I couldn't stay asleep, tried Lunesta and Ambien, they had side effects I couldn't tolerate. Sleep center said I had mild apnea and said their monitors showed me sleeping but I felt like I was awake more than they said I was and was literally exhausted every day, felt like I was on the verge of "losing it," crying a lot. Was not sad/depressed--was sleep deprived. Have been taking 2 Silenor a night for 2 years: sleep like a baby, 8 hours required, wake up rested, functioning beautifully--I have my life back.
I got Skyla 2 years ago (around $2000 total for 3 years) , and want to get another one the next summer (3 years limit). The insertion of course is never fun, no surgery of any form will be - but I was well enough to enjoy movies that night with friends. My periods have gotten lighter and it's effective in preventing pregnancy. The only grief I have received from the little IUD was monthly cramps that I associate with 'my body trying to get rid of it' and sometimes it's so painful I have to curl on the floor, stay still, and sometimes whimper and cry. However, I'm a big girl and it's perhaps twice as painful as my normal menstrual cramping and I'd rather have that once a month than a child I'm not ready for.
I was given clonazepam 0.5mg as needed for panic attacks but have since been taking that dosage 2x a day for about 5 years. I don't want to go up on the dosage because I don't want to be one of those people taking 9mg a day. (but not I am saying, who cares if it gives your life back do it ) so at this point I am sure it's just the placebo effect, or not. But it saved my life so I am on this medication for life. When it gets really stressful or panicky, I take 1mg, like tonight. Panic attacks have all gone with this drug, and Prozac PS I got on this forum because I wanted to see stories of people taking it for 15 plus years, life. Thank you to those people. I feel better now.
Just began taking trazadone for fibromyalgia about 1 week ago. Some nights I sleep better, others I wake up jittery and can't fall back to sleep. Pain has subsided slightly. If others other taking for fibromyalgia, please post opinions.
I've had migraines for 30 years and was increasingly relying on Zomig - taking about 12 per month. Propranolol doesn't agree with me and was very sceptical about trying amitriptyline but it has been miraculous. I used to wake every morning with a headache at about 4am often developing into full blown migraines. Now I sleep like a baby and have been virtually headache free. I hope that it continues to work as bad migraines are so debilitating and were ruining my life. I've had no real side effects apart from felling a bit sleepy in the morning but that soon wears off.
I got the implant in January 2015, & removed late January 2016.. Before getting the implant, I was very much into fitness. I had energy and was always active. When I got the implant, my trainer noticed my lack of energy. Fast forward about 3 months.. I was so exhausted & fatigued I didn't want to do anything but sleep. I was at a plateau with my weight loss & started getting depressed.. THEN I found out I needed surgery to remove an ovarian cyst. Throughout the year I gained nearly 50 lbs, was fatigued, and the last 6 months had horrible, HEAVY, periods.. I already feel better since having it removed.
I started taking this on December 27th. Took it for almost 2 weeks. Woke up first night with shakes and nausea and they got worse from there. Have been off of it for about 4 weeks and still having trouble with shakes, nausea and muscle cramps in my feet and legs. Doctor has given me anxiety medicine lorazepam and it helps but don't like being dependent on it. My OB doctor has put me on estrogen on top of that. Don't know what to do to get back to normal.
I have started using this product along with Retin-A for my mild acne and started seeing results literally after one use. I have suffered with since the age of 10 (very early). It's always been pretty mild and has come and gone depending on the birth control I've used. I'm 28 now and the past few years my skin has been worsening. I am off birth control now. These two products have helped clear all the little bumps on my forehead and shoulders. My skin tone is evening out and I am having much fewer new pimples emerging. New and old acne are clearing much more quickly than before. So far, I'm very pleased with this combination. My skin has been a little dry, red, and peeling, but I have combated that with avocado oil used as a moisturizer.
First time I got a panic attack was about 4 years ago, needless to say it was horrifying, took my about three months from one doctor to another to check heart condition, nerves, etc... after my maybe 10th visit to the ER (not knowing it's a panic attack) doctor suggested I should I should visit a psychiatric, who prescribed Escitalopram and Lorazepam, it took me a while before the drugs started acting up but fast forward one year later i'm feeling better. after than I relapsed and the same medication didn't work, so my doctor suggested to start taking Sertraline, it took me a couple of weeks before even remotely started to feel slightly better, side effects were horrible, but in 2 months I was back to my normal self. so, be strong, and wait
I was on the depo for a little under a year. The main reason I stopped taking it was because of the weight gain. Either way, while being on the shot, my period stopped completely, which is the main reason I chose it. I just recently switched to the pill and have been bleeding during sex, which is concerning, but never happened when I was on the shot. In all, when I was on the shot I probably gained a total of 10-15 pounds, which I can't fully blame the shot for. Other than that, I did not have any issues with any other side effects while I was using this form of birth control.
I've been on this med for 2 weeks so far and will be continuing for about a month ...I have some bacterial acne since the birth of my second child :( and I couldn't handle it anymore !!) I feel so bad for all the people with bad experiences but I have to say I've had none...and I take the full dose twice a day I have had a wee headache a few times but nothing an advil didn't cure, so I guess use at your own risk? But working great for me personally
I suffered with a pretty severe anxiety, stress and depression. Took Paxil 4 days ago and honestly I feel great. It already started working. Lot of it could be in my head but trust me all my symptoms disappeared. Side effects: from day one I had a light headache, day two -a little harder headache, day three unbearable headache, day four(now) no headache, feeling perfectly fine, great mood, even though its raining and dark outside. GREAT medicine. Also its worth to add, it worked the same wonders for me about 8 years ago when I had it for the last time. I was on Paxil for 6 months and it healed me. I had 7 years of great life and suddenly 6-7 months ago this thing attacked me again. Paxil works again, same way.
I have been taking Zoloft for 1 year 4 months and at the back of my mind I have this niggling voice that tells me I cannot be on this medicine forever. Zoloft changed my life, saved me my marriage and kids and gave me back my life and laughter. If it was not for Zoloft I would have jumped off a bridge by now! Why I rated it 9/10 is because I have gained 9 pounds since I have been on it and the pounds are just refusing to fall off. Very increased appetite due to being sane and happy, hanging out, having good and bad food and having my glass of wine! Rather be fat and happy then thin and miserable.
I am 20 years old and have had relatively clear skin my whole life. Just over a month ago I had a horrific breakout, the likes of which i'd never seen! Before, I'd stress out over one little spot on my chin whereas now my whole face was riddled with them. I was prescribed Yasmin and just wanted to say - it's not a quick fix! I've been on it almost a month now and I'd say my acne has gotten twice as bad - the spots are mostly comedonal acne and my uneven face and complexion make me extremely self conscious. Following reading the other good reviews, I'm looking forward to the good skin to come, but just needed to say that it's certainly not here yet! Hoping Yasmin follows the rule that "sometimes things get worse before they get better"!
My doctor looked in my ear and nose and saw that they were severe blocked, as well as infected with bacteria. He explained to me that I probably have drainage into the eustachian tube and that has got dirty. So he prescribed me 500mg Ceftin, as well as Allegra-D and Flonase, all to be taken for 15 days. I take Ceftin twice daily morning and night with food. I take Allegra-D and Flonase in the morning before I leave for work. I don't know how the Ceftin works, but I was still plugged up for a good 5 days until it felt like it may be finally kicked in. But is it? It could just be the regular Allegra-D and Flonase? But I guess if this Ceftin is good for many other stuff, it'll be good for all the other bacteria type stuff so I'm happy.
I started the Dymista to fight allergies and the next two days I was dragging and begging to fall asleep. I thought "I must be fighting a cold!" Nope. Just looked it up and read the reviews. The biggest side effect is drowsiness. Ugh. So annoyed that I just used, then thought to look it up. Thanksgiving is at my house tomorrow and I'll be nodding off for my family. I also have very limited taste and smell.
I took this medicine for about two weeks for high blood pressure. I took the dose of 10 mg at night. Halfway through the night (about 2-3 a.m.) I would wake up with an extremely dry mouth and lips. After three days, I took the medicine in the morning. However, the extremely dry mouth, swollen tongue and lips and the feeling that my throat was closing drove me to the doctor who immediately gave me Benadryl and told me to stop this medicine for one week. I am now in that one-week waiting period and will try another blood pressure medicine (Cozaar). However, please note that the side effects were cumulatiive--I did not recognize them immediately.
I have a very bad post nasal drip. I just started Fluticasone yesterday and I am feeling so much better already!! Its really a very good product.
Taken all types of anti depressants. None worked until a friend mentioned Wellbutrin. Started off on 150mg SR generic brand. Anxiety increased, smoking decreased, sex drive moderate, no change in weight or additional side effects. After two yes doctor finally prescribed 24 hr Wellburtin. Taking name brand. Day 2 & WOWWWWW. Im feeling fabulous. I have Valium in case for emergency anxiety attacks. But I honestly believe this is a winner
In my particular case, famotidine does not seem to relieve my symptoms on a consistent basis.
2 weeks into lisinopril. ED had just started, dizzy, BP only a bit lower.
I've been on birth control for 7 years. Every couple of years I end up having to change it because even though it worked for a year I start bleeding all the time. I started taking sronyx about 2 months ago and I've opted to just stop all together while my husband is deployed. Since taking this I have been bleeding, my boobs hurt so bad even wearing a bra hurts, and I'm so nauseous I feel like I'm constantly running to the bathroom. I also have very bad acid reflux and heart burn which I haven't had in about 4 years. And after reading some of the other reviews realized how moody I've been. Not to my husband thank god but to everyone else. I have also noticed I want bad food all the time. I don't recommend.
I was on this pill for almost two years. It does work as far as not getting pregnant however my experience at first was it didn't make a huge difference then 6 or 7 months into it my sex drive went down, along with being very very dry, my moodiness increased drastically. I would cry one second and then get angry with my husband over anything and everything. My skin has gotten a lot worse, I broke out in places I never had in the last week. So now I am on Yaz.
I started using Ortho Tri-Cyclen about 3 years ago, which I had no problems with. However, 3 months ago I switched to Trinessa because it's much cheaper. The first few days I definitely felt on edge and "out of sorts," but I assume it was just my body adjusting to the medication since I felt better after that. I have actually experienced less mood swings than when on OTC, however I have noticed more bloating (no weight gain) and some new bumps on my face. I have never had a problem with acne, but I seemed to develop these tiny bumps as soon as I started Trinessa. Overall, the very minimal side effects that I have experienced are far outweighed by the benefits of a cheap and effective birth control. I guess everyone's body is different.
I have obsessive compulsive disorder that seems to be increasing under the influence of Zoloft. If I miss a dose I have a really bad day, so I try not to. The Zoloft has helped my depression significantly though, so that is some relief. It is not the right medicine for me.
I have been using fentanyl on and off for about 4 years. I had spinal fusion done on L2-L5 also out of the 8 screws in my back the doctors left one of the screws with the sharp point on it so it jabs into my back muscle. I have tried every pain medicine on the market and have to say fentanyl works the best. I no longer wake up from pain. It is in my opinion the best pain medication available on the market. I used to have to get it off the streets because no doctor believed I was in pain (I am in my 30's) now I finally found a doctor who prescribes it to me, God bless him for it. I'm using 50mcg every 48 hrs. I still get a little pain after any activity that stresses my back so might ask to try 75mcg but I am glad I have these patches.
I finally had the guts to mention my depression to my doctor, Thank God! I was depressed for years and was at the point of uncontrollable crying, missing work because of it. This was not the wife and mother I wanted to be so I finally asked for help. It has changed my life. No more depression and many things that used to cause me stress bother me much less or not at all. Not many side effects except fatigue, appetite loss, and a spacey feeling that only lasted a few days. Please don't wait to ask for help. I wish I had done this long ago.
Used along with Prozac (Fluoxetine) helped Anorexia Nervosa symptoms.
Just got my paragard put in this morning, couldn't sleep the night before and was so nervous the morning of. Honestly so easy and quick. My doctors gave me a pill to insert in the vagina the night before I guess to soften cervix. And took a Ativan and hydrocodone an hour before my insertion. Definitely helped, only experienced a few cramps and it was done within minutes. I seemed to have high blood pressure which is why they recommended this IUD because it contains no hormones. So far I love it. I'm 31 now and it lasts 10 years. Definitely a great choice
It took me a year to be diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia - and I had to go to a doctor in Vienna for this, because the doctors in Romania misdiagnosed me - but Topamax is the medicine that really saved my life. Literally! Because I was contemplating suicide, the pain was that bad and nothing else was working for me. I have lost a little weight in the first couple of months and I also have some trouble finding common words while speaking, but otherwise I did not experience any other side effects so far. My cholesterol level is now increasing - I am wondering if anyone is experiencing that as a possible side effect.
This pill HAS worked for me very well very satisfied ! Been on it for 8 months controlled acne ( on my back) periods are normal. Cramping hmmm they hurt a lot worse though only that
Slight pain reduction. But really not worth noting. It's the colcrys that really nips it in the bud when I feel an attack coming on. I've tried the aleeve a couple times when I didn't have the other media on hand. Just didn't seem to do much. Same for any other Naproxin sodium product.
I've been on 100mg Lamotrigine for 9 years now. I started it after a major depressive episode. No side effects that I can tell, which is a huge boon compared to SSRIs (weight gain, feeling hungry all the time, and no libido) and Welbutrin made me feel like I was on speed. It is a mood stabilizer, not so much an AD. I went from having anxious and depressed episodes every few weeks to having them rarely. After a few years I tried upping my dosage to 200mg, but I felt too 'flat' emotionally and went back to 100. I still feel some depression, but the cycling is greatly reduced. Really a miracle drug for me. I recommend titrating up (and down) very slowly, to avoid getting the rash. It takes a while , but it was so worth it for me.
I had my Mirena inserted September 2011, background info: Im in my twenties and have 1 partner and i have not had any children. My doctor wanted me to try the nuvaring first but I said i'd like the mirena for ease of use. The insertion was uncomfortable, and i had some cramping that day but nothing you cant handle! :) Overall, I like the Mirena. I have spotting off and on, but I only need a panty liner when it happens. No acne or weight gain, I do have a decrease in libido and i find that if i have an orgasm it is painful as I get cramps after (maybe that increase my decrease desire? due to expectant pain...). I'll be keeping in the mirena for another year to make it to the 5 year point, but Ill be removing it then.
I got it inserted on 10/12/14. The pain of having it inserted was horrible. The reason I went the Mirena route was because I used to take the pill and then the NuvaRing ( I either got sick or gained 45lbs), after I didn't use anything at all. I got very serious with my, now, fiancé and decided that this would be a good option for BC. I got an appt with my OBGYN and discussed it. She spoke highly of it. Initially I had little pain... fast forward 1.5 years and I have almost every side effect out there. weight gain, depression, back pain, abdominal pain, skin issues, tired, bloating, mood swings etc. I just don't feel like myself anymore. I am getting it removed 2/17/17. I am DONE! LADIES... DONT DO IT! Hopefully I am able to have children.....
I have been using this for about three or four months , I haven't had any major mood swings or major acne breakouts but I have been experiencing abnormally painful cramps and an extremely heavy flow. A super to super plus tampon will only last me maybe one hour.
Currently taking 300mg nocte and still can't sleep! Very jealous of reviewers taking 12mg etc and sleeping! Ho hum guess it can't work for everyone :-(
The only medicine that keeps my migraines manageable. I take it along with Topiramate and a beta blocker, atenolol as well as the when required medicines for when one strikes (Naprelan, and either Frova or Axert or Sumavel injection).
This is a quick and effective laxative to relieve constipation however alternatives should be considered first. Magnesium syrup is always a good try, senna, speak to your pharmacist about the best things to take they are always helpful. I only take 1 tablet and it takes effect within a few hours, server cramping, nausea, sweating, diarrhoea,have felt like I may pass out, but these effects only last about an hour for myself. Therefore I think this should be kept for a last result!
I have had the mirena in since April 2015 and been in pain since it was put in and worse for the last 4 months. Finally got around to having an ultrasound only to find out it has broken and now penetrated the linning of my uterus. There is a 2 week wait at the hospital and thats just for the referral to be looked at. Also because of the irregular periods i now have polycystic ovaries. All of this will effect how i raise my son for the next few months as he has quadriplegic cerebral palsy so lifting him and attending to him daily will be effected. Do not get this form of contraception if you havent explored all the other possibilities.
Destroyed my face in the first month, never had this kind of acne AND dry skin patches in my life, also never been on this kind of BC in my life, I've been off it for almost 2 weeks and still recovering, if that!
I was prescribe Lyrica for a pinched nerve in my elbow after a dislocation. The pain made physical therapy intolerable. With just one dose of 75mg of Lyrica, I could bend my elbow without wincing. Absolutely marvelous. Unfortunately there were 2 side effects that make me stop taking it. First one was that I fell asleep almost immediately after taking it for about 2 hours and my brain felt very foggy after I woke up. Second issue was a slight tightness in the chest and feeling a little out of breath. Not severe, but enough to let me know that I couldn't take it again. Made me sad because it really worked.
I've been taking Velivet for about a year now because I started to have periods that lasted all month which resulted in anemia. My only complaint is that the cramps are quite bad, but it's done its job for me, so I can't complain!
It has been a miricale!! I have been on several medications and nothing has helped. I have continued to bounce from depression to mania, with little sleep. I've been on this medication for five days WOW is all I can say. I feel wonderful. I'm sleeping again. No racy thoughts, none of the symptoms that I suffer from. I just hope it last. The cost is a problem but the company is working on helping me with that!!
I am 19 and used the Nuvaring for 5 months. I thought it was PERFECT! NO acne, bigger breasts, don't have to take every day, only 4 periods a year, helped my mood swings etc. Besides a lot more discharge the only downfall (which is a very big deal to me) is that I believe I am starting to gain weight. I am starting to work out more and eat healthier yet still gaining a few pounds. I am quitting the Nuvaring before it gets too far out of hand. Very sad about it though, this birth control is perfect besides the weight gain.
This medicine worked well in the beginning but I quickly built up a tolerance to it.It is now not working so well after a month.Now I am getting severe tightness in the chest a few times a day while still using it.Not only that,I am cramped up now all the time with severe thigh and lower leg cramps shoulder spasms and neck terrible pain.The fatigue is crippling and intolerable. My life has become a misery.I will go back to the Dr. and ask to be put on something else.This is the cure?Ha!
Lomotil has been a complete blessing for me. Imodium did not touch my severe diarrhea. I suffer from depression, anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia. With these symptoms caused severe stomach problems. When given Lomotil for a possible chance it might help, I am now living without being in the bathroom every hour. I found no side effects. I cannot even tell you the difference it has made. When I do have to leave home. I have no worries about finding where the bathroom is before I even proceed to do what I have to do. YES! This is one miracle in my life that brings some normality to scratch off my list of problems. I can even eat out at restaurants now.
I have yet to feel any relief using Flector Patches. I have end stage bone disease.
I'm currently on Amlodipine 5mg tab- The first 72-96 hours on this medication were very rough-very severe headaches, palpitations, dizziness, etc. After the 3rd day, the headaches subsided and by the 5th day they were gone. BP had been elevated due to non-tolerance from previous med combo. By the end of the 1st week BP was down into the 120s over 80s. So far I have been using this med for just over one month without any major side effects other than slight water retention leading to slight swelling of hands and ankles. My weight has remained steady. The med worked for me and I am glad as I had been trying so many different types of med to control BP that I was starting to lose hope.
I have been on Loestrin for about 9 months now and took it to both reduce my period and birth control. I used to get my period for 7 to 9 days and it would be extremely heavy to the point I had to change every hour to 2 hours. Yes I know horrible, and ever since I started taking Loestrin I have mt period for 4 days at the most and it's super light. When I first started the pills I still would bleed a little between periods but after about 3 months all that went away. I used to forget but I use an alarm now and it works, I never forget now. I haven't had any side effects, no weight gain but I haven't gotten my period this month and I'm not pregnant. I would rather have my period for at least a day so I wont get scared that I'm pregnant.
I have had the IUD for about 8 months now. I have never had children but because of its smaller size I figured it was no biggie. The nurse who was to insert it said the same thing so I figured it would be a breeze. Well, it wasn't. It was extremely painful when she inserted it. I was nauseous and had diarhea for about and hour and a half after it was inserted. She had me stay for a half hour because I had gone pale and she was concerned, but she said she hadn't seen that happen before (she was a pretty old lady) so don't think it's going to happen to you because it did to me. Had I expected some pain I don't honk it would have been nearly as bad. So, expect it to hurt and hope you're disappointed.
Ive been on this pill for 9 months now and I love it! I have severe migraines so it is hard to find a birth control that doesnt make them 10x worse. My migraines have almost disappeared since I started this pill! Also, I had one period upon starting the pills and I havent had one since. In the beginning of my trial, I did go through some changes. I was moody all the time, my breasts stayed sore to the extent that I could hardly move around. Other than that, I had no issues. I havent had any weight changes, acne changes or anything like that. My body returned to better than normal after maybe three months. Mood changes disappeared, no period, no cramps, no soreness. Overall I am satisfied!
The only good thing I can say about this pill is that I haven't gotten pregnant on it. My acne has gotten three times worse. Off the pill, I usually got one or two cysts around the time of my period, which was annoying but manageable. Ever since taking Sronyx, I get one or two new cysts almost daily. My mood swings are insane. My period comes at the same time every month, which I would thank Sronyx for if it didn't make me start bleeding two weeks before my period every month (so I essentially have been bleeding for two and a half weeks every month on this pill). I've heard that breakthrough bleeding can be common within the first three cycles of starting a new pill...if it continues after this cycle (my fourth) I'll definitely switch BC.
I have tried over 6 different medicines in the past, none of which worked or gave me results that helped. (Very frustrating). I was put on Cymbalta and immediately evened out, though if I'm off for even a day I am an emotional wreck. So always have refills, or face the consequences.
I have been on Opana for 2.5 years and i never felt better i take it 2x a day and oxycodone 30mgs 4x a day I am 55 years old and with my medicines I can do things like a 20 year old. The best pain medicine ever. I have been on different pain medicines for 18 years.
I think this medicine really helped me when it was added to Zoloft
I was started on 10mg a day and immediately was coughing all night & day with a dry mouth and itchy throat. The coughing makes me sound like an 80 yr old smoker and I don't smoke. It did nothing for my bp so they doubled my dose to 20mg. Now I am constantly off balance feeling, cloudy thinking, anxious, body aches, and I drink tons of water but my mouth and throat are unbelievably dry. I feel better with high bp and no drugs.
I was taking 1/2 pill.... It raced my heart, made me jittery. Hated the side effects.
Got a painful period 3 days after lasted for a week, almost all blood clots.. The day before I got it put in my arm I was 178 pounds now 13 months later I'm 232 pounds with no change in food intake or what I eat or how much I excersise. No periods anymore though just PAINFUL cramps. Every single morning and night I will cry because of the pain I've had ultra sounds and NOTHING!! I'm now so so moody and lash out on everyone. I am hoping to get this out so fast. Only good part is not having to remember if if I took the pill or not because it's in my arm
My insurance switched me to Tri Lo Sprintec about a month and a half ago w/out me knowing. I decided to give it a shot since it was free and I was paying $100/month for Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo previously. On OTCL for 2 years, I had no negative side effects, which was a relief after trying everything under the sun (most recently microgestin fe, which made me incredibly depressed). The 1.5 months, since I have been on TLS, ALL of these negative side effects: Irritability, depression, weight gain, depression, headaches, lethargy...you name it, I have it. I am SO upset that I finally found something that worked and insurance dictates what pill I should take. I'm speaking with my Dr to fix my Rx ASAP. Not staying on TLS no matter what.
This medication saved my skin and I couldn't be more happy with it. When I turned 20 I started to get cystic acne that would swell so bad that I wouldn't leave my house because I was so embarrassed. For a year I tried everything from high-end to drug store acne products, I even tried birth control,nothing worked. Within a week of taking Bactrim once a day my skin had no cysts or little bumps! I have a sensitive stomach and this medication did upset mine until I took it with milk and ate something light (cereal, bagel, granola bar). Always take it with food, I dont get any nausea if I take it with milk and cereal so I hope this helps if anyone is experiencing nausea from this medication. Wish I had tried Bactrim sooner!
I still have some side effects from the medication. But they are much better than the last medication. One blue black discoloration from one injection, Occasional headache, Hypertension, Occasionally speaking problems, Occasionally vomiting, Decreased sexual ability
I took the 1st week and then the second week I forgot to take the 3rd morning dose. That evening as I got ready to take the evening dose, I realized I had no desire to smoke so I quit taking it. I've been smoke free for almost 12 years, this after smoking for 44 years at about a pack and a half daily. Best medicine ever.
I have taken this medication for 3 months, and it is the first time in 5 years I have been practicaly pain free!
I am a 31 year old male US Army combat vet who suffers from arthritis. For years it went untreated and I was in pain every day all day until I was prescribed Celebrex, within a few days I felt better than I had in years. Upon waking in the morning I take 100mg's and within an hour or so I feel relief, if I miss a dose I can tell and I can feel it. I do not suffer any of the mentioned side affects after approximately 5 years. Of course it does not work for everyone but at this point I cannot live without it
I used to have such severe cramps that I would occasionally vomit or be completely incapacitated for the first few days. I tried so many different things to help, and was skeptical about Aviane, but not anymore. It worked. While I still experience a little pain on the first day of my period, it's nothing compared to before Aviane. I am continually impressed.
This so far has been the only pill/birth control where I don't feel emotionally unstable; I feel like my regular self. HOWEVER, I have noticed a significant increase in pimples: breakouts on my face. It looks terrible, like connecting the dots. I feel like I'm just going to deal with it because it's the lesser of the two evils. Also, this is only my second pack of if, but I did have 2 periods in one cycle. I've never had that with another birth control. Probably going to get another pack at my next appt. I would much rather feel emotionally normal than have perfect skin. Yes, my skin is looking bad. But not many other options!
This medicine made me have really bad mood swings. I took it to stop bleeding. Bleeding never stopped. I even had thoughts of suicide. Outburst of crying for no reason. No thanks
Suffer from severe fibromyalgia. Moderate neuropathy of legs. Take baclofen 10mg - 6x daily. It does give me complete relief, but had to titrate to this dose, started out 30 mg a day, but fell back for a couple weeks to 20mg. Caused drowsiness, and some pretty strong voluntary muscle twitching.
I had a very dry cough & onset of dry, wheezing chest congestion. I took a capful and the cough stopped within minutes, the congestion loosened in the nose & lungs over the next 2-3 hrs. I was able to sleep and am no longer constipated. 9/10 Stars
I have been on this medication for about a month now. Not as much nausea as when I was taking Bydurian, but I am exhausted, have no appetite, get sick if I eat anything fried (chicken), etc., very anxious feeling all the time to the point of not being able to watch my grandchild, along with depression which I think is due to feeling like crap on this medication. I have lost about ten pounds, but is it worth all this??? Anyone else having these anxious or malaise on this medication??
I started taking these pills in hopes of having my period every 3 months. The first month of the pack, I don't bleed at all until about the last week I have some very light spotting that lasts up through the middle of the 2nd month/pack of pills....then it remains heavy from the middle of the 2nd month all the way through the end of the third month. So total I ended up bleeding for about 6 weeks straight through each pack of pills. I've been on it for about 9 months now and this has happened every time. I will definitely be changing to another kind. I'd rather bleed once a month heavily than 6 weeks straight. I also was extremely tired all the time. The only positive is that it did prevent pregnancy and my skin cleared up tremendously.
I got the Skyla inserted three weeks before I got married (virgin until then). Putting in Skyla was fast, but easily the most painful experience of my entire life. It sounds like someone is shooting a rubber-band gun and it feels like someone has shot your uterus. The cramps were the worst cramps I have had in my entire life- I couldn't focus, I was in tears- really the most painful experience ever. The cramping pain and bleeding didn't stop for about two months and periods are still extremely painful. I have bad mood swings, I get depressed all the time, and my libido is definitely decreased. My husband can also feel the wires sometimes and it's painful to him. I'm not pregnant, so it works... but I'm not sure it's worth the side effects.
I wrote a former review on this medication a while back. I want to re-edit my review with a new one thats founded upon newer trials. I took the medication, how my doctor told me to (* not how it was perscribed on the bottle *). He said, take this 1x daily (* 30mg *) when you have work or school. Well, having ADHD-PI I need to take this DAILY - meaning everyday. Without it, I'm a mess. I can't focus on social conversations (* I always feel like I'm "lost in translation" *) With this medication, I am confident I can pursue my studies at college - without experiencing defeat, and hold down a job and friendships. I may not be my wacky spontaneous self when I'm on it but it's worth it I guess.
Did not taste nearly as bad as anticipated; used a straw to get it far back in mouth and drank it pretty quickly. Very minor nausea for about 10-15 minutes, started working in about 20-30 minutes, was able to leave bathroom after about an hour and a half then maybe one more trip. No cramping, etc. Much easier than I had heard it would be.
On December 13th there was an incident and I had to take plan b. I took the pill about 30-40 minutes after the incident because the sooner you take it the more effective it will be. I waited and waited for my period which was supposed to come around Dec. 25 but never came. Today I took 3 tests and they all came out positive. I'm not saying the plan b does not work, but I am posting my experience as a warning to those who take it without knowing their risks. Plan b make work for some. Many say that for those who it didn't work for is because they didn't take it within 72 hours. I took it right away and it wasn't effective.
I have been on Topiramate for just over a year. I have suffered from migraines for more than 30 years and have been on Imatrix and Relpax before. Topiramate was awesome, at first. It reduced the frequency of migraines and kept things really under control. I lost approx. 20 lbs within 4 months of being on the drug (my normal weight is approx. 140 lbs) hadn't been down to 120lbs since high school so was feeling pretty good about myself. I did have some minor side affects like blurred vision and tingling in my hands that spread to my feet but this was worth not having migraines. More serious problems arose, however, after being on the drug 10-11 months when I developed kidney problems-stones and infections in both kidneys. Warning!
I am 57 with Benign Prostate Hyperplasia. Was having problems urinating and have been on Flomax 1 yr., after several weeks problem pretty much gone. Side effects are stuffy nose and a reduction in semen volume. All in all am pleased with it.
After the death of my father I was thrown into an extremely depressive state and it only got worse as time went on. I was unable to get out of bed in the morning, go to school and could not carry out my normal life due to the constant feelings of hopelessness, sadness, etc. I had lost interest in everything and everyone and also began self harming. Ive been on Lexapro (20 mg) for about four months and it has helped me a large amount with my depression but it makes me feel like a bit of a zombie. The side effects were not the best but it has given me the energy and hope to get out of bed in the morning. Lexapro helped me a immense amount and I would recommend that you try it.
My 7 year old daughter is severe ADHD. Prior to Dyanavel XR, our best experience was with 30 mg of adderall XR. But that had a profound effect on her appetite and ability to interact with other people. We tried concerta which left her very defiant, Focalin and Vyvance were completely ineffective. We tried Dyanavel for the first time one months ago. I can't believe the difference. She has an appetite, she socializes, she has a personality, she stays in her seat at school and actually works in her assignments. After 4 days on this medication, her teacher called me and asked what had changed because she couldn't believe the difference. The only downfall is nighttime. She consistently wakes up around 4-5 am with dreams.
I've been taking Belviq for two years. Slowly I lost 30 pounds. I have continued to take this medication and the most important detail is that I have kept my weight loss off as Belviq Works perfectly for weight maintenance too. (I can't tell you how many times, prior to Belviq, that I'd gained and lost this weight.) Very much helps me with cravings and over eating.
I was put on Implanon in September 2011 after delivering my second daughter in July 2011. I did not have a period for several months after getting it besides a few days of spotting here and there. Within one month of getting Implanon I started getting serious headaches, and in February I began passing out randomly, I had low blood pressure, low heart rate, and was diagnosed with pseudo tumor cerebri. I had to get a lumbar puncture to relieve the pressure. A few days later I had to get a blood patch, because I got a spinal headache. I ended up needing a second lumbar puncture in aug 2012. In nov 2012 I was also diagnosed with pcos which caused acne, hair growth, painful periods, and infertility. I was told that implanon caused these.
ambien was the only sleeping pill that worked for me i was on 10 mg and went to the ambien cr on 12.5 mg and back to 10 mg taking it on an empty stomach made me binge, forgetful, and do questionable/irresponsible things i wouldn't normally do it also sometimes made me drowsy in the morning it works quickly unlike certain sleeping meds that you have to take 3 hours with food before bed i had withdrawals on ambien as well a lot of negatives for me but i still liked it best
After having osteopenia progress to osteoporosis and not tolerating oral medications, my doctor suggested Reclast. I had my first infusion on Dec 26, 2015 and within days suffered incapacitating pain in my hands. It was so bad, I couldn't hold a toothbrush without tears due to the pain. Additionally, I started to have severe upper jaw pain. The hand pain has improved but not gone away entirely. The jaw pain has not resolved at all, making it hard to chew. I would not recommend this drug to anyone and would NEVER, NEVER use it again.
This is hands down the best cough medicine I've ever taken. I had a cough so severe that I wet myself or threw up during uncontrollable coughing fits. Needless to say, I couldn't sleep at night for more than the few hours when I just passed out from total exhaustion. My first dose of Tussionex didn't totally get rid of the cough, but it did cut it by about 50%. The second dose helped more. My third dose was last night, and it made it possible for me to get a good night's sleep for the first time in two weeks. I did wake up once with a bad headache, but I can't tell if it's a side effect of the medicine or just part of being sick. Anyway, I'll trade a headache for vomiting from coughing fits any day.
I was diagnosed with bipolar seven years ago and have basically been on Topamax along with Welbutrin the whole time. I have not really experienced the weight loss. I do feel fatigued and have been feeling very angry lately. I also feel sort of zombied out.
With Lamictal and Keppra my seizures are currently controlled.
I just wanted to share my experience with this BC. I had never taken any kind of BC before and wanted to try birth control badly to lighten my periods (they are really heavy and irregular - always late, different durations etc) because of my constant feelings of stress/anxiety. I also wanted something to help with the hormonal acne and breakouts I get around this time. (yay..) So the Gynecologist prescribed this to me and got me all excited saying it will shorten my period and in 6 months of taking it it will make my period go away and she also said my skin would clear up too. Well, I took it for 3.5 weeks hoping for things to get better but instead, I had TWO weeks of everyday extreme cramps (horrible and hurt really bad) and spotting
I take Lyrica for Fibromyalgia pain but have to keep the dosage low to manage the side effects. I used to take Tramadol also but it never helped so my PM switched me to Belbuca. I've never been on opioids for my Fibromyalgia before. I was started out with 75 mcg 2x daily. The first 2 weeks were great and then it didn't seem to help. (Not the first time I've experienced that before). Then my Dr. increased it to 150 mcg 2x daily. It's been about 1-1 1/2 months and it's losing effectiveness again so I probably need to increase. I'm scared because I have read this is still an opioid and can cause addiction which I've experienced during a delay in refill. I'm worried about long term effects but on good days I can spend more time with family.
Well I have taken 5mg on several occasions and it did the job fine but then 5mg stopped working. I hadn't pooped in like 5 days so I took 10mg late last night. I have a flu/cold so I should have known my body would be more sensitive. Woke up out of a dead sleep at 6 am and been having lots of very watery diarrhea since. Took 3 imodium with no effect what so ever. I can't stop pooping.
55 male 6' 265. Doing colonoscopy prep. Only clear liquids today. Had a small soft stool twice in the afternoon. Took 2 Dulcolax at 4 pm. Drank 64 oz Gatorade with generic Miralax (the whole bottle of powder). Movements began in earnest about 6-630. Its 720 now and I think the worst of it is over. Basically camped in the bathroom in a chair because it seemed I wouldn't make it. Wearing nothing but a winter gown in the summer because I got cold, and I'm almost never cold. I'm supposed to take two more later, but I think that's it for me. Don't know what else could come out. I don't even want to drink any more liquid, but I'm diabetic and take two meds that make me pee more. So happy I have a kitchen sprayer hooked up to my toilet to wash.
I'm on my 11th day (out of 20 days) taking Avelox and it works, beside having a headache and shortness breathing everything seems to be working great. After 10 days of taking it my pneumonia was 75% better.
Every women's body is different... Try it for yourself than make your own decision.
I am 20 years old and have been taking 60mg Vyvanse for a little more than 4 years now and It really helps me focus. It increases my attention span, clarity, and motivation without giving me jitters. However, I have experienced almost every side effect that comes with this medicine including insomnia, appetite loss, night time depression, flat-lined emotions throughout the day, ect. However, despite what you might think, there are ways around these bad side effects. Staying healthy is KEY. Making sure your keeping yourself hydrated and getting a good hour of exercise everyday can greatly reduce some of these bad side effects, and also hanging out with friends regularly helps too. This is just my experience though.
Tonight was only my 4th night on the pill. My doctor has me on 10 mg at night for the first week. So far, the side effects are very uncomfortable. I mostly feel them right after taking my dose. My mouth is so dry, I'm nauseous, gassy, I can't sleep and I'm exhausted. I know the doctor said it could take weeks to work, so I'm not knocking it yet. Also, some reviews I have read say that some of the side effects disappear and I am certainly counting on that. So far, I haven't seen much change in my anxiety and hopefully it comes soon.
This was the worse, made the worse choice in trying this new pill, in one month I did the change slowly, I have bad headaches, I can't sleep, I have the worse taste in my mouth, ringing in my ears, very moody and crying all the time. We don't smoke and all I smell no matter where I go is old ashtrays. Never again so back on my lexapro. Don't try this its not worth it.
Initially I had a decrease in my depression but after a year or so it seemed to do nothing however I had a lot of outside factors that could have caused that. I didn't realize until after I got off how much it made me sweat. Sometimes to the level of embarrassment. I also had severe dry mouth and constantly had to drink huge amounts of water. Gained a lot of weight. AS soon as I got off it I started losing weight, was never thirsty and stopped sweating. I think compared to the side affects it wasn't worth it to me.
At the risk of someone thinking I'm the "same person as other posters," I'm Posting my real name. I've had a nagging cough, and chose to try Delsym again, as I've had success in the past with it. I commute 30 miles to work. I got within a mile of my office and coughed.......and pooped all over myself. Yes. Explosive diarrhea in my scrubs! It was awful. I'm sitting in the work parking lot,calling the girls outside since I can't move out of my car! Forward......I'm home but can't get more than twenty minutes away from a toilet. If you take this, trust me, you won't cough, just like it says, for 12 hours. You'll be afraid to. Take something else, please. After all, it has been a terribly shi€€y day for me.
No side effects
Have been taking this med now for the past 8 days, for an acute sinusitis infection, and paid strict attention to the pharmacists instructions..... YOU MUST DRINK A FULL GLASS OF WATER after you've taken it. Don't disregard these rules, or you will have severe side effects. Otherwise I'm hoping this time, doxy will clear it up as I was on amoxy and that didn't. This infection keeps repeating because of two bouts of pneumonia, and I'm sure residual infection wasn't properly cleared up then. This time I'm hoping with 10 days of the Doxy it will be so far so good.......BUT PAY ATTENTION TO THE FOOD AND DRINK ON THIS MED.....