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{"content":[{"text":"Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 42/1: 27–70 \n © 2015 Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture","bbox":{"left":0.160494,"top":0.071591,"width":0.33765600000000007,"height":0.030769000000000005}},{"text":"Ryūichi Abé","bbox":{"left":0.160494,"top":0.215735,"width":0.11893200000000001,"height":0.02227599999999999}},{"text":"Revisiting the Dragon Princess \n Her Role in Medieval Engi Stories and \n Their Implications in Reading the Lotus Sutra","bbox":{"left":0.160494,"top":0.259129,"width":0.472252,"height":0.08129100000000006}},{"text":"This article examines how the Dragon Princess, one of the most celebrated \n characters in the Lotus Sutra, is represented in the noh drama Ama and the \n Heike Nōkyō sutra set. By doing so, it debunks the prevailing consensus in \n understanding the Dragon Princess and her episode in the sutra, and illus- \n trates a hitherto unnoticed intrinsic affinity between medieval Japanese engi \n stories and Buddhist scriptural narratives.","bbox":{"left":0.185166,"top":0.648915,"width":0.654309,"height":0.11159799999999997}},{"text":"keywords: Lotus Sutra—Dragon Princess—henjō nanshi—ryūnyo jōbutsu— \n Buddhism—gender and narrativity—Heike nōkyō—ama (female diver)","bbox":{"left":0.185187,"top":0.799904,"width":0.654266,"height":0.03546500000000008}},{"text":"Ryūichi Abé is Edwin O. Reischauer Institute Professor of Japanese Religions, Harvard \n University.","bbox":{"left":0.185187,"top":0.877641,"width":0.654604,"height":0.033341000000000065}},{"text":"27","bbox":{"left":0.50225,"top":0.922709,"width":0.02019000000000004,"height":0.02126399999999995}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Read Free Engineering Mechanics Of Solids \n Popov Solution Manual \n Engineering Mechanics Of \n Solids Popov Solution Manual","bbox":{"left":0.101351,"top":0.04395,"width":0.727568,"height":0.28985200000000005}},{"text":"When people should go to the book stores, \n search initiation by shop, shelf by shelf, it \n is really problematic. This is why we allow \n the books compilations in this website. It \n will enormously ease you to look guide \n engineering mechanics of solids popov \n solution manual as you such as.","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.375074,"width":0.772296,"height":0.34269800000000006}},{"text":"By searching \n of guide you","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.778249,"width":0.205945,"height":0.09071300000000004}},{"text":"the title, publisher, or authors \n in fact want, you can discover \n Page 1/15","bbox":{"left":0.331217,"top":0.778249,"width":0.549188,"height":0.14363400000000004}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Mayor Eric Garcetti \n Executive Directive No. 30 \n Page 2 of 5","bbox":{"left":0.671683,"top":0.043349,"width":0.2110289999999999,"height":0.05581900000000001}},{"text":"insufficient income left for meals, transportation, childcare, and medical expenses. Our \n region’s economic potential underperforms as dollars are spent on rent or mortgages \n instead of goods and services. Most heartbreaking, the crisis has pushed thousands of \n Angelenos into homelessness. Particularly impacted are the disabled and elderly who live \n from extremely limited means. Yet even people with full-time jobs and working families \n are finding themselves without a home due to a lack of affordable places to live in our \n city.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.116616,"width":0.7650650000000001,"height":0.125364}},{"text":"What all of this means is clear: our supply of affordable homes is not adequate. But we \n are not powerless to address this crisis. In fact, we have a duty to find every way possible \n to tackle it.","bbox":{"left":0.117294,"top":0.25601,"width":0.765301,"height":0.055666999999999967}},{"text":"We are ready to act to further reduce impediments to residential growth, expedite the \n building of new and affordable homes, and incentivize innovative solutions for expanding \n housing choice. I am now calling on each City Department that provides development \n services to streamline the permitting and approval process for all housing developments; \n to create priority processing incentives for housing developments that include targeted \n levels of affordable units; and to establish procedures that permit and encourage \n expanded housing options.","bbox":{"left":0.117294,"top":0.325745,"width":0.765399,"height":0.125363}},{"text":"Accordingly, I hereby direct the General Managers of the City’s Development Services \n Departments, which include the Housing & Community Investment Department, Los \n Angeles City Planning, Department of Building & Safety, Department of Water & Power, \n Los Angeles Fire Department, Department of Transportation, and the Board of Public \n Works’ Bureaus of Engineering, Street Lighting, Street Services, Sanitation & \n Environment and Contract Administration, as follows:","bbox":{"left":0.11749,"top":0.465139,"width":0.7652230000000001,"height":0.107964}},{"text":"●","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.591372,"width":0.011842999999999992,"height":0.016927000000000025}},{"text":"The General Managers of the Department of Water & Power, Los Angeles Fire \n Department, Bureau of Engineering and LA Sanitation & Environment shall \n develop and implement policies to streamline processes and shall establish case \n management units to support all housing development activities regardless of \n affordability levels. Case management services shall at minimum consist of the \n following:","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.588801,"width":0.7060620000000001,"height":0.10611999999999999}},{"text":"○ \n ○","bbox":{"left":0.205915,"top":0.711069,"width":0.011842999999999992,"height":0.041776000000000035}},{"text":"Provide site specific parameters and requirements \n Provide a clear, transparent road map of the permitting process \n which identifies the department’s permit clearances and \n requirements at an early stage of a project \n Provide troubleshooting and problem-solving assistance, at the \n project applicant’s request \n Provide a point of contact that can answer questions and provide \n information throughout the permit process","bbox":{"left":0.235327,"top":0.708497,"width":0.561941,"height":0.16282599999999992}},{"text":"○","bbox":{"left":0.205915,"top":0.794289,"width":0.011842999999999992,"height":0.016927000000000025}},{"text":"○","bbox":{"left":0.205915,"top":0.835955,"width":0.011842999999999992,"height":0.016927000000000025}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"The City as Muse: Works by Lidya Buzio and Sarah Grilo \n Spring 2021","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.068173,"width":0.5574990000000001,"height":0.041421}},{"text":"Cecilia de Torres, Ltd. is pleased to present an installation of works by two highly original artists \n who developed a strong pictorial attachment to New York City, incorporating its urban \n landscape in their work in different media and through their own formal means.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.380206,"width":0.759876,"height":0.05437000000000003}},{"text":"Argentine artist Sarah Grilo (1919-2007) moved to New York City in 1962 after being awarded a \n Guggenheim Fellowship. It was at this critical point that the artist broke from her background in \n Concrete abstraction and began to incorporate formal elements from the NYC landscape. From \n the graffiti that ran rampant throughout the City at that time, to the traces of letters and \n numbers from deteriorating signs and posters, Grilo covered her works with compulsively \n repetitive, erased, and re-written spontaneous scribbles, all sustained by a hyper-chromatic \n sensibility ranging from the most resplendent of golds to the deepest of violets, and from the \n loudest of turquoise and fuchsias, to the palest of yellows and sky blues. In 1970, Grilo left her \n urban muse to move to Europe where she lived the remainder of her life.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.452479,"width":0.761838,"height":0.16257700000000003}},{"text":"Lidya Buzio (1948-2014), the Uruguayan American ceramist, moved to New York City in the early \n 1970s, and fell in love with downtown New York. Her new urban environment inspired her to \n create her signature New York Cityscapes through her work with clay. Buzio’s fascinations were \n downtown New York’s evocative rooflines, its cast iron architecture, and water towers. Known \n for her conflation of sculpture and painting, Buzio went beyond the medium of pottery to \n create her very own genre. Using special pigments which she mixed herself, the artist drew and \n painted directly onto her unfired works and burnished her pieces before firing, resulting in the \n unique luminosity and distinctive hues that characterize her artworks.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.632958,"width":0.7644980000000001,"height":0.14471100000000003}},{"text":"Like two ships in the night inspired by different elements of New York City’s urban aesthetic, \n both artists created lyrical compositions that enable us to witness their process: from Grilo’s \n drips of paint and gestural markings, to Buzio’s luminous hues and original use of the medium \n of clay.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.795572,"width":0.751851,"height":0.07224900000000001}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.120098,"top":0.018182,"width":0.764706,"height":0.031629},{"left":0.120098,"top":0.965467,"width":0.764706,"height":0.016351},{"left":0.120098,"top":0.128485,"width":0.803023,"height":0.214015}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.120098,"top":0.018182,"width":0.764706,"height":0.031629},{"left":0.120098,"top":0.965467,"width":0.764706,"height":0.016351},{"left":0.120098,"top":0.128485,"width":0.803023,"height":0.214015}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Page 2 \n May 21, 2021","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.044095,"width":0.08227199999999998,"height":0.028193000000000003}},{"text":"ARTICLE 1, RELATING TO MAKING APPROPRIATIONS IN SUPPORT OF FY 2022 \n SECTION 1, APPROPRIATIONS IN SUPPORT OF FY 2022 \n Department of Administration \n Increase General Revenues in the Office of Diversity, Equity, & Opportunity Program, Page 5, Line 22, by \n $140,402 from $1,117,169 to $1,257,571. This amendment adds financing for 1.0 Administrator State \n Equal Opportunity FTE position to support statewide equal opportunity initiatives. The Governor’s \n recommended budget inadvertently omitted this position, which was vacant at the time of budget \n development (22-DOA1). \n Department of Revenue \n Increase Restricted Receipts in the Taxation Program, Page 9, Line 27 by $1,569,512 from $1,451,238 to \n $3,020,750. This amendment represents the projected expenditures for the first projects eligible for Tax \n Increment Financing (TIF) reimbursement pursuant to RIGL §42-64.21 for FY 2022. Along with the \n amendment for FY 2021, this represents the first disbursement under the auspices of the TIF program since \n its inception in 2015. The disbursement schedule is available from the Budget Office upon request (22- \n DOR1). \n Secretary of State \n Increase General Revenues in the State Archives program, Page 10, Line 30, by $85,549 from $158,405 to \n $243,954. Together with the following adjustment, this adjustment shifts personnel costs from the \n Historical Records Trust to general revenues to balance expenditures and projected revenues in the \n Historical Records Trust (22-SOS1). \n General Treasurer \n Increase Restricted Receipts in the Unclaimed Property Program, Page 11, Line 28 by $4,700,000 from \n $25,202,766 to $29,902,766. This amendment aligns the level of financing within the Unclaimed Property \n program with the amounts adopted by the May 2021 Revenue Estimating Conference (22-TREAS1). \n Executive Office of Health and Human Services \n Increase General Revenues Managed Care – Medical Assistance Program, Page 12, Line 26 by $9,057,660 \n from $333,664,740 to $342,772,400. This adjustment aligns the level of financing within this category of \n Medicaid expenditure with caseloads as adopted by the May 2021 Caseload Estimating Conference (22- \n EOHHS1). \n Increase General Revenues Hospitals – Medical Assistance Program, Page 12, Line 27 by $1,126,402 from \n $83,064,823 to $84,191,225. This adjustment aligns the level of financing within this category of Medicaid \n expenditure with caseloads as adopted by the May 2021 Caseload Estimating Conference (22-EOHHS1). \n Decrease General Revenues Nursing Facilities – Medical Assistance Program, Page 12, Line 28 by \n $7,100,063 from $149,433,710 to $142,333,647. This adjustment aligns the level of financing within this \n category of Medicaid expenditure with caseloads as adopted by the May 2021 Caseload Estimating \n Conference. The amendment also overrides the “LTSS Rebalance and Resiliency Amendments” that were \n submitted as part of the April 12th Governor’s Budget Amendment #3 changes (22-EOHHS1). \n Increase General Revenues Home and Community Based Services – Medical Assistance Program, Page 12, \n Line 29 by $4,325,172 from $39,080,249 to $43,405,421. This adjustment aligns the level of financing \n within this category of Medicaid expenditure with caseloads as adopted by the May 2021 Caseload \n Estimating Conference. The amendment also overrides the “LTSS Rebalance and Resiliency Amendments” \n that were submitted as part of the April 12th Governor’s Budget Amendment #3 changes (22-EOHHS1). \n Increase General Revenues Other Services – Medical Assistance Program, Page 12, Line 30 by $8,019,741 \n from $119,713,608 to $127,733,349. This adjustment aligns the level of financing within this category of","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.089387,"width":0.765239,"height":0.818772}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Read PDF Foundation Of Financial Management \n 14th Edition Answers \n edition answers can be one of the options to \n accompany you in the manner of having \n additional time.","bbox":{"left":0.101351,"top":0.04395,"width":0.762089,"height":0.292676}},{"text":"It will not waste your time. resign yourself \n to me, the e-book will enormously atmosphere \n you supplementary matter to read. Just invest \n little era to contact this on-line \n declaration foundation of financial \n management 14th edition answers as with ease \n as review them wherever you are now.","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.397103,"width":0.772297,"height":0.34269800000000006}},{"text":"You'll be able to download \n Page 2/16","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.850674,"width":0.44621500000000003,"height":0.07120899999999997}},{"text":"the books at","bbox":{"left":0.571487,"top":0.850674,"width":0.20594500000000004,"height":0.04031700000000005}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Read Online 232 Atsc Manual","bbox":{"left":0.101351,"top":0.043426,"width":0.531989,"height":0.074023}},{"text":"library saves in fused countries, allowing you to get \n the most less latency period to download any of our \n books once this one. Merely said, the 232 atsc manual \n is universally compatible in the same way as any \n devices to read.","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.192201,"width":0.782188,"height":0.248519}},{"text":"Updating 232 ATSC 4K with CR Toolbox InfoComm \n 2018: Contemporary Research Introduces the \n 232-ATSC 4K Tuner Contemporary Research \n 232-ATSC +1 @ infoComm 2012 Contemporary \n Research 232-ATSC 4K Tuner 16 CATV RF QAM or \n ATSC or DVB- T to IPTV Converter QAM Tuner \n Instructions Contemporary Research QMOD \\u0026 \n QIP Series HDTV Modulator IPTV Encoders How to Set \n Page 2/17","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.494582,"width":0.766636,"height":0.427301}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Public Comment:","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.088788,"width":0.16117699999999996,"height":0.020863999999999994}},{"text":"Health and Growth youth training will be held on Wednesday May 25, 2016 from 4pm- \n 6:30pm at Salt Lake Park. For more information contact Hilda Franco; Community \n Organizer (323)257-1056 Ex.35","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.121465,"width":0.744889,"height":0.060818}},{"text":"Staff Comments:","bbox":{"left":0.123176,"top":0.194268,"width":0.15686300000000003,"height":0.020863999999999994}},{"text":"College/Career day held at Marquez High School on Saturday April 30, 2016 hosted by \n Marquez High School. Director of Parks and Recreation Josette Espinosa was in \n attendance.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.226768,"width":0.7543700000000001,"height":0.06096900000000002}},{"text":"Children’s Health Expo held at Salt Lake Park on Saturday April 30, 2016 hosted by \n Parks and recreation.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.299495,"width":0.7249580000000001,"height":0.040856}},{"text":"Youth Commission Comments:","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.352336,"width":0.291941,"height":0.020863999999999994}},{"text":"Chair; Kevin Cervantes welcomed new Youth Commissioner Nely Perez.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.384987,"width":0.63051,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"Adjournment:","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.450366,"width":0.128255,"height":0.020863999999999994}},{"text":"At 4:34pm Chair Cervantes adjourned the meeting to a regular meeting of the City of \n Huntington Park Youth Commission on Monday, May 2, 2016.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.482866,"width":0.7318180000000001,"height":0.04096999999999995}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Reflecting on first black American president Barack Obama’s memorable 2008 presidential \n campaign, with little-known senator from Delaware, Joe Biden, as his running-mate, Glenn \n Kessler wrote for the Washington Post [1] in October 2008:","bbox":{"left":0.102926,"top":0.051633,"width":0.794111,"height":0.051189}},{"text":"“The moment when Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. looked Serbian leader Slobodan \n Milosevic in the eye and called him a ‘damned war criminal’ has become the \n stuff of campaign legend.","bbox":{"left":0.159622,"top":0.130964,"width":0.68065,"height":0.04495299999999999}},{"text":"“The Democratic vice presidential nominee brings up the 1993 confrontation \n on the campaign trial to whoops of delight from supporters. Senator Barack \n Obama mentioned it when he announced he had chosen Biden as his running \n mate.","bbox":{"left":0.159622,"top":0.190028,"width":0.6807719999999999,"height":0.05965200000000001}},{"text":"“During vice presidential debate with his counterpart on the Republican ticket, \n Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, Biden twice gave himself credit for shifting US \n policy on Bosnia. The senator from Delaware declared that he ‘was the catalyst \n to change the circumstance in Bosnia led by President Clinton.’ At another \n point he noted: ‘My recommendations on Bosnia — I admit I was the first one \n to recommend it. They saved tens of thousands of lives.’”","bbox":{"left":0.159622,"top":0.26379,"width":0.680743,"height":0.08905099999999994}},{"text":"Instead of “saving tens of thousands of lives,” the devastating Yugoslav Wars in the nineties \n in the aftermath of the break-up of the former Soviet Union and then the former Yugoslavia \n claimed over 130,000 fatalities, created a humanitarian crisis and unleashed a flood of \n millions of refugees for which nobody is to blame but the Clinton administration’s militarist \n policy of subjugating and forcibly integrating East European states into the Western \n capitalist bloc.","bbox":{"left":0.102926,"top":0.380981,"width":0.7941,"height":0.10464099999999998}},{"text":"Regarding Washington’s modus operandi of waging proxy wars in Eastern Europe and the \n Middle East, since the times of the Soviet-Afghan jihad during the eighties, it has been the \n fail-safe game plan of master strategists at NATO to raise money [2] from the oil-rich \n emirates of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and Kuwait; then buy billions of dollars’ worth of \n weapons from the arms markets [3] in the Eastern Europe; and then provide those weapons \n and guerilla warfare training to the disaffected population of the victim country by using the \n intelligence agencies of the latter’s regional adversaries. Whether it’s Afghanistan, Bosnia, \n Kosovo, Chechnya, Libya or Syria, the same playbook was executed to the letter.","bbox":{"left":0.102926,"top":0.50285,"width":0.794128,"height":0.140274}},{"text":"Raising funds for proxy wars from the Gulf Arab States allows the Western executives the \n freedom to evade congressional scrutiny; the benefit of buying weapons from unregulated \n arms markets of the Eastern Europe is that such weapons cannot be traced back to the \n Western capitals; and using jihadist proxies to achieve strategic objectives has the \n advantage of taking the plea of “plausible deniability” if the strategy backfires, which it \n often does. Remember that al-Qaeda and Taliban were the by-products of the Soviet-Afghan \n jihad, and the Islamic State and its global network of terrorists were the blowback of the \n proxy war in Syria.","bbox":{"left":0.102926,"top":0.660353,"width":0.794072,"height":0.140274}},{"text":"Nevertheless, smugly oblivious to the death and destruction caused by Washington’s global \n domination agenda, national security shill Glenn Kessler further noted in the aforementioned \n Washington Post article:","bbox":{"left":0.102926,"top":0.830328,"width":0.794183,"height":0.05118900000000004}},{"text":"“Biden focused on deficiencies in US policy toward Bosnia, he called for NATO \n expansion before it became fashionable and most recently prodded the Bush","bbox":{"left":0.159622,"top":0.909659,"width":0.68073,"height":0.030254000000000003}},{"text":"| 2","bbox":{"left":0.905167,"top":0.951943,"width":0.02340999999999993,"height":0.01659200000000005}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Analysis of PG&E’s \n Long Term Procurement Plan","bbox":{"left":0.317941,"top":0.103281,"width":0.36416200000000004,"height":0.066263}},{"text":"Projected Greenhouse Gas Emissions Resulting From \n PG&E’s Electricity and Natural Gas Procurement Plan, \n With a Comparison to Sonoma County’s \n Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Target","bbox":{"left":0.205097,"top":0.234166,"width":0.590036,"height":0.13083399999999998}},{"text":"Prepared by","bbox":{"left":0.447941,"top":0.560848,"width":0.10402000000000006,"height":0.02098500000000003}},{"text":"David Erickson, Technical Director","bbox":{"left":0.351275,"top":0.593424,"width":0.29742100000000005,"height":0.02098500000000003}},{"text":"Climate Protection Campaign","bbox":{"left":0.374706,"top":0.626,"width":0.250447,"height":0.02098500000000003}},{"text":"www.climateprotectioncampaign.org","bbox":{"left":0.345392,"top":0.658576,"width":0.309251,"height":0.02098500000000003}},{"text":"August 2008","bbox":{"left":0.447941,"top":0.756303,"width":0.10400400000000004,"height":0.02098500000000003}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"The Kingdom of God on Earth - 2","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.09303,"width":0.26699999999999996,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"The disciples of Jesus had no understanding that the Christ - the Messiah - had to be killed until \n it was explained to them after the event.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.119849,"width":0.7501180000000001,"height":0.03302999999999999}},{"text":"The fact that the apostles “preached the gospel” while having no expectation of the sufferings of \n Christ, demonstrates that the gospel, as preached by them, must have been something very \n different from the gospel of modern times, which consists exclusively of the death of Christ on \n the cross.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.164545,"width":0.7533719999999999,"height":0.06878899999999999}},{"text":"It is also a fact that the Kingdom of God was also preached by the apostles after the death, \n resurrection, and ascension of Jesus, and that the Kingdom of God, therefore, continues to be a \n valid and essential element of the gospel now. The book of Acts is a record of that preaching, \n which resulted in the explosive spread and growth of Christ’s church, and shows what they \n preached -","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.245,"width":0.742569,"height":0.086667}},{"text":"M When the people of Samaria “believed Philip as he preached the things concerning the \n kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, both men and women were baptized” - Acts 8:12.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.343333,"width":0.757981,"height":0.03303099999999998}},{"text":"M The apostle Paul “went into the synagogue at Ephesus and spoke boldly for three months, \n reasoning and persuading concerning the things of the kingdom of God” - Acts 19:8.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.38803,"width":0.732745,"height":0.03303100000000003}},{"text":"M Afterwards, Paul told the elders of Ephesus, “I know that you all, among whom I have gone \n preaching the kingdom of God, will see my face no more. 26 Therefore I testify to you this day \n that I am innocent of the blood of all men. 27 For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole \n counsel of God” - Acts 20:25.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.432727,"width":0.7566870000000001,"height":0.0687890000000001}},{"text":"M While Paul was awaiting trial in Rome “he explained and solemnly testified of the kingdom \n of God, persuading them concerning Jesus from both the Law of Moses and the Prophets” - Acts \n 28:23.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.513182,"width":0.7573719999999999,"height":0.05090899999999998}},{"text":"M During the next two years in Rome, Paul “received all who came to him, 31 preaching the \n kingdom of God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ” - Acts 28:30.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.575758,"width":0.7357260000000001,"height":0.033030000000000115}},{"text":"The apostle Paul was extremely insistent that the same gospel which he himself preached, should \n never take any other form. And so he exclaimed, “even if we, or an angel from heaven preach \n any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed” - Galatians 1:8.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.620455,"width":0.7608820000000001,"height":0.05090900000000009}},{"text":"This leaves the reader of the New Testament with no alternative but to accept that the gospel, of \n which he said “is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes” - Romans 1:16 - \n must include the doctrine of the Kingdom of God, whatever that may be. Paul himself \n continually preached it wherever he went.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.68303,"width":0.7510590000000001,"height":0.06878899999999999}},{"text":"This is a matter of life or death for those who “believe.” From what Paul has declared, if that \n gospel does not include the doctrine which concerns the Kingdom of God, then it is a gospel \n which has no power to save.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.763485,"width":0.7265489999999999,"height":0.05090900000000009}},{"text":"What, we must know, is the Kingdom of God? The only reliable answer must come from the \n inspired word of God.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.826061,"width":0.7268239999999999,"height":0.033030000000000004}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
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{"content":[{"text":"Download Free Diesel Watch User Manual","bbox":{"left":0.101351,"top":0.04395,"width":0.663879,"height":0.06477}},{"text":"Diesel Watch User Manual","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.192776,"width":0.562986,"height":0.06257600000000002}},{"text":"When people should go to the ebook stores, search \n establishment by shop, shelf by shelf, it is truly problematic. This \n is why we give the books compilations in this website. It will \n certainly ease you to see guide diesel watch user manual as \n you such as.","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.28768,"width":0.779566,"height":0.2071}},{"text":"By searching the title, publisher, or authors of guide you in \n reality want, you can discover them rapidly. In the house, \n workplace, or perhaps in your method can be every best area \n within net connections. If you point to download and install the \n diesel watch user manual, it is certainly easy then, back \n currently we extend the belong to to purchase and make \n bargains to download and install diesel watch user manual for \n that reason simple! \n Page 1/10","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.539664,"width":0.7532089999999999,"height":0.382219}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Advanced Data \n Structures \n Chapter 16","bbox":{"left":0.085,"top":0.358841,"width":0.5666850000000001,"height":0.35862199999999994}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Facing Temptation","bbox":{"left":0.181373,"top":0.045833,"width":0.17278299999999996,"height":0.018061000000000008}},{"text":"Making the Right Decisions","bbox":{"left":0.370915,"top":0.045833,"width":0.256648,"height":0.018061000000000008}},{"text":"2 of 10","bbox":{"left":0.820235,"top":0.045894,"width":0.06211800000000001,"height":0.018061}},{"text":"Introduction","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.097392,"width":0.233464,"height":0.03093399999999999}},{"text":"I am","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.188794,"width":0.06357500000000002,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"going","bbox":{"left":0.197129,"top":0.188794,"width":0.06996999999999998,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"to","bbox":{"left":0.283008,"top":0.188794,"width":0.023847000000000007,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"begin","bbox":{"left":0.322763,"top":0.188794,"width":0.06996999999999998,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"by","bbox":{"left":0.408642,"top":0.188794,"width":0.030202000000000007,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"reading","bbox":{"left":0.454751,"top":0.188794,"width":0.09539600000000004,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"you","bbox":{"left":0.566056,"top":0.188794,"width":0.04610499999999995,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"a","bbox":{"left":0.628069,"top":0.188794,"width":0.015903,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"Bible","bbox":{"left":0.659881,"top":0.188794,"width":0.06358799999999998,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"verse","bbox":{"left":0.739377,"top":0.188794,"width":0.06992399999999999,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"from","bbox":{"left":0.82521,"top":0.188794,"width":0.05718999999999996,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"James 1:13-14 that says, “When tempted, no one should","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.226673,"width":0.764732,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"say, ‘God is tempting me.’ For God cannot be tempted by","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.264551,"width":0.7647329999999999,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.30243,"width":0.764732,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.340309,"width":0.7647489999999999,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"enticed.”","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.378188,"width":0.109678,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"Every single day, we as humans, not only Christians, face","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.453945,"width":0.7647410000000001,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"temptation in many different forms. Sometimes we may not","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.491824,"width":0.7647189999999999,"height":0.02209599999999995}},{"text":"even realize we are being tempted in the moment, and as a","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.529703,"width":0.7647459999999999,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"result, we make bad decisions. The definition of temptation","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.567582,"width":0.764732,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"is","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.60546,"width":0.020651000000000003,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"— “The desire to do something, especially something","bbox":{"left":0.15402,"top":0.60546,"width":0.72837,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"wrong or unwise.”","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.643339,"width":0.22568100000000002,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"The first and most well-known example of temptation in the","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.719097,"width":0.764726,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"Bible is Adam and Eve. So think,","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.756976,"width":0.4532709999999999,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"they","bbox":{"left":0.585523,"top":0.756976,"width":0.05405000000000004,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"lived","bbox":{"left":0.654179,"top":0.756976,"width":0.058811999999999975,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"in","bbox":{"left":0.727599,"top":0.756976,"width":0.02225699999999997,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"a perfect","bbox":{"left":0.764464,"top":0.756976,"width":0.1179309999999999,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"world, with no sin and without the influence of anyone other","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.794854,"width":0.7647329999999999,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"than themselves. There was literally no other human on the","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.832733,"width":0.7647459999999999,"height":0.022096000000000005}},{"text":"earth to peer pressure or tempt them except for each other.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.870612,"width":0.764731,"height":0.022096000000000005}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Resource: Education","bbox":{"left":0.406046,"top":0.146825,"width":0.18878799999999996,"height":0.01946400000000001}},{"text":"Sabine Parish School Board \n 695 Peterson St., P.O. Box 1079 \n Many, LA 71449 \n Phone: (318) 256-9228 Fax: (318) 256-0105 \n Website: www.sabine.k12.la.us \n (Go to website for Information on each school and \n parent portal) \n _________________________________________________________ \n SABINE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD PRESCHOOL- Universal \n Preschool & Head Start \n 1501 Natchitoches Hwy, P.O. Box 1079, Many, LA 71449 \n Phone: (318) 256-9228- central office, (318) 256-6143-head start \n Fax: (318) 256-0385 MES:(318) 256-3450-, Fax: (318) 256-0190 \n Services: Developmentally appropriate preschool program for children \n 3-5 years of age, parent group meetings, health services (medical and \n dental), and social service assistance. \n Eligibility: 4 years old by September 30th for universal preschool; 3 \n years old by September 30th for head start. \n Fee: none \n Territory served: Sabine Parish Contact Person: Jean Falcon","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.195484,"width":0.759427,"height":0.659249}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"When accidents and incidents happen on the jobsite, we are always quick to point the finger at lack of \n training, not following practices or procedures, or even improper supervision. The idea that the \n hazards and dangers associated with the job were not properly communicated to all of the workers is \n often missed.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.164466,"width":0.8809400000000001,"height":0.07329}},{"text":"Tool Box Talks can go by many names, and although formats may vary, these meetings all serve one \n purpose: to inform employees and contract workers. Tool Box Talks are short, informal, meetings \n between management and the workers on a jobsite. The goal of these meetings is to reinforce current \n safe job procedures, inform workers of new and/or relevant procedures, review recent safety \n violations/incidents, and ensure workers are up-to-date on the information required to complete their \n work safely.","bbox":{"left":0.058823,"top":0.249769,"width":0.882117,"height":0.11086600000000005}},{"text":"Always use a Tool Box Talk form to record the meeting topic, date, who was in attendance, and any \n follow-up actions to be taken. Not only do these forms help with consistency of record keeping, but \n they also ensure that nothing is missed. At the end of the meeting have management sign off on the \n form.","bbox":{"left":0.058823,"top":0.372799,"width":0.865615,"height":0.07313900000000001}},{"text":"One of the most important aspects of a Tool Box Talk is giving workers an opportunity to voice their \n concerns and ask questions. All employees have a right to participate in health and safety as it \n relates to their work and it is the supervisor or manager’s responsibility to create an environment for \n them to do so. Once the meeting is over, and the form is filled out, it should be filed with other \n documented Tool Box Talks.","bbox":{"left":0.058823,"top":0.458102,"width":0.8626090000000001,"height":0.09192699999999998}},{"text":"Remember that Tool Box Talks are short and informal, they are not meant to be intimidating. Use the \n opportunity to have fun and stay on top of what is necessary to keep safety culture a strong part of \n the business.","bbox":{"left":0.058823,"top":0.562193,"width":0.8730680000000001,"height":0.05435099999999993}},{"text":"For a full listing of Tool Box Talk topics, visit: www.scsaonline.ca/resources/tool-box-talks","bbox":{"left":0.114118,"top":0.628557,"width":0.771568,"height":0.016927000000000025}},{"text":"For a copy of the Tool Box Talk form, visit: www.scsaonline.ca/pdf/Tool_Box_Meeting.pdf","bbox":{"left":0.112941,"top":0.657344,"width":0.7738830000000001,"height":0.016927000000000025}},{"text":"About the Saskatchewan Construction Safety Association","bbox":{"left":0.229804,"top":0.713708,"width":0.540413,"height":0.016927000000000025}},{"text":"The Saskatchewan Construction Safety Association (SCSA) is an industry-funded, membership-based, \n nonprofit organization that provides cost-effective, accessible safety training and advice to employers and \n employees in the construction industry throughout the province to reduce the human and financial losses \n associated with injuries. Registered March 20, 1995, the SCSA is, and has been since inception, committed to \n injury prevention. Serving almost 10,000 member companies with business offices in both Regina and \n Saskatoon, the major business units of the association are Advisory Services, Business Development, \n Corporate Services, Program Services and Training. The mission of the SCSA is constructing safety \n leadership in Saskatchewan and the vision is to create the safest construction environment in Canada.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.742533,"width":0.874443,"height":0.136316}},{"text":"www.scsaonline.ca","bbox":{"left":0.335108,"top":0.911842,"width":0.29578699999999997,"height":0.025391000000000052}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.058824,"top":0.045202,"width":0.23219,"height":0.102273},{"left":0.058824,"top":0.906977,"width":0.121487,"height":0.047475},{"left":0.786193,"top":0.905967,"width":0.154984,"height":0.046212}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.058824,"top":0.045202,"width":0.23219,"height":0.102273},{"left":0.058824,"top":0.906977,"width":0.121487,"height":0.047475},{"left":0.786193,"top":0.905967,"width":0.154984,"height":0.046212}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Planning and Zoning Commission \n Legal Notice","bbox":{"left":0.536471,"top":0.053011,"width":0.346004,"height":0.04278399999999999}},{"text":"Published on August 25, 2020","bbox":{"left":0.622941,"top":0.113379,"width":0.25951,"height":0.01737899999999999}},{"text":"PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE","bbox":{"left":0.354118,"top":0.223591,"width":0.291595,"height":0.023113999999999996}},{"text":"The Mansfield Planning and Zoning Commission will hold the following public hearing on \n 9/8/2020 via a web-based virtual meeting to hear comments regarding the following application :","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.259048,"width":0.7634529999999999,"height":0.03269}},{"text":"•","bbox":{"left":0.147069,"top":0.302955,"width":0.008296999999999999,"height":0.01707700000000001}},{"text":"6:45 PM: :PZC-Initiated Amendments Articles 4, 7, 8 and 10 of the Mansfield Zoning \n Regulations related to multi-family residential uses, group dwelling uses, density \n bonuses for affordable housing, and changes to the PB-1, PB-3, PB-4, I, ARH, DMR, \n PVRA, and SER-HO districts dated July 30, 2020 as revised by the PZC on August 3, \n 2020. (PZC File Number 907-49)","bbox":{"left":0.176491,"top":0.304351,"width":0.6794830000000001,"height":0.08465600000000001}},{"text":"Information on how to participate in the public hearing will be on the meeting agenda, which will \n be posted at http://www.mansfieldct.gov/AgendaCenter no less than 24 hours before the \n meeting.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.400714,"width":0.7561599999999999,"height":0.05011899999999997}},{"text":"No information from the public shall be received after the close of the Public Hearings.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.462533,"width":0.6831689999999999,"height":0.015573000000000004}},{"text":"Additional information regarding this application is available by emailing \n planzonedept@mansfieldct.org.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.489951,"width":0.567442,"height":0.03269999999999995}},{"text":"Paul Aho, Chair \n Vera Ward, Secretary","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.534163,"width":0.16827399999999998,"height":0.033107}},{"text":"Pursuant to Governor Lamont’s Executive Order 7I, enacted March 21, 2020, all public \n notices, including but not limited to public hearing notices, notices of decision, and \n notices of proposed changes to adopted regulations and maps for the following entities \n will now be posted on the Town Website in the Legal Notices section \n (http://www.mansfieldct.gov/1713/Legal-Notices).. Until the public health emergency is \n over, the on-line posting of these notices shall replace publication of such notices in The \n Chronicle newspaper and posting of such notices in the Town Clerk’s office.","bbox":{"left":0.12,"top":0.60617,"width":0.760108,"height":0.11890199999999995}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.115196,"top":0.045454,"width":0.256291,"height":0.06154}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.115196,"top":0.045454,"width":0.256291,"height":0.06154}]}
{"content":[{"text":"INDEPENDENCE HOUSING AUTHORITY \n ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN","bbox":{"left":0.278072,"top":0.117579,"width":0.443797,"height":0.056520999999999974}},{"text":"TABLE OF CONTENTS","bbox":{"left":0.376748,"top":0.210457,"width":0.24671000000000004,"height":0.02455199999999999}},{"text":"1. OVERVIEW OF THE PROGRAM AND PLAN \n 2. FAIR HOUSING AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY \n 3. ELIGIBILITY \n 4. APPLICATIONS, WAITING LIST AND TENANT SELECTION \n 5. BRIEFINGS AND VOUCHER ISSUANCE \n 6. INCOME AND SUBSIDY DETERMINATIONS \n 7. VERIFICATION \n 8. HQS AND RENT REASONABLENESS DETERMINATIONS \n 9. GENERAL LEASING POLICIES \n 10. MOVING WITH CONTINUED ASSISTANCE AND PORTABILITY \n 11. REEXAMINATIONS AND MONITORING \n 12. TERMINATION OF ASSISTANCE AND TENANCY \n 13. OWNERS \n 14. PROGRAM INTEGRITY \n 15. SPECIAL HOUSING TYPES \n 16. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION \n 17. PROJECT BASED VOUCHERS (PBV) AND RENTAL ASSISTANCE \n DEMONSTRATION (RAD) \n 18. HCV HOMEOWNERSHIP PLAN","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.271646,"width":0.6011310000000001,"height":0.358609}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Legislative Updates – HB 5163 and HB 5123. KCSARC is advocating for a refinement of the \n Sexual Assault Protection Order laws. \n Agenda items for future meetings","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.080305,"width":0.6813400000000001,"height":0.05167799999999999}},{"text":"1.","bbox":{"left":0.235294,"top":0.150002,"width":0.013529000000000013,"height":0.015437000000000006}},{"text":"Update chapter bylaws \n a. Training for new board members \n Resource list on website for families of youth with sexual behavior problems \n RSO study provided by Brad Meryhew \n Chaperone training \n Board member qualifications and expectations/ clarify when election should be \n sent out","bbox":{"left":0.264706,"top":0.150002,"width":0.569968,"height":0.11149800000000001}},{"text":"2. \n 3. \n 4. \n 5.","bbox":{"left":0.235294,"top":0.182123,"width":0.013529000000000013,"height":0.06331600000000001}},{"text":"WATSA Board meeting, 4.16.21","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.920438,"width":0.259608,"height":0.01677899999999999}},{"text":"2 | P a g e","bbox":{"left":0.771765,"top":0.920438,"width":0.076546,"height":0.01677899999999999}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Alternatively, if you can only pay by cheque, please post them for my attention, \n Alan Archer, 13 Atling Way, Attleborough, Norfolk, NR17 2NS. Again, making \n it clear who the payment is for. \n Thank you for your consideration and continued support for the club.","bbox":{"left":0.095237,"top":0.066482,"width":0.799273,"height":0.07687699999999999}},{"text":"Annual General Meeting","bbox":{"left":0.095237,"top":0.161759,"width":0.268887,"height":0.023174}},{"text":"The Annual General Meeting of Wymondham Photographic Society will be held on 19 \n Jan 2021. It is an important gathering this year because the Society needs to elect \n a new Chair (Heather is only acting Chair at the moment) and Secretary. There are \n also three places to be filled on the committee. All clubs thrive on new ideas and new \n faces on its committee and WPS is no exception. If you feel you have something to \n offer, or would like to contribute to the running of our club, then why not volunteer \n for the committee, there is still time for you to put yourself forward. If you are \n interested, then please contact our Secretary, Ian Saunders, who can advise you on \n the nomination process.","bbox":{"left":0.095237,"top":0.203079,"width":0.804247,"height":0.171902}},{"text":"Special Interest Groups.","bbox":{"left":0.095237,"top":0.39338,"width":0.28308799999999995,"height":0.023173999999999972}},{"text":"As I reported last month, the most popular group request for establishment was the \n Landscape Group. After some thought I have put myself forward to lead this group \n so look out for updates early in the New Year and news of the first meeting.","bbox":{"left":0.095237,"top":0.434701,"width":0.795628,"height":0.05787300000000001}},{"text":"These groups cannot run without volunteers, so if you are interested in helping to set \n up and lead another group, please drop me a line and we can discuss ideas. On the \n subject of Groups, an idea has been suggested to set up a post processing \n (Photoshop/Lightroom etc) group to help members who think they lack skills in this \n area of photography to develop. Again. we can’t do this without volunteers so if you \n are “super-slick” with PS, Lightroom or Elements and feel you can help under the \n “Continuous improvement” heading, then please let me know.","bbox":{"left":0.095237,"top":0.51072,"width":0.802183,"height":0.133892}},{"text":"As with other groups we cannot run it at the moment, but it would be good to get \n them established so that when we are “released” and it is judged safe for \n unrestricted meetings they can be ready to go.","bbox":{"left":0.095237,"top":0.662759,"width":0.762675,"height":0.05787299999999995}},{"text":"Forthcoming Programme","bbox":{"left":0.095237,"top":0.739031,"width":0.26971,"height":0.023174000000000028}},{"text":"As I write this, there is only one meeting left in 2020. We have an almost full \n programme into 2021, filled mainly with guest speakers, with one or two club \n members stepping up to share experiences. There are still one or two slots left so if \n you feel that you have an idea or topic you think other members would be interested \n in hearing about, then please let Heather know so she can programme you in.","bbox":{"left":0.095237,"top":0.780352,"width":0.80028,"height":0.09588199999999991}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"June 25, 2021","bbox":{"left":0.110235,"top":0.139889,"width":0.11417000000000002,"height":0.019153000000000003}},{"text":"BSE Limited \n Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, \n Dalal Street, \n Mumbai 400 001","bbox":{"left":0.111608,"top":0.176556,"width":0.22687900000000005,"height":0.07430399999999998}},{"text":"National Stock Exchange of India Limited \n Exchange Plaza, Plot No. C/1, G Block, \n Bandra-Kurla Complex, \n Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051","bbox":{"left":0.496748,"top":0.176556,"width":0.32775499999999996,"height":0.07430399999999998}},{"text":"Scrip Code: 500325 / 890147","bbox":{"left":0.111608,"top":0.268222,"width":0.23396099999999997,"height":0.019264999999999977}},{"text":"Trading Symbol: RELIANCE / RELIANCEP1","bbox":{"left":0.496748,"top":0.268222,"width":0.356455,"height":0.019264999999999977}},{"text":"Dear Sirs,","bbox":{"left":0.110235,"top":0.30523,"width":0.08005799999999999,"height":0.019152999999999976}},{"text":"Sub:","bbox":{"left":0.110235,"top":0.341815,"width":0.03992100000000001,"height":0.019195000000000018}},{"text":"Intimation under Regulation 30 \n Requirements) Regulations, 2015","bbox":{"left":0.163954,"top":0.341815,"width":0.28976500000000005,"height":0.03783100000000006}},{"text":"of","bbox":{"left":0.467374,"top":0.341815,"width":0.016795000000000004,"height":0.019195000000000018}},{"text":"SEBI","bbox":{"left":0.497734,"top":0.341815,"width":0.041869000000000045,"height":0.019195000000000018}},{"text":"(Listing","bbox":{"left":0.553385,"top":0.341815,"width":0.06513999999999998,"height":0.019195000000000018}},{"text":"Obligations","bbox":{"left":0.631946,"top":0.341815,"width":0.09880100000000003,"height":0.019195000000000018}},{"text":"and","bbox":{"left":0.74442,"top":0.341815,"width":0.032001999999999975,"height":0.019195000000000018}},{"text":"Disclosure","bbox":{"left":0.790096,"top":0.341815,"width":0.09196400000000005,"height":0.019195000000000018}},{"text":"Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and \n Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, intimation is hereby given that:","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.398866,"width":0.7652030000000001,"height":0.037638000000000005}},{"text":"1.","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.454018,"width":0.015015,"height":0.019152999999999976}},{"text":"Shri Y. P. Trivedi (DIN: 00001879), an Independent Director of the Company, has demitted \n his office as a Director of the Company effective from the conclusion of the 44th Annual \n General Meeting (Post IPO) held on June 24, 2021, due to health reasons. Shri Y. P. \n Trivedi has confirmed that there is no other reason for demitting his office as Director of \n the Company.","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.454018,"width":0.706107,"height":0.092663}},{"text":"Shri Y. P. Trivedi joined the Board of Directors of the Company in 1992.","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.564194,"width":0.5685690000000001,"height":0.019152999999999976}},{"text":"The Board of Directors have placed on record their sincere appreciation for the \n contribution made by Shri Y P Trivedi during his long tenure on the Board of the Company.","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.601013,"width":0.7062970000000001,"height":0.03748599999999991}},{"text":"2.","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.656164,"width":0.015015,"height":0.019152999999999976}},{"text":"The Board of Directors have on June 24, 2021 approved the appointment of His \n Excellency Yasir O. Al-Rumayyan, as an Additional Director of the Company, designated \n as an Independent Director. The appointment of His Excellency Yasir O. Al- Rumayyan \n as an Independent Director shall take effect from the date of his obtaining the Director \n Identification Number (DIN) and completion of other formalities relating to his appointment \n as an Independent Director.","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.656164,"width":0.7060670000000001,"height":0.11100900000000002}},{"text":"Brief profile of His Excellency Yasir O. Al-Rumayyan, is attached.","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.784687,"width":0.517533,"height":0.019152999999999976}},{"text":"Regd. Office: 3rd Floor, Maker Chambers IV, 222, Nariman Point, Mumbai- 400 021, India \n Phone #: +91-22-3555 5000, Telefax: +91-22-2204 2268. E-mail: investor.relations@ril.com, Website: www.ril.com \n CIN- L17110MH1973PLC019786","bbox":{"left":0.106706,"top":0.909303,"width":0.765573,"height":0.04589700000000008}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.431993,"top":0.045455,"width":0.135977,"height":0.079356}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.431993,"top":0.045455,"width":0.135977,"height":0.079356}]}
{"content":[{"text":"PUBLISHED OPINIONS \n KENTUCKY COURT OF APPEALS \n DECEMBER 1, 2016 to DECEMBER 31, 2016","bbox":{"left":0.305719,"top":0.115143,"width":0.38522399999999996,"height":0.061811000000000005}},{"text":"I. APPEALS","bbox":{"left":0.094706,"top":0.264991,"width":0.109113,"height":0.02135700000000007}},{"text":"A.","bbox":{"left":0.118078,"top":0.314575,"width":0.018235000000000015,"height":0.020145000000000024}},{"text":"Fink v. Fink","bbox":{"left":0.166699,"top":0.31547,"width":0.09782699999999997,"height":0.018851000000000007}},{"text":"2016-CA-000797 12/22/2016 2016 WL 7405769 \n Opinion and order by Judge VanMeter; Judge Combs concurred; Judge Thompson \n dissented and filed a separate opinion.","bbox":{"left":0.098039,"top":0.350959,"width":0.694566,"height":0.06171399999999999}},{"text":"Appellant brought a civil action against appellee, and the circuit court entered an \n order directing appellant to pay appellee’s attorney’s fees. Appellant challenged \n the award on appeal, but the Court of Appeals dismissed due to his failure to name \n appellee’s attorney as a party to the appeal. Citing to Neidlinger v. Neidlinger, 52 \n S.W.3d 513 (Ky. 2001), the Court noted that if fees are ordered to be paid directly \n to the attorney - as was the case here - the attorney may enforce the order in his \n own name and, thus, is the real party in interest and a necessary and indispensable \n party to any appeal from that order. Therefore, the appeal was subject to \n dismissal because appellee’s counsel was a real party in interest and an \n indispensable party. The Court further held that appellant’s belated attempt to \n cure the deficiency in the notice of appeal by amending it to add appellee’s \n attorney was ineffective and improper. Any attempt to amend the notice of appeal \n to add indispensable parties must be accomplished within the normal time \n requirements for filing the notice of appeal.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.427258,"width":0.6795690000000001,"height":0.2572589999999999}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Victoria Lawn Tennis Club \n Safeguarding Policy","bbox":{"left":0.135671,"top":0.259445,"width":0.730214,"height":0.10290300000000002}},{"text":"Version","bbox":{"left":0.059592,"top":0.938911,"width":0.185098,"height":0.01677899999999999}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"California Transparency in Supply Chains Act Disclosure Statement for Fiscal Year 2020 \n Koppers is a leading integrated global provider of treated wood products, wood treatment \n chemicals and carbon compounds. Our products and services are used in a variety of niche \n applications in a diverse range of end-markets, including the railroad, specialty chemical, utility, \n residential lumber, agriculture, aluminum, steel, rubber, and construction industries. We serve \n our customers through a comprehensive global manufacturing and distribution network, with \n manufacturing capabilities located in North America, South America, Australasia and Europe. \n Koppers remains committed to safety in our supply chain as we strive to be the most valued \n supplier of quality products and services in the industries we serve. As set forth in the Koppers \n Code of Conduct, we commit to conducting our business in an ethical and responsible manner \n that supports and respects the protection of human rights, and we desire to do business with \n partners who aspire to conduct their business in a similar manner. Koppers upholds high ethical \n standards and values, which include prohibiting illegal or unethical employment or business \n practices, including child labor, forced labor, or other forms of slavery or human trafficking. \n Additional information can be located on our website, www.koppers.com. \n Verification \n Koppers has established RC 14001 compliant policies, processes, and procedures that start \n from the premise that full compliance with all applicable legal requirements is the minimum level \n of performance. This standard requires that Koppers, commensurate with risk, have systems to \n qualify and periodically review carriers, suppliers, distributors, customers, contractors, and third \n party providers based on, among other things, safety, health and environmental performance. \n Qualification of our “high-risk” carriers, suppliers, distributors, customers, contractors, and third \n party partners provides Koppers with a method to review our business partners’ commitment to \n safety, health and environmental performance. This process involves reviewing a third party \n partner’s management system, workers compensation loss history, OSHA incident rates, job \n related fatalities, recent regulatory citations (i.e., OSHA, EPA and DOT), insurance policies and \n other items by region such as whether the third party has a written safety policy, proof of \n competency (including employee training records), method statements relevant to the work to \n be carried out, risk assessments on the proposed project, and a review of other regulatory \n requirements applicable to the third party. This management system also requires these \n business partners certify to regulatory compliance and provide Koppers with a right to audit \n compliance with our requirements. While RC 14001 directs a certain level of regulatory \n compliance, which includes compliance with applicable labor laws, it does not contain \n requirements relating to human trafficking or slave labor specifically. Koppers does not utilize a \n third party to perform its verification processes. \n Audits \n The RC 14001 management system provides Koppers with a method to review our business \n partners’ commitment to safety, health and environmental performance and requires our \n business partners to provide Koppers with a right to audit compliance with our requirements. On \n a periodic basis, our third party partners are to provide a summary of their ongoing health and \n safety performance, including an evaluation of health and safety incident history and a \n description of corrective actions taken. Our policies also require that, on a periodic basis, we \n audit a sample of third party partners to review representations and documentation reported by","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.089024,"width":0.761496,"height":0.813722}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE","bbox":{"left":0.220592,"top":0.091629,"width":0.558763,"height":0.019631999999999997}},{"text":"BEFORE THE PATENT TRIAL AND APPEAL BOARD","bbox":{"left":0.231175,"top":0.154501,"width":0.53778,"height":0.01963200000000001}},{"text":"Incyte Corporation,","bbox":{"left":0.410392,"top":0.217379,"width":0.17943900000000002,"height":0.01963200000000001}},{"text":"Petitioner,","bbox":{"left":0.588235,"top":0.247839,"width":0.09750000000000003,"height":0.01963200000000001}},{"text":"v.","bbox":{"left":0.491378,"top":0.288435,"width":0.017298000000000036,"height":0.019631999999999983}},{"text":"Concert Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,","bbox":{"left":0.35981,"top":0.32919,"width":0.280433,"height":0.019631999999999983}},{"text":"Patent Owner.","bbox":{"left":0.588235,"top":0.359658,"width":0.13353199999999998,"height":0.019631999999999983}},{"text":"Post Grant Review No. PGR2021-00006 \n U.S. Patent No. 10,561,659","bbox":{"left":0.313328,"top":0.422531,"width":0.37326699999999996,"height":0.039929999999999966}},{"text":"PATENT OWNER’S PRELIMINARY RESPONSE","bbox":{"left":0.246661,"top":0.505713,"width":0.506607,"height":0.019631999999999983}},{"text":"Mail Stop “PATENT BOARD” \n Patent Trial and Appeal Board \n United States Patent and Trademark Office \n P.O. Box 1450 \n Alexandria, VA 22313-1450","bbox":{"left":0.117639,"top":0.678111,"width":0.39443900000000004,"height":0.10082199999999997}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"!!!!Cross!Keys!Condo!#1! \n Board!Meeting!Minutes!! \n October!13,!2016! \n ! \n Board!Members!Present:!!!Hillard!Cohen,!Sharon!Nathanson,!Carol!Kaufmann,!Irv!Settleman,!Neile!Eisner,! \n Gail! Mandell,! and! Marjorie! Goodman.! ! Sara! Arthur,! Condo1! Attorney! and! Mike! Grier,! Village! \n Management.!!Not!present:!!Marge!Ford!and!Valerie!Wilson.!!Other!residents!attending:!!Richard!Emory! \n and!Sidney!Levy.!!Hillard!Cohen!called!the!meeting!to!order.!!! \n ! \n Treasurer’s!Report! \n ! \n Hillard!gave!the!Treasurer’s!report.!!!As!of!August!2016,!there!was!$340,133!in!the!Replacement! \n Reserve!Account.!!The!Operating!Account!is!on!budget. During!this!year!approximately!$61,960! \n was!spent!from!the!Reserve!Account!for!physical!improvements!including!swales!behind!Palmer,! \n Hamlet!Hill!and!Olmsted!were!renovated!($17,000);!smoke!and!carbon!monoxide!detectors!were! \n installed!in!all!storage!areas!($4,300);!and!stone!and!masonry!repairs!were!also!completed!on! \n two!courts!($4,500).!!The!remainder!of!the!expenses!were!for!painting!and!refurbishing!many! \n fences,!gates!and!exterior!wall,!sofits!and!parts!of!roofs.!!Expenses!also!include!the!cost!of!the! \n Reserve!Study.!The!Association!just!received!an!invoice!for!the!removal!of!four!trees!($10,000)! \n which!will!also!come!out!of!Reserves.!!In!the!Operating!Account!legal!expenses!were!up!due!to! \n threatened!litigation,!abusive!emails!and!violations.!!Also,!the!attorney!has!helped!the!legal! \n committee!come!up!with!a!strategy!for!enforcement!of!Association!Rules.!!This!is!in!response!to! \n owners’!complaints!from!last!year!that!the!Board!does!not!enforce!its!rules.!!One!Board!Member! \n expressed!concern!about!the!attorney!regularly!attending!board!meetings.!!It!was!explained!that! \n this!is!due!to!the!necessity!of!discussing!a!legal!matter!with!the!Board.! \n ! \n Old!Business! \n ! \n A!Board!Member!asked!about!the!status!of!the!bids!for!the!landscaping!contract.!!The!Board!was! \n not!aware!of!what!actions!had!been!taken.!!Hillard!will!follow-up!with!Valerie!Wilson,!Chair!of! \n the!Landscaping!Committee!for!a!status.! \n ! \n The!Condo!1!Website,!www.crosskeyscondo1.com!is!up!and!running.!!Residents!are!urged!to! \n sign-up!to!receive!notices!and!information!regarding!Condo!1.!!This!will!be!a!more!efficient!and! \n cost!effective!way!to!deliver!information!to!residents.!!Both!Neile!Eisner!and!staff!from!Village! \n Management!will!be!trained!on!how!to!put!up!information!on!the!website.!!Board!members!were! \n asked!to!encourage!residents!and!owners!to!sign-up.! \n Management!Report!! \n ! \n Mike!gave!the!Management!Report.!!There!are!two!units!in!arrears!but!both!are!being!addressed.!! \n The!Capital!Reserve!study!is!almost!complete.!After!initial!review,!additional!modifications!were! \n requested!and!are!now!being!completed!by!the!contractor.! \n ! \n The!Board!then!voted!unanimously!to!go!into!closed!session!to!meet!with!its!attorney!regarding! \n a!legal!issue!arising!out!of!an!action!taken!by!the!2008!Board.!The!Board!Meeting!of!the!Cross! \n Keys!Condo!1!Association!was!adjourned.! \n ! \n Sharon!Nathanson,!Secretary!","bbox":{"left":0.118601,"top":0.046238,"width":0.773577,"height":0.869478}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"PLEASE SEE BACK","bbox":{"left":0.638627,"top":0.023494,"width":0.15269500000000003,"height":0.015424}},{"text":"Wakefield-Marenisco School District Supply List 2021-2022 (cont.)","bbox":{"left":0.031618,"top":0.040918,"width":0.468833,"height":0.015424}},{"text":"Elementary resource room \n 2- Boxes of Kleenex (Please) \n 1 - Large pink eraser \n 8 or more #2 pencils \n 1 hand sanitizer \n 1 - 1 1/2 inch or 2 inch Binder \n 1 - Single-subject notebook","bbox":{"left":0.057843,"top":0.075766,"width":0.20396099999999998,"height":0.11997}},{"text":"Junior/Senior High Students will be asked by \n individual teachers to bring in items for each \n class. The District will not be supplying locks \n for student lockers. If you would like \n to have a lock on your locker, please purchase \n one (lock combinations or extra key must be \n given to office)","bbox":{"left":0.495882,"top":0.092282,"width":0.329787,"height":0.12087799999999999}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"June 27, 2021 Coffee Time Chat highlights","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.093965,"width":0.33888499999999994,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"Hi everyone – here are the highlights from the June 27, 2021 coffee time chat in response to \n Kathleen V’s question about how to spend Canada Day after the discovery of unmarked graves \n at residential schools. Hopefully, I’ve captured things accurately! ~Sue MacQueen","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.154116,"width":0.7523360000000001,"height":0.055000999999999994}},{"text":"Suggestions:","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.224116,"width":0.10199799999999999,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"• \n • \n • \n • \n • \n • \n • \n • \n • \n • \n •","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.251156,"width":0.009019,"height":0.22632700000000006}},{"text":"Reimagine it to learn and educate others about Canada’s real history \n Spend Canada Day reflecting and learning \n CBC is broadcasting a day of Indigenous story telling on June 30 \n Wear orange on July 1 to demonstrate solidarity with Indigenous Peoples \n MCC: Every Child Matters buttons available \n A day to come together, recognize our diversity and celebrate who we are \n Contribute to Survivor’s funds, language reclamation and land reclamation projects \n Add our voices to Indigenous Land Protectors \n Speak up on behalf of Indigenous kids in foster care system \n Support Parkminster’s Land Back Lane monthly lunches (talk to Nancy Dykstra) \n Support Healing of the Seven Generations, Native Canadian Centre of Toronto (runs \n language and cultural programs and partners with the two First Nations schools in the \n TDSB to teach Ojibwe and Mohawk language and Culture so the children can teach their \n parents and grandparents who lost their language and culture via the residential school \n system. \n Healing Fund UCC supports programs created by Indigenous communities, language and \n reclamation of cultural programs \n Book: From the Ashes by Jesse Thistle","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.255025,"width":0.7017340000000001,"height":0.36415500000000006}},{"text":"•","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.559552,"width":0.009019,"height":0.018561999999999967}},{"text":"•","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.600159,"width":0.009019,"height":0.018561999999999967}},{"text":"Resources to learn more about Indigenous culture and concerns","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.664179,"width":0.519057,"height":0.015152000000000054}},{"text":"• \n • \n • \n • \n • \n • \n • \n • \n •","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.721219,"width":0.009019,"height":0.18480699999999994}},{"text":"TRC or Historica website \n NFB film “We Were Children” \n 30th Anniversary of the Apology – Cairn \n Google: United Church of Canada Residential Schools TVO for programs to watch \n Google: 1986 United Church apology \n https://healingofthesevengenerations.ca/community-events/orange-shirt-orders/ \n https://www.shopwoodlandculturalcentre.ca/shop/save-the-evidence/9 \n Native Canadian Centre: https://ncct.on.ca \n Mohawk language program: https://onkwawenna.info receives donations","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.725088,"width":0.654331,"height":0.18139700000000014}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"THE DONBAS CONFLICT: RUSSIA’S CULPABILITY \n UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW","bbox":{"left":0.235294,"top":0.096606,"width":0.478275,"height":0.038409}},{"text":"During the ongoing armed conflict between Ukrainian government forces and pro-","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.163591,"width":0.647902,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Russian separatist insurgents in the Donbas region of Ukraine (the Donetsk and Lugansk","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.198439,"width":0.695686,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Oblasts) that began in April 2014, numerous human rights violations and violations of","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.233288,"width":0.675743,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"international law have been noted on the part of the separatists affiliated with the so-called","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.268136,"width":0.7098039999999999,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and Lugansk People's Republic (LPR). In a report from the","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.302985,"width":0.734588,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission, Ivan Šimonović, UN Assistant Secretary General for","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.337833,"width":0.73241,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Human Rights, wrote about targeted killings, torture, abduction, illegal detention, and","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.372682,"width":0.6725479999999999,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"intimidation of election officials in the self-proclaimed pro-Russian republics, and called for","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.40753,"width":0.7241760000000002,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"urgent action to prevent a Balkans-style war. He also warned of a humanitarian crisis due to a","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.442379,"width":0.7343919999999999,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"failure of social services in the region, and an exodus of people from affected areas. The UN also","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.477227,"width":0.761763,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"reported threats against, attacks on, and abductions of journalists and international observers, as","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.512076,"width":0.750764,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"well as the beatings and attacks on supporters of Ukrainian unity.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.546924,"width":0.512157,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"A similar report by Human Rights Watch said: \"Anti-Kiev forces in eastern Ukraine are","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.589348,"width":0.689095,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"abducting, attacking, and harassing people they suspect of supporting the Ukrainian government","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.624197,"width":0.755058,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"or consider undesirable...anti-Kiev insurgents are using beatings and kidnappings to send the","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.659045,"width":0.7275290000000001,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"message that anyone who doesn't support them had better shut up or leave\".","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.693894,"width":0.593529,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"The use of abductions as a method to maintain political power and to terrorize the local","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.736318,"width":0.6844700000000001,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"population into submission appears to have been one of the preferred abusive techniques utilized","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.771167,"width":0.7586279999999999,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"by the pro-Russian separatist leadership. In early July, 2014, Amnesty International published a","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.806015,"width":0.7498819999999999,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"report based upon evidence of beatings, torture, and abduction of activists, protesters and","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.840864,"width":0.6982349999999999,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"journalists by insurgents in the Donbas region. It said that \"while most abductions appear to have","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.875712,"width":0.761647,"height":0.020212000000000008}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Cross-disciplinary entities: An interaction model illustrated by works combining \n mathematics and arts (Milena Damrau, Martin Skrodzki) \n The 2020 annual meeting of the German Mathematical Society saw the first minisymposium \n on Mathematics and Arts. This introductory article presents a classification scheme for \n interaction between these two disciplines. In the following collection, each article \n exemplifies the different cases of the scheme via a contribution presented at the \n minisymposium. \n Since 1998, the Bridges Conference promotes the interdisciplinary presentation and \n publication of mathematical connections in art, music, architecture, education and culture \n (Fenyvesi 2016). Douglas G. Burkholder characterises these interactions between \n mathematics and arts in terms of two extremes: “mathematics [used] to create artwork and \n artwork that is used to explain mathematics” (Burkholder 2019, 289). While this can serve \n as a starting point, the connections between these two disciplines are more subtle and \n complex. To investigate these facets further, we first relate them to the broader \n interdisciplinary context. \n Science philosopher Michael Jungert presents a hierarchy of concepts with an increasing \n degree of integration of two disciplines (Jungert 2010). Burkholder’s characterisation of the \n interaction between mathematics and arts best corresponds to the middle ground of Cross- \n Disciplinarity, discussed by Jungert, which is identified by the usage of methods or research \n paradigms of one discipline within the other without trying to blend the disciplines \n (Jungert 2010, 3). Alternatively, Heinz Heckhausen subdivides interaction between two \n disciplines into six sub-types (Heckhausen 1972). Heckhausen’s third subtype Auxiliary \n Interdisciplinarity best reflects the observation by Burkholder. It is denoted by one \n discipline making use “of a method borrowed from another discipline” \n (Heckhausen 1972, 88). Both classifications have in common that the notion of method is of \n central importance. \n A method is “a way of proceeding or doing something, esp a systematic or regular one” and \n denotes “the techniques or arrangement of work for a particular field or subject” (Collins). \n In this sense, a method is applied to some situation or input entity in order to reach an end or \n an output entity, where neither entity has to be materially realised, but can remain abstract or \n ideal. Burkholder’s classification identifies both mathematics as a method to reach an artistic \n outcome and art as a method to reach the outcome of an explanation of mathematics. \n However, it neglects the input entity, the starting point to which to apply the method. \n Expanding Burkholder’s scheme and considering the two disciplines (mathematics and arts) \n as possibilities for the input entity, the method, and the output entity, respectively, provides \n the complete scheme as given in Figure 1. This expanded scheme contains eight cases. It \n does include Burkholder’s “artwork that is used to explain mathematics” (case 2) as well as \n his “mathematics [used] to create artwork” (case 3). The cases 5 and 6 are non- \n interdisciplinary and therefore only given for the sake of completeness here. Furthermore, \n cases 7 and 8 challenge this classification as they propose that applying a method from one \n discipline to an input entity of the same discipline could give rise to an outcome in another \n discipline, which raises a rather philosophical question not to be settled in the article. This \n leaves cases 1 and 4 as new additions to Burkholder’s classification. The articles in this \n collection exemplify all cases 1 to 4. Thereby, they validate this generalised scheme.","bbox":{"left":0.128674,"top":0.086125,"width":0.749061,"height":0.825392}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Read PDF Introduction \n Catholic Sacramental \n Theology additionally useful. Ganoczy You have remained in \n Alexandre right site to begin getting this info. acquire \n the introduction catholic sacramental \n theology ganoczy alexandre colleague that \n we manage to pay for here and check out \n the link. \n You could buy lead introduction catholic \n Page 2/38","bbox":{"left":0.142857,"top":0.061618,"width":0.696932,"height":0.8275410000000001}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"with two spurs. Spiracles are triangular. Male is without ventral plates, but small \n chitinous plaques may be present close to the festoons. Anal groove surrounds the anus \n posteriorly. They are usually ornate, so the Amblyomma ticks are frequently called the \n bont ticks. Bont is the African word referring to the presence of brightly colored patterns \n on their backs and their brown and white-banded legs (Barnard, 1984; Solomon and \n Kaaya, 1998). \n Two different types of A. cohaerens have been observed in Ethiopia. A larger type \n believed to be associated to wild hosts, particularly African Buffalo and a smaller one \n from cattle. My collection showed only the second type. Previous records from the \n western zone, A. cohaerens have been found between 1200-1800 mm rainfall in both \n rainfall types. It was collected from areas of broad-leaved forest (Pegram et al., 1981).","bbox":{"left":0.067424,"top":0.053858,"width":0.796787,"height":0.216293}},{"text":"In the present survey, Amblyomma cohaerens was recorded from all altitude zones but \n it predominated between 1600-2400m. It was recorded between 800 and over 2600 mm \n rainfall although it was absent from the rainfall zone between 1000-1200 mm, probably \n due to chance. This observation support previous findings that A. cohaerens is the most \n abundant tick in Jimma zone (Abebaw, 1996; Pegram et al., 1981; Castro, 1994).","bbox":{"left":0.067422,"top":0.282158,"width":0.79681,"height":0.09568900000000002}},{"text":"Seasonality: In those localities with rainfall most of the year, A. cohaerens females were \n mostly collected between January and September before and during the rainfall peak \n and less collected between October and December after the rainfall peak. Nymphs were \n mostly collected between January and April just before the rainfall peak and were less \n common between June and during the rains. Larvae were most between March and April \n before the rains. In localities with summer rains none of the instars showed a trend in \n regard to abundance of collections (Punyua et al., 1991; Castro, 1994).","bbox":{"left":0.067422,"top":0.389854,"width":0.796532,"height":0.13582200000000005}},{"text":"2","bbox":{"left":0.067424,"top":0.545651,"width":0.011742000000000002,"height":0.015522000000000036}},{"text":"Materials and Methods","bbox":{"left":0.102854,"top":0.545651,"width":0.22709800000000002,"height":0.015522000000000036}},{"text":"The study was carried out in five localities of Jimma zone (Jiren, Bore, Blida, Merewa \n and Jimma University, College of Agriculture dairy farm). These areas were selected \n on the basis of location, altitude and cattle population. The collection have been \n done from fifty cattle thirty five indigenous zebu and fifteen Zebu crosses with Friesian \n having different blood level from ten to thirty six months of age representing different \n management systems, sex and weight groups. These cattle have been selected from \n herds of the study area based on an initial tick count. Ten cattle from each locality with \n high infestation in the initial tick count were selected and ear tagged.","bbox":{"left":0.067424,"top":0.57459,"width":0.796573,"height":0.15578899999999996}},{"text":"The selected cattle were hand sprayed with Norotraz 12.5% (from Norbrook Laboratory \n Limited, Newry, North Ireland) to standardize tick burdens at the beginning and then \n left in their respective herd for a month until sampling commences. Monthly whole \n bodies collections of tick have been accompanied by general check up of health status. \n There was no acaricide treatment during the whole study period. The collection was \n done on the selected cattle from September 1998 to August 2000. In the course of the \n two years seven cattle have been replaced because five died and two were sold. \n Every 27-30 days the animals were put in crash or restrained to allow whole body \n collection of ticks according to the method of Londt et al. (1979). Collected samples \n have been placed in sample vials containing 6% formalin with glycerin. The samples","bbox":{"left":0.067424,"top":0.742386,"width":0.796783,"height":0.19612700000000005}},{"text":"50","bbox":{"left":0.067426,"top":0.961411,"width":0.021833000000000005,"height":0.015220000000000011}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Clinical Outcome Assessments (COA) Qualification Program \n DDT COA #000018: Pneumonia Patient-Reported Outcome Measure \n (PNEUMO-PRO) \n June 6, 2018 Update","bbox":{"left":0.162569,"top":0.10619,"width":0.6751130000000001,"height":0.08545499999999998}},{"text":"DDT # 0018 \n June 5, 2018","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.239663,"width":0.099804,"height":0.03681400000000004}},{"text":"The CABP instrument has been formally renamed as PNEUMO-PRO© 2017 Foundation for the \n National Institutes of Health.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.290693,"width":0.7109510000000001,"height":0.03412400000000004}},{"text":"Along with the inclusion of the HABP-specific criteria, we have been made modifications based on the \n feedback we received from sites about the difficulty of enrolling patients: \n • A footnote has been added to the fever criteria, in order to allow for “self-reported history of \n fever.” Sites have reported that patients may have had a fever before being admitted, but the \n current criteria does not allow for this to be considered an eligible sign/symptom. \n • Expansion of the enrollment window from 24 hours to 48 hours after treatment initiation: \n This decision has been made after multiple conversations with the clinicians and site coordinators \n participating in the validation studies as well as the expert opinion leaders on the FNIH Project \n team. The narrow window of 24 hours has made it extremely difficult to recruit patients due to \n the time window of their availability, especially during weekend hours (i.e. admitted on Fri/Sat). \n We continue to reiterate to sites that they should be enrolling patients as soon as possible; \n furthermore, during data analysis, we will have the ability to stratify to compare patients who \n were enrolled 24 hrs vs. 48 hours post treatment initiation.","bbox":{"left":0.117651,"top":0.337139,"width":0.7612319999999999,"height":0.21236700000000003}},{"text":"The contract provides for a step-wise approach for the psychometric evaluation of the content validated \n instruments and our Team supports that the change to enrolment criteria will not affect the objective of \n psychometric validation since we are validating the measures prior to evaluating drug effectiveness. This \n dual approach seeks to spur standardized and harmonized use of the instruments by sponsor as the efforts \n move along the qualification process","bbox":{"left":0.117669,"top":0.562721,"width":0.756821,"height":0.08252099999999996}},{"text":"CABP PRO and Protocol Comments: \n 1. CABP PRO Items: While we agree that it is acceptable to proceed with the full 29-item CABP \n PRO diary in your psychometric evaluation study at this time, note that you will need to submit a \n copy of your psychometric study report, along with a full data set (including longitudinal item \n response data from each participant, baseline information, and other measures completed by \n participants and clinicians) to facilitate qualification review. We remind you that we are most \n interested in core disease-related symptoms and impacts, as outlined in the CABP guidance. \n Careful attention to content validity and other measurement properties of the instrument and \n adherence to the agreed upon concept(s) and context of use for the instrument will be needed for \n successful qualification effort. Retention of items that do not closely adhere to the concept(s) \n could present a content validity issue.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.659084,"width":0.7578040000000001,"height":0.177832}},{"text":"Response: We will submit a copy of our full psychometric evaluation study report to \n facilitate the qualification review.","bbox":{"left":0.176463,"top":0.850716,"width":0.644707,"height":0.03521099999999999}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Read The Beauty Myth ebooks","bbox":{"left":0.055582,"top":0.04067,"width":0.304975,"height":0.025264999999999996}},{"text":"The Beauty Myth \n [READ] The Beauty Myth [FREE] \n The Beauty Myth Summary - eNotes.com \n 26/10/2018 · The myth of beauty spreads the belief that an objective measurement of \n beauty exists, and that woman must want to embody it, and that men must want such \n women. Download The Beauty Myth …","bbox":{"left":0.055582,"top":0.121634,"width":0.827819,"height":0.18268799999999996}},{"text":"The Beauty Myth Summary | SuperSummary \n The Beauty Myth is a tyrannical and problematic system of beliefs that subjugates \n women to psychologically abusive and demeaning aesthetic ideals. This pressure to \n conform to unrealistic standards, Wolf argues, has a detrimental effect for many women \n on a personal level.","bbox":{"left":0.055582,"top":0.319852,"width":0.8646320000000001,"height":0.118674}},{"text":"The Beauty Myth Summary | GradeSaver \n The Beauty Myth is a work that criticizes the suggested appearance of women in public, \n and how sharp contrasts in the style of men versus women's dress came to be. The book \n most strongly emphasizes the fact that the way women are supposed to act and dress in \n society has come from their increased presence in the public and in the workplace, and \n there are still remnants of Victorian Era behaviors in …","bbox":{"left":0.055582,"top":0.45508,"width":0.87076,"height":0.14117399999999997}},{"text":"The Beauty Myth Summary | GradeSaver \n The Beauty Myth is a book that not only gives the background of a discrimination \n problem, but also calls for a solution. Today, many women still support Wolf's ideas, and \n equality in the workplace and ridding societal norms is becoming more common. Update \n this section!","bbox":{"left":0.055582,"top":0.612807,"width":0.8753920000000001,"height":0.11867399999999995}},{"text":"the beauty myth : definition of the beauty myth and ... \n The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women is a nonfiction book \n by Naomi Wolf, published in 1991 by William Morrow and Company.It was republished \n in 2002 by HarperPerennial with a new introduction by Wolf. The basic premise of \n The Beauty Myth is that as women have gained increased social power and prominence, \n expected adherence to standards of physical beauty has grown ...","bbox":{"left":0.055582,"top":0.748034,"width":0.87549,"height":0.14117400000000002}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Shareholders and potential investors should note that the Possible Disposal may or may \n not be proceeded. Shareholders and potential investors are advised to exercise caution \n when dealing in the securities of the Company.","bbox":{"left":0.095237,"top":0.069841,"width":0.8095220000000001,"height":0.05271100000000001}},{"text":"This announcement is made by the order of the Company. The Board collectively and \n individually accepts responsibility for the accuracy of this announcement.","bbox":{"left":0.095237,"top":0.140956,"width":0.809483,"height":0.03451299999999999}},{"text":"At the request of the Company, trading in the Shares on the Stock Exchange was halted \n with effect from 10:54 a.m. on Wednesday, 6 November 2013, pending the release of this \n announcement. Application has been made to the Stock Exchange for the resumption of \n trading in Shares on the Stock Exchange with effect from 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, 7 November \n 2013.","bbox":{"left":0.095237,"top":0.193873,"width":0.8095819999999999,"height":0.08743100000000001}},{"text":"By order of the Board \n Richfield Group Holdings Limited \n Lee Wing Yin \n Executive Director","bbox":{"left":0.586908,"top":0.299708,"width":0.31189600000000006,"height":0.06977600000000006}},{"text":"Hong Kong, 6 November 2013","bbox":{"left":0.095237,"top":0.387903,"width":0.26287,"height":0.016873000000000027}},{"text":"As at the date of this announcement, the Company’s executive directors are Mr. Lee Wing Yin \n and Mr. Ngan Man Ho, the Company’s non-executive director is Mr. Lai Hin Wing, Henry and \n the Company’s independent non-executive directors are Mr. Koo Fook Sun, Louis, Ms. Yeung \n Wing Yan, Wendy and Mr. Lung Hung Cheuk respectively.","bbox":{"left":0.095237,"top":0.423407,"width":0.809541,"height":0.06954900000000003}},{"text":"– 2 –","bbox":{"left":0.478833,"top":0.956114,"width":0.0423329999999999,"height":0.016873000000000027}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"DECEMBER 2, 2014","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.109874,"width":0.191351,"height":0.02072299999999999}},{"text":"OPEN BORDERS: THE IMPACT OF PRESIDENTIAL \n AMNESTY ON BORDER SECURITY \n U.S. HOUSE COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.15612,"width":0.698359,"height":0.09938299999999997}},{"text":"ONE HUNDRED THIRTEENTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.281091,"width":0.48042999999999997,"height":0.020699000000000023}},{"text":"HEARING CONTENTS:","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.327789,"width":0.23873499999999998,"height":0.026644999999999974}},{"text":"OPENING STATEMENT \n Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) [view pdf] \n Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.381135,"width":0.399453,"height":0.04882900000000001}},{"text":"WITNESSES \n Hon. Jeh Johnson [view pdf] \n Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security","bbox":{"left":0.117641,"top":0.446207,"width":0.43343999999999994,"height":0.048833000000000015}},{"text":"AVAILABLE WEBCAST \n Chairman McCaul Opening Statement \n https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZK_fX-UOQk","bbox":{"left":0.117641,"top":0.511366,"width":0.435883,"height":0.05124899999999999}},{"text":"Chairman McCaul Questions Witnesses \n https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y9SdYaoomM","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.577805,"width":0.3885159999999999,"height":0.03488599999999997}},{"text":"COMPILED FROM:","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.627866,"width":0.133506,"height":0.017762999999999973}},{"text":"http://homeland.house.gov/hearing/open-borders-impact-presidential-amnesty-border- \n security","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.663332,"width":0.663265,"height":0.03254099999999993}},{"text":"* Please note: Any external links included in this compilation were functional at its \n creation but are not maintained thereafter.","bbox":{"left":0.17649,"top":0.712199,"width":0.611683,"height":0.03254299999999999}},{"text":"This hearing compilation was prepared by the Homeland Security Digital Library, \n Naval Postgraduate School, Center for Homeland Defense and Security.","bbox":{"left":0.196078,"top":0.941827,"width":0.607797,"height":0.03261599999999998}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.071078,"top":0.015152,"width":0.859069,"height":0.080492}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.071078,"top":0.015152,"width":0.859069,"height":0.080492}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Anand provided the TCC update. Mentioned that the TCC would be meeting tomorrow and \n he didn’t have much update. But he reminded that the annual report is due by the end of \n this month and any special project submission should be made before Sept 20th. \n Philadelphia conference is coming up and they had a meeting last week.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.093939,"width":0.723725,"height":0.070607}},{"text":"Nick updated that TCC is planning to have a Geocongress liaison for each committees to \n coordinate short course or special session from non‐members of technical committees. \n Anand asked how this could work since chair would also be doing similar tasks. Nick clarified \n that this liaison could be the chair or another person.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.186439,"width":0.734307,"height":0.070607}},{"text":"4.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.278864,"width":0.014856000000000008,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"Committee Liaison Report \n a. ISSMGE – Paul Mayne, Jean‐Louis Briaud: Updates have been emailed","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.278864,"width":0.613245,"height":0.03371200000000002}},{"text":"b.","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.334394,"width":0.015236,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"Federation of International Geo‐engineering Societies ‐ Jean Louis Briaud: Updates \n have been emailed","bbox":{"left":0.205882,"top":0.334394,"width":0.661006,"height":0.03363699999999997}},{"text":"c.","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.389848,"width":0.013284999999999991,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"ASCE and G‐I Task Force on Risk Based Design Guide – Jean Louis: Updates have \n been emailed. Bill updated on this effort and asked for input from the committee.","bbox":{"left":0.205882,"top":0.389848,"width":0.651569,"height":0.03363700000000003}},{"text":"d.","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.445379,"width":0.015236,"height":0.015151999999999999}},{"text":"ISSMGE TC308 – Marcelo Sanchez: Marcelo has sent bill some updates that he will \n email the membership.","bbox":{"left":0.205883,"top":0.445379,"width":0.6541899999999999,"height":0.03363699999999997}},{"text":"e.","bbox":{"left":0.183824,"top":0.500833,"width":0.014761999999999997,"height":0.015152000000000054}},{"text":"ISSMGE TC102 – Jason DeJong: No updates","bbox":{"left":0.213236,"top":0.500833,"width":0.34235899999999997,"height":0.015152000000000054}},{"text":"f.","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.537803,"width":0.010925999999999991,"height":0.015152000000000054}},{"text":"ISSMGE TC Sustainable Geotechnics – Ian Jefferson: No updates","bbox":{"left":0.205882,"top":0.537803,"width":0.5068659999999999,"height":0.015152000000000054}},{"text":"g.","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.574849,"width":0.01417099999999999,"height":0.015152000000000054}},{"text":"Geo‐Institute ‐ Diane Swecker: Diane mentioned that the project proposals will be \n reviewed on Sept 20th afternoon. End of the month the annual report is due. Bill \n mentioned the idea for special projects are to continue speaker fund, develop videos \n for specialized soil testing, and the idea that Jean Louis presented on risk based \n design. Diane indicated that these are good ideas and some committees have done \n similar things on other topics that could be used as examples. Bill mentioned that \n the speaker fund has been a learning experience for our committee. Thomas has \n been a speaker with the Cleveland ASCE utilizing the speaker fund. \n Diane mentioned the speaker fund would cover the travel and $135 dollars for per \n diem. ASCE reimbursement policy doesn’t cover any other cost.","bbox":{"left":0.205882,"top":0.574849,"width":0.676062,"height":0.18159099999999995}},{"text":"h.","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.778257,"width":0.015236,"height":0.015152000000000054}},{"text":"ASCE Publication ‐ Donna Dickert: No updates","bbox":{"left":0.205883,"top":0.778257,"width":0.363931,"height":0.015152000000000054}},{"text":"i.","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.815227,"width":0.009450000000000014,"height":0.015152000000000054}},{"text":"Russian Geotechnical Society ‐ Anna Shidlovskaya: Bill emailed the updates","bbox":{"left":0.205883,"top":0.815227,"width":0.595696,"height":0.015152000000000054}},{"text":"j. \n k. \n l.","bbox":{"left":0.176471,"top":0.852273,"width":0.013879000000000002,"height":0.052121000000000084}},{"text":"ASTM – Richard E. Gray: No updates. \n AEG, IAEG, EEGS ‐ Jeff Keaton: Bill emailed the updates \n American GeoScience Institute ‐ Roman Hryciw: No updates","bbox":{"left":0.205883,"top":0.852273,"width":0.476186,"height":0.052121000000000084}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"The Oregonian \n How Robert Moses' car-centric vision shaped modern \n Portland, and then reshaped it in reverse \n By Douglas Perry \n May 3, 2017 \n His fee was $100,000, and this was in 1943, but Multnomah County leaders thought they had \n scored a great deal. \n They described Robert Moses, New York City's parks commissioner, as \"one of the nation's \n outstanding city development experts\" and the ideal man \"to blueprint the Portland area's future.\" \n In the Big Apple, The Oregonian reported, Moses was known as \"The Man Who Gets Things \n Done.\" New York Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia called him, supposedly in all seriousness, \"His \n Grace.\" \n Portlanders expected Moses to live up to those honorifics with his plan for the Rose City. They \n believed he would put 20,000 returning-from-war Oregonians to work and turn Portland into \"a \n permanent industrial empire.\" The politicians who hired him hailed the 54-year-old planner as a \n man who wasn't afraid to tell politicians \"to go to hell.\" \n Today, Moses, who died in 1981, is best known for the opposition he engendered in New York. \n Neighborhood activist Jane Jacobs became an urban-planning heroine in the 1960s for \n successfully resisting Moses' efforts to build a massive highway through the center of \n Manhattan. A new documentary about her fight with the powerful planner, \"Citizen Jane: The \n Battle for the City,\" has received raves. Britain's The Guardian, reviewing the film, sneeringly \n dismissed Moses as \"Bulldozer Bob.\" \n Moses' vision for Portland was more or less the same one he had for New York: an industrial \n metropolis developed around massive highways, with residents thrown into shadow underneath \n the throughways or, better yet, pushed out to the city's periphery. \n His 1943 proposal for Oregon's biggest burgh -- commissioned by the Portland city council, the \n port authority and the Multnomah County commissioners -- included widening the Ross Island \n Bridge and the construction of a Skidmore Street bridge, an interstate bridge, a \"foothill \n throughway\" linking the Ross Island and Skidmore bridges, another highway connecting \n McLoughlin Boulevard with the Skidmore bridge, seven new schools and an 11-block Union \n Station/bus-depot plaza. The estimated cost started at $75,000,000. \n He also proposed a \"24-block civic center between S.W. Salmon and Columbia streets, \n extending from Front [Naito] avenue to 6th avenue, with a connection to the south Park blocks,\" \n The Oregonian reported. To top off his proposal, Moses recommended construction of a $10 \n million, state-of-the-art sewage system. \n Collier's magazine called the Portland plan \"a masterpiece,\" insisting it was \"one of the wisest, \n most foresighted pieces of postwar planning we've yet heard of. It insures Portland, if the plan is \n adopted, against a lot of haphazard, wasteful leaf-raking projects dreamed up in a hurry as the \n boys come piling home. It means local control and financing of the assorted projects, with a \n horde of carpetbagger bureaucrats from Washington ruled off the scene.\" \n That local financing, however, ended up being the problem. Portland leaders expressed as much \n enthusiasm for the plan as Collier's, but, unlike the national magazine, they had to find a way to \n pay for it. \n Commissioner William Bowes, who had led the effort to hire the New York planner, declared \n there was \"the utmost desire among the [region's leaders] to put in the Moses program.\" (The","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.037182,"width":0.76251,"height":0.904196}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Download Free Ocr Economics 2013 Question \n Paper F583 \n probably doesn't come with by default. You can use an e-reader \n app on your computer, too, to make reading and organizing your \n ebooks easy.","bbox":{"left":0.101351,"top":0.04395,"width":0.784421,"height":0.271068}},{"text":"Ocr Economics 2013 Question Paper \n Economics Ocr Question Paper June 2013 F582 ankrumax de. \n OCR Unit 1 Economics Past Papers Physics amp Maths Tutor AS A \n Level GCE Economics H061 H461 OCR April 30th, 2018 - OCR AS \n A Level GCE Economics qualification information including \n Question paper Unit F583 Economics of work","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.359903,"width":0.782953,"height":0.24909599999999998}},{"text":"Ocr Economics June 2013 Paper \n Friday 17 May 2013 – Afternoon AS GCE ECONOMICS F581/01 \n Markets in Action INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES † Write your \n name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes above. \n Please write ... Candidates answer on the Question Paper. OCR \n supplied materials: None Other materials required: † Calculators \n Page 2/11","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.653884,"width":0.7818039999999999,"height":0.267999}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Article 16 – Officers","bbox":{"left":0.120937,"top":0.08606,"width":0.220845,"height":0.018576999999999996}},{"text":"16.1","bbox":{"left":0.120937,"top":0.121493,"width":0.039207000000000006,"height":0.015923000000000007}},{"text":"Terminology","bbox":{"left":0.192406,"top":0.121493,"width":0.12081899999999998,"height":0.015923000000000007}},{"text":"In this article “officers” means all employees and staff engaged by the \n Council to carry out its functions. This word also covers those engaged \n under short term, agency or other non-employed situations under a contract \n for services.","bbox":{"left":0.192408,"top":0.154271,"width":0.674341,"height":0.06509100000000001}},{"text":"A “proper officer” is a person who has responsibility for a particular statutory \n function or range of functions.","bbox":{"left":0.192408,"top":0.236218,"width":0.675472,"height":0.032312000000000035}},{"text":"All officers much comply with the Officers’ Code of Conduct and the Protocol \n on Officer/Member Relations set out in Part 2 of this Constitution.","bbox":{"left":0.192408,"top":0.285386,"width":0.6810379999999999,"height":0.03231200000000006}},{"text":"The recruitment, selection and dismissal of officers will comply with the \n Officer Employment Rules as appended to this section.","bbox":{"left":0.192408,"top":0.334554,"width":0.630617,"height":0.03231200000000001}},{"text":"16.2","bbox":{"left":0.120937,"top":0.383722,"width":0.039207000000000006,"height":0.01592300000000002}},{"text":"Management Structure","bbox":{"left":0.192406,"top":0.383722,"width":0.21833900000000003,"height":0.01592300000000002}},{"text":"(a)","bbox":{"left":0.192408,"top":0.416501,"width":0.024630999999999986,"height":0.01592300000000002}},{"text":"Appointment","bbox":{"left":0.241875,"top":0.416501,"width":0.124162,"height":0.01592300000000002}},{"text":"Appointment of staff cannot be the responsibility of the Cabinet. \n Appointment of staff below Chief Executive level is the responsibility of \n the Head of Paid Service or their nominee.","bbox":{"left":0.240027,"top":0.449279,"width":0.62846,"height":0.04870200000000002}},{"text":"The Chief Executive is appointed by members of the Council.","bbox":{"left":0.240027,"top":0.514837,"width":0.545598,"height":0.01592300000000002}},{"text":"(b)","bbox":{"left":0.192408,"top":0.547615,"width":0.025718999999999992,"height":0.01592300000000002}},{"text":"Proper Officer Functions","bbox":{"left":0.241875,"top":0.547615,"width":0.23732199999999998,"height":0.01592300000000002}},{"text":"(i)","bbox":{"left":0.240027,"top":0.580394,"width":0.017898999999999998,"height":0.01592300000000002}},{"text":"A proper officer shall nominate in writing another Officer of the \n Council to act as proper officer in his or her stead in the event that \n he or she is at any time absent or unable to act as such proper \n officer.","bbox":{"left":0.27572,"top":0.580394,"width":0.588192,"height":0.06509100000000001}},{"text":"(ii)","bbox":{"left":0.240027,"top":0.662341,"width":0.022374000000000005,"height":0.01592300000000002}},{"text":"Without prejudice to specific appointments as proper officers the \n Chief Executive and the Assistant Directors are proper officers of \n the Council in relation to any matters including, but not limited to, \n matters referred to in Section 234 (authentication of documents) of \n the Local Government Act 1972 which fall either by specific \n resolution of the Council or by custom or practice within their \n responsibilities.","bbox":{"left":0.27572,"top":0.662341,"width":0.592687,"height":0.11425900000000011}},{"text":"(iii) The Chief Executive, and any officer of the Council so authorised \n by him or her in writing, may prosecute, defend or appear in any \n proceedings under Sections 222 and 223 of the Local Government \n Act 1972.","bbox":{"left":0.240027,"top":0.793455,"width":0.6295189999999999,"height":0.06509100000000001}},{"text":"Article 16–Officers","bbox":{"left":0.120937,"top":0.94388,"width":0.13501599999999997,"height":0.01635399999999998}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Read Free 2008 Chevrolet Matiz Service \n Manual And Maintenance Guide \n 2008 Chevrolet Matiz Service Manual And \n Maintenance Guide \n When people should go to the ebook stores, search creation by shop, \n shelf by shelf, it is in point of fact problematic. T his is why we \n present the book compilations in this website. It will certainly ease \n you to see guide 2008 chevrolet matiz service manual and \n maintenance guide as you such as.","bbox":{"left":0.101351,"top":0.021713,"width":0.790525,"height":0.289814}},{"text":"By searching the title, publisher, or authors of guide you in reality \n want, you can discover them rapidly. In the house, workplace, or \n perhaps in your method can be all best place within net \n connections. If you plan to download and install the 2008 chevrolet \n matiz service manual and maintenance guide, it is entirely easy \n then, since currently we extend the associate to buy and create \n bargains to download and install 2008 chevrolet matiz service \n manual and maintenance guide appropriately simple!","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.335544,"width":0.772292,"height":0.20276899999999992}},{"text":"Chevrolet Matiz - Service Manual / Repair Manual - Wiring \n Diagrams 2008 matiz manual chevrolet matiz 0.8 2009 gearbox oil \n change. S byter du vxelldsolja How to repair car computer \n ECU. Connection error issue Daewoo Matiz - simple service \n Everything Wrong with My 2009 Chevrolet Matiz! Daewoo Matiz - \n Service Manual - Manual de Reparatii Free Chilton Manuals \n Online HOW T O REPLACE FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS \n without PRESS ECM Circuit \\u0026 Wiring Diagram 2008 \n CHEV ROLET MAT IZ Chevrolet Uplander Humming Noise: \n Front Hub and Bearing Replacement 2009 Chevrolet Spark 0.8L \n (52) POV T EST DRIV E Why Is My Check Engine Light On? Easy \n Fix! How to Fix a Car Engine that Burns Oil for 10 Bucks How to \n Reset Your Car’ s Computer, Old School Scotty K ilmer Chevrolet \n Matiz T UNING 2019. Merc salon, #SoundT IME What T he Oil \n Change Places Don't Want You to K now- T he T ruth Behind Fluid \n Page 1/6","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.562329,"width":0.782087,"height":0.3986130000000001}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Birth Records \n There are several series of birth records within the archives before Pennsylvania \n began maintaining them in 1906. The majority of names within the archives \n collection of birth records are listed in the Online Indexes. For births beginning in \n 1906, contact the Pennsylvania Division of Vital Records.","bbox":{"left":0.156471,"top":0.093939,"width":0.687277,"height":0.089092}},{"text":" Birth Registrations (1852-1855), (1894-1907), (1881-1906 City) \n  Delayed Birth Certificates (c.1870-c.1906)","bbox":{"left":0.203529,"top":0.201683,"width":0.526927,"height":0.036044999999999994}},{"text":"Marriage Records \n Marriages were not recorded until the late nineteenth century in most counties \n across Pennsylvania. Marriages may provide valuable information such as \n occupations, parent names, maiden names, and places of births. A father’s written \n consent was required for all individuals applying for a marriage license in the \n nineteenth and early twentieth century. Separate indexes are available for both the \n bride and groom names.","bbox":{"left":0.156471,"top":0.258636,"width":0.687277,"height":0.12621300000000002}},{"text":" Marriage License Applications (1885-1998) \n  Marriage Registrations (1852-1855)","bbox":{"left":0.194902,"top":0.403501,"width":0.36967099999999997,"height":0.036044999999999994}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.246667,"top":0.451364,"width":0.508039,"height":0.283939},{"left":0.272059,"top":0.470802,"width":0.432315,"height":0.225385}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.246667,"top":0.451364,"width":0.508039,"height":0.283939},{"left":0.272059,"top":0.470802,"width":0.432315,"height":0.225385}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Trump, Twitter, VOA (Voice of America) and the Yankee’s tale regarding freed \n Published on Cuba Si (http://cubasi.cu)","bbox":{"left":0.330423,"top":0.015816,"width":0.6797999999999998,"height":0.032519000000000006}},{"text":"Trump, Twitter, VOA (Voice of America) and the Yankee’s tale regarding freedom of speech","bbox":{"left":0.090109,"top":0.095883,"width":0.681566,"height":0.01632}},{"text":"By: M.H. Lagarde \n 29/05/2020","bbox":{"left":0.080769,"top":0.125578,"width":0.140052,"height":0.031168}},{"text":"The great dictator of the allegedly most democratic nation in the world, \n Donald Trump, has recently accused the social network Twitter of \n meddling in the US elections. In his view, the same social network he \n generally uses to hurl insults and nonsenses is now damaging freedom \n of speech, something he will not allow as long as he is the President.","bbox":{"left":0.071429,"top":0.511572,"width":0.844059,"height":0.12140400000000007}},{"text":"Trump’s rage against Twitter unleashed soon after the company \n included one of his tweets in the new fact-checking policy on \n “misleading information” of viral messages.","bbox":{"left":0.071429,"top":0.673489,"width":0.7678309999999999,"height":0.07362500000000005}},{"text":"In the messages labeled by Twitter with the warning sign “Get the facts \n about mail-in ballots,” Trump claimed that mail-in ballots via Twitter \n were not trustworthy.","bbox":{"left":0.071429,"top":0.787627,"width":0.850025,"height":0.07389200000000007}},{"text":"In response to California’s governor, Gavin Newsom, who had","bbox":{"left":0.071429,"top":0.901766,"width":0.737943,"height":0.026113000000000053}},{"text":"Page 1 of 3","bbox":{"left":0.783973,"top":0.956039,"width":0.10311199999999998,"height":0.019584999999999964}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.071429,"top":0.016835,"width":0.23545,"height":0.03367},{"left":0.076099,"top":0.171273,"width":0.852473,"height":0.309107}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.071429,"top":0.016835,"width":0.23545,"height":0.03367},{"left":0.076099,"top":0.171273,"width":0.852473,"height":0.309107}]}
{"content":[{"text":"(d) Shareholders, their proxy or corporate representatives who plan on attending the \n Meeting are asked to log in to the online platform at least fifteen (15) minutes \n prior to the scheduled start time for the Meeting using the instructions set out in \n the Notice of Meeting;","bbox":{"left":0.162306,"top":0.115916,"width":0.7082950000000001,"height":0.061632000000000006}},{"text":"(e) subject to the connectivity of their devices, at the Meeting, Shareholders will have \n the opportunity to hear the Chair of the Meeting speak and the discussions which \n occur at the Meeting, and to ask questions via the online platform; and","bbox":{"left":0.162306,"top":0.188607,"width":0.707953,"height":0.047236}},{"text":"(f)","bbox":{"left":0.162306,"top":0.246902,"width":0.01818,"height":0.018017000000000005}},{"text":"each Resolution considered at the Meeting will be decided on a poll, such that \n every Shareholder shall have one vote for every Share registered in their name \n as at 7:00pm (AEDT) on 23 November 2020, which may be voted directly at any \n time between the start of the Meeting and the closure of voting as announced by \n the Chair of the Meeting.","bbox":{"left":0.192535,"top":0.246902,"width":0.6781539999999999,"height":0.07617000000000002}},{"text":"The Company appreciates Shareholders' understanding at this time and looks forward to \n speaking with Shareholders at the Meeting.","bbox":{"left":0.120984,"top":0.334452,"width":0.72352,"height":0.03312499999999996}},{"text":"This announcement has been authorised for release to the ASX by the Company Secretary. \n For further information, please contact the Company Secretary by telephone on +61 3 9191 \n 4007 or by email at Info@lincolnminerals.com.au.","bbox":{"left":0.120984,"top":0.379492,"width":0.7495,"height":0.048090999999999995}},{"text":"Yours sincerely \n Lincoln Minerals Ltd","bbox":{"left":0.120984,"top":0.455034,"width":0.179803,"height":0.03323000000000004}},{"text":"Jarek Kopias \n Company Secretary","bbox":{"left":0.120984,"top":0.515182,"width":0.16341500000000003,"height":0.032982999999999874}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.028262,"top":0.921287,"width":0.942804,"height":0.065386}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.028262,"top":0.921287,"width":0.942804,"height":0.065386}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Northport Village Corporation \n Board of Overseers","bbox":{"left":0.327157,"top":0.08858,"width":0.3454880000000001,"height":0.04812100000000001}},{"text":"Meeting: November 10, 2013","bbox":{"left":0.356666,"top":0.152859,"width":0.28651200000000004,"height":0.024446999999999997}},{"text":"Minutes","bbox":{"left":0.459901,"top":0.193541,"width":0.08006100000000005,"height":0.024446999999999997}},{"text":"Present:","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.234121,"width":0.06323099999999998,"height":0.02021199999999998}},{"text":"Overseers: Metcalf, Wang, Houghton, Kazilionis, O’Keefe, Brockway \n (Absent: Flowers) \n Officers and staff: Huntoon, Cressey, Phillips, Paige \n Visitors: Samway, Brockway, Wright,","bbox":{"left":0.220098,"top":0.234121,"width":0.558652,"height":0.07240900000000003}},{"text":"President Huntoon called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.321167,"width":0.45686299999999996,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Minutes Due to the absence of office manager Bartels, minutes have not been \n distributed. Approval of the minutes deferred until January.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.356015,"width":0.6130899999999999,"height":0.037636}},{"text":"President Huntoon appointed Cressey as temporary secretary for the meeting.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.408288,"width":0.607612,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Treasurer’s Report Packets had been distributed containing forecasts for general \n government and the two utilities, the proposed utility budgets, motions that the treasurer \n was proposing for the overseers’ consideration, a tax report, and an updated debt report. \n Cressey stated that there would be bills received between the meeting and the end of the \n year and that there could therefore be some reasonable differences between the final \n results and the Treasurer’s forecasts, but that all three entities looked to be in satisfactory \n shape financially. He reported that Purdy Powers had indicated a willingness to perform \n the audit for the same fee as charged for the past few years.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.443136,"width":0.6987080000000001,"height":0.14218200000000003}},{"text":"Motion:","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.599954,"width":0.06211800000000001,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Judy Metcalf moved, and Steve Kazilionis seconded the following motion:","bbox":{"left":0.21898,"top":0.599954,"width":0.5870629999999999,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"“The treasurer is authorized to accept the offer from Purdy Powers to conduct the 2013 \n audit and PUC report for the sum of $9,800.00 allocated as follows: General: $2,400; \n Water: $4,200; Sewer: $3,200.” Voted—unanimous approval.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.634803,"width":0.682976,"height":0.05506}},{"text":"Motion: Denis Wang moved and Marge Brockway seconded a motion to approve the \n 2014 utility budgets as drafted and distributed by Supervisor Dick McElhaney and as \n recommended by the utility trustees.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.7045,"width":0.672391,"height":0.05506}},{"text":"Discussion: Dick Brockway raised the issue of the changes in the financial relationship \n between the general government and the utilities; viz., the new rent charges for the utility \n building this year, and the decrease of the general subsidy to the sewer company. \n Discussion ensued. Overseers and the treasurer offered explanations for the changes and \n mentioned the goal of accurately reflecting the usage of the building and the desire to \n avoid a tax increase. The Overseers expressed an intention to also evaluate the allocation","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.774197,"width":0.7018979999999999,"height":0.10733300000000001}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"BREEZE \n University Section Club, Inc. \n Berkeley, CA \n Website: http://sectionclub.berkeley.edu/","bbox":{"left":0.147294,"top":0.047229,"width":0.343529,"height":0.137054}},{"text":"Message from Section Club President, Deirdre Bauer","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.214003,"width":0.5680400000000001,"height":0.020152000000000003}},{"text":"Spring 2020","bbox":{"left":0.821536,"top":0.215821,"width":0.11221499999999995,"height":0.017726999999999993}},{"text":"First I want to say what a wonderful honor it has been to be your President for the \n last 11 months and coming to the end of my term I would say it is a challenging time for \n all. In light of our worldwide pandemic my hope for all of you is that you continue to \n stay healthy together with your family and our community.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.254419,"width":0.6993250000000001,"height":0.07064500000000001}},{"text":"I would not have navigated this job without the assistance, sage advice, \n encouragement and support from our Board of Directors, Directors at Large, Honorary \n Members and the many great people who head up our club-wide events, activity \n sections, and special projects. You are the foundation for the continued success of the Section Club.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.346881,"width":0.7928120000000001,"height":0.07075799999999999}},{"text":"We started the year on a high note with the Fall Reception at University House. I want to thank Chancellor \n Carol T. Christ and Chancellor’s Representative Maya Goehring-Harris for their hospitality and continued \n support of the club. The Beehive luncheon and fundraiser was a huge success and we raised a good sum of \n money for needy students in the coming year. We had a lot of fun and the committee and assistants worked \n tirelessly for months and on the day. We had to cancel our Intercampus Open House on April 1st much to the \n regret of our hardworking committee and the other campuses. Good news: we will host in 2021!","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.439457,"width":0.86794,"height":0.10760200000000009}},{"text":"I hope that with the shelter-in-place you are keeping in touch with your friends in the club. Making phone \n calls is a welcome connection for a lot of our members and my goal has been to call a member each week. The \n human voice in the absence of hugs makes a difference. We have a great slate of officers for the coming year \n and they will need all our support as we navigate the unknown with its challenges. I am always available for a \n chat or a distance visit. It has been my pleasure to be your President. I learned a lot and look forward to \n continuing being an active member of this great organization. Until we all meet again.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.568876,"width":0.8787360000000001,"height":0.10761399999999999}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.378595,"top":0.770328,"width":0.081127,"height":0.04899},{"left":0.510131,"top":0.716477,"width":0.399346,"height":0.228409},{"left":0.077492,"top":0.708864,"width":0.231863,"height":0.236806},{"left":0.781046,"top":0.242803,"width":0.156618,"height":0.154293},{"left":0.686438,"top":0.050947,"width":0.137042,"height":0.134268}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.378595,"top":0.770328,"width":0.081127,"height":0.04899},{"left":0.510131,"top":0.716477,"width":0.399346,"height":0.228409},{"left":0.077492,"top":0.708864,"width":0.231863,"height":0.236806},{"left":0.781046,"top":0.242803,"width":0.156618,"height":0.154293},{"left":0.686438,"top":0.050947,"width":0.137042,"height":0.134268}]}
{"content":[{"text":"The Rise of Information and Communication Technology \n Era in the Israeli Educational System \n Ben-Zion Barta, Liora Shapiro, Daniel Millin, Ephraim Engel","bbox":{"left":0.120951,"top":0.266927,"width":0.8095249999999999,"height":0.08009999999999995}},{"text":"To cite this version: \n Ben-Zion Barta, Liora Shapiro, Daniel Millin, Ephraim Engel. The Rise of Information and Commu- \n nication Technology Era in the Israeli Educational System. Arthur Tatnall; Bill Davey. Reflections \n on the History of Computers in Education : Early Use of Computers and Teaching about Computing \n in Schools, AICT-424, Springer, pp.174-196, 2014, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication \n Technology (SURVEY), 978-3-642-55118-5. ￿10.1007/978-3-642-55119-2_12￿. ￿hal-01272194￿","bbox":{"left":0.131662,"top":0.400596,"width":0.8095330000000001,"height":0.11604999999999993}},{"text":"HAL Id: hal-01272194 \n https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01272194 \n Submitted on 10 Feb 2016","bbox":{"left":0.305465,"top":0.667864,"width":0.389045,"height":0.07521199999999995}},{"text":"HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access \n archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- \n entific research documents, whether they are pub- \n lished or not. The documents may come from \n teaching and research institutions in France or \n abroad, or from public or private research centers.","bbox":{"left":0.095238,"top":0.799809,"width":0.396409,"height":0.09890699999999997}},{"text":"L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est \n destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents \n scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, \n émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de \n recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires \n publics ou privés.","bbox":{"left":0.508364,"top":0.799809,"width":0.39640999999999993,"height":0.09890699999999997}},{"text":"Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution| 4.0 International License","bbox":{"left":0.150455,"top":0.930791,"width":0.689461,"height":0.018697999999999992}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.459829,"top":0.9009,"width":0.040167,"height":0.028401},{"left":0.499997,"top":0.9009,"width":0.040167,"height":0.028401},{"left":0.424521,"top":0.054944,"width":0.20238,"height":0.080282},{"left":0.120951,"top":0.409015,"width":0.013389,"height":0.010955}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.459829,"top":0.9009,"width":0.040167,"height":0.028401},{"left":0.499997,"top":0.9009,"width":0.040167,"height":0.028401},{"left":0.424521,"top":0.054944,"width":0.20238,"height":0.080282},{"left":0.120951,"top":0.409015,"width":0.013389,"height":0.010955}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Using apostrophes \n We use the apostrophe for three reasons.","bbox":{"left":0.180784,"top":0.164831,"width":0.387437,"height":0.06639999999999999}},{"text":"To show that a letter or letters are missing \n For example: \n • I’m going to the zoo. \n • You can’t feed the animals. \n • It’s a lovely day out, isn’t it?","bbox":{"left":0.180784,"top":0.246413,"width":0.44530999999999993,"height":0.088756}},{"text":"To show possession \n In the singular, the apostrophe comes before the ‘s’. In the plural it \n comes after the ‘s’. \n For example: \n • The girl’s idea was accepted. (Singular – the idea a girl has had) \n • The girls’ idea was accepted. (Plural – an idea a group of girls \n has had) \n • The company’s management must tackle this. (The management \n of one company) \n • The companies’ management must tackle this. (The \n management of several companies)","bbox":{"left":0.180784,"top":0.35035,"width":0.6339969999999999,"height":0.19276900000000002}},{"text":"If a plural noun doesn’t end in ‘s’, we add an apostrophe and an ‘s’. \n For example: \n • This is the people’s choice. \n • We invited the children’s parents to this event.","bbox":{"left":0.180784,"top":0.558154,"width":0.6292409999999999,"height":0.071554}},{"text":"With names or singular nouns that end in 's’, ‘x’ or ‘z’, we usually \n add an apostrophe followed by ‘s’. \n For example: \n • The bus’s journey came to an end. \n • The fox’s den was well hidden. \n • Liz’s bag cut into her shoulder.","bbox":{"left":0.180784,"top":0.644743,"width":0.608168,"height":0.10617500000000002}},{"text":"However, if it sounds better, it is acceptable to just add the \n apostrophe. \n For example: \n • Karl Benz’ vehicle was the first to be driven by an \n internal-combustion engine. \n • Euripides’ plays show innovation.","bbox":{"left":0.180784,"top":0.766029,"width":0.553612,"height":0.10617500000000002}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Director of Technology \n Reports to: Head of School \n Location: Nazareth Prep","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.196616,"width":0.541915,"height":0.07841199999999998}},{"text":"Duties and Responsibilities:","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.289698,"width":0.22983599999999998,"height":0.018359999999999987}},{"text":"·","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.322548,"width":0.004796999999999996,"height":0.018320000000000003}},{"text":"· \n · \n · \n · \n · \n · \n · \n · \n · \n · \n · \n · \n · \n ·","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.353003,"width":0.004796999999999996,"height":0.21652699999999997}},{"text":"Experience with: Windows 10, Apple Operating Systems, HP switches, HP servers, VoIP \n Systems, web design. \n Effectively manage the computer information system of the school. \n Working knowledge of both PC and Apple platforms. \n Expertise in maintaining and installing servers, routers and switches. \n Knowledge of troubleshooting both hardware and software problems. \n Assist the administration in implementing technology. \n Work closely with administrators as part of the development of technology in the school. \n Recommend the selection both of hardware and software for the school. \n Present to the administration and faculty new concepts and facilitate their use. \n Prepare a short and long-range technology plan for the school. \n Prepare clear and timely budgets. \n Ability to develop a budget for equipment and software. \n Respond to routine questions and requests in an appropriate manner. \n Maintain accurate and complete records as required. \n Create a climate that fosters an environment that is conducive to the art and development of \n technology. \n The installation and de-installation of network equipment/software and daily monitoring. \n Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with faculty and appropriate technology \n agencies. \n Attend meetings and in-services as required \n Attend building level meetings on technology \n Assist faculty in using technology \n Other technology aspects as determined by administration \n Take all necessary and reasonable precautions to protect students, faculty, equipment, \n materials, and facilities \n Ensure the safety of students \n Maintain respect at all times for confidential information \n Interact in a positive manner with staff, students, and the public \n Perform all other duties as assigned by the Head of School \n Salary, work schedule, evaluation, and other conditions of employment is in accordance with \n the current ACT 93 agreement.","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.322548,"width":0.7008949999999999,"height":0.490959}},{"text":"· \n ·","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.581664,"width":0.004796999999999996,"height":0.03362300000000007}},{"text":"· \n · \n · \n · \n ·","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.627422,"width":0.004796999999999996,"height":0.079229}},{"text":"· \n · \n · \n · \n ·","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.718937,"width":0.004796999999999996,"height":0.07926699999999998}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.360294,"top":0.090909,"width":0.279069,"height":0.090215}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.360294,"top":0.090909,"width":0.279069,"height":0.090215}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Williams Mullen Advises Promethean \n Investments in Puttshack Investment \n 05.07.2021","bbox":{"left":0.120138,"top":0.202543,"width":0.667955,"height":0.10228400000000001}},{"text":"A team led by John Paris, Mike Kelly, Anne Domozick, Meagan Kalantar, Megan Italiano and Ron \n Rogers with support from Craig Mytelka, Mike Sajovec and John Faber advised Promethean \n Investments LLP a U.K and U.S based private equity firm, that led the $60 million investment round in \n Puttshack Ltd.","bbox":{"left":0.120138,"top":0.33442,"width":0.7384240000000001,"height":0.076907}},{"text":"Puttshack is an upscale tech-infused mini golf experience with global food and drink with three locations \n currently in London and its first in Atlanta. The funds will support Puttshack’s growth throughout the \n United States. For more information on this transaction, click here.","bbox":{"left":0.120138,"top":0.433455,"width":0.754887,"height":0.05660200000000004}},{"text":"Related People","bbox":{"left":0.120138,"top":0.523451,"width":0.18064699999999997,"height":0.024533999999999945}},{"text":"Anne E. Domozick – 757.473.5438 – adomozick@williamsmullen.com","bbox":{"left":0.151636,"top":0.563669,"width":0.509854,"height":0.015993999999999953}},{"text":"John F. Faber, Jr. – 757.282.5051 – jfaber@williamsmullen.com","bbox":{"left":0.151636,"top":0.588427,"width":0.46687,"height":0.015993999999999953}},{"text":"Megan Italiano – 757.473.5316 – mitaliano@williamsmullen.com","bbox":{"left":0.151636,"top":0.613186,"width":0.469619,"height":0.015993999999999953}},{"text":"Meagan J. Kalantar (Thomasson) – 757.473.5315 – mkalantar@williamsmullen.com","bbox":{"left":0.151636,"top":0.637944,"width":0.6123350000000001,"height":0.015993999999999953}},{"text":"Monroe \"Mike\" Kelly, III – 757.473.5378 – mkelly@williamsmullen.com","bbox":{"left":0.151636,"top":0.662703,"width":0.512373,"height":0.015993999999999953}},{"text":"Craig L. Mytelka – 757.473.5336 – cmytelka@williamsmullen.com","bbox":{"left":0.151636,"top":0.687462,"width":0.479645,"height":0.015993999999999953}},{"text":"John M. Paris, Jr. – 757.473.5308 – jparis@williamsmullen.com","bbox":{"left":0.151636,"top":0.71222,"width":0.4631820000000001,"height":0.015993999999999953}},{"text":"Ronald R. Rogers – 919.981.4053 – rrogers@williamsmullen.com","bbox":{"left":0.151636,"top":0.736979,"width":0.47874000000000005,"height":0.015993999999999953}},{"text":"F. Michael Sajovec – 919.981.4026 – msajovec@williamsmullen.com","bbox":{"left":0.151636,"top":0.761737,"width":0.504356,"height":0.015993999999999953}},{"text":"Related Services","bbox":{"left":0.120138,"top":0.802216,"width":0.20168699999999998,"height":0.024534000000000056}},{"text":"Mergers & Acquisitions","bbox":{"left":0.151636,"top":0.842434,"width":0.16833200000000004,"height":0.015993999999999953}},{"text":"Emerging Companies","bbox":{"left":0.151636,"top":0.867193,"width":0.15827400000000003,"height":0.015993999999999953}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.057143,"top":0.040403,"width":0.885716,"height":0.106576}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.057143,"top":0.040403,"width":0.885716,"height":0.106576}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Final","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.129092,"width":0.068694,"height":0.03129499999999999}},{"text":"Fiscal Year 2015 Annual Work Plan","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.191718,"width":0.7058659999999999,"height":0.04516999999999999}},{"text":"February 2015","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.857287,"width":0.12182399999999999,"height":0.01909000000000005}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.120098,"top":0.266439,"width":0.411337,"height":0.164621}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.120098,"top":0.266439,"width":0.411337,"height":0.164621}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Academic Affairs Leadership Team \n Thursday, December 6, 2007","bbox":{"left":0.105882,"top":0.070848,"width":0.299671,"height":0.03507400000000001}},{"text":"I.","bbox":{"left":0.105882,"top":0.117823,"width":0.009985999999999995,"height":0.019048999999999996}},{"text":"CHECK – IN \n a) Agenda","bbox":{"left":0.135293,"top":0.117823,"width":0.100794,"height":0.04026800000000001}},{"text":"- \n - \n - \n - \n - \n - \n - \n -","bbox":{"left":0.282353,"top":0.172121,"width":0.006529000000000007,"height":0.142788}},{"text":"High School Initiatives \n Program Marketing \n ATD Practice & Policy Check List \n Assessment Policy for Non-Matriculated Students \n Course Repeat Policy \n PHI THETA KAPPA \n Faculty Training Objectives (Advising) \n Other Items","bbox":{"left":0.341125,"top":0.172121,"width":0.43047900000000006,"height":0.142788}},{"text":"II.","bbox":{"left":0.105882,"top":0.330324,"width":0.014994999999999994,"height":0.019048999999999983}},{"text":"ACTION ITEMS","bbox":{"left":0.135294,"top":0.328939,"width":0.13945500000000002,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"a)","bbox":{"left":0.135294,"top":0.363788,"width":0.017421999999999993,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"High School Initiatives","bbox":{"left":0.164671,"top":0.363788,"width":0.19297199999999998,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"(Cynthia Therrien)","bbox":{"left":0.368582,"top":0.363788,"width":0.15784700000000002,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"Cindy talked about a new project with area Comprehensive High Schools, which will \n be modeled after the Tech-Prep Agreements already in place with MVOTECH high \n schools. We are currently in the signature process with Haverhill High and Methuen \n High Schools for an articulation agreement for Applied Technical Math. Georgetown \n High is also interested in our Business Entrepreneurship course.","bbox":{"left":0.164706,"top":0.398636,"width":0.726672,"height":0.09051500000000001}},{"text":"Cindy is asking for assistance from the faculty who are willing to do course \n evaluations and curricula alignment. However, she does not have funding to pay \n faculty should we receive a large number of requests. Depending on the amount of \n work and deadlines that will need to be met to bring the high school courses in \n alignment with our courses, faculty may be asked to work during their break. The \n MVOTECH grant cannot subsidize the Comprehensive High School agreements. \n Several alternative ways to fund this was discussed.","bbox":{"left":0.164706,"top":0.503182,"width":0.717455,"height":0.125363}},{"text":"b)","bbox":{"left":0.135294,"top":0.642575,"width":0.017424999999999996,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"Program Marketing","bbox":{"left":0.164678,"top":0.642575,"width":0.166661,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"(Ron Taber)","bbox":{"left":0.342322,"top":0.642575,"width":0.10567599999999999,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"Ron has made presentations to several departments to help develop ways to \n promote and market their programs. He handed out an informational packet of ways \n to help promote programs.","bbox":{"left":0.164706,"top":0.677424,"width":0.727177,"height":0.05566599999999999}},{"text":"On side note he shared plans for redesigning the school’s website. Within the next \n month it is hoped the website will have a weekly “newsletter” containing all the \n college wide broadcast emails (emergency messages will be put on as needed)","bbox":{"left":0.164706,"top":0.747121,"width":0.712929,"height":0.05566599999999999}},{"text":"c)","bbox":{"left":0.135294,"top":0.816818,"width":0.01632900000000001,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"ATD Practice & Policy Check List","bbox":{"left":0.164663,"top":0.816818,"width":0.28885900000000003,"height":0.020818000000000003}},{"text":"Grace presented a draft of the check list with a summary sheet of the NECC gaps. \n She stated there is another revision from MEA that being worked on and needs to \n be sent to Lane. Some questions of wording were raised. In the Learning \n Communities section, it was questioned if reference to community service should be \n given its own section.","bbox":{"left":0.164706,"top":0.851666,"width":0.727927,"height":0.09051500000000001}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Download Free Additional Mathematics \n Papers Xtremepapers \n Additional Mathematics Papers \n Xtremepapers \n If you ally compulsion such a referred additional mathematics \n papers xtremepapers book that will pay for you worth, acquire \n the no question best seller from us currently from several \n preferred authors. If you desire to funny books, lots of novels, \n tale, jokes, and more fictions collections are moreover \n launched, from best seller to one of the most current \n released. \n You may not be perplexed to enjoy every books collections \n additional mathematics papers xtremepapers that we will \n Page 1/16","bbox":{"left":0.101351,"top":0.043426,"width":0.787108,"height":0.878457}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"INSURANCE BROKERAGE AND RISK MANAGEMENT SERVICES \n REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (“RFP”)","bbox":{"left":0.139158,"top":0.105312,"width":0.721885,"height":0.042199}},{"text":"ISSUE DATE:","bbox":{"left":0.090598,"top":0.16042,"width":0.125307,"height":0.019581000000000015}},{"text":"June 22, 2021","bbox":{"left":0.271827,"top":0.16042,"width":0.12777400000000005,"height":0.019581000000000015}},{"text":"PROPOSALS DUE: 2:00 P.M. on July 28, 2021 (“Submission Deadline”)","bbox":{"left":0.090598,"top":0.193197,"width":0.6479330000000001,"height":0.01969599999999999}},{"text":"INSTRUCTIONS:","bbox":{"left":0.090598,"top":0.225975,"width":0.15671399999999996,"height":0.019580999999999987}},{"text":"Proposers are asked to submit five (5) paper copies and one (1) \n electronic copy of their Proposal on a flash drive. Submittals must be \n delivered in a sealed envelope in person, via mail or courier. All \n electronic files should include the name of the company as the first part \n of the file name. Diversity participation information provided by Proposer \n should be enclosed in a separately-sealed envelope (and in a separate \n folder on the flash drive) labelled “Diversity”. Submittals received by \n email, fax, or after the Submission Deadline will be rejected.","bbox":{"left":0.271827,"top":0.225975,"width":0.6328610000000001,"height":0.13433799999999999}},{"text":"SUBMIT TO:","bbox":{"left":0.090598,"top":0.37351,"width":0.11526100000000002,"height":0.019581000000000015}},{"text":"Houston First Corporation, Attn: Mitch Miszkowski, 701 Avenida de las \n Americas, Suite 200, Houston, TX 77010. Please write “Insurance RFP” \n clearly on the outside of the sealed package.","bbox":{"left":0.271827,"top":0.37351,"width":0.6378030000000001,"height":0.052358000000000016}},{"text":"CONTACT INFO:","bbox":{"left":0.090598,"top":0.439065,"width":0.15667399999999998,"height":0.019581000000000015}},{"text":"Any questions concerning this RFP must be submitted by email to \n bids@houstonfirst.com no later than 10:00 a.m. on July 15, 2021. \n Material questions received will be answered collectively, rather than \n individually, in a Letter of Clarification made available online at \n www.houstonfirst.com/do-business. Questions may be edited or \n combined for clarity or length at the discretion of HFC.","bbox":{"left":0.271827,"top":0.439065,"width":0.6381050000000001,"height":0.10140599999999994}},{"text":"OVERVIEW \n Houston First Corporation (“HFC”) requests proposals from experienced, highly-qualified \n insurance brokerage firms able to provide comprehensive insurance marketing, risk \n management, claims management, and related services for HFC, Convention and Cultural \n Services, Inc. (“CCSI”), Houston First Holdings LLC (“HFH”), the Greater Houston Convention \n and Visitors Bureau (“GHCVB”), and Comicpalooza LLC (collectively, the “Affiliated Entities”).","bbox":{"left":0.090598,"top":0.553739,"width":0.818992,"height":0.10145300000000002}},{"text":"HFC is a local government corporation created by the City of Houston to facilitate economic \n growth through the promotion of the greater Houston area and the business of conventions, \n meetings, tourism, and the arts. The entity is responsible for the operation of the George R. \n Brown Convention Center, Avenida Houston, Partnership Tower, Wortham Theater Center, \n Jones Hall for the Performing Arts, Miller Outdoor Theatre, an array of outdoor \n venues/properties, and parking facilities that can accommodate nearly 10,000 vehicles. HFC \n is the entity responsible for marketing Houston and increasing awareness of its many \n attractions and amenities.","bbox":{"left":0.090598,"top":0.668389,"width":0.818891,"height":0.13433799999999996}},{"text":"HFC owns Partnership Tower and the Avenida North Parking Garage located at 701 Avenida \n de las Americas, Houston, Texas 77010 as well as Toyota Tundra Parking Garage, located \n at 1515 Jackson Street, Houston, Texas 77003, all which are part of this RFP.","bbox":{"left":0.090598,"top":0.815923,"width":0.818872,"height":0.052359000000000044}},{"text":"HFH owns the Hilton Americas-Houston Hotel, located at 1600 Lamar Street Houston, Texas \n 77010, as well as the Hotel Parking Garage which are also included in this RFP. \n 1 of 13 \n 062221","bbox":{"left":0.090598,"top":0.881474,"width":0.819173,"height":0.07660699999999998}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.090598,"top":0.06413,"width":0.300903,"height":0.027968}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.090598,"top":0.06413,"width":0.300903,"height":0.027968}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Online Library Philips 52pfl7403d F7 Manual","bbox":{"left":0.071429,"top":0.030809,"width":0.563154,"height":0.05251599999999999}},{"text":"Willink I Book Review \\u0026 Summary T he Street Photographer's Manual - Book by David Gibson \n Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual by Mark Dvoretsky Chess Book Club: Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual - \n Chapters 1 and 2 A Course in Miracles Audiobook - ACIM Manual for T eachers - Foundation for Inner \n Peace Philips 52pfl7403d F7 Manual \n V iew and Download Philips 52PFL7403D user manual online. Polycom Flat Panel T elevision User \n Manual. 52PFL7403D tv pdf manual download. Also for: 32pfl3403d ...","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.134049,"width":0.8470779999999999,"height":0.21620200000000003}},{"text":"PHILIPS 52PFL7403D USER MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib \n Experience brilliant performance with a breathtaking full HD 1080p, 120Hz display. Combined with a \n powerful Perfect Pixel HD engine, HD Natural Motion and exciting invisible sound, this Flat T V \n ensures you’ re always part of the action.","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.38433,"width":0.8323579999999999,"height":0.14469399999999993}},{"text":"LCD T V 52PFL7403D/F7 | Philips \n Philips LCD T V 52PFL7403D 132 cm (52\") Full HD 1080p with Perfect Pixel HD Engine. \n 52PFL7403D/F7 ... Follow the instruction in the user manual or Firmware Upgrade Readme file on \n how to upgrade your software. ... T he Firmware Upgrade Software and Readme File documents can be \n found on the Philips support website. Refer to the SOFT WARE section.","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.563103,"width":0.840259,"height":0.1804469999999999}},{"text":"Philips Online FAQ - 52PFL7403D/F7 \n Acces PDF Philips 52pfl7403d F7 Manual Incredible Surround is an audio technology from Philips that \n dramatically magnifies the sound field to immerse you in the audio.","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.777629,"width":0.837914,"height":0.1089389999999999}},{"text":"Page 2/6","bbox":{"left":0.443576,"top":0.91876,"width":0.053795999999999955,"height":0.025819000000000036}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"We do not guarantee that the Site, or any content on it, will always be available or be \n uninterrupted. We may suspend or withdraw or restrict the availability of all or any \n part of the Site for business and operational reasons. We will try to give our \n registered users reasonable notice of any suspension or withdrawal.","bbox":{"left":0.120943,"top":0.085532,"width":0.7545449999999999,"height":0.075828}},{"text":"YOU MUST KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT DETAILS SAFE","bbox":{"left":0.120943,"top":0.215801,"width":0.4863869999999999,"height":0.021421999999999997}},{"text":"If you choose, or you are provided with, a user identification code, password or any \n other piece of information as part of our security procedures, you must treat such \n information as confidential. You must not disclose it to any third party. You are \n responsible for all activity that takes place on your account.","bbox":{"left":0.120943,"top":0.253861,"width":0.7374339999999999,"height":0.07582799999999995}},{"text":"We have the right to disable any user identification code or password, whether \n chosen by you or allocated by us, at any time, if in our reasonable opinion you have \n failed to comply with any of the provisions of these terms of use.","bbox":{"left":0.120943,"top":0.346364,"width":0.741845,"height":0.05687099999999995}},{"text":"If you know or suspect that anyone other than you knows your user identification \n code or password, or if you become aware of any apparent breaches of security such \n as loss, theft or unauthorised disclosure, you must promptly notify us \n at naturebid@sylva.org.uk","bbox":{"left":0.120943,"top":0.41991,"width":0.751585,"height":0.07582799999999995}},{"text":"USING THE SITE AS A LANDOWNER OR LAND MANAGER - BIDDING FOR \n FUNDING","bbox":{"left":0.120943,"top":0.512266,"width":0.731386,"height":0.04266000000000003}},{"text":"The Site is an online auction platform which enables landowners or land managers to \n bid for funding to deliver environmental measures. This section sets out provisions \n that will apply when you use the Site as a landowner.","bbox":{"left":0.120943,"top":0.571564,"width":0.754605,"height":0.056871000000000116}},{"text":"In order to bid, you must register as a user of the Site. The bidding process allows \n you to select locations on your land in which you propose to implement \n environmental measures, and propose an amount of funding with which you could \n implement those measures. Your bids will then be reviewed by one or more of the \n environmental agencies, advisory groups or Governmental authorities (in each case \n an Authority) involved in the auction or in the relevant funding. The Authority may, at \n its option, award funding to suitably competitive bids.","bbox":{"left":0.120943,"top":0.64511,"width":0.7566729999999999,"height":0.1326980000000001}},{"text":"If you submit any bid through the Site, then your name, contact information and \n other information in relation to your bid will be provided to the relevant Authority so \n that they may evaluate your bid and contact you if it is successful. Each Authority will \n be a data controller in its own right in relation to your personal data and will use \n your personal data as described in its own privacy policies or privacy notices.","bbox":{"left":0.120943,"top":0.794483,"width":0.752992,"height":0.09478399999999998}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"You, Americans, are the Employers and they, Federal Citizens of both species, are the \n Employees, but they have been working a bizarre double-ended impersonation scheme \n against you.","bbox":{"left":0.09281,"top":0.071659,"width":0.752041,"height":0.046367000000000005}},{"text":"If you are Joe Average, you are the victim of a complex institutionalized con job designed to \n steal your identity and your credit and your assets, and this constructive, self-serving fraud \n was done while these people were on your payroll, taking their checks out of your pockets, \n and while they owed you their oaths and Good Faith Service, too.","bbox":{"left":0.09281,"top":0.133527,"width":0.7884070000000001,"height":0.061771999999999994}},{"text":"To be fair, most of them had no idea that they were doing any such thing. \n \"following orders\" like the guards in the Nazi Concentration Camps.","bbox":{"left":0.09281,"top":0.2108,"width":0.6336010000000001,"height":0.03096300000000002}},{"text":"They were just","bbox":{"left":0.737904,"top":0.2108,"width":0.12605199999999994,"height":0.015433000000000002}},{"text":"The Perpetrators also sought to evade their obligations owed to you under both The \n Constitution of the United States of America (Territorial Employees) and The Constitution of \n the United States (Municipal Employees). That is, they colluded and conspired to evade their \n obligations and so undermined both Constitutions after swearing to uphold them against \"all \n enemies, both foreign and domestic\".","bbox":{"left":0.09281,"top":0.257265,"width":0.803871,"height":0.07730099999999995}},{"text":"You see, by denying and falsifying your identity and mischaracterizing you as a U.S. Citizen \n and/or citizen of the United States, they deprived you of your Constitutional Guarantees and \n evaded their constitutional duties in one easy step.","bbox":{"left":0.09281,"top":0.350068,"width":0.795355,"height":0.04636699999999999}},{"text":"U.S. Citizens have no constitutional rights or guarantees. Neither do Municipal citizens of the \n United States.","bbox":{"left":0.09281,"top":0.411936,"width":0.7987249999999999,"height":0.030836999999999948}},{"text":"So long as you are mistaken for either one, neither do you have any Constitutional rights or \n guarantees.","bbox":{"left":0.09281,"top":0.458275,"width":0.788154,"height":0.030962999999999963}},{"text":"In fact, as long as you let them pretend that your name is a public trust property, they can \n send their lawyers to your house and take anything they want, including taking you to jail and \n prosecuting you under their private corporation's law and at their judge's \"discretion\".","bbox":{"left":0.09281,"top":0.504739,"width":0.8101609999999999,"height":0.046367999999999965}},{"text":"As many of you have learned the hard way.","bbox":{"left":0.09281,"top":0.566608,"width":0.37233700000000003,"height":0.01543300000000003}},{"text":"Both the Territorial United States and the Municipal United States have been operating as \n commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental services for the better \n part of a century and a half.","bbox":{"left":0.09281,"top":0.597543,"width":0.777312,"height":0.046366999999999936}},{"text":"So when they hold an election for their offices of \"President\" of their respective corporations, \n that's all the frou-frou and Democrat v. Republican nonsense is all about ---- a private \n corporation election where our Employees and Dependents choose their leadership for the \n next four years.","bbox":{"left":0.09281,"top":0.659411,"width":0.7996970000000001,"height":0.06177200000000005}},{"text":"Oh. But you say you aren't a Federal Employee or Dependent? Right. So, you aren't a \n shareholder in those corporations and not an official or appointed officer or employee of those \n corporations, either, so you shouldn't be voting in those elections.","bbox":{"left":0.09281,"top":0.736684,"width":0.812605,"height":0.04636700000000005}},{"text":"You should be casting ballots in your own elections and acting as Electors, not Voters. You \n should be populating your own State Assembly, not attending your Employee's District \n Assemblies.","bbox":{"left":0.09281,"top":0.798553,"width":0.777704,"height":0.04636700000000005}},{"text":"And you should be telling your Employees --- as the purported Donor of the fraudulent \n constructed Trust they are sucking dry --- where to get off.","bbox":{"left":0.09281,"top":0.860421,"width":0.7426200000000001,"height":0.03096399999999999}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"West Bengal State Council of Technical and Vocational Education \n and Skill Development \n (Technical Education Division) \n Karigari Bhawan, Plot-B/7, Action Area-III, Rajarhat, Newtown, Kolkata-700160","bbox":{"left":0.096775,"top":0.06941,"width":0.7951029999999999,"height":0.07667000000000002}},{"text":"Memo No. WBSCTVESD/TED/SNB/2020-21/0009","bbox":{"left":0.090326,"top":0.178072,"width":0.41702799999999995,"height":0.015377000000000002}},{"text":"Dated, 28th January, 2021","bbox":{"left":0.683075,"top":0.178072,"width":0.21380600000000005,"height":0.015377000000000002}},{"text":"NOTIFICATION","bbox":{"left":0.390333,"top":0.223972,"width":0.21952599999999994,"height":0.026940999999999993}},{"text":"1st Internal Assessment for the Diploma Students of 1st Year \n for the Academic Session 2020-21","bbox":{"left":0.25566,"top":0.267631,"width":0.4886499999999999,"height":0.03077499999999994}},{"text":"It is hereby notified that 1st Internal Assessment for the 1st","bbox":{"left":0.160903,"top":0.323576,"width":0.510146,"height":0.01671499999999998}},{"text":"year diploma students in","bbox":{"left":0.681462,"top":0.323576,"width":0.216491,"height":0.01671499999999998}},{"text":"the","bbox":{"left":0.090326,"top":0.348669,"width":0.027948,"height":0.01671499999999998}},{"text":"academic","bbox":{"left":0.129827,"top":0.348669,"width":0.08055100000000001,"height":0.01671499999999998}},{"text":"session","bbox":{"left":0.222068,"top":0.348669,"width":0.063585,"height":0.01671499999999998}},{"text":"2020-21","bbox":{"left":0.29736,"top":0.348669,"width":0.07428499999999999,"height":0.01671499999999998}},{"text":"will","bbox":{"left":0.383421,"top":0.348669,"width":0.032053,"height":0.01671499999999998}},{"text":"be","bbox":{"left":0.427294,"top":0.348669,"width":0.02071299999999998,"height":0.01671499999999998}},{"text":"conducted","bbox":{"left":0.459519,"top":0.348669,"width":0.09011900000000006,"height":0.01671499999999998}},{"text":"by","bbox":{"left":0.561393,"top":0.348669,"width":0.021038,"height":0.01671499999999998}},{"text":"the","bbox":{"left":0.594021,"top":0.348669,"width":0.027947999999999973,"height":0.01671499999999998}},{"text":"respective","bbox":{"left":0.633481,"top":0.348669,"width":0.089194,"height":0.01671499999999998}},{"text":"Institutes","bbox":{"left":0.734569,"top":0.348669,"width":0.08197699999999997,"height":0.01671499999999998}},{"text":"through","bbox":{"left":0.82802,"top":0.348669,"width":0.06986599999999998,"height":0.01671499999999998}},{"text":"Examination in Online Mode during the period from 25.02.2021 to 06.03.2021.","bbox":{"left":0.090326,"top":0.373797,"width":0.7151109999999999,"height":0.01671499999999998}},{"text":"Concerned students are advised to communicate with their respective Institutes for \n detailed information about the modalities of the aforesaid internal assessment","bbox":{"left":0.159976,"top":0.39889,"width":0.737529,"height":0.04152199999999995}},{"text":"having","bbox":{"left":0.090326,"top":0.423697,"width":0.057883000000000004,"height":0.01671499999999998}},{"text":"process.","bbox":{"left":0.090326,"top":0.44879,"width":0.070175,"height":0.01671499999999998}},{"text":"Koushik Bandyopadhyay \n Senior Administrative Officer (Examination) \n WBSCT&VE&SD","bbox":{"left":0.520959,"top":0.519815,"width":0.38507900000000006,"height":0.05007700000000004}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"amendment, or wishing to state their views prior to the public hearing should \n submit them to Alvin Gurley, agurley@dinwiddieva.us, 804-469-4500, option 1, \n extension 2117, or PO Drawer 70, Dinwiddie, VA 23841, on but not prior to May \n 7, 2021 by 5:00 PM. A copy of the full text of the above matters is on file \n and may be examined in the Planning Office located at the Dinwiddie County \n Government Center, 14010 Boydton Plank Road, Dinwiddie, Virginia 23841 \n between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except \n legally declared holidays. Citizens with other questions related to this notice \n or requiring special accommodations may also contact Alvin Gurley via \n telephone or email.","bbox":{"left":0.187908,"top":-0.011024,"width":0.645111,"height":0.153278}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"1-2& \n 3-4& \n 5-6 \n 7&8 \n &","bbox":{"left":0.058403,"top":0.040047,"width":0.03973700000000001,"height":0.106985}},{"text":"Rock forward on right, recover back on left, ½ turn right stepping right in place (6:00) \n Rock forward on left, recover back on right, ¼ turn left stepping left in place (3:00) \n Cross right over left, step left to left side \n Sweeping right out and back step right behind left, ¼ turn right stepping left in place, \n step right slightly forward \n Step left slightly forward (6:00)","bbox":{"left":0.228911,"top":0.040047,"width":0.701674,"height":0.106985}},{"text":"Note: Wall 1 starts at 12:00, wall 2 starts at 6:00, wall 3 starts at 6:00, wall 4 starts at 12:00, wall 5 \n starts at 12:00, wall 6 starts at 6:00 \n Finish: Dance up to counts 8& of Section 4 then sweeping right out and forward ½ turn left to face \n 12:00.","bbox":{"left":0.057143,"top":0.162062,"width":0.875033,"height":0.067267}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Acknowledgements","bbox":{"left":0.153137,"top":0.082483,"width":0.2877970000000001,"height":0.03268299999999999}},{"text":"I would like to all those who have contributed to this study. In particular, the \n following:","bbox":{"left":0.153137,"top":0.13157,"width":0.612121,"height":0.03844900000000001}},{"text":"• \n • \n • \n • \n • \n • \n • \n • \n • \n • \n • \n •","bbox":{"left":0.180784,"top":0.18779,"width":0.008484999999999993,"height":0.23541799999999996}},{"text":"Durham Council \n Liverpool Council \n Cheshire East Council \n Thurrock Council \n Nottinghamshire Council \n Hampshire Council \n Family Mosaic Housing Association \n Mark Goldup of HGO Consultancy re Medway \n Medway Council \n Stonham \n Carr-Gomm \n Cheshire Peaks and Plains Housing Trust","bbox":{"left":0.208533,"top":0.186797,"width":0.37509100000000006,"height":0.237541}},{"text":"Kate McAllister, October 2010","bbox":{"left":0.153137,"top":0.461446,"width":0.260304,"height":0.019699999999999995}},{"text":"2","bbox":{"left":0.494904,"top":0.939676,"width":0.01025699999999996,"height":0.019585999999999992}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Reading Warsworn Chronicles Of The Warlands 2 Elizabeth Vaughan ebooks","bbox":{"left":0.055582,"top":0.04067,"width":0.7657590000000001,"height":0.025264999999999996}},{"text":"Warsworn PDF Book (Chronicles of the Warlands) (2006) Download or Read Online. Author: Elizabeth \n Vaughan | Submitted by: Maria Garcia | 6690 Views | View Chapter List | Add a Review Warsworn PDF \n book (Chronicles of the Warlands) (Chronicles of the Warlands Series) Read Online or Free Download in \n ePUB, PDF or MOBI eBooks.","bbox":{"left":0.055582,"top":0.102449,"width":0.884643,"height":0.07893499999999999}},{"text":"Thank you utterly much for downloading Warsworn Chronicles Of The Warlands 2 Elizabeth \n Vaughan.Most likely you have knowledge that, people have look numerous times for their favorite \n books in imitation of this Warsworn Chronicles Of The Warlands 2 Elizabeth Vaughan, but …","bbox":{"left":0.055582,"top":0.197888,"width":0.832141,"height":0.06078}},{"text":"Warsworn (Chronicles of the Warlands, #2) by Elizabeth Vaughan","bbox":{"left":0.055582,"top":0.274203,"width":0.55818,"height":0.021560000000000024}},{"text":"25/3/2011 · Warcry PDF book (Chronicles of the Warlands) (Chronicles of the Warlands Series) Read \n Online or Free Download in ePUB, PDF or MOBI eBooks. Published in March 25th 2011 the book \n become immediate popular and critical acclaim in fantasy, romance books. The main characters of \n Warcry novel are Atira of the Bear, Heath of Xy.","bbox":{"left":0.055582,"top":0.312267,"width":0.8556130000000001,"height":0.07893500000000003}},{"text":"6/3/2007 · Free download or read online Warlord pdf (ePUB) (Chronicles of the Warlands Series) book. \n The first edition of the novel was published in March 6th 2007, and was written by Elizabeth Vaughan. \n The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of 336 pages and is available \n in Mass Market Paperback format. The main characters of this fantasy, romance story are Keir, Xylara ...","bbox":{"left":0.055582,"top":0.407707,"width":0.879351,"height":0.07893500000000003}},{"text":"Warlands 2 Elizabeth Vaughan Free Pdf Books [FREE] Warsworn Chronicles Of The Warlands 2 \n Elizabeth Vaughan PDF Book is the book you are looking for, by download PDF Warsworn \n Chronicles Of The Warlands 2 Elizabeth Vaughan book you are also motivated to search from other \n sources","bbox":{"left":0.055582,"top":0.503146,"width":0.865606,"height":0.07893500000000009}},{"text":"25/7/2019 · Warsworn (Chronicles of the Warlands, #2) by Elizabeth Vaughan. Lara is the Warprize. A \n powerful healer, she has sworn an oath of loyalty to Keir the Warlord, and his people. Now the Warlord \n and his chosen mate face enemies within the tribe and …","bbox":{"left":0.055582,"top":0.598585,"width":0.869521,"height":0.05981000000000003}},{"text":"Warsworn; Chronicles of the Warlands (Volume 2) Elizabeth Vaughan Tor/Forge . Warsworn is an epic \n fantasy romance from USA Today bestselling author Elizabeth Vaughan!. Lara is the Warprize. A \n powerful healer, she... Available in: Buy","bbox":{"left":0.055582,"top":0.6749,"width":0.871844,"height":0.05980999999999992}},{"text":"As this Warsworn Chronicles Of The Warlands 2 Elizabeth Vaughan, it ends up brute one of the \n favored book Warsworn Chronicles Of The Warlands 2 Elizabeth Vaughan collections that we have. \n This is why you remain in the best website to see the amazing book to have. For other formatting issues, \n we’ve covered everything you need to convert ebooks.","bbox":{"left":0.055582,"top":0.751214,"width":0.876952,"height":0.07893499999999998}},{"text":"22/7/2019 · Warsworn Chronicles of the Warlands, Book 2 By: Can Elizabeth Vaughan ever write! \n Initially I was aware that it could have played out in so many “been there done that a billion times” ways,","bbox":{"left":0.055582,"top":0.846654,"width":0.882363,"height":0.04068499999999997}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Calculation Policy \n Subtraction – Years 1-3","bbox":{"left":0.212292,"top":0.418336,"width":0.5691849999999999,"height":0.17936100000000005}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.373889,"top":0.08,"width":0.253889,"height":0.307037}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.373889,"top":0.08,"width":0.253889,"height":0.307037}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Taming Terrorism � It's been done before - Defence Viewpoints from UK Defence Forum \n Friday, 01 April 2005 10:43","bbox":{"left":0.076183,"top":0.013031,"width":0.7722429999999999,"height":0.035087}},{"text":"This book Edited by Anna Reidcontains essays which show today's War on Terrorism and \n echoes in the past. Similar groups have been beaten before. \n The Case Studies are \n 1. China's Boxer crisis \n 2. Italy's Far Right and the Red Brigades \n 3. Greece's Revolutionary Organisation November 17th \n 4. Japan's Aum Shrinrikyo \n 5. Peru's Sendero Luminoso","bbox":{"left":0.071899,"top":0.12347,"width":0.80602,"height":0.147525}},{"text":"General conclusions drawn from the cases studies are \n 1. Like generals, spies and policeman tend to fight the last war eg. The Bush administration \n concentrated on the threats from Iraq and overlooked al-Qaeda \n 2. Faced with a major new threat, security services need strong central direction, bigger \n budgets and better training. Overlaps and rivalries must be eliminated \n 3. Giving the security services more power is difficult in countries which have a history of \n militarism \n 4. When framing anti-terrorist legislation, governments must strike a difficult balance between \n security and civil liberties \n 5. 'Repentance' laws, allowing suspects to plea-bargain in exchange for identifying colleagues, \n are useful, though they can also result in derisory gaol terms for serious offences, and \n encourage suspects to fabricate information \n 6. Troops sent on punitive expeditions to regions harbouring terrorists must be kept on a tight \n reign \n 7. The capture of a charismatic leader can prove a turning point \n 8. Security successes must be consolidated by broader reforms that tackle terrorism's root \n causes \n 9. Terrorist movements often draw their leadership, and much of their support, from the \n marginalized middle classes \n 10. Keeping mainstream opinion on side doesn't solve terrorism on its own. \n 11. Exaggerated rhetoric is harmful \n 12. Governments must admit their mistakes, and adapt their policies to changing \n circumstances \n 13. The terrorist threat should be kept in proportion \n 14. Terrorist movements fade in the end, but it often takes 20 years or more","bbox":{"left":0.071899,"top":0.319457,"width":0.852526,"height":0.45041600000000004}},{"text":"Taming Terrorism is available from Policy Exchange, Clutha House, 10 Storey's Gate, London \n SW1P 3AY. Tel 020 7340 2650 \n www.policyexchange.org.uk","bbox":{"left":0.071899,"top":0.782701,"width":0.837387,"height":0.05844000000000005}},{"text":"Disclaimer \n The views of authors are their own. The UK Defence Forum holds no corporate view on the \n opinions expressed in papers or at meetings. The Forum exists to enable politicians,","bbox":{"left":0.071899,"top":0.853969,"width":0.823498,"height":0.05844000000000005}},{"text":"1 / 2","bbox":{"left":0.885489,"top":0.952395,"width":0.026152000000000064,"height":0.015203999999999995}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
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{"content":[{"text":"The In Touch \n Volume 56, Issue 7","bbox":{"left":0.332435,"top":0.054187,"width":0.568187,"height":0.084744}},{"text":"Our Mission: To Seek, Know, Love and Serve Christ in all Persons and in all Creation \n Ramblings from the Liturgist ….. \n “God’s words come to us in myriad ways. Anyone who has heard God’s still, small voice \n nudging the soul has heard the word of God. The joyful sensation we feel in communion \n with other Christians is God working in us. God’s word can also come to us in the council of \n wise friends. There is something pure-and purifying- about receiving a word from God. \n When we have the ears to hear God speaking, the noise around us and within us is stilled”","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.16072,"width":0.878718,"height":0.164054}},{"text":"This was part of The August 28 reading from my Forward Day by Day. It really made me \n pause and think—about the times that I believe that I have experienced that small nudging \n voice. Mostly in times of personal distress or discomfort, when I mentally cried out in \n pain. In hindsight those nudgings were answers to my prayers- not always what I had \n prayed for- but an answer that fulfilled my needs in a different way. And I am very grateful \n for that. My prayer life has changed over the years-not always at night just as I’m off to \n sleep, but as the need arises; any time and any where. I no longer search for the “right” way \n to pray, using the “correct” language etc. God knows what is in our hearts and on our \n minds—so just go for it!","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.336778,"width":0.873123,"height":0.16057199999999994}},{"text":"I’m hopeful that after you read this, you also will pause and recognize those “ nudgings ” \n for what they are— the voice of God, reminding us that He is a daily presence in our lives. \n One of the closing prayers that I use when I take communion to our shut-ins says “open our \n ears that we may hear you.” \n May we all do just that.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.509228,"width":0.8773569999999999,"height":0.08920699999999993}},{"text":"Peace,","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.616349,"width":0.05778699999999999,"height":0.01784399999999997}},{"text":"Georgeann Wright \n Liturgist","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.646046,"width":0.172852,"height":0.03572299999999995}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.270637,"top":0.689206,"width":0.388088,"height":0.235732},{"left":0.058824,"top":0.045455,"width":0.200964,"height":0.104924}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.270637,"top":0.689206,"width":0.388088,"height":0.235732},{"left":0.058824,"top":0.045455,"width":0.200964,"height":0.104924}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Haere mai! \n Welcome to the fifth edition of our Desk Guide: \n Media Covering Science.","bbox":{"left":0.095238,"top":0.321016,"width":0.429306,"height":0.11728099999999997}},{"text":"The Desk Guide is designed for all reporters who want to get the \n science right. It covers the basics of everything from the peer review \n process in scientific research, through to writing a “balanced” science \n story when the weight of scientific evidence may be overwhelmingly \n on one side.","bbox":{"left":0.095238,"top":0.470193,"width":0.4463270000000001,"height":0.09625500000000003}},{"text":"You’ll find a ten-point checklist for approaching science-related \n subjects, tips on accessing and reading research articles, and a guide \n for spotting bad science. There’s a centre-spread infographic which \n gives a quick introduction to the diverse areas of research underway \n in Aotearoa.","bbox":{"left":0.095238,"top":0.590051,"width":0.442267,"height":0.09625600000000001}},{"text":"About","bbox":{"left":0.689299,"top":0.608122,"width":0.05917799999999995,"height":0.022738999999999954}},{"text":"SMC is an independent centre \n established by Royal Society \n Te Apārangi with funding \n from the Ministry of Business, \n Innovation and Employment \n Hīkina Whakatutuki. We \n help journalists work more \n effectively with the scientific \n and research community to \n inform public discussion of \n important issues for society.","bbox":{"left":0.689299,"top":0.642942,"width":0.19384,"height":0.21722799999999998}},{"text":"You’ll also find information about Scimex.org, our go-to portal for \n journalists, where you will gain embargoed access to new research and \n a database of experts ready to talk to journalists.","bbox":{"left":0.095238,"top":0.705141,"width":0.458806,"height":0.055931000000000064}},{"text":"Keep your Desk Guide handy. We hope you’ll find it useful next time \n science is in the media spotlight.","bbox":{"left":0.095238,"top":0.779906,"width":0.43653900000000007,"height":0.03576900000000005}},{"text":"Dacia Herbulock \n SMC Director","bbox":{"left":0.095238,"top":0.863696,"width":0.11514699999999999,"height":0.03626799999999997}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.094251,"top":0.083754,"width":0.209743,"height":0.209743}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.094251,"top":0.083754,"width":0.209743,"height":0.209743}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Download Free Girls Night In \n Spa Treatments At Home \n Even though they started with print \n publications, they are now famous for \n digital books. The website features a \n massive collection of eBooks in \n categories like, IT industry, computers, \n technology, etc. You can download the \n books in PDF format, however, to get an \n access to the free downloads you need \n to sign up with your name and email \n address.","bbox":{"left":0.142857,"top":0.031181,"width":0.6890339999999999,"height":0.400879}},{"text":"Girls Night In Spa Treatments \n Girls' Night In is a playful and practical \n illustrated guide to creating spa parties \n sure to nourish the soul and soothe the \n body. Divided by season, each spa \n party, 12 in all, features a fun theme and \n includes fresh spa concoctions, \n activities, and foods, as well as music \n and decorating suggestions.","bbox":{"left":0.152382,"top":0.463904,"width":0.694594,"height":0.26610999999999996}},{"text":"Girls' Night In: Spa Treatments At \n Home: Worick, Jennifer ... \n Use these three DIY fall-inspired spa \n treatments from luxury spas in the \n Northeast for the perfect fall girls’ night \n Page 2/10","bbox":{"left":0.152382,"top":0.761858,"width":0.670851,"height":0.18272100000000002}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"THE BRITISH COLUMBIA \n CIVIL LIBERTIES ASSOCIATION","bbox":{"left":0.184706,"top":0.277517,"width":0.6305139999999999,"height":0.07169999999999999}},{"text":"Incorporated in British Columbia under the Society Act in February 1963 \n Transitioned to the new British Columbia Societies Act in June 2017","bbox":{"left":0.151176,"top":0.37262,"width":0.697576,"height":0.040271}},{"text":"CONSTITUTION","bbox":{"left":0.338627,"top":0.440547,"width":0.32266700000000004,"height":0.030791000000000013}},{"text":"(1) The name of the Society is the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.535274,"width":0.6764680000000001,"height":0.015395999999999965}},{"text":"(2) The object of the Society is to promote, defend, sustain, and extend civil liberties and \n human rights. We recognize that such rights are fundamental and inalienable for the \n well-being of human society. Among these liberties and rights are those which have \n been embodied in such documents as the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the \n Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, the American Declaration of Independence, \n the British, American and Canadian Bills of Rights, and the Universal Declaration of \n Human Rights.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.573456,"width":0.759825,"height":0.13797099999999995}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.278186,"top":0.090909,"width":0.443627,"height":0.11553}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.278186,"top":0.090909,"width":0.443627,"height":0.11553}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Reading Ash Sap American Society Of Hematology Self Assessment Program","bbox":{"left":0.033746,"top":0.052632,"width":0.467455,"height":0.032696}},{"text":"Ash Sap American Society Of Hematology Self Assessment Program \n ASH SAP, 7th Edition - American Society of Hematology American Society of Hematology Self-Assessment Program ... American Society Of Hematology Self-Assessment Program ... ASH- \n SAP American Society of Hematology Self-assessment ... ASH-SAP American Society of Hematology Self-assessment ... ASH-SAP: American Society Of Hematology Self-assessment ... ASH \n SAP American Society of Hematology Self-Assessment Program ASH-SAP American Society of Hematology Self … ASH SAP (AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEMATOLOGY SELF \n ASSESSMENT ... ASH-SAP: American Society Of Hematology Self-assessment ... Download ebook ASH-SAP: American Society Of Hematology ... ASH-SAP American Society of \n Hematology Self-Assessment ... ASH Store - American Society of Hematology ASH-SAP American Society of Hematology Self … ASH-SAP American Society of Hematology Self-assessment \n ... ASH-SAP American Society of Hematology Self … ASH-SAP American Society of Hematology Self-assessment ... Download ebook ASH-SAP: American Society Of Hematology ... \n American Society Of Hematology Self Essment Program Set ASH-SAP American Society of Hematology Self-Assessment ... Ash-sap American Society Of Hematology Self-assessment ... ASH- \n SAP American Society of Hematology Self … ASH-SAP American Society of Hematology Self … The American Society of Hematology and ASCO Curricular ...","bbox":{"left":0.033746,"top":0.157409,"width":0.9304410000000001,"height":0.26392400000000005}},{"text":"30/5/2019 · The American Society of Hematology Self-Assessment Program (ASH-SAP) is the only complete, comprehensive, educational resource available that fulfills this need. \n Over 20 pertinent chapters in print and/or digital formats, including several …","bbox":{"left":0.033746,"top":0.441836,"width":0.914515,"height":0.052651}},{"text":"Saskia Middeldorp, Paul Monagle, Ted Wun, 2019. \"Thrombosis and thrombophilia\", American Society of Hematology Self-Assessment Program, Seventh Edition, Adam Cuker ...","bbox":{"left":0.033746,"top":0.515846,"width":0.9175249999999999,"height":0.027900999999999954}},{"text":"American Society Of Hematology Self-Assessment Program (ASH-SAP) | American Society Of Hematology | download | Z-Library. Download books for free. Find books","bbox":{"left":0.033746,"top":0.565106,"width":0.87063,"height":0.027900999999999954}},{"text":"The American Society of Hematology Self-Assessment Program (ASH-SAP) is the only complete, comprehensive, educational resource available that fulfills this need. Download \n Free Medical Books PDF The aim of this Self-Assessment Program is to provide a comprehensive, yet concise overview of the dynamic and rapidly evolving disciplines of adult and \n pediatric hematology.","bbox":{"left":0.033746,"top":0.614365,"width":0.9226430000000001,"height":0.07740099999999994}},{"text":"The American Society of Hematology Self-Assessment Program (ASH-SAP) is the only complete, comprehensive, educational resource available that fulfills this need. Download \n Free Medical Books PDF The aim of this Self-Assessment Program is to provide a comprehensive, yet concise overview of the dynamic and rapidly evolving disciplines of adult and \n pediatric hematology.","bbox":{"left":0.033746,"top":0.713125,"width":0.9226430000000001,"height":0.07740099999999994}},{"text":"Download ASH-SAP: American Society Of Hematology Self-assessment Program – 7th Edition (2019 Release) free pdf Download Ebook Get it $10 USD Hematologists and others \n working in hematology-related fields need to stay current with the latest advances in the rapidly evolving disciplines of adult and pediatric hematology including benign and malignant","bbox":{"left":0.033746,"top":0.811885,"width":0.9307570000000001,"height":0.052651}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"File Type PDF Yamaha Timberwolf Owners \n Manual \n T IMBE RWOL F 250 7 Stupid Mistakes Beginner \n Motorcycle Riders Make ( 2019) CHA INSA W SE CRE T S \n - T he Pros Won't T ell Y ou A bout Harbor F reights Best \n kept SE CRE T that 99% of people don't know Here's \n Why T his T ype of E ngine Oil Can Destroy Y our Car \n New Inventions for Chainsaw T hat A re on A nother \n L evel Y amaha Bear T racker with No Spark - Part 2 \n Pilot A ir/F uel Screw A djustment E xplained - Single \n Carb - Part 1 Never Go to T his A uto Parts Store \n Y amaha T imberwolf 250cc 1996 review back break \n replacement on Y amaha timberwolf 250cc tutorial F irst \n T est Drive: Y amaha Y F B250 T imberwolf A T V Project \n Buying a used Quad! Restoring our 1998 Y amaha \n T imberwolf 250 Getting My Cheap A T V Running: \n Y amaha Y F B250 T imberwolf A T V Project Part 2 \n Refurbishing the Brakes, Seat, Rack and More: Y amaha \n Y F B250 T imberwolf A T V Project Part 4 1/7 Y amaha \n Moto 4 225 T op E nd / Cylinder Head Issues - Piston \n ST UCK I Bought a L ifted Off- Road Golf Cart and \n F inally Named My L odge/ Guide Service!! Stupid-E asy \n $1.00 CHA INSA W HA CK T hat'll SA V E Y OUR BA CK \n How to change A T V Driveshaft U-joints fundamentals \n of physics fifth edition, harrison m300 centre lathe \n manual, amsco geometry workbook of doc, accelerated \n christian education, infrared imaging a casebook in \n clinical, work shop manual for xr6, section 3 biology \n study guide, ford focus owners manual 2006 uk, krijimi \n i veb faqeve ne word, viray coda audio, workbook \n answer key for ruschs fuentes conversacion y \n gramatica 3rd, nederlands in actie, ma3 advancement \n exam study guide, cost volume profit ysis manual \n solutions, quality in the food ysis laboratory rsc rsc \n food ysis monographs, hitachi projection tv 53sdx01b \n 61sdx01b service manual download, dewalt miter saw \n Page 2/3","bbox":{"left":0.101351,"top":0.021713,"width":0.783903,"height":0.9392290000000001}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"-2-","bbox":{"left":0.488513,"top":0.043455,"width":0.02293500000000004,"height":0.019984999999999996}},{"text":"Canadian Midwest District of The Christian And Missionary Alliance, proposes to develop a \n 90-space Child Day Care Centre on proposed Parcel 130 within the Rosewood Park \n Concept Plan. The subject property was zoned R5 – Residential Medium Density under \n Regina Zoning Bylaw No. 9250 (Zoning Bylaw) under which application was made, where a \n Child Day Care Centre is a discretionary use, and is located with an area subject to an \n approved neighbourhood plan (Coopertown Neighbourhood Plan) and concept plan \n (Rosewood Park Concept Plan).","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.088909,"width":0.75958,"height":0.120162}},{"text":"Child Day Care Centre is regulated as discretionary use, within the R5 – Residential \n Medium Density zone, in the Zoning Bylaw in order to ensure that the development is \n compatible in a residential context from the perspective of off-site impacts, parking and \n traffic.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.222571,"width":0.7198060000000001,"height":0.06998499999999999}},{"text":"The proposal has been assessed and is deemed to comply with the Zoning Bylaw; Design \n Regina: The Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2013-48 (OCP); the Coopertown \n Neighbourhood Plan and the Rosewood Park Concept Plan.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.306056,"width":0.7478250000000001,"height":0.05335599999999996}},{"text":"IMPACTS","bbox":{"left":0.109451,"top":0.372833,"width":0.084687,"height":0.02002900000000002}},{"text":"Financial Impacts","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.405409,"width":0.157553,"height":0.02002900000000002}},{"text":"Capital funding to provide municipal infrastructure that is required for subdivision and \n development in the concept plan area will be the sole responsibility of the developer. The \n municipal infrastructure that is built and funded by the developer will become the City of \n Regina’s (City) responsibility to operate and maintain through future budgets.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.438669,"width":0.7378640000000001,"height":0.070137}},{"text":"City Council recently approved (CR18-119) a two-year tax exemption for the years 2019 - \n 2020 equal to 40 per cent of the taxes levied with respect to all properties in the city that are \n owned and operated by licensed non-profit day care centres. Should the applicant meet the \n conditions of the exemption, they will be eligible.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.522154,"width":0.76272,"height":0.07016200000000006}},{"text":"Environmental Impacts","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.605737,"width":0.20656999999999998,"height":0.020028999999999963}},{"text":"The subject property is located within the Low Sensitivity Aquifer Protection Overlay Zone; \n therefore, will be required to comply with the applicable protection performance standards, \n which are reviewed at building permit phase. The proposed land-use (Child Day Care \n Centre) is not categorized as an industrial development and no environmental impacts, \n which might warrant analysis and mitigation measures, are anticipated.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.639149,"width":0.748886,"height":0.08665200000000006}},{"text":"Accessibility Impact","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.739373,"width":0.18061299999999997,"height":0.020028999999999963}},{"text":"The proposed development will provide one accessible parking stall, which conforms to the \n minimum requirement for the site.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.772672,"width":0.754673,"height":0.03665099999999999}},{"text":"Policy/Strategic Impact","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.822896,"width":0.20676299999999997,"height":0.020028999999999963}},{"text":"The proposed development supports the following OCP goals/ policies:","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.856157,"width":0.5899490000000001,"height":0.01998500000000003}},{"text":"Page 2 of 4","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.934636,"width":0.096146,"height":0.01998500000000003}},{"text":"RPC20-1","bbox":{"left":0.811928,"top":0.935939,"width":0.07077,"height":0.018320000000000003}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Yoga and Christianity: What are the Differences?","bbox":{"left":0.071429,"top":0.05513,"width":0.53519,"height":0.017959000000000003}},{"text":"Many people today (including some Christians) are taking up yoga practice. We’ll later consider \n whether yoga philosophy can truly be separated from yoga practice, but we must first establish that \n there are crucial doctrinal differences between yoga and Christianity. Let’s briefly look at just a few \n of these.","bbox":{"left":0.071429,"top":0.090044,"width":0.8466629999999999,"height":0.06722299999999999}},{"text":"First, yoga and Christianity have very different concepts of God. As previously stated, the goal of \n yoga is to experience union with “God.” But what do yogis mean when they speak of “God,” or \n Brahman? Exactly what are we being encouraged to “unite” with? Most yogis conceive of “God” as \n an impersonal, spiritual substance, coextensive with all of reality. This doctrine is called pantheism, \n the view that everything is “God.” It differs markedly from the theism of biblical Christianity. In the \n Bible, God reveals Himself as the personal Creator of the universe. God is the Creator; the universe, \n His creation. The Bible maintains a careful distinction between the two.{9}","bbox":{"left":0.071429,"top":0.174029,"width":0.848184,"height":0.11923700000000004}},{"text":"A second difference between yoga and Christianity concerns their views of man. Since yoga \n philosophy teaches that everything is “God,” it necessarily follows that man, too, is “God.” \n Christianity, however, makes a clear distinction between God and man. God is the Creator; man is \n one of His creatures. Of course man is certainly unique, for unlike the animals he was created in the \n image of God.{10} Nevertheless, Christianity clearly differs from yoga in its unqualified insistence \n that God and man are distinct.","bbox":{"left":0.071429,"top":0.310028,"width":0.849543,"height":0.10189900000000002}},{"text":"Finally, let’s briefly consider how yoga and Christianity differently conceive man’s fundamental \n problem, as well as its solution. Yoga conceives man’s problem primarily in terms of ignorance; man \n simply doesn’t realize that he is “God.” The solution is enlightenment, an experience of union with \n “God.” This solution (which is the goal of yoga) can only be reached through much personal striving \n and effort. Christianity, however, sees man’s primary problem as sin, a failure to conform to both the \n character and standards of a morally perfect God. Man is thus alienated from God and in need of \n reconciliation. The solution is Jesus Christ, “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the \n world.”{11} Through Jesus’ death on the cross, God reconciled the world to Himself.{12} He now \n calls men to freely receive all the benefits of His salvation through faith in Christ alone. Unlike yoga, \n Christianity views salvation as a free gift. It can only be received; it can never be earned.","bbox":{"left":0.071429,"top":0.428689,"width":0.855512,"height":0.17125}},{"text":"Clearly, Christianity and yoga are mutually exclusive viewpoints. But is every kind of yoga the same? \n Isn’t there at least one that’s exclusively concerned with physical health and exercise? Next, we’ll \n take a closer look at hatha yoga, the one most often believed to be purely physical in nature.","bbox":{"left":0.071429,"top":0.616701,"width":0.853299,"height":0.04988499999999996}},{"text":"What Is Hatha Yoga?","bbox":{"left":0.071429,"top":0.683545,"width":0.22911499999999996,"height":0.017958999999999947}},{"text":"Here we’ve learned that yoga is an ancient spiritual discipline rooted in a belief system that is \n utterly incompatible with Christianity. But is this true of all yoga? Isn’t hatha yoga simply concerned \n with physical development and good health?","bbox":{"left":0.071429,"top":0.718459,"width":0.8510300000000001,"height":0.04988500000000007}},{"text":"Hatha yoga is primarily concerned with two things: asana (physical postures) and pranayama \n (breathing exercises). But it’s important to realize that both asana and pranayama also play a \n significant role in Patanjali’s raja (or “royal”) yoga. In the traditional eight “limbs” of Patanjali’s \n system, asana and pranayama are limbs three and four. What then is the relationship of hatha to raja \n yoga?","bbox":{"left":0.071429,"top":0.785107,"width":0.855732,"height":0.08456000000000008}},{"text":"Former yoga practitioner Dave Fetcho states that yoga postures “evolved as an integral part of Raja \n . . . Yoga.”{13} He points out that the author of the famous handbook, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, \n “presents Hatha . . . solely and exclusively for the attainment of Raja Yoga.”{14} He also cites a","bbox":{"left":0.071429,"top":0.88643,"width":0.847102,"height":0.04988499999999996}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Beeston Concrete Garages Ltd \n Unit C, The Poplars, Wollaton Road, Beeston, Nottingham. NG9 2PD \n Telephone 0115 9431919. www.garagesdirect.co.uk","bbox":{"left":0.278723,"top":0.007707,"width":0.658838,"height":0.08103}},{"text":"About Beeston Concrete Garages","bbox":{"left":0.233344,"top":0.151954,"width":0.4840939999999999,"height":0.023883000000000015}},{"text":"We are a family owned and operated business. We have \n been providing high quality garages locally and nationally \n since 1982.","bbox":{"left":0.123832,"top":0.199183,"width":0.741576,"height":0.06549899999999997}},{"text":"We pride ourselves on offering high quality service and \n products at value for money prices. 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{"content":[{"text":"Technical factsheet: accounting and tax treatment of \n IR 35 deductions","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.23219,"width":0.590484,"height":0.038312999999999986}},{"text":"in the public sector","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.280539,"width":0.21518700000000004,"height":0.01847199999999999}},{"text":"Recap of the new rules","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.319418,"width":0.21955600000000006,"height":0.015923999999999994}},{"text":"From April 2017, where a public sector organisation engages an off-payroll worker","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.343934,"width":0.7316349999999999,"height":0.015923999999999994}},{"text":"through their own limited company (personal service company or PSC), that","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.36845,"width":0.675582,"height":0.015923999999999994}},{"text":"organisation (or the recruitment agency through which the worker is engaged) will","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.392967,"width":0.7260530000000001,"height":0.015923999999999994}},{"text":"become responsible for determining whether the rules should apply, and, if so, for","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.417483,"width":0.7271730000000001,"height":0.015923999999999994}},{"text":"paying the right tax and national insurance contributions (NICs).","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.441999,"width":0.5680850000000001,"height":0.015923999999999994}},{"text":"The public sector engager or agency is treated as an employer for the purposes of","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.478774,"width":0.732808,"height":0.015923999999999994}},{"text":"taxes and class 1 NICs, and so the amount paid to the worker’s intermediary for the","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.503195,"width":0.743966,"height":0.01592400000000005}},{"text":"worker’s services is deemed to be a payment of employment income or of earnings","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.527616,"width":0.74051,"height":0.01592400000000005}},{"text":"for class 1 NICs for that worker.","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.552037,"width":0.282274,"height":0.01592400000000005}},{"text":"The public sector engager or the agency is liable for secondary class 1 NICs and","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.588812,"width":0.719334,"height":0.01592400000000005}},{"text":"must deduct tax and NICs from the payments they make to the intermediary in","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.613328,"width":0.696883,"height":0.01592400000000005}},{"text":"respect of the services of the worker. So the PSC will only ever receive net income.","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.637844,"width":0.741645,"height":0.01592400000000005}},{"text":"The person deemed to be the employer for tax purposes is obliged to remit","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.674619,"width":0.6666780000000001,"height":0.01592400000000005}},{"text":"payments to HMRC and to send HMRC information about the payments using real-","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.698992,"width":0.7405480000000001,"height":0.01592400000000005}},{"text":"time information.","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.723366,"width":0.14898599999999998,"height":0.01592400000000005}},{"text":"Accounting treatment of the income","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.760141,"width":0.344939,"height":0.01592400000000005}},{"text":"ACCA’s Technical Advisory helpline has had many calls querying the accounting","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.784704,"width":0.718194,"height":0.01592400000000005}},{"text":"treatment of the transactions under the new rules. There is currently very little","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.809268,"width":0.690135,"height":0.01592400000000005}},{"text":"guidance available and all the accountancy blogs show a high level of confusion and","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.833832,"width":0.751949,"height":0.01592400000000005}},{"text":"disagreement among accountants on exactly how to treat the basic double entries.","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.858396,"width":0.7350420000000001,"height":0.01592400000000005}},{"text":"The main issue is whether or not to show the income in the PSC accounts as net or","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.882959,"width":0.742831,"height":0.01592400000000005}},{"text":"gross.","bbox":{"left":0.120748,"top":0.907523,"width":0.05488799999999999,"height":0.01592400000000005}},{"text":"1!","bbox":{"left":0.495288,"top":0.933942,"width":0.013462999999999947,"height":0.015660000000000007}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.656957,"top":0.095309,"width":0.341094,"height":0.105715}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.656957,"top":0.095309,"width":0.341094,"height":0.105715}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Ebooks Polaris Atv Sportsman 90 2001 Factory Service Repair Manual Download Pdf","bbox":{"left":0.057143,"top":0.03826,"width":0.872765,"height":0.023767999999999997}},{"text":"2009 Polaris Sportsman XP 850 ATV's. 2009 Polaris Trailboss/Trailblazer 330 ATV's. 2009-2010 \n Polaris Ranger RZR 800 UTV's. 2011 Polaris Ranger RZR 800 SW UTV's. 2012 Polaris Sportsman \n 400-500 ATV's. The service manual downloads for the above listed models describes the service \n procedures for the complete vehicle.","bbox":{"left":0.057143,"top":0.096378,"width":0.8606590000000001,"height":0.07425699999999998}},{"text":"12/7/2012 · 6 Posts. #15 · Jul 9, 2012. Polaristech1 said: Just a reminder to everyone...I have ALL \n Polaris ATV Genuine Factory Service Manuals In PDF format available for immediate upload! ALL \n makes and ALL years, including Ranger and RZR! As a lot of you may know I have been offering \n this service on the forum for quite awhile.","bbox":{"left":0.057143,"top":0.186162,"width":0.8665289999999999,"height":0.07425700000000002}},{"text":"Warning: Polaris off-road vehicles can be hazardous to operate and are not intended for on-road use. \n Driver must be at least 16 years old with a valid driver’s license to operate. Passengers, if permitted, \n must be at least 12 years old. All riders should always wear helmets, eye protection, and protective \n clothing.","bbox":{"left":0.057143,"top":0.275945,"width":0.8646370000000001,"height":0.07425700000000002}},{"text":"6/7/2017 · DOWNLOAD Polaris Trail Boss 250 325 330 Repair Manual. February 25, 2018 \n Webmaster 4. A Polaris Trail Boss ATV repair manual, termed Trail Boss factory service manual \n (FSM), is a downloadable document designed to help people who have experience working with and \n repairing Polaris Trail Boss All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs).","bbox":{"left":0.057143,"top":0.365729,"width":0.8665290000000001,"height":0.07425700000000002}},{"text":"Title: Polaris Youth Atv 50 90 Service Manual Repair, Author: CerysBriley, Name: Polaris Youth Atv \n 50 90 Service Manual Repair, Length: 4 pages, Page: 1, Published: 2013-09-28 Issuu Search and ...","bbox":{"left":0.057143,"top":0.455513,"width":0.8827419999999999,"height":0.038273}},{"text":"6/7/2017 · DOWNLOAD Polaris Sportsman Repair Manual 400 450 500 550 600 700 800 850 570. \n July 6, 2017 Webmaster Polaris Atv Repair Manual 11. Downloadable Polaris Sportsman all-terrine \n vehicle repair manuals are digitally transferred repair books that can be transmitted from one \n computer to another. Polaris Sportsman repair books are digitally delivered ...","bbox":{"left":0.057143,"top":0.509313,"width":0.861197,"height":0.07425700000000002}},{"text":"13/5/2017 · polaris atv sportsman 90 2001 service repair manual download Posts. Read Online Retired \n Dentist 2020 Not My Problem Anymore: Funny Vintage Dentist Journal Gift Doc Get link; ... In ?t? \n w?b ??t?, m??t w?rk? ?r? w?th?n PDF f?rm?t wh?l? ??v?r?l ?r? ?n ?PUB. In ?dd?t??n t? t? g?t th? \n r???rv? ??u ...","bbox":{"left":0.057143,"top":0.599097,"width":0.881515,"height":0.07425700000000002}},{"text":"23/1/2011 · i currently have 13 service manuals for around 20 or so different models of polaris atv's. if \n you guys want to make a sticky for manuals i can find a place offsite to host the .pdf files. just \n wondering if people want this or not. i am looking every day to find more manuals for any kind of \n polaris atv, it's slow combing through everything but once in awhile i do find a good one...","bbox":{"left":0.057143,"top":0.688881,"width":0.8805479999999999,"height":0.0742560000000001}},{"text":"26/11/2018 · View File Polaris 2009 Youth 50-90 Service Manual Polaris 2009 Youth 50-90 Service \n Manual.pdf Submitter Robert Stutesman Submitted 06/23/2018 Category Polaris ATV","bbox":{"left":0.057143,"top":0.778664,"width":0.866614,"height":0.03827400000000003}},{"text":"We have 4 Polaris Sportsman 90 manuals available for free PDF download: Safety And Maintenance \n Manual, Owner's Manual, Service Manual Polaris Sportsman 90 Safety And Maintenance Manual \n (221 pages) 2002 Youth ATV Models","bbox":{"left":0.057143,"top":0.832465,"width":0.870701,"height":0.05626500000000001}},{"text":"File Type PDF Polaris Sportsman 90 Service Repair Manual 2001 2002 Polaris Sportsman 90 Service","bbox":{"left":0.057143,"top":0.904257,"width":0.8767850000000001,"height":0.020282000000000022}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Northport Village Corporation \n Utility Department \n Water and Wastewater Distribution Operator Job Description","bbox":{"left":0.238529,"top":0.089182,"width":0.522961,"height":0.05583300000000001}},{"text":"Position Description","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.176303,"width":0.16939200000000004,"height":0.020985000000000004}},{"text":"This is a part time, hourly employee of the Northport Village Corporation under the \n immediate supervision of the Utility Superintendent. The position is hired by the \n Overseers after consultation with the Utility Committee and Utility Superintendent.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.210864,"width":0.656847,"height":0.05506}},{"text":"The Distribution Operator performs a variety of semi-skilled and skilled duties necessary \n for the safe and efficient functioning of the water transmission, distribution, metering, \n cross connection control and wastewater collection systems.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.280561,"width":0.698631,"height":0.05506}},{"text":"The Distribution Operator is anticipated to work approximately 1,000 hours annually. \n This schedule is heavily weighted to the spring, summer and fall months.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.350257,"width":0.671989,"height":0.03763700000000003}},{"text":"Essential Duties and Responsibilities","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.420242,"width":0.305686,"height":0.020984999999999976}},{"text":"1.","bbox":{"left":0.183824,"top":0.454803,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Assists in the maintenance, repair and installation of the water and wastewater \n distribution and sewer collection systems, including pipe lines, manholes, valves, \n fire hydrants, meters, back flow devices and building heating systems.","bbox":{"left":0.213235,"top":0.454803,"width":0.637621,"height":0.05505999999999994}},{"text":"2.","bbox":{"left":0.183824,"top":0.5245,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Activates and deactivates seasonal surface water lines in the spring and fall. \n Maintains the water level of the fire pond.","bbox":{"left":0.213235,"top":0.5245,"width":0.5946580000000001,"height":0.03756000000000004}},{"text":"3.","bbox":{"left":0.183824,"top":0.576697,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Installs and removes seasonal water meters in the spring and fall or as needed.","bbox":{"left":0.213235,"top":0.576697,"width":0.6130390000000001,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"4.","bbox":{"left":0.183824,"top":0.611545,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Estimates the cost of and supervises and inspects the installations of new water \n and wastewater service connections.","bbox":{"left":0.213235,"top":0.611545,"width":0.619829,"height":0.03763700000000003}},{"text":"5.","bbox":{"left":0.183824,"top":0.663818,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Reads water meters in accordance with the trimesterly billing schedule.","bbox":{"left":0.213235,"top":0.663818,"width":0.5598590000000001,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"6.","bbox":{"left":0.183824,"top":0.698667,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Locates and maintains records of old and new water and sewer collection lines, \n valves and manholes with instruments, maps or inspections. Maintains utilities \n maps reflecting accurate locations of pipe lines, valves, hydrants, service \n connections and manholes. Coordinates with Dig Safe Alerts, ensuring the \n marking of underground utility lines prior to excavations.","bbox":{"left":0.213235,"top":0.698667,"width":0.6213310000000001,"height":0.08990799999999999}},{"text":"7.","bbox":{"left":0.183824,"top":0.803348,"width":0.014705999999999997,"height":0.02098500000000003}},{"text":"Hires and supervises contractors for utility work in conjunction with the Village \n Agent and as approved by the Overseers. Shares joint responsibility with the \n Village Agent on Utilities construction projects.","bbox":{"left":0.213235,"top":0.803212,"width":0.628055,"height":0.05506}},{"text":"Approved March 13, 2011","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.917682,"width":0.208057,"height":0.020212000000000008}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"273 Beaver Dam Road \n Brookhaven, NY 11719 \n Tel: 631-286-1923 Fax: 631-286-0120 \n www.brookhavenfreelibrary.org \n bfl@brookhavenfreelibrary.org","bbox":{"left":0.600011,"top":0.068411,"width":0.2822950000000001,"height":0.07739299999999999}},{"text":"Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes – January 19, 2021 APPROVED","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.18204,"width":0.558676,"height":0.017090999999999995}},{"text":"Present: M. Reitzel, J. Quirk, K. Kirk Murphy, S. Anderson, M. Chiaramonte, J. Papandrea \n (Director), E. Schleier (Business Manager)","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.215968,"width":0.7522439999999999,"height":0.03420899999999999}},{"text":"Absent: D. Smith","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.267167,"width":0.141021,"height":0.017091000000000023}},{"text":"M. Reitzel called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.301096,"width":0.43227299999999996,"height":0.017091000000000023}},{"text":"The Brookhaven Free Library Board of Trustees is meeting tonight for its regularly \n scheduled Board meeting on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 through Zoom Meeting ID \n number 853 5792 9589.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.335178,"width":0.713446,"height":0.051173000000000024}},{"text":"Approval of Minutes: Approval of minutes postponed till next meeting.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.403341,"width":0.6075969999999999,"height":0.017091000000000023}},{"text":"Correspondence: None.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.437423,"width":0.210488,"height":0.017091000000000023}},{"text":"Treasurer’s Report: \n • Treasurer’s Report was distributed and reviewed. \n • Resolved that the Board of Trustees of the Brookhaven Free Library approves the \n Treasurer’s Report for the month of December 2020 (Reitzel, Kirk-Murphy, \n Unanimous). \n • Resolved that the Board of Trustees of the Brookhaven Free Library approves the \n report of receipts and disbursements for the month of December 2020 (Reitzel, \n Kirk-Murphy, Unanimous). \n • Resolved that the Board of Trustees of the Brookhaven Free Library approves the \n report of warrants for month of month of December 2020 (Reitzel, Kirk-Murphy, \n Unanimous).","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.471352,"width":0.754963,"height":0.187346}},{"text":"New Business: \n • The Director and Business Manager presented a draft FY 2021-2022 Budget. \n • Line items and salaries were reviewed and discussed. \n • Considerable discussion was had regarding tax levy. Trustees will consider \n proposed and vote at February meeting.","bbox":{"left":0.117701,"top":0.675689,"width":0.709687,"height":0.08525499999999997}},{"text":"Reports:","bbox":{"left":0.117719,"top":0.777781,"width":0.069557,"height":0.017090999999999967}},{"text":"President: \n • No report.","bbox":{"left":0.117719,"top":0.811863,"width":0.14675899999999997,"height":0.034208999999999934}},{"text":"Director: \n • The report was distributed.","bbox":{"left":0.117719,"top":0.862909,"width":0.28716200000000003,"height":0.034208999999999934}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.121373,"top":0.045454,"width":0.325882,"height":0.100909}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.121373,"top":0.045454,"width":0.325882,"height":0.100909}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Acces PDF Polymer Chemistry Hiemenz Solution","bbox":{"left":0.101351,"top":0.04395,"width":0.7770060000000001,"height":0.06477}},{"text":"Polymer Chemistry Hiemenz \n Solution","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.192776,"width":0.607274,"height":0.12977100000000003}},{"text":"As recognized, adventure as without difficulty as experience \n practically lesson, amusement, as well as accord can be gotten \n by just checking out a books polymer chemistry hiemenz \n solution plus it is not directly done, you could believe even \n more vis--vis this life, not far off from the world.","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.354876,"width":0.757894,"height":0.20709899999999998}},{"text":"We manage to pay for you this proper as well as simple \n pretentiousness to get those all. We come up with the money for \n polymer chemistry hiemenz solution and numerous books \n collections from fictions to scientific research in any way. \n accompanied by them is this polymer chemistry hiemenz \n solution that can be your partner.","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.60686,"width":0.777639,"height":0.249097}},{"text":"Page 1/9","bbox":{"left":0.419939,"top":0.88549,"width":0.07633299999999998,"height":0.03639300000000001}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Get Free Cj3b Manuals","bbox":{"left":0.101351,"top":0.04395,"width":0.359772,"height":0.06477}},{"text":"Cj3b Manuals","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.192776,"width":0.287722,"height":0.06257600000000002}},{"text":"Thank you totally much for downloading cj3b manuals.Most \n likely you have knowledge that, people have look numerous time \n for their favorite books later than this cj3b manuals, but stop \n occurring in harmful downloads.","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.28768,"width":0.780954,"height":0.16510199999999997}},{"text":"Rather than enjoying a fine ebook in the same way as a mug of \n coffee in the afternoon, otherwise they juggled later than some \n harmful virus inside their computer. cj3b manuals is easy to \n use in our digital library an online access to it is set as public \n correspondingly you can download it instantly. Our digital library \n saves in merged countries, allowing you to acquire the most less \n latency time to download any of our books once this one. Merely \n said, the cj3b manuals is universally compatible past any devices \n to read. \n Page 1/10","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.497667,"width":0.783428,"height":0.424216}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Lucideon Reference: \n Customer Reference: \n Description:","bbox":{"left":0.060504,"top":0.040283,"width":0.170019,"height":0.043678999999999996}},{"text":"(135405)-22969 / CR1 \n Birchover Gritstone \n Natural Stone Masonry","bbox":{"left":0.251093,"top":0.040223,"width":0.17193799999999998,"height":0.04364300000000001}},{"text":"DETERMINATION OF INITIAL SHEAR STRENGTH \n BS EN 1052-3:2002","bbox":{"left":0.304134,"top":0.109974,"width":0.392262,"height":0.030069}},{"text":"1","bbox":{"left":0.060504,"top":0.16463,"width":0.009362999999999996,"height":0.016386999999999985}},{"text":"INTRODUCTION","bbox":{"left":0.096276,"top":0.16463,"width":0.128834,"height":0.016386999999999985}},{"text":"Units of Birchover natural stone were received from the client for testing for shear strength to BS EN 1052-3: \n 2002: Methods of Test for Masonry – Part 3: Determination of Initial Shear Strength.","bbox":{"left":0.096202,"top":0.191791,"width":0.843883,"height":0.030033000000000004}},{"text":"2","bbox":{"left":0.060504,"top":0.246577,"width":0.009362999999999996,"height":0.016386999999999985}},{"text":"SAMPLES RECEIVED","bbox":{"left":0.096271,"top":0.246577,"width":0.17187600000000003,"height":0.016386999999999985}},{"text":"The units received were referenced as ‘Birchover Gritstone’ with nominal dimensions as follows; 445 x 100 x \n 142mm (Length x Width x Height).","bbox":{"left":0.096202,"top":0.273739,"width":0.843734,"height":0.030032000000000003}},{"text":"The units were solid with a natural stone face and pinkish-grey (5YR 8-1) in colour.","bbox":{"left":0.096202,"top":0.314712,"width":0.614453,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"The units were \n specimens.","bbox":{"left":0.096202,"top":0.342004,"width":0.11959100000000002,"height":0.030033000000000032}},{"text":"allowed","bbox":{"left":0.225079,"top":0.342004,"width":0.05693000000000001,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"to","bbox":{"left":0.291295,"top":0.342004,"width":0.014050000000000007,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"condition","bbox":{"left":0.314631,"top":0.342004,"width":0.06734099999999998,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"in","bbox":{"left":0.391265,"top":0.342004,"width":0.01310699999999998,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"the","bbox":{"left":0.413657,"top":0.342004,"width":0.023417999999999994,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"laboratory","bbox":{"left":0.446361,"top":0.342004,"width":0.07472900000000005,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"for","bbox":{"left":0.530319,"top":0.342004,"width":0.019662999999999986,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"at","bbox":{"left":0.559267,"top":0.342004,"width":0.014050000000000007,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"least","bbox":{"left":0.582603,"top":0.342004,"width":0.035587000000000035,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"7 days","bbox":{"left":0.627476,"top":0.342004,"width":0.05423099999999992,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"prior","bbox":{"left":0.690892,"top":0.342004,"width":0.033604999999999996,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"to","bbox":{"left":0.733782,"top":0.342004,"width":0.014050000000000007,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"construction","bbox":{"left":0.757118,"top":0.342004,"width":0.09068900000000002,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"of","bbox":{"left":0.856991,"top":0.342004,"width":0.014050000000000007,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"the","bbox":{"left":0.880327,"top":0.342004,"width":0.02341800000000005,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"test","bbox":{"left":0.913031,"top":0.342004,"width":0.02716200000000002,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"3","bbox":{"left":0.060504,"top":0.396791,"width":0.009362999999999996,"height":0.016386999999999985}},{"text":"METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION","bbox":{"left":0.096293,"top":0.396791,"width":0.24096,"height":0.016386999999999985}},{"text":"Nine stack-bonded specimens were constructed: the stack bonded specimens consist of three units stacked on \n top of each other with each course separated by a 10mm mortar bed. Following construction the specimens \n were pre-compressed by a uniform mass to give a vertical stress of nominally 3.5 x 10-3 N/mm2. The specimens \n were close covered with polythene sheets for 28 days at ambient laboratory temperatures, typically 14-18 ºC with \n a relative humidity between 60% and 75%.","bbox":{"left":0.096201,"top":0.423952,"width":0.8437910000000001,"height":0.07100699999999999}},{"text":"The specimens were cured using the prescribed method detailed in BS EN 1052-3:2002.","bbox":{"left":0.096201,"top":0.5059,"width":0.65855,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"Mortar properties of the specimens are given in Table 1.","bbox":{"left":0.096201,"top":0.533264,"width":0.41667200000000004,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"4","bbox":{"left":0.060504,"top":0.574368,"width":0.009362999999999996,"height":0.01638700000000004}},{"text":"METHOD OF TEST","bbox":{"left":0.09628,"top":0.574368,"width":0.148453,"height":0.01638700000000004}},{"text":"A specimen was placed into the testing rig such that the faces of the masonry units where the shear load is \n applied were plane and perpendicular to the direction of the load.","bbox":{"left":0.096203,"top":0.601529,"width":0.8438469999999999,"height":0.029962000000000044}},{"text":"Testing was carried in accordance with ‘Procedure A’, as detailed in clause 8.2.1 of BS EN 1052-3:2002.","bbox":{"left":0.096204,"top":0.642503,"width":0.776174,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"As the compressive strength of the supplied units was in excess of 10N/mm2, pre-compressions of 0.2, 0.6 and \n 1.0N/mm2 were applied.","bbox":{"left":0.096201,"top":0.668401,"width":0.8438990000000001,"height":0.03142800000000001}},{"text":"The loading rate was that as prescribed in the standard.","bbox":{"left":0.096203,"top":0.71077,"width":0.41484000000000004,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"5","bbox":{"left":0.060505,"top":0.751874,"width":0.009362999999999996,"height":0.01638700000000004}},{"text":"RESULTS","bbox":{"left":0.096292,"top":0.751874,"width":0.078604,"height":0.01638700000000004}},{"text":"Individual shear results are shown in Table 2. \n Appendix.","bbox":{"left":0.096201,"top":0.779035,"width":0.345243,"height":0.030032999999999976}},{"text":"A chart of shear strength versus pre-compression is given in the","bbox":{"left":0.453154,"top":0.779035,"width":0.48704699999999995,"height":0.016351000000000004}},{"text":"6","bbox":{"left":0.060503,"top":0.833822,"width":0.009362999999999996,"height":0.01638700000000004}},{"text":"SUMMARY","bbox":{"left":0.096291,"top":0.833822,"width":0.08700700000000001,"height":0.01638700000000004}},{"text":"The characteristic initial shear strength of the ‘Birchover Gritstone’ units, manufactured by Birchover, tested with \n designation (iii) mortar was 0.10N/mm2.","bbox":{"left":0.096201,"top":0.860983,"width":0.843853,"height":0.030032999999999976}},{"text":"Page 2 of 4","bbox":{"left":0.854017,"top":0.942361,"width":0.086005,"height":0.016351000000000004}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.696,"top":0.046033,"width":0.244119,"height":0.023587}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.696,"top":0.046033,"width":0.244119,"height":0.023587}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Words are especially important because that is how Jesus chooses to reveal \n Himself to us. We can’t go to Him like Nicodemus and sit with Him face to \n face as He teaches us about Himself. We must rely on the Scriptures to \n learn about Jesus. And by learning about Jesus, we learn about God the \n Father and God the Holy Spirit. Paul tells us in Colossians, “Jesus is the \n image of the invisible God.” (v. 1:15) You cannot know God apart from \n Jesus. And you know Jesus by knowing His Word. And His Word has \n rules.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.096444,"width":0.7583880000000001,"height":0.18498299999999998}},{"text":"This means that besides your father and your pastor in your youth, the \n most important teacher in your life was your 7th grade grammar teacher! \n And they were probably the most underappreciated teachers you have \n except by a few of you who love grammar. Now it is true that God’s Word \n was written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. The full richness of God’s \n Word is found in these languages, but your English Bible is fully the Word \n of God. Reading your Bible in English is like looking at pictures of Sainte- \n Chapelle. Online technology is really amazing. You can see pictures and \n panoramas of this incredible chapel which is located in Paris, France. You \n can even move your phone or tablet around and see the image of what you \n would be seeing in person if you stood in the middle of the real place. Even \n at different times of the day. But it just isn’t the same as being in the real \n Sainte-Chapelle. I’ve been there and can attest to this personally. This is \n why we want our pastors to study and learn the original languages.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.311179,"width":0.7623820000000001,"height":0.32803799999999994}},{"text":"There’s a real richness in reading the Word of God in Hebrew and Greek \n that you just can’t get in English. But you still get all you need in English. \n And whether you read in Hebrew or Greek or English, grammar matters. \n And whether you read today’s Gospel in Greek or English, you still don’t \n see Jesus’ facial expressions or hear His tone of voice. Wouldn’t you love to \n see that and hear that when Jesus asks Nicodemus, “Are you the teacher of \n Israel and yet you do not understand these things?” (v. 10) And since we \n can’t see His face and hear His tone, the grammar matters all the more.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.668931,"width":0.759947,"height":0.18486899999999984}},{"text":"2 | P a g e","bbox":{"left":0.80134,"top":0.917955,"width":0.07609799999999989,"height":0.020212000000000008}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Issues of media journaling are similar to those found in the area of content-based \n multimedia indexing and retrieval. We may think of a user specification of journaling \n requirements as a complex content query specification. However, rather than performing \n the content analysis off-line on stored data, on-line analysis requires real-time processing \n of (live) networked sessions. \n The two common approaches to the problem of content-based multimedia indexing \n and retrieval has been attribute-based indexing and retrieval of multimedia content, and \n a combination of feature extraction and object recognition. In comparison to the former, \n the latter has the advantage that it does not require manual entry of keyword descriptions \n which is a very time consuming operation. On the other hand the automatic indexing and \n annotation approach is computationally complex and only works satisfactory limited to \n specific domains. \n The above reasoning suggests that a knowledge-based approach combined with open \n distributed processing technology, might be a promising approach to the challenges of me- \n dia journaling. First of all, for feature extraction/object recognition to work well, specific \n domain knowledge is needed during analysis. Secondly, a distributed solution is required \n to cope with the computational complexity of feature extraction and object recognition, \n the massive amount of data to be analyzed in real time, and the scalability of the sys- \n tem with respect to the complexity of the session to be journaled and the content to be \n detected. \n One promising approach to integrating domain knowledge (semantics of user do- \n mains) into the content-analysis process is to combine (in domain specific ways) low- \n level quantitative content querying (i.e. query by colour histogram, texture, pitch, etc.) \n into higher-level qualitative content querying. Furthermore, a probabilistic approach to \n detection and recognition of content is needed, since evidence of content extracted from \n media streams can be either missed or hallucinated (false positives) by the involved algo- \n rithms. \n Our approach to the above challenges is to build upon the methodology of dynamic \n object-oriented Bayesian networks (DOOBNs) [6] [3]. In DOOBN, uncertainty can be \n handled explicitly and domain concepts may be effectivly represented as dynamic Bayesian \n network objects. Furthermore, we believe that a framework should be continuously adapt- \n able and scalable to the available resources. Such an approach allows the system to guide \n the user in trading between the reliability and latency of the content analysis. This re- \n quires that a framework for on-line content analysis must be resource aware based on an \n open distributed resource model. \n In this paper we propose an architecture for a distributed journaling framework, and \n an approach for formulating and transforming high-level media content queries into dis- \n tributable configurations of media content analysis algorithms. The contribution of the \n architectural framework lies in the unique combination of probabilistic knowledge-based \n media content analysis with QoS and resource awareness to handle real-time require- \n ments. \n The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we present an overview of \n the architecture of our distributed media journaling framework. In Section 3 we describe \n the requirements of content analysis in media journaling, and show how these require- \n ments can be met by dynamic object-oriented Bayesian networks. Section 4 discusses \n architectural requirements to on-line media content analysis and suggests a corresponding \n architecture for the distributed content analysis. This section also discusses requirements \n to resource management. In Section 5 we discuss some related work, while we in Section","bbox":{"left":0.143002,"top":0.081486,"width":0.722684,"height":0.8254779999999999}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Bookmark File PDF Malice German Edition","bbox":{"left":0.101351,"top":0.04395,"width":0.675026,"height":0.06477}},{"text":"iPhone, iPad, Android, or Windows computer. You can get use it \n to get free Nook books as well as other types of ebooks.","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.191913,"width":0.760737,"height":0.08110800000000001}},{"text":"Malice German Edition \n Editions for Malice: 1250035600 (Hardcover published in 2014), \n (Kindle Edition published in 2014), (Kindle Edition published in \n 2014), 0349140529 (Paperb...","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.317905,"width":0.7648330000000001,"height":0.16510199999999997}},{"text":"Editions of Malice by Keigo Higashino - Goodreads \n Editions for Malice: 1407103946 (Paperback published in 2009), \n 054516043X (Hardcover published in 2009), 0545160448 \n (Paperback published in 2010), 848441...","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.527892,"width":0.766333,"height":0.16510199999999997}},{"text":"Editions of Malice by Chris Wooding - Goodreads \n Editions for Malice: 0758211848 (Hardcover published in 2009), \n (Kindle Edition), 0821779400 (Paperback published in 2010), \n 9044325558 (Paperback), 342666... \n Page 2/10","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.737879,"width":0.7648330000000001,"height":0.18400400000000006}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"from four bodies of work from the late 1960s and 70s, related in their dedication to mapping and \n unveiling the feminine psyche, and dismantling repressive social dynamics of power.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.089121,"width":0.7581740000000001,"height":0.037636}},{"text":"Slinger created her 50% the Visible Woman collage series of 1969 in response to the epiphany of \n discovering the visual toolkit of the Surrealists and specifically of Max Ernst — fertile ground \n for confronting and mining the subconscious, yet historically lacking in its focus on the female \n experience. In these works, Slinger harnesses the methods of the Surrealists to develop a \n language for exploring and expressing the psychic territories of the distinctly feminine. \n Originally presented as a bound book with vellum overlays of accompanying texts, these \n collages feature Slinger’s own body as subject — a practice that would become central to her \n work thereafter.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.141621,"width":0.7633449999999999,"height":0.14218200000000003}},{"text":"Continuing and expanding on the technique of positioning herself as both artist and muse — \n woman as subject viewed through a woman’s lens — Slinger’s body of work entitled Bride’s \n Cake centers on an erotic wearable wedding cake sculpture, donned by the artist herself. A \n feminist commentary on the patriarchal systems of control and repression underlying the ritual of \n marriage as well as that of food consumption, this parody photo series documents Slinger \n simultaneously as bride and as wedding cake — the removable portion of the sculpture, a cake \n slice revealing her genitals.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.298667,"width":0.7628190000000001,"height":0.124757}},{"text":"Lilford Hall is the uncut footage of an unrealized film project meant to probe the metaphysics of \n the unconscious. A collaborative endeavor with Slinger and filmmaker Peter Whitehead, and \n featuring Slinger, Whitehead, and fellow artist Suzanka Fraey, the scenes were shot in 1969 in an \n abandoned and derelict 500-year-old estate in Northamptonshire. Although the film project never \n came to fruition, the footage and stills generated there proved profoundly impactful for Slinger. \n In an evolving series developed over the course of seven years known as An Exorcism, the artist \n plumbed this imagery to create collage works that serve as a deeply personal record of the \n “unraveling of the Self from dualistic limitations,” a catalyst for her own psychological \n confrontation and transformation thereafter.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.438363,"width":0.7635959999999999,"height":0.15960599999999997}},{"text":"This exhibition is presented in connection to the film series Out of the Shadows: Experimental \n Feminist Films by Jane Arden, Niki de Saint Phalle, and Penny Slinger, screening at the \n Anthology Film Archives, New York, from January 25-31. Arden, Saint Phalle, and Slinger \n share overlapping concerns in their experimental narratives, focusing on female sexuality, the \n occult, and societal taboos. Beyond these films’ commonalities, the personal histories of the \n artists intertwine through love and friendship, most significantly in Slinger and Saint Phalle’s \n respective personal and professional collaborations with renowned filmmaker Peter Whitehead, \n and in the alliance of Arden and Slinger in their radical feminist theater group Holocaust (which \n spawned various films featured in this program, written and directed by Arden and starring \n Slinger). In bringing these artists together, Anthology pays homage to three radical women \n whose contribution to experimental film has long been under-recognized. As we follow the \n protagonists of Arden, Slinger, and Saint Phalle on their peregrinations to self-knowledge, we \n become privy to an alternative history of second-wave feminism. This program features a \n documentary on Slinger, along with early film shorts by the artist, and in-person appearances by \n Slinger, filmmakers, and cast members. Organized in collaboration with curators Alison \n Gingeras and Nicoletta Beyer.","bbox":{"left":0.117647,"top":0.612833,"width":0.7548410000000001,"height":0.28157600000000005}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Relational Mindfulness Agreements \n We offer the following agreements* to ensure that all members of our community are able to bring their whole \n selves as freely and safely as possible to all of our discussions. We ask that you reflect on these carefully and \n bring mindful awareness of these intentions to all interactions.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.123906,"width":0.881356,"height":0.094063}},{"text":"TRY IT ON:​ ​Be willing to “try on” new ideas or ways of doing things that might not be what you prefer or are \n familiar with.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.237196,"width":0.883766,"height":0.04137900000000003}},{"text":"SEEK UNDERSTANDING INSTEAD OF AGREEMENT:​ Approach interactions seeking to better \n understand others, rather than convincing them you’re right. “I don’t understand” instead of “I disagree” helps \n you learn how the experience of others differs from yours.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.297802,"width":0.873093,"height":0.06031799999999998}},{"text":"PRACTICE SELF FOCUS:​ Attend to and speak about your own experiences and responses. Do not speak \n for a whole group or express assumptions about the experience of others.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.377348,"width":0.877648,"height":0.04137799999999997}},{"text":"UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INTENT AND IMPACT:​ ​Try to understand and \n acknowledge impact. Denying the impact of something said by focusing on “good intentions” is often more \n destructive than the initial interaction.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.437954,"width":0.852151,"height":0.06031799999999998}},{"text":"PRACTICE “BOTH / AND”:​ When speaking, substitute “and” for “but.” This practice acknowledges and \n honors multiple realities.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.517499,"width":0.866241,"height":0.041378999999999944}},{"text":"REFRAIN FROM BLAMING OR SHAMING SELF & OTHERS:​ Practice giving skillful, non-judgmental \n feedback. We are all still growing.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.578105,"width":0.892835,"height":0.041378999999999944}},{"text":"MOVE UP / MOVE BACK:​ Encourage full participation by all present. Take note of who is speaking and \n who is not. If you tend to speak often, consider “moving back” and vice versa.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.638712,"width":0.859608,"height":0.041378000000000026}},{"text":"PRACTICE MINDFUL LISTENING:​ Try to avoid planning what you’ll say as you listen to others. Listen \n with your whole self, and try to maintain awareness of your body as you listen. Be willing to be surprised, to \n learn something new.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.699318,"width":0.861507,"height":0.06031799999999998}},{"text":"CONFIDENTIALITY: ​Take home learnings but don’t identify anyone other than yourself, now or later. If you \n want to follow up with anyone regarding something they said in this session, ask first and respect their wishes.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.778863,"width":0.88563,"height":0.041378999999999944}},{"text":"RIGHT TO PASS:​ You can say “I pass” if you don’t wish to speak. If someone else chooses to pass, respect \n their wish rather than trying to change their mind.","bbox":{"left":0.058824,"top":0.839469,"width":0.877365,"height":0.041378999999999944}},{"text":"* Adapted from similar agreements used by Visions Inc. and the East Bay Meditation Center.","bbox":{"left":0.137255,"top":0.89979,"width":0.7358699999999999,"height":0.018935999999999953}},{"text":"© Mindful Schools is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.","bbox":{"left":0.208333,"top":0.937049,"width":0.403273,"height":0.017217999999999956}},{"text":"www.mindfulschools.org","bbox":{"left":0.620034,"top":0.937049,"width":0.18264199999999997,"height":0.017217999999999956}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.420343,"top":0.047348,"width":0.170343,"height":0.046402}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.420343,"top":0.047348,"width":0.170343,"height":0.046402}]}
{"content":[{"text":"“You’re doing such a brave thing, Angelica.” \n Angelica Roberts gazed at her little bakery, with its pink exterior and white shutters. \n “Doesn’t feel brave,” she said, staring at the closed sign hanging in the window. \n Nestled between a bookstore and flower shop, Angelica’s Sweet Treats offered everything \n from cookies to wedding cakes. Once upon a time, it was a thriving small business in the heart of \n downtown Nashville. Then the economy tanked, and she’d watched with sadness and dread as the \n surrounding businesses closed up shop. \n Angelica’s Sweet Treats had somehow survived. \n Until today. \n She was heartbroken, knowing that with the turn of the closed sign, she was finally giving up \n and walking away from her dream. She’d been doing that a lot lately—walking away from dreams. \n All of which had been completely out of her control. \n Now, not only was she divorced, she was unemployed. \n “Well, I think it’s brave,” Naomi said. “When God closes a door, He opens a window.” \n Angelica smiled sadly at her best friend. Naomi had been the owner of the failed flower shop \n next door, so she had experience with the grief of losing a business. Angelica was grateful to have \n her by her side today, but honestly, she just couldn’t find anything positive about the fact that her \n bakery was gone. \n “I hope that’s true,” Angelica said, linking her arm with her friend’s. “I need a window. A \n great big window, because I’m going to be homeless if I don’t find another job soon.”","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.47838,"width":0.7648240000000001,"height":0.3975989999999999}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.366422,"top":0.130985,"width":0.267157,"height":0.196212},{"left":0.394608,"top":0.369874,"width":0.210637,"height":0.085038}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.366422,"top":0.130985,"width":0.267157,"height":0.196212},{"left":0.394608,"top":0.369874,"width":0.210637,"height":0.085038}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Colonial Farms \n Daily Specials \n Wednesday, July 21st 2021","bbox":{"left":0.333807,"top":0.020873,"width":0.528885,"height":0.128916}},{"text":"Soups: Sm. $4.95 Lg. $5.95 Qt. $10.95 \n Chilled Strawberry Lime \n  \n Chilled Gazpacho \n  \n Chilled Avocado Cucumber \n ","bbox":{"left":0.276895,"top":0.172336,"width":0.541775,"height":0.09646100000000002}},{"text":"Salads: \n Cobb Salad—Grilled Chicken, Crispy Bacon, Egg, Romaine $9.95 \n  \n Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad $8.95 \n  \n Harvest Salad—Cranberry, Brie & Caramelized Walnuts $8.95 \n  \n Greek Salad—Kalamata Olives, Feta, Stuffed Grape Leave $8.95 \n  \n Garden Salad—Peppers, Tomato, Cucumber, Carrot & Broccoli \n  \n over Baby Greens $7.95","bbox":{"left":0.063529,"top":0.300173,"width":0.8193979999999998,"height":0.15703599999999995}},{"text":"Specials: \n Lemon Roasted Chicken with Roasted Potatoes $8.95 \n  \n Vodka Rigatoni $8.95 \n  \n Warm Grilled Chicken and Kale Salad $8.95 \n  \n Jumbo Beef and Black Bean Burrito with Sour \n  \n Cream and Salsa $7.95 \n Grilled Chicken BLT Wrap with Guacamole $7.95 \n  \n Homemade Shrimp Salad Wrap $8.95 \n  \n Ham, Turkey and Cheddar Melt with Mustard $7.95 \n  \n Tomato, Fresh Mozzarella and Basil on Baguette $6.95 \n ","bbox":{"left":0.063529,"top":0.495498,"width":0.8224450000000001,"height":0.256436}},{"text":"DINNER STARTING AT 3 PM \n Honey Garlic Shrimp over Rice $14.95 \n  \n Coconut Chicken with Roasted Potatoes $10.95 \n ","bbox":{"left":0.063529,"top":0.777134,"width":0.67713,"height":0.07558300000000007}},{"text":"1108 Taylorsville Road, Washington Crossing, PA 18977 \n www.colonialfarms.com Phone: 215-493-1548","bbox":{"left":0.237484,"top":0.948608,"width":0.539591,"height":0.035663}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"The Standard Challenge \n Tribal Patch \n Here are some examples of the 12 tribe’s emblems that existed in Moses time:","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.049311,"width":0.6443859999999999,"height":0.079456}},{"text":"REUBEN \n The mandrakes in Reuben's coat-of-arms are based on the episode related in Gen. \n 30, where young Reuben brought his mother Leah mandrakes from the field. The \n biblical phrase on the tab is from Deut. 33:6, \"Let Reuben live.\"","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.145526,"width":0.6768610000000002,"height":0.066725}},{"text":"SIMON \n Simon was one of the strongest tribes during the wandering in the desert but later \n became one of the weakest in consequence of losses suffered during the battles for \n the Promised Land. It was eventually absorbed by mighty Judah. Formerly the city \n of Shechem was situated within the boundaries of Simon and the gate of the city \n therefore appears on the tribe's. The biblical phrase on the tab is from Deut. 33:5, \n \"...and the tribes of Israel were gathered together.\"","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.229011,"width":0.6918599999999999,"height":0.11687699999999998}},{"text":"LEVI \n The Levites \"kept the charge of the tabernacles of testimony\" (Num. 1:53); they had \n no territory of their own and were dispersed among the other tribes. Their emblem \n was the ephod of the High Priest on which were engraved, upon precious stones, the \n names of all tribes. The biblical phrase on the tab is from Deut. 33:10, \"They shall \n teach Jacob thy judgments, and Israel thy law.\"","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.362496,"width":0.6975579999999999,"height":0.10021000000000002}},{"text":"JUDAH \n The most famous heraldic symbol belongs to the tribe of Judah, which displayed a \n lion on its shield. This tribe became the most powerful and constituted the Kingdom \n of Judah. The lion is the symbol of strength and is featured as such in innumerable \n works throughout the ages. This animal is one those most frequently mentioned in \n the Bible, appearing about 130 times under 6 different names. The biblical phrase \n on the tab is from Gen. 49:9, \"Judah is a lion's whelp.\"","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.479466,"width":0.697435,"height":0.11687600000000004}},{"text":"DAN \n The original area of the tribe of Dan extended from Jaffa southward. Samson was a \n son of this tribe. As it could not conquer its entire territory, Dan looked to settle \n elsewhere and the tribe moved north to the source of the Jordan River, captured the \n city Laish, and settled there. In Jacob's Blessing Dan was promised that he \"shall \n judge his people\" (Gen. 49:16), a reference symbolized by the scales of justice on the \n stamp. The phrase appears on the tab.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.612951,"width":0.6972240000000001,"height":0.11687599999999998}},{"text":"NAFTALI \n After the conquest of the country, the tribe of Naftali settled in the north where \n played a central role among the tribes located there. Naftali is represented by a \n gazelle or running stag. The biblical phrase on the tab is \"Naftali is a hind let loose\" \n (Gen. 49:21).","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.763254,"width":0.695484,"height":0.08354300000000003}},{"text":"www.wahu.biz","bbox":{"left":0.420392,"top":0.938347,"width":0.158895,"height":0.015122999999999998}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.147059,"top":0.045455,"width":0.058627,"height":0.045455}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.147059,"top":0.045455,"width":0.058627,"height":0.045455}]}
{"content":[{"text":"198","bbox":{"left":0.155816,"top":0.057481,"width":0.042550000000000004,"height":0.021611}},{"text":"Rules of the Senate","bbox":{"left":0.384047,"top":0.058741,"width":0.23192499999999994,"height":0.021406999999999995}},{"text":"Necessary Vote on Action by Senate \n Absentees \n To send for when less than a quorum shall convene, \n requires a majority of those present (Rule 3B). \n Amendment on Third Reading \n To receive same requires three-fifths (3/5) of those present \n and voting (Rule 26B). \n Bill for Special Charter \n Concurrent resolution to allow introduction thereof, \n requires a “two-thirds vote of each house” that is, two-thirds of \n those voting, a quorum being present (Const., Art. IX, Sec. 2). \n Constitution \n To pass measure submitting amendment thereto to the \n electors, requires “two-thirds of the members elected”—31 \n ayes (Const., Art. XVI, Sec. 1). Amendment to be entered on \n Journal with yeas and nays taken thereon. \n To pass bill ratifying same at next session after approval at \n a general election, requires “a majority of each branch” by ayes \n and nays (Const., Art. XVI, Sec. 1) that is, a majority of those \n voting a quorum being present (Const., Art. XVI, Sec. 1). \n Constitutional Convention \n To pass measure submitting calling of same to the elec- \n tors, requires “two-thirds of the members elected to each \n branch”—that is 31 votes (Const., Art. XVI, Sec. 3). \n Election of Standing Committees \n For members, voting viva voce, Chairman shall be the \n senior member of the majority party (Rule 19(E)). \n Expulsion of a Member \n Requires “the concurrence of two-thirds” (Const., Art. III, \n Sec. 12) of those voting. \n Fixing Debate and Time \n For voting on any question, except third reading, requires \n vote of twenty-four (24) members (Rule 15A). \n For voting on the question of third reading, requires three- \n fifths (3/5) present and voting but not more than twenty-six \n (26).","bbox":{"left":0.145833,"top":0.092593,"width":0.708375,"height":0.840488}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Download Free Delinquency And Crime Current Theories Cambridge \n Studies In Criminology \n Delinquency And Crime Current Theories Cambridge \n Studies In Criminology","bbox":{"left":0.071429,"top":0.031181,"width":0.797194,"height":0.19765299999999997}},{"text":"Eventually, you will unquestionably discover a extra experience and realization by spending more \n cash. yet when? attain you bow to that you require to acquire those every needs later than having \n significantly cash? Why don't you try to get something basic in the beginning? That's something \n that will guide you to understand even more on the order of the globe, experience, some places, in \n the same way as history, amusement, and a lot more?","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.25177,"width":0.8371040000000001,"height":0.14692900000000003}},{"text":"It is your completely own era to action reviewing habit. in the course of guides you could enjoy now \n is delinquency and crime current theories cambridge studies in criminology below.","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.430542,"width":0.840818,"height":0.057543000000000066}},{"text":"So, look no further as here we have a selection of best websites to download free eBooks for all \n those book avid readers.","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.519929,"width":0.806245,"height":0.05754199999999998}},{"text":"Delinquency And Crime Current Theories \n Delinquency and Crime: Current Theories (Cambridge Studies in Criminology) Paperback – March \n 29, 1996. Find reading recommendations, author interviews, editors' picks, and more at the \n Amazon Book Review. Learn more.","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.609315,"width":0.818827,"height":0.11713299999999993}},{"text":"Delinquency and Crime: Current Theories (Cambridge Studies ... \n Start by marking “Delinquency and Crime: Current Theories” as Want to Read: ... Essays by nine \n leading criminologists seek to answer this question by describing current theories of crime and the \n research evidence that supports them. Contributors explore the practical implication of their \n theoretical work for crime prevention and control. \n Page 1/6","bbox":{"left":0.076191,"top":0.758292,"width":0.834323,"height":0.1862870000000001}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"MINUTES \n Overseers Meeting \n May 13, 2012","bbox":{"left":0.421275,"top":0.088996,"width":0.157372,"height":0.05889799999999999}},{"text":"Present: \n President Josiah Huntoon \n Treasurer Bill Cressey \n Clerk Maureen Einstein \n Village Agent Bill Paige \n Tree Warden Jane Phillips \n Distribution Operator Billy Paige","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.179182,"width":0.26211599999999996,"height":0.124469}},{"text":"Overseers: Marge Brockway \n Ned Lightner \n Lee Houghton \n Judy Metcalf \n Denis Wang \n Steve Kazilionis \n Maureen O’Keefe","bbox":{"left":0.499872,"top":0.196318,"width":0.23044199999999992,"height":0.124757}},{"text":"Visitors: Dick Brockway, Blair Einstein, Bob Smith, others.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.335712,"width":0.470921,"height":0.020212000000000008}},{"text":"Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. by President Huntoon.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.37056,"width":0.47385399999999994,"height":0.021121999999999974}},{"text":"Minutes: Judy Metcalf moved to approve the April 15, 2012 meeting minutes, seconded \n by Steve Kazilionis - Voted all in favor.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.405409,"width":0.70093,"height":0.03854499999999994}},{"text":"Treasurer’s report. Bill Cressey distributed reports for January through April 2012, as \n well as a preliminary draft of the 2013 budget. He said he had reviewed the financials \n and found no issues of concern. He also said he had received the audit package from \n Purdy Powers, including the annual letter to the overseers stating that, for the third year \n running, there had been no disagreements with management and no deficiencies in the \n financials. The auditors have made a couple of recommendations concerning personnel \n policies. These will be taken up at a subsequent meeting. Cressey also mentioned that a \n closing will be held in June for the sewer bond. He presented a bill from R&R \n construction for work on the boat float ramp. Bill Paige said he was satisfied that the \n work had been completed in a satisfactory way. Judy moved to authorize payment, and \n to add the item to the current set of warrants. Seconded by Denis Wang. Voted—all in \n favor. Judy appreciated the fact that Mr. Stanley had been easy to work with when we \n discovered initial problems with the job.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.457682,"width":0.694947,"height":0.22930200000000006}},{"text":"Village Agent. Bill mentioned that two places on the ramps needed to be welded, and \n that he would have to take the ramps to the welders to get this done. After discussion, \n Judy moved that Bill be authorized to take the ramps to the welder to get them fixed, and \n bring them back in time for the boating season. Seconded by Ned Lightner. Voted - all \n in favor.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.701621,"width":0.698232,"height":0.09097}},{"text":"Bill reported that paint and other needed supplies are on order for the completion of the \n basketball court.","bbox":{"left":0.147059,"top":0.806166,"width":0.685759,"height":0.03763699999999992}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"State of the Meeting Report \n Approved on Third Month 8, 2009","bbox":{"left":0.364052,"top":0.091549,"width":0.272314,"height":0.034203}},{"text":"Asheville Friends Meeting continues to provide a worship space for about forty \n people every First Day where we’ve been blessed with a good balance of silence and \n well-discerned vocal ministry. We hold regular meetings for worship for the conduct of \n business and have been able to adjust to a decreased income with various changes in our \n financial base. We’ve maintained our giving levels to both Quaker and local service \n organizations with the guidance of the Peace and Earth Committee, while we reduced our \n spending in other parts of the budget for 2008. It will continue to be a challenge for us to \n support the work we see needing both financial and direct contributions and to be \n stewards of our community and property. The House and Grounds Committee \n enthusiastically cared for the property needs, including the removal of a rickety set of \n outside stairs at the back of the meetinghouse. \n Our Pastoral Care Committee and the Needs Fund, under the care of Ministry and \n Counsel Committee, have reached out to meet the needs of members of our community. \n One of our stalwart elder members, Alice Brown, died after a brief illness in 2008, \n leaving a feeling of loss, but also a constant reminder to us of the value of each of our \n members and of the responsibilities we have to our world and to each other. \n To keep our community spiritually well and in touch with each other our \n Communications Committee has updated the directory of active Friends and maintained, \n as well as redesigned the meeting website; the Spiritual Enrichment Committee planned a \n fall series of adult First Day lessons; and the Nominating Committee struggled to find the \n right people to serve the meeting, in spite of the dual problems of lacking a clerk of \n nominations and having a smaller community from which to fill vacancies. A core group \n of Friends meets each Fourth Day in a Friend’s home with the goal of praying for peace \n followed by a shared meal of stone soup. The meeting held a residential retreat in the fall \n around the theme of “Telling Our Stories.” \n Two beloved members, Eda and Gerald Smith, had extended health problems \n which resulted in their transferring membership to Celo Friends Meeting, much closer to \n their home. We have missed them, but are glad of their improved health that has allowed \n them to join with other SAYMA Friends. The wider Friends’ network is a comfort and a \n strength to us. \n The children of the meeting are the treasure and the promise of a future for our \n meeting. We are thankful for the families that enrich our meeting with their presence, and \n when new families come our way we rejoice! One of our Young Friends has ably \n provided child care so that parents can participate and continue to be nurtured and pass \n the nurturing on to their children. The Religious Education Committee regularly provides \n lessons twice monthly for elementary aged children and guides the meeting’s \n intergenerational activities the other two First Days. We enjoy an annual Secret Friends \n exchange that gives us a way to playfully cross the generational divide. We also celebrate \n our younger Friends and those who work with them with a cookout each summer. \n Asheville Friends are well and give thanks for the Light and Divine guidance we \n have received.","bbox":{"left":0.147222,"top":0.143821,"width":0.7032170000000001,"height":0.713749}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Download File PDF Maytag Electric Range \n Repair Manual \n Maytag Electric Range Repair \n Manual \n Yeah, reviewing a book maytag electric range repair \n manual could ensue your near friends listings. This is \n just one of the solutions for you to be successful. As \n understood, feat does not recommend that you have \n fantastic points.","bbox":{"left":0.101351,"top":0.043426,"width":0.7690150000000001,"height":0.577056}},{"text":"Comprehending as capably as promise even more \n than further will find the money for each success. \n neighboring to, the publication as well as keenness of \n this maytag electric range repair manual can be taken \n Page 1/16","bbox":{"left":0.108109,"top":0.674343,"width":0.780986,"height":0.24753999999999998}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
{"content":[{"text":"Comments:","bbox":{"left":0.118601,"top":0.190798,"width":0.084026,"height":0.017016000000000003}},{"text":"To: EEAC","bbox":{"left":0.118601,"top":0.219283,"width":0.06874499999999999,"height":0.017016000000000003}},{"text":"From: Lexington Global Warming Action Coalition","bbox":{"left":0.118601,"top":0.247768,"width":0.365215,"height":0.017015999999999976}},{"text":"The Global Warming Action Coalition of Lexington (GWAC), a group of concerned citizens dedicated to \n education, raising awareness about climate change and promoting actions that will reduce greenhouse \n gas emissions and safeguard the health of our planet for future generations welcomes the opportunity \n to comment on the Massachusetts Joint Statewide Efficiency Plan for 2022-24 (Plan).","bbox":{"left":0.118601,"top":0.27595,"width":0.750668,"height":0.07216699999999998}},{"text":"We applaud the steps outlined to advance programs in the areas of electrification, equity and workforce \n development, however we suggest that the programs outlined in the Plan do not go far enough to meet \n the challenge imposed by the recently enacted Next Generation Roadmap for Massachusetts Climate \n Policy of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. To meet the goal of the Roadmap, net \n zero by 2050, the Commonwealth must stop investment in fossil fuel for heating and cooling now.","bbox":{"left":0.118601,"top":0.359283,"width":0.761117,"height":0.09034899999999996}},{"text":"Electrification: Stop subsidizing fossil fuel heating in all buildings, both residential, commercial and \n industrial. Subsidize all electric systems in new construction as well as retrofits. Continued placement \n of fossil fuel burning furnaces will result in stranded assets, that will need to be replaced by heat pumps \n prior to the end of their useful lifetime.","bbox":{"left":0.118601,"top":0.461101,"width":0.7573340000000001,"height":0.07186500000000007}},{"text":"The Roadmap legislation requires the that the “calculation of program benefits shall include calculations \n of the social value of greenhouse gas emissions reductions”. Proper accounting for the methane leaks \n associated with natural gas production and deployment cannot possibly result in cost effective \n outcomes for continued fossil fuel installations.","bbox":{"left":0.118601,"top":0.544132,"width":0.7600370000000001,"height":0.07186400000000004}},{"text":"The Plan ignores the impacts of large new commercial and industrial buildings. Recent estimates of the \n impacts of new lab buildings in Lexington suggest that a 200,000 sq. ft. lab/office bldg. could contribute \n as much ghg emission as 6% of our total residential stock, an intolerable outcome of we are to reach net \n zero ghg emissions by 2050.","bbox":{"left":0.118601,"top":0.627465,"width":0.7611330000000001,"height":0.07186399999999993}},{"text":"Workforce development","bbox":{"left":0.118601,"top":0.710798,"width":0.18292999999999998,"height":0.01701600000000003}},{"text":"The Plan Administrators (PA) acknowledge the shortage of weatherization installers, HVAC technicians, \n and plumbers, trades critical to the installation of heat pumps. We suggest the PA’s recognize the \n importance of the states’ vocational-education system in encouraging workers to enter these fields and \n to work with advocacy organization such as the Alliance for Vocational Technical Education to seek more \n capacity in the Commonwealths’ career and technical system.","bbox":{"left":0.118601,"top":0.739283,"width":0.7637030000000001,"height":0.09004599999999996}},{"text":"Given the shift in employment that will occur as the commonwealth electrifies, more emphasis should \n be placed on the transition training of workers in the gas industry.","bbox":{"left":0.118601,"top":0.840798,"width":0.745853,"height":0.03519799999999995}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.120104,"top":0.092808,"width":0.187909,"height":0.059343}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.120104,"top":0.092808,"width":0.187909,"height":0.059343}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Best Practices for Vision, Hearing and Spinal Screening During the \n COVID-19 Pandemic","bbox":{"left":0.126706,"top":0.192653,"width":0.746442,"height":0.041574}},{"text":"Vision Screening - Best practices for vision screening during the COVID-19 \n pandemic.","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.26983,"width":0.758864,"height":0.03689899999999996}},{"text":"Note: Reluctant participant– If student is reluctant or upset at a screening, \n rescreen later (one on one).","bbox":{"left":0.117686,"top":0.325133,"width":0.741463,"height":0.036748}},{"text":"•","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.383315,"width":0.009019,"height":0.018562000000000023}},{"text":"Mark a spot on the floor with tape, or another material, to show \n students where to stand. Mark another spot 6 ft from the students’ \n spot for the screener to stand. This is a reminder to keep appropriate \n distance. \n Choose a screening area large enough to provide for appropriate \n physical distancing of screeners and students. \n Choose a well-ventilated area when possible. \n Sanitize or wash hands upon entering and leaving should be done by \n all. \n Do not screen students displaying any signs of illness. \n Screen student in their glasses if they wear them. \n Use disposable, single-use occluders. \n o Students may hold occluders. \n o Occluders can be construction paper, paper plates, folded paper \n towels, index card, etc. \n o A no-touch trash can should be provided for students to dispose \n of occluders. \n o Plastic, reusable occluders must be sanitized between students. \n Reusable occluders are not recommended. \n Keep appropriate distance (at least 6 feet) during screenings. \n o Keep students at least 6 feet apart. \n Wear a mask at all times. Recommend students also wear masks for \n screening unless they are unable due to their age or a medical \n condition. \n Do not perform Muscle Balance Tests. They are neither required nor \n recommended.","bbox":{"left":0.176503,"top":0.383315,"width":0.693341,"height":0.478957}},{"text":"•","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.457128,"width":0.009019,"height":0.018562000000000023}},{"text":"• \n •","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.493946,"width":0.009019,"height":0.03689599999999993}},{"text":"• \n • \n •","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.549098,"width":0.009019,"height":0.055379999999999985}},{"text":"•","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.733378,"width":0.009019,"height":0.018561999999999967}},{"text":"•","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.770196,"width":0.009019,"height":0.018561999999999967}},{"text":"•","bbox":{"left":0.147098,"top":0.825373,"width":0.009019,"height":0.018561999999999967}},{"text":"P.O. Box 149347 • Austin, Texas","bbox":{"left":0.153569,"top":0.937283,"width":0.20859,"height":0.01511499999999999}},{"text":"78714-9347 • Phone: 888-963-7111 • TTY: 800-735-2989 • dshs.texas.gov","bbox":{"left":0.370274,"top":0.937283,"width":0.4763440000000001,"height":0.01511499999999999}}],"images_bbox":[{"left":0.0,"top":0.0,"width":0.999673,"height":0.157071}],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[{"left":0.0,"top":0.0,"width":0.999673,"height":0.157071}]}
{"content":[{"text":"Get Free Stranger Magic Charmed States Amp \n The Arabian Nights Marina Warner \n Stranger Magic Charmed States Amp The \n Arabian Nights Marina Warner \n Thank you for reading stranger magic charmed states amp the \n arabian nights marina warner. Maybe you have knowledge that, \n people have search hundreds times for their chosen novels like this \n stranger magic charmed states amp the arabian nights marina \n warner, but end up in harmful downloads. \n Rather than reading a good book with a cup of coffee in the \n afternoon, instead they cope with some malicious virus inside their \n laptop. \n stranger magic charmed states amp the arabian nights marina \n Page 1/4","bbox":{"left":0.101351,"top":0.04395,"width":0.772367,"height":0.877933}}],"images_bbox":[],"images_bbox_not_text_overlap":[]}
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