stringlengths 4
| blob_id
stringlengths 40
| directory_id
stringlengths 40
| path
stringlengths 8
| content_id
stringlengths 40
| repo_name
stringlengths 8
| content
dict | src_encoding
stringclasses 1
value | language
stringclasses 1
value | length_bytes
int64 11
adolfosbh | a7f656415227bca5a0a8b1054eea6a30fefd8df4 | 3ee87ef515337cc2997526154a466c0df616e619 | /examples/org.gra2mol.example.abnf/examples/sastm-RDBMS.abnf | 649b7fa28b72b7a33ef98b8c7117401763a2d925 | adolfosbh/gra2mol | {
"content": "OtherSyntaxObject => RDBIndex\n => RDBIndexColumn\n => RDBTrigger\n => RDBConstraint\n ;\nDefinition => RDBDatabaseDefinition\n => RDBUserDefinition\n => RDBTableSpaceDefinition\n => RDBTableDefinition\n => RDBColumnDefinition\n => RDBViewDefinition\n => RDBCursorDefinition\n ;\nRDBDatabaseDefinition -> TableSpace : RDBTableSpaceReference +\n ;\nRDBUserDefinition -> Owns : RDBTableReference + ;\nRDBTableSpaceDefinition -> Table : RDBTableReference * ;\nRDBTableDefinition -> PrimKey : RDBColumnReference *\n Column : RDBColumnDefinition *\n Constraint : RDBConstraint *\n Index : RDBIndex *\n Trigger : RDBTrigger *\n ;\nRDBColumnDefinition -> < NotNull : Boolean > ;\nRDBViewDefinition -> DefinedBy : RDBSelectExpression\n ;\nRDBCursorDefinition -> SelectExpression : RDBSelectExpression ;\nRDBIndex -> IndexColumn : RDBIndexColumn*\n < NotNull : Boolean>\n < IsUnique : Boolean >\n ;\nRDBIndexColumn -> Column : RDBColumnReference\n < AscendingOrDescending : Char >\n ;\n \nRDBTrigger -> ; \nRDBConstraint => RDBCheckConstraint\n => RDBRefIntegrity\n => RDBUniqueKey\n ;\nRDBCheckConstraint -> < RDBConstraintText : String >\n < RDBConstraintType : Char >\n ;\nRDBRefIntegrity -> ForeignKey : RDBColumnReference *\n ParentKey : RDBColumnReference *\n ParentTable : RDBColumnReference\n ;\nRDBUniqueKey -> Column : RDBColumnReference* ;\nDataType => RDBDataBaseType\n => RDBUserType\n => RDBTableSpaceType\n => RDBTableType\n => RDBViewType\n => ! RDBColumnType\n => RDBCursorType;\nRDBColumnType => RDBInteger\n => RDBInt\n => RDBReal\n => RDBFloat\n => RDBDecimal\n => RDBNumber\n => RDBLong\n => RDBChar\n => RDBVarchar\n => RDBString\n => RDBRaw\n => RDBDate\n => RDBTimestamp\n => RDBRowid\n => RDBBoolean\n => RDBBlob\n => RDBClob\n => RDBNClob\n => RDBBFile\n ;\nStatement => RDBConnectStatement\n => RDBSelectStatement\n => RDBInsertStatement\n => ! RDBModifyStatement\n => ! RDBCursorStatement\n ;\nRDBConnectStatement -> ConnectString : RDBHostVariableReference ;\nRDBSelectStatement -> SelectExpression : RDBSelectExpression\n IntoVariable : RDBHostVariableReference +\n ;\nRDBInsertStatement -> IntoTable : RDBTableReference +\n Columns : RDBColumnReference *\n Values : Expression +\n ;\nRDBModifyStatement => RDBUpdateStatement\n => RDBDeleteStatement\n ;\nRDBModifyStatement -> Table : RDBTableReference +\n Where : Expression?\n ;\nRDBUpdateStatement -> Values : Expression + ;\nRDBCursorStatement => RDBOpenCursorStatement\n => RDBFetchCursorStatement\n => RDBCloseCursorStatement\n ;\nRDBCursorStatement -> Cursor : Expression ;\nRDBOpenCursorStatement -> Values : Expression * ;\nRDBFetchCursorStatement -> Into : HostVariableReference + ;\nExpression => RDBHostVariableExpression\n => RDBSelectExpression\n ;\nRDBHostVariableReference\n -> BaseVariable : Expression\n Indicator : Expression ?\n ;\nRDBSelectExpression -> Table : RDBTableReference +\n Column : RDBColumnReference *\n Where : Expression?\n ;\nIdentifierReference => RDBTableReference\n => RDBTableAlias\n => RDBColumnReference\n ;\nRDBTableReference -> Alias : RDBTableAlias ? ;\nRDBTableAlias -> ;\nRDBColumnReference -> Table : Expression? ;\n "
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 4,984 |
flintlang | 96396572799cb3682fb2332abcdff392975898a7 | 6a94491632c05d8dfb819d972c0cfc6153a638c7 | /docs/grammar_ide.abnf | 6d7f00c7c5000b60f2be6299389d9ed2a98435d6 | flintlang/flint | {
"content": "; FLINT GRAMMAR (RFC 7405)\n\n; TOP LEVEL\ntopLevelModule = 1*(topLevelDeclaration CRLF);\n\n// I can now do contract declarations\ntopLevelDeclaration = contractDeclaration\n / contractBehaviourDeclaration\n / structDeclaration\n / enumDeclaration\n / traitDeclaration;\n\n; CONTRACTS\n// I can do contract declarations except type states\n// I'm going to skip tryin to detect invalid top level decs\ncontractDeclaration = %s\"contract\" SP identifier SP [identifierGroup] SP \"{\" *(WSP variableDeclaration CRLF) \"}\";\n\n\n// I can do most of variables \n; VARIABLES\nvariableDeclaration = [*(modifier SP)] WSP (%s\"var\" / %s\"let\") SP identifier typeAnnotation [WSP \"=\" WSP expression];\n\n\n// i can do all types except range types and fixed array types\n// I will maybe focus on range types latert \n; TYPES\ntypeAnnotation = \":\" WSP type;\n\n// done all the types\ntype = identifier [\"<\" type *(\",\" WSP type) \">\"]\n / basicType\n / arrayType\n / fixedArrayType\n / dictType;\n\nbasicType = %s\"Bool\"\n / %s\"Int\"\n / %s\"String\"\n / %s\"Address\";\n\narrayType = \"[\" type \"]\";\nfixedArrayType = type \"[\" numericLiteral \"]\";\ndictType = \"[\" type \":\" WSP type \"]\";\n\n; ENUMS\nenumDeclaration = %s\"enum\" SP identifier SP [typeAnnotation] SP \"{\" *(WSP enumCase CRLF) \"}\";\nenumCase = %s\"case\" SP identifier\n / %s\"case\" SP identifier WSP \"=\" WSP expression;\n\n; TRAITS\ntraitDeclaration = %s\"struct\" SP %s\"trait\" SP identifier SP \"{\" *(WSP traitMember CRLF) \"}\"\n / %s\"contract\" SP %s\"trait\" SP identifier SP \"{\" *(WSP traitMember CRLF) \"}\";\n\ntraitMember = functionDeclaration\n / functionSignatureDeclaration\n / initializerDeclaration\n / initializerSignatureDeclaration\n / contractBehaviourDeclaration\n / eventDeclaration;\n\n; EVENTS\neventDeclaration = %s\"event\" identifer \"{\" *(variableDeclaration) \"}\"\n\n; STRUCTS\nstructDeclaration = %s\"struct\" SP identifier [\":\" WSP identifierList ] SP \"{\" *(WSP structMember CRLF) \"}\";\n\nstructMember = variableDeclaration\n / functionDeclaration\n / initializerDeclaration;\n\n; BEHAVIOUR\ncontractBehaviourDeclaration = identifier WSP [stateGroup] SP \"::\" WSP [callerBinding] callerProtectionGroup WSP \"{\" *(WSP contractBehaviourMember CRLF) \"}\";\n\ncontractBehaviourMember = functionDeclaration\n / initializerDeclaration\n / fallbackDeclaration\n / initializerSignatureDeclaration\n / functionSignatureDeclaration;\n\n; ACCESS GROUPS\nstateGroup = \"@\" identifierGroup;\ncallerBinding = identifier WSP \"<-\";\ncallerProtectionGroup = identifierGroup;\nidentifierGroup = \"(\" identifierList \")\";\nidentifierList = identifier *(\",\" WSP identifier)\n\n; FUNCTIONS + INITIALIZER + FALLBACK\nfunctionSignatureDeclaration = functionHead SP identifier parameterList [returnType]\nfunctionDeclaration = functionSignatureDeclaration codeBlock;\ninitializerSignatureDeclaration = initializerHead parameterList\ninitializerDeclaration = initializerSignatureDeclaration codeBlock;\nfallbackDeclaration = fallbackHead parameterList codeBlock;\n\nfunctionHead = [*(attribute SP)] [*(modifier SP)] %s\"func\";\ninitializerHead = [*(attribute SP)] [*(modifier SP)] %s\"init\";\nfallbackHead = [*(modifier SP)] %s\"fallback\";\n\nattribute = \"@\" identifier;\nmodifier = %s\"public\"\n / %s\"mutating\"\n / %s\"visible\";\n\nreturnType = \"->\" type;\n\nparameterList = \"()\"\n / \"(\" parameter *(\",\" parameter) \")\";\n\nparameter = *(parameterModifiers SP) identifier typeAnnotation;\nparameterModifiers = %s\"inout\" / %s\"implicit\"\n\n; STATEMENTS\ncodeBlock = \"{\" [CRLF] *(WSP statement CRLF) WSP statement [CRLF]\"}\";\nstatement = expression\n / returnStatement\n / becomeStatement\n / emitStatement\n / forStatement\n / ifStatement;\n\nreturnStatement = %s\"return\" SP expression\nbecomeStatement = %s\"become\" SP expression\nemitStatement = %s\"emit\" SP expression\nforStatement = %s\"for\" SP variableDeclaration SP %s\"in\" SP expression SP codeBlock\n\n; EXPRESSIONS\nexpression = identifier\n / inOutExpression\n / binaryExpression\n / functionCall\n / literal\n / arrayLiteral\n / dictionaryLiteral\n / self\n / variableDeclaration\n / bracketedExpression\n / subscriptExpression\n / rangeExpression\n / attemptExpression;\n\ninOutExpression = \"&\" expression;\n\nbinaryOp = \"+\" / \"-\" / \"*\" / \"/\" / \"**\"\n / \"&+\" / \"&-\" / \"&*\"\n / \"=\"\n / \"==\" / \"!=\"\n / \"+=\" / \"-=\" / \"*=\" / \"/=\"\n / \"||\" / \"&&\"\n / \">\" / \"<\" / \"<=\" / \">=\"\n / \".\";\n\nbinaryExpression = expression WSP binaryOp WSP expression;\n\nself = %s\"self\"\n\nrangeExpression = \"(\" expression ( \"..<\" / \"...\" ) expression \")\"\n\nbracketedExpression = \"(\" expression \")\";\n\nsubscriptExpression = subscriptExpression \"[\" expression \"]\";\n / identifier \"[\" expression \"]\";\n\nattemptExpression = try expression\ntry = %s\"try\" ( \"!\" / \"?\" )\n\n; FUNCTION CALLS\nfunctionCall = identifier \"(\" [expression] *( \",\" WSP expression ) \")\";\n\n; CONDITIONALS\nifStatement = %s\"if\" SP expression SP codeBlock [elseClause];\nelseClause = %s\"else\" SP codeBlock;\n\n; LITERALS\nidentifier = ( ALPHA / \"_\" ) *( ALPHA / DIGIT / \"$\" / \"_\" );\nliteral = numericLiteral\n / stringLiteral\n / booleanLiteral\n / addressLiteral;\n\nnumber = 1*DIGIT;\nnumericLiteral = decimalLiteral;\ndecimalLiteral = number\n / number \".\" number;\n\naddressLiteral = %s\"0x\" 40HEXDIG;\n\narrayLiteral = \"[]\";\ndictionaryLiteral = \"[:]\";\n\nbooleanLiteral = %s\"true\" / %s\"false\";\nstringLiteral = \"\"\" identifier \"\"\";\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 5,918 |
wardle | fc5bfe3c9dfb1f51636797d274d41e8332428488 | c62bed109b80c8bbd8cc71ee493f12a67980554e | /expression/ECL.abnf | a6868d8a4bf0779edc2559a69087ed12cee34889 | wardle/go-terminology | {
"content": "expressionConstraint = ws ( refinedExpressionConstraint / compoundExpressionConstraint / dottedExpressionConstraint / subExpressionConstraint ) ws\nrefinedExpressionConstraint = subExpressionConstraint ws \":\" ws eclRefinement\ncompoundExpressionConstraint = conjunctionExpressionConstraint / disjunctionExpressionConstraint / exclusionExpressionConstraint\nconjunctionExpressionConstraint = subExpressionConstraint 1*(ws conjunction ws subExpressionConstraint)\ndisjunctionExpressionConstraint = subExpressionConstraint 1*(ws disjunction ws subExpressionConstraint)\nexclusionExpressionConstraint = subExpressionConstraint ws exclusion ws subExpressionConstraint\ndottedExpressionConstraint = subExpressionConstraint 1*(ws dottedExpressionAttribute)\ndottedExpressionAttribute = dot ws eclAttributeName\nsubExpressionConstraint = [constraintOperator ws] [memberOf ws] (eclFocusConcept / \"(\" ws expressionConstraint ws \")\")\neclFocusConcept = eclConceptReference / wildCard\ndot = \".\"\nmemberOf = \"^\"\neclConceptReference = conceptId [ws \"|\" ws term ws \"|\"]\nconceptId = sctId\nterm = 1*nonwsNonPipe *( 1*SP 1*nonwsNonPipe )\nwildCard = \"*\"\nconstraintOperator = childOf / descendantOrSelfOf / descendantOf / parentOf / ancestorOrSelfOf / ancestorOf\ndescendantOf = \"<\"\ndescendantOrSelfOf = \"<<\"\nchildOf = \"<!\"\nancestorOf = \">\"\nancestorOrSelfOf = \">>\"\nparentOf = \">!\"\nconjunction = ((\"a\"/\"A\") (\"n\"/\"N\") (\"d\"/\"D\") mws) / \",\"\ndisjunction = (\"o\"/\"O\") (\"r\"/\"R\") mws\nexclusion = (\"m\"/\"M\") (\"i\"/\"I\") (\"n\"/\"N\") (\"u\"/\"U\") (\"s\"/\"S\") mws\neclRefinement = subRefinement ws [conjunctionRefinementSet / disjunctionRefinementSet]\nconjunctionRefinementSet = 1*(ws conjunction ws subRefinement)\ndisjunctionRefinementSet = 1*(ws disjunction ws subRefinement)\nsubRefinement = eclAttributeSet / eclAttributeGroup / \"(\" ws eclRefinement ws \")\"\neclAttributeSet = subAttributeSet ws [conjunctionAttributeSet / disjunctionAttributeSet]\nconjunctionAttributeSet = 1*(ws conjunction ws subAttributeSet)\ndisjunctionAttributeSet = 1*(ws disjunction ws subAttributeSet)\nsubAttributeSet = eclAttribute / \"(\" ws eclAttributeSet ws \")\"\neclAttributeGroup = [\"[\" cardinality \"]\" ws] \"{\" ws eclAttributeSet ws \"}\"\neclAttribute = [\"[\" cardinality \"]\" ws] [reverseFlag ws] eclAttributeName ws (expressionComparisonOperator ws subExpressionConstraint / numericComparisonOperator ws \"#\" numericValue / stringComparisonOperator ws QM stringValue QM)\ncardinality = minValue to maxValue\nminValue = nonNegativeIntegerValue\nto = \"..\"\nmaxValue = nonNegativeIntegerValue / many\nmany = \"*\"\nreverseFlag = \"R\"\neclAttributeName = subExpressionConstraint\nexpressionComparisonOperator = \"=\" / \"!=\"\nnumericComparisonOperator = \"=\" / \"!=\" / \"<=\" / \"<\" / \">=\" / \">\"\nstringComparisonOperator = \"=\" / \"!=\"\nnumericValue = [\"-\"/\"+\"] (decimalValue / integerValue)\nstringValue = 1*(anyNonEscapedChar / escapedChar)\nintegerValue = digitNonZero *digit / zero\ndecimalValue = integerValue \".\" 1*digit\nnonNegativeIntegerValue = (digitNonZero *digit ) / zero\nsctId = digitNonZero 5*17( digit )\nws = *( SP / HTAB / CR / LF / comment ) ; optional white space\nmws = 1*( SP / HTAB / CR / LF / comment ) ; mandatory white space\ncomment = \"/*\" *(nonStarChar / starWithNonFSlash) \"*/\"\nnonStarChar = SP / HTAB / CR / LF / %x21-29 / %x2B-7E /UTF8-2 / UTF8-3 / UTF8-4\nstarWithNonFSlash = %x2A nonFSlash\nnonFSlash = SP / HTAB / CR / LF / %x21-2E / %x30-7E /UTF8-2 / UTF8-3 / UTF8-4\nSP = %x20 ; space\nHTAB = %x09 ; tab\nCR = %x0D ; carriage return\nLF = %x0A ; line feed\nQM = %x22 ; quotation mark\nBS = %x5C ; back slash\ndigit = %x30-39\nzero = %x30\ndigitNonZero = %x31-39\nnonwsNonPipe = %x21-7B / %x7D-7E / UTF8-2 / UTF8-3 / UTF8-4\nanyNonEscapedChar = SP / HTAB / CR / LF / %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-7E / UTF8-2 / UTF8-3 / UTF8-4\nescapedChar = BS QM / BS BS\nUTF8-2 = %xC2-DF UTF8-tail\nUTF8-3 = %xE0 %xA0-BF UTF8-tail / %xE1-EC 2( UTF8-tail ) / %xED %x80-9F UTF8-tail / %xEE-EF 2( UTF8-tail )\nUTF8-4 = %xF0 %x90-BF 2( UTF8-tail ) / %xF1-F3 3( UTF8-tail ) / %xF4 %x80-8F 2( UTF8-tail )\nUTF8-tail = %x80-BF\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 4,004 |
glyn | 5bcadd768c90e0d91e9b76df458f44dcafcd7f45 | 3245c4b49e77d599b517e13a0ac209db823eb9c5 | /tests/rfc7405/sensitivity.abnf | 1aa4db3ce532510a26234ff325506bfa3a1f5ed0 | glyn/bap | {
"content": "\ndefault = \"default\"\ndefault1 = \"default\" \"1\"\ninsensitive = %i\"insensitive\"\nsensitive = %s\"sensitive\"\nsensitive-nonalpha = %s\"1-2!3~\"\nhex = %x41.42.43\ndec = %d68.69.70\nbin = %b110000.110001.110010\ntwo-str = \"1st\" \"2nd\"\ntwo-hex = %x41 %x42.43\ntwo-bin = %b110000 %b110001.110010\nstr-hex = \"default\" %x41\nmixed1 = \"dflt\" \"2\" %b110000 %b110001.110010 %d32 %d33 %i\"AB\" %i\"CD\" %s\"de\" %s\"fg\" %x41 %x42 \ndspace = %d32\nmixed3 = %d33 \"AB\"\nmixed4 = %i\"AB\" %b1000011 %i\"DE\"\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 462 |
PanDomuslaw | f59cb971b43057b2d51f03c4d84bdb36e9e817a7 | 7ec6ddce8b55b4ee7203f8a3e5828a682349f1fa | /tm-previous-project/szachy/grammars/chess1.abnf | cecaf028601f23b29234e61f568760ac740c1463 | PanDomuslaw/TM_Project | {
"content": "#ABNF 1.0;\nlanguage pl-pl;\nmode voice;\nroot $root;\ntag-format <semantics/1.0-literals>;\n\n$root = ($word) <1-9>;\n\n\n$word = jeden | dwa | trzy | cztery | pięć | sześć | siedem | osiem | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h;\n\n\n\n\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 223 |
Brian-Dodge-CambridgeConsultants | 5ccfb40d909ae4c963f0258d2954c657c68d02d7 | 19dbe05542fe42987a6f0d559e5dcdc84258442f | /docs/definition/syntax.abnf | e6cda6b10dee8305f4ba82bbcdcccf087b108250 | Brian-Dodge-CambridgeConsultants/Smudge | {
"content": "smudge-file = *(emptytoeol pragma) smudgle\npragma = \"#\" command [1*WSP argument] *WSP eol\ncommand = 1*(alphanum / sep)\nargument = 1*non-whitespace *[1*WSP 1*non-whitespace]\nsmudgle = empty 1*state-machine\nstate-machine = state-machine-name empty state-machine-spec empty\nstate-machine-spec = \"{\" empty state-list empty \"}\"\nstate-list = state *(empty \",\" empty state) [empty \",\"]\nstate = state-title spacesep to-state\n / state-title empty enter-exit-function empty event-handler-spec empty enter-exit-function\nevent-handler-spec = \"[\" empty event-handler-list empty \"]\"\nevent-handler-list = event-handler *(empty \",\" empty event-handler) [empty \",\"]\nenter-exit-function = [side-effect-container]\nside-effect-container = \"(\" empty [side-effect-list] empty \")\"\nevent-handler = (event-name / any) spacesep (to-state / dash) empty\nto-state = arrow empty state-name\ndash = \"-\" [side-effect-container] \"-\"\narrow = \"-\" [side-effect-container] \"->\"\nside-effect-list = side-effect *(empty \",\" empty side-effect) [empty \",\"]\nside-effect = function-call / qualified-event\nqualified-event = [state-machine-name \".\"] event-name\nfunction-call = foreign-identifier\nstate-title = state-name / any / \"*\" empty state-name\nstate-machine-name = identifier\nstate-name = identifier\nevent-name = identifier\nany = \"_\"\ncomment = \"//\" *non-newline eol\nidentifier = 1*(alphanum / \"-\") / 2*(alphanum / sep) / quoted\nforeign-identifier = \"@\" c-identifier\nc-identifier = nondigit *(nondigit / DIGIT)\nsep = \"-\" / \"_\"\nsymbol = \"!\" / \"#\" / \"$\" / \"%\" / \"&\" / \"'\" / \"(\" / \")\" / \"*\" / \"+\" / \",\" / \".\" / \"/\"\n / \"{\" / \"|\" / \"}\" / \"~\" / \"[\" / \"\\\" / \"]\" / \"^\" / \"`\" / \"<\" / \">\" / \";\" / \"=\"\neol = LF\nspaces = *(WSP / eol)\nempty = spaces [comment empty]\nemptytoeol = [*WSP (comment / eol) emptytoeol]\nspacesep = (WSP / eol / comment) empty\nnondigit = ALPHA / \"_\"\nalphanum = ALPHA / DIGIT\nnon-whitespace = alphanum / sep / symbol\nnon-newline = alphanum / WSP / sep / symbol\nquoted = DQUOTE 1*(alphanum / WSP / sep / symbol) DQUOTE\n\n;ALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A\n;DIGIT = %x30-39\n;DQUOTE = %x22\n;SP = %x20\n;HTAB = %x09\n;WSP = SP / HTAB\n;CR = %x0D\n;LF = %x0A\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 2,121 |
koalp | b7d08f59f784c7468c1de2238ac6bd4e94031f00 | ae471c5dcb33028a896d458cc280e4c975e39fd3 | /atelier-select/src/select.abnf | c614b221d21abc7d09c5b9a77a2144d7d3cf0586 | koalp/rust-atelier | {
"content": "selector =\n selector_expression *(selector_expression)\n\nselector_expression =\n selector_shape_types\n / selector_attr\n / selector_scoped_attr\n / selector_function_args\n / selector_forward_undirected_neighbor\n / selector_reverse_undirected_neighbor\n / selector_forward_directed_neighbor\n / selector_reverse_directed_neighbor\n / selector_forward_recursive_neighbor\n / selector_variable_set\n / selector_variable_get\n\nselector_shape_types =\n \"*\" / identifier\n\nselector_forward_undirected_neighbor =\n \">\"\n\nselector_reverse_undirected_neighbor =\n \"<\"\n\nselector_forward_directed_neighbor =\n \"-[\" selector_directed_relationships \"]->\"\n\nselector_reverse_directed_neighbor =\n \"<-[\" selector_directed_relationships \"]-\"\n\nselector_directed_relationships =\n identifier *(\",\" identifier)\n\nselector_forward_recursive_neighbor =\n \"~>\"\n\nselector_attr =\n \"[\" selector_key [selector_attr_comparison] \"]\"\n\nselector_attr_comparison =\n selector_comparator selector_attr_values [\"i\"]\n\nselector_key =\n identifier [\"|\" selector_path]\n\nselector_path =\n selector_path_segment *(\"|\" selector_path_segment)\n\nselector_path_segment =\n selector_value / selector_function_property\n\nselector_value =\n selector_text / number / root_shape_id\n\nselector_function_property =\n \"(\" identifier \")\"\n\nselector_attr_values =\n selector_value *(\",\" selector_value)\n\nselector_comparator =\n selector_string_comparator\n / selector_numeric_comparator\n / selector_projection_comparator\n\nselector_string_comparator =\n \"^=\" / \"$=\" / \"*=\" / \"!=\" / \"=\" / \"?=\"\n\nselector_numeric_comparator =\n \">=\" / \">\" / \"<=\" / \"<\"\n\nselector_projection_comparator =\n \"{=}\" / \"{!=}\" / \"{<}\" / \"{<<}\"\n\nselector_absolute_root_shape_id =\n namespace \"#\" identifier\n\nselector_scoped_attr =\n \"[@\" [selector_key] \":\" selector_scoped_assertions \"]\"\n\nselector_scoped_assertions =\n selector_scoped_assertion *(\"&&\" selector_scoped_assertion)\n\nselector_scoped_assertion =\n selector_scoped_value selector_comparator selector_scoped_values [\"i\"]\n\nselector_scoped_value =\n selector_value / selector_context_value\n\nselector_context_value =\n \"@{\" selector_path \"}\"\n\nselector_scoped_values =\n selector_scoped_value *(\",\" selector_scoped_value)\n\nselector_function =\n \":\" identifier \"(\" selector_function_args \")\"\n\nselector_function_args =\n selector *(\",\" selector)\n\nselector_text =\n selector_single_quoted_text / selector_double_quoted_text\n\nselector_single_quoted_text =\n \"'\" 1*selector_single_quoted_char \"'\"\n\nselector_double_quoted_text =\n DQUOTE 1*selector_double_quoted_char DQUOTE\n\nselector_single_quoted_char =\n %x20-26 / %x28-5B / %x5D-10FFFF ; Excludes (')\n\nselector_double_quoted_char =\n %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-10FFFF ; Excludes (\")\n\nselector_variable_set =\n \"$\" identifier \"(\" selector \")\"\n\nselector_variable_get =\n \"${\" identifier \"}\""
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 2,879 |
bfontaine | d45a7fee4e546a2e6798f0a2db9d20fe6abed891 | 7d764c3b82d274c97223106323858e6a13e71dc0 | /heck.abnf | 217cc5750d859ac7dc35fcd2b72afd8a66a23184 | bfontaine/heck | {
"content": "e = sp e1\n\ne1 = e2 *( add e2 / minus e2 )\n\ne2 = e3 *( mult e3 / div e3 / mod e3 )\n\ne3 = minus value / tilde value / value\n\nvalue = 1*HEXDIG / \"(\" sp e1 sp \")\" sp\n\nadd = \"+\" sp\nminus = \"-\" sp\ntilde = \"~\" sp\nmult = \"*\" sp\ndiv = \"/\" sp\nmod = \"%\" sp\n\nsp = 1*WSP\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 258 |
jmitchell | 5f9f422009a8431c576fe5a7d01e1ff6299da87a | 02a4a8ea98638ff0962c804a18f0643a56a8ca0a | /examples/abnf/generated/core_HEXDIG.abnf | 697527ef09179769c77af19536914b5df5c3f5dc | jmitchell/abnf-to-tree-sitter | {
"content": "start = HEXDIG\r\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 16 |
Viruliant | 760be56f0dc85e9e2264910de2453d90ca64c7af | 84b3e7f30c07f44a900097c1796c5f076f70ce8b | /abnf/λ.abnf | 2dd4d12b1b60a761250e4b30632687bb5f0459c5 | Viruliant/beta | {
"content": ";_________________________________________________________________________λ ABNF\n<Expression> = <Abstraction>\n / <Application>\n / <Encapsulation>\n / <Variable>\n<Abstraction> = λ <variable> . <Expression>\n<Application> = <Expression> <Expression>\n<Encapsulation> = (<Expression>)\n<variable> = <EscapableChars>\n / any other chars besides \n<EscapableChars> = \\.\n / \\(\n / \\λ\n / \\ \n / \\n\n / \\t\n / \\\\\n<InescapableChars> = .\n / (\n / λ\n / \n / n\n / t\n / \\\n<WSP> = \n / \n / \n\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 730 |
lioaphy | db527d4a34941b1754e12078f63b952872559e76 | cb09dc2c25af42bdedfbefc665e2319612227560 | /grammars/AdditiveRule.abnf | 417e9e0eede3186768e05e3c5a7b84de593e39fe | lioaphy/ABNF_to_PEG_translator | {
"content": "S = R a / A a / a ; Added to this\nS =/ b / [CFWS] / d\nS =/ a a / [CFWS]\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 72 |
LedanDark | 43582b3fc5a8db6ac692dd9c192a1036d1a7d918 | 7f2f8e5967afc2c23256b1c83480c2ed2f1beb5a | /1.0/social/resources/swedish_female.abnf | 4d305f46ad39b061ff851f0482465c3a273587a8 | LedanDark/example-skills | {
"content": "#ABNF 1.0 ISO-8859-1;\n\nlanguage en-US;\nroot $name;\n\npublic $name =\nAgnes\n| Agneta\n| Alexandra\n| Alice\n| Alicia\n| Alma\n| Alva\n| Amanda\n| Amanda \n| Andrea\n| Anette\n| Angelica\n| Anita\n| Ann\n| Anna\n| Ann-Christin\n| Anneli\n| Annie\n| Annika\n| Ann-Marie\n| Astrid\n| Barbro\n| Beatrice\n| Berit\n| Birgit\n| Birgitta\n| Britt\n| Britta\n| Britt-Marie\n| Camilla\n| Carina\n| Carolina\n| Caroline\n| Cassandra\n| Cecilia\n| Charlotte\n| Cornelia\n| Daniella\n| Ebba\n| Elin\n| Elin \n| Elina\n| Elisabeth\n| Ella\n| Ella \n| Ellen\n| Ellinor\n| Elsa\n| Elvira\n| Emelie\n| Emilia\n| Emma\n| Emmy\n| Erika\n| Eva\n| Evelina\n| Fanny\n| Felicia\n| Filippa\n| Frida\n| Gabriella\n| Gerd\n| Girls\n| Gun\n| Gunilla\n| Gunnel\n| Hanna\n| Helen\n| Helena\n| Hilda\n| Ida\n| Ida \n| Inga\n| Ingela\n| Inger\n| Ingrid\n| Irene\n| Isabella\n| Isabelle\n| Isabelle \n| Jasmine\n| Jennifer\n| Jenny\n| Jessica\n| Johanna\n| Jonna\n| Josefin\n| Josefine\n| Julia\n| Kajsa\n| Karin\n| Katarina\n| Kerstin\n| Klara\n| Kristina\n| Lena\n| Lina\n| Linda\n| Linn\n| Linnea\n| Lisa\n| Lisbeth\n| Louise\n| Lovisa\n| Madeleine\n| Maj\n| Maja\n| Malin\n| Malvina\n| Margareta\n| Maria\n| Marianne\n| Marie\n| Matilda\n| Melissa\n| Michelle\n| Mikaela\n| Miranda\n| Moa\n| Moa \n| Molly\n| Mona\n| Monica\n| Nathalie\n| Nellie\n| Nicole\n| Nora\n| Olivia\n| Pernilla\n| Pia\n| Rebecka\n| Ronja\n| Rut\n| Saga\n| Sandra\n| Sanna\n| Sara\n| Selma\n| Siv\n| Sofia\n| Sofie\n| Sonja\n| Stina\n| Susanne\n| Thea\n| Therese\n| Tilda\n| Tilde\n| Tova\n| Tove\n| Tuva\n| Ulla\n| Ulrika\n| Vanessa\n| Vendela\n| Vera\n| Victoria\n| Viktoria\n| Wilma\n| Yvonne;"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 1,482 |
datokrat | a7dc891a6fbeb74f1492c043684f5d944fb2d258 | cd043625eaa8b61b4d857fc9af1abba5a6d1da41 | /tests/test.abnf | 74deb825e77ac915ec38732e86dcff2c594065dc | datokrat/abnfjs | {
"content": "colontest = 'name':name\n = { return this.getString() } \ntest = ([a *\"b\"] [*\"b\"])\na = \"a\""
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 89 |
mwherman2000 | ec79a67171628eb3a07c4c70a2a6f75974080844 | a9e7a38b55a864f632f9c9e172fefb223a338e26 | /abnf/1-did-uri-spec-minimallyviable-2019-04-03.abnf | 10615ad2a8082db37865775bb3a8ae652181b07b | mwherman2000/did-uri-spec | {
"content": ";\n\n; !syntax(\"abnf\")\ndid = did-method method-specific-idstring\ndid-method = did-root method \":\"\ndid-root = \"did\" \":\"\n\nmethod = 1*methodchar\nmethodchar = %x61-7A / DIGIT\nmethod-specific-idstring = idstring *( \":\" idstring )\nidstring = 1*idchar\nidchar = ALPHA / DIGIT / \".\" / \"-\"\n\ndid-uri = did\n \nALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A ; A-Z / a-z\nDIGIT = %x30-39 ; 0-9\n\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 686 |
jmitchell | 932f0ac430c1604ea916f296f47b6ff444281de8 | 02a4a8ea98638ff0962c804a18f0643a56a8ca0a | /examples/abnf/generated/core_HTAB.abnf | 9e57774d4171ba81ff09e3c37adea35a0549e3d2 | jmitchell/abnf-to-tree-sitter | {
"content": "start = HTAB\r\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 14 |
mpostol | ad2a618725555e7ec74b6b9583d3b42cc2f7c8b4 | f68ef94fab78b1668af23c17857506ac30a8486e | /Networking/SemanticData/MessageHandling/NetworkMessage.abnf | 5e110b2f7eb610cde797b4e644b43b6fdc465ebd | mpostol/OPC-UA-OOI | {
"content": ";//____________________________________________________________________________\n;//\n;// Copyright (C) 2019, Mariusz Postol LODZ POLAND.\n;//\n;// To be in touch join the community at GITTER:\n;//\n;// This document contains Augmented BNF definition of the NetworkMessage\n;// NetworkMessage is originally defined in OPC UA Part 14 Release 1.04 February 06, 2018\n;// Augmented BNF is defined in the document Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF RFC 5234\n;//____________________________________________________________________________\n\nNetworkMessage = DataToSign Signature\n\n; NetworkMessage\nDataToSign = NetworkMessageHeader [ GroupHeader ] [ PayloadHeader ] ExtendedNetworkMessageHeader [ SecurityHeader ] DataToEncrypt\nSignature = *OCTET ; The signature of the NetworkMessage.\n\n; DataToSign\nNetworkMessageHeader = UADPHeader [ ExtendedFlags1 ] [ ExtendedFlags2 ] [ PublisherId ] [ DataSetClassId ]\nGroupHeader = GroupFlags [ WriterGroupId ] [ GroupVersion ] [ NetworkMessageNumber ] [ SequenceNumber ]\n ; The GroupHeader shall be omitted if GroupHeaderEnabled is 0.\nPayloadHeader = DataSetPayloadHeader / DiscoveryRequestPayloadHeader / DiscoveryResponsePayloadHeader \n ; The selection of the PayloadHeader alternative element depends on the NetworkMessageType value defined in the ExtendedFlags2.\n ; The PayloadHeader syntax depends on the NetworkMessageType bit range defined in the ExtendedFlags2. The default is DataSetMessageType if the ExtendedFlags2 field is not enabled.\n ; The PayloadHeader shall be omitted if bit PayloadHeaderEnabled of the UADPFlags is \"0\".\nExtendedNetworkMessageHeader = [ NetworkMessageTimestamp ] [ NetworkMessageTimestampPicoSeconds ] [ PromotedFields ]\nSecurityHeader = SecurityFlags SecurityTokenId NonceLength MessageNonce SecurityFooterSize\nDataToEncrypt = Payload SecurityFooter\n\n; NetworkMessageHeader\nUADPHeader = UADPVersion UADPFlags\nUADPFlags = PublisherIdEnabled GroupHeaderEnabled PayloadHeaderEnabled ExtendedFlags1Enabled ; 4 BIT\nExtendedFlags1 = PublisherIdType DataSetClassIdEnabled SecurityEnabled MessageTimestampEnabled MessagePicoSecondsEnabled ExtendedFlags2Enabled ; The ExtendedFlags1 shall be omitted if ExtendedFlags1Enabled is 0. \n ; If the field is omitted, the default value of 0 is applied for all bits.\nExtendedFlags2 = ChunkMessage PromotedFieldsEnabled NetworkMessageType ExtendedFlags2Reserved ; The ExtendedFlags2 shall be omitted if bit ExtendedFlags2Enabled of the ExtendedFlags1 is false.\n ; If the field is omitted, the Subscriber shall handle the related bits as false.\nPublisherId = OCTET / UInt16 / UInt32 / UInt64 / String ; Identifies the Publisher. PublisherId and WriterGroupId identify the WriterGroup. The syntax depends on PublisherIdType\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t; The PublisherId is a unique identifier for a Publisher within a Message Oriented Middleware. It can be included in sent NetworkMessage for \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t; identification or filtering. The value of the PublisherId is typically shared between PubSubConnections but the assignment of the PublisherId is vendor specific.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t; The PublisherId parameter is only relevant for the Publisher functionality inside a PubSubConnection. The filter setting on the Subscriber side is \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t; contained in the DataSetReader parameters. Valid DataTypes are UInteger and String.\nDataSetClassId = Guid \n ; DataSetClassId - This field provides the globally unique identifier of the class of DataSet if the DataSet is based on a DataSetClass. \n ; In this case, this field shall match the DataSetClassId of the concrete DataSet configuration. \n ; If the DataSets are not created from a class, this field shall be omitted.\n ; The DataSetClassId associated with the DataSet elements in the NetworkMessage. All DataSetMessage elements in the NetworkMessage shall have the same DataSetClassId.\n ; The DataSetClassId shall be omitted if DataSetClassIdEnabled is 0 in the ExtendedFlags1\n\nUADPVersion = 4BIT ; Bits 0-3 of UADPHeader Version of the NetworkMessage. The UADPVersion for this specification version is %b0.0.0.1\nPublisherIdEnabled = BIT ; Bit 4 of the UADPHeader - If the PublisherId is \"1\", the type of PublisherId is indicated in the ExtendedFlags1 field\nGroupHeaderEnabled = BIT ; Bit 5 of the UADPHeader - The GroupHeader shall be omitted if GroupHeaderEnabled is 0.\nPayloadHeaderEnabled = BIT ; Bit 6 of the UADPHeader - The PayloadHeader shall be omitted if PayloadHeaderEnabled is 0.\nExtendedFlags1Enabled = BIT ; Bit 7 of the UADPHeader - The bit shall be \"0\", if ExtendedFlags1 is 0 for all bits.\n\n; ExtendedFlags1\nPublisherIdType = %b0.0.0 ; Bits 0-2\n ; The PublisherId is of DataType Byte,\n / %b0.0.1 ; The PublisherId is of DataType UInt16\n / %b0.1.0 ; The PublisherId is of DataType UInt32\n / %b0.1.1 ; The PublisherId is of DataType UInt64\n / %b1.0.0 ; The PublisherId is of DataType String\n / %b1.0.1 ; Reserved\n / %b1.1.0 ; Reserved\n / %b1.1.1 ; Reserved\nDataSetClassIdEnabled = BIT ; Bit 3:\nSecurityEnabled = BIT ; Bit 4 - If the SecurityMode is SIGN_1 or SIGNANDENCRYPT_2, this flag is set, message security is enabled and the SecurityHeader is contained in the DataToSign.\n ; If this flag is not set, the SecurityHeader is omitted.\nMessageTimestampEnabled = BIT ; Bit 5\nMessagePicoSecondsEnabled = BIT ; Bit 6\nExtendedFlags2Enabled = BIT ; Bit 7 - The bit shall be 0, if ExtendedFlags2 is 0.\n\n; GroupHeader\nGroupFlags = WriterGroupIdEnabled GroupVersionEnabled NetworkMessageNumberEnabled SequenceNumberEnabled GroupFlagsReserved \nWriterGroupId = UInt16 ; PublisherId and WriterGroupId identify the WriterGroup - unique id for the WriterGroup in the Publisher. A Subscriber can skip NetworkMessages from WriterGroups it does not expect NetworkMessages from. \n\t\t\t\t\t; Note: The DataSetWriterId with DataType UInt16 defines the unique ID of the DataSetWriter for a PublishedDataSet. It is used to select DataSetMessages for a PublishedDataSet on the Subscriber side.\n\t\t\t\t\t; It shall be unique across all DataSetWriters for a PublisherId. All values, except for 0, are valid DataSetWriterIds. The value 0 is defined as null value.\n ; This field shall be omitted if bit WriterGroupIdEnabled of the GroupFlags is \"0\".\nGroupVersion = VersionTime ; Version of the header and payload layout configuration of the NetworkMessages sent for the group. \n ; This field shall be omitted if bit GroupVersionEnabled of the GroupFlags is \"0\".\nNetworkMessageNumber = UInt16 ; Unique number of a NetworkMessage across the combination of PublisherId and WriterGroupId within one PublishingInterval. The value 0 is invalid.\n ; The number is needed if the DataSetMessages for one group are split into more than one NetworkMessage in a PublishingInterval.\n ; This field shall be omitted if bit NetworkMessageNumberEnabled of the GroupFlags is \"0\".\nSequenceNumber = UInt16 ; Sequence number for the NetworkMessage. \n ; This field shall be omitted if bit SequenceNumberEnabled of the GroupFlags is \"0\"\n\n; ExtendedNetworkMessageHeader\nNetworkMessageTimestamp = DateTime ; The time the NetworkMessage was created.\n ; The NetworkMessageTimestamp shall be omitted if bit 5(?) of ExtendedFlags1 is false.\nNetworkMessageTimestampPicoSeconds = UInt16 ; Specifies the number of 10 picoseconds (1,0 e-11 seconds) intervals which shall be added to the NetworkMessageTimestamp.\n ; The NetworkMessageTimestampPicoSeconds shall be omitted if bit MessagePicoSecondsEnabled of ExtendedFlags1 is false.\nPromotedFields = PromotedFieldsSize PromotedFieldsFields ; Selected fields out of the DataSet also sent in the header.\n ; The PromotedFields shall be omitted if bit PromotedFieldsEnabled of the ExtendedFlags2 is \"0\".\n ; If the PromotedFields are provided, the MessagesCount in the DataSetPayloadHeader shall be 1.\n; PromotedFields\nPromotedFieldsSize = UInt16 ; Number of elements in the list PromotedFieldsFields\nPromotedFieldsFields = *BaseDataType ; Array of promoted fields. The size, order and DataTypes of the fields depend on the settings in the FieldMetaData of the DataSetMetaData associated with the \n ; DataSetMessage contained in the NetworkMessage.\n; SecurityHeader\nSecurityFlags = NetworkMessageSigned NetworkMessageEncrypted SecurityFooterEnabled ForceKeyReset SecurityFlagsBitsReserved\nSecurityTokenId = IntegerId ; The ID of the security token that identifies the security key in a SecurityGroup. The relation to the SecurityGroup is done through DataSetWriterIds contained in the NetworkMessage.\nNonceLength = UInt8 ; The length of the Nonce used to initialize the encryption algorithm.\nMessageNonce = *OCTET ; Number of OCTET shall be equal NonceLength\n ; A MessageNonce used exactly once for a given security key. For a given security key a unique nonce shall be generated for every NetworkMessage. \nSecurityFooterSize = UInt16 ; The size of the SecurityFooter. The security footer size shall be omitted if bit SecurityFooterEnabled of the SecurityFlags is false\n\n; DataToEncrypt\nPayload = DataSetMessagePayload / DiscoveryRequestPayload / DiscoveryResponsePayload ; The selection of the Payload alternative depends on the NetworkMessageType value defined in the ExtendedFlags2.\nSecurityFooter = *OCTET ; Optional security footer shall be omitted if bit NetworkMessageSigned of the SecurityFlags is \"0\". The content of the security footer is defined by the security policy. \n ; The security policy is not defined in the NetworkMessage and must be common knowledge of the publisher ans all subscribers processing the same NetworkMessage. \n\n; ExtendedFlags2 = 8 BIT\nChunkMessage = BIT ; Bit 0\nPromotedFieldsEnabled = BIT ; Bit 1 Promoted fields can only be sent if the NetworkMessage contains only one DataSetMessage.\n ; Bits 2-4 represents NetworkMessageType. The default is DataSetMessageType if the ExtendedFlags2 field is not enabled.\nNetworkMessageType = DataSetNetworkMessageType / DiscoveryRequestMessageType / DiscoveryResponseMessageType\nDataSetNetworkMessageType = %b0.0.0 ; NetworkMessage with DataSetMessage payload. If the ExtendedFlags2 element is not provided, this is the default value.\nDiscoveryRequestMessageType = %b0.0.1 ; NetworkMessage with discovery request payload.\nDiscoveryResponseMessageType = %b0.1.0 ; NetworkMessage with discovery response payload.\nExtendedFlags2Reserved = 3BIT ; Bits 5-7\n\n; GroupFlags = 8 BIT\nWriterGroupIdEnabled = BIT ; Bit 0\nGroupVersionEnabled = BIT ; Bit 1\nNetworkMessageNumberEnabled = BIT ; Bit 2\nSequenceNumberEnabled = BIT ; Bit 3\nGroupFlagsReserved = %b0.0.0.0 ; Bits 4-7\n\n; SecurityFlags\nNetworkMessageSigned = BIT ; Bit 0 \nNetworkMessageEncrypted = BIT ; Bit 1\nSecurityFooterEnabled = BIT ; Bit 2\nForceKeyReset = BIT ; Bit 3 This bit is set if all keys will be made invalid. It is set until the new key is used. The publisher must give subscribers a reasonable time to request new keys. \n ; The minimum time is five times the KeepAliveTime configured for the corresponding group.\n ; This flag is typically set if all keys are invalidated to exclude Subscribers, that no longer have access to the keys.\nSecurityFlagsBitsReserved = 4BIT ; Reserved\n\n; Context depending on the NetworkMessageType\n\n; NetworkMessageType = DataSetMessageType\n; PayloadHeader = DataSetPayloadHeader\nDataSetPayloadHeader = MessagesCount DataSetWriterIdList ; NetworkMessageType = DataSetMessageType \nMessagesCount = UInt8 ; Number of DataSetMessage items contained in the NetworkMessage. The NetworkMessage shall contain at least one DataSetMessage \n ; if the NetworkMessageType = DataSetMessageType.\n\n; Payload = DataSetMessagePayload\nDataSetMessagePayload = DataSetMessageSizeList DataSetMessageList\nDataSetMessageSizeList = *DataSetMessageSize ; The number of elements of the list is defined by the MessagesCount in the DataSetPayloadHeader. \nDataSetMessageSize = UInt16 ; If the payload size exceeds 65535, the DataSetMessages shall be allocated to separate NetworkMessages. \n ; If a single DataSetMessage exceeds the payload size it shall be split into Chunk NetworkMessages. \n ; This field shall be omitted if count is one or if bit PayloadHeaderEnabled of the UADPFlags is \"0\".\nDataSetMessageList = 1*DataSetMessage ; DataSetMessageList contained in the NetworkMessage. The size of the list is defined by the MessagesCount in the DataSetPayloadHeader.\n ; The type of encoding used for the DataSetMessage entities is defined by the DataSetWriter. The encodings for the DataSetMessage are defined in \nDataSetMessage = DataKeyMessageData / DataDeltaMessageData / EventMessageData / KeepAliveMessageData \n ; Alternative depends on DataSetMessageType\n\nDataKeyMessageData = DataSetMessageHeader FieldCount DataSetFields\nDataDeltaMessageData = DataSetMessageHeader FieldCount DeltaFrameFields\nEventMessageData = DataSetMessageHeader FieldCount DataSetFields ; The fields of EventMessageData shall be encoded as Variant. The FieldEncoding should be set accordingly.\nKeepAliveMessageData = KeepAliveMessageDataHeader ; The keep alive message does not add any additional fields.\n\n; KeepAliveMessageData\nDataSetMessageHeader = KeepAliveMessageDataHeader DataSetTimestamp DataSetPicoSeconds [ Status ] [ ConfigurationVersionMajorVersion ] [ ConfigurationVersionMinorVersion ]\n\n; DataSetMessageHeader\nKeepAliveMessageDataHeader = DataSetFlags1 [ DataSetFlags2 ] [ DataSetMessageSequenceNumber ]\nDataSetTimestamp = UtcTime ; The time the Data was collected. The DataSetTimestamp shall be omitted if Bit DataSetTimestampEnabled of DataSetFlags2 is \"0\".\nDataSetPicoSeconds = UInt16 ; Specifies the number of 10 picoseconds (1,0 e-11 seconds) intervals which shall be added to the DataSetTimestamp. \n ; The field must be omitted if Bit PicoSecondsIncluded of DataSetFlags2 is \"0\".\nStatus = UInt16 ; The overall status of the DataSet. This is the high order 16 bits of the StatusCode DataType representing the numeric value of the Severity and SubCode of the StatusCode DataType. \n ; The field shall be omitted if bit StatusEnabled of DataSetFlags1 is \"0\".\nConfigurationVersionMajorVersion = VersionTime ; The major version of the configuration version of the DataSet used as consistency check with the DataSetMetaData available on the Subscriber side. \n ; The field shall be omitted if Bit ConfigurationVersionMajorVersionEnabled of DataSetFlags1 is \"0\".\nConfigurationVersionMinorVersion = VersionTime ; The minor version of the configuration version of the DataSet used as consistency check with the DataSetMetaData available on the Subscriber side. \n ; The field shall be omitted if Bit ConfigurationVersionMinorVersionEnabled of DataSetFlags1 is \"0\".\n\n; KeepAliveMessageDataHeader\nDataSetFlags1 = DataSetMessageIsValid FieldEncoding DataSetMessageSequenceNumberEnabled StatusEnabled ConfigurationVersionMajorVersionEnabled ConfigurationVersionMinorVersionEnabled DataSetFlags2Enabled \nDataSetFlags2 = DataSetMessageType DataSetTimestampEnabled PicoSecondsIncluded DataSetFlags2Reserved\nDataSetMessageSequenceNumber = UInt16 ; A strictly monotonically increasing sequence number assigned by the publisher to each DataSetMessage sent. \n ; A receiver should ignore older DataSetMessage than the last sequence processed if it does not handle reordering of DataSetMessages. \n ; Receivers need to be aware of sequence numbers roll over (change from 65535 to 0). \n ; To determine whether a received DataSetMessage is newer than the last processed DataSetMessage the following formula shall be used: \n ; (65535 + received sequence number – last processed sequence number) modulo 65536\n ; Results below 16384 indicate that the received DataSetMessage is newer than the last processed DataSetMessage and the received DataSetMessage is processed.\n ; Results above 49162 indicate that the received message is older (or same) than the last processed DataSetMessage and the received DataSetMessage should be ignored if reordering of DataSetMessages is not necessary.\n ; Other results are invalid and the DataSetMessage shall be ignored. \n ; The field shall be omitted if bit DataSetMessageSequenceNumberEnabled of DataSetFlags1 is \"0\".\n\n; DataSetFlags1\nDataSetMessageIsValid = BIT ; Bit 0: DataSetMessage is valid. If this bit is set to false, the rest of this DataSetMessage is considered invalid, and shall not be processed by the Subscriber.\nFieldEncoding = FieldEncodingVariant / FieldEncodingRawData / FieldEncodingDataValue / FieldEncodingReserved ; Bit 1-2\n ; FieldEncoding - Bit range 1-2\nFieldEncodingVariant = %b0.0 ; 00 - The DataSet fields are encoded as Variant The Variant can contain a StatusCode instead of the expected DataType if the status of the field is Bad. \n ; The Variant can contain a DataValue with the value and the statusCode if the status of the field is Uncertain\nFieldEncodingRawData = %b0.1 ; 01 - RawData Field Encoding. The DataSet fields are encoded in the DataTypes specified in the DataSetMetaData for the DataSet.\n ; The encoding is handled like a Structure DataType where the DataSet fields are handled like Structure fields and fields with Structure\n ; DataType are handled like nested structures. All restrictions for the encoding of Structure DataTypes also apply to the RawData Field Encoding.\nFieldEncodingDataValue = %b1.0 ; 10 - DataValue Field Encoding. The DataSet fields are encoded as DataValue. This option is set if the DataSet is configured to send more than the Value.\nFieldEncodingReserved = %b1.1 ; 11 - Reserved\nDataSetMessageSequenceNumberEnabled = BIT ; Bit 3\nStatusEnabled = BIT ; Bit 4 \nConfigurationVersionMajorVersionEnabled = BIT ; Bit 5\nConfigurationVersionMinorVersionEnabled = BIT ; Bit 6\nDataSetFlags2Enabled = BIT ; Bit 7\n\n; DataSetFlags2\nDataSetMessageType\t\t\t= DataKeyFrameMessageType / DataDeltaFrameMessageType / EventMessageType / KeepAliveMessageType / DataSetMessageTypeReserved ; Bit range 0-3 of DataSetFlags2\n; DataSetMessageType Bits 0-3 of DataSetFlags2\nDataKeyFrameMessageType = %b0.0.0.0 ; If the DataSetFlags2 field is not provided, this is the default DataSetMessageType.\nDataDeltaFrameMessageType = %b0.0.0.1\nEventMessageType = %b0.0.1.0\nKeepAliveMessageType = %b0.0.1.1\nDataSetMessageTypeReserved = %b0.1.0.0-%b1.1.1.1 ; Reserved for further extended flag fields\nDataSetTimestampEnabled = BIT ; Bit 4\nPicoSecondsIncluded = BIT ; Bit 5\nDataSetFlags2Reserved = %b0.0-%b1.1 ; Bits range 6-7\n\nFieldCount = UInt16 ; Number of fields of the DataSet contained in the DataSetMessage. \n ; The FieldCount shall be omitted if FieldEncodingRawData is set in the FieldEncoding bits\nDataSetFields = *BaseDataType ; The field values of the DataSet.\n\n; DataDeltaMessageData\nDeltaFrameFields = *DeltaFrameField\nDeltaFrameField = FieldIndex FieldValue\nFieldIndex = UInt16 ; The index of the Field in the DataSet. The index is based on the field position in the DataSetMetaData with the configuration version defined in the ConfigurationVersion field.\nFieldValue = BaseDataType ; The field values of the DataSet. \n\n\n; Alternatives based on the NetworkMessageType\n\n; NetworkMessageType = DiscoveryRequestMessageType\n; PayloadHeader = DiscoveryRequestPayloadHeader\nDiscoveryRequestPayloadHeader = DiscoveryRequestType ; UADPFlags Bit 4 PublisherIdEnabled = \"1\"; Bit 5 GroupHeaderEnabled = \"0\"; Bit 6 PayloadHeaderEnabled = \"0\"; Bit 7 ExtendedFlags1Enabled = \"1\"\n ; ExtendedFlags1 Bit 3 DataSetClassIdEnabled = \"0\"; Bit 4 SecurityEnabled = \"1\"; Bit 5 TimestampEnabled = \"0\"; Bit 6 PicoSecondsEnabled = \"0\"; \n ; Bit 7 ExtendedFlags2Enabled = \"1\" \n ; NetworkMessageType = DiscoveryRequestMessageType \nDiscoveryRequestType = RequestTypeReserved / PublisherInformationRequestMessage \nRequestTypeReserved = %x00\nPublisherInformationRequestMessage = %x01\n\n; Payload = DiscoveryRequestPayload\nDiscoveryRequestPayload = InformationType / DataSetWriterIdList \nInformationType = InformationTypeReserved / PublisherServerEndpoints / DataSetMetaData / DataSetWriterConfiguration ; OCTET\nInformationTypeReserved = %x00 \nPublisherServerEndpoints = %x01\nDataSetMetaData = %x02\nDataSetWriterConfiguration = %x03\n\n; NetworkMessageType = DiscoveryResponseMessageType\n; PayloadHeader = DiscoveryResponsePayloadHeader\nDiscoveryResponsePayloadHeader = DiscoveryResponseType SequenceNumber \nDiscoveryResponseType = DiscoveryResponseTypeReserved / DiscoveryResponseTypePublisherEndpoint / DiscoveryResponseTypeDataSetMetadata / DiscoveryResponseTypeDataSetWriterConfiguration\nDiscoveryResponseTypeReserved = %x00\nDiscoveryResponseTypePublisherEndpoint = %x01\nDiscoveryResponseTypeDataSetMetadata = %x02\nDiscoveryResponseTypeDataSetWriterConfiguration = %x03\n\n; Payload = DiscoveryResponsePayload\nDiscoveryResponsePayload = PublisherEndpointsMessage / DataSetMetaDataMessage / DataSetWriterConfigurationMessage\nPublisherEndpointsMessage = Endpoints StatusCode\nEndpoints = *EndpointDescription ; The OPC UA Server Endpoints of the Publisher. The EndpointDescription is defined in Part 4.\nEndpointDescription = *OCTET\n\nDataSetMetaDataMessage = DataSetWriterId DataSetMetaDataType StatusCode\nDataSetMetaDataType = DataSetName Description Fields DataSetClassId ConfigurationVersionDataType\nDataSetName = String ; Name of the DataSet.\nDescription = LocalizedText ; Description of the DataSet. The default value is a null LocalizedText.\nFields = *FieldMetaData ; The metadata for the fields in the DataSet. The FieldMetaData DataType is defined in\nFieldMetaData = FieldName FieldDescription DataSetFieldFlags BuiltInType DataType ValueRank ArrayDimensions MaxStringLength DataSetFieldId Properties\n\nFieldName = String ; Name of the field. The name shall be unique in the DataSet.\nFieldDescription = LocalizedText ; Description of the field. The default value shall be a null LocalizedText.\nDataSetFieldFlags = OCTET ; Flags for the field. The flag indicates if the field is promoted to the NetworkMessages or transport protocol header. \n ; Setting this flag increases the size of the NetworkMessages since information from the DataSetMessage body is also promoted to the header.\n ; Depending on the used security, the header including the field may be unencrypted. \n ; Promoted fields are always included in the header even if the DataSetMessage payload is a delta frame and the DataSet field is not included in the delta frame. \n ; In this case the last sent value is sent in the header. \n ; The order of the fields in the DataSetMetaData promoted to the header shall match the order of the fields in the header unless the header includes field names.\nBuiltInType = OCTET ; The built-in data type of the field. The possible built-in type values are defined in Part 6.\n ; All data types are transferred in DataSetMessages as one of the built-in data types. In most cases the identifier of the DataType NodeId matches the built-in type. The following special cases must be handled in addition:\n ; (1) Abstract types always have the built-in type Variant since they can result in different concrete types in a DataSetMessage. The dataType field may provide additional restrictions e.g. if the abstract type is Number. Abstract types shall not be used if the field is represented as RawData set by the DataSetFieldContentMask defined in\n ; (2) Enumeration DataTypes are encoded as Int32. The Enumeration strings are defined through a DataType referenced through the dataType field.\n ; (3) Structure and Union DataTypes are encoded as ExtensionObject. The encoding rules are defined through a DataType referenced through the dataType field.\n ; (4) DataTypes derived from built-in types have the BuiltInType of the corresponding base DataType. The concrete subtype is defined through the dataType field. \n ; (5) OptionSet DataTypes are either encoded as one of the concrete UInteger DataTypes or as an instance of an OptionSetType in an ExtensionObject.\nDataType = NodeId ; The NodeId of the DataType of this field. If the DataType is an Enumeration or an OptionSet, the semantic of the Enumeration DataType is provided \n ; through the enumDataTypes field of the DataSetMetaData. If the DataType is a Structure or Union, the encoding and decoding description of the Structure \n ; DataType is provided through the structureDataTypes field of the DataSetMetaData.\nValueRank = Int32 ; Indicates whether the dataType is an array and how many dimensions the array has. It may have the following values:\n ; n > 1: the dataType is an array with the specified number of dimensions.\n ; OneDimension (1): The dataType is an array with one dimension.\n ; OneOrMoreDimensions (0): The dataType is an array with one or more dimensions.\n ; Scalar (−1): The dataType is not an array.\n ; Any (−2): The dataType can be a scalar or an array with any number of dimensions.\n ; ScalarOrOneDimension (−3): The dataType can be a scalar or a one dimensional array.\n ; NOTE All DataTypes are considered to be scalar, even if they have array-like semantics like ByteString and String \nArrayDimensions = *UInt32 ; This field specifies the maximum supported length of each dimension. If the maximum is unknown the value shall be 0.\n ; The number of elements shall be equal to the value of the valueRank field. This field shall be null if valueRank ≤ 0.\n ; The maximum number of elements of an array transferred on the wire is 2147483647 (max Int32). It is the total number of elements in all dimensions based on the UA Binary encoding rules for arrays.\nMaxStringLength = UInt32 ; If the dataType field is a String or ByteString then this field specifies the maximum supported length. If the maximum is unknown the value shall be 0. \n ; If the dataType field is not a String or ByteString the value shall be 0. If the valueRank is greater than 0 this field applies to each element of the array.\nDataSetFieldId = Guid ; The unique ID for the field in the DataSet. The ID is generated when the field is added to the list. A change of the position of the field in the list shall not change the ID.\nProperties = *KeyValuePair ; List of Property values providing additional semantic for the field. If at least one Property value changes, the MajorVersion of the ConfigurationVersion shall be updated.\n ; If the Property is EngineeringUnits, the unit of the Field Value shall match the unit of the FieldMetaData. \n ; The KeyValuePair DataType is defined in Part 5. For this field the key in the KeyValuePair structure is the BrowseName of the Property and the value in the \n ; KeyValuePair structure is the Value of the Property.\nConfigurationVersionDataType = MajorVersion MinorVersion\nDataSetWriterConfigurationMessage = DataSetWriterIdList DataSetWriterConfig *StatusCode\nDataSetWriterConfig = WriterGroupDataType\nWriterGroupDataType = WriterGroupId PublishingInterval KeepAliveTime Priority LocaleIds TransportSettings MessageSettings DataSetWriters\nPublishingInterval = Duration\nKeepAliveTime = Duration\nPriority = OCTET\nLocaleIds = *String\nTransportSettings = WriterGroupTransportDataType ; Transport mapping specific WriterGroup parameters.\nMessageSettings = WriterGroupMessageDataType ; NetworkMessage mapping specific WriterGroup parameters.\nDataSetWriters = DataSetWriterDataType ; The DataSetWriters contained in the WriterGroup.\nWriterGroupTransportDataType = *OCTET ; Depends on transport\nWriterGroupMessageDataType = *OCTET ; Depends on transport\nDataSetWriterDataType = *OCTET ; The DataSetWriters contained in the WriterGroup.\nMajorVersion = VersionTime\nMinorVersion = VersionTime\n\n; Common definition\nDataSetWriterIdList = *DataSetWriterId ; List of DataSetWriterId items contained in the NetworkMessage. The size of the list is defined by the MessagesCount\n ; The DataSetWriterId identifies the PublishedDataSet and the DataSetWriter responsible for sending Messages for the DataSet.\nDataSetWriterId = UInt16 ; A Subscriber can skip DataSetMessages from DataSetWriters it does not expect DataSetMessages from.\n\n; Part 3 definitions\nDuration\t\t = Double\t ; This Simple DataType is a Double that defines an interval of time in milliseconds (fractions can be used to define sub-millisecond values).\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ; Negative values are generally invalid but may have special meanings where the Duration is used.\nBaseDataType\t = *OCTET\t ; This abstract DataType defines a value that can have any valid DataType.\n ; The field value of the DataSet. The field encoding depends on the FieldEncoding value. The default encoding is FieldEncodingVariant.\nString = *OCTET ; This OPC UA Built-in DataType defines a Unicode character string that should exclude control characters that are not whitespaces.\n\n; Part 4 definitions\nVersionTime = UInt32\t ; This primitive data type is a UInt32 that represents the time in seconds since the year 2000.\nIntegerId = UInt32 ; This primitive data type is a UInt32 that is used as an identifier, such as a handle. All values, except for 0, are valid.\n\n; Part 5 definitions\nKeyValuePair = *OCTET\n\n; Part 6 definitions\nDateTime = UInt64 ; A DateTime value shall be encoded as a 64-bit signed integer which represents the number of 100 nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC).\nStatusCode = UInt32 ; Status code indicating the capability of the Publisher to provide Endpoints.\nUInt8 = OCTET\nUInt16 = 2OCTET\nUInt32 = 4OCTET\nUInt64 = 8OCTET\nInt32 = 4OCTET\nGuid = 16OCTET\nNodeId = *OCTET\nDouble\t\t = *8OCTET\t ; All floating-point values shall be encoded with the appropriate IEEE-754 binary representation.\nLocalizedText = EncodingMask Locale Text\nEncodingMask = OCTET ; A bit mask that indicates which fields are present in the stream. The mask has the following bits: %x01 Locale %x02 Text\nLocale = String ; The locale. Omitted is null or empty.\nText = String ; The text in the specified locale. Omitted is null or empty.\n\n; RFC 5234\nBIT = \"0\" / \"1\"\nOCTET = %x00-FF ; 8 bits of data\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 35,010 |
BuildBuilder | d8988c397b219b180ddfa22a886b484e1e92257b | 1eb8854e3c3874bbf0e69815218b07ab2beb90cd | /examples/CSON.abnf | a4f92f4381e51540a3390aa1191c42489629e3c1 | BuildBuilder/metalanguage | {
"content": "; Cursive Script Object Notation ( )\n\nCSON-text = object / object-items / array\n\nobject = begin-object [ object-items ] end-object\n\nbegin-object = ws %x7B ws ; { left curly bracket\nend-object = ws %x7D ws ; } right curly bracket\n\nobject-items = member *( value-separator member ) [ value-separator ]\n\nmember = name name-separator value\n\nname = bare-string / string\n\nbare-string = id-start *id-end ; an union of JS identifier and XML name\nid-start = %x24 ; $ dollar sing\n / %x2D ; - hyphen-minus\n / %x41-5A ; A-Z latin capital letters\n / %x5F ; _ low line\n / %x61-7A ; a-z latin small letters\n / %xAA ; ª feminin ordinal indicator\n / %xB5 ; µ micro sign\n / %xBA ; º masculin ordinal indicator\n / %xC0-D6 ; Latin-1 Supplement letters, except × multiplication sign\n / %xD8-F6 ; Latin-1 Supplement letters, except ÷ division sign\n / %xF8-02FF ; Latin Extended, IPA, Spacing Modifiers\n / %x0370-037D ; Greek and Coptic, except ; greek question mark\n / %x037F-1FFF ; Other Languages\n / %x200C-200D ; zero width non-joiner and joiner characters\n / %x2070-218F ; Super/Subscripts, Currency, Combining, Letterlike, Number Forms\n / %x2C00-2FEF ; supplementary lanugage symbols\n / %x3001-D7FF ; Ideographs\n / %xF900-FDCF ; Compatibility Ideographs, Presentation Forms\n / %xFDF0-FFFD ; Presentation, Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms\n / %x10000-EFFFF ; Other Planes\nid-end = id-start\n / %x2E ; . full stop\n / %x30-39 ; 0-9 decimal digits\n / %xB7 ; · middle dot\n / %x0300-036F ; Combining Diacritical Marks\n / %x203F-2040 ; ‿⁀ undertie and tie characters\n\nstring = quotation-mark *dquoted-char quotation-mark\n / apostrophe-mark *squoted-char apostrophe-mark\n\nquotation-mark = %x22 ; \" quotation mark\ndquoted-char = dquoted-unescaped / escaped\ndquoted-unescaped = %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-10FFFF ; not \" or \\\n\napostrophe-mark = %x27 ; ' apostrophe\nsquoted-char = squoted-unescaped / escaped\nsquoted-unescaped = %x20-26 / %x28-5B / %x5D-10FFFF ; not ' or \\\n\nescaped = escape (\n %x22 / ; \" quotation mark U+0022\n %x27 / ; ' apostrophe U+0027\n %x2F / ; / solidus U+002F\n %x5C / ; \\ reverse solidus U+005C\n %x62 / ; b backspace U+0008\n %x66 / ; f form feed U+000C\n %x6E / ; n line feed U+000A\n %x72 / ; r carriage return U+000D\n %x74 / ; t tab U+0009\n %x75 4HEXDIG ) ; uXXXX U+XXXX\n\nescape = %x5C ; \\\n\nname-separator = ws %x3A ws ; : colon\n / ws %x3D ws ; = equal sign\n\nvalue = false / null / true / object / array / number / string\n\nfalse = %x66.61.6c.73.65 ; false\nnull = %x6e.75.6c.6c ; null\ntrue = %x74.72.75.65 ; true\n\narray = begin-array [ array-items ] end-array\n\nbegin-array = ws %x5B ws ; [ left square bracket\nend-array = ws %x5D ws ; ] right square bracket\n\narray-items = value *( value-separator value ) [ value-separator ]\n\nvalue-separator = ws %x2C ws ; , comma\n / newline ws ; comma can be replaced with a newline\n\nws = *(\n %x20 / ; Space\n %x09 / ; Horizontal Tab\n newline-char /\n comment\n )\n\nnewline-char = %x0A ; Line Feed or New line\n / %x0D ; Carriage Return\n\nnewline = *(%x09 / %x20) newline-char\n\ncomment = sharp *comment-char ; line comment\nsharp = %x23 ; # sharp\ncomment-char = %x00-09 / %x0B-0C / %x0E-10FFFF ; not CR and LF\n\nnumber = [ minus ] int [ frac ] [ exp ]\ndecimal-point = %x2E ; .\ndigit1-9 = %x31-39 ; 1-9\ne = %x65 / %x45 ; e E\nexp = e [ minus / plus ] 1*DIGIT\nfrac = decimal-point 1*DIGIT\nint = zero / ( digit1-9 *DIGIT )\nminus = %x2D ; -\nplus = %x2B ; +\nzero = %x30 ; 0\n\n; Verbatim string, which is analogous to Python’s raw triple-quoted string, can be used. Verbatim string is one or more lines starting with | (the first line can be prefixed with other constructs), and each occurrence of <newline><spaces>| is replaced with \\n except for the first one which is ignored. It does not undergo any other processing, so it can be used to write a verbatim string.\nverbatim-string = verbatim-fragment *(newline ws verbatim-fragment)\nverbatim-fragment = pipe *verbatim-char\npipe = %x7C ; | vertical line\nverbatim-char = %x20-10FFFF ; not Control character\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 5,208 |
tmbb | f5e7d13253add0825b341b0a166998f3c70c3b89 | 1d16cb5634d52095e69ca3897c7d4ff3e0826e86 | /priv/cldr/rfc5646.abnf | d94016148f4327e0fc94938bea4de3943c560e1e | tmbb/cldr | {
"content": "!!!\r\nrequire Logger\n\ndef normalize(input) when is_list(input) do\n to_string(input)\nend\n\ndef normalize(input) do\n input\nend\n\ndef normalize_list([list]) do\n normalize(list)\nend\n\ndef normalize_list(list) when is_list(list) do\n, &normalize/1)\nend\n\ndef normalize_list(list) do\n list\nend\n\ndef normalize_tuples(list) do\n, fn {k, v} ->\n {normalize(k), normalize_list(v)}\n end)\nend\n\ndef return_value(key, state, string_values, _values, _rule) do\n [v] = string_values\n {:ok, Map.put(state, key, normalize(v)), v}\nend\n\ndef accumulate_value(key, state, string_values, _values, _rule) do\n [v] = string_values\n value = normalize(v)\n case Map.get(state, key) do\n nil ->\n {:ok, Map.put(state, key, value), value}\n [_h | _t] = state_value ->\n {:ok, Map.put(state, key, state_value ++ [value]), value}\n state_value ->\n {:ok, Map.put(state, key, [state_value, value]), value}\n end\nend\n\ndef tuples(values) do\n values\n |> List.flatten\n |> Enum.reject(&is_integer/1)\nend\n!!!\r\n\r\nlanguage-tag = langtag ; normal language tags\r\n / privateuse ; private use tag\r\n / grandfathered ; grandfathered tags\r\n\r\nlangtag = language\r\n [\"-\" script]\r\n [\"-\" region]\r\n *(\"-\" variant)\r\n *(\"-\" extensions)\r\n [\"-\" privateuse]\r\n\r\nlanguage = 2*3ALPHA ; shortest ISO 639 code\r\n ;[\"-\" extlang] ; sometimes followed by\r\n ; extended language subtags\r\n / 4ALPHA ; or reserved for future use\r\n / 5*8ALPHA !!! # or registered language subtag\r\n return_value(:language, state, string_values, values, rule)\n !!!\r\n\r\nextlang = 3ALPHA ; selected ISO 639 codes\r\n *2(\"-\" 3ALPHA) ; permanently reserved\r\n\r\nscript = 4ALPHA !!! # ISO 15924 code\r\n return_value(:script, state, string_values, values, rule)\n !!!\r\n\r\nregion = 2ALPHA ; ISO 3166-1 code\r\n / 3DIGIT !!! # UN M.49 code\r\n return_value(:region, state, string_values, values, rule)\n !!!\r\n\r\nvariant = 5*8alphanum ; registered variants\r\n / (DIGIT 3alphanum) !!! \r\n accumulate_value(:variant, state, string_values, values, rule)\n !!!\r\n\r\nextensions = locale / transform / extension !!! \r\n _ = rule\n _ = string_values\n state = if values == [[[[]]]] do\n state\n else\n [[[{extension, values}]]] = values\n extensions = Map.put(state.extensions, extension, normalize_list(values))\n Map.put(state, :extensions, extensions)\n end\n {:ok, state, []}\n !!!\r\n\r\nextension = singleton 1*(\"-\" (2*8alphanum)) !!! \r\n _ = rule\n _ = string_values\n [extension | values] = :string.split(:lists.flatten(values), '-', :all)\n {:ok, state, {normalize(extension), values}}\n !!!\r\n\r\n ; The following is the syntax for the extensions managed\r\n ; by CLDR. These are extensions \"u\" for locale and \"t\"\r\n ; for transforms\r\nlocale = \"u\" (1*(\"-\" keyword) / 1*(\"-\" attribute) *(\"-\" keyword)) !!!\r\n _ = rule\n _ = string_values\n keywords = tuples(values) |> normalize_tuples |> Enum.into(%{})\n {:ok, %{state | locale: keywords}, []}\n !!!\r\n\r\ntransform = \"t\" (1*(\"-\" keyword)) !!!\r\n _ = rule\n _ = string_values\n keywords = tuples(values) |> normalize_tuples |> Enum.into(%{})\n {:ok, %{state | transform: keywords}, []}\n !!!\r\n \r\nkeyword = key [\"-\" type] !!!\r\n _ = rule\n _ = string_values\n [key | values] = :string.split(:lists.flatten(values), '-', :all)\n {:ok, state, {normalize(key), values}}\n !!!\r\nkey = 2alphanum !!! \r\n _ = rule\n _ = string_values\n {:ok, state, normalize(:lists.flatten(values))}\n !!!\r\ntype = 3*8alphanum *(\"-\" 3*8alphanum) !!!\r\n _ = rule\n _ = string_values\n {:ok, state, normalize(:lists.flatten(values))}\n !!!\r\nattribute = 3*8alphanum !!! \r\n _ = rule\n _ = string_values\n {:ok, state, {:attributes, normalize_list(:string.split(:lists.flatten(values), '-', :all))}}\n !!!\r\n\r\n ; Single alphanumerics\r\n ; \"x\" reserved for private use\r\n ; \"u\" reserved for CLDR use as locale\r\n ; \"t\" reserved for CLDR use as tranforms\r\nsingleton = DIGIT ; 0 - 9\r\n / %x41-53 ; A - S\r\n / %x56-57 ; V - W\r\n / %x59-5A ; Y - Z\r\n / %x61-73 ; a - s\r\n / %x76-77 ; v - w\r\n / %x79-7A ; y - z\r\n\r\nprivateuse = \"x\" 1*(\"-\" (1*8alphanum)) !!!\r\n _ = rule\n _ = string_values\n [_x | values] = :string.split(:lists.flatten(values), '-', :all)\n {:ok, %{state | private_use: normalize_list(values)}, []}\n !!!\r\n\r\ngrandfathered = irregular ; non-redundant tags registered\r\n / regular ; during the RFC 3066 era\r\n\r\nirregular = \"en-GB-oed\" ; irregular tags do not match\r\n / \"i-ami\" ; the 'langtag' production and\r\n / \"i-bnn\" ; would not otherwise be\r\n / \"i-default\" ; considered 'well-formed'\r\n / \"i-enochian\" ; These tags are all valid,\r\n / \"i-hak\" ; but most are deprecated\r\n / \"i-klingon\" ; in favor of more modern\r\n / \"i-lux\" ; subtags or subtag\r\n / \"i-mingo\" ; combination\r\n / \"i-navajo\"\r\n / \"i-pwn\"\r\n / \"i-tao\"\r\n / \"i-tay\"\r\n / \"i-tsu\"\r\n / \"sgn-BE-FR\"\r\n / \"sgn-BE-NL\"\r\n / \"sgn-CH-DE\"\r\n\r\nregular = \"art-lojban\" ; these tags match the 'langtag'\r\n / \"cel-gaulish\" ; production, but their subtags\r\n / \"no-bok\" ; are not extended language\r\n / \"no-nyn\" ; or variant subtags: their meaning\r\n / \"zh-guoyu\" ; is defined by their registration\r\n / \"zh-hakka\" ; and all of these are deprecated\r\n / \"zh-min\" ; in favor of a more modern\r\n / \"zh-min-nan\" ; subtag or sequence of subtags\r\n / \"zh-xiang\"\r\n\r\nalphanum = (ALPHA / DIGIT) ; letters and numbers\r\n\r\nDIGIT = %x30-39\r\nALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A\r\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 7,438 |
IHTSDO | 1c20db9579305b699c3fd8fa1d15b65ba80401f1 | 8ff4aae9c5560caaa715cd09c8bae2d1034d9272 | /jpa-services/src/main/resources/maprule.abnf | bc55cd8f424795ddecc4f894b58eebf0f7d442a5 | IHTSDO/OTF-Mapping-Service | {
"content": "startrule = TruthStatement / Clause *AdditionalClause\nAdditionalClause = \" AND \" Clause\nClause = \"IFA \" ConceptAny\nTruthStatement = \"TRUE\" / \"OTHERWISE TRUE\"\nValue = NumericOperator \" \" Numeric \" \" TimePeriod\nNumericOperator = \"=\" / \"<\" / \">\" / \"<=\" / \">=\"\nConceptAny = SctId FullySpecifiedName\nSctId = 6*18(DIGIT)\nFullySpecifiedName = \" | \" *(CHAR) \" (\" 1*(ALPHA) \") |\"\nNumeric = 1*(DIGIT/\".\")\nTimePeriod = \"day\"/\"days\"/\"year\"/\"years\"\nDIGIT = %x30-39\nCHAR = %x01-27/%x2A-7B/%x7D-7F\nALPHA = %x41-5A/%x61-7A/\" \"\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 511 |
lioaphy | 0aa54fe7e59c8501a710aa1f5ebea9618e0aecc0 | cb09dc2c25af42bdedfbefc665e2319612227560 | /grammars/leftRecursiveExample.abnf | 122c7459d57ad81d80143a26af0fda0c5962487a | lioaphy/ABNF_to_PEG_translator | {
"content": "S = R a / A a / a\nR = a b\nA = A R / A T / b ; This is where the L-recursion starts\nT = T b / a\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 95 |
remorses | efc02da8a584312ddcb23a3cfd1a86ec171372e8 | 0e946f4b63fd57daa58e750e1361f0d03e6af4a3 | /did.abnf | f085a0744cfcf1c9dabbaa6ff82a45f9cc0fc778 | remorses/did | {
"content": "; This document combines information from the DID, URI and ABNF specifications\n; to describe a complete grammar for did and did-reference strings.\n;\n; DID Spec:\n; URI Spec:\n; ABNF Spec:\n\ndid-reference = did [ \"/\" did-path ] [ \"#\" did-fragment ]\n\ndid = \"did:\" method \":\" specific-idstring\n\nmethod = 1*methodchar\nmethodchar = %x61-7A / DIGIT ; 61-7A is a-z in US-ASCII\nspecific-idstring = idstring *( \":\" idstring )\nidstring = 1*idchar\nidchar = ALPHA / DIGIT / \".\" / \"-\"\n\n; did-path is identical to a URI path and MUST conform to the ABNF of the path-rootless ABNF rule in [RFC3986].\n;\ndid-path = segment-nz *( \"/\" segment )\n\n; did-fragment is identical to a URI fragment and MUST conform to the ABNF of the fragment ABNF rule in [RFC3986]\n;\ndid-fragment = *( pchar / \"/\" / \"?\" )\n\nsegment = *pchar\nsegment-nz = 1*pchar\npchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / \":\" / \"@\"\nunreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / \"-\" / \".\" / \"_\" / \"~\"\npct-encoded = \"%\" HEXDIG HEXDIG\nsub-delims = \"!\" / \"$\" / \"&\" / \"'\" / \"(\" / \")\" / \"*\" / \"+\" / \",\" / \";\" / \"=\"\n\n;\n; ALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A\n; HEXDIG = DIGIT / \"A\" / \"B\" / \"C\" / \"D\" / \"E\" / \"F\"\n; DIGIT = %x30-39\n\n;\n; 41-5A is big letters A-Z in US-ASCII\n; 61-7A is small letters a-z in US-ASCII\n; 30-39 is digits 0-9 in US-ASCII\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 1,712 |
wangzhiwenID | 903703c79f3b0bc27d9727a0351a9780482ac6ce | 4ed98e0d165f26ae21292769b10688708d946a91 | /geekTime-busywork/week-04/js.abnf | abd1ca21f3a3829528d0e4e9fe68b1dc8aed0f85 | wangzhiwenID/geekTime | {
"content": "InputElement ::= WhiteSpace | LineTerminator | Comment | Token\r\n\r\nWhiteSpace ::= \" \" | \" \"\r\n\r\nLineTerminator ::= \"\\n\" | \"\\r\"\r\n\r\nComment ::= SingLineComment | MultilineComment\r\nSingLineComment ::= \"/\" \"/\" <any>*\r\nMultilineComment ::= \"/\" \"*\" ([^*] | \"*\" [^/])* \"*' \"/\"\r\n\r\nToken ::= Literal | Keywords | Identifier | Punctuator\r\nLiteral ::= NumberLiteral | BooleanLiteral | StringLiteral | NullLiteral\r\nKeywords ::= \"if\" | \"else\" | \"for\" | \"function\" | .....\r\nPunctuator ::= \"+\" | \"-\" | \"*\" | \"/\" |\"{\" | \"}\" | .....\r\n\r\nProgram ::= Statement+\r\n\r\nStatement ::= ExpressionStatement | IfStatement | ForStatement | WhileStatement | VariableDeclaration | FunctionDeclaration | ClassDeclaration | BreakStatement |ContinueStatememt | ReturnStatement | ThrowStatement | TryStatement | Block\r\n\r\nIfStatement ::= \"if\" \"(\" Expression \")\" Statement\r\n\r\nBlock ::= \"{\" Statement \"}\"\r\n\r\nTryStatement ::= \"try\" \"{\" Statement+ \"}\" \"catch\" \"(\" Expression \")\" \"{\" Statement \"}\"\r\n\r\nExpressionStatement ::= Expression \";\"\r\n\r\nexpression ::= AdditiveExpression\r\n\r\nAdditiveExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression | AdditiveExpression (\"+\" | \"-\") MultiplicativeExpression\r\n\r\nMultiplicativeExpression ::= UnaryExpression | MultiplicativeExpression (\"*\" | \"/\") UnaryExpression\r\n\r\nUnaryExpression ::= PrimaryExpression | (\"+\" | \"-\" | \"typeof\") PrimaryExpression\r\n\r\nPrimaryExpression ::= \"(\" Expression \")\" | Literal | Identifier"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 1,397 |
jmitchell | 016ea60fc15602d5aa1ec16bb2f5b093fd622377 | 02a4a8ea98638ff0962c804a18f0643a56a8ca0a | /examples/abnf/in-raw.abnf | f1d88e508ba77c053d3fbd10dc6ffcb2df7dd8cd | jmitchell/abnf-to-tree-sitter | {
"content": "in-raw = %x69.6E\r\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 18 |
jbenner-radham | ebafd5713846922caffa54ca9bb219fe5722e1b0 | 1ce623e501a9ca87afb4166aa58b0fa9e1ca745e | /data/abnf/member.abnf | fe2bdce1ccfa1dea43a14845c3ab13ba56ce39a8 | jbenner-radham/jcard-to-vcard | {
"content": "MEMBER-param = \"VALUE=uri\" / pid-param / pref-param / altid-param\n / mediatype-param / any-param\nMEMBER-value = URI\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 128 |
Jasinsk | 9ae79b39e3653e99a5142d6948162e2fec952dee | a234789364adc743ed238ed65031f526e0928491 | /Grammatic_Frames/Command_structure.abnf | f777e3b42d0b8043f42fcbedc85f284cc1f49c63 | Jasinsk/VoiceCommander | {
"content": "#ABNF 1.0;\nlanguage pl-pl;\nmode voice;\nroot $root;\ntag-format <semantics/1.0-literals>;\n\n\n$root = $action [$program] [$courtesy];\n\n\n$action = (włącz | odpal | puść | otwórz | uruchom) {run} |\n ([(przesuń | podjedź)] (w górę | wyżej)) {up} |\n ([(przesuń | zjedź)] (w dół | niżej)) {down} |\n (enter | okej | zatwierdź) {enter} |\n (wyszukaj | znajdź) [na stronie] {find} |\n góra {home} |\n (zaznacz | zaznacz wszystko) {select_all} |\n (kopiuj | skopiuj) {copy} |\n (następne | zmień) okno {next_window} |\n wklej {paste} |\n zapisz {save} |\n cofnij {undo} |\n (zgugluj | sprawdź w gugle) {google} |\n (jutub | jutjub | jutube) {youtube} |\n zamknij {close} |\n (pokaż pulpit | wróć na pulpit | pulpit) {desktop} |\n (dyktuj | rozpocznij dyktowanie) {dictate} |\n zakończ nasłuch {end_commander} |\n czy joda był żydem {yoda} |\n przegądanie prywatne {private_browsing};\n\n\n$program = (opera | operę) {opera} |\n (chrome | chroma) {chrome} |\n edge {edge} |\n (notatnik | dokument tekstowy) {notepad};\n\n\n$courtesy = proszę;\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 1,280 |
asmwarrior | a577d3dd70460e4f04169da32fc1c6efdf7e72e9 | ae97ae80061f2cef8bc626f038a0d8c19f3ced21 | /tests/abnf/rfc6265.abnf | 688924b340407fccd92947388cb89990137910ad | asmwarrior/PeppaPEG | {
"content": "; Collected rules from RFC 6265\n;\n\nOWS = *( [ obs-fold ] WSP )\n\nobs-fold = CRLF\n\nset-cookie-header = \"Set-Cookie:\" SP set-cookie-string\n\nset-cookie-string = cookie-pair *( \";\" SP cookie-av )\n\ncookie-pair = cookie-name \"=\" cookie-value\n\ncookie-name = token\n\ncookie-value = *cookie-octet / ( DQUOTE *cookie-octet DQUOTE )\n\ncookie-octet = %x21 / %x23-2B / %x2D-3A / %x3C-5B / %x5D-7E\n\ntoken = %x21 / %x23-27 / %x2A-2B / %x2D-2E / %x30-39 / %x41-5A / %x5E-7A / %x7C\n\ncookie-av = expires-av / max-age-av / domain-av / path-av / secure-av / httponly-av / extension-av\n\nexpires-av = \"Expires=\" sane-cookie-date\n\nsane-cookie-date = rfc1123-date\n\nrfc1123-date = wkday \",\" SP date1 SP time SP \"GMT\"\n\nmax-age-av = \"Max-Age=\" non-zero-digit *DIGIT\n\nnon-zero-digit = %x31-39\n\ndomain-av = \"Domain=\" domain-value\n\nlabel = (ALPHA / DIGIT) *(((ALPHA / DIGIT / \"-\") (ALPHA / DIGIT)) / (ALPHA / DIGIT))\n\nsubdomain = label *(\".\" label)\n\ndomain-value = subdomain / IPv4address / IPv6address\n\npath-av = \"Path=\" path-value\n\npath-value = 1*(%x20-3A / %x3C-7E)\n\nsecure-av = \"Secure\"\n\nhttponly-av = \"HttpOnly\"\n\nextension-av = 1*( %x20-3A / %x3C-7E)\n\ncookie-date = *delimiter date-token-list *delimiter\n\ndate-token-list = date-token *( 1*delimiter date-token )\n\ndate-token = 1*non-delimiter\n\ndelimiter = %x09 / %x20-2F / %x3B-40 / %x5B-60 / %x7B-7E\n\nnon-delimiter = %x00-08 / %x0A-1F / DIGIT / \":\" / ALPHA / %x7F-FF\n\nnon-digit = %x00-2F / %x3A-FF\n\nday-of-month = 1*2DIGIT ( non-digit *OCTET )\n\nmonth = ( \"jan\" / \"feb\" / \"mar\" / \"apr\" / \"may\" / \"jun\" / \"jul\" / \"aug\" / \"sep\" / \"oct\" / \"nov\" / \"dec\" ) *OCTET\n\nyear = 2*4DIGIT ( non-digit *OCTET )\n\ntime = hms-time ( non-digit *OCTET )\n\nhms-time = time-field \":\" time-field \":\" time-field\n\ntime-field = 1*2DIGIT\n\ncookie-header = \"Cookie:\" OWS cookie-string OWS\n\ncookie-string = cookie-pair *( \";\" SP cookie-pair )\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 1,870 |
ietf-wg-dmarc | db5d3d40102d0599b386a79a07b967e402c6c326 | 1944be11df7aaf4099871da5bc3471a1e269e4b5 | /dmarc.abnf | 22e6f9f3e77d67785269333b48099c53e5772271 | ietf-wg-dmarc/draft-kucherawy-dmarc-dmarcbis | {
"content": ";\n; Extracted ABNF from RFC7489 \n;\n\n; URI rfc3986\n; DIGIT rfc5234\n; WSP rfc5234\n; Keyword rfc5321\n; ALPHA rfc5234\n; domain rfc5322\n; FWS rfc5322\n; domain-name rfc6376\n; msg-id rfc5322\n; CFWS rfc5322\n\ndmarc-uri = URI [ \"!\" 1*DIGIT [ \"k\" / \"m\" / \"g\" / \"t\" ] ]\n ; \"URI\" is imported from [RFC3986]; commas (ASCII\n ; 0x2C) and exclamation points (ASCII 0x21)\n ; MUST be encoded; the numeric portion MUST fit\n ; within an unsigned 64-bit integer\n\ndmarc-record = dmarc-version dmarc-sep\n [dmarc-request]\n [dmarc-sep dmarc-srequest]\n [dmarc-sep dmarc-auri]\n [dmarc-sep dmarc-furi]\n [dmarc-sep dmarc-adkim]\n [dmarc-sep dmarc-aspf]\n [dmarc-sep dmarc-ainterval]\n [dmarc-sep dmarc-fo]\n [dmarc-sep dmarc-rfmt]\n [dmarc-sep dmarc-percent]\n [dmarc-sep]\n ; components other than dmarc-version and\n ; dmarc-request may appear in any order\n\ndmarc-version = \"v\" *WSP \"=\" *WSP %x44 %x4d %x41 %x52 %x43 %x31\n\ndmarc-sep = *WSP %x3b *WSP\n\ndmarc-request = \"p\" *WSP \"=\" *WSP\n ( \"none\" / \"quarantine\" / \"reject\" )\n\ndmarc-srequest = \"sp\" *WSP \"=\" *WSP\n ( \"none\" / \"quarantine\" / \"reject\" )\n\ndmarc-auri = \"rua\" *WSP \"=\" *WSP\n dmarc-uri *(*WSP \",\" *WSP dmarc-uri)\n\ndmarc-furi = \"ruf\" *WSP \"=\" *WSP\n dmarc-uri *(*WSP \",\" *WSP dmarc-uri)\n\ndmarc-adkim = \"adkim\" *WSP \"=\" *WSP\n ( \"r\" / \"s\" )\n\ndmarc-aspf = \"aspf\" *WSP \"=\" *WSP\n ( \"r\" / \"s\" )\ndmarc-ainterval = \"ri\" *WSP \"=\" *WSP 1*DIGIT\n\ndmarc-fo = \"fo\" *WSP \"=\" *WSP\n ( \"0\" / \"1\" / \"d\" / \"s\" )\n *(*WSP \":\" *WSP ( \"0\" / \"1\" / \"d\" / \"s\" ))\n\ndmarc-rfmt = \"rf\" *WSP \"=\" *WSP Keyword *(*WSP \":\" Keyword)\n ; registered reporting formats only\n\ndmarc-percent = \"pct\" *WSP \"=\" *WSP\n 1*3DIGIT\n\nfilename = receiver \"!\" policy-domain \"!\" begin-timestamp\n \"!\" end-timestamp [ \"!\" unique-id ] \".\" extension\n\nunique-id = 1*(ALPHA / DIGIT)\n\nreceiver = domain\n ; imported from [RFC5322]\n\npolicy-domain = domain\n\nbegin-timestamp = 1*DIGIT\n ; seconds since 00:00:00 UTC January 1, 1970\n ; indicating start of the time range contained\n ; in the report\n\nend-timestamp = 1*DIGIT\n ; seconds since 00:00:00 UTC January 1, 1970\n ; indicating end of the time range contained\n ; in the report\n\nextension = \"xml\" / \"xml.gz\"\n\ndmarc-subject = %x52.65.70.6f.72.74 1*FWS ; \"Report\"\n %x44.6f.6d.61.69.6e.3a 1*FWS ; \"Domain:\"\n domain-name 1*FWS ; from RFC 6376\n %x53.75.62.6d. ; \"Submitter:\"\n 1*FWS domain-name 1*FWS\n %x52.65.70.6f.72.74.2d.49.44.3a ; \"Report-ID:\"\n msg-id ; from RFC 5322\n\nid-align = \"Identity-Alignment:\" [CFWS]\n ( \"none\" /\n dmarc-method *( [CFWS] \",\" [CFWS] dmarc-method ) )\n [CFWS]\n\ndmarc-method = ( \"dkim\" / \"spf\" )\n ; each may appear at most once in an id-align\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 3,640 |
KenMan79 | 60c086239e5027836683a51f9c3c5ec52f5991a6 | 31b889744fac9afd42acd8082ceaa0246406d784 | /CIP-0019/CIP-0019-cardano-addresses.abnf | 27b956d7e03432c03b4b06a3aaed6b91a7db717f | KenMan79/CIPs | {
"content": "ADDRESS = %b0000 | NETWORK-TAG | KEY-HASH | KEY-HASH ; type 00, Base Shelley address\n \\ %b0001 | NETWORK-TAG | SCRIPT-HASH | KEY-HASH ; type 01, Base Shelley address\n \\ %b0010 | NETWORK-TAG | KEY-HASH | SCRIPT-HASH ; type 02, Base Shelley address\n \\ %b0011 | NETWORK-TAG | SCRIPT-HASH | SCRIPT-HASH ; type 03, Base Shelley address\n \\ %b0100 | NETWORK-TAG | KEY-HASH | POINTER ; type 04, Pointer Shelley address\n \\ %b0101 | NETWORK-TAG | SCRIPT-HASH | POINTER ; type 05, Pointer Shelley address\n \\ %b0110 | NETWORK-TAG | KEY-HASH ; type 06, Payment Shelley address\n \\ %b0111 | NETWORK-TAG | SCRIPT-HASH ; type 07, Payment Shelley address\n \\ %b1110 | NETWORK-TAG | KEY-HASH ; type 08, Stake Shelley address\n \\ %b1111 | NETWORK-TAG | SCRIPT-HASH ; type 09, Stake Shelley address\n \\ %b1000 | BYRON-PAYLOAD ; type 10, Byron / Bootstrap address\n\nNETWORK-TAG = %b0000 ; Testnet\n \\ %b0001 ; Mainnet\n\nPOINTER = VARIABLE-LENGTH-UINT ; slot number\n | VARIABLE-LENGTH-UINT ; transaction index\n | VARIABLE-LENGTH-UINT ; output index\n\nVARIABLE-LENGTH-UINT = (%b1 | UINT7 | VARIABLE-LENGTH-UINT)\n / (%b0 | UINT7)\nUINT7 = 7BIT\n\nKEY-HASH = 28OCTET\n\nSCRIPT-HASH= 28OCTET\n\nBYRON-PAYLOAD = *OCTET ; see 'Byron Addresses' section or cddl specification.\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 1,493 |
mwherman2000 | 9333146df8871cbc50fc3cc402b12826b8d4e916 | a9e7a38b55a864f632f9c9e172fefb223a338e26 | /parse2-aparse/examples/clock/clock.abnf | 6fc0b0719bf70b0c580aebee709710904073c31c | mwherman2000/did-uri-spec | {
"content": "Clock = Hours Separator Minutes [Separator Seconds]; #Seconds optional.\n\nHours = (%x30-31 %x30-39) / (%x32 %x30-33);\n\nMinutes = %x30-35 %x30-39;\n\nSeconds = %x30-35 %x30-39;\n\nSeparator = \":\";"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 190 |
hildjj | e4daac5a99de2324629a7a76a499058f094674a1 | fd285645948c17403ee64265ef2a969776c390c1 | /examples/jid.abnf | 25690984af996bd26b299e139f794574964cc7a8 | hildjj/node-abnf | {
"content": " jid = [ localpart \"@\" ] domainpart [ \"/\" resourcepart ]\n\n localpart = 1*(nodepoint)\n ;\n ; a \"nodepoint\" is a UTF-8 encoded Unicode code\n ; point that satisfies the Nodeprep profile of\n ; stringprep\n ;\n\n nodepoint = UTF8-char ; WRONG. Can't be @, for example\n\n domainpart = IP-literal / IPv4address / ifqdn\n ;\n ; the \"IPv4address\" and \"IP-literal\" rules are\n ; defined in RFC 3986, and the first-match-wins\n ; (a.k.a. \"greedy\") algorithm described in RFC\n ; 3986 applies to the matching process\n ;\n ; note well that reuse of the IP-literal rule\n ; from RFC 3986 implies that IPv6 addresses are\n ; enclosed in square brackets (i.e., beginning\n ; with '[' and ending with ']'), which was not\n ; the case in RFC 3920\n ;\n\n ifqdn = 1*(namepoint)\n ;\n ; a \"namepoint\" is a UTF-8 encoded Unicode\n ; code point that satisfies the Nameprep\n ; profile of stringprep\n ;\n\n namepoint = UTF8-char ; WRONG. Can't be /, for example\n\n resourcepart = 1*(resourcepoint)\n ;\n ; a \"resourcepoint\" is a UTF-8 encoded Unicode\n ; code point that satisfies the Resourceprep\n ; profile of stringprep\n ;\n\n resourcepoint = UTF8-char\n\n; From RFC 3986\n\n IP-literal = \"[\" ( IPv6address / IPvFuture ) \"]\"\n\n IPvFuture = \"v\" 1*HEXDIG \".\" 1*( unreserved / sub-delims / \":\" )\n\n\n IPv6address = 6( h16 \":\" ) ls32\n / \"::\" 5( h16 \":\" ) ls32\n / [ h16 ] \"::\" 4( h16 \":\" ) ls32\n / [ *1( h16 \":\" ) h16 ] \"::\" 3( h16 \":\" ) ls32\n / [ *2( h16 \":\" ) h16 ] \"::\" 2( h16 \":\" ) ls32\n / [ *3( h16 \":\" ) h16 ] \"::\" h16 \":\" ls32\n / [ *4( h16 \":\" ) h16 ] \"::\" ls32\n / [ *5( h16 \":\" ) h16 ] \"::\" h16\n / [ *6( h16 \":\" ) h16 ] \"::\"\n\n ls32 = ( h16 \":\" h16 ) / IPv4address\n ; least-significant 32 bits of address\n\n h16 = 1*4HEXDIG\n ; 16 bits of address represented in hexadecimal\n\n IPv4address = dec-octet \".\" dec-octet \".\" dec-octet \".\" dec-octet\n\n dec-octet = DIGIT ; 0-9\n / %x31-39 DIGIT ; 10-99\n / \"1\" 2DIGIT ; 100-199\n / \"2\" %x30-34 DIGIT ; 200-249\n / \"25\" %x30-35 ; 250-255\n\n sub-delims = \"!\" / \"$\" / \"&\" / \"'\" / \"(\" / \")\"\n / \"*\" / \"+\" / \",\" / \";\" / \"=\"\n\n unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / \"-\" / \".\" / \"_\" / \"~\"\n\n; From RFC 5234\n\n ALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A ; A-Z / a-z\n\n HEXDIG = DIGIT / \"A\" / \"B\" / \"C\" / \"D\" / \"E\" / \"F\"\n\n DIGIT = %x30-39\n ; 0-9\n\nUTF8-char = UTF8-1 / UTF8-2 / UTF8-3 / UTF8-4\nUTF8-1 = %x00-7F\nUTF8-2 = %xC2-DF UTF8-tail\nUTF8-3 = %xE0 %xA0-BF UTF8-tail / %xE1-EC 2( UTF8-tail ) /\n %xED %x80-9F UTF8-tail / %xEE-EF 2( UTF8-tail )\nUTF8-4 = %xF0 %x90-BF 2( UTF8-tail ) / %xF1-F3 3( UTF8-tail ) /\n %xF4 %x80-8F 2( UTF8-tail )\nUTF8-tail = %x80-BF\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 3,722 |
junwen12221 | 349000bdc396ae78ead402bc4f47967a0bcb86a4 | 762e0a23a6916055b6a2e7dd5d94907862adc5d4 | /examples/input/float-top.abnf | e943159fbf650b6ca8b3e49ad2453c8b167b7ccf | junwen12221/apg-7.0 | {
"content": "float = sign decimal exponent\nsign = [\"+\" / \"-\"]\ndecimal = integer [dot fraction]\n / dot fraction\n\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 117 |
ZxxLang | a85dfc01d918ad9d08c78ec36aeffaa7ceccba8c | d47c0488dfb728d304d54ab0df53a0ea5b6ad1aa | /grammar/json-parser.abnf | 451ede35fccceead4b14b2180d5316a8d606d597 | ZxxLang/abnfa | {
"content": "ABNF-Actions =\n to-language 'JSON'\n to-fileTypes ['json']\n to-scopeName 'source.json'\n to-description 'JSON parser'\n\n to-locname '' ; must be clear\n to-typename '' ; must be clear\n\nresult = value\n\nvalue =\n '{' ws object--OBJECT(val) ws '}'\n / '[' ws array--ARRAY(val) ws ']'\n / '\"' *char--STRING(val, unescape) '\"'\n / number--pending(val)\n / 'true' to--true(val)\n / 'false' to--false(val)\n / 'null' to--null(val)\n\nnumber = [ '-' ] int (\n frac [ exp ] to--type(FLOAT)\n / exp to--type(FLOAT)\n / to--type(INT)\n )\n\nexp = \"E\" [ '-' / '+' ] 1*DIGIT\n\nfrac = '.' 1*DIGIT\n\nint = '0' / ( %x31-39 *DIGIT )\n\nobject =\n ws [ property *( ws ',' ws property ) ] ws\n\nproperty =\n '\"' *char--STRING(key, unescape) '\"' ws ':' ws value\n\narray = *( ws value ws ',' ws) [value]\n\nchar =\n unescaped / '\\' (\n '\"' / ; quotation mark U+0022\n '\\' / ; reverse solidus U+005C\n '/' / ; solidus U+002F\n 'b' / ; backspace U+0008\n 'f' / ; form feed U+000C\n 'n' / ; line feed U+000A\n 'r' / ; carriage return U+000D\n 't' / ; tab U+0009\n 'u' 4HEXDIG ; uXXXX U+XXXX\n )\n\nunescaped = %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-10FFFF\n\nws =\n *(\n %x20 / ; Space\n %x09 / ; Horizontal tab\n %x0A / ; Line feed or New line\n %x0D ; Carriage return\n )\n\nDIGIT = %x30-39 ; 0-9\n\nHEXDIG = DIGIT / %x41-5A / %x61-7A\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 1,466 |
jonathanlloyd | 83bd9b15e42449a94c956c0544621c6f05326443 | 90488d2209ae833337bc24d518c3d470c4b0ff2d | /src/request.abnf | 35f0f9981c23a1c8b36f840734adba4e842708bd | jonathanlloyd/scratchstack-httpserver | {
"content": "request = request-line *(header CRLF) CRLF body\nrequest-line = method SP path SP http-version CRLF\nmethod = token\npath = 1*(\"/\" *pchar) [\"/\"]\npchar = ALPHA / DIGIT / \"-\" / \"_\" ; This is incorrect but will do for this toy example. See\nhttp-version = \"H\" \"T\" \"T\" \"P\" \"/\" DIGIT \".\" DIGIT\nheader = field-name \":\" *OWS field-content *OWS\nfield-name = token\nfield-content = VCHAR [ 1*WSP VCHAR ]\ntoken = 1*tchar\ntchar = DIGIT / ALPHA / \"!\" / \"#\" / \"$\" / \"%\" / \"&\" / \"'\" / \"*\"\n / \"+\" / \"-\" / \".\" / \"^\" / \"_\" / \"`\" / \"|\" / \"~\"\nbody = *OCTET\n\nOWS = *WSP\nWSP = SP / HTAB\nSP = \" \"\nHTAB = \"\\t\"\nCRLF = CR LF\nLF = \"\\n\"\nCR = \"\\r\"\nVCHAR = <\"!\" -> \"}\"> ; All printable ascii characters\nALPHA = ALPHA_LOW | ALPHA_UP\nALPHA_LOW = <\"a\" -> \"z\">\nALPHA_UP = <\"A\" -> \"Z\">\nDIGIT = <\"0\" -> \"9\">\nOCTET = <\\x00 -> \\xFF>\n\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 847 |
jonathanlloyd | 82f7d63f69ea35039938e983e9ef56a06e6ec840 | 90488d2209ae833337bc24d518c3d470c4b0ff2d | /src/response.abnf | 75af675a8b6bf34e567b5fa46dc39fe3418d3dcd | jonathanlloyd/scratchstack-httpserver | {
"content": "response = status-line *(header CRLF) CRLF body\nstatus-line = http-version SP status-code SP reason-phrase CRLF\nhttp-version = \"H\" \"T\" \"T\" \"P\" \"/\" DIGIT \".\" DIGIT\nstatus-code = 3*3DIGIT\nreason-phrase = *( HTAB / SP / VCHAR )\nheader = field-name \":\" *OWS field-content *OWS\nfield-name = token\nfield-content = VCHAR [ 1*WSP VCHAR ]\n\ntoken = 1*tchar\ntchar = DIGIT / ALPHA / \"!\" / \"#\" / \"$\" / \"%\" / \"&\" / \"'\" / \"*\"\n / \"+\" / \"-\" / \".\" / \"^\" / \"_\" / \"`\" / \"|\" / \"~\"\nbody = *OCTET\n\nOWS = *WSP\nWSP = SP / HTAB\nSP = \" \"\nHTAB = \"\\t\"\nCRLF = CR LF\nLF = \"\\n\"\nCR = \"\\r\"\nVCHAR = <\"!\" -> \"}\"> ; All printable ascii characters\nALPHA = ALPHA_LOW | ALPHA_UP\nALPHA_LOW = <\"a\" -> \"z\">\nALPHA_UP = <\"A\" -> \"Z\">\nDIGIT = <\"0\" -> \"9\">\nOCTET = <\\x00 -> \\xFF>\n\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 740 |
Frozenmad | d5bdee0dda7c52b9ad8d9e87897df0de6bb9c329 | 151522bff3a4dfcad04325b42353a0f4907c3595 | /Lanya/app/src/main/assets/command.abnf | 2845d09fb98542f0ecae300eb1d7f7d399261352 | Frozenmad/IIIC | {
"content": "#ABNF 1.0 UTF-8;\nlanguage zh-CN; \nmode voice;\n\nroot $main;\n$main = $command;\n$command = 前进 | 后退 | 右转 | 左转 | 起飞 | 向左 | 向右 | 往后退 | 倒车;\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 171 |
tojoykorea | f9c42a68cc8f0cccbcbc733bb5ea96b0d0644388 | a73fa3b8cbb497cdd1a06e8eaa400f73158c8e2a | /week5/syntax.abnf | d410e464b1d8a3240f7b7906aef5e853b5956d83 | tojoykorea/geektime | {
"content": "InputElement ::= WhiteSpace|LineTerminator|Comment|Token\n\nWhiteSpace ::= \" \"|\" \"\n\nLineTerminator ::= \"\\n\"|\"\\r\"\n\nComment ::=SingleLineComment|MultilineComment\nSingleLineComment ::= \"/\" \"/\" <any>*\nMultilineComment ::= \"/\" \"*\" ([^*] | \"*\" [^/])* \"*\" \"/\"\n\nToken ::= Literal|Keywords|Identifier|Punctuator\nLiteral ::= NumbericLiteral|BooleanLiteral|StringLiteral|NullLiteral\nKeywords ::= \"if\"|\"else\"|\"for\"|\"function\"|.....\nPunctuator ::= \"+\"|\"-\"|\"*\"|\"/\"|\"{\"|\"}\"|.....\n\nProgram ::= Statement+\n\nStatement ::= ExpressionStatement | IfStatement\n | ForStatement | WhileStatement\n | VariableDeclaration | FunctionDeclaration |ClassDeclaration\n | BreakStatement | ContinueStatement | ReturnStatement | ThrowStatement\n | TryStatement | Block\n\nIfStatement ::= \"if\" \"(\" Expression \")\" Statement\n\nBlock = \"{\" Statement \"}\"\n\nTryStatement ::= \"try\" \"{\" Statement \"}\" \"catch\" \"(\" Expression \")\" \"{\" Statement+ \"}\"\n\nExpressionStatement ::= Expression \";\"\n\nExpression ::= AdditiveExpression\n\nAdditiveExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression\n | AdditiveExpression (\"+\" | \"-\") MultiplicativeExpression\n\nMultiplicativeExpression ::= UnaryExpression\n | MultiplicativeExpression (\"*\" | \"/\") UnaryExpression\n\nUnaryExpression ::= PrimaryExpression\n | (\"+\" | \"-\" | \"typeof\") PrimaryExpression\n\nPrimaryExpression ::= \"(\" Expression \")\" | Literal | Identifier\n\nInputElement: \"<Whitespace>|<LineTerminator>|<Comments>|<Token>\",\n Whitespace: / /,\n LineTerminator: /\\n/,\n Comments: /\\/\\*(?:[^*]|\\*[^\\/])*\\*\\/|\\/\\/[^\\n]*/,\n Token: \"<Literal>|<Keywords>|<Identifer>|<Punctuator>\",\n Literal:\"<NumbericLiteral>|<BooleanLiteral>|<StringLiteral>|<NullLiteral>\",\n NumericLiteral: /(?:[1-9][0-9]*|0)(?:\\.[0-9]*)?|\\.[0-9]+/,\n BooleanLiteral: /true|false/,\n StringLiteral: /\\\"(?:[^\"\\n]|\\\\[\\s\\S])*\\\"|\\'(?:[^'\\n]|\\\\[\\s\\S])*\\'/,\n NullLiteral: /null/,\n Identifer: /[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*/,\n Keywords:/if|else|for|function/,\n Punctuator: /\\+|\\,|\\?|\\:|\\{|\\}|\\.|\\(|\\=|\\<|\\+\\+|\\=\\=|\\=\\>|\\*|\\)|\\[|\\]|;/\n\n},\"g\",\"InputElement\")"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 2,008 |
alittlesail | ba3fa63559d95bed32130dafa7721fc5a4b1a38a | d1c99cafd28cf13999f1b1de37ce1ae47d2321d1 | /Module/AUIPlugin/Other/ABnf/AXml.abnf | c6ba6a78316d5c8516481e9468f6a5ec3e71a6ef | alittlesail/ | {
"content": "\n// 语法树的跟【Root是系统内置,必须定义Root作为语法根节点,没有定义会报错】\nRoot = (Title Child*)?;\n\n// 块注释【BlockComment是系统内置的块注释语法规则名】\nBlockComment : \"<\" [128,128,128] = \"<%!%-%-!(%-%->)*%-%->\";\n\n// 字符串\nText : \"\\\"\"@ [106,135,89] = \"\\\"([^\\\"\\\\]|\\\\.)*\\\"\";\n// 规则名称\nId : \"[_a-zA-Z]\" [204,120,50] = \"[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*\";\n\nAttr = AttrKey@ '='@ Text;\nAttrKey [152,118,170] = Id;\n\nTitle = '<?'@ Id Attr* '?>';\nChild = ChildPre (PairChild | CloseChild);\n\nChildPre = '<'@ Id Attr*;\nPairChild = '>'@ Child* '</' Id '>';\nCloseChild = '/>'@;"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 617 |
brigid-jp | 0918c37170ffa7996c262a95b5f8e5f7aa786bb8 | 70325277b92e01f3b66e180a329809e0191b71b5 | /test/lab/errata.txt | d3e4704152314f1dfc5e92bf4d7d3345523fdc90 | brigid-jp/brigid | {
"content": "; vim: syntax=abnf:\n\n; Copyright (c) 2021 <>\n; This software is released under the MIT License.\n;\n\nreg-name = *(unreserved / pct-encoded / \"-\" / \".\")\n;\n\nrelative-part = \"//\" authority path-abempty\n / path-absolute\n / path-noscheme\n / path-abempty ; this was added\n / path-empty\n;\n\npath-empty = \"\"\n;\n\nhttp-URI = \"http:\" \"//\" authority path-abempty [\"?\" query]\n;\n\nhttps-URI = \"https:\" \"//\" authority path-abempty [\"?\" query]\n;\n\nchunk-ext = *(BWS \";\" BWS chunk-ext-name [BWS \"=\" BWS chunk-ext-val])\n;\n;\n\nfield-content = field-vchar [1*(SP / HTAB / field-vchar) field-vchar]\n;\n\nuri-host = host\n;\n; uri-host = <host, see [RFC3986], Section 3.2.2>\n\nVia = <undef>\n;\n; comment = \"(\" *( ctext / quoted-pair / comment ) \")\"\n;\n;\n; Via = *( \",\" OWS ) ( received-protocol RWS received-by [ RWS comment\n; ] ) *( OWS \",\" [ OWS ( received-protocol RWS received-by [ RWS\n; comment ] ) ] )\n\nframe-masking-key = %x00000000-FFFFFFFF\n;\n\nobject = begin-object [<member> *(value-separator <member>)] end-object\n;\n; object = begin-object [ member *( value-separator member ) ]\n; end-object\n\nvalue = false / null / true / <object> / <array> / number / string\n;\n; value = false / null / true / object / array / number / string\n\narray = begin-array [<value> *(value-separator <value>)] end-array\n;\n; array = begin-array [ value *( value-separator value ) ] end-array\n\nmember = string name-separator <value>\n;\n; member = string name-separator value\n\nJSON-text = ws <value> ws\n;\n; JSON-text = ws value ws\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 2,533 |
LedanDark | 95a687c9856809cec01dfcbc5aa8228879512a01 | 7f2f8e5967afc2c23256b1c83480c2ed2f1beb5a | /1.0/social/resources/german_male.abnf | 3319bd126c512462038f6139e9d76cbf615415a8 | LedanDark/example-skills | {
"content": "#ABNF 1.0 ISO-8859-1;\n\nlanguage en-US;\nroot $name;\n\npublic $name =\nAlexander\n| Andre\n| Andreas\n| Axel\n| Ben\n| Benjamin\n| Bernd\n| Bjorn\n| Christian\n| Christoph\n| Christopher\n| Daniel\n| David\n| Dennis\n| Detlef\n| Dieter\n| Dirk\n| Dominik\n| Erik\n| Ernst\n| Fabian\n| Felix\n| Finn\n| Florian\n| Frank\n| Gerd\n| Gerhard\n| Gunther\n| Hans\n| Harald\n| Heiko\n| Heinz\n| Helmut\n| Herbert\n| Hermann\n| Holger\n| Horst\n| Jakob\n| Jan\n| Jannik\n| Jens\n| Joachim\n| Johannes\n| Jonas\n| Jonathan\n| Julian\n| Justin\n| Jurgen\n| Kai\n| Karl\n| Karsten\n| Kevin\n| Klaus\n| Kurt\n| Lars\n| Lennart\n| Leon\n| Linus\n| Lothar\n| Luca\n| Luis\n| Lukas\n| Manfred\n| Marc\n| Marcel\n| Marco\n| Markus\n| Martin\n| Marvin\n| Matthias\n| Max\n| Maximilian\n| Michael\n| Mike\n| Moritz\n| Nick\n| Nico\n| Niklas\n| Nils\n| Noah\n| Norbert\n| Olaf\n| Oliver\n| Oskar\n| Pascal\n| Patrick\n| Paul\n| Peter\n| Philipp\n| Rainer\n| Ralf\n| Reinhard\n| Rene\n| Robert\n| Robin\n| Rolf\n| Rudolf\n| Rudiger\n| Sascha\n| Sebastian\n| Siegfried\n| Simon\n| Stefan\n| Sven\n| Theodor\n| Thomas\n| Tim\n| Timo\n| Tobias\n| Tom\n| Torsten\n| Ulrich\n| Uwe\n| Walter\n| Werner\n| Wilfried\n| Wolfgang\n| Volker;"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 1,089 |
vipinsingh211 | b7465870764628e1e571f3c7a3234d5fb7b982f3 | 6d52688cc9fd01a90c4e59cf928f43aac2163d26 | /src/rfc4566.abnf | 627d9200db5fac02f52a20f026844af76ca816d2 | vipinsingh211/pran | {
"content": "session-description = proto-version\n origin-field\n session-name-field\n information-field\n ; uri-field\n ; email-fields\n phone-fields\n [ connection-field ]\n bandwidth-fields\n time-fields\n key-field\n attribute-fields\n media-descriptions\n\nproto-version = %x76 \"=\" 1*DIGIT CRLF : {'proto-version', _YY3}.\n\norigin-field = %x6F \"=\" username SP sess-id SP sess-version SP\n nettype SP addrtype SP unicast-address CRLF :\n {'origin-field', _YY3, _YY5, _YY7, _YY9, _YY11, _YY13}.\n\nsession-name-field = %x73 \"=\" text CRLF : {'session-name-field', _YY3}.\n\ninformation-field = [%x69 \"=\" text CRLF] : {'information-field', _YY}.\n\nuri-field = [%x75 \"=\" uri CRLF]\n\n;email-fields = *(%x65 \"=\" email-address CRLF)\n\nphone-fields = *(%x70 \"=\" phone-number CRLF) : {'phone-fields', _YY}.\n\nconnection-field = %x63 \"=\" nettype SP addrtype SP\n\t\t connection-address CRLF :\n case _YY of\n [_,_,P1,_,P2,_,P3,_] ->\n {'connection-field', P1,P2,P3};\n\t[] -> {'connection-field', undefined, undefined, undefined}\n end.\n\nbandwidth-fields = *(%x62 \"=\" bwtype \":\" bandwidth CRLF) :\n {'bandwidth-fields', [{Type, BW}||[_,_,Type,_,BW,_]<-_YY]}.\n\ntime-fields = 1*( %x74 \"=\" start-time SP stop-time\n *(CRLF repeat-fields) CRLF)\n [zone-adjustments CRLF] : {'time-fields', _YY}.\n\nrepeat-fields = %x72 \"=\" repeat-interval SP typed-time\n 1*(SP typed-time)\n\nzone-adjustments = %x7a \"=\" timex SP [\"-\"] typed-time\n *(SP timex SP [\"-\"] typed-time)\n\nkey-field = [%x6b \"=\" key-type CRLF]\n\nattribute-fields = *(%x61 \"=\" attribute CRLF) :\n {'attribute-field', [AF||[_,_,AF,_]<-_YY]}.\n\nmedia-descriptions = *( media-field\n information-field\n *connection-field\n bandwidth-fields\n key-field\n attribute-fields ) : {'media-descriptions',_YY}.\n\nmedia-field = %x6D \"=\" media SP port [\"/\" integer]\n SP proto 1*(SP fmt) CRLF :\n {'media-field', _YY3, _YY5, _YY6, _YY8, \n [Fmt||['SP',Fmt]<-_YY9]}.\n\n; sub-rules of 'o='\nusername = non-ws-string\n; ;pretty wide definition, but doesn't\n; ;include space\n\nsess-id = 1*DIGIT\n; ;should be unique for this username/host\n\nsess-version = 1*DIGIT\n\nnettype = token\n; ;typically \"IN\"\n\naddrtype = token\n; ;typically \"IP4\" or \"IP6\"\n; \n\n\nuri = URI-reference\n; ; see RFC 3986\n; sub-rules of 'e=', see RFC 2822 for definitions\n\n;email-address = address-and-comment/ dispname-and-address/ addr-spec\n\n;address-and-comment = addr-spec 1*SP \"(\" 1*email-safe \")\"\n\n;dispname-and-address = 1*email-safe 1*SP \"<\" addr-spec \">\"\n\n; sub-rules of 'p='\nphone-number = phone *SP \"(\" 1*email-safe \")\"/\n 1*email-safe \"<\" phone \">\"/\n phone\n\nphone = [\"+\"] DIGIT 1*(SP/ \"-\"/ DIGIT)\n\n; sub-rules of 'c='\nconnection-address = unicast-address / multicast-address\n\n; sub-rules of 'b='\nbwtype = token\n\nbandwidth = 1*DIGIT\n\n; sub-rules of 't='\nstart-time = timex/ \"0\"\n\nstop-time = timex/ \"0\"\n\ntimex = POS-DIGIT 9*DIGIT\n; ; Decimal representation of NTP time in\n; ; seconds since 1900. The representation\n; ; of NTP time is an unbounded length field\n; ; containing at least 10 digits. Unlike the\n; ; 64-bit representation used elsewhere, time\n; ; in SDP does not wrap in the year 2036.\n\n; sub-rules of 'r=' and 'z='\nrepeat-interval = POS-DIGIT *DIGIT [fixed-len-time-unit]\n\ntyped-time = 1*DIGIT [fixed-len-time-unit]\n\nfixed-len-time-unit = %x64/ %x68/ %x6D/ %x73\n\n; sub-rules of 'k='\n;key-type = %x70 %x72 %x6F %x6D %x70 %x74/ ; \"prompt\"\n; %x63 %x6C %x65 %x61 %x72 \":\" text/ ; \"clear:\"\n; %x62 %x61 %x73 %x65 \"64:\" base64/ ; \"base64:\"\n; %x75 %x72 %x69 \":\" uri ; \"uri:\"\nkey-type = %x70 %x72 %x6F %x6D %x70 %x74/\n %x63 %x6C %x65 %x61 %x72 \":\" text/\n %x62 %x61 %x73 %x65 \"64:\" base64/\n %x75 %x72 %x69 \":\" uri\n\nbase64 = *base64-unit [base64-pad]\n\nbase64-unit = 4base64-char\n\nbase64-pad = 2base64-char \"==\"/ 3base64-char \"=\"\n\nbase64-char = ALPHA/ DIGIT/ \"+\"/ \"/\"\n\n; sub-rules of 'a='\nattribute = (att-field \":\" att-value)/ att-field : {attribute, _YY}.\n\natt-field = token\n\natt-value = byte-string\n\n; sub-rules of 'm='\nmedia = token\n; ;typically \"audio\", \"video\", \"text\", or\n; ;\"application\"\n\nfmt = token\n; ;typically an RTP payload type for audio\n; ;and video media\n\nproto = token *(\"/\" token) : {proto, _YY1, _YY2}.\n\n\nport = 1*DIGIT\n\n; generic sub-rules: addressing\nunicast-address = IP4-address/ IP6-address/ FQDN/ extn-addr\n\nmulticast-address = IP4-multicast/ IP6-multicast/ FQDN/ extn-addr\n\nIP4-multicast = m1 3( \".\" decimal-uchar ) \"/\" ttl [ \"/\" integer ]\n; ; IPv4 multicast addresses may be in the\n; ; range to\n; \n\nm1 = (\"22\" (\"4\"/ \"5\"/ \"6\"/ \"7\"/ \"8\"/ \"9\"))/ (\"23\" DIGIT )\n\nIP6-multicast = hexpart [ \"/\" integer ]\n; ; IPv6 address starting with FF\n\nttl = (POS-DIGIT *2DIGIT) / \"0\"\n\nFQDN = 4*(alpha-numeric/ \"-\"/ \".\")\n; ; fully qualified domain name as specified\n; ; in RFC 1035 (and updates)\n\nIP4-address = b1 3(\".\" decimal-uchar) : lists:flatten(_YY).\n\nb1 = decimal-uchar\n; ; less than \"224\"\n\n; The following is consistent with RFC 2373 [30], Appendix B.\nIP6-address = hexpart [ \":\" IP4-address ]\n\nhexpart = hexseq/ hexseq \"::\" [ hexseq ]/ \"::\" [ hexseq ]\n\nhexseq = hex4 *( \":\" hex4)\n\nhex4 = 1*4HEXDIG\n\n; Generic for other address families\nextn-addr = non-ws-string\n\n; generic sub-rules: datatypes\ntext = byte-string\n; ;default is to interpret this as UTF8 text.\n; ;ISO 8859-1 requires \"a=charset:ISO-8859-1\"\n; ;session-level attribute to be used\n\nbyte-string = 1*(%x01-09/%x0B-0C/%x0E-FF)\n; ;any byte except NUL, CR, or LF\n\nnon-ws-string = 1*(VCHAR/%x80-FF)\n; ;string of visible characters\n\ntoken-char = %x21 / %x23-27 / %x2A-2B / %x2D-2E / %x30-39\n / %x41-5A / %x5E-7E\n\ntoken = 1*(token-char)\n\nemail-safe = %x01-09/%x0B-0C/%x0E-27/%x2A-3B/%x3D/%x3F-FF\n; ;any byte except NUL, CR, LF, or the quoting\n; ;characters ()<>\n\ninteger = POS-DIGIT *DIGIT\n\n; generic sub-rules: primitives\nalpha-numeric = ALPHA / DIGIT\n\nPOS-DIGIT = %x31-39 ; 1 - 9\n\ndecimal-uchar = (\"2\" \"5\" (\"0\"/\"1\"/\"2\"/\"3\"/\"4\"/\"5\"))\n / (\"2\" (\"0\"/\"1\"/\"2\"/\"3\"/\"4\") DIGIT)\n / (\"1\" 2*(DIGIT))\n / POS-DIGIT DIGIT\n\t \t / DIGIT\n\n; external references:\n ; ALPHA, DIGIT, CRLF, SP, VCHAR: from RFC 4234\n ; URI-reference: from RFC 3986\n ; addr-spec: from RFC 2822\n\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 8,081 |
lioaphy | 2b98fba11e24958f70eb81b8d16b52c0ddb3f268 | cb09dc2c25af42bdedfbefc665e2319612227560 | /grammars/mariusExample2.abnf | 0ad4f6b3c54fee9eda011fc2a7057a6421e813cd | lioaphy/ABNF_to_PEG_translator | {
"content": "A = *b A A\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 11 |
marchboy | 1d1469386b9686abe989cae9bf0a87940dfc4790 | 370eb3d601cba2d791a7c690896d3504b3204c48 | /car_speech_rec/HYSpeechRecognition/asr_xf/bin/gm_continuous_digit_.abnf | 2cefb205652e100fe19cffe589d595aab736cb17 | marchboy/python_machine_learning | {
"content": "#ABNF 1.0 GB2312;\n\n/*\n * Copyright 1999-2008 iFLYTEK.\n * All Rights Reserved.\n * \n * continuous digits grammar: 1-16 bit number\n * fully continuous digits grammar ²ŠŽò1-16 bit number\n */\n\nlanguage zh-CN;\nmode voice;\n\nroot $main;\n\n$main = $phone_number;\n$phone_number = 这[儿]有一个USB的设备;\n\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 307 |
okomeki | 2a4911b9de31ff7c11656ba5f5632862751fb613 | f418466a107ae03fa5af63bd765a9d80490f7903 | /src/main/resources/net/siisise/abnf/rfc/UUID4122.abnf | 6b559977a0f99abacb5f5873e94ce85170dc3ef3 | okomeki/SoftLibRFC | {
"content": "UUID = time-low \"-\" time-mid \"-\"\n time-high-and-version \"-\"\n clock-seq-and-reserved\n clock-seq-low \"-\" node\ntime-low = 4hexOctet\ntime-mid = 2hexOctet\ntime-high-and-version = 2hexOctet\nclock-seq-and-reserved = hexOctet\nclock-seq-low = hexOctet\nnode = 6hexOctet\nhexOctet = hexDigit hexDigit\nhexDigit =\n \"0\" / \"1\" / \"2\" / \"3\" / \"4\" / \"5\" / \"6\" / \"7\" / \"8\" / \"9\" /\n \"a\" / \"b\" / \"c\" / \"d\" / \"e\" / \"f\" /\n \"A\" / \"B\" / \"C\" / \"D\" / \"E\" / \"F\"\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 644 |
triflicacid | 318d7c617561c903919486a62109def4d005616a | 5ac907275f3fdac9f9c9ff1857cdb84f37c9823c | /ABNF/tests/lexer/alternative.abnf | cf7687fa9010a4508837509a7c5a4c80f0295916 | triflicacid/cpp-abnf | {
"content": "digit = \"0\" / \"1\"\n; digit =/ \"2\" / \"3\""
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 38 |
gknowles | bc852e41edef2d224c3f61ec06d282a357c6c962 | c9889def8ff68247138baf9f4a9aca9faf70d409 | /tools/pargen/abnf.abnf | 8f2776f83c2445cdf2ed1bf99930daa6f92ceec5 | gknowles/dimapp | {
"content": "; Copyright Glen Knowles 2016 - 2018.\n; Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n;\n; abnf.abnf - pargen\n;\n; rules to parse abnf\n%root = rulelist\n%api.prefix = Abnf\n\n; abnf grammer rules for abnf\n; Rules are based on rfc's 5234 and 7405, see the pargen\n; for details.\naction = ( action-start / action-startw / action-end / action-endw /\n action-char / action-charw / action-func / action-as / action-min /\n action-no-min )\naction-as = ( %s\"As\" 1*c-wsp rulename ) { End }\naction-char = ( %s\"Char\" ) { End }\naction-charw = ( %s\"Char+\" ) { End }\naction-end = ( %s\"End\" ) { End }\naction-endw = ( %s\"End+\" ) { End }\naction-func = ( %s\"Function\" ) { End }\naction-min = ( %s\"MinRules\" ) { End }\naction-no-min = ( %s\"NoMinRules\" ) { End }\naction-start = ( %s\"Start\" ) { End }\naction-startw = ( %s\"Start+\" ) { End }\nactions = ( \"{\" *c-wsp *1( action *( *c-wsp \",\" *c-wsp action ) ) *c-wsp\n \"}\" *c-wsp )\nalternation = ( concatenation *( *c-wsp \"/\" *c-wsp concatenation ) ) {\n Start, End }\nbin-val = ( \"b\" ( bin-val-simple / bin-val-concatenation /\n bin-val-alternation ) )\nbin-val-alt-first = bin-val-sequence { End }\nbin-val-alt-second = bin-val-sequence { End }\nbin-val-alternation = ( bin-val-alt-first \"-\" bin-val-alt-second )\nbin-val-concat-each = bin-val-sequence { End }\nbin-val-concatenation = ( bin-val-concat-each 1*( \".\" bin-val-concat-each\n ) ) { Start, End }\nbin-val-sequence = 1*BIT { Char+ }\nbin-val-simple = bin-val-sequence { End }\nc-nl = ( comment / NEWLINE )\nc-wsp = ( WSP / ( c-nl WSP ) )\nchar-val = char-val-sensitive / char-val-insensitive\nchar-val-insensitive = ( [\"%i\"] DQUOTE char-val-sequence DQUOTE ) { End }\nchar-val-sensitive = ( \"%s\" DQUOTE char-val-sequence DQUOTE ) { End }\nchar-val-sequence = *( %x20-21 / %x23-7e ) { Start, Char+ }\ncomment = ( \";\" *( WSP / VCHAR ) NEWLINE )\nconcatenation = ( repetition *( 1*c-wsp repetition ) ) { Start, End }\ndec-val = ( \"d\" ( dec-val-simple / dec-val-concatenation /\n dec-val-alternation ) )\ndec-val-alt-first = dec-val-sequence { End }\ndec-val-alt-second = dec-val-sequence { End }\ndec-val-alternation = ( dec-val-alt-first \"-\" dec-val-alt-second )\ndec-val-concat-each = dec-val-sequence { End }\ndec-val-concatenation = ( dec-val-concat-each 1*( \".\" dec-val-concat-each\n ) ) { Start, End }\ndec-val-sequence = 1*DIGIT { Char+ }\ndec-val-simple = dec-val-sequence { End }\ndefined-as = ( *c-wsp ( defined-as-set / defined-as-incremental ) *c-wsp )\ndefined-as-incremental = ( \"=/\" ) { End }\ndefined-as-set = \"=\" { End }\nelement = ( ruleref / group / char-val / num-val )\nelements = ( alternation *c-wsp )\ngroup = ( ( \"(\" / \"[\" ) group-tail ) { Start+, End+ }\ngroup-tail = ( *c-wsp alternation *c-wsp ( \")\" / \"]\" ) ) { Function }\nhex-val = ( \"x\" ( hex-val-simple / hex-val-concatenation /\n hex-val-alternation ) )\nhex-val-alt-first = hex-val-sequence { End }\nhex-val-alt-second = hex-val-sequence { End }\nhex-val-alternation = ( hex-val-alt-first \"-\" hex-val-alt-second )\nhex-val-concat-each = hex-val-sequence { End }\nhex-val-concatenation = ( hex-val-concat-each 1*( \".\" hex-val-concat-each\n ) ) { Start, End }\nhex-val-sequence = 1*HEXDIG { Char+ }\nhex-val-simple = hex-val-sequence { End }\nnum-val = ( \"%\" ( bin-val / dec-val / hex-val ) )\noption = ( \"%\" option-tail )\noption-char = ( ALPHA / DIGIT / \".\" / \"-\" / \"_\" / \":\" )\noption-quoted = 1*( option-char / SP / \"/\" ) { Char+ }\noption-tail = ( optionname defined-as optionlist c-nl )\noption-unquoted = 1*option-char { Char+ }\noptiondef = ( option-unquoted / ( DQUOTE option-quoted DQUOTE ) ) { End }\noptionlist = ( optiondef *( 1*c-wsp optiondef ) *c-wsp ) { Start, End }\noptionname = ( ALPHA *( ALPHA / \".\" / \"-\" ) ) { Char+ }\nrepeat = ( repeat-minmax / repeat-range )\nrepeat-max = dec-val-sequence { End }\nrepeat-minmax = dec-val-sequence { End }\nrepeat-range = ( *1dec-val-sequence \"*\" *1repeat-max ) { Start }\nrepetition = ( *1repeat element ) { Start }\nrule = ( rulename defined-as elements *1actions c-nl ) { End }\nrulelist = 1*( rule / option / ( *c-wsp c-nl ) )\nrulename = ( ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / \"-\" ) ) { Start, Char+ }\nruleref = rulename { End }\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 4,128 |
katef | 2cfa7a30247e6ad3945758590e67db33f80e7964 | 7aeaa1edebceae34cf66713981229b1441e03635 | /examples/irc.abnf | 3305901e550b9f11e66e4f44e4108129b8114270 | katef/kgt | {
"content": ";;; Augmented Bauckus-Naur Form\n;; IRC-message specification\n;; Header is <message>\n;; Fixing for special ABNF froms\nmessage = [ \":\" prefix SP ] command [ params ] CRLF\nprefix = servername / ( nickname [ [ \"!\" user ] \"@\" host ] )\ncommand = 1*ALPHA / 3DIGIT\nparams = *14( SP middle ) [ SP \":\" trailing ]\n =/ 14( SP middle ) [ SP [ \":\" ] trailing ]\n\nnospcrlfcl = %x01-09 / %x0B-0C / %x0E-1F / %x21-39 / %x3B-FF ; any octet except NUL, CR, LF, \" \" and \":\"\nmiddle = nospcrlfcl *( \":\" / nospcrlfcl )\ntrailing = *( \":\" / \" \" / nospcrlfcl )\n;; Left for posterity\nSPACE = %x20 ; space character\ncrlf = %x0D %x0A ; \"carriage return\" \"linefeed\"\n\n\n\n\n;; Message particular format\ntarget = nickname / server\nmsgtarget = msgto *( \",\" msgto )\nmsgto = channel / ( user [ \"%\" host ] \"@\" servername )\nmsgto =/ ( user \"%\" host ) / targetmask\nmsgto =/ nickname / ( nickname \"!\" user \"@\" host )\nchannel = ( \"#\" / \"+\" / ( \"!\" chanstring [ \":\" chanstring ]\nservername = hostname\nhost = hostname / hostaddr\nhostname = shortname *( \".\" shortname )\nshortname = ( ALPHA / DIGIT ) *( ALPHA / DIGIT / \"-\" )\n *( ALPHA / DIGIT ) ; as specified in RFC 1123 [HNAME]\nhostaddr = ip4addr / ip6addr\nip4addr = 1*3DIGIT \".\" 1*3DIGIT \".\" 1*3DIGIT \".\" 1*3DIGIT\nip6addr = 1*HEXDIG 7( \":\" 1*HEXDIG )\nip6addr =/ \"0:0:0:0:0:\" ( \"0\" / \"FFFF\" ) \":\" ip4addr\nnickname = ( ALPHA / special ) *8( ALPHA / DIGIT / special / \"-\" )\ntargetmask = ( \"$\" / \"#\" ) mask\n ; see details on allowed masks in section 3.3.1\nchanstring = %x01-07 / %x08-09 / %x0B-0C / %x0E-1F / %x21-2B\nchanstring =/ %x2D-39 / %x3B-FF; any octet except NUL, BELL, CR, LF, \" \", \",\" and \":\"\nchannelid = 5( %x41-5A / digit ) ; 5( A-Z / 0-9 )\n\n\n\n\n\n;; other paramters syntaxes\nuser = 1*( %x01-09 / %x0B-0C / %x0E-1F / %x21-3F / %x41-FF ) ; any octet except NUL, CR, LF, \" \" and \"@\"\nkey = 1*23( %x01-05 / %x07-08 / %x0C / %x0E-1F / %x21-7F ) ; any 7-bit US_ASCII character,\n ; except NUL, CR, LF, FF, h/v TABs, and \" \"\nletter = %x41-5A / %x61-7A ; A-Z / a-z\ndigit = %x30-39 ; 0-9\nhexdigit = digit / \"A\" / \"B\" / \"C\" / \"D\" / \"E\" / \"F\"\nspecial = %x5B-60 / %x7B-7D\n ; \"[\", \"]\", \"\\\", \"`\", \"_\", \"^\", \"{\", \"|\", \"}\"\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 2,339 |
freedom-git | 51d5509fa8121ed804e79c8258bb687f2933b5ab | 6be484bbdc7e64142ea10a27b79ce3ba1ee59027 | /android/app/src/main/assets/wake_grammar_sample.abnf | a6f4ba5e48fede3d0ccc3fd4085befc177d62272 | freedom-git/smartHomeReactNative | {
"content": "#ABNF 1.0 UTF-8;\nlanguage zh-CN; \nmode voice;\n\nroot $main;\n$main = $call $open $music|$call $next|$call $lightsUp|$call $lightsDown;\n\n$call = 东方不败|芝麻开门|智能管家|智能家居;\n\n$open = 打开;\n$music = 音乐;\n\n$next = 下一首;\n\n$lightsUp = 开灯;\n$lightsDown = 关灯;\n\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 293 |
PanDomuslaw | 81a21872e9ed89baeb94b15321d4dda5209af13e | 7ec6ddce8b55b4ee7203f8a3e5828a682349f1fa | /tm-previous-project/szachy/grammars/koncert.abnf | 4db3f9d09b5bb512c5cd41c987477d8e3182695a | PanDomuslaw/TM_Project | {
"content": "#ABNF 1.0;\nlanguage pl-pl;\nmode voice;\nroot $root;\ntag-format <semantics/1.0-literals>;\n\n$root = [$zyczenie] $ile_bilety na $naco |\n $ile_bilety na $naco $prosba;\n\n$ile_bilety = [jeden] bilet |\n jeden [bilet] |\n $ile [bilety] |\n $ile2 [biletów];\n$naco = ($zespolbiernik) | (koncert $zespoldopelniacz) | (koncert_zespołu $zespolmianownik);\n\n$prosba = poproszę | proszę ;\n$zyczenie = (chciałbym | chciałabym | chcę) kupić | $prosba;\n$ile2 = pięć {5} | sześć {6} | siedem {7}| osiem {8}| dziewięć {9}| dziesięć{10};\n$ile = dwa {2}| trzy {3} | cztery{4};\n$zespolmianownik = Hey {Hey}|\n Coma {Coma}|\n Myslovitz {Myslovitz}|\n Muchy {Muchy}|\n Piersi {Piersi}|\n Pidżama [Porno] {Pidżama};\n$zespolbiernik = (Hey | Heya){Hey} |\n Comę {Coma} |\n Myslovitz {Myslovitz}|\n Muchy {Muchy} |\n Piersi {Piersi}|\n Pidżamę [Porno] {Pidżama};\n$zespoldopelniacz = (Hey | Heya) {Hey}|\n Comy {Coma}|\n Myslovitz {Myslovitz}|\n Much {Muchy}|\n Piersi {Piersi}|\n (Pidżamy|Pidżama) [Porno] {Pidżama};\n\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 1,322 |
jbenner-radham | 676e076cfc229aad756a05bf6fa96edc7cfe8749 | 1ce623e501a9ca87afb4166aa58b0fa9e1ca745e | /data/abnf/gender.abnf | e87c89a65f50f63eb964adb3ddd69bd3cddf54b3 | jbenner-radham/jcard-to-vcard | {
"content": "GENDER-param = \"VALUE=text\" / any-param\nGENDER-value = sex [\";\" text]\n\nsex = \"\" / \"M\" / \"F\" / \"O\" / \"N\" / \"U\"\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 110 |
raml-org | 8d4c6a831e4fa4d0d09b2cee76428571dd01507d | bcfef48dd388d9debb396129ca30ea68b606afc8 | /src/parser/test/data/gram/res-type-exp.abnf | 06f71ce727afede954a541e2f3e2684122b0e012 | raml-org/raml-js-parser-2 | {
"content": "expr = union\nunion = term 0*1(\"|\" term)\nterm = type\ntype = custom / \"object\"\ncustom = \"Type\""
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 99 |
wso2 | baad6f5cd2db7df4eb178606b53cc9c1db3d68cc | 98f0147d4171000c4230ba099b04d18296b53ae6 | /modules/charon-core/src/gen/java/org/wso2/charon3/core/aParser/path-abnf-rules.abnf | d68608bacf3b0ad8c46a15e93cea7c1600a46055 | wso2/charon | {
"content": "#\n# Copyright (c) 2016, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved.\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\n#\n\nPATH = attributePath / valuePath [subAttribute];\n\nattributePath = [URI \":\"] attributeName *1subAttribute;\n\nvaluePath = attributePath \"[\" valueFilter \"]\";\n\nvalueFilter = attributeExpression / filter / *1\"not\" \"(\" valueFilter \")\";\n\nattributeExpression = (attributePath SP \"pr\") / (attributePath SP compareOperation SP compareValue);\n\nfilter = ( attributeExpression filterDash ) / (valuePath filterDash) / ( *1\"not\" \"(\" filter \")\" filterDash );\n\nfilterDash = SP (\"and\" / \"or\") SP filter filterDash / \"\";\n\ncompareValue = false / null / true / number / string;\n\ncompareOperation = \"eq\" / \"ne\" / \"co\" / \"sw\" / \"ew\" / \"gt\" / \"lt\" / \"ge\" / \"le\";\n\nattributeName = alpha *(nameChar);\n\nnameChar = \"-\" / \"_\" / digit / alpha;\n\nsubAttribute = \".\" attributeName;\n\nURI =\"urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User\" / \"urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User\" / \"urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group\";\n\nSP = %x20;\n\nalpha = (%x41-5A) / (%x61-7A);\n\ndigit = %x30-39;\n\nstring = quotation-mark *char quotation-mark;\n\nchar = unescaped / escape ( %x22 / %x5C / %x2F / %x62 / %x66 / %x6E / %x72 / %x74 / %x75 4hexDigit );\n\nescape = %x5C;\n\nquotation-mark = %x22;\n\nunescaped = %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-10FFFF;\n\nhexDigit = digit / \"A\" / \"B\" / \"C\" / \"D\" / \"E\" / \"F\";\n\nfalse = %x66.61.6c.73.65;\n\nnull = %x6e.75.6c.6c;\n\ntrue = %x74.72.75.65;\n\nnumber = [ minus ] int [ frac ] [ exp ];\n\nexp = e [ minus / plus ] 1*digit;\n\nfrac = decimal-point 1*digit;\n\nint = zero / ( digit1-9 *digit );\n\ndecimal-point = %x2E;\n\ndigit1-9 = %x31-39;\n\ne = %x65 / %x45;\n\nminus = %x2D;\n\nplus = %x2B;\n\nzero = %x30;\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 2,256 |
blitzmax-itspeedway-net | 1523fec230f748539f84b902701a8fa57424be3a | 4a819197a7c79fdda43379c55b5b5843dadfd652 | /BlitzMax-NG.abnf | 6eeb18bcf34c22f11fbbe39900e8bc299dc373c0 | blitzmax-itspeedway-net/BlitzMaxNG-Grammar-Definition | {
"content": "; Status: 23/JUL/2021, Incomplete\n; Please refer to ABNF definitions in RFC 5234\n\n; CONTROL CODES\n\nHTAB = %x09\nLF = %x0A\nCR = %x0D\nEOL = (CR LF) / CR\n\n; WHITESPACE\n\nSP = %x20\nWSP = HTAB / SP\nLWSP = *( WSP / CR / LF )\n\n; SYMBOLS\n\nALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A\nDIGIT = %x30-39\nDOT = \".\"\nDQUOTE = %x22\nHEXDIGIT = DIGIT / \"A\" / \"B\" / \"C\" / \"D\" / \"E\" / \"F\"\nVCHAR = %x21-7E\n\nFILENAME = DIGIT / ALPHA / (\"/\" / \"\\\" ) / \".\" / \"$\" / \"_\" / \"!\"\nUNDERSCORE = \"_\"\n\n; PROGRAM/MODULE HEADER\n\nProgram = [ Application | Module ]\nApplication = [Strictmode] [Framework] [*Import] [*Extern] [*Include] ApplicationBody\nModule = [Strictmode] ModuleDef [*Import] [*Extern] [*Include] Block\n\nStrictMode = \"superstrict\" / \"strict\" EOL\n\nFramework = \"framework\" ModuleIdentifier EOL\n\nImport = \"import\" DQUOTE FILENAME DQUOTE EOL\nInclude = \"include\" DQUOTE FILENAME DQUOTE EOL\n\nModuleDef = \"module\" ModuleIdentifier\nModuleInfo = *( \"moduleinfo\" string )\n\nExtern = \"extern\" [\"C\"] *ExternStatement \"endextern\" / ( \"end\" \"extern\" )\nExternStatement = VarDecl / FunctionHeader \"=\" string EOL\n\nApplicationBody = Local / Global / Function / Struct / Type / BlockBody\n\n; CONSTRUCTS\n\nFunction = FunctionHeader Block \"endfunction\" / (\"end\" \"function\")\nFunctionHeader = \"function\" string [ \":\" VarType [\"ptr\"] ] \"(\" Params \")\"\n\nMethod = MethodHeader Block \"endmethod\" / (\"end\" \"method\")\nMethodHeader = \"method\" string [ \":\" VarType [\"ptr\"] ] \"(\" Params \")\"\n\n\nStruct = \"struct\" EOL *(Field VarDecl) \"endstruct\" / (\"end\" \"struct\")\nType = \"type\" string [ \"extends\" string ] EOL\n *(Field / Const / Global / \"private\" / \"public\" / Method / Function )\n \"endtype\" / (\"end\" \"type\")\n\nVarType = \"byte\" / \"int\" / \"string\" / \"double\" / \"float\" / \"size_t\"\n\nComment = \"'\" *( WSP / string ) EOL\nRemark = \"rem\" *( WSP / VCHAR / EOL ) \"endrem\" / ( \"end\" \"rem\")\n\nFor = \"for\" [\"local\"] Name \":\" VarType \"=\" ( \"eachin\" Name ) / ( Number (\"to\"/\"until\"/\"downto\") Number ) EOL Block \"next\" EOL\nRepeat = \"repeat\" EOL Block (\"until\" Condition) / \"forever\" EOL\nWhile = \"while\" Condition EOL Block \"wend\" EOL\n\n; VARIABLE DECLARATION\n\nLocal = \"local\" VarDeclarations\nField = \"field\" VarDeclarations\nGlobal = \"global\" VarDeclarations\n\nVarDeclarations = VarDecl *[ \",\" VarDecl ]\n\n; SOURCE CODE BODY\n\nBlockBody = *VCHAR \n\n; NOT SURE WHAT TO CALL THESE\n\nboolean = \"true\" / \"false\"\ndouble = *DIGIT \".\" *DIGIT\nfloat = *DIGIT \".\" *DIGIT\ninteger = *DIGIT\nstring = DQUOTE *( ALPHA / DIGIT / SP ) DQUOTE\n\nModuleIdentifier = Name DOT Name\nName = ALPHA *(ALPHA / DIGIT / UNDERSCORE )\nNumber = double / float / integer\nVarDecl = Name \":\" VarType [ \"=\" Expression ]\n\n; Define Tokens identified by Lexer\n; Status: Incomplete and not implemented\n\nTOKENS = [ RESERVED ]\nRESERVED = [\"superstrict\"/\"strict\"/\"framework\"/\"import\"/\"include\"]\nlbrace = \"(\"\nrbrace = \")\"\ncomma = \",\"\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 2,818 |
amitkumarj441 | ecd531ab67160c0bea691af66ad16530097b8c50 | 3673fde7153d4a560f893d8697321f9c517f155c | /tests/grammar/grammar.abnf | a5026a54c221c0eeb6bfcb3b559b8dd81faeeabc | amitkumarj441/charlatan | {
"content": "query = \"SELECT\" 1*SP select 1*SP\n \"FROM\" 1*SP field *1( 1*SP \"WHERE\" 1*SP expressions )\n *1( 1*SP \"STARTING\" 1*SP \"AT\" 1*SP int )\n *1( 1*SP \"LIMIT\" 1*SP int ( *SP \",\" *SP int ) )\n\nselect = field *( *SP \",\" *SP field )\n\nfield = fieldtoken *( \".\" fieldtoken )\n / \"`\" 1*(\n alphanumeric / DIGIT / DQUOTE / LWSP / CR / LF\n / punctuation / miscchars / \"(\" / \")\" / \"'\"\n ) \"`\"\n\nfieldtoken = ALPHA *( alphanumeric )\n\nexpressions = top-expression *( 1*SP bool-operator 1*SP top-expression )\n\ntop-expression = expression / range-test\n\nvalue = field / constant\n\nexpression = value\n / \"(\" *SP expression *SP \")\"\n / \"(\" *SP expression operator expression *SP \")\"\n\nrange-test = value 1*SP \"BETWEEN\" 1*SP value 1*SP \"AND\" 1*SP value\n\noperator = *SP comp-operator *SP\n / 1*SP bool-operator 1*SP\n\ncomp-operator = \"=\" / \"!=\" / \"<\" / \"<=\" / \">\" / \">=\"\n\nbool-operator = \"&&\" / \"||\"\n / \"AND\" / \"OR\"\n\nconstant = string\n / int\n / float\n / bool\n / null\n\n\nstring = DQUOTE anycharexceptdoublequote DQUOTE\n / \"'\" anycharexceptsinglequote \"'\"\n\n\nint = *1( *1( \"-\" ) ) DIGIT *( DIGIT )\n\nfloat = int *1( \".\" DIGIT *( DIGIT ) )\n\nbool = \"true\" / \"false\"\n\nnull = \"null\" / \"NULL\"\n\nalphanumeric = DIGIT / ALPHA\n\npunctuation = \".\" / \",\" / \"?\" / \";\" / \":\" / \"!\"\n\nmiscchars = \"=\" / \"+\" / \"/\" / \"*\" / \"&\" / \"@\" / \"#\"\n\nanycharexceptdoublequote = alphanumeric / punctuation / miscchars / \"'\"\nanycharexceptsinglequote = alphanumeric / punctuation / miscchars / DQUOTE\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 1,554 |
gknowles | 0381b122a7a75520d43fdd4dc9e60f1b37abe29f | c9889def8ff68247138baf9f4a9aca9faf70d409 | /libs/xml/xml.abnf | b943c32c088d899a95f2199b3aa8d22a0971e938 | gknowles/dimapp | {
"content": "; Copyright Glen Knowles 2016 - 2022.\n; Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n;\n; xml.abnf - dim xml\n;\n; rules to parse xml\n%root = document\n%api.prefix = XmlBase\n%api.namespace = Dim::Detail\n\n; abnf grammer rules for xml\n; The number notations, such as \"[1]\" refer to the same numbered ABNF\n; lines in the xml spec fifth edition at:\n;\n\n; Document\ndocument = [utf8-bom] prolog element *Misc ; [1]\nutf8-bom =\n\n; Character Range and White Space\nws = SP / HTAB / CR / LF { NoMinRules }\nws = SP { MinRules }\nChar = ws / %x21-7f ; [2]\nmbchar = %s\"Z\" { MinRules }\nmbchar = ; multibyte utf-8 character\n ; 2 byte: 0080 - 07ff\n (%xc2-df %x80-bf) ; 0080 - 07ff\n ; 3 byte: 0800 - d7ff\n / (%xe0 %xa0-bf %x80-bf) ; 0800 - 0fff\n / (%xe1-ec %x80-bf %x80-bf) ; 1000 - cfff\n / (%xed %x80-9f %x80-bf) ; d000 - d7ff\n ; 3 byte: e000 - fffd\n / (%xee %x80-bf %x80-bf) ; e000 - efff\n / (%xef %x80-be %x80-bf) ; f000 - ffbf\n / (%xef %xbf %x80-bd) ; ffc0 - fffd\n ; 4 byte: 01'0000 - 10'ffff\n / (%xf0 %x90-bf %x80-bf %x80-bf) ; 01'0000 - 03'ffff\n / (%xf1-f3 %x80-bf %x80-bf %x80-bf) ; 04'0000 - 0f'ffff\n / (%xf4 %x80-8f %x80-bf %x80-bf) ; 10'0000 - 10'ffff\n { NoMinRules }\nS = 1*ws ; [3]\n\n; Names and Tokens\nNameStartChar = \":\" / ALPHA / \"_\" / NameStartCharMulti ; [4]\nNameStartCharMulti = %s\"Z\" { MinRules }\nNameStartCharMulti =\n ; c0 - d6\n (%xc3 %x80-96)\n ; d8 - f6\n / (%xc3 %x98-b6)\n ; f8 - 2ff\n / (%xc3 %xb8-bf) ; f8 - ff\n / (%xc4-cb %x80-bf) ; 100 - 2ff\n ; 370 - 37d\n / (%xcd %xb0-bd)\n ; 37f - 1fff\n / (%xcd %xbf) ; 37f\n / (%xce-df %x80-bf) ; 380 - 7ff\n / (%xe0 %xa0-bf %x80-bf) ; 800 - fff\n / (%xe1 %x80-bf %x80-bf) ; 1000 - 1fff\n ; 200c - 200d\n / (%xe2 %x80 %x8c-8d)\n ; 2070 - 218f\n / (%xe2 %x81 %xb0-bf) ; 2070 - 207f\n / (%xe2 %x82-85 %x80-bf) ; 2080 - 217f\n / (%xe2 %x86 %x80-8f) ; 2180 - 218f\n ; 2c00 - 2fef\n / (%xe2 %xb0-be %x80-bf) ; 2c00 - 2fbf\n / (%xe2 %xbf %x80-af) ; 2fc0 - 2fef\n ; 3001 - d7ff\n / (%xe3 %x80 %x81-bf) ; 3001 - 303f\n / (%xe3 %x81-bf %x80-bf) ; 3040 - 3fff\n / (%xe4-ec %x80-bf %x80-bf) ; 4000 - cfff\n / (%xed %x80-9f %x80-bf) ; d000 - d7ff\n ; f900 - fdcf\n / (%xef %xa4-b6 %x80-bf) ; f900 - fdbf\n / (%xef %xb7 %x80-8f) ; fdc0 - fdcf\n ; fdf0 - fffd\n / (%xef %xb7 %xb0-bf) ; fdf0 - fdff\n / (%xef %xb8-be %x80-bf) ; fe00 - ffbf\n / (%xef %xbf %x80-bd) ; ffc0 - fffd\n ; 01'0000 - 0e'ffff\n / (%xf0 %x90-bf %x80-bf %x80-bf) ; 01'0000 - 03'ffff\n / (%xf1-f2 %x80-bf %x80-bf %x80-bf) ; 04'0000 - 0b'ffff\n / (%xf3 %x80-af %x80-bf %x80-bf) ; 0c'0000 - 0e'ffff\n { NoMinRules }\n\nNameChar = NameStartChar / \"-\" / \".\" / DIGIT / NameCharMulti ; [4a]\nNameCharMulti = %s\"Z\" { MinRules }\nNameCharMulti =\n ; b7\n (%xc2 %xb7)\n ; 300 - 36f\n / (%xcc %x80-bf) ; 300 - 33f\n / (%xcd %x80-af) ; 340 - 36f\n ; 203f - 2040\n / (%xe2 %x80 %xbf) ; 203f\n / (%xe2 %x81 %x80) ; 2040\n { NoMinRules }\nName = NameStartChar *(NameChar) ; [5]\nNmtoken = 1*NameChar ; [7]\n\n; Literals\nEntityValue = ; [9]\n DQUOTE *(Char-not-AMP-DQUOTE-PCT / PEReference / Reference) DQUOTE\n / \"'\" *(Char-not-AMP-APOS-PCT / PEReference / Reference) \"'\"\n\t{ Start+, End+ }\nChar-not-AMP-DQUOTE-PCT = mbchar / ws\n / %x21\n ; 22 - DQUOTE\n / %x23-24\n ; 25 - PCT\n ; 26 - AMP\n / %x27-7f\nChar-not-AMP-APOS-PCT = mbchar / ws\n / %x21-24\n ; 25 - PCT\n ; 26 - AMP\n ; 27 - APOS\n / %x28-7f\nAttValue = DQUOTE *(Char-not-ws-AMP-DQUOTE-LT / ws / Reference) DQUOTE ; [10]\n / \"'\" *(Char-not-ws-AMP-APOS-LT / ws / Reference) \"'\"\nChar-not-ws-AMP-DQUOTE-LT = mbchar\n\t/ %x21\n ; 22 - DQUOTE\n / %x23-25\n ; 26 - AMP\n / %x27-3b\n ; 3c - LT\n / %x3d-7f\nChar-not-ws-AMP-APOS-LT = mbchar\n\t/ %x21-25\n ; 26 - AMP\n ; 27 - APOS\n / %x28-3b\n ; 3c - LT\n / %x3d-7f\nSystemLiteral = DQUOTE *Char-not-DQUOTE DQUOTE / \"'\" *Char-not-APOS \"'\" ; [11]\nChar-not-DQUOTE = mbchar / ws\n / %x21\n ; 22 - DQUOTE\n / %x23-7f\nChar-not-APOS = mbchar / ws\n / %x21-26\n ; 27 - APOS\n / %x28-7f\nPubidLiteral = DQUOTE *PubidChar DQUOTE / \"'\" *PubidChar-not-APOS \"'\" ; [12]\nPubidChar-not-APOS = SP / CR / LF / ALPHA / DIGIT\n / \"-\" / \"(\" / \")\" / \"+\" / \",\" / \".\" / \"/\" / \":\" / \"=\" / \"?\"\n / \";\" / \"!\" / \"*\" / \"#\" / \"@\" / \"$\" / \"_\" / \"%\"\nPubidChar = PubidChar-not-APOS / \"'\" ; [13]\n\n; Attribute Value\nattrValue = DQUOTE attrText DQUOTE / \"'\" attrTextApos \"'\" ; [10]\n\t{ Start+, End }\nattrText = [attrInPlace] *((Reference / normalizable-ws) [attrCopy])\nattrInPlace = *Char-not-ws-AMP-DQUOTE-LT { End+ }\nattrCopy = *Char-not-ws-AMP-DQUOTE-LT { Char+ }\nattrTextApos = [attrInPlaceApos] *((Reference / normalizable-ws)\n [attrCopyApos])\nattrInPlaceApos = *Char-not-ws-AMP-APOS-LT { End+, As attrInPlace }\nattrCopyApos = *Char-not-ws-AMP-APOS-LT { Char+, As attrCopy }\nnormalizable-ws = ws { Char }\n\n; Character Data\nCharData = *( \">\" / \"]>\" / *\"]\" Char-not-AMP-GT-LT-RBRACKET) ; [14]\n *\"]\" { Char+ }\nChar-not-AMP-GT-LT-RBRACKET = mbchar / ws\n / %x21-25\n ; 26 - AMP\n / %x27-3b\n ; 3c - LT\n / %x3d\n ; 3e - GT\n / %x3f-5c\n ; 5d - RBRACKET\n / %x5e-7f\n\n; Comments\nComment = \"<!--\" *(Char-not-DASH / (\"-\" Char-not-DASH) ) \"-->\" ; [15]\nChar-not-DASH = mbchar / ws\n / %x21-2c\n ; 2d - DASH\n / %x2e-7f\n\n; Processing Instructions\nPI = \"<?\" PITarget [S piValue] \"?>\" ; [16]\nPITarget = NameStartChar-not-x *NameChar ; [17] - see errata S01\n / %s\"x\" [NameChar-not-m *NameChar]\n / %s\"xm\" [NameChar-not-l *NameChar]\n / %s\"xml\" 1*NameChar\nNameStartChar-not-x = %x41-5a / %x61-77 / %x79-7a / \":\" / \"_\"\n / NameStartCharMulti\nNameChar-not-m = %x41-5a / %x61-6c / %x6e-7a / \":\" / \"_\" / \"-\"\n / \".\" / DIGIT / NameCharMulti\nNameChar-not-l = %x41-5a / %x61-6b / %x6d-7a / \":\" / \"_\" / \"-\"\n / \".\" / DIGIT / NameCharMulti\npiValue = *(\">\" / *\"?\" Char-not-GT-QMARK) *\"?\"\nChar-not-GT-QMARK = mbchar / ws\n / %x21-3d\n ; 3e - GT\n ; 3f - QMARK\n / %x40-7f\n\n; CData Sections\nCDSect = CDStart CDataWithEnd ; [18]\nCDStart = %s\"<![CDATA[\" ; [19]\nCDataWithEnd = CData CDEnd { Start+, End+ }\nCData = *(\">\" / \"]>\" / *\"]\" Char-not-GT-RBRACKET) *\"]\" ; [20]\nChar-not-GT-RBRACKET = mbchar / ws\n / %x21-3d\n ; 3e - GT\n / %x3f-5c\n ; 5d - RBRACKET\n / %x5e-7f\nCDEnd = \"]]>\" ; [21]\n\n; Prolog\nprolog = [XMLDecl] *Misc [doctypedecl *Misc] ; [22]\nXMLDecl = %s\"<?xml\" VersionInfo [EncodingDecl] [SDDecl] [S] \"?>\" ; [23]\nVersionInfo = S %s\"version\" Eq ; [24]\n (\"'\" VersionNum \"'\" / DQUOTE VersionNum DQUOTE)\nEq = [S] \"=\" [S] ; [25]\nVersionNum = \"1.\" 1*DIGIT ; [26]\nMisc = Comment / PI / S ; [27]\n\n; Document Type Definition\ndoctypedecl = %s\"<!DOCTYPE\" S Name [S ExternalID] [S]\n [ \"[\" intSubset \"]\" [S] ] \">\" ; [28]\nDeclSep = PEReference / S ; [28a]\nintSubset = *(markupdecl / DeclSep) ; [28b]\nmarkupdecl = elementdecl / AttlistDecl / EntityDecl / NotationDecl / PI\n / Comment ; [29]\n\n; External Subset\nextSubset = [TextDecl] extSubsetDecl ; [30]\nextSubsetDecl = *(markupdecl / conditionalSect / DeclSep) ; [31]\n\n; Standalone Document Declaration\nSDDecl = S %s\"standalone\" Eq ; [32]\n (\"'\" (%s\"yes\" / %s\"no\") \"'\" / DQUOTE (%s\"yes\" / %s\"no\") DQUOTE)\n\n; Element\nelement = EmptyElemTag / STag element-tail { End } ; [39]\nelement-tail = content ETag { Function }\nSTag = \"<\" elemName *(S Attribute) [S] \">\" ; [40]\nAttribute = attrName Eq attrValue ; [41]\nattrName = Name { Start+, End+ }\nETag = \"</\" Name [S] \">\" ; [42]\ncontent = [elemText] *((element / PI / Comment / CDSect) [elemText]) ; [43]\nelemText = CharData *(Reference CharData) { Start+, End }\nEmptyElemTag = \"<\" elemName *(S Attribute) [S] \"/>\" ; [44]\nelemName = Name { Start+, End+ }\n\n; Element Type Declaration\nelementdecl = %s\"<!ELEMENT\" S Name S contentspec [S] \">\" ; [45]\ncontentspec = %s\"EMPTY\" / %s\"ANY\" / Mixed / children ; [46]\nchildren = (choice / seq) [\"?\" / \"*\" / \"+\"] ; [47]\ncp = (Name / choice / seq) [\"?\" / \"*\" / \"+\"] { Function } ; [48]\nchoice = \"(\" [S] cp 1*([S] \"|\" [S] cp) [S] \")\" ; [49]\nseq = \"(\" [S] cp *([S] \",\" [S] cp) [S] \")\" ; [50]\nMixed = \"(\" [S] %s\"#PCDATA\" *([S] \"|\" [S] Name) [S] \")*\" ; [51]\n / \"(\" [S] %s\"#PCDATA\" [S] \")\"\n\n; Attribute-list Declaration\nAttlistDecl = %s\"<!ATTLIST\" S Name *AttDef [S] \">\" ; [52]\nAttDef = S attrName S AttType S DefaultDecl ; [53]\nAttType = StringType / TokenizedType / EnumeratedType ; [54]\nStringType = %s\"CDATA\" ; [55]\nTokenizedType = %s\"ID\" / %s\"IDREF\" / %s\"IDREFS\" / %s\"ENTITY\" ; [56]\n / %s\"ENTITIES\" / %s\"NMTOKEN\" / %s\"NMTOKENS\"\nEnumeratedType = NotationType / Enumeration ; [57]\nNotationType = %s\"NOTATION\" S \"(\" [S] Name *([S] \"|\" [S] Name) [S] \")\" ; [58]\nEnumeration = \"(\" [S] Nmtoken *([S] \"|\" [S] Nmtoken) [S] \")\" ; [59]\nDefaultDecl = %s\"#REQUIRED\" / %s\"#IMPLIED\" / [%s\"#FIXED\" S] attrValue ; [60]\n\n; Conditional Section\nconditionalSect = includeSect / ignoreSect ; [61]\nincludeSect = \"<![\" [S] %s\"INCLUDE\" [S] \"[\" extSubsetDecl \"]]>\" ; [62]\nignoreSect = \"<![\" [S] %s\"IGNORE\" [S] \"[\" *ignoreSectContents \"]]>\" ; [63]\nignoreSectContents = Ignore *(\"<![\" ignoreSectContents \"]]>\" Ignore)\n { Function } ; [64]\nIgnore = ; char sequence with no \"<![\" or \"]]>\" ; [65]\n *(Char-not-BANG-GT-LT-LBRACKET-RBRACKET / \"!\" / \">\" / \"[\"\n / *\"]\" 1*\"<\" (Char-not-BANG-GT-LT-LBRACKET-RBRACKET / \">\" / \"[\")\n / 1*\"<\" \"!\" (Char-not-BANG-GT-LT-LBRACKET-RBRACKET / \"!\" / \">\")\n / *\"<\" \"]\" (Char-not-BANG-GT-LT-LBRACKET-RBRACKET / \"!\" / \">\" / \"[\")\n / 1*\"]\" (Char-not-BANG-GT-LT-LBRACKET-RBRACKET / \"!\" / \"[\")\n ) (*\"<\" [\"!\" / \"]\"] / *\"]\" [\"<\"])\nChar-not-BANG-GT-LT-LBRACKET-RBRACKET = mbchar / ws\n ; 21 - BANG\n / %x22-3b\n ; 3c - LT\n / %x3d\n ; 3e - GT\n / %x3f-5a\n ; 5b - LBRACKET\n / %x5c\n ; 5d - RBRACKET\n / %x5e-7f\n\n; Character and Entity Reference\nCharRef = \"&#\" charRefDigit \";\" / \"&#\" %x78 charRefHexdig \";\" { Start, End }\n\t; [66]\ncharRefDigit = 1*DIGIT { Char+ }\ncharRefHexdig = 1*HEXDIG { Char+ }\nReference = EntityRef / CharRef ; [67]\nEntityRef = entityApos / entityQuot / entityGt / entityLt / entityAmp ; [68]\n / entityOther\nentityApos = %s\"'\" { End }\nentityQuot = %s\""\" { End }\nentityGt = %s\">\" { End }\nentityLt = %s\"<\" { End }\nentityAmp = %s\"&\" { End }\nentityOther = \"&\" Name \";\" { End+ }\nPEReference = \"%\" Name \";\" ; [69]\n\n; Entity Declaration\nEntityDecl = GEDecl / PEDecl ; [70]\nGEDecl = %s\"<!ENTITY\" S Name S EntityDef [S] \">\" ; [71]\nPEDecl = %s\"<!ENTITY\" S \"%\" S Name S PEDef [S] \">\" ; [72]\nEntityDef = EntityValue / ExternalID [NDataDecl] ; [73]\nPEDef = EntityValue / ExternalID ; [74]\nExternalID = %s\"SYSTEM\" S SystemLiteral ; [75]\n / %s\"PUBLIC\" S PubidLiteral S SystemLiteral\nNDataDecl = S %s\"NDATA\" S Name ; [76]\n\n; Text Declaration\nTextDecl = %s\"<?xml\" [VersionInfo] EncodingDecl [S] \"?>\" ; [77]\n\n; Well-Formed External Parsed Entity\nextParsedEnt = [TextDecl] content ; [78]\n\n; Encoding Declaration\nEncodingDecl = S %s\"encoding\" Eq ; [80]\n (DQUOTE EncName DQUOTE / \"'\" EncName \"'\")\nEncName = ALPHA *(ALPHA / DIGIT / \".\" / \"_\" / \"-\") ; [81]\n\n; Notation Declarations\nNotationDecl = %s\"<!NOTATION\" S Name S (ExternalID / PublicID) [S] \">\" ; [82]\nPublicID = %s\"PUBLIC\" S PubidLiteral ; [83]\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 11,693 |
okomeki | 38bc92c1024da1eb8e2f7d2327ec511bfbe13eba | f418466a107ae03fa5af63bd765a9d80490f7903 | /src/main/resources/net/siisise/abnf/rfc/IMF5322.abnf | a763c7840797fa3d7bd32901372bf6b7f867414a | okomeki/SoftLibRFC | {
"content": "quoted-pair = (\"\\\" (VCHAR / WSP)) / obs-qp ;\nFWS = ([*WSP CRLF] 1*WSP) / obs-FWS ; Folding white space\nctext = %d33-39 / ; Printable US-ASCII\n %d42-91 / ; characters not including\n %d93-126 / ; \"(\", \")\", or \"\\\"\n obs-ctext\nccontent = ctext / quoted-pair / comment\ncomment = \"(\" *([FWS] ccontent) [FWS] \")\"\nCFWS = (1*([FWS] comment) [FWS]) / FWS\natext = ALPHA / DIGIT / ; Printable US-ASCII\n \"!\" / \"#\" / ; characters not including\n \"$\" / \"%\" / ; specials. Used for atoms.\n \"&\" / \"'\" /\n \"*\" / \"+\" /\n \"-\" / \"/\" /\n \"=\" / \"?\" /\n \"^\" / \"_\" /\n \"`\" / \"{\" /\n \"|\" / \"}\" /\n \"~\"\natom = [CFWS] 1*atext [CFWS]\ndot-atom-text = 1*atext *(\".\" 1*atext)\ndot-atom = [CFWS] dot-atom-text [CFWS]\nspecials = \"(\" / \")\" / ; Special characters that do\n \"<\" / \">\" / ; not appear in atext\n \"[\" / \"]\" /\n \":\" / \";\" /\n \"@\" / \"\\\" /\n \",\" / \".\" /\n DQUOTE\nqtext = %d33 / ; Printable US-ASCII\n %d35-91 / ; characters not including\n %d93-126 / ; \"\\\" or the quote character\n obs-qtext\nqcontent = qtext / quoted-pair\nquoted-string = [CFWS]\n DQUOTE *([FWS] qcontent) [FWS] DQUOTE\n [CFWS]\nword = atom / quoted-string\nphrase = 1*word / obs-phrase\nunstructured = (*([FWS] VCHAR) *WSP) / obs-unstruct\ndate-time = [ day-of-week \",\" ] date time [CFWS]\nday-of-week = ([FWS] day-name) / obs-day-of-week\nday-name = \"Mon\" / \"Tue\" / \"Wed\" / \"Thu\" /\n \"Fri\" / \"Sat\" / \"Sun\"\ndate = day month year\nday = ([FWS] 1*2DIGIT FWS) / obs-day\nmonth = \"Jan\" / \"Feb\" / \"Mar\" / \"Apr\" /\n \"May\" / \"Jun\" / \"Jul\" / \"Aug\" /\n \"Sep\" / \"Oct\" / \"Nov\" / \"Dec\"\nyear = (FWS 4*DIGIT FWS) / obs-year\ntime = time-of-day zone\ntime-of-day = hour \":\" minute [ \":\" second ]\nhour = 2DIGIT / obs-hour\nminute = 2DIGIT / obs-minute\nsecond = 2DIGIT / obs-second\nzone = (FWS ( \"+\" / \"-\" ) 4DIGIT) / obs-zone\naddress = mailbox / group\nmailbox = name-addr / addr-spec\nname-addr = [display-name] angle-addr\nangle-addr = [CFWS] \"<\" addr-spec \">\" [CFWS] /\n obs-angle-addr\ngroup = display-name \":\" [group-list] \";\" [CFWS]\ndisplay-name = phrase\nmailbox-list = (mailbox *(\",\" mailbox)) / obs-mbox-list\naddress-list = (address *(\",\" address)) / obs-addr-list\ngroup-list = mailbox-list / CFWS / obs-group-list\naddr-spec = local-part \"@\" domain\nlocal-part = dot-atom / quoted-string / obs-local-part\ndomain = dot-atom / domain-literal / obs-domain\ndomain-literal = [CFWS] \"[\" *([FWS] dtext) [FWS] \"]\" [CFWS]\ndtext = %d33-90 / ; Printable US-ASCII\n %d94-126 / ; characters not including\n obs-dtext ; \"[\", \"]\", or \"\\\"\nmessage = (fields / obs-fields)\n [CRLF body]\nbody = (*(*998text CRLF) *998text) / obs-body\ntext = %d1-9 / ; Characters excluding CR\n %d11 / ; and LF\n %d12 /\n %d14-127\nfields = *(trace\n *optional-field /\n *(resent-date /\n resent-from /\n resent-sender /\n resent-to /\n resent-cc /\n resent-bcc /\n resent-msg-id))\n *(orig-date /\n from /\n sender /\n reply-to /\n to /\n cc /\n bcc /\n message-id /\n in-reply-to /\n references /\n subject /\n comments /\n keywords /\n optional-field)\nfrom = \"From:\" mailbox-list CRLF\nsender = \"Sender:\" mailbox CRLF\nreply-to = \"Reply-To:\" address-list CRLF\nto = \"To:\" address-list CRLF\ncc = \"Cc:\" address-list CRLF\nbcc = \"Bcc:\" [address-list / CFWS] CRLF\nmessage-id = \"Message-ID:\" msg-id CRLF\nin-reply-to = \"In-Reply-To:\" 1*msg-id CRLF\nreferences = \"References:\" 1*msg-id CRLF\nmsg-id = [CFWS] \"<\" id-left \"@\" id-right \">\" [CFWS]\nid-left = dot-atom-text / obs-id-left\nid-right = dot-atom-text / no-fold-literal / obs-id-right\nno-fold-literal = \"[\" *dtext \"]\"\nsubject = \"Subject:\" unstructured CRLF\ncomments = \"Comments:\" unstructured CRLF\nkeywords = \"Keywords:\" phrase *(\",\" phrase) CRLF\nresent-date = \"Resent-Date:\" date-time CRLF\nresent-from = \"Resent-From:\" mailbox-list CRLF\nresent-sender = \"Resent-Sender:\" mailbox CRLF\nresent-to = \"Resent-To:\" address-list CRLF\nresent-cc = \"Resent-Cc:\" address-list CRLF\nresent-bcc = \"Resent-Bcc:\" [address-list / CFWS] CRLF\nresent-msg-id = \"Resent-Message-ID:\" msg-id CRLF\ntrace = [return]\n 1*received\nreturn = \"Return-Path:\" path CRLF\npath = angle-addr / ([CFWS] \"<\" [CFWS] \">\" [CFWS])\nreceived = \"Received:\" [1*received-token / CFWS]\n \";\" date-time CRLF\nreceived-token = word / angle-addr / addr-spec / domain\noptional-field = field-name \":\" unstructured CRLF\nfield-name = 1*ftext\nftext = %d33-57 / ; Printable US-ASCII\n %d59-126 ; characters not including\n ; \":\".\nobs-NO-WS-CTL = %d1-8 / ; US-ASCII control\n %d11 / ; characters that do not\n %d12 / ; include the carriage\n %d14-31 / ; return, line feed, and\n %d127 ; white space characters\nobs-ctext = obs-NO-WS-CTL\nobs-qtext = obs-NO-WS-CTL\nobs-utext = %d0 / obs-NO-WS-CTL / VCHAR\nobs-qp = \"\\\" (%d0 / obs-NO-WS-CTL / LF / CR)\nobs-body = *((*LF *CR *((%d0 / text) *LF *CR)) / CRLF)\nobs-unstruct = *( (*CR 1*(obs-utext / FWS)) / 1*LF ) *CR\nobs-phrase = word *(word / \".\" / CFWS)\nobs-phrase-list = [phrase / CFWS] *(\",\" [phrase / CFWS])\nobs-FWS = 1*([CRLF] WSP)\nobs-day-of-week = [CFWS] day-name [CFWS]\nobs-day = [CFWS] 1*2DIGIT [CFWS]\nobs-year = [CFWS] 2*DIGIT [CFWS]\nobs-hour = [CFWS] 2DIGIT [CFWS]\nobs-minute = [CFWS] 2DIGIT [CFWS]\nobs-second = [CFWS] 2DIGIT [CFWS]\nobs-zone = \"UT\" / \"GMT\" / ; Universal Time\n ; North American UT\n ; offsets\n \"EST\" / \"EDT\" / ; Eastern: - 5/ - 4\n \"CST\" / \"CDT\" / ; Central: - 6/ - 5\n \"MST\" / \"MDT\" / ; Mountain: - 7/ - 6\n \"PST\" / \"PDT\" / ; Pacific: - 8/ - 7\n ;\n %d65-73 / ; Military zones - \"A\"\n %d75-90 / ; through \"I\" and \"K\"\n %d97-105 / ; through \"Z\", both\n %d107-122 ; upper and lower case\nobs-angle-addr = [CFWS] \"<\" obs-route addr-spec \">\" [CFWS]\nobs-route = obs-domain-list \":\"\nobs-domain-list = *(CFWS / \",\") \"@\" domain\n *(\",\" [CFWS] [\"@\" domain])\nobs-mbox-list = *([CFWS] \",\") mailbox *(\",\" [mailbox / CFWS])\nobs-addr-list = *([CFWS] \",\") address *(\",\" [address / CFWS])\nobs-group-list = 1*([CFWS] \",\") [CFWS]\nobs-local-part = word *(\".\" word)\nobs-domain = atom *(\".\" atom)\nobs-dtext = obs-NO-WS-CTL / quoted-pair\nobs-fields = *(obs-return /\n obs-received /\n obs-orig-date /\n obs-from /\n obs-sender /\n obs-reply-to /\n obs-to /\n obs-cc /\n obs-bcc /\n obs-message-id /\n obs-in-reply-to /\n obs-references /\n obs-subject /\n obs-comments /\n obs-keywords /\n obs-resent-date /\n obs-resent-from /\n obs-resent-send /\n obs-resent-rply /\n obs-resent-to /\n obs-resent-cc /\n obs-resent-bcc /\n obs-resent-mid /\n obs-optional)\nobs-orig-date = \"Date\" *WSP \":\" date-time CRLF\nobs-from = \"From\" *WSP \":\" mailbox-list CRLF\nobs-sender = \"Sender\" *WSP \":\" mailbox CRLF\nobs-reply-to = \"Reply-To\" *WSP \":\" address-list CRLF\nobs-to = \"To\" *WSP \":\" address-list CRLF\nobs-cc = \"Cc\" *WSP \":\" address-list CRLF\nobs-bcc = \"Bcc\" *WSP \":\"\n (address-list / (*([CFWS] \",\") [CFWS])) CRLF\nobs-message-id = \"Message-ID\" *WSP \":\" msg-id CRLF\nobs-in-reply-to = \"In-Reply-To\" *WSP \":\" *(phrase / msg-id) CRLF\nobs-references = \"References\" *WSP \":\" *(phrase / msg-id) CRLF\nobs-id-left = local-part\nobs-id-right = domain\nobs-subject = \"Subject\" *WSP \":\" unstructured CRLF\nobs-comments = \"Comments\" *WSP \":\" unstructured CRLF\nobs-keywords = \"Keywords\" *WSP \":\" obs-phrase-list CRLF\nobs-resent-from = \"Resent-From\" *WSP \":\" mailbox-list CRLF\nobs-resent-send = \"Resent-Sender\" *WSP \":\" mailbox CRLF\nobs-resent-date = \"Resent-Date\" *WSP \":\" date-time CRLF\nobs-resent-to = \"Resent-To\" *WSP \":\" address-list CRLF\nobs-resent-cc = \"Resent-Cc\" *WSP \":\" address-list CRLF\nobs-resent-bcc = \"Resent-Bcc\" *WSP \":\"\n (address-list / (*([CFWS] \",\") [CFWS])) CRLF\nobs-resent-mid = \"Resent-Message-ID\" *WSP \":\" msg-id CRLF\nobs-resent-rply = \"Resent-Reply-To\" *WSP \":\" address-list CRLF\nobs-return = \"Return-Path\" *WSP \":\" path CRLF\nobs-received = \"Received\" *WSP \":\" [1*received-token / CFWS] CRLF\nobs-optional = field-name *WSP \":\" unstructured CRLF\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 11,195 |
DanStevens | cef7176fd37060991fad6bc5ad58ad958661b2fe | 9e4b2983b00e44a55f484aa4a1db8dab5f19a344 | /timestamp.abnf | c92714acef8c9bace63f01e84b5cc9cf5cd99819 | DanStevens/learn-apg-exp | {
"content": "timestamp = date \" \" time-24hr ( \" \" / \",\" ) ( milliseconds / timezone )\n\n; Date in the form yyyy-mm-dd\ndate = year date-sep month date-sep day\nyear = 4digit ; 4 digit year\nmonth = 2digit ; 2 digit month\nday = \"0\" digit1-9 ; 01-09\n / (\"1\"/\"2\") digit1-9 ; 10-29\n / \"3\" %d48-49 ; 30-31\n / digit1-9 ; 1-9\ndate-sep = \"-\" / \"/\" / \".\" ; date component seperator\n\n; 24 hour time in the form HH:mm:ss\ntime-24hr = hours \":\" minutes \":\" seconds\nhours = tetravigit\nminutes = sexagit\nseconds = sexagit\n\nmilliseconds = 3digit\ntimezone = 3alpha\n\n; General terminating token\ntetravigit = (\"0\"/\"1\") digit / \"2\" %d48-51 ; A decimal number in the range 0-23\nsexagit = %d48-53 digit ; A decimal number in the range 0-59\ndigit = %d48-57 ; digits 0-9\ndigit1-9 = %d49-57 ; digits 1-9\nalpha = %d65-90 / %d97-122 ; Uppercase and lowercase alphabet characters i.e. a-zA-Z\neol = (%d10 %d13) / %d10 ; End-of-line (both Windows and Unix)"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 1,409 |
asmwarrior | 302c1c10518928145a73ed8962847d818ead7bef | ae97ae80061f2cef8bc626f038a0d8c19f3ced21 | /tests/abnf/rfc7232.abnf | 631bfa9a8add09b0ea12fd952d9d1a9838f3db17 | asmwarrior/PeppaPEG | {
"content": "; Collected rules from RFC 7232\n;\n\nETag = entity-tag\n\nIf-Match = \"*\" / ( *( \",\" OWS ) entity-tag *( OWS \",\" [ OWS entity-tag ] ) )\n\nIf-Modified-Since = HTTP-date\n\nIf-None-Match = \"*\" / ( *( \",\" OWS ) entity-tag *( OWS \",\" [ OWS entity-tag ] ) )\n\nIf-Unmodified-Since = HTTP-date\n\nLast-Modified = HTTP-date\n\nentity-tag = [ weak ] opaque-tag\n\netagc = \"!\" / %x23-7E / obs-text\n\nopaque-tag = DQUOTE *etagc DQUOTE\n\nweak = %x57.2F\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 460 |
watson-developer-cloud | 2cc73029a0d7525397b0d01704c73862d427472c | 44cffb77ed744100187e949270bafbd07c415093 | /speech-to-text/grammars/vins.abnf | 2305aa2e42e7bbe72e12fa38d90c9a83b04bf2fd | watson-developer-cloud/doc-tutorial-downloads | {
"content": "#ABNF 1.0 ISO-8859-1;\nlanguage en-US;\nmode voice;\nroot $root;\n\n$root = $wmi_honda $alphanum $alphanum $alphanum $alphanum $alphanum $alphanum $alphanum_modelyear $alphanum $alphanum $alphanum $alphanum $alphanum $alphanum $alphanum ;\n\n$wmi_honda = (one|two|three) \"H.\" $alphanum | one nine $alphanum | three \"C.\" \"Z.\" | four \"S.\" six | five \"F.\" \"N.\" | five \"J.\" six | nine three \"H.\" | \"J.\" \"H.\" $alphanum | \"L.\" \"U.\" \"C.\" | \"M.\" \"A.\" seven | \"M.\" \"A.\" \"K.\" | \"M.\" \"H.\" \"R.\" | \"M.\" \"L.\" \"H.\" | \"M.\" \"R.\" \"H.\" | \"N.\" \"L.\" \"A.\" | \"S.\" \"H.\" (\"H.\"|\"S.\") ;\n\n$alphanum = $digit | $spelling_wo_ioq ;\n$alphanum_modelyear = $digit_wo_zero | $spelling_wo_ioquz ;\n$digit_wo_zero = one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine ;\n$digit = zero | oh | $digit_wo_zero ;\n\n$spelling_wo_ioquz = \"A.\" | \"B.\" | \"C.\" | \"D.\" | \"E.\" | \"F.\" | \"G.\" | \"H.\" | \"J.\" | \"K.\" | \"L.\" | \"M.\" | \"N.\" | \"P.\" | \"R.\" | \"S.\" | \"T.\" | \"V.\" | \"W.\" | \"X.\" | \"Y.\" ;\n$spelling_wo_ioq = $spelling_wo_ioquz | \"U.\" | \"Z.\" ;\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 995 |
jbenner-radham | 0bebd75464bc93ddd6578375145ba38a5617949c | 1ce623e501a9ca87afb4166aa58b0fa9e1ca745e | /data/abnf/kind.abnf | eb46cee8fe43d03441d96cce1d579a4a57b79999 | jbenner-radham/jcard-to-vcard | {
"content": "KIND-param = \"VALUE=text\" / any-param\nKIND-value = \"individual\" / \"group\" / \"org\" / \"location\"\n / iana-token / x-name\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 128 |
web-projects | 592f2b23b3101530c389f75bbd3c9d13283b8c36 | ea416f4242506d6aeeaace5c60756d7b17d77a10 | /AccuStudioExecutables/RuleLib/TELib/AWL_Activation_Grm.abnf | 3b12ac3fd074df191ffe764a4f010c5081ec119f | web-projects/AccuStudio | {
"content": "//\n// Dialog Grammar for MetaCommand Keys\n//\n#include \"vkeys.h\"\n#include <utils>\n\n<fkeys> = <twodigit>;\n<Function_Keys> = FUNCTION <fkeys> => DEPRESS(ADD(111, <fkeys>));\n<Meta_Keys> = \n\tENTER => DEPRESS(VK_ENTER)\n\t| NEXT FIELD => DEPRESS(VK_TAB)\n\t| PREVIOUS FIELD => DEPRESS(VK_BACK)\n\t| PAGE UP => DEPRESS(VK_UP)\n\t| PAGE DOWN => DEPRESS(VK_DOWN)\n\t| BACK SPACE => DEPRESS(VK_BACK)\n\t| [GO] HOME => DEPRESS(VK_HOME)\n\t|\t[GO] LEFT => DEPRESS(VK_LEFT)\n\t|\t[GO] RIGHT => DEPRESS(VK_RIGHT)\n\t|\t[GO] UP => DEPRESS(VK_UP)\n\t|\t[GO] DOWN => DEPRESS(VK_DOWN)\n\t| DELETE => DEPRESS(VK_DELETE)\n\t| ESCAPE => DEPRESS(VK_ESCAPE)\n\n;\n\n#start <AWL_Activation_Grm>\n\n<AWL_Activation_Grm> = \n\n\t<Function_Keys> | <Meta_Keys>;\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 697 |
alittlesail | dc2eafa9355d5ba568bef47ce12c7a3a6e271cbc | 40be51accf7cf55c372e8557b78928d55b62c1b6 | /Export/Web/Module/AUIPlugin/Other/ABnf/ALua.abnf | a11e2317871886b339404f94032e10343d060e72 | alittlesail/ALittle-DeployClient | {
"content": "\n// 语法树的跟【Root是系统内置,必须定义Root作为语法根节点,没有定义会报错】\nRoot = AllExpr*;\n// 行注释【LineComment是系统内置的行注释语法规则名】\nLineComment : \"-\" [87,166,74] = \"%-%-.*\";\n// 块注释【BlockComment是系统内置的块注释语法规则名】\nBlockComment : \"-\" [87,166,74] = \"%-%-%[%[{%-%-%]%]}\";\n\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// 字符串\nText : \"\\\"\"@ [214,157,133] = \"\\\"([^\\\"\\\\]|\\\\.)*\\\"\";\n// 规则名称\nId : \"[_a-zA-Z]\" [218,218,218] = \"[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*\";\n// 整型数值\nNumber : \"[0-9]\" [53,155,185] = \"0x[0-9a-fA-F]+\" | \"[0-9]+(%.[0-9]+)?\";\n// 空\nNil [53,155,185] = <nil>;\n// bool\nBool [53,155,185] = <true> | <false>;\n\n// 关键字\nLOCAL [86,156,214] = <local>;\nBREAK [216,160,223] = <break>;\nRETURN [216,160,223] = <return>;\nGOTO [216,160,223] = <goto>;\nFOR [216,160,223] = <for>;\nIN [216,160,223] = <in>;\nWHILE [216,160,223] = <while>;\nREPEAT [216,160,223] = <repeat>;\nUNTIL [216,160,223] = <until>;\nIF [216,160,223] = <if>;\nELSEIF [216,160,223] = <elseif>;\nELSE [216,160,223] = <else>;\nTHEN [216,160,223] = <then>;\nAND [86,156,214] = <and>;\nOR [86,156,214] = <or>;\nNOT [86,156,214] = <not>;\nFUNCTION [86,156,214] = <function>;\nSELF [86,156,214] = <self>;\n\nCTRL_DO [216,160,223] = <do>;\nCTRL_END [216,160,223] = <end>;\nDEFINE_DO [86,156,214] = <do>;\nDEFINE_END [86,156,214] = <end>;\n\n\n// 函数参数部分\nMethodParamTailDec = '...';\nMethodParamOneDec = MethodParamTailDec | MethodParamNameDec;\nMethodParamNameDec = Id;\nMethodParamDec = '('@ (MethodParamOneDec (','@ MethodParamOneDec)*)? ')';\n\n// 函数名部分\nMethodNameDec [210,210,160] = Id# ('.'@ Id)* (':'@ Id)?;\n\n// 全局函数\nGlobalMethodDec = FUNCTION@ MethodNameDec MethodParamDec AllExpr* DEFINE_END;\n\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n// 表达式\nAllExpr = IfExpr |\n ForExpr |\n WhileExpr |\n RepeatExpr |\n ReturnExpr |\n FlowExpr |\n WrapExpr |\n Op1Expr |\n EmptyExpr |\n VarAssignExpr |\n OpAssignExpr |\n \t\tGotoExpr |\n \t\tLabelExpr |\n \t\tGlobalMethodDec;\n\n// 空语句\nEmptyExpr = ';';\n\n// for 流程控制\nForExpr = FOR@ ForCondition ForBody;\nForCondition = ForPairDec (ForStepCondition | ForInCondition);\nForBody = CTRL_DO@ AllExpr* CTRL_END;\n\nForStepCondition = ForStartStat ','@ ForEndStat ','@ ForStepStat;\nForStartStat = '='@ ValueStat;\nForEndStat = ValueStat;\nForStepStat = ValueStat;\n\nForInCondition = (','@ ForPairDec)* IN@ ValueStat;\nForPairDec = VarAssignNameDec;\n\n// while 流程控制\nWhileExpr = WHILE@ ValueStat CTRL_DO@ AllExpr* CTRL_END;\n\n// do while 流程控制\nRepeatExpr = REPEAT@ AllExpr* UNTIL ValueStat;\n\n// if else 流程控制\nIfExpr = IF@ ValueStat THEN AllExpr* (ELSEIF@ ValueStat THEN AllExpr*)* (ELSE@ AllExpr*)? CTRL_END;\n\n// 表达式包装 比如 { 表达式列表 }\nWrapExpr = DEFINE_DO@ AllExpr* DEFINE_END;\n\n// 函数定义表达式\nFunctionValue = FUNCTION@ MethodParamDec AllExpr* DEFINE_END;\n\n// return\nReturnExpr = RETURN@ ((ValueStat (','@ ValueStat)*))?;\n\n// break\nFlowExpr = BREAK@;\n\n// goto\nGotoExpr = GOTO@ Id;\n\n// label\nLabelExpr = '::'@ Id '::';\n\n// 定义语句\nVarAssignExpr = LOCAL VarAssignDec (','@ VarAssignDec)* ('='@ ValueStat (','@ ValueStat)*)?;\nVarAssignDec = VarAssignNameDec;\nVarAssignNameDec = Id;\n\n// 赋值\nOpAssign = '=' | '+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=';\nOpAssignExpr = PropertyValue ((','@ PropertyValue)* OpAssign@ ValueStat)?;\n\n// 单目运算表达式\nOp1Expr = UnOp@ ValueStat;\n\n//复合值///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\nValueStat = UnOpStat | ValueOpStat;\nValueFactorStat = WrapValueStat | ConstValue | TableValue | PropertyValue | MethodParamTailDec | FunctionValue;\nValueOpStat = ValueFactorStat (BinOpStat)?;\n\n// 值\nWrapValueStat = '('@ ValueStat? ')';\n// 常量值\nConstValue = Bool | Nil | Text | Number;\n// 表构造\nTableValue = '{'@ TableFieldList? '}';\nTableFieldList = TableField (',' TableField)* ','?;\nTableField = '['@ ValueStat ']' '='@ ValueStat | Id '='@ ValueStat | ValueStat;\n\n// 属性\nPropertyValue = PropertyValueFirstType PropertyValueSuffix*;\n\nPropertyValueFirstType = PropertyValueCustomType | PropertyValueSelfType;\nPropertyValueCustomType = Id@;\nPropertyValueSelfType = SELF@;\n\nPropertyValueSuffix = PropertyValueDotId | PropertyValueCallId | PropertyValueBracketValue | PropertyValueMethodCall;\nPropertyValueDotId = '.'@ PropertyValueDotIdName;\nPropertyValueDotIdName = Id#;\nPropertyValueCallId = ':'@ PropertyValueCallIdName;\nPropertyValueCallIdName [210,210,160] = Id#;\nPropertyValueBracketValue = '['@ ValueStat? ']';\nPropertyValueMethodCall = '('@ (ValueStat (','@ ValueStat)*)? ')';\n\n// Op 类型的运算,编号越大,优先级越低///////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n// 双目运算\nBinOp = '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '//' | '^' | '%' | \n\t\t '&' | '~' | '|' | '>>' | '<<' | '..' | \n\t\t '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '==' | '~=' | \n\t\t AND | OR;\nBinOpStat = BinOpSuffix BinOpSuffixEx*;\nBinOpSuffix = BinOp@ (ValueFactorStat | UnOpValue);\nBinOpSuffixEx = BinOpSuffix;\n\n// 单目运算\nUnOp = '-' | NOT | '#' | '~';\nUnOpStat = UnOpValue UnOpSuffixEx*;\nUnOpValue = UnOp@ ValueFactorStat;\nUnOpSuffixEx = BinOpSuffix;\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 5,404 |
f3c0 | 75e41d28dc2bf3f92ea906248d75ed8590fd36e5 | 102509714116325a63fd6b86b90d6df902652dda | /asn1/LDAP_Schema.abnf | c817ce4029b81c3be07e0e1c78bbf342032dd5e9 | f3c0/feldapd | {
"content": "; -- Common ABNF Productions\n\nkeystring = leadkeychar *keychar\nleadkeychar = ALPHA\nkeychar = ALPHA / DIGIT / HYPHEN\nnumber = ( LDIGIT 1*DIGIT ) / DIGIT\n\nALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A ; \"A\"-\"Z\" / \"a\"-\"z\"\nDIGIT = %x30 / LDIGIT ; \"0\"-\"9\"\nLDIGIT = %x31-39 ; \"1\"-\"9\"\nHEX = DIGIT / %x41-46 / %x61-66 ; \"0\"-\"9\" / \"A\"-\"F\" / \"a\"-\"f\"\n\nSP = 1*SPACE ; one or more \" \"\nWSP = 0*SPACE ; zero or more \" \"\nNULL = %x00 ; null (0)\nSPACE = %x20 ; space (\" \")\nDQUOTE = %x22 ; quote (\"\"\")\nSHARP = %x23 ; octothorpe (or sharp sign) (\"#\")\nDOLLAR = %x24 ; dollar sign (\"$\")\nSQUOTE = %x27 ; single quote (\"'\")\nLPAREN = %x28 ; left paren (\"(\")\nRPAREN = %x29 ; right paren (\")\")\nPLUS = %x2B ; plus sign (\"+\")\nCOMMA = %x2C ; comma (\",\")\nHYPHEN = %x2D ; hyphen (\"-\")\nDOT = %x2E ; period (\".\")\nSEMI = %x3B ; semicolon (\";\")\nLANGLE = %x3C ; left angle bracket (\"<\")\nEQUALS = %x3D ; equals sign (\"=\")\nRANGLE = %x3E ; right angle bracket (\">\")\nESC = %x5C ; backslash (\"\\\")\nUSCORE = %x5F ; underscore (\"_\")\nLCURLY = %x7B ; left curly brace \"{\"\nRCURLY = %x7D ; right curly brace \"}\"\n\n; Any UTF-8 [RFC3629] encoded Unicode [Unicode] character\nUTF8 = UTF1 / UTFMB\nUTFMB = UTF2 / UTF3 / UTF4\nUTF0 = %x80-BF\nUTF1 = %x00-7F\nUTF2 = %xC2-DF UTF0\nUTF3 = %xE0 %xA0-BF UTF0 / %xE1-EC 2(UTF0) /\n\t%xED %x80-9F UTF0 / %xEE-EF 2(UTF0)\nUTF4 = %xF0 %x90-BF 2(UTF0) / %xF1-F3 3(UTF0) /\n\t%xF4 %x80-8F 2(UTF0)\n\nOCTET = %x00-FF ; Any octet (8-bit data unit)\n\n\n\n; ----------------------\n; ----------------------\n\nnumericoid = number 1*( DOT number )\ndescr = keystring\noid = descr / numericoid\n\n\n\n; ----------------------\n; Attribute Description\n; ----------------------\nattributedescription = attributetype options\nattributetype = oid\noptions = *( SEMI option )\noption = 1*keychar\n\n; ----------------------\n; Schema Definitions\n; ----------------------\nnoidlen = numericoid [ LCURLY len RCURLY ]\nlen = number\n\noids = oid / ( LPAREN WSP oidlist WSP RPAREN )\noidlist = oid *( WSP DOLLAR WSP oid )\n\nextensions = *( SP xstring SP qdstrings )\nxstring = \"X\" HYPHEN 1*( ALPHA / HYPHEN / USCORE )\n\nqdescrs = qdescr / ( LPAREN WSP qdescrlist WSP RPAREN )\nqdescrlist = [ qdescr *( SP qdescr ) ]\nqdescr = SQUOTE descr SQUOTE\n\nqdstrings = qdstring / ( LPAREN WSP qdstringlist WSP RPAREN )\nqdstringlist = [ qdstring *( SP qdstring ) ]\nqdstring = SQUOTE dstring SQUOTE\ndstring = 1*( QS / QQ / QUTF8 ) ; escaped UTF-8 string\n\nQQ = ESC %x32 %x37 ; \"\\27\"\nQS = ESC %x35 ( %x43 / %x63 ) ; \"\\5C\" / \"\\5c\"\n\n; Any UTF-8 encoded Unicode character\n; except %x27 (\"\\'\") and %x5C (\"\\\")\nQUTF8 = QUTF1 / UTFMB\n\n; Any ASCII character except %x27 (\"\\'\") and %x5C (\"\\\")\nQUTF1 = %x00-26 / %x28-5B / %x5D-7F\n\n\n\n; ----------------------\n; Object Class Definitions\n; ----------------------\nObjectClassDescription = LPAREN WSP\n\tnumericoid ; object identifier\n\t[ SP \"NAME\" SP qdescrs ] ; short names (descriptors)\n\t[ SP \"DESC\" SP qdstring ] ; description\n\t[ SP \"OBSOLETE\" ] ; not active\n\t[ SP \"SUP\" SP oids ] ; superior object classes\n\t[ SP kind ] ; kind of class\n\t[ SP \"MUST\" SP oids ] ; attribute types\n\t[ SP \"MAY\" SP oids ] ; attribute types\n\textensions WSP RPAREN\n\nkind = \"ABSTRACT\" / \"STRUCTURAL\" / \"AUXILIARY\"\n\n\n\n; ----------------------\n; Attribute Types\n; ----------------------\nAttributeTypeDescription = LPAREN WSP\n\tnumericoid ; object identifier\n\t[ SP \"NAME\" SP qdescrs ] ; short names (descriptors)\n\t[ SP \"DESC\" SP qdstring ] ; description\n\t[ SP \"OBSOLETE\" ] ; not active\n\t[ SP \"SUP\" SP oid ] ; supertype\n\t[ SP \"EQUALITY\" SP oid ] ; equality matching rule\n\t[ SP \"ORDERING\" SP oid ] ; ordering matching rule\n\t[ SP \"SUBSTR\" SP oid ] ; substrings matching rule\n\t[ SP \"SYNTAX\" SP noidlen ] ; value syntax\n\t[ SP \"SINGLE-VALUE\" ] ; single-value\n\t[ SP \"COLLECTIVE\" ] ; collective\n\t[ SP \"NO-USER-MODIFICATION\" ] ; not user modifiable\n\t[ SP \"USAGE\" SP usage ] ; usage\n\textensions WSP RPAREN ; extensions\n\nusage = \"userApplications\" / ; user\n\t\"directoryOperation\" / ; directory operational\n\t\"distributedOperation\" / ; DSA-shared operational\n\t\"dSAOperation\" ; DSA-specific operational\n\n\n\n\n\n\n; ----------------------\n; Matching Rules\n; ----------------------\nMatchingRuleDescription = LPAREN WSP\n\tnumericoid ; object identifier\n\t[ SP \"NAME\" SP qdescrs ] ; short names (descriptors)\n\t[ SP \"DESC\" SP qdstring ] ; description\n\t[ SP \"OBSOLETE\" ] ; not active\n\tSP \"SYNTAX\" SP numericoid ; assertion syntax\n\textensions WSP RPAREN ; extensions\n\n\n\n; ----------------------\n; Matching Rule Uses\n; ----------------------\nMatchingRuleUseDescription = LPAREN WSP\n\tnumericoid ; object identifier\n\t[ SP \"NAME\" SP qdescrs ] ; short names (descriptors)\n\t[ SP \"DESC\" SP qdstring ] ; description\n\t[ SP \"OBSOLETE\" ] ; not active\n\tSP \"APPLIES\" SP oids ; attribute types\n\textensions WSP RPAREN ; extensions\n\n\n\n; ----------------------\n; LDAP Syntaxes\n; ----------------------\nSyntaxDescription = LPAREN WSP\n\tnumericoid ; object identifier\n\t[ SP \"DESC\" SP qdstring ] ; description\n\textensions WSP RPAREN ; extensions\n\n\n\n; ----------------------\n; DIT Content Rules\n; ----------------------\nDITContentRuleDescription = LPAREN WSP\n\tnumericoid ; object identifier\n\t[ SP \"NAME\" SP qdescrs ] ; short names (descriptors)\n\t[ SP \"DESC\" SP qdstring ] ; description\n\t[ SP \"OBSOLETE\" ] ; not active\n\t[ SP \"AUX\" SP oids ] ; auxiliary object classes\n\t[ SP \"MUST\" SP oids ] ; attribute types\n\t[ SP \"MAY\" SP oids ] ; attribute types\n\t[ SP \"NOT\" SP oids ] ; attribute types\n\textensions WSP RPAREN ; extensions\n\n\n\n\n; ----------------------\n; DIT Structure Rules\n; ----------------------\nDITStructureRuleDescription = LPAREN WSP\n\truleid ; rule identifier\n\t[ SP \"NAME\" SP qdescrs ] ; short names (descriptors)\n\t[ SP \"DESC\" SP qdstring ] ; description\n\t[ SP \"OBSOLETE\" ] ; not active\n\tSP \"FORM\" SP oid ; NameForm\n\t[ SP \"SUP\" ruleids ] ; superior rules\n\textensions WSP RPAREN ; extensions\n\nruleids = ruleid / ( LPAREN WSP ruleidlist WSP RPAREN )\nruleidlist = ruleid *( SP ruleid )\nruleid = number\n\n\n\n\n; ----------------------\n; Name Forms\n; ----------------------\nNameFormDescription = LPAREN WSP\n\tnumericoid ; object identifier\n\t[ SP \"NAME\" SP qdescrs ] ; short names (descriptors)\n\t[ SP \"DESC\" SP qdstring ] ; description\n\t[ SP \"OBSOLETE\" ] ; not active\n\tSP \"OC\" SP oid ; structural object class\n\tSP \"MUST\" SP oids ; attribute types\n\t[ SP \"MAY\" SP oids ] ; attribute types\n\textensions WSP RPAREN ; extensions\n\n\n\n; ----------------------\n; SCHEMA\n; ----------------------\nSCHEMA = *(\t\n\t\t\tAttributeType / AttributeTypes / \n\t\t\tObjectClass / ObjectClasses / \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tMatchingRule / MatchingRules / \n\t\t\tLdapSyntax / LdapSyntaxes / \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tNameForm / \n\t\t\tDITStructureRule / \n\t\t\tDITContentRule / \n\t\t\tSyntax / \n\t\t\tMatchingRuleUse / \n\t\t\tAttribute\n\t\t)\n\nAttributeType = WSP \"attributeType\" WSP AttributeTypeDescription WSP\nAttributeTypes = WSP \"attributeTypes:\" 1*(WSP AttributeTypeDescription WSP)\nObjectClass = WSP \"objectClass\" WSP ObjectClassDescription WSP\nObjectClasses = WSP \"objectClasses:\" 1*(WSP ObjectClassDescription WSP)\n\t\nMatchingRule = WSP \"matchingRule\" WSP MatchingRuleDescription WSP\nMatchingRules = WSP \"matchingRules:\" 1*(WSP MatchingRuleDescription WSP)\nLdapSyntax = WSP \"ldapSyntax\" WSP SyntaxDescription WSP\nLdapSyntaxes = WSP \"ldapSyntaxes:\" 1*(WSP SyntaxDescription WSP)\n\t\nNameForm = WSP \"nameForm\" WSP NameFormDescription WSP\nDITStructureRule = WSP \"DITStructureRule\" WSP DITStructureRuleDescription WSP\nDITContentRule = WSP \"DITContentRule\" WSP DITContentRuleDescription WSP\nSyntax = WSP \"syntax\" WSP SyntaxDescription WSP\nMatchingRuleUse = WSP \"matchingRuleUse\" WSP MatchingRuleUseDescription WSP\nAttribute = WSP \"attribute\" WSP attributedescription WSP\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 8,084 |
jbenner-radham | cb563e11effa09544752050d697daabe0432e5a6 | 1ce623e501a9ca87afb4166aa58b0fa9e1ca745e | /data/abnf/key.abnf | 5e6294096e4776bfed82135cb4992beb5550f33b | jbenner-radham/jcard-to-vcard | {
"content": "KEY-param = KEY-uri-param / KEY-text-param\nKEY-value = KEY-uri-value / KEY-text-value\n ; Value and parameter MUST match.\n\nKEY-uri-param = \"VALUE=uri\" / mediatype-param\nKEY-uri-value = URI\n\nKEY-text-param = \"VALUE=text\"\nKEY-text-value = text\n\nKEY-param =/ altid-param / pid-param / pref-param / type-param\n / any-param\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 329 |
DanStevens | 37288e6fd4c6e116d672026101c6b6639a8630bc | 10e2627aa80f3dcfc161c470b2338c7139fa49c8 | /learn-apg-exp/phone.abnf | 2b70ea80863f3192ebf8a93251098b83a0581663 | DanStevens/Learning-Node | {
"content": "phone-number = [\"(\"] area-code sep office-code sep subscriber\narea-code = 3digit ; 3 digits\noffice-code = 3digit ; 3 digits\nsubscriber = 4digit ; 4 digits\nsep = *3(%d32-47 / %d58-126 / %d9) ; 0-3 ASCII non-digits\ndigit = %d48-57 ; 0-9"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 343 |
hibari | c1932d727f4606e88cab10970481be59fefdcc66 | f01696c73fc0e6858a8fa5bf585bf1c0ea107ab8 | /src/hibari/misc-codes/ubf_c.abnf | aa70952ab0c044a62d025404f4ddd99b7fe6ef07 | hibari/hibari-doc | {
"content": "../tutorial/misc-codes/ubf_c.abnf"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 33 |
xurxodiz | 91adacf7537e43684173e4ddb0a54e407c8ef594 | 0e412889a098c2f097ba6ed54f0ee203b9e58d64 | /marioaichallenge/extra/sch/schematics.abnf | a7b158644b223f7aa2238e9eae79eb23251d9f79 | xurxodiz/MarioLevels | {
"content": "schematics\t\t= 1*( transitions / (*c-wsp c-nl) ) ;\n\ntransitions\t\t= nonterminal *c-wsp \"=\" *c-wsp options *c-wsp \";\" ;\n\noptions\t\t\t= concatenation\n *(*c-wsp \"|\" *c-wsp concatenation) ;\n\nconcatenation\t= 1*(*c-wsp (terminal / nonterminal)) [*c-wsp \",\" *c-wsp weight] ;\n\nelement\t\t\t= nonterminal / terminal ;\n\nnonterminal\t\t= LOWCASE *(\"_\" / LOWCASE) ;\n\nterminal\t\t= UPCASE *(\"_\" / UPCASE) ;\n\nweight\t\t\t= 1*(DIGIT) [\".\" 1*DIGIT] ;\n\nc-wsp\t\t\t= WSP / (c-nl WSP) ; \n\nc-nl\t\t\t= comment / CRLF ;\n\ncomment\t\t\t= \"#\" *(WSP / VCHAR) CRLF ;\n\nUPCASE\t\t\t= %x41-5A ;\t\t# A-Z \n \nLOWCASE\t\t\t= %x61-7A ;\t\t# a-z\n \nDIGIT\t\t\t= %x30-39 ;\t\t# 0-9\n \nVCHAR\t\t\t= %x21-7E ;\t\t# visible (printing) characters\n\nCRLF\t\t\t= *(%x0D/%x0A) ;\t\t# CR LF\n\nWSP\t\t\t\t= %x20 / %x09 ;\t# space or tab"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 793 |
jbenner-radham | a7e7f1a8755a938c357158f34cc48cfe07de16a7 | 1ce623e501a9ca87afb4166aa58b0fa9e1ca745e | /data/abnf/prodid.abnf | 80f6e60c231069db4292c81b54e591368f5a8788 | jbenner-radham/jcard-to-vcard | {
"content": "PRODID-param = \"VALUE=text\" / any-param\nPRODID-value = text\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 60 |
marcelog | 6220bbe19a5f76fac10dc0ccc8dee40e86ca9dd6 | 08bdf61bbbdba46e97f175a90f4afb69d9d8b50c | /priv/postal_code.abnf | 9b8365f184248e0ab99f8c832f38a17d93c42d9b | marcelog/ex_abnf_example | {
"content": "!!!\r\n###\r\n# These are some helper functions and macros used throughout the parser\r\n###\r\nrequire Logger\r\ndef get_val(token) do\r\n case :lists.flatten(token) do\r\n [] -> nil\r\n r -> hd r\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\ndefmacro to_s() do\r\n quote do\r\n _ = var!(string_values)\r\n _ = var!(values)\r\n state = var!(state)\r\n rule = var!(rule)\r\n {:ok, state, to_string(rule)}\r\n end\r\nend\r\n!!!\r\n\r\n; This grammar is taken from\r\n;\r\npostal-address = name-part street zip-part !!!\r\n _ = rule\r\n _ = string_values\r\n [name, street, zip] = values\r\n {:ok, state, %{\r\n name: get_val(name),\r\n street: get_val(street),\r\n zip: get_val(zip)\r\n }}\r\n!!!\r\n\r\nname-part = personal-part SP *(personal-part SP) [suffix] CRLF !!!\r\n _ = rule\r\n _ = values\r\n # Remove CRLF and get the name\r\n [_|name] = Enum.reverse string_values\r\n name = to_string Enum.reverse(name)\r\n {:ok, state, name}\r\n!!!\r\n\r\npersonal-part = first-name / (initial \".\") !!! to_s() !!!\r\n\r\nfirst-name = *ALPHA !!! to_s() !!!\r\n\r\ninitial = ALPHA !!! to_s() !!!\r\n\r\nlast-name = *ALPHA !!! to_s() !!!\r\n\r\nsuffix = (\"Jr.\" / \"Sr.\" / 1*(\"I\" / \"V\" / \"X\")) !!! to_s() !!!\r\n\r\nstreet = [apt SP] house-num SP street-name CRLF !!!\r\n _ = rule\r\n _ = string_values\r\n [apt, house, _, street, _] = values\r\n apt = get_val apt\r\n house = get_val house\r\n street = get_val street\r\n {:ok, state, %{\r\n apartment: apt,\r\n house: house,\r\n street: street\r\n }}\r\n!!!\r\n\r\napt = 1*4DIGIT !!!\r\n _ = values\r\n _ = string_values\r\n {apt, \"\"} = Integer.parse to_string(rule)\r\n {:ok, state, apt}\r\n!!!\r\n\r\nhouse-num = 1*8(DIGIT / ALPHA) !!! to_s() !!!\r\n\r\nstreet-name = 1*VCHAR !!! to_s() !!!\r\n\r\nzip-part = town-name \",\" SP state 1*2SP zip-code CRLF !!!\r\n _ = rule\r\n _ = string_values\r\n [town, _, _, st, _, zip, _] = values\r\n town = get_val town\r\n st = get_val st\r\n zip = get_val zip\r\n {:ok, state, %{\r\n town: town,\r\n state: st,\r\n zip: zip\r\n }}\r\n!!!\r\n\r\ntown-name = 1*(ALPHA / SP) !!! to_s() !!!\r\n\r\nstate = 2ALPHA !!! to_s() !!!\r\n\r\nzip-code = 5DIGIT [\"-\" 4DIGIT] !!!\r\n _ = rule\r\n _ = values\r\n [code, extended] = string_values\r\n {code, \"\"} = Integer.parse to_string(code)\r\n extended = case extended do\r\n [] -> nil\r\n [?-|extended] ->\r\n {extended, \"\"} = Integer.parse to_string(extended)\r\n extended\r\n end\r\n {:ok, state, %{\r\n code: code,\r\n extended: extended\r\n }}\r\n!!!\r\n\r\nDIGIT = %x30-39 ; Decimal digits (0-9)\r\nALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A ; Upper and lower case ASCII letters (A-Z, a-z)\r\nVCHAR = %x21-7E ; visible (printing) characters\r\nSP = %x20 ; space\r\nCRLF = CR LF ; Internet standard newline\r\nCR = %x0D ; carriage return\r\nLF = %x0A ; linefeed\r\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 2,806 |
sainteos | 6be578002cb9ed2cd6af8c7f8f99fe670c21c42e | 2d6428cca481f832b816bfe97db650bbaa4e04c0 | /test/resources/RFC3261.abnf | 8afc43ac8695f62524b6baf18b3c70f8da1ae289 | sainteos/ex_abnf | {
"content": "alphanum = ALPHA / DIGIT\r\nreserved = \";\" / \"/\" / \"?\" / \":\" / \"@\" / \"&\" / \"=\" / \"+\" / \"$\" / \",\"\r\nunreserved = alphanum / mark\r\nmark = \"-\" / \"_\" / \".\" / \"!\" / \"~\" / \"*\" / \"'\" / \"(\" / \")\"\r\nescaped = \"%\" HEXDIG HEXDIG\r\nLWS = [*WSP CRLF] 1*WSP\r\nSWS = [LWS]\r\nHCOLON = *( SP / HTAB ) \":\" SWS\r\nTEXT-UTF8-TRIM = 1*TEXT-UTF8char *(*LWS TEXT-UTF8char)\r\nTEXT-UTF8char = %x21-7E / UTF8-NONASCII\r\nUTF8-NONASCII = %xC0-DF 1UTF8-CONT / %xE0-EF 2UTF8-CONT / %xF0-F7 3UTF8-CONT / %xF8-Fb 4UTF8-CONT / %xFC-FD 5UTF8-CONT\r\nUTF8-CONT = %x80-BF\r\nLHEX = DIGIT\r\ntoken = 1*(alphanum / \"-\" / \".\" / \"!\" / \"%\" / \"*\" / \"_\" / \"+\" / \"`\" / \"'\" / \"~\" )\r\nseparators = \"(\" / \")\" / \"<\" / \">\" / \"@\" / \",\" / \";\" / \":\" / \"\\\" / DQUOTE / \"/\" / \"[\" / \"]\" / \"?\" / \"=\" / \"{\" / \"}\" / SP / HTAB\r\nword = 1*(alphanum / \"-\" / \".\" / \"!\" / \"%\" / \"*\" / \"_\" / \"+\" / \"`\" / \"'\" / \"~\" / \"(\" / \")\" / \"<\" / \">\" / \":\" / \"\\\" / DQUOTE / \"/\" / \"[\" / \"]\" / \"?\" / \"{\" / \"}\" )\r\nSTAR = SWS \"*\" SWS\r\nSLASH = SWS \"/\" SWS\r\nEQUAL = SWS \"=\" SWS\r\nLPAREN = SWS \"(\" SWS\r\nRPAREN = SWS \")\" SWS\r\nRAQUOT = \">\" SWS\r\nLAQUOT = SWS \"<\"\r\nCOMMA = SWS \",\" SWS\r\nSEMI = SWS \";\" SWS\r\nCOLON = SWS \":\" SWS\r\nLDQUOT = SWS DQUOTE\r\nRDQUOT = DQUOTE SWS\r\ncomment = LPAREN *(ctext / quoted-pair / comment) RPAREN\r\nctext = %x21-27 / %x2A-5B / %x5D-7E / UTF8-NONASCII / LWS\r\nquoted-string = SWS DQUOTE *(qdtext / quoted-pair ) DQUOTE\r\nqdtext = LWS / %x21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-7E / UTF8-NONASCII\r\nquoted-pair = \"\\\" (%x00-09 / %x0B-0C / %x0E-7F)\r\nSIP-URI = \"sip:\" [ userinfo ] hostport uri-parameters [ headers ] !!!\r\n [_, uinfo, [[hostport]], _, _] = values\r\n {:ok, state, %{\r\n scheme: \"sip\",\r\n userinfo: (case uinfo do\r\n [] -> nil\r\n [uinfo] -> to_string(uinfo)\r\n end),\r\n hostport: hostport\r\n }}\r\n!!!\r\nSIPS-URI = \"sips:\" [ userinfo ] hostport uri-parameters [ headers ]\r\nuserinfo = ( user / telephone-subscriber ) [ \":\" password ] \"@\" !!!\r\n [u, _, _] = values\r\n {:ok, state, :lists.flatten(u)}\r\n!!!\r\nuser = 1*( unreserved / escaped / user-unreserved )\r\nuser-unreserved = \"&\" / \"=\" / \"+\" / \"$\" / \",\" / \";\" / \"?\" / \"/\"\r\npassword = *( unreserved / escaped / \"&\" / \"=\" / \"+\" / \"$\" / \",\" )\r\nhostport = host [ \":\" port ] !!!\r\n [[[host]], [port]] = values\r\n port = case port do\r\n [] -> 5060\r\n port ->\r\n [_, port] = :lists.flatten(port)\r\n port\r\n end\r\n {:ok, state, %{host: host, port: port}}\r\n!!!\r\nhost = hostname / IPv4address / IPv6reference !!!\r\n {:ok, state, to_string(rule)}\r\n!!!\r\nhostname = *( domainlabel \".\" ) toplabel [ \".\" ]\r\ndomainlabel = alphanum / alphanum *( alphanum / \"-\" ) alphanum\r\ntoplabel = ALPHA / ALPHA *( alphanum / \"-\" ) alphanum\r\nIPv4address = 1*3DIGIT \".\" 1*3DIGIT \".\" 1*3DIGIT \".\" 1*3DIGIT\r\nIPv6reference = \"[\" IPv6address \"]\"\r\nIPv6address = hexpart [ \":\" IPv4address ]\r\nhexpart = hexseq / hexseq \"::\" [ hexseq ] / \"::\" [ hexseq ]\r\nhexseq = hex4 *( \":\" hex4)\r\nhex4 = 1*4HEXDIG\r\nport = 1*DIGIT !!!\r\n {port, \"\"} = Integer.parse to_string(rule)\r\n {:ok, state, port}\r\n!!!\r\nuri-parameters = *( \";\" uri-parameter)\r\nuri-parameter = transport-param / user-param / method-param / ttl-param / maddr-param / lr-param / other-param\r\ntransport-param = \"transport=\" ( \"udp\" / \"tcp\" / \"sctp\" / \"tls\" / other-transport)\r\nother-transport = token\r\nuser-param = \"user=\" ( \"phone\" / \"ip\" / other-user)\r\nother-user = token\r\nmethod-param = \"method=\" Method\r\nttl-param = \"ttl=\" ttl\r\nmaddr-param = \"maddr=\" host\r\nlr-param = \"lr\"\r\nother-param = pname [ \"=\" pvalue ]\r\npname = 1*paramchar\r\npvalue = 1*paramchar\r\nparamchar = param-unreserved / unreserved / escaped\r\nparam-unreserved = \"[\" / \"]\" / \"/\" / \":\" / \"&\" / \"+\" / \"$\"\r\nheaders = \"?\" header *( \"&\" header )\r\nheader = hname \"=\" hvalue\r\nhname = 1*( hnv-unreserved / unreserved / escaped )\r\nhvalue = *( hnv-unreserved / unreserved / escaped )\r\nhnv-unreserved = \"[\" / \"]\" / \"/\" / \"?\" / \":\" / \"+\" / \"$\"\r\nSIP-message = Request / Response !!!\r\n {:ok, Map.put(state, :request, true)}\r\n!!!\r\n\r\nRequest = Request-Line *( message-header ) CRLF [ message-body ]\r\nRequest-Line = Method SP Request-URI SP SIP-Version CRLF !!!\r\n [[[method]], _, [[[uri]]], _, _, _] = values\r\n state = Map.put state, :method, method\r\n state = Map.put state, :uri, uri\r\n {:ok, state}\r\n!!!\r\n\r\nRequest-URI = SIP-URI / SIPS-URI / absoluteURI !!!\r\n [[uri]] = values\r\n {:ok, state, uri}\r\n!!!\r\n\r\nabsoluteURI = scheme \":\" ( hier-part / opaque-part )\r\nhier-part = ( net-path / abs-path ) [ \"?\" query ]\r\nnet-path = \"//\" authority [ abs-path ]\r\nabs-path = \"/\" path-segments\r\nopaque-part = uric-no-slash *uric\r\nuric = reserved / unreserved / escaped\r\nuric-no-slash = unreserved / escaped / \";\" / \"?\" / \":\" / \"@\" / \"&\" / \"=\" / \"+\" / \"$\" / \",\"\r\npath-segments = segment *( \"/\" segment )\r\nsegment = *pchar *( \";\" param )\r\nparam = *pchar\r\npchar = unreserved / escaped / \":\" / \"@\" / \"&\" / \"=\" / \"+\" / \"$\" / \",\"\r\nscheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / \"+\" / \"-\" / \".\" )\r\nauthority = srvr / reg-name\r\nsrvr = [ [ userinfo \"@\" ] hostport ]\r\nreg-name = 1*( unreserved / escaped / \"$\" / \",\" / \";\" / \":\" / \"@\" / \"&\" / \"=\" / \"+\" )\r\nquery = *uric\r\nSIP-Version = \"SIP\" \"/\" 1*DIGIT \".\" 1*DIGIT\r\nmessage-header = (Accept / Accept-Encoding / Accept-Language / Alert-Info / Allow / Authentication-Info / Authorization / Call-ID / Call-Info / Contact / Content-Disposition / Content-Encoding / Content-Language / Content-Length / Content-Type / CSeq / Date / Error-Info / Expires / From / In-Reply-To / Max-Forwards / MIME-Version / Min-Expires / Organization / Priority / Proxy-Authenticate / Proxy-Authorization / Proxy-Require / Record-Route / Reply-To / Require / Retry-After / Route / Server / Subject / Supported / Timestamp / To / Unsupported / User-Agent / Via / Warning / WWW-Authenticate / extension-header) CRLF\r\nINVITEm = %x49.4E.\r\nACKm = %x41.43.4B\r\nOPTIONSm = %x4F.\r\nBYEm = %x42.59.45\r\nCANCELm = %x43.41.4E.43.45.4C\r\nREGISTERm = %x52.\r\nMethod = INVITEm / ACKm / OPTIONSm / BYEm / CANCELm / REGISTERm / extension-method !!!\r\n {:ok, state, String.to_atom(String.downcase(to_string(rule)))}\r\n!!!\r\nextension-method = token\r\nResponse = Status-Line *( message-header ) CRLF [ message-body ]\r\nStatus-Line = SIP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF\r\nStatus-Code = Informational / Redirection / Success / Client-Error / Server-Error / Global-Failure / extension-code\r\nextension-code = 3DIGIT\r\nReason-Phrase = *(reserved / unreserved / escaped / UTF8-NONASCII / UTF8-CONT / SP / HTAB)\r\nInformational = \"100\" / \"180\" / \"181\" / \"182\" / \"183\"\r\nSuccess = \"200\"\r\nRedirection = \"300\" / \"301\" / \"302\" / \"305\" / \"380\"\r\nClient-Error = \"400\" /\"401\" /\"402\" /\"403\" /\"404\" /\"405\" /\"406\" /\"407\" /\"408\" /\"410\" /\"413\" /\"414\" /\"415\" /\"416\" /\"420\" /\"421\" /\"423\" /\"480\" /\"481\" /\"482\" /\"483\" /\"484\" /\"485\" /\"486\" /\"487\" /\"488\" /\"491\" /\"493\"\r\nServer-Error = \"500\" / \"501\" / \"502\" / \"503\" / \"504\" / \"505\" / \"513\"\r\nGlobal-Failure = \"600\" / \"603\" / \"604\" / \"606\"\r\nAccept = \"Accept\" HCOLON [ accept-range *(COMMA accept-range) ]\r\naccept-range = media-range *(SEMI accept-param)\r\nmedia-range = ( \"*/*\" / ( m-type SLASH \"*\" ) / ( m-type SLASH m-subtype )) *( SEMI m-parameter )\r\naccept-param = (\"q\" EQUAL qvalue) / generic-param\r\nqvalue = ( \"0\" [ \".\" 0*3DIGIT ] ) / ( \"1\" [ \".\" 0*3(\"0\") ] )\r\ngeneric-param = token [ EQUAL gen-value ]\r\ngen-value = token / host / quoted-string\r\nAccept-Encoding = \"Accept-Encoding\" HCOLON [ encoding *(COMMA encoding) ]\r\nencoding = codings *(SEMI accept-param)\r\ncodings = content-coding / \"*\"\r\ncontent-coding = token\r\nAccept-Language = \"Accept-Language\" HCOLON [ language *(COMMA language) ]\r\nlanguage = language-range *(SEMI accept-param)\r\nlanguage-range = ( ( 1*8ALPHA *( \"-\" 1*8ALPHA ) ) / \"*\" )\r\nAlert-Info = \"Alert-Info\" HCOLON alert-param *(COMMA alert-param)\r\nalert-param = LAQUOT absoluteURI RAQUOT *( SEMI generic-param )\r\nAllow = \"Allow\" HCOLON [Method *(COMMA Method)]\r\nAuthorization = \"Authorization\" HCOLON credentials\r\ncredentials = (\"Digest\" LWS digest-response) / other-response\r\ndigest-response = dig-resp *(COMMA dig-resp)\r\ndig-resp = username / realm / nonce / digest-uri / dresponse / algorithm / cnonce / opaque / message-qop / nonce-count / auth-param\r\nusername = \"username\" EQUAL username-value\r\nusername-value = quoted-string\r\ndigest-uri = \"uri\" EQUAL LDQUOT digest-uri-value RDQUOT\r\ndigest-uri-value = rquest-uri\r\nmessage-qop = \"qop\" EQUAL qop-value\r\ncnonce = \"cnonce\" EQUAL cnonce-value\r\ncnonce-value = nonce-value\r\nnonce-count = \"nc\" EQUAL nc-value\r\nnc-value = 8LHEX\r\ndresponse = \"response\" EQUAL request-digest\r\nrequest-digest = LDQUOT 32LHEX RDQUOT\r\nauth-param = auth-param-name EQUAL ( token / quoted-string )\r\nauth-param-name = token\r\nother-response = auth-scheme LWS auth-param *(COMMA auth-param)\r\nauth-scheme = token\r\nAuthentication-Info = \"Authentication-Info\" HCOLON ainfo *(COMMA ainfo)\r\nainfo = nextnonce / message-qop / response-auth / cnonce / nonce-count\r\nnextnonce = \"nextnonce\" EQUAL nonce-value\r\nresponse-auth = \"rspauth\" EQUAL response-digest\r\nresponse-digest = LDQUOT *LHEX RDQUOT\r\nCall-ID = ( \"Call-ID\" / \"i\" ) HCOLON callid\r\ncallid = word [ \"@\" word ]\r\nCall-Info = \"Call-Info\" HCOLON info *(COMMA info)\r\ninfo = LAQUOT absoluteURI RAQUOT *( SEMI info-param)\r\ninfo-param = ( \"purpose\" EQUAL ( \"icon\" / \"info\" / \"card\" / token ) ) / generic-param\r\nContact = (\"Contact\" / \"m\" ) HCOLON ( STAR / (contact-param *(COMMA contact-param)))\r\ncontact-param = (name-addr / addr-spec) *(SEMI contact-params)\r\nname-addr = [ display-name ] LAQUOT addr-spec RAQUOT !!!\r\n [name, _, [[[addr]]], _] = values\r\n name = case name do\r\n [] -> nil\r\n name -> to_string(:lists.flatten(name))\r\n end\r\n {:ok, state, %{\r\n display_name: name,\r\n addr: addr\r\n }}\r\n!!!\r\naddr-spec = SIP-URI / SIPS-URI / absoluteURI !!!\r\n [[uri]] = values\r\n {:ok, state, uri}\r\n!!!\r\ndisplay-name = *(token LWS)/ quoted-string\r\ncontact-params = c-p-q / c-p-expires / contact-extension\r\nc-p-q = \"q\" EQUAL qvalue\r\nc-p-expires = \"expires\" EQUAL delta-seconds\r\ncontact-extension = generic-param\r\ndelta-seconds = 1*DIGIT\r\nContent-Disposition = \"Content-Disposition\" HCOLON disp-type *( SEMI disp-param )\r\ndisp-type = \"render\" / \"session\" / \"icon\" / \"alert\" / disp-extension-token\r\ndisp-param = handling-param / generic-param\r\nhandling-param = \"handling\" EQUAL ( \"optional\" / \"required\" / other-handling )\r\nother-handling = token\r\ndisp-extension-token = token\r\nContent-Encoding = ( \"Content-Encoding\" / \"e\" ) HCOLON content-coding *(COMMA content-coding)\r\nContent-Language = \"Content-Language\" HCOLON language-tag *(COMMA language-tag)\r\nlanguage-tag = primary-tag *( \"-\" subtag )\r\nprimary-tag = 1*8ALPHA\r\nsubtag = 1*8ALPHA\r\nContent-Length = ( \"Content-Length\" / \"l\" ) HCOLON 1*DIGIT\r\nContent-Type = ( \"Content-Type\" / \"c\" ) HCOLON media-type\r\nmedia-type = m-type SLASH m-subtype *(SEMI m-parameter)\r\nm-type = discrete-type / composite-type\r\ndiscrete-type = \"text\" / \"image\" / \"audio\" / \"video\" / \"application\" / extension-token\r\ncomposite-type = \"message\" / \"multipart\" / extension-token\r\nextension-token = ietf-token / x-token\r\nietf-token = token\r\nx-token = \"x-\" token\r\nm-subtype = extension-token / iana-token\r\niana-token = token\r\nm-parameter = m-attribute EQUAL m-value\r\nm-attribute = token\r\nm-value = token / quoted-string\r\nCSeq = \"CSeq\" HCOLON 1*DIGIT LWS Method\r\nDate = \"Date\" HCOLON SIP-date\r\nSIP-date = rfc1123-date\r\nrfc1123-date = wkday \",\" SP date1 SP time SP \"GMT\"\r\ndate1 = 2DIGIT SP month SP 4DIGIT\r\ntime = 2DIGIT \":\" 2DIGIT \":\" 2DIGIT\r\nwkday = \"Mon\" / \"Tue\" / \"Wed\" / \"Thu\" / \"Fri\" / \"Sat\" / \"Sun\"\r\nmonth = \"Jan\" / \"Feb\" / \"Mar\" / \"Apr\" / \"May\" / \"Jun\" / \"Jul\" / \"Aug\" / \"Sep\" / \"Oct\" / \"Nov\" / \"Dec\"\r\nError-Info = \"Error-Info\" HCOLON error-uri *(COMMA error-uri)\r\nerror-uri = LAQUOT absoluteURI RAQUOT *( SEMI generic-param )\r\nExpires = \"Expires\" HCOLON delta-seconds\r\nFrom = ( \"From\" / \"f\" ) HCOLON from-spec !!!\r\n [_, _, [[[from]]]] = values\r\n headers = Map.put(state.headers, \"from\", from)\r\n {:ok, Map.put(state, :headers, headers)}\r\n!!!\r\nfrom-spec = ( name-addr / addr-spec ) *( SEMI from-param ) !!!\r\n [[from], _] = values\r\n {:ok, state, :lists.flatten(from)}\r\n!!!\r\nfrom-param = tag-param / generic-param\r\ntag-param = \"tag\" EQUAL token\r\nIn-Reply-To = \"In-Reply-To\" HCOLON callid *(COMMA callid)\r\nMax-Forwards = \"Max-Forwards\" HCOLON 1*DIGIT\r\nMIME-Version = \"MIME-Version\" HCOLON 1*DIGIT \".\" 1*DIGIT\r\nMin-Expires = \"Min-Expires\" HCOLON delta-seconds\r\nOrganization = \"Organization\" HCOLON [TEXT-UTF8-TRIM]\r\nPriority = \"Priority\" HCOLON priority-value\r\npriority-value = \"emergency\" / \"urgent\" / \"normal\" / \"non-urgent\" / other-priority\r\nother-priority = token\r\nProxy-Authenticate = \"Proxy-Authenticate\" HCOLON challenge\r\nchallenge = (\"Digest\" LWS digest-cln *(COMMA digest-cln)) / other-challenge\r\nother-challenge = auth-scheme LWS auth-param *(COMMA auth-param)\r\ndigest-cln = realm / domain / nonce / opaque / stale / algorithm / qop-options / auth-param\r\nrealm = \"realm\" EQUAL realm-value\r\nrealm-value = quoted-string\r\ndomain = \"domain\" EQUAL LDQUOT URI *( 1*SP URI ) RDQUOT\r\nURI = absoluteURI / abs-path\r\nnonce = \"nonce\" EQUAL nonce-value\r\nnonce-value = quoted-string\r\nopaque = \"opaque\" EQUAL quoted-string\r\nstale = \"stale\" EQUAL ( \"true\" / \"false\" )\r\nalgorithm = \"algorithm\" EQUAL ( \"MD5\" / \"MD5-sess\" / token )\r\nqop-options = \"qop\" EQUAL LDQUOT qop-value *(\",\" qop-value) RDQUOT\r\nqop-value = \"auth\" / \"auth-int\" / token\r\nProxy-Authorization = \"Proxy-Authorization\" HCOLON credentials\r\nProxy-Require = \"Proxy-Require\" HCOLON option-tag *(COMMA option-tag)\r\noption-tag = token\r\nRecord-Route = \"Record-Route\" HCOLON rec-route *(COMMA rec-route)\r\nrec-route = name-addr *( SEMI rr-param )\r\nrr-param = generic-param\r\nReply-To = \"Reply-To\" HCOLON rplyto-spec\r\nrplyto-spec = ( name-addr / addr-spec ) *( SEMI rplyto-param )\r\nrplyto-param = generic-param\r\nRequire = \"Require\" HCOLON option-tag *(COMMA option-tag)\r\nRetry-After = \"Retry-After\" HCOLON delta-seconds [ comment ] *( SEMI retry-param )\r\nretry-param = (\"duration\" EQUAL delta-seconds) / generic-param\r\nRoute = \"Route\" HCOLON route-param *(COMMA route-param)\r\nroute-param = name-addr *( SEMI rr-param )\r\nServer = \"Server\" HCOLON server-val *(LWS server-val)\r\nserver-val = product / comment\r\nproduct = token [SLASH product-version]\r\nproduct-version = token\r\nSubject = ( \"Subject\" / \"s\" ) HCOLON [TEXT-UTF8-TRIM]\r\nSupported = ( \"Supported\" / \"k\" ) HCOLON [option-tag *(COMMA option-tag)]\r\nTimestamp = \"Timestamp\" HCOLON 1*(DIGIT) [ \".\" *(DIGIT) ] [ LWS delay ]\r\ndelay = *(DIGIT) [ \".\" *(DIGIT) ]\r\nTo = ( \"To\" / \"t\" ) HCOLON ( name-addr / addr-spec ) *( SEMI to-param )\r\nto-param = tag-param / generic-param\r\nUnsupported = \"Unsupported\" HCOLON option-tag *(COMMA option-tag)\r\nUser-Agent = \"User-Agent\" HCOLON server-val *(LWS server-val)\r\nVia = ( \"Via\" / \"v\" ) HCOLON via-parm *(COMMA via-parm)\r\nvia-parm = sent-protocol LWS sent-by *( SEMI via-params )\r\nvia-params = via-ttl / via-maddr / via-received / via-branch / via-extension\r\nvia-ttl = \"ttl\" EQUAL ttl\r\nvia-maddr = \"maddr\" EQUAL host\r\nvia-received = \"received\" EQUAL (IPv4address / IPv6address)\r\nvia-branch = \"branch\" EQUAL token\r\nvia-extension = generic-param\r\nsent-protocol = protocol-name SLASH protocol-version SLASH transport\r\nprotocol-name = \"SIP\" / token\r\nprotocol-version = token\r\ntransport = \"UDP\" / \"TCP\" / \"TLS\" / \"SCTP\" / other-transport\r\nsent-by = host [ COLON port ]\r\nttl = 1*3DIGIT\r\nWarning = \"Warning\" HCOLON warning-value *(COMMA warning-value)\r\nwarning-value = warn-code SP warn-agent SP warn-text\r\nwarn-code = 3DIGIT\r\nwarn-agent = hostport / pseudonym\r\nwarn-text = quoted-string\r\npseudonym = token\r\nWWW-Authenticate = \"WWW-Authenticate\" HCOLON challenge\r\nextension-header = header-name HCOLON header-value\r\nheader-name = token\r\nheader-value = *(TEXT-UTF8char / UTF8-CONT / LWS)\r\nmessage-body = *OCTET\r\nALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A\r\nBIT = \"0\" / \"1\"\r\nCHAR = %x01-7F\r\nCR = %x0D\r\nCRLF = CR LF\r\nCTL = %x00-1F / %x7F\r\nDIGIT = %x30-39\r\nDQUOTE = %x22\r\nHEXDIG = DIGIT / \"A\" / \"B\" / \"C\" / \"D\" / \"E\" / \"F\"\r\nHTAB = %x09\r\nLF = %x0A\r\nLWSP = *(WSP / CRLF WSP)\r\nOCTET = %x00-FF\r\nSP = %x20\r\nVCHAR = %x21-7E\r\nWSP = SP / HTAB\r\ntelephone-uri = \"tel:\" telephone-subscriber\r\ntelephone-subscriber = global-number / local-number\r\nglobal-number = global-number-digits *par\r\nlocal-number = local-number-digits *par context *par\r\npar = parameter / extension / isdn-subaddress\r\nisdn-subaddress = \";isub=\" 1*paramchar\r\nextension = \";ext=\" 1*phonedigit\r\ncontext = \";phone-context=\" descriptor\r\ndescriptor = domainname / global-number-digits\r\nglobal-number-digits = \"+\" *phonedigit DIGIT *phonedigit\r\nlocal-number-digits = *phonedigit-hex (HEXDIG / \"*\" / \"#\") *phonedigit-hex\r\ndomainname = *( domainlabel \".\" ) toplabel [ \".\" ]\r\ndomainlabel = alphanum / alphanum *( alphanum / \"-\" ) alphanum\r\ntoplabel = ALPHA / ALPHA *( alphanum / \"-\" ) alphanum\r\nparameter = \";\" pname [\"=\" pvalue ]\r\npname = 1*( alphanum / \"-\" )\r\npvalue = 1*paramchar\r\nparamchar = param-unreserved / unreserved / pct-encoded\r\nunreserved = alphanum / mark\r\nmark = \"-\" / \"_\" / \".\" / \"!\" / \"~\" / \"*\" / \"'\" / \"(\" / \")\"\r\npct-encoded = \"%\" HEXDIG HEXDIG\r\nparam-unreserved = \"[\" / \"]\" / \"/\" / \":\" / \"&\" / \"+\" / \"$\"\r\nphonedigit = DIGIT / visual-separator\r\nphonedigit-hex = HEXDIG / \"*\" / \"#\" / visual-separator\r\nvisual-separator = \"-\" / \".\" / \"(\" / \")\"\r\nalphanum = ALPHA / DIGIT\r\nreserved = \";\" / \"/\" / \"?\" / \":\" / \"@\" / \"&\" / \"=\" / \"+\" / \"$\" / \",\"\r\nuric = reserved / unreserved / pct-encoded\r\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 17,273 |
RobWagMLP | cd23cdc737fbb835b2e0bafad0c4fe82e8ced67d | e29bb533f79b5c0c2dc88ff547f2d578e08df0f3 | /_build/default/lib/email_validator/src/email_validator_abnf.abnf | 0499ddd689edeeb6e7f90fb30d817f7e56942241 | RobWagMLP/mlp-backend | {
"content": ";;; Based on RFC5321 (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)\n;;;\n;;; + Added support for RFC6532 via RFC6531 (SMTP Extension for Internationalized Email)\n;;;\n;;;\n;;; + Added stricter IP address grammar\n;;;\n;;; + No longer accept General-address-literal\n\n;; Address specification\n\n; Mailbox specification\n\nmailbox = local-part \"@\" domain\n\n; Domain specification\n\ndomain = domain-name / address-literal\n\ndomain-name = sub-domain *(\".\" sub-domain)\n\nsub-domain = let-dig [ldh-str] / U-Label\n\nU-Label = 1*UTF8-non-ascii\n\n; Original RFC5321 definition of\n; ```\n; Let-dig = ALPHA / DIGIT\n; Ldh-str = *( ALPHA / DIGIT / \"-\" ) Let-dig\n; address-literal = \"[\" ( IPv4-address-literal / IPv6-address-literal / General-address-literal ) \"]\"\n; ```\n; changed for better compatability with ABNFC parser generator.\n; Following definitions are supposed to be equal to them\n\nlet-dig = ALPHA / DIGIT\n\nhyphen-let-dig = *(\"-\") let-dig\n\nldh-str = 1*(hyphen-let-dig / let-dig)\n\naddress-literal = \"[\" IPv4-address-literal \"]\" / \"[\" IPv6-address-literal \"]\"\n\n; Local part specification\n\nlocal-part = dot-string / quoted-string\n\ndot-string = atom *(\".\" atom)\n\nquoted-string = DQUOTE *qcontentSMTP DQUOTE\n\nqcontentSMTP = qtextSMTP / quoted-pairSMTP\n\nquoted-pairSMTP = %d92 %d32-126 ; i.e., backslash followed by any ASCII\n ; graphic (including itself) or SPace\n\nqtextSMTP = %d32-33 / ; i.e., within a quoted string, any\n %d35-91 / ; ASCII graphic or space is permitted\n %d93-126 / ; without blackslash-quoting except\n UTF8-non-ascii ; double-quote and the backslash itself.\n\n; Atom\n\natext = ALPHA / DIGIT / ; Printable US-ASCII\n \"!\" / \"#\" / ; characters not including\n \"$\" / \"%\" / ; specials. Used for atoms.\n \"&\" / \"'\" /\n \"*\" / \"+\" /\n \"-\" / \"/\" /\n \"=\" / \"?\" /\n \"^\" / \"_\" /\n \"`\" / \"{\" /\n \"|\" / \"}\" /\n \"~\" / UTF8-non-ascii\n\natom = 1*atext\n\n;; Internationalized Email Headers\n\nUTF8-non-ascii = UTF8-2 / UTF8-3 / UTF8-4\n\n; UTF-8 Byte Sequences (\n\nUTF8-2 = %xC2-DF UTF8-tail\n\nUTF8-3 = %xE0 %xA0-BF UTF8-tail / %xE1-EC 2( UTF8-tail ) /\n %xED %x80-9F UTF8-tail / %xEE-EF 2( UTF8-tail )\n\nUTF8-4 = %xF0 %x90-BF 2( UTF8-tail ) / %xF1-F3 3( UTF8-tail ) /\n %xF4 %x80-8F 2( UTF8-tail )\n\nUTF8-tail = %x80-BF\n\n;; SMTP Address Literals\n\n; Original RFC5321 definitions of\n; ```\n; IPv4-address-literal = Snum 3(\".\" Snum)\n; IPv6-addr = IPv6-full /\n; IPv6-comp /\n; IPv6v4-full /\n; IPv6v4-comp\n; IPv6-hex = 1*4HEXDIG\n; IPv6-full = IPv6-hex 7(\":\" IPv6-hex)\n; IPv6-comp = [IPv6-hex *5(\":\" IPv6-hex)] \"::\"\n; [IPv6-hex *5(\":\" IPv6-hex)]\n; IPv6v4-full = IPv6-hex 5(\":\" IPv6-hex) \":\" IPv4-address-literal\n; IPv6v4-comp = [IPv6-hex *3(\":\" IPv6-hex)] \"::\"\n; [IPv6-hex *3(\":\" IPv6-hex) \":\"]\n; IPv4-address-literal\n; ```\n; Discarded in favor of those defined in [RFC3986 Appendix A]\n; (\n; They are much stricter and friendlier for ABNFC parser generator.\n\nIPv4-address-literal = dec-octet 3(\".\" dec-octet)\n\ndec-octet = \"25\" %x30-35 ; 250-255\n / \"2\" %x30-34 DIGIT ; 200-249\n / \"1\" 2DIGIT ; 100-199\n / %x31-39 DIGIT ; 10-99\n / DIGIT ; 0-9\n\nIPv6-address-literal = \"IPv6:\" IPv6-addr\n\nIPv6-addr = 6( H16 \":\" ) LS32\n / \"::\" 5( H16 \":\" ) LS32\n / [ H16 ] \"::\" 4( H16 \":\" ) LS32\n / [ H16 0*1( \":\" H16 ) ] \"::\" 3( H16 \":\" ) LS32\n / [ H16 0*2( \":\" H16 ) ] \"::\" 2( H16 \":\" ) LS32\n / [ H16 0*3( \":\" H16 ) ] \"::\" H16 \":\" LS32\n / [ H16 0*4( \":\" H16 ) ] \"::\" LS32\n / [ H16 0*5( \":\" H16 ) ] \"::\" H16\n / [ H16 0*6( \":\" H16 ) ] \"::\"\n\nH16 = 1*4HEXDIG\n\nLS32 = ( H16 \":\" H16 ) / IPv4-address-literal\n\n;; RFC4234 CORE (For abnfc binary compatability)\n\nALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A ; A-Z / a-z\n\nDIGIT = %x30-39 ; 0-9\n\nDQUOTE = %x22 ; \" (Double Quote)\n\nHEXDIG = DIGIT / \"A\" / \"B\" / \"C\" / \"D\" / \"E\" / \"F\" ; 0-9 A-F\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 5,341 |
mwherman2000 | 2a1da32adbad56b3ee60db13775f8bfc47c78ebd | a9e7a38b55a864f632f9c9e172fefb223a338e26 | /parse2-aparse/examples/XRI.abnf | 11f93d11d2ef261dbb9a09f95a6086f85d2763f5 | mwherman2000/did-uri-spec | {
"content": "#----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n# XRI - V3.0\n#----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nxri = xri-scheme\n / xri-noscheme ;\nxri-scheme = \"xri:\" xri-noscheme ;\nxri-noscheme = xri-hier-part [ \"?\" iquery ] [ \"#\" ifragment ] ;\nxri-reference = xri\n / relative-xri-ref ;\nrelative-xri-ref = relative-xri-part [ \"?\" iquery ] [ \"#\" ifragment ] ;\nrelative-xri-part = xri-path-abs\n / xri-path-noscheme\n / ipath-empty ;\nxri-hier-part = xri-authority xri-path-abempty ;\nxri-authority = global-subseg *subseg ;\nsubseg = global-subseg\n / local-subseg ;\nglobal-subseg = gcs-char [ rel-subseg / local-subseg ] ;\nlocal-subseg = lcs-char [ rel-subseg ] ;\ngcs-char = \"=\" / \"@\" / \"+\" / \"$\" ;\nlcs-char = \"*\" / \"!\" ;\nrel-subseg = literal\n / xref ;\nrel-subseg-nc = literal-nc\n / xref ;\nliteral = 1*xri-pchar ;\nliteral-nc = 1*xri-pchar-nc ;\nxref = \"(\" [ xref-value ] \")\" ;\nxref-value = xri-reference\n / iri ;\nxri-path = xri-path-abempty\n / xri-path-abs\n / xri-path-noscheme\n / ipath-empty ;\nxri-path-abempty = *( \"/\" xri-segment ) ;\nxri-path-abs = \"/\" [ xri-segment-nz *( \"/\" xri-segment ) ] ;\nxri-path-noscheme = xri-segment-nc *( \"/\" xri-segment ) ;\nxri-segment = [ rel-subseg ] *subseg ;\nxri-segment-nz = ( rel-subseg / subseg ) *subseg ;\nxri-segment-nc = ( rel-subseg-nc / subseg ) *subseg ;\nxri-pchar = iunreserved / pct-encoded / xri-sub-delims / \":\" ;\nxri-pchar-nc = iunreserved / pct-encoded / xri-sub-delims ;\nxri-reserved = xri-gen-delims / xri-sub-delims ;\nxri-gen-delims = \":\" / \"/\" / \"?\" / \"#\" / \"[\" / \"]\" / \"(\" / \")\"\n / gcs-char / lcs-char ;\nxri-sub-delims = \"&\" / \";\" / \",\" / \"'\" ;\n\n#------------------------------------------------------------------------\n# IRI rules\n#------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIRI = scheme \":\" ihier-part [ \"?\" iquery ]\n [ \"#\" ifragment ] ;\nscheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / \"+\" / \"-\" / \".\" ) ;\nihier-part = \"//\" iauthority ipath-abempty\n / ipath-abs\n / ipath-rootless\n / ipath-empty ;\niauthority = [ iuserinfo \"@\" ] ihost [ \":\" port ] ;\niuserinfo = *( iunreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / \":\" ) ;\nihost = IP-literal / IPv4address / ireg-name ;\nIP-literal = \"[\" ( IPv6address / IPvFuture ) \"]\" ;\nIPvFuture = \"v\" 1*HEXDIG \".\" 1*( unreserved / sub-delims / \":\" ) ;\nIPv6address = 6( h16 \":\" ) ls32\n / \"::\" 5( h16 \":\" ) ls32\n / [ h16 ] \"::\" 4( h16 \":\" ) ls32\n / [ *1( h16 \":\" ) h16 ] \"::\" 3( h16 \":\" ) ls32\n / [ *2( h16 \":\" ) h16 ] \"::\" 2( h16 \":\" ) ls32\n / [ *3( h16 \":\" ) h16 ] \"::\" h16 \":\" ls32\n / [ *4( h16 \":\" ) h16 ] \"::\" ls32\n / [ *5( h16 \":\" ) h16 ] \"::\" h16\n / [ *6( h16 \":\" ) h16 ] \"::\" ;\nls32 = ( h16 \":\" h16 ) / IPv4address ;\nh16 = 1*4HEXDIG ;\nIPv4address = dec-octet \".\" dec-octet \".\" dec-octet \".\" dec-octet ;\ndec-octet = DIGIT # 0-9\n / %x31-39 DIGIT # 10-99\n / \"1\" 2DIGIT # 100-199\n / \"2\" %x30-34 DIGIT # 200-249\n / \"25\" %x30-35 ; # 250-255\nireg-name = *( iunreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims ) ;\nport = *DIGIT ;\nipath-abempty = *( \"/\" isegment ) ;\nipath-abs = \"/\" [ isegment-nz *( \"/\" isegment ) ] ;\nipath-rootless = isegment-nz *( \"/\" isegment ) ;\nipath-empty = \"\";\nisegment = *ipchar ;\nisegment-nz = 1*ipchar ;\niquery = *( ipchar / iprivate / \"/\" / \"?\" ) ;\niprivate = %xE000-F8FF;\nifragment = *( ipchar / \"/\" / \"?\" ) ;\nipchar = iunreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / \":\" / \"@\" ;\niunreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / \"-\" / \".\" / \"_\" / \"~\" / ucschar ;\npct-encoded = \"%\" HEXDIG HEXDIG ;\nucschar = %xA0-D7FF / %xF900-FDCF / %xFDF0-FFEF;\nreserved = gen-delims / sub-delims ;\ngen-delims = \":\" / \"/\" / \"?\" / \"#\" / \"[\" / \"]\" / \"@\" ;\nsub-delims = \"!\" / \"$\" / \"&\" / \"'\" / \"(\" / \")\"\n / \"*\" / \"+\" / \",\" / \";\" / \"=\" ;\nunreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / \"-\" / \".\" / \"_\" / \"~\" ;\n\n#------------------------------------------------------------------------\n# core rules\n#------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A;\nBIT = \"0\" / \"1\";\nCHAR = %x01-7F;\nCR = %x0D;\nCRLF = (CR LF) / LF;\nCTL = %x00-1F / %x7F;\nDIGIT = %x30-39;\nDQUOTE = %x22;\nHEXDIG = DIGIT / \"A\" / \"B\" / \"C\" / \"D\" / \"E\" / \"F\";\nHTAB = %x09;\nLF = %x0A;\nLWSP = *(WSP / CRLF WSP);\nOCTET = %x00-FF;\nSP = %x20;\nVCHAR = %x21-7E;\nWSP = SP / HTAB;\n\n#----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n# end\n#----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 5,597 |
lalloni | 53dfb4be907e2a8c94eca2f43bfa7c3753d566f2 | 7fbef18ffe858bd133f5aac66bad65573e362ca4 | /test_data/nested-python/grammar_with_cycles/grammar.abnf | 78b07a598d2f76cfa90e1b76d4c75be4b5d29a3b | lalloni/abnf-to-regexp | {
"content": "something = else\r\nelse = something\r\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 36 |
massemanet | 0bf54652272234f0d297c0875af4f6ca7bfc5d2c | dd3c0e2d76a62cae99913514f7b3484344fbe3b2 | /samples/http_1_1/rfc2616.abnf | bc7692f6207232fc3cd7aebeafd62c1658fea4ca | massemanet/abnfc | {
"content": ";;;=====================================================================\n;;; ABNF for HTTP 1.1, according to RFC 2616.\n;;; See\n;;; Note: that this file contains a non standard ABNF notation.\n;;;=====================================================================\n; \n; OCTET = <any 8-bit sequence of data>\n; CHAR = <any US-ASCII character (octets 0 - 127)>\n; UPALPHA = <any US-ASCII uppercase letter \"A\"..\"Z\">\n; LOALPHA = <any US-ASCII lowercase letter \"a\"..\"z\">\n; ALPHA = UPALPHA | LOALPHA\n; DIGIT = <any US-ASCII digit \"0\"..\"9\">\n; CTL = <any US-ASCII control character\n; (octets 0 - 31) and DEL (127)>\n; CR = <US-ASCII CR, carriage return (13)>\n; LF = <US-ASCII LF, linefeed (10)>\n; SP = <US-ASCII SP, space (32)>\n; HT = <US-ASCII HT, horizontal-tab (9)>\n; <\"> = <US-ASCII double-quote mark (34)>\n\nCRLF = CR LF\n\nLWS = [CRLF] 1*( SP | HT )\n\nTEXT = <any OCTET except CTLs, but including LWS>\n\nHEX = \"A\" | \"B\" | \"C\" | \"D\" | \"E\" | \"F\"\n | \"a\" | \"b\" | \"c\" | \"d\" | \"e\" | \"f\" | DIGIT\n\ntoken = 1*<any CHAR except CTLs or separators>\n\nseparators = \"(\" | \")\" | \"<\" | \">\" | \"@\"\n | \",\" | \";\" | \":\" | \"\\\" | <\">\n | \"/\" | \"[\" | \"]\" | \"?\" | \"=\"\n | \"{\" | \"}\" | SP | HT\n\ncomment = \"(\" *( ctext | quoted-pair | comment ) \")\"\n\nctext = <any TEXT excluding \"(\" and \")\">\n\nquoted-string = ( <\"> *(qdtext | quoted-pair ) <\"> )\n\nqdtext = <any TEXT except <\">>\n\nquoted-pair = \"\\\" CHAR\n\n\nHTTP-Version = \"HTTP\" \"/\" 1*DIGIT \".\" 1*DIGIT\n\nhttp_URL = \"http:\" \"//\" host [ \":\" port ] [ abs_path [ \"?\" query ]]\n\nHTTP-date = rfc1123-date | rfc850-date | asctime-date\n\nrfc1123-date = wkday \",\" SP date1 SP time SP \"GMT\"\n\nrfc850-date = weekday \",\" SP date2 SP time SP \"GMT\"\n\nasctime-date = wkday SP date3 SP time SP 4DIGIT\n\ndate1 = 2DIGIT SP month SP 4DIGIT\n ; day month year (e.g., 02 Jun 1982)\n\ndate2 = 2DIGIT \"-\" month \"-\" 2DIGIT\n ; day-month-year (e.g., 02-Jun-82)\n\ndate3 = month SP ( 2DIGIT | ( SP 1DIGIT ))\n ; month day (e.g., Jun 2)\n\ntime = 2DIGIT \":\" 2DIGIT \":\" 2DIGIT\n ; 00:00:00 - 23:59:59\n\nwkday = \"Mon\" | \"Tue\" | \"Wed\"\n | \"Thu\" | \"Fri\" | \"Sat\" | \"Sun\"\n\nweekday = \"Monday\" | \"Tuesday\" | \"Wednesday\"\n | \"Thursday\" | \"Friday\" | \"Saturday\" | \"Sunday\"\n\nmonth = \"Jan\" | \"Feb\" | \"Mar\" | \"Apr\"\n | \"May\" | \"Jun\" | \"Jul\" | \"Aug\"\n | \"Sep\" | \"Oct\" | \"Nov\" | \"Dec\"\n\ndelta-seconds = 1*DIGIT\n\ncharset = token\n\ncontent-coding = token\n\ntransfer-coding = \"chunked\" | transfer-extension\n\ntransfer-extension = token *( \";\" parameter )\n\nparameter = attribute \"=\" value\n\nattribute = token\n\nvalue = token | quoted-string\n\nChunked-Body = *chunk\n last-chunk\n trailer\n CRLF\n\nchunk = chunk-size [ chunk-extension ] CRLF chunk-data CRLF\n\nchunk-size = 1*HEX\n\nlast-chunk = 1*(\"0\") [ chunk-extension ] CRLF\n\nchunk-extension = *( \";\" chunk-ext-name [ \"=\" chunk-ext-val ] )\n\nchunk-ext-name = token\n\nchunk-ext-val = token | quoted-string\n\nchunk-data = chunk-size(OCTET)\n\ntrailer = *(entity-header CRLF)\n\nmedia-type = type \"/\" subtype *( \";\" parameter )\n\ntype = token\n\nsubtype = token\n\nproduct = token [\"/\" product-version]\n\nproduct-version = token\n\nqvalue = ( \"0\" [ \".\" 0*3DIGIT ] )\n | ( \"1\" [ \".\" 0*3(\"0\") ] )\n\n\nlanguage-tag = primary-tag *( \"-\" subtag )\n\nprimary-tag = 1*8ALPHA\n\nsubtag = 1*8ALPHA\n\nentity-tag = [ weak ] opaque-tag\n\nweak = \"W/\"\n\nopaque-tag = quoted-string\n\nrange-unit = bytes-unit | other-range-unit\n\nbytes-unit = \"bytes\"\n\nother-range-unit = token\n\nHTTP-message = Request | Response ; HTTP/1.1 messages\n\ngeneric-message = start-line\n *(message-header CRLF)\n CRLF\n [ message-body ]\n\nstart-line = Request-Line | Status-Line\n\nmessage-header = field-name \":\" [ field-value ]\n\nfield-name = token\n\nfield-value = *( field-content | LWS )\n\nfield-content = <the OCTETs making up the field-value\n and consisting of either *TEXT or combinations\n of token, separators, and quoted-string>\n\nmessage-body = entity-body\n | <entity-body encoded as per Transfer-Encoding>\n\ngeneral-header = Cache-Control ; Section 14.9\n | Connection ; Section 14.10\n | Date ; Section 14.18\n | Pragma ; Section 14.32\n | Trailer ; Section 14.40\n | Transfer-Encoding ; Section 14.41\n | Upgrade ; Section 14.42\n | Via ; Section 14.45\n | Warning ; Section 14.46\n\nRequest = Request-Line ; Section 5.1\n *(( general-header ; Section 4.5\n | request-header ; Section 5.3\n | entity-header ) CRLF) ; Section 7.1\n CRLF\n [ message-body ] ; Section 4.3\n\nRequest-Line = Method SP Request-URI SP HTTP-Version CRLF\n\nMethod = \"OPTIONS\" ; Section 9.2\n | \"GET\" ; Section 9.3\n | \"HEAD\" ; Section 9.4\n | \"POST\" ; Section 9.5\n | \"PUT\" ; Section 9.6\n | \"DELETE\" ; Section 9.7\n | \"TRACE\" ; Section 9.8\n | \"CONNECT\" ; Section 9.9\n | extension-method\n\nextension-method = token\n\nRequest-URI = \"*\" | absoluteURI | abs_path | authority\n\nrequest-header = Accept ; Section 14.1\n | Accept-Charset ; Section 14.2\n | Accept-Encoding ; Section 14.3\n | Accept-Language ; Section 14.4\n | Authorization ; Section 14.8\n | Expect ; Section 14.20\n | From ; Section 14.22\n | Host ; Section 14.23\n | If-Match ; Section 14.24\n | If-Modified-Since ; Section 14.25\n | If-None-Match ; Section 14.26\n | If-Range ; Section 14.27\n | If-Unmodified-Since ; Section 14.28\n | Max-Forwards ; Section 14.31\n | Proxy-Authorization ; Section 14.34\n | Range ; Section 14.35\n | Referer ; Section 14.36\n | TE ; Section 14.39\n | User-Agent ; Section 14.43\n\nResponse = Status-Line ; Section 6.1\n *(( general-header ; Section 4.5\n | response-header ; Section 6.2\n | entity-header ) CRLF) ; Section 7.1\n CRLF\n [ message-body ] ; Section 7.2\n\nStatus-Line = HTTP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF\n\nStatus-Code = \"100\" ; Section 10.1.1: Continue\n | \"101\" ; Section 10.1.2: Switching Protocols\n | \"200\" ; Section 10.2.1: OK\n | \"201\" ; Section 10.2.2: Created\n | \"202\" ; Section 10.2.3: Accepted\n | \"203\" ; Section 10.2.4: Non-Authoritative Information\n | \"204\" ; Section 10.2.5: No Content\n | \"205\" ; Section 10.2.6: Reset Content\n | \"206\" ; Section 10.2.7: Partial Content\n | \"300\" ; Section 10.3.1: Multiple Choices\n | \"301\" ; Section 10.3.2: Moved Permanently\n | \"302\" ; Section 10.3.3: Found\n | \"303\" ; Section 10.3.4: See Other\n | \"304\" ; Section 10.3.5: Not Modified\n | \"305\" ; Section 10.3.6: Use Proxy\n | \"307\" ; Section 10.3.8: Temporary Redirect\n | \"400\" ; Section 10.4.1: Bad Request\n | \"401\" ; Section 10.4.2: Unauthorized\n | \"402\" ; Section 10.4.3: Payment Required\n | \"403\" ; Section 10.4.4: Forbidden\n | \"404\" ; Section 10.4.5: Not Found\n | \"405\" ; Section 10.4.6: Method Not Allowed\n | \"406\" ; Section 10.4.7: Not Acceptable\n | \"407\" ; Section 10.4.8: Proxy Authentication Required\n | \"408\" ; Section 10.4.9: Request Time-out\n | \"409\" ; Section 10.4.10: Conflict\n | \"410\" ; Section 10.4.11: Gone\n | \"411\" ; Section 10.4.12: Length Required\n | \"412\" ; Section 10.4.13: Precondition Failed\n | \"413\" ; Section 10.4.14: Request Entity Too Large\n | \"414\" ; Section 10.4.15: Request-URI Too Large\n | \"415\" ; Section 10.4.16: Unsupported Media Type\n | \"416\" ; Section 10.4.17: Requested range not satisfiable\n | \"417\" ; Section 10.4.18: Expectation Failed\n | \"500\" ; Section 10.5.1: Internal Server Error\n | \"501\" ; Section 10.5.2: Not Implemented\n | \"502\" ; Section 10.5.3: Bad Gateway\n | \"503\" ; Section 10.5.4: Service Unavailable\n | \"504\" ; Section 10.5.5: Gateway Time-out\n | \"505\" ; Section 10.5.6: HTTP Version not supported\n | extension-code\n\nextension-code = 3DIGIT\n\nReason-Phrase = *<TEXT, excluding CR, LF>\n\nresponse-header = Accept-Ranges ; Section 14.5\n | Age ; Section 14.6\n | ETag ; Section 14.19\n | Location ; Section 14.30\n | Proxy-Authenticate ; Section 14.33\n | Retry-After ; Section 14.37\n | Server ; Section 14.38\n | Vary ; Section 14.44\n | WWW-Authenticate ; Section 14.47\n\nentity-header = Allow ; Section 14.7\n | Content-Encoding ; Section 14.11\n | Content-Language ; Section 14.12\n | Content-Length ; Section 14.13\n | Content-Location ; Section 14.14\n | Content-MD5 ; Section 14.15\n | Content-Range ; Section 14.16\n | Content-Type ; Section 14.17\n | Expires ; Section 14.21\n | Last-Modified ; Section 14.29\n | extension-header\n\nextension-header = message-header\n\nentity-body = *OCTET\n\n\n\nAccept = \"Accept\" \":\" #( media-range [ accept-params ] )\n\nmedia-range = ( \"*/*\" | ( type \"/\" \"*\" ) | ( type \"/\" subtype )) \n *( \";\" parameter )\n\naccept-params = \";\" \"q\" \"=\" qvalue *( accept-extension )\n\naccept-extension = \";\" token [ \"=\" ( token | quoted-string ) ]\n\nAccept-Charset = \"Accept-Charset\" \":\" 1#( ( charset | \"*\" )\n [ \";\" \"q\" \"=\" qvalue ] )\n\nAccept-Encoding = \"Accept-Encoding\" \":\"\n 1#( codings [ \";\" \"q\" \"=\" qvalue ] )\n\ncodings = ( content-coding | \"*\" )\n\nAccept-Language = \"Accept-Language\" \":\"\n 1#( language-range [ \";\" \"q\" \"=\" qvalue ] )\nlanguage-range = ( ( 1*8ALPHA *( \"-\" 1*8ALPHA ) ) | \"*\" )\n\nAccept-Ranges = \"Accept-Ranges\" \":\" acceptable-ranges\n\nacceptable-ranges = 1#range-unit | \"none\"\n\nAge = \"Age\" \":\" age-value\nage-value = delta-seconds\n\nAllow = \"Allow\" \":\" #Method\n\nAuthorization = \"Authorization\" \":\" credentials\n\nCache-Control = \"Cache-Control\" \":\" 1#cache-directive\n\ncache-directive = cache-request-directive | cache-response-directive\n\ncache-request-directive =\n \"no-cache\" ; Section 14.9.1\n | \"no-store\" ; Section 14.9.2\n | \"max-age\" \"=\" delta-seconds ; Section 14.9.3, 14.9.4\n | \"max-stale\" [ \"=\" delta-seconds ]; Section 14.9.3\n | \"min-fresh\" \"=\" delta-seconds ; Section 14.9.3\n | \"no-transform\" ; Section 14.9.5\n | \"only-if-cached\" ; Section 14.9.4\n | cache-extension ; Section 14.9.6\n\ncache-response-directive = \n \"public\" ; Section 14.9.1\n | \"private\" [ \"=\" <\"> 1#field-name <\"> ] ; Section 14.9.1\n | \"no-cache\" [ \"=\" <\"> 1#field-name <\"> ]; Section 14.9.1\n | \"no-store\" ; Section 14.9.2\n | \"no-transform\" ; Section 14.9.5\n | \"must-revalidate\" ; Section 14.9.4\n | \"proxy-revalidate\" ; Section 14.9.4\n | \"max-age\" \"=\" delta-seconds ; Section 14.9.3\n | \"s-maxage\" \"=\" delta-seconds ; Section 14.9.3\n | cache-extension ; Section 14.9.6\n\ncache-extension = token [ \"=\" ( token | quoted-string ) ]\n\nConnection = \"Connection\" \":\" 1#(connection-token)\n\nconnection-token = token\n\nContent-Encoding = \"Content-Encoding\" \":\" 1#content-coding\n\nContent-Language = \"Content-Language\" \":\" 1#language-tag\n\nContent-Length = \"Content-Length\" \":\" 1*DIGIT\n\nContent-Location = \"Content-Location\" \":\" ( absoluteURI | relativeURI )\n\nContent-MD5 = \"Content-MD5\" \":\" md5-digest\n\nmd5-digest = <base64 of 128 bit MD5 digest as per RFC 1864>\n\nContent-Range = \"Content-Range\" \":\" content-range-spec\n\ncontent-range-spec = byte-content-range-spec\n\nbyte-content-range-spec = bytes-unit SP byte-range-resp-spec \"/\"\n ( instance-length | \"*\" )\n\nbyte-range-resp-spec = (first-byte-pos \"-\" last-byte-pos) | \"*\"\n\ninstance-length = 1*DIGIT\n\nContent-Type = \"Content-Type\" \":\" media-type\n\nDate = \"Date\" \":\" HTTP-date\n\nETag = \"ETag\" \":\" entity-tag\n\nExpect = \"Expect\" \":\" 1#expectation\n\nexpectation = \"100-continue\" | expectation-extension\n\nexpectation-extension = token [ \"=\" ( token | quoted-string )\n *expect-params ]\n\nexpect-params = \";\" token [ \"=\" ( token | quoted-string ) ]\n\nExpires = \"Expires\" \":\" HTTP-date\n\nFrom = \"From\" \":\" mailbox\n\nHost = \"Host\" \":\" host [ \":\" port ] ; Section 3.2.2\n\nIf-Match = \"If-Match\" \":\" ( \"*\" | 1#entity-tag )\n\nIf-Modified-Since = \"If-Modified-Since\" \":\" HTTP-date\n\nIf-None-Match = \"If-None-Match\" \":\" ( \"*\" | 1#entity-tag )\n\nIf-Range = \"If-Range\" \":\" ( entity-tag | HTTP-date )\n\nIf-Unmodified-Since = \"If-Unmodified-Since\" \":\" HTTP-date\n\nLast-Modified = \"Last-Modified\" \":\" HTTP-date\n\nLocation = \"Location\" \":\" absoluteURI\n\nMax-Forwards = \"Max-Forwards\" \":\" 1*DIGIT\n\nPragma = \"Pragma\" \":\" 1#pragma-directive\n\npragma-directive = \"no-cache\" | extension-pragma\n\nextension-pragma = token [ \"=\" ( token | quoted-string ) ]\n\nProxy-Authenticate = \"Proxy-Authenticate\" \":\" 1#challenge\n\nProxy-Authorization = \"Proxy-Authorization\" \":\" credentials\n\nranges-specifier = byte-ranges-specifier\n\nbyte-ranges-specifier = bytes-unit \"=\" byte-range-set\n\nbyte-range-set = 1#( byte-range-spec | suffix-byte-range-spec )\n\nbyte-range-spec = first-byte-pos \"-\" [last-byte-pos]\n\nfirst-byte-pos = 1*DIGIT\n\nlast-byte-pos = 1*DIGIT\n\nsuffix-byte-range-spec = \"-\" suffix-length\n\nsuffix-length = 1*DIGIT\n\nRange = \"Range\" \":\" ranges-specifier\n\nReferer = \"Referer\" \":\" ( absoluteURI | relativeURI )\n\nRetry-After = \"Retry-After\" \":\" ( HTTP-date | delta-seconds )\n\nServer = \"Server\" \":\" 1*( product | comment )\n\nTE = \"TE\" \":\" #( t-codings )\n\nt-codings = \"trailers\"\n | ( transfer-extension [ accept-params ] )\n\nTrailer = \"Trailer\" \":\" 1#field-name\n\nTransfer-Encoding = \"Transfer-Encoding\" \":\" 1#transfer-coding\n\nUpgrade = \"Upgrade\" \":\" 1#product\n\nUser-Agent = \"User-Agent\" \":\" 1*( product | comment )\n\nVary = \"Vary\" \":\" ( \"*\" | 1#field-name )\n\nVia = \"Via\" \":\" 1#( received-protocol received-by [ comment ] )\n\nreceived-protocol = [ protocol-name \"/\" ] protocol-version\n\nprotocol-name = token\n\nprotocol-version = token\n\nreceived-by = ( host [ \":\" port ] ) | pseudonym\n\npseudonym = token\n\nWarning = \"Warning\" \":\" 1#warning-value\n\nwarning-value = warn-code SP warn-agent SP warn-text [SP warn-date]\n\nwarn-code = 3DIGIT\n\nwarn-agent = ( host [ \":\" port ] ) | pseudonym\n ; the name or pseudonym of the server adding\n ; the Warning header, for use in debugging\n\nwarn-text = quoted-string\n\nwarn-date = <\"> HTTP-date <\">\n\nWWW-Authenticate = \"WWW-Authenticate\" \":\" 1#challenge\n\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 17,656 |
hielsnoppe | 36b1108a1fd53dcf63960bc141f39d754a75204c | a6c29f7eea392b995ca30e2b14c06e54e062f6d5 | /src/main/resources/DataSpec/Grammars/time.abnf | 3295a1e91e42ebf3fad782a969413a477f11694a | hielsnoppe/Fuzzino | {
"content": "time = hours \":\" mins \":\" secs\nhours = %d48-49 %d48-57 / \"2\" %d48-51\nmins = %d48-53 %d48-57\nsecs = %d48-53 %d48-57\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 115 |
princemaple | 3e25e415e2e6120a3f97a88d32e8009cb410d4dd | 6a7a6c9b0196a237cd507b7dd1b6de69dcb25e5e | /test/fixture/json.abnf | 325cd31b297f4393c6690e5e0fc46fae64e07047 | princemaple/abnf_parsec | {
"content": "JSON-text = object / array\nbegin-array = ws %x5B ws ; [ left square bracket\nbegin-object = ws %x7B ws ; { left curly bracket\nend-array = ws %x5D ws ; ] right square bracket\nend-object = ws %x7D ws ; } right curly bracket\nname-separator = ws %x3A ws ; : colon\nvalue-separator = ws %x2C ws ; , comma\nws = *(\n %x20 / ; Space\n %x09 / ; Horizontal tab\n %x0A / ; Line feed or New line\n %x0D ; Carriage return\n )\nvalue = false / null / true / object / array / number / string\nfalse = %x66.61.6c.73.65 ; false\nnull = %x6e.75.6c.6c ; null\ntrue = %x74.72.75.65 ; true\nobject = begin-object [ member *( value-separator member ) ]\n end-object\nmember = string name-separator value\narray = begin-array [ value *( value-separator value ) ] end-array\nnumber = [ minus ] int [ frac ] [ exp ]\ndecimal-point = %x2E ; .\ndigit1-9 = %x31-39 ; 1-9\ne = %x65 / %x45 ; e E\nexp = e [ minus / plus ] 1*DIGIT\nfrac = decimal-point 1*DIGIT\nint = zero / ( digit1-9 *DIGIT )\nminus = %x2D ; -\nplus = %x2B ; +\nzero = %x30 ; 0\nstring = quotation-mark *char quotation-mark\nchar = unescaped /\n escape (\n %x22 / ; \" quotation mark U+0022\n %x5C / ; \\ reverse solidus U+005C\n %x2F / ; / solidus U+002F\n %x62 / ; b backspace U+0008\n %x66 / ; f form feed U+000C\n %x6E / ; n line feed U+000A\n %x72 / ; r carriage return U+000D\n %x74 / ; t tab U+0009\n %x75 4HEXDIG ) ; uXXXX U+XXXX\nescape = %x5C ; \\\nquotation-mark = %x22 ; \"\nunescaped = %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-10FFFF\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 1,839 |
zbapple | 228c85ce596856c25b7026c3ada7a31877a10e9f | 09b2a148364c83529f90d257cb60324b3fccab9a | /witstore/src/main/assets/grammar_sample.abnf | d017d2cbab88907c8fa0d5387fc0c20375ee030a | zbapple/MyWork | {
"content": "#ABNF 1.0 UTF-8;\nlanguage zh-CN; \nmode voice;\n\nroot $main;\n$main = $place1 执行 $place2;\n$place1 = $mjj|$dg|$mj;\n$place2 = 打开|关闭|通风|合拢|右开|左开|停止|开|关;\n$digit = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9| 0;\n$mjj = 第$digit<1-4>列密集架|$digit<1-4>列密集架|$digit<1-4>密集架|密集架;\n$dg = $dgty;\n$dgty = 库房灯|灯一|灯二;\n$mj = $mjty;\n$mjty = 玻璃门|库房门|前台门|木门;"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 427 |
soramitsu | 2593be40e28b5682cb748cf50223002446ac220b | f6872c3ae9b368ecf4c847ec64a6b083af01abf7 | /src/main/java/jp/co/soramitsu/sora/sdk/did/parser/uri.abnf | 8f5b37349760262b353c811d8bfad7d05db547e2 | soramitsu/sora-sdk | {
"content": "$include \"primitive.abnf\";\n\npath-abempty = *( \"/\" segment );\npath-absolute = \"/\" [ segment-nz *( \"/\" segment ) ];\npath-noscheme = segment-nz-nc *( \"/\" segment );\npath-rootless = segment-nz *( \"/\" segment );\npath-empty = 0*0pchar;\nsegment = *pchar;\nsegment-nz = 1*pchar;\nsegment-nz-nc = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / \"@\" );\npchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / \":\" / \"@\";\n\n\npct-encoded = \"%\" HEXDIG HEXDIG;\n\nunreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / \"-\" / \".\" / \"_\" / \"~\";\nreserved = gen-delims / sub-delims;\ngen-delims = \":\" / \"/\" / \"?\" / \"#\" / \"[\" / \"]\" / \"@\";\nsub-delims = \"!\" / \"$\" / \"&\" / \"'\" / \"(\" / \")\"\n / \"*\" / \"+\" / \",\" / \";\" / \"=\";\n\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 703 |
hildjj | 1724d056bd0544c61d594e3f992854eb46dee2fc | fd285645948c17403ee64265ef2a969776c390c1 | /examples/open-pgp.abnf | b9bb63b712825da563138f13b037bab55b761323 | hildjj/node-abnf | {
"content": "\n; signed is the production that should match the OpenPGP clearsigned\n; document\nsigned = cleartext-header\n 1*(hash-header)\n CRLF\n cleartext\n signature\n\ncleartext-header = %s\"-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\" CRLF\n ; \"-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\"\n\nhash-header = %x48.61.73.68 \": \" hash-alg *(\",\" hash-alg) CRLF\n\nhash-alg = token\n ; imported from RFC 2045; see RFC 4880 Section 10.3.3 for a pointer to the registry of valid values\n\n;cleartext = 1*( UTF8-octets CRLF)\n ; dash-escaped per RFC 4880 Section 7.1\n\ncleartext = *(*4%x2d [UTF8-char-not-dash *UTF8-char-not-cr] CRLF)\nUTF8-char-not-dash = UTF8-1-not-dash / UTF8-2 / UTF8-3 / UTF8-4\nUTF8-1-not-dash = %x00-2C / %x2E-7F\nUTF8-char-not-cr = UTF8-1-not-cr / UTF8-2 / UTF8-3 / UTF8-4\nUTF8-1-not-cr = %x00-0C / %x0E-7F\n\n; UTF8 rules from RFC 3629\nUTF8-octets = *( UTF8-char )\nUTF8-char = UTF8-1 / UTF8-2 / UTF8-3 / UTF8-4\nUTF8-1 = %x00-7F\nUTF8-2 = %xC2-DF UTF8-tail\nUTF8-3 = %xE0 %xA0-BF UTF8-tail / %xE1-EC 2( UTF8-tail ) /\n %xED %x80-9F UTF8-tail / %xEE-EF 2( UTF8-tail )\nUTF8-4 = %xF0 %x90-BF 2( UTF8-tail ) / %xF1-F3 3( UTF8-tail ) /\n %xF4 %x80-8F 2( UTF8-tail )\nUTF8-tail = %x80-BF\n\nsignature = armor-header armor-keys CRLF signature-data armor-tail\n\narmor-header = \"-----\"\n %x42. \"-----\" CRLF\n ; \"-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\"\n\narmor-keys = *(token %x3A.20 *( VCHAR / WSP ) CRLF)\n ; Armor Header Keys from RFC 4880\n\narmor-tail = \"-----\" %x45.4E.\n \"-----\" CRLF\n ; \"-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\"\n\nsignature-data = 1*(1*(ALPHA / DIGIT / \"=\" / \"+\" / \"/\") CRLF)\n ; base64; see RFC 4648\n ; includes RFC 4880 checksum\nALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A ; A-Z / a-z\n\nBIT = \"0\" / \"1\"\n\nCHAR = %x01-7F\n ; any 7-bit US-ASCII character,\n ; excluding NUL\n\nCR = %x0D\n ; carriage return\n\nCRLF = CR LF\n ; Internet standard newline\n\nCTL = %x00-1F / %x7F\n ; controls\n\nDIGIT = %x30-39\n ; 0-9\n\nDQUOTE = %x22\n ; \" (Double Quote)\n\nHEXDIG = DIGIT / \"A\" / \"B\" / \"C\" / \"D\" / \"E\" / \"F\"\n\nHTAB = %x09\n ; horizontal tab\n\nLF = %x0A\n ; linefeed\n\nLWSP = *(WSP / CRLF WSP)\n ; Use of this linear-white-space rule\n ; permits lines containing only white\n ; space that are no longer legal in\n ; mail headers and have caused\n ; interoperability problems in other\n ; contexts.\n ; Do not use when defining mail\n ; headers and use with caution in\n ; other contexts.\n\nOCTET = %x00-FF\n ; 8 bits of data\n\nSP = %x20\n\nVCHAR = %x21-7E\n ; visible (printing) characters\n\nWSP = SP / HTAB\n ; white space\n\ntoken = 1*(ALPHA / DIGIT)\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 3,272 |
martinthomson | c78125a01926330042496c0164ff0bbad62bce62 | cf271199376c21150759770afb17d02294ad99e9 | /aweson.abnf | 680f0f11d2da8d35c31f3990d3ea1e4b0984ad18 | martinthomson/aweson | {
"content": "value = whitespace (bare-string / quoted-string / array) whitespace\n\narray = \"<<\" *name-value-pair \">>\"\nname-value-pair = whitespace [ \"<\" name ] \">\" value\nname = whitespace (bare-string / quoted-string) whitespace\n\nbare-string = [ bare-string-start *bare-string-char ]\nbare-string-start = %x00-21 / %x23-38 / %x3a-5f / %x61 / %x63-10ffff\nbare-string-char = bare-string-start / \"'\"\n\nquoted-string = single-quote not-single-quote single-quote *(whitespace quoted)\nsingle-quote = \"'\"\nnot-single-quote = %x00-38 / %x3a-10ffff / \"''\"\n\nwhitespace = *(WSP / CR / LF / comment)\ncomment = DQUOTE not-dquote DQUOTE\nnot-dquote = %x00-21 / %x23-10ffff\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 641 |
leafspace | 91590be8e6bb682ba4ead4bb8b08138922517107 | 8497928d63dcb0890b2fd1bde999b580663a00d7 | /程序代码/0-基于树莓派的嵌入式语音识别系统/prammars/prammar7-百分之几药加药几毫克(语法有问题).abnf | 9764ade606f277aac5c39ed413b8b2288d2f698d | leafspace/Telemetry-medical-platform | {
"content": "#ABNF 1.0 UTF-8;\nlanguage zh-CN; \nmode voice;\n/*\n\n本文档用于提供讯飞上传语义文件所用,\n本文档内容意义为;\n 5%葡萄糖注射液250ml + 红霉素15g, 静脉滴注。\n\n*/\n\nroot $main;\n\n#ABNF HEAD-END;\n\n$number = 一 | 二 | 三 | 四 | 五 | 六 | 七 | 八 | 九 |零;\n$medicine = 葡萄糖注射液 | 红霉素;\n$unit = 毫升 | 克;\n$injection = 静脉滴注 | 注射;\n\n$main = [百分之] [$number] [$medicine] [$number] [$unit] [加] [$medicine] [$unit] [$injection];"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 500 |
triflicacid | 6ac68d0f3be30463f547db10bdedfdfa887c1843 | 5ac907275f3fdac9f9c9ff1857cdb84f37c9823c | /ABNF/tests/lexer/const.abnf | 5a542c104929a315beb68eac235e0f0cc8d29479 | triflicacid/cpp-abnf | {
"content": "hello := \"hello\"\nhello =/ \"bye\""
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 31 |
jmitchell | 1e3670ff70ca7fd9a5798fec3afea25036e7a2ca | 02a4a8ea98638ff0962c804a18f0643a56a8ca0a | /examples/abnf/generated/core_OCTET.abnf | b05264b9e3e615251d2ad240c08a806270219c12 | jmitchell/abnf-to-tree-sitter | {
"content": "start = OCTET\r\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 15 |
masztalskipiotr | 4b4c7429f4f5002610d4476da889a0dbcc42e29c | cc7e2eb826198fe19889543844702b633feccbe5 | /grammars/police.abnf | 7b09d6781008ab292529bfb74146d8a45e39ef24 | masztalskipiotr/project_atm | {
"content": "#ABNF 1.0;\nlanguage pl-pl;\nmode voice;\nroot $root;\ntag-format <semantics/1.0-literals>;\n\n$root = $kto $występek $gdzie;\n\n$ile_m1 = jeden {1};\n$ile_m2 = dwaj {2} | trzej {3} | czterej {4} ;\n$ile_m3 = dwóch {2} | trzech {3} | czterech {4} | pięciu {5} | sześciu {6} | (wielu | wiele) {n};\n$ile_ż1 = jedna {1};\n$ile_ż2 = dwie {2} | trzy {3} | cztery {4};\n$ile_ż3 = pięć {5} | sześć {6} | wiele {n};\n$ile_n = jedno {1} | dwa {2} | trzy {3} | cztery {4} | pięć {5} | sześć {6} | wiele {n};\n\n$kto = $kto_m | $kto_ż;\n$kto_m = [$ile_m1] (mężczyzna {m} | człowiek {dk}) | $ile_m2 (mężczyźni {m} | ludzie {dk}) | $ile_m3 mężczyzn {m};\n$kto_ż = [$ile_ż1] kobieta {k} | $ile_ż2 kobiety {k} | $ile_ż3 kobiet {k};\n\n$występek = pije alkohol {alko};\n\n$gdzie = ((na | przy) ulicy $ulica) | $parking;\n$ulica = Marszałkowskiej {Marszałkowska};\n\n\n\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 859 |
AllenTango | f6c165c718d04685ba9251b1b44815704b06b693 | 4f5eb27f96db02b0169b045405fcb17acbdf237d | /week-04/practice/js.abnf | c06317129c29970aaae5e569db83d9ad2de68faf | AllenTango/FE-Training | {
"content": "InputElement ::= WhiteSpace | LineTerminator | Comment | Token\n\nWhiteSpace ::= \" \" | \" \"\n\nLineTerminator ::= \"\\n\" | \"\\r\"\n\nComment ::= SingleLineComment | MultiLineComment\nSingleLineComment ::= \"/\" \"/\" <any>*\nMultiLineComment ::= \"/\" \"*\" ([^*] | \"*\" [^/])* \"*\" \"/\"\n\nToken ::= Literal | Keywords | Identifer | Punctuator\nLiteral ::= NumbericLiteral | BooleanLiteral | StringLiteral | NullLiteral\nKeywords ::= \"if\" | \"else\" | \"for\" | \"function\" | ...\nPunctuator ::= \"+\" | \"-\" | \"*\" | \"/\" | \"{\" | \"}\" | ...\n\nProgram ::= Statement+\n\nStatement ::= ExpressionStatement | IfStatement | ForStatement | WhileStatement\n | VariableDeclaration | FunctionDeclaration | ClassDeclaration\n | BreakStatement | ContinueStatement | ReturnStatement\n | TryStatement | Block\n\nIfStatement ::= \"if\" \"(\" Expression \")\" Statement\nBlock ::= \"{\" Statement \"}\"\nTryStatement ::= \"try\" \"{\" Statement+ \"}\" \"catch\" \"(\" Expression \")\" \"{\" Statement+ \"}\"\n\nExpressionStatement ::= Expression \";\"\nExpression ::= AdditiveExpression\nAdditiveExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression\n | AdditiveExpression (\"+\" | \"-\") MultiplicativeExpression\nMultiplicativeExpression ::= UnaryExpression\n | MultiplicativeExpression (\"*\" | \"/\") UnaryExpression\nUnaryExpression ::= PrimaryExpression\n | (\"+\" | \"-\" | \"typeof\") PrimaryExpression\nPrimaryExpression ::= \"(\" Expression \")\" | Literal | Identifer\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 1,388 |
massemanet | 44af44eb4c5574b763638409ec1d0b441c64a8c7 | 1cbd445fd93b514bc7f21461f4918ca929d7b553 | /src/csv.abnf | 2c66d0dd6ac1309a377e4c6c24f69a6be80a3a32 | massemanet/fatpage | {
"content": "file = record *eol-record [EOL]\n\neol-record = EOL record\n\nrecord = field *comma-field : call().\n\ncomma-field = COMMA field\n\nfield = escaped / non-escaped\n\nescaped = DQUOTE *qchar DQUOTE : push(2).\n\nnon-escaped = *TEXTDATA : push(1).\n\nqchar = DQCHAR / SQCHAR\n\nDQCHAR = %x22 %x22 : sub(34).\n\nSQCHAR = %x0A / %x0D / %x20-21 / %x23-7E\n\nCOMMA = %x2C\n\nDQUOTE = %x22\n\nEOL = %x0D %x0A / %x0D / %x0A\n\nTEXTDATA = %x20-21 / %x23-2B / %x2D-7E\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 612 |
mwherman2000 | cf8263fbc6225807bb8090fb1d184dd57c5702cf | a9e7a38b55a864f632f9c9e172fefb223a338e26 | /abnf/3-did-uri-spec-diddoc-2019-04-01.abnf | 3c8f68510f8752b7c3ed21cc46898eb496507195 | mwherman2000/did-uri-spec | {
"content": ";\n\n; !syntax(\"abnf\")\ndid = did-method method-specific-idstring\ndid-method = did-root method \":\"\ndid-root = \"did\" \":\" \n\nmethod = 1*methodchar\nmethodchar = %x61-7A / DIGIT\nmethod-specific-idstring = idstring *( \":\" idstring )\nidstring = 1*idchar\nidchar = ALPHA / DIGIT / \".\" / \"-\"\n\ndid-uri = did [ transform ] [ path-abempty ] [ \"?\" query ] [ \"#\" fragment ]\n\ntransform = TRANSFORM transformer *( \"&\" transformer )\ntransformer = transformer-optiononly / transformer-namevalue\ntransformer-nameonly = \"$\" transformer-option\ntransformer-namevalue = \"$\" transformer-option \"=\" DQUOTE transformer-value DQUOTE\ntransformer-option = transformer-options\ntransformer-value = *transformer-char\ntransformer-char = ALPHA / DIGIT / \".\" / \"-\"\n\nALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A ; A-Z / a-z\nDIGIT = %x30-39 ; 0-9\nTRANSFORM = %x21 ; !\nDQUOTE = %x22 ; \"\n\ngeneric-option = ALPHA 1*transformer-char\n\ntransformer-options = selectid-option\n / serviceid-option\n / generic-option\nselectid-option = \"selectId\"\nserviceid-option = \"serviceId\"\nexists-option = \"exists\"\n\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 1,557 |
hibari | 6c146b30802e40c375dae406cfd62c0fd322e96f | f01696c73fc0e6858a8fa5bf585bf1c0ea107ab8 | /src/hibari/misc-codes/ubf_b.abnf | 284027d7b1cd438b922aca16d5d042d83d195055 | hibari/hibari-doc | {
"content": "../tutorial/misc-codes/ubf_b.abnf"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 33 |
Gachapen | a0bd959c96ba4422be9dcb64fb694fb79bb07e63 | 28b1e4c031a355e077a7132fe12aa90d255f4c80 | /grammar/lsys.abnf | 977b8e4c073f7633865a3b79e1f8a28d34e4d371 | Gachapen/lsystem | {
"content": "lsystem = axiom productions\naxiom = string\nproductions = 1*2production\nproduction = predecessor successor\npredecessor = variable\nsuccessor = string\nstring = 1*6(symbol / stack)\nstack = \"[\" string \"]\"\nsymbol = variable / operation\nvariable = \"F\" / \"X\"\noperation = \"+\" / \"-\" / \"^\" / \"&\" / \">\" / \"<\"\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 297 |
jbenner-radham | 22c3ed4ee5d3d1bb5e9b73d42247dc0f0ab0e892 | 1ce623e501a9ca87afb4166aa58b0fa9e1ca745e | /data/abnf/rev.abnf | deb0793e8ad20dc04d4703533f97bdc97d02071b | jbenner-radham/jcard-to-vcard | {
"content": "REV-param = \"VALUE=timestamp\" / any-param\nREV-value = timestamp\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 64 |
jmitchell | 400f67ad4d2032adc1a647cb856ffacc0359508b | 02a4a8ea98638ff0962c804a18f0643a56a8ca0a | /examples/abnf/alternation.abnf | d2ca8163fda080989467b0d41b7fdc5571fa0eac | jmitchell/abnf-to-tree-sitter | {
"content": "start =\r\n ALPHA\r\n \r\n / SP\r\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 35 |
jbenner-radham | 4830c0caad8d94e697d1b77135603d9903c827c0 | 1ce623e501a9ca87afb4166aa58b0fa9e1ca745e | /data/abnf/related.abnf | 6b6a24a26766be600d62a9e1e53b241b182944b6 | jbenner-radham/jcard-to-vcard | {
"content": "RELATED-param = RELATED-param-uri / RELATED-param-text\nRELATED-value = URI / text\n ; Parameter and value MUST match.\n\nRELATED-param-uri = \"VALUE=uri\" / mediatype-param\nRELATED-param-text = \"VALUE=text\" / language-param\n\nRELATED-param =/ pid-param / pref-param / altid-param / type-param\n / any-param\n\ntype-param-related = related-type-value *(\",\" related-type-value)\n ; type-param-related MUST NOT be used with a property other than\n ; RELATED.\n\nrelated-type-value = \"contact\" / \"acquaintance\" / \"friend\" / \"met\"\n / \"co-worker\" / \"colleague\" / \"co-resident\"\n / \"neighbor\" / \"child\" / \"parent\"\n / \"sibling\" / \"spouse\" / \"kin\" / \"muse\"\n / \"crush\" / \"date\" / \"sweetheart\" / \"me\"\n / \"agent\" / \"emergency\"\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 808 |
UnexomWid | 22a74ddee5b7d77eba8bc9b67853b2b173a7aead | 89faceb70fe09901c72177ce55c76917a3d86747 | /grammar/BDP816.abnf | 00bd6ef6533a163ea77bc0562f18d07a686e98fd | UnexomWid/BDP | {
"content": "BDP = Magic Header *Entry\n\nMagic = %s\"BDP\"\nHeader = %x12\n\nEntry = NameEntry ValueEntry\n\nNameEntry = NameLength Name\nValueEntry = ValueLength Value\n\nNameLength = 1(%x00-FF)\nName = *(%x00-FF)\n\nValueLength = 2(%x00-FF)\nValue = *(%x00-FF)"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 276 |
Ran4 | ced48f6b708ae9c9b896b9fe113acbeda60671d8 | 7fe639b0033808d6003134346faebfdf1cfa983a | /etr_abnf_definitions.abnf | b1ace87643b0128a74d5926dfb30c4db8aa2dde3 | Ran4/etr-swift | {
"content": "; vim: ft=abnf\n\nsep = SP \"-\" SP\nidentifier = 1*ALPHA\ncurrent-stack-value = identifier\nprevious-stack-values = identifier *(SP identifier)\nnew-item = identifier\noutput-item = identifier\netr-definition = current-stack-value \":\" LF\n *(1*WSP (\"void\" / previous-stack-values) sep new-item sep output-item LF)\netr-definitions = *etr-definition\n\n\n; Examples:\n; key:\n; dict - Any - dict\n; void - Any - dict\n; dict:\n; void - dict - dict\n; as:\n; void - Any - name-binder\n; name:\n; binder - void - key - bound\n; both:\n; void - list - bound\n; and:\n; void - key - list\n; ,:\n; key - key - void\n; ,:\n; l\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 692 |
dirkz | c533332490ade3d6bcedec09b4495ea9ecaf372f | f3bc02ad5400b823656874afb54e3d4863c1048b | /abnfs/rfc3501.abnf | b439138d95c8402c17756818c9da73f681a7686a | dirkz/haskell-abnf-parser | {
"content": "address = \"(\" addr-name SP addr-adl SP addr-mailbox SP addr-host \")\"\naddr-adl = nstring\naddr-host = nstring\naddr-mailbox = nstring\naddr-name = nstring\nappend = \"APPEND\" SP mailbox [SP flag-list] [SP date-time] SP literal\nastring = 1*ASTRING-CHAR / string\nASTRING-CHAR = ATOM-CHAR / resp-specials\natom = 1*ATOM-CHAR\nATOM-CHAR = NAKED-CHAR / PLUS\natom-specials = \"(\" / \")\" / \"{\" / SP / CTL / list-wildcards / quoted-specials / resp-specials\nauthenticate = \"AUTHENTICATE\" SP auth-type *(CRLF base64)\nauth-type = atom\nbase64 = *(4base64-char) [base64-terminal]\nbase64-char = ALPHA / DIGIT / \"+\" / \"/\"\nbase64-terminal = (2base64-char \"==\") / (3base64-char \"=\")\nbody = \"(\" (body-type-1part / body-type-mpart) \")\"\nbody-extension = nstring / number / \"(\" body-extension *(SP body-extension) \")\"\nbody-ext-1part = body-fld-md5 [SP body-fld-dsp [SP body-fld-lang [SP body-fld-loc *(SP body-extension)]]]\nbody-ext-mpart = body-fld-param [SP body-fld-dsp [SP body-fld-lang [SP body-fld-loc *(SP body-extension)]]]\nbody-fields = body-fld-param SP body-fld-id SP body-fld-desc SP body-fld-enc SP body-fld-octets\nbody-fld-desc = nstring\nbody-fld-dsp = \"(\" string SP body-fld-param \")\" / nil\nbody-fld-enc = (DQUOTE (\"7BIT\" / \"8BIT\" / \"BINARY\" / \"BASE64\"/ \"QUOTED-PRINTABLE\") DQUOTE) / string\nbody-fld-id = nstring\nbody-fld-lang = nstring / \"(\" string *(SP string) \")\"\nbody-fld-loc = nstring\nbody-fld-lines = number\nbody-fld-md5 = nstring\nbody-fld-octets = number\nbody-fld-param = \"(\" string SP string *(SP string SP string) \")\" / nil\nbody-type-1part = (body-type-basic / body-type-msg / body-type-text) [SP body-ext-1part]\nbody-type-basic = media-basic SP body-fields\nbody-type-mpart = 1*body SP media-subtype [SP body-ext-mpart]\nbody-type-msg = media-message SP body-fields SP envelope SP body SP body-fld-lines\nbody-type-text = media-text SP body-fields SP body-fld-lines\ncapability = (\"AUTH=\" auth-type) / atom\ncapability-data = \"CAPABILITY\" *(SP capability) SP \"IMAP4rev1\" *(SP capability)\nCHAR8 = %x01-ff\ncommand = tag SP (command-any / command-auth / command-nonauth / command-select) CRLF\ncommand-any = \"CAPABILITY\" / \"LOGOUT\" / \"NOOP\" / x-command\ncommand-auth = append / create / delete / examine / list / lsub / rename / select / status / subscribe / unsubscribe\ncommand-nonauth = login / authenticate / \"STARTTLS\"\ncommand-select = \"CHECK\" / \"CLOSE\" / \"EXPUNGE\" / copy / fetch / store / uid / search\ncontinue-req = \"+\" SP (resp-text / base64) CRLF\ncopy = \"COPY\" SP sequence-set SP mailbox\ncreate = \"CREATE\" SP mailbox\ndate = date-text / DQUOTE date-text DQUOTE\ndate-day = 1*2DIGIT\ndate-day-fixed = (SP DIGIT) / 2DIGIT\ndate-month = \"Jan\" / \"Feb\" / \"Mar\" / \"Apr\" / \"May\" / \"Jun\" / \"Jul\" / \"Aug\" / \"Sep\" / \"Oct\" / \"Nov\" / \"Dec\"\ndate-text = date-day \"-\" date-month \"-\" date-year\ndate-year = 4DIGIT\ndate-time = DQUOTE date-day-fixed \"-\" date-month \"-\" date-year SP time SP zone DQUOTE\ndelete = \"DELETE\" SP mailbox\ndigit-nz = %x31-39\nenvelope = \"(\" env-date SP env-subject SP env-from SP env-sender SP env-reply-to SP env-to SP env-cc SP env-bcc SP env-in-reply-to SP env-message-id \")\"\nenv-bcc = \"(\" 1*address \")\" / nil\nenv-cc = \"(\" 1*address \")\" / nil\nenv-date = nstring\nenv-from = \"(\" 1*address \")\" / nil\nenv-in-reply-to = nstring\nenv-message-id = nstring\nenv-reply-to = \"(\" 1*address \")\" / nil\nenv-sender = \"(\" 1*address \")\" / nil\nenv-subject = nstring\nenv-to = \"(\" 1*address \")\" / nil\nexamine = \"EXAMINE\" SP mailbox\nfetch = \"FETCH\" SP sequence-set SP (\"ALL\" / \"FULL\" / \"FAST\" / fetch-att / \"(\" fetch-att fetch-att-mult \")\")\nfetch-att-mult = *(SP fetch-att)\nfetch-att = \"ENVELOPE\" / \"FLAGS\" / \"INTERNALDATE\" / \"RFC822\" [\".HEADER\" / \".SIZE\" / \".TEXT\"] / \"BODY\" [\"STRUCTURE\"] / \"UID\" / \"BODY\" section [\"<\" number \".\" nz-number \">\"] / \"BODY.PEEK\" section [\"<\" number \".\" nz-number \">\"]\nflag = \"\\Answered\" / \"\\Flagged\" / \"\\Deleted\" / \"\\Seen\" / \"\\Draft\" / flag-keyword / flag-extension\nflag-extension = \"\\\" atom\nflag-fetch = flag / \"\\Recent\"\nflag-keyword = atom\nflag-list = \"(\" [flag *(SP flag)] \")\"\nflag-perm = flag / \"\\*\"\ngreeting = \"*\" SP (resp-cond-auth / resp-cond-bye) CRLF\nheader-fld-name = astring\nheader-list = \"(\" header-fld-name *(SP header-fld-name) \")\"\nlist = \"LIST\" SP mailbox SP list-mailbox\nlist-mailbox = 1*list-char / string\nlist-char = ATOM-CHAR / list-wildcards / resp-specials\nlist-wildcards = \"%\" / \"*\"\nliteral = \"{\" number \"}\" CRLF *CHAR8\nlogin = \"LOGIN\" SP userid SP password\nlsub = \"LSUB\" SP mailbox SP list-mailbox\nmailbox = \"INBOX\" / astring\nmailbox-data = \"FLAGS\" SP flag-list / \"LIST\" SP mailbox-list / \"LSUB\" SP mailbox-list / \"SEARCH\" *(SP nz-number) / \"STATUS\" SP mailbox SP \"(\" [status-att-list] \")\" / number SP \"EXISTS\" / number SP \"RECENT\"\nmailbox-list = \"(\" [mbx-list-flags] \")\" SP (DQUOTE QUOTED-CHAR DQUOTE / nil) SP mailbox\nmbx-list-flags = *(mbx-list-oflag SP) mbx-list-sflag *(SP mbx-list-oflag) / mbx-list-oflag *(SP mbx-list-oflag)\nmbx-list-oflag = \"\\Noinferiors\" / flag-extension\nmbx-list-sflag = \"\\Noselect\" / \"\\Marked\" / \"\\Unmarked\"\nmedia-basic = (DQUOTE media-type DQUOTE / string) SP media-subtype\nmedia-type = \"APPLICATION\" / \"AUDIO\" / \"IMAGE\" / \"MESSAGE\" / \"VIDEO\"\nmedia-message = DQUOTE \"MESSAGE\" DQUOTE SP DQUOTE \"RFC822\" DQUOTE\nmedia-subtype = string\nmedia-text = DQUOTE \"TEXT\" DQUOTE SP media-subtype\nmessage-data = nz-number SP (\"EXPUNGE\" / (\"FETCH\" SP msg-att))\nmsg-att = \"(\" (msg-att-dynamic / msg-att-static) *(SP (msg-att-dynamic / msg-att-static)) \")\"\nmsg-att-dynamic = \"FLAGS\" SP \"(\" [flag-fetch *(SP flag-fetch)] \")\"\nmsg-att-static = \"ENVELOPE\" SP envelope / \"INTERNALDATE\" SP date-time / \"RFC822\" [\".HEADER\" / \".TEXT\"] SP nstring / \"RFC822.SIZE\" SP number / \"BODY\" [\"STRUCTURE\"] SP body / \"BODY\" section [\"<\" number \">\"] SP nstring / \"UID\" SP uniqueid\nnil = \"NIL\"\nnstring = string / nil\nnumber = 1*DIGIT\nnz-number = digit-nz *DIGIT\npassword = astring\nquoted = DQUOTE *QUOTED-CHAR DQUOTE\nQUOTED-CHAR = UNQUOTED-CHAR / \"\\\" quoted-specials\nquoted-specials = DQUOTE / \"\\\"\nrename = \"RENAME\" SP mailbox SP mailbox\nresponse = *(continue-req / response-data) response-done\nresponse-data = \"*\" SP (resp-cond-state / resp-cond-bye / mailbox-data / message-data / capability-data) CRLF\nresponse-done = response-tagged / response-fatal\nresponse-fatal = \"*\" SP resp-cond-bye CRLF\nresponse-tagged = tag SP resp-cond-state CRLF\nresp-cond-auth = (\"OK\" / \"PREAUTH\") SP resp-text\nresp-cond-bye = \"BYE\" SP resp-text\nresp-cond-state = (\"OK\" / \"NO\" / \"BAD\") SP resp-text\nresp-specials = \"]\"\nresp-text = [\"[\" resp-text-code \"]\" SP] text\nresp-text-code = \"ALERT\" / \"BADCHARSET\" [SP \"(\" astring *(SP astring) \")\" ] / capability-data / \"PARSE\" / \"PERMANENTFLAGS\" SP \"(\" [flag-perm *(SP flag-perm)] \")\" / \"READ-ONLY\" / \"READ-WRITE\" / \"TRYCREATE\" / \"UIDNEXT\" SP nz-number / \"UIDVALIDITY\" SP nz-number / \"UNSEEN\" SP nz-number / atom [SP 1*NAKED-resp-text]\nsearch = \"SEARCH\" [SP \"CHARSET\" SP astring] 1*(SP search-key)\nsearch-key = \"ALL\" / \"ANSWERED\" / \"BCC\" SP astring / \"BEFORE\" SP date / \"BODY\" SP astring / \"CC\" SP astring / \"DELETED\" / \"FLAGGED\" / \"FROM\" SP astring / \"KEYWORD\" SP flag-keyword / \"NEW\" / \"OLD\" / \"ON\" SP date / \"RECENT\" / \"SEEN\" / \"SINCE\" SP date / \"SUBJECT\" SP astring / \"TEXT\" SP astring / \"TO\" SP astring / \"UNANSWERED\" / \"UNDELETED\" / \"UNFLAGGED\" / \"UNKEYWORD\" SP flag-keyword / \"UNSEEN\" / \"DRAFT\" / \"HEADER\" SP header-fld-name SP astring / \"LARGER\" SP number / \"NOT\" SP search-key / \"OR\" SP search-key SP search-key / \"SENTBEFORE\" SP date / \"SENTON\" SP date / \"SENTSINCE\" SP date / \"SMALLER\" SP number / \"UID\" SP sequence-set / \"UNDRAFT\" / sequence-set / \"(\" search-key *(SP search-key) \")\"\nsection = \"[\" [section-spec] \"]\"\nsection-msgtext = \"HEADER\" / \"HEADER.FIELDS\" [\".NOT\"] SP header-list / \"TEXT\"\nsection-part = nz-number *(\".\" nz-number)\nsection-spec = section-msgtext / (section-part [\".\" section-text])\nsection-text = section-msgtext / \"MIME\"\nselect = \"SELECT\" SP mailbox\nseq-number = nz-number / \"*\"\nseq-range = seq-number \":\" seq-number\nsequence-set = (seq-number / seq-range) *(\",\" sequence-set)\nstatus = \"STATUS\" SP mailbox SP \"(\" status-att *(SP status-att) \")\"\nstatus-att = \"MESSAGES\" / \"RECENT\" / \"UIDNEXT\" / \"UIDVALIDITY\" / \"UNSEEN\"\nstatus-att-list = status-att SP number *(SP status-att SP number)\nstore = \"STORE\" SP sequence-set SP store-att-flags\nstore-att-flags = ([\"+\" / \"-\"] \"FLAGS\" [\".SILENT\"]) SP (flag-list / store-att-flags-mult)\nstore-att-flags-mult = flag *(SP flag)\nstring = quoted / literal\nsubscribe = \"SUBSCRIBE\" SP mailbox\ntag = 1*NAKED-tag\ntext = 1*TEXT-CHAR\nTEXT-CHAR = UNQUOTED-CHAR / quoted-specials\ntime = 2DIGIT \":\" 2DIGIT \":\" 2DIGIT\nuid = \"UID\" SP (copy / fetch / search / store)\nuniqueid = nz-number\nunsubscribe = \"UNSUBSCRIBE\" SP mailbox\nuserid = astring\nx-command = \"X\" atom\nzone = (\"+\" / \"-\") 4DIGIT\nPLUS = %x2b\nCTL-NAKED-A = %x01-09\nCTL-NAKED-B = %x0B-0C\nCTL-NAKED-C = %x0E-1F\nCTL-NAKED-D = %x7F\nCTL-NAKED = CTL-NAKED-A / CTL-NAKED-B / CTL-NAKED-C / CTL-NAKED-D\nNAKED-CHAR-A = %x21\nNAKED-CHAR-B = %x23-24\nNAKED-CHAR-C = %x26-27\nNAKED-CHAR-D = %x2C-5B\nNAKED-CHAR-E = %x5E-7A\nNAKED-CHAR-F = %x7C-7E\nNAKED-CHAR = NAKED-CHAR-A / NAKED-CHAR-B / NAKED-CHAR-C / NAKED-CHAR-D / NAKED-CHAR-E / NAKED-CHAR-F\nNAKED-tag = NAKED-CHAR / resp-specials\nUNQUOTED-CHAR = NAKED-CHAR / CTL-NAKED / PLUS / %x28 / %x29 / %x7b / %x2a / %x25 / %x5d\nNAKED-resp-text = NAKED-CHAR / CTL-NAKED / PLUS / %x28 / %x29 / %x7b / %x2a / %x25 / quoted-specials\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 9,316 |
yannickbattail | 9b9b1675e2600663f8192501f7f423494cf0e744 | 475d992815f3aa703c71e091868e0b8f366a0ff0 | /ressources/regexp.abnf | 4bc8e9b645944738ba5420c189e1e687e53f6473 | yannickbattail/visual-regexp-builder_php-PCRE | {
"content": "regexpliteral = \"/\" [ regexpatstart ] regexpsequence *( regexpalternative regexpsequence ) [ regexpatend ] \"/\" regexpoptions\nregexpatstart = \"^\"\nregexpatend = \"$\"\nregexpoptions = 0*12( \"i\" / \"m\" / \"s\" / \"x\" / \"e\" / \"A\" / \"D\" / \"S\" / \"U\" / \"X\" / \"j\" / \"u\" )\nregexpalternative = \"|\"\nregexpsequence = 1*( (regexpclass / regexpgroup / regexpfactorword) [ regexpquantifier ] )\nregexpfactorword = 1*( charfactor / regexpescape )\nregexpgroup = \"(\" [ regexpgroupcapture ] regexpsequence *( regexpalternative regexpsequence ) \")\"\nregexpgroupcapture = \"?\" [ \":\" / \"|\" / \"=\" / \"!\" / \"<=\" / \"<!\" / \">\" / \"#\" / regexpnamedgroup ]\nregexpnamedgroup = ( [ \"P\" ] \"<\" regexpgroupname \">\" ) / ( \"P'\" regexpgroupname \"'\" )\nregexpgroupname = 1*( ALPHA / DIGIT )\nregexpclass = regexppredifinedclass / ( \"[\" [ regexpclassnegative ] 1*( regexppredifinedclass / regexpcharrange / regexpclassword ) \"]\" ) \nregexpclassnegative = \"^\"\nregexppredifinedclass = \".\" / \"\\d\" / \"\\D\" / \"\\h\" / \"\\H\" / \"\\s\" / \"\\S\" / \"\\v\" / \"\\V\" / \"\\w\" / \"\\W\" / \"[:alnum:]\" / \"[:alpha:]\" / \"[:ascii:]\" / \"[:blank:]\" / \"[:cntrl:]\" / \"[:digit:]\" / \"[:graph:]\" / \"[:lower:]\" / \"[:print:]\" / \"[:punct:]\" / \"[:space:]\" / \"[:upper:]\" / \"[:word:]\" / \"[:xdigit:]\" / \"[:^alnum:]\" / \"[:^alpha:]\" / \"[:^ascii:]\" / \"[:^blank:]\" / \"[:^cntrl:]\" / \"[:^digit:]\" / \"[:^graph:]\" / \"[:^lower:]\" / \"[:^print:]\" / \"[:^punct:]\" / \"[:^space:]\" / \"[:^upper:]\" / \"[:^word:]\" / \"[:^xdigit:]\"\nregexpcharrange = regexpcharstart \"-\" regexpcharend\nregexpcharstart = charclass / regexpclassescape\nregexpcharend = charclass / regexpclassescape\nregexpclassword = 1*( charclass / regexpclassescape )\nregexpquantifier = ( regexpquantifiersinglechar / regexpquantifierrange ) regexpquantifiergreed\nregexpquantifiersinglechar = \"?\" / \"*\" / \"+\"\nregexpquantifiergreed = [ \"?\" / \"+\" ]\nregexpquantifierrange = \"{\" min [ \",\" [ max ] ] \"}\"\n\nregexpclassescape = \"\\\" (\n \"a\" / \"e\" / \"f\" / \"n\" / \"r\" / \"t\" /\n ( \"c\" ALPHA) /\n ( \"x\" HEXDIG HEXDIG) /\n ( \"x\" OCTAL OCTAL OCTAL) /\n charspecial / DIGIT )\nregexpescape = \"\\\" (\n \"a\" / \"e\" / \"f\" / \"n\" / \"r\" / \"t\" /\n ( \"c\" ALPHA) /\n ( \"x\" HEXDIG HEXDIG) /\n ( \"x\" OCTAL OCTAL OCTAL) /\n charspecialfactor / DIGIT )\ncharfactor = ALPHA / DIGIT / \"#\" / \"%\" / \"&\" / \"!\" / \"'\" / \",\" / \"-\" / \":\" / \";\" / \"<\" / \"=\" / \">\" / \"@\" / \"_\" / \"`\" / \"~\" / %x41 ; not /\\[]{}()?+*|.^$ and %x41 is the caractere \"\ncharclass = ALPHA / DIGIT / \"{\" / \"}\" / \"(\" / \")\" / \"$\" / \"+\" / \"*\" / \"?\" / \"|\" / \"#\" / \"%\" / \"&\" / \"!\" / \"'\" / \",\" / \":\" / \";\" / \"<\" / \"=\" / \">\" / \"@\" / \"_\" / \"`\" / \"~\" / %x41 ; not /\\[]^-\ncharspecialfactor = \"[\" / \"\\\" / \"]\" / \"^\" / \"/\" / \"{\" / \"}\" / \"(\" / \")\" / \"?\" / \"+\" / \"*\" / \"|\" / \".\" /\"^\" / \"$\" / \" \"\ncharspecial = \"-\" / \"[\" / \"\\\" / \"]\" / \"^\" / \" \"\n\nmin = 1*DIGIT\nmax = 1*DIGIT\n\nHEXDIG = DIGIT / %x61-65 / %x41-45\nDIGIT = %x30-39\nOCTAL = %x30-37\nALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 2,855 |
showkit | e064a86a27ebada7e95bff382ef51cc6eded95f3 | bb58f4e4a1b66f3ff8100a712ad0381ff7eb0818 | /tinyHTTP/abnf/ws.abnf | 6264ea856e530a3aa307791c401b24686d8f6290 | showkit/doubango_old | {
"content": ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\r\n;\r\n; WebSocket (6455) - ABNF\r\n;\r\n;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\r\nextension-param = token [ \"=\" (token / quoted-string) ]\r\nNZDIGIT = \"1\" / \"2\" / \"3\" / \"4\" / \"5\" / \"6\" / \"7\" / \"8\" / \"9\"\r\nversion = DIGIT / (NZDIGIT DIGIT) / (\"1\" DIGIT DIGIT) / (\"2\" DIGIT DIGIT)\r\nbase64-character = ALPHA / DIGIT / \"+\" / \"/\"\r\n\r\nSec-WebSocket-Key = base64-value-non-empty\r\nSec-WebSocket-Extensions = extension-list\r\nSec-WebSocket-Protocol-Client = token *(COMMA token)\r\nSec-WebSocket-Version-Client = version\r\n\r\nbase64-value-non-empty = (1*base64-data [ base64-padding ]) / base64-padding\r\nbase64-data = 4base64-character\r\nbase64-padding = (2base64-character \"==\") / (3base64-character \"=\")\r\n\r\nextension-list = extension *(COMMA extension)\r\nextension = extension-token *( \";\" extension-param )\r\nextension-token = registered-token\r\nregistered-token = token\r\n\r\nSec-WebSocket-Accept = base64-value-non-empty\r\nSec-WebSocket-Protocol-Server = token\r\nSec-WebSocket-Version-Server = version *(COMMA version)\r\n\r\nSec-WebSocket-Version = version *(COMMA version)\r\nSec-WebSocket-Protocol = token *(COMMA token)\r\n\r\n\r\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 1,276 |
hongcao1702 | a54a04280f2d259ecfcb7926a4dbbc3b5721c6e6 | 4c01353352a7ad6117d1b8e03eecb13f3dca385f | /app/src/main/assets/grammar_sample.abnf | b908c7688776f01f062db22581ff467210b8670c | hongcao1702/Vive_Android_Unity | {
"content": "#ABNF 1.0 UTF-8;\nlanguage zh-CN; \nmode voice;\n\nroot $main;\n$main = Hello|Dance|Happy|Test;"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 90 |
jmitchell | 54d792405114be1085cb4d9e2c1f7ae5526f8ef2 | 02a4a8ea98638ff0962c804a18f0643a56a8ca0a | /examples/abnf/generated/core_BIT.abnf | 86b8354f28718b920f33c62aebcf1300c5f55fcd | jmitchell/abnf-to-tree-sitter | {
"content": "start = BIT\r\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 13 |
LedanDark | 8f6158baee36c45941b6bbbb0c86257e2b871057 | 7f2f8e5967afc2c23256b1c83480c2ed2f1beb5a | /1.0/social/resources/semantics.abnf | 5fa27860bf37b8182dff6cc0002013744f4948a2 | LedanDark/example-skills | {
"content": "#ABNF 1.0 UTF-8;\n\nlanguage en-US;\nroot $root;\n\npublic $root = (quiz | game) {};\n\npublic $stop_playing = ((stop playing) | (quit playing) | (stop the game)) {out.stop_quiz=1};\n\npublic $your_name = ((your name)) {out.req_name=1};\n\npublic $your_name = ((how are you)) {out.req_health=1};\n\npublic $your_name = (football) {};\n\n(take over the world)\n\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 369 |
BGCX261 | eda1074cff155fbbc048da10ff4435d46687eafd | e63db9eaac8299c2bd16847f084c59cdd08cead6 | /branches/ZCrawlParserServlet/src/java/conf/zcrawl.abnf | 072fbd0538168a55c0189d29ae44c4ebf8186c7a | BGCX261/zonales-svn-to-git | {
"content": "# PARA COMPILAR ESTE ARCHIVO: C:\\Users\\juanma\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\ZCrawl Parser\\src\\parser>java -cp aparse-2.0.jar com.parse2.aparse.Parser -package parser ..\\..\\zcrawl.abnf\r\nzcrawling\t= [\"**\" descripcion \"**\" mspace] space \"extraer\" mspace \"para\" mspace \"la\" mspace \"localidad\" mspace localidad\r\n mspace \"mediante\" mspace \"la\" mspace \"fuente\" mspace fuente \r\n [mspace \"asignando\" mspace \"los\" mspace \"tags\" mspace tags]\r\n [mspace \"a\" mspace \"partir\" mspace criterios]\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[extraePublicacionesDeTerceros]\r\n [incluyeComentarios]\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t[mspace \"de\" mspace \"los\" mspace \"usuarios:\" mspace commenters]\r\n [mspace \"y\" mspace \"filtrando\" mspace \"por\" mspace filtros ]\r\n [incluyeTagsFuente]\r\n [mspace \"cada\" mspace temporalidad]\r\n space \".\" space;\r\ndescripcion = cadena;\r\nlocalidad\t= cadena; # para toda localidad definida en el arbol de localidades de zonales encerrado entre comillas simple \r\ntags\t\t= tag *(space comma space tag);\r\ntag\t\t= cadena; # para todo tag (distinto de la zona) definido en la estructura válida de tags de zonales entre comillas simple \r\nfuente\t\t= \"facebook\" / \"twitter\" / \"feed\" mspace \"ubicado\" mspace \"en\" mspace uri_fuente [mspace place];\r\nuri_fuente\t= %x22 URI %x22; # formato uri apuntando al url de definici�n, encerrada entre comilla simples \r\ncriterios\t= criterio *(mspace \"y\" mspace criterio) [space \"pero\" mspace \"no\" mspace nocriterio *(space \"ni\" mspace nocriterio)];\r\ncriterio\t= \"de\" mspace \"los\" mspace \"usuarios\" mspace deLosUsuarios /\r\n \"de\" mspace \"amigos\" mspace \"del\" mspace \"usuario\" mspace amigosDelUsuario /\r\n [siosi] \"de las palabras \" palabras;\r\nnocriterio = criterio;\r\ndeLosUsuarios = usuarios;\r\namigosDelUsuario = usuario;\r\nsiosi = \"si\" mspace \"o\" mspace \"si\" mspace;\r\nusuarios = usuario [mspace place] *(space comma space usuario [place]);\r\nplace = \"[\" cadena \"]\";\r\nfeedPlace = place;\r\ngeoFeed = geo;\r\ngeo = \"[\" latitude comma longitude \"]\";\r\nlatitude = num;\r\nlongitude = num;\r\nnum = [ \"-\" ] pnum;\r\npnum = 1*DIGIT [ \".\" 1*DIGIT ];\r\nextraePublicacionesDeTerceros = mspace \"extrae\" mspace \"publicaciones\" mspace \"de\" mspace \"terceros\";\r\nincluyeComentarios = mspace \"incluye\" mspace \"comentarios\";\r\ncommenters = usuarios;\r\nusuario\t\t= cadena; # string (palabra) que identifica a un usuario en la fuente (facebook, twitter, linkedin, etc) encerrado entre comillas simple\r\npalabras\t= palabra *(space comma space palabra);\r\npalabra\t\t= cadena; # cualquier palabra \r\nfiltros\t\t= filtro *(space \"y\" mspace filtro);\r\nfiltro\t\t= space \"al\" mspace \"menos\" mspace min-num-shuld-match space \"de\" mspace \"las\" mspace \"palabras\" mspace \"deben\" mspace \"estar\" space /\r\n space \"con\" mspace \"una\" mspace \"dispercion\" mspace \"entre\" mspace \"palabras\" mspace \"no\" mspace \"mayor\" mspace \"a\" mspace int /\r\n space listaNegraUsuarios /\r\n space listaNegraPalabras /\r\n space \"con\" mspace \"al\" mspace \"menos\" mspace minActions space \"actions\";\r\nlistaNegraUsuarios = \"lista\" mspace \"negra\" mspace \"de\" mspace \"usuarios\";\r\nlistaNegraPalabras = \"lista\" mspace \"negra\" mspace \"de\" mspace \"palabras\";\r\nminActions = int;\r\n\r\nmin-num-shuld-match = cadena;\t# segun la especificación y formato de solr \r\n\r\nincluyeTagsFuente = mspace \"incluye\" mspace \"los\" mspace \"tags\" mspace \"de\" mspace \"la\" mspace \"fuente\" space;\r\n\r\ntemporalidad = cantTiempo mspace unidadTiempo;\r\n\r\ncantTiempo = int;\r\n\r\nunidadTiempo = \"minutos\" /\r\n \"horas\" /\r\n \"dias\";\r\n\r\nminutos = int;\r\n\r\nhoras = int;\r\n\r\ndias = int;\r\n\r\ncadena = DQUOTE *(ALPHA / %x23-7E / %x20) DQUOTE; # quoted string of SP and VCHAR without DQUOTE\r\n\r\nALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A / \"a\" / \"e\" / \"i\" / \"o\" / \"u\" / \"A\" / \"E\" / \"I\" / \"O\" / \"U\" ; # A-Z / a-z\r\n\r\nDQUOTE = %x22;\r\n\r\nQUOTE = \"'\";\r\n\r\nmspace = 1*(%x09-20);\r\n\r\nspace = *(%x09-20);\r\n\r\ncomma = \",\";\r\n\r\nDIGIT\t\t= %x30-39; #0-9\r\n\r\nHEXDIG\t\t= DIGIT / \"A\" / \"B\" / \"C\" / \"D\" / \"E\" / \"F\"; \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\nint\t\t= 1*(%x30-39);\r\n\r\nURI = scheme \":\" hier-part [ \"?\" query ] [ \"#\" fragment ] ;\r\n\r\nhier-part = \"//\" authority path-abempty\r\n / path-absolute\r\n / path-rootless\r\n / path-empty ;\r\n\r\n URI-reference = URI / relative-ref ;\r\n\r\n absolute-URI = scheme \":\" hier-part [ \"?\" query ] ;\r\n\r\n relative-ref = relative-part [ \"?\" query ] [ \"#\" fragment ] ;\r\n\r\n relative-part = \"//\" authority path-abempty\r\n / path-absolute\r\n / path-noscheme\r\n / path-empty ;\r\n\r\n scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / \"+\" / \"-\" / \".\" ) ;\r\n\r\n authority = [ userinfo \"@\" ] host [ \":\" port ] ;\r\n userinfo = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / \":\" ) ;\r\n host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name ;\r\n port = *DIGIT ;\r\n\r\n IP-literal = \"[\" ( IPv6address / IPvFuture ) \"]\" ;\r\n\r\n IPvFuture = \"v\" 1*HEXDIG \".\" 1*( unreserved / sub-delims / \":\" ) ;\r\n\r\n IPv6address = 6( h16 \":\" ) ls32\r\n / \"::\" 5( h16 \":\" ) ls32\r\n / [ h16 ] \"::\" 4( h16 \":\" ) ls32\r\n / [ *1( h16 \":\" ) h16 ] \"::\" 3( h16 \":\" ) ls32\r\n / [ *2( h16 \":\" ) h16 ] \"::\" 2( h16 \":\" ) ls32\r\n / [ *3( h16 \":\" ) h16 ] \"::\" h16 \":\" ls32\r\n / [ *4( h16 \":\" ) h16 ] \"::\" ls32\r\n / [ *5( h16 \":\" ) h16 ] \"::\" h16\r\n / [ *6( h16 \":\" ) h16 ] \"::\" ;\r\n\r\n h16 = 1*4HEXDIG ;\r\n ls32 = ( h16 \":\" h16 ) / IPv4address ;\r\n\r\n IPv4address = dec-octet \".\" dec-octet \".\" dec-octet \".\" dec-octet ;\r\n\r\n dec-octet = DIGIT # 0-9\r\n / %x31-39 DIGIT # 10-99\r\n / \"1\" 2DIGIT # 100-199\r\n / \"2\" %x30-34 DIGIT # 200-249\r\n / \"25\" %x30-35; # 250-255\r\n\r\n reg-name = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims ) ;\r\n\r\n path = path-abempty # begins with \"/\" or is empty\r\n / path-absolute # begins with \"/\" but not \"//\"\r\n / path-noscheme # begins with a non-colon segment\r\n / path-rootless # begins with a segment\r\n / path-empty ; # zero characters\r\n\r\n path-abempty = *( \"/\" segment ) ;\r\n path-absolute = \"/\" [ segment-nz *( \"/\" segment ) ] ;\r\n path-noscheme = segment-nz-nc *( \"/\" segment ) ;\r\n path-rootless = segment-nz *( \"/\" segment ) ;\r\n path-empty = 0*(pchar) ;\r\n\r\n segment = *pchar ;\r\n segment-nz = 1*pchar ;\r\n segment-nz-nc = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / \"@\" ); \r\n # non-zero-length segment without any colon \":\" ;\r\n\r\n pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / \":\" / \"@\" ;\r\n\r\n query = *( pchar / \"/\" / \"?\" ) ;\r\n\r\n fragment = *( pchar / \"/\" / \"?\" ) ;\r\n\r\n pct-encoded = \"%\" HEXDIG HEXDIG ;\r\n\r\n unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / \"-\" / \".\" / \"_\" / \"~\" ;\r\n reserved = gen-delims / sub-delims ;\r\n gen-delims = \":\" / \"/\" / \"?\" / \"#\" / \"[\" / \"]\" / \"@\" ;\r\n sub-delims = \"!\" / \"$\" / \"&\" / \"'\" / \"(\" / \")\"\r\n / \"*\" / \"+\" / \",\" / \";\" / \"=\" ;\r\n"
} | UTF-8 | ABNF | 7,677 |