<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What would you do in my situation?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what would you do in my situation i m a 35 year old woman who works in sales i ve been with my company for two and a half years and i am passionate about our product i have held four different positions during my tenure they are aggressive about promoting from within been in my current role for five months social situations have never been easy for me i have a tendency to speak before i think my intentions are always good and i have a huge heart i am also very hardworking my issues started shortly after i started my role last september i asked specifically for several things before i accepted the position one of those being some sample calls from our top producers all inbound and outbound calls are recorded i receive a handful of calls from two account managers i mentioned to one i ll call her teresa that i was listening to these calls on the way into the office one morning as i was excited about my new job i wasn t trying to steal her style i just wanted to listen to the rhythm of the calls her immediate response is to pull our mutual manager out of the building walk to starbucks and discuss it when my boss came back she said that i couldn t listen to any calls unless i was in a training environment which has yet to happen now teresa knew her calls were being recorded i believe she just didn t want me to listen to them perhaps i intimidate her not sure i felt betrayed by my boss that just because teresa has the biggest accounts and the highest volume of sales that she is going to give her what she wants another time there was an incident that occurred between teresa and another person i discretely asked a cubemate also on our team about it electronically she told teresa what i had asked which was an echo of what other people had said aloud when i innocently inquired how she was doing she rips me a new one in front of the same cubemate who told her what i said and another manager on our team he isn t my boss or hers i was flabbergasted that she did that out in public in front of other people i would have asked to speak with her privately we both discussed the incident with our boss she basically put the blame solely on me again and recommended that i try to reach out to teresa a few weeks later once she was back in the office i tried to message her wanting to find a time to talk she curtly blew me off and told me to drop it i emailed my boss that i was disappointed that we couldn t have a discussion as professional adults again my boss refused to say that teresa s behavior was a inappropriate and b her response to my request was as well i think my boss tries to manage as best she can but it is very clear that her plate is overstuffed i have asked for additional training and it has never been scheduled she keeps putting off my request to work part time from home remotely but other folks get it approved no sweat she mentioned hiring a new manager to be more actively involved in our daily operations but no one has started yet i am doing fairly well in my position but all the social stuff has me stressed out to the max i know that i could eventually go elsewhere and make more money i just hate that there are special rules for some people and not others but i guess that is business as usual what would you do in my situation any advice would be much appreciated <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>I want a remote job or decent gig ?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] i want a remote job or decent gig sick of trying to finish school as math is a monster that i cannot slay want to move to another state and do something either remote or maybe computer related i e something i can learn myself online for free and again work from home as a freelance or find a gig somewhere local the program i am trying to get into in college is at least a 3 year waiting list and then another 2 years just to get the associates degree im getting older every day and i just want a good job that will allow me to live independently and do my thing what do i do <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>How can I break into a creative field with no artistic talent?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how can i break into a creative field with no artistic talent hi 25f here i m currently going back to school to pursue something in the arts i m debating whether to do studio art illustration photography or stick with art history i know for most of these there is a lot of creating and making art which i love but here is my problem i m only familiar with photography since i took two years of it in high school i know how the dark room and everything works yet drawing painting sculpting etc are something i m not familiar as far as drawing goes for me i doodle every now and then but nothing impressive i m not talented unfortunately and i m starting to feel like it s too late for me at my age and i made a mistake but i don t want to give up on this dream because i m really excited about creating things is there any tips that you can give me to help career wise <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What is a good way to learn coding programming Java C++ etc.?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what is a good way to learn coding programming java c etc so my situation may be similar to someone here and thought i should ask for some advice i was enrolled in a computer science degree program with my local community college and unfortunately due to my job car sales and me fucking up somewhat over the last year or two i don t qualify for federal financial aid anymore the work hours i was working with this position and school was overbearing and i failed one too many classes i know it is my fault for that however while i have decided that my ultimate goal in the next year is to become a firefighter working on that as of right now with my diet and working out i would like to learn about coding programming etc it s always something that can be needed and i ve always liked it but i don t know what to do to start are there any classes or boot camps that are worth it does anyone have any personal stories with these as well i would love to learn how to code program c java etc if anyone has any advice on this subject i would really appreciate it <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>About to be laid off for four months. What can I retrain in that time?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] about to be laid off for four months what can i retrain in that time i am a cook at a university so every may 1st when the students leave so does my employment my employment insurance is good enough to get me through the four months without having to work another job i don t enjoy my job anymore i want something else that s not in a kitchen i am 33 married but no kids formal retraining is not within my means still struggling with pre-existing student loans so i have four months every year to really dedicate to self-training what is something i can learn without going back to school that in five years time i could transition to being my full-time career bonus if i can do it as a side hustle prior to it being the main hustle does some sort of coding job make sense any advice appreciated <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Is there anyone else who has gone through this??<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] is there anyone else who has gone through this so just some facts about my situation i am an illegal immigrant from mexico who is almost 25 years old i ve only worked in restaurants and i want to go back to school in mexico i was in nursing school but it got too dangerous and my family and i care back right away i got my ged equivalent diploma but i haven t been able to go back my dream jobs would be nursing of course or dental hygienists but considering my situation i don t believe it s likely i would do something in business or economics but i just don t have resources because i can t loans or help from scholarships so have any of you gone through that i really want to get ahead in life and at this moment feeling desperate <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Quickest way to earn Environmental degree?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] quickest way to earn environmental degree so i currently have a bachelor s degree in marketing management and graduated in 2020 i have been working an office job that negotiates contracts over 3 yrs now i ve realized that i really want to transition to an environmental conservation type career but that s obviously a totally different line of work - and this my degree wouldn t be applicable with that information what would be the quickest and cheapest way for me to get a bachelor s degree in environmental science or something to that degree <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Certificate vs Degree which one is better?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] certificate vs degree which one is better hey i m currently trying to decide on either going for a advanced manufacturing mechatronics technology certificate or going for a welding tech degree don t really know which is better but yeah i m kinda stuck and i m not emotionally attached to either path but i have to choose something in order to have a road <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Should I quit my 2nd full time job to look for another considering I have another full time job already?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] should i quit my 2nd full time job to look for another considering i have another full time job already i have 2 full time it management jobs at the second one i started 3 months ago the cto is nuts and emotional i discovered this the first week asked around everyone agreed zero strategy get s on servers on weekends he doesn t belong on and breaks things then everyone comes in monday s and things are broken across the globe he is incompetent as heck i m the director of the department and he is killlling me he will chide me when i want to do a project plan for a major system migration says we don t need one just do it i have the guys start on it next day he will be furious why don t we have a project plan has me create one after all the as soon as it s created he throws it out the window says it s great but goes off and does his own thing completely screwing the project team over and creating chaos this isn t just my opinion it s that of everyone on his team he has fired almost everyone previous to them and everyone is looking though the virus situation has put a damper on that everyone agrees he is reactionary has no strategy this is the cto and has no credentials for his role he won t change the only thing he changes is direction every hour literally zero critical thinking skills whatsoever user says system is down only for us not other customers of the cloud when in reality system is up and working just has a bug for one function that is not critical and the vendor says it s affecting 10 of their customers yet somehow because some glorified secretary says it s down and only affecting us it is in his world and wants me to provide a date that it will be fixed ummmmm i don t manage the vendors sprints or release schedule it s not a critical issue that stops us from using the software and i can t give a timeline or exact date that it will be resolved this is pretty much the usual now i have another job that is less stress i can quit this job and just stick with that one until i find another one to replace this one one thing is clear though staying here is not going to work my boss is a complete idiot yeah i ve had idiot bosses but rarely like this tl dr so the question is considering i have another job and quitting this one will free me up to search for another job should i quit or stay for now it might make more sense to stay because there are few jobs to apply to right now for management roles so it s not like it will take up a huge amount of time every day like it did before the virus just super ready to be out of here for my own sanity <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Can t finish apprenticeship unless I move?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] can t finish apprenticeship unless i move i m a 4th year electrical apprentice that s been laid off since november there s literally no work in my area i d like to finish my apprenticeship but i often think about switchig to something that s more in demand and i won t have to move around that often something healthcare related perhaps if i have to move it will be in an area with a higher cost of living so i m not sure how i ll be able to pay half a mortgage plus rent in my new apartment any advice <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>I plan on doing a 4 year btech course in data science however I m not sure what my options are after finishing said course. What could I do after I finish my data science courses?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] i plan on doing a 4 year btech course in data science however i m not sure what my options are after finishing said course what could i do after i finish my data science courses i was thinking of doing an internship but i m not sure how to go about it is doing an internship even a good idea what do i do any advice <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Where to go after analytics?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] where to go after analytics i m suffering from very real burnout in data analytics i ve been working in healthcare analytics for about 8 years doing everything from revenue management to dashboard bi development and data warehousing etl work i just graduated with my mba from a state school so it s not like it s a super sought after mba but it would probably be enough to get me a middle management job if i wanted one i really excel at and love data visualization i love gathering requirements and figuring out how to fit 10 departments needs into a singular dashboard that s honestly what gives me more energy and passion for the field than anything i m not big into the data gathering transformation etc which is obviously a huge part of the job and starting to suffer from serious fatigue and burnout has anyone successfully moved into something else any recommendations on where to potentially go next <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>I don t like working with numbers or data but every industry seems to be dictated by ROI - what are my options?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] i don t like working with numbers or data but every industry seems to be dictated by roi - what are my options i hate to say this and i haven t come to this realization yet but slowly day after day i m coming to this notion that i may not be cut out for the 9-to-5 life and i also may not enjoy working with numbers every field relies on data and utilizing data to bring a return on one s investment i didn t grow up to be an analyst or accountant but everything is driven on how much money budgeting finance and whatnot i m currently a digital marketer in media planning and although there s little-to-none data analysis there is just enough that it makes my ears perk but unfortunately roles without data or touching any data don t seem to pay well so what are my options <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Feel like I need to change careers how do I find a good match?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] feel like i need to change careers how do i find a good match hi all i m not one for long posts so i ll keep this brief i work in recruitment my b s is vet technology i have a neurodivergency that makes learning new concepts and complex problem solving very easy and a lot of fun for me on the backside of that once something gets easy and repetitive i shut down and my organization and output trend downwards i ve learned coping mechanisms so i can keep the job and perform relatively well but it really stalls my growth and makes work stress a lot worse i really want a job where i can think and problem solve and every day can have the potential for a new difficult problem to work around i also need to be paid over 60k bc cost of living and student loans i m paying off thoughts on careers how to go about finding said career thanks <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Should I leave my current job?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] should i leave my current job i currently work at an mnc this is my first job after graduating from my undergrad degree and i ve been working here for 8 months my salary is higher than market rate and the benefits are quite good my manager is a somewhat perfectionist and has really high expectations she s stated multiple times that she thinks i m underperforming and not suitable for this position even though i really have been trying my best because of this she has extended my probation at one point i was feeling really depressed and trapped because i was working almost 60 hours a week and still getting scolded lectured everyday i did make some mistakes and got scolded really badly but sometimes i really try to initiate an effort to push for an improvement and what i get back from her is criticism that i should have discussed with her because see you didn t discuss with me and now you missed out xyz i ve been feeling better since i opened up to my colleagues who either has worked longer than me in this position or has prior working experience before working here about what my manager have been saying to me and they were encouraging me to stay they say that it s inevitable to make mistakes and that i m doing quite well especially since this is my first job and i m learning so i ve applied to a few jobs in private and have gotten a job offer it s in a different industry and is a smaller company the salary offered is quite a bit lower than what i earn now still within market rate and the benefits are pretty basic this company is however much nearer to my hometown and i d be able to go home more often the company has profit sharing and the hiring manager promised that even the least performing employee in her team got a 5 figure payout last year on one hand the mnc has a really good system with their own standards and training material that is really accessible although the work is really hectic i do feel like there s so much to learn from working through issues etc i also really like my colleagues and of course the high salary but if my manager is not willing to confirm me after my extended probation period ends is it still worth struggling or should i accept the new opportunity and leave <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Which field should I learn more aggressively?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] which field should i learn more aggressively i m learning my way through 3d animation character design and visual effects all out of my desire to learn and my creativity one day i would like to evolve this into a well off career but i m not sure how to gauge the market and tell which area would be most beneficial and financially stable essentially i want to figure out which basket to put more of my eggs into to make myself look more enticing in the creative world <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>How to start career searching? 22F finishing a degree in CS<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how to start career searching 22f finishing a degree in cs i m 22 now and have one more semester of my cs degree at the time of graduation i ll be 23 i live in canada what the hell am i meant to do to start my career i know for a fact i never want a job that involves programming unless it was web development which fairly decent at i like the business aspect and will be getting a minor in business management alongside my degree i don t know what kind of careers to start looking into project managers business analysts i need some ideas of what i should do i have strong people skills and i don t want to be trapped behind a computer 24 7 i m quite terrible at programming and would prefer to leave it to the people more passionate about it <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>How do you balance trying to be outstanding in front of your boss and handling your colleagues who may think you are trying too hard?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how do you balance trying to be outstanding in front of your boss and handling your colleagues who may think you are trying too hard i understand that some people may start to say that if your work is good enough your boss will automatically notice you however i don t always think that is true and if you are in a team with many outstanding people and 1 promotion you do need to fight for it imo<</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What should I be asking my boss?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what should i be asking my boss the company i work is currently in a state of flux the gm for the whole place is being phased out and my direct manager who practically runs the show is leaving the company the gm is wanting to meet with me personally to discuss my future plans as i m a part time college student in the marketing department when my direct boss leaves i will be the entire marketing department in my emails with the gm it is sounding like she is wanting me to take over a lot of my boss s current job what questions should i be asking in the meeting if i am in fact given more responsibility i will be asking for a raise with it but i m not really sure what i need to be asking in this situation overall <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>I am a 19 year old college dropout looking to start a career where should I begin?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] i am a 19 year old college dropout looking to start a career where should i begin i got forced to drop out of my college because of financial problems and now my parents are suddenly telling me to get a job since i m a college dropout i don t have any degree experience or skills to get any job where should i begin <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What kind of jobs can I get with a bachelor of arts of psychology?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what kind of jobs can i get with a bachelor of arts of psychology i m getting back to work after having years of mental problems and was wondering what kind of jobs i can get with only general labor experience and a ba in psychology yes i am going back to school to get my mft license but i will need to pay for my education <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>I enjoyed electrical theory more than actual electrical work...advice?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] i enjoyed electrical theory more than actual electrical work advice hey everyone first time posting figured i d give this a shot i m 33 years old and after having gone through trade school to become an electrician i worked as an apprentice helper for two years due to some physical issues carpel tunnel and slipped discs in my neck i couldn t keep up so i went back to school for my associates in marketing and am now working as a copywriter 2nd year for a small marketing agency i m sitting here kind of hoping i could be doing something else and as i think back on my electrical experience i recalled that i enjoyed the theory aspect of it numbers and what not over the physical labor to clarify i don t mind physical work my shitty hands and mobility get in the way of it it got me wondering even further if there s a career path i could consider that involved the numerical aspect of theory alone i m not necessarily a math whiz and i don t have the funding to go back to school for anything - so i guess i m looking for suggestions on fields to look in to or things i can do on my own time this post grew longer than i d expected it to i ll wrap it up thanks for any advice you can send my way <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Family Business or Jobs?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] family business or jobs my 21f dad owns a really successful family business the company is public in india and valued at a couple mil but it s not in a field i m remotely interested in it s also with a family business with my uncles and what not so the general family drama is there he wants me to join the business right after college i want to explore my interests in crypto tech field cause i really enjoy them i have a year to decide what to do - whether i wanna join the family business or work on my own in the tech field i am open to doing my own business later in life and even open to joining my dad s business later in life but right now i just feel like it s not something i want to do has anyone been in a similar situation if you had to convince your parents who did you do it because whenever i m trying to convince them to let me do a job for 2-3 years they just flip and think i don t care about money cause according to my parents in jobs all you get is misery and you ll never be happy cause you re constantly underpaid or that i cannot do a job since i come form a business family i have tried to ask them that while i m doing a job they can still give me some small side projects and i can see what i like better - working on a job or the side projects they give me and then i can make a better decision but this really hasn t worked for me anyone been through this what has your experience been like tl dr - my 21f dad owns a joint family business and wants me to join right after college but i wanna pursue other interests not related to the field and i wanna spend some time in the country i m studying in anyone with similar experience - what did you do <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>[US] My job is taxing on my mental health and I need a career change. Have you ever quit a job without another lined up in order to polish skills? How did it turn out for you?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] us my job is taxing on my mental health and i need a career change have you ever quit a job without another lined up in order to polish skills how did it turn out for you i m in my mid twenties in a creative field i went to school for creative career a which was sort of a passion pursuit and have spent the past two years working in career b which uses a lot of the same skills but is unfulfilling lately i ve been interested in career c which is kind of a combination of the two and seems to have a lot of job postings in my area but i would need time to learn some particular skills and make a portfolio before applying thing is i m completely burnt out at my current job my mental health has plummeted i can t even focus on my job tasks let alone following the steps necessary to apply to the jobs i want so i m thinking of putting my two week s in and living off of savings while i focus on learning the skills i want and job hunting i have enough squirreled away to last about 6 months but with everything going on in the world doing this seems like a terrible idea has anyone else been in a similar position how did it work out for you <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What can I do with a B.S. in Health Psychology?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what can i do with a b s in health psychology i will be graduating with my bachelors in health psychology this december i am still deciding whether i want to take a gap year or not before grad school so i was wanting to get an idea of the market this industry as a backup in the event i do take a gap year note i have 8 months experience in research if that helps at all thanks any help would be appreciated <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What volunteering can I do to improve my future career in Wildlife Management?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what volunteering can i do to improve my future career in wildlife management this fall i will be attending school for environmental science i d like to volunteer my time to gain knowledge and experience in the field what volunteering positions are recommended <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>I m 27 with basically no college experience should I go back to school to get a degree in psychology?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] i m 27 with basically no college experience should i go back to school to get a degree in psychology currently in a job i love with my best friend it pays the bills but doesn t allow room for me to advance much underpaid and overworked it s extremely physically demanding and i d like to one day have a job that i could do remote or from an office of my own i love talking with people working through issues and am fascinated with human psychology i have basically no college expect a could credits back when i was 18 then dropped out i have totally forgotten how it is in a classroom setting and i did terrible focusing and learning in high school i ve grown since then i m nervous and excited to begin something new but what a risk i picture my life in my 30 s being more focused on helping others instead of staying in my comfort zone i want to branch out gain education make more money and explore what s available to me would you do it <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What kind of career change from being an electrician?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what kind of career change from being an electrician looking for possible career change option ideas currently an electrician i m currently an electrical service technician i make pretty good money over 60k compared to a lot of tradesman and i ve only been in the field about 5 years i know to some that may not sound like a lot but i live in a relatively cheap part of the country but i feel like i m just being ground down i m not a fan of the sales side with customers our companies bonus structure is weird if i hit bonus i make great money if i don t i make a lot less i m not a fan of not knowing what time i m getting off work because i don t know what call i ll get sent on or how long it ll take i d like something more consistent where i know what time i m getting off i would also like to have better benefits we only have five paid holidays off and now we are starting to work on two of the holidays and i only get two weeks of vacation not to mention the tole it takes on your body as well with my trade skill and experience are there any other potential career options <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>UK Advanced Apprenticeships?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] uk advanced apprenticeships hi how do i find an apprenticeship in computer science to be precise software development or cyber security in london preferably north or greater london i tried with the government website but the results were more about it in general or web development which is not what i was looking for any tip thanks <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What would you do if you didn t know what job career was right for you?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what would you do if you didn t know what job career was right for you as the title says what would you do if you didn t know what job career was right for you i m curious to learn from you guys what you would do what steps you would take if you started from to a potential fullfilling career <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>From where i can learn for graphic designer ?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] from where i can learn for graphic designer i am in b tech last year but i know that i have an interest in designing in engineering i was learning languages and other things now i m thinking if i have an interest in designing i should make my career in designing so from where i should learn for graphic designer and is it okay if i don t have a degree in graphic designer <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Tradesmen women of Reddit for someone looking to switch to a trade mid life what would you recommend?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] tradesmen women of reddit for someone looking to switch to a trade mid life what would you recommend i ve just turned 40 and have been in marketing for about 15 years i ve seen a lot of success and am proud of what i ve accomplished but am no longer fulfilled by the work i ve always had a desire to pursue a trade like carpentry welding or electrician for my second career my last company of which i had significant equity sold and i ve walked with enough money to really be able to take a few years and launch a second career path for the back 40 x200b what trades are in high demand are any of them more suited to being self employed thanks so much for any help <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>I just got interview for a position I really want but one of the requirements is to make a presentation about anything to present to 5 HR managers and a director. Any ideas in what I should make this presentation????<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] i just got interview for a position i really want but one of the requirements is to make a presentation about anything to present to 5 hr managers and a director any ideas in what i should make this presentation so my current position is an hra human resources assistant i have been with the company for 1 5 years so i know the culture the mission and what this company is striving to offer the company i worked for posted a learning and development position which for me that is an opportunity for a promotion i was selected to be interviewed today which i would like to say went extremely well well now it seems like i have sparked their interest to move forward but in order to do so i have to make presentation about anything i need ideas in what to present please comment any topic <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What job should I get?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what job should i get i am 14 but i keep thinking what career i want i don t have any passions but i am planning on learning hobbies that i can use for freelancing all the jobs i see are boring or have bad pay so how do i get a job that is enough to pay the bills provide a comfortable life and time for my personal life to clarify what career can provide the requirements i need <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Does anyone have an experience of realizing that their dream job wasn t that much of a dream after all? What did you do next?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] does anyone have an experience of realizing that their dream job wasn t that much of a dream after all what did you do next i ve followed my intellectual interests since finishing undergrad and entered academic research in a stem field i think i ve noticed some signs that i m not really on the right path but i m not sure whether i m overthinking things or if it s really time for a big change the signs i ve been noticing are that when i encounter certain challenges during the research process i feel more overwhelmed than motivated to resolve the issue i also find that i m constantly thinking about some of my hobbies over my research or wondering what it would be like to work in another type of job i know research is supposed to be difficult so maybe i m overthinking things a little or could it be a classic case of the grass is green on the other side or maybe it really is time for a change i m also curious about whether people think it s worth pursuing their intellectual interests if it means sacrificing a fair bit of their work-life balance and not being able to pursue some other creative goals at what point should one consider changing careers and does anyone have a specific personal experience to share i ve been struggling a lot with internal conflict starting to wonder whether i m experiencing a wake-up call of some sort -- like maybe there s a big difference between being interested curious in something but not necessarily wanting to do that thing as a career <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What is something that you love working your butt off doing? What is it that you re obsessed with working on?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what is something that you love working your butt off doing what is it that you re obsessed with working on trying to spark my own answer to these questions above this could be your current job volunteer research - anything you re passionate about please share <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Can anyone give me some professional feedback on my business idea of a new Psychology and Mental Health Center?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] can anyone give me some professional feedback on my business idea of a new psychology and mental health center hello there also posted this in r askpsychologists so i have this concept of a new psychological therapeutic rehabilitation and mental health center i do not have any experience in the field but i do have resources to start a business with here s a rough draft the center is aimed at adults 30 years who suffer from everyday stress depression midlife crisis etc the idea is to combine psychologic therapy with recreation and physical therapy such as yoga aerobics etc for dealing with the above-mentioned issues the concept is the following - the patients start their rehabilitation program with one-two or whichever amount the specialist would deem necessary sessions with a psychologist who would then issue a diagnosis and determine a rehabilitation program - the rehabilitation programs probably better be called therapy programs as patients will not be staying at the center just attending would consist of combining various traditional and untraditional methods of treatment including therapies with psychologists physical activity classes motivational lectures outings trips and active socializing with other patients the programs would be custom depending on the physical and mental health of each individual - even if the patients are not diagnosed with anything they can still attend psychology sessions for mental health and attend the above-mentioned programs and pay in the fee-per-service or monthly yearly membership way i guess this is nothing new and i figure that there might be some similar centers so if you re aware of any please let me know i guess the main catch is that it wouldn t be a boarding house where patients stay for an extensive period of time but a center which would be attended by people in their free time since i m absolutely new to the field which you might guess from the way i write about it i have several questions about this concept 1 what do you think of the concept of the center and of such kind of treatment overall 2 should such center obtain proper certificates for practicing psychology or is it enough that the psychologists at the center would have their own certificates i m from latvia so it s preferable to know how that works in europe in general 3 are psychologists at such centers usually receive fix wages or do they pay commission to the center and keep the rest for themselves how do payments usually work in such environment 4 what are some pitfalls that might arise that are specific to this field please don t hold back your feedback criticism and error reviews i m a zero in the area and would love to know if this kind business is worth investing my time into thanks in advance <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Applying for Special Visual Effects 3D animation and so on despite having little to no experience?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] applying for special visual effects 3d animation and so on despite having little to no experience i m kind of worried about posting here as i m a bit afraid of becomingn a laughing stock or that i m in a wrong subreddit but i ll take my chances i live in eastern europe and here unlike the states we don t have classes that are about special effects graphic animation etc etc and i m curios if i were to apply to a university with such courses would i be accepted despite having little to no experience with such software and if i were to find a job in this domain where should i look and also i apologize for any mistakes i made regarding the reddiquette or breaking rules of this subreddit<</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Skilled trade and bachelor s degree?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] skilled trade and bachelor s degree im looking into skilled trades i ve got a degree in mechanical engineering and i m thinking if any trade would benefit from that degree i got excited about electrical but then im considering plumbing pipefitting since it seems like i could get an office job in the future in that industry doing actual engineering does that sound possible <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>I Need A Career Change. Where Should I Start?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] i need a career change where should i start background i have a ba in psychology and currently work as an office administrator ar clerk for an oil related company making 18 hr what would be a good career pivot i don t want to be a counselor for personal reasons so i am not interested in getting my master s in psychology i would however be willing to take any certification classes or consider entering a new field additional experience includes contract voice-over work and assistant managing a starbucks my strongest skills are in excel adobe pro and general customer service <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Environmental Engineer to Art Therapist?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] environmental engineer to art therapist hello folks i graduated in may with a bachelor s in environmental engineering i originally wanted to make a difference in environmental justice but the opportunities are limited due to municipal budgets to summarize what i went to school for is currently difficult to achieve i m currently at a consulting firm and i m just not enjoying the work or the people in the industry i am disabled and engineering consulting doesn t have the infrastructure in place to accommodate people with mental disabilities i am also very creative and i want to help people i believe i can learn to be a good mental health counselor or more specifically an art therapist i would like some advice on how to pursue this career including the graduate application process funding and other requirements i know i need a graduate degree and i m not sure who i can contact for recommendation letters since i haven t spoken to my professors since i graduated and even then they only know me for my performance in engineering classes i also want to know the steps for accreditation in the united states thank you <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Psychologist how to change to finance sector?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] psychologist how to change to finance sector dear reddit pi 28 psychologist bsc psych from germany msc psych from uk over 2 years clinical work experience using a therapeutic model goal to earn up to 32k non taxed bonus for uk or more than 43k anywhere in the world with 40 37 tax i would be interested to move to finance but have no experience apart from private cfd trading shareholding and cryptoinvestments as i believe these sectors could make use of my statistical and theoretical knowledge which jobs should i look for if i don t want to jump into another degree for now <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Javascript or Java - which is a better career path ?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] javascript or java - which is a better career path hi my name is hark i am an sde i at oracle cerner oracle acquired cerner which is my company i have been working as a software engineer for the past 3 years the first two years were spent at two different book-based startups where i worked as a web developer mainly on php after those 2 years i did my ms in cs and during this time i explored react js and other js libraries i was very interested in it and did some projects after that i got my placement in cerner where now i am working as a java backend developer now i am able to do the tasks which are given but i am not really sure should i continue with this only or should i switch and start working as a js full stack developer i am interested in web3 but i am not sure about it should i start making web apps work on the front end and backend should i start working on solving dsa problems on leetcode should i continue with the java backend developer job i have all these questions boggle my mind and all i really ask for is a piece of advice on how to proceed further thanks <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>I m young have a well paying job with great benefits and a short commute but I still feel trapped. Am I being rash irresponsible for wanting a career change?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] i m young have a well paying job with great benefits and a short commute but i still feel trapped am i being rash irresponsible for wanting a career change i am 28 years old single and work in public sector it project management i am making a good salary own a home mortgaged have great benefits and have a relatively short drive to work in fact my employer has even agreed to fund my masters degree with a post graduation obligation of course despite knowing full well that many would feel lucky to be in this scenario i am unhappy my work is not fulfilling and i have become a sponge for duties as assigned around the office i am a creative driven person at heart and daydream about working at or owning a tech or media startup and building something i can be proud of i have friends that have already built successful businesses and it only makes me want that sort of career even more that being said i often feel foolish for thinking this way i have spoken with family and friends and am usually told that i am very lucky for someone so early in their career and that i should not rock the boat especially due to the funded education reddit am i being a foolish millennial thinking this way or should i actively pursue a career change i know it s the only way i will be happy but i can t help but thinking that i could be risking my financial stability especially with the state of the economy i also hate to give up the chance to pursue an education without going further into debt assuming a new employer would not be willing to pay for it any advice is greatly appreciated <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Bachelors degree to trades job?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] bachelors degree to trades job i graduated with a bsc in economics in the fall and have been working at a crappy customer service job at a local credit union since then and have been hating it never really had a burning passion for economics it just seemed like a decent degree as i mostly went to university to pursue athletics dreams but those have faded away i ve worked mostly labour jobs in the summers during my degree and i really enjoyed the electrical trade classes i took in high school and i ve been thinking about becoming an electrician was wondering if there was some other options i should consider and how crazy it would be for me to go down a trades route <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>How is the market for Data science and how is the future for that? Would taking up a one year course in Canada for an international student worth the money?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how is the market for data science and how is the future for that would taking up a one year course in canada for an international student worth the money am working in it domain with c c technology having 5 years of experience am currently planning to quit my job and switch my domain into data science by completing a diploma program in canada need suggestion and help on the current situation and future of data science in canada thanks in advance <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What career involves being around happy animals?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what career involves being around happy animals i realize this is an odd question but one i have been thinking about lately i have a master s degree in a people-related field but i am two years in and find it fairly unfulfilling i am passionate about animals but i am also extremely sensitive to animal suffering i have thought about being a veterinarian or a vet tech but thinking about all the suffering animals i d see every day is too much other than that all i can really think of in the realm of animal careers are dog groomers or shelter coordinators again not particularly situations where animals are happy or animal interactions are largely positive if i was to make some kind of career change i d want it to be for something that would really bring me happiness i definitely acknowledge vets and shelters do amazing work and touch so many animals but i m afraid of getting burnt out i m sure there are tons of other careers that involve working with animals that don t necessarily involve sick or scared animals but they re not ones i know about any ideas of things to look into would be appreciated <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Job Stress Detector?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] job stress detector when you re interviewing how do you determine whether a job will be stressful or not to some extent i can get a vibe from the hiring manager about whether we ll communicate well but i m not great at figuring out other things about the work relationship like whether the manager might be massively disorganized or unrealistic in their expectations for example and the words fast-paced on a job description seem like a warning sign but beyond that i have almost no idea how to tell whether a job will be stressful i ve worked for people who were so unrealistic or disorganized that the jobs were hellish i ve also had several good managers thanks to pure luck my current job is relatively low-stress mostly because my supervisor tries to be a decent person who usually gives regular feedback responds within a day sets clear goals tries to plan things in advance doesn t micromanage and has realistic expectations however my position might be going away within about five 5 months due to organizational changes i m a little scared that when i interview i might end up with a terrible manager at a new job because i don t know how to figure out whether they ll be stressful to work for what are some of the ways that you ve figured out whether a job will be stressful before you ve gotten to the offer stage thank you for your advice <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Trying to become an academic career advisor. How to break into the field?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] trying to become an academic career advisor how to break into the field i just graduated in december with a master s degree in general psychology i am not a licensed counselor however the jobs i am looking at and applying to academic advisor and career counselor positions at universities do not require a license usually they just require a secondary degree and some years of related experience or a combination thereof i have been applying for jobs since december and haven t even gotten a call back for an interview i have had my resume and cover letter reviewed and have great references from my master s program who believe that this is the best field for me based on my work with them the only thing i lack is hands-on experience in the field though i have shadowed professionals during my master s program how can i get experience in the field if no one wants to hire a fresh graduate i have considered working for staffing agencies but these jobs tend to be more focused on filling a position for a company rather than actual career counseling i would get experience with resume reviewing and mock interviewing though i am unsure of whether taking a staffing consultant job would be helpful or detrimental to me since i m not sure how other professionals in the field view this type of job are there any career counselors here that could give me some further insight additionally i am being advised by family and friends to just take the first job i am offered but i fear that i will get a call for interview for a better job after taking the offer i have no idea how to professionally navigate searching for a new job while working full-time how does one get away from work for interviews etc i am very fearful of making a mistake in choosing employment or even just being stuck in some random job that i m not passionate about i feel as though the longer i m in an unrelated the field the harder it will be for me to achieve the career i really want in your experience does this seem to be true sorry for long post - i have a lot to juggle and consider tl dr - i have a master s in psychology but no license and no related work experience seeking a career in academic career counseling i can t seem to get call-backs from universities and need other ways to get related experience that won t trap me in a lackluster job or have me looked-down-on by other career counselors <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>21M Feeling lost and confused which career path I should take What do u think are good jobs careers I can pursue based on the info below?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] 21m feeling lost and confused which career path i should take what do u think are good jobs careers i can pursue based on the info below so basically i am 21m living with my parents in uae i recently finished in june a bs in biology but i have not done anything with it that can be considered real experience apart from an unpaid casual internship at a clinical lab which i did not enjoy and do not have a license to work in anyway i have never held a real full-time job in my life but i have come up with the below list of things i believe would make me happy and satisfied in a job and need help from experienced people matching them to suitable roles industries careers 1- i enjoy meeting people 2- i enjoy learning new things 3- i enjoy working on tasks and projects that require me to think plan organize and strategize mental work 4- i enjoy being creative 5- i like flexibility but lack strong discipline and time management skills 6- i enjoy collaborating with a team but am more focused and productive on my own a mix of teamwork and solo-work is preferable 7- i enjoy helping people and doing work that is meaningful and has a positive impact on the community 8- i like being a leader but i need to work on my confidence and other skills that make me stand out 9- i have many and varied interests and passions and am always curious and hungry to figure out how things work and how to make things better 10- i want to make enough money to be comfortable without having to work over 40 hours a week or lose out on benefits and vacation time 11- my strong points are excellent writing skills organization academically gifted extroverted and good with people good at science and math i read a lot and am sufficiently proficient with a computer i e i know how to use ms office google drive slack clickup and navigate the internet 12- my weak points are i get nervous sometimes especially when i feel confused and lost as to what how to do something or when i feel unappreciated or disappointing by managers also i don t know how to code or use any advanced tech or software yet i am still working on my discipline and time management but get frustrated easily when i don t feel like i am making progress on something i am working on note although i have a bs in biology i am open to opportunities that do not have anything to do with my major but not opportunities that would require further education investment thanks you for your support <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>How do I go into another interview tomorrow after feeling like I bombed today s?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how do i go into another interview tomorrow after feeling like i bombed today s first time poster here - hoping for any actionable advice in both short- and long-term today i interviewed for a position i really want with a company i would love to work for the interview was not the worst ever but felt pretty rough for example i felt like i didn t have some of the right technical jargon to fully answer the questions the job is in bi and i have a master s in data analytics but my career experience is not in those fields it could be arguably applicable but doesn t help me with insider industry knowledge if that makes sense so i think i had some decent work examples but had a hard time knowing if i was answering the questions as they were intended anyway this isn t a sob story about a less than ideal interview my situation is that i have another interview for the same company position already set up for tomorrow and i am not sure how to approach it it is with a director instead of managers it feels like a shot in the dark now so i m trying to figure out how to regain confidence and also prepare better i m not sure if i should plan to rectify previous answers or be ready for similar questions or if i should expect different questions entirely or do i even worry about it because there s not much hope at this point anyway additionally how can i prepare better in the future i haven t had too many interviews since i ve started looking for work again and am fairly new to the industry so while i have a decent level of knowledge from my grad work i feel like i m missing some specific technical jargon and i m not sure how to fill the gaps other than actual work experience it s a fairly junior position so i m not sure how much they expect but i d always like to be more prepared in the future though it seems like every interview i ve prepped for i ve done so incorrectly any advice or resources would be super appreciated thanks <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>23m &amp no motivation to work any type of 9-5 traditional job. What career should I look into?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] 23m no motivation to work any type of 9-5 traditional job what career should i look into first off i am not a traditional work style of person the only time ive worked a real 9-5 job was at a warehouse in ca i only did it for 2 years because it was my only option besides living on the streets without going into much private detail currently i am now living in ga have the opportunity to live in a home without paying rent or for food for the most part my main responsibilities rn are taking care of family pets keeping the house clean besides that i have alot of free time on my hands which i spend mostly doing my hobby shipping out packages from my small ebay hobby shop i started with my gf the problem is is that i need money to cover the 2 bills i have every month but don t really have a way to pay them since the move ive just been living off of savings but i know eventually they will dry up i struggle daily with high anxiety ibs which i got from working in a highly stressful environment in ca i just honestly don t really know what i want to do with life don t really have any motivation to do shit i don t want to do i feel like i am kinda at a useless point in life don t really know what to do if i had the energy motivation i think i would go try and find a job somewhere but at this point in life somedays i barely have motivation to get out of bed before 12pm ive got friends family constantly asking pushing me to get a job do something with my life but honestly i don t know even where to start let me know if any of yall have any thoughts questions or suggestions for more laid back jobs i could find or any type of life advice please feel free to respond thanks<</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>How to cope with a career you dislike?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how to cope with a career you dislike i am 23 and in a career i dislike however i work in it so the money future opportunities are good and i am aware that i am very lucky to be in the industry any advice or tips on how to put up with a career you dislike <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What questions to ask a professional doing your ideal job?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what questions to ask a professional doing your ideal job good day everyone so i met this guy last year and i saw him again today he works at a firm i ve always wanted to work in and the same position senior associate investment banking i don t want to waste this connection i have by asking easy questions that i can easily google but i don t know what to ask im an undergrad finance and business analytics student who haven t interned yet average gpa but has a pretty career portfolio tho thanks people <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>How do I start a career in Risk Management Data Analyst Roles?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how do i start a career in risk management data analyst roles i am a 26 y o with a 1st class degree in sport science i am currently working in admin and within the company there is very little room for progression i am looking for a complete career change and would like to earn 60 000per year within the next 4 years i have found that the majority of well paid roles that i would be interested in such as risk management data analyst and jobs that use a lot of quantitive data these roles strongly recommend a degree in a relevant field which obviously i do not have would anyone have any advice as to how i would achieve a role in these fields or is it near impossible without a relevant degree <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>When you interview with multiple managers in one day how do they normally convene afterwards to make a decision?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] when you interview with multiple managers in one day how do they normally convene afterwards to make a decision i m curious to know how managers typically communicate after several managers from separate departments after an interview to discuss a candidate and make a decision do they contact someone from hr with a simple pass or fail answer do they meet together and discuss the candidate in depth this is for an internship for what it s worth <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What to prep for during a 30min coffee chat with a potential future employer?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what to prep for during a 30min coffee chat with a potential future employer some context i have been working in buy-side equity derivatives in a bank for about 1-2 years full time now serving family offices and high net worth clients and have been trying to move to a sell-side position covering cross-asset and or equity derivatives for institutions instead however despite multiple applications i haven t gotten a single interview yet so decided to pivot my approach and instead reached out to bulge bracket bank heads and directors to ask for coffee chats and ascertain instead how to make the switch and what they are looking out for in junior hires so after a few messages i got a coffee chat with a head of the department for bank derivatives sell-side via linkedin for a coffee chat i m wondering what to do before and during the chat should i bring hard copies of my cv along or send a digital copy before our chat our linkedin messages were fairly short and it seemed presumptuous to send my cv to him during our linkedin chat as there was no mention of him even considering me as a hire should i pay for coffee what questions should i ask and prep for what else can i do to bring me closer to him considering me for a role as a junior on his desk thanks everyone for your help <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Lost and have no idea about what to do?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] lost and have no idea about what to do i am a 33 year old man from kansas city i moved here in july after living in alabama all of my life i was a union pipefitter there for 12 years and brought in about 60k a year but i really got tired of the pipefitter life so that s when i decided to start over and moved in here with some family i have a little bit of money saved up from selling my house but i dont really think im in the position to go back to school i started the google certificate program for ux ui design on coursera but i honestly dont know if it will be a good way to get started in that field ive looked into maybe enrolling into a coding bootcamp offered by some universities but the more i look into them people say they are just a cash grab in the end really basically im absolutely lost and have no clue what im doing i feel like the ux design thing is a possibility but im really uncertain about the google certificate program and how far i can actually go with that dont really know what im looking to get out of this other than getting this off my chest i would hate to go back to the pipefitting life and would love to get a job in the tech world somewhere whether it be some form of it ux design software engineering etc <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Ask Creative director questions? (maybe interview ?)<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] ask creative director questions maybe interview my dream job is to become a creative director at a gaming company i have currently have taken some measures by developing my own ideas for some games and as well as creating one of them into an actual game i am right now just trying to get through community college and go through general ed as my prime focus and work on my game ideas on the side but wish to kick it up a notch after college so i can make the most out of it and achieve my dreams does anyone have advice that you recommend for me while i m only a freshman my current struggle is what my major should choose struggling rn on a writing major or graphic design x200b ps let me know if i am violating any terms too first time on this subreddit <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Got a useless degree and am unable to find major-related employment 2 years after graduating. What careers jobs would you recommend where I can make a good living?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] got a useless degree and am unable to find major-related employment 2 years after graduating what careers jobs would you recommend where i can make a good living i majored in marketing and graduated from a non-target school with a mediocre gpa and no major-related experience it s been 2 years of applying networking and i haven t gotten a interview for anything major-related 28k in student loans i ve been working warehouse jobs and have accepted that i need to switch to another field so i can potentially make 60k or more by the time i m 35 i just dislike struggling i don t even want to be rich i just want a job that pays enough for me to not be poor i need advice because i dont know what to do i ve been thinking of trucking but i wanna be able to see my family when i make one eventually any advice <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>If your son or daughter wants to major in art would you approve? What kind of future do you think he or she could have?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] if your son or daughter wants to major in art would you approve what kind of future do you think he or she could have my oldest son wants to become an actor not for the fame but for his passion and is really talented he has been a huge member in his hs drama club and made a huge contribution my second child the daughter wants to go to art school or at least major in art painting and sculpture the problem is is that most of the careers in the arts are highly competitive and it s best to have a back up when things go out as planned but i also want them to pursue the fields that make them happy what is some advice you can give me <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Got into trouble at work for being unproductive 2 minutes before my shift ended?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] got into trouble at work for being unproductive 2 minutes before my shift ended update at bottom i 17f am working full time at my first job a retail warehouse i ve enjoyed it and been a productive and loyal worker for my age in the small timeframe that we ve been opened we had 2 weeks training before opening and i was never in trouble i e working from 10am - 11pm on opening with only 1 half hour break showing up early and offering to stay late i don t find myself to be unproductive as i m quite serious about this job but today i got in quite the trouble i and other people in my department were working folding clothes together from around 8-10 15 by the time it was a bit over 10 past myself and others had grown pretty restless since we only had a couple minutes left til we clocked off we were talking and everyone in the department was pretty loud joking around laughing etc around 10 13 i only know because i looked at my phone while it was happening i get pulled to the side by this woman who is not my supervisor manager or boss and she asks me if i know why i m being pulled to the side i didn t really respond because i was a bit freaked out in the moment then she asked me if i thought i was being productive i replied no she then went on to tell me that she will be letting my department know about my unproductive behaviour she said that i don t want to be acting like this and get a name for myself this early on in my career also bitch what fucking career i m a teenager whose role is packing trolleys she then told me to go work on something else alone to actually get work done then i told her i finish in two minutes she told me to go clock off i apologized profusely and then went to grab my things i was pretty emotional in the moment not crying or whatever but as i was walking away i could feel myself getting paranoid i did cry as soon as i got home though because i was so scared i know why she pulled me to the side but i m not sure why me specifically because i definitely was not the loudest or least productive i had folded two entire tables worths of clothes myself and was helping out around everywhere else that was left there were people standing on pallets and playing around with pallet jacks but i specifically got pulled my coworker said she thinks it s because i m younger and easier to scare this woman is currently training another department that i do not work in should i be worried i m quite young and this is my first job my supervisor and manager are very relaxed and easy going people so i m hoping nothing drastic happens my coworkers are telling me nothing will happen but i m unsure of how much influence she has tldr i got in trouble at work for talking a few minutes before my shift ended and am paranoid let me know if you have any advice on how i can navigate this thanks update i notified my supervisor about it and she said i ll be letting her know that you are fabulous and i will put little miss name in her place thank you for letting me know i got you my supervisor is super protective and always quick to stand up for us all her and everyone in my department were super supportive towards me today which i appreciated as of this moment i have only contacted my supervisor about the situation i did not think that i had a solid enough case to report it to my manager or hr i do not know if she has reported it to anyone else i was not spoken to about it today which leads me to believe it wasn t taken too seriously she did not touch me i should ve probably used different phrasing when describing the situation but she did not literally pull me to the side in front of everyone in merch she asked to speak to me and then went on her productivity rant everyone in my department hates her and they all talked about their bad experiences with her she is rude to everyone we were all speaking casually to each other today and she yelled at us if you are talking i will send you home one of my coworkers replied by saying that sounds tempting which i thought was funny i m unsure if this is how she is supposed to act because she s training merchandise and has to be stern my department is much more intense and fast pace than merch and the person helping train us is not even nearly as stern as her i found out that 40 staff just from merchandise quit which is why we have to work on it after hours even though it s not our department so that s something to note personally if she was training me i would as well my work currently has people from another country training and helping us out because of opening she is in that group of people and won t be here for much longer i am counting down the days until she does lol i have chosen to stay as far away from her as possible i got a few comments saying i should be more confrontational but i find myself to be quite emotional around her i m generally a sensitive person and just seeing her today gave me such immense anxiety i almost had to excuse myself to the bathroom because i thought i was going to get teary eyed though that is probably just a personal thing and me being a dramatic teenager i should not let her get to me this much but i suppose it s just how i am thanks to everyone for the advice i read all the comments and appreciate the support insight i genuinely did not expect this much of a response <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Am I in the wrong career?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] am i in the wrong career hello first time poster here when i was 18 i was successful in an application for the school leavers scheme at a reputable organisation in the city of london at the time it was the best thing to have happened to me fast forward 5 years and i ve had a couple of promotions and am in a good position and have made some great friends that are far more than colleagues along the way the issue is i just don t have a passion for the role or finance more generally i don t dread work and by no means am i unhappy but i have limited motivation to actually do my work and don t really enjoy it i ve enjoyed physical activity sport all my life that s something i am passionate about i plan my workouts for the week prep what i m eating and thoroughly enjoy helping mates to do the same albeit they don t quite have the same passion as me and i m not qualified in any way to do this i wake up on the morning and it s on my mind and it s the last thing on my mind before bed the question i ve been grappling with is this should i looking at a career change now it doesn t make sense to me to spend most of my life looking at a screen at things that i have no real interest in for a bit more money my hesitancies here are i d be taking a hefty pay cut and would quite like to get on the property ladder something a pay cut would put major setbacks in another important point here is qualifications i have very poor a levels and the finance qualification i perused at work i had no desire to finish something that i m rather disappointed in myself about but the motivation simply isn t there i d also love to travel at some point with the end goal being living in a much warmer climate some points for context male single 24yo current salary c 40k would be grateful for everyone s thoughts thanks<</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>How did you transition from Entrepreneur to employee?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how did you transition from entrepreneur to employee people who were once entrepreneurs and went back to full time employment what was your experience and what lessons can you share <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Is My life over? 32 Unemployed had to leave a New Job after 6 months<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] is my life over 32 unemployed had to leave a new job after 6 months ok guys i ve been working retail - shop floor assistant 6 years admin - sales auditor just under 2 years i landed an it auditor role for a corporate bank a big opportunity back in may 2022 sadly i hated it the job was very stressful and boring i had no real interest in what i was doing and the stress was killing me my mental health was declining i gained weight and a drinking problem i had to leave for my own sanity only after 6 months corporate banking and finance internal audit really isn t for me what do i do now i am jobless at 32 i want to find a job i can do or really enjoy at 32 i m completely lost with where to go have i ruined my life <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What are some part-time jobs that will help me as I continue my search for a career in materials science and engineering?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what are some part-time jobs that will help me as i continue my search for a career in materials science and engineering i have an m s tech in engineering materials and so far no luck in the job hunt i need income though and was wondering what options there are for me that would boost my resume most of my previous work experience has been in hospitality or retail but i m hoping for something more career-oriented <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>[UK} Is it worth dropping out college to do an apprenticeship?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] uk is it worth dropping out college to do an apprenticeship i m halfway through a 2 year course level 3 extended diploma and i am 99 sure i am not going to continue that specific course at a university while looking at subjects i would be interested in the main one appeared to be psychology but two things have put me off the employment rate and the salary after asking around on other subs i thought about maybe doing a computer science degree since i did it at gsce and i enjoyed it however i am unsure about the step up to doing it at university this option from what i ve been told leaves me with a good salary as well as a decent chance of employment if you don t agree with this it would be helpful if you could let me know the other option i feel would be an apprenticeship which would get me some money while i learn as well as hopefully a really good chance of a job at the end of it is this worth dropping out after a year though i am in the uk and from what i understand it works slightly differently in the us all advice is appreciated but it would be appriciated if you could also let me know where you are from as i would prefer advice from people in the uk <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What career should I pursue when I have no idea what I would like to do?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what career should i pursue when i have no idea what i would like to do i m in my second semester of grade 11 and i have no idea what i want to do with my life career wise i absolutely hate math and science i m interested in psychology arts english nutrition and other subjects i would like a fairly well paying job that isn t extremely difficult to get im very introverted and sensitive overly empathetic so i don t think i could handle any job that requires working with people who really depend on me i really don t like the sound of sitting in an office all day any ideas at all <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Career prospects of a Health Psychologist outside of the UK?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] career prospects of a health psychologist outside of the uk i want to become a health psychologist but i don t want to live in the uk forever so i just wanted to know - is it possible to have a career as a health psychologist outside of the uk i am asking this because i ve only ever heard of health psychologists in the uk and whenever i type it up into google i only ever see clinical psychology come up - if you had a phd in health psychology would you be able to become a lecturer outside of the uk as in teaching regular psychology <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>How do I get over unlearn behaviors from a toxic workplace?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how do i get over unlearn behaviors from a toxic workplace i started a fantastic new job a month ago with a super supportive manager and team this is after working in extremely toxic workplaces for my last two roles before this job in my last role i was scared to give accurate feedback to my manager speak directly have confidence in what i was saying and lived in fear or when my manager would get mad at something outside of my control because she would verbally attack my personal qualities when i asked my old manager for feedback she said i wasn t managing up and taking questions to her but when i did ask questions she was angry i already didn t know the information she didn t teach me an example of this is that during my onboarding she told me she would train me in x two months later i asked for training on x as i was expecting to use this information soon and she got mad at me saying you re already two months in and you don t know x why is this taking you so long and why can t you figure it out my last boss caused 90 of the turnover to the point where our board started questioning it but she found a way to scare staff into leaving positive reviews anyway i went into that role being a confident person with a great work history excellent performance record looking forward to feedback an expectation that i was solutions-oriented and would solve the problem and a history of good relationships with managers to feeling completely useless as a human being employee i thought i was going to get fired every day and when i brought this up to my old supervisor she was surprised even though she was clearly acting in a way that was dissatisfied with my performance she did this to others as well in my new role when i m working on a project i m so terrified that my new manager will yell at me or make a condescending remark about me that it s been difficult to even start those projects in a timely manner until i ve talked myself into just doing it when receiving feedback my brain automatically goes to something hostile is coming my way and i get defensive or just agree even though i was hired to make critical decisions additions to the team i told my supervisor that i came from a work space that was extremely particular and haven t shared much outside of that how do i get into a bolder feeling of mind feel confident about my skills and the quality of work i can bring proactively work on engaging in a healthy relationship with my supervisor and unlearn the trauma-reactions from my last role tldr was in a toxic workplace that made me question the benefit of my existence and now i need to change this mentality to succeed in my new workplace <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What to do with Bachelors of Science in Management?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what to do with bachelors of science in management hey all i m currently in my junior year at cuny brooklyn college getting my bs in management i have a 4 0 major gpa and 3 9 overall what kind of internships would i get with ease and how much should i be getting paid i m currently interning at a company with big connections however i m barely making ends meet at 15 an hour and not getting enough hours i think it s time for something a bit more stable and well compensated any suggestions i ve also got experience as a manager at my family business <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What is your dream career?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what is your dream career if you could whatever you want in your dream career what would it be and how do you plan to get there <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Are there any well paying jobs that don t involve sitting around in an office?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] are there any well paying jobs that don t involve sitting around in an office i ve always wanted to go to university so i can get a job that pays me well but to be honest i don t want to spend my life sitting around in an office doing who knows what i ve gotten to a point where i feel like i d rather work on a construction site for less than minimum wage than do anything involving it and or offices i like drawing and being creative and while it s still an office job somewhat i d actually be interested in working for a game company to do art for them i don t know if i d be able to find a job as an artist though so i d like to ask what other options i have in case that doesn t work out <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Would it be a good idea to enter Marriage and Family Therapy if I myself have clinical depression anxiety?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] would it be a good idea to enter marriage and family therapy if i myself have clinical depression anxiety i m interested in entering the field but i m wondering if my own problems would be a hinderance towards my ability to help people deal with the same things any help or advice is appreciated <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Can I bypass my line manager and talk directly to his manager ?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] can i bypass my line manager and talk directly to his manager despite of many complaints from myself and from my colleagues about a lot of issues we have in the office for things related to our daily works my manager is not raising any of our concerns and keep it with himself can we now bypass him and escalate to top management how to do it professionally <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Careers in Wildlife Biology?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] careers in wildlife biology okay so i don t really know if this is the correct place for this post but whatever i m looking to pursue a career in something relating to wildlife biology i ve always been passionate about animals nature and the environment and i want a career that involves biology and helping the environment i am a sophomore in high school and planning for my future year and i realize that i m still young and may change my desired career path but i want to at least have a tentative plan of my future because it will affect what classes i take in the coming years i ve already taken honors bio and honors chem i also would really like a career that pays well but doing what i love is more important to me than the amount of money i will make tl dr what s are some good careers that involve animals nature the environment and biology <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Do you often have to take the responsibility when your manager makes a mistake?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] do you often have to take the responsibility when your manager makes a mistake i ve noticed a trend that my boss takes credit for my wins yet will use me as a scapegoat for when she misses or forgets things the biggest example is that she never communicated to me that i needed to do something for a project i double checked our agenda and my task list to be sure she never circled back to see whether the thing she never told me to do in the first place had been completed so essentially she never told me she claimed she communicated it to me at a time when that task was not even taking place a month prior but if that was the case she would have followed up once it was time to complete the task and she never brought it up i write down all of my tasks and she reviews them so i would have had record if it had been communicated to me she blames me for it when it was my understanding that she was handling that part of the project it feels like i am being gaslit as this is not the first time that her management style has impacted our ability to successfully move forward on projects she is very forgetful and does not communicate expectations clearly i ve noticed a recurring pattern of this happening and i just want to know if this is a common experience of people with managers do you often have to take the falls for your managers what have been your experiences <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>The programming market is saturated what else is there?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] the programming market is saturated what else is there the more i research online the more i see people in the programming market struggle to find jobs everyone and their grandma either already has or is about to get a computer science degree software engineering degree or data science degree what job market out there that people don t talk about a lot isn t as saturated and has the same difficulty level to learn as something like a software engineer <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Stuck on what animal career to pursue?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] stuck on what animal career to pursue i have been really struggling with figuring out what career path to take i work best with animals so im definitely looking into getting a animal science or zoology but haven t look much into it degree at msu i currently am getting all core classes done at a community college for free but im still panicking a bit trying to figure out more of an idea on what i should and want to do i currently work in a vet clinic and i though i wanted to become a vet tech possibly veterinarian but after seeing the amount of continuous tears stress and extremely low pay that technicians get and their debt to income ratio ontop of suicide rates i don t think its going to be a good fit for me after all i have no idea what to do i really thrive with working with animals and want to learn more and more about them and help them in one way or another but i also don t want to worry about overly stressing emotional overload myself on a daily basis and i also don t want to worry about struggling financially for the rest of my future either i know a lot of people think of combining incomes with their partners but i have always been raised in a way to never depend on another person for finances so having a career where i can still support myself and have a house is a big thing for me i feel so lost on where to go i am going to seek out a career huidance academic advisor but i thought maybe somebody in this group would have some ideas or input to share <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Could some give there experiences in these fields?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] could some give there experiences in these fields am looking into getting out of the cargiving and to go back to school i am thinking either lawyer video game design or animation why i ve worked to much as a caregiver and have fatigue i also have reasons for each field lawyer i dont like how things are running so i want to one day help change things video game design i want to bring back the old bioware story telling i grew up with and make cheap games with more content than those aaa companies animator my favorite youtube channel circletoon inspired me to make my own funny animation videos if anyone who are currently or on the past worked in these fields could you give me your experience and help me decide what i should do <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>I m 21 UK based and reluctantly I m a security guard. Where and how can I start to become an electrician?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] i m 21 uk based and reluctantly i m a security guard where and how can i start to become an electrician sorry for formatting i m on mobile my current job isn t bad nor is it great sitting or standing around getting paid for opening doors may be alright for some people but personally i like to do a little more with my brain during the work day if anybody has any advice for me to try i m more than happy to listen last time just for the record i m uk based any and all comments are appreciated 3<</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Advice on a lucrative and smart decision on a career path to 6 figures?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] advice on a lucrative and smart decision on a career path to 6 figures hi i m 27 years old and i joined us navy right out of hs and came back home to use my gi bill for a bachelors degree i took nursing classes at community college but failed my first science course it was just too much for me i then decided to purse my passion what i thought was my passion and changed it to a fashion merchandising major when i transferred to a university a lot of people ask what merchandising is it s similar to marketing but we don t take the core business classes but it is a business degree in my eyes because you are learning to sell i am planning on graduating next semester but i am realizing i don t want to pursue a fashion career anymore i feel that the fashion industry is not the correct culture fit for me i have worked retail throughout college and have pretty social skills however with me being a commuter student i did not take full advantage of networking i fell back on old friends that influenced me the wrong mindset but now i have cut them off and have a great new friends now i am looking to get into sales software sales or cars i have family that are in car sales but hardly get to spend quality time with them but i have learned that generally most high paying jobs are being away from the family what are some lucrative career moves other than sales can help me get on the path to 6 figures thank you for your time <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>I like computers but I hate the coding aspect of it. Any advice?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] i like computers but i hate the coding aspect of it any advice i m currently taking a 2 year diploma program for computer programming at a community college half way through i found out that i m not a huge fan of coding i m currently in the fall semester of my second year and plan to just soldier through the last year for the diploma i m still interested in computers but not so much the coding part of it i ve been considering continuing my education by going to university but haven t quite found something that involves computers but has limited coding to it i don t mind doing some coding but i d rather do something that doesn t mainly revolve around coding <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What goes on in a final assessment conference?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what goes on in a final assessment conference hi this is my first time posting so i m sorry in advance for anything wrong so i will soon be attending my final assessment job offer invitation conference and this hopefully may be my very first job since birth and i m so nervous because i have no clue what to expect since i thought it would be a one on one thing like in my initial interview this invitation has 7 guests including me for an entry level associate software engineer position and honestly i don t know what to expect are we all getting the position cause they do have 100 openings for this entry level position or is this like the hunger games where it s survival of the fittest i m just a little overwhelmed since all of this is so new and i ve only really known school stuff and not much of the real world career-wise thank you in advance for all the help <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>How can I get out of the slump I am in? (engineering contractor first job 4 months in)<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how can i get out of the slump i am in engineering contractor first job 4 months in i really need guidance to get out of the slump i am in i work for a engineering contractor started last fall and it is my first job we are a team of 4 the project lead 2 colleagues and me at the client site a production plant for let s say coffee machines and we optimize their processing which would be fine and all good if we had shit to do but bureaucracy apparently is in the way often we sometimes simply sit on our asses for hours and can t do shit because stuff hasn t been greenlit put formally we aren t allowed to start working on it yet i am sure another factor is my lack of experience and then the lack of structure and guidance during this first few months on the job i suppose this is the biggest factor which actually makes me pretty miserable on some days but luckily i manage to stay professional but it really gets me down in the bigger picture and it s a not-so-productive dynamic if the whole team feels that way so that coupled with the aforementioned format of the whole deal i e the slow coordination of work packages makes it a pretty loose gig without much of milestones directions mentoring so in some regard it has its upside more relevant points i am aware i am just one of many i am aware sure that any other job wouldn t necessarily result in a dreamjob with the best and most pretigious tasks and projects there are my actual boss is not with us i sometimes see him twice a week sometimes once in 2 or 3 weeks but i yearn for more involvement more guidance ut a bigger organization usually entails way more resources to give newbies a proper platform to get training instead of that training-on-the-job or opportunities i think very often in meetings i lack the experience or haven t read the proverbial book yet so i am unable to engage in a way that is meaningful and or interesting although i love to dive into details and help myself to work through contents with excel or generally work through everything to get the full picture but so far i have done this to create work for myself and when it comes to counting peas for hours it is the second worse thing to doing nothing i did not realize how bitter and regretful i could be about my past my lack of discipline and goals at university comes back to currently bite me in the ass at least based on my perspective that is and is worse than i imagined by education i am an industrial engineering with a focus on mechanical engineering and unfortunately i have horrible horrible grades on top of a long duration of study ergo from another perspective i better keep faking it because i should be lucky to have that job does someone have a few hints for possible avenues to improve my situation buy some textbooks on stuff become a networking wiz at night and spam people on linkedin or something i wish i would have had some kind of courage to start a new study path entirely back then and ideally do significantly better but here i am i just would love to have more aspects of business in the daily stuff whether it is related to controlling finance or just have a something in regards to a comptroller role starting out as a junior of course tl dr i am currently in my first job as a contractor engineering production planning to be exact out of university and it honestly is not fulfilling at all yet we are a team of 4 at the client site and it is just us in an extra office sometimes i am basically daydreaming about how cool a job could be if more business and less waiting for technicalities and greenlighting of work packages were involved or i simply had more prestigious tasks to do thanks you for reading i d appreciate any answer <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Masters in psychology abroad after bachelors in India?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] masters in psychology abroad after bachelors in india hi i m currently contemplating moving to india to pursue a bachelors in psychology but i eventually want to move out of india i m also contemplating going abroad to study psychology undergrad but idk if it s going to be a good option cuz of the high prices and expensive lifestyle in most countries i m currently living in the middle east and have graduated high school about 6 months ago my main goal is to pursue a phd and get a license to practice counseling i just want to help people tbh also the main reason i don t want to stick around in india is cuz of the mentality of psychologists and counseling there ik it s a bit rude of me to say this but most people over there really don t seek help for their mental wellbeing i ve witnessed countless of my acquaintances and family blatantly ignoring the fact that they need help and just keep living any information advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated cheers <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What do I do?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what do i do i have not the slightest idea what i want to do with my life i ve been graduated out of high school for 3 years all my friends are graduating university and i m still stuck doing nothing i feel like i m just wasting my life and as more time goes on the more time i m wasting<</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>park ranger-like jobs with no degree?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] park ranger-like jobs with no degree could i become a park ranger or have a similar job without education after highschool im 21 i do have volunteering experience with different nature conservation organizations but no college degree can i become a park ranger without a degree and what would that path look like if thats not a realistic path what are some similar jobs or national state park jobs that would include housing i mean more of jobs making a difference within the park not jobs in the kitchen or hosting tour guides or any of that i guess the question is what job can i get to make a difference toward nature without needing a college degree <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Environmental careers that don t require college degree?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] environmental careers that don t require college degree i have no desire to do college at all but really want to work with the environment nature are there any decent paying careers you can get in that field and how would i go about getting them <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Let s start from scratch<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] let s start from scratch please forgive my bluntness i ve tried to write this too many times hello everybody i need some help choosing a new career i was an electrician 2 years out of a trade school in april i got hurt on the job and my employer wasn t carrying a workers comp policy which has left me in more debt than i will ever be able to pay off and unable to walk for what will be soon four months i cannot be an electrician anymore i m terrified of ladders and won t be able to stand for long do you have any input that might help me choose a new path thanks <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Would you take a job you knew you d be leaving in a few months?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] would you take a job you knew you d be leaving in a few months hello and thanks in advance for any advice you can can share this is still hypothetical as my wife and i are still determining what we want to do and i m looking for an outsider s opinion i have been offered to take on an apprenticeship under a family member it will be a lean few years but will set me up to work for myself and make a substantial living once training is complete we are leaning towards taking the offer which wouldn t start until jan feb of next year in the meantime i may have an offer on the table for another role that pays 20k over what i m currently making i would still take the apprenticeship but wonder if i should take the higher paying job until next year i feel awful considering taking it since i d be giving notice about two months after starting but that extra money would be helpful in preparing for this apprenticeship additionally it s remote work which would allow me to save time and even more money related to my current commute i know it s not an ideal thing to do but if you were in my shoes would you take a job you knew you d be quitting in a few months update i wanted to add that i am currently employed so i would not risk being jobless until the apprenticeship begins the potential offer does pay considerably more though and allows for remote work which is a plus <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Was my manager being rude?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] was my manager being rude i had a boss for a tutoring job she did not feel comfortable with working with children directly because i was so shy so she put me to work helping around the classroom she always wanted me to be someone i am not and do things that were out of my comfort zone i was always the type of person who wanted for people to start a conversation she was type who was blunt and honest and spoke her mind on the first day she said she noticed i was shy and discussed it with me she said when i talk to you you always give me only one worded answers saying only yes or no why don t you answer in complete sentences i don t want to hear that from now on next time i am going to ask you something you re going to say yes yes what i was shy enough that i didn t say hello first when i came in and waited for her to say hello first she said every time you come in you have to say hello there was a time when she was testing me if i would take the initiative to ask her for when i needed something like when i needed the keys to a room to put equipment away i waited for her to ask me and she said you know you have to ask me for the keys are you just going to leave those things like that you need people skills good grades won t get you far in life i became terrified of her that whenever i saw her walk into the room i would panic and look like i was working harder at what i m doing she mocked me and copied what she saw and said i don t want to see you doing that you are not my child you are an adult you need to start acting like one whether i am here or not here you should do what you re supposed to then when someone came into the room and talked to her she said see that is how people have conversations she asked me what do you want to be when you grow up at that time i didn t really know what i wanted to be so i just said a doctor but that changed and i don t want to be a doctor anymore she said oh you see how can you be a doctor if you don t even talk and have normal conversations and don t build a relationship with your patients if you will only say to your patients take your medication come back after one week if i were your patient do you think i will come back was my manager being rude what about that thing she said about being a doctor is that true i can t be a doctor if i am this shy <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>what major do i pick? please help<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what major do i pick please help don t know what to study hey i m 18 years old from germany and graduating next year our school system in germany is different most of us graduate around 18-19 and only enter university then i still don t know what to study and am expected to enroll next summer i ve been thinking it and computer science but i haven t considered that i suck at math my thing is this i want to earn as much money as possible yes i ve heard the whole do what you love shtick but honestly i don t want to do stuff i love for work i m the kind of person who likes to grind when they grind and enjoy when i enjoy- i don t want to mix the two i don t need to go to work and enjoy what i m doing i m going there to make money even right now i have a job next to school and i don t enjoy it but i give it my 100 because i get money and i don t care if i enjoy it or not it s earning money that s enough for me i know some people want to enjoy it and that s valid i just don t need that so with that knowledge what would you say is the major with the most potential for earning big sums of money now i know there s gonna be a lot of it all depends on how hard you work in whatever i do and i understand and am prepared to work hard i don t expect to enter university and come out ready to be rich i know i ll have to bust my ass open regardless of my major- but i m saying what gives me the most opportunities and the best assets for being able to bust my ass open in the most efficient and bountiful ways ive done so much research and never come across anything but doctor lawyer yet all the doctors and lawyers i know arent by any means rich they live comfortably but i m talking about the majors that entail opportunities in the best ways where you could work hard and have a shot at earning six figures i feel like i have no real insight on the actual majors i could go into now yes i suck at math however i love programming and have always wanted to do something to do with that i ve come to terms with the fact that i might have to work hard and get better at math- i missed out on a lot of the basics in elementary due to a cluster of reasons- but is programming and software worth it is there something else i should be looking into i m 18 and i have my life ahead of me- good grades and practically the ability to make any decision for any major- and i want to just hear the cutthroat answer of a couple majors i could go for i m just kinda sick of hearing the same 5 things about it s not about the major yes i know but the major is part of it and i am absolutely clueless as to which one to pick so please if you have any insight i d appreciate that more than you know thank you for reading my mess of a post and thanks ahead of time for your replies <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Master s in GIS. Worth it?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] master s in gis worth it hello i m a foresty engineer currently taking a masters in gis but the lack of information existance of gis jobs got me a little cold feet this being said the master s in enrolled has alot of informatics and data analysis sql mysql r python will have java data warehousing principles of bi and data mining modeling dbms web aplications machine learning algorithms to name a few this being said my question is do you think it s a good bet for the future and also if you think it s feasible to find a job that is not gis related with this skillset thanks <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>I m looking to set myself up to succeed in the need future if my current dream doesn t pan out does anyone have any advice?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] i m looking to set myself up to succeed in the need future if my current dream doesn t pan out does anyone have any advice i m 24 years old i have a bachelors degree in a field i want nothing to do with anymore i currently work around the east coast as a hockey official with ambitions and dreams of reaching the nhl but i need to be realistic around 27-28 is when i will know if i m going to make it or if i am not but i need to be prepared for the likely scenario that i do not make it with my current work schedule i have a fair bit of time off during the week and i want to start taking graduate classes to work towards a masters degree i would rather be 28 when my dreams are not able to be realized and have a masters than have nothing i just have absolutely no idea what i could do or where to even begin looking if anyone has any words of wisdom or insight they d like to share i would be appreciative <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Should I try giving up on college?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] should i try giving up on college hi i am an 18 year old freshman in my first semester of college i am enrolled in a university and i do not want to be i originally enrolled as a computer science major but this is just because i was told to i have now switched my major to business administration but i don t even want to be in college in the first place i have barely turned in any work the entire semester i rely on my gpa to attend college because it upholds my scholarships doing schoolwork genuinely physically hurts me i don t just dislike it it makes me nauseous and gives me headaches i have no other plans if i fail out of college highly likely i am considering dropping out and coasting on my money until i figure things out the only thing i do is make music but i barely have connections in that at all my music is very low quality because i am an amateur at production i don t find joy in any industry and every reasonably obtainable job i ve considered has seemed absolutely terrible to me i signed up for therapy but according to my friends it isn t gonna help very much at first not sure where to turn update i am getting a good bit of counseling and have an evaluation soon to see about medication my mindset has changed a lot and i m ready to turn things around i know if it doesn t work out i can try again <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Can anyone suggest me a trade school which gives good career options but doesn t require a lot of physical strength?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] can anyone suggest me a trade school which gives good career options but doesn t require a lot of physical strength i would really appreciate some serious advice on this i am 22 and i realized college isn t for me but getting a min wage job with no previous experience here in southern europe is insanely hard i want to go to a trade school and learn a valuable skill that will make me more marketable but i am not a very strong person i can t lift heavy weights and i m generally uncoordinated during highschool i was kind of a nerd who spent most of her time at the library so i never repaired anything in my life can anyone suggest a trade school for me <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Best programming projects to work on?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] best programming projects to work on i didn t do maths at the higher end of high school so it was impossible for me to do computer science at university so i m doing a business it mixed degree in this degree we very rarely touch programming but obviously to enter the it field i d find myself at a disadvantage without experience anyway over the next 3 years as i complete my degree i plan to gain a good knowledge of python and perhaps another language my question is what projects are employers most interested in seeing that will be my only evidence of programming knowledge when applying for jobs <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What to do when engagement and passion are waning?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what to do when engagement and passion are waning not sure if i am looking for advice or guidance or just a opportunity to vent a little but i m here so here s my state of being so i ve been in the sw development world for over 14 yrs now my most recent gig started about 7 yrs ago i started as a developer moved up to team lead then manager and my boss has repeated stated that at my next performance review i ll be getting the next uptick in title and pay so i must be doing something right i m respected by my team and peers my boss likes me challenges me and has never stated any displeasure in my performance i get things done on time and with the quality that is expected we re really busy we have a boat load of work critical work that needs to get done this year my team and i have been in this position before we ve managed the asks the requirements the deadlines and got the key assignments done on time and into production with the quality support expected but now i find it very hard to focus be engaged to get motivated i enjoy the people the company and the pay however i am at a loss to be excited by the most recent new work assignments and challenges my boss has praised us on all the successes of the past year however i feel empty inside these accolades ring hollow one option is to seek out new opportunities outside where i work today but part of me thinks this is not the best path as maybe the core of what i do is what i am not excited about if i go somewhere else would it not just be a new location with the same issues so reddit what have you done when you are in a good place but find the daily challenges not satisfying you inside <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Should I move forward with a career or start over?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] should i move forward with a career or start over currently i am 23m as a commercial electrician i enjoy what i do but i feel like its a dead end job this last year i have had 2 surgery s one that has kept me away from working for 12 weeks which has made me think more about how much i need my physical body to make money i tried collage right after high school and dropped out after the first semester because i didn t have a career choice set in mind i m asking if anyone else has had used their electrical knowledge to pick a career path or if they had decided to start over and if they did start over what did you do <</s>>