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与此同时他没有丝毫迟疑,主炉衣袍上最后一次的瞬移,顷刻间就被他展开,随着他的身体刹那消失,那带动天地的剑影,掀起无尽冰寒,如可以冰封八方,刹那从孟浩虚幻的身体上穿透而过。 | At the same time, he unhesitatingly used the Furnace Lord’s ability to warp away to another location. As soon as his body disappeared, the sword image appeared, with its power to shake Heaven and Earth. The aura rose up, a sealing force that locked down the entire area. However, Meng Hao’s illusory body was able to slip past it. | 8,651 |
与此同时,这四十年来,南域大地对于墨土这里,也很是警惕,来自南域各个宗门的弟子,时常进入墨土,与六大势力接触,最起码表面上,一片平和,可实际上,双方都在警惕。 | “The Bane of Dragoneers” was a name that quickly rose to prominence in the Black Lands. During that forty year period of time, the Southern Domain remained on guard against the Black Lands. However, disciples often came from the various Sects of the Southern Domain to have dealings with the six great powers. On the surface, things seemed peaceful. In reality, both sides were being vigilant regarding the other. | 23,005 |
这一刻,外面的这些修士疯狂了,齐齐冲来,孟浩的父亲,方秀峰神识内冷冽之意蓦然散开,剑气轰鸣间,向着来临的众人直接横扫。 | As of this point, the cultivators on the outside were going crazy, and they began to charge South Heaven. In response, Meng Hao’s father sent his icy divine will out. Sword Qi rumbled, sweeping across the crowds that wished to descend onto South Heaven. | 43,422 |
至此,上古道湖区域,重新恢复了平静。 而孟浩等人,则失踪,但孟浩最终抢到了真仙魂的事情,却无法被隐瞒住,毕竟当时四周其他宗门家族的斩灵,他们都亲眼看到。 | As for Meng Hao and the others, they were considered missing. Of course, the fact that Meng Hao ended up obtaining the soul of the true Immortal was something that couldn’t be kept under wraps. After all, Spirit Severing experts from all the clans and sects had witnessed the event personally. | 36,095 |
也正是在这个身影的上方,出现了那庞大的青木虚影。 | The image of the Greenwood Tree existed directly above him. | 17,772 |
“这孟浩……死定了!” | “Meng Hao… is definitely dead!” | 42,944 |
这八脉联盟,居拿出了十万妖群,种类繁多,让人看了后,都心动不已。 | The Eight Branch Alliance had over a hundred thousand neo-demons of all varieties. The mere sight of them was shocking. | 21,267 |
孟浩怔了一下,再次看向手中的灵石,迟疑时眼看靠山老祖身影要消失,立刻再次开口。 “老祖你……弟子的毒,要等多久?” | Meng Hao gaped in astonishment, looking back at the Spirit Stone in his hand. As he watched Patriarch Reliance disappearing into the fissure, he spoke again. “Patriarch, you… how long before you can dispel Disciple’s poison?” | 41,255 |
“你当年不是很嚣张么!” | “You used to be so arrogant, didn’t you?!” | 38,464 |
“不是五行之火!” 孟浩双眼一闪,立刻就看出了端倪,五行之火,天地规则之一,如那五色宗的女子,她所展开的火焰,蕴含了规则,可眼前这个炎魔骸的陈浩,他所展开的火,没有规则,而是存在了某种意志! | “This is not the fire of the five elements!” Meng Hao thought, his eyes glittering. The fire of the five elements was a natural law of Heaven and Earth. In fact, the fire wielded by the young woman from the Five Colors Sect had contained that natural law. However, the flames unleashed by Chen Hao from the Bones of the Flamedevil had no natural law, but instead, a strange will! | 45,717 |
鹦鹉怒吼。 白色主宰内心焦急,他也是今天才知道这鹦鹉居然有这个缺点,焦急时猛然看到孟浩,立刻目中露出怒意,正要训斥时,孟浩白色主宰的目光,内心冷哼。 | The white-colored overseer was getting extremely nervous. This was the first time it had heard of the parrot having such a weakness. It looked over angrily at Meng Hao, and was about to rebuke him, when Meng Hao saw the look in his eye, rolled his eyes and then snorted coldly. | 36,449 |
“十五万!” | “One-hundred fifty thousand!” | 937 |
孟浩脑海猛地一震,眼前所看到的一切,渐渐模糊,当再次清晰是,他在舟船上,老者拿着酒杯,正微笑的看着自己,那小女孩双手拄着下巴,一样微笑。 | “I, Yuwen Jian, am an Echelon cultivator. Even if I can only live for a hundred years after stepping into the Dao, I have to live up to my place in the Echelon!” Yuwen Jian’s eyes shone brightly, and his pupils seemed to flicker with flames. Chapter 1326: Entering the Vale of the Godgrave! Chapter 1326: Entering the Vale of the Godgrave! | 384 |
只是南域,孟浩心知短时间不可回去。 | Unfortunately, Meng Hao couldn’t go back to the Southern Domain for now. | 15,152 |
冲出火山口! | Chapter 135: Breaching the Volcano | 2,251 |
“晚辈知错,前辈饶命。” | “Senior, I was in the wrong, please spare me,” said the other Foundation Establishment Cultivator, also plopping to the ground and kowtowing. | 11,972 |
尤其,这是孟浩在第七命下展开的七婴图腾,威力之强,轰天撼地。 | That was especially so now that he was in the Seventh Anima. His power was thoroughly shocking in all respects. | 25,028 |
有其对他们来说,香火之力,有相克之效,因为他们本身的修为,也是借助自身部落的图腾而来,正因这种相克,才使得孟浩一人,凭借香火与血仙神通,再加上自身的全部修为,撼动他们十人。 | Furthermore, the power of Joss Flame was incongruous with their own Cultivation base power, which came from the totems of their Tribe. This, combined with Meng Hao’s Blood Immortal divine abilities, allowed him to thoroughly shake these ten Nascent Soul Cultivators. | 18,882 |
凭着此阵的神通,吴老在天从部落内,声名赫赫,整个墨土,也都是斩灵下。 数一数二的强者,否则的话,呼延老祖,也不会将独子,交给他来保护。 | By relying on the power of this spell formation’s divine ability, Sir Wu had earned a high reputation in the Heavenly Pursuit Tribe. Throughout all the Black Lands, he was ranked as one of the most powerful experts under the Spirit Severing stage. Were that not the case, Patriarch Huyan would not have assigned him the job of protecting his only son. | 23,671 |
“第六命!” | “Sixth Anima!” | 28,243 |
三环很大,如今在这三环内,有不少天河海的修士,三五成群,在不同的区域,正在猎杀海妖,能否遇到,要看运气,尤其是一些强悍的海妖,对修士来说,一旦遇到,就是灾难。 | The Third Ring was very large and contained a great number of Cultivators. Most organized into groups of three or perhaps five to go hunting Sea Demons in various regions of the Third Ring. To encounter a Sea Demon was a lucky break in and of itself. Of course, there were some powerful Sea Demons who could also bring incredible disaster. | 31,358 |
在她之上,比楚玉嫣还要轰动的,则是叶非目,此人惊艳绝伦,不败丹道霸道至极,炼一枚丹,开万阶山,此事南域所有关注之人,已无人不知。 | Above her, and causing even more of a stir, was of course Ye Feimu. He was stunning to the extreme, as was the potency and invincibility of his Dao of alchemy. He concocted one pill to create ten thousand stairs up the mountain. The stories spread until everyone in the Southern Domain had heard of him. | 10,556 |
当天亮的刹那,孟浩睁开了眼,他身后的巨大头颅消失,身边的一滴滴黑血消散,一切都恢复如常的瞬间,人群中,有不少人眼露奇光,看向孟浩这里。 | The instant the sky became bright, Meng Hao opened his eyes. The floating head had vanished, and the dripping blood was gone. Everything returned to its normal state. Many people in the crowd opened their eyes to look at Meng Hao. | 41,967 |
“去吧,我没事,去找你的那些朋友,一起散散心。” 柯云海微笑,挥了挥手,孟浩心神震动,沉默中离去。 | “Go,” said Ke Yunhai with a smile. “I’m fine. Go find those friends of yours and have some fun.” He waved his hand dismissively. Meng Hao’s heart trembled, and he left silently. | 25,976 |
他右手抬起衣袖一甩,直接走出了洞府。 | He flicked his right sleeve as he walked out of the Immortal’s cave. | 10,632 |
但一击之后,此兽必定形神俱灭,可这临死前的一击。 必定是惊天动地,这一点,孟浩可以清晰的感受。 | Such an attack would surely leave the beast completely dead in spirit and body. However, that final attack would surely be shocking, that much Meng Hao could tell. | 44,036 |
青剑颤抖,其上重叠之影啪啪声下顿时粉碎,一切说来话长,可实际也就是刹那,青剑的所有重叠之影全部崩溃开来,就连这把剑,也都在一震之下,上面直接出现了一道裂缝。 | The azure sword shook. One by one, the ghost images surrounding it popped and disappeared. All of this takes some time to describe, but happened in an instant. The ghost images of the swords disintegrated, and then cracks began to cover the surface of the sword itself. | 4,755 |
第596章 | ----- This chapter was sponsored by Jusaz
Chapter 596: The Oil was Exhausted and the Lamp was Dry | 27,674 |
轰鸣之声滚滚,那雾气大手毕竟是曲水宗两个凝气八层弟子联手施展开来,单单孟浩一人之力终究还是不敌,故而他才拿出了那两把如今他储物袋内,除了铜镜外最神秘的木剑。 | A boom rolled out. The giant mist hand had been created by the combined effort of two eighth-level Qi Condensation disciples from the Winding Stream Sect. Meng Hao by himself couldn’t possibly stand up to it directly. This was why he had used the second most mysterious items in his bags of holding, the wooden swords. The first most mysterious item was, of course, the copper mirror. | 28,581 |
对于王家第十祖,孟浩早已打探到了消息,知晓王家第十祖,癫狂覆灭了王家,而后发疯,可如今,是他第一次,在南域大地,亲眼遇到。 | Meng Hao had previously made some inquiries about the 10th Wang Clan Patriarch. He knew that the Patriarch, in his madness, had destroyed the Wang Clan, then gone completely insane. However, this was the first time he had personally encountered him in the Southern Domain. | 38,570 |
除了他们几人,还有一些天骄,也都神色不善,一个个临近。 | In addition, Ji Yin stood, Karma swirling around him as he began to stride in Meng Hao’s direction. | 41,969 |
这雷球刚一出现,立刻就被紫气斩直接斩下,相互碰触的刹那,雷球传出啪啪之声,仿佛无数闪电雷霆在咆哮,可却无法阻止……被斩开的趋势。 | The instant the lightning globe appeared, the Violet Qi Guillotine sliced into it. In that moment, popping sounds could be heard from the lightning sphere, seemingly the roar of countless bolts of lightning. However… it was incapable of preventing itself from being chopped apart. | 23,500 |
“这片,也一样要了!” 孟浩身影呼啸而过,眨眼间,这四周的百丈道湖,有一半都赫然插着孟浩的少宗旗。 | “This one also!” Meng Hao flashed back and forth. Shockingly, in the blink of an eye, more than half of the 300-meter Dao Lakes were marked with Meng Hao’s Blood Prince standard. | 35,469 |
接近着,那三个黑色的巨大的钉子,猛然间,直奔大地落下,轰的一声巨响,三个黑色的巨大钉子,在乌神部落外三个方向,同时落地,直接刺入地面。 | Next, the three enormous black spikes suddenly shot downward. A rumbling bang could be heard as they stabbed into the ground. Instantly, a black field of light sprang up between the black spikes, connecting them and completely enveloping the Golden Crow Tribe. | 24,725 |
偏偏此人修为又高深,已然到了筑基后期,似乎随时可以踏入假丹,更是为人凶残,一言不合就会出手残忍,故而凶名极盛。 | His Cultivation base was extremely high, at the late Foundation Establishment stage, in fact. It wouldn’t be long before he could step into the Nascent Core stage. He was savage and cruel, and if even one word was spoken to him in the wrong way, he would attack with vicious cruelty. He really had earned a fearful reputation. | 4,059 |
任何一个家族与宗门,都有传承下来的道蕴,对于三大宗门而言,他们的道蕴,是曾经的宗门内,冲击元婴失败,但却在假婴状态以沉睡来延缓死亡的老祖,也唯有他们,才可以去镇压这一次的浩劫引起的恐慌。 | Every Clan and Sect had Dao Reserves, which would be passed down from generation to generation. For the three great Sects, their Dao Reserves would generally consist of a Sect Patriarch who had failed in reaching the Nascent Soul stage, but postponed death by resting in suspended animation in a Pseudo Nascent Soul condition. Only they would be able to suppress the panic that would arise because of the impending catastrophe. | 44,438 |
丁信眼中露出血丝,他岂能看不明白,这是孟浩在报复自己,此刻对方的目的是要生生耗费自己的修为,要让自己力竭而亡。 | Veins of blood filled Ding Xin’s eyes. Could he not see that Meng Hao was exacting his revenge, intending to drain his Cultivation base and push him to complete exhaustion? | 31,106 |
可如今,却成为了亲手送给孟浩的一场造化,若上官修能知后事,绝不会来招惹孟浩,使得五十年准备付之东流。 | In the end, he had delivered all his fortunes directly into Meng Hao’s hands. If Shangguan Xiu had known this would happen, he never would have caused problems for Meng Hao. But he had, and his fifty years of preparations were irrevocably lost. | 37,174 |
“如果这一切,可以成为真实呢……如同在历史的长河中,加入这么一段真实的改变。” | “What if all of this could be made real…? | 26,158 |
或许运气好,三五次后传送之力会消失,若运气不好……则会循环下去,直至死亡。 | For the lucky ones, the power of the teleportation traps might dissipate after three or four activations. The unlucky ones… ended up being stuck in the cycle until they died. | 35,281 |
时间慢慢流逝,几个时辰后,孟浩双眼蓦然睁开,在他的目中瞳孔内,有一抹淡淡的紫意出现,这紫光被楚玉嫣看在眼里,立刻精神一振。 | Time passed by, several hours. Meng Hao's eyes snapped open. Within his pupils, a bit of violet had appeared. When she saw this, Chu Yuyan felt a little bit better. | 1,171 |
孟浩话语一出,那只巨大的蝙蝠双眼猛地闪动,竟露出睿智之芒,身子一瞬飞出,刹那就出现在了孟浩的身边。 | As soon as Meng Hao spoke to the bat, the gigantic creature’s eyes flashed with a glow of intelligence. Suddenly, its body shot into the air and it flew to stand next to Meng Hao. | 16,537 |
雾气滔天,移动时发出了轰鸣,更有大地震动,使得尘土飞扬,一股庞大的威压,更是扩散开来,使得半空中的数百修士,再次急急退后。 | The fog billowed up high into the sky, and as it moved along, it emitted a thunderous rumbling sound that shook the ground. Dust flew into the air, and an immense pressure emanated out. The Cultivators who were following along in mid-air retreated further away in fear. | 13,470 |
二人面色大变,正要闪躲,以他们的修为,就算如今危机,可也一样能闪躲出去,可偏偏就在这个时候,孟浩眼中露出狠辣之意。 | The faces of the two men instantly fell, and they immediately wanted to flee. They were in a dangerous situation, but considering the level of their cultivation base, it wasn’t impossible to dodge aside. However, it was at this moment that Meng Hao’s eyes flickered with a vicious gleam. | 46,980 |
除此,孟浩在这半年里,也多次尝试从靠山老祖那里得到的宝物,比如那雷旗,在他的炼化之下,施展出来效果超出半年前,一旦散开化作雾气笼罩十丈范围,若有人兽靠近,立刻就有雷霆轰出,威力竟堪比筑基,成了他这半年来,每次休息是必散开防护之宝。 | As of this moment, he truly was the most powerful expert in the Mountain and Sea Realm. Meng Hao took a deep breath as he released the dimension from the grips of the Hexing magic. To seal an entire world in this way was not something he could sustain for more than a few breaths of time. Even still, it was something completely Heaven-defying. | 467 |
孟浩双目一闪,沉吟中看向四周,猛的散开神识。 | Meng Hao’s eyes flickered as he surveyed his surroundings, and he muttered to himself for a moment before sending his divine sense out. | 36,499 |
孟浩双目一闪,传出心神,此刻城池大范围的坍塌,一股强大的吸力从下方蓦然传出,凄厉的惨叫在四周回旋,孟浩不用去看,就可以感受到,此刻的城池,正飞快的坠向下方的天坑。 | “What good fortune is it that you plan to give me, senior?” transmitted Meng Hao, his eyes glittering. An intense power suddenly spread up from below. At the same time, miserable cries filled the air. Meng Hao didn’t need to look down; he knew that the city was rapidly sinking down into the Heavenly Pit. | 14,869 |
“还有我这里,也算一处战局,对方杀机一起,应是可起决定性的作用才对,这么看来……”孟浩想到这里,忽然面色蓦然一变,他毫不迟疑的身子急速后退,双手快速掐诀间,身体外层层防护瞬间开启。 | “Then there’s me. I count as one of the major parts of the battle. However, if they wanted to kill me specifically, they would do so with decisiveness. If you look at it that way….” Meng Hao’s face suddenly flickered. Without hesitation, he shot backward, both hands flickering an incantation. Flickering protective shields immediately appeared around him. | 18,482 |
! 孟浩每次想到,都觉得自己的心口仿佛被刺入了一把剑,他原本当年拜入靠山宗,就是觉得给仙人打工可以发财,直至一路或是身不由己,或是随波逐流,到了如今的程度,可骨子里对于当年的理想,还是存在了相当程度的执着。 | Every time he thought of the matter, it felt like a sword was stabbing into his heart. Long ago when he had joined the Reliance Sect, he had thought that he would be able to get rich by working for Immortals. This entire time, he had drifted along, pushed along by the current, until he reached this point. However, he still retained that stubborn desire deep in his bones. | 7,358 |
四月的季节,说不出冷,也自然没有难熬的热,轻微的风抚过大地,掠过了北漠羌笛,吹过了东土大唐,掀起一些尘土如雾,在黄昏的夕阳下,转了个弯儿,卷在南域边缘赵国的大青山,落在了此刻于这青山顶端,坐在那里的一个文生少年身上。 | This April was neither extremely cold, nor scorching hot. Light winds caressed the land, passing the Qiang Di flutes of the Northern Reaches, blowing over the lands of the Great Tang. Under the twilight sky, it lifted the fog-like dust, then swirling, twisting, reached Mount Daqing in the State of Zhao. Then it fell onto a young man who sat there on the mountaintop. | 3 |
“不……不战了,晚辈之前是在说笑,老祖……前辈……莫要介意……”天机上人面色苍白,连忙开口,在靠山老祖那庞大的头颅双眼凝望中,声音都颤抖。 | “Well, shall we fight?” The words echoed out Patriarch Reliance, each one of them rumbling like thunder. The thunderous booming caused Lord Revelation to be hurled backward several thousand meters. Blood showered from his mouth. The bell seemed completely ordinary now; it was covered with vast amounts of cracks and fractures. “No… there’s no need to fight,” said Lord Revelation hastily, his face pale. “Just now, I of the junior generation was simply joking. Patriarch… Sir… please don’t take offense….” Patriarch Reliance’s two enormous eyes stared directly at him, and he trembled. | 47,562 |
孟浩喃喃,喘着粗气,试图打开储物袋,可最终却怎么也都无法打开,他暗叹一声,看向四周。 | Things were bad enough as it was, but then Meng Hao noticed that some of the bones were human... | 1,074 |
孟浩笑容更为灿烂,他发现这个战车,的确是件至宝,自己只要进来了,哪怕不催发仙气,此刻也能有这种防护之力。 | Meng Hao’s smile turned wide and splendid. As of now, he realized that the war chariot truly was a precious treasure. As long as he was inside it, it would activate defense powers even if he didn’t imbue it with Immortal Qi. | 32,036 |
“该死的,你太卑鄙!” | “Dammit, you’re too despicable!” | 5,418 |
右手抬起猛地一拍储物袋,顿时剑光刹那而去,竟又出现了二十多把飞剑,成为了第二波,呼啸而去,剑雨前后,近四十把飞剑! | He slapped his bag of holding, and suddenly more sword auras appeared, another twenty, forming a second wave that whistled forward. This was a sword rain that contained nearly forty flying swords in total! | 10,824 |
此刻,第三步落下,他的婴儿之身瞬间枯萎,竟变成了一颗三色环绕的结丹,速度再快三倍,已然涌入此地出口的漩涡中。 | If it were possible to view the scene from high above, it would appear as if all of the fog in the world had transformed into a vortex, breaking the silence and causing rumbling sounds to echo out in all directions. | 185 |
这种共鸣,形成这斩灵第一刀,斩去的将不是孟浩的生命,也不是孟浩的世界,而是在孟浩体内……与他的道,不符合的瑕疵! | The resonance formed the first blade of Spirit Severing, a blade that would sever, not Meng Hao’s life or existence, but rather… any flaws within him that did not conform to his Dao! | 32,873 |
片刻后,毒蛛一脉又有一个元婴修士,凄厉死亡,而这些逃遁的毒蛛一脉族人,也在孟浩的妖群与五部族人的厮杀中,只剩下了数百。 | Suddenly, another of the Spider Branch’s Nascent Soul Cultivators died. Hundreds of other Cultivators were being slaughtered by Meng Hao’s neo-demons and the other Five Tribes Cultivators. They were like an avalanche, completely unstoppable! | 18,748 |
寒雪暴坐在了孟浩的身前,凝神望着孟浩,苍老的脸上,此刻露出和蔼的微笑。 “能将我族的传承,六代全部吸收之人,放眼南天,或许在结丹境界里,你是唯一的一个。” | “You did a good job,” said Hanxue Bao, sitting down in front of Meng Hao. An affable smile covered his face. “I think perhaps there is only one person on South Heaven in the entire Core Formation stage that could possibly accept all six legacies of our Clan. Obviously, that person is you.” | 15,137 |
此刻孟浩余光看向后方人群内的许清,许清此刻皱着眉头,她身边那样子妖艳的女子,似还在讥讽着什么。 | Out of the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of Xu Qing within the large group of Cultivators. Her brow was furrowed as the coquettish woman next to her ridiculed her. | 2,917 |
所有修士几乎无人不知,都清楚孟浩将紫运宗弟子坑的极惨。 | Everyone knew that Meng Hao had mercilessly cheated the Violet Fate Sect. | 32,440 |
这一幕,就如同獠牙,被直接掰断! | This was what it meant to break the fangs! | 17,447 |
柯九思望着真灵夜,缓缓开口,话语间,一股滔天的气势,冲天而起,这气势立刻让天地色变,竟隐隐的,似能与真灵夜对抗。 | “You may not harm him,” said Ke Jiusi calmly, staring up at true spirit Night, his voice filled with an incredible power. The energy caused Heaven and Earth to flicker with different colors, as if it was capable of fighting back against true spirit Night. | 29,265 |
与此同时,在四周的山峰上,有不少神识收回,很多人都有了轻蔑之意。 | At the same time, quite a few streams of divine sense from the surrounding mountain peaks were retracted by their owners, not a few of which were filled with disdain. | 34,669 |
紧接着,孟浩取出了第三枚、第四枚直至第五枚丹药,分别成为碎末后,各自飘散,化作了三种不同的剧毒,与之前的毒火与腐蚀融合后,成为了五色剧毒,落向大地。 | Next, Meng Hao produced a third pill, then a fourth and a fifth. He crushed them all into powder and sent them floating down, three deadly poisons that merged with the Flame Sea to become a five-colored hyper toxic poison. | 13,576 |
不敢靠近,就算是二毛等狼,也是如此,哪怕是五阶的雷霆青狼。 还有那条大蛇,也是缓缓退后,神色露出警惕与敬畏。 | The other neo-demons surrounding Big Hairy backed away from him, trembling, not daring to be near him. Even Hairy #2 and the other Greenwood Wolves did so. As for the level 5 Lightning Greenwood Wolf and the python, they also slowly backed up, their expressions filled with vigilance and reverence. | 16,560 |
!” 乌炎部的族人,再也忍受不住,大声开口,他声音一出,立刻四周之人猛的目光向他看来,此地都是乌达部落族人,一个个目光立刻不善。 | “Too brazen!!” cried the Crow Flame Tribe member, unable to restrain himself. His words caused the onlookers to all suddenly look at him. Everyone else present was from the Crow Scout Tribe, and they didn’t look happy. | 15,910 |
眼巴巴的看着灰鹰飞出,靠山老祖心痛的不得了。 连连跺足。 | Patriarch Reliance watched anxiously as the gray eagle left. He felt distressed, and couldn’t stop from stamping his feet back and forth in nervousness. | 30,596 |
! 二十一座石碑,此法日后必定名震九山!” | “I bet all of the Three Great Daoist Societies are in shock!! Twenty-one stone steles! This Fang Mu is definitely going to be famous in the Ninth Mountain and Sea!” | 44,685 |
“告诉老夫,你姓什么。” 中年男子大袖一甩,冷声喝道。 | “Tell me, what is your family name?” said the middle-aged man with a flick of his sleeve. | 13,002 |
刚要后退,孟浩右手摘星狠狠一抓。 | At the same moment in which she began to retreat, Meng Hao’s right hand extended in the Star Plucking Magic. | 42,877 |
靠山老祖做完这些,脑袋一歪,直接倒地昏迷,意识更是陷入假死,唯独那精血内蕴含了一丝神识。 | Having accomplished this, Patriarch Reliance’s head tilted to the side and he slipped into unconsciousness. He almost seemed dead, as if only the refined blood contained his awareness. | 17,289 |
那是五色的光,此光蓦然出现后,直接覆盖了五大部落所有区域,更是从这五色的光中,飞出了一只黑色的乌鸦。 | It was a five-colored beam that spread out to cover over all five Tribes. From within the light emerged a black crow. | 16,073 |
正要说话时,寒雪暴摇了摇头,阻断了孟浩的话语,认真的望着孟浩,缓缓开口。 “加入我寒雪家族,老夫做主,将雪姗许给你作为道侣。” | He was about to speak when Hanxue Bao shook his head, cutting him off. Gazing at Meng Hao sincerely, he said, “If you join our Frigid Snow Clan, under my authority, you will be given Hanxue Shan as your beloved.” | 15,139 |
从这雾气内猛烈的传出,下方天河海咆哮,南域边缘大地震动,似这二人的出手。 任何一个,都具备撼动天地之力。 | It was impossible to see them now. Only explosion after explosion could be heard, echoing out from within the mist. Beneath them, the Milky Way Sea seethed. The border lands of the Southern Domain quaked. Each and every attack made by either man contained enough power to shake the Heavens and rock the Earth. | 11,286 |
要有自己的道,不要沉迷在杀戮之中,又或者,要有自己的心,有自己的原则。” 陈凡大有深意的开口,望着孟浩。 | “Don’t let your Dao be overwhelmed by killing. You need to listen to your heart, and follow your principles.” Chen Fan looked Meng Hao over. “You know, you seem to have a fairly strong killing aura.” | 4,599 |
外界山峰上的众人,渐渐安静下来,定气凝神,看向前方道路上的八副画面里,因为他们已然看出,这第三区域的试炼,已到了最关键的时刻,即将出现通过之人。 | Slowly, everyone on the mountaintop grew quiet, settling their Qi and calming their minds. They looked at the paths on the eight screens in front of them; they could clearly see that the moment of truth had arrived in the third region test. Any moment now, people would begin to pass onto the next region. | 9,946 |
!” “我这把扇子。 | “Look at this fan! What the hell! It’s broken! It might be a Core Formation magical item, but… you charged me 50,000 for this piece of crap!? Why don’t you just outright rob me!” | 28,747 |
“我知道你为什么被称为极厌了。” 孟浩话语一出,皮冻立刻精神抖索。 | “Now I know why people call you Ultimate Vexation,” he said. Immediately, the meat jelly began to tremble with excitement. | 4,382 |
呼声从道湖外传入道湖内,让那些小宗门以及中型宗门,都一个个紧张起来,尤其是这些宗门的女弟子,更是听到李富贵这个名字后,花容色变。 | Cries of alarm began to ring out from the interior region of the Dao Lakes as the small-scale and even mid-scale sects began to grow anxious. That was especially true of the female disciples, whose countenances flushed with trepidation at the mention of the name Li Fugui. | 35,222 |
“作用与灵石没什么区别……”孟浩皱起眉头,他本以为,这些妖心尽管堪比灵石,但在实际的用处上,应该是有其特殊之处。 | “They’re no different than Spirit Stones…” he thought with a frown. Originally, he had assumed that although the Demon hearts seemed very similar to Spirit Stones, they must have some other unique function. | 31,609 |
他的袖口上绣着丹炉印记,一身简单的长袍,一头白发,目光温和,看向四周时。 沧桑的脸上露出了微笑。 | The sleeves of his simple robe were embroidered with images of pill furnaces. His hair was white, and his gaze soft as he looked around at everyone. A smile appeared on his archaic face. | 9,554 |
“前方那个,应该就是血面老祖,传说此人心狠手辣,并非修士,而是异妖所化,更是乌神部落的图腾圣祖!” | “That guy in the front must be Eccentric Bloodface. According to the legends, he’s vicious and merciless. He’s not even a Cultivator! He was incarnated from a neo-demon, the totemic Sacred Ancient of the Crow Divinity Tribe!” | 22,034 |
孟浩干瘪的双唇微吐,传出了一个惊雷般的声音,这声音刚开始还是微弱,可传出后却是疯狂攀升,直至出了洞府,如同惊雷,落入那两个正在斗法的修士耳中时,已然超越了天地之雷,成为了他们的世界里,此刻唯一存在,堪比天威的唯一巨响。 | Meng Hao’s shrivelled lips suddenly opened. When he began to speak, the sound was a bit weak, but it instantly rose to frenzied heights, a shocking roar which filled the world outside the Immortal’s cave. It slammed into the ears of the two Cultivators louder than thunder. It turned into their whole world, engulfing them, as if it were the only sound in the world. “SCREW OFF!” | 8,777 |
“不知我此生可有成为筑基修士的一天。” 孟浩在靠山宗经历了很多事情,内心早已存在了一颗想要成为强者的心,如今低下头,但目中的坚定与执着,却是更为强烈。 | “I wonder if the day will ever come in which I have a chance to be a Foundation Establishment Cultivator.” After all the things he had experienced in the Reliance Sect, his heart was filled with the desire to become powerful. Right now, his head was lowered, but his eyes were filled with determination and stubborness. His resolve was even stronger than ever. | 22,329 |
在孟浩的体内,充斥着大量的毁灭之力。 他没有死在半空,就已算是大气运,若给雷鼎逆天,孟浩必死无疑! | Immense amounts of destructive force had battered Meng Hao. The fact that he didn’t die in the blast was actually pure luck. Were it not for the Heaven-defying Lightning Cauldron, Meng Hao would most assuredly have been destroyed! | 39,665 |
六道更是惊喜,仰天大笑。 “孟浩,你死定了!” | Six-Daos was even happier, and he lifted his head up to laugh uproariously. “Meng Hao, you’re DEAD!” | 37,241 |
还有那些修士,也都一个个喷出鲜血,身体萎靡,心神翻滚,气血压制,修为都要崩溃。 | As for the Cultivators down below, they also coughed up blood. Their bodies grew listless, their minds reeled, the flow of their Qi and blood was suppressed, and their Cultivation bases hung on the verge of collapse. | 14,912 |
你说之前那个女子?” 孟浩神色一动,看向邱林。 | “Chu Yuyan?” asked Meng Hao, his expression flickering as he looked back at Qiu Lin. “You mean the woman back there?” | 827 |
!” 李家十九祖面色大变,疾驰后退,他身后李家众人。 | “Dammit!!” The 19th Li Clan Patriarch’s face fell, and he retreated at top speed. The other Li Clan members behind him all had similar reactions. | 35,948 |
擂台开始,随着光芒的闪耀,在这主杆的靠近顶峰的树叶上,孟浩的对手,是一个天骄! | As the battle began, glittering light spread out, and they moved closer to the top of the tree. Meng Hao’s opponent was another Chosen! | 45,642 |
许清。 冷冷清清的外表,简简单单的内心。 | This was her. Xu Qing. A cold exterior, and a simple heart. | 3,100 |
他的心,很疲惫,神色有些迷茫。 | He felt a great weariness in his heart, and his expression was somewhat blank. | 38,267 |
“她是在激我,其目的不外乎是想让我去,和不想让我去……后者可能性不大,那么她想让我踏入这血仙之地,应是让我踏入后,开启这片血仙传承,引动外界大地,好让紫运宗追查线索……”孟浩双目闪动,看了一眼楚玉嫣。 | "She was provoking me. Maybe her true goal was to get me to go in. Or perhaps it wasn’t... The chances of the latter are small. Perhaps she hopes that after entering and starting the Blood Immortal Legacy tournament, it will attract the attention of the outside world, and perhaps give the Violet Fate Sect a better chance of tracking her down." His eyes flashed as he looked over at her. | 1,415 |
而那人的身躯,无法想象。 | As for how large his body was, it was impossible to even imagine. | 41,587 |
他们清楚地明白,当这血团内所有的五毒部族人之灵都被逼出后,将代表此血,彻底不属于五毒部操控! | They knew now exactly what was happening. The spirits of the Five Poisons Tribe Cultivators were being expelled from the blood sphere. That meant that the blood was no longer under the control of the Five Poisons Clan! | 20,891 |
而那庞大的头颅,也在这第八禁的大网下,慢慢的不再浮起,而是出现了下沉的征兆,孟浩在半空,身体微微颤抖,右手指着大地,这是他成为封妖师后,第一次……真正的封妖。 | Beneath the power of the Eighth Hex’s giant net, the head slowly stopped emerging out. In fact, it began to show signs of sinking back. Meng Hao hovered in mid-air, trembling slightly, his finger still pointing down at the ground. From the time he became a Demon Sealer until now, this was his first time… truly sealing a Demon. | 29,036 |
此法,分为六个层次,每两层是一个境界,一共三个境界。 | The magic was organized into six levels, which were organized two to a stratum, meaning there were three strata in total. | 34,685 |
就在这时,轰鸣之声刹那传出,一个女子的拳头,仿佛从虚无中伸出,直接出现在了孟浩的身边,一拳打在了浓郁的紫雾上,那紫雾直接崩溃,这拳头没有丝毫停顿,落在了孟浩的两把木剑上。 | It was at this exact moment that a boom resonated out. The fist of a woman punched through the air toward him, seemingly out of nowhere. The fist smashed into the violet mist which surrounded him, causing it to collapse instantly. The fist didn’t pause, instead proceeding directly on toward Meng Hao’s swords. | 11,330 |
这红袍男子,正是天河海三宗三圣之一,阳魂道阳魂圣! | The red-robed man was none other than one of the three Saints of the Milky Way Sea, Saint Sun Soul of the Sun Soul Society! | 31,567 |
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