15 values
1 class
2 classes
2 classes
1 class
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: lily/ # Purpose: music21 classes for translating to Lilypond # # Authors: Michael Scott Cuthbert # # Copyright: Copyright © 2007-2012 Michael Scott Cuthbert and the music21 Project # License: LGPL or BSD, see license.txt #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' music21 translates to Lilypond format and if Lilypond is installed on the local computer, can automatically generate .pdf, .png, and .svg versions of musical files using Lilypond this replaces (July 2012) the old LilyString() conversion methods. ''' from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import subprocess import sys import re # import threading import unittest from music21 import common from music21 import duration from music21 import environment from music21 import exceptions21 from music21 import variant from music21 import note from music21.lily import lilyObjects as lyo from music21.ext import six _MOD = '' environLocal = environment.Environment(_MOD) try: # optional imports for PIL from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageOps noPIL = False except ImportError: try: import Image import ImageOps noPIL = False except ImportError: noPIL = True from music21 import corpus ### speed up tests! move to music21 base... class _sharedCorpusTestObject(object): sharedCache = {} sharedCacheObject = _sharedCorpusTestObject() def _getCachedCorpusFile(keyName): #return corpus.parse(keyName) if keyName not in sharedCacheObject.sharedCache: sharedCacheObject.sharedCache[keyName] = corpus.parse(keyName) return sharedCacheObject.sharedCache[keyName][0].measure(4)[2].color = 'blue'#.rightBarline = 'double' def makeLettersOnlyId(inputString): ''' Takes an id and makes it purely letters by substituting letters for all other characters. >>> print(lily.translate.makeLettersOnlyId('rainbow123@@dfas')) rainbowxyzmmdfas ''' inputString = str(inputString) returnString = '' for c in inputString: if not c.isalpha(): c = chr(ord(c) % 26 + 97) returnString += c return returnString #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class LilypondConverter(object): fictaDef = \ r''' ficta = #(define-music-function (parser location) () #{ \once \set suggestAccidentals = ##t #}) '''.lstrip() colorDef = \ r''' color = #(define-music-function (parser location color) (string?) #{ \once \override NoteHead #'color = #(x11-color color) \once \override Stem #'color = #(x11-color color) \once \override Rest #'color = #(x11-color color) \once \override Beam #'color = #(x11-color color) #}) '''.lstrip() simplePaperDefinitionScm = r''' \paper { #(define dump-extents #t) indent = 0\mm force-assignment = #"" oddFooterMarkup=##f oddHeaderMarkup=##f bookTitleMarkup=##f } '''.lstrip() transparencyStartScheme = r''' \override Rest #'transparent = ##t \override Dots #'transparent = ##t '''.lstrip() transparencyStopScheme = r''' \revert Rest #'transparent \revert Dots #'transparent '''.lstrip() bookHeader = r''' \include "" '''.lstrip() accidentalConvert = {"double-sharp": u"isis", "double-flat": u"eses", "one-and-a-half-sharp": u"isih", "one-and-a-half-flat": u"eseh", "sharp": u"is", "flat": u"es", "half-sharp": u"ih", "half-flat": u"eh", } barlineDict = {'regular': '|', 'dotted': ':', 'dashed': 'dashed', 'heavy': '.', #?? 'double': '||', 'final': '|.', 'heavy-light': '.|', 'heavy-heavy': '.|.', 'start-repeat': '|:', 'end-repeat': ':|', # no music21 support for |.| lightHeavyLight yet 'tick': '\'', #'short': '', # no lilypond support?? 'none': '', } def __init__(self): self.topLevelObject = lyo.LyLilypondTop() self.setupTools() self.context = self.topLevelObject self.storedContexts = [] self.doNotOutput = [] self.currentMeasure = None self.addedVariants = [] self.variantColors = ['blue', 'red', 'purple', 'green', 'orange', 'yellow', 'grey'] self.coloredVariants = False self.variantMode = False self.LILYEXEC = None self.tempName = None self.inWord = None def findLilyExec(self): if os.path.exists(environLocal['lilypondPath']): LILYEXEC = environLocal['lilypondPath'] else: if sys.platform == "darwin": LILYEXEC = '/Applications/' if not os.path.exists(LILYEXEC): LILYEXEC = 'lilypond' elif sys.platform == 'win32' and os.path.exists('c:/Program Files (x86)'): LILYEXEC = r'c:/Program\ Files\ (x86)/lilypond/usr/bin/lilypond' if not os.path.exists(LILYEXEC) and not os.path.exists(LILYEXEC + '.exe'): LILYEXEC = 'lilypond' elif sys.platform == 'win32': LILYEXEC = r'c:/Program\ Files/lilypond/usr/bin/lilypond' if not os.path.exists(LILYEXEC) and not os.path.exists(LILYEXEC + '.exe'): LILYEXEC = 'lilypond' else: LILYEXEC = 'lilypond' self.LILYEXEC = LILYEXEC return LILYEXEC def setupTools(self): LILYEXEC = self.findLilyExec() command = [LILYEXEC, '--version'] try: proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: raise LilyTranslateException("Cannot find a copy of Lilypond installed on your system. " + "Please be sure it is installed. And that your " + "environment.UserSettings()['lilypondPath'] is set to find it.") stdout, unused = proc.communicate() if six.PY3: stdout = stdout.decode(encoding='utf-8') versionString = stdout.split()[2] versionPieces = versionString.split('.') self.majorVersion = versionPieces[0] self.minorVersion = versionPieces[1] #self.majorVersion = 2 # this should be obtained from user and/or user's system #self.minorVersion = 13 self.versionString = self.topLevelObject.backslash + "version " + self.topLevelObject.quoteString(str(self.majorVersion) + '.' + str(self.minorVersion)) self.versionScheme = lyo.LyEmbeddedScm(self.versionString) self.headerScheme = lyo.LyEmbeddedScm(self.bookHeader) self.backend = 'ps' if int(self.majorVersion) >= 2: if int(self.minorVersion) >= 11: self.backendString = '-dbackend=' else: self.backendString = '--backend=' else: self.backendString = '--backend=' # I had a note that said 2.12 and > should use 'self.backendString = '--formats=' ' but doesn't seem true def newContext(self, newContext): self.storedContexts.append(self.context) self.context = newContext def restoreContext(self): try: self.context = self.storedContexts.pop() except IndexError: self.context = self.topLevelObject #------------ Set a complete Lilypond Tree from a music21 object ----------# def textFromMusic21Object(self, m21ObjectIn): r''' get a proper lilypond text file for writing from a music21 object >>> n = note.Note() >>> print(lily.translate.LilypondConverter().textFromMusic21Object(n)) \version "2..." \include "" color = #(define-music-function (parser location color) (string?) #{ \once \override NoteHead #'color = #(x11-color color) \once \override Stem #'color = #(x11-color color) \once \override Rest #'color = #(x11-color color) \once \override Beam #'color = #(x11-color color) #}) \header { } \score { << \new Staff = ... { c' 4 } >> } \paper { } ... ''' self.loadFromMusic21Object(m21ObjectIn) s = str(self.topLevelObject) s = re.sub(r'\s*\n\s*\n', '\n', s).strip() return s def loadFromMusic21Object(self, m21ObjectIn): r''' Create a Lilypond object hierarchy in self.topLevelObject from an arbitrary music21 object. TODO: make lilypond automatically run makeNotation.makeTupletBrackets(s) TODO: Add tests... ''' from music21 import stream c = m21ObjectIn.classes if 'Stream' in c: if m21ObjectIn.recurse().variants: ## has variants so we need to make a deepcopy... m21ObjectIn = variant.makeAllVariantsReplacements(m21ObjectIn, recurse = True) m21ObjectIn.makeVariantBlocks() if ('Stream' not in c) or ('Measure' in c) or ('Voice' in c): scoreObj = stream.Score() partObj = stream.Part() # no need for measures or voices... partObj.insert(0, m21ObjectIn) scoreObj.insert(0, partObj) self.loadObjectFromScore(scoreObj, makeNotation = False) elif 'Part' in c: scoreObj = stream.Score() scoreObj.insert(0, m21ObjectIn) self.loadObjectFromScore(scoreObj, makeNotation = False) elif 'Score' in c: self.loadObjectFromScore(m21ObjectIn, makeNotation = False) elif 'Opus' in c: self.loadObjectFromOpus(m21ObjectIn, makeNotation = False) else: # treat as part... scoreObj = stream.Score() scoreObj.insert(0, m21ObjectIn) self.loadObjectFromScore(scoreObj, makeNotation = False) #raise LilyTranslateException("Unknown stream type %s." % (m21ObjectIn.__class__)) def loadObjectFromOpus(self, opusIn = None, makeNotation = True): r''' creates a filled topLevelObject (lily.lilyObjects.LyLilypondTop) whose string representation accurately reflects all the Score objects in this Opus object. >>> #_DOCS_SHOW fifeOpus = corpus.parse('miscFolk/') >>> #_DOCS_SHOW lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> #_DOCS_SHOW lpc.loadObjectFromOpus(fifeOpus, makeNotation = False) >>> #_DOCS_SHOW lpc.showPDF() ''' contents = [] lpVersionScheme = self.versionScheme lpHeaderScheme = self.headerScheme lpColorScheme = lyo.LyEmbeddedScm(self.colorDef) contents.append(lpVersionScheme) contents.append(lpHeaderScheme) contents.append(lpColorScheme) for thisScore in opusIn.scores: if makeNotation is True: thisScore = thisScore.makeNotation(inPlace = False) lpHeader = lyo.LyLilypondHeader() lpScoreBlock = self.lyScoreBlockFromScore(thisScore) if thisScore.metadata is not None: self.setHeaderFromMetadata(thisScore.metadata, lpHeader = lpHeader) contents.append(lpHeader) contents.append(lpScoreBlock) lpOutputDefHead = lyo.LyOutputDefHead(defType = 'paper') lpOutputDefBody = lyo.LyOutputDefBody(outputDefHead = lpOutputDefHead) lpOutputDef = lyo.LyOutputDef(outputDefBody = lpOutputDefBody) contents.append(lpOutputDef) lpLayout = lyo.LyLayout() contents.append(lpLayout) self.context.contents = contents def loadObjectFromScore(self, scoreIn = None, makeNotation = True): r''' creates a filled topLevelObject (lily.lilyObjects.LyLilypondTop) whose string representation accurately reflects this Score object. >>> lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> #_DOCS_SHOW b = corpus.parse('bach/bwv66.6') >>> b = lily.translate._getCachedCorpusFile('bach/bwv66.6') #_DOCS_HIDE >>> lpc.loadObjectFromScore(b) >>> #print lpc.topLevelObject ''' if makeNotation is True: scoreIn = scoreIn.makeNotation(inPlace = False) lpVersionScheme = self.versionScheme lpHeaderScheme = self.headerScheme lpColorScheme = lyo.LyEmbeddedScm(self.colorDef) lpHeader = lyo.LyLilypondHeader() # here's the heavy work... lpScoreBlock = self.lyScoreBlockFromScore(scoreIn) lpOutputDefHead = lyo.LyOutputDefHead(defType = 'paper') lpOutputDefBody = lyo.LyOutputDefBody(outputDefHead = lpOutputDefHead) lpOutputDef = lyo.LyOutputDef(outputDefBody = lpOutputDefBody) lpLayout = lyo.LyLayout() contents = [lpVersionScheme, lpHeaderScheme, lpColorScheme, lpHeader, lpScoreBlock, lpOutputDef, lpLayout] if scoreIn.metadata is not None: self.setHeaderFromMetadata(scoreIn.metadata, lpHeader = lpHeader) self.context.contents = contents #------- return Lily objects or append to the current context -----------# def lyScoreBlockFromScore(self, scoreIn): lpCompositeMusic = lyo.LyCompositeMusic() self.newContext(lpCompositeMusic) # Also get the variants, and the total number of measures here and make start each # staff context with { \stopStaff s1*n} where n is the number of measures. if hasattr(scoreIn, 'parts') and # or has variants if scoreIn.recurse().variants: lpPartsAndOssiaInit = self.lyPartsAndOssiaInitFromScore(scoreIn) lpGroupedMusicList = self.lyGroupedMusicListFromScoreWithParts( scoreIn, scoreInit=lpPartsAndOssiaInit) else: lpGroupedMusicList = self.lyGroupedMusicListFromScoreWithParts(scoreIn) lpCompositeMusic.groupedMusicList = lpGroupedMusicList else: # treat as a part... lpPrefixCompositeMusic = self.lyPrefixCompositeMusicFromStream(scoreIn) lpCompositeMusic.prefixCompositeMusic = lpPrefixCompositeMusic lpMusic = lyo.LyMusic(compositeMusic = lpCompositeMusic) lpScoreBody = lyo.LyScoreBody(music = lpMusic) lpScoreBlock = lyo.LyScoreBlock(scoreBody = lpScoreBody) self.restoreContext() return lpScoreBlock def lyPartsAndOssiaInitFromScore(self, scoreIn): r''' Takes in a score and returns a block that starts each part context and variant context with an identifier and {\stopStaff s1*n} (or s, whatever is needed for the duration) where n is the number of measures in the score. >>> import copy Set up score: >>> s = stream.Score() >>> p1,p2 = stream.Part(), stream.Part() >>> p1.insert(0, meter.TimeSignature('4/4')) >>> p2.insert(0, meter.TimeSignature('4/4')) >>> p1.append(variant.Variant(name = 'london')) >>> p2.append(variant.Variant(name = 'london')) >>> p1.append(variant.Variant(name = 'rome')) >>> p2.append(variant.Variant(name = 'rome')) >>> for i in range(4): ... m = stream.Measure() ... n = note.Note('D4', type='whole') ... m.append(n) ... p1.append(m) ... p2.append(copy.deepcopy(m)) >>> = 'pa' >>> = 'pb' >>> s.append(p1) >>> s.append(p2) Run method >>> lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> print(lpc.lyPartsAndOssiaInitFromScore(s)) \new Staff = pa { \stopStaff s1 s1 s1 s1 } \new Staff = londonpa \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" alignAboveContext = #"pa" fontSize = #-3 \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -3) \override StaffSymbol #'thickness = #(magstep -3) \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f \override Clef #'transparent = ##t \override OctavateEight #'transparent = ##t \consists "Default_bar_line_engraver" } { \stopStaff s1 s1 s1 s1 } \new Staff = romepa \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" alignAboveContext = #"pa" fontSize = #-3 \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -3) \override StaffSymbol #'thickness = #(magstep -3) \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f \override Clef #'transparent = ##t \override OctavateEight #'transparent = ##t \consists "Default_bar_line_engraver" } { \stopStaff s1 s1 s1 s1 } \new Staff = pb { \stopStaff s1 s1 s1 s1 } \new Staff = londonpb \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" alignAboveContext = #"pb... fontSize = #-3 \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -3) \override StaffSymbol #'thickness = #(magstep -3) \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f \override Clef #'transparent = ##t \override OctavateEight #'transparent = ##t \consists "Default_bar_line_engraver" } { \stopStaff s1 s1 s1 s1 } \new Staff = romepb \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" alignAboveContext = #"pb... fontSize = #-3 \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -3) \override StaffSymbol #'thickness = #(magstep -3) \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f \override Clef #'transparent = ##t \override OctavateEight #'transparent = ##t \consists "Default_bar_line_engraver" } { \stopStaff s1 s1 s1 s1 } ''' lpMusicList = lyo.LyMusicList() musicList = [] lpMusic = r'{ \stopStaff %s}' for p in partIdText = makeLettersOnlyId( partId = lyo.LyOptionalId(partIdText) spacerDuration = self.getLySpacersFromStream(p) lpPrefixCompositeMusicPart = lyo.LyPrefixCompositeMusic(type = 'new', optionalId = partId, simpleString = 'Staff', music = lpMusic % spacerDuration) musicList.append(lpPrefixCompositeMusicPart) variantsAddedForPart = [] for v in p.variants: variantName = v.groups[0] if not variantName in variantsAddedForPart: self.addedVariants.append(variantName) variantsAddedForPart.append(variantName) variantId = lyo.LyOptionalId(makeLettersOnlyId(variantName)+partIdText) lpPrefixCompositeMusicVariant = lyo.LyPrefixCompositeMusic(type = 'new', optionalId = variantId, simpleString = 'Staff', music = lpMusic % spacerDuration) contextModList = [r'\remove "Time_signature_engraver"', r'alignAboveContext = #"%s"' % partIdText, r'fontSize = #-3', r"\override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -3)", r"\override StaffSymbol #'thickness = #(magstep -3)", r"\override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f", r"\override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f", r"\override Clef #'transparent = ##t", r"\override OctavateEight #'transparent = ##t", r'\consists "Default_bar_line_engraver"', ] optionalContextMod = lyo.LyContextModification(contextModList) lpPrefixCompositeMusicVariant.optionalContextMod = optionalContextMod musicList.append(lpPrefixCompositeMusicVariant) lpMusicList.contents = musicList return lpMusicList def getLySpacersFromStream(self, streamIn, measuresOnly = True): ''' Creates a series of Spacer objects for the measures in a Stream Part. >>> m1 = stream.Measure(converter.parse("tinynotation: 3/4 a2.")) >>> m2 = stream.Measure(converter.parse("tinynotation: 3/4 b2.")) >>> m3 = stream.Measure(converter.parse("tinynotation: 4/4 a1")) >>> m4 = stream.Measure(converter.parse("tinynotation: 4/4 b1")) >>> m5 = stream.Measure(converter.parse("tinynotation: 4/4 c1")) >>> m6 = stream.Measure(converter.parse("tinynotation: 5/4 a4 b1")) >>> streamIn = stream.Stream([m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6]) >>> lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> print(lpc.getLySpacersFromStream(streamIn)) s2. s2. s1 s1 s1 s1 s4 TODO: Low-priority... rare, but possible: tuplet time signatures (3/10)... ''' returnString = '' #mostRecentDur = '' #recentDurCount = 0 for el in streamIn: if not "Measure" in el.classes: continue if el.duration.quarterLength == 0.0: continue try: dur = str(self.lyMultipliedDurationFromDuration(el.duration)) returnString = returnString + 's'+ dur # general exception is the only way to catch str exceptions except: #pylint: disable=bare-except for c in el.duration.components: dur = str(self.lyMultipliedDurationFromDuration(c)) returnString = returnString + 's'+ dur #if dur == mostRecentDur: # recentDurCount += 1 #else: # mostRecentDur = dur # recentDurCount = 0 #if recentDurCount != 0: # returnString = returnString + '*' + str(recentDurCount) return returnString def lyGroupedMusicListFromScoreWithParts(self, scoreIn, scoreInit = None): r''' More complex example showing how the score can be set up with ossia parts... >>> lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> #_DOCS_SHOW b = corpus.parse('bach/bwv66.6') >>> b = lily.translate._getCachedCorpusFile('bach/bwv66.6') #_DOCS_HIDE >>> lpPartsAndOssiaInit = lpc.lyPartsAndOssiaInitFromScore(b) >>> lpGroupedMusicList = lpc.lyGroupedMusicListFromScoreWithParts(b, scoreInit = lpPartsAndOssiaInit) >>> print(lpGroupedMusicList) <BLANKLINE> << \new Staff = Soprano { \stopStaff s4 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s2. } \new Staff = Alto { \stopStaff s4 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s2. } \new Staff = Tenor { \stopStaff s4 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s2. } \new Staff = Bass { \stopStaff s4 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s2. } <BLANKLINE> \context Staff = Soprano \with { \autoBeamOff } { \startStaff \partial 32*8 \clef "treble" \key fis \minor \time 4/4 \set stemRightBeamCount = #1 \once \override Stem #'direction = #DOWN cis'' 8 [ \set stemLeftBeamCount = #1 \once \override Stem #'direction = #DOWN b... 8 ] \bar "|" %{ end measure 0 %} \once \override Stem #'direction = #UP a' 4 \once \override Stem #'direction = #DOWN b... 4 \once \override Stem #'direction = #DOWN cis'' 4 \fermata \once \override Stem #'direction = #DOWN e'' 4 \bar "|" %{ end measure 1 %} \once \override Stem #'direction = #DOWN cis'' 4 ... } <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> \context Staff = Alto \with { \autoBeamOff } { \startStaff \partial 32*8 \clef "treble"... \once \override Stem #'direction = #UP e' 4 \bar "|" %{ end measure 0 %} \once \override Stem #'direction = #UP fis' 4 \once \override Stem #'direction = #UP e' 4 ... } <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> >> <BLANKLINE> ''' compositeMusicList = [] lpGroupedMusicList = lyo.LyGroupedMusicList() lpSimultaneousMusic = lyo.LySimultaneousMusic() lpMusicList = lyo.LyMusicList() lpSimultaneousMusic.musicList = lpMusicList lpGroupedMusicList.simultaneousMusic = lpSimultaneousMusic self.newContext(lpMusicList) if scoreInit is None: for p in compositeMusicList.append(self.lyPrefixCompositeMusicFromStream(p)) else: compositeMusicList.append(scoreInit) for p in compositeMusicList.append(self.lyPrefixCompositeMusicFromStream(p, type='context', beforeMatter = 'startStaff')) self.restoreContext() lpMusicList.contents = compositeMusicList return lpGroupedMusicList def lyNewLyricsFromStream(self, streamIn, streamId = None, alignment = 'alignBelowContext' ): r''' returns a LyNewLyrics object This is a little bit of a hack. This should be switched over to using a prefixed context thing with \new Lyric = "id" \with { } {} >>> s = converter.parse('tinyNotation: 4/4 c4_hel- d4_-lo r4 e4_world') >>> s.makeMeasures(inPlace = True) >>> = 'helloWorld' >>> lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> lyNewLyrics = lpc.lyNewLyricsFromStream(s) >>> print(lyNewLyrics) \addlyrics { \set alignBelowContext = #"helloWorld" "hel" -- "lo"__ "world" } ''' lyricsDict = streamIn.lyrics(skipTies = True) if streamId is None: streamId = makeLettersOnlyId( streamId = "#"+ lyo.LyObject().quoteString(streamId) lpGroupedMusicLists = [] for lyricNum in sorted(lyricsDict): lyricList = [] lpAlignmentProperty = lyo.LyPropertyOperation(mode = 'set', value1 = alignment, value2 = streamId) lyricList.append(lpAlignmentProperty) self.inWord = False for el in lyricsDict[lyricNum]: lpLyricElement = self.lyLyricElementFromM21Lyric(el) lyricList.append(lpLyricElement) self.inWord = False lpLyricList = lyo.LyMusicList(lyricList) lpSequentialMusic = lyo.LySequentialMusic(musicList = lpLyricList) lpGroupedMusicList = lyo.LyGroupedMusicList(sequentialMusic = lpSequentialMusic) lpGroupedMusicLists.append(lpGroupedMusicList) lpNewLyrics = lyo.LyNewLyrics(groupedMusicLists = lpGroupedMusicLists) return lpNewLyrics def lyLyricElementFromM21Lyric(self, m21Lyric): ''' Returns a :class:`~music21.lily.lilyObjects.LyLyricElement` object from a :class:`~music21.note.Lyric` object. Uses self.inWord to keep track of whether or not we're in the middle of a word. >>> s = converter.parse('tinyNotation: 4/4 c4_hel- d4_-lo r2 e2 f2_world') >>> s.makeMeasures(inPlace = True) >>> lyrics = s.lyrics()[1] # get first verse (yes, 1 = first, not 0!) >>> lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> lpc.lyLyricElementFromM21Lyric(lyrics[0]) <music21.lily.lilyObjects.LyLyricElement object...'"hel" --'> >>> lpc.inWord True >>> lpc.lyLyricElementFromM21Lyric(lyrics[1]) <music21.lily.lilyObjects.LyLyricElement object...'"lo"__'> >>> lpc.lyLyricElementFromM21Lyric(lyrics[2]) <music21.lily.lilyObjects.LyLyricElement object...' _ '> >>> lpc.lyLyricElementFromM21Lyric(lyrics[3]) <music21.lily.lilyObjects.LyLyricElement object...'"world"'> >>> lpc.inWord False ''' if hasattr(self, 'inWord'): inWord = self.inWord else: inWord = False el = m21Lyric if el is None and inWord: text = ' _ ' elif el is None and inWord is False: text = ' _ ' elif el.text == '': text = ' _ ' else: text = '"' + el.text + '"' if el.syllabic == 'end': text = text + '__' inWord = False elif el.syllabic == 'begin' or el.syllabic == 'middle': text = text + ' --' inWord = True else: text = text self.inWord = inWord lpLyricElement = lyo.LyLyricElement(text) return lpLyricElement def lySequentialMusicFromStream(self, streamIn, beforeMatter = None): r''' returns a LySequentialMusic object from a stream >>> c = converter.parse('tinynotation: 3/4 C4 D E F2.') >>> lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> lySequentialMusicOut = lpc.lySequentialMusicFromStream(c) >>> lySequentialMusicOut <music21.lily.lilyObjects.LySequentialMusic object at 0x...> >>> print(lySequentialMusicOut) { \clef "bass" \time 3/4 c 4 d 4 e 4 \bar "|" %{ end measure 1 %} f 2. \bar "|." %{ end measure 2 %} } <BLANKLINE> ''' musicList = [] lpMusicList = lyo.LyMusicList(contents = musicList) lpSequentialMusic = lyo.LySequentialMusic(musicList = lpMusicList, beforeMatter = beforeMatter) self.newContext(lpMusicList) self.appendObjectsToContextFromStream(streamIn) lyObject = self.closeMeasure() if lyObject is not None: musicList.append(lyObject) self.restoreContext() return lpSequentialMusic def lyPrefixCompositeMusicFromStream(self, streamIn, contextType = None, type = None, beforeMatter = None): #@ReservedAssignment r''' returns an LyPrefixCompositeMusic object from a stream (generally a part, but who knows...) >>> c = converter.parse('tinynotation: 3/4 C4 D E F2.') >>> c.staffLines = 4 >>> lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> lyPrefixCompositeMusicOut = lpc.lyPrefixCompositeMusicFromStream(c, contextType='Staff') >>> lyPrefixCompositeMusicOut <music21.lily.lilyObjects.LyPrefixCompositeMusic object at 0x...> >>> print(lyPrefixCompositeMusicOut) \new Staff = ... \with { \override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #4 } { \clef "bass" \time 3/4 c 4 d 4 e 4 \bar "|" %{ end measure 1 %} f 2. \bar "|." %{ end measure 2 %} } <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> ''' compositeMusicType = type optionalId = None contextModList = [] c = streamIn.classes if contextType is None: if 'Part' in c: newContext = 'Staff' optionalId = lyo.LyOptionalId(makeLettersOnlyId( elif 'Voice' in c: newContext = 'Voice' else: newContext = 'Voice' else: newContext = contextType optionalId = lyo.LyOptionalId(makeLettersOnlyId( if streamIn.streamStatus.haveBeamsBeenMade() is True: contextModList.append(r"\autoBeamOff ") if hasattr(streamIn, 'staffLines') and streamIn.staffLines != 5: contextModList.append(r"\override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #%d" % streamIn.staffLines) if streamIn.staffLines % 2 == 0: # even stafflines need a change... pass lpNewLyrics = self.lyNewLyricsFromStream(streamIn, streamId = makeLettersOnlyId( lpSequentialMusic = self.lySequentialMusicFromStream(streamIn, beforeMatter = beforeMatter) lpGroupedMusicList = lyo.LyGroupedMusicList(sequentialMusic = lpSequentialMusic) lpCompositeMusic = lyo.LyCompositeMusic(groupedMusicList = lpGroupedMusicList, newLyrics = lpNewLyrics) lpMusic = lyo.LyMusic(compositeMusic = lpCompositeMusic) if compositeMusicType is None: compositeMusicType = 'new' if contextModList: contextMod = lyo.LyContextModification(contextModList) else: contextMod = None lpPrefixCompositeMusic = lyo.LyPrefixCompositeMusic(type = compositeMusicType, optionalId = optionalId, simpleString = newContext, optionalContextMod = contextMod, music = lpMusic) return lpPrefixCompositeMusic def appendObjectsToContextFromStream(self, streamObject): r''' takes a Stream and appends all the elements in it to the current context's .contents list, and deals with creating Voices in it. It also deals with variants in it. (should eventually replace the main Score parts finding tools) >>> lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> lpMusicList = lily.lilyObjects.LyMusicList() >>> lpc.context = lpMusicList >>> lpc.context.contents [] >>> c = converter.parse('tinynotation: 3/4 c4 d- e#') >>> lpc.appendObjectsToContextFromStream(c) >>> print(lpc.context.contents) [<music21.lily.lilyObjects.LyEmbeddedScm...>, <music21.lily.lilyObjects.LySimpleMusic...>, <music21.lily.lilyObjects.LySimpleMusic...>, <music21.lily.lilyObjects.LySimpleMusic...] >>> print(lpc.context) \clef "treble" \time 3/4 c' 4 des' 4 eis' 4 <BLANKLINE> >>> v1 = stream.Voice() >>> v1.append(note.Note("C5", quarterLength = 4.0)) >>> v2 = stream.Voice() >>> v2.append(note.Note("C#5", quarterLength = 4.0)) >>> m = stream.Measure() >>> m.insert(0, v1) >>> m.insert(0, v2) >>> lpMusicList = lily.lilyObjects.LyMusicList() >>> lpc.context = lpMusicList >>> lpc.appendObjectsToContextFromStream(m) >>> print(lpc.context) # internal spaces removed... << \new Voice { c'' 1 \bar "|." %{ end measure 1 %} } \new Voice { cis'' 1 } >> ''' for groupedElements in streamObject.groupElementsByOffset(): #print groupedElements if len(groupedElements) == 1: # one thing at that moment... el = groupedElements[0] el.activeSite = streamObject self.appendM21ObjectToContext(el) else: # voices or other More than one thing at once... # if voices voiceList = [] variantList = [] otherList = [] for el in groupedElements: if 'Voice' in el.classes: voiceList.append(el) elif 'Variant' in el.classes: variantList.append(el) else: el.activeSite = streamObject otherList.append(el) if len(variantList) > 0: for v in variantList: v.activeSite = streamObject self.appendContextFromVariant(variantList, activeSite = streamObject, coloredVariants = self.coloredVariants) if len(voiceList) > 0: musicList2 = [] lp2GroupedMusicList = lyo.LyGroupedMusicList() lp2SimultaneousMusic = lyo.LySimultaneousMusic() lp2MusicList = lyo.LyMusicList() lp2SimultaneousMusic.musicList = lp2MusicList lp2GroupedMusicList.simultaneousMusic = lp2SimultaneousMusic for voice in voiceList: if voice not in self.doNotOutput: lpPrefixCompositeMusic = self.lyPrefixCompositeMusicFromStream(voice) musicList2.append(lpPrefixCompositeMusic) lp2MusicList.contents = musicList2 contextObject = self.context currentMusicList = contextObject.contents currentMusicList.append(lp2GroupedMusicList) lp2GroupedMusicList.setParent(self.context) if len(otherList) > 0: for el in otherList: self.appendM21ObjectToContext(el) def appendM21ObjectToContext(self, thisObject): ''' converts any type of object into a lilyObject of LyMusic ( LySimpleMusic, LyEmbeddedScm etc.) type ''' if thisObject in self.doNotOutput: return ### treat complex duration objects as multiple objects c = thisObject.classes if 'Stream' not in c and thisObject.duration.type == 'complex': thisObjectSplit = thisObject.splitAtDurations() for subComponent in thisObjectSplit: self.appendM21ObjectToContext(subComponent) return contextObject = self.context if hasattr(contextObject, 'contents'): currentMusicList = contextObject.contents else: raise LilyTranslateException("Cannot get a currentMusicList from contextObject %r" % contextObject) if hasattr(thisObject, 'startTransparency') and thisObject.startTransparency is True: # old hack, replace with the better "hidden" attribute lyScheme = lyo.LyEmbeddedScm(self.transparencyStartScheme) currentMusicList.append(lyScheme) lyObject = None if "Measure" in c: ## lilypond does not put groups around measures... ## it does however need barline ends ## also, if variantMode is True, the last note in each "measure" should have \noBeam closeMeasureObj = self.closeMeasure() # could be None if closeMeasureObj is not None: currentMusicList.append(closeMeasureObj) closeMeasureObj.setParent(contextObject) padObj = self.getSchemeForPadding(thisObject) if padObj is not None: currentMusicList.append(padObj) padObj.setParent(contextObject) ## here we go! self.appendObjectsToContextFromStream(thisObject) self.currentMeasure = thisObject elif "Stream" in c: #try: lyObject = self.lyPrefixCompositeMusicFromStream(thisObject) currentMusicList.append(lyObject) lyObject.setParent(contextObject) #except AttributeError as ae: # raise Exception("Cannot parse %s: %s" % (thisObject, str(ae))) elif "Note" in c or "Rest" in c: self.appendContextFromNoteOrRest(thisObject) elif "Chord" in c: lyObject = self.lySimpleMusicFromChord(thisObject) currentMusicList.append(lyObject) lyObject.setParent(contextObject) elif "Clef" in c: lyObject = self.lyEmbeddedScmFromClef(thisObject) currentMusicList.append(lyObject) lyObject.setParent(contextObject) elif "KeySignature" in c: lyObject = self.lyEmbeddedScmFromKeySignature(thisObject) currentMusicList.append(lyObject) lyObject.setParent(contextObject) elif "TimeSignature" in c and self.variantMode is False: lyObject = self.lyEmbeddedScmFromTimeSignature(thisObject) currentMusicList.append(lyObject) lyObject.setParent(contextObject) elif "Variant" in c: self.appendContextFromVariant(thisObject, coloredVariants=self.coloredVariants) elif "SystemLayout" in c: lyObject = lyo.LyEmbeddedScm(r'\break') currentMusicList.append(lyObject) lyObject.setParent(contextObject) elif "PageLayout" in c: lyObject = lyo.LyEmbeddedScm(r'\pageBreak') currentMusicList.append(lyObject) lyObject.setParent(contextObject) else: lyObject = None if hasattr(thisObject, 'stopTransparency') and thisObject.stopTransparency is True: # old hack, replace with the better "hidden" attribute lyScheme = lyo.LyEmbeddedScm(self.transparencyStopScheme) currentMusicList.append(lyScheme) def appendContextFromNoteOrRest(self, noteOrRest): r''' appends lySimpleMusicFromNoteOrRest to the current context. >>> n = note.Note("C#4") >>> lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> lpMusicList = lily.lilyObjects.LyMusicList() >>> lpc.context = lpMusicList >>> lpc.appendContextFromNoteOrRest(n) >>> print(lpMusicList) cis' 4 <BLANKLINE> >>> n2 = note.Note("D#4") >>> n2.duration.quarterLength = 1.0/3 >>> n2.duration.tuplets[0].type = 'start' >>> n3 = note.Note("E4") >>> n3.duration.quarterLength = 1.0/3 >>> n4 = note.Note("F4") >>> n4.duration.quarterLength = 1.0/3 >>> n4.duration.tuplets[0].type = 'stop' >>> n5 = note.Note("F#4") >>> lpc.appendContextFromNoteOrRest(n2) >>> lpc.appendContextFromNoteOrRest(n3) >>> lpc.appendContextFromNoteOrRest(n4) >>> lpc.appendContextFromNoteOrRest(n5) >>> print(lpc.context) cis' 4 \times 2/3 { dis' 8 e' 8 f' 8 } <BLANKLINE> fis' 4 <BLANKLINE> ''' # commented out until complete # if self.variantMode is True: # #TODO: attach \noBeam to note if it is the last note # if "NotRest" in noteOrRest.classes: # n = noteOrRest # activeSite = n.activeSite # offset = n.offset # # failed at least once... # if offset + n.duration.quarterLength == activeSite.duration.quarterLength: # pass self.setContextForTupletStart(noteOrRest) self.appendBeamCode(noteOrRest) self.appendStemCode(noteOrRest) lpSimpleMusic = self.lySimpleMusicFromNoteOrRest(noteOrRest) self.context.contents.append(lpSimpleMusic) lpSimpleMusic.setParent(self.context) self.setContextForTupletStop(noteOrRest) def lySimpleMusicFromNoteOrRest(self, noteOrRest): r''' returns a lilyObjects.LySimpleMusic object for the generalNote containing... LyEventChord containing LySimpleChordElements containing LySimpleElement containing LyPitch AND LyMultipliedDuration containing: LyMultipliedDuration containing LyStenoDuration does not check for tuplets. That's in appendContextFromNoteOrRest read-only property that returns a string of the lilypond representation of a note (or via subclassing, rest or chord) >>> conv = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> n0 = note.Note("D#5") >>> n0.pitch.accidental.displayType = 'always' >>> n0.pitch.accidental.displayStyle = 'parentheses' >>> n0.editorial.color = 'blue' >>> sm = conv.lySimpleMusicFromNoteOrRest(n0) >>> print(sm) \color "blue" dis'' ! ? 4 Now make the note disappear... >>> n0.hideObjectOnPrint = True >>> sm = conv.lySimpleMusicFromNoteOrRest(n0) >>> print(sm) s 4 ''' c = noteOrRest.classes simpleElementParts = [] if noteOrRest._editorial is not None: if noteOrRest.editorial.color and noteOrRest.hideObjectOnPrint is not True: simpleElementParts.append(noteOrRest.editorial.colorLilyStart()) if 'Note' in c: if noteOrRest.hideObjectOnPrint is not True: lpPitch = self.lyPitchFromPitch(noteOrRest.pitch) simpleElementParts.append(lpPitch) if noteOrRest.pitch.accidental is not None: if noteOrRest.pitch.accidental.displayType == 'always': simpleElementParts.append('! ') if noteOrRest.pitch.accidental.displayStyle == 'parentheses': simpleElementParts.append('? ') else: simpleElementParts.append("s ") elif "SpacerRest" in c: simpleElementParts.append("s ") elif 'Rest' in c: if noteOrRest.hideObjectOnPrint is True: simpleElementParts.append("s ") else: simpleElementParts.append("r ") lpMultipliedDuration = self.lyMultipliedDurationFromDuration(noteOrRest.duration) simpleElementParts.append(lpMultipliedDuration) if 'NotRest' in c and noteOrRest.beams is not None and len(noteOrRest.beams) > 0: if noteOrRest.beams.beamsList[0].type == 'start': simpleElementParts.append("[ ") elif noteOrRest.beams.beamsList[0].type == 'stop': simpleElementParts.append("] ") # no start-stop in music21... simpleElement = lyo.LySimpleElement(parts = simpleElementParts) postEvents = self.postEventsFromObject(noteOrRest) evc = lyo.LyEventChord(simpleElement, postEvents = postEvents) mlSM = lyo.LySimpleMusic(eventChord = evc) return mlSM def appendBeamCode(self, noteOrChord): r''' Adds an LyEmbeddedScm object to the context's contents if the object's has a .beams attribute. >>> lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> lpMusicList = lily.lilyObjects.LyMusicList() >>> lpc.context = lpMusicList >>> lpc.context.contents [] >>> n1 = note.Note(quarterLength = 0.25) >>> n2 = note.Note(quarterLength = 0.25) >>> n1.beams.fill(2, 'start') >>> n2.beams.fill(2, 'stop') >>> lpc.appendBeamCode(n1) >>> print(lpc.context.contents) [<music21.lily.lilyObjects.LyEmbeddedScm object at 0x...>] >>> print(lpc.context) \set stemRightBeamCount = #2 >>> lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> lpMusicList = lily.lilyObjects.LyMusicList() >>> lpc.context = lpMusicList >>> lpc.context.contents [] >>> lpc.appendBeamCode(n2) >>> print(lpc.context.contents) [<music21.lily.lilyObjects.LyEmbeddedScm object at 0x...>] >>> print(lpc.context) \set stemLeftBeamCount = #2 ''' leftBeams = 0 rightBeams = 0 if hasattr(noteOrChord, 'beams'): if noteOrChord.beams is not None: for b in noteOrChord.beams: if b.type == 'start': rightBeams += 1 elif b.type == 'continue': rightBeams += 1 leftBeams += 1 elif b.type == 'stop': leftBeams += 1 elif b.type == 'partial': if b.direction == 'left': leftBeams += 1 else: # better wrong direction than none rightBeams += 1 if leftBeams > 0: beamText = r'''\set stemLeftBeamCount = #%d''' % leftBeams lpBeamScheme = lyo.LyEmbeddedScm(beamText) self.context.contents.append(lpBeamScheme) lpBeamScheme.setParent(self.context) if rightBeams > 0: beamText = r'''\set stemRightBeamCount = #%d''' % rightBeams lpBeamScheme = lyo.LyEmbeddedScm(beamText) self.context.contents.append(lpBeamScheme) lpBeamScheme.setParent(self.context) def appendStemCode(self, noteOrChord): r''' Adds an LyEmbeddedScm object to the context's contents if the object's stem direction is set (currrently, only "up" and "down" are supported). >>> lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> lpMusicList = lily.lilyObjects.LyMusicList() >>> lpc.context = lpMusicList >>> lpc.context.contents [] >>> n = note.Note() >>> n.stemDirection = 'up' >>> lpc.appendStemCode(n) >>> print(lpc.context.contents) [<music21.lily.lilyObjects.LyEmbeddedScm object at 0x...>] >>> print(lpc.context.contents[0]) \once \override Stem #'direction = #UP ''' if hasattr(noteOrChord, 'stemDirection') and noteOrChord.stemDirection is not None: stemDirection = noteOrChord.stemDirection.upper() if stemDirection in ['UP', 'DOWN']: stemFile = r'''\once \override Stem #'direction = #%s ''' % stemDirection lpStemScheme = lyo.LyEmbeddedScm(stemFile) self.context.contents.append(lpStemScheme) lpStemScheme.setParent(self.context) def lySimpleMusicFromChord(self, chordObj): ''' >>> conv = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> c1 = chord.Chord(["C#2", "E4", "D#5"]) >>> c1.quarterLength = 3.5 >>> c1.pitches[2].accidental.displayType = 'always' >>> print(conv.lySimpleMusicFromChord(c1)) < cis, e' dis'' ! > 2.. test hidden chord: >>> c1.hideObjectOnPrint = True >>> print(conv.lySimpleMusicFromChord(c1)) s 2.. ''' self.appendBeamCode(chordObj) if chordObj.hideObjectOnPrint is not True: self.appendStemCode(chordObj) chordBodyElements = [] for p in chordObj.pitches: chordBodyElementParts = [] lpPitch = self.lyPitchFromPitch(p) chordBodyElementParts.append(lpPitch) if p.accidental is not None: if p.accidental.displayType == 'always': chordBodyElementParts.append('! ') if p.accidental.displayStyle == 'parentheses': chordBodyElementParts.append('? ') lpChordElement = lyo.LyChordBodyElement(parts = chordBodyElementParts) chordBodyElements.append(lpChordElement) lpChordBody = lyo.LyChordBody(chordBodyElements = chordBodyElements) else: lpChordBody = lyo.LyPitch('s ', '') lpMultipliedDuration = self.lyMultipliedDurationFromDuration(chordObj.duration) postEvents = self.postEventsFromObject(chordObj) lpNoteChordElement = lyo.LyNoteChordElement(chordBody = lpChordBody, optionalNoteModeDuration = lpMultipliedDuration, postEvents = postEvents) evc = lyo.LyEventChord(noteChordElement = lpNoteChordElement) mlSM = lyo.LySimpleMusic(eventChord = evc) return mlSM # TODO: Chord beaming... def postEventsFromObject(self, generalNote): ''' attaches events that apply to notes and chords (and some other things) equally ''' postEvents = [] # remove this hack once lyrics work #if generalNote.lyric is not None: # hack that uses markup... # postEvents.append(r'_\markup { "' + generalNote.lyric + '" }\n ') # consider this hack removed. Yeah! if (hasattr(generalNote, 'tie') and generalNote.tie is not None): if (generalNote.tie.type != "stop"): postEvents.append("~ ") if (hasattr(generalNote, 'expressions') and generalNote.expressions): for thisExpression in generalNote.expressions: if 'Fermata' in thisExpression.classes: postEvents.append(r'\fermata ') return postEvents def lyPitchFromPitch(self, pitch): ''' converts a music21.pitch.Pitch object to a lily.lilyObjects.LyPitch object. ''' baseName = self.baseNameFromPitch(pitch) octaveModChars = self.octaveCharactersFromPitch(pitch) lyPitch = lyo.LyPitch(baseName, octaveModChars) return lyPitch def baseNameFromPitch(self, pitch): ''' returns a string of the base name (including accidental) for a music21 pitch ''' baseName = pitch.step.lower() if pitch.accidental is not None: if in self.accidentalConvert: baseName += self.accidentalConvert[] return baseName def octaveCharactersFromPitch(self, pitch): ''' returns a string of single-quotes or commas or "" representing the octave of a :class:`~music21.pitch.Pitch` object ''' spio = pitch.implicitOctave if (spio < 3): correctedOctave = 3 - spio octaveModChars = u',' * correctedOctave # C2 = c, C1 = c,, else: correctedOctave = spio - 3 octaveModChars = u'\'' * correctedOctave # C4 = c', C5 = c'' etc. return octaveModChars def lyMultipliedDurationFromDuration(self, durationObj): r''' take a simple Duration (that is one with one DurationTuple object and return a LyMultipliedDuration object: >>> d = duration.Duration(3) >>> lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> lyMultipliedDuration = lpc.lyMultipliedDurationFromDuration(d) >>> str(lyMultipliedDuration) '2. ' >>> str(lpc.lyMultipliedDurationFromDuration(duration.Duration(8.0))) '\\breve ' Does not work with complex durations: >>> d = duration.Duration(5.0) >>> str(lpc.lyMultipliedDurationFromDuration(d)) Traceback (most recent call last): LilyTranslateException: DurationException for durationObject <music21.duration.Duration 5.0>: Could not determine durationNumber from None Instead split by components: >>> components = d.components >>> [str(lpc.lyMultipliedDurationFromDuration(c)) for c in components] ['1 ', '4 '] ''' try: number_type = duration.convertTypeToNumber(durationObj.type) # module call except duration.DurationException as de: raise LilyTranslateException("DurationException for durationObject %s: %s" % (durationObj, de)) if number_type < 1: if number_type == 0.5: number_type = r'\breve' elif number_type == 0.25: number_type = r'\longa' else: # no support for maxima... number_type = int(number_type * 16) else: number_type = int(number_type) try: stenoDuration = lyo.LyStenoDuration(number_type, int(durationObj.dots)) multipliedDuration = lyo.LyMultipliedDuration(stenoDuration) except duration.DurationException as de: raise LilyTranslateException("DurationException: Cannot translate durationObject %s: %s" % (durationObj, de)) return multipliedDuration def lyEmbeddedScmFromClef(self, clefObj): r''' converts a Clef object to a lilyObjects.LyEmbeddedScm object >>> tc = clef.TrebleClef() >>> conv = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> lpEmbeddedScm = conv.lyEmbeddedScmFromClef(tc) >>> print(lpEmbeddedScm) \clef "treble" ''' c = clefObj.classes if 'Treble8vbClef' in c: lilyName = 'treble_8' elif 'TrebleClef' in c: lilyName = "treble" elif 'BassClef' in c: lilyName = "bass" elif 'AltoClef' in c: lilyName = 'alto' elif 'TenorClef' in c: lilyName = 'tenor' elif 'SopranoClef' in c: lilyName = 'soprano' elif 'PercussionClef' in c: lilyName = 'percussion' else: environLocal.printDebug('got a clef that lilypond does not know what to do with: %s' % clefObj) lilyName = "" lpEmbeddedScm = lyo.LyEmbeddedScm() clefScheme = lpEmbeddedScm.backslash + 'clef ' + lpEmbeddedScm.quoteString(lilyName) + lpEmbeddedScm.newlineIndent lpEmbeddedScm.content = clefScheme return lpEmbeddedScm def lyEmbeddedScmFromKeySignature(self, keyObj): r''' converts a Key or KeySignature object to a lilyObjects.LyEmbeddedScm object >>> d = key.KeySignature(-1) >>> d.mode = 'minor' >>> conv = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> lpEmbeddedScm = conv.lyEmbeddedScmFromKeySignature(d) >>> print(lpEmbeddedScm) \key d \minor Major is assumed: >>> fsharp = key.KeySignature(6) >>> print(conv.lyEmbeddedScmFromKeySignature(fsharp)) \key fis \major ''' (p, m) = keyObj.pitchAndMode if m is None: m = "major" pn = self.baseNameFromPitch(p) lpEmbeddedScm = lyo.LyEmbeddedScm() keyScheme = lpEmbeddedScm.backslash + 'key ' + pn + ' ' + lpEmbeddedScm.backslash + m + ' ' + lpEmbeddedScm.newlineIndent lpEmbeddedScm.content = keyScheme return lpEmbeddedScm def lyEmbeddedScmFromTimeSignature(self, ts): r''' convert a :class:`~music21.meter.TimeSignature` object to a lilyObjects.LyEmbeddedScm object >>> ts = meter.TimeSignature('3/4') >>> conv = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> print(conv.lyEmbeddedScmFromTimeSignature(ts)) \time 3/4 ''' lpEmbeddedScm = lyo.LyEmbeddedScm() keyScheme = lpEmbeddedScm.backslash + 'time ' + ts.ratioString + lpEmbeddedScm.newlineIndent lpEmbeddedScm.content = keyScheme return lpEmbeddedScm def setContextForTupletStart(self, inObj): ''' if the inObj has tuplets then we set a new context for the tuplets and anything up till a tuplet stop. Note that a broken tuplet (a la Michael Gordon) will not work. If there are no tuplets, this routine does nothing. If there are tuplets and they have type start then it returns an lpMusicList object, which is the new context For now, no nested tuplets. They're an easy extension, but there's too much else missing to do it now... ''' if inObj.duration.tuplets is None or len(inObj.duration.tuplets) == 0: return None elif inObj.duration.tuplets[0].type == 'start': numerator = str(int(inObj.duration.tuplets[0].tupletNormal[0])) denominator = str(int(inObj.duration.tuplets[0].tupletActual[0])) lpMusicList = self.setContextForTimeFraction(numerator, denominator) return lpMusicList else: return None def setContextForTimeFraction(self, numerator, denominator): ''' Explicitly starts a new context for scaled music (tuplets, etc.) for the given numerator and denominator (either an int or a string or unicode) Returns an lpMusicList object contained in an lpSequentialMusic object in an lpPrefixCompositeMusic object which sets the times object to a particular fraction. >>> lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> lpc.context <music21.lily.lilyObjects.LyLilypondTop object at 0x...> >>> lyTop = lpc.context >>> lyoMusicList = lpc.setContextForTimeFraction(5, 4) >>> lyoMusicList <music21.lily.lilyObjects.LyMusicList object at 0x...> >>> lpc.context <music21.lily.lilyObjects.LyMusicList object at 0x...> >>> lpc.context is lyoMusicList True >>> lpc.context.getParent() <music21.lily.lilyObjects.LySequentialMusic object at 0x...> >>> lpc.context.getParent().getParent() <music21.lily.lilyObjects.LyPrefixCompositeMusic object at 0x...> >>> lpc.context.getParent().getParent().fraction '5/4' >>> lpc.context.getParent().getParent().type 'times' >>> lpc.context.getParent().getParent().getParent() <music21.lily.lilyObjects.LyLilypondTop object at 0x...> >>> lpc.context.getParent().getParent().getParent() is lyTop True ''' # pylint: disable=undefined-variable if six.PY2: fraction = unicode(numerator) + '/' + unicode(denominator) # @UndefinedVariable else: fraction = str(numerator) + '/' + str(denominator) lpMusicList = lyo.LyMusicList() lpSequentialMusic = lyo.LySequentialMusic(musicList = lpMusicList) ## technically needed, but we can speed things up #lpGroupedMusicList = lyo.LyGroupedMusicList(sequentialMusic = lpSequentialMusic) #lpCompositeMusic = lyo.LyCompositeMusic(groupedMusicList = lpGroupedMusicList) #lpMusic = lyo.LyMusic(compositeMusic = lpCompositeMusic) lpPrefixCompositeMusic = lyo.LyPrefixCompositeMusic(type='times', fraction = fraction, music = lpSequentialMusic) currentContents = self.context.contents if currentContents is None: raise LilyTranslateException("Cannot find contents for self.context: %r " % self.context) currentContents.append(lpPrefixCompositeMusic) lpPrefixCompositeMusic.setParent(self.context) self.newContext(lpMusicList) return lpMusicList def setContextForTupletStop(self, inObj): ''' Reverse of setContextForTupletStart ''' if len(inObj.duration.tuplets) == 0: return elif inObj.duration.tuplets[0].type == 'stop': self.restoreContext() else: return None def appendContextFromVariant(self, variantObjectOrList, activeSite=None, coloredVariants=False): ''' Create a new context from the variant object or a list of variants and append. ''' musicList = [] if isinstance(variantObjectOrList, variant.Variant): variantObject = variantObjectOrList replacedElements = variantObject.replacedElements(activeSite) lpPrefixCompositeMusicVariant = self.lyPrefixCompositeMusicFromVariant( variantObject, replacedElements, coloredVariants=coloredVariants) lpSequentialMusicStandard = self.lySequentialMusicFromStream(replacedElements) musicList.append(lpPrefixCompositeMusicVariant) musicList.append(lpSequentialMusicStandard) elif isinstance(variantObjectOrList, list): longestReplacementLength = -1 variantDict = {} for variantObject in variantObjectOrList: if variantObject.groups: variantName = variantObject.groups[0] else: variantName = "variant" if variantName in variantDict: variantDict[variantName].append(variantObject) else: variantDict[variantName] = [variantObject] for key in variantDict: variantList = variantDict[key] if len(variantList) == 1: variantObject = variantList[0] replacedElements = variantObject.replacedElements(activeSite) lpPrefixCompositeMusicVariant = self.lyPrefixCompositeMusicFromVariant( variantObject, replacedElements, coloredVariants=coloredVariants) musicList.append(lpPrefixCompositeMusicVariant) else: lpPrefixCompositeMusicVariant, replacedElements = self.lyPrefixCompositeMusicFromRelatedVariants( variantList, activeSite=activeSite, coloredVariants=coloredVariants) musicList.append(lpPrefixCompositeMusicVariant) if longestReplacementLength < replacedElements.duration.quarterLength: longestReplacementLength = replacedElements.duration.quarterLength longestReplacedElements = replacedElements lpSequentialMusicStandard = self.lySequentialMusicFromStream(longestReplacedElements) musicList.append(lpSequentialMusicStandard) for el in longestReplacedElements: self.doNotOutput.append(el) lp2MusicList = lyo.LyMusicList() lp2MusicList.contents = musicList lp2SimultaneousMusic = lyo.LySimultaneousMusic() lp2SimultaneousMusic.musicList = lp2MusicList lp2GroupedMusicList = lyo.LyGroupedMusicList() lp2GroupedMusicList.simultaneousMusic = lp2SimultaneousMusic contextObject = self.context currentMusicList = contextObject.contents currentMusicList.append(lp2GroupedMusicList) lp2GroupedMusicList.setParent(self.context) def lyPrefixCompositeMusicFromRelatedVariants(self, variantList, activeSite=None, coloredVariants=False): r''' >>> s1 = converter.parse("tinynotation: 4/4 a4 a a a a1") >>> s2 = converter.parse("tinynotation: 4/4 b4 b b b") >>> s3 = converter.parse("tinynotation: 4/4 c4 c c c") >>> s4 = converter.parse("tinynotation: 4/4 d4 d d d") >>> s5 = converter.parse("tinynotation: 4/4 e4 e e e f f f f g g g g a a a a b b b b") >>> for s in [ s1, s2, s3, s4, s5]: ... s.makeMeasures(inPlace = True) >>> activeSite = stream.Part(s5) >>> v1 = variant.Variant() >>> for el in s1: ... v1.append(el) >>> v1.replacementDuration = 4.0 >>> v2 = variant.Variant() >>> sp2 = note.SpacerRest() >>> sp2.duration.quarterLength = 4.0 >>> v2.replacementDuration = 4.0 >>> v2.append(sp2) >>> for el in s2: ... v2.append(el) >>> v3 = variant.Variant() >>> sp3 = note.SpacerRest() >>> sp3.duration.quarterLength = 8.0 >>> v3.replacementDuration = 4.0 >>> v3.append(sp3) >>> for el in s3: ... v3.append(el) >>> v4 = variant.Variant() >>> sp4 = note.SpacerRest() >>> sp4.duration.quarterLength = 16.0 >>> v4.replacementDuration = 4.0 >>> v4.append(sp4) >>> for el in s4: ... v4.append(el) >>> variantList = [v4,v1,v3,v2] >>> for v in variantList : ... v.groups = ['london'] ... activeSite.insert(0.0, v) >>> lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> print(lpc.lyPrefixCompositeMusicFromRelatedVariants(variantList, activeSite = activeSite)[0]) \new Staff = london... { { \times 1/2 {\startStaff \clef "treble" a' 4 a' 4 a' 4 a' 4 \clef "treble" | %{ end measure 1 %} a' 1 | %{ end measure 2 %} \stopStaff} } <BLANKLINE> {\startStaff \clef "treble" b... 4 b... 4 b... 4 b... 4 | %{ end measure 1 %} \stopStaff} <BLANKLINE> {\startStaff \clef "treble" c' 4 c' 4 c' 4 c' 4 | %{ end measure 1 %} \stopStaff} <BLANKLINE> s 1 {\startStaff \clef "treble" d' 4 d' 4 d' 4 d' 4 | %{ end measure 1 %} \stopStaff} <BLANKLINE> } <BLANKLINE> ''' # Order List def findOffsetOfFirstNonSpacerElement(inputStream): for el in inputStream: if "SpacerRest" in el.classes: pass else: return inputStream.elementOffset(el) variantList.sort(key = lambda v: findOffsetOfFirstNonSpacerElement(v._stream)) # Stuff that can be done on the first element only (clef, new/old, id, color) replacedElements = variantList[0].replacedElements(activeSite) replacedElementsClef = replacedElements[0].getContextByClass('Clef') variantContainerStream = variantList[0].getContextByClass('Part') if variantContainerStream is None: variantContainerStream = variantList[0].getContextByClass('Stream') variantList[0].insert(0.0, replacedElementsClef) variantName = variantList[0].groups[0] if variantName in self.addedVariants: newVariant = False else: self.addedVariants.append(variantName) newVariant = True containerId = makeLettersOnlyId( variantId = lyo.LyOptionalId(makeLettersOnlyId(variantName)+containerId) if coloredVariants is True: color = self.variantColors[self.addedVariants.index(variantName) % 6] ####################### musicList = [] highestOffsetSoFar = 0.0 self.variantMode = True for v in variantList: # For each variant in the list, we make a lilypond representation of the # spacer between this variant and the previous if it is non-zero and append it # Then we strip off the spacer and make a lilypond representation of the variant # with the appropriate tupletting if any and append that. # At the end we make a new lilypond context for it and return it. firstOffset = findOffsetOfFirstNonSpacerElement(v._stream) if firstOffset < highestOffsetSoFar: raise LilyTranslateException("Should not have overlapping variants.") else: spacerDuration = firstOffset - highestOffsetSoFar highestOffsetSoFar = v.replacementDuration + firstOffset # make spacer with spacerDuration and append if spacerDuration > 0.0: spacer = note.SpacerRest() spacer.duration.quarterLength = spacerDuration lySpacer = self.lySimpleMusicFromNoteOrRest(spacer) musicList.append(lySpacer) if coloredVariants is True: for n in v._stream.flat.notesAndRests: n.editorial.color = color# make thing (with or without fraction) # Strip off spacer endOffset = v.containedHighestTime vStripped = variant.Variant(v._stream.getElementsByOffset(firstOffset, offsetEnd = endOffset)) vStripped.replacementDuration = v.replacementDuration replacedElementsLength = vStripped.replacementDuration variantLength = vStripped.containedHighestTime - firstOffset if variantLength != replacedElementsLength: numerator, denominator = common.decimalToTuplet(replacedElementsLength/variantLength) fraction = str(numerator) + '/' + str(denominator) lpOssiaMusicVariantPreFraction = self.lyOssiaMusicFromVariant(vStripped) lpVariantTuplet = lyo.LyPrefixCompositeMusic(type='times', fraction = fraction, music = lpOssiaMusicVariantPreFraction) lpOssiaMusicVariant = lyo.LySequentialMusic(musicList = lpVariantTuplet) else: lpOssiaMusicVariant = self.lyOssiaMusicFromVariant(vStripped) musicList.append(lpOssiaMusicVariant) longestVariant = v # The last variant in the iteration should have the highestOffsetSoFar, # so it has the appropriate replacementElements to return can compare with the rest in # appendContextFromVariant. replacedElements = longestVariant.replacedElements(activeSite, includeSpacers = True) lpMusicList = lyo.LyMusicList(musicList) lpInternalSequentialMusic = lyo.LySequentialMusic(musicList = lpMusicList ) if newVariant is True: lpPrefixCompositeMusicVariant = lyo.LyPrefixCompositeMusic(type = 'new', optionalId = variantId, simpleString = "Staff", music = lpInternalSequentialMusic) else: #newVariant is False lpPrefixCompositeMusicVariant = lyo.LyPrefixCompositeMusic(type = 'context', optionalId = variantId, simpleString = "Staff", music = lpInternalSequentialMusic) #optionalContextMod = r''' #\with { # \remove "Time_signature_engraver" # alignAboveContext = #"%s" # fontSize = ##-3 # \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -3) # \override StaffSymbol #'thickness = #(magstep -3) # \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f # \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f # \override Clef #'transparent = ##t # } # ''' % containerId #\override BarLine #'transparent = ##t is the best way of fixing #the barlines that I have come up with. # #lpPrefixCompositeMusicVariant.optionalContextMod = optionalContextMod self.variantMode = False return lpPrefixCompositeMusicVariant, replacedElements def lyPrefixCompositeMusicFromVariant(self, variantObject, replacedElements, coloredVariants = False): r''' >>> pstream = converter.parse("tinynotation: 4/4 a4 b c d e4 f g a") >>> pstream.makeMeasures(inPlace = True) >>> p = stream.Part(pstream) >>> = 'p1' >>> vstream = converter.parse("tinynotation: 4/4 a4. b8 c4 d") >>> vstream.makeMeasures(inPlace = True) >>> v = variant.Variant(vstream) >>> v.groups = ['london'] >>> p.insert(0.0, v) >>> lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> replacedElements = v.replacedElements() >>> lpPrefixCompositeMusicVariant = lpc.lyPrefixCompositeMusicFromVariant(v, replacedElements) >>> print(lpPrefixCompositeMusicVariant) # ellipses are for non-byte fixups \new Staff = londonpx { {\startStaff \clef "treble" a' 4. b... c' 4 d' 4 \clef "treble" | %{ end measure 1 %} \stopStaff} } >>>'text') {0.0} < 1 offset=0.0> {0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef> {0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 4/4> {0.0} <music21.note.Note A> {1.0} <music21.note.Note B> {2.0} <music21.note.Note C> {3.0} <music21.note.Note D> >>> print(lpc.addedVariants) ['london'] ''' replacedElementsClef = replacedElements[0].getContextByClass('Clef') variantContainerStream = variantObject.getContextByClass('Part') if variantContainerStream is None: variantContainerStream = variantObject.getContextByClass('Stream') if replacedElementsClef is not None: if not replacedElementsClef in variantObject.elements: variantObject.insert(0, replacedElementsClef) if variantObject.groups: variantName = variantObject.groups[0] else: variantName = 'variant' if variantName in self.addedVariants: newVariant = False else: self.addedVariants.append(variantName) newVariant = True containerId = makeLettersOnlyId( variantId = lyo.LyOptionalId(makeLettersOnlyId(variantName)+containerId) if coloredVariants is True: color = self.variantColors[self.addedVariants.index(variantName) % 6] for n in variantObject._stream.flat.notesAndRests: n.editorial.color = color musicList = [] varFilter = variantObject.getElementsByClass("SpacerRest") if varFilter: spacer = varFilter[0] spacerDur = spacer.duration.quarterLength if spacer.duration.quarterLength > 0.0: lySpacer = self.lySimpleMusicFromNoteOrRest(spacer) musicList.append(lySpacer) variantObject.remove(spacer) else: spacerDur = 0.0 lpOssiaMusicVariant = self.lyOssiaMusicFromVariant(variantObject) replacedElementsLength = variantObject.replacementDuration variantLength = variantObject.containedHighestTime - spacerDur self.variantMode = True if variantLength != replacedElementsLength: numerator, denominator = common.decimalToTuplet(replacedElementsLength/variantLength) fraction = str(numerator) + '/' + str(denominator) lpVariantTuplet = lyo.LyPrefixCompositeMusic(type='times', fraction = fraction, music = lpOssiaMusicVariant) lpInternalSequentialMusic = lyo.LySequentialMusic(musicList = lpVariantTuplet) musicList.append(lpInternalSequentialMusic) else: musicList.append(lpOssiaMusicVariant) lpMusicList = lyo.LyMusicList(musicList) lpOssiaMusicVariantWithSpacer = lyo.LySequentialMusic(musicList = lpMusicList ) if newVariant is True: lpPrefixCompositeMusicVariant = lyo.LyPrefixCompositeMusic(type = 'new', optionalId = variantId, simpleString = "Staff", music = lpOssiaMusicVariantWithSpacer) else: lpPrefixCompositeMusicVariant = lyo.LyPrefixCompositeMusic(type = 'context', optionalId = variantId, simpleString = "Staff", music = lpOssiaMusicVariantWithSpacer) # optionalContextMod = r''' #\with { # \remove "Time_signature_engraver" # alignAboveContext = #"%s" # fontSize = #-3 # \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -3) # \override StaffSymbol #'thickness = #(magstep -3) # \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f # \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f # \override Clef #'transparent = ##t # } # ''' % containerId #\override BarLine #'transparent = ##t is the best way of fixing the #barlines that I have come up with. # # lpPrefixCompositeMusicVariant.optionalContextMod = optionalContextMod self.variantMode = False return lpPrefixCompositeMusicVariant #musicList2 = [] #musicList2.append(lpPrefixCompositeMusicVariant) #musicList2.append(lpSequentialMusicStandard ) # #lp2MusicList = lyo.LyMusicList() #lp2MusicList.contents = musicList2 #lp2SimultaneousMusic = lyo.LySimultaneousMusic() #lp2SimultaneousMusic.musicList = lp2MusicList #lp2GroupedMusicList = lyo.LyGroupedMusicList() #lp2GroupedMusicList.simultaneousMusic = lp2SimultaneousMusic # #contextObject = self.context #currentMusicList = contextObject.contents #currentMusicList.append(lp2GroupedMusicList) #lp2GroupedMusicList.setParent(self.context) def lyOssiaMusicFromVariant(self, variantIn): r''' returns a LyOssiaMusic object from a stream >>> c = converter.parse('tinynotation: 3/4 C4 D E F2.') >>> v = variant.Variant(c) >>> lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> lySequentialMusicOut = lpc.lySequentialMusicFromStream(v) >>> lySequentialMusicOut <music21.lily.lilyObjects.LySequentialMusic object at 0x...> >>> print(lySequentialMusicOut) { \clef "bass" \time 3/4 c 4 d 4 e 4 \bar "|" %{ end measure 1 %} f 2. \bar "|." %{ end measure 2 %} } <BLANKLINE> ''' musicList = [] lpMusicList = lyo.LyMusicList(contents = musicList) lpOssiaMusic = lyo.LyOssiaMusic(musicList = lpMusicList) self.newContext(lpMusicList) self.variantMode = True self.appendObjectsToContextFromStream(variantIn._stream) lyObject = self.closeMeasure() if lyObject is not None: musicList.append(lyObject) self.restoreContext() self.variantMode = False return lpOssiaMusic def setHeaderFromMetadata(self, metadataObject = None, lpHeader = None): r''' Returns a lilypond.lilyObjects.LyLilypondHeader object set with data from the metadata object >>> md = metadata.Metadata() >>> md.title = 'My Title' >>> md.alternativeTitle = 'My "sub"-title' >>> lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> lpHeader = lpc.setHeaderFromMetadata(md) >>> print(lpHeader) \header { title = "My Title" subtitle = "My \"sub\"-title" } ''' if lpHeader is None: lpHeader = lyo.LyLilypondHeader() if lpHeader.lilypondHeaderBody is None: lpHeaderBody = lyo.LyLilypondHeaderBody() lpHeader.lilypondHeaderBody = lpHeaderBody else: lpHeaderBody = lpHeader.lilypondHeaderBody lpHeaderBodyAssignments = lpHeaderBody.assignments if metadataObject is not None: if metadataObject.title is not None: lyTitleAssignment = lyo.LyAssignment(assignmentId = "title", identifierInit = lyo.LyIdentifierInit( string=metadataObject.title)) lpHeaderBodyAssignments.append(lyTitleAssignment) lyTitleAssignment.setParent(lpHeaderBody) if metadataObject.alternativeTitle is not None: lySubtitleAssignment = lyo.LyAssignment(assignmentId = "subtitle", identifierInit = lyo.LyIdentifierInit( string=metadataObject.alternativeTitle)) lpHeaderBodyAssignments.append(lySubtitleAssignment) lyTitleAssignment.setParent(lpHeaderBody) lpHeaderBody.assignments = lpHeaderBodyAssignments return lpHeader def closeMeasure(self, barChecksOnly=False): r''' return a LyObject or None for the end of the previous Measure uses self.currentMeasure >>> lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> m = stream.Measure() >>> m.number = 2 >>> m.rightBarline = 'double' >>> lpc.currentMeasure = m >>> lyObj = lpc.closeMeasure() >>> lpc.currentMeasure is None True >>> print(lyObj) \bar "||" %{ end measure 2 %} ''' m = self.currentMeasure self.currentMeasure = None if m is None: return None #if m.rightBarline is None: # return None #elif == 'regular': # return None if self.variantMode is True: barChecksOnly = True lpBarline = lyo.LyEmbeddedScm() if barChecksOnly is True: barString = "|" elif m.rightBarline is None: barString = lpBarline.backslash + 'bar ' + lpBarline.quoteString("|") else: barString = lpBarline.backslash + 'bar ' + lpBarline.quoteString( self.barlineDict[]) if m.number is not None: barString += lpBarline.comment("end measure %d" % m.number) lpBarline.content = barString return lpBarline def getSchemeForPadding(self, measureObject): r''' lilypond partial durations are very strange and are really of type LyMultipliedDuration. You notate how many notes are left in the measure, for a quarter note, write "4" for an eighth, write "8", but for 3 eighths, write "8*3" ! so we will measure in 32nd notes always... won't work for tuplets of course. returns a scheme object or None if not needed >>> m = stream.Measure() >>> m.append(meter.TimeSignature('3/4')) >>> m.paddingLeft = 2.0 >>> lpc = lily.translate.LilypondConverter() >>> outScheme = lpc.getSchemeForPadding(m) >>> print(outScheme) \partial 32*8 ''' pL = measureObject.paddingLeft if pL == 0: return None tses = measureObject.getTimeSignatures() if len(tses) == 0: barLength = 4.0 else: ts = tses[0] barLength = ts.barDuration.quarterLength remainingQL = barLength - pL if remainingQL <= 0: raise LilyTranslateException('your first pickup measure is non-existent!') remaining32s = int(remainingQL * 8) lyObject = lyo.LyEmbeddedScm() schemeStr = lyObject.backslash + 'partial 32*' + str(remaining32s) + ' ' lyObject.content = schemeStr return lyObject #--------------display and converter routines ---------------------# def writeLyFile(self, ext='', fp=None): ''' writes the contents of the self.topLevelObject to a file. The extension should be ly. If fp is None then a named temporary file is created by environment.getTempFile. ''' tloOut = str(self.topLevelObject) if six.PY2: tloOut = tloOut.encode('utf-8') if fp is None: fp = environLocal.getTempFile(ext) self.tempName = fp with open(self.tempName, 'w') as f: f.write(tloOut) return self.tempName def runThroughLily(self, format=None, backend=None, fileName=None, skipWriting=False): #@ReservedAssignment ''' creates a .ly file from self.topLevelObject via .writeLyFile then runs the file through Lilypond. Returns the full path of the file produced by lilypond including the format extension. If skipWriting is True and a fileName is given then it will run that file through lilypond instead ''' LILYEXEC = self.findLilyExec() if fileName is None: fileName = self.writeLyFile(ext='ly') else: if skipWriting is False: fileName = self.writeLyFile(ext='ly', fp=fileName) lilyCommand = '"' + LILYEXEC + '" ' if format is not None: lilyCommand += "-f " + format + " " if backend is not None: lilyCommand += self.backendString + backend + " " lilyCommand += "-o " + fileName + " " + fileName try: os.system(lilyCommand) except: raise try: os.remove(fileName + ".eps") except OSError: pass fileform = fileName + '.' + format if not os.path.exists(fileform): # cannot find full path; try current directory fileend = os.path.basename(fileform) if not os.path.exists(fileend): raise LilyTranslateException("cannot find " + fileend + " or the full path " + fileform + " original file was " + fileName) else: fileform = fileend return fileform def createPDF(self, fileName=None): ''' create a PDF file from self.topLevelObject and return the filepath of the file. most users will just call stream.write('lily.pdf') on a stream. ''' self.headerScheme.content = "" # clear header lilyFile = self.runThroughLily(backend='ps', format = 'pdf', fileName = fileName) return lilyFile def showPDF(self): ''' create a SVG file from self.topLevelObject, show it with your pdf reader (often Adobe Acrobat/Adobe Reader or Apple Preview) and return the filepath of the file. most users will just call'lily.pdf') on a stream. ''' lF = self.createPDF() if not os.path.exists(lF): raise Exception('Something went wrong with PDF Creation') else: if == 'nt': command = 'start /wait %s && del /f %s' % (lF, lF) elif sys.platform == 'darwin': command = 'open %s' % lF else: command = '' os.system(command) def createPNG(self, fileName=None): ''' create a PNG file from self.topLevelObject and return the filepath of the file. most users will just call stream.write('lily.png') on a stream. if PIL is installed then a small white border is created around the score ''' lilyFile = self.runThroughLily(backend='eps', format='png', fileName=fileName) if noPIL is False: try: lilyImage = # @UndefinedVariable lilyImage2 = ImageOps.expand(lilyImage, 10, 'white') except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass # no big deal probably... return lilyFile # if == 'nt': # format = 'png' # # why are we changing format for darwin? -- did not work before # elif sys.platform == 'darwin': # format = 'jpeg' # else: # default for all other platforms # format = 'png' # # if lilyImage2.mode == "I;16": # # @PIL88 @PIL101 # # "I;16" isn't an 'official' mode, but we still want to # # provide a simple way to show 16-bit images. # base = "L" # else: # base = Image.getmodebase(lilyImage2.mode) # if base != lilyImage2.mode and lilyImage2.mode != "1": # file = lilyImage2.convert(base)._dump(format=format) # else: # file = lilyImage2._dump(format=format) # return file # except: # raise def showPNG(self): ''' Take the object, run it through LilyPond, and then show it as a PNG file. On Windows, the PNG file will not be deleted, so you will need to clean out TEMP every once in a while. Most users will just want to call'lily.png') instead. ''' try: lilyFile = self.createPNG() except LilyTranslateException as e: raise LilyTranslateException("Problems creating PNG file: (" + str(e) + ")") environLocal.launch('png', lilyFile) #self.showImageDirect(lilyFile) return lilyFile def createSVG(self, fileName=None): ''' create an SVG file from self.topLevelObject and return the filepath of the file. most users will just call stream.Stream.write('lily.svg') on a stream. ''' self.headerScheme.content = "" # clear header lilyFile = self.runThroughLily(format='svg', backend='svg', fileName=fileName) return lilyFile def showSVG(self, fileName=None): ''' create a SVG file from self.topLevelObject, show it with your svg reader (often Internet Explorer/ WebBrowser on PC) and return the filepath of the file. most users will just call'lily.png') on a stream. ''' lilyFile = self.createSVG(fileName) environLocal.launch('svg', lilyFile) return lilyFile class LilyTranslateException(exceptions21.Music21Exception): pass class Test(unittest.TestCase): pass def testExplicitConvertChorale(self): lpc = LilypondConverter() b = _getCachedCorpusFile('bach/bwv66.6') lpc.loadObjectFromScore(b, makeNotation = False) #print lpc.topLevelObject def testComplexDuration(self): from music21 import stream, meter s = stream.Stream() n1 = note.Note('C') # test no octave also! n1.duration.quarterLength = 2.5 # BUG 2.3333333333 doesn't work right self.assertEqual(n1.duration.type, 'complex') n2 = note.Note('D4') n2.duration.quarterLength = 1.5 s.append(meter.TimeSignature('4/4')) s.append(n1) s.append(n2)'text') lpc = LilypondConverter() lpc.loadObjectFromScore(s) #print lpc.topLevelObject #lpc.showPNG()'lily.png') class TestExternal(unittest.TestCase): def xtestConvertNote(self): n = note.Note("C5")'lily.png') def xtestConvertChorale(self): b = _getCachedCorpusFile('bach/bwv66.6') for n in b.flat: n.beams = None[0].show('lily.svg') def xtestSlowConvertOpus(self): fifeOpus = corpus.parse('miscFolk/')'lily.png') def xtestBreve(self): from music21 import stream, meter n = note.Note("C5") n.duration.quarterLength = 8.0 m = stream.Measure() m.append(meter.TimeSignature('8/4')) m.append(n) p = stream.Part() p.append(m) s = stream.Score() s.append(p)'lily.png') def testStaffLines(self): from music21 import stream s = stream.Score() p = stream.Part() p.append(note.Note("B4", type='whole')) p.staffLines = 1 s.insert(0, p) p2 = stream.Part() p2.append(note.Note("B4", type='whole')) p2.staffLines = 7 s.insert(0, p2)'lily.png') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": import music21 music21.mainTest(Test, TestExternal) #music21.mainTest(TestExternal, 'noDocTest') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # eof
# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. """Run the dhclient hook to record network info.""" import argparse import os from cloudinit import atomic_helper from cloudinit import log as logging from cloudinit import stages LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) NAME = "dhclient-hook" UP = "up" DOWN = "down" EVENTS = (UP, DOWN) def _get_hooks_dir(): i = stages.Init() return os.path.join(i.paths.get_runpath(), 'dhclient.hooks') def _filter_env_vals(info): """Given info (os.environ), return a dictionary with lower case keys for each entry starting with DHCP4_ or new_.""" new_info = {} for k, v in info.items(): if k.startswith("DHCP4_") or k.startswith("new_"): key = (k.replace('DHCP4_', '').replace('new_', '')).lower() new_info[key] = v return new_info def run_hook(interface, event, data_d=None, env=None): if event not in EVENTS: raise ValueError("Unexpected event '%s'. Expected one of: %s" % (event, EVENTS)) if data_d is None: data_d = _get_hooks_dir() if env is None: env = os.environ hook_file = os.path.join(data_d, interface + ".json") if event == UP: if not os.path.exists(data_d): os.makedirs(data_d) atomic_helper.write_json(hook_file, _filter_env_vals(env)) LOG.debug("Wrote dhclient options in %s", hook_file) elif event == DOWN: if os.path.exists(hook_file): os.remove(hook_file) LOG.debug("Removed dhclient options file %s", hook_file) def get_parser(parser=None): if parser is None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=NAME, description=__doc__) parser.add_argument( "event", help='event taken on the interface', choices=EVENTS) parser.add_argument( "interface", help='the network interface being acted upon') # cloud-init main uses 'action' parser.set_defaults(action=(NAME, handle_args)) return parser def handle_args(name, args, data_d=None): """Handle the Namespace args. Takes 'name' as passed by cloud-init main. not used here.""" return run_hook(interface=args.interface, event=args.event, data_d=data_d) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys parser = get_parser() args = parser.parse_args(args=sys.argv[1:]) return_value = handle_args( NAME, args, data_d=os.environ.get('_CI_DHCP_HOOK_DATA_D')) if return_value: sys.exit(return_value) # vi: ts=4 expandtab
import data as mldata import pdb class ClassificationBase(object): def __init__(self, start, length): self.start = start self.length = length self.profiles = {} self.attempt = {} self.userlvl = [] self.mindtPr = {} self.level = -1 def readProfiles(self): """ Get data for all users + the min in each level for all users """ users = mldata.getUsers() ud = {} udcount = {} for user in users: dtuser = mldata.UserData(user, self.level) udcount[user] = dtuser.getUserFeatureLevels() ud[user] = dtuser.ftlevels #data from all levels and features for one user minc = 1000000 self.userlvl = [] for user in users: if mldata.DEBUGL >= 2: print ("User %s, Level %d -> Length:%d"%(user,self.level,udcount[user])) cntuserlvl = udcount[user] if cntuserlvl <= 109: continue self.userlvl.append(user) if cntuserlvl < minc: minc = cntuserlvl if minc == 1000000: minc = 0 # Only get the last portion of the profile for user in self.userlvl: for ft in ud[user]: ud[user][ft] = ud[user][ft][-minc:] return ud, minc def readAttempt(self, level, user): users = mldata.getUsers(is_profile = False) if user not in users: return False, False dtuser = mldata.UserData(user, self.level, is_profile = False) udcount = dtuser.getUserFeatureLevels() return dtuser.ftlevels,udcount def readPAdata(self, level, user=''): self.level = level if not self.profiles: self.profiles,self.mindtPr = self.readProfiles() if user=='': return True self.attempt, tmp = self.readAttempt(level, user) if tmp < 30: print "0" print "0" print("Not enough data for login. At least 30 rounds of game is needed but %d is provided!"%tmp) exit(0) return tmp def classifyByFeature(self, feature): levelscores = self.classifyByLevelFeature(level, feature) def classifyUsers(self): allscores = {} for level in mldata.levelenum: allscores[level] = self.classifyByLevel(level) return allscores class ClassificationOneD(ClassificationBase): def __init__(self, start, length): super(ClassificationOneD, self).__init__(start, length) def classifyByLevelFeature(self, level, feature): if not self.readPAdata(level): return {} refscores = {} for ref in self.userlvl: refscores[ref] = self.classifyByLevelFeatureRef(level, feature) return refscores def classifyByLevel(self, level): featurecores = {} if not self.readPAdata(level): return {} for ft in mldata.enfeatures: featurecores[ft] = self.classifyByLevelFeature(level, ft) return featurecores class ClassificationMultiD(ClassificationBase): def __init__(self, start, length): super(ClassificationMultiD, self).__init__(start, length) def classifyByLevelFeature(self, level, user = ''): #if not self.readPAdata(level): # return {} refscores = {} if user != '': return self.classifyByLevelMultiRef(user) for ref in self.userlvl: refscores[ref] = self.classifyByLevelMultiRef(ref) return refscores def classifyByLevelUser(self, level, user): cnt = self.readPAdata(level, user) if mldata.DEBUGL >=2: print("User login data length: %d"%cnt) if cnt < 30: return {} self.level = level scores = self.classifyByLevelFeature(level, user) return scores def classifyByLevel(self, level): scores = {} self.level = level if not self.profiles: self.profiles,self.mindtPr = self.readProfiles() for user in self.userlvl: sc = self.classifyByLevelUser(level, user) if len(sc): scores[user] = sc return scores class ClassificationFusion(ClassificationMultiD): def __init__(self, start, length): super(ClassificationFusion, self).__init__(start, length) #weights = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] self.weights = [0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125] def classifyByLevelMultiRef(self, ref): scores = {} for ft in mldata.enfeatures: scores[ft] = self.classifyByLevelFeatureRef(self.level, ft) finalscores = {} for user in self.userlvl: finalscores[user] = 0 for ft in mldata.enfeatures: finalscores[user] += scores[ft][user] * self.weights[ft] return finalscores
__author__ = 'frank' from Certificate import Certificate from Domain import Domain from Partner import Partner from Requestor import process_request from WalletName import WalletName class Netki: """ General methods for interacting with Netki's Partner API. :param partner_id: Your Partner ID available in the API Keys section of your My Account page. :param api_key: API Key available in the API Key section of your My Account page. :param api_url: unless otherwise noted """ def __init__(self, api_key, partner_id, api_url=''): self.api_key = api_key self.api_url = api_url self.partner_id = partner_id self._auth_type = 'api_key' @classmethod def distributed_api_access(cls, key_signing_key, signed_user_key, user_key, api_url=''): """ Instantiate the Netki Client for distributed_api_access if your user's clients will communicate directly with Netki to manage Wallet Names instead of communicating with your servers. More information can be found here: :param key_signing_key: :param signed_user_key: :param user_key: :param api_url: unless otherwise noted :return: Netki client. """ client = cls(None, None, api_url) client.key_signing_key = key_signing_key client.signed_user_key = signed_user_key client.user_key = user_key client._auth_type = 'distributed' if not client.key_signing_key: raise ValueError('key_signing_key Required for Distributed API Access') if not client.signed_user_key: raise ValueError('signed_user_key Required for Distributed API Access') if not user_key: raise ValueError('user_key Required for Distributed API Access') return client @classmethod def certificate_api_access(cls, user_key, partner_id, api_url=''): """ Instantiate the Netki Client for certificate_api_access in order manage your user's Digital Identity Certificates :param user_key: :param partner_id: :param api_url: unless otherwise noted :return: Netki client. """ client = cls(None, None, api_url) client.user_key = user_key client.partner_id = partner_id client._auth_type = 'certificate' if not client.user_key: raise ValueError('user_key Required for Certificate API Access') if not client.partner_id: raise ValueError('partner_id Required for Certificate API Access') return client # Wallet Name Operations # def get_wallet_names(self, domain_name=None, external_id=None): """ Wallet Name Operation Retrieve Wallet Names from the Netki API. Four options are available for retrieval: * Retrieve all Wallet Names associated with your partner_id by not specifying a domain_name or external_id. * Retrieve all Wallet Names associated with a particular partner domain_name by specifying a domain_name. * Retrieve all Wallet Names associated with a particular external_id by specifying an external_id. * Retrieve all Wallet Names associated with a domain_name and external_id by specifying both domain_name and external_id. :param domain_name: Domain name to which the requested Wallet Names belong. ```` :param external_id: Your unique customer identifier specified when creating a Wallet Name. :return: List of WalletName objects. """ args = [] if domain_name: args.append('domain_name=%s' % domain_name) if external_id: args.append('external_id=%s' % external_id) uri = '/v1/partner/walletname' if args: uri = uri + '?' + '&'.join(args) response = process_request(self, uri, 'GET') if not response.wallet_name_count: return [] # Assemble and return a list of Wallet Name objects from the response data all_wallet_names = [] for wn in response.wallet_names: wallet_name = WalletName( domain_name=wn.domain_name,, external_id=wn.external_id, ) for wallet in wn.wallets: wallet_name.set_currency_address(wallet.currency, wallet.wallet_address) wallet_name.set_netki_client(self) all_wallet_names.append(wallet_name) return all_wallet_names def create_wallet_name(self, domain_name, name, external_id, currency, wallet_address): """ Wallet Name Operation Create a new WalletName object with the required data. Execute save() to commit your changes to the API. :param domain_name: Domain name to which the requested Wallet Name's belong. ```` :param name: Customers Wallet Name appended to domain_name. ``joe`` :param external_id: Your unique customer identifier for this user's Wallet Name. :param currency: Digital currency abbreviation noted in Netki API documentation :param wallet_address: Digital currency address :return: WalletName object """ wallet_name = WalletName( domain_name=domain_name, name=name, external_id=external_id ) wallet_name.set_currency_address(currency, wallet_address) wallet_name.set_netki_client(self) return wallet_name # Partner Operations # def get_partners(self): """ Sub-partner Operation Get all partners (partner and sub-partners) associated with your account. :return: List containing Partner objects """ response = process_request(self, '/v1/admin/partner', 'GET') partner_objects = list() for p in partner = Partner(, partner_objects.append(partner) partner.set_netki_client(self) return partner_objects def create_partner(self, partner_name): """ Sub-partner Operation Create a sub-partner. :param partner_name: Partner Name :return: Partner object """ response = process_request(self, '/v1/admin/partner/' + partner_name, 'POST') partner = Partner(, partner.set_netki_client(self) return partner # Domain Operations # def get_domains(self, domain_name=None): """ Domain Operation Retrieve all domains associated with your partner_id or a specific domain_name if supplied :return: List of Domain objects. """ response = process_request(self, '/api/domain/%s' % domain_name if domain_name else '/api/domain', 'GET') if not response.get('domains'): return [] domain_list = list() for d in domain = Domain(d.domain_name) domain.set_netki_client(self) domain_list.append(domain) return domain_list def create_partner_domain(self, domain_name, sub_partner_id=None): """ Domain Operation Create a partner domain used to offer Wallet Names. :param domain_name: ```` :param (Optional) sub_partner_id: When provided, create a domain_name under the sub_partner_id that you are managing. :return: Domain object with status and information required to complete domain setup. """ post_data = {'partner_id': sub_partner_id} if sub_partner_id else '' response = process_request(self, '/v1/partner/domain/' + domain_name, 'POST', post_data) domain = Domain(response.domain_name) domain.status = response.status domain.nameservers = response.nameservers domain.set_netki_client(self) return domain # Certificate Operations # def create_certificate(self, customer_data, product_id): """ Certificate Operation Create a partner domain used to offer Wallet Names. :param customer_data: Customer personal idenity information to be validated and used in the final certificate. :param product_id: Specific product_id (Certificate type). Product IDs can be retrieved from get_available_products() below. :return: Certificate Object """ certificate = Certificate(customer_data, product_id) certificate.set_netki_client(self) return certificate def get_certificate(self, id): """ Certificate Operation Retrieve an existing certificate by certificate ID from the API. :param id: Unique certificate ID issued after successful creation of a certificate object and save() to the API. :return: Certificate Object """ if not id: raise ValueError('Certificate ID Required') certificate = Certificate() = id certificate.set_netki_client(self) certificate.get_status() return certificate def get_available_products(self): """ Certificate Operation Get all available certificate products associated with your account including tier and pricing information. :return: Dictionary containing product details. """ return process_request(self, '/v1/certificate/products', 'GET').get('products') def get_ca_bundle(self): """ Certificate Operation Download the root bundle used to validate the certificate chain for Netki issued certificates. :return: Dictionary containing certificate bundle. """ return process_request(self, '/v1/certificate/cacert', 'GET').get('cacerts') def get_account_balance(self): """ Certificate Operation Get available balance for certificate purchases when using Deposit/Retainer billing. :return: Dictionary containing available balance. """ return process_request(self, '/v1/certificate/balance', 'GET').get('available_balance')
from fabric.api import sudo class PackageBase(object): def update(self): raise Exception('Not Implemented') def upgrade(): raise Exception('Not Implemented') def install(): raise Exception('Not Implemented') class PackageOpenBSD(PackageBase): pass class PackageYum(PackageBase): pass class PackageApt(PackageBase): def add_repo(self, repo): self.install('python-software-properties', quiet=True) sudo('add-apt-repository "%s"' % repo) self.update() def update(self): sudo('apt-get update') def upgrade(self, update=False, quiet=False): if update: self.update() cmd = "%s apt-get %s upgrade" % ( "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive" if quiet else "", "--yes" if quiet else "" ) sudo(cmd) def install(self, packages, quiet=False): if isinstance(packages, (list, tuple)): packages = " ".join(packages) cmd = "%s apt-get %s install %s %s" % ( "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive" if quiet else "", "--yes" if quiet else "", "--force-yes" if quiet else "", packages ) sudo(cmd)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created by Zoltan Bozoky on 2013.03.13. Under GPL licence. Module handling a Sparky NMR file without nmrglue or additional nmr proccessing or handling softwares Purpose: ======== * One program that reads, visualizes multidimensional NMR data, finds peaks, fit peak shapes, calculate volumes and intensities """ import struct import random import math from pylab import plt # Color handling module import zcolor # Fitting module import GeneralFit as GF ################################################################################ # TODO Make the plot axes ratio to the right N-H-C ratios ################################################################################ def ppm2fid(ppm, spectral_data): """ Convert ppm information into fid number """ Frequency, MiddlePPM, SpectralWidth, NumberOfPoints = spectral_data return int((NumberOfPoints/2 - ((ppm-MiddlePPM) * Frequency * NumberOfPoints) / SpectralWidth) % NumberOfPoints) ########################### def fid2ppm(fid, spectral_data): """ Convert fid number into ppm information """ Frequency, MiddlePPM, SpectralWidth, NumberOfPoints = spectral_data return MiddlePPM + (NumberOfPoints*SpectralWidth - 2*fid*SpectralWidth) / (2.0*Frequency*NumberOfPoints) ########################### def distance(pos1, pos2): """ Calculate Euclidean distance between two points """ distance_value = 0.0 for (p1, p2) in (pos1, pos2): distance_value += (p1 - p2)**2 return math.sqrt(distance_value) ########################### def ceil(number): """ Return the closest higher integer to the number """ if number - int(number) != 0: number = int(number) + 1 return int(number) ########################### def Gauss(Peak_coordinate, Coordinate, Szoras): """ gaussian peak """ return (1/(Szoras*math.sqrt(2.0*math.pi)))*math.exp(-1*(Peak_coordinate-Coordinate)**2/(2.0*Szoras**2)) def Lorentz(Peak_coordinate, Coordinate, Szoras): """ lorentzian peak """ return 1/(math.pi*Szoras*(1+((Peak_coordinate-Coordinate)/float(Szoras))**2)) ########################### def parabolic(x, p): """ Fit a parabolic to the tip of the peaks """ c, b, a = p y = a*(x-b)**2 + c return y ########################### def linewidth_fit(x, p): """ Linewidth fit error function """ lw, [height, peak_pos] = p value = height * math.exp(-1 * (peak_pos - x)**2 / (2.0 * lw**2)) print 'param',lw, height, peak_pos, value return value def linewidth_fit2(x, p): """ Linewidth fit error function 2 """ height, lw, peak_pos = p value = height * math.exp(-1 * (peak_pos - x)**2 / (2.0 * lw**2)) #- 38237.4296875 return value ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ############################ ## Sparky file header class ############################ class SparkyFileHeader(object): """ Everything about the sparky file header - the first 180 bytes in the sparky file """ def __init__(self, headerinfo): """ """ self._extract_file_header_information(headerinfo) self._header_info = {} # return None ########## def _extract_file_header_information(self, header): """ """ infos = struct.unpack('>10s 4c 9s 26s 80s 3x l 40s 4x', header) self._header_info['Sparky ID' ] = str(infos[0]).strip('\x00') self._header_info['Number of Axis' ] = ord(infos[1]) # self._header_info['Number of Components'] = ord(infos[2]) # = 1 for real data self._header_info['Encoding' ] = ord(infos[3]) self._header_info['Version' ] = ord(infos[4]) # = 2 for current format self._header_info['Owner' ] = str(infos[5]).strip('\x00') self._header_info['Date' ] = str(infos[6]).strip('\x00') self._header_info['Comment' ] = str(infos[7]).strip('\x00') self._header_info['Seek Position' ] = str(infos[8]).strip('\x00') self._header_info['Scratch' ] = str(infos[9]).strip('\x00') return None ########## def _get_number_of_axis(self): return self._header_info['Number of Axis'] ########## number_of_axis = property(_get_number_of_axis) ########## ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ############################ ## Sparky axis class ############################ class SparkyFileAxis(object): """ Everything what axis must know - 128 bytes for each axis """ def __init__(self, axisinfo): """ """ self._extract_axis_information(axisinfo) return None ########## def _extract_axis_information(self, axisdata): """ """ infos = struct.unpack('>6s h 3I 6f 84s', axisdata) self._axis_info = {} self._axis_info['Nucleus' ] = str(infos[0]).strip('\x00') # nucleus name (1H, 13C, 15N, 31P, ... self._axis_info['Spectral Shift' ] = infos[1] # to left or right shift self._axis_info['Number of Points' ] = infos[2] # # of active data points - integer number of data points along this axis self._axis_info['Size' ] = infos[3] # total size of axis self._axis_info['BlockSize' ] = infos[4] # # of points per cache block - integer tile size along this axis self._axis_info['Spectrometer frequency'] = infos[5] # MHz - float spectrometer frequency for this nucleus (MHz) self._axis_info['Spectral width' ] = infos[6] # Hz - float spectral width self._axis_info['xmtr frequency' ] = infos[7] # transmitter offset (ppm) - float center of data (ppm) self._axis_info['Zero order' ] = infos[8] # phase corrections self._axis_info['First order' ] = infos[9] # phase corrections self._axis_info['First pt scale' ] = infos[10] # scaling for first point self._axis_info['Extended' ] = str(infos[11]).strip('\x00') # # self._axis_info['Scale'] = [] for fid in range(0, int(self._axis_info['Number of Points']) + 1, 1): self._axis_info['Scale'].append(fid2ppm(fid, self.frq_carrier_sw_np)) return None ########## def _get_parameter(self, parameter_name): return self._axis_info[parameter_name] ########## def _get_blocksize(self): return self._get_parameter('BlockSize') def _get_nucleus(self): return self.nucleus_info[-1] def _get_nucleus_info(self): return self._get_parameter('Nucleus') def _get_numberofpoints(self): return self._get_parameter('Number of Points') def _get_scale(self): return self._get_parameter('Scale') def _get_size(self): return self._get_parameter('Size') def _get_spectrometer_frequency(self): return self._get_parameter('Spectrometer frequency') def _get_spectral_width(self): return self._get_parameter('Spectral width') def _get_xmtr_frequency(self): return self._get_parameter('xmtr frequency') def _get_infos(self): return (self.spectrometer_frequency, self.xmtr_frequency, self.spectral_width, self.number_of_points) def ppm2index(self, ppm): index = 0 while (index < self.number_of_points) and (self.scale[index] > ppm): index += 1 return index def index2ppm(self, index): return fid2ppm(index, self.frq_carrier_sw_np) ########## blocksize = property(_get_blocksize) nucleus = property(_get_nucleus) nucleus_info = property(_get_nucleus_info) number_of_points = property(_get_numberofpoints) scale = property(_get_scale) size = property(_get_size) spectral_width = property(_get_spectral_width) spectrometer_frequency = property(_get_spectrometer_frequency) xmtr_frequency = property(_get_xmtr_frequency) frq_carrier_sw_np = property(_get_infos) ########## ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ############################ ## Sparky spectral object ############################ class SparkySpectrum(object): """ """ def __init__(self, spectralinfo, blocksize_size_for_each_axis, log = True): """ Parameters: =========== * spectralinfo = sparky file content with the spectral information * blocksize_size_for_each_axis = blocksize,size pairs for the axis * log = print out file processing information on the fly """ self._log = log self._number_of_dimensions = len(blocksize_size_for_each_axis) self._d1 = None self._d2 = None self._d3 = None self._Spectrum = [] self._noise_level = None # if self._log: print 'File read has started:', eval('self._extract_' + str(self.number_of_dimensions) + 'D_data(spectralinfo, blocksize_size_for_each_axis)') if self._log: print '100% file read is done.' return None ########## def _extract_1D_data(self, Filecontent, Blocksize): """ """ self._Spectrum = list(struct.unpack ('>'+'f'*(len(Filecontent)/4), Filecontent)) return None ########## def _extract_2D_data(self, Filecontent, Blocksize): """ """ # First dimensional data FirstDimensionBlockSize = Blocksize[0]['BlockSize'] FirstDimensionSpectralSize = Blocksize[0]['Size'] # Second dimensional data SecondDimensionBlockSize = Blocksize[1]['BlockSize'] SecondDimensionSpectralSize = Blocksize[1]['Size'] # Blocksize = FirstDimensionBlockSize * SecondDimensionBlockSize # The number of blocks needed for a spectral size is # not necessary an integer number NumberOfBlocksInSecondDimension = ( ceil(SecondDimensionSpectralSize / float(SecondDimensionBlockSize))) #--------------------------------- # Rearrange the data from a list to an array for i_FirstDimension in range(FirstDimensionSpectralSize): # Print out info to follow the processing if self._log and i_FirstDimension % 50 == 0: print '{0:3.2f}%'.format(100.0 * i_FirstDimension / FirstDimensionSpectralSize), #--------------------------------- BlockNumber = (i_FirstDimension / FirstDimensionBlockSize * NumberOfBlocksInSecondDimension) PositionWithinBlock = (i_FirstDimension % FirstDimensionBlockSize * SecondDimensionBlockSize) # Concatenate the block portions in a list SpectralInfo1D = [] #--------------------------------- # Go through all second dimension protion to get a line for i_SecondDimension in range(NumberOfBlocksInSecondDimension): # If this is the last Block in line then the dimension is # not necessary the blocksize if i_SecondDimension < NumberOfBlocksInSecondDimension: SecondDimension = SecondDimensionBlockSize else: SecondDimension = (SecondDimensionSpectralSize % SecondDimensionBlockSize) #--------------------------------- # The actual position within the block; 1 float number = 4 bytes pos = (4 * (Blocksize * (BlockNumber + i_SecondDimension) + PositionWithinBlock)) #--------------------------------- # Unpack the data. Note that the coding is big endian ">" SpectralInfo1D += list(struct.unpack('>'+'f'*SecondDimension, Filecontent[pos : pos + 4 * SecondDimension])) #--------------------------------- # Add a line into the spectrum self._Spectrum.append(SpectralInfo1D) return None ########## def _extract_3D_data(self, Filecontent, Blocksize): """ """ # Third dimensional data ThirdDimensionBlockSize = Blocksize[0]['BlockSize'] ThirdDimensionSpectralSize = Blocksize[0]['Size'] # Second dimensional data SecondDimensionBlockSize = Blocksize[1]['BlockSize'] SecondDimensionSpectralSize = Blocksize[1]['Size'] # First dimensional data FirstDimensionBlockSize = Blocksize[2]['BlockSize'] FirstDimensionSpectralSize = Blocksize[2]['Size'] # Blocksize = (FirstDimensionBlockSize * SecondDimensionBlockSize * ThirdDimensionBlockSize) #--------------------------------- # The number of blocks needed for a spectral size is not necessary # an integer number NumberOfBlocksInFirstDimension = ceil(FirstDimensionSpectralSize / float(FirstDimensionBlockSize )) NumberOfBlocksInSecondDimension = ceil(SecondDimensionSpectralSize / float(SecondDimensionBlockSize)) #--------------------------------- # Rearrange the data from a list to an 3D array for i_ThirdDimension in range(ThirdDimensionSpectralSize): # Print out log information if self._log and i_ThirdDimension % 10 == 0: print '{0:3.2f}%'.format(100.0 * i_ThirdDimension / ThirdDimensionSpectralSize), #--------------------------------- BlockNumberDim3 = ((i_ThirdDimension / ThirdDimensionBlockSize) * NumberOfBlocksInSecondDimension * NumberOfBlocksInFirstDimension) PositionWithinBlockDim3 = ((i_ThirdDimension % ThirdDimensionBlockSize) * SecondDimensionBlockSize * FirstDimensionBlockSize) #--------------------------------- # Collect data of 2D in a variable SpectralInfo2D = [] # Go through each block in 2D #for i_SecondDimension in range(SecondDimensionBlockSize * NumberOfBlocksInSecondDimension): for i_SecondDimension in range(SecondDimensionSpectralSize): # BlockNumberDim2 = (BlockNumberDim3 + (i_SecondDimension / SecondDimensionBlockSize) * NumberOfBlocksInFirstDimension) PositionWithinBlockDim2 = (PositionWithinBlockDim3 + (i_SecondDimension % SecondDimensionBlockSize) * FirstDimensionBlockSize) #--------------------------------- # Collect data of 1D in a variable SpectralInfo1D = [] # Go through each block in 1D for i_FirstDimension in range(NumberOfBlocksInFirstDimension): # The last block size might be smaller than a blocksize if i_FirstDimension < NumberOfBlocksInFirstDimension-1: FirstDimension = FirstDimensionBlockSize else: FirstDimension = FirstDimensionSpectralSize % FirstDimensionBlockSize #--------------------------------- # Position within block; 1 float number = 4 bytes pos = 4 * (Blocksize * (BlockNumberDim2 + i_FirstDimension) + PositionWithinBlockDim2) #--------------------------------- # Unpack the data. NOTE: big endian data storage ">" SpectralInfo1D += list(struct.unpack('>'+'f'*FirstDimension,Filecontent[pos: pos + 4*FirstDimension])) #--------------------------------- # Put each 1D slice into the 2D SpectralInfo2D.append(SpectralInfo1D) #--------------------------------- # Store a 2D slice into the final array self._Spectrum.append(SpectralInfo2D) return None ########## def intensity(self, position): """ Return an intensity value corresponds to the position """ data_intensity = 0.0 if self.number_of_dimensions == 1: data_intensity = (self._Spectrum[position[0] % self.dim1]) if self.number_of_dimensions == 2: data_intensity = (self._Spectrum[position[1] % self.dim1] [position[0] % self.dim2]) if self.number_of_dimensions == 3: data_intensity = (self._Spectrum[position[2] % self.dim1] [position[1] % self.dim2] [position[0] % self.dim3]) return data_intensity ########## def calculate_noise_level(self, number_of_points = 10000): """ """ noise = 0.0 # calculate the average level on a small subset of data average = 0.0 pre_set_size = 100 for i in range(pre_set_size): if self.number_of_dimensions == 1: average += self.intensity([random.randint(0, self.dim1 - 1)]) if self.number_of_dimensions == 2: average += self.intensity([random.randint(0, self.dim1 - 1), random.randint(0, self.dim2 - 1)]) if self.number_of_dimensions == 3: average += self.intensity([random.randint(0, self.dim1 - 1), random.randint(0, self.dim2 - 1), random.randint(0, self.dim3 - 1)]) average /= float(pre_set_size) # Calculate the actual noise level numberofdata = 0 sumofdata = 0.0 highestvalue = 0.0 i = 0 while (i <= number_of_points*2) and (numberofdata <= number_of_points): if self.number_of_dimensions == 1: value = abs(self.intensity([random.randint(0, self.dim1 - 1)])) if self.number_of_dimensions == 2: value = abs(self.intensity([random.randint(0, self.dim1 - 1), random.randint(0, self.dim2 - 1)])) if self.number_of_dimensions == 3: value = abs(self.intensity([random.randint(0, self.dim1 - 1), random.randint(0, self.dim2 - 1), random.randint(0, self.dim3 - 1)])) # Only count a value if that is not far from the average # (= not a peak) if value < average * 5: numberofdata += 1 sumofdata += value average = sumofdata / float(numberofdata) if value > highestvalue: highestvalue = value i += 1 # Cut back from the highest to have a bit of noise noise = highestvalue / 1.2 # Return the value as well return noise ########## def slice_1d(self, minmax, orderXY): """ Return a 1D sub spectrum """ highestvalue = 0.0 lowestvalue = 0.0 spectrum = [] #--------------------------------- # 1D if self.number_of_dimensions == 1: for x in range(min(minmax['X']), max(minmax['X']), 1): value = self.intensity([x]) spectrum.append(value) if highestvalue < value: highestvalue = value if lowestvalue > value: lowestvalue = value #--------------------------------- # 2D if self.number_of_dimensions == 2: y = min(minmax['Y']) for x in range(min(minmax['X']), max(minmax['X']), 1): if orderXY[0] == '0': value = self.intensity([y, x]) else: value = self.intensity([x, y]) spectrum.append(value) if highestvalue < value: highestvalue = value if lowestvalue > value: lowestvalue = value #--------------------------------- # 3D if self.number_of_dimensions == 3: y = min(minmax['Y']) z = min(minmax['Z']) for x in range(min(minmax['X']), max(minmax['X']), 1): if orderXY[0:2] == '02': value = self.intensity([y, z, x]) elif orderXY[0:2] == '01': value = self.intensity([z, y, x]) elif orderXY[0:2] == '20': value = self.intensity([x, z, y]) elif orderXY[0:2] == '21': value = self.intensity([x, y, z]) elif orderXY[0:2] == '10': value = self.intensity([z, x, y]) elif orderXY[0:2] == '12': value = self.intensity([y, x, z]) else: value = 0.0 spectrum.append(value) if highestvalue < value: highestvalue = value if lowestvalue > value: lowestvalue = value return highestvalue, lowestvalue, spectrum ########## def slice_2d(self, minmax, orderXY): """ Return a 2D sub spectrum """ highestvalue = 0.0 lowestvalue = 0.0 spectrum = [] #--------------------------------- # 2D if self.number_of_dimensions == 2: for y in range(min(minmax['Y']), max(minmax['Y']), 1): fid = [] for x in range(min(minmax['X']), max(minmax['X']), 1): if orderXY[0] == '0': value = self.intensity([y, x]) else: value = self.intensity([x, y]) fid.append(value) if highestvalue < value: highestvalue = value if lowestvalue > value: lowestvalue = value spectrum.append(fid) # 3D if self.number_of_dimensions == 3: z = min(minmax['Z']) for y in range(min(minmax['Y']), max(minmax['Y']), 1): fid = [] for x in range(min(minmax['X']), max(minmax['X']), 1): if orderXY[0:2] == '02': value = self.intensity([y, z, x]) elif orderXY[0:2] == '01': value = self.intensity([z, y, x]) elif orderXY[0:2] == '20': value = self.intensity([x, z, y]) elif orderXY[0:2] == '21': value = self.intensity([x, y, z]) elif orderXY[0:2] == '10': value = self.intensity([z, x, y]) elif orderXY[0:2] == '12': value = self.intensity([y, x, z]) else: value = 0.0 fid.append(value) if highestvalue < value: highestvalue = value if lowestvalue > value: lowestvalue = value spectrum.append(fid) return highestvalue, lowestvalue, spectrum ########## def slice_3d(self, minmax, orderXY): """ Return a 3D sub spectrum """ highestvalue = 0.0 lowestvalue = 0.0 spectrum = [] #--------------------------------- # 3D if self.number_of_dimensions == 3: for z in range(min(minmax['Z']), max(minmax['Z']), 1): fid2d = [] for y in range(min(minmax['Y']), max(minmax['Y']), 1): fid = [] for x in range(min(minmax['X']), max(minmax['X']), 1): if orderXY[0:2] == '02': value = self.intensity([y, z, x]) elif orderXY[0:2] == '01': value = self.intensity([z, y, x]) elif orderXY[0:2] == '20': value = self.intensity([x, z, y]) elif orderXY[0:2] == '21': value = self.intensity([x, y, z]) elif orderXY[0:2] == '10': value = self.intensity([z, x, y]) elif orderXY[0:2] == '12': value = self.intensity([y, x, z]) else: value = 0.0 fid.append(value) if highestvalue < value: highestvalue = value if lowestvalue > value: lowestvalue = value fid2d.append(fid) spectrum.append(fid2d) return highestvalue, lowestvalue, spectrum ########## def _get_dimension1(self): if not self._d1 and self.number_of_dimensions >= 1: self._d1 = len(self._Spectrum) return self._d1 def _get_dimension2(self): if not self._d2 and self.number_of_dimensions >= 2: self._d2 = len(self._Spectrum[0]) return self._d2 def _get_dimension3(self): if not self._d3 and self.number_of_dimensions >= 3: self._d3 = len(self._Spectrum[0][0]) return self._d3 def _get_dimensions(self): return self._number_of_dimensions def _get_noiselevel(self): if not self._noise_level: self._noise_level = self.calculate_noise_level() return self._noise_level ########## dim1 = property(_get_dimension1) dim2 = property(_get_dimension2) dim3 = property(_get_dimension3) number_of_dimensions = property(_get_dimensions) noise_level = property(_get_noiselevel) ########## ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ class ChemicalShift(object): """ Storing one chemical shift """ def __init__(self): self._value = None self._original_value = None return None ########## def shift(self, value): self.chemical_shift = self.chemical_shift + value return None ########## def _get_cs(self): if not self._value: value = 0.0 else: value = self._value return value def _set_cs(self, newvalue): self._value = newvalue if not self._original_value: self._original_value = newvalue return None def _get_original_cs(self): if not self._original_value: value = 0.0 else: value = self._original_value return value ########## chemical_shift = property(_get_cs, _set_cs) original_chemical_shift = property(_get_original_cs) ########## class Peak(object): """ Storing all chemical shift for a peak: Parameters: =========== * adjusted * info * name * nucleus * chemical_shift * original_chemical_shift * add_chemical_shift * shift """ def __init__(self): self.CSs = {} self._adjusted = False self._intensity = None return None def add_chemical_shift(self, nucleus, chemical_shift): if not nucleus in self.CSs: self.CSs[nucleus] = ChemicalShift() self.CSs[nucleus].chemical_shift = float(chemical_shift) return None def chemical_shift(self, nucleus): if nucleus in self.CSs: value = self.CSs[nucleus].chemical_shift else: value = 0.0 return value def original_chemical_shift(self, nucleus): if nucleus in self.CSs: value = self.CSs[nucleus].original_chemical_shift else: value = 0.0 return value def shift(self, nucleus, value): if nucleus in self.CSs: self.CSs[nucleus].shift(value) return None def set_peak_info(self, line, peaknameinfo): colomns = line.split() self._info = colomns[0] spins ='-') self._peakname = eval('spins[0]' + peaknameinfo) for i,spin in enumerate(spins): self.add_chemical_shift(spin[-1], colomns[i+1]) return None ########## def _get_adjusted(self): return self._adjusted def _set_adjusted( self, value): self._adjusted = value return None def _get_info(self): return self._info def _set_info(self, value): self._info = value return None def _get_intensity(self): if not self._intensity: value = 0.0 else: value = self._intensity return value def _set_intensity(self, value): self._intensity = value return None def _get_name(self): return self._peakname def _set_name(self, value): self._peakname = value return None def _get_nucleuses(self): return self.CSs.keys() ########## adjusted = property(_get_adjusted, _set_adjusted) info = property(_get_info, _set_info) intensity = property(_get_intensity, _set_intensity) name = property(_get_name, _set_name) nucleus = property(_get_nucleuses) ########## class Peaklist(object): """ Everything about peaklists """ def __init__(self): self._peaks = {} self._number_of_peaks = -1 return None # public procedures def read_peaklist(self, filename, info): """ """ self.filename = filename try: peaklist_file = open(filename, 'r') except IOError: print 'Error opening ' + filename + '!!! Please check it!' exit() lines = peaklist_file.readlines() peaklist_file.close() num = 0 for line in lines: if (not 'Assignment' in line) and (len(line) > 5): line.strip() self._peaks[num] = Peak() self._peaks[num].set_peak_info(line, info) num += 1 self._number_of_peaks = num - 1 return None def print_peaklist(self, filename = None): """ """ if filename: fil = open(filename,'w') for i in range(self.number_of_peaks): nucleus = self._peaks[i].nucleus nucleus.reverse() line = self._peaks[i].name for j, nuc in enumerate(nucleus): if j == 0: line = ''.join([line, '_', nuc]) else: line = ''.join([line, '-', nuc]) for nuc in nucleus: line = ' '.join([line, str(self._peaks[i].chemical_shift(nuc))]) if filename: line = ''.join([line, '\n']) fil.write(line) else: print line if filename: fil.close() return None def add_peak(self, peak_info): """ Needs a hash line {'N':129.3,'H':8.5,'C':178.2} """ number = self.number_of_peaks self._peaks[number] = Peak() for info in peak_info: self._peaks[number].add_chemical_shift(info, peak_info[info]) self._peaks[number].info = str(number + 1) self._peaks[number].name = str(number + 1) self._number_of_peaks += 1 return None def adjust(self, num): self._peaks[num].adjusted = True return None def adjusted(self, num): return self._peaks[num].adjusted def add_cs(self, num, nucleus, value): self._peaks[num].add_chemical_shift(nucleus, value) return None def cs(self, num, nucleus): return self._peaks[num].chemical_shift(nucleus) def add_intensity(self, num, value): self._peaks[num].intensity = value return None def intensity(self, num): return self._peaks[num].intensity def original_cs(self, num, nucleus): return self._peaks[num].original_chemical_shift(nucleus) def name(self, num): return self._peaks[num].name def nucleus(self, num): return self._peaks[num].nucleus def info(self, num): return self._peaks[num].info def shift(self, num, nucleus, value): self._peaks[num].shift(nucleus, value) return None # private procedures ########## def _get_number_of_peaks(self): return self._number_of_peaks + 1 ########## number_of_peaks = property(_get_number_of_peaks) ########## ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ class Sparky_plot(object): """ Make a plot of 1d or 2d spectrum """ _plot_already = None def __init__(self): self._noiselevel = 0.0 self._number_of_contours = 25 self._factor = 1.1 self._colors = [] self._first_plot_on_figure = False self._plot_negatives = True # self.mycolor = zcolor.MyColor() self.colors = [self.mycolor.series(i, self.number_of_contours, 0, 330, 100.0) for i in range(self.number_of_contours)] # if not self._plot_already: self._plot_already = 1 self.newfigure() return None ########## def newfigure(self): plt.figure() self._plot_already = 1 self._first_plot_on_figure = True return None ########## def plot_1d(self, x_axis_scale, spectral_data, axes_label, color = None): """ Plot a 1D slice """ if self._first_plot_on_figure: # plot zero plt.plot([x_axis_scale[0],x_axis_scale[-1]],[0.0,0.0],'k-') # plot noise level plt.plot([x_axis_scale[0],x_axis_scale[-1]],[self.noise_level,self.noise_level],'k--') #---------------- # color selection if not color: try: plotcolor = self.colors[0] except IndexError: plotcolor = 'k' else: plotcolor = color # plot the data plt.plot(x_axis_scale, spectral_data, color = plotcolor) # set the x axis limit plt.xlim(x_axis_scale[0],x_axis_scale[-1]) # if self._first_plot_on_figure: plt.xlabel(axes_label[0] + ' (ppm)', size = 15) plt.ylabel('Intensity', size = 15) return None ########## def plot_2d(self, x_axis_scale, y_axis_scale, spectral_data, axes_label, color = None): """ Plot a 2D spectrum """ # Colors if not color: if len(self.colors) < self.number_of_contours: plotcolors = [] for i in range(self.number_of_contours): plotcolors.append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) else: plotcolors = self.colors else: plotcolors = color # Contour levels contourlevels = [self.noise_level * self.factor**i for i in range(self.number_of_contours)] # plot positive contours plt.contour(x_axis_scale, y_axis_scale, spectral_data, contourlevels, colors = plotcolors) if self.plot_negatives: # plot negatives if needed! plt.contour(x_axis_scale, y_axis_scale, spectral_data, [-1*i for i in contourlevels], colors = [[0.0,0.0,0.0] for i in range(self.number_of_contours)]) if self._first_plot_on_figure: # Invert the axis direction plt.gca().invert_xaxis() plt.gca().invert_yaxis() # Put label on axes plt.xlabel(axes_label[0] + ' (ppm)', size = 15) plt.ylabel(axes_label[1] + ' (ppm)', size = 15) return None ########## def show(self, filename = None): """ Show or save the figure depending on whether filename is provided """ if not filename: else: plt.savefig(filename) return None ########## def plot_peaklist_2d(self, peaklist, orderXY): """ """ print 'Peaks on the plot:' print ' # name cs1 cs2 intensity adjusted' print '--------------------------------------------------------' for number, peak in enumerate(peaklist): # info = peak loc_x = peaklist[peak][orderXY[0]] loc_y = peaklist[peak][orderXY[1]] adj = peaklist[peak]['Adjusted'] intensity = peaklist[peak]['Intensity'] # print '{0:3d}. {1:>5s} {2:7.3f} {3:7.3f} {4:14.3f} '.format(number + 1, peak, loc_y, loc_x, intensity), if adj: print 'true' labelcolor = 'black' else: print 'false' labelcolor = 'red' # dx = 0.0 dy = 0.2 plt.gca().annotate(info, xy = (loc_x, loc_y), color = labelcolor, xytext = (loc_x - dx,loc_y - dy), arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle = "-|>", connectionstyle = "arc3", facecolor = labelcolor)) print '--------------------------------------------------------' return None ########## def set_factor(self, highestvalue): # self.factor = math.exp(math.log(highestvalue /float(self.noise_level)) * 1.0/(float(self.number_of_contours))) return self.factor ########## def _set_colors(self, levels): self._colors = levels return None def _get_colors(self): return self._colors def _set_factor(self, level): self._factor = level return None def _get_factor(self): return self._factor def _set_noiselevel(self, level): self._noiselevel = level return None def _get_noiselevel(self): return self._noiselevel def _set_number_of_contours(self, level): self._number_of_contours = level return None def _get_number_of_contours(self): return self._number_of_contours def _set_plot_negatives(self, level): self._plot_negatives = level return None def _get_plot_negatives(self): return self._plot_negatives ########## colors = property(_get_colors, _set_colors) factor = property(_get_factor, _set_factor) noise_level = property(_get_noiselevel, _set_noiselevel) number_of_contours = property(_get_number_of_contours, _set_number_of_contours) plot_negatives = property(_get_plot_negatives, _set_plot_negatives) ########## ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ class ZB_spectrum(object): """ """ def __init__(self, filename): """ """ self._peaklist = Peaklist() # try: filehandler = open(filename, 'rb') except IOError: print ('ERROR!!!\nPlease check the ' + filename + ' location, ' 'because an error happened during the file open...\n') exit() #--------------------------------- # Read the file header information self.header = SparkyFileHeader( #--------------------------------- # Read the axes information self.axis = {} self.axis_order = '' blocksize_info = [] for i in range(self.header.number_of_axis): axis = SparkyFileAxis( self.axis_order += axis.nucleus self.axis[self.axis_order[-1]] = axis blocksize_info.append({'BlockSize':axis.blocksize, 'Size':axis.size}) #--------------------------------- # Read the spectral information self.spectrum = SparkySpectrum(, blocksize_info) #--------------------------------- filehandler.close() # return None ########## def _get_limits(self, limit, nucleus): if limit[nucleus] == []: index_min = 0 index_max = self.axis[nucleus].number_of_points - 1 else: index_min = self.axis[nucleus].ppm2index(max(limit[nucleus])) index_max = self.axis[nucleus].ppm2index(min(limit[nucleus])) return index_min, index_max + 1 ########## def plot1d(self, limits, orderXY): """ Parameters: =========== * limits: a hash with the limits in ppm * orderxY: example: plot1d({'H':[5.5,9.2],'N':[105,122]}) """ if not orderXY: orderXY = 'HN' # Dealing with the limits xy_limits = {} xy_limits['X'] = self._get_limits(limits, orderXY[0]) if self.header.number_of_axis > 1: xy_limits['Y'] = self._get_limits(limits, orderXY[1]) if self.header.number_of_axis > 2: xy_limits['Z'] = self._get_limits(limits, orderXY[2]) # Dealing with the order axes_order = '' for i in range(len(orderXY)): axes_order += str(self.axis_order.index(orderXY[i])) # highest, lowest, spectral_data = self.spectrum.slice_1d(xy_limits, axes_order) scale = self.axis[orderXY[0]].scale[xy_limits['X'][0] : xy_limits['X'][1]] self.figure = Sparky_plot() self.figure.noise_level = self.spectrum.noise_level self.figure.plot_1d(scale, spectral_data, self.axis[orderXY[0]].nucleus_info, 'b') print '#############################################' print '### P L O T # P A R A M E T E R S ###' print '#############################################' print 'Noise level =', self.figure.noise_level print 'Highest value =', highest print 'Lowest value =', lowest print '#############################################' return None ########## def plot(self, limits, orderXY = None): """ Parameters: =========== * limits: a hash with the limits in ppm * orderxY: example: plot1d({'H':[5.5,9.2],'N':[105,122]}) """ if not orderXY: orderXY = 'HN' # Dealing with the limits xy_limits = {} xy_limits['X'] = self._get_limits(limits, orderXY[0]) xy_limits['Y'] = self._get_limits(limits, orderXY[1]) if self.header.number_of_axis > 2: xy_limits['Z'] = self._get_limits(limits, orderXY[2]) # Dealing with the order axes_order = '' for i in range(len(orderXY)): axes_order += str(self.axis_order.index(orderXY[i])) # Axis labels labels = [] for o in orderXY: labels.append(self.axis[o].nucleus_info) #---------------- highest, lowest, spectral_data = self.spectrum.slice_2d(xy_limits, axes_order) x_scale = self.axis[orderXY[0]].scale[xy_limits['X'][0] : xy_limits['X'][1]] y_scale = self.axis[orderXY[1]].scale[xy_limits['Y'][0] : xy_limits['Y'][1]] self.figure = Sparky_plot() self.figure.noise_level = self.spectrum.noise_level self.figure.set_factor(highest) print '#############################################' print '### P L O T # P A R A M E T E R S ###' print '#############################################' print 'Noise level =', self.figure.noise_level print 'Factor =', self.figure.factor print 'Highest value =', highest print 'Lowest value =', lowest print '#############################################' self.figure.plot_2d(x_scale, y_scale, spectral_data, labels) # prepare peaklist peaklist = {} for i in range(self._peaklist.number_of_peaks): within = True for o in orderXY: cs = self._peaklist.cs(i, o) if limits[o] != []: if (cs < min(limits[o])) or (max(limits[o]) < cs): within = False if within: peaklist[] = {} peaklist[][orderXY[0]] = self._peaklist.cs(i, orderXY[0]) peaklist[][orderXY[1]] = self._peaklist.cs(i, orderXY[1]) peaklist[]['Adjusted'] = self._peaklist.adjusted(i) peaklist[]['Intensity'] = self.spectrum.intensity([ self.axis[orderXY[0]].ppm2index(self._peaklist.cs(i, orderXY[0])), self.axis[orderXY[1]].ppm2index(self._peaklist.cs(i, orderXY[1]))]) # plot peaklist self.figure.plot_peaklist_2d(peaklist, orderXY) return None ########################### def show(self, filename = ''): """ """ return None ########################### def _extremes_finder(self, position, dimension, axis_order, find_max = True): """ find positive and negative extremes on the spectrum Parameters: =========== * position = spectrum starting position for the peak finding, order must be same as in the spectrum * dimension = find local maximum or minimum in 2D or 3D * find_max = maximum or minimum finding Return: ======= * local extreme """ checklist = [[-1, 0, 0],[+1, 0, 0], # x [ 0,-1, 0],[ 0,+1, 0], # y [-1,-1, 0],[+1,-1, 0], # xy [-1,+1, 0],[+1,+1, 0], # xy [ 0, 0,-1],[ 0, 0,+1], # z [-1, 0,-1],[+1, 0,-1], # xz [-1, 0,+1],[+1, 0,+1], # xz [ 0,-1,-1],[ 0,-1,-1], # yz [ 0,+1,+1],[ 0,+1,+1]] # yz # spectral_width = [] for o in axis_order: spectral_width.append(eval('self.spectrum.dim' + str(int(o)+1))) #spectral_width = [self.spectrum.dim2, self.spectrum.dim1, self.spectrum.dim3] # If the dimension 2D, we find check the value in x,y otherwise in x,y,z if dimension == 2: checklist_size = 4 else: checklist_size = len(checklist) # minimum or maximum finder finder_type = [['min','<'],['max','>']][find_max] # It goes till it finds a local maximum not_on_an_extreme_value = True while not_on_an_extreme_value: # check all values according to the checklist checked_values = [] for check in checklist[0 : checklist_size]: checked_values.append(self.spectrum.intensity([pos + ch for (pos, ch) in zip(position[0 : dimension], check[0 : dimension])])) # if the position data is the most extreme, than we are done most_extreme_in_array = eval(eval('finder_type[0]') + '(checked_values)') if eval('self.spectrum.intensity(position)' + eval('finder_type[1]') + 'most_extreme_in_array'): not_on_an_extreme_value = False else: # modifiy the position to the highest checked_values_max_index = checked_values.index(most_extreme_in_array) for i in range(dimension): position[i] += checklist[checked_values_max_index][i] position[i] %= spectral_width[i] return position ########################### def _find_peak_1d(self, data, noiselevel): hits = [] direction = True for i in range(len(data)-1): if data[i] > data[i+1] and data[i] > noiselevel and direction: hits.append(i) direction = False if data[i] < data[i+1]: direction = True if len(hits) > 0 and False: plt.figure() plt.plot(range(len(data)),data) plt.plot(hits,[50000 for j in range(len(hits))], 'k', marker= 'o', linestyle = '') return hits ########################### def _find_peak_2d(self, data2d, noiselevel, order): hits = {} for i, data1d in enumerate(data2d): hit1d = self._find_peak_1d(data1d, noiselevel) for hit in hit1d: hits[' '.join(str(d) for d in self._extremes_finder([hit, i], 2, order))] = 0 peaks = [] for hit in hits: peaks.append(hit.split()) return peaks ########################### def peak_finder_2d(self, orderXY = 'HN', times_noiselevel = 1.5): # Dealing with the order axes_order = '' for i in range(len(orderXY)): axes_order += str(self.axis_order.index(orderXY[i])) # xy = {} xy['X'] = [0, self.axis[orderXY[0]].number_of_points - 1] xy['Y'] = [0, self.axis[orderXY[1]].number_of_points - 1] # print 'Finding peaks...', peaklist = {} for i,peak in enumerate(self._find_peak_2d(self.spectrum.slice_2d(xy, axes_order)[-1],self.spectrum.noise_level*times_noiselevel, axes_order)): peak_info = {} for j, o in enumerate(orderXY): peak_info[o] = self.axis[o].index2ppm(float(peak[j])) self._peaklist.add_peak(peak_info) self._peaklist.adjust(self._peaklist.number_of_peaks - 1) print str(i + 1) + ' peaks found!' return peaklist ########################### def _one_peak(self, peaknumber, orderXY): if (0 <= peaknumber) and (peaknumber < self._peaklist.number_of_peaks): window = {'H':0.08,'N':0.5,'C':0.5} limit = {} for o in orderXY: limit[o] = [self._peaklist.cs(peaknumber, o) - window[o],self._peaklist.cs(peaknumber, o) + window[o]] self.plot(limit, orderXY) lim1d = {} o = orderXY[0] lim1d[o] = [self._peaklist.cs(peaknumber, o) - window[o], self._peaklist.cs(peaknumber, o) + window[o]] o = orderXY[1] lim1d[o] = [self._peaklist.cs(peaknumber, o)] self.plot1d(lim1d,orderXY) lim1dd = {} o = orderXY[1] lim1dd[o] = [self._peaklist.cs(peaknumber, o) - window[o], self._peaklist.cs(peaknumber, o) + window[o]] o = orderXY[0] lim1dd[o] = [self._peaklist.cs(peaknumber, o)] self.plot1d(lim1dd,orderXY[1]+orderXY[0]) return None ########################### def _get_spectrum_around_peak(self, axis_order, position): """ It returns 1d slices of the spectrum for peak fitting Parameters: =========== * axis_order = nucleus order in XYZ format * position = info as in spectrum Returns: ======== * One dimensional slices: all, left, right, top """ topwindow = 2 permutation = {1 : {0: {'left':[ -1], 'right':[ +1]}}, 2 : {0: {'left':[ 0, -1], 'right':[ 0, +1]}, 1: {'left':[ -1, 0], 'right':[ +1, 0]}}, 3 : {0: {'left':[ 0, 0, -1], 'right':[ 0, 0, +1]}, 1: {'left':[ 0, -1, 0], 'right':[ 0, +1, 0]}, 2: {'left':[-1, 0, 0], 'right':[+1, 0, 0]}}} slices = {} for dimension in axis_order: slices[dimension] = {} # Get the left and the right side of the peak separately for direction in ['left','right']: # Start from the original postion pos = [] for p in position: pos.append(p) # Collect the data tomb = [] while self.spectrum.intensity(pos) >= self.spectrum.noise_level: tomb.append(self.spectrum.intensity(pos)) for j in range(len(pos)): pos[j] += permutation[len(position)][axis_order.index(dimension)][direction][j] # Store the data slices[dimension][direction] = tomb # extract the whole peak and just the top part slices[dimension]['all'] = [] slices[dimension]['top'] = [] for i in range(len(slices[dimension]['left'])): slices[dimension]['all'].append(slices[dimension]['left'][len(slices[dimension]['left']) - i - 1]) if i <= topwindow: slices[dimension]['top'].append(slices[dimension]['left'][topwindow - i]) for i in range(1,len(slices[dimension]['right'])): slices[dimension]['all'].append(slices[dimension]['right'][i]) if i <= topwindow: slices[dimension]['top'].append(slices[dimension]['right'][i]) return slices ########################### def _fit_one_slice_around_peak(self, spectrum, pos): """ Fit a 1d array with a gaussian or lorentian curve """ fit = GF.Fit_general(range(len(spectrum)), spectrum, [max(spectrum), len(spectrum)*0.7], linewidth_fit2, z = [pos for i in range(len(spectrum))], Log = False, NoErrors = 'NoErrors') print fit.Value, fit.Chi2/len(spectrum) # a,b = fit.GenerateCurve(0,len(spectrum)) # plt.figure() # plt.plot(range(len(spectrum)), spectrum,'k',linestyle='',marker='o') # plt.plot(a,b) # return fit.Value ########################### def peakfit(self, peaknumber): """ """ peakposition = [] cs = [] axisorder = '' for i in range(len(self.axis_order), 0, -1): ax = self.axis_order[i - 1] axisorder += ax cs.append(self._peaklist.cs(peaknumber, ax)) peakposition.append(self.axis[ax].ppm2index(self._peaklist.cs(peaknumber, ax))) # slices = self._get_spectrum_around_peak(axisorder, peakposition) # fitting the tip of the peak intensity = [] new_index = [] linewidth = {} for i,ax in enumerate(axisorder): print ax linewidth[ax] = [] spectrum = slices[ax]['top'] fit = GF.Fit_general(range(len(spectrum)), spectrum, [max(spectrum), len(spectrum)//2, -1E+5], parabolic, Log = False, NoErrors = 'NoErrors') intensity.append(fit.Value[0]) new_index.append(fit.Value[1] - len(spectrum)//2) # a,b = fit.GenerateCurve(0,len(spectrum)-1) # plt.figure() # plt.plot(range(len(spectrum)), spectrum,'k',linestyle='',marker='o') # plt.plot(a,b) # # fit the sides of the peak for side in ['left','right','all']: spectrum = slices[ax][side] lw = self._fit_one_slice_around_peak(spectrum, spectrum.index(max(spectrum)) + new_index[-1]) linewidth[ax].append(lw[1]) print 'intensity:',sum(intensity) / len(intensity), intensity for i,ax in enumerate(axisorder): print 'position:',ax, self.axis[ax].index2ppm(peakposition[i] + new_index[i]) print 'lw:',min(linewidth[ax]),self.axis[ax].index2ppm(min(linewidth[ax]))*self.axis[ax].spectrometer_frequency print axisorder print cs print peakposition print new_index exit() window = 3 max_window_peak = 8 order = {1:['0'], 2:['10','01'],3:['210','102','021']} axis = ['X','Y','Z'] nucleuses = self._peaklist.nucleus(peaknumber) # index = {} for nuc in nucleuses: index[nuc] = self.axis[nuc].ppm2index(self._peaklist.cs(peaknumber, nuc)) for orderXY in order[len(nucleuses)]: xy = {} xypeak_left = {} xypeak_right = {} for i, o in enumerate(orderXY): nuc = nucleuses[int(o)] ax = axis[i] xy[ax] = [index[nuc]] xypeak_left[ax] = [index[nuc]] xypeak_right[ax] = [index[nuc]] xy['X'] = [xy['X'][0] - window, xy['X'][0] + window + 1] xypeak_left['X'] = [xypeak_left['X'][0] - max_window_peak, xypeak_left['X'][0]] xypeak_right['X'] = [xypeak_right['X'][0], xypeak_right['X'][0] + max_window_peak + 1] rev_order = '' for o in orderXY: rev_order = ''.join([o, rev_order]) # Fitting the tip of the peak with a parabolic spectrum = self.spectrum.slice_1d(xy, rev_order)[2] spectrum_peak_left = self.spectrum.slice_1d(xypeak_left, rev_order)[2] spectrum_peak_right = self.spectrum.slice_1d(xypeak_right, rev_order)[2] fit = GF.Fit_general(range(len(spectrum)), spectrum, [max(spectrum), window, -1E+5], parabolic, Log = False, NoErrors = 'NoErrors') xaxisnuc = nucleuses[int(orderXY[0])] index_diff = fit.Value[1] - window new_index = index[xaxisnuc] + index_diff ppm = self.axis[xaxisnuc].index2ppm(new_index) intensity = fit.Value[0] self._peaklist.add_cs(peaknumber, xaxisnuc, ppm) if xaxisnuc == 'H': self._peaklist.add_intensity(peaknumber, intensity) # Fitting the peak with a gaussian ## fit_left = GF.Fit_general(range(len(spectrum_peak_left)), ## spectrum_peak_left, ## [intensity, 2], ## linewidth_fit2, ## z = [max_window_peak + index_diff for i in range(len(spectrum_peak_left))], ## #z = [(max_window_peak + index_diff, min(spectrum_peak_left)) for i in range(len(spectrum_peak_left))], ## Log = False, ## NoErrors = 'NoErrors') ### fit_left = GF.Fit_general(range(len(spectrum_peak_left)), spectrum_peak_left, [window_peak], linewidth_fit, z = [[intensity, window_peak + index_diff] for i in range(len(spectrum_peak_left))], Log = True, NoErrors = 'NoErrors') ### fit_right = GF.Fit_general(range(len(spectrum_peak_right)), spectrum_peak_right, [window_peak], linewidth_fit, z = [[intensity, index_diff] for i in range(len(spectrum_peak_right))], Log = False, NoErrors = 'NoErrors') ## ## print fit_left.Value # print fit_right.Value ## a,b = fit_left.GenerateCurve(0,7) xy = {} for i, o in enumerate(orderXY): nuc = nucleuses[int(o)] ax = axis[i] xy[ax] = [index[nuc]] left = [] y = xy['Y'][0] x = xy['X'][0] dd = self._get_spectrum_around_peak([y,x], 2) # print dd exit() while self.spectrum.intensity([y,x]) >= self.spectrum.noise_level: left.append(self.spectrum.intensity([y,x])) x = x - 1 left.append(self.spectrum.intensity([y,x])) left.reverse() print len(left) + index_diff left_fit = GF.Fit_general(range(len(left)), left, [max(left), 1.0], linewidth_fit2, z = [len(left) - 1 + index_diff for i in range(len(left))], Log = True, NoErrors = 'NoErrors') e,f = left_fit.GenerateCurve(0,7) plt.figure() ## plt.plot(range(len(spectrum_peak_left)), spectrum_peak_left,'k',marker = 'o',linestyle= '') ## plt.plot(a,b) plt.plot(range(len(left)), left,'r',marker = 'o',linestyle= '') plt.plot(e,f,'r--') exit() return None ########################### def read_peaklist(self, peaklist_filename, info = '[:-2]'): self._peaklist.read_peaklist(peaklist_filename, info) return None ########################### def print_peaklist(self): self._peaklist.print_peaklist() return None ########################### def save_peaklist(self, peaklist_filename): self._peaklist.print_peaklist(peaklist_filename) return None ########################### def _get_noiselevel(self): return self.spectrum.noise_level ########################### noise_level = property(_get_noiselevel) ########################### ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ class SparkyFile(object): """ """ ########################### Plotting_parameters = [] ########################### def __init__(self, filename, log = True): """ Parameters: * filename = A sparky file with path information * log = True to print out information during processing """ # Information on dimensionarity of the measured data self._FileHeader_ = {} # Information on measured axes self.myaxis = {} # self._AxisOrder_ = [] # Spectrum data self._Spectrum_ = [] # Peaklist information self._Peaklist_ = {} # Store the peaklist keys in order of the read in self._Peaklistkeysorder_ = [] # self._Peaklistchemicalshiftorder_ = [] # self._PeaklistDoNotCare_ = [] # self.Noiselevel = None #--------------------------------- self.log = log # Open the sparky file try: filehandler = open(filename, 'rb') except IOError: print ('ERROR!!!\nPlease check the ' + filename + ' location, ' 'because an error happened during the file open...\n') exit() #--------------------------------- # Read the file header information data = head = SparkyFileHeader(data) print head.number_of_axis self.GetFileHeaderInformation(data) #--------------------------------- # Read all axis information for AxisNumber in range(self._FileHeader_['Number of Axis']): datax = self.GetAxisInformation(datax, AxisNumber) self._AxisOrder_.append(self.myaxis[AxisNumber]['Nucleus'][-1]) # exit() #--------------------------------- # Only 2D and 3D are ok if not self.NumberOfAxis in [2, 3]: print ('Sorry! The dimension of your spectrum (' + str(self.NumberOfAxis) + 'D) is not handled by this program...\n') exit() #--------------------------------- # Calculate the block size information Blocksize = 1 for AxisNumber in range(self.NumberOfAxis): Blocksize *= self.myaxis[AxisNumber]['BlockSize'] #--------------------------------- # Read the data from the file Filecontent = #--------------------------------- # Close the file filehandler.close() #--------------------------------- # Get the actual specral information if self.log: print 'File read has started', self._Spectrum_ = [] # It can read 2D and 3D datafile if self.NumberOfAxis in [2,3]: eval('self._extract_'+str(self.NumberOfAxis)+'D_data(Filecontent, Blocksize)') #--------------------------------- # Calculate a noise level for the spectrum self.CalculateNoiseLevel() #--------------------------------- if self.log: print '100% file read is done.' return None ########################### def GetFileHeaderInformation(self, data): infos = struct.unpack('>10s 4c 9s 26s 80s 3x l 40s 4x',data) self._FileHeader_['Sparky ID' ] = str(infos[0]).strip('\x00') self._FileHeader_['Number of Axis' ] = ord(infos[1]) # self._FileHeader_['Number of Components'] = ord(infos[2]) # = 1 for real data self._FileHeader_['Encoding' ] = ord(infos[3]) self._FileHeader_['Version' ] = ord(infos[4]) # = 2 for current format self._FileHeader_['Owner' ] = str(infos[5]).strip('\x00') self._FileHeader_['Date' ] = str(infos[6]).strip('\x00') self._FileHeader_['Comment' ] = str(infos[7]).strip('\x00') self._FileHeader_['Seek Position' ] = str(infos[8]).strip('\x00') self._FileHeader_['Scratch' ] = str(infos[9]).strip('\x00') return None ########################### def GetAxisInformation(self, data, Number): infos = struct.unpack('>6s h 3I 6f 84s',data) self.myaxis[Number] = {} self.myaxis[Number]['Nucleus' ] = str(infos[0]).strip('\x00') # nucleus name (1H, 13C, 15N, 31P, ... self.myaxis[Number]['Spectral Shift' ] = infos[1] # to left or right shift self.myaxis[Number]['Number of Points' ] = infos[2] # # of active data points - integer number of data points along this axis self.myaxis[Number]['Size' ] = infos[3] # total size of axis self.myaxis[Number]['BlockSize' ] = infos[4] # # of points per cache block - integer tile size along this axis self.myaxis[Number]['Spectrometer frequency'] = infos[5] # MHz - float spectrometer frequency for this nucleus (MHz) self.myaxis[Number]['Spectral width' ] = infos[6] # Hz - float spectral width self.myaxis[Number]['xmtr frequency' ] = infos[7] # transmitter offset (ppm) - float center of data (ppm) self.myaxis[Number]['Zero order' ] = infos[8] # phase corrections self.myaxis[Number]['First order' ] = infos[9] # phase corrections self.myaxis[Number]['First pt scale' ] = infos[10] # scaling for first point self.myaxis[Number]['Extended' ] = str(infos[11]).strip('\x00') # self.myaxis[Number]['Scale'] = [] for i in range(0, int(self.myaxis[Number]['Number of Points']) + 1, 1): self.myaxis[Number]['Scale'].append(self._fid2ppm(i, infos[5], infos[7], infos[6], infos[2])) return None ########################### def _extract_2D_data(self, Filecontent, Blocksize): """ """ # First dimensional data FirstDimensionBlockSize = self.myaxis[0]['BlockSize'] FirstDimensionSpectralSize = self.myaxis[0]['Size'] # Second dimensional data SecondDimensionBlockSize = self.myaxis[1]['BlockSize'] SecondDimensionSpectralSize = self.myaxis[1]['Size'] # The number of blocks needed for a spectral size is # not necessary an integer number NumberOfBlocksInSecondDimension = ( self._ceil(SecondDimensionSpectralSize / float(SecondDimensionBlockSize))) print FirstDimensionBlockSize, SecondDimensionBlockSize, Blocksize exit() #--------------------------------- # Rearrange the data from a list to an array for i_FirstDimension in range(FirstDimensionSpectralSize): # Print out info to follow the processing if self.log and i_FirstDimension % 50 == 0: print '{0:3.2f}%'.format(100.0 * i_FirstDimension / FirstDimensionSpectralSize), #--------------------------------- BlockNumber = (i_FirstDimension / FirstDimensionBlockSize * NumberOfBlocksInSecondDimension) PositionWithinBlock = (i_FirstDimension % FirstDimensionBlockSize * SecondDimensionBlockSize) # Concatenate the block portions in a list SpectralInfo1D = [] #--------------------------------- # Go through all second dimension protion to get a line for i_SecondDimension in range(NumberOfBlocksInSecondDimension): # If this is the last Block in line then the dimension is # not necessary the blocksize if i_SecondDimension < NumberOfBlocksInSecondDimension: SecondDimension = SecondDimensionBlockSize else: SecondDimension = (SecondDimensionSpectralSize % SecondDimensionBlockSize) #--------------------------------- # The actual position within the block; 1 float number = 4 bytes pos = (4 * (Blocksize * (BlockNumber + i_SecondDimension) + PositionWithinBlock)) #--------------------------------- # Unpack the data. Note that the coding is big endian ">" SpectralInfo1D += list(struct.unpack('>'+'f'*SecondDimension, Filecontent[pos : pos + 4 * SecondDimension])) #--------------------------------- # Add a line into the spectrum self._Spectrum_.append(SpectralInfo1D) self.myaxis[0]['Actual size'] = len(self._Spectrum_) self.myaxis[1]['Actual size'] = len(self._Spectrum_[0]) return None ########################### def _extract_3D_data(self, Filecontent, Blocksize): """ """ # Third dimensional data ThirdDimensionBlockSize = self.myaxis[0]['BlockSize'] ThirdDimensionSpectralSize = self.myaxis[0]['Size'] # Second dimensional data SecondDimensionBlockSize = self.myaxis[1]['BlockSize'] SecondDimensionSpectralSize = self.myaxis[1]['Size'] # First dimensional data FirstDimensionBlockSize = self.myaxis[2]['BlockSize'] FirstDimensionSpectralSize = self.myaxis[2]['Size'] #--------------------------------- # The number of blocks needed for a spectral size is not necessary an integer number NumberOfBlocksInFirstDimension = self._ceil(FirstDimensionSpectralSize /float(FirstDimensionBlockSize )) NumberOfBlocksInSecondDimension = self._ceil(SecondDimensionSpectralSize/float(SecondDimensionBlockSize)) #--------------------------------- # Rearrange the data from a list to an 3D array for i_ThirdDimension in range(ThirdDimensionSpectralSize): # Print out log information if i_ThirdDimension % 10 == 0: print '{0:3.2f}%'.format(100.0*i_ThirdDimension/ThirdDimensionSpectralSize), #--------------------------------- BlockNumberDim3 = (i_ThirdDimension / ThirdDimensionBlockSize) * NumberOfBlocksInSecondDimension * NumberOfBlocksInFirstDimension PositionWithinBlockDim3 = (i_ThirdDimension % ThirdDimensionBlockSize) * SecondDimensionBlockSize * FirstDimensionBlockSize #--------------------------------- # Collect data of 2D in a variable SpectralInfo2D = [] # Go through each block in 2D #for i_SecondDimension in range(SecondDimensionBlockSize * NumberOfBlocksInSecondDimension): for i_SecondDimension in range(SecondDimensionSpectralSize): # BlockNumberDim2 = BlockNumberDim3 + (i_SecondDimension / SecondDimensionBlockSize) * NumberOfBlocksInFirstDimension PositionWithinBlockDim2 = PositionWithinBlockDim3 + (i_SecondDimension % SecondDimensionBlockSize) * FirstDimensionBlockSize #--------------------------------- # Collect data of 1D in a variable SpectralInfo1D = [] # Go through each block in 1D for i_FirstDimension in range(NumberOfBlocksInFirstDimension): # The last block size might be smaller than a blocksize if i_FirstDimension < NumberOfBlocksInFirstDimension-1: FirstDimension = FirstDimensionBlockSize else: FirstDimension = FirstDimensionSpectralSize % FirstDimensionBlockSize #--------------------------------- # Position within block; 1 float number = 4 bytes pos = 4 * (Blocksize * (BlockNumberDim2 + i_FirstDimension) + PositionWithinBlockDim2) #--------------------------------- # Unpack the data. NOTE: big endian data storage ">" SpectralInfo1D += list(struct.unpack('>'+'f'*FirstDimension,Filecontent[pos: pos + 4*FirstDimension])) #--------------------------------- # Put each 1D slice into the 2D SpectralInfo2D.append(SpectralInfo1D) #--------------------------------- # Store a 2D slice into the final array self._Spectrum_.append(SpectralInfo2D) self.myaxis[0]['Actual size'] = len(self._Spectrum_) self.myaxis[1]['Actual size'] = len(self._Spectrum_[0]) self.myaxis[2]['Actual size'] = len(self._Spectrum_[0][0]) return None ########################### def DataIntensity(self, position): if len(position) == 3: intensity = (self._Spectrum_[position[0] % self.myaxis[0]['Actual size']] [position[1] % self.myaxis[1]['Actual size']] [position[2] % self.myaxis[2]['Actual size']]) else: intensity = (self._Spectrum_[position[0] % self.myaxis[0]['Actual size']] [position[1] % self.myaxis[1]['Actual size']]) return intensity ########################### def distance(self, pos1, pos2): distance_value = 0.0 for (p1, p2) in (pos1, pos2): distance_value += (p1 - p2)**2 return math.sqrt(distance_value) ########################### def read_peaklist(self, PeaklistFilename, Info='[0:-1]', shifts = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]): """ Reads a sparky peaklist file """ try: pfile = open(PeaklistFilename, 'r') except IOError: print 'Error opening ' + PeaklistFilename + '!!! Please check it!' exit() lines = pfile.readlines() pfile.close() for line in lines: if (len(line) > 12) and (not 'Assig' in line): data = line.split() key = data[0] self._Peaklistkeysorder_.append(key) self._Peaklist_[key] = {} order = key.split('-') if self.NumberOfAxis == 2: self._Peaklist_[key]['Info'] = eval('order[0]' + Info) self._Peaklist_[key][order[-1][-1]] = float(data[2]) + shifts[1] self._Peaklist_[key][order[-2][-1]] = float(data[1]) + shifts[0] self._Peaklist_[key]['Adjusted'] = 'red' # if not self._Peaklistchemicalshiftorder_: self._Peaklistchemicalshiftorder_.append(order[-2][-1]) self._Peaklistchemicalshiftorder_.append(order[-1][-1]) else: self._Peaklist_[key]['Info'] = eval('order[0]'+Info) self._Peaklist_[key][order[-1][-1]] = float(data[3]) + shifts[2] self._Peaklist_[key][order[-2][-1]] = float(data[2]) + shifts[1] self._Peaklist_[key][order[-3][-1]] = float(data[1]) + shifts[0] self._Peaklist_[key]['Adjusted'] = 'red' # if not self._Peaklistchemicalshiftorder_: self._Peaklistchemicalshiftorder_.append(order[-3][-1]) self._Peaklistchemicalshiftorder_.append(order[-2][-1]) self._Peaklistchemicalshiftorder_.append(order[-1][-1]) return None ########################### def save_peaklist(self, filename): pfile = open(filename, 'w') for peak in self._Peaklistkeysorder_: line = peak for axis in self._Peaklistchemicalshiftorder_: line = ' '.join([line, str(self._Peaklist_[peak][axis])]) line = ' '.join([line, str(self._Peaklist_[peak]['Intensity'])]) line = ' '.join([line, '{0:5.2f}'.format(self._Peaklist_[peak]['Intensity']/self.Noiselevel)]) line = ' '.join([line, '\n']) pfile.write(line) pfile.close() return None ########################### def extremes_finder(self, position, dimension, find_max = True): """ find positive and negative extremes on the spectrum Parameters: =========== * position = spectrum staring position for the peak finding, order must be same as in the spectrum * dimension = find local maximum or minimum in 2D or 3D * find_max = maximum or minimum finding Return: ======= * local extreme """ checklist = [[-1, 0, 0],[+1, 0, 0], # x [ 0,-1, 0],[ 0,+1, 0], # y [-1,-1, 0],[+1,-1, 0], # xy [-1,+1, 0],[+1,+1, 0], # xy [ 0, 0,-1],[ 0, 0,+1], # z [-1, 0,-1],[+1, 0,-1], # xz [-1, 0,+1],[+1, 0,+1], # xz [ 0,-1,-1],[ 0,-1,-1], # yz [ 0,+1,+1],[ 0,+1,+1]] # yz # If the dimension 2D, we find check the value in x,y otherwise in x,y,z if dimension == 2: checklist_size = 4 else: checklist_size = len(checklist) # minimum or maximum finder finder_type = [['min','<'],['max','>']][find_max] # It goes till it finds a local maximum not_on_an_extreme_value = True while not_on_an_extreme_value: # check all values according to the checklist checked_values = [] for check in checklist[0 : checklist_size]: checked_values.append(self.DataIntensity([pos + ch for (pos, ch) in zip(position[0 : dimension], check[0 : dimension])])) # if the position data is the most extreme, than we are done most_extreme_in_array = eval(eval('finder_type[0]') + '(checked_values)') if eval('self.DataIntensity(position)' + eval('finder_type[1]') + 'most_extreme_in_array'): not_on_an_extreme_value = False else: # modifiy the position to the highest checked_values_max_index = checked_values.index(most_extreme_in_array) for i in range(dimension): position[i] += checklist[checked_values_max_index][i] position[i] %= self.myaxis[i]['Actual size'] return position ########################### def ClimbUpTheHill3D(self,ResidueKey, Modify = False, delta = [0.0,0.0,0.0]): if ResidueKey in self._Peaklistkeysorder_: # p = [] original = [] for i in range(3): p.append(int(round(delta[i])) + self._FidNumberbyAxis(self._Peaklist_[ResidueKey][self._Peaklistchemicalshiftorder_[i]],self._AxisOrder_.index(self._Peaklistchemicalshiftorder_[i]))) original.append(int(round(delta[i])) + self._FidNumberbyAxis(self._Peaklist_[ResidueKey][self._Peaklistchemicalshiftorder_[i]],self._AxisOrder_.index(self._Peaklistchemicalshiftorder_[i]))) checklist = [[-1, 0, 0],[+1, 0, 0], # x [ 0,-1, 0],[ 0,+1, 0], # y [ 0, 0,-1],[ 0, 0,+1], # z [-1,-1, 0],[+1,-1, 0], # xy [-1,+1, 0],[+1,+1, 0], # xy [-1, 0,-1],[+1, 0,-1], # xz [-1, 0,+1],[+1, 0,+1], # xz [ 0,-1,-1],[ 0,-1,-1], # yz [ 0,+1,+1],[ 0,+1,+1]] # yz Iteration = True while Iteration: tomb = [] for ch in checklist: tomb.append(self.DataIntensity([p[0] + ch[0],p[1] + ch[1],p[2] + ch[2]])) if self.DataIntensity(p) >= max(tomb): Iteration = False else: ti = tomb.index(max(tomb)) for i in range(3): p[i] = (p[i] + checklist[ti][i]) % self.myaxis[i]['Size'] if ResidueKey == 'T680_N-C-H': print 'PPM:',self._PPMNumberbyAxis(p[2],2) if Modify: for i in range(3): self._Peaklist_[ResidueKey][self._Peaklistchemicalshiftorder_[i]] = self._PPMNumberbyAxis(p[i],self._AxisOrder_.index(self._Peaklistchemicalshiftorder_[i])) return p,original ########################### def AdjustAllPeakPositions3D(self): numberofpeaks = 0 diff = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for key in self._Peaklistkeysorder_: if not (key in self._PeaklistDoNotCare_): a,b = self.ClimbUpTheHill3D(key) numberofpeaks += 1 for i in range(3): diff[i] += (a[i]-b[i]) for i in range(3): diff[i] /= float(numberofpeaks) print diff for key in self._Peaklistkeysorder_: if not (key in self._PeaklistDoNotCare_): a,b = self.ClimbUpTheHill3D(key, Modify=True, delta= diff) return None ########################### def adjust_peaklist_2d(self): numberofpeaks = 0 diff = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] peaks = {} for key in self._Peaklistkeysorder_: if not (key in self._PeaklistDoNotCare_): position = [self._FidNumberbyAxis(self._Peaklist_[key]['N'],'N'), self._FidNumberbyAxis(self._Peaklist_[key]['H'],'H')] peaks[key] = {} peaks[key]['original'] = [] peaks[key]['firsthit'] = [] peaks[key]['secondhit'] = [] # for pos in position: peaks[key]['original'].append(pos) # peaks[key]['firsthit'] = self.extremes_finder(position, 2) numberofpeaks += 1 for i in range(len(position)): diff[i] += (peaks[key]['firsthit'][i] - peaks[key]['original'][i]) for i in range(len(diff)): diff[i] /= numberofpeaks diff[i] = round(diff[i]) # for key in self._Peaklistkeysorder_: if not (key in self._PeaklistDoNotCare_): position = [] for i,pos in enumerate(peaks[key]['original']): position.append(int(pos + diff[i])) peaks[key]['secondhit'] = self.extremes_finder(position, 2) # for i in range(len(self._Peaklistkeysorder_)): key = self._Peaklistkeysorder_[i] if not (key in self._PeaklistDoNotCare_): multiple = [] j = 0 while j < len(self._Peaklistkeysorder_): key2 = self._Peaklistkeysorder_[j] if (peaks[key]['secondhit'] == peaks[key2]['secondhit']) and (i != j): multiple.append(j) j += 1 if not multiple: # Unique peak found peaks[key]['final'] = peaks[key]['secondhit'] peaks[key]['fit'] = 'black' else: # Move the peak which is the closest closest = True for j in multiple: key2 = self._Peaklistkeysorder_[j] if (self.distance(peaks[key]['original'], peaks[key]['secondhit']) >= self.distance(peaks[key2]['original'], peaks[key2]['secondhit'])): closest = False # if this peak is the most likely if closest: peaks[key]['final'] = peaks[key]['secondhit'] peaks[key]['fit'] = 'black' else: # If other peaks are closer, than just move to the average peaks[key]['final'] = [] for (i, o) in enumerate(peaks[key]['original']): peaks[key]['final'].append(int(o + diff[i])) peaks[key]['fit'] = 'red' # print key, peaks[key]['original'], peaks[key]['firsthit'], peaks[key]['secondhit'],multiple, peaks[key]['final'] for key in self._Peaklistkeysorder_: if not (key in self._PeaklistDoNotCare_): self._Peaklist_[key]['N'] = self._PPMNumberbyAxis(peaks[key]['final'][0],'N') self._Peaklist_[key]['H'] = self._PPMNumberbyAxis(peaks[key]['final'][1],'H') self._Peaklist_[key]['Adjusted'] = peaks[key]['fit'] self._Peaklist_[key]['Intensity'] = self.DataIntensity(peaks[key]['final']) # TODO Fit the tip? return None ########################### def find_peak_1d(self, data, noiselevel): hits = [] direction = True for i in range(len(data)-1): if data[i] > data[i+1] and data[i] > noiselevel and direction: hits.append(i) direction = False if data[i] < data[i+1]: direction = True return hits ########################### def find_peak_2d(self, data2d, noiselevel): hits = {} for i, data1d in enumerate(data2d): hit1d = self.find_peak_1d(data1d, noiselevel) for hit in hit1d: hits[' '.join(str(d) for d in self.extremes_finder([i, hit], 2))] = 0 peaks = [] for hit in hits: peaks.append(hit.split()) return peaks ########################### def peak_finder(self, times_noiselevel): print 'Finding peaks...', peaklist = {} for i,peak in enumerate(self.find_peak_2d(self._Spectrum_,self.Noiselevel*times_noiselevel)): peaklist[i] = {} peaklist[i]['Info'] = str(i+1) peaklist[i]['N'] = self._PPMNumberbyAxis(float(peak[0]),'N') peaklist[i]['H'] = self._PPMNumberbyAxis(float(peak[1]),'H') peaklist[i]['Adjusted'] = 'black' print str(i + 1) + ' peaks found!' return peaklist ########################### def Plot1D(self, chemicalshift): dim = self._ppm2fid(chemicalshift,self.myaxis[0]['Spectrometer frequency'],self.myaxis[0]['xmtr frequency'],self.myaxis[0]['Spectral width'],self.myaxis[0]['Number of Points']) data = self._Spectrum_[dim] plt.figure() plt.plot(data) return None ########################### def Plot1Dfid(self, fid): data = self._Spectrum_[fid] plt.figure() plt.plot(data) return None ########################### def PPM_to_index(self,ppm,axisnumber): index = 0 while (index < self.myaxis[axisnumber]['Number of Points']) and (self.myaxis[axisnumber]['Scale'][index] > ppm): index += 1 return index ########################### def Limits_to_index(self, limits, axisnumber): if not limits: index_min = 0 index_max = self.myaxis[axisnumber]['Number of Points']-1 else: index_min = self.PPM_to_index(max(limits), axisnumber) index_max = self.PPM_to_index(min(limits), axisnumber) if index_max > self.myaxis[axisnumber]['Actual size']: index_max = self.myaxis[axisnumber]['Actual size'] return index_min, index_max ########################### def spectrum_2d_slice(self, x_axis_min_index, x_axis_max_index,y_axis_min_index, y_axis_max_index, orderXY): highestvalue = 0.0 lowestvalue = 0.0 spectrum = [] #--------------------------------- # 2D if self.NumberOfAxis == 2: for y in range(y_axis_min_index, y_axis_max_index, 1): fid = [] for x in range(x_axis_min_index, x_axis_max_index, 1): if orderXY[0] == 'H': value = self._Spectrum_[y][x] else: value = self._Spectrum_[x][y] fid.append(value) if highestvalue < value: highestvalue = value if lowestvalue > value: lowestvalue = value spectrum.append(fid) return highestvalue, lowestvalue, spectrum ########################### def Plot_peaklist(self, Peaklist, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, orderXY): print 'Peaks on the plot:' number = 0 for k in Peaklist: loc_x = Peaklist[k][orderXY[-2]] loc_y = Peaklist[k][orderXY[-1]] if ((x_min < loc_x) and (loc_x < x_max) and (y_min < loc_y) and (loc_y < y_max)): # TODO make is adjustable peak_info_pos_x = 0.0 peak_info_pos_y = 0.0 # plt.text(loc_x + peak_info_pos_x, loc_y + peak_info_pos_y, Peaklist[k]['Info']) number += 1 print '{0:3d}.'.format(number),Peaklist[k]['Info'], loc_y, loc_x, if Peaklist[k]['Adjusted'] == 'black': print 'ok' else: print '' # TODO Make the dx,dy to be adjustable dx = 0.05 dy = 0.2 plt.gca().annotate(Peaklist[k]['Info'], xy=(loc_x,loc_y), color = Peaklist[k]['Adjusted'], xytext=(loc_x,loc_y - dy), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="-|>", connectionstyle="arc3", facecolor = Peaklist[k]['Adjusted'])) # # plt.plot([loc_x , loc_x + dx],[loc_y , loc_y + dy], 'k-') # plt.plot([loc_x , loc_x + dx],[loc_y , loc_y - dy], 'k-') return None ########################### def Plot(self, limits, orderXY='HN', color = [0, 0, 0], nf = True, peaklist = None): # axis_x = self._nucleustype2axisindex(orderXY[0]) axis_y = self._nucleustype2axisindex(orderXY[1]) # Figure out the limits x_axis_min_index, x_axis_max_index = self.Limits_to_index(limits[0],axis_x) y_axis_min_index, y_axis_max_index = self.Limits_to_index(limits[1],axis_y) x_scale = self.myaxis[axis_x]['Scale'][x_axis_min_index : x_axis_max_index] y_scale = self.myaxis[axis_y]['Scale'][y_axis_min_index : y_axis_max_index] # 2D if self.NumberOfAxis == 2: highestvalue, lowestvalue, spectrum = self.spectrum_2d_slice(x_axis_min_index, x_axis_max_index, y_axis_min_index, y_axis_max_index, orderXY) #--------------------------------- mc = zcolor.MyColor() contour_start = self.Noiselevel contour_number = 25 contour_factor = math.exp(math.log((highestvalue) /float(contour_start)) * 1.0/(float(contour_number))) contourlevels = [contour_start*contour_factor**i for i in range(contour_number)] contourcolors = [mc.series(i,contour_number,0,300) for i in range(contour_number)] print '#############################################' print '### P L O T # P A R A M E T E R S ###' print '#############################################' print 'Noise level =', contour_start print 'Factor =', contour_factor print 'Highest value =', highestvalue print 'Lowest value =', lowestvalue print '#############################################' if nf: plt.figure() plt.contour(x_scale, y_scale, spectrum, contourlevels, colors = contourcolors) # plot negatives if needed! plt.contour(x_scale, y_scale, spectrum, [-1*i for i in contourlevels], colors = [[0.0,0.0,0.0] for i in range(contour_number)]) if nf: plt.xlabel(self.myaxis[axis_x]['Nucleus']+' (ppm)',size=15) plt.ylabel(self.myaxis[axis_y]['Nucleus']+' (ppm)',size=15) plt.gca().invert_xaxis() plt.gca().invert_yaxis() # If peak labels are needed if self._Peaklist_ or peaklist: if not peaklist: self.Plot_peaklist(self._Peaklist_, x_scale[-1], x_scale[0], y_scale[-1], y_scale[0], orderXY) else: self.Plot_peaklist(peaklist, x_scale[-1], x_scale[0], y_scale[-1], y_scale[0], orderXY) # return None ########################### def Plot_ori(self, limits, orderXY='HN', color = [0, 0, 0], Negatives = False, Peaklist=True, negcolors = 'o', ContourNumber = 15, Factor = 0.0, Noiselevel = 0, linewidth = 1.0, newfigure = True, figuresize=(8,5), figdpi=72, textsize=15): """ Parameters: * limits = an array of arrays with the PPM value limits, empty array means the whole spectral width * color = one color value in [r,g,b] format eg. [1.0,0.0,0.0] = array of color values (number must be the same as ContourNumber) eg. [[0.1,0.0,0.0],[0.2,0.0,0.0],...] = built-in color eg. 'blue-cyan' = built-in color + lighting info eg. ['g',0.5] * ContourNumber = Number of contours on the figure * Factor = factor between each contour level, provide 0.0 to calculate the value * Noiselevel = If 0 is provided noise level is calculated from the sepctrum * linewidth = contour line width, increase it when the zoom is high eg. 1.5 * newfigure = Boolean depending on the overlay plot option * figuresize = figuresize in inch * figdpi = dpi value, use 72 for screen, 300 for prints * textsize = label size in pt eg. 12 Examples: * Plot2D([[],[]],color = 'rainbow1') * Plot2D([[110,125],[7.2,9.5]],color = ['green',0.5], ContourNumber = 20, Factor = 1.2, Noiselevel = 100000, linewidth = 1.5, NumberOfThicksXY=[3,8], newfigure=False, figuresize=(5,5), figdpi=300, textsize=18) """ ShowPeakLabelWithinPPM = [0.15,0.15,0.05] #NCH ShiftLabel = [0.0,0.0,0.0] #ShiftLabel = [0.05,0.05,0.02] CrossSize = [0.05,0.05,0.01] Nucleuses = ['N','C','H'] #--------------------------------- axisorder = [] for ch in orderXY.upper(): o = 0 while (o < self.NumberOfAxis) and self.myaxis[o]['Nucleus'][-1] != ch: o += 1 if o < self.NumberOfAxis: axisorder.append(o) else: print 'Please check the axes: ',orderXY exit() #--------------------------------- # Check the limits to be within the spectrum range originallimits = limits lim = [] for i in range(2): lim.append(self._AxisLimitCheck(axisorder[i],limits[i])) limits = lim if len(originallimits) == 3: limits.append(originallimits[2]) #--------------------------------- areamin = [] areamax = [] for i in range(2): areamax.append(self._ppm2fid(min(limits[i]),self.myaxis[axisorder[i]]['Spectrometer frequency'],self.myaxis[axisorder[i]]['xmtr frequency'],self.myaxis[axisorder[i]]['Spectral width'],self.myaxis[axisorder[i]]['Number of Points'])) areamin.append(self._ppm2fid(max(limits[i]),self.myaxis[axisorder[i]]['Spectrometer frequency'],self.myaxis[axisorder[i]]['xmtr frequency'],self.myaxis[axisorder[i]]['Spectral width'],self.myaxis[axisorder[i]]['Number of Points'])) #exit() # Get axis chemical shifts xscale = [] for i in range(areamin[0],areamax[0]+1,1): xscale.append(self.myaxis[axisorder[0]]['Scale'][len(self.myaxis[axisorder[0]]['Scale'])-i-1]) # print xscale[0],xscale[-1] # exit() yscale = [] for i in range(areamin[1],areamax[1]+1,1): yscale.append(self.myaxis[axisorder[1]]['Scale'][len(self.myaxis[axisorder[1]]['Scale'])-i-1]) print 'limits = ',areamin[0],areamax[0] #--------------------------------- # Get the spectral information to plot highestvalue = 0.0 area = [] #--------------------------------- # 2D if self.NumberOfAxis == 2: # Proton is on x if orderXY[0] == 'H': # for y in range(areamin[1],areamax[1]+1,1): area.append(self._Spectrum_[y][areamin[0]:areamax[0]+1]) # if max(self._Spectrum_[y][areamin[0]:areamax[0]+1]) > highestvalue: highestvalue = max(self._Spectrum_[y][areamin[0]:areamax[0]+1]) # Proton is on y else: for y in range(areamin[1],areamax[1]+1,1): data = [] for x in range(areamin[0],areamax[0]+1,1): value = self._Spectrum_[x][y] data.append(value) if value > highestvalue: highestvalue = value area.append(data) #--------------------------------- # 3D if self.NumberOfAxis == 3: # Calculate the third dimension fid number zfid = self._ppm2fid(limits[2][0],self.myaxis[axisorder[2]]['Spectrometer frequency'],self.myaxis[axisorder[2]]['xmtr frequency'],self.myaxis[axisorder[2]]['Spectral width'],self.myaxis[axisorder[2]]['Number of Points']) # Extract the 2D from the 3D for y in range(areamin[1],areamax[1]+1,1): data = [] for x in range(areamin[0],areamax[0]+1,1): if orderXY[0:2] == 'HN': value = self._Spectrum_[y][zfid][x] elif orderXY[0:2] == 'HC': value = self._Spectrum_[zfid][y][x] elif orderXY[0:2] == 'NH': value = self._Spectrum_[x][zfid][y] elif orderXY[0:2] == 'NC': value = self._Spectrum_[x][y][zfid] elif orderXY[0:2] == 'CH': value = self._Spectrum_[zfid][x][y] elif orderXY[0:2] == 'CN': value = self._Spectrum_[y][x][zfid] else: value = 0.0 # Store the value data.append(value) # Check whether it is the highest if value > highestvalue: highestvalue = value area.append(data) #--------------------------------- # If the user did not set up a noise level, use the calculated one if Noiselevel == 0: contour_start = self.Noiselevel else: contour_start = Noiselevel contour_number = ContourNumber #--------------------------------- # If the user do not provide factor information if Factor == 0.0: # Calculcate based on the noise level and the highest peak height try: contour_factor = math.exp(math.log((highestvalue) /float(contour_start)) * 1.0/(float(contour_number))) except ValueError: contour_factor = 0.0 # if the user provided the factor information else: contour_factor = Factor #--------------------------------- # Set the contour levels contourlevels = [contour_start*contour_factor**i for i in range(contour_number)] #--------------------------------- # If the user provided a color contourcolors = self._ColorChoise(color,contour_number) if Negatives: # Colors negcontourcolors = self._ColorChoise(negcolors,contour_number) # Levels negcontourlevels = [] for level in contourlevels: negcontourlevels.append(-1.0*level) #--------------------------------- print '---------------' print self.myaxis[axisorder[0]]['Nucleus']+':',min(limits[0]),'-',max(limits[0]) print self.myaxis[axisorder[1]]['Nucleus']+':',min(limits[1]),'-',max(limits[1]) if self.NumberOfAxis == 3: print self.myaxis[axisorder[2]]['Nucleus']+':',limits[2][0] print 'Noise level =', contour_start print 'Factor =', contour_factor print 'Highest value =', highestvalue print '---------------' #--------------------------------- # To be able to plot several figure on each other, the new figure is an option if newfigure: plt.figure(figsize=figuresize,dpi=figdpi) #--------------------------------- # Generate the plot plt.contour(xscale,yscale,area,contourlevels,colors = contourcolors,linewidths = linewidth) if Negatives: plt.contour(xscale,yscale,area,negcontourlevels,colors = negcontourcolors,linewidths = linewidth) #--------------------------------- # Invert the axes direction if newfigure: plt.gca().invert_xaxis() plt.gca().invert_yaxis() #--------------------------------- # Put on axis label plt.xlabel(self.myaxis[axisorder[0]]['Nucleus']+' (ppm)',size=textsize) plt.ylabel(self.myaxis[axisorder[1]]['Nucleus']+' (ppm)',size=textsize) if self.NumberOfAxis == 3: plt.title(self.myaxis[axisorder[2]]['Nucleus']+': {0:6.3f} ppm'.format(limits[2][0]),size=textsize) #--------------------------------- # If peak labels are needed if Peaklist and (self._Peaklist_ != {}): print 'Peaks on the plot:' for k in self._Peaklistkeysorder_: ItIsOn = True p = [] for i in range(self.NumberOfAxis): p.append(self._Peaklist_[k][self.myaxis[axisorder[i]]['Nucleus'][-1]]) i = 0 while (i < 2 ) and ItIsOn: if (areamin[i] > p[i]) or (p[i] > areamax[i]): ItIsOn = False i += 1 if self.NumberOfAxis == 3: if abs(p[2] - limits[2][0]) > ShowPeakLabelWithinPPM[axisorder[2]]: ItIsOn = False if ItIsOn: print self._Peaklist_[k]['Info'],p[0],p[1],self._Peaklist_[k][Nucleuses[axisorder[2]]] plt.text(p[0]-ShiftLabel[axisorder[0]],p[1]-ShiftLabel[axisorder[1]],self._Peaklist_[k]['Info'],size=textsize) # Put on the crosspeak dx = CrossSize[axisorder[0]] dy = CrossSize[axisorder[1]] # plt.plot([p[0]-dx,p[0]+dx],[p[1]-dy,p[1]+dy],'k-') plt.plot([p[0]-dx,p[0]+dx],[p[1]+dy,p[1]-dy],'k-') # return None ########################### def Show(self,FileName = ''): if FileName == '': else: plt.savefig(FileName) return None ########################### def _AxisTicks(self,limits,number,PPMscale = True): # Calculate the step size step = abs(limits[0]-limits[1])/float(number-1) # Store the scales in data data = [] for i in range(number): # if it is a ppm scale, then the values go down if PPMscale: value = max(limits)-i*step # if it is point scale then it goes up else: value = i*step #--------------------------------- # if the value is extreme, then let 3 digits if int(value*1000) != value*1000: value = '{0:6.3f}'.format(value) data.append(value) return data ########################### def _AxisLimitCheck(self,Axisnumber,limits): # If there is no data provided, use the full spectrum if limits == []: limits = [-9.99E-99,+9.99E+99] # Store the data newlimits = [] # Spectrum information ppmlimit = self.PPM_limit[Axisnumber] # Lower limit if min(ppmlimit) > min(limits): newlimits.append(self.myaxis[Axisnumber]['Scale'][1]) else: newlimits.append(min(limits)) # Upper limit if max(ppmlimit) < max(limits): newlimits.append(max(ppmlimit)) else: newlimits.append(max(limits)) return newlimits ########################### def _ppm2fid(self, ppm, Frequency, MiddlePPM, SpectralWidth, NumberOfPoints): return int((NumberOfPoints/2 - ((ppm-MiddlePPM) * Frequency * NumberOfPoints) / SpectralWidth) % NumberOfPoints) ########################### def _fid2ppm(self, fid, Frequency, MiddlePPM, SpectralWidth, NumberOfPoints): return MiddlePPM + (NumberOfPoints*SpectralWidth - 2*fid*SpectralWidth) / (2.0*Frequency*NumberOfPoints) ########################### def _nucleustype2axisindex(self, nucleus): axis = 0 while (axis < self.NumberOfAxis) and (self.myaxis[axis]['Nucleus'][-1] != nucleus): axis += 1 return axis ########################### def _axisindex2nucleustype(self, axisindex): return self.myaxis[axisindex]['Nucleus'][-1] ########################### def _FidNumberbyAxis(self, ppm, Axis): if type(Axis) == type(''): Axis = self._nucleustype2axisindex(Axis) return self._ppm2fid(ppm, self.myaxis[Axis]['Spectrometer frequency'], self.myaxis[Axis]['xmtr frequency'], self.myaxis[Axis]['Spectral width'], self.myaxis[Axis]['Number of Points']) ########################### def _PPMNumberbyAxis(self, fid, Axis): if type(Axis) == type(''): Axis = self._nucleustype2axisindex(Axis) return self._fid2ppm(fid, self.myaxis[Axis]['Spectrometer frequency'], self.myaxis[Axis]['xmtr frequency'], self.myaxis[Axis]['Spectral width'], self.myaxis[Axis]['Number of Points']) ########################### def _ceil(self, number): if number - int(number) != 0: number = int(number) + 1 return int(number) ########################### def CalculateNoiseLevel(self,NumberOfDataPoints = 10000): Noise = 0.0 # calculate the average level on a small subset of data average = 0.0 for i in range(100): # 2D if self.NumberOfAxis == 2: average += abs(self._Spectrum_[random.randint(0,self.myaxis[0]['Number of Points']-1)][random.randint(0,self.myaxis[1]['Number of Points']-150)]) # 3D if self.NumberOfAxis == 3: average += abs(self._Spectrum_[random.randint(0,self.myaxis[0]['Number of Points']-1)][random.randint(0,self.myaxis[1]['Number of Points']-1)][random.randint(0,self.myaxis[2]['Number of Points']-1)]) average /= 100.0 # Calculate the actual noise level numberofdata = 0 sumofdata = 0.0 highestvalue = 0.0 i = 0 while (i <= NumberOfDataPoints*2) and (numberofdata <= NumberOfDataPoints): # 2D if self.NumberOfAxis == 2: value = abs(self._Spectrum_[random.randint(0,self.myaxis[0]['Number of Points']-1)][random.randint(0,self.myaxis[1]['Number of Points']-150)]) # 3D if self.NumberOfAxis == 3: value = abs(self._Spectrum_[random.randint(0,self.myaxis[0]['Number of Points']-1)][random.randint(0,self.myaxis[1]['Number of Points']-1)][random.randint(0,self.myaxis[2]['Number of Points']-1)]) # Only count a value if that is not far from the average (= not a peak) if value < average * 5: numberofdata += 1 sumofdata += value average = sumofdata / float(numberofdata) if value > highestvalue: highestvalue = value i += 1 # Cut back from the highest to have a bit of noise Noise = highestvalue / 1.2 # Assign the self.Noise to this value self.Noiselevel = Noise # Return the value as well return Noise ########################### def _ColorChoise(self,color,contour_number): if (type(color) == type([])) and (len(color) == 3): contourcolors = [color for _ in range(contour_number)] # if the user provided all the colors elif (type(color) == type([])) and (len(color) == contour_number): contourcolors = color # if the color is selected and light information is provided as well elif (type(color) == type([])) and (len(color) == 2): light = color[1] if (0.0 < light) or (light < 1.0): light = 1.0 contourcolors = self.ColorSchemer(contour_number,color[0],light) # if there is no color information or built in colors has been selected else: contourcolors = self.ColorSchemer(contour_number,color) return contourcolors ########################### def ColorSchemer(self, Number, color, light = 1.0): data = [] step = 1 / float(Number-1) for i in range(Number): element = [0.0,0.0,0.0] if (color == 'r') or (color == 'red'): element = [1.0,0.0,0.0] if (color == 'g') or (color == 'green'): element = [0.0,1.0,0.0] if (color == 'b') or (color == 'blue'): element = [0.0,0.0,1.0] #--------------------------------- if (color == 'c') or (color == 'cyan'): element = [0.0,1.0,1.0] if (color == 'y') or (color == 'yellow'): element = [1.0,1.0,0.0] if (color == 'p') or (color == 'purple'): element = [1.0,0.0,1.0] #--------------------------------- if (color == 'm') or (color == 'magenta'): element = [1.0,0.0,0.5] if (color == 'pi') or (color == 'pink'): element = [1.0,0.5,0.5] if (color == 'o') or (color == 'orange'): element = [1.0,0.5,0.0] #--------------------------------- if (color == 'g1') or (color == 'grey1'): element = [0.1 for _ in range(3)] if (color == 'g2') or (color == 'grey2'): element = [0.2 for _ in range(3)] if (color == 'g3') or (color == 'grey3'): element = [0.3 for _ in range(3)] if (color == 'g4') or (color == 'grey4'): element = [0.4 for _ in range(3)] if (color == 'g5') or (color == 'grey5'): element = [0.5 for _ in range(3)] if (color == 'g6') or (color == 'grey6'): element = [0.6 for _ in range(3)] if (color == 'g7') or (color == 'grey7'): element = [0.7 for _ in range(3)] if (color == 'g8') or (color == 'grey8'): element = [0.8 for _ in range(3)] if (color == 'g9') or (color == 'grey9'): element = [0.9 for _ in range(3)] #--------------------------------- if (color == 'w') or (color == 'white'): element = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] #--------------------------------- if (color == 'kr') or (color == 'black-red'): element = [0.0 + i * step, 0.0, 0.0] if (color == 'kg') or (color == 'black-green'): element = [0.0, 0.0 + i * step, 0.0] if (color == 'kb') or (color == 'black-blue'): element = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0 + i * step] #--------------------------------- if (color == 'kc') or (color == 'black-cyan'): element = [0.0, 0.0 + i * step, 0.0 + i * step] if (color == 'ky') or (color == 'black-yellow'): element = [0.0 + i * step, 0.0 + i * step, 0.0] if (color == 'kp') or (color == 'black-purple'): element = [0.0 + i * step, 0.0, 0.0 + i * step] #--------------------------------- if (color == 'km') or (color == 'black-magenta'): element = [0.0 + i * step, 0.0, 0.0 + (i / 2.0) * step] if (color == 'kpi') or (color == 'black-pink'): element = [0.0 + i * step, 0.0 + (i / 2.0) * step, 0.0 + (i / 2.0) * step] if (color == 'ko') or (color == 'black-orange'): element = [0.0 + i * step, 0.0 +(i / 2.0) * step, 0.0] #--------------------------------- if (color == 'kw') or (color == 'black-white'): element = [0.0 + i * step, 0.0 + i * step, 0.0 + i * step] #--------------------------------- if (color == 'rr') or (color == 'red-ring'): if i % 5 != 0: element = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] else: element = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] if (color == 'gr') or (color == 'green-ring'): if i % 5 != 0: element = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] else: element = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] if (color == 'br') or (color == 'blue-ring'): if i % 5 != 0: element = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] else: element = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] #--------------------------------- if (color == 'red-yellow') or (color == 'rainbow1'): element = [1.0, 0.0 + i * step, 0.0] #--------------------------------- if (color == 'blue-cyan') or (color == 'rainbow2'): element = [0.0, 0.0 + i * step, 1.0] #--------------------------------- if (color == 'green-red') or (color == 'rainbow3'): element = [0.0 + i * step, 0.5 - (i / 2.0) * step, 0.0] #--------------------------------- if type(light) != type(1.0): light = 1.0 element = [element[c] * light for c in range(3)] #--------------------------------- data.append(element) return data ########################### def _getNumberOfAxis(self): return len(self.myaxis.keys()) ########################### def _getAxisInfo(self, field): info = [] for axisnumber in range(self.NumberOfAxis): info.append(self.myaxis[axisnumber][field]) return info ########################### def _getNucleus(self): return self._getAxisInfo('Nucleus') ########################### def _getFrequency(self): return self._getAxisInfo('Spectrometer frequency') ########################### def _getSpectralwidth(self): return self._getAxisInfo('Spectral width') ########################### def _getxmtrfreqency(self): return self._getAxisInfo('xmtr frequency') ########################### def _getscales(self): return self._getAxisInfo('Scale') ########################### def _getnumberofpoints(self): return self._getAxisInfo('Number of Points') ########################### def _getlimit(self): info = [] for axisnumber in range(self.NumberOfAxis): info.append([self.myaxis[axisnumber]['Scale'][0],self.myaxis[axisnumber]['Scale'][-1]]) return info ########################### NumberOfAxis = property(_getNumberOfAxis) Nucleus = property(_getNucleus) Frequency = property(_getFrequency) SpectralWidth = property(_getSpectralwidth) MiddlePPM = property(_getxmtrfreqency) Scale = property(_getscales) NumberOfPoints = property(_getnumberofpoints) PPM_limit = property(_getlimit) ######################################### myspectrum= ZB_spectrum('13030_tcs_e.fid_1.ucsf') print myspectrum.noise_level # 1D proton plot myspectrum.plot1d({'H':[] },'H') # Find peaks and plot a region with peaks and labeles peaks = myspecrum.peak_finder(1.5) print peaks myspectrum.plot([[6.8,10.2],[]],orderXY = 'HN', color = [],peaklist = peaks) myspectrum.Show()
#!/usr/bin/env ambari-python-wrap """ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ # Python imports import imp import os import traceback import re import socket import fnmatch import math from resource_management.core.logger import Logger SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) STACKS_DIR = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, '../../../stacks/') PARENT_FILE = os.path.join(STACKS_DIR, '') try: with open(PARENT_FILE, 'rb') as fp: service_advisor = imp.load_module('service_advisor', fp, PARENT_FILE, ('.py', 'rb', imp.PY_SOURCE)) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() print "Failed to load parent" class LogSearchServiceAdvisor(service_advisor.ServiceAdvisor): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.as_super = super(LogSearchServiceAdvisor, self) self.as_super.__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Always call these methods self.modifyMastersWithMultipleInstances() self.modifyCardinalitiesDict() self.modifyHeapSizeProperties() self.modifyNotValuableComponents() self.modifyComponentsNotPreferableOnServer() self.modifyComponentLayoutSchemes() def modifyMastersWithMultipleInstances(self): """ Modify the set of masters with multiple instances. Must be overriden in child class. """ # Nothing to do pass def modifyCardinalitiesDict(self): """ Modify the dictionary of cardinalities. Must be overriden in child class. """ # Nothing to do pass def modifyHeapSizeProperties(self): """ Modify the dictionary of heap size properties. Must be overriden in child class. """ pass def modifyNotValuableComponents(self): """ Modify the set of components whose host assignment is based on other services. Must be overriden in child class. """ # Nothing to do pass def modifyComponentsNotPreferableOnServer(self): """ Modify the set of components that are not preferable on the server. Must be overriden in child class. """ # Nothing to do pass def modifyComponentLayoutSchemes(self): """ Modify layout scheme dictionaries for components. The scheme dictionary basically maps the number of hosts to host index where component should exist. Must be overriden in child class. """ # Nothing to do pass def getServiceComponentLayoutValidations(self, services, hosts): """ Get a list of errors. Must be overriden in child class. """ return [] def getServiceConfigurationRecommendations(self, configurations, clusterData, services, hosts): putLogSearchProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "logsearch-properties", services) putLogSearchAttribute = self.putPropertyAttribute(configurations, "logsearch-properties") putLogSearchCommonEnvProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "logsearch-common-env", services) putLogSearchCommonEnvAttribute = self.putPropertyAttribute(configurations, "logsearch-common-env") putLogSearchEnvAttribute = self.putPropertyAttribute(configurations, "logsearch-env") putLogFeederEnvAttribute = self.putPropertyAttribute(configurations, "logfeeder-env") logSearchServerHosts = self.getComponentHostNames(services, "LOGSEARCH", "LOGSEARCH_SERVER") # if there is no Log Search server on the cluster, i.e. there is an external server if logSearchServerHosts is None or len(logSearchServerHosts) == 0: # hide logsearch specific attributes for key in services['configurations']['logsearch-env']['properties']: putLogSearchEnvAttribute(key, 'visible', 'false') for key in services['configurations']['logsearch-properties']['properties']: putLogSearchAttribute(key, 'visible', 'false') for key in services['configurations']['logsearch-audit_logs-solrconfig']['properties']: self.putPropertyAttribute(configurations, "logsearch-audit_logs-solrconfig")(key, 'visible', 'false') for key in services['configurations']['logsearch-service_logs-solrconfig']['properties']: self.putPropertyAttribute(configurations, "logsearch-service_logs-solrconfig")(key, 'visible', 'false') for key in services['configurations']['logsearch-log4j']['properties']: self.putPropertyAttribute(configurations, "logsearch-log4j")(key, 'visible', 'false') for key in services['configurations']['logsearch-admin-json']['properties']: self.putPropertyAttribute(configurations, "logsearch-admin-json")(key, 'visible', 'false') # if there is a Log Search server on the cluster else: infraSolrHosts = self.getComponentHostNames(services, "AMBARI_INFRA", "INFRA_SOLR") # if there is AMBARI_INFRA, calculate the min/max shards and recommendations based on the number of infra solr hosts if infraSolrHosts is not None and len(infraSolrHosts) > 0 and "logsearch-properties" in services["configurations"]: replicationReccomendFloat = math.log(len(infraSolrHosts), 5) recommendedReplicationFactor = int(1 + math.floor(replicationReccomendFloat)) recommendedMinShards = len(infraSolrHosts) recommendedShards = 2 * len(infraSolrHosts) recommendedMaxShards = 3 * len(infraSolrHosts) # if there is no AMBARI_INFRA (i.e. external solr is used), use default values for min/max shards and recommendations else: recommendedReplicationFactor = 2 recommendedMinShards = 1 recommendedShards = 1 recommendedMaxShards = 100 putLogSearchCommonEnvProperty('logsearch_use_external_solr', 'true') # recommend number of shard putLogSearchAttribute('logsearch.collection.service.logs.numshards', 'minimum', recommendedMinShards) putLogSearchAttribute('logsearch.collection.service.logs.numshards', 'maximum', recommendedMaxShards) putLogSearchProperty("logsearch.collection.service.logs.numshards", recommendedShards) putLogSearchAttribute('logsearch.collection.audit.logs.numshards', 'minimum', recommendedMinShards) putLogSearchAttribute('logsearch.collection.audit.logs.numshards', 'maximum', recommendedMaxShards) putLogSearchProperty("logsearch.collection.audit.logs.numshards", recommendedShards) # recommend replication factor putLogSearchProperty("logsearch.collection.service.logs.replication.factor", recommendedReplicationFactor) putLogSearchProperty("logsearch.collection.audit.logs.replication.factor", recommendedReplicationFactor) kerberos_authentication_enabled = self.isSecurityEnabled(services) # if there is no kerberos enabled hide kerberor related properties if not kerberos_authentication_enabled: putLogSearchCommonEnvProperty('logsearch_external_solr_kerberos_enabled', 'false') putLogSearchCommonEnvAttribute('logsearch_external_solr_kerberos_enabled', 'visible', 'false') putLogSearchEnvAttribute('logsearch_external_solr_kerberos_keytab', 'visible', 'false') putLogSearchEnvAttribute('logsearch_external_solr_kerberos_principal', 'visible', 'false') putLogFeederEnvAttribute('logfeeder_external_solr_kerberos_keytab', 'visible', 'false') putLogFeederEnvAttribute('logfeeder_external_solr_kerberos_principal', 'visible', 'false') def getServiceConfigurationsValidationItems(self, configurations, recommendedDefaults, services, hosts): """ Entry point. Validate configurations for the service. Return a list of errors. The code for this function should be the same for each Service Advisor. """"Class: %s, Method: %s. Validating Configurations." % # (self.__class__.__name__, inspect.stack()[0][3])) return []
""" The documentation for python-tdl. A Pythonic port of U{libtcod<>}. You can find the project page on Google Code U{here<>}. Report any bugs or issues to the Google Code issue tracker U{here<>}. Getting Started =============== Once the library is imported you can load the font you want to use with L{tdl.setFont}. This is optional and when skipped will use a decent default font. After that you call L{tdl.init} to set the size of the window and get the root console in return. This console is the canvas to what will appear on the screen. Indexing Consoles ================= For most methods taking a position you can use Python-style negative indexes to refer to the opposite side of a console with (-1, -1) starting at the bottom right. You can also check if a point is part of a console using containment logic i.e. ((x, y) in console). You may also iterate over a console using a for statement. This returns every x,y coordinate available to draw on but it will be extremely slow to actually operate on every coordinate individualy. Try to minimize draws by using an offscreen L{Console}, only drawing what needs to be updated, and using L{Console.blit}. Drawing ======= Once you have the root console from L{tdl.init} you can start drawing on it using a method such as L{Console.drawChar}. When using this method you can have the char parameter be an integer or a single character string. The fgcolor and bgcolor parameters expect a three item list [red, green, blue] with integers in the 0-255 range with [0, 0, 0] being black and [255, 255, 255] being white. Or instead you can use None in the place of any of the three parameters to tell the library to not overwrite colors. After the drawing functions are called a call to L{tdl.flush} will update the screen. """ import sys import os import ctypes import weakref import array import itertools import textwrap import struct import re import warnings from . import event, map, noise from .__tcod import _lib, _Color, _unpackfile _IS_PYTHON3 = (sys.version_info[0] == 3) if _IS_PYTHON3: # some type lists to use with isinstance _INTTYPES = (int,) _NUMTYPES = (int, float) _STRTYPES = (str, bytes) else: _INTTYPES = (int, long) _NUMTYPES = (int, long, float) _STRTYPES = (str,) def _encodeString(string): # still used for filepaths, and that's about it "changes string into bytes if running in python 3, for sending to ctypes" if _IS_PYTHON3 and isinstance(string, str): return string.encode() return string #def _formatString(string): # pass def _formatChar(char): """Prepares a single characters for passing to ctypes calls, needs to return an integer but can also pass None which will keep the current characters instead of overwriting it. This is called often and needs to be optimized whenever possible. """ if char is None: return None #if isinstance(char, _INTTYPES): # return char if isinstance(char, _STRTYPES) and len(char) == 1: return ord(char) return int(char) # conversion faster than type check #raise TypeError('Expected char parameter to be a single characters string, number, or None, got: %s' % repr(char)) _fontinitialized = False _rootinitialized = False _rootConsoleRef = None # remove dots from common functions _setchar = _lib.TCOD_console_set_char _setfore = _lib.TCOD_console_set_char_foreground _setback = _lib.TCOD_console_set_char_background _setcharEX = _lib.TCOD_console_put_char_ex def _verify_colors(*colors): """Used internally. Raise an assertion error if the parameters can not be converted into colors. """ for color in colors: assert _iscolor(color), 'a color must be a 3 items tuple, web format, or None, received %s' % repr(color) return True def _iscolor(color): """Used internally. A debug function to see if an object can be used as a TCOD color struct. None counts as a parameter to keep the current colors instead. This function is often part of an inner-loop and can slow a program down. It has been made to work with assert and can be skipped with the -O flag. Still it's called often and must be optimized. """ if color is None: return True if isinstance(color, (tuple, list, _Color)): return len(color) == 3 if isinstance(color, _INTTYPES): return True return False ## not using this for now #class Color(object): # # def __init__(self, r, g, b): # self._color = (r, g, b) # self._ctype = None # # def _getCType(self): # if not self._ctype: # self._ctype = _Color(*self._color) # return self._ctype # # def __len__(self): # return 3 # Format the color to ctypes, will preserve None and False _formatColor = def _getImageSize(filename): """Try to get the width and height of a bmp of png image file""" file = open(filename, 'rb') if == b'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n': # PNG while 1: length, = struct.unpack('>i', chunkID = if chunkID == '': # EOF return None if chunkID == b'IHDR': # return width, height return struct.unpack('>ii', + length, 1) if == b'BM': # Bitmap, 0) # skip to size data # return width, height return struct.unpack('<ii', # return None on error, unknown file class TDLError(Exception): """ The catch all for most TDL specific errors. """ class _MetaConsole(object): """ Contains methods shared by both the L{Console} and L{Window} characters. """ __slots__ = ('width', 'height', 'console', '_cursor', '_fgcolor', '_bgcolor', '_bgblend', '_colorLock', '__weakref__', '__dict__') def __init__(self): self._cursor = (0, 0) self._scrollMode = 'error' self._fgcolor = _formatColor((255, 255, 255)) self._bgcolor = _formatColor((0, 0, 0)) self._bgblend = 1 # SET self._colorLock = None # which object sets the ctype color options def _normalizePoint(self, x, y): """Check if a point is in bounds and make minor adjustments. Respects Pythons negative indexes. -1 starts at the bottom right. Replaces the _drawable function """ #assert isinstance(x, _INTTYPES), 'x must be an integer, got %s' % repr(x) #assert isinstance(y, _INTTYPES), 'y must be an integer, got %s' % repr(y) # force int, always faster than type checking x = int(x) y = int(y) assert (-self.width <= x < self.width) and (-self.height <= y < self.height), \ ('(%i, %i) is an invalid postition on %s' % (x, y, self)) # handle negative indexes if x < 0: x += self.width if y < 0: y += self.height return (x, y) def _normalizeRect(self, x, y, width, height): """Check if the rectangle is in bounds and make minor adjustments. raise AssertionError's for any problems """ x, y = self._normalizePoint(x, y) # inherit _normalizePoint logic assert width is None or isinstance(width, _INTTYPES), 'width must be an integer or None, got %s' % repr(width) assert height is None or isinstance(height, _INTTYPES), 'height must be an integer or None, got %s' % repr(height) # if width or height are None then extend them to the edge if width is None: width = self.width - x elif width < 0: # handle negative numbers width += self.width width = max(0, width) # a 'too big' negative is clamped zero if height is None: height = self.height - y height = max(0, height) elif height < 0: height += self.height # reduce rect size to bounds width = min(width, self.width - x) height = min(height, self.height - y) return x, y, width, height def _normalizeCursor(self, x, y): """return the normalized the cursor position.""" width, height = self.getSize() assert width != 0 and height != 0, 'can not print on a console with a width or height of zero' while x >= width: x -= width y += 1 while y >= height: if self._scrollMode == 'scroll': y -= 1 self.scroll(0, -1) elif self._scrollMode == 'error': # reset the cursor on error self._cursor = (0, 0) raise TDLError('Cursor has reached the end of the console') return (x, y) def _lockColors(self, forceUpdate=False): """Make sure the color options on the root console match ths instance""" if self.console._lockColors is not self or forceUpdate: self.console._lockColors = self _lib.TCOD_console_set_default_background(self.console, self.bgcolor) _lib.TCOD_console_set_default_foreground(self.console, self.fgcolor) # def setMode(self, mode): """Configure how this console will react to the cursor writing past the end if the console. This is for methods that use the virtual cursor, such as L{printStr}. @type mode: string @param mode: Possible settings are: - 'error' - A TDLError will be raised once the cursor reaches the end of the console. Everything up until the error will still be drawn. This is the default setting. - 'scroll' - The console will scroll up as stuff is written to the end. You can restrict the region with L{tdl.Window} when doing this. """ MODES = ['error', 'scroll'] if mode.lower() not in MODES: raise TDLError('mode must be one of %s, got %s' % (MODES, repr(mode))) self._scrollMode = mode.lower() def setColors(self, fg=None, bg=None): """Sets the colors to be used with the L{printStr} function. Values of None will only leave the current values unchanged. """ if self.console._lockColors is self: self.console._lockColors = None if fg is not None: self._fgcolor = _formatColor(fg) if bg is not None: self._bgcolor = _formatColor(bg) def printStr(self, string): """Print a string at the virtual cursor. Handles special characters such as '\\n' and '\\r'. Printing past the bottom of the console will scroll everying upwards. Colors can be set with L{setColors} and the virtual cursor can be moved with L{move}. @type string: string @param string: """ x, y = self._cursor for char in string: if char == '\n': # line break x = 0 y += 1 continue if char == '\r': # return x = 0 continue x, y = self._normalizeCursor(x, y) self.drawChar(x, y, char, self._fgcolor, self._bgcolor) x += 1 self._cursor = (x, y) def write(self, string): """This method mimics basic file-like behaviour. Because of this method you can replace sys.stdout or sys.stderr with a L{Typewriter} instance. This is a convoluted process and behaviour seen now can be excepted to change on later versions. @type string: string """ # some 'basic' line buffer stuff. # there must be an easier way to do this. The textwrap module didn't # help much. x, y = self._normalizeCursor(*self._cursor) width, height = self.getSize() wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(initial_indent=(' '*x), width=width) writeLines = [] for line in string.split('\n'): if line: writeLines += wrapper.wrap(line) wrapper.initial_indent = '' else: writeLines.append([]) for line in writeLines: x, y = self._normalizeCursor(x, y) self.drawStr(x, y, line[x:], self._fgcolor, self._bgcolor) y += 1 x = 0 y -= 1 self._cursor = (x, y) def drawChar(self, x, y, char, fgcolor=(255, 255, 255), bgcolor=(0, 0, 0)): """Draws a single characters. @type x: int @param x: X coordinate to draw at. @type y: int @param y: Y coordinate to draw at. @type char: int, string, or None @param char: Should be an integer, single characters string, or None. You can set the char parameter as None if you only want to change the colors of the tile. @type fgcolor: (r, g, b) or None @param fgcolor: For fgcolor and bgcolor you use a 3 items list with integers ranging 0-255 or None. None will keep the current color at this position unchanged. @type bgcolor: (r, g, b) or None @param bgcolor: Background color. See fgcolor @raise AssertionError: Having x or y values that can't be placed inside of the console will raise an AssertionError. You can use always use ((x, y) in console) to check if a tile is drawable. """ assert _verify_colors(fgcolor, bgcolor) x, y = self._normalizePoint(x, y) x, y = ctypes.c_int(x), ctypes.c_int(y) self._setChar(x, y, _formatChar(char), _formatColor(fgcolor), _formatColor(bgcolor)) def drawStr(self, x, y, string, fgcolor=(255, 255, 255), bgcolor=(0, 0, 0)): """Draws a string starting at x and y. Optinally colored. A string that goes past the right side will wrap around. A string wraping to below the console will raise a L{TDLError} but will still be written out. This means you can safely ignore the errors with a try... except block if you're fine with partily written strings. \\r and \\n are drawn on the console as normal characters tiles. No special encoding is done and any string will translate to the characters table as is. For a string drawing operation that respects special characters see the L{Typewriter} class. @type x: int @param x: X coordinate to draw at. @type y: int @param y: Y coordinate to draw at. @type string: string or iterable @param string: Can be a string or an iterable of numbers. Special characters are ignored and rendered as any other characters. @type fgcolor: (r, g, b) or None @param fgcolor: For fgcolor and bgcolor you use a 3 items list with integers ranging 0-255 or None. None will keep the current color at this position unchanged. @type bgcolor: (r, g, b) or None @param bgcolor: Background color. See fgcolor @raise AssertionError: Having x or y values that can't be placed inside of the console will raise an AssertionError. You can use always use ((x, y) in console) to check if a tile is drawable. """ x, y = self._normalizePoint(x, y) assert _verify_colors(fgcolor, bgcolor) fgcolor, bgcolor = _formatColor(fgcolor), _formatColor(bgcolor) width, height = self.getSize() batch = [] # prepare a batch operation def _drawStrGen(x=x, y=y, string=string, width=width, height=height): """Generator for drawStr Iterates over ((x, y), ch) data for _setCharBatch, raising an error if the end of the console is reached. """ for char in string: if y == height: raise TDLError('End of console reached.') #batch.append(((x, y), _formatChar(char))) # ((x, y), ch) yield((x, y), _formatChar(char)) x += 1 # advance cursor if x == width: # line break x = 0 y += 1 self._setCharBatch(_drawStrGen(), fgcolor, bgcolor) def drawRect(self, x, y, width, height, string, fgcolor=(255, 255, 255), bgcolor=(0, 0, 0)): """Draws a rectangle starting from x and y and extending to width and height. If width or height are None then it will extend to the edge of the console. @type x: int @param x: x coordinate to draw at. @type y: int @param y: y coordinate to draw at. @type width: int or None @param width: Width of the rectangle. Can be None to extend to the bottom right of the console or can be a negative number to be sized reltive to the total size of the console. @type height: int or None @param height: Height of the rectangle. See width. @type string: int, string, or None @param string: Should be an integer, single characters string, or None. You can set the char parameter as None if you only want to change the colors of an areas. @type fgcolor: (r, g, b) or None @param fgcolor: For fgcolor and bgcolor you use a 3 items list with integers ranging 0-255 or None. None will keep the current color at this position unchanged. @type bgcolor: (r, g, b) or None @param bgcolor: Background color. See fgcolor @raise AssertionError: Having x or y values that can't be placed inside of the console will raise an AssertionError. You can use always use ((x, y) in console) to check if a tile is drawable. """ x, y, width, height = self._normalizeRect(x, y, width, height) assert _verify_colors(fgcolor, bgcolor) fgcolor, bgcolor = _formatColor(fgcolor), _formatColor(bgcolor) char = _formatChar(string) # use itertools to make an x,y grid # using ctypes here reduces type converstions later grid = itertools.product((ctypes.c_int(x) for x in range(x, x + width)), (ctypes.c_int(y) for y in range(y, y + height))) # zip the single characters in a batch variable batch = zip(grid, itertools.repeat(char, width * height)) self._setCharBatch(batch, fgcolor, bgcolor, nullChar=(char is None)) def drawFrame(self, x, y, width, height, string, fgcolor=(255, 255, 255), bgcolor=(0, 0, 0)): """Similar to L{drawRect} but only draws the outline of the rectangle. @type x: int @param x: x coordinate to draw at. @type y: int @param y: y coordinate to draw at. @type width: int or None @param width: Width of the rectangle. Can be None to extend to the bottom right of the console or can be a negative number to be sized reltive to the total size of the console. @type height: int or None @param height: Height of the rectangle. See width. @type string: int, string, or None @param string: Should be an integer, single characters string, or None. You can set the char parameter as None if you only want to change the colors of an areas. @type fgcolor: (r, g, b) or None @param fgcolor: For fgcolor and bgcolor you use a 3 items list with integers ranging 0-255 or None. None will keep the current color at this position unchanged. @type bgcolor: (r, g, b) or None @param bgcolor: Background color. See fgcolor @raise AssertionError: Having x or y values that can't be placed inside of the console will raise an AssertionError. You can use always use ((x, y) in console) to check if a tile is drawable. """ x, y, width, height = self._normalizeRect(x, y, width, height) assert _verify_colors(fgcolor, bgcolor) fgcolor, bgcolor = _formatColor(fgcolor), _formatColor(bgcolor) char = _formatChar(string) if width == 1 or height == 1: # it's just a single width line here return self.drawRect(x, y, width, height, char, fgcolor, bgcolor) # draw sides of frame with drawRect self.drawRect(x, y, 1, height, char, fgcolor, bgcolor) self.drawRect(x, y, width, 1, char, fgcolor, bgcolor) self.drawRect(x + width - 1, y, 1, height, char, fgcolor, bgcolor) self.drawRect(x, y + height - 1, width, 1, char, fgcolor, bgcolor) def blit(self, source, x=0, y=0, width=None, height=None, srcX=0, srcY=0): """Blit another console or Window onto the current console. By default it blits the entire source to the topleft corner. @type source: L{Console} or L{Window} @param source: Source window can be a L{Console} or L{Window} instance. It can even blit to itself without any problems. @type x: int @param x: X coordinate to blit to. @type y: int @param y: Y coordinate to blit to. @type width: int or None @param width: Width of the rectangle. Can be None to extend as far as possible to the bottom right corner of the blit areas or can be a negative number to be sized reltive to the total size of the B{destination} console. @type height: int or None @param height: Height of the rectangle. See width. @type srcX: int @param srcX: The source consoles x coordinate to blit from. @type srcY: int @param srcY: The source consoles y coordinate to blit from. """ # hardcode alpha settings for now fgalpha=1.0 bgalpha=1.0 assert isinstance(source, (Console, Window)), "source muse be a Window or Console instance" # handle negative indexes and rects # negative width and height will be set realtive to the destination # and will also be clamped to the smallest Console x, y, width, height = self._normalizeRect(x, y, width, height) srcX, srcY, width, height = source._normalizeRect(srcX, srcY, width, height) # translate source and self if any of them are Window instances srcX, srcY = source._translate(srcX, srcY) source = source.console x, y = self._translate(x, y) self = self.console if self == source: # if we are the same console then we need a third console to hold # onto the data, otherwise it tries to copy into itself and # starts destroying everything tmp = Console(width, height) _lib.TCOD_console_blit(source, srcX, srcY, width, height, tmp, 0, 0, fgalpha, bgalpha) _lib.TCOD_console_blit(tmp, 0, 0, width, height, self, x, y, fgalpha, bgalpha) else: _lib.TCOD_console_blit(source, srcX, srcY, width, height, self, x, y, fgalpha, bgalpha) def getCursor(self): """Return the virtual cursor position. @rtype: (x, y) @return: Returns (x, y) a 2-integer tuple containing where the next L{addChar} or L{addStr} will start at. This can be changed with the L{move} method.""" x, y = self._cursor width, height = self.parent.getSize() while x >= width: x -= width y += 1 if y >= height and self.scrollMode == 'scroll': y = height - 1 return x, y def getSize(self): """Return the size of the console as (width, height) @rtype: (width, height) """ return self.width, self.height def __iter__(self): """Return an iterator with every possible (x, y) value for this console. It goes without saying that working on the console this way is a slow process, especially for Python, and should be minimized. @rtype: iter((x, y), ...) """ return itertools.product(range(self.width), range(self.height)) def move(self, x, y): """Move the virtual cursor. @type x: int @param x: X position to place the cursor. @type y: int @param y: Y position to place the cursor. """ self._cursor = self._normalizePoint(x, y) def scroll(self, x, y): """Scroll the contents of the console in the direction of x,y. Uncovered areas will be cleared. Does not move the virutal cursor. @type x: int @param x: Distance to scroll along x-axis @type y: int @param y: Distance to scroll along y-axis @rtype: iter((x, y), ...) @return: Iterates over the (x, y) of any tile uncovered after scrolling. """ assert isinstance(x, _INTTYPES), "x must be an integer, got %s" % repr(x) assert isinstance(y, _INTTYPES), "y must be an integer, got %s" % repr(x) def getSlide(x, length): """get the parameters needed to scroll the console in the given direction with x returns (x, length, srcx) """ if x > 0: srcx = 0 length -= x elif x < 0: srcx = abs(x) x = 0 length -= srcx else: srcx = 0 return x, length, srcx def getCover(x, length): """return the (x, width) ranges of what is covered and uncovered""" cover = (0, length) # everything covered uncover = None # nothing uncovered if x > 0: # left side uncovered cover = (x, length - x) uncover = (0, x) elif x < 0: # right side uncovered x = abs(x) cover = (0, length - x) uncover = (length - x, x) return cover, uncover width, height = self.getSize() if abs(x) >= width or abs(y) >= height: return self.clear() # just clear the console normally # get the ranges of the areas that will be uncovered coverX, uncoverX = getCover(x, width) coverY, uncoverY = getCover(y, height) # so at this point we know that coverX and coverY makes a rect that # encases the areas that we end up blitting to. uncoverX/Y makes a # rect in the corner of the uncovered areas. So we need to combine # the uncoverX/Y with coverY/X to make what's left of the uncovered # areas. Explaining it makes it mush easier to do now. # But first we need to blit. x, width, srcx = getSlide(x, width) y, height, srcy = getSlide(y, height) self.blit(self, x, y, width, height, srcx, srcy) if uncoverX: # clear sides (0x20 is space) self.drawRect(uncoverX[0], coverY[0], uncoverX[1], coverY[1], 0x20, 0x000000, 0x000000) if uncoverY: # clear top/bottom self.drawRect(coverX[0], uncoverY[0], coverX[1], uncoverY[1], 0x20, 0x000000, 0x000000) if uncoverX and uncoverY: # clear corner self.drawRect(uncoverX[0], uncoverY[0], uncoverX[1], uncoverY[1], 0x20, 0x000000, 0x000000) def getChar(self, x, y): """Return the characters and colors of a tile as (ch, fg, bg) This method runs very slowly as is not recommended to be called frequently. @rtype: (int, (r, g, b), (r, g, b)) @returns: Returns a 3-items tuple. The first items is an integer of the characters at the position (x, y) the second and third are the foreground and background colors respectfully. """ raise NotImplementedError('Method here only exists for the docstring') def __contains__(self, position): """Use ((x, y) in console) to check if a position is drawable on this console. """ x, y = position return (0 <= x < self.width) and (0 <= y < self.height) class Console(_MetaConsole): """Contains characters and color data and can be drawn to. The console created by the L{tdl.init} function is the root console and is the console that is rendered to the screen with L{flush}. Any console created from the Console class is an off-screen console that can be drawn on before being L{blit} to the root console. """ __slots__ = ('_as_parameter_', '_typewriter') def __init__(self, width, height): """Create a new offscreen console. @type width: int @param width: Width of the console in tiles @type height: int @param height: Height of the console in tiles """ _MetaConsole.__init__(self) if not _rootinitialized: raise TDLError('Can not create Console\'s before tdl.init') self._as_parameter_ = _lib.TCOD_console_new(width, height) self.console = self self.width = width self.height = height self._typewriter = None # "typewriter lock", makes sure the colors are set to the typewriter # will be phased out with the Typewriter class @classmethod def _newConsole(cls, console): """Make a Console instance, from a console ctype""" self = cls.__new__(cls) _MetaConsole.__init__(self) self._as_parameter_ = console self.console = self self.width = _lib.TCOD_console_get_width(self) self.height = _lib.TCOD_console_get_height(self) self._typewriter = None return self def __del__(self): """ If the main console is garbage collected then the window will be closed as well """ # If this is the root console the window will close when collected try: if isinstance(self._as_parameter_, ctypes.c_void_p): global _rootinitialized, _rootConsoleRef _rootinitialized = False _rootConsoleRef = None _lib.TCOD_console_delete(self) except StandardError: pass # I forget why I put this here but I'm to afraid to delete it def __copy__(self): # make a new class and blit clone = self.__class__(self.width, self.height) clone.blit(self) return clone def __getstate__(self): # save data from getChar data = [self.getChar(x, y) for x,y in itertools.product(range(self.width), range(self.height))] return self.width, self.height, data def __setstate__(self, state): # make console from __init__ and unpack a getChar array width, height, data = state self.__init__(width, height) for (x, y), graphic in zip(itertools.product(range(width), range(height)), data): self.drawChar(x, y, *graphic) def _replace(self, console): """Used internally Mostly used just to replace this Console object with the root console If another Console object is used then they are swapped """ if isinstance(console, Console): self._as_parameter_, console._as_parameter_ = \ console._as_parameter_, self._as_parameter_ # swap tcod consoles else: self._as_parameter_ = console self.width = _lib.TCOD_console_get_width(self) self.height = _lib.TCOD_console_get_height(self) return self def _translate(self, x, y): """Convertion x and y to their position on the root Console for this Window Because this is a Console instead of a Window we return the paramaters untouched""" return x, y def clear(self, fgcolor=(0, 0, 0), bgcolor=(0, 0, 0)): """Clears the entire Console. @type fgcolor: (r, g, b) @param fgcolor: Foreground color. Must be a 3-items list with integers that range 0-255. Unlike most other operations you cannot use None here. @type bgcolor: (r, g, b) @param bgcolor: Background color. See fgcolor. """ assert _verify_colors(fgcolor, bgcolor) assert fgcolor and bgcolor, 'Can not use None with clear' self._typewriter = None _lib.TCOD_console_set_default_background(self, _formatColor(bgcolor)) _lib.TCOD_console_set_default_foreground(self, _formatColor(fgcolor)) _lib.TCOD_console_clear(self) def _setChar(self, x, y, char, fgcolor=None, bgcolor=None, bgblend=1): """ Sets a characters. This is called often and is designed to be as fast as possible. Because of the need for speed this function will do NO TYPE CHECKING AT ALL, it's up to the drawing functions to use the functions: _formatChar and _formatColor before passing to this.""" # buffer values as ctypes objects console = self._as_parameter_ if char is not None and fgcolor is not None and bgcolor is not None: _setcharEX(console, x, y, char, fgcolor, bgcolor) return if char is not None: _setchar(console, x, y, char) if fgcolor is not None: _setfore(console, x, y, fgcolor) if bgcolor is not None: _setback(console, x, y, bgcolor, bgblend) def _setCharBatch(self, batch, fgcolor, bgcolor, bgblend=1, nullChar=False): """ Try to perform a batch operation otherwise fall back to _setChar. If fgcolor and bgcolor are defined then this is faster but not by very much. batch is a iterable of [(x, y), ch] items """ if fgcolor and not nullChar: # buffer values as ctypes objects self._typewriter = None # clear the typewriter as colors will be set console = self._as_parameter_ bgblend = ctypes.c_int(bgblend) if not bgcolor: bgblend = 0 else: _lib.TCOD_console_set_default_background(console, bgcolor) _lib.TCOD_console_set_default_foreground(console, fgcolor) _putChar = _lib.TCOD_console_put_char # remove dots and make local for (x, y), char in batch: _putChar(console, x, y, char, bgblend) else: for (x, y), char in batch: self._setChar(x, y, char, fgcolor, bgcolor, bgblend) def getChar(self, x, y): # inherit docstring x, y = self._normalizePoint(x, y) char = _lib.TCOD_console_get_char(self, x, y) bgcolor = _lib.TCOD_console_get_char_background_wrapper(self, x, y) fgcolor = _lib.TCOD_console_get_char_foreground_wrapper(self, x, y) return char, tuple(fgcolor), tuple(bgcolor) def __repr__(self): return "<Console (Width=%i Height=%i)>" % (self.width, self.height) class Window(_MetaConsole): """A Window contains a small isolated part of a Console. Drawing on the Window draws on the Console. Making a Window and setting its width or height to None will extend it to the edge of the console. """ __slots__ = ('parent', 'x', 'y') def __init__(self, console, x, y, width, height): """Isolate part of a L{Console} or L{Window} instance. @type console: L{Console} or L{Window} @param console: The parent object which can be a L{Console} or another L{Window} instance. @type x: int @param x: X coordinate to place the Window. This follows the normal rules for indexing so you can use a negative integer to place the Window relative to the bottom right of the parent Console instance. @type y: int @param y: Y coordinate to place the Window. See x. @type width: int or None @param width: Width of the Window. Can be None to extend as far as possible to the bottom right corner of the parent Console or can be a negative number to be sized reltive to the Consoles total size. @type height: int or None @param height: Height of the Window. See width. """ _MetaConsole.__init__(self) assert isinstance(console, (Console, Window)), 'console parameter must be a Console or Window instance, got %s' % repr(console) self.parent = console self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height = console._normalizeRect(x, y, width, height) if isinstance(console, Console): self.console = console else: self.console = self.parent.console def _translate(self, x, y): """Convertion x and y to their position on the root Console""" # we add our position relative to our parent and then call then next parent up return self.parent._translate((x + self.x), (y + self.y)) def clear(self, fgcolor=(0, 0, 0), bgcolor=(0, 0, 0)): """Clears the entire Window. @type fgcolor: (r, g, b) @param fgcolor: Foreground color. Must be a 3-items list with integers that range 0-255. Unlike most other operations you can not use None here. @type bgcolor: (r, g, b) @param bgcolor: Background color. See fgcolor. """ assert _verify_colors(fgcolor, bgcolor) assert fgcolor and bgcolor, 'Can not use None with clear' self.drawRect(0, 0, None, None, 0x20, fgcolor, bgcolor) def _setChar(self, x, y, char=None, fgcolor=None, bgcolor=None, bgblend=1): self.parent._setChar((x + self.x), (y + self.y), char, fgcolor, bgcolor, bgblend) def _setCharBatch(self, batch, fgcolor, bgcolor, bgblend=1): myX = self.x # remove dots for speed up myY = self.y self.parent._setCharBatch((((x + myX, y + myY), ch) for ((x, y), ch) in batch), fgcolor, bgcolor, bgblend) def drawChar(self, x, y, char, fgcolor=(255, 255, 255), bgcolor=(0, 0, 0)): # inherit docstring x, y = self._normalizePoint(x, y) self.parent.drawChar(x + self.x, y + self.y, char, fgcolor, bgcolor) def drawRect(self, x, y, width, height, string, fgcolor=(255, 255, 255), bgcolor=(0, 0, 0)): # inherit docstring x, y, width, height = self._normalizeRect(x, y, width, height) self.parent.drawRect(x + self.x, y + self.y, width, height, string, fgcolor, bgcolor) def drawFrame(self, x, y, width, height, string, fgcolor=(255, 255, 255), bgcolor=(0, 0, 0)): # inherit docstring x, y, width, height = self._normalizeRect(x, y, width, height) self.parent.drawFrame(x + self.x, y + self.y, width, height, string, fgcolor, bgcolor) def getChar(self, x, y): # inherit docstring x, y = self._normalizePoint(x, y) return self.console.getChar(self._translate(x, y)) def __repr__(self): return "<Window(X=%i Y=%i Width=%i Height=%i)>" % (self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height) def init(width, height, title=None, fullscreen=False, renderer='OPENGL'): """Start the main console with the given width and height and return the root console. Call the consoles drawing functions. Then remember to use L{tdl.flush} to make what's drawn visible on the console. @type width: int @param width: width of the root console (in tiles) @type height: int @param height: height of the root console (in tiles) @type title: string @param title: Text to display as the window title. If left None it defaults to the running scripts filename. @type fullscreen: boolean @param fullscreen: Can be set to True to start in fullscreen mode. @type renderer: string @param renderer: Can be one of 'GLSL', 'OPENGL', or 'SDL'. Due to way Python works you're unlikely to see much of an improvement by using 'GLSL' or 'OPENGL' as most of the time Python is slow interacting with the console and the rendering itself is pretty fast even on 'SDL'. @rtype: L{Console} @return: The root console. Only what is drawn on the root console is what's visible after a call to L{tdl.flush}. After the root console is garbage collected, the window made by this function will close. """ RENDERERS = {'GLSL': 0, 'OPENGL': 1, 'SDL': 2} global _rootinitialized, _rootConsoleRef if not _fontinitialized: # set the default font to the one that comes with tdl setFont(_unpackfile('terminal8x8.png'), None, None, True, True) if renderer.upper() not in RENDERERS: raise TDLError('No such render type "%s", expected one of "%s"' % (renderer, '", "'.join(RENDERERS))) renderer = RENDERERS[renderer.upper()] # If a console already exists then make a clone to replace it if _rootConsoleRef and _rootConsoleRef(): oldroot = _rootConsoleRef() rootreplacement = Console(oldroot.width, oldroot.height) rootreplacement.blit(oldroot) oldroot._replace(rootreplacement) del rootreplacement if title is None: # use a default title if sys.argv: # Use the script filename as the title. title = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) else: title = 'python-tdl' _lib.TCOD_console_init_root(width, height, _encodeString(title), fullscreen, renderer) #event.get() # flush the libtcod event queue to fix some issues # issues may be fixed already event._eventsflushed = False _rootinitialized = True rootconsole = Console._newConsole(ctypes.c_void_p()) _rootConsoleRef = weakref.ref(rootconsole) return rootconsole def flush(): """Make all changes visible and update the screen. Remember to call this function after drawing operations. Calls to flush will enfore the frame rate limit set by L{tdl.setFPS}. This function can only be called after L{tdl.init} """ if not _rootinitialized: raise TDLError('Cannot flush without first initializing with tdl.init') _lib.TCOD_console_flush() def setFont(path, columns=None, rows=None, columnFirst=False, greyscale=False, altLayout=False): """Changes the font to be used for this session. This should be called before L{tdl.init} If the font specifies its size in its filename (i.e. font_NxN.png) then this function can auto-detect the tileset formatting and the parameters columns and rows can be left None. While it's possible you can change the font mid program it can sometimes break in rare circumstances. So use caution when doing this. @type path: string @param path: Must be a string filepath where a bmp or png file is found. @type columns: int @param columns: Number of columns in the tileset. Can be left None for auto-detection. @type rows: int @param rows: Number of rows in the tileset. Can be left None for auto-detection. @type columnFirst: boolean @param columnFirst: Defines if the characer order goes along the rows or colomns. It should be True if the charater codes 0-15 are in the first column. And should be False if the characters 0-15 are in the first row. @type greyscale: boolean @param greyscale: Creates an anti-aliased font from a greyscale bitmap. Otherwise it uses the alpha channel for anti-aliasing. Unless you actually need anti-aliasing from a font you know uses a smooth greyscale channel you should leave this on False. @type altLayout: boolean @param altLayout: An alternative layout with space in the upper left corner. The colomn parameter is ignored if this is True, find examples of this layout in the font/libtcod/ directory included with the python-tdl source. @raise TDLError: Will be raised if no file is found at path or if auto- detection fails. @note: A png file that's been optimized can fail to load correctly on MAC OS X creating a garbled mess when rendering. Don't use a program like optipng or just use bmp files instead if you want your program to work on macs. """ # put up some constants that are only used here FONT_LAYOUT_ASCII_INCOL = 1 FONT_LAYOUT_ASCII_INROW = 2 FONT_TYPE_GREYSCALE = 4 FONT_LAYOUT_TCOD = 8 global _fontinitialized _fontinitialized = True flags = 0 if altLayout: flags |= FONT_LAYOUT_TCOD elif columnFirst: flags |= FONT_LAYOUT_ASCII_INCOL else: flags |= FONT_LAYOUT_ASCII_INROW if greyscale: flags |= FONT_TYPE_GREYSCALE if not os.path.exists(path): raise TDLError('no file exists at: "%s"' % path) path = os.path.abspath(path) # and the rest is the auto-detect script imgSize = _getImageSize(path) # try to find image size if imgSize: imgWidth, imgHeight = imgSize # try to get font size from filename match = re.match('.*?([0-9]+)[xX]([0-9]+)', os.path.basename(path)) if match: fontWidth, fontHeight = match.groups() fontWidth, fontHeight = int(fontWidth), int(fontHeight) # estimate correct tileset size estColumns, remC = divmod(imgWidth, fontWidth) estRows, remR = divmod(imgHeight, fontHeight) if remC or remR: warnings.warn("Font may be incorrectly formatted.") if not columns: columns = estColumns if not rows: rows = estRows else: # the font name excluded the fonts size if not (columns and rows): # no matched font size and no tileset is given raise TDLError('%s has no font size in filename' % os.path.basename(path)) if columns and rows: # confirm user set options if (fontWidth * columns != imgWidth or fontHeight * rows != imgHeight): warnings.warn("setFont parameters are set as if the image size is (%d, %d) when the detected size is actually (%i, %i)" % (fontWidth * columns, fontHeight * rows, imgWidth, imgHeight)) else: warnings.warn("%s is probably not an image." % os.path.basename(path)) if not (columns and rows): # didn't auto-detect raise TDLError('Can not auto-detect the tileset of %s' % os.path.basename(path)) _lib.TCOD_console_set_custom_font(_encodeString(path), flags, columns, rows) def getFullscreen(): """Returns True if program is fullscreen. @rtype: boolean @return: Returns True if the window is in fullscreen mode. Otherwise returns False. """ if not _rootinitialized: raise TDLError('Initialize first with tdl.init') return _lib.TCOD_console_is_fullscreen() def setFullscreen(fullscreen): """Changes the fullscreen state. @type fullscreen: boolean """ if not _rootinitialized: raise TDLError('Initialize first with tdl.init') _lib.TCOD_console_set_fullscreen(fullscreen) def setTitle(title): """Change the window title. @type title: string """ if not _rootinitialized: raise TDLError('Not initilized. Set title with tdl.init') _lib.TCOD_console_set_window_title(_encodeString(title)) def screenshot(path=None): """Capture the screen and save it as a png file @type path: string @param path: The filepath to save the screenshot. If path is None then the image will be placed in the current folder with the names: screenshot001.png, screenshot002.png, ... """ if not _rootinitialized: raise TDLError('Initialize first with tdl.init') if isinstance(path, str): _lib.TCOD_sys_save_screenshot(_encodeString(path)) elif path is None: # save to screenshot001.png, screenshot002.png, ... filelist = os.listdir('.') n = 1 filename = 'screenshot%.3i.png' % n while filename in filelist: n += 1 filename = 'screenshot%.3i.png' % n _lib.TCOD_sys_save_screenshot(_encodeString(filename)) else: # assume file like obj #save to temp file and copy to file-like obj tmpname = os.tempnam() _lib.TCOD_sys_save_screenshot(_encodeString(tmpname)) with tmpname as tmpfile: path.write( os.remove(tmpname) #else: # raise TypeError('path is an invalid type: %s' % type(path)) def setFPS(frameRate): """Set the maximum frame rate. @type frameRate: int @param frameRate: Further calls to L{tdl.flush} will limit the speed of the program to run at <frameRate> frames per second. Can also be set to 0 to run without a limit. Defaults to None. """ if frameRate is None: frameRate = 0 assert isinstance(frameRate, _INTTYPES), 'frameRate must be an integer or None, got: %s' % repr(frameRate) _lib.TCOD_sys_set_fps(frameRate) def getFPS(): """Return the current frames per second of the running program set by L{setFPS} @rtype: int @return: Returns the frameRate set by setFPS. If set to no limit, this will return 0. """ return _lib.TCOD_sys_get_fps() def forceResolution(width, height): """Change the fullscreen resoulution @type width: int @type height: int """ _lib.TCOD_sys_force_fullscreen_resolution(width, height) __all__ = [_var for _var in locals().keys() if _var[0] != '_' and _var not in ['sys', 'os', 'ctypes', 'array', 'weakref', 'itertools', 'textwrap', 'struct', 're', 'warnings']] # remove modules from __all__ __all__ += ['_MetaConsole'] # keep this object public to show the documentation in epydoc __license__ = "New BSD License" __email__ = "" file = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'VERSION.txt'), 'r') __version__ = file.close()
import io, csv, json from datetime import datetime from sqlalchemy import desc, inspect, func, text from sqlalchemy.orm import subqueryload from flask import abort, Markup from flask.ext.login import current_user from import db from .models import ( TypeformResponse, Typeform, SeamlessDoc, FormSubmission, LogEntry ) from .serializers import ( TypeformResponseSerializer, FlatResponseSerializer, TypeformSerializer, SerializationError, DeserializationError ) response_serializer = TypeformResponseSerializer() flat_response_serializer = FlatResponseSerializer() typeform_serializer = TypeformSerializer() def save_new_form_submission(data, county="sanfrancisco"): submission = FormSubmission( answers=data, county=county ) db.session.add(submission) db.session.commit() return submission def get_submissions(uuids): query = db.session.query(FormSubmission).filter( FormSubmission.uuid.in_(uuids)) return query.all() def get_submission_by_uuid(submission_uuid): q = db.session.query(FormSubmission).filter( FormSubmission.uuid == submission_uuid) return q.first() def delete_submission_forever(submission_uuid): q = db.session.query(FormSubmission).filter( FormSubmission.uuid == submission_uuid) submission = q.first() db.session.delete(submission) db.session.commit() def get_unopened_submissions(): data = get_submissions_with_logs() unopened = [] for row in data: if 'logs' not in row: unopened.append(row['submission']) else: if not row['submission'].was_opened(row['logs']): unopened.append(row['submission']) return unopened def get_latest_logentry(): q = db.session.query(LogEntry).\ filter(LogEntry.source == 'front').\ order_by(desc(LogEntry.datetime)) return q.first() def save_new_logentries_from_front_events(events=None): for event in events: logentry = LogEntry.from_parsed_front_event(event) db.session.add(logentry) db.session.commit() def get_all_submissions(): q = db.session.query(FormSubmission).\ order_by(desc(FormSubmission.date_received)) return q.all() def get_logentries(): q = db.session.query(LogEntry).\ order_by(desc(LogEntry.datetime)) return q.all() def save_new_logentry(uuid, event_type): log = LogEntry(,, submission_key=uuid, event_type=event_type, source='form_filler' ) db.session.add(log) db.session.commit() def save_multiple_logentries(uuids, event_type): for uuid in uuids: log = LogEntry(,, submission_key=uuid, event_type=event_type, source='form_filler' ) db.session.add(log) db.session.commit() def get_submissions_with_logs(): lookups = {} submissions = get_all_submissions() logs = get_logentries() for submission in submissions: lookups[submission.uuid] = {'submission': submission} for log in logs: uuid = log.submission_key if uuid in lookups: if 'logs' not in lookups[uuid]: lookups[uuid]['logs'] = [log] else: lookups[uuid]['logs'].append(log) results = list(lookups.values()) for row in results: if 'logs' in row: row['logs'].sort(key=lambda e: e.datetime, reverse=True) return sorted(results, key=lambda s: s['submission'].date_received, reverse=True) def get_stats(): base_data = get_submissions_with_logs() stats = { 'received': len(base_data), 'opened': len([ s for s in base_data if s['submission'].was_opened(s['logs']) ]), 'days':[] } day_lookup = {} for row in base_data: for log in row['logs']: day = if day in day_lookup: day_lookup[day].append(log) else: day_lookup[day] = [log] for day, logs in day_lookup.items(): stats['days'].append({ 'date': day, 'received': len([ n for n in logs if n.event_type == 'received']), 'referred': len([ n for n in logs if n.event_type == 'referred']), 'opened': len([ n for n in logs if ( n.event_type == 'opened' and n.user == '' )]), }) stats['days'].sort(key=lambda d: d['date']) stats['days'] = Markup(json.dumps(stats['days'])) return stats def save_new_typeform_data(data, typeform=None): if typeform: data['user_id'] = typeform.user_id data['typeform_id'] = data['translator'] = typeform.translator models, errors = response_serializer.load( data, many=True, session=db.session) new_responses = [] if errors: raise DeserializationError(str(errors)) if not models: return [] for m in models: if not inspect(m).persistent: db.session.add(m) new_responses.append(m) if new_responses and typeform: update_typeform_with_new_responses(typeform, new_responses) db.session.commit() def update_typeform_with_new_responses(typeform, responses): latest_date = max(responses, key=lambda r: r.date_received).date_received typeform.latest_response = latest_date db.session.add(typeform) def get_typeforms_for_user(user): q = db.session.query(Typeform).\ options(subqueryload(Typeform.responses)).\ filter(Typeform.user_id ==\ order_by(desc(Typeform.latest_response)) return typeform_serializer.dump(q.all(), many=True).data def get_responses_for_typeform(typeform_id): q = db.session.query(TypeformResponse).\ filter(TypeformResponse.typeform_id == typeform_id).\ order_by(desc(TypeformResponse.date_received)) responses = q.all() responses_data = response_serializer.dump(responses, many=True).data return responses_data def get_responses_csv(user, typeform_key): typeform = get_typeform(model=True,, form_key=typeform_key) # get responses results = db.session.query(TypeformResponse, Typeform.form_key).\ join(Typeform, TypeformResponse.typeform_id ==\ filter(Typeform.user_id ==, Typeform.form_key == typeform_key).\ order_by(desc(TypeformResponse.date_received)).all() # serialize them data = flat_response_serializer.dump(results, many=True).data if len(data) < 1: abort(404) # build csv keys = list(data[0].keys()) keys.sort() with io.StringIO() as csvfile: writer = csv.DictWriter( csvfile, fieldnames=keys, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC) writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(data) return csvfile.getvalue() def get_seamless_doc_key_for_response(response): return SeamlessDoc.query.get(response.seamless_id).seamless_key def get_response_model(response_id): return TypeformResponse.query.get(int(response_id)) def get_response_detail(user, response_id): response = get_response_model(response_id) if != response.user_id: abort(403) return response_serializer.dump(response).data def get_response_count(): return db.session.query(func.count( def create_typeform(form_key, title, user_id, translator, **kwargs): params = dict(form_key=form_key, title=title, user_id=user_id) if not all([form_key, title, user_id, translator]): raise TypeError( "Creating a new Typeform requires form_key, title, user_id, and translator arguments") typeform = db.session.query(Typeform).filter_by(**params).first() if not typeform: params.update(dict(translator=translator, **kwargs)) typeform = Typeform(**params) db.session.add(typeform) db.session.commit() return typeform def get_typeform(model=False, **kwargs): params = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v} if not params: abort(404) typeform = db.session.query(Typeform).filter_by(**params).first() if not typeform: abort(404) if model: return typeform return typeform_serializer.dump(typeform).data
#!/usr/bin/env python ## $Id:,v 1.3 2003/07/03 23:07:42 euske Exp $ ## ## - Pattern matching / constraint checker ## import sys, re import pstring from regpat import PatternActionSet, PatCounter from sentence import Sentence, TextTokenizer, SentenceSplitter, POSTagger from abstfilter import AbstractFeeder, AbstractFilter, AbstractConsumer from document import HTMLProcessor, TexProcessor, PlainTextProcessor from unification import Unifier, UnificationError, forall, exists from postagfix import POSTagFixer from output import TerminalOutput from grammarerror import GrammarNounAgreementError, GrammarVerbAgreementError, GrammarNonDeterminerError def ispos(w, t): return w.pos_pref == t or (w.pos_pref == None and t in w.pos) class ParsePatternActionSet(PatternActionSet): def __init__(self, observer, warntypes, debug_action=False): self.debug_action = debug_action PatternActionSet.__init__(self) = observer self.check_determiner = "det" in warntypes self.check_plural = "plural" in warntypes return def compile_item0(self, t): return lambda w: not w.processed and ispos(w, t) def compile_item2(self, s): return lambda w: not w.processed and (not isinstance(w.s, Sentence)) and s.lower() == w.s.lower() def inherit_prop(self, m, inherit=None): if inherit: m.prop = inherit.prop m.prop.match = m else: m.prop = Unifier() return c = PatCounter().inc debug_action = True def action_wrapper(self, n, pat1, action, m): print "called:", n, map(str,m.getseq()) action(m) return ## CONSTRAINTS ## pat_det_pos = c('DT | DT1 | DTS | WDT | PRP$ | WP$') def act_det_pos(self, m): self.inherit_prop(m) w = m.submatch.item m.prop["determiner"] = True if ispos(w, "DT1"): m.prop["plural"] = False elif ispos(w, "DTS"): m.prop["plural"] = True return pat_pdts = c('PDT | PDT1 | PDTS') def act_pdts(self, m): self.inherit_prop(m) w = m.submatch.item if ispos(w, "PDT1"): m.prop["plural"] = False elif ispos(w, "PDTS"): m.prop["plural"] = True return pat_modifiers = c('CD | JJ | JJR | JJS | NN | NNR') pat_ng_3rdsing = c('<det_pos> <pdts>? <modifiers>* (NN | NNR)') def act_ng_3rdsing(self, m): self.inherit_prop(m) m.prop["3rdsing"] = True return pat_ng_non3rdsing = c('<det_pos>? <pdts>? <modifiers>* NNS') def act_ng_non3rdsing(self, m): self.inherit_prop(m) m.prop["3rdsing"] = False return pat_pron = c('WP | PRP | PRP2 | PRPS') def act_pron(self, m): self.inherit_prop(m) w = m.submatch.item if ispos(w, "PRP2") or ispos(w, "PRPS"): m.prop["3rdsing"] = False elif ispos(w, "PRP"): m.prop["3rdsing"] = True return pat_ng = c('<ng_non3rdsing> | <pron> | <ng_3rdsing> ') def act_ng(self, m): self.inherit_prop(m, m.submatch) return pat_adv1 = c('RB') pat_there = c('"there" | "here"') pat_have1 = c('"have" | "\'ve"') pat_has1 = c('"has" | "\'s"') pat_had1 = c('"had" | "\'d"') pat_is1 = c('"is" | "isn\'t" | "\'s"') pat_are1 = c('"are" | "aren\'t" | "\'re"') pat_rel1 = c('"which" | "who" | "whom" | "that"') pat_vg_ven = c('VBN') pat_vg_ving = c('VBG | "being" <vg_ven>') pat_vg_perf = c('<adv1>? <vg_ven> | "been" <adv1>? <vg_ven> | "been" <adv1>? <vg_ving>') # Verb group infinite - ignore pat_vg_inf = c('MD <adv1>? "be" <vg_ving> | MD <adv1>? "be" <vg_ven> | MD <adv1>? VB') def act_vg_inf(self, m): self.inherit_prop(m) return # Verb group past tense - ignore pat_vg_past = c('<had1> <vg_perf> | VBD') act_vg_past = act_vg_inf pat_vg_non3rdsing = c('<have1> <vg_perf> | <are1> <vg_ving> | VBP') def act_vg_non3rdsing(self, m): self.inherit_prop(m) m.prop["3rdsing"] = False return pat_vg_3rdsing = c('<has1> <vg_perf> | <is1> <vg_ving> | VBZ | ' + 'MDZ <adv1>? "be" <vg_ving> | MDZ <adv1>? "be" <vg_ven> | MDZ <adv1>? VB') def act_vg_3rdsing(self, m): self.inherit_prop(m) m.prop["3rdsing"] = True return pat_be_non3rdsing = c('"are" | "\'re" | "were" | "weren\'t"') act_be_non3rdsing = act_vg_non3rdsing pat_be_3rdsing = c('"is" | "isn\'t" | "\'s" | "was" | "wasn\'t"') act_be_3rdsing = act_vg_3rdsing pat_vg_there = c('<there> (<be_non3rdsing> | <be_3rdsing>)') def act_vg_there(self, m): self.inherit_prop(m, m.subseq[1].submatch) return pat_vg = c('<vg_inf> | <vg_past> | <vg_non3rdsing> | <vg_3rdsing>') def act_vg(self, m): self.inherit_prop(m, m.submatch) return pat_rel = c('IN? <rel1>') pat_pp = c('IN <ng>') pat_sv1_check = c('<ng> <adv1>? <pp>? <rel>? <vg>') def act_sv1_check(self, m): self.check_sv(m, m.subseq[0], m.subseq[4]) return pat_sv2_check = c('<ng> <adv1>? <rel>? <vg>') def act_sv2_check(self, m): self.check_sv(m, m.subseq[0], m.subseq[3]) return pat_sv3_check = c('<vg_there> <ng>') def act_sv3_check(self, m): self.check_sv(m, m.subseq[1], m.subseq[0]) return pat_ng_single = c('(<det_pos>? <pdts>?) (<modifiers>* (NN | NNR))') def act_ng_single(self, m): if exists(lambda w: w.processed, m.getseq()): return (mdet, mnoun) = (m.subseq[0], m.subseq[1]) if mdet.subseq[0].repseq: self.inherit_prop(m, mdet.subseq[0].repseq[0]) # inherit <det_pos> else: self.inherit_prop(m) w = mnoun.subseq[1].submatch.item if ispos(w, "NNR") or w.is_sent: m.prop["determiner"] = True if mdet.subseq[1].repseq: if self.check_ng(m, mdet, mnoun, mdet.subseq[1].repseq[0].prop["plural"]): return self.check_ng(m, mdet, mnoun, False) return pat_ng_plural = c('(<det_pos>? <pdts>?) (<modifiers>* NNS)') def act_ng_plural(self, m): if exists(lambda w: w.processed, m.getseq()): return (mdet, mnoun) = (m.subseq[0], m.subseq[1]) if mdet.subseq[0].repseq: self.inherit_prop(m, mdet.subseq[0].repseq[0]) # inherit <det_pos> else: self.inherit_prop(m) m.prop["determiner"] = True if mdet.subseq[1].repseq: if self.check_ng(m, mdet, mnoun, mdet.subseq[1].repseq[0].prop["plural"]): return self.check_ng(m, mdet, mnoun, True) return pat_ng_check = c('<ng_single> | <ng_plural>') del c def check_sv(self, m, ms, mv): if exists(lambda w: w.processed, m.getseq()): return try: ms.prop.unify(mv.prop) except UnificationError:, mv)) for w in m.getseq(): w.processed = True return def check_ng(self, m, mdet, mnoun, plural): for w in m.getseq(): w.processed = True if self.check_plural: try: m.prop["plural"] = plural except UnificationError:, mnoun)) return True if self.check_determiner and not m.prop["determiner"]: return True return False ## ## class ConstraintChecker(AbstractFilter): def __init__(self, next_filter, warntypes, debug_action=False): AbstractFilter.__init__(self, next_filter) self.actionset = ParsePatternActionSet(self.notify, warntypes, debug_action) self.warntypes = warntypes return def notify(self, e): self.feed_next((self.sent, e)) return def feed(self, sent): if sent.words[0].s == "[[": return for w in sent.words: if w.is_sent: self.feed(w.s) self.sent = sent if "sv1" in self.warntypes: self.actionset.perform_longest_first("sv1_check", sent.words) if "sv2" in self.warntypes: self.actionset.perform_longest_first("sv2_check", sent.words) if "sv3" in self.warntypes: self.actionset.perform_longest_first("sv3_check", sent.words) self.actionset.perform_longest_first("ng_check", sent.words) return # if __name__ == "__main__": if sys.argv[1] == "-t": docproc = TexProcessor elif sys.argv[1] == "-l": docproc = HTMLProcessor elif sys.argv[1] == "-p": docproc = PlainTextProcessor else: assert 0 import dictionary dict = dictionary.Dictionary("LOCAL/dict.txt") out = TerminalOutput() pipeline = docproc(TextTokenizer(SentenceSplitter(POSTagger(dict, POSTagFixer(ConstraintChecker(out, ["sv1","sv2","sv3","det","plural"]))))))
from scipy.optimize import minimize import pandas as pd, random import numpy as np, datetime import scipy.stats FLAG_BAD_RETURN=-99999.0 CALENDAR_DAYS_IN_YEAR = 365.25 BUSINESS_DAYS_IN_YEAR = 256.0 ROOT_BDAYS_INYEAR = BUSINESS_DAYS_IN_YEAR**.5 WEEKS_IN_YEAR = CALENDAR_DAYS_IN_YEAR / 7.0 ROOT_WEEKS_IN_YEAR = WEEKS_IN_YEAR**.5 MONTHS_IN_YEAR = 12.0 ROOT_MONTHS_IN_YEAR = MONTHS_IN_YEAR**.5 ARBITRARY_START=pd.datetime(1900,1,1) DEFAULT_CAPITAL = 1.0 DEFAULT_ANN_RISK_TARGET = 0.16 contract_month_codes = ['F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'M','N', 'Q', 'U', 'V', 'X', 'Z'] contract_month_dict = dict(zip(contract_month_codes,\ range(1,len(contract_month_codes)+1))) def shift(lst,empty): res = lst[:] temp = res[0] for index in range(len(lst) - 1): res[index] = res[index + 1] res[index + 1] = temp res[-1] = empty return res def stitch_prices(dfs, price_col, dates): res = [] datesr = list(reversed(dates)) dfsr = list(reversed(dfs)) dfsr_pair = shift(dfsr,pd.DataFrame()) for i,v in enumerate(datesr): tmp1=float(dfsr[i].ix[v,price_col]) tmp2=float(dfsr_pair[i].ix[v,price_col]) dfsr_pair[i].loc[:,price_col] = dfsr_pair[i][price_col] + tmp1-tmp2 dates.insert(0,'1900-01-01') dates_end = shift(dates,'2200-01-01') for i,v in enumerate(dates): tmp = dfs[i][(dfs[i].index > dates[i]) & (dfs[i].index <= dates_end[i])] res.append(tmp.Settle) return pd.concat(res) def which_contract(contract_list, cycle, offset, expday, expmon): assert len(contract_list) > 0 start_date = contract_list[contract_list.keys()[0]].head(1).index[0] # first dt of first contract end_date = contract_list[contract_list.keys()[-1]].tail(1).index[0] # last date of last contract delta = end_date - start_date dates = [] for i in range(delta.days + 1): day = start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=i) if day.weekday() < 5: dates.append(day) df = pd.DataFrame(index=dates) def closest_biz(d): # get closest biz day diffs = np.abs((d - df.index).days) return df.index[np.argmin(diffs)] cycle_d = [contract_month_dict[x] for x in cycle] df['effcont'] = np.nan for year in np.unique(df.index.year): for c in cycle_d: v = "%d%02d" % (year,c) exp_d = datetime.datetime(year, c, expday) if expmon=="prev": exp_d = exp_d - datetime.timedelta(days=30) df.loc[closest_biz(exp_d),'effcont'] = v df = df.fillna(method='bfill') df['effcont'] = df.effcont.shift(-int(offset*2/3 + 3)) return df.fillna(method='ffill') def create_carry(df, offset, contract_list): df2 = df.copy() df2['effcont'] = df2.effcont.astype(str) def offset_contract(con): s = pd.to_datetime(con + "15", format='%Y%m%d') ss = s + datetime.timedelta(days=30*offset) return "%d%02d" % (int(ss.year), int(ss.month)) df2['carrycont'] = df2['effprice'] = df2.apply(lambda x: contract_list.get(x.effcont).s.get( if x.effcont in contract_list else np.nan,axis=1) df2['carryprice'] = df2.apply(lambda x: contract_list.get(x.carrycont).s.get( if x.carrycont in contract_list else np.nan,axis=1) return df2 def ccy_returns(price, forecast): base_capital = DEFAULT_CAPITAL daily_risk_capital = DEFAULT_CAPITAL * DEFAULT_ANN_RISK_TARGET / ROOT_BDAYS_INYEAR ts_capital=pd.Series([DEFAULT_CAPITAL]*len(price), index=price.index) ann_risk = ts_capital * DEFAULT_ANN_RISK_TARGET daily_returns_volatility = robust_vol_calc(price.diff()) multiplier = daily_risk_capital * 1.0 * 1.0 / 10.0 numerator = forecast * multiplier positions = numerator.ffill() / daily_returns_volatility.ffill() cum_trades = positions.shift(1).ffill() price_returns = price.diff() instr_ccy_returns = cum_trades.shift(1)*price_returns instr_ccy_returns=instr_ccy_returns.cumsum().ffill().reindex(price.index).diff() return instr_ccy_returns def skew(price, forecast): base_capital = DEFAULT_CAPITAL pct = 100.0 * ccy_returns(price, forecast) / base_capital return scipy.stats.skew(pct[pd.isnull(pct) == False]) def sharpe(price, forecast): instr_ccy_returns = ccy_returns(price, forecast) tval,pval = scipy.stats.ttest_1samp(instr_ccy_returns.dropna(), 0) mean_return = instr_ccy_returns.mean() * BUSINESS_DAYS_IN_YEAR vol = instr_ccy_returns.std() * ROOT_BDAYS_INYEAR return mean_return / vol, tval, pval def ewma(price, slow, fast): fast_ewma = pd.ewma(price, span=slow) slow_ewma = pd.ewma(price, span=fast) raw_ewmac = fast_ewma - slow_ewma vol = robust_vol_calc(price.diff()) return raw_ewmac / vol def bollinger(df,col,lev): signals = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index) signals['signal'] = np.nan middle = pd.rolling_mean(df[col], 40, min_periods=1) std = pd.rolling_std(df[col], 40, min_periods=1) df['middle'] = middle df['top'] = middle+2*std df['bottom'] = middle-2*std signals['signal'] = np.where(df[col] > middle+2*std, -1, np.nan) signals['signal'] = np.where(df[col] < middle-2*std, 1, np.nan) signals['signal'] = signals['signal'].fillna(method='ffill') df['ret'] = df[col].pct_change() * signals['signal'].shift(1) ret = df.ret.dropna() * lev return ret def crossover(df,col,lev): signals = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index) signals['signal'] = 0 short_ma = pd.rolling_mean(df[col], 40, min_periods=1) long_ma = pd.rolling_mean(df[col], 100, min_periods=1) signals['signal'] = np.where(short_ma > long_ma, 1, 0) df['signal'] = signals['signal'].shift(1) df['ret'] = df[col].pct_change() * df['signal'] ret = df.ret.dropna() * lev return ret def carry(daily_ann_roll, vol, diff_in_years, smooth_days=90): ann_stdev = vol * ROOT_BDAYS_INYEAR raw_carry = daily_ann_roll / ann_stdev smooth_carry = pd.ewma(raw_carry, smooth_days) / diff_in_years return smooth_carry.fillna(method='ffill') def estimate_forecast_scalar(x, window=250000, min_periods=500): target_abs_forecast = 10. x=x.abs().iloc[:,0] avg_abs_value=x.mean() return target_abs_forecast/avg_abs_value def vol_equaliser(mean_list, stdev_list): if np.all(np.isnan(stdev_list)): return (([np.nan]*len(mean_list), [np.nan]*len(stdev_list))) avg_stdev=np.nanmean(stdev_list) norm_factor=[asset_stdev/avg_stdev for asset_stdev in stdev_list] norm_means=[mean_list[i]/norm_factor[i] for (i, notUsed) in enumerate(mean_list)] norm_stdev=[stdev_list[i]/norm_factor[i] for (i, notUsed) in enumerate(stdev_list)] return (norm_means, norm_stdev) def apply_with_min_periods(xcol, my_func=np.nanmean, min_periods=0): not_nan=sum([not np.isnan(xelement) for xelement in xcol]) if not_nan>=min_periods: return my_func(xcol) else: return np.nan def vol_estimator(x, using_exponent=True, min_periods=20, ew_lookback=250): vol=x.apply(apply_with_min_periods,axis=0,min_periods=min_periods, my_func=np.nanstd) stdev_list=list(vol) return stdev_list def mean_estimator(x, using_exponent=True, min_periods=20, ew_lookback=500): means=x.apply(apply_with_min_periods,axis=0,min_periods=min_periods, my_func=np.nanmean) mean_list=list(means) return mean_list def str2Bool(x): if type(x) is bool: return x return x.lower() in ("t", "true") def correlation_single_period(data_for_estimate, using_exponent=True, min_periods=20, ew_lookback=250, floor_at_zero=True): ## These may come from config as str using_exponent=str2Bool(using_exponent) if using_exponent: ## If we stack there will be duplicate dates ## So we massage the span so it's correct ## This assumes the index is at least daily and on same timestamp ## This is an artifact of how we prepare the data dindex=data_for_estimate.index dlenadj=float(len(dindex))/len(set(list(dindex))) ## Usual use for IDM, FDM calculation when whole data set is used corrmat=pd.ewmcorr(data_for_estimate, span=int(ew_lookback*dlenadj), min_periods=min_periods) ## only want the final one corrmat=corrmat.values[-1] else: ## Use normal correlation ## Usual use for bootstrapping when only have sub sample corrmat=data_for_estimate.corr(min_periods=min_periods) corrmat=corrmat.values if floor_at_zero: corrmat[corrmat<0]=0.0 return corrmat def fix_mus(mean_list): def _fixit(x): if np.isnan(x): return FLAG_BAD_RETURN else: return x mean_list=[_fixit(x) for x in mean_list] return mean_list def fix_sigma(sigma): def _fixit(x): if np.isnan(x): return 0.0 else: return x sigma=[[_fixit(x) for x in sigma_row] for sigma_row in sigma] sigma=np.array(sigma) return sigma def addem(weights): ## Used for constraints return 1.0 - sum(weights) def neg_SR(weights, sigma, mus): ## Returns minus the Sharpe Ratio (as we're minimising) estreturn=(np.matrix(weights)*mus)[0,0] std_dev=(variance(weights,sigma)**.5) return -estreturn/std_dev def variance(weights, sigma): ## returns the variance (NOT standard deviation) given weights and sigma return (np.matrix(weights)*sigma*np.matrix(weights).transpose())[0,0] def un_fix_weights(mean_list, weights): def _unfixit(xmean, xweight): if xmean==FLAG_BAD_RETURN: return np.nan else: return xweight fixed_weights=[_unfixit(xmean, xweight) for (xmean, xweight) in zip(mean_list, weights)] return fixed_weights def optimise( sigma, mean_list): ## will replace nans with big negatives mean_list=fix_mus(mean_list) ## replaces nans with zeros sigma=fix_sigma(sigma) mus=np.array(mean_list, ndmin=2).transpose() number_assets=sigma.shape[1] start_weights=[1.0/number_assets]*number_assets ## Constraints - positive weights, adding to 1.0 bounds=[(0.0,1.0)]*number_assets cdict=[{'type':'eq', 'fun':addem}] ans=minimize(neg_SR, start_weights, (sigma, mus), method='SLSQP', bounds=bounds, constraints=cdict, tol=0.00001) ## anything that had a nan will now have a zero weight weights=ans['x'] ## put back the nans weights=un_fix_weights(mean_list, weights) return weights def sigma_from_corr_and_std(stdev_list, corrmatrix): stdev=np.array(stdev_list, ndmin=2).transpose() sigma=stdev*corrmatrix*stdev return sigma def markosolver(period_subset_data): mean_list=mean_estimator(period_subset_data) corrmatrix=correlation_single_period(period_subset_data) stdev_list=vol_estimator(period_subset_data) (mean_list, stdev_list)=vol_equaliser(mean_list, stdev_list) sigma=sigma_from_corr_and_std(stdev_list, corrmatrix) unclean_weights=optimise( sigma, mean_list) weights=unclean_weights diag=dict(raw=(mean_list, stdev_list), sigma=sigma, mean_list=mean_list, unclean=unclean_weights, weights=weights) return (weights, diag) def bootstrap_portfolio(subset_data, monte_runs=100, bootstrap_length=50): all_results=[bs_one_time(subset_data, bootstrap_length) for unused_index in range(monte_runs)] ### We can take an average here; only because our weights always add ### up to 1. If that isn't true then you will need to some kind ### of renormalisation weightlist=np.array([x[0] for x in all_results], ndmin=2) diaglist=[x[1] for x in all_results] theweights_mean=list(np.mean(weightlist, axis=0)) diag=dict(bootstraps=diaglist) return (theweights_mean, diag) def bs_one_time(subset_data, bootstrap_length): ## choose the data bs_idx=[int(random.uniform(0,1)*len(subset_data)) for notUsed in range(bootstrap_length)] returns=subset_data.iloc[bs_idx,:] (weights, diag)=markosolver(returns) return (weights, diag) def robust_vol_calc(x, days=35, min_periods=10, vol_abs_min=0.0000000001, vol_floor=True, floor_min_quant=0.05, floor_min_periods=100, floor_days=500): """ Robust exponential volatility calculation, assuming daily series of prices We apply an absolute minimum level of vol (absmin); and a volfloor based on lowest vol over recent history :param x: data :type x: Tx1 pd.Series :param days: Number of days in lookback (*default* 35) :type days: int :param min_periods: The minimum number of observations (*default* 10) :type min_periods: int :param vol_abs_min: The size of absolute minimum (*default* =0.0000000001) 0.0= not used :type absmin: float or None :param vol_floor Apply a floor to volatility (*default* True) :type vol_floor: bool :param floor_min_quant: The quantile to use for volatility floor (eg 0.05 means we use 5% vol) (*default 0.05) :type floor_min_quant: float :param floor_days: The lookback for calculating volatility floor, in days (*default* 500) :type floor_days: int :param floor_min_periods: Minimum observations for floor - until reached floor is zero (*default* 100) :type floor_min_periods: int :returns: pd.DataFrame -- volatility measure """ # Standard deviation will be nan for first 10 non nan values vol = pd.ewmstd(x, span=days, min_periods=min_periods) vol[vol < vol_abs_min] = vol_abs_min if vol_floor: # Find the rolling 5% quantile point to set as a minimum vol_min = pd.rolling_quantile( vol, floor_days, floor_min_quant, floor_min_periods) # set this to zero for the first value then propogate forward, ensures # we always have a value vol_min.set_value(vol_min.index[0], 0.0) vol_min = vol_min.ffill() # apply the vol floor vol_with_min = pd.concat([vol, vol_min], axis=1) vol_floored = vol_with_min.max(axis=1, skipna=False) else: vol_floored = vol return vol_floored def ewmac(price, Lfast, Lslow): price=price.resample("1B", how="last") fast_ewma = pd.ewma(price, span=Lfast) slow_ewma = pd.ewma(price, span=Lslow) raw_ewmac = fast_ewma - slow_ewma return raw_ewmac.PRICE / robust_vol_calc(price.diff()).vol
''' Provides commands to globally modify the bot's behaviour. ''' import logging import pydoc from .users_plugin import isadmin from tombot.registry import get_easy_logger, Command, Subscribe, BOT_START from tombot.registry import COMMAND_DICT, COMMAND_CATEGORIES from tombot.helper_functions import determine_sender, extract_query, reply_directly LOGGER = get_easy_logger('plugins.system') HELP_OVERVIEW = '' @Command('ping', 'system') def ping_cb(bot=None, message=None, *args, **kwargs): ''' Return 'pong' to indicate non-deadness. ''' return 'Pong' @Command('forcelog', 'system', hidden=True) def forcelog_cb(bot, message, *args, **kwargs): ''' Write a message to the root logger. ''''Forcelog from %s: %s', message.getFrom(), message.getBody()) return @Command(['shutdown', 'halt'], 'system') def shutdown_cb(bot, message, *args, **kwargs): ''' Shut down the bot. ''''Stop message received from %s, content "%s"', message.getFrom(), message.getBody()) if not isadmin(bot, message): LOGGER.warning('Unauthorized shutdown attempt from %s', determine_sender(message)) return 'Not authorized.' bot.stop() @Command('restart', 'system') def restart_cb(bot, message, *args, **kwargs): ''' Restart the bot. ''''Restart message received from %s, content "%s"', message.getFrom(), message.getBody()) if not isadmin(bot, message): LOGGER.warning('Unauthorized shutdown attempt from %s', determine_sender(message)) return 'Not authorized.' bot.stop(True) @Command('logdebug', 'system') def logdebug_cb(bot, message=None, *args, **kwargs): ''' Temporarily set the loglevel to debug. ''' if message: if not isadmin(bot, message): return 'Not authorized.' logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) return 'Ok.' @Command('loginfo', 'system') def loginfo_cb(bot, message=None, *args, **kwargs): ''' Temporarily (re)set the loglevel to info. ''' if message: if not isadmin(bot, message): return 'Not authorized.' logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) return 'Ok.' @Subscribe(BOT_START) def build_help_cb(bot, *args, **kwargs): ''' Build the help overview so it can be cached and poked at from shell. ''' global HELP_OVERVIEW HELP_OVERVIEW += 'Available commands:\n' for category in sorted(COMMAND_CATEGORIES): if category: HELP_OVERVIEW += '- {}:\n'.format(category) for command in sorted(COMMAND_CATEGORIES[category]): HELP_OVERVIEW += '{}: {}\n'.format( command[0], pydoc.splitdoc(command[2].__doc__)[0]) @Command(['help', '?'], 'system') @reply_directly def help_cb(bot, message, *args, **kwargs): ''' Give moral and spiritual guidance in using this bot. When you select one command, a longer text will be sent! ''' cmd = extract_query(message) if not cmd: return HELP_OVERVIEW else: try: return pydoc.getdoc(COMMAND_DICT[cmd.upper()]) except KeyError: return 'Sorry, that command is not known.'
# Generated by Django 2.2.3 on 2019-07-14 13:53 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('core', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='ElectionSetting', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('date_created', models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True, verbose_name='date_created')), ('date_updated', models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, null=True, verbose_name='date_updated')), ('key', models.CharField(default=None, max_length=30, unique=True, verbose_name='key')), ('value', models.CharField(blank=True, default=None, max_length=128, null=True, verbose_name='value')), ], options={ 'verbose_name_plural': 'election settings', 'verbose_name': 'election setting', 'ordering': ['key'], }, ), migrations.AddField( model_name='batch', name='date_created', field=models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True, verbose_name='date_created'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='batch', name='date_updated', field=models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, null=True, verbose_name='date_updated'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='section', name='date_created', field=models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True, verbose_name='date_created'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='section', name='date_updated', field=models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, null=True, verbose_name='date_updated'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='user', name='date_created', field=models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True, verbose_name='date_created'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='user', name='date_updated', field=models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, null=True, verbose_name='date_updated'), ), migrations.AddIndex( model_name='electionsetting', index=models.Index(fields=['key'], name='core_electi_key_1a53c9_idx'), ), ]
import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.contrib.rnn import BasicLSTMCell class RNNModel(object): def __init__(self,args,text_data): self.args = args self.text_data = text_data self.input_x = None self.input_y = None self.dropout = None self.losses = None self.train = None self.prediction = None self.accuracy = None self.build_network() def build_network(self): embedding_size = self.args.embedding_size rnn_cell_size = self.args.rnn_cell_size batch_size = self.args.batch_size learning_rate = self.args.learning_rate max_doc_len = self.args.max_doc_len label_num = self.text_data.label_num vocab_size = self.text_data.vocab_size print('vocab_size: {} label_num: {} max_doc_len: {} batch_size: {} embedding_size: {} rnn_cell_size: {}'.format(vocab_size,label_num,max_doc_len,batch_size,embedding_size,rnn_cell_size)) self.input_x = tf.placeholder(tf.int32,[None,max_doc_len],name='input_x') self.input_y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[None,label_num],name='input_y') self.dropout = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,name='drop_out') We = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([vocab_size,embedding_size],-1.0,1.0)) embedding_char = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(We,self.input_x) embedding_char_expand = tf.reshape(embedding_char,[-1,embedding_size]) W_in = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([embedding_size,rnn_cell_size])) b_in = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1,dtype=tf.float32,shape=[rnn_cell_size,])) X_in = tf.matmul(embedding_char_expand,W_in)+b_in Xs = tf.reshape(X_in,[-1,max_doc_len,rnn_cell_size]) cell = BasicLSTMCell(rnn_cell_size) init_state = cell.zero_state(batch_size,dtype=tf.float32) outputs,final_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell,Xs,initial_state=init_state) #outputs:(batch,time_step,input) output = outputs[:,-1,:] tf.nn.xw_plus_b(output,) scores = tf.layers.dense(outputs[:,-1,:],label_num) self.prediction = tf.argmax(scores, 1) self.losses = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=self.input_y,logits=scores)) self.train = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(self.losses) correct_predictions = tf.equal(self.prediction,tf.argmax(self.input_y,1)) self.accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_predictions,tf.float32))
import attr import sqlite3 import logging from ..entities import Source from .nodes import NodesProcessor from ..connectors import BmaConnector from duniterpy.api import bma, errors @attr.s class SourcesProcessor: """ :param _repo: the repository of the sources :param _bma_connector: the bma connector """ _repo = attr.ib() _bma_connector = attr.ib() _logger = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(lambda: logging.getLogger('sakia'))) @classmethod def instanciate(cls, app): """ Instanciate a blockchain processor :param app: the app """ return cls(app.db.sources_repo, BmaConnector(NodesProcessor(app.db.nodes_repo), app.parameters)) def commit(self, source): try: self._repo.insert(source) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: self._logger.debug("Source already known : {0}".format(source.identifier)) def amount(self, currency, pubkey): """ Get the amount value of the sources for a given pubkey :param str currency: the currency of the sources :param str pubkey: the pubkey owning the sources :return: """ sources = self._repo.get_all(currency=currency, pubkey=pubkey) return sum([s.amount * (10**s.base) for s in sources]) def available(self, currency, pubkey): """" :param str currency: the currency of the sources :param str pubkey: the owner of the sources :rtype: list[] """ return self._repo.get_all(currency=currency, pubkey=pubkey) def consume(self, sources): """ :param currency: :param sources: :return: """ for s in sources: self._repo.drop(s) def insert(self, source): try: self._repo.insert(source) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: self._logger.debug("Source already exist : {0}".format(source)) def drop(self, source): try: self._repo.drop(source) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: self._logger.debug("Source already dropped : {0}".format(source)) def drop_all_of(self, currency, pubkey): self._repo.drop_all(currency=currency, pubkey=pubkey)
from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.contrib import admin from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.contrib.auth.admin import UserAdmin from django.forms import ValidationError, ModelForm from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.shortcuts import redirect from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.contrib.auth.models import User as AuthUser from mezzanine.conf import settings from mezzanine.core.forms import DynamicInlineAdminForm from mezzanine.core.models import (Orderable, SitePermission, CONTENT_STATUS_PUBLISHED) from mezzanine.utils.urls import admin_url if settings.USE_MODELTRANSLATION: from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict from django.utils.translation import activate, get_language from modeltranslation.admin import (TranslationAdmin, TranslationInlineModelAdmin) class BaseTranslationModelAdmin(TranslationAdmin): """ Mimic modeltranslation's TabbedTranslationAdmin but uses a custom tabbed_translation_fields.js """ class Media: js = ( "modeltranslation/js/force_jquery.js", "mezzanine/js/%s" % settings.JQUERY_UI_FILENAME, "mezzanine/js/admin/tabbed_translation_fields.js", ) css = { "all": ("mezzanine/css/admin/tabbed_translation_fields.css",), } else: class BaseTranslationModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): """ Abstract class used to handle the switch between translation and no-translation class logic. We define the basic structure for the Media class so we can extend it consistently regardless of whether or not modeltranslation is used. """ class Media: js = () css = {"all": ()} User = get_user_model() class DisplayableAdminForm(ModelForm): def clean_content(form): status = form.cleaned_data.get("status") content = form.cleaned_data.get("content") if status == CONTENT_STATUS_PUBLISHED and not content: raise ValidationError(_("This field is required if status " "is set to published.")) return content class DisplayableAdmin(BaseTranslationModelAdmin): """ Admin class for subclasses of the abstract ``Displayable`` model. """ list_display = ("title", "status", "admin_link") list_display_links = ("title",) list_editable = ("status",) list_filter = ("status", "keywords__keyword") date_hierarchy = "publish_date" radio_fields = {"status": admin.HORIZONTAL} fieldsets = ( (None, { "fields": ["title", "status", ("publish_date", "expiry_date")], }), (_("Meta data"), { "fields": ["_meta_title", "slug", ("description", "gen_description"), "keywords", "in_sitemap"], "classes": ("collapse-closed",) }), ) form = DisplayableAdminForm def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DisplayableAdmin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) try: self.search_fields = list(set(list(self.search_fields) + list( self.model.objects.get_search_fields().keys()))) except AttributeError: pass def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change): """ Save model for every language so that field auto-population is done for every each of it. """ super(DisplayableAdmin, self).save_model(request, obj, form, change) if settings.USE_MODELTRANSLATION: lang = get_language() for code in SortedDict(settings.LANGUAGES): if code != lang: # Already done try: activate(code) except: pass else: activate(lang) class BaseDynamicInlineAdmin(object): """ Admin inline that uses JS to inject an "Add another" link which when clicked, dynamically reveals another fieldset. Also handles adding the ``_order`` field and its widget for models that subclass ``Orderable``. """ form = DynamicInlineAdminForm extra = 20 def get_fields(self, request, obj=None): fields = super(BaseDynamicInlineAdmin, self).get_fields(request, obj) if issubclass(self.model, Orderable): fields = list(fields) try: fields.remove("_order") except ValueError: pass fields.append("_order") return fields def get_fieldsets(self, request, obj=None): fieldsets = super(BaseDynamicInlineAdmin, self).get_fieldsets( request, obj) if issubclass(self.model, Orderable): for fieldset in fieldsets: fields = [f for f in list(fieldset[1]["fields"]) if not hasattr(f, "translated_field")] try: fields.remove("_order") except ValueError: pass fieldset[1]["fields"] = fields fieldsets[-1][1]["fields"].append("_order") return fieldsets def get_inline_base_class(cls): if settings.USE_MODELTRANSLATION: class InlineBase(TranslationInlineModelAdmin, cls): """ Abstract class that mimics django-modeltranslation's Translation{Tabular,Stacked}Inline. Used as a placeholder for future improvement. """ pass return InlineBase return cls class TabularDynamicInlineAdmin(BaseDynamicInlineAdmin, get_inline_base_class(admin.TabularInline)): template = "admin/includes/dynamic_inline_tabular.html" class StackedDynamicInlineAdmin(BaseDynamicInlineAdmin, get_inline_base_class(admin.StackedInline)): template = "admin/includes/dynamic_inline_stacked.html" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Stacked dynamic inlines won't work without grappelli installed, as the JavaScript in dynamic_inline.js isn't able to target each of the inlines to set the value of the order field. """ grappelli_name = getattr(settings, "PACKAGE_NAME_GRAPPELLI") if grappelli_name not in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: error = "StackedDynamicInlineAdmin requires Grappelli installed." raise Exception(error) super(StackedDynamicInlineAdmin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class OwnableAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): """ Admin class for models that subclass the abstract ``Ownable`` model. Handles limiting the change list to objects owned by the logged in user, as well as setting the owner of newly created objects to the logged in user. Remember that this will include the ``user`` field in the required fields for the admin change form which may not be desirable. The best approach to solve this is to define a ``fieldsets`` attribute that excludes the ``user`` field or simple add ``user`` to your admin excludes: ``exclude = ('user',)`` """ def save_form(self, request, form, change): """ Set the object's owner as the logged in user. """ obj = if obj.user_id is None: obj.user = request.user return super(OwnableAdmin, self).save_form(request, form, change) def get_queryset(self, request): """ Filter the change list by currently logged in user if not a superuser. We also skip filtering if the model for this admin class has been added to the sequence in the setting ``OWNABLE_MODELS_ALL_EDITABLE``, which contains models in the format ``app_label.object_name``, and allows models subclassing ``Ownable`` to be excluded from filtering, eg: ownership should not imply permission to edit. """ opts = self.model._meta model_name = ("%s.%s" % (opts.app_label, opts.object_name)).lower() models_all_editable = settings.OWNABLE_MODELS_ALL_EDITABLE models_all_editable = [m.lower() for m in models_all_editable] qs = super(OwnableAdmin, self).get_queryset(request) if request.user.is_superuser or model_name in models_all_editable: return qs return qs.filter( class SingletonAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): """ Admin class for models that should only contain a single instance in the database. Redirect all views to the change view when the instance exists, and to the add view when it doesn't. """ def handle_save(self, request, response): """ Handles redirect back to the dashboard when save is clicked (eg not save and continue editing), by checking for a redirect response, which only occurs if the form is valid. """ form_valid = isinstance(response, HttpResponseRedirect) if request.POST.get("_save") and form_valid: return redirect("admin:index") return response def add_view(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Redirect to the change view if the singleton instance exists. """ try: singleton = self.model.objects.get() except (self.model.DoesNotExist, self.model.MultipleObjectsReturned): kwargs.setdefault("extra_context", {}) kwargs["extra_context"]["singleton"] = True response = super(SingletonAdmin, self).add_view(*args, **kwargs) return self.handle_save(args[0], response) return redirect(admin_url(self.model, "change", def changelist_view(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Redirect to the add view if no records exist or the change view if the singleton instance exists. """ try: singleton = self.model.objects.get() except self.model.MultipleObjectsReturned: return super(SingletonAdmin, self).changelist_view(*args, **kwargs) except self.model.DoesNotExist: return redirect(admin_url(self.model, "add")) return redirect(admin_url(self.model, "change", def change_view(self, *args, **kwargs): """ If only the singleton instance exists, pass ``True`` for ``singleton`` into the template which will use CSS to hide the "save and add another" button. """ kwargs.setdefault("extra_context", {}) kwargs["extra_context"]["singleton"] = self.model.objects.count() == 1 response = super(SingletonAdmin, self).change_view(*args, **kwargs) return self.handle_save(args[0], response) ########################################### # Site Permissions Inlines for User Admin # ########################################### class SitePermissionInline(admin.TabularInline): model = SitePermission max_num = 1 can_delete = False class SitePermissionUserAdmin(UserAdmin): inlines = [SitePermissionInline] # only register if User hasn't been overridden if User == AuthUser:, SitePermissionUserAdmin)
''' a Triangle ''' import math import collections import itertools from . import Polygon, Point, Segment, Circle from .constants import Epsilon, Half_Pi, nearly_eq, Sqrt_3 from .exceptions import * class Triangle(Polygon): '''a pythonic Triangle Implements a Triangle object in the XY plane having three non-coincident vertices and three intersecting edges. Vertices are labeled; 'A', 'B' and 'C'. Edges are labeled; 'AB', 'BC' and 'AC'. The length of edges opposite each vertex are labeled: 'a' for the side opposite vertex A. 'b' for the side opposite vertex B. 'c' for the side opposite vertex C. Interior angles in radians are labeled: 'alpha' for CAB 'beta' for ABC 'gamma' for BCA Usage: >>> a = Triangle() >>> b = Triangle(A,B,C) # A,B,C are Points or Point equivalents >>> c = Triangle([p,q,r]) # p,q,r are Points or Point equivalents >>> d = Triangle([x,y,z],[x,y,z],[x,y,z]) ''' @classmethod def withAngles(cls, origin=None, base=1, alpha=None, beta=None, gamma=None, inDegrees=False): ''' :origin: optional Point :alpha: optional float describing length of the side opposite A :beta: optional float describing length of the side opposite B :gamma: optional float describing length of the side opposite C :return: Triangle initialized with points comprising the triangle with the specified angles. ''' raise NotImplementedError("withAngles") @classmethod def withSides(cls, origin=None, a=1, b=1, c=1): ''' :origin: optional Point :a: optional float describing length of the side opposite A :b: optional float describing length of the side opposite B :c: optional float describing length of the side opposite C :return: Triangle initialized with points comprising the triangle with the specified side lengths. If only 'a' is specified, an equilateral triangle is returned. ''' raise NotImplementedError("withSides") @classmethod def unit(cls,scale=1): return cls(Point.units(scale)) def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): ''' :args: iterable of Point or Point equivalents :kwds: named Points where recognized names are 'A', 'B' and 'C'. If A is an iterable containing Point or Point equivalent objects it will be used to initialize up to three points in the triangle. ''' kwds['defaults'] = Point(),Point(1,0),Point(0,1) super().__init__(*args,**kwds) if len(self) != 3: raise ValueError(len(self)) @property def AB(self): return self.pairs('AB') @AB.setter def AB(self, iterable): self.A, self.B = iterable @property def BA(self): return self.pairs('BA') @BA.setter def BA(self, iterable): self.B, self.A = iterable @property def BC(self): return self.pairs('BC') @BC.setter def BC(self, iterable): self.B, self.C = iterable @property def CB(self): return self.pairs('CB') @CB.setter def CB(self, iterable): self.C, self.B = iterable @property def AC(self): return self.pairs('AC') @AC.setter def AC(self, iterable): self.A, self.C = iterable @property def CA(self): return self.pairs('CA') @CA.setter def CA(self, iterable): self.C, self.A = iterable @property def ABC(self): return [self.A, self.B, self.C] @ABC.setter def ABC(self, iterable): self.A, self.B, self.C = iterable @property def ccw(self): ''' Result of A.ccw(B,C), float. See Point.ccw ''' return self.A.ccw(self.B, self.C) @property def isCCW(self): ''' True if ABC has a counter-clockwise rotation, boolean. ''' return self.A.isCCW(self.B,self.C) @property def area(self): ''' Area of the triangle, float. Performance note: computed via Triangle.ccw (subtractions and multiplications and a divison). ''' return abs(self.ccw) / 2 @property def heronsArea(self): ''' Heron's forumla for computing the area of a triangle, float. Performance note: contains a square root. ''' s = self.semiperimeter return math.sqrt(s * ((s - self.a) * (s - self.b) * (s - self.c))) @property def inradius(self): ''' The radius of the triangle's incircle, float. ''' return (self.area * 2) / self.perimeter @property def circumcenter(self): ''' The intersection of the median perpendicular bisectors, Point. The center of the circumscribed circle, which is the circle that passes through all vertices of the triangle. BUG: only finds the circumcenter in the XY plane ''' if self.isRight: return self.hypotenuse.midpoint if self.A.isOrigin: t = self else: t = Triangle(self.A - self.A, self.B - self.A, self.C - self.A) if not t.A.isOrigin: raise ValueError('failed to translate {} to origin'.format(t)) BmulC = t.B * t.C.yx d = 2 * (BmulC.x - BmulC.y) bSqSum = sum((t.B ** 2).xy) cSqSum = sum((t.C ** 2).xy) x = (((t.C.y * bSqSum) - (t.B.y * cSqSum)) / d) + self.A.x y = (((t.B.x * cSqSum) - (t.C.x * bSqSum)) / d) + self.A.y return Point(x, y) @property def circumradius(self): ''' Distance from the circumcenter to all the verticies in the Triangle, float. ''' return (self.a * self.b * self.c) / (self.area * 4) @property def circumcircle(self): ''' A circle whose center is equidistant from all the vertices of the triangle, Circle. ''' return Circle(self.circumcenter, self.circumradius) @property def orthocenter(self): ''' The intersection of the altitudes of the triangle, Point. ''' raise NotImplementedError('orthocenter') @property def hypotenuse(self): ''' The longest edge of the triangle, Segment. ''' return max(self.edges(),key=lambda s:s.length) @property def alpha(self): ''' The angle described by angle CAB in radians, float. ''' return Segment(self.CA).radiansBetween(Segment(self.BA)) @property def beta(self): ''' The angle described by angle ABC in radians, float. ''' return Segment(self.AB).radiansBetween(Segment(self.CB)) @property def gamma(self): ''' The angle described by angle BCA in radians, float. ''' return Segment(self.BC).radiansBetween(Segment(self.AC)) @property def angles(self): ''' A list of the interior angles of the triangle, list of floats. ''' return [self.alpha, self.beta, self.gamma] @property def a(self): ''' The length of line segment BC, opposite vertex A, float. ''' return abs(self.B.distance(self.C)) @property def b(self): ''' The length of line segment AC, opposite vertex B, float. ''' return abs(self.A.distance(self.C)) @property def c(self): ''' The length of line segment AB, opposite vertex C, float. ''' return abs(self.A.distance(self.B)) @property def sides(self): ''' A list of edge lengths [a, b, c], list of floats. ''' return [self.a, self.b, self.c] @property def altitudes(self): ''' A list of the altitudes of each vertex [AltA, AltB, AltC], list of floats. An altitude is the shortest distance from a vertex to the side opposite of it. ''' A = self.area * 2 return [A / self.a, A / self.b, A / self.c] @property def isEquilateral(self): ''' True iff all side lengths are equal, boolean. ''' return self.a == self.b == self.c @property def isIsosceles(self): ''' True iff two side lengths are equal, boolean. ''' return (self.a == self.b) or (self.a == self.c) or (self.b == self.c) @property def isScalene(self): ''' True iff all side lengths are unequal, boolean. ''' return self.a != self.b != self.c @property def isRight(self): ''' True if one angle measures 90 degrees (Pi/2 radians), float. ''' return any([nearly_eq(v,Half_Pi) for v in self.angles]) @property def isObtuse(self): ''' True if one angle measures greater than 90 degrees (Pi/2 radians), float. ''' return any([v > Half_Pi for v in self.angles]) @property def isAcute(self): ''' True iff all angles measure less than 90 degrees (Pi/2 radians), float. ''' return all([v < Half_Pi for v in self.angles]) def congruent(self, other): ''' A congruent B True iff all angles of 'A' equal angles in 'B' and all side lengths of 'A' equal all side lengths of 'B', boolean. ''' a = set(self.angles) b = set(other.angles) if len(a) != len(b) or len(a.difference(b)) != 0: return False a = set(self.sides) b = set(other.sides) return len(a) == len(b) and len(a.difference(b)) == 0
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from selenium import webdriver import time #auxiliary functions def read_saved_track_names(track_file): tracks = set() with open(track_file) as f: for line in f: line2 = line.strip() tracks.add(line2) return tracks def save_garmin_tracks(activity_links, track_file, mode): with open(track_file, mode) as myfile: for link in activity_links: link = link.strip() myfile.write(link+'\n') def extract_activity_links(browser, new_links, activity_links): activities_el = browser.find_element_by_id('gridForm:gridList:tb') for anchor in activities_el.find_elements_by_tag_name('a'): activity_link = anchor.get_attribute("href") if not activity_link is None: if '/activity/' in activity_link: activity_links.add(activity_link) new_links.add(activity_link) def move_to_next_page(browser): footer_el = browser.find_element_by_class_name('resultsFooter') btn_found = False for btn in footer_el.find_elements_by_class_name('rich-datascr-button'): if btn.text == '»': btn_found = True break return btn_found def select_start_date(browser, n_years): #move one year back.. for i in range(1, n_years): calendar1 = browser.find_element_by_id('exploreSearchForm:startDateCalendarPopupButton') time.sleep(1) calendar_button = browser.find_element_by_class_name('rich-calendar-tool-btn') time.sleep(1) #choose date.. date_button = browser.find_element_by_id('exploreSearchForm:startDateCalendarDayCell7') time.sleep(2) def zoom_out_map(browser, n_zooms): for i in range(1, n_zooms): mapZoomOut = browser.find_element_by_class_name("map-zoom-out") time.sleep(5) ################################################ # saves the GARMIN activity links for selected # CITY and the number of the past years ################################################ def save_garmin_activity_links(city, n_years, track_file): activity_links = read_saved_track_names(track_file) new_links = set() browser = webdriver.Firefox() url = "" browser.get(url) time.sleep(10) username = browser.find_element_by_id("username") password = browser.find_element_by_id("password") username.send_keys("") password.send_keys("AnnAgnps(v1)") login_attempt = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//*[@type='submit']") login_attempt.submit() #now show filters.. time.sleep(10) show_filters = browser.find_element_by_id("showFilters") #select the activity type option el = browser.find_element_by_id('exploreSearchForm:activityType') for option in el.find_elements_by_tag_name('option'): if option.text == 'Cross Country Skiing': break #select the time period option time.sleep(2) time_el = browser.find_element_by_id('exploreSearchForm:timePeriodSelect') for option in time_el.find_elements_by_tag_name('option'): if option.text == 'Custom Dates': break #select the start date (10 years back..) select_start_date(browser, n_years) #select the end date (start of current month..) time.sleep(2) calendar2 = browser.find_element_by_id('exploreSearchForm:endDateCalendarPopupButton') date_button = browser.find_element_by_id('exploreSearchForm:endDateCalendarDayCell7') #now search a new location .. time.sleep(5) location = browser.find_element_by_id("exploreSearchForm:location") location.send_keys(city) searchButton = browser.find_element_by_id("searchButton") searchButton.submit() #find the grid list next_active = True while next_active: time.sleep(10) len1 = len(new_links) extract_activity_links(browser, new_links, activity_links) len2 = len(new_links) next_active = len2 > len1 time.sleep(2) move_to_next_page(browser) save_garmin_tracks(activity_links, track_file, "w") browser.close() print(city + ' : ' + str(len(new_links))) f = "garmin_tracks2.txt" trk = read_saved_track_names(f) save_garmin_tracks(trk, f, "w") trk = [] #save_garmin_activity_links('Brno', 10, f) #save_garmin_activity_links('Karlovy Vary', 10, f) #save_garmin_activity_links('Chomutov', 10, f) #save_garmin_activity_links('Kvilda', 10, f) #save_garmin_activity_links('Klingenthal', 10, f) #save_garmin_activity_links('Jablunkov', 10, f) #save_garmin_activity_links('Svratka', 10, f) #save_garmin_activity_links('Jilemnice', 10, f) #save_garmin_activity_links('Trutnov', 10, f) #save_garmin_activity_links('Mladkov', 10, f) #save_garmin_activity_links('Mikulovice', 10, f) #save_garmin_activity_links('Olomouc', 10, f) #save_garmin_activity_links('Protivanov', 10, f) #save_garmin_activity_links('Karolinka', 10, f) #save_garmin_activity_links('Jihlava', 10, f) #save_garmin_activity_links('Kocelovice', 10, f) #save_garmin_activity_links('Altenberg', 10, f) #save_garmin_activity_links('Oberwiesenthal', 10, f) #save_garmin_activity_links('Zittau', 10, f) #save_garmin_activity_links('Heroltovice', 10, f) #save_garmin_activity_links('Rokytno', 10, f) cities1 = [ 'Flossenburg', 'Olbernhau', 'Hora Svateho Sebestiana', 'Kvan', 'Rozmital', 'Ceska Kubice', 'Primda', 'Honezovice', 'Tremosna', 'Cunkov', 'Jistebnice', 'Hartvikov', 'Frymburk', 'Ceske Budejovice', 'Pisek', 'Pribram', 'Havlickuv Brod', 'Hradec Kralove', 'Ceska Trebova', 'Ricany', 'Chotebor', 'Hlinsko', 'Napajedla', 'Zlin', 'Rajnochovice', 'Papajci', 'Orlicke Zahori', 'Zdobnice', 'Sedlonov', 'Krnov', 'Vitkov', 'Mala Moravka', 'Kouty nad Desnou', 'Dolni Morava', 'Kralicky Sneznik', 'Dlouhe Strane', 'Bruntal', 'Moravsky Beroun'] cities2 = ['Sternberk', 'Svaty Kopecek', 'Kralovo Pole', 'Uhersky Brod', 'Uherske Hradiste', 'Hodonin', 'Hartmanice', 'Brcalnik', 'Keply', 'Vimperk', 'Klet', 'Teskov', 'Moravske Budejovice', 'Novy Hojkov', 'Teskov', 'Letohrad','Johanngeorgenstadt','Pernink','Medenec', 'Bublava','Horni Halze', 'Johstadt', 'Vejprty', 'Bolebor'] cities3 = ['Holzhau', 'Moldava', 'Horazdovice','Sedlcany','Neveklov','Rymarov','Hanusovice', 'Sumperk'] cities4 = ['Zelezny Brod', 'Ceska Lipa', 'Novy Bor', 'Varnsdorf', 'Modlibohov','Hodkovice nad Mohelkou', 'Jablonec nad Nisou','Rakovnik'] cities5 = ['Kladno', 'Luhacovice','Vyskov','Vizovice','Roznov pod Radhostem', 'Celadna','Hrcava', 'Rokytnice v Orlickych Horach','Hostinne', 'Vrchlabi','Hejnice'] cities6 = ['Nove Mesto pod Smrkem','Vernerice', 'Zdar nad Sazavou','Nova Bystrice','Kamenice nad Lipou','Telc'] cities7 = ['Bad Brambach','Becov nad Teplou','Rokycany','Stozec','Borova Lada', 'Lam','Zelezna Ruda','Karlstift','Svetla nad Sazavou','Cechtice', 'Policka','Jimramov','Cenkovice','Kraliky','Miedzylesie','Zacler', 'Janske Lazne','Spindleruv Mlyn','Pec pod Snezkou','Horice', 'Dvur Kralove','Strakonice','Kralovice','Strani','Lazy pod Makytou', 'Seiffen','Znojmo','Drahany','Kurim','Decinsky Sneznik','Capartice', 'Rusava','Javornik','Vapenna','Lipova Lazne','Usti nad Orlici', 'Hronov','Police nad Metuji','Mezimesti','Jetrichovice','Dobris', 'Pelhrimov','Sec','Kyjov','Kaplice','Volary','Bayerisch Eisenstein', 'Grosser Arber','Aigen im Muhlkreis','Litschau','Waldmunchen', 'Selb','Auersberg','Sindelova','Nejdek','Marianska','Abertamy'] for city in cities7: save_garmin_activity_links(city, 10, f)
class ColorMap: def __init__ (self, base, bound, num): self.base = base self.bound = bound self.num = float (num) def index (self, val): val = float (val) return self.base.interpolate (self.bound, val / (self.num - 1)) def __iter__ (self): return ColorMapIter (self) class ColorMapIter: def __init__ (self, cm): self.current = 0 = cm def __iter__ (self): return self def next (self): if self.current == raise StopIteration () r_val = (self.current) self.current += 1 return r_val def color_to_css (c): r = hex (int ( * 255)) + '0' g = hex (int ( * 255)) + '0' b = hex (int ( * 255)) + '0' return '#' + r[2:4] + g[2:4] + b[2:4] def hex_to_color (hex): hex = str (hex) if hex.startswith ('0x'): hex = hex[2:] if len (hex) != 6: raise RuntimeError (hex + ' is not a hex color') red = int ('0x' + hex[0:2], 0) green = int ('0x' + hex[2:4], 0) blue = int ('0x' + hex[4:6], 0) return Color (*map (clampInt, [red, green, blue])) def clampInt (value): value = int (value) if value > 255: return 255 elif value < 0: return 0 else: return value def clampFloat (value): value = float (value) if value > 1.0: return 1.0 elif value < 0.0: return 0.0 else: return value class Color: def __init__ (self, red, green, blue): = float (red) = float (green) = float (blue) def interpolate (self, c, percent): percent = float (percent) if percent > 1.0 or percent < 0.0: raise RuntimeError ('Cannot interpolate color: perecent out of range') return ((c * percent) + (self * (1.0 - percent))) def __add__ (self, c): r = + g = + b = + return Color (r, g, b) def __mul__ (self, scalar): r = * scalar g = * scalar b = * scalar return Color (r, g, b) def __str__ (self): rgb = 'rgb(' rgb += str(int( ',' rgb += str(int( ',' rgb += str(int( ')' return rgb red = Color (255, 0, 0) green = Color (0, 255, 0) blue = Color (0, 0, 255) black = Color (0, 0, 0) white = Color (255, 255, 255)
# (C) Datadog, Inc. 2010-2016 # All rights reserved # Licensed under Simplified BSD License (see LICENSE) # stdlib from hashlib import md5 import logging import re import zlib # 3p import requests import simplejson as json # project from config import get_version from utils.proxy import set_no_proxy_settings set_no_proxy_settings() # urllib3 logs a bunch of stuff at the info level requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests.packages.urllib3") requests_log.setLevel(logging.WARN) requests_log.propagate = True # From control_chars = ''.join(map(unichr, range(0, 32) + range(127, 160))) control_char_re = re.compile('[%s]' % re.escape(control_chars)) def remove_control_chars(s): return control_char_re.sub('', s) def http_emitter(message, log, agentConfig, endpoint): "Send payload" url = agentConfig['dd_url'] log.debug('http_emitter: attempting postback to ' + url) # Post back the data try: payload = json.dumps(message) except UnicodeDecodeError: message = remove_control_chars(message) payload = json.dumps(message) zipped = zlib.compress(payload) log.debug("payload_size=%d, compressed_size=%d, compression_ratio=%.3f" % (len(payload), len(zipped), float(len(payload))/float(len(zipped)))) apiKey = message.get('apiKey', None) if not apiKey: raise Exception("The http emitter requires an api key") url = "{0}/intake/{1}?api_key={2}".format(url, endpoint, apiKey) try: headers = post_headers(agentConfig, zipped) r =, data=zipped, timeout=5, headers=headers) r.raise_for_status() if r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 205: log.debug("Payload accepted") except Exception: log.exception("Unable to post payload.") try: log.error("Received status code: {0}".format(r.status_code)) except Exception: pass def post_headers(agentConfig, payload): return { 'User-Agent': 'Datadog Agent/%s' % agentConfig['version'], 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Encoding': 'deflate', 'Accept': 'text/html, */*', 'Content-MD5': md5(payload).hexdigest(), 'DD-Collector-Version': get_version() }
"""The tests for the MQTT switch platform.""" import json from unittest.mock import ANY from asynctest import patch import pytest from homeassistant.components import mqtt, switch from homeassistant.components.mqtt.discovery import async_start from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ASSUMED_STATE, STATE_OFF, STATE_ON, STATE_UNAVAILABLE, ) import homeassistant.core as ha from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.common import ( MockConfigEntry, async_fire_mqtt_message, async_mock_mqtt_component, mock_coro, mock_registry, ) from tests.components.switch import common @pytest.fixture def mock_publish(hass): """Initialize components.""" yield hass.loop.run_until_complete(async_mock_mqtt_component(hass)) async def test_controlling_state_via_topic(hass, mock_publish): """Test the controlling state via topic.""" assert await async_setup_component( hass, switch.DOMAIN, { switch.DOMAIN: { "platform": "mqtt", "name": "test", "state_topic": "state-topic", "command_topic": "command-topic", "payload_on": 1, "payload_off": 0, } }, ) state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_OFF assert not state.attributes.get(ATTR_ASSUMED_STATE) async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "state-topic", "1") state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_ON async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "state-topic", "0") state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_OFF async def test_sending_mqtt_commands_and_optimistic(hass, mock_publish): """Test the sending MQTT commands in optimistic mode.""" fake_state = ha.State("switch.test", "on") with patch( "homeassistant.helpers.restore_state.RestoreEntity.async_get_last_state", return_value=mock_coro(fake_state), ): assert await async_setup_component( hass, switch.DOMAIN, { switch.DOMAIN: { "platform": "mqtt", "name": "test", "command_topic": "command-topic", "payload_on": "beer on", "payload_off": "beer off", "qos": "2", } }, ) state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_ON assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_ASSUMED_STATE) await common.async_turn_on(hass, "switch.test") mock_publish.async_publish.assert_called_once_with( "command-topic", "beer on", 2, False ) mock_publish.async_publish.reset_mock() state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_ON await common.async_turn_off(hass, "switch.test") mock_publish.async_publish.assert_called_once_with( "command-topic", "beer off", 2, False ) state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_OFF async def test_controlling_state_via_topic_and_json_message(hass, mock_publish): """Test the controlling state via topic and JSON message.""" assert await async_setup_component( hass, switch.DOMAIN, { switch.DOMAIN: { "platform": "mqtt", "name": "test", "state_topic": "state-topic", "command_topic": "command-topic", "payload_on": "beer on", "payload_off": "beer off", "value_template": "{{ value_json.val }}", } }, ) state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_OFF async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "state-topic", '{"val":"beer on"}') state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_ON async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "state-topic", '{"val":"beer off"}') state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_OFF async def test_default_availability_payload(hass, mock_publish): """Test the availability payload.""" assert await async_setup_component( hass, switch.DOMAIN, { switch.DOMAIN: { "platform": "mqtt", "name": "test", "state_topic": "state-topic", "command_topic": "command-topic", "availability_topic": "availability_topic", "payload_on": 1, "payload_off": 0, } }, ) state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "availability_topic", "online") state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_OFF assert not state.attributes.get(ATTR_ASSUMED_STATE) async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "availability_topic", "offline") state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "state-topic", "1") state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "availability_topic", "online") state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_ON async def test_custom_availability_payload(hass, mock_publish): """Test the availability payload.""" assert await async_setup_component( hass, switch.DOMAIN, { switch.DOMAIN: { "platform": "mqtt", "name": "test", "state_topic": "state-topic", "command_topic": "command-topic", "availability_topic": "availability_topic", "payload_on": 1, "payload_off": 0, "payload_available": "good", "payload_not_available": "nogood", } }, ) state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "availability_topic", "good") state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_OFF assert not state.attributes.get(ATTR_ASSUMED_STATE) async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "availability_topic", "nogood") state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "state-topic", "1") state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "availability_topic", "good") state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_ON async def test_custom_state_payload(hass, mock_publish): """Test the state payload.""" assert await async_setup_component( hass, switch.DOMAIN, { switch.DOMAIN: { "platform": "mqtt", "name": "test", "state_topic": "state-topic", "command_topic": "command-topic", "payload_on": 1, "payload_off": 0, "state_on": "HIGH", "state_off": "LOW", } }, ) state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_OFF assert not state.attributes.get(ATTR_ASSUMED_STATE) async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "state-topic", "HIGH") state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_ON async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "state-topic", "LOW") state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.state == STATE_OFF async def test_setting_attribute_via_mqtt_json_message(hass, mqtt_mock): """Test the setting of attribute via MQTT with JSON payload.""" assert await async_setup_component( hass, switch.DOMAIN, { switch.DOMAIN: { "platform": "mqtt", "name": "test", "command_topic": "test-topic", "json_attributes_topic": "attr-topic", } }, ) async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "attr-topic", '{ "val": "100" }') state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.attributes.get("val") == "100" async def test_update_with_json_attrs_not_dict(hass, mqtt_mock, caplog): """Test attributes get extracted from a JSON result.""" assert await async_setup_component( hass, switch.DOMAIN, { switch.DOMAIN: { "platform": "mqtt", "name": "test", "command_topic": "test-topic", "json_attributes_topic": "attr-topic", } }, ) async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "attr-topic", '[ "list", "of", "things"]') state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.attributes.get("val") is None assert "JSON result was not a dictionary" in caplog.text async def test_update_with_json_attrs_bad_JSON(hass, mqtt_mock, caplog): """Test attributes get extracted from a JSON result.""" assert await async_setup_component( hass, switch.DOMAIN, { switch.DOMAIN: { "platform": "mqtt", "name": "test", "command_topic": "test-topic", "json_attributes_topic": "attr-topic", } }, ) async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "attr-topic", "This is not JSON") state = hass.states.get("switch.test") assert state.attributes.get("val") is None assert "Erroneous JSON: This is not JSON" in caplog.text async def test_discovery_update_attr(hass, mqtt_mock, caplog): """Test update of discovered MQTTAttributes.""" entry = MockConfigEntry(domain=mqtt.DOMAIN) await async_start(hass, "homeassistant", {}, entry) data1 = ( '{ "name": "Beer",' ' "command_topic": "test_topic",' ' "json_attributes_topic": "attr-topic1" }' ) data2 = ( '{ "name": "Beer",' ' "command_topic": "test_topic",' ' "json_attributes_topic": "attr-topic2" }' ) async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "homeassistant/switch/bla/config", data1) await hass.async_block_till_done() async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "attr-topic1", '{ "val": "100" }') state = hass.states.get("") assert state.attributes.get("val") == "100" # Change json_attributes_topic async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "homeassistant/switch/bla/config", data2) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Verify we are no longer subscribing to the old topic async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "attr-topic1", '{ "val": "50" }') state = hass.states.get("") assert state.attributes.get("val") == "100" # Verify we are subscribing to the new topic async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "attr-topic2", '{ "val": "75" }') state = hass.states.get("") assert state.attributes.get("val") == "75" async def test_unique_id(hass): """Test unique id option only creates one switch per unique_id.""" await async_mock_mqtt_component(hass) assert await async_setup_component( hass, switch.DOMAIN, { switch.DOMAIN: [ { "platform": "mqtt", "name": "Test 1", "state_topic": "test-topic", "command_topic": "command-topic", "unique_id": "TOTALLY_UNIQUE", }, { "platform": "mqtt", "name": "Test 2", "state_topic": "test-topic", "command_topic": "command-topic", "unique_id": "TOTALLY_UNIQUE", }, ] }, ) async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "test-topic", "payload") assert len(hass.states.async_entity_ids()) == 1 async def test_discovery_removal_switch(hass, mqtt_mock, caplog): """Test removal of discovered switch.""" entry = MockConfigEntry(domain=mqtt.DOMAIN) await async_start(hass, "homeassistant", {}, entry) data = ( '{ "name": "Beer",' ' "state_topic": "test_topic",' ' "command_topic": "test_topic" }' ) async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "homeassistant/switch/bla/config", data) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get("") assert state is not None assert == "Beer" async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "homeassistant/switch/bla/config", "") await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get("") assert state is None async def test_discovery_update_switch(hass, mqtt_mock, caplog): """Test update of discovered switch.""" entry = MockConfigEntry(domain=mqtt.DOMAIN) await async_start(hass, "homeassistant", {}, entry) data1 = ( '{ "name": "Beer",' ' "state_topic": "test_topic",' ' "command_topic": "test_topic" }' ) data2 = ( '{ "name": "Milk",' ' "state_topic": "test_topic",' ' "command_topic": "test_topic" }' ) async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "homeassistant/switch/bla/config", data1) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get("") assert state is not None assert == "Beer" async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "homeassistant/switch/bla/config", data2) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get("") assert state is not None assert == "Milk" state = hass.states.get("switch.milk") assert state is None async def test_discovery_broken(hass, mqtt_mock, caplog): """Test handling of bad discovery message.""" entry = MockConfigEntry(domain=mqtt.DOMAIN) await async_start(hass, "homeassistant", {}, entry) data1 = '{ "name": "Beer" }' data2 = ( '{ "name": "Milk",' ' "state_topic": "test_topic",' ' "command_topic": "test_topic" }' ) async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "homeassistant/switch/bla/config", data1) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get("") assert state is None async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "homeassistant/switch/bla/config", data2) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get("switch.milk") assert state is not None assert == "Milk" state = hass.states.get("") assert state is None async def test_entity_device_info_with_identifier(hass, mqtt_mock): """Test MQTT switch device registry integration.""" entry = MockConfigEntry(domain=mqtt.DOMAIN) entry.add_to_hass(hass) await async_start(hass, "homeassistant", {}, entry) registry = await hass.helpers.device_registry.async_get_registry() data = json.dumps( { "platform": "mqtt", "name": "Test 1", "state_topic": "test-topic", "command_topic": "test-command-topic", "device": { "identifiers": ["helloworld"], "connections": [["mac", "02:5b:26:a8:dc:12"]], "manufacturer": "Whatever", "name": "Beer", "model": "Glass", "sw_version": "0.1-beta", }, "unique_id": "veryunique", } ) async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "homeassistant/switch/bla/config", data) await hass.async_block_till_done() device = registry.async_get_device({("mqtt", "helloworld")}, set()) assert device is not None assert device.identifiers == {("mqtt", "helloworld")} assert device.connections == {("mac", "02:5b:26:a8:dc:12")} assert device.manufacturer == "Whatever" assert == "Beer" assert device.model == "Glass" assert device.sw_version == "0.1-beta" async def test_entity_device_info_update(hass, mqtt_mock): """Test device registry update.""" entry = MockConfigEntry(domain=mqtt.DOMAIN) entry.add_to_hass(hass) await async_start(hass, "homeassistant", {}, entry) registry = await hass.helpers.device_registry.async_get_registry() config = { "platform": "mqtt", "name": "Test 1", "state_topic": "test-topic", "command_topic": "test-command-topic", "device": { "identifiers": ["helloworld"], "connections": [["mac", "02:5b:26:a8:dc:12"]], "manufacturer": "Whatever", "name": "Beer", "model": "Glass", "sw_version": "0.1-beta", }, "unique_id": "veryunique", } data = json.dumps(config) async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "homeassistant/switch/bla/config", data) await hass.async_block_till_done() device = registry.async_get_device({("mqtt", "helloworld")}, set()) assert device is not None assert == "Beer" config["device"]["name"] = "Milk" data = json.dumps(config) async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, "homeassistant/switch/bla/config", data) await hass.async_block_till_done() device = registry.async_get_device({("mqtt", "helloworld")}, set()) assert device is not None assert == "Milk" async def test_entity_id_update(hass, mqtt_mock): """Test MQTT subscriptions are managed when entity_id is updated.""" registry = mock_registry(hass, {}) mock_mqtt = await async_mock_mqtt_component(hass) assert await async_setup_component( hass, switch.DOMAIN, { switch.DOMAIN: [ { "platform": "mqtt", "name": "beer", "state_topic": "test-topic", "command_topic": "command-topic", "availability_topic": "avty-topic", "unique_id": "TOTALLY_UNIQUE", } ] }, ) state = hass.states.get("") assert state is not None assert mock_mqtt.async_subscribe.call_count == 2 mock_mqtt.async_subscribe.assert_any_call("test-topic", ANY, 0, "utf-8") mock_mqtt.async_subscribe.assert_any_call("avty-topic", ANY, 0, "utf-8") mock_mqtt.async_subscribe.reset_mock() registry.async_update_entity("", new_entity_id="switch.milk") await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get("") assert state is None state = hass.states.get("switch.milk") assert state is not None assert mock_mqtt.async_subscribe.call_count == 2 mock_mqtt.async_subscribe.assert_any_call("test-topic", ANY, 0, "utf-8") mock_mqtt.async_subscribe.assert_any_call("avty-topic", ANY, 0, "utf-8")
# vim: ts=4:sw=4:expandtab # BleachBit # Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Andrew Ziem # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. """ Test case for module Update """ import os import os.path import socket import sys import types import unittest import urllib2 sys.path.append('.') from bleachbit import Common from bleachbit.Update import check_updates, update_winapp2, user_agent class UpdateTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Test case for module Update""" def test_UpdateCheck(self): """Unit tests for class UpdateCheck""" update_tests = [] wa = '<winapp2 url="" sha512="ce9e18252f608c8aff28811e372124d29a86404f328d3cd51f1f220578744bb8b15f55549eabfe8f1a80657fc940f6d6deece28e0532b3b0901a4c74110f7ba7"/>' update_tests.append( ('<updates><stable ver="0.8.4">http://084</stable><beta ver="0.8.5beta">http://085beta</beta>%s</updates>' % wa, ((u'0.8.4', u'http://084'), (u'0.8.5beta', u'http://085beta')))) update_tests.append( ('<updates><stable ver="0.8.4">http://084</stable>%s</updates>' % wa, ((u'0.8.4', u'http://084'), ))) update_tests.append( ('<updates><beta ver="0.8.5beta">http://085beta</beta>%s</updates>' % wa, ((u'0.8.5beta', u'http://085beta'), ))) update_tests.append(('<updates></updates>', ())) # fake network original_open = urllib2.build_opener xml = "" class fake_opener: def add_headers(self): pass def read(self): return xml def open(self, url): return self urllib2.build_opener = fake_opener for update_test in update_tests: xml = update_test[0] updates = check_updates(True, False, None, None) self.assertEqual(updates, update_test[1]) urllib2.build_opener = original_open # real network for update in check_updates(True, False, None, None): if not update: continue ver = update[0] url = update[1] self.assert_(isinstance(ver, (type(None), unicode))) self.assert_(isinstance(url, (type(None), unicode))) # test failure Common.update_check_url = "http://localhost/doesnotexist" self.assertRaises( urllib2.URLError, check_updates, True, False, None, None) def test_update_winapp2(self): from bleachbit.Common import personal_cleaners_dir fn = os.path.join(personal_cleaners_dir, 'winapp2.ini') if os.path.exists(fn): print 'note: deleting %s' % fn os.unlink(fn) url = '' def append_text(s): print s succeeded = {'r': False} # scope def on_success(): succeeded['r'] = True # bad hash self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, update_winapp2, url, "notahash", append_text, on_success) self.assert_(not succeeded['r']) # blank hash, download file update_winapp2(url, None, append_text, on_success) self.assert_(succeeded['r']) # blank hash, do not download again update_winapp2(url, None, append_text, on_success) succeeded['r'] = False update_winapp2(url, None, append_text, on_success) self.assert_(not succeeded['r']) def test_user_agent(self): """Unit test for method user_agent()""" agent = user_agent() print "debug: user agent = '%s'" % (agent, ) self.assert_(isinstance(agent, str)) def suite(): return unittest.makeSuite(UpdateTestCase) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
from __future__ import absolute_import __author__ = 'Tony Beltramelli -' from keras.layers import Input, Dense, Dropout, \ RepeatVector, LSTM, concatenate, \ Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, Flatten from keras.models import Sequential, Model from keras.optimizers import RMSprop from keras import * from .Config import * from .AModel import * class pix2code(AModel): def __init__(self, input_shape, output_size, output_path): AModel.__init__(self, input_shape, output_size, output_path) = "pix2code" image_model = Sequential() image_model.add(Conv2D(32, (3, 3), padding='valid', activation='relu', input_shape=input_shape)) image_model.add(Conv2D(32, (3, 3), padding='valid', activation='relu')) image_model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) image_model.add(Dropout(0.25)) image_model.add(Conv2D(64, (3, 3), padding='valid', activation='relu')) image_model.add(Conv2D(64, (3, 3), padding='valid', activation='relu')) image_model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) image_model.add(Dropout(0.25)) image_model.add(Conv2D(128, (3, 3), padding='valid', activation='relu')) image_model.add(Conv2D(128, (3, 3), padding='valid', activation='relu')) image_model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) image_model.add(Dropout(0.25)) image_model.add(Flatten()) image_model.add(Dense(1024, activation='relu')) image_model.add(Dropout(0.3)) image_model.add(Dense(1024, activation='relu')) image_model.add(Dropout(0.3)) image_model.add(RepeatVector(CONTEXT_LENGTH)) visual_input = Input(shape=input_shape) encoded_image = image_model(visual_input) language_model = Sequential() language_model.add(LSTM(128, return_sequences=True, input_shape=(CONTEXT_LENGTH, output_size))) language_model.add(LSTM(128, return_sequences=True)) textual_input = Input(shape=(CONTEXT_LENGTH, output_size)) encoded_text = language_model(textual_input) decoder = concatenate([encoded_image, encoded_text]) decoder = LSTM(512, return_sequences=True)(decoder) decoder = LSTM(512, return_sequences=False)(decoder) decoder = Dense(output_size, activation='softmax')(decoder) self.model = Model(inputs=[visual_input, textual_input], outputs=decoder) optimizer = RMSprop(lr=0.0001, clipvalue=1.0) self.model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=optimizer) def fit(self, images, partial_captions, next_words):[images, partial_captions], next_words, shuffle=False, epochs=EPOCHS, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, verbose=1) def fit_generator(self, generator, steps_per_epoch): self.model.fit_generator(generator, steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, epochs=EPOCHS, verbose=1) def predict(self, image, partial_caption): return self.model.predict([image, partial_caption], verbose=0)[0] def predict_batch(self, images, partial_captions): return self.model.predict([images, partial_captions], verbose=1)
# # queue/ # # Copyright (C) 2011 Damien Churchill <> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, write to: # The Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # import smtplib import logging from vsmtpd.error import DenyError from vsmtpd.hooks import hook from vsmtpd.plugins.plugin import PluginBase log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Plugin(PluginBase): def __init__(self, config): self.smtp_server = config.get('smtp_server') self.smtp_port = config.getint('smtp_port') or 25 @hook def queue(self, transaction):'forwarding to %s:%d', self.smtp_server, self.smtp_port) smtp = smtplib.SMTP(self.smtp_server, self.smtp_port) code, msg = smtp.mail(str(transaction.sender or '')) if code != 250: raise DenyError(msg) for rcpt in transaction.recipients: code, msg = smtp.rcpt(str(rcpt)) if code != 250: raise DenyError(msg) code, msg = smtp.docmd('data') if code != 354: raise smtplib.SMTPDataError(code, msg) msg = transaction.body header = smtplib.quotedata(msg.headers.as_string()) smtp.send(header) for line in msg: smtp.send(smtplib.quotedata(line)) smtp.send(smtplib.CRLF + '.' + smtplib.CRLF) code, msg = smtp.getreply() if code != 250: raise DenyError(msg) code, msg = smtp.quit()'finished queueing') return True
"""Setup file for iotile-transport-jlink package.""" from setuptools import setup, find_packages import version setup( name="iotile-transport-jlink", packages=find_packages(exclude=("test",)), version=version.version, license="LGPLv3", install_requires=[ "iotile-core>=5.2", "pylink-square>=0.10", "pylibftdi>=0.19" ], python_requires=">=3.7,<4", include_package_data=True, entry_points={'iotile.device_adapter': ['jlink = iotile_transport_jlink.jlink:JLinkAdapter']}, description="IOTile JLINK Transport Plugin", author="Arch", author_email="", url="", keywords=["iotile", "arch", "embedded", "hardware", "firmware"], classifiers=[ "Programming Language :: Python", "Development Status :: 2 - Pre-Alpha", "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules" ], long_description="""\ IOTile JLink Transport Plugin ------------------------------- A python plugin into IOTile Coretools that allows for using a JLink adapter to send RPCs over an IOTile module's SWD interface. The IOTile device needs to be compiled with support for the SWD RPC interface for this to work. """ )
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Run from Cryptchat # python3 -m unittest discover import unittest from ..crypto.aes import AESCipher class testAESCipher(unittest.TestCase): def test_encrypt_decrypt(self): key = "TTTcPolAhIqZZJY0IOH7Orecb/EEaUx8/u/pQlCgma8=" cipher = AESCipher(key) m = "[TOP SECRET] I like k-pop" c = cipher.encrypt(m) m2 = cipher.decrypt(c) self.assertEqual(m, m2) def test_encrypt_decrypt_long(self): key = "TTTcPolAhIqZZJY0IOH7Orecb/EEaUx8/u/pQlCgma8=" cipher = AESCipher(key) m = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." c = cipher.encrypt(m) m2 = cipher.decrypt(c) self.assertEqual(m, m2) def test_encrypt_decrypt_unicode(self): key = "TTTcPolAhIqZZJY0IOH7Orecb/EEaUx8/u/pQlCgma8=" cipher = AESCipher(key) m = "『秘密』K-popは好きです" c = cipher.encrypt(m) m2 = cipher.decrypt(c) self.assertEqual(m, m2) def test_encrypt_decrypt_128(self): key = "Ya/C/EvmwW1xWhjM1BgZ/g==" cipher = AESCipher(key) m = "Private stuff" c = cipher.encrypt(m) m2 = cipher.decrypt(c) self.assertEqual(m, m2) def test_encrypt_decrypt_unicode_128(self): key = "Ya/C/EvmwW1xWhjM1BgZ/g==" cipher = AESCipher(key) m = "『秘密』K-popは好きです" c = cipher.encrypt(m) m2 = cipher.decrypt(c) self.assertEqual(m, m2) def main(): unittest.main() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# This file is part of Indico. # Copyright (C) 2002 - 2017 European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). # # Indico is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Indico is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Indico; if not, see <>. from __future__ import unicode_literals from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSON from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr from indico.core.db import db from indico.util.locators import locator_property from indico.util.string import format_repr, return_ascii, text_to_repr def _get_next_position(context): """Get the next contribution field position for the event.""" event_id = context.current_parameters['event_id'] res = db.session.query(db.func.max(ContributionField.position)).filter_by(event_id=event_id).one() return (res[0] or 0) + 1 class ContributionField(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'contribution_fields' __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint('event_id', 'legacy_id'), {'schema': 'events'}) id = db.Column( db.Integer, primary_key=True ) event_id = db.Column( db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), index=True, nullable=False ) legacy_id = db.Column( db.String, nullable=True ) position = db.Column( db.Integer, nullable=False, default=_get_next_position ) title = db.Column( db.String, nullable=False ) description = db.Column( db.Text, nullable=False, default='' ) is_required = db.Column( db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False ) is_active = db.Column( db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=True ) field_type = db.Column( db.String, nullable=True ) field_data = db.Column( JSON, nullable=False, default={} ) event = db.relationship( 'Event', lazy=True, backref=db.backref( 'contribution_fields', order_by=position, cascade='all, delete-orphan', lazy='dynamic' ) ) # relationship backrefs: # - abstract_values (AbstractFieldValue.contribution_field) # - contribution_values (ContributionFieldValue.contribution_field) def _get_field(self, management=False): from import get_contrib_field_types try: impl = get_contrib_field_types()[self.field_type] except KeyError: return None return impl(self, management=management) @property def field(self): return self._get_field() @property def mgmt_field(self): return self._get_field(management=True) @property def filter_choices(self): return {x['id']: x['option'] for x in self.field_data.get('options', {})} @return_ascii def __repr__(self): return format_repr(self, 'id', 'field_type', is_required=False, is_active=True, _text=self.title) @locator_property def locator(self): return dict(self.event.locator, class ContributionFieldValueBase(db.Model): __abstract__ = True #: The name of the backref on the `ContributionField` contribution_field_backref_name = None data = db.Column( JSON, nullable=False ) @declared_attr def contribution_field_id(cls): return db.Column( db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('', name='fk_{}_contribution_field'.format(cls.__tablename__)), primary_key=True, index=True ) @declared_attr def contribution_field(cls): return db.relationship( 'ContributionField', lazy=False, backref=db.backref( cls.contribution_field_backref_name, cascade='all, delete-orphan', lazy=True ) ) @property def friendly_data(self): return self.contribution_field.field.get_friendly_value( class ContributionFieldValue(ContributionFieldValueBase): __tablename__ = 'contribution_field_values' __table_args__ = {'schema': 'events'} contribution_field_backref_name = 'contribution_values' contribution_id = db.Column( db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), index=True, nullable=False, primary_key=True ) # relationship backrefs: # - contribution (Contribution.field_values) @return_ascii def __repr__(self): text = text_to_repr( if isinstance(, unicode) else return format_repr(self, 'contribution_id', 'contribution_field_id', _text=text)
__author__ = 'scott' import numpy as np # Set the random seed for reproducibility seed = np.random.randint(2**16) print "Seed: ", seed np.random.seed(seed) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from optofit.models.model import Model from optofit.population.population import Population from optofit.neuron.neuron import Neuron from optofit.neuron.compartment import Compartment, CalciumCompartment from optofit.neuron.channels import LeakChannel, NaChannel, KdrChannel, Ca3KdrChannel, Ca3KaChannel, Ca3NaChannel, Ca3CaChannel, Ca3KahpChannel, Ca3KcChannel from optofit.simulation.stimulus import PeriodicStepStimulusPattern, DirectCompartmentCurrentInjection from optofit.simulation.simulate import simulate from optofit.observation.observable import NewDirectCompartmentVoltage, IndependentObservations, LinearFluorescence from optofit.plotting.plotting import plot_latent_compartment_state, plot_latent_compartment_V_and_I from optofit.inference.fitting import fit_mcmc from optofit.models.hyperparameters import hypers def make_model(): """Make a model of a single compartment neuron with a handful of channels and a directly observable voltage """ model = Model() # The population object doesn't do anything yet, but eventually it could support # synapses between neurons population = Population('population', model) # Explicitly build the neuron neuron = Neuron('neuron', population) # The single compartment corresponds to the cell body body = Compartment('body', neuron) # body = CalciumCompartment('body', neuron) # Add a few channels # body.add_channel(LeakChannel('leak', body)) # body.add_channel(NaChannel('na', body)) body.add_channel(KdrChannel('kdr', body)) # ca3kdr = Ca3KdrChannel('ca3kdr', body) # ca3ka = Ca3KaChannel('ca3ka', body) # ca3na = Ca3NaChannel('ca3na', body) # ca3ca = Ca3CaChannel('ca3ca', body) # ca3kahp = Ca3KahpChannel('ca3kahp', body) # ca3kc = Ca3KcChannel('ca3kc', body) # #body.add_channel(ca3kdr) #body.add_channel(ca3ka) #body.add_channel(ca3na) #body.add_channel(ca3ca) #body.add_channel(ca3kahp) #body.add_channel(ca3kc) # Now connect all the pieces of the neuron together neuron.add_compartment(body, None) population.add_neuron(neuron) model.add_population(population) # Create the observation model observation = IndependentObservations('observations', model) body_voltage = NewDirectCompartmentVoltage('body voltage', model, body) # body_fluorescence = LinearFluorescence('body fluorescence' , model, body) # observation.add_observation(body_fluorescence) observation.add_observation(body_voltage) model.add_observation(observation) return model # Instantiate the true model true_model = make_model() # Create a stimulus for the neuron # Stimulate the neuron by injecting a current pattern stim_on = 2.0 stim_off = 50.0 stim_on_dur = .5 stim_off_dur = 1.5 stim_I = 500.0 stim_pattern = PeriodicStepStimulusPattern(stim_on, stim_off, stim_on_dur, stim_off_dur, stim_I) stim = DirectCompartmentCurrentInjection(true_model.population.neurons[0].compartments[0], stim_pattern) # Set the recording duration t_start = 0 t_stop = 0.2 dt = 0.1 t = np.arange(t_start, t_stop, dt) # Simulate the model to create synthetic data data_sequence = simulate(true_model, t, stim) true_model.add_data_sequence(data_sequence) # Plot the true and observed voltage plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6)) # axs = plot_latent_compartment_state(t, z, true_model.population.neurons[0].compartments[0]) axs = plot_latent_compartment_V_and_I(t, data_sequence, true_model.population.neurons[0].compartments[0], true_model.observation.observations[0],) i = {'i' : 0} # Add a callback to update the plots def plot_sample(m): plt.gcf().clf() # latent = m.data_sequences[0].latent # plot_latent_compartment_state(t, m.data_sequences[0].latent, # m.data_sequences[0].states, # m.population.neurons[0].compartments[0]) axs = plot_latent_compartment_V_and_I(t, m.data_sequences[0], m.population.neurons[0].compartments[0], m.observation.observations[0]) print '%d: g_leak: %f' % (i['i'], m.population.neurons[0].compartments[0].channels[0].g.value) print '%d: g_na: %f' % (i['i'], m.population.neurons[0].compartments[0].channels[1].g.value) print '%d: g_kdr: %f' % (i['i'], m.population.neurons[0].compartments[0].channels[2].g.value) fig.suptitle('Iteration: %d' % i['i']) i['i'] += 1 plt.pause(0.001) def print_g_leak(m): if np.mod(i['i'], 1) == 0: # print '%d: g_leak: %f' % (i['i'], m.population.neurons[0].compartments[0].channels[0].g.value) # print '%d: g_na: %f' % (i['i'], m.population.neurons[0].compartments[0].channels[1].g.value) print '%d: g_kdr: %f' % (i['i'], m.population.neurons[0].compartments[0].channels[0].g.value) i['i'] += 1 # Generic fitting code will enumerate the components of the model and determine # which MCMC updates to use. raw_input("Press enter to begin MCMC") print "Running particle MCMC" # samples = fit_mcmc(true_model, N_samples=1000, callback=plot_sample, geweke=True) samples = fit_mcmc(true_model, N_samples=10000, callback=print_g_leak, print_interval=10, geweke=True) # Plot the results import scipy.stats def plot_channel(samples, index, name, a, b, xlim=None): gs = np.array([m.population.neurons[0].compartments[0].channels[index].g.value for m in samples]) plt.figure() _,bins,_ = plt.hist(gs, 50, normed=True, alpha=0.5) if xlim is None: plt.plot(bins, scipy.stats.gamma.pdf(bins, a, scale=b)) else: xx = np.linspace(xlim[0], xlim[1]) plt.plot(xx, scipy.stats.gamma.pdf(xx, a, scale=1.0/b)) plt.title('$g_{%s}' % name) # plot_channel(samples, 0, 'leak', hypers['a_g_leak'].value, hypers['b_g_leak'].value, (1e-4,3)) # plot_channel(samples, 1, 'na', hypers['a_g_na'].value, hypers['b_g_na'].value, (1,30)) plot_channel(samples, 0, 'kdr', hypers['a_g_kdr'].value, hypers['b_g_kdr'].value, (1,14)) plt.ioff()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Mathmaker creates automatically maths exercises sheets # with their answers # Copyright 2006-2017 Nicolas Hainaux <> # This file is part of Mathmaker. # Mathmaker is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # any later version. # Mathmaker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Mathmaker; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import random from decimal import Decimal from string import ascii_uppercase as alphabet from mathmakerlib.calculus.unit import LENGTH_UNITS from mathmaker.lib import shared from mathmaker.lib.constants import pythagorean from mathmaker.lib.constants.numeration import (PRECISION, HUNDREDTH, TENTH, UNIT, THOUSANDTH, TEN_THOUSANDTH) from .Q_Structure import Q_Structure from mathmaker.lib.core.base_calculus import Item, Sum from mathmaker.lib.core.root_calculus import Value from mathmaker.lib.core.calculus import Equation, Equality from mathmaker.lib.core.geometry import RightTriangle AVAILABLE_Q_KIND_VALUES = {'pythagorean_theorem': ['calculate_hypotenuse', 'calculate_one_leg'], 'converse_of_pythagorean_theorem': ['default'], 'contrapositive_of_pythagorean_theorem': ['default'], 'cosinus': ['calculate_hypotenuse', 'calculate_one_leg', 'calculate_angle'], 'sinus': ['calculate_hypotenuse', 'calculate_one_leg', 'calculate_angle'], 'tangente': ['calculate_hypotenuse', 'calculate_one_leg', 'calculate_angle']} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## # @class Q_RightTriangle # @brief All questions about the right triangle class Q_RightTriangle(Q_Structure): # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Constructor. # @options # @return One instance of question.Q_RightTriangle def __init__(self, q_kind='default_nothing', **options): self.derived = True # The call to the mother class __init__() method will set the # fields matching optional arguments which are so far: # self.q_kind, self.q_subkind # plus self.options (modified) Q_Structure.__init__(self, q_kind, AVAILABLE_Q_KIND_VALUES, **options) # The purpose of this next line is to get the possibly modified # value of **options options = self.options # Set the default values of the different options use_pythagorean_triples = False if (('use_pythagorean_triples' in options and options['use_pythagorean_triples']) or (self.q_kind == 'converse_of_pythagorean_theorem')): # __ use_pythagorean_triples = True use_decimals = True if 'use_decimals' in options and not options['use_decimals']: use_decimals = False self.round_to = "" if 'round_to' in options and options['round_to'] in PRECISION: self.round_to = options['round_to'] if not use_pythagorean_triples: if self.round_to == "": if use_decimals: self.round_to = HUNDREDTH else: self.round_to = TENTH self.use_pythagorean_triples = use_pythagorean_triples self.figure_in_the_text = True if ('figure_in_the_text' in options and not options['figure_in_the_text']): # __ self.figure_in_the_text = False rotation_option = 'no' if 'rotate_around_barycenter' in options: rotation_option = options['rotate_around_barycenter'] self.final_unit = "" if ('final_unit' in options and options['final_unit'] in LENGTH_UNITS): # __ self.final_unit = options['final_unit'] sides_units = [self.final_unit, self.final_unit, self.final_unit] # Later, allow to use a different length unit for the sides # than the final expected unit ; allow different units for different # sides (for instance giving a list in option 'sides_units')... # So far we will do with only ONE unit # if 'sides_units' in options \ # and options['sides_units'] in LENGTH_UNITS: # # __ # sides_units = options['sides_units'] self.right_triangle = None self.unknown_side = None self.known_sides = [] # Now set some randomly values letters = [elt for elt in alphabet] random.shuffle(letters) vertices_names = (letters.pop(), letters.pop(), letters.pop()) # Here you can begin to write code for the different # q_kinds & q_subkinds if self.q_kind == 'pythagorean_theorem': sides_values = [None, None, None] if use_pythagorean_triples: triples = pythagorean.ALL_TRIPLES_5_100 if use_decimals: triples = pythagorean.ALL_TRIPLES_5_100 \ + pythagorean.TRIPLES_101_200_WO_TEN_MULTIPLES sides_values = random.choice(triples) if use_decimals: sides_values = \ [Decimal(str(Decimal(sides_values[0]) / 10)), Decimal(str(Decimal(sides_values[1]) / 10)), Decimal(str(Decimal(sides_values[2]) / 10))] if self.q_subkind == 'calculate_hypotenuse': sides_values[2] = "" sides_units[2] = "" else: # case: self.q_subkind == 'calculate_one_leg' leg0_or_1 = random.choice([0, 1]) sides_values[leg0_or_1] = "" sides_units[leg0_or_1] = "" else: # NO pythagorean triples. # The two generated values must NOT match any pythagorean # triple if use_decimals: min_side_value = 5 max_side_value = 200 else: min_side_value = 5 max_side_value = 100 if self.q_subkind == 'calculate_hypotenuse': first_leg = random.randint(min_side_value, max_side_value) # we will take the leg values between # at least 25% and at most 150% of the length of first leg # (and smaller than max_side_value) second_leg_values = [] for i in range(int(first_leg * 1.5)): if (i + int(first_leg * 0.25) <= 1.5 * first_leg and i + int(first_leg * 0.25) <= max_side_value): # __ second_leg_values += [i + int(first_leg * 0.25)] second_leg_unauthorized_values = \ pythagorean.get_legs_matching_given_leg(first_leg) second_leg_possible_values = \ list(set(second_leg_values) - set(second_leg_unauthorized_values)) if random.choice([True, False]): sides_values = \ [first_leg, random.choice(second_leg_possible_values), ""] sides_units[2] = "" else: sides_values = \ [random.choice(second_leg_possible_values), first_leg, ""] sides_units[2] = "" else: # case: self.q_subkind == 'calculate_one_leg' hypotenuse = random.randint(min_side_value, max_side_value) # we will take the leg values between # at least 25% and at most 90% of the length of hypotenuse # to avoid "weird" cases (with a very subtle difference # between the given values and the one to calculate) leg_values = [] for i in range(int(hypotenuse * 0.9)): if i + int(hypotenuse * 0.25) <= 0.9 * hypotenuse: leg_values += [i + int(hypotenuse * 0.25)] leg_unauthorized_values = \ pythagorean\ .get_legs_matching_given_hypotenuse(hypotenuse) leg_possible_values = list(set(leg_values) - set(leg_unauthorized_values)) if random.choice([True, False]): sides_values = ["", random.choice(leg_possible_values), hypotenuse] sides_units[0] = "" else: sides_values = [random.choice(leg_possible_values), "", hypotenuse] sides_units[1] = "" self.right_triangle = \ RightTriangle((vertices_names, 'sketch'), rotate_around_isobarycenter=rotation_option) self.right_triangle.leg[0].label = Value(sides_values[0], unit=sides_units[0]) self.right_triangle.leg[1].label = Value(sides_values[1], unit=sides_units[1]) self.right_triangle.hypotenuse.label = Value(sides_values[2], unit=sides_units[2]) for side in self.right_triangle.side: if side.label.raw_value == "": self.unknown_side = side.clone() else: self.known_sides += [side.clone()] elif self.q_kind in ['converse_of_pythagorean_theorem', 'contrapositive_of_pythagorean_theorem']: # __ sides_values = [None, None, None] triples = list(pythagorean.ALL_TRIPLES_5_100) if use_decimals: triples += list(pythagorean.TRIPLES_101_200_WO_TEN_MULTIPLES) sides_values = random.choice(triples) if self.q_kind == 'contrapositive_of_pythagorean_theorem': # We'll change exactly one value to be sure the triplet # is NOT pythagorean if random.choice([True, False]): # We will decrease the lowest value max_delta = int(0.1 * sides_values[0]) min_delta = 1 if min_delta > max_delta: max_delta = min_delta chosen_delta = random.choice( [i + min_delta for i in range(max_delta - min_delta + 1)]) sides_values = [sides_values[0] - chosen_delta, sides_values[1], sides_values[2]] else: # We will increase the highest value max_delta = int(0.1 * sides_values[2]) min_delta = 1 if min_delta > max_delta: max_delta = min_delta chosen_delta = random.choice( [i + min_delta for i in range(max_delta - min_delta + 1)]) sides_values = [sides_values[0], sides_values[1], sides_values[2] + chosen_delta] if use_decimals: sides_values = [Decimal(str(Decimal(sides_values[0]) / 10)), Decimal(str(Decimal(sides_values[1]) / 10)), Decimal(str(Decimal(sides_values[2]) / 10))] self.right_triangle = \ RightTriangle((vertices_names, 'sketch'), rotate_around_isobarycenter=rotation_option) self.right_triangle.leg[0].label = Value(sides_values[0], unit=sides_units[0]) self.right_triangle.leg[1].label = Value(sides_values[1], unit=sides_units[1]) self.right_triangle.hypotenuse.label = Value(sides_values[2], unit=sides_units[2]) self.right_triangle.right_angle.mark = "" # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Returns the text of the question as a str def text_to_str(self): PRECISION_IDIOMS = {UNIT: _("to the unit"), TENTH: _("to the tenth"), HUNDREDTH: _("to the hundreth"), THOUSANDTH: _("to the thousandth"), TEN_THOUSANDTH: _("to the ten thousandth")} M = shared.machine result = self.displayable_number if self.q_kind == 'pythagorean_theorem': if self.figure_in_the_text: result += M.insert_picture(self.right_triangle) else: result += _("The triangle {triangle_name} has a right \ angle in {right_vertex}.")\ .format(triangle_name=str(, right_vertex=str(self.right_triangle.vertex[1] .name)) result += " " + str(self.known_sides[0].length_name) \ + " = " \ + self.known_sides[0].label.into_str(display_unit=True)\ + ". " \ + str(self.known_sides[1].length_name) \ + " = " \ + self.known_sides[1].label.into_str(display_unit=True)\ + ". " + M.write_new_line() result += _("Calculate the length of {this_side}.")\ .format( if self.final_unit != "": result += " " + _("Give the result in {this_unit}.")\ .format(this_unit=self.final_unit) if self.round_to != "": result += " " + _("Round the result {at_this_precision}.")\ .format(at_this_precision=PRECISION_IDIOMS[self.round_to]) elif self.q_kind in ['converse_of_pythagorean_theorem', 'contrapositive_of_pythagorean_theorem']: # __ if self.figure_in_the_text: result += M.insert_picture(self.right_triangle) else: sides_copy = [self.right_triangle.side[0].clone(), self.right_triangle.side[1].clone(), self.right_triangle.side[2].clone()] random.shuffle(sides_copy) side0, side1, side2 = sides_copy result += _("{triangle_name} is a triangle such as " "{side_length0} = {nb0}, {side_length1} = {nb1} " "and {side_length2} = {nb2}")\ .format(triangle_name=str(, side_length0=str(side0.length_name), nb0=side0.label.into_str(display_unit=True), side_length1=str(side1.length_name), nb1=side1.label.into_str(display_unit=True), side_length2=str(side2.length_name), nb2=side2.label.into_str(display_unit=True)) result += _("Is it a right triangle ? Prove your answer and if " "the triangle is right, give the name of the right " "angle.") result += M.write_new_line() return result + M.write_new_line() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @brief Returns the answer of the question as a str def answer_to_str(self): M = shared.machine if self.q_kind == 'pythagorean_theorem': # Resolution (and the part with the figure will be dealed later) result = _("The triangle {triangle_name} has a right angle in " "{right_vertex}.")\ .format(triangle_name=str(, right_vertex=str(self.right_triangle.vertex[1].name)) result += M.write_new_line() result += _("Then by Pythagoras theorem") + ":" pyth_eq = self.right_triangle.pythagorean_substequality() result += M.write_math_style1(pyth_eq.into_str()) if self.use_pythagorean_triples: result += M.write(Equation(pyth_eq.substitute()) .auto_resolution( dont_display_equations_name=True, pythagorean_mode=True, unit=self.final_unit, underline_result=True)) else: result += M.write(Equation(pyth_eq.substitute()) .auto_resolution( dont_display_equations_name=True, decimal_result=self.round_to, pythagorean_mode=True, unit=self.final_unit, underline_result=True)) if self.figure_in_the_text: return self.displayable_number + result else: content = [self.displayable_number + _("Sketch") + ":" + M.write_new_line() + M.insert_picture(self.right_triangle), result] return M.write_layout((1, 2), [9, 9], content) elif self.q_kind in ['converse_of_pythagorean_theorem', 'contrapositive_of_pythagorean_theorem']: # __ hyp_equality = Equality([Item(('+', self.right_triangle. hypotenuse.length_name, 2)), Item(('+', self.right_triangle. hypotenuse.label.raw_value, 2))]) hyp_equality_step2 = Equality([Item(('+', self.right_triangle. hypotenuse.length_name, 2)), Item(Item(('+', self.right_triangle. hypotenuse.label.raw_value, 2)).evaluate())]) legs_equality = Equality([ Sum([Item(('+', self.right_triangle.leg[0].length_name, 2)), Item(('+', self.right_triangle.leg[1].length_name, 2))]), Sum([Item(('+', self.right_triangle.leg[0].label.raw_value, 2)), Item(('+', self.right_triangle.leg[1].label.raw_value, 2))])]) legs_equality_step2 = Equality([ Sum([Item(('+', self.right_triangle.leg[0].length_name, 2)), Item(('+', self.right_triangle.leg[1].length_name, 2))]), Item(Sum([Item(('+', self.right_triangle.leg[0].label.raw_value, 2)), Item(('+', self.right_triangle.leg[1].label.raw_value, 2))]).evaluate())]) result = _("On one hand:") + M.write_new_line() result += M.write_math_style1(hyp_equality.into_str()) result += M.write_math_style1(hyp_equality_step2.into_str()) result += _("On the other hand:") + M.write_new_line() result += M.write_math_style1(legs_equality.into_str()) result += M.write_math_style1(legs_equality_step2.into_str()) result += _("Hence:") if self.q_kind == 'converse_of_pythagorean_theorem': result += M.write_math_style1( self.right_triangle.pythagorean_equality().into_str()) result += _("So, by the converse of the pythagorean theorem,") # result += M.write_new_line() result += " " result += _("{triangle_name} has a right angle " "in {right_vertex}.")\ .format(triangle_name=str(, right_vertex=str( self.right_triangle.vertex[1].name)) elif self.q_kind == 'contrapositive_of_pythagorean_theorem': result += M.write_math_style1( self.right_triangle.pythagorean_equality( equal_signs=['neq']).into_str()) result += _("So, by the contrapositive of the pythagorean " "theorem,") result += " " result += _("{triangle_name} has no right angle.")\ .format(triangle_name=str( if self.figure_in_the_text: return self.displayable_number + result else: content = [self.displayable_number + _("Sketch") + ":" + M.write_new_line() + M.insert_picture(self.right_triangle), result] return M.write_layout((1, 2), [6, 12], content)
''' Conversion of basis sets to Dalton format ''' from .. import lut, manip, sort, misc, printing def write_dalton(basis): '''Converts a basis set to Dalton format ''' s = '! Basis = {}\n\n'.format(basis['name']) basis = manip.make_general(basis, False, True) basis = sort.sort_basis(basis, False) # Elements for which we have electron basis electron_elements = [k for k, v in basis['elements'].items() if 'electron_shells' in v] # Elements for which we have ECP ecp_elements = [k for k, v in basis['elements'].items() if 'ecp_potentials' in v] # Electron Basis if electron_elements: for z in electron_elements: data = basis['elements'][z] #sym = lut.element_sym_from_Z(z, True) elname = lut.element_name_from_Z(z).upper() cont_string = misc.contraction_string(data) s += 'a {}\n'.format(z) s += '! {} {}\n'.format(elname, cont_string) for shell in data['electron_shells']: exponents = shell['exponents'] coefficients = shell['coefficients'] ncol = len(coefficients) + 1 nprim = len(exponents) ngen = len(coefficients) am = shell['angular_momentum'] amchar = lut.amint_to_char(am, hij=True) s += '! {} functions\n'.format(amchar) # Is this a bug in the original EMSL? #s += '{} {} 1.00\n'.format(sym, r, nprim) s += '{} {} {}\n'.format('H', nprim, ngen) point_places = [8 * i + 15 * (i - 1) for i in range(1, ncol + 1)] s += printing.write_matrix([exponents, *coefficients], point_places, convert_exp=False) # Write out ECP if ecp_elements: s += '\n\nECP\n' for z in ecp_elements: data = basis['elements'][z] sym = lut.element_sym_from_Z(z, normalize=True) max_ecp_am = max([x['angular_momentum'][0] for x in data['ecp_potentials']]) # Sort lowest->highest, then put the highest at the beginning ecp_list = sorted(data['ecp_potentials'], key=lambda x: x['angular_momentum']) ecp_list.insert(0, ecp_list.pop()) s += '{} nelec {}\n'.format(sym, data['ecp_electrons']) for pot in ecp_list: rexponents = pot['r_exponents'] gexponents = pot['gaussian_exponents'] coefficients = pot['coefficients'] am = pot['angular_momentum'] amchar = lut.amint_to_char(am).upper() if am[0] == max_ecp_am: s += '{} ul\n'.format(sym) else: s += '{} {}\n'.format(sym, amchar) point_places = [0, 9, 32] s += printing.write_matrix([rexponents, gexponents, *coefficients], point_places, convert_exp=False) s += 'END\n' return s
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.conf.urls import url from tastypie import fields from tastypie.authentication import MultiAuthentication from tastypie.authorization import Authorization from tastypie.bundle import Bundle from tastypie.exceptions import NotFound from tastypie.resources import Resource, ModelResource from tastypie.validation import CleanedDataFormValidation from apps.mds_auth.authorization import ReadAllSessionAuthentication, ReadAllTokenAuthentication from apps.muni_scales.api_authorization import UXXAuthorization from apps.muni_scales.fields import MscaleFieldMixin from apps.muni_scales.forms import UDHscaleForm, UXCscaleForm from apps.muni_scales.models import UDHscale, UXCscale from apps.muni_scales.mscale import Mscale, MSCALES class MscaleField(fields.ApiField, MscaleFieldMixin): ''' A field that accepts an Mscale Resource but stores the integer value in the db. ''' dehydrated_type = 'apps.muni_scales.mscale.Mscale' help_text = 'an mscale object' def convert(self, value): if value is None: return None return self.to_mscale(value) def hydrate(self, bundle): ''' Prepare data before saving to the model. ''' #check if value present if value =[self.instance_name] mscale = self.to_mscale(value) return mscale.number else: return None def dehydrate(self, bundle, **kwargs): ''' Prepare data for serialization before sending to the client. ''' return self.convert(bundle.obj.__getattribute__(self.instance_name)) class MscaleResource(Resource): ''' A read-only Mscale resource. ''' id = fields.DecimalField(attribute='number') underground = fields.CharField(attribute='underground') slope = fields.CharField(attribute='slope') obstacles = fields.ListField(attribute='obstacles') characteristics = fields.ListField(attribute='characteristics') class Meta: resource_name = 'mscales' object_class = Mscale authorization = Authorization() allowed_methods = ['get'] def prepend_urls(self): return [ url(r"^(?P<resource_name>%s)/(?P<pk>[0-9]+)/$" % self._meta.resource_name, self.wrap_view('dispatch_detail'), name="api_dispatch_detail"), ] def apply_sorting(self, obj_list, options=None): """ sorts by number (always ascending) """ return sorted(obj_list, key=lambda m: m.number) def detail_uri_kwargs(self, bundle_or_obj): kwargs = {} if isinstance(bundle_or_obj, Bundle): kwargs['pk'] = bundle_or_obj.obj.number else: kwargs['pk'] = bundle_or_obj.number return kwargs def get_object_list(self, request): return MSCALES.values() def obj_get_list(self, request=None, **kwargs): # TODO: proper filtering return self.get_object_list(request) def obj_get(self, request=None, **kwargs): try: pk = float(kwargs['pk']) return MSCALES[pk] except KeyError: raise NotFound("Invalid lookup ID provided.") except ValueError: raise NotFound() class ScaleCalcMixin(object): ''' Adds endpoint for score calculation. ''' def prepend_urls(self): return [ url(r"^(?P<resource_name>%s)/calculate/$" % self._meta.resource_name, self.wrap_view('get_score'), name="api_calc_score"), ] def get_score(self, request, **kwargs): ''' Return the score for the calculation ''' scale = self.__class__() bundle = scale.build_bundle(data=request.POST, request=request) scale_obj = scale.full_hydrate(bundle).obj errors = scale_obj.full_clean() if errors: return self.create_response(request, errors) score = scale_obj.get_score() return self.create_response(request, score) class UDHResource(ScaleCalcMixin, ModelResource): ''' UDH rating ''' max_difficulty = MscaleField(attribute="max_difficulty")#fields.ToOneField(MscaleResource, attribute="max_difficulty") avg_difficulty = MscaleField(attribute="avg_difficulty")#fields.ToOneField(MscaleResource, attribute="avg_difficulty") score = fields.DictField(attribute='get_score', readonly=True, use_in="detail") trail = fields.ToOneField("apps.trails.api.TrailResource", "trail", related_name="udhscale", blank=True) class Meta: queryset = UDHscale.objects.all() resource_name = 'udh-scale' validation = CleanedDataFormValidation(form_class = UDHscaleForm) always_return_data = True authentication = MultiAuthentication(ReadAllSessionAuthentication(), ReadAllTokenAuthentication()) authorization = UXXAuthorization() class UXCResource(ScaleCalcMixin, ModelResource): ''' UXC Rating ''' max_difficulty = MscaleField(attribute="max_difficulty") avg_difficulty = MscaleField(attribute="avg_difficulty") score = fields.DictField(attribute='get_score', readonly=True, use_in="detail") trail = fields.ToOneField("apps.trails.api.TrailResource", "trail", related_name="uxcscale", blank=True) class Meta: queryset = UXCscale.objects.all() resource_name = 'uxc-scale' always_return_data = True validation = CleanedDataFormValidation(form_class = UXCscaleForm) authentication = MultiAuthentication(ReadAllSessionAuthentication(), ReadAllTokenAuthentication()) authorization = UXXAuthorization()
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Greps and returns the first svn log entry containing a line matching the regular expression pattern passed as the only arg. Example: svn log -v | '^ D.+why_are_you_missing.h$' """ import fileinput, re, sys, StringIO # Separator string for "svn log -v" output. separator = '-' * 72 usage = """Usage: line-pattern Example: svn log -v | '^ D.+why_are_you_missing.h'""" class Log(StringIO.StringIO): """Simple facade to keep track of the log content.""" def __init__(self): self.reset() def add_line(self, a_line): """Add a line to the content, if there is a previous line, commit it.""" global separator if self.prev_line != None: print >> self, self.prev_line self.prev_line = a_line self.separator_added = (a_line == separator) def del_line(self): """Forget about the previous line, do not commit it.""" self.prev_line = None def reset(self): """Forget about the previous lines entered.""" StringIO.StringIO.__init__(self) self.prev_line = None def finish(self): """Call this when you're finished with populating content.""" if self.prev_line != None: print >> self, self.prev_line self.prev_line = None def grep(regexp): # The log content to be written out once a match is found. log = Log() LOOKING_FOR_MATCH = 0 FOUND_LINE_MATCH = 1 state = LOOKING_FOR_MATCH while 1: line = sys.stdin.readline() if not line: return line = line.splitlines()[0] if state == FOUND_LINE_MATCH: # At this state, we keep on accumulating lines until the separator # is encountered. At which point, we can return the log content. if line == separator: log.finish() print log.getvalue() return log.add_line(line) elif state == LOOKING_FOR_MATCH: if line == separator: log.reset() log.add_line(line) # Update next state if necessary. if state = FOUND_LINE_MATCH def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 2: print usage sys.exit(0) regexp = re.compile(sys.argv[1]) grep(regexp) sys.stdin.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# cd pySU/pyMultidark/trunk/bin/fortranfile-0.2.1/ import numpy as n import os from os.path import join from import fits import time import fortranfile import cPickle DFdir = join("/data2", "users", "gustavo", "BigMD", "1Gpc_3840_Planck1_New", "DENSFIELDS") mockDir = "/data1/DATA/eBOSS/Multidark-box-mocks/v1.0/parts/" inFiles = n.array(["dmdens_cic_104.dat", "dmdens_cic_101.dat", "dmdens_cic_097.dat", "dmdens_cic_087.dat"]) bins = n.hstack((0,n.logspace(-3, 4, 1000))) for infi in inFiles: print infi DFfile = join(DFdir,infi) f = fortranfile.FortranFile(DFfile) gridx, gridy, gridz = f.readInts() Ntot = gridx/2 res0 = n.empty((Ntot, len(bins)-1)) NS = n.arange(Ntot) for kk in NS: print kk, time.time() DFa = f.readReals() DFb = f.readReals() DFaR = DFa.reshape((gridx, gridx)) DFbR = DFb.reshape((gridx, gridx)) DF = n.mean(n.array([DFaR,DFbR]), axis=0) DFdg = n.array([ n.array([ n.mean([DF[2*i][2*j:2*j+2], DF[2*i+1][2*j:2*j+2]]) for j in NS]) for i in NS]) res0[kk] = n.histogram(n.hstack((DFdg)), bins=bins)[0] f.close() path_to_outputCat = join(mockDir,infi[:-4] + "_DF_dg2_hist.dat") f=open(path_to_outputCat, 'w') cPickle.dump( [bins, n.sum(res0, axis=0)], f ) f.close() sys.exit() inFiles = n.array(["vx_cic_104.dat", "vx_cic_101.dat", "dmdens_cic_097.dat", "dmdens_cic_087.dat"]) inFiles = n.array(["vx_cic_104.dat", "vx_cic_101.dat", "vx_cic_097.dat", "vx_cic_087.dat", "vy_cic_104.dat", "vy_cic_101.dat", "vy_cic_097.dat", "vy_cic_087.dat", "vz_cic_104.dat", "vz_cic_101.dat", "vz_cic_097.dat", "vz_cic_087.dat"]) bins = n.arange(-2000.,2000., 5.) for infi in inFiles: print infi DFfile = join(DFdir,infi) f = fortranfile.FortranFile(DFfile) gridx, gridy, gridz = f.readInts() res0 = n.empty((gridx, len(bins)-1)) res1 = n.empty((gridx, len(bins)-1)) resH = n.empty((gridx, len(bins)-1, len(bins)-1)) for kk in range(gridx): DF = f.readReals() i = n.arange(1, gridx-1, 1) j = n.arange(1, gridx-1, 1) DF0 = DF[n.hstack((n.outer(i,j)))] N1 = n.transpose([ n.hstack((n.outer(i-1,j-1))), n.hstack((n.outer(i,j-1))), n.hstack((n.outer(i-1,j))), n.hstack((n.outer(i+1,j+1))), n.hstack((n.outer(i+1,j))), n.hstack((n.outer(i,j+1))), n.hstack((n.outer(i+1,j+1))), n.hstack((n.outer(i-1,j+1))) ]) # N1 = n.transpose([ (i-1) + gridx * (j -1), (i) + gridx * (j -1), (i-1) + gridx * (j), (i+1) + gridx * (j +1), (i+1) + gridx * (j ), (i) + gridx * (j +1), (i+1) + gridx * (j -1), (i-1) + gridx * (j +1) ]) DF1 = n.array([ n.mean(DF[el]) for el in N1 ]) res0[kk] = n.histogram(DF0,bins=bins)[0] res1[kk] = n.histogram(DF1,bins=bins)[0] resH[kk] = n.histogram2d(DF0, DF1, bins)[0] f.close() path_to_outputCat = join(mockDir,infi[:-4] + "_DF0DF1hist.dat") f=open(path_to_outputCat, 'w') cPickle.dump([bins,n.sum(res0,axis=0), n.sum(res1,axis=0), n.sum(resH,axis=0)],f) f.close()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Implements the pdp script for finding differential primers (c) The James Hutton Institute 2017-2019 Author: Leighton Pritchard Contact: Leighton Pritchard, Information and Computing Sciences, James Hutton Institute, Errol Road, Invergowrie, Dundee, DD2 5DA, Scotland, UK The MIT License Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The James Hutton Institute Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import sys import time from diagnostic_primers import __version__ from diagnostic_primers.scripts import parsers from diagnostic_primers.scripts.logger import build_logger def run_pdp_main(argv=None, logger=None): """Main process for pdp script""" # If we need to (i.e. a namespace isn't passed), parse the command-line if argv is None: args = parsers.parse_cmdline() else: args = parsers.parse_cmdline(argv) # Catch execution with no arguments if len(sys.argv) == 1: sys.stderr.write("pdp version: {0}\n".format(__version__)) return 0 # Set up logging time0 = time.time() if logger is None: logger = build_logger("pdp", args) # Run the subcommand returnval = args.func(args, logger)"Completed. Time taken: %.3f", (time.time() - time0)) return returnval
import numpy as np from AnyQt.QtWidgets import QTreeWidget, QTreeView, QTreeWidgetItem from import Table from Orange.widgets import gui from Orange.widgets.settings import Setting from Orange.widgets.widget import OWWidget, Msg from orangecontrib.text.util import np_sp_sum from orangecontrib.text.stats import false_discovery_rate, hypergeom_p_values class OWWordEnrichment(OWWidget): # Basic widget info name = "Word Enrichment" description = "Word enrichment analysis for selected documents." icon = "icons/SetEnrichment.svg" priority = 60 # Input/output inputs = [("Selected Data", Table, "set_data_selected"), ("Data", Table, "set_data"),] want_main_area = True class Error(OWWidget.Error): no_words_overlap = Msg('No words overlap!') empty_selection = Msg('Selected data is empty!') all_selected = Msg('All examples can not be selected!') # Settings filter_by_p = Setting(False) filter_p_value = Setting(0.01) filter_by_fdr = Setting(True) filter_fdr_value = Setting(0.2) def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Init data = None self.selected_data = None self.selected_data_transformed = None # used for transforming the 'selected data' into the 'data' domain self.words = [] self.p_values = [] self.fdr_values = [] # Info section fbox = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Info") self.info_all = gui.label(fbox, self, 'Cluster words:') self.info_sel = gui.label(fbox, self, 'Selected words:') self.info_fil = gui.label(fbox, self, 'After filtering:') # Filtering settings fbox = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Filter") hbox = gui.widgetBox(fbox, orientation=0) self.chb_p = gui.checkBox(hbox, self, "filter_by_p", "p-value", callback=self.filter_and_display, tooltip="Filter by word p-value") self.spin_p = gui.doubleSpin(hbox, self, 'filter_p_value', 1e-4, 1, step=1e-4, labelWidth=15, callback=self.filter_and_display, callbackOnReturn=True, tooltip="Max p-value for word") self.spin_p.setEnabled(self.filter_by_p) hbox = gui.widgetBox(fbox, orientation=0) self.chb_fdr = gui.checkBox(hbox, self, "filter_by_fdr", "FDR", callback=self.filter_and_display, tooltip="Filter by word FDR") self.spin_fdr = gui.doubleSpin(hbox, self, 'filter_fdr_value', 1e-4, 1, step=1e-4, labelWidth=15, callback=self.filter_and_display, callbackOnReturn=True, tooltip="Max p-value for word") self.spin_fdr.setEnabled(self.filter_by_fdr) gui.rubber(self.controlArea) # Word's list view self.cols = ['Word', 'p-value', 'FDR'] self.sig_words = QTreeWidget() self.sig_words.setColumnCount(len(self.cols)) self.sig_words.setHeaderLabels(self.cols) self.sig_words.setSortingEnabled(True) self.sig_words.setSelectionMode(QTreeView.ExtendedSelection) self.sig_words.sortByColumn(2, 0) # 0 is ascending order for i in range(len(self.cols)): self.sig_words.resizeColumnToContents(i) self.mainArea.layout().addWidget(self.sig_words) def set_data(self, data=None): = data def set_data_selected(self, data=None): self.selected_data = data def handleNewSignals(self): self.check_data() def check_data(self): self.Error.clear() if isinstance(, Table) and \ isinstance(self.selected_data, Table): if len(self.selected_data) == 0: self.Error.empty_selection() self.clear() return self.selected_data_transformed = Table.from_table(, self.selected_data) if np_sp_sum(self.selected_data_transformed.X) == 0: self.Error.no_words_overlap() self.clear() elif len( == len(self.selected_data): self.Error.all_selected() self.clear() else: self.apply() else: self.clear() def clear(self): self.sig_words.clear() self.info_all.setText('Cluster words:') self.info_sel.setText('Selected words:') self.info_fil.setText('After filtering:') def filter_enabled(self, b): self.chb_p.setEnabled(b) self.chb_fdr.setEnabled(b) self.spin_p.setEnabled(b) self.spin_fdr.setEnabled(b) def filter_and_display(self): self.spin_p.setEnabled(self.filter_by_p) self.spin_fdr.setEnabled(self.filter_by_fdr) self.sig_words.clear() count = 0 if self.words: for word, pval, fval in zip(self.words, self.p_values, self.fdr_values): if (not self.filter_by_p or pval <= self.filter_p_value) and \ (not self.filter_by_fdr or fval <= self.filter_fdr_value): it = EATreeWidgetItem(word, pval, fval, self.sig_words) self.sig_words.addTopLevelItem(it) count += 1 for i in range(len(self.cols)): self.sig_words.resizeColumnToContents(i) self.info_all.setText('Cluster words: {}'.format(len(self.selected_data_transformed.domain.attributes))) self.info_sel.setText('Selected words: {}'.format(np.count_nonzero(np_sp_sum(self.selected_data_transformed.X, axis=0)))) if not self.filter_by_p and not self.filter_by_fdr: self.info_fil.setText('After filtering:') self.info_fil.setEnabled(False) else: self.info_fil.setEnabled(True) self.info_fil.setText('After filtering: {}'.format(count)) def progress(self, p): self.progressBarSet(p) def apply(self): self.clear() self.progressBarInit() self.filter_enabled(False) self.words = [ for i in self.selected_data_transformed.domain.attributes] self.p_values = hypergeom_p_values(, self.selected_data_transformed.X, callback=self.progress) self.fdr_values = false_discovery_rate(self.p_values) self.filter_and_display() self.filter_enabled(True) self.progressBarFinished() fp = lambda score: "%0.5f" % score if score > 10e-3 else "%0.1e" % score fpt = lambda score: "%0.9f" % score if score > 10e-3 else "%0.5e" % score class EATreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidgetItem): def __init__(self, word, p_value, f_value, parent): super().__init__(parent) = [word, p_value, f_value] self.setText(0, word) self.setText(1, fp(p_value)) self.setToolTip(1, fpt(p_value)) self.setText(2, fp(f_value)) self.setToolTip(2, fpt(f_value)) def __lt__(self, other): col = self.treeWidget().sortColumn() return[col] <[col]
import nltk from ground_truth import (ARTICLES, PREPOSITIONS, CONJUNCTIONS) from operator import itemgetter def make_capitalized_title(title = None, title_words = None): """ >>> make_capitalized_title(title = "This translation app helps professionals traveling in China and Japan") ['This', 'Translation', 'App', 'Helps', 'Professionals', 'Traveling', 'in', 'China', 'and', 'Japan'] >>> make_capitalized_title(title = "Russia to see surge of investments if sanctions lifted: VTB Bank Head") ['Russia', 'to', 'See', 'Surge', 'of', 'Investments', 'if', 'Sanctions', 'Lifted', ':', 'VTB', 'Bank', 'Head'] >>> make_capitalized_title(title = "CIS FMs hold summit in Belarus") ['CIS', 'FMs', 'Hold', 'Summit', 'in', 'Belarus'] """ trans_words = [] if title_words: words = title_words elif title: words = nltk.word_tokenize(title) else: raise ValueError("Receive nothing..") for i, word in enumerate(words): if i == 0: trans_words.append(word if word[0] == word[0].upper() else word.capitalize()) elif (word in ARTICLES or word in PREPOSITIONS or word in CONJUNCTIONS): trans_words.append(word) elif word[0] == word[0].upper(): #already capitalized trans_words.append(word) else: trans_words.append(word.capitalize()) return trans_words def make_uppercase_title(title_words): """make the title uppercase >>> make_uppercase_title(["This", "translation", "app", "helps", "professionals", "traveling", "in", "China", "and", "Japan"]) ['THIS', 'TRANSLATION', 'APP', 'HELPS', 'PROFESSIONALS', 'TRAVELING', 'IN', 'CHINA', 'AND', 'JAPAN'] """ words = [] for w in title_words: words.append(w.upper()) return words def make_lowercase_title(title_words): """make the title lowercase >>> make_lowercase_title(["This", "translation", "app", "helps", "professionals", "traveling", "in", "China", "and", "Japan"]) ['this', 'translation', 'app', 'helps', 'professionals', 'traveling', 'in', 'china', 'and', 'japan'] """ words = [] for w in title_words: words.append(w.lower()) return words def transform_data(data, sent_transform_func): """ Transform the data on the sentence level >>> input = [[(u'The', 'IC'), (u'Sun', 'IC'), (u'Life', 'IC'), (u'Building', 'IC'), (u'receives', 'AL'), (u'LEED', 'AU'), (u'Silver', 'IC'), (u'Certification', 'IC')]] >>> transform_data(input, make_capitalized_title) [[(u'The', 'IC'), (u'Sun', 'IC'), (u'Life', 'IC'), (u'Building', 'IC'), (u'Receives', 'AL'), (u'LEED', 'AU'), (u'Silver', 'IC'), (u'Certification', 'IC')]] >>> transform_data(input, make_lowercase_title) [[(u'the', 'IC'), (u'sun', 'IC'), (u'life', 'IC'), (u'building', 'IC'), (u'receives', 'AL'), (u'leed', 'AU'), (u'silver', 'IC'), (u'certification', 'IC')]] """ assert callable(sent_transform_func) new_data = [] for instance in data: new_data.append( zip(sent_transform_func(title_words = map(itemgetter(0), instance)), map(itemgetter(1), instance)) ) return new_data
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright(c)2009 Internet Archive. Software license AGPL version 3. This file is part of bookserver. bookserver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. bookserver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with bookserver. If not, see <>. The bookserver source is hosted at """ class Catalog: """ Catalog class init """ def __init__(self, title = 'Internet Archive OPDS', urn = 'urn:x-internet-archive:bookserver:catalog', url = '', datestr = '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z', author = 'Internet Archive', authorUri = '', crawlableUrl = None ): self._entries = [] self._opensearch = None self._navigation = None self._title = title self._urn = urn self._url = url self._datestr = datestr self._author = author self._authorUri = authorUri self._crawlableUrl = crawlableUrl def addEntry(self, entry): self._entries.append(entry) def addNavigation(self, nav): self._navigation = nav def addOpenSearch(self, opensearch): self._opensearch = opensearch def getEntries(self): return self._entries
# Rewritten by RayzoR import sys from import State from import QuestState from import QuestJython as JQuest qn = "112_WalkOfFate" # ~~~~~ npcId list: ~~~~~ Livina = 30572 Karuda = 32017 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~ itemId list: ~~~~~~ EnchantD = 956 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ class Quest (JQuest) : def __init__(self,id,name,descr): JQuest.__init__(self,id,name,descr) def onAdvEvent (self,event,npc,player) : st = player.getQuestState(qn) if not st: return htmltext = event cond = st.getInt("cond") if event == "32017-02.htm" and cond == 1 : st.giveItems(57,22308) st.giveItems(EnchantD,1) st.addExpAndSp(112876,5774) st.exitQuest(False) st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_finish") elif event == "30572-02.htm" : st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_accept") st.setState(STARTED) st.set("cond","1") return htmltext def onTalk (self,npc,player): htmltext = "<html><head><body>You are either not on a quest that involves this NPC, or you don't meet this NPC's minimum quest requirements.</body></html>" st = player.getQuestState(qn) if not st : return htmltext state = st.getState() npcId = npc.getNpcId() cond = st.getInt("cond") if state == COMPLETED : htmltext = "<html><body>This quest has already been completed.</body></html>" elif state == CREATED : if npcId == Livina : if player.getLevel() >= 20 : htmltext = "30572-01.htm" else: htmltext = "30572-00.htm" st.exitQuest(1) elif state == STARTED : if npcId == Livina : htmltext = "30572-03.htm" elif npcId == Karuda : htmltext = "32017-01.htm" return htmltext QUEST = Quest(112,qn,"Walk of Fate") CREATED = State('Start', QUEST) STARTED = State('Started', QUEST) COMPLETED = State('Completed', QUEST) QUEST.setInitialState(CREATED) QUEST.addStartNpc(Livina) QUEST.addTalkId(Livina) QUEST.addTalkId(Karuda)
# coding: utf-8 # python 2 and python 3 compatibility library from six import iteritems from ..api_client import call_api def fetch_messages(token, chat, uids, **kwargs): """ This method makes a synchronous HTTP request. :param str token: (required) :param str chat: (required) :param list[str] uids: (required) :return: response dict """ params = locals() for key, val in iteritems(params['kwargs']): params[key] = val del params['kwargs'] resource_path = '/chat.fetchMessages'.replace('{format}', 'json') response = call_api(resource_path, params=params) return response def send_message(token, to, text, **kwargs): """ This method makes a synchronous HTTP request. :param str token: (required) :param str to: (required) :param str text: (required) :param str on_behalf_of: :param list[str] visible_to: :param str flockml: :param str notification: :param list[str] mentions: :param SendAs send_as: :param list[Attachment] attachments: :return: response dict """ params = locals() for key, val in iteritems(params['kwargs']): params[key] = val del params['kwargs'] resource_path = '/chat.sendMessage'.replace('{format}', 'json') response = call_api(resource_path, params=params) return response
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ koala.api ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contains base implementations for building an internal project API :copyright: (c) 2015 Lighthouse :license: LGPL """ from blinker import signal from google.appengine.ext import deferred __author__ = 'Matt Badger' # TODO: remove the deferred library dependency; extend the BaseAPI in an App Engine specific module to include deferred. # TODO: it is possible that these methods will fail and thus their result will be None. Passing this in a signal may # cause other functions to throw exceptions. Check the return value before processing the post_ signals? # Result should always be the first argument to the post_ signals. That way the receivers can check the value before # continuing execution. class BaseAPI(object): _api_name = '' _api_model = None _datastore_interface = None _search_interface = None @classmethod def new(cls, **kwargs): return cls._api_model(**kwargs) @classmethod def insert(cls, resource_object, auth_uid=None, **kwargs): if signal('pre_insert').has_receivers_for(cls): signal('pre_insert').send(cls, resource_object=resource_object, auth_uid=auth_uid, **kwargs) resource_uid = cls._datastore_interface.insert(resource_object=resource_object, **kwargs) deferred.defer(cls._update_search_index, resource_uid=resource_uid, _queue='search-index-update') if signal('post_insert').has_receivers_for(cls): signal('post_insert').send(cls, result=resource_uid, resource_uid=resource_uid, resource_object=resource_object, auth_uid=auth_uid, **kwargs) return resource_uid @classmethod def get(cls, resource_uid, **kwargs): if signal('pre_get').has_receivers_for(cls): signal('pre_get').send(cls, resource_uid=resource_uid, **kwargs) resource = cls._datastore_interface.get(resource_uid=resource_uid) if signal('post_get').has_receivers_for(cls): signal('post_get').send(cls, result=resource, resource_uid=resource_uid, **kwargs) return resource @classmethod def update(cls, resource_object, auth_uid=None, **kwargs): if signal('pre_update').has_receivers_for(cls): signal('pre_update').send(cls, resource_object=resource_object, auth_uid=auth_uid, **kwargs) resource_uid = cls._datastore_interface.update(resource_object=resource_object, **kwargs) deferred.defer(cls._update_search_index, resource_uid=resource_uid, _queue='search-index-update') if signal('post_update').has_receivers_for(cls): signal('post_update').send(cls, result=resource_uid, resource_uid=resource_uid, resource_object=resource_object, auth_uid=auth_uid, **kwargs) return resource_uid @classmethod def patch(cls, resource_uid, delta_update, auth_uid=None, **kwargs): if signal('pre_patch').has_receivers_for(cls): signal('pre_patch').send(cls, resource_uid=resource_uid, delta_update=delta_update, auth_uid=auth_uid, **kwargs) resource_uid = cls._datastore_interface.patch(resource_uid=resource_uid, delta_update=delta_update, **kwargs) deferred.defer(cls._update_search_index, resource_uid=resource_uid, _queue='search-index-update') if signal('post_patch').has_receivers_for(cls): signal('post_patch').send(cls, result=resource_uid, resource_uid=resource_uid, delta_update=delta_update, auth_uid=auth_uid, **kwargs) return resource_uid @classmethod def delete(cls, resource_uid, auth_uid=None, **kwargs): if signal('pre_delete').has_receivers_for(cls): signal('pre_delete').send(cls, resource_uid=resource_uid, auth_uid=auth_uid, **kwargs) cls._datastore_interface.delete(resource_uid=resource_uid, **kwargs) deferred.defer(cls._delete_search_index, resource_uid=resource_uid, _queue='search-index-update') if signal('post_delete').has_receivers_for(cls): signal('post_delete').send(cls, result=None, resource_uid=resource_uid, auth_uid=auth_uid, **kwargs) @classmethod def search(cls, query_string, **kwargs): if signal('pre_search').has_receivers_for(cls): signal('pre_search').send(cls, query_string=query_string, **kwargs) search_result =, **kwargs) if signal('post_search').has_receivers_for(cls): signal('post_search').send(cls, result=search_result, query_string=query_string, **kwargs) return search_result @classmethod def _update_search_index(cls, resource_uid, **kwargs): resource = cls.get(resource_uid=resource_uid) cls._search_interface.insert(resource_object=resource, **kwargs) @classmethod def _delete_search_index(cls, resource_uid, **kwargs): cls._search_interface.delete(resource_object_uid=resource_uid, **kwargs) class BaseSubAPI(object): _api_name = '' _parent_api = None _allowed_patch_keys = set() @classmethod def _parse_patch_keys(cls, delta_update): delta_keys = set(delta_update.keys()) unauthorized_keys = delta_keys - cls._allowed_patch_keys if unauthorized_keys: raise ValueError(u'Cannot perform patch as "{}" are unauthorized keys'.format(unauthorized_keys)) @classmethod def patch(cls, resource_uid, delta_update, **kwargs): cls._parse_patch_keys(delta_update=delta_update) if signal('pre_patch').has_receivers_for(cls): signal('pre_patch').send(cls, resource_uid=resource_uid, delta_update=delta_update, **kwargs) resource_uid = cls._parent_api._datastore_interface.patch(resource_uid=resource_uid, delta_update=delta_update, **kwargs) deferred.defer(cls._parent_api._update_search_index, resource_uid=resource_uid, _queue='search-index-update') if signal('post_patch').has_receivers_for(cls): signal('post_patch').send(cls, result=resource_uid, resource_uid=resource_uid, delta_update=delta_update, **kwargs) return resource_uid class BaseResourceProperty(object): """A data descriptor that sets and returns values normally but also includes a title attribute and assorted filters. You can inherit from this class to create custom property types """ _name = None _default = None title = None _attributes = ['_name', '_default', 'title'] _positional = 1 # Only name is a positional argument. def __init__(self, name=None, default=None, title=''): self._name = name # name should conform to python class attribute naming conventions self._default = default self.title = title def __repr__(self): """Return a compact unambiguous string representation of a property.""" args = [] cls = self.__class__ for i, attr in enumerate(self._attributes): val = getattr(self, attr) if val is not getattr(cls, attr): if isinstance(val, type): s = val.__name__ else: s = repr(val) if i >= cls._positional: if attr.startswith('_'): attr = attr[1:] s = '%s=%s' % (attr, s) args.append(s) s = '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(args)) return s def __get__(self, entity, unused_cls=None): """Descriptor protocol: get the value from the entity.""" if entity is None: return self # __get__ called on class return entity._values.get(self._name, self._default) def __set__(self, entity, value): """Descriptor protocol: set the value on the entity.""" entity._values[self._name] = value def _fix_up(self, cls, code_name): """Internal helper called to tell the property its name. This is called by _fix_up_properties() which is called by MetaModel when finishing the construction of a Model subclass. The name passed in is the name of the class attribute to which the Property is assigned (a.k.a. the code name). Note that this means that each Property instance must be assigned to (at most) one class attribute. E.g. to declare three strings, you must call StringProperty() three times, you cannot write foo = bar = baz = StringProperty() """ if self._name is None: self._name = code_name def _has_value(self, entity, unused_rest=None): """Internal helper to ask if the entity has a value for this Property.""" return self._name in entity._values class ResourceProperty(BaseResourceProperty): _attributes = BaseResourceProperty._attributes + ['_immutable', '_unique', '_strip', '_lower'] def __init__(self, immutable=False, unique=False, track_revisions=True, strip_whitespace=True, force_lowercase=False, **kwargs): super(ResourceProperty, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._immutable = immutable self._unique = unique self._track_revisions = track_revisions self._strip = strip_whitespace self._lower = force_lowercase def __set__(self, entity, value): """Descriptor protocol: set the value on the entity.""" if entity._init_complete: if self._immutable: raise AssertionError('"{}" is immutable.'.format(self._name)) if self._strip: if value is not None: if hasattr(value, 'strip'): value = value.strip() elif isinstance(value, list): try: value = [item.strip() for item in value] except AttributeError: # The value cannot simply be stripped. Custom formatting should be used in a dedicated method. pass elif isinstance(value, set): value_list = list(value) try: value = set([item.strip() for item in value_list]) except AttributeError: # The value cannot simply be stripped. Custom formatting should be used in a dedicated method. pass if self._lower: if value is not None: if hasattr(value, 'lower'): value = value.lower() elif isinstance(value, list): try: value = [item.lower() for item in value] except AttributeError: # The value cannot simply be lowered. Custom formatting should be used in a dedicated method. pass if entity._init_complete: if self._unique: entity._uniques_modified.append(self._name) if self._track_revisions: if self._name in entity._history: entity._history[self._name] = (entity._history[self._name][0], value) else: entity._history[self._name] = (getattr(entity, self._name, None), value) super(ResourceProperty, self).__set__(entity=entity, value=value) class ComputedResourceProperty(BaseResourceProperty): _attributes = BaseResourceProperty._attributes + ['_compute_function'] def __init__(self, compute_function, **kwargs): super(ComputedResourceProperty, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._compute_function = compute_function def __get__(self, entity, unused_cls=None): """Descriptor protocol: get the value from the entity.""" if entity is None: return self # __get__ called on class return self._compute_function(entity) class MetaModel(type): """Metaclass for Model. This exists to fix up the properties -- they need to know their name. This is accomplished by calling the class's _fix_properties() method. Note: This class is derived from Google's NDB MetaModel (line 2838 in """ def __init__(cls, name, bases, classdict): super(MetaModel, cls).__init__(name, bases, classdict) cls._fix_up_properties() def __repr__(cls): props = [] for _, prop in sorted(cls._properties.iteritems()): props.append('%s=%r' % (prop._code_name, prop)) return '%s<%s>' % (cls.__name__, ', '.join(props)) class BaseResource(object): """ Base resource object. You have to implement some of the functionality yourself. You must call super(Resource, self).__init__() first in your init method. Immutable properties must be set within init otherwise it makes it impossible to set initial values. If a property is required then make sure that you check it during init and throw an exception. """ __metaclass__ = MetaModel _properties = None _uniques = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._init_complete = False self._values = {} self._uniques_modified = [] self._history = {} self._set_attributes(kwargs) self._init_complete = True def _set_attributes(self, kwds): """Internal helper to set attributes from keyword arguments. Expando overrides this. """ cls = self.__class__ for name, value in kwds.iteritems(): prop = getattr(cls, name) # Raises AttributeError for unknown properties. if not isinstance(prop, BaseResourceProperty): raise TypeError('Cannot set non-property %s' % name) prop.__set__(self, value) def __repr__(self): """Return an unambiguous string representation of an entity.""" args = [] for prop in self._properties.itervalues(): if prop._has_value(self): val = prop.__get__(self) if val is None: rep = 'None' else: rep = val args.append('%s=%s' % (prop._name, rep)) args.sort() s = '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(args)) return s def _as_dict(self): """Return a dict containing the entity's property values. """ return self._values.copy() as_dict = _as_dict @classmethod def _fix_up_properties(cls): """Fix up the properties by calling their _fix_up() method. Note: This is called by MetaModel, but may also be called manually after dynamically updating a model class. """ cls._properties = {} # Map of {name: Property} cls._uniques = [] # Map of {name: Property} if cls.__module__ == __name__: # Skip the classes in *this* file. return for name in set(dir(cls)): attr = getattr(cls, name, None) if isinstance(attr, BaseResourceProperty): if name.startswith('_'): raise TypeError('ModelAttribute %s cannot begin with an underscore ' 'character. _ prefixed attributes are reserved for ' 'temporary Model instance values.' % name) attr._fix_up(cls, name) cls._properties[attr._name] = attr try: if attr._unique: cls._uniques.append(attr._name) except AttributeError: pass class Resource(BaseResource): """ Default implementation of a resource. It handles uid, created and updated properties. The latter two are simply timestamps. Due to the way these objects are used, the properties cannot be mandatory. For example, the uid may be set by the datastore on insert. Same goes for the timestamps. """ # name=None, default=None, title='', immutable=False, unique=False, track_revisions=True, strip_whitespace=True, force_lowercase=False uid = ResourceProperty(title=u'UID', immutable=True, track_revisions=False) created = ResourceProperty(title=u'Created', immutable=True, track_revisions=False) updated = ResourceProperty(title=u'Updated', immutable=True, track_revisions=False)
import sys sys.path.insert(0, "../..") from pycsp.parallel import * def print_state(received, poison, retire): sys.stdout.write("Received: " + str(received) + "\n") if poison: sys.stdout.write("Poisoned\n") if retire: sys.stdout.write("Retired\n") sys.stdout.flush() @process def Assert(cin, name = "", count = 0, minimum = 0, vocabulary = [], ordered = False, quit_on_count = False, debug = False): received = [] poison = False retire = False while True: try: val = cin() if debug: sys.stdout.write("Debug: "+str(val)+"\n") sys.stdout.flush() received.append(val) except ChannelPoisonException: poison = True break except ChannelRetireException: retire = True break if quit_on_count and len(received) == count: break error = "" if (len(received) < minimum): error += "Wrong number of values: "+str(len(received))+"\n" error += "Expected the minimum number of values: "+str(minimum)+"\n" if count: if minimum: if (len(received) > count): error += "Wrong number of values: "+str(len(received))+"\n" error += "Expected a maximum number of values: "+str(count)+"\n" else: if not (len(received) == count): error += "Wrong number of values: "+str(len(received))+"\n" error += "Expected number of values: "+str(count)+"\n" if vocabulary: for i in range(len(received)): if received[i] not in vocabulary: error += "Value "+ str(received[i]) + " not in vocabulary\n" if (ordered): for i in range(len(received)): if received[i] != vocabulary[i % len(vocabulary)]: error += "Value "+ str(received[i]) + " != " + str(vocabulary[i % len(vocabulary)])+" in vocabulary\n" if error: sys.stdout.write(name+"\n") sys.stdout.write(error) print_state(received, poison, retire) else: sys.stdout.write("OK - "+ name+ "\n")
""" Testing of admin inline formsets. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import random from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericForeignKey from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.db import models from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible @python_2_unicode_compatible class Parent(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50) def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class Teacher(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50) def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class Child(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50) teacher = models.ForeignKey(Teacher, models.CASCADE) content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, models.CASCADE) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() parent = GenericForeignKey() def __str__(self): return 'I am %s, a child of %s' % (, self.parent) class Book(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50) class Author(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50) books = models.ManyToManyField(Book) class NonAutoPKBook(models.Model): rand_pk = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True, editable=False) author = models.ForeignKey(Author, models.CASCADE) title = models.CharField(max_length=50) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): while not self.rand_pk: test_pk = random.randint(1, 99999) if not NonAutoPKBook.objects.filter(rand_pk=test_pk).exists(): self.rand_pk = test_pk super(NonAutoPKBook, self).save(*args, **kwargs) class EditablePKBook(models.Model): manual_pk = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True) author = models.ForeignKey(Author, models.CASCADE) title = models.CharField(max_length=50) class Holder(models.Model): dummy = models.IntegerField() class Inner(models.Model): dummy = models.IntegerField() holder = models.ForeignKey(Holder, models.CASCADE) readonly = models.CharField("Inner readonly label", max_length=1) def get_absolute_url(self): return '/inner/' class Holder2(models.Model): dummy = models.IntegerField() class Inner2(models.Model): dummy = models.IntegerField() holder = models.ForeignKey(Holder2, models.CASCADE) class Holder3(models.Model): dummy = models.IntegerField() class Inner3(models.Model): dummy = models.IntegerField() holder = models.ForeignKey(Holder3, models.CASCADE) # Models for ticket #8190 class Holder4(models.Model): dummy = models.IntegerField() class Inner4Stacked(models.Model): dummy = models.IntegerField(help_text="Awesome stacked help text is awesome.") holder = models.ForeignKey(Holder4, models.CASCADE) class Inner4Tabular(models.Model): dummy = models.IntegerField(help_text="Awesome tabular help text is awesome.") holder = models.ForeignKey(Holder4, models.CASCADE) # Models for #12749 class Person(models.Model): firstname = models.CharField(max_length=15) class OutfitItem(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=15) class Fashionista(models.Model): person = models.OneToOneField(Person, models.CASCADE, primary_key=True) weaknesses = models.ManyToManyField(OutfitItem, through='ShoppingWeakness', blank=True) class ShoppingWeakness(models.Model): fashionista = models.ForeignKey(Fashionista, models.CASCADE) item = models.ForeignKey(OutfitItem, models.CASCADE) # Models for #13510 class TitleCollection(models.Model): pass class Title(models.Model): collection = models.ForeignKey(TitleCollection, models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True) title1 = models.CharField(max_length=100) title2 = models.CharField(max_length=100) # Models for #15424 class Poll(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=40) class Question(models.Model): poll = models.ForeignKey(Poll, models.CASCADE) class Novel(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=40) class Chapter(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=40) novel = models.ForeignKey(Novel, models.CASCADE) class FootNote(models.Model): """ Model added for ticket 19838 """ chapter = models.ForeignKey(Chapter, models.PROTECT) note = models.CharField(max_length=40) # Models for #16838 class CapoFamiglia(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) class Consigliere(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100, help_text='Help text for Consigliere') capo_famiglia = models.ForeignKey(CapoFamiglia, models.CASCADE, related_name='+') class SottoCapo(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) capo_famiglia = models.ForeignKey(CapoFamiglia, models.CASCADE, related_name='+') class ReadOnlyInline(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100, help_text='Help text for ReadOnlyInline') capo_famiglia = models.ForeignKey(CapoFamiglia, models.CASCADE) # Models for #18433 class ParentModelWithCustomPk(models.Model): my_own_pk = models.CharField(max_length=100, primary_key=True) name = models.CharField(max_length=100) class ChildModel1(models.Model): my_own_pk = models.CharField(max_length=100, primary_key=True) name = models.CharField(max_length=100) parent = models.ForeignKey(ParentModelWithCustomPk, models.CASCADE) def get_absolute_url(self): return '/child_model1/' class ChildModel2(models.Model): my_own_pk = models.CharField(max_length=100, primary_key=True) name = models.CharField(max_length=100) parent = models.ForeignKey(ParentModelWithCustomPk, models.CASCADE) def get_absolute_url(self): return '/child_model2/' # Models for #19425 class BinaryTree(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) parent = models.ForeignKey('self', models.SET_NULL, null=True, blank=True) # Models for #19524 class LifeForm(models.Model): pass class ExtraTerrestrial(LifeForm): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) class Sighting(models.Model): et = models.ForeignKey(ExtraTerrestrial, models.CASCADE) place = models.CharField(max_length=100) # Models for #18263 class SomeParentModel(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=1) class SomeChildModel(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=1) position = models.PositiveIntegerField() parent = models.ForeignKey(SomeParentModel, models.CASCADE) # Other models class ProfileCollection(models.Model): pass class Profile(models.Model): collection = models.ForeignKey(ProfileCollection, models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True) first_name = models.CharField(max_length=100) last_name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import redirect, render from django.core.context_processors import csrf import django.contrib.auth.decorators as decorators import django.contrib.auth as auth import django.contrib.auth.forms as auth_forms import django.contrib.auth.models as auth_models import json @decorators.login_required def logout(request): if request.user.is_authenticated(): auth.logout(request) return redirect('/') def reset_password(request): return render(request, 'logsys/reset-password.html', {}) def login(request): args = {} args.update(csrf(request)) if request.POST: auth_form = auth_forms.AuthenticationForm(request, data=request.POST) if auth_form.is_valid(): auth_form.clean() auth.login(request, auth_form.get_user()) return redirect('/') else: args['auth_error_p'] = True if request.POST['username']: args['tricker_id_prev_try'] = request.POST['username'] return render(request, 'logsys/login.html', args) def register(request): args = {} args.update(csrf(request)) if request.POST: new_user_form = auth_forms.UserCreationForm(request.POST) if new_user_form.is_valid(): new_user = = request.POST['email'] new_user.first_name = request.POST.get('first-name', '') new_user.last_name = request.POST.get('last-name', '') auth.login( request, auth.authenticate( username=new_user_form.cleaned_data['username'], password=new_user_form.cleaned_data['password1'] ) ) return redirect('/') else: pass # TODO reject incorrect registration return render(request, 'logsys/register.html', args) def is_username_already_engaged(request, username): response = {'engaged': False} if auth_models.User.objects.filter(username=username): response['engaged'] = True return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response)) def is_email_already_engaged(request, email): response = {'engaged': False} if auth.models.User.objects.filter(email=email): response['engaged'] = True return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response))
from django.contrib import admin class MergedInlineAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): # optional field ordering variable merged_field_order = None merged_inline_order = 'id' # Edited Change_Form Template with one inline form change_form_template = 'admin/change_form_merged_inlines.html' class Media: js = ('admin/js/merged_inlines.js',) # iterates over all the inline_formsets and collects them into a lists, # that are then sent to the # change_view as extra context def render_change_form( self, request, context, add=False, change=False, form_url='', obj=None): inline_admin_formsets = context['inline_admin_formsets'] all_forms = [] all_fields = [] i = 0 for formset in inline_admin_formsets: for form in formset: form.verbose_name = form.form._meta.model._meta.verbose_name.title() all_forms.append((form, {})) for fieldset in form: for line in fieldset: for field in line: if (, field.field.label) not in all_fields and not field.field.is_hidden: all_fields.append( (, field.field.label) ) all_forms[i][1][] = field i += 1 # Sort the forms based on given field. end = len(all_forms)-1 all_forms.sort( key=lambda x: getattr( x[0].form.instance, self.merged_inline_order ) if getattr( x[0].form.instance, self.merged_inline_order) is not None else end) # Sort the fields based in merged_inline_order, if given if self.merged_field_order is not None: all_fields.sort(key=lambda x: self.merged_field_order.index(x[0])) extra_context = {} extra_context['all_fields'] = all_fields extra_context['all_forms'] = all_forms context.update(extra_context) return super(MergedInlineAdmin, self).render_change_form( request, context, add, change, form_url, obj)
import cv2 import gin import gym from gym import spaces import numpy as np import os import tasks.abc_task import time import car_racing_variants from takecover_variants.doom_take_cover import DoomTakeCoverEnv class GymTask(tasks.abc_task.BaseTask): """OpenAI gym tasks.""" def __init__(self): self._env = None self._render = False self._logger = None def create_task(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() def seed(self, seed): if isinstance(self, TakeCoverTask): else: self._env.seed(seed) def reset(self): return self._env.reset() def step(self, action, evaluate): return self._env.step(action) def close(self): self._env.close() def _process_reward(self, reward, done, evaluate): return reward def _process_action(self, action): return action def _process_observation(self, observation): return observation def _overwrite_terminate_flag(self, reward, done, step_cnt, evaluate): return done def _show_gui(self): if hasattr(self._env, 'render'): self._env.render() def roll_out(self, solution, evaluate): ob = self.reset() ob = self._process_observation(ob) if hasattr(solution, 'reset'): solution.reset() start_time = time.time() rewards = [] done = False step_cnt = 0 while not done: action = solution.get_output(inputs=ob, update_filter=not evaluate) action = self._process_action(action) ob, r, done, _ = self.step(action, evaluate) ob = self._process_observation(ob) if self._render: self._show_gui() step_cnt += 1 done = self._overwrite_terminate_flag(r, done, step_cnt, evaluate) step_reward = self._process_reward(r, done, evaluate) rewards.append(step_reward) time_cost = time.time() - start_time actual_reward = np.sum(rewards) if hasattr(self, '_logger') and self._logger is not None: 'Roll-out time={0:.2f}s, steps={1}, reward={2:.2f}'.format( time_cost, step_cnt, actual_reward)) return actual_reward @gin.configurable class TakeCoverTask(GymTask): """VizDoom take cover task.""" def __init__(self): super(TakeCoverTask, self).__init__() self._float_text_env = False self._text_img_path = '/opt/app/takecover_variants/attention_agent.png' def create_task(self, **kwargs): if 'render' in kwargs: self._render = kwargs['render'] if 'logger' in kwargs: self._logger = kwargs['logger'] modification = 'original' if 'modification' in kwargs: modification = kwargs['modification'] if modification == 'text': self._float_text_env = True'modification: {}'.format(modification)) self._env = DoomTakeCoverEnv(modification) return self def _process_observation(self, observation): if not self._float_text_env: return observation img = cv2.imread(self._text_img_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) h, w = img.shape full_color_patch = np.ones([h, w], dtype=np.uint8) * 255 zero_patch = np.zeros([h, w], dtype=np.uint8) x = 150 y = 30 mask = (img == 0) observation[y:(y+h), x:(x+w), 0][mask] = zero_patch[mask] observation[y:(y+h), x:(x+w), 1][mask] = zero_patch[mask] observation[y:(y+h), x:(x+w), 2][mask] = full_color_patch[mask] observation[y:(y+h), x:(x+w), 0][~mask] = zero_patch[~mask] observation[y:(y+h), x:(x+w), 1][~mask] = full_color_patch[~mask] observation[y:(y+h), x:(x+w), 2][~mask] = full_color_patch[~mask] return observation def _process_action(self, action): # Follow the code in world models. action_to_apply = [0] * 43 threshold = 0.3333 if action > threshold: action_to_apply[10] = 1 if action < -threshold: action_to_apply[11] = 1 return action_to_apply def set_video_dir(self, video_dir): from gym.wrappers import Monitor self._env = Monitor( env=self._env, directory=video_dir, video_callable=lambda x: True ) @gin.configurable class CarRacingTask(GymTask): """Gym CarRacing-v0 task.""" def __init__(self): super(CarRacingTask, self).__init__() self._max_steps = 0 self._neg_reward_cnt = 0 self._neg_reward_cap = 0 self._action_high = np.array([1., 1., 1.]) self._action_low = np.array([-1., 0., 0.]) def _process_action(self, action): return (action * (self._action_high - self._action_low) / 2. + (self._action_high + self._action_low) / 2.) def reset(self): ob = super(CarRacingTask, self).reset() self._neg_reward_cnt = 0 return ob def _overwrite_terminate_flag(self, reward, done, step_cnt, evaluate): if evaluate: return done if reward < 0: self._neg_reward_cnt += 1 else: self._neg_reward_cnt = 0 too_many_out_of_tracks = 0 < self._neg_reward_cap < self._neg_reward_cnt too_many_steps = 0 < self._max_steps <= step_cnt return done or too_many_out_of_tracks or too_many_steps def create_task(self, **kwargs): if 'render' in kwargs: self._render = kwargs['render'] if 'out_of_track_cap' in kwargs: self._neg_reward_cap = kwargs['out_of_track_cap'] if 'max_steps' in kwargs: self._max_steps = kwargs['max_steps'] if 'logger' in kwargs: self._logger = kwargs['logger'] env_string = 'CarRacing-v0' if 'modification' in kwargs: if kwargs['modification'] == 'color': env_string = 'CarRacingColor-v0' elif kwargs['modification'] == 'bar': env_string = 'CarRacingBar-v0' elif kwargs['modification'] == 'blob': env_string = 'CarRacingBlob-v0''env_string: {}'.format(env_string)) self._env = gym.make(env_string) return self def set_video_dir(self, video_dir): from gym.wrappers import Monitor self._env = Monitor( env=self._env, directory=video_dir, video_callable=lambda x: True )
#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2017 DA Symposium 2017 # All rights reserved. # """ アルゴリズムデザインコンテスト2017の問題データと正解データを、ランダムに作成する。 """ from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import random import sys import os sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../server'))) sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './lib'))) from nlcheck import NLCheck import nldraw2 import openpyxl from openpyxl import Workbook _size = (3,3,1) # x,y,z size = None nlines = 999 retry = 2 debug = False verbose = False newline = '\n' # 改行コード template_move = 'newsud' # 移動方向(6方向)を表す文字列 template_move0 = 'news'*10 + 'ud' # 垂直移動よりも、水平移動を(10倍)優先する template_move1 = template_move0 + 'G'*20 # 直進(G)は(20倍)優先する class dotdict(dict): """ dot.notation access to dictionary attributes """ __getattr__ = dict.get __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__ __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__ unit_vec_xyz = dotdict({ 'n': ( 0, -1, 0), 'e': ( 1, 0, 0), 'w': (-1, 0, 0), 's': ( 0, 1, 0), 'u': ( 0, 0, 1), 'd': ( 0, 0, -1) }) class Ban: """ 盤のデータ構造 """ def __init__(self, x, y, z): self.size = dotdict({'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z}) self.xmat = np.zeros((z+2, y+2, x+2), dtype=np.integer) def get_size(self): return self.size def get(self, x,y,z): return self.xmat[z+1, y+1, x+1] def get_xyz(self, xyz): x,y,z = xyz return self.xmat[z+1, y+1, x+1] def set(self, x,y,z, val): self.xmat[z+1, y+1, x+1] = val def set_xyz(self, xyz, val): x,y,z = xyz self.xmat[z+1, y+1, x+1] = val def print(self): print(self.xmat[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1]) def zyx1_to_xyz(self, zyx1): return (zyx1[2]-1, zyx1[1]-1, zyx1[0]-1) def find_zero_random(self, dont_use=[]): "値が0の座標を、ランダムに返す。リストdont_useに含まれる座標は、選ばない。" cand = [] for k1, v in np.ndenumerate(self.xmat): if self.inside_zyx1(k1): xyz = self.zyx1_to_xyz(k1) if (v == 0) and (xyz not in dont_use): cand.append(k1) if len(cand) == 0: return False i = random.randint(0, len(cand)-1) return self.zyx1_to_xyz(cand[i]) def inside(self, xyz): "座標xyzが、盤の中にあるか?" x, y, z = xyz if ((0 <= x and x < self.size.x) and (0 <= y and y < self.size.y) and (0 <= z and z < self.size.z)): return True else: return False def inside_zyx1(self, zyx1): "(+1されている)座標zyx1が、盤の中にあるか?" z = zyx1[0]-1 y = zyx1[1]-1 x = zyx1[2]-1 return self.inside((x,y,z)) def move_xyz_to(self, xyz, move): "座標xyzから、move(=n,e,w,s,u,d)の方向に移動した座標を返す" uv = unit_vec_xyz[move] return (xyz[0] + uv[0], xyz[1] + uv[1], xyz[2] + uv[2]) def rip_line(self, number): "線numberを、引き剥がす" indexes = np.where(self.xmat == number) n = len(indexes[0]) #print('rip_line', number, n) #self.print() for j in range(0, n): z = indexes[0][j] y = indexes[1][j] x = indexes[2][j] #print(x,y,z) self.xmat[z,y,x] = 0 #self.print() def empty_cells(self): "空白マスの数を返す" indexes = np.where(self.xmat[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] == 0) return len(indexes[0]) def neighbors(self, xyz): "セルxyzの隣接セルの数値を取り出す" x, y, z = xyz return dotdict({ 'n': self.get(x, y-1, z), # north 'e': self.get(x+1, y, z), # east 'w': self.get(x-1, y, z), # west 's': self.get(x, y+1, z), # south 'u': self.get(x, y, z+1), # upstairs 'd': self.get(x, y, z-1)}) # downstairs def A_data(self): "回答テキストを作る" out = 'SIZE %dX%dX%d%s' % (self.size.x, self.size.y, self.size.z, newline) for z in range(0, self.size.z): out += 'LAYER %d%s' % (z+1, newline) for y in range(0, self.size.y): row = '' for x in range(0, self.size.x): num = self.get_xyz((x,y,z)) row += '%02d' % num if x < self.size.x -1: row += ',' out += row + newline return out def vector_char(a, b): """ a から bへのベクトルを、n,e,w,s,u,dで求める。aとbは隣接していること。 """ ba = (b[0]-a[0], b[1]-a[1], b[2]-a[2]) for k,v in unit_vec_xyz.iteritems(): if ba == v: return k raise Exception('vector not found') def draw_line_next(ban, number=0, prev=None, curr=None): """ 直前に引いた線は、prevからcurrだったとき、 セルcurrから、セルnext_xyzへ、1マスだけ、線を引く。 next_xyzは、ランダムに決定する。 # # prev curr next_xyz # ● ● ○ # # """ neig = ban.neighbors(curr) # sは、候補となる方角の文字(n,e,w,s,u,d)で構成された文字列。このあとシャッフルする if prev == None: s = template_move0 else: s = template_move1 vec_char = vector_char(prev, curr) s = s.replace('G', vec_char) if debug: print('0: s=', s) # 隣接セル(n,e,w,s,u,d)に、線が引けるか?事前にチェックする for i in range(0, len(template_move)): vec_char = template_move[i] next_xyz = ban.move_xyz_to(curr, vec_char) if debug: print('curr=', curr, ' vec_char=', vec_char, ' next_xyz=', next_xyz) drawable = True if not ban.inside(next_xyz): drawable = False # 盤からはみ出た elif ban.get_xyz(next_xyz) != 0: drawable = False # すでに線が引かれている else: # next_xyzの隣接セルで、番号がnumberのセルの個数を数える next_neigh = ban.neighbors(next_xyz) same_number = 0 for j in range(0, len(template_move)): if next_neigh[template_move[j]] == number: same_number += 1 if 2 <= same_number: # 2以上あるということは、ループができるということ(そのはず) drawable = False if not drawable: s = s.replace(vec_char, '') # 候補から削除 if debug: print('1: s=', s) if len(s) == 0: return curr, None # もう線を引けない rs = ''.join(random.sample(s, len(s))) # sをシャフルしてrsに vec_char = rs[0] if debug: print('vec_char=', vec_char) next_xyz = ban.move_xyz_to(curr, vec_char) ban.set_xyz(next_xyz, number) prev = curr curr = next_xyz return prev, curr def draw_line(ban, number, max_retry=1, dont_use=[], Q_data={}): """ 線numberを、ランダムに引いてみる。 """ trial = 0 if debug: print('number=', number) while trial < max_retry: trial += 1 #print('dont_use=', dont_use) start = ban.find_zero_random(dont_use) # 始点をランダムに決定 end = None if debug: print('start=', start) if start is False: return False ban.set_xyz(start, number) line_length = 0 prev = None curr = start while curr is not None: line_length += 1 if debug: print('prev=', prev, ' curr=', curr) if debug: ban.print() prev, curr = draw_line_next(ban, prev=prev, curr=curr, number=number) if curr != None: end = curr if line_length == 1: # 1マスも引けなかった。1マスだけの線はありえないので、消す。 # startの値はタプルなので、copyしなくてよいはず if debug: print('clear start=', start) ban.set_xyz(start, 0) dont_use.append(start) trial -= 1 # この場合、trial回数は数えないことにする elif (line_length <= 2) and (trial < max_retry): # 短い線は、おもしろくないので、引き直す if verbose: print('rip LINE#%d' % number) ban.rip_line(number) else: # 線が引けた Q_data[number] = {'start': start, 'end': end, 'length': line_length} return True # リトライする if verbose: print('retry %d/%d LINE#%d, #dont_use=%d' % (trial, max_retry, number, len(dont_use))) # 線が引けなかった return False def generate(x,y,z, num_lines=0, max_retry=1, Q_data={}, dont_use=[]): """ 盤サイズ(x,y,z)のときの、解答データと問題データを、ランダムに生成する。 線の本数は、最大でnum_linesまでとする。 """ ban = Ban(x,y,z) for line in range(1, 1+num_lines): if draw_line(ban, line, max_retry=max_retry, dont_use=dont_use, Q_data=Q_data) == False: return line-1, ban return num_lines, ban def Q_text(Q_data): "問題データのテキストを生成する。" size = Q_data['size'] out = 'SIZE %dX%dX%d%s' % (size[0], size[1], size[2], newline) num_lines = Q_data['line_num'] out += 'LINE_NUM %d%s' % (num_lines, newline) for j in range(1, 1+num_lines): s = Q_data[j]['start'] e = Q_data[j]['end'] out += 'LINE#%d (%d,%d,%d) (%d,%d,%d)%s' % (j, s[0],s[1],s[2]+1, e[0],e[1],e[2]+1, newline) return out def excel(ban, basename): "Excelファイル(.xlsx)に書き出す。" wb = Workbook() bgYellow = openpyxl.styles.PatternFill(patternType='solid', fgColor='FFFFFF00') bgIndex = openpyxl.styles.PatternFill(patternType='solid', fgColor='FFBBFFF6') size = ban.get_size() for z in range(0, size.z): if z == 0: wsl = else: wsl = wb.create_sheet() wsl.title = '%s.%d' % (basename, z+1) wsl['B1'] = u'行' wsl['B2'] = u'列' wsl['C1'] = 'A' wsl['E1'] = ' / ' wsl['G1'] = u'層' for cell in ['A1', 'A2', 'C1', 'D1', 'F1']: wsl[cell].fill = bgYellow wsl['A1'].value = size.x wsl['A2'].value = size.y wsl['D1'].value = z+1 wsl['F1'].value = size.z for y in range(0, size.y): for x in range(0, size.x): num = ban.get_xyz((x,y,z)) wsl.cell(row=4+y, column=2+x).value = num # Y座標 i = 0 for y in range(4, 4+size.y): wsl.cell(row=y, column=1).value = i wsl.cell(row=y, column=1).fill = bgIndex i += 1 # X座標 i = 0 for x in range(2, 2+size.x): wsl.cell(row=3, column=x).value = i wsl.cell(row=3, column=x).fill = bgIndex i += 1 # 列の幅 for x in range(1, 1+size.x+1): wsl.column_dimensions[openpyxl.utils.get_column_letter(x)].width = 3.5'.xlsx') def run(x,y,z, num_lines=0, max_retry=1, basename=None): """ 指定されたサイズ、線数の問題データと正解データを自動生成して、ファイルbasename*.txtに書き出す。 @param x,y,z 盤のサイズ @param num_lines 線の本数 @param basename 出力先ファイル名。問題ファイルはbasename_adc.txt、正解ファイルはbasename_adc_sol.txtになる。 """ Q = {'size': (x, y, z)} num_lines, ban = generate(x, y, z, num_lines=num_lines, max_retry=max_retry, Q_data=Q) Q['line_num'] = num_lines Q['empty_cells'] = ban.empty_cells() print('number of lines:', Q['line_num']) print('number of empty cells:', Q['empty_cells']) #if verbose: ban.print() #if verbose: print('Q=', Q) txtQ = Q_text(Q) txtA = ban.A_data() # nlcheckする nlc = NLCheck() q = nlc.read_input_str(txtQ) a = nlc.read_target_str(txtA) #nlc.verbose = verbose judges = nlc.check( q, a ) print("judges = ", judges) # 描画する nldraw2.setup_font('nonexistent') # あとで考える images = nldraw2.draw(q, a, nlc) for num, img in enumerate(images): ifile = "%s.%d.gif" % (basename, num+1) # 層の番号は1から始まる, 'gif') print(ifile) if 1 < len(images): nldraw2.merge_images(images).save(basename+'.gif', 'gif') # QとAを出力する if basename is None: print(txtQ) print(txtA) else: qfile = '%s_adc.txt' % basename with open(qfile, 'w') as f: f.write(txtQ) afile = '%s_adc_sol.txt' % basename with open(afile, 'w') as f: f.write(txtA) excel(ban, basename) def test1(): "動作確認" x,y,z = _size ban = Ban(x,y,z) ban.set(0,0,0, 1) ban.set(1,0,0, 2) ban.set(0,1,0, 3) ban.set(x-1, y-1, z-1, 1) ban.set(x-2, y-1, z-1, 2) ban.set(x-1, y-2, z-1, 3) ban.print() def main(): global size, nlines, debug, verbose import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='NumberLink Q generator') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', default=debug, help='enable debug (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=verbose, help='verbose output (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('-x', metavar='X', default=_size[0], type=int, help='size X (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('-y', metavar='Y', default=_size[1], type=int, help='size Y (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('-z', metavar='Z', default=_size[2], type=int, help='size Z (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('-l', '--lines', metavar='N', default=nlines, type=int, help='max number of lines (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('-r', '--retry', metavar='N', default=retry, type=int, help='max number of retry (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar='FILE', help='output file') #parser.add_argument('--test1', action='store_true', help='run test1') args = parser.parse_args() debug = args.debug verbose = args.verbose #if args.test1: test1() run(args.x, args.y, args.z, num_lines=args.lines, basename=args.output, max_retry=args.retry) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import theano, cPickle, h5py, lasagne, random, csv, gzip import numpy as np import theano.tensor as T # convert csv into format readable by rmn code def load_data(span_path, metadata_path): x = csv.DictReader(, 'rb')) wmap, cmap, bmap = cPickle.load(open(metadata_path, 'rb')) max_len = -1 revwmap = dict((v,k) for (k,v) in wmap.iteritems()) revbmap = dict((v,k) for (k,v) in enumerate(bmap)) revcmap = dict((v,k) for (k,v) in cmap.iteritems()) span_dict = {} for row in x: text = row['Words'].split() if len(text) > max_len: max_len = len(text) key = '___'.join([row['Book'], row['Char 1'], row['Char 2']]) if key not in span_dict: span_dict[key] = [] span_dict[key].append([wmap[w] for w in text]) span_data = [] for key in span_dict: book, c1, c2 = key.split('___') book = np.array([revbmap[book], ]).astype('int32') chars = np.array([revcmap[c1], revcmap[c2]]).astype('int32') # convert spans to numpy matrices spans = span_dict[key] s = np.zeros((len(spans), max_len)).astype('int32') m = np.zeros((len(spans), max_len)).astype('float32') for i in range(len(spans)): curr_span = spans[i] s[i][:len(curr_span)] = curr_span m[i][:len(curr_span)] = 1. span_data.append([book, chars, s, m]) return span_data, max_len, wmap, cmap, bmap def generate_negative_samples(num_traj, span_size, negs, span_data): inds = np.random.randint(0, num_traj, negs) neg_words = np.zeros((negs, span_size)).astype('int32') neg_masks = np.zeros((negs, span_size)).astype('float32') for index, i in enumerate(inds): rand_ind = np.random.randint(0, len(span_data[i][2])) neg_words[index] = span_data[i][2][rand_ind] neg_masks[index] = span_data[i][3][rand_ind] return neg_words, neg_masks
################################################################################ # # This program is part of the DellEqualLogicMon Zenpack for Zenoss. # Copyright (C) 2010 Eric Enns. # # This program can be used under the GNU General Public License version 2 # You can find full information here: # ################################################################################ from Globals import DTMLFile, InitializeClass from Products.ZenModel.OSComponent import * from Products.ZenRelations.RelSchema import * from Products.ZenModel.ZenossSecurity import * from DellEqualLogicComponent import * from Products.ZenUtils.Utils import convToUnits from Products.ZenUtils.Utils import prepId import logging log = logging.getLogger("zen.DellEqualLogicVolume") def manage_addVolume(context, id, userCreated, REQUEST=None): svid = prepId(id) sv = DellEqualLogicVolume(svid) context._setObject(svid, sv) sv = context._getOb(svid) if userCreated: sv.setUserCreatedFlag() if REQUEST is not None: REQUEST['RESPONSE'].redirect(context.absolute_url()+'/manage_main') return sv class DellEqualLogicVolume(OSComponent, DellEqualLogicComponent): portal_type = meta_type = 'DellEqualLogicVolume' caption = "" volumeProvisionedSize = 0 volumeReservedSize = 0 thinProvisioned = 2 state = "OK" _properties = OSComponent._properties + ( {'id':'caption', 'type':'string', 'mode':'w'}, {'id':'state', 'type':'string', 'mode':'w'}, {'id':'volumeProvisionedSize', 'type':'int', 'mode':'w'}, {'id':'volumeReservedSize', 'type':'int', 'mode':'w'}, {'id':'thinProvisioned', 'type':'int', 'mode':'w'}, ) _relations = OSComponent._relations + ( ("os", ToOne( ToManyCont, "", "volumes")), ) factory_type_information = ( { 'id' : 'Volume', 'meta_type' : 'Volume', 'description' : """Arbitrary device grouping class""", 'icon' : 'StoragePool_icon.gif', 'product' : 'ZenModel', 'factory' : 'manage_addVolume', 'immediate_view' : 'viewDellEqualLogicVolume', 'actions' : ( { 'id' : 'status' , 'name' : 'Status' , 'action' : 'viewDellEqualLogicVolume' , 'permissions' : (ZEN_VIEW,) }, { 'id' : 'events' , 'name' : 'Events' , 'action' : 'viewEvents' , 'permissions' : (ZEN_VIEW, ) }, { 'id' : 'perfConf' , 'name' : 'Template' , 'action' : 'objTemplates' , 'permissions' : (ZEN_CHANGE_DEVICE, ) }, { 'id' : 'viewHistory' , 'name' : 'Modifications' , 'action' : 'viewHistory' , 'permissions' : (ZEN_VIEW_MODIFICATIONS,) }, ) }, ) def reservedSize(self): return self.volumeReservedSize or 0 def reservedSizeString(self): return convToUnits(self.reservedSize(), divby=1024) def provisionedSize(self): return self.volumeProvisionedSize or 0 def provisionedSizeString(self): return convToUnits(self.provisionedSize(), divby=1024) def isThinProvisioned(self): if (self.thinProvisioned == 1): return "true" else: return "false" # def getRRDNames(self): # return ['Volume_Occupancy'] InitializeClass(DellEqualLogicVolume)
from __future__ import unicode_literals import logging import operator from mopidy import backend from mopidy.models import Playlist, Ref logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class GMusicPlaylistsProvider(backend.PlaylistsProvider): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(GMusicPlaylistsProvider, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._radio_stations_as_playlists = ( self.backend.config['gmusic']['radio_stations_as_playlists']) self._radio_stations_count = ( self.backend.config['gmusic']['radio_stations_count']) self._radio_tracks_count = ( self.backend.config['gmusic']['radio_tracks_count']) self._playlists = {} def as_list(self): refs = [ Ref.playlist(uri=pl.uri, for pl in self._playlists.values()] return sorted(refs, key=operator.attrgetter('name')) def get_items(self, uri): playlist = self._playlists.get(uri) if playlist is None: return None return [Ref.track(uri=t.uri, for t in playlist.tracks] def create(self, name): pass # TODO def delete(self, uri): pass # TODO def lookup(self, uri): return self._playlists.get(uri) def refresh(self): playlists = {} # add thumbs up playlist tracks = [] for track in self.backend.session.get_promoted_songs(): trackId = None if 'trackId' in track: trackId = track['trackId'] elif 'storeId' in track: trackId = track['storeId'] if trackId: tracks += self.backend.library.lookup( 'gmusic:track:' + trackId) if len(tracks) > 0: uri = 'gmusic:playlist:promoted' playlists[uri] = Playlist(uri=uri, name='Promoted', tracks=tracks) # load user playlists for playlist in self.backend.session.get_all_user_playlist_contents(): tracks = [] for track in playlist['tracks']: if not track['deleted']: tracks += self.backend.library.lookup('gmusic:track:' + track['trackId']) uri = 'gmusic:playlist:' + playlist['id'] playlists[uri] = Playlist(uri=uri, name=playlist['name'], tracks=tracks) # load shared playlists for playlist in self.backend.session.get_all_playlists(): if playlist.get('type') == 'SHARED': tracks = [] tracklist = self.backend.session.get_shared_playlist_contents( playlist['shareToken']) for track in tracklist: tracks += self.backend.library.lookup('gmusic:track:' + track['trackId']) uri = 'gmusic:playlist:' + playlist['id'] playlists[uri] = Playlist(uri=uri, name=playlist['name'], tracks=tracks) l = len(playlists)'Loaded %d playlists from Google Music', len(playlists)) # load radios as playlists if self._radio_stations_as_playlists:'Starting to loading radio stations') stations = self.backend.session.get_radio_stations( self._radio_stations_count) for station in stations: tracks = [] tracklist = self.backend.session.get_station_tracks( station['id'], self._radio_tracks_count) for track in tracklist: tracks += self.backend.library.lookup('gmusic:track:' + track['nid']) uri = 'gmusic:playlist:' + station['id'] playlists[uri] = Playlist(uri=uri, name=station['name'], tracks=tracks)'Loaded %d radios from Google Music', len(playlists) - l) self._playlists = playlists backend.BackendListener.send('playlists_loaded') def save(self, playlist): pass # TODO
CSRF_SECRET_KEY, SESSION_KEY = "0h97kel3aq17853645odikh97kel3aq4vndtonignnobfjh", "3aq4vnd4vndtonignnt801785onignnob" # Google APIs GOOGLE_APP_ID = '' GOOGLE_APP_SECRET = 'gb2X0NdP36xF-2kmj_S2IN3U' #GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI = 'http://localhost:5000/auth/google/callback' #GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI = '' GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI = '' # Facebook auth apis FB_APP_ID = '382093888646657' FB_APP_SECRET = '2ba3373b14a801141d26c32bf9c9b205' #FB_REDIRECT_URI = "http://localhost:5000/auth/facebook/callback" #FB_REDIRECT_URI = "" FB_REDIRECT_URI = "" # Key/secret for both LinkedIn OAuth 1.0a and OAuth 2.0 # LINKEDIN_KEY = 'consumer key' LINKEDIN_SECRET = 'consumer secret' # # WL_CLIENT_ID = 'client id' WL_CLIENT_SECRET = 'client secret' # TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY = 'oauth1.0a consumer key' TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET = 'oauth1.0a consumer secret' # FOURSQUARE_CLIENT_ID = 'client id' FOURSQUARE_CLIENT_SECRET = 'client secret'
#!/usr/bin/python # # html2markdown # Copyright 2005 Dale Sedivec # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 # USA # # XXX # TODO: # * Change constant names to upper case. # * Test wrapping of HTML in Markdown source with long attributes that # have whitespace in their contents. # * Should probably put non-breaking spaces in the middle of a # Markdown image markup. # * Stop all the interpolation and concatenation operations and take # advantage of buffers more (use write not +) # * In code, do a consistency check WRT indentation on continued # statements. # * Look at inline HTML in indented block elements (block quote, list, # maybe code block) # * Test CLI. # * Check through for classes that are too big (refactoring) # * Write test for <li>[whitespace]<p>...</p></li>. I'm not sure that # Markdown will ever generate this, but it still looks likely to # happen in hand-written HTML. # * Make test with numeric entity to make sure handle_charref is # implemented. # * It's possible that (almost) everywhere we do an isinstance() # check, we should really be doing some kind of hasFeature() check, # hasFeature() being a method we implement? More flexible. from HTMLParser import HTMLParser from StringIO import StringIO import logging import textwrap import re import string import inspect import sys from itertools import repeat, chain WRAP_AT_COLUMN = 70 # XXX This is kind of dumb, really, since certain types of syntax # demand certain types of indents. To parameterize this, we should # probably find all indent instances, change them to this variable, # then see what breaks with one indent or the other and hard code that # particular indent. MARKDOWN_INDENT = " " log = logging.getLogger("html2markdown") try: any except NameError: def any(items): for item in items: if item: return True return False def all(items): for item in items: if not item: return False return True # XXX TEST this is not tested? Plus it probably doesn't belong here. # At least document it. # def getMyCaller(): #pragma: no cover # try: # callerFrame = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[2] # return "%s:%d" % (callerFrame[3], callerFrame[2]) # finally: # del callerFrame class Box (object): def __init__(self): self.parent = None def render(self, writer): raise NotImplementedError("you must overload this") #pragma: no cover width = property(fget=lambda self: self.parent.width) class ContainerBox (Box): def __init__(self): super(ContainerBox, self).__init__() self.children = [] def addChild(self, child): self.children.append(child) child.parent = self def makeChild(self, childClass): child = childClass() self.addChild(child) return child class CompositeBox (ContainerBox): def __init__(self, addNewLines=True): super(CompositeBox, self).__init__() self.__addNewLineAfterChild = [] self.__addNewLines = addNewLines def addChild(self, child): super(CompositeBox, self).addChild(child) self.__addNewLineAfterChild.append(self.__addNewLines) def insertNewLineAfterChild(self, childIndex): assert childIndex >= 0, childIndex self.__addNewLineAfterChild[childIndex] = True def insertNewLineBeforeLastChild(self): self.__addNewLineAfterChild[-2] = True def render(self, writer): if self.children: assert len(self.__addNewLineAfterChild) == len(self.children) addNewLine = iter(self.__addNewLineAfterChild) self.children[0].render(writer) for child in self.children[1:]: if writer("\n") child.render(writer) class RootBox (CompositeBox): # Override the property set in a superclass. (XXX Is this the # cleanest way to do this?) width = None def __init__(self, width): super(RootBox, self).__init__() self.width = width def ijoin(iterable, joinString): """Yields joinString between items from iterable. s.join(i) == "".join(ijoin(i, s)) """ iterator = iter(iterable) yield for item in iterator: yield joinString yield item class TextBox (Box): def __init__(self): self.__lines = [StringIO()] def addText(self, text): self.__lines[-1].write(text) def addLineBreak(self): self.__lines.append(StringIO()) def _iterLines(self): for line in self.__lines: yield line.getvalue() def render(self, writer): for string in ijoin(self._iterLines(), " \n"): writer(string) if string[-1] != "\n": writer("\n") class iterAllButLast (object): def __init__(self, iterable): self._iterator = iter(iterable) def __iter__(self): lastItem = for item in self._iterator: yield lastItem lastItem = item self.last = lastItem class WrappedTextBox (TextBox): __wordBoundaryRegexp = re.compile(r'(\s+)') def render(self, writer): def fill(line, lastLineSuffix=""): return self.__fill(line, self.width, lastLineSuffix, writer) lines = iterAllButLast(self._iterLines()) for line in lines: writer(fill(line, " ")) writer(fill(lines.last)) # XXX REFACTOR I'd say refactor this, but right now I don't see a # particularly clean way to do it. # # There should be a way, though. All this code seems so verbose, # if not needlessly complex. def __fill(self, text, width, lastLineSuffix, writer): log.debug("fill text=%r suffix=%r" % (text, lastLineSuffix)) words = self.__splitTextIntoWordsAndSpaces(text) firstSpace, firstWord = words.pop(0) linePosition = self.__writeFirstWordOnLine(firstWord, writer) for spaceBefore, word in words: spaceLen = len(spaceBefore) wordLen = len(word) if (linePosition + spaceLen + wordLen) > width: writer("\n") self.__writeFirstWordOnLine(word, writer) linePosition = wordLen else: writer(spaceBefore) writer(word) linePosition += spaceLen + wordLen writer(lastLineSuffix) writer("\n") # The second grouping prevents **strong** from tripping this # regular expression. __beginningOfLineTokens = re.compile(r"^([0-9]+\.|[*+-]([^*]|$)|#)") def __writeFirstWordOnLine(self, word, writer): """Writes the first word using writer, adding escaping if needed. Markdown assigns special meaning to certain tokens when they appear at the beginning of a line. We have to esacpe these special characters if they happen to appear at the beginning of a line after a paragraph is wrapped. This function will return the total number of characters written, which might be bigger than len(word) if an escape character is added. """ wordLen = len(word) tokenMatch = if tokenMatch: matchEndPosition = tokenMatch.end(1) log.debug("word=%r matchEndPosition=%r" % (word, matchEndPosition)) writer(word[0:matchEndPosition - 1]) writer("\\") writer(word[matchEndPosition - 1:]) return wordLen + 1 else: log.debug("word=%r no match" % (word,)); writer(word) return wordLen def __splitTextIntoWordsAndSpaces(self, text): """ Builds and returns a list of tuples in the form (space before word, word), where the spaces and words are determined by splitting text on word boundaries. This is used primarily by the fill() method. """ log.debug("splitTextIntoWordsAndSpaces: text=%r" % (text,)) parts = self.__wordBoundaryRegexp.split(text) log.debug("splitTextIntoWordsAndSpaces: normalizing %r" % (parts,)) self.__normalizeSplitTextParts(parts) log.debug("splitTextIntoWordsAndSpaces: after normalizing %r" % (parts,)) words = [] lastWord = "" for spaceBefore, word in zip(parts[::2], parts[1::2]): spaceBefore = self.__normalizeWordSpacing(spaceBefore, lastWord) words.append((spaceBefore, word)) lastWord = word return words def __normalizeWordSpacing(self, spaceBefore, precedingWord): # If the input is "foo.\nbar" you'll end up with "foo. bar" # even if you separate your sentences with two spaces. I'm # not inclined to do anything to fix this until someone really # bitches about it. Also, two spaces are "safer" than one in # the case of (for example) "Mr.\nSmith". if spaceBefore[0:2] == " " and precedingWord[-1] in ".?!:": spaceBefore = " " else: spaceBefore = " " return spaceBefore def __normalizeSplitTextParts(self, parts): """ This method makes sure that the parts list is a list of space, word, space, word, space, word, ... The first element in the list will always be the empty string (an empty space). This method is used by the wrapping code. """ if parts[0] == "": del parts[1] else: parts.insert(0, "") if parts[-1] == "": del parts[-2:] assert (len(parts) % 2) == 0, "List normalizing failed: %r" % (parts,) class IndentedBox (ContainerBox): def __init__(self, indent, firstLineIndent=None): super(IndentedBox, self).__init__() self.__indentLength = len(indent) self.__subsequentLineIndent = indent if firstLineIndent is not None: assert len(firstLineIndent) == self.__indentLength self.__firstLineIndent = firstLineIndent else: self.__firstLineIndent = indent def render(self, writer): childRendering = StringIO() self.__renderChildren(childRendering.write) self.__rewindFile(childRendering) self.__renderLinesFromFile(childRendering, writer) def __renderLinesFromFile(self, childRendering, writer): indentGenerator = chain([self.__firstLineIndent], repeat(self.__subsequentLineIndent)) for line in childRendering: indent = if self.__isBlankLine(line): indent = indent.rstrip() writer(indent) writer(line) def __isBlankLine(self, line): return not line.rstrip("\r\n") def __rewindFile(self, childRendering): def __renderChildren(self, writer): for child in self.children: child.render(writer) def _getWidth(self): return super(IndentedBox, self).width - self.__indentLength width = property(fget=_getWidth) class RawTextBox (TextBox): """A TextBox whose contents shouldn't have Markdown elements escaped.""" pass # Based on DOM. Should probably refer to this as MDDOM (Markdown # DOM). I think I used "micro-DOM" somewhere else. class Node (object): def __init__(self): self.parent = None class ContainerNode (Node): def __init__(self): super(ContainerNode, self).__init__() self.children = [] def makeChild(self, type): child = type() self.addChild(child) return child def addChild(self, child): self.children.append(child) child.parent = self # An InlineNode is a Node that does not render to a Box, but rather # modifies the Box inside which it occurs. Currently this is used to # mark Nodes whose transformation requires a Box that supports # addText(). class InlineNode (Node): pass # A TextContainer is a ContainerNode that may also hold # TextRelatedNodes. The HTML parser will ignore text that occurs # outside of a TextContainer. class TextContainer (ContainerNode): pass class InlineTextContainer (InlineNode, TextContainer): pass class Text (InlineNode): def __init__(self, text=""): super(Node, self).__init__() self.text = text class Document (ContainerNode): pass class List (ContainerNode): pass class OrderedList (List): def getChildIndex(self, child): return self.children.index(child) class UnorderedList (List): pass class ListItem (TextContainer): def getItemNumber(self): # This method is only valid when this is an item in an # OrderedList. Obviously. return self.parent.getChildIndex(self) + 1 class BlockQuote (ContainerNode): pass class Paragraph (TextContainer): pass class Preformatted (TextContainer): pass class HTML (TextContainer): pass class Code (InlineTextContainer): pass class Emphasized (InlineTextContainer): pass class Strong (InlineTextContainer): pass class LineBreak (InlineNode): pass class Image (InlineNode): def __init__(self, url, alternateText=None, title=None): super(Image, self).__init__() self.url = url self.alternateText = alternateText self.title = title class Heading (TextContainer): def __init__(self, level): super(Heading, self).__init__() self.level = level class HorizontalRule (Node): pass class Anchor (InlineTextContainer): def __init__(self, url, title=None): super(Anchor, self).__init__() self.url = url self.title = title class UnknownInlineElement (InlineTextContainer): def __init__(self, tag, attributes): super(UnknownInlineElement, self).__init__() self.tag = tag self.attributes = attributes class MarkdownTransformer (object): __formattingCharactersRegexp = re.compile(r"((?<=\S)([*_])|([*_])(?=\S))") def transform(self, document): rootBox = RootBox(width=WRAP_AT_COLUMN) self.__dispatchChildren(document, rootBox) return rootBox def __dispatch(self, node, parentBox): log.debug("Dispatching node=%r parentBox=%r" % (node, parentBox)) if isinstance(node, List): nodeTypeName = "List" else: nodeTypeName = type(node).__name__ getattr(self, "_transform" + nodeTypeName)(node, parentBox) # self.__handlers[type(node)](self, node, parentBox) def __dispatchChildren(self, node, parentBox): self.__dispatchList(node.children, parentBox) def __dispatchList(self, nodeList, parentBox): for node in nodeList: self.__dispatch(node, parentBox) def _transformParagraph(self, node, parentBox): box = parentBox.makeChild(WrappedTextBox) self.__dispatchChildren(node, box) def _transformBlockQuote(self, node, parentBox): indentedBox = IndentedBox(indent="> ") parentBox.addChild(indentedBox) dividedBox = indentedBox.makeChild(CompositeBox) self.__dispatchChildren(node, dividedBox) def _transformPreformatted(self, node, parentBox): indentedBox = IndentedBox(indent=MARKDOWN_INDENT) parentBox.addChild(indentedBox) textBox = indentedBox.makeChild(TextBox) self.__dispatchChildren(node, textBox) def _transformText(self, node, parentBox): if isinstance(node.parent, (HTML, Preformatted, Code)) \ or isinstance(parentBox, RawTextBox): text = node.text else: text = self.__escapeFormattingCharacters(node.text) parentBox.addText(text) def __escapeFormattingCharacters(self, data): escapedData = data.replace("\\", "\\\\") escapedData = self.__formattingCharactersRegexp.sub(r"\\\1", escapedData) return escapedData def _transformList(self, node, parentBox): box = CompositeBox(addNewLines=False) parentBox.addChild(box) self.__dispatchChildren(node, box) self.__addExplicitParagraphsInList(node, box) # XXX REFACTOR if you dare. The list code (here and ListItem # processing) is nigh incomprehensible. Of course, I can't even # figure out how to simplify this function since the way it # figures out where to put explicit paragraphs is so arcane (and # the rules for how to generate <p></p> are, shall we say, # "tedious"). def __addExplicitParagraphsInList(self, node, box): paragraphAnalysis = [] for listItem in node.children: isSingleParagraph = False if isinstance(listItem.children[0], Paragraph): isSingleParagraph = True for child in listItem.children[1:]: if isinstance(child, List): break elif not isinstance(child, Text): isSingleParagraph = False break paragraphAnalysis.append(isSingleParagraph) log.debug("paragraphAnalysis=%r" % (paragraphAnalysis,)) consecutiveSingleParas = 0 for childIndex, isSingleParagraph in enumerate(paragraphAnalysis): if isSingleParagraph: consecutiveSingleParas += 1 if consecutiveSingleParas >= 2: box.insertNewLineAfterChild(childIndex - 1) else: if consecutiveSingleParas == 1: if any([ isinstance(n, List) for n in node.children[childIndex - 1].children ]): # A List node's children can only be # ListItems, and a ListItem always generates # an outer CompositeBox, so box.children are # all CompositeBoxes. box.children[childIndex - 1].insertNewLineAfterChild(0) else: box.insertNewLineBeforeLastChild() consecutiveSingleParas = 0 # XXX Near exact copy of above code. if consecutiveSingleParas == 1: if any([ isinstance(n, List) for n in node.children[childIndex].children ]): box.children[childIndex].insertNewLineAfterChild(0) else: box.insertNewLineBeforeLastChild() # XXX REFACTOR def _transformListItem(self, node, parentBox): BOX_AT_BULLET_LEVEL = 1 BOX_AT_LIST_ITEM_LEVEL = 2 outerBox = CompositeBox(addNewLines=False) parentBox.addChild(outerBox) # XXX This code to determine indents will have a tendency to # not work right if you want to make MARKDOWN_INDENT = "\t" # (for example). bulletIndent = " " if isinstance(node.parent, OrderedList): number = "%d. " % (node.getItemNumber(),) number = number + " " * (4 - len(number)) # XXX Should we use len(number) instead of 4 here? Are # more than four spaces on continued lines fine with # Markdown? indentedBox = IndentedBox(firstLineIndent=number, indent=bulletIndent) else: indentedBox = IndentedBox(firstLineIndent="* ", indent=bulletIndent) outerBox.addChild(indentedBox) innerBox = indentedBox.makeChild(CompositeBox) children = node.children[:] # The first child has to be in the indent box that has the # list bullet. if isinstance(children[0], InlineNode): # A ListItem that starts with text can only have text or # nested lists under it. I think. log.debug("List item dispatching text children") textBox = innerBox.makeChild(WrappedTextBox) while children and isinstance(children[0], InlineNode): self.__dispatch(children.pop(0), textBox) elif isinstance(children[0], List): # Immediate sublist. listIndentBox = IndentedBox(indent=MARKDOWN_INDENT) innerBox.addChild(listIndentBox) self.__dispatch(children.pop(0), listIndentBox) else: self.__dispatch(children.pop(0), innerBox) innerBoxType = BOX_AT_BULLET_LEVEL for child in children: if isinstance(child, Text): # Ignore whitespace that occurs between elements. continue elif isinstance(child, (Preformatted, List)): if innerBoxType != BOX_AT_LIST_ITEM_LEVEL: innerBox = IndentedBox(indent=MARKDOWN_INDENT) outerBox.addChild(innerBox) if isinstance(child, Preformatted): outerBox.insertNewLineBeforeLastChild() innerBoxType = BOX_AT_LIST_ITEM_LEVEL else: if innerBoxType != BOX_AT_BULLET_LEVEL: indentedBox = IndentedBox(indent=bulletIndent) outerBox.addChild(indentedBox) outerBox.insertNewLineBeforeLastChild() innerBox = indentedBox.makeChild(CompositeBox) innerBoxType = BOX_AT_BULLET_LEVEL self.__dispatch(child, innerBox) # XXX Might want to factor out this pattern. def _transformHTML(self, node, parentBox): box = parentBox.makeChild(TextBox) self.__dispatchChildren(node, box) __backtickRegexp = re.compile("`+") def _transformCode(self, node, parentBox): contents = self.__renderChildren(node) codeDelimiter = self.__makeCodeDelimiter(contents) parentBox.addText(codeDelimiter) if contents[0] == "`": parentBox.addText(" ") parentBox.addText(contents) if contents[-1] == "`": parentBox.addText(" ") parentBox.addText(codeDelimiter) def __makeCodeDelimiter(self, content): """Returns the correct number of backticks to set off string as code. Markdown requires you to use at least one more backtick to introduce/conclude a code span than there are backticks within the code span. For example, if contents="foo ``date`` bar", Markdown would require ``` to be used to begin/end the code span for that string. """ matches = self.__backtickRegexp.findall(content) if matches: codeDelimiterLength = max([ len(m) for m in matches ]) + 1 else: codeDelimiterLength = 1 return "`" * codeDelimiterLength def _transformEmphasized(self, node, parentBox): parentBox.addText("_") self.__dispatchChildren(node, parentBox) parentBox.addText("_") def _transformLineBreak(self, node, parentBox): parentBox.addLineBreak() def _transformImage(self, node, parentBox): parentBox.addText("![") parentBox.addText(node.alternateText) parentBox.addText("](") parentBox.addText(node.url) if node.title: parentBox.addText(' "') parentBox.addText(node.title) parentBox.addText('"') parentBox.addText(")") def _transformHeading(self, node, parentBox): box = parentBox.makeChild(TextBox) box.addText("#" * node.level + " ") self.__dispatchChildren(node, box) box.addText(" " + node.level * "#") def _transformHorizontalRule(self, node, parentBox): box = parentBox.makeChild(TextBox) box.addText("---") def _transformAnchor(self, node, parentBox): # Sometimes this renders the contents twice: once as "raw # text" (no escaping of formatting characters) so we can match # a URL that might have Markdown formatting characters in it # (f.e., and the second time # with Markdown escaping if the contents aren't the same as # the href. linkContents = self.__renderChildren(node, boxType=RawTextBox) url = node.url isMailto = url.startswith("mailto:") if linkContents == url or (isMailto and linkContents == url[7:]): parentBox.addText("<") parentBox.addText(linkContents) parentBox.addText(">") else: parentBox.addText("[") parentBox.addText(self.__renderChildren(node)) parentBox.addText("](") parentBox.addText(url) if node.title: parentBox.addText(' "') parentBox.addText(node.title) parentBox.addText('"') parentBox.addText(")") def __renderChildren(self, node, boxType=TextBox): textBox = boxType() self.__dispatchChildren(node, textBox) contents = StringIO() textBox.render(contents.write) return contents.getvalue().strip() def _transformStrong(self, node, parentBox): parentBox.addText("**") self.__dispatchChildren(node, parentBox) parentBox.addText("**") def _transformUnknownInlineElement(self, node, parentBox): write = parentBox.addText write("<") write(node.tag) for name, value in node.attributes: if '"' in value: quotingChar = "'" else: quotingChar = '"' write(" ") write(name) write('=') write(quotingChar) write(value) write(quotingChar) if node.children: write(">") self.__dispatchChildren(node, parentBox) write("</") write(node.tag) write(">") else: write(" />") # XXX TEST Should test this? class LineNumberedBuffer (StringIO): __eolRegexp = re.compile(r"(\r?\n)") def __init__(self): StringIO.__init__(self) self.__linePositions = [0] def write(self, string): parts = self.__eolRegexp.split(string) log.debug("LineNumberedBuffer write split parts=%r" % (parts,)) for part in parts: StringIO.write(self, part) if "\n" in part: log.debug("new line at %d" % (self.tell(),)) self.__linePositions.append(self.tell()) log.debug("LineNumberedBuffer.write final pos=%d" % (self.tell(),)) def seekLinePosition(self, lineNumber, offset): """Seek to an offset from the start of line lineNumber. The first line is 1, the first character on a line is 0. This is in line with HTMLParser.getpos(). """ position = self.__linePositions[lineNumber - 1] + offset log.debug("seekLinePosition (%d,%d)=%d" % (lineNumber, offset, position)), 0) log.debug("seekLinePosition tell=%d" % (self.tell(),)) assert self.tell() == position, "seekLinePosition failed" # XXX Turn this into MDDOMParser, outputs MDDOM? Then you take the # Document and ship it off to MarkdownTransformer. Should at least # give this class a better name. class MarkdownTranslator (HTMLParser): __translatedEntities = {"amp": "&", "lt": "<", "gt": ">", "quot": '"'} __unsupportedBlockElements = ("dl", "div", "noscript", "form", "table", "fieldset", "address") def reset(self): HTMLParser.reset(self) self.__shouldOutputStack = [False] self.__unsupportedElementDepth = 0 self.__unsupportedBlockStart = None self.__input = LineNumberedBuffer() self.__currentNode = Document() def feed(self, text): self.__input.write(text) HTMLParser.feed(self, text) def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if self.__unsupportedElementDepth: self.__unsupportedElementDepth += 1 elif tag == "code" \ and isinstance(self.__currentNode, Preformatted) \ and len(self.__currentNode.children) == 0: # Special case: ignore <code> immediately following <pre>. # Markdown emits <pre><code>...</code></pre> for a # preformatted text block. # # XXX In the interest of moving to just a DOM HTML parser, # I think I support moving this logic to # MarkdownTransformer. pass else: # XXX REFACTOR element = None handler = self.__recognizedTags.get(tag) if handler: if not isinstance(handler, type): element = handler(self, tag, attrs) isBlock = handler.isBlock elif attrs: isBlock = not issubclass(handler, InlineNode) else: element = self.__currentNode.makeChild(handler) else: isBlock = tag in self.__unsupportedBlockElements if not element and not isBlock: element = UnknownInlineElement(tag, attrs) self.__currentNode.addChild(element) if element: self.__currentNode = element self.__shouldOutputStack.append(isinstance(element, TextContainer)) else: self.__enterUnsupportedBlockElement() def handle_endtag(self, tag): log.debug("Leaving tag=%r" % (tag,)) if self.__unsupportedElementDepth: log.debug("Leaving unsupported element") self.__leaveUnsupportedElement() elif tag == "code" and isinstance(self.__currentNode, Preformatted): # Special case for </code></pre>. See similar exception # in handle_starttag() for explanation. pass else: log.debug("Leaving element") self.__leaveElement() def __enterUnsupportedBlockElement(self): self.__unsupportedElementDepth = 1 self.__unsupportedBlockStart = self.getpos() # XXX REFACTOR def __leaveUnsupportedElement(self): self.__unsupportedElementDepth -= 1 log.debug("unsupportedBlockDepth=%r" % (self.__unsupportedElementDepth,)) if not self.__unsupportedElementDepth: log.debug("Finished with unsupported block element"); log.debug("positions begin=%r end=%r" % (self.__unsupportedBlockStart, self.getpos())) html = self.__getUnsupportedBlockElementHTML() htmlNode = self.__currentNode.makeChild(HTML) htmlNode.addChild(Text(html)) self.__positionInputBufferAtEnd() # XXX Maybe refactor -- or rename to something shorter (applies to # all methods following this naming convention). def __getUnsupportedBlockElementHTML(self): """Side effect: repositions self.__input.""" endPosition = self.__getEndOfTagPosition(self.getpos()) self.__input.seekLinePosition(*self.__unsupportedBlockStart) startPosition = self.__input.tell() htmlLength = endPosition - startPosition log.debug("endPosition=%d startPosition=%d len=%d" % (endPosition, startPosition, htmlLength)) html = StringIO() html.write( html.write("\n") return html.getvalue() def __getEndOfTagPosition(self, startAt): """Side effect: repositions self.__input.""" self.__input.seekLinePosition(*startAt) self.__searchInputForTagClose() return self.__input.tell() def __searchInputForTagClose(self): # XXX expensive debugging statement log.debug("searchInputForTagClose pos=%d input=%r" % (self.__input.tell(), self.__input.getvalue())) while True: nextCharacter = if not nextCharacter: assert False, "premature tag end in input" #pragma: no cover elif nextCharacter == ">": break def __positionInputBufferAtEnd(self):, 2) def __leaveElement(self): assert len(self.__shouldOutputStack) > 1 self.__shouldOutputStack.pop() self.__currentNode = self.__currentNode.parent # XXX REFACTOR def _enterImg(self, tag, attributes): if True not in map(lambda attr: attr[0] not in ("src", "alt", "title"), attributes): attributes = dict(attributes) parameters = {"url": attributes["src"]} if "alt" in attributes: parameters["alternateText"] = attributes["alt"] if "title" in attributes: parameters["title"] = attributes["title"] image = Image(**parameters) self.__currentNode.addChild(image) return image else: return None _enterImg.isBlock = False __numericEntityRegexp = re.compile("&#(x[0-9A-F]{2}|[0-9]{2,3});") def __substituteNumericEntity(self, match): return self.__translateNumericEntity( def __translateNumericEntity(self, ref): if ref[0] == "x": value = int(ref[1:], 16) else: value = int(ref) if self.__shouldDecodeNumericEntity(value): return chr(value) else: return "&#%s;" % (ref,) def __shouldDecodeNumericEntity(self, characterCode): return 32 <= characterCode <= 126 def _enterA(self, tag, attributes): if all([ attr[0] in ("href", "title") for attr in attributes ]): attributes = dict(attributes) # XXX REFACTOR This indentation/wrapping is ugly and looks # unnecessary. Should think about reducing name lengths. href = self.__numericEntityRegexp.sub( self.__substituteNumericEntity, attributes["href"]) anchor = Anchor(href, title=attributes.get("title", None)) self.__currentNode.addChild(anchor) return anchor else: return None _enterA.isBlock = False # XXX TEST <h*> with attributes. def _enterHeading(self, tag, attributes): level = int(tag[1:]) heading = Heading(level) self.__currentNode.addChild(heading) return heading _enterHeading.isBlock = True def __shouldOutput(self): return self.__shouldOutputStack[-1] def handle_data(self, data): if self.__shouldOutput(): log.debug("output %r" % (data,)) self.__currentNode.addChild(Text(data)) def handle_entityref(self, name): log.debug("entity=%r" % (name,)) if not self.__unsupportedElementDepth: if name in self.__translatedEntities: self.handle_data(self.__translatedEntities[name]) else: self.handle_data("&%s;" % (name,)) def handle_charref(self, ref): if not self.__unsupportedElementDepth: self.handle_data(self.__translateNumericEntity(ref)) # XXX some day we should probably change this interface to write # to a file, or to a callable def getOutput(self): assert isinstance(self.__currentNode, Document), `self.__currentNode` log.debug(self.__renderTreeForDebug(self.__currentNode)) box = MarkdownTransformer().transform(self.__currentNode) log.debug(self.__renderTreeForDebug(box)) result = StringIO() box.render(result.write) return result.getvalue() # XXX OPTIMIZE Could short-circuit this code when debug is off, as # an alternative to not calling it (log.debug("%s" % # (__renderTreeForDebug(),))). def __renderTreeForDebug(self, node): result = StringIO() result.write("(%s" % (node.__class__.__name__,)) if hasattr(node, "children"): for child in node.children: result.write(" ") result.write(self.__renderTreeForDebug(child)) result.write(")") return result.getvalue() __recognizedTags = {"p": Paragraph, "blockquote": BlockQuote, "ol": OrderedList, "ul": UnorderedList, "li": ListItem, "code": Code, "em": Emphasized, "pre": Preformatted, "br": LineBreak, "img": _enterImg, "hr": HorizontalRule, "a": _enterA, "strong": Strong} for level in range(1, 10): __recognizedTags["h%d" % (level,)] = _enterHeading def html2markdown(html): return html2markdown_file(StringIO(html)) def html2markdown_file(inputFile): translator = MarkdownTranslator() for line in inputFile: translator.feed(line) translator.close() return 0, translator.getOutput() if __name__ == "__main__": #pragma: no cover logging.basicConfig() if len(sys.argv) > 1: inputFile = open(sys.argv[1], "r") else: inputFile = sys.stdin status, output = html2markdown_file(inputFile) if status == 0: sys.stdout.write(output) sys.exit(status)
# Copyright 2013-2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) from spack import * class PyJoblib(PythonPackage): """Python function as pipeline jobs""" homepage = "" url = "" import_modules = [ 'joblib', 'joblib.externals', 'joblib.externals.cloudpickle', 'joblib.externals.loky', 'joblib.externals.loky.backend' ] version('0.14.0', sha256='6fcc57aacb4e89451fd449e9412687c51817c3f48662c3d8f38ba3f8a0a193ff') version('0.13.2', sha256='315d6b19643ec4afd4c41c671f9f2d65ea9d787da093487a81ead7b0bac94524') version('0.11', sha256='7b8fd56df36d9731a83729395ccb85a3b401f62a96255deb1a77220c00ed4085') version('0.10.3', sha256='29b2965a9efbc90a5fe66a389ae35ac5b5b0c1feabfc7cab7fd5d19f429a071d') version('0.10.2', sha256='3123553bdad83b143428033537c9e1939caf4a4d8813dade6a2246948c94494b') version('0.10.0', sha256='49b3a0ba956eaa2f077e1ebd230b3c8d7b98afc67520207ada20a4d8b8efd071') depends_on('py-setuptools', when='@0.14:', type='build')
import os import requests URL_TEMPLATE = "" SAVE_TO_DIR_ROOT = "D:/HUST" def mkdirs_if_not_exist(dir_name): """ create new folder if not exist :param dir_name: :return: """ if not os.path.exists(dir_name): os.makedirs(dir_name) def crawl_avatar(avatar_url): response = requests.get(avatar_url, timeout=20) if response.status_code != 404: avatar_filename = avatar_url.split('/')[-1] year = avatar_filename[0:4] college = avatar_filename[4:7] mkdirs_if_not_exist(os.path.join(SAVE_TO_DIR_ROOT, year, college)) with open(os.path.join(SAVE_TO_DIR_ROOT, year, college, avatar_filename), mode='wb') as f: f.write(response.content) f.flush() f.close() print('{0} has been downloaded...'.format(avatar_filename)) if __name__ == '__main__': for year in [2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012]: for college in [_ for _ in range(301, 320)]: for i in range(200): if i < 10: idx = str(year) + str(college) + "01000" + str(i) elif 10 <= i < 100: idx = str(year) + str(college) + "0100" + str(i) else: idx = str(year) + str(college) + "010" + str(i) try: crawl_avatar(URL_TEMPLATE % str(idx)) except: pass
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # pedalboard server import socket from threading import Thread from gpiozero import Button from signal import pause from time import sleep, time from radio import Radio TCP_IP = '' TCP_PORT = 31415 ENC = 'UTF-8' NEW_PRESS_DELAY = 0.3 # in seconds CONNECTIONS_LIMIT = 5 buttons_map = [ (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 17), (5, 27), (6, 22), (7, 10), (8, 9), (9, 11) ] class BtnsThread(Thread): is_dead = True buttons = None def __init__(self, radio): self.is_dead = False = radio self.last_press_time = 0 self.is_released = True super().__init__() def __del__(self): if self.is_dead: return print('Stopping listening for buttons…') if self.buttons is not None: for btn in self.buttons: btn[1].when_pressed = None btn[1].when_released = None del self.buttons del del self.last_press_time del self.is_released del self.is_dead def pressed(self, n): def f(): if time() - (self.last_press_time + NEW_PRESS_DELAY) <= 0: return print('Pressed button #%d' % n) self.last_press_time = time() self.is_released = False'button pressed', n=n) return f def released(self, n): def f(): if self.is_released: return print('Released button #%d' % n) self.is_released = True'button released', n=n) return f def run(self): self.buttons = [(x[0], Button(x[1])) for x in buttons_map] for btn in self.buttons: btn[1].when_pressed = self.pressed(btn[0]) btn[1].when_released = self.released(btn[0]) print('Started buttons listening') class SocketThread(Thread): is_dead = True def __init__(self, radio, conn, addr): self.is_dead = False = radio self.conn = conn self.addr = addr'add connection', connection=self)'close connections', self.__del__) super().__init__() def __del__(self): if self.is_dead: return'close connections', self.__del__)'button pressed', self.send_pressed, soft=True)'button released', self.send_released, soft=True) self.conn.close()'remove connection', connection=self) print('Connection lost for:', self.addr) del del self.conn del self.addr del self.is_dead def send_pressed(self, n): try: self.conn.send(bytes('button pressed|%d' % n, ENC)) print('Sent about button pressed to', self.addr) except BrokenPipeError: self.__del__() def send_released(self, n): try: self.conn.send(bytes('button released|%d' % n, ENC)) print('Sent about button released to', self.addr) except BrokenPipeError: self.__del__() def run(self): print('Address connected:', self.addr)'button pressed', self.send_pressed)'button released', self.send_released) class ConnectionsHandler: is_dead = True def __init__(self, radio): self.is_dead = False self.connections = [] = radio'opened connections count', self.get_connections_count)'add connection', self.register_connection)'remove connection', self.unregister_connection) print('Started connections handling') def __del__(self): if self.is_dead: return 'opened connections count', self.get_connections_count )'add connection', self.register_connection)'remove connection', self.unregister_connection) for conn in self.connections: conn.__del__() del conn print('Stopped connections handling') del self.connections del del self.is_dead def register_connection(self, connection): for conn in self.connections: if conn == connection: raise Exception('Connection already registered') self.connections.append(connection) def unregister_connection(self, connection): new_connections = [] for conn in self.connections: if conn != connection: new_connections.append(conn) if len(new_connections) == len(self.connections): raise Exception('Connection not found to unregister') elif len(new_connections) != len(self.connections) - 1: raise Exception('More than one connection to unregister') else: self.connections = new_connections def get_connections_count(self): return len(self.connections) radio = Radio() btns = BtnsThread(radio) btns.start() conn_handler = ConnectionsHandler(radio) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind((TCP_IP, TCP_PORT)) s.listen(CONNECTIONS_LIMIT) try: print('Starting listening for socket connections…') while True: conn, addr = s.accept() SocketThread(radio, conn, addr).start() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print('Exiting… Closing all connections…') radio.trigger('close connections') while True: conns_count = radio.request('opened connections count') if conns_count == 0: break sleep(0.1) conn_handler.__del__() del conn_handler btns.__del__() del btns radio.__del__() del radio s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) print('Done')
from datetime import date from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required, user_passes_test from django.http import ( HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponseForbidden) from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, redirect, get_object_or_404 from django.template import RequestContext from django.templatetags.static import static from random import shuffle from reportlab.lib import colors from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4, LETTER, landscape, portrait from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet, ParagraphStyle from reportlab.lib.units import inch from reportlab.platypus import ( SimpleDocTemplate, Table, TableStyle, Paragraph, Spacer, BaseDocTemplate, Frame, PageTemplate, Image) from reportlab.platypus.flowables import PageBreak from database.views import is_teacher, is_admin, is_student from database.models import * from feedback.models import * from feedback.categories import * from anonymous_marking.models import * from mysds.unisettings import * # The different marking categories are in feedback/ # Helper Functions def logo(): """Returns the university logo, unless it is not available""" styles = getSampleStyleSheet() url = "" try: image = Image(url, 2.45*inch, 1*inch) except IOError: image = Paragraph( "Canterbury Christ Church University", styles['Heading1']) return image def bold(string): """Adds <b> tags around a string""" bold_string = '<b>' + string + '</b>' return bold_string def heading(string, headingstyle='Heading2'): """Returns a proper paragraph for the header line""" styles = getSampleStyleSheet() tmp = '<para alignment = "center">' + string + '</para>' result = Paragraph(tmp, styles[headingstyle]) return result def formatted_date(raw_date): """Returns a proper date string This returns a string of the date in British Format. If the date field was left blank, an empty string is returned. """ if raw_date is None: result = '' else: result = ( str( + '/' + str(raw_date.month) + '/' + str(raw_date.year)) return result def two_markers(marker1, marker2): """Returns a string containing two markers, sorted alphabetically""" marker_1_sort = marker1.last_name + "/" + marker1.first_name marker_2_sort = marker2.last_name + "/" + marker2.first_name markers = [marker_1_sort, marker_2_sort] markers.sort() marker_1_list = markers[0].split("/") marker_2_list = markers[1].split("/") marker_1_return = marker_1_list[1] + ' ' + marker_1_list[0] marker_2_return = marker_2_list[1] + ' ' + marker_2_list[0] result = marker_1_return + ' / ' + marker_2_return return result def paragraph(string): """Returns a paragraph with normal style""" styles = getSampleStyleSheet() return Paragraph(string, styles['Normal']) def bold_paragraph(string): """Returns a paragraph with bold formatting""" styles = getSampleStyleSheet() tmp = bold(string) return Paragraph(tmp, styles['Normal']) def get_title(module, assessment): assessment_title_string = module.get_assessment_title(assessment) assessment_title_string = assessment_title_string.replace("/", "or") return assessment_title_string # Different marksheets def essay_sheet(student, module, assessment): """Marksheet for Essays This is the standard marksheet for CCCU Law, including a marking grid with four different categories """ styles = getSampleStyleSheet() elements = [] performance = Performance.objects.get(student=student, module=module) marksheet = Marksheet.objects.get( student=student, module=module, assessment=assessment) assessment_title = bold(module.get_assessment_title(assessment)) mark = str(performance.get_assessment_result(assessment)) elements.append(logo()) elements.append(Spacer(1, 5)) title = heading('Law Undergraduate Assessment Sheet: Essay') elements.append(title) elements.append(Spacer(1, 5)) last_name = [ bold_paragraph('Student family name'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(student.last_name)] first_name = [ paragraph('First name'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(student.first_name)] module_title = [ paragraph('Module Title'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(module.title)] module_code = [ paragraph('Module Code'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(module.code)] tmp = formatted_date(marksheet.submission_date) submission_date = [ paragraph('Submission Date'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(tmp)] assessment_title = [ paragraph('Assessment Title'), Spacer(1, 3), paragraph(assessment_title)] if module.get_assessment_max_wordcount(assessment): tmp = ( str(module.get_assessment_max_wordcount(assessment)) + ' Words max.') else: tmp = '' word_count = [ paragraph('Word Count'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(tmp)] criteria = paragraph('Criteria') category_1 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['ESSAY']['i_1']) category_2 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['ESSAY']['i_2']) category_3 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['ESSAY']['i_3']) category_4 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['ESSAY']['i_4']) data = [ [last_name, '', first_name, ''], [module_title, '', module_code, submission_date, ''], [assessment_title, '', word_count, '', ''], [criteria, category_1, category_2, category_3, category_4]] row = ['80 +'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['70 - 79'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['60 - 69'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['50 - 59'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['40 - 49'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['Under 40'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) t = Table(data) t.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('SPAN', (0, 0), (1, 0)), ('SPAN', (2, 0), (-1, 0)), ('SPAN', (0, 1), (1, 1)), ('SPAN', (3, 1), (-1, 1)), ('SPAN', (0, 2), (1, 2)), ('SPAN', (2, 2), (-1, 2)), ('BACKGROUND', (0, 3), (-1, 3), colors.lightgrey), ('BACKGROUND', (0, 4), (0, 9), colors.lightgrey), ('ALIGN', (1, 4), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,]) ) elements.append(t) comments = [ bold_paragraph('General Comments'), Spacer(1, 4)] feedbacklist = marksheet.comments.split('\n') for line in feedbacklist: if line != "": p = paragraph(line) comments.append(p) comments.append(Spacer(1, 4)) for comment in comments: elements.append(comment) marker = marksheet.marker if marksheet.second_first_marker: marker2 = marksheet.second_first_marker tmp = two_markers(marker, marker2) else: tmp = marker.first_name + ' ' + marker.last_name marking_date = formatted_date(marksheet.marking_date) marked_by = [ [paragraph('Marked by'), bold_paragraph(tmp)], [paragraph('Date'), bold_paragraph(marking_date)]] marked_by_table = Table(marked_by) mark = [ [ paragraph('Mark'), Paragraph(mark, styles['Heading1'])], ['', '']] mark_table = Table(mark) mark_table.setStyle(TableStyle([('SPAN', (1, 0), (1, 1))])) last_data = [[marked_by_table, '', '', mark_table, '']] last_table = Table(last_data) last_table.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('SPAN', (0, 0), (2, 0)), ('SPAN', (3, -1), (-1, -1))]) ) elements.append(last_table) return elements def legal_problem_sheet(student, module, assessment): """Marksheet for Legal Problem Questions This is the standard marksheet for CCCU Law, including a marking grid with four different categories """ styles = getSampleStyleSheet() elements = [] performance = Performance.objects.get(student=student, module=module) marksheet = Marksheet.objects.get( student=student, module=module, assessment=assessment) assessment_title = bold(module.get_assessment_title(assessment)) mark = str(performance.get_assessment_result(assessment)) elements.append(logo()) elements.append(Spacer(1, 5)) title = heading('Law Undergraduate Assessment Sheet: Legal Problem') elements.append(title) elements.append(Spacer(1, 5)) last_name = [ bold_paragraph('Student family name'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(student.last_name)] first_name = [ paragraph('First name'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(student.first_name)] module_title = [ paragraph('Module Title'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(module.title)] module_code = [ paragraph('Module Code'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(module.code)] tmp = formatted_date(marksheet.submission_date) submission_date = [ paragraph('Submission Date'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(tmp)] assessment_title = [ paragraph('Assessment Title'), Spacer(1, 3), paragraph(assessment_title)] if module.get_assessment_max_wordcount(assessment): tmp = ( str(module.get_assessment_max_wordcount(assessment)) + ' Words max.') else: tmp = '' word_count = [ paragraph('Word Count'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(tmp)] criteria = paragraph('Criteria') category_1 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['LEGAL_PROBLEM']['i_1']) category_2 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['LEGAL_PROBLEM']['i_2']) category_3 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['LEGAL_PROBLEM']['i_3']) category_4 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['LEGAL_PROBLEM']['i_4']) data = [ [last_name, '', first_name, ''], [module_title, '', module_code, submission_date, ''], [assessment_title, '', word_count, '', ''], [criteria, category_1, category_2, category_3, category_4]] row = ['80 +'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['70 - 79'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['60 - 69'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['50 - 59'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['40 - 49'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['Under 40'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) t = Table(data) t.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('SPAN', (0, 0), (1, 0)), ('SPAN', (2, 0), (-1, 0)), ('SPAN', (0, 1), (1, 1)), ('SPAN', (3, 1), (-1, 1)), ('SPAN', (0, 2), (1, 2)), ('SPAN', (2, 2), (-1, 2)), ('BACKGROUND', (0, 3), (-1, 3), colors.lightgrey), ('BACKGROUND', (0, 4), (0, 9), colors.lightgrey), ('ALIGN', (1, 4), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,]) ) elements.append(t) comments = [ bold_paragraph('General Comments'), Spacer(1, 4)] feedbacklist = marksheet.comments.split('\n') for line in feedbacklist: if line != "": p = paragraph(line) comments.append(p) comments.append(Spacer(1, 4)) for comment in comments: elements.append(comment) marker = marksheet.marker if marksheet.second_first_marker: marker2 = marksheet.second_first_marker tmp = two_markers(marker, marker2) else: tmp = marker.first_name + ' ' + marker.last_name marking_date = formatted_date(marksheet.marking_date) marked_by = [ [paragraph('Marked by'), bold_paragraph(tmp)], [paragraph('Date'), bold_paragraph(marking_date)]] marked_by_table = Table(marked_by) mark = [ [ paragraph('Mark'), Paragraph(mark, styles['Heading1'])], ['', '']] mark_table = Table(mark) mark_table.setStyle(TableStyle([('SPAN', (1, 0), (1, 1))])) last_data = [[marked_by_table, '', '', mark_table, '']] last_table = Table(last_data) last_table.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('SPAN', (0, 0), (2, 0)), ('SPAN', (3, -1), (-1, -1))]) ) elements.append(last_table) return elements def presentation_sheet(student, module, assessment): """Marksheet for Oral Presentations This is the standard marksheet for individual presentations at CCCU Law, including a marking grid with X different categories """ styles = getSampleStyleSheet() elements = [] performance = Performance.objects.get(student=student, module=module) marksheet = Marksheet.objects.get( student=student, module=module, assessment=assessment) assessment_title = bold(module.get_assessment_title(assessment)) mark = str(performance.get_assessment_result(assessment)) elements.append(logo()) elements.append(Spacer(1, 5)) title = heading('Law Undergraduate Assessment Sheet: Oral Presentation') elements.append(title) elements.append(Spacer(1, 5)) last_name = [ bold_paragraph('Student family name'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(student.last_name)] first_name = [ paragraph('First name'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(student.first_name)] module_title = [ paragraph('Module Title'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(module.title)] module_code = [ paragraph('Module Code'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(module.code)] tmp = formatted_date(marksheet.submission_date) submission_date = [ paragraph('Presentation Date'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(tmp)] assessment_title = [ paragraph('Assessment Title'), Spacer(1, 3), paragraph(assessment_title)] criteria = paragraph('Criteria') category_1 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['PRESENTATION']['i_1']) category_2 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['PRESENTATION']['i_2']) category_3 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['PRESENTATION']['i_3']) data = [ [last_name, '', first_name, ''], [module_title, '', module_code, submission_date], [assessment_title, '', '', ''], [criteria, category_1, category_2, category_3]] row = ['80 +'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['70 - 79'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['60 - 69'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['50 - 59'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['40 - 49'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['Under 40'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) t = Table(data) t.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('SPAN', (0, 0), (1, 0)), ('SPAN', (2, 0), (-1, 0)), ('SPAN', (0, 1), (1, 1)), ('SPAN', (0, 2), (-1, 2)), ('BACKGROUND', (0, 3), (-1, 3), colors.lightgrey), ('BACKGROUND', (0, 4), (0, 9), colors.lightgrey), ('ALIGN', (1, 4), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,]) ) elements.append(t) comments = [ bold_paragraph('General Comments'), Spacer(1, 4)] feedbacklist = marksheet.comments.split('\n') for line in feedbacklist: if line != "": p = paragraph(line) comments.append(p) comments.append(Spacer(1, 4)) for comment in comments: elements.append(comment) marker = marksheet.marker if marksheet.second_first_marker: marker2 = marksheet.second_first_marker tmp = two_markers(marker, marker2) else: tmp = marker.first_name + ' ' + marker.last_name marking_date = formatted_date(marksheet.marking_date) marked_by = [ [paragraph('Marked by'), bold_paragraph(tmp)], [paragraph('Date'), bold_paragraph(marking_date)]] marked_by_table = Table(marked_by) mark = [ [ paragraph('Mark'), Paragraph(mark, styles['Heading1']) ], ['', '']] mark_table = Table(mark) mark_table.setStyle(TableStyle([('SPAN', (1, 0), (1, 1))])) last_data = [[marked_by_table, '', '', mark_table, '']] last_table = Table(last_data) last_table.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('SPAN', (0, 0), (2, 0)), ('SPAN', (3, -1), (-1, -1))]) ) elements.append(last_table) return elements def essay_legal_problem_sheet(student, module, assessment): """Marksheet for a cross between Essay and legal problem This consists of the essay marksheet combined with the legal problem grid and two different comment sections """ styles = getSampleStyleSheet() elements = [] performance = Performance.objects.get(student=student, module=module) marksheet = Marksheet.objects.get( student=student, module=module, assessment=assessment) assessment_title = bold(module.get_assessment_title(assessment)) mark = str(performance.get_assessment_result(assessment)) elements.append(logo()) elements.append(Spacer(1, 5)) title = heading( 'Law Undergraduate Assessment Sheet: Essay / Legal Problem') elements.append(title) elements.append(Spacer(1, 5)) last_name = [ bold_paragraph('Student family name'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(student.last_name)] first_name = [ paragraph('First name'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(student.first_name)] module_title = [ paragraph('Module Title'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(module.title)] module_code = [ paragraph('Module Code'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(module.code)] tmp = formatted_date(marksheet.submission_date) submission_date = [ paragraph('Submission Date'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(tmp)] assessment_title = [ paragraph('Assessment Title'), Spacer(1, 3), paragraph(assessment_title)] if module.get_assessment_max_wordcount(assessment): tmp = ( str(module.get_assessment_max_wordcount(assessment)) + ' Words max.') else: tmp = '' word_count = [ paragraph('Word Count'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(tmp)] criteria = paragraph('Criteria') category_1 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['ESSAY']['i_1']) category_2 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['ESSAY']['i_2']) category_3 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['ESSAY']['i_3']) category_4 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['ESSAY']['i_4']) category_5 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['LEGAL_PROBLEM']['i_1']) category_6 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['LEGAL_PROBLEM']['i_2']) category_7 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['LEGAL_PROBLEM']['i_3']) category_8 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['LEGAL_PROBLEM']['i_4']) data = [ [last_name, '', first_name, ''], [module_title, '', module_code, submission_date, ''], [assessment_title, '', word_count, '', '']] t = Table(data) t.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('SPAN', (0, 0), (1, 0)), ('SPAN', (2, 0), (-1, 0)), ('SPAN', (0, 1), (1, 1)), ('SPAN', (3, 1), (-1, 1)), ('SPAN', (0, 2), (1, 2)), ('SPAN', (2, 2), (-1, 2)), ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,]) ) elements.append(t) elements.append(Spacer(1, 5)) subtitle = Paragraph('Feedback for Part (a): Essay', styles['Heading3']) elements.append(subtitle) elements.append(Spacer(1, 5)) data = [[criteria, category_1, category_2, category_3, category_4]] row = ['80 +'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['70 - 79'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['60 - 69'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['50 - 59'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['40 - 49'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['Under 40'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) t = Table(data) t.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, 0), colors.lightgrey), ('BACKGROUND', (0, 1), (0, -1), colors.lightgrey), ('ALIGN', (1, 1), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,]) ) elements.append(t) elements.append(Spacer(1, 5)) comments = [ bold_paragraph('General Comments'), Spacer(1, 4)] feedbacklist = marksheet.comments.split('\n') for line in feedbacklist: if line != "": p = paragraph(line) comments.append(p) comments.append(Spacer(1, 4)) for comment in comments: elements.append(comment) part_1_mark_data = [[ Paragraph('Mark for part(a)', styles['Heading4']), Paragraph(str(marksheet.part_1_mark), styles['Heading4'])]] part_1_mark_table = Table(part_1_mark_data) part_1_mark_table.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,]) ) elements.append(part_1_mark_table) elements.append(PageBreak()) heading_2 = Paragraph( 'Feedback for Part (b): Legal Problem', styles['Heading3']) elements.append(heading_2) elements.append(Spacer(1, 4)) data_2 = [[criteria, category_5, category_6, category_7, category_8]] row = ['80 +'] if marksheet.category_mark_5 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_6 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_7 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_8 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data_2.append(row) row = ['70 - 79'] if marksheet.category_mark_5 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_6 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_7 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_8 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data_2.append(row) row = ['60 - 69'] if marksheet.category_mark_5 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_6 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_7 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_8 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data_2.append(row) row = ['50 - 59'] if marksheet.category_mark_5 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_6 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_7 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_8 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data_2.append(row) row = ['40 - 49'] if marksheet.category_mark_5 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_6 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_7 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_8 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data_2.append(row) row = ['Under 40'] if marksheet.category_mark_5 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_6 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_7 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_8 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data_2.append(row) t_2 = Table(data_2) t_2.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, 0), colors.lightgrey), ('BACKGROUND', (0, 1), (0, -1), colors.lightgrey), ('ALIGN', (1, 4), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,]) ) elements.append(t_2) elements.append(Spacer(1, 5)) comments_2 = [ bold_paragraph('General Comments'), Spacer(1, 4)] feedbacklist_2 = marksheet.comments_2.split('\n') for line in feedbacklist_2: if line != "": p = paragraph(line) comments_2.append(p) comments_2.append(Spacer(1, 4)) for comment in comments_2: elements.append(comment) part_2_mark_data = [[ Paragraph('Mark for part(b)', styles['Heading4']), Paragraph(str(marksheet.part_2_mark), styles['Heading4']) ]] part_2_mark_table = Table(part_2_mark_data) part_2_mark_table.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,]) ) elements.append(part_2_mark_table) elements.append(Spacer(1, 10)) marker = marksheet.marker if marksheet.second_first_marker: marker2 = marksheet.second_first_marker tmp = two_markers(marker, marker2) else: tmp = marker.first_name + ' ' + marker.last_name marking_date = formatted_date(marksheet.marking_date) marked_by = [ [paragraph('Marked by'), bold_paragraph(tmp)], [paragraph('Date'), bold_paragraph(marking_date)]] marked_by_table = Table(marked_by) mark = [ [ paragraph('Final Mark for (a) and (b)'), Paragraph(mark, styles['Heading1']) ], ['', '']] mark_table = Table(mark) mark_table.setStyle(TableStyle([('SPAN', (1, 0), (1, 1))])) last_data = [[marked_by_table, '', '', mark_table, '']] last_table = Table(last_data) last_table.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('SPAN', (0, 0), (2, 0)), ('SPAN', (3, -1), (-1, -1))]) ) elements.append(last_table) return elements def online_test_court_report_sheet(student, module, assessment): """Marksheet for Online Test / Court Report This is a custom marksheet that allows to combine a mark for an online test with a court report. Essentially, it is the essay marksheet with a few extra points. """ styles = getSampleStyleSheet() elements = [] performance = Performance.objects.get(student=student, module=module) marksheet = Marksheet.objects.get( student=student, module=module, assessment=assessment) assessment_title = bold(module.get_assessment_title(assessment)) mark = str(performance.get_assessment_result(assessment)) elements.append(logo()) elements.append(Spacer(1, 5)) title = heading( 'Law Undergraduate Assessment Sheet: Online Test / Court Report') elements.append(title) elements.append(Spacer(1, 5)) last_name = [ bold_paragraph('Student family name'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(student.last_name)] first_name = [ paragraph('First name'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(student.first_name)] module_title = [ paragraph('Module Title'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(module.title)] module_code = [ paragraph('Module Code'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(module.code)] tmp = formatted_date(marksheet.submission_date) submission_date = [ paragraph('Submission Date'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(tmp)] assessment_title = [ paragraph('Assessment Title'), Spacer(1, 3), paragraph(assessment_title)] if module.get_assessment_max_wordcount(assessment): tmp = ( str(module.get_assessment_max_wordcount(assessment)) + ' Words max.') else: tmp = '' word_count = [ paragraph('Word Count'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(tmp)] criteria = paragraph('Criteria') category_1 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['ESSAY']['i_1']) category_2 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['ESSAY']['i_2']) category_3 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['ESSAY']['i_3']) category_4 = paragraph(CATEGORIES['ESSAY']['i_4']) data = [ [last_name, '', first_name, ''], [module_title, '', module_code, submission_date, ''], [assessment_title, '', word_count, '', ''], [criteria, category_1, category_2, category_3, category_4] ] row = ['80 +'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 80: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['70 - 79'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 79: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['60 - 69'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 69: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['50 - 59'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 59: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['40 - 49'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 49: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) row = ['Under 40'] if marksheet.category_mark_1 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_2 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_3 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') if marksheet.category_mark_4 == 39: row.append('X') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) t = Table(data) t.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('SPAN', (0, 0), (1, 0)), ('SPAN', (2, 0), (-1, 0)), ('SPAN', (0, 1), (1, 1)), ('SPAN', (3, 1), (-1, 1)), ('SPAN', (0, 2), (1, 2)), ('SPAN', (2, 2), (-1, 2)), ('BACKGROUND', (0, 3), (-1, 3), colors.lightgrey), ('BACKGROUND', (0, 4), (0, 9), colors.lightgrey), ('ALIGN', (1, 4), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25, ]) ) elements.append(t) comments = [ bold_paragraph('General Comments'), Spacer(1, 4)] feedbacklist = marksheet.comments.split('\n') for line in feedbacklist: if line != "": p = paragraph(line) comments.append(p) comments.append(Spacer(1, 4)) for comment in comments: elements.append(comment) marker = marksheet.marker if marksheet.second_first_marker: marker2 = marksheet.second_first_marker tmp = two_markers(marker, marker2) else: tmp = marker.first_name + ' ' + marker.last_name marking_date = formatted_date(marksheet.marking_date) marked_by = [ [paragraph('Marked by'), bold_paragraph(tmp)], [paragraph('Date'), bold_paragraph(marking_date)]] marked_by_table = Table(marked_by) mark = [ [ paragraph('Combined Mark'), Paragraph(mark, styles['Heading1']) ], ['', ''] ] mark_table = Table(mark) mark_table.setStyle(TableStyle([('SPAN', (1, 0), (1, 1))])) court = 'Mark for Court Report: ' + str(marksheet.part_1_mark) online = 'Mark for On Line Test: ' + str(marksheet.part_2_mark) last_data = [ ['', '', paragraph(court)], ['', '', paragraph(online)], [marked_by_table, '', '', mark_table]] last_table = Table(last_data) last_table.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('SPAN', (0, 0), (1, 1)), ('SPAN', (2, 0), (3, 0)), ('SPAN', (2, 1), (3, 1)), ('SPAN', (0, -1), (2, -1)) ]) ) elements.append(last_table) return elements def negotiation_written_sheet(student, module, assessment): """Marksheet for the assessment 'Negotiation / Written Submission' This is an assessment that includes a group component and is therefore a little more complex. """ elements = [] styles = getSampleStyleSheet() performance = Performance.objects.get(student=student, module=module) marksheet = Marksheet.objects.get( student=student, module=module, assessment=assessment ) group_no = performance.group_assessment_group group_feedback = GroupMarksheet.objects.get( module=module, assessment=assessment, group_no=group_no ) mark = str(performance.get_assessment_result(assessment)) elements.append(logo()) elements.append(Spacer(1, 3)) title = heading( 'Law Undergraduate Assessment Sheet: Negotiation Study', 'Heading3' ) elements.append(title) elements.append(Spacer(1, 3)) last_name = [ bold_paragraph('Student family name'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(student.last_name)] first_name = [ paragraph('First name'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(student.first_name)] module_title = [ paragraph('Module Title'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph('ELIM')] module_code = [ paragraph('Module Code'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(module.code)] tmp = formatted_date(group_feedback.submission_date) submission_date = [ paragraph('Presentation Date'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(tmp)] tmp = str(performance.seminar_group) + '/' + str(group_no) group_number = [ paragraph('Seminar/LAU Group'), Spacer(1, 3), bold_paragraph(tmp)] individual_category_1 = bold_paragraph( CATEGORIES['NEGOTIATION_WRITTEN']['i_1']) individual_category_2 = bold_paragraph( CATEGORIES['NEGOTIATION_WRITTEN']['i_2']) individual_category_3 = bold_paragraph( CATEGORIES['NEGOTIATION_WRITTEN']['i_3']) individual_category_4 = bold_paragraph( CATEGORIES['NEGOTIATION_WRITTEN']['i_4']) group_category_1 = bold_paragraph(CATEGORIES['NEGOTIATION_WRITTEN']['g_1']) group_category_2 = bold_paragraph(CATEGORIES['NEGOTIATION_WRITTEN']['g_2']) group_category_3 = bold_paragraph(CATEGORIES['NEGOTIATION_WRITTEN']['g_3']) group_category_4 = bold_paragraph(CATEGORIES['NEGOTIATION_WRITTEN']['g_4']) deduction_explanation = ( paragraph(CATEGORIES['NEGOTIATION_WRITTEN']['i_4_helptext'])) marker = marksheet.marker if marksheet.second_first_marker: marker2 = marksheet.second_first_marker tmp = two_markers(marker, marker2) else: tmp = marker.first_name + ' ' + marker.last_name marking_date = formatted_date(marksheet.marking_date) marked_by = [ [paragraph('Marked by'), bold_paragraph(tmp)], [paragraph('Date'), bold_paragraph(marking_date)]] marked_by_table = Table(marked_by) mark = [ [ paragraph('Mark'), Paragraph(mark, styles['Heading1']) ], ['', '']] mark_table = Table(mark) mark_table.setStyle(TableStyle([('SPAN', (1, 0), (1, 1))])) table_header_1 = bold_paragraph('Part 1: Assessed Negotiation') table_header_2 = bold_paragraph('Marks Available') table_header_3 = bold_paragraph('Marks Awarded') part_1_subheader = bold_paragraph('1. Individual Work') part_2_subheader = bold_paragraph('2. Group Work') sub_total_1_string = bold_paragraph('Sub-Total Part 1') sub_total_1 = 0 if marksheet.category_mark_1_free is not None: sub_total_1 += marksheet.category_mark_1_free if group_feedback.category_mark_1_free is not None: sub_total_1 += group_feedback.category_mark_1_free if group_feedback.category_mark_2_free is not None: sub_total_1 += group_feedback.category_mark_2_free table_header_4 = bold_paragraph( 'Part 2: Individual and Written Submission' ) sub_total_2_string = paragraph('Sub-Total Part 2') sub_total_2 = 0 if marksheet.category_mark_2_free is not None: sub_total_2 += marksheet.category_mark_2_free if marksheet.category_mark_3_free is not None: sub_total_2 += marksheet.category_mark_3_free if group_feedback.category_mark_3_free is not None: sub_total_2 += group_feedback.category_mark_3_free if group_feedback.category_mark_4_free is not None: sub_total_2 += group_feedback.category_mark_4_free deductions_h_1 = bold_paragraph('Deductions possible') deductions_h_2 = bold_paragraph('Deductions incurred') i_mark_1 = str(marksheet.category_mark_1_free) i_mark_2 = str(marksheet.category_mark_2_free) i_mark_3 = str(marksheet.category_mark_3_free) i_mark_4 = str(marksheet.category_mark_4_free) g_mark_1 = str(group_feedback.category_mark_1_free) g_mark_2 = str(group_feedback.category_mark_2_free) g_mark_3 = str(group_feedback.category_mark_3_free) g_mark_4 = str(group_feedback.category_mark_4_free) data = [[last_name, first_name, group_number, ''], [module_title, module_code, submission_date, ''], ['', '', '', ''], ['', '', table_header_2, table_header_3], [table_header_1, '', '', ''], [part_1_subheader, '', '', ''], [individual_category_1, '', '40', i_mark_1], [part_2_subheader, '', '', ''], [group_category_1, '', '10', g_mark_1], [group_category_2, '', '10', g_mark_2], [sub_total_1_string, '', '60', sub_total_1], [table_header_4, '', '', ''], [part_1_subheader, '', '', ''], [individual_category_2, '', '10', i_mark_2], [individual_category_3, '', '10', i_mark_3], [part_2_subheader, '', '', ''], [group_category_3, '', '10', g_mark_3], [group_category_4, '', '10', g_mark_4], [sub_total_2_string, '', '40', sub_total_2], [individual_category_4, '', deductions_h_1, deductions_h_2], [deduction_explanation, '', '12', i_mark_4] ] t = Table(data) t.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('SPAN', (-2, 0), (-1, 0)), ('SPAN', (-2, 1), (-1, 1)), ('SPAN', (0, 2), (-1, 2)), ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, 1), 0.25,, ('SPAN', (0, 3), (1, 3)), ('SPAN', (0, 4), (1, 4)), ('SPAN', (0, 5), (1, 5)), ('SPAN', (0, 6), (1, 6)), ('SPAN', (0, 7), (1, 7)), ('SPAN', (0, 8), (1, 8)), ('SPAN', (0, 9), (1, 9)), ('BACKGROUND', (0, 10), (-1, 10), colors.lightgrey), ('SPAN', (0, 10), (1, 10)), ('SPAN', (0, 11), (1, 11)), ('SPAN', (0, 12), (1, 12)), ('SPAN', (0, 13), (1, 13)), ('SPAN', (0, 14), (1, 14)), ('SPAN', (0, 15), (1, 15)), ('SPAN', (0, 16), (1, 16)), ('SPAN', (0, 17), (1, 17)), ('SPAN', (0, 18), (1, 18)), ('SPAN', (0, 19), (1, 19)), ('SPAN', (0, 20), (1, 20)), ('BACKGROUND', (0, 18), (-1, 18), colors.lightgrey), ('BOX', (0, 3), (-1, -1), 0.25,]) ) elements.append(t) elements.append(PageBreak()) # Individual Comments individual_comments = [ bold_paragraph('Comment on <u>Individual</u> Work for part 1 and 2'), Spacer(1, 4)] feedbacklist = marksheet.comments.split('\n') for line in feedbacklist: if line != "": p = paragraph(line) individual_comments.append(p) individual_comments.append(Spacer(1, 4)) # Group Comments group_comments = [ bold_paragraph('Comment on <u>Group</u> Work for part 1 and 2'), Spacer(1, 4)] feedbacklist = group_feedback.group_comments.split('\n') for line in feedbacklist: if line != "": p = paragraph(line) group_comments.append(p) group_comments.append(Spacer(1, 4)) # Final table last_data = [ [individual_comments, '', '', ''], [group_comments, '', '', ''], [marked_by_table, '', mark_table, ''] ] last_table = Table(last_data) last_table.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('SPAN', (0, 0), (-1, 0)), ('SPAN', (0, 1), (-1, 1)), ('SPAN', (0, 2), (1, 2)), ('SPAN', (2, 2), (-1, 2)), ('BACKGROUND', (0, -1), (-1, -1), colors.lightgrey)]) ) elements.append(last_table) return elements # Functions called from website @login_required def export_feedback_sheet(request, code, year, assessment, student_id): """Will export either one or multiple feedback sheets. This needs to be given the student id or the string 'all' if you want all marksheets for the assessment. It will only work if the person requesting is a teacher, an admin or the student the marksheet is about. """ module = Module.objects.get(code=code, year=year) assessment_title = get_title(module, assessment) assessment_type = module.get_marksheet_type(assessment) if student_id == 'all': if is_teacher(request.user) or is_admin(request.user): response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf') first_part = module.title.replace(' ', '_') second_part = assessment_title.replace(' ', '_') filename_string = ( 'attachment; filename=' + first_part + '_' + second_part + '_-_all_marksheets.pdf') all_students = module.student_set.all() documentlist = [] students = [] # Only the students where feedback has been entered for student in all_students: try: performance = Marksheet.objects.get( student=student, module=module, assessment=assessment) students.append(student) except Marksheet.DoesNotExist: pass for student in students: if assessment_type == 'ESSAY': elements = essay_sheet(student, module, assessment) elif assessment_type == 'LEGAL_PROBLEM': elements = legal_problem_sheet( student, module, assessment) elif assessment_type == 'PRESENTATION': elements = presentation_sheet(student, module, assessment) elif assessment_type == 'ESSAY_LEGAL_PROBLEM': elements = essay_legal_problem_sheet( student, module, assessment) elif assessment_type == 'ONLINE_TEST_COURT_REPORT': elements = online_test_court_report_sheet( student, module, assessment) elif assessment_type == 'NEGOTIATION_WRITTEN': elements = negotiation_written_sheet( student, module, assessment) for element in elements: documentlist.append(element) documentlist.append(PageBreak()) response['Content-Disposition'] = filename_string document = SimpleDocTemplate(response) document.setAuthor = 'Canterbury Christ Church University' return response else: return HttpResponseForbidden() else: student = Student.objects.get(student_id=student_id) own_marksheet = False # Just for the filename allowed = False if is_teacher(request.user) or is_admin(request.user): allowed = True elif is_student(request.user): if student.belongs_to == request.user: own_marksheet = True allowed = True if allowed: module = Module.objects.get(code=code, year=year) response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf') assessment_title_string = get_title(module, assessment) if own_marksheet: first_part = module.title.replace(' ', '_') second_part = assessment_title_string.replace(' ', '_') filename_string = ( 'attachment; filename=' + first_part + '_' + second_part + '_Marksheet.pdf' ) else: ln = student.last_name.replace(' ', '_') fn = student.first_name.replace(' ', '_') filename_string = ( 'attachment; filename=' + ln + '_' + fn + '.pdf' ) response['Content-Disposition'] = filename_string document = SimpleDocTemplate(response) document.setAuthor = 'Canterbury Christ Church University' if assessment_type == 'ESSAY': elements = essay_sheet(student, module, assessment) elif assessment_type == 'LEGAL_PROBLEM': elements = legal_problem_sheet( student, module, assessment ) elif assessment_type == 'PRESENTATION': elements = presentation_sheet(student, module, assessment) elif assessment_type == 'ESSAY_LEGAL_PROBLEM': elements = essay_legal_problem_sheet( student, module, assessment) elif assessment_type == 'ONLINE_TEST_COURT_REPORT': elements = online_test_court_report_sheet( student, module, assessment) elif assessment_type == 'NEGOTIATION_WRITTEN': elements = negotiation_written_sheet( student, module, assessment) return response else: return HttpResponseForbidden() @login_required @user_passes_test(is_teacher) def export_attendance_sheet(request, code, year): """Returns attendance sheets for a module.""" response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = ( 'attachment; filename=attendance_sheet.pdf') document = SimpleDocTemplate(response) elements = [] module = Module.objects.get(code=code, year=year) styles = getSampleStyleSheet() next_year = str(module.year + 1) heading = ( module.title + " (" + module.code + ") " + str(module.year) + "/" + next_year) performances = Performance.objects.filter(module=module) no_of_seminar_groups = 0 for performance in performances: if performance.seminar_group > no_of_seminar_groups: no_of_seminar_groups = performance.seminar_group counter = 0 while counter < no_of_seminar_groups: counter += 1 subheading = "Seminar Group " + str(counter) elements.append(Paragraph(heading, styles['Heading1'])) elements.append(Paragraph(subheading, styles['Heading2'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, 20)) data = [] header = ['Name'] column = 0 last_week = module.last_session + 1 no_teaching = module.no_teaching_in.split(",") for week in range(module.first_session, last_week): strweek = str(week) if strweek not in no_teaching: header.append(strweek) data.append(header) performances = Performance.objects.filter( module=module, seminar_group=counter) for performance in performances: row = [performance.student] for week in performance.attendance: if week == '1': row.append(u'\u2713') elif week == 'e': row.append('e') else: row.append(' ') data.append(row) table = Table(data) table.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, 0), colors.lightgrey), ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (0, -1), colors.lightgrey), ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,]) ) elements.append(table) elements.append(PageBreak()) return response @login_required @user_passes_test(is_admin) def export_all_anonymous_exam_marks(request, year): """Gives an overview of all anonymous marks in the year""" modules = Module.objects.filter(year=year) modules_to_use = [] for module in modules: if module.exam_value: marks = AnonymousMarks.objects.filter(module=module) for mark in marks: if mark.exam: modules_to_use.append(module) break response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = ( 'attachment; filename=anonymous_exam_marks.pdf') doc = BaseDocTemplate(response) elements = [] styles = getSampleStyleSheet() frame1 = Frame( doc.leftMargin, doc.bottomMargin, doc.width/2-6, doc.height, id='col1') frame2 = Frame( doc.leftMargin+doc.width/2+6, doc.bottomMargin, doc.width/2-6, doc.height, id='col2') d = formatted_date( datenow = "Exported from MySDS, the CCCU Law DB on " + d for module in modules_to_use: heading = ( "Anonymous Marks for " + module.title + " (" + str(module.year) + "/" + str(module.year + 1) + ")") elements.append(Paragraph(heading, styles['Heading2'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, 20)) data = [] header = ['Exam ID', 'Exam Mark'] data.append(header) marks = AnonymousMarks.objects.filter(module=module) for mark in marks: row = [mark.exam_id, mark.exam] data.append(row) table = Table(data, repeatRows=1) table.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, 0), colors.lightgrey), ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,]) ) elements.append(table) elements.append(paragraph(datenow)) elements.append(PageBreak()) doc.addPageTemplates([PageTemplate(id='TwoCol', frames=[frame1, frame2])]) return response @login_required @user_passes_test(is_teacher) def export_anonymous_marks(request, code, year, assessment): """Gives an overview of anonymous marks for an assessment""" module = Module.objects.get(code=code, year=year) response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf') module_string = module.title.replace(" ", "_") filename_string = 'attachment; filename=' filename_string += module_string filename_string += '.pdf' response['Content-Disposition'] = filename_string doc = BaseDocTemplate(response) elements = [] styles = getSampleStyleSheet() frame1 = Frame( doc.leftMargin, doc.bottomMargin, doc.width/2-6, doc.height, id='col1') frame2 = Frame( doc.leftMargin+doc.width/2+6, doc.bottomMargin, doc.width/2-6, doc.height, id='col2') d = formatted_date( datenow = "Exported from MySDS, the CCCU Law DB on " + d heading = ( "Anonymous Marks for " + module.title + " (" + str(module.year) + "/" + str(module.year + 1) + ") - ") if assessment == 'exam': heading += "Exam" else: assessment = int(assessment) heading += module.get_assessment_title(assessment) elements.append(Paragraph(heading, styles['Heading2'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, 20)) data = [] header = ['Exam ID', 'Mark'] data.append(header) marks = AnonymousMarks.objects.filter(module=module) for mark in marks: row = [mark.exam_id, mark.get_assessment_result(assessment)] data.append(row) table = Table(data, repeatRows=1) table.setStyle( TableStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, 0), colors.lightgrey), ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,]) ) elements.append(table) elements.append(Spacer(1, 20)) elements.append(paragraph(datenow)) doc.addPageTemplates([PageTemplate(id='TwoCol', frames=[frame1, frame2])]) return response @login_required @user_passes_test(is_teacher) def export_marks(request, code, year): """Gives a useful sheet of all marks for the module. Students will be highlighted if they failed the module, or if a QLD student failed a component in a Foundational module """ module = Module.objects.get(code=code, year=year) response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf') filename = module.title.replace(" ", "_") filename += "_Marks_" + str(module.year) + ".pdf" responsestring = 'attachment; filename=' + filename response['Content-Disposition'] = responsestring doc = SimpleDocTemplate(response) doc.pagesize = landscape(A4) elements = [] styles = getSampleStyleSheet() d = formatted_date( datenow = "Exported from MySDS, the CCCU Law DB on " + d modulestring = ( module.title + ' (' + module.code + ') ' + str(module.year) + '/' + str(module.year + 1) ) heading = "Marks for " + modulestring elements.append(Paragraph(heading, styles['Heading2'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, 20)) data = [] header = ['ID', 'Student', ' Programme', 'QLD'] assessment_range = [] if module.assessment_1_value: title = ( module.assessment_1_title.strip() + ' (' + str(module.assessment_1_value) + '%)' ) assessment_range.append('1') header.append(paragraph(title)) if module.assessment_2_value: title = ( module.assessment_2_title.strip() + ' (' + str(module.assessment_2_value) + '%)' ) assessment_range.append('2') header.append(paragraph(title)) if module.assessment_3_value: title = ( module.assessment_3_title.strip() + ' (' + str(module.assessment_3_value) + '%)' ) assessment_range.append('3') header.append(paragraph(title)) if module.assessment_4_value: title = ( module.assessment_4_title.strip() + ' (' + str(module.assessment_4_value) + '%)' ) assessment_range.append('4') header.append(paragraph(title)) if module.assessment_5_value: title = ( module.assessment_5_title.strip() + ' (' + str(module.assessment_5_value) + '%)' ) assessment_range.append('5') header.append(paragraph(title)) if module.assessment_6_value: title = ( module.assessment_6_title.strip() + ' (' + str(module.assessment_6_value) + '%)' ) assessment_range.append('6') header.append(paragraph(title)) if module.exam_value: title = ( 'Exam (' + str(module.exam_value) + '%)' ) assessment_range.append('exam') header.append(paragraph(title)) header.append('Total') header.append('Notes') data.append(header) performances = Performance.objects.filter(module=module) counter = 0 highlight = [] # This needs to be replaced once model changes ls = Course.objects.get( title='BSc (Hons) Legal Studies / Sport And Exercise Science') llb = Course.objects.get( title='LLB (Hons) Bachelor Of Law') business = Course.objects.get( title='LLB (Hons) Bachelor Of Law With Business Studies') ac = Course.objects.get( title='LLB (Hons) Bachelor Of Law With Criminology') fi = Course.objects.get( title='LLB (Hons) Bachelor Of Law With Forensic Investigation') ir = Course.objects.get( title='LLB (Hons) Bachelor Of Law With International Relations') soc = Course.objects.get( title='LLB (Hons) Bachelor Of Law With Sociology') # <<< for performance in performances: counter += 1 student = ( performance.student.last_name + ", " + performance.student.short_first_name() ) row = [performance.student.student_id, paragraph(student)] # This needs to be replaced once model changes if performance.student.course == llb: course = 'LLB' elif performance.student.course == business: course = 'LLB/Business' elif performance.student.course == ac: course = 'LLB/AC' elif performance.student.course == fi: course = 'LLB/FI' elif performance.student.course == ir: course = 'LLB/IR' elif performance.student.course == soc: course = 'LLB/Sociology' elif performance.student.course == ls: course = 'LS/Sport' else: course = '' row.append(course) # <<< if performance.student.qld: row.append(u'\u2713') else: row.append(' ') notes = '' if performance.average < PASSMARK: highlight_yellow = True else: highlight_yellow = False highlight_red = False for assessment in assessment_range: concession = performance.get_concession(assessment) assessment_title = module.get_assessment_title(assessment) assessment_title = assessment_title.strip() granted_or_pending = False if concession == 'G': granted_or_pending = True if assessment == 'exam': if len(notes) == 0: notes = 'Sit exam' else: notes += ', sit exam' else: if len(notes) == 0: notes = 'Submit ' + assessment_title else: notes += ', submit ' + assessment_title if concession == 'P': granted_or_pending = True if assessment == 'exam': if len(notes) == 0: notes = 'Concession for exam pending' else: notes += ', concession for exam pending' else: if len(notes) == 0: notes = ( 'Concession for ' + assessment_title + ' pending') else: notes += ( ', concession for ' + assessment_title + ' pending') if performance.get_assessment_result(assessment): row.append(performance.get_assessment_result(assessment)) if module.is_foundational and performance.student.qld: if (performance.get_assessment_result(assessment) < PASSMARK): if not granted_or_pending: if assessment == 'exam': if len(notes) == 0: notes = 'Resit exam' else: notes += ', resit exam' else: if len(notes) == 0: notes = 'Resubmit ' + assessment_title else: notes += ', resubmit ' + assessment_title if not highlight_yellow: highlight_red = True elif performance.average < PASSMARK: if (performance.get_assessment_result(assessment) < PASSMARK): if not granted_or_pending: if assessment == 'exam': if len(notes) == 0: notes = 'Resit exam' else: notes += ', resit exam' else: if len(notes) == 0: notes = 'Reubmit ' + assessment_title else: notes += ', resubmit ' + assessment_title else: row.append('-') if module.is_foundational and performance.student.qld: if (performance.get_assessment_result(assessment) < PASSMARK): if not granted_or_pending: if assessment == 'exam': if len(notes) == 0: notes = 'Resit exam' else: notes += ', resit exam' else: if len(notes) == 0: notes = 'Resubmit ' + assessment_title else: notes += ', resubmit ' + assessment_title if not highlight_yellow: highlight_red = True elif performance.average < PASSMARK: if (performance.get_assessment_result(assessment) < PASSMARK): if not granted_or_pending: if assessment == 'exam': if len(notes) == 0: notes = 'Resit exam' else: notes += ', resit exam' else: if len(notes) == 0: notes = 'Reubmit ' + assessment_title else: notes += ', resubmit ' + assessment_title if performance.average: row.append(performance.average) else: row.append('-') highlight_yellow = True notes_paragraph = paragraph(notes) row.append(notes_paragraph) data.append(row) if highlight_yellow: highlight.append((counter, 'y')) if highlight_red: highlight.append((counter, 'r')) table = Table(data, repeatRows=1) tablestyle = [ ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, 0), colors.grey), ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25, ] for item in highlight: if item[1] == 'r': tablestyle.append( ('BACKGROUND', (0, item[0]), (-1, item[0]), ) if item[1] == 'y': tablestyle.append( ('BACKGROUND', (0, item[0]), (-1, item[0]), colors.yellow) ) table.setStyle(TableStyle(tablestyle)) elements.append(table) elements.append(Spacer(1, 20)) elements.append(paragraph(datenow)) elements.append(PageBreak()) return response def sample_pack(request, code, year): """Prepares a nice sample pack for the external examiner""" module = Module.objects.get(code=code, year=year) response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf') tmp = module.title.replace(" ", "_") filename_string = 'attachment; filename=' + tmp + '_examiners_pack.pdf' response['Content-Disposition'] = filename_string document = SimpleDocTemplate(response) elements = [] styles = getSampleStyleSheet() performances = list(Performance.objects.filter(module=module)) samplesize = sample_size(len(performances)) per_range = round(samplesize / 5) # Fail, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70 + sample = {} for assessment in module.get_assessment_range(): shuffle(performances) # Make sure the marks are from all over add = [] first = [] two_one = [] two_two = [] third = [] fail = [] leftover = [] # Needed if there are less than per_range in one complete = False for performance in performances: mark = performance.get_assessment_result(assessment) if mark: if mark > 69: if len(first) < per_range: first.append(performance) else: leftover.append(performance) elif mark > 59: if len(two_one) < per_range: two_one.append(performance) else: leftover.append(performance) elif mark > 49: if len(two_two) < per_range: two_two.append(performance) else: leftover.append(performance) elif mark > 39: if len(third) < per_range: third.append(performance) else: leftover.append(performance) else: if len(fail) < per_range: fail.append(performance) else: leftover.append(performance) this_sample = first + two_one + two_two + third + fail while len(this_sample) < samplesize: this_sample.append(leftover.pop()) this_sample.sort( key=lambda x: x.get_assessment_result(assessment), reverse=True) sample[assessment] = this_sample title = heading('Checklist, not part of the pack') elements.append(title) assessment_string = ( 'Assessments (at the end, together with the marksheets included in ' + 'this bundle)') data = [ [ bold_paragraph('Make sure to add the following to this pack'), '', '', ''], ['The module handbook (after the title page)', '', '', ''], [bold_paragraph(assessment_string), '', '', ''] ] headline = [0, 2] only_one = [1] counter = 2 for assessment in module.get_assessment_range(): if module.get_assessment_title(assessment) == 'Exam': blind = True else: blind = False newline = True counter += 1 title = bold_paragraph(module.get_assessment_title(assessment)) headline.append(counter) data.append([title, '', '', '']) counter += 1 title = paragraph( 'Instructions for ' + module.get_assessment_title(assessment)) data.append([title, '', '', '']) only_one.append(counter) this_sample = sample[assessment] for performance in this_sample: if newline: print "True" counter += 1 if blind: first_column = performance.student.exam_id print first_column else: first_column = performance.student.__unicode__() newline = False else: if blind: data.append( [ first_column, '', performance.student.exam_id, '' ]) else: data.append( [ first_column, '', performance.student.__unicode__(), '' ]) newline = True t = Table(data, colWidths=(200, 20, 200, 20)) style = [ ('BOX', (0, 1), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('INNERGRID', (0, 1), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ] for line in headline: style.append(('SPAN', (0, line), (-1, line))) for line in only_one: style.append(('SPAN', (0, line), (-2, line))) # for line in checkboxline: # style.append(('BOX', (-1, line), (-1, line))) t.setStyle(TableStyle(style)) elements.append(t) # Title page elements.append(PageBreak()) elements.append(Spacer(1, 100)) elements.append(logo()) elements.append(Spacer(1, 80)) title = heading(module.__unicode__(), 'Heading1') elements.append(title) elements.append(Spacer(1, 40)) if len(module.eligible) == 1: tmp = 'Year ' + module.eligible elif len(module.eligible) == 2: tmp = 'Years ' + module.eligible[0] + ' and ' + module.eligible[1] else: tmp = ( 'Years ' + module.eligible[0] + ', ' + module.eligible[1] + ' and ' + module.eligible[2] ) level = heading(tmp) elements.append(level) elements.append(Spacer(1, 40)) subtitle = heading('Exam Board Sample Pack') elements.append(subtitle) elements.append(PageBreak()) # Statistics page title = heading('Module Marks') elements.append(title) elements.append(Spacer(1, 20)) no_of_first = 0 no_of_two_one = 0 no_of_two_two = 0 no_of_third = 0 no_of_fail = 0 for performance in performances: result = performance.average if result: if result > 69: no_of_first += 1 elif result > 59: no_of_two_one += 1 elif result > 49: no_of_two_two += 1 elif result > 39: no_of_third += 1 else: no_of_fail += 1 first_f = float(no_of_first) two_one_f = float(no_of_two_one) two_two_f = float(no_of_two_two) third_f = float(no_of_third) fail_f = float(no_of_fail) first_percent = round(((first_f / len(performances)) * 100), 1) two_one_percent = round(((two_one_f / len(performances)) * 100), 1) two_two_percent = round(((two_two_f / len(performances)) * 100), 1) third_percent = round(((third_f / len(performances)) * 100), 1) fail_percent = round(((fail_f / len(performances)) * 100), 1) data = [] data.append(['Range', 'Amount', 'Percentage']) data.append(['70 +', no_of_first, first_percent]) data.append(['60-69', no_of_two_one, two_one_percent]) data.append(['50-59', no_of_two_two, two_two_percent]) data.append(['40-49', no_of_third, third_percent]) data.append(['Fail', no_of_fail, fail_percent]) t = Table(data) style = [ ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, 0), colors.lightgrey), ] t.setStyle(TableStyle(style)) elements.append(t) elements.append(PageBreak()) for assessment in module.get_assessment_range(): this_sample = sample[assessment] assessment_type = module.get_marksheet_type(assessment) if assessment_type: for performance in this_sample: student = performance.student if assessment_type == 'ESSAY': marksheet = essay_sheet(student, module, assessment) elif assessment_type == 'LEGAL_PROBLEM': marksheet = legal_problem_sheet( student, module, assessment) elif assessment_type == 'PRESENTATION': marksheet = presentation_sheet(student, module, assessment) elif assessment_type == 'ESSAY_LEGAL_PROBLEM': marksheet = essay_legal_problem_sheet( student, module, assessment) elif assessment_type == 'ONLINE_TEST_COURT_REPORT': marksheet = online_test_court_report_sheet( student, module, assessment) elif assessment_type == 'NEGOTIATION_WRITTEN': marksheet = negotiation_written_sheet( student, module, assessment) else: marksheet = False if marksheet: for element in marksheet: elements.append(element) elements.append(PageBreak()) return response
import os from setuptools import setup, find_packages setup(name='pyngspipe', version='0.0.1', description='pyngspipe is a pipeline for processing GEO NGS datasets based on the pyrnatools/pychiptools packages', author='Patrick Lombard', author_email='', packages=find_packages(), scripts=['scripts/', 'scripts/'], package_data={"pyngspipe":['data/*']}, install_requires=['pysam', 'pybedtools'], license='GPLv3', platforms='any', classifiers=[ 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)', 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Environment :: Console', ], long_description=""" pyngspipe is a pipeline for processing GEO NGS datasets based on the pyrnatools/pychiptools packages Contact ============= If you have any questions or comments about pyngspipe, please feel free to contact me via eMail: """, )
import re from django.conf import settings from rest_framework.exceptions import AuthenticationFailed from rest_framework.authentication import ( get_authorization_header, BaseAuthentication, ) from leaderboard.fxa.client import FXAClientMixin, FXAException from leaderboard.contributors.models import Contributor # A regex which matches against a Bearer token # FXA_ACCESS_TOKEN_RE = re.compile('Bearer\s+(?P<token>[a-zA-Z0-9._~+\/\-=]+)') class OAuthTokenAuthentication(FXAClientMixin, BaseAuthentication): """ Simple token based authentication for OAuth v2. Clients should authenticate by passing the token key in the "Authorization" HTTP header, prepended with the string "Bearer ". For example: Authorization: Bearer 401f7ac837da42b97f613d789819ff93537bee6a """ def authenticate(self, request): auth_header = get_authorization_header(request) if not auth_header: msg = 'Missing token header.' raise AuthenticationFailed(msg) match = FXA_ACCESS_TOKEN_RE.match(auth_header) if not match: msg = 'Invalid token header. Must match: `Bearer <token>`.' raise AuthenticationFailed(msg) access_token = match.groupdict()['token'] try: verify_data = self.fxa_client.verify_token(access_token) except FXAException, e: msg = ( 'Unable to verify access token ' 'with Firefox Accounts: {}' ).format(e) raise AuthenticationFailed(msg) client_id = verify_data.get('client_id', None) if client_id != settings.FXA_CLIENT_ID: msg = ( 'Provided access token is not ' 'valid for use with this service.' ) raise AuthenticationFailed(msg) fxa_uid = verify_data.get('user', None) if fxa_uid is None: msg = 'Unable to retrieve Firefox Accounts user id.' raise AuthenticationFailed(msg) try: contributor = Contributor.objects.get(fxa_uid=fxa_uid) except Contributor.DoesNotExist: msg = 'No contributor found.' raise AuthenticationFailed(msg) try: profile_data = self.fxa_client.get_profile_data(access_token) except FXAException, e: msg = ( 'Unable to retrieve profile ' 'data from Firefox Accounts: {}' ).format(e) raise AuthenticationFailed(msg) display_name = profile_data.get('displayName', None) if display_name is not None and display_name != = display_name return ( contributor, { 'access_token': access_token, 'profile_data': profile_data, }, ) def authenticate_header(self, request): return 'Token'
# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.test import TestCase from django.utils.encoding import iri_to_uri, force_text from django.utils.functional import lazy from django.utils.http import (cookie_date, http_date, urlquote, urlquote_plus, urlunquote, urlunquote_plus) from django.utils import six from django.utils.text import get_text_list, smart_split from django.utils.translation import override lazystr = lazy(force_text, six.text_type) class TextTests(TestCase): """ Tests for stuff in django.utils.text and other text munging util functions. """ def test_get_text_list(self): self.assertEqual(get_text_list(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']), 'a, b, c or d') self.assertEqual(get_text_list(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'and'), 'a, b and c') self.assertEqual(get_text_list(['a', 'b'], 'and'), 'a and b') self.assertEqual(get_text_list(['a']), 'a') self.assertEqual(get_text_list([]), '') with override('ar'): self.assertEqual(get_text_list(['a', 'b', 'c']), "a، b أو c") def test_smart_split(self): testdata = [ ('This is "a person" test.', ['This', 'is', '"a person"', 'test.']), ('This is "a person\'s" test.', ['This', 'is', '"a person\'s"', 'test.']), ('This is "a person\\"s" test.', ['This', 'is', '"a person\\"s"', 'test.']), ('"a \'one', ['"a', "'one"]), ('all friends\' tests', ['all', 'friends\'', 'tests']), ('url search_page words="something else"', ['url', 'search_page', 'words="something else"']), ("url search_page words='something else'", ['url', 'search_page', "words='something else'"]), ('url search_page words "something else"', ['url', 'search_page', 'words', '"something else"']), ('url search_page words-"something else"', ['url', 'search_page', 'words-"something else"']), ('url search_page words=hello', ['url', 'search_page', 'words=hello']), ('url search_page words="something else', ['url', 'search_page', 'words="something', 'else']), ("cut:','|cut:' '", ["cut:','|cut:' '"]), (lazystr("a b c d"), # Test for #20231 ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']), ] for test, expected in testdata: self.assertEqual(list(smart_split(test)), expected) def test_urlquote(self): self.assertEqual(urlquote('Paris & Orl\xe9ans'), 'Paris%20%26%20Orl%C3%A9ans') self.assertEqual(urlquote('Paris & Orl\xe9ans', safe="&"), 'Paris%20&%20Orl%C3%A9ans') self.assertEqual( urlunquote('Paris%20%26%20Orl%C3%A9ans'), 'Paris & Orl\xe9ans') self.assertEqual( urlunquote('Paris%20&%20Orl%C3%A9ans'), 'Paris & Orl\xe9ans') self.assertEqual(urlquote_plus('Paris & Orl\xe9ans'), 'Paris+%26+Orl%C3%A9ans') self.assertEqual(urlquote_plus('Paris & Orl\xe9ans', safe="&"), 'Paris+&+Orl%C3%A9ans') self.assertEqual( urlunquote_plus('Paris+%26+Orl%C3%A9ans'), 'Paris & Orl\xe9ans') self.assertEqual( urlunquote_plus('Paris+&+Orl%C3%A9ans'), 'Paris & Orl\xe9ans') def test_cookie_date(self): t = 1167616461.0 self.assertEqual(cookie_date(t), 'Mon, 01-Jan-2007 01:54:21 GMT') def test_http_date(self): t = 1167616461.0 self.assertEqual(http_date(t), 'Mon, 01 Jan 2007 01:54:21 GMT') def test_iri_to_uri(self): self.assertEqual(iri_to_uri('red%09ros\xe9#red'), 'red%09ros%C3%A9#red') self.assertEqual(iri_to_uri('/blog/for/J\xfcrgen M\xfcnster/'), '/blog/for/J%C3%BCrgen%20M%C3%BCnster/') self.assertEqual(iri_to_uri('locations/%s' % urlquote_plus('Paris & Orl\xe9ans')), 'locations/Paris+%26+Orl%C3%A9ans') def test_iri_to_uri_idempotent(self): self.assertEqual(iri_to_uri(iri_to_uri('red%09ros\xe9#red')), 'red%09ros%C3%A9#red')
#!/usr/bin/env python """ controller for editing flags For more information, see: Josh Ashby 2013 """ from seshat.route import autoRoute from utils.baseHTMLObject import baseHTMLObject from views.flags.flagViewTmpl import flagViewTmpl from views.partials.flags.flagViewTmpl import flagViewTmpl as flagViewTmplPartial import models.couch.flag.flagModel as fm import models.couch.user.userModel as um @autoRoute() class flagsView(baseHTMLObject): _title = "view flag" def GET(self): """ """ flagid = self.env["members"][0] flag = fm.flagORM.getByID(flagid) if not flag.visibility and flag.userID != self.session.pushAlert("This is a private flag! Sorry but we \ can't let you see it.", "Hold it.", "error") self.head = ("303 SEE OTHER", [("location", "/flags")]) return flag.format() flag["joineduserID"] = um.userORM.getByID(flag.userID) view = flagViewTmpl(searchList=[self.tmplSearchList]) if self.env["cfg"].enableModalFlagDeletes: view.scripts = ["handlebars_1.0.min", "jquery.json-2.4.min", "adminModal.flagr", "editForm.flagr", "deleteFlagModal.flagr"] flagsTmpl = flagViewTmplPartial(searchList=[self.tmplSearchList]) flagsTmpl.flag = flag view.flag = str(flagsTmpl) return view
import yodel.analysis import yodel.filter import yodel.complex import yodel.conversion import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def frequency_response(response): size = len(response) freq_response_real = [0] * size freq_response_imag = [0] * size fft = yodel.analysis.FFT(size) fft.forward(response, freq_response_real, freq_response_imag) return freq_response_real, freq_response_imag def amplitude_response(spec_real, spec_imag, db=True): size = len(spec_real) amp = [0] * size for i in range(0, size): amp[i] = yodel.complex.modulus(spec_real[i], spec_imag[i]) if db: amp[i] = yodel.conversion.lin2db(amp[i]) return amp def phase_response(spec_real, spec_imag, degrees=True): size = len(spec_real) pha = [0] * size for i in range(0, size): pha[i] = yodel.complex.phase(spec_real[i], spec_imag[i]) if degrees: pha[i] = (pha[i] * 180.0 / math.pi) return pha class CustomFilterDesigner: def __init__(self): self.samplerate = 48000 self.framesize = 256 self.frsize = int((self.framesize/2)+1) self.custom_fr = [1] * self.frsize self.hzscale = [(i*self.samplerate) / (2.0*self.frsize) for i in range(0, self.frsize)] self.flt = yodel.filter.Custom(self.samplerate, self.framesize) self.pressed = None self.update_filter() self.create_plot() def update_filter(self):, False) fr_re, fr_im = frequency_response( self.fft_fr = amplitude_response(fr_re, fr_im, False) def create_plot(self): self.fig = plt.figure() self.cid = self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.onpress) self.cid = self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.onrelease) self.cid = self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.onmotion) self.ax_custom_fr = self.fig.add_subplot(111) self.ax_custom_fr.set_title('Custom Filter Design') self.plot_custom_fr, = self.ax_custom_fr.plot(self.hzscale, self.custom_fr, 'r', label='Desired Frequency Response') self.plot_fft_fr, = self.ax_custom_fr.plot(self.hzscale, self.fft_fr[0:self.frsize], 'b', label='Actual Frequency Response') self.ax_custom_fr.legend() self.ax_custom_fr.grid() self.rescale_plot() def rescale_plot(self): self.ax_custom_fr.set_ylim(-1, 5) plt.draw() def onpress(self, event): if event.inaxes != self.ax_custom_fr: return self.pressed = (event.xdata, event.ydata) xpos = int(event.xdata * 2.0 * self.frsize / self.samplerate) ypos = max(event.ydata, 0) if xpos >= 0 and xpos < self.frsize: self.custom_fr[xpos] = ypos self.update_filter() self.plot_custom_fr.set_ydata(self.custom_fr) self.plot_fft_fr.set_ydata(self.fft_fr[0:self.frsize]) self.rescale_plot() def onrelease(self, event): self.pressed = None def onmotion(self, event): if self.pressed != None and event.xdata != None and event.ydata != None: xpos = int(event.xdata * 2.0 * self.frsize / self.samplerate) ypos = max(event.ydata, 0) if xpos >= 0 and xpos < self.frsize: self.custom_fr[xpos] = ypos self.update_filter() self.plot_custom_fr.set_ydata(self.custom_fr) self.plot_fft_fr.set_ydata(self.fft_fr[0:self.frsize]) self.rescale_plot() cfd = CustomFilterDesigner()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Generated from FHIR ( on 2017-03-22. # 2017, SMART Health IT. from . import domainresource class HealthcareService(domainresource.DomainResource): """ The details of a healthcare service available at a location. """ resource_type = "HealthcareService" def __init__(self, jsondict=None, strict=True): """ Initialize all valid properties. :raises: FHIRValidationError on validation errors, unless strict is False :param dict jsondict: A JSON dictionary to use for initialization :param bool strict: If True (the default), invalid variables will raise a TypeError """ = None """ Whether this healthcareservice is in active use. Type `bool`. """ self.appointmentRequired = None """ If an appointment is required for access to this service. Type `bool`. """ self.availabilityExceptions = None """ Description of availability exceptions. Type `str`. """ self.availableTime = None """ Times the Service Site is available. List of `HealthcareServiceAvailableTime` items (represented as `dict` in JSON). """ self.category = None """ Broad category of service being performed or delivered. Type `CodeableConcept` (represented as `dict` in JSON). """ self.characteristic = None """ Collection of characteristics (attributes). List of `CodeableConcept` items (represented as `dict` in JSON). """ self.comment = None """ Additional description and/or any specific issues not covered elsewhere. Type `str`. """ self.coverageArea = None """ Location(s) service is inteded for/available to. List of `FHIRReference` items referencing `Location` (represented as `dict` in JSON). """ self.eligibility = None """ Specific eligibility requirements required to use the service. Type `CodeableConcept` (represented as `dict` in JSON). """ self.eligibilityNote = None """ Describes the eligibility conditions for the service. Type `str`. """ self.endpoint = None """ Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the location. List of `FHIRReference` items referencing `Endpoint` (represented as `dict` in JSON). """ self.extraDetails = None """ Extra details about the service that can't be placed in the other fields. Type `str`. """ self.identifier = None """ External identifiers for this item. List of `Identifier` items (represented as `dict` in JSON). """ self.location = None """ Location(s) where service may be provided. List of `FHIRReference` items referencing `Location` (represented as `dict` in JSON). """ = None """ Description of service as presented to a consumer while searching. Type `str`. """ self.notAvailable = None """ Not available during this time due to provided reason. List of `HealthcareServiceNotAvailable` items (represented as `dict` in JSON). """ = None """ Facilitates quick identification of the service. Type `Attachment` (represented as `dict` in JSON). """ self.programName = None """ Program Names that categorize the service. List of `str` items. """ self.providedBy = None """ Organization that provides this service. Type `FHIRReference` referencing `Organization` (represented as `dict` in JSON). """ self.referralMethod = None """ Ways that the service accepts referrals. List of `CodeableConcept` items (represented as `dict` in JSON). """ self.serviceProvisionCode = None """ Conditions under which service is available/offered. List of `CodeableConcept` items (represented as `dict` in JSON). """ self.specialty = None """ Specialties handled by the HealthcareService. List of `CodeableConcept` items (represented as `dict` in JSON). """ self.telecom = None """ Contacts related to the healthcare service. List of `ContactPoint` items (represented as `dict` in JSON). """ self.type = None """ Type of service that may be delivered or performed. List of `CodeableConcept` items (represented as `dict` in JSON). """ super(HealthcareService, self).__init__(jsondict=jsondict, strict=strict) def elementProperties(self): js = super(HealthcareService, self).elementProperties() js.extend([ ("active", "active", bool, False, None, False), ("appointmentRequired", "appointmentRequired", bool, False, None, False), ("availabilityExceptions", "availabilityExceptions", str, False, None, False), ("availableTime", "availableTime", HealthcareServiceAvailableTime, True, None, False), ("category", "category", codeableconcept.CodeableConcept, False, None, False), ("characteristic", "characteristic", codeableconcept.CodeableConcept, True, None, False), ("comment", "comment", str, False, None, False), ("coverageArea", "coverageArea", fhirreference.FHIRReference, True, None, False), ("eligibility", "eligibility", codeableconcept.CodeableConcept, False, None, False), ("eligibilityNote", "eligibilityNote", str, False, None, False), ("endpoint", "endpoint", fhirreference.FHIRReference, True, None, False), ("extraDetails", "extraDetails", str, False, None, False), ("identifier", "identifier", identifier.Identifier, True, None, False), ("location", "location", fhirreference.FHIRReference, True, None, False), ("name", "name", str, False, None, False), ("notAvailable", "notAvailable", HealthcareServiceNotAvailable, True, None, False), ("photo", "photo", attachment.Attachment, False, None, False), ("programName", "programName", str, True, None, False), ("providedBy", "providedBy", fhirreference.FHIRReference, False, None, False), ("referralMethod", "referralMethod", codeableconcept.CodeableConcept, True, None, False), ("serviceProvisionCode", "serviceProvisionCode", codeableconcept.CodeableConcept, True, None, False), ("specialty", "specialty", codeableconcept.CodeableConcept, True, None, False), ("telecom", "telecom", contactpoint.ContactPoint, True, None, False), ("type", "type", codeableconcept.CodeableConcept, True, None, False), ]) return js from . import backboneelement class HealthcareServiceAvailableTime(backboneelement.BackboneElement): """ Times the Service Site is available. A collection of times that the Service Site is available. """ resource_type = "HealthcareServiceAvailableTime" def __init__(self, jsondict=None, strict=True): """ Initialize all valid properties. :raises: FHIRValidationError on validation errors, unless strict is False :param dict jsondict: A JSON dictionary to use for initialization :param bool strict: If True (the default), invalid variables will raise a TypeError """ self.allDay = None """ Always available? e.g. 24 hour service. Type `bool`. """ self.availableEndTime = None """ Closing time of day (ignored if allDay = true). Type `FHIRDate` (represented as `str` in JSON). """ self.availableStartTime = None """ Opening time of day (ignored if allDay = true). Type `FHIRDate` (represented as `str` in JSON). """ self.daysOfWeek = None """ mon | tue | wed | thu | fri | sat | sun. List of `str` items. """ super(HealthcareServiceAvailableTime, self).__init__(jsondict=jsondict, strict=strict) def elementProperties(self): js = super(HealthcareServiceAvailableTime, self).elementProperties() js.extend([ ("allDay", "allDay", bool, False, None, False), ("availableEndTime", "availableEndTime", fhirdate.FHIRDate, False, None, False), ("availableStartTime", "availableStartTime", fhirdate.FHIRDate, False, None, False), ("daysOfWeek", "daysOfWeek", str, True, None, False), ]) return js class HealthcareServiceNotAvailable(backboneelement.BackboneElement): """ Not available during this time due to provided reason. The HealthcareService is not available during this period of time due to the provided reason. """ resource_type = "HealthcareServiceNotAvailable" def __init__(self, jsondict=None, strict=True): """ Initialize all valid properties. :raises: FHIRValidationError on validation errors, unless strict is False :param dict jsondict: A JSON dictionary to use for initialization :param bool strict: If True (the default), invalid variables will raise a TypeError """ self.description = None """ Reason presented to the user explaining why time not available. Type `str`. """ self.during = None """ Service not availablefrom this date. Type `Period` (represented as `dict` in JSON). """ super(HealthcareServiceNotAvailable, self).__init__(jsondict=jsondict, strict=strict) def elementProperties(self): js = super(HealthcareServiceNotAvailable, self).elementProperties() js.extend([ ("description", "description", str, False, None, True), ("during", "during", period.Period, False, None, False), ]) return js import sys try: from . import attachment except ImportError: attachment = sys.modules[__package__ + '.attachment'] try: from . import codeableconcept except ImportError: codeableconcept = sys.modules[__package__ + '.codeableconcept'] try: from . import contactpoint except ImportError: contactpoint = sys.modules[__package__ + '.contactpoint'] try: from . import fhirdate except ImportError: fhirdate = sys.modules[__package__ + '.fhirdate'] try: from . import fhirreference except ImportError: fhirreference = sys.modules[__package__ + '.fhirreference'] try: from . import identifier except ImportError: identifier = sys.modules[__package__ + '.identifier'] try: from . import period except ImportError: period = sys.modules[__package__ + '.period']
# coding=utf-8 r""" This code was generated by \ / _ _ _| _ _ | (_)\/(_)(_|\/| |(/_ v1.0.0 / / """ from twilio.base.version import Version from import FormList from import ServiceList from import VerificationAttemptList class V2(Version): def __init__(self, domain): """ Initialize the V2 version of Verify :returns: V2 version of Verify :rtype: """ super(V2, self).__init__(domain) self.version = 'v2' self._forms = None self._services = None self._verification_attempts = None @property def forms(self): """ :rtype: """ if self._forms is None: self._forms = FormList(self) return self._forms @property def services(self): """ :rtype: """ if self._services is None: self._services = ServiceList(self) return self._services @property def verification_attempts(self): """ :rtype: """ if self._verification_attempts is None: self._verification_attempts = VerificationAttemptList(self) return self._verification_attempts def __repr__(self): """ Provide a friendly representation :returns: Machine friendly representation :rtype: str """ return '<Twilio.Verify.V2>'
#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2015 Matthew Earl # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN # NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, # DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR # OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE # USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ This is the code behind the Switching Eds blog post: See the above for an explanation of the code below. To run the script you'll need to install dlib ( including its Python bindings, and OpenCV. You'll also need to obtain the trained model from sourceforge: Unzip with `bunzip2` and change `PREDICTOR_PATH` to refer to this file. The script is run like so: ./ <head image> <face image> If successful, a file `output.jpg` will be produced with the facial features from `<head image>` replaced with the facial features from `<face image>`. """ import cv2 import dlib import numpy import sys PREDICTOR_PATH = "/home/matt/dlib-18.16/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat" SCALE_FACTOR = 1 FEATHER_AMOUNT = 11 FACE_POINTS = list(range(17, 68)) MOUTH_POINTS = list(range(48, 61)) RIGHT_BROW_POINTS = list(range(17, 22)) LEFT_BROW_POINTS = list(range(22, 27)) RIGHT_EYE_POINTS = list(range(36, 42)) LEFT_EYE_POINTS = list(range(42, 48)) NOSE_POINTS = list(range(27, 35)) JAW_POINTS = list(range(0, 17)) # Points used to line up the images. ALIGN_POINTS = (LEFT_BROW_POINTS + RIGHT_EYE_POINTS + LEFT_EYE_POINTS + RIGHT_BROW_POINTS + NOSE_POINTS + MOUTH_POINTS) # Points from the second image to overlay on the first. The convex hull of each # element will be overlaid. OVERLAY_POINTS = [ LEFT_EYE_POINTS + RIGHT_EYE_POINTS + LEFT_BROW_POINTS + RIGHT_BROW_POINTS, NOSE_POINTS + MOUTH_POINTS, ] # Amount of blur to use during colour correction, as a fraction of the # pupillary distance. COLOUR_CORRECT_BLUR_FRAC = 0.6 detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector() predictor = dlib.shape_predictor(PREDICTOR_PATH) class TooManyFaces(Exception): pass class NoFaces(Exception): pass def get_landmarks(im): rects = detector(im, 1) if len(rects) > 1: raise TooManyFaces if len(rects) == 0: raise NoFaces return numpy.matrix([[p.x, p.y] for p in predictor(im, rects[0]).parts()]) def annotate_landmarks(im, landmarks): im = im.copy() for idx, point in enumerate(landmarks): pos = (point[0, 0], point[0, 1]) cv2.putText(im, str(idx), pos, fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SCRIPT_SIMPLEX, fontScale=0.4, color=(0, 0, 255)), pos, 3, color=(0, 255, 255)) return im def draw_convex_hull(im, points, color): points = cv2.convexHull(points) cv2.fillConvexPoly(im, points, color=color) def get_face_mask(im, landmarks): im = numpy.zeros(im.shape[:2], dtype=numpy.float64) for group in OVERLAY_POINTS: draw_convex_hull(im, landmarks[group], color=1) im = numpy.array([im, im, im]).transpose((1, 2, 0)) im = (cv2.GaussianBlur(im, (FEATHER_AMOUNT, FEATHER_AMOUNT), 0) > 0) * 1.0 im = cv2.GaussianBlur(im, (FEATHER_AMOUNT, FEATHER_AMOUNT), 0) return im def transformation_from_points(points1, points2): """ Return an affine transformation [s * R | T] such that: sum ||s*R*p1,i + T - p2,i||^2 is minimized. """ # Solve the procrustes problem by subtracting centroids, scaling by the # standard deviation, and then using the SVD to calculate the rotation. See # the following for more details: # points1 = points1.astype(numpy.float64) points2 = points2.astype(numpy.float64) c1 = numpy.mean(points1, axis=0) c2 = numpy.mean(points2, axis=0) points1 -= c1 points2 -= c2 s1 = numpy.std(points1) s2 = numpy.std(points2) points1 /= s1 points2 /= s2 U, S, Vt = numpy.linalg.svd(points1.T * points2) # The R we seek is in fact the transpose of the one given by U * Vt. This # is because the above formulation assumes the matrix goes on the right # (with row vectors) where as our solution requires the matrix to be on the # left (with column vectors). R = (U * Vt).T return numpy.vstack([numpy.hstack(((s2 / s1) * R, c2.T - (s2 / s1) * R * c1.T)), numpy.matrix([0., 0., 1.])]) def read_im_and_landmarks(fname): im = cv2.imread(fname, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) im = cv2.resize(im, (im.shape[1] * SCALE_FACTOR, im.shape[0] * SCALE_FACTOR)) s = get_landmarks(im) return im, s def warp_im(im, M, dshape): output_im = numpy.zeros(dshape, dtype=im.dtype) cv2.warpAffine(im, M[:2], (dshape[1], dshape[0]), dst=output_im, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_TRANSPARENT, flags=cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP) return output_im def correct_colours(im1, im2, landmarks1): blur_amount = COLOUR_CORRECT_BLUR_FRAC * numpy.linalg.norm( numpy.mean(landmarks1[LEFT_EYE_POINTS], axis=0) - numpy.mean(landmarks1[RIGHT_EYE_POINTS], axis=0)) blur_amount = int(blur_amount) if blur_amount % 2 == 0: blur_amount += 1 im1_blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(im1, (blur_amount, blur_amount), 0) im2_blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(im2, (blur_amount, blur_amount), 0) # Avoid divide-by-zero errors. im2_blur += 128 * (im2_blur <= 1.0) return (im2.astype(numpy.float64) * im1_blur.astype(numpy.float64) / im2_blur.astype(numpy.float64)) im1, landmarks1 = read_im_and_landmarks(sys.argv[1]) im2, landmarks2 = read_im_and_landmarks(sys.argv[2]) M = transformation_from_points(landmarks1[ALIGN_POINTS], landmarks2[ALIGN_POINTS]) mask = get_face_mask(im2, landmarks2) warped_mask = warp_im(mask, M, im1.shape) combined_mask = numpy.max([get_face_mask(im1, landmarks1), warped_mask], axis=0) warped_im2 = warp_im(im2, M, im1.shape) warped_corrected_im2 = correct_colours(im1, warped_im2, landmarks1) output_im = im1 * (1.0 - combined_mask) + warped_corrected_im2 * combined_mask cv2.imwrite('output.jpg', output_im)
# coding: utf-8 """Models for item-to-item collaborative filtering.""" from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericForeignKey from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.core import exceptions from django.db import models from django.db.models import signals as model_signals from django.db.models import Q from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible import django_recommend from . import conf NO_RELATED_NAME = '+' # Try to clarify obscure Django syntax. def respect_purge_setting(*args): """Raise or delete related objects based on settings. This is a when_missing handler for ObjectSimilarityQueryset.get_instances_for. """ if conf.settings.RECOMMEND_PURGE_MISSING_DATA: django_recommend.forget_object(*args) else: raise class ObjectSimilarityQueryset(models.QuerySet): """The custom manager used for the ObjectSimilarity class.""" def get_instances_for(self, obj, when_missing=respect_purge_setting): """Get the instances in this queryset that are not `obj`. Returns a list. when_missing: a callback function to execute when an instance that should be suggested is not present in the database (i.e. get() raises ObjectDoesNotExist). This function will be called with two parameters: the content type id, and the object id. The default callback propagates the underlying ObjectDoesNotExist exception. If this method does not raise an exception, the triggering object is simply ignored and not included in the result list. For this reason it's possible for a queryset of 5 objects to only return, say, 4 instances, if one of the objects referred to in an ObjectSimilarity is in fact no longer present in the database. """ ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj) def get_object_from_ctype(contenttype, target_id): """The builtin method of doing this breaks with multiple DBs.""" return contenttype.model_class().objects.get(pk=target_id) def get_object_params(sim_obj, num): """Get the content_type and PK of an object from sim_obj.""" prefix = 'object_{}_'.format(num) target_id = getattr(sim_obj, prefix + 'id') target_ctype = getattr(sim_obj, prefix + 'content_type') return target_ctype, target_id def get_other_object_params(sim_obj): """Get the content type and pk of the other object in sim_obj.""" same_id_as_1 = sim_obj.object_1_id == same_ctype_as_1 = sim_obj.object_1_content_type == ctype if same_id_as_1 and same_ctype_as_1: return get_object_params(sim_obj, 2) return get_object_params(sim_obj, 1) instances = [] for sim in self: other_ctype, other_pk = get_other_object_params(sim) try: inst = get_object_from_ctype(other_ctype, other_pk) except exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist: when_missing(, other_pk) else: instances.append(inst) return instances def __build_query(self, qset): """Get a lookup to match qset objects as either object_1 or object_2. qset is any Django queryset. """ model = qset.model ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model) # Prevent cross-db joins if qset.db != self.db: ids = qset.values_list('id', flat=True) # Forces the DB query to happen early qset = list(ids) lookup = ((Q(object_1_content_type=ctype) & Q(object_1_id__in=qset)) | (Q(object_2_content_type=ctype) & Q(object_2_id__in=qset))) return lookup def exclude_objects(self, qset): """Exclude all similarities that include the given objects. qset is a queryset of model instances to exclude. These should be the types of objects stored in ObjectSimilarity/UserScore, **not** ObjectSimilarity/UserScore themselves. """ return self.exclude(self.__build_query(qset)) def filter_objects(self, qset): """Find all similarities that include the given objects. qset is a queryset of model instances to include. These should be the types of objects stored in ObjectSimilarity/UserScore, **not** ObjectSimilarity/UserScore themselves. """ return self.filter(self.__build_query(qset)) @python_2_unicode_compatible class ObjectSimilarity(models.Model): # pylint: disable=model-missing-unicode """Similarity between two Django objects.""" object_1_id = models.IntegerField() object_1_content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, related_name=NO_RELATED_NAME) object_1 = GenericForeignKey('object_1_content_type', 'object_1_id') object_2_id = models.IntegerField() object_2_content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, related_name=NO_RELATED_NAME) object_2 = GenericForeignKey('object_2_content_type', 'object_2_id') # The actual similarity rating score = models.FloatField() objects = ObjectSimilarityQueryset.as_manager() class Meta: index_together = ( ('object_1_id', 'object_1_content_type'), ('object_2_id', 'object_2_content_type'), ) ordering = ['-score'] unique_together = ( 'object_1_id', 'object_1_content_type', 'object_2_id', 'object_2_content_type', ) def clean(self): if (self.object_1_id == self.object_2_id and self.object_1_content_type == self.object_2_content_type): raise ValidationError('An object cannot be similar to itself.') def save(self, *args, **kwargs): self.full_clean() super(ObjectSimilarity, self).save(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def set(cls, obj_a, obj_b, score): """Set the similarity between obj_a and obj_b to score. Returns the created ObjectSimilarity instance. """ # Always store the lower PKs as object_1, so the pair # (object_1, object_2) has a distinct ordering, to prevent duplicate # data. def sort_key(obj): """Get a sortable tuple representing obj.""" return (ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj).pk, obj_a_key = sort_key(obj_a) obj_b_key = sort_key(obj_b) if obj_a_key < obj_b_key: obj_1, obj_2 = obj_a, obj_b else: obj_1, obj_2 = obj_b, obj_a inst_lookup = dict( object_1_content_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj_1),, object_2_content_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj_2),, ) # Save space by not storing scores of 0. if score == 0: ObjectSimilarity.objects.filter(**inst_lookup).delete() sim = None else: kwargs = dict(inst_lookup) kwargs['defaults'] = {'score': score} sim, _ = ObjectSimilarity.objects.update_or_create(**kwargs) return sim def __str__(self): return '{}, {}: {}'.format(self.object_1_id, self.object_2_id, self.score) @python_2_unicode_compatible class UserScore(models.Model): """Store a user's rating of an object. "Rating" doesn't necessarily need to be e.g. 1-10 points or 1-5 star voting system. It is often easy to treat e.g. object view as 1 point and object bookmarking as 5 points, for example. This is called 'implicit feedback.' """ object_id = models.IntegerField() object_content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType) object = GenericForeignKey('object_content_type', 'object_id') user = models.CharField(max_length=255, db_index=True) score = models.FloatField() class Meta: index_together = ('object_id', 'object_content_type') unique_together = ('object_id', 'object_content_type', 'user') def save(self, *args, **kwargs): self.full_clean() super(UserScore, self).save(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def __user_str(cls, user_or_str): """Coerce user_or_str params into a string.""" try: user_id = except AttributeError: return user_or_str return 'user:{}'.format(user_id) @classmethod def set(cls, user_or_str, obj, score): """Store the score for the given user and given object. Returns the created UserScore instance. """ user = cls.__user_str(user_or_str) ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj) inst_lookup = dict( user=user,, object_content_type=ctype) if score: kwargs = dict(inst_lookup) kwargs['defaults'] = {'score': score} inst, _ = cls.objects.update_or_create(**kwargs) else: inst = None cls.objects.filter(**inst_lookup).delete() return inst @classmethod def setdefault(cls, user_or_str, obj, score): """Store the user's score only if there's no existing score.""" user = cls.__user_str(user_or_str) ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj) cls.objects.get_or_create( user=user,, object_content_type=ctype, defaults={'score': score} ) @classmethod def get(cls, user_or_str, obj): """Get the score that user gave to obj. Returns the actual score value, not the UserScore instance. "Unrated" objects return 0. """ user = cls.__user_str(user_or_str) ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj) try: inst = cls.objects.get(user=user,, object_content_type=ctype) return inst.score except cls.DoesNotExist: return 0 @classmethod def scores_for(cls, obj): """Get all scores for the given object. Returns a dictionary, not a queryset. """ ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj) scores = cls.objects.filter(object_content_type=ctype, return {score.user: score.score for score in scores} def __str__(self): return '{}, {}: {}'.format(self.user, self.object_id, self.score) def call_handler(*args, **kwargs): """Proxy for the signal handler defined in tasks. Prevents a circular import problem. """ from . import tasks tasks.signal_handler(*args, **kwargs) model_signals.post_save.connect(call_handler, UserScore, dispatch_uid="recommend_post_save") model_signals.post_delete.connect(call_handler, UserScore, dispatch_uid="recommend_post_save")
# Copyright 2018-present Facebook, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, with_statement import abc import collections import contextlib import functools import imp import inspect import json import optparse import os import os.path import platform import re import sys import time import traceback import types from pathlib import Path, PurePath from select import select as _select from typing import ( Any, Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Pattern, Set, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, ) import pywatchman from pywatchman import WatchmanError from six import PY3, iteritems, itervalues, string_types # Python 2.6, 2.7, use iterator filter from Python 3 from six.moves import builtins, filter from .deterministic_set import DeterministicSet from .glob_internal import glob_internal from .glob_watchman import SyncCookieState, glob_watchman from .json_encoder import BuckJSONEncoder from .module_whitelist import ImportWhitelistManager from .profiler import Profiler, Tracer, emit_trace, scoped_trace, traced from .select_support import SelectorList, SelectorValue from .struct import create_struct_class, struct from .util import ( Diagnostic, cygwin_adjusted_path, get_caller_frame, is_in_dir, is_special, ) # When build files are executed, the functions in this file tagged with # @provide_for_build will be provided in the build file's local symbol table. # Those tagged with @provide_as_native_rule will be present unless # explicitly disabled by parser.native_rules_enabled_in_build_files # # When these functions are called from a build file, they will be passed # a keyword parameter, build_env, which is a object with information about # the environment of the build file which is currently being processed. # It contains the following attributes: # # "dirname" - The directory containing the build file. # # "base_path" - The base path of the build file. # # "cell_name" - The cell name the build file is in. BUILD_FUNCTIONS = [] # type: List[Callable] NATIVE_FUNCTIONS = [] # type: List[Callable] # Wait this many seconds on recv() or send() in the pywatchman client # if not otherwise specified in .buckconfig DEFAULT_WATCHMAN_QUERY_TIMEOUT = 60.0 # type: float # Globals that should not be copied from one module into another _HIDDEN_GLOBALS = {"include_defs", "load"} # type: Set[str] ORIGINAL_IMPORT = builtins.__import__ _LOAD_TARGET_PATH_RE = re.compile( r"^(?P<root>(?P<cell>@?[\w\-.]+)?//)?(?P<package>.*):(?P<target>.*)$" ) # type: Pattern[str] # matches anything equivalent to recursive glob on all dirs # e.g. "**/", "*/**/", "*/*/**/" _RECURSIVE_GLOB_PATTERN = re.compile("^(\*/)*\*\*/") # type: Pattern[str] class AbstractContext(object): """Superclass of execution contexts.""" __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta @abc.abstractproperty def includes(self): # type: () -> Set[str] raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractproperty def used_configs(self): # type: () -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractproperty def used_env_vars(self): # type: () -> Dict[str, str] raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractproperty def diagnostics(self): # type: () -> List[Diagnostic] raise NotImplementedError() def merge(self, other): # type: (AbstractContext) -> None """Merge the context of an included file into the current context. :param AbstractContext other: the include context to merge. :rtype: None """ self.includes.update(other.includes) self.diagnostics.extend(other.diagnostics) self.used_configs.update(other.used_configs) self.used_env_vars.update(other.used_env_vars) class BuildFileContext(AbstractContext): """The build context used when processing a build file.""" def __init__( self, project_root, base_path, path, dirname, cell_name, allow_empty_globs, ignore_paths, watchman_client, watchman_watch_root, watchman_project_prefix, sync_cookie_state, watchman_glob_stat_results, watchman_use_glob_generator, implicit_package_symbols, ): self.globals = {} self._includes = set() self._used_configs = collections.defaultdict(dict) self._used_env_vars = {} self._diagnostics = [] self.rules = {} self.project_root = project_root self.base_path = base_path self.path = path self.cell_name = cell_name self.dirname = dirname self.allow_empty_globs = allow_empty_globs self.ignore_paths = ignore_paths self.watchman_client = watchman_client self.watchman_watch_root = watchman_watch_root self.watchman_project_prefix = watchman_project_prefix self.sync_cookie_state = sync_cookie_state self.watchman_glob_stat_results = watchman_glob_stat_results self.watchman_use_glob_generator = watchman_use_glob_generator self.implicit_package_symbols = implicit_package_symbols @property def includes(self): return self._includes @property def used_configs(self): return self._used_configs @property def used_env_vars(self): return self._used_env_vars @property def diagnostics(self): return self._diagnostics class IncludeContext(AbstractContext): """The build context used when processing an include.""" def __init__(self, cell_name, path): # type: (str, str) -> None """ :param cell_name: a cell name of the current context. Note that this cell name can be different from the one BUCK file is evaluated in, since it can load extension files from other cells, which should resolve their loads relative to their own location. """ self.cell_name = cell_name self.path = path self.globals = {} self._includes = set() self._used_configs = collections.defaultdict(dict) self._used_env_vars = {} self._diagnostics = [] @property def includes(self): return self._includes @property def used_configs(self): return self._used_configs @property def used_env_vars(self): return self._used_env_vars @property def diagnostics(self): return self._diagnostics # Generic context type that should be used in places where return and parameter # types are the same but could be either of the concrete contexts. _GCT = TypeVar("_GCT", IncludeContext, BuildFileContext) LoadStatement = Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, str]]] BuildInclude = collections.namedtuple("BuildInclude", ["cell_name", "path"]) class LazyBuildEnvPartial(object): """Pairs a function with a build environment in which it will be executed. Note that while the function is specified via the constructor, the build environment must be assigned after construction, for the build environment currently being used. To call the function with its build environment, use the invoke() method of this class, which will forward the arguments from invoke() to the underlying function. """ def __init__(self, func): # type: (Callable) -> None self.func = func self.build_env = None def invoke(self, *args, **kwargs): """Invokes the bound function injecting 'build_env' into **kwargs.""" updated_kwargs = kwargs.copy() updated_kwargs.update({"build_env": self.build_env}) try: return self.func(*args, **updated_kwargs) except TypeError: missing_args, extra_args = get_mismatched_args( self.func, args, updated_kwargs ) if missing_args or extra_args: name = "[missing]" if "name" in updated_kwargs: name = updated_kwargs["name"] elif len(args) > 0: # Optimistically hope that name is the first arg. It generally is... name = args[0] raise IncorrectArgumentsException( self.func.func_name, name, missing_args, extra_args ) raise HostInfoOs = collections.namedtuple( "HostInfoOs", ["is_linux", "is_macos", "is_windows", "is_freebsd", "is_unknown"] ) HostInfoArch = collections.namedtuple( "HostInfoArch", [ "is_aarch64", "is_arm", "is_armeb", "is_i386", "is_mips", "is_mips64", "is_mipsel", "is_mipsel64", "is_powerpc", "is_ppc64", "is_unknown", "is_x86_64", ], ) HostInfo = collections.namedtuple("HostInfo", ["os", "arch"]) __supported_oses = { "darwin": "macos", "windows": "windows", "linux": "linux", "freebsd": "freebsd", } # type: Dict[str, str] # Pulled from as # possible values. amd64 and arm64 are remapped, but they may not # actually be present on most systems __supported_archs = { "aarch64": "aarch64", "arm": "arm", "armeb": "armeb", "i386": "i386", "mips": "mips", "mips64": "mips64", "mipsel": "mipsel", "mipsel64": "mipsel64", "powerpc": "powerpc", "ppc64": "ppc64", "unknown": "unknown", "x86_64": "x86_64", "amd64": "x86_64", "arm64": "aarch64", } # type: Dict[str, str] def host_info(platform_system=platform.system, platform_machine=platform.machine): host_arch = __supported_archs.get(platform_machine().lower(), "unknown") host_os = __supported_oses.get(platform_system().lower(), "unknown") return HostInfo( os=HostInfoOs( is_linux=(host_os == "linux"), is_macos=(host_os == "macos"), is_windows=(host_os == "windows"), is_freebsd=(host_os == "freebsd"), is_unknown=(host_os == "unknown"), ), arch=HostInfoArch( is_aarch64=(host_arch == "aarch64"), is_arm=(host_arch == "arm"), is_armeb=(host_arch == "armeb"), is_i386=(host_arch == "i386"), is_mips=(host_arch == "mips"), is_mips64=(host_arch == "mips64"), is_mipsel=(host_arch == "mipsel"), is_mipsel64=(host_arch == "mipsel64"), is_powerpc=(host_arch == "powerpc"), is_ppc64=(host_arch == "ppc64"), is_unknown=(host_arch == "unknown"), is_x86_64=(host_arch == "x86_64"), ), ) _cached_host_info = host_info() def get_mismatched_args(func, actual_args, actual_kwargs): argspec = inspect.getargspec(func) required_args = set() all_acceptable_args = [] for i, arg in enumerate(argspec.args): if i < (len(argspec.args) - len(argspec.defaults)): required_args.add(arg) all_acceptable_args.append(arg) extra_kwargs = set(actual_kwargs) - set(all_acceptable_args) for k in set(actual_kwargs) - extra_kwargs: all_acceptable_args.remove(k) not_supplied_args = all_acceptable_args[len(actual_args) :] missing_args = [arg for arg in not_supplied_args if arg in required_args] return missing_args, sorted(list(extra_kwargs)) class IncorrectArgumentsException(TypeError): def __init__(self, func_name, name_arg, missing_args, extra_args): self.missing_args = missing_args self.extra_args = extra_args message = "Incorrect arguments to %s with name %s:" % (func_name, name_arg) if missing_args: message += " Missing required args: %s" % (", ".join(missing_args),) if extra_args: message += " Extra unknown kwargs: %s" % (", ".join(extra_args),) super(IncorrectArgumentsException, self).__init__(message) class BuildFileFailError(Exception): pass def provide_as_native_rule(func): # type: (Callable) -> Callable NATIVE_FUNCTIONS.append(func) return func def provide_for_build(func): # type: (Callable) -> Callable BUILD_FUNCTIONS.append(func) return func def add_rule(rule, build_env): # type: (Dict, BuildFileContext) -> None """Record a rule in the current context. This should be invoked by rule functions generated by the Java code. :param dict rule: dictionary of the rule's fields. :param build_env: the current context. """ assert isinstance( build_env, BuildFileContext ), "Cannot use `{}()` at the top-level of an included file.".format( rule["buck.type"] ) # Include the base path of the BUCK file so the reader consuming this # output will know which BUCK file the rule came from. if "name" not in rule: raise ValueError("rules must contain the field 'name'. Found %s." % rule) rule_name = rule["name"] if not isinstance(rule_name, string_types): raise ValueError("rules 'name' field must be a string. Found %s." % rule_name) if rule_name in build_env.rules: raise ValueError( "Duplicate rule definition '%s' found. Found %s and %s" % (rule_name, rule, build_env.rules[rule_name]) ) rule["buck.base_path"] = build_env.base_path build_env.rules[rule_name] = rule @traced(stats_key="Glob") def glob( includes, excludes=None, include_dotfiles=False, build_env=None, search_base=None ): # type: (List[str], Optional[List[str]], bool, BuildFileContext, str) -> List[str] if excludes is None: excludes = [] assert isinstance( build_env, BuildFileContext ), "Cannot use `glob()` at the top-level of an included file." # Ensure the user passes lists of strings rather than just a string. assert not isinstance( includes, string_types ), "The first argument to glob() must be a list of strings." assert not isinstance( excludes, string_types ), "The excludes argument must be a list of strings." if search_base is None: search_base = Path(build_env.dirname) if build_env.dirname == build_env.project_root and any( _RECURSIVE_GLOB_PATTERN.match(pattern) for pattern in includes ): fail( "Recursive globs are prohibited at top-level directory", build_env=build_env ) results = None if not includes: results = [] elif build_env.watchman_client: results = glob_watchman( includes, excludes, include_dotfiles, build_env.base_path, build_env.watchman_watch_root, build_env.watchman_project_prefix, build_env.sync_cookie_state, build_env.watchman_client, build_env.diagnostics, build_env.watchman_glob_stat_results, build_env.watchman_use_glob_generator, ) if results: # glob should consistently return paths of type str, but # watchman client returns unicode in Python 2 instead. # Extra check is added to make this conversion resilient to # watchman API changes. results = [ res.encode("utf-8") if not isinstance(res, str) else res for res in results ] if results is None: results = glob_internal( includes, excludes, build_env.ignore_paths, include_dotfiles, search_base, build_env.project_root, ) assert build_env.allow_empty_globs or results, ( "glob(includes={includes}, excludes={excludes}, include_dotfiles={include_dotfiles}) " + "returned no results. (allow_empty_globs is set to false in the Buck " + "configuration)" ).format(includes=includes, excludes=excludes, include_dotfiles=include_dotfiles) return results def merge_maps(*header_maps): result = {} for header_map in header_maps: for key in header_map: if key in result and result[key] != header_map[key]: assert False, ( "Conflicting header files in header search paths. " + '"%s" maps to both "%s" and "%s".' % (key, result[key], header_map[key]) ) result[key] = header_map[key] return result def single_subdir_glob( dirpath, glob_pattern, excludes=None, prefix=None, build_env=None, search_base=None ): if excludes is None: excludes = [] results = {} files = glob( [os.path.join(dirpath, glob_pattern)], excludes=excludes, build_env=build_env, search_base=search_base, ) for f in files: if dirpath: key = f[len(dirpath) + 1 :] else: key = f if prefix: # `f` is a string, but we need to create correct platform-specific Path. # This method is called by tests for both posix style paths and # windows style paths. # When running tests, search_base is always set # and happens to have the correct platform-specific Path type. cls = PurePath if not search_base else type(search_base) key = str(cls(prefix) / cls(key)) results[key] = f return results def subdir_glob( glob_specs, excludes=None, prefix=None, build_env=None, search_base=None ): """ Given a list of tuples, the form of (relative-sub-directory, glob-pattern), return a dict of sub-directory relative paths to full paths. Useful for defining header maps for C/C++ libraries which should be relative the given sub-directory. If prefix is not None, prepends it it to each key in the dictionary. """ if excludes is None: excludes = [] results = [] for dirpath, glob_pattern in glob_specs: results.append( single_subdir_glob( dirpath, glob_pattern, excludes, prefix, build_env, search_base ) ) return merge_maps(*results) def _get_package_name(func_name, build_env=None): """The name of the package being evaluated. For example, in the BUCK file "some/package/BUCK", its value will be "some/package". If the BUCK file calls a function defined in a *.bzl file, package_name() will return the package of the calling BUCK file. For example, if there is a BUCK file at "some/package/BUCK" and "some/other/package/ext.bzl" extension file, when BUCK file calls a function inside of ext.bzl file it will still return "some/package" and not "some/other/package". This function is intended to be used from within a build defs file that likely contains macros that could be called from any build file. Such macros may need to know the base path of the file in which they are defining new build rules. :return: a string, such as "java/com/facebook". Note there is no trailing slash. The return value will be "" if called from the build file in the root of the project. :rtype: str """ assert isinstance(build_env, BuildFileContext), ( "Cannot use `%s()` at the top-level of an included file." % func_name ) return build_env.base_path @provide_for_build def get_base_path(build_env=None): """Get the base path to the build file that was initially evaluated. This function is intended to be used from within a build defs file that likely contains macros that could be called from any build file. Such macros may need to know the base path of the file in which they are defining new build rules. :return: a string, such as "java/com/facebook". Note there is no trailing slash. The return value will be "" if called from the build file in the root of the project. :rtype: str """ return _get_package_name("get_base_path", build_env=build_env) @provide_for_build def package_name(build_env=None): """The name of the package being evaluated. For example, in the BUCK file "some/package/BUCK", its value will be "some/package". If the BUCK file calls a function defined in a *.bzl file, package_name() will return the package of the calling BUCK file. For example, if there is a BUCK file at "some/package/BUCK" and "some/other/package/ext.bzl" extension file, when BUCK file calls a function inside of ext.bzl file it will still return "some/package" and not "some/other/package". This function is intended to be used from within a build defs file that likely contains macros that could be called from any build file. Such macros may need to know the base path of the file in which they are defining new build rules. :return: a string, such as "java/com/facebook". Note there is no trailing slash. The return value will be "" if called from the build file in the root of the project. :rtype: str """ return _get_package_name("package_name", build_env=build_env) @provide_for_build def fail(message, attr=None, build_env=None): """Raises a parse error. :param message: Error message to display for the user. The object is converted to a string. :param attr: Optional name of the attribute that caused the error. """ attribute_prefix = "attribute " + attr + ": " if attr is not None else "" msg = attribute_prefix + str(message) raise BuildFileFailError(msg) @provide_for_build def get_cell_name(build_env=None): """Get the cell name of the build file that was initially evaluated. This function is intended to be used from within a build defs file that likely contains macros that could be called from any build file. Such macros may need to know the base path of the file in which they are defining new build rules. :return: a string, such as "cell". The return value will be "" if the build file does not have a cell :rtype: str """ assert isinstance( build_env, BuildFileContext ), "Cannot use `get_cell_name()` at the top-level of an included file." return build_env.cell_name @provide_for_build def select(conditions, no_match_message=None, build_env=None): """Allows to provide a configurable value for an attribute""" return SelectorList([SelectorValue(conditions, no_match_message)]) @provide_as_native_rule def repository_name(build_env=None): """ Get the repository (cell) name of the build file that was initially evaluated. This function is intended to be used from within a build defs file that likely contains macros that could be called from any build file. Such macros may need to know the base path of the file in which they are defining new build rules. :return: a string, such as "@cell". The return value will be "@" if the build file is in the main (standalone) repository. :rtype: str """ assert isinstance( build_env, BuildFileContext ), "Cannot use `repository_name()` at the top-level of an included file." return "@" + build_env.cell_name @provide_as_native_rule def rule_exists(name, build_env=None): """ :param name: name of the build rule :param build_env: current build environment :return: True if a rule with provided name has already been defined in current file. """ assert isinstance( build_env, BuildFileContext ), "Cannot use `rule_exists()` at the top-level of an included file." return name in build_env.rules def flatten_list_of_dicts(list_of_dicts): """Flatten the given list of dictionaries by merging l[1:] onto l[0], one at a time. Key/Value pairs which appear in later list entries will override those that appear in earlier entries :param list_of_dicts: the list of dict objects to flatten. :return: a single dict containing the flattened list """ return_value = {} for d in list_of_dicts: for k, v in iteritems(d): return_value[k] = v return return_value @provide_for_build def flatten_dicts(*args, **_): """Flatten the given list of dictionaries by merging args[1:] onto args[0], one at a time. :param *args: the list of dict objects to flatten. :param **_: ignore the build_env kwarg :return: a single dict containing the flattened list """ return flatten_list_of_dicts(args) @provide_for_build def depset(elements, build_env=None): """Creates an instance of sets with deterministic iteration order. :param elements: the list of elements constituting the returned depset. :rtype: DeterministicSet """ return DeterministicSet(elements) GENDEPS_SIGNATURE = re.compile( r"^#@# GENERATED FILE: DO NOT MODIFY ([a-f0-9]{40}) #@#\n$" ) class BuildFileProcessor(object): """Handles the processing of a single build file. :type _current_build_env: AbstractContext | None """ SAFE_MODULES_CONFIG = { "os": ["environ", "getenv", "path", "sep", "pathsep", "linesep"], "os.path": [ "basename", "commonprefix", "dirname", "isabs", "join", "normcase", "relpath", "split", "splitdrive", "splitext", "sep", "pathsep", ], "pipes": ["quote"], } def __init__( self, project_root, cell_roots, cell_name, build_file_name, allow_empty_globs, watchman_client, watchman_glob_stat_results, watchman_use_glob_generator, project_import_whitelist=None, implicit_includes=None, extra_funcs=None, configs=None, env_vars=None, ignore_paths=None, disable_implicit_native_rules=False, warn_about_deprecated_syntax=True, ): if project_import_whitelist is None: project_import_whitelist = [] if implicit_includes is None: implicit_includes = [] if extra_funcs is None: extra_funcs = [] if configs is None: configs = {} if env_vars is None: env_vars = {} if ignore_paths is None: ignore_paths = [] self._include_cache = {} self._current_build_env = None self._sync_cookie_state = SyncCookieState() self._project_root = project_root self._cell_roots = cell_roots self._cell_name = cell_name self._build_file_name = build_file_name self._implicit_includes = implicit_includes self._allow_empty_globs = allow_empty_globs self._watchman_client = watchman_client self._watchman_glob_stat_results = watchman_glob_stat_results self._watchman_use_glob_generator = watchman_use_glob_generator self._configs = configs self._env_vars = env_vars self._ignore_paths = ignore_paths self._disable_implicit_native_rules = disable_implicit_native_rules self._warn_about_deprecated_syntax = warn_about_deprecated_syntax lazy_global_functions = {} lazy_native_functions = {} for func in BUILD_FUNCTIONS + extra_funcs: func_with_env = LazyBuildEnvPartial(func) lazy_global_functions[func.__name__] = func_with_env for func in NATIVE_FUNCTIONS: func_with_env = LazyBuildEnvPartial(func) lazy_native_functions[func.__name__] = func_with_env self._global_functions = lazy_global_functions self._native_functions = lazy_native_functions self._native_module_class_for_extension = self._create_native_module_class( self._global_functions, self._native_functions ) self._native_module_class_for_build_file = self._create_native_module_class( self._global_functions, [] if self._disable_implicit_native_rules else self._native_functions, ) self._import_whitelist_manager = ImportWhitelistManager( import_whitelist=self._create_import_whitelist(project_import_whitelist), safe_modules_config=self.SAFE_MODULES_CONFIG, path_predicate=lambda path: is_in_dir(path, self._project_root), ) # Set of helpers callable from the child environment. self._default_globals_for_extension = self._create_default_globals(False, False) self._default_globals_for_implicit_include = self._create_default_globals( False, True ) self._default_globals_for_build_file = self._create_default_globals(True, False) def _create_default_globals(self, is_build_file, is_implicit_include): # type: (bool) -> Dict[str, Callable] return { "include_defs": functools.partial(self._include_defs, is_implicit_include), "add_build_file_dep": self._add_build_file_dep, "read_config": self._read_config, "implicit_package_symbol": self._implicit_package_symbol, "allow_unsafe_import": self._import_whitelist_manager.allow_unsafe_import, "glob": self._glob, "subdir_glob": self._subdir_glob, "load": functools.partial(self._load, is_implicit_include), "struct": struct, "provider": self._provider, "host_info": self._host_info, "native": self._create_native_module(is_build_file=is_build_file), } def _create_native_module(self, is_build_file): """ Creates a native module exposing built-in Buck rules. This module allows clients to refer to built-in Buck rules using "native.<native_rule>" syntax in their build files. For example, "native.java_library(...)" will use a native Java library rule. :return: 'native' module struct. """ native_globals = {} self._install_builtins(native_globals, force_native_rules=not is_build_file) assert "glob" not in native_globals assert "host_info" not in native_globals assert "implicit_package_symbol" not in native_globals assert "read_config" not in native_globals native_globals["glob"] = self._glob native_globals["host_info"] = self._host_info native_globals["implicit_package_symbol"] = self._implicit_package_symbol native_globals["read_config"] = self._read_config return ( self._native_module_class_for_build_file(**native_globals) if is_build_file else self._native_module_class_for_extension(**native_globals) ) @staticmethod def _create_native_module_class(global_functions, native_functions): """ Creates a native module class. :return: namedtuple instance for native module """ return collections.namedtuple( "native", list(global_functions) + list(native_functions) + ["glob", "host_info", "read_config", "implicit_package_symbol"], ) def _wrap_env_var_read(self, read, real): """ Return wrapper around function that reads an environment variable so that the read is recorded. """ @functools.wraps(real) def wrapper(varname, *arg, **kwargs): self._record_env_var(varname, read(varname)) return real(varname, *arg, **kwargs) # Save the real function for restoration. wrapper._real = real return wrapper @contextlib.contextmanager def _with_env_interceptor(self, read, obj, *attrs): """ Wrap a function, found at `obj.attr`, that reads an environment variable in a new function which records the env var read. """ orig = [] for attr in attrs: real = getattr(obj, attr) wrapped = self._wrap_env_var_read(read, real) setattr(obj, attr, wrapped) orig.append((attr, real)) try: yield finally: for attr, real in orig: setattr(obj, attr, real) @contextlib.contextmanager def with_env_interceptors(self): """ Install environment variable read interceptors into all known ways that a build file can access the environment. """ # Use a copy of the env to provide a function to get at the low-level # environment. The wrappers will use this when recording the env var. read = dict(os.environ).get # Install interceptors into the main ways a user can read the env. with self._with_env_interceptor( read, os.environ, "__contains__", "__getitem__", "get" ): yield @staticmethod def _merge_explicit_globals(src, dst, whitelist=None, whitelist_mapping=None): # type: (types.ModuleType, Dict[str, Any], Tuple[str], Dict[str, str]) -> None """Copy explicitly requested global definitions from one globals dict to another. If whitelist is set, only globals from the whitelist will be pulled in. If whitelist_mapping is set, globals will be exported under the name of the keyword. For example, foo="bar" would mean that a variable with name "bar" in imported file, will be available as "foo" in current file. """ if whitelist is not None: for symbol in whitelist: if symbol not in src.__dict__: raise KeyError('"%s" is not defined in %s' % (symbol, src.__name__)) dst[symbol] = src.__dict__[symbol] if whitelist_mapping is not None: for exported_name, symbol in iteritems(whitelist_mapping): if symbol not in src.__dict__: raise KeyError('"%s" is not defined in %s' % (symbol, src.__name__)) dst[exported_name] = src.__dict__[symbol] def _merge_globals(self, mod, dst): # type: (types.ModuleType, Dict[str, Any]) -> None """Copy the global definitions from one globals dict to another. Ignores special attributes and attributes starting with '_', which typically denote module-level private attributes. """ keys = getattr(mod, "__all__", mod.__dict__.keys()) for key in keys: # Block copying modules unless they were specified in '__all__' block_copying_module = not hasattr(mod, "__all__") and isinstance( mod.__dict__[key], types.ModuleType ) if ( not key.startswith("_") and key not in _HIDDEN_GLOBALS and not block_copying_module ): dst[key] = mod.__dict__[key] def _update_functions(self, build_env): """ Updates the build functions to use the given build context when called. """ for function in itervalues(self._global_functions): function.build_env = build_env for function in itervalues(self._native_functions): function.build_env = build_env def _install_builtins(self, namespace, force_native_rules=False): """ Installs the build functions, by their name, into the given namespace. """ for name, function in iteritems(self._global_functions): namespace[name] = function.invoke if not self._disable_implicit_native_rules or force_native_rules: for name, function in iteritems(self._native_functions): namespace[name] = function.invoke @contextlib.contextmanager def with_builtins(self, namespace): """ Installs the build functions for the duration of a `with` block. """ original_namespace = namespace.copy() self._install_builtins(namespace) try: yield finally: namespace.clear() namespace.update(original_namespace) def _resolve_include(self, name): # type: (str) -> BuildInclude """Resolve the given include def name to a BuildInclude metadata.""" match = re.match(r"^([A-Za-z0-9_]*)//(.*)$", name) if match is None: raise ValueError( "include_defs argument {} should be in the form of " "//path or cellname//path".format(name) ) cell_name = relative_path = if len(cell_name) > 0: cell_root = self._cell_roots.get(cell_name) if cell_root is None: raise KeyError( "include_defs argument {} references an unknown cell named {} " "known cells: {!r}".format(name, cell_name, self._cell_roots) ) return BuildInclude( cell_name=cell_name, path=os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cell_root, relative_path)), ) else: return BuildInclude( cell_name=cell_name, path=os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self._project_root, relative_path)), ) def _get_load_path(self, label): # type: (str) -> BuildInclude """Resolve the given load function label to a BuildInclude metadata.""" match = _LOAD_TARGET_PATH_RE.match(label) if match is None: raise ValueError( "load label {} should be in the form of " "//path:file or cellname//path:file".format(label) ) cell_name ="cell") if cell_name: if cell_name.startswith("@"): cell_name = cell_name[1:] elif self._warn_about_deprecated_syntax: self._emit_warning( '{} has a load label "{}" that uses a deprecated cell format. ' '"{}" should instead be "@{}".'.format( self._current_build_env.path, label, cell_name, cell_name ), "load function", ) else: cell_name = self._current_build_env.cell_name relative_path ="package") file_name ="target") label_root ="root") if not label_root: # relative include. e.g. :foo.bzl if "/" in file_name: raise ValueError( "Relative loads work only for files in the same directory. " + "Please use absolute label instead ([cell]//pkg[/pkg]:target)." ) callee_dir = os.path.dirname(self._current_build_env.path) return BuildInclude( cell_name=cell_name, path=os.path.normpath(os.path.join(callee_dir, file_name)), ) elif cell_name: cell_root = self._cell_roots.get(cell_name) if cell_root is None: raise KeyError( "load label {} references an unknown cell named {} " "known cells: {!r}".format(label, cell_name, self._cell_roots) ) return BuildInclude( cell_name=cell_name, path=os.path.normpath( os.path.join(cell_root, relative_path, file_name) ), ) else: return BuildInclude( cell_name=cell_name, path=os.path.normpath( os.path.join(self._project_root, relative_path, file_name) ), ) def _read_config(self, section, field, default=None): # type: (str, str, Any) -> Any """ Lookup a setting from `.buckconfig`. This method is meant to be installed into the globals of any files or includes that we process. """ # Grab the current build context from the top of the stack. build_env = self._current_build_env # Lookup the value and record it in this build file's context. key = section, field value = self._configs.get(key) if value is not None and not isinstance(value, str): # Python 2 returns unicode values from parsed JSON configs, but # only str types should be exposed to clients value = value.encode("utf-8") # replace raw values to avoid decoding for frequently used configs self._configs[key] = value build_env.used_configs[section][field] = value # If no config setting was found, return the default. if value is None: return default return value def _implicit_package_symbol(self, symbol, default=None): # type: (str, Any) -> Any """ Gives access to a symbol that has been implicitly loaded for the package of the build file that is currently being evaluated. If the symbol was not present, `default` will be returned. """ build_env = self._current_build_env return build_env.implicit_package_symbols.get(symbol, default) def _glob( self, includes, excludes=None, include_dotfiles=False, search_base=None, exclude=None, ): assert exclude is None or excludes is None, ( "Mixing 'exclude' and 'excludes' attributes is not allowed. Please replace your " "exclude and excludes arguments with a single 'excludes = %r'." % (exclude + excludes) ) excludes = excludes or exclude build_env = self._current_build_env # type: BuildFileContext return glob( includes, excludes=excludes, include_dotfiles=include_dotfiles, search_base=search_base, build_env=build_env, ) def _subdir_glob(self, glob_specs, excludes=None, prefix=None, search_base=None): build_env = self._current_build_env return subdir_glob( glob_specs, excludes=excludes, prefix=prefix, search_base=search_base, build_env=build_env, ) def _record_env_var(self, name, value): # type: (str, Any) -> None """ Record a read of an environment variable. This method is meant to wrap methods in `os.environ` when called from any files or includes that we process. """ # Grab the current build context from the top of the stack. build_env = self._current_build_env # Lookup the value and record it in this build file's context. build_env.used_env_vars[name] = value def _called_from_project_file(self): # type: () -> bool """ Returns true if the function was called from a project file. """ frame = get_caller_frame(skip=[__name__]) filename = inspect.getframeinfo(frame).filename return is_in_dir(filename, self._project_root) def _include_defs(self, is_implicit_include, name, namespace=None): # type: (bool, str, Optional[str]) -> None """Pull the named include into the current caller's context. This method is meant to be installed into the globals of any files or includes that we process. """ # Grab the current build context from the top of the stack. build_env = self._current_build_env # Resolve the named include to its path and process it to get its # build context and module. build_include = self._resolve_include(name) inner_env, mod = self._process_include(build_include, is_implicit_include) # Look up the caller's stack frame and merge the include's globals # into it's symbol table. frame = get_caller_frame(skip=["_functools", __name__]) if namespace is not None: # If using a fresh namespace, create a fresh module to populate. fresh_module = imp.new_module(namespace) fresh_module.__file__ = mod.__file__ self._merge_globals(mod, fresh_module.__dict__) frame.f_globals[namespace] = fresh_module else: self._merge_globals(mod, frame.f_globals) # Pull in the include's accounting of its own referenced includes # into the current build context. build_env.includes.add(build_include.path) build_env.merge(inner_env) def _load(self, is_implicit_include, name, *symbols, **symbol_kwargs): # type: (bool, str, *str, **str) -> None """Pull the symbols from the named include into the current caller's context. This method is meant to be installed into the globals of any files or includes that we process. """ assert symbols or symbol_kwargs, "expected at least one symbol to load" # Grab the current build context from the top of the stack. build_env = self._current_build_env # Resolve the named include to its path and process it to get its # build context and module. build_include = self._get_load_path(name) inner_env, module = self._process_include(build_include, is_implicit_include) # Look up the caller's stack frame and merge the include's globals # into it's symbol table. frame = get_caller_frame(skip=["_functools", __name__]) BuildFileProcessor._merge_explicit_globals( module, frame.f_globals, symbols, symbol_kwargs ) # Pull in the include's accounting of its own referenced includes # into the current build context. build_env.includes.add(build_include.path) build_env.merge(inner_env) def _load_package_implicit(self, build_env, package_implicit_load): """ Updates `build_env` to contain all symbols from `package_implicit_load` Args: build_env: The build environment on which to modify includes / implicit_package_symbols properties package_implicit_load: A dictionary with "load_path", the first part of the a `load` statement, and "load_symbols", a dictionary that works like the **symbols attribute of `load` """ # Resolve the named include to its path and process it to get its # build context and module. build_include = self._get_load_path(package_implicit_load["load_path"]) inner_env, module = self._process_include(build_include, True) # Validate that symbols that are requested explicitly by config are present # in the .bzl file for key, value in iteritems(package_implicit_load["load_symbols"]): try: build_env.implicit_package_symbols[key] = getattr(module, value) except AttributeError: raise BuildFileFailError( "Could not find symbol '{}' in implicitly loaded extension '{}'".format( value, package_implicit_load["load_path"] ) ) # Pull in the include's accounting of its own referenced includes # into the current build context. build_env.includes.add(build_include.path) build_env.merge(inner_env) @staticmethod def _provider(doc="", fields=None): # type: (str, Union[List[str], Dict[str, str]]) -> Callable """Creates a declared provider factory. The return value of this function can be used to create "struct-like" values. Example: SomeInfo = provider() def foo(): return 3 info = SomeInfo(x = 2, foo = foo) print(info.x + # prints 5 Optional fields can be used to restrict the set of allowed fields. Example: SomeInfo = provider(fields=["data"]) info = SomeInfo(data="data") # valid info = SomeInfo(foo="bar") # runtime exception """ if fields: return create_struct_class(fields) return struct def _add_build_file_dep(self, name): # type: (str) -> None """ Explicitly specify a dependency on an external file. For instance, this can be used to specify a dependency on an external executable that will be invoked, or some other external configuration file. """ # Grab the current build context from the top of the stack. build_env = self._current_build_env cell_name, path = self._resolve_include(name) build_env.includes.add(path) @staticmethod def _host_info(): return _cached_host_info @contextlib.contextmanager def _set_build_env(self, build_env): # type: (AbstractContext) -> Iterator[None] """Set the given build context as the current context, unsetting it upon exit.""" old_env = self._current_build_env self._current_build_env = build_env self._update_functions(self._current_build_env) try: yield finally: self._current_build_env = old_env self._update_functions(self._current_build_env) def _emit_warning(self, message, source): # type: (str, str) -> None """ Add a warning to the current build_env's diagnostics. """ if self._current_build_env is not None: self._current_build_env.diagnostics.append( Diagnostic( message=message, level="warning", source=source, exception=None ) ) @staticmethod def _create_import_whitelist(project_import_whitelist): # type: (List[str]) -> Set[str] """ Creates import whitelist by joining the global whitelist with the project specific one defined in '.buckconfig'. """ global_whitelist = [ "copy", "re", "functools", "itertools", "json", "hashlib", "types", "string", "ast", "__future__", "collections", "operator", "fnmatch", "copy_reg", ] return set(global_whitelist + project_import_whitelist) def _file_access_wrapper(self, real): """ Return wrapper around function so that accessing a file produces warning if it is not a known dependency. """ @functools.wraps(real) def wrapper(filename, *arg, **kwargs): # Restore original 'open' because it is used by 'inspect.currentframe()' in # '_called_from_project_file()' with self._wrap_file_access(wrap=False): if self._called_from_project_file(): path = os.path.abspath(filename) if path not in self._current_build_env.includes: dep_path = "//" + os.path.relpath(path, self._project_root) warning_message = ( "Access to a non-tracked file detected! {0} is not a ".format( path ) + "known dependency and it should be added using 'add_build_file_dep' " + "function before trying to access the file, e.g.\n" + "'add_build_file_dep('{0}')'\n".format(dep_path) + "The 'add_build_file_dep' function is documented at " + "\n" ) self._emit_warning(warning_message, "sandboxing") return real(filename, *arg, **kwargs) # Save the real function for restoration. wrapper._real = real return wrapper @contextlib.contextmanager def _wrap_fun_for_file_access(self, obj, attr, wrap=True): """ Wrap a function to check if accessed files are known dependencies. """ real = getattr(obj, attr) if wrap: # Don't wrap again if not hasattr(real, "_real"): wrapped = self._file_access_wrapper(real) setattr(obj, attr, wrapped) elif hasattr(real, "_real"): # Restore real function if it was wrapped setattr(obj, attr, real._real) try: yield finally: setattr(obj, attr, real) def _wrap_file_access(self, wrap=True): """ Wrap 'open' so that they it checks if accessed files are known dependencies. If 'wrap' is equal to False, restore original function instead. """ return self._wrap_fun_for_file_access(builtins, "open", wrap) @contextlib.contextmanager def _build_file_sandboxing(self): """ Creates a context that sandboxes build file processing. """ with self._wrap_file_access(): with self._import_whitelist_manager.allow_unsafe_import(False): yield @traced(stats_key="Process") def _process(self, build_env, path, is_implicit_include, package_implicit_load): # type: (_GCT, str, bool, Optional[LoadStatement]) -> Tuple[_GCT, types.ModuleType] """Process a build file or include at the given path. :param build_env: context of the file to process. :param path: target-like path to the file to process. :param is_implicit_include: whether the file being processed is an implicit include, or was included from an implicit include. :package_implicit_load: if provided, a dictionary containing the path to load for this given package, and the symbols to load from that .bzl file. :returns: build context (potentially different if retrieved from cache) and loaded module. """ if isinstance(build_env, IncludeContext): default_globals = ( self._default_globals_for_implicit_include if is_implicit_include else self._default_globals_for_extension ) else: default_globals = self._default_globals_for_build_file emit_trace(path) # Install the build context for this input as the current context. with self._set_build_env(build_env): # Don't include implicit includes if the current file being # processed is an implicit include if not is_implicit_include: for include in self._implicit_includes: build_include = self._resolve_include(include) inner_env, mod = self._process_include(build_include, True) self._merge_globals(mod, default_globals) build_env.includes.add(build_include.path) build_env.merge(inner_env) if package_implicit_load: self._load_package_implicit(build_env, package_implicit_load) # Build a new module for the given file, using the default globals # created above. module = imp.new_module(path) module.__file__ = path module.__dict__.update(default_globals) # We don't open this file as binary, as we assume it's a textual source # file. with scoped_trace("IO", stats_key="IO"): with self._wrap_file_access(wrap=False): with open(path, "r") as f: contents = with scoped_trace("Compile", stats_key="Compile"): # Enable absolute imports. This prevents the compiler from # trying to do a relative import first, and warning that # this module doesn't exist in sys.modules. future_features = absolute_import.compiler_flag code = compile(contents, path, "exec", future_features, 1) # Execute code with build file sandboxing with self._build_file_sandboxing(): exec(code, module.__dict__) return build_env, module def _process_include(self, build_include, is_implicit_include): # type: (BuildInclude, bool) -> Tuple[AbstractContext, types.ModuleType] """Process the include file at the given path. :param build_include: build include metadata (cell_name and path). :param is_implicit_include: whether the file being processed is an implicit include, or was included from an implicit include. """ # First check the cache. cached = self._include_cache.get(build_include.path) if cached is not None: return cached build_env = IncludeContext( cell_name=build_include.cell_name, path=build_include.path ) build_env, mod = self._process( build_env, build_include.path, is_implicit_include=is_implicit_include, package_implicit_load=None, ) self._include_cache[build_include.path] = build_env, mod return build_env, mod def _process_build_file( self, watch_root, project_prefix, path, package_implicit_load ): # type: (str, str, str, Optional[LoadStatement]) -> Tuple[BuildFileContext, types.ModuleType] """Process the build file at the given path.""" # Create the build file context, including the base path and directory # name of the given path. relative_path_to_build_file = os.path.relpath(path, self._project_root).replace( "\\", "/" ) len_suffix = -len(self._build_file_name) - 1 base_path = relative_path_to_build_file[:len_suffix] dirname = os.path.dirname(path) build_env = BuildFileContext( self._project_root, base_path, path, dirname, self._cell_name, self._allow_empty_globs, self._ignore_paths, self._watchman_client, watch_root, project_prefix, self._sync_cookie_state, self._watchman_glob_stat_results, self._watchman_use_glob_generator, {}, ) return self._process( build_env, path, is_implicit_include=False, package_implicit_load=package_implicit_load, ) def process( self, watch_root, project_prefix, path, diagnostics, package_implicit_load ): # type: (str, Optional[str], str, List[Diagnostic], Optional[LoadStatement]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]] """Process a build file returning a dict of its rules and includes.""" build_env, mod = self._process_build_file( watch_root, project_prefix, os.path.join(self._project_root, path), package_implicit_load=package_implicit_load, ) # Initialize the output object to a map of the parsed rules. values = list(itervalues(build_env.rules)) # Add in tracked included files as a special meta rule. values.append({"__includes": [path] + sorted(build_env.includes)}) # Add in tracked used config settings as a special meta rule. values.append({"__configs": build_env.used_configs}) # Add in used environment variables as a special meta rule. values.append({"__env": build_env.used_env_vars}) diagnostics.extend(build_env.diagnostics) return values class InvalidSignatureError(Exception): pass def format_traceback(tb): formatted = [] for entry in traceback.extract_tb(tb): (filename, line_number, function_name, text) = entry formatted.append( { "filename": filename, "line_number": line_number, "function_name": function_name, "text": text, } ) return formatted def format_exception_info(exception_info): (exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) = exception_info formatted = { "type": exc_type.__name__, "value": str(exc_value), "traceback": format_traceback(exc_traceback), } if exc_type is SyntaxError: formatted["filename"] = exc_value.filename formatted["lineno"] = exc_value.lineno formatted["offset"] = exc_value.offset formatted["text"] = exc_value.text return formatted def encode_result(values, diagnostics, profile): # type: (List[Dict[str, object]], List[Diagnostic], Optional[str]) -> str result = { "values": [ {k: v for k, v in iteritems(value) if v is not None} for value in values ] } json_encoder = BuckJSONEncoder() if diagnostics: encoded_diagnostics = [] for d in diagnostics: encoded = {"message": d.message, "level": d.level, "source": d.source} if d.exception: encoded["exception"] = format_exception_info(d.exception) encoded_diagnostics.append(encoded) result["diagnostics"] = encoded_diagnostics if profile is not None: result["profile"] = profile try: return json_encoder.encode(result) except Exception as e: # Try again without the values result["values"] = [] if "diagnostics" not in result: result["diagnostics"] = [] result["diagnostics"].append( { "message": str(e), "level": "fatal", "source": "parse", "exception": format_exception_info(sys.exc_info()), } ) return json_encoder.encode(result) def process_with_diagnostics(build_file_query, build_file_processor, to_parent): start_time = time.time() build_file = build_file_query.get("buildFile") watch_root = build_file_query.get("watchRoot") project_prefix = build_file_query.get("projectPrefix") package_implicit_load = build_file_query.get("packageImplicitLoad") build_file = cygwin_adjusted_path(build_file) watch_root = cygwin_adjusted_path(watch_root) if project_prefix is not None: project_prefix = cygwin_adjusted_path(project_prefix) diagnostics = [] values = [] try: values = build_file_processor.process( watch_root, project_prefix, build_file, diagnostics=diagnostics, package_implicit_load=package_implicit_load, ) except BaseException as e: # sys.exit() don't emit diagnostics. if e is not SystemExit: if isinstance(e, WatchmanError): source = "watchman" message = e.msg else: source = "parse" message = str(e) diagnostics.append( Diagnostic( message=message, level="fatal", source=source, exception=sys.exc_info(), ) ) raise finally: java_process_send_result(to_parent, values, diagnostics, None) end_time = time.time() return end_time - start_time def java_process_send_result(to_parent, values, diagnostics, profile_result): """Sends result to the Java process""" data = encode_result(values, diagnostics, profile_result) if PY3: # in Python 3 write expects bytes instead of string data = data.encode("utf-8") to_parent.write(data) to_parent.flush() def silent_excepthook(exctype, value, tb): # We already handle all exceptions by writing them to the parent, so # no need to dump them again to stderr. pass def _optparse_store_kv(option, opt_str, value, parser): """Optparse option callback which parses input as K=V, and store into dictionary. :param optparse.Option option: Option instance :param str opt_str: string representation of option flag :param str value: argument value :param optparse.OptionParser parser: parser instance """ result = value.split("=", 1) if len(result) != 2: raise optparse.OptionError( "Expected argument of to be in the form of X=Y".format(opt_str), option ) (k, v) = result # Get or create the dictionary dest_dict = getattr(parser.values, option.dest) if dest_dict is None: dest_dict = {} setattr(parser.values, option.dest, dest_dict) dest_dict[k] = v # Inexplicably, this script appears to run faster when the arguments passed # into it are absolute paths. However, we want the "buck.base_path" property # of each rule to be printed out to be the base path of the build target that # identifies the rule. That means that when parsing a BUCK file, we must know # its path relative to the root of the project to produce the base path. # # To that end, the first argument to this script must be an absolute path to # the project root. It must be followed by one or more absolute paths to # BUCK files under the project root. If no paths to BUCK files are # specified, then it will traverse the project root for BUCK files, excluding # directories of generated files produced by Buck. # # All of the build rules that are parsed from the BUCK files will be printed # to stdout encoded in JSON. That means that printing out other information # for debugging purposes will break the JSON encoding, so be careful! def main(): # Our parent expects to read JSON from our stdout, so if anyone # uses print, buck will complain with a helpful "but I wanted an # array!" message and quit. Redirect stdout to stderr so that # doesn't happen. Actually dup2 the file handle so that writing # to file descriptor 1, os.system, and so on work as expected too. # w instead of a mode is used because of to_parent = os.fdopen(os.dup(sys.stdout.fileno()), "wb") os.dup2(sys.stderr.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno()) parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option( "--project_root", action="store", type="string", dest="project_root" ) parser.add_option( "--cell_root", action="callback", type="string", dest="cell_roots", metavar="NAME=PATH", help="Cell roots that can be referenced by includes.", callback=_optparse_store_kv, default={}, ) parser.add_option("--cell_name", action="store", type="string", dest="cell_name") parser.add_option( "--build_file_name", action="store", type="string", dest="build_file_name" ) parser.add_option( "--allow_empty_globs", action="store_true", dest="allow_empty_globs", help="Tells the parser not to raise an error when glob returns no results.", ) parser.add_option( "--use_watchman_glob", action="store_true", dest="use_watchman_glob", help="Invokes `watchman query` to get lists of files instead of globbing in-process.", ) parser.add_option( "--watchman_use_glob_generator", action="store_true", dest="watchman_use_glob_generator", help="Uses Watchman glob generator to speed queries", ) parser.add_option( "--watchman_glob_stat_results", action="store_true", dest="watchman_glob_stat_results", help="Invokes `stat()` to sanity check result of `watchman query`.", ) parser.add_option( "--watchman_socket_path", action="store", type="string", dest="watchman_socket_path", help="Path to Unix domain socket/named pipe as returned by `watchman get-sockname`.", ) parser.add_option( "--watchman_query_timeout_ms", action="store", type="int", dest="watchman_query_timeout_ms", help="Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for watchman query to respond.", ) parser.add_option("--include", action="append", dest="include") parser.add_option("--config", help="BuckConfig settings available at parse time.") parser.add_option("--ignore_paths", help="Paths that should be ignored.") parser.add_option( "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", help="Stifles exception backtraces printed to stderr during parsing.", ) parser.add_option( "--profile", action="store_true", help="Profile every buck file execution" ) parser.add_option( "--build_file_import_whitelist", action="append", dest="build_file_import_whitelist", ) parser.add_option( "--disable_implicit_native_rules", action="store_true", help="Do not allow native rules in build files, only included ones", ) parser.add_option( "--warn_about_deprecated_syntax", action="store_true", help="Warn about deprecated syntax usage.", ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Even though project_root is absolute path, it may not be concise. For # example, it might be like "C:\project\.\rule". # # Under cygwin, the project root will be invoked from buck as C:\path, but # the cygwin python uses UNIX-style paths. They can be converted using # cygpath, which is necessary because abspath will treat C:\path as a # relative path. options.project_root = cygwin_adjusted_path(options.project_root) project_root = os.path.abspath(options.project_root) cell_roots = { k: os.path.abspath(cygwin_adjusted_path(v)) for k, v in iteritems(options.cell_roots) } watchman_client = None if options.use_watchman_glob: client_args = {"sendEncoding": "json", "recvEncoding": "json"} if options.watchman_query_timeout_ms is not None: # pywatchman expects a timeout as a nonnegative floating-point # value in seconds. client_args["timeout"] = max( 0.0, options.watchman_query_timeout_ms / 1000.0 ) else: client_args["timeout"] = DEFAULT_WATCHMAN_QUERY_TIMEOUT if options.watchman_socket_path is not None: client_args["sockpath"] = options.watchman_socket_path client_args["transport"] = "local" watchman_client = pywatchman.client(**client_args) configs = {} if options.config is not None: with open(options.config, "rb") as f: for section, contents in iteritems(json.load(f)): for field, value in iteritems(contents): configs[(section, field)] = value ignore_paths = [] if options.ignore_paths is not None: with open(options.ignore_paths, "rb") as f: ignore_paths = [make_glob(i) for i in json.load(f)] build_file_processor = BuildFileProcessor( project_root, cell_roots, options.cell_name, options.build_file_name, options.allow_empty_globs, watchman_client, options.watchman_glob_stat_results, options.watchman_use_glob_generator, project_import_whitelist=options.build_file_import_whitelist or [], implicit_includes=options.include or [], configs=configs, ignore_paths=ignore_paths, disable_implicit_native_rules=options.disable_implicit_native_rules, warn_about_deprecated_syntax=options.warn_about_deprecated_syntax, ) # While processing, we'll write exceptions as diagnostic messages # to the parent then re-raise them to crash the process. While # doing so, we don't want Python's default unhandled exception # behavior of writing to stderr. orig_excepthook = None if options.quiet: orig_excepthook = sys.excepthook sys.excepthook = silent_excepthook # Process the build files with the env var interceptors and builtins # installed. with build_file_processor.with_env_interceptors(): with build_file_processor.with_builtins(builtins.__dict__): processed_build_file = [] profiler = None if options.profile: profiler = Profiler(True) profiler.start() Tracer.enable() for build_file in args: query = { "buildFile": build_file, "watchRoot": project_root, "projectPrefix": project_root, } duration = process_with_diagnostics( query, build_file_processor, to_parent ) processed_build_file.append( {"buildFile": build_file, "duration": duration} ) # From : # # Note that there is internal buffering in file.readlines() # and File Objects (for line in sys.stdin) which is not # influenced by this option. To work around this, you will # want to use file.readline() inside a while 1: loop. for line in wait_and_read_build_file_query(): if line == "": break build_file_query = json.loads(line) if build_file_query.get("command") == "report_profile": report_profile(options, to_parent, processed_build_file, profiler) else: duration = process_with_diagnostics( build_file_query, build_file_processor, to_parent ) processed_build_file.append( { "buildFile": build_file_query["buildFile"], "duration": duration, } ) if options.quiet: sys.excepthook = orig_excepthook # Python tries to flush/close stdout when it quits, and if there's a dead # pipe on the other end, it will spit some warnings to stderr. This breaks # tests sometimes. Prevent that by explicitly catching the error. try: to_parent.close() except IOError: pass def wait_build_file_query(): _select([sys.stdin], [], []) def wait_and_read_build_file_query(): def default_wait(): return wait = default_wait if sys.platform != "win32": # wait_build_file_query() is useful to attribute time waiting for queries. # Since is not supported on Windows, we currently don't have # a reliable way to measure it on this platform. Then, we skip it. wait = wait_build_file_query while True: wait() line = sys.stdin.readline() if not line: return yield line def report_profile(options, to_parent, processed_build_file, profiler): if options.profile: try: profiler.stop() profile_result = profiler.generate_report() extra_result = "Total: {:.2f} sec\n\n\n".format(profiler.total_time) extra_result += "# Parsed {} files".format(len(processed_build_file)) processed_build_file.sort( key=lambda current_child: current_child["duration"], reverse=True ) # Only show the top ten buck files if len(processed_build_file) > 10: processed_build_file = processed_build_file[:10] extra_result += ", {} slower BUCK files:\n".format( len(processed_build_file) ) else: extra_result += "\n" for info in processed_build_file: extra_result += "Parsed {}: {:.2f} sec \n".format( info["buildFile"], info["duration"] ) extra_result += "\n\n" profile_result = extra_result + profile_result profile_result += Tracer.get_all_traces_and_reset() java_process_send_result(to_parent, [], [], profile_result) except Exception: trace = traceback.format_exc() print(str(trace)) raise else: java_process_send_result(to_parent, [], [], None) def make_glob(pat): # type: (str) -> str if is_special(pat): return pat return pat + "/**" # import autogenerated rule instances for effect. try: import generated_rules except ImportError: # If running directly or python tests of this code, this is not an error. sys.stderr.write("Failed to load buck generated rules module.\n")
from filebeat import BaseTest import os import socket """ Tests for the custom fields functionality. """ class Test(BaseTest): def test_custom_fields(self): """ Tests that custom fields show up in the output dict. """ self.render_config_template( path=os.path.abspath(self.working_dir) + "/test.log", fields={"hello": "world", "number": 2} ) with open(self.working_dir + "/test.log", "w") as f: f.write("test message\n") filebeat = self.start_beat() self.wait_until(lambda: self.output_has(lines=1)) filebeat.check_kill_and_wait() output = self.read_output() doc = output[0] assert doc["fields.hello"] == "world" assert doc["fields.number"] == 2 def test_custom_fields_under_root(self): """ Tests that custom fields show up in the output dict under root when fields_under_root option is used. """ self.render_config_template( path=os.path.abspath(self.working_dir) + "/test.log", fields={ "hello": "world", "type": "log2", "timestamp": "2" }, fieldsUnderRoot=True ) with open(self.working_dir + "/test.log", "w") as f: f.write("test message\n") filebeat = self.start_beat() self.wait_until(lambda: self.output_has(lines=1)) filebeat.check_kill_and_wait() output = self.read_output() doc = output[0] print doc assert doc["hello"] == "world" assert doc["type"] == "log2" assert doc["timestamp"] == 2 assert "fields" not in doc def test_beat_fields(self): """ Checks that it's possible to set a custom shipper name. Also tests that beat.hostname has values. """ self.render_config_template( path=os.path.abspath(self.working_dir) + "/test.log", shipperName="testShipperName" ) with open(self.working_dir + "/test.log", "w") as f: f.write("test message\n") filebeat = self.start_beat() self.wait_until(lambda: self.output_has(lines=1)) filebeat.check_kill_and_wait() output = self.read_output() doc = output[0] assert doc[""] == "testShipperName" assert doc["beat.hostname"] == socket.gethostname() assert "fields" not in doc
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Kover: Learn interpretable computational phenotyping models from k-merized genomic data Copyright (C) 2015 Alexandre Drouin This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. """ import logging import numpy as np from collections import defaultdict from copy import deepcopy from functools import partial from itertools import product from math import exp, log as ln, pi from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count from scipy.misc import comb from ...dataset.ds import KoverDataset from ..common.models import ConjunctionModel, DisjunctionModel from ..common.rules import LazyKmerRuleList, KmerRuleClassifications from ..learners.scm import SetCoveringMachine from ...utils import _duplicate_last_element, _unpack_binary_bytes_from_ints, _parse_kmer_blacklist from ..experiments.metrics import _get_binary_metrics def _predictions(model, kmer_matrix, train_example_idx, test_example_idx, progress_callback=None): """Computes predictions by loading only the columns of the kmer matrix that are targetted by the model. Parameters ---------- model: BaseModel The model used for predicting. kmer_matrix: BaseRuleClassifications The matrix containing the classifications of each rule on each learning example. train_example_idx: array-like, dtype=uint The index of the rows of kmer_matrix corresponding to the training examples. test_example_idx: array-like, dtype=uint The index of the rows of kmer_matrix corresponding to the testing examples. progress_callback: function with arguments task, percent_completed A callback function used to keep track of the task's completion. """ if progress_callback is None: progress_callback = lambda t, p: None progress_callback("Testing", 0.0) # We use h5py to load only the columns of the k-mer matrix targeted by the model. The indices passed to h5py need # to be sorted. We change the kmer_idx of the rules in the model to be 0 ... n_rules, with the rule that initially had # the smallest kmer_idx pointing to 0 and the one with the largest kmer_idx pointing to n_rules. We then load only # the appropriate columns and apply the readdressed model to the data (in RAM). columns_to_load = [] readdressed_model = deepcopy(model) for i, rule_idx in enumerate(np.argsort([r.kmer_index for r in model.rules])): rule = readdressed_model.rules[rule_idx] columns_to_load.append(rule.kmer_index) rule.kmer_index = i # Load the columns targeted by the model and make predictions using the readdressed model X = _unpack_binary_bytes_from_ints(kmer_matrix[:, columns_to_load]) train_predictions = readdressed_model.predict(X[train_example_idx]) progress_callback("Testing", 1.0 * len(train_example_idx) / (len(train_example_idx) + len(test_example_idx))) test_predictions = readdressed_model.predict(X[test_example_idx]) progress_callback("Testing", 1.0) return train_predictions, test_predictions def _cv_score_hp(hp_values, max_rules, dataset_file, split_name, rule_blacklist): model_type = hp_values[0] p = hp_values[1] dataset = KoverDataset(dataset_file) folds = dataset.get_split(split_name).folds rules = LazyKmerRuleList(dataset.kmer_sequences, dataset.kmer_by_matrix_column) rule_classifications = KmerRuleClassifications(dataset.kmer_matrix, dataset.genome_count) def _iteration_callback(iteration_infos, tmp_model, test_predictions_by_model_length, test_example_idx): tmp_model.add(iteration_infos["selected_rule"]) _, test_predictions = _predictions(tmp_model, dataset.kmer_matrix, [], test_example_idx) test_predictions_by_model_length.append(test_predictions) def _tiebreaker(best_utility_idx, rule_risks, model_type): logging.debug("There are %d candidate rules." % len(best_utility_idx)) tie_rule_risks = rule_risks[best_utility_idx] if model_type == "conjunction": result = best_utility_idx[np.isclose(tie_rule_risks, tie_rule_risks.min())] else: # Use max instead of min, since in the disjunction case the risks = 1.0 - conjunction risks (inverted ys) result = best_utility_idx[np.isclose(tie_rule_risks, tie_rule_risks.max())] return result fold_score_by_model_length = np.zeros((len(folds), max_rules)) for i, fold in enumerate(folds): logging.debug("Fold: %s" % rule_risks = np.hstack((fold.unique_risk_by_kmer[...], fold.unique_risk_by_anti_kmer[...])) # Too bad that we need to load each time. Maybe invert the loops (all hp for each fold) train_example_idx = fold.train_genome_idx test_example_idx = fold.test_genome_idx positive_example_idx = train_example_idx[dataset.phenotype.metadata[train_example_idx] == 1].reshape(-1) negative_example_idx = train_example_idx[dataset.phenotype.metadata[train_example_idx] == 0].reshape(-1) tiebreaker = partial(_tiebreaker, rule_risks=rule_risks, model_type=model_type) test_predictions_by_model_length = [] tmp_model = ConjunctionModel() if model_type == "conjunction" else DisjunctionModel() iteration_callback = partial(_iteration_callback, tmp_model=tmp_model, test_predictions_by_model_length=test_predictions_by_model_length, test_example_idx=test_example_idx) predictor = SetCoveringMachine(model_type=model_type, p=p, max_rules=max_rules), rule_classifications=rule_classifications, positive_example_idx=positive_example_idx, negative_example_idx=negative_example_idx, rule_blacklist=rule_blacklist, tiebreaker=tiebreaker, iteration_callback=iteration_callback) test_predictions_by_model_length = np.array(_duplicate_last_element(test_predictions_by_model_length, max_rules)) fold_score_by_model_length[i] = _get_binary_metrics(predictions=test_predictions_by_model_length, answers=dataset.phenotype.metadata[test_example_idx])["risk"] score_by_model_length = np.mean(fold_score_by_model_length, axis=0) best_score_idx = np.argmin(score_by_model_length) best_hp_score = score_by_model_length[best_score_idx] best_model_length = best_score_idx + 1 return (model_type, p, best_model_length), best_hp_score def _cross_validation(dataset_file, split_name, model_types, p_values, max_rules, rule_blacklist, n_cpu, progress_callback, warning_callback, error_callback): """ Returns the best parameter combination and its cv score """ n_hp_combinations = len(model_types) * len(p_values) logging.debug("There are %d hyperparameter combinations to try." % n_hp_combinations) logging.debug("Using %d CPUs." % n_cpu) pool = Pool(processes=n_cpu) hp_eval_func = partial(_cv_score_hp, dataset_file=dataset_file, split_name=split_name, max_rules=max_rules, rule_blacklist=rule_blacklist) best_hp_score = 1.0 best_hp = {"model_type": None, "p": None, "max_rules": None} n_completed = 0.0 progress_callback("Cross-validation", 0.0) for hp, score in pool.imap_unordered(hp_eval_func, product(model_types, p_values)): n_completed += 1 progress_callback("Cross-validation", n_completed / n_hp_combinations) if (not np.allclose(score, best_hp_score) and score < best_hp_score) or \ (np.allclose(score, best_hp_score) and hp[2] < best_hp["max_rules"]) or \ (np.allclose(score, best_hp_score) and hp[2] == best_hp["max_rules"] and not np.allclose(hp[1], best_hp["p"]) and \ abs(1.0 - hp[1]) < abs(1.0 - best_hp["p"])): best_hp["model_type"] = hp[0] best_hp["p"] = hp[1] best_hp["max_rules"] = hp[2] best_hp_score = score return best_hp_score, best_hp def _full_train(dataset, split_name, model_type, p, max_rules, max_equiv_rules, rule_blacklist, random_generator, progress_callback): full_train_progress = {"n_rules": 0.0} def _iteration_callback(iteration_infos, model_type, equivalent_rules): full_train_progress["n_rules"] += 1 progress_callback("Training", full_train_progress["n_rules"] / max_rules) # Ensure that there are no more equivalent rules than the specified maximum if len(iteration_infos["equivalent_rules_idx"]) > max_equiv_rules: logging.debug("There are more equivalent rules than the allowed maximum. Subsampling %d rules." % max_equiv_rules) random_idx = random_generator.choice(len(iteration_infos["equivalent_rules_idx"]), max_equiv_rules, replace=False) random_idx.sort() iteration_infos["equivalent_rules_idx"] = iteration_infos["equivalent_rules_idx"][random_idx] # Adjust and store the equivalent rule indices if model_type == "disjunction": n_kmers = rule_classifications.shape[1] / 2 iteration_infos["equivalent_rules_idx"] += n_kmers iteration_infos["equivalent_rules_idx"] %= (2 * n_kmers) equivalent_rules.append(iteration_infos["equivalent_rules_idx"]) else: equivalent_rules.append(iteration_infos["equivalent_rules_idx"]) def _tiebreaker(best_utility_idx, rule_risks, model_type): logging.debug("There are %d candidate rules." % len(best_utility_idx)) tie_rule_risks = rule_risks[best_utility_idx] if model_type == "conjunction": result = best_utility_idx[np.isclose(tie_rule_risks, tie_rule_risks.min())] else: # Use max instead of min, since in the disjunction case the risks = 1.0 - conjunction risks (inverted ys) result = best_utility_idx[np.isclose(tie_rule_risks, tie_rule_risks.max())] return result rules = LazyKmerRuleList(dataset.kmer_sequences, dataset.kmer_by_matrix_column) rule_classifications = KmerRuleClassifications(dataset.kmer_matrix, dataset.genome_count) split = dataset.get_split(split_name) train_example_idx = split.train_genome_idx positive_example_idx = train_example_idx[dataset.phenotype.metadata[train_example_idx] == 1].reshape(-1) negative_example_idx = train_example_idx[dataset.phenotype.metadata[train_example_idx] == 0].reshape(-1) model_equivalent_rules = [] predictor = SetCoveringMachine(model_type=model_type, p=p, max_rules=max_rules) progress_callback("Training", 0), rule_classifications=rule_classifications, positive_example_idx=positive_example_idx, negative_example_idx=negative_example_idx, rule_blacklist=rule_blacklist, tiebreaker=partial(_tiebreaker, rule_risks=np.hstack((split.unique_risk_by_kmer[...], split.unique_risk_by_anti_kmer[...])), model_type=model_type), iteration_callback=partial(_iteration_callback, model_type=model_type, equivalent_rules=model_equivalent_rules)) return predictor.model, predictor.rule_importances, model_equivalent_rules def _bound(train_predictions, train_answers, train_example_idx, model, delta, max_genome_size, rule_classifications): # Construct the smallest possible compression set (Chvatal greedy approx for minimum set cover) logging.debug("Constructing the compression set.") presence_by_example = rule_classifications.get_columns([r.kmer_index for r in model])[train_example_idx] compression_set = [] while presence_by_example.shape[1] != 0: score = presence_by_example.sum(axis=1) best_example_relative_idx = np.argmax(score) compression_set.append(best_example_relative_idx) presence_by_example = presence_by_example[:, presence_by_example[best_example_relative_idx] == 0] logging.debug("The compression set contains %d examples." % len(compression_set)) # Compute the bound value logging.debug("Computing the bound value.") h_card = float(len(model)) Z_card = float(len(compression_set) * max_genome_size) m = float(len(train_answers)) mz = float(len(compression_set)) r = float((train_predictions != train_answers).sum() - (train_predictions[compression_set] != train_answers[compression_set]).sum()) return 1.0 - exp((-1.0 / (m - mz - r)) * (ln(comb(m, mz, exact=True)) + ln(comb(m - mz, r, exact=True)) + h_card * ln(2 * Z_card) + ln(pi**6 * (h_card + 1)**2 * (r + 1)**2 * (mz + 1)**2 / (216 * delta)))) def _bound_score_hp(hp_values, max_rules, dataset_file, split_name, max_equiv_rules, rule_blacklist, bound_delta, bound_max_genome_size, random_generator): model_type = hp_values[0] p = hp_values[1] dataset = KoverDataset(dataset_file) rules = LazyKmerRuleList(dataset.kmer_sequences, dataset.kmer_by_matrix_column) rule_classifications = KmerRuleClassifications(dataset.kmer_matrix, dataset.genome_count) def _iteration_callback(iteration_infos, tmp_model, train_example_idx, train_answers, score_by_length, model_by_length, equivalent_rules, rule_importances, rule_classifications): tmp_model.add(iteration_infos["selected_rule"]) model_by_length.append(deepcopy(tmp_model)) rule_importances.append(iteration_infos["rule_importances"]) # Store equivalent rules # Ensure that there are no more equivalent rules than the specified maximum if len(iteration_infos["equivalent_rules_idx"]) > max_equiv_rules: logging.debug("There are more equivalent rules than the allowed maximum. Subsampling %d rules." % max_equiv_rules) random_idx = random_generator.choice(len(iteration_infos["equivalent_rules_idx"]), max_equiv_rules, replace=False) random_idx.sort() iteration_infos["equivalent_rules_idx"] = iteration_infos["equivalent_rules_idx"][random_idx] # Adjust and store the equivalent rule indices if model_type == "disjunction": n_kmers = rule_classifications.shape[1] / 2 iteration_infos["equivalent_rules_idx"] += n_kmers iteration_infos["equivalent_rules_idx"] %= (2 * n_kmers) equivalent_rules.append(iteration_infos["equivalent_rules_idx"]) else: equivalent_rules.append(iteration_infos["equivalent_rules_idx"]) # Compute the bound value for the current model length _, train_predictions = _predictions(tmp_model, dataset.kmer_matrix, [], train_example_idx) score_by_length[iteration_infos["iteration_number"] - 1] = _bound(train_predictions=train_predictions, train_answers=train_answers, train_example_idx=train_example_idx, model=tmp_model, delta=bound_delta, max_genome_size=bound_max_genome_size, rule_classifications=rule_classifications) def _tiebreaker(best_utility_idx, rule_risks, model_type): logging.debug("There are %d candidate rules." % len(best_utility_idx)) tie_rule_risks = rule_risks[best_utility_idx] if model_type == "conjunction": result = best_utility_idx[np.isclose(tie_rule_risks, tie_rule_risks.min())] else: # Use max instead of min, since in the disjunction case the risks = 1.0 - conjunction risks (inverted ys) result = best_utility_idx[np.isclose(tie_rule_risks, tie_rule_risks.max())] return result split = dataset.get_split(split_name) rule_risks = np.hstack((split.unique_risk_by_kmer[...], split.unique_risk_by_anti_kmer[...])) train_example_idx = split.train_genome_idx positive_example_idx = train_example_idx[dataset.phenotype.metadata[train_example_idx] == 1].reshape(-1) negative_example_idx = train_example_idx[dataset.phenotype.metadata[train_example_idx] == 0].reshape(-1) train_answers = dataset.phenotype.metadata[train_example_idx] tiebreaker = partial(_tiebreaker, rule_risks=rule_risks, model_type=model_type) tmp_model = ConjunctionModel() if model_type == "conjunction" else DisjunctionModel() score_by_length = np.ones(max_rules) model_by_length = [] equivalent_rules = [] rule_importances = [] iteration_callback = partial(_iteration_callback, tmp_model=tmp_model, train_example_idx=train_example_idx, train_answers=train_answers, score_by_length=score_by_length, model_by_length=model_by_length, equivalent_rules=equivalent_rules, rule_importances=rule_importances, rule_classifications=rule_classifications) predictor = SetCoveringMachine(model_type=model_type, p=p, max_rules=max_rules), rule_classifications=rule_classifications, positive_example_idx=positive_example_idx, negative_example_idx=negative_example_idx, rule_blacklist=rule_blacklist, tiebreaker=tiebreaker, iteration_callback=iteration_callback, iteration_rule_importances=True) best_score_idx = np.argmin(score_by_length) best_hp_score = score_by_length[best_score_idx] best_model = model_by_length[best_score_idx] best_rule_importances = rule_importances[best_score_idx] best_equivalent_rules = equivalent_rules[: best_score_idx + 1] best_model_length = best_score_idx + 1 return (model_type, p, best_model_length), best_hp_score, best_model, best_rule_importances, best_equivalent_rules def _bound_selection(dataset_file, split_name, model_types, p_values, max_rules, max_equiv_rules, rule_blacklist, bound_delta, bound_max_genome_size, n_cpu, random_generator, progress_callback, warning_callback, error_callback): n_hp_combinations = len(model_types) * len(p_values) logging.debug("There are %d hyperparameter combinations to try." % n_hp_combinations) logging.debug("Using %d CPUs." % n_cpu) pool = Pool(processes=n_cpu) hp_eval_func = partial(_bound_score_hp, dataset_file=dataset_file, split_name=split_name, max_rules=max_rules, max_equiv_rules=max_equiv_rules, rule_blacklist=rule_blacklist, bound_delta=bound_delta, bound_max_genome_size=bound_max_genome_size, random_generator=random_generator) best_hp_score = 1.0 best_hp = {"model_type": None, "p": None, "max_rules": None} n_completed = 0.0 progress_callback("Bound selection", 0.0) for hp, score, model, rule_importances, equiv_rules in pool.imap_unordered(hp_eval_func, product(model_types, p_values)): n_completed += 1 progress_callback("Bound selection", n_completed / n_hp_combinations) if (score < best_hp_score) or \ (score == best_hp_score and hp[2] < best_hp["max_rules"]) or \ (score == best_hp_score and hp[2] == best_hp["max_rules"] and abs(1.0 - hp[1]) < abs(1.0 - best_hp["p"])): best_hp["model_type"] = hp[0] best_hp["p"] = hp[1] best_hp["max_rules"] = hp[2] best_hp_score = score best_model = model best_equiv_rules = equiv_rules best_rule_importances = rule_importances return best_hp_score, best_hp, best_model, best_rule_importances, best_equiv_rules def _find_rule_blacklist(dataset_file, kmer_blacklist_file, warning_callback): """ Finds the index of the rules that must be blacklisted. """ dataset = KoverDataset(dataset_file) # Find all rules to blacklist rule_blacklist = [] if kmer_blacklist_file is not None: kmers_to_blacklist = _parse_kmer_blacklist(kmer_blacklist_file, dataset.kmer_length) if kmers_to_blacklist: # XXX: the k-mers are assumed to be upper-cased in the dataset kmer_sequences = dataset.kmer_sequences[...].tolist() kmer_by_matrix_column = dataset.kmer_by_matrix_column[...].tolist() # XXX: each k-mer is there only once (see wiki) n_kmers = len(kmer_sequences) kmers_not_found = [] for k in kmers_to_blacklist: k = k.upper() try: presence_rule_idx = kmer_by_matrix_column.index(kmer_sequences.index(k)) absence_rule_idx = presence_rule_idx + n_kmers rule_blacklist += [presence_rule_idx, absence_rule_idx] except ValueError: kmers_not_found.append(k) if(len(kmers_not_found) > 0): warning_callback("The following kmers could not be found in the dataset: " + ", ".join(kmers_not_found)) return rule_blacklist def learn_SCM(dataset_file, split_name, model_type, p, kmer_blacklist_file,max_rules, max_equiv_rules, parameter_selection, n_cpu, random_seed, authorized_rules, bound_delta=None, bound_max_genome_size=None, progress_callback=None, warning_callback=None, error_callback=None): """ parameter_selection: bound, cv, none (use first value of each if multiple) """ # Execution callback functions if warning_callback is None: warning_callback = lambda w: logging.warning(w) if error_callback is None: def normal_raise(exception): raise exception error_callback = normal_raise if progress_callback is None: progress_callback = lambda t, p: None if n_cpu is None: n_cpu = cpu_count() random_generator = np.random.RandomState(random_seed) model_type = np.unique(model_type) p = np.unique(p) logging.debug("Searching for blacklisted rules.") rule_blacklist = _find_rule_blacklist(dataset_file=dataset_file, kmer_blacklist_file=kmer_blacklist_file, warning_callback=warning_callback) dataset = KoverDataset(dataset_file) # Score the hyperparameter combinations # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if parameter_selection == "bound": if bound_delta is None or bound_max_genome_size is None: error_callback(Exception("Bound selection cannot be performed without delta and the maximum genome length.")) # For bound selection, there is no need to retrain the algorithm after selecting the best hyperparameters. # The model is already obtained from all the training data. This is why we save the model here. best_hp_score, \ best_hp, \ best_model, \ best_rule_importances, \ best_predictor_equiv_rules = _bound_selection(dataset_file=dataset_file, split_name=split_name, model_types=model_type, p_values=p, max_rules=max_rules, rule_blacklist=rule_blacklist, max_equiv_rules=max_equiv_rules, bound_delta=bound_delta, bound_max_genome_size=bound_max_genome_size, n_cpu=n_cpu, random_generator=random_generator, progress_callback=progress_callback, warning_callback=warning_callback, error_callback =error_callback) elif parameter_selection == "cv": n_folds = len(dataset.get_split(split_name).folds) if n_folds < 1: error_callback(Exception("Cross-validation cannot be performed on a split with no folds.")) best_hp_score, best_hp = _cross_validation(dataset_file=dataset_file, split_name=split_name, model_types=model_type, p_values=p, max_rules=max_rules, rule_blacklist=rule_blacklist, n_cpu=n_cpu, progress_callback=progress_callback, warning_callback=warning_callback, error_callback=error_callback) else: # Use the first value provided for each parameter best_hp = {"model_type": model_type[0], "p": p[0], "max_rules": max_rules} best_hp_score = None # Use the best hyperparameters to train/test on the split # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if parameter_selection == "bound": model = best_model equivalent_rules = best_predictor_equiv_rules rule_importances = best_rule_importances else: model, rule_importances, \ equivalent_rules = _full_train(dataset=dataset, split_name=split_name, model_type=best_hp["model_type"], p=best_hp["p"], max_rules=best_hp["max_rules"], max_equiv_rules=max_equiv_rules, rule_blacklist=rule_blacklist, random_generator=random_generator, progress_callback=progress_callback) split = dataset.get_split(split_name) train_example_idx = split.train_genome_idx test_example_idx = split.test_genome_idx train_predictions, test_predictions = _predictions(model=model, kmer_matrix=dataset.kmer_matrix, train_example_idx=train_example_idx, test_example_idx=test_example_idx, progress_callback=progress_callback) train_answers = dataset.phenotype.metadata[train_example_idx] train_metrics = _get_binary_metrics(train_predictions, train_answers) # No need to recompute the bound if bound selection was used if parameter_selection == "bound": train_metrics["bound"] = best_hp_score else: train_metrics["bound"] = _bound(train_predictions=train_predictions, train_answers=train_answers, train_example_idx=train_example_idx, model=model, delta=bound_delta, max_genome_size=bound_max_genome_size, rule_classifications=KmerRuleClassifications(dataset.kmer_matrix, dataset.genome_count)) # Test metrics are computed only if there is a testing set if len(test_example_idx) > 0: test_answers = dataset.phenotype.metadata[test_example_idx] test_metrics = _get_binary_metrics(test_predictions, test_answers) else: test_metrics = None # Get the idx of the training/testing examples that are correctly/incorrectly classified by the model classifications = defaultdict(list) classifications["train_correct"] = dataset.genome_identifiers[train_example_idx[train_predictions == \ train_answers].tolist()].tolist() if train_metrics["risk"][0] < 1.0 else [] classifications["train_errors"] = dataset.genome_identifiers[train_example_idx[train_predictions != \ train_answers].tolist()].tolist() if train_metrics["risk"][0] > 0 else [] if len(test_example_idx) > 0: classifications["test_correct"] = dataset.genome_identifiers[test_example_idx[test_predictions == \ test_answers].tolist()].tolist() if test_metrics["risk"][0] < 1.0 else [] classifications["test_errors"] = dataset.genome_identifiers[test_example_idx[test_predictions != \ test_answers].tolist()].tolist() if test_metrics["risk"][0] > 0 else [] # Convert the equivalent rule indexes to rule objects rules = LazyKmerRuleList(dataset.kmer_sequences, dataset.kmer_by_matrix_column) model_equivalent_rules = [[rules[i] for i in equiv_idx] for equiv_idx in equivalent_rules] return best_hp, best_hp_score, train_metrics, test_metrics, model, rule_importances, \ model_equivalent_rules, classifications
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.template import Context from django.utils.translation import ugettext from django.utils import translation from django.utils import timezone from notification import backends class OnSiteBackend(backends.BaseBackend): spam_sensitivity = 0 def can_send(self, user, notice_type): can_send = super(OnSiteBackend, self).can_send(user, notice_type) if can_send: return True return False def deliver(self, recipient, sender, notice_type, extra_context): from notification.models import Notice if 'disallow_notice' in extra_context: if 'onsite' in extra_context['disallow_notice']: return recipient = User.objects.get( language_code = 'en' if 'language_code' in extra_context.keys(): for language_tuple in settings.LANGUAGES: if extra_context['language_code'] in language_tuple: language_code = language_tuple[0] break else: try: language_code = recipient.user_profile.default_language except ObjectDoesNotExist: language_code = 'en' translation.activate(language_code) if 'target' in extra_context and hasattr(extra_context['target'], 'translations'): from general.utils import switch_language target = extra_context['target'] extra_context['target'] = switch_language(target, language_code) if 'pm_message' in extra_context: sender = extra_context['pm_message'].sender target_url = self.get_target_url(extra_context, sender, recipient) context = Context({}) context.update({ "recipient": recipient, "sender": sender, "notice": ugettext(notice_type.past_tense), 'default_profile_photo': settings.DEFAULT_PROFILE_PHOTO, 'target_url': target_url, }) context.update(extra_context) try: messages = self.get_formatted_messages(( "full.html", ), context['app_label'], context) except: messages = self.get_formatted_messages(( "full.html", ), notice_type.label, context) if sender.__class__.__name__ == 'Company': sender = sender.admin_primary if sender.admin_primary else sender.created_by if recipient.is_active: create_notice = False if settings.PRODUCTION_SETTING or settings.DEVELOPMENT_SERVER: try: notice_obj = Notice.objects.filter( recipient=recipient, notice_type=notice_type, sender=sender, target_url=target_url, on_site=True, site_id=settings.SITE_ID ).order_by('-added')[0] except IndexError: notice_obj = None create_notice = True if notice_obj and ( > settings.TIME_INTERVAL_BTW_TWO_NOTIFICATION: create_notice = True if create_notice: Notice.objects.create( recipient=recipient, notice_type=notice_type, sender=sender, message=messages['full.html'], target_url=target_url, on_site=True, site_id=settings.SITE_ID )
import colorsys import webcolors from cooperhewitt import swatchbook from colormath.color_objects import RGBColor from decimal import Decimal COLOURS = { 'RED': ((255, 0, 0), (340, 17), (10, 100), (40, 100)), 'ORANGE': ((252, 106, 8), (18, 45), None, (66, 100)), 'YELLOW': ((255, 255, 0), (46, 66), None, (76, 100)), 'LIME': ((0, 255, 0), (67, 165), (15, 100), (66, 100)), 'CYAN': ((0, 255, 255), (166, 201), (15, 100), (66, 100)), 'BLUE': ((0, 0, 255), (202, 260), None, (66, 100)), 'MAGENTA': ((255, 0, 255), (261, 339), None, (66, 100)), 'MAROON': ((128, 0, 0), (340, 17), (20, 100), (24, 65)), 'BROWN': ((107, 48, 2), (18, 45), None, (26, 65)), 'OLIVE': ((128, 128, 0), (46, 66), (26, 100), (26, 81)), 'GREEN': ((0, 128, 0), (67, 165), None, (18, 65)), 'TEAL': ((0, 128, 128), (166, 201), None, (33, 65)), 'NAVY': ((0, 0, 128), (202, 260), None, (18, 65)), 'PURPLE': ((128, 0, 128), (261, 339), None, (33, 65)), } GREYSCALE = { 'BLACK': ((0, 0, 0), (0, 359), (0, 100), (0, 17)), 'WHITE': ((255, 255, 255), (0, 359), (0, 5), (90, 100)), 'SILVER': ((192, 192, 192), (0, 359), (0, 10), (61, 89)), 'GREY': ((128, 128, 128), (0, 359), (0, 10), (26, 60)), } DEFAULT_SAT = (25, 100) DEFAUL_VAL = (50, 100) TWOPLACES = Decimal(10) ** -2 class ArtColour: hsv = () rgb = () hex_value = () css = () ansi = () ansi_rgb = () ansi_hsv = () _color = None GREY = False distance = None prominence = None def __init__(self, r, g, b, prominence): self.rgb = (r, g, b) self.prominence = prominence (,, = (r, g, b) self.hsv = self.rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b) (self.hue, self.sat, self.val) = \ (self.hsv[0], self.hsv[1], self.hsv[2]) self.ansi = self.ansi_number(r, g, b) self.ansi_rgb = self.rgb_reduce(r, g, b) self.ansi_hsv = self.rgb_to_hsv(*self.ansi_rgb) self.hex_value = None self.nearest_hex = None def rgb_to_hsv(self, r, g, b): fracs = [ch/255.0 for ch in (r, g, b)] hsv = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(*fracs) return (int(round(hsv[0] * 360)), int(round(hsv[1] * 100)), int(round(hsv[2] * 100))) def hsv_to_rgb(self, h, s, v): rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h/360.0, s/100.0, v/100.0) return (int(round(rgb[0] * 255)), int(round(rgb[1] * 255)), int(round(rgb[2] * 255))) def rgb_reduce(self, r, g, b): reduced_rgb = [int(6 * float(val) / 256) * (256/6) for val in (r, g, b)] return tuple(reduced_rgb) def spin(self, deg): return (deg + 180) % 360 - 180 @property def color(self): if self._color is None: self._color = self._get_color() return self._color def _get_color(self): self.nearest = None self.shortest_distance = 100 chosen_name = None for color_dict in (COLOURS, GREYSCALE): for name, color in color_dict.iteritems(): desired_rgb = color[0] target = RGBColor(*desired_rgb) cdist = target.delta_e(RGBColor(*self.rgb), method="cmc") if self.nearest is None or cdist < self.shortest_distance: self.nearest = name self.nearest_rgb = desired_rgb self.shortest_distance = cdist self.distance = cdist # print 'Checking', name (hue_lo, hue_hi) = color[1] if hue_lo > hue_hi: h = self.spin(self.hue) hue_lo = self.spin(hue_lo) hue_hi = self.spin(hue_hi) else: h = self.hue sat_range = color[2] or DEFAULT_SAT val_range = color[3] or DEFAUL_VAL if h in range(hue_lo, hue_hi + 1) and \ self.sat in range(sat_range[0], sat_range[1] + 1) and \ self.val in range(val_range[0], val_range[1] + 1): # TODO set up desirable hues, sat and b per named colour target = RGBColor(*desired_rgb) self.distance = cdist chosen_name = name self.nearest_hex = webcolors.rgb_to_hex(self.nearest_rgb) return chosen_name return None def ansi_number(self, r, g, b): ''' Convert an RGB colour to 256 colour ANSI graphics. ''' grey = False poss = True step = 2.5 while poss: # As long as the colour could be grey scale if r < step or g < step or b < step: grey = r < step and g < step and b < step poss = False step += 42.5 if grey: colour = 232 + int(float(sum([r, g, b]) / 33.0)) else: colour = sum([16] + [int((6 * float(val) / 256)) * mod for val, mod in ((r, 36), (g, 6), (b, 1))]) return colour def hex_me_up(self): self.hex_value = webcolors.rgb_to_hex(self.rgb) snapped, colour_name = swatchbook.closest_delta_e('css3', self.hex_value) snapped_rgb = webcolors.hex_to_rgb(snapped) hsv = self.rgb_to_hsv(*snapped_rgb) target = RGBColor(*snapped_rgb) original = RGBColor(*self.rgb) cdist = target.delta_e(original, method="cmc") prom = Decimal(self.prominence).quantize(TWOPLACES) dist = Decimal(cdist).quantize(TWOPLACES) ELITE = False self.css = { 'r': self.rgb[0], 'g': self.rgb[1], 'b': self.rgb[2], 'hue': hsv[0], 'hex': snapped, 'name': colour_name, 'distance': float(dist), 'prominence': float(prom), 'elite': ELITE, } return self.css
""" Test the utils """ from transmogrify import utils def test_is_tool(): assert utils.is_tool('date') is True assert utils.is_tool('foo') is False def test_purge_security_hash(): from hashlib import sha1 from transmogrify.settings import SECRET_KEY security_hash = sha1('PURGE' + SECRET_KEY).hexdigest() assert utils.is_valid_security('PURGE', security_hash) is True def test_get_cached_files(): import os from transmogrify import settings from transmogrify.core import Transmogrify testdata = os.path.abspath(settings.BASE_PATH) t = Transmogrify('/horiz_img_r300x300.jpg?debug') result = utils.get_cached_files('/horiz_img.jpg', document_root=testdata) filenames = [x.replace(testdata, '') for x in result] assert '/horiz_img_r300x300.jpg' in filenames def test_settings_stuff(): from transmogrify import settings assert settings.bool_from_env('FOO', False) is False assert settings.bool_from_env('FOO', 'False') is False assert settings.bool_from_env('FOO', 'false') is False assert settings.bool_from_env('FOO', 'F') is False assert settings.bool_from_env('FOO', 'f') is False assert settings.bool_from_env('FOO', '0') is False assert settings.bool_from_env('FOO', 'True') assert settings.bool_from_env('FOO', 'true') assert settings.bool_from_env('FOO', 'T') assert settings.bool_from_env('FOO', 't') assert settings.bool_from_env('FOO', '1') assert settings.list_from_env("FOO", '1,2,3,4') == ['1', '2', '3', '4'] assert settings.lists_from_env("FOO", '1,2:3,4') == [['1', '2'], ['3', '4']]
"""This file contains code for use with "Think Stats", by Allen B. Downey, available from Copyright 2014 Allen B. Downey License: GNU GPLv3 """ from __future__ import print_function import pandas import numpy as np import statsmodels.formula.api as smf import statsmodels.tsa.stattools as smtsa import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot import thinkplot import thinkstats2 FORMATS = ['png'] def ReadData(): """Reads data about cannabis transactions. returns: DataFrame """ transactions = pandas.read_csv('mj-clean.csv', parse_dates=[5]) return transactions def tmean(series): """Computes a trimmed mean. series: Series returns: float """ t = series.values n = len(t) if n <= 3: return t.mean() trim = max(1, n/10) return np.mean(sorted(t)[trim:n-trim]) def GroupByDay(transactions, func=np.mean): """Groups transactions by day and compute the daily mean ppg. transactions: DataFrame of transactions returns: DataFrame of daily prices """ groups = transactions[['date', 'ppg']].groupby('date') daily = groups.aggregate(func) daily['date'] = daily.index start =[0] one_year = np.timedelta64(1, 'Y') daily['years'] = ( - start) / one_year return daily def GroupByQualityAndDay(transactions): """Divides transactions by quality and computes mean daily price. transaction: DataFrame of transactions returns: map from quality to time series of ppg """ groups = transactions.groupby('quality') dailies = {} for name, group in groups: dailies[name] = GroupByDay(group) return dailies def PlotDailies(dailies): """Makes a plot with daily prices for different qualities. dailies: map from name to DataFrame """ thinkplot.PrePlot(rows=3) for i, (name, daily) in enumerate(dailies.items()): thinkplot.SubPlot(i+1) title = 'price per gram ($)' if i == 0 else '' thinkplot.Config(ylim=[0, 20], title=title) thinkplot.Scatter(daily.ppg, s=10, label=name) if i == 2: pyplot.xticks(rotation=30) else: thinkplot.Config(xticks=[]) thinkplot.Save(root='timeseries1', formats=FORMATS) def RunLinearModel(daily): """Runs a linear model of prices versus years. daily: DataFrame of daily prices returns: model, results """ model = smf.ols('ppg ~ years', data=daily) results = return model, results def PlotFittedValues(model, results, label=''): """Plots original data and fitted values. model: StatsModel model object results: StatsModel results object """ years = model.exog[:, 1] values = model.endog thinkplot.Scatter(years, values, s=15, label=label) thinkplot.Plot(years, results.fittedvalues, label='model') def PlotResiduals(model, results): """Plots the residuals of a model. model: StatsModel model object results: StatsModel results object """ years = model.exog[:, 1] thinkplot.Plot(years, results.resid, linewidth=0.5, alpha=0.5) def PlotResidualPercentiles(model, results, index=1, num_bins=20): """Plots percentiles of the residuals. model: StatsModel model object results: StatsModel results object index: which exogenous variable to use num_bins: how many bins to divide the x-axis into """ exog = model.exog[:, index] resid = results.resid.values df = pandas.DataFrame(dict(exog=exog, resid=resid)) bins = np.linspace(np.min(exog), np.max(exog), num_bins) indices = np.digitize(exog, bins) groups = df.groupby(indices) means = [group.exog.mean() for _, group in groups][1:-1] cdfs = [thinkstats2.Cdf(group.resid) for _, group in groups][1:-1] thinkplot.PrePlot(3) for percent in [75, 50, 25]: percentiles = [cdf.Percentile(percent) for cdf in cdfs] label = '%dth' % percent thinkplot.Plot(means, percentiles, label=label) def SimulateResults(daily, iters=101, func=RunLinearModel): """Run simulations based on resampling residuals. daily: DataFrame of daily prices iters: number of simulations func: function that fits a model to the data returns: list of result objects """ _, results = func(daily) fake = daily.copy() result_seq = [] for _ in range(iters): fake.ppg = results.fittedvalues + thinkstats2.Resample(results.resid) _, fake_results = func(fake) result_seq.append(fake_results) return result_seq def SimulateIntervals(daily, iters=101, func=RunLinearModel): """Run simulations based on different subsets of the data. daily: DataFrame of daily prices iters: number of simulations func: function that fits a model to the data returns: list of result objects """ result_seq = [] starts = np.linspace(0, len(daily), iters).astype(int) for start in starts[:-2]: subset = daily[start:] _, results = func(subset) fake = subset.copy() for _ in range(iters): fake.ppg = (results.fittedvalues + thinkstats2.Resample(results.resid)) _, fake_results = func(fake) result_seq.append(fake_results) return result_seq def GeneratePredictions(result_seq, years, add_resid=False): """Generates an array of predicted values from a list of model results. When add_resid is False, predictions represent sampling error only. When add_resid is True, they also include residual error (which is more relevant to prediction). result_seq: list of model results years: sequence of times (in years) to make predictions for add_resid: boolean, whether to add in resampled residuals returns: sequence of predictions """ n = len(years) d = dict(Intercept=np.ones(n), years=years, years2=years**2) predict_df = pandas.DataFrame(d) predict_seq = [] for fake_results in result_seq: predict = fake_results.predict(predict_df) if add_resid: predict += thinkstats2.Resample(fake_results.resid, n) predict_seq.append(predict) return predict_seq def GenerateSimplePrediction(results, years): """Generates a simple prediction. results: results object years: sequence of times (in years) to make predictions for returns: sequence of predicted values """ n = len(years) inter = np.ones(n) d = dict(Intercept=inter, years=years, years2=years**2) predict_df = pandas.DataFrame(d) predict = results.predict(predict_df) return predict def PlotPredictions(daily, years, iters=101, percent=90, func=RunLinearModel): """Plots predictions. daily: DataFrame of daily prices years: sequence of times (in years) to make predictions for iters: number of simulations percent: what percentile range to show func: function that fits a model to the data """ result_seq = SimulateResults(daily, iters=iters, func=func) p = (100 - percent) / 2 percents = p, 100-p predict_seq = GeneratePredictions(result_seq, years, add_resid=True) low, high = thinkstats2.PercentileRows(predict_seq, percents) thinkplot.FillBetween(years, low, high, alpha=0.3, color='gray') predict_seq = GeneratePredictions(result_seq, years, add_resid=False) low, high = thinkstats2.PercentileRows(predict_seq, percents) thinkplot.FillBetween(years, low, high, alpha=0.5, color='gray') def PlotIntervals(daily, years, iters=101, percent=90, func=RunLinearModel): """Plots predictions based on different intervals. daily: DataFrame of daily prices years: sequence of times (in years) to make predictions for iters: number of simulations percent: what percentile range to show func: function that fits a model to the data """ result_seq = SimulateIntervals(daily, iters=iters, func=func) p = (100 - percent) / 2 percents = p, 100-p predict_seq = GeneratePredictions(result_seq, years, add_resid=True) low, high = thinkstats2.PercentileRows(predict_seq, percents) thinkplot.FillBetween(years, low, high, alpha=0.2, color='gray') def Correlate(dailies): """Compute the correlation matrix between prices for difference qualities. dailies: map from quality to time series of ppg returns: correlation matrix """ df = pandas.DataFrame() for name, daily in dailies.items(): df[name] = daily.ppg return df.corr() def CorrelateResid(dailies): """Compute the correlation matrix between residuals. dailies: map from quality to time series of ppg returns: correlation matrix """ df = pandas.DataFrame() for name, daily in dailies.items(): _, results = RunLinearModel(daily) df[name] = results.resid return df.corr() def TestCorrelateResid(dailies, iters=101): """Tests observed correlations. dailies: map from quality to time series of ppg iters: number of simulations """ t = [] names = ['high', 'medium', 'low'] for name in names: daily = dailies[name] t.append(SimulateResults(daily, iters=iters)) corr = CorrelateResid(dailies) arrays = [] for result_seq in zip(*t): df = pandas.DataFrame() for name, results in zip(names, result_seq): df[name] = results.resid opp_sign = corr * df.corr() < 0 arrays.append((opp_sign.astype(int))) print(np.sum(arrays)) def RunModels(dailies): """Runs linear regression for each group in dailies. dailies: map from group name to DataFrame """ rows = [] for daily in dailies.values(): _, results = RunLinearModel(daily) intercept, slope = results.params p1, p2 = results.pvalues r2 = results.rsquared s = r'%0.3f (%0.2g) & %0.3f (%0.2g) & %0.3f \\' row = s % (intercept, p1, slope, p2, r2) rows.append(row) # print results in a LaTeX table print(r'\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|}') print(r'\hline') print(r'intercept & slope & $R^2$ \\ \hline') for row in rows: print(row) print(r'\hline') print(r'\end{tabular}') def FillMissing(daily, span=30): """Fills missing values with an exponentially weighted moving average. Resulting DataFrame has new columns 'ewma' and 'resid'. daily: DataFrame of daily prices span: window size (sort of) passed to ewma returns: new DataFrame of daily prices """ dates = pandas.date_range(daily.index.min(), daily.index.max()) reindexed = daily.reindex(dates) ewma = pandas.ewma(reindexed.ppg, span=span) resid = (reindexed.ppg - ewma).dropna() fake_data = ewma + thinkstats2.Resample(resid, len(reindexed)) reindexed.ppg.fillna(fake_data, inplace=True) reindexed['ewma'] = ewma reindexed['resid'] = reindexed.ppg - ewma return reindexed def AddWeeklySeasonality(daily): """Adds a weekly pattern. daily: DataFrame of daily prices returns: new DataFrame of daily prices """ frisat = (daily.index.dayofweek==4) | (daily.index.dayofweek==5) fake = daily.copy() fake.ppg[frisat] += np.random.uniform(0, 2, frisat.sum()) return fake def PrintSerialCorrelations(dailies): """Prints a table of correlations with different lags. dailies: map from category name to DataFrame of daily prices """ filled_dailies = {} for name, daily in dailies.items(): filled_dailies[name] = FillMissing(daily, span=30) # print serial correlations for raw price data for name, filled in filled_dailies.items(): corr = thinkstats2.SerialCorr(filled.ppg, lag=1) print(name, corr) rows = [] for lag in [1, 7, 30, 365]: row = [str(lag)] for name, filled in filled_dailies.items(): corr = thinkstats2.SerialCorr(filled.resid, lag) row.append('%.2g' % corr) rows.append(row) print(r'\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|}') print(r'\hline') print(r'lag & high & medium & low \\ \hline') for row in rows: print(' & '.join(row) + r' \\') print(r'\hline') print(r'\end{tabular}') filled = filled_dailies['high'] acf = smtsa.acf(filled.resid, nlags=365, unbiased=True) print('%0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f' % (acf[0], acf[1], acf[7], acf[30], acf[365])) def SimulateAutocorrelation(daily, iters=1001, nlags=40): """Resample residuals, compute autocorrelation, and plot percentiles. daily: DataFrame iters: number of simulations to run nlags: maximum lags to compute autocorrelation """ # run simulations t = [] for _ in range(iters): filled = FillMissing(daily, span=30) resid = thinkstats2.Resample(filled.resid) acf = smtsa.acf(resid, nlags=nlags, unbiased=True)[1:] t.append(np.abs(acf)) high = thinkstats2.PercentileRows(t, [97.5])[0] low = -high lags = range(1, nlags+1) thinkplot.FillBetween(lags, low, high, alpha=0.2, color='gray') def PlotAutoCorrelation(dailies, nlags=40, add_weekly=False): """Plots autocorrelation functions. dailies: map from category name to DataFrame of daily prices nlags: number of lags to compute add_weekly: boolean, whether to add a simulated weekly pattern """ thinkplot.PrePlot(3) daily = dailies['high'] SimulateAutocorrelation(daily) for name, daily in dailies.items(): if add_weekly: daily = AddWeeklySeasonality(daily) filled = FillMissing(daily, span=30) acf = smtsa.acf(filled.resid, nlags=nlags, unbiased=True) lags = np.arange(len(acf)) thinkplot.Plot(lags[1:], acf[1:], label=name) def MakeAcfPlot(dailies): """Makes a figure showing autocorrelation functions. dailies: map from category name to DataFrame of daily prices """ axis = [0, 41, -0.2, 0.2] thinkplot.PrePlot(cols=2) PlotAutoCorrelation(dailies, add_weekly=False) thinkplot.Config(axis=axis, loc='lower right', ylabel='correlation', xlabel='lag (day)') thinkplot.SubPlot(2) PlotAutoCorrelation(dailies, add_weekly=True) thinkplot.Save(root='timeseries9', axis=axis, loc='lower right', xlabel='lag (days)', formats=FORMATS) def PlotRollingMean(daily, name): """Plots rolling mean and EWMA. daily: DataFrame of daily prices """ dates = pandas.date_range(daily.index.min(), daily.index.max()) reindexed = daily.reindex(dates) thinkplot.PrePlot(cols=2) thinkplot.Scatter(reindexed.ppg, s=15, alpha=0.1, label=name) roll_mean = pandas.rolling_mean(reindexed.ppg, 30) thinkplot.Plot(roll_mean, label='rolling mean') pyplot.xticks(rotation=30) thinkplot.Config(ylabel='price per gram ($)') thinkplot.SubPlot(2) thinkplot.Scatter(reindexed.ppg, s=15, alpha=0.1, label=name) ewma = pandas.ewma(reindexed.ppg, span=30) thinkplot.Plot(ewma, label='EWMA') pyplot.xticks(rotation=30) thinkplot.Save(root='timeseries10', formats=FORMATS) def PlotFilled(daily, name): """Plots the EWMA and filled data. daily: DataFrame of daily prices """ filled = FillMissing(daily, span=30) thinkplot.Scatter(filled.ppg, s=15, alpha=0.3, label=name) thinkplot.Plot(filled.ewma, label='EWMA', alpha=0.4) pyplot.xticks(rotation=30) thinkplot.Save(root='timeseries8', ylabel='price per gram ($)', formats=FORMATS) def PlotLinearModel(daily, name): """Plots a linear fit to a sequence of prices, and the residuals. daily: DataFrame of daily prices name: string """ model, results = RunLinearModel(daily) PlotFittedValues(model, results, label=name) thinkplot.Save(root='timeseries2', title='fitted values', xlabel='years', xlim=[-0.1, 3.8], ylabel='price per gram ($)', formats=FORMATS) PlotResidualPercentiles(model, results) thinkplot.Save(root='timeseries3', title='residuals', xlabel='years', ylabel='price per gram ($)', formats=FORMATS) #years = np.linspace(0, 5, 101) #predict = GenerateSimplePrediction(results, years) def main(name): thinkstats2.RandomSeed(18) transactions = ReadData() dailies = GroupByQualityAndDay(transactions) PlotDailies(dailies) RunModels(dailies) PrintSerialCorrelations(dailies) MakeAcfPlot(dailies) name = 'high' daily = dailies[name] PlotLinearModel(daily, name) PlotRollingMean(daily, name) PlotFilled(daily, name) years = np.linspace(0, 5, 101) thinkplot.Scatter(daily.years, daily.ppg, alpha=0.1, label=name) PlotPredictions(daily, years) xlim = years[0]-0.1, years[-1]+0.1 thinkplot.Save(root='timeseries4', title='predictions', xlabel='years', xlim=xlim, ylabel='price per gram ($)', formats=FORMATS) name = 'medium' daily = dailies[name] thinkplot.Scatter(daily.years, daily.ppg, alpha=0.1, label=name) PlotIntervals(daily, years) PlotPredictions(daily, years) xlim = years[0]-0.1, years[-1]+0.1 thinkplot.Save(root='timeseries5', title='predictions', xlabel='years', xlim=xlim, ylabel='price per gram ($)', formats=FORMATS) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys main(*sys.argv)
# coding: utf-8 from fabric import api as fab from fabric.api import env, task from bsdploy.fabfile_mfsbsd import bootstrap as mfsbootstrap from ploy.common import yesno from ploy.config import value_asbool AV = None # hide stdout by default # from fabric.state import output # output['stdout'] = False @task def bootstrap(**kw): mfsbootstrap(**kw) def get_vars(): global AV if AV is None: hostname = env.host_string.split('@')[-1] AV = dict(hostname=hostname, **env.instances[hostname].get_ansible_variables()) return AV @task def reset_cleansers(confirm=True): """destroys all cleanser slaves and their rollback snapshots, as well as the initial master snapshot - this allows re-running the jailhost deployment to recreate fresh cleansers.""" if value_asbool(confirm) and not yesno("""\nObacht! This will destroy any existing and or currently running cleanser jails. Are you sure that you want to continue?"""): exit("Glad I asked...") get_vars() cleanser_count = AV['ploy_cleanser_count'] # make sure no workers interfere:'ezjail-admin stop worker') # stop and nuke the cleanser slaves for cleanser_index in range(cleanser_count): cindex = '{:02d}'.format(cleanser_index + 1)'ezjail-admin stop cleanser_{cindex}'.format(cindex=cindex)) with fab.warn_only():'zfs destroy tank/jails/cleanser_{cindex}@jdispatch_rollback'.format(cindex=cindex))'ezjail-admin delete -fw cleanser_{cindex}'.format(cindex=cindex))'umount -f /usr/jails/cleanser_{cindex}'.format(cindex=cindex))'rm -rf /usr/jails/cleanser_{cindex}'.format(cindex=cindex)) with fab.warn_only(): # remove master snapshot'zfs destroy -R tank/jails/cleanser@clonesource') # restart worker and cleanser to prepare for subsequent ansible configuration runs'ezjail-admin start worker')'ezjail-admin stop cleanser')'ezjail-admin start cleanser') @task def reset_jails(confirm=True, keep_cleanser_master=True): """ stops, deletes and re-creates all jails. since the cleanser master is rather large, that one is omitted by default. """ if value_asbool(confirm) and not yesno("""\nObacht! This will destroy all existing and or currently running jails on the host. Are you sure that you want to continue?"""): exit("Glad I asked...") reset_cleansers(confirm=False) jails = ['appserver', 'webserver', 'worker'] if not value_asbool(keep_cleanser_master): jails.append('cleanser') with fab.warn_only(): for jail in jails:'ezjail-admin delete -fw {jail}'.format(jail=jail)) # remove authorized keys for no longer existing key (they are regenerated for each new worker)'rm /usr/jails/cleanser/usr/home/cleanser/.ssh/authorized_keys')
''' Created on 30 dec. 2012 @author: Juice ''' from PySide import QtGui, QtCore from math import * from structure.cell import Cell from constraints import Constraint def centerTextItem(text): form = QtGui.QTextBlockFormat() form.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) cursor = text.textCursor() cursor.mergeBlockFormat(form) cursor.clearSelection() class ValueHexagon(QtGui.QGraphicsPolygonItem): def __init__(self, cell, cellSize, position, parent=None, # normalized hexagon polygon = QtGui.QPolygonF( [QtCore.QPointF( cos(x*pi/3)+1, sin(x*pi/3)+sqrt(3)/2 )*cellSize/2 for x in range(0,6)] ) polygon.translate(position) super(ValueHexagon, self).__init__(polygon, parent) self.cell = cell self.position = position self.cellSize = cellSize if isinstance(cell, Cell): self.values = cell.getGrid().getPuzzle().getValues() else: self.values = [] self.setCacheMode(QtGui.QGraphicsItem.DeviceCoordinateCache) self.hintValueItemMap = {} self.edgeColor = edgeColor pen = QtGui.QPen() pen.setColor(edgeColor) pen.setWidth(2) self.setPen(pen) self.hintsEnabled = True self.instantiateRepresentation() self.updateRepresentation() def mousePressEvent(self, event): return QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem.mousePressEvent(self, event) def instantiateRepresentation(self): # for each value, instantiate the hints, hidden by default for val in self.values: # this is the static calculation for a block of 3z3 off_x = (((val-1) % 3) + 0.7) * (self.cellSize/4) off_y = (floor((val-1) / 3) + 0.25) * (self.cellSize/4) t = QtGui.QGraphicsTextItem(str(val)) t.setParentItem(self) t.setPos(self.position.x()+ off_x, self.position.y() + off_y) t.setOpacity(0) self.hintValueItemMap[val] = t # add a big text item to show the set value, hidden by default val = self.cell.getValue() if isinstance(self.cell, Cell) else self.cell.getTotalValue() self.valueTextItem = QtGui.QGraphicsTextItem(str()) self.valueTextItem.setParentItem(self) self.valueTextItem.setPos(self.position.x(), self.position.y() + self.cellSize/6) f = QtGui.QFont("Sans serif", self.cellSize/3 ,200) if isinstance(self.cell, Cell): if(self.cell.isInferred()): f.setWeight(0) else: self.valueTextItem.setDefaultTextColor( self.valueTextItem.setFont(f) self.valueTextItem.setTextWidth(self.cellSize) # align to center of cell centerTextItem(self.valueTextItem) self.valueTextItem.setOpacity(0) def updateRepresentation(self): val = self.cell.getValue() if isinstance(self.cell, Cell) else self.cell.getTotalValue() if(val <> None): # first hide all the hints self.hideHints() # show value text self.valueTextItem.setOpacity(1) self.valueTextItem.setPlainText(str(val)) # re-align to middle of cell centerTextItem(self.valueTextItem) f = self.valueTextItem.font() if(isinstance(self.cell, Constraint) or self.cell.isInferred()): f.setWeight(0) self.valueTextItem.setDefaultTextColor( else: f.setWeight(200) self.valueTextItem.setDefaultTextColor( else: self.valueTextItem.setOpacity(0) # show all the possible values vals = self.cell.getPossibleValues() numValProcessed = 0 for val in self.values: if(numValProcessed >= 9): break numValProcessed += 1 if self.hintsEnabled and val in vals: self.hintValueItemMap[val].setOpacity(1) else: self.hintValueItemMap[val].setOpacity(0) pass def setHintsEnabled(self, hintsEnabled): self.hintsEnabled = hintsEnabled self.updateRepresentation() def hideHints(self): for val in self.values: self.hintValueItemMap[val].setOpacity(0)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(C) 2017 Théo Dorée # # This file is part of a weboob module. # # This weboob module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This weboob module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this weboob module. If not, see <>. from __future__ import unicode_literals from weboob.browser import LoginBrowser, URL, need_login from weboob.exceptions import BrowserIncorrectPassword from import merge_iterators from .pages import LoginPage, AccountsPage, AccountDetailsPage, TransactionsPage class MyedenredBrowser(LoginBrowser): BASEURL = '' login = URL(r'/ctr\?Length=7', r'/ExtendedAccount/Logon', LoginPage) accounts = URL(r'/$', AccountsPage) accounts_details = URL(r'/ExtendedHome/ProductLine\?benId=(?P<token>\d+)', AccountDetailsPage) transactions = URL('/Card/TransactionSet', TransactionsPage) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MyedenredBrowser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = {} def do_login(self): self.login.go(data={'Email': self.username, 'Password': self.password, 'RememberMe': 'false', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'ReturnUrl': '/'}) self.accounts.go() if self.login.is_here(): raise BrowserIncorrectPassword @need_login def iter_accounts(self): for acc_id in self.accounts.stay_or_go().get_accounts_id(): yield self.accounts_details.go(headers={'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'}, token=acc_id).get_account() @need_login def iter_history(self, account): def iter_transactions_by_type(type): history = self.transactions.go(data={'command': 'Charger les 10 transactions suivantes', 'ErfBenId': account._product_token, 'ProductCode': account._product_type, 'SortBy': 'DateOperation', 'StartDate': '', 'EndDate': '', 'PageNum': 10, 'OperationType': type, 'failed': 'false', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' }) return history.iter_transactions( if not in iterator = merge_iterators(iter_transactions_by_type(type='Debit'), iter_transactions_by_type(type='Credit'))[] = list(iterator) return[]
import pygame, sys, re from time import sleep from pygame.locals import * from random import shuffle clock = pygame.time.Clock() FPS = 30 playtime = 0.0 counter = 0 pygame.font.init() font = pygame.font.Font(None, 30) batch_size = 7 # 7 Squares displayed (e.g 7 of 16*9 = 7/144 ) tiles = {} sprite_currently_displayed = False ##### Adjust these sleep times to suit################### sleep_time_for_none_icons = 1 # A sprite is not displayed sleep_time_for_icons = 1 # A sprite is displayed ########################################################## pygame.init() #Framebuffer size: 1776 x 952 sizex=1776 sizey=952 xdivision = 16 ydivision = 9 xshuf = [i for i in range(xdivision*ydivision)] unitx = sizex/xdivision unity = sizey/ydivision import os ins = open( "sprite_positions.txt", "r" ) for line in ins: print line try: m ='^(\w+)\_(\d+)\_(\d+)\.png: (\d+), (\d+)',line) except: print ("Cannot match regexp on %s " % line) (spritename, spritex, spritey, extentx, extenty) = (, float(, float(, float(, float( # print ("%s %f %f %i %i" % (spritename, spritex, spritey, extentx, extenty)) spriteboxx = int(spritex%xdivision) spriteboxy = int(spritey%ydivision) print ("spriteboxx = %i spriteboxy= %i" % (spriteboxx, spriteboxy)) spriteboxnumber = int((spriteboxy*xdivision)+spriteboxx) print ("spriteboxnumber = %i " % spriteboxnumber) tiles[spriteboxnumber] = ( spritename, spritex, spritey, extentx, extenty) ins.close() for key in tiles.keys(): ( spritename, spritex, spritey, extentx, extenty) = tiles[key] # print ("%i %s %i %i" % (key, spritename, spritex, spritey)) screen = pygame.display.set_mode((sizex, sizey)) background = pygame.image.load('data/plastic_reality_bg.png').convert() im2= pygame.Surface(screen.get_size()) #im2.fill((0, 0, 0)) im2 = pygame.image.load('data/all_on_one_no_bg.png').convert_alpha() screen.blit(background,(0,0)) pygame.display.flip() while True: milliseconds = clock.tick(FPS) playtime += milliseconds / 1000.0 shuffle(xshuf) for i in range(0,7): random_value = xshuf[i] print ("Random value %i " % random_value) try: ( spritename, spritex, spritey, extentx, extenty) = tiles[random_value] except: spritename = False if (spritename): randomx = spritex randomy = spritey print ("%s %f,%f, %f, %f" % (spritename, randomx,randomy, extentx, extenty)) # screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) screen.blit(im2, (randomx, randomy), pygame.Rect(randomx, randomy, extentx, extenty)) #text_surface = font.render("FPS: %f Playtime: %f " % (clock.get_fps(),playtime), True, (255,255,255)) #screen.blit(text_surface, (10, 10)) pygame.display.flip() # sleep(1) #sleep(sleep_time_for_icons) sprite_currently_displayed = True else: # print ('.') # sleep(1) sleep(sleep_time_for_none_icons) if (sprite_currently_displayed == True): screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() sprite_currently_displayed = False
#!/usr/bin/python3 # vim: set foldmethod=marker fileencoding=utf8 : # Python parts of the host side driver for Franklin. {{{ # Copyright 2014-2016 Michigan Technological University # Copyright 2016 Bas Wijnen <> # Author: Bas Wijnen <> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # }}} show_own_debug = False #show_own_debug = True # Constants {{{ C0 = 273.15 # Conversion between K and °C WAIT = object() # Sentinel for blocking functions. NUM_SPACES = 3 # Space types TYPE_CARTESIAN = 0 TYPE_DELTA = 1 TYPE_POLAR = 2 TYPE_EXTRUDER = 3 TYPE_FOLLOWER = 4 record_format = '=Bidddddddd' # type, tool, X, Y, Z, E, f, F, time, dist # }}} # Imports. {{{ import fhs import websocketd from websocketd import log import serial import time import math import struct import os import re import sys import wave import sys import io import base64 import json import fcntl import select import subprocess import traceback import protocol import mmap import random import errno import shutil # }}} config = fhs.init(packagename = 'franklin', config = { # {{{ 'cdriver': None, 'allow-system': None, 'uuid': None, 'local': False, 'arc': True }) # }}} # Enable code trace. {{{ if False: def trace(frame, why, arg): if why == 'call': code = frame.f_code log('call: %d %s' % (code.co_firstlineno, code.co_name)) sys.settrace(trace) # }}} fcntl.fcntl(sys.stdin.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK) def dprint(x, data): # {{{ if show_own_debug: log('%s: %s' % (x, ' '.join(['%02x' % c for c in data]))) # }}} # Decorator for functions which block. def delayed(f): # {{{ def ret(self, *a, **ka): #log('delayed called with args %s,%s' % (repr(a), repr(ka))) def wrap(id): #log('wrap called with id %s' % (repr(id))) return f(self, id, *a, **ka) return (WAIT, wrap) return ret # }}} # Call cdriver running on same machine. class Driver: # {{{ def __init__(self): #log(repr(config)) self.driver = subprocess.Popen((config['cdriver'],), stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, close_fds = True) fcntl.fcntl(self.driver.stdout.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK) self.buffer = b'' def available(self): return len(self.buffer) > 0 def write(self, data): self.driver.stdin.write(data) self.driver.stdin.flush() def read(self, length): while True: if len(self.buffer) >= length: ret = self.buffer[:length] self.buffer = self.buffer[length:] return ret try: r =, 4096) except IOError: r = self.buffer[:length] self.buffer = self.buffer[length:] return r except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EAGAIN: r = self.buffer[:length] self.buffer = self.buffer[length:] return r raise if r == b'': log('EOF!') self.close() self.buffer += r def close(self): log('Closing machine driver; exiting.') sys.exit(0) def fileno(self): return self.driver.stdout.fileno() # }}} # Reading and writing pins to and from ini files. {{{ def read_pin(machine, pin): extra = 0 if pin.startswith('X'): pin = pin[1:] if pin == '': return 0 else: extra += 256 if pin.startswith('-'): extra += 512 pin = pin[1:] try: pin = int(pin) except: log('incorrect pin %s' % pin) return 0 if pin >= len(machine.pin_names): machine.pin_names.extend([[0xf, '(Pin %d)' % i] for i in range(len(machine.pin_names), pin + 1)]) return pin + extra def write_pin(pin): if pin == 0: return 'X' ret = '' if pin >= 512: ret += '-' pin -= 512 if pin >= 256: pin -= 256 else: ret = 'X' + ret return ret + '%d' % pin # }}} class Machine: # {{{ # Internal stuff. {{{ def _read_data(self, data): # {{{ cmd, s, m, e, f = struct.unpack('=BLLLd', data[:21]) return cmd, s, m, f, e, data[21:] # }}} def _send(self, *data): # {{{ #log('writing to server: %s' % repr(data)) sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(data) + '\n') sys.stdout.flush() # }}} def _refresh_queue(self): if self.uuid is None: return spool = fhs.read_spool(self.uuid, dir = True, opened = False) if spool is None: return gcode = os.path.join(spool, 'gcode') audio = os.path.join(spool, 'audio') probe = fhs.read_spool(os.path.join(self.uuid, 'probe' + os.extsep + 'bin'), text = False) if probe is not None: try: # Map = [[targetx, targety, x0, y0, w, h], [nx, ny], [[...], [...], ...]] size = struct.calcsize('@ddddddddLLd') targetx, targety, x0, y0, w, h, sina, cosa, nx, ny, self.targetangle = struct.unpack('@ddddddddLLd', self.gcode_angle = math.sin(self.targetangle), math.cos(self.targetangle) sina, cosa = self.gcode_angle limits = [targetx, targety, x0, y0, w, h] nums = [nx, ny, self.targetangle] if not (0 < nx < 1000 and 0 < ny < 1000): raise ValueError('probe map too large; probably invalid') probes = [[None for x in range(nx + 1)] for y in range(ny + 1)] for y in range(ny + 1): for x in range(nx + 1): probes[y][x] = struct.unpack('@d','@d')))[0] self.probemap = [limits, nums, probes] except: log('Failed to load probe map') self._globals_update() if os.path.isdir(gcode): self.jobqueue = {} for filename in os.listdir(gcode): name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext != os.extsep + 'bin': log('skipping %s' % filename) continue try: #log('opening %s' % filename) with open(os.path.join(gcode, filename), 'rb') as f: * 8, os.SEEK_END) self.jobqueue[name] = struct.unpack('=' + 'd' * 8, except: traceback.print_exc() log('failed to open gcode file %s' % os.path.join(gcode, filename)) sortable_queue = [(q, self.jobqueue[q]) for q in self.jobqueue] sortable_queue.sort() self._broadcast(None, 'queue', sortable_queue) if os.path.isdir(audio): self.audioqueue = {} for filename in os.listdir(audio): name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext != os.extsep + 'bin': log('skipping %s' % filename) continue try: #log('opening audio %s' % filename) self.audioqueue[name] = os.stat(os.path.join(audio, filename)).st_size except: traceback.print_exc() log('failed to stat audio file %s' % os.path.join(audio, filename)) sortable_queue = list(self.audioqueue.keys()) sortable_queue.sort() self._broadcast(None, 'audioqueue', sortable_queue) def __init__(self, allow_system): # {{{ self.initialized = False self.connected = False self.uuid = config['uuid'] # Start a block because the next line has an accidental end marker. {{{ self.user_interface = '{Dv2m(Blocker:){Dv2m(No Connection:){dv3m{dv3m{dv3m[0:*Controls:{Dh60%{Dv12m{Dv5m{dh11m(Job Control:)(Buttons:)}(Position:)}{Dh85%(XY Map:)(Z Map:)}}{Dv4m(Abort:){Dv6m(Multipliers:){Dv2m(Gpios:){Dv9m(Temps:)(Temp Graph:)}}}}}Setup:{Dv2m(Save Profile:)[0:*Profile:(Profile Setup:)Probe:(Probe Setup:)Globals:(Globals Setup:)Axes:(Axis Setup:)Motors:(Motor Setup:)Type:{Dv3m(Type Setup:){Dh50%(Cartesian Setup:){Dh50%(Delta Setup:)(Polar Setup:)}}}Extruder:(Extruder Setup:)Follower:(Follower Setup:)GPIO:(Gpio Setup:)Temps:(Temp Setup:)]}](Confirmation:)}(Message:)}(State:)}}}' self.pin_names = [] self.machine = Driver() self.allow_system = allow_system self.probemap = None self.job_current = None self.job_id = None self.confirm_id = 0 self.confirm_message = None self.confirm_axes = None self.confirmer = None self.position_valid = False self.probing = False self.probe_pending = False self.parking = False self.home_phase = None self.home_target = None self.home_cb = [False, self._do_home] self.probe_cb = [False, None] self.probe_speed = 3. self.gcode_file = False self.gcode_map = None self.gcode_id = None self.gcode_waiting = 0 self.audio_id = None self.queue = [] self.queue_pos = 0 self.queue_info = None self.confirm_waits = set() self.gpio_waits = {} self.total_time = [float('nan'), float('nan')] self.resuming = False self.flushing = False self.debug_buffer = None self.machine_buffer = '' self.command_buffer = '' self.bed_id = -1 self.fan_id = -1 self.spindle_id = -1 self.probe_dist = 1000 self.probe_offset = 0 self.probe_safe_dist = 10 self.num_probes = 1 self.unit_name = 'mm' self.park_after_job = True self.sleep_after_job = True self.cool_after_job = True self.spi_setup = [] # Set up state. self.spaces = [self.Space(self, i) for i in range(NUM_SPACES)] self.temps = [] self.gpios = [] self.probe_time_dist = [float('nan'), float('nan')] self.sending = False self.paused = False self.limits = [{} for s in self.spaces] self.wait = False self.movewait = 0 self.movecb = [] self.tempcb = [] self.alarms = set() self.targetx = 0. self.targety = 0. self.targetangle = 0. self.zoffset = 0. self.store_adc = False self.temp_scale_min = 0 self.temp_scale_max = 250 self.multipliers = [] self.current_extruder = 0 try: assert self.uuid is not None # Don't try reading if there is no uuid given. with fhs.read_data(os.path.join(self.uuid, 'info' + os.extsep + 'txt')) as pfile: = pfile.readline().rstrip('\n') self.profile = pfile.readline().rstrip('\n') #log('profile is %s' % self.profile) except: #log("No default profile; using 'default'.") = self.uuid self.profile = 'default' profiles = self.list_profiles() if self.profile not in profiles and len(profiles) > 0: self.profile = profiles[0] #log('Profile does not exist; using %s instead' % self.profile) self.default_profile = self.profile # Globals. self.queue_length = 0 self.num_pins = 0 self.led_pin = 0 self.stop_pin = 0 self.probe_pin = 0 self.spiss_pin = 0 self.timeout = 0 self.bed_id = -1 self.fan_id = -1 self.spindle_id = -1 self.feedrate = 1 self.max_deviation = 0 self.max_v = float('inf') self.current_extruder = 0 self.targetx = 0. self.targety = 0. self.targetangle = 0. self.zoffset = 0. # Other things don't need to be initialized, because num_* == 0. # Fill job queue. self.jobqueue = {} self.audioqueue = {} self._refresh_queue() try: self.load(update = False) except: log('Failed to import initial settings') traceback.print_exc() global show_own_debug if show_own_debug is None: show_own_debug = True # }}} # Constants. {{{ # Single-byte commands. single = {'OK': b'\xb3', 'WAIT': b'\xad' } # }}} def _broadcast(self, *a): # {{{ self._send(None, 'broadcast', *a) # }}} def _close(self, notify = True): # {{{ log('disconnecting') self.connected = False if notify: self._send(None, 'disconnect') self._globals_update() # }}} def _machine_read(self, *a, **ka): # {{{ while True: try: return*a, **ka) except: log('error reading') traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(0) # }}} def _machine_write(self, data): # {{{ #log('writing %s' % ' '.join(['%02x' % x for x in data])) while True: try: self.machine.write(data) return except: log('error writing') traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(0) # }}} def _command_input(self): # {{{ data = if data == '': log('End of file detected on command input; exiting.') sys.exit(0) self.command_buffer += data die = None #log('cmd buf %s' % repr(self.command_buffer)) while '\n' in self.command_buffer: pos = self.command_buffer.index('\n') id, func, a, ka = json.loads(self.command_buffer[:pos]) self.command_buffer = self.command_buffer[pos + 1:] try: #log('command: %s(%s %s)' % (func, a, ka)) assert not any(func.startswith(x + '_') for x in ('benjamin', 'admin', 'expert', 'user')) role = a.pop(0) + '_' if hasattr(self, role + func): func = role + func elif role == 'benjamin_' and hasattr(self, 'admin_' + func): func = 'admin_' + func elif role in ('benjamin_', 'admin_') and hasattr(self, 'expert_' + func): func = 'expert_' + func ret = getattr(self, func)(*a, **ka) if isinstance(ret, tuple) and len(ret) == 2 and ret[0] is WAIT: # The function blocks; it will send its own reply later. if ret[1] is WAIT: # Special case: request to die. die = id else: ret[1](id) continue except SystemExit: sys.exit(0) except: log('error handling command input') traceback.print_exc() self._send(id, 'error', repr(sys.exc_info())) continue if ret != (WAIT, WAIT): #log('returning %s' % repr(ret)) self._send(id, 'return', ret) if die is not None: self._send(die, 'return', None) sys.exit(0) # }}} def _trigger_movewaits(self, num, done = True): # {{{ #traceback.print_stack() #log('trigger %s' % repr(self.movecb)) #log('movecbs: %d/%d' % (num, self.movewait)) if self.movewait < num: log('More cbs received than requested!') self.movewait = 0 else: #log('movewait %d/%d' % (num, self.movewait)) self.movewait -= num if self.movewait == 0: #log('running cbs: %s' % repr(self.movecb)) call_queue.extend([(x[1], [done]) for x in self.movecb]) self.movecb = [] if self.flushing and self.queue_pos >= len(self.queue): #log('done flushing') self.flushing = 'done' #else: # log('cb seen, but waiting for more') # }}} def _machine_input(self, reply = False): # {{{ while True: if len(self.machine_buffer) == 0: r = self._machine_read(1) dprint('(1) read', r) if r == b'': return ('no data', None) if r == self.single['WAIT']: return ('wait', None) if r == self.single['OK']: return ('ok', None) # Regular packet. self.machine_buffer = r packet_len = self.machine_buffer[0] while True: r = self._machine_read(packet_len - len(self.machine_buffer)) dprint('rest of packet read', r) if r == '': return (None, None) self.machine_buffer += r if len(self.machine_buffer) >= packet_len: break if not self.machine.available(): #log('waiting for more data (%d/%d)' % (len(self.machine_buffer), packet_len)) ret =[self.machine], [], [self.machine], 1) if self.machine not in ret[0]: log('broken packet?') return (None, None) #log('writing ok') self.machine.write(self.single['OK']) cmd, s, m, f, e, data = self._read_data(self.machine_buffer[1:]) #log('received command: %s' % repr((cmd, s, m, f, e, data))) self.machine_buffer = '' # Handle the asynchronous events. if cmd == protocol.rcommand['MOVECB']: #log('movecb %d/%d (%d in queue)' % (s, self.movewait, len(self.movecb))) self._trigger_movewaits(s) continue if cmd == protocol.rcommand['TEMPCB']: self.alarms.add(s) t = 0 while t < len(self.tempcb): if self.tempcb[t][0] is None or self.tempcb[t][0] in self.alarms: call_queue.append((self.tempcb.pop(t)[1], [])) else: t += 1 continue elif cmd == protocol.rcommand['CONTINUE']: # Move continue. self.wait = False #log('resuming queue %d' % len(self.queue)) call_queue.append((self._do_queue, [])) if self.flushing is None: self.flushing = False continue elif cmd == protocol.rcommand['LIMIT']: if s < len(self.spaces) and m < len(self.spaces[s].motor): self.limits[s][m] = f #log('limit; %d waits' % e) self._trigger_movewaits(self.movewait, False) continue elif cmd == protocol.rcommand['TIMEOUT']: self.position_valid = False call_queue.append((self._globals_update, ())) for i, t in enumerate(self.temps): if not math.isnan(t.value): t.value = float('nan') call_queue.append((self._temp_update, (i,))) for i, g in enumerate(self.gpios): if g.state != g.reset: g.state = g.reset call_queue.append((self._gpio_update, (i,))) continue elif cmd == protocol.rcommand['PINCHANGE']: self.gpios[s].value = m call_queue.append((self._gpio_update, (s,))) if s in self.gpio_waits: for id in self.gpio_waits[s]: self._send(id, 'return', None) del self.gpio_waits[s] continue elif cmd == protocol.rcommand['HOMED']: call_queue.append((self._do_home, [True])) continue elif cmd == protocol.rcommand['DISCONNECT']: self._close() # _close returns after reconnect. continue elif cmd == protocol.rcommand['UPDATE_TEMP']: if s < len(self.temps): self.temps[s].value = f - C0 self._temp_update(s) else: log('Ignoring updated invalid temp %d' % s) continue elif cmd == protocol.rcommand['UPDATE_PIN']: self.gpios[s].state = m call_queue.append((self._gpio_update, (s,))) continue elif cmd == protocol.rcommand['CONFIRM']: if s and self.probemap is not None: self.probe_pending = True call_queue.append((self.request_confirmation(data.decode('utf-8', 'replace') or 'Continue?')[1], (False,))) continue elif cmd == protocol.rcommand['PARKWAIT']: def cb(): self._send_packet(bytes((protocol.command['RESUME'],))) call_queue.append((self.park(cb = cb, abort = False)[1], (None,))) continue elif cmd == protocol.rcommand['FILE_DONE']: call_queue.append((self._job_done, (True, 'completed'))) continue elif cmd == protocol.rcommand['PINNAME']: if s >= len(self.pin_names): self.pin_names.extend([[0xf, '(Pin %d)' % i] for i in range(len(self.pin_names), s + 1)]) self.pin_names[s] = [data[0], data[1:].decode('utf-8', 'replace')] if len(data) >= 1 else [0, ''] #log('pin name {} = {}'.format(s, self.pin_names[s])) continue elif cmd == protocol.rcommand['CONNECTED']: def sync(): # Get the machine state. self._write_globals(update = False) for i, s in enumerate(self.spaces): self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BB', protocol.command['WRITE_SPACE_INFO'], i) + s.write_info()) for a in range(len(s.axis)): self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BBB', protocol.command['WRITE_SPACE_AXIS'], i, a) + s.write_axis(a)) for m in range(len(s.motor)): self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BBB', protocol.command['WRITE_SPACE_MOTOR'], i, m) + s.write_motor(m)) for i, t in enumerate(self.temps): self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BB', protocol.command['WRITE_TEMP'], i) + t.write()) # Disable heater. self.settemp(i, float('nan'), update = False) # Disable heater alarm. self.waittemp(i, None, None) for i, g in enumerate(self.gpios): self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BB', protocol.command['WRITE_GPIO'], i) + g.write()) # The machine may still be doing things. Pause it and send a move; this will discard the queue. self.pause(True, False, update = False) if self.spi_setup: self._spi_send(self.spi_setup) self.connected = True self._globals_update() call_queue.append((sync, ())) continue if reply: return ('packet', (cmd, s, m, f, e, data)) log('unexpected packet %02x' % cmd) raise AssertionError('Received unexpected reply packet') # }}} def _send_packet(self, data, move = False): # {{{ if len(data) + 2 >= 0x8000: log('Message too long (%d >= %d)' % (len(data) + 2, 0x8000)) return # Pack length as big endian, so first byte never has bit 7 set. data = struct.pack('>H', len(data) + 2) + data dprint('(1) writing', data); self._machine_write(data) if not move: return start_time = time.time() while True: if not self.machine.available(): ret =[self.machine], [], [self.machine], 1) if self.machine not in ret[0] and self.machine not in ret[2]: # No response; keep waiting. log('no response yet: %s' % repr(ret)) assert time.time() - start_time < 10 continue ret = self._machine_input() if ret[0] == 'wait': #log('wait') self.wait = True return elif ret[0] == 'ok': return #log('no response yet') # }}} def _get_reply(self, cb = False): # {{{ #traceback.print_stack() while True: if not self.machine.available(): ret =[self.machine], [], [self.machine], 3) if len(ret[0]) == 0 and len(ret[2]) == 0: log('no reply received') #traceback.print_stack() continue ret = self._machine_input(reply = True) #log('reply input is %s' % repr(ret)) if ret[0] == 'packet' or (cb and ret[0] == 'no data'): return ret[1] #log('no response yet waiting for reply') # }}} def _read(self, cmd, channel, sub = None): # {{{ if cmd == 'SPACE': info = self._read('SPACE_INFO', channel) self.spaces[channel].type = struct.unpack('=B', info[:1])[0] info = info[1:] if self.spaces[channel].type == TYPE_CARTESIAN: num_axes = struct.unpack('=B', info)[0] num_motors = num_axes elif self.spaces[channel].type == TYPE_DELTA: self.spaces[channel].delta = [{}, {}, {}] for a in range(3): self.spaces[channel].delta[a]['axis_min'], self.spaces[channel].delta[a]['axis_max'], self.spaces[channel].delta[a]['rodlength'], self.spaces[channel].delta[a]['radius'] = struct.unpack('=dddd', info[32 * a:32 * (a + 1)]) self.spaces[channel].delta_angle = struct.unpack('=d', info[32 * 3:])[0] num_axes = 3 num_motors = 3 elif self.spaces[channel].type == TYPE_POLAR: self.spaces[channel].polar_max_r = struct.unpack('=d', info)[0] num_axes = 3 num_motors = 3 elif self.spaces[channel].type == TYPE_EXTRUDER: num_axes = struct.unpack('=B', info[:1])[0] num_motors = num_axes self.spaces[channel].extruder = [] for a in range(num_axes): dx, dy, dz = struct.unpack('=ddd', info[1 + 24 * a:1 + 24 * (a + 1)]) self.spaces[channel].extruder.append({'dx': dx, 'dy': dy, 'dz': dz}) elif self.spaces[channel].type == TYPE_FOLLOWER: num_axes = struct.unpack('=B', info[:1])[0] num_motors = num_axes self.spaces[channel].follower = [] for a in range(num_axes): space, motor = struct.unpack('=BB', info[1 + 2 * a:1 + 2 * (a + 1)]) self.spaces[channel].follower.append({'space': space, 'motor': motor}) else: log('invalid type %s' % repr(self.spaces[channel].type)) raise AssertionError('invalid space type') return ([self._read('SPACE_AXIS', channel, axis) for axis in range(num_axes)], [self._read('SPACE_MOTOR', channel, motor) for motor in range(num_motors)]) if cmd == 'GLOBALS': packet = struct.pack('=B', protocol.command['READ_' + cmd]) elif sub is not None and cmd.startswith('SPACE'): packet = struct.pack('=BBB', protocol.command['READ_' + cmd], channel, sub) else: packet = struct.pack('=BB', protocol.command['READ_' + cmd], channel) self._send_packet(packet) cmd, s, m, f, e, data = self._get_reply() assert cmd == protocol.rcommand['DATA'] return data # }}} def _read_globals(self, update = True): # {{{ data = self._read('GLOBALS', None) if data is None: return False self.queue_length, self.num_pins, num_temps, num_gpios = struct.unpack('=BBBB', data[:4]) self.led_pin, self.stop_pin, self.probe_pin, self.spiss_pin, self.timeout, self.bed_id, self.fan_id, self.spindle_id, self.feedrate, self.max_deviation, self.max_v, self.current_extruder, self.targetx, self.targety, self.targetangle, self.zoffset, self.store_adc = struct.unpack('=HHHHHhhhdddBdddd?', data[4:]) while len(self.temps) < num_temps: self.temps.append(self.Temp(len(self.temps))) if update: data = self._read('TEMP', len(self.temps) - 1) self.temps[-1].read(data) self.temps = self.temps[:num_temps] while len(self.gpios) < num_gpios: self.gpios.append(self.Gpio(len(self.gpios))) if update: data = self._read('GPIO', len(self.gpios) - 1) self.gpios[-1].read(data) self.gpios = self.gpios[:num_gpios] return True # }}} def _write_globals(self, nt = None, ng = None, update = True): # {{{ if nt is None: nt = len(self.temps) if ng is None: ng = len(self.gpios) dt = nt - len(self.temps) dg = ng - len(self.gpios) data = struct.pack('=BBHHHHHhhhdddBdddd?', nt, ng, self.led_pin, self.stop_pin, self.probe_pin, self.spiss_pin, int(self.timeout), self.bed_id, self.fan_id, self.spindle_id, self.feedrate, self.max_deviation, self.max_v, self.current_extruder, self.targetx, self.targety, self.targetangle, self.zoffset, self.store_adc) self._send_packet(struct.pack('=B', protocol.command['WRITE_GLOBALS']) + data) self._read_globals(update = True) if update: self._globals_update() for t in range(dt): self._temp_update(nt - dt + t) for g in range(dg): self._gpio_update(ng - dg + g) return True # }}} def _mangle_spi(self): # {{{ ret = [] for bits, data in self.spi_setup: ret.append('%d:%s' % (bits, ','.join('%02x' % x for x in data))) return ';'.join(ret) # }}} def _unmangle_spi(self, data): # {{{ ret = [] if len(data) > 0: for p in data.split(';'): bits, data = p.split(':') bits = int(bits) data = [int(x, 16) for x in data.split(',')] ret.append([bits, data]) return ret # }}} def _globals_update(self, target = None): # {{{ if not self.initialized: return self._broadcast(target, 'globals_update', [, self.profile, len(self.temps), len(self.gpios), self.user_interface, self.pin_names, self.led_pin, self.stop_pin, self.probe_pin, self.spiss_pin, self.probe_dist, self.probe_offset, self.probe_safe_dist, self.bed_id, self.fan_id, self.spindle_id, self.unit_name, self.timeout, self.feedrate, self.max_deviation, self.max_v, self.targetx, self.targety, self.targetangle, self.zoffset, self.store_adc, self.park_after_job, self.sleep_after_job, self.cool_after_job, self._mangle_spi(), self.temp_scale_min, self.temp_scale_max, self.probemap, self.connected, not self.paused and (None if self.gcode_map is None and not self.gcode_file else True)]) # }}} def _space_update(self, which, target = None): # {{{ if not self.initialized: return if which >= len(self.spaces): # This can happen if this function is scheduled before changing the number of spaces. return self._broadcast(target, 'space_update', which, self.spaces[which].export()) # }}} def _temp_update(self, which, target = None): # {{{ if not self.initialized: return if which >= len(self.temps): # This can happen if this function is scheduled before changing the number of temps. return self._broadcast(target, 'temp_update', which, self.temps[which].export()) # }}} def _gpio_update(self, which, target = None): # {{{ if not self.initialized: return if which >= len(self.gpios): # This can happen if this function is scheduled before changing the number of gpios. return self._broadcast(target, 'gpio_update', which, self.gpios[which].export()) # }}} def _gcode_close(self): # {{{ self.gcode_strings = [] self.gcode_map.close() os.close(self.gcode_fd) self.gcode_map = None self.gcode_fd = -1 # }}} def _job_done(self, complete, reason): # {{{ self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BBddBB', protocol.command['RUN_FILE'], 0, 0, 0, 0xff, 0)) if self.gcode_map is not None: log(reason) self._gcode_close() self.gcode_file = False #traceback.print_stack() if self.queue_info is None and self.gcode_id is not None: log('Job done (%d): %s' % (complete, reason)) self._send(self.gcode_id, 'return', (complete, reason)) self.gcode_id = None if self.audio_id is not None: log('Audio done (%d): %s' % (complete, reason)) self._send(self.audio_id, 'return', (complete, reason)) self.audio_id = None if self.queue_info is None and self.job_current is not None: if self.job_id is not None: self._send(self.job_id, 'return', (complete, reason)) self.job_id = None self.job_current = None if complete: self._finish_done() while self.queue_pos < len(self.queue): axes, e, f0, f1, v0, v1, which, single, rel = self.queue[self.queue_pos] self.queue_pos += 1 if id is not None: self._send(id, 'error', 'aborted') self.queue = [] self.queue_pos = 0 if self.home_phase is not None: #log('killing homer') self.home_phase = None self.expert_set_space(0, type = self.home_orig_type) for a, ax in enumerate(self.spaces[0].axis): self.expert_set_axis((0, a), min = self.home_limits[a][0], max = self.home_limits[a][1]) if self.home_cb in self.movecb: self.movecb.remove(self.home_cb) if self.home_id is not None: self._send(self.home_id, 'return', None) if self.probe_cb in self.movecb: #log('killing prober') self.movecb.remove(self.probe_cb) self.probe_cb[1](None) self._globals_update() # }}} def _finish_done(self): # {{{ if self.cool_after_job: for t in range(len(self.temps)): self.settemp(t, float('nan')) def maybe_sleep(): if self.sleep_after_job: self.sleep() if self.park_after_job: self.park(cb = maybe_sleep)[1](None) else: maybe_sleep() # }}} def _unpause(self): # {{{ if self.gcode_file: self._send_packet(bytes((protocol.command['RESUME'],))) # Just in case. if self.queue_info is None: return #log('doing resume to %d/%d' % (self.queue_info[0], len(self.queue_info[2]))) self.queue = self.queue_info[2] self.queue_pos = self.queue_info[0] self.movecb = self.queue_info[3] self.flushing = self.queue_info[4] self.resuming = False self.queue_info = None self.paused = False self._globals_update() # }}} def _queue_add(self, filename, name): # {{{ name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(name)[1])[0] origname = name i = 0 while name == '' or name in self.jobqueue: name = '%s-%d' % (origname, i) i += 1 infilename = filename.encode('utf-8', 'replace') outfiledir = fhs.write_spool(os.path.join(self.uuid, 'gcode'), dir = True) if not os.path.isdir(outfiledir): os.makedirs(outfiledir) outfilename = os.path.join(outfiledir, name + os.path.extsep + 'bin').encode('utf-8', 'replace') self._broadcast(None, 'blocked', 'Parsing g-code') self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BH', protocol.command['PARSE_GCODE'], len(infilename)) + infilename + outfilename) self._get_reply() self._refresh_queue() self._broadcast(None, 'blocked', None) # }}} def _audio_add(self, f, name): # {{{ name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(name)[1])[0] origname = name i = 0 while name == '' or name in self.audioqueue: name = '%s-%d' % (origname, i) i += 1 try: wav = except: return 'Unable to open audio file' rate = wav.getframerate() channels = wav.getnchannels() self._broadcast(None, 'blocked', 'Parsing audio') data = wav.readframes(wav.getnframes()) # Data is 16 bit signed ints per channel, but it is read as bytes. First convert it to 16 bit numbers. data = [(h << 8) + l if h < 128 else(h << 8) + l -(1 << 16) for l, h in zip(data[::2 * channels], data[1::2 * channels])] bit = 0 byte = 0 with fhs.write_spool(os.path.join(self.uuid, 'audio', name + os.path.extsep + 'bin'), text = False) as dst: dst.write(struct.pack('@d', rate)) for t, sample in enumerate(data): if sample > 0: byte |= 1 << bit bit += 1 if bit >= 8: dst.write(bytes((byte,))) byte = 0 bit = 0 self.audioqueue[os.path.splitext(name)[0]] = wav.getnframes() self._broadcast(None, 'blocked', '') self._broadcast(None, 'audioqueue', list(self.audioqueue.keys())) return '' # }}} def _do_queue(self): # {{{ #log('queue %s' % repr((self.queue_pos, len(self.queue), self.resuming, self.wait))) if self.paused and not self.resuming and len(self.queue) == 0: #log('queue is empty') return while not self.wait and (self.queue_pos < len(self.queue) or self.resuming): #log('queue not empty %s' % repr((self.queue_pos, len(self.queue), self.resuming, self.wait))) if self.queue_pos >= len(self.queue): self._unpause() #log('unpaused, %d %d' % (self.queue_pos, len(self.queue))) if self.queue_pos >= len(self.queue): break axes, f0, f1, v0, v1, probe, single, rel = self.queue[self.queue_pos] #log('queueing %s' % repr((axes, f0, f1, probe))) self.queue_pos += 1 # Turn sequences into a dict. if isinstance(axes, (list, tuple)): adict = {} for s, data in enumerate(axes): adict[s] = data axes = adict # Make sure the keys are ints. adict = {} #log('axes: %s' % repr(axes)) for k in axes: adict[int(k)] = axes[k] axes = adict a = {} a0 = 0 for i, sp in enumerate(self.spaces): # Only handle spaces that are specified. if i not in axes or axes[i] is None: a0 += len(sp.axis) continue # Handle sequences. if isinstance(axes[i], (list, tuple)): for ij, axis in enumerate(axes[i]): if ij >= len(sp.axis): log('ignoring nonexistent axis %d %d' % (i, ij)) continue if axis is not None and not math.isnan(axis): if i == 1 and ij != self.current_extruder: #log('setting current extruder to %d' % ij) self.current_extruder = ij self._write_globals() if rel: axis += sp.get_current_pos(ij) # Limit values for axis. if axis > sp.axis[ij]['max'] - (0 if i != 0 or ij != 2 else self.zoffset): log('limiting %d %d to %f because it exceeds max' % (i, ij, axis)) axis = sp.axis[ij]['max'] - (0 if i != 0 or ij != 2 else self.zoffset) if axis < sp.axis[ij]['min'] - (0 if i != 0 or ij != 2 else self.zoffset): log('limiting %d %d to %f because it exceeds min' % (i, ij, axis)) axis = sp.axis[ij]['min'] - (0 if i != 0 or ij != 2 else self.zoffset) a[a0 + ij] = axis else: for j, axis in tuple(axes[i].items()): ij = int(j) if ij >= len(sp.axis): log('ignoring nonexistent axis %d %d' % (i, ij)) continue if axis is not None and not math.isnan(axis): if i == 1 and ij != self.current_extruder: log('Setting current extruder to %d' % ij) self.current_extruder = ij self._write_globals(len(self.temps), len(self.gpios)) if rel: axis += sp.get_current_pos(ij) # Limit values for axis. if axis > sp.axis[ij]['max'] - (0 if i != 0 or ij != 2 else self.zoffset): log('limiting %d %d to %f because it exceeds max' % (i, ij, axis)) axis = sp.axis[ij]['max'] - (0 if i != 0 or ij != 2 else self.zoffset) if axis < sp.axis[ij]['min'] - (0 if i != 0 or ij != 2 else self.zoffset): log('limiting %d %d to %f because it exceeds min' % (i, ij, axis)) axis = sp.axis[ij]['min'] - (0 if i != 0 or ij != 2 else self.zoffset) log('new value: %f' % axis) a[a0 + ij] = axis a0 += len(sp.axis) targets = [0] * (((2 + a0 - 1) >> 3) + 1) axes = a args = b'' # Set defaults for feedrates. if v0 is not None: assert f0 is None f0 = -v0 elif f0 is None: f0 = float('inf') if v1 is not None: assert f1 is None f1 = -v1 elif f1 is None: f1 = f0 assert f0 != 0 or f1 != 0 # If feedrates are equal to firmware defaults, don't send them. if f0 != float('inf'): targets[0] |= 1 << 0 args += struct.pack('=d', f0) if f1 != f0: targets[0] |= 1 << 1 args += struct.pack('=d', f1) a = list(axes.keys()) a.sort() #log('f0: %f f1: %f' %(f0, f1)) for axis in a: if math.isnan(axes[axis]): continue targets[(axis + 2) >> 3] |= 1 << ((axis + 2) & 0x7) args += struct.pack('=d', axes[axis]) #log('axis %d: %f' %(axis, axes[axis])) if probe: p = bytes((protocol.command['PROBE'],)) elif single: p = bytes((protocol.command['SINGLE'],)) else: p = bytes((protocol.command['LINE'],)) self.movewait += 1 #log('movewait +1 -> %d' % self.movewait) #log('queueing %s' % repr((axes, f0, f1, self.flushing))) self._send_packet(p + bytes(targets) + args, move = True) if self.flushing is None: self.flushing = False #log('queue done %s' % repr((self.queue_pos, len(self.queue), self.resuming, self.wait))) # }}} def _do_home(self, done = None): # {{{ #log('do_home: %s %s' % (self.home_phase, done)) # 0: Prepare for next order. # 1: Move to limits. (enter from loop after 2). # 2: Finish moving to limits; loop home_order; move slowly away from switch. # 3: Set current position; move delta and followers. # 4: Move within limits. # 5: Return. #log('home %s %s' % (self.home_phase, repr(self.home_target))) #traceback.print_stack() home_v = 50 / self.feedrate def mktarget(): ret = {} for s, m in self.home_target: if s not in ret: ret[s] = {} ret[s][m] = self.home_target[(s, m)] return ret if self.home_phase is None: #log('_do_home ignored because home_phase is None') return if self.home_phase == 0: if done is not None: # Continuing call received after homing was aborted; ignore. return # Initial call; start homing. self.home_phase = 1 # If it is currently moving, doing the things below without pausing causes stall responses. self.pause(True, False) self.sleep(False) self.home_limits = [(a['min'], a['max']) for a in self.spaces[0].axis] for a, ax in enumerate(self.spaces[0].axis): self.expert_set_axis((0, a), min = float('-inf'), max = float('inf')) self.home_orig_type = self.spaces[0].type self.expert_set_space(0, type = TYPE_CARTESIAN) n = set() for s in self.spaces: for m in s.motor: if self._pin_valid(m['limit_min_pin']) or self._pin_valid(m['limit_max_pin']): n.add(m['home_order']) if len(n) == 0: self.home_phase = 4 else: self.home_order = min(n) # Fall through. if self.home_phase == 1: # Move to limit. self.home_phase = 2 self.home_motors = [] for s, sp in enumerate(self.spaces): for i, m in enumerate(sp.motor): if (self._pin_valid(m['limit_min_pin']) or self._pin_valid(m['limit_max_pin'])) and m['home_order'] == self.home_order: self.home_motors.append((s, i, sp.axis[i], m)) self.limits[s].clear() self.home_target = {} dist = 1000 #TODO: use better value. for s, i, a, m in self.home_motors: self.spaces[s].set_current_pos(i, 0) if self._pin_valid(m['limit_max_pin']): self.home_target[(s, i)] = dist - (0 if s != 0 or i != 2 else self.zoffset) else: self.home_target[(s, i)] = -dist - (0 if s != 0 or i != 2 else self.zoffset) if len(self.home_target) > 0: self.home_cb[0] = [(s, k) for s, k in self.home_target.keys()] if self.home_cb not in self.movecb: self.movecb.append(self.home_cb) #log("home phase %d target %s" % (self.home_phase, self.home_target)) self.line(mktarget(), f0 = home_v / dist, force = True, single = True) return # Fall through. if self.home_phase == 2: # Continue moving to find limit switch. found_limits = False for s, sp in enumerate(self.spaces): for a in self.limits[s].keys(): if (s, a) in self.home_target: #log('found limit %d %d' % (s, a)) self.home_target.pop((s, a)) found_limits = True # Make sure no attempt is made to move through the limit switch (not even by rounding errors). sp.set_current_pos(a, sp.get_current_pos(a)) # Repeat until move is done, or all limits are hit. if (not done or found_limits) and len(self.home_target) > 0: self.home_cb[0] = list(self.home_target.keys()) if self.home_cb not in self.movecb: self.movecb.append(self.home_cb) #log("0 t %s" % (self.home_target)) k = tuple(self.home_target.keys())[0] dist = abs(self.home_target[k] - self.spaces[k[0]].get_current_pos(k[1])) if dist > 0: #log("home phase %d target %s" % (self.home_phase, self.home_target)) self.line(mktarget(), f0 = home_v / dist, force = True, single = True) return # Fall through. if len(self.home_target) > 0: log('Warning: not all limits were found during homing') n = set() for s in self.spaces: for m in s.motor: if (self._pin_valid(m['limit_min_pin']) or self._pin_valid(m['limit_max_pin'])) and m['home_order'] > self.home_order: n.add(m['home_order']) if len(n) > 0: self.home_phase = 1 self.home_order = min(n) return self._do_home() # Move away slowly. data = b'' num = 0 for s, spc in enumerate(self.spaces): for m in spc.motor: if self._pin_valid(m['limit_max_pin']): data += b'\xff' num += 1 elif self._pin_valid(m['limit_min_pin']): data += b'\x01' num += 1 else: data += b'\x00' self.home_phase = 3 if num > 0: dprint('homing', data) self._send_packet(bytes((protocol.command['HOME'],)) + data) return # Fall through. if self.home_phase == 3: # Move followers and delta into alignment. self.home_return = [] for s, sp in enumerate(self.spaces): self.home_return.append([]) for i, m in enumerate(sp.motor): if i in self.limits[s]: if not math.isnan(m['home_pos']): #log('set %d %d %f' % (s, i, m['home_pos'])) self.home_return[-1].append(m['home_pos'] - sp.get_current_pos(i)) sp.set_current_pos(i, m['home_pos']) else: #log('limited zeroset %d %d' % (s, i)) self.home_return[-1].append(-sp.get_current_pos(i)) sp.set_current_pos(i, 0) else: if (self._pin_valid(m['limit_min_pin']) or self._pin_valid(m['limit_max_pin'])) and not math.isnan(m['home_pos']): #log('defset %d %d %f' % (s, i, m['home_pos'])) self.home_return[-1].append(m['home_pos'] - sp.get_current_pos(i)) sp.set_current_pos(i, m['home_pos']) else: #log('unlimited zeroset %d %d' % (s, i)) self.home_return[-1].append(-sp.get_current_pos(i)) sp.set_current_pos(i, 0) # Pre-insert delta axes as followers to align. groups = ([], [], []) # min limits; max limits; just move. if self.home_orig_type == TYPE_DELTA: groups[1].append([]) for i, m in enumerate(self.spaces[0].motor): groups[1][-1].append((0, i)) # Align followers. for i, m in enumerate(self.spaces[2].motor): fs = self.spaces[2].follower[i]['space'] fm = self.spaces[2].follower[i]['motor'] # Use 2, not len(self.spaces), because following followers is not supported. if not 0 <= fs < 2 or not 0 <= fm < len(self.spaces[fs].motor): continue if self._pin_valid(m['limit_max_pin']): if not self._pin_valid(self.spaces[fs].motor[fm]['limit_max_pin']) and self._pin_valid(self.spaces[fs].motor[fm]['limit_min_pin']): # Opposite limit pin: don't compare values. groups[2].append((2, i)) continue for g in groups[1]: if (fs, fm) in g: g.append((2, i)) break else: groups[1].append([(2, i), (fs, fm)]) elif self._pin_valid(m['limit_min_pin']): if self._pin_valid(self.spaces[fs].motor[fm]['limit_max_pin']): # Opposite limit pin: don't compare values. groups[2].append((2, i)) continue for g in groups[0]: if (fs, fm) in g: g.append((2, i)) break else: groups[0].append([(2, i), (fs, fm)]) self.home_target = {} for g in groups[0]: target = max(g, key = lambda x: self.spaces[x[0]].motor[x[1]]['home_pos']) target = self.spaces[target[0]].motor[target[1]]['home_pos'] for s, m in g: if target != self.spaces[s].motor[m]['home_pos']: offset = (0 if s != 0 or m != 2 else self.zoffset) self.home_target[(s, m)] = target - offset for g in groups[1]: target = min(g, key = lambda x: self.spaces[x[0]].motor[x[1]]['home_pos']) target = self.spaces[target[0]].motor[target[1]]['home_pos'] for s, m in g: if target != self.spaces[s].motor[m]['home_pos']: offset = (0 if s != 0 or m != 2 else self.zoffset) self.home_target[(s, m)] = target - offset for s, m in groups[2]: fs = self.spaces[s].follower[m]['space'] fm = self.spaces[s].follower[m]['motor'] if self.spaces[fs].motor[fm]['home_pos'] != self.spaces[s].motor[m]['home_pos']: offset = (0 if s != 0 or m != 2 else self.zoffset) self.home_target[(s, m)] = self.spaces[fs].motor[fm]['home_pos'] - offset self.home_phase = 4 if len(self.home_target) > 0: self.home_cb[0] = False if self.home_cb not in self.movecb: self.movecb.append(self.home_cb) #log("home phase %d target %s" % (self.home_phase, self.home_target)) self.line(mktarget(), force = True, single = True) return # Fall through. if self.home_phase == 4: # Reset space type and move to pos2. self.expert_set_space(0, type = self.home_orig_type) for a, ax in enumerate(self.spaces[0].axis): self.expert_set_axis((0, a), min = self.home_limits[a][0], max = self.home_limits[a][1]) target = {} for s, sp in enumerate(self.spaces[:2]): for i, a in enumerate(sp.axis): if not math.isnan(a['home_pos2']): offset = (0 if s != 0 or i != 2 else self.zoffset) if s not in target: target[s] = {} target[s][i] = a['home_pos2'] - offset self.home_phase = 5 if len(target) > 0: self.home_cb[0] = False if self.home_cb not in self.movecb: self.movecb.append(self.home_cb) #log("home phase %d target %s" % (self.home_phase, target)) self.line(target, force = True) return # Fall through. if self.home_phase == 5: # Move within bounds. target = {} for s, sp in enumerate(self.spaces[:2]): for i, a in enumerate(sp.axis): current = sp.get_current_pos(i) offset = (0 if s != 0 or i != 2 else self.zoffset) if current > a['max'] - offset: if s not in target: target[s] = {} target[s][i] = a['max'] - offset elif current < a['min'] - offset: if s not in target: target[s] = {} target[s][i] = a['min'] - offset self.home_phase = 6 if len(target) > 0: self.home_cb[0] = False if self.home_cb not in self.movecb: self.movecb.append(self.home_cb) #log("home phase %d target %s" % (self.home_phase, target)) self.line(target, force = True) #log('movecb: ' + repr(self.movecb)) return # Fall through. if self.home_phase == 6: self.home_phase = None self.position_valid = True if self.home_id is not None: self._send(self.home_id, 'return', self.home_return) self.home_return = None if self.home_done_cb is not None: call_queue.append((self.home_done_cb, [])) self.home_done_cb = None return log('Internal error: invalid home phase') # }}} def _handle_one_probe(self, good): # {{{ if good is None: return pos = self.get_axis_pos(0) self._send_packet(struct.pack('=Bddd', protocol.command['ADJUSTPROBE'], pos[0], pos[1], pos[2] + self.zoffset)) self.probe_cb[1] = lambda good: self.request_confirmation("Continue?")[1](False) if good is not None else None self.movecb.append(self.probe_cb) self.line([{2: self.probe_safe_dist}], relative = True) # }}} def _one_probe(self): # {{{ self.probe_cb[1] = self._handle_one_probe self.movecb.append(self.probe_cb) z = self.get_axis_pos(0, 2) z_low = self.spaces[0].axis[2]['min'] self.line([{2: z_low}], f0 = float(self.probe_speed) / (z - z_low) if z > z_low else float('inf'), probe = True) # }}} def _do_probe(self, id, x, y, z, phase = 0, good = True): # {{{ #log('probe %d %s' % (phase, good)) # Map = [[x0, y0, x1, y1], [nx, ny, angle], [[...], [...], ...]] if good is None: # This means the probe has been aborted. #log('abort probe') self.probing = False if id is not None: self._send(id, 'error', 'aborted') #self._job_done(False, 'Probe aborted') return self.probing = True if not self.position_valid: self.home(cb = lambda: self._do_probe(id, x, y, z, phase, True), abort = False)[1](None) return p = self.probemap if phase == 0: if y > p[1][1]: # Done. self.probing = False self._check_probemap() if id is not None: self._send(id, 'return', p) for y, c in enumerate(p[2]): for x, o in enumerate(c): log('map %f %f %f' % (p[0][0] + p[0][2] * x / p[1][0], p[0][1] + p[0][3] * y / p[1][1], o)) sys.stderr.write('\n') return # Goto x,y self.probe_cb[1] = lambda good: self._do_probe(id, x, y, z, 1, good) self.movecb.append(self.probe_cb) px = p[0][2] + p[0][4] * x / p[1][0] py = p[0][3] + p[0][5] * y / p[1][1] log(repr((p, px, py, x, y, self.gcode_angle))) self.line([[p[0][0] + px * self.gcode_angle[1] - py * self.gcode_angle[0], p[0][1] + py * self.gcode_angle[1] + px * self.gcode_angle[0]]]) elif phase == 1: # Probe self.probe_cb[1] = lambda good: self._do_probe(id, x, y, z, 2, good) if self._pin_valid(self.probe_pin): self.movecb.append(self.probe_cb) z_low = self.spaces[0].axis[2]['min'] self.line([{2: z_low}], f0 = float(self.probe_speed) / (z - z_low) if z > z_low else float('inf'), probe = True) else: #log('confirm probe') self.request_confirmation('Please move the tool to the surface')[1](False) else: # Record result if good: log('Warning: probe did not hit anything') z = self.spaces[0].get_current_pos(2) p[2][y][x].append(z + self.zoffset) if len(p[2][y][x]) >= self.num_probes: p[2][y][x].sort() trash = self.num_probes // 3 if trash == 0: p[2][y][x] = sum(p[2][y][x]) / len(p[2][y][x]) else: p[2][y][x] = sum(p[2][y][x][trash:-trash]) / (len(p[2][y][x]) - 2 * trash) if y & 1: x -= 1 if x < 0: x = 0 y += 1 else: x += 1 if x > p[1][0]: x = p[1][0] y += 1 z += self.probe_safe_dist self.probe_cb[1] = lambda good: self._do_probe(id, x, y, z, 0, good) self.movecb.append(self.probe_cb) # Retract self.line([{2: z}]) # }}} def _check_probemap(self): # {{{ '''Check the probemap, and save it if it is valid; discard it otherwise. @returns: True if the probemap is valid, False otherwise.''' if not isinstance(self.probemap, (list, tuple)) or len(self.probemap) != 3: log('probemap check failed: not a list of length 3') self.probemap = None self._globals_update() return False limits, nums, probes = self.probemap if not isinstance(limits, (list, tuple)) or not isinstance(nums, (list, tuple)) or len(limits) != 6 or len(nums) != 3: log('probemap check failed: first lists are not length 6 and 3') self.probemap = None self._globals_update() return False if not all(isinstance(e, (float, int)) and not math.isnan(e) for e in limits): log('probemap check failed: limits must be numbers') self.probemap = None self._globals_update() return False if not all(isinstance(e, t) and not math.isnan(e) for e, t in zip(nums, (int, int, (float, int)))): log('probemap check failed: nums and angle must be numbers') self.probemap = None self._globals_update() return False nx, ny, angle = nums if len(probes) != ny + 1 or not all(isinstance(e, (list, tuple)) and len(e) == nx + 1 for e in probes): log('probemap check failed: probe map is incorrect size') self.probemap = None self._globals_update() return False if not all(all(isinstance(e, (float, int)) and not math.isnan(e) for e in f) for f in probes): log('probemap check failed: probe points must all be numbers') self.probemap = None self._globals_update() return False with fhs.write_spool(os.path.join(self.uuid, 'probe' + os.extsep + 'bin'), text = False) as probemap_file: # Map = [[x, y, w, h], [nx, ny], [[...], [...], ...]] sina, cosa = self.gcode_angle targetx, targety, x0, y0, w, h = self.probemap[0] probemap_file.write(struct.pack('@ddddddddLLd', targetx, targety, x0, y0, w, h, sina, cosa, *self.probemap[1])) for y in range(self.probemap[1][1] + 1): for x in range(self.probemap[1][0] + 1): probemap_file.write(struct.pack('@d', self.probemap[2][y][x])) self._globals_update() return True # }}} def _start_job(self, paused): # {{{ # Set all extruders to 0. for i, e in enumerate(self.spaces[1].axis): self.set_axis_pos(1, i, 0) def cb(): #log('start job %s' % self.job_current) self._gcode_run(self.job_current, abort = False, paused = paused) if not self.position_valid: self.park(cb = cb, abort = False)[1](None) else: cb() self.gcode_id = None # }}} def _gcode_run(self, src, abort = True, paused = False): # {{{ if self.parking: return self.gcode_angle = math.sin(self.targetangle), math.cos(self.targetangle) if 0 <= self.bed_id < len(self.temps): self.btemp = self.temps[self.bed_id].value else: self.btemp = float('nan') if abort: self._unpause() self._job_done(False, 'aborted by starting new job') self.queue_info = None # Disable all alarms. for i in range(len(self.temps)): self.waittemp(i, None, None) self.paused = paused self._globals_update() self.sleep(False) if len(self.spaces) > 1: for e in range(len(self.spaces[1].axis)): self.set_axis_pos(1, e, 0) filename = fhs.read_spool(os.path.join(self.uuid, 'gcode', src + os.extsep + 'bin'), text = False, opened = False) self.total_time = self.jobqueue[src][-2:] self.gcode_fd =, os.O_RDONLY) self.gcode_map = mmap.mmap(self.gcode_fd, 0, prot = mmap.PROT_READ) filesize = os.fstat(self.gcode_fd).st_size bboxsize = 8 * struct.calcsize('=d') def unpack(format, pos): return struct.unpack(format, self.gcode_map[pos:pos + struct.calcsize(format)]) num_strings = unpack('=I', filesize - bboxsize - struct.calcsize('=I'))[0] self.gcode_strings = [] sizes = [unpack('=I', filesize - bboxsize - struct.calcsize('=I') * (num_strings + 1 - x))[0] for x in range(num_strings)] first_string = filesize - bboxsize - struct.calcsize('=I') * (num_strings + 1) - sum(sizes) pos = 0 for x in range(num_strings): self.gcode_strings.append(self.gcode_map[first_string + pos:first_string + pos + sizes[x]].decode('utf-8', 'replace')) pos += sizes[x] self.gcode_num_records = first_string / struct.calcsize(record_format) if self.probemap is None: encoded_probemap_filename = b'' else: encoded_probemap_filename = fhs.read_spool(os.path.join(self.uuid, 'probe' + os.extsep + 'bin'), text = False, opened = False).encode('utf-8') self.gcode_file = True self._globals_update() self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BBddBB', protocol.command['RUN_FILE'], 1 if not paused and self.confirmer is None else 0, self.gcode_angle[0], self.gcode_angle[1], 0xff, len(encoded_probemap_filename)) + filename.encode('utf-8') + encoded_probemap_filename) # }}} def _gcode_parse(self, src, name): # {{{ assert len(self.spaces) > 0 self._broadcast(None, 'blocked', 'Parsing g-code') errors = [] mode = None message = None bbox = [None] * 6 bbox_last = [None] * 6 strings = [''] unit = 1. arc_normal = (0, 0, 1) rel = False erel = False pos = [[float('nan') for a in range(6)], [0., 0.], float('inf')] time_dist = [0., 0.] pending = [] arc = [] # center, r, diff, angle_start, angle_diff tool_changed = False def add_timedist(type, nums): if type == protocol.parsed['LINE']: if nums[-2] == float('inf'): extra = sum((nums[2 * i + 1] - nums[2 * i + 2]) ** 2 for i in range(3)) ** .5 if not math.isnan(extra): time_dist[1] += extra else: extra = 2 / (nums[-2] + nums[-1]) if not math.isnan(extra): time_dist[0] += extra elif type == protocol.parsed['ARC']: pass # TODO: add time+dist. elif type == protocol.parsed['WAIT']: time_dist[0] += nums[1] return nums + time_dist with fhs.write_spool(os.path.join(self.uuid, 'gcode', os.path.splitext(name)[0] + os.path.extsep + 'bin'), text = False) as dst: epsilon = .5 # TODO: check if this should be configurable aepsilon = math.radians(36) # TODO: check if this should be configurable rlimit = 500 # TODO: check if this should be configurable def center(a, b, c): '''Given 3 points, determine center, radius, angles of points on circle, deviation of polygon from circle.''' try: x0, y0, z0 = a x1, y1, z1 = b x2, y2, z2 = c xc = ((y0 - y1) * (y0 ** 2 - y2 ** 2 + x0 ** 2 - x2 ** 2) - (y0 - y2) * (x0 ** 2 - x1 ** 2 + y0 ** 2 - y1 ** 2)) / (2 * (-x0 * y1 - x2 * y0 + x2 * y1 + x1 * y0 + x0 * y2 - x1 * y2)) yc = ((x0 - x1) * (x0 ** 2 - x2 ** 2 + y0 ** 2 - y2 ** 2) - (x0 - x2) * (y0 ** 2 - y1 ** 2 + x0 ** 2 - x1 ** 2)) / (2 * (-y0 * x1 - y2 * x0 + y2 * x1 + y1 * x0 + y0 * x2 - y1 * x2)) r = ((xc - x0) ** 2 + (yc - y0) ** 2) ** .5 except ZeroDivisionError: #log('div by 0: %s' % repr((a, b, c))) return (None, None, None, float('inf')) angles = [] ref = math.atan2(b[1] - yc, b[0] - xc) for p in a, b, c: angle = math.atan2(p[1] - yc, p[0] - xc) angles.append((angle - ref + math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) + ref - math.pi) mid = [(p2 + p1) / 2 for p1, p2 in zip(a, c)] amid = (angles[0] + angles[2]) / 2 cmid = [math.cos(amid) * r + xc, math.sin(amid) * r + yc] #log('for diff center (%f %f) mids %s %s amid %f angles %s' % (xc, yc, mid, cmid, amid, angles)) diff = sum([(p2 - p1) ** 2 for p1, p2 in zip(mid, cmid)]) #log('center returns %s' % repr(((xc, yc, z0), r, angles, diff))) return ((xc, yc, z0), r, angles, diff) def add_record(type, nums = None, force = False): if nums is None: nums = [] if isinstance(nums, dict): nums = [nums['T'], nums['X'], nums['Y'], nums['Z'], nums['E'], nums['f'], nums['F']] nums += [0] * (7 - len(nums)) if not force and type == protocol.parsed['LINE']: # Update bounding box. for i in range(3): value = nums[i + 1] if math.isnan(value): continue if bbox[2 * i] is None or value < bbox[2 * i]: #log('new min bbox %f: %f from %f' % (i, value / 25.4, float('nan' if bbox[2 * i] is None else bbox[2 * i] / 25.4))) bbox[2 * i] = value if bbox[2 * i + 1] is None or value > bbox[2 * i + 1]: #log('new max bbox %f: %f from %f' % (i, value / 25.4, float('nan' if bbox[2 * i + 1] is None else bbox[2 * i + 1] / 25.4))) bbox[2 * i + 1] = value # Analyze this move in combination with pending moves. if len(pending) == 0: pending.append([0, pos[0][0], pos[0][1], pos[0][2], pos[1][nums[0]], pos[2], pos[2]]) pending.append(nums) if len(pending) == 2: if not config['arc'] or pending[0][3] != pending[1][3]: #log('non equal z') flush_pending() return return if len(pending) == 3: # If the points are not on a circle with equal angles, or the angle is too large, or the radius is too large, push pending[1] through to output. # Otherwise, record settings. #log('center for arc start') arc_ctr, arc_r, angles, arc_diff = center(pending[0][1:4], pending[1][1:4], pending[2][1:4]) if arc_diff > epsilon or abs(angles[1] - angles[0] - angles[2] + angles[1]) > aepsilon or arc_r > rlimit: #log('not arc: %s' % repr((arc_ctr, arc_r, angles, arc_diff))) dst.write(struct.pack('=Bl' + 'd' * 8, protocol.parsed['LINE'], *add_timedist(type, pending[1]))) pending.pop(0) return arc[:] = [arc_ctr, arc_r, arc_diff, angles[0], (angles[2] - angles[0]) / 2] return current_angle = arc[4] * (len(pending) - 1) a = arc[3] + current_angle p = [arc[0][0] + math.cos(a) * arc[1], arc[0][1] + math.sin(a) * arc[1]] # If new point doesn't fit on circle, push pending as circle to output. # It should allow up to 360, but be safe and break those in two; also makes generating svgs easier. if current_angle >= math.radians(180): #log('flush: more than 180 degrees') flush_pending() elif (p[0] - pending[-1][1]) ** 2 + (p[1] - pending[-1][2]) ** 2 > epsilon ** 2: #log('flush: point too far from prediction (%s %s)' % (p, pending[-1][1:3])) flush_pending() elif pending[0][3] != pending[-1][3]: #log('flush: non equal z') flush_pending() return #if not force: #log('non-line %s' % type) flush_pending() #log('force or other ' + repr((type, nums, add_timedist(type, nums)))) dst.write(struct.pack('=Bl' + 'd' * 8, type, *add_timedist(type, nums))) def flush_pending(): if len(pending) >= 6: #log('arc') flush_arc() #else: #log('no arc %d' % len(pending)) tmp = pending[1:] pending[:] = [] for p in tmp: add_record(protocol.parsed['LINE'], p, True) def flush_arc(): start = pending[0] end = pending[-2] tmp = pending[-1] #log('center for flush') arc_ctr, arc_r, angles, arc_diff = center(start[1:4], pending[len(pending) // 2][1:4], end[1:4]) if arc_diff < 2 * epsilon or arc_ctr is None: #log('refuse arc: %s' % repr((arc_ctr, arc_diff, epsilon, arc_r, angles))) # This is really a line, or it is not detected as an arc; don't turn it into an arc. return pending[:] = [] add_record(protocol.parsed['PRE_ARC'], {'X': arc_ctr[0], 'Y': arc_ctr[1], 'Z': start[3], 'E': 0, 'f': 0, 'F': 1 if arc[4] > 0 else -1, 'T': 0}, True) add_record(protocol.parsed['ARC'], {'X': end[1], 'Y': end[2], 'Z': end[3], 'E': pos[1][current_extruder], 'f': -pos[2], 'F': -pos[2], 'T': current_extruder}, True) pending.append(end) pending.append(tmp) def add_string(string): if string is None: return 0 if string not in strings: strings.append(string) return strings.index(string) current_extruder = 0 for lineno, origline in enumerate(src): line = origline.strip() origline = line #log('parsing %s' % line) # Get rid of line numbers and checksums. if line.startswith('N'): r = re.match(r'N(\d+)\s+(.*?)\*\d+\s*$', line) if not r: r = re.match(r'N(\d+)\s+(.*?)\s*$', line) if not r: # Invalid line; ignore it. errors.append('%d:ignoring invalid gcode: %s' % (lineno, origline)) continue lineno = int( line = else: lineno += 1 comment = '' while '(' in line: b = line.index('(') e = line.find(')', b) if e < 0: errors.append('%d:ignoring line with unterminated comment: %s' % (lineno, origline)) continue comment = line[b + 1:e].strip() line = line[:b] + ' ' + line[e + 1:].strip() if ';' in line: p = line.index(';') comment = line[p + 1:].strip() line = line[:p].strip() if comment.upper().startswith('MSG,'): message = comment[4:].strip() elif comment.startswith('SYSTEM:'): if not re.match(self.allow_system, comment[7:]): errors.append('%d:Warning: system command %s is forbidden and will not be run' % (lineno, comment[7:])) add_record(protocol.parsed['SYSTEM'], [add_string(comment[7:])]) continue if line == '': continue line = line.split() while len(line) > 0: if mode is None or line[0][0] in 'GMTDS': if len(line[0]) < 2: errors.append('%d:ignoring unparsable line: %s' % (lineno, origline)) break try: cmd = line[0][0], int(line[0][1:]) except: errors.append('%d:parse error in line: %s' % (lineno, origline)) traceback.print_exc() break line = line[1:] else: cmd = mode args = {} success = True for i, a in enumerate(line): if a[0] in 'GMD': line = line[i:] break try: args[a[0]] = float(a[1:]) except: errors.append('%d:ignoring invalid gcode: %s' % (lineno, origline)) success = False break else: line = [] if not success: break if cmd == ('M', 2): # Program end. break elif cmd[0] == 'T': target = cmd[1] if target >= len(pos[1]): pos[1].extend([0.] * (target - len(pos[1]) + 1)) current_extruder = target # Force update of extruder. add_record(protocol.parsed['LINE'], {'X': pos[0][0], 'Y': pos[0][1], 'Z': pos[0][2], 'E': pos[1][current_extruder], 'f': float('inf'), 'F': float('inf'), 'T': current_extruder}) continue elif cmd == ('G', 17): arc_normal = (0, 0, 1) continue elif cmd == ('G', 18): arc_normal = (0, 1, 0) continue elif cmd == ('G', 19): arc_normal = (1, 0, 0) continue elif cmd == ('G', 20): unit = 25.4 continue elif cmd == ('G', 21): unit = 1. continue elif cmd == ('G', 90): rel = False erel = False continue elif cmd == ('G', 91): rel = True erel = True continue elif cmd == ('M', 82): erel = False continue elif cmd == ('M', 83): erel = True continue elif cmd == ('M', 84): for e in range(len(pos[1])): pos[1][e] = 0. elif cmd == ('G', 92): if 'E' not in args: continue args['E'] *= unit pos[1][current_extruder] = args['E'] elif cmd[0] == 'M' and cmd[1] in (104, 109, 116): args['E'] = int(args['T']) if 'T' in args else current_extruder if cmd == ('M', 140): cmd = ('M', 104) args['E'] = -1 elif cmd == ('M', 190): cmd = ('M', 109) args['E'] = -1 elif cmd == ('M', 6): # Tool change: park and remember to probe. cmd = ('G', 28) tool_changed = True if cmd == ('G', 28): nums = [current_extruder] if len(self.spaces) > 1 and len(self.spaces[1].axis) > current_extruder: pos[1][current_extruder] = 0. add_record(protocol.parsed['PARK']) for a in range(len(pos[0])): if len(self.spaces[0].axis) > a and not math.isnan(self.spaces[0].axis[a]['park']): pos[0][a] = float('nan') elif cmd[0] == 'G' and cmd[1] in (0, 1, 81): if cmd[1] != 0: mode = cmd components = {'X': None, 'Y': None, 'Z': None, 'A': None, 'B': None, 'C': None, 'E': None, 'F': None, 'R': None} for c in args: if c not in components: errors.append('%d:invalid component %s' % (lineno, c)) continue assert components[c] is None components[c] = args[c] f0 = pos[2] if components['F'] is not None: pos[2] = components['F'] * unit / 60 oldpos = pos[0][:], pos[1][:] if cmd[1] != 81: if components['E'] is not None: if erel: estep = components['E'] * unit else: estep = components['E'] * unit - pos[1][current_extruder] pos[1][current_extruder] += estep else: estep = 0 else: estep = 0 if components['R'] is not None: if rel: r = pos[0][2] + components['R'] * unit else: r = components['R'] * unit for axis in range(6): value = components['XYZABC'[axis]] if value is not None: if rel: pos[0][axis] += value * unit else: pos[0][axis] = value * unit if axis == 2: z = pos[0][2] if cmd[1] != 81: dist = sum([0] + [(pos[0][x] - oldpos[0][x]) ** 2 for x in range(3) if not math.isnan(pos[0][x] - oldpos[0][x])]) ** .5 if dist > 0: #if f0 is None: # f0 = pos[1][current_extruder] f0 = pos[2] # Always use new value. if f0 == 0: f0 = float('inf') if math.isnan(dist): dist = 0 if all((math.isnan(pos[0][i]) and math.isnan(oldpos[0][i])) or pos[0][i] == oldpos[0][i] for i in range(3, 6)): add_record(protocol.parsed['LINE'], {'X': pos[0][0], 'Y': pos[0][1], 'Z': pos[0][2], 'E': pos[1][current_extruder], 'f': f0 / dist if dist > 0 and cmd[1] == 1 else float('inf'), 'F': pos[2] / dist if dist > 0 and cmd[1] == 1 else float('inf'), 'T': current_extruder}) else: add_record(protocol.parsed['PRE_LINE'], {'X': pos[0][3], 'Y': pos[0][4], 'Z': pos[0][5], 'E': float('NaN'), 'f': float('NaN'), 'F': float('NaN'), 'T': current_extruder}) add_record(protocol.parsed['LINE'], {'X': pos[0][0], 'Y': pos[0][1], 'Z': pos[0][2], 'E': pos[1][current_extruder], 'f': f0 / dist if dist > 0 and cmd[1] == 1 else float('inf'), 'F': pos[2] / dist if dist > 0 and cmd[1] == 1 else float('inf'), 'T': current_extruder}) else: # If old pos is unknown, use safe distance. if math.isnan(oldpos[0][2]): oldpos[0][2] = r # Drill cycle. # Only support OLD_Z (G90) retract mode; don't support repeats(L). # goto x,y add_record(protocol.parsed['LINE'], {'X': pos[0][0], 'Y': pos[0][1], 'Z': oldpos[0][2], 'E': 0, 'f': float('inf'), 'F': float('inf'), 'T': current_extruder}) # goto r add_record(protocol.parsed['LINE'], {'X': pos[0][0], 'Y': pos[0][1], 'Z': r, 'E': 0, 'f': float('inf'), 'F': float('inf'), 'T': current_extruder}) # goto z; this is always straight down, because the move before and after it are also vertical. if z != r: f0 = pos[2] / abs(z - r) if math.isnan(f0): f0 = float('inf') add_record(protocol.parsed['LINE'], {'X': pos[0][0], 'Y': pos[0][1], 'Z': z, 'E': 0, 'f': f0, 'F': f0, 'T': current_extruder}) # retract; this is always straight up, because the move before and after it are also non-horizontal. add_record(protocol.parsed['LINE'], {'X': pos[0][0], 'Y': pos[0][1], 'Z': oldpos[0][2], 'E': 0, 'f': float('inf'), 'F': float('inf'), 'T': current_extruder}) # empty move; this makes sure the previous move is entirely vertical. add_record(protocol.parsed['LINE'], {'X': pos[0][0], 'Y': pos[0][1], 'Z': oldpos[0][2], 'E': 0, 'f': float('inf'), 'F': float('inf'), 'T': current_extruder}) # Set up current z position so next G81 will work. pos[0][2] = oldpos[0][2] elif cmd[0] == 'G' and cmd[1] in (2, 3): # Arc. mode = cmd components = {'X': None, 'Y': None, 'Z': None, 'E': None, 'F': None, 'I': None, 'J': None, 'K': None} for c in args: if c not in components: errors.append('%d:invalid arc component %s' % (lineno, c)) continue assert components[c] is None components[c] = args[c] f0 = pos[2] if components['F'] is not None: pos[2] = components['F'] * unit / 60 oldpos = pos[0][:], pos[1][:] if components['E'] is not None: if erel: estep = components['E'] * unit - pos[1][current_extruder] else: estep = components['E'] * unit pos[1][current_extruder] += estep else: estep = 0 center = [None] * 3 for axis in range(3): value = components[chr(b'X'[0] + axis)] if value is not None: if rel: pos[0][axis] += value * unit else: pos[0][axis] = value * unit if axis == 2: z = pos[0][2] value = components[chr(b'I'[0] + axis)] if value is not None: center[axis] = oldpos[0][axis] + value else: center[axis] = oldpos[0][axis] s = -1 if cmd[1] == 2 else 1 add_record(protocol.parsed['PRE_ARC'], {'X': center[0], 'Y': center[1], 'Z': center[2], 'E': s * arc_normal[0], 'f': s * arc_normal[1], 'F': s * arc_normal[2], 'T': 0}) add_record(protocol.parsed['ARC'], {'X': pos[0][0], 'Y': pos[0][1], 'Z': pos[0][2], 'E': pos[1][current_extruder], 'f': -f0, 'F': -pos[2], 'T': current_extruder}) elif cmd == ('G', 4): add_record(protocol.parsed['WAIT'], [0, float(args['S']) if 'S' in args else float(args['P']) / 1000 if 'P' in args else 0]) elif cmd == ('G', 92): add_record(protocol.parsed['SETPOS'], [current_extruder, args['E']]) elif cmd == ('G', 94): # Set feedrate to units per minute; this is always used, and it shouldn't raise an error. pass elif cmd == ('M', 0): add_record(protocol.parsed['CONFIRM'], [add_string(message), 1 if tool_changed else 0]) tool_changed = False elif cmd == ('M', 3): # Spindle on, clockwise. add_record(protocol.parsed['GPIO'], [-3, 1]) elif cmd == ('M', 4): # Spindle on, counterclockwise. add_record(protocol.parsed['GPIO'], [-3, 1]) elif cmd == ('M', 5): add_record(protocol.parsed['GPIO'], [-3, 0]) elif cmd == ('M', 9): # Coolant off: ignore. pass elif cmd == ('M', 42): if 'P' in args and 'S' in args: add_record(protocol.parsed['GPIO'], [int(args['P']), args.get('S')]) else: errors.append('%d:invalid M42 request (needs P and S)' % lineno) elif cmd == ('M', 84): # Don't sleep, but set all extruder positions to 0. for e in range(len(pos[1])): add_record(protocol.parsed['SETPOS'], [e, 0]) elif cmd == ('M', 104): if args['E'] >= len(self.temps): errors.append('%d:ignoring M104 for invalid temp %d' % (lineno, args['E'])) elif 'S' not in args: errors.append('%d:ignoring M104 without S' % lineno) else: add_record(protocol.parsed['SETTEMP'], [int(args['E']), args['S'] + C0]) elif cmd == ('M', 106): add_record(protocol.parsed['GPIO'], [-2, 1]) elif cmd == ('M', 107): add_record(protocol.parsed['GPIO'], [-2, 0]) elif cmd == ('M', 109): if 'S' in args: add_record(protocol.parsed['SETTEMP'], [int(args['E']), args['S'] + C0]) add_record(protocol.parsed['WAITTEMP'], [int(args['E'])]) elif cmd == ('M', 116): add_record(protocol.parsed['WAITTEMP'], [-2]) elif cmd[0] == 'S': # Spindle speed; not supported, but shouldn't error. pass else: errors.append('%d:invalid gcode command %s' % (lineno, repr((cmd, args)))) message = None flush_pending() stringmap = [] size = 0 for s in strings: us = s.encode('utf-8') stringmap.append(len(us)) dst.write(us) size += len(us) for s in stringmap: dst.write(struct.pack('=L', s)) ret = bbox if any(x is None for x in bbox[:4]): bbox = bbox_last ret = bbox if any(x is None for x in bbox[:4]): bbox = [0] * 6 ret = None if any(x is None for x in bbox): for t, b in enumerate(bbox): if b is None: bbox[t] = 0; dst.write(struct.pack('=L' + 'd' * 8, len(strings), *(bbox + time_dist))) self._broadcast(None, 'blocked', None) return ret and ret + time_dist, '\n'.join(errors) # }}} def _reset_extruders(self, axes): # {{{ for i, sp in enumerate(axes): for a, pos in enumerate(sp): # Assume motor[a] corresponds to axis[a] if it exists. if len(self.spaces[i].motor) > a and not self._pin_valid(self.spaces[i].motor[a]['limit_max_pin']) and not self._pin_valid(self.spaces[i].motor[a]['limit_min_pin']): self.set_axis_pos(i, a, pos) # }}} def _pin_valid(self, pin): # {{{ return (pin & 0x100) != 0 # }}} def _spi_send(self, data): # {{{ for bits, p in data: shift = (8 - bits % 8) % 8 if shift > 0: p = [(p[b] << shift | p[b + 1] >> (8 - shift)) & 0xff for b in range(len(p) - 1)] + [(p[-1] << shift) & 0xff] self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BB', protocol.command['SPI'], bits) + b''.join(struct.pack('=B', b) for b in p)) # }}} def admin_connect(self, port, run_id): # {{{ self._send_packet(struct.pack('=B', protocol.command['CONNECT']) + bytes([ord(x) for x in run_id]) + port.encode('utf-8') + b'\0') # The rest happens in response to the CONNECTED reply. # }}} def admin_reconnect(self, port): # {{{ pass # }}} # Subclasses. {{{ class Space: # {{{ def __init__(self, machine, id): = ['position', 'extruders', 'followers'][id] self.type = [TYPE_CARTESIAN, TYPE_EXTRUDER, TYPE_FOLLOWER][id] self.machine = machine = id self.axis = [] self.motor = [] = [{'axis_min': 0., 'axis_max': 0., 'rodlength': 0., 'radius': 0.} for t in range(3)] self.delta_angle = 0 self.polar_max_r = float('inf') self.extruder = [] self.follower = [] def read(self, data): axes, motors = data if == 1: self.machine.multipliers = (self.machine.multipliers + [1.] * len(axes))[:len(axes)] if len(axes) > len(self.axis): def nm(i): if == 0: if i < 3: return chr(ord('x') + i) elif i < 6: return chr(ord('a') + i - 3) else: return 'Axis %d' % i elif == 1: return 'extruder %d' % i else: return 'follower %d' % i self.axis += [{'name': nm(i), 'home_pos2': float('nan')} for i in range(len(self.axis), len(axes))] else: self.axis[len(axes):] = [] for a in range(len(axes)): self.axis[a]['park'], self.axis[a]['park_order'], self.axis[a]['min'], self.axis[a]['max'] = struct.unpack('=dBdd', axes[a]) if len(motors) > len(self.motor): self.motor += [{} for i in range(len(self.motor), len(motors))] else: self.motor[len(motors):] = [] for m in range(len(motors)): self.motor[m]['step_pin'], self.motor[m]['dir_pin'], self.motor[m]['enable_pin'], self.motor[m]['limit_min_pin'], self.motor[m]['limit_max_pin'], self.motor[m]['steps_per_unit'], self.motor[m]['home_pos'], self.motor[m]['limit_v'], self.motor[m]['limit_a'], self.motor[m]['home_order'] = struct.unpack('=HHHHHddddB', motors[m]) if == 1 and m < len(self.machine.multipliers): self.motor[m]['steps_per_unit'] /= self.machine.multipliers[m] def write_info(self, num_axes = None): data = struct.pack('=B', self.type) if self.type == TYPE_CARTESIAN: data += struct.pack('=B', num_axes if num_axes is not None else len(self.axis)) elif self.type == TYPE_DELTA: for a in range(3): data += struct.pack('=dddd',[a]['axis_min'],[a]['axis_max'],[a]['rodlength'],[a]['radius']) data += struct.pack('=d', self.delta_angle) elif self.type == TYPE_POLAR: data += struct.pack('=d', self.polar_max_r) elif self.type == TYPE_EXTRUDER: num = num_axes if num_axes is not None else len(self.axis) data += struct.pack('=B', num) for a in range(num): if a < len(self.extruder): data += struct.pack('=ddd', self.extruder[a]['dx'], self.extruder[a]['dy'], self.extruder[a]['dz']) else: data += struct.pack('=ddd', 0, 0, 0) elif self.type == TYPE_FOLLOWER: num = num_axes if num_axes is not None else len(self.axis) data += struct.pack('=B', num) for a in range(num): if a < len(self.follower): data += struct.pack('=BB', self.follower[a]['space'], self.follower[a]['motor']) else: data += struct.pack('=BB', 0xff, 0xff) else: log('invalid type') raise AssertionError('invalid space type') return data def write_axis(self, axis): if == 0: return struct.pack('=dBdd', self.axis[axis]['park'], int(self.axis[axis]['park_order']), self.axis[axis]['min'], self.axis[axis]['max']) else: return struct.pack('=dBdd', float('nan'), 0, float('-inf'), float('inf')) def write_motor(self, motor): if == 2: if self.follower[motor]['space'] >= len(self.machine.spaces) or self.follower[motor]['motor'] >= len(self.machine.spaces[self.follower[motor]['space']].motor): #log('write motor for follower %d with fake base' % motor) base = {'steps_per_unit': 1, 'limit_v': float('inf'), 'limit_a': float('inf')} else: #log('write motor for follower %d with base %s' % (motor, self.machine.spaces[0].motor)) base = self.machine.spaces[self.follower[motor]['space']].motor[self.follower[motor]['motor']] else: base = self.motor[motor] return struct.pack('=HHHHHddddB', self.motor[motor]['step_pin'], self.motor[motor]['dir_pin'], self.motor[motor]['enable_pin'], self.motor[motor]['limit_min_pin'], self.motor[motor]['limit_max_pin'], base['steps_per_unit'] * (1. if != 1 or motor >= len(self.machine.multipliers) else self.machine.multipliers[motor]), self.motor[motor]['home_pos'], base['limit_v'], base['limit_a'], int(self.motor[motor]['home_order'])) def set_current_pos(self, axis, pos): #log('setting pos of %d %d to %f' % (, axis, pos)) self.machine._send_packet(struct.pack('=BBBd', protocol.command['SETPOS'],, axis, pos)) def get_current_pos(self, axis): #log('getting current pos %d %d' % (, axis)) self.machine._send_packet(struct.pack('=BBB', protocol.command['GETPOS'],, axis)) cmd, s, m, f, e, data = self.machine._get_reply() assert cmd == protocol.rcommand['POS'] #log('get current pos %d %d: %f' % (, axis, f)) return f def motor_name(self, i): if self.type in (TYPE_CARTESIAN, TYPE_EXTRUDER, TYPE_FOLLOWER): return self.axis[i]['name'] elif self.type == TYPE_DELTA: return chr(ord('u') + i) elif self.type == TYPE_POLAR: return ['r', 'θ', 'z'][i] else: log('invalid type') raise AssertionError('invalid space type') def export(self): std = [, self.type, [[a['name'], a['park'], a['park_order'], a['min'], a['max'], a['home_pos2']] for a in self.axis], [[self.motor_name(i), m['step_pin'], m['dir_pin'], m['enable_pin'], m['limit_min_pin'], m['limit_max_pin'], m['steps_per_unit'], m['home_pos'], m['limit_v'], m['limit_a'], m['home_order']] for i, m in enumerate(self.motor)], None if != 1 else self.machine.multipliers] if self.type == TYPE_CARTESIAN: return std elif self.type == TYPE_DELTA: return std + [[[a['axis_min'], a['axis_max'], a['rodlength'], a['radius']] for a in] + [self.delta_angle]] elif self.type == TYPE_POLAR: return std + [self.polar_max_r] elif self.type == TYPE_EXTRUDER: return std + [[[a['dx'], a['dy'], a['dz']] for a in self.extruder]] elif self.type == TYPE_FOLLOWER: return std + [[[a['space'], a['motor']] for a in self.follower]] else: log('invalid type') raise AssertionError('invalid space type') def export_settings(self): # Things to handle specially while homing: # * self.home_limits = [(a['min'], a['max']) for a in self.spaces[0].axis] # * self.home_orig_type = self.spaces[0].type ret = '[space %d]\r\n' % type = self.type if != 0 or self.machine.home_phase is None else self.machine.home_orig_type if == 0: ret += 'type = %d\r\n' % type if type == TYPE_CARTESIAN: ret += 'num_axes = %d\r\n' % len(self.axis) elif type == TYPE_DELTA: ret += 'delta_angle = %f\r\n' % self.delta_angle for i in range(3): ret += '[delta %d %d]\r\n' % (, i) ret += ''.join(['%s = %f\r\n' % (x,[i][x]) for x in ('rodlength', 'radius', 'axis_min', 'axis_max')]) elif type == TYPE_POLAR: ret += 'polar_max_r = %f\r\n' % self.polar_max_r elif type == TYPE_EXTRUDER: ret += 'num_axes = %d\r\n' % len(self.axis) for i in range(len(self.extruder)): ret += '[extruder %d %d]\r\n' % (, i) ret += ''.join(['%s = %f\r\n' % (x, self.extruder[i][x]) for x in ('dx', 'dy', 'dz')]) elif type == TYPE_FOLLOWER: ret += 'num_axes = %d\r\n' % len(self.axis) for i in range(len(self.follower)): ret += '[follower %d %d]\r\n' % (, i) ret += ''.join(['%s = %d\r\n' % (x, self.follower[i][x]) for x in ('space', 'motor')]) else: log('invalid type') raise AssertionError('invalid space type') for i, a in enumerate(self.axis): ret += '[axis %d %d]\r\n' % (, i) ret += 'name = %s\r\n' % a['name'] if == 0: ret += ''.join(['%s = %f\r\n' % (x, a[x]) for x in ('park', 'park_order', 'home_pos2')]) if self.machine.home_phase is None: ret += ''.join(['%s = %f\r\n' % (x, a[x]) for x in ('min', 'max')]) else: ret += ''.join(['%s = %f\r\n' % (x, y) for x, y in zip(('min', 'max'), self.machine.home_limits[])]) for i, m in enumerate(self.motor): ret += '[motor %d %d]\r\n' % (, i) ret += ''.join(['%s = %s\r\n' % (x, write_pin(m[x])) for x in ('step_pin', 'dir_pin', 'enable_pin')]) if != 1: ret += ''.join(['%s = %s\r\n' % (x, write_pin(m[x])) for x in ('limit_min_pin', 'limit_max_pin')]) ret += ''.join(['%s = %f\r\n' % (x, m[x]) for x in ('home_pos',)]) ret += ''.join(['%s = %d\r\n' % (x, m[x]) for x in ('home_order',)]) if != 2: ret += ''.join(['%s = %f\r\n' % (x, m[x]) for x in ('steps_per_unit', 'limit_v', 'limit_a')]) return ret # }}} class Temp: # {{{ def __init__(self, id): = 'temp %d' % id = id self.value = float('nan') def read(self, data): self.R0, self.R1, logRc, Tc, self.beta, self.heater_pin, self.fan_pin, self.thermistor_pin, fan_temp, self.fan_duty, heater_limit_l, heater_limit_h, fan_limit_l, fan_limit_h, self.hold_time = struct.unpack('=dddddHHHddddddd', data) try: self.Rc = math.exp(logRc) except: self.Rc = float('nan') self.Tc = Tc - C0 self.heater_limit_l = heater_limit_l - C0 self.heater_limit_h = heater_limit_h - C0 self.fan_limit_l = fan_limit_l - C0 self.fan_limit_h = fan_limit_h - C0 self.fan_temp = fan_temp - C0 self.fan_pin ^= 0x200 def write(self): try: logRc = math.log(self.Rc) except: logRc = float('nan') return struct.pack('=dddddHHHddddddd', self.R0, self.R1, logRc, self.Tc + C0, self.beta, self.heater_pin, self.fan_pin ^ 0x200, self.thermistor_pin, self.fan_temp + C0, self.fan_duty, self.heater_limit_l + C0, self.heater_limit_h + C0, self.fan_limit_l + C0, self.fan_limit_h + C0, self.hold_time) def export(self): return [, self.R0, self.R1, self.Rc, self.Tc, self.beta, self.heater_pin, self.fan_pin, self.thermistor_pin, self.fan_temp, self.fan_duty, self.heater_limit_l, self.heater_limit_h, self.fan_limit_l, self.fan_limit_h, self.hold_time, self.value] def export_settings(self): ret = '[temp %d]\r\n' % ret += 'name = %s\r\n' % ret += ''.join(['%s = %s\r\n' % (x, write_pin(getattr(self, x))) for x in ('heater_pin', 'fan_pin', 'thermistor_pin')]) ret += ''.join(['%s = %f\r\n' % (x, getattr(self, x)) for x in ('fan_temp', 'R0', 'R1', 'Rc', 'Tc', 'beta', 'fan_duty', 'heater_limit_l', 'heater_limit_h', 'fan_limit_l', 'fan_limit_h', 'hold_time')]) return ret # }}} class Gpio: # {{{ def __init__(self, id): = 'gpio %d' % id = id self.state = 3 self.reset = 3 self.value = False self.duty = 1. def read(self, data):, state, self.duty = struct.unpack('=HBd', data) self.state = state & 0x3 self.reset = (state >> 2) & 0x3 def write(self): return struct.pack('=HBd',, self.state | (self.reset << 2), self.duty) def export(self): return [,, self.state, self.reset, self.duty, self.value if self.state >= 2 else self.state == 1] def export_settings(self): ret = '[gpio %d]\r\n' % ret += 'name = %s\r\n' % ret += 'pin = %s\r\n' % write_pin( ret += 'reset = %d\r\n' % self.reset ret += 'duty = %f\r\n' % self.duty return ret # }}} # }}} # }}} # Useful commands. {{{ def admin_reset_uuid(self): # {{{ uuid = protocol.new_uuid(string = False) self._send_packet(struct.pack('=B', protocol.command['SET_UUID']) + bytes(uuid)) self.uuid = protocol.new_uuid(uuid = uuid, string = True) if not = self.uuid return self.uuid # }}} def expert_die(self, reason): # {{{ '''Kill this machine, including all files on disk. ''' log('%s dying as requested by host (%s).' % (self.uuid, reason)) # Clean up spool. dirname = fhs.write_spool(self.uuid, dir = True, opened = False) if os.path.isdir(dirname): try: shutil.rmtree(dirname, ignore_errors = False) except: log('Could not remove %d' % dirname) # Clean up profiles. for dirname in fhs.read_data(self.uuid, dir = True, multiple = True, opened = False): try: shutil.rmtree(dirname, ignore_errors = False) except: log('Could not remove %d' % dirname) return (WAIT, WAIT) # }}} @delayed def flush(self, id): # {{{ '''Wait for currently scheduled moves to finish. ''' #log('flush start') def cb(w): #log('flush done') if id is not None: self._send(id, 'return', w) self.movecb.append((False, cb)) if self.flushing is not True: self.line() #log('end flush preparation') # }}} @delayed def probe(self, id, area, speed = 3.): # {{{ '''Run a probing routine. This moves over the given area and probes a grid of points less than max_probe_distance apart. If the probe pin is valid, it will be used for the probe. If it is invalid, a confirmation is required for every point. ''' if area is None: try: fhs.remove_spool(os.path.join(self.uuid, 'probe' + os.extsep + 'bin')) except: log('Failed to remove probe file.') traceback.print_exc() self.probemap = None self._globals_update() if id is not None: self._send(id, 'return', None) return if len(self.spaces[0].axis) < 3 or not self.probe_safe_dist > 0: if id is not None: self._send(id, 'return', None) return log(repr(area)) density = [int(area[t + 4] / self.probe_dist) + 1 for t in range(2)] + [self.targetangle] self.probemap = [area, density, [[[] for x in range(density[0] + 1)] for y in range(density[1] + 1)]] self.gcode_angle = math.sin(self.targetangle), math.cos(self.targetangle) self.probe_speed = speed self._do_probe(id, 0, 0, self.get_axis_pos(0, 2)) # }}} def line(self, moves = (), f0 = None, f1 = None, v0 = None, v1 = None, relative = False, probe = False, single = False, force = False): # {{{ '''Move the tool in a straight line. ''' #log('line %s %s %s %d %d' % (repr(moves), f0, f1, probe)) #log('speed %s' % f0) #traceback.print_stack() if not force and self.home_phase is not None and not self.paused: log('ignoring line during home') return self.queue.append((moves, f0, f1, v0, v1, probe, single, relative)) if not self.wait: self._do_queue() # }}} @delayed def line_cb(self, id, moves = (), f0 = None, f1 = None, v0 = None, v1 = None, relative = False, probe = False, single = False): # {{{ '''Move the tool in a straight line; return when done. ''' if self.home_phase is not None and not self.paused: log('ignoring linecb during home') if id is not None: self._send(id, 'return', None) return self.line(moves, f0, f1, v0, v1, relative, probe, single) self.wait_for_cb()[1](id) # }}} def move_target(self, dx, dy): # {{{ '''Move the target position. Using this function avoids a round trip to the driver. ''' self.set_globals(targetx = self.targetx + dx, targety = self.targety + dy) # }}} def sleep(self, sleeping = True, update = True, force = False): # {{{ '''Put motors to sleep, or wake them up. ''' if sleeping: if self.home_phase is not None or (not force and not self.paused and (self.gcode_map is not None or self.gcode_file)): return self.position_valid = False if update: self._globals_update() self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BB', protocol.command['SLEEP'], sleeping)) # }}} def settemp(self, channel, temp, update = True): # {{{ '''Set target temperature. ''' channel = int(channel) self.temps[channel].value = temp if update: self._temp_update(channel) self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BBd', protocol.command['SETTEMP'], channel, temp + C0 if not math.isnan(self.temps[channel].beta) else temp)) if self.gcode_waiting > 0 and any(channel == x[0] for x in self.tempcb): self.waittemp(channel, temp) # }}} def waittemp(self, channel, min, max = None): # {{{ '''Set temperature alarm values. Note that this function returns immediately; it does not wait for the temperature to be reached. ''' channel = int(channel) if min is None: min = float('nan') if max is None: max = float('nan') self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BBdd', protocol.command['WAITTEMP'], channel, min + C0 if not math.isnan(self.temps[channel].beta) else min, max + C0 if not math.isnan(self.temps[channel].beta) else max)) # }}} def readtemp(self, channel): # {{{ '''Read current temperature. ''' channel = int(channel) if channel >= len(self.temps): log('Trying to read invalid temp %d' % channel) return float('nan') self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BB', protocol.command['READTEMP'], channel)) cmd, s, m, f, e, data = self._get_reply() assert cmd == protocol.rcommand['TEMP'] return f - (C0 if not math.isnan(self.temps[channel].beta) else 0) # }}} def readpower(self, channel): # {{{ '''Read power recordings. The return value is a tuple of the time it has been on since this function was last called, and the current time, both in milliseconds. To use, this function must be called at least twice; the first call only the time is recorded. The second call the new time is recorded and the elapsed time is computed and used in combination with the time it was on. ''' channel = int(channel) if channel >= len(self.temps): log('Trying to read invalid power %d' % channel) return float('nan') self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BB', protocol.command['READPOWER'], channel)) cmd, s, m, f, e, data = self._get_reply() assert cmd == protocol.rcommand['POWER'] return s, m # }}} def readpin(self, pin): # {{{ '''Read current value of a gpio pin. ''' self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BB', protocol.command['READPIN'], pin)) cmd, s, m, f, e, data = self._get_reply() assert cmd == protocol.rcommand['PIN'] return bool(s) # }}} def load(self, profile = None, update = True): # {{{ '''Load a profile. ''' filenames = fhs.read_data(os.path.join(self.uuid, 'profiles', ((profile and profile.strip()) or self.profile) + os.extsep + 'ini'), opened = False, multiple = True) if profile and self.profile != profile.strip(): #log('setting profile to %s' % profile.strip()) self.profile = profile.strip() if update: self._globals_update() if len(filenames) > 0: with open(filenames[0]) as f: log('loading profile {}'.format(filenames[0])) self.expert_import_settings(, update = update) else: log('not loading nonexistent profile') # }}} def admin_save(self, profile = None): # {{{ '''Save a profile. If the profile name is not given, it saves the current profile. ''' if profile and self.profile != profile.strip(): log('setting profile to %s' % profile.strip()) self.profile = profile.strip() self._globals_update() with fhs.write_data(os.path.join(self.uuid, 'profiles', (profile.strip() or self.profile) + os.extsep + 'ini')) as f: f.write(self.export_settings()) # }}} def list_profiles(self): # {{{ '''Get a list of all available profiles. ''' dirnames = fhs.read_data(os.path.join(self.uuid, 'profiles'), dir = True, multiple = True, opened = False) ret = [] for d in dirnames: for f in os.listdir(d): name = os.path.splitext(f)[0].strip() if name not in ret: ret.append(name) ret.sort() return ret # }}} def admin_remove_profile(self, profile): # {{{ '''Remove a profile. ''' filename = fhs.write_data(os.path.join(self.uuid, 'profiles', (profile.strip() or self.profile) + os.extsep + 'ini'), opened = False) if os.path.exists(filename): os.unlink(filename) return True return False # }}} def admin_set_default_profile(self, profile): # {{{ '''Set a profile as default. ''' self.default_profile = profile with fhs.write_data(os.path.join(self.uuid, 'info' + os.extsep + 'txt')) as f: f.write( + '\n') f.write(profile + '\n') # }}} def abort(self): # {{{ '''Abort the current job. ''' for t, temp in enumerate(self.temps): self.settemp(t, float('nan')) self.pause(store = False) for g, gpio in enumerate(self.gpios): self.set_gpio(g, state = gpio.reset) self._job_done(False, 'aborted by user') # Sleep doesn't work as long as home_phase is non-None, so do it after _job_done. self.sleep(force = True); # }}} def pause(self, pausing = True, store = True, update = True): # {{{ '''Pause or resume the machine. ''' was_paused = self.paused if pausing: self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BB', protocol.command['QUEUED'], True)) cmd, s, m, f, e, data = self._get_reply() if cmd != protocol.rcommand['QUEUE']: log('invalid reply to queued command') return self.movewait = 0 self.wait = False self.paused = pausing if not self.paused: if was_paused: # Go back to pausing position. # First reset all axes that don't have a limit switch. if self.queue_info is not None: self._reset_extruders(self.queue_info[1]) self.line(self.queue_info[1]) # TODO: adjust extrusion of current segment to shorter path length. #log('resuming') self.resuming = True #log('sending resume') self._send_packet(bytes((protocol.command['RESUME'],))) self._do_queue() else: #log('pausing') if not was_paused: #log('pausing %d %d %d %d %d' % (store, self.queue_info is None, len(self.queue), self.queue_pos, s)) if store and self.queue_info is None and ((len(self.queue) > 0 and self.queue_pos - s >= 0) or self.gcode_file): if self.home_phase is not None: #log('killing homer') self.home_phase = None self.expert_set_space(0, type = self.home_orig_type) for a, ax in enumerate(self.spaces[0].axis): self.expert_set_axis((0, a), min = self.home_limits[a][0], max = self.home_limits[a][1]) if self.home_cb in self.movecb: self.movecb.remove(self.home_cb) if self.home_id is not None: self._send(self.home_id, 'return', None) store = False if self.probe_cb in self.movecb: self.movecb.remove(self.probe_cb) self.probe_cb[1](None) store = False #log('pausing gcode %d/%d/%d' % (self.queue_pos, s, len(self.queue))) if self.flushing is None: self.flushing = False if store: self.queue_info = [len(self.queue) if self.gcode_file else self.queue_pos - s, [[s.get_current_pos(a) for a in range(len(s.axis))] for s in self.spaces], self.queue, self.movecb, self.flushing] else: #log('stopping') self.paused = False if self.probe_cb in self.movecb: self.movecb.remove(self.probe_cb) self.probe_cb[1](None) if len(self.movecb) > 0: call_queue.extend([(x[1], [False]) for x in self.movecb]) self.queue = [] self.movecb = [] self.flushing = False self.queue_pos = 0 if update: self._globals_update() # }}} def queued(self): # {{{ '''Get the number of currently queued segments. ''' self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BB', protocol.command['QUEUED'], False)) cmd, s, m, f, e, data = self._get_reply() if cmd != protocol.rcommand['QUEUE']: log('invalid reply to queued command') return None return s # }}} @delayed def home(self, id, speed = 5, cb = None, abort = True): # {{{ '''Recalibrate the position with its limit switches. ''' if self.home_phase is not None and not self.paused: log("ignoring request to home because we're already homing") if id is not None: self._send(id, 'return', None) return # Abort only if it is requested, and the job is not paused. if abort and self.queue_info is None: self._job_done(False, 'aborted by homing') self.home_phase = 0 self.home_id = id self.home_return = None self.home_speed = speed self.home_done_cb = cb for i, e in enumerate(self.spaces[1].axis): self.set_axis_pos(1, i, 0) self._do_home() # }}} @delayed def park(self, id, cb = None, abort = True, order = 0, aborted = False): # {{{ '''Go to the park position. Home first if the position is unknown. ''' if aborted: if id is not None: self._send(id, 'error', 'aborted') return #log('parking with cb %s' % repr(cb)) if abort and self.queue_info is None: self._job_done(False, 'aborted by parking') self.parking = True if not self.position_valid: #log('homing') self.home(cb = lambda: self.park(cb, abort = False)[1](id), abort = False)[1](None) return next_order = None for s in self.spaces: topark = [a['park_order'] for a in s.axis if not math.isnan(a['park']) and a['park_order'] >= order] if len(topark) > 0 and (next_order is None or min(topark) > next_order): next_order = min(topark) if next_order is None: #log('done parking; cb = %s' % repr(cb)) self.parking = False if cb: def wrap_cb(done): call_queue.append((cb, [])) if id is not None: self._send(id, 'return', None) self.movecb.append((False, wrap_cb)) self.line() else: if id is not None: self._send(id, 'return', None) return self.movecb.append((False, lambda done: self.park(cb, False, next_order + 1, not done)[1](id))) self.line([[a['park'] - (0 if si != 0 or ai != 2 else self.zoffset) if a['park_order'] == next_order else float('nan') for ai, a in enumerate(s.axis)] for si, s in enumerate(self.spaces)]) # }}} @delayed def benjamin_audio_play(self, id, name, motor = 2): # {{{ self.audio_id = id self.sleep(False) filename = fhs.read_spool(os.path.join(self.uuid, 'audio', name + os.extsep + 'bin'), opened = False) self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BBddBB', protocol.command['RUN_FILE'], 1, 0, 0, motor, 0) + filename.encode('utf8')) # }}} def benjamin_audio_add_POST(self, filename, name): # {{{ with open(filename, 'rb') as f: self._audio_add(f, name) # }}} def benjamin_audio_del(self, name): # {{{ assert name in self.audioqueue filename = fhs.read_spool(os.path.join(self.uuid, 'audio', name + os.extsep + 'bin'), opened = False) os.unlink(filename) del self.audioqueue[name] self._broadcast(None, 'audioqueue', tuple(self.audioqueue.keys())) # }}} def audio_list(self): # {{{ return self.audioqueue # }}} @delayed def wait_for_cb(self, id): # {{{ '''Block until the move queue is empty. ''' ret = lambda w: id is None or self._send(id, 'return', w) if self.movewait == 0: #log('not delaying with wait_for_cb, because there is no cb waiting') ret(self.movewait == 0) else: #log('waiting for cb') self.movecb.append((True, ret)) # }}} def waiting_for_cb(self): # {{{ '''Check if any process is waiting for the move queue to be empty. ''' return self.movewait > 0 # }}} @delayed def wait_for_temp(self, id, which = None): # {{{ '''Wait for a temp to trigger its alarm. ''' def cb(): if id is not None: self._send(id, 'return', None) return self.gcode_waiting -= 1 if(which is None and len(self.alarms) > 0) or which in self.alarms: cb() else: self.tempcb.append((which, cb)) # }}} def clear_alarm(self, which = None): # {{{ '''Disable a temp alarm. If which is None, disable all temp alarms. ''' if which is None: self.alarms.clear() else: self.alarms.discard(which) # }}} def get_limits(self, space, motor = None): # {{{ '''Return all limits that were hit since they were cleared. ''' if motor is None: return self.limits[space] if motor in self.limits[space]: return self.limits[space][motor] return None # }}} def clear_limits(self): # {{{ '''Clear all recorded limits. ''' for s in range(len(self.spaces)): self.limits[s].clear() # }}} def valid(self): # {{{ '''Return whether the position of the motors is known. ''' return self.position_valid # }}} def export_settings(self): # {{{ '''Export the current settings. The resulting string can be imported back. ''' message = '[general]\r\n' for t in ('temps', 'gpios'): message += 'num_%s = %d\r\n' % (t, len(getattr(self, t))) message += 'pin_names = %s\r\n' % ','.join(('%d' % p[0]) + p[1] for p in self.pin_names) message += 'unit_name = %s\r\n' % self.unit_name message += 'spi_setup = %s\r\n' % self._mangle_spi() message += ''.join(['%s = %s\r\n' % (x, write_pin(getattr(self, x))) for x in ('led_pin', 'stop_pin', 'probe_pin', 'spiss_pin')]) message += ''.join(['%s = %d\r\n' % (x, getattr(self, x)) for x in ('bed_id', 'fan_id', 'spindle_id', 'park_after_job', 'sleep_after_job', 'cool_after_job', 'timeout')]) message += ''.join(['%s = %f\r\n' % (x, getattr(self, x)) for x in ('probe_dist', 'probe_offset', 'probe_safe_dist', 'temp_scale_min', 'temp_scale_max', 'max_deviation', 'max_v')]) message += 'user_interface = %s\r\n' % self.user_interface for i, s in enumerate(self.spaces): message += s.export_settings() for i, t in enumerate(self.temps): message += t.export_settings() for i, g in enumerate(self.gpios): message += g.export_settings() return message # }}} def expert_import_settings(self, settings, filename = None, update = True): # {{{ '''Import new settings. settings is a string as created by export_settings. The filename is ignored. ''' self._broadcast(None, 'blocked', 'importing settings') self.sleep(update = update) section = 'general' index = None obj = None regexp = re.compile('\s*\[(general|(space|temp|gpio|(extruder|axis|motor|delta|follower)\s+(\d+))\s+(\d+))\]\s*$|\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$|\s*(?:#.*)?$') #1: (general|(space|temp|gpio|(axis|motor|delta)\s+(\d+))\s+(\d+)) 1 section #2: (space|temp|gpio|(extruder|axis|motor|delta)\s+(\d+)) 2 section with index #3: (extruder|axis|motor|delta) 3 sectionname with two indices #4: (\d+) 4 index of space #5: (\d+) 5 only or component index #6: (\w+) 6 identifier #7: (.*?) 7 value errors = [] globals_changed = True changed = {'space': set(), 'temp': set(), 'gpio': set(), 'axis': set(), 'motor': set(), 'extruder': set(), 'delta': set(), 'follower': set()} keys = { 'general': {'num_temps', 'num_gpios', 'user_interface', 'pin_names', 'led_pin', 'stop_pin', 'probe_pin', 'spiss_pin', 'probe_dist', 'probe_offset', 'probe_safe_dist', 'bed_id', 'fan_id', 'spindle_id', 'unit_name', 'timeout', 'temp_scale_min', 'temp_scale_max', 'park_after_job', 'sleep_after_job', 'cool_after_job', 'spi_setup', 'max_deviation', 'max_v'}, 'space': {'type', 'num_axes', 'delta_angle', 'polar_max_r'}, 'temp': {'name', 'R0', 'R1', 'Rc', 'Tc', 'beta', 'heater_pin', 'fan_pin', 'thermistor_pin', 'fan_temp', 'fan_duty', 'heater_limit_l', 'heater_limit_h', 'fan_limit_l', 'fan_limit_h', 'hold_time'}, 'gpio': {'name', 'pin', 'state', 'reset', 'duty'}, 'axis': {'name', 'park', 'park_order', 'min', 'max', 'home_pos2'}, 'motor': {'step_pin', 'dir_pin', 'enable_pin', 'limit_min_pin', 'limit_max_pin', 'steps_per_unit', 'home_pos', 'limit_v', 'limit_a', 'home_order'}, 'extruder': {'dx', 'dy', 'dz'}, 'delta': {'axis_min', 'axis_max', 'rodlength', 'radius'}, 'follower': {'space', 'motor'} } for l in settings.split('\n'): r = regexp.match(l) if not r: errors.append((l, 'syntax error')) continue if is not None: # New section. if is not None: # At least one index. #log("At least one index") if is not None: # Two indices: axis, motor, extruder, delta, follower. #log("Two indices") index = (int(, int( section = if index[0] >= len(self.spaces) or index[1] >= len(getattr(self.spaces[index[0]], section)): log('index out of range for %s; %s %s' % (index, len(self.spaces), len(getattr(self.spaces[index[0]], section)) if index[0] < len(self.spaces) else 'x')) errors.append((l, 'index out of range')) obj = None continue obj = getattr(self.spaces[index[0]], section)[index[1]] else: #log("One index") # One index: space, temp, gpio. index = int( section = if index >= len(getattr(self, section + 's')): errors.append((l, 'index out of range')) obj = None continue obj = getattr(self, section + 's')[index] changed[section].add(index) else: #log("No index") # No indices: general. section = index = None obj = self globals_changed = True continue elif obj is None: # Ignore settings for incorrect section. continue if not # Comment or empty line. continue key = value = try: if key == 'pin_names': if len(self.pin_names) > 0: # Don't override hardware-provided names. continue value = [[int(x[0]), x[1:]] for x in value.split(',')] elif 'name' in key or key == 'user_interface': pass # Keep strings as they are. elif key == 'spi_setup': value = self._unmangle_spi(value) elif key.endswith('pin'): value = read_pin(self, value) #log('pin imported as {} for {}'.format(value, key)) elif key.startswith('num') or section == 'follower' or key.endswith('_id'): value = int(value) else: value = float(value) except ValueError: errors.append((l, 'invalid value for %s' % key)) continue if key not in keys[section] or (section == 'motor' and ((key in ('home_pos', 'home_order') and index[0] == 1) or (key in ('steps_per_unit', 'limit_v', 'limit_a') and index[0] == 2))): errors.append((l, 'invalid key for section %s' % section)) continue # If something critical is changed, update instantly. if key.startswith('num') or key == 'type': #log('setting now for %s:%s=%s' % (section, key, value)) if index is None: self.expert_set_globals(**{key: value}) else: if section == 'space': for i in changed['motor']: if i[0] == index: self.expert_set_motor(i, readback = False) for i in changed['axis']: if i[0] == index: self.expert_set_axis(i, readback = False) for i in changed['delta']: if i[0] == index: self.expert_set_axis(i, readback = False) getattr(self, 'expert_set_' + section)(index, **{key: value}) else: if isinstance(index, tuple): #log('setting later %s' % repr((section, key, value))) obj[key] = value else: #log('setting later other %s' % repr((section, key, value))) if section == 'extruder': obj[ord[key[1]] - ord['x']] = value else: setattr(obj, key, value) # Update values in the machine by calling the expert_set_* functions with no new settings. if globals_changed: #log('setting globals') self.expert_set_globals() for index in changed['extruder']: changed['space'].add(index[0]) for index in changed['follower']: changed['space'].add(index[0]) for index in changed['delta']: changed['space'].add(index[0]) for section in changed: for index in changed[section]: if not isinstance(index, tuple): continue if section not in ('follower', 'delta', 'extruder'): #log('setting non-{delta,follower} %s %s' % (section, index)) getattr(self, 'expert_set_' + section)(index, readback = False) changed['space'].add(index[0]) for section in changed: for index in changed[section]: if isinstance(index, tuple): continue #log('setting %s' % repr((section, index))) getattr(self, 'expert_set_' + section)(index) self._broadcast(None, 'blocked', None) return errors # }}} def expert_import_POST(self, filename, name): # {{{ '''Import settings using a POST request. Note that this function can only be called using POST; not with the regular websockets system. ''' return ', '.join('%s (%s)' % (msg, ln) for ln, msg in self.expert_import_settings(open(filename).read(), name)) # }}} @delayed def gcode_run(self, id, code, paused = False): # {{{ '''Run a string of g-code. ''' with fhs.write_temp(text = False) as f: f.write(code) self.gcode_id = id # Break this in two, otherwise tail recursion may destroy f before call is done? ret = self._gcode_run(f.filename, paused = paused) return ret # }}} @delayed def request_confirmation(self, id, message): # {{{ '''Wait for confirmation. The return value is True if confirmation is given, False if not. ''' # Abort pending confirmation, if any. if self.confirmer not in (False, None): self._send(self.confirmer, 'return', False) self.confirmer = id self.confirm_id += 1 self.confirm_axes = [[s.get_current_pos(a) for a in range(len(s.axis))] for s in self.spaces] self.confirm_message = message self._broadcast(None, 'confirm', self.confirm_id, self.confirm_message) for c in self.confirm_waits: self._send(c, 'return', (self.confirm_id, self.confirm_message)) self.confirm_waits.clear() # }}} def get_confirm_id(self): # {{{ '''Return id of current confirmation request, if any. ''' return self.confirm_id, self.confirm_message # }}} @delayed def wait_confirm(self, id, pending = True): # {{{ '''Block until confirmation is requested. If pending is False, ignore the current request, if any. ''' if pending and self.confirmer is not None: self._send(id, 'return', (self.confirm_id, self.confirm_message)) return self.confirm_waits.add(id) # }}} def confirm(self, confirm_id, success = True): # {{{ '''Respond to a confirmation request. If confirm_id is not None, it must be equal to the current id or the confirmation is ignored. Success is passed to the requester. If it is requested by g-code, passing False will abort the job. ''' if confirm_id not in (self.confirm_id, None) or self.confirm_axes is None: # Confirmation was already sent, or never reguested. #log('no confirm %s' % repr((confirm_id, self.confirm_id))) return False id = self.confirmer self.confirmer = None self.confirm_message = None self._broadcast(None, 'confirm', None) self._reset_extruders(self.confirm_axes) self.confirm_axes = None if id not in (False, None): self._send(id, 'return', success) else: if self.probing: call_queue.append((self.probe_cb[1], [False if success else None])) else: if not success: self.probe_pending = False self._job_done(False, 'aborted by failed confirmation') else: if self.probe_pending and self._pin_valid(self.probe_pin): self.probe_pending = False call_queue.append((self._one_probe, [])) else: self.probe_pending = False self._send_packet(bytes((protocol.command['RESUME'],))) return True # }}} def queue_add(self, data, name): # {{{ '''Add code to the queue as a string. ''' with fhs.write_temp() as f: f.write(data) return self._queue_add(f.filename, name) # }}} def queue_add_POST(self, filename, name): # {{{ '''Add g-code to queue using a POST request. Note that this function can only be called using POST; not with the regular websockets system. ''' return self._queue_add(filename, name) # }}} def probe_add_POST(self, filename, name): # {{{ '''Set probe map using a POST request. Note that this function can only be called using POST; not with the regular websockets system. ''' with open(filename) as f: self.probemap = json.loads( return '' if self._check_probemap() else 'Invalid probemap' # }}} def queue_remove(self, name, audio = False): # {{{ '''Remove an entry from the queue. ''' assert name in self.jobqueue #log('removing %s' % name) if audio: filename = fhs.read_spool(os.path.join(self.uuid, 'audio', name + os.extsep + 'bin'), opened = False) del self.audioqueue[name] self._broadcast(None, 'audioqueue', tuple(self.audioqueue.keys())) else: filename = fhs.read_spool(os.path.join(self.uuid, 'gcode', name + os.extsep + 'bin'), opened = False) del self.jobqueue[name] self._broadcast(None, 'queue', [(q, self.jobqueue[q]) for q in self.jobqueue]) try: os.unlink(filename) except: log('unable to unlink %s' % filename) # }}} @delayed def queue_run(self, id, name, paused = False): # {{{ '''Start a new job. ''' if self.probing: log('ignoring run request while probe is in progress') if id is not None: self._send(id, 'return', None) return if self.job_current is not None and not self.paused: log('ignoring run request while job is in progress: %s ' % repr(self.job_current) + str(self.paused)) if id is not None: self._send(id, 'return', None) return #log('set active jobs to %s' % names) self.job_current = name self.job_id = id self._start_job(paused) # }}} def get_machine_state(self): # {{{ '''Return current machine state. Return value is a tuple of a human readable string describing the state, NaN or the elapsed time, NaN or the total time for the current job. Note that the times are computed from the requested speeds. These are generally too low, because they don't account for acceleration and velocity limits. ''' pos = self.tp_get_position() context = self.tp_get_context(position = pos[0]) if self.paused: state = 'Paused' elif self.gcode_map is not None or self.gcode_file: state = 'Running' else: return 'Idle', float('nan'), float('nan'), pos[0], pos[1], context self._send_packet(struct.pack('=B', protocol.command['GETTIME'])) cmd, s, m, f, e, data = self._get_reply() if cmd != protocol.rcommand['TIME']: log('invalid reply to gettime command') return 'Error', float('nan'), float('nan'), pos[0], pos[1], context return state, f, (self.total_time[0] + (0 if len(self.spaces) < 1 else self.total_time[1] / self.max_v)) / self.feedrate, pos[0], pos[1], context # }}} def send_machine(self, target): # {{{ '''Return all settings about a machine. ''' self.initialized = True self._broadcast(target, 'new_machine', self.uuid, [self.queue_length]) self._globals_update(target) for i, s in enumerate(self.spaces): self._space_update(i, target) for i, t in enumerate(self.temps): self._temp_update(i, target) for i, g in enumerate(self.gpios): self._gpio_update(i, target) self._broadcast(target, 'queue', [(q, self.jobqueue[q]) for q in self.jobqueue]) self._broadcast(target, 'audioqueue', tuple(self.audioqueue.keys())) if self.confirmer is not None: self._broadcast(target, 'confirm', self.confirm_id, self.confirm_message) # }}} def admin_disconnect(self, reason = None): # {{{ self._send_packet(struct.pack('=B', protocol.command['FORCE_DISCONNECT'])) self._close(False) # }}} # Commands for handling the toolpath. def tp_get_position(self): # {{{ '''Get current toolpath position. @return position, total toolpath length.''' if self.gcode_map is None: return 0, 0 self._send_packet(struct.pack('=B', protocol.command['TP_GETPOS'])) cmd, s, m, f, e, data = self._get_reply() assert cmd == protocol.rcommand['TP_POS'] return f, self.gcode_num_records # }}} def tp_set_position(self, position): # {{{ '''Set current toolpath position. It is an error to call this function while not paused. @param position: new toolpath position. @return None.''' assert self.gcode_map is not None assert 0 <= position < self.gcode_num_records assert self.paused if self.queue_info is not None: self.queue_info[1] = [] # Don't restore extruder position on resume. self._send_packet(struct.pack('=Bd', protocol.command['TP_SETPOS'], position)) # }}} def tp_get_context(self, num = None, position = None): # {{{ '''Get context around a position. @param num: number of lines context on each side. @param position: center of the returned region, or None for current position. @return first position of returned region (normally position - num), list of lines+arcs+specials''' if self.gcode_map is None: return 0, [] if num is None: num = 100; # TODO: make configurable. if position is None: position = self.tp_get_position()[0] position = int(position) def parse_record(num): s = struct.calcsize(record_format) type, tool, X, Y, Z, E, f, F, time, dist = struct.unpack(record_format, self.gcode_map[num * s:(num + 1) * s]) return tuple(protocol.parsed.keys())[tuple(protocol.parsed.values()).index(type)], tool, X, Y, Z, E, f, F, time, dist return max(0, position - num), [parse_record(x) for x in range(position - num, position + num + 1) if 0 <= x < self.gcode_num_records] # }}} def tp_get_string(self, num): # {{{ '''Get string from toolpath. @param num: index of the string. @return the string.''' return self.gcode_strings[num] # }}} def tp_find_position(self, x = None, y = None, z = None): # {{{ '''Find toolpath position closest to coordinate. Inputs may be None, in that case that coordinate is ignored. @param x: X coordinate of target or None. @param y: Y coordinate of target or None. @param z: Z coordinate of target or None. @return toolpath position.''' assert self.gcode_map is not None self._send_packet(struct.pack('=Bddd', protocol.command['TP_FINDPOS'], *(a if a is not None else float('nan') for a in (x, y, z)))) cmd, s, m, f, e, data = self._get_reply() assert cmd == protocol.rcommand['TP_POS'] return f # }}} # }}} # Accessor functions. {{{ # Globals. {{{ def get_globals(self): # {{{ #log('getting globals') ret = {'num_temps': len(self.temps), 'num_gpios': len(self.gpios)} for key in ('name', 'user_interface', 'pin_names', 'uuid', 'queue_length', 'num_pins', 'led_pin', 'stop_pin', 'probe_pin', 'spiss_pin', 'probe_dist', 'probe_offset', 'probe_safe_dist', 'bed_id', 'fan_id', 'spindle_id', 'unit_name', 'timeout', 'feedrate', 'targetx', 'targety', 'targetangle', 'zoffset', 'store_adc', 'temp_scale_min', 'temp_scale_max', 'probemap', 'paused', 'park_after_job', 'sleep_after_job', 'cool_after_job', 'spi_setup', 'max_deviation', 'max_v'): ret[key] = getattr(self, key) return ret # }}} def expert_set_globals(self, update = True, **ka): # {{{ #log('setting variables with %s' % repr(ka)) nt = ka.pop('num_temps') if 'num_temps' in ka else None ng = ka.pop('num_gpios') if 'num_gpios' in ka else None if 'store_adc' in ka: self.store_adc = bool(ka.pop('store_adc')) if 'name' in ka: name = ka.pop('name') if name != = name self.admin_set_default_profile(self.default_profile) if 'probemap' in ka: self.probemap = ka.pop('probemap') self._check_probemap() for key in ('unit_name', 'user_interface', 'pin_names'): if key in ka: setattr(self, key, ka.pop(key)) if 'spi_setup' in ka: self.spi_setup = self._unmangle_spi(ka.pop('spi_setup')) if self.spi_setup: self._spi_send(self.spi_setup) for key in ('led_pin', 'stop_pin', 'probe_pin', 'spiss_pin', 'bed_id', 'fan_id', 'spindle_id', 'park_after_job', 'sleep_after_job', 'cool_after_job', 'timeout'): if key in ka: setattr(self, key, int(ka.pop(key))) for key in ('probe_dist', 'probe_offset', 'probe_safe_dist', 'feedrate', 'targetx', 'targety', 'targetangle', 'zoffset', 'temp_scale_min', 'temp_scale_max', 'max_deviation', 'max_v'): if key in ka: setattr(self, key, float(ka.pop(key))) self._write_globals(nt, ng, update = update) assert len(ka) == 0 # }}} def set_globals(self, update = True, **ka): # {{{ real_ka = {} for key in ('feedrate', 'targetx', 'targety', 'targetangle', 'zoffset'): if key in ka: real_ka[key] = ka.pop(key) assert len(ka) == 0 return self.expert_set_globals(update = update, **real_ka) # }}} # }}} # Space {{{ def get_axis_pos(self, space, axis = None): # {{{ if space >= len(self.spaces) or (axis is not None and axis >= len(self.spaces[space].axis)): log('request for invalid axis position %d %d' % (space, axis)) return float('nan') if axis is None: return [self.spaces[space].get_current_pos(a) for a in range(len(self.spaces[space].axis))] else: return self.spaces[space].get_current_pos(axis) # }}} def set_axis_pos(self, space, axis, pos): # {{{ if space >= len(self.spaces) or (axis is not None and axis >= len(self.spaces[space].axis)): log('request to set invalid axis position %d %d' % (space, axis)) return False return self.spaces[space].set_current_pos(axis, pos) # }}} def get_space(self, space): # {{{ ret = {'name': self.spaces[space].name, 'num_axes': len(self.spaces[space].axis), 'num_motors': len(self.spaces[space].motor)} if self.spaces[space].type == TYPE_CARTESIAN: pass elif self.spaces[space].type == TYPE_DELTA: delta = [] for i in range(3): d = {} for key in ('axis_min', 'axis_max', 'rodlength', 'radius'): d[key] = self.spaces[space].delta[i][key] delta.append(d) delta.append(self.spaces[space].delta_angle) ret['delta'] = delta elif self.spaces[space].type == TYPE_POLAR: ret['polar_max_r'] = self.spaces[space].polar_max_r elif self.spaces[space].type == TYPE_EXTRUDER: ret['extruder'] = [] for a in range(len(self.spaces[space].axis)): ret['extruder'].append({}) for key in ('dx', 'dy', 'dz'): ret['extruder'][-1][key] = self.spaces[space].extruder[a][key] elif self.spaces[space].type == TYPE_FOLLOWER: ret['follower'] = [] for a in range(len(self.spaces[space].axis)): ret['follower'].append({}) for key in ('space', 'motor'): ret['follower'][-1][key] = self.spaces[space].follower[a][key] else: log('invalid type') return ret # }}} def get_axis(self, space, axis): # {{{ ret = {'name': self.spaces[space].axis[axis]['name']} if space == 1: ret['multiplier'] = self.multipliers[axis] if space == 0: for key in ('park', 'park_order', 'min', 'max', 'home_pos2'): ret[key] = self.spaces[space].axis[axis][key] return ret # }}} def get_motor(self, space, motor): # {{{ ret = {'name': self.spaces[space].motor_name(motor)} for key in ('step_pin', 'dir_pin', 'enable_pin'): ret[key] = self.spaces[space].motor[motor][key] if space != 1: for key in ('limit_min_pin', 'limit_max_pin', 'home_pos', 'home_order'): ret[key] = self.spaces[space].motor[motor][key] if space != 2: for key in ('steps_per_unit', 'limit_v', 'limit_a'): ret[key] = self.spaces[space].motor[motor][key] return ret # }}} def expert_set_space(self, space, readback = True, update = True, **ka): # {{{ old_type = self.spaces[space].type if space == 0 and 'type' in ka: self.spaces[space].type = int(ka.pop('type')) current_pos = None if self.spaces[space].type != old_type else self.get_axis_pos(space) if self.spaces[space].type == TYPE_EXTRUDER: if 'extruder' in ka: e = ka.pop('extruder') for ei, ee in e.items(): i = int(ei) for key in ('dx', 'dy', 'dz'): if key in ee: self.spaces[space].extruder[i][key] = ee.pop(key) assert len(ee) == 0 if self.spaces[space].type == TYPE_FOLLOWER: if 'follower' in ka: f = ka.pop('follower') for fi, ff in f.items(): fi = int(fi) for key in ('space', 'motor'): if key in ff: self.spaces[space].follower[fi][key] = int(ff.pop(key)) assert len(ff) == 0 if self.spaces[space].type in (TYPE_CARTESIAN, TYPE_EXTRUDER, TYPE_FOLLOWER): if 'num_axes' in ka: num_axes = int(ka.pop('num_axes')) else: num_axes = len(self.spaces[space].axis) num_motors = num_axes elif self.spaces[space].type == TYPE_DELTA: num_axes = 3; num_motors = 3; if 'delta' in ka: d = ka.pop('delta') for di, dd in d.items(): i = int(di) assert 0 <= i < 3 for key in ('axis_min', 'axis_max', 'rodlength', 'radius'): if key in dd: self.spaces[space].delta[i][key] = dd.pop(key) assert len(dd) == 0 if 'delta_angle' in ka: self.spaces[space].delta_angle = ka.pop('delta_angle') elif self.spaces[space].type == TYPE_POLAR: num_axes = 3; num_motors = 3; if 'polar_max_r' in ka: self.spaces[space].polar_max_r = ka.pop('polar_max_r') self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BB', protocol.command['WRITE_SPACE_INFO'], space) + self.spaces[space].write_info(num_axes)) if readback: self.spaces[space].read(self._read('SPACE', space)) if update: self._space_update(space) if len(ka) != 0: log('invalid input ignored: %s' % repr(ka)) if current_pos is not None and not all(math.isnan(x) for x in current_pos) and (self.paused or (self.home_phase is None and not self.gcode_file and self.gcode_map is None)): self.line({space: current_pos}) #else: # log(repr(('not going to pos:', current_pos, self.paused, self.home_phase, self.gcode_file, self.gcode_map))) # }}} def expert_set_axis(self, spaceaxis, readback = True, update = True, **ka): # {{{ space, axis = spaceaxis if 'name' in ka: self.spaces[space].axis[axis]['name'] = ka.pop('name') if space == 0: for key in ('park', 'park_order', 'min', 'max', 'home_pos2'): if key in ka: self.spaces[space].axis[axis][key] = ka.pop(key) if space == 1 and 'multiplier' in ka and axis < len(self.spaces[space].motor): assert(ka['multiplier'] > 0) self.multipliers[axis] = ka.pop('multiplier') self.expert_set_motor((space, axis), readback, update) self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BBB', protocol.command['WRITE_SPACE_AXIS'], space, axis) + self.spaces[space].write_axis(axis)) if readback: self.spaces[space].read(self._read('SPACE', space)) if update: self._space_update(space) assert len(ka) == 0 # }}} def expert_set_motor(self, spacemotor, readback = True, update = True, **ka): # {{{ space, motor = spacemotor current_pos = self.get_axis_pos(space) for key in ('step_pin', 'dir_pin', 'enable_pin'): if key in ka: self.spaces[space].motor[motor][key] = ka.pop(key) for key in ('home_pos', 'limit_min_pin', 'limit_max_pin'): if space != 1 and key in ka: self.spaces[space].motor[motor][key] = ka.pop(key) if space != 1 and 'home_order' in ka: self.spaces[space].motor[motor]['home_order'] = ka.pop('home_order') for key in ('steps_per_unit', 'limit_v', 'limit_a'): if space != 2 and key in ka: self.spaces[space].motor[motor][key] = ka.pop(key) self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BBB', protocol.command['WRITE_SPACE_MOTOR'], space, motor) + self.spaces[space].write_motor(motor)) followers = False for m, mt in enumerate(self.spaces[2].motor): fs = self.spaces[2].follower[m]['space'] fm = self.spaces[2].follower[m]['motor'] if fs == space and fm == motor: followers = True self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BBB', protocol.command['WRITE_SPACE_MOTOR'], 2, m) + self.spaces[2].write_motor(m)) if readback: self.spaces[space].read(self._read('SPACE', space)) if update: self._space_update(space) if followers: self.spaces[2].read(self._read('SPACE', 2)) if update: self._space_update(2) assert len(ka) == 0 if not all(math.isnan(x) for x in current_pos) and (self.paused or (self.home_phase is None and not self.gcode_file and self.gcode_map is None)): self.line({space: current_pos}) # }}} # }}} # Temp {{{ def get_temp(self, temp): # {{{ ret = {} for key in ('name', 'R0', 'R1', 'Rc', 'Tc', 'beta', 'heater_pin', 'fan_pin', 'thermistor_pin', 'fan_temp', 'fan_duty', 'heater_limit_l', 'heater_limit_h', 'fan_limit_l', 'fan_limit_h', 'hold_time'): ret[key] = getattr(self.temps[temp], key) return ret # }}} def expert_set_temp(self, temp, update = True, **ka): # {{{ ret = {} for key in ('name', 'R0', 'R1', 'Rc', 'Tc', 'beta', 'heater_pin', 'fan_pin', 'thermistor_pin', 'fan_temp', 'fan_duty', 'heater_limit_l', 'heater_limit_h', 'fan_limit_l', 'fan_limit_h', 'hold_time'): if key in ka: setattr(self.temps[temp], key, ka.pop(key)) self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BB', protocol.command['WRITE_TEMP'], temp) + self.temps[temp].write()) self.temps[temp].read(self._read('TEMP', temp)) if update: self._temp_update(temp) if len(ka) != 0: log('problem: %s' % repr(ka)) assert len(ka) == 0 # }}} def set_temp(self, temp, update = True, **ka): # {{{ real_ka = {} if 'fan_duty' in ka: real_ka['fan_duty'] = ka.pop('fan_duty') assert len(ka) == 0 return self.expert_set_temp(temp, update = update, **real_ka) # }}} # }}} # Gpio {{{ @delayed def wait_gpio(self, id, gpio, value = 1): # {{{ assert gpio < len(self.gpios) if int(value) == int(self.gpios[gpio].value): self._send(id, 'return', None) return if gpio not in self.gpio_waits: self.gpio_waits[gpio] = [] self.gpio_waits[gpio].append(id) # }}} def get_gpio(self, gpio): # {{{ ret = {} for key in ('name', 'pin', 'state', 'reset', 'duty', 'value'): ret[key] = getattr(self.gpios[gpio], key) return ret # }}} def expert_set_gpio(self, gpio, update = True, **ka): # {{{ for key in ('name', 'pin', 'state', 'reset', 'duty'): if key in ka: setattr(self.gpios[gpio], key, ka.pop(key)) self.gpios[gpio].state = int(self.gpios[gpio].state) self.gpios[gpio].reset = int(self.gpios[gpio].reset) if self.gpios[gpio].reset >= 2 or (self.gpios[gpio].reset < 2 and self.gpios[gpio].state >= 2): self.gpios[gpio].state = self.gpios[gpio].reset #log('gpio %d reset %d' % (gpio, self.gpios[gpio].reset)) self._send_packet(struct.pack('=BB', protocol.command['WRITE_GPIO'], gpio) + self.gpios[gpio].write()) self.gpios[gpio].read(self._read('GPIO', gpio)) if update: self._gpio_update(gpio) assert len(ka) == 0 # }}} def set_gpio(self, gpio, update = True, **ka): # {{{ real_ka = {} if 'state' in ka: real_ka['state'] = ka.pop('state') assert len(ka) == 0 return self.expert_set_gpio(gpio, update = update, **real_ka) # }}} # }}} # }}} # }}} call_queue = [] machine = Machine(config['allow-system']) if machine.machine is None: sys.exit(0) while True: # {{{ while len(call_queue) > 0: f, a = call_queue.pop(0) #log('calling %s' % repr((f, a))) f(*a) while machine.machine.available(): machine._machine_input() if len(call_queue) > 0: continue # Handle this first. fds = [sys.stdin, machine.machine] #log('waiting; movewait = %d' % machine.movewait) found =, [], fds, None) if sys.stdin in found[0] or sys.stdin in found[2]: #log('command') machine._command_input() if machine.machine in found[0] or machine.machine in found[2]: #log('machine') machine._machine_input() # }}}
# Copyright 2016 Canonical Ltd. This software is licensed under the # GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE). """IPRange form.""" from django import forms from django.contrib.auth.models import User from maasserver.forms import MAASModelForm from maasserver.models import Subnet from maasserver.models.iprange import IPRange class IPRangeForm(MAASModelForm): """IPRange creation/edition form.""" user = forms.ModelChoiceField( required=False, queryset=User.objects, to_field_name="username" ) class Meta: model = IPRange fields = ("subnet", "type", "start_ip", "end_ip", "user", "comment") def __init__( self, data=None, instance=None, request=None, *args, **kwargs ): if data is None: data = {} else: data = data.copy() # If this is a new IPRange, fill in the 'user' and 'subnet' fields # automatically, if necessary. if instance is None: start_ip = data.get("start_ip") subnet = data.get("subnet") if subnet is None and start_ip is not None: subnet = Subnet.objects.get_best_subnet_for_ip(start_ip) if subnet is not None: data["subnet"] = if request is not None: data["user"] = request.user.username elif instance.user and "user" not in data: data["user"] = instance.user.username super().__init__(data=data, instance=instance, *args, **kwargs)
# Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Test class for boot methods used by iLO modules.""" import tempfile from ironic_lib import utils as ironic_utils import mock from oslo_config import cfg import six from ironic.common import boot_devices from ironic.common import exception from ironic.common.glance_service import service_utils from ironic.common import image_service from ironic.common import images from ironic.common import states from ironic.common import swift from ironic.conductor import task_manager from ironic.conductor import utils as manager_utils from ironic.drivers.modules import deploy_utils from ironic.drivers.modules.ilo import boot as ilo_boot from ironic.drivers.modules.ilo import common as ilo_common from ironic.drivers.modules import pxe from ironic.drivers import utils as driver_utils from ironic.tests.unit.conductor import mgr_utils from ironic.tests.unit.db import base as db_base from ironic.tests.unit.db import utils as db_utils from ironic.tests.unit.objects import utils as obj_utils if six.PY3: import io file = io.BytesIO INFO_DICT = db_utils.get_test_ilo_info() CONF = cfg.CONF class IloBootCommonMethodsTestCase(db_base.DbTestCase): def setUp(self): super(IloBootCommonMethodsTestCase, self).setUp() mgr_utils.mock_the_extension_manager(driver="iscsi_ilo") self.node = obj_utils.create_test_node( self.context, driver='iscsi_ilo', driver_info=INFO_DICT) def test_parse_driver_info(self): self.node.driver_info['ilo_deploy_iso'] = 'deploy-iso' expected_driver_info = {'ilo_deploy_iso': 'deploy-iso'} actual_driver_info = ilo_boot.parse_driver_info(self.node) self.assertEqual(expected_driver_info, actual_driver_info) def test_parse_driver_info_exc(self): self.assertRaises(exception.MissingParameterValue, ilo_boot.parse_driver_info, self.node) class IloBootPrivateMethodsTestCase(db_base.DbTestCase): def setUp(self): super(IloBootPrivateMethodsTestCase, self).setUp() mgr_utils.mock_the_extension_manager(driver="iscsi_ilo") self.node = obj_utils.create_test_node( self.context, driver='iscsi_ilo', driver_info=INFO_DICT) def test__get_boot_iso_object_name(self): boot_iso_actual = ilo_boot._get_boot_iso_object_name(self.node) boot_iso_expected = "boot-%s" % self.node.uuid self.assertEqual(boot_iso_expected, boot_iso_actual) @mock.patch.object(image_service.HttpImageService, 'validate_href', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__get_boot_iso_http_url(self, service_mock): url = '' i_info = self.node.instance_info i_info['ilo_boot_iso'] = url self.node.instance_info = i_info with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: boot_iso_actual = ilo_boot._get_boot_iso(task, 'root-uuid') service_mock.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, url) self.assertEqual(url, boot_iso_actual) @mock.patch.object(image_service.HttpImageService, 'validate_href', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__get_boot_iso_unsupported_url(self, validate_href_mock): validate_href_mock.side_effect = exception.ImageRefValidationFailed( image_href='file://img.qcow2', reason='fail') url = 'file://img.qcow2' i_info = self.node.instance_info i_info['ilo_boot_iso'] = url self.node.instance_info = i_info with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: self.assertRaises(exception.ImageRefValidationFailed, ilo_boot._get_boot_iso, task, 'root-uuid') @mock.patch.object(images, 'get_image_properties', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, '_parse_deploy_info', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__get_boot_iso_glance_image(self, deploy_info_mock, image_props_mock): deploy_info_mock.return_value = {'image_source': 'image-uuid', 'ilo_deploy_iso': 'deploy_iso_uuid'} image_props_mock.return_value = {'boot_iso': u'glance://uui\u0111', 'kernel_id': None, 'ramdisk_id': None} with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: driver_internal_info = task.node.driver_internal_info driver_internal_info['boot_iso_created_in_web_server'] = False task.node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info boot_iso_actual = ilo_boot._get_boot_iso(task, 'root-uuid') deploy_info_mock.assert_called_once_with(task.node) image_props_mock.assert_called_once_with( task.context, 'image-uuid', ['boot_iso', 'kernel_id', 'ramdisk_id']) boot_iso_expected = u'glance://uui\u0111' self.assertEqual(boot_iso_expected, boot_iso_actual) @mock.patch.object(deploy_utils, 'get_boot_mode_for_deploy', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot.LOG, 'error', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(images, 'get_image_properties', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, '_parse_deploy_info', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__get_boot_iso_uefi_no_glance_image(self, deploy_info_mock, image_props_mock, log_mock, boot_mode_mock): deploy_info_mock.return_value = {'image_source': 'image-uuid', 'ilo_deploy_iso': 'deploy_iso_uuid'} image_props_mock.return_value = {'boot_iso': None, 'kernel_id': None, 'ramdisk_id': None} properties = {'capabilities': 'boot_mode:uefi'} with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: = properties boot_iso_result = ilo_boot._get_boot_iso(task, 'root-uuid') deploy_info_mock.assert_called_once_with(task.node) image_props_mock.assert_called_once_with( task.context, 'image-uuid', ['boot_iso', 'kernel_id', 'ramdisk_id']) self.assertTrue(log_mock.called) self.assertFalse(boot_mode_mock.called) self.assertIsNone(boot_iso_result) @mock.patch.object(tempfile, 'NamedTemporaryFile', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(images, 'create_boot_iso', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(swift, 'SwiftAPI', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, '_get_boot_iso_object_name', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(driver_utils, 'get_node_capability', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(images, 'get_image_properties', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, '_parse_deploy_info', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__get_boot_iso_create(self, deploy_info_mock, image_props_mock, capability_mock, boot_object_name_mock, swift_api_mock, create_boot_iso_mock, tempfile_mock): CONF.ilo.swift_ilo_container = 'ilo-cont' CONF.pxe.pxe_append_params = 'kernel-params' swift_obj_mock = swift_api_mock.return_value fileobj_mock = mock.MagicMock(spec=file) = 'tmpfile' mock_file_handle = mock.MagicMock(spec=file) mock_file_handle.__enter__.return_value = fileobj_mock tempfile_mock.return_value = mock_file_handle deploy_info_mock.return_value = {'image_source': 'image-uuid', 'ilo_deploy_iso': 'deploy_iso_uuid'} image_props_mock.return_value = {'boot_iso': None, 'kernel_id': 'kernel_uuid', 'ramdisk_id': 'ramdisk_uuid'} boot_object_name_mock.return_value = 'abcdef' create_boot_iso_mock.return_value = '/path/to/boot-iso' capability_mock.return_value = 'uefi' with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: boot_iso_actual = ilo_boot._get_boot_iso(task, 'root-uuid') deploy_info_mock.assert_called_once_with(task.node) image_props_mock.assert_called_once_with( task.context, 'image-uuid', ['boot_iso', 'kernel_id', 'ramdisk_id']) boot_object_name_mock.assert_called_once_with(task.node) create_boot_iso_mock.assert_called_once_with(task.context, 'tmpfile', 'kernel_uuid', 'ramdisk_uuid', 'deploy_iso_uuid', 'root-uuid', 'kernel-params', 'uefi') swift_obj_mock.create_object.assert_called_once_with('ilo-cont', 'abcdef', 'tmpfile') boot_iso_expected = 'swift:abcdef' self.assertEqual(boot_iso_expected, boot_iso_actual) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'copy_image_to_web_server', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(tempfile, 'NamedTemporaryFile', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(images, 'create_boot_iso', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, '_get_boot_iso_object_name', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(driver_utils, 'get_node_capability', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(images, 'get_image_properties', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, '_parse_deploy_info', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__get_boot_iso_recreate_boot_iso_use_webserver( self, deploy_info_mock, image_props_mock, capability_mock, boot_object_name_mock, create_boot_iso_mock, tempfile_mock, copy_file_mock): CONF.ilo.swift_ilo_container = 'ilo-cont' CONF.ilo.use_web_server_for_images = True CONF.deploy.http_url = "" CONF.deploy.http_root = "/httpboot" CONF.pxe.pxe_append_params = 'kernel-params' fileobj_mock = mock.MagicMock(spec=file) = 'tmpfile' mock_file_handle = mock.MagicMock(spec=file) mock_file_handle.__enter__.return_value = fileobj_mock tempfile_mock.return_value = mock_file_handle ramdisk_href = "" kernel_href = "" deploy_info_mock.return_value = {'image_source': 'image-uuid', 'ilo_deploy_iso': 'deploy_iso_uuid'} image_props_mock.return_value = {'boot_iso': None, 'kernel_id': kernel_href, 'ramdisk_id': ramdisk_href} boot_object_name_mock.return_value = 'new_boot_iso' create_boot_iso_mock.return_value = '/path/to/boot-iso' capability_mock.return_value = 'uefi' copy_file_mock.return_value = "" with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: driver_internal_info = task.node.driver_internal_info driver_internal_info['boot_iso_created_in_web_server'] = True instance_info = task.node.instance_info old_boot_iso = '' instance_info['ilo_boot_iso'] = old_boot_iso boot_iso_actual = ilo_boot._get_boot_iso(task, 'root-uuid') deploy_info_mock.assert_called_once_with(task.node) image_props_mock.assert_called_once_with( task.context, 'image-uuid', ['boot_iso', 'kernel_id', 'ramdisk_id']) boot_object_name_mock.assert_called_once_with(task.node) create_boot_iso_mock.assert_called_once_with(task.context, 'tmpfile', kernel_href, ramdisk_href, 'deploy_iso_uuid', 'root-uuid', 'kernel-params', 'uefi') boot_iso_expected = '' self.assertEqual(boot_iso_expected, boot_iso_actual) copy_file_mock.assert_called_once_with(, 'new_boot_iso') @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'copy_image_to_web_server', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(tempfile, 'NamedTemporaryFile', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(images, 'create_boot_iso', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, '_get_boot_iso_object_name', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(driver_utils, 'get_node_capability', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(images, 'get_image_properties', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, '_parse_deploy_info', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__get_boot_iso_create_use_webserver_true_ramdisk_webserver( self, deploy_info_mock, image_props_mock, capability_mock, boot_object_name_mock, create_boot_iso_mock, tempfile_mock, copy_file_mock): CONF.ilo.swift_ilo_container = 'ilo-cont' CONF.ilo.use_web_server_for_images = True CONF.deploy.http_url = "" CONF.deploy.http_root = "/httpboot" CONF.pxe.pxe_append_params = 'kernel-params' fileobj_mock = mock.MagicMock(spec=file) = 'tmpfile' mock_file_handle = mock.MagicMock(spec=file) mock_file_handle.__enter__.return_value = fileobj_mock tempfile_mock.return_value = mock_file_handle ramdisk_href = "" kernel_href = "" deploy_info_mock.return_value = {'image_source': 'image-uuid', 'ilo_deploy_iso': 'deploy_iso_uuid'} image_props_mock.return_value = {'boot_iso': None, 'kernel_id': kernel_href, 'ramdisk_id': ramdisk_href} boot_object_name_mock.return_value = 'abcdef' create_boot_iso_mock.return_value = '/path/to/boot-iso' capability_mock.return_value = 'uefi' copy_file_mock.return_value = "" with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: boot_iso_actual = ilo_boot._get_boot_iso(task, 'root-uuid') deploy_info_mock.assert_called_once_with(task.node) image_props_mock.assert_called_once_with( task.context, 'image-uuid', ['boot_iso', 'kernel_id', 'ramdisk_id']) boot_object_name_mock.assert_called_once_with(task.node) create_boot_iso_mock.assert_called_once_with(task.context, 'tmpfile', kernel_href, ramdisk_href, 'deploy_iso_uuid', 'root-uuid', 'kernel-params', 'uefi') boot_iso_expected = '' self.assertEqual(boot_iso_expected, boot_iso_actual) copy_file_mock.assert_called_once_with(, 'abcdef') @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, '_get_boot_iso_object_name', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(swift, 'SwiftAPI', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__clean_up_boot_iso_for_instance(self, swift_mock, boot_object_name_mock): swift_obj_mock = swift_mock.return_value CONF.ilo.swift_ilo_container = 'ilo-cont' boot_object_name_mock.return_value = 'boot-object' i_info = self.node.instance_info i_info['ilo_boot_iso'] = 'swift:bootiso' self.node.instance_info = i_info ilo_boot._clean_up_boot_iso_for_instance(self.node) swift_obj_mock.delete_object.assert_called_once_with('ilo-cont', 'boot-object') @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot.LOG, 'exception', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, '_get_boot_iso_object_name', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(swift, 'SwiftAPI', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__clean_up_boot_iso_for_instance_exc(self, swift_mock, boot_object_name_mock, log_mock): swift_obj_mock = swift_mock.return_value exc = exception.SwiftObjectNotFoundError('error') swift_obj_mock.delete_object.side_effect = exc CONF.ilo.swift_ilo_container = 'ilo-cont' boot_object_name_mock.return_value = 'boot-object' i_info = self.node.instance_info i_info['ilo_boot_iso'] = 'swift:bootiso' self.node.instance_info = i_info ilo_boot._clean_up_boot_iso_for_instance(self.node) swift_obj_mock.delete_object.assert_called_once_with('ilo-cont', 'boot-object') self.assertTrue(log_mock.called) @mock.patch.object(ironic_utils, 'unlink_without_raise', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__clean_up_boot_iso_for_instance_on_webserver(self, unlink_mock): CONF.ilo.use_web_server_for_images = True CONF.deploy.http_root = "/webserver" i_info = self.node.instance_info i_info['ilo_boot_iso'] = 'http://x.y.z.a/webserver/boot-object' self.node.instance_info = i_info boot_iso_path = "/webserver/boot-object" ilo_boot._clean_up_boot_iso_for_instance(self.node) unlink_mock.assert_called_once_with(boot_iso_path) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, '_get_boot_iso_object_name', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__clean_up_boot_iso_for_instance_no_boot_iso( self, boot_object_name_mock): ilo_boot._clean_up_boot_iso_for_instance(self.node) self.assertFalse(boot_object_name_mock.called) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, 'parse_driver_info', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(deploy_utils, 'get_image_instance_info', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__parse_deploy_info(self, instance_info_mock, driver_info_mock): instance_info_mock.return_value = {'a': 'b'} driver_info_mock.return_value = {'c': 'd'} expected_info = {'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'} actual_info = ilo_boot._parse_deploy_info(self.node) self.assertEqual(expected_info, actual_info) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'parse_driver_info', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__validate_driver_info_MissingParam(self, mock_parse_driver_info): with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: self.assertRaisesRegex(exception.MissingParameterValue, "Missing 'ilo_deploy_iso'", ilo_boot._validate_driver_info, task) mock_parse_driver_info.assert_called_once_with(task.node) @mock.patch.object(service_utils, 'is_glance_image', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'parse_driver_info', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__validate_driver_info_valid_uuid(self, mock_parse_driver_info, mock_is_glance_image): mock_is_glance_image.return_value = True with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: deploy_iso = '8a81759a-f29b-454b-8ab3-161c6ca1882c' task.node.driver_info['ilo_deploy_iso'] = deploy_iso ilo_boot._validate_driver_info(task) mock_parse_driver_info.assert_called_once_with(task.node) mock_is_glance_image.assert_called_once_with(deploy_iso) @mock.patch.object(image_service.HttpImageService, 'validate_href', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(service_utils, 'is_glance_image', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'parse_driver_info', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__validate_driver_info_InvalidParam(self, mock_parse_driver_info, mock_is_glance_image, mock_validate_href): deploy_iso = '' mock_validate_href.side_effect = exception.ImageRefValidationFailed( image_href='', reason='fail') mock_is_glance_image.return_value = False with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: task.node.driver_info['ilo_deploy_iso'] = deploy_iso self.assertRaisesRegex(exception.InvalidParameterValue, "Virtual media boot accepts", ilo_boot._validate_driver_info, task) mock_parse_driver_info.assert_called_once_with(task.node) mock_validate_href.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, deploy_iso) @mock.patch.object(image_service.HttpImageService, 'validate_href', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(service_utils, 'is_glance_image', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'parse_driver_info', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__validate_driver_info_valid_url(self, mock_parse_driver_info, mock_is_glance_image, mock_validate_href): deploy_iso = '' mock_is_glance_image.return_value = False with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: task.node.driver_info['ilo_deploy_iso'] = deploy_iso ilo_boot._validate_driver_info(task) mock_parse_driver_info.assert_called_once_with(task.node) mock_validate_href.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, deploy_iso) @mock.patch.object(deploy_utils, 'validate_image_properties', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, '_parse_deploy_info', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def _test__validate_instance_image_info(self, deploy_info_mock, validate_prop_mock, props_expected): d_info = {'image_source': 'uuid'} deploy_info_mock.return_value = d_info with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: ilo_boot._validate_instance_image_info(task) deploy_info_mock.assert_called_once_with(task.node) validate_prop_mock.assert_called_once_with( task.context, d_info, props_expected) @mock.patch.object(service_utils, 'is_glance_image', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__validate_glance_partition_image(self, is_glance_image_mock): is_glance_image_mock.return_value = True self._test__validate_instance_image_info(props_expected=['kernel_id', 'ramdisk_id']) def test__validate_whole_disk_image(self): self.node.driver_internal_info = {'is_whole_disk_image': True} self._test__validate_instance_image_info(props_expected=[]) @mock.patch.object(service_utils, 'is_glance_image', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__validate_non_glance_partition_image(self, is_glance_image_mock): is_glance_image_mock.return_value = False self._test__validate_instance_image_info(props_expected=['kernel', 'ramdisk']) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'set_secure_boot_mode', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'get_secure_boot_mode', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__disable_secure_boot_false(self, func_get_secure_boot_mode, func_set_secure_boot_mode): func_get_secure_boot_mode.return_value = False with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: returned_state = ilo_boot._disable_secure_boot(task) func_get_secure_boot_mode.assert_called_once_with(task) self.assertFalse(func_set_secure_boot_mode.called) self.assertFalse(returned_state) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'set_secure_boot_mode', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'get_secure_boot_mode', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__disable_secure_boot_true(self, func_get_secure_boot_mode, func_set_secure_boot_mode): func_get_secure_boot_mode.return_value = True with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: returned_state = ilo_boot._disable_secure_boot(task) func_get_secure_boot_mode.assert_called_once_with(task) func_set_secure_boot_mode.assert_called_once_with(task, False) self.assertTrue(returned_state) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, 'exception', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'get_secure_boot_mode', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__disable_secure_boot_exception(self, func_get_secure_boot_mode, exception_mock): with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: exception_mock.IloOperationNotSupported = Exception func_get_secure_boot_mode.side_effect = Exception returned_state = ilo_boot._disable_secure_boot(task) func_get_secure_boot_mode.assert_called_once_with(task) self.assertFalse(returned_state) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'update_boot_mode', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, '_disable_secure_boot', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(manager_utils, 'node_power_action', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_prepare_node_for_deploy(self, func_node_power_action, func_disable_secure_boot, func_update_boot_mode): with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: func_disable_secure_boot.return_value = False ilo_boot.prepare_node_for_deploy(task) func_node_power_action.assert_called_once_with(task, states.POWER_OFF) func_disable_secure_boot.assert_called_once_with(task) func_update_boot_mode.assert_called_once_with(task) bootmode = driver_utils.get_node_capability(task.node, "boot_mode") self.assertIsNone(bootmode) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'update_boot_mode', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, '_disable_secure_boot', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(manager_utils, 'node_power_action', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_prepare_node_for_deploy_sec_boot_on(self, func_node_power_action, func_disable_secure_boot, func_update_boot_mode): with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: func_disable_secure_boot.return_value = True ilo_boot.prepare_node_for_deploy(task) func_node_power_action.assert_called_once_with(task, states.POWER_OFF) func_disable_secure_boot.assert_called_once_with(task) self.assertFalse(func_update_boot_mode.called) ret_boot_mode = task.node.instance_info['deploy_boot_mode'] self.assertEqual('uefi', ret_boot_mode) bootmode = driver_utils.get_node_capability(task.node, "boot_mode") self.assertIsNone(bootmode) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'update_boot_mode', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, '_disable_secure_boot', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(manager_utils, 'node_power_action', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_prepare_node_for_deploy_inst_info(self, func_node_power_action, func_disable_secure_boot, func_update_boot_mode): instance_info = {'capabilities': '{"secure_boot": "true"}'} with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: func_disable_secure_boot.return_value = False task.node.instance_info = instance_info ilo_boot.prepare_node_for_deploy(task) func_node_power_action.assert_called_once_with(task, states.POWER_OFF) func_disable_secure_boot.assert_called_once_with(task) func_update_boot_mode.assert_called_once_with(task) bootmode = driver_utils.get_node_capability(task.node, "boot_mode") self.assertIsNone(bootmode) self.assertNotIn('deploy_boot_mode', task.node.instance_info) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'update_boot_mode', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, '_disable_secure_boot', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(manager_utils, 'node_power_action', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_prepare_node_for_deploy_sec_boot_on_inst_info( self, func_node_power_action, func_disable_secure_boot, func_update_boot_mode): instance_info = {'capabilities': '{"secure_boot": "true"}'} with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: func_disable_secure_boot.return_value = True task.node.instance_info = instance_info ilo_boot.prepare_node_for_deploy(task) func_node_power_action.assert_called_once_with(task, states.POWER_OFF) func_disable_secure_boot.assert_called_once_with(task) self.assertFalse(func_update_boot_mode.called) bootmode = driver_utils.get_node_capability(task.node, "boot_mode") self.assertIsNone(bootmode) self.assertNotIn('deploy_boot_mode', task.node.instance_info) class IloVirtualMediaBootTestCase(db_base.DbTestCase): def setUp(self): super(IloVirtualMediaBootTestCase, self).setUp() mgr_utils.mock_the_extension_manager(driver="iscsi_ilo") self.node = obj_utils.create_test_node( self.context, driver='iscsi_ilo', driver_info=INFO_DICT) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, '_validate_driver_info', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, '_validate_instance_image_info', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_validate(self, mock_val_instance_image_info, mock_val_driver_info): instance_info = self.node.instance_info instance_info['ilo_boot_iso'] = 'deploy-iso' instance_info['image_source'] = '6b2f0c0c-79e8-4db6-842e-43c9764204af' self.node.instance_info = instance_info with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: task.node.driver_info['ilo_deploy_iso'] = 'deploy-iso' task.driver.boot.validate(task) mock_val_instance_image_info.assert_called_once_with(task) mock_val_driver_info.assert_called_once_with(task) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, 'prepare_node_for_deploy', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(manager_utils, 'node_power_action', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'eject_vmedia_devices', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'setup_vmedia', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(deploy_utils, 'get_single_nic_with_vif_port_id', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def _test_prepare_ramdisk(self, get_nic_mock, setup_vmedia_mock, eject_mock, node_power_mock, prepare_node_for_deploy_mock, ilo_boot_iso, image_source, ramdisk_params={'a': 'b'}): instance_info = self.node.instance_info instance_info['ilo_boot_iso'] = ilo_boot_iso instance_info['image_source'] = image_source self.node.instance_info = instance_info get_nic_mock.return_value = '12:34:56:78:90:ab' with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: driver_info = task.node.driver_info driver_info['ilo_deploy_iso'] = 'deploy-iso' task.node.driver_info = driver_info task.driver.boot.prepare_ramdisk(task, ramdisk_params) node_power_mock.assert_called_once_with(task, states.POWER_OFF) if task.node.provision_state == states.DEPLOYING: prepare_node_for_deploy_mock.assert_called_once_with(task) eject_mock.assert_called_once_with(task) expected_ramdisk_opts = {'a': 'b', 'BOOTIF': '12:34:56:78:90:ab'} get_nic_mock.assert_called_once_with(task) setup_vmedia_mock.assert_called_once_with(task, 'deploy-iso', expected_ramdisk_opts) @mock.patch.object(service_utils, 'is_glance_image', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_prepare_ramdisk_not_deploying_not_cleaning(self, mock_is_image): """Ensure deploy ops are blocked when not deploying and not cleaning""" for state in states.STABLE_STATES: mock_is_image.reset_mock() self.node.provision_state = state with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: self.assertIsNone( task.driver.boot.prepare_ramdisk(task, None)) self.assertFalse(mock_is_image.called) def test_prepare_ramdisk_glance_image(self): self.node.provision_state = states.DEPLOYING self._test_prepare_ramdisk( ilo_boot_iso='swift:abcdef', image_source='6b2f0c0c-79e8-4db6-842e-43c9764204af') self.node.refresh() self.assertNotIn('ilo_boot_iso', self.node.instance_info) def test_prepare_ramdisk_not_a_glance_image(self): self.node.provision_state = states.DEPLOYING self._test_prepare_ramdisk( ilo_boot_iso='http://mybootiso', image_source='http://myimage') self.node.refresh() self.assertEqual('http://mybootiso', self.node.instance_info['ilo_boot_iso']) def test_prepare_ramdisk_glance_image_cleaning(self): self.node.provision_state = states.CLEANING self._test_prepare_ramdisk( ilo_boot_iso='swift:abcdef', image_source='6b2f0c0c-79e8-4db6-842e-43c9764204af') self.node.refresh() self.assertNotIn('ilo_boot_iso', self.node.instance_info) def test_prepare_ramdisk_not_a_glance_image_cleaning(self): self.node.provision_state = states.CLEANING self._test_prepare_ramdisk( ilo_boot_iso='http://mybootiso', image_source='http://myimage') self.node.refresh() self.assertEqual('http://mybootiso', self.node.instance_info['ilo_boot_iso']) @mock.patch.object(manager_utils, 'node_set_boot_device', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'setup_vmedia_for_boot', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, '_get_boot_iso', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__configure_vmedia_boot_with_boot_iso( self, get_boot_iso_mock, setup_vmedia_mock, set_boot_device_mock): root_uuid = {'root uuid': 'root_uuid'} with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: get_boot_iso_mock.return_value = 'boot.iso' task.driver.boot._configure_vmedia_boot( task, root_uuid) get_boot_iso_mock.assert_called_once_with( task, root_uuid) setup_vmedia_mock.assert_called_once_with( task, 'boot.iso') set_boot_device_mock.assert_called_once_with( task, boot_devices.CDROM, persistent=True) self.assertEqual('boot.iso', task.node.instance_info['ilo_boot_iso']) @mock.patch.object(manager_utils, 'node_set_boot_device', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'setup_vmedia_for_boot', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, '_get_boot_iso', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test__configure_vmedia_boot_without_boot_iso( self, get_boot_iso_mock, setup_vmedia_mock, set_boot_device_mock): root_uuid = {'root uuid': 'root_uuid'} with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: get_boot_iso_mock.return_value = None task.driver.boot._configure_vmedia_boot( task, root_uuid) get_boot_iso_mock.assert_called_once_with( task, root_uuid) self.assertFalse(setup_vmedia_mock.called) self.assertFalse(set_boot_device_mock.called) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'update_secure_boot_mode', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(manager_utils, 'node_power_action', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'cleanup_vmedia_boot', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, '_clean_up_boot_iso_for_instance', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_clean_up_instance(self, cleanup_iso_mock, cleanup_vmedia_mock, node_power_mock, update_secure_boot_mode_mock): with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: driver_internal_info = task.node.driver_internal_info driver_internal_info['boot_iso_created_in_web_server'] = False driver_internal_info['root_uuid_or_disk_id'] = ( "12312642-09d3-467f-8e09-12385826a123") task.node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info task.driver.boot.clean_up_instance(task) cleanup_iso_mock.assert_called_once_with(task.node) cleanup_vmedia_mock.assert_called_once_with(task) driver_internal_info = task.node.driver_internal_info self.assertNotIn('boot_iso_created_in_web_server', driver_internal_info) self.assertNotIn('root_uuid_or_disk_id', driver_internal_info) node_power_mock.assert_called_once_with(task, states.POWER_OFF) update_secure_boot_mode_mock.assert_called_once_with(task, False) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'cleanup_vmedia_boot', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_clean_up_ramdisk(self, cleanup_vmedia_mock): with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: task.driver.boot.clean_up_ramdisk(task) cleanup_vmedia_mock.assert_called_once_with(task) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'update_secure_boot_mode', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'update_boot_mode', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(manager_utils, 'node_set_boot_device', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'cleanup_vmedia_boot', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def _test_prepare_instance_whole_disk_image( self, cleanup_vmedia_boot_mock, set_boot_device_mock, update_boot_mode_mock, update_secure_boot_mode_mock): self.node.driver_internal_info = {'is_whole_disk_image': True} with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: task.driver.boot.prepare_instance(task) cleanup_vmedia_boot_mock.assert_called_once_with(task) set_boot_device_mock.assert_called_once_with(task, boot_devices.DISK, persistent=True) update_boot_mode_mock.assert_called_once_with(task) update_secure_boot_mode_mock.assert_called_once_with(task, True) def test_prepare_instance_whole_disk_image_local(self): self.node.instance_info = {'capabilities': '{"boot_option": "local"}'} self._test_prepare_instance_whole_disk_image() def test_prepare_instance_whole_disk_image(self): self._test_prepare_instance_whole_disk_image() @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'update_secure_boot_mode', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'update_boot_mode', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot.IloVirtualMediaBoot, '_configure_vmedia_boot', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'cleanup_vmedia_boot', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_prepare_instance_partition_image( self, cleanup_vmedia_boot_mock, configure_vmedia_mock, update_boot_mode_mock, update_secure_boot_mode_mock): self.node.driver_internal_info = {'root_uuid_or_disk_id': ( "12312642-09d3-467f-8e09-12385826a123")} with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: task.driver.boot.prepare_instance(task) cleanup_vmedia_boot_mock.assert_called_once_with(task) configure_vmedia_mock.assert_called_once_with( mock.ANY, task, "12312642-09d3-467f-8e09-12385826a123") update_boot_mode_mock.assert_called_once_with(task) update_secure_boot_mode_mock.assert_called_once_with(task, True) class IloPXEBootTestCase(db_base.DbTestCase): def setUp(self): super(IloPXEBootTestCase, self).setUp() mgr_utils.mock_the_extension_manager(driver="pxe_ilo") self.node = obj_utils.create_test_node( self.context, driver='pxe_ilo', driver_info=INFO_DICT) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, 'prepare_node_for_deploy', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(pxe.PXEBoot, 'prepare_ramdisk', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_prepare_ramdisk_not_deploying_not_cleaning( self, pxe_prepare_instance_mock, prepare_node_mock): self.node.provision_state = states.CLEANING with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: self.assertIsNone( task.driver.boot.prepare_ramdisk(task, None)) self.assertFalse(prepare_node_mock.called) pxe_prepare_instance_mock.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, task, None) @mock.patch.object(ilo_boot, 'prepare_node_for_deploy', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(pxe.PXEBoot, 'prepare_ramdisk', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_prepare_ramdisk_in_deploying(self, pxe_prepare_instance_mock, prepare_node_mock): self.node.provision_state = states.DEPLOYING with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: self.assertIsNone( task.driver.boot.prepare_ramdisk(task, None)) prepare_node_mock.assert_called_once_with(task) pxe_prepare_instance_mock.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, task, None) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'update_secure_boot_mode', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(manager_utils, 'node_power_action', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(pxe.PXEBoot, 'clean_up_instance', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_clean_up_instance(self, pxe_cleanup_mock, node_power_mock, update_secure_boot_mode_mock): with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: task.driver.boot.clean_up_instance(task) node_power_mock.assert_called_once_with(task, states.POWER_OFF) update_secure_boot_mode_mock.assert_called_once_with(task, False) pxe_cleanup_mock.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, task) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'update_secure_boot_mode', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'update_boot_mode', spec_set=True, autospec=True) @mock.patch.object(pxe.PXEBoot, 'prepare_instance', spec_set=True, autospec=True) def test_prepare_instance(self, pxe_prepare_instance_mock, update_boot_mode_mock, update_secure_boot_mode_mock): with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: task.driver.boot.prepare_instance(task) update_boot_mode_mock.assert_called_once_with(task) update_secure_boot_mode_mock.assert_called_once_with(task, True) pxe_prepare_instance_mock.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, task)
# ST2/ST3 compat from __future__ import print_function import sublime if sublime.version() < '3000': # we are on ST2 and Python 2.X _ST3 = False import getTeXRoot else: _ST3 = True from . import getTeXRoot import sublime_plugin, os, os.path, platform from subprocess import Popen # View PDF file corresonding to TEX file in current buffer # Assumes that the SumatraPDF viewer is used (great for inverse search!) # and its executable is on the %PATH% # Warning: we do not do "deep" safety checks (e.g. see if PDF file is old) class View_pdfCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def run(self): s = sublime.load_settings("LaTeXTools Preferences.sublime-settings") prefs_keep_focus = s.get("keep_focus", True) prefs_lin = s.get("linux") view = self.window.active_view() texFile, texExt = os.path.splitext(view.file_name()) if texExt.upper() != ".TEX": sublime.error_message("%s is not a TeX source file: cannot view." % (os.path.basename(view.file_name()),)) return quotes = ""# \"" MUST CHECK WHETHER WE NEED QUOTES ON WINDOWS!!! root = getTeXRoot.get_tex_root(view) rootFile, rootExt = os.path.splitext(root) pdfFile = quotes + rootFile + '.pdf' + quotes s = platform.system() script_path = None if s == "Darwin": # for inverse search, set up a "Custom" sync profile, using # "subl" as command and "%file:%line" as argument # you also have to put a symlink to subl somewhere on your path # Also check the box "check for file changes" viewercmd = ["open", "-a", "Skim"] elif s == "Windows": # with new version of SumatraPDF, can set up Inverse # Search in the GUI: under Settings|Options... # Under "Set inverse search command-line", set: # sublime_text "%f":%l viewercmd = ["SumatraPDF", "-reuse-instance"] elif s == "Linux": # the required scripts are in the 'evince' subdir script_path = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), 'LaTeXTools', 'evince') ev_sync_exec = os.path.join(script_path, 'evince_sync') # so we get inverse search # Get python binary if set in preferences: py_binary = prefs_lin["python2"] or 'python' sb_binary = prefs_lin["sublime"] or 'sublime-text' viewercmd = ['sh', ev_sync_exec, py_binary, sb_binary] else: sublime.error_message("Platform as yet unsupported. Sorry!") return print (viewercmd + [pdfFile]) try: Popen(viewercmd + [pdfFile], cwd=script_path) except OSError: sublime.error_message("Cannot launch Viewer. Make sure it is on your PATH.")
#!/usr/bin/python -u """Program for monitoring serial messages from the Teensy. This program waits for the device to be connected and when the teensy is disconnected, then it will go back to waiting for the teensy to once again be connected. This program also looks for lines that start with a single letter followed by a colon, and will colorize the lines based on the letter. """ import select import pyudev import serial import sys import tty import termios import traceback import syslog import argparse (LT_BLACK, LT_RED, LT_GREEN, LT_YELLOW, LT_BLUE, LT_MAGENTA, LT_CYAN, LT_WHITE) = [ ("\033[1;%dm" % (30 + i)) for i in range(8)] (DK_BLACK, DK_RED, DK_GREEN, DK_YELLOW, DK_BLUE, DK_MAGENTA, DK_CYAN, DK_WHITE) = [ ("\033[2;%dm" % (30 + i)) for i in range(8)] NO_COLOR = "\033[0m" COLORS = { 'W': LT_YELLOW, 'I': "", 'D': LT_BLUE, 'C': LT_RED, 'E': LT_RED } class OutputWriter(object): """Class for dealing with the output from the teensy.""" def __init__(self): self.buffered_output = "" self.column = 0 self.colored = False def write(self, string): """Writes characters to output. Lines will be delimited by newline characters. This routine breaks the output into lines and writes each line individually, colorizing as appropriate. """ if len(self.buffered_output) > 0: string = self.buffered_output + string self.buffered_output = "" while True: nl_index = string.find('\n') if self.column == 0 and nl_index < 0 and len(string) < 2: self.buffered_output = string return if nl_index < 0: line_string = string else: line_string = string[0:nl_index + 1] prefix = "" suffix = "" if (self.column == 0 and len(string) >= 2 and string[1] == ':' and string[0] in COLORS): prefix = COLORS[string[0]] self.colored = True if nl_index >= 0 and self.colored: suffix = NO_COLOR sys.stdout.write(prefix + line_string + suffix) sys.stdout.flush() self.column += len(line_string) if nl_index < 0: return string = string[nl_index + 1:] self.column = 0 def is_teensy(device, serial_num=None): """Checks device to see if its a teensy device. If serial is provided, then it will further check to see if the serial number of the teensy device also matches. """ if 'ID_VENDOR' not in device: return False if not device['ID_VENDOR'].startswith('Teensy'): return False if serial_num is None: return True return device['ID_SERIAL_SHORT'] == serial_num def teensy_mon(monitor, device): """Monitors the serial port from a given teensy device. This function open the USDB serial port associated with device, and will read characters from it and send to stdout. It will also read characters from stdin and send them to the device. This function returns when the teensy deivce disconnects (or is disconnected). """ port_name = device.device_node serial_num = device['ID_SERIAL_SHORT'] print 'Teensy device connected @%s (serial %s)\r' % (port_name, serial_num) epoll = select.epoll() epoll.register(monitor.fileno(), select.POLLIN) output = OutputWriter() try: serial_port = serial.Serial(port=port_name, timeout=0.001, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False) except serial.serialutil.SerialException: print "Unable to open port '%s'" % port_name return serial_fd = serial_port.fileno() tty.setraw(serial_fd) new_settings = termios.tcgetattr(serial_fd) new_settings[6][termios.VTIME] = 0 new_settings[6][termios.VMIN] = 1 termios.tcsetattr(serial_fd, termios.TCSANOW, new_settings) epoll.register(serial_port.fileno(), select.POLLIN) epoll.register(sys.stdin.fileno(), select.POLLIN) while True: events = epoll.poll() for fileno, _ in events: if fileno == monitor.fileno(): dev = monitor.poll() if (dev.device_node != port_name or dev.action != 'remove'): continue print 'Teensy device @', port_name, ' disconnected.\r' print serial_port.close() return if fileno == serial_port.fileno(): try: data = except serial.serialutil.SerialException: print 'Teensy device @', port_name, ' disconnected.\r' print serial_port.close() return #for x in data: # print "Serial.Read '%c' 0x%02x" % (x, ord(x)) # For now, we'll not support color, and let the target do it. # That also means that we work better if the target is doing # something like readline #output.write(data) sys.stdout.write(data) sys.stdout.flush() if fileno == sys.stdin.fileno(): data = #for x in data: # print "stdin.Read '%c' 0x%02x" % (x, ord(x)) if data[0] == chr(3): raise KeyboardInterrupt if data[0] == '\n': serial_port.write('\r') else: serial_port.write(data) def main(): """The main program.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="teensy_mon", usage="%(prog)s [options] [command]", description="Monitor serial output from teensy devices", epilog="Press Control-C to quit" ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--list", dest="list", action="store_true", help="List Teensy devices currently connected" ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--serial", dest="serial", help="Connect to Teeny device with a given serial number" ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="Turn on verbose messages", default=False ) args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if args.verbose: print 'pyudev version =', pyudev.__version__ context = pyudev.Context() context.log_priority = syslog.LOG_NOTICE if args.list: detected = False for device in context.list_devices(subsystem='tty'): if is_teensy(device): print 'Teensy device serial %-5s found @%s' % ( device['ID_SERIAL_SHORT'], device.device_node) detected = True if not detected: print 'No Teensy devices detected.' return stdin_fd = sys.stdin.fileno() old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(stdin_fd) try: # Make some changes to stdin. We want to turn off canonical # processing (so that ^H gets sent to the teensy), turn off echo, # and make it unbuffered. tty.setraw(stdin_fd) new_settings = termios.tcgetattr(stdin_fd) new_settings[3] &= ~(termios.ICANON | termios.ECHO) new_settings[6][termios.VTIME] = 0 new_settings[6][termios.VMIN] = 1 termios.tcsetattr(stdin_fd, termios.TCSANOW, new_settings) monitor = pyudev.Monitor.from_netlink(context) monitor.start() monitor.filter_by('tty') # Check to see if the teensy device is already present. for device in context.list_devices(subsystem='tty'): if is_teensy(device, args.serial): teensy_mon(monitor, device) # Otherwise wait for the teensy device to connect while True: if args.serial: print 'Waiting for Teensy with serial %s ...' % args.serial else: print 'Waiting for Teensy...' for device in iter(monitor.poll, None): if device.action != 'add': continue if is_teensy(device, args.serial): teensy_mon(monitor, device) except KeyboardInterrupt: print '\r\n' except Exception: traceback.print_exc() # Restore stdin back to its old settings termios.tcsetattr(stdin_fd, termios.TCSANOW, old_settings) main()
# Copyright 2019 Fortinet, Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. # Make coding more python3-ish from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import os import json import pytest from mock import ANY from import FortiOSHandler try: from import fortios_spamfilter_options except ImportError: pytest.skip("Could not load required modules for testing", allow_module_level=True) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def connection_mock(mocker): connection_class_mock = mocker.patch('') return connection_class_mock fos_instance = FortiOSHandler(connection_mock) def test_spamfilter_options_creation(mocker): schema_method_mock = mocker.patch('') set_method_result = {'status': 'success', 'http_method': 'POST', 'http_status': 200} set_method_mock = mocker.patch('', return_value=set_method_result) input_data = { 'username': 'admin', 'state': 'present', 'spamfilter_options': { 'dns_timeout': '3' }, 'vdom': 'root'} is_error, changed, response = fortios_spamfilter_options.fortios_spamfilter(input_data, fos_instance) expected_data = { 'dns-timeout': '3' } set_method_mock.assert_called_with('spamfilter', 'options', data=expected_data, vdom='root') schema_method_mock.assert_not_called() assert not is_error assert changed assert response['status'] == 'success' assert response['http_status'] == 200 def test_spamfilter_options_creation_fails(mocker): schema_method_mock = mocker.patch('') set_method_result = {'status': 'error', 'http_method': 'POST', 'http_status': 500} set_method_mock = mocker.patch('', return_value=set_method_result) input_data = { 'username': 'admin', 'state': 'present', 'spamfilter_options': { 'dns_timeout': '3' }, 'vdom': 'root'} is_error, changed, response = fortios_spamfilter_options.fortios_spamfilter(input_data, fos_instance) expected_data = { 'dns-timeout': '3' } set_method_mock.assert_called_with('spamfilter', 'options', data=expected_data, vdom='root') schema_method_mock.assert_not_called() assert is_error assert not changed assert response['status'] == 'error' assert response['http_status'] == 500 def test_spamfilter_options_idempotent(mocker): schema_method_mock = mocker.patch('') set_method_result = {'status': 'error', 'http_method': 'DELETE', 'http_status': 404} set_method_mock = mocker.patch('', return_value=set_method_result) input_data = { 'username': 'admin', 'state': 'present', 'spamfilter_options': { 'dns_timeout': '3' }, 'vdom': 'root'} is_error, changed, response = fortios_spamfilter_options.fortios_spamfilter(input_data, fos_instance) expected_data = { 'dns-timeout': '3' } set_method_mock.assert_called_with('spamfilter', 'options', data=expected_data, vdom='root') schema_method_mock.assert_not_called() assert not is_error assert not changed assert response['status'] == 'error' assert response['http_status'] == 404 def test_spamfilter_options_filter_foreign_attributes(mocker): schema_method_mock = mocker.patch('') set_method_result = {'status': 'success', 'http_method': 'POST', 'http_status': 200} set_method_mock = mocker.patch('', return_value=set_method_result) input_data = { 'username': 'admin', 'state': 'present', 'spamfilter_options': { 'random_attribute_not_valid': 'tag', 'dns_timeout': '3' }, 'vdom': 'root'} is_error, changed, response = fortios_spamfilter_options.fortios_spamfilter(input_data, fos_instance) expected_data = { 'dns-timeout': '3' } set_method_mock.assert_called_with('spamfilter', 'options', data=expected_data, vdom='root') schema_method_mock.assert_not_called() assert not is_error assert changed assert response['status'] == 'success' assert response['http_status'] == 200
# Global Forest Watch API # Copyright (C) 2013 World Resource Institute # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """This module supports pubsub.""" import logging import copy import json from appengine_config import runtime_config from google.appengine.ext import ndb from google.appengine.api import users from google.appengine.api import taskqueue from gfw.user.gfw_user import GFWUser from gfw.models.topic import Topic from gfw.mailers.subscription_confirmation import SubscriptionConfirmationMailer class Subscription(ndb.Model): name = ndb.StringProperty() topic = ndb.StringProperty() email = ndb.StringProperty() url = ndb.StringProperty() user_id = ndb.KeyProperty() pa = ndb.StringProperty() use = ndb.StringProperty() useid = ndb.IntegerProperty() iso = ndb.StringProperty() id1 = ndb.StringProperty() ifl = ndb.StringProperty() fl_id1 = ndb.StringProperty() wdpaid = ndb.IntegerProperty() has_geom = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False) confirmed = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False) geom = ndb.JsonProperty() params = ndb.JsonProperty() updates = ndb.JsonProperty() created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) new = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=True) geostore = ndb.StringProperty() language = ndb.StringProperty(choices=['EN', 'ES', 'FR', 'ID', 'PT', 'ZH'], default='EN') overview_image = ndb.BlobProperty() kind = 'Subscription' @classmethod def create(cls, params, user=None): """Create subscription if email and, iso or geom is present""" subscription = Subscription() subscription.populate(**params) subscription.params = params subscription.has_geom = bool(params.get('geom')) user_id = user.key if user is not None else ndb.Key('User', None) subscription.user_id = user_id subscription.put() return subscription @classmethod def subscribe(cls, params, user): subscription = Subscription.create(params, user) if subscription: subscription.send_confirmation_email() return subscription else: return False @classmethod def confirm_by_id(cls, id): subscription = cls.get_by_id(int(id)) if subscription: return subscription.confirm() else: return False def send_confirmation_email(self): taskqueue.add(url='/v2/subscriptions/tasks/confirmation', queue_name='pubsub-confirmation', params=dict(subscription=self.key.urlsafe())) def to_dict(self): result = super(Subscription,self).to_dict() result['key'] = result.pop('overview_image', None) return result def formatted_name(self): if (not or (len( == 0): return "Unnamed Subscription" else: return def confirm(self): self.confirmed = True return self.put() def unconfirm(self): self.confirmed = False self.send_confirmation_email() return self.put() def unsubscribe(self): return self.key.delete() def run_analysis(self, begin, end): params = copy.copy(self.params) params['begin'] = begin params['end'] = end if 'geom' in params: geom = params['geom'] if 'geometry' in geom: geom = geom['geometry'] params['geojson'] = json.dumps(geom) topic = Topic.get_by_id(self.topic) return topic.execute(params)
#!/usr/bin/python # Package imports import requests import csv # Stock information symbol = input('Enter a stock symbol: ').upper() stock = dict( [ ( 'name' , 'Excellent Co.' ), ( 'symbol' , symbol ), ( 'phone' , '800-YOU-GAIN' ), ( 'currentPrice' , '150' ), ( 'yearHigh' , '12' ), ( 'yearLow' , '5' ), ( 'marketCap' , '$100 Million' ), ( 'dayDollarVolume' , '$1 Million' ), ( 'sales' , '$50 Million' ), ( 'netProfitMargin' , '25%' ), ( 'cash' , '$10 Million' ), ( 'totalDebt' , '$2.5 Million' ), ( 'salesPerShare' , '$15' ), ( 'cashFloatingPerShare' , '$0.45' ), ( 'earningsPerShare' , '$4' ), ( 'dividendYield' , 'N/A' ), ( 'returnOnEquity' , '20%' ), ( 'insiderBuy' , '10' ), ( 'insiderOwn' , '30%' ), ( 'stockBuyback' , 'Yes' ), ( 'epsRank' , '95' ), ( 'rpsRank' , '95' ), ( '5yrSales' , '20%' ), ( '5yrPrice' , '900%' ), ( 'projSales' , '25%' ), ( 'projHi' , '100' ), ( 'projLow' , '60' ), ( 'time' , '1' ), ( 'safety' , '2' ), ( 'stars' , '5' ), ( 'fairValue' , '5' ), ( 'currentPE' , '2.5' ), ( 'averagePE' , '5' ), ( 'ps' , '0.67' ), ( 'pb' , '0.5' ), ( 'currentRatio' , '10' ), ( 'quickRatio' , '2' ), ( 'smaMacdRsi' , 'strongUp' ) ] ) ''' # Search the website for the quote and grab the information # This gives me of the statistics that we need for the # table but not everything. May need to explore multiple sites. r = requests.get( '' + symbol ) print( r.text ) ''' # Output the statistics to a CSV formatted file with open('worksheet.csv','w',newline='') as csvfile: writer = csv.writer( csvfile, delimiter=' ', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL ) writer.writerow( [ 'Company Name, Symbol, and Phone', 'Current Price', '52 wk Hi/Lo', 'Market Cap', 'Day Dollar Volume', 'Sales', 'Net Profit Margin', 'Cash', 'Total Debt', 'Sales / Share', 'Cash Flow / Share', 'Earnings / Share', 'Dividend Yield', 'ROE', 'Insider Buy/Own', 'Stock Buyback', 'EPS Rank', 'RPS Rank', '5 yr Sales', '5 yr Price', 'Proj Sales', 'Proj Hi/Lo', 'Time Safe', 'STARS Fair Val', 'Current P/E', 'Average P/E', 'P/S', 'P/B', 'Current Ratio', 'Quick Ratio', 'SMA MACD RSI' ] ) writer.writerow( [ str( stock['name'] + ', ' + stock['symbol'] + ', ' + stock['phone'] ), str( stock['currentPrice'] ), str( stock['yearHigh'] + '/' + stock['yearLow'] ), str( stock['marketCap'] ), str( stock['dayDollarVolume'] ), str( stock['sales'] ), str( stock['netProfitMargin'] ), str( stock['cash'] ), str( stock['totalDebt'] ), str( stock['salesPerShare'] ), str( stock['cashFloatingPerShare'] ), str( stock['earningsPerShare'] ), str( stock['dividendYield'] ), str( stock['returnOnEquity'] ), str( stock['insiderBuy'] + '/' + stock['insiderOwn'] ), str( stock['stockBuyback'] ), str( stock['epsRank'] ), str( stock['rpsRank'] ), str( stock['5yrSales'] ), str( stock['5yrPrice'] ), str( stock['projSales'] ), str( stock['projHi'] + '/' + stock['projLow'] ), str( stock['time'] + '/' + stock['safety'] ), str( stock['stars'] + '/' + stock['fairValue'] ), str( stock['currentPE'] ), str( stock['averagePE'] ), str( stock['ps'] ), str( stock['pb'] ), str( stock['currentRatio'] ), str( stock['quickRatio'] ), str( stock['smaMacdRsi'] ) ] )
#coding:utf-8 import codecs class SpiderDataOutput(object): def __init__(self): self.filepath='kuwo.html' self.output_head(self.filepath) def output_head(self,path): ''' 将HTML头写进去 :return: ''','w',encoding='utf-8') fout.write("<html>") fout.write("<body>") fout.write("<table>") fout.close() def output_html(self,path,datas): ''' 将数据写入HTML文件中 :param path: 文件路径 :return: ''' if datas==None: return,'a',encoding='utf-8') for data in datas: fout.write("<tr>") fout.write("<td>%s</td>"%data['file_id']) fout.write("<td>%s</td>"%data['name']) fout.write("<td>%s</td>"%data['file_path']) fout.write("</tr>") fout.close() def ouput_end(self,path): ''' 输出HTML结束 :param path: 文件存储路径 :return: ''','a',encoding='utf-8') fout.write("</table>") fout.write("</body>") fout.write("</html>") fout.close()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from unittest.mock import patch from odoo.tests.common import users from odoo.addons.test_mass_mailing.tests import common from odoo.addons.test_mass_mailing.models.mass_mail_test import MassMailTestBlacklist from odoo.exceptions import AccessError, UserError class TestBLMixin(common.MassMailingCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestBLMixin, cls).setUpClass() cls.env['mail.blacklist'].create([{ 'email': '', 'active': True, }, { 'email': '', 'active': False, }]) @users('emp') def test_bl_mixin_primary_field_consistency(self): MassMailTestBlacklist._primary_email = ['not_a_field'] with self.assertRaises(UserError): self.env[''].search([('is_blacklisted', '=', False)]) MassMailTestBlacklist._primary_email = 'not_a_list' with self.assertRaises(UserError): self.env[''].search([('is_blacklisted', '=', False)]) MassMailTestBlacklist._primary_email = 'email_from' with self.assertRaises(UserError): self.env[''].search([('is_blacklisted', '=', False)]) MassMailTestBlacklist._primary_email = ['email_from', 'name'] with self.assertRaises(UserError): self.env[''].search([('is_blacklisted', '=', False)]) MassMailTestBlacklist._primary_email = ['email_from'] self.env[''].search([('is_blacklisted', '=', False)]) @users('emp') def test_bl_mixin_is_blacklisted(self): """ Test is_blacklisted field computation """ record = self.env[''].create({'email_from': ''}) self.assertTrue(record.is_blacklisted) record = self.env[''].create({'email_from': ''}) self.assertFalse(record.is_blacklisted) @users('emp') def test_bl_mixin_search_blacklisted(self): """ Test is_blacklisted field search implementation """ record1 = self.env[''].create({'email_from': ''}) record2 = self.env[''].create({'email_from': ''}) search_res = self.env[''].search([('is_blacklisted', '=', False)]) self.assertEqual(search_res, record2) search_res = self.env[''].search([('is_blacklisted', '!=', True)]) self.assertEqual(search_res, record2) search_res = self.env[''].search([('is_blacklisted', '=', True)]) self.assertEqual(search_res, record1) search_res = self.env[''].search([('is_blacklisted', '!=', False)]) self.assertEqual(search_res, record1) @users('emp') def test_bl_mixin_search_blacklisted_format(self): """ Test is_blacklisted field search using email parsing """ record1 = self.env[''].create({'email_from': 'Arya Stark <>'}) self.assertTrue(record1.is_blacklisted) search_res = self.env[''].search([('is_blacklisted', '=', True)]) self.assertEqual(search_res, record1)
from __future__ import print_function import sys sys.path.append('/usr/lib/freecad/lib') print(sys.path) import FreeCAD# as App import ImportGui import FreeCADGui# as Gui import os import Draft#,Sketch,Part # lets assume for now that we have all the information in a filename # lets also assume that they are only full ball arrays no missing ball in the center) # all distances in mm # FIXME doesnt handle different x and y pitch # FIXME size of balls # NOTE incomplete bsall matrices not handled # one should remove them by hand because impossible to handle all the fishy cases automatically MMTOMIL = 0.3937 directory = sys.argv[2]; name = sys.argv[3]; pitch = float(sys.argv[4]) nBallx = int(sys.argv[5]); nBally = int(sys.argv[6]) length = float(sys.argv[7]); width = float(sys.argv[8]) height = float(sys.argv[9]); ballradius = pitch/4. # go in sketch mode Gui.activateWorkbench("SketcherWorkbench") # create doc App.newDocument() App.setActiveDocument("Unnamed") App.ActiveDocument=App.getDocument("Unnamed") Gui.ActiveDocument=Gui.getDocument("Unnamed") print("document created") # create sketch App.activeDocument().addObject('Sketcher::SketchObject','Sketch') print("sketch added") App.activeDocument().Sketch.Placement = App.Placement(App.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0),App.Rotation(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)) Gui.activeDocument().setEdit('Sketch') print("edit sketch") # trace rectangle App.ActiveDocument.Sketch.addGeometry(Part.Line(App.Vector(width/2.0,-length/2.0,0),App.Vector(-width/2.0,-length/2.0,0))) App.ActiveDocument.Sketch.addGeometry(Part.Line(App.Vector(-width/2.0,-length/2.0,0),App.Vector(-width/2.0,length/2.0,0))) App.ActiveDocument.Sketch.addGeometry(Part.Line(App.Vector(-width/2.0,length/2.0,0),App.Vector(width/2.0,length/2.0,0))) App.ActiveDocument.Sketch.addGeometry(Part.Line(App.Vector(width/2.0,length/2.0,0),App.Vector(width/2.0,-length/2.0,0))) print("place lines") # add circular cutout App.ActiveDocument.Sketch.addGeometry(Part.Circle(App.Vector(-width/2.0+1,length/2.0-1,0),App.Vector(0,0,1),0.5)) App.ActiveDocument.recompute() Gui.getDocument('Unnamed').resetEdit() App.getDocument('Unnamed').recompute() # create pad from sketch Gui.activateWorkbench("PartDesignWorkbench") App.activeDocument().addObject("PartDesign::Pad","Pad") App.activeDocument().Pad.Sketch = App.activeDocument().Sketch App.activeDocument().Pad.Length = height App.ActiveDocument.recompute() Gui.activeDocument().hide("Sketch") # change pad color to black Gui.getDocument("Unnamed").getObject("Pad").ShapeColor = (0.00,0.00,0.00) Gui.getDocument("Unnamed").getObject("Pad").Visibility=False #Hide pad # Add Cylinder Gui.activateWorkbench("PartWorkbench") App.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Cylinder","Cylinder") FreeCAD.getDocument("Unnamed").getObject("Cylinder").Radius = 0.5 FreeCAD.getDocument("Unnamed").getObject("Cylinder").Height = height FreeCAD.getDocument("Unnamed").getObject("Cylinder").Placement = App.Placement(App.Vector(-width/2.0+1,length/2.0-1,ballradius),App.Rotation(0,0,0,1)) App.ActiveDocument.recompute() # Ball creation App.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Sphere","Sphere") App.ActiveDocument.recompute() FreeCAD.getDocument("Unnamed").getObject("Sphere").Radius = ballradius App.ActiveDocument.recompute() # Ball Array creation Gui.activateWorkbench("ArchWorkbench") Draft.array(App.getDocument("Unnamed").getObject("Sphere"),App.Vector(pitch,0,0),App.Vector(0,pitch,0),nBallx,nBally) ## Merge all the spheres into a single object Gui.activateWorkbench("PartWorkbench") shapesToFuse=[] for obj in FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Objects: if obj.Name.find("Sphere") != -1: Gui.Selection.addSelection(obj) shapesToFuse.append(obj) App.activeDocument().addObject("Part::MultiFuse","Fusion") App.activeDocument().Fusion.Shapes = shapesToFuse App.ActiveDocument.recompute() fuse = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject("Fusion") fuse.Placement = App.Placement(App.Vector(-(nBallx-1)*pitch/2.0,-(nBally-1)*pitch/2.0,ballradius),App.Rotation(0,0,0,1)) App.ActiveDocument.getObject("Pad").Placement = App.Placement(App.Vector(0,0,ballradius),App.Rotation(0,0,0,1)) Gui.ActiveDocument.getObject("Pad").Visibility=True Gui.SendMsgToActiveView("ViewFit") Gui.activeDocument().activeView().viewBottom() ## Export as a step model exp_objects = [] for obj in FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Objects: # select all but indivudial Spheres and Sketch if (obj.Name.find("Sphere") == -1) and (obj.Name.find("Sketch") == -1): Gui.Selection.addSelection(obj) exp_objects.append(obj) else: FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.removeObject(obj.Name) App.activeDocument().addObject("Part::MultiFuse","Fusion2") App.activeDocument().Fusion2.Shapes = exp_objects App.ActiveDocument.recompute() for obj in exp_objects: FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.removeObject(obj.Name) exp_objects= [] exp_objects.append(FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject("Fusion2")) ImportGui.export(exp_objects,os.path.join(directory, name + '.step')) del exp_objects # Scale to mil before export to VRML for KiCAD use Draft.scale(FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject, FreeCAD.Vector(MMTOMIL,MMTOMIL,MMTOMIL)) FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.removeObject("Fusion2") ### Export as a VRML model exp_objects = [] exp_objects.append(FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject("Scale")) FreeCADGui.export(exp_objects,os.path.join(directory, name + '.wrl')) del exp_objects exit(1)
import jwt import warnings from calendar import timegm from datetime import datetime from rest_framework_jwt.compat import get_username, get_username_field from rest_framework_jwt.settings import api_settings def jwt_payload_handler(user): username_field = get_username_field() username = get_username(user) warnings.warn( 'The following fields will be removed in the future: ' '`email` and `user_id`. ', DeprecationWarning ) payload = { 'user_id':, 'email':, 'username': username, 'exp': datetime.utcnow() + api_settings.JWT_EXPIRATION_DELTA } payload[username_field] = username # Include original issued at time for a brand new token, # to allow token refresh if api_settings.JWT_ALLOW_REFRESH: payload['orig_iat'] = timegm( datetime.utcnow().utctimetuple() ) return payload def jwt_get_user_id_from_payload_handler(payload): """ Override this function if user_id is formatted differently in payload """ warnings.warn( 'The following will be removed in the future. ' 'Use `JWT_PAYLOAD_GET_USERNAME_HANDLER` instead.', DeprecationWarning ) return payload.get('user_id') def jwt_get_username_from_payload_handler(payload): """ Override this function if username is formatted differently in payload """ return payload.get('username') def jwt_encode_handler(payload): return jwt.encode( payload, api_settings.JWT_SECRET_KEY, api_settings.JWT_ALGORITHM ).decode('utf-8') def jwt_decode_handler(token): options = { 'verify_exp': api_settings.JWT_VERIFY_EXPIRATION, } return jwt.decode( token, api_settings.JWT_SECRET_KEY, api_settings.JWT_VERIFY, options=options, leeway=api_settings.JWT_LEEWAY, audience=api_settings.JWT_AUDIENCE, issuer=api_settings.JWT_ISSUER, algorithms=[api_settings.JWT_ALGORITHM] ) def jwt_response_payload_handler(token, user=None, request=None): """ Returns the response data for both the login and refresh views. Override to return a custom response such as including the serialized representation of the User. Example: def jwt_response_payload_handler(token, user=None, request=None): return { 'token': token, 'user': UserSerializer(user).data } """ return { 'token': token }
# Copyright 2018 The Cirq Developers # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import pytest import cirq import cirq.testing as ct import cirq.contrib.acquaintance as cca def test_remove_redundant_acquaintance_opportunities(): device = cca.UnconstrainedAcquaintanceDevice a, b, c, d, e = cirq.LineQubit.range(5) swap = cca.SwapPermutationGate() with pytest.raises(TypeError): ops = [cca.acquaint(a, b)] strategy = cirq.Circuit(ops) cca.remove_redundant_acquaintance_opportunities(strategy) ops = [cca.acquaint(a, b), cca.acquaint(a, b)] strategy = cirq.Circuit(ops, device=device) diagram_before = """ 0: ───█───█─── │ │ 1: ───█───█─── """ ct.assert_has_diagram(strategy, diagram_before) cca.remove_redundant_acquaintance_opportunities(strategy) cca.remove_redundant_acquaintance_opportunities(strategy) diagram_after = """ 0: ───█─────── │ 1: ───█─────── """ ct.assert_has_diagram(strategy, diagram_after) ops = [cca.acquaint(a, b), cca.acquaint(c, d), swap(d, e), swap(c, d), cca.acquaint(d, e)] strategy = cirq.Circuit(ops, device=device) diagram_before = """ 0: ───█─────────────────── │ 1: ───█─────────────────── 2: ───█─────────0↦1─────── │ │ 3: ───█───0↦1───1↦0───█─── │ │ 4: ───────1↦0─────────█─── """ ct.assert_has_diagram(strategy, diagram_before) cca.remove_redundant_acquaintance_opportunities(strategy) diagram_after = """ 0: ───█─────────────────── │ 1: ───█─────────────────── 2: ───█─────────0↦1─────── │ │ 3: ───█───0↦1───1↦0─────── │ 4: ───────1↦0───────────── """ ct.assert_has_diagram(strategy, diagram_after)
# mycroft-skill-obitcoin-enhanced # # A skill for MycroftAI that querys various bitcoin statistics. # # Adapted from a MycroftAI skill by Red5d # # Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 # (see LICENSE for more details from os.path import dirname, join from adapt.intent import IntentBuilder from mycroft.skills.core import MycroftSkill import requests __author__ = 'Red5d', 'chrison999' class BitcoinSkill(MycroftSkill): def __init__(self): super(BitcoinSkill, self).__init__(name="BitcoinSkill") def initialize(self): intent = IntentBuilder("BitcoinAvgIntent").require("BitcoinAvgKeyword") \ .optionally("Currency").build() self.register_intent(intent, self.handle_avg) intent = IntentBuilder("BitcoinHighIntent").require("BitcoinHighKeyword") \ .optionally("Currency").build() self.register_intent(intent, self.handle_high) intent = IntentBuilder("BitcoinLowIntent").require("BitcoinLowKeyword") \ .optionally("Currency").build() self.register_intent(intent, self.handle_low) intent = IntentBuilder("BitcoinLastIntent").require("BitcoinLastKeyword") \ .optionally("Currency").build() self.register_intent(intent, self.handle_last) intent = IntentBuilder("BitcoinVolIntent").require("BitcoinVolKeyword") \ .optionally("Currency").build() self.register_intent(intent, self.handle_volume) def handle_avg(self, message): currency = str("Currency")) # optional parameter if currency == 'None': currency = 'u s dollars' result = self.fiat_get(currency) price = requests.get("").json()[str(result)]['averages']['24h_avg'] self.speak("The 24 hour average bitcoin price is "+str(price)+" "+currency+".") def handle_high(self, message): currency = str("Currency")) # optional parameter if currency == 'None': currency = 'u s dollars' result = self.fiat_get(currency) price = requests.get("").json()[str(result)]['averages']['ask'] self.speak("The current asking price for bitcoin is "+str(price)+" "+currency+".") def handle_low(self, message): currency = str("Currency")) # optional parameter if currency == 'None': currency = 'u s dollars' result = self.fiat_get(currency) price = requests.get("").json()[str(result)]['averages']['bid'] self.speak("The current bid price for bitcoin is "+str(price)+" "+currency+".") def handle_last(self, message): currency = str("Currency")) # optional parameter if currency == 'None': currency = 'u s dollars' result = self.fiat_get(currency) price = requests.get("").json()[str(result)]['averages']['last'] self.speak("The current price for bitcoin is "+str(price)+" "+currency+".") def handle_volume(self, message): currency = str("Currency")) # optional parameter if currency == 'None': currency = 'u s dollars' result = self.fiat_get(currency) price = requests.get("").json()[str(result)]['averages']['total_vol'] self.speak("The 24 hour volume for "+currency+" bitcoin is "+str(price)+" btc.") def fiat_get(self, currency): if currency == 'None': currency = 'U S dollars' result = 'USD' return result else: choices = { 'reals': 'BRL', 'canadian dollars': 'CAD', 'euros': 'EUR', 'yuans': 'CNY', 'koruna': 'CZK', 'rupiahs': 'IDR', 'shekels': 'ILS', 'rupees': 'INR', 'yens': 'JPY', 'won': 'KRW', 'pesos': 'MXN', 'ringgit': 'MYR', 'nairas': 'NGN', 'zlotys': 'PLN', 'roubles': 'RUB', 'kronas': 'SEK', 'singapore dollars': 'SGD', 'lira': 'TRY', 'u s a dollars': 'USD', 'american dollars': 'USD', 'rands': 'ZAR', 'pounds': "GBP"} result = choices.get(str(currency), 'USD') return result def stop(self): pass def create_skill(): return BitcoinSkill()
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client # Copyright (C) 2012 thomasv@gitorious # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import os import signal import sys import traceback import threading from typing import Optional try: import PyQt5 except Exception: sys.exit("Error: Could not import PyQt5 on Linux systems, you may try 'sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5'") from PyQt5.QtGui import QGuiApplication from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QSystemTrayIcon, QWidget, QMenu, QMessageBox) from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtSignal, QTimer import PyQt5.QtCore as QtCore from electrum.i18n import _, set_language from electrum.plugin import run_hook from electrum.base_wizard import GoBack from electrum.util import (UserCancelled, profiler, WalletFileException, BitcoinException, get_new_wallet_name) from electrum.wallet import Wallet, Abstract_Wallet from electrum.logging import Logger from .installwizard import InstallWizard, WalletAlreadyOpenInMemory from .util import get_default_language, read_QIcon, ColorScheme, custom_message_box from .main_window import ElectrumWindow from .network_dialog import NetworkDialog from .stylesheet_patcher import patch_qt_stylesheet class OpenFileEventFilter(QObject): def __init__(self, windows): = windows super(OpenFileEventFilter, self).__init__() def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.FileOpen: if len( >= 1:[0].pay_to_URI(event.url().toEncoded()) return True return False class QElectrumApplication(QApplication): new_window_signal = pyqtSignal(str, object) class QNetworkUpdatedSignalObject(QObject): network_updated_signal = pyqtSignal(str, object) class ElectrumGui(Logger): @profiler def __init__(self, config, daemon, plugins): set_language(config.get('language', get_default_language())) Logger.__init__(self) # Uncomment this call to verify objects are being properly # GC-ed when windows are closed #network.add_jobs([DebugMem([Abstract_Wallet, SPV, Synchronizer, # ElectrumWindow], interval=5)]) QtCore.QCoreApplication.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.AA_X11InitThreads) if hasattr(QtCore.Qt, "AA_ShareOpenGLContexts"): QtCore.QCoreApplication.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.AA_ShareOpenGLContexts) if hasattr(QGuiApplication, 'setDesktopFileName'): QGuiApplication.setDesktopFileName('electrum.desktop') self.gui_thread = threading.current_thread() self.config = config self.daemon = daemon self.plugins = plugins = [] self.efilter = OpenFileEventFilter( = QElectrumApplication(sys.argv)"electrum.png")) # timer self.timer = QTimer( self.timer.setSingleShot(False) self.timer.setInterval(500) # msec self.nd = None self.network_updated_signal_obj = QNetworkUpdatedSignalObject() self._num_wizards_in_progress = 0 self._num_wizards_lock = threading.Lock() # init tray self.dark_icon = self.config.get("dark_icon", False) self.tray = QSystemTrayIcon(self.tray_icon(), None) self.tray.setToolTip('Electrum') self.tray.activated.connect(self.tray_activated) self.build_tray_menu() self.set_dark_theme_if_needed() run_hook('init_qt', self) def set_dark_theme_if_needed(self): use_dark_theme = self.config.get('qt_gui_color_theme', 'default') == 'dark' if use_dark_theme: try: import qdarkstyle except BaseException as e: use_dark_theme = False self.logger.warning(f'Error setting dark theme: {repr(e)}') # Apply any necessary stylesheet patches patch_qt_stylesheet(use_dark_theme=use_dark_theme) # Even if we ourselves don't set the dark theme, # the OS/window manager/etc might set *a dark theme*. # Hence, try to choose colors accordingly: ColorScheme.update_from_widget(QWidget(), force_dark=use_dark_theme) def build_tray_menu(self): # Avoid immediate GC of old menu when window closed via its action if self.tray.contextMenu() is None: m = QMenu() self.tray.setContextMenu(m) else: m = self.tray.contextMenu() m.clear() for window in submenu = m.addMenu(window.wallet.basename()) submenu.addAction(_("Show/Hide"), window.show_or_hide) submenu.addAction(_("Close"), window.close) m.addAction(_("Dark/Light"), self.toggle_tray_icon) m.addSeparator() m.addAction(_("Exit Electrum"), self.close) def tray_icon(self): if self.dark_icon: return read_QIcon('electrum_dark_icon.png') else: return read_QIcon('electrum_light_icon.png') def toggle_tray_icon(self): self.dark_icon = not self.dark_icon self.config.set_key("dark_icon", self.dark_icon, True) self.tray.setIcon(self.tray_icon()) def tray_activated(self, reason): if reason == QSystemTrayIcon.DoubleClick: if all([w.is_hidden() for w in]): for w in w.bring_to_top() else: for w in w.hide() def close(self): for window in window.close() def new_window(self, path, uri=None): # Use a signal as can be called from daemon thread, uri) def show_network_dialog(self, parent): if not parent.show_warning(_('You are using Electrum in offline mode; restart Electrum if you want to get connected'), title=_('Offline')) return if self.nd: self.nd.on_update() self.nd.raise_() return self.nd = NetworkDialog(, self.config, self.network_updated_signal_obj) def _create_window_for_wallet(self, wallet): w = ElectrumWindow(self, wallet) self.build_tray_menu() # FIXME: Remove in favour of the load_wallet hook run_hook('on_new_window', w) w.warn_if_testnet() w.warn_if_watching_only() return w def count_wizards_in_progress(func): def wrapper(self: 'ElectrumGui', *args, **kwargs): with self._num_wizards_lock: self._num_wizards_in_progress += 1 try: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) finally: with self._num_wizards_lock: self._num_wizards_in_progress -= 1 return wrapper @count_wizards_in_progress def start_new_window(self, path, uri, *, app_is_starting=False): '''Raises the window for the wallet if it is open. Otherwise opens the wallet and creates a new window for it''' wallet = None try: wallet = self.daemon.load_wallet(path, None) except BaseException as e: self.logger.exception('') custom_message_box(icon=QMessageBox.Warning, parent=None, title=_('Error'), text=_('Cannot load wallet') + ' (1):\n' + str(e)) # if app is starting, still let wizard to appear if not app_is_starting: return if not wallet: try: wallet = self._start_wizard_to_select_or_create_wallet(path) except (WalletFileException, BitcoinException) as e: self.logger.exception('') custom_message_box(icon=QMessageBox.Warning, parent=None, title=_('Error'), text=_('Cannot load wallet') + ' (2):\n' + str(e)) if not wallet: return # create or raise window try: for window in if == break else: window = self._create_window_for_wallet(wallet) except BaseException as e: self.logger.exception('') custom_message_box(icon=QMessageBox.Warning, parent=None, title=_('Error'), text=_('Cannot create window for wallet') + ':\n' + str(e)) if app_is_starting: wallet_dir = os.path.dirname(path) path = os.path.join(wallet_dir, get_new_wallet_name(wallet_dir)) self.start_new_window(path, uri) return if uri: window.pay_to_URI(uri) window.bring_to_top() window.setWindowState(window.windowState() & ~QtCore.Qt.WindowMinimized | QtCore.Qt.WindowActive) window.activateWindow() return window def _start_wizard_to_select_or_create_wallet(self, path) -> Optional[Abstract_Wallet]: wizard = InstallWizard(self.config,, self.plugins) try: path, storage = wizard.select_storage(path, self.daemon.get_wallet) # storage is None if file does not exist if storage is None: wizard.path = path # needed by trustedcoin plugin'new') storage = wizard.create_storage(path) else: wizard.run_upgrades(storage) except (UserCancelled, GoBack): return except WalletAlreadyOpenInMemory as e: return e.wallet finally: wizard.terminate() # return if wallet creation is not complete if storage is None or storage.get_action(): return wallet = Wallet(storage) wallet.start_network( self.daemon.add_wallet(wallet) return wallet def close_window(self, window: ElectrumWindow): if window in self.build_tray_menu() # save wallet path of last open window if not self.config.save_last_wallet(window.wallet) run_hook('on_close_window', window) self.daemon.stop_wallet( def init_network(self): # Show network dialog if config does not exist if if self.config.get('auto_connect') is None: wizard = InstallWizard(self.config,, self.plugins) wizard.init_network( wizard.terminate() def main(self): try: self.init_network() except UserCancelled: return except GoBack: return except BaseException as e: self.logger.exception('') return self.timer.start() self.config.open_last_wallet() path = self.config.get_wallet_path() if not self.start_new_window(path, self.config.get('url'), app_is_starting=True): return signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda *args: def quit_after_last_window(): # keep daemon running after close if self.config.get('daemon'): return # check if a wizard is in progress with self._num_wizards_lock: if self._num_wizards_in_progress > 0 or len( > 0: return # so _we_ can decide whether to quit def clean_up(): # Shut down the timer cleanly self.timer.stop() # clipboard persistence. see event = QtCore.QEvent(QtCore.QEvent.Clipboard), event) self.tray.hide() # main loop # on some platforms the exec_ call may not return, so use clean_up() def stop(self):'closing GUI')
# Author: Nic Wolfe <> # URL: # # This file is part of Sick Beard. # # Sick Beard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Sick Beard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Sick Beard. If not, see <>. import datetime import sickbeard import generic from sickbeard.common import * from sickbeard import logger, exceptions, helpers from sickbeard import encodingKludge as ek from lib.tvdb_api import tvdb_api, tvdb_exceptions import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree class XBMCMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata): def __init__(self): generic.GenericMetadata.__init__(self) = 'XBMC' def _show_data(self, show_obj): """ Creates an elementTree XML structure for an XBMC-style tvshow.nfo and returns the resulting data object. show_obj: a TVShow instance to create the NFO for """ show_ID = show_obj.tvdbid t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(actors=True, **sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS) tv_node = etree.Element("tvshow") for ns in XML_NSMAP.keys(): tv_node.set(ns, XML_NSMAP[ns]) try: myShow = t[int(show_ID)] except tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_shownotfound: logger.log(u"Unable to find show with id " + str(show_ID) + " on tvdb, skipping it", logger.ERROR) raise except tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_error: logger.log(u"TVDB is down, can't use its data to add this show", logger.ERROR) raise # check for title and id try: if myShow["seriesname"] == None or myShow["seriesname"] == "" or myShow["id"] == None or myShow["id"] == "": logger.log(u"Incomplete info for show with id " + str(show_ID) + " on tvdb, skipping it", logger.ERROR) return False except tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_attributenotfound: logger.log(u"Incomplete info for show with id " + str(show_ID) + " on tvdb, skipping it", logger.ERROR) return False title = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "title") if myShow["seriesname"] != None: title.text = myShow["seriesname"] rating = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "rating") if myShow["rating"] != None: rating.text = myShow["rating"] plot = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "plot") if myShow["overview"] != None: plot.text = myShow["overview"] episodeguide = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "episodeguide") episodeguideurl = etree.SubElement( episodeguide, "url") episodeguideurl2 = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "episodeguideurl") if myShow["id"] != None: showurl = sickbeard.TVDB_BASE_URL + '/series/' + myShow["id"] + '/all/' episodeguideurl.text = showurl episodeguideurl2.text = showurl mpaa = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "mpaa") if myShow["contentrating"] != None: mpaa.text = myShow["contentrating"] tvdbid = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "tvdbid") if myShow["id"] != None: tvdbid.text = myShow["id"] genre = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "genre") if myShow["genre"] != None: genre.text = " / ".join([x for x in myShow["genre"].split('|') if x]) premiered = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "premiered") if myShow["firstaired"] != None: premiered.text = myShow["firstaired"] studio = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "studio") if myShow["network"] != None: studio.text = myShow["network"] for actor in myShow['_actors']: cur_actor = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "actor") cur_actor_name = etree.SubElement( cur_actor, "name") cur_actor_name.text = actor['name'] cur_actor_role = etree.SubElement( cur_actor, "role") cur_actor_role_text = actor['role'] if cur_actor_role_text != None: cur_actor_role.text = cur_actor_role_text cur_actor_thumb = etree.SubElement( cur_actor, "thumb") cur_actor_thumb_text = actor['image'] if cur_actor_thumb_text != None: cur_actor_thumb.text = cur_actor_thumb_text # Make it purdy helpers.indentXML(tv_node) data = etree.ElementTree(tv_node) return data def _ep_data(self, ep_obj): """ Creates an elementTree XML structure for an XBMC-style episode.nfo and returns the resulting data object. show_obj: a TVEpisode instance to create the NFO for """ eps_to_write = [ep_obj] + ep_obj.relatedEps try: t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(actors=True, **sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS) myShow = t[] except tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_shownotfound, e: raise exceptions.ShowNotFoundException(str(e)) except tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_error, e: logger.log(u"Unable to connect to TVDB while creating meta files - skipping - "+str(e).decode('utf-8'), logger.ERROR) return if len(eps_to_write) > 1: rootNode = etree.Element( "xbmcmultiepisode" ) else: rootNode = etree.Element( "episodedetails" ) # Set our namespace correctly for ns in XML_NSMAP.keys(): rootNode.set(ns, XML_NSMAP[ns]) # write an NFO containing info for all matching episodes for curEpToWrite in eps_to_write: try: myEp = myShow[curEpToWrite.season][curEpToWrite.episode] except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_episodenotfound, tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_seasonnotfound): logger.log(u"Unable to find episode " + str(curEpToWrite.season) + "x" + str(curEpToWrite.episode) + " on tvdb... has it been removed? Should I delete from db?") return None if myEp["firstaired"] == None and ep_obj.season == 0: myEp["firstaired"] = str( if myEp["episodename"] == None or myEp["firstaired"] == None: return None logger.log(u"Creating metadata for episode "+str(ep_obj.season)+"x"+str(ep_obj.episode), logger.DEBUG) if len(eps_to_write) > 1: episode = etree.SubElement( rootNode, "episodedetails" ) else: episode = rootNode title = etree.SubElement( episode, "title" ) if != None: title.text = season = etree.SubElement( episode, "season" ) season.text = str(curEpToWrite.season) episodenum = etree.SubElement( episode, "episode" ) episodenum.text = str(curEpToWrite.episode) aired = etree.SubElement( episode, "aired" ) if curEpToWrite.airdate != aired.text = str(curEpToWrite.airdate) else: aired.text = '' plot = etree.SubElement( episode, "plot" ) if curEpToWrite.description != None: plot.text = curEpToWrite.description displayseason = etree.SubElement( episode, "displayseason" ) if myEp.has_key('airsbefore_season'): displayseason_text = myEp['airsbefore_season'] if displayseason_text != None: displayseason.text = displayseason_text displayepisode = etree.SubElement( episode, "displayepisode" ) if myEp.has_key('airsbefore_episode'): displayepisode_text = myEp['airsbefore_episode'] if displayepisode_text != None: displayepisode.text = displayepisode_text thumb = etree.SubElement( episode, "thumb" ) thumb_text = myEp['filename'] if thumb_text != None: thumb.text = thumb_text watched = etree.SubElement( episode, "watched" ) watched.text = 'false' credits = etree.SubElement( episode, "credits" ) credits_text = myEp['writer'] if credits_text != None: credits.text = credits_text director = etree.SubElement( episode, "director" ) director_text = myEp['director'] if director_text != None: director.text = director_text rating = etree.SubElement( episode, "rating" ) rating_text = myEp['rating'] if rating_text != None: rating.text = rating_text gueststar_text = myEp['gueststars'] if gueststar_text != None: for actor in gueststar_text.split('|'): cur_actor = etree.SubElement( episode, "actor" ) cur_actor_name = etree.SubElement( cur_actor, "name" ) cur_actor_name.text = actor for actor in myShow['_actors']: cur_actor = etree.SubElement( episode, "actor" ) cur_actor_name = etree.SubElement( cur_actor, "name" ) cur_actor_name.text = actor['name'] cur_actor_role = etree.SubElement( cur_actor, "role" ) cur_actor_role_text = actor['role'] if cur_actor_role_text != None: cur_actor_role.text = cur_actor_role_text cur_actor_thumb = etree.SubElement( cur_actor, "thumb" ) cur_actor_thumb_text = actor['image'] if cur_actor_thumb_text != None: cur_actor_thumb.text = cur_actor_thumb_text # # Make it purdy helpers.indentXML( rootNode ) data = etree.ElementTree( rootNode ) return data # present a standard "interface" from the module metadata_class = XBMCMetadata
"""This module generates the "bytes" module which contains various byte munging C functions: copying, alignment, byteswapping, choosing, putting, taking. WARNING: This module exists solely as a mechanism to generate a portion of numarray and is not intended to provide any post-installation functionality. """ from basecode import CodeGenerator, template, _HEADER BYTES_HEADER = _HEADER + \ ''' #include <assert.h> #define NA_ACOPYN(i, o) memcpy(o, i, N) /* The following is used to copy nbytes of data for each element. ** ** As such it can be used to align any sort of data provided the ** ** output pointers used are aligned */ static int copyNbytes(long dim, long nbytes, maybelong *niters, void *input, long inboffset, maybelong *inbstrides, void *output, long outboffset, maybelong *outbstrides) { long i, j; char *tin = (char *) input + inboffset; char *tout = (char *) output + outboffset; if (dim == 0) { for (i=0; i<niters[dim]; i++) { for (j=0; j<nbytes; j++) { *tout++ = *tin++; } tin = tin + inbstrides[dim] - nbytes; tout = tout + outbstrides[dim]- nbytes; } } else { for (i=0; i<niters[dim]; i++) { copyNbytes(dim-1, nbytes, niters, input, inboffset + i*inbstrides[dim], inbstrides, output, outboffset + i*outbstrides[dim], outbstrides); } } return 0; } STRIDING_DESCR2(copyNbytes, !CHECK_ALIGN, -1, -1); /* Copy a data buffer to a new string ** ** Arguments: ** ** Tuple of iteration values for each dimension of input array. ** Input buffer object. ** Input byte offset. ** Tuple of input byte strides. ** Size of input data item in bytes. ** ** Returns Python string. */ static PyObject *copyToString(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *inbuffObj; PyObject *nitersObj, *inbstridesObj; PyObject *otemp, *outstring; long ltemp; int nniters, ninbstrides, nargs; long nbytes; maybelong niters[MAXDIM], inbstrides[MAXDIM], outbstrides[MAXDIM]; void *inbuffer, *outbuffer; long i, inbsize, outbsize, nelements=1, inboffset; nargs = PyObject_Length(args); if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OOlOl", &nitersObj, &inbuffObj, &inboffset, &inbstridesObj, &nbytes)) return NULL; if (!PySequence_Check(nitersObj)) return PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "copyToString: invalid shape object"); if (!PySequence_Check(inbstridesObj)) return PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "copyToString: invalid strides object"); nniters = PyObject_Length(nitersObj); ninbstrides = PyObject_Length(inbstridesObj); if (nniters != ninbstrides) return PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "copyToString: shape & strides don't match"); for (i=nniters-1; i>=0; i--) { otemp = PySequence_GetItem(nitersObj, i); if (PyInt_Check(otemp)) ltemp = PyInt_AsLong(otemp); else if (PyLong_Check(otemp)) ltemp = PyLong_AsLong(otemp); else return PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "copyToString: non-integer shape element"); nelements *= ltemp; niters[nniters-i-1] = ltemp; Py_DECREF(otemp); otemp = PySequence_GetItem(inbstridesObj, i); if (PyInt_Check(otemp)) inbstrides[nniters-i-1] = PyInt_AsLong(otemp); else if (PyLong_Check(otemp)) inbstrides[nniters-i-1] = PyLong_AsLong(otemp); else return PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "copyToString: non-integer stride element"); Py_DECREF(otemp); } if (!nelements) return PyString_FromStringAndSize("", 0); outbstrides[0] = nbytes; for (i=1; i<nniters; i++) { outbstrides[i] = outbstrides[i-1]*niters[i-1]; } outbsize = outbstrides[nniters-1]*niters[nniters-1]; outstring = PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL, outbsize); if (!outstring) return NULL; outbuffer = (void *) PyString_AsString(outstring); if ((inbsize = NA_getBufferPtrAndSize(inbuffObj, 1, &inbuffer)) < 0) return PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "copyToString: Problem with array buffer"); if (NA_checkOneStriding("copyToString", nniters, niters, inboffset, inbstrides, inbsize, nbytes, 0) || NA_checkOneStriding("copyToString", nniters, niters, 0, outbstrides, outbsize, nbytes, 0)) return NULL; BEGIN_THREADS copyNbytes(nniters-1, nbytes, niters, inbuffer, inboffset, inbstrides, outbuffer, 0, outbstrides); END_THREADS return outstring; } /* chooseXbytes functions are called as uFuncs... */ enum CLIP_MODE { CLIPPED, WRAPPED, RAISE }; #define wrap(i, max) \ while(i < 0) \ i += max; \ while(i >= max) \ i -= max; static int takeNbytes(long niter, long ninargs, long noutargs, void **buffers, long *bsizes) { maybelong i, cMode, N; maybelong *scatteredstrides, *scatteredshape, **indices; char *gathered, *scattered; maybelong nindices = ninargs-4, outi = ninargs+noutargs-1; if (NA_checkIo("takeNbytes", 4, 1, MIN(ninargs, 4), noutargs)) return -1; if (nindices == 0) return 0; if (NA_checkOneCBuffer("takeNbytes", 2, buffers[0], bsizes[0], sizeof(maybelong))) return -1; else { cMode = ((maybelong *) buffers[0])[0]; N = ((maybelong *) buffers[0])[1]; } if (NA_checkOneCBuffer("takeNbytes", nindices, buffers[2], bsizes[2], sizeof(maybelong))) return -1; else { scatteredstrides = (maybelong *) buffers[2]; } if (NA_checkOneCBuffer("takeNbytes", nindices, buffers[3], bsizes[3], sizeof(maybelong))) return -1; else { scatteredshape = (maybelong *) buffers[3]; } if (NA_checkOneStriding("takeNBytes", nindices, scatteredshape, 0, scatteredstrides, bsizes[1], N, 0)) return -1; else scattered = (char *) buffers[1]; for(i=4; i<nindices; i++) if (NA_checkOneCBuffer("takeNbytes", niter, buffers[i], bsizes[i], sizeof(maybelong))) return -1; indices = (maybelong **) &buffers[4]; if (NA_checkOneCBuffer("takeNbytes", niter*N, buffers[outi], bsizes[outi], 1)) return -1; else gathered = (char *) buffers[ninargs+noutargs-1]; switch( cMode ) { case WRAPPED: for(i=0; i<niter; i++) { maybelong j, index; for(j=index=0; j<nindices; j++) { maybelong k = indices[j][i]; wrap(k, scatteredshape[j]); index += scatteredstrides[j]*k; } memcpy( &gathered[i*N], scattered+index, N); } break; case CLIPPED: default: for(i=0; i<niter; i++) { maybelong j, index; for(j=index=0; j<nindices; j++) { maybelong k = indices[j][i]; if (k < 0) k = 0; else if (k >= scatteredshape[j]) k = scatteredshape[j]-1; index += scatteredstrides[j]*k; } memcpy( &gathered[i*N], scattered+index, N); } break; case RAISE: for(i=0; i<niter; i++) { maybelong j, index; for(j=index=0; j<nindices; j++) { maybelong k = indices[j][i]; if (k < 0) k += scatteredshape[j]; if (k >= scatteredshape[j]) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_IndexError, "Index out of range"); return -1; } index += scatteredstrides[j]*k; } memcpy( &gathered[i*N], scattered+index, N); } break; } return 0; } SELF_CHECKED_CFUNC_DESCR(takeNbytes, CFUNC_UFUNC); static int putNbytes(long niter, long ninargs, long noutargs, void **buffers, long *bsizes) { maybelong i, cMode, N; maybelong *scatteredstrides, *scatteredshape, **indices; char *gathered, *scattered; long nindices = ninargs-4, outi = ninargs+noutargs-1; if (nindices == 0) return 0; if (NA_checkIo("putNbytes", 4, 1, MIN(ninargs, 4), noutargs)) return -1; if (NA_checkOneCBuffer("putNbytes", 2, buffers[0], bsizes[0], sizeof(maybelong))) return -1; else { cMode = ((maybelong *) buffers[0])[0]; N = ((maybelong *) buffers[0])[1]; } if (NA_checkOneCBuffer("putNbytes", niter*N, buffers[1], bsizes[1], 1)) return -1; else gathered = (char *) buffers[1]; if (NA_checkOneCBuffer("putNbytes", nindices, buffers[2], bsizes[2], sizeof(maybelong))) return -1; else { scatteredstrides = (maybelong *) buffers[2]; } if (NA_checkOneCBuffer("putNbytes", nindices, buffers[3], bsizes[3], sizeof(maybelong))) return -1; else { scatteredshape = (maybelong *) buffers[3]; } for(i=4; i<nindices; i++) if (NA_checkOneCBuffer("putNbytes", niter, buffers[i], bsizes[i], sizeof(maybelong))) return -1; indices = (maybelong **) &buffers[4]; if (NA_checkOneStriding("putNBytes", nindices, scatteredshape, 0, scatteredstrides, bsizes[outi], N, 0)) return -1; else scattered = (char *) buffers[outi]; switch( cMode ) { case WRAPPED: for(i=0; i<niter; i++) { maybelong j, index; for(j=index=0; j<nindices; j++) { maybelong k = indices[j][i]; wrap(k, scatteredshape[j]); index += scatteredstrides[j]*k; } memcpy( scattered+index, &gathered[i*N], N); } break; case CLIPPED: default: for(i=0; i<niter; i++) { maybelong j, index; for(j=index=0; j<nindices; j++) { maybelong k = indices[j][i]; if (k < 0) k = 0; else if (k >= scatteredshape[j]) k = scatteredshape[j]-1; index += scatteredstrides[j]*k; } memcpy( scattered+index, &gathered[i*N], N); } break; case RAISE: for(i=0; i<niter; i++) { maybelong j, index; for(j=index=0; j<nindices; j++) { maybelong k = indices[j][i]; if (k < 0) k += scatteredshape[j]; if (k >= scatteredshape[j]) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_IndexError, "Index out of range"); return -1; } index += scatteredstrides[j]*k; } memcpy( scattered+index, &gathered[i*N], N); } break; } return 0; } SELF_CHECKED_CFUNC_DESCR(putNbytes, CFUNC_UFUNC); ''' COPY_TEMPLATE = \ ''' /******************************************* * * * These copy data to a contiguous buffer. * * They do not handle non-aligned data. * * Offsets and Strides are in byte units * * * *******************************************/ static int copy<size>bytes(long dim, long dummy, maybelong *niters, void *input, long inboffset, maybelong *inbstrides, void *output, long outboffset, maybelong *outbstrides) { long i; char *tin = (char *) input + inboffset; char *tout = (char *) output + outboffset; if (dim == 0) { for (i=0; i<niters[dim]; i++) { NA_ACOPY<size>(tin, tout); tin += inbstrides[dim]; tout += outbstrides[dim]; } } else { for (i=0; i<niters[dim]; i++) { copy<size>bytes(dim-1, dummy, niters, input, inboffset + i*inbstrides[dim], inbstrides, output, outboffset + i*outbstrides[dim], outbstrides); } } return 0; } STRIDING_DESCR2(copy<size>bytes, CHECK_ALIGN, <size>, <size>); ''' ALIGN_TEMPLATE = \ ''' static int align<size>bytes(long dim, long dummy, maybelong *niters, void *input, long inboffset, maybelong *inbstrides, void *output, long outboffset, maybelong *outbstrides) { return copyNbytes(dim, <size>, niters, input, inboffset, inbstrides, output, outboffset, outbstrides); } STRIDING_DESCR2(align<size>bytes, !CHECK_ALIGN, <size>, <size>); ''' BYTESWAP_TEMPLATE = \ ''' /******* byteswap *****/ static int byteswap<sizename>(long dim, long dummy, maybelong *niters, void *input, long inboffset, maybelong *inbstrides, void *output, long outboffset, maybelong *outbstrides) { long i; char *tin = (char *) input + inboffset; char *tout = (char *) output + outboffset; if (dim == 0) { for (i=0; i<niters[dim]; i++) { char t[<size>]; NA_COPY<size>(tin, t); <swapkind><size>(t, tout); tin += inbstrides[dim]; tout += outbstrides[dim]; } } else { for (i=0; i<niters[dim]; i++) { byteswap<sizename>(dim-1, dummy, niters, input, inboffset + i*inbstrides[dim], inbstrides, output, outboffset + i*outbstrides[dim], outbstrides); } } return 0; } STRIDING_DESCR2(byteswap<sizename>, !CHECK_ALIGN, <size>, <size>); ''' CHOOSE_TEMPLATE = \ ''' static int choose<size>bytes(long niter, long ninargs, long noutargs, void **buffers, long *bsizes) { maybelong i, cMode, maxP, N, *selector; char **population, *output; int outi = ninargs + noutargs - 1; if (NA_checkIo("choose<size>bytes", 2, 1, MIN(ninargs,2), noutargs)) return -1; if (NA_checkOneCBuffer("choose<size>bytes", 2, buffers[0], bsizes[0], sizeof(maybelong))) return -1; else { cMode = ((maybelong *) buffers[0])[0]; N = ((maybelong *) buffers[0])[1]; } if (NA_checkOneCBuffer("choose<size>bytes", niter, buffers[1], bsizes[1], sizeof(maybelong))) return -1; else selector = (maybelong *) buffers[1]; if (ninargs-2 == 0) return 0; else maxP = ninargs-2; for(i=2; i<ninargs; i++) if (NA_checkOneCBuffer("choose<size>bytes", niter, buffers[i], bsizes[i], <size>)) return -1; population = (char **) &buffers[2]; if (NA_checkOneCBuffer("choose<size>bytes", niter, buffers[outi], bsizes[outi], <size>)) return -1; else output = (char *) buffers[outi]; if (maxP == 0) return 0; switch(cMode) { case WRAPPED: for(i=0; i<niter; i++) { maybelong j = selector[i]; wrap(j, maxP); NA_ACOPY<size>(&population[j][i*<size>], &output[i*<size>]); } break; default: case CLIPPED: for(i=0; i<niter; i++) { maybelong j = selector[i]; if (j < 0) j = 0; else if (j >= maxP) j = maxP-1; NA_ACOPY<size>(&population[j][i*<size>], &output[i*<size>]); } break; case RAISE: for(i=0; i<niter; i++) { maybelong j = selector[i]; if ((j < 0) || (j >= maxP)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_IndexError, "Index out of range"); return -1; } NA_ACOPY<size>(&population[j][i*<size>], &output[i*<size>]); } break; } return 0; } SELF_CHECKED_CFUNC_DESCR(choose<size>bytes, CFUNC_UFUNC); ''' BYTES_TEMPLATE = ( COPY_TEMPLATE + ALIGN_TEMPLATE + BYTESWAP_TEMPLATE + CHOOSE_TEMPLATE ) # ============================================================================ # IMPORTANT: no <>-sugared strings below this point # translate <var> --> %(var)s in templates seen *so far* template.sugar_dict(globals()) # ============================================================================ bytesconfig = [ ["1", "Int8"], ["2", "Int16"], ["4", "Int32"], ["8", "Float64"], ["16", "Complex64"], ]; class BytesParams: def __init__(self, size, type): self.size = size self.sizename = str(size) + "bytes" self.typename = type self.swapkind = "NA_SWAP" NBytesParams = BytesParams("N","AnyType") class ComplexBytesParams: def __init__(self, size, type): self.size = size self.sizename = type self.typename = type self.swapkind = "NA_COMPLEX_SWAP" Complex32BytesCfg = ComplexBytesParams(8, "Complex32") Complex64BytesCfg = ComplexBytesParams(16, "Complex64") class BytesCodeGenerator(CodeGenerator): def __init__(self, *components): CodeGenerator.__init__(self, *components) self.module = "_bytes" self.qualified_module = "numarray._bytes" def gen_body(self): for cfg in bytesconfig: t = apply(BytesParams, cfg) self.codelist.append((self.separator + BYTES_TEMPLATE) % t.__dict__) self.addcfunc("copy"+ t.sizename) self.addcfunc("byteswap"+t.sizename) self.addcfunc("align"+t.sizename) self.addcfunc("choose"+t.sizename) self.codelist.append((self.separator + CHOOSE_TEMPLATE) % NBytesParams.__dict__) self.addcfunc("chooseNbytes") self.addcfunc("copyNbytes") self.addcfunc("putNbytes") self.addcfunc("takeNbytes") # Hack in the type based (not size based) methods for complex self.codelist.append((self.separator + BYTESWAP_TEMPLATE) % Complex32BytesCfg.__dict__) self.addcfunc("byteswapComplex32" ) self.codelist.append((self.separator + BYTESWAP_TEMPLATE) % Complex64BytesCfg.__dict__) self.addcfunc("byteswapComplex64" ) self.addmethod("copyToString") generate_bytes_code = BytesCodeGenerator(BYTES_HEADER)
import input_output def launch_input_output_menu(): print("I/O Section - Enter the exercise number you want to run") selection = 0 while selection != 7: print("exercise #1") print("exercise #2") print("exercise #3") print("exercise #4") print("exercise #5") print("exercise #6") print("exit #7") selection = int(input("Insert Selection = ")) if selection == 1: print("Extract users form a file") for key, value in sorted(input_output.extracted_users.items()): print('{0} {1}'.format(key, value)) elif selection == 2: print("Apply word count on a file") file_info = input_output.wc('passwd') print("{0} characters {1} words {2} lines and {3} " "unique words in file".format(file_info[0], file_info[1], file_info[2], file_info[3])) elif selection == 3: print("Output users to a file") file_users = input_output.extract_users('passwd') input_output.output_users_to_file(file_users, 'output.csv') elif selection == 4: print("Read text file") print(input_output.read_text("text.txt")) elif selection == 5: some_words = input_output.read_text("text.txt") words_statistics = input_output.word_count(some_words) print(words_statistics) elif selection == 6: some_words = input_output.read_text("text.txt") words_statistics = input_output.word_count(some_words) word = input_output.word_with_max_occurence(words_statistics) print("Word with most occurences = " + word) elif selection == 7: print("exit") launch_input_output_menu()
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ STL to SCAD converter. This code is based on Riham javascript code. See Ascii STL file: solid _40x10 facet normal 0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000 1.000000e+000 outer loop vertex 1.286803e+001 2.957990e+001 1.200000e+001 vertex 1.173648e+001 2.984808e+001 1.200000e+001 vertex 1.115715e+001 2.953001e+001 1.200000e+001 endloop endfacet facet normal 0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000 1.000000e+000 outer loop vertex 1.115715e+001 2.953001e+001 1.200000e+001 vertex 1.173648e+001 2.984808e+001 1.200000e+001 vertex 1.058145e+001 2.998308e+001 1.200000e+001 endloop endfacet ... ensolid Binary STL file: """ import re import sys import struct import os.path USE_FACES = True # set to False for OpenSCAD version < 2014.03 def parseAscii(inputFile): """ """ inputStr = modules = [] solidName = None vertices = None faces = None face = None for solidStr in re.findall(r"solid\s(.*?)endsolid", inputStr, re.S): solidName = re.match(r"^(.*)$", solidStr, re.M).group(0) print "Processing object %s..." % solidName vertices = [] faces = [] for facetStr in re.findall(r"facet\s(.*?)endfacet", solidStr, re.S): for outerLoopStr in re.findall(r"outer\sloop(.*?)endloop", facetStr, re.S): face = [] for vertexStr in re.findall(r"vertex\s(.*)$", outerLoopStr, re.M): vertex = [float(coord) for coord in vertexStr.split()] try: face.append(vertices.index(vertex)) except ValueError: vertices.append(str(vertex)) face.append(len(vertices) - 1) faces.append(str(face)) modules.append((solidName, vertices, faces)) return modules def parseBinary(inputFile, solidName="stl2scad"): """ """ # Skip header nbTriangles = struct.unpack("<I",[0] print "found %d faces" % nbTriangles modules = [] vertices = [] faces = [] face = None # Iterate over faces for i in range(nbTriangles): face = [] # Skip normal vector (3x uint32)*4, 1) # Iterate over vertices for j in range(3): vertex = struct.unpack("<fff",*4)) #print repr(s), repr(vertex) try: face.append(vertices.index(vertex)) except ValueError: vertices.append(str(list(vertex))) face.append(len(vertices) - 1) faces.append(str(face)) # Skip byte count, 1) modules.append((solidName, vertices, faces)) return modules def convert(outputFile, modules): """ """ for solidName, vertices, faces in modules: points_ = ",\n\t\t\t".join(vertices) faces_ = ",\n\t\t\t".join(faces) if USE_FACES: module = "module %s() {\n\tpolyhedron(\n\t\tpoints=[\n\t\t\t%s\n\t\t],\n\t\tfaces=[\n\t\t\t%s\n\t\t]\n\t);\n}\n\n\n%s();\n" % (solidName, points_, faces_, solidName) else: module = "module %s() {\n\tpolyhedron(\n\t\tpoints=[\n\t\t\t%s\n\t\t],\n\t\ttriangles=[\n\t\t\t%s\n\t\t]\n\t);\n}\n\n\n%s();\n" % (solidName, points_, faces_, solidName) outputFile.write(module) outputFile.close() def main(): inputFileName = sys.argv[1] inputFile = file(inputFileName) # Check if ascii or binary if == "solid": print "ascii file" modules = parseAscii(inputFile) else: print "binary file" modules = parseBinary(inputFile) outputFileName = "%s%s%s" % (os.path.splitext(inputFileName)[0], os.path.extsep, "scad") outputFile = file(outputFileName, "w") convert(outputFile, modules) print "%s saved" % outputFileName if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ User controls for interactivity. """ import logging import numpy as np from qtpy.QtCore import * from qtpy.QtGui import * from qtpy.QtWidgets import * from qplotutils import CONFIG from .ui.playback import Ui_PlaybackControl __author__ = "Philipp Baust" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2019, Philipp Baust" __credits__ = [] __license__ = "MIT" __version__ = "0.0.1" __maintainer__ = "Philipp Baust" __email__ = "" __status__ = "Development" _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) _log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) class PlaybackWidget(QWidget): """ Playback control widget with the following button * toggle playback / pause * advance one step forward * advance one step back The current timestamp is inidcated by slider and a line edit. Models / Visualization that choose to be controlled through the playback widget should connect to :meth:`qplotutils.player.PlaybackWidget.timestamp_changed`. """ #: emited whenever the timestamp is changed. timestamp_changed = Signal(int, float) def __init__(self, parent=None): super(PlaybackWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.ui = Ui_PlaybackControl() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.__is_playing = False self.__timestamps = None self.__last_index = None self.ui.button_play_pause.clicked.connect(self.play_pause) self.ui.button_back.clicked.connect(self.step_back) self.ui.button_next.clicked.connect(self.step_forward) self.ui.slider_index.valueChanged.connect(self._slider_value_changed) self.ui.slider_index.sliderPressed.connect(self._slider_pressed) self.ui.edit_timestamp.textEdited.connect(self.jump_to_timestamp) if CONFIG.debug: self.timestamp_changed.connect(self.debug_slider) def jump_to_timestamp(self, text): try: _log.debug(text) ts = float(text) idx, = np.where(self.timestamps == ts) self.ui.slider_index.setValue(idx[0]) except Exception as ex: "Could not set timestamp. Format no recognized or out of interval." ) _log.debug("Exception %s", ex) def debug_slider(self, index, timestamp): _log.debug("{}: {}".format(index, timestamp)) @property def timestamps(self): return self.__timestamps @timestamps.setter def timestamps(self, value): self.__timestamps = value self.__last_index = len(value) self.ui.slider_index.setMinimum(0) self.ui.slider_index.setMaximum(self.__last_index) self.ui.slider_index.setValue(0) def _slider_pressed(self): self.pause() def _slider_value_changed(self, value): ts = self.timestamps[value] self.ui.edit_timestamp.setText("{}".format(ts)) self.timestamp_changed.emit(value, ts) def play_pause(self): if self.__is_playing: self.pause() else: def pause(self): if not self.__is_playing: return self.ui.button_play_pause.setIcon( QIcon(":/player/icons/media-playback-start.svg") ) self.__is_playing = False def play(self): if self.__is_playing: return self.ui.button_play_pause.setIcon( QIcon(":/player/icons/media-playback-pause.svg") ) self.__is_playing = True self.advance() def step_back(self): self.pause() self.advance(reverse=True) def step_forward(self): self.pause() self.advance() def advance(self, reverse=False): if reverse: next_index = self.ui.slider_index.value() - 1 else: next_index = self.ui.slider_index.value() + 1 if not 0 < next_index < self.__last_index: self.pause() return self.ui.slider_index.setValue(next_index) if self.__is_playing: QTimer.singleShot(10, self.advance) if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) qapp = QApplication([]) CONFIG.debug = True p = PlaybackWidget() p.timestamps = np.arange(0, 1000, 12) * 141000 qapp.exec_()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('kindergartens', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Group', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False)), ('name', models.CharField(verbose_name='Name', max_length=254)), ('description', models.CharField(verbose_name='Description', max_length=1000)), ('kindergarten', models.ForeignKey(to='kindergartens.Kindergarten')), ], options={ 'verbose_name': 'Group', 'verbose_name_plural': 'Groups', }, ), migrations.CreateModel( name='GroupType', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False)), ('name', models.CharField(verbose_name='Name', max_length=254)), ], options={ 'verbose_name': 'Group type', 'verbose_name_plural': 'Group types', }, ), migrations.AddField( model_name='group', name='type', field=models.ForeignKey(to='kindergartens.GroupType'), ), ]
# Copyright (c) 2016 Uber Technologies, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import import sys from tornado import gen from tornado.concurrent import Future def submit(fn, io_loop, *args, **kwargs): """Submit Tornado Coroutine to IOLoop.current(). :param fn: Tornado Coroutine to execute :param io_loop: Tornado IOLoop where to schedule the coroutine :param args: Args to pass to coroutine :param kwargs: Kwargs to pass to coroutine :returns tornado.concurrent.Future: future result of coroutine """ future = Future() def execute(): """Execute fn on the IOLoop.""" try: result = gen.maybe_future(fn(*args, **kwargs)) except Exception: # The function we ran didn't return a future and instead raised # an exception. Let's pretend that it returned this dummy # future with our stack trace. f = gen.Future() f.set_exc_info(sys.exc_info()) on_done(f) else: result.add_done_callback(on_done) def on_done(tornado_future): """ Set tornado.Future results to the concurrent.Future. :param tornado_future: """ exception = tornado_future.exception() if not exception: future.set_result(tornado_future.result()) else: future.set_exception(exception) io_loop.add_callback(execute) return future def future_result(result): future = Future() future.set_result(result) return future def future_exception(exception): future = Future() future.set_exception(exception) return future
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import logging from datetime import datetime from udata.models import db log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Message(db.EmbeddedDocument): content = db.StringField(required=True) posted_on = db.DateTimeField(, required=True) posted_by = db.ReferenceField('User') class Discussion(db.Document): user = db.ReferenceField('User') subject = db.GenericReferenceField() title = db.StringField(required=True) discussion = db.ListField(db.EmbeddedDocumentField(Message)) created = db.DateTimeField(, required=True) closed = db.DateTimeField() closed_by = db.ReferenceField('User') meta = { 'indexes': [ 'user', 'subject', 'created' ], 'ordering': ['created'], } def person_involved(self, person): """Return True if the given person has been involved in the discussion, False otherwise. """ return any(message.posted_by == person for message in self.discussion) @property def external_url(self): return self.subject.url_for( _anchor='discussion-{id}'.format(, _external=True)
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import unittest from argparse import Namespace from future import standard_library from mock.mock import MagicMock import cloudomate.cmdline as cmdline from cloudomate.hoster.vpn.azirevpn import AzireVpn from cloudomate.hoster.vps.linevast import LineVast from cloudomate.hoster.vps.vps_hoster import VpsOption standard_library.install_aliases() class TestCmdLine(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.settings_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources/test_settings.cfg') self.vps_options_real = LineVast.get_options self.vps_purchase_real = LineVast.purchase def tearDown(self): LineVast.get_options = self.vps_options_real LineVast.purchase = self.vps_purchase_real def test_execute_vps_list(self): command = ["vps", "list"] cmdline.execute(command) def test_execute_vpn_list(self): command = ["vpn", "list"] cmdline.execute(command) def test_execute_vps_options(self): mock_method = self._mock_vps_options() command = ["vps", "options", "linevast"] cmdline.providers["vps"]["linevast"].configurations = [] cmdline.execute(command) mock_method.assert_called_once() self._restore_vps_options() def test_execute_vpn_options(self): mock_method = self._mock_vpn_options() command = ["vpn", "options", "azirevpn"] cmdline.providers["vpn"]["azirevpn"].configurations = [] cmdline.execute(command) mock_method.assert_called_once() self._restore_vpn_options() def test_execute_vps_purchase(self): self._mock_vps_options([self._create_option()]) purchase = LineVast.purchase LineVast.purchase = MagicMock() command = ["vps", "purchase", "linevast", "-f", "-c", self.settings_file, "-rp", "asdf", "0"] cmdline.execute(command) LineVast.purchase.assert_called_once() LineVast.purchase = purchase self._restore_vps_options() @staticmethod def _create_option(): return VpsOption( name="Option name", memory="Option ram", cores="Option cpu", storage="Option storage", bandwidth="Option bandwidth", price=12, connection="Option connection", purchase_url="Option url" ) def test_execute_vps_purchase_verify_options_failure(self): self._mock_vps_options() command = ["vps", "purchase", "linevast", "-f", "-c", self.settings_file, "1"] self._check_exit_code(1, cmdline.execute, command) self._restore_vps_options() def test_execute_vps_purchase_unknown_provider(self): command = ["vps", "purchase", "nonode", "-f", "-rp", "asdf", "1"] self._check_exit_code(2, cmdline.execute, command) def test_execute_vps_options_unknown_provider(self): command = ["vps", "options", "nonode"] self._check_exit_code(2, cmdline.execute, command) def _check_exit_code(self, exit_code, method, args): try: method(args) except SystemExit as e: self.assertEqual(exit_code, e.code) def test_execute_vps_options_no_provider(self): command = ["vps", "options"] self._check_exit_code(2, cmdline.execute, command) def test_purchase_vps_unknown_provider(self): args = Namespace() args.provider = "sd" args.type = "vps" self._check_exit_code(2, cmdline.purchase, args) def test_purchase_no_provider(self): args = Namespace() self._check_exit_code(2, cmdline.purchase, args) def test_purchase_vps_bad_provider(self): args = Namespace() args.provider = False args.type = "vps" self._check_exit_code(2, cmdline.purchase, args) def test_purchase_bad_type(self): args = Namespace() args.provider = "azirevpn" args.type = False self._check_exit_code(2, cmdline.purchase, args) def test_execute_vps_purchase_high_id(self): self._mock_vps_options() command = ["vps", "purchase", "linevast", "-c", self.settings_file, "-rp", "asdf", "1000"] self._check_exit_code(1, cmdline.execute, command) self._restore_vps_options() def test_execute_vps_purchase_low_id(self): mock = self._mock_vps_options() command = ["vps", "purchase", "linevast", "-c", self.settings_file, "-rp", "asdf", "-1"] self._check_exit_code(1, cmdline.execute, command) mock.assert_called_once() self._restore_vps_options() def _mock_vps_options(self, items=None): if items is None: items = [] self.vps_options = LineVast.get_options LineVast.get_options = MagicMock(return_value=items) return LineVast.get_options def _restore_vps_options(self): LineVast.get_options = self.vps_options def _mock_vpn_options(self, items=None): if items is None: items = [] self.vpn_options = AzireVpn.get_options AzireVpn.get_options = MagicMock(return_value=items) return AzireVpn.get_options def _restore_vpn_options(self): AzireVpn.get_options = self.vpn_options if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(exit=False)
# Source: # Want to run your Flask tests with CSRF protections turned on, to make sure # that CSRF works properly in production as well? Here's an excellent way # to do it! # First some imports. I'm assuming you're using Flask-WTF for CSRF protection. import flask from flask.testing import FlaskClient as BaseFlaskClient from flask_wtf.csrf import generate_csrf # Flask's assumptions about an incoming request don't quite match up with # what the test client provides in terms of manipulating cookies, and the # CSRF system depends on cookies working correctly. This little class is a # fake request that forwards along requests to the test client for setting # cookies. class RequestShim(object): """ A fake request that proxies cookie-related methods to a Flask test client. """ def __init__(self, client): self.client = client def set_cookie(self, key, value='', *args, **kwargs): "Set the cookie on the Flask test client." server_name = flask.current_app.config["SERVER_NAME"] or "localhost" return self.client.set_cookie( server_name, key=key, value=value, *args, **kwargs ) def delete_cookie(self, key, *args, **kwargs): "Delete the cookie on the Flask test client." server_name = flask.current_app.config["SERVER_NAME"] or "localhost" return self.client.delete_cookie( server_name, key=key, *args, **kwargs ) # We're going to extend Flask's built-in test client class, so that it knows # how to look up CSRF tokens for you! class FlaskClient(BaseFlaskClient): @property def csrf_token(self): # First, we'll wrap our request shim around the test client, so that # it will work correctly when Flask asks it to set a cookie. request = RequestShim(self) # Next, we need to look up any cookies that might already exist on # this test client, such as the secure cookie that powers `flask.session`, # and make a test request context that has those cookies in it. environ_overrides = {} self.cookie_jar.inject_wsgi(environ_overrides) with flask.current_app.test_request_context( "/login", environ_overrides=environ_overrides, ): # Now, we call Flask-WTF's method of generating a CSRF token... csrf_token = generate_csrf() # ...which also sets a value in `flask.session`, so we need to # ask Flask to save that value to the cookie jar in the test # client. This is where we actually use that request shim we made! flask.current_app.save_session(flask.session, request) # And finally, return that CSRF token we got from Flask-WTF. return csrf_token