John McDonald “Inspired by real historical events” means in Hollywood-speak: “A grain of truth in a bed of fiction and fantasy”
Leslie Felperin Fits together nicely.
Annlee Ellingson A familiar scenario packaged in an Italian sitcom sensibility nonetheless exudes charm while touching on some of the more pressing issues of contemporary Western society.
Doris Toumarkine The material and the production itself are little more than routine.
Kat Hughes This is a film that feels like it was made a couple of drafts of the script too early. Trick entertains the viewer, at least during its opening act, but fails to engage them overall.
Edward Havens We're presented a small slice of life with a group of wasted teens, expected to consider this to be somehow artistic and asked to be sympathetic for their malaise.
Witney Seibold Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey is a humourless bloodbath that does nothing interesting with its premise.
Ken Hanke Strange, almost hallucinatory film.
Scott Weinberg May not be the flashiest or most intense thriller you'll see this month, but it does have a gloomy vibe, a quietly compelling story, and a few unexpected bits you may not see coming.
Anton Bitel Beautiful, violent -- and also funny for all the wrong reasons, and boring.
Diego Batlle A fairy tale with perverse touches and gothic elements… [Full review in Spanish]
Carla Renata You People mostly excels in unapologetically grasping differences between races and faiths.  No matter how hard as we may try to accept or understand one another, we all still have a long journey ahead.
Chris Hewitt If only the lives in Sordid Lives were sordid. Instead, the movie might better be titled Loud Lives.
Nick Rocco Scalia It's a trip.
Will Ashton Perhaps what's most impressive-or, at least, most surprising-about House of Gucci is how it's able to be at its best when it's not trying to sympathize with its real-life personalities.
Sergio F. Pinilla [An] absorbing and disturbing thriller. [Full review in Spanish]
Hannah Strong A strange hodgepodge of genres and tones, right down to a particularly off-putting mid-section montage that serves as a classic move-the-story-along device.
Joe Lozito
Marshall Fine The relationship between FDR and Daisy seems to dominate the emotional landscape of this film, rendering it mundane..when it turns its attention to the soap-operatic romance.
Jeffrey M. Anderson Survival of the Dead has its own thing going; it's brilliantly, playfully loopy.
Ron Yamauchi The movie aspires to be real, groundbreaking, and important in a way that can only recall Will Arnett's Batman in The Lego Movie, a film with more wit, fewer "it was only a dream" montages of gloom, and, truth be told, more believable special effects.
Andrew Sarris I didn't expect Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, but there's a limit to the mean-spiritedness one can endure in a character one is supposed to find delightful.
Steven Oxman Thinking about it isn't really what a Chuck Norris movie is there for, of course -- it's escapist entertainment that makes no apologizes for its bad acting, reliance on explosions and general cheesy cheeriness.
Yasser Medina A police thriller from Clouzot that, with a sharp mise-en-scene, has a gripping intrigue that keeps me glued to my seat at all times with its whodunit about suspicions, lies and murders. Full review in Spanish
Eduardo Molina Even though the story is not completely original, the director know how to build up tension, giving us a very entertaining movie. [Full review in Spanish]
Simon Miraudo Creatively, there are a couple decisions that didn't land. Overall I found it really interesting.
Sandip Roy These are the real human moments in the film. One just wishes there were a few more.
Joseph Walsh A straight-talking, partisan account about the failings of a broken system and a band of women who argued for better for their children.
Rob Aldam A chilling slice of late Medieval arcana.
Robert Roten
Jean Lowerison An episodically interesting but ultimately failed effort boasting fine performances and a good score by Spike Lee stalwart Terence Blanchard.
Jay Stone It's not a movie about a troubled woman. It's a movie about troubled filmmakers.
Frank Swietek A well-nigh perfect adaptation, which captures the spirit of Alcott's work with grace, affection and great good humor, while being both touching and a mite daring.
James Berardinelli Stripping away the live elements, one finds a movie at the heart of this all. It's a pretty bad movie, as even some of the most die-hard adherents will admit.
Chris Nashawaty There may be no honor among thieves, but Triple Frontier certainly makes watching them pretty entertaining.
Jonathan Rosenbaum [Polanski's] usual surrealism is almost completely absent.
Jeremy Jahns Captain Jack Sparrow at this point in the character's life is not the Jack Sparrow we love.
Dan Schindel There's the misapprehension that people like Ailes are in any way compelling as characters on their own, even as continual investigation finds that - shocker - rich conservative white people are rather vacant, driven mainly by hate and resentment.
Norman Wilner Theron is rock solid as a survivor searching for a way to remove the armour she's built around herself.
Danny Leigh The scares here are suggestions, as the best kind always are.
Adam Solomons Too kind to XR’s bourgeois impulses, it neglects key characters and weaves an all-too-convenient narrative.
Peter Rainer A stinker.
Donald J. Levit The film could do with more pruning and fewer undeveloped characters.
David Noh The beautiful locales of Cambodia provide a rich background for this sensitive documentary about children impressively overcoming personal tragedy through performance.
Kurt Loder Smothering close-ups, slam-bang montages and sudden, bloody assaults, all sleekly effective.
Scott Nash Some of the most powerful performances of 2003
David Nusair ...comes off as an almost prototypical example of a modern romantic comedy...
Laura DeMarco [Diane] Kruger carries the film with both pathos and fierceness.
Mike Massie Thrills - not worthwhile characters - are the priority.
David Noh A long running time, too many characters and too much whimsy and corn make this romantic romp more of a slog than a soufflé.
James Kendrick No one moment is like any others, and for some this will prove simply exhausting, while for others it will be positively exhilarating.
Steve Macfarlane Even if This is Not a Movie appears to be yet another magazine profile-style hagiography in doc form, it also uses Fisk as a litmus test for the last quarter-century's crisis of journalistic integrity.
Alejandro Turdo Grave Intentions is a fresh approach to horror anthologies that provides up and coming filmmakers an opportunity to showcase their craft in a way most feature films probably can't. And that's always something to look up for.
Peter Bradshaw The action sequences are weirdly extended and bland, like game-play action from a first-person game.
Jeff Vice Something New is nothing new. It's just the latest spin on cliched romantic comedies about struggles faced by racially mixed couples.
Rachel Wagner It's a sweet little love story.
Amy Biancolli Mafioso may be 45 years old, but it's as bracingly relevant as anything else in theaters today. Even in the heat of a dry Sicilian summer, the film looks fresh as a lemon tree. And when you bite down hard, it's just as bitter.
Allan Hunter The ingredients of an old-fashioned romantic weepie are given class and conviction by director Nicole Garcia whose elegant restraint helps to ground the more fanciful elements in some sense of reality.
Michael Phillips Gere has never been better, more alive, on screen.
James Wegg Everyone loves Ricky
Oliver Lyttelton There's a low-key, melancholy feel to the film, thanks in part to De Niro's turn, which never patronizes his character or begs for sympathy.
Todd Jorgenson Despite some charming if unlikely chemistry between its two stars, this pleasant and fluffy British romantic comedy misses an opportunity to become something bigger.
CJ Johnson A bloody good movie, a ripping yarn, a dark dystopian future sci-fi, full of action, astonishing imagery, a superb score (Ryan Amon), great performances (with one exception) and such an assured sense of style that I was continually bowled over.
Eric Lurio Pure escapist fiction and has no relation to anything, which if you think about it, and you shouldn't, is perfectly fine.
Demetrios Matheou It’s a stirring film, of a movement that the director believes “altered the soul of Chile.” But though it ends with the election of the young, left-wing president Gabriel Boris... that aim has yet to be realised.
Greg Muskewitz
Wendy Ide Inanimate dialogue and plodding pacing don't give the talented cast much to work with, and the camera is directed with all the grace of a pub brawl at closing time.
Linda Barnard It serves as a greatest-hits reel of the staggeringly gorgeous and superbly creative acts of the Canadian-born entertainment phenomenon cherry picked from seven Cirque productions.
David Ansen It's a funny/scary vision, with a manic edge -- which is why, when you come down from the high of the filmmaking, you may be left with the taste of ashes in your mouth. Altman's artistry can make you happy even when his art offers cold comfort.
Dennis Harvey Despite its shortcomings, Primer remains watchable thanks to Carruth's dense and intriguing filmmaking.
Geoff Berkshire The studio definitely wasn't sitting on a hidden gem. Wolfman is predictably gory but distressingly low on scares and style.
Michael O'Sullivan Director Ilya Naishuller has said that he originally thought a 90-minute feature using the same technique was a bad idea, based on little more than a gimmick. It turns out he was right, but that won't matter to certain audiences.
Ken Hanke Rudyard Kipling, on whose book all this is based, managed to have his name taken off the credits from beyond the grave, proving that in death he has a savvier agent than those responsible for this script.
Roger Ebert I can't recommend the movie, but I can be grateful that I saw it, for Falk.
Brian Orndorf While the story isn't completely engrossing, character charms and creative visual design remain as beguiling as ever.
Mike Massie It isn't so much about scares as it is a character study for a little person lead.
Michael Szymanski
Richard Roeper This has the feel of something that was written by committee and it's all been done before.
Matt Brunson A must for fans of films about films.
Nicholas Bell Character development and its semblance of a narrative appear to be roughly hewn afterthoughts, its most pronounced moments revolving around extremely stylized sexual congress between several different characters.
Laura Potier It should be satirical, but the film doesn't seem to be in on the joke... [Moments of vulnerability] are to be credited more to the cast's acting power than to the narrative.
Adam Woodward For those of you familiar with the trailer, you may as well stop here because you've already seen the best bits, pretty much in their entirety.
Micheal Compton As the character grows Macdonald's performance gets even more complex, and even when the story gets a little formulaic the emotional investment remains.
Tirdad Derakhshani While it has considerable charms, Hippocrates is just too predictable.
Susan Granger The non-stop gratuitous violence/explosions/crashes are so implausible that this tedious thriller resembles an arcade video game.
Jim Judy As a narrative piece it simply has too many problems. (Full Content Review for Parents - Violence, Profanity, Sex, Nudity, etc. - also Available)
David Poland I'm not saying that Captain America 2 is crap. But I don't see how anyone can claim that it is much better than a Very Special Episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Sara Michelle Fetters Night Teeth is Collateral with fangs by way of Stephenie Meyer and, surprisingly enough, I don't mean any of that as a negative.
Jeffrey Westhoff
Laura Clifford ...too visually busy to be pleasing to the eye and lacks the wit needed in the creation of a fantastical locale.
John Beifuss A shaky but interesting directorial debut...
Jane Sumner Except for Jimmy ... these are not very interesting folks and, at first, it's hard to keep them all straight or even care.
Neil Young While Gal Friday, Hazel Honeysuckle and the Schlep Sisters are unfailingly lively, articulate and sympathetic company, proceedings take on a repetitive, even monotonous air after a while.
Jorge Loser 'The Devils' is a benchmark of transgression and profane cinema, a hidden jewel of the genre. [Full Review in Spanish]
Antonia Quirke The dire script is from Peter Baynham - of Alan Partridge, Brass Eye and Jam. I can't believe he wrote it. I mean I literally can't believe he wrote it - it has executive interventions written all over it.
Scott Mendelson There is no future, there is no past. Let's hope this Terminator is the last!
Jason Fraley It's a great addition to a genre that stirs our emotions and calls us to action. ... It's also shocking, stating that for every nine executions in America, one death-row inmate has been proven innocent.
David Fear Third times are rarely charms in the movies, much less fourth go-rounds, and it takes more than ho-hum 3D and video-game-ready action sequences to liven up diminishing returns.
Gary Wolcott Did anyone suspect the underwear dancing guy in Risky Business in 1983 would end up an action hero? No. Some of us still don't think he's much of one. Jack Reacher is proof.
Laura Clifford Director Lucas Belvaux turns to another true crime story, the 1964 murder of Kitty Genovese in Queens, for a fictionalized retelling, but unlike "Rapt," which offered a unique and tantalizing point of view, "38 Witness" is a blank slate.