-- 2011-05-04T07:24:07Z -- Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA (BBVA) , Spain’s second-largest bank, may say first-quarter profit fell as lower earnings in its home market offset gains in Mexico.
[ "2011-05-04T07:24:07", "", "Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA", "BBVA", "Spain", "second-largest bank", "first-", "quarter", "Mexico" ]
-- DATEZ -- OTHER ORGANIZATION (ORGANIZATION) , LOCATION’s QUANTITY, may say DATEQUANTITY profit fell as lower earnings in its home market offset gains in LOCATION.
Net income probably declined to 1.08 billion euros ($1.6 billion) from 1.24 billion euros a year earlier, according to the average estimate in a Bloomberg survey of six analysts.
[ "1.08 billion euros", "$1.6\nbillion", "1.24 billion euros", "a year earlier", "Bloomberg", "six analysts" ]
Net income probably declined to QUANTITY (QUANTITY) from QUANTITY DATE, according to the average estimate in a ORGANIZATION survey of QUANTITY.
The Bilbao, Spain-based lender is scheduled to report first-quarter results tomorrow before the stock market opens in Spain.
[ "Bilbao, Spain", "first-quarter", "tomorrow", "Spain" ]
The LOCATION-based lender is scheduled to report DATE results DATE before the stock market opens in LOCATION.
Spanish banks have been hurt by weakening credit demand and souring loans in a domestic economy that’s still struggling to emerge from recession.
[ "OTHER" ]
[ "Spanish" ]
OTHER banks have been hurt by weakening credit demand and souring loans in a domestic economy that’s still struggling to emerge from recession.
BBVA, led by Chairman Francisco Gonzalez , completed its $5.8 billion purchase of a 24.9 percent stake in Turkiye Garanti Bankasi AS (GARAN) in March as it expands outside Spain , adding Turkey to other emerging markets such as Mexico.
[ "BBVA", "Chairman", "Francisco Gonzalez", "$5.8 billion", "24.9 percent", "Turkiye Garanti Bankasi AS", "GARAN", "March", "Spain", "Turkey", "Mexico" ]
ORGANIZATION, led by PERSON PERSON , completed its QUANTITY purchase of a QUANTITY stake in ORGANIZATION (ORGANIZATION) in DATE as it expands outside LOCATION , adding ORGANIZATION to other emerging markets such as LOCATION.
“The news from Spain won’t be good, but there probably won’t be nasty surprises while Mexico is showing interesting growth,” said Pablo Garcia , head of equities at Oddo Sociedad de Valores in Madrid.
[ "Spain", "Mexico", "Pablo Garcia", "Oddo Sociedad\nde Valores", "Madrid" ]
“The news from LOCATION won’t be good, but there probably won’t be nasty surprises while ORGANIZATION is showing interesting growth,” said PERSON , head of equities at ORGANIZATION in LOCATION.
“All the big Spanish companies, and that includes BBVA, are at pains now to show that Spain is a diminishing part of their business.” BBVA shares have gained 14 percent this year, compared with a 2.9 percent advance in the 48-member Bloomberg Europe Banks and Financial Services Index.
[ "All", "Spanish", "BBVA", "Spain", "BBVA", "14 percent", "this year", "2.9 percent", "48-member", "Bloomberg Europe Banks\nand", "Financial Services Index" ]
“QUANTITY the big OTHER companies, and that includes ORGANIZATION, are at pains now to show that ORGANIZATION is a diminishing part of their business.” ORGANIZATION shares have gained QUANTITY DATE, compared with a QUANTITY advance in the QUANTITY ORGANIZATION OTHER.
Banco Santander SA (SAN) , Spain’s largest bank, which on April 28 reported a 5 percent drop in first-quarter profit, has risen 5.3 percent in 2011.
[ "Banco Santander SA", "SAN", "Spain", "April 28", "5 percent", "first-quarter", "5.3 percent", "2011" ]
ORGANIZATION (ORGANIZATION) , LOCATION’s largest bank, which on DATE reported a QUANTITY drop in QUANTITY profit, has risen QUANTITY in DATE.
Mexican Gains Profit from BBVA’s Spain-dominated Iberian business may have dropped 33 percent from a year earlier to 394 million euros, according to estimates by Banco BPI SA (BPI) analyst Carlos Joaquim Peixoto.
[ "Mexican Gains Profit", "BBVA", "Spain", "Iberian", "33 percent", "a year earlier", "394 million\neuros", "Banco BPI SA", "BPI", "Carlos Joaquim Peixoto" ]
OTHER from ORGANIZATION’s LOCATION-dominated OTHER business may have dropped QUANTITY from DATE to QUANTITY, according to estimates by ORGANIZATION (ORGANIZATION) analyst PERSON.
Spain and Portugal together accounted for 45 percent of group profit in 2010.
[ "Spain", "Portugal", "45\npercent", "2010" ]
ORGANIZATION and ORGANIZATION together accounted for QUANTITY of group profit in DATE.
Earnings from Mexico, which contributed 37 percent of earnings last year, probably rose 23 percent to 428 million euros, Peixoto estimated.
[ "Mexico", "37 percent", "last year", "23 percent", "428 million\neuros", "Peixoto" ]
Earnings from LOCATION, which contributed QUANTITY of earnings DATE, probably rose QUANTITY to QUANTITY, PERSON estimated.
The Mexican economy may grow 4.37 percent this year, according to a monthly central bank survey of economists.
[ "Mexican", "4.37\npercent", "this year", "monthly" ]
The OTHER economy may grow QUANTITY DATE, according to a QUANTITY central bank survey of economists.
BBVA will consolidate 10 days of earnings from Turkiye Garanti in first-quarter earnings under a new division that will include Turkish and Chinese investments and its European business outside Spain, the bank said last month.
[ "BBVA", "10 days", "Turkiye\nGaranti", "first-quarter", "Turkish", "Chinese", "European", "Spain", "last month" ]
ORGANIZATION will consolidate QUANTITY of earnings from ORGANIZATION in DATE earnings under a new division that will include OTHER and OTHER investments and its OTHER business outside LOCATION, the bank said DATE.
To contact the reporter for this story: Charles Penty in Madrid at To contact the editors responsible for this story: Frank Connelly at
[ "Charles Penty", "Madrid", "", "Frank Connelly", "" ]
To contact the reporter for this story: PERSON in LOCATION at OTHER To contact the editors responsible for this story: PERSON at OTHER
-- 2011-05-04T09:58:15Z -- Aquarius Platinum Ltd.
[ "2011-05-04T09:58:15", "", "Aquarius Platinum Ltd." ]
(AQP) , the fourth- largest producer of the metal, rose the most in more than nine months in London trading on plans to boost resources with a 1.2 billion-rand ($181 million) purchase from Northam Platinum Ltd.
[ "AQP", "fourth-\nlargest producer", "more than nine\nmonths", "London", "1.2\nbillion-rand", "$181 million", "Northam Platinum Ltd." ]
(OTHER) , the QUANTITY of the metal, rose the most in QUANTITY in LOCATION trading on plans to boost resources with a QUANTITY (QUANTITY) purchase from ORGANIZATION
(NHM) Aquarius rose as much as 8.4 percent, the most since July 20.
[ "NHM", "Aquarius", "8.4 percent", "July\n20" ]
(ORGANIZATION) ORGANIZATION rose as much as QUANTITY, the most since DATE.
The company, based in London, will buy Booysendal South assets in South Africa , giving it access to about 31.1 million ounces of platinum and related metals, and increasing resources by about 24 percent, it said in a statement today.
[ "London", "Booysendal South", "South Africa", "about 31.1 million\nounces", "about 24 percent", "today" ]
The company, based in LOCATION, will buy ORGANIZATION assets in LOCATION , giving it access to QUANTITY of platinum and related metals, and increasing resources by QUANTITY, it said in a statement DATE.
The deal follows Aquarius’s acquisition of Afarak Platinum Ltd.
[ "Aquarius", "Afarak Platinum\nLtd." ]
The deal follows ORGANIZATION’s acquisition of ORGANIZATION
this month as Chief Executive Officer Stuart Murray seeks to add deposits and secure future output.
[ "this month", "Chief Executive Officer", "Stuart Murray" ]
DATE as PERSON PERSON seeks to add deposits and secure future output.
Northam will also gain funding to bring its Booysendal mine into production as it seeks to replace its aging Zondagsfontein operation.
[ "Northam", "Booysendal", "Zondagsfontein" ]
ORGANIZATION will also gain funding to bring its LOCATION mine into production as it seeks to replace its aging ORGANIZATION operation.
“Aquarius has always been criticized for having a lack of resource growth,” Michael Starke, a mining analyst at Edison Investment Research, said by phone from London.
[ "Aquarius", "Michael Starke", "Edison\nInvestment Research", "London" ]
“ORGANIZATION has always been criticized for having a lack of resource growth,” PERSON, a mining analyst at ORGANIZATION, said by phone from LOCATION.
“With these acquisitions they’re showing an ability to replace ounces mined” and Aquarius bought “about as cheaply as they could.” The company rose 7.1 percent to 359.7 pence by 10:29 a.m.
[ "Aquarius", "7.1 percent", "359.7 pence", "10:29 a.m." ]
“With these acquisitions they’re showing an ability to replace ounces mined” and ORGANIZATION bought “about as cheaply as they could.” The company rose QUANTITY to QUANTITY by DATE
in London after touching 364.1 pence.
[ "London", "364.1 pence" ]
in LOCATION after touching QUANTITY.
Northam Platinum gained 1.9 percent to 44.34 rand in Johannesburg.
[ "Northam Platinum", "1.9 percent", "44.34 rand", "Johannesburg" ]
The Booysendal South deposits are next to Aquarius’s Everest mine on the Bushveld complex, which contains the world’s richest platinum reserves, in the north of the country.
[ "Booysendal South", "Aquarius", "Everest", "Bushveld" ]
The LOCATION deposits are next to LOCATION’s LOCATION mine on the LOCATION complex, which contains the world’s richest platinum reserves, in the north of the country.
The world’s largest producers, Anglo Platinum Ltd., Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd.
[ "Anglo Platinum Ltd.", "Impala\nPlatinum Holdings Ltd." ]
The world’s largest producers, ORGANIZATION, ORGANIZATION
and Lonmin Plc (LMI) , which all tap the complex, are boosting output as prices climb.
[ "Lonmin Plc", "LMI" ]
and ORGANIZATION (ORGANIZATION) , which all tap the complex, are boosting output as prices climb.
Platinum prices jumped 21 percent last year and 57 percent in 2009.
[ "21 percent", "last year", "57 percent", "2009" ]
Platinum prices jumped QUANTITY DATE and QUANTITY in DATE.
‘Absolutely Obvious’ “This is one of those deals in the platinum industry where it’s absolutely obvious to anyone who looks at it,” Gavin Mackay, business development executive at Aquarius, said by phone from London today.
[ "one of those deals", "Gavin Mackay", "Aquarius", "London", "today" ]
‘Absolutely Obvious’ “This is QUANTITY in the platinum industry where it’s absolutely obvious to anyone who looks at it,” PERSON, business development executive at ORGANIZATION, said by phone from LOCATION DATE.
“The synergies are just so obvious.” The proposal may enable Aquarius to boost output at Everest by about 20 percent in about three years with an investment that is “very modest by industry standards,” Mackay said.
[ "Aquarius", "Everest", "about 20 percent", "about three years", "Mackay" ]
“The synergies are just so obvious.” The proposal may enable ORGANIZATION to boost output at LOCATION by QUANTITY in QUANTITY with an investment that is “very modest by industry standards,” PERSON said.
Expansion options will be studied in the next 18 to 24 months, he said.
[ "18", "24 months" ]
Expansion options will be studied in the next QUANTITY to QUANTITY, he said.
It’s a “hugely positive and long awaited event,” Liberum Capital Ltd.
[ "Liberum\nCapital Ltd." ]
It’s a “hugely positive and long awaited event,” ORGANIZATION
analysts said in a note, adding Aquarius’s resource base will nearly equal Lonmin’s at about 180 million ounces.
[ "Aquarius", "Lonmin", "180 million ounces" ]
analysts said in a note, adding ORGANIZATION’s resource base will nearly equal ORGANIZATION’s at about QUANTITY.
In a separate agreement, Aquarius will assist Northam with access to infrastructure services, including power, water and waste, from Everest, Northam said, adding that could speed up development of the second phase of its Booysendal expansion.
[ "Aquarius", "Northam", "Everest", "Northam", "second phase", "Booysendal" ]
In a separate agreement, ORGANIZATION will assist ORGANIZATION with access to infrastructure services, including power, water and waste, from LOCATION, ORGANIZATION said, adding that could speed up development of the QUANTITY of its EVENT expansion.
To contact the reporter on this story: Carli Lourens in Johannesburg at To contact the editor responsible for this story: Amanda Jordan at
[ "Carli Lourens", "Johannesburg", "", "Amanda Jordan", "" ]
To contact the reporter on this story: PERSON in LOCATION at OTHER To contact the editor responsible for this story: PERSON at OTHER
-- 2011-05-04T08:45:59Z -- China ’s yuan traded near a 17-year high after the central bank reiterated its top priority is to curb the fastest inflation in 32 months.
[ "2011-05-04T08:45:59", "", "China", "yuan", "17-year", "central bank", "32 months" ]
-- DATEZ -- OTHER ORGANIZATION ’s OTHER traded near a QUANTITY high after the ORGANIZATION reiterated its top priority is to curb the fastest inflation in QUANTITY.
The People’s Bank of China said yesterday controlling price increases is its main goal, even after a manufacturing survey indicated that economic growth may slow.
[ "People’s Bank of China", "yesterday" ]
The ORGANIZATION said DATE controlling price increases is its main goal, even after a manufacturing survey indicated that economic growth may slow.
Bank reserve requirements have no “absolute ceiling,” the central bank said in its first-quarter monetary policy report published on its website.
[ "central bank", "first-quarter" ]
Bank reserve requirements have no “absolute ceiling,” the ORGANIZATION said in its DATE monetary policy report published on its website.
“Even if China’s growth slows down a bit, the economy is still expanding,” said Patrick Cheng, a foreign-exchange analyst at Haitong International Securities Co.
[ "China", "Patrick Cheng", "Haitong International Securities Co." ]
“Even if ORGANIZATION’s growth slows down a bit, the economy is still expanding,” said PERSON, a foreign-exchange analyst at ORGANIZATION
in Hong Kong.
[ "Hong Kong" ]
“The yuan is supported by the expectation that China will continue its inflation fight and let the currency appreciate.” The yuan gained 0.05 percent to 6.4933 per dollar as of the 4:30 p.m.
[ "yuan", "China", "yuan", "0.05 percent", "6.4933 per dollar", "4:30 p.m." ]
“The OTHER is supported by the expectation that ORGANIZATION will continue its inflation fight and let the currency appreciate.” The OTHER gained QUANTITY to QUANTITY as of the DATE
close in Shanghai , according to the China Foreign Exchange Trade System.
[ "Shanghai", "China Foreign\nExchange Trade System" ]
close in LOCATION , according to the ORGANIZATION.
The currency touched 6.4892 on April 29, the strongest level since the country unified official and market exchange rates at the end of 1993.
[ "6.4892", "April 29", "end", "1993" ]
The currency touched QUANTITY on DATE, the strongest level since the country unified official and market exchange rates at the DATE of DATE.
In Hong Kong’s offshore market, the yuan fell 0.09 percent to 6.4735 per dollar.
[ "Hong Kong", "yuan", "0.09 percent", "6.4735 per dollar" ]
In LOCATION’s offshore market, the OTHER fell QUANTITY to QUANTITY.
The People’s Bank of China set the yuan’s reference rate 0.02 percent weaker at 6.5013 per dollar.
[ "People’s Bank of China", "yuan", "0.02 percent", "6.5013 per dollar" ]
The ORGANIZATION set the OTHER’s reference rate QUANTITY weaker at QUANTITY.
The fixing was 6.4990 on April 29, the strongest level since July 2005.
[ "6.4990", "April 29", "July 2005" ]
The fixing was QUANTITY on DATE, the strongest level since DATE.
Twelve-month non-deliverable forwards were little changed at 6.3270 per dollar after declining 0.28 percent yesterday, the most since March 15.
[ "Twelve-month", "6.3270 per dollar", "0.28 percent", "yesterday", "March 15" ]
QUANTITY non-deliverable forwards were little changed at QUANTITY after declining QUANTITY DATE, the most since DATE.
The contracts reflected bets the yuan will strengthen 2.6 percent in a year from the onshore spot rate, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
[ "yuan", "2.6 percent", "a year", "Bloomberg" ]
The contracts reflected bets the OTHER will strengthen QUANTITY in QUANTITY from the onshore spot rate, according to data compiled by ORGANIZATION.
‘Substantially Undervalued’ U.S.
[ "U.S." ]
‘Substantially Undervalued’ ORGANIZATION
Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner said yesterday it would help global economies if China allows its “substantially undervalued” currency to strengthen.
[ "Treasury Secretary", "Timothy F. Geithner", "yesterday", "China" ]
PERSON PERSON said DATE it would help global economies if ORGANIZATION allows its “substantially undervalued” currency to strengthen.
“It would be better for the world, more fair to us, and we think in China’s interests, to let the exchange rate appreciate more rapidly,” Geithner said at an event held by the U.S.-China Business Council in Washington .
[ "China", "Geithner", "U.S.-China\nBusiness Council", "Washington" ]
“It would be better for the world, more fair to us, and we think in ORGANIZATION’s interests, to let the exchange rate appreciate more rapidly,” PERSON said at an event held by the U.S.-ORGANIZATION Business Council in LOCATION .
Inflation in China was an annual 5.4 percent in March, exceeding the government’s full-year target of 4 percent for a third month.
[ "China", "annual", "5.4 percent", "March", "full-year", "4 percent", "third month" ]
Inflation in LOCATION was an QUANTITY QUANTITY in DATE, exceeding the government’s QUANTITY target of QUANTITY for a QUANTITY.
China may ask banks to set aside more reserves this month to soak up yuan they have accumulated selling foreign exchange to the central bank, the China Securities Journal reported today, citing unidentified people.
[ "China", "this\nmonth", "yuan", "China Securities Journal", "today" ]
ORGANIZATION may ask banks to set aside more reserves DATE to soak up OTHER they have accumulated selling foreign exchange to the central bank, the ORGANIZATION Securities Journal reported DATE, citing unidentified people.
To contact the reporter on this story: Fion Li in Hong Kong at To contact the editor responsible for this story: Sandy Hendry at
[ "Fion Li", "Hong Kong", "", "Sandy Hendry", "" ]
To contact the reporter on this story: PERSON in LOCATION at OTHER To contact the editor responsible for this story: PERSON at OTHER
-- 2011-05-04T11:43:14Z -- Hungary will probably need more measures to meet its budget targets as the lack of labor-market capacity make the government’s economic growth goals "very difficult" to reach, according to Moody’s Investors Service.
[ "2011-05-04T11:43:14", "", "Hungary", "Moody’s Investors Service" ]
-- DATEZ -- OTHER ORGANIZATION will probably need more measures to meet its budget targets as the lack of labor-market capacity make the government’s economic growth goals "very difficult" to reach, according to ORGANIZATION.
"The thing which concerns us more than anything is the poor demographics," Anthony Thomas , an analyst at Moody’s, said today in an interview in Prague.
[ "Anthony Thomas", "Moody’s", "today", "Prague" ]
"The thing which concerns us more than anything is the poor demographics," PERSON , an analyst at ORGANIZATION, said DATE in an interview in LOCATION.
"If you look at the labor market, it’s a shrinking population, the participation rate is low, so in terms of generating strong growth it’s just very difficult to see where that’s going to come from."
"If you look at the labor market, it’s a shrinking population, the participation rate is low, so in terms of generating strong growth it’s just very difficult to see where that’s going to come from."
Prime Minister Viktor Orban was elected last year on a pledge to boost growth and create 1 million jobs in a decade as the country with the European Union’s second-lowest employment rate emerges from its worst recession in almost two decades.
[ "Prime Minister", "Viktor Orban", "last year", "1 million jobs", "a decade", "European Union", "second-lowest employment", "two decades" ]
PERSON PERSON was elected DATE on a pledge to boost growth and create QUANTITY in QUANTITY as the country with the ORGANIZATION’s QUANTITY rate emerges from its worst recession in almost QUANTITY.
Growth may accelerate to more than 5 percent by 2014, according to a "dynamic" scenario the government published on April 15.
[ "more than 5 percent", "2014", "April 15" ]
Growth may accelerate to QUANTITY by DATE, according to a "dynamic" scenario the government published on DATE.
Hungary has breached the European Union budget-deficit ceiling of 3 percent of gross domestic product every year since joining the bloc in 2004.
[ "Hungary", "European Union", "3 percent", "every year", "2004" ]
ORGANIZATION has breached the ORGANIZATION budget-deficit ceiling of QUANTITY of gross domestic product QUANTITY since joining the bloc in DATE.
Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch Ratings all have the country’s debt at their lowest investment grade level with negative outlooks.
[ "Moody’s", "Standard & Poor", "Fitch\nRatings" ]
ORGANIZATION, ORGANIZATION’s and ORGANIZATION all have the country’s debt at their lowest investment grade level with negative outlooks.
This year’s budget-deficit target is 2.94 percent, excluding the impact of private-pension fund portfolios transferred to the state, which will lead to a 2 percent surplus, according to government estimates.
[ "This year", "2.94 percent", "2 percent" ]
DATE’s budget-deficit target is QUANTITY, excluding the impact of private-pension fund portfolios transferred to the state, which will lead to a QUANTITY surplus, according to government estimates.
Hungary aims to narrow the gap to 2.5 percent next year and 1.9 percent in 2014 from 4.3 percent last year.
[ "Hungary", "2.5 percent", "next year", "1.9 percent", "2014", "4.3 percent", "last year" ]
‘Difficult to See’ "If they’re relying on strong growth to get the deficit down, it’s just difficult to see that materializing," Thomas said while attending a conference in Prague.
[ "Thomas", "Prague" ]
‘Difficult to See’ "If they’re relying on strong growth to get the deficit down, it’s just difficult to see that materializing," PERSON said while attending a conference in LOCATION.
Hungary last year imposed special taxes on the financial, energy, telecommunications and retail industries and channeled almost 3 trillion forint ($16.8 billion) in assets managed by private pension funds to the budget to narrow the shortfall and cut the highest public debt level among eastern EU members.
[ "Hungary", "last year", "almost 3 trillion forint", "$16.8 billion", "EU" ]
ORGANIZATION DATE imposed special taxes on the financial, energy, telecommunications and retail industries and channeled QUANTITY (QUANTITY) in assets managed by private pension funds to the budget to narrow the shortfall and cut the highest public debt level among eastern ORGANIZATION members.
The country, which got an international bailout loan in 2008, plans savings reaching 900 billion forint ($4.8 billion) annually in 2013 and 2014, starting with 550 billion forint in 2012, to put budget financing on a sustainable footing, Economy Minister Gyorgy Matolcsy said on March 1.
[ "2008", "900 billion forint", "$4.8 billion", "annually", "2013", "2014", "550 billion forint", "2012", "Economy\nMinister", "Gyorgy Matolcsy", "March 1" ]
The country, which got an international bailout loan in DATE, plans savings reaching QUANTITY (QUANTITY) QUANTITY in DATE and DATE, starting with QUANTITY in DATE, to put budget financing on a sustainable footing, PERSON PERSON said on DATE.
The measures include a delay in a cut of the corporate income tax rate, the extension of a bank tax and tighter retirement and welfare rules.
The measures include a delay in a cut of the corporate income tax rate, the extension of a bank tax and tighter retirement and welfare rules.
"The government will probably have to take more measures in order to get the deficit down," Thomas said earlier today in a speech.
[ "PERSON", "DATE" ]
[ "Thomas", "earlier today" ]
"The government will probably have to take more measures in order to get the deficit down," PERSON said DATE in a speech.
"It’s very difficult to see the economy reaching the forecasts which the government has based its fiscal- consolidation program on."
"It’s very difficult to see the economy reaching the forecasts which the government has based its fiscal- consolidation program on."
To contact the reporters on this story: Krystof Chamonikolas in Prague at ; Peter Laca in Prague at To contact the editor responsible for this story: Douglas Lytle at
[ "Krystof Chamonikolas", "Prague", "", "Peter Laca", "Prague", "", "Douglas Lytle", "" ]
To contact the reporters on this story: PERSON in LOCATION at OTHER ; PERSON in LOCATION at OTHER To contact the editor responsible for this story: PERSON at OTHER
-- 2011-05-04T06:34:07Z -- Siemens (SIE GR), Europe ’s largest engineering company, said profit and sales this year will rise more than it previously anticipated as customers buy more industrial equipment and a unit overhaul starts to pay off.
[ "2011-05-04T06:34:07", "", "Siemens", "SIE GR", "Europe", "this year" ]
-- DATEZ -- OTHER ORGANIZATION (ORGANIZATION), LOCATION ’s largest engineering company, said profit and sales DATE will rise more than it previously anticipated as customers buy more industrial equipment and a unit overhaul starts to pay off.
Net income from continued operations will rise to at least 7.5 billion euros ($11.1 billion) in the fiscal year ending Sept.
[ "7.5 billion euros", "$11.1 billion", "fiscal year ending\nSept" ]
Net income from continued operations will rise to at least QUANTITY (QUANTITY) in the DATE.
30, from a comparable 4.3 billion euros last year, Siemens said today in a statement.
[ "30", "4.3 billion euros", "last year", "Siemens", "today" ]
QUANTITY, from a comparable QUANTITY DATE, ORGANIZATION said DATE in a statement.
EQUITIES: *Fresenius Medical Care (FME GR), the world’s biggest provider of kidney dialysis , said it expects to be more profitable this year as the U.S.
[ "Fresenius Medical Care", "FME GR", "this\nyear", "U.S." ]
EQUITIES: *ORGANIZATION (ORGANIZATION), the world’s biggest provider of kidney dialysis , said it expects to be more profitable DATE as the ORGANIZATION
Medicare program eliminates fees for blood- cleansing facilities in connection with reimbursement changes.
[ "OTHER" ]
[ "Medicare" ]
OTHER program eliminates fees for blood- cleansing facilities in connection with reimbursement changes.
*Linde (LIN GR) said first-quarter profit rose 43 percent on demand from Asia and the health-care industry.
[ "Linde", "LIN GR", "first-quarter", "43\npercent", "Asia" ]
*ORGANIZATION (ORGANIZATION) said DATE profit rose QUANTITY on demand from LOCATION and the health-care industry.
*Henkel (HEN3 GR) said first-quarter profit rose 10 percent as industrial customers bought more adhesives.
[ "Henkel", "HEN3 GR", "first-quarter", "10 percent" ]
*ORGANIZATION (ORGANIZATION) said DATE profit rose QUANTITY as industrial customers bought more adhesives.
*Wincor Nixdorf (WIN GR) said second-quarter net income fell 8 percent to 24 million euros.
[ "Wincor", "Nixdorf", "WIN GR", "second-quarter", "8\npercent", "24 million euros" ]
*Bayer (BAYN GR) Chief Executive Officer Marijn Dekkers said he is open to a “merger of equals” for the company’s healthcare unit.
[ "Bayer", "BAYN GR", "Chief Executive Officer", "Marijn Dekkers" ]
*ORGANIZATION (ORGANIZATION) PERSON PERSON said he is open to a “merger of equals” for the company’s healthcare unit.
*Drillisch (DRI GR) said it increased its stake in Internet services provider Freenet AG to 20.2 percent from 15.2 percent by buying shares held in the company by Bank of America Corp.
[ "Drillisch", "DRI GR", "Freenet AG", "20.2 percent", "15.2 percent", "Bank of America Corp." ]
*ORGANIZATION (ORGANIZATION) said it increased its stake in Internet services provider ORGANIZATION to QUANTITY from QUANTITY by buying shares held in the company by ORGANIZATION
*Wacker Chemie (WCH GR) said first-quarter net rose 58.6 percent to 168 million euros.
[ "Wacker Chemie", "WCH GR", "first-quarter", "58.6 percent", "168 million euros" ]
GOVERNMENT: *Germany’s 16 states back the efforts of federal lawmakers to secure influence over the future financial arrangements of the European Stability Mechanism, Handelsblatt reported.
[ "Germany", "16 states", "European Stability Mechanism", "Handelsblatt" ]
GOVERNMENT: *ORGANIZATION’s QUANTITY back the efforts of federal lawmakers to secure influence over the future financial arrangements of the ORGANIZATION, ORGANIZATION reported.
The states will have a seat in the governing council of the bail-out fund and will reject any future ESM aid request unless the lower house’s budget rights are anchored in national ESM legislation, the newspaper said in a report.
[ "ESM", "ESM" ]
The states will have a seat in the governing council of the bail-out fund and will reject any future ORGANIZATION aid request unless the lower house’s budget rights are anchored in national ORGANIZATION legislation, the newspaper said in a report.
*The European Union has set a June deadline for Germany to clarify its plans for restructuring state-controlled lender WestLB, Financial Times Deutschland reported, citing the European Commission.
[ "European Union", "June", "Germany", "WestLB", "Financial Times Deutschland", "European Commission" ]
*The ORGANIZATION has set a DATE deadline for ORGANIZATION to clarify its plans for restructuring state-controlled lender ORGANIZATION, ORGANIZATION reported, citing the ORGANIZATION.
WHAT TO WATCH: *Markit releases final Germany services PMI survey for April at 9:55a.m.
[ "Markit", "Germany", "April at\n9:55a.m." ]
WHAT TO WATCH: *ORGANIZATION releases final LOCATION services PMI survey for DATE
*Markit releases final euro-zone services and composite PMI survey results for April at 10 a.m.
[ "Markit", "April at 10 a.m." ]
*ORGANIZATION releases final euro-zone services and composite PMI survey results for DATE
*Eurostat releases euro-zone retail sales data for March at 11 a.m.
[ "Eurostat", "March at\n11 a.m." ]
*ORGANIZATION releases euro-zone retail sales data for DATE
MARKETS: *The DAX Index fell 0.4% to 7,500.70.
[ "DAX Index", "0.4%", "7,500.70" ]
*The Stoxx Europe 600 Index fell 0.5 percent to 282.43 *MSCI Asia-Pacific Index fell 1% to 138.53 as of 8:23 a.m.
[ "Stoxx Europe 600 Index", "0.5 percent", "282.43", "MSCI Asia-Pacific Index", "1%", "138.53", "8:23 a.m." ]
Frankfurt time.
[ "DATE" ]
[ "Frankfurt" ]
DATE time.
*German 10-year bond yield at 3.260% *Euro -- U.S.
[ "German", "10-year", "3.260%", "Euro" ]
[ "$1.481" ]
To contact the reporters on this story: Brian Parkin in Berlin at ; To contact the editor responsible for this story: James Hertling at
[ "Brian Parkin", "Berlin", "", "James Hertling", "" ]
To contact the reporters on this story: PERSON in LOCATION at OTHER ; To contact the editor responsible for this story: PERSON at OTHER
-- 2011-05-04T00:56:56Z -- Shares of the following companies may have unusual moves in Philippine trading.
[ "2011-05-04T00:56:56", "", "Philippine" ]
-- DATEZ -- OTHER Shares of the following companies may have unusual moves in LOCATION trading.
Stock symbols are in parentheses, and prices are as of the previous close, unless stated otherwise.
Stock symbols are in parentheses, and prices are as of the previous close, unless stated otherwise.
The Philippine Stock Exchange Index fell 0.2 percent to 4,319.37.
[ "Philippine Stock Exchange Index", "0.2 percent", "4,319.37" ]
Ayala Corp.
[ "Ayala Corp." ]
(AC) , Metro Pacific Investments Corp.
[ "Metro Pacific Investments Corp." ]
(MPI) : The companies are among eight groups planning to bid for a 15 billion peso ($350 million) contract to operate two Metro Manila railways, Philippine Daily Inquirer reported, citing government documents.
[ "MPI", "eight groups", "15 billion peso", "$350 million", "two", "Metro\nManila", "Philippine Daily Inquirer" ]
(ORGANIZATION) : The companies are among QUANTITY planning to bid for a QUANTITY (QUANTITY) contract to operate QUANTITY LOCATION railways, ORGANIZATION reported, citing government documents.