--- license: apache-2.0 language: - en - zh tags: - FAVD - FAVDBench - Video Description - Audio Description - Audible Video Description - Fine-grained Description size_categories: - 10K

FAVDBench: Fine-grained Audible Video Description

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[[`CVPR2023`]](https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/CVPR2023/html/Shen_Fine-Grained_Audible_Video_Description_CVPR_2023_paper.html) [[`Project Page`]](http://www.avlbench.opennlplab.cn/papers/favd) [[`arXiv`]](https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.15616) [[`Demo`]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWJvTB-bTWk&ab_channel=OpenNLPLab)[[`BibTex`]](#Citation) [[`中文简介`]](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_M57ZuOHH0UdwB6i9osqOA) - [Introduction 简介](#introduction-简介) - [Files 文件](#files-文件) - [MD5 checksum](#md5-checksum) - [Updates](#updates) - [License](#license) - [Citation](#citation) ## Introduction 简介 在CVPR2023中我们提出了精细化音视频描述任务(Fine-grained Audible Video Description, FAVD)该任务旨在提供有关可听视频的详细文本描述,包括每个对象的外观和空间位置、移动对象的动作以及视频中的声音。我们同是也为社区贡献了第一个精细化音视频描述数据集FAVDBench。对于每个视频片段,我们不仅提供一句话的视频概要,还提供4-6句描述视频的视觉细节和1-2个音频相关描述,且所有的标注都有中英文双语。 At CVPR2023, we introduced the task of Fine-grained Audible Video Description (FAVD). This task aims to provide detailed textual descriptions of audible videos, including the appearance and spatial positions of each object, the actions of moving objects, and the sounds within the video. Additionally, we contributed the first fine-grained audible video description dataset, FAVDBench, to the community. For each video segment, we offer not only a single-sentence video summary but also 4-6 sentences describing the visual details of the video and 1-2 audio-related descriptions, all annotated in both Chinese and English. ## Files 文件 * `meta`: metadata for raw videos * `train`, `val`, `test`: train, val, test split * `ytid`: youtube id * `start`: vid segments starting time in seconds * `end`: vid segments ending time in seconds * `videos` , `audios` : raw video and audio segments * `train` : train split * `val`: validation split * `test`: test split * **📢📢📢 Please refer to [Apply Dataset](https://forms.gle/5S3DWpBaV1UVczkf8) to get raw video/audio data** * `annotations_en.json` : annotated descirptions in English * `id`: unique data (video segment) id * `description`: audio-visual descriptioins * `annotations_en.json` : annotated descirptions in Chinese * `id`: unique data (video segment) id * `cap`, `des`: audio-visual descriptioins * `dcount`: count of descriptions * `experiments`: expiermental files to replicate the results outlined in the paper. * **📢📢📢 Please refer to [GitHub Repo](https://github.com/OpenNLPLab/FAVDBench) to get related data** ## MD5 checksum | file | md5sum | | :-------------------------: | :------------------------------: | | `videos/train.zip` | 41ddad46ffac339cb0b65dffc02eda65 | | `videos/val.zip` | 35291ad23944d67212c6e47b4cc6d619 | | `videos/test.zip` | 07046d205837d2e3b1f65549fc1bc4d7 | | `audios/train.zip` | 50cc83eebd84f85e9b86bbd2a7517f3f | | `audios/val.zip` | 73995c5d1fcef269cc90be8a8ef6d917 | | `audios/test.zip` | f72085feab6ca36060a0a073b31e8acc | ## Updates **Latest Version: Jan 9, 2022. Public V0.1** 1. v0.1 : initial publication ## License The community usage of FAVDBench model & code requires adherence to [Apache 2.0](https://github.com/OpenNLPLab/FAVDBench/blob/main/LICENSE). The FAVDBench model & code supports commercial use. ## Citation If you use FAVD or FAVDBench in your research, please use the following BibTeX entry. ``` @InProceedings{Shen_2023_CVPR, author = {Shen, Xuyang and Li, Dong and Zhou, Jinxing and Qin, Zhen and He, Bowen and Han, Xiaodong and Li, Aixuan and Dai, Yuchao and Kong, Lingpeng and Wang, Meng and Qiao, Yu and Zhong, Yiran}, title = {Fine-Grained Audible Video Description}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, month = {June}, year = {2023}, pages = {10585-10596} } ```