the kind of technical player that the league desires. “Certain countries produce certain positions more,” Porter said. “Most teams are looking for that creative piece, and you know you can get one in Argentina. ” A large alumni directory and strong ties to agents and consultants in the region have made that kind of shopping easier for M. L. S. teams, and in the past the struggles of the Argentine economy also favored North American clubs, some said. But there also has been a change in the kind of individual looking to make the move north, and that has dovetailed with the league’s overall transfer policy. As the quality of M. L. S. has improved as it enters its third decade, its teams have looked less for marketability from its imports — which in the past had trended toward aging, often European stars — and more toward onfield impact and value. The latest class of Argentines reflects this shift, as they enter a league where the average age of designated players — the team’s stars — has fallen below 28, its lowest point in a decade. “They know that M. L. S. is different to 10 years ago,” said Schelotto, who was 34 when he moved to the league. “They can go, make good money, play with some pressure. They know they can make a career in the United States and then maybe move to Europe. “Ten years ago, it was impossible. Right now, you can. ” There are currently 24 Argentines playing in the league. Atlanta United and its Argentine coach, Tata Martino, brought in three ahead of its first season, each of them 25 or younger (Villalba is just 22). Buying young is now seen as more of a benefit to clubs than a risk, as players who continue to develop retain a value if they move on to brighter prospects in Europe. “People are coming here younger and younger, maybe to start their careers,” Ignacio Piatti, a playmaker for the Montreal Impact, said through an interpreter. “It’s what they are looking for at that age: being able to live a comfortable life off the field and focus on their games. ” Piatti, like Schelotto, has been happy to offer advice to the next wave of Argentine talents considering entering M. L. S. including players on both sides of the Hudson River. Gonzalo Veron, 27, of the Red Bulls, and Moralez, 30, who recently signed with New York City F. C. both acknowledged that they had turned to Piatti for advice before signing. At a community event in East Harlem last week, Moralez — who spent four years in Italy — reflected on his decision to move to the United States. He had never been to New York City before signing, he said, and after turning to the likes of Piatti and David Villa for advice about the league’s standard of play, he said he also sought assurances for his family, who are set to join him in New York shortly. “First off, I just want to enjoy football,” Moralez said. “But also to get to know the beauty of the city and the country. Not everybody gets the opportunity to come here. ”
Wells Fargo Chief Abruptly Steps Down - The New York Times
Michael Corkery and Stacy Cowley
The scandal engulfing Wells Fargo toppled its chairman and chief executive on Wednesday, as John G. Stumpf announced his departure from the company, effective immediately. The move was a swift and stunning fall for an executive whose bank made it through the 2008 financial crisis relatively unscathed, only to be undone by a sales scandal that pervaded its community banking division and percolated under the surface for years. It was an extraordinary moment even in the banking industry, which has been bedeviled by criticism and regular scandals since the financial crisis. Despite the industry’s many troubles, relatively few banking chiefs have stepped down under outside pressure. But Wells Fargo’s transgressions were unusually blatant and straightforward, which contributed to the public outcry. This time, there were no exotic financial instruments, complicated trades or complex mortgage trickery. The bank’s misdeeds were fundamentally simple: Under intense pressure to meet aggressive sales goals, employees created sham accounts using the names — and sometimes, the actual money — of the bank’s real customers. And in some cases the customers did not discover the activity until they started accumulating fees. The reaction to the fake accounts at Wells Fargo, and to Mr. Stumpf’s response to what has been uncovered as a widespread problem, has been withering and unrelenting. Wells Fargo has been under fire from irate customers, regulators, lawmakers and former employees since last month, when it disclosed that it would pay $185 million in fines and penalties over the unauthorized creation of as many as two million bank and credit card accounts over a period of at least five years by branch employees who were said to be under intense pressure to hit ambitious product sales goals. The sales practices may reach back far longer. Former bank employees told The New York Times of concerns they raised internally as far back as 11 years ago. Mr. Stumpf, 63, who was twice called in front of Congress to testify about the scandal in recent weeks, faced vocal demands to resign from an outraged public, but the timing of his departure was unexpected given that the Wells Fargo board had not completed its internal investigation into the phony accounts and that the bank reports earnings on Friday. He potentially walks away with millions of dollars, including a $20 million pension, as of Wednesday, another $4. 3 million in deferred compensation, plus stock worth $109 million, according to data from Equilar. As the scandal erupted, Mr. Stumpf, who grew up on a dairy and poultry farm in Minnesota and had long emphasized his folksy roots, was unable to quell the uproar. Rather, he often seemed to inflame it. During his testimony in front of Congress, Mr. Stumpf said he took responsibility for the problems, but would not admit that there anything wrong with the bank’s broader culture. When pressed repeatedly by members of the Senate Banking Committee about why he had not given back any of his lavish compensation, Mr. Stumpf insisted that the decision was not up to him, but to the bank’s board. He was reminded that he was the board’s chairman. One senator on the banking committee noted that criticism of the Wells Fargo scandal was one of the few things that Democrats and Republicans had agreed on in a long time. Mr. Stumpf’s spent 34 years at a bank that had once been regarded as a darling on Wall Street because of its ability to churn out profits even as other banks struggled. Mr. Stumpf was named chief executive in 2007 and was one of the country’s bankers, earning about $19 million last year. He was named the 2013 Banker of the Year by the trade publication American Banker. Wells Fargo was once the most valuable bank as measured by the price of its stock, which attracted the billionaire Warren E. Buffett as its largest shareholder. Mr. Buffett’s company, Berkshire Hathaway, has a stake of about 10 percent. Mr. Buffett did not respond to a request for comment on Wednesday. Wells Fargo has since ceded the most valuable bank distinction to JPMorgan Chase. The board received a letter from Mr. Stumpf early on Wednesday indicating that he intended to retire, according to a person briefed on the matter. This person said the board was still in the early stages of conducting its investigation into the fake accounts and Mr. Stumpf’s handling of the scandal and had not drawn any conclusions from its inquiry. The board was not scheduled to meet on Wednesday when it received Mr. Stumpf’s letter, which this person described as brief and lacking any indication as to why the longtime C. E. O. decided to leave now. Top bank executives were expecting that Mr. Stumpf would address analysts and investors — as he has always done — when Wells Fargo reports its results on Friday. Wells Fargo said Mr. Stumpf would be replaced by Timothy J. Sloan, its president and chief operating officer. Just two days earlier, the San Francisco bank shuffled its top management to give more responsibility to Mr. Sloan. “I am grateful for the opportunity to have led Wells Fargo,” Mr. Stumpf said in a written statement. “While I have been deeply committed and focused on managing the company through this period, I have decided it is best for the company that I step aside. ” Mr. Sloan was informed early Wednesday that he was the bank’s new C. E. O. though he had known for several days that Mr. Stumpf was preparing to step down. In an interview, Mr. Sloan said Mr. Stumpf had told him of his decision to retire after concluding that he would most likely continue to be the focus of much of the criticism being leveled at the bank. “It was an incredibly selfless decision,” Mr. Sloan said. Federal regulators and the Los Angeles city attorney began looking into the issue in 2013. The deal Wells Fargo announced last month to settle cases brought by their offices was intended to resolve the matter, but it instead opened the floodgates, provoking a furious outpouring of questions, criticism and new information about what former employees say was a culture of toxic sales pressure. The Department of Justice and Labor Department opened their own inquiries. Mr. Sloan said the bank had already named a new head of community banking, ended the retail banking sales goals that employees blamed for putting them under undue pressure and extended its review of its sales practices back to 2009. Originally, the bank’s review covered its activities only between 2011 and 2015. Mr. Sloan will not hold the dual of roles of chief executive and chairman as Mr. Stump had. Mr. Stumpf agreed last month to surrender stock grants valued at $41 million — another highly unusual move on Wall Street, where clawback provisions have been widely adopted but are almost never deployed. Mr. Stumpf said he would give up his $2. 8 million annual salary for the duration of the board’s investigation. Because his departure is a resignation, Mr. Stumpf will leave without any severance, according to Oscar Suris, a company spokesman. Senator Elizabeth Warren, the Massachusetts Democrat who blasted Mr. Stumpf when he appeared before the Senate last month, fired off a scathing statement on Wednesday. “As I said at the hearing last month, Mr. Stumpf should resign, return every nickel he made while this scam was going on, and face an investigation by the Justice Department and S. E. C. ,” she said. “So far, he’s one for three. ”
Anonymous Donor Pays $2.5 Million To Release Everyone Arrested At The Dakota Access Pipeline
A Caddo Nation tribal leader has just been freed after spending two days behind bars in North Dakota. Family members say she was simply an innocent bystander in a clash between police and protesters, and was not guilty of anything the police claimed. Via AlternativeNews Jessi Mitchell, of local News 9 reports that “family members of Caddo Nation chairwoman Tamara Francis-Fourkiller said an anonymous donor paid $2.5 million late Saturday afternoon to release everyone arrested on Thursday at the Dakota Access Pipeline site.” They added, however, that Francis-Fourkiller was never supposed to have been arrested in the first place. “An expert on sacred burial grounds , Francis-Fourkiller was one of the tribal leaders visiting the Sioux of Standing Rock to advise them during negotiations with the Dakota Access Pipeline construction team,” Mitchell continues. “Remains were being desecrated in this pipeline, so they had asked a bunch of people to come up there, so there’s a big conference,” Francis-Fourkiller’s sister Loretta Francis explained. On the visit , Francis said her sister and other leaders decided to tour the protest camps. They never thought they would wind up in jail. Francis said her sister had no access to her medication while in custody in Cass County, North Dakota, and now faces charges of conspiracy and rioting. “Part of my family was removed on the Trail of Tears and they came here to Oklahoma and they suffered,” said Francis. “I always feel like each generation – our parents, our grandparents – try to make it better for the next generation and they certainly didn’t want this for my sister.” Dozens of Native Americans from Oklahoma tribes had gathered Saturday afternoon at the state Capitol, according to Mitchell, with the purpose of voicing their “anger at the treatment of the protesters in North Dakota, pointing out this week’s acquittal of armed protesters at an Oregon wildlife refuge earlier this year.” “We’re not holding guns. We’re not armed, and when we see the military right here in the US use that on us, it’s shameful,” Comanche Nation tribal council member Sonya Nevaquaya explained. One of the fundamentals of all Native American tribes is the protection of the land. Chanting “Water is life!” Saturday, the Oklahoma demonstrators hope to rally people from around the country to stand with those in North Dakota and stop construction on the pipeline project. “These pipelines, you hear of a lot of bursts and leaks and it contaminating the waters. What happens when all of our waters and resources are gone?” Nevaquaya explained. Francis-Fourkiller says she will be traveling back to her home in Norman as soon as possible.
FBI Closes In On Hillary!
The Doc
FBI Closes In On Hillary! Posted on Home » Headlines » World News » FBI Closes In On Hillary! We now have 5 separate FBI cases probing the Hillary-Bill Clinton inner circle. Here is the background on those 5 cases and all of the major players that we are going to cover: FIVE INVESTIGATIONS UNDERGOING BY THE FBI ON CLINTON, THE CLINTON FOUNDATION AND INNER CIRCLE/TRUMP SURPASSES CLINTON IN THE POLLS/DEUTSCHE BANK STOCK PLUMMETS AGAIN/DB’S CHIEF ECONOMIST BLASTS THE ECB AGAIN: THEY MUST BE HURTING!/569,000 OZ ADDED TO THE SLV/2.67 TONNES ADDED TO THE GLD Gold closed at $1306.40 up $20.40 silver closed at $18.66 or up 47 cents. Access market prices: THE DAILY GOLD FIX REPORT FROM SHANGHAI AND LONDON . The Shanghai fix is at 10:15 pm est and 2:15 am est The fix for London is at 5:30 am est (first fix) and 10 am est (second fix) Thus Shanghai’s second fix corresponds to 195 minutes before London’s first fix. And now the fix recordings: Shanghai morning fix Nov 2 ( 10:15 pm est last night): $ 1294.53 NY ACCESS PRICE: $1289.70 (AT THE EXACT SAME TIME) Shanghai afternoon fix: 2: 15 am est (second fix/early morning):$ 1296.08 NY ACCESS PRICE: 1291.70 (AT THE EXACT SAME TIME/2:15 am) HUGE SPREAD TODAY!! 4 dollars London Fix: Nov 2: 5:30 am est : $1295.85 (NY: same time: $1296.10: 5:30AM ) London Second fix Nov 2: 10 am est : $1303.75 (NY same time: $1301.75 , 10 AM ) Shanghai premium in silver over NY: 59 cents. It seems that Shanghai pricing is higher than the other two , (NY and London). The spread has been occurring on a regular basis and thus I expect to see arbitrage happening as investors buy the lower priced NY gold and sell to China at the higher price. This should drain the comex. Also why would mining companies hand in their gold to the comex and receive constantly lower prices. They would be open to lawsuits if they knowingly continue to supply the comex despite the fact that they could be receiving higher prices in Shanghai. end NOTICES FILINGS FOR NOVEMBER CONTRACT MONTH: 381 NOTICES FOR 38,100 OZ TONES NOTICES FOR NOVEMBER CONTRACT MONTH FOR SILVER: 12 NOTICES OR 60,000 OZ Let us have a look at the data for today . In silver, the total open interest ROSE by 4181 contracts UP to 196,912. The open interest FELL AS the silver price was UP 63 cents in yesterday’s trading .In ounces, the OI is still represented by just less THAN 1 BILLION oz i.e. .985 BILLION TO BE EXACT or 141% of annual global silver production (ex Russia &ex China). In November, in silver, 12 notice filings: FOR 60,000 OZ I In gold, the total comex gold ROSE by 12,920 contracts WITH THE RISE in price of gold ($14.90 YESTERDAY) . The total gold OI stands at 521,506 contracts. The bankers supplied the necessary non backed paper trying to quell gold’s advance. In gold for November: we had 381 notices filed for 38,100 oz With respect to our two criminal funds, the GLD and the SLV : GLD TODAY WE HAD A BIG CHANGE AT THE GLD OUT OF THE GLD/A DEPOSIT OF 2.67 TONNES OF GOLD INTO THE GLD Total gold inventory rests tonight at: 945.26 tonnes of gold SLV we had ANOTHER BIG CHANGE at the SLV/ A DEPOSIT OF 569,000 OZ THE SLV Inventory rests at: 361.242 million oz . First, here is an outline of what will be discussed tonight: 1. Today, we had the open interest in silver ROSE by 4181 contracts UP to 196,912 as the price of silver rose by 63 cents with yesterday’s trading.The gold open interest ROSE by 12,920 contracts UP to 521,506 as the price of gold ROSE $14.90 IN YESTERDAY’S TRADING. (report Harvey). 2.a) The Shanghai and London gold fix report (Harvey) 2 b) Gold/silver trading overnight Europe, Goldcore (Mark O’Byrne/zerohedge 3c FRBNY gold movement report (Harvey) 3. ASIAN AFFAIRS i) Late TUESDAY night/WEDNESDAY morning: Shanghai closed DOWN 19.7 POINTS OR 0.63%/ /Hang Sang closed DOWN 336.57 OR 1.45%. The Nikkei closed DOWN 307.72 POINTS OR 1.76% Australia’s all ordinaires CLOSED DOWN 1.19% /Chinese yuan (ONSHORE) closed UP at 6.7611/Oil FELL to 45.96 dollars per barrel for WTI and 47.45 for Brent. Stocks in Europe: ALL IN THE RED Offshore yuan trades 6.7652 yuan to the dollar vs 6.7611 for onshore yuan. THE SPREAD BETWEEN ONSHORE AND OFFSHORE NARROWS QUITE A BIT AS MORE USA DOLLARS ATTEMPT TO LEAVE CHINA’S SHORES / CHINA SENDS A MESSAGE TO THE USA TO NOT RAISE RATES IN DECEMBER. REPORT ON JAPAN SOUTH KOREA NORTH KOREA AND CHINA 3a)THAILAND/SOUTH KOREA i)Deutsche bank stock is falling along with with rising credit default swaps ( zero hedge) ii)Strange one!! Deutsche bank’s chief economist Landau accuses the ECB of creating asset bubbles and most importantly expropriating savers plus other goodies as they come clean. They must be hurting real bad… ( zero hedge/Deutsche bank/Landau) 5. RUSSIAN AND MIDDLE EASTERN AFFAIRS none today 6.GLOBAL ISSUES i)As a proxy for the upcoming election, the fall in the Peso is a good sign that Hillary is in trouble at the polls ( zero hedge) ii) Another humourous story from the Philippines. After Duterte used much vulgar language against the USA, the Americans decided to stop shipments to them. He again called the Americans: “Monkeys” ( zero hedge) 7.OIL ISSUES Last night we got a huge inventory build from API. Today from DOE also confirms a huge buildup. Oil retreats: (courtesy zero hedge) Venezuela’s currency disintegrates by 20% in just one week. Hyperinflation rages on ( zero hedge) 9.PHYSICAL STORIES i)The CME is to start London gold contracts in total competition with ICE and LME .. Too many folks are abandoning the manipulated USA gold forum ( Bloomberg/GATA) ii)The story behind the huge Grasberg mine ( The Guardian from London) iii) Silver’s rise is showing that there is a real flight to safety going on (courtesy Dave Kranzler/IRD) 10.USA STORIES WHICH MAY INFLUENCE THE PRICE OF GOLD/SILVER i) We now have 5 separate FBI cases probing the Hillary-Bill Clinton inner circle: Here is the background on those 5 cases and all of the major players that we are going to cover. (the Daily Mail) ii)Trump and Hillary are basically tied in latest ABC poll ( zero hedge) iii)Citibank states what even if Hillary wins the election, it will be marked by continuous investigations and an impeachment risk. ( Citibank/zerohedge) iv) a. The Dept of Justice guy, Peter Kadzik who is leading the investigation into the Clinton scandals has now been exposed with colluding with the Clinton campaign. What a mess!! Yesterday, in my commentary I wrote that this was this biggest conflict of interest possible and it has now become reality. ( zero hedge) iv b. The DOJ responds: finds nothing move on…Kadzik is nothing but a huge conflict of interest here! ( zerohedge) v)Trump now surpasses Clinton as the rats abandon ship ( Nathan McDonald/Sprott Money) vi)Unusual for these guys to report such a negative repot: the ADP employment sinks to its weakest level for over 2 years: ( ADP/zero hedge) vii)The New York, ISM mfg index contracts for the 3rd consecutive month: viii)The Fed holds again but states that the rate hike in December “strengthens” ( zero hedge) Let us head over to the comex: The total gold comex open interest ROSE BY 12,920 CONTRACTS to an OI level of 521,506 as the price of gold ROSE $14.90 with YESTERDAY’S trading.The bankers were on full alert supplying the necessary non backed gold paper keeping the gold price contained.In the front month of November we had 494 notices standing for a GAIN of 19 contracts. We had 13 notices served upon yesterday so we GAINED 32 contracts or 3200 ADDITIONAL oz will stand for delivery in November. The next contract month and the biggest of the year is December and here this month showed a increase of 8,987 contracts up to 369,645. Today, we had 381 notice(s) filed for 38,100 oz of gold.
Chuck Todd: ’BuzzFeed Did Donald Trump a Political Favor’ - Breitbart
Jeff Poor
Wednesday after Donald Trump’s press conference at Trump Tower in New York City, NBC “Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd expressed his exasperation over the normalcy of what he called a “circus” surrounding Trump’s event. “I was struck big picture wise which is of how normal a circus is now to us,” Todd said. “This was a circus. We’ve never seen a a transition like we saw today where the press conference gets interrupted, you have a lawyer in here. The lawyer does half legal talk, half political spin. I’ve never seen that, using the lawyer to say he’s here to make America great again, and by the way I’m going to play constitutional lawyer. I don’t think this but clearly a constitutional lawyer told us we better not accept any of this money. So they made that exception. So I am struck at how normal crazy looked to us today. This was just a crazy scene, but this is the norm of Donald Trump. And in fact, this is where he’s most comfortable. And I will say this. just as a political show. if you’re Donald Trump, you want these press conferences because it made the press look disjointed, unorganized, all this stuff. And his people, you know, he just, it was a performance for his supporters and his people. ” Later in the segment, Todd decried what he saw as elements within the intelligence community being at odds with one another, then called a story put out by BuzzFeed a night earlier suggesting Trump had ties to Russia to be a “political favor. ” “Look, let’s be honest here,” Todd said. “Politically BuzzFeed did Donald Trump a political favor today by doing what they did by going ahead and making it all public because it allowed them to deny a specific without having to deal with the bigger picture. ” Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor
News: Hope For The GOP: A Nude Paul Ryan Has Just Emerged From An Ayahuasca Tent With Visions Of A New Republican Party
Email Since Donald Trump entered the election over a year ago, he has single-handedly destroyed the GOP, leaving both the House and the Senate in utter disarray. But although many political strategists believe permanent damage has been done, conservatives shouldn’t lose hope yet, because Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has just emerged fully nude from an ayahuasca tent with visions of a new Republican Party. A fresh GOP platform requires fresh leadership, and when Speaker Ryan journeyed to South America last week to embark on an immersive psychedelic vision quest of political rebirth, he just proved he’s the only one for the job. After traveling to Peru and entering a makeshift tent with nothing but a towel, 200 mg of DMT, and a bucket to vomit in, Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) spent the last 12 hours lying nude on the jungle floor, enduring bursts of vivid consciousness in which he watched the secrets of a unified, more moderate GOP unfold before his very eyes. While under the influence of the powerful psychedelic, ancient spiritual guides appeared before the congressman, instructed him to remove his clothes, and held him down as lifelike projections of Republican leaders twisted and contorted around him until the perfect cabinet had revealed itself amid infinite realities in which tax cuts and fiscal budgets exploded into cacophonous symphonies, all to create a Republican Party that mobilizes key voter constituencies. Check out these tweets he posted just a few moments after emerging nude from his tent in the Amazon rain forest! Whoa. Democrats have been pretty confident this past year, but if Paul Ryan’s visions of the Republican party are right, they better watch out! Say what you want about Paul Ryan, but he’s a man who refuses to give up. On the one hand, is it possible that the speaker’s grand ayahuasca visions of a new Republican Party are just a temporary fix? Sure. But on the other hand, if he plays his cards right, his proposals could have an even larger impact than they did during the thousands of years he lived while trapped inside his own mind. One thing is for sure: Paul Ryan emerged fully nude from that ayahuasca tent with a new perspective, and people are starting to take notice.
Monica Lewinsky, Clinton Sex Scandal Set for ’American Crime Story’
Jerome Hudson
Screenwriter Ryan Murphy, who has produced the FX series American Crime Story, is set to bring the Monica Clinton White House sex saga to TV. [According to the Hollywood Reporter, the Ryan Murphy Productions chief has optioned author and CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Tobin’s 2000 book A Vast Conspiracy: The Real Sex Scandal That Nearly Brought Down a President. The New York Times bestseller, acquired by Fox 21 Television Studios and FX Productions, will become the basis for a future American Crime Story season. In February, Murphy told E! News that the series would explore the Lewinsky sex scandal as “ ” plot to “tear down” President Bill Clinton, and on “the other women” who were ensnared in the 1996 sex scandal, involving House intern Monica Lewinsky, and the events that led to Clinton’s impeachment. “It’s not really about Hillary Clinton. That book is about the rise of a certain segment of a group of people who despised the Clintons and used three women, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky and Linda Tripp to try and tear him down,” Murphy said. In February, Murphy announced that actress Sarah Paulson — who starred in the first season of his crime drama, The People vs. O. J. Simpson — has been confirmed for a role, but ruled out that it would be of Lady Hillary Clinton. The mogul has reportedly confirmed that his studio is looking actresses to portray Lewinsky and Tripp. Season two of the Golden Globe and Primetime Emmy show will tackle Hurricane Katrina, and is set to premier in 2018. Season three, he confirmed will focus on the 1997 assassination of Italian fashion designer Gianni Versace, singer Ricky Martin has already joined the cast. Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter: @JeromeEHudson
Rob Reiner: Trump Is ’Mentally Unstable’ - Breitbart
Pam Key
Sunday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” actor and director Rob Reiner accused President Donald Trump of being “mentally unstable. ” Reiner said, “It’s scary, it’s scary, because if you look at the capacity that cyber warfare has, and if you know about Stuxnet, which some people do and don’t know about that, they were able to weaponize, you know, a cyber warfare and actually go in and blow up centrifuges in Iran. That’s what scares me. We don’t have, anybody at the helm of our country right now. He is — you know, I hate to say it, we don’t want to use the word mentally ill, but he is mentally unstable, this man, and so who is going to take charge here when the next attack. ” “If the first attack, which was going into our elections, which we know happened, if it had been that a bomb blew up in New York, everybody would be going crazy, he continued. “That’s what happened. He blew up something. And now he could blow more stuff up. So we have to be — you know, we’ve got to make sure that our country is stable. And right now it’s not stable. ” Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN
Massachusetts Cop’s Wife Busted for Pinning Fake Home-Invasion Robbery on Black Lives Matter
Massachusetts Cop’s Wife Busted for Pinning Fake Home-Invasion Robbery on Black Lives Matter Source: PINAC The wife of a Massachusetts cop is facing charges for filing a false police report after she concocted a story about thieves ransacking her home, stealing $10,000 in jewelry and then spray-painting her house with Black Lives Matter to pin it on black people. Maria Daly, wife of Millbury K-9 cop Daniel Daly, took to social media about her dreamt-up victimization after she filed a police report on October 17. “We woke up to not only our house being robbed while we were sleeping, but to see this hatred for no reason,” she posted, according to the Boston Herald. “ If you would of [sic] asked me yesterday about this blue lives and black lives matter issue my response would of [sic] been very positive [sic],” the now private Facebook account alleged. “Today on the other hand I have so much anger and hate that I don’t like myself. This is what we have to deal with these days and it makes me sick that this is what was on the side of my house.” Maria Daly called police to report someone had robbed her home while she was sleeping and then spray-painted her home with BLM for Black Lives Matter then posted about it on social media. Millbury Police Chief Donald Desourcy told the Herald that Daly called police to report an early morning break-in October 17, claiming someone had made off with thousands of dollars worth of valuables and spray-painting “BLM” on the outside of her house. But Chief Desourcy stated that as the investigation unfolded, something didn’t feel “quite right” and Daly ended up admitting she fabricated the whole thing, telling the officers her valuables had already been recovered. “It was pretty obvious. The officers did their due diligence and followed through with the investigation that we had,” he told CBS Boston . “We came to the conclusion it was all fabricated. There was no intruder, there was no burglary.” The chief said the hoax was likely motivated by the couple’s financial troubles and that he has empathy for the family. “I’m very familiar with her and it’s an unfortunate set of circumstances that have taken place.” Daly’s neighbors said it wasn’t a very smart thing to do for a woman who is married to a cop. “She must have tagged the place herself,” said one neighbor. “I don’t know why you’d do that, if you’re gonna stage a robbery, I mean really come on, you’re a cop’s wife. You should know better.” In addition to charges for filing a false police report, Daly also faces a charge for misleading a police investigation. Her cases will be heard at Worcester District Court after she is summoned. Daly’s husband, Daniel Daly was not involved or charged in relation to the hoax, according to police. Share This Article...
Abortion Pill Orders Rise in 7 Latin American Nations on Zika Alert - The New York Times
Donald G. McNeil Jr. and Pam Belluck
Orders for abortion pills by women in seven Latin American countries with Zika outbreaks increased after health officials in those countries warned that the virus might cause severe birth defects, according to a women’s organization supplying such pills. Orders from women in Brazil, Ecuador and Venezuela roughly doubled, while those from Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Honduras went up by from 36 percent to 76 percent, researchers said in a study published Wednesday by The New England Journal of Medicine. The authors of the study included a leader of the group based in Amsterdam that is supplying the pills, Women on Web, a nonprofit staffed by doctors helping women from countries where abortion is illegal or restricted to terminate unwanted pregnancies. Even with the increase in demand for abortion pills, the number of orders received by Women on Web from Latin America and the Caribbean in that time period was small: slightly more than 2, 300 in the region, with about 1, 600 of those in countries where health authorities had warned about Zika’s potential to cause brain damage. In the countries where Zika warnings were issued, there are typically about 3. 5 million abortions per year, said Gilda Sedgh, the principal research scientist at the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive health research organization which was not involved in the study. So, Dr. Sedgh said, “The increase in demand for abortion observed by the authors in countries affected by Zika could be spurious because Women on Web accounts for a small share of all abortions in that part of the world. ” The numbers could be “an early warning sign” of increased demand for abortion because of Zika, Dr. Sedgh said, adding that it is also possible that Women on Web “might have experienced an increase in demand as a result of increased visibility of their services when health advisories were issued. ” Access to abortion has been a contentious issue for years in many of the countries affected by Zika, but Zika has brought fresh attention to the debate. In Latin America and the Caribbean, according to a recent study, there are about 6. 5 million abortions each year. Most of them are illegal, and an estimated 750, 000 women a year are treated for complications from unsafe abortions in the region, Dr. Sedgh said. Women’s rights groups have long pressed for abortion restrictions to be eased. The study looked at orders for pills between Nov. 17, 2015, when the Pan American Health Organization issued an alert saying Zika virus might be linked to a surge in infants born with tiny heads and damaged brains in Brazil, and March 2 of this year. It compared actual orders to the number that would have been expected based on orders during the previous five years. Women on Web has a history of defying legal restrictions in such countries, which sometimes block access to its website or seize the packages it sends. The nonprofit also asks women unable to pay for their prescription to write an email explaining why they needed the abortion pill and could not afford it. “Some of the emails that came in were heartbreaking,” said Dr. Abigail R. A. Aiken, a reproductive health researcher at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas, Austin, and the lead author of the study. “The fear and desperation was really hard to read. ” A woman from Venezuela wrote, “I contracted Zika 4 days ago,” adding: “I love children. But I don’t believe it is a wise decision to keep a baby who will suffer. I need an abortion. I don’t know who to turn to. Please help me ASAP!” An email from a woman in Colombia said, “Here Zika is a major problem and the health authorities do not help with it. ” She added: “I have no resources at this time and want to ask for your help because fear overwhelms me. What if the baby is born sick? !” Even more than it has increased attention on restrictive abortion laws, the Zika crisis has highlighted the issues of access to contraception and ways that women are about birth control or discouraged from using it in some of the countries. In the face of Zika, some countries have been working to increase the availability and use of contraception. Women on Web is an offshoot of Women on Waves, which was founded in 1999 by Dr. Rebecca Gomperts. Women on Waves originally sailed a Dutch boat to countries that outlawed abortion, took women on board and performed abortions outside a nation’s territorial waters. As internet access in poor countries increased, Dr. Gomperts began supplying mifepristone and misoprostol pills, a combination approved by the World Health Organization for abortion in the first 10 weeks of a pregnancy. The Women on Web site is posted in five languages and tops Google search results for “I need an abortion. ”
Nukes and the UN: a Historic Treaty to Ban Nuclear Weapons
Ira Helfand
Email In an historic move the United Nations First Committee voted Thursday to convene a conference next March to negotiate a new treaty to ban the possession of nuclear weapons. The vote is a huge step forward in the campaign to rid the world of nuclear weapons launched several years ago by nonnuclear weapons states and civil society from across the globe. Dismayed by the failure of the nuclear weapons states to honor their obligation under Article VI of the Non Proliferation Treaty which requires them to pursue good faith negotiations for the elimination of their nuclear arsenals, and moved by the growing danger of nuclear war, more than 120 nations gathered in Oslo in March of 2013 to review the latest scientific data about the catastrophic consequences that will result from the use of nuclear weapons. The conference shifted the focus of international discussion about nuclear war from abstract consideration of nuclear strategy to an evaluation of the medical data about what will actually happen if these weapons are used. It was boycotted by all of the major nuclear powers, the US, Russia, UK, China and France, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, or P5. Further meetings in Nayarit, Mexico and Vienna followed in 2014 and culminated in a pledge by the Austrian government to “close the gap” in international law that does not yet specifically outlaw the possession of these weapons. More than 140 countries ultimately associated themselves with the pledge which was fiercely opposed by the United States and the other nuclear weapons states, and in the fall of 2015 the UN General Assembly voted to establish an Open Ended Working Group which met in Geneva earlier this year and recommended the negotiations approved Thursday. The United States, which led the opposition had hoped to limit the “Yes” vote to less than one hundred, but failed badly. The final vote was 123 For, 38 Against and 16 Abstentions. The “No” votes came from the nuclear weapons states, and US allies in NATO, plus Japan, South Korea and Australia which have treaty ties to the US and consider themselves to be under the protection of the “US nuclear umbrella”. But four nuclear weapons states broke ranks, with China, India and Pakistan abstaining, and North Korea voting in favor of the treaty negotiations. In addition, the Netherlands defied intense pressure from the rest of NATO and abstained, as did Finland, which is not a member of NATO but has close ties with the alliance. Japan which voted with the US against the treaty has indicated that it will, nonetheless, participate in the negotiations when they begin in March. The US and the other nuclear weapons states will probably try to block final approval of the treaty conference by the General Assembly later this fall, but, following Thursday’s vote, it appears overwhelmingly likely that negotiations will begin in March, and that they will involve a significant majority of UN member states, even if the nuclear states continue their boycott. The successful completion of a new treaty will not of itself eliminate nuclear weapons. But it will put powerful new pressure on the nuclear weapons states who clearly do not want to uphold their obligations under the Non Proliferation Treaty even as they insist that the nonnuclear weapons states meet theirs. We have come perilously close to nuclear war on multiple occasions during the last 70 years, and we have been incredibly lucky. US nuclear policy cannot continue to be the hope that we will remain lucky in the future. We need to join and lead the growing movement to abolish nuclear weapons and work to bring the other nuclear weapons states into a binding agreement that sets out the detailed time line for eliminating these weapons and the detailed verification and enforcement mechanisms to make sure they are eliminated. This will not be an easy task, but we really have no choice. If we don’t get rid of these weapons, someday, perhaps sooner rather than later, they will be used and they will destroy human civilization. The decision is ours. Ira Helfand , MD, is past president of Physicians for Social Responsibility and is currently co-president of that group’s global federation, the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, recipient of the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize. Join the debate on Facebook Ira Helfand MD practices internal medicine at an urgent care center in Springfield, MA. He is a Past President of Physicians for Social Responsibility and is currently the Co-President of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War , the 1985 Nobel Peace Laureate.
EXCLUSIVE: Islamic State Supporters Vow to ‘Shake’ the West Following Manchester Terrorist Massacre - Breitbart
Aaron Klein and Ali Waked
JERUSALEM — Islamic State sympathizers and militants celebrated last night’s deadly terrorist massacre at a crowded concert in Manchester, England, with the jihadists vowing to continue the onslaught against the West. [The Islamic State claimed that a “soldier of the caliphate planted bombs in the middle of Crusaders gatherings,” apparently taking credit for the carnage. Breitbart Jerusalem obtained access to correspondence posted in a closed chat group that utilizes the encrypted Telegram messaging service. The chat group serves as an internal Twitter of sorts for IS jihadists and sympathizers, and it has been used in the past to issue IS communications. A militant named Abu Ayman Alalmani (the German) wrote, “Thanks to Allah who allowed this achievement of the Mujahedeen. We are all believers in Allah that our brothers, the supporters and the Mujahedeen, are those who committed the attack among the infidels. We swear to Allah that the infidel countries in the West won’t have the luxury of security. This is a Godly promise and this is the promise of the Mujahedeen, the future will prove to you that you are the countries of heresy. You will see this and not only hear it. ” An account titled “Muslim Justice” wrote, “Allah is great, Allah is great, we will shake the infidel and criminal regimes. We will destroy the rule of those who abandon Islam [a reference to Arab leaders]. Allah is great, this is a call that will rise high on the horizon and we will yet defeat the cross and the countries of infidels. ” ISIS member Abu Abdullah Alsury (the Syrian) wrote, “Thanks to Allah who caused the faithful to rejoice, we ask and request of Allah that this blessed act will be part of the battle of our brothers, the lone wolves roaming across all parts of the infidel nations, as they seek this type of blessed attack. This is part of the work and this is part of the revenge. Those infidel states will pay a heavy price. ” Prior to the Islamic State claiming credit for the attack, another militant, Alqaqaa Alidlebi from Idlib, wrote, “We’re waiting for our brothers in the official media department to publish what should warm our hearts with an official declaration of responsibility, even if this isn’t an organized act. ” “We pray to Allah that the attacker is a faithful Muslim. You aren’t aware of the huge happiness here in the ranks of the Mujahedeen and their families in the district of Elkheir (the area of Dir Azzur on the border between Syria and Iraq). How happy we are that Allah guided the hand of the attacker to send the heads of the corrupt infidels who murder the Muslims in our countries flying. ” Aaron Klein is Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter. He is a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio. ” Follow him on Twitter @AaronKleinShow. Follow him on Facebook. Ali Waked is the Arab affairs correspondent for Breitbart Jerusalem.
Humiliated Hillary Tries To Hide What Camera Caught 15 Mins Before Rally
Amanda Shea
Humiliated Hillary Tries To Hide What Camera Caught 15 Mins Before Rally Posted on October 27, 2016 by Amanda Shea in Politics Share This Hillary Clinton outside rally (left), Fox News catching incident on live feed (right) Both presidential candidates stopped in the battleground state of Florida this week to campaign for votes to crowds at separate locations. However, things didn’t go so well for Hillary Clinton, who was humiliated when a camera caught what she immediately tried to hide to save her campaign — which backfired big time. While Donald Trump’s 15,000-person army of “Deplorables” were holding down the fort in Stanford, Florida as they listened to this great leader explain how he plans to make America great again, Hillary was at a much smaller venue at Palm Beach State College. Although she was feeling pretty good about herself with having a higher turnout than she’s used to, the approximate 1,000 to 2,000 attendees paled in comparison to what Trump was looking at in the same state. However, Hillary’s anemic crowd was enough to be publicly mocked in front of. Perhaps Hillary didn’t think anyone would notice, but Fox Business Network was watching — and commenting — live. With just fifteen minutes before the Democratic candidate was set to take the stage in one of her final and most important rallies, the small room should have been jam-packed with people. As the humored hosts noted on the news show, that was far from the case. “Here it is nowhere near the size of the crowd we saw in Sanford, Florida yesterday for Mr. Trump, 15,000. There’s maybe a thousand to two thousand people here today,” one host pointed out much to Hillary’s embarrassment. “The Clinton rallies tend to be much smaller and you can see there’s empty space here and she’s supposed to speak in 15 minutes. And I can tell you that as the camera pans across that if we were at a Trump rally this would absolutely be packed,” the commentators added. No matter how far ahead in the polls Hillary and her lapdog media says she is, the attendance at her events speaks volumes. Nobody cares or is enthusiastic enough about this woman to bother showing up, and those who do have to be coached on how to chant and act excited. On the other hand, there are Trump’s rallies, where so many people turn up to venues four times the size as Hillary’s that these massive stadiums can’t contain everyone who is eager to come, and some are turned away. If the turnout at the rallies is any indicator of what’s expected at the polls, Hillary can’t win, and if she does, Americans should definitely question how that could even happen
Andrea Tantaros of Fox News Claims Retaliation for Sex Harassment Complaints - The New York Times
Jim Dwyer
Andrea Tantaros, a former Fox News host, charged in a lawsuit filed Monday that top executives at the network, including the man who replaced Roger Ailes, punished her for complaining about sexual harassment by Mr. Ailes. The suit by Ms. Tantaros, filed in New York State Supreme Court in Manhattan, is the latest round in a contentious volley that began in late winter, when Fox claimed she had breached her employment contract by writing a book without receiving network approval. “Fox News masquerades as a defender of traditional family values, but behind the scenes, it operates like a Playboy cult, steeped in intimidation, indecency and misogyny,” Ms. Tantaros’s suit says. Fox News said it would not comment on pending litigation. Mr. Ailes, the network’s founding chairman and guiding force for two decades, resigned last month after a former anchor, Gretchen Carlson, said in a suit that she was fired for refusing his sexual advances. Mr. Ailes has denied all allegations of harassment. In April, the chief lawyer for Fox charged that Ms. Tantaros had concocted sexual harassment claims to gain leverage in the contract dispute her lawyer, Judd Burstein, said the book dispute was a pretext that Fox was using to silence her. During arbitration, Mr. Burstein said, Fox News offered to pay her a sum “in the seven figures” if she renounced claims against Mr. Ailes and others at the network, including the host Bill O’Reilly. According to the lawsuit, Ms. Tantaros said she had been subjected to unwelcome advances from Mr. O’Reilly, whom she had regarded as a friend and adviser. “Ailes did not act alone,” the lawsuit states. “He may have been the primary culprit, but his actions were condoned by his most senior lieutenants, who engaged in a concerted effort to silence Tantaros by threats, humiliation and retaliation. ” Ms. Tantaros also claimed in the lawsuit that she was the subject of humiliating posts by pseudonymous accounts on Twitter known as “sock puppets” that she says were instigated by the Fox News publicity department. Ms. Tantaros joined Fox as a contributor in 2010, and a year later was named of “The Five,” which aired at 5 p. m. She said in the suit that she was repeatedly told by Fox executives that she could not wear pants on the air because “Roger wants to see your legs. ” The lawsuit goes on to say that on Aug. 12, 2014, Mr. Ailes called her into his office and asked if she was planning to marry and have children. “Ailes then started complaining about marriage in general, and also made jokes about being married,” the lawsuit states. It describes Mr. Ailes as speculating on the sexual habits and preferences of 10 Fox News personalities. He asked Ms. Tantaros to turn around “so I can get a good look at you,” the lawsuit charges, adding that Ms. Tantaros refused. Soon after, she was moved from “The Five” to a show, “Outnumbered,” that aired at midday. Mr. Ailes called her back for similar sessions in December 2014 and February 2015, the lawsuit charges, and when she continued to rebuff him, she encountered hostility from the Fox News publicity department. In the February meeting, she said, Mr. Ailes talked about how she would look in a bikini, and accused her of ending a relationship because she had been merely using the man. The episode brought her to tears, the lawsuit states. She said the sole interview arranged by the publicity department during that period was with a writer for a blog controlled by Fox, who asked about her breasts and if she was difficult to work with. In April 2015, the lawsuit states, Ms. Tantaros met with Bill Shine, then a senior news executive and close aide to Mr. Ailes. She said that she told him about the meetings with Mr. Ailes and asked if he had told the head of publicity for Fox News, Irena Briganti, to go after her. The lawsuit claims that Mr. Shine “told Tantaros that Briganti is like a rabid dog on a chain that we can’t control. Sometimes that dog gets off the chain. ” Then, pointing to a picture of Mr. Ailes on a magazine cover, the lawsuit charges, Mr. Shine told her that “this powerful man has faith in Irena Briganti” and that Ms. Tantaros “needs to let this one go. ” Mr. Shine, through a spokeswoman, has said that Ms. Tantaros never approached him about Mr. Ailes harassing her. Mr. Shine was named of Fox News after Mr. Ailes departed.
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