The full dataset viewer is not available (click to read why). Only showing a preview of the rows.
The dataset generation failed
Error code:   DatasetGenerationError
Exception:    ArrowInvalid
Message:      JSON parse error: Column(/target_dict/fully_expanded/[]) changed from string to array in row 0
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/json/", line 145, in _generate_tables
                  dataset = json.load(f)
                File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/json/", line 293, in load
                  return loads(,
                File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/json/", line 346, in loads
                  return _default_decoder.decode(s)
                File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/json/", line 340, in decode
                  raise JSONDecodeError("Extra data", s, end)
              json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 2 column 1 (char 2052)
              During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1995, in _prepare_split_single
                  for _, table in generator:
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/json/", line 148, in _generate_tables
                  raise e
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/json/", line 122, in _generate_tables
                  pa_table = paj.read_json(
                File "pyarrow/_json.pyx", line 308, in pyarrow._json.read_json
                File "pyarrow/error.pxi", line 154, in pyarrow.lib.pyarrow_internal_check_status
                File "pyarrow/error.pxi", line 91, in pyarrow.lib.check_status
              pyarrow.lib.ArrowInvalid: JSON parse error: Column(/target_dict/fully_expanded/[]) changed from string to array in row 0
              The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1529, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations = convert_to_parquet(builder)
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1154, in convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1027, in download_and_prepare
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1122, in _download_and_prepare
                  self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1882, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2038, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationError("An error occurred while generating the dataset") from e
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationError: An error occurred while generating the dataset

Need help to make the dataset viewer work? Make sure to review how to configure the dataset viewer, and open a discussion for direct support.

( S ( LST ( LS 4 ) ) ( SBAR-TMP ( WHADVP-5 ( WRB When ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-1 ( DT a ) ( NNP RICO ) ( NN TRO ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( VP ( VBG being ) ( VP ( VBN sought ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ-2 ( DT the ) ( NN prosecutor ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( VP ( VBN required ) ( PP-TMP ( IN at ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJS earliest ) ( JJ appropriate ) ( NN time ) ) ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB state ) ( ADVP-MNR ( RB publicly ) ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( S ( NP-SBJ-3 ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN government ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN request ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN TRO ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( JJ eventual ) ( NN forfeiture ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( VP ( VBN made ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ full ) ( NN recognition ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS rights ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( JJ third ) ( NNS parties ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( PRN ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT that ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ) ) ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VBG requesting ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN TRO ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ-6 ( DT the ) ( NN government ) ) ( VP ( VP ( MD will ) ( RB not ) ( VP ( VB seek ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB disrupt ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ normal ) ( JJ legitimate ) ( NN business ) ( NNS activities ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN defendant ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( MD will ) ( RB not ) ( VP ( VB seek ) ( PP ( IN through ) ( NP ( NP ( NN use ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ relation-back ) ( NN doctrine ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB take ) ( PP-CLR ( IN from ) ( NP ( JJ third ) ( NNS parties ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS assets ) ) ( VP ( ADVP-MNR ( RB legitimately ) ) ( VBN transferred ) ( PP-CLR ( TO to ) ( NP ( PRP them ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( MD will ) ( RB not ) ( VP ( VB seek ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB vitiate ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ legitimate ) ( NN business ) ( NNS transactions ) ) ( VP ( VBG occurring ) ( PP-LOC ( IN between ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN defendant ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( JJ third ) ( NNS parties ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( MD will ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT all ) ( JJ other ) ( NNS respects ) ) ) ( VP ( VB assist ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN court ) ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VBG ensuring ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-4 ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS rights ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( JJ third ) ( NNS parties ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBP are ) ( VP ( VBN protected ) ( PP ( IN through ) ( UCP ( S-NOM ( VP ( VBG proceeding ) ( PP-LOC ( IN under ) ( PRN ( NP ( NNP RICO ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( ADVP ( RB otherwise ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "4", "When", "a", "RICO", "TRO", "is", "being", "sought", "the", "prosecutor", "is", "required", "at", "the", "earliest", "appropriate", "time", "to", "state", "publicly", "that", "the", "government", "'s", "request", "for", "a", "TRO", "and", "eventual", "forfeiture", "is", "made", "in", "full", "recognition", "of", "the", "rights", "of", "third", "parties", "that", "is", "in", "requesting", "the", "TRO", "the", "government", "will", "not", "seek", "to", "disrupt", "the", "normal", "legitimate", "business", "activities", "of", "the", "defendant", "will", "not", "seek", "through", "use", "of", "the", "relation-back", "doctrine", "to", "take", "from", "third", "parties", "assets", "legitimately", "transferred", "to", "them", "will", "not", "seek", "to", "vitiate", "legitimate", "business", "transactions", "occurring", "between", "the", "defendant", "and", "third", "parties", "and", "will", "in", "all", "other", "respects", "assist", "the", "court", "in", "ensuring", "that", "the", "rights", "of", "third", "parties", "are", "protected", "through", "proceeding", "under", "RICO", "and", "otherwise" ]
4 When a RICO TRO is being sought the prosecutor is required at the earliest appropriate time to state publicly that the government 's request for a TRO and eventual forfeiture is made in full recognition of the rights of third parties that is in requesting the TRO the government will not seek to disrupt the normal legitimate business activities of the defendant will not seek through use of the relation-back doctrine to take from third parties assets legitimately transferred to them will not seek to vitiate legitimate business transactions occurring between the defendant and third parties and will in all other respects assist the court in ensuring that the rights of third parties are protected through proceeding under RICO and otherwise
( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP They ) ) ( VP ( VP ( VBD transferred ) ( NP ( NP ( QP ( DT some ) ( CD 28 ) ( CD million ) ) ) ( PP ( IN from ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Community ) ( NNP Development ) ( NNP Block ) ( NNP Grant ) ( NN program ) ) ) ( VP ( VBN designated ) ( ADVP-EXT ( RB largely ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( JJ low ) ( CC and ) ( JJ moderate-income ) ( NNS projects ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( VBD funneled ) ( NP ( PRP it ) ) ( PP-DIR-CLR ( IN into ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ such ) ( NNS items ) ) ( PP ( IN as ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( QP ( CD 1.2 ) ( CD million ) ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NNS performing-arts ) ( NN center ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNP Newark ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( QP ( CD 1.3 ) ( CD million ) ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NP ( NN job ) ( NN retention ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( JJ Hawaiian ) ( NN sugar ) ( NNS mills ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( CD 400,000 ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( VBG collapsing ) ( NN utility ) ( NN tunnel ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNP Salisbury ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( CD 500,000 ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NP ( NN equipment ) ( CC and ) ( NN landscaping ) ) ( SBAR ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VP ( VB deter ) ( NP ( NN crime ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( VB aid ) ( NP ( NN police ) ( NN surveillance ) ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN at ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( NNP Michigan ) ( NN park ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( CD 450,000 ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ integrated ) ( JJ urban ) ( NNS data ) ) ( VP ( VBN based ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( CD seven ) ( NNS cities ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( PRN ( NP ( DT No ) ( JJ other ) ( NNS details ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( CD 390,000 ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NX ( NX ( NN library ) ) ( CC and ) ( NX ( NN recreation ) ( NN center ) ) ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN at ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Mackinac ) ( NNP Island ) ) ( NP ( NNP Mich ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "They", "transferred", "some", "28", "million", "from", "the", "Community", "Development", "Block", "Grant", "program", "designated", "largely", "for", "low", "and", "moderate-income", "projects", "and", "funneled", "it", "into", "such", "items", "as", "1.2", "million", "for", "a", "performing-arts", "center", "in", "Newark", "1.3", "million", "for", "job", "retention", "in", "Hawaiian", "sugar", "mills", "400,000", "for", "a", "collapsing", "utility", "tunnel", "in", "Salisbury", "500,000", "for", "equipment", "and", "landscaping", "to", "deter", "crime", "and", "aid", "police", "surveillance", "at", "a", "Michigan", "park", "450,000", "for", "integrated", "urban", "data", "based", "in", "seven", "cities", "No", "other", "details", "390,000", "for", "a", "library", "and", "recreation", "center", "at", "Mackinac", "Island", "Mich" ]
They transferred some 28 million from the Community Development Block Grant program designated largely for low and moderate-income projects and funneled it into such items as 1.2 million for a performing-arts center in Newark 1.3 million for job retention in Hawaiian sugar mills 400,000 for a collapsing utility tunnel in Salisbury 500,000 for equipment and landscaping to deter crime and aid police surveillance at a Michigan park 450,000 for integrated urban data based in seven cities No other details 390,000 for a library and recreation center at Mackinac Island Mich
( S ( PP-TMP ( IN For ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN while ) ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS 1970s ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( PRP it ) ) ( VP ( VBD seemed ) ( SBAR ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NNP Mr. ) ( NNP Moon ) ) ( VP ( VBD was ) ( PP-PRD ( IN on ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ spending ) ( NN spree ) ) ) ( PP ( IN with ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ such ) ( NNS purchases ) ) ( PP ( IN as ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ former ) ( NNP New ) ( NNP Yorker ) ( NNP Hotel ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( PRP$ its ) ( JJ adjacent ) ( NNP Manhattan ) ( NNP Center ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ fishing\/processing ) ( NN conglomerate ) ) ( PP ( IN with ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS branches ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNP Alaska ) ( NNP Massachusetts ) ( NNP Virginia ) ( CC and ) ( NNP Louisiana ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ former ) ( NNP Christian ) ( NNPS Brothers ) ( NN monastery ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Seagram ) ( NN family ) ( NN mansion ) ) ) ( PRN ( S-ADV ( NP-SBJ ( DT both ) ) ( ADJP-PRD ( RB picturesquely ) ( VBN situated ) ( PP-LOC ( IN on ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Hudson ) ( NNP River ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS shares ) ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS banks ) ) ( PP-LOC ( PP ( IN from ) ( NP ( NNP Washington ) ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NNP Uruguay ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN motion ) ( NN picture ) ( NN production ) ( NN company ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS newspapers ) ) ( PP ( JJ such ) ( IN as ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Washington ) ( NNP Times ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP New ) ( NNP York ) ( NNP City ) ( NNP Tribune ) ) ( PRN ( ADVP-TMP ( RB originally ) ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP News ) ( NNP World ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ successful ) ( JJ Spanish-language ) ( NNP Noticias ) ( FW del ) ( NNP Mundo ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "For", "a", "while", "in", "the", "1970s", "it", "seemed", "Mr.", "Moon", "was", "on", "a", "spending", "spree", "with", "such", "purchases", "as", "the", "former", "New", "Yorker", "Hotel", "and", "its", "adjacent", "Manhattan", "Center", "a", "fishing\\/processing", "conglomerate", "with", "branches", "in", "Alaska", "Massachusetts", "Virginia", "and", "Louisiana", "a", "former", "Christian", "Brothers", "monastery", "and", "the", "Seagram", "family", "mansion", "both", "picturesquely", "situated", "on", "the", "Hudson", "River", "shares", "in", "banks", "from", "Washington", "to", "Uruguay", "a", "motion", "picture", "production", "company", "and", "newspapers", "such", "as", "the", "Washington", "Times", "the", "New", "York", "City", "Tribune", "originally", "the", "News", "World", "and", "the", "successful", "Spanish-language", "Noticias", "del", "Mundo" ]
For a while in the 1970s it seemed Mr. Moon was on a spending spree with such purchases as the former New Yorker Hotel and its adjacent Manhattan Center a fishing\/processing conglomerate with branches in Alaska Massachusetts Virginia and Louisiana a former Christian Brothers monastery and the Seagram family mansion both picturesquely situated on the Hudson River shares in banks from Washington to Uruguay a motion picture production company and newspapers such as the Washington Times the New York City Tribune originally the News World and the successful Spanish-language Noticias del Mundo
( S ( NP-SBJ-69 ( NP ( NP ( CD Five ) ( NNS officials ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT this ) ( NN investment ) ( VBG banking ) ( NN firm ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBD were ) ( VP ( VBN elected ) ( S ( NP-PRD ( NNS directors ) ) ) ( NP-1 ( NP ( NP ( NNP E. ) ( NNP Garrett ) ( NNP Bewkes ) ( NNP III ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ 38-year-old ) ( VBG managing ) ( NN director ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS mergers ) ( CC and ) ( NNS acquisitions ) ( NN department ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Michael ) ( NNP R. ) ( NNP Dabney ) ) ( NP ( CD 44 ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( VBG managing ) ( NN director ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-100 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBZ directs ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ principal ) ( NNS activities ) ( NN group ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-101 ( WDT which ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBZ provides ) ( NP ( NP ( NN funding ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( JJ leveraged ) ( NNS acquisitions ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Richard ) ( NNP Harriton ) ) ( NP ( CD 53 ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ general ) ( NN partner ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-102 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBZ heads ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN correspondent ) ( NN clearing ) ( NNS services ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Michael ) ( NNP Minikes ) ) ( NP ( CD 46 ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ general ) ( NN partner ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-103 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( NP-PRD ( NN treasurer ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( NNP William ) ( NNP J. ) ( NNP Montgoris ) ) ( NP ( CD 42 ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ general ) ( NN partner ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-104 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( ADVP ( RB also ) ) ( NP-PRD ( NP ( NP ( JJ senior ) ( NN vice ) ( NN president ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN finance ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( JJ chief ) ( JJ financial ) ( NN officer ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Five", "officials", "of", "this", "investment", "banking", "firm", "were", "elected", "directors", "E.", "Garrett", "Bewkes", "III", "a", "38-year-old", "managing", "director", "in", "the", "mergers", "and", "acquisitions", "department", "Michael", "R.", "Dabney", "44", "a", "managing", "director", "who", "directs", "the", "principal", "activities", "group", "which", "provides", "funding", "for", "leveraged", "acquisitions", "Richard", "Harriton", "53", "a", "general", "partner", "who", "heads", "the", "correspondent", "clearing", "services", "Michael", "Minikes", "46", "a", "general", "partner", "who", "is", "treasurer", "and", "William", "J.", "Montgoris", "42", "a", "general", "partner", "who", "is", "also", "senior", "vice", "president", "of", "finance", "and", "chief", "financial", "officer" ]
Five officials of this investment banking firm were elected directors E. Garrett Bewkes III a 38-year-old managing director in the mergers and acquisitions department Michael R. Dabney 44 a managing director who directs the principal activities group which provides funding for leveraged acquisitions Richard Harriton 53 a general partner who heads the correspondent clearing services Michael Minikes 46 a general partner who is treasurer and William J. Montgoris 42 a general partner who is also senior vice president of finance and chief financial officer
( S ( SINV ( VP-TPC-3 ( VBN Downgraded ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP-LGS ( NNP Moody ) ( POS 's ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBD were ) ) ( NP-SBJ-1 ( NP ( NNP Houston ) ( NNP Lighting ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NX ( NX ( JJ first-mortgage ) ( NNS bonds ) ) ( CC and ) ( NX ( JJ secured ) ( JJ pollution-control ) ( NNS bonds ) ) ) ) ( PP-DIR-2 ( TO to ) ( NP ( JJ single-A-3 ) ) ) ( PP-DIR-4 ( IN from ) ( NP ( JJ single-A-2 ) ) ) ) ( SINV ( NP-SBJ=1 ( JJ unsecured ) ( NN pollution-control ) ( NNS bonds ) ) ( PP-DIR=2 ( TO to ) ( NP ( JJ Baa-1 ) ) ) ( PP-DIR=4 ( IN from ) ( NP ( JJ single-A-3 ) ) ) ) ( SINV ( NP-SBJ=1 ( JJ preferred ) ( NN stock ) ) ( PP-DIR=2 ( TO to ) ( NP ( JJ single-A-3 ) ) ) ( PP-DIR=4 ( IN from ) ( NP ( JJ single-A-2 ) ) ) ) ( SINV ( NP-SBJ=1 ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN shelf ) ( NN registration ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( JJ preferred ) ( NN stock ) ) ) ) ( PP-DIR=2 ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ preliminary ) ( NN rating ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( JJ single-A-3 ) ) ) ) ) ( PP-DIR=4 ( IN from ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ preliminary ) ( NN rating ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( JJ single-A-2 ) ) ) ) ) ) ( SINV ( NP-SBJ=1 ( NP ( CD two ) ( NN shelf ) ( NNS registrations ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( JJ collateralized ) ( NN debt ) ( NNS securities ) ) ) ) ( PP-DIR=2 ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ preliminary ) ( NN rating ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( JJ single-A-3 ) ) ) ) ) ( PP=4 ( IN from ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ preliminary ) ( NN rating ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( JJ single-A-2 ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( SINV ( NP-SBJ=1 ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN unit ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN rating ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( JJ commercial ) ( NN paper ) ) ) ) ( PP=2 ( TO to ) ( NP ( JJ Prime-2 ) ) ) ( PP=4 ( IN from ) ( NP ( JJ Prime-1 ) ) ) ) )
[ "Downgraded", "by", "Moody", "'s", "were", "Houston", "Lighting", "'s", "first-mortgage", "bonds", "and", "secured", "pollution-control", "bonds", "to", "single-A-3", "from", "single-A-2", "unsecured", "pollution-control", "bonds", "to", "Baa-1", "from", "single-A-3", "preferred", "stock", "to", "single-A-3", "from", "single-A-2", "a", "shelf", "registration", "for", "preferred", "stock", "to", "a", "preliminary", "rating", "of", "single-A-3", "from", "a", "preliminary", "rating", "of", "single-A-2", "two", "shelf", "registrations", "for", "collateralized", "debt", "securities", "to", "a", "preliminary", "rating", "of", "single-A-3", "from", "a", "preliminary", "rating", "of", "single-A-2", "and", "the", "unit", "'s", "rating", "for", "commercial", "paper", "to", "Prime-2", "from", "Prime-1" ]
Downgraded by Moody 's were Houston Lighting 's first-mortgage bonds and secured pollution-control bonds to single-A-3 from single-A-2 unsecured pollution-control bonds to Baa-1 from single-A-3 preferred stock to single-A-3 from single-A-2 a shelf registration for preferred stock to a preliminary rating of single-A-3 from a preliminary rating of single-A-2 two shelf registrations for collateralized debt securities to a preliminary rating of single-A-3 from a preliminary rating of single-A-2 and the unit 's rating for commercial paper to Prime-2 from Prime-1
( S ( S ( NP-SBJ-2 ( NNP Daniel ) ( NNP von ) ( NNP Bargen ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( ADJP-PRD ( ADJP ( JJ ramrod-stiff ) ) ( CC but ) ( ADJP ( RB totally ) ( JJ assured ) ) ) ( PP ( IN as ) ( NP ( NNP Major ) ( NNP Battle ) ) ) ( S-ADV ( VP ( VBG mixing ) ( NP ( NP ( RB just ) ( DT the ) ( JJ right ) ( NN brand ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN self-righteousness ) ( CC and ) ( NN patriotism ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NNP Jeff ) ( NNP Weiss ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( NP-PRD ( NP ( NN fire ) ) ( NP ( NN brimstone ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( JJ teary-eyed ) ( NN emotionalism ) ) ) ( PP ( IN as ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ far-right ) ( NN senator ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-1 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBZ serves ) ( PP-CLR ( IN as ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ friendly ) ( NN interrogator ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNP Major ) ( NNP Battle ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-3 ( NNP Zach ) ( NNP Grenier ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( ADJP-PRD ( RB maddeningly ) ( JJ officious ) ) ( S-ADV ( VP ( VBG playing ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN succession ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNS lawyers ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NNP Joseph ) ( NNP Daly ) ) ( VP ( VBZ has ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ perfect ) ( INTJ ( UH aw ) ( UH shucks ) ) ( NN demeanor ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNP George ) ( NNP Bush ) ) ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( PRP$ his ) ( NN portrayal ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN vice ) ( NN president ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NNP Ann ) ( NNP McDonough ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ first-rate ) ) ( PP ( IN as ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN succession ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS witnesses ) ( POS ' ) ) ( NNS wives ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Daniel", "von", "Bargen", "is", "ramrod-stiff", "but", "totally", "assured", "as", "Major", "Battle", "mixing", "just", "the", "right", "brand", "of", "self-righteousness", "and", "patriotism", "Jeff", "Weiss", "is", "fire", "brimstone", "and", "teary-eyed", "emotionalism", "as", "the", "far-right", "senator", "who", "serves", "as", "a", "friendly", "interrogator", "of", "Major", "Battle", "Zach", "Grenier", "is", "maddeningly", "officious", "playing", "a", "succession", "of", "lawyers", "Joseph", "Daly", "has", "the", "perfect", "aw", "shucks", "demeanor", "of", "George", "Bush", "in", "his", "portrayal", "of", "the", "vice", "president", "and", "Ann", "McDonough", "is", "first-rate", "as", "a", "succession", "of", "witnesses", "'", "wives" ]
Daniel von Bargen is ramrod-stiff but totally assured as Major Battle mixing just the right brand of self-righteousness and patriotism Jeff Weiss is fire brimstone and teary-eyed emotionalism as the far-right senator who serves as a friendly interrogator of Major Battle Zach Grenier is maddeningly officious playing a succession of lawyers Joseph Daly has the perfect aw shucks demeanor of George Bush in his portrayal of the vice president and Ann McDonough is first-rate as a succession of witnesses ' wives
( S ( CC But ) ( SBAR ( IN as ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( PRP he ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( PRP$ his ) ( JJ skilled ) ( NN team ) ) ) ( ADVP-TMP ( RB soon ) ) ( VP ( VBP discover ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( PRP they ) ) ( VP ( VBP 're ) ( ADVP-PRD ( IN up ) ( PP ( IN against ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( CD two ) ( NNS factors ) ) ( SBAR ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP they ) ) ( VP ( VBD had ) ( RB n't ) ( VP ( VBN counted ) ( PP-CLR ( IN on ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( LST ( LS first ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN business ) ( NN climate ) ) ( SBAR ( WHPP-2 ( IN in ) ( WHNP ( WDT which ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-5 ( NP ( DT a ) ( VBG failing ) ( NN company ) ) ( PP ( IN with ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ few ) ( NNS assets ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( JJ many ) ( NNS debts ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( MD can ) ( VP ( VB borrow ) ( PP ( IN against ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS assets ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ successful ) ( NN company ) ) ( SBAR ( S ( NP-SBJ-4 ( PRP it ) ) ( VP ( VBZ hopes ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB acquire ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( SBAR-PRP ( IN in ) ( NN order ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB finance ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN takeover ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( LST ( LS second ) ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( SINV ( VP-TPC-6 ( VBG standing ) ( PP-LOC ( IN behind ) ( NP ( NNP AIW ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ sinister ) ( NN consortium ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( ADJP ( ADJP ( RB much ) ( JJR bigger ) ) ( ADJP ( JJR shadier ) ) ( CC and ) ( ADJP ( JJR shrewder ) ) ) ( JJ foreign ) ( NNS interests ) ) ( VP ( ADVP-MNR ( RB secretly ) ) ( VBG providing ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN money ) ( CC and ) ( NN muscle ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN deal ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "But", "as", "he", "and", "his", "skilled", "team", "soon", "discover", "they", "'re", "up", "against", "two", "factors", "they", "had", "n't", "counted", "on", "first", "a", "business", "climate", "in", "which", "a", "failing", "company", "with", "few", "assets", "and", "many", "debts", "can", "borrow", "against", "the", "assets", "of", "the", "successful", "company", "it", "hopes", "to", "acquire", "in", "order", "to", "finance", "the", "takeover", "second", "that", "standing", "behind", "AIW", "is", "a", "sinister", "consortium", "of", "much", "bigger", "shadier", "and", "shrewder", "foreign", "interests", "secretly", "providing", "the", "money", "and", "muscle", "for", "the", "deal" ]
But as he and his skilled team soon discover they 're up against two factors they had n't counted on first a business climate in which a failing company with few assets and many debts can borrow against the assets of the successful company it hopes to acquire in order to finance the takeover second that standing behind AIW is a sinister consortium of much bigger shadier and shrewder foreign interests secretly providing the money and muscle for the deal
( S ( NP-SBJ-1 ( NP ( DT Every ) ( NN Order ) ( NN Resolution ) ( CC or ) ( NN Vote ) ) ( SBAR ( WHPP-5 ( TO to ) ( WHNP ( WDT which ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN Concurrence ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NX ( NX ( NNP Senate ) ) ( CC and ) ( NX ( NX ( NNP House ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNPS Representatives ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( MD may ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ necessary ) ) ( PRN ( PP ( IN except ) ( PP ( IN on ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN question ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN Adjournment ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VP ( MD shall ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( VP ( VBN presented ) ( PP-CLR ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP President ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP United ) ( NNPS States ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( SBAR-TMP ( IN before ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( JJ Same ) ) ( VP ( MD shall ) ( VP ( VB take ) ( NP-CLR ( NN Effect ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( MD shall ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( VP ( VBN approved ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP-LGS ( PRP him ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC or ) ( VP ( S-ADV ( VP ( VBG being ) ( VP ( VBN disapproved ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP-LGS ( PRP him ) ) ) ) ) ) ( MD shall ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( VP ( VBN repassed ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP-LGS ( NP ( CD two ) ( NNS thirds ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NX ( NX ( NNP Senate ) ) ( CC and ) ( NX ( NX ( NNP House ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNPS Representatives ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( PP ( VBG according ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNPS Rules ) ( CC and ) ( NNPS Limitations ) ) ( VP ( VBN prescribed ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN Case ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN Bill ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Every", "Order", "Resolution", "or", "Vote", "to", "which", "the", "Concurrence", "of", "the", "Senate", "and", "House", "of", "Representatives", "may", "be", "necessary", "except", "on", "a", "question", "of", "Adjournment", "shall", "be", "presented", "to", "the", "President", "of", "the", "United", "States", "and", "before", "the", "Same", "shall", "take", "Effect", "shall", "be", "approved", "by", "him", "or", "being", "disapproved", "by", "him", "shall", "be", "repassed", "by", "two", "thirds", "of", "the", "Senate", "and", "House", "of", "Representatives", "according", "to", "the", "Rules", "and", "Limitations", "prescribed", "in", "the", "Case", "of", "a", "Bill" ]
Every Order Resolution or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary except on a question of Adjournment shall be presented to the President of the United States and before the Same shall take Effect shall be approved by him or being disapproved by him shall be repassed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives according to the Rules and Limitations prescribed in the Case of a Bill
( NP ( NP ( NP ( NNP PACIFIC ) ( NNP TELESIS ) ( NNP GROUP ) ) ( NP-LOC ( NNP San ) ( NNP Francisco ) ) ( NP ( NNS telecommunications ) ( NN holding ) ( NN company ) ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ annual ) ( NNS sales ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( QP ( CD 9.5 ) ( CD billion ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT no ) ( NN damage ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NN headquarters ) ) ) ) ( CC but ) ( NP ( DT no ) ( NN power ) ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( NN power ) ( NN failure ) ) ( VP ( VBZ has ) ( VP ( VBN caused ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN delay ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN release ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN company ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NNS earnings ) ( NN report ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( JJ major ) ( NN concern ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( NP-PRD ( NP ( NNS subsidiaries ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Pacific ) ( NNP Bell ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NNP Pacific ) ( NNP Telesis ) ( NNP Cellular ) ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-2 ( WHNP ( DT both ) ) ( WHPP ( IN of ) ( WHNP ( WDT which ) ) ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBD sustained ) ( NP ( NP ( NN damage ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NNS buildings ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ structural ) ( NN damage ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ several ) ( JJ cellular ) ( NNS sites ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNP Santa ) ( NNP Cruz ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NN volume ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS calls ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN on ) ( NP ( JJ cellular ) ( NNS phones ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-PRD ( QP ( CD 10 ) ( NNS times ) ) ( DT the ) ( JJ usual ) ) ( S-ADV ( VP ( VBG causing ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ big ) ( NN slowdown ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "PACIFIC", "TELESIS", "GROUP", "San", "Francisco", "telecommunications", "holding", "company", "annual", "sales", "of", "9.5", "billion", "no", "damage", "to", "headquarters", "but", "no", "power", "the", "power", "failure", "has", "caused", "a", "delay", "in", "the", "release", "of", "the", "company", "'s", "earnings", "report", "major", "concern", "is", "subsidiaries", "Pacific", "Bell", "and", "Pacific", "Telesis", "Cellular", "both", "of", "which", "sustained", "damage", "to", "buildings", "structural", "damage", "to", "several", "cellular", "sites", "in", "Santa", "Cruz", "volume", "of", "calls", "on", "cellular", "phones", "10", "times", "the", "usual", "causing", "a", "big", "slowdown" ]
PACIFIC TELESIS GROUP San Francisco telecommunications holding company annual sales of 9.5 billion no damage to headquarters but no power the power failure has caused a delay in the release of the company 's earnings report major concern is subsidiaries Pacific Bell and Pacific Telesis Cellular both of which sustained damage to buildings structural damage to several cellular sites in Santa Cruz volume of calls on cellular phones 10 times the usual causing a big slowdown
( S ( NP-SBJ-2 ( NP ( DT Every ) ( NN order ) ( NN resolution ) ( CC or ) ( NN vote ) ) ( SBAR ( WHPP-1 ( TO to ) ( WHNP ( WDT which ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN concurrence ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NX ( NX ( NNP Senate ) ) ( CC and ) ( NX ( NX ( NNP House ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNPS Representatives ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( MD may ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ necessary ) ) ( PRN ( PP ( IN except ) ( PP ( IN on ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN question ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN adjournment ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VP ( MD shall ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( VP ( VBN presented ) ( PP-CLR ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP President ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP United ) ( NNPS States ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( SBAR-TMP ( IN before ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( JJ same ) ) ( VP ( MD shall ) ( VP ( VB take ) ( NP ( NN effect ) ) ) ) ) ) ( MD shall ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( VP ( VBN approved ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP-LGS ( PRP him ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC or ) ( VP ( S-ADV ( VP ( VBG being ) ( VP ( VBN disapproved ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP-LGS ( PRP him ) ) ) ) ) ) ( MD shall ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( VP ( VBN repassed ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP-LGS ( NP ( NNS two-thirds ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NX ( NX ( NNP Senate ) ) ( CC and ) ( NX ( NX ( NNP House ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNPS Representatives ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( PP ( VBG according ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS rules ) ( CC and ) ( NNS limitations ) ) ( VP ( VBN prescribed ) ( PP-TMP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN case ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN bill ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Every", "order", "resolution", "or", "vote", "to", "which", "the", "concurrence", "of", "the", "Senate", "and", "House", "of", "Representatives", "may", "be", "necessary", "except", "on", "a", "question", "of", "adjournment", "shall", "be", "presented", "to", "the", "President", "of", "the", "United", "States", "and", "before", "the", "same", "shall", "take", "effect", "shall", "be", "approved", "by", "him", "or", "being", "disapproved", "by", "him", "shall", "be", "repassed", "by", "two-thirds", "of", "the", "Senate", "and", "House", "of", "Representatives", "according", "to", "the", "rules", "and", "limitations", "prescribed", "in", "the", "case", "of", "a", "bill" ]
Every order resolution or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary except on a question of adjournment shall be presented to the President of the United States and before the same shall take effect shall be approved by him or being disapproved by him shall be repassed by two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives according to the rules and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill
( S ( SBAR-ADV ( IN As ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP he ) ) ( VP ( VBZ stands ) ( PP-LOC ( IN on ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN hill ) ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN at ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN beginning ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ six-day ) ( NN motor ) ( NN expedition ) ) ( PP-DIR ( IN from ) ( NP ( NNP Oxfordshire ) ) ) ( PP-DIR ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Cornwall ) ) ( SBAR ( WHADVP-4 ( WRB where ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ former ) ( NN housekeeper ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ resides ) ( NP-1 ( NP ( ADVP ( RB perhaps ) ) ( DT the ) ( NN victim ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT an ) ( ADJP ( JJ unhappy ) ( JJ 20-year ) ( NN marriage ) ) ) ) ) ( ADJP-2 ( ADVP ( RB perhaps ) ) ( PRN ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP he ) ) ( VP ( VBZ hopes ) ( PP-MNR ( IN with ) ( NP ( NP ( JJR more ) ( NN fervor ) ) ( SBAR ( IN than ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP he ) ) ( VP ( MD will ) ( ADVP-TMP ( RB ever ) ) ( VP ( VB acknowledge ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( RB not ) ( JJ disinclined ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB return ) ( PP-CLR ( TO to ) ( NP ( JJ domestic ) ( NN service ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( NNP Stevens ) ) ( VP ( VP ( NNS surveys ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN view ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( ADVP ( RB thereby ) ) ( VBZ provides ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN self-portrait ) ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN credo ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN author ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN metaphor ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN aesthetic ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN novel ) ) ( SBAR ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP we ) ) ( VP ( VBP 're ) ( VP ( VBG reading ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "As", "he", "stands", "on", "a", "hill", "at", "the", "beginning", "of", "a", "six-day", "motor", "expedition", "from", "Oxfordshire", "to", "Cornwall", "where", "a", "former", "housekeeper", "resides", "perhaps", "the", "victim", "of", "an", "unhappy", "20-year", "marriage", "perhaps", "he", "hopes", "with", "more", "fervor", "than", "he", "will", "ever", "acknowledge", "not", "disinclined", "to", "return", "to", "domestic", "service", "Stevens", "surveys", "the", "view", "and", "thereby", "provides", "a", "self-portrait", "a", "credo", "and", "the", "author", "'s", "metaphor", "for", "the", "aesthetic", "of", "the", "novel", "we", "'re", "reading" ]
As he stands on a hill at the beginning of a six-day motor expedition from Oxfordshire to Cornwall where a former housekeeper resides perhaps the victim of an unhappy 20-year marriage perhaps he hopes with more fervor than he will ever acknowledge not disinclined to return to domestic service Stevens surveys the view and thereby provides a self-portrait a credo and the author 's metaphor for the aesthetic of the novel we 're reading
( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NNP PACIFIC ) ( NNP GAS ) ( CC & ) ( NNP ELECTRIC ) ( NNP CO. ) ) ( NP-LOC ( NNP San ) ( NNP Francisco ) ) ( NP ( JJ electric ) ( NN gas ) ( CC and ) ( NN water ) ( NN supplier ) ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ annual ) ( NNS sales ) ) ( NP ( QP ( CD 7.6 ) ( CD billion ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT some ) ( JJ minor ) ( NN damage ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NN headquarters ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ undetermined ) ( NN damage ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( CD four ) ( JJ nearby ) ( NNS substations ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ severe ) ( JJ structural ) ( NN damage ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ major ) ( NN power ) ( NN plant ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN at ) ( NP ( NNP Moss ) ( NNP Landing ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ extensive ) ( NN damage ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( NN gas ) ( NNS lines ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( JJ electric ) ( NNS lines ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( CD 400,000 ) ( NNS residences ) ) ( PP ( IN without ) ( NP ( NN electricity ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( CD 69,000 ) ) ( PP ( IN without ) ( NP ( NN gas ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( MD can ) ( RB not ) ( VP ( VB reconnect ) ( NP ( NN electricity ) ) ( SBAR-TMP ( IN until ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP it ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ certain ) ( SBAR ( S ( NP-SBJ ( EX there ) ) ( VP ( VBP are ) ( NP-PRD ( DT no ) ( NN gas ) ( NNS leaks ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( FRAG ( NP ( DT no ) ( NNS predictions ) ) ( PP ( IN on ) ( SBAR-TMP ( WHADVP-1 ( WRB when ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT this ) ) ( VP ( MD will ) ( VP ( VB happen ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "PACIFIC", "GAS", "&", "ELECTRIC", "CO.", "San", "Francisco", "electric", "gas", "and", "water", "supplier", "annual", "sales", "7.6", "billion", "some", "minor", "damage", "to", "headquarters", "undetermined", "damage", "to", "four", "nearby", "substations", "severe", "structural", "damage", "to", "a", "major", "power", "plant", "at", "Moss", "Landing", "extensive", "damage", "to", "gas", "lines", "and", "electric", "lines", "400,000", "residences", "without", "electricity", "and", "69,000", "without", "gas", "can", "not", "reconnect", "electricity", "until", "it", "is", "certain", "there", "are", "no", "gas", "leaks", "no", "predictions", "on", "when", "this", "will", "happen" ]
PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC CO. San Francisco electric gas and water supplier annual sales 7.6 billion some minor damage to headquarters undetermined damage to four nearby substations severe structural damage to a major power plant at Moss Landing extensive damage to gas lines and electric lines 400,000 residences without electricity and 69,000 without gas can not reconnect electricity until it is certain there are no gas leaks no predictions on when this will happen
( S ( ADVP ( RB So ) ) ( S-ADV ( VP ( VBG following ) ( NP ( DT both ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN style ) ) ( SBAR ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP he ) ) ( VP ( VBD pursued ) ( PP ( IN as ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP President ) ( NNP Ford ) ( POS 's ) ) ( JJ national ) ( NN security ) ( NN adviser ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS recommendations ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Tower ) ( NNP Commission ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ-3 ( NNP Gen. ) ( NNP Scowcroft ) ) ( VP ( VBZ has ) ( VP ( VP ( VBN pruned ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP NSC ) ( NN staff ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( VBD tried ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB ensure ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP it ) ) ( VP ( VBZ sticks ) ( PP-CLR ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( PRP$ its ) ( JJ assigned ) ( NNS tasks ) ) ( ADVP ( RB namely ) ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VP ( VBG gathering ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS views ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP State ) ( NNP Department ) ) ( NP ( NNP Pentagon ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NN intelligence ) ( NN community ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBG serving ) ( PP-CLR ( IN as ) ( NP ( DT an ) ( JJ honest ) ( NN broker ) ) ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VBG distilling ) ( NP ( DT that ) ( NN information ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN president ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( ADVP-TMP ( RB then ) ) ( VBG making ) ( S ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ sure ) ) ( SBAR-NOM-SBJ ( S ( NP-SBJ-1 ( JJ presidential ) ( NNS decisions ) ) ( VP ( VBP are ) ( VP ( VBN carried ) ( ADVP ( RB out ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "So", "following", "both", "the", "style", "he", "pursued", "as", "President", "Ford", "'s", "national", "security", "adviser", "and", "the", "recommendations", "of", "the", "Tower", "Commission", "Gen.", "Scowcroft", "has", "pruned", "the", "NSC", "staff", "and", "tried", "to", "ensure", "that", "it", "sticks", "to", "its", "assigned", "tasks", "namely", "gathering", "the", "views", "of", "the", "State", "Department", "Pentagon", "and", "intelligence", "community", "serving", "as", "an", "honest", "broker", "in", "distilling", "that", "information", "for", "the", "president", "and", "then", "making", "sure", "presidential", "decisions", "are", "carried", "out" ]
So following both the style he pursued as President Ford 's national security adviser and the recommendations of the Tower Commission Gen. Scowcroft has pruned the NSC staff and tried to ensure that it sticks to its assigned tasks namely gathering the views of the State Department Pentagon and intelligence community serving as an honest broker in distilling that information for the president and then making sure presidential decisions are carried out
( FRAG ( PP ( IN On ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP U.S. ) ( JJ military ) ( NN presence ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNP Asia ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( S-ADV ( VP ( VBN Asked ) ( SBAR ( IN if ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP$ his ) ( NN offer ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB allow ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( JJ American ) ( NN military ) ) ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB use ) ( NP ( NNS facilities ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNP Singapore ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( MD would ) ( VP ( VB help ) ( VP ( VB preserve ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP America ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN presence ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN region ) ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN at ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS bases ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNPS Philippines ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ-3 ( PRP he ) ) ( VP ( VBD said ) ( S ( SBAR-NOM-SBJ ( WHNP-302 ( WP What ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP we ) ) ( VP ( VBP have ) ( VP ( VBN done ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( S-PRD ( VP ( VB make ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( PRP it ) ) ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJR easier ) ) ( SBAR-1 ( IN for ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-5 ( DT the ) ( NNPS Philippines ) ) ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB continue ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB host ) ( NP ( JJ American ) ( NNS bases ) ) ) ) ) ( PP ( IN without ) ( S-NOM ( NP-SBJ ( PRP it ) ) ( VP ( VBG being ) ( VP ( VBN said ) ( SBAR ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP they ) ) ( VP ( VBP are ) ( NP-PRD ( NP ( NP ( NNS lackeys ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS imperialists ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ only ) ( NNS ones ) ) ( PP-LOC ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNP Asia ) ) ) ( CC or ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNP Southeast ) ( NNP Asia ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "On", "U.S.", "military", "presence", "in", "Asia", "Asked", "if", "his", "offer", "to", "allow", "the", "American", "military", "to", "use", "facilities", "in", "Singapore", "would", "help", "preserve", "America", "'s", "presence", "in", "the", "region", "at", "bases", "in", "the", "Philippines", "he", "said", "What", "we", "have", "done", "is", "make", "it", "easier", "for", "the", "Philippines", "to", "continue", "to", "host", "American", "bases", "without", "it", "being", "said", "they", "are", "lackeys", "of", "the", "imperialists", "and", "the", "only", "ones", "in", "Asia", "or", "in", "Southeast", "Asia" ]
On U.S. military presence in Asia Asked if his offer to allow the American military to use facilities in Singapore would help preserve America 's presence in the region at bases in the Philippines he said What we have done is make it easier for the Philippines to continue to host American bases without it being said they are lackeys of the imperialists and the only ones in Asia or in Southeast Asia
( S ( S-ADV ( VP ( VBG Having ) ( VP ( VBN resided ) ( PP-LOC-CLR ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ great ) ( NN state ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNP California ) ) ) ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN for ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ past ) ( CD seven ) ( NNS years ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ-1 ( PRP I ) ) ( VP ( VBP find ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( PRP it ) ) ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ hard ) ) ( S-3 ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB ignore ) ( NP ( PRP$ our ) ( JJ environmental ) ( NNS problems ) ) ( SBAR-TMP ( SBAR ( WHADVP-4 ( WRB when ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP I ) ) ( VP ( VBP start ) ( NP ( NP ( PRP$ my ) ( NN commute ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NN work ) ) ) ) ( PP ( IN with ) ( S-NOM ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NNS eyes ) ) ( VP ( VBG tearing ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NN head ) ) ( VP ( VBG aching ) ) ) ( PP-2 ( IN from ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ polluted ) ( NN air ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( SBAR ( WHADVP-5 ( WRB when ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-6 ( PRP I ) ) ( VP ( VP ( VBP try ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB enjoy ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS beaches ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( VBD come ) ( NP-DIR ( NN home ) ) ( S-ADV ( VP ( VBN covered ) ( PP-CLR ( IN with ) ( NP ( NN tar ) ( CC and ) ( NN oil ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( SBAR ( WHADVP-7 ( WRB when ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP I ) ) ( VP ( VBP hear ) ( PP-CLR ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ numerous ) ( NNS deaths ) ) ( VP ( VBN related ) ( PP-CLR ( TO to ) ( NP ( JJ irresponsible ) ( NX ( NX ( NX ( NN processing ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN cheese ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NX ( NX ( NN use ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNS chemicals ) ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NN fruit ) ( NN growing ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Having", "resided", "in", "the", "great", "state", "of", "California", "for", "the", "past", "seven", "years", "I", "find", "it", "hard", "to", "ignore", "our", "environmental", "problems", "when", "I", "start", "my", "commute", "to", "work", "with", "eyes", "tearing", "and", "head", "aching", "from", "the", "polluted", "air", "when", "I", "try", "to", "enjoy", "the", "beaches", "and", "come", "home", "covered", "with", "tar", "and", "oil", "when", "I", "hear", "of", "numerous", "deaths", "related", "to", "irresponsible", "processing", "of", "cheese", "and", "use", "of", "chemicals", "in", "fruit", "growing" ]
Having resided in the great state of California for the past seven years I find it hard to ignore our environmental problems when I start my commute to work with eyes tearing and head aching from the polluted air when I try to enjoy the beaches and come home covered with tar and oil when I hear of numerous deaths related to irresponsible processing of cheese and use of chemicals in fruit growing
( S ( NP-SBJ ( NN Conference ) ( NNS participants ) ) ( VP ( VBD saw ) ( NP-3 ( DT these ) ( NNS effects ) ) ( PP-CLR ( IN as ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VBG flowing ) ( ADVP-MNR ( RB directly ) ) ( PP-CLR ( IN from ) ( NP ( NP ( LST ( DT a ) ) ( NP ( JJ Marxist ) ( NN devaluation ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ environmental ) ( NNS resources ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-2 ( WDT which ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBP are ) ( RB not ) ( VP ( VBN produced ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP-LGS ( NN labor ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( LST ( NN b ) ) ( NP ( VBN planned ) ( NNS economies ) ( POS ' ) ) ( NN inability ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB control ) ( NP ( NN pollution ) ) ( SBAR-LOC ( WHADVP-5 ( WRB where ) ) ( S ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NNS enterprises ) ) ( VP ( VBP are ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ state-owned ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-1 ( NNS penalties ) ) ( VP ( VBP are ) ( VP ( VBN paid ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP-LGS ( DT the ) ( NN government ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( LST ( NN c ) ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( VBG continuing ) ( JJ Stalinist ) ( NN emphasis ) ) ( PP ( IN on ) ( NP ( JJ heavy ) ( NN industry ) ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( JJ economic ) ( NN development ) ) ) ( VP ( VBG producing ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( ADJP ( ADJP ( RB far ) ( JJR heavier ) ) ( CC and ) ( ADJP ( RBR more ) ( JJ wasteful ) ) ) ( NN use ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( NN energy ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( JJ natural ) ( NNS resources ) ) ) ) ( PP ( IN than ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN West ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Conference", "participants", "saw", "these", "effects", "as", "flowing", "directly", "from", "a", "Marxist", "devaluation", "of", "environmental", "resources", "which", "are", "not", "produced", "by", "labor", "b", "planned", "economies", "'", "inability", "to", "control", "pollution", "where", "enterprises", "are", "state-owned", "and", "penalties", "are", "paid", "by", "the", "government", "and", "c", "the", "continuing", "Stalinist", "emphasis", "on", "heavy", "industry", "for", "economic", "development", "producing", "a", "far", "heavier", "and", "more", "wasteful", "use", "of", "energy", "and", "natural", "resources", "than", "in", "the", "West" ]
Conference participants saw these effects as flowing directly from a Marxist devaluation of environmental resources which are not produced by labor b planned economies ' inability to control pollution where enterprises are state-owned and penalties are paid by the government and c the continuing Stalinist emphasis on heavy industry for economic development producing a far heavier and more wasteful use of energy and natural resources than in the West
( SINV ( SBARQ-TPC-3 ( WHADVP-2 ( WRB Why ) ) ( SQ ( MD should ) ( NP-SBJ-1 ( PRP you ) ) ( VP ( VP ( VB beat ) ( NP ( PRP$ your ) ( NNS brains ) ) ( PRT ( RP out ) ) ( S-ADV ( VP ( VP ( VBG fighting ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS environmentalists ) ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN neighborhood ) ( NNS groups ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBG dealing ) ( PP-CLR ( IN with ) ( NP ( NP ( NN traffic ) ( NN mitigation ) ) ( NP ( NNS sewers ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( VBG fighting ) ( NP ( NN city ) ( NN hall ) ) ) ) ) ) ( RB then ) ( VP ( VB try ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB convince ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT a ) ( NN lender ) ) ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB lend ) ( NP ( PRP you ) ) ( NP ( NN money ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT an ) ( JJ overbuilt ) ( NN market ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( SBAR-TMP ( WHADVP ( WRB when ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP you ) ) ( VP ( MD can ) ( VP ( VP ( VB get ) ( NP ( NN pension ) ( NN fund ) ( NN money ) ) ) ( VP ( VB buy ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN portfolio ) ) ) ( VP ( VB sell ) ( PRT ( RP off ) ) ( NP ( NNS pieces ) ) ( PP-CLR ( IN off ) ( NP ( PRP it ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( VB play ) ( NP ( PRP$ your ) ( JJ own ) ( NN game ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ says ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NNP Jack ) ( NNP Rodman ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NN managing ) ( NN partner ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Los ) ( NNP Angeles ) ( NN office ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Kenneth ) ( NNP Leventhal ) ( NNP Inc. ) ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ national ) ( NN accounting ) ( NN firm ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Why", "should", "you", "beat", "your", "brains", "out", "fighting", "the", "environmentalists", "the", "neighborhood", "groups", "dealing", "with", "traffic", "mitigation", "sewers", "and", "fighting", "city", "hall", "then", "try", "to", "convince", "a", "lender", "to", "lend", "you", "money", "in", "an", "overbuilt", "market", "when", "you", "can", "get", "pension", "fund", "money", "buy", "a", "portfolio", "sell", "off", "pieces", "off", "it", "and", "play", "your", "own", "game", "says", "Jack", "Rodman", "managing", "partner", "of", "the", "Los", "Angeles", "office", "of", "Kenneth", "Leventhal", "Inc.", "a", "national", "accounting", "firm" ]
Why should you beat your brains out fighting the environmentalists the neighborhood groups dealing with traffic mitigation sewers and fighting city hall then try to convince a lender to lend you money in an overbuilt market when you can get pension fund money buy a portfolio sell off pieces off it and play your own game says Jack Rodman managing partner of the Los Angeles office of Kenneth Leventhal Inc. a national accounting firm
( S ( ADVP ( RB Thus ) ) ( NP-SBJ-1 ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN woman ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-487 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBD used ) ( NP ( NNP RU-486 ) ) ( S-CLR ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB have ) ( NP ( DT an ) ( NN abortion ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( MD would ) ( VP ( VB have ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB make ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( CD three ) ( NNS trips ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN clinic ) ) ) ( PP ( IN past ) ( NP ( DT those ) ( NN picket ) ( NNS lines ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT an ) ( JJ initial ) ( NN visit ) ) ( UCP-PRP ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ medical ) ( NN screening ) ) ( PRN ( S ( NP-SBJ-4 ( NP ( NNS anemics ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( DT those ) ) ( PP ( IN with ) ( NP ( JJ previous ) ( NN pregnancy ) ( NNS problems ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBP are ) ( VP ( VBN eliminated ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB take ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN pill ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ second ) ( NN trip ) ) ( ADVP-TMP ( NP ( CD 48 ) ( NNS hours ) ) ( RBR later ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN prostaglandin ) ) ( VP ( VBN administered ) ( PP ( CC either ) ( IN via ) ( NP ( NP ( NN injection ) ) ( CC or ) ( NP ( JJ vaginal ) ( NN suppository ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ third ) ( NN trip ) ) ( ADVP-TMP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN week ) ) ( RBR later ) ) ( S-PRP ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB make ) ( ADJP ( JJ sure ) ( SBAR ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP she ) ) ( VP ( VBZ has ) ( VP ( ADVP ( RB completely ) ) ( VBN aborted ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Thus", "a", "woman", "who", "used", "RU-486", "to", "have", "an", "abortion", "would", "have", "to", "make", "three", "trips", "to", "the", "clinic", "past", "those", "picket", "lines", "an", "initial", "visit", "for", "medical", "screening", "anemics", "and", "those", "with", "previous", "pregnancy", "problems", "are", "eliminated", "and", "to", "take", "the", "pill", "a", "second", "trip", "48", "hours", "later", "for", "the", "prostaglandin", "administered", "either", "via", "injection", "or", "vaginal", "suppository", "and", "a", "third", "trip", "a", "week", "later", "to", "make", "sure", "she", "has", "completely", "aborted" ]
Thus a woman who used RU-486 to have an abortion would have to make three trips to the clinic past those picket lines an initial visit for medical screening anemics and those with previous pregnancy problems are eliminated and to take the pill a second trip 48 hours later for the prostaglandin administered either via injection or vaginal suppository and a third trip a week later to make sure she has completely aborted
( S ( NP-SBJ ( NNS Prosecutors ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( DT an ) ( NN indictment ) ) ( PP ( VBN based ) ( PP ( IN on ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ grand ) ( NN jury ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN report ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBP maintain ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( PP-TMP ( IN at ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ various ) ( NNS times ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN since ) ( NP ( CD 1975 ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( PRP he ) ) ( VP ( VP ( VBD owned ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( ADJP ( JJ secret ) ( CC and ) ( JJ illegal ) ) ( NN interest ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN beer ) ( NN distributorship ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBD plotted ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ hidden ) ( NN ownership ) ( NNS interests ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( JJ real ) ( NN estate ) ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-156 ( WDT that ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBD presented ) ( NP ( NP ( DT an ) ( JJ alleged ) ( NN conflict ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN interest ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBN set ) ( PRT ( RP up ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ dummy ) ( NN corporation ) ) ( SBAR ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VP ( VB buy ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN car ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( VB obtain ) ( NP ( NN insurance ) ) ) ( PP-BNF ( IN for ) ( NP ( NP ( PRP$ his ) ( JJ former ) ( NN girlfriend ) ) ( PRN ( ADVP-TMP ( RB now ) ) ( NP ( PRP$ his ) ( JJ second ) ( NN wife ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( VBD maintained ) ( NP ( CD 54 ) ( NNS accounts ) ) ( PP-LOC-CLR ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( CD six ) ( NNS banks ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNP Cambria ) ( NNP County ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Prosecutors", "in", "an", "indictment", "based", "on", "the", "grand", "jury", "'s", "report", "maintain", "that", "at", "various", "times", "since", "1975", "he", "owned", "a", "secret", "and", "illegal", "interest", "in", "a", "beer", "distributorship", "plotted", "hidden", "ownership", "interests", "in", "real", "estate", "that", "presented", "an", "alleged", "conflict", "of", "interest", "set", "up", "a", "dummy", "corporation", "to", "buy", "a", "car", "and", "obtain", "insurance", "for", "his", "former", "girlfriend", "now", "his", "second", "wife", "and", "maintained", "54", "accounts", "in", "six", "banks", "in", "Cambria", "County" ]
Prosecutors in an indictment based on the grand jury 's report maintain that at various times since 1975 he owned a secret and illegal interest in a beer distributorship plotted hidden ownership interests in real estate that presented an alleged conflict of interest set up a dummy corporation to buy a car and obtain insurance for his former girlfriend now his second wife and maintained 54 accounts in six banks in Cambria County
( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NNP Mr. ) ( NNP Sagan ) ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ former ) ( NX ( NX ( NN publisher ) ) ( CC and ) ( NX ( JJ real ) ( NN estate ) ( NN developer ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ has ) ( VP ( VBN put ) ( ADVP-CLR ( RB together ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT an ) ( ADJP ( QP ( CD 8 ) ( CD million ) ) ) ( JJ financial ) ( NN package ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-1 ( WDT that ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBZ includes ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( NP ( QP ( RB approximately ) ( CD 4 ) ( CD million ) ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( NN tax ) ( JJ exempt ) ( NNS bonds ) ) ( VP ( VBN issued ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP-LGS ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP State ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNP Illinois ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( PRN ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ first ) ( NN time ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT a ) ( NN state ) ) ( VP ( VBZ has ) ( VP ( VBN used ) ( NP-2 ( PRP$ its ) ( JJ educational ) ( NNS facilities ) ( NN authority ) ) ( S-CLR ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB support ) ( NP ( NP ( NN construction ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN theater ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( QP ( RB approximately ) ( CD 1 ) ( CD million ) ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS grants ) ) ( PP ( IN from ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP National ) ( NNP Endowment ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Arts ) ) ) ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP MacArthur ) ( NNP Foundation ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ few ) ( JJ other ) ( JJ deep ) ( NNS pockets ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Mr.", "Sagan", "a", "former", "publisher", "and", "real", "estate", "developer", "has", "put", "together", "an", "8", "million", "financial", "package", "that", "includes", "approximately", "4", "million", "of", "tax", "exempt", "bonds", "issued", "by", "the", "State", "of", "Illinois", "the", "first", "time", "that", "a", "state", "has", "used", "its", "educational", "facilities", "authority", "to", "support", "construction", "of", "a", "theater", "and", "approximately", "1", "million", "in", "grants", "from", "the", "National", "Endowment", "for", "the", "Arts", "the", "MacArthur", "Foundation", "and", "a", "few", "other", "deep", "pockets" ]
Mr. Sagan a former publisher and real estate developer has put together an 8 million financial package that includes approximately 4 million of tax exempt bonds issued by the State of Illinois the first time that a state has used its educational facilities authority to support construction of a theater and approximately 1 million in grants from the National Endowment for the Arts the MacArthur Foundation and a few other deep pockets
( S ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT Those ) ( NNS people ) ) ( SBAR ( WHPP-1 ( TO to ) ( WHNP ( WP whom ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP I ) ) ( VP ( VBP refer ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBP are ) ( RB not ) ( NP-PRD ( DT some ) ( JJ heroic ) ( JJ indecipherable ) ( NN quantity ) ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP they ) ) ( VP ( VBP are ) ( NP-PRD ( NP ( NP ( NNS artists ) ) ( NP ( NNS critics ) ) ( NP ( NN taxi ) ( NNS drivers ) ) ( NP ( NNS grandmothers ) ) ( NP ( NP ( RB even ) ( DT some ) ( NNS employees ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Ministry ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNP Culture ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT all ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( SBAR-NOM ( WHNP-2 ( WP whom ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBP share ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ deep ) ( NN belief ) ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ original ) ( NNS principles ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Cuban ) ( NNP Revolution ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBN spelled ) ( ADVP ( RB out ) ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS terms ) ) ( PP ( JJ such ) ( IN as ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( NN equality ) ) ( PP ( IN among ) ( NP ( NP ( DT all ) ( NNS members ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN society ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NN reverence ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NP ( NN education ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( JJ creative ) ( NN expression ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ universal ) ( NNS rights ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NN health ) ( CC and ) ( NN livelihood ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NN housing ) ) ( NP ( FW etc ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Those", "people", "to", "whom", "I", "refer", "are", "not", "some", "heroic", "indecipherable", "quantity", "they", "are", "artists", "critics", "taxi", "drivers", "grandmothers", "even", "some", "employees", "of", "the", "Ministry", "of", "Culture", "all", "of", "whom", "share", "a", "deep", "belief", "in", "the", "original", "principles", "of", "the", "Cuban", "Revolution", "spelled", "out", "in", "terms", "such", "as", "equality", "among", "all", "members", "of", "the", "society", "reverence", "for", "education", "and", "creative", "expression", "universal", "rights", "to", "health", "and", "livelihood", "housing", "etc" ]
Those people to whom I refer are not some heroic indecipherable quantity they are artists critics taxi drivers grandmothers even some employees of the Ministry of Culture all of whom share a deep belief in the original principles of the Cuban Revolution spelled out in terms such as equality among all members of the society reverence for education and creative expression universal rights to health and livelihood housing etc
( S ( SBAR-TMP ( SBAR ( WHADVP-3 ( WRB When ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-1 ( NP ( NNP Isabella ) ) ( PRN ( NP ( NNP Ellen ) ( NNP Lauren ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ confronts ) ( NP ( NP ( PRP$ her ) ( NN brother ) ( NNP Claudio ) ) ( PRN ( NP ( NNP Matt ) ( NNP Loney ) ) ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( PRP$ his ) ( NN cell ) ) ) ( S-ADV ( VP ( VBG explaining ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN price ) ) ( SBAR ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP she ) ) ( VP ( VBZ has ) ( VP ( VBN been ) ( VP ( VBN asked ) ( S-PRP ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB secure ) ( NP ( PRP$ his ) ( NN freedom ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( SBAR ( WHADVP-5 ( WRB when ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-4 ( NP ( NNP Isabella ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ disguised ) ( NNP Duke ) ) ( PRN ( NP ( NNP Philip ) ( NNP Kerr ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBP conspire ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB trick ) ( NP ( NNP Angelo ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( SBAR ( WHADVP-6 ( WRB when ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NNP Mariana ) ) ( PRN ( NP ( NNP Annalee ) ( NNP Jefferies ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN woman ) ) ( VP ( VBN wronged ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP-LGS ( NNP Angelo ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ confronts ) ( NP ( PRP him ) ) ( PP-CLR ( IN with ) ( NP ( PRP$ his ) ( JJ past ) ( NNS misdeeds ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( NNS performers ) ) ( VP ( VBP bring ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ dramatic ) ( JJ high ) ( NNS points ) ) ( PP-CLR ( TO to ) ( NP ( NN life ) ) ) ( PP-MNR ( IN with ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ intense ) ( NN energy ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NN intelligence ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "When", "Isabella", "Ellen", "Lauren", "confronts", "her", "brother", "Claudio", "Matt", "Loney", "in", "his", "cell", "explaining", "the", "price", "she", "has", "been", "asked", "to", "secure", "his", "freedom", "when", "Isabella", "and", "the", "disguised", "Duke", "Philip", "Kerr", "conspire", "to", "trick", "Angelo", "and", "when", "Mariana", "Annalee", "Jefferies", "a", "woman", "wronged", "by", "Angelo", "confronts", "him", "with", "his", "past", "misdeeds", "the", "performers", "bring", "the", "dramatic", "high", "points", "to", "life", "with", "intense", "energy", "and", "intelligence" ]
When Isabella Ellen Lauren confronts her brother Claudio Matt Loney in his cell explaining the price she has been asked to secure his freedom when Isabella and the disguised Duke Philip Kerr conspire to trick Angelo and when Mariana Annalee Jefferies a woman wronged by Angelo confronts him with his past misdeeds the performers bring the dramatic high points to life with intense energy and intelligence
( S ( NP-SBJ-1 ( PRP He ) ) ( VP ( VBD had ) ( VP ( VBN been ) ( VP ( VBN summoned ) ( PP-CLR ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Central ) ( NNP Committee ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Soviet ) ( NNP Communist ) ( NNP Party ) ) ) ) ) ( SBAR-TMP ( IN after ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP he ) ) ( VP ( VBD finished ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( PRP$ his ) ( NN lunch ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN at ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Savoy ) ( NNP Hotel ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT an ) ( JJ unlikely ) ( NN prelude ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ bureaucratic ) ( NN brow-beating ) ) ) ) ( PRN ( S ( NP-SBJ ( JJ Eight-foot-tall ) ( ADJP ( JJ Rubenesquely ) ( JJ naked ) ) ( NNS ladies ) ) ( VP ( VBP float ) ( PP-LOC ( IN on ) ( NP ( PRP$ their ) ( NNS canvases ) ) ) ( PP-DIR ( IN toward ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN ceiling ) ) ( VP ( VBG teeming ) ( PP-CLR ( IN with ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS cherubs ) ) ( VP ( DT all ) ( VP ( VBN surrounded ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP-LGS ( NP ( NN gilt ) ) ( VP ( VBN laid ) ( PRT ( RP on ) ) ( PP-MNR ( IN with ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN pastry ) ( NN chef ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN trowel ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( VBN supported ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP-LGS ( NP ( NN marble ) ( JJ corinthian ) ( NNS columns ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-2 ( WP$ whose ) ( NNS capitals ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBP are ) ( NP-PRD ( NP ( NN fluting ) ( NNS fountains ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN gold ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "He", "had", "been", "summoned", "to", "the", "Central", "Committee", "of", "the", "Soviet", "Communist", "Party", "after", "he", "finished", "his", "lunch", "at", "the", "Savoy", "Hotel", "an", "unlikely", "prelude", "to", "a", "bureaucratic", "brow-beating", "Eight-foot-tall", "Rubenesquely", "naked", "ladies", "float", "on", "their", "canvases", "toward", "a", "ceiling", "teeming", "with", "cherubs", "all", "surrounded", "by", "gilt", "laid", "on", "with", "a", "pastry", "chef", "'s", "trowel", "and", "supported", "by", "marble", "corinthian", "columns", "whose", "capitals", "are", "fluting", "fountains", "of", "gold" ]
He had been summoned to the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party after he finished his lunch at the Savoy Hotel an unlikely prelude to a bureaucratic brow-beating Eight-foot-tall Rubenesquely naked ladies float on their canvases toward a ceiling teeming with cherubs all surrounded by gilt laid on with a pastry chef 's trowel and supported by marble corinthian columns whose capitals are fluting fountains of gold
( S ( S-ADV ( VP ( VBG Using ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS estimates ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN company ) ( POS 's ) ) ( JJ future ) ( NNS earnings ) ) ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN under ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN variety ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNS scenarios ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ-1 ( RB First ) ( NNP Boston ) ) ( VP ( VBD estimated ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP UAL ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN value ) ) ( PP-CLR ( IN at ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( QP ( CD 248 ) ( TO to ) ( CD 287 ) ) ) ( NP-ADV ( DT a ) ( NN share ) ) ( SBAR ( IN if ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP$ its ) ( JJ future ) ( NN labor ) ( NNS costs ) ) ( VP ( VBP conform ) ( PP-CLR ( TO to ) ( NP ( NNP Wall ) ( NNP Street ) ( NNS projections ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( QP ( CD 237 ) ( TO to ) ( CD 275 ) ) ) ( SBAR-ADV ( IN if ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( NN company ) ) ( VP ( VBZ reaches ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN settlement ) ) ( PP ( IN with ) ( NP ( NNS pilots ) ) ) ( ADJP ( JJ similar ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( CD one ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN at ) ( NP ( NNP NWA ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( QP ( CD 98 ) ( TO to ) ( CD 121 ) ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN under ) ( NP ( DT an ) ( JJ adverse ) ( NN labor ) ( NN settlement ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( QP ( CD 229 ) ( TO to ) ( CD 270 ) ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN under ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN pilot ) ( NN contract ) ) ( VP ( VBN imposed ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP-LGS ( DT the ) ( NN company ) ) ) ( PP-TMP ( VBG following ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN strike ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Using", "estimates", "of", "the", "company", "'s", "future", "earnings", "under", "a", "variety", "of", "scenarios", "First", "Boston", "estimated", "UAL", "'s", "value", "at", "248", "to", "287", "a", "share", "if", "its", "future", "labor", "costs", "conform", "to", "Wall", "Street", "projections", "237", "to", "275", "if", "the", "company", "reaches", "a", "settlement", "with", "pilots", "similar", "to", "one", "at", "NWA", "98", "to", "121", "under", "an", "adverse", "labor", "settlement", "and", "229", "to", "270", "under", "a", "pilot", "contract", "imposed", "by", "the", "company", "following", "a", "strike" ]
Using estimates of the company 's future earnings under a variety of scenarios First Boston estimated UAL 's value at 248 to 287 a share if its future labor costs conform to Wall Street projections 237 to 275 if the company reaches a settlement with pilots similar to one at NWA 98 to 121 under an adverse labor settlement and 229 to 270 under a pilot contract imposed by the company following a strike
( S ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( CD Two ) ( JJ left-wing ) ( NNS politicians ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( NNP Socialist ) ( NNP Leonel ) ( NNP Brizola ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ former ) ( NN governor ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNP Rio ) ( IN de ) ( NNP Janeiro ) ( NN state ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NNP Marxist-leaning ) ( NNP Luis ) ( NNP Inacio ) ( NN da ) ( NN Silva ) ) ) ) ( ADVP-TMP ( RB currently ) ) ( VP ( VBP are ) ( VP ( VBG running ) ( ADVP-MNR ( NN neck ) ( CC and ) ( NN neck ) ) ( PP-CLR ( IN at ) ( NP ( QP ( RB about ) ( CD 15 ) ) ( NN % ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-1 ( CD three ) ( JJ other ) ( NNS candidates ) ) ( VP ( VBP are ) ( VP ( VBN given ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN chance ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VBG reaching ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN Dec. ) ( CD 17 ) ( NN runoff ) ( NN election ) ) ( PP ( IN between ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( CD two ) ( JJS biggest ) ( NNS vote-getters ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Social ) ( NNP Democrat ) ( NNP Mario ) ( NNP Covas ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( CD two ) ( NNS conservatives ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( NNP Paulo ) ( NNP Salim ) ( NNP Maluf ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ former ) ( NN governor ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN state ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNP Sao ) ( NNP Paulo ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NNP Guilherme ) ( NNP Afif ) ( NNP Domingos ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Two", "left-wing", "politicians", "Socialist", "Leonel", "Brizola", "a", "former", "governor", "of", "Rio", "de", "Janeiro", "state", "and", "Marxist-leaning", "Luis", "Inacio", "da", "Silva", "currently", "are", "running", "neck", "and", "neck", "at", "about", "15", "%", "and", "three", "other", "candidates", "are", "given", "a", "chance", "of", "reaching", "the", "Dec.", "17", "runoff", "election", "between", "the", "two", "biggest", "vote-getters", "Social", "Democrat", "Mario", "Covas", "and", "two", "conservatives", "Paulo", "Salim", "Maluf", "a", "former", "governor", "of", "the", "state", "of", "Sao", "Paulo", "and", "Guilherme", "Afif", "Domingos" ]
Two left-wing politicians Socialist Leonel Brizola a former governor of Rio de Janeiro state and Marxist-leaning Luis Inacio da Silva currently are running neck and neck at about 15 % and three other candidates are given a chance of reaching the Dec. 17 runoff election between the two biggest vote-getters Social Democrat Mario Covas and two conservatives Paulo Salim Maluf a former governor of the state of Sao Paulo and Guilherme Afif Domingos
( S ( NP-SBJ ( NNP Mr. ) ( NNP Cawthorn ) ) ( VP ( VBD attributed ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN decline ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( JJ third-quarter ) ( NN operating ) ( NN profit ) ) ) ) ( PP-CLR ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJR stronger ) ( NN dollar ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-2 ( WDT which ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBZ reduces ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN value ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( JJ overseas ) ( NN profit ) ) ) ( SBAR ( WHADVP-4 ( WRB when ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-1 ( PRP it ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( VP ( VBN translated ) ( PP-CLR ( IN into ) ( NP ( NNS dollars ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( VBN accelerated ) ( NN buying ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNP Rorer ) ( NNS products ) ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ second ) ( NN quarter ) ) ) ( PP-PRP ( IN because ) ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ then-pending ) ( NAC-TMP ( NNP July ) ( CD 1 ) ) ( NN price ) ( NN increase ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( JJR higher ) ( NN marketing ) ( NNS expenses ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( NNP Rorer ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NNP Maalox ) ( NN antacid ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-3 ( WHNP ( WP$ whose ) ( NNS sales ) ( CC and ) ( NN market ) ( NN share ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP U.S. ) ) ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBD had ) ( VP ( VBN slipped ) ( PP-TMP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ first ) ( NN half ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( CD 1989 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Mr.", "Cawthorn", "attributed", "the", "decline", "in", "third-quarter", "operating", "profit", "to", "the", "stronger", "dollar", "which", "reduces", "the", "value", "of", "overseas", "profit", "when", "it", "is", "translated", "into", "dollars", "to", "accelerated", "buying", "of", "Rorer", "products", "in", "the", "second", "quarter", "because", "of", "a", "then-pending", "July", "1", "price", "increase", "and", "to", "higher", "marketing", "expenses", "for", "Rorer", "'s", "Maalox", "antacid", "whose", "sales", "and", "market", "share", "in", "the", "U.S.", "had", "slipped", "in", "the", "first", "half", "of", "1989" ]
Mr. Cawthorn attributed the decline in third-quarter operating profit to the stronger dollar which reduces the value of overseas profit when it is translated into dollars to accelerated buying of Rorer products in the second quarter because of a then-pending July 1 price increase and to higher marketing expenses for Rorer 's Maalox antacid whose sales and market share in the U.S. had slipped in the first half of 1989
( S ( S-ADV ( VP ( VBN Shorn ) ( PP-CLR ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT all ) ( NX ( NX ( PRP$ their ) ( NNS riders ) ) ( NX ( JJ special ) ( NNS provisions ) ) ( CC and ) ( NX ( JJ other ) ( NNS bells ) ( CC and ) ( NNS whistles ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ-1 ( NN insurance ) ( NNS policies ) ) ( VP ( MD can ) ( ADVP-TMP ( RB still ) ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( VP ( VBN grouped ) ( PP-LOC-CLR ( IN under ) ( NP ( NP ( CD two ) ( JJ broad ) ( NNS categories ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( JJ so-called ) ( JJ pure ) ( NN insurance ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-3 ( WDT which ) ) ( S ( VP ( VP ( VBZ amasses ) ( NP ( DT no ) ( NN cash ) ( NN value ) ) ( PP-LOC-CLR ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN policy ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( VBZ pays ) ( PRT ( RP off ) ) ( PP-TMP ( ADVP ( RB only ) ) ( IN upon ) ( NP ( NN death ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ permanent ) ( NN insurance ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-4 ( WDT which ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBZ provides ) ( NP ( CONJP ( RB not ) ( RB only ) ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN death ) ( NN benefit ) ) ( CONJP ( CC but ) ( RB also ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN cash ) ( NN value ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN policy ) ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-5 ( WDT that ) ) ( S ( VP ( MD can ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( VP ( VBN used ) ( PP-MNR ( IN in ) ( NP ( JJ various ) ( NNS ways ) ) ) ( SBAR-TMP ( IN while ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( VBN insured ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( ADVP-TMP ( RB still ) ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ alive ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Shorn", "of", "all", "their", "riders", "special", "provisions", "and", "other", "bells", "and", "whistles", "insurance", "policies", "can", "still", "be", "grouped", "under", "two", "broad", "categories", "so-called", "pure", "insurance", "which", "amasses", "no", "cash", "value", "in", "the", "policy", "and", "pays", "off", "only", "upon", "death", "and", "permanent", "insurance", "which", "provides", "not", "only", "a", "death", "benefit", "but", "also", "a", "cash", "value", "in", "the", "policy", "that", "can", "be", "used", "in", "various", "ways", "while", "the", "insured", "is", "still", "alive" ]
Shorn of all their riders special provisions and other bells and whistles insurance policies can still be grouped under two broad categories so-called pure insurance which amasses no cash value in the policy and pays off only upon death and permanent insurance which provides not only a death benefit but also a cash value in the policy that can be used in various ways while the insured is still alive
( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP They ) ) ( VP ( VBP base ) ( NP ( PRP$ their ) ( NN argument ) ) ( PP-CLR ( IN on ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN clause ) ) ( VP ( VBN buried ) ( PP-LOC-CLR ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Article ) ( PRP I ) ( NNP Section ) ( CD 7 ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Constitution ) ) ) ) ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-1 ( WDT that ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBZ states ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-3 ( NP ( DT Every ) ( NN order ) ( NN resolution ) ( CC or ) ( NN vote ) ) ( SBAR ( WHPP-2 ( TO to ) ( WHNP ( WDT which ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN concurrence ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NX ( NX ( NNP Senate ) ) ( CC and ) ( NX ( NX ( NNP House ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNPS Representatives ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( MD may ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ necessary ) ) ( PRN ( PP ( IN except ) ( PP ( IN on ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN question ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN adjournment ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VP ( MD shall ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( VP ( VBN presented ) ( PP-CLR ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP President ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP United ) ( NNPS States ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( SBAR-TMP ( IN before ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( JJ same ) ) ( VP ( MD shall ) ( VP ( VB take ) ( NP ( NN effect ) ) ) ) ) ) ( MD shall ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( VP ( VP ( VBN approved ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP-LGS ( PRP him ) ) ) ) ( CC or ) ( VP ( VBN disapproved ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP-LGS ( PRP him ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "They", "base", "their", "argument", "on", "a", "clause", "buried", "in", "Article", "I", "Section", "7", "of", "the", "Constitution", "that", "states", "Every", "order", "resolution", "or", "vote", "to", "which", "the", "concurrence", "of", "the", "Senate", "and", "House", "of", "Representatives", "may", "be", "necessary", "except", "on", "a", "question", "of", "adjournment", "shall", "be", "presented", "to", "the", "President", "of", "the", "United", "States", "and", "before", "the", "same", "shall", "take", "effect", "shall", "be", "approved", "by", "him", "or", "disapproved", "by", "him" ]
They base their argument on a clause buried in Article I Section 7 of the Constitution that states Every order resolution or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary except on a question of adjournment shall be presented to the President of the United States and before the same shall take effect shall be approved by him or disapproved by him
( S ( NP-SBJ-1 ( NP ( DT Every ) ( NN Bill ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-2 ( WDT which ) ) ( S ( VP ( MD shall ) ( VP ( VB have ) ( VP ( VBN passed ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP House ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNPS Representatives ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Senate ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( MD shall ) ( SBAR-TMP ( IN before ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP it ) ) ( VP ( VBZ becomes ) ( NP-PRD ( DT a ) ( NNP Law ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( VP ( VBN presented ) ( PP-CLR ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP President ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP United ) ( NNPS States ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( S ( SBAR-ADV ( IN If ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP he ) ) ( VP ( VB approve ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( PRP he ) ) ( VP ( MD shall ) ( VP ( VB sign ) ( NP ( PRP it ) ) ) ) ) ( CC but ) ( S ( FRAG-ADV ( IN if ) ( RB not ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( PRP he ) ) ( VP ( MD shall ) ( VP ( VB return ) ( NP ( PRP it ) ) ( PP ( IN with ) ( NP ( PRP$ his ) ( NNS Objections ) ) ) ( PP-CLR ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT that ) ( NNP House ) ) ( SBAR ( WHPP-4 ( IN in ) ( WHNP ( WDT which ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP it ) ) ( VP ( MD shall ) ( VP ( VB have ) ( VP ( VBN originated ) ) ) ) ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-3 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( MD shall ) ( VP ( VP ( VB enter ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS Objections ) ) ( PP ( IN at ) ( ADJP ( JJ large ) ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN on ) ( NP ( PRP$ their ) ( NN Journal ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( VB proceed ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB reconsider ) ( NP ( PRP it ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Every", "Bill", "which", "shall", "have", "passed", "the", "House", "of", "Representatives", "and", "the", "Senate", "shall", "before", "it", "becomes", "a", "Law", "be", "presented", "to", "the", "President", "of", "the", "United", "States", "If", "he", "approve", "he", "shall", "sign", "it", "but", "if", "not", "he", "shall", "return", "it", "with", "his", "Objections", "to", "that", "House", "in", "which", "it", "shall", "have", "originated", "who", "shall", "enter", "the", "Objections", "at", "large", "on", "their", "Journal", "and", "proceed", "to", "reconsider", "it" ]
Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate shall before it becomes a Law be presented to the President of the United States If he approve he shall sign it but if not he shall return it with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal and proceed to reconsider it
( S ( S-TPC-1 ( NP-SBJ ( PRP I ) ) ( VP ( VBP am ) ( ADJP-PRD ( VBN convinced ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ monetary ) ( NN policy ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( DT this ) ( NN country ) ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-2 ( WDT that ) ) ( S ( VP ( MD would ) ( VP ( VB return ) ( NP ( NN interest ) ( NNS rates ) ) ( PP-CLR ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ historical ) ( NN level ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( CD 4 ) ( NN % ) ) ( CC or ) ( NP ( CD 5 ) ( NN % ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( MD would ) ( VP ( VB have ) ( ADVP ( RB not ) ( RB only ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT an ) ( JJ immediate ) ( NN impact ) ) ( PP ( IN on ) ( NP ( NP ( NN housing ) ( NNS starts ) ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN housing ) ( NN stock ) ) ( NP ( NP ( PRP$ our ) ( NN industry ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNP America ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN refurbishing ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( PRP$ our ) ( JJ industrial ) ( NN system ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP it ) ) ( VP ( MD would ) ( VP ( VB help ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Third ) ( NNP World ) ( NNS economies ) ) ( ADVP ( RB considerably ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP it ) ) ( VP ( MD would ) ( ADVP ( RB particularly ) ) ( VP ( VB have ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ favorable ) ( NN impact ) ) ( PP ( IN upon ) ( NP ( PRP$ our ) ( NN budget ) ( NN deficit ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( NNP Mr. ) ( NNP Kemp ) ) ( VP ( VBD said ) ) )
[ "I", "am", "convinced", "that", "a", "monetary", "policy", "for", "this", "country", "that", "would", "return", "interest", "rates", "to", "the", "historical", "level", "of", "4", "%", "or", "5", "%", "would", "have", "not", "only", "an", "immediate", "impact", "on", "housing", "starts", "the", "housing", "stock", "our", "industry", "in", "America", "the", "refurbishing", "of", "our", "industrial", "system", "it", "would", "help", "the", "Third", "World", "economies", "considerably", "and", "it", "would", "particularly", "have", "a", "favorable", "impact", "upon", "our", "budget", "deficit", "Mr.", "Kemp", "said" ]
I am convinced that a monetary policy for this country that would return interest rates to the historical level of 4 % or 5 % would have not only an immediate impact on housing starts the housing stock our industry in America the refurbishing of our industrial system it would help the Third World economies considerably and it would particularly have a favorable impact upon our budget deficit Mr. Kemp said
( SINV ( S-TPC-4 ( NP-SBJ ( PRP We ) ) ( VP ( VBP believe ) ( SBAR ( S ( NP-SBJ-2 ( PRP$ our ) ( JJ suggested ) ( NN plan ) ) ( VP ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( ADJP-PRD ( ADJP ( RBR more ) ( JJ likely ) ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB improve ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN availability ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( JJ quality ) ( JJ legal ) ( NN service ) ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ poor ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( SBAR ( IN than ) ( SINV ( VBZ is ) ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( JJ proposed ) ( JJ mandatory ) ( FW pro ) ( FW bono ) ( NN plan ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( MD will ) ( VP ( VB achieve ) ( NP ( DT that ) ( NN objective ) ) ( PP ( IN without ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NX ( NX ( NN divisiveness ) ) ( NX ( NN distraction ) ) ( NX ( JJ administrative ) ( NNS burdens ) ) ( CC and ) ( NX ( JJ possible ) ( NN failure ) ) ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-3 ( IN that ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP we ) ) ( VP ( VBP fear ) ( SBAR ( S ( VP ( MD would ) ( VP ( VB accompany ) ( NP ( DT an ) ( NN attempt ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB impose ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ mandatory ) ( NN plan ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBD said ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NNP Justin ) ( NNP L. ) ( NNP Vigdor ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNP Rochester ) ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-1 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBD headed ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN bar ) ( POS 's ) ) ( FW pro ) ( FW bono ) ( NN study ) ( NN committee ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "We", "believe", "our", "suggested", "plan", "is", "more", "likely", "to", "improve", "the", "availability", "of", "quality", "legal", "service", "to", "the", "poor", "than", "is", "the", "proposed", "mandatory", "pro", "bono", "plan", "and", "will", "achieve", "that", "objective", "without", "the", "divisiveness", "distraction", "administrative", "burdens", "and", "possible", "failure", "that", "we", "fear", "would", "accompany", "an", "attempt", "to", "impose", "a", "mandatory", "plan", "said", "Justin", "L.", "Vigdor", "of", "Rochester", "who", "headed", "the", "bar", "'s", "pro", "bono", "study", "committee" ]
We believe our suggested plan is more likely to improve the availability of quality legal service to the poor than is the proposed mandatory pro bono plan and will achieve that objective without the divisiveness distraction administrative burdens and possible failure that we fear would accompany an attempt to impose a mandatory plan said Justin L. Vigdor of Rochester who headed the bar 's pro bono study committee
( S ( SBAR-NOM-SBJ ( WHNP-1 ( WP What ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBZ comes ) ( PP-DIR ( IN out ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN ballot ) ( NN box ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( MD could ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ crucial ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VBG determining ) ( SBAR ( IN whether ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-2 ( NNP Brazil ) ) ( VP ( VP ( ADVP ( RB finally ) ) ( VBZ lives ) ( PP-CLR ( RP up ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN potential ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN world ) ( POS 's ) ) ( ADJP ( JJ eighth ) ( JJS largest ) ) ( NN economy ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC or ) ( VP ( VBZ keeps ) ( S ( VP ( VBG living ) ( PP-CLR ( RP up ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( PRP$ its ) ( JJ other ) ( ADJP ( RBR less ) ( JJ enviable ) ) ( NN title ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT that ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ developing ) ( NN world ) ( POS 's ) ) ( JJS largest ) ( NN debtor ) ) ( VP ( VBG teetering ) ( PP ( IN on ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN brink ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN hyperinflation ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ADJP ( VBN mired ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNS deficits ) ( CC and ) ( NN stagnation ) ) ) ) ( PP ( IN with ) ( S-NOM ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( JJ huge ) ( JJ economic ) ( NNS inequalities ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( JJ social ) ( NN discontent ) ) ) ( VP ( VBG boiling ) ( PP-LOC ( IN under ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN surface ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "What", "comes", "out", "of", "the", "ballot", "box", "could", "be", "crucial", "in", "determining", "whether", "Brazil", "finally", "lives", "up", "to", "the", "potential", "of", "the", "world", "'s", "eighth", "largest", "economy", "or", "keeps", "living", "up", "to", "its", "other", "less", "enviable", "title", "that", "of", "the", "developing", "world", "'s", "largest", "debtor", "teetering", "on", "the", "brink", "of", "hyperinflation", "mired", "in", "deficits", "and", "stagnation", "with", "huge", "economic", "inequalities", "and", "social", "discontent", "boiling", "under", "the", "surface" ]
What comes out of the ballot box could be crucial in determining whether Brazil finally lives up to the potential of the world 's eighth largest economy or keeps living up to its other less enviable title that of the developing world 's largest debtor teetering on the brink of hyperinflation mired in deficits and stagnation with huge economic inequalities and social discontent boiling under the surface
( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT These ) ( NNS proposals ) ) ( VP ( VBP include ) ( S ( VP ( VP ( VBG changing ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN term ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN chairman ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBG shortening ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS terms ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS members ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBG eliminating ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS presidents ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Federal ) ( NNP Reserve ) ( NNPS Banks ) ) ) ) ( PP-CLR ( IN from ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ decision-making ) ( NN process ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBG putting ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Secretary ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Treasury ) ) ) ) ( PP-PUT ( IN on ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Federal ) ( NNP Reserve ) ( NNP Board ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBG having ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-1 ( DT the ) ( NNP Fed ) ) ( VP ( VBD audited ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP-LGS ( NP ( NP ( DT an ) ( NN arm ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNP Congress ) ) ) ) ( PRN ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP General ) ( NNP Accounting ) ( NNP Office ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBG putting ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Fed ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NNS expenditures ) ) ( PP-PUT ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN budget ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( VBG requiring ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ prompt ) ( NN publication ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Fed ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NNS minutes ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "These", "proposals", "include", "changing", "the", "term", "of", "the", "chairman", "shortening", "the", "terms", "of", "the", "members", "eliminating", "the", "presidents", "of", "the", "Federal", "Reserve", "Banks", "from", "the", "decision-making", "process", "putting", "the", "Secretary", "of", "the", "Treasury", "on", "the", "Federal", "Reserve", "Board", "having", "the", "Fed", "audited", "by", "an", "arm", "of", "Congress", "the", "General", "Accounting", "Office", "putting", "the", "Fed", "'s", "expenditures", "in", "the", "budget", "and", "requiring", "prompt", "publication", "of", "the", "Fed", "'s", "minutes" ]
These proposals include changing the term of the chairman shortening the terms of the members eliminating the presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks from the decision-making process putting the Secretary of the Treasury on the Federal Reserve Board having the Fed audited by an arm of Congress the General Accounting Office putting the Fed 's expenditures in the budget and requiring prompt publication of the Fed 's minutes
( S-1 ( ADVP ( RB Regardless ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( SBAR ( IN whether ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NN one ) ) ( VP ( VBZ supports ) ( CC or ) ( VBZ opposes ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN right ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( DT an ) ( NN abortion ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( PRN ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NNP Mr. ) ( NNP Freind ) ) ( VP ( VBZ argues ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( PRP it ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( ADJP-PRD ( RB virtually ) ( JJ impossible ) ) ( SBAR-2 ( IN for ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT any ) ( JJ rational ) ( NN human ) ( VBG being ) ) ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB disagree ) ( PP-CLR ( IN with ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN concept ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT a ) ( NN woman ) ) ( VP ( VBZ has ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ right ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB have ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-4 ( NP ( DT all ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ appropriate ) ( NNS materials ) ( CC and ) ( NN advice ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBN made ) ( S ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ available ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( PRP her ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( SBAR-TMP ( IN before ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP she ) ) ( VP ( VBZ makes ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN decision ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-3 ( WDT which ) ) ( S ( NP-ADV ( NP ( CD one ) ( NN way ) ) ( CC or ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ other ) ) ) ( VP ( MD might ) ( VP ( VB remain ) ( PP-PRD ( IN with ) ( NP ( PRP her ) ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN rest ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( PRP$ her ) ( NN life ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Regardless", "of", "whether", "one", "supports", "or", "opposes", "the", "right", "to", "an", "abortion", "Mr.", "Freind", "argues", "it", "is", "virtually", "impossible", "for", "any", "rational", "human", "being", "to", "disagree", "with", "the", "concept", "that", "a", "woman", "has", "the", "right", "to", "have", "all", "of", "the", "appropriate", "materials", "and", "advice", "made", "available", "to", "her", "before", "she", "makes", "a", "decision", "which", "one", "way", "or", "the", "other", "might", "remain", "with", "her", "for", "the", "rest", "of", "her", "life" ]
Regardless of whether one supports or opposes the right to an abortion Mr. Freind argues it is virtually impossible for any rational human being to disagree with the concept that a woman has the right to have all of the appropriate materials and advice made available to her before she makes a decision which one way or the other might remain with her for the rest of her life
( S ( NP-SBJ-1 ( NNP Western ) ( NNP Union ) ) ( VP ( VBD had ) ( VP ( VBN offered ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB swap ) ( NP ( NP ( DT each ) ( ADJP ( CD 1,000 ) ) ( NN face ) ( NN amount ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS notes ) ) ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( CD six ) ( NNS shares ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( JJ common ) ( NN stock ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( CD two ) ( JJ new ) ( NN debt ) ( NNS issues ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( ADJP ( CD 500 ) ) ( NN note ) ) ( VP ( VBG paying ) ( NP ( NP ( DT an ) ( NN interest ) ( NN rate ) ) ( VP ( VP ( VBG starting ) ( PP-CLR ( IN at ) ( NP ( NP ( CD 16.75 ) ( NN % ) ) ( ADVP-TMP ( RB annually ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( VBG rising ) ( PP-TMP ( IN in ) ( NP ( JJ later ) ( NNS years ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ADJP ( RB due ) ( PP-TMP ( IN in ) ( NP ( CD 1992 ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( ADJP ( CD 500 ) ) ( NN note ) ) ( ADJP ( RB due ) ( PP-TMP ( IN in ) ( NP ( CD 1997 ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VP ( VBG paying ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( VBN fixed ) ( NN rate ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( CD 17 ) ( NN % ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( VBG including ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS rights ) ) ( VP ( VBG protecting ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN holder ) ) ( PP-CLR ( IN against ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN decline ) ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN trading ) ( NN price ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN bond ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Western", "Union", "had", "offered", "to", "swap", "each", "1,000", "face", "amount", "of", "the", "notes", "for", "six", "shares", "of", "common", "stock", "and", "two", "new", "debt", "issues", "a", "500", "note", "paying", "an", "interest", "rate", "starting", "at", "16.75", "%", "annually", "and", "rising", "in", "later", "years", "due", "in", "1992", "and", "a", "500", "note", "due", "in", "1997", "paying", "a", "fixed", "rate", "of", "17", "%", "and", "including", "rights", "protecting", "a", "holder", "against", "a", "decline", "in", "the", "trading", "price", "of", "the", "bond" ]
Western Union had offered to swap each 1,000 face amount of the notes for six shares of common stock and two new debt issues a 500 note paying an interest rate starting at 16.75 % annually and rising in later years due in 1992 and a 500 note due in 1997 paying a fixed rate of 17 % and including rights protecting a holder against a decline in the trading price of the bond
( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT The ) ( JJ first ) ( CD three ) ( JJ major ) ( NNS areas ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN service ) ( NN sector ) ) ) ( SBAR ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( VP ( VBN revamped ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBD were ) ( NP-PRD ( NP ( NP ( NNS expenditures ) ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ foreign ) ( NNS students ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP U.S. ) ) ) ) ) ) ( PRN ( NP ( NP ( JJ net ) ) ( PP ( IN after ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS expenditures ) ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS Americans ) ) ( VP ( VBG studying ) ( ADVP-LOC ( RB abroad ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT some ) ( NNS exports ) ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP-LGS ( JJ professional ) ( NNS firms ) ) ) ) ( PRN ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN law ) ( NN firm ) ) ( VP ( VBG billing ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ German ) ( NN client ) ) ( PP-CLR ( IN for ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS services ) ) ( VP ( VBN rendered ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VBG watching ) ( NP ( NP ( NN legislation ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNP Washington ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( NP-PRD ( NP ( ADJP ( RB as ) ( JJ much ) ) ( DT an ) ( NN export ) ) ( PP ( IN as ) ( NP ( NP ( NN shipment ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT an ) ( JJ American ) ( NN jet ) ( NN engine ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( VBN improved ) ( NNS data ) ) ( PP ( IN from ) ( NP ( NN travel ) ( CC and ) ( NN tourism ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "The", "first", "three", "major", "areas", "of", "the", "service", "sector", "to", "be", "revamped", "were", "expenditures", "by", "foreign", "students", "in", "the", "U.S.", "net", "after", "expenditures", "by", "Americans", "studying", "abroad", "some", "exports", "by", "professional", "firms", "a", "law", "firm", "billing", "a", "German", "client", "for", "services", "rendered", "in", "watching", "legislation", "in", "Washington", "is", "as", "much", "an", "export", "as", "shipment", "of", "an", "American", "jet", "engine", "and", "improved", "data", "from", "travel", "and", "tourism" ]
The first three major areas of the service sector to be revamped were expenditures by foreign students in the U.S. net after expenditures by Americans studying abroad some exports by professional firms a law firm billing a German client for services rendered in watching legislation in Washington is as much an export as shipment of an American jet engine and improved data from travel and tourism
( S ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT The ) ( NNS labels ) ) ( VP ( VBD were ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ breathy ) ) ) ) ( SINV ( SINV ( PP-LOC-PRD-TPC-1 ( IN Within ) ( NP ( PRP$ its ) ( VBG sheltering ) ( NNS walls ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN microcosm ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( CD thousand ) ( NNS years ) ) ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NN garden ) ( NN design ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NX ( NX ( NN rose ) ( NN garden ) ) ( NX ( NN herb ) ( NN garden ) ) ( NX ( JJ serpentine ) ( NN garden ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NN flower ) ( NNS fields ) ) ( NP ( DT an ) ( NN apple ) ( NN orchard ) ) ) ( VP ( VBN organized ) ( PP-CLR ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN patchwork ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( JJ 50-by-50-foot ) ( NNS squares ) ) ) ) ) ( S-PRP-CLR ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB form ) ( NP ( NNS rooms ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( SINV ( ADVP-LOC-PRD-TPC-3 ( RB here ) ( CC and ) ( RB there ) ) ( VP ( VBP are ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( JJ simple ) ( JJ architectural ) ( NNS forms ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ whimsical ) ( NN jet ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN water ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN conceit ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ topiary ) ) ( CC or ) ( NP ( NN tartan ) ( NN plaid ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS chairs ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT every ) ( NN sort ) ) ) ( SBAR ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB drag ) ( PP-CLR ( IN around ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "The", "labels", "were", "breathy", "Within", "its", "sheltering", "walls", "is", "a", "microcosm", "of", "a", "thousand", "years", "in", "garden", "design", "a", "rose", "garden", "herb", "garden", "serpentine", "garden", "flower", "fields", "an", "apple", "orchard", "organized", "in", "a", "patchwork", "of", "50-by-50-foot", "squares", "to", "form", "rooms", "here", "and", "there", "are", "simple", "architectural", "forms", "a", "whimsical", "jet", "of", "water", "a", "conceit", "of", "topiary", "or", "tartan", "plaid", "and", "chairs", "of", "every", "sort", "to", "drag", "around" ]
The labels were breathy Within its sheltering walls is a microcosm of a thousand years in garden design a rose garden herb garden serpentine garden flower fields an apple orchard organized in a patchwork of 50-by-50-foot squares to form rooms here and there are simple architectural forms a whimsical jet of water a conceit of topiary or tartan plaid and chairs of every sort to drag around
( FRAG ( NP ( NP ( DT An ) ( JJ additional ) ( NN piece ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN evidence ) ) ) ( PP ( IN from ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Senate ) ) ) ) ( S ( S-ADV ( VP ( VBG Holding ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( JJ other ) ( NNS factors ) ) ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ constant ) ) ) ( PP-1 ( JJ such ) ( IN as ) ( NP ( NP ( NN incumbency ) ( NNS advantages ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( JJ regional ) ( NNS factors ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ-2 ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN difference ) ) ( PP ( IN between ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ popular ) ( NNS votes ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( JJ Republican ) ( ADJP ( JJ presidential ) ( CC and ) ( JJ senatorial ) ) ( NNS candidates ) ) ) ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS states ) ) ( VP ( VBG conducting ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( NNP Senate ) ( NN election ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ turns ) ( PRT ( RP out ) ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( NP-PRD ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ positive ) ( NN function ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( SBAR ( WHADJP-3 ( WRB how ) ( JJ onerous ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ federal ) ( NN government ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN tax ) ( NN burden ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( PP ( IN per ) ( NP ( NN state ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( PRN ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT a ) ( JJ progressive ) ( NN tax ) ( NN rate ) ) ( VP ( VBZ hits ) ( NP ( JJ higher-income ) ( NNS states ) ) ( ADVP-MNR ( RBR harder ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "An", "additional", "piece", "of", "evidence", "from", "the", "Senate", "Holding", "other", "factors", "constant", "such", "as", "incumbency", "advantages", "and", "regional", "factors", "the", "difference", "between", "popular", "votes", "for", "Republican", "presidential", "and", "senatorial", "candidates", "in", "states", "conducting", "a", "Senate", "election", "turns", "out", "to", "be", "a", "positive", "function", "of", "how", "onerous", "the", "federal", "government", "'s", "tax", "burden", "is", "per", "state", "a", "progressive", "tax", "rate", "hits", "higher-income", "states", "harder" ]
An additional piece of evidence from the Senate Holding other factors constant such as incumbency advantages and regional factors the difference between popular votes for Republican presidential and senatorial candidates in states conducting a Senate election turns out to be a positive function of how onerous the federal government 's tax burden is per state a progressive tax rate hits higher-income states harder
( S ( S ( CC But ) ( NP-SBJ ( PRP we ) ) ( ADVP-TMP ( RB still ) ) ( VP ( VBP hear ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP him ) ) ( VP ( VBG moaning ) ( PP-TMP ( IN at ) ( NP ( NN night ) ) ) ( SBAR-PRP ( IN because ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( NNP Navy ) ) ( VP ( VBZ has ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ few ) ( NNS ships ) ) ( ADJP ( VBN left ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( S ( S-PRP ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB satisfy ) ( NP ( PRP him ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-1 ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Navy ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN sea ) ( NN lift ) ( NNS forces ) ) ( VP ( VBD were ) ( VP ( VBN given ) ( PP-DTV-2 ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ new ) ( NNP Air ) ( NNP Force ) ( NN bureaucracy ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNP Illinois ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ=1 ( PRP$ its ) ( NN space ) ( NNS operations ) ) ( PP-DTV=2 ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT another ) ( NN command ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNP Colorado ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ=1 ( DT the ) ( NNS frogmen ) ) ( PP-DTV=2 ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ new ) ( NNP Army ) ( NN bureaucracy ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNP Fort ) ( NNP Bragg ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( S ( NP-SBJ=1 ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Navy ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NNP Indian ) ( NNP Ocean ) ( CC and ) ( NNP Persian ) ( NNP Gulf ) ( NNS forces ) ) ( PP-DTV=2 ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT an ) ( NNP Army ) ( NN bureaucracy ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNP Florida ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "But", "we", "still", "hear", "him", "moaning", "at", "night", "because", "the", "Navy", "has", "a", "few", "ships", "left", "and", "to", "satisfy", "him", "the", "Navy", "'s", "sea", "lift", "forces", "were", "given", "to", "a", "new", "Air", "Force", "bureaucracy", "in", "Illinois", "its", "space", "operations", "to", "another", "command", "in", "Colorado", "the", "frogmen", "to", "a", "new", "Army", "bureaucracy", "in", "Fort", "Bragg", "and", "the", "Navy", "'s", "Indian", "Ocean", "and", "Persian", "Gulf", "forces", "to", "an", "Army", "bureaucracy", "in", "Florida" ]
But we still hear him moaning at night because the Navy has a few ships left and to satisfy him the Navy 's sea lift forces were given to a new Air Force bureaucracy in Illinois its space operations to another command in Colorado the frogmen to a new Army bureaucracy in Fort Bragg and the Navy 's Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf forces to an Army bureaucracy in Florida
( S ( NP-SBJ-3 ( NP ( DT The ) ( NNP Federal ) ( NNP Housing ) ( NNP Administration ) ) ( NP ( NNP Veterans ) ( NNP Administration ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Department ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Housing ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NNP Urban ) ( NNP Development ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ADVP ( RB further ) ) ( VP ( VBP aggravate ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN problem ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( JJ affordable ) ( NN housing ) ( NN stock ) ) ) ) ( PP-MNR ( IN by ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VP ( VBG buying ) ( ADVP-CLR ( RB in ) ) ( PP-CLR ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( PRP$ their ) ( VBN foreclosed ) ( NNS properties ) ) ( PRN ( SBAR ( WHPP-1 ( IN of ) ( WHNP ( WDT which ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( EX there ) ) ( VP ( VBP are ) ( INTJ ( UH alas ) ) ( NP-PRD ( NP ( JJ many ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( PP ( IN at ) ( NP ( NP ( DT an ) ( JJ inflated ) ( NN balance ) ( JJ due ) ) ( S ( VP ( VB say ) ( NP ( NP ( CD 80,000 ) ) ( PP ( IN on ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN house ) ) ( ADJP ( JJ worth ) ( NP ( CD 55,000 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CONJP ( RB instead ) ( IN of ) ) ( VP ( VBG allowing ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT a ) ( JJ free ) ( NN market ) ) ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB price ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN house ) ) ( PP-CLR ( IN for ) ( SBAR-NOM ( WHNP-2 ( WP what ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP it ) ) ( VP ( VBZ 's ) ( ADJP-PRD ( RB really ) ( JJ worth ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "The", "Federal", "Housing", "Administration", "Veterans", "Administration", "and", "the", "Department", "of", "Housing", "and", "Urban", "Development", "further", "aggravate", "the", "problem", "of", "affordable", "housing", "stock", "by", "buying", "in", "to", "their", "foreclosed", "properties", "of", "which", "there", "are", "alas", "many", "at", "an", "inflated", "balance", "due", "say", "80,000", "on", "a", "house", "worth", "55,000", "instead", "of", "allowing", "a", "free", "market", "to", "price", "the", "house", "for", "what", "it", "'s", "really", "worth" ]
The Federal Housing Administration Veterans Administration and the Department of Housing and Urban Development further aggravate the problem of affordable housing stock by buying in to their foreclosed properties of which there are alas many at an inflated balance due say 80,000 on a house worth 55,000 instead of allowing a free market to price the house for what it 's really worth
( S ( SBAR-ADV ( IN If ) ( S ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NN example ) ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN midst ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ great ) ( JJ social ) ( NN occasion ) ) ( PRN ( PP ( JJ such ) ( IN as ) ( NP ( NP ( DT an ) ( JJ international ) ( NN conference ) ) ( PP ( IN on ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VBG revising ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Versailles ) ( NNP Treaty ) ) ) ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN in ) ( NP ( CD 1923 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ-1 ( NP ( NP ( PRP one ) ( POS 's ) ) ( CD 72-yearold ) ( NN father ) ) ( NP ( NP ( PRP himself ) ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ great ) ( NN butler ) ) ( ADVP-TMP ( RB once ) ) ) ) ( VP ( MD should ) ( VP ( VB happen ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB die ) ( PP-CLR ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN stroke ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ-2 ( PRP one ) ) ( VP ( MD must ) ( VP ( VB continue ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB serve ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN port ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( INTJ ( VB Please ) ) ( VP ( VBP do ) ( RB n't ) ( VP ( VB think ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-4 ( PRP me ) ) ( ADJP-PRD ( RB unduly ) ( JJ improper ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( S-NOM ( RB not ) ( VP ( VBG ascending ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB see ) ( NP ( NP ( PRP$ my ) ( NN father ) ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( PRP$ his ) ( JJ deceased ) ( NN condition ) ) ) ) ( PP-TMP ( RB just ) ( IN at ) ( NP ( DT this ) ( NN moment ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "If", "for", "example", "in", "the", "midst", "of", "a", "great", "social", "occasion", "such", "as", "an", "international", "conference", "on", "revising", "the", "Versailles", "Treaty", "in", "1923", "one", "'s", "72-yearold", "father", "himself", "a", "great", "butler", "once", "should", "happen", "to", "die", "of", "a", "stroke", "one", "must", "continue", "to", "serve", "the", "port", "Please", "do", "n't", "think", "me", "unduly", "improper", "in", "not", "ascending", "to", "see", "my", "father", "in", "his", "deceased", "condition", "just", "at", "this", "moment" ]
If for example in the midst of a great social occasion such as an international conference on revising the Versailles Treaty in 1923 one 's 72-yearold father himself a great butler once should happen to die of a stroke one must continue to serve the port Please do n't think me unduly improper in not ascending to see my father in his deceased condition just at this moment
( S ( ADJP ( JJ Contrary ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( SBAR-NOM ( WHNP-3 ( WP what ) ) ( S ( VP ( MD might ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( VP ( VBN expected ) ( PP ( VBN based ) ( PP ( IN on ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN headline ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN on ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( NNP John ) ( NNP R. ) ( NNP Dorfman ) ( POS 's ) ) ( JJ recent ) ( NN Money ) ( NNS Matters ) ( NN article ) ) ( PRN ( S-TTL ( NP-SBJ ( NNS Pros ) ) ( VP ( VBP Hit ) ( NP ( NNS Theorists ) ) ( SBAR-LOC-CLR ( WHADVP-4 ( RB Right ) ( WRB Where ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP It ) ) ( VP ( VBZ Hurts ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-TMP ( NNP Oct. ) ( CD 3 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ-5 ( PRP I ) ) ( VP ( VBD was ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ able ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VP ( VB stand ) ( ADVP-MNR ( RB proudly ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN before ) ( NP ( PRP$ my ) ( NN undergraduate ) ( NN finance ) ( NNS students ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( VB proclaim ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS findings ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( PRP$ your ) ( JJ yearlong ) ( NN experiment ) ) ( PP ( IN on ) ( NP ( NN stock ) ( NN picking ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( ADJP-PRD ( RB completely ) ( JJ consistent ) ( PP ( IN with ) ( SBAR-NOM ( WHNP-6 ( WP what ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-2 ( PRP they ) ) ( VP ( VBP have ) ( VP ( VBN been ) ( VP ( VBN taught ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN classroom ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Contrary", "to", "what", "might", "be", "expected", "based", "on", "the", "headline", "on", "John", "R.", "Dorfman", "'s", "recent", "Money", "Matters", "article", "Pros", "Hit", "Theorists", "Right", "Where", "It", "Hurts", "Oct.", "3", "I", "was", "able", "to", "stand", "proudly", "before", "my", "undergraduate", "finance", "students", "and", "proclaim", "that", "the", "findings", "of", "your", "yearlong", "experiment", "on", "stock", "picking", "is", "completely", "consistent", "with", "what", "they", "have", "been", "taught", "in", "the", "classroom" ]
Contrary to what might be expected based on the headline on John R. Dorfman 's recent Money Matters article Pros Hit Theorists Right Where It Hurts Oct. 3 I was able to stand proudly before my undergraduate finance students and proclaim that the findings of your yearlong experiment on stock picking is completely consistent with what they have been taught in the classroom
( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NNP Mr. ) ( NNP Murphy ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNP Meredith ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBD said ) ( SBAR ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( CD one ) ( NN advertiser ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-3 ( WDT which ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP he ) ) ( VP ( MD would ) ( RB n't ) ( VP ( VB identify ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ wants ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NNP Meredith ) ) ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VP ( VB provide ) ( NP ( NP ( NN ad ) ( NNS pages ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( CD seven ) ( NNP Meredith ) ( NNS magazines ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VB publish ) ( NP ( NP ( DT an ) ( JJ interior-decorating ) ( NN book ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-2 ( WDT that ) ) ( S ( VP ( MD will ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( VP ( VBN distributed ) ( PP-LOC ( IN at ) ( NP ( NP ( NN point ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN purchase ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VB give ) ( PRT ( RP away ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN videotape ) ) ( PP ( IN on ) ( NP ( NN installation ) ( NNS pointers ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( ADVP ( RB possibly ) ) ( VB use ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Meredith ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NP ( NNP Better ) ( NNPS Homes ) ( CC and ) ( NNP Gardens ) ( POS ' ) ) ( JJ residential ) ( JJ real-estate ) ( NNS agents ) ) ( S-CLR ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB distribute ) ( NP ( NN discount-coupon ) ( NNS books ) ) ( PP-CLR ( TO to ) ( NP ( JJ new ) ( NNS homeowners ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Mr.", "Murphy", "of", "Meredith", "said", "one", "advertiser", "which", "he", "would", "n't", "identify", "wants", "Meredith", "to", "provide", "ad", "pages", "in", "seven", "Meredith", "magazines", "publish", "an", "interior-decorating", "book", "that", "will", "be", "distributed", "at", "point", "of", "purchase", "give", "away", "a", "videotape", "on", "installation", "pointers", "and", "possibly", "use", "Meredith", "'s", "Better", "Homes", "and", "Gardens", "'", "residential", "real-estate", "agents", "to", "distribute", "discount-coupon", "books", "to", "new", "homeowners" ]
Mr. Murphy of Meredith said one advertiser which he would n't identify wants Meredith to provide ad pages in seven Meredith magazines publish an interior-decorating book that will be distributed at point of purchase give away a videotape on installation pointers and possibly use Meredith 's Better Homes and Gardens ' residential real-estate agents to distribute discount-coupon books to new homeowners
( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( PRP$ Her ) ( NN sister-in-law ) ) ( PRN ( NP ( NNP Amy ) ( NNP Wright ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( NP-PRD ( NP ( DT a ) ( VBG sniveling ) ( NN prude ) ) ( ADJP ( JJ afraid ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NNP Kate ) ) ( VP ( MD will ) ( VP ( VB seduce ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( PDT all ) ( DT the ) ( VBN married ) ( NNS men ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NN town ) ) ) ) ( PP ( VBG including ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( ADJP ( RB particularly ) ( JJ loathsome ) ) ( NN fellow ) ) ( VP ( VBN named ) ( S ( NP-PRD ( NNP Tucker ) ) ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-2 ( WHNP ( WP$ whose ) ( NN idea ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN fun ) ) ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB leave ) ( NP-5 ( PRP$ his ) ( NN wife ) ) ( PP-LOC-CLR ( IN at ) ( NP ( NN home ) ) ) ( S-CLR ( VP ( VBG tending ) ( PP-CLR ( TO to ) ( NP ( PRP$ her ) ( NX ( NX ( NNS bruises ) ) ( CC and ) ( NX ( NN cigarette ) ( NNS burns ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( SBAR-TMP ( IN while ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP he ) ) ( VP ( VBZ bullies ) ( NP ( NNP Kate ) ) ( PP-CLR ( IN into ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN dance ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-1 ( WDT that ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBZ consists ) ( PP-CLR ( IN of ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VBG drooling ) ( PP-CLR ( IN on ) ( NP ( PRP her ) ) ) ( SBAR-TMP ( IN while ) ( S ( VP ( VBG trying ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB break ) ( NP ( PRP$ her ) ( NNS ribs ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Her", "sister-in-law", "Amy", "Wright", "is", "a", "sniveling", "prude", "afraid", "that", "Kate", "will", "seduce", "all", "the", "married", "men", "in", "town", "including", "a", "particularly", "loathsome", "fellow", "named", "Tucker", "whose", "idea", "of", "fun", "is", "to", "leave", "his", "wife", "at", "home", "tending", "to", "her", "bruises", "and", "cigarette", "burns", "while", "he", "bullies", "Kate", "into", "a", "dance", "that", "consists", "of", "drooling", "on", "her", "while", "trying", "to", "break", "her", "ribs" ]
Her sister-in-law Amy Wright is a sniveling prude afraid that Kate will seduce all the married men in town including a particularly loathsome fellow named Tucker whose idea of fun is to leave his wife at home tending to her bruises and cigarette burns while he bullies Kate into a dance that consists of drooling on her while trying to break her ribs
( S-1 ( PP-LOC ( IN In ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VBG deferring ) ( NP ( NP ( NN action ) ) ( PP ( IN on ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN merger ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( PRN ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( NNP Fed ) ) ( VP ( VBD said ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ-3 ( DT The ) ( NNP Board ) ) ( VP ( VBZ does ) ( RB not ) ( VP ( VB believe ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( EX there ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( NP-PRD ( JJ sufficient ) ( NN information ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN record ) ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN at ) ( NP ( DT this ) ( NN time ) ) ) ( S-PRP ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB allow ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP it ) ) ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB reach ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ final ) ( NN conclusion ) ) ( PP ( IN on ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( JJ First ) ( NNP Union ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN record ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VBG helping ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB meet ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN credit ) ( NNS needs ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS communities ) ) ( SBAR ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP it ) ) ( VP ( VBZ serves ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Florida ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NNP North ) ( NNP Carolina ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( PP ( VBG including ) ( NP ( NP ( ADJP ( JJ low ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( ADJP ( JJ moderate-income ) ) ) ) ( NNS neighborhoods ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT those ) ( NNS communities ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "In", "deferring", "action", "on", "the", "merger", "the", "Fed", "said", "The", "Board", "does", "not", "believe", "that", "there", "is", "sufficient", "information", "in", "the", "record", "at", "this", "time", "to", "allow", "it", "to", "reach", "a", "final", "conclusion", "on", "First", "Union", "'s", "record", "of", "helping", "to", "meet", "the", "credit", "needs", "of", "the", "communities", "it", "serves", "in", "Florida", "and", "North", "Carolina", "including", "low", "to", "moderate-income", "neighborhoods", "in", "those", "communities" ]
In deferring action on the merger the Fed said The Board does not believe that there is sufficient information in the record at this time to allow it to reach a final conclusion on First Union 's record of helping to meet the credit needs of the communities it serves in Florida and North Carolina including low to moderate-income neighborhoods in those communities
( S ( S ( S-NOM-SBJ ( VP ( VBG Investigating ) ( NP ( NNP Jupiter ) ) ( PP-MNR ( IN in ) ( NP ( NN detail ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( MD may ) ( VP ( VB provide ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS clues ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( SBAR-NOM ( WHNP-2 ( WP what ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NN astronomer ) ( NNP Tobias ) ( NNP Owen ) ) ( VP ( VBZ calls ) ( S ( NP-PRD ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ cosmic ) ( NN paradox ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN life ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( S ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NNP Jupiter ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ other ) ( NNS bodies ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ outer ) ( JJ solar ) ( NN system ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBP are ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ rich ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS elements ) ) ( PP ( JJ such ) ( IN as ) ( NP ( NN hydrogen ) ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-1 ( WDT that ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBP are ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ essential ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NP ( NN life ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN on ) ( NP ( NNP Earth ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC but ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT these ) ( NNS planets ) ) ( VP ( VBP are ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ lifeless ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NNP Earth ) ) ( PP ( IN on ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ other ) ( NN hand ) ) ) ( VP ( VP ( VBZ has ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ diminished ) ( NN store ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( JJ such ) ( NN material ) ) ) ) ) ( CC but ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ rich ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NN life ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Investigating", "Jupiter", "in", "detail", "may", "provide", "clues", "to", "what", "astronomer", "Tobias", "Owen", "calls", "the", "cosmic", "paradox", "of", "life", "Jupiter", "and", "other", "bodies", "in", "the", "outer", "solar", "system", "are", "rich", "in", "elements", "such", "as", "hydrogen", "that", "are", "essential", "for", "life", "on", "Earth", "but", "these", "planets", "are", "lifeless", "Earth", "on", "the", "other", "hand", "has", "a", "diminished", "store", "of", "such", "material", "but", "is", "rich", "in", "life" ]
Investigating Jupiter in detail may provide clues to what astronomer Tobias Owen calls the cosmic paradox of life Jupiter and other bodies in the outer solar system are rich in elements such as hydrogen that are essential for life on Earth but these planets are lifeless Earth on the other hand has a diminished store of such material but is rich in life
( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT The ) ( QP ( CD 4 ) ( CD billion ) ) ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNS bonds ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBP break ) ( PRT ( RP down ) ) ( UCP ( SBAR-MNR ( IN as ) ( S ( VP ( VBZ follows ) ) ) ) ( NP-ADV ( NP ( NP ( QP ( CD 1 ) ( CD billion ) ) ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( JJ five-year ) ( NNS bonds ) ) ) ( PP ( IN with ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN coupon ) ( NN rate ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( CD 8.25 ) ( NN % ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN yield ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NN maturity ) ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( CD 8.33 ) ( NN % ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( QP ( CD 1 ) ( CD billion ) ) ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( JJ 10-year ) ( NNS bonds ) ) ) ( PP ( IN with ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN coupon ) ( NN rate ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( CD 8.375 ) ( NN % ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN yield ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NN maturity ) ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( CD 8.42 ) ( NN % ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( QP ( CD 2 ) ( CD billion ) ) ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( JJ 30-year ) ( NNS bonds ) ) ) ( PP ( IN with ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ five-year ) ( NN call ) ( NN protection ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN coupon ) ( NN rate ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( CD 8.75 ) ( NN % ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN yield ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NN maturity ) ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( CD 9.06 ) ( NN % ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "The", "4", "billion", "in", "bonds", "break", "down", "as", "follows", "1", "billion", "in", "five-year", "bonds", "with", "a", "coupon", "rate", "of", "8.25", "%", "and", "a", "yield", "to", "maturity", "of", "8.33", "%", "1", "billion", "in", "10-year", "bonds", "with", "a", "coupon", "rate", "of", "8.375", "%", "and", "a", "yield", "to", "maturity", "of", "8.42", "%", "2", "billion", "in", "30-year", "bonds", "with", "five-year", "call", "protection", "a", "coupon", "rate", "of", "8.75", "%", "and", "a", "yield", "to", "maturity", "of", "9.06", "%" ]
The 4 billion in bonds break down as follows 1 billion in five-year bonds with a coupon rate of 8.25 % and a yield to maturity of 8.33 % 1 billion in 10-year bonds with a coupon rate of 8.375 % and a yield to maturity of 8.42 % 2 billion in 30-year bonds with five-year call protection a coupon rate of 8.75 % and a yield to maturity of 9.06 %
( S ( PP-LOC ( IN In ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP September ) ( NN issue ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP-TTL ( NNP Scientific ) ( NNP American ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NP ( NNP Thomas ) ( NNP E. ) ( NNP Graedel ) ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ distinguished ) ( NN member ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ technical ) ( NN staff ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN at ) ( NP ( NNP AT&T ) ( NNP Bell ) ( NNPS Laboratories ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Paul ) ( NNP J. ) ( NNP Crutzen ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NN director ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN air ) ( NN chemistry ) ( NN division ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Max ) ( NNP Planck ) ( NNP Institute ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NNP Chemistry ) ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Mainz ) ) ( NP ( NNP West ) ( NNP Germany ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBD wrote ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( PRP It ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( ADVP-TMP ( RB now ) ) ( ADJP-PRD ( RB quite ) ( JJ evident ) ) ( SBAR-1 ( IN that ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NNS chlorofluorocarbons ) ) ( NP ( RB particularly ) ( NN CFC-11 ) ( CC and ) ( NN CFC-12 ) ) ) ( VP ( VBP are ) ( NP-PRD ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ major ) ( NNS culprits ) ) ( ADJP ( JJ responsible ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NN ozone ) ( NN depletion ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "In", "the", "September", "issue", "of", "Scientific", "American", "Thomas", "E.", "Graedel", "distinguished", "member", "of", "the", "technical", "staff", "at", "AT&T", "Bell", "Laboratories", "and", "Paul", "J.", "Crutzen", "director", "of", "the", "air", "chemistry", "division", "of", "the", "Max", "Planck", "Institute", "for", "Chemistry", "in", "Mainz", "West", "Germany", "wrote", "It", "is", "now", "quite", "evident", "that", "chlorofluorocarbons", "particularly", "CFC-11", "and", "CFC-12", "are", "the", "major", "culprits", "responsible", "for", "ozone", "depletion" ]
In the September issue of Scientific American Thomas E. Graedel distinguished member of the technical staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories and Paul J. Crutzen director of the air chemistry division of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz West Germany wrote It is now quite evident that chlorofluorocarbons particularly CFC-11 and CFC-12 are the major culprits responsible for ozone depletion
( FRAG ( PP ( IN On ) ( NP ( NNP Asia-Pacific ) ( NN prosperity ) ) ) ( S ( SBAR-ADV ( IN If ) ( S ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NNP America ) ) ( VP ( MD can ) ( VP ( VB keep ) ( PRT ( RP up ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ present ) ( NN situation ) ) ( NP ( NP ( PRP$ her ) ( NNS markets ) ) ( ADJP ( JJ open ) ) ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN for ) ( NP ( DT another ) ( CD 15 ) ( NNS years ) ) ) ( PP ( IN with ) ( NP ( NNS adjustments ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( S ( S ( NP-SBJ-1 ( NNP Japan ) ) ( VP ( MD can ) ( VP ( VP ( VB grow ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( RB not ) ( VB cut ) ( PRT ( RB back ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( RB so ) ( S ( ADVP ( RB too ) ) ( NP=1 ( NP ( NNP Korea ) ) ( NP ( NNP Taiwan ) ) ( NP ( NNP Hong ) ( NNP Kong ) ) ( NP ( NNP Singapore ) ) ( NP ( NNP ASEAN ) ) ( NP ( NNP Australia ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NNP New ) ( NNP Zealand ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ADVP ( RB then ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN in ) ( NP ( CD 15 ) ( NNS years ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ-2 ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS economies ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT these ) ( NNS countries ) ) ) ) ( VP ( MD would ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( VP ( ADVP ( RB totally ) ) ( VBN restructured ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ able ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( ADVP ( RB almost ) ) ( VP ( VB sustain ) ( NP ( NN growth ) ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP ( PRP themselves ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "On", "Asia-Pacific", "prosperity", "If", "America", "can", "keep", "up", "the", "present", "situation", "her", "markets", "open", "for", "another", "15", "years", "with", "adjustments", "and", "Japan", "can", "grow", "and", "not", "cut", "back", "and", "so", "too", "Korea", "Taiwan", "Hong", "Kong", "Singapore", "ASEAN", "Australia", "and", "New", "Zealand", "then", "in", "15", "years", "the", "economies", "of", "these", "countries", "would", "be", "totally", "restructured", "to", "be", "able", "to", "almost", "sustain", "growth", "by", "themselves" ]
On Asia-Pacific prosperity If America can keep up the present situation her markets open for another 15 years with adjustments and Japan can grow and not cut back and so too Korea Taiwan Hong Kong Singapore ASEAN Australia and New Zealand then in 15 years the economies of these countries would be totally restructured to be able to almost sustain growth by themselves
( S ( SBAR-ADV ( IN While ) ( S ( VP ( VBG admitting ) ( SBAR ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PDT such ) ( DT a ) ( NN move ) ) ( VP ( MD would ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( ADJP-PRD ( VBG devastating ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( JJS most ) ( NNS creditors ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ-2 ( NNP Judge ) ( NNP Abramson ) ) ( VP ( VBD told ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN courtroom ) ) ( VP ( VBN filled ) ( PP-CLR ( IN with ) ( NP ( QP ( RB nearly ) ( CD two ) ( NN dozen ) ) ( NNS attorneys ) ) ) ) ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-1 ( PRP he ) ) ( VP ( VBD was ) ( VP ( VBN concerned ) ( PP-CLR ( PP ( IN about ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN toll ) ) ( SBAR ( S ( NP-SBJ ( VBG mounting ) ( JJ legal ) ( NNS bills ) ) ( VP ( MD will ) ( VP ( VB take ) ( PP-CLR ( IN on ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Mr. ) ( NNP Hunt ) ( POS 's ) ) ( VBG shrinking ) ( NN estate ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( PP ( IN about ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN fact ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( PP-TMP ( VBG following ) ( NP ( NP ( NN voting ) ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP ( NNS creditors ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ-4 ( NP ( NN none ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN reorganization ) ( NNS plans ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBD appeared ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ viable ) ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( PRP$ their ) ( JJ present ) ( NN form ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "While", "admitting", "such", "a", "move", "would", "be", "devastating", "to", "most", "creditors", "Judge", "Abramson", "told", "a", "courtroom", "filled", "with", "nearly", "two", "dozen", "attorneys", "that", "he", "was", "concerned", "about", "the", "toll", "mounting", "legal", "bills", "will", "take", "on", "Mr.", "Hunt", "'s", "shrinking", "estate", "and", "about", "the", "fact", "that", "following", "voting", "by", "creditors", "none", "of", "the", "reorganization", "plans", "appeared", "to", "be", "viable", "in", "their", "present", "form" ]
While admitting such a move would be devastating to most creditors Judge Abramson told a courtroom filled with nearly two dozen attorneys that he was concerned about the toll mounting legal bills will take on Mr. Hunt 's shrinking estate and about the fact that following voting by creditors none of the reorganization plans appeared to be viable in their present form
( S ( S ( ADVP ( RB Thus ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( PRP you ) ) ( VP ( VBP do ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN public ) ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ great ) ( NN disservice ) ) ( SBAR-TMP ( WHADVP-1 ( WRB when ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NNP Mr. ) ( NNP Greve ) ) ( VP ( VBZ suggests ) ( ADVP-MNR ( RB even ) ( RB facetiously ) ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( NNP Clean ) ( NNP Water ) ( NNP Act ) ) ( VP ( VBZ prohibits ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN preparation ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN scotch ) ( CC and ) ( NN water ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-2 ( PRP$ your ) ( JJ tippling ) ( NNS readers ) ) ( VP ( MD may ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( VP ( VBN led ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB believe ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NN nothing ) ) ( CC but ) ( NP ( NN chance ) ( CC or ) ( NN oversight ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ protects ) ( NP ( PRP them ) ) ( SBAR-ADV ( IN as ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP they ) ) ( VP ( VBP cower ) ( PP-TMP ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN night ) ) ) ( PP-MNR ( IN with ) ( NP ( PRP$ their ) ( NN scotch ) ( CC and ) ( NNS waters ) ) ) ) ) ) ( PP-CLR ( IN from ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ hairyknuckled ) ( NN knock ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Sierra ) ( NNP Club ) ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN at ) ( NP ( PRP$ their ) ( NNS doors ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Thus", "you", "do", "the", "public", "a", "great", "disservice", "when", "Mr.", "Greve", "suggests", "even", "facetiously", "that", "the", "Clean", "Water", "Act", "prohibits", "the", "preparation", "of", "a", "scotch", "and", "water", "your", "tippling", "readers", "may", "be", "led", "to", "believe", "that", "nothing", "but", "chance", "or", "oversight", "protects", "them", "as", "they", "cower", "in", "the", "night", "with", "their", "scotch", "and", "waters", "from", "the", "hairyknuckled", "knock", "of", "the", "Sierra", "Club", "at", "their", "doors" ]
Thus you do the public a great disservice when Mr. Greve suggests even facetiously that the Clean Water Act prohibits the preparation of a scotch and water your tippling readers may be led to believe that nothing but chance or oversight protects them as they cower in the night with their scotch and waters from the hairyknuckled knock of the Sierra Club at their doors
( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP We ) ) ( ADVP-TMP ( RB finally ) ) ( VP ( VBD rendezvoused ) ( PP-CLR ( IN with ) ( NP ( NP ( PRP$ our ) ( NN balloon ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-94 ( WDT which ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBD had ) ( VP ( VBN come ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB rest ) ( PP-LOC ( IN on ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN dirt ) ( NN road ) ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN amid ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN clutch ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( NNPS Epinalers ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-95 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBD watched ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP us ) ) ( VP ( VB disassemble ) ( NP ( PRP$ our ) ( NN craft ) ) ( NP-ADV ( NP ( DT another ) ( NN half-an-hour ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ non-flight ) ( NN activity ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-96 ( WDT that ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBD included ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN precision ) ( NN routine ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VP ( VBG yanking ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN balloon ) ) ( PP-DIR ( TO to ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN ground ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBG punching ) ( NP ( PDT all ) ( DT the ) ( NN air ) ) ( ADVP-CLR ( IN out ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( PRP it ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBG rolling ) ( NP ( PRP it ) ) ( PRT ( RP up ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( VBG cramming ) ( NP ( NP ( PRP it ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN basket ) ) ) ( PP-DIR ( IN into ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN trailer ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "We", "finally", "rendezvoused", "with", "our", "balloon", "which", "had", "come", "to", "rest", "on", "a", "dirt", "road", "amid", "a", "clutch", "of", "Epinalers", "who", "watched", "us", "disassemble", "our", "craft", "another", "half-an-hour", "of", "non-flight", "activity", "that", "included", "the", "precision", "routine", "of", "yanking", "the", "balloon", "to", "the", "ground", "punching", "all", "the", "air", "out", "of", "it", "rolling", "it", "up", "and", "cramming", "it", "and", "the", "basket", "into", "the", "trailer" ]
We finally rendezvoused with our balloon which had come to rest on a dirt road amid a clutch of Epinalers who watched us disassemble our craft another half-an-hour of non-flight activity that included the precision routine of yanking the balloon to the ground punching all the air out of it rolling it up and cramming it and the basket into the trailer
( S ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( PRP It ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( NP-PRD ( DT no ) ( NN coincidence ) ) ( SBAR-1 ( IN that ) ( S ( PP-TMP ( PP ( IN from ) ( NP ( CD 1844 ) ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( CD 1914 ) ) ) ) ( SBAR-TMP ( WHADVP-3 ( WRB when ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Bank ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNP England ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBD was ) ( NP-PRD ( DT an ) ( JJ independent ) ( JJ private ) ( NN bank ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-4 ( DT the ) ( NN pound ) ) ( VP ( VBD was ) ( ADVP-TMP ( RB never ) ) ( VP ( VBN devalued ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-5 ( NP ( NN payment ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN gold ) ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NN pound ) ( NNS notes ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBD was ) ( ADVP-TMP ( RB never ) ) ( VP ( VBN suspended ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC but ) ( S ( PP ( IN with ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ subsequent ) ( NN nationalization ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Bank ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNP England ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-2 ( DT the ) ( NN pound ) ) ( VP ( VBD was ) ( VP ( VBN devalued ) ( PP-TMP ( IN with ) ( NP ( VBG increasing ) ( NN frequency ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( PRP$ its ) ( NN use ) ) ( PP ( IN as ) ( NP ( NP ( DT an ) ( JJ international ) ( NN medium ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN exchange ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBD declined ) ) ) ) )
[ "It", "is", "no", "coincidence", "that", "from", "1844", "to", "1914", "when", "the", "Bank", "of", "England", "was", "an", "independent", "private", "bank", "the", "pound", "was", "never", "devalued", "and", "payment", "of", "gold", "for", "pound", "notes", "was", "never", "suspended", "but", "with", "the", "subsequent", "nationalization", "of", "the", "Bank", "of", "England", "the", "pound", "was", "devalued", "with", "increasing", "frequency", "and", "its", "use", "as", "an", "international", "medium", "of", "exchange", "declined" ]
It is no coincidence that from 1844 to 1914 when the Bank of England was an independent private bank the pound was never devalued and payment of gold for pound notes was never suspended but with the subsequent nationalization of the Bank of England the pound was devalued with increasing frequency and its use as an international medium of exchange declined
( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT The ) ( NN study ) ) ( ADVP ( RB also ) ) ( VP ( VP ( VBZ says ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NN advent ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( JJ new ) ( NNS communications ) ( NNS technologies ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ makes ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT an ) ( JJ explicit ) ( JJ congressional ) ( NN definition ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ legal ) ( NN status ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN home ) ( NN copying ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ADJP-PRD ( RBR more ) ( JJ desirable ) ) ( SBAR-PRP ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NN order ) ) ) ( S ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB reduce ) ( NP ( JJ legal ) ( CC and ) ( NN market ) ( NNS uncertainties ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB prevent ) ( NP ( NP ( FW de ) ( FW facto ) ( NNS changes ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NN copyright ) ( NN law ) ) ) ( PP ( IN through ) ( NP ( NN technology ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( VBZ says ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( S-NOM-SBJ ( VP ( VBG finding ) ( NP ( NP ( DT an ) ( JJ appropriate ) ( NN balance ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNS harms ) ( CC and ) ( NNS benefits ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( NP-PRD ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ political ) ( NN decision ) ) ( RB not ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ technical ) ( CD one ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "The", "study", "also", "says", "that", "advent", "of", "new", "communications", "technologies", "makes", "an", "explicit", "congressional", "definition", "of", "the", "legal", "status", "of", "home", "copying", "more", "desirable", "in", "order", "to", "reduce", "legal", "and", "market", "uncertainties", "and", "to", "prevent", "de", "facto", "changes", "to", "copyright", "law", "through", "technology", "and", "says", "that", "finding", "an", "appropriate", "balance", "of", "harms", "and", "benefits", "is", "a", "political", "decision", "not", "a", "technical", "one" ]
The study also says that advent of new communications technologies makes an explicit congressional definition of the legal status of home copying more desirable in order to reduce legal and market uncertainties and to prevent de facto changes to copyright law through technology and says that finding an appropriate balance of harms and benefits is a political decision not a technical one
( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT The ) ( NNP Dallas ) ( NN oil ) ( CC and ) ( NN gas ) ( NN concern ) ) ( VP ( VBD said ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-1 ( NP ( QP ( CD 10 ) ( CD million ) ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN facility ) ) ) ) ( VP ( MD would ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( VP ( VBN used ) ( S-CLR ( VP ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB consolidate ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN company ) ( POS 's ) ) ( QP ( CD 8.1 ) ( CD million ) ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( VBG existing ) ( NN bank ) ( NN debt ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB repurchase ) ( NP ( NP ( QP ( CD 4 ) ( CD million ) ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( PRP$ its ) ( QP ( CD 4.9 ) ( CD million ) ) ( NNS shares ) ) ( ADJP ( JJ outstanding ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNP Series ) ( NNP D ) ( JJ convertible ) ( JJ preferred ) ( NN stock ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB purchase ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( ADJP ( CD 10 ) ( NN % ) ) ( JJ net-profits ) ( NN interest ) ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( JJ certain ) ( NN oil ) ( CC and ) ( NN gas ) ( NNS properties ) ) ) ) ( PP-CLR ( IN from ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( CD one ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( PRP$ its ) ( VBG existing ) ( NNS lenders ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NNP National ) ( NNP Canada ) ( NNP Corp ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "The", "Dallas", "oil", "and", "gas", "concern", "said", "that", "10", "million", "of", "the", "facility", "would", "be", "used", "to", "consolidate", "the", "company", "'s", "8.1", "million", "of", "existing", "bank", "debt", "to", "repurchase", "4", "million", "of", "its", "4.9", "million", "shares", "outstanding", "of", "Series", "D", "convertible", "preferred", "stock", "and", "to", "purchase", "a", "10", "%", "net-profits", "interest", "in", "certain", "oil", "and", "gas", "properties", "from", "one", "of", "its", "existing", "lenders", "National", "Canada", "Corp" ]
The Dallas oil and gas concern said that 10 million of the facility would be used to consolidate the company 's 8.1 million of existing bank debt to repurchase 4 million of its 4.9 million shares outstanding of Series D convertible preferred stock and to purchase a 10 % net-profits interest in certain oil and gas properties from one of its existing lenders National Canada Corp
( S ( NP-SBJ ( EX There ) ) ( VP ( VBP are ) ( NP-PRD ( NP ( NP ( QP ( RB about ) ( CD 10 ) ( CD million ) ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( ADJP ( CD 7 ) ( NN % ) ) ( NNS bonds ) ) ( VP ( VBN priced ) ( PP-CLR ( IN at ) ( NP ( QP ( CD 99 ) ( CD 1\/4 ) ) ) ) ( S-CLR ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB yield ) ( NP ( CD 7.081 ) ( NN % ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN in ) ( NP ( CD 2004 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( QP ( RB about ) ( CD 15 ) ( CD million ) ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( ADJP ( CD 7 ) ( NN % ) ) ( NNS bonds ) ) ( VP ( VBN priced ) ( PP-CLR ( IN at ) ( NP ( QP ( CD 98 ) ( CD 1\/2 ) ) ) ) ( S-CLR ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB yield ) ( NP ( CD 7.145 ) ( NN % ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN in ) ( NP ( CD 2008 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( QP ( RB about ) ( CD 88.35 ) ( CD million ) ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( ADJP ( CD 7 ) ( NN % ) ) ( NNS bonds ) ) ( VP ( VBN priced ) ( PP-CLR ( IN at ) ( NP ( QP ( CD 97 ) ( CD 1\/4 ) ) ) ) ( S-CLR ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB yield ) ( NP ( CD 7.227 ) ( NN % ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN in ) ( NP ( CD 2018 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( QP ( RB about ) ( CD 15 ) ( CD million ) ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( ADJP ( QP ( CD 6 ) ( CD 3\/4 ) ) ( NN % ) ) ( NNS bonds ) ) ( VP ( VBN priced ) ( S-CLR ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB yield ) ( NP ( CD 7.15 ) ( NN % ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN in ) ( NP ( CD 2019 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "There", "are", "about", "10", "million", "of", "7", "%", "bonds", "priced", "at", "99", "1\\/4", "to", "yield", "7.081", "%", "in", "2004", "about", "15", "million", "of", "7", "%", "bonds", "priced", "at", "98", "1\\/2", "to", "yield", "7.145", "%", "in", "2008", "about", "88.35", "million", "of", "7", "%", "bonds", "priced", "at", "97", "1\\/4", "to", "yield", "7.227", "%", "in", "2018", "and", "about", "15", "million", "of", "6", "3\\/4", "%", "bonds", "priced", "to", "yield", "7.15", "%", "in", "2019" ]
There are about 10 million of 7 % bonds priced at 99 1\/4 to yield 7.081 % in 2004 about 15 million of 7 % bonds priced at 98 1\/2 to yield 7.145 % in 2008 about 88.35 million of 7 % bonds priced at 97 1\/4 to yield 7.227 % in 2018 and about 15 million of 6 3\/4 % bonds priced to yield 7.15 % in 2019
( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NNP Mr. ) ( NNP Good ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-1 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBZ documents ) ( NP ( DT these ) ( NNS things ) ) ( ADVP-MNR ( ADVP ( RB as ) ( RB best ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP he ) ) ( VP ( MD can ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ provides ) ( NP ( NP ( DT an ) ( JJ official ) ( NN explanation ) ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN form ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN memorandum ) ) ( PP ( IN from ) ( NP ( NAC ( NNP Chief ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNP Staff ) ) ) ) ( NNP George ) ( NNP C. ) ( NNP Marshall ) ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NNP President ) ( NNP Roosevelt ) ) ) ) ( S-2 ( NP-SBJ-3 ( NP ( CD 1,430 ) ( NNS pounds ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN ammunition ) ) ) ) ( PRN ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP he ) ) ( VP ( VBD wrote ) ( NP ( NP ( PRP$ his ) ( NN commander ) ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NN chief ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBD were ) ( VP ( VBN expended ) ( PP-CLR ( IN on ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ unidentified ) ( NN aircraft ) ) ( VP ( VBG flying ) ( PP-CLR ( IN at ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( NNS speeds ) ) ( ADJP ( ADJP ( RB as ) ( JJ slow ) ) ( PP ( IN as ) ( NP ( CD 200 ) ( NN mph ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS elevations ) ) ( PP ( IN between ) ( NP ( QP ( CD 9,000 ) ( CC and ) ( CD 18,000 ) ) ( NNS feet ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Mr.", "Good", "who", "documents", "these", "things", "as", "best", "he", "can", "provides", "an", "official", "explanation", "in", "the", "form", "of", "a", "memorandum", "from", "Chief", "of", "Staff", "George", "C.", "Marshall", "to", "President", "Roosevelt", "1,430", "pounds", "of", "ammunition", "he", "wrote", "his", "commander", "in", "chief", "were", "expended", "on", "unidentified", "aircraft", "flying", "at", "speeds", "as", "slow", "as", "200", "mph", "and", "elevations", "between", "9,000", "and", "18,000", "feet" ]
Mr. Good who documents these things as best he can provides an official explanation in the form of a memorandum from Chief of Staff George C. Marshall to President Roosevelt 1,430 pounds of ammunition he wrote his commander in chief were expended on unidentified aircraft flying at speeds as slow as 200 mph and elevations between 9,000 and 18,000 feet
( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NNP Harley-Davidson ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN complaint ) ) ( VP ( VBZ claims ) ( SBAR ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-2 ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN group ) ) ( VP ( VBN led ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP-LGS ( NN investor ) ( NNP Malcolm ) ( NNP I. ) ( NNP Glazer ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBD violated ) ( NP ( NNS securities ) ( NNS laws ) ) ( PP-MNR ( IN by ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VBG failing ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB disclose ) ( NP ( NNS plans ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB purchase ) ( NP ( NP ( CD 15 ) ( NN % ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN company ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NNS shares ) ) ( ADJP ( JJ outstanding ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( SBAR-TMP ( WHADVP-4 ( WRB when ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-1 ( DT the ) ( VBN required ) ( JJ Hart-Scott-Rodino ) ( NN filing ) ) ( ADVP ( RB eventually ) ) ( VP ( VBD was ) ( VP ( VBN made ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( PRP it ) ) ( VP ( VBD did ) ( RB n't ) ( VP ( VB disclose ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN group ) ( POS 's ) ) ( JJ alleged ) ( JJR earlier ) ( NN violation ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ so-called ) ( JJ prior-notice ) ( NNS requirements ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN law ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Harley-Davidson", "'s", "complaint", "claims", "that", "the", "group", "led", "by", "investor", "Malcolm", "I.", "Glazer", "violated", "securities", "laws", "by", "failing", "to", "disclose", "plans", "to", "purchase", "15", "%", "of", "the", "company", "'s", "shares", "outstanding", "and", "that", "when", "the", "required", "Hart-Scott-Rodino", "filing", "eventually", "was", "made", "it", "did", "n't", "disclose", "the", "group", "'s", "alleged", "earlier", "violation", "of", "the", "so-called", "prior-notice", "requirements", "of", "the", "law" ]
Harley-Davidson 's complaint claims that the group led by investor Malcolm I. Glazer violated securities laws by failing to disclose plans to purchase 15 % of the company 's shares outstanding and that when the required Hart-Scott-Rodino filing eventually was made it did n't disclose the group 's alleged earlier violation of the so-called prior-notice requirements of the law
( S ( PP ( IN Unlike ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ other ) ( NNS writers ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-1 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( RB either ) ( VP ( VBD battled ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS fascists ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN during ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Civil ) ( NNP War ) ) ) ) ( CC or ) ( VP ( VBD left ) ( NP ( NNP Spain ) ) ( SBAR-TMP ( WHADVP-2 ( WRB when ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NNP Franco ) ) ( VP ( VBD triumphed ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ-4 ( NNP Mr. ) ( NNP Cela ) ) ( VP ( VBD fought ) ( ADVP-TMP ( RB briefly ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN on ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN general ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN side ) ) ) ( NP-ADV ( DT no ) ( NN doubt ) ) ( S-ADV ( VP ( VBG earning ) ( PP-MNR ( IN with ) ( NP ( PRP$ his ) ( NN war ) ( VBN wound ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT some ) ( NN forbearance ) ) ( SBAR-TMP ( WHADVP ( WRB when ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-3 ( PRP he ) ) ( VP ( VBD went ) ( PRT ( RP on ) ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB depict ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN country ) ) ( PP ( IN with ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ high ) ( NN population ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( NNS vagabonds ) ) ( NP ( NNS murderers ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( JJ rural ) ( NNS idiots ) ) ) ( VP ( VBG trudging ) ( ADVP-MNR ( RB aimlessly ) ) ( PP-DIR ( IN through ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ dried-out ) ( NN land ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Unlike", "other", "writers", "who", "either", "battled", "the", "fascists", "during", "the", "Civil", "War", "or", "left", "Spain", "when", "Franco", "triumphed", "Mr.", "Cela", "fought", "briefly", "on", "the", "general", "'s", "side", "no", "doubt", "earning", "with", "his", "war", "wound", "some", "forbearance", "when", "he", "went", "on", "to", "depict", "a", "country", "with", "a", "high", "population", "of", "vagabonds", "murderers", "and", "rural", "idiots", "trudging", "aimlessly", "through", "a", "dried-out", "land" ]
Unlike other writers who either battled the fascists during the Civil War or left Spain when Franco triumphed Mr. Cela fought briefly on the general 's side no doubt earning with his war wound some forbearance when he went on to depict a country with a high population of vagabonds murderers and rural idiots trudging aimlessly through a dried-out land
( S ( NP-SBJ ( NNP Mr. ) ( NNP Phelan ) ) ( VP ( VBZ has ) ( VP ( VBD had ) ( NP ( NP ( NN difficulty ) ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VBG convincing ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN public ) ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( NNP Big ) ( NNP Board ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ serious ) ( PP ( IN about ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VBG curbing ) ( NP ( NN volatility ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( SBAR-ADV ( ADVP ( RB especially ) ) ( IN as ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( NN exchange ) ) ( ADVP ( RB clearly ) ) ( VP ( VBZ relishes ) ( NP ( NP ( PRP$ its ) ( NN role ) ) ( PP ( IN as ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN home ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NP ( QP ( CD 200 ) ( CD billion ) ) ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( NN stock-index ) ( NNS funds ) ) ( SBAR ( SBAR ( WHNP-145 ( WDT which ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBP buy ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ huge ) ( NNS baskets ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNS stocks ) ) ) ) ( S-PRP ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB mimic ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ popular ) ( NN stock-market ) ( NNS indexes ) ) ( PP ( IN like ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NP ( NNP Standard ) ( CC & ) ( NNP Poor ) ( POS 's ) ) ( CD 500 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-146 ( WDT which ) ) ( S ( ADVP-TMP ( RB sometimes ) ) ( VP ( VBP employ ) ( NP ( NN program ) ( NN trading ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Mr.", "Phelan", "has", "had", "difficulty", "convincing", "the", "public", "that", "the", "Big", "Board", "is", "serious", "about", "curbing", "volatility", "especially", "as", "the", "exchange", "clearly", "relishes", "its", "role", "as", "the", "home", "for", "200", "billion", "in", "stock-index", "funds", "which", "buy", "huge", "baskets", "of", "stocks", "to", "mimic", "popular", "stock-market", "indexes", "like", "the", "Standard", "&", "Poor", "'s", "500", "and", "which", "sometimes", "employ", "program", "trading" ]
Mr. Phelan has had difficulty convincing the public that the Big Board is serious about curbing volatility especially as the exchange clearly relishes its role as the home for 200 billion in stock-index funds which buy huge baskets of stocks to mimic popular stock-market indexes like the Standard & Poor 's 500 and which sometimes employ program trading
( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NNS Economists ) ) ( NP ( NNS businessmen ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( DT some ) ( NNS politicians ) ) ) ( VP ( VBP agree ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( NN answer ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( NP-PRD ( NP ( DT an ) ( JJ orthodox ) ( JJ economic ) ( NN austerity ) ( NN program ) ) ( PP ( VBG including ) ( NP ( NP ( VBN reduced ) ( NN state ) ( NN spending ) ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VBG focusing ) ( NP ( NN spending ) ) ( PP-CLR ( IN on ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ vital ) ( NNS areas ) ) ( PP ( JJ such ) ( IN as ) ( NP ( NN education ) ( NN health ) ( CC and ) ( NN welfare ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VBG turning ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NN state ) ( NNS companies ) ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ private ) ) ) ) ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VBG reforming ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN tax ) ( NN system ) ) ) ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VBG raising ) ( NP ( JJ public ) ( NN service ) ( NNS rates ) ) ( S-PRP ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB match ) ( NP ( NNS costs ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( ADVP ( RB possibly ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ temporary ) ( NN wage ) ( CC and ) ( NN price ) ( NN freeze ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN devaluation ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN cruzado ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Economists", "businessmen", "and", "some", "politicians", "agree", "that", "the", "answer", "is", "an", "orthodox", "economic", "austerity", "program", "including", "reduced", "state", "spending", "focusing", "spending", "on", "vital", "areas", "such", "as", "education", "health", "and", "welfare", "turning", "state", "companies", "private", "reforming", "the", "tax", "system", "raising", "public", "service", "rates", "to", "match", "costs", "and", "possibly", "a", "temporary", "wage", "and", "price", "freeze", "and", "a", "devaluation", "of", "the", "cruzado" ]
Economists businessmen and some politicians agree that the answer is an orthodox economic austerity program including reduced state spending focusing spending on vital areas such as education health and welfare turning state companies private reforming the tax system raising public service rates to match costs and possibly a temporary wage and price freeze and a devaluation of the cruzado
( S ( CC But ) ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Population ) ( NNP Council ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ 37-year-old ) ( ADJP ( QP ( CD 20 ) ( CD million ) ) ) ( JJ nonprofit ) ( NN organization ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-487 ( WDT that ) ) ( S ( VP ( VP ( VBZ has ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN backing ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Rockefeller ) ( CC and ) ( NNP Mellon ) ( NNS foundations ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( ADVP-TMP ( RB currently ) ) ( VBZ subsidizes ) ( NP ( NP ( JJS most ) ( NNP U.S. ) ( NN research ) ) ( PP ( IN on ) ( NP ( NNS contraceptives ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ has ) ( ADVP-TMP ( RB recently ) ) ( VP ( VBN been ) ( VP ( VBG paying ) ( PP-CLR ( IN for ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP U.S. ) ( NNS studies ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNP RU-486 ) ) ) ( PP ( IN on ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN license ) ) ( PP ( IN from ) ( NP ( NP ( PRP$ its ) ( JJ French ) ( NN developer ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Roussel-Uclaf ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ joint ) ( NN subsidiary ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ German ) ( JJ pharmaceutical ) ( NN company ) ( NNP Hoechst ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ French ) ( NN government ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "But", "the", "Population", "Council", "a", "37-year-old", "20", "million", "nonprofit", "organization", "that", "has", "the", "backing", "of", "the", "Rockefeller", "and", "Mellon", "foundations", "and", "currently", "subsidizes", "most", "U.S.", "research", "on", "contraceptives", "has", "recently", "been", "paying", "for", "U.S.", "studies", "of", "RU-486", "on", "a", "license", "from", "its", "French", "developer", "Roussel-Uclaf", "a", "joint", "subsidiary", "of", "the", "German", "pharmaceutical", "company", "Hoechst", "and", "the", "French", "government" ]
But the Population Council a 37-year-old 20 million nonprofit organization that has the backing of the Rockefeller and Mellon foundations and currently subsidizes most U.S. research on contraceptives has recently been paying for U.S. studies of RU-486 on a license from its French developer Roussel-Uclaf a joint subsidiary of the German pharmaceutical company Hoechst and the French government
( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( PRP$ Her ) ( NNP Pa ) ) ( PRN ( NP ( NNP Howard ) ( NNP Duff ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( NP-PRD ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN kind ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN guy ) ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-4 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( SBAR-TMP ( IN while ) ( S ( VP ( VBG saying ) ( NP ( NN grace ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN at ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN supper ) ( NN table ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VP ( VBZ pauses ) ( PP-LOC ( IN at ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN word ) ( NN sin ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( VBZ glares ) ( PP-CLR ( IN at ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN daughter ) ) ( SBAR ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP he ) ) ( VP ( VBZ has ) ( RB n't ) ( VP ( VBN seen ) ( PP-TMP ( IN for ) ( NP ( CD two ) ( NNS decades ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( SBAR-PRP ( IN because ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP he ) ) ( VP ( VBZ knows ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( PRP$ his ) ( NN heart ) ) ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP she ) ) ( VP ( VP ( VBD enjoyed ) ( SBAR-NOM ( WHNP-1 ( WP what ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBD happened ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ cold-storage ) ( NN room ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( VBZ has ) ( VP ( VBN been ) ( VP ( VBG indulging ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ same ) ( NN taste ) ) ( ADVP-TMP ( RB ever ) ( IN since ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS fleshpots ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNP Chicago ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Her", "Pa", "Howard", "Duff", "is", "the", "kind", "of", "guy", "who", "while", "saying", "grace", "at", "the", "supper", "table", "pauses", "at", "the", "word", "sin", "and", "glares", "at", "the", "daughter", "he", "has", "n't", "seen", "for", "two", "decades", "because", "he", "knows", "in", "his", "heart", "that", "she", "enjoyed", "what", "happened", "in", "the", "cold-storage", "room", "and", "has", "been", "indulging", "the", "same", "taste", "ever", "since", "in", "the", "fleshpots", "of", "Chicago" ]
Her Pa Howard Duff is the kind of guy who while saying grace at the supper table pauses at the word sin and glares at the daughter he has n't seen for two decades because he knows in his heart that she enjoyed what happened in the cold-storage room and has been indulging the same taste ever since in the fleshpots of Chicago
( S ( PP-LOC ( IN In ) ( NP ( DT this ) ( NN light ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ comparative ) ( NNS advantages ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( JJ legislative ) ( NNS law-making ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBP become ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ clear ) ) ( S ( S ( LST ( LS 1 ) ) ( SBAR-TMP ( IN Before ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP it ) ) ( VP ( VBZ acts ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( NN legislature ) ) ( VP ( ADVP ( RB typically ) ) ( MD will ) ( VP ( VB hear ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS views ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS representatives ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( PDT all ) ( DT those ) ) ( VP ( VBN affected ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP-LGS ( PRP$ its ) ( NN decision ) ) ) ) ) ( RB not ) ( NP ( NP ( RB just ) ( DT the ) ( JJ immediate ) ( NNS parties ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN before ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN court ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( S ( LST ( LS 2 ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( NN legislature ) ) ( VP ( MD can ) ( VP ( VB frame ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ bright ) ( NN line ) ( NNS standards ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-1 ( WDT that ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBP create ) ( NP ( NP ( JJR less ) ( NN uncertainty ) ) ( PP ( IN than ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ fact-bound ) ( NNS decisions ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNS courts ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "In", "this", "light", "the", "comparative", "advantages", "of", "legislative", "law-making", "become", "clear", "1", "Before", "it", "acts", "the", "legislature", "typically", "will", "hear", "the", "views", "of", "representatives", "of", "all", "those", "affected", "by", "its", "decision", "not", "just", "the", "immediate", "parties", "before", "the", "court", "and", "2", "the", "legislature", "can", "frame", "bright", "line", "standards", "that", "create", "less", "uncertainty", "than", "the", "fact-bound", "decisions", "of", "courts" ]
In this light the comparative advantages of legislative law-making become clear 1 Before it acts the legislature typically will hear the views of representatives of all those affected by its decision not just the immediate parties before the court and 2 the legislature can frame bright line standards that create less uncertainty than the fact-bound decisions of courts
( S ( LST ( LS 1 ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( NNS Voters ) ) ( VP ( MD can ) ( VP ( VB buy ) ( NP ( NP ( CD one ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( CD two ) ( NNS brands ) ) ) ) ) ( SBAR-TMP ( WHADVP-4 ( WRB when ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP they ) ) ( VP ( VBP select ) ( NP ( PRP$ their ) ( JJ political ) ( NNS agents ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-1 ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ Republican ) ( NN brand ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-2 ( WDT that ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBZ believes ) ( PP-CLR ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ minimalist ) ( NN state ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS virtues ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ private ) ( NNS markets ) ) ( PP ( IN over ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS vices ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( JJ public ) ( NN action ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ Democratic ) ( NN brand ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-3 ( WDT that ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBZ believes ) ( PP-CLR ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( JJ big ) ( NN government ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( JJ public ) ( NN intervention ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB remedy ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS excesses ) ) ( ADJP ( JJ attendant ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN pursuit ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( JJ private ) ( NN interest ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "1", "Voters", "can", "buy", "one", "of", "two", "brands", "when", "they", "select", "their", "political", "agents", "a", "Republican", "brand", "that", "believes", "in", "the", "minimalist", "state", "and", "in", "the", "virtues", "of", "private", "markets", "over", "the", "vices", "of", "public", "action", "and", "a", "Democratic", "brand", "that", "believes", "in", "big", "government", "and", "in", "public", "intervention", "to", "remedy", "the", "excesses", "attendant", "to", "the", "pursuit", "of", "private", "interest" ]
1 Voters can buy one of two brands when they select their political agents a Republican brand that believes in the minimalist state and in the virtues of private markets over the vices of public action and a Democratic brand that believes in big government and in public intervention to remedy the excesses attendant to the pursuit of private interest
( S ( PP-LOC ( IN Among ) ( NP ( NN engineering ) ( NNS firms ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NNP CRS ) ( NNP Sirrine ) ) ( VP ( VBD rose ) ( NP-EXT ( CD 5\/8 ) ) ( PP-DIR ( TO to ) ( NP ( QP ( CD 34 ) ( CD 1\/4 ) ) ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN on ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Big ) ( NNP Board ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( CD four ) ( NNS others ) ) ( VP ( VBD rallied ) ( PP-LOC ( IN on ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP American ) ( NNP Stock ) ( NNP Exchange ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( NNP Jacobs ) ( NNP Engineering ) ( NNP Group ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-1 ( WDT which ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBD gained ) ( NP ( QP ( CD 1 ) ( CD 1\/8 ) ) ) ( PP-DIR ( TO to ) ( NP ( QP ( CD 25 ) ( CD 3\/8 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Greiner ) ( NNP Engineering ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-2 ( WDT which ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBD rose ) ( NP-EXT ( QP ( CD 3 ) ( CD 1\/2 ) ) ) ( PP-DIR ( TO to ) ( NP ( QP ( CD 22 ) ( CD 1\/2 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Michael ) ( NNP Baker ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-3 ( WDT which ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBD added ) ( NP ( QP ( CD 1 ) ( CD 1\/4 ) ) ) ( PP-DIR ( TO to ) ( NP ( QP ( CD 15 ) ( CD 1\/4 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP American ) ( NNP Science ) ( CC & ) ( NNP Engineering ) ) ( ADVP ( RB up ) ( NP ( CD 1\/2 ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( QP ( CD 8 ) ( CD 1\/2 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Among", "engineering", "firms", "CRS", "Sirrine", "rose", "5\\/8", "to", "34", "1\\/4", "on", "the", "Big", "Board", "and", "four", "others", "rallied", "on", "the", "American", "Stock", "Exchange", "Jacobs", "Engineering", "Group", "which", "gained", "1", "1\\/8", "to", "25", "3\\/8", "Greiner", "Engineering", "which", "rose", "3", "1\\/2", "to", "22", "1\\/2", "Michael", "Baker", "which", "added", "1", "1\\/4", "to", "15", "1\\/4", "and", "American", "Science", "&", "Engineering", "up", "1\\/2", "to", "8", "1\\/2" ]
Among engineering firms CRS Sirrine rose 5\/8 to 34 1\/4 on the Big Board and four others rallied on the American Stock Exchange Jacobs Engineering Group which gained 1 1\/8 to 25 3\/8 Greiner Engineering which rose 3 1\/2 to 22 1\/2 Michael Baker which added 1 1\/4 to 15 1\/4 and American Science & Engineering up 1\/2 to 8 1\/2
( S-5 ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT The ) ( NNS efforts ) ( S ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VP ( VB get ) ( PP-CLR ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS people ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-3 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBP are ) ( ADJP-PRD ( VBN addicted ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VB try ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB rehabilitate ) ( NP ( PRP them ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( SBAR-ADV ( IN if ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-2 ( PRP they ) ) ( VP ( MD can ) ( RB not ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( VP ( VBN rehabilitated ) ) ) ) ) ) ( PP ( IN at ) ( RBS least ) ) ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB contain ) ( NP ( PRP them ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB educate ) ( NP ( NNS people ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( ADVP-MNR ( RB strongly ) ) ( VB discourage ) ( NP ( NP ( NN use ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNS drugs ) ) ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS people ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-4 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBP are ) ( NP-PRD ( NP ( JJ casual ) ( NNS users ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( JJ first ) ( NNS users ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB stop ) ( NP ( DT this ) ( NN process ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN among ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ young ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT all ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT these ) ( NNS things ) ) ) ) ) ( PRN ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP I ) ) ( VP ( VBP think ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBP are ) ( ADJP-PRD ( RB extremely ) ( JJ important ) ) ) )
[ "The", "efforts", "to", "get", "to", "the", "people", "who", "are", "addicted", "try", "to", "rehabilitate", "them", "if", "they", "can", "not", "be", "rehabilitated", "at", "least", "to", "contain", "them", "to", "educate", "people", "to", "strongly", "discourage", "use", "of", "drugs", "by", "people", "who", "are", "casual", "users", "and", "first", "users", "to", "stop", "this", "process", "among", "the", "young", "all", "of", "these", "things", "I", "think", "are", "extremely", "important" ]
The efforts to get to the people who are addicted try to rehabilitate them if they can not be rehabilitated at least to contain them to educate people to strongly discourage use of drugs by people who are casual users and first users to stop this process among the young all of these things I think are extremely important
( SINV ( S-TPC-5 ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT The ) ( NNS people ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-1 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBP suffer ) ( PP-TMP ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ short ) ( NN run ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBP are ) ( NP-PRD ( NNS defendants ) ) ) ) ( CC but ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS people ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-2 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBP suffer ) ( PP-TMP ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ long ) ( NN run ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBP are ) ( NP-PRD ( NP ( DT all ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS people ) ) ) ) ) ) ( SBAR-PRP ( IN because ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( EX there ) ) ( VP ( MD wo ) ( RB n't ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( NP-PRD ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ vigorous ) ( JJ private ) ( NN bar ) ) ( SBAR ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB defend ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Bill ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNPS Rights ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ says ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NNP Gerald ) ( NNP Lefcourt ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN criminal ) ( NN defense ) ( NN attorney ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-3 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBZ says ) ( SBAR ( S ( NP-SBJ-6 ( PRP he ) ) ( VP ( VBZ has ) ( VP ( VBN turned ) ( PRT ( RP down ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN number ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNS cases ) ) ) ) ( S-PRP ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB avoid ) ( NP ( JJ possible ) ( NN fee ) ( NNS seizures ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "The", "people", "who", "suffer", "in", "the", "short", "run", "are", "defendants", "but", "the", "people", "who", "suffer", "in", "the", "long", "run", "are", "all", "of", "the", "people", "because", "there", "wo", "n't", "be", "a", "vigorous", "private", "bar", "to", "defend", "the", "Bill", "of", "Rights", "says", "Gerald", "Lefcourt", "a", "criminal", "defense", "attorney", "who", "says", "he", "has", "turned", "down", "a", "number", "of", "cases", "to", "avoid", "possible", "fee", "seizures" ]
The people who suffer in the short run are defendants but the people who suffer in the long run are all of the people because there wo n't be a vigorous private bar to defend the Bill of Rights says Gerald Lefcourt a criminal defense attorney who says he has turned down a number of cases to avoid possible fee seizures
( S ( SBAR-TMP ( IN As ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( NN stock ) ( NN market ) ) ( VP ( VBD lurched ) ( PP-DIR ( IN into ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ 190-point ) ( JJ free ) ( NN fall ) ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN on ) ( NP ( NNP Oct. ) ( CD 13 ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( NNP Mr. ) ( NNP Breeden ) ) ( VP ( VBD found ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP himself ) ) ( VP ( VBG scurrying ) ( PP-LOC-CLR ( IN around ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ sixth ) ( NN floor ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP SEC ) ) ) ) ) ( PP-DIR ( IN from ) ( NP ( NP ( PRP$ his ) ( NN desk ) ) ( SBAR ( WHADVP-2 ( WRB where ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( NNP New ) ( NNP York ) ( NNP Stock ) ( NNP Exchange ) ) ( VP ( VBD was ) ( PP-LOC-PRD ( IN on ) ( NP ( DT an ) ( JJ open ) ( NN line ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( PP-DIR ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( PRP$ his ) ( NN assistant ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN office ) ) ( SBAR ( WHADVP-3 ( WRB where ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-1 ( DT the ) ( NNP Commodity ) ( NNPS Futures ) ( NNP Trading ) ( NNP Commission ) ) ( VP ( VBD was ) ( VP ( VBN connected ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( PP-DIR ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ third ) ( NN room ) ) ( SBAR ( WHADVP-4 ( WRB where ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT a ) ( NN computer ) ) ( VP ( VBD monitored ) ( NP ( NN market ) ( NNS moves ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "As", "the", "stock", "market", "lurched", "into", "a", "190-point", "free", "fall", "on", "Oct.", "13", "Mr.", "Breeden", "found", "himself", "scurrying", "around", "the", "sixth", "floor", "of", "the", "SEC", "from", "his", "desk", "where", "the", "New", "York", "Stock", "Exchange", "was", "on", "an", "open", "line", "to", "his", "assistant", "'s", "office", "where", "the", "Commodity", "Futures", "Trading", "Commission", "was", "connected", "to", "a", "third", "room", "where", "a", "computer", "monitored", "market", "moves" ]
As the stock market lurched into a 190-point free fall on Oct. 13 Mr. Breeden found himself scurrying around the sixth floor of the SEC from his desk where the New York Stock Exchange was on an open line to his assistant 's office where the Commodity Futures Trading Commission was connected to a third room where a computer monitored market moves
( S ( S-ADV ( VP ( VBN Asked ) ( SBAR ( IN if ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( NNPS Soviets ) ) ( PP ( IN like ) ( NP ( JJ Chinese ) ( NNS officials ) ) ) ( VP ( MD wo ) ( RB n't ) ( NP-TMP ( CD one ) ( NN day ) ) ( VP ( VB face ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ similar ) ( NN conflict ) ) ( PP ( IN between ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN desire ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VP ( VB liberalize ) ( ADVP-MNR ( RB economically ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( ADVP ( RB yet ) ) ( VP ( VB retain ) ( NP ( JJ political ) ( NN control ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ-1 ( NNP Mr. ) ( NNP Lee ) ) ( VP ( VBD said ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP I ) ) ( VP ( MD would ) ( VP ( VB think ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( NNPS Soviets ) ) ( VP ( VBP face ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJR deeper ) ( NN dilemma ) ) ( SBAR-PRP ( IN because ) ( S ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP they ) ) ( VP ( VBP have ) ( VP ( VBN been ) ( PP-PRD ( PP ( ADVP ( RBR more ) ) ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNS blinkers ) ) ) ( PP ( IN than ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNPS Chinese ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP I ) ) ( VP ( VBP mean ) ( S ( VP ( VBG keeping ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-3 ( PRP$ their ) ( NNS people ) ) ( VP ( VBN cut ) ( PRT ( RP off ) ) ( PP-CLR ( IN from ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ outside ) ( NN world ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Asked", "if", "the", "Soviets", "like", "Chinese", "officials", "wo", "n't", "one", "day", "face", "a", "similar", "conflict", "between", "the", "desire", "to", "liberalize", "economically", "and", "yet", "retain", "political", "control", "Mr.", "Lee", "said", "I", "would", "think", "that", "the", "Soviets", "face", "a", "deeper", "dilemma", "because", "they", "have", "been", "more", "in", "blinkers", "than", "the", "Chinese", "I", "mean", "keeping", "their", "people", "cut", "off", "from", "the", "outside", "world" ]
Asked if the Soviets like Chinese officials wo n't one day face a similar conflict between the desire to liberalize economically and yet retain political control Mr. Lee said I would think that the Soviets face a deeper dilemma because they have been more in blinkers than the Chinese I mean keeping their people cut off from the outside world
( S ( SBAR-ADV ( IN Although ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ half-hour ) ( NN situation ) ( NN comedy ) ) ( VP ( VBN seen ) ( NP-TMP ( NNS Mondays ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN at ) ( NP ( CD 9:30 ) ( RB p.m ) ( ADJP ( JJ Eastern ) ( CC and ) ( JJ Pacific ) ) ( NN time ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( RB n't ) ( NP-PRD ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN candidate ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NN cancellation ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-1 ( PRP it ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( VP ( VBN slated ) ( PP-CLR ( IN for ) ( NP ( NN fine-tuning ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( S ( PP-TMP ( IN by ) ( NP ( JJ next ) ( NN week ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( NN network ) ) ( VP ( MD may ) ( VP ( VB announce ) ( SBAR ( S ( NP-TTL-SBJ-4 ( NNP Teddy ) ( NNP Z ) ) ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( VP ( VBG moving ) ( PP-DIR ( TO to ) ( NP ( CD 8:30 ) ( RB p.m. ) ) ) ( PP-DIR ( IN from ) ( NP ( PRP$ its ) ( CD 9:30 ) ( NN time ) ( NN slot ) ) ) ( S-ADV ( VP ( VBG replacing ) ( NP ( NP-TTL ( NNP The ) ( NNP People ) ( NNP Next ) ( NNP Door ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-3 ( WDT which ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBD became ) ( NP-PRD ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ first ) ( NN network ) ( NN show ) ) ( SBAR ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( VP ( VBN canceled ) ( NP-TMP ( DT this ) ( NN season ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Although", "the", "half-hour", "situation", "comedy", "seen", "Mondays", "at", "9:30", "p.m", "Eastern", "and", "Pacific", "time", "is", "n't", "a", "candidate", "for", "cancellation", "it", "is", "slated", "for", "fine-tuning", "and", "by", "next", "week", "the", "network", "may", "announce", "Teddy", "Z", "is", "moving", "to", "8:30", "p.m.", "from", "its", "9:30", "time", "slot", "replacing", "The", "People", "Next", "Door", "which", "became", "the", "first", "network", "show", "to", "be", "canceled", "this", "season" ]
Although the half-hour situation comedy seen Mondays at 9:30 p.m Eastern and Pacific time is n't a candidate for cancellation it is slated for fine-tuning and by next week the network may announce Teddy Z is moving to 8:30 p.m. from its 9:30 time slot replacing The People Next Door which became the first network show to be canceled this season
( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP-TTL ( NN Rascal ) ( NN Money ) ) ( PRN ( NP ( NP ( NNP Contemporary ) ( NNPS Books ) ) ( NP ( CD 412 ) ( NNS pages ) ) ( NP ( CD 17.95 ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN novel ) ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP ( NN consultant ) ( CC and ) ( NN business ) ( NN analyst ) ( NNP Joseph ) ( NNP R. ) ( NNP Garber ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ tells ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN story ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT an ) ( JJ innovative ) ( JJ well-run ) ( ADJP ( RB widely ) ( JJ respected ) ) ( NN computer ) ( VBG manufacturing ) ( NN company ) ) ( VP ( VBD called ) ( S ( NP-PRD ( NNP PegaSys ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( SBAR-TMP ( IN as ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP it ) ) ( VP ( VBZ faces ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ hostile ) ( NN takeover ) ( NN attempt ) ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP AIW ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( RB much ) ( JJR smaller ) ( NN corporation ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-2 ( WDT that ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBZ is ) ( VP ( ADVP-MNR ( ADVP ( RB so ) ( RB incompetently ) ) ) ( VBN managed ) ( SBAR-3 ( IN as ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB constitute ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ standing ) ( NN joke ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN business ) ( NN world ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Rascal", "Money", "Contemporary", "Books", "412", "pages", "17.95", "a", "novel", "by", "consultant", "and", "business", "analyst", "Joseph", "R.", "Garber", "tells", "the", "story", "of", "an", "innovative", "well-run", "widely", "respected", "computer", "manufacturing", "company", "called", "PegaSys", "as", "it", "faces", "a", "hostile", "takeover", "attempt", "by", "AIW", "a", "much", "smaller", "corporation", "that", "is", "so", "incompetently", "managed", "as", "to", "constitute", "a", "standing", "joke", "in", "the", "business", "world" ]
Rascal Money Contemporary Books 412 pages 17.95 a novel by consultant and business analyst Joseph R. Garber tells the story of an innovative well-run widely respected computer manufacturing company called PegaSys as it faces a hostile takeover attempt by AIW a much smaller corporation that is so incompetently managed as to constitute a standing joke in the business world
( S ( NP-SBJ ( NNP Warner ) ) ( VP ( VBD was ) ( VP ( VBG referring ) ( PP-CLR ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS documents ) ) ( VP ( VBN filed ) ( NP-TMP ( JJ last ) ( NN week ) ) ) ( SBAR ( WHPP-1 ( IN in ) ( WHNP ( WDT which ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NAC ( NNP Sony ) ( NNP Corp. ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNP America ) ) ) ) ( NNP Vice ) ( NNP Chairman ) ( NNP Michael ) ( NNP Schulof ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Walter ) ( NNP Yetnikoff ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NN president ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( PRP$ its ) ( NNP CBS ) ( NNP Records ) ( NN unit ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBD said ) ( SBAR ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP they ) ) ( VP ( VBD had ) ( VP ( VBN taken ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Mr. ) ( NNP Guber ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NNP Mr. ) ( NNP Peters ) ) ) ( PP-CLR ( IN at ) ( NP ( PRP$ their ) ( NN word ) ) ) ( SBAR-TMP ( WHADVP-2 ( WRB when ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( NNS producers ) ) ( VP ( VBD told ) ( NP ( PRP them ) ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( S-NOM-SBJ ( VP ( VBG getting ) ( PP-CLR ( RB out ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN contract ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( MD would ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( NP-PRD ( DT no ) ( NN problem ) ) ( PP-PRP ( IN because ) ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ previous ) ( JJ oral ) ( NN agreement ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Warner", "was", "referring", "to", "documents", "filed", "last", "week", "in", "which", "Sony", "Corp.", "of", "America", "Vice", "Chairman", "Michael", "Schulof", "and", "Walter", "Yetnikoff", "president", "of", "its", "CBS", "Records", "unit", "said", "they", "had", "taken", "Mr.", "Guber", "and", "Mr.", "Peters", "at", "their", "word", "when", "the", "producers", "told", "them", "that", "getting", "out", "of", "the", "contract", "would", "be", "no", "problem", "because", "of", "a", "previous", "oral", "agreement" ]
Warner was referring to documents filed last week in which Sony Corp. of America Vice Chairman Michael Schulof and Walter Yetnikoff president of its CBS Records unit said they had taken Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters at their word when the producers told them that getting out of the contract would be no problem because of a previous oral agreement
( FRAG ( ADVP ( JJ First ) ) ( SBAR ( WHADVP-2 ( WRB why ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NN ticket ) ( NN splitting ) ) ( VP ( VBZ has ) ( VP ( VP ( VBN increased ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( VBN taken ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ peculiar ) ( NN pattern ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-1 ( IN that ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP it ) ) ( VP ( VBZ has ) ) ) ) ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN over ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ past ) ( JJ half ) ( NN century ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( ADVP-TMP ( RB Prior ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN election ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNP Franklin ) ( NNP Roosevelt ) ) ) ( PP ( IN as ) ( NP ( NN president ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN advent ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP New ) ( NNP Deal ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NN government ) ) ( VP ( VBD occupied ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( ADJP ( RB much ) ( JJR smaller ) ) ( NN role ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NN society ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN prisoner ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN dilemma ) ( NN problem ) ) ( VP ( VBG confronting ) ( NP ( NNS voters ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS races ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NNP Congress ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBD was ) ( ADJP-PRD ( RB considerably ) ( RBR less ) ( JJ severe ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "First", "why", "ticket", "splitting", "has", "increased", "and", "taken", "the", "peculiar", "pattern", "that", "it", "has", "over", "the", "past", "half", "century", "Prior", "to", "the", "election", "of", "Franklin", "Roosevelt", "as", "president", "and", "the", "advent", "of", "the", "New", "Deal", "government", "occupied", "a", "much", "smaller", "role", "in", "society", "and", "the", "prisoner", "'s", "dilemma", "problem", "confronting", "voters", "in", "races", "for", "Congress", "was", "considerably", "less", "severe" ]
First why ticket splitting has increased and taken the peculiar pattern that it has over the past half century Prior to the election of Franklin Roosevelt as president and the advent of the New Deal government occupied a much smaller role in society and the prisoner 's dilemma problem confronting voters in races for Congress was considerably less severe
( S ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NNP John ) ( NNP Dingell ) ) ( VP ( NNS demagogues ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( NNP David ) ( NNP Baltimore ) ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NN animal-rights ) ( NNS activists ) ) ( VP ( VBP do ) ( NP ( NP ( QP ( CD 3.5 ) ( CD million ) ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN damage ) ) ) ) ( PP-CLR ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS labs ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN at ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP U.Cal-Davis ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NNP Meryl ) ( NNP Streep ) ) ( VP ( VBZ decries ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS horrors ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN chemistry ) ) ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN on ) ( NP ( NN talk ) ( NNS shows ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-1 ( NNP Jeremy ) ( NNP Rifkin ) ) ( VP ( VBZ files ) ( NP ( NNS lawsuits ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( JJ federal ) ( NN court ) ) ) ( S-PRP ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB thwart ) ( NP ( JJ biotech ) ( NNS experiments ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NP ( NN Dutch-elm-disease ) ( NN researcher ) ( NNP Gary ) ( NNP Strobel ) ( POS 's ) ) ( JJ own ) ( NNS colleagues ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN at ) ( NP ( NNP Montana ) ( NNP State ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBP denounce ) ( NP ( PRP him ) ) ( PP-CLR ( IN for ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VBG violating ) ( NP ( NNP EPA ) ( NNS rules ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "John", "Dingell", "demagogues", "a", "David", "Baltimore", "animal-rights", "activists", "do", "3.5", "million", "of", "damage", "to", "labs", "at", "the", "U.Cal-Davis", "Meryl", "Streep", "decries", "the", "horrors", "of", "chemistry", "on", "talk", "shows", "Jeremy", "Rifkin", "files", "lawsuits", "in", "federal", "court", "to", "thwart", "biotech", "experiments", "and", "Dutch-elm-disease", "researcher", "Gary", "Strobel", "'s", "own", "colleagues", "at", "Montana", "State", "denounce", "him", "for", "violating", "EPA", "rules" ]
John Dingell demagogues a David Baltimore animal-rights activists do 3.5 million of damage to labs at the U.Cal-Davis Meryl Streep decries the horrors of chemistry on talk shows Jeremy Rifkin files lawsuits in federal court to thwart biotech experiments and Dutch-elm-disease researcher Gary Strobel 's own colleagues at Montana State denounce him for violating EPA rules
( S ( PP ( IN In ) ( NP ( NP ( NN addition ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN need ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( DT another ) ( NN cash ) ( NN equity ) ( NN investor ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( JJ other ) ( VBG moving ) ( NNS parts ) ) ( VP ( VBP include ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS pilots ) ) ( NP ( PRP themselves ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-1 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( MD can ) ( VP ( VB scuttle ) ( NP ( JJ rival ) ( NNS deals ) ) ( PP-MNR ( IN by ) ( S-NOM ( VP ( VBG threatening ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB strike ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS machinists ) ( NN union ) ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS pilots ) ( POS ' ) ) ( JJ longtime ) ( NNS rivals ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-2 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBD helped ) ( S ( VP ( VB scuttle ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS pilots ) ( POS ' ) ) ( NN deal ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS regulators ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNP Washington ) ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-3 ( NP ( WP$ whose ) ( NN opposition ) ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( JJ foreign ) ( NN airline ) ( NN investment ) ) ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBD helped ) ( S ( VP ( VB throw ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN deal ) ) ( PP-CLR ( IN into ) ( NP ( NN doubt ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "In", "addition", "to", "the", "need", "for", "another", "cash", "equity", "investor", "the", "other", "moving", "parts", "include", "the", "pilots", "themselves", "who", "can", "scuttle", "rival", "deals", "by", "threatening", "to", "strike", "the", "machinists", "union", "the", "pilots", "'", "longtime", "rivals", "who", "helped", "scuttle", "the", "pilots", "'", "deal", "and", "regulators", "in", "Washington", "whose", "opposition", "to", "foreign", "airline", "investment", "helped", "throw", "the", "deal", "into", "doubt" ]
In addition to the need for another cash equity investor the other moving parts include the pilots themselves who can scuttle rival deals by threatening to strike the machinists union the pilots ' longtime rivals who helped scuttle the pilots ' deal and regulators in Washington whose opposition to foreign airline investment helped throw the deal into doubt
( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT The ) ( JJ short-term ) ( NN shift ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ political ) ( NN climate ) ) ( VP ( VBG surrounding ) ( NP ( NN abortion ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ reflects ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( CD two ) ( NNS factors ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-1 ( WDT that ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBP are ) ( ADJP-PRD ( JJ likely ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB govern ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN debate ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ next ) ( JJ several ) ( NNS months ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( VBG reawakening ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNS abortion-rights ) ( NN movement ) ) ( PP ( IN as ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ potent ) ( NN force ) ) ) ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN after ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS years ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NN lassitude ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN ability ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT each ) ( NN side ) ) ) ( S-2 ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB counter ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ other ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN advance ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( CD one ) ( NN arena ) ) ) ) ( PP-CLR ( IN with ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN victory ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( PRP$ its ) ( JJ own ) ) ) ( ADVP-LOC ( NN elsewhere ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "The", "short-term", "shift", "in", "the", "political", "climate", "surrounding", "abortion", "reflects", "two", "factors", "that", "are", "likely", "to", "govern", "the", "debate", "in", "the", "next", "several", "months", "the", "reawakening", "of", "the", "abortion-rights", "movement", "as", "a", "potent", "force", "after", "years", "of", "lassitude", "and", "the", "ability", "of", "each", "side", "to", "counter", "the", "other", "'s", "advance", "in", "one", "arena", "with", "a", "victory", "of", "its", "own", "elsewhere" ]
The short-term shift in the political climate surrounding abortion reflects two factors that are likely to govern the debate in the next several months the reawakening of the abortion-rights movement as a potent force after years of lassitude and the ability of each side to counter the other 's advance in one arena with a victory of its own elsewhere
( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP They ) ) ( VP ( VBD showed ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NNS participants ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( NN Division ) ( CD I ) ( NN football ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS men ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN basketball ) ) ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ big-time ) ( NN revenue ) ( NNS sports ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBD entered ) ( NP ( NN school ) ) ( PP-MNR ( IN with ) ( NP ( NP ( JJR poorer ) ( NX ( NX ( JJ high-school ) ( NNS grades ) ) ( CC and ) ( NX ( NN test ) ( NNS scores ) ) ) ) ( PP ( IN than ) ( NP ( NP ( NN minor-sport ) ( NNS jocks ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS students ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-1 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBD participated ) ( PP-CLR ( IN in ) ( NP ( JJ other ) ( JJ extracurricular ) ( NNS activities ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP they ) ) ( VP ( VBD got ) ( NP ( JJR lower ) ( NNS grades ) ) ( SBAR-TMP ( IN once ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP they ) ) ( VP ( VBD got ) ( ADVP-DIR ( RB there ) ) ) ) ) ( PP-PRP ( ADVP ( ADVP ( IN at ) ( JJS least ) ) ( RB partly ) ) ( IN because ) ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ athletic ) ( NNS demands ) ) ( VP ( VBN placed ) ( PP-LOC-CLR ( IN on ) ( NP ( PRP them ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "They", "showed", "that", "participants", "in", "Division", "I", "football", "and", "men", "'s", "basketball", "the", "big-time", "revenue", "sports", "entered", "school", "with", "poorer", "high-school", "grades", "and", "test", "scores", "than", "minor-sport", "jocks", "and", "students", "who", "participated", "in", "other", "extracurricular", "activities", "and", "they", "got", "lower", "grades", "once", "they", "got", "there", "at", "least", "partly", "because", "of", "the", "athletic", "demands", "placed", "on", "them" ]
They showed that participants in Division I football and men 's basketball the big-time revenue sports entered school with poorer high-school grades and test scores than minor-sport jocks and students who participated in other extracurricular activities and they got lower grades once they got there at least partly because of the athletic demands placed on them
( S ( PP-TMP ( IN After ) ( NP ( NP ( CD one ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( ADJP ( RBS most ) ( JJ amazing ) ) ( NNS debates ) ) ( SBAR ( S ( NP-SBJ ( PRP we ) ) ( VP ( VBP 've ) ( ADVP-TMP ( RB ever ) ) ( VP ( VBN seen ) ( PP-LOC ( IN on ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN cable ) ( NN channel ) ) ( NP ( NNP C-SPAN ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ-3 ( DT the ) ( NNP House ) ) ( VP ( VBD voted ) ( ADVP ( CD 250 ) ( TO to ) ( CD 170 ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN on ) ( NP ( NNP Wednesday ) ) ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB order ) ( NP ( NP ( QP ( CD 28.4 ) ( CD million ) ) ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( NN spending ) ) ( PP ( IN for ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NNP New ) ( NNP Jersey ) ( NNS arts ) ( NN center ) ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( NNP Michigan ) ( NN library ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( CD 38 ) ( JJ other ) ( JJ pet ) ( NNS projects ) ) ) ) ) ) ( PP ( IN out ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ same ) ( JJ discretionary ) ( NN fund ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-1 ( WDT that ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBD was ) ( VP ( VBN supposed ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB have ) ( VP ( VBN been ) ( VP ( ADVP-MNR ( RB so ) ) ( JJ abused ) ( PP-TMP ( IN during ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Sam ) ( NNP Pierce ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN tenure ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "After", "one", "of", "the", "most", "amazing", "debates", "we", "'ve", "ever", "seen", "on", "the", "cable", "channel", "C-SPAN", "the", "House", "voted", "250", "to", "170", "on", "Wednesday", "to", "order", "28.4", "million", "in", "spending", "for", "a", "New", "Jersey", "arts", "center", "a", "Michigan", "library", "and", "38", "other", "pet", "projects", "out", "of", "the", "same", "discretionary", "fund", "that", "was", "supposed", "to", "have", "been", "so", "abused", "during", "Sam", "Pierce", "'s", "tenure" ]
After one of the most amazing debates we 've ever seen on the cable channel C-SPAN the House voted 250 to 170 on Wednesday to order 28.4 million in spending for a New Jersey arts center a Michigan library and 38 other pet projects out of the same discretionary fund that was supposed to have been so abused during Sam Pierce 's tenure
( SINV ( ADVP-TMP ( RB Seldom ) ) ( VBP have ) ( NP-SBJ ( NNP House ) ( NNS hearings ) ) ( VP ( VBN caused ) ( NP ( ADJP ( RB so ) ( JJ much ) ) ( NN apprehension ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Senate ) ) ( SBAR ( WHADVP-1 ( WRB where ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NNP California ) ( NNP Sen. ) ( NNP Cranston ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( CD four ) ( JJ other ) ( NNS senators ) ) ) ( VP ( VBD were ) ( ADVP ( RB already ) ) ( VP ( VBG writhing ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN glare ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ unfavorable ) ( NN publicity ) ) ( PP ( IN over ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ alleged ) ( NN looting ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NNP Lincoln ) ) ) ( PP ( IN by ) ( NP ( NP ( PRP$ their ) ( NX ( NX ( NN friend ) ) ( CC and ) ( NX ( JJ political ) ( NN benefactor ) ) ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Charles ) ( NNP Keating ) ( NNP Jr. ) ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ principal ) ( NN stockholder ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( NP ( NNP Lincoln ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN parent ) ( NN company ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP American ) ( NNP Continental ) ( NNP Corp. ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Phoenix ) ) ( NP ( NNP Ariz ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Seldom", "have", "House", "hearings", "caused", "so", "much", "apprehension", "in", "the", "Senate", "where", "California", "Sen.", "Cranston", "and", "four", "other", "senators", "were", "already", "writhing", "in", "the", "glare", "of", "unfavorable", "publicity", "over", "the", "alleged", "looting", "of", "Lincoln", "by", "their", "friend", "and", "political", "benefactor", "Charles", "Keating", "Jr.", "principal", "stockholder", "of", "Lincoln", "'s", "parent", "company", "American", "Continental", "Corp.", "of", "Phoenix", "Ariz" ]
Seldom have House hearings caused so much apprehension in the Senate where California Sen. Cranston and four other senators were already writhing in the glare of unfavorable publicity over the alleged looting of Lincoln by their friend and political benefactor Charles Keating Jr. principal stockholder of Lincoln 's parent company American Continental Corp. of Phoenix Ariz
( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NNP Mr. ) ( NNP Palmer ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-2 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( VP ( VBZ serves ) ( PP-CLR ( IN as ) ( NP ( NP ( NN president ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP On-Site ) ( NNP Massage ) ( NNP Association ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( VP ( VBZ writes ) ( NP ( DT an ) ( NN industry ) ( NN newsletter ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBZ says ) ( SBAR ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( QP ( DT some ) ( CD 4,000 ) ) ( NNS practitioners ) ) ( PRN ( PP ( IN out ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( QP ( IN about ) ( CD 50,000 ) ) ( JJ certified ) ( NNS masseurs ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN across ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN country ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ADVP-TMP ( RB now ) ) ( VP ( VBP use ) ( NP ( NN massage ) ( NNS chairs ) ) ( PP-LOC ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN workplace ) ) ) ( CONJP ( RB as ) ( RB well ) ( IN as ) ) ( PP ( IN on ) ( NP ( NN street ) ( NNS corners ) ) ) ( PP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNS airports ) ( CC and ) ( NNS malls ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( PP ( IN at ) ( NP ( NP ( NNS conventions ) ) ( CC and ) ( NP ( NP ( JJ other ) ( NNS gatherings ) ) ( SBAR ( WHADVP-3 ( WRB where ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-1 ( JJ weary ) ( NNS people ) ) ( VP ( MD can ) ( VP ( VB be ) ( VP ( VBN found ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Mr.", "Palmer", "who", "serves", "as", "president", "of", "the", "On-Site", "Massage", "Association", "and", "writes", "an", "industry", "newsletter", "says", "some", "4,000", "practitioners", "out", "of", "about", "50,000", "certified", "masseurs", "across", "the", "country", "now", "use", "massage", "chairs", "in", "the", "workplace", "as", "well", "as", "on", "street", "corners", "in", "airports", "and", "malls", "and", "at", "conventions", "and", "other", "gatherings", "where", "weary", "people", "can", "be", "found" ]
Mr. Palmer who serves as president of the On-Site Massage Association and writes an industry newsletter says some 4,000 practitioners out of about 50,000 certified masseurs across the country now use massage chairs in the workplace as well as on street corners in airports and malls and at conventions and other gatherings where weary people can be found
( S ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NNP Mr. ) ( NNP Nahas ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-231 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( ADVP-MNR ( RB single-handedly ) ) ( VBD provoked ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( JJ one-day ) ( NN closure ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Brazil ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN stock ) ( NNS markets ) ) ) ) ( PP-TMP ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNP June ) ) ) ( SBAR-TMP ( WHADVP-1 ( WRB when ) ) ( S ( NP-SBJ-2 ( PRP he ) ) ( VP ( VBD failed ) ( S ( VP ( TO to ) ( VP ( VB honor ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN debt ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( QP ( CD 31.1 ) ( CD million ) ) ) ) ( VP ( VBN owed ) ( PP-DTV ( TO to ) ( NP ( PRP$ his ) ( NNS brokers ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( NP-TMP ( NN yesterday ) ) ( VP ( VBD blamed ) ( NP ( PRP$ his ) ( NN predicament ) ) ( PP-CLR ( IN on ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( NN president ) ) ( PP ( IN of ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( NNP Sao ) ( NNP Paulo ) ( NN stock ) ( NN exchange ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( S ( PP-TMP ( NP-ADV ( DT a ) ( JJ few ) ( NNS days ) ) ( IN before ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Mr. ) ( NNP Nahas ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN failure ) ) ) ( NP-SBJ ( DT the ) ( NN exchange ) ) ( VP ( VBD raised ) ( NP ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ required ) ( NN margin ) ) ( PP ( IN on ) ( NP ( JJ stock-margin ) ( NNS transactions ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Mr.", "Nahas", "who", "single-handedly", "provoked", "a", "one-day", "closure", "of", "Brazil", "'s", "stock", "markets", "in", "June", "when", "he", "failed", "to", "honor", "a", "debt", "of", "31.1", "million", "owed", "to", "his", "brokers", "yesterday", "blamed", "his", "predicament", "on", "the", "president", "of", "the", "Sao", "Paulo", "stock", "exchange", "a", "few", "days", "before", "Mr.", "Nahas", "'s", "failure", "the", "exchange", "raised", "the", "required", "margin", "on", "stock-margin", "transactions" ]
Mr. Nahas who single-handedly provoked a one-day closure of Brazil 's stock markets in June when he failed to honor a debt of 31.1 million owed to his brokers yesterday blamed his predicament on the president of the Sao Paulo stock exchange a few days before Mr. Nahas 's failure the exchange raised the required margin on stock-margin transactions
( S ( NP-SBJ ( NNP Mr. ) ( NNP Miller ) ) ( VP ( VBZ notes ) ( SBAR ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NN actor ) ( NNP Paul ) ( NNP Newman ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN family ) ) ( VP ( VBD owned ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NNS sporting-goods ) ( NN store ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNP Cleveland ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ late ) ( NN actress ) ( NNP Margaret ) ( NNP Hamilton ) ) ( SBAR ( WHNP-1 ( WP who ) ) ( S ( VP ( VBD played ) ( NP ( DT the ) ( JJ bad ) ( NN witch ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP-TTL ( NP ( DT The ) ( NNP Wizard ) ) ( PP ( IN Of ) ( NP ( NNP Oz ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ADVP-TMP ( RB once ) ) ( VP ( VBD ran ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN nursery ) ( NN school ) ) ( PP-LOC ( IN in ) ( NP ( NNP Cleveland ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CC and ) ( SBAR ( IN that ) ( S ( NP-SBJ ( NP ( NP ( NN comedian ) ( NNP Bob ) ( NNP Hope ) ( POS 's ) ) ( NN father ) ) ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN stonemason ) ) ) ( ADVP-TMP ( RB once ) ) ( VP ( VBN worked ) ( PP-CLR ( IN on ) ( NP ( NP ( DT a ) ( NN church ) ) ( ADJP ( JJ next ) ( PP ( TO to ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Severence ) ( NNP Hall ) ) ( NP ( NP ( NNP Cleveland ) ( POS 's ) ) ( JJ main ) ( NN concert ) ( NN hall ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
[ "Mr.", "Miller", "notes", "that", "actor", "Paul", "Newman", "'s", "family", "owned", "a", "sporting-goods", "store", "in", "Cleveland", "that", "the", "late", "actress", "Margaret", "Hamilton", "who", "played", "the", "bad", "witch", "in", "The", "Wizard", "Of", "Oz", "once", "ran", "a", "nursery", "school", "in", "Cleveland", "and", "that", "comedian", "Bob", "Hope", "'s", "father", "a", "stonemason", "once", "worked", "on", "a", "church", "next", "to", "Severence", "Hall", "Cleveland", "'s", "main", "concert", "hall" ]
Mr. Miller notes that actor Paul Newman 's family owned a sporting-goods store in Cleveland that the late actress Margaret Hamilton who played the bad witch in The Wizard Of Oz once ran a nursery school in Cleveland and that comedian Bob Hope 's father a stonemason once worked on a church next to Severence Hall Cleveland 's main concert hall
End of preview.