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"a riveting reconstruction of the struggle for independence in mid-50s algiers , its pseudo-documentary style still feels as headline-fresh as its content .",
"gillo pontecorvo 's epic of revolutionary fervour has dimmed not an iota since it was first released in 1966 .",
"forty years on , the film 's lost not a fraction of its power .",
"faux-documentary masterpiece",
"whatever they made of the MOV at the pentagon , this is a must-see for everyone else now .",
"brilliantly directed set-pieces and remarkable thronging crowd scenes make the film a masterpiece ; the ominous familiarity of its subject makes it a must-see .",
"the most important piece of political filmmaking since battleship potemkin .",
"the inspiration and blueprint for docudrama and ideological cinema worldwide .",
"what really resonates on watching algiers is its message about the widespread loss of civilian life and the staggering destruction to civic infrastructure as the heaviest costs of war",
"superb and unrivalled .",
"the verity of a documentary ... with the narrative drive and emotional charge of a great thriller",
"plays like a mesmerizing action thriller that derives from the best traditions of hollywood .",
"it 's more disturbing now than ever .",
"the chafing , mutually uncomprehending collision of western occupiers and muslim occupied has never been captured with such dispassionate , thrilling clarity .",
"gripping , relevant cinema ... irish film , `` bloody sunday , '' borrowed its entire structure from `` algiers . ''",
"few movies have done such an eloquent , evenhanded job of defining the conflict between colonialists and natives determined to free themselves from foreign rule .",
"it 's a frank blend of exoticism , eroticism and foreshadowed horror .",
"one of the essential works of world cinema .",
"`` the MOV '' is a one of a kind masterpiece of pure cinema that you will never forget .",
"it 's a dedicated effort with importance as a ` document . '",
"partially because of its documentary style , used so effectively by director gillo pontecorvo , it never gets heavy-handed -- exploring the idea of violence as a necessary evil for freedom .",
"both a how-to manual for guerrilla terrorism and a cautionary tale about how to fight it . it 's also quite possibly the finest war film ever made .",
"the film establishes a kinetic documentary effect , making the impact of every shoot-out and explosion a deeply personal experience .",
"this seminal . meticulously crafted work about algiers struggle for freedom won the venic film fest top award , and deservedly garnered pontecorvo oscar nominations as best director and co-scribe .",
"its content has classic and tragic dimensions beyond politics .",
"essential viewing .",
"a riveting look at france 's failed attempt to remain a colonial force in algeria . re-release .",
"the director 's real achievement is not in making a piece of agitprop but in using these fundamental tools of cinema in such an extraordinarily affecting way .",
"a classic of politically engaged filmmaking .",
"this lesson in modern warfare is not only instructive to the pentagon 's military but is of considerable value to any generation 's fascination with law , order , anarchic behavior and classic story-telling technique .",
"like all masterpieces , it speaks to later ages as powerfully and intelligently as to its own .",
"a restored print of the landmark film has been re-released , and the superbly crafted , often-unnerving film is well worth your attention .",
"the painful , desperate film , a re-enactment of algerian revolutionaries ' efforts to break free from french rule , is a practical textbook on how not to run an occupation .",
"a lesson in modern warfare",
"a startling and still-potent view of the double standard of war .",
"what lessons a modern viewer can gain from the film depends on who is watching and what they want to see .",
"while it 's clear that the movie is very much a stacked deck , which invariably takes the algerian side , the bias does n't lessen the film 's lesson .",
"it 's as fresh and suspenseful as anything before or since .",
"a thrilling movie with the unusual message that sometimes terrorism works .",
"the most electrifyingly timely movie playing in new york was made in 1965 .",
"this film has received a lot of praise from critics , but not that many people will find this that entertaining .",
"the film 's explosive power transcends the headlines .",
"what makes this charlotte film society entry remarkable is that the italian director sympathizes with both sides .",
"if any movie squeezes you into the shoes of grassroots combatants fighting a monstrous colonialist power for the right to their own neighborhoods , this is it .",
"you wo n't soon forget the face of brahim haggiag , who plays the revolutionary leader ali as if he were channeling the misery of colonialism into a solitary stare of accusatory outrage .",
"` the MOV ' serves potent warning to those who envision warfare , or any western-dictated settlement , in areas so hungry and so foreign .",
"a timelessly powerful film .",
"the ` smell of truth ' that pontecorvo said he was after in this film has never left it , and likely never will .",
"the greatness of the MOV lies in its ability to embrace moral ambiguity without succumbing to it .",
"it remains one of the greatest depictions of the mutually dehumanizing nature of war ever made .",
"magnificent moviemaking .",
"perhaps the finest political film of the 1960s .",
"the price of invasion has never been more poignantly spelled out than in this classic film .",
"gripping and technically dazzling documentary-style drama .",
"still powerful and upsetting because of its unpolished immediacy ... and because the movie declines to judge the terrorists ' actions .",
"pontecorvo essentially established the cinematic language that we recognize in recent dramas based on actual events , from bloody sunday to black hawk down .",
"remains a signficant achievement , a testament to film 's powers to put you in the middle of a historical event and make it feel real .",
"the MOV still resonates today , and probably always will",
"it remains a surprisingly instructive and cautionary lesson in the way that populist movements can burn parent states down to their grass roots .",
"pontecorvo has nearly accomplished the impossible : to make an epic film that convinces the viewer he is watching the real thing .",
"it looks beyond any question to be an original documentary film , put together from newsreel footage , complemented by staged dramatic scenes .",
"vital and disquieting , this is a powerful depiction of the pity of war . as shocking today as it was on the day of its release .",
"the film 's ruminations about the meaning of terrorism and efforts to deal with it really resonate in the post-9 / 11 world . that makes this already-tense film all the more chilling and all the more memorable .",
"as something similar happens to our soldiers in iraq , it 's a piece of blood-chilling horror every time we see this story from today 's news repeated in a 38-year-old movie .",
"its relevance to world events is just as clear today , more so , it seems , with each passing day .",
"a chilling cinematic history lesson .",
"an epic of intimate objectivity .",
"it takes about an eighth of a second for the film to seem all too relevant .",
"an extraordinary movie that ruffled many feathers when it first came out . almost 40 years later , it retains the poignancy it delivered back then .",
"a fascinating movie in its own right , more relevant because of today 's world situation .",
"the same power it had 40 years ago is still evident .",
"staged with almost newsreel precision but presented with the punch of a great political thriller . . despite being half a century old , still has a powerful and pertinent message ."
] | battle_of_algiers | a powerful , documentary-like examination of the response to an occupying force , the MOV has n't aged a bit since its release in 1966 . | 133039722 |
"to borrow a putdown from a past vice presidential debate , we 've all seen john travolta , and ryan phillippe , you are no john travolta . nor for that matter are you mark wahlberg .",
"an entertaining reminder of how facile the disco era really was ...",
"i was hoping to be able to recommend 54 from a camp point of view , possibly the next showgirls . but it 's not . the fact is it 's so uninvolving , it 's not even interesting enough to be bad .",
"qualifies as one of the more entertaining bad movies of the year .",
"this is so dull !",
"first-time feature director mark christopher proves that he 's a better director than a writer , though not too terribly much .",
"whatever you do , do n't waste your money on the superficial , cowardly 54",
"a disappointingly dull film .",
"... a wasted opportunity",
"a mish-mash of bad writing , poor acting -lrb- except myers -rrb- , amateur directing and mediocre production credits .",
"the writer seems helpless in finding a way to wrap up the story beyond the arrest of rubell .",
"just as disappointing as whit stillman 's last days of disco , marc christopher 's 54 suffers from a formulaic script that feels like a reworking of saturday night fever and boogie nights , both superior and more entertaining pictures .",
"a nostalgic whitewash . with its sterling beat-heavy soundtrack and non-stop glitz , the movie captures the look and sound of its inspiration much more convincingly than it conjures up the studio 54 atmosphere .",
"54 is mediocre on almost all counts : acting -lrb- with a couple of exceptions -rrb- , writing , direction and cinematography are uniformly bland , inoffensive and completely unmemorable .",
"one can only hope `` 54 '' will hammer the final nail in disco 's coffin . it 's music that i do n't want stayin ' alive .",
"the 1970s were great times , but most viewers could hardly come to that conclusion based on this film .",
"it 's all strobe lights and glitz , no substance . it 's sort of like the musical era it covers .",
"54 ca n't make up its mind whether it 's debunking , revering or giggling at the era of glitter balls and gold-painted faces .",
"except for myers , and for many he will make the movie worth watching . he 's absolutely shagadelic and completely unexpected . this should have been his movie .",
"mecca of cool turns out lukewarm .",
"the movie is flat , logy , and amateurish -- a scotch - tape - and - balsa - wood job .",
"do n't shell out your cash for this dud !",
"call it boogie nights lite .",
"it 's a hollow shell of a film , rife with plot twists that go nowhere .",
"somehow , some way , the supremely disappointing 54 has made the historically hip haven of hedonism ... boring .",
"the dialog is as dull as the costumes are flashy .",
"it 's a noble effort , but aficionados and the mildly interested are recommended to seek out vh-1 's excellent studio 54 documentary in lieu of this shallow morality play .",
"as a movie finally reaching its definitive state , `` 54 '' is a flawed endeavor , and clearly the work of someone new to the venture of making movies . but it all comes together in fascinating hindsight , .",
"a bundle of missteps that will keep filmgoers off this dance floor .",
"extremely watery and soap opera-ish ...",
"54 is barebones storytelling , almost totally devoid of compelling conflict on any level .",
"the trite story is a letdown because it traverses a predictable arc .",
"the plotting and pacing are so relentlessly predictable that the film does n't even work well as a sociology lesson .",
"you see garbage bags filled with cash , a lot of avid cocaine snorting and fleeting glimpses of warhol and truman capote , but it all feels ho-hum .",
"sanitised and dramatically inept retelling of the history of one of the great sleazy success -lrb- and failure -rrb- stories . best head out to a nightclub instead .",
"i do n't get that lifestyle , but i was hoping that 54 would show me why so many people find that appealing . it was not to be .",
"the party never gets started .",
"the new disco era film 54 is fame on drugs , a low-grade saturday night fever .",
"decadence has rarely looked so pathetic , lethargic and dispiriting as it does in this listless film .",
"one of the year 's best films .",
"it 's a flat , clumsy piece of filmmaking .",
"there 's a great movie to be made about studio 54 , but this is not it .",
"never achieves what it sets out to accomplish .",
"54 is an entertaining and surprisingly serious look at the infamous new york discotheque , with a genuine nostalgia for the late '70s and early '80s , tempered by a healthy dose of jaundice - but without a sense of condescension or superiority .",
"every conversation seems punctuated with awkward silences and dull stares .",
"the triteness comes thick and fast .",
"let me pause for a minute to think of a more boring subject for a movie ... sorry . i give up .",
"neither a great night out nor a great night in .",
"a shapeless homage to the glory that was studio 54 in its decadent heyday ...",
"a more critical and resonant hollywood movie about the glorious disco culture screams to be made .",
"... comes off like a high-budget cautionary tale , concerned that if it shows anything attractive about studio 54 , some young and innocent viewer might be corrupted ...",
"here we have a nightclub where mick jagger danced with truman capote , and the drama of the film is two bare-chested hunks shouting ` you 've changed , man ! ' while carrying tubs of dirty glasses .",
"-lsb- the director 's cut -rsb- is out and proud , not at all shying away from the sexual aggression of phillippe 's character as he calmly removes his clothes for any gender .",
"the most affecting moments are shards of sexual behavior ... that existed only on the samizdat vhs , the degraded quality suggesting ghostly remnants of film 's scissoring -lsb- and -rsb- the long-dead behaviors on-screen , debauchery and gaucherie alike .",
"the film is entertaining , and it 's worth seeing if only for mike myers ' amazing performance .",
"myers exploits every vicious , self-hating line that comes his way .",
"myers shining moment . too bad nobody saw it .",
"a sanitized boogie nights .",
"`` 54 '' starts out as an exploration of a culture based on the cultivation of surfaces , and winds up all surface itself .",
"a la mayoría de los personajes les falta un desarrollo más inteligente y apegado a la realidad",
"silly and clumsily made .",
"little more than stock characters acting out a generic drama of sin and redemption against a lascivious backdrop that is far more interesting than the story it serves .",
"mr. christopher 's movie at times looks like a parody of the era , at other times like a celebration of a period haplessly gone by .",
"the director 's cut still has a pacing that lags during the second act , and now that the film 's about the love triangle , the scenes with julie do n't really add anything to the overall story . that being said , it deserves a second chance in its new life ."
] | 54 | poor plot development and slow pacing keep 54 from capturing the energy of it 's legendary namesake . | 13650 |
"hugely entertaining , remake that 's obviously been made with a healthy love of the original film and succeeds thanks to a faithful script , terrific dance sequences and strong performances from its cast .",
"wormald and hough are both handsome and good on the dance floor , but they come across more like teen stars in training than representations of real youth angst .",
"this updated version of the 27-year-old MOV is competently made and lively enough .",
"updating the quarter-of-a-century old original with a more racially representative cast and hipper street moves , brewer also trumps his predecessor with a zinging script and some likeable performances ...",
"entertaining , sporadically delightful , but like most reheats , it lacks the essential sense of surprise found in the original picture .",
"brewer adds a gritty texture and shows ingenuity in the ways he inserts tunes from the original . but the basic material is at best a guilty pleasure .",
"in most regards -lrb- we still miss kevin bacon -rrb- , this is a `` new and improved '' `` MOV , '' funnier , sunnier and funkier . simply put , it works .",
"it may not be great art , but it sure as hell knows how to dance .",
"it 's startling how badly the dance numbers and action sequences are staged , shot and cut .",
"star-crossed lovers wormald and julianne hough ca n't match bacon and lori singer , but over-30s will tap feet and the glee crowd will mime along .",
"while it does n't excuse hollywood and their tendency to prefer the established property over a new idea , at least they 're getting better at making the reboots watchable .",
"the most important thing this version has in common with the original is that the talking parts are too long and the dancing parts are too short .",
"sweet , shamelessly cheesy and surprisingly wholesome .",
"works as a breezy entertainment that audiences will want to flock to on a friday night .",
"give credit to craig brewer , the filmmaker behind the new MOV , for realizing a new step was in order .",
"`` MOV '' is still too long and too square to jump up and down about . but it offers a mild diversion for those who still believe `` the music is on his side . ''",
"this guilty-pleasure update has an angsty adolescent energy that 's as infectious as anything in contagion .",
"all in all , this is a film i attended with rock-bottom expectations , and came out of feeling elated .",
"solidly entertaining and , dare i say , toe tapping fun ! ''",
"a new MOV with sassier steps and the same contrived story is hardly necessary .",
"while there 's definite energy in the dance sequences , the hokum outweighs the exuberance .",
"there is good humour throughout .",
"none of the changes improves on the original MOV , even though the two young leads are both professional dancers - did n't the budget allow for anything more than raft swinging and barn hoofing ?",
"this 2011 version is so similar - sometimes song for song and line for line - that i was wickedly tempted to reprint my 1984 review , word for word .",
"craig brewer 's adaptation cleverly gives several nods and winks to the first film , but also has a modern sensibility that every teenager today will understand .",
"a pleasant reminder of the past for fans of the first one , and an agreeable-enough experience for everyone else .",
"i do n't know what brewer wanted to capture . there are too many close-ups of stomping , swinging feet to suggest he cared about great choreography .",
"what results is something stylish , modern , nostalgic , cheesy , and more than a little frankensteinian .",
"as far as acting goes , these kids certainly can dance .",
"wormald and hough do n't look or dance like adolescents letting off steam ; their professionalism overwhelms what should be a simple pleasure . the film sometimes has the same problem .",
"as in most movies of this ilk , the drama is stuff you sit through to get to the good parts , which are the zippy music and athletic dancing . and they are very good .",
"it 's an eruption of joyous , jitterbugging energy and a polished piece of filmmaking .",
"MOV 2011 is harmless as far as it goes , but on the dance floor and off it never goes nearly far enough .",
"the film 's best asset is miles teller , so good as the guilty teenager of `` rabbit hole , '' as the lead 's instant best buddy .",
"a pretty good remake of MOV : good-hearted , sincere , enjoyable , not too stupid",
"maybe there is something timeless in anachronism . maybe brewer has located the heart beneath the hoke .",
"stays remarkably close to its predecessor in all the ways that count .",
"it 's a vibrant youth musical that will appeal to audiences who have n't seen the 1984 original . and it has enough charm and life to it to compete with the memory of the earlier version .",
"the film 's sheer exuberance is frequently enough to overcome its regular moments of dull writing , dubious logic , and clichéd plotting and acting .",
"the idea of an american town outlawing dancing was a stretch back in 1984 , but in the intervening years , it 's actually become more believable - which goes some way to justifying this remake .",
"... the film 's overlength ultimately prevent -lsb- s -rsb- it from becoming the propulsive piece of work brewer has clearly intended .",
"better than i thought it would be , but not as good as i hoped it would be .",
"while the 2011 version of the film does n't suck , it is n't as good as the original ...",
"the makers of ` MOV 2.0 ' can be faulted for actually sticking too closely to the original .",
"an unnecessary , though enjoyable , remake of kevin bacon 's 1984 breakout hit .",
"it seems torn by a desire to appeal to every contemporary teenager 's rebellious side , but remains too scared to cut loose from the things that made the original appeal to their parents .",
"the characters , the scenes , the dancing , even much of the dialogue are all plugged into a rigidly prefabricated storyline that treats its 1984 predecessor more as holy writ instead of perishable reagan-era cheese .",
"the latest MOV is a step up from recent dance flicks .",
"if you have n't seen the original and are happy to ignore some of the more mad script decisions , you might get a kick out of it , but otherwise , youre better off re-watching the movie that started it all .",
"the dancing sequences are terrific - even the line-dancing is tolerable - but what really sells this quality reboot are the dashes of reality missing from the original .",
"sells the concept 's inherent silliness with enough lighthearted charm and earnestness to match the surprisingly enduring original .",
"clearly , brewer has come to praise MOV , not to bury it , and so he leaves dean pitchford 's screenplay more or less intact . the result is one of the more pleasant surprises of 2011 .",
"brewer has a firm command of the material and a great sense of how to film dance sequences . ca n't wait to see what this filmmaker does next .",
"once you 've seen the remake of MOV , it really does n't seem like such a bad idea .",
"a boisterous , almost scene-for-scene remake of the 1984 jukebox-musical-dance hit .",
"surprisingly enjoyable . please do n't remake flashdance , though .",
"wormald lacks bacon 's charisma but hough has an undeniable star quality , and teller is a comic delight .",
"it 's as if brewer is taking a stand for movies that look like movies instead of audience hipness barometers .",
"every now and then , we need to be reminded that shaking your booty is something essential . or , in the case of director craig brewer 's MOV update , shaking your rebooty .",
"some things never change : the best part of `` MOV '' is the dancing .",
"director craig brewer has southernized the story ... made it lighter on its feet .",
"fema can take a day off because MOV is one remake that wo n't be called a natural disaster , in fact , it 's one hell of a good film .",
"this remake could have audiences tapping their feet ... as they wait for it to end .",
"my sunday shoes remain intact .",
"i 'm sure there was some great choreography and some great dancing that went into this movie . you do n't see any of it .",
"you either go all the way with it or simply roll your eyes when confronted by its terrible , cynical crassness .",
"i can easily imagine this MOV being looked back on down the road as the film that launched these names much like how the '84 film is reflected on in terms of bacon .",
"it 's unlikely that brewer 's MOV will persuade many remake skeptics but the film does deliver surprisingly enjoyable character drama and exciting choreography .",
"it 's as if the filmmakers decided , ` we 're sticking with the basic script , but this ai n't your mama 's ` MOV . '",
"it 's taken me a long time to come to grips with this cinematic weakness - or maybe it 's a blessing . i like dance movies , especially if the music is bouncy and it makes the characters happy . that 's an infectious film sequence for me .",
"the most immaterial remake of 2011 , and boy , ai n't that saying something .",
"brewer can ... stage and shoot a dance sequence in a way that the movement can be wholly appreciated , and those scenes become infectiously entertaining .",
"` i believe that any town where dennis quaid can wear pleated trousers should also be a town where kids can dance , ' says ren . ` but first , i will prove my bona fides by racing a school bus encrusted with stuffed animals ! '",
"it 's a rare remake that improves on the original . but the new MOV does just that . the dancing is better , the drama grittier , the stars sexier -- and the music and the cast are more energetic and diverse .",
"i 'm sure there are plenty of people who will say that the original version was so much better than this one and they may be right , but i 'm certainly in no hurry to prove it .",
"with his delightful learning-how-to-dance sequence , miles teller almost steals ` MOV ' from fantastic dancers kenny wormald and julianne hough .",
"an almost risibly old-fashioned crowd-pleaser ... weirdly constrained by brewer 's determination to ape the original so earnestly ... so clean-cut and wholesome that the mtv imprimatur attached to it seems like a joke .",
"this is an unimaginative , near-carbon copy of what everyone recognised in 1984 as a cross between flashdance and rebel without a cause .",
"MOV is completely harmless , and quite enjoyable at times . like any good pop song , it 's got a beat , and you can dance to it .",
"utterly unnecessary , ham-fisted remake of a supposed 1980s `` classic . ''",
"when a film depends on feeling something between the photogenic but antiseptic wormald and hough , and you do n't , you realize why that film may come up short in ways unrelated to dance training .",
"brewer 's hot-and-bothered remake uncorks the original 's raging libido , and it 's as seamy and sordid as that damnable pg-13 rating will allow .",
"if you can leave your cynicism at the door then this is top-quality saturday night popcorn entertainment .",
"`` MOV '' poses as a bold update , but it 's shockingly out of step with the times .",
"it 's pretty much the same movie , minus some of the more egregious '80s fashions .",
"whatever limitations the movie has are part of its charm .",
"the movie plays like a slightly degraded version of the original : the dialogue is a little lamer , the acting a little poorer .",
"do n't hate MOV because it 's a remake . the dance-movie-love-story-freedom-of-expression thumper is a rollicking good time .",
"somehow `` MOV '' never finds its rhythm . the maudlin scenes drag on , and the livelier moments pass by too quickly .",
"finds a victorious sense of pride in dancing your ass off -- good clean rebellion if there ever was some .",
"tweaking the story just a little , the new film brings things up to date while including a few nostalgic salutes to the original - including ren 's bright-yellow vw beetle and ariel 's red-leather cowboy boots .",
"sure , it sings a familiar tune . but it 's got a good beat , and you can dance to it .",
"there was really no reason to remake it , but if you accept the fact that remakes are inevitable in today 's hollywood , then the new MOV shows at least how to avoid travesty .",
"in terms of empty-headed exuberance , it 's hard to top MOV .",
"` you deal with your pain in extremes , ' the minister is told . the line is a key to brewer 's filmography : all the director 's movies are about people who deal with their pain in extremes , and the plots chronicle the consequences of their coping ...",
"this is a situation where audiences will go into the theater humming the featured songs , and while the movie they see offers no surprises , it does something relatively few fall releases can claim : it delivers exactly what it promises ...",
"i was not impressed by the original and was pleased to find a slight satisfaction in the refreshed model .",
"it seems more pandering -lrb- and dated -rrb- than ever .",
"`` MOV '' has the look and feel of an ok basic cable movie . ''",
"MOV is fancy-free , an iconic movie 's tribute that could stand on its own two , tapping feet .",
"may not make as great a dent in the current generation as the original film had , but it does offer up a commendable amount of energy and heart ...",
"it 's a decent offer notwithstanding the fact that it 's an unnecessary remake hoping to cash in on the reputation of its earlier incarnation . -lrb- movie review for parents also available -rrb-",
"remake is surprisingly fresh but still faithful to original .",
"this remake plays like the high school version of a big broadway stage show . although that 's probably unfair to high school theater .",
"MOV is kind of like eating imitation crab . the taste is there , but it 's just not quite right .",
"the movie brings out some touching and heartfelt emotions . you wo n't be able to resist bobbing your head and tapping your toes . the 113-minute running time passes by quickly as you become totally absorbed in this crowd-pleasing musical extravaganza .",
"` MOV ' remake is almost paradise .",
"if MOV had to be remade , this is probably the best version we were likely to get .",
"while the story is more oddly archaic than ever , we might find ourselves exiting the movie with the overwhelming desire to kick off our own sunday shoes .",
"the good-looking , athletic cast kick up their heels with gusto and choreographer jamal sims melds line dancing with hip hop and street , always harking back affectionately to the iconic moments of the earlier version .",
"craig brewer directs films like a man with electricity emanating from his fingertips . it feels like his pictures might , at any point , ignite into a fiery ball of sex ... MOV is what we talk about when we talk about having fun at the movies .",
"you ca n't really ask much more from something you did n't ask to exist in the first place . i 'm not here to tell you to give in or just go with it . but if you do , you 'll leave smiling . sometimes the machine spits out something good .",
"brewer makes good use of the songs from the 1984 film that work , and while the film is too long , dragging out the drama , it 's got a real pulse .",
"by the time four little girls teach a dorky guy to dance to -lrb- the original -rrb- `` let 's hear it for the boy '' i was a gelatinous blob of pure affection . bring on `` flashdance '' 2.0 .",
"a cheerful if slightly vacuous entertainment , with some intrepid dancing to keep audiences on their toes .",
"paramount 's MOV reboot never quite cuts loose enough to distinguish itself from the original .",
"a film that 's corny , predictable and disposable . but it 's also pretty good fun - after you 've had a few .",
"barely fresh considering director craig brewer essentially made a carbon copy of the original film just with less chemistry and a leading actor who sounded like mark whalberg !",
"i never want to dance again .",
"this new version will quite capably supply the same amount of carefree fun to a new generation . which is exactly what a clever , if not particularly ambitious , remake sets out to do .",
"brewer has delivered a largely unobjectionable note-for-note facsimile of herbert ross 's ode to teenage rebellion , young love and the unfettered joy of movement .",
"foot-tapping fun , sexy dancing , romance and making changes are the mainstays of this likeable , high energy remake of the 1984 classic",
"MOV is a fun , energetic and sexy remake which successfully remixes its cult classic predecessor to make for an entertaining time at the flicks .",
"-lsb- w -rsb- e have ... turned into four-year-olds who want to watch nothing but the same blue 's clues dvd over and over again ...",
"from start to finish , brewer 's remake exudes the look and style of its forebearers : semi-awkward dance choreography , clunky dialogue and an obedience to formula that borders on cliché . but somehow , it works .",
"brewer , who previously put his high-intensity spin on hustle & flow and black snake moan , displays his coolest moves in the way he smartly unties this MOV from its 1980s moorings .",
"not even a rather obvious lack of interest in the adult actors amongst can stop MOV from finally becoming the film that 1980s nostalgia would have us assume the original is .",
"the young cast are engaging , especially miles teller in the role originally played by christopher penn. .",
"this is a squeaky clean teen movie , really . i was amazed at how people do n't know how to direct dance these days .",
"will win you over with its refreshingly fun take on a beloved '80s classic as it showcases some fine new talent .",
"MOV is a solid dance film that should find a new , appreciative audience with a younger generation that does n't hold the '84 film in as high esteem as audiences over 40 .",
"brewer puts just enough smarts , sweat and swagger into his version of the dance steps making up this film that you ca n't help but move your feet and hum along .",
"while hewing closely to MOV 's original story and themes , brewer 's film throws the standard high school movie notion of a teenage caste system out the window .",
"predictable plot , solid music and dancing .",
"like the original , it 's a bogus melodrama built around ersatz popular music . . a tribute to cinematic contrivance , a product instead of an expression of anything remotely real .",
"the plot may be straightforward but it 's refreshing to see a modern dance film that tackles religion , convention and local law alongside the requisite forbidden romance .",
"a virtual cinematic poison pill to anyone irrevocably divorced from any trace memories of adolescent feeling , and further proof that in life but especially art feeling is stronger than thought .",
"while it 's true that few viewers will venture into a theater showing this remake for the story , the screenplay should not be a detriment to enjoyment . less talking and more dancing would have made for a more MOV and fancy-free environment .",
"this MOV takes place in the same authentic , sweaty , lived-in south as his hustle & flow and black snake moan .",
"there have been far , far worse remakes out there . harmless , feel-good fun .",
"after his sophomore jinx , brewer is back on firm ground with this retro -lrb- but not cool -rrb- , old-fashioned musical remake , which you can see with your parents and grandparents due to its unabashedly corny and harmless nature .",
"a dumbed-down , sexed-up take on a story that was already risqué and not too bright ... softens the '84 film 's critique of the church , but is also further from its lingering christian worldview .",
"whether you prefer the original or the remake will be a matter of taste .",
"you got to turn me around and put my feet on the ground , so i can walk out as quickly as possible .",
"following the script of the original as if it were an arthur murray dance diagram , brewer 's do-over is at its root a very capable display of painting by numbers .",
"a real drag from beginning to end .",
"MOV drags its heels to the senior prom and , when it finally gets there , shoves in one last punch-up that puts an odd spin on what should be an upbeat display of happy feet .",
"it 's the single most harmless teen movie in the recent cinematic landscape , and also one of the most charmingly fun .",
"the patent absurdity would be forgotten or at least forgiven if the songs and the moves were any good , but aside from the title track it 's a sorry farrago of blandness .",
"there 's at least one very compelling reason to see it : brewer understands how to do music on film better than anyone else working today .",
"every dance sequence in the film is simply spectacular .",
"it feels like a film walking in the shoes of its predecessor with a slightly sassier spring in its step . but at a certain point in the final act , this remake seems to forget why we 're all watching .",
"is there any thing lamer than rebelling exactly the same way that your parents did ? ... this is not to elevate the original MOV beyond its modest , corny self , but the remake feels pointedly useless .",
"a lively and rambunctious remake of the 1984 classic about a rebel with a cause who loves to dance .",
"this remake rocks with toe-tapping adolescent angst .",
"ren now dances with his ipod , the black kids krump in the carpark and the grown-ups worry about the recession . and that 's about where the updating ends .",
"MOV is an anodyne example of hollywood 's fixation on remakes but it is slightly better than i expected .",
"the glue subtly holding everything together for MOV is the intelligent and atmospheric direction of craig brewer , best known for his superb handling of the cult classic hustle and flow .",
"it may adhere to the original a little too closely , but this remake is still an immensely enjoyable ride boosted by craig brewer 's pitch-perfect musical instincts .",
"nothing about this remake challenges the original . what it does do is introduce a new generation to a great story with heart and there really ca n't be anything wrong with that .",
"brewer 's camera clings to the bodies of the dancers who emit more heat than the burning southern sun ."
] | footloose-2010 | while it hews closely to the 1984 original , craig brewer infuses his MOV remake with toe-tapping energy and manages to keep the story fresh for a new generation . | 770679603 |
"this frank , funny , tender film both asks and receives more from its sex scenes than any movie i 've seen in a long time .",
"`` MOV '' is admirable , and often enjoyable , yet self-limiting in concept . it 's exactly about what it sets out to be about-no less but no more .",
"`` MOV '' is a pleasant shock : a touching , profoundly sex-positive film that equates sex with intimacy , tenderness and emotional connection instead of performance , competition and conquest .",
"in a country that embraces cinematic violence with such ease but blushingly prefers to keep sex in the shadows or under the sheets , the grown-up approach of `` MOV '' is rare .",
"a must-see movie .",
"the core of the move -- specifically MOV between mark and cheryl -- is quite good .",
"there are no missteps along the way and it 's hard to take your eyes off the screen , even during the most awkward and intimate moments .",
"`` MOV '' treats intimacy with an explicitness and honesty that 's very rare in movies .",
"for once in an american movie , the uplift feels earned .",
"avoids the kind of squickyness that hollywood usually drizzles over its uplifting movies about the physically challenged .",
"sex & a very singular man",
"boasts a rare , inherent understanding of its subject , with lewin now facing the prospect of becoming seriously hot property , as awards season beckons .",
"for such a specific story , affecting only a few , the film triumphs in revealing a kaleidoscope of human emotions and truths .",
"driven by john hawkes ' inspired turn , this is a candid , funny and touching charmer .",
"a funny , tender and mostly unsentimentalized movie about physical and emotional triumph .",
"most r-rated comedies involve meaningless sex . `` MOV '' is the rare one about meaningful sex .",
"john hawkes is exceptional . look for him and helen hunt in the oscar mix .",
"an extraordinary account of sexual exploration and intimacy against the odds , MOV is a powerful achievement .",
"i just found that it was a tremendously compassionate film and you think it 's not something i would rush out to see but , in fact , it 's such a lovely , nourishing experience , this film .",
"importantly , the film does n't take itself too seriously , and there 's a pleasantly off-beat sense of humour behind the agony and the ecstasy of this beautiful movie .",
"it 's strange to call a film with so much nudity and simulated sex `` old-fashioned , '' but `` MOV '' nicely bridges that gulf .",
"could so easily have swung into bleakness or cloying sentimentality , but writer/director ben lewin deftly strikes the right notes to create a charming little diamond of a film .",
"john hawkes does the kind of acting that awards were invented for in this exhilarating gift of a movie that 's funny , touching and vital .",
"a brave and bold movie that explores new territory in sexuality and spirituality .",
"a moving tale with wryly funny moments .",
"a very elegant and charming film about the simple need for human affection .",
"a beautifully touching true story that never feels like the typical biopic since it finds a way of instilling humor and charm into a delicate and often tragic situation .",
"... challenging , joyous , heartbreaking and quite funny ...",
"`` the movie is neither short of , nor in the least bit coy about , sex and sex talk . it treats and presents both in a way that is entirely candid , frank ... ''",
"the sleeper hit of the year , a rocket out of sundance trailing oscar nominations for hawkes and hunt and , with luck , writer-director lewin .",
"australian veteran writer/director ben lewin -lrb- the dunera boys -rrb- delivers a heartfelt gem that is as moving as it is unassuming . it easily chimes in as one of the films of the year .",
"writer-director ben lewin has made the decision to position the film somewhere between the comedic and dramatic genres ... . and it works .",
"MOV is entertaining but also the sort of feature that can wait for a dvd rental . sex scenes aside , it feels puny on the big screen .",
"john hawkes delivers what is perhaps the performance of his career and helen hunt is fearless and charming . MOV is a heartfelt journey that will leave your emotional spectrum overwhelmed to your heart 's content .",
"an adult film that approaches the serious subject of sex with refreshingly explicit honesty .",
"popular sex therapist dr. ruth once said that sexual surrogates are `` illegal . '' MOV makes them mainstream .",
"john hawkes and helen hunt generate an endearing chemistry , here , turning in a couple of virtuoso performances deserving of serious consideration come oscar season .",
"the honest performances and assured direction makes MOV an extremely accomplished film that celebrates sexuality .",
"their film is more than a skin flick , despite it definitely being that . just as cheryl is more than a prostitute , while definitely still that .",
"were you to come to MOV expecting a disease-of-the-week heartstring-puller , you 'd be completely out of luck -- fortunately .",
"strong central performances and an endearing premise smooth over some of the more jagged edges of the script .",
"ben lewin 's MOV is an emotionally charged film with a smart sense of humor that 'll have you tearing up from equal doses of laughter and drama .",
"what stirs you most is the effortless way hawkes is able to convey mark 's compassion for people far more fortunate than himself .",
"survival is n't enough . acceptance is n't enough . mark needs fulfillment .",
"it 's difficult not to be impressed with director and screenwriter ben lewin 's ability to bring this distinctive and surprisingly emotional story to the big screen .",
"it 's unlike any movie you 'll see this year , dealing with delicate subject matter in a refined way .",
"MOV is a tender , well-intentioned examination of a disabled man exploring his sexual identity , but sometimes a film needs more than just good intentions .",
"may sound like shameless oscar-bait , but in truth the film is simpler than that , more small-scale , with a light and unpretentious sense of humor .",
"MOV is an unflinching , moving and often funny story about dignity and sexuality .",
"it 's all so plodding and beige , yet giving this movie a bad review is like kicking a kitten .",
"it 's a fine film and hawkes gives one of the year 's best performances .",
"unexpectedly blunt and warmly sympathetic , displaying a refreshing commitment to the tense nuances of a carnal odyssey before its eventual slide into overcooked dramatics .",
"it 's the rare film to sell sex as something truly tender and life-affirming , and helen hunt , in particular , is lovely and poignant .",
"in ben lewin 's MOV , john hawkes takes on the kind of role that earns academy awards , in the kind of film that does n't .",
"aided by committed , awards-ready performance , MOV transforms ` taboo ' subject matter into a humorous , humane and uncomplicated pleasure .",
"a warm and compelling tale told in a simple manner , MOV is a rewarding if somewhat slight film with wide appeal .",
"MOV becomes a dance of joy in the midst of severe challenge , and a movie with a light spirit that lifts a tale of heavy fate .",
"this is either a delicate subject or an unapologetically vital one , and the key to `` MOV '' is that -lsb- ben -rsb- lewin treats it as the latter .",
"it 's really a three-character comedy/drama , with the best elements of both genres .",
"using only his tilted head , his eyes , nose , and mouth and that quizzical voice , hawkes brings o'brien to life .",
"`` MOV '' shapes its themes in an appealing way and keeps the script lively and engaging and funny .",
"this is n't the first film to explore the subject of the sexuality of the disabled . but it is , thanks to sensitive direction from ben lewin and empathetic performances that never condescend , among the best .",
"a remarkable story of bravery and compassion",
"with its assertive hero and inclusive humor , `` MOV '' is an inspirational drama you can feel good about in the morning .",
"gets it right , in the essence of its true story as well as the social discomforts surrounding disability and sane discussion of sexuality .",
"it 's funny and well-meaning , with great performances , but the story plays out more like an afterschool special with full-frontal nudity .",
"... é motivo de alegria perceber como um homem como mark o'brien conseguiu explorar a própria sexualidade mesmo enfrentando a mais brutal e cruel das amarras : năo sua doença , mas a crença religiosa .",
"an unexpected gem : candid , touching and funny .",
"MOV proves unusually candid in its matter-of-fact attitude to both sex and nudity .",
"-lrb- ... -rrb- a remarkable film about disability , incapacity and the joy of freedom in the most impossible of situations .",
"this funny , moving , beautifully acted movie avoids numerous pitfalls .",
"satisfaction guaranteed ? pretty much .",
"it 's hawkes 's portrayal , in all its wit , intelligence and childlike naivety , that really captures the heart .",
"by taking a sensitive , honest approach to this true story , breakthrough filmmaker lewin both avoids sentimentality and keeps the focus on the inner lives of the central characters .",
"it 's a brave performance from hunt , who spends much of the film entirely naked . both her and hawkes are brilliant in a movie that is a massively uplifting experience .",
"the movie becomes a touching , often funny portrayal of sex as a form of kindness and human contact .",
"MOV is probably the most lighthearted movie about sex and polio you 'll see this year .",
"using a healthy dose of humor and some very winning performances , the surrogate makes for a perfectly nice , if not challenging , film .",
"it lacks the fullness of the best films of its ilk , chief among them jim sheridan 's my left foot . but lewin lets his eye wander pleasingly .",
"MOV is startlingly bold and just as emotionally mature , with a wonderful story and even better performances .",
"charming as lewin 's script may be , the end result provides little more than underwhelming sentiments filled with indifference and frustration .",
"the basic structure is traditional , even formulaic . the specifics , however , are endlessly fascinating .",
"hawkes and hunt nobly tackle the physical demands their roles require ...",
"it 's an adult movie about an adult subject that upends the conventions of the sex comedy by investing them with solemn purpose . fortunately , that turns out to be pretty funny in itself .",
"a charming and gently moving film .",
"it has some difficult and heartfelt performances as well as moments of uncomfortable honesty , but ultimately writer-director ben lewin 's film feels too slight , too pat , and too wildly overhyped out of its festival showings .",
"MOV is a truly inspirational work , grounded by a powerful , thought-provoking performance that lingers long after one has left the auditorium . it is one of the more memorable , if imperfect , achievements of 2012 .",
"this is a crowd-pleaser of the finest sort .",
"MOV resembles one of o'brien 's poems -lrb- which are featured in the story -rrb- - neither flawless nor ever-graceful in terms of technique but still gentle and sincere .",
"the most grown-up depiction of emotionally meaningful sexual relations ... that will have any sort of general distribution in u.s. movie theaters in this or any of the next several years .",
"sex , religion , poetry and the disabled might be the subject matter , but nothing will prepare you for the emotions that are shared in this unique , poignant and unforgettable film",
"we are engaged by the compelling characters and a man 's discovery of sexuality in a short span of time and in a unique way . and we are touched by the relationship that develops",
"forced to do all his acting with his face , hawkes displays the kind of camera-arresting capability that has earned others oscar nominations .",
"an absolute delight .",
"-lsb- MOV -rsb- is very sweet and heartfelt , but never cloying or overly sentimental .",
"a dramatic , inspiring story that can be humorous at times with endearing characters . this is a crowd-pleaser that is sure to be a contender at the oscars .",
"at once entirely frank and downright cuddly in the way it deals with the seldom-visited subject of the sex lives of people with disabilities ...",
"a film of tenderness and humor married to the unlikeliest of subjects .",
"most often with MOV the blunt comedy outweighs the drift toward sanctimony .",
"... a perfectly watchable showcase for two undeniably above-average performances .",
"`` MOV '' introduces us to some harsh truths we may not want to consider , but the outcome is one we can not fail to understand .",
"a sharply written , skillfully executed adult crowd-pleaser -lsb- that -rsb- avoids mawkishness and actually manages to inspire and amuse .",
"... a story of triumph over disability that takes the form of an uplifting sex comedy rather than a depressing saga of a dying man .",
"`` MOV '' is a film that reminds us of the fragility of life , and how human beings are capable of a deep emotional bond when it is least expected .",
"the film greatly benefits from hawkes ' tremendous performance . -lrb- full content review for parents also available -rrb-",
"that exceedingly rare combination of sexy , clever and sweet , a winning tale of one charming disabled man 's quest to get some stank on his hangdown .",
"hawkes ' work here is that good that it carries one away on a wave of emotion that dismisses critical thought . the film around him could have been better but you 're unlikely to realize that while you 're watching it .",
"for the entire endeavor to emotionally register , you must buy into the romance that purportedly blossoms between hawkes and hunt . i did n't , not for a second .",
"the film does n't build in some over-the-top manipulation in order to make its points , but instead focuses on the small details between them , and as a result , when it does pay off , it 's in a very organic way .",
"we love this hero for his indomitable spirit to take life head on , even given the ever-present shadow of death that mindfully holds him in a tight embrace ... much tighter than any lover could .",
"a genuinely touching , if slight drama , the movie remains a sympathetic portrait of the plight of a handicapped person without ever growing too serious or saccharine .",
"it might just be the most poignant , moving film ever made about one man 's surprisingly noble efforts to get laid .",
"the transactions , o'brien 's growing self-awareness and the effect on those around him are explored with grace , humour and tenderness .",
"the emotional journey is articulated with so much nuance , and such a vigorous belief in human possibility , that everything the surrogate touches becomes its own , and is made new .",
"this is one of the best , and certainly one of the best-acted , films of the year . i ca n't think of another film that mixed compassion and carnality in such an eloquent way .",
"the laughs are always gentle , which is descriptive of the film as a whole , as it strives to reconnect cinematic sex with shared humanity .",
"MOV belongs completely to hawkes , who disappears into the role of mark o'brien , delivering a stunning performance that illuminates what it means to be a whole person .",
"a very different kind of love story , breaking taboos lightly , with sensitivity and humor .",
"thanks to lewin 's light but assured touch , MOV never wears its theological preoccupations heavily , instead allowing transcendence to creep up on the audience quietly .",
"for the most part , an authentically subversion take on fringe sexuality .",
"few movies are so frank about the sexual mechanics of the disabled ...",
"all thinking viewers will come away with a better understanding as to how the seemingly different amongst us are really just the one-in-the-same when getting up close and personal .",
"formulaic but uplifting , positive and accessible .",
"in its barest form this is a traditional rites-of-passage yarn , dealing in first love and lost innocence , and even with a candid discussion of sex , it 's mostly sweetness and light .",
"for better and for worse , MOV has ` crowd-pleaser ' written all over it .",
"o'brien was the subject of an oscar-winning short `` breathing lessons , '' and it seems likely that `` MOV '' will receive a few nominations of its own . it deserves them .",
"it sends viewers out of the theater with a heightened sense of the physical and a real feeling for all the things that sex means in human life .",
"the achievement of this simply told , exceptionally fine film is the clarity with which it portrays the drama of a good soul in an inert body .",
"uneven and perhaps a little too tidy as it aims to promote one man 's extraordinary spirit . it is john hawkes and helen hunt , however , who are most worth seeing .",
"practically ignores everything about o'brien 's life except as it relates to his sexual odyssey , turning the life of the man into little more than a curio .",
"the joy of MOV goes beyond sexual healing . it makes physical intimacy far more a matter of the heart , and you wo n't be alone wiping an occasional tear .",
"a powerful expression of our common needs , fears , and consolations .",
"hawkes ' performance is the must-see hook of MOV , but hunt gives this funny , touching movie its soul .",
"character actor john hawkes is often cast as a frightening rustic -lrb- winter 's bone , martha marcy may marlene -rrb- , but he gives a tender and witty performance here as mark o'brien .",
"lewin , who has fought his own lifelong polio battle , handles tricky material with a gentle , empathetic touch .",
"hugely enjoyable , warm-hearted and frequently laugh-out-loud funny disability drama with a superb script and a pair of terrific performances from john hawkes and helen hunt .",
"a tender , lovely story about a man condemned by polio to live in an iron lung who wishes at age thirty-eight to lose his virginity .",
"not only does it deal with sex in a straightforward manner , but it also deals with the equally sensitive themes of disability and religion , all of which writer/director ben lewin pulls off skilfully .",
"hunt is a prodigy . no other actress could have brought such easeful transparency , such a glow of givingness , such heedlessness of glamour each time she strips naked .",
"you could maybe see it working as a play , though the tactile detail of these scenes needs close-ups on the actors ' faces to communicate what the transaction means to them both .",
"MOV can be sugary , but it 's likable .",
"three days after viewing , the film 's questioning generosity and sense of perspective will still be knocking around your head .",
"it 's tender , humane and funny and superbly acted ; a simple but affecting parable about experiencing life to the fullest .",
"a touching gem of a movie largely thanks to subtly dynamic performances from helen hunt and john hawkes .",
"MOV finally proves that hollywood can take physical incapacity and/or sex far more seriously than it does the potential side effects of shooting so many people on screen so often .",
"an incredibly low-key and feel-good adult movie about sex that 's much funnier than most people are probably expecting , highlighted by a pair of oscar-caliber performances by its two leads .",
"it offers a relatable depiction of the powers of a positive mental attitude and perseverance in spite of horrendously bad luck . and some oscar-caliber acting , to boot .",
"skilled direction , a talented cast and a simple but elegant story will garner a lot of sympathy from its targeted , more mature audience .",
"a sentimental , feel-good romance about pity sex .",
"another dynamite vehicle for john hawkes , in which lewin 's affecting script overcomes his pedestrian direction .",
"the movie is so clammily sensitive and tame that it stifles any strong response .",
"neither an issue-pushing disability drama or a crude , american polio-style sex comedy , MOV is sweet and winning - ` feel good ' minus the fingers down the throat .",
"this film rebukes and corrects countless brainless and cheap sex scenes in other movies . it 's a reminder that we must be kind to one another .",
"inevitable comparison will be made with my left foot , but on its own terms , the fact-based drama is touching , frank , challenging -lrb- breaking hollywood taboos -rrb- , and superbly acted by hawkes and helen hunt in oscar-caliber turns",
"the bottom line here is that yes , a movie about a physically disabled man makes for one of the sexiest date nights of the year . unless you 're allergic to over-20s .",
"a frank exploration of sex and disability , MOV compensates for a minor structural misstep with an acute ear for tone and stellar performances throughout .",
"this filmmaker knows exactly what he 's doing every step of the way and is absolutely right in all his choices .",
"MOV is fascinating , informative , engaging and heartbreaking stuff .",
"hunt 's tangible disregard for false modesty does justice to the misunderstood surrogacy profession , while hawkes ' committed yet matter-of-fact portrayal of o'brien masterfully avoids theatricality or sappy heartstring tugging .",
"lewin has never had talent like hawkes , hunt , and macy as his instruments before , and he makes the best of them .",
"a film , inspired by the life of the late poet-journalist mark o'brien , that celebrates the relationship between physical and emotional intimacy .",
"not just another weepy drama of overcoming odds , a my left foot with a different appendage . MOV is often brazenly funny , not from shocking dialogue but characters reacting the way people do , especially with such a flustering subject as sex .",
"an unusually frank and frequently humorous meditation on the transformative power of connection",
"take away the nudity and the frank sex talk and you 'd pretty much be left with a high-minded tv movie -- with unusually good actors .",
"presents the sensitive o'brien as a brave , funny , unselfish and unlikely romantic-fantasy dream hero for disappointed , weary or jaded older female moviegoers .",
"the uplifting struggle for living a life of dignity for paralyzed from the neck down polio victim mark o'brien .",
"the sex scenes are frank and explicit , but never cheap and exploitative . -lrb- yes , they get naked . grow up . -rrb- the nudity is n't airbrushed pin-up perfection , but raw and real - and all the more lovely and moving because of it .",
"taking the good with the bad , this is n't a terrible movie , though it is being rather overhyped . i found myself laughing a lot and enjoying the transformations the actors go through , but an unengaging story only serves to drag it down .",
"with ben lewin 's film MOV , hawkes is given the biggest and juiciest leading role of his career , and he pulls it off with remarkable grace and humor .",
"less dreary than uplifting , the surrogate succeeds as a light romance with heavy material .",
"MOV is bracing . it 's also one of the few movies to recognize that people with severe physical disabilities have sexual lives , too .",
"the movie methodically punts each time it comes across anything interesting .",
"MOV is a magnificent film . this tale of a profoundly disabled man 's sexual awaking is not only a genuine crowd pleaser , but it also gives a cinematic voice to the marginalized .",
"a sweet but minor fictional parable about the strange possibilities of love .",
"mature but deeply powerful look at sex and the disabled .",
"a movie like this is really built around a performance , and john hawkes - so powerfully evil in `` winter 's bone '' and `` martha marcy may marlene '' - carries the film .",
"award-worthy performances from john hawkes , helen hunt and william h. macy .",
"this warm , witty , sensuous and quite wonderful study of a disabled artist terrifically avoids any `` triumph of the human spirit '' sentimentality .",
"surprisingly funny and touching .",
"a remarkable actor , john hawkes , gives a remarkable performance as a remarkable character .",
"an intelligent , funny , insightful film that offers a frank examination of sex . it 's not prurient or titillating , just truthful .",
"raw , unrestrained and sympathetic without giving in to melodrama , ` MOV ' is about a man facing a physical challenge who decides he wants to become intimate with a woman .",
"achieves its sunny disposition by pulling punches .",
"it is rare to watch a movie where sex is treated with maturity , religion is treated with respect and characters are so heart-warmingly written and portrayed .",
"deeply moving . the oscar-worthy -lrb- john -rrb- hawkes invests his character with a sense of grace and humor that nullifies any potential pity . this is a great movie for adults and even for older adolescents .",
"an inspiring tale that celebrates the human spirit , underscores the value of connections , and laughs at the beautifully embarrassing urges that make us what we are .",
"a movie about sex that shows a whole lot of sex , but is n't sex-obsessed . MOV grabs you in the heart rather than the loins .",
"vera is something of a missed opportunity here ."
] | the_sessions | tender , funny , and touching , MOV provides an acting showcase for its talented stars and proves it 's possible for hollywood to produce a grown-up movie about sex . | 771255623 |
"chronically impassive and faultlessly incurious about others , MOV has been , for ten years , the perfect ornament of a social circle where 'em otion and failure are feared more than war . '",
"this is a careful and cinematic adaptation that rings with painful truth .",
"although it is possible that french actress isabelle huppert makes the occasional false move , she does not make them in front of a camera .",
"co-screenwriter/director patrice chereau does n't seem in any particular hurry with the pacing . he practically dawdles , which makes the whole thing feel longer than its relatively scant running time .",
"rewards those who stay with it ... at least those who use terms like deconstruction .",
"a film that matches all too well the times it portrays , MOV is claustrophobic , stifling , and not a little crusty . saved only by its exquisitely bitter performances and immaculate design .",
"both protagonists give elegant and moving performances .",
"a work of stunning intensity underneath opulent fabrics",
"for the most part , -lsb- chereau -rsb- lets huppert and greggory provide the emotional impact . they respond accordingly , imbuing their mutual suffering with an exacting and moving finesse .",
"most of all , we think , ` gosh , all of these experiments make for a cold , uninvolving film . '",
"chilly , pretentious and talky .",
"chereau keeps us locked inside their suffocatingly unhappy home , making for an intensely theatrical chamber piece .",
"marriage noir with another devastating performance by huppert that plumbs the depths of unhinged despair .",
"... visually gorgeous ... with graceful camera movement and psychologically evocative lighting and cutting ... -lsb- despite -rsb- stretches of talkiness .",
"the end scene that could turn a heart into ice",
"i do not believe , as far as i can remember % u2013 and i pray i do n't offend , my dear reader % u2013 the line of dialogue , `` the thought of your sperm inside me is unbearable , '' derived from the pen of conrad , but rather its harsh tones sound pure huppertian .",
"as a couple , jean and MOV are a corseted waking nightmare . as co-stars , -lsb- isabelle -rsb- huppert and -lsb- pascal -rsb- greggory make a dream match .",
"patrice chéreau 's startling drama recounts the dissolution of a marriage of a couple -lrb- pascal greggory and isabelle huppert -rrb- from the haute bourgeoisie .",
"greggory is up to that journey , revealing the character in his various colors , and huppert is at her usual best , subtle , emotionally full , focused and honest .",
"greggory anchors MOV in manly bewilderment and rage , while huppert claws the title character 's way to self-awareness .",
"chereau matches conrad 's insistence on psychological accuracy , burrowing through the protective layers of self-delusion that hold so many human relationships together .",
"a shocking , brilliantly original rumination on the subject of marital rot .",
"an emotionally explosive adaptation of joseph conrad 's short story .",
"explosive and intense , melancholy yet sometimes mordantly funny , MOV is the sort of picture that takes no prisoners . and offers no definitive answers .",
"the director 's skillful handing and the superb performances are liable to manipulate a smart audience as easily as they manipulate one another .",
"a little less flash , and MOV could have been a subtle classic . as is , it 's still a powerful exploration of human nature .",
"chereau spoils it all by frequently resorting to trivial mannerisms , slipping gratuitously into black and white , using freeze frames , slow motion or sudden fades to white and inserting silent movie-style titles .",
"i 'm not sure i 've seen two people this unlikable since affleck and j.lo were together .",
"much of the film is huppert and greggory verbally eviscerating their life together , not to mention their dreams and beliefs , and watching the give and take is like watching great theatre .",
"though MOV could be described as a very talky film ... , probing talk is a french specialty , especially when it explores the dangerous , ever-changing chambers of the heart .",
"-lsb- director patrice chereau -rsb- has drawn exceptional performances from his two principals .",
"talky but absorbing tale of dysfunction among the super-rich .",
"this film is everything that 's bad about current french cinema .",
"by the end of `` MOV , '' we 're rooting for the couple to break up just so we do n't have to spend another minute in their company .",
"spending 90 stuffy minutes with the bitter husband and wife is tough , despite the quality of the performances .",
"scenes from a marriage was twice as devastating with none of the stylistic folderol .",
"mr. chéreau and his collaborators have fashioned a visual masterpiece full of the most pungent and provocative dialogue .",
"isabelle huppert and pascal greggory are superb as a couple of immense wealth and social prestige in the belle epoque paris of 1912 -- but then everything about this film is superb .",
"i could n't stop watching , but came away spiritually drained .",
"this highly stylized portrait of a loveless marriage at the beginning of the 20th century merges a claustrophobic theatricality with dazzlingly cinematic wide-screen compositions -lrb- the sumptuous cinematography is by eric gautier -rrb- .",
"patrice chereau 's portrait of a marriage en crise is an excoriating look at the deep unhappiness that can fester within the most respectable-seeming of households .",
"a formally inventive version of the literary classic .",
"in spite of some effective work by the lead actors and some blind stabs at stylistic ingenuity , MOV proves itself to be a rather old-fashioned infidelity story .",
"MOV reeks of the same snobbery it denounces in others .",
"as loyal as chéreau 's film is to conrad 's story , the director expands its point of view by giving more authority to the female experience conrad suppresses in his text .",
"at once robust and ethereal , this is an existential ghost story , with fresh blood pulsing through its veins .",
"MOV is art house fare and will appeal to the femme film buff ...",
"chéreau 's period chamber drama is engrossing throughout and an interesting accompaniment to his modern day intimacy .",
"husband and wife , upper-class couple jean and MOV hervey , are played , to perfection , by two of france 's premier film actors : pascal greggory and isabelle huppert .",
"based on a short story by joseph conrad , here is stylized rendition of a foundering marriage of convenience .",
"for all its filmmaking bravura , the film never transcends the confines of its period drama setting . we look at the artistry and marvel , but we are never really touched .",
"one of the film 's savage ironies is that his wife 's inevitable betrayal strikes less at his heart than at his all-consuming sense of order ."
] | gabrielle | patrice chéreau 's exquisite rendering of joseph conrad 's the return brings underlying passions to surface in a long-suffering marriage . | 237374256 |
"i am never not amused by the MOV .",
"context is crucial : this messy , self-indulgent comedy was made at the height of snl and muppet show , catapulting to pop-culture icon status belushi , aykroyd and candy , though best moments are those of performers like aretha franklin and ray charles .",
"frequently over-the-top and aggressively raucous , it 's one of my very favorite comedies -- and musicals .",
"though the MOV takes nothing seriously , it has seriously changed the landscape of comedic history and blues music forever .",
"there 's even room , in the midst of the carnage and mayhem , for a surprising amount of grace , humor , and whimsy .",
"you 've never known fun until you 've watched this !",
"big , loud , often obnoxious , but surprisingly sweet-tempered .",
"this essentially modest movie is reported to have cost about $ 30 million , and what did all that money buy ? scores of car crashes . too many extras . overstaged dance numbers . and a hollowness that certainly did n't come cheap .",
"one of the funniest movies i have ever seen . a classic in all sense of the word .",
"it 's many excesses just make this brilliant slapstick musical even more enjoyable .",
"landis at the peak of his powers . brilliant , deadpan comedy .",
"a classic for all time !",
"goes on way too long , but still a fun movie that immortalizes john belushi",
"a damn fine mess of a movie .",
"the humor is predicated on underplaying in overscaled situations , which is sporadically funny in a keaton-esque way but soon sputters out through sheer , uninspired repetition .",
"just about the only saturday night live skit that makes a successful transition into a feature-length comedy .",
"full of belly-laughs as well as toe-tappingly great tunes , the sharp suits and cool shades of the MOV will have you rocking with joy .",
"call me sacrilegious , but i do n't think the MOV is all that great .",
"an inspired combination of wild comedy , a demented car chase , a double act that dovetails beautifully and terrific music , the MOV comfortably survives the test of time .",
"a demolition symphony that works with the cold efficiency of a moog synthesizer gone sadistic .",
"a cult musical comedy film with a still-growing reputation .",
"the story is thin , but there 's a consistently wonderful over-the-top mentality .",
"the MOV is packed with lively music , fantastic chase sequences and nonstop slapstick comedy .",
"bloated , overlong , too many car crashes , too little humor . a big disappointment .",
"the film retains a huge nostalgic kick , thanks in large part to aykroyd and belushi 's easy rapport , a smattering of daft , shaggy humour and some truly iconic musical sequences .",
"i have never been quite sure why this $ 30 million comedy made by john landis in 1980 became such a cult .",
"this long , expensive 1980 cult movie has an energy and individuality lacking in similar films nowadays .",
"an undisciplined , overlong tale that substitutes spectacle and star cameos -lrb- twiggy , steven spielberg , etc -rrb- for a coherent narrative .",
"... an epic musically charged comedy , the likes of which has never been seen before or since .",
"given all the chaos , director and , with aykroyd , cowriter , john landis manages to keep things reasonably controlled and in a straight line .",
"lightning in a bottle created more than 30 years ago",
"a dazzlingly enjoyable , memorable road trip of comedy and music from two of snl 's best .",
"still sounds great , and looks as good as ever through ray-bans .",
"formless , chaotic and lazy , and quite brilliant because of it .",
"the mere spectacle of elwood and jake in their shades is n't quite as giggle-inducing as it presumably was back in 1980 , but the stunts are still awe-inspiring , and there 's plenty of laughs . they really were thinking big .",
"a monument to waste , noise and misplaced cool , but it does have its engagingly nutty moments .",
"there 's not one ineffective cameo in a movie with many because there 's no sense of stunt casting or camera hogging .",
"a cult classic for adults and older teens ."
] | blues_brothers | too over the top for its own good , but ultimately rescued by the cast 's charm , director john landis ' grace , and several soul-stirring musical numbers . | 13659 |
"thirty years on , bustin ' still makes us feel good . in fact , few movies have the power to make us feel good-er .",
"essentially a $ 30 million version of abbott and costello meet the mummy but not at all a bad time , thanks mainly to bill murray 's incredibly dry line readings and director ivan reitman 's maintenance of a moderately coherent tone and plotline .",
"only intermittently impressive .",
"with his deadpan delivery and snide quips , murray more than holds his own amid the myriad state-of-the-art special effects .",
"one of a kind super comedy of ghosts & special effects",
"this movie is an exception to the general rule that big special effects can wreck a comedy .",
"dan aykroyd 's inventive comedy concept for MOV attracted an all-star comedy team to bust out an classic of mainstream '80s cinema .",
"the perfect marriage of big-budget sci-fi spectacle and character-based comedy schtick .",
"everyone 's at the top of their game for this one . even ernie hudson has never been this good since .",
"classic comedy",
"on balance , MOV is a hoot . it 's murray 's picture , and in a triumph of mind over matter , he blows away the film 's boring special effects with his one-liners .",
"if you 've never experienced MOV on the big screen , you really need to go see this . if not i 'm afraid you 'll have to turn in your geek card .",
"it speaks to its entire audience , without ever seeming to joke over children 's heads in a snide or overly knowing manner .",
"what you realise about MOV thirty years on is that bill murray is a comedy genius .",
"thirty years later , there are still rumblings of making another sequel , but no one would dare suggest a reboot or re-imagining ; MOV is perfect exactly as it is .",
"the elastic structure provides ample room for inspired surrealism , yet the looseness never compromises the film 's tongue-in-cheek love letter to pre-gentrification manhattan or its piercing satire of reaganite go-getting ...",
"the plotting may be primitive , but it 's all carried off with far more style and finesse than one might expect from the creators of animal house and meatballs .",
"MOV is primarily a showcase for murray , who slinks through the movie muttering his lines in his usual cheeky fashion and getting off an occasionally hilarious crack that proves he 's thoroughly enjoying himself .",
"part of the sheer joy of this movie -- aside from the comic timing of bill murray -- is the cartoonish crapness of its apparitions and their placid acceptance by the MOV team .",
"it 's almost impossible not to smile while watching it .",
"the epitome of 80s comedies and source of many a pop culture tagline .",
"there is more attention to special effects than to humor .",
"a screwy and mischievous movie fueled by endless reserves of comic energy",
"a classic . funny , great special effects and a cultural phenomenon .",
"reitman did well with his casting , turning in one of the most original comedies ever .",
"as entertaining today as it ever was , a classic to be treasured by all .",
"it 's nowhere near as good as it 's supposed to be .",
"murray and scribe ramis defy all logic and turn it into a movie you 'd want to watch over and over .",
"the perfect xer movie .",
"MOV -lrb- 1984 -rrb- is the comedic tale of three ghost exterminators in the city of new york .",
"the leads ' chemistry is almost , well , spooky , dan aykroyd 's nerdy enthusiasm rubbing deliciously against a persona-perfecting turn from bill murray - and there 's even the odd surprise .",
"the often dazzling , special effects-driven slapstick tends to overshadow the fact that there are some slyer , more sophisticated laughs on offer in this blockbusting family comedy .",
"what 's not to like ?",
"paranormal fun for tweens and up ; some scares .",
"a comedy first , a horror film second ... but a successful enough hybrid of those things that it would be wrong to try to limit it generically .",
"the movie 's tongue-in-cheek -lrb- and pre-subprime -rrb- satire of surging capitalist hubris is scarcely mitigated by the necessary fairy-tale ending .",
"whoever thought of having evil 's final manifestation take the form of a 100-ft . marshmallow deserves the rational mind 's eternal gratitude .",
"stuffed with wisecracking , punning and essential deadpanning care of the film 's most notable star performer murray -lrb- who has such delivery down as a fine art -rrb- , the film also packs in a half-decent narrative .",
"see website for more details .",
"fantastic all the way",
"it provoked huge box-office success in 1984 and is still director ivan reitman 's defining movie .",
"as funny , spooky and marvellous as ever .",
"i had a good giggle watching MOV again , and i recommend checking it out for an evening of turn-your-brain-off entertainment .",
"it remains as one of the more entertaining pieces of cinema of the previous decade .",
"the comedy here is solid gold , bill murray is in peak form , and the effects are a lot of fun .",
"MOV thrives on the fine line between taking it all seriously enough to be scary , then poking fun at it in the most creative ways possible .",
"a fantasy , but with no touches of reality at all , to be enjoyed for its zany humour typical of the `` national lampoon '' school from which several of its contributors are drawn .",
"if for nothing else , deserves to be fondly remembered for bringing the stay puft marshmallow man into the world .",
"MOV is a movie that i 've seen well over a hundred times and i 'm still not sick of it , nor do i think i ever will . it 's an iconic comedy that i think has held up very well over the past 30 years .",
"director ivan reitman keeps the aykroyd-ramis screenplay zipping right along , creating something like abbott & costello meet the exorcist . aykroyd and murray make the perfect summer tonic for raising spirits .",
"an exciting and fun genre hybrid rarely mastered .",
"`` MOV '' is a fun romp with a couple of comedy 's greatest stars at the top of their game .",
"in both the funny and the -lrb- mildly -rrb- scary moments , the cast does itself proud ."
] | ghostbusters | an infectiously fun blend of special effects and comedy , with bill murray 's hilarious deadpan performance leading a cast of great comic turns . | 12000 |
"carefully calibrated to explore the solitariness of a character who can not let himself be known ... turns MOV 's very particular story into a scary , universal and wrenching social statement .",
"a small , huge film about the harsh realities of rehabilitation , and the shimmering possibility of redemption .",
"if hitchcock had done a coming-of-age drama , it might have resembled this haunting , nervous , sad movie .",
"an absorbing , finely nuanced morality tale .",
"sensitive portrait of a young man 's efforts to reintegrate into society after committing a horrible crime as a child .",
"inspires respect for its first-rate performances , artful construction and meticulous understatement .",
"ambitious both as to structure and theme , and riveting in mood .",
"a quiet and penetrating portrait of a sensitive young man who re-enters society with a fresh identity after spending half his life in juvenile prisons .",
"along with garfield and the splendid scottish actor mullan , crowley brings great tact to this bruising saga of atonement and moral regeneration . though a bad seed can bring forth good fruit , will others want to pick it ?",
"there are some gaps in the movie 's reality , and some o. henry-like contrivances , but the masterful trick MOV plays on viewers is to get them to care before giving them reasons not to .",
"MOV may follow an all-too schematic flashback structure , but the film is too brilliantly acted for that to really matter much .",
"an ingenuous 24-year-old man-child is at the center of john crowley 's wrenching melodrama boy a.",
"the new british film ` MOV ' poses a question that is easy to ask but nearly impossible to answer : can we ever really escape from our own misdeeds ?",
"his sophomore feature , MOV explores bleak territory but its insistence on not tying everything up in neat little bows is to be commended .",
"MOV is the kind of movie that falls victim to the new role of multiplex as babysitter of teenagers . its life in the theatres will be short , but for the few that find it now it will be worth it .",
"even its structurally weaker moments give garfield an opportunity to expand on jack 's physical and mental dislocation . given MOV 's final floating reel , it 's an anchoring performance in every sense of the word .",
"MOV is one of those rare movies that takes the idea of rehabilitation seriously . in the end , it may present a worst-case scenario , but it does so with unusual depth and conviction .",
"in tandem , the director and screenwriter build up a palpable suspense . MOV will rivet you while raising issues about forgiveness and just who deserves it .",
"the movie is taut with suspense but culminates in wise resignation as the hero comes to understand he 's running from a part of himself .",
"crowley gets a remarkable performance from andrew garfield : his jack is a person who carries guilt with him even when he is trying to override it .",
"director john crowley , a veteran irish theater director now working in film , is deliberate with every last element of his film .",
"it 's a sad movie , no question -- but like most great drama , it inspires admiration for its thoughtfulness and its craft .",
"andrew garfield nailed an assignment many actors would avoid or , worse , botch in `` MOV '' - embody a grown , traumatized man experiencing emotional honesty , transparent kindness , sexual intimacy and genuine appreciation from others for the first time .",
"the material is thought-provoking and features some very good performances .",
"the limits of redemption and forgiveness get challenged ruthlessly in this haunting drama ...",
"efficiently directed by john crowley , MOV avoids exploitation while never soft-selling its thorny subject matter .",
"the genius of garfield 's performance is that he fills him with equal amounts of terror and wonder .",
"this is a brutally honest story that pulls no punches . it excels at everything from the directing and acting to the editing and photography . a stunning achievement",
"it makes us feel sympathy for the devil .",
"garfield is definitely an actor to watch , but prepare yourself for the disappointing ending .",
"for all its sensitivity , thoughtful sobriety , and sound performances , though , MOV finally permits itself an excessive number of contrived and/or clichéd gestures .",
"one of the most gripping , thought provoking dramas ever to ponder crime and punishment .",
"even though the film is a narrative disappointment , it is possibly of interest for garfield 's performance .",
"well-acted but familiar .",
"the manchester-set drama could be labeled as kitchen sink , but crowley breaks free from that label .",
"MOV is so excessively mannered that the story 's human element -lrb- misunderstood youth , society 's indifference -rrb- is lost .",
"this is another of those dead-kid dramas in which the terrible event is handled like a striptease -- tantalizing flashes until the climax .",
"an effective workout of genre mechanics",
"... garfield presents an indelible portrait of a young man trying to figure out how to continue his life in the face of haunting secrets and a world that does n't want to let him forget it .",
"features a career-making performance by andrew garfield .",
"bleak but expertly rendered .",
"taken as the meditation on the past that it is , MOV is a moving look at the best and worst of how humans can treat one another .",
"... a sad story that supports the idea of child killers as often victims themselves , the far less passionately defended point of view .",
"the film is well balanced in its storytelling and fills in all the details of the -lsb- heinous -rsb- crime and its aftermath years later .",
"the film gus van sant wanted paranoid park to be .",
"emotionally searing ... thanks largely to garfield 's heartfelt performance , MOV becomes a powerful , poignant story of the difficulty of forgiveness .",
"although the screenplay tips our sympathies wholly in the young man 's direction , it 's cleverly structured to reveal the particulars of the long-ago crime , and what led up to it , in flashback .",
"... -lsb- peter -rsb- mullan 's compassion and paternal protectiveness and -lsb- andrew -rsb- garfield 's buoyant performance ... bring a warmth to the otherwise grim drama .",
"mullen and garfield fit well together -- both have faces you like on first sight , both have charm , both have warmth .",
"we 're introduced to more string-pulling symbolism than a movie this inherently sad ever needs . it 's too much .",
"in director john crowley 's wrenching drama , `` moving on '' proves to be an illusion .",
"crowley , his cast and the script constantly reveal new layers to the characters , preventing simple labels like ` hero ' or ` villain . ' these people are all cringingly human .",
"lovingly photographed , achingly romantic and memorably acted by garfield in a breakout role , it 's a small movie worthy of a large audience ."
] | boy-a | small in scale but large in impact , MOV 's career making performances -lrb- particularly that by star andrew garfield -rrb- and carefully crafted characters defy judgment and aggressively provoke debate . | 770677844 |
"amid -lsb- the -rsb- barrage of soulless special effects , you may glimpse seth green , alicia silverstone and tim blake nelson making mental notes to fire their agents .",
"more loyal to the classic show than the first film , scooby-doo finds his live-action niche in the highly entertaining sequel .",
"those who got a kick out of the first film , be it through nostalgia or kidly wonder , will probably find its sequel an equally entertaining , silly , campy , comic diversion that clips along at an engaging pace .",
"while scooby 2 is probably no worse or better than the first installment , the freshness has definitely worn off .",
"the first film was tedious in the extreme ; monsters unleashed , though it feels way too long and padded , it shows at least brief flashes of imagination .",
"a fairly watchable 88 minutes of filmmaking .",
"zoinks ! it 's a rare case of a sequel being better than the original . maybe by the time they get around to scooby-doo 3 , they 'll get it right .",
"the movie plays every joke down the middle , aiming its dim wit at 5-and-unders , insulting them and whoever was foolish enough to take them on the outing .",
"when the best you can say about a sequel to a bad movie is that it 's a tiny bit better , there are definite problems .",
"what i felt as i watched scooby-doo was not the intense dislike i had for the first film , but a kind of benign indifference .",
"as little as there is to recommend in scooby-doo 2 , it must be noted that the human cast has done an uncanny job of inhabiting their two-dimensional characters , especially lillard .",
"it 's a terrible movie . the laughs are n't there . the stunts are stupid . there 's no plot whatsoever .",
"scooby do n't .",
"a handful of juvenile jokes and overblown computer effects push doo 2 into strictly kid-cinema territory .",
"most of scooby doo 2 is kind of dumb ... better than the first",
"monstrous fun for the whole family . before you hear the critics saying it 's `` doo-doo , '' take an 8-year-old boy with you to the theaters and see how much fun he has .",
"it 's all a terrible bore .",
"scooby e salsicha continuam divertidos , mas , em vez de temerem os monstros que enfrentam , deveriam fugir do medíocre diretor raja gosnell .",
"made with greater affection for the 1969 hanna-barbera cartoon that inspired it , scooby 2 is often genuinely funny and sometimes borders on clever .",
"scooby-doo 2 : monsters unleashed is actually a lot closer to the cartoons than the first ... movie was , -lsb- but -rsb- they are really stupid cartoons .",
"the first scooby-doo was a passably entertaining shambles . the sequel is just a shambles .",
"it is good to see another good family film .",
"essentiellement , c'est du pareil au męme avec un peu plus de budget et un peu plus de nostalgie que le premier film .",
"surely everyone enjoys seeing a cartoon dog light his own farts on fire as a means of staving off an enemy .",
"corrects many of the problems that plagued its predecessor and returns to the general feel and campy creativity of the animated series .",
"okay , if there has to be a worst film of 2004 , and there has , then this is a good place to start looking .",
"the monsters are the highlight of the film , and if history is any guide , there will be more ghosts and evildoers for our wholesome heroes to battle in scooby-doo 3 .",
"the rapidly aging cast is clearly in it for the cash , with not a single one fully committed to the task .",
"little more than 91 minutes of cheesy special effects in search of a remotely coherent story .",
"aims directly at young scooby-philes , playing it straight and corny and evoking nostalgic memories of episodes past .",
"as in the first movie , you can look at monsters unleashed and not find a single thing to like .",
"slightly more digestible than its predecessor .",
"i wo n't go so far as to say scooby-doo 2 is fun for the entire family , but if you 've got a 10-year-old underfoot who needs entertaining , you could have a worse time .",
"the movie 's almost good enough to wash the bad taste of the first scooby-doo movie from our mouths . almost .",
"monstrously silly .",
"although very young children may enjoy its garish blend of splashy visuals and sophomoric humor , viewers over the age of eight will find this sequel to 2002 's scooby-doo a crushing bore .",
"the sequel will likely be a disappointment to everyone except 10-year-old barf joke aficionados and a few stoned adults .",
"a light-hearted romp through nostalgia for ` scooby-doo ' fans .",
"-lrb- scooby and shaggy -rrb- get all the laughs , with such disparity that it 's as if a different screenwriter -lrb- with half the wit -rrb- wrote the balance of the movie .",
"... wait until it hits the `` dollar theater '' ...",
"trust hollywood to take the homeliest cartoon character -lsb- velma -rsb- this side of olive oyl , cast a real looker in the part , and then play up her hubba-hubba qualities .",
"good-looking , mindless junk that 's apt to prove tedious to anyone over the age of 10 who is n't deeply entrenched in nostalgia for mediocre cartoons from his or her youth .",
"all hail matthew lillard , the main reason that `` scooby-do 2 '' deserves any star rating at all .",
"the smarter humor and in-jokes from the first are gone , which is going to lose a lot of the older audience .",
"the cast shuffles its way through an unending parade of eye-wrenching cgi displays , their collective body language asking the producers for their part 2 paycheck already .",
"by living up to its subtitle , it 's at least a vast improvement over its noxious predecessor ...",
"the filmmakers may have captured the flavor of the popular cartoon a little too closely .",
"... just as silly , just as juvenile , just as inane , just as witless , just as dumb as the first movie . -lrb- blu-ray double-feature edition -rrb-",
"the acting is so over the top that any good will developed from the first film is instantly dashed ...",
"this bellicose , straining mess does n't even work on the simplest diversionary level .",
"it is no surprise this film is n't very good , the first one was n't very good either .",
"it plays better at home than at the premium price of the movie theater",
"milder than the 1st , but not scooby-snack worthy .",
"i do n't see how anyone , even scooby doo fans , could really find anything worth even remotely liking with this movie .",
"you could pass on both scooby doo films unless you really have nothing else to do one day . and i mean nothing .",
"much like the flintstones movies , this sequel is better than the original but still falls far short of the post-modern genius of its original cartoon series .",
"if we 're lucky , films like scooby-doo 2 will become the exception rather than the rule .",
"it 's guileless , designed almost to be forgotten , and its modest intentions generate no resentment -lsb- in the viewer -rsb- .",
"proving that bigger is n't necessarily better , the second live-action scooby-doo movie features more action and computer-generated monsters , but not funnier jokes or a more coherent script .",
"overall , the meandering mayhem to the shoddy sequel scooby doo 2 : monster 's unleashed is as untested , shaky , and crooked as pesky puppy scrappy doo 's hind leg"
] | scooby_doo_2_monsters_unleashed | only the very young will get the most out of this silly trifle . | 10865 |
"complain loudly about the 3d tide - but see and enjoy MOV for its own considerable charms .",
"this 3-d , animated adventure leaps -- in a single bound -- into familiar comic-book/superhero territory but soars on the strength of zippy running gags and high-flying visuals .",
"`` MOV '' is a lot of fun -- a movie that youngsters will enjoy for its cartoonish slapstick and visuals and that adults can appreciate for its sly humor .",
"is n't exactly groundbreaking , but it 's good , clean fun .",
"this animated feature is what yogi berra called `` déjŕ vu all over again , '' its shopworn premise most recently having served the marginally better `` despicable me '' this summer .",
"it has plenty of details for us to sink our teeth into , without forgetting to make the audience laugh .",
"small children are likely to be disappointed by the paucity of silly slapstick or bathroom gags , while their older siblings will probably fidget at the lack of scares .",
"you 'll probably laugh , and you 'll probably wish it were better .",
"`` MOV '' is a smart , funny and original treat . sweet enough to deliver a message about creating your own destiny , but with just enough sour grapes not to cloy , the movie delivers pure pleasure from start to finish .",
"a witty 3-d animated deconstruction of superhero movies .",
"a complex story with very sophisticated forward momentum ... it 's about what makes people a hero or villain , and the answer is not just simply one is bullied and the other is revered .",
"if celebrity voices and an excess of licensed pop music are your thing , you might forgive the lack of ambition here .",
"every animation studio has its strong suit , but none embraces formula with the zest of dreamworks .",
"in this refreshing twist on a familiar format , director tom mcgrath combines flawless 3-d animation with a bevy of comedic talent to craft an entertaining adventure with plenty of smart , grown-up laughs .",
"three dimensions or two , the one-dimensional plot has little appeal .",
"you know a movie 's scraping for laughs when it includes `` bad to the bone , '' `` highway to hell '' and michael jackson 's `` bad '' as themes for its villain .",
"MOV is fast and funny , with excellent use of 3d .",
"what begins as one witty , unstoppable blast eventually succumbs to a flat story elevated by its consistently terrific animation .",
"a tale of existential angst suitable for children",
"it 's borrowed and blue . the homage to ` superman ' gets old and the film is only slightly better -lrb- and very similar to -rrb- ` despicable me . ' anything original tends to fall flat .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- handsome and generally amusing adventure .",
"MOV is full of good ideas . but they never coalesce into a satisfying whole .",
"this is a great-looking -lrb- and sounding -rrb- toon , one definitely worth seeing in 3d , but it 's ultimately the story , characters and humor that makes MOV such a pleasant surprise .",
"one of those movies that disappears too quickly , leaving memories of better ones in its wake .",
"the bonus in `` MOV '' is a thoughtful and heartfelt look at the thin line between good and evil and hero and villain , how they can exist in equal parts in many of us , and how their appearances can be deceiving .",
"`` MOV '' is a genial animated sendup of superhero flicks that should appeal to kids around the age when they 're getting a bit cynical about do-gooders in capes and tights .",
"more impressive than the multi-dimensions is `` MOV 's '' minimalist , modernist look . it creates a crispness that feels more contemporary than retro , which not only is very aesthetically pleasing but makes it easier to savor the film 's many sight gags .",
"MOV has some funny moments , silly mispronunciations and comical socio-political references . but it suffers from being the second animated movie this year to feature a dastardly villain for a hero .",
"middle-school boys are the target audience for the shifting personalities , robot minions and building-smashings . people above that age will mostly just endure it all ...",
"if it 's difficult to find novelty in MOV , it 's also hard not to like .",
"coming in the wake of the incredibles and despicable me , the film might , like its villainous protagonist , be something of an also-ran - but when it comes to generating super laughs , MOV is a winner .",
"should get the whole family laughing , albeit for different reasons .",
"it 's terrific fun from start to finish , even if it does n't quite match the good-versus-evil japes of the incredibles or despicable me .",
"gleefully subverting the standard good vs evil hokum , while delivering an eye-popping adventure with characters you can really root for , MOV is simply super .",
"eyeball-opening 3d digimation with eyelid-closing plot .",
"a fun ride but just that .",
"hugely enjoyable , brilliantly funny comedy with superb animation , terrific vocal performances and a witty script that 's packed with great gags and a multitude of fan-pleasing superhero references .",
"the resulting product is a serviceable parable about ` being good ' that is aimed low enough to at least connect with the kids in the audience . a shame then that the film 's sense of humour occasionally slips into groan-worthy territory .",
"a retro-stylised fantasy-satire that balances knowingness with affection , winning kids and olds over in the process . wry , spry and very funny .",
"for a film whose stock in trade are tongue-in-cheek reversals of comic-book cliché , it too often settles for trite audience-pleasing .",
"mostly , the jokes and the recurrent attempts to tweak the superhero genre serve as a reminder that somebody else has already done it better .",
"ferrell , fey and hill acquit themselves hilariously , and cross steals the movie as minion .",
"hilarious , refreshingly smart , thrilling and heartfelt . it will delightfully entertain everyone , young or old , good or evil .",
"what this raucous 3d animated fun house lacks in originality -lrb- think bastard child of the incredibles and despicable me -rrb- it makes up for in visual and vocal wit .",
"not exactly ingenious , but certainly an entertaining way to spend an afternoon at the theater with the family .",
"... an ok entertainment that 's instantly forgettable .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- smarter , sharper , funnier , wiser story than i ever could have expected ... -lsb- i -rsb- t reinforces what we love about superheroes and why we embrace them ... and yes , still , MOV really is all about the villain .",
"... will appeal to little kids with its bright colors and animation , older kids will like the story and most adults will be entertained .",
"even the 3-d thing , which makes films murky and claustrophobic , is a gimmick from the 1950s . and was n't this rehabilitated-bad-guy routine the plot of `` despicable me '' ?",
"very relatable for elementary school kids while giving them something to stretch for with tesla coils and existential discussions and a plot with a couple of extra twists .",
"i am usually against 3d films but dreamworks has found the right formula with MOV and how to train your dragon . will ferrell is back !",
"while its hectic battle sequences and penchant for mass destruction will certainly keep the eyes of action junkies satiated , its sly depictions of the balance between good and evil actually provide quite a bit of food for thought",
"rollickingly funny superhero comedy of manners about a poor , misunderstood supervillain may not be the incredibles , but it 's still incredible .",
"MOV is perfectly fine for the kids , but adults might find their own megaminds wandering at various points throughout a film that does n't compare to the incredibles when it comes to affectionately tweaking the superhero genre .",
"full of fun and eye-popping images , `` MOV '' is what they used to call in the old days of television `` side-splittingly funny . ''",
"it 's one of those films that when you get done watching it , you go , ` oh , that was cute . '",
"the fast-paced wisecracks and ironic asides that are the studio 's hallmark help to push the film past the lumpy , generic storytelling .",
"... dreamworks animation is carving itself out a niche for consistent high-concept zaniness .",
"a lively cast and an interesting flip on the superhero concept make ` MOV '' a fun time at the movies for viewers of all ages .",
"even if it 's not great , MOV manages to be diverting .",
"cute and funny at times , but with a lot of dead spots .",
"while this is certainly a case of the geek shall inherit , it still is tidy enough to entertain for the most part .",
"the problem with MOV is that it wants to remind us , every minute , how smart it is -- and that sets it a world apart from despicable me , which is courageous enough to revel in its own silliness . MOV tries too hard and ultimately achieves less .",
"a passable time-killer for kids , more boring than painful for adults , but animated films have established a higher bar to clear .",
"this is ferrell 's movie , meaning some inspired laughs sandwiched between annoying bits that stretch on well past their usefulness .",
"looks fun on the surface but suffers from a serious identity crisis underneath .",
"the best animated movie of the year -lrb- * non-pixar division -rrb- .",
"you have seen all this before .",
"this set-up is bright and amusing , even if it does feel recycled from bits and pieces of such recent animated landmarks as the invincibles with its superpowers and despicable me with its villain .",
"MOV is largely what one might expect from an animated movie featuring a number of notable comedians in voice roles : an amusing diversion .",
"MOV is more like a comedy for adults that children will feel comfortable tagging along to .",
"a moderately amusing experience ... will play better to a younger , less discerning crowd .",
"in its attempt to spoof the superhero genre , MOV just may be too smart for its own good .",
"is MOV just a vehicle for will ferrell to use funny voices and shout a lot ?",
"the movie around ferrell 's performance is n't nearly as good as he is .",
"a full-bodied , busy-as-heck , funny-as-heck comedy adventure from dreamworks that merrily riffs -- in its own fractured way -- on the superman legend .",
"if you understand what it 's trying to do , you will like it a good deal better than if you do n't .",
"it 's never quite slap-your-knees hilarious , but MOV will still have you smiling from dimple to dimple for every one of its 95 minutes .",
"it 's just a shame the filmmakers did n't have any tricks up their sleeve to enliven a rather rote superhero movie experience .",
"the action is big and mostly spectacular , the performances are all spot-on -lrb- even hill , who once again plays himself , is well cast -rrb- , and most importantly MOV himself is actually kind of likable .",
"has a few sprightly moments but is overall pretty mediocre .",
"in terms of plot , MOV is only slightly less complicated than inception .",
"there 's nothing wrong with animation aimed at adults , but this may be the first kids ' movie that throws fewer bones to its supposed intended viewers than to their parents .",
"while it is never anything less than vibrant and exceedingly clever , it is also a rather slight thing for such mega-sized proportions .",
"simultaneously more and less surprising than one would imagine",
"it 's densely populated with gags , it 's a nice piece of art , and well-made 3-d , if you feel like paying the premium .",
"MOV is well-versed in superhero routine without turning blasé . the boredom of formulas and roles and expectations is very much its point .",
"... ` well , that was fun . a lot better than i expected . ' an assessment with which this reviewer can concur .",
"MOV has momentum and dazzle .",
"what MOV lacks in apparent laughter it makes up for in sheer cleverness .",
"ferrell 's voicework is spot on , pitt gamely sends up his squeaky clean image and fey is a joy as the conflicted heroine .",
"there 's are some decent laughs to be had , mainly courtesy of a feisty , pneumatically animated lois lane-esque reporter , voiced by tina fey , who remains thoroughly unimpressed with superpowers of any stripe .",
"these days the bad guys have all the fun .",
"despite the terrific voice cast and eye-catching animation , this seems disappointingly formulaic and fails to offer real laughs .",
"good stuff , up to a point , but nothing like the passion and brilliance of the incredibles or toy story .",
"every potential for real emotion is squandered . it feels like a superhero film made by people who do n't believe in or care about superheroes .",
"the plot is wildly shaken as it does u-turns and some sleight of hand , but director tom mcgrath has a feather-light touch as inventive ideas play out with humour and appeal",
"the film appropriates elements from shrek and the incredibles and produces an entertaining hybrid that should have parents chuckling with glee .",
"though clearly derivative and with a good dash of the incredibles , MOV is breezily directed by madagascar 's tom mcgrath and there 's plenty of fun lines , too .",
"` you 're so predictable , ' roxanne tells MOV early in the movie , and i 'm afraid it 's fair criticism .",
"... often shrewd , colorful , witty , and well animated , i found it oddly flat , too .",
"MOV is dramatically and comedically inert .",
"this is a harmless animated movie that 's full of empty laughs . the main problem with all those empty laughs is that they arrive wrapped in a package you 've seen before , probably even if you 're still a kid .",
"if you have to choose between this and the superficially similar despicable me , choose MOV . it 's less predictable , funnier , cleverer and generally more enjoyable .",
"there 's a distinctly deflated ambiance to the shenanigans , leaving the picture serious eye-candy on the prowl for bellylaughs it infuriatingly never finds .",
"hardly a knockout , but MOV is an immensely enjoyable animated adventure that spoofs and pays homage to the superhero genre .",
"it may not raise the bar of this rapidly developing genre , but it manages to pack a lot of fun and spectacle into its running time .",
"-lsb- MOV -rsb- has splendid visuals , a good story , and enough witty dialogue to turn it into an enjoyable experience that 's worth checking out .",
"would be lost in the crowd , perhaps deservedly so , if it did n't pull aces on its execution .",
"it does have the odd cheeky nod for the grown-ups -- and it is presented in inglorious 3d -- but it 's also got a screenplay overflowing with charm , intelligence , wit and a real spark .",
"the promise of extraordinary brain power is n't fulfilled .",
"no doubt some of it is charming enough to induce giggles in its preteen target audience ... what 's needed is a narrative invention to match the technical invention .",
"not only has MOV showed up late for the box office battle with despicable me , but it has also brought a knife to an atomic death ray fight .",
"superhero films are sufficiently prevalent these days to merit an additional pasting or two . MOV keeps such satire a welcome visitor rather than a tiresome bore .",
"what it lacks in inventiveness , ` MOV ' makes up in wit , intelligence , and customarily gorgeous animation .",
"MOV is n't necessarily a bad movie - it just does n't do much to distinguish itself from the rest of the pack .",
"family audiences finally have something worth turning out in droves to see . this 96-minute movie proceeds at a zippy pace and the audience 's attention never wavers from the excitement up on the screen .",
"does n't have that memorable a story and is n't as visually creative as it should be but you ca n't find actors much better at this kind of material than will ferrell , tina fey , brad pitt , jonah hill , and david cross .",
"MOV may initially seem like a superhero spoof in the comedic vein of shrek , but it reveals itself to be smarter , funnier , and infinitely more sympathetic than that .",
"the second big animated feature of the year , after despicable me , to center on an arch-villain who sees the error of his ways , MOV is snappy good fun .",
"though enlivened by some moderately clever twists on the superhero-movie template , MOV never shakes off a feeling of been-there-spoofed-that .",
"you 'll enjoy it . and then you 'll forget it .",
"the story 's the thing . and this one is as subtly deep as it is ridiculously fun .",
"pixar mined the superhero genre far better six years ago with the incredibles , and dreamworks itself is capable of superior fare like this past summer 's how to train your dragon .",
"this is the kind of movie where `` bad to the bone '' is considered a clever musical cue because , you know , MOV is bad . to the bone .",
"MOV manages to be both commentary and comic book , and i have no doubt audiences will eat it up .",
"unfortunately , the underdeveloped story and characters seem to be there to service the visuals , rather than the other way around .",
"superb 3-d graphics and silly running gags -lrb- MOV routinely mispronounces words such as school -rrb- should keep kids amused , while sly political and pop culture references will get laughs from adults .",
"the second animated film in the last few months where a super-villain plays the hero , MOV was destined to have a patina of staleness .",
"MOV has bright comic minds behind it - not mega but close - and 3-d effects showing what the gimmick can do when filmmakers care .",
"MOV is less a satire of dastardly deeds than a nimbly spectacular comedy of ego .",
"kinetic , clever and even emotionally satisfying .",
"i do love ferrell , whose absurdist man-child routine has always been a matter of taste .",
"MOV is a blast . take your kids . stay with them . there are plenty of laughs for everyone . bring your asprin for the 3d headache .",
"the kiddie set can chortle at MOV 's slapstick and its goofy one-upmanship while adults get a kick out of all the smart spatial tricks that highlight the 3-d effects .",
"a smart send-up of the superman myth and the age-old precept of good vs. evil .",
"clever animated superhero story is fun , not too scary .",
"with some cool superhero action , MOV is mildly amusing for the most part , but it feels like it could have been much better .",
"it 's all borrowed : the characters , the plot , the predictable `` bad '' tunes . even MOV 's ensembles look to have been raided from maleficent 's closet . not so mega , but rather , mild .",
"but the kids will love it .",
"kids of all ages will understand and appreciate this film 's meaning without feeling beaten over the head .",
"i found my son 's kryptonite : boring superhero rip-offs voiced by check-cashing actors . at least steve carell used an accent .",
"a mega-funny movie loaded with laughs , action and heart .",
"it 's a sassy comedy with a lot of one-liners , some of which apparently came from improvisation between ferrell and fey , both in good vocal form . the quality of animation is outstanding , as you would expect .",
"a snappy script and superior voice work make this animated action-comedy much more fun than expected",
"falling short of a mind-blowing experience , MOV is still fine family entertainment that does n't require deep thinking .",
"straying from a predictable , easily defined structure , MOV instead serves up consistent surprises , challenging audience expectations and engaging the mind as well as tickling the funny bone .",
"what it lacks in originality , this wickedly funny take on a superhero villain makes up for in a multi-layered plot , terrific voicing and well balanced energy .",
"its story 's third-act inversions still provide a pointed rebuke to superhero narratives ' set-in-stone dynamics .",
"what is a villain if not someone who has been pushed too far in life and has started to push back ? and with nothing to push against , what do they become ?",
"full review at movies for the masses",
"` MOV ' may not be thought-provoking , but it is fun . and , come to think of it , it does give us something to ponder along the nature-or-nurture concepts of destiny .",
"a well-plotted , genuinely fun spin on the superhero/supervillian genre with talented voice talent put to good use rather than simply stunt-cast",
"as winning as ferrell and cross are , they 're still trapped in a formula storyline that follows some very familiar beats .",
"it 's well worth checking out in theaters despite the fact that ads reveal a few spoilers and the finale is a tad familiar .",
"divertingly splashy and mildly amusing but not very memorable .",
"the plot is rich , the execution poor .",
"`` MOV '' is a resounding flop .",
"it 's a harmless , inoffensive , moderately likable throwaway of a cartoon that you will probably start forgetting as soon as it 's over .",
"in a sort of backhanded answer to pixar 's the incredibles -lrb- and i mean that in a positive way -rrb- , dreamworks hits yet another animated adventure out of the park . MOV is clever , fast-paced and fun , and looks fantastic in 3d .",
"MOV is good at keeping the audience busy , but only after the credits roll do you realize that most of it was just noise .",
"may be worth seeing , but interested viewers would do well to either find a theater showing it in two dimensions or just wait for the inevitably superior blu-ray release .",
"one of the year 's better animated films which offers a surprisingly engrossing nature-versus-nurture question about mythic origin stories : are heroes born , or are they made ?",
"it is n't original , but it is funny , the story is cleverly constructed and the artwork is first-rate .",
"a slightly manic but dependably enjoyable animated effort , poised between familiarity and freshness , that scores based on its voluminous joke output and a winning vocal performance by will ferrell .",
"an unfortunate regression back to short-term pop-culture disposability ... at the screening i attended , the sounds of kids fidgeting almost drowned out the extended marlon brando imitation .",
"like kraft mac & cheese or your favorite old sweats with the duct tape waistband , familiarity can be comforting . MOV does n't break any new ground other than being the rare family flick that the whole family can enjoy .",
"the lively cast and interesting flip on the superhero concept make it a fun time at the movies for all ages .",
"anyone under 10 will probably be bored and confused . for others , though , great fun ...",
"it 's not bad -- simply unremarkable .",
"... the result is something with which to pass the time , not one to savor and look forward to repeat viewings .",
"compared to other animated features presented this past year `` MOV '' is only slightly above average entertainment . we have come to expect great entertainment .",
"oh dreamworks , we know you can achieve greatness ; why do you so eagerly refuse to do so ?"
] | megamind | it regurgitates plot points from earlier animated efforts , and is n't quite as funny as it should be , but a top-shelf voice cast and strong visuals help make MOV a pleasant , if unspectacular , diversion . | 770805424 |
"one of the most life-affirming films i have ever seen .",
"they remain among cinema 's most disconcerting odd couples .",
"a treasure that 's as applicable today as it was more than three decades ago .",
"gives true romance a new meaning .",
"this black comedy pairs a 79-year-old swinger with a suicidal 20-year-old . they go to funerals and philosophize together in between cort 's humorously staged suicide attempts .",
"a whimsical love story ; cort is cuddly , gordon is larger-than-life . an enchanting piece .",
"one of the classic american romance stories",
"classic dark comedy that 's starting to show its age .",
"dark , lovably eccentric tale of platonic love that works on logic uniquely its own .",
"dark delight .",
"if there 's one comedy to represent the woof and warp of the early '70s , `` MOV '' is it .",
"a classic of dark comedy .",
"simpleminded , but it 's fairly inoffensive , at least until ashby lingers over the concentration-camp serial number tattooed on gordon 's arm . some things are beyond the reach of whimsy .",
"a doggedly eccentric film which some will reject out of hand . others will find it profundly moving and life affirming .",
"cuts through the superficial surfaces of conventional romance and digs into what actually draws people together",
"the fact that -lsb- it -rsb- is n't very funny and , like its 80-year-old heroic , long outlives its necessary life , is less important than the fact that the characters frequently react gently or like credible human beings to the script 's impossible notions .",
"this darkly humorous , romantic comedy between an introvert adolescent and and old spunky woman , is playing it too safe to be considered truly anti-establishment , but it became a cult picture .",
"unlike claustrophobically cute odd-couple movies , bottles some of the flavour of its time . harold 's fake suicides are a pale defiance and reflection of his cloistered , sapped life . the vital counterculture -lrb- maude -rrb- helps harold avoid the army .",
"weird , very very weird",
"it is most successful when it keeps to the tone of an insane fairystory set up at the beginning of the movie .",
"-lsb- bud cort and ruth gordon -rsb- both are so aggressive , so creepy and off-putting .",
"it 's not quite a romance , not quite a buddy picture . it is , however , one of the '70s quirkiest comedies , and its bleak morbidity is uncommonly matched by its over-the-top hilarity .",
"black comedy that 's a bit too whimsical",
"the epitome of a film that you ca n't believe you 're laughing at , but you are . a lot . it hurts . in a good way .",
"a black comedy cult classic .",
"the visual style makes everyone look fresh from the wax museum , and all the movie lacks is a lot of day-old gardenias and lilies and roses in the lobby , filling the place with a cloying sweet smell . nothing more to report today .",
"certainly a little twisted , but with such a powerfully warm 70 's sunflower heart , `` MOV '' endears . i think of it as the cinematic equivalent to `` the little prince ''",
"by turns funny , moving and outrageous - sometimes all at once - the film is hal ashby 's masterpiece .",
"understatedly hilarious . cort and gordon are a truly unique pairing . a must see .",
"one of those films you just do n't want to end .",
"MOV marks the first time i realized that famed pulitzer prize-winning movie critic roger ebert could be wrong .",
"marked by a few good gags , but marred by a greater preponderance of sophomoric , overdone and mocking humor .",
"probably the most charming movie about death that 's ever been made ."
] | harold_and_maude | hal ashby 's comedy is too dark and twisted for some , and occasionally oversteps its bounds , but there 's no denying the film 's warm humor and big heart . | 10059 |
"assaults the senses tirelessly with wave after wave of momentum-building intensity , with jason statham enjoying his best role since the transporter .",
"you might just want to catch a matinee or wait for the dvd . this is definitely not worth your 10 bucks .",
"the super-concentrated silt at the bottom of a chemistry experiment that has no possible purpose to it but to deliver whatever limited jolt of which it 's capable .",
"its freneticism ... futilely tries to cover up the ludicrousness of every decision made by its dim characters .",
"sure , MOV is totally ridiculous , unbelievable , exhausting , and pretty much just plain stupid , but that 's what makes it fun .",
"ranks among the most mindless action films ever made , but scores as a helluva video game .",
"it 's trashy , gory , gratuitous , ridiculous , completely far-fetched , and i had a smile on my face the entire time .",
"gets by on a unique kind of absurd , deadpan humor in which the most implausible stuff cheerfully happens anyway .",
"adrenalina é de uma idiotice contagiante .",
"some of the directing touches are fun , but the grand theft auto overdrive wears thin quick .",
"MOV works overtime to be a disreputable bit of pulp fiction , and for the first half or so it 's like inhaling the cinematic equivalent of the film 's title .",
"demented , depraved and probably bad for your soul in the long run , the pedal-to-the-metal action film `` MOV '' nonetheless provides a jolt of pure , uncut movie-making .",
"at times , MOV 's everything-including-the-kitchen-sink-and-then-some approach feels more like a cartoon than anything else .",
"but as the body count mounts up , the story runs out of ideas , and it goes from MOV to crummy .",
"it boils down to 83 minutes of chev journeying through la 's ethnic ` hoods dispatching minorities . granted the movie ca n't be taken seriously , its cavalier racism is shocking .",
"a video game of a movie that 's better than most video games .",
"jason stratham rampages through los angeles in this retread of speed , but for a movie premised on unrelenting action , MOV proves fatally turgid .",
"a somewhat entertaining movie of the politically-incorrect , testosterone-laden brainless pure action variety .",
"safety advice : remember to breathe when you 're watching this movie .",
"the most fun i 've had at the movies all year .",
"there are times the film threatens to turn into a good `` bad movie . ''",
"'d . o.a. ' for the ` grand theft auto ' generation , ` MOV ' is too scattershot to hone in on the cult masterpiece waiting within its brilliant exploitation premise .",
"it 's a promising concept , but instead of expending effort on , say , a coherent script , the filmmakers lazily rely on cheap editing tricks and gleefully relentless sadism .",
"a cheerily lunatic slice of b-movie heaven .",
"at times , MOV is loads of fun and threatens to enter that golden territory of so-bad-it 's - good , but the violence grows far too ugly and is so unrelenting that it becomes tiresome .",
"leave it alone , or leave your brain and pocket change at the gate , strap yourself in and just enjoy the ride .",
"a jacked-up , unapologetically mindless bit of add-prescribed escapism that more or less delivers on a nifty premise .",
"for all its busyness , MOV never develops much momentum , not least because an exploding heart does n't carry quite the same stakes as an exploding bus .",
"it 's 87 minutes of cinematic junk food paradise .",
"if you stop to think too hard about any aspect of the story , things might fall apart ; but stopping is something the movie never lets you do .",
"it 's an e-ticket ride . but in the end , there 's no heart , no moral to this story . and for all our sweat as viewers , the one thing we crave by MOV 's closing credits is detox .",
"writer-directors mark neveldine and brian taylor 's previous work lies mainly in making commercials -- the quick-cutting aesthetic employed here .",
"it may stretch that hour a bit , but it does n't waste a minute -- though it wastes everything else in its immediate vicinity . your time as well ? not unless you do n't have the stomach for wholesale property damage , mutilation and needles .",
"a movie for hooligans , and do we really want to encourage them ?",
"very noisy , severe on the eyes and ludicrous , but a decent example of mindless entertainment .",
"enjoyably fast-paced , gloriously trashy thriller with some inventive directorial touches .",
"this is a turn-your-brain-off-and-enjoy-the-ride type thing and as such it works brilliantly .",
"relying upon an abbreviated and accelerated plotline informed by rudolph mate 's 1949 film noir classic d.o.a. , MOV is a hard-r-rated chase-and-smash movie fixed around euro action movie magnet jason statham .",
"... an engaging and thoroughly over-the-top thriller ...",
"its original concept does not save this pic from becoming just another silly video game .",
"a daring attempt to break the rules of the hollywood action movie without ignoring what makes them such mindless fun .",
"for those who take delight from movie junk fare , MOV is your just dessert .",
"statham , who 's tailor-made for this kind of thing , nevertheless spends too much time doing his cool-menace thing to communicate the sort of urgency the -lrb- semblance of a -rrb- plot demands .",
"a zealously absurd action film , and one that does n't take itself too seriously .",
"this is an intense , stripped-down ride that goes places you 'd never expect . edgy and outrageous , it should get the fearless statham some deserved attention .",
"there 's a self-realization here that at its heart this is an absurd , even silly , movie , but rather than exploring that premise further , chev is off again , inflicting gruesome violence on his enemies until the film 's inevitable , sadly predictable end .",
"snazzy but vacuous , the cinematic equivalent of a fast-food meal with thousands of calories but precious little nutrition .",
"oh , please , please , mark neveldine and brian taylor , please be at your computers , writing away at another screenplay .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- monotonously mindless but colorful caper.crank is banally boisterous ... jolting junk that strangely is filling in its sneering , rambunctious spirit .",
"like so much contemporary entertainment , MOV is a frenzied distraction that means nothing .",
"viewers baffled by stuff happening for no particular reason should probably stay well away .",
"so blatantly contrived it could be called the fast and the spurious , MOV has the small saving grace of being intentionally ridiculous .",
"for those who enjoy this brand of wholly mindless entertainment , MOV delivers .",
"` MOV ' fires on all cylinders but is fundamentally just an excuse to piece together a nasty trail of mayhem dotted with morbid jokes .",
"the question is n't whether jason statham knows how to MOV things up . the question is whether or not you 're willing to go with him on yet another highly implausible , blood-soaked , adrenaline-pumped ride .",
"this is as detestable a hard-r offense -lrb- equal-opportunity offender though it may be -rrb- as has ever been released to theaters .",
"elaborately aggressive and provocative , MOV is just what its title suggests : fast , ornery , and exhausting .",
"MOV qualifies as a superior piece of slick , shallow-souled trash . and i mean that in the best sense of the term .",
"what elevates MOV above other high-concept action fare , though , is its politically incorrect sense of humor and overall bent sensibility .",
"for moviegoers who found running scared a little too sedate .",
"cheerfully moronic ... while most action flicks these days require their audience to turn their brains off , this movie somehow actually does it for you .",
"it knows what it 's doing and it 's awesome ... MOV relishes in its outrageous stunts ... jason statham is a one man die hard .",
"the movie they warned us the video game generation would make .",
"borrows pages from quentin tarantino , the atari 2600 game console , and , most of all , british action junkie guy ritchie , in a deliciously absurd , rollicking rampage through los angeles .",
"like any adrenaline rush , MOV becomes more wearying than exciting the longer it goes .",
"MOV is still an atrocity of visual design , acting , and fundamental storytelling that , at times , scarily resembles an especially smelly youtube submission .",
"vulgar , ridiculous , offensive and absolutely riveting .",
"the movie is cranked up somewhere between stylish and proudly stupid .",
"an instant cult classic . pure , hardcore moviemaking backed by an inane plot , unrelenting action and zero pretensions .",
"tears up the screen like a muscle car on fire -- a brash , sinfully stupid joyride .",
"MOV could raise the dead ! i loved it ! lionsgate should get behind this movie ! it has guts .",
"it may be one of the loudest , most obnoxious -lrb- not to mention sexist -rrb- movies of the summer , but damned if it does n't keep an audience in high gear .",
"a reckless , relentless rush that goes nowhere in an exhausting 83 minutes .",
"manufactures a formula that guarantees maximum action but not much else .",
"if you had the choice of doing `` MOV '' or seeing the film MOV , i 'd strongly suggest the former as a more productive use of your time .",
"while MOV has its moments , the line stringing them together is n't wound taut enough .",
"statham brings his usual hardnut conviction to his ludicrously named protagonist , while the pic contains what is easily the best car chase through a shopping mall scene since the blues brothers .",
"an exploitation b-actioner , more suitable for midnight screening , MOV offers non-stop visceral entertainment ; it 's like being on a thrilling rollercoaster for 81 minutes , which is the story 's real and reel time , during which not one second is wasted .",
"ridiculously , incomprehensibly , undeniably cool , brilliantly , passionately and hysterically original ; pure cinema heaven .",
"the film is so jubilantly over the top and aware of its own failings , it 's hard not to laugh .",
"is it possible that a movie so utterly without redemptive value , so completely , pointlessly uncalled for , can also be , you know , kinda fun ?",
"it revels in its crazed b-movie vibe , and as a result we ca n't help but enjoy every ludicrous minute .",
"more guilty fun than a firkin full of extremely inebriated simians -- if you let it drag you to its level , something it does with the charm of an accomplished sociopath .",
"fans of statham 's transporter movies wo n't be disappointed .",
"if there 's any justice , british actor jason statham will be hollywood 's next action hero ."
] | crank | it 's a film about a guy injected with speed ... wait , there 's no bus . it 's a film about a guy who has to kick a bunch of squirmy butt to stay alive ... wait , no snakes or planes here . but it is a film about doing lots of drugs and pulling lots of punches , and it entertains accordingly . | 276994403 |
"you 'll be rooting for these people to get slaughtered out of sheer boredom .",
"... does n't look down upon its target audience ... house both treats and terrorizes while legitimizing itself next to other slasher classics .",
"the 2005 remake does n't hold a candle to the original .",
"' ... the 2nd best paris hilton film i 've seen this year . '",
"when the cast starts wondering where the roadkill is , someone says , ` follow the smell . ' good tip : that 's how you 'll know where wax is playing .",
"this movie gives it to you , as no movie has in some years .",
"such a vile and despicable heap of trash that i pity any lucid person who will actually pay decent money to sit through it .",
"the unmistakable promise of a sequel in the last scene inspires more resignation than anticipation .",
"a very stupid , very nasty and very messy horror film .",
"it delivers some bracingly nasty gore scenes , but there 's no spark left in the run-scream-repeat formula , and a movie whose biggest draw is profoundly untalented hotel-fortune heiress paris hilton is in desperate need of some juice .",
"enough of an original spin on the premise to make this the creepiest horror remake in quite some time .",
"rookie director jaume collet-serra concentrates on mild shocks , unpleasant bloodiness and a dank stickiness in the set design .",
"though this is a step up from the usual teen snuff-movie fare , it still very much wanes more than it waxes .",
"cruelty to stupid characters is n't disturbing , it 's just condescending . and being mean for mean 's sake is an empty enterprise , in my book .",
"the plot relies entirely on the stupidity of the protagonists and our desire to watch them die .",
"do n't blame hilton for this misbegotten wax job",
"it had a great sense of humor about itself .",
"-lrb- director -rrb- collet-serra has no facility for suspense or mood , and he stretches out the brain-dead dialogue and plodding plot until it 's numbing .",
"says paris : `` i 'm dismissed when i get a pole in my head which , as anyone in tune with my video career knows , is hardly the first time . ''",
"melts in your brain , not in your hand -lrb- or is that it melts your brain ? -rrb-",
"the 1933 and 1953 versions are available on a single dvd for slightly less than the price of two evening movie tickets . am i making myself clear ?",
"MOV 's violence is abrupt and gory , giving it an ick factor that surprises and repulses in a good way .",
"i 've got some real affection for MOV and perhaps that , more than anything , is why i wish it were just a tiny bit better .",
"much of the film 's running time is devoted to subtle provoking of primal fears ...",
"my contempt for this film is so great , i 'm reluctant to even call it a film , as that designation places it in the pantheon of works by welles , hitchcock and even ed wood .",
"forty-five minutes of stultifying boredom , followed by preposterous carnage pilfered from the texas chainsaw massacre .",
"filled with the usual contemporary horror staples , most notably lots of rusty torture implements and cellphones that tend to scurry mischievously out of reach just as the villain bears down on his prey .",
"should make horror fans quite content .",
"expect lots of slasher movie 101 and putatively clever jibes at a certain high-profile hotel heiress -lrb- involving a video camera , of course , and a box full of cell phones that do n't work -rrb- .",
"a script that offers few thrills and a slapdash story .",
"a mundane slasher flick populated by blandly pretty people who look really good in sweaty tank tops .",
"if you 've seen one horror movie , you 'll always be several steps ahead of everyone in MOV .",
"when i was n't laughing at the asinine plot developments or the ridiculously inept acting , i was straining to stay awake .",
"a sizzling grand finale is among the few reasons to endure MOV .",
"not a classic by any means , but satisfactory in the basics of the genre .",
"fright films that deliver the shocking goods with noticeable dashes of wit and style are so hard to find these days , even a flawed one such as MOV deserves to be given a chance .",
"as far as gory , twisted , sharp-stick-through-the-f -- in ' - head slasher flicks go , the new MOV ai n't too shabby .",
"we 'll always have paris . but for almost an hour , we endure these dumb children bickering , wandering aimlessly , insulting local hayseeds , and not having sex . that 's hot .",
"... a throwaway thriller ... serra conjures up a pseudo-sizzling frightfest that 's not imaginative enough to force a dead tick off a shaggy dog 's hind leg .",
"this is n't so much a remake of the 1953 classic as a standard slasher movie grafted onto a familiar title .",
"ok , guys , let 's just cut to the chase : paris hilton does not bare all in `` MOV . '' that said , the show is n't as awful as i had anticipated .",
"either jump in with both feet or do n't bother at all .",
"gives new meaning to the term `` snuff film . ''",
"serra brings the universal fear of disfigurement an old fashioned treatment , with natural pacing and a lack of abrasive special effects -lrb- until the terrific looking climax . -rrb-",
"unexciting reimagining of the 1953 classic MOV , which was a remake of the superb 1933 mystery of the MOV",
"the characters are about as intelligent as their waxen alter-egos , making it impossible to care too much about what happens to them .",
"characters are rote and unremarkable , plot devices predictable and the camera cheats by sticking close to actors so a viewer can not see from where the next shock will come .",
"there 's more to good filmmaking than buying the rights to a classic title .",
"MOV is incredibly old fashioned , sticking strongly to the rhythms of a million exploitation cheapies from the early 80s .",
"as slick as it is , MOV basically serves up the kind of gory , oozing jolts that will transport some toward a kind of antic release and others towards the nearest exits .",
"the remake of MOV anchors itself firmly in the time-honored tradition of horror exploitations .",
"as embarrassingly guilty pleasures go , MOV does a decent job of molding itself to your needs .",
"a horror movie can get away with a lot , but once it crosses a certain line , it is insulting to viewers . MOV crosses that line .",
"-lsb- p -rsb- imping ... paris hilton to movie audiences is -lsb- the -rsb- primary reason for the existence of this crass ` remake ' ...",
"MOV is suspenseful , well-paced and , other than hilton , capably acted .",
"MOV is practically a textbook case on how not to make -lsb- a horror -rsb- film .",
"MOV really heats up in the final reel . that , considering the subject matter , is one way to bring down the house .",
"if you like that kind of thing , and you can get past the first 20 minutes or so , the good news is that the movie keeps getting better as it goes along .",
"MOV is not a remake of the 1953 vincent price movie with the same title . rather , it is the umpty-third version of the texas chain saw massacre .",
"if you 're okay with standard slasher flicks and you enjoy grandiose special effects , then MOV might be worth a trip to the theater for you . if not , wait for the dvd .",
"while the end is predictable , the order that the kids are picked off is not . it might feel new to viewers who have n't seen many of the ` classic ' 80s slasher flicks .",
"gosh , i have to admit it : it 's more enjoyable than i thought to watch paris die .",
"a sadistically bland entertainment that oversells its reveals and lets its suspense drip so long that it would be nice if something -lrb- anything ! -rrb- happened .",
"-lsb- MOV -rsb- gleefully trots out all the clichés of the genre before going out in a blaze of glory with a truly spectacular final act .",
"meanwhile , the audience wonders when paris hilton will be eviscerated for their enjoyment .",
"qualquer filme no qual paris hilton se revele a figura mais sensata certamente tem algo de muito errado .",
"it adheres strictly to teen-slasher formula before simply melting away .",
"this is a well-made film with a lot more gore than you 're expecting and a lot less humor than you 're expecting .",
"the film 's storyline has more in common with manos , the hands of fate than the original MOV .",
"the whole thing is vacuously enjoyable , downright nasty in places and , despite the fact that the ending is rushed , has a pretty spectacular finish .",
"after one gets past the trendy casting of paris hilton , this above-average horror flick actually surfaces from the bloody pit of remakes clutching a few decent ideas .",
"plastic paris looks right at home in this melted down remake .",
"makes up for its idiot plot with a gallon of gore .",
"not just fun and funny -lrb- do n't forget , paris hilton 's in it -rrb- , but it 's also surprisingly frightening .",
"this wax 's infusion of paris hilton and flirty teen sex comedy retreads might have sent original wax maniac vincent price into spontaneous meltdown , without the need of heating fluid .",
"a stupid , brainless , and pointless horror installment with all the usual characters , and pretty bad acting all around ...",
"a 2005 review of this picture would 've registered more shock from me ...",
"now , if you can just stay sane until the actual slasher portion of the flick takes off , you might be okay .",
"mal actuada , mal editada , previsible de principio a fin y sin terror alguno de por medio , es una de esas cintas que deberían haberse quedado en la fase de proyecto .",
"apparent kills are left unverified , handy firearms are left untouched , and the group splits up a record four times , ensuring most of these dolts will never see the dawn .",
"full review in greek",
"MOV aims low and hits the mark . it has all the gory bloodshed you could ask for and all the right special effects .",
"it 's a bloody , messy little throwback that unintentionally brushes against fetish since it eventually dips so many of its hotties in hot wax .",
"a museum of gory , joyless , easy shocks .",
"how seriously should any film be taken when it has paris hilton and her lacy red lingerie in a supporting role ?",
"first-time director jaume collet-serra lingers over the victims at lengths discomfortingly gratuitous even by slasher standards . but he also demonstrates a droll touch .",
"the film does everything that teen horror flicks are supposed to do , but hilton undermines it all by not even trying to act .",
"the camera is like a loving captive of hilton 's assured smirk and self-aware demeanor . it 's as if she 's acting while watching herself on an internal monitor .",
"sadism is the only thing house has going for it",
"hilton runs the gamut of emotions from a to a-minus , and the others look desperate to forget that this dazzlingly dumb debacle will be on their resumes .",
"the filmmakers have one good idea ... otherwise , the picture remains imagination-free .",
"this is n't boring , but is as predictable as can be .",
"low-rent in every respect ... when her character , paige , performs a striptease , hilton 's moves are so lethargic and mechanical she 's about as arousing as bugs bunny in drag .",
"the acting in MOV ranges from bad to worse .",
"delivers what its fans come for -- gore , violence , a little sex , lots of wax .",
"that 's hot .",
"irritating , boring , poorly acted , poorly directed and poorly written .",
"this is bad horror at its best : hokey , predictable and completely unrealistic .",
"with a minimally talented cast , it focuses on the most ludicrous , repulsive aspects : paris hilton , the slaughter and melting wax .",
"paris hilton is the least of the film 's problems , and when paris hilton is the least of your problems , you know you 're in trouble .",
"MOV is paris hilton 's best movie .",
"more gleeful , more deliciously sick , and cleverer than most .",
"... dominated by long , unnecessarily prolonged sequences in which the various characters are either poking around where they should n't or hiding from a deformed maniac .",
"MOV is a cinematic candle in the wind . through gusty horror clichés , tepid acting and cheap thrills , it somehow never completely dims .",
"this wax is more junk food quality , skipping along inside its traditional horror trappings with eagerness and a rare lack of cynicism or pale ghost children .",
"i wanted to see paris hilton die early and painfully . nothing else really mattered .",
"2005 's MOV turns out to be a better reimagining of `` the texas chainsaw massacre '' than last year 's lousy remake",
"it 's sad that the film had to place hilton front & center with a video camera joke , then a bj gag before finally having a large phallic object go right through her face .",
"in this film , paris is the brains of the outfit .",
"MOV is not a good movie but it is an efficient one , and will deliver most of what anyone attending MOV could reasonably expect , assuming it would be unreasonable to expect very much .",
"the acting in MOV is as horrible as you might expect .",
"there is not one redeeming moment in this movie , unless you consider paris hilton stripping down to her underwear and getting killed redeeming .",
"not to focus too much on paris hilton , but she brings an art to bad acting .",
"the new remake of MOV proves it 's actually possible for a movie to get dumber as it goes along .",
"yet for a so-called exploitation film , wax is slow to exploit . its leisurely setup is a fright-challenged snooze , and at nearly two hours it 's bloated for a slasher flick .",
"a remake in title only , this MOV is mostly inspired by the twilight zone and the friday the 13th movies .",
"most of this seems like a marilyn manson video .",
"the original was shot in 3-d ; this , by contrast , is 1-d all the way .",
"`` MOV '' is a classic , of a kind ... it plays its alarming carnage straight , and it 's very scary .",
"and in keeping with the wax , wax , everywhere wax concept of this goofy little gore-bucket , i 'll just glibly assume that the screenplay was written in crayon .",
"redeemed by the surreal nightmare of its fiery finale , when it 's not a wicked witch but the world itself that seems to be crying , ` i 'm melting ... '",
"scary , scream-and-squirm-inducing , and suspenseful , it 's the first unequivocally good -- and often downright great -- popcorn entertainment of the still-early summer movie season .",
"a crummy horror flick .",
"as a frightfest it 's better than today 's average .",
"MOV is a sturdy and cohesive representative of what tends to be a flimsy and tawdry b-movie genre .",
"a roughhouse between the hayes 's dingbatty script ... and director sera 's winking and surprisingly skillful treatment of it ... ultimately disappointing .",
"the acting is so generic and dead that they might as well have poured hot wax on all the characters in the first scene .",
"a by-the-numbers slasher flick .",
"the set design is fairly elaborate by the standards of the genre , and the victims do n't die in precisely the order you might expect , but everything else goes pretty much according to formula .",
"MOV is cheap , dirty entertainment , and it knows it .",
"related to the 1953 vincent price film in name , embalming technique and warner bros. pedigree only , the new MOV is a dreary , predictable tale .",
"none of it is staged with any panache .",
"a standard-issue ` dead teenager movie . '",
"the debut feature from director jaume collet-serra does two things rare in the horror genre : it takes its time and it actually gets better as it goes along .",
"`` something 's dead out there . '' yeah , like this movie .",
"film lacks horror and originality .",
"wretched excuse for a horror flick .",
"most alarming , the movie leaves open the possibility of a sequel .",
"it 's nowhere near as punishing as rob zombie 's house of 1,000 corpses , but it 's increasingly tense and resourceful and , in the end , it gets the sick job done .",
"yet another teens-versus - hillbillies slasher flick .",
"the movie would have been creepier if it had shut us inside the museum , and given us more creative wax-based killings instead of revisiting familiar slasher-flick stuff .",
"hilton is the cinematic equivalent of a stray dog , an untrained extra that accidentally wandered into the shot and quickly began making love to the camera ."
] | house_of_wax_2005 | bearing little resemblance to the 1953 original , MOV is a formulaic but better-than-average teen slasher flick . | 15 |
"one of the summer 's more pleasant surprises .",
"brendan gets hit in the face a lot , that 's good for a few laughs but you 've already seen it in the trailer .",
"dudley is merely a dud .",
"barely gets a plus for comedy , but brendan fraser is always fun to see .",
"'90s live-action remake of '60s cartoon has iffy humor .",
"surprisingly pleasant .",
"the fanciful associations and bad jokes are more often stupid than silly , making all the spectacle and contrived dance numbers seem a colossal waste .",
"why in the wide , wide , world of sports would anybody make a big-budget feature film from a decades-old , animated cartoon parody of nelson eddy/jeanette macdonald movies ?",
"only for little kids or anyone with no discerning taste .",
"there 's not one joke , one slapstick moment , one innuendo that 's funny .",
"you 're obviously supposed to root for dudley to triumph , but his character remains nothing more than a clumsy , accident-prone doofus .",
"when will hollywood learn that successful animated concepts just do n't cut it when translated to flesh-and blood life ?",
"though it hurts to think unkind thoughts about the square-shooting royal canadian mounted policeman who is passionate about right and wrong , in reality casting fraser as dudley turns out to be too much of a good thing , a case of blank look overkill .",
"what a let-down .",
"the latest in a series of movies adapted from old tv series aimed at baby boomers and their babies .",
"you might simply die of boredom .",
"how lucky can moviegoers get ? three brendan fraser movies this year !",
"a big dud .",
"pacing is slow in this comedy , as if actors are waiting -- along with the weary kids and adults in the audience -- for anyone to say something funny . we 're still waiting .",
"though occasionally producing a minor chuckle , dudley do-right is mainly characterized by good artists making bad choices .",
"it has not sunk in yet in hollywood that some cartoons are cartoons for a reason .",
"there are so many lame gags in the film that viewers may feel assaulted . but at least the pace is lively .",
"this one is really for fraser die-hards only .",
"i always wondered how the original producer , jay ward , could squeeze out a 5 minute segment each week on such a flimsy premise . now the big question is how some bigwig executive thought they could squeeze out an 80 minute movie on the same idea .",
"dudley do-right works well as family entertainment .",
"the kind of movie that makes me stop believing in movies .",
"fraser 's goofy mug may be the only thing that saves this film 's exhibitors from losing their theatres to mobs of unamused , torch-wielding patrons . then again , it does n't seem like anyone 's even going to see this dreck , so maybe they 're off the hook .",
"in the end , it 's neither dudley do-right nor do-wrong , but merely dudley do-just-so-so .",
"the latest waste of celluloid .",
"directed by hugh wilson , this cheerful comedy is aimed at 5-10 year-olds , who will thoroughly enjoy it .",
"it mainly strikes fool 's gold .",
"an embarrassment for all concerned .",
"it 's a not-so-funny hodgepodge of site gags , satire and jokes that only occasionally touch the funny bone .",
"after the movie is over , horse 's head appears through the screen as he sticks out his tongue to give it raspberries . my sentiments exactly .",
"it 's harmless , simple-minded , and has a couple of sequences better than dudley really deserves ."
] | dudley_doright | gags are n't that funny . | 11893 |
"the numerous action sequences , while imaginative , lack a visual cohesion that allows them to be fully appreciated .",
"parental content review",
"directed by former special effects artist patrick tatopoulos , it is shoddily paced and appears to have been lit with a candle , presumably to hide its obvious budget shortfalls .",
"uninspired prequel-slash-threequel that seems to have contractual obligation written all over it .",
"compared to its sister films , the storytelling is stellar , remarkable not because there 's a whole lot going on -- in fact , you 'll likely leave the theater thinking , `` that 's it ? '' -- but because what little does happen makes sense .",
"awkward camera angles , editing and pacing of some fight sequences gives a direct-to-video at times . if you 're a fan of the last two underworld movies and are willing to suspend your disbelief and to check your brain at the door for 93 minutes , you 'll at l",
"basically it 's frost/nixon to dross/vixen . and there 's plenty to be ashamed of .",
"... ca n't help but come off as an obvious high point within this progressively low-rent series ...",
"lacks the gothic coolness that made the original such an underground hit .",
"left with only a small pocket of timeline to embroider , the prequel manages to develop a breezy , bloody , operatic experience . even better , it wipes away the toxic awfulness of evolution . it 's now safe to return to the underworld .",
"a period piece that drips mediocrity from the minute it begins .",
"feels like a superfluous placeholder until kate beckinsale and len wiseman are available and ready to make a true third installment in the series .",
"nothing special , but it convincingly transports viewers into its medieval realm of vampires vs. werewolves .",
"-lrb- has -rrb- a fidelity to the style of the originals without the tangled , overstuffed narrative .",
"enquanto seus realizadores contam o dinheiro que ganharam com o projeto , farei o mesmo que fiz com relaзгo aos dois primeiros capнtulos : publicarei este texto e esquecerei imediatamente do filme que o tornou necessбrio .",
"it may be a definite upswing in quality for the series , but if you thought the previous two films were overblown goth-horror nonsense , rise of the lycans really is n't going to change your mind ...",
"the creators seem to have abandoned all hope of manufacturing anything that 's even coherent , let alone imaginative .",
"at least we 're spared a lot of the `` legacy this '' and `` prophecy that '' stuff that slows down both of the previous underworld adventures .",
"and this time there are n't even any leather pants .",
"borrows from ` romeo and juliet , ' ` the passion of the christ ' -lrb- there are two , count 'em , two gory scourging scenes -rrb- and , especially , ` spartacus ' ..."
] | underworld_rise_of_the_lycans | despite the best efforts of its competent cast , underworld : rise of the lycans is an indistinguishable and unnecessary prequel . | 770781881 |
"though shot in tennessee , johnston 's MOV successfully evokes the stifling atmosphere of a blackened 1950s town in the southern west virginia mountains .",
"retreads the soggy ground staked out by field of dreams , with sentimental tears and group hugs as the answer to conflicting ideological standpoints .",
"i love movies at the end of which , as the credits roll and the lights come up , i 'm sobbing my eyes out and smiling and declaring , `` that was a great movie ! '' all at the same time . i needed two hankies at the end of MOV .",
"there 's hope , heroism , and dern as a dying schoolmarm , but MOV falls flat due to its all-too-obvious third act and the vague fact that , really , not that much happens .",
"... compulsively watchable ...",
"uplifting family film with great values",
"inspiring tale for older tweens and up .",
"... plays like a tv movie made for everyone who subscribes to reader 's digest . still , its manipulations are sincere rather than cynical ...",
"the tv movie subject matter is infused with genuine feeling for the value of learning as a passport to freedom , and an authentic regard for the honest graft of working men .",
"director joe johnston has crafted a feel good film that does n't pander to cheap emotions .",
"MOV is a movie you want to believe in .",
"any film that celebrates a teenager 's ability to think instead of throw a ball ought to be cheered .",
"this small , well-crafted coming-of-age docudrama is a real-life revenge of the nerds by way of stand by me .",
"it will lift your spirit and make you feel good about all those who pursue their dreams in the face of large obstacles .",
"an enthralling and warm-hearted story about four high school students who taught themselves to build and fly real rockets .",
"a sweet yet sincere coming-of-age story about fathers and sons , communities pulling together and , above all , heroes .",
"MOV does n't seem like much on paper , but it is an entertaining , smart movie that is calculated to satisfy the all-american notion that anyone can do anything as long as he tries hard enough and never stops believing .",
"it is about four kids who build rockets , but it is a lot more than that . it is about having the guts to go for your dreams and not worrying about what other people think .",
"... so full of spirit and letter-perfect filmmaking that i defy anyone to watch this movie without getting a tingle in his or her heart .",
"the ` follow your dream ' theme works , even though the son versus father sub-plot struggles at times .",
"as rewarding and uplifting as pictures from half a century ago !",
"a breakout performance by jake gyllenhaal !",
"i liked MOV and was moved by it in all the right ways . but it 's a movie that does n't stand up to review very well .",
"it 's good for inspiring , good to make you all misty-eyed and it 's commendable for making trigonometry more enticing than football .",
"MOV is a powerful look at a young man 's drives to become a scientist . it is also a moving portrait of a father-son relationship .",
"a compulsively watchable , well-crafted feature ...",
"it is ultimately in the exact performances and writing that are the primary reasons MOV works so well .",
"a truly uplifting , heartwarming motion picture !",
"the upbeat film has a genuineness and poignancy that will touch your heart !",
"inspirational !",
"a must-see for every student , parent and teacher in the country !",
"it 's a major step-up for director joe johnston whose previous films such as honey i shrunk the kids and jumanji were simply special effects showcases .",
"a story both grounded and ascendent , a movie that puts your emotions in orbit .",
"MOV will go straight to the heart of any man who recalls looking up at the night sky as a boy and getting stars in his eyes .",
"MOV is a sensational character-driven story with a strong narrative and great visual style .",
"a substantial and entertaining tale whose portrait of learning and intelligence , family and friendship , is in stark contrast to the typical hollywood fare .",
"a real-life revenge of the nerds with a touch of stand by me .",
"how refreshing to watch idealism and sentimentality presented onscreen without the usual cheap manipulative tricks so beloved by hollywood schlockmeisters !",
"spirited , exciting entertainment that delivers on any number of levels - and you do n't have to be a youngster to enjoy it .",
"believable , subtle , and consistently intelligent !",
"this movie has deep values .",
"it is a film that treats its teen-aged hero and his pals as distinctive , sentient human beings .",
"... one heck of a crowd pleaser , filled with humor , pathos , and intelligence .",
"one of the best in recent years !",
"the unforced and honest power of the emotion ever so quietly sneaks up on you by film 's end .",
"as adapted by lewis colick , the screenplay shifts busily among the boys ' rocket exploits , homer 's family , conditions at the mine and the influence of a dedicated science teacher , but each of these subplots plays out in familiar ways .",
"this is one of those special films that 's equally successful as a wholesome family film and an inspiring drama for adults .",
"a professionally crafted family film that reserves all its challenging moments for its characters , letting the audience bask comfortably in the approach of a predetermined warm and fuzzy ending .",
"the movie is an oddity . like the seed of a plant born in the drought of summer , it tries to grow on you , and fails .",
"another universal pictures paint-by-numbers feel-gooder !",
"plays like something spewed out by a top-drawer screenwriting program !",
"the plot follows the usual formula , so that were it a rocket , one could predict within a matter of feet where it would land .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- wonderful , new coming-of-age film .",
"immensely entertaining and unabashedly inspirational !",
"secretly , this is a movie about overcoming adversity and fatherly love , and the sentiment is heaped on so high you ca n't help but shed a tear .",
"MOV is exactly the sort of hollywood picture we need to see more often : cleanly written , capably filmed , and focused on a young person who 's determined to turn his life in constructive , creative directions .",
"such a good story . and MOV is a really good movie .",
"every scene has realistic gravity and an obvious personal touch .",
"sweetness is too rare in movies these days , so audiences can feel lucky about the earnest dose of it in MOV . this film is family .",
"MOV is inspirational , and it is triumphant ; it 's also smart , well-written , and well-acted !",
"even if MOV was a complete dud , the drama would still get points for being the movie that launched the career of a new star , jake gyllenhaal .",
"read it as sublimated or expressionist , the movie is all about boys and their toys .",
"fun and amusing !",
"MOV certainly is n't a great movie , but a pleasant one , and one i can recommend -- which , so far , in 1999 , is a wonder in itself .",
"MOV is a bit schmaltzy and predictable . but that should n't keep anyone from enjoying this true-life saga of a boy whose dreams could not be confined by either gravity or convention .",
"MOV is a rare oddity in cinema : a self-proclaimed `` uplifting '' film that is actually uplifting !"
] | october_sky | rich in sweet sincerity , intelligence , and good old-fashioned inspirational drama , MOV is a coming-of-age story with a heart to match its hollywood craftsmanship . | 10995 |
"it 's an engaging sampler of different perspectives that never quite connect , but it does make you want to contact your travel agent as soon as possible .",
"paris is well worth the trip .",
"as an ad for the city 's charms , paris could n't have asked for a more sweetly jaundiced love letter .",
"most features composed of sketches by different filmmakers are wildly uneven . this one is consistently mediocre , albeit pleasant and watchable .",
"it is possible to bring substance , as well as poetry , to the vignette form , but more often paris , je t'aime is merely mundane .",
"in the generally deft new anthology film paris je t ` aime , short films are like streetcars .",
"it 's hard not to love paris , je t ` aime . a valentine to the planet 's most romantic city , this delightful anthology of 18 short films will make you long to bid adieu to your humdrum existence and board the next plane to the city of lights .",
"paris , je t ` aime builds into something quite wonderful .",
"with 18 pieces in all , there should be something here to tantalize everyone 's tastes , or at least prompt you to contact your travel agent to book a vacation .",
"split evenly between the inspired segments and those that fall flat , this ambitious omnibus is still worth watching .",
"there 's something romantic about the big city , because with so many people in such a small space , something unexpected and joyful is bound to cross your path one day . and this is the precise mentality that makes -lsb- this movie -rsb- such a breath of fresh air .",
"this bittersweet love-letter to france 's capital is as richly cosmopolitan as the city itself .",
"offers a smorgasbord of distinct styles as it compiles an unprecedented movie mix tape of poetic interludes .",
"the bee 's knees , the cat 's pajamas and the lobster 's dinner shirt of movies currently playing .",
"for directors and actors who usually work on projects that take years to develop and months to film , this must have been a really fun lark . for the viewer , it 's a full cinematic feast .",
"nothing about paris , je t'aime feels stiff or hindered by its haphazard , sometimes truncated , but always sincere love letter to and tour of the city of lights .",
"a little uneven in style , tone and quality . but the picture that emerges of paris is romantic , cosmopolitan and hopeful .",
"from comedy to drama , varied anthology is worth the trip .",
"each short film runs an average of eight minutes , so even if you get stuck with a clunker , it 's not long before the next one starts .",
"if you love films -lrb- and paris -rrb- then this omnibus edition is strongly recommended .",
"practically giddy with energy .",
"for this kind of omnibus movie a success rate of two out of three is a pretty high batting average . there are no home runs , however , only doubles , singles and coy little bunts .",
"bittersweet , funny , sad and invariably romantic , the anthology film paris , je t'aime strings together 20 five-minute vignettes to create a pulsating mosaic of the neighborhoods of the city of light .",
"if you 've ever been to paris , the picture 's varied takes on the city of lights is seeped in reverie . if you have n't , paris je t ` aime serves as a enticing invitation .",
"you never know what you 'll get , but it will always look ravishing .",
"some shorts work . others do n't . it is fascinating , though , to see which ones do , and why .",
"a fantastic trip to the city of lights thru the eyes of some of the world 's greatest stars and filmmakers . a memorable movie experience like no other .",
"luckily , paris , je t'aime contains a few good films among its total whiffs .",
"a valentine to the city of light , paris , je t'aime threatens no electrical power outages , but it does leave a nice candlelight glow .",
"a novel experiment which one hopes will be tried again soon .",
"many districts of the city open to as many directors , each finding vignettes of love or loss .",
"the best is saved for last : payne 's 14th arrondissement takes its time to create a parisian epiphany that both pokes fun at an american tourist -lrb- margo martindale -rrb- and finds grace in her acceptance of a fragile moment of transcendence .",
"the cream of this crop took the assignment to heart - to show not just being in love in paris , but being in love with paris .",
"even the least tales here flit by quickly enough to leave little bad aftertaste , and the best are savored like the last small bites of exquisite soufflés .",
"its 18 vignettes show paris as a big city like any other , with the attendant street crime and disparity between haves and have-nots . it 's just that the architecture , clothes and people are more handsome than in most cities .",
"varied in tone and perspective , but also variable in narrative quality . but paris je t ` aime offers at least as many hits as misses .",
"paris je t'aime is a charmer . it 's like a sampler plate of sweet confections , delightful but not very substantial , and with enough variety to please just about everyone .",
"i suppose you can take the anthology as a sampling of parisian atmospheres , but hardly anywhere is a place you 'd want to visit for long .",
"there is just enough good stuff to outweigh the bad .",
"the best segments are as good as film gets ; the losers can make you wince . on the whole , the good outweigh the bad and make the film feel like a minivacation in the city of light .",
"the emphasis is on the light and airy , with the delightful and surprising outnumbering the numbing .",
"this is a very french cinematic concept , sometimes charming , sometimes obtuse , sometimes irritating and often risky ; just like the french themselves , although the directors are not all french .",
"it manages to leave you feeling buoyed and grinning ; sort of like what an easygoing week 's vacation in paris might induce -- along with occasional torpor , frenzy , melancholy and surprises .",
"it 's like having the sampler plate at a restaurant : it never feels quite like a real meal , yet can be delicious just the same .",
"a delightful and varied glimpse of men and women grappling with love , meaning , and loss in various neighborhoods of paris .",
"eighteen short stories in 120 minutes is almost too much to take but this film seems to bind them all together , somehow , with love .",
"paris , je t ` aime is not a movie , it 's a playlist , and that 's why you should resist the temptation to see it in the theater .",
"paris , je t'aime 's brimming declaration of love to the city of lights leaves one breathless but dissatisfied .",
"typical of such compilations , results tend to vary wildly .",
"while too fleeting in grace to be a great movie , paris je t'aime does however reward the hope offered with this prestigious cast and crew .",
"it 's an uneven bag of love to be sure , but the hits outweigh the misses .",
"considering just how many cooks there were in the kitchen , paris , je t ` aime came out with a pretty even feeling",
"a fantastic travelogue .",
"paris , je t ` aime feels like a compilation of student films % u2014 imbued with a certain neophyte whimsy , vibrating with life and passion , and fresh in a way that can only come from unfettered enthusiasm .",
"18 shorts about love for mature art house fans",
"the bulk of the work , filtered through the idiosyncratic lens of the global art-house , relays a peculiar impression of the city that is at once familiar and displaced .",
"alluring , all in all , and unfulfilling",
"the most resonant moments in paris , je t'aime happen to be the bleakest , and they 're about immigrants and other outsiders .",
"generally , the comic pieces are sturdier than the abbreviated dramas . ... as might be expected , a couple of the chapters are misfires ... happily , ` paris ' saves some of its prime material for the last half-hour .",
"a masterful achievement , both as a film and as a heartfelt love letter to one of the world 's most romantic cities .",
"a scattered pastiche of petite vignettes that displays a frenetic charm .",
"the results are uneven , but with each segment focused on a different arrondissement and only about five minutes in length , one does not have to linger in any neighborhood -- good or bad -- for very long before its time to move on .",
"payne 's film alone would be worth the price of admission .",
"suspended rather delightfully between art film and touristy bonbon , paris , je t'aime is , unsurprisingly , a tribute to a city that everybody loves .",
"you could n't call it perfect -- the episodes are uneven -- but it has something that sometimes is better than perfection : real love for its subject and themes .",
"eighteen short films , each done by a different director with a different cast and set in a different neighborhood of paris , je t'aime is a remarkable achievement .",
"alexander payne strikes the same balance of snarky humor and sneaky empathy that has made his body of work so distinct in contemporary american cinema .",
"-lsb- glen -rsb- hassard and -lsb- marketa -rsb- irglova , newcomers to feature film , show both natural acting skills and terrific musical ability .",
"wildly , frustratingly uneven .",
"next to google earth , this is the coolest way to get an overview of the city of light and its particular je ne sais quoi .",
"uneven but quite pleasant .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- pleasing jumble of stories about love in paris .",
"finally , the city that has inspired so much love gets a love letter all its own .",
"splendid .",
"a connoisseur 's delight : two hours of short films celebrating the most romantic city in the world .",
"... a charming ode to the title city , less because of how it celebrates paris ' romantic reputation than for the way it lovingly tweaks that image .",
"this one is different and it 's charming .",
"taken as a whole , paris je t'aime slips down easily enough and offers a few whimsical smiles , but you may find yourself craving more substantial nourishment before the end .",
"a slam-dunk for cineastes , romantics , and francophiles .",
"you expect quality to vary from segment to segment , but the misses outweigh the hits by a depressingly high margin .",
"paris je t'aime is a poignant and ultimately rewarding experience . it offers something for everyone , and provides an insightful , multi-cultural look at the city of lights .",
"even the downbeat segments are optimistic , and that 's what unifies them .",
"the best episodes , however , have the emotional resonance of full-length features , and yet i did n't want them to be a moment longer than they are .",
"there seems to be something in paris air or water that encourages compendium filmmaking -- multiple characters and multiple stories . paris , je t'aime may be the grandest such work currently on view .",
"this is a film for people who love film ...",
"god bless alexander payne , the only director who actually embraces the collection 's title as inspiration ... and makes us fall in melancholy , vicarious love .",
"... displays the same virtues and vices of any anthology film , but magnified by the sheer number of contributors .",
"if you 've ever wondered why so many people go so moony over the city of lights , then this breezy postcard is an excellent place to start .",
"this frequently enchanting omnibus movie -- a collection of 18 short films set in various resonant precincts of the city of light -- radiates international star power .",
"it 's not sexy or stylish or glamorous or any of the things you might assume paris would be before going there . but of all the segments that comprise the film , it comes the closest to depicting honestly what it feels like to fall in love .",
"taken as a whole , it 's a remarkably textured look at the city of lights .",
"-lrb- ... -rrb- un film colectivo irregular , con segmentos olvidables , otros muy bizarros , y algunos realmente sorprendentes .",
"like all anthologies , this 18-segment-omnibus , basically a love letter to paris as city of lights and romance , is uneven but it 's amusing to see the text and subtext of stories that reveal as much about their directors ' ideas as their chosen quarters .",
"the result is an uneven and unwieldy hodgepodge of visions and styles that collectively carry a faint whiff of futility .",
"after having seen the 18 pieces that made the final cut , i ca n't help wondering on what grounds the two rejected works were judged unworthy .",
"anthology films usually work better in theory than execution , but this feature parade of shorts is a blithe , worldly , and enchanting exception .",
"... modestly but richly sculpted pieces , a feeling carved out of a brief slice of time and place , the discreet suggestion of a relationship in just a couple of minutes .",
"fascinating but shaky experiment .",
"on paper , the film looks like a slam dunk , but that is n't the way it plays out . perhaps it 's the time-limit constraints or maybe they just do n't care , but most of the directors are n't working at full speed .",
"in all their variations , with many of them graced by the presence of big-name actors , these 18 movies coalesce into an incandescent portrait of a city rife with possibilities for romance .",
"one of those anthology films that seems like a good idea but never quite works because it lacks the vision of one filmmaker to put it all together .",
"not great filmmaking , but will be appreciated by francophiles .",
"the team effort is justified because love means something different to everyone , and the film presents its many faces as if filtered through an ipod shuffle .",
"there are a couple of unquestioned triumphs , a couple of unmitigated disasters and the rest fall somewhere in between the two extremes -- but it winds up being somewhat more satisfying in the end than many films of this type .",
"anthologies can be uneven , and that is the case here . some of these films do feel insubstantial . but others are rooted in the sorts of common experiences that will seem authentic to you , no matter where you live .",
"the result is that after two hours one gets the sense of having seen a panorama of human experience , of having witnessed a moment of time in all its true fullness ."
] | paris_je_taime | paris je t'aime is uneven , but there are more than enough delightful moments in this omnibus tribute to the city of lights to tip the scale in its favor . | 321749760 |
"cooper 's film may not make all the right choices , but it 's got bridges , and it 's always got the songs , among which ryan bingham 's the weary kind stands out for its haunting , choked melancholy . it 's an experience you want to indulge , and that is n't hard .",
"it 's not possible to flaw bridges here . akin to falstaff , the detail of his characterisation - from stagger to cough to swagger to song - is fascinating . but he needs more thorough contextualisation to fly .",
"the role of a lifetime for jeff bridges and he plays it to perfection",
"it took an oscar-chasing role tailored for bridges to win him this belated respect ; the movie itself is hardly worthy of him .",
"what a treat to see and feel an independent american movie that sifts gently across the western landscape with a heartfelt touch - albeit dusted over with a hazy drift of nostalgia .",
"a phenomenal , heart-breaking performance from jeff bridges powers this simple but affecting redemption story .",
"MOV feels familiar , even comforting , offering few surprises but a wealth of lovingly crafted , immaculately judged , wholly authentic emotion .",
"an affable , entertaining film that rarely surprises but brings a smile to the face through the sheer charisma of its leading man .",
"this turn from the perennially settled and contented bridges is pure acting . it is the best performance of the past 12 months , and indeed possibly the next .",
"a wonderfully easy , confident and muscular performance from jeff bridges - so easy , confident and muscular that it does n't look like acting at all - saves this movie from being pure sentimental mush .",
"a rambling story of a down-and-out country singer -lrb- a fine performance by jeff bridges -rrb- trying to put his life in turnaround .",
"in bridges ' protrayal bad is like a floating candle in a jar of gasoline % u2013 always ready to ignite . through jean he learns to hang on with a hope to glow once again .",
"the difference between ` MOV ' and ` the wrestler ' is the quality of the female characters .",
"you can see why bridges signed on for this low-key , low-budget character study . it is n't every day an actor gets the chance to pitch face-forward into the camera , dead drunk .",
"hand the oscar to jeff bridges right now , and let 's be done with it .",
"all hail the small movie .",
"as usual , bridges makes it look easy , ramblin ' along through this ramblin ' story as if it takes no effort at all to create a three-dimensional character out of nothing .",
"MOV finally disappoints because it 's so manifestly a character in search of a movie .",
"mediocre awards-season staple with some good acting",
"i admire cooper 's restraint , an attribute i 've admired in bridges for so many years .",
"it all goes down as smoothly and enjoyably as a fine whiskey .",
"jeff bridges gives a stumbling , puking , unglamorous performance in MOV ... in hopes of making it to hollywood 's glammest night .",
"jeff bridges ' portrayal of broken-down , liquored-up country singer bad blake may be the best of his career , and that 's saying something .",
"as the heavily dented bad blake , bridges carries every scene in the picture with a performance that seems to materialize out of pure feeling .",
"barry markowitz 's camerawork at times captures the hazy heat of the american southwest , giving it a sepia-toned warmth , while this grainy wash gives blake 's late-night bender scenes a green-about-the-gills feel .",
"cooper is so afraid of being bold and baring some soul , he achieves little more than the anachronistic , cookie-cutter blues that his lead character spent a lifetime trying to avoid .",
"do n't expect greatness from the man named bad",
"formidable acting talent aside , this is routine self-destruction-and-recovery tv movie material .",
"basically a live-action version of the cliche country-western song with a man down on his luck and losing everything in his life , it comes close to being a joke about itself .",
"with great performances from bridges and gyllenhaal , MOV is a winner and a must-see .",
"played by a gracefully aging jeff bridges , bad is an older , greasier and groggier version of the dude",
"bridges ' worn down country singer is as well realized as any character he 's ever done . it may take a while to get going , and to develop , and to wrap up , but there 's enough meat to make MOV worthwhile , even if it is made to last a while .",
"is jeff bridges the most underappreciated actor of his generation ?",
"a solid -lrb- if unremarkable -rrb- script presented in a straightforward , restrained manner but enlivened by naturalistic , honest acting , MOV is more than the sum of its parts .",
"jeff bridges finally won his oscar for MOV and it was well-earned indeed .",
"the film 's texas and new mexico landscapes are ravishing , and the songs are beautifully performed , but these offer little more than occasional relief from a very obvious tale .",
"jeff bridges astounds in this beautifully acted , funny and moving film .",
"MOV is a b-grade movie elevated to a-grade status by bridges ' nuanced , heartbreaking performance . gyllenhaal is terrific too as a smart woman who ca n't help loving that man .",
"it 's a shame then that the all-too-familiar story is never as engaging as the two leads , but with performances this strong , MOV still brings the house down .",
"is terrific in his richest role since the big lebowski . but the surprise is farrell , unexpectedly winning as the successful protégé keen to give his mentor a break .",
"it 's the brilliance of bridges that means he can be sad and pathetic , and charismatic and heroic all at the same time .",
"while you ca n't quite shake the film 's channel 5 matinee feel , star performances lift crazy i heart above the ordinary .",
"bridges can play this kind of role in his sleep , and at times appears to be doing so . if he wins the best actor oscar for this , it will be as a long-service medal , not a reflection of excellence in a demanding role .",
"bridges is totally at ease singing the blues , so much so that it 's easy to forget those creaks in the script , as he delivers an iconic performance that 's guaranteed to pluck the heartstrings .",
"what makes the film is its attention to detail : the locations are a picture book of americana ; the music , overseen by t-bone burnett , is a precise re-creation of 1980s new country .",
"while it showcases jeff bridges ' extraordinary talents and delivers a couple of decent country music tunes , MOV is basically a retread that does n't leave much of a lasting impression .",
"takes an ordinary situation and makes it extraordinary . bad blake is n't a country singer ; he 's a country song .",
"bridges is exceptional here ; it 's the movie itself that 's less urgent and awkwardly defined , throttling his impressively discombobulated performance , leaving one to wonder why there 's even a plot to heart in the first place .",
"some actors are blessed . jeff bridges is one of them .",
"bridges perfects that wasted hayseed persona growl here and in open road this year . but oh , how jeff and maggie get those erotic , flirty sparks to fly between them , anyway .",
"the film aspires to such low-key minimalism that it leaves no more than a fleeting emotional effect .",
"a simple , rough around the edges character study , buoyed up by some pretty fine performances - despite what you may have heard , there are more people in the cast than just jeff bridges .",
"as predictable as any of the old clichés about country music and men who write it , although that 's mainly because cooper 's script ... uses so many of them without delving any deeper .",
"this show belongs to bridges , who starts off as a magnificent train wreck and then takes a journey with the character .",
"this performance is as good as -lsb- bridges has -rsb- ever done .",
"while the film is n't quite the timeless gem lebowski is , bridges playing the perennially soused is , once again , spectacularly award-worthy .",
"often feels like a half-hearted , half-assed remake of tender mercies .",
"on first viewing , MOV seemed like a pretty good movie with one great performance . after a second time through , it 's sneaking up on the title of my favorite film of the year .",
"not a great movie , but bridges definitely finds new territory for those acting skils of his . his washed up country singer finally goes after the help he needs and we like the journey to sobriety . paul chambers , cnn",
"as has so often been the case throughout his career , bridges becomes the character . he buries himself so thoroughly in the role that there 's nothing of the actor remaining .",
"it 's a mark of how fine a performance bridges gives that it succeeds beautifully even though the besotted , bedeviled country singer has been an overly familiar popular culture staple for forever .",
"some good country music and some people you care about make this film likable if nothing flashy . but bridges 's characterization is first rate .",
"the film packs a huge emotional punch , and captivates mercilessly",
"MOV could use more rough edges , but while it 's a little too sentimental and tidy , bridges ' humane , deeply empathetic lead performance makes it easy to root for one man 's redemption .",
"bridges does what he does best in disappearing into a complex character who earns our sympathy the hard way",
"not that the modest story makes -lsb- jeff -rsb- bridges ' accomplishment any less vital or -lsb- t-bone -rsb- burnett 's music any less pleasurable .",
"bad is a tortured , self destructive spirit dead set on being alone and miserable , though because he has ample kindness and softness lingering inside , his addictions are all the more deceptively dangerous and his fall from grace all the more pathetic .",
"another minimalist exercise seeking verisimilitude when the real goal should be drama .",
"there 's nothing about the essential content of this film that 's artificial .",
"watching alcoholics stumble through their lives is sometimes a little boring , though jeff bridges is a warm and detailed enough actor to keep us interested and full of hope for him .",
"i used to be somebody , '' sings washed up legend bad blake , `` but now i 'm somebody else . '' like a c&w song , MOV makes cliches sound like eternal verites , and jeff bridges deserves all the credit .",
"better story , better acting , better music than ` once . '",
"with the best lead performance of the year , a few great supporting ones , excellent music , and completely genuine characters freed of an ounce of melodrama , MOV is one of the best dramas of 2009 .",
"in MOV , jeff bridges portrays `` bad '' blake , a grizzled , battered , alcoholic country singer living on the frayed edges of his fallow career . bridges nails the role .",
"i wanted to walk out bowled over by jeff bridges and his ` performance of a lifetime , ' but i was fixated on the colin farrell factor .",
"MOV is a familiar tune , but the harmonies reverberate .",
"the movie belongs entirely to bridges , who won the golden globe for best actor in a drama . his inimitable jeff-isms have never been more endearing - the sloppy gait , the whiskey glass balanced on his chest , his general air of discombobulation .",
"... the story here is bridges and the title of that story is `` brilliant ! ''",
"who needs the wrestler when you have the crooner ? ''",
"... bridges ' performance as blake so transcends the clichés that he 's one of the favorites for the best actor oscar this year .",
"bridges carries the movie on his back and makes bad blake a guy worth getting to know .",
"what it lacks in originality , MOV makes up for in delivery .",
"charles bukowski morphs into dewey cox in this denunciation of the evils of paralyzing drunkenness .",
"scott cooper ... makes his directorial debut with one of america 's greatest actors delivering a terrific performance in a story we 've seen a thousand times before .",
"in this country ballad % u2013like movie that 's earning jeff bridges oscar buzz , he plays a downward-spiraling musician . bridges offers a great performance , but his hokey romance with maggie gyllenhaal clashes with the film 's gritty realism ,",
"bridges draws us deeply inside blake 's moment-to-moment heartbreaks . he makes us root for him as we would root for a dear friend . ultimately , his triumphs become our own .",
"the movie as a whole never rings as true as bridges ' lead character , bad blake -- but he 's appealing enough to keep it from falling apart .",
"although the romance between bridges and gyllenhaal did n't pass the smell test , i could overlook that because the acting , music , and cinematography mesmerized me .",
"another awards season , another tale of middle-age redemption .",
"-lrb- bridges -rrb- just slips into the faded leather boots of a sad , lost soul , a man we all know even though weve never met him .",
"has an appealing , easygoing vibe for most of its running time .",
"a quiet , conventional film with a surprisingly firm grip .",
"if not for the performance of jeff bridges , this tedious flick would n't be nearly as involving .",
"it is n't perfect and it is n't wholly original in terms of narrative , but the film has a warm heart and a depth of performance that makes it deserving of recommendation .",
"bridges raises the bar -lrb- har-har -rrb- for being shafaced onscreen , stumbling and vomiting his way to the stage in podunk clubs ... ''",
"the simple story of a merle haggard-type has been who falls in love with a younger reporter is aided greatly by excellent songs and dazzling performances by jeff bridges and colin farrell .",
"-lsb- bridges -rsb- fully inhabits blake , slowly revealing the bone-weariness of this singer 's extended road trips and even more extended drinking binges .",
"... an aggressively uneven piece of work that would hardly be worth mentioning were it not for the efforts of bridges and his stellar cast mates ...",
"tem a sorte de trazer um jeff bridges mais do que inspirado em seu centro -- caso contrбrio , poderia perfeitamente ter se tornado uma produзгo mais apropriada para a televisгo .",
"as he comes to face consequences of this recklessness , bad sees that his badness - his success and also the limits on it - are also shaped by the business he 's in .",
"if you adore country music and have actually been in a band , you 'll love MOV . despite bridges ' brilliance , non-aficionados might find it underwhelming .",
"if you 're not fond of country music -lrb- i 'm not -rrb- , then MOV may sound like the kind of cracker-barrel movie you should avoid . bridges will change your mind .",
"some goodwill evaporates in the final reel , when a few false endings lead to a choice that 's not the best one for MOV , but the generosity of bridge 's performance puts us in a forgiving mood .",
"a showcase for an actor whose deep understanding of his character is evident in every gesture and word .",
"when a movie offers you a couple of hours with a drunk , he better be a charmer . and even then , it 's a gamble ; we 've all known charming drunks , but a little can go a long way . fortunately for MOV , it has jeff bridges , who brings enough charm and ve",
"there is no one i would rather have play an overweight drunk . bridges nails it .",
"bridges is so spectacularly good as bad blake , country artist , that he 's the whole movie .",
"ultimately what MOV will always be remembered for is the genuine and poignant performance from bridges , who should be rewarded with an oscar nomination in a couple of weeks . who knows ? maybe the fifth time will be the charm .",
"it 's a bit too easy , a bit too familiar , and maybe even a bit too much fun . but the easy magic bridges brings to the screen makes it all work .",
"in a musical genre where emotional authenticity is essential , bridges is a great enough actor to make us believe these songs could be his own .",
"bridges plumbs the depths of this alcoholic , his bloated body strewn across a sweat-soaked mattress , clinging to his whiskey bottle as if it were his momma ... it 's a knock-out performance , devoid of all vanity .",
"bridges ably does his own guitar playing and singing , another reason MOV is a gift to those who have long appreciated his talents .",
"not to say the movie does n't work ; if it did n't hit me like a ton of bricks , at least it did make a favorable impression , and i believe i have bridges 's affability and watchability to thank for that .",
"the real star is bridges , who plays not so much a layered character , but a man whom we instantly identify with and understand and want to watch .",
"modestly mounted but fiercely acted .",
"everything you see and hear has a modest , gentle quality that insinuates itself into your good graces .",
"the songs become anthems inhabited by bridges , whose bad blake may wish his life had turned out differently but is never going to dribble tears in his shot glass so long as he still can find a stage somewhere to belt out a tune .",
"an utterly familiar but mostly satisfying character study of a man rescued from the brink of self-destruction , attuned to the rhythm of an eye-catching star performance .",
"jeff bridges realizing one of his most memorable film characters in years with a performance you wo n't quickly forget .",
"no scene feels obligatory , and MOV shows a pragmatic but tender understanding of the relationship between physical breakdown and the discovery of morality . it 's merely a well-done , adult american movie-that is to say , a rarity .",
"a compact , economical treat : full of flavor and feeling , wrapped in an unprepossessing package that contains far more than you 'd ever imagine .",
"this is simply a showcase for jeff bridges , and a reasonably decent one at that even when the script thrusts bad down tediously hackneyed roads .",
"screenwriter/director scott cooper 's adaptation of the thomas cobb novel is a bit predictable , but it benefits from the casting of bridges as the self-destructive lead .",
"while the screenplay for MOV does n't always ring true , bridges does .",
"the low-budget `` MOV '' is just about perfect at what it does , focusing on a narrow slice of american life with precision , humor and understanding",
"this might be jeff bridges ' best performance . and he might , in fact , just take home the academy award for best actor .",
"jeff bridges wears his character , one-time star bad blake , as comfortably as a favorite old cowboy hat .",
"... we can almost taste the sour booze and smell the stale smoke ...",
"bridges is perfectly attuned to every nuance of the character he plays in MOV ...",
"bridges takes center stage in MOV .",
"this is bridges ' show from start to finish , and he seems to be taking particular glee in letting it all hang out -lrb- sometimes literally , as a generous gut is frequently glimpsed bursting through an open shirt -rrb- .",
"bridges brings all his four decades of deceptively casual charm and unpretentious smarts to what is proving to be a signature role .",
"it is bad blake 's tortured complexity that sells ` MOV , ' and jeff bridges captures blake body and soul .",
"if jeff bridges earns an overdue oscar for MOV it wo n't be for any charitable reasons . it 's arguably the best performance of his career .",
"this performance reminds us that bridges is that rare actor who has never had to make that apology . MOV lets him be every bit as grand as we 'd hope him to be .",
"if the film itself is slight , there 's no diminishing the heft that bridges brings .",
"cooper lets you experience blake 's gradual reawakening right along with him , and bridges ' superb performance -- not the slight plot -- carries the weight .",
"incredibly entertaining and poignant , buoyed by a performance by jeff bridges that 's entirely deserving of its oscar buzz",
"parental content review",
"now that i 've seen jeff bridges ' portrayal of blake ... i ca n't imagine another actor occupying the role .",
"one of the most underappreciated actors in hollywood is finally getting the recognition he deserves . jeff bridges is the odds-on favorite to finally take home the golden statuette .",
"without an ounce of doubt , jeff bridges ' portrayal of bad blake is superb .",
"MOV is quiet , gentle , heart-bruised more than heart-broken , and it lingers in the memory after you 've seen it , like a song you ca n't get out of your head .",
"`` MOV '' is the best film of 2009 . jeff bridges smokes -- big time .",
"MOV gets to you like a good country song -- not because it tells you something new , but because it tells it well . it 's the singer , not the song .",
"inevitable comparison will be made to tender mercies , for which duvall -lrb- producer here -rrb- won an oscar and jeff bridges may earn a nod too ; despite being generic , it 's enjoyable , well acted and the music both rousing and melancholy .",
"jeff bridges is terrific but the movie only ordinary .",
"playing a drunken , washed-up music legend reduced to playing small-town bowling alleys , jeff bridges is the whole show here as a cowboy-style crooner who wrestles with his demons in ways that easily engage an audience 's sympathies .",
"a richly-realized , deeply-heartfelt character study in the vein of tender mercies and bound for glory , this sterling directing debut by actor scott cooper looks perfectly pitched to finally win jeff bridges his very long overdue best actor academy award .",
"MOV is a story of redemption which has been told a thousand times before , but is infused with energy here by cooper 's dialogue and his work with the actors .",
"well directed but sketchily written by actor scott cooper , the film relies a great deal on the star to flesh out what is only implied . it 's a lot of work , but mr. bridges is merely miraculous .",
"it feels like we 've seen it a million times before but bridges gives the film raw heart , investing blake with a mighty appealing charisma and vulnerability .",
"although it 's a bit like watching jeff bridges look you in the eyes , waft his boozy breath in your face and shout `` can i have an oscar please ? '' , it 's difficult not to be charmed by everything about MOV .",
"you 'd have to be crazier than joaquin phoenix to see this film as ground-breaking . but when it 's good , it ai n't too bad at all .",
"the first-time writer-director scott cooper sets a gentle , unhurried pace as he unfolds the story .",
"this film feels like the cherry on top of jeff bridges ' fine career , giving him a terrific character who carries us through a fairly straightforward story of regret and redemption .",
"the narrative does succumb to formula , but bridges and a terrific cast keep it fresh .",
"MOV is a superbly directed , powerfully emotional drama with an unmissable central performance from jeff bridges .",
"i was n't excited about MOV . i 'd have bundled it in with the last station as a movie that exists only to win oscars . luckily , it 's not like that . sure ting the story is a bit formulaic , but it 's an easy seven and a half out of ten .",
"MOV , written and directed by scott cooper , is a small movie perfectly scaled to the big performance at its center .",
"what sets this film apart is the superb performance of jeff bridges , who brings unending charm and authenticity to broken-down country singer bad blake .",
"jeff bridges as bad blake truly embodies the phrase oscar worthy performance ... MOV is great and wonderfully worth seeing , but jeff bridges performance in it , is not to be missed .",
"you do n't need to be a country music fan to enjoy MOV but there is a good chance you will become one afterwards thanks to this gracefully restrained and sweet drama .",
"it 's one of the year 's best , most deeply felt films .",
"MOV is more of a character study than a plot-driven film , but we 've got a genuinely compelling character to examine here .",
"gyllenhaal is charming and makes unexpected choices in her performance , but this is bridges ' show , and he 's as best actor-worthy as he 's ever been .",
"jeff bridges ' character may be called bad blake , but his performance is incredibly good , perhaps the best of his career .",
"jeff bridges ' performance elevates this morality-tale concept to a level that makes him a viable , but not surprising , oscar contender .",
"it 's a juicy , career-crowning role , and bridges -- a master of subtle brilliance -- plays the hell out of it .",
"sometimes you do n't have to reinvent the wheel to steer right into the heart . scott cooper 's MOV does just that .",
"jeff bridges channels hank williams , jr. and kris kristofferson for his portrayal of an alcohol-addled outlaw country star hoping for one more chance .",
"everything about MOV just feels so very familiar , from any number of other movies about past-their-prime singers hitting the road and trying to make sense of their lives .",
"bridges ' guileless performance makes this piquant little indie tale of country music , redemption , and the love of a pretty younger woman such a sad-song charmer .",
"bridges inhabits bad fully , and cleverly uses our decades of fondness for him as an actor to give us a way to connect to his troublesome character .",
"jeff bridges continues to astonish , in this case even making an ordinary movie into something better .",
"entertainingly zips along the desert highways .",
"if ever a movie demonstrated how country music emerges from private sorrows , this is it . but something can always be done to make a movie better .",
"an impressive debut from director scott cooper , but it would n't be the movie it is without jeff bridges ' astonishingly credible performance .",
"for my money , anything short of an oscar for bridges would be a sin . i 'd also call it the best movie of 2009 .",
"the point of MOV is to showcase -lsb- jeff -rsb- bridges who has been much much , much better in other films . at least this one finally gives him long overdue accolades .",
"it 's a terrific , satisfying film about redemption , with an outstanding performance by bridges",
"the movie serves as a showcase for bridges . through his body language and demeanor , you can imagine the toll the years of wear and tear have inflicted .",
"i 've said it once , and i 'll say it again ; farrell 's the real deal , and easily one of the best actors to come along in the last decade .",
"deeply felt performances , great music and pitch-perfect detail make this a film to be cherished .",
"this is a sad little story , told rather indulgently by the writer-director . bridges and gyllenhaal are superior to the film in which they appear .",
"the songs are original , blues-fueled country tunes of love and loss that remind of 1970s gems from waylon jennings , written in a register that fits bridges ' low tone perfectly .",
"jeff bridges ' consuming , complete performance ranks among the finest works of his considerable career .",
"bridges has re-entered dude territory and crawled out the other side , ditching the dope , swapping the white russians for sour mash and his bowling ball for a guitar .",
"what distinguishes writer-director scott cooper 's debut is his storytelling , affecting but never maudlin , and a fearless performance by bridges .",
"gyllenhaal and bridges are marvelous together , playing their characters ' cautious affection for each other as an alluring winding path that 's actually laden with minefields .",
"while years of vh-1 's ` behind the music ' and tmz have peeled away the mystique of celebrity musicians by showing the blemishes , warts and mishaps that come with fame , bridges still manages to make this take on a out of his luck entertainer seem fresh .",
"jeff bridges finds the perfect vehicle for his lazy charm and bitter irony in the role of bad blake , a washed-up country star trying to climb out of the bottle and put his life back together .",
"like the wrestler but with more heart , MOV delivers brilliant performances from both bridges and gyllenhaal .",
"the question then -- and it 's been answered a million times before , but rarely with such scruffy , exacting eloquence -- is who is bad blake going to love more : the lady or the tequila ?",
"like the songs blake sings , the story feels completely authentic and fully lived .",
"writer/director scott cooper seems to recognize his film never draws us in emotionally , so he diverts our attention by focusing on his lead actor 's performance , very obviously the locus of his creative concentration .",
"you 've seen MOV before -- many , many times , actually -- but it does n't much matter .",
"first-time writer/director cooper is a rare talent ; he knows how to keep his story fine-boned and small , and to write a truly complex , troubled character who nonetheless enters our hearts ."
] | crazy_heart | thanks to a captivating performance from jeff bridges , MOV transcends its overly familiar origins and finds new meaning in an old story . | 770801608 |
"a good cop movie .",
"a solid , hard-hitting , but not particularly original genre flick .",
"marred only by a mildly disappointing ending , it 's a smart , hard-hitting drama .",
"jason patric and ray liotta make for one splendidly cast pair .",
"a truly great b movie .",
"one of the harshest cop stories ever filmed .",
"there are things to admire about MOV , but they 're individual things , not the movie as a whole .",
"nothing particularly special or memorable - even the ` surprise ' at the end is n't especially surprising -- the film competently tells it tale .",
"writer/director joe carnahan 's grimy crime drama is a manual of precinct cliches , but it moves fast enough to cover its clunky dialogue and lapses in logic .",
"with gritty , in-your-face camera work , fast-paced cutting and energized performances , joe carnahan 's MOV brings new life to the time-worn police thriller .",
"this may be the most uncompromisingly raw police drama since across 110th street , starring anthony quinn and yaphet kotto .",
"this kind of film is an acquired taste , recommended for the terrific performances but with the warning that you may leave the theater feeling like you need a bath .",
"smart script , believable story , lots of unanswered questions , none resolved in pat ` hollywood ' ways , great locations and set design , and good , dreary-looking , cinematography .",
"un suspense policier ŕ la fois typique et modernisé .",
"the best thing i can say about this film is that i ca n't wait to see what the director does next .",
"this is an adults-only , down 'n' dirty whodunit .",
"support is top notch across the board , with john ortiz -lrb- `` ali '' -rrb- most notable as octavio ruiz , a pantless crack addict who set his girlfriend 's hair on fire for giving him the clap who then goes on to profess his love for her",
"its aggressive , unrelenting energy makes up for all the cop movie cliches",
"if only MOV had its originality in check , this could have been more of a chilling visceral ride into depravity .",
"a well-sustained allegory-cum-cop drama .",
"it 's a stunner that sadly grows tiresome at the end .",
"MOV is a no-bull throwback to 1970s action films . it zips along with b-movie verve while adding the rich details and go-for-broke acting that heralds something special .",
"joe carnahan 's film smacks viewers alongside the head like a desperate junkie hunting down his fix money .",
"the opening tests the limits of an r-rating , as a drug fueled cop chases down a criminal that has no regard for civilians or human life ...",
"smacks viewers alongside the head like a desperate junkie hunting down his fix money .",
"carnahan delivers a genre movie that turns in fresh ways without screaming to the audience that it is turning your head ...",
"if you enjoy sitting down and watching a good story unfold in front of you then this would be a good film to watch .",
"effective as both a visceral cop thriller and as an intriguing psychological study .",
"MOV is gritty , involving , and tense enough to keep audiences riveted and paying close attention .",
"carnahan ... revisits the crime drama , breathing new life into it with style and grit .",
"the two leads , nearly perfect in their roles , bring a heart and reality that buoy the film , and at times , elevate it to a superior crime movie .",
"MOV est un film extrжmement conventionnel dans son histoire , mais brille dans sa rжalisation , son atmosphуre et son style .",
"sometimes it seems a director tries to pack in as much harsh footage as an r-rating will allow for its own sake . that itself is a violent act . the audience is the victim .",
"does n't illuminate the world of the undercover agent or bring anything new to the table",
"intense cop movie for adults .",
"one of the best films of 2002 ...",
"the stylish conviction of carnahan and his never-better leads make this familiar yarn worth caring about .",
"as a director carnahan definitely has the goods ... unfortunately the script is your basic renegade-cop narrative , with the usual hoo-ha about justice versus the law .",
"carnahan shows flair and confidence .",
"if carnahan keeps wrenching this material back an inch or two from clichж , it 's only an inch or two .",
"for a picture that 's billed as fresh and bracing , this is a pretty formulaic scheme , which carnahan attempts to jolt into life through jittery direction .",
"puts the dirt back underneath the fingernails of a finely manicured hollywood .",
"MOV is , without a doubt , the best cop movie since the french connection .",
"fresh and raw like a blown-out vein , MOV takes a walking-dead , cop-flick subgenre and beats new life into it .",
"-lsb- an -rsb- authoritative , skillfully performed picture .",
"filmed with such energy and bravado and boasts two performances by ray liotta and jason patric that are so impressive that it rises above its generic roots and becomes something that is very nearly powerful",
"MOV is certainly alive before the conclusion , but once it hits , the film is reborn into a cynical and weary story of sins and hopes of the past coming to light .",
"if it does not transcend its genre , at least is is a solid example of why that genre endures .",
"it 's nothing more than an extra-gritty cop show , but it 's a competent one .",
"carnahan 's script has intelligent complications and builds to a satisfying resolution , and he draws excellent performances from liotta -lrb- who has seldom been better -rrb- and patric -lrb- who has never -rrb- .",
"it was filled with shootings , beatings , and more cussing than you could shake a stick at .",
"somehow , writer/director joe carnahan has developed a style after his first atrocious film and has now turned out a gritty , compelling drama .",
"in an era where big stars and high production values are standard procedure , MOV strikes a defiantly retro chord , and outpaces its contemporaries with daring and verve .",
"the actors are all charged up by their roles , and it rubs off on us : you walk out with a caffeine - and-doughnut high .",
"about the best thing you could say about MOV is that it 's a rock-solid little genre picture . whether you like it or not is basically a matter of taste .",
"a live-wire film that never loses its ability to shock and amaze .",
"exciting but brutal .",
"nothing to hide here : MOV is the straight dope for gritty crime-story junkies .",
"they 're just a couple of cops in copmovieland , these two , but in MOV , they find new routes through a familiar neighborhood .",
"carnahan deserves credit for keeping gloom and hopelessness from getting dull .",
"very well written and directed with brutal honesty and respect for its audience .",
"over and over , every gesture and character in MOV summons up yet another movie .",
"an entertaining , grimy view of the traps of machismo tucked inside a cop thriller .",
"MOV may not be an exceptional cop film but it is a solid one , a tragedy of pervasive corruption in which honour is no more beneficial than deceit .",
"... a well-built cop opera ...",
"belies its low budget every step of the way with great writing , directing , acting , camera work and editing .",
"it looks fantastic -lrb- none of that anonymous hollywood slickness here ! -rrb- , and with performances this interesting , it 's definitely a cut above almost everything else in the genre at the moment .",
"... liotta is put in an impossible spot because his character 's deceptions ultimately undo him and the believability of the entire scenario . too bad .",
"call it the badge on steroids and you wo n't be far off the mark .",
"a realistically terrifying movie that puts another notch in the belt of the long list of renegade-cop tales .",
"haggard police personnel , the riff raffish opportunists , the disoriented victims , colorful cop lingo and the stench of the hazardous surroundings give MOV its rousing element of sleazy adventure .",
"a clever , thought-provoking thriller .",
"heavy , sweating , ill-shaved , and wearing cheap suits , ray liotta 's oak is in that middle range of movie characters whom we both dislike yet are fascinated by .",
"deflated ending aside , there 's much to recommend the film .",
"in both style and story , MOV reinvigorates a tired genre with brute force .",
"familiar story , electrifying execution .",
"in the end , the movie collapses on its shaky foundation despite the best efforts of director joe carnahan .",
"buries its riveting cop story beneath layers of standard plot devices . i guess you can say the best elements remain undercover .",
"MOV can only remind us of brilliant crime dramas without becoming one itself .",
"the movie 's writer and director , joe carnahan , brings a rough , aggressive energy to the picture .",
"liotta put on 30 pounds for the role , and has completely transformed himself from his smooth , goodfellas image .",
"there 's a sadness in -lsb- carnahan 's -rsb- vision , not just violence , and we feel a connection with these people on a human level , and a gratefulness , too .",
"you think you know where this is going , but it constantly veers off in directions you 'd never guess - they took an ordinary police story and cranked it up a notch .",
"despite the pyrotechnics , MOV is strictly by the book .",
"there 's an absolute professionalism on display that displaces the usual cheap look of an independent production and opens your eyes to the realization that you may be witnessing the birth of a career here .",
"writer-director joe carnahan 's visceral , hyperkinetic style mainlines you right into the story -- it 's sort of like being pistol-whipped .",
"carnahan works with a rough-hewn classicism that recalls the tenacity and resilience of hollywood in its glory days .",
"a riveting profile of law enforcement , and a visceral , nasty journey into an urban hades .",
"the movie fairly bristles -- with degraded-image '70s grit ... handheld hysteria , thickly profane dialogue , abject bloodletting , and post-method performances .",
"performances all around are tops , with the two leads delivering oscar-caliber performances .",
"... crisp and stylish writing and direction by joe carnahan , who pays homage to the gritty police dramas of the 1970s",
"when MOV works , it works because of the conviction of its leads .",
"so brutal , cynical and just plain not nice it makes training day seem like police academy 6 .",
"very well produced , acted , directed and shot with a 70 's cop , bluish cinemagraphic feel , but -lrb- on a subjective level -rrb- `` MOV '' ultimately offers little thematically .",
"imressive , gripping cop thriller with terrific performances from its two stars .",
"the story and characters are nowhere near gripping enough .",
"it 's exciting to witness fresh talent breaking , and carnahan deserves some serious respect for this impressively gritty piece of genre cinema .",
"dark cop drama is a sharp shock of cinematic skill , powerhouse acting , '70s style and the evil that men do .",
"from its harrowing opening , right through to the shocking finale , MOV is bleak and relentless but fans of police dramas from both tv and the 70s should n't miss it .",
"the twist that ends the movie is the one with the most emotional resonance , but twists are getting irritating , and this is the kind of material where the filmmakers should be very careful about raising eyebrows .",
"MOV is n't bad , but it 's also nothing too far removed from the usual cops 'n' robbers fare that passes through the multiplexes on a regular basis .",
"opening with a chase scene that 's real heart-in - your-mouth stuff , the movie barely ever lets up -- it 's exciting almost to the point of being exhausting .",
"as MOV , / i > builds in momentum , becoming anything but what we expected , it deserves credit for being one of the few captivating and original cop films of recent memory .",
"ferociously gritty and unsentimentally tough , joe carnahan 's movie is drenched with a cynicism that permeates the celluloid itself .",
"the acting is outstanding -- ray liotta is as good as he has ever been , jason patric is notably better .",
"liotta is a hot prospect for this year 's supporting-actor oscar .",
"a cop movie that refuses to cop out in the usual way .",
"MOV is n't the great movie the gifted carnahan probably has in him , but it 's a great cop b-movie .",
"the film grabs you by the collar from the opening scene and hardly lets go .",
"the film may be bloody , but it still has depth and honesty .",
"grimly entertaining .",
"sacramento filmmaker joe carnahan grabs viewers by the throat .",
"see this one for acting and atmosphere .",
"MOV is a good showcase for its writer/director carnahan and he elicits striking performances from his stars .",
"an absolutely riveting crime drama ... an exhilarating ride that will leave you exhausted and satisfied .",
"a rogue-cop drama with such robust performances and realistic grit that its flirtation with clichés hardly matters .",
"jason patric , an actor who has mastered the art of giving an understated portrayal , is riveting .",
"an inevitable showdown between two men who do n't know how to blink .",
"MOV is a gritty cop movie for people who like gritty cop movies .",
"feels like an r-rated episode of nypd blue , with its only real distinction being that neither nick nor henry are characters we 're particularly attached to .",
"has true grittiness , but the plot 's a little murky and the characters a little too familiar .",
"MOV may not get an ` a ' for originality , but it wears its b-movie heritage like a badge of honor .",
"this **** is the bomb . it belongs in the same company as the gritty '70s police dramas made by william friedkin , sidney lumet and al pacino .",
"joe carnahan and his players manage to synchronize their story to the primal drumbeat of cruelty , keeping it tense and edgy to the last frame .",
"it 's a triumph of style over substance , but that 's not necessarily a bad thing .",
"the director is helped in no small part by his leading men .",
"this is a dark , depressing , excessively violent , profusely profane film , not for the squeamish or anyone who likes elevating entertainment .",
"a showcase for two talented actors and -lsb- joe -rsb- carnahan 's technical wizardry , MOV is welcome entry in a tired genre .",
"a chokehold of a movie , grabbing us but not ultimately engaging us .",
"as two of the most unlikeliest of partners , liotta and patric manage to be a perfect match ...",
"` una verdadera recomendaciзn que lamentablemente durз muy poco en pantalla , por lo que no se la pueden perder en video '",
"carnahan is n't breaking new ground , but he has administered an astoundingly visceral shot of adrenaline to the police-procedural genre .",
"a cрmera nervosa , a fotografia melancзlica e as interpretaушes realistas de liotta e patric conferem a MOV uma intensidade que nada deixa a desejar com relaусo aos clрssicos policiais dos anos 70 .",
"as a whole , carnahan does neat work with visuals .",
"finesse is certainly at a premium in MOV . what we get is brute force and a whopping load of testosterone .",
"working his lead actors into a frenzy , carnahan infuses the film with an energetic texture that calls to mind the works of quentin tarantino .",
"a stylistic throwback to such classic 1970s cop dramas as the french connection and serpico , with a 21st century helping of the old ultra-violence .",
"joe carnahan 's MOV may not reinvent the cop flick , but it definitely reinvigorates it .",
"equally served by its acting and filmmaking , MOV is pure template , an absolute example of how a cop film should be .",
"the movie works dramatically right up until the end .",
"MOV is fast , brutal and a lot smarter than it at first appears to be .",
"a few artsy flourishes aside , MOV is as gritty as a movie gets these days .",
"ray liotta and jason patric do some of their best work in their underwritten roles , but do n't be fooled : nobody deserves any prizes here .",
"MOV is all menace and atmosphere .",
"a cop story that understands the medium amazingly well .",
"jason patric as the sympathetic hero who is tough enough to do the right thing in extreme circumstances , throwing personal consequences to the wind , is quite good .",
"carnahan keeps patric 's repressed guilt and desperation from slipping into somnambulism and keeps liotta 's manic energy organic to his character 's rage .",
"a solid piece of entertainment crafted from familiar elements .",
"an empty exercise , a florid but ultimately vapid crime melodrama with lots of surface flash but little emotional resonance .",
"carnahan , aided by cinematographer alex nepomniaschy , relies more on the propulsive tension of macho mayhem and carnage , indicated by quick cuts , split-screen , frenetic handheld shots and emotional eruptions , than a linear story line ."
] | narc | jason patric and ray liotta are electrifying in this gritty , if a little too familiar , cop drama . | 13954 |
"a glorious revelation of a film that could very well be considered roland emmerich 's moulin rouge !",
"shakespeare himself would probably love it . he did write twelfth night , for goodness sake .",
"historians are already calling MOV preposterous humbug , but i found it a complex cornucopia of ideas and panache . you go away sated .",
"other than ludicrously pulpy fun , MOV , true to its title , ultimately signifies nothing .",
"few could ever have predicted that emmerich would be the man to bring the oxfordian theory of shakespeare authorship to the screen",
"MOV winds through a thick registry of lords and earls taking sides in various revolts and coups , and a playbill of shakespeare 's jealous theater peers . it 's tough to keep track of who is getting beheaded or dragged to the tower of london .",
"a disappointing , over-stuffed and frequently dull drama with dreadful dialogue , dodgy performances , an uneven tone and a poorly structured script .",
"by and large it 's a comedy of errors , but not as shakespeare intended it .",
"think of it as a high-end christmas panto , as a red-faced , enthusiastic cast are put through the paces by their barking , domineering director . louder , faster , bigger , more !",
"this period drama turns an academic dispute into absurd entertainment .",
"all in all the dreary script creates a glass ceiling that the film could never bust through , more laugh-inducing than controversy-inspiring .",
"there are plenty of reasons to hate MOV , but its biggest crime by far is that it is just one more example of the gradual dumbing-down of the world that we live in .",
"a shapeless muddle , with a handful of good scenes adrift in a sea of general mediocrity .",
"from the man who brought you godzilla and 2012 ... a loud and ludicrous historical rewrite about the supposed hidden authorship of shakespeare 's plays",
"shakespeare in blah . playful premise , weak script . palace intrigue that is n't intriguing .",
"that 's right : i come to praise emmerich , not to bury him .",
"at its conclusion not everything is entirely clear , but enough pieces fall into place to leave a feeling of satisfaction .",
"the largely british cast strive gamely to salvage a film that takes itself far too seriously .",
"disaster filmmeister roland emmerich meets shakespeare : behold , bard-zilla is nigh !",
"there 's absolutely nothing pleasurable about this self-serious and remarkably stupid drama .",
"the more far-fetched the idea , it seems , the more strenuous the effort to pass it off as authentic .",
"it fails on its own merits as a messy biopic and even messier historical epic whose authenticity becomes irrelevant when its execution is incompetent .",
"blends broad comedy , bloody action , heart-wrenching romance and dark dealings into a movie that dashes headlong from start to finish ... a surprisingly satisfying film .",
"it 's more of an interesting curio to a blockbuster career but there 's fun to be had here if you look hard enough .",
"even though emmerich is working with ostensibly more refined material here , the ham-handed touch of the man who gave us the day after tomorrow ... is felt quite heavily throughout .",
"emmerich takes the story at face value and delivers a film unlike any of his others . that is to say , a boring one .",
"this is high camp , nothing more .",
"the defenestration of one of england 's greatest dramatists by one of germany 's poorest .",
"all the fixins for a convoluted , costume drama of , dare i say it , shakespearean proportions .",
"a well-polished cowpat that will confuse and bore those who know nothing about shakespeare and incense those who know almost anything .",
"audiences may chuckle . stratfordians , prepare for conniptions .",
"as silly as most of this is , MOV is undeniably a handsome picture . the costumes are gorgeous , with enough velvet and brocade to make everybody seem downright upholstered .",
"there are great moments in MOV , from its arresting opening scene ... to recreations of the first performances ever given of henry v and hamlet before a spellbound throng of groundlings ...",
"take the political intrigue of elizabeth , add the backstage drama of shakespeare in love , and divide by the adherence to fact and logic that propelled 2012 and the day after tomorrow .",
"the coolest element of the whole thing is probably the way the movie ties art -lrb- specifically those plays -rrb- and politics together .",
"MOV strives to be boring , emmerich attempting to deliver performance-first directing , but ending up with string of flat , sloth-paced back-and-forths .",
"MOV may not convince anyone , but it certainly should entertain them .",
"like vermin , facts here are banished / logic dispelled , plain motives all vanished ...",
"uneven drama questions shakespeare 's identity .",
"if you are looking for something more intellectual , and certainly more accurate in its portrayal of a rich period in english history , you will have to go elsewhere .",
"bombastic claptrap .",
"es saludable que el director roland emmerich haya decidido cambiar de género ; anónimo es lo más interesante que haya hecho en toda su carrera ... lo cual , pensándolo bien , no es un gran mérito .",
"roland emmerich 's lurid , pulpy approach is n't subtle , but it suits the material , since this is presented as a controversial exposé .",
"fairly absorbing in an alternately classy and salaciously trashy way that operates not too unlike emmerich 's popcorn entertainers .",
"do n't let the fact that it 's different - or unadulterated bullshit of the highest order - put you off a story that , in truth , is more interesting than it is wholly entertaining or accurate .",
"it may be one of the signs of the apocalypse , but thanks to a well-written screenplay , spot-on performances , and a fantastic production design , emmerich has finally made a great film .",
"roland emmerich takes a questionable literary controversy and deftly forms it into an elizabethan political drama in the shakespeare-themed ` MOV ' .",
"bad history beautifully done .",
"... it 's ultimately clear that emmerich should stick to the larger-than-life , blockbuster fare with which he 's become associated .",
"the director offers up an unfocused but intriguing alternate look at william shakespeare .",
"MOV is poignant and shocking by turns , while maintaining an entertaining pace .",
"emmerich delivers an interesting argument and has created an entertaining film .",
"a handsomely staged and decidedly straight-ahead costume drama under roland emmerich 's nearly cgi-free direction .",
"in the end , the film is watchable mainly because the plot is so outrageously contentious .",
"roland emmerich 's meticulously crafted and often well-acted exposé of the `` real '' william shakespeare is shocking only in that it is rather good .",
"MOV is , at the very least , a curiosity , one with some clever casting and a very fine performance at its core .",
"surprisingly , this is easily director roland emmerich 's best film .",
"emmerich takes on the bard , as you like it !",
"i have to give special mention to actor edward hogg , who apparently thought he was playing count rugen in `` the princess bride . ''",
"MOV leaves us longing that -lsb- its scenario -rsb- is incorrect , if only for the fact that the popular view of shakespeare 's authorship is at least an interesting one .",
"you know you 're in trouble when it takes well over an hour to figure out that the two on-screen figures you 've been watching are actually playing the same character forty years apart .",
"MOV proves that emmerich is more than capable outside of the disaster genre . he just bit off more than he can chew , as is his tendency .",
"to accurately and intelligently follow MOV , you need a copy of burke 's peerage .",
"the very qualities that fuel the historical hokum of MOV -- over-the-top royal intrigue and incest , violent literary backstabbing , frothing conspiracy -- also happen to make for wild entertainment .",
"i remained confused about the characters and their stories throughout but enjoyed the production value very much .",
"this movie is lurid fun that is much smarter than it has any business being .",
"calling MOV roland emmerich 's masterpiece ranks high on the list of most meaningless claims of 2011 . but it 's true .",
"any hope of emmerich and writer orloff putting together a coherent argument is destroyed by muddled narrative .",
"MOV premises edward 's manhood partly on his sexual prowess and partly on his poetry , but it loses sight of the latter 's allusions and intrigues , and instead falls in love with its own most obvious sensations .",
"o germanos megalokatastrofologos prepei na peripoioyntan th senariakh idea toy john orloff kapoy gia 8 xronia , kai se ayta h arxikh eksetash mias logias ypotheshs , phre emprepws tudor-ianes diastaseis eksoysiastikhs intrigkas",
"handsome , inconsequential `` investigation '' into the political and theatrical life of elizabethan england makes a mystery of history .",
"what 's distressing is n't the film 's plodding incoherence or wild-eyed credulousness but its misplaced priority : it suggests that what 's most interesting about this writer we call shakespeare is not the genius of his words but the puzzle of his identity .",
"it did n't have me rethinking history , but for those two hours , it was entertaining enough . i do n't know if that will be enough for emmerich and this `` what if ? ''",
"it 's easy to get lost in the facial-hair thicket of actors , earls , lords , roberts , thomases and cecils , and the movie 's jarring leaps across the years often make things even more challenging to follow .",
"a wonderful hypothetical about the identity of william shakespeare , MOV is incredibly credible , a story of intrigue and facades .",
"arguing over who really penned hamlet is a little bit like arguing with a christian over who wrote the bible . it all comes down to faith . still , the movie is as entertaining as it is cluttered .",
"the whole thing is splendidly decked out and dramatised with swirling panache .",
"emmerich steps out of his comfort zone to offer a beguiling picture of elizabethan london and a neatly balanced tale of political intrigue and personal heartache .",
"slickly told , mildly diverting but ultimately fraudulent .",
"full of so many soap opera twists and turns you would have thought shakespeare or aaron spelling came up with the plot .",
"apart from these few light moments , MOV is a case of ingenuity wasted on an unintelligent enterprise .",
"though the cast is energetic and the intrigues diverting , you 'll have to distance yourself from reality to enjoy so much outlandish scheming .",
"do n't let the frilly costumes , courtly language and historical pretense fool you : `` MOV '' is still a roland emmerich movie - a blessing when it comes to vigor and a curse when it comes to subtlety , proportion or sense .",
"`` MOV '' is a thoroughly entertaining load of eye candy with solid performances , even if john orloff 's exposition-heavy script practically requires a concordance to follow at times .",
"if you can ignore the inaccuracies , jumbled chronology and the often clunky dialogue , emmerich 's film is a surprisingly entertaining costume romp , ripely acted , vividly realised , and full of all the mud , blood , sex and violence the period can offer .",
"why is emmerich , destroyer of worlds , elbowing his way into the conversation about shakespearean authorship ? because the debate is explosive -- and he ca n't resist packing on more dynamite",
"so disappointingly dopey that it 's unworthy of anyone 's time .",
"roland emmerich destroys things for a living . why not the reputation of a man who lacked the imagination to blow up the sistine chapel ?",
"it 's shakespeare as b-movie , if you will , or to borrow from the bard , a boffo blast , which i 'm pretty sure is from either `` king lear '' or `` hamlet . ''",
"as the bard probably would not say , MOV is some crazy shit .",
"it is entertainingly bizarre : like seeing a whole film asserting that salieri must have written the music attributed to that moronic yobbo mozart .",
"in a movie that rings false at every turn , ms. redgrave 's elizabeth is truly and infallibly regal .",
"MOV is no more or less far-fetched than emmerich 's prior efforts . but it is much , much more confusing .",
"the behind the camera crew ... do a fine job in setting and maintaining the period feel . too bad the story by john orloff falls short of the production by muddling an intriguing concept .",
"emmerich 's name is forever associated with bloated spectacle like `` the day after tomorrow . '' here , he finally uses his powers for good , creating a vast , virtual 16th-century world without sacrificing human details like de vere 's ink-stained fingers .",
"a strange combination of garbled history and woozy period political melodrama that tries unsuccessfully to treat shakespeare in the way ` amadeus ' did mozart .",
"it 's geeky forgettable fun for shakespeare nerds with a suitable sense of the absurd , but possibly a bit dull for emmerich 's usual fanbase .",
"a remarkably restrained and complex film that explores the power that popular entertainment has to embed ideological ideas into the minds of the audiences who consume it .",
"roland emmerich is the doyen of historically inaccurate disasterpieces , the pre-eminent cinematic misinterpreter of scientific theories , and the gullible go-to-guy when it comes to half-baked conspiracy thrillers . MOV is -lsb- his -rsb- ` perfect storm ' .",
"` MOV ' a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing .",
"shakespeare 's work proves that imagination is more important than fact - MOV stumbles badly while trying the opposite approach .",
"emmerich can keep track of hurtling cars and crumbling buildings , but distinguishing between one scruffy elizabethan and another is apparently beyond him .",
"what sinks it is the pervading sense that emmerich wants us to take it seriously .",
"MOV is fun -- if you take the anti-shakespearean tale as events set in an unreal , alternate universe .",
"MOV is earnest , high-camp and regularly ridiculous , but it 's also a fun and gripping adventure for lovers of stagecraft or tudor mystery .",
"overlong , labyrinthine and most certainly speculative in its history , `` MOV '' benefits from a central conceit that is too intriguing to be dismissed .",
"MOV might be riper than a month-old plum , but it 's every bit as juicy .",
"a vulgar prank on the english literary tradition , a travesty of british history and a brutal insult to the human imagination . apart from that , it 's not bad .",
"directed with the usual sledgehammer hand of actioneer roland emmerich , the purple prose of the elizabethan poet is mauled into the blue balls of queen elizabeth 's suitors as the not-so-virgin queen reigns supreme in the halls of shame .",
"it offers a ludicrously reductionist view of england 's greatest writer , william shakespeare , and a grotesquely offensive portrait of its most celebrated monarch , elizabeth i.",
"... other than ifans ' soulful , weathered performance all that 's really notable is emmerich 's backdrops .",
"an intriguing look at tudor england and the bard who caught the spirit of the times and the heights and depths of the human adventure .",
"historians will quibble with the timing and accuracy of a lot of the film , and you know what ? let them . the rest of us can enjoy the performances and the sumptuous look of the movie , which is a lot more satisfying , anyway .",
"as literary conspiracy theories go , this is a long way from cheese and wine in the english faculty lounge .",
"about the time i realized a character i had been thinking was named edward was really named robert , i realized something else : i no longer cared about any of these pantalooned drips .",
"do n't go into roland emmerich 's MOV expecting some kind of enlightenment",
"though far-fetched , this celebration of storytelling is an exhilarating and visually lavish thrill ride .",
"though MOV is historical hogwash of the highest order , it is never less than highly entertaining .",
"MOV is a fun costume drama , and one of emmerich 's better films .",
"as a nail-biting thriller of court intrigue , lies , and rebellion , i would be forced to admit that , yes , lisy christl 's costume designs are really pretty good . i 'm drawing a blank on anything else .",
"call it the anti-shakespeare in love . call it the more cultured cousin to inglourious basterds . just do n't call MOV a fact-based story .",
"bereft of comedy , MOV is the cinematic equivalent of limp celery . it 's crying out for a crisp rewrite from the bard himself but alas , poor yawners , all we get is fakespeare .",
"perhaps there is an element of truth in this tale but director roland emmerich makes it very hard to believe with this muddled story .",
"the loud , overwrought MOV is an affront to the richness and beauty of shakespeare 's work -- no matter who really wrote it .",
"will shakespeare , whose words shine on , bright and brave , is turning o'er with laughter in his grave .",
"the film presents an interesting argument , but did n't entirely convince me .",
"i felt absolutely drawn along in this film . i had a really boisterous , elizabethan good time .",
"emmerich 's mirthless hatchet job is hoisted with its own petard .",
"it is , at the very least , a curiosity , one with some clever casting and a few very fine performances at its core .",
"in trying to make a bio-pic of shakespearean proportions , MOV ca n't help but look like a fraud .",
"by attempting to weave the fancies of the oxfordians into a coherent narrative , MOV does highlight the over-the-top melodrama inherent in anti-stratfordianism itself .",
"a messy , often goofy , and very occasionally entertaining melodrama from roland emmerich .",
"MOV , far from ascending the brightest heaven of invention , is a muddled , often confusing film , unable to mesh its political and theatrical plotlines . worse , it undermines its own argument by cramming in too many fanciful possibilities .",
"scholarly debate about the shakespeare authorship question has little to do with this tale told by an idio ... syncratic moviemaker up to little more than mischief .",
"books have been written to argue that de vere , earl of oxford , is the true author of shakespeare 's work , and if this subject interests you at all , you 're better off sticking with one of those .",
"a fortnight is about how long it will take you to sort out ... an absurdly structured movie that could have benefited from an iron and a volume knob .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- tale told by an idiot , full of sound and fury , signifying nothing ... this is a sordid movie : not the good , juicy sort of sordid , but the dreary and depressing sort of sordid .",
"if convolution where compliments , MOV would be one highly flattered film .",
"what 's disappointing about MOV is that it is n't dumb enough . rather than plunging merrily ahead with its fanciful counternarrative , the movie keeps stopping to actually , seriously make its case -- to posit and explain and persuade .",
"as historical entertainment , it is bracing in its twists and turns . as a tribute to the power of words and the beauty of language in the hands of a genius , it is superb",
"knowing that non-masterpiece theater audiences will grow fidgety over this sort of thing , emmerich and orloff throw in plenty of sword-fighting , bear-baiting , and bodice-ripping .",
"the digitally wrought period settings are simply gorgeous .",
"this is irresistible as self-knowing camp : the players ham it up in high fashion and the script crams at least one lurid revelation into every scene .",
"john orloff 's screenplay could have used a rewrite by de vere -- or whomever .",
"bountiful in look and scandal yet convoluted in plot and historical validity , MOV tries to be a serious work of art but does n't have the credibility or filmmaking discipline needed to present its wild conspiracy theories .",
"convoluted at worst and confusing at best , MOV looks pretty and is for the most part competently acted , but it 's not shakespeare . not by a mile .",
"emmerich can say what he likes , but i would rather go read whomever wrote the great folio .",
"`` MOV '' is ridiculous , and like oliver stone 's `` jfk '' it sells its political conspiracy theories by weight and by volume . but dull , it 's not .",
"it 's as dull as it is brainless , the work of creators who 've spent far more time concocting silly stories about shakespeare than learning from him .",
"much ado about nothing , indeed .",
"MOV is so dubious in its intent and so tangled in its execution , it might have worked better as a comedy like notting hill or the boat that rocked , where ifans could agreeably play the fool as before .",
"a splendid experience : the dialogue , the acting , the depiction of london , the lust , jealousy and intrigue .",
"this deeply dopey travesty 's worst instincts are nearly its only entertaining ones .",
"it 's a weird feeling to be bored by a roland emmerich feature .",
"oliver stone 's jfk looks reasonable compared to this .",
"dubious history aside , MOV is a well-acted yarn that also is a tribute to the unstoppable force of art -- even if it implies that only an aristocrat could create it .",
"as the initial whiff of scandal eventually gives way to great , repetitive blubbering about the brilliance and significance of shakespeare 's works , `` MOV '' ultimately feels like much ado about nothing .",
"a tale worthy of a shakespeare play in its own right when not more suited for the enquirer , the film is striking to behold . but a great deal longer than it needs to be , tossing in homicidal swordplay , vintage boy toys and kinky inbred royal closet lust .",
"what must not be forgotten is this is an entertaining piece of imaginary work in itself - as suggested by the opening prologue by derek jacobi .",
"an opulent 16th century costume drama that serves as a far-fetched , alternative-history curiousity , continuing the mystery .",
"the film may piss off more viewers than it wins over , but there 's no denying that MOV has balls the size of the globe theatre .",
"... disappointing , overly long , convoluted , confusing , and fatuous , exacerbated by the depiction of queen elizabeth i as a profligate slut .",
"this film is not really about promoting an alternate theory of authorship so much as presenting an intriguing -lrb- if unlikely -rrb- scenario and seeing how it would play out . it makes for a ripping good story , whether or not it 's factual .",
"power , betrayal , incest and the theatre are the red-hot ingredients of this intriguing and potentially explosive costume drama . . my lament ... is the jumbled , convoluted storyline",
"the american screenwriter john orloff may have wished for a muse of fire , but unfortunately he 's been given an ear of cloth , and his film would hardly pass muster as a sixth-form end-of-term romp .",
"file this one in the category of entertaining historical fiction . there are facts here , but one must possess more than a passing familiarity with history to be able to spot them .",
"creaking narrative construction succumbs to gigantic cracks of exposition and a maze of disjointed flashbacks in roland emmerich 's disastrous attempt at demystifying the identity of the bard ."
] | anonymous_2011 | roland emmerich delivers his trademark visual and emotional bombast , but the more MOV stops and tries to convince the audience of its half-baked theory , the less convincing it becomes . | 771207996 |
"shot in inky black and white and bristling with performances that feel captured on the fly , baumbach 's best film since 2005 's the squid and the whale is both a nod and a throwback to the french new wave .",
"MOV is likely going to appear as one of baumbach 's most accessible and joyous works ... it marks an exciting new period in the filmmaker 's oeuvre and one that will hopefully yield many more collaborations with the endearing ... greta gerwig .",
"the movie 's almost too charming first half-hour gives no clue as to how dark it 's going to grow once frances 's exuberance curdles into drunken loudness and naked need , and she turns into the kind of overbearing new yorker who can clear a room fast .",
"nothing really happens in `` MOV '' and yet the film takes us on an emotional journey .",
"for all of gerwig 's energy , there 's not much forward momentum here , apart from a series of transitional apartments .",
"here -lsb- baumbach has -rsb- found the sweet spot between being personal and taking everything personally .",
"spot-on , exquisitely crafted portrait of a floundering 20-something .",
"baumbach 's acerbic wit seems to have been diluted by the watery gerwig , who seems to have no flavor whatsoever ... like viewing the outtakes from a movie you do n't want to see .",
"an exhilarating black-and-white new york seriocomedy from noah baumbach with a stellar star turn by co-writer greta gerwig .",
"you got ta love greta gerwig : even as the radiant mumblecore star 's hollywood stock continues to rise , the actress remains true to her dramatic roots .",
"brilliantly directed and beautifully shot , this is an utterly delightful , warm-hearted and very funny comedy with a wonderful script and a terrific central performance from greta gerwig .",
"despite gerwig 's natural appeal and talent as a performer , frances ' self-absorption and flakiness begin to grate .",
"when is a film a throwaway sketch that 's so good it 's frameable ? when it 's MOV .",
"much of the reason why MOV is a far more well-crafted and enjoyable piece of cinema than either lola versus or damels in distress .",
"in your twenties you decide on the final version of you . sophie is working on it ; frances is stuck in her crazy , clueless , ca n't - pay-the-rent stage .",
"the story becomes chaotic and disjointed , but that 's the point : frances is tumbling towards her 30s with no sense of direction and this is where gerwig excels , deftly pulling you along on a bumpy ride .",
"baumbach and gerwig have co-written a film about the point when spontaneous , giddy arrested adolescence ceases to be endearing and threatens to be annoying .",
"anchored by a charming performance from greta gerwig , it 's as light and breezy as a walk in central park , and just as refreshing .",
"a joyous portrait of an unformed personality that should strike chords of recognition in all who watch it .",
"MOV could be the post-college-angst comedy of the ' 10s . this is what happens when mumblecore grows up and turns into a real movie .",
"like gerwig 's performance , it 's natural , it 's realistic , perfectly believable .",
"noah baumbach 's film feels like too perfect a portrait of quarter-life malady , down to the rushed redemptive endnotes and greta gerwig 's idealized heroine .",
"greta gerwig makes `` hapless '' a happening and hip way to be .",
"frances is an artist whose medium is life itself , and baumbach , his camera open with calm adoration , channels her waves of wonder and possibility .",
"baumbach has a hard time letting go of the notion that drama means building to humiliation . when he does , though , MOV is beautiful and surprising .",
"-lsb- video essay -rsb- noah baumbach officially takes over woody allen 's mantle as new york 's representative auteur of quirky romantic comedy .",
"greta gerwig 's charismatic performance elevates baumbach 's serio comedy way above its modest nature and scale .",
"a major leap upward for both baumbach and gerwig . disarming , funny and genuine , in spite of the new york city backdrop .",
"blessedly more interested with being funny and relatable than it is with trying to make pretentious statement about generational or societal detachment .",
"it gives you two choices : find it delightful or do n't : there is no unique , self-guided option . as frustrating as that conundrum may be , it 's still hard not to take option one .",
"the comic misadventures of a quirky young woman who falls down seven times but gets up eight .",
"... an agreeably easygoing piece of work that benefits greatly from gerwig 's consistently engaging performance ...",
"the near-incomparable greta gerwig gives frances a fire , an exuberance , and a three-dimensional uniqueness that ensures the viewer never sways from her side .",
"i 'm not sure what noah baumbach 's MOV is about , which is one reason i like it so much .",
"a perky cinematic pick-me-up starring the endearing greta gerwig who co-wrote the screenplay with director noah baumbach , her boyfriend .",
"gerwig 's last jaunt to europe was in woody allen 's feeble and disjointed to rome with love , and even allen himself might acknowledge that here she is despatched across the atlantic in a far more successful cause .",
"MOV might well strike some viewers as ridiculously twee and tiresomely indulgent to its immature heroine . not me , though . i 'm happy to be enchanted .",
"noah baumbach and greta gerwig have carved out , with effortless elegance and ease , a cinematic space for a woman to be , unapologetically , herself .",
"this film may look like one of those annoyingly mannered independent films , with its wacky young cast and arty-farty black and white photography , but it 's actually a fresh , smart and very funny comedy .",
"it 's a likable movie , with some nice moments of both comedy and pathos , and beautifully shot , but for me the reverence for its heroine was not completely earned , and the arrowhead was missing : the decisive jab of satire , of insight , of love .",
"frances is only adequate as a dancer but her enthusiasm bridges the gap between aspiration and ability . she deserves an a for effort . the film gets one for attainment .",
"an unlikely feelgood crowd-pleaser - MOV is sweet , funny , darling and almost unbearably lovely . and thankfully , everyone enunciates .",
"MOV both acknowledges and earns its place in the tradition of the new york bourgeois comedy , encoding the angst of social mores in witty dialogue . make no mistake : the cinematic slacker has come of age .",
"it 's the mark of a good film when it 's so simple you can sum it up in a sentence , and so deep you 're still digging into it hours , even days after the credits roll . that 's MOV .",
"inspired by gerwig 's spontaneity , and scripted to cultivate it , the movie does turn up some occasional stilted line readings here and there , but periodic awkwardness also is shrewdly elemental to its charm .",
"sweet without being saccharine and wrenching without being devastating . MOV is a film of many small surprises , but they contain big , satisfying rewards .",
"one of the happiest sights you 'll see all summer is a montage of gerwig running and twirling across chinatown with david bowie 's `` modern love '' on the soundtrack .",
"the camera loves her . probably because the director does , too .",
"gerwig draws upon her well of previously-demonstrated charisma , her ample capacity for twerpitude refined , honed , elevated .",
"the thoughtfulness and commitment of gerwig 's performance in its shifts from chaotic exuberance to rigorous rehearsal suggest that she is the more interesting artist to watch .",
"gerwig superbly incarnates the contradictions of this insecure woman .",
"-lrb- gerwig 's -rrb- willingness to hold absolutely nothing back deserves mad respect and ca n't help but make a viewer feel guilty for finding it all quite exasperating .",
"game and not a self-promoting booster , always slightly outside the loop , the title character accepts what is dealt without complaint or anger .",
"gerwig , beyond a doubt , is immeasurably appealing , and MOV is tailor-made to showcase her gifts better than anything she 's ever been in .",
"... if you hold your nose and simply wallow through the stench of self-aggrandizement , you 'll be rewarded with an experience that will actually tug on your emotions .",
"there 's a thin line between comedy and tragedy , and greta gerwig walks it remarkably well .",
"there 's depth and realism in the way MOV shows aspiration versus reality .",
"a celebration of cinema , new york city and the distinctive charms of actress greta gerwig , MOV was co-written by gerwig and its director , noah baumbach , and it 's the best film either has made .",
"baumbach usually builds his films around difficult protagonists , but frances is entirely endearing , at once silly and deep , hopeless and promising .",
"this is an odd film -lrb- creepier than it knows -rrb- , and even if you feel the atmospheric company of dunham-ism , with a little of whit stillman , henry jaglom , and woody allen , the core influence on noah baumbach 's film is fifty years older or more .",
"` i ca n't account for my own bruises , ' frances says , as if she were a clumsy kid with an adult 's vocabulary . does the remark refer to more than the abrasions on her skin ?",
"there 's a level of audacity beneath the lightweight whimsy in this unassuming low-budget comedy .",
"`` MOV makes a star out of gerwig , and she 's the kind of star we need : a goofy one we can feel tender about but never underestimate . ''",
"ms. gerwig , who has effortless , behind-the-beat verbal timing , also possesses a knack for physical comedy , an enviable ability to obliterate the difference between clumsiness and grace .",
"indie darling gerwig has a great deal to do with the picture 's success : she 's disarmingly likable ...",
"MOV is a sympathetic but not uncritical depiction of a girl 's gradual evolution into a woman ; one that never condescends by forcing her to abandon all her quirks and impish qualities in the final act ... an absolute delight , this is .",
"MOV is a refreshingly contemporary film , exploring 20-something hipster ennui with accuracy , empathy and humour .",
"agreeable low-budget modern-day urban comedy .",
"it 's a tribute to gerwig 's performance , somehow both clumsy and elegant , that she wins us over despite ourselves , that we come to appreciate her aimlessness in a goal-oriented society ...",
"as long as you remember to laugh , MOV is a tolerable experience . forget the `` ha ha '' and MOV is beyond unbearable . i found this an odd and often frustrating truth , but it 's what makes noah baumbach 's new movie a success .",
"do n't be fooled by frances with all her feigned insecurity and branding of herself as `` undateable '' and predicting she 'll be a lonely spinster . she 's a psychopath .",
"gerwig keeps you on side and rooting for frances to get her act together in what becomes an affectionate salute to messy lives , an endearing underachiever and a new york state of mind .",
"a refreshing amount of buoyancy to dance and charm its way through quarter-life crisis territory . one of the best performances of greta gerwig 's career to date",
"gerwig 's deft screwball timing turns every disaster into a grace note . this may be a comedy of awkwardness , but rather than curl , your toes will tap .",
"noah baumbach , making his most compassionate movie since 2005 's the squid and the whale , gives these lives the full french new wave/mid-period woody allen treatment , conferring charm and substance on even their most mundane interaction .",
"one of the sweetest and funniest films of the year . MOV is a wonderful story about growing up , staying young , about love , life , friendship and what happens to it all over time .",
"the dialogue and editing are zippy and generally charming , combining with the tart observations of 20-something culture to create a nice frisson .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- fresh-faced and spirited black and white comedy ...",
"a black-and-white salute to the french new wave -lrb- the score is borrowed from georges delerue , composer of many a truffaut and godard film -rrb- that manages to be very much of this moment ...",
"the movie 's a love letter to an actress and her character , but by the end you may feel like an intervention is more in order .",
"`` MOV '' ? more like frances bah !",
"gerwig dances the millennial limbo",
"... caters to the gerwig persona while also sanding off the edges of baumbach 's usual bitterness .",
"`` MOV '' is about the inevitability of adulthood ; it can be postponed , but it ca n't be avoided .",
"improbable yet engaging , this arrested development serio-comedy should be particularly endearing to those who ca n't quite get their lives together .",
"but there 's just something so relentlessly likable about put-upon , impoverished frances -lrb- greta gerwig -rrb- that it almost does n't matter that her new york is just one big williamsburg .",
"a modern fairy tale about a girl whose golden heart refuses to tarnish .",
"late-blooming 20-somethings have never been so perfectly captured -- and gerwig has never been more appealing -- than in this funny , tender , life-affirming movie .",
"the obvious love of new york city echoes woody allen at his best . but `` MOV '' is very much its own film , a story of life and love and messy rooms .",
"if frances has a chance , there 's hope for us all .",
"without gerwig , this story of a hopeful young woman making her way in new york would have been just like all the rest . instead , it 's a work of art .",
"baumbach ... makes the film a celebration of gerwig 's coltish , goofball appeal .",
"the gorgeously-made MOV serves as a love letter from director to star ; and like all love notes that are n't ours , it 's intimate , mawkish and , in some vital way , unknowable .",
"as she zips from one oddball experience to another , the movie seems to be assuring us that this is what a young person is supposed to do and that frances will find her thing . whatever it is .",
"MOV -- both the movie and its heroine -- is graceful , awkward , luminous and hilarious .",
"greta gerwig is perhaps the most interesting of the younger american actresses working in films today , and she 's wonderful as frances in this black and white charmer from director noah baumbach .",
"the infectiously delightful exuberance of frances that nearly vibrates off the screen is clearly tailor-made for the actress .",
"exuberant and disarming .",
"months of frances ' life pass in minutes , yet those minutes feel like an eternity , thanks to non-action and uninspired editing .",
"as frances literally dances her way through the streets of new york , you ca n't help smiling and knowing she will be ok . she will figure out how to be the adult she was meant to be .",
"i found MOV frequently irritating and even cringe-inducing in the moment , yet feel tenderer towards it in retrospect . it 's about a specific time in life , when the sudden stampede to self-definition can make people seem cruel , crazy or resentful .",
"baumbach 's previous films have been insightful and wry without ever really being all that likeable . gerwig brings a charm and energy to this shared project that makes it , if perhaps not his deepest film , then easily his most fun .",
"mostly the movie is the best showcase so far for gerwig 's brand of lovely klutziness -lrb- and -rrb- a contemporary everywoman appeal that 's impossible to dismiss , making frances ' self-absorption easier to swallow and tasty , too .",
"easily baumbach 's warmest and most upbeat film to date .",
"the light MOV provides skittish moments of heartbreak and confusion on the humorous path to adulthood , but it sends a comforting message that our fate may use the same language as our dreams even if it does n't tell the same story .",
"funny and touching , MOV may very well be the most eloquent take yet on a generation in flux .",
"it 's a film that bears all of the zingy dialogue and sharp characterizations of baumbach 's other films -lrb- `` the squid and the whale , '' `` greenberg '' -rrb- but with more of a generosity of spirit towards its characters .",
"MOV is endearing , kind and , in many ways , noah baumbach 's best movie to date .",
"this is very minimalist storytelling much of which feels improvised in front of the camera . the film is more of a character situation than a character story .",
"MOV provides a sharp , fleet , and very funny look at female friendship and the acceptance of adult responsibilities .",
"`` MOV '' is a movie that will either remind you of what it was -lrb- or , if you 're lucky , is -rrb- like to be young , or it 'll make you feel really old . middle-aged , at least .",
"the film boldly - and ultimately successfully - vastly favors character definition over plot , and favors character detail over laughs - although the second half -lrb- much more than the first -rrb- is very funny .",
"the film may be small , but it 's really good .",
"this movie has an endless supply of small but brilliant comic observations .",
"brims with funny ideas both verbal and visual that are finely tuned by baumbach and his cast , and sharply edited ...",
"passive-aggressive and expertly generational , MOV is either hilarious or devastating , and probably both .",
"the conversations sparkle with both intended and unintended wit , and in a certain cockeyed light , frances ' blithe denial of reality is a charming affirmation of life .",
"one of the most appealing films of the year to date -- and it may well end up being the most appealing indie release of the entire year",
"an american independent film -lrb- shot in luminous black and white by sam levy -rrb- that feels off the cuff but is in fact exactly made by a filmmaker in total control of his resources .",
"a great film that gets the spirit of new york exactly right :",
"has the earnest , wonky charm of a homemade valentine .",
"this is a truly wonderful movie , recalling woody allen at his best .",
"MOV is not the worst film of the year . that would be snitch . however , it is the most obnoxious film so far .",
"... like an early andrew bujalski movie with more articulate characters or lena dunham 's ` girls ' without the ick factor .",
"while gerwig 's gentleness gives baumbach 's work a new warmth , his touch gives her a new maturity .",
"MOV is sharply focused on a genuine life issue that does n't get much play in movies : the challenges of platonic love and of the complicated passions of friendship .",
"it 's a skimpy , overextended riff , but some of the seemingly tossed-off moments are lovely .",
"MOV is the work of an artist in love , and in baumbach 's case , it 's not clear that love is his most constructive muse .",
"the hilarious , touching MOV is lubricated by the same juice that allowed jean-luc godard 's bande ŕ part to slip so smoothly through the streets of paris .",
"a film that 's well aware of its own hipness , but never too cool to laugh and cry .",
"a virtuoso piece of writing , acting and direction to bring to the screen a 27 year old new yorker who is more a dreamer than a pragmatist , more a romantic than a materialist and less able to control her life than to guess it",
"the film is like a breath of fresh air , with each gulp taken at the forks in the road that frances encounters . it 's fluid and free with as much spontaneity as a bird taking flight",
"the likes of in search of a midnight kiss and annie hall have told their stories with much more wit and charm .",
"a smart , wry and surprisingly tender film about standing at the crossroads of adulthood .",
"there 's little doubt that many people will find her insufferable , and almost everyone will experience moments of acute discomfort . but this is a wonderful performance that never becomes ingratiating .",
"like ethan hawke 's recent before midnight -lrb- aimed at people in their 40s -rrb- , MOV will engage its literate-minded target audience fed up with disaster blockbusters .",
"MOV has a warmth and lightness absent from baumbach 's earlier films , the squid and the whale -lrb- 2005 -rrb- and margot at the wedding -lrb- 2007 -rrb- .",
"the sheer joy on gerwig 's face as she leaps and pirouettes across roads and between pedestrians is infectious .",
"greta gerwig is delightful as an awkward non-dancer in this off-beat comedy",
"occasionally inspired , frequently charming and always watchable .",
"the understated final moments made me happier than any other filmgoing experience i 've had all year .",
"there 's a touch of gracie allen in frances , an indomitable blithe spirit who lives happily within a bubble-world of her own construction .",
"aiming for lightness but landing with a thud , `` MOV '' is a well-meaning blunder .",
"it 's impossible not to fall hard for greta gerwig , who wrote the script with baumbach and plays frances with such smart , rumpled radiance that you bask in her glow .",
"perhaps ms. gerwig is the greatest actress alive . and maybe `` MOV '' is just the ghost orchid of independent cinema .",
"a witty and emotionally resonant portrait of growing up , while retaining the exuberance of youth .",
"baumbach 's made an intermittently attentive comedy with a few intolerable detours , only as insightful as it wants to be .",
"this is `` girls '' minus the dark stuff .",
"`` MOV : has plenty of recognizable reference points : `` manhattan , '' the french new wave , lena dunham . and yet it 's still something new .",
"quietly , empathetically , and without ever apologizing for the lead 's impulsive idiocy , MOV charts the character 's dawning independence and acceptance of adulthood .",
"a funny , life-affirming portrait of a well-meaning young woman who 's a work-in-progress and a welcome departure for its director .",
"bolstered by a shrewd script and meticulous director , gerwig shines . by turn screwball heroine and ungainly in character , she emerges as her generation 's finest comic actress .",
"it 's all wonderfully tangential , sweet and unerringly funny , and it will have you dancing to bowie 's ` modern love ' for days and days .",
"-lsb- t -rsb- he film is a delightfully spry vacation into the life of a woman who does n't really deserve the affectionate film around her .",
"-lsb- MOV -rsb- may feel tossed-off , but like the early french new wave films that inspired it , this affectionate portrait of wayward young folks trying to survive , emotionally and professionally , in the big city is both touching and meaningful .",
"this is a tough one , but i must recommend it , if you are at all inclined to witness creativity at its unconventional best .",
"baumbach likes to walk on the dark side in his films , but there is also a playful side to him . this film does have a dark edge to it , but a lighter mood dominates here , and that is a good thing .",
"writing with gerwig , baumbach has created a fey , sneakily charming generational touchstone on a par with annie hall and his own gen y col-grad comedy kicking and screaming .",
"`` MOV '' could have taken a very different , much darker direction , but not with gerwig in it .",
"a genuinely heartfelt , gorgeous and beautiful celebration of youth , friendship and grappling with all the contradictions and challenges that life throws at us .",
"its flighty quarter-life crisis theme -lsb- will be -rsb- familiar to anyone who 's seen five minutes of girls .",
"few films top woody allen 's manhattan for capturing new york city 's blend of rapture and apprehension . noah baumbach 's MOV comes close ."
] | frances_ha_2013 | audiences will need to tolerate a certain amount of narrative drift , but thanks to sensitive direction from noah baumbach and an endearing performance from greta gerwig , MOV makes it easy to forgive . | 771315440 |
"it 's trier 's skill at humanely communicating the deep loneliness of a ruined life that make him a new filmmaker deserving your attention .",
"a remarkable film with a mesmerizing performance by actor lie .",
"trier ... keeps us aware of the emotions and perceptions of all the characters , even at those times when their perceptions are limited and differ from objective reality .",
"with his angular features and intense gaze , lie is utterly convincing as an intellectual in the process of repairing his damaged life .",
"a study of a man who pulled away from the edge of the abyss at the nick of time , only to realize he may not be able to forgive himself for the things he 's done .",
"te movie seems more like a searing portrait of self-discovery and realization , with the understanding that not everything you learn about yourself will be pleasant .",
"there are echoes , a little dna of `` wings of desire '' here .",
"a powerful , upfront document of a recovering drug addict confronting the demons of his past .",
"`` oslo '' is an example of strong , confident filmmaking in which nothing is miscalculated or out of place .",
"... a gritty and authentic portrait of the unseen post-abuse perils that addiction creates .",
"devastating . and masterful .",
"trier 's film takes us to some desperate places , but it earns that despair with clear eyes , and the sense of character is finely-honed ...",
"a very rewarding and worthwhile film .",
"an astounding achievement , joachim trier 's haunting film will stay with you for weeks .",
"the film is overlong , spinning its sequential disenchantments . but mood and place are believable .",
"pared down and sparse , almost bressonian in its formal rigor ...",
"anders danielsen lie gives a compelling , deep-etched lead turn , and you 'll find yourself drawn in as he searches for a reason to continue living .",
"trier writes his hero into a very tight corner , but finds a simultaneously graceful and uncompromising way out of it . neat trick , that .",
"a wonderful , melancholy character piece that 's funny and tender , and as fresh as a breath of oslo sea air .",
"trier proves that he 's no one-hit wonder .",
"trier has adapted a 1930s french novel , which in 1963 louis malle filmed as ` le feu follet ' , but this feels totally fresh and modern in its concerns . it 's also devastating .",
"it has absolute clarity about a character who is n't at all sure about what he wants - or whether he wants to keep going at all .",
"the result is a superb exploration of loss , guilt and regret in norwegian director joachim trier 's often-unpredictable second film .",
"the film is perhaps the most emotionally devastating and yet paradoxically delicate effort of the year , a genuine gem .",
"`` oslo , august 31st '' is quietly , profoundly , one of the most observant and sympathetic films i 've seen .",
"spanning a short period of time , this tense and intense norweigian drama about a drug addict is extremely well directed and acted .",
"-lsb- screenwriters -rsb- trier and vogt are neat and cunning .",
"trier 's compassion for what it takes to survive , mixed with the love he bestows on oslo , is rewardingly profound .",
"... a quietly stunning masterpiece-all of life , in a single day .",
"with only two films , danish director joachim trier has soundly established himself as a singular talent .",
"in its depiction of a man who 's considering death , the film is never less than fully alive .",
"it 's a marvelously constructed personal journey , both wrenching and bittersweet , whose emotional ripple effects stay with you for days and weeks afterward .",
"`` oslo , august 31st '' has the satisfying gravity of specific experience , and also , true to its title , a prickly sense of place .",
"despite its themes , `` oslo , august 31st '' is an exhilarating film , with impeccable direction and pitch-perfect performances that make the bleakness worthwhile .",
"though the film provides a gentle wash of dark feelings , one ca n't help but feel cleansed by it and more alive when it ends .",
"as this elegiac movie reminds us , even a shattered life matters , leaving behind an indelible , intricate imprint .",
"moment to moment , you sense the fragility of anders 's fate as it hangs in the balance .",
"there are traces of humour to alleviate the gloom of oslo , august 31st and some beautiful incidental moments .",
"comprova a promessa representada pela estreia de joachim trier .",
"as the final shots mirror the first , you reflect on how life goes on , with and without us .",
"the beauty is in the array of animated faces in anders ' life . and it 's in the simple promise and vitality of anders ' face , which serves the film without any regard for being in a film , let alone a tragedy or a poetic vision of darkness and futility .",
"sad , but wise , and clear-eyed about what it means to drift through life until it 's suddenly too late to turn back .",
"life 's sadder moments are quite well displayed in trier 's nuanced approach . for many popcorn munchers , that regrettably does n't translate as a must-see movie in today 's crowded marketplace ...",
"with a predilection for long takes , alternating between tripod setups and handheld camera work that 's reflective of anders ' unease , trier presents life as an unceasingly tepid stream of the mundane -- with an occasional , exquisite pinprick of hope .",
"the movie transpires mostly in quiet , engrossing dialogue scenes , and its austere style shares a good deal in common with the protagonist , who seems both opaque and completely exposed .",
"it 's an absolutely moving and devastating film , and one of the most jarring looks at addiction you 'll ever see on screen .",
"-lsb- displays -rsb- an invigoratingly acute understanding of the psychology of insecurity , longing , defensiveness and inward-turning rage .",
"in a single day , through a single pair of eyes , trier and lie give us an emblem for the world .",
"less a study of the desire to die than the terrifying realisation that there is no reason left to live .",
"it 's a cold , detached , very scandinavian film , neither as sharp nor as oddly exhilarating as malle 's .",
"trier delivers a sedate , mature follow-up to his brash , energetic debut reprise .",
"the film so gracefully replicates its protagonist 's drifting moods that its full emotional weight does n't immediately seem as heavy as it is .",
"a searing portrait of a young man 's chronic loneliness .",
"the evocation of things ending suffuses the film with melancholy , as anders increasingly becomes an observant rather than a participant in his own life .",
"-lsb- it -rsb- crosses the blood-brain barrier like ... like ... whatever the drug is , i have n't tried it , thank god .",
"without any flashiness or grandstanding , joachim trier and anders danielsen lie make us sympathize with the character on a deeply personal level .",
"a coolly observed yet boundlessly compassionate day in the life of a recovering drug addict , `` oslo , august 31st '' breaks your heart many times over .",
"while not a film for the dispirited - though such a mindset may better empathise with anders ' soul-searching journey - it does have a peculiar honesty to it .",
"lie 's performance is pitch perfect , and trier 's direction almost flawless ."
] | oslo_august_31st | an upfront study of a drug addict confronting his demons , oslo , august 31st makes this dark journey worthwhile with fantastic directing and equally fantastic acting . | 771242439 |
"a fascinating and perplexing exploration of everything that lies just under the surface of all of us .",
"it feels as `` out there '' as ever , and there has n't been any movie since quite comparing to it , besides david lynch ' further adventures into mind-f ** king .",
"weird for weird 's sake is n't enough ; there has to be something more .",
"MOV is david lynch in peak form , and represents -lrb- to date -rrb- his most accomplished motion picture . it is a work of fascinating scope and power that rivals any of the most subversive films to reach the screens during the '80s .",
"lynch 's fourth feature film still stands as a bona fide masterpiece , one of the few such films that actually was appreciated in its time and has perfectly weathered the 17 years since .",
"there is no denying the sheer audacity of MOV 's visuals or storyline . it 's quintessential david lynch , and dennis hopper at his most manic .",
"kinkiness is its salient quality , but MOV has deadpan humor too , as well as a straight-arrow side that makes its eccentricity all the crazier . there 's no mistaking the exhilarating fact that it 's one of a kind .",
"it 's dennis hopper sucking on an oxygen mask like darth vader in snoop dogg 's green room - in other words , it 's classic hopper !",
"even some fifteen years after the release of MOV its vision remains wildly adamant relative to the stride of other works of contemporary noir . there have been many films about suburban crime , but none as dangerously imposing as this .",
"i found it to be brilliant and all , but it 's just not a film i would watch willingly again .",
"... deservedly canonized ...",
"-lsb- a -rsb- finely wrought tale of erotic horror and secret evil .",
"not quite like any other thriller or erotic mystery you 've ever seen .",
"one of the most original , invigorating films i 've ever seen .",
"the movie does n't progress or deepen , it just gets weirder , and to no good end .",
"it made me feel pity for the actors who worked in it and anger at the director for taking liberties with them .",
"MOV -lrb- 1986 -rrb- is screenwriter and maverick director david lynch 's artistically bizarre cult film , an original look at sex . .",
"there 's not a single false note in david lynch 's notorious masterpiece , MOV , an unnerving meditation on innocence and depravity .",
"packed with typically beautiful , lavish colour , and multi-referencing once again extending to old favourite the wizard of oz , this is fairly unmissable .",
"the seamless blending of beauty and horror is remarkable , the terror very real , and the sheer wealth of imagination virtually unequalled in recent cinema .",
"a beautiful film about sickness , a funny film about degeneracy",
"in 1986 david lynch broke the language of cinema wide open in the same way that jackson pollock did with the art world in the early '40s .",
"by the time i got to dennis hopper 's first line as frank , i knew that MOV was a film people would be talking about in 20 , 50 , 100 years .",
"the modest proportions of the film are just right for the writer-director 's desire to investigate the inexplicable demons that drive people to deviate from expected norms of behavior and thought .",
"this is one of the great masterpieces of modern cinema , a film which you will never forget .",
"lies within the technicolor tradition of film-noir , where evil continually lurks beneath the surface",
"i loved the film for its intransigencies .",
"it 's the only one of lynch 's works to marry his nightmarish concerns to a story that -lrb- very nearly -rrb- makes sense .",
"the brutally honest performances , articulate style , and the movie 's sexual and violent shock value save the story from becoming too stale or uninspiring .",
"in this impressive work , released after the flop of dune , david lynch addresses issues of order and disorder , normal and abnormal sexuality , good and evil , while telling a classic american coming-of-age story .",
"an unsettling film that depicts the moral rot underlying the american dream through arresting cinematic images that are at once realistic and surreal .",
"... evil lurks in the most seemingly harmless places .",
"MOV is a beautiful treatment of ugly material . unfortunately , it is just ugly enough to fascinate a lot of people , particularly weak men who have been made to feel subjugated and insecure by women .",
"an excellent film .",
"the charged erotic atmosphere makes the film something of a hallucination , but lynch 's humor keeps breaking through , too .",
"lush and peculiar MOV , the latest film from the mind that spawned eraserhead , is an unnerving combination of the wholesome and the unholy .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- powerful , mesmerizing thriller , a masterful exercise in controlling an audience ` s attention .",
"lynch and his film will surely be reviled , but as an experiment in expanding cinema 's dramatic and technical vocabulary , MOV demands respect .",
"destined to become a cult classic , MOV presents what is probably the most original cinematic vision to come along this year . undoubtedly , it will be too strong for many tastes .",
"MOV is a film for the aficionado . pity the viewer who wanders into the movie unprepared .",
"whether you are attracted or repelled by lynch 's bizarre vision , one thing is for sure : you 've never seen anything like it in your life .",
"the film casts its spell in countless odd ways , in the archetype-leaning imagery , eccentric tableau styling , and moth-in-candle-flame attraction to the subconscious twilight .",
"once experienced here , listening to roy orbison 's in dreams will never be the same again .",
"david lynch 's mise en scene screams `` leave it to beaver . ''",
"shocking , visionary , rapturously controlled , its images of innocence and a dark , bruising sexuality drop straight into our unconscious where they rest like depth charges .",
"one of the most subversive films of the 1980s , delving into the corrupt underside of the then-idealized faux innocence of the 1950s with an almost alarming ferocity .",
"shocking , perverse , funny , unsettling , scathing , biting , and twisted , but undeniably original",
"one which david lynch fans will want to watch over and over in hd , and which non-fans ought to see at least once .",
"a perfect marriage of classically composed storytelling and disturbing surrealism . but perhaps more importantly , its influence in storytelling still resonates to this day .",
"for as diverse as lynch 's filmography is , MOV is quite possibly his masterwork . there 's a strange mix of comfort and beauty with terror and awfulness .",
"works brilliantly as an allegory of american repression and willful illusion of order , lumberton 's forced-smile '50s sensibility unable to keep down the anarchic , raging id that is humanity 's primal drive . -lsb- blu-ray -rsb-",
"depending on your point of view , either dark-sidedly brilliant or garbage heaped on top of whipped cream .",
"lynch 's seminal , voyeuristic masterpiece is as scary as comedies get and as funny as realistically horrific psychodramas can be .",
"to watch -lsb- lynch 's -rsb- 1986 neo-noir masterpiece MOV is to be plunged headfirst into the mind of an extraordinary filmmaker ... who made one of the finest dissections of the american mythos yet seen .",
"MOV is a throughly unpredictable , frequently disturbing and sometimes jaw-droppingly funny film . there is n't anything else quite like it , and it 's pretty wonderful ."
] | blue_velvet | if audiences walk away from this subversive , surreal shocker not fully understanding the story , they might also walk away with a deeper perception of the potential of film storytelling . | 16022 |
"the european cut rocks -- u.s. version less so . biggest drawback is that besson tries to persuade us reno is italian , and i 'm never buying that .",
"oldman 's character is so over the top , so utterly ridiculous that the audience may feel prompted to laugh unintentionally .",
"it 's an american movie as seen by someone whose main frame of reference is american movies , not american life . therefore , while it 's draped in a cloak of gritty realism , besson 's movie is really a kind of bizarre cinemaphile fantasy .",
"the most objectionable thing is gary oldman 's performance , baroque in its awfulness . almost as bad is the director 's attempt to construct a visual style -- and , for that matter , characters -- by piling one mannerism on top of another .",
"besson has a gift for amoral sleaziness that should serve him well over here . in his very first american film , he has gone straight for the smarm .",
"its strengths grate against the movie 's glaring flaws , mainly its complete lack of credibility .",
"you 'll enjoy the action , but you 'll remember the movie because of reno and portman .",
"leon : the professional has style to spare .",
"mathilda is like no new york city girl-child i 've ever seen riding the subway . and i could n't take my eyes off her .",
"stylish , mature hitman thriller is quite violent .",
"`` MOV '' is a consummate hit man movie from the early '90s era in cinema when every young filmmaker wanted to be the next tarantino . luc besson just had to be himself .",
"besson 's incomparable film is almost impossible to beat and there 's yet to be a director who could match his magnum opus ...",
"good , if not overrated . reno is always a delight and a young portman adds a lot to the heart and soul of the film .",
"despite besson 's mastery of technique , leon 's success is due in large part to its elegant performances .",
"reno and portman both deliver terrific performances .",
"top-notch thriller .",
"luc besson 's lone-hitman thriller sees a 12 year-old natalie portman push the boundaries of love and peodophilia . as emotionally complex as it is a slick action thrill-ride . even gary oldman gets in on the action as a beethoven loving , drug-taking crooked",
"the white-hot violence may look professional , but it will leave you cold .",
"the professional is intriguing , but misses the mark as a potential cult favorite .",
"the sheer craziness and excessiveness of the movie -- no crazier , perhaps , than many of the american action movies it copies -- never finds a center of gravity .",
"like quentin tarantino , besson has a singular style and directorial sensibility that keeps you watching .",
"the professional is strictly amateur-hour .",
"no matter what uncomfortable undercurrents the film gives rise to , besson 's skill with action is inventive and creative -lrb- and of course over the top -rrb- .",
"luc besson 's original cut feels more like a journey than just a joy-buzzer jolt of action , and the deeper , braver , darker story he set out to tell - a fractured and fractious fairy tale . when people rave about `` the professional , '' they mean `` léon . ''",
"ultimately , like la femme nikita , there may be less here than meets the eye . but what does meet the eye is pretty darn thrilling .",
"leave it to french writer-director luc besson -lrb- la femme nikita -rrb- to put a kinky twist on orphan annie and daddy warbucks .",
"having one career highlight performance in a film is a treat . having three is just spoiling us , and the film is so solidly sold by the actors that it mostly manages to sidestep the potential queasiness in the léon/mathilda relationship .",
"funny , tragic , brilliant and unmissable .",
"much better in the extended foreign version that shows more of the girl 's hitman training . typical french downer , but interesting relationship piece .",
"always at the back of my mind was the troubled thought that there was something wrong about placing a 12-year-old character in the middle of this action .",
"one pretty awesome action movie .",
"my advice to everyone out there is to throw away your copy of the professional , throw down twenty bucks , and pick up this newly restored -lrb- director 's cut -rrb- cinematic masterpiece .",
"while a wisp of a plot involving a crooked cop drives léon from setpiece to setpiece , it 's the central relationship between hitman jean reno and young charge natalie portman that makes the movie so memorable .",
"an altogether interesting take on an old story , one which besson pulls off with his customary flair and panache .",
"besson 's skills of action director are enough to guarantee entertainment .",
"the professional is all over the map , and its pretensions of being about anything more than its most unpleasant elements simply make it all the more unpleasant .",
"this is a cuisinart of a movie , mixing familiar yet disparate ingredients , making something odd , possibly distasteful , undeniably arresting out of them .",
"it is stylish , darkly humorous , and almost artsy in its approach to the genre .",
"the professional is much too sentimental to sound shockingly amoral in the least . even in a finale of extravagant violence , it manages to be maudlin .",
"after a dazzling opening sequence , this one goes downhill fast .",
"reno 's performance of hangdog loyalty lends his character pleasing sympathy while besson 's heavily stylized direction builds tension around sexy violence .",
"for the most part , the professional is a great action picture .",
"oozing style , wit and confidence from every sprocket , and offering a dizzyingly , fresh perspective on the big apple that only besson could bring , this is , in a word , wonderful .",
"a naive fairy tale splattered with blood .",
"luc besson is a masterly director of stylish , thrilling , and humorous action set pieces , and this film 's bravura opening and closing sequences are two of the year 's best .",
"ultimately seems at once too deranged and too mechanical .",
"there 's conviction in this movie , and intelligence .",
"besson fails to make much of new york 's visual potential , and lazily asks that leon 's expertise be taken on trust . the shallowness was to be expected ; the slackness is surprising .",
"it 's surprising to find an action movie with so much emotional baggage , but amazingly it works .",
"an exceptionally well crafted urban drama ."
] | leon_the_professional | pivoting on the unusual relationship between seasoned hitman and his 12-year-old apprentice -- a breakout turn by young natalie portman -- luc besson 's léon is a stylish and oddly affecting thriller . | 17094 |
"one of the great unsayable truths about the american dream is that it is a bit of a ponzi scheme ... our system admits a glimmer of hope that anyone , no matter how lowborn , can rise to the top .",
"-lsb- e -rsb- nds up an ever less slightly ungenerous look at the .01 percent than it might have been ... but this is still a brutal film from many angles .",
"documentaries are rarely as hilarious as this one . well , the first half of it at least",
"a repetitive exercise in schadenfreude , and the siegels do n't do much to alter that ... MOV leaves viewers with one feeling about the siegels : let them eat stale cake .",
"greenfield 's film is bathed in florida sunshine , adding to the sensation that we 're watching lifestyles of the rich and famous with a marxist punchline .",
"she epitomises a western culture struggling to wean itself off debt .",
"-lsb- siegel -rsb- is now suing greenfield for `` misrepresentation '' . well , i know whose side i 'm on .",
"extremely funny and revealing ...",
"-lsb- siegel -rsb- ultimately emerges as someone who belongs more in the little house on the prairie : ever cheerful , and triumphantly unimpeachable .",
"never has grotesque wealth looked so unenviable , or its removal been so entertaining , as in this garishly watchable riches-to-rags documentary ...",
"this timely and involving documentary elicits both sympathy and schadenfreude .",
"if the film intends to show that any of the siegels have gained any wisdom from hardship , we do n't see it .",
"while in some ways the collapsing of the siegels ' wealth may seem like commeuppance for their excessiveness , greenfield has painted such a human portrait that jackie , in particular , remains sympathetic , even when she is adding to her own tragedy .",
"like a theodore dreiser novel for our time , infused with the vivid , vulgar spirit of reality tv . it often had the sold-out eccles center howling , but also has elements of profound tragedy and allegory .",
"the ironies pile up . but there is some pathos here too .",
"MOV will prompt loathing not only among the so-called 99 percent , but among those in the top 1 percent who would like someone more sane to represent them on camera .",
"-lsb- video essay -rsb- there 's quiet satisfaction is watching the financial collapse of the florida billionaire self-professedly `` personally '' responsible for george w. bush 's `` illegal '' takeover of the white house in 2000 .",
"it 's like a champagne bath laced with arsenic .",
"documentarian lauren greenfield caught lightning in a bottle with this one .",
"with every shopping spree , every limo ride to mcdonald 's , mrs. siegel underlines the cliche that money can not buy you taste . or class .",
"every cutaway to their mcdonald 's takeout bags or fluffy white puppies -lrb- there must be a dozen of them -rrb- emphasizes a bedrock tackiness that will convert your audience into a snorting gang of marxists-at least for a while .",
"the film hardly feels hastily pasted together : greenfield filmed long enough to document physical changes in her subjects .",
"finds a way to incorporate the harsh realities -lsb- of the economic crash -rsb- into a movie that 's genuinely funny and entertaining , which is quite an achievement in itself .",
"lauren greenfield 's film evolves from an ode to entitled obliviousness to a more evenhanded character study , tracing the fault lines that develop within the siegel family .",
"a stunning look at what happens to a rich person who gets greedy .",
"through a focused chronicle of one marriage , the director conveys both the seductive and ugly aspects of unbridled ambition and american capitalism .",
"if you get some kind of sick kick watching the mighty take a fall , MOV will be nothing short of a schadenfreudic ball .",
"seriously , if this was the american dream , could n't we have come up with something better ?",
"for all their garishness , the siegels are pretty likable , even if attempts to make you sympathetic to their `` plight '' fall short .",
"it scores a lot of laughs at the siegel 's bad taste and odd ways of adapting to their newfound misfortune . thankfully , greenfield also makes the siegels sympathetic .",
"a bizarre and mesmerising journey to the heart of cloud cuckoo land .",
"it is a comedy that aspires to tragedy , and a metaphor for a nation collapsing beneath the incompatible , intolerable pressures of excess and inequity .",
"in the end , these are human beings , not emblems - and it is this that makes this documentary one of the most watchable , for rich and poor alike .",
"it 's priceless .",
"the temptation to be moralistic must have been overpowering , yet greenfield finally manages to summon sympathy for people who at first seem vain , selfish and greedy .",
"prepare to be shocked , disgusted and compelled .",
"greenfield 's fly on the wall view of obscene wealth punctured like a toy balloon is as current as a blog or a headline .",
"illuminating , oddly hilarious , ceaselessly watchable .",
"porn without penetration is sometimes how this doc impacts in its candid , unapologetic look at a once white-bread couple who vault to billionaire status and fall hard when the 2008 financial crisis hits .",
"a fascinating , infuriating and poignant documentary .",
"let them eat cake !",
"for greenfield , the siegels are a brilliant metaphor for everything farkakte about the u.s. economy and the culture that shaped it .",
"an outrageous , despicable , guiltily hilarious and appropriately superficial good time .",
"a fascinating and sobering documentary that tracks the unexpected impact of the financial crisis on one of america 's richest families .",
"turns the `` real housewives '' formula upside down and it becomes possibly the least tragic epic tragedy ever constructed . ''",
"this honesty and heart is what makes MOV so compelling .",
"`` MOV '' is funny , sad , infuriating , instructive . it 's the american dream inflated to ridiculous extremes , until it bursts .",
"this rags-to-riches-to-almost-rags-again queen has an endearing knack for looking on the bright side . you find yourself , by the end , wishing her well .",
"watching jackie fill cart after walmart cart with crap the family does n't need is to witness the new millennium 's version of marie antoinette .",
"it contains some useful information , i suppose , but i did not like these people , i hope never to meet them , and i wonder if the world would n't be a better place without them .",
"although director lauren greenfield documents several instances in which it 's apparent that the siegels ' lifestyle is so alien from the vast majority that they might as well call mars home , she has n't set out to eat the rich .",
"can we feel sorry for super-filthy-rich rich people ? maybe not . but we can be fascinated by their insane spending . lauren greenfield gains uber-access to the excess .",
"although it 's a guilty pleasure , `` MOV '' is artful enough that both the prosecution and the defense could invoke it when the peasants cry `` off with their heads ! ''",
"greenfield and her crew achieved extraordinary access to the siegel 's lives , and one of the film 's pleasures is simply getting to visit a world that few of us will ever know .",
"taken at face value , MOV reveals nothing about the rich that is n't plainly evident on the e! network . but its most surprising quality is also jackie 's : endurance .",
"at times the film feels aimless and inconclusive , but greenfield 's open-minded and observational approach yields compelling details from every scene .",
"`` MOV '' ought to be required viewing for anyone who blames the rich for yanking the rug out from under america 's economy .",
"the pride , gluttony and inexplicable romance in the tale are almost shakespearean .",
"it would be easy to look at this with smug satisfaction , but director lauren greenfield is impassive .",
"surely more topical -lrb- and essential -rrb- now than when it was conceived , MOV plays like a christopher guest parody of the financial crisis .",
"watching `` MOV '' you do n't know whether to laugh or cry .",
"whatever their crimes of bad taste , they had it , flaunted it , lost it , and lived to tell the tale .",
"a portrait of the american dream gone sour so absurdly engaging that you might be ashamed of enjoying it so much .",
"a ca n't - look-away cross between a bergman drama and a `` real housewives '' spin-off .",
"MOV presents a fascinating case study of how the collapsing economy impacted the superrich . it will also likely drive anybody who is n't the superrich up the wall .",
"more than a social morality tale , this is a character study , with the title well chosen .",
"there are improbably involving human stories here .",
"through a clear lens unclouded by politics or blame , it offers insight into the hazardous american practice of living beyond our means .",
"a dysfunctional family documentary which invites the audience to take pleasure in the misfortunes of some decidedly-decadent 1 % ers .",
"`` MOV '' turns out to be a portrait -- appalling , absorbing and improbably affecting -- of how , even within a system seemingly designed to ensure that the rich get richer , sometimes the rich get poorer .",
"the result is a rich portrait .",
"a tragicomic indulgence of schadenfreude with the sophistication of a kardashian reality show .",
"a well-told tale about having to atone for sins of the sub-prime era .",
"what i left with was not hatred . i disapprove of the values they represent , but i also find them fascinating and just slightly lovable .",
"in director lauren greenfield 's tremendous documentary packed with terrific details , greed is not good . it is a slow , self-inflicted wound whose pain hits hard and fast .",
"by the end , the movie has pulled off a small miracle : you become absorbed in the lives of these people for who they are and not what they own .",
"a rise-and-fall story that will have you laughing and shaking your head - in pity , disgust and , occasionally , outrage - at the very same time .",
"dig into your popcorn , and get ready for some snide schadenfreude .",
"`` MOV '' is beautifully constructed and frequently uproarious .",
"it transforms from a mocking portrait of exorbitance into a sympathetic depiction of a family struggling with their own version of what most of us have gone through .",
"there 's more going on here than classist derision , and the filmmaker uses her footage to try to sort out her feelings .",
"MOV combines the voyeuristic thrills of reality tv with the soul-revealing artistry of great portraiture and the head-shaking revelations of solid investigative reporting .",
"compulsively watchable from start to finish , MOV chips away at the aspirational fantasy that drives those bravo shows , slowly , steadily allowing reality to slip through the cracks .",
"ultra-rich face financial crisis in teen-friendly docu .",
"the paradox of wealth without refinement remains unexamined but emerges as a metaphor for the american dream itself .",
"extravagant yet surprisingly compassionate , it 's a unique chronicle of the collapse of the real estate market .",
"it makes sense to find the director unwilling to walk away from such as a fascinating couple , resulting in a superb documentary and a powerful statement on the ugliness and delusion of greed .",
"-lsb- an -rsb- excellent and unexpectedly nuanced documentary ...",
"captures the tone of the times with a clear , surprisingly compassionate eye .",
"it develops an almost mournful empathy for its subjects as they fall from great heights to merely impressive ones .",
"director lauren greenfield finds the pathos in an ultra-wealthy couple who willingly mortgaged their own future .",
"the siegels make the kardashians and donald trump look like tasteful pikers when it comes to egregiously conspicuous consumption , sheer hubris and utter refusal to take responsibility for their actions .",
"MOV is the lucky case of a documentary where life intervenes and deepens the film in completely unexpected ways .",
"director lauren greenfield 's timing turned out to be extraordinarily fortuitous in its depiction of how the mighty also fall , in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis .",
"these are not horrible people , just ones who flung themselves enthusiastically toward the american dream as so many do .",
"i feel contempt for my contempt for these people . whether that 's my problem or the film 's , i 'm not entirely sure , but i 'm leaning toward blaming greenfield .",
"a powerhouse documentary , the film shifts from simply being a fly-on-the-wall look at material decadence and moral decay into a study of a family trying to hold itself together during a trying period .",
"a documentary about a rich couple riding the waves of wealth and greed and then plunging downwards .",
"both the quintessential documentary about the great recession , and quite possibly the most schadenfreude-filled movie of all time .",
"if you 've ever wondered how that one percent of the richest lives , this film will show you how one family lives -lrb- they are probably back in the 99 percent now -rrb- , and it ai n't pretty .",
"my problem with this riches to rags americana story is that i felt no sympathy for the featured self-absorbed materialists .",
"... their plight plays like the financial crisis in miniature . or perhaps it 's in macro .",
"strangely entertaining and revealing documentary about a culture obsessed with money and people aspiring to a life they ca n't afford . greed is good once again if you can borrow enough money to consume all you desire . mind the debt gap .",
"humanizes the upper one percent in a 100-percent entertaining way .",
"a pretty effective warning shot across the bow of the one percenters .",
"an ultimately haunting worst-case-scenario for americans living beyond their means after the bottom dropped out ."
] | the_queen_of_versailles | MOV is a timely , engaging , and richly drawn portrait of the american dream improbably composed of equal parts compassion and schadenfreude . | 771266152 |
"amiable , lightweight fare that adults might appreciate more than children .",
"there 's not a single laugh-out-loud moment in the whole film .",
"good fun if you can put up with the pastel colours and plasticky textures , which show that in modern fantasy animation all that pixellates is n't pixar .",
"it 's frenetic and knowing in the modern manner , though , a couple of good gags apart , not very funny . its patchiness merely demonstrates the gap between pixar and the rest of the field - which is the distance between genius and talent .",
"an extremely dull and unfunny comedy with pop-culture references where the gags should be , and humdrum voicings .",
"while pretty much a cut-and-shut of every animated movie of the past decade , this sci-fi comedy should achieve blast-off with the under-10s . for adults , however , this is as solidly so what ? as you can get .",
"a jumble of kiddie slapstick and pointless chases .",
"the laughs come thick and fast in a sprightly kid pleaser full of slapstick set-pieces and memorable characters , while more grown-up viewers will find themselves grinning at pastiches of the cold war paranoia of bygone sci-fi movies .",
"silly but not hilarious ... with a message that 's so simplistic you might miss it .",
"it 's no shock to see shrek co - writer joe stillman on the credits , because MOV follows the exact same formula - slapstick for the kids , sly gags for the parents and a rubbish romantic subplot for nobody .",
"inoffensively bland .",
"with nods to spielberg , stanley kubrick and a host of sci-fi b-movies , the film 's pop-culture references are there but predictable rather than inspired . a bit like the whole movie .",
"it 's hard not to compare , but pixar 's classy and imaginative films set the bar high , while movies like this aim too low .",
"when a film 's best characters are rip-offs from other movies . you know you 're in trouble .",
"... a mildly entertaining , visually well-crafted animation that can wait for rental .",
"like the alien town of glipforg at its core , MOV offers attractions that are just a little too familiar to take the viewer out of this world .",
"the film is n't terrible if you 're , say , six . because you simply do n't know any better .",
"much of the detail will go above the heads of its young audience , but adults will enjoy the clever touches , like the alien hotline , the upcoming anticipated release of the movie humanian 3 and the rock-collecting probe called rover",
"ca n't quite get over the inertia of its failings",
"after all the other animated cgi films this year , MOV just feels like a rehash , and not nearly as charming as it wants to be .",
"an uninspired computer-animated feature that may satisfy undiscriminating pipsqueaks and nearly no one else , MOV is a low-iq e.t. in reverse ...",
"MOV does n't have enough plot for a 10-minute animated short , much less a 90-minute feature . and unfortunately , what it does have plenty of is crude , lowest-common denominator humor .",
"young children and adults with high pain thresholds will enjoy the movie during its brief pause on the way to your on demand menu .",
"the whole thing is just terrible .",
"the movie 's idea of big laughs is an extended anal probe joke .",
"perhaps the spanish-based animated feature MOV should have added a dash of pedro almodovar to spice up a rather ordinary revisitation of et .",
"a tale of human/alien friendship , MOV seems worse than it is because it comes at the end of one of the best years in the history of animation .",
"this has the directionless , recycled feel of a script by committee .",
"dull and lifeless , moving inertly from point to point without offering much that 's memorable or amusing",
"does n't belong anywhere near the best animated picture race , but you can do a lot worse when looking for a family flick to pass the time .",
"a trite compendium of everything that 's wrong with non-pixar computer-animated feature films .",
"an often amusing , harmless adventure with enough inoffensive humor and impressive cgi animation to make up for its lack of exhilarating moments and refreshing surprises .",
"it works for about 20 minutes . and only if you grew up in the 1950s to juke boxes filled with rock and roll including sheb wooley 's the purple people eater",
"... characters are as thin and unengaging as the animation is sleek and shiny .",
"so trivial and unimaginative that , unless you 're desperate for sci-fi diversion for the kids , you should wait for the dvd .",
"it 's cute , it 's passable , the animation is fine -- but the major problem with the film is its predictability .",
"after positing its central gimmick , it more or less stands there for 90 minutes , waiting for applause that never comes .",
"if this had been released on thanksgiving day or christmas day , it would n't have been lost in the shuffle .",
"if you 've seen space chimps , you can expect the same level of quality . it 's not excruciating , but it 's entirely forgettable .",
"this sharp-looking but unimaginative adventure has n't the wit of similar kiddie flicks .",
"with nowhere to go except toward that incongruous moral , the story is getting thin on the ground , obliging director jorge blanco to pad with the usual plush stuffing -- bland action and busy edits .",
"the script lacks wit , and the in-joke references to cinematic sci-fi classics will soar over little kids ' heads without pleasing many adults .",
"this simply does n't have the right stuff .",
"the movie as a whole is n't exactly ground-breaking , and some of the humor tanks . but it has enough action , laughs and candy-hued visuals to satisfy the target audience without plunging grown-ups into despair .",
"the agreeable but flagrantly unoriginal MOV belongs to the mix-and-match school of animated moviemaking .",
"MOV sucks .",
"definitely a planet worth a visit .",
"mediocre , clunky and just so not special .",
"MOV is innocuous to the point of distraction .",
"underwhelming alien comedy has some suggestive humor .",
"it 's fun for the kids , and adults should have a good time too .",
"MOV is cute , but it 's no shrek .",
"stargazers believe there 's intelligent life out there . you just wo n't find much of it on `` MOV . ''",
"plays to the cheap seats rather than exploring its admittedly clever premise to the fullest .",
"`` singin ' in the rain '' references ? john glenn ? cold war duck-and-cover drills ? what time capsule yielded this script ?",
"children wo n't understand the '50s - based humor or the references to the creature features that dominated the era , while adults will muster little more than the occasional chuckle",
"what gives with joe stillman , a credited writer on the wonderfully witty shrek/shrek 2 ? here , his prior expertise in working with lime green characters has inexplicably given way to lifeless gray .",
"computers have been assisting in the production of animated films more and more every year , but have they started writing them too ?",
"MOV is n't terrible , just bland and predictable as a story , though at least the humor that 's tacked onto it is gentle and unassuming ...",
"it 's good-spirited , and there are enough colorful characters to please its intended audience . best of all is an earth-built robot on wheels named rover , who thinks it 's a dog . he 'll be a hit . if only the main characters were as interesting .",
"MOV mainly succeeds at reminding you of all the better movies that inspired it .",
"a playful throwback to the days when cartoons were mostly aimed at children .",
"a high concept gets low execution in MOV , a lame-brained toon that even kids will recognize as an insipid goof on sci-fi conventions .",
"a charming spoof of cold-war alien paranoia , this is visually inventive and full of action , but could do with more humour .",
"while certainly diverting , its overly frantic attempts at humour , pointless homages to other films and lack of charm mean it falls some way short . it 's not terrible but neither is it memorable .",
"nothing really gels and MOV just comes across as shrill , rushed and unfunny .",
"a short-sighted assembly of sci-fi references and scatalogical humor that should nonetheless placate undemanding tots ... for ninety minutes or so .",
"in terms of animation , MOV is out of this world . then there 's the story and the characters , which are about as dull as a dirty penny .",
"`` a poorly conceived comedy spotlighting a collection of anal-centric humor that 's about as appealing as baseball bat to the face . ''",
"so inane that not only is adult enjoyment unattainable , even younger audiences will be on to its lack of intelligence and novelty .",
"a poorly animated , poorly conceived , utterly predictable science fiction adventure without a single shred of originality .",
"well and truly aimed at kids , MOV is a film they will thoroughly enjoy yet which any accompanying adult will have lots of laughs in too .",
"a thin joke becomes attenuated to breaking point .",
"as the umpteenth computer-animated film released this year , it must contend with an over-saturated marketplace . that 's one strike . the second strike is that it 's not any good .",
"parental content review",
"the movie has little ambition to the creation of its world and even less when it comes to the humor .",
"rest assured that nothing of significance will disturb said infant , neither feelings nor images nor ideas . no danger here ; just a faint , faraway tickle of boredom .",
"it is a shame that a movie tweaking retro cliches falls into the white bread conventions itself , especially from a madrid-based production company .",
"instead of spinning its spoof of 1950s sci-fi paranoia in new directions , the movie trades in potty humor and tired sendups of the terminator and star wars .",
"the story itself is weakly conceived and does n't sustain a feature-length movie .",
"starring bright animation and the voices of justin long and dawyne johnson , MOV follows a hilarious concept with weak execution and way too many references to better films .",
"the film fails at creating characters with credible emotional textures , a task easily , and vividly , demonstrated by pixar time and time again .",
"at a time when so many other animated films are actively pushing the envelope , MOV just bottom-feeds .",
"the action pans out pretty predictably but such is the verve of the story and the impressive visuals you may find yourself heading off course to catch MOV .",
"it could have added up to something . alas , any excitement is submerged by the relentless barrage of trite sci-fi allusions and nudge-nudge gags aimed solely at adults .",
"little kids who 've never seen this story before might get a kick out of it and its bold colours . parents will be yawning and looking at their watches . at least g-force dared you to hate it ; this just dares you to stay awake .",
"the screenplay aims wide for every snappy , pop-culture joke that can possibly be cracked . but the viewer 's funnybone remains an elusive target .",
"funny and well designed , but does n't live up to potential due to uninspired dialogue and heavy hand of marketing .",
"just how much of this will be appreciated by children is questionable , but the film is clearly intended to keep them happy with lashings of colour , movement and cheesy jokes while older , diehard geeks can enjoy all the reference spotting .",
"a hideously annoying and emotionally blank tale .",
"there 's enough of a storyline here to keep younger space cadets moderately settled .",
"glar and his friends are more or less all-purpose protestors , showing up on sidewalks with placards announcing , `` we 're really upset ! '' over nothing specific . and that makes them about as amiable and as bland as everyone else on MOV .",
"i 'm going to go out on a limb and say MOV was written by a bunch of monkeys ... who were trapped in a room with some typewriters . surprisingly , the works of shakespeare are the only texts they have n't blatantly ripped off .",
"a movie so flat and derivative that it seems to have been cobbled together from other , better pictures .",
"largely , it 's a jellybean of a movie : bright , colorful , sugary , and with no real content .",
"the animated sci-fi spoof MOV makes you wonder if things might be more interesting on planet 52 .",
"do anal probe gags sound like fine family entertainment ? how about multiple scenes depicting ugly gay panic ? not to worry ; a penis joke referring to a male member as an ` antenna ' is right around the corner .",
"independently and internationally produced cg animated comedy MOV has the visuals to compare with bigger budgeted hollywood studio offerings but not the storytelling spark .",
"although not bowling me over , MOV is a jolly and good-looking animated feature in glorious 2-d .",
"it 's all a creepy mishmash of sci-fi and fantasy classics that director jorge blanco tarts up with an unwholesome preoccupation with pee , anal plugs , and homosexual anxiety .",
"this 90-minute movie feels about five hours long .",
"animated alien entertainment exclusively for those who 've already had their brains sucked out .",
"delivers a few pleasant surprises , including a smart story -- a reverse-e.t. riff that plops an american astronaut down in a world of just-like-us-only-green creatures -- and clever characters ..."
] | planet_51 | MOV squanders an interesting premise with an overly familiar storyline , stock characters , and humor that alternates between curious and potentially offensive . | 770782178 |
"in its present form , however , the film 's merits are compromised by structural and conceptual flaws .",
"the high point of this entertaining documentary is -lsb- rob -rsb- stewart 's stop-at-nothing passion to save the sharks , especially when he hooks up with renegade conservationist paul watson to track down poachers off the coast of costa rica .",
"thanks to -lsb- t -rsb- his sometimes gruesome , sometimes harrowing and often exuberant film , you will never look at sharks the same way again .",
"pretty , if polemical look at sharks , the illegal harvesting of fins , and one man 's journey into radical activism .",
"the film does what it 's supposed to , inspire outrage . but still , jaws will never have the appeal of those baby pandas .",
"it is forceful . it is advocacy journalism . it is a documentary with a social conscience and a scientific agenda .",
"how strange to gaze upon the jaws of the most feared creatures on earth , and to contemplate how they are no match for the teeth of man .",
"rob stewart 's labour of love goes beyond mere obsession with our ` most amazing and mysterious animal . '",
"torontonian rob stewart 's underwater polemic on the many enemies of the behemoths at the top of the ocean 's food chain comes on a little strong .",
"cautionary environmental documentary that asserts there 's more to sharks than `` jaws . ''",
"features beautiful underwater photography and a stirring call to action .",
"stewart , a toronto-based marine biologist and underwater photographer , makes up for in passion what he lacks in narrative subtlety .",
"the ` reality drama ' that unfolds on-screen takes viewers away from the real ecological issue -lrb- much as it took stewart away from his diving -rrb-",
"MOV delivers an important message , and its underwater photography is breathtaking . but stewart lessens the impact by focusing much too much on himself . did he really have to go into detail about his own health problems ?",
"MOV is fascinating both as political statement and beautifully filmed documentary .",
"an amateurish but enjoyable and informative piece correcting all the misconceptions we might have about sharks .",
"ecological alarm clock once again rings in 2007",
"dazzling underwater photography . compromises story/entertainment for message .",
"undersea photographer rob stewart , who directed , wrote , narrated , stars in , and helped shoot MOV , really , really loves sharks . he also fears for their future on the planet . his lively documentary makes you see why , on both counts .",
"faintly egotistical biologist-turned-filmmaker rob stewart spent four years making this investigative doc and the result , despite his tendency towards over-earnest , stoner-esque commentary , is enlightening , shocking and more than a little worrying .",
"stewart 's point is that the shark fin industry , in its short-sighted quest for financial gain , may trigger an ecological disaster beyond the extinction of the sharks themselves . this is depressing , but important , stuff .",
"stewart 's ` personal journey ' format is n't entirely successful , and verges on the egotistical , but the message of this film , and the imagery and statistics it tells it with , is angry , credible and worthwhile .",
"planet earth saturation and the bludgeoning political stance pull it down , but it 's still a consistently engaging , partly thrilling look at a misunderstood species .",
"with its stunning photography this would be a righteous and magnificent documentary were it not for the on-camera presence of film-maker rob stewart , marine biology 's answer to tom cruise .",
"here 's a documentary with teeth and a bite that should leave a nasty scar on the conscience of the illegal fishermen who continue to brutally plunder sharks for their fins % u2013 and those ignorant fools who consume shark fins",
"it 's a film you come away from feeling that you should get out there on the streets and start marching for sharks .",
"it 's jaws - starring man as a far scarier predator .",
"if the film sometimes gets choppy , the filmmaker 's passion for the subject and the disturbing revelations to be gained from watching the film make it more than worthwhile .",
"it 's hard not to admire a man with such admiration for the obscure , but grizzly man did it much better .",
"rob stewart 's visually stunning documentary makes a powerful statement about the disastrous decline of the world 's shark population and why it should -- and must -- matter to us .",
"MOV is a rare advocacy film that arouses both awe and wonder .",
"MOV has a message or two or three ; its intentions are nothing if not noble .",
"while it 's true that documentary filmmaker rob stewart comes on with an onslaught of zeal over his legendary subject , sharks , it 's also true that he proves he 's no `` grizzly man '' taking up with bears in the wild .",
"this beautiful and urgent eco-doc takes a bite out of the shark mythology made indelible by jaws .",
"stewart is his own star , a would-be speedo model and whoa-dude narrator whose droning reflections get in the way of his stunning underwater cinematography .",
"MOV probably ranks as one of the most frightening shark movies ever -- but sharks are the victims .",
"undeniably captivating .",
"this beautiful and horrifying debut feature by the underwater cameraman rob stewart of toronto characterizes the depletion of the world 's shark population as an ecological catastrophe with dire consequences for humanity .",
"it may seem strange to contemplate the possibility that sharks are more victim than vicious . yet after stewart makes his case you may find them and their cause , as he does , all-consuming ."
] | sharkwater | in addition to its breathtaking underwater photography , MOV has a convincing , impassioned argument of how the plight of sharks affects everyone . | 385330535 |
"a unique , kooky gem .",
"unfortunately , only about half of the many jokes and gags in the film are actually funny .",
"full of ... goofy ironies , and while it ai n't moličre , it is a pretty great entry in the teen-comedy genre . -lsb- blu-ray -rsb-",
"hilarious and brilliantly deadpan .",
"perhaps the greatest movie of all time",
"forget citizen kane . as a matter of history , this seminal film is unquestionably the finest work of cinema ever made . required viewing for all students and fans of the art form .",
"i 've rarely met anyone who did n't secretly love it passionately .",
"classic '80s cusack vehicle .",
"strives to be offbeat and sometimes works itself into a sweat doing so . the humor often hits the bullseye , however ...",
"i love this movie , with its bizarre tangents and dream sequences .",
"MOV 's charm stems from its imagination and attitude .",
"the film does n't seem to have much of a focus . but it does n't seem to want one , either .",
"john cusack can even turn a no-brainer into worthwhile entertainment",
"john cusack launched his career as a lovable loser at love with this teen comedy about a guy who gets dumped when his girlfriend decides to trade up .",
"although the plot is sweet and simple , the laughs are what make this movie stand out .",
"it 's a sure bet you 're gon na have fun ."
] | 1002213-better_off_dead | MOV is an anarchic mix of black humor and surreal comedy , anchored by john cusack 's winsome , charming performance . | 10107 |
"the great high-school comedy that spawned a thousand rip-offs .",
"the comedy captured the brutal realism of post-sexual-revolution high school life and has been imitated often , rarely equaled , and surpassed only once .",
"the movie is sublimely funny . and interesting .",
"lacks the frenzied energy which allowed porky 's to beat all competitors in its field .",
"a brashly funny yet sensitive comedy that has become a cult favorite .",
"was never all it was cracked up to be .",
"sean penn 's calling never left mr. hand 's classroom .",
"-lsb- penn -rsb- sets the tone of fun for the whole movie .",
"this r-rated comedy captured the natural humor of high school life , while also addressing serious topics .",
"great fun if not quite the great teen pic some believe it to be .",
"the nice thing is that crowe and director amy heckerling have provided something pleasant to observe in all of these characters though they really are sadly lacking in anything gripping .",
"what it does n't have is a clear point of view , something that would make it of more interest than leafing through a high school yearbook .",
"-lsb- video essay -rsb- `` MOV '' is a remarkable outlier in the teen movie genre even if tone-deaf critics such as roger ebert panned the film upon its released in 1982 .",
"i 'll take something like the breakfast club or many of john hughes films over crowe 's characters any day .",
"fast times is a brilliant , funny and often challenging examination of teenage life in the early 1980s .",
"teen movie is full of sex , drugs , and misbehavior .",
"a cult classic .",
"director amy heckerling has failed to provide the raunch or poignancy that would interest young moviegoers , all of whom have seen american graffiti and its 467 imitators . ridgemont high ? a nice place to visit , but who would want to transfer there ?",
"fast times will always be remembered for one thing : showing respect for and insight into the members of its core audience , something that was as rare in the 1980s as it is today .",
"director amy heckerling almost encourages the film 's shapelessness , letting the individual moments speak for themselves , rather than molding a cohesive whole .",
"works well because we have the sense that , like crowe , we are listening in .",
"what plot there is garnishes itself with an array of such like-minded sensibilities that you 'd be hard pushed to find much in the way of fault .",
"MOV has really stood the test of time . ridgemont will still have you reeling with laughter , and tapping your feet along to those eclectic pop classics .",
"it 's among the coolest high school films i 've ever seen , and it 's one of the most representative movies of the 80s .",
"fast times has not endured the passage of time .",
"may be the greatest teen movie ever made .",
"an engaging 80s time capsule and an important early film for heckerling and screenwriter cameron crowe .",
"a jumbled but appealing teen-age comedy with something of a fresh perspective on the subject .",
"a high school comedy gem",
"pretty dated now , but it 's early penn. .",
"how could they do this to jennifer jason leigh ? how could they put such a fresh and cheerful person into such a scuz-pit of a movie ?",
"... largely prosaic , crude , stereotyped , and pointless .",
"penn has a huge presence in the film , and every whacked line he utters resonates with the sheer hilarity that he fully believes in what he says",
"the filmmakers ' attempts to capture the `` real '' high school experience run hot and cold , while the comedy quotient just does n't cut it .",
"MOV explores adolescent energy with elan .",
"the panoply of teen types and turmoils is dead-on accurate ."
] | fast_times_at_ridgemont_high | while MOV features sean penn 's legendary performance , the film endures because it accurately captured the small details of school , work , and teenage life . | 120401662 |
"part of the dance in `` MOV '' is between one 's own destiny and uncontrollable forces .",
"the loony-goony visuals are still in play , but there 's a sympathy for the audience , a desire to put things to good and even meaningful use .",
"a lot of the film does n't quite click , either as dream imagery or something more conventional . but there 's a spirit and a yearning in it that 's undeniable and bracing .",
"say this about the godfather of midnight movies , alejandro jodorowsky : he loves a parade and he puts on a doozy",
"growing up in a tiny , coastal mining town in northern chile in the 1930s might sound tedious , but only if you have n't seen alejandro jodorowsky 's `` MOV . ''",
"yep . jodorowsky can still make a trippy , surreal , dream-like movie .",
"bizarre and graphic , unforgettable and unpredictable .",
"we never quite know where a jodorowsky film is going to take us . that 's a bonus in the present age of bland predictability .",
"here the legacy of blood flows in both directions , replicating itself in an infinite dance . while the first half focuses on young alejandro 's relationship with macho authoritarian jaime , the second is as much about the father 's own coming of age .",
"a thrillingly surrealist exercise , one that plays out like a dream -- sometimes like a nightmare -- as it relates jodorowsky 's semi-autobiographical , coming-of-age tale .",
"you may not learn much about alejandro jodorowsky 's actual childhood after watching this affecting film . you will see how the situation of his growing up influenced everything else in his life , however .",
"this is a stirring and strange mix of history , memory , and fantasy .",
"it is playful and expansive . this film is awesome in the old sense of the word . it is one of the best films of the year .",
"the 85-year-old chilean director 's brisk recreation of his childhood in the coastal town of tocopilla bursts with eminently buoyant and decidedly earthy passages .",
"proof that the legendary provocateur is still a font of out-there invention .",
"indulgent , felliniesque , funny , sad , philosophical , political , religious and some might even say incestuous , jodorowsky 's latest features the filmmaker as the compassionate guardian of his 8 year-old self ...",
"something very close to a masterpiece .",
"one of the most unforgettable films of this or any other year in recent memory .",
"jodorowsky 's first movie in 23 years , and the best thing he 's done , film-wise , since the holy mountain .",
"a film with an imagination as big as its heart - which is mighty grand , and more powerful than authoritarianism .",
"the first feature in almost quarter of a century from the veteran director of el topo and santa sangre is a surprisingly witty , accessible magical mystery tour through his past .",
"by turns playful , tragic and surprisingly light on its feet , this welcome comeback for alejandro jodorowsky should keep its maker fully booked on the fest circuit .",
"in this movie , the director is bidding farewell to his past , and to his childhood , and perhaps to the world . it is an arresting spectacle .",
"jodorowsky has crafted a beautiful bricolage which is both easy to digest and engage with and also unlike anything you have seen before . an absolute marvel .",
"the film is a poem of ideas , a myth , a spectacle - and yet it never ceases to be a story , one with a beginning , a middle and an end . jodorowsky speaks in cyphers , but his storytelling is clear and lucid .",
"so as flawed as it is throughout , particularly in visual quality , and though it starts to lag toward the end ... we found ourselves gladly feasting , occasionally to laugh-out-loud effect , at the groaning banquet table of MOV ...",
"nostalgia and narcissism from a cinematic grand master .",
"a minor success from a major figure .",
"MOV , which deserves a place alongside amarcord as a fantastical take on coming of age , is the work of a wise and experienced old soul with the passion and curiosity of a young man .",
"jodorowsky 's images can be stunning , and his ability to acknowledge pain without being depressing is a rare gift . the film is a wayward dream but well worth embracing .",
"el topo is back . a surprisingly poignant , amarcord-like memoir .",
"a wonderfully surreal journey into memory and misery , jam-packed with all the oddity and incongruity jodorowsky is known for , still kicking with mischief after all this time away from moviemaking .",
"despite its many flaws , this is a major work that deserves attention .",
"it makes sense , in the way that a nightmare makes sense .",
"i appreciate the theatricality of jodorowsky and his imaginative and hallucinatory way of telling his story . he is definitely a man who follows his own path .",
"whatever childhood traumas jodorowsky may need to exorcise are ultimately subsumed by the movie 's wild invention and carnivalesque cheer .",
"the filmmaker 's novel approach to memoir deserves a wider audience . maybe everything has been done before , but never quite like this .",
"it may hold some interest to cinephiles as a relic of a kind of extravagant , overheated personal cinema that does n't exist anymore .",
"-lsb- jodorowsky 's -rsb- newfound focus is personal and political , and the vibrant result signals a major talent with plenty more to show us .",
"MOV may be alejandro jodorowsky 's best film , and certainly , in a filmography top-heavy with freak-show hyperbole and symbology stew , the one most invested in narrative meaning .",
"more than a return to form , MOV deepens its possibilities without sacrificing the macabre freakishness coursing through the director 's work -- and that 's the prime reason for celebrating its continuation .",
"a welcome return for an artist who truly deserves the sobriquet el maestro .",
"alejandro jodorowsky never manages to transcend the sense that he 's indulging himself and participating in a hollow introspection unworthy of his prior cinema .",
"jodorowsky 's first film in 23 years is a felliniesque voyage into his past . it 's wild and messy , but also vibrantly creative , the work of a boundary-pushing artist who has n't finished exploring .",
"MOV represents jodorowsky in an accessible mode , telling a version of his life story in a way that will allow anyone who 's never seen any of his work before -lsb- ... -rsb- to get a good sense of who he is and what he 's all about .",
"the crisp digital has nothing on the bold primary colors of his best work -- but the shape-shifting narrative has a lazy sunday movie watching charm .",
"the filmmaker makes peace with his difficult youth by accepting that every life is filled with both darkness and light .",
"-lsb- video essay -rsb- ... `` MOV '' is a loving film that dares to reconstitute atrocious familial , social , and political trespasses as violations to be forgiven in the interest of altering reality .",
"it had a few el topo moments i could dig , but mostly tested my patience in dealing with jodorowsky 's at times tiresome self-indulgent art .",
"MOV is a surprisingly moving , emotionally satisfying experience , which twirls you round in a warm , confident embrace , making sure to toss in plenty of its director 's signature madcap moves .",
"this probably is n't an ideal starting point for a jodorowsky novice , but fans of the fellini brand of self-referential biography cinema may find it appealing .",
"it is absolutely crazy -- but it 's the good kind of crazy .",
"it wo n't be to all tastes -lrb- graphic nudity , full-frontal urination -rrb- and is more hallucinatory memory book than straight autobiography , but what a journey it is .",
"this is the work of someone coming to terms with their past , transmuting the traumas of childhood into the building blocks of adult awareness .",
"you may not know what to think of it , but you 'll be glad that it exists .",
"at first the film seems overly stagey , and those with little time for circus acts may find it irritating , but when jodorowsky hits his surreal stride ."
] | the_dance_of_reality | this long-overdue return from alejandro jodorowsky finds him just as overflowing with imagination -- and heart -- as fans have come to expect . | 771355924 |
"director marcus nispel continues in MOV the gory/lame tradition he began with his texas chainsaw massacre remake .",
"though you ca n't say MOV does n't deliver the goods , action-wise , the movie often has trouble sticking to its story between battles or involving us with its characters and its self-consciously mythic hero .",
"heroic fantasy of the first order , from filmmakers who obviously studied the paintings of frank frazetta and the writings of robert e. howard .",
"once the actual fighting begins , the film turns dull and lifeless . from beginning to end , the film plods when it should pulse .",
"a chaotic piece of storytelling , told with the dull flash of quick-cut editing , ugly cinematography , and clichés that apparently pre-date columbus ' journey to the new world .",
"MOV 's moody , muddy look is courtesy of music-video director marcus nispel , who does n't distinguish between people and tree trunks when it comes to emotional content .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- compelling example of purely cinematic storytelling that eschews almost all dialogue and lets moody colors and visceral action tell a tale that is mythic and metaphoric ...",
"it 's all a mess , but the scenery is nice .",
"even an epic film with the best of intentions can be badly directed . and here 's a fine example . `` MOV , '' with its silly melodrama of a script , is proof of this .",
"whatever significance the legend had gets lost amid the repellent butchery .",
"... little more than an excuse to present a bunch of slice and dice battle scenes filmed with murky cinematography and a notable absence of emotional resonance .",
"the movie is part apocalypto -lrb- warriors , threat of hostile takeover , violence ! -rrb- and part 300 -lrb- warriors , threat of hostile takeover , violence ! -rrb- , but with the commercial misfortune of being neither .",
"it 's not our idea of a good time , but we 'll bet that plenty of adolescent boys will be doing their best to look 18 years old this weekend .",
"celebrates a sense of identity and community more importantly defined by a shared set of convictions , than blood ties or dna .",
"at times hallucinatory but ultimately , utterly forgettable .",
"are these really the ancestors of ikea ?",
"pure cheesy spectacle , as bad as anything you 'd find on ` mystery science theater 3000 , ' and with plenty of absurd dialogue for the hecklers to ridicule .",
"all cinematic creativity seems to have focused on devising the most repellent ways to maim and murder .",
"director marcus nispel , best known for his music video shoots delivers all style and no substance , sacrificing story for a good sword up the ass everytime .",
"muddled , ugly , pointless , silly , incoherent , overly familiar and exceedingly dull .",
"strives to be a latter-day conan the barbarian .",
"the movie takes us on a journey to an ugly , contentious period in our misty , ancient past -- all the way back to four months ago , when apocalypto came out .",
"the design , the limited , primitive color palette and the breathless , primal violence make MOV work about as well as any movie with this director and this cast and villains who speak norwegian was going to work .",
"filled with foggy shots stolen from lotr and laden with decapitations , MOV is faux-period gore trash with no redeeming qualities and a high dullness factor . find another path .",
"the film is one expertly staged battle after another , but it seems to be less about violence than about the frustration and fear behind violence . MOV makes sure its carnage is bloody , awful and pointless . but pretty .",
"loud and overbusy but never exciting , MOV is an action film only insofar as airborne prop heads and severed appendages equal action .",
"turns history into the equivalent of a horror movie , one with a less-than-stellar cast and some serious plot holes .",
"dialogue is a low priority in this film , which has less plot than most video games .",
"the story makes conan the barbarian seem like dostoyevsky in its complexity .",
"there 's a fan 's sincere hokeyness about MOV that makes the experience relatively painless , in spite of the number of people who get tortured , decapitated or dismembered .",
"this one is an instant mystery science theatre 3000 classic , ideal for watching on tv with loud friends .",
"MOV sweeps fantasy to a new level : gritty , layered , chill-chasing .",
"after the first 1,000 or so beheadings , impalements and severed limbs , MOV 's slash may just induce sleep .",
"this latest bit of historical balder-dash stands in direct defiance of proven action-movie formulas , trusting its brutal concept and striking visuals to overcome a lack of star power .",
"never has an idea of such splendid nuttiness been so squandered to the god of neurotic style .",
"MOV is simultaneously action-packed and a total bore , a strange movie that never seems to move even though it consists of almost nothing but violence .",
"gory but disappointing .",
"without anything more to offer , the choreographed carnage gets stale very quickly .",
"MOV 's main appeal will be to connoisseurs of gore , who will find no shortage of graphically rendered stabbings , shootings , smashings , severings and slicings .",
"imagine a heavy metal album cover come suddenly to life and you pretty much have the measure of MOV .",
"the fault here lies in the film 's dead rhythm , which never lights the sparks necessary for an action film . the plot and action progress like an eroding lakeshore , but the energy and excitement are washed away in every scene .",
"had the camera been a firing squad pointed towards its actors , their careers would have taken less damage .",
"a one-note slog through some painfully familiar territory .",
"it 's a tedious experience in almost every way : the acting is numbingly one-note , the cgi work is unconvincing and often downright shoddy , and the action is poorly staged and framed so close you can never tell for sure who is lopping off whose head .",
"metal heads will be in valhalla ; everyone else should find a different path .",
"the movie is filmed in a way that makes it seem like the camera has epilepsy and the color desaturation renders everything murky . someone should remind director marcus nispel that there 's a difference between making a music video and a feature film .",
"another graphic novel-y movie that presents its maniacal machismo on a smaller scale than 300 but makes up for it by being even loonier .",
"when placed inside a film featuring vikings that look more like members of gwar and karl urban trying to act butch enough to cover the fact that he 's running around in a dishrag and uggs , any opportunity to stop the film to chat is a bad idea .",
"like beastmaster or conan but without the wit or inspiration .",
"i did n't think it was possible to make a movie involving vikings worse than 1978 's the norsemen starring lee majors , but director marcus nispel and company have accomplished just that with this formulaic piece of poorly made pc trash .",
"as dim and dank as a power failure in a peepshow , MOV is apocalypto without the laughs or 300 without the muscular visuals and elevating dialogue .",
"undone by a murky palette , silly horror-movie cliches , dumb dialogue and a confusing climactic sequence .",
"no more than a minute into this , and it becomes obvious that the next 98 are going to be trouble .",
"the official MOV web site is far more interesting than the movie itself , and you 'll get better history lessons from the vikings of minnesota .",
"the end of the road almost makes this a path worth taking , but most audience members will probably be too bored by the time the movie finally gets there to really care .",
"must the 13-year-old boy hollywood seems most eager to please also be a sadist ? first came apocalypto , then 300 , now MOV .",
"there are two kinds of people in the world : those who think slow-motion is cool and those who do not . if you are of the former , i can recommend MOV .",
"the plot and action progress like an eroding lakeshore , but the energy and excitement are washed away in every scene .",
"i was so irritated that i paid money to see this that i snuck into two movies afterward to feel better about my investment . boooooooooring .",
"boasting a prettified brutality that rivals that of 300 , MOV also explores a similar theme , the manly pursuit of revenge at any cost .",
"for all its flaws , MOV is a unique little action film .",
"it 's a movie that belies its title , showing neither a strong sense of direction nor the drive to do anything other than display a whole lot of slashing and stabbing .",
"the plot ... can be summed up neatly in four words : hack ! slash ! grunt ! splat ! make that five : every once in a while one of the dying vikings lets out a loud , homer simpson-style 'd ` oh ! ' before departing for valhalla .",
"what killed this film in the theater was the lack of plot .",
"in the movie 's attempts to create drama amid the action , as in a downhill sled chase , all energy is sapped , and the audience ends up feeling nothing .",
"here 's hoping MOV ii is a straight-to-video - game release .",
"blood flows freely here , but the movie never creates a keen sense of involvement or mystery . even a major cliffhanging -lrb- literally -rrb- set piece winds up blurred by the addition of a blinding snowstorm .",
"cool concept and stylish visuals aside , MOV is n't strong enough to offer the type of prolonged escapism one might expect from a movie that pits vikings against indians .",
"though MOV was completed before 300 and the equally artful and brutal apocalypto , it can still do nothing but slog along in their footprints .",
"all basic interest , to say nothing of excitement , is sapped whenever the big , brutal battle sequences come to a halt and inane dialogue takes over .",
"all grunting , all goring , the witless action flick MOV has little to recommend it .",
"so bad , i was hoping everyone would die in the end , so i would n't have to sit through a sequel .",
"... given that battles between unequal forces have been a constant in human history , it provides some food for thought amidst the bloodshed ."
] | pathfinder | a few rousing action sequences ca n't make up for MOV 's non-existent plot and silly dialogue . | 387541669 |
"pretty much all of MOV is shot like an episode of punk 'd , with a soundtrack from an mtv2 playlist . which is all perfectly appropriate and kinda fun .",
"i laughed so much at the litany of clichés that i finally had to admit i was entertained from start to finish by this cheesy knock-off .",
"you could call this `` fight club jr. '' blended with `` karate kid redux '' and `` the fast and the furious again . ''",
"proves to be a bit of a guilty pleasure",
"when i think of tough fighters the first thing i think is disney world . you can take so much of that place before you want to go and beat the heck out of someone .",
"maybe it 's just a genre picture , but scene after scene in MOV displays vitality and wit . this is the year 's first good-looking and fully enjoyable american movie .",
"compulsively watchable ... there 's always something viscerally exciting about watching kung fu fighters whaling on each other .",
"if you thought the problem with step up 2 : the streets was that there were n't enough kicks to the head , this virtual remake is for you .",
"the story does have its moments , but for the most part it 's a paint-by-the-numbers affair .",
"with its thin characters and derivative plot , the finished product seems more like a marketing concept than an actual film .",
"this film 's achilles ' heel is its brain .",
"it 's a little karate kid , a smidge of fight club ... a lot of the o.c. -lrb- evil boy gigandet played an evil boy on that series -rrb- , and presto : probable hit .",
"as tennessee williams so often intimated , there 's always something to prove down south - typically one 's homoerotically-charged sense of manhood .",
"definitely better than a swift kick to the head , but it 's just about as subtle .",
"a pulpy piece of formulaic genre entertainment that couches its nonviolent message in a series of over-the-top , sweaty smack-downs designed to please youtube 's backyard brawl bunch .",
"the movie is just a cheesy , preposterous , semi-eroticized way of yelling , ` fight ! fight ! , ' when two people go at it in the school cafeteria .",
"as much as MOV tries to be the fist and the furious , it 's really just a load of raging bullsh*t .",
"tyler does not live on planet earth , but planet hollywood formula , where the storm clouds of fight club hang over the once charming but now seedy landscape of the karate kid .",
"never see movies that give stupid macho advice in their titles .",
"jeff wadlow directed this exploitation flick , which seems designed for students on spring break .",
"if mystery science theater 3000 ever makes a comeback , i 've got its first movie . a soulless blend of bad action , bad acting and worse writing , MOV is tolerable only if merciless wisecrackers are offering commentary .",
"remember in the '80s when they used to make all those stupid fight movies ? MOV is just like that . i was in the mood for a stupid '80s fight movie where fights happen just because we want to see fights .",
"while both -lsb- this movie and `` karate kid '' -rsb- are unintentionally hilarious , the difference is no one will remember `` MOV '' in two weeks , let alone 20 years .",
"the fights are parceled out at intervals during the last half , all leading to a climactic battle . but it 's hard to build suspense when you know it is coming and you know who will win .",
"MOV is a compulsory guilty pleasure . think : save the last dance meets fight club meets 8 mile meets youtube .",
"this movie is n't bad just because it follows a formula slavishly but because it does so without verve or passion .",
"the ethical nitwittery of `` fight so you do n't have to fight again '' and invocations of the iliad in this context brazenly transform a dumb bone-cruncher into a putridly dissembling one .",
"yesterday 's fight club is today 's `` combat club '' in this battle of teen six-pack abs .",
"a modest surprise : better acted than needed , better made than expected .",
"the karate kid joins the fight club and kicks butt !",
"high school fight club . discover new star sean faris and his homoerotic nemesis cam gigandet .",
"this unlikely hybrid of the karate kid and fight club is formulaic and derivative , but sufficiently well made to work as both teen-angst melodrama and bone-rattling brawl picture .",
"seriously , when it comes to filling your soundtrack with whiny , alt-rock ballads , you should highly consider backing down .",
"the 1980s are alive but not very well in MOV ...",
"fetishised footage of taut , muscular young men grappling with and pounding on each other . all i could think was , `` oh , go ahead . back down . we 'll all be happier . ''",
"... the plot is practically a remake of the karate kid . that may be sufficiently long ago that the target audience of teens wo n't notice , but it 's pretty blatant .",
"at its core MOV is just another teen exploitation movie , but middle-age viewers who wander into the theater might get the same giddy rush as the kids .",
"the human body ca n't do or withstand the things this movie claims it can , and one can only hope that pic 's probable success does n't trigger a dramatic rise in schoolyard body-slams , arm locks and chokeholds .",
"a cross between `` the karate kid '' and `` fight club , '' though without the a-list cast . that 's right , the a-list cast . when compared to the d-listers assembled in `` back down , '' pat morita and ralph macchio might as well be a-list .",
"movie is dopey . and with its emphasis on stupid violence , xylophone abs , and getting yourself on youtube , it 's yet another product that makes you feel bad about today 's youth culture .",
"gigandet chews up the scenery like he is a gigantic , post-apocalyptic termite bent on destruction .",
"director jeff wadlow and screenwriter chris hauty offer viewers nothing that they ca n't see done better on spike tv or one of the espn clones .",
"jeff wadlow 's direction is disorderly .",
"if you think about what this film is saying , the superficiality is overwhelming .",
"even for the trashy sub-genre it belongs to , `` MOV '' is sadly just lazy action pablum as will the five straight to dvd sequels be . i 'll just stick to `` karate kid '' ...",
"towering above all is hounsou , whose performance grants MOV a measure of dignity .",
"a formula flick that should have tapped out in the script stage .",
"by the time ever-noble , ever-watchable djimon hounsou shows up to teach earnest young jake honor and roundhouse kicks , the power-rock and smashmouth idiocy become like a fever dream , sweaty and hard to shake off .",
"enjoyably trashy teen flick that plays like a dumbed-down version of fight club , enlivened by an engaging lead performance by star-in-the-making sean faris .",
"the karate kid meets fight club but it 's no way near as good as it sounds .",
"speaking as someone who approached MOV with curiosity and hope rather than a sense of obligation , i implore you to stay away .",
"the acting is hammy , djimon hounsou shows up to give the flick a corny air of karate kid and there 's nothing particularly original about the whole premise but somehow it works . it must be those abs . or the kicks to them .",
"come back mr miyagi , all is forgiven .",
"even though it 's as predictable as a pro-wrestling match , what it lacks in originality it makes up for in the nervous energy of youth and testosterone .",
"imagine if fight club impregnated step up . their bastard child would be MOV .",
"while the character of jake is n't an emotionally taxing one , faris has his moments , especially in a low-key scene in which he attempts to explain why his character is full of rage .",
"here 's what i hoped for : someone to root for , someone to root against , an inspiring coach , some eye candy and , of course , training montages . i got what i wanted .",
"bloody fight film has heart , but it 's no champion .",
"a naive and truly obnoxious movie about the world of mixed martial arts .",
"people that actually think the trailer looks cool will probably like the movie enough and it does have some cool fights , i just could n't get past the fact that the movie gave you no one to root for .",
"the result is an entertaining roller coaster of emotions and actions , with djimon hounsou bringing dignity and meaning to his role as jean , the martial arts coach with his own demons to conquer",
"a sort of teenage fight club , complete with daddy issues , MOV is a slight refinement of the sort of picture that was ascendant in the '80s ... -lsb- blu-ray -rsb-",
"a generic , violent underdog story that pays a lot of lip service to non-violence when its characters are n't busy kicking and punching the tar out of each other .",
"a cliché-ridden guilty pleasure .",
"MOV is a tired , asinine attempt to piggyback on a fight club subculture and it does wonders to make mma seem like the most idiotic undertaking in recent memory .",
"mr. miyagi would not be pleased .",
"if you combined the karate kid with fight club , then threw in a dash of the o.c. and you got served then beat it with a stick until it was really stupid , you 'd have something twice as smart as MOV .",
"amid all this conventional-plotty mishmash , it 's not a newsflash that the role of jean , the tireless , morally upright and vaguely spiritual mentor , is especially grating .",
"director jeff wadlow finds a sort of nobility in the subject matter than you might not expect for a film that consists in large part of bloodthirsty mobs clamoring for violence .",
"finally , a movie that tells us what to do actually has something to say .",
"MOV offers extreme fighting as the modern-day alternative to sex , drugs and rock 'n' roll .",
"in lieu of character development we get musical montages , and the film is sliced and diced more than all of sweeney todd 's victims combined .",
"you have had soup deeper than this film , and a referee should have been on hand to call foul on the acting .",
"in the future , movies this derivative will be made by robots .",
"surprisingly , the movie is not terrible . in fact , it 's watchable -- if you can stand the sight of people pummeling each other .",
"MOV is teensploitation at its most obvious -- a boneheaded cliche-rama built around six-pack-ab standoffs between preening studs .",
"... spouts a hollow message of nonviolence while celebrating the brutal satisfaction of beating the crap out of someone .",
"bruising but brainless teen action-melodrama ... like a match that delivers a few good punches but drags on to a dull and predictable end .",
"is MOV so bad it 's good , or just plain bad ? really , it 's a little bit of both ."
] | never_back_down | though not without its pleasures , MOV faithfully adheres to every imaginable fight movie cliché . | 770681995 |
"possibly the best disney animated feature",
"clearly the high-water mark of disney 's animated features ; very nearly the high-water mark of american commercial film .",
"maybe the best disney of them all -- and that 's no wooden compliment .",
"arguably the greatest of the studio 's hand-drawn animated films , a technical and emotional marvel that has lost none of its charm , humor , or horror in the nearly 70 years since its initial theatrical release",
"perhaps the high water mark for walt disney pictures . sixty-five years still have n't produced its equal .",
"it 's an exciting and sometimes , for younger kids , scary adventure .",
"MOV is truly a frightening tale that parents need to carefully consider whether to show their children .",
"a marvel and a joy to behold , it 's the real thing . it 's the stuff that dreams -- and nightmares -- are made of .",
"one of disney 's greatest triumphs .",
"continues to shine bright as one of the most magical and delightful films in the disney animated library .",
"MOV is above all a cautionary story of the dangers that lurk beyond the comforting arms of the family .",
"one of the crown jewels of american cinema , and arguably the most beautiful animated movie in history .",
"dreams are something we all need to have , irrespective of age ; this uplifting fable reminds us of that .",
"even in our cynical age , it still manages to impress .",
"at the heart of this art is the thrill of the then-new : when MOV hits sea-base and gushes `` gee ! what a big place ! '' , we share a sense of joy at the filmmakers ' creative adventures .",
"although it may lack the heart-tugging appeal of snow white and the seven dwarfs , the consensus among animation fans is that 1940 's MOV remains the most perfect animated feature walt disney produced .",
"some films you think you know well , until you revisit them , and are struck all over again by that sense of wonder that moved you in the first place .",
"in spirit a classical european fairy tale , full of wonder and terror ... a pinnacle of artistic achievement that , after bambi , classic disney would never even try to match again .",
"the original scared straight !",
"can be enjoyed by both the young and old for its fine detailed craftsmanship and pleasing fairytale story .",
"for today 's knotty kids , MOV 's tale still has a few lessons , especially for little boys who lie , ditch school and go to amusement parks .",
"not up there with the very top echelon of disney classics , but MOV will still work its magic on younger viewers .",
"was there ever a scarier , more exciting animated feature than MOV ?",
"it 's still amazing to watch the sheer delight in movement and the sheer joy in decorating the frame with colors and shapes .",
"nope , no perverted subtext here .",
"MOV is a substantial piece of entertainment for young and old .",
"the charm , humor and loving care with which it treats its inanimate characters puts it in a class by itself .",
"it still is the best thing mr. disney has done and therefore the best cartoon ever made .",
"probably shows disney 's virtues and vices more clearly than any other cartoon .",
"a witty , touching , beautifully composed fable with strong biblical undertones .",
"the moral lessons include a literalization of metaphors about lying and other forms of misbehaving , and the grasp of a little boy 's emotions and behavior often borders on the uncanny ."
] | pinocchio_1940 | ambitious , adventurous , and sometimes frightening , MOV arguably represents the pinnacle of disney 's collected works -- it 's beautifully crafted and emotionally resonant . | 22471 |
"with its young cast and an appealing balance of uplifting attitude and irreverent humor , MOV has the potential to be a sleeper hit .",
"while you might not be able to dance to it , MOV has a good enough beat to propel it and make being in a marching band look cool .",
"shakes , rattles and rolls the house .",
"MOV sags a little toward the middle ... but the final showdown is a skills - 'n' - style spectacular that feels like vibrant outtake from a highly choreographed civil war .",
"-lsb- has -rsb- an abundance of heart and humor .",
"there is nothing inspirational about MOV and the only interesting parts occur in the film 's final stanza .",
"the band scenes are downright gladiatorial in their visceral impact and energy ... edited with the tightness of a snare drum and photographed with the geometrical majesty of a busby berkeley musical .",
"better than it has any right to be , yet remains an uneven affair not good enough to be worth running out and seeing .",
"i love that we get into this world of marching bands . we barely see any football players -- we see the top of their helmets as they 're getting out of the way .",
"any movie that makes hard work seem heroic deserves a look .",
"see this film to remind yourself what the great marching bands look and sound like .",
"more than compensating for the formula script are MOV 's tuneful glory and driving rhythms , along with a pulsating vitality that never flags .",
"MOV is a movie that treats its characters and audience with respect ; it ca n't be accused of being a dumbed-down teen comedy .",
"by the time its otherwise paint-by-numbers story reaches a finale , MOV has made band seem cool -- no small feat in the wake of american pie 2 .",
"it 's pretty warm , fuzzy and entertaining , even if it is n't very good .",
"MOV is a brassy formula film of a very high order , a movie that 's both entertaining and inspirational .",
"MOV has got the beat . this terrific film will have your feet tapping in movie-going joy .",
"this is the same formula with different variables .",
"... enthusiastically invokes the percussion rhythm , the brass soul and the sense of fierce competition that helps make great marching bands half the fun of college football games .",
"-lsb- MOV -rsb- is entertaining for what it does , and admirable for what it does n't do .",
"rife with nutty cliches and far too much dialogue .",
"at times , MOV is almost like the moments before an electrical storm - your hair stands on end ; your heart beats faster because of the adrenaline rush ; and your ears pop because of the pressure change in the air .",
"do n't expect any surprises in this checklist of teamwork cliches ...",
"perhaps it 's cliche to call the film ` refreshing , ' but it is . ` MOV ' shows a level of young , black manhood that is funny , touching , smart and complicated .",
"devon 's story is affecting , but it is the action on the field that makes the movie something special .",
"there 's a reason why people go to the bathroom during halftime .",
"-lsb- b -rsb- ear in mind that this is a movie whose climax features the kind of college football halftime antics you might normally take a bathroom break to avoid watching .",
"the symbols float like butterflies and the spinning styx sting like bees . i wanted more .",
"... this film has a vibrant and edgy feel to it making it a cut above the others .",
"a superlative b movie -- funny , sexy , and rousing .",
"pretty formulaic stuff ... but the specific setting ... sets it apart .",
"charles stone iii is a craftsman with brains and taste , an instinctive sense of where to put the camera and the discipline not to belabor scenes .",
"there 's something about a marching band that gets me where i live .",
"offers little that 's surprising or groundbreaking , but , because the script is smart enough not to insult us and to develop a group of interesting characters , the act of watching the film is an entertaining experience rather than a tedious exercise .",
"amazing ! a college story that works even without vulgarity , sex scenes , and cussing !",
"MOV has plenty of opportunity to shift into sports-movie autopilot and resists it at every turn , valuing discovery over expectation .",
"maybe you 've seen most of these things before . but you 've rarely seen them in such an exuberant setting .",
"not exactly worth a drum roll but a movie with enough collegiate ka-boom to earn its title , MOV is a percussion-driven musical variation on every sports pic you 've seen about the talented hot dog who eventually learns to become a team player .",
"its over-reliance on genre conventions , character types and formulaic conflict resolutions crushes all the goodwill it otherwise develops .",
"in place of bring it on 's humor , MOV lays it on thick with a message a minute , all clichéd .",
"brimming with energy and spirit .",
"MOV is -- the mere suggestion , albeit a visually compelling one , of a fully realized story .",
"a big , loud , bang-the-drum bore .",
"what the story lacks in surprise , it more than makes up for in flamboyance .",
"this entertaining and enthusiastically told tale shrewdly energizes its way-familiar plot line by setting it amid one of the greatest and least-known spectacles in american sports .",
"director charles stone iii fails to find a coherent grammar with which to shoot the band performances , leaving them flat and at a remove from the exuberant , pull-out-the-stops crowd pleasers they are presumably intended to be .",
"it 's pretty difficult to resist the film 's freshly choreographed charm .",
"director charles stone iii applies more detail to the film 's music than to the story line ; what 's best about MOV is its energy .",
"who knew marching band could be so dramatic ?",
"as you watch the drummers pound out their polyrhythms and twirl their sticks , you may find it hard to stay in your seat .",
"although it bangs a very cliched drum at times , this crowd-pleaser 's fresh dialogue , energetic music , and good-natured spunk are often infectious .",
"cannon 's confidence and laid-back good spirits are , with the drumming routines , among the film 's saving graces .",
"outstanding cast , great message , strong language .",
"this is such a high-energy movie where the drumming and the marching are so excellent , who cares if the story 's a little weak .",
"in the film , snappily directed by charles stone 3d , the marching bands ' duels are as fun as the cheerleader wars in bring it on .",
"MOV comes close to collapsing under the weight of drawn-out scenes and an earnest story that piles on minor themes and subplots , but the energy and visual kick of the band numbers saves the day .",
"sure , you can say this marches to a similar beat as bring it on , but even if it is formulaic , MOV is fun .",
"MOV ably captures the complicated relationships in a marching band .",
"a thoroughly formulaic movie ... the only truly new element here is the musicmaking background , and it 's a fairly easy transplant .",
"not a bad way to spend a couple of hours .",
"an exhilarating serving of movie fluff .",
"even if we 've seen it before , it comes up fresh in this version .",
"MOV is the real deal , a toe-tapping , feel-good sleeper with an unlikely setting -- a college marching band -- that feels fresh and rousing despite a formulaic script .",
"charles stone iii has assembled a diverse and dramatic piece of material that is indebted as much to america 's love of sports as it is to america 's problems with raising men .",
"... it must be a good story , it 's been told so many times before .",
"the film 's saving grace is the brilliant execution of its march numbers .",
"`` MOV '' makes marching bands as soul-stirring as raise-the-roof gospel and more irresistibly , foot-stompingly , hip-hoppily thrilling than any video currently playing on mtv .",
"the fantastically edited scenes of battling bands in action are guaranteed to set your heart racing .",
"MOV has a lower profile than almost any other holiday movie , yet it boasts a higher fun quotient than many of its more touted competitors .",
"true bandos can see themselves in this exuberant , charismatic and lovingly accurate college marching-band movie that faked no flavor while staying in step with themes of instruction , character and respect .",
"it 's a shame films of this ilk do n't make it into theaters often .",
"director charles stone iii , once again takes on overly familiar material and gives it an enthusiastic spin .",
"a most unusual musical ... learning something from his subject , stone gives the picture a snappy rhythm . -lsb- blu-ray -rsb-",
"... though the movie does overstay its welcome , it 's never boring and the majority of the music is infectiously catchy ...",
"a fun story for the whole family -- with some very good lessons about growing up .",
"slick choreography and a confident performance by orlando jones keep this tale from beating to the tune of the same old drum ."
] | drumline | essentially a sports movie with drums , the energetic MOV somehow manages to make the familiar seem fresh . | 10577 |
"australian writer/director kim mordaunt was inspired to make this wistful , often lyrical film after his 2007 documentary bomb harvest ... thankfully he layers the unavoidable political notes with real warmth , humour and character .",
"one of the most exotic coming-of-age movies you 're likely to see .",
"endearing , gripping and heartwarming , MOV recently won the `` world narrative competition '' prize at tribeca , and it 's easy to see why . the picture is crowd pleasing and enjoyable , but admiringly respectful and carefully considered .",
"the particulars of laos 's historical conflicts are sometimes only obliquely confronted , but the torrid past of covered-up wars palpably echoes through the scarred yet majestic landscapes .",
"MOV is a well-constructed delivery system for sparkly cheer , but it lacks a more substantial payload .",
"uplifting , engrossing and thrilling while remaining accessible to both art-house and mainstream audiences . it 's destined to become a sleeper hit .",
"mordaunt does n't always succeed at balancing the sentimental , the political and the ethnographic , but at its strongest the story is a seamless melding of history 's dark undertow and a child 's indefatigable optimism .",
"disamoe demonstrates the resourcefulness he learned during a period when he was a street seller and beggar . it 's his exuberant performance , as much as the pungently naturalistic setting , that lifts MOV 's scenario above the generic .",
"a pretty , somewhat sleepy and finally strange once-upon-a-time tale ...",
"long on atmosphere and less sentimental about poverty than `` beasts of the southern wild , '' the film carries a potent charge of authenticity .",
"in ` MOV ' the children and outcasts triumph because they are innocent enough to believe and act as though the impossible is possible .",
"a coming-of-age tale infused with fantastic elements that more than compensate for its predictability .",
"the characters may be clichés , but the performances are utterly fresh .",
"a hugely enjoyable , thoroughly infectious feature debut .",
"it has a great story to tell and subtly mixes the comedic and dramatic genres . some moments will leave you smiling . other moments will leave you on the edge of your seat .",
"-lsb- it 's -rsb- a feel-good , triumph-over-adversity story involving a small boy and , although this outcome also is n't in any doubt , at least the journey is fascinating and it 's been made with a heart that is warm .",
"this utterly charming , fable-like coming of age tale will live longer in the hearts and minds of audiences .",
"vivid , travelogue-y village pic .",
"try not to fall off the edge of your seat during the film 's nail-biting final scenes .",
"despite some dark edges , this crowd-pleasing laotian drama is far too heartwarming for its own good .",
"it is a likable piece of work whose gentleness is an interesting contrast to the grim and even tragic subject matter .",
"if the laotians in the film appear to be superstitious simpletons , it 's not because they actually are - it 's because mr. mordaunt made them so .",
"inescapeable hopelessness turns out to be neither",
"a vital fairytale about a ten-year-old laotian boy whose family thinks he 's been cursed since birth , `` MOV '' is an unlikely heartwarmer .",
"in some ways , it feels like a throwback to many '80s teen movies , where everything comes down to a competition at the end , and the hero will finally get the chance to prove his worth .",
"a coming-of-age fable driven by naturalistic performances and a poignant atmosphere of loss .",
"this engaging fable oscillates between feel-good spunk and unexpected tragedy , and hits the right notes along the way .",
"it follows a search for personal salvation while painting a portrait of laotian life that 's both revealing and relatable .",
"a powerful , deeply moving drama about a young boy who comes to terms with the tragedies that have befallen his family by creating a thing of beauty - a gorgeous , high-flying rocket emitting triumphant bursts of color - out of refuse left by the war .",
"a first -lsb- feature -rsb- for both mordaunt 's filmography and the country 's catalogue of internationally-released titles and it 's difficult to imagine a debut being stronger .",
"MOV wo n't change anyone 's world , but as a pleasantly sweet piece of world cinema , it 's still worth seeing and being charmed by .",
"a stirring , lushly-constructed celebration of youthful spirit .",
"this strikingly original feelgood fable is artfully balanced between director kim mordaunt 's roots in documentary and a spellbinding magic realism .",
"a simple but charming , affecting and thought-provoking story , rich in atmosphere and local history , and beautifully acted by its young leads .",
"a lao-brow fable that resonates richly with the realities of globalisation .",
"kim mordaunt 's when-life-gives-you-land-mines tale is light on well-drawn characters , but its performances , especially from the nonprofessional junior members , more than light the fuse for the finale .",
"the visually stunning location of laos provides an enthralling and evocative backdrop for director/screenwriter kim mordaunt 's engaging film MOV , a lush and bruising coming-of-age story .",
"the adventures of a 10-year-old laotian boy are subject to radically different interpretations in MOV , australian documentarian kim mordaunt 's impressive narrative debut .",
"formulaic but likeable .",
"... an immaculately crafted , visually stunning and affecting rite-of-passage drama",
"never less than charming and stirring in its ability to recreate a childhood that overcomes chaos , MOV , abetted with a convincing cast led by two superb child actors , proves instantly why it 's been winning accolades worldwide .",
"there 's this lovely sense of texture of a culture . there is a traditional narrative arc .",
"the film is not only a feel-good affair , though it certainly is that - it has something of significance to say .",
"it 's an emotionally forceful film , hurtling towards the kind of conclusion that western audiences want to see .",
"MOV is a thoroughly infectious yarn set among the jungles of laos .",
"the director moves the incident-packed story line at an energetic pace ; there 's never a dull moment . you 're bound to hear applause as the final credits roll .",
"recalling the captivating essence of niki caro 's whale rider -lrb- 2002 -rrb- in its telling of a life with fate and faith in its corner , this australian/laotian/thai co-production could find similar breakout success once -lrb- inevitably warm -rrb- word of mouth spreads .",
"if you are n't moved by the `` MOV '' your heart is defective",
"with its themes of loss and redemption , MOV is effective , simple storytelling with many layers and a film that tells more stories than its narrative suggests",
"working with an untested cast , mordaunt uses all the tools at his command to engineer a film that has won major awards at tribeca , including best actor for the young disamoe . he relies on plenty of coverage and the skills of talented editor nick meyers",
"a true original , depicting a culture rarely filmed , observed with a respectful but never overly reverential eye .",
"crowd-pleasers come in many mysterious packages , and there might not be a bigger crowd-pleaser this year than MOV ; a disarming fable about a makeshift family desperately seeking a place to live in a ravaged laos .",
"an extremely rewarding and entertaining film made all the stronger for the integrity and cultural details that underpin it .",
"MOV was designed as a crowd pleaser , and it does that : it combines the danger of the unknown with the safety of feel-good narrative expectations for film festival success , and perhaps even general release victory .",
"beautifully cloaked as an affecting coming of age tale , this award winning drama also says a great deal about a part of the world rarely seen on screen ."
] | the_rocket | a feel-good success crafted with care , kim mordaunt 's story of two young kids in laos is a heartfelt audience pleaser while remaining sensitive toward its subjects . | 771354621 |
"it 's well worth seeing , because it is well made -- apart from a few gaps in logic -- and well acted .",
"MOV is not perfect , but it is a provocative piece of filmmaking with a dark and daring heart that makes it worth seeing .",
"if slade 's intent is so clever , then why is the film so stupid as to hamfist a two-hour anti-pedophilia psa down the throats of an entire culture that , by and large , already agrees with the premise ... ?",
"a calculated provocation with pretensions to public service value -lrb- think of the infamous ` molester ' episode of ` diff'rent strokes ' -rrb- .",
"... icky , incoherent thriller ...",
"the aptly named MOV is a challenging , flawed but strangely engrossing film .",
"MOV is an exploitation film , with very little happening but a guy getting tortured for about 75 minutes of screen time .",
"... a film that gives you something to think about , raising questions that linger long after the theater lights have brightened .",
"it 's cinematic s&m , a bondage-control game masquerading as a thriller .",
"... no matter who does what to whom , what you 're looking at is my torture session with andrew , in one way or another .",
"a great suspence thriller in the likes of misery",
"as MOV moves further and further away from its opening scenes ' gripping ambiguity , the frightening conviction page brings to her role becomes the only thing keeping the film from lurching into sleazy , pulpy camp .",
"is n't merely difficult to swallow , but none too tasty going down .",
"this is what horror films are all about .",
"it 's the kind of indie film that makes its mark by a controversial theme , an infamous scene , and dines out on its film-festival buzz .",
"thoroughly confounding the ` normal ' relationship between abuser and victim , first-time director slade presents a complex morality tale under the guise of an exploitation thriller .",
"hayley and jeff come across in almost equally repellent measure , their behaviors driven less by organic impulses than by their need to satisfy the script 's elaborate series of reversals and counter-reversals .",
"slick slime wrapped as a high-toned , girl-power shocker",
"wilson and page are compelling and slade demonstrates a slick stylistic flair , but the over over-the-top shock pandering renders the dark lesson convoluted and hard to swallow .",
"personally , i 'd rather have this movie obliterated from my memory .",
"one of the more original and grueling films to come out in years and i loved it ...",
"... -lsb- i -rsb- t 's page who really carries the picture , delivering screenwriter brian nelson 's clever dialogue so convincingly , we actually become scared for the child predator that she 's tormenting .",
"MOV will make the guys squirm in their seats for extended lengths of time as diminutive hayley coldly goes about her business punishing jeff for his crimes .",
"british director david slade announces himself as a master of economy and discrimination by leaving the horror to the audience 's imagination . this movie will make you squirm like you 've never squirmed before .",
"slade and his actors keep the tension high , and the questions do n't come to mind until after the credits roll .",
"more sour than hard , this highfalutin exploitation flick starts with an unsavory premise that quickly becomes downright unpalatable .",
"the whole affair feels as much like a stunt as it does an exploration of crime and punishment , but is no less thrilling a ride .",
"maddeningly exploitative , the film takes a provocative subject -- pedophilia -- and wraps it in a sterile , vacuum-sealed package , devoid of meaning .",
"does n't let itself be pinned down as being about something , but a movie this skilled at getting under my skin does n't need a purpose .",
"wilson might be playing a rapist of teenagers , but after 10 minutes of watching page contort and stammer in such a loud , self-aware fashion , he does n't look like such a bad guy after all .",
"a great film on this disturbing subject deserves to be made , but MOV is way too soft .",
"skews just enough toward death and the maiden and away from saw iii .",
"MOV is an ugly film , which is not precisely meant as an aesthetic or even a moral judgment .",
"the movie is subjective , and it does n't paint a lazy picture of who is good or bad",
"exploits the politics of pedophilia , sensationalizing it for today 's slasher market",
"the film 's greatest flaw is its conception of its 14-year-old heroine -lrb- ? -rrb- as an avenging angel of death , complete with otherworldly confidence and poise , devoid of the kind vulnerability that would mark a girl of this age .",
"riveting .",
"the scenario at play here -- reportedly based on real-life attacks on suspected pedophiles by schoolgirls in japan -- is an intriguing one , but as executed ultimately stretches plausibility .",
"go for the gut and the shock value and add some obvious dumb monologues that explain deep-seated troubles in the bad guy and st. crispin 's day victory speeches from the 14-year-old 's mouth .",
"because of its tricky subject matter and a pair of stellar performances , it 's tempting to give `` MOV '' more credit than it 's entitled to .",
"there 's really only one compelling reason to see this film and that is the extraordinary performance by young ellen page , a breakout if ever there was one .",
"candy sets up the tense situation , builds it up patiently , masterfully , then has no idea where to go with it . at least page 's career has an obvious direction -- up .",
"page never shies away from the implication that hayley might be deeply disturbed by her own set of demons .",
"i screamed . i squirmed . as a 2 person film , a stunning debut by director david slade . ellen page and patrick wilson are sensational .",
"curiously sticky with the residue of lurid exploitation .",
"MOV is the kind of movie that fairly demands coffee and discussion afterward .",
"only two males working in perfectly mediocre pulp harmony would dream up an avenging teen angel like this one .",
"a harrowing drama that keeps kicking up the intensity another notch until it kicks it two notches too many , MOV is involving because you truly ca n't guess how it will end .",
"MOV is a psychological thriller as chilling as a cold , serrated blade to the jugular .",
"while i could n't recommend MOV -lsb- rated r -rsb- for its easy entertainment value , it is worth seeing for how a relative newcomer like david slade handles a high tension two hander .",
"a film that will have you both squirming in your seat and teetering on the edge of it .",
"strong one-on-one acting elevates this table-turning horror show .",
"you can sense that it wants to be talked about more than it wants to actually say anything",
"hard-hitting independent thriller about child molestation and vigilante justice .",
"this swamp gets very murky indeed . bring your moral compass .",
"the film 's strength is in the way it continually sustains suspense , particularly in the use of sound effects . very little is shown , but much is heard .",
"unreels with smooth pace and unexpected grace notes , both visually and by its two leads .",
"a psychological thriller in which the mouse hunts the cat .",
"a cracking little thriller which makes you think even as it 's keeping you on the edge of your seat . it 's not always easy viewing , but MOV is an intelligent , challenging film which deserves to be seen .",
"it 's hard to find a warm spot in the heart for anyone here , or for those who created them .",
"two parts sheer brilliance , one part contrived mess .",
"MOV 's calculated intimations of bloodshed are , like everything else about this faux-grrrl power fiasco , just phony posturing .",
"a smart thriller ... feels like fatal attraction updated for the internet age .",
"at the very first , MOV plays hardball . it 's hard to watch , hard to listen to , hard to think about . and then it falls apart .",
"MOV is tantalizing , brutal , fetishistic , gripping and exhausting , with plenty of moments for movie patrons to shout advice at the screen .",
"... a movie that will inspire discussions once it 's over .",
"MOV is the rare movie that may be worthiest for the arguments you 'll have after it 's over .",
"seen as a film , seen as acting and direction , seen as just exactly how it unfolds on the screen , MOV is impressive and effective .",
"it 's page 's turn as the psychopathically righteous hayley that grabs your full attention .",
"page brings a shocking intensity to this role that makes her one of the few actors out there who could get into a staredown with pacino or deniro and live to tell about it .",
"it 's just cheap exploitation , teasing around a serious issue and then , disappointingly , running from it .",
"yeah , this candy is hard to handle , but at the same time it 's oh so sweet .",
"this is an extremely well-made film that pushes precisely the right buttons .",
"as gripping as MOV is , one ca n't quite shake away the feeling that we 're the ones being exploited by its mordant blend of kinky revenge fantasy and push-me-pull-you moral vision .",
"a queasy blend of exploitation-movie nastiness and blunt moral lesson .",
"not only arch and preposterous but a serious con job to boot .",
"a spectacular performance by teenage thesp ellen page elevates this disturbing slice of designer shocksploitation into a film that 's impossible to dismiss on principle .",
"MOV takes itself way too seriously . it 's a genre movie that serves empty calories weighted with self-importance .",
"i say again , ellen page is in the room ! you read it here .",
"it 's the second act where MOV earns the seat-squirmer reputation it will one day have .",
"i was floored and stunned and shocked and dismayed and i thought , yeah , men and women are gon na have a lot to say to one another about this movie .",
"MOV , a highly original psychological thriller/revenge fantasy , can be bitterly hard to take and uncomfortably intense , but it 's well worth consuming .",
"MOV ultimately lacks the balls to follow through on its most discomfiting promises , choosing instead to wallow in a surfeit of final-reel tidiness .",
"what we have here is simply a spectacularly unpleasant horror show , or an attempt to out-outrage the trio of poison playwrights i 've mentioned . and yet nelson 's imagination thunders away with such demon perversity that i eagerly await his next work .",
"it 's really a canny use of the medium to raise serious questions about point of view and empathy in the exploitation genre .",
"one of the most challenging and darkly , smartly entertaining movies of the year .",
"... a twisted battle of the sexes , featuring both seriously insightful subject matter and enough vicious put-downs to make peg and al bundy blush .",
"amazingly uncomfortable and only occasionally implausible . it 's guaranteed to spark a reaction and a conversation .",
"clever , provocative and extremely well-acted .",
"the acting is also top-notch , as patrick wilson gives a desperate turn despite being tied up for much of the time , while ellen page steals the show with a grueling , star-making performance .",
"MOV is both as ambiguous , and as obvious , a movie as you 're likely to find in mainstream american cinema .",
"ellen page comes off as a pint-sized cillian murphy with the vocabulary of veronica mars pushed through a canandian sieve .",
"as an exercise in grueling psychological suspense , the movie is -- literally -- several ` cuts ' above the rest .",
"a daring two-character drama that goes sour in its last half-hour ... in this misery with a teen twist , ellen page delivers a mint performance far beyond her years .",
"a bitter candy .",
"it 's not the surprise that keeps us gripped ; it 's the deeply creepy writing and amazingly raw performances that do it .",
"it takes creepy , spooky , and altogether ooky to a hideous new level .",
"it 's there to be experienced , tolerated , and appreciated for the wretched , well-executed , difficult , artful , and appalling creation that it is .",
"the film talks a good game of feminine empowerment verses privileged masculine mischief but nothing really takes off for a touchy showcase in the squirm-ridden arena of pedophilia outrage",
"characters like these two can still grab us by the throat and refuse to let us go .",
"it really takes us on this ride .",
"as frightening and unsettling as any gore-drenched horror movie of the last year .",
"that all its castration talk is prolonged to willfully torturous lengths could be forgiven were the film much more inspired in its interplay .",
"MOV is supposed to be another cautionary tale about the dangerous risks of online chat-room dating , but ends up being just another psychological horror flick about pedophilia in which little red riding hood turns the tables on the wolf .",
"the movie often talks circles around itself , trying to layer in subtext to cover for a slasher movie final act , but it was still enough to have me squirming in my seat .",
"enough clever dialogue and strong acting performances to satisfy",
"there is no question that MOV is an intense and unnerving little film . but when all is said and done it 's a rather empty exercise in hot button pushing .",
"an adult thriller that will have its male audience crossing their legs or holding them tightly together .",
"she 's a tease with a whiff of fascist certainty in her summary judgments . it might be interesting to read what some post-feminists make of such a sleek action character .",
"harrowing psychological drama that pushes every conceivable button while pushing viewers over the edge ... candy is nasty through and through , and it leaves an acidic aftertaste .",
"those willing to subject themselves to it are in for -lsb- ellen page 's -rsb- noteworthy performance and one of the most terrifying films to come down the pike in awhile .",
"brian nelson 's script is tight , but a more ambiguous , evenhanded finale might have been more thought-provoking .",
"it 's smart , funny , and surprisingly visually discreet . some scenes may leave you doubled-up , but the overall effect is , as the saying goes , better than a kick in the balls .",
"smart , challenging and timely look at the world of internet grooming .",
"-lsb- MOV is -rsb- a stylishly directed thriller that 's worth seeing for its intense performances , but there are too few surprises and the end result is disappointing .",
"packaged in an increasingly lurid , credibility-free storyline , delivered with unstinting insensitivity by a first-time director determined to show off his ad-man 's box of visual tics .",
"this is one particularly edgy and disturbing little film , and it will no doubt have people talking by the end of the year -- if not for its taboo subject matter , then for the brilliant performance by its lolitaesque star , ellen page .",
"hard to swallow provocative but exploitative jailbait revenge fantasy flick .",
"an intense , well-acted film that deals with its alarming subject matter in an audacious way .",
"... while the film 's blunter , more thrillerish and sadistic second half is less unnerving than its bloodless first , it still works as a smarter than usual cat-and-mouse death match .",
"you might feel like squirming , but you will not want to look away .",
"the acting is incredible .",
"... once seen , MOV does n't easily give up its grip .",
"... a revolting piece of work .",
"MOV not only trips along a tightrope line between exploitation and art ; in some ways , that line is its subject .",
"MOV is sweet poison indeed .",
"the questions posed by MOV may not be as profound as the filmmakers believe , but they are enough to keep us thinking for the length of a movie that deftly uses exploitation to explore exploitation .",
"though it is skillfully made and well-acted , it 's also exploitative and nauseating .",
"instead of telling a story , MOV cooks up one grueling ordeal after another .",
"though dealing with a serious issue -- pedophilia -- the movie comes across as an exploitation femme-revenge thriller in the vein of ms. 45 , extremities , and fatal attraction , but , fortunately , it 's extremely well acted by patrick wilson and ellen page .",
"MOV enters a miasma of revelation and revenge - one that might have worked better on the stage than the screen , where the story 's claustrophobia and increasingly unwieldy plot twists take a major toll .",
"there is nothing sugar-coated about this taut , timely psycho-thriller .",
"will get under your skin with an intensity on the verge of being just plain evil .",
"there 's a lot more going on here than just a revenge fantasy . these are two fascinating characters , and watching them thrust and parry proves to be as impossible to turn away from as observing a grotesque roadside accident .",
"-lsb- the film -rsb- contrives to wag its own finger at itself -- to have its bonbon and eat it too .",
"the entire film hinges on how page and wilson execute their roles . with apologies to carly simon , i ca n't imagine anybody doing it better .",
"to watch MOV is , at moments , to be very afraid , but the scariest thing about it is the fury of page 's talent ."
] | hard_candy | disturbing , controversial , but entirely engrossing , MOV is well written with strong lead performances , especially that of newcomer ellen page . a movie that stays with the viewer long after leaving the theater . | 147302867 |
"it may be bloody , sleazy and populated entirely by trashy people , but this picture is also subtly stylish , sensationally acted and - if you appreciate extremely bitter humor - pretty funny as well . somehow , someday , somewhere , ` MOV ' will get its due .",
"its smirking sense of humor and generic self-consciousness suggest that MOV would like to think of itself as a hip descendant of pulp fiction . but the movie is utterly devoid of narrative ingenuity and visual and dramatic flair .",
"one big , ugly chase scene !",
"the film 's moral manipulations betray its fascistic heart .",
"it quickly slides into a lethal weapon without danny glover , complete with blowups and wisecracks , gratuitous torture scenes and gibson in familiar form as the twinkling rascal who makes a virtue out of viciousness .",
"both star and director seem to be more interested in playing off perceptions of gibson 's on-screen persona than in actually telling the story , which lurches along from one violent set piece to the next .",
"the movie squanders its energy on morbid levels of grisly , kinky violence , much of it sexual .",
"a higher class of thriller .",
"MOV is just die hard : without a soul .",
"demonstrates why mel gibson is a movie star : he can take mediocre material and through sheer willpower -- not to mention oodles of charm -- make it work .",
"this is the seediest studio picture i 've seen since to live or die in la . even the theater floor feels stickier while watching this thing unfold .",
"MOV has its moments and its thrills , but the payoff just is n't there .",
"a solid enough action comedy , albeit one that had a lot of potential to be wittier and darker .",
"a tough , entertaining homage to the kind of gritty '70s crime film that long ago gave way to a slicker yet tamer form of action movie ... both the studio 's cut and helgeland 's cut work about equally well .",
"like its main character , MOV is entertainingly true to itself , and in the absence of any real imagination or ingenuity , for an audience tired of movies that trip over themselves trying to please , that goes a long way .",
"if you thought crime in the streets was a problem , wait till you take a gander at MOV , a violent , sadistic mess .",
"it is well written , contains a flock of colorful characters , and gives star mel gibson a number of great one-liners .",
"rehashed quentin tarantino or a rusted-out pinto .",
"bloody-handed but hip !",
"too meanspirited and brutal for its own good .",
"pointless !",
"direction is choppy , the interplay between the characters is perfunctory , although not as perfunctory as the unearned ending .",
"it feels more like a lousy christopher lambert thriller : all bad jokes , lampoonish villains and gory violence .",
"sadly , though , MOV finally puts gibson at the mercy of a torture and sadism sequence so attenuated and so painful to watch that it sabotages the picture 's own quite solid instincts for theater , innovation and wit .",
"a genre that 's been beaten to a pulp !",
"very good fun !",
"an intermittently engaging crime thriller that fuses elements of '30s era film noir with '70s era exploitation .",
"dark , nasty and thoroughly engrossing !",
"this movie is packed with surprises , gunfire and humor ; it 's a fun action flick you should n't miss .",
"makes up for its faults with nearly non-stop action and some amusing tongue-in-cheek humor .",
"the strangest marriage of '30s noir and '90s hyper-action imaginable , and if the end result is a sort of cartoon , it 's a fun cartoon to look at .",
"sadism is the film 's only real subject , and its only real life as well .",
"so generic that it sometimes approaches the self-parody of a naked gun movie !",
"MOV rips off the way a noir film is shot and looks .",
"there is much cleverness and ingenuity in MOV .",
"in the popcorn sense , it certainly delivers on mindless escapism . in the artistic sense , let 's just say that MOV is a long way from point blank .",
"... tries to be a no-nonsense action thriller , but it 's undermined by its own plot silliness and by the unruffled attitude of its main character .",
"it 's undone not so much by the shadow of lee marvin falling heavily on it -lrb- which it does -rrb- as by the twin obstacles of big star image and , more to the point , excessive violence .",
"a mind-mangling disappointment , with a dopey sell-out ending .",
"strictly a mel gibson vehicle , and one that does n't really know what to do with the star 's easygoing , audience-pleasing charm .",
"this film is riddled with cliches and impossible situations .",
"a mean-spirited cartoon beneath a thin veneer of faux-grit !",
"it 's kicky , nasty urban sangfroid with pointy little teeth and a serious case of the angries , an existential hand grenade disguised as a heist film .",
"MOV is not , in any way , an entertaining film .",
"the thin story never generates any genuine excitement .",
"it 's a good , strong shot for fans who like their crime stories rough and no-nonsense .",
"seriously , if you thought he got his ass kicked in the ` lethal weapon ' films , you have only begun to watch mel get bruised .",
"a sharp and funny script , understated acting , stylish .",
"morally bankrupt , but it 's rich entertainment !"
] | 1087648-payback | sadistic violence and rote humor saddle a predictable action premise . | 13475 |
"a powerful look inside the israeli defense establishment",
"director dror moreh does n't rest on his scoop",
"the rule of surveillance is to keep quiet and let others do the talking . the oscar-nominated documentary MOV flips the script , to astonishing effect , giving voice to the retired directors of shin bet , israel 's domestic intelligence agency .",
"a deadly serious and detailed examination of and meditation upon the israeli-palestinian conflict , MOV makes no attempt to find a silver lining .",
"much like errol morris ' `` the fog of war , '' dror moreh 's film is a sobering inside look inside history , at mistakes made and opportunities missed .",
"both journalistic coup and unsettling confirmation of the idea that ` you ca n't make peace using military means . '",
"moreh gets some startling confessions and insights from each man but also misses the opportunity to truly challenge his subjects on their regard for democracy , basic human rights and their own accountability .",
"moreh employs a direct interviewing style , reminiscent of errol morris ' work , to get the men to talk about their days leading shin bet .",
"the film and its talking head participants paint the picture in both broad strokes and fine detail .",
"an up-close and personal look at the psychology of war -- their war and , by extension , all war .",
"whatever one 's political stripe regarding israel , it 's hard to dispute the impressions and perspective of the film 's six eyewitnesses .",
"a riveting firsthand account of how legitimate security concerns can lead to policies considered extreme and even immoral by the people administering them .",
"the level of candor here may not satisfy hard-liners of either stripe , but it can help viewers begin to formulate new questions about the philosophical , strategic and moral challenges of conflict , in particular `` wars on terror . ''",
"ultimately the movie feels evasive , and its flashy , digitally animated re-creations of military surveillance footage unpleasantly evoke the call of duty video games .",
"extraordinary ... not only an engrossing first-hand account of israel 's palestinian policies over time , but one that may have lessons to teach both israeli leaders and other nations confronting those they identify as terrorists .",
"it offers startlingly honest insight into the israeli-palestinian conflict from some of those who called the shots .",
"unprecedented and deeply unsettling , it offers little hope for a lasting peace in that war-torn region .",
"for its candor and impact , deserves to be seen and discussed .",
"an often remarkable israeli documentary about shin bet , the country 's internal security agency .",
"as a political testament , the result is revealing and important .",
"`` MOV '' is a triumph of storytelling , a revealing view into the intricate shadow worlds of international espionage .",
"a remarkable character study .",
"as a clear-eyed examination of a conflict that seems to have no end , MOV is powerful , provocative stuff .",
"a monolith crumbles in MOV , and it 's a sight to inspire awe .",
"i got as much enjoyment out of this film about as much as a 6 year-old would .",
"if for no other reason , it deserves to be seen for arranging decades of events in the middle east into a chronology that , to an outsider , makes dreadful sense .",
"`` MOV '' achieves something rare : it is riveting because of both its intellectual rigor and its filmmaking vigor .",
"moreh conducts a kind of primer in the organization 's history , which is , in its own way , a history of modern israel . it 's fascinating .",
"as a work of contemporary political history and moral philosophy , it 's essential viewing .",
"a remarkable behind-the-scenes peek at how israel 's in-house cia/fbi has operated , both honorably and questionably , from the six-day war until now .",
"a lesser filmmaker might 've been tripped up by such a narrow focus . a lesser filmmaker might 've misjudged the melange of archival footage , fabricated surveillance footage and talking heads , which moreh handles with a blend of cinematic flash and tact .",
"the film makes explicit and implicit endorsements . the strategy of vengeance and overkill is ineffective and leads israel to horrific behavior described only through metaphor .",
"the ` other ' oscar-nominated feature about a war on terror , dror moreh 's documentary MOV proves more intellectually engaging than hollywood 's zero dark thirty , and at least as unsettling .",
"important and incomplete .",
"a sobering but welcome dose of honesty regarding issues and events that have otherwise been shrouded in secrecy and overheated rhetoric .",
"israelis , generally speaking , tend to be tough , but the men who 've commanded shin bet , israel 's secret service , are in a whole other category .",
"as moreh probes the men , we , whether we agree with them or not , find ourselves drawn into their moral maze in all of its complexity .",
"this is a film that leaves a knot in the stomach , and no easy solutions as to how to get rid of it .",
"an inside look into one of the most secretive and sophisticated intelligence apparatus in the world may not be what you expected .",
"filmmaker dror moreh gives a unique look , from those in the know , of the inner workings of israel 's home intelligence service .",
"the access boggles the mind , and some of the stories are riveting .",
"it 's an eye-opener .",
"even when the so-called gatekeepers offer up damning testimony against their organization , there 's no real threat that they 'll ever be held accountable for it .",
"i do n't think it is fair to call this anti-israeli . it is pro-peace .",
"a blunt , clear-eyed , first-hand take on decades of middle eastern history , from practically the founding of the jewish state up through the recent fits and starts of the israeli-palestinian peace process .",
"lean and riveting , a model of clarity , economy and seamless editing , with a slow-building despair that leaves a sting .",
"the subjects ' openness is refreshing - and sometimes frightening .",
"moreh has assembled a thorough , evenhanded and fascinating examination of people and operations straight out of a spy novel .",
"this brave documentary draws a line in the sand . one just wishes moreh had asked these men what they were doing to change the situation now other than having changed their minds .",
"a feat - of access and of passionate and appropriately unsettling political commentary .",
"from the moment you hear one of these former insiders admitting his misgivings over an act of violence he perpetrated , you ca n't help but be drawn in .",
"MOV cuts deeper than any political thriller . it 's a powerhouse .",
"the film , though based on the exploits of shin bet , gives us reason to think about the drones that take out more than just terrorists .",
"the former heads of israel 's military anti-terrorism agency shin bet break their silence in this unnerving , eye-opening documentary .",
"it 's a depressing movie , yet there is encouragement to be found in the manifest decency and reasonableness of these six honest , articulate men ...",
"a riveting but depressing history of the israeli-palestinian conflict .",
"-lsb- moreh -rsb- asks just the right questions , never prodding these understandably private men too far but getting what he needs .",
"... a riveting and sobering documentary about shin bet that raises important if unanswerable questions about the morality of state-sanctioned violence in the name of internal security .",
"in the end , the accumulated stories in MOV offer tremendous insight about the israeli-palestinian situation . it feels more like it was prepared as a history document for shin bet rookies than a documentary .",
"a powerful cautionary tale about the concept of security , and how illusory it really is .",
"dror moreh 's terrific documentary can stand beside errol morris 's the fog of war as a cinematic illustration of how human psyches bend beneath the pressure of terrible actions .",
"there is a powerful moment in -lsb- the film -rsb- when diskin , head of the shin bet from 2005 to 2011 , candidly remarks that for the palestinians he is himself a terrorist . that is not relativism but realism , and the welcome sign of an empathetic imagination .",
"totally fascinating and unexpected . no bravura filmmaking here , but rich , often startling observations about anti-terrorism , torture and the amorality of it all .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- searching , engrossing , and stylish inquiry ...",
"you 'll be arguing with your friends about the ethics of secrecy and defense for hours ; that 's what makes these exit interviews so essential .",
"MOV does n't play like agitprop . the storytelling is strong , the images stark .",
"-lsb- t -rsb- houghtfully examines the difficulties of protecting a democracy from internal enemies ... with realpolitik towards peace -lsb- and -rsb- repeated criticism of government leaders .",
"the israeli journalist dror moreh has hit a documentarian 's trifecta with `` MOV . ''",
"self-serving baloney reminiscent of errol morris 's robert mcnamara documentary",
"MOV serves as a terrifying oracle , with israel forevermore a powder keg waiting to go off .",
"`` MOV '' is an exceptionally well-crafted documentary that commands repeated viewings to fully absorb the enormous quantity and quality of editorial information it provides ...",
"an inventive , concise and damning look at the tit-for-tat nature of israel 's perpetual war with palestinians , terrorists and otherwise .",
"-lsb- an -rsb- absorbing documentary , which charts the israeli-palestinian conflict from the six day war to the presentday .",
"insightful , revelatory and profound , moreh 's oscar-nominated documentary combines riveting interviews , archive footage and - yes - state-of-the-art photographic effects to offer a unique perspective on the israel-palestine issue .",
"a compelling overview of a modern security agency - bred in a moral grey area , organising state-sanctioned violence , but uncertain of the strength of its political safety net .",
"while memorable in sometimes unexpected ways -lrb- 1980 head avraham shalom 's long unwashed nails -rrb- , there is always the nagging feeling that any revelations are being pushed or sold a little too hard .",
"makes for truly bracing viewing .",
"a fascinating film offering a startling look inside one of the most tightlipped intelligence agencies on the planet , and providing powerful resonances with the us and uk 's `` war on terror '' .",
"although MOV may not be quite theatrical nor dramatic enough for it to be highly recommended as a cinematic experience , this does feel like a film that really should be seen .",
"many secrets are revealed and examined in director dror moreh 's mind-blowingly fine film . if i have a quibble , it 's that he never reveals the most tantalizing secret of all : how the hell he pulled it off .",
"dror moreh 's oscar-nominated documentary is riveting , haunting and depressing in equal measure , offering a sobering assessment of the israel-palestine conflict from a unique perspective .",
"-lsb- t -rsb- he oscar-nominated documentary in which the six living former heads of shin bet , the ultrasecretive israeli domestic security agency , talk about their antiterrorism work ...",
"as you listen to these six former chiefs of one of the world 's most secretive organizations , it 's hard not to have your jaw drop in awe , or surprise at their sudden candor .",
"moreh 's interviewees span generations , from elder statesman avraham shalom -lrb- mastermind of the 1960 adolf eichmann grab -rrb- to most recent spook-in-chief yuval diskin . each displays a disarming mix of even-voiced candor and respect for talk-it-out diplomacy .",
"the film is detailed and requires concentration , especially for those who need to read the subtitles . but the effort is worth it for anyone vaguely interested in the subject . and of course the subject goes to the heart of the human condition",
"dror moreh 's documentary is remarkable not for stylistic innovation but for the very fact it exists .",
"this is unprecedented stuff right here , on a topic so volatile it feels like it 's just waiting to explode . and as a film , it 's effective - for the most part .",
"the film bravely pulls focus on israel 's behaviour as an occupying power , the treatment of the palestinians and joins the growing list of recent films that cast a critical eye over a subject that was once deemed too thorny to question .",
"MOV is a fascinating , often shocking , look into the israeli-palestinian conflict through the eyes of some of the men who would know it best .",
"MOV shines as both an excellent history lesson and a remarkably in-depth look at one of the world 's most important covert agencies .",
"MOV does n't want to function in binaries , it immerses you into the moral and ethical ` grey ' quandary of israel/palestine .",
"a candid , revelatory and at times disturbing documentary that represents one of the ` must-sees ' of 2013 .",
"it is hard to imagine a movie about the middle east that could be more timely , more painfully urgent , more challenging to conventional wisdom on all sides of the conflict .",
"a documentary potent enough to alter how you see the world .",
"moreh 's reporting is impressive , built on those extensive interviews and some startling footage , from wartime newsreels to bomb-site views of quickly exploding targets .",
"their honest assessments shed light on issues that continue to reverberate .",
"the brutal recent history of the israeli-palestinian conflict is rivetingly recounted by some of its most prominent players in MOV .",
"as shalom now sits for his interview , wearing plaid shirt and red suspenders , he looks like someone 's grandfather as he blames the `` politicians '' for the cover up .",
"retired members of israel 's shin bet security people are surprisingly honest about their country 's policies toward palestinians .",
"a tart , complicated cocktail of a film sure to send audience members out of the theatre with heads abuzz and arguments a-popping .",
"a refreshingly candid and controversial documentary where former heads of israel 's security agency explain their take on the war against terrorism and express their criticism of the nation as a police state .",
"the filmmaker does n't speculate about why these men are talking , but he leaves you with an excellent guess ."
] | the_gatekeepers_2012 | strikingly stark , brutally honest , and rivetingly assembled , MOV offers essential perspective on a seemingly intractable war from some of the men who fought it . | 771315180 |
"it plays to the antic gifts of its stars , two saturday night live luminaries reunited in the roles of troubled twins reunited by near-tragedy , yet it also turns them loose to explore deeper regions of hurt and love .",
"what makes the movie memorable is the open-ended talent of its actors . they supply MOV with flesh and blood , some firm connective tissue and generous heart and soul .",
"the film is a mite tidy in that sundance workshop way , but it 's very enjoyable , and johnson has a deft touch with actors .",
"uneven , but not uninteresting .",
"it 's unusual to see two actors we 've known for so long giving breakthrough performances . but that 's what 's happening here .",
"as we enter this season of big , important awards contenders that `` matter , '' `` MOV '' is a small , intimate gem that might truly matter .",
"a rickety vehicle for two fantastic performances , the movie works best as a blaring announcement that these players are more than ready for prime time .",
"it seems unlikely that MOV is aiming for something so simplistic , considering how much suffering it packs into the story , but simplistic is what it is .",
"if countless movies about brothers and sisters reveal common family traits , `` MOV '' is subtler than most in evoking a mutual sympathy that might be called a cellular understanding .",
"one of the better movies to come along this year .",
"despite revelatory performances from its two leads , this is a pretty miserable movie that will leave you wondering why you subjected yourself to such a downer .",
"MOV is beautiful , infectious and painfully honest in a way that 's normally reserved for someone that you shared a womb with .",
"heart-felt adult soap opera .",
"an exploration of both the complications and the life-affirming dimensions of sibling relationships .",
"a wonderful and brutally engrossing dramedy about family and the lasting effects of growing up in dysfunctional households .",
"the real surprise of the film is hader , graduating from more juvenile cinematic entries ... and giving a beautifully crafted performance that allows his knack for voice and facial expressions to shine in the stronger material",
"wiig , wilson and hader all give great performances in this movie , almost enough to lift it out of the dark emotional pit at the heart of the story . it does n't quite make it there in this comedy about a suicidal family .",
"MOV makes for an engaging film that gets you emotionally involved , while also giving you some good laughs in the process , and for that intelligent mixture , it 's a dramedy that 's definitely worth seeing .",
"by turns , unbearably poignant and laugh-out loud funny , this reveals hidden depths to hader and gives wiig a golden opportunity to reveal the subtlety of her range with a knock-out performance .",
"one of the stand-out indie productions of the year .",
"the direction has no style , and the script has no perspective ; the result is drama by number .",
"the sense of anguish and pain is most impressively humanised by wiig 's surprising and accomplished performance .",
"... the outstanding pairing of wiig and hader makes `` MOV '' an enjoyable dramedy .",
"if you 've seen ` you can count on me ' you have a pretty good idea where ` MOV ' is headed in its somewhat didactic approach to celebrating the unbreakable bonds siblings share . yet you admire it just the same .",
"fails to find or strike many original notes .",
"the filmmakers think the comedy is where all the humanity is , and maybe they 're right . but they do n't take humor far enough .",
"a surprisingly touching , if not particularly original , dramedy ...",
"the bond between siblings is made very real by wiig and hader , who make that old line about laughing until you cry genuinely believable .",
"funny , touching , and heartfelt , this is a fantastic vehicle for its stars , and a moving portrait of the various things family can mean .",
"finally , a post - `` bridesmaids '' film that lets kristen wiig shine - and brilliantly taps into co-star bill hader 's vulnerable side , too .",
"this is one of the year 's best movies , and a movie that deserves oscar consideration , even though this is exactly the kind of movie that 's ignored by the oscars .",
"one of the stronger ensemble movies of the year but the drama offers crowd-pleasing tricks and tissue-thin pop psychology .",
"dark secrets are revealed and raw emotions laid bare in this hard-hitting and moving film in which an indestructible bond between twins is both the trigger and the solution",
"wiig and hader 's shared history beautifully informs their entirely credible screen relationship , which can be as testy as it is loving , as distressingly haunted as it is funny ...",
"the script -lrb- cowritten by director craig johnson and mark heyman -rrb- feels the need to lunge for buried family trauma , big reveals and hugs in its final act .",
"ultimately this is more like a movie than a story about real life , but at least it 's a movie delivered with considerable compassion , delicacy and wit , built around unforgettable performances ...",
"the actors ' skit-honed rapport is magical , not least when hilariously lip-synching starship 's cheesy 1980s power ballad ` nothing 's gon na stop us now ' in a rousing blast of sibling solidarity .",
"suicide is no laughing matter , but there are some wry smiles in this changeably moody indie-pic about self-destructive siblings .",
"how can you not love something that gives wiig so much scope ?",
"MOV follows a fairly predictable trajectory , but it is littered with affecting moments and joyous sequences .",
"there is the risk of a credibility gap when charismatic and successful stars play ultra - dysfunctional types . that 's why bill hader and kristen wiig never quite convince as milo and maggie , twins on the cusp of middle age .",
"a thoughtful and likeable drama with comic riffs ...",
"-lsb- an -rsb- entertaining , bleak comedy-drama ...",
"the laughs are here , but they are tempered by bruising regrets and simmering grudges in this elegant study of a sibling relationship in crisis .",
"a bold experiment which does n't quite come together .",
"funny and sad and wise and wonderful ... with an absolutely heartbreaking , career-changing performance by bill hader .",
"pretty much perfect ... no one now , and maybe no one ever , is as good with the big wince as kristen wiig .",
"writing and directing his second feature , craig johnson demonstrates a knowing sense of how consciously , and helplessly , some people destroy themselves .",
"if `` sad comedy '' is a genre , craig johnson 's thoughtful , touching film fits right in .",
"low-fi and engaging , sometimes mordantly hilarious and at other moments genuinely touching , the movie suffers both from the flat hipster affect that can stunt independent films and from more calculated mainstream touches .",
"the story 's secrets are those of the characters , and as they 're revealed , often informally , it provides new insight into these people , and manages to avoid the pitfalls of clichés .",
"this is one of the best films about the lingering effects of dysfunction that 's been made .",
"one example of movie magic is the way a film that seemingly has numerous strikes against it can turn itself into a pleasant experience .",
"MOV is quietly smart , sweet but never syrupy . it should erase any doubt that its two stars , who rose to success as cut-ups , also have dramatic chops .",
"every time we veer into overly familiar territory , hader and wiig find a way to connect - with the script , with each other and with us .",
"hader and wiig dig deepest and strike the truest chords when the twins ' defenses are down , when their jokes do n't work , when they 're faced with the truth of their own blasted lives .",
"the actors have an obvious rapport . it 's deep enough to evoke the ties , entanglements and bloodletting of a real kinship . but wiig and hader 's instincts as entertainers are keen enough to know when to stop cutting .",
"when hader and wiig are on screen together the film 's shortcomings fade because the energy they give to and take from each other ... is so palpable , it 's fun just watching them banter ...",
"some weeks at the movies are like this . you settle for wonderful actors doing some wonderful acting with scripts that support those efforts even as they limit them .",
"-lsb- it -rsb- deflects criticism , its leads working hard to win folks over . like maggie , audiences may be powerless to resist .",
"irreverent , mature , deeply affecting drama about siblings .",
"MOV has a similarly keen feel for the emotional terrain of depression , but the film falls into a dour rut early on , and seldom rouses itself .",
"a brief , grounded , entertaining comedy with a few rich characters , a few thin ones and some unachieved ambitions .",
"lively and insightful when -lrb- wiig and hader -rrb- share scenes , and there are many .",
"the rapport between bill hader and kristen wiig is obvious from their first moment together in MOV , and why should n't it be ?",
"it may not always work as a drama but MOV proves to be a fine showcase for wiig and hader , showing they are both capable of dramatic material .",
"in the same way that `` eternal sunshine of the spotless mind '' redefined jim carrey , this affecting and poignant drama-with-laughs shatters your expectations of bill hader and kristen wiig .",
"MOV is a wonderful comedy-drama made with heart and filled with plenty of broken ones .",
"it is rare to see a film as tonally balanced as MOV . it is both a tearjerker and a crowdpleaser , often in the same scene .",
"MOV is more or less worth it for fans of wiig , and indeed hader , another actor with a lot of untapped dramatic potential .",
"`` MOV '' is a lovingly calibrated mix of heartbreak and hopefulness , guilt and the will to do better .",
"one of the best films to emerge from this year 's sundance , with an unexpectedly great performance by bill hader .",
"the movie is nicely performed , crisply written , carefully directed - full of images that fold neatly into one another .",
"johnson 's unfussy direction serves as a fine showcase for the two snl veterans to demonstrate how their comic shorthand plays equally well in a slightly darker register .",
"MOV is all the better for keeping us guessing as to its intentions , because that makes it more true to life . sometimes you have to smile through the tears , and vice-versa .",
"if a movie with suicide as a central theme can be deemed funny , then writer/director craig johnson has pulled it off , mixing heartache and humor and giving wiig , especially , the opportunity to shine .",
"acidic sibling dramedy .",
"caustically wry and cloyingly sentimental , MOV is a crowdpleaser .",
"hader and wiig 's comedy credentials are well established and a scene in which they bond while miming starship 's nothing 's gon na stop us now is a tour de force - but they 're equally adept with the weightier material .",
"how can you hate a movie that has a giggly bill hader and kristen wiig making fart noises at each other ?",
"suicidal depression given a comical skin-deep treatment and on-the-nose casting .",
"an observant double character study , `` MOV '' revolves around two protagonists who are worthy of the viewer 's time & sympathy . the film gets beautiful mileage out of the sterling work of the indomitable kristen wiig & a revelatory bill hader .",
"wiig and hader share a believable bond ; their intimate shorthand and casual bickering should feel recognizable to most anyone who shares parents with another human .",
"craig johnson 's film is ultimately most interested in what its jokes are implying or obscuring about the jokesters themselves .",
"warm , funny , heartfelt and even uplifting , the film is led by revelatory performances from bill hader and kristen wiig , both of them exploring rewarding new dramatic range without neglecting their mad comedic skills .",
"a film with many shortcomings , yet notable for its ensemble cast and fine acting .",
"the two costars elevate the film beyond formula . their onscreen rapport is infectious and believable .",
"this brother-sister bond , so rarely explored on screen , is what makes MOV sing .",
"if some of the emotional cues are blunt , other story threads are sensitively developed , and the morality is nicely complex ...",
"gentle , funny and very moving , MOV is too late to make stars out of the already-adored kristen wiig and bill hader , but is just in time to prove they 've got much more to give in their hopefully very long careers .",
"no history-making drama here , but a sincere journey into solidly founded fears that dog the parents of the new millennium .",
"twins is approachable and meaningful , confronting an impossible darkness with a generous flow of humanity . it 's a beautiful picture .",
"`` MOV '' is a strong , solid film with nuanced performances by an eclectic cast . it could prove to be one of the best of the year .",
"bill hader and kristen wiig have taken career risks with `` MOV '' . and we are fortunate that they did .",
"while this is undoubtedly tough stuff to be selling to all comers , there is a tenderness and truly-earned uplift to this tale that will resonate with receptive viewers in a special way .",
"when a film piles on this many problems for its characters , it 's often because it does n't really believe in any of them .",
"the surprising thing about this above-average relationship movie is its sense of humour , something you would n't necessarily expect from a drama that starts with attempted suicide .",
"worst of all , it stupidly ruins a perfectly decent ` marley & me ' joke .",
"even though they got famous doing broad sketch comedy , wiig and hader both have a sadness in their eyes that allows them to play believably damaged people who use humor to mask pain .",
"it 's worth a watch to see these two reliably comic actors do some heavy dramatic lifting and tenderly spot for each other .",
"for laughs with heart , MOV is highly recommended .",
"wiig and hader are the stars of the show , as well as winning components of a wry look at life . their rapport is a delight , and the rest of the film is darkly authentic and deliciously funny .",
"bill hader and kristen wiig ... turn their talents toward some really heavy drama , while managing to serve up a few laughs along the way .",
"in a poignant and potentially depressing film , it 's redeeming to see that when they are with their kindred spirits , even the saddest skeletons can dance .",
"a profoundly moving study of two damaged characters .",
"even with performers as likable as hader and wiig , and characters as likable as milo and maggie , sympathy should be earned . like an cocksure banker , johnson takes our investment for granted .",
"how could something so dark be so funny ? it 's a question one ca n't fully answer with any certainty , but we know kristen wiig and bill hader have a lot to do with the weird and wonderful black magic that is MOV .",
"you might be expecting a comedy . you wo n't get what you expect , you get something better .",
"it 's perfectly suited for the limousine liberals who flock to park city each year , looking to be engaged but not challenged in any big way .",
"skeleton twins is n't perfect , but it cuts to the bone .",
"if hader has the benefit of slightly more screen time , wiig is no less impressive as a woman quietly falling completely apart .",
"the heart tugging moments come frequently , and when they connect , they feel real and earned .",
"this a strong feature that successfully blends comedy and drama while also exploring a very tough subject .",
"this film is encouragingly sceptical about the cliché that blood is thicker than water . the proof is in the spilling of it .",
"a few sections feel more loosely scripted to make the most of wiig and hader 's talent for improvisation , but their rapport goes deeper .",
"MOV can be very funny .",
"an engaging comedy drama lifted by two revelatory performances . wiig in particular suggests an academy award-winner-in-waiting .",
"wiig and hader give winning , finely nuanced turns in a film that deftly mixes light and dark .",
"it is elevated time and again by the stars , who are so open and expressive , ably conveying the complexities of the characters ' deep and fractured bond .",
"it does n't trivialize the mental anguish that both of its characters feel , yet also does n't settle for a cheap resolution .",
"... a well-acted yet only sporadically engaging little comedy/drama .",
"at its best , MOV exudes the vague unease of two putative grown-ups trying to stifle their awareness that the lives they 've chosen neither fit nor suit them .",
"those expecting a load of laughs will be disappointed . all in all , it is good to see this usually comedic cast do some truly dramatic work .",
"-lsb- hader -rsb- delivers the often macabre humor deadpan and demonstrates a heretofore untapped talent for nuance and poignancy .",
"what makes this film work are the performances of hader and wiig , whose natural bond through good times and bad is one of the best depictions of siblings on screen since `` you can count on me , '' a film which this one bears more than a little resemblance to .",
"the bleak tone sometimes leads to a cerebral quality at odds with the actors ' energy , but at its best johnson manages to enliven the darker moments of skeleton twins with sudden bursts of comedic inspiration .",
"the characters and their anxieties are for the most part nicely judged .",
"this is a smart movie . wiig gives maybe the most impressive performance of her career , and hader is equally good .",
"hader and wiig give rich , nuanced performances that reflect the chemistry the two actors honed together from their years on saturday night live .",
"hader and wiig deliver in this indie drama with laughs .",
"hader nails it , never once seeming like a comedian stretching himself . he comes across as a talented dramatic actor who 's also sharp and hilarious .",
"one wonders what might 've been , had johnson allowed his stars the freedom to riff off rather than merely recite his pain-by-numbers script .",
"along with obvious child , it is one of the worst films of the year .",
"announces the arrival of a remarkable talent and i eagerly await -lrb- craig -rrb- johnson 's next film .",
"who knew bill hader could be so great in a -lrb- mostly -rrb- drama ?",
"are high hopes better than the ordinariness of the herd , even if the herd provides safety ? it 's a meaningful topic for debate .",
"yet another wan indie comedy-drama that plays like an adaptation of something plucked from the slush pile of short story submissions in the fiction editor 's office at the new yorker .",
"for anything it gets wrong , it gets so much more right that i feel downright churlish for complaining . there is , in fact , one scene that 's a little piece of cinematic nirvana .",
"acceptance of these sad sacks is accentuated even further by the presence of hader and wiig , who tease out the weighty melancholy that dogs their characters ' every move .",
"-lsb- t -rsb- hese are just real people doing their best to hold together the pieces of their broken lives , day by day . it 's wonderful and sad and human - the sort of characters i feel privileged to meet at the cinema .",
"that is a really lovely , nuanced performance from -lsb- luke wilson -rsb- ."
] | the_skeleton_twins | led by powerful performances from kristen wiig and bill hader , MOV effectively mines laughs and tears from family drama . | 771321237 |
"simply put , oliver & company did n't work for me not because i 'm many years past my sixth birthday but because it never scared me into forgetting that fact .",
"... the virtual nadir of the disney oeuvre .",
"surely one of disney 's weakest full-length animated features , MOV features terrible , badly dated songs and some shoddy , patchwork animation with precious few dazzling moments .",
"more notable for what it is n't than what it is , it 's one of the gangly middle children of the disney animation family , not quite sure how to fit in , or even if it 's valued .",
"i guess i can cut the mouse house a little slack when it comes to paint-by-numbers mediocrities like oliver & company .",
"the animation is clumsy , the songs are forgettable , the attempts at late-80s relevance now come across as dated and slightly embarrassing .",
"pure '80s drivel .",
"cute but forgettable cartoon musical ; a solid voice cast does a decent job .",
"animated dickens makes for a surprisingly successful translation , and in my book billy joel can do very little wrong .",
"much cornball adventure ensues , punctuated by healthy helpings of singing , dancing and general merriment .",
"the computer-assisted animation is relatively stiff and inexpressive .",
"quite insipid and wretchedly unengaging .",
"ca n't compete with disney classics , but still fun .",
"suffers from a rote storyline and flat animation .",
"even as a cartoon poodle , bette midler stops the show .",
"the general quality of the animation and script would disappoint more sophisticated viewers .",
"the animation is fairly unexciting though serviceable , and the overall mystification of class difference would probably have made dickens shudder , but kids should find this tolerable enough .",
"lacks the classic disney charm that works for adults as well as kids",
"far from classic but it is interesting to watch for its take on the pre-disnified new york landscape following the company 's real estate foray into the iconic downtown core .",
"the last gasp of disney animation 's post-walt malaise before the 1990s disney renaissance ... retains dickens 's seamy milieu , but not his morality-play tableau .",
"a very funny movie for adults and children alike .",
"mostly harmless .",
"`` catchy songs , a cuddly hero , perfectly pleasant ''",
"the film offers a fanciful , lush urban setting , unusual for disney animated features , and a couple of good songs .",
"why these juvenile delinquents and their even worse masters are considered appropriate material for the 3-8 set that is most likely to see this movie is a conundrum .",
"this is a funny , enjoyable family treat .",
"seen today , oliver & company comes across as a rather shabby transitional work , one that lacks the sophistication of today 's ` toons and does n't hold up to the disney classics of yesteryear .",
"despite three screenwriters and 13 names credited for the story , the script quickly sinks into a predictable ` girl-meets-pet , girl-loses-pet , girl-and - pet-reunite ' sap-trap .",
"take the kids . have fun ."
] | oliver_and_company | oliver & company is a decidedly lesser effort in the disney canon , with lackluster songs , stiff animation , and a thoroughly predictable plot . | 9542 |
"this absurd , unwieldy adventure -- if that 's the word -- is no worse , but certainly no better , than most of its kind .",
"great fun , as these things go , with a bernard herrmann score to boot .",
"in a cinema landscape populated with all kinds of digitally created creatures and setpieces , it 's nice to take a look back and witness the birth of these ideas .",
"-lrb- a -rrb- fantasia of the classic greek myth with a brawny odyssey through lands of magic , all at the behest of the gods using humans as pieces in their competitive games and wagers .",
"for true ray harryhausen fans , MOV will remain one of his greatest feats . and if you bring yourself back to the era , you 'll find a world of wonder yourself .",
"the sheer outlandish nature of the production sets it apart from many of the mythology-inspired films of its era .",
"the film 's engaging use of greek mythology , entertaining supporting performances -lrb- the star , todd armstrong , is a bit bland -rrb- , and outstanding model work -lrb- a six-headed hydra ! seven fencing skeletons ! -rrb- make it an ideal collector 's classic .",
"it mostly comes alive through the imaginative special effects by ray harryhausen , the maven of stop-motion animation .",
"the $ 3 million film has a workable scenario and has been directed resourcefully and spiritedly by don chaffey , under whose leadership a colorful cast performs with zeal .",
"easygoing satire of mythical determinism",
"good fun . even when projected in a public library .",
"what comes to mind immediately with a mere mention of this greek myth are ray harryhausen 's special effects , especially those swashbuckling skeletons",
"MOV -- certainly a wondrous film at its time -- benefits from nostalgia , and is moviemaking in a rarefied form .",
"ray harryhausen 's finest hour is a fun and classic romp through the classics .",
"the straight story of jason 's exploits , told with magic and imagination and a minimum of studio trickery , might have been delightful . this version is more bull than bulfinch .",
"great harryhausen effects , indifferent acting and script",
"saturday matinee fun in the finest tradition .",
"the gone with the wind of stop-frame animation .",
"made while hollywood was plundering roman history at vast expense , this british picture went further back in time and created a niche of its own .",
"`` MOV '' features some of harryhausen 's most memorable stop-motion creations , including the giant bronze statue talos and a creepy army of swordfighting skeletons .",
"special-effects buffs generally cite this 1963 effort by ray harryhausen as the master 's masterpiece , and his work does a great deal to enliven the tired plot and vacuous stars .",
"what a blast !",
"one of ray harryhausen 's finest moments , the remarkable special effects are still pretty impressive even in today 's cg-shaped world .",
"a great adventure movie ... presents spectacle in the most wide-eyed , awe-inspired register .",
"all the fights are stunningly put together and still deliver in action terms . this may be an old story but it feels very much alive .",
"a stop-motion animation masterwork .",
"for sheer old-fashioned , childhood rekindling adventure you really ca n't go past it ."
] | 1010939-jason_and_the_argonauts | don chaffey 's MOV is an outlandish , transportive piece of nostalgia whose real star is the masterful stop-motion animation work of ray harryhausen . | 9520 |
"whatever either of these guys thought they were doing with the MOV , they 've ended up making a movie like no other .",
"the resulting films are far from ruined and are actually successfully witty , formal and strange .",
"in this enjoyable if trivial battle between von trier 's psychodrama theatricality and leth 's cool formalism , it 's ultimately the viewer who comes out the winner .",
"part of what hooks you to this movie is how leth outsmarts his taskmaster , and how the two men have divergent , almost incompatible aesthetic ideals .",
"if this sounds like jackass for intellectuals , that 's because it is , but without the laughs .",
"... fascinating ... another apparent piece in the jigsaw puzzle that is danish director lars von trier .",
"the MOV may never really engage with the creative process ... but it is full of vivid examples of the finished product ...",
"an eccentric and intrepid testament to the pure joy of cinema ... a duel of intellect and imagination .",
"his latest film , the MOV , may be the one that gets the closest to his inner workings , and the one that finally tests him back .",
"a startling revelation about how plastic , in the good sense , that cinema can be as art , as play , and as punishment .",
"the success of the film depends almost distressingly on the audience 's cheeky sense of bad faith toward lars von trier .",
"hardly conventional entertainment , but seeing what happens next provides much of the fun in this far-from-academic exercise .",
"leth is hypnotically unstoppable .",
"although the MOV occasionally seems like an exercise in artistic wankery , it 's amazing to see how leth rises to the challenge each time .",
"an essay on art as a matter of solving problems posed by a capricious deity -- that is , an exposé of von trier 's own method , both of making a movie and directing actors .",
"in trying to goad leth to ... ` liberate ' himself by making crap , von trier has instead given his friend a global stage as a highly creative and assured filmmaker .",
"the MOV may do little to win over von tier detractors - who find his films , like these obstructions , too intellectually schematic .",
"watching the MOV is at once like witnessing two chess masters playing dominoes and like spying on a series of therapy sessions .",
"becomes most interesting when we see how a veteran filmmaker reacts to gauntlets thrown down by a star student , and meets those challenges .",
"leth has created works as beautiful and moving as any art i 've seen in recent years .",
"to see how leth discovers ways to use the devilish obstructions to his advantage is nothing short of thrilling .",
"leth leaves the viewer both exhilarated and maybe even optimistic about the capacity of human intelligence and creativity .",
"riveting .",
"by challenging leth , pushing him out of his comfort zone , von trier releases in his idol a creative brilliance that would have otherwise remained buried .",
"even those who dismiss von trier as a talented sadist might reconsider after seeing this revealing and ultimately poignant documentary .",
"von trier is rejuvenating his mentor 's imagination . he 's also reminding him that art can ` catch the conscience ' of the audience and the artist .",
"-lsb- ... -rsb- the reason the MOV lingers as an essential part of von trier 's filmography -lsb- ... -rsb- is because it reveals so much about why von trier has worked the way he has in the past -lsb- ... -rsb-",
"fascinating -lrb- and oft-times infuriating -rrb- .",
"-lsb- leth 's -rsb- strength against adversity elevates the movie above the one-sided whipping of a genial man to a more interesting duel of filmmakers . he parries when von trier thrusts .",
"somehow the humor and purpose of this project escaped me .",
"this unique work does humanise the two directors , but also shows that these two fallible humans are capable of making wonderful if not perfect cinematic works .",
"a hugely entertaining chess game between equally matched opponents .",
"despite his own pessimism , i think von trier does change leth as an artist , a little , through these chastisements .",
"the movie does almost all it can to refuse to appeal to the viewer , then gradually evolves into something profound and limit-busting .",
"a vain and vapid intellectual exercise that only serves to illustrate lars von trier 's unswerving arrogance .",
"contrived and weighed down by testosterone .",
"rest assured that the film is as playful as it is thoughtful .",
"it 's amusing only if you agree not to think very much about it .",
"stands as a testament to the elasticity of human imagination and to a friendship that can survive even the devious deconstructionist schemes of lars von trier .",
"for those who treasure not only watching the intricate challenges of filmmaking but also feeling the thrill of tomfoolery and sharing the demonic joy of psychological twists , obstructions is enthralling .",
"a film like this has a limited audience , i suppose , but for that audience it offers a rare fascination .",
"funny , ornery , and ultimately inspiring .",
"an unforgivable piece of cynical self-indulgence .",
"an amusing look at idol worship and a refreshing foray into the nuts and bolts of making films , and the creativity that sets the best ones apart .",
"if you have a desire to one day challenge the camera yourself , i 'd strongly advise studying this film intensely . good filmmakers come and go , but the great ones hide in haiti .",
"the relationship between the two filmmakers raises it above the category of academic experiment . von trier brings a diabolical glee to his role , and leth matches it with an older , wiser brand of mischief .",
"a special auteurist treat that 's easier to enjoy than to describe or categorize .",
"in only 90 minutes it encourages you to reexamine the nature of cinema , the sources of creativity , the unexpected joys of the unanticipated moment . and it could n't be more fun to watch .",
"reveals how huge is the impact of a director on a film and how impossible it is for an artist to escape his own nature .",
"makes you wish he could do the same thing with michael mann .",
"a movie that 's so eager and playful and inspired that it made me a von trier believer again .",
"director lars von trier goes mental on his mentor and makes him remake a film over and over and over ...",
"a pretentious vanity project .",
"a fascinating meditation on filmmaking and a remarkable intellectual exercise .",
"it 's a game of cinematic survivor that takes on broader meaning , exploring film as a mode of self-expression and the latent insecurity that drives artists to deliver works of greatness .",
"offers us the five finished films as well as a record of their making , and from its very first frames it exerts a powerful fascination ."
] | five_obstructions | both an intriguing intellectual exercise and an amusing look at the contrasts between the two filmmakers . | 17281 |
"... two hours and forty minutes of the same action scene recycled over and over again ...",
"it 's great to see fred astaire , er , danny glover back in the saddle as the president of the united states . it 's the first time america elected a president whose campaign slogan was ` i 'm too old for this s ** t. '",
"here 's a movie that 's dopey , cheesy and sometimes downright silly . but it 's a disaster movie . it 's supposed to be ridiculous .",
"the special effects are pretty special but the plot is a drag",
"emmerich 's desire to cram as many hairbreadth escapes and eternities of suspense as possible into one movie ultimately feels more like an eternity plain and simple .",
"... the farfetched beginning is such a turn-off that as the story becomes more credible , we do n't have much patience to forgive the absurdities that dominate the first half .",
"a more delightfully bad movie has n't been seen in all of 2009 .",
"an oscar-caliber cast and dazzling visual effects ca n't rescue this formulaic disaster flick from a script flooded with generic dialogue and preposterous plot points .",
"as the action becomes less fabulous and more repetitive over 2012 's 150 minutes , the philosophical debate ratchets up .",
"if you want to see the most incredible end-of-the-world footage rendered since nic cage 's knowing , buy a ticket . otherwise , it 'll look just fine on your television next year .",
"the script is nonsensical and while the actors do their best they are , inevitably , dwarfed by the breathtaking visual effects . emmerich has outdone himself this time ; this is a film that makes independence day look modest .",
"if you want massive spectacle , an orgy of disaster-movie clichés and schadenfreude run riot , you wo n't be disappointed . cinematic popcorn does n't come poppier , cornier -lrb- or cheesier -rrb- than this .",
"the effects ring curiously hollow since the human side of the film is so undeveloped ... heed my warning and avoid this massive turkey .",
"an astonishingly impressive and entertaining disaster movie ... one of the must-see films of the year .",
"thrilling , but not earth-shattering .",
"in the proud tradition of roland emmerich movies , `` 2012 '' is incredible in every sense of the word : totally not credible , and yet hugely entertaining .",
"roland emmerich is an apocalypse chef . in 2012 he cooks america till it boils , adding live meat to the process at judicious intervals .",
"in between the explosions and quakes you sometimes hear snatches of the script , and then wish you had n't .",
"complete codswallop but perversely entertaining .",
"if 2012 is an apotheosis of all disaster movies , that means it 's also an apotheosis of all disaster-movie clichés .",
"i enjoyed `` 2012 '' for its mother-of-all-disaster-movie pretensions and amazing special effects .",
"bigger , louder , crazier and more wildly exhilarating than anything previously attempted .",
"you do n't get off a rollercoaster and complain about the lack of storytelling .",
"it is as if screenwriters roland emmerich , who also directed , and harald kloser simply screened earlier films and borrowed bits and pieces .",
"emmerich , bay and their brethren need to learn how boring these cgi onslaughts have become . when we see 18 skyscrapers collapse and several dozen vehicles wreck at the same moment , what do we focus on ?",
"it 's the end of the world as escapism . it 's an event movie . it 's daft . the visual effects are amazing . see it on a big screen .",
"... seriously , how often do we want to escape into worlds that are hell-bent on ravaging our sense of security with invading aliens and furious natural disasters ?",
"size matters : a winter popcorn movie and guilty pleasure , this mass entertainment of mass destruction is not one coherent story but a calculated , cliche-ridden , often humorous pastiche of all the disaster movies made in hollywood .",
"a double-stuffed , hysterical success that demands to be seen on the biggest screen you can find . if you can keep from busting up during the part with the helicopter and the giraffe , you may be a robot .",
"2012 is no disaster movie , it 's a high-rent remake of the parent trap .",
"hokey happenstance , big special effects , some are pretty cool . it 's no masterpiece , makes embarrassing mistakes , but i must admit - i really enjoyed the raw excitement .",
"despite gasp worthy special effects , ' 2012 ' clunks along with yakety , cliched speeches and a familiar aka cliched plot that taps into virtually every disaster flick ever produced .",
"the ron jeremy of disaster porn .",
"throw in bits and pieces from all other disaster movies , up the global destruction ante , turn on the waterworks -lrb- literally and figuratively -rrb- and you 've got 2012 .",
"there 's a calamity far greater than the disintegration of the earth 's core that dooms the film ' 2012 , ' it 's a lesser known phenomenon that most disaster films are smart enough to steer away from ... the magic of ` star power . '",
"easily the best bad movie in years , 2012 is hilariously over the top .",
"formulaic and frenzied , it 's a spectacular but ultimately silly blast , drawing on every cataclysmic disaster movie you 've ever seen for its noah 's ark flood concept .",
"there 's nothing to root against , no recipient to rage against the dying of the light . there 's only the spectacle of the world crumbling and the dreary aftermath of cleaning up what 's left .",
"2012 director roland emmerich never met a landmark he did n't want to crush with a digitized fireball , boulder or avalanche .",
"the two-hour-and-40-minute 2012 is overstuffed with special-effects , but the curtis clan 's mad dash out of town is the closest the movie gets to actually being fun .",
"if , as is believed in certain fringe circles , the world will come to an end in 2012 , at least there will be no more movies like this one made .",
"five stars for the effects , three stars for everything else .",
"disaster movies ca n't get any bigger than this -lrb- until emmerich makes a film about earth crashing into mars or something -rrb- . but it 's fair to say they can get a whole lot better .",
"a graceless mess that will insult the intelligence of everyone who encounters it , even those who were actually looking forward to seeing it in the first place .",
"emmerich attempts to outdo himself in every reel , but the end result is too long , too cheesy and too lacking in self-awareness to be the brain-off , block-busting thrill ride it should have been .",
"it is better that the world ends here , right now , this instant , in a calamitous and civilization-decimating apocalypse before anyone else has to suffer through the disaster of a disaster film that is 2012 . you 'll thank me later .",
"2012 may be the biggest disaster movie ever made , an awesome and ridiculous film that leaves you thrilled beyond the point of your natural endurance .",
"2012 delivers everything you could possibly want from a blockbuster disaster movie .",
"-lsb- emmerich 's -rsb- most cliched , predictable , overblown , special fx-milking epic yet .",
"step right up and prepare to be mesmerized , bowled over , and generally blown away by roland emmerich 's 2012 , a movie that is guaranteed to be the last word on impending cinematic armageddon for the foreseeable future .",
"this may be one of the dumbest disaster films ever made , but they sure do blow up things real good .",
"apocalypse new ? no such luck : more like apocalypse same ol' .",
"it 's pointless to fault ' 2012 ' for being silly or perpetuating scientific and historic baloney . instead , the new movie 's unforgivable transgression is that it fails to make any of the apocalyptic destruction fun .",
"an eye-popping , insult to the intelligence strictly for the kiddies and crackpot doomsday enthusiasts .",
"there 's a dash of tibetan mysticism , a soupcon of comeuppances , and one family discovering what is really important . take it for what it is and leave logic to fend for itself",
"amazing special effects assume the starring role here , but cast members also deserve recognition for adding a humanistic touch to this over-the-top disaster movie .",
"2012 is a fun ride , so long as you do n't think about how silly it all is .",
"spectacular special effects and one of the dumbest screenplays of the year .",
"emmerich does n't mess around when intent on messing up the world for good . but his pop apocalypse multiplying man 's worst fears , always goes down easy with a side order of popcorn . apocalypse wow .",
"primal , not tactful",
"the movie never takes its foot off the accelerator , leaving the viewer with little time to breathe . you will be sorry if you have to take a bathroom break .",
"... 2012 's relentless emphasis on destruction ensures that most viewers will inevitably walk away satisfied .",
"2012 is a sideshow ride , a rollickingly good thrill until it loses momentum in the last act , but even so , at 158 minutes , there 's plenty of bang for your buck .",
"i ca n't believe i 'm saying this , but 2012 filmmakers should have hired michael bay as an artistic consultant . yes , the same michael bay who made transformers and pearl harbor .",
"there 's so much ambitious spectacle , but it 's surrounded by so many lazy contrivances that one would want to gasp in astonishment if one were n't chuckling and groaning in aggravation so often .",
"2012 offers hope in the face of spectacular disaster .",
"those signposty speeches allow for a kind of logic amidst all the mayhem . and such mayhem !",
"at worst , it 's a gruesome , depressing subject as viewed from the seat of a passing roller coaster .",
"if you 're looking for some wicked-cool visuals and destruction on a scale that even emmerich has never put on screen before , then 2012 is for you . plot and character development ? move along , nothing to see here .",
"parental content review",
"it 's easy to mock throwaway blockbusters like 2012 , but as enthralling , mindless entertainment , the film is difficult to fault .",
"it depicts a world where no one , man or god , has much say in what happens to the planet , and where the survival of one family outweighs the deaths of billions . what does that say about us ?",
"in line with the u.s.-centric heartbeat of 2012 , most other nationalities , particularly the russians , are viewed as imbeciles and/or mere extensions of crude stereotypes - clever indians , honourable chinese , stylish italians , and so on .",
"you do n't have to say more than `` it 's a roland emmerich film '' to get the full brunt of the quality of the production . great visuals , but weak dialogue and scenarios .",
"it 's cinematic waterboarding and there was more than one occasion during the film when i was convinced it was never going to end .",
"i ca n't claim to have seen every terrible film in cinematic history , but in my fairly extensive watchography , 2012 is certainly in the top 5 worst ever .",
"action-packed entertainment builds around efforts , not to prevent the destruction of the planet , but to plan for the continuation of the human race .",
"it 's the end of the world as we know it % u2026 again ! but hand it to roland emmerich , an old hand at cinematic armageddon , for making the apocalypse such an entertaining ride .",
"the strongest thing about this movie is the `` this i have to see '' factor . if only the story had the same kind of groove going as the effects .",
"berlin alexanderplatz feels like a saturday afternoon matinee compared to this .",
"even though the extras -lsb- on the dvd -rsb- are chock-a-block , they are still for a bad movie .",
"the end of the world movie to end 'em all , it turns out to be a sort of cross between the sci-fi camptacular when worlds collide and every previous emmerich movie . guilty pleasures galore .",
"the audience paid for money shots , and money shots are what they get .",
"people talk about `` formula '' almost always as a pejorative , but formulas get to be formulas because they work , and there 's something to be said for a formula picture done almost to perfection .",
"the effects are expensive-looking and impressive enough while you 're watching them , although whatever awe they inspire does n't last long : when you 've seen one washington monument fall to bits , you 've seen them all .",
"beware 2012 , which works the dubious miracle of almost matching transformers 2 for sheer , cynical , mind-numbing , time-wasting , money-draining , soul-sucking stupidity .",
"if you feel like you 've seen all this genre has to offer , save your ten dollars and take comfort that you 're probably right .",
"a gargantuan mess .",
"a very long , very loud , and very stupid disaster flick that apparently accomplishes what it set out to do , which was to be long , loud , and stupid .",
"films of this sort are plotted shish kebab style : disaster , change of scenery , new disaster . but on the level of spectacle , 2012 is top-notch .",
"after seeing 2012 i had to take a shower i felt so unclean . if 2012 succeeds , we 'll have the deluge of crap . it wo n't be the rapture ; it will be the evacuation .",
"like all its predecessors , this carefully choreographed entertainment offers nothing new . but there sure is a lot of it .",
"it 's big and cheesy and if you 're in the mood for a dose of exaggerated end-of-world chaos , this is the popcorn movie for you . roland emmerich has gleefully combined every possible disaster extreme with child-like enthusiasm : massive visual effects",
"`` 2012 '' is yet another example of technological genius and story-telling mediocrity .",
"roland emmerich 's latest irwin allen-on-steroids disaster movie is the mother of all apocalypse movies , and it mostly satisfies ...",
"sure the blu-ray dvd will look great on your home theater as ambient background for your next house party , but that 's about it .",
"fundamentally terrible , but almost irresistibly entertaining . its horrors get a tad monotonous in the mid-section , but it 's still a value-for-money hoot .",
"are we meant to applaud when skyscrapers topple and ships capsize , with tiny digital faceless bodies plummeting into the void ? you make the disaster this real and it 's not entertaining or chilling .",
"wow special effects and a top supporting cast ca n't override the numbing length of this best-of disaster movie blockbuster .",
"emmerich favours hoisting his camera high and dry to give audiences the best panoramic view , but it removes all tension from proceedings - you 're always at a safe distance .",
"too long by an hour and populated with nothing but stereotypes , we ultimately want the world to come to an end , if only so we can get up and go to the bathroom .",
"a state-of-the-art multiplex three-ring circus whose special effects stagger the senses and play like a video game , whose human drama aims for the cosmic and lands waist-deep in the big silly .",
"a preposterous , overlong mess that 's filled with cheesy dialogue and cliche-ridden characters .",
"remarkably , `` 2012 '' does n't even really try to be profound , which is a good thing . all it tries to do is what it knows how to do best : entertain . at that , it comes up a winner .",
"actors say silly lines with deadly seriousness . exposition is wielded like a sledgehammer . all you can do is grit your teeth and wait for the next wave of destruction .",
"at 160 minutes , it 's too long . and this is n't exactly brainy fare . if you think too hard about this dopey science-fiction thriller , you 'll surely find fault with its physics and similarly sketchy plotting .",
"there are fates worse than death , and 2012 is one of them .",
"hollywood 's most successful one-trick pony , emmerich claims to favor `` human stories '' over end-of-the-world spectacle , but watching 2012 is like watching a sausage machine explode .",
"emmerich wavers between shocking , silly , and maudlin like a toddler would fingerpaint with red , yellow , and blue .",
"i found myself reaching for a phantom video-game controller to help our heroes and heroine defy certain death .",
"this is fun . 2012 delivers what it promises , and since no sentient being will buy a ticket expecting anything else , it will be , for its audiences , one of the most satisfactory films of the year .",
"it 's the end of the world as we know it , and i feel ... like i have a headache .",
"there are times when 2012 feels as if it is not going to end until 2012 ...",
"doomsday is good therapy . what does it matter that billions die if that brings a family together in one big hug ?",
"terrible with no story , a god-awful cast led by the cursed amanda peet , and stale dialogue . cheesy cgi .",
"guilty pleasures do n't come guiltier than 2012 .",
"it 's an exhausting , clumsy mess , and its moments of excitement are eventually toppled by the unstoppable tsunami of cheese .",
"all the outright silliness can be quite entertaining , but it 's unsatisfying to watch a movie spend so much time developing characters you ca n't possibly care about as you wait for emmerich to throw in the next wave of destruction .",
"-lsb- j -rsb- ust as the cyclones and tsunamis of the day after tomorrow ultimately succumbed to a bad case of narrative frostbite , 2012 's ludicrous thrills begin burning themselves out by the movie 's midpoint .",
"at the end of the day -lrb- oops , a rash choice of words -rrb- , go for the great effects . and stay for the unintended laughs . though it 's for all the wrong reasons , this film is highly entertaining .",
"if the viewer were ever invited to think or feel about what 's happening on-screen , the movie 's wow-whoa-ain ` t-it-cool momentum would collapse in a heap of horrific preposterousness .",
"sound idiotic ? preposterous ? you bet . but 2012 delivers the disaster-movie goods better than any other popcorn movie we 've seen since the '80s .",
"as you might expect with director roland emmerich , the movie is n't a patch on the trailer .",
"despite the frenetic action scenes , the movie sags , done in by multiple story lines that undercut one another and by the heaviness of its conceit .",
"why does roland emmerich enjoy killing off humanity ?",
"even if most of the earth were to be destroyed by a natural cataclysm predicted long ago by the ancient mayans , director roland emmerich would surely survive , if only to crawl back and polish off what little was left .",
"the earth 's crust destabilizes , quakes and tsunamis run riot , and continents shift , opening up a chasm directly under columbia pictures , the folks who hired roland emmerich to direct the movie .",
"this is n't disaster porn , it 's a disaster gang-bang .",
"if you 're the kind of movie goer who will happily munch popcorn at the sight of the apocalypse , 2012 will do the trick just nicely . and nastily .",
"for too much of the 2 1/2 - hour 2012 , the end is not near .",
"160 minutes of this nonsense is at least 90 minutes of back story too many .",
"the latest end-of-the-world effort from director roland emmerich , who there but for the grace of god goes michael bay .",
"2012 's narrative is super-banal and so are its special effects .",
"at points , 2012 was tedious enough to make us feel like we were in the theater until 2012",
"a headache inducing mess of apocalyptic proportions , 2012 is a woeful greatest hits package of disaster film clichés , mixed with shallow social commentary .",
"congratulations , john cusack ! you star in the worst movie of the year !",
"the amount of inanity exceeds the quantity of the special effects ... and the movie is filled to the brim with them .",
"... roland emmerich has done it again - he has delivered a movie that can pass for either a sunny atrocity or a brilliant black joke .",
"emmerich supposedly spent $ 260m to give you the biggest experience for your ticket dollar and in this regard , he has succeeded tremendously , while , intentionally or otherwise , also delivering one of 2009 's best comedies .",
"terrible ; wonderfully terrible .",
"it 's easy to scoff at the over-reliance of cgi in contemporary cinema but for a film like this it 's part and parcel of the whole , and computer generated effects have never before been used as spectacularly .",
"`` sit down and buckle up ! ''",
"you can not say , in the terms of the life and career that emmerich has built for himself , this is not the apex of his work . the world blows up . the world blows up a lot . the world blows up fantastically . there are worst quests in life .",
"this is fear-mongering , sentimental , horror show shtick , but it 's also fairly competent , making 2012 a work of awful efficiency",
"as always in emmerich 's rollicking armageddons , the cannon speaks with an expensive bang , while the fodder gets afforded nary a whimper .",
"each cgi blow-out feels progressively more synthetic and wearing .",
"-lsb- nothing -rsb- will give you more respect for how difficult it is to be an actor than watching top talent like john cusack , chiwetel ejiofor , amanda peet and oliver platt struggling to treat the film 's ungodly language and situations with perfect seriousness .",
"the bad news : the world as we know it has come to an end . the good news : mommy 's new boyfriend was squashed in the gears of a giant high-tech ark , so daddy 's back in the picture !",
"... goes on so long it starts to feel like the fifth piece of chocolate cake when two or three would have been more enjoyable .",
"the money shots are there in spades for 2012 . it 's utterly unbelievable but a blast to watch . and on a big screen , it 's pretty impressive .",
"2012 does answer the question of what a filmmaker with no great attachment to logic does when he ca n't choose between instruments of destruction . the answer : he exploits them all .",
"it 's over two-and-a-half hours of roland emmerich simulating the experience of the `` id4 '' dog outrunning the fireball . it 's slaphappy ludicrousness taken to an epic level .",
"to put it as simple as humanly possible , if you decide to go see one of director roland emmerich 's end-of-the-world films you should know exactly what you are getting into .",
"the world will end not with a whimper , but a bang - and another bang , and another bang , and another ...",
"now we know how the world ends -- with a whimper , a very loud whimper .",
"any sentient viewer will be able to predict every lumpy twist of this ludicrous , fitfully enjoyable movie .",
"-lrb- many -rrb- will decry `` 2012 '' as a plotless , illogical , clichéd , demented popcorn flick -lrb- because it is -rrb- , but this is that rare case where the apocalypse , at least in terms of big-budget blown-up spectacle movie-making , is hardly the end of the world .",
"giant-sized , explosive and technically astounding . this is no less than the end of the world roland emmerich is dealing with , and he tosses into the pot so much delirious spectacle that , yes , there are even kitchen sinks in sight .",
"independence day began a game of landmark-destroying one-upmanship . here , emmerich takes the competition global , but the soundtrack 's organ-rattling low-end makes a deeper impact than the film 's visuals .",
"sets a goal and slamdunks it , squeezing in so much fun that by the credits , i 'd forgotten about woody harrelson 's turn as a pickle-chomping am radio meteorological messiah .",
"i do n't think that , other than zombieland and the hangover , i 've laughed this hard all year , although i 'm sure the comedy in 2012 is 90 % unintentional .",
"like watching a mexican soap opera with bad ass special effects .",
"perhaps writer-director roland emmerich was hoping for a so-bad-it 's - good cult status with his latest disaster flick .",
"emmerich , though , is not fundamentally a funny filmmaker . he 's fundamentally cheesy , and there 's always something flat and phony to those few scenes meant to give his movies some modicum of humanity .",
"cliched , bombastic , coincidental , corny and technologically implausible , `` 2012 '' is so silly it might be entertaining if it did n't go on so long .",
"most of all , i liked the airlifting of giraffes to ark safety via helicopter and the bizarrely unreasonable cheeriness of the beleaguered survivors who all but shout `` hip-hip-hooray '' after billions of other earth citizens lose their lives .",
"emmerich was n't content to merely make the biggest disaster movie ever : he had to make every disaster movie ever ... -lsb- i -rsb- t 's like something ed wood would have made if he had a budget ...",
"roland emmerich 's 2012th epic disaster movie to date -lrb- give or take -rrb- is spectacularly loud , laughably ludicrous and insanely entertaining for all the wrong reasons .",
"this movie is a disaster . at least it would be if it did n't fall into the `` so bad it 's good '' category .",
"se a morte de seis bilhőes de pessoas ajudar uma criança a abandonar as fraldas , năo terá tudo valido a pena ?",
"158 minutes represents a heavy investment in time and popcorn . but the unrelenting pace , almighty effects and sheer tongue-in-cheekiness make it more than worth your while .",
"2012 , a near three-hour movie built entirely out of special effects set pieces and join-the-dots characterisation .",
"eye-popping special effects ensure that this movie will be a smash hit , and while it 's entertaining for most of its excessive running time , the cheesy script fails to live up to the grandeur of the physical production .",
"emmerich 's vision of global huddling and new-dawn optimism has a harebrained naivety you almost want to treasure , but that 's this idiot behemoth of a film all over : dim , dim , dim , and so absurdly overscaled that we 're not supposed to mind .",
"packages the disaster-happy director 's greatest hits into one cataclysmic picture .",
"a deliriously ludicrous , guilty pleasure of a blockbuster in which the end of the world is turned into a two-and-a-half-hour rollercoaster ride .",
"the crowning achievement in emmerich 's long , profitable career as a destroyer of worlds .",
"it feels about 2012 minutes too long , a bloated epic that outstays its welcome long before the credits have rolled .",
"roland emmerich has thrown everything imaginable at the screen in this mother -lrb- nature -rrb- of all destruction flicks .",
"over the top scenes of destruction aside 2012 is generally unimaginative in every way , from conception to execution . it 's not particularly bad , but never has the end of the world seemed so quaint .",
"2012 is terrible , lazy , hollywood trash . it is completely unoriginal with no structure , a script akin to having a drill put through your eardrum and a talented ensemble cast who are so obviously going through the motions .",
"on any level other than as sheer visual sensation , 2012 is a joke , for the simple reason that it has no point of view .",
"two and a half hours of heaving and cleaving and crashing and crunching .",
"`` you 'll be thoroughly entertained throughout , but hate yourself for liking it afterwards ''",
"a cheesefest on an epic scale , 2012 is a case of computer processors working overtime to compensate for a lack of action on emmerich and co-writers harald kloser 's word processor .",
"the defining entrant in , and the nadir of , the disaster porn genre .",
"a soothing bath of hollywood tropes and cliches .",
"the scenes of destruction composed by emmerich 's team -- earthquakes , tsunamis , rains of earth and fire -- have an enveloping majesty ; they transcend mere expensive photorealism and cross over into art .",
"thrilling , ridiculous -lrb- the script , by emmerich and longtime co-writer harald kloser , is riddled with howlingly goofy lines and seriously improbable deus-ex-machina moments -rrb- , and just plain big , dumb fun .",
"emmerich mounts an all-out assault on the world and on quality filmmaking with this bloated disaster flick",
"aside from a couple solid action sequences , this bloated epic is exhausting instead of exciting and sentimental but not sad .",
"in the final forty-five minutes the movie starts to feel very long and played-out .",
"what 's so frustrating about `` 2012 '' is that it could have been a great action movie . if the special effects team can do their jobs , certainly better writers could have been hired . but no . just try finding a surprise .",
"it 's missing the point to note that the patriotism on display in ' 2012 ' is embarrassingly shallow , as are emmerich 's genuflections to the value of faith . this is not a movie of ideas , but one of visceral thrills . on that level it 's hardly inspired .",
"works best when it immerses us in the vulgar mayhem , rather than when it 's asking us to care too deeply",
"train wreck . car wreck . plane wreck . boat wreck . please tell me you 've picked up on the common theme here people .",
"gleefully over-the-top , this film takes the disaster movie pretty much as far as it can go",
"as with `` independence day , '' `` 2012 '' is what comes of hiring legitimate actors to hawk hokum . and `` 2012 '' certainly is all cheese on wry , but it 's smart within its means as a palpable , if popcorn , lesson about parental and personal responsibility .",
"pour le `` meilleur '' et pour le pire , le cinéaste allemand nous livre au bout de ces deux heures et demie de tapage et d'exubérance son oeuvre la plus aboutie ŕ ce jour .",
"there is a misanthropic rush to be had from watching all those cities getting destroyed real good .",
"i 'm curious , just a bit , about what goes on in the mind of roland emmerich . does he know that he makes some of the best comedies ever written ?",
"with a planet sized disaster film , there are nation sized holes to pick at if you choose , but there 's a world of fun to be had if you sit back and let the destruction wash over you in this fantastical , mind blowing visual feast .",
"a boring , stupid , overlong , obnoxious , soulless piece of hollywood `` product . ''",
"2012 is so long , and its special effects are at once so outrageous and so thunderously predictable , that by the time i lurched from the theatre i felt that three years had actually passed and that the apocalypse was due any second .",
"it was your average d day film with all the bells and whistles and while many will enjoy it , it could have been better .",
"2012 's cutting-edge cgi special-effects technology combine with the campy failings of the worst of the 1950 's b-movies making for an unlikely comedy of disaster-epic proportions .",
"after the deplorable ` day after tomorrow ' i was n't expecting much , but this is an entertaining movie with mind-boggling special effects .",
"2012 is the expensive , large-scale version of the same spectacle presented by downmarket counterparts like the final destination and saw franchises .",
"if they had just put a decent story with these fabulous special effects , this could have really been something special . `` 2012 '' could have done without so many of its characters like those two guys on the love boat .",
"2012 rarely convincingly places its stars in the midst of destruction .",
"even though this movie 's running time of two and a half hours is about one hour too long , there 's still some pretty cool disaster stuff on the way .",
"2012 is a roland emmerich movie , so that means the world collapses while actors try to find a safe place to speak their inane dialogue .",
"i could fairly describe the 2012 plot as follows : the highest-paid members of an indifferent cast survive the massive floods and giant fireballs that cause our planet 's destruction .",
"if the world had actually ended two hours into the film we 'd all be discussing how awesomely stupid 2012 was in heaven .",
"this oafish epic about the end of days -- as predicted by the mayan calendar -- operates in a dead zone roughly equidistant between parody and idiocy .",
"preposterous ? you bet . but 2012 delivers the disaster-movie goods better than any other popcorn movie we 've seen since the '80s .",
"how is it possible that a $ 250 million film can be less effective on it 's audience than the $ 11,000 paranormal activity . the film is laughably bad .",
"only a movie critic without a sense of humor would question whether you could really drive a limo straight through a collapsing skyscraper ... or whether the dalai lama really owns a pickup truck .",
"had emmerich whittled down his overstocked cast and downsized the soap opera , this really would have been a case of apocalypse wow . if you 've an appetite for destruction , though , it 'll still send you home with a smile on your face .",
"2012 is the rare case of a bad film that i 'm nevertheless obliged to recommend you see .",
"2012 is straight ahead smash the world to smithereens while a cadre of characters placed in soap opera situations deliver unintentionally laughable lines .",
"master of disaster roland emmerich lives down to his reputation with what amounts to the biggest snuff film of all time .",
"the movie is an undeniable visual spectacle , but just as unequivocally a cheesy , ridiculous story .",
"roland emmerich provides the next entry in the `` apocalyptically disastrous '' subgenre of mega-blockbuster cinema , following up transformers : revenge of the fallen with an equally soulless depiction of life at the end of the world .",
"cusack , with his one-of-the-guys face and his nice way with child actors , does creditable work as an average american dad trying to put things right .",
"my enthusiasm for 2012 is not because i think it 's high art with an important social message . screw that % u2013 this movie is about pure spectacle , and it pulls that off fabulously .",
"2012 is reminiscent of yesteryear '80s shlock-tastic blockbusters -- total popcorn entertainment with ridiculous dialogue and impossible situations and special effects that will boggle the brain for a good two-plus hours .",
"2012 is well made spectacle . it 's finely crafted trash . it 's in on the joke , and it 's laughing along with you .",
"emmerich would be better off losing the pretense of respectability and embracing the b-movie showmanship that is clearly his strength .",
"plausible plot points , great special effects and characters we care about . that 's really about all you need to enjoy this apocalypse wow !",
"uno supone que presenciar el fin del mundo debería ser un evento realmente dramático , sin embargo estamos ante una película excesiva y ridícula que se parodia involuntariamente a sí misma .",
"unbelievably dumb and sentimental movie .",
"there 's a whole world of destruction going on in the film 's ridiculously excessive special-effects sequences . but there 's a whole lot of entertaining going on , too .",
"i quite enjoyed the experience , at least the first five or six hours of it . 2012 is not simply the last disaster movie you ever need to see . it 's the last movie you ever need to see .",
"emmerich deals in crayon-kit characterizations and shots of famous monuments crumbling into dust",
"full review at movies for the masses"
] | 2012 | roland emmerich 's 2012 provides plenty of visual thrills , but lacks a strong enough script to support its massive scope and inflated length . | 770795544 |
"where the visuals fail , the script does not pick up the slack . -lsb- the -rsb- screenplay plods along , and not even the occasional prison-rape joke can make it come to life .",
"` MOV ' is uneven , but when it 's on course , cat fans will be in heaven .",
"MOV is a shrek spin-off , which might seem pointless in addition to predictable .",
"entertaining spin-off enlivened by a terrific voice performance from shrek scene-stealer antonio banderas and colourful animation work but the script is weak and the film blows all its best gags early on .",
"it may be ogre-free , but it 's a monster of a movie .",
"purr-fect fun for rugrats mourning the end of the shrek series .",
"what the film boast in charm and exuberance , it sadly lacks in emotional core , and while there is n't really any depth to the bonds formed over the 90 minutes , it 's still a great family-friendly action-comedy .",
"every time puss opened his mouth to speak i was so captivated by his gnashers they helped to make this one of the most entertaining animations i 've seen since the incredibles and happy feet .",
"this western-parodying cat-with-too-many-names is closer to rango than to anything from the kingdom of far far away .",
"just a whisker away from being the cat 's whiskers .",
"for quick , lively , family friendly entertainment , `` MOV '' works just fine , even in 3-d , which is integrated thoughtfully into the narrative and does n't just feel like a gimmick .",
"has enough charm and visual delights to compensate for its own storytelling shortcomings .",
"... simple , sincere and largely innocent .",
"a mad scientist in the skin i live in and a talking cat in MOV : is there anything antonio banderas ca n't do ?",
"as handsome as any animated movie you can name , but it does n't even have the slick , narrative efficiency of one of the kung fu panda movies .",
"puss ' origin story could easily stand on its own -- a testament to clever writing on the part of its creative team and an irresistible central performance by antonio banderas .",
"even though the past few shrek films have been a chore and the character of puss himself is fairly one-note and perhaps better suited as a side character , this new spin-off film will surprise you with its clever script and hearty adventurer 's spirit .",
"a winning vocal turn by banderas anchors this swashbuckling animated family adventure , a peppy , character-rooted romp that thankfully abandons some of the more frenzied and forced in-joke references of the shrek series .",
"-lsb- video -rsb- spun off from the finally-adjourned shrek franchise , `` MOV '' is a well crafted dreamworks animated movie that succeeds in spite of , rather than due to , its extraneous 3d treatment .",
"colorful , clever enough , free of cloying showbiz in-jokes , action-packed without being ridiculous about it and even well choreographed ...",
"a 2d comedy shown with technology to make you believe you 're seeing something you 're not . and one of the things you 're not seeing - or , rather , hearing - is witty dialogue .",
"who needs a narrative when you 've got a few funny lines -lrb- caught with catnip , puss declares it 's `` for my glaucoma '' -rrb- , a morricone knockoff score and a climactic sequence with something we 'll call goosezilla ?",
"for a fairy tale slash prequel slash spinoff , MOV is the cat 's meow .",
"bears little resemblance to the franchise that spawned it -- and that 's a good thing .",
"as good as banderas and hayek are together , galifianakis is better , making humpty-dumpty , of all people , one of the more intriguing animated characters to come along in awhile . he 's a nice surprise .",
"it is a very silly film , a big adventure movie , and surprisingly effective . it 's not easy to spin off a popular supporting character into his own movie , and yet this feels completely natural .",
"i left dreaming of a world in which cats could tango - and when 's the last time a movie did that ?",
"the cat came back . good thing , too .",
"an adventure that 's both cinematic and intimate , never sacrificing sincere emotion for the short-lived glory of a good punch line or set piece .",
"a legitimately entertaining prequel that encapsulates what the franchise does best : breezy action , clever twists on classic figures from fables and grown-up gags tucked in amidst the kid-friendly developments .",
"there are betrayals and double-crosses galore , rattling chases and swish sword fights , fleeting visual gags , mischievous verbal jokes and , best of all , a frisky flamenco dance-off between puss and kitty that will leave the viewer purring with pleasure .",
"i 'm pretty sure that the reason antonio banderas was put on this planet was to make MOV speak ... -lsb- h -rsb- ilariously and endlessly inventive ...",
"MOV is the cat 's meow .",
"puss 's boots are delectable things which could almost have been the product of that classic fairy tale , the elves and the shoemaker -lrb- ... -rrb- and every time -lrb- ... -rrb- we see those little gnashers , the film is a technical marvel .",
"avoids all the worst tendencies of the later shrek movies .",
"`` MOV '' shows that there 's certainly enough in him to create a new hero beloved by both children and merchandise executives .",
"with banderas ' scene-stealing feline finally getting his own film , the franchise now has a worthy successor to the two original shrek movies .",
"an eksaireseis kana dyo eksypna gags kai kapoies paixnidiarikes proseggiseis sthn paradosh toy shrek na anakateyei klasika paramythia , s ' olon ton ypoloipo afhghmatiko toys aksona kratane ta pragmata apelpistika paidika",
"while its fairytale-inspired premise lacks the subversive wit of the better shrek films , MOV is an agreeably snappy , visually enticing yarn nonetheless .",
"an attractive adventure yarn that combines the fairytale and the western .",
"unlike mater , puss is ready for his closeup .",
"it 's the morally-cracked humpty who provides the film 's emotional trajectory . MOV is a fun feline frolic -- with just a little egg on its face .",
"a milquetoast homunculi assembled by the most hackneyed form of studio groupthink imaginable .",
"the character may be here to save the day , but the movie 's only here to pass the time and it does that just fine .",
"MOV still has its moments and most of them come courtesy of the stellar vocal contributions of antonio banderas .",
"the resulting spinoff , simply titled MOV , is breezily entertaining -- even to a dog person .",
"great cat jokes , fun performances , and impressive 3d make MOV a movie that both adults and children will love .",
"i did n't love it , but it features enough in the fun department to make it worth a watch if you are cat fan .",
"turns out it 's not bad . not bad at all . instead of making a tacky cash-grab , they went ahead and made an actual movie . a good one !",
"almost shockingly good . and not just because a lot of you will approach it with lowered expectations .",
"what could have been a cheap and easy spin-off is instead a surprisingly engaging and richly constructed adventure film .",
"it 's a given that any movie featuring the fencing feline is probably going to be more entertaining than the last two shrek movies .",
"it turns out to be a tremendous amount of fun and not at all like the recent listless shrek sequels .",
"finally , a fun animated movie that treats MOV like the star he was meant to be .",
"the best thing i can say about MOV is that it 's not just another crappy shrek sequel . it actually does something different , which makes it surprisingly fun .",
"family fun adventure with an occasional wink to the adults . who does n't love MOV ? even guillermo del toro got in on this !",
"it 's furry , frisky , family-friendly fun - and you do n't have to pay extra for the 3-d because the 2-d version is just as good .",
"banderas is a delight as puss",
"nothing new , nothing strange , absolutely nothing unexpected , even for a five-year-old .",
"it starts out fun and dashing and crazy , but once the plot sets in , i was significantly less into it .",
"the results are so funny and irresistible audiences are bound to be swept away into this kitty 's universe .",
"`` MOV '' is cat-astrophically entertaining !",
"packed with exciting action , funny cat gags and eye-stabbing 3-d , puss should claw its way to the top of the box office .",
"supporting characters are sometimes best left as just that .",
"less visually striking , less funny , and less heart-warming than the shrek movies and with completely unnecessary 3d , it is a step down for the series .",
"MOV is a great opportunity squandered , which is all the more ironic considering the plot involves a golden goose .",
"where are shrek , fiona and -- gulp -- donkey when you need them ?",
"basically , this toon is a tired riff on sergio leone 's spaghetti westerns , punctuated by more puns and cat jokes than you can shake a litter box at .",
"with his impeccable comic timing and lyrical spanish accent , banderas ' swashbuckling charmer is an undeniable treat .",
"dare i say , in honor of humpty , that the film is `` egg `` ceptional ?",
"... while the story has many tricks , there 's little magic ...",
"awash in action and colour -lrb- and short , parents , short -rrb- , MOV is a terrific example of how to put a fresh spin on a character spun off from a threadbare franchise .",
"MOV never slows down enough to concern itself with pacing or plotting , and like any good cat burglar ; it always lands on its feet .",
"is n't exactly the freewheeling adventure the cat deserves , weighed down by a leaden script , but isolated antics remain as amusing as ever , demanding banderas rear back and let loose with a full-body performance .",
"MOV prances along on three basic truths . one , cats are funny . two , vain spanish cats in high-heeled musketeer boots are even funnier . lastly , booted , vain spanish cats voiced by a breathy antonio banderas are flat-out hilarious .",
"i , for one , hope this darn cat and his friends return for another adventure .",
"just when you were about to give up on 3-d-and the inflated price of admission to watch it on a theater screen-along comes a film that 's worth the money . in fact , it is n't the story that makes MOV stand out , but the imaginative staging ...",
"it would overstate matters to say MOV leaves its cat holding the bag -lrb- we had to get that in -rrb- . but it also leaves its hero awaiting a richer fable , one befitting his charms and his portrayer 's talents .",
"an almost purr-fect little film that even a dog owner can enjoy .",
"swashbuckling adventure features irresistible warrior cat .",
"the jokes and visual gags are very amusing , largely avoiding needless pop culture references and instead finding clever sources for humor .",
"puss proves more than capable and deserving of the solo spotlight , his outsize bravado , machismo , ego spilling out beyond the big screen in fiercely funny feline fashion .",
"clever and witty enough for adults and colorful and zany enough for children . moreover , it 's adventurous enough for anyone to like , no matter what their age .",
"i like this cat . i hope they make four more of these . viva el gato !",
"a refreshing departure from the `` shrek '' films , this animated comedy is jam-packed with witty dialogue and charismatic characters .",
"banderas vocally vamps this up in ways he never gets to do in live action films .",
"finally , there 's a cat even cooler than garfield who will win the box office as well as a place on your favorites list . his name is puss and he wears boots .",
"puss offers strong cgi charisma , and with a tighter narrative focus than shrek , it 's safe to say that dreamworks has another franchise-worthy golden goose .",
"bet the litter box that the cat in the hat will be back , MOV is fantastic family fun , both kids and adults will lap it up like a cold glass of milk .",
"MOV delivers just the right mixture of fun , exciting and super cute .",
"`` MOV '' is light , breezy family entertainment that -lsb- features -rsb- top-notch voice work from the entire cast .",
"in the shrek films , the joke of MOV , with his trilled consonants and penchant for chest-puffing sword duels , is that no one this cuddly should try to be this dashing . but in MOV , that joke wears out its welcome in 15 minutes .",
"even if they do n't provide much lift , these boots were made for amusement .",
"MOV is cute and entertaining but hardly purr-fect .",
"`` MOV '' is n't particularly deep , nor does it take itself seriously -- it just wants to seek glory , win affection and cash in . done , done and done .",
"the film 's inventiveness is evident from the start ...",
"`` shrek '' goofed around with what we know about beloved fairy tales , while `` puss '' is more interested in playing with the conventions of westerns and , specifically , sergio leone westerns . you could think of it as `` the good , the bad and the kitty . ''",
"a razzle-dazzle animated feature about an outlaw cat who dances flamenco and is a survivor able to handle all challenges before him .",
"even for a shrek spin-off , MOV is mighty thin gruel , based more in outsized emotion than actual narrative .",
"labors to create an alternate history from childhood treasures ; i 'll keep mine the way i remember them , thanks .",
"time and time again , puss coats his true desires in a thick veneer of synthetic heterosexuality .",
"the 3d treatment is fine , but not necessary to enjoy this most cuddly of kitty concoctions .",
"this shrek spin-off continues the theme of mashing up fairy tales with movie genres , and while there 's a slightly stale odour lingering through this prequel , it 's also witty enough to keep us laughing .",
"it falls short of ` rango , ' ` kung fu panda 2 ' and ` winnie the pooh , ' but not by a lot . it 's fast , entertaining , and funny .",
"unlike most digital cartoon featues , this is an utterly unpretentious film devoted almost entirely to comedy and action , with little moralizing .",
"mostly this is lots of frenetic fun , and puss himself is a terrific hero . the animation , seen in 3d in many cinemas , is splendid .",
"audiences of every age can delight in the antics , adventures and cattitude of the lovable MOV .",
"our expectations have not been satisfied ; the character of MOV has been diminished , the story is trite and meaningless and the hero 's journey we expected is a lame duck",
"for a film with many stylistic , thematic and tonal inconsistencies , it is still good fun .",
"like most kittens , it 's not always perfectly behaved , but at least this new puss adventure does n't have you reaching for the cinematic spray bottle .",
"that suave , scene-stealing cat from shrek 2 finally gets his own swashbuckling adventure and it could n't be a more colourful feline fairy tale .",
"MOV is very jolly for an hour . then , like santa claus misjudging a chimney , it gets stuck at the moment we hope it will break free and distribute the festive gifts .",
"as you 'd expect with dreamworks , the animation is smooth and the 3d impressive , particularly when puss and his partners in crime ride a giant beanstalk up into the heavens .",
"chaotic yet beautifully arranged , sensuous yet innocent ... cat lovers will be in kitty heaven .",
"it 's all amiable stuff , with a perfectly decent script , and the feline hero lapping his milk gets an indulgent laugh .",
"most of the jokes fit into two categories : `` ha ha , he 's spanish '' and `` ha ha , he 's a cat '' .",
"MOV is a highly amusing little diversion that will mesmerise the kids and hopefully give the adults a naughty little cackle as well .",
"what kids will get from it is plenty of fairly outrageous but not often witty fun with fairytale elements blended into a kind of latterday spaghetti western . for the rest of us , there is plenty of nice visual detail .",
"MOV is as good as the first shrek and , at its best , touches on the genius of shrek 2 .",
"though puss was an entertaining subsidiary character in shrek 2 , he fails to convince as a leading character .",
"remember that toy where you yank a string and hear the sound of a barnyard animal ? `` MOV '' has about half as much entertainment value .",
"it 's always a pleasure to find a family film that respects its audience all the way up the line .",
"puss made his debut in `` shrek 2 , '' then did time in the two decreasingly funny sequels . now he 's got a movie of his own , and not a moment too soon .",
"an enjoyable enough romp , if no template-breaker like ` rango . '",
"a cheerfully chaotic jumble of fairy tale and nursery rhyme characters parachuted into a spanish storybook setting .",
"perhaps the most engaging thing about `` MOV '' is that it never takes itself too seriously .",
"it 's a fabulous melding of voice talent , writing and animation that makes `` MOV '' so entertaining .",
"visually , this project ranks among the best animated efforts to embrace the 3-d craze .",
"as the voice of puss , banderas still displays heroic charisma . and even in animated form , he and hayek make sparks as they dance , fight , flirt and face adventure together .",
"`` MOV '' does n't break any new ground in the storytelling department , and its reliance on go-go-go state-of-the-art action sequences grows wearying by the end , but the movie has a devilish wit that works for parent and child alike ...",
"the supporting character from ` shrek ' is made the star of his own movie with stretched out results",
"the best way i can think to describe the film is that it 's pretty consistently pleasant .",
"there are some good fight scenes , some nice dance numbers and a lot of swashbuckling in this film .",
"for the most part , the stale wisecracks are on the order of `` first rule of bean club : you do not talk about bean club . ''",
"while not the purrfect family entertainment , MOV does spin a delightful yarn .",
"the moment that puss made his debut in shrek 2 , dramatically voiced by antonio banderas , and all but walked away with the picture , it was clear that dreamworks animation had created a resonant character .",
"MOV is certainly not the cat 's meow , but it does n't deserve a place in the litter box either .",
"it 's solid entertainment from top to bottom , with enough cute , fun , funny and adventurous moments to delight most viewers . -lrb- parental movie review also available -rrb-",
"i also really enjoyed galifianakis as humpty , whose apparent earnestness is leavened with just the right amount of psychopathic megalomania . you know , for the kids .",
"an ironic adventure movie that crackles with energy and surprisingly non-grating comedy ."
] | 1209933-puss_in_boots | it is n't deep or groundbreaking , but what it lacks in profundity , MOV more than makes up for with an abundance of wit , visual sparkle , and effervescent charm . | 770810237 |
"MOV blends satire , nostalgia , and cinema deconstruction into a one-of-a-kind comedy high .",
"director scott sanders and his co-writers michael jai white and byron minns unrelentingly lampoon all manner of ghetto life clichés and cultural sacred cows .",
"one of those eminently quotable comedies that frat guys and movie geeks will come back to time and again .",
"this film will delight both discriminating fans of the blaxploitation tradition and ordinary lovers of goofy , in-ya-face thrills .",
"as the theme song declares , this cat is dy-no-mite !",
"you 'll either love it and think it 's hilarious , comedic brilliance or you wo n't get it at all . i know which side i 'm on cats . MOV 's !",
"MOV will stir some pleasant memories .",
"here , the acting , framing , focus , blocking , editing , sound and film processing all nail down the period so perfectly ... it looks , sounds and feels as if it were shot in 1972 .",
"before an hour has passed tedium overtakes MOV -- one corny martial-arts sequence turns out to be plenty -- and all the good jokes dry up .",
"if the joke is somewhat one-note and eventually told too long and too often , at least it 's a good joke .",
"if the man has got you down and your vhs copies of ` shaft , ' ` superfly , ' ` dolemite ' and ` i 'm gon na git you sucka ' are all worn out , ` MOV ' is here to save the day .",
"such a bland and lifeless experience even the most ardent of scott sanders or michael jai white fans will do well to not grow bored before the end .",
"truly the funniest movie of 2009 . yeah , bust-a-gut hilarious . paul chambers , cnn .",
"... a dead-on parody of the sloppy filmmaking , aggressive overacting and slapdash writing of the cheapest films of the genre .",
"i am happy to say it brings back an element sadly missing in recent movies , gratuitous nudity .",
"beneath the good-natured retro silliness of MOV is something smart and new .",
"do n't blame the man , blame the overdose of irony .",
"blaxploitation equivalent of the b-movies robert rodriguez and quentin tarantino cooked up for grindhouse .",
"MOV gets the details right , but so what ? the result is like watching rightly vilified movies such as epic movie , date movie , or meet the spartans , but without as many scenes of characters being kicked in the balls .",
"as dynamite kung-fu-fights his way through a vast conspiracy involving smack-addled orphans , malt liquor , and the best -lrb- read : worst -rrb- exploding-car scene of 2009 , you 'll feel a rush of '70s nostalgia you never knew you had .",
"if there 's a night at the movies more fun than this deadpan blaxploitation flick , it 's probably boosted by something bought in a dark alley .",
"a cheerfully affectionate if fit fully amusing spoof of '70s blaxpoitation movies , scott sanders ' MOV painstakingly nails the cheesy look , music and martial arts moves of the originals .",
"once you catch on to the string of in-jokes , the movie never stops making you laugh ...",
"an enjoyable , frequently hilarious action comedy with a witty script and a terrific performance from michael jai white ...",
"outta sight !",
"as the titular ex-cia man , white reveals comic talents to match his martial artistry , delivering one-liners and roundhouse kicks with the same killer precision .",
"fond and very funny homage to the exploitation era .",
"a brilliant laugh-out-loud slapstick crowd pleaser made with love and talent .",
"the portentous dialogue , two-track-recorded soundtrack -lrb- by adrian younge -rrb- and eager performances are all highly diverting .",
"hilarious , and at just 85 minutes long , never outstays its welcome .",
"it works as well as it does largely because it displays such a genuine affection for the genre it pays tribute to .",
"a pin-sharp send-up of 1970s blaxploitation .",
"sanders delights in the amateurishness of blaxploitation , from clunky exposition to shootouts that violate all rules of continuity and perspective to a visible boom mic , which spends so much time onscreen that it practically deserves its own credit .",
"this movie will make you say `` oooooooooo ! ''",
"generally humorless and pointless , devoid as the film is of any commentary on the genre to which it 's paying loving tribute .",
"unless you 're seeing MOV with a slap-happy midnight movie crowd , the film 's energy saps about halfway through and leaves you glumly anticipating the next obvious plot point .",
"MOV is back and the man better look out or die laughing .",
"a muscular , mustachioed , lethally suave motharf * cka , armed with nunchuks , kung-fu kicks , and a roaring .44 magnum , has come to rescue jive turkey movie auds from spoof-film purgatory",
"if you revel just a tiny bit in the ` blaxploitation ' genre , then MOV is a sweet stew of shut-yo ' - mouth that 'll keep you loaded with glee for its apt 90 minutes .",
"MOV scores brownie points for its brilliant , spot-on recreation of grindhouse-era ambiance .",
"if you do n't ask MOV to be anything deeper an an entertaining retro diversion , you 're apt to feel richly rewarded . can you dig it , you jive-ass sucker ?",
"this may be the all-time best party film next to `` animal house . '' if this movie does n't make you laugh , call a doctor .",
"nothing in MOV captures the exhilarating absurdity of pam grier hiding razors in her afro in coffy -- or the loony genre experimentation in pootie tang .",
"a terrific satire of seventies blaxploitation classics",
"as a five-minute clip on youtube , this spoof might be a small masterpiece . as a feature film , it 's both too much and not nearly enough .",
"even if you 've never seen a black exploitation film you will be thoroughly entertained by ` dy-no-mite ! dy-no-mite ! '",
"the climax is so outrageous i ca n't believe it . the ending outdoes inglourious basterds because it 's not even about making a statement . it 's just about being crazy , which is what awesome movies should be .",
"the details are perfect , from the particle-board sets to the porn-ready score . -lrb- and dig those polyester suits . -rrb- but just like the movies it parodies , this one feels over long before it 's actually done .",
"an enjoyable celebratory ode to a fiercely entertaining counterculture-inspired genre .",
"can MOV fend off the man and the mob and the phalanx of wah-wah guitars arrayed against him and fight his way to the honky house to mete out kung-fu justice ? most likely !",
"a feisty , gleefully harebrained spoof of all things shaft and superfly , dynamite is a jubilant ode to the firm cinematic pimp hand , which , in this picture , smacks bad guys around and tickles the audience with the same devotion .",
"this is one of the cleverest , most consistently funny spoof movies since airplane !",
"even though it sounds funnier than it plays , between the song and the nun chucks , i was happy .",
"the full-on embrace of the stupidity , the charm and the admirably empowering qualities of blaxploitation sets MOV apart . but , above all , it 's very funny .",
"see this one with a crowd , and remember MOV 's immortal words : `` doughnuts do n't wear alligator shoes . ''"
] | black_dynamite | a loving and meticulous send-up of 1970s blaxsploitation movies , MOV is funny enough for the frat house and clever enough for film buffs . | 770800373 |
"najve % u0107i adut filma je , kao i uvijek , milla jovovich",
"falha até mesmo na tarefa de levar o público a se importar com seus personagens ; năo há uma única baixa entre os mocinhos que realmente faça o espectador sentir um nó na garganta ou simplesmente pensar `` que pena . era uma boa pessoa . '' .",
"as far as this franchise goes , it looks like it 's game over as the only thing extinct is the creativity .",
"zombie sequel is just as grisly as the first two .",
"there does n't seem to be much other point to extinction , with its disposable story and its ever-more-conspicuous lack of any original ideas .",
"director russell mulcahy is revered by genre fans for his work on the original highlander , but he wo n't gain many followers outside fangoria circles with this over-the-top splatter fest .",
"the latest installment in writer/producer paul w.s. anderson 's resident evil series may have opened atop the box office , but hardcore gamers know where the real action is .",
"groovy bit of multiplex pandemonium",
"rips from as many movies as possible , and fails to even do that right .",
"the franchise is becoming almost as mindless as the zombies it portrays , lumbeirng on with only repetitive instinct , while all true vitality has long since passed away .",
"it 's high time for `` resident evil : enough is enough '' .",
"those zombies are back on the march in the third instalment of the horror-action series that plays like a rip-off of george a romero 's day of the dead , only with a much lower iq .",
"milla jovovich does a female chauvinist dressed-to-kill biker babe , while dodging cannibalistic crows . rarely has mass murder been so dull . pass the smelling salts .",
"a western-tinged adventure whose innovations are so scant that the only things keeping the enterprise afloat are clumsy references to its predecessors .",
"the action at times is pretty effective , from an attack by an infected flock of crows , to some brutal fighting in a sand-engulfed las vegas .",
"fun , forgettable stuff -- but also a -lrb- slightly -rrb- better film than the reviews would have you believe .",
"russell mulcahy of highlander fame ensures that production values are strong even if logic is weak and the script sounds like it was written on the back of an envelope .",
"one or two good action sequences keep boredom at bay for a while , but so little of it is fresh that extinction ca n't come too soon .",
"the alice you care about most , the one who kills zombies with splits and panache -lrb- and machetes -rrb- is actually not on isaacs ' monitor and is not dead yet .",
"alice is back . she remembers everything , mostly because we 've seen it all before ."
] | resident_evil_extinction | resident evil : extinction is more of the same ; its few impressive action sequences unable to compensate for the pedestrian plot . | 512912460 |
"not a single character behaves with any logic at all , but at least they 're colourful and energetic enough to keep our interest .",
"it shows potential for a new franchise and a new star , or stars , in the genre .",
"the rock is the action star of the new millennium , and his charismatic presence in the MOV solidifies that .",
"a smart , fun actioner .",
"worth the chase , the MOV is simple entertainment at it 's best .",
"one of those failed adventure yarns in which the character interaction is forced to make up for other shortcomings .",
"it 's a fun ride and a throwback to the kind of action movies that were popular in the 1980s , the days before ... special effects dominated every frame .",
"-lsb- t -rsb- he plot and the characters and the action set pieces all have to be built around an action star . the MOV ... indicates that the rock is ready to be that star .",
"it 's hardly original but the MOV still manages to be great fun .",
"despite the occasional dry patch , the MOV is too good-natured to resist for long .",
"shows the rock 's promise as an action star . a better director would have let him deliver on that promise .",
"if you can smell what the rock is cooking , then get a sensational whiff of his homemade cinematic snack known as the giddy and glossy executed the MOV",
"the final action flick of the summer is in fact the best .",
"the plot is a particularly hapless indiana jones rip-off , which makes the mind-numbingly frantic and dull action sequences a fatal liability .",
"it 's easily the most fun you 'll have with horny monkeys all year .",
"a perfectly delightful comedy adventure .",
"passable entertainment that is notable primarily as the rock 's successful vehicle to action stardom .",
"there 's no logical reason for the MOV to be any good . but with the rock 's sure presence and peter berg 's gonzo direction , it 's anything but bad .",
"noisy , bombastic and ludicrous enough to please any wrestlemania crowd .",
"the rock 's acting skills are treading water midway between the island of infinitesimal and the isthmus of immeasurable .",
"even when the rock 's not kicking some bad guy 's butt , he 's still extremely believable and entertaining to watch .",
"connoisseurs of christopher walken , and there are some hard-core addicts lurking about , will have good reason to take in the MOV -- they can add a few more riches to their treasure chest of wonky walken moments .",
"whatever scott drains from the picture , the rock adds back in . he 's a natural , a presence we take to immediately .",
"puts similar movies to shame simply by bringing that infectiously goofy fun back into what 's generally known as the mindless action flick .",
"the stifmeister steals the show in this indiana jones-inspired jungle tale .",
"with surprising presence and quiet confidence , the rock has cooked up a winner .",
"a black hole of nothingness that is not only hackneyed , but also mindnumbingly boring .",
"a tolerable alternative when everything else playing at the mall is sold out on saturday night .",
"the MOV , like many recent action movies , is aggressively adolescent .",
"a brisk , good - hearted but predictable and uninspired -- not to mention bone-crunchingly violent -- action comedy .",
"the rock reveals his classy transition from wwe star to a charming and charismatic big-screen action hero .",
"do n't expect new horizons in the annals of odd-couple , comedy-action flicks .",
"fun , albeit a little messy .",
"a fun ride .",
"the key to schwarzenegger 's reign was his sense of humor , and johnson has smartly worked on honing one of his own .",
"it adds up to prime stuff for us action junkies and admiration for the new guy in town , the rock .",
"the film vacillates between balmy stabs at humor and milking its sodden social conscience . meanwhile the script devolves into people yelling ` shut up ! ' at each other .",
"an amusing bit of escapist fare .",
"what 's fun about the film are its goofy sense of humor , wild and crazy stunts , and the cheerful willingness of the rock to poke fun at himself .",
"aided by a strong cast and a smart script , the rock makes the MOV one of this year 's premiere action movies .",
"the MOV is cleverly written and thoroughly entertaining .",
"far and away one of the most enjoyable , not to mention best-made , action comedies since the original lethal weapon .",
"with a summer as full of action movies as this one , you would n't think there 'd be room for one more , yet `` the MOV '' manages to keep an air of freshness without doing anything terribly new .",
"the MOV stomps about to its own nutty rhythm . unlike the abysmal the scorpion king , it 's a movie that leaves you slaphappy , not slapping your forehead .",
"the fights almost make up for the excessively juvenile humor and a portrayal of brazil that 's as ridiculous as the depictions of africa in old tarzan movies .",
"the screenplay ... is the sort of mishmash of action-hero and mismatched buddy-movie clichés that makes obsessive action-film geeks , such as myself and the friend i attended the screening with , gnaw our lips off in sheer desperation .",
"within the context of the script 's gradual decline , the MOV 's faults narrowly outweigh its virtues .",
"it is slick , has a solid screenplay , a great action hero in the rock , and a good supporting cast of actors .",
"it 's midnight run with added insects but with only a twentieth of the humour and a hundredth of the charm .",
"johnson ... keeps it engaging .",
"the rock shows off some impressive comic timing ...",
"if , like me , you dismissed the MOV as just another stupid action vehicle for dwayne `` the rock '' johnson - get in the apology line behind me",
"the way the rock pulls off the jokes and macho stunts in MOV , hollywood may just have found its new action king .",
"as an action director , peter berg applies simple principles : speed it up , make it louder , blur it with effects . so we never get a true fix on just how good an action machine the rock might be .",
"-lsb- l -rsb- ikely to cement the rock 's place at the top of the current action hero pile .",
"a letdown , more marketing tool than movie .",
"i 've been placing all my money on vin diesel , but it 's time to hedge my bets : the rock is the action star for this generation .",
"the rock proves he can kick -lsb- butt -rsb- with clothes on .",
"it 's slick , it 's loud , and it 's catalyzing -- a gadfly of a film from a subversive filmmaker approaching the mainstream but not quite there yet .",
"o diretor peter berg e sua equipe foram assaltados quando estiveram no brasil я procura de locaушes . pois bem : eles se vingaram - e este longa ж a prova disto .",
"mildly entertaining action movie with the rock .",
"a lot of fun and just a balls to the wall guy action flick ...",
"i think you can smell what the rock is cooking : a dish that 'll fatten your head but pleasantly plump your gut . -lsb- blu-ray -rsb-",
"sounds worse the more you talk about it .",
"if arnold schwarzenegger had made a movie this tepid in his commando/terminator heyday , burned fans would be suggesting that he pursue some tenure as a fresno alderman .",
"no need to run down the MOV . the latest from the rock is solid .",
"the rock ... has a special quality .",
"will probably make a star of the rock .",
"while you wo n't exactly walk out humming the plot , the MOV should go down quite decently with popcorn .",
"a witty , fast-paced action film .",
"breezy entertainment .",
"too often brings guffaws at all the wrong moments , when it 's not being simply too stupid for words .",
"the MOV offers everything a good movie of this sort should : plenty of suspenseful action , a few good laughs , and a share of obligatory ` reluctant buddy ' bonding .",
"the MOV is big fun at the movies .",
"a good showcase for the former wrestler 's impressive physical prowess and decent comic timing .",
"it 's more fun than most of what passed for popcornsellers this past summer .",
"dwayne ` the rock ' johnson 's decision to pursue a movie career is good news for anyone who believes that one vin diesel simply is n't enough .",
"the rock does have a winning screen presence , even when the material falls short .",
"the MOV does n't break any new ground , but it does n't leave you wishing you had stayed home , either .",
"the MOV wants to stand out in a movie market gorged with action . but it regurgitates commercial dictates rather than carving a new path . at least it relies on a diverse , charismatic cast , rather than on spectacular carnage ."
] | rundown | the MOV does n't break any new ground , but it 's a smart , funny buddy action picture with terrific comic chemistry between dwayne `` the rock '' johnson and seann william scott . | 10616 |
"sci-fi hokum to give you a headache .",
"it 's fun teen stuff but wrecked by director paul mcguigan 's confusing use of constant flashbacks .",
"an overheated stewpot of divisions , sects and subsects of extra-special , special and quasi-special mentalists , all running around like their pants are on fire ... maybe in search of a viable plot ?",
"director paul mcguigan serves this up with a flashy swagger but there is no disguising the fact that it is an incomprehensible mess .",
"in time this would-be thriller comes to rest with a fist fight , a hanging ending and the implicit promise of a sequel . of all the calamities that fanning predicts , MOV 2 is one she missed .",
"kinetic and convincing , this uses a limited budget to thrilling effect , giving us a sort of x-men-meets-trainspotting twist . we hope a sequel follows this early promise .",
"makes viewers feel as if they 're watching a movie from inside a spinning clothes dryer .",
"falls into the clumsy trap of being the presumptive first installment of a franchise .",
"totally watchable , totally forgettable .",
"the violence is incessant , the portentousness constant , the opacity rarely penetrated .",
"an ambling , broody concoction along the lines of strange days .",
"it 's the perfect brain vacation for those overtaxed by oscar-nominated movies .",
"... delivers the requisite spectacle ... but skimps on character and story .",
"not much of it makes sense . the rest is n't terribly interesting .",
"the ending left me scratching my head , unsure of what had happened , but certain of one thing : the giant pile of loose ends means somebody intends to make a sequel .",
"movies do n't get more headache-inducing than MOV .",
"eventually buckling beneath the girth of its own mythology , MOV ends with less a cliffhanger than really just a cliff .",
"a trippy , nonstop action fest , with the feel of a really good episode of heroes .",
"a great premise is marred by disastrous execution in this disappointingly un-heroic take on the comic-book genre .",
"MOV is nbc 's heroes , if anything ever happened on heroes besides oh so mysterious prophecies and a litany of excuses to avoid action sequences .",
"MOV is this year 's jumper . ` nuff said .",
"long on style , short on substance and logic , it 's baffling and frenetic , defeated by its own chaotic cleverness .",
"this would be sci-fi action-thriller feels like a failed television pilot ... or better yet , a demo version for something that could be much better with a lot more production value and polish .",
"movers , pushers , shadowers - whatever ! the script was insane and the characters were inane .",
"if you want to see a movie about mutants with superpowers , watch any of the x-men movies or the `` hellboy '' movies or `` wanted , '' any of those six movies is far superior to this .",
"it 's the kind of film you wish had no sound - perhaps the studio should have eliminated the dialogue and replaced it cue cards every few minutes like the silent films of old .",
"except for the cast , ` MOV ' reminds me a little bit of last year 's ` jumper . '",
"this is the kind of film where nothing makes sense , it 's one huge plot hole . and if that was n't negative enough , it 's witless , boring , shallow and too talky .",
"absolutely derivative , but nonetheless of interest .",
"` MOV ' suffers from a baffling script , but dakota fanning delivers a very watchable performance in this sci-fi thriller .",
"... a fun thriller that has a couple of tricks up it 's sleeve .",
"set and filmed on location in bustling hong kong , the tight urban street and winding alleyways suit the film perfectly , but this is not enough to save MOV from the oscar season garbage dump .",
"light fixtures are the true stars in `` MOV , '' constantly reflecting , twinkling and popping . its best moments are when guns levitate and fire themselves . when you do n't even need actors to hold pistols , it 's the ultimate in autopilot filmmaking .",
"jthe script has no deep meaning and the film does just what it was intended to do : take an audience on a fantastical journey with loads of action .",
"MOV is an empty calorie extravaganza and demands a crooked concentration it does n't earn to sufficiently piece this mess together .",
"the premise is promising all right , but it 's a movie over-stuffed with talk and actors with a glazed look as though they too are n't sure of what they 're doing .",
"there is n't a single word in the english language that could justly convey the sheer stupidity , and impenetrable complexity , of MOV .",
"MOV is a chase film dolled up with supernatural powers and chintzy retro design motifs .",
"mcguigan 's saving grace is a willingness to slow down and savour his own images . at best , a moody inconsequence takes over and confusion feels like part of the plan .",
"the most amazing thing about this by this idiotic sci-fi thriller is that the actors do not crack up when delivering their lines .",
"pushing ideas into other people 's minds is what this sci-fi fantasy thriller is all about , and paul mcguigan 's film looks great . the cast is good too . but there 's a problem . the story does n't make sense",
"a harrowing mindbender which successfully blends elements of x-men , the matrix and memento while adding some of its own unique sci-fi flava .",
"director paul mcguigan and screenwriter david boula are content to rely on the usual suspects , taking their visual and dramatic cues from other , more clever and involving sci-fi capers .",
"oh , to have my brain wiped of MOV . the smell of desperation on the part of filmmakers to create their own superhero franchise is rancid .",
"... a rather bland and hard-to-follow knock off of the trendy heroes/x-men template .",
"a movie so bland , it might as well have been filmed in hounslow .",
"this obviously heroes-inspired cash-in promises much but delivers very little , thanks to a confusing plot , uninspired direction , poor dialogue and a curiously lacklustre performance from the normally reliable evans .",
"going to see this film does n't make much sense . it 's obviously been cynically conceived as a franchise starter , but abruptly flicking to the end credits seemingly mid-movie is not a good way to start one .",
"stylishly silly but oddly cool all the same .",
"great ideas , rotten execution .",
"a kick-ass soundtrack , sexy imagery , and the ghost of a narrative to string it all together .",
"why would a psychic ` tec need to sniff a toothbrush to locate its user ? does spearmint freshness have a spooky vibe ?",
"director paul mcguigan does his best , but this is just a slog that mistakes earnest detail for engaging narrative . shove .",
"the film is blessed with a frenetic pace that simultaneously accomplishes two things : it keeps the energy level high while obfuscating some of the most obvious logical flaws in the plot 's structure .",
"a clutter of worn genre elements stitched together with superficial stylistics .",
"it 's an ambitious attempt to shove the whole of a fairly complex comic book universe into a single messy and garish movie .",
"a confused jumble of parts in search of a whole .",
"a weightless , style-driven thriller set in a photogenically chaotic hong kong .",
"an unholy mixture of heroes and jumper ... ` what if nothing we did made any sense ? ' says the inept hero , apparently reciting the credo of the moviemakers .",
"MOV barely measures up to even the worst moments on `` heroes , '' and it makes 20th century fox 's weaker superhero efforts look much better .",
"evans and 10,000 bc 's belle shuffle through a turgid romantic subplot , and though the two characters are very , very pretty , they 've got the chemical spark of a banana .",
"a grubby cut-price sci-fi thriller .",
"when MOV comes to shove , do n't expect to care about any of it .",
"a silly movie that is partially engrossing and plenty convoluted .",
"sci-fi thriller has more style than story ; some iffy stuff .",
"there are many problems with MOV , and most are the usual boring things : unnecessary plot loops ; long , dumb musical interludes ; a charmless script ; and ostentatious action sequences in which the only person excited is the cameraman .",
"pure escapist fun .",
"the best thing about the movie is that you can never predict exactly where it 's going .",
"imagine if the x-men had spent most of their time sitting around talking about how they were going to fight magneto instead of ever actually doing anything and you 'll have a good sense of what is wrong with MOV .",
"just as it 's getting impossible to tell the superpowered humans without a scorecard , along comes MOV to muddy the waters .",
"it should give us the willies , but it 's willy-nilly .",
"it would take some pretty powerful mind control to convince audiences that MOV is a winner .",
"... your understanding of just what is happening will correspond to the amount of time you spend watching the sci-fi channel and tv shows such as heroes .",
"in plot , it meanders . in character development , it implodes . in action , it plods . in effect , it numbs , but , alas , not quickly enough .",
"i thought hayden christensen in last year 's jumper would be as bland a mutant as the screen would ever give us , but that was before i saw chris evans in MOV .",
"belle ... is blank as a page , and the intended romantic chemistry between her and evans is never in evidence .",
"MOV has amazing special effects and production design , but that does n't compensate for the messy , incoherent plot and lack of truly palpable sci-fi thrills and excitement .",
"MOV has an interesting premise , but it just does n't manage to translate it into a great movie .",
"MOV has vibrant cinematography and decent acting , but i 'm blasted if i know what it 's about .",
"one of the better recent attempts at cashing in on the superhero film craze without having an actual comic book to adapt .",
"a better-than-average sci-fi thriller with genuine jolts and unexpected texture .",
"a movie i enjoyed watching with a huge smile on my face and will assuredly endure scorn for liking ...",
"dashes from genre to genre in search of a reason to exist .",
"a sci-fi thriller with a lot of science fiction and zero thrills .",
"... suffers from an uneven sensibility that essentially holds the viewer at arm 's length virtually from start to finish .",
"i was at first intrigued , and then bemused and confused .",
"this entry in the superhero sweepstakes is n't without charm",
"a pleasant time-waster with non-abysmal performances and a few interesting concepts .",
"the film is likable , but not lovable . all of the pushing ca n't compete with other sci-fi thrillers . still , it 's worth the ride if you keep an open mind for the unrealistic .",
"between the unwieldy load of back story and the painfully underdeveloped characters , this infelicitous combination of jumper , x-men and tv 's heroes manages to be dull and exhausting at the same time .",
"a dull trudge , the sort of popcorn movie that gets released in february rather than during the summer holidays .",
"even with all its idiosyncratic elements , MOV feels like something we 've seen before . unfortunately , said memory is of something far more fascinating and definitely more engaging .",
"MOV falters not in trying to add its voice to the genre , it falters in not having anything compelling to say .",
"as far as i can tell , the only ability in short supply is acting .",
"it 's not great , but it 's a perfectly fine version of psychics on the run versus the bad guys .",
"MOV is supremely elegant , even beautiful ; you can get lost in the visuals even as the narrative implodes . if ever there were a triumph of style over substance , this is it .",
"the scenes focused on lukewarm dialogue outnumber the action scenes ten to one , giving the film a listless , low-energy vibe .",
"as a whole , MOV feels unfinished , its ultimate destination accounting for nothing more than a shrug . there is a fair amount to like here , and just as much to resent for how much better it could have been .",
"you have to be clairvoyant to follow the particulars of this overly complicated , unconvincing thriller about folks with paranormal abilities .",
"-lsb- d -rsb- isappointingly generic shoot - 'em - up dressed up with a few paranormal frills ...",
"what really struck me more than the plot itself was mcguigan 's amazing use of location and space ; it feels as if this movie and these characters are really living in hong kong .",
"engagingly photographed but dramatically inert .",
"with mediocre expectations going in , the flick 's cleverness , great score and wicked fight scenes lead me to recommend this to anyone looking for a good time .",
"too much explanation , of the sort cassie is inclined to provide , only slows down the nonsense MOV is pushing .",
"parental content review",
"it does the job it sets out to do : providing engaging entertainment centered around an interesting idea that it respects enough to think through properly .",
"it 's like watching an x-men movie that does n't feature the leather costumes and which does n't have enough in the way of requisite thrills or action to keep anyone interested in it for very long .",
"one long mistake from start to finish , this is a film that never gets its rhythms or bearing right .",
"suggestive of x-men , the matrix and the television show heroes , MOV is one of those time-mangling thrillers that manages to seem both complicated and superficial .",
"you know a sci-fi script is in trouble when it spends the first five minutes narratively briefing you on its byzantine plot -- and you 're still not sure what 's going on .",
"a bargain basement melding of clichés from the x-men franchise and tv 's heroes .",
"by the time the credits roll , your most fervent wish is to run into a ` wiper ' -lrb- one who can erase memories -rrb- .",
"silliness rules the day : plot holes abound and are plugged with techno-pounding action sequences and more nonsensical guff . as a tv pilot , this might have worked ; as a film , it 's loud , confusing and inane .",
"though ostensibly action sci-fi , mcguigan 's film pushes the boundaries of genre , playing out its paranormal parameters like a game of multi-dimensional chess .",
"no amount of local colour and effects-heavy fisticuffs can save paul mcguigan 's film .",
"what it lacks in out and out originality it makes up for with some pulsating action , vibrant cinematography and good performances from a decent cast .",
"the lack of any convincing over-arching plot , the muddled use of alternating futures and squashed-together gaggle of wafer-thin characters renders the project a near complete failure when it comes to thrills and entertainment .",
"british director mcguigan clearly hoped to make more than a dopey , effects-laden actioner . unfortunately , he 's made an uneven and pretentious one instead .",
"`` what if nothing we did made any sense . would that throw them off the scent ? '' nick asks . you bet .",
"at no point do you care if these dough-eyed buffoons live or die .",
"if the words `` a bit like jumper but not as good '' strike fear into your heart then you might want to avoid this turgid superpower stinker .",
"sloppily conceived but directed with flair , MOV is bound to split the vote . look closely and its disparate pieces fit clumsily together ; step back and the overall effect has an undeniable allure ."
] | 10010066-push | the sci-fi thriller MOV is visually flashy but hyperkinetic and convoluted . | 770680794 |
"both epic and intimate , taking on a large cast of characters while focusing quietly on the details of their lives .",
"writer-director barry levinson brings it all back home to baltimore and delivers his funniest and most heartfelt film since diner .",
"nostalgia is a tricky thing , but levinson manages to strike just the right balance of humor , affection , and candor .",
"lovingly crafted .",
"a grand slam !",
"a pretty brave and ambitious feat .",
"excellent re-creation of the clothing and landmarks of baltimore in the 1950s .",
"MOV is worth a look , with its rich characters and dialogue , and its gorgeous cinematography by chris doyle .",
"offers a deeper immersion in that old '50s feeling than any other hollywood film in recent memory .",
"coming to terms with `` the other '' -lrb- whether stranger , enemy , or alien -rrb- is as critical to the development of soul now as it was in the 1950s .",
"if more people followed barry levinson 's example and made art after taking issue with something i 've written , hollywood and my mailbox would both benefit .",
"with well-written characters and a humorous script , the entire cast shines .",
"a pleasure to behold .",
"the meandering focus of the script is n't quite as sharp as it should be , but there is nothing muddled about the warm feelings the film strongly evokes .",
"a thoroughly grounded statement about the human condition .",
"overall this movie just does n't live up to its aims .",
"a pleasant and worthy addition to a strong series of films .",
"an attractive , albeit modest , addition to the levinson collection .",
"a charming film , infused and emotionally heightened by the imagination of memory .",
"delivers the emotional goods .",
"only the dourest dyspeptics will fail to enjoy it .",
"touching and frequently hilarious .",
"offers a light wit that is oftentimes funny .",
"a warm fuzzy film with a touch of blues for realism",
"MOV is an all-around rollicking piece of entertainment .",
"the whole thing rather lacks juice ."
] | liberty_heights | a moving film with moments of humor , MOV succeeds in capturing the feel of the '50s with great performances and sensitive direction . | 14217 |
"MOV is not unpleasant . it 's just dull .",
"you not only have to be seriously testosterone - deprived to survive this film without embarrassment , you have to buy a romantic premise so ridiculously contrived that even dr. ruth might suspect someone was pulling her little leg .",
"how to lose a guy shows that hudson 's oscar-nominated performance in 2000 's almost famous was n't a fluke .",
"trite , contrived , but often entertaining .",
"MOV may have tinkered with the rules , but it 's still playing the same old game .",
"this material requires a great deal more suspension of disbelief than even this hokey genre normally demands .",
"mcconaughey is an actor of limited range , but this time he has a film that fits firmly into his abilities .",
"has enough laughs and silly subplots to keep you looking , but in the end it 's the work done by the two leads that saves the film .",
"a sure delight for both guys and gals .",
"after a frothy start , how to lose -lrb- an apt abbreviation -rrb- becomes a one-joke comedy of slapstick suffering .",
"a shallow , convoluted love story with some cheap laughs wrapped around an infomercial",
"a novel concept ... botched with juvenile execution .",
"full of potent one-liners ... but they 're mired in a plot that constantly teeters between innocuous silliness and flat-out absurdity : you might swear you saw this same screwy scenario in a 1964 sandra dee/bobby darin movie on the late late show .",
"hits all the spots that most successful romantic comedies do , and has some decent laughs mixed in .",
"lackluster .",
"the movie grows formulaic and clumsy in its last third , but what you feel , sitting in a packed theater , is the spark between hudson and the audience .",
"it goes on too long and is trapped by too many cliches .",
"the hottest couple to come down the pike recently has been frodo and sam . hudson and mcconaughey rate higher on the spark-o-meter .",
"should have been called how to lose an audience in 10 minutes , because that 's how long it takes to alienate you with its overly convoluted premise .",
"the results are supposed to be funny , but are instead painful .",
"an entertaining trifle to a point ... but it does n't treat the character 's or the audience 's intelligence with the respect they deserve . by the end , you just do n't care anymore .",
"this boy-meets-girl movie is a chore to sit through .",
"in donald petrie 's MOV , the setup to the inevitable is contrived to highest level that although you may want to dismiss the film , the performances by the leads are appealing enough for you to have good time enjoying this film .",
"not only does 10 days rely on that old standby of romantic comedies -- `` the bet '' -- it one-ups the cliché with two bets !",
"a tasty romantic comedy , featuring the battle of the sexes in its most fanciful light .",
"this film will likely be enjoyed by anyone who has gone through their own share of ` clingy ' girlfriends with a number of laughs and enough overall entertainment to recommend to anyone looking for a fun night out with their honey .",
"this is the kind of movie that was doomed on the page , both by an inherently problematic premise and ill-conceived character motivations .",
"if you 're working for the new yorker , the legality of laura elena harring 's breasts is not an appropriate pitch for your `` annals of law '' column .",
"... before labeling this as just another chick flick , keep in mind that it 's a whole lot more enjoyable than most of the current pre-summer blockbuster-wannabes that studios are unloading right now .",
"you got ta love love , especially when it 's devious , deceitful , selfish , brutal and manipulative .",
"leve e divertida , esta produзгo serve como prova de que , mesmo carregada de clichкs , uma comйdia romвntica pode funcionar muito bem .",
"if you 're a bit of a romantic with a penchant for playfulness , here is a fresh and funny , entertaining collision of hearts .",
". i hate to label this lightweight romp a `` chick flick '' , but when the title actually issues a challenge to the fairer sex , well , the writing is on the wall .",
"wander in after 30 minutes and split an hour later , otherwise you may feel like you 've been used .",
"the comedy in the film works very well . the romance is n't quite as convincing , but good acting and romantic chemistry prevail .",
"... a fluffy farce of romance and vulnerability - and not just the female 's take , but the male perspective as well .",
"if only filmmakers out there would take a how-to course on making romantic comedies with more than just laughs and star appeal , we might actually be making some progress .",
"the film has charm and even some grace ... an offhandedly luscious vision that the actors are careful not to muss .",
"when his mother whispers in andie 's ear , `` do n't you break his heart , '' the double-double-cross plot takes a backseat to the really in-love plot . they play cards , ride his motorcycle , get splashed in a puddle , have sex in the bathroom . she 's so cute , he 's s",
"clumsy , overlong .",
"want to get rid of that guy who 's driving you crazy ? drag him to this lame romantic comedy starring kate hudson and matthew mcconaughey .",
"days is a watered-down , lightweight version of war of the roses made for people who still think friends is funny .",
"i am just about ready to write off movies in which people make bets about whether they will , or will not , fall in love .",
"MOV dishes up a healthy serving of the fun that should be -- and too often is n't -- at the heart of a good romantic comedy .",
"the picture is actually watchable .",
"the picture is entertaining , and it will probably be a big hit , but it 's an opportunity wasted .",
"if kate hudson and matthew mcconaughey were n't so darn easy on the eyes , the only thing this ` battle of the sexes ' film would be losing is its audience .",
"riddled with cliché plot devices and dialogue that 's as superficial as the glossy fashion magazine the lead character writes for .",
"hudson is so impressive than she could charm the paint off the walls .",
"cinematic costume jewelry ... a more appropriate title would be ` how to lose an audience in 10 minutes . '",
"with its ungainly double-deception premise , how to lose a guy feels like it was made out of two connect-the-dots drawings laid haphazardly on top of one another .",
"if you want to lose a guy in one day , drag him to see this movie .",
"where the movie loses me completely is when andie 's behavior takes a turn for the psychotically infantile . i wish i could say the low point is the scene in which andie begins making goo-goo talk to ben 's -lrb- still-trousered -rrb- male member",
"she 's selling low self-esteem and an impossible image of femininity and he 's selling pieces of rock mined by slave labor and made artificially scarce by evil monopolies . maybe they really are made for each other .",
"... this film will charm your socks off",
"not for one frame does it seem possible that these two cutesy twenty-somethings wo n't see the errors of their wagers in time to take the exit to happily-ever-after land .",
"this film sticks like high heels in gravel coming out of the gate . but after the necessary unpleasantness are over the bulk of the film is actually quite entertaining , funny and , well , cute .",
"this movie is so intent upon getting cheap laughs and putting the protagonists in uncomfortable situations that it forgets they 're supposed to be falling in love .",
"fun , funny , chick lit-style chortler .",
"more an exercise in how to lose an audience in 10 minutes .",
"the kind of instantly disposable but exceptionally agreeable trifle that 's best enjoyed with one 's significant other , preferably before or after an intimate dinner for two .",
"overly long and overstuffed , there 's just not enough here for a recommendation .",
"` hudson y mcconaughey salvan el resultado final gracias simplemente a su encanto personal . '",
"this is a pure bubblegum picture , but it works at that level .",
"it is exceedingly difficult to classify MOV as a romantic comedy given that the film is about as romantic as a punch to the face -- literally .",
"pokes fun at relationship stereotypes in a way that , while not exactly clever , is pretty amusing -- due in large part to the talented leads .",
"this is a more adult romantic comedy , with humor that a more adult crowd can identify with , and those painful date moments that everyone can relate to .",
"hudson needs a little more time to hone her comedic skills before she can charm us through all the watery spots in the film 's hot-laughs and cold-jokes script .",
"both lovers are duplicitous creeps -- in a perverse way they 're made for each other .",
"how to lose an audience in 10 ways",
"MOV may have a new title and different stars , but i 've basically reviewed this film three times in the last two months .",
"when a chick flick goes wrong -- and this one hits a dead end in hell -- it 's a wipeout .",
"leave before the excruciating finale and you should have an ok time .",
"in what civilization is this kind of behavior romantic ?",
"the movie appears to be stocked with nine to five giggly runway models wearing $ 2,000 outfits , rather than your usual office drudges .",
"it is fun , but empty fun .",
"the funny stuff at the heart of this film struggles in vain to free itself from a cage made of old romantic-comedy cliches .",
"to prove that the movie 's not just a reshuffling of a 1959 doris day flick , they 've thoughtfully added a gaseous uncle , thereby ensuring modern hilarity value . regardless of its fq -lrb- that 's flatulence quotient -rrb- , it still plays like a 1959 doris flick .",
"10 days may be predictable , but it 's still quite entertaining .",
"though the majority of the film is laughably predictable -lrb- you just know there 's going be a drawn-out sequence in which both characters learn about the other 's deception -rrb- , there 's a lot worth recommending about MOV .",
"ladies , here 's a hint : you can lose a guy in a lot less than 10 days if you make him watch movies like this one .",
"this tortured premise to get them together and the things they go through , every minute of it just lies flat on the screen .",
"a nice enough diversion when the theaters are filled with weightier oscar contenders .",
"the same stuff you 've seen in every other run of the mill , artificially sweetened date flick .",
"you 've seen this movie before . here it is again .",
"the perfect date movie .",
"... breezy and manipulative ... this piece of dating dreck is so sticky sweet and syrupy that one would think they screened petrie 's film at the international house of pancakes !",
"by any impartial system of judgment , it is at best a mediocre film , but within its genre , it 's better than some .",
"how to lose a guy smoothly satirizes the superficiality of man-hungry women and the soullessness of sex-hungry men .",
"there may be some way to make this nonsense amusing , but writers kristen buckley and brian regan have n't even figured out a reasonable setup for getting the two together .",
"should just count ourselves lucky that the final reunion on a bridge does n't involve benjamin on horseback and paul young on the soundtrack .",
"... it is pretty funny , if exaggerated to cartoonish extremes and contrived beyond belief .",
"MOV will test your cuteness tolerance level .",
"all in all , it 's a mostly harmless movie and if you 're female and have a mean streak , you should love it . guys should see it as a warning .",
"if reality 's your bag , take a pass . but if you 're looking for a harmless diversion to get you in the mood for valentine 's day , this could be the ticket .",
"in contrast to the horrifically stupid , dull romantic comedies the past month or two have brought us , MOV is almost , but not quite , a breath of fresh air .",
"MOV more like how to lose an audience in 10 minutes .",
"MOV explores sexual politics in many winning and funny ways and proves that equanimity in a man is a great aphrodisiac .",
"is n't as bad as it looks .",
"the film is based on a very small book of the same name that 's illustrated with stick figures . director donald petrie 's film miraculously manages to be even less detailed .",
"a cobbled-together clone of sex and the city , minus most of the humor and poignance .",
"the movie is clever , up to a point , and then becomes strained in the manner of a lot of the romantic comedies of the '40s .",
"for once , here 's a screen couple that easily adds up .",
"though something less than a masterpiece of the genre , this good-natured skirmish in the war between men and women benefits from hudson 's thoroughly charming performance .",
"too light on laughs and too heavy on predictable moments .",
"resorts to the kinds of cliches that were so yesterday two weeks ago .",
"having nearly suffocated amid the swirling mist of estrogen fumes that enveloped a recent screening of the insipid chick flick MOV , i need an immediate infusion of guy stuff to detox .",
"virtually everything in the movie is off-pitch .",
"a too-long title is just the first problem for this too-long , misguided , so-called romantic comedy .",
"mutual deception as a comedic conceit predates shakespeare , and it certainly shows its age in this creaker .",
"kate hudson is irresistably adorable in this frothy comedy about the head-on-collision between two competing bets and one overpowering attraction .",
"the movie would have been so much better if it had jumped into its mean-spiritedness with gusto and passion , instead of just splashing around in it halfheartedly .",
"despite a few clever insights and twists , it 's neither good nor distinctive enough to rise above the level of generic romantic comedy .",
"if the movie provides no new insight into the contrasting behavior of men and women or the perils of postmodern urban dating , falling well shy of the not-too-high standard set by ` sex and the city ' on both fronts , it does have its tart , fizzy moments .",
"the biggest challenge to viewing 10 days is deciding whether to think of its lead characters as ` despicable swine ' or ` vile dung-weasels . '",
"if MOV turns out to be a $ 75 million hit as i suspect , then it will no longer matter if the same script is dusted off and the names changed to protect the innocent , because it 's the audiences that are guilty .",
"they play an emotional game of chicken - and we all win .",
"a brand of entertainment that 's dissatisfying intellectually and formulaically .",
"offers nothing new to the genre , but for those who like light tales of meet-cute and happily-ever-after , it 'll probably be as welcome as a tub of double-fudge ice cream .",
"kate hudson 's impressive comic flair almost saves this implausible romantic comedy .",
"a modest but bubbly comedy of manners . -lsb- blu-ray -rsb-",
"battle of the sexes romcom with mature content .",
"the biggest problem i had with this film was the set-up and premise . it works on paper , but most of the movie is spent with the characters being simply awful .",
"along with a terrible ending , there 's also a numerous range of plot inconsistencies that insult the audiences intelligence .",
"it 's hard to believe that this drivel was based on a book ... but matthew mcconaughey and kate hudson make it somewhat tolerable at least .",
"-lsb- mcconaughey -rsb- and hudson make the premise , even in its shakier moments , vibrate with a sense of fun .",
"has just enough substance beneath the surface throw the romantic comedy some much needed freshness .",
"... despite reservations about the goofy plot and the cocky characters , the movie proceeds pleasantly enough .",
"a funny premise in search of a movie .",
"a shrill , unfunny litany of single-folk stereotypes that insults men and women with equal abandon .",
"button-cute .",
"a modest hawn-like romance for a new generation .",
"it 's about as close to french farce as romantic comedies get , and the closer the better .",
"should be retitled how to lose a movie in 10 minutes .",
"so much of the picture misfires and/or simply does n't work or make sense that the total package is not as good , enjoyable or entertaining as it should be .",
"this is a movie that never aspires to be anything more than dimwitted fun , then falls on its aspirations .",
"guys , if the gal in your life insists that you take her to MOV , do n't panic . if she really wanted to dump you , she 'd insist on deliver us from eva .",
"a formulaic romantic comedy that percolates slightly with caustic wit before devolving into idiocy , it 's potty humor ."
] | how_to_lose_a_guy_in_10_days | matthew mcconaughey and kate hudson are charming together , but they ca n't overcome MOV ' silly premise and predictable script . | 10435 |
"deft and delicate and exquisitely uncomfortable , but it also offers revelations that are joyful , sad and true .",
"the result is a bit twisty , largely credible and well played by the talented leads .",
"does brice even fully grasp what he 's getting at ? maybe not . that 's why this is such a juicy specimen of the cocktail party walpurgisnacht subgenre . he 's in nearly the same place as his riven characters .",
"i have n't laughed out loud so long and often at any comedy so far this year .",
"the kind of tame comedy that promises something transgressive but then chickens out before going anywhere that might unsettle its core audience .",
"a shocking , provocative and memorable trip . i wish the movie was about something deeper than physical attraction , and our general insecurities . it 's not , so the stakes stay low . but it 's intriguing .",
"painfully funny and brilliantly performed .",
"the writing is blatantly sexual but utterly unrevealing ; the characters and their problems are cut to fit the airtight plot .",
"like the sex comedy it 's billed as , MOV teases and titillates , but the film 's sincerity addressing the messiness of monogamy is what cements its bawdy brilliance .",
"the cast ... is totally game for the film 's over-the-top escapades .",
"the pleasure of the movie lies in the way it both rewards and subverts expectations , delivering on the risqué possibilities of its premise while also coming up with something smarter and a little deeper than a log line might suggest .",
"both schilling and godrčche are far better than their roles here . but even they ca n't make MOV look better than an overlong `` funny or die '' sketch .",
"a perfectly cast quartet of actors buoy the slight , generally unpredictable antics of writer-director patrick brice 's second feature , though the film itself falls into an uncomfortable middle ground between trying too hard and not trying hard enough .",
"smart , playful , and hilarious , `` MOV '' is a delightful romp between the sheets .",
"like a post-sexual revolution 's bob , ted , carol & alice .",
"the amount of laughs patrick brice is able to generate from such a simple idea and on such a small budget makes one think that he 's due for a breakout .",
"there 's this weird , unshakeable feeling of nostalgia by the time the credits roll : the party 's over , it 's time to go home , but damn , what a night .",
"while size may not matter -lrb- the movie runs a short 79 minutes -rrb- , it 's not even relevant to something this flaccid .",
"`` MOV '' ends just as it starts to get interestingly messy ...",
"it leaves us with an illogical , yet still nagging sense of been there , done that . the fun , nevertheless , is fun while it lasts .",
"`` MOV '' is the movie equivalent of fuzzy handcuffs : a tame and unimaginative attempt at spicing up the overly familiar scenario of a married couple trying to get their groove back .",
"MOV steers clear of predictability-even if your memories of this daffy all-night party vanish into thin air as soon as you exit the theater .",
"brice manages admirably to make his comedy at once daring and earnest , outlandish and relatable , obscene and sweet .",
"a dizzying , debauched , excruciatingly funny film about knitting new connections through discomfort .",
"the movie has its share of laughs ... but it 's mostly a missed opportunity to create an intelligent sex comedy about relationships in the 21st century .",
"movies about sex should be messy and confusing , filled with human foibles , but too often they are utterly strait-laced . this one gets it right .",
"`` MOV '' is n't much - in fact , it 's hardly anything . for what it is , though , it 's enough .",
"brice stops his story just before it becomes redundant - most filmmakers these days ca n't say that - and although i did n't believe the outrageous next-to-last scene , he caps it with a laugh-out-loud joke .",
"brice goes a bit too broad at times , but he keeps things just funny and edgy and open enough for `` MOV '' to work .",
"in the morning brice finds an ending for his film that 's rather sweet and wise . certainly sweeter and wiser than you 'd expect from a movie with this many prosthetic penises .",
"schilling , as she 's proven on orange is the new black , sport a wicked sense of deadpan and she 's genuinely touching opposite scott .",
"an unexpected comedy about motive and manipulation .",
"it may owe a lot to bob & carol & ted & alice , but this new age suburban swingers comedy is very funny and enlightening .",
"a sex comedy by people who do n't really seem to worry that much about sex .",
"tension builds to delightful comedic effect , and the cast is ideally suited for the material . it 's more than prosthetic penises .",
"there 's a breezy spirit and an agreeable touch of tenderness to the movie that makes it hard not to like , even if it never accumulates much substance .",
"an unpredictably weird and delightful sex comedy , `` MOV '' has a sly take on contemporary coupledom .",
"it 's an unusual but effective mix of outrageousness and sincerity , in which the four anxious revelers function both as broad caricatures and as real , complex human beings .",
"... a refreshingly rule-breaking and thoroughly entertaining comedy that bends sexual norms with gusto and gleefully deflates gender-based insecurities .",
"there 's an insidious cleverness to `` MOV '' that keeps the audience just a bit off balance .",
"MOV has a handful of scenes that make you do the laugh/gasp combination , so crazy are the happenings in the plot . at the same time , there is something oddly touching about the movie 's portrait of marriage .",
"you 're not going to find another film this summer that keeps surprising you the way this one does .",
"it 's a kinder , gentler sex comedy , and that 's pretty sexy .",
"an indecently hot and hilarious sex comedy with quartet of playfully scrappy actors who could n't be better suited to their roles or more eager to rouse our prurient interest .",
"occasionally the film feels more like a string of acting exercises than a tightly edited sex comedy . still , there 's plenty of raunchy romance here and some good , deliberately cringe-worthy lines .",
"brice ... needs only to sit back and let his actors excel in their comfort zones .",
"a sometimes dirty comedy that sincerely and wittily explores the anxieties that involve adopting genuinely progressive lifestyle choices .",
"the movie is a weird and darkly comedic exploration of an all-night parental playdate in which marital boredom , sexual dissatisfaction and fidelity are on the agenda .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- n emotional obstacle course that starts out sweetly optimistic , turns to uncomfortable farce , and ultimately ends up somewhere poignant and ripped with compassion ...",
"brice 's screenplay is peppered with hip-speak double entendres that become singles when schwartzman oozes them .",
"brice effectively balances cringe humor with emotional revelations that feel genuine even if they start out as uncomfortable jokes .",
"written and directed by patrick brice with atypical wit , the film is uncensored and hilariously unpredictable , jumping from one titillating gag to the next with the grace of a tightrope walker .",
"it 's a short film , weighing in at 79 minutes , but that feels about right . you probably would n't want to spend a lot more time with these folks , no matter how intriguing their company .",
"brice seems more interested in keeping viewers guessing than in crafting a meaningful story . while that makes his film unpredictable , it comes at the cost of emotional impact .",
"brice keeps a forgiving eye on his characters ' foibles , teasing rather eviscerating them to unexpectedly sympathetic ends .",
"absolutely hilarious , winningly acted , and surprisingly wise .",
"there 's not a lot of depth or relationship insight , but the lead actors effectively keep the proceedings both amusing and unsettling .",
"at times it feels naturalistic , but it occasionally veers into surreal territories . it is likely to discomfit and disturb some moviegoers ... but the overall effect is surprisingly sweet and assuring .",
"overnight never pushes inward far enough .",
"MOV generates enough laughs to justify seeing it in theaters or at home . just do n't watch it with another couple , unless you secretly want a foursome with them .",
"as raucous as the flirtation is throughout , actual intimacy -- physical or otherwise -- is rendered with unflinching clarity .",
"getting to know the neighbors has a lot to do with getting to know one 's self . but this film leaves us unconvinced .",
"a pleasant , welcome surprise .",
"brice squeezes some nervous laughter out of the premise , but MOV is more naughty than funny , and it pulls back from the edge just when it should be leaping off .",
"some challenging issues , like monogamy and sexual boundaries , are effectively explored . there are moments of troubling horror and moments several will find disturbingly relatable .",
"despite the best prosthetic penis joke probably ever , patrick brice 's fitfully funny indie still does n't deliver the awkward sex comedy gen-xers deserve .",
"if you can bear it , this hipster horror film of creeping social dread is utterly hilarious .",
"much , much more than a dueling penises movie .",
"absolutely hilarious and very well written , MOV is like a dinner party that you 'll want to stay at far into the morning .",
"the first half is toxically weird and brings out some of the biggest chuckles . when the story turns in a completely different direction , all leading to an unearned ending , it ultimately just lacks clear satisfaction .",
"an unsettling uncertainty gives emotional texture and depth to what could have been just another wish-fulfillment fantasy for frustrated thirtysomethings .",
"beneath all of the jokes and physical humor , is a sweeter , more genuine story about four adults forming a connection .",
"might just be the best american sex comedy since paul mazursky 's ` bob , carol , ted , and alice . '' jumps from extreme silliness to unbridled outrageousness to a truth most dramas do not achieve .",
"it 's a slender conceit stretched out about as far as it can go .",
"the film 's buńuelian potential for harpooning the bourgeoisie is quickly dashed in favor of mumblecore antics .",
"it continues patrick brice 's -lrb- admittedly short -rrb- trend of delivering very funny films with a second , more dramatic layer underneath , but even if the relationship drama fails to move you the laughter created by the dialogue and visuals surely will .",
"even as sex comedies go , this one is slight , but it 's funny .",
"the laughs stop about halfway through , and the 79-minute running time feels about right . one night in a house with these two couples is enough .",
"part titillation and part cautionary tale , `` MOV '' is biting and real .",
"what makes MOV work as well as it does is the cast . the performances here are truly fearless and engaging , with schwartzman and scott in particular in high gear .",
"unfortunately , their largely improvised dialogue is not enough to sustain even the meagre 79-minute running time .",
"there are plenty of cathartic home truths here and no shortage of amusing moments , but it 's hardly subversive filmmaking .",
"this very wry , la-set adult comedy plays like a junior , low-budget version of who 's afraid of virginia woolf ?",
"something ... gets a little off-balance as the movie progresses .",
"in its best moments , MOV deviates from the conventions of a party movie -lrb- or `` sex comedy , '' as it has been christened -rrb- and veers toward the experimental , the uncanny , the unsettling .",
"-lsb- an -rsb- uncomfortably perceptive sex comedy .",
"attitudes are adjusted along with clothing , with all four main actors happily delivering more than brice 's uneven script and sitcomish directing asks of them .",
"the delivery is unorthodox . you might think you know what 's coming , but then comes another curveball that catches you by surprise . you 're kept guessing throughout - and it 's a real kick when you 're wrong yet again .",
"MOV really belongs to the weirdly adorable schwartzman , who literally lets it all hang out as the absurdly well-endowed kurt .",
"serious points are made as the foursome get into the swing .",
"the film 's brevity makes it easily digestible but there 's an underlying sense of frustration - dissatisfaction that the characters are n't fleshed out better and the humor is n't more organic .",
"i 'm not big into awkward comedy , but MOV is so deft and surprising that i almost enjoyed the feeling .",
"i especially liked schilling , whose character picks up on what she calls a `` swinger vibe '' long before her doofus husband and registers this with an expression of increasing -lrb- and increasingly funny -rrb- alarm .",
"as clothes are shed and secrets come to light , it all becomes ... alas , a very odd combination of squirm-inducing and dull .",
"`` MOV '' is not , by any means , for everyone , what with its adult themes and sexual scenarios , but it 's clever and well-acted , and even a bit insightful , which is more than most big movies can say .",
"here 's an amiably goofy , if dramatically thin comedy of swinging sexual manners .",
"-lsb- an -rsb- unpredictable indie comedy -- sort of a `` who 's afraid of virginia kink ? ''",
"for all its supposed edginess , ... it winds up being little more than mildly naughty , drawing titters rather than gasps .",
"once all the motivations come into focus , MOV pivots gracefully from awkward social comedy to something genuinely complex -- and even poignant .",
"this often ribald , ultimately thoughtful comedy of social and sexual manners may not aim particularly high , but it hits a singular mark nonetheless .",
"brice 's screenplay , clever and occasionally funny and sometimes even shocking across the film 's first hour , ca n't quite bring the picture home , with the result that some of the climactic scenes do n't ring true .",
"has a good sense of how appealing an unconventional release can be when enough anxiety/tension has accumulated .",
"writer/director patrick brice 's racy , low-key comedy MOV qualifies as a social horror movie , complete with suspense , plot twists and strange , intimidating characters you 're never sure are exactly what they seem to be .",
"MOV is horribly funny and gets more so : titillating and terrifying in equal measure .",
"no matter how hard the film tries to challenge bourgeois notions of wedded bliss , it 's all so very civilized .",
"the potential awkwardness of merging your own sex life unexpectedly with strangers is both funny and wince-worthy , and faithfully captured .",
"excruciatingly hilarious and hilariously excruciating . the merkin scene will live with you forever ."
] | the_overnight_2015 | witty and unpredictable , MOV benefits from writer-director patrick brice 's sure-handed touch and strong performances from a talented cast . | 771412081 |
"MOV comes across with unexpected moments of illuminated stillness , and any movie that gives meaningful face time to the incomparable -lsb- jeanne -rsb- moreau can never be a total waste of time .",
"whilst avoiding many of the sentimental clichés that bedevil terminal illness movies , the briskly edited MOV nevertheless lacks the emotional impact of ozon 's most memorable films .",
"as with all ozon 's work , MOV resounds with grace notes .",
"deeply touching and brutally frank .",
"a lyrical and heart-affecting french drama that reveals that we must each encounter death on our own terms .",
"but this may be the first time that ozon has played it too safe , leaving little to separate his film from the countless other portraits of dying scoundrels redeemed .",
"moreau 's few ripe scenes are choice , and she spices up the joint with her gravelly voice of je ne regrette rien .",
"a cinematic tone poem , wafting on wistful tableaus and sad faces ... mostly elaborates on how death must ultimately be a personal experience .",
"ozon transplants the melodrama genre to the here and now , taking a sentimental form and adding frank sexuality -lrb- is that a prosthetic mr. poupard or are you in the moment ? -rrb- and a steely attitude .",
"much of the film works to undercut any sense of real emotion .",
"has its effective moments of restrained intimacy but lacks the depth to give the slow-going narrative much impact .",
"we watch romain change as he struggles with his mortality and , as he does , we come to care about him .",
"sumptuously filmed but rather distant .",
"simply treats death as life 's final curveball , with romain solemnly and bravely letting the hourglass trickle down as it will .",
"it 's affecting .",
"a beautiful , frank and utterly absorbing examination of death .",
"the entire film is a balancing trick , with scenes of potential banality redeemed at the last by a subtle twist or subversion . in their conflicted expressions , the performers prove themselves experts at their own high-wire acts .",
"modern audiences are more likely to find the character 's behavior to be extremely frustrating , undercutting any sympathetic response one might have for his situation .",
"the story arc from his diagnosis to his death does n't cover much ground in romain 's life . but his emotional landscape -- the conflicts , the anger , the sadness , the acceptance -- offers much more depth .",
"it does absolutely nothing that previous movies dealing with this subject have n't done .",
"those looking for the traditional hollywood sweetness or payoffs will walk away disappointed , but the rough-hewn film offers riches to those willing to endure its downbeat tale of detachment .",
"directed by the prolific françois ozon , MOV stars melvil poupaud as a fashion photographer facing the certainty that his life will soon be over .",
"it 's difficult to feel positive about romain 's acceptance of his mortality , because ozon has n't convinced us romain was that alive to begin with .",
"one gets the feeling while watching MOV that the feisty director is , for the first time , bored by the story he 's telling .",
"una exploración muy personal , muy íntima y para nada condescendiente sobre la proximidad de la muerte a edad temprana . muy buen elenco .",
"it 's noteworthy for the performances of melvil poupard as romaine and jeanne moreau as the grandmother-two people facing their own mortality , and trying to exit this world with grace and dignity .",
"director francois ozon , who can define physical desire in a swift gesture or extend a moment of self-reflection with acute stillness , has become more confident and specific with each film .",
"it 's a quiet and poignant look at a life as it slips away , seen through the eyes of a character who 's not always likable but remains entirely real .",
"a touching and haunting film that is more uplifting than its central theme suggests , MOV leaves us with much to reflect upon , and consider .",
"takes one of the most tired movie cliches of all time -- `` i 'm sorry , but you only have a few months to live . '' -- and turns into to a totally fresh look at what it truly means to live",
"another year , another minimal but solid offering from françois ozon",
"an emotionally moving story , which somehow never dips into cliched sentimentality .",
"yet another discourse , a creative one , about what people do when they are diagnosed with a terminal disease .",
"MOV winds up a tiresome affirmation of man 's biological duty to procreate ; the position is simplistic verging on obnoxious , especially after 5x2 's attack on the hetero family model .",
"MOV takes the time to reflect ... it is among the least tricky of ozon 's films , which also makes it one of the best .",
"as in any ozon film , there are indelible performances from strong women here .",
"MOV just might be ozon 's best work yet . he tackles a sensitive , off-putting subject with a dignity that will put viewers at ease .",
"françois ozon 's latest follows in the footsteps of familiar made-for-tv-movie terrain but does so wearing prada shoes .",
"... the film 's haunting final scene , which plays out almost entirely without dialogue , catches ozon at his beguiling , enigmatic best .",
"a thoroughly cinematic and honest film that thrives on in-between moments and knows how to make them grand .",
"a short and succinct film but it lingers long in the memory .",
"romain sees his inner child wherever he goes . the problem is , that childishness is all we really understand about the character . nothing else punches through .",
"it 's about a gay man coming to terms with his mortality , and , in a plot twist that 's as contrived as it is ironic , with the biblical injunction to procreate .",
"pointless , crushingly dull `` disease of the week '' film -lsb- about -rsb- a shallow , selfish , gay fashion photographer .",
"maintains its focus and disturbs appropriately",
"ozon 's drama offers no rousing speeches about living to the fullest , or heartfelt soliloquies on the nature of existence , only a bitterly honest admission that death happens to everyone and there is no use trying to stop it .",
"romain is ruthlessly true to himself , and the film 's final scene , which begins on a crowded beach and ends as everyone who can goes home , is stunningly haunting .",
"MOV blows a fresh , skeptical wind through fairly corny melodramatic territory while keeping faith with the operatic emotions of the genre .",
"... surprisingly unengaging -lsb- and -rsb- utterly devoid of humor ."
] | time_to_leave | a reflective look at our own mortality through the experience of a middle-aged french man , MOV manages to pull at our heart strings without resorting to cliches , and leaves a lasting impression . | 190815782 |
"covering a wide canvas of animal welfare and rights issues that rightfully will provoke meaningful discussion",
"the most controversial , provocative , inflammatory and thought-provoking film of the year !",
"while avoiding the most important travesty -- the use of animals for food -- the documentary does efficiently illustrate the arguments for an against the use of animals for research and fur .",
"... a flawed yet remarkably even-handed look at an extraordinarily contentious issue .",
"MOV is eye-opening in the truest sense of the word . i was riveted from start to finish . this is one of the year 's best films .",
"what may be the finest documentary of the year also is the most difficult to watch . i wept unashamedly at the brief videos of real-life animal abuse in `` MOV , '' and you may , too .",
"a documentary that both informs and entertains , and that will invite animated debate -- which is precisely what a good documentary should do .",
"with a subject that holds as much venom as this one does , mommy remains amazingly poised .",
"terrific documentary on the animal rights movement that allows all sides in the debate to make their points .",
"david martosko , of the center for consumer freedom , carries the film 's obscured theme that `` morality '' is a religious-based ploy used by all sides of the animal abuse debate that lead the fbi to rank animal-rights activists as the no. 1 terrorist threat in",
"the result , admittedly , is a bit of a din . but it 's certainly interesting .",
"the most accessible , thorough chronicle of animal rights ever put to film .",
"could n't have arrived at a more timely moment , given the recent arrest of atlanta falcons quarterback michael vick on federal charges for hanging , drowning , electrocuting and beating dogs to death .",
"it 's the best kind of documentary , in that if you 're a thinking person it is nearly impossible to watch the movie without having your point of view challenged and questioned .",
"it lets you off dizzy and confused , whereas the best documentaries leave you feeling that you 've come to a settled perspective on a subject .",
"those on both sides of the animal rights issue will find much to fume over in ... curt johnson 's in-depth , eye-opening examination of the movement .",
"MOV is an eye-opener , raising tough questions about whether the movement deserves such intense scrutiny and punishment by the government .",
"interesting and sometimes dizzyingly freewheeling .",
"this film shines a clear light on the dark controversy surrounding our treatment of animals .",
"a miraculously evenhanded treatment of a snarlingly divisive debate .",
"MOV will more than likely still draw you in with its unbiased approach -- and , no matter where you stand on the issue of animals , you will definitely learn a lot about people .",
"what feels like a lack of propaganda makes the film all the more cogent , intelligent , and powerful .",
"curt johnson 's first feature bodes well for his future as a filmmaker .",
"that one ca n't quite decide if these charming men are heroes or villains is a mark of johnson 's calm , even approach to an issue seemingly fueled by emotions run amok .",
"powerful , angry and bizarre documentary .",
"it is n't only organization that the mildly anarchic MOV sorely lacks , it 's also a sufficient number of sources .",
"hard to beat that title , ai n't it ?",
"MOV lays things out with historical perspective , tracing the roots of both the animal welfare movement and animals rights activism to england .",
"johnson 's not pushing buttons just for the sake of attention-getting , he 's revealing just how hopelessly complicated the issue has grown .",
"worth seeing by anyone who cares about animals .",
"perhaps the greatest service johnson does is to turn the event that spurred him to make the film -- the fbi labeling animal rights activists the top domestic terrorist threat -- into a crucial dialogue .",
"ca n't commit to an overview of the movement by looking at three groups or stick with the trial of the `` shac 7 . '' so an intriguing but too short tour of animal-rights issues is interrupted by a flatly chronicled court case .",
"it 's impossible to watch without having your point of view challenged - no matter which side of the issue you 're on ."
] | your_mommy_kills_animals | a thoroughly fascinating , well-presented examination of the animal rights debate that is both provocative and thought-provoking . | 770670841 |
"i 've been got and i 've been had . and i admit that with all due shame and humiliation . i 'll never forgive myself for this .",
"it 's certainly a goodhearted story , and the movie does offer a little plot twist that deviates from the usual formula . after that , though , the game plan quickly reverts to the established playbook for safe , sappy family fare .",
"finally , for dwayne `` the rock '' johnson , the game plan pays off .",
"this is your ordinary funny-to-treacly plot arc -- funny if you 're 10 or younger , treacly if you 're older .",
"parents , load up on the no-doz and get inoculated for multiple bedazzler jokes .",
"if he 's being honest , any nfl player will tell you that it 's not at all uncommon to open the front door to meet an illegitimate child . either that or a box of human growth hormone .",
"better than the ordeal it often threatens to become .",
"an example of middle-of-the-road insignificance .",
"sappy and simplistic , the game plan belongs on the sidelines of stale cotton candy creativity .",
"fickman and the three screenwriters drag this inevitability out for close to two hours , with a tiresome back-and-forth of conflicts and reconciliations .",
"neither perceptive nor authentic , it lacks genuine humour and shows what an overwritten and under-funny script , put in the hands of immature actors , can produce .",
"the film improves , but the heavy handed first half drags its mood to the end , where predictability and corn mix into a concoction as unappetising as the health smoothie joe kingman creates for breakfast with his disgusted little daughter",
"not great , not bad .",
"i do n't know what planet the people who put this together live on , but the behavior depicted here has nothing to do with anything recognizable as human , let alone normal .",
"as a family friendly movie , the game plan works perfectly well .",
"maudlin and manipulative",
"formulaic , but watchable .",
"the game plan makes the pacifier look like no country for old men .",
"you ca n't not like the rock .",
"all fairly harmless , but outside of the kid and family target audience , also fairly forgettable .",
"it 's the same old story , but dwayne johnson oozes charisma .",
"johnson strikes a winning balance of swagger , exasperation and sensitivity as joe kingman , superstar quarterback .",
"there is less of a story here than a series of gag situations ...",
"so sickeningly adorable and sweet that you 'll be barfing sugarcubes long before the halfway point . the fact that they can stretch this idea into a movie longer than 90 minutes boggles the mind .",
"mediocre but good-hearted , you can see `` the game plan '' coming for a long way off .",
"having tamed one muscled man-child -lrb- vin diesel in the pacifier -rrb- , disney sets its sights on the rock .",
"whether or not an unexpected shift to generic family-friendly territory boosts the rock 's flagging film career , this is just one more in a long line of creatively bankrupt choices for the former wrestler .",
"somebody should put dwayne `` the rock '' johnson in a remake of `` the miracle worker , '' because when it comes to a working actor whose personality can override even the dreariest of cinematic drivel , he 's right near the top .",
"the rock once again proves himself the heir to ahnuld as the action hero with an irresistible self-deprecating sense of humor .",
"after `` the game plan '' , dwayne `` the rock '' johnson may need to readjust his goals .",
"about as vile a film as i 've seen this year .",
"a game plan is exactly what the haphazard script ... lacks .",
"please : no game plan 2 .",
"an amusing and timely distraction .",
"there 's a fine line between pandering and giving an audience what it wants . the game plan walks this line , just barely staying on the tasteful side .",
"holds next to no surprises for anyone who 's ever seen a movie before .",
"somebody give dwayne johnson a decent role , please . sure this is relatively inoffensive , but he 's a great screen presence and deserves better .",
"a barf-inducer . a hurl-promoter . a projectile-vomit-stimulator .",
"the rock scores in cute -lrb- if predictable -rrb- comedy .",
"in many ways , the game plan is really just a big-budget , feature-film version of a disney channel original movie .",
"watchable comedy that manages to overcome its formulaic plot and cliche-laden script , largely thanks to johnson being such a likeable comic actor .",
"even the rock 's immense charisma can not save this predicatable fare .",
"johnson 's amiable performance makes this watchable for the target audience ; namely sporty daddies and spoiled little girls primed to assimilate their lives into the disney brand .",
"despite its cheesy story , the game plan has one major trump card : the rock is actually quite good .",
"... it ultimately seems unlikely that the movie will appeal to viewers outside of its target demographic -lrb- ie pre-pubescent tots -rrb- .",
"despite its almost painfully silly predictability , this film somehow manages to be engaging and rather enjoyable , thanks mainly to the rock 's on-screen charisma .",
"spawning a cute little tyke will improve your career , better your relationships , clear up acne , and get you invited to cool parties .",
"it 's one man and a baby .",
"should be dismissed entirely as cutesy , formulaic , sentimental drivel ... but can not be so easily written off without a second thought because johnson is so charismatic in it .",
"johnson 's a good actor , but it would take the ghost of laurence olivier to convince us that a grown man could legitimately fall for this brat .",
"if you like this type of film - and i do , then you 'll like this , it 's definitely not something you run out and see , or spend full price on . but if it 's on hbo it 's worth checking out . i 'm recommending because i like the rock and i 'm a sucker for fluff .",
"as comedies go , the game plan is srictly by the playbook , but johnson is game for anything , and he does a fine job of entertaining the child in all of us .",
"it 's what i like to call an amnesia movie . six months from now , if someone asks me about the game plan , i 'll be hard-pressed to remember what it 's about or who 's in it .",
"from playboy to paternity , this is a heart-warming but totally predictable , formulaic comedy .",
"this disney fluff is n't going to score any touchdowns , but by following a lighthearted game plan , it should stack up points with the family set .",
"... the rock 's charm and romantic interest roselyn sanchez 's mischievous warmth make the game plan an easy sit .",
"director andy fickman seem to have thrown everything into this artificial comedy , in the hopes that something might stick . almost nothing does .",
"a comedy so formulaic and uninspired that you 'd swear you 've seen the movie before .",
"generic to the point where it might be called sport-themed disney girly movie all rights reserved .",
"as polished and innocuous as a spin around the park on dumbo .",
"there are worse ways to spend two hours with your children , and the game plan , in trying to please everybody , fairly much succeeds .",
"the makers of this family film dumb down some material so much that it fails to tickle funny bones of any age .",
"this is not a movie designed to surprise , but as comfort food , it goes down pleasantly enough until the final credits roll .",
"every inch of the game plan is formulaic .",
"-lsb- pettis -rsb- overplays cute to the point where you wish the rock would practice one of his wrestling moves on her and ship her off to kid nation .",
"apart from a heart-tugging plot twist , some lesson learning and more random football talk , that 's about it . oh , except for the scene in which kyra sedgwick farts . be sure to update your resume , kyra .",
"a family comedy heavy on syrup and low on laughs .",
"-lsb- actress -rsb- pettis is adorable , but she 's compelled to push the cuteness dial well past one 's tolerance level .",
"a disney comedy that tries to overcompensate with cute what it lacks in clever .",
"this innocuous family fare will probably appeal to wee ones who have n't been fed enough of this formula . but i wanted to spit up a little .",
"i was hooked . while the critic -lrb- sounds like cynic -rrb- nitpicked the movie 's predictable storytelling and comic set-ups , the mother in me sniffled with emotion as the big bad quarterback turned into a sloppy puddle of a man .",
"johnson , as he 's proven before , has all the stuff movie stars do . well , except a decent script .",
"-lsb- johnson 's -rsb- quick smile and willingness to play along make him by far the most likable of modern movie muscleheads . he 's thus one of the reasons to see the game plan .",
"there 's a fine line -- just two letters , in fact -- between precocious and precious . unfortunately the game plan not only crosses it but runs 80 yards down the field , and one ca n't help but throw a flag on the play .",
"almost every note in this insipid comedy is strident or false .",
"yes , this is a road we 've traveled down before , but at least this time , it 's paved with a lot of charm and heart .",
"a remixed version of elvis 's `` rubberneckin ' '' is an apt credit sequence number , since the movie is itself a similarly trivial , jazzed-up version of a standard .",
"pure disney formula stuff -lrb- think ` the pacifier ' and ` three men and a baby ' -rrb- . but despite its predictability the movie turns out to be a comic touchdown for the rock who scores lots of laughs in this winning family entertainment .",
"a big screen version of something made for the disney channel - only with the rock instead of zac efron",
"although ` the game plan ' disappointed me , i would n't be surprised if teeny-bopper girls -- and fans of `` the rock '' -- get a kick out of it .",
"to paraphrase david spade , i liked this movie the first time i saw it -- when it was called kindergarten cop .",
"... `` stupid '' is a mean word . so i 'm not going to use it to describe this smug , cynical , hackneyed pretext for product placement ...",
"the movie is so likable that it glides over its many plot holes . the filmâ -lrb- tm -rrb- s direction , by andy fickman , is raucous but never crass , and the affable mr. johnson is committed to every moment .",
"a movie for younger children , especially girls , the game plan goes into overtime , surely taxing kids ' attention . but parents looking for children 's entertainment at the movies do n't have all that much from which to choose .",
"the kind of movie that disney used to make a lot of back in the day : live-action , simple-minded , aimed at children , and kind of stupid .",
"i can smell what the rock is cooking , and gordon ramsay is shutting down that kitchen !",
"some audiences will find it as sugary as a fruit-scented princess pony sticker book , but its intended viewers will be delighted .",
"i wish dwayne johnson well , and i respect disney 's tenacity when it comes to their dreadful formulas , so i look forward to next year 's offering : 50 cent in the cub scout comedy , da top scout .",
"everyone from you to the guy who brought the rock his doughnuts in the morning knows where this is headed , and the script follows the route like a veteran wide receiver .",
"even though it 's too long , finally a hollywood film extolling the value of a father in raising a child , with star turns by the rock and 7-year-old madison pettis .",
"the film wears its inspirational family values on its sleeve in such an overstated way that it 's clear that no one involved really believes them for a minute . it is so contrived and so careful not to offend that it has no real energy .",
"the game plan is as cute as a pail of kittens and about as orderly , but ... it works as a pretty solid example of how the skillful execution of some of the oldest plays in the book can still get the ball to the end zone .",
"a generic , predictable , family-friendly comedy that seems a better fit for the disney channel than for a theater near you .",
"overly familiar , and at nearly two hours overstays its welcome by a good 15 or 20 minutes .",
"the game plan follows familiar formulas and characters , both brightened by a bit of wit and good performances from the two leads .",
"despite the fact that we 've seen it all before , it works ."
] | the_gameplan | despite the rock 's abundant charisma , the game plan is just another run-of-the-mill disney comedy . | 770670293 |
"between jackson 's opining and de niro 's hopeless alibis when he messes up , jackie is good for a bundle of bloody ho-ho-hos .",
"turns out that author elmore leonard and director quentin tarantino are not the odd couple after all .",
"while not as polished as `` pulp fiction , '' his best film , `` MOV '' does have one thing his earlier films lacked , a couple of characters with brains .",
"although not nearly as good as director quentin tarantino 's previous effort pulp fiction , is nonetheless a solid , albeit overlong , exercise in filmmaking .",
"a modest crime thriller .",
"a great , quirky little film that gets better every time you watch it .",
"i found it hard not to smile virtually from start to finish in MOV -- not because it 's constantly amusing , but because it 's such a pleasure to be in the hands of someone who knows how to use the medium .",
"though the film is consistently engrossing , at 155 minutes , it is overlong by at least 20 minutes , and the unspectacular climax is quite disappointing .",
"a surprisingly mediocre movie .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- surprisingly sluggish tarantino piece .",
"pulp fiction is a hard film to top , but tarantino has done it , with great flair , style and sheer cinematic genius .",
"a potboiler , and a fairly good one",
"-lsb- tarantino -rsb- wanted to give grier a role worthy of her , and he has . if only he 'd given her a movie worthy of her as well .",
"an entertaining diversion , but not a masterpiece .",
"scene by scene , MOV is amusing , but after two hours , it seems sluggish , and at that point still has a half-hour to go .",
"the movie takes 150 minutes to tell what should have been a 90-minute story .",
"the tale is filled with funny , gritty tarantino lowlife gab and a respectable body count , but what is most striking is the film 's gallantry and sweetness .",
"quentin tarantino puts together a fairly intricate and relatively uninvolving money-smuggling plot , but his cast is so good that you probably wo n't feel cheated .",
"the film is more jarmusch than peckinpah -- its soul is in the minutiae .",
"that this modest crime thriller ca n't quite live up to its audacious dance across so many strata of hip and hommage and self-referential cool it makes your head spin is hardly a surprise , or even a criticism .",
"offers an abundance of pleasures , especially in the realm of characterization and atmosphere .",
"it 's like a scuzz-bucket film noir directed by stanley kubrick at his most static-mesmeric .",
"when you absolutely , positively got to thrill every mother **** er in the room , accept no substitutes . MOV is the ak-47 in tarantino 's arsenal .",
"tarantino 's tribute to creative influences , writer elmor leonard and blaxploitation star grier , results in a more mature but less audacious film ; last shot , taken from queen christina , only shows how magical garbo was and grier is n't",
"these are unquestionably tarantino 's greatest characters , and the actors eat them up with verve .",
"tarantino 's finest , most mature movie to date .",
"while this is not his best work to date , it is still a solid piece of moviemaking that shows he has more range as a writer and director than many wanted to give him credit for .",
"a leisurely and easygoing diversion that goes down easy enough but is far from compelling .",
"overall , tarantino has made an acceptable film , even if it is over two and a half hours long .",
"a classy package and an interesting auteur piece .",
"a damn-near flawless little piece of film noir , filled with excellent characterization , and just the right bit of hipness .",
"tarantino has once again defied the critics and produced a movie that solidly establishes him as still the most important filmmaker of the decade .",
"loaded with all the crisp dialogue , trademark camera work , and memorable characters that we 've come to expect from every tarantino film .",
"consider it a superb elmore leonard adaptation by a filmmaker who knows how to serve someone else 's material while making it his own .",
"tarantino 's films are n't so much stories as strings of anecdotes : movie moments , urban myths , conversations strewn with pop culture references .",
"mellower tarantino still has sex , drugs , swearing , murder .",
"might be his best film",
"succeeds as a witty elmore leonard crime story ... but also as a surprisingly affecting mid-life romance . -lsb- blu-ray -rsb-",
"while MOV can be too languid , drifting like one of melanie 's highs , its wearied , over-40 lows reveal tarantino as a director who , once upon a crime , could 've mined complexity and depth from the cracks and crevices of american genre movies .",
"a much moodier , slower pace from tarantino 's other work , but MOV is one enjoyable flick that rewards its audience with each viewing .",
"quentin tarantino had a lot to live up to with this release and while he has not made a movie that has matched his previous successes , MOV is still a great film .",
"it 's slow , it 's sad and it 's very funny in ways that do n't really revolve around punchlines . it 's about characters who have been around the block one too many times and they 're exhausted , full of dreams deferred , just trying to scrape by .",
"on the surface , MOV -- based on elmore lenoard 's novel rum punch -- is a caper movie , full of guns , drugs , purple profanity and bloody murder . but scratch the surface and you find a love letter .",
"tarantino 's attention to smart , witty dialogue , and the stepped up last half of the film make the feature worthwhile .",
"a great actor 's movie .",
"both grier and especially forster are spot-on in their roles .",
"an unconventional crime caper adapted from an elmore leonard story about double-crosses and gun smuggling .",
"MOV is n't a great film , but it has the air of its director 's wicked brilliance .",
"the flat , self-exposing dud that fate often keeps in store for the initially overpraised .",
"MOV wo n't make the same sort of splash as pulp fiction -lrb- few films could -rrb- . but if viewers are willing to watch tarantino 's new film on its own terms , they 'll be richly rewarded .",
"those who were waiting to see quentin tarantino , a k a the most annoying man in hollywood , fall flat on his face are likely to be disappointed with MOV .",
"while MOV digs into its own stockpile of generic -lrb- namely , blaxploitation -rrb- conventions , it mostly avoids repetition , because it is pam grier 's movie , flat out .",
"working from an elmore leonard novel , tarantino has created a gangster fiction that is never larger than life and sometimes smaller .",
"as an exercise in style , MOV is a refinement of the innovative elements tarantino employed in the reservoir dogs and pulp fiction .",
"a slick , sly , soulful story of paranoia , misgivings , a dominant theme of vengeance and a tone of whimsy .",
"this is the movie that proves tarantino is the real thing , and not just a two-film wonder boy .",
"quentin actually made a real movie , with believable characters and performances , rather than just repositories for clever dialog .",
"give -lrb- jackson -rrb- the best-actor oscar for his picture-perfect performance as a gun-running criminal whose vocabulary is as vulgar as his occupation .",
"at more than 2 1/2 hours , MOV could probably have been shorter and entertained nearly as much , but tarantino lets his characters develop at their leisure .",
"a refreshingly modest piece of work .",
"for all its enthusiasm , this film is n't sharp enough to afford all the time it wastes on small talk , long drives , trips to the mall and favorite songs played on car radios .",
"forster and grier have real chemistry in their limited time together on-screen . forster has star-quality presence and is used well by tarantino .",
"despite its difficulties with pacing , though , MOV is ample proof that quentin tarantino continues to grow as one of america 's brightest filmmakers .",
"his latest offering is as vibrant as any he has produced .",
"there are a lot of things right in MOV , and they all combine to form an entertaining , stimulating movie .",
"in this quirky film directed by quentin tarantino , two middle-agers are forced to take stock of their lives .",
"tarantino 's third full length directoral effort is a good film , but the worst of the three .",
"grier logs her best performance since fort apache the bronx as a flight attendant who gets nabbed transporting illegal amounts of cash into the country .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- flawed but stylish and moderately entertaining crime thriller .",
"both jackie and grier manage to stay tough and independent throughout , which seems a credit to both the actress and her director .",
"it 's not quite pulp fiction , but MOV is a hip tour de force of tarantino 's criminal universe .",
"um filme divertido que se ressente do choque entre os personagens criados por elmore leonard e os concebidos por tarantino .",
"beyond the grasp of most directors , this is tour de force stuff -- definitely meriting the price of admission and almost worth the three-year wait .",
"achieves the soulful edge lacking from tarantino 's previous efforts . forster and grier 's performances deserve to join the short-list of all-time greats .",
"MOV is n't the movie-length adrenaline rush pulp fiction was , but it deepens and broadens tarantino 's storytelling ."
] | jackie_brown | tarantino 's third film , fashioned as a comeback vehicle for star pam grier , offers typical wit and charm -- and is typically overstuffed . | 13004 |
"only the taliban could dislike the joyful music on display herein .",
"the poverty contrasts sharply with the excitement of the tour bus and cuts to the heart of the songs themselves , famed for their `` joy and sorrow '' .",
"the characters are as lively as their music and i enjoyed riding along with them .",
"the energy is electric , the camerawork crisp and colourful , the editing note-perfect ... . for the roma , music sounds the notes of a harsh , maligned cultural history , making them all the more unforgettable while demanding remembrance , even awe .",
"gypsy caravan - when the road bends evokes the us tour of roma musicians whose astonishing diversity ranges from the indian group with their bejewelled drag dancer to oompah-based romanians .",
"dellal 's documentary often seems like a cleaned-up , homogenized version of the chaotic roma world presented by gatlif , kusturica , et al. . but even toned down and packaged , the music itself has the power to thrill .",
"for its glimpses of various lifestyles and personalities -- an ancient but spry fiddler , a young male who performs in drag -- it is n't bad .",
"blessed with a wealth of characters , moving stories and roof-raising performances , gypsy caravan is as rich as the music it promotes . fans of buena vista should definitely join the club .",
"it 's a slow , sometimes grating process for an hour or so , but once everyone wises up to their shared heritage , a euphoric celebration of what it means to be a gypsy takes flight .",
"so long seen as ragged leftovers from an older historical epoch , the roma turn out to be a modern people who have a lot to teach over-developed societies about what it means to be human .",
"these extraordinary musicians ought to put an end to any sniffiness about gypsy music .",
"for those who like a melange of music with an international flare , gypsy caravan is a pleasure .",
"more than a vibrant experiment in ethnomusical cross-pollination , it 's just great fun , tempered by loss but rippling with gusto .",
"an irresistibly vibrant concert-tour documentary by jasmine dellal .",
"superb documentary on gypsy musicians in the spirit of `` buena vista social club ''",
"it 's a two-hour movie , and i 'm only sorry it is n't two or three times as long . let me read your thoughts : you 're not much interested in gypsy music , and the historical and cultural stuff might be pretty dry . that 's what i thought too : wrong and wrong .",
"everyone is having so much fun , one would really like to be a part of it . but the performance sequences are too jaggedly truncated to pull us in entirely .",
"throughout , the ebullience and passion of the music gives viewers a point of entry into what it means to be roma , part of an ancient culture in a modern world .",
"an eye-opener , an ear-opener and , most important , a heart-opener .",
"the camera work is always note-perfect .",
"if music were all , gypsy caravan would be amazing . as is , it 's worth seeing , but you may get frustrated at the way dellal raises provocative questions about ancestry and prejudice ...",
"the music in the film is exhilarating , but there is n't enough information about anyone or anything , and the film feels slight overall . and scattered . you 'll leave hungry for more .",
"the personalities of the players also contribute energy . they are an immensely charismatic bunch .",
"while the backstage tour footage is sometimes repetitive , it 's delightful to see the musicians take up each other 's songs as the tour progresses .",
"if you have any ear for non-western music , gypsy caravan is a must .",
"the emphasis remains on the personal stories of the players themselves who , for all their backstage squabbling , identify more with each other than any of the countries in which they 've settled .",
"as a music document and as a labor of unabashed love , the nonfiction feature gypsy caravan could hardly be better ; as a movie , it could stand some improvement .",
"music is the conduit for repudiating stereotypes and fostering cultural unity in gypsy caravan .",
"an entertaining and edifying documentary about the music and lives of a group of gypsy performers from four countries on an international concert tour .",
"thrillingly captures the heat and passion of the live performances .",
"gypsy caravan succeeds in its primary goal to open ears and minds to roma music , accurately described as being about ` the rhythm , the language , the feeling . '",
"the backstage stuff becomes monotonous and ruins the film .",
"a great sampler of roma -lrb- gypsy -rrb- music with outstanding road footage would be enough , but the insight into the roma heart is priceless .",
"it 's easy to see why -lsb- director -rsb- dellal had trouble turning the camera off , especially when confronted with a startling and sad plot twist . viewers are urged to grab an aisle seat , the better to dance when the music moves them -- as it surely will .",
"gypsy caravan avoids any serious discussion of the social issues that confront the world 's 10 million roma . unfortunately , the well-intentioned film never gets beyond clichés itself .",
"there 's material to discover about the gypsies in this laudable attempt , but the film is long , repetitious , and not selectively enough edited .",
"a natural follow-up to dellal 's debut , american gypsy : a stranger in everybody 's land , this exuberant film features long musical interludes that speak as vividly -- if not more so -- than the interviews and fly-on-the-wall footage .",
"to best enjoy the energetic and big-hearted gypsy caravan , know that it 's not so much a concert film as it is a cultural-anthropology documentary ...",
"not quite fully satisfying as either cinematic ethnography or as a concert film .",
"gypsy caravan could have used some judicious trimming , but you forgive dellal her excesses as she forgives her artists theirs . this is music to gorge on , raw ethnic survival in the form of sound .",
"caravan sounds great and if nothing else should help diminish the stereotype , blasted by the film 's subjects , of gypsies as little more than pickpockets whom travelers need to be wary of .",
"a captivating look at a fascinating people . even johnny depp , a friend of the taraf group , shows up .",
"it 's hardly surprising that gypsy caravan , a lively and lovely music documentary , is rife with whirling rhythms , wild , soaring melodic lines , the ululations of singers steeped in centuries of romany tradition .",
"the ebullient , proud and gifted musicians who embark on a six-week gypsy caravan tour that promotes roma music are fascinating and as emotionally rich as they are true characters .",
"gypsy caravan has been compared with tony gatlif 's 1993 film latcho drom , which took a dreamier approach to gypsy culture . this one 's more down-to-earth , but it 's just as entertaining .",
"-lsb- dellal 's -rsb- attempts to ` straighten ' the narrative through exposition disguised as the walkie-talkie messages of an unseen stage manager , however , are distractingly ham-handed .",
"the music is unfailingly joyous -lrb- even at its saddest -rrb- , and the film 's devotion to outreach and understanding is just as exhilarating .",
"this chronicle of a gypsy-music package tour is a powerful rejoinder to rock-doc navel-gazing . stunning performance excerpts , ranging from spanish flamenco to indian raga , demonstrate that keening brass choirs are just one aspect of the gypsy sound .",
"uncovers the same joy and sorrow that characterizes the romani music in the everyday lives of the musicians who play it ."
] | gypsy_caravan_when_the_road_bends | a dynamic doc following five romani bands is a pleasure for the senses thanks to vibrant colors and eclectic music . | 395115202 |
"gorgeously mounted , but overlong hitchcock film .",
"an altogether brilliant film , haunting , suspenseful , handsome and handsomely played .",
"a gothic moody piece , there 's an overwhelming sense that anything can happen in this film , and anything does . the plot is twisting , unpredictable and even unclear .",
"a gorgeous treat from one of cinema 's masters . not to be missed .",
"alfred hitchcock 's first american film is an atmospheric triumph of suspense .",
"hitchcock 's only best picture winner is a moody thriller about a past murder",
"hitchcock shows superb technical control and attends to his trademark motifs , from monstrous mother figures to the fetishisation of clothing .",
"remains one of the master 's most overrated and underrated movies at the same time .",
"hitchcock 's first american film is a superbly mounted gothic thriller , starring joan fontaine as the timid wife and olivier as the tormented husband .",
"judith anderson dominates every scene she 's in .",
"one of hitch 's best and most elegant works .",
"the meandering storyline , however , ultimately prevents the film from living up to its reputation as one of hitchcock 's best ...",
"excellent , but may be too long and moody for kids .",
"this time hitchcock does it all his way , does a splendid job and has a splendid cast to do it with .",
"both a tender gothic romance and a haunting ghost story .",
"a real treat . captivating from its famous opening lines to its pyrotechnic finale , this is one of hitchcock 's finest -- and that 's saying something .",
"one of the finest productional efforts of the past year .",
"an actress who well knows she 's been perfectly cast in a role she perfectly understands should not be underestimated , even if , as with fontaine , she is never so good again .",
"fontaine & olivier directed by hitchcock - enjoy .",
"selznick places hitchcock on a leash , but i still ca n't get mrs. danvers out of my head !",
"anderson , sanders , and florence bates all reveled in nasty roles ; they look delighted sharpening their talons on fontaine 's little brown wren .",
"through its first two-thirds it is as perfect a myth of adolescence as any of the disney films , documenting the childlike , nameless heroine 's initiation into the adult mysteries of sex , death , and identity .",
"the result exhibits that the director is capable of a range few would credit him with .",
"anderson as the obsessively attached maid mrs. danvers is a perverse gem .",
"an unforgettable film , and further proof that hitchcock was one of the best and freshest directors around .",
"-lsb- fontaine -rsb- richly deserved her best actress nomination , one of three she received in a four-year period , for a complex portrayal of an innocent young woman in a difficult position .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- classic female gothic romance , beautifully adapted from daphne du maurier 's novel , and hauntingly accompanied by franz waxman 's score .",
"MOV -lrb- 1940 -rrb- is the classic hitchcock gothic thriller and a compelling mystery -lrb- and haunting ghost story -rrb- about a tortured romance . the film creates a brooding",
"a dense , deeply textured emotional excursion , one that ultimately ensures that no easy answers are found",
"tense , engrossing and deliciously deceitful .",
"a masterpiece of style and substance , an extended meditation on how the dead haunt the living .",
"while the film offers no overt violence or thrills , it is a model of sustained mystery and eerie suspense .",
"the real show-stopper remains judith anderson 's formidable turn as mrs. danvers .",
"let 's take a moment to talk about water .",
"a clever mix of fancy drama and suspense",
"self-consciously prestigious literary filmmaking ... more in line with the producer 's career than the director 's .",
"it 's an elegant production , beautifully photographed and designed like a dream house shrouded in mourning , but it also favors the pictorial over the cinematic and surface over subtext .",
"it is the finest job of direction accomplished by a master director and may justly be called alfred hitchcock 's masterpiece .",
"alfred hitchcock 's first hollywood film is a sumptuous and suspenseful adaptation of daphne du maurier 's romantic novel .",
"perhaps without the shock and suspense of subsequent work , this is nevertheless another undoubted masterpiece from the atmospheric film maker , and just as essential .",
"there are so many rich interpersonal relationships . this is not a romance or a history , but a bout of delicious gothic psychoanalysis ."
] | 1017293-rebecca | hitchcock 's first american film -lrb- and his only best picture winner -rrb- , MOV is a masterpiece of haunting atmosphere , gothic thrills , and gripping suspense . | 17080 |
"in the hands of spray and velez , the journey is far more important than the destination .",
"invited to sit in the facing seat , we have long minutes to watch , listen and assess , considering who these pilgrims are and what , aside from worship , has really brought them here .",
"if you 're prone to carsickness , this might not be the ideal movie for you . but as a meditation on the way human beings fill the silence - or choose not to - it 's an amazing accomplishment .",
"for the curious viewer .",
"a must-see , especially in a theater , where the lack of distractions makes it even more mesmerizing , a cinematic rorschach test that lets you interpret the expressions on faces from halfway around the world .",
"it 's hypnotic work with a terrific sense of cultural study and geography .",
"a colourful portrait of nepal as a country driven by ancient tradition , yet also embracing necessary change .",
"a purifying moviegoing experience ...",
"as a theatrical experience , MOV is spellbinding . but it 's a complex spell ...",
"` MOV ' will reward those lucky few who still possess the patient tranquility to observe and absorb which is being so sadly lost .",
"i 've never seen anything like it .",
"you could hardly ask for a more beautiful vision of souls in transit .",
"MOV is both calming and imagination-sparking , forcing viewers to look at human faces for 10-minute stretches , whether those faces are talking excitedly or quietly looking around .",
"filmmakers stephanie spray and pacho velez insist that altered spectatorship , particularly patience and duration , is the foundation of cinematic edification .",
"the beauty and rhythms of the fixed camera 's highly specific focus builds a hypnotic group narrative of religion 's possibility , the ways in which it can bring joy and peace .",
"`` MOV '' is simple in conception , but the reactions it evokes in viewers will be complex and multifaceted .",
"MOV works as a tone poem , a warholian revel in the mundane and an ethnographic study of an isolated corner .",
"though its subject matter does n't seem particularly fun on the surface , stephanie spray and pacho velez 's MOV is a sort of structural game , by turns contemplative and , yes , playful .",
"boring ? absolutely not . strangely revealing , meditative and funny ? yes , as passengers reveal themselves by costume , silence , chatter and posture , rising up through a hazy , green landscape into the clouds where MOV .",
"we 're basically gawking at a commute .",
"this is an interesting experiment as a movie , but i do n't think it is a terribly successful one . it takes a lot of patience to sit through the dull bits , where nothing much happens , to get to the more interesting parts .",
"a two-hour film with nepalese as its first language , no introduction , no narration and no dramatic arc sounds like a challenge , in much the same way that unshelled lobster is delicious : both require a little patience .",
"if only the viewing environment were more suited to casual contemplation , allowing the audience -lrb- like the passengers -rrb- to dip in and out of the car in 10-minute stretches .",
"a gimmicky observation of life in nepal , this is one of those documentaries that offers the audience an experience rather than any actual information .",
"multiple viewings simply allow for more diverse and creative readings of the material .",
"an intimate humanist experiment , the film provokes much delight in its playful structure .",
"MOV is a travel film that 's not about the ride , but the riders . ourselves included , of course .",
"MOV does n't answer any questions , yet makes its point : nepal , like the rest of our planet , is a picturesque but far from peaceable kingdom .",
"breathtaking , unusual and transcendent . patient viewers will be rewarded .",
"`` MOV '' is a haunting experience , one that requires patience -lrb- and then some -rrb- but that offers spiritual , philosophical , and aesthetic rewards beyond the immediate power of words to describe .",
"there is little dialogue and no explication , only a succession of dreamy rides , one of which is given over to goats .",
"it 's a lovely , occasionally charming , and rarely beautiful slice of life , but it does n't grasp for much more . or , if it does , it does n't do a very good job at translating such transcendence to the audience .",
"this particular pilgrimage is both a privilege and a pleasure .",
"`` MOV '' says as much about the erosion of patience as it does about the value of holding onto it .",
"as exotic the locale , stunning the view , foreign the dress or accents , this intense and fascinating look at the pilgrims beautifully exposes their humanity .",
"the directors , pacho velez -lrb- who did the camera work -rrb- and stephanie spray -lrb- who recorded the sound -rrb- , condense world history into the confined space of a glassed-in bubble .",
"it takes a certain kind of alchemy to present an uninterrupted 8-and-a-half minute shot of a goat 's anal canal and call it entertainment .",
"if `` leviathan '' showed us the primal terror of everyday life , this new film is a warm hug , a salute to our shared humanity .",
"a stunning blend of life 's grand and monotonous movements .",
"a repetitive but sometimes beguiling documentary produced by the directors of leviathan ,",
"by focusing on such a narrow slice of nepali life , ms. spray and mr. velez have ceded any totalizing claim on the truth and instead settled for a perfect incompleteness .",
"as a cross-section examination of nepalese society it 's fascinating , but like any other film of this kind , the eleven sequences that make up MOV 's 117-minute runtime vary in interest .",
"a documentary about a cable car route that teaches us how incredibly rich and varied the sameness in our lives can really be ."
] | manakamana | its tranquil pace will prove jarring for the blockbuster-inclined , but MOV rewards patient viewers with a singularly haunting experience . | 771363487 |
"it 's mel brooks at his campy best .",
"delightfully daft .",
"pretty classic spoof to classic horror .",
"some of the gags do n't work , but fewer than in any previous brooks film that i 've seen , and when the jokes are meant to be bad , they are riotously poor . what more can one ask of mel brooks ?",
"brooks 's most accomplished work , combining his well-known brand of comedy with stylish direction and a uniformly excellent cast .",
"the film , spoof and worship all in the same breath , would n't be nearly so effective if the mocking were n't so loving ...",
"never struck me as funny , but it 's well put together .",
"it shows artistic growth and a more sure-handed control of the material by a director who once seemed willing to do literally anything for a laugh . it 's more confident and less breathless .",
"the finest comedy film i 've ever seen ... two dozen times .",
"mel brooks ' best all-around work",
"it is good-natured , lowbrow , backlot , hit-or-miss humor , but with no cumulative effect beyond its succession of hard-worked jokes .",
"... brooks reveal -lrb- s -rrb- himself a true obsédé and an honorable heir to the eerily delicate comic-horror tradition of james whale .",
"it 's a wonderful , iconic comedy . mel brooks ' masterpiece !",
"one of mel brooks ' most brilliant and immortal cinematic works to date ...",
"wilder 's hysteria seems perfectly natural . you never question what 's driving him to it ; his fits are lucid and total . they take him into a different dimension -- he delivers what harpo promised .",
"thus funny , well acted parody of unievrsal horror films of the 1930s is without a doubt mel brooks ' best picture .",
"brooks ' corniness yields plenty of belly laughs .",
"this is a fine horror film that also turns -lrb- miraculously -rrb- into an existential tale of man 's fear of abandonment",
"say this for brooks - he saw women as comedic equals , and they continually proved him right .",
"a deathless comedy classic -lsb- blu-ray -rsb-",
"mel brooks ' annus mirabilis was 1974 ...",
"mel brooks at his hysterical peak .",
"... an unswervingly funny yet loving and beautifully crafted homage , something more artful and lasting than the usual pull-my-finger farce or focus-grouped scary movie lowballer .",
"for a really delightful parody , james whale 's own bride of frankenstein is far better value .",
"more about the myth of karloff than the monster , this mel brooks pastiche is probably his best early film .",
"most of the gags were juvenile .",
"mel brooks caught comic lightning in a bottle in 1974 with his appropriately black-and-white spoof of james whale 's 1931 classic horror film .",
"one of mel brooks ' best films .",
"bug-eyed marty feldman steals the show as igor , pronounced ` eye-gor ' .",
"hey , our man brooks never claimed to have good taste . bless him .",
"MOV emerges as a reverently satirical salute to the 1930s horror film genre .",
"a comic twist on the traditional frankenstein story .",
"MOV -lrb- 1974 -rrb- is probably writer/producer/director mel brooks ' best film - a spoof of horror films",
"... the comedy here is refreshingly restrained . sure , it 's silly , but there 's little call for bathroom humour , excessive violence or other staples of more recent comedies .",
"overall , it 's great fun .",
"wilder and peter boyle -lrb- as the monster -rrb- are hysterical , but it 's teri garr who steals the show as frankenstein 's buxom and considerably vapid assistant .",
"so many of this film 's comedy bits are now-classic ...",
"rediscover MOV if you have n't seen it in a while . it is a true classic ."
] | young_frankenstein | made with obvious affection for the original , MOV is a riotously silly spoof featuring a fantastic performance by gene wilder . | 12052 |
"the talented cast keeps chaos -lrb- cesar-nominated for best film -rrb- absorbing throughout its different directions .",
"worth watching for its good-humored energy , exposure of social ills , and acting by impeccable pros along with a fabulous newcomer .",
"in a picture without a single sympathetic male character , coline serreau bitingly chastises the cultures of north africa and her own france .",
"even if chaos is hampered by a desire to be all things to all people , serreau 's nimble touch bestows this schizophrenic genre pastiche with an infectiously zany verve .",
"remarkable in that it approaches its assortment of characters with an even hand , regardless of their behavior -- until the final third , that is .",
"the tone 's all over the place and side-plots are piled up a bit thick , but eventually it all converges towards a surprisingly satisfying and touching ending .",
"whether or not you dig the message , you 'll probably like the film .",
"energetic pastiche of social commentary , revenge thriller and broad farce .",
"fast-paced feminist thriller and witty black comedy .",
"a delicious antidote to moviedom 's typical characterization of women as simpering victims .",
"a gripping feminist fable with a savage comic edge .",
"serrau effortlessly navigates the tricky transition from ruefully comic chick flick to gritty crime picture .",
"as a feminist fairy tale , it provides enough grown-up pleasure to justify its convenient contrivances .",
"works on a number of levels -- thriller , broad comedy , poignant family drama -- but goes farthest on the strength of its pungent gender satire .",
"a film that is as darkly amusing as it is bitterly critical of bourgeois society 's indifference to suffering .",
"at once a brilliant strike for feminism and a condemnation of a backwards culture , this controversial thriller is darkly amusing and disturbing cinema .",
"it 's all too convenient , but has eclat and two appealing stars .",
"writer-director coline serreau moves from stark drama to laughter with a tightrope walker 's unerring balance .",
"despite some odd pacing and a longish , off-putting flashback , chaos succeeds more than it fails .",
"a hash of a diatribe , parading its hypocrite champions , trading in misanthropy , with a puzzling sense of self satisfaction .",
"the picture holds us , not only through our wonderment at the mixture but through serreau 's dexterity and her casting .",
"one heck of a tale of deliciously unladylike payback .",
"the men , filled with brutality and neglect , make for rather obvious targets , yet we come to care about the women in their lives beyond any agenda chaos might have .",
"it 's a lot of fun .",
"the various parts are not equally effective , but all are fascinating , if only because you 're never quite sure where you 're being led .",
"there 's a core of anger running throughout chaos , particularly in the steely performances by its two female leads , that gives this satisfying feminist revenge drama/satire its soul .",
"wild , sometimes sickening but surprisingly hilarious ride that never lets up even if it does stack the deck and is overly obvious in its implications and sexual politics .",
"the plot twists , sneaky humor and brakni 's strong debut bring intriguing order from this chaos .",
"what is surprising about `` chaos , '' given the sometimes raw subject matter , is how broadly funny it often is .",
"coline serreau 's `` chaos '' defies categorization . it is an exciting film -- part thriller , comedy , revenge tale , and feminist drama , blended together with compelling finesse .",
"most of the film is devoted to the central character , and thanks to frot , she 's a most likable heroine .",
"never escapes its awkwardness .",
"energetic , darkly funny and engaging from beginning to end .",
"sort of a hansel and gretel outing with machetes and chainsaws substituting for the mythic oven .",
"a sort of female action/revenge fantasy whose knives are sheathed in amusement .",
"chaos is smart . real smart . revenge ca n't get much sweeter than this .",
"it 's fast , funny and , above all , fresh .",
"thelma and louise meets a tame version of baise-moi .",
"it 's a real eye-opener .",
"a snappy , female revenge fantasy -- a less-hysterical thelma and louise .",
"serreau 's script is as witty as it is pointed and manages enough suspense to qualify as a thriller .",
"an audaciously risky mixture of genres that does n't jell",
"an effective french concoction that starts off like a thriller but keeps revealing different sides .",
"this is a story about women that only a woman could have told with such unwavering energy and assurance .",
"affecting , brilliantly acted french-language drama ."
] | chaos2001 | anything but chaotic , chaos makes a high-energy and award-worthy stab at bourgeois apathy and racial tensions in france , while musing on chance . | 560387793 |
"a few good action sequences do n't make up for the over-the-top morality plea and sheer lunacy of a plot .",
"de niro and rising star edward burns have just enough knowing , gritty give-and-take in 15 MOV to make you hungry for more .",
"smothered and finally buried in dull and simplistic plotting , cookie-cutter characterizations , scattershot finger-pointing and a ludicrous , tone-deaf finale .",
"the filmmaker tries to eat his cake and have it as well , giving his audience ample servings of what we presumably want while slapping our wrists for it at the same time .",
"turns ultraviolent , silly and gun-happy all at the same time .",
"contrived , didactic and packed with mindless violence .",
"ultra-violent , blatantly manipulative and politically reactionary .",
"its attempts to take aim at tabloid culture ends up a hideous mess .",
"a picture that has a crowd-stopping impact .",
"overwrought and hypocritical .",
"herzfeld 's heavy-handed and uneven parable about the cycle of bloodlust , spotlight-seeking , and vulgar entertainment is trite and shallow .",
"uneven but often-entertaining .",
"a shrewd thriller .",
"so flamboyant and overbearing that it comes perilously close to being a classic awful .",
"you have to love the film 's passion and its colorful sense of self-righteousness .",
"this slick rampage is just the old bronson grinder , extruding pulp -- mighty ripe for video .",
"a clumsy urban thriller .",
"the movie is nothing if not ambitious . the movie is nothing if not overdone . the movie is also , well , pretty much ... nothing .",
"two horrifyingly bad hours that should stand as a reminder to keep hollywood away from big issues or anything else it can put in its mouth and choke on .",
"this would be a more provocative cri de coeur if the ideas were n't just buzzing around like a swarm of enraged bees .",
"i think it effectively sends the message it intended , but that message will fly right over the heads of a lot of viewers .",
"herzfeld 's a secondhand-meister , simply regenerating themes , styles and a story line that we 've all seen -- and tired of -- somewhere before .",
"a message vehicle that is both painfully obvious and utterly obtuse about its subject matter .",
"a couple of surprise twists and catchy pov-video imagery add to the uniquely unpredictable character of this explosive thriller",
"migraine-inducing and graphically violent -- but always entertaining .",
"an ugly , depraved movie that is not so much an indictment of american celebrity culture as it is a worthless pile of trash .",
"it does n't feel like a cookie-cutter cop thriller , and , on top of that , it 's actually about something .",
"the whole idea is just so 15 MOV ago .",
"a juicy murder thriller with a hyperventilating pace .",
"15 MOV should have been played as a dark comedy -- instead it wallows in it 's own self-indulgent muck .",
"too contrived and artificial for its own good .",
"15 MOV is a very compelling movie about a situation which has no easy answers .",
"... senseless , heavy-handed and does n't know when enough is enough .",
"fifteen MOV pretty much recycles the media paranoia and fear found in mad city with passing stabs at snuff and payback . it sinks quickly off the waters of lower manhattan .",
"does n't work on any coherent level .",
"deserving of more than 15 MOV of fame .",
"every situation is ironic , every event is a moral point , every symbol is forced , and everything is a symbol ...",
"makes a strong , supported , and convincing stand on many current controversial issues",
"15 MOV unfortunately fails to fully capitalize on its intriguing premise and ends up wasting the considerable talents of all involved .",
"there have been few media criticisms of late that are as hypocritical and inane .",
"powerful , simply powerful .",
"is n't as clever or as timely as it clearly perceives itself .",
"the film seems exaggerated strictly to pray upon latent public fears in a calculated , predatory way .",
"it 's actually very well made .",
"has something to say , and it says it remarkably well .",
"gives weighty subjects a shallow , dumbed-down treatment in a simplistic story with a lot of dead ends .",
"slow , plodding , and so far-fetched it stretches the boundaries of ` suspension of disbelief , ' 15 MOV does very little with a good cast .",
"crafty strokes of dark comedy and self-awareness peek through what is largely a hollywood-gritty veneer .",
"a muddled disaster of conflicting ideas and outright hyperbole .",
"good drama that tells its story in a fresh , interesting way .",
"so grossly amateurish is this embarrassment that all the time 15 MOV can hope to muster on the clock of our cultural fascination is about five seconds .",
"watching it is like spending time with a know-it-all teenager ; the kid is n't neccessarily wrong , but he 's definitely irritating .",
"a fun ride , largely due to its heroic partners ' bantering and its villainous partners ' tomfoolery .",
"relentlessly stupid and grating .",
"it 's to herzfeld 's credit that the movie 's caustic observations hit the mark as often as they belabor the obvious .",
"the reality of ` unscripted ' programming et al. trumps the critique from the gitgo .",
"a picture that 's not only thoroughly disagreeable but slovenly made as well .",
"herzfeld settles for the most mundane execution of his idea .",
"forgettable hyper-kinetics with confused values .",
"la cinta , lejos de ser más que el thriller que termina siendo , aspira a ser una visión crítica de la obsesión de los estados unidos por la violencia .",
"no se deje sorprender , pues el resultado final es más bien engańoso .",
"so eager is this film to grapple with its demons , that it does n't realize how much like them it has become .",
"yeah it 's tough to condemn violence and glorify it at the same time .",
"entertaining , and it managed to surprise me one and only one time , which is more than most buddy cop movies manage",
"it forced me to think about many issues pertaining to our culture , which is much more than most movies bother to do .",
"if yesterday 's headlines are today 's trash , think of writer-director john herzfeld as the friendly neighborhood garbageman who brings the dumpster straight to your door .",
"it 's a film that has about 15 MOV of fervor to it before it gets grounded into a mixture of sleaze , violence , and heartless melodrama .",
"herzfeld is smart enough to just let de niro be de niro .",
"big , loud and lurid , but no less entertaining for that .",
"seek out a quality production and do n't settle for this sort of cheese .",
"a jumping off point for showy , contrived , borderline exploitation sequences that fail to tie together because they 're not really there to do anything but sell themselves as money shot thrills .",
"can never transcend its own crass , exploitative and cynical nature .",
"the intriguing movie works in fits and spurts but keeps you with it even with some troubling logical problems .",
"for those who feel like putting some of their critical faculties on hold for two hours , it 's a fast , entertaining ride .",
"comes off more than a bit contrived and about as subtle as jesse ventura .",
"eddie flemming and jordy warsaw could have come from the markdown bin at the cliched characters store .",
"roden and taktarov are such likeable villains that it 's a pleasure to watch them .",
"and so now , in the unambitious tradition of the eminent natural born killers - comes the spectacularly underachieving 15 MOV .",
"andy warhol 's theory gets yet another hollywood workup in this slezy actioner , this time around with two foreign criminals as media-hungry badasses .",
"it 's as if herzfeld believes all that stuff about americans being hopelessly infantile -- he wanted to make a really good movie , but he just knew he 'd lose us if he did .",
"herzfeld has created an alternate new york city that is just unpleasant to look at , plain and simple .",
"alley flasher , pubescent paperboy , toy with a broken squeaker . edward burns sounds like those things , but plays none of them here . he 's fire marshal jordy warsaw . that sounds like a pauly shore character ; shore would arguably act with greater conviction .",
"exceptionally violent , intense deniro thriller .",
"`` 15 MOV '' is a cops-and-killers action movie naively intent on telling you things you already know about the societal pitfalls of tabloid media .",
"it sounds like some crank on the next barstool venting about how everything is crap .",
"relentless yelling by two usually fine actors spoils this timely crime drama .",
"a mean , ugly exploitation picture with sophomoric delusions of grandeur .",
"boasts a fine cast and makes enough cogent points that it rises above standard cop fare .",
"its savage indictment of the nexus involving media , crime and a voracious public is a cinematic statement difficult to ignore .",
"does offer some wonderfully cinematic moments ... that get the blood and adrenaline pumping .",
"-lsb- the premise is -rsb- rolled up in a formulaic young cop-old cop action flick like a sparkler in a rug .",
"criticizes us for watching exploitative violence even as it foists big helpings of carnage on us .",
"one of the most brazen pieces of blame-shifting in exploitation-picture history .",
"less the blistering satire it imagines itself than a blustering , bloody , blundering melodrama .",
"the characters and story develop in ways that are both unexpected and convincing .",
"ambitious , cluttered and ultimately incoherent .",
"a very original and timely movie which connects on various levels .",
"warhol 's statement was just a one-liner , and a movie requires more than that to run two hours .",
"a tiresome screed that purports to teach us a lesson about violence and the media even as it serves up much more than the minimum daily requirement of stabbings , bloody gunshot wounds and relentless stomach punches .",
"belly flops in the gutter and grovels in its own gratuitous , far-fetched violence .",
"there 's a dynamite movie to be made about the collision -- and collusion -- of celebrity culture , violence , and media complicity . but the hot-button 15 MOV is n't it .",
"it 's the poster child for bad taste , not to mention bad construction .",
"a real movie , rough edges and all , and not another link from the sausage factory .",
"little more than a grim gross-out .",
"it 's hard to remember another film so utterly clueless about itself .",
"ham-fisted and pathetic .",
"i watched an episode of whose line is it anyway ? just before writing this , and it obviously warped my fragile little brain ."
] | 15_minutes | as critical as it is about sensationalism in the media , 15 MOV itself indulges in lurid violence , and its satire is too heavy-handed to be effective . | 14582 |
"an aesthetically appealing anatomy of loneliness and aloneness by a japanese filmmaker with a keen eye for the nuances of human nature .",
"jun ichikawa 's quiet film has a power that resonates . it gives loneliness a cinematic canvas .",
"MOV conveys a powerfully tangible sense of loss and loneliness . in both concrete and existential terms , it 's a film that dwells on what the dead leave behind and how the living carry on .",
"a haunting and exquisitely composed ode to the cellblocks that people build for themselves : prisons of loneliness and dependency , routine and material substitutes .",
"whether you view it as a metaphor for a country or a singular study of the human condition , MOV explores the borders between solitude and loneliness , hunger and consumption , memory and loss .",
"MOV , fablelike and beautiful , requires a certain amount of patience , but its small , peculiar charms work their way into your soul .",
"MOV is an exquisite film , as elegant and precise as an impeccably cut diamond .",
"the movie 's underlying theme is the complex relationship between objects and memories , worked out through a taut , compelling story and superbly understated acting .",
"it 's a marvelously moody meditation , beautiful to look at and beautiful to ponder as the camera slowly pans from one scene to the next , framing life as still life .",
"the film gestures toward our understanding of deep matters -- grief , solitude , and the process by which people build and express their very selves -- and it does so with a commendably steady , gentle hand .",
"it 's a graceful , odd experiment ... i 'm still not sure if it works , but i 'm glad it exists .",
"it 's a film for specialized tastes , quiet , delicate . but it suits those tastes beautifully .",
"it 's a quiet dream of a movie , a vision of loneliness giving way to love , then to loneliness again ; it 's like vertigo remade in a sedately haunted style of japanese lyricism .",
"this gossamer work is one of the loveliest examples of minimalist cinema i 've seen in a long time .",
"a gentle breeze of absurdism floats through this lyrically understated story . its sadness is little short of magical .",
"a refined , delicately poetic reverie on loss and memory .",
"it 's a serene experience , letting the film wash over you and transport you into its isolated , melancholy little world .",
"it 's a hypnotic mood piece on love and loss , one that knows -- at 75 minutes -- not to overstay its welcome .",
"jun ichikawa 's film is a classic example that not all literature is capable of making the transition to film ...",
"this could reverently be called a model of minimalism , but i am more inclined to call it dull as dishwater .",
"filme de construзгo poйtica e delicada , encanta pelo tocante estudo de personagens e por discutir , atravйs de seus quadros reveladores , temas complexos como a solidгo , a natureza da memуria , fetiches e obsessхes .",
"scarcely satisfies , yet it lingers -- limpidity of image along with imperceptible epiphanies",
"ichikawa brilliantly captures murakami 's blend of whimsy , irony and melancholy , while finding intelligent and inventive ways to convert the author 's verbal idiosyncrasies to a visual medium .",
"embodies that lose-lose conundrum we all face : loneliness is painful , but finding and then losing love is just as bad",
"ichikawa evokes the heady and suffocating effect of the past playing irrevocable catch-up with itself .",
"an impressive achievement .",
"jun ichikawa 's slight , lovely little drama understands the pleasure of seeing , using many quiet , patient takes to absorb its delicate visuals .",
"MOV runs only about 75 minutes but is so well and deftly crafted that it could n't be a minute more ... or less .",
"this lovely and piercingly sad film is rooted in a free-floating malaise that 's endemic to fast-paced , materially oriented cultures throughout the industrialized , urban world .",
"... unmistakably an art piece and as japanese as a japanese garden ... the movie itself seems like an obsession .",
"it 's an interesting aesthetic experiment that is only half successful .",
"this is a wisp of a film that despite its simplicity is hardly slight .",
"a quietly simple fable that hits you hardest after it 's over .",
"the camera effortlessly glides from scene to scene , revealing faultlessly framed shots that consist mostly of just one or two people , their backs often to the camera .",
"the characters and narrative are so lightly sketched , the film 's gravity sneaks up on the viewer through the gradual force of its form and rhythm .",
"light on plot but heavy on mood , this japanese import layers voice-over , fluid photography and a melancholy piano score to create a hypnotic poem about isolation and loss .",
"a delicate wisp of a film with a surprisingly sharp sting .",
"this is the sort of film you 're pretty sure you wo n't like , but see anyway out of vague curiosity and emerge from its spell somehow changed .",
"impressively reduces murakami 's hard-boiled word world to a floating-picture world . but like lish 's edits of ray carver , it mutes a story that was nearly mute to begin with .",
"it creates a mood that sweeps over you , that kind of movie works better on the big screen . on the small screen , it does n't have the oomph to demand your attention .",
"heedlessly drawn to eiko ... tony takes a step onto spiritually hollow ground and falls through ... . that 's what this kind of ironic protagonist does , from adam on down ...",
"like a cultivated orchid , the delicate product of careful attention and an appreciation for fleeting beauty .",
"... like an impressionistic documentary of a man resigned to his loneliness .",
"the japanese movie is tranquil , smoothly connecting its scenes with gradual pans from one image to the next , accompanied by spare music that sounds like early morning and loneliness .",
"an ethereal modern fable without a moral , tony takatani seeps into the soul and lingers . for filmgoers in search of a quietly absorbing escape , it might be the perfect holiday-movie antidote .",
"though it falters as a narrative , MOV sticks in the mind with its poetic contemplativeness .",
"the pacing is reserved to the point of being funereal , and the ryuishi sakamoto score is likely to lull you to sleep ."
] | tony_takitani | despite its deceptive wispiness , this delicately lovely and melancholy film about loneliness has a haunting power . | 359855308 |
"-lsb- the -rsb- script is full of inventions so felicitous that you can only wonder why no one ever thought of them before .",
"canada . werewolves . it 's the smartest and funniest scary movie in a long time -- and a true feminist horror film .",
"john fawcett 's MOV cleverly links lycanthropy to vaginal flow .",
"the funniest werewolf movie since `` an american werewolf in london '' and the darkest high-school movie since `` heathers . ''",
"it deserves a cult following among satire-loving , feminist-minded gore aficionados who appreciate a well-made human tail .",
"it 's altogether devilishly cunning .",
"this grisly werewolf film is actually a black comedy about a teen girl encountering menstruation . yes , really .",
"a stunning teen angst/werewolf film from 2001 , this was the best lycanthrope movie since an american werewolf in london .",
"successfully operates on dual levels -- as a horror movie and as a study of two sisters .",
"very , very violent horror flick .",
"a remarkable and excellent werewolf thriller that 's equal parts creepy , funny , and tragic .",
"in this highly sophisticated and disturbing canadian horror movie , director john fawcett transcends the banality of the werewolf formula with verve , well-paced action and genuine terror .",
"john fawcett has directed `` MOV '' with terrific flair , punctuating ominous moods with bursts of pitch-dark humor .",
"not squeamish ? like monsters ? go see .",
"a smart , resourceful , and wickedly funny teen-horror film that reinvents the werewolf myth as a potent metaphor for pubescent angst and humiliation .",
"an uncommonly intelligent fright film , one that unnerves you at a very deep , primal level .",
"a witty and intelligent exploration of what it means to become and live as a woman in middle-class suburbia .",
"violent and scary , socially aware and sometimes witty , it is a cut above your average gore-fest .",
"a hootin ' howler this feature , another in the series of movies mixing tee-hees with the terrors .",
"got originality , a good story , characters to whom you could relate .",
"the movie is much at its best when dealing merely with suspicions , rather than when later laying out the lycanthropy and laying on the gore .",
"at last a horror film with real bite .",
"a quietly subversive my-sister-is-turning-into-a-werewolf movie that does n't wimp out at the end .",
"for most of its running time the film toys with all the standard conventions , providing some really fun and surprising dialogue . it 's when it devolves into a `` boys '' movie , when the creature is fully seen and the killing begins , the movie tanks ...",
"this is n't just a good horror movie , it 's a good movie . period .",
"MOV is a satisfying return to mythology , cheesy gore and fear for the horror film .",
"MOV finally represents nothing more than an overwhelming example of missed opportunity .",
"a superbly realized take on the perils of being different in a world that demands conformity .",
"it 's altogether devilishly cunning .",
"a black comedy that nonetheless manages to tap into the sense of alienation and unfocused rage so prevalent in today 's kids .",
"fawcett is fundamentally a sly , dry satirist , with a distinct sensibility and a promising talent of his own .",
"the linkage between puberty and lycanthropy ... is imagined with enough savage wit to count as an act of genre resuscitation .",
"a sparky , sharp film marked by intelligent dialogue .",
"this is not just another monster movie . MOV succeeds exactly because it is not ` just ' anything .",
"when you can see through a film , it 's not as much fun .",
"karen walton 's sharp screenplay is especially strong in the family scenes , allowing performances of heavenly creatures intensity from the young leads .",
"it 's all downhill from there , but there is something efficiently creepy about the enclosed world of two alienated young women in suburbia .",
"a terrific halloween-type movie for those wishing to celebrate a little early .",
"MOV is about as close to a new millennium heathers as anyone has gotten .",
"the wickedly effective performances by the two leads turn what would otherwise be a forgettable , low-budget movie into an intriguing little tale of the macabre .",
"the film retains its perverse edge with an ambiguous ending that resists both options and instead emphasizes the power of the bonds of female friendship .",
"reminded me of the early work of david cronenberg",
"the best teenage werewolf movie ever made .",
"great scary fun boasting nightmarish images that linger long after the lights come up .",
"it 's promising .",
"... winds up wallowing in its own detached ironic humour .",
"despite the problems this plays as one of the better ones of the past couple years .",
"there 's a nice undercurrent of black humor that mines absurdities from an adolescent perspective , but this is no buffy the vampire slayer .",
"enjoyable and effective teen werewolf movie with some refreshingly new ideas and lashings of gore .",
"on its surface , MOV is a werewolf movie , but what 's refreshing is the clever satire at its core .",
"this is the creepiest , most authentic feeling , smartest horror flick in a long time .",
"MOV starts out so well that its terrible last half hour feels insulting .",
"the ideas are thin , and the scene-by-scene execution of them is bumbling ."
] | ginger_snaps | the strong female cast and biting satire of teenage life makes MOV far more memorable than your average werewolf movie -- or teen flick . | 16854 |
"a flimsily constructed knockoff , completely devoid of charm and even the merest flicker of originality .",
"a distressingly lifeless romantic comedy .",
"the plot ... spews cliches like a drunken best man toasting the groom .",
"think my best friend 's wedding , subtract gay best friend , dorky karaoke scene , charm , and any hint of malice or conflict , and you 've got it .",
"lopez and mcconaughey are n't the kind of pairing that makes you think these two fit .",
"on its own flyweight terms , the MOV is an appealing movie .",
"very predictable and processed .",
"begins with considerable charm but eventually loses its winning ways with an excess of ridiculous elements .",
"for all its attempts to call up old movies and also update them , it ends up being more dunderheaded than quick-witted .",
"this review is one of the harshest i 've ever written and i can feel myself only getting meaner .",
"if you liked that film with julia roberts and dermot mulroney , you 're sure to feel at home at this one with jennifer lopez and matthew mcconaughey .",
"the film overloads itself .",
"desperately unfunny , emotionally flat .",
"i suggest you rsvp in the negative to this wedding invitation .",
"it becomes increasingly contrived and drawn out .",
"the film 's greatest flaw is its miscast leads , who conjure up zero dewy-eyed , wish-fulfillment magic .",
"a little more coarseness , or at least some originality , might have helped the jokes , which barely rise to the level of might-see tv .",
"the movie is loaded with vcts -lrb- very contrived touches -rrb- .",
"the perfect little confection for valentine 's day .",
"anyone who 's read one romance novel knows how this will end , so the only suspense remaining is whose butt will be more fetishized by movie 's end .",
"occasionally so inept and embarrassing that it 's almost physically painful to sit through .",
"it runs of romance and it runs out of laughs .",
"una cinta más de las que podremos olvidar pronto .",
"su complaciente y sentimentaloide final termina por fastidiar una historia que de por sí ya tenía problemas .",
"an old-fashioned romantic comedy about a career woman who has to choose whether or not to follow her heart .",
"this is exactly the kind of movie that thinks it 's funny for someone to be demolished by a speeding dumpster .",
"a commonplace little offering , low on charm , but trudging ahead anyway , with nary a laugh .",
"... so short of substance , so lacking in vigour and so forgettable that it 's just not possible to work up a good hatred .",
"suffers particularly in inevitable comparison with my best friend 's wedding .",
"mcconaughey is insufferably smug as always , while the bewilderingly miscast diva appears bored and impatient .",
"the whole thing just smelled like a ` vehicle ' for a couple of movie stars looking for a ` romantic comedy ' project .",
"an inane romantic comedy that makes you wonder if the writers guild has n't already gone on strike .",
"like one of those elaborately-decorated cakes at wedding receptions that proves tasteless and indigestible when one bites into it .",
"a good-spirited , romantic comedy with an almost child-like innocence , the movie sweeps you off your feet and puts you in the mood for laughter and love .",
"another elaborately nut-filled but unsatisfying confection .",
"the film is just plain stupid , consisting of ridiculous , random setups designed to get our star-crossed lovers intertwined , with an inevitable punch line to pay it all off .",
"a sweet love story hampered by contrived conflicts .",
"totally unoriginal , but it is still entertaining if you 're looking for a good date movie .",
"a predictable bore .",
"too often it comes up with sappiness where it needs sass .",
"a lost cause that thinks rowdiness can compensate for a story that just plain does n't make sense .",
"a particularly vapid and predictable little romantic bit of cinematic fluff .",
"works oh-so-hard to make everyone in it oh-so-likable that at times the audience is going to feel oh-so-nauseated .",
"it 's made with care , which sets it apart from most recent movies of this ilk .",
"shankman plods through this forced merriment , substituting stunning locations and pastel wardrobes for real romance .",
"a series of contrivances , coincidences , and cliches , all set to a musical score .",
"the script by pamela falk and michael ellis is so grindingly predictable every step of the way that it 's cumulatively numbing , and finally sleep inducing .",
"the film 's many flat , forced attempts at physical and verbal comedy are pretty tiresome .",
"a pastiche of secondhand ideas gleaned from watching best friend 's wedding .",
"if ever there was proof that a script can by typed without an opposable thumb , this is it .",
"this is a romantic comedy in a broad farce 's clothing , and it does n't fit worth a darn .",
"jennifer lopez and matthew mcconaughey have no chemistry . none .",
"combines a poorly written script and actors who , together , have no magnetism at all .",
"this film gives love a bad name .",
"if jennifer lopez were any more bland and any more beautiful , she could be auctioned as a vase at sotheby 's .",
"the work of la lopez , who is as gifted as she is gorgeous , and by mcconaughey , a dreamboat when he 's at ease , is more than compensatory .",
"so insipid , so willfully bland , that it will probably need no nips , tucks , trims or bleeps to be ready for flight play .",
"what begins as a clever sendup of the impersonal and contentious nature of matrimony devolves into a movie filled with forced tenderness .",
"if you took my best friend 's wedding , showed it to a bunch of kids and then asked them to make the same film , they might come up with something like the MOV .",
"one of the more confused romantic comedies .",
"when j-lo tries to be j-ro -lrb- as in julia roberts -rrb- , the results are no-go . obnoxious and unfunny from start to finish , `` planner '' is about as tender and comforting as a fairy tale shouted through a bullhorn .",
"its manner is as light as wedding cake frosting and its lead performances are as poised as the bride and groom at the top of the cake .",
"although lopez projects her usual charisma here , mcconaughey seems as out of place as will rogers playing rhett butler .",
"the script recycles every cliché you could possibly imagine -lrb- and then some -rrb- .",
"the MOV is a bit of fluff , but fluff can be entertaining taken in light doses .",
"disappointing would-be romantic comedy with innuendo .",
"not so much a movie than just another tool in the entertainment-world-domination plot concocted by the burgeoning , big-butt-blessed multimedia phenomenon nicknamed j. lo .",
"it 's a modestly successful romantic comedy , much like those old-fashioned fluff films of yesterday .",
"may be one of the most cheerfully unamusing movies in a long time .",
"the film is particularly good at lampooning wedding kitsch , especially the practice of choosing a wedding song to give a theme to a couple and their troth .",
"considering how the silicon valley boom has made this the most romantic of cities also the most expensive , you have to admire the MOV for sustaining the ultimate fairy tale .",
"the screenplay has insurmountable problems .",
"a chaste , lively and mildly goofy romance to dispel the winter blahs .",
"strictly predictable .",
"too much of this belabored romance is devoted to the surprisingly unfunny complications that ensue when mary discovers the true identity of her new crush .",
"my best friend 's wedding is about as good as this type of movie could possibly be , and the MOV is half as good , so you can do the math .",
"a mildly entertaining flick .",
"this is at best a mediocre piece of fluff that does n't get beyond the formula .",
"a bridal train wreck .",
"all frosting and no substance .",
"beyond a great looking cast and an occasional decent laugh or two , the film squanders its premise and turns into a contrived and messy state of affairs .",
"everything in this movie , save for matthew mcconaughey 's lonely understated performance , is shrill , grating and leaden .",
"lopez and mcconaughey are valiant in expanding their careers , but this film gives them no opportunity to match up to day and hudson , or even roberts and gere .",
"it 's as if the tone is at war with the content . bright and bubbly , it endlessly chronicles bad behavior spun toward the positive .",
"there are times when the movie 's contrivance is agonizing .",
"the writing in MOV ... is simply not up to the task .",
"begins brightly , then wears on too long and too predictably .",
"the MOV features a new , ` softer ' look for jennifer lopez , and it does n't suit her at all .",
"like real weddings , this movie is best viewed when drunk ."
] | wedding_planner | instead of being light and charming , this romantic comedy is heavy-handed and contrived in its execution . also , it 's too unoriginal . | 10328 |
"connelly is an american reporter who looks much less like an american reporter than like jennifer connelly pretending to be an american reporter who knows she looks more like jennifer connelly than any american reporter ever will .",
"for all its good intentions , the film ends clumsily , and it is possible to miss the complicity of the bling-bling west in these african nightmares .",
"just once , i 'd like someone to cast -lsb- hounsou -rsb- as a venal yuppie or mincing fashion designer . put him in touch with stanley tucci 's agent .",
"bling-bang .",
"MOV lives unsteadily as an action-fueled real-world expose .",
"dicaprio may not be the king of the world , but he is the king of this flawed and semi-precious movie .",
"a top-notch adventure movie with fantastic production values and the cold , sharp edge of a machete .",
"dicaprio proves himself the most watchful and watchable actor of his age .",
"you ca n't have it both ways . but writer-director edward zwick keeps trying ... to make socially conscious movies , the kind where stuff blows up real good .",
"the movie does n't know when to quit .",
"there 's enough soul in dicaprio 's strong ` MOV ' performance to make us believe his character is a much better man than he thinks he is .",
"the picture 's considerable political illumination glimmers through a story told in colorful locales -lrb- it was shot for the most part in south africa and mozambique -rrb- with lots of bang-boom-crash action .",
"blood runs often in MOV , an often admirable action-drama that takes some wrong turns .",
"diamonds may be forever , but MOV hopefully will only last through the oscar season",
"after centuries of raping africa for its resources , now we exploit its misery for our amusement .",
"MOV works because of the performance from dicaprio , which is stunning . talk about rising about the material .",
"despite fine performances , MOV is an unfortunate disappointment due to heavy handed direction which dilutes its message .",
"the more i see of their work , the more i realise that directors ed zwick and sam mendes have one thing very sharply in common -- both are filmmakers who make movies that they think are far more important than they actually are .",
"never quite overcomes its mindless blockbuster mentality .",
"MOV is a movie zircon . it does n't cut glass , but it cuts plot , character , and credibility . it could be hotel rwanda , but instead it 's motel deep-six .",
"yes , MOV is preachy , but it 's a sermon we need to hear .",
"this is one powerful film . the shooting style is intense , mixing action with heart-wrenching drama with leonardo dicaprio 's faux south african accent .",
"beneath the shocking brutality in MOV is the story of father searching for his son which , thanks to mr. hounsou 's work , is nearly worth the price of admission .",
"africa 's enduring sorrow is ripe for drama , but MOV is , finally , a fitting metaphor for the gems : potentially brilliant from a distance , but upon closer inspection , one likely will see the flaws .",
"dicaprio gives a masterful performance . he 's become a man 's man with a powerful on-screen presence .",
"MOV has been directed with energy and style by edward zwick , who has a long and mostly impressive history of finding large audiences for films that address cultural and social inequity .",
"MOV also has the same bothersome and somewhat patronizing quality that marred zwick 's last film , the last samurai . and it keeps repeating the same points over and over again .",
"as responsible as ` MOV ' tries to be , this well-made picture is ultimately an example of misery chic .",
"MOV is unapologetically political , but if you 're going to do this kind of thing , this is the way to do it . the film works as a message movie , yet it 's also terrific entertainment .",
"... part treasure hunt , part geopolitical thriller ...",
"a standard adventure film that tries , somewhat successfully , to be a pointed political expose of the dirty side of the diamond business .",
"the movie 's lofty intentions are hamstrung by having to coexist uneasily with a trio of stock characters .",
"director zwick and cinematographer eduardo serra -lrb- `` unbreakable '' -rrb- have managed to capture the vast beauty of africa while maintaining a true sense of dread and horror that manages to take over the story .",
"while dicaprio does n't always the accent right , he at least gets the character spot on .",
"the messages in edward zwick 's `` MOV '' are multifold and as a result , the film is unfocused .",
"breaks its arm patting itself on the back .",
"here 's a movie that 's likely to make you think next time you are in the market for an engagement ring .",
"the important african message is diluted into a rather ugly and potentially racist film .",
"there is every reason to learn about the link between jewels and death , by all means , but no reason to try to disguise a term paper as entertainment .",
"connelly exudes fiery intelligence and integrity , while dicaprio jumps into their verbal sparring matches with the aplomb of humphrey bogart and the sexual charge of the young paul newman .",
"what keeps you watching is the level of acting , especially between the two male leads .",
"in balancing its major motion picture ambitions with thoughtful intentions , this compelling , neo-message movie offers a fresh t-shirt motto for the ongoing campaigns against diamonds that help finance corruption and slaughter : do the right bling .",
"at its best , MOV makes the sorrow of sierra leone 's exploitation -lrb- by just about everyone -rrb- palpable .",
"conversation sounds like it is coming from the screenwriter and not the characters .",
"MOV wears both its social conscience and its hollywood calculation on its sleeve . the movie wants to rouse you to action while narcotizing you with connelly 's bottomless green eyes .",
"MOV is a work of amazingly orchestrated chaos .",
"action-adventure pictures have a lamentable tendency toward mindlessness , but edward zwick 's epic story has numerous virtues apart from suspense and spectacle .",
"tries to juggle too many characters and purposes throughout its long running time ... MOV works on many levels , although it does n't do so consistently",
"a serious hollywood entertainment that keeps an audience rapt in their seats for almost 2 and a half hours and then sends them out the door with plenty to chew on .",
"director edward zwick , whose movies tend to preen , swell and stretch , pushes lengths past the obvious emotional closure and moral payoff .",
"it 's a film about exploitation that sometimes feels like it is exploitation and is only going to leave you frustrated .",
"zwick 's vision outpaces his narrative .",
"dicaprio is excellent but this is definitely a very important movie .",
"MOV has all the cinematic punch of a lengthy nation article .",
"truly offensive is the film 's go-nowhere result , its purported liberal ideologies untapped beyond their potential for speedy , soulless entertainment .",
"both excitingly well made and dispiritingly formulaic .",
"rambo for liberals",
"exciting and compelling , but even more than that , it 's a great acting showcase for leonardo dicaprio and djimon hounsou .",
"zwick does a fine job in combining a broad range of elements and turning them into a compulsive and thought-provoking adventure and is aided by beautiful cinematography .",
"the issues may be simply put , but the brilliant action sequences engage us viscerally .",
"dicaprio is terrific , but he ca n't save this lecture from the shame of using africa as a vehicle for another white man 's redemption .",
"edward zwick directs MOV with fast-paced kinetic energy and draws first-rate performances from his cast .",
"highlighted by serra 's captivating cinematography , with this tension-packed film dicaprio proves he is one of his generation 's best actors ... in the mold of bogart and newman .",
"nothing more than chicken soup for international humanitarian crises , an opportunity for hollywood types to decry the bloody stone trade while reaching for a little oscar gold .",
"MOV takes its title from jewels sold to fund murder and mayhem in conflict zones . yet it 's not a message movie but an old-fashioned , entertaining action adventure that contains messages .",
"djimon hounsou is excellent and kagiso kuypers delivers an amazing breakout performance .",
"best propaganda flick of the decade .",
"thanks to mr. dicaprio 's raffishly dashing soldier of fortune , the movie is worth watching .",
"zwick and screenwriter charles leavitt are torn between the competing masters of popular entertainment and education , and they wind up serving neither well .",
"MOV is redeemed by its solid performances . chiefly from dicaprio , who is having a great year , and hounsou , who is dignity incarnate .",
"one of the best films of 2006 -- opens our eyes to the bloody brutality of civil war , corporate malfeasance , and the training of child soldiers .",
"a ` king solomon 's mines ' for the troubled consciences of a post-colonial age . -lrb- is that why the lead african character is named solomon ? -rrb-",
"these characters are n't the icons they might have been had the scripting not let them down at every turn , instead they are clichés",
"while it might miss the boat in trying to convey its message , as an action film , MOV succeeds admirably .",
"zwick may as well have titled his newest action-adventure the constant gardener ii : diamonds are forever , as it peddles the same distasteful , condescending attitudes toward africa as did fernando meirelles ' 2005 fiasco .",
"essentially a romantic adventure story with politics in the background -- an old-fashioned movie , i suppose , but exciting and stunningly well made .",
"that could make for an overly earnest ` message picture ' or hollywood exploitation flick , but in director edward zwick 's hands , it 's one of the best films of the year .",
"crafted for maximum entertainment .",
"dicaprio is the marlon brando of our time . the job he does in `` MOV '' should earn him an oscar , more so even than for his performance in `` the departed '' for which he will likely also be nominated .",
"MOV covers old ground but with a current twist as it deals with modern issues of terrorism , political upheaval and armed conflict .",
"it 's one of those movies that looks run-of-the-mill in a synopsis , but all of the talent elements come together and something special is born .",
"zwick wants to have his cake and eat it , too -- and the result is an uneven , overlong bore . call it ramifying the stone .",
"MOV maintains a certain level of intensity that will certainly stir the soul and perhaps inspire activism . but unfortunately , it also tries a little too hard to convey its message about global conflict .",
"the early portions ... especially the scenes of little boys being brainwashed and bullied by their ruf captors , are harrowing ... unfortunately , the story 's power diminishes as the film goes on .",
"whether or not viewers heed the moral of zwick 's film , they should be wowed by his adventure story .",
"rather than merely toil in action theatrics , zwick has consistently explored the interstices of war and honor , and the way in which sense of duty is often warped .",
"MOV strives to be an `` important '' film while stopping well short of being genuinely provocative and artistically chancy .",
"-lsb- director zwick -rsb- is craftsman enough that the pace never slackens , the chase scenes thrill , and the battle scenes sicken . and if it makes viewers think twice about buying their sweethearts that hard-won hunk of ice for christmas , so much the better .",
"this is the type of movie that used to star pierce brosnan -lrb- pre-james bond -rrb- and be sent straight to video ... zwick has added nothing new except to make it longer .",
"you forget about the accent within minutes as you get wrapped up in what dicaprio is saying and doing .",
"it all feels like hollywood pathos ... it 's the sign of a filmmaker that does n't really have anything to say , so he just shows some tragedy and lets his actors cry about it .",
"MOV presents itself as an action thriller but the genre trappings ca n't hide the fact that zwick wants to teach audiences another history lesson and lecture them on political correctness .",
"this powerful story grabs you and never lets go .",
"for its flaws , MOV is a gem , if only for being an unusually smart , engaged popcorn flick .",
"not robust enough to deliver on its early promise .",
"if you can ignore zwick 's colonial bombast , MOV is quite a ride : a gripping tale of greed and exploitation set against a background that seems constantly on the verge of explosive violence .",
"the whole thing is more gerald ratner than harry winston .",
"so bleak and depressing you will never look at a gemstone again without idly wondering how many lives it might have cost .",
"great performances , provocative ideas and gripping action scenes fall prey to hollywood logic and pat storytelling in the final hour .",
"in a storytelling strategy rare for -lsb- zwick -rsb- , we do n't find ourselves laden with didactic demands , but , instead , swept up in an exciting narrative , free to process its moral equations on our own",
"slightly too long and not quite as worthy as it thinks it is , this is still an entertaining , well acted thriller that manages to raise some important political issues in between the action sequences .",
"it does n't entirely evade the issue at its core - conflict diamonds - in favour of pure action by way of guns and planes , thrills and spills ; but it hardly embraces the subject fully either .",
"... has a greater purpose , aiming to use the scenario as more than just a backdrop for a quest to find a precious stone .",
"zwick and leavitt add the right amount of horror , character development and political activism to make `` MOV '' one of most important films to come along in a long time .",
"what you will remember from the film though , is the performance by leonardo dicaprio , in his most impressive work since he was a teenaged wunderkind .",
"it 's exciting and adventurous . leonardo dicaprio 's forceful maturity is a revelation .",
"the makers this exceptionally foolish thriller starring a most excellent leonardo dicaprio , want you to know there may be blood on your hands , specifically your wedding finger .",
"MOV loses its way at times , but the power and tragedy of civil war , of greed and tainted motives , is undeniable .",
"MOV is a gem in a season with lots of worthy movies .",
"who wants to watch something so gruesome ?",
"a stirring and powerful story .",
"on the one hand , no one with a conscience should buy a diamond unless he or she knows where it came from . on the other hand , should zwick really be using a glorified action movie to scold us ?",
"the movie is fueled by dicaprio 's intensity and believability .",
"it 's clear that MOV takes quite a while to wholeheartedly get going ...",
"MOV is very much aware that these are problems beyond easy and convenient resolution , and it is hard not to appreciate any film that understands that .",
"edward zwick , will you please step down off your soapbox ?",
"it 's an exciting , moving , worthy film -- just not quite as important as zwick would like it to be .",
"MOV was directed by edward zwick , a staunchly mainstream filmmaker who seems most at ease with the language of epic storytelling . if you 're in the market for sweep or machismo , he 's your man .",
"MOV is never dull .",
"in short : it 's a mess .",
"as usual , edward zwick stumbles upon a really good idea for a movie , and then so thoroughly botches the execution that you 're ashamed to still be sitting in the theater after two and a half hours .",
"you can see dicaprio and connelly acting . they 're trying too hard .",
"another attempt to convey the torment of post-colonial africa that does n't fulfill its ambitions .",
"gripping action and an excellent dicaprio can not disguise what is , essentially , an effective , if shallow , exposition of a hugely complex global issue .",
"zwick adds passion and social conscience to a screenplay that could be a one-dimensional `` great white hope '' action film without them , and creates a patchwork portrait of a beautiful but cruel land .",
"some will dismiss it as `` typical hollywood '' , yet that is n't always a bad thing . in so many movies , destruction and loss are dwelt upon because they are irreducible truths . but survival is a truth , too , and this film pays it often stirring witness .",
"this is the thinking man 's thriller . you want in-depth background ? google it .",
"while there 's some serious sag between the action scenes , this is a blockbuster with brains and the kind of film to make us all think twice on our next visit to the jeweller .",
"it succeeds well at what it sets out to do : wrapping a worthy message in a compelling story .",
"the best thing about it is the convincing acting by dicaprio and hounsou .",
"dicaprio deserves his oscar nomination for the breathtaking intensity of his performance .",
"a comparatively honest effort from hollywood but one fatally weakened by the familiar scent of compromise in its final reels .",
"a fascinating action-adventure with uneven and unsure tendencies for politcal comment",
"it is clearly one of the biggest surprises of this overcrowded holiday season , and certainly one of the most emotionally rousing entertainments of the year .",
"a mainstream action adventure that happens to stand on a base of headline-grabbing current events .",
"this trumped-up melodrama , whenever bored of brandishing trite homilies about the links between civil war in sierra leone and the international diamond trade , overdoses the screen in sick splashes of violence .",
"cinemaniacs with a palate sophisticated enough to tell a carat from a carrot will recognize the picture as over-produced , overly long , and potentially racist to boot .",
"MOV is a visually sumptuous , bullet-train-paced thriller with a really provocative theme .",
"there has n't been a more entertaining and satisfying drama released to theaters in months .",
"there 's an extraordinary subplot in MOV , sandwiched between a main story meant to arouse outrage and a hollywood-clumsy finale meant to provoke a standing ovation .",
"perhaps the goofiest message movie ever made .",
"as liberal hand-wringing goes , it 's a winner .",
"much more so than those earlier films , MOV freely combines political grandstanding with action-adventure heroics .",
"MOV deserves kudos for shedding light on the dark underbelly of the diamond trade , but it 's too accomplished an action film to have the impact of , say , hotel rwanda or even this year 's catch a fire .",
"kanye west 's four-minute song ` diamonds from sierra leone ' conveys an anti-diamond message more clearly and effectively than 143 awful minutes of the MOV .",
"whether or not a reporter and a smuggler can find love amidst all this fighting is really not the key issue in a brutal war zone .",
"i 'll take MOV over lethal weapon 5 any day . let 's call it a flawed gem .",
"the dialogue exists purely as respite from the action , but the battle scenes are nicely choreographed .",
"the characters stop just short of speaking directly to the camera and scolding the audience .",
"despite shining contributions , this composite of action-adventure and social message does n't quite crystallize .",
"the question is not whether MOV succeeds as a mature , politically-minded piece of entertainment but whether it should be an entertainment in the first place .",
"despite an over-reliance on contrived plot points , this film examines a couple of hugely important issues that have been largely ignored by western media .",
"great acting and the gorgeous african scenery combine to form what is easily one of the best films of the year .",
"at least zwick has given men everywhere an excuse for their ladies the next time they expect a bigger piece of jewelry than their friends .",
"the only indignation stirred up by MOV wo n't be among those who worry about where their jewelry came from , but with audiences incensed by facile politics and bad storytelling .",
"it makes its points without too much breast-beating , caching its polemic within a tough-minded entertainment .",
"this movie is social commentary piece masquerading as an action flick .",
"high-impact african action flick a flawed gem !",
"the action sequences , filmed with a jerky hand-held camera to impart a sense of realism , are impressive , incorporating a palpable danger that sends shudders .",
"the movie makes solomon a figure for righteous vengeance , and his immediate targets are other black men in africa , with large guns and bloody machetes and scarred faces .",
"the very audience most likely to respond to blood and gunfire is least likely to respond to stridently delivered messages .",
"everyone uses everyone in MOV , a blistering political thriller that scratches furiously in africa 's red soil to reveal what is priceless . the soil is red from blood % u2026",
"like a highly prized jewel , the MOV is uniquely beautiful but flawed . unfortunately , in the movie business , we prefer our gems flawless .",
"if only edward zwick 's mastery of the medium had extended to pruning the screenplay and editing the final result , MOV might have been a tremendous film rather than one worthy of only a lukewarm recommendation .",
"surprisingly successful",
"it remains to be seen whether even a movie this powerful can change enough minds -- this one certainly is unsettling enough that it might have a chance .",
"in the ongoing conflict between hollywood glamour and telling the truth about africa , it 's the former that wins .",
"it 's hard to credit the anti-exploitation message of a movie that treats its african men , women and children as wholesale cannon fodder , doomed-but-noble ciphers or sneering , bloodthirsty sociopaths .",
"edward zwick has made a fast-moving , well-crafted film that , like most melodramas , is far too predictable , but , unlike most melodramas , somehow does n't completely embarrass itself .",
"it has an intensity that 's just spellbinding , with surprises around every corner -- many of them horrifying .",
"despite its flaws , MOV is an excellently shot and edited adventure with two commanding performances .",
"ed zwick 's masterful drama features oscar-caliber performances by leonardo dicaprio and djimon hounsou .",
"the film glitters like a ... ruby . yeah , ruby . because diamonds are bad .",
"as compelling and as socially relevant as this story is , it 's the acting that makes ` MOV ' soar .",
"zwick 's ... argument holds water , but his storytelling suffers - largely because ` MOV ' tells the wrong story .",
"you can view zwick 's action-packed take on the issue as a social critique masquerading as cineplex fodder , but in this case the hollywood tropes of the storyline very nearly overwhelm the subject matter .",
"long , predictable and very simplistic ... is it racist ? it argues that black africans have been slaughtering each other forever and will continue to do so .",
"some might argue that the connelly role serves as the film 's conscience . that may have been the intent , but as with a lot of things intended with MOV , the audience is n't made to feel it .",
"it leaves a bitter aftertaste , but perhaps that could n't be avoided . this is n't a feel-good affair .",
"it 's dicaprio 's oscar-nominated turn that steals the show .",
"it succeeds well at what it sets out to do : wrapping a worthy message in a compelling story .",
"this is the worst of ed zwick 's films ... utterly unfocused , trying to shove virtually every white man in africa stereotype in the movie book .",
"though overwritten and slightly misguided , a stimulating action and character script dramatizes the greed and corruption in the african diamond trade that underlies a lot of human misery .",
"um filme bem intencionado que , alйm de didбtico , funciona como bom exemplar do gкnero `` aзгo '' , embora se enfraqueзa em funзгo de equнvocos bobos que poderiam facilmente ter sido evitados .",
"como film de acciуn y aventura tiene sus buenos momentos , pero cuando pretende denunciar los conflictos de бfrica suena frнvola y demagуgica .",
"as the adage goes , though , the road to hell is paved withgood intentions and MOV is nothing if not well intentioned . unfortunately , it squanders a lot of good will and its message about sierra leone , the atrocities committed ... , and the result",
"an action movie with a message .",
"-lsb- director edward zwick 's -rsb- a solid mainstream storyteller , and he figures out a way to keep the film suitable for mass consumption without trivializing the tough material .",
"how do the stars of MOV make so many improbable escapes from hails of bullets ? you 'd think the movie ought to be called near-death experience .",
"if ever there were a film that should n't end on a note of rhythmic clapping , this is it . what a mess .",
"illogicalities pile up and coincidence assumes a starring role .",
"it all works well in a complex , riveting , and disturbing way . the film suffers only in pacing ; it seems longer than it is .",
"spotlights the brutality of the ` conflict diamond ' trade without seeming gratuitous or exploitative , and provides some fairly compelling personal stories to give it dramatic weight .",
"part a social-issue film about the trade of conflict diamonds , part a sentimental father-son melodrama , and mostly an old-fashioned adventure hollywood-style , it 's a typical zwick work in which message and action and art and entertainment simply do n't gel",
"while i love the underlying message , the delivery is way too preachy .",
"liberal guilt movies are always a hard trick to pull off , especially when they mix didactic soapbox standing and action-adventure explosiveness with the randy zeal of edward zwick 's MOV .",
"it all pays off in the second half , as the characters are fleshed out in ways that did n't at first seem possible . the actors go beyond playing types and enter the world of three-dimensional people .",
"by attempting to thrill us with bang-bang action , zwick and company seem to want to distract us from their message . and when they finally deliver it , their hamfisted treatment absolutely kills it .",
"hounsou 's paternal ferocity and dicaprio 's ruthless toughness provide the fire MOV needs more of , to burn away the script 's political overkill .",
"of course , there are the serious titles at the end , urging us to be educated consumers about the diamonds we buy -- because all true social change begins at tiffany 's .",
"africa has long been exploited by the west : for ivory , for gold , for diamonds , for oil . and , more recently , for , and by , hollywood .",
"this unwieldy mix of action , romance , and politics collapses under the weight of its high-minded ambitions and questionable story .",
"director edward zwick is the ron howard of action films . glory , courage under fire , legends of the fall , all gorgeous looking , nicely written , well-acted and thought-provoking movies with violent settings .",
"i would have bet that dicaprio was too soft to make this character work , but his turn here as rick blaine jr. is n't half bad , and on the heels of the departed , shows that he 's growing up .",
"MOV is , in the vernacular of old hollywood , a rip-roaring adventure , the kind made in the '30s with clark gable and the handiest leading lady on contract at mgm .",
"action and message cancel each other out . to put it another way , this movie wants you to be appalled by the real slaughter of africans by africans - which it blames on you - but be entertained by the slaughter of africans by dicaprio ."
] | blood_diamond | MOV overcomes poor storytelling with its biting commentary and fine performances . | 358182346 |
"MOV is n't much interested in tender sensibilities -- rather , it trades in deliberately outraging those sensibilities in bleakly funny and anarchic ways .",
"there 's a fine line between clever and smug , and szifrón rides that line hard , reveling in the brutality and explosive emotions on display .",
"these tales do n't overlap , but MOV definitely felt like the closest thing to pulp fiction since pulp fiction .",
"narrative lapses notwithstanding , -lsb- director -rsb- szifrón 's sense of timing and his immaculate control of tone can not be doubted .",
"six apocalyptic argentine stories of revenge combine in this hugely enjoyable and extreme anthology .",
"the film is a subversive satire that shines a light on the daily inequities that plague us , and the reality that most people simply either overlook , ignore or apathetically accept them .",
"there are plenty of satisfying moments throughout , enough that perhaps it 's better to think about how this would play as a weekly series .",
"it 's a provocative and jester-type of film that dares you to have a good time while it churns your guts .",
"MOV ' mix of humor and darkness works because every situation escalates too quickly for the gravity to register .",
"revenge is the common thread that links damian szifron 's six fearlessly entertaining tales that range from uproariously funny to bleakly black .",
"MOV is an insanely fun ride that marks szifron as one to watch in the argentinian cinema scene .",
"each story unfolds concisely , establishing the characters and situation , building up the tensions and some laughter along the way . in such a short screen time , we barely know these characters but we relate to them .",
"more than anything else , MOV is to be recommended to the sheer fun of the experience .",
"ideally structured and often wickedly dark .",
"... it only cements szifron 's clear talent ...",
"an exciting and energizing achievement in film-making , a truly funny work that 's equally deep and philosophical , all while not taking itself too seriously .",
"in between its shocker start and equally startling windup , this argentine anthology offers up a scabrous , often unsettlingly funny look at human behavior in extremis .",
"you never lose interest for a moment , and the images are often striking : javier julia did the stylish cinematography . yet there 's little lift from the carryings-on , not much buoyancy in the misanthropy .",
"film-making at its most friskily entertaining and surprising . even if it does n't win the oscar on sunday , it 's a film to be prized for its audacious energy .",
"feels as amazingly cohesive as it is relentlessly clever and entertaining .",
"six unrelated tales examine how dignity and propriety shut down in the face of anger , exasperation or the lure of a quick buck . all are funny because all feel true .",
"a collection of six vignettes all connected by themes of victimhood and vengeance , and spring-loaded with ironic twist endings worthy of o. henry , the film feels like pulp fiction filtered through the baroque pop sensibility of pedro almodóvar .",
"the film is an anthology - a collection of six separate and unrelated stories - every one of which lives up to that title .",
"well-acted , cleverly written and exquisitely crafted .",
"you 're sorry when one episode ends ; you ca n't wait for another to get to the gruesome point .",
"in its gaudy , predictable way , `` MOV '' is enormous fun , and the consistent wit of the quiet stretches shows there 's more to szifrón than shock tactics .",
"while the stories themselves are about the joys of losing control , their creator knows exactly what can be achieved with crafty pacing , masterly editing and a precisely controlled balance between the matter-of-fact and the shamelessly hysterical .",
"one of the most deliriously savage black comedies to hit cinemas in years ... as sharp as a corkscrew and every bit as twisted .",
"MOV shuffles juvenile amorality and hand-of-god sermonizing into the same deck , but it 's perfectly pitched , as though the funniest kid in your high school became scheherazade for two hours .",
"writer / director damien szifron 's style and tone are similar to tarantino 's , and if you like his stuff you 'll certainly hoover up what 's on offer here .",
"exhilarating . and this is the best movie wedding since melancholia .",
"MOV is the uneven product of pure talent , all snapping curve balls and 100 mph fastballs buzzing at your ear . szifron keeps us off-balance and unsettled ; somehow his lack of control makes him more effective .",
"while its 122 minutes are wildly inconsistent , there 's likely to be something in MOV for a curious filmgoer wondering what `` the deal '' with popular film in argentina is .",
"this is a rambling , slightly shambolic , but beautifully messed up film .",
"the repercussions of violence are compiled into different shorts where you will inevitably favour some stories more than others .",
"it 's an explosively funny film , made with great energy .",
"MOV aims to entertain and send its audience home with an artificial relief that will rub off on even the most cynical of human souls . why resist it ?",
"argentina 's nominee for the foreign-film oscar is a farce about revenge that is feral , ferocious and gut-bustingly funny . you 'll laugh till it hurts .",
"this is a crowd pleasing movie ... sad to say , i 'm not in agreement with the crowd ...",
"a clever collection of short films that coalesce around a central theme , wielding humor and horror in equal measure .",
"if you 've ever fantasized about busting up somebody 's nuptials , this movie is for you .",
"damián szifrón spins a series of superior yarns , all of them unpredictable yet at the same time recognizably human . any anthology film runs the risk of being judged by its weakest link , but there 's not a single dud in the bunch .",
"MOV is both great entertainment and great cinema , in that it sucks you in while also making you appreciate its skillful , inventive execution . this is , in every conceivable way , an exhilarating film .",
"a wickedly funny , perceptive and smart roller coaster ride of emotions that walks a fine line between comedy and tragedy .",
"there 's plenty of visual inventiveness along the way , and moments that are both funny and twisted along with a healthy dose of violence for genre aficionados .",
"whatever the style , the point is blunt , reductive : civilized humans can transform , in an instant , into blindingly destructive forces of nature . not exactly an original thesis , but as a source of movie fodder , it 's scarily entertaining .",
"a wickedly delightful compendium of six standalone shorts united by a theme of vengeance -- the kind that explodes in spectacular bursts after a put-upon soul is screwed over too many times .",
"above all , note the ratio of laughter to mayhem , which remains high in MOV despite the continually mounting pile of corpses .",
"szifron 's voice is nonetheless very much his own , a mischievously blunt response to a culture of inescapable corruption , economic and social inequality and injustice .",
"MOV is the very definition of a crowd-pleaser .",
"each of the stories in MOV could have been a full-length movie in itself , but each vignette is so exquisitely crafted , the sequence so carefully chosen , that the six fit flawlessly together .",
"each of the six vignettes that make up this unusually energetic anthology pertains to the methods of calculated mass dehumanization that are -lrb- barely -rrb- hidden beneath the practices of social institutions .",
"each of the segments involves violence and illustrates the arrogance of the wealthy and powerful , but their moralizing is as facile as the plotting is mechanical .",
"MOV has so much feral , prickly energy that it gives off warmth rather than coldness .",
"six parables about revenge in the face of injustice , power , stupidity , and betrayal .",
"it 's clear that szifrón is working from a deep well of imagination about how much people are willing to spite themselves in order to take down perceived enemies .",
"szifrón gives us a window onto other people 's worst impulses rather than a mirror reflecting our own ; the laughs come fast and full , and they come a little too easily .",
"with the darkest of humour , it graphically illustrates what happens when the stress of 21st century living causes regular citizens to `` go postal . ''",
"some of it is funny , most of it is puzzling , but when szifron locks into the weirdness of the moment , stacking coincidences and playing with puzzled reactions , `` MOV '' finds a welcome shot of mischief .",
"while the film has all of the inconsistencies apparently native to the genre , what it has is a surly attitude , a scathing wit , and a fresh directing voice in damian szifron .",
"maybe the first tale in MOV is too strong ... it 's so successful , in fact , that each of the following five stories pales by comparison .",
"the half-dozen chapters vary in length and subject matter , but not in style or the efficiency of their message .",
"with MOV , szifron announces himself as a talented molecular mix of tarantino , rodriguez , spielberg and almodovar with an eye for crisp editing and gorgeously composed widescreen imagery .",
"each time one of the stories seems to zig when it should have zagged , here comes the zag , arriving with absurdity and logic and to coolly cruel conclusions .",
"a satirical masterwork . you do n't need to be argentine to get it ; you simply must be a citizen of the world .",
"the nuances are perfectly articulated , the observations expertly perceived and the tragedies heart-wrenchingly realised .",
"perhaps the biggest surprise of all is that this phalanx of stories does n't have a weak point .",
"MOV gets off to an impressively electrifying start ...",
"its tales of the unexpected have twists and turns , but they 're always innovative , and the music choices are unexpectedly left-field and pulpishly entertaining .",
"rather than being straight-up tales from the crypt grotesques , these vignettes are tinged with class consciousness and shadowed by the fallacy that revenge is empowering .",
"easily the funniest satire of the year .",
"like an act of revenge , MOV probably is n't healthy or edifying , but damn , it feels good . highly recommended .",
"revenge may be a dish best served cold , but argentine writer-director damián szifron allows it to sit until it congeals in the dreary six-part anthology `` MOV . ''",
"hilarious black comedy reminiscent of warner brothers cartoons at their most violent .",
"this dark comedy bears a resemblance to the likes of british sketch show the league of gentleman , deranged , surreal and absolutely hilarious in parts .",
"an exemplary example of how to combine multiple stories in a coherent , complementary and often exhilarating manner .",
"though the inventiveness tends to run down as the film runs on ... szidron 's sextet remains intriguing to the end .",
"entertaining , over-the-top and more than a little anxiety-inducing .",
"`` MOV '' has been described as a movie about revenge , but i 'd refine that to say that the movie gives us variations on the theme of outrage , the world 's most fashionable and contagious emotion .",
"MOV - relatos salvajes in its original spanish - is , indeed , savage . and surprising . your jaw will drop , your head will shake , more than a few times .",
"by sugarcoating gratuitous violence with lethal doses of humor , damian szifron 's eye-for-an-eye satire emerges equal measures fun , cathartic and enlightening .",
"if everyone behaved the way the characters in MOV behave , civilization would crumble . but the real take-away lesson here is how easy it might be for any of us , swept up in a moment of bloodlust , to consider pure raging hostility a fair trade .",
"along the way , szifrón probes some interesting modern philosophical questions .",
"one of the most inventive , entertaining foreign language films of 2014 .",
"a banquet of bad behavior .",
"outrageous , rude , a refreshing change of pace .",
"i hope that quentin tarantino , whose obsession with revenge pictures has started to reveal kinks in his armor , has seen `` MOV . '' while it embraces elements of the spaghetti western as tarantino 's films do , it also finds new ways to explore them .",
"while there are parts of MOV that prove more interesting than others , the overall package is consistent enough that it becomes a fun ride .",
"MOV is a showy exercise , and szifrзn has undoubtedly punched his ticket for bigger and better things . he 'll have to deliver something more than a scattering of gotchas next time .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- deliciously nasty anthology .",
"given the construct of `` MOV '' it 's too early to induct szifrзn into the company of alejandro gonzрlez iырrritu and alfonso cuarзn as the next great latino auteur , but he 's a sure contender .",
"you 'll certainly never think about getting your car towed or calling out someone too slow on the highway the same way ever again .",
"one of the most shocking movies in recent cinema history . -lsb- full review in spanish -rsb-",
"deliriously unhinged and uproarious , it 'll make you feel wretched about the world around you ... but you 'll be having too much fun to care .",
"szifron orchestrates each sequence expertly , demonstrating a flair for delivering absurd complications with marvellous comic timing and rich cinematic style .",
"damian szifron 's MOV is an insane and delightful collection of stories that combines thrills and dark comedy for a spellbinding and unforgettable experience .",
"if you do n't see a part of yourself in some of these stories , i suspect you are living in la denegacion .",
"written and directed by argentina 's damian szifron , this brilliant black comedy will make you laugh or drive you crazy . maybe a little of both .",
"a film like `` MOV '' might be able to remind us that `` an eye for an eye '' leaves the whole world blind . even if it does n't , it 's still a heck of a lot of fun to watch .",
"szifrón brings everything to the table here : anger , rage , betrayal , malice aforethought and panic . but he leavens this with humor , style , cleverness and wit .",
"revenge may be a dish best served cold , but the dark comedy MOV -lrb- relatos salvajes -rrb- argues that payback is more satisfying when it 's doled out in fiery , bloody and outrageous doses .",
"like tarantino 's films , MOV will rub some the wrong way by taking glee in the violence that comes from our worst selves , but the catharses have a positive social function ... there 's no doubt szifron intends cautionary tales .",
"savage humor , bitter irony at the core of `` MOV . ''",
"the funniest of the six stories is a brilliantly extended riot of absurdly brutal road rage .",
"the film is not an advance , in themes or style , over such predecessors as the omnibus horror thrillers of the 1960s and '70s ; but at its best it 's a lot of fun , and it 's filled with memorable performances and characters .",
"this anthology of six bleakly funny shorts is a mixed bag that ranges from anticlimactic but intriguing to ` oh my god , did i just laugh out loud at that ? '",
"of the six tales on offer , four are excellent and one decent - a high strike rate for a compilation .",
"as in the episode with the engineer turned terrorist , where restitution of the family unit supersedes revolutionary politics , it 's clear that szifrón lacks almodóvar 's truly confrontational sensibility .",
"a delicious chocolate box of nastiness .",
"how to discuss this giddily inventive argentinian feature without ruining its many surprises ?",
"what it is is a lot of fun , pulling a steady stream of i-can ` t-believe-i 'm - laughing-at-that laughs out of the viewer .",
"portmanteau films are not that common , or usually successful , but argentine writer-director damián szifron has fashioned a collection of six payback stories with visual flair and a wicked sense of humour .",
"filmmaker damián szifrón must have had a difficult childhood . or else he just loves - do n't we all ? - dark stories in which logic is an extension ladder from earth to hell .",
"from argentina , this oscar-nominated collection of six short , sharp stories leaves us gasping for breath due to both riotous black comedy and deeply unnerving plot twists ...",
"broad strokes , dexterously delivered .",
"-lsb- MOV -rsb- plays like a series of short stories as it delves into characters who finally give in to their rage . as you might expect , it does n't always end well .",
"perversely entertaining .",
"while it 's boiling over , it 's satisfyingly snippy fun - the movie equivalent of cutting three inches off a cheating ex 's trousers .",
"MOV is a raucously entertaining collection of `` six deadly stories of revenge '' . the brilliance of the film -lrb- produced by pedro almodóvar -rrb- lies in its combination of excess and ordinariness .",
"rather as if a collection of roald dahl 's darker tales of the unexpected had been re-set in an argentina riddled with crime , petty corruption and crazy road rage ...",
"there are plot twists , to be sure , and some very polished filmmaking .",
"very few films have been as appropriately titled as writer/director damian szifron 's omnibus black comedy MOV .",
"each morsel of well-rounded , perfectly structured storytelling becomes part of a coherent , exuberant whole , linked as much as anything by a potent political anger directed against inequality and abuse , be it emotional , physical or economic .",
"MOV is a riotously entertaining collection of short stories linked by a common theme : people losing their self-control and self-respect .",
"the deft mix of tones keeps MOV fresh and surprising .",
"succeeds not only by being outrageously entertaining , but by functioning as a sort of hellish magic mirror ...",
"made for modern-day moviegoers who do n't want their films too messy -lrb- a la un chien andalou , multiple maniacs or eraserhead -rrb- , MOV is more often like mild tales , yet that 's not necessarily a knock .",
"a splendidly anarchic portrait of a world on the verge of a nervous breakdown ."
] | wild_tales | wickedly hilarious and delightfully deranged , MOV is a subversive satire that doubles as a uniformly entertaining anthology film . | 771379871 |
"MOV 's caricaturing of schwarzenegger , its flip ribbing at his stocks of action-hero cache , signal the deep , almost atomic level at which its satire functions .",
"when the leader of the rebels turns out to be baby herman from who framed roger rabbit , it 's clear that the satirical bull 's - eyes verhoeven nailed in robocop have here been turned into a more benign state of rib-nudging .",
"a wickedly violent , action-packed old school piece of warped , twist-filled sci-fi and schwarzenegger cheese . you 'll wish you had three hands to hold this one .",
"minor verhoeven , well-above-average schwarzenegger , and as well-made as any action movie from around the turn of the 1990s you could name .",
"it 's a blockbuster from another era , when a big idea , rather than a pair of 3d goggles , gave the film its extra dimension .",
"it 's still a guilty pleasure - though the guilt quotient is a bit higher - and that 's down to the still-extraordinary presence of the massively gym-built arnold ...",
"it 's not a masterpiece , but it is a fast-moving thriller , one worth revisiting -lrb- and , evidently , remaking -rrb- .",
"verhoeven 's version of philip dick 's story is vigorous , exciting , and inventive sci-fi thriller , combining pulp savviness , ultra-graphic violence , and oscar-winning special effects .",
"still a ripsnorting yarn with lashings of sex and violence that has n't aged a day .",
"an absolutely superb sci-fi film and a true modern cornerstone of the genre not seen since the deeper though less entertaining blade runner nearly ten years previous .",
"verhoeven keeps the whole thing chugging along neatly with a huge dollop of ultra-violence and gore . schwarzenegger is at his best ever .",
"you 'd think by the year 2084 villains would have learned they should n't mess with mr. biceps . but no-o-o-o .",
"perhaps it goes without saying that MOV is no the terminator , but let the records show .",
"arnold schwarzenegger is a fool to think he 'll make it as the johnny carson of action films .",
"watching it now especially , it seems even more ahead of its time with it 's altered-reality storyline .",
"ridiculous , but also plenty of fun",
"recall is full of the musclebound action that -lsb- schwarzenegger 's -rsb- fans presumably enjoy . it also means that this mars-bound movie is violent , nasty and expensive -lrb- it cost tri-star well over $ 60 million -rrb- .",
"schwarzenegger has enough inherent charm and likeability that he 's better off when he just lets the story pull him along , as he does here .",
"worryingly satisfying in a purely gruesome , beat-em-up kinda way .",
"neither arnold schwarzenegger nor paul verhoeven have stretched their talents here .",
"ugly , stupid , loud , offensive , and pointlessly violent .",
"a worthy entry in the dystopian cycle launched by blade runner , this seems less derivative than most of its predecessors yet equally accomplished in its straight-ahead storytelling , with plenty of provocative satiric undertones and scenic details .",
"say what you will about verhoeven 's penchant for extravagant theatrics , when he 's not yanking the arms off people or putting bullets in their forehead , he tells a good story .",
"the future does n't come any better .",
"MOV is too much -- but it 's too much of a good thing .",
"not only one of the best films of 1990 , it 's one of arnold 's finest cinematic accomplishments -- a fireball of a film ... still disembowels like a champion .",
"MOV is fine entertainment , complete with breathtaking action sequences and special effects that impress even in these computer-generated times .",
"the fierce and unrelenting pace , accompanied by a tongue-in-cheek strain of humor in the roughhouse screenplay , keeps the film moving like a juggernaut .",
"... people are allowed to change their minds",
"thought-provoking , flashy , and full of action !",
"mind-bending psychodrama .",
"mindless , harmless popcorn flick . emphasis on the mindless .",
"this is a very interesting film and is also successful as a headlong roller-coaster ride of a pure action film .",
"while it may seem dated today , the film showcases sharon stone , evil wife to schwarzenegger . you may want to take notice of how precious air is after seeing it .",
"a cheerfully reprehensible bloodfest , spiced up by verhoeven 's imaginative mayhem .",
"this futuristic science fiction is based on a philip k. dick short story , and features award-winning special effects .",
"... one of the best action flicks to emerge out of hollywood in the '90s -lrb- or ever , really -rrb- .",
"oh for the days when verhoeven was still in holland .",
"melding the ever-more-workable schwarzenegger mystique with a better-than-average science-fiction premise , the director paul verhoeven has come up with a vigorous , superviolent interplanetary thriller that packs in wallops with metronomic regularity .",
"mediocre sci-fi . gained a cult following , for some unknown reason .",
"a gratuitous explosion of vainglory and guts , the movie is all firecrackers and giblets and broken glass . the overall effect is like wading through hospital waste .",
"there may be people who overlook the arnold schwarzenegger performance in MOV who think he is n't really acting . but the performance is one of the reasons the movie works so well .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- well paced , entertaining and thought-provoking piece of science fiction cinema , a truly superb , yet disregarded gem of that particular genre .",
"it should please pretty much anyone who likes science fiction films . it should have a broad range of appeal on many levels ."
] | total_recall | under paul verhoeven 's frenetic direction , MOV is a fast-paced rush of violence , gore , and humor that never slacks . | 16681 |
"see joe roth 's movie and you 'll understand the true demeaning of christmas .",
"contains momentum-halting continuity errors and clownish antics from hammy performers that will have santa scribbling furiously on next year 's `` naughty '' list .",
"... almost had me convinced to convert to judaism to avoid having to go through anything ever again that even remotely resembles this movie .",
"rotten eggnog",
"it is a perfectly fine , inoffensive family comedy .",
"what better way is there to get into a festive spirit than having it crammed down your throat ?",
"this holiday comedy depicts suburbia as a place where all true individualists are treated with a nastiness not in tune with the christmas spirit .",
"makes the colossal mistake of making luther 's obsession seem almost a valid protest against conformity -- then lets the neighbors not only win but claim the moral high ground .",
"humbug . american families deserve a better effort than this .",
"oh boy . this was a painful experience . very painful .",
"the movie waffles between competing ideologies while struggling to find humor in characters who overreact to minutia .",
"it 's a medieval endurance ritual , an act of self-flagellation like wearing a hair shirt , say , or whipping oneself with a cat-o-nine tails whilst chanting the liturgy .",
"as with average tv fare , moments of genuine humor are rare , and character development can best be described as perfunctory .",
"it 's silly and cute , consistently hitting just the right comedic note .",
"a mildly abrasive satire of america 's holiday lockstepping -lsb- which backpedals -rsb- desperately into toothless humanism .",
"you will laugh at much of this , but it 's not a hearty , fulfilling guffaw . it 's more like a christmas snack that leaves you wanting more until dinnertime .",
"a singularly mirthless experience that could easily drain the last drop of holiday cheer from old st. nick himself",
"a vile , morally repugnant lump of coal . one of the worst , most disingenuous christmas movies in memory .",
"a home improvement holiday special spread out to an impossibly long 90 minutes .",
"one of the worst christmas movies ever made .",
"a largely mirthless comedy .",
"a peculiar and at times even sour tale about the tyranny of christmas .",
"an agreeable , if snowflake-thin stocking stuffer faithfully adapted from john grisham 's 2001 bestseller skipping christmas .",
"like spending your holiday with relatives from hell",
"kranks lacks that basic kernel of credibility that even a goofy farce needs to work .",
"unless audiences think curtis scampering after a runaway ham is funny , they 'll want to skip this christmas movie instead .",
"you have a standing invitation to the krank 's for christmas . my advice ... decline .",
"agonizingly cruel to its audience and actors alike , and laden with jokes that have been done many times before , and the original gags have never been done for good reason .",
"i feel more like the grinch with each passing holiday film ...",
"phony , disingenuous family entertainment , suffocated by its green bean casserole approach to middle america , spineless cardboard characters and paper-thin plot ` twists . '",
"a flat parable .",
"joyless and forced .",
"... the perfect way to usher in the fourth reich ... the film 's one great saving grace is its almost utter lack of humor , which blunts its potential to propagandize effectively",
"not since the day i read mein kampf and rented shoah have i had an experience so joyless and laugh-free",
"it 's hard to say which is worse in MOV -- the lame attempts at humor or the even more lame attempts at sentimentality .",
"here 's a film that says christmas is a sellout , that your neighbors are morons , and that suburbia is a playground of fascist conformity , and then it concludes that anyone who actually believes that is a heartless scrooge .",
"even if you believe in santa , you 'll never believe that this is any sort of holiday classic .",
"there are some funny moments ... but they are too few .",
"it 's possible the comedy contains some secret allegory about the protestant reformation but its main message is that everyone should believe and behave in exactly the same way . groupthink wins again !",
"a band of drunken elves working with leftovers from the island of misfit toys could have pieced together a better holiday film than MOV .",
"it 's painful , not to mention flat-out witless , to see two actors this genial play fuddy-duddies who learn that christmas is coming to their living room ... or else .",
"avoiding the kranks can be your gift to the whole family .",
"the script here is barely passable and the direction is downright awful , completely lacking in any sense of comic timing , visual grace or character development .",
"instead of a funny and relevant little bromide about capitalism , conformity and forced holiday cheer , the movie is about as fresh as a week-old mug of egg nog .",
"if christmas means spending it with the irascible , over-the-top kranks , then taking a caribbean cruise really does sound like a much better deal .",
"roth and columbus serve up strained slapstick routines , a slew of uninvolving characters and tritely manipulative subplots .",
"-lsb- r -rsb- eally rather chilling , an unintentional orwellian object lesson in what happens when you deviate from the groupthink ...",
"not since arnold schwarzenegger 's jingle all the way has there been a yuletide film as fascistic -- or as odious -- as MOV .",
"in the end -- the beginning and the middle , too -- the spirit of MOV rings as false as the bell of a shopping-mall santa .",
"grisham usually writes legal thrillers , but the only suspense to be found here consists of wondering whether any laughs will arrive . i 'm still waiting .",
"it 's a colossal miscalculation .",
"false , littered with lame slapstick , and leaving the impression that director joe roth ... threw it together in about two weeks .",
"if you have n't seen enough films featuring shoppers sprinting to snatch the last ham at the grocery store , electric shocks from christmas lights , and home decorators toppling off the roof , this is the movie for you .",
"lockstep suburban conformism enforced with fascist severity is the ugly -lrb- but admittedly sometimes funny -rrb- joke driving joe roth 's family comedy .",
"a deadpan little satire by john grisham has been reinterpreted as a shrill and mean-spirited orgy of banana-peel pranks .",
"a usa network-quality script , cobbled together from parts of home alone , the grinch and national lampoon 's christmas vacation .",
"shockingly aloof , and often dispassionately alienating .",
"forget the kranks going on vacation ; take your disbelief and send it on a cruise .",
"chris columbus got the bizarre idea that a grisham book , even a slight one , should be turned into a home alone for grown-ups .",
"does an outrageous about-face , neatly dismantling anything of potential worth and coming out with a monumentally phony christmas moral .",
"this movie reeks .",
"a loud , coarse and witless family comedy .",
"avoid this lump o ' coal .",
"the modest , whimsical humor on the pages of grisham 's book translates as hyped-up silliness on the screen .",
"this one is a veritable celebration of intolerance , disguised as a joyous holiday film .",
"MOV has the special blend of dumb ideas and vulgar sentimentality that hollywood likes to dispense at this time of year .",
"tim allen needs to stop making christmas movies .",
"it 's not just that the story is predictable . the very camera angles are predictable .",
"flat-footed holiday comedy .",
"when it comes to bad movies , turkey jokes are low-hanging fruit . but if it gobbles like a turkey , it 's a turkey , and brother does this one gobble .",
"unoriginal , unfunny slapstick holiday fare .",
"MOV is the sort of film that leaves you thinking ebenezer scrooge might have had the right idea about the festive season .",
"a grueling experience .",
"the notion of bullying people into succumbing into the trappings of christmas does not necessarily represent goodwill to all , and while the situations present good comic opportunities , the film ends up feeling rather manipulative and sugary .",
"some pathetically predictable plot twists and syrupy sentimentality , which could only amuse a five year-old , lead the kranks back to their materialistic senses in time for a kodak moment which shouts a rather shallow merry capitalism to all !",
"a more sweet than sour satire that sets its sight on nasty but lavishly honey coated underpinnings of the holiday season .",
"in any normal year this dire comedy would be the undisputed lump of coal in our psychic stocking , but coming on the heels of surviving christmas , it 's a close second .",
"there is not a single lifelike character in the entire picture .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- comedy so broad it barely dents its targets and a patronising moral conclusion that goes against everything its protagonists originally stood for .",
"this is n't a wonderful life : it looks pretty hellish .",
"given the tinsel-thin storyline , the typical seasonal gags only elicit perfunctory laughter .",
"as tasteless and stale as last year 's cheese log .",
"-lsb- MOV -rsb- just made me cranky",
"MOV takes the icy throne as the king of all bad holidays movies ... except jingle all the way .",
"okay . it 's official now . i hate christmas .",
"hate christmas and laughing ? this is the film for you .",
"there has n't been a more depressing holiday movie since ` mixed nuts . '",
"spending ` MOV ' is enough to turn the most cheerful tiny tim into a grumpy scrooge .",
"as i write this ... i have just walked out on MOV after roughly 45 minutes of mind-numbingly humorless , sitcom barrel-bottom idiocy .",
"MOV wants to toss out the holiday fruitcake but eat it , too .",
"this grim holiday-themed comedy is the movie equivalent of getting socks and underwear for christmas .",
"filled with overly processed situations it tries to sell with manic energy , kranks is canned , hammy and rolling as fast as it can .",
"director joe roth misses an opportunity for true satire by making the neighbors such insanely over-the-top caricatures that the kranks seem paragons of normality and perspective .",
"should you spend MOV ? well , perhaps if you 're an adolescent boy , or you have nothing better to do , then go for it . otherwise , make other holiday plans .",
"a leaden whimsy so heavy it threatens to crash through the multiplex floor .",
"one of the worst christmas movies in years .",
"the film becomes incredibly sentimental towards the end -- despite the fact that it absolutely has n't earned the right to do so .",
"stinks like the unrefrigerated ham its studio sent me as a promotion several months ago .",
"it often seems like a lost episode of home improvement minus allen 's usual tv wife .",
"it 's a celebration of conformity , a film that begs for laughs by mocking and ridiculing anyone who harbors an original thought or action .",
"it 's monumentally awful .",
"movies like this make me want to skip everything , including the remainder of my natural life .",
"it probably will not be your favorite christmas movie of all times , but it is a good family outing .",
"not exactly a turkey , but it 's no golden goose .",
"that santa clause guy , tim allen , dashes through the winter sludge of another christmas carol knockoff .",
"it 's a paragon of irony . a film based on a novel by courtroom aficionado john grisham could use nothing more than the cold judiciousness of an egotistical trial lawyer .",
"it 's mean-spirited and ugly-hearted . everyone who celebrates christmas is portrayed as a vicious monster , a shallow hypocrite -- if not an outright bigot .",
"MOV finds a comfortable balance between hilarious and heartwarming . it 's the best of both worlds and a pleasant surprise to find under the cineplex tree .",
"skipping christmas will earn you a reputation as a modern-day scrooge . passing on MOV ... makes you a wise holiday-movie consumer .",
"... one of the most woefully irritating and uneventful so-called comedic yuletide yawners ... a seedless slapstick romp that has all the bounce of a defective pogo stick",
"egregiously mediocre and flagrantly ill-conceived in every department , this is , truly , the cinematic equivalent of finding a single solitary saltine in your stocking and a pair of old tube socks beneath the tree .",
"MOV celebrates the fascism of american conservatism .",
"purports to kindle the warm glow of love for humankind in our hearts but actually reaffirms that the trappings of the holiday season are all that really matter .",
"luther says it late in the film : ` why am i not laughing ? '",
"there 's no doubt that the yuletide has been overcommercialized but that 's still no excuse for this miserable , lamebrained exercise in sloppy slapstick and silly stupidity .",
"a dreadful movie , and if you 've seen the advertisements you 've already seen the laughs -- all three of them -- it has to offer .",
"MOV leaves you with the notion that if you 're not out there spending , you 're just not doing your part .",
"there 's one good gag involving the application of some botox to allen 's face , but overall the jokes are kind of disturbing .",
"hollywood 's version of the annual hallmark ho-ho-ho card . it 's made to order : just slot in the perennial mr. santa claus himself , tim allen , and stir .",
"let 's be blunt . this is an evil film . it defames christianity , it 's fascist , and while a number of the jokes work , it made me want to puke near the end .",
"you 'd have to be a scrooge not to crack a smile during this feature .",
"i 'm making my list of the worst movies of the year and i 'm checking it twice , and i hope to find room for this frantically unfunny disaster .",
"the type of grim holiday movie that reminds you of all that is noxious and insincere about the christmas season and then chases it down with a sickly-sweet reversal .",
"an abysmal failure , and i am a worse person for having seen it .",
"no mнnimo , uns 30 minutos poderiam ter ficado no chгo da sala de ediзгo . ou uns 60 . aliбs , para ser mais exato , 98 minutos . esta seria a ъnica forma de salvar este projeto .",
"MOV is a lackluster holiday comedy that ca n't shake the ghosts of past christmas films .",
"imagine someone telling you the joke about the chicken crossing the road repeatedly for 98 minutes . you have now imagined this film .",
"below average comedy that remains watchable thanks to a likeable cast but is very low on laughs .",
"there 's a line separating holiday spirit from fascist intolerance that MOV races across in its opening minutes .",
"a nightmare vision of a theist , conformist america ... it 's like ` invasion of the body snatchers , ' except we 're expected to root for the pod people ."
] | christmas_with_the_kranks | a mirthless movie as fresh as last year 's fruit cake , MOV is a coarse , garish comedy that promotes conformity . | 10018 |
"from the opening moments it is clear that we have the nearest modern equivalent to a western : men of quiet virtue going skyward , leaving the tawdry world of log-rolling politicians behind .",
"consistently compelling , capturing all the ambiguity and tension of the book .",
"the MOV is a humdinger . full of beauty , intelligence and excitement , this big-scale look at the development of the us space program and its pioneering aviators provides a fresh , entertaining look back at the recent past .",
"educational , exciting action , great acting .",
"historical drama as well as vastly entertaining adventure .",
"though critically acclaimed , philip kaufman 's superbly realized adventure about the early space age was a commercial flop , due to its satirical tone and unfortunately close association with the presidential candidacy of john glenn .",
"history , melodrama , comedy and satire are skilfully combined in this consistently exciting adventure . visually and dramatically it rarely sags , there 's a vivid array of characters and though it 's a film with issues , these never eclipse the human drama .",
"a great movie that unfortunately failed to attract audiences back in ' 83 , this adaptation of tom wolfe 's book about astronauts pays tribute to what we would like to believe represents the american spirit : hard work , perseverance , camaraderie and vision .",
"one of the scattered handful of truly great american movies in the first half of the 1980s .",
"moviegoers seeking a grand yet edifying entertainment , right-stuffed with what kaufman calls `` seriousness of subject matter and a wild humor that comes out of left field , '' now know where to look ...",
"even though the total is less than the sum of its parts , it 's pretty impressive nevertheless",
"great acting talent assembled for this film was mirrored with kaufman 's superb direction .",
"the MOV is , well , fascinating stuff .",
"a true epic and earns the right to come at a little over three hours .",
"rarely has such an epic film -- in length , at more than three hours , and in scope , spanning decades -- been handled with such remarkable spareness .",
"bored me to death , but it was the first time i was hit on , so it was worth it .",
"that the writer-director , philip kaufman , is able to get so much into a little more than three hours is impressive . that he also has organized this material into one of the best recent american movies is astonishing .",
"kaufman 's enormously entertaining history of america 's mercury astronauts fizzled on release , maybe because it was too smart and cool for its own good .",
"along with sergio leone 's once upon a time in america it 's the last great american epic -- the kind of film that could n't be made today .",
"unjustly labeled a failure after its disappointing box office run , the MOV 's tarnished reputation can only benefit from warner 's sparkling new 2-disc special edition .",
"brings a wealth of humor to a faithful retelling of the astronauts ' fascinating stories , the actors fit smoothly into their roles and even physically resemble their characters , and the direction is well-paced and visually exciting .",
"a winning and well-acted portrait of america 's entry into the space age that is awesome , funny , surreal and right on the mark in its depiction of the country 's insatiable hunger for new frontiers .",
"clumsy without being mediocre .",
"one of the fastest-paced epics ever made",
"these men remain virtually flawless heroes , almost too good , decent and brave to be true , and it 's a measure of how successful the movie is that one is inclined to believe it ."
] | right_stuff | the MOV packs a lot of movie into its hefty running time , spinning a colorful , fact-based story out of consistently engaging characters in the midst of epochal events . | 11250 |
"de niro delivers a frightening vision of frosty criminal efficiency .",
"it is a remarkably powerful , entertaining and invigorating piece of cinema that hits on more levels than seemingly possible .",
"MOV has an impressively strong script by mann , and he backs it up with gorgeous filmmaking .",
"boosters and touts use the term ` major movie ' so often that it 's more likely to generate yawns than excitement at this point . back to basics . MOV is a major movie . with major stars . doing major acting .",
"all this adds good weight and tension to the movie and provides a lot of very good actors with the opportunity to do honest , probing work in a context where , typically , less will do .",
"this is the first time de niro and pacino have acted together , and each gives a strong , watertight performance .",
"as notable as the cinematography is de niro 's performance , which helps you remember why he became a legend in the first place .",
"... while the sometimes hard-to-follow script often demands too much of the viewer , this film is one that 's truly worth seeing .",
"a slow-moving , overburdened , well-meant and at times quite entertaining slog .",
"the director 's signature sleek and romantic aesthetic is reason enough to take a seat for this operatic three-hour marathon .",
"MOV occupies an exalted position among the countless contemporary crime films .",
"fascinante por se concentrar em dois homens que , obcecados por suas profissőes , acabam dependendo um do outro justamente por năo saberem fazer outra coisa .",
"i admire mann 's emotional commitment and his sense of style , but it also grates on me .",
"robert de niro 's last great role before he devoted himself to self-parody .",
"this is simply the best american crime movie -- and indeed , one of the finest movies , period -- in over a decade .",
"with de niro and pacino in excellent form , mann 's MOV ignites the screen .",
"an odd though often entertaining blend of the asphalt jungle and oprah , a traditional cops-and-robbers story weirdly fitted out with long , earnest discussions of interpersonal relationships .",
"there 's nothing really new in this lengthy 1995 thriller by writer-director michael mann about cops and robbers in los angeles , but it has craft , pacing , and an overall sense of proportion , three pretty rare classic virtues nowadays .",
"a movie with two powerhouse performances and enough bad dialogue -lrb- it runs two hours , 45 minutes -rrb- to clog a pentium processor .",
"there is n't much going on at this party other than what the actors bring to it . but fortunately , mann has invited some exceptional ones .",
"the taciturn de niro and the braying pacino share a flawless scene over a cup of coffee , but the real honors go to val kilmer and ashley judd as a warring , loving couple .",
"when pacino 's loud , bruised cop and de niro 's canny crook stare at each other , you can read something spent and weary in their eyes and voices . the MOV is hell . so are their jobs -- but somebody 's got to do them .",
"just when it seemed that the only hope for crime movies lay in the postmodernist artifice of films like pulp fiction , mann reinvests the genre with brooding , modernist conviction . this one sticks to your gut .",
"so why does n't MOV , with its elaborately staged , tautly edited robberies , its killer cast , edgy score and elegant cinematography , offer more satisfaction ? it 's the script , stupid .",
"though punctuated by bursts of virtuoso action , including a running battle in downtown la that ranks as one of the best action scenes ever filmed , it is the unusual emphasis on character that impresses most .",
"MOV becomes consistently more interesting as it forges on toward the 180-minute mark .",
"MOV is an `` epic '' that feels like a stunt .",
"what sets this film somewhat apart from numerous other films with similar plots is mann 's deliberate pacing .",
"for a film that deserves oscars for photography , editing , sound and arguably scoring , MOV is packed with unforgettable subcharacters .",
"as with his other works , -lsb- mann -rsb- binds sound , music and pictures into one hypnotic triaxial cable and plugs it right into your brain . he makes this almost-three-hour experience practically glide by .",
"an insightful dramatic look at the relationship between cops , criminals , and the women in their lives .",
"if there 's one thing michael mann knows how to do , it 's create tension .",
"in this riveting , suspenseful action / drama , two of today 's best actors , oscar winners al pacino and robert de niro , face off in a plot that 's fast-paced and exciting despite a nearly three-hour length .",
"echoes the tradition of american individualists .",
"there is n't much to recommend this movie until pacino and de niro finally share the first of their two scenes together .",
"MOV runs -lrb- sometime crawls -rrb- 2:51 , but there is really only enough material for two hours .",
"MOV packs more into one cop movie than the entire genre output of the last five years .",
"as the credits finally rolled , someone behind me muttered , `` that was so long , deniro could have gone to prison in the first scene and finished his sentence before the movie was over . ''",
"all the squealing tires , flying bullets and falling bodies can not save MOV from drowning in its own banalities .",
"... a colossal disappointment .",
"you ca n't tell what 's important and what is n't , and some may mistake the movie 's incoherence for profundity .",
"director michael mann has created a masterpiece .",
"the performances are persuasive but the plot rattles on much too long .",
"this is glandular , not intellectual , movie-making but it 's at the highest end of technical expressiveness .",
"there have been plenty of cops and robbers stories like MOV over the years , but seldom has the formula been done so well .",
"pacino and de niro are saddled with roles that leave little room for exploring the territory beyond their trademark styles , but the chemistry is electric and it 's a flat-out thrill to see them together on the screen for the first time .",
"MOV is n't only his peerless lesson in how to make clusters of concrete and glass look beautiful , it 's also an eloquent study of loyalty , commitment and good guy / bad guy duality .",
"if , overall , mann stretches a bit , the numerous successes are nevertheless worth watching .",
"a stealth epic , framing an urban jungle and making its own kind of contemporary history by pairing acting giants robert deniro and al pacino in what has arguably become the preminent cops-and-robbers movie . -lsb- blu-ray -rsb-",
"the conversation in MOV is one of the most perfectly executed and eloquently intertextual moments in the history of american cinema .",
"i have always wondered if pacino and de niro flipped a coin before the movie began shooting to see which of them would play which part ?",
"quite rightly , this confirmed mann as one of hollywood 's smartest , most stylish and emotionally articulate directors .",
"... one of the greatest crime films of all time .",
"MOV heat has an intoxicating , seductive look and feel , and if viewers can check their brains at the door , it succeeds on a surface level .",
"as MOV progresses , its sensational looks pale beside storytelling weaknesses that expose the more soulless aspects of this cat-and-mouse crime tale .",
"it 's a gorgeous valentine to its three leads -- neither pacino , de niro nor los angeles has ever looked better -- that backs up its style with real substance .",
"the action , just like in any great film , is subservient to plot and characters .",
"the cast and the performances in MOV are awesome .",
"with a stellar cast including val kilmer and jon voight , MOV has it all including a great soundtrack full of tone-setting , ambient , and symphonic arrangements .",
"riveting cops-and-robbers tale .",
"this is a movie about chemistry , straight up .",
"-lsb- f -rsb- ans of the two stars will probably find it worth their while .",
"though it 's a tad too schematic , MOV , written and directed by michael mann , provides a venue for white-hot acting by de niro and pacino .",
"the cop / crime stuff that makes up the bulk of the movie is well thought out and well directed .",
"MOV generates lots of energy but gives off little light .",
"powerful and compelling drama about two similiar men on the opposite sides of the law find themselves on a collision course .",
"with two veteran players like these it 's a tossup as to who plays the cop and who plays the bad guy",
"a quintessential cops and robbers face-off , with de niro and pacino superb in enemy roles .",
"michael mann works well with actors , but the film in general could have been tighter . it clocks at almost 3 hours , even though it 's not an epic .",
"michael mann and a superlative cast have taken a classic heist movie rife with familiar genre elements and turned it into a sleek , accomplished piece of work , meticulously controlled and completely involving .",
"michael mann 's writing and direction elevate this material . it 's not just an action picture .",
"taken altogether , mann does n't do anything particularly new , but with a subtly used supporting cast he combines everything into an unusually articulate action thriller .",
"MOV could have easily fallen into cop-robber cliches , but mann lifts it to a higher level with intense character development and interrelated plot lines ."
] | 1068182-heat | though al pacino and robert de niro share but a handful of screen minutes together , MOV is an engrossing crime drama that draws compelling performances from its stars -- and confirms michael mann 's mastery of the genre . | 13098 |
"as unwieldy a film as one can imagine , MOV mixes christian theology , classic western motifs , pure horror , glitzy special effects and modern superhero angst to deathly ill effect .",
"MOV works even less as a movie than it did as a comic book ... once you get past the cool concept and visuals of the character , there really is n't very much else there .",
"any potential the film had for making pop art in a contemporary manner is drained away by the familiar demands of second-tier action blockbusters .",
"MOV could have been good-bad , rather than just bad-bad .",
"that is n't brimstone we 're smelling on MOV . it 's something else .",
"the movie crashes and burns , in a perfect arc from so-bad-it 's - good to so-bad-it 's - still-bad .",
"` MOV ' has an estimated budget of $ 120 million . while the studio might have been willing to spend all that money on this dull flop , it 's reassuring that the rest of us do n't have to spend a penny on it .",
"the grab-bagginess of its failure is kind of endearing",
"it 's easy to imagine why cage would want to write a couple of his own lines . after all , you 'd tell dr. kevorkian you could take your own temperature , right ?",
"clever casting and top-notch effects ca n't fix a pandering , mass-audience-appeal script that refuses to let the spirit of vengeance fully out of his bottle .",
"this supernatural action/thriller ca n't decide whether it wants to go for laughs or chills , and some of the supposedly chilling moments are the silliest and most laughable ones .",
"the real evil in this flick is n't blackheart -lrb- wes bentley -rrb- , the devil 's son , it 's the soul-sucking devil of modern cinema : hollywood formula .",
"MOV would have been most fun had it been made for a dime by a roger corman-type outfit as a quickie gothic adventure spinning zane grey , faust and evel knievel .",
"marvel 's MOV has always been a thoroughly transparent , inorganic creation .",
"good pulp fiction is driven by the truths beneath the conventions . prefab junk runs on contempt for fans , with a layer of goodies and gimmicks on top .",
"this comic book adaptation is likely to flame out fast .",
"an unholy mess .",
"spectacularly forged in the fires of cinematic creativity , MOV is also spectacularly silly , cheesy and a tad infantile .",
"MOV has everything you do n't want from your superhero movie , including lack of logic , boring action scenes , bad acting in the supporting performances , a brutally slow 114-minute running time and cringe-worthy dialogue .",
"every supporting character phones it in .",
"... often looks like the cheesiest biker tattoo to ever grace bulging , leather-accented biceps .",
"if you 're expecting no more than b-movie fun , it does deliver on that level . it 's often hilarious , and generally intentionally , too !",
"MOV is a comic fan 's celluloid nightmare . jokey to a fault and weighty as newsprint , it lives down to the negative attributes attached to the comic book film tag .",
"i kept hoping the scooby doo gang would come out , rip the mask off of cage and reveal MOV really is crazy old man ben affleck ! that would explain so much .",
"though the film may feel effortless , by the same token it also feels as if it 's not trying at all .",
"outside of maybe x-men 's jubilee , i ca n't think of a comic character less deserving of the big-screen treatment than MOV . but what do i know ? maybe the idea of nic cage in unyielding biker leather sounded good on paper .",
"the first guilty pleasure of 2007 .",
"when MOV ended , infectious widespread laughter and comments of ridicule broke out in the theater . that is probably not the reaction director mark steven johnson was aiming for , but it was well-warranted .",
"there 's little reason for some of these champions of justice to see the glory of the big screen . ladies and gentlemen , i give you MOV .",
"all too often , it dips into dour drama and schmaltzy romance .",
"although MOV would n't necessarily qualify as a ` good ' movie , it does have a few wonderfully goofy moments squeezed in between a lot of unspectacular visual effects and ho-hum plot points .",
"MOV is n't good but if you catch the spirit of it , it 's not terrible .",
"MOV is a joke -- a monumentally foolish comic book movie with lots of unintentional laughs , mixed in with the intentional ones .",
"its clear this director has sold his soul to a bunch of special effects wizards who certainly supply the hardware but drown out the human element .",
"this is one of those `` turn-off-your-brain-and-enjoy-the-ride type things , and such it works rather well .",
"this is one beguiling ride .",
"is this the best they could do with a fiery , chopper-riding skeleton that punishes the wicked -- put him in chase scenes and have him duke it out with other supernatural beings ? what a wasted opportunity .",
"what should be scuzzy , goofy fun becomes morose , off-key dreck in the hands of writer/director mark steven johnson .",
"call this the legend of the 500-mile pothole .",
"for years scientists have theorized that one day nicolas cage would overact so badly that his head would burst into flames . now , with MOV , the phenomenon has finally come to pass .",
"... damned if this one should n't make your so-bad-it 's - good list ...",
"for a movie that places so much emphasis on the soul , MOV is conspicuously devoid of one .",
"the misguided rag tag ramblings of MOV will simply wipe away from one 's memory bank faster than a chintzy ink-stained tattoo on a sweaty forearm .",
"you would n't want to slam back shots of tequila without licking the salt and sucking the lime . -lsb- do n't -rsb- see MOV without being ready for some comic book cheese .",
"so far this year 's crop of films have all been sort of drab , kind of depressingly boring , and just eh . . this is the first purely fun , if not cheesy stupid , movie of the year . i do n't know if it 's good but it 's a hell of a ride .",
"if cage made a deal with the devil to never make a good movie ever again , MOV completes his transition from a-list star to industry punchline .",
"an abysmal excuse of a film featuring nicolas cage 's worst performance yet and only marginally improving on the spawn formula .",
"the movie has the look and feel of a western . the final showdown is in a ghost town in the desert .",
"MOV fails for the same reason every bad movie does : poor storytelling and bad acting .",
"MOV as a whole adopts cage 's personality , which means it 's watchable but seems to be kidding around a lot .",
"... MOV still manages to be a pretty enjoyable diversion if you do n't hold it under close scrutiny . or better yet , any scrutiny . -lrb- extended cut -rrb-",
"easily joins the ranks of ... throw-away superhero movies made for a quick buck .",
"at nearly two hours , MOV is a little long for a guilty pleasure .",
"director mark steven johnson is infinitely less concerned with exploring blaze 's smoldering , soul-deprived isolation than he is infatuated with the character 's skull - 'n' - bones imagery .",
"it 's not a complete wash , a la catwoman , but it ai n't far off .",
"bad fun if you 're in the right mood , and a large part of the credit goes to nicolas cage .",
"johnson might have diverted some of his cgi budget to hire a writer to come up with a story with some internal logic -- then he could match the effects to the story rather than vice versa .",
"seeing MOV is like going to saturday matinee serials at the rialto eons ago . it 's a fanciful , puerile experience -- a fun day out for 9-year olds . MOV is a ridiculous melange of cheesy effects , talentless extras , corny plot and insi",
"cage needs to produce something special next to make up for crimes against cinema .",
"it all seems so wearyingly old fashioned : teenage delinquents on motorbikes , creaky incarnations of satan , a rock 'n' roll take on dangerous cool .",
"ignore the cheesy dialogue , the cardboard cut-out villains and the atrociously ott acting and just enjoy a good old-fashioned tale of heroes and villains the way the comic-books used to tell 'em .",
"best lines ? `` is this thing ever gon na end ? '' `` not even close . '' `` i shore wish this thang coulda turned out different . ''",
"if nicolas cage were n't a goofball with a hunky physique and droll wit , this marvel-comic-to-big-screen adaptation would have no torque at all .",
"shamelessly cribs from the `` spawn '' film .",
"the worst adaptation of a marvel comics hero yet .",
"by any real-world standard , this is a stupid piece of junk . but it 's very good at being a stupid piece of junk .",
"MOV fails for the same reason every bad movie does : poor storytelling and bad acting .",
"you know if you 're into this stuff , and if you are , MOV is fine .",
"MOV reportedly cost $ 120 million to make . but the resulting cheesy cgi effects , bad sets and music and mugging by the actors , especially cage , suggest you spent your life 's savings and ended up with a yugo .",
"neither contemptuous of its audience nor merely stupid , MOV 's nonsensical histrionics are an almost perfect mirror of its comic-book source .",
"MOV is the kind of movie that 's great stupid fun as long as someone else is buying the tickets .",
"MOV is very much a movie for 9 year olds that feels like it was made by a 9 year old . even 14 or 15 year olds will feel too old for what passes as cool or dark in this edge-of-camp movie .",
"the best that can be said about this movie , which is quite bad , is that it 's not a complete surprise .",
"seriously , people , if you 're going to go see a movie you know is about a biker with a flaming skull and magic chains , you forfeit the right to complain about how the plot is n't logical or realistic .",
"the movie could have been saved , though , if it had cut the puns of the kind that made us all flee batman and robin .",
"you would have to be somewhere beyond deep-geek to defend MOV 's unholy melding of religious mumbo-jumbo to motorcycle worship , western folklore , father-son psychology , and elvis lives wish fulfillment .",
"it 's ridiculous , likable , with some pleasing reminders of the blade movies .",
"grand , empty gestures and loads of cgi effects ca n't cover up pure schlock . even the character 's iconically cool trademarks -- a flaming skull and a fiery chopper -- are reduced to velveeta slices . no , damn you , sir .",
"no skimpily dressed satan-worshipping babes like in the original comics , alas ...",
"when blaze explains that he may not have a soul but he still has spirit , it 's a little like saying , `` i may have no heart , but i do have an organ in my chest that pumps blood through my body . ''",
"full review in greek",
"cage has to collect satan 's unpaid debts , meaning that he becomes a demon biker with a flaming skull for a head - and that 's about it for this one-note film .",
"there 's nothing here that you have n't seen previously in much better comic book movies .",
"the tagline for the new `` MOV '' movie promises that `` hell is about to be unleashed ! '' actually , that might be an understatement . after seeing the movie , some might question whether it was the apocalypse that was unleashed .",
"an oddly beguiling mixture of horror movie , biker flick , pulp faust legend , redemption melodrama and western , featuring quite astonishing special effects .",
"sometimes it sizzles . sometimes it 's a pale shadow of the comic book .",
"nicolas cage really hits one out of the park !",
"critics attempt to critique films like MOV with a straight face , but it never works out . that 's why i 'm going to just come out and say it : MOV is a hell of a lot of fun to watch .",
"the movie quickly devolves into a tiresome f/x spectacle , but cage approaches the material with a gonzo sincerity that 's strangely magnificent .",
"nic cage seems comfortable in the role of the flaming-skulled biker , but the plot holes are too deep even for his herbie-like arachnid motorcycle to negotiate .",
"t 's fun in places , but the second you 're out the cinema , MOV vanishes from memory in a big puff of smoke .",
"fonda is smart casting as mephistopheles , while sultry mendes is topnotch eye-candy .",
"the self-conscious ` quirkiness ' is painful : nicolas cage plays johnny blaze as a homespun dunce who ` drinks ' jelly beans from a martini glass , listens exclusively to the carpenters , and busts a gut laughing at chimpanzee slapstick on tv .",
"the plot is as corny as a country and western song .",
"as comic book movies go , this delivers pretty much everything you could expect from a film about a guy with a flaming skull for a head .",
"yet another comic book adaptation that goes up in flames before our very eyes .",
"a blockbuster that offers enough quirky pleasures to feel fresh and unpredictable .",
"by the time our hero has finally relaxed into his leathers , there 's little time left to wrap up the main story , which is some forgettable stuff about the devil 's progeny -lrb- a googly-eyed wes bentley -rrb- trying to take over the world .",
"... undoubtedly one of the worst comic book adaptations to hit theaters since the genre 's recent resurgence ...",
"nicolas cage is the film 's only saving grace in a welter of cheesy -lrb- but accurate to the imagery of the marvel series -rrb- special effects and dialogue .",
"what campy fun this could have been .",
"the movie settles for cursory , disconnected allusions that do n't exactly build character -lrb- cage does some more elvis impersonating and elliott looks plenty leathery -rrb- .",
"a pulpy cinematic comic book for teenage boys or adult males with arrested development . next time , hopefully , they 'll go for a ghost writer .",
"mainly the movie 's about riding a bike at the speed of sound while your head is burning . they can do anything these days , which is n't quite the same as saying they should do anything these days .",
"let 's face it , the appeal lies in the preposterous nature of all this -- and in cage 's truly bizarre performance .",
"it 's an okay movie -- you know , for what it is .",
"a sodden , listless mess that would n't thrill even the most ardent hot topic enthusiast .",
"this is the type of film for which the actors involved carefully describe it in press junkets and interviews as `` a lot of fun '' rather than good .",
"not as dreadful as the studio 's decision to withhold press screenings until less than 24 hours before opening day would suggest , but not especially good either .",
"crappy comic , worse movie ... joins albert pyun 's captain america at the bottom of the marvel barrel .",
"a classic example of style over substance , a usually negative criticism that works fine here . `` MOV '' is second tier marvel , played fast and flashy .",
"the story does n't arc so much as unspool like a stretch of desert highway , but the MOV is such a powerful amalgam of hot-rod iconography that this is still fairly watchable .",
"provides just enough pop thrills and slam-bang action to make it perfectly acceptable matinee fare .",
"so much flatter than it was on the comic-book page .",
"surprised as i am to concede it , MOV smokes .",
"it 's not quite a thrill ride but it is n't a total embarrassment for cage . it 's certainly no worse than wicker man , which depicted the actor chasing hippie chicks in a bear suit .",
"rarely in hollywood have so many labored so hard with so much time and such financial resources to fill a movie screen with as vast an array of spiritual gibberish , literary poppycock and pure flummery as mark steven johnson 's MOV .",
"the blank , frenetic exhaustion of the final reel acts like a kid who tries to snap out of a candy-binge coma by snorting lines of pixy stix .",
"anyone who knows the character from the comics will be disappointed . anyone outside a head-banging 13-year-old will be laughing their asses off .",
"is the world ready for a flaming nicolas cage ?",
"it 's much more of a campy good time than you 'd expect ...",
"what begins as a standard-yet-watchable superhero adventure slowly congeals into something approaching the caliber of catwoman . not as bad , but kinda knocking on the doorstep .",
"i 'm not a comic book aficionada but i liked gr . who was that bewigged 30 year old pretending to be nic cage ?",
"a by-the-numbers hammy superhero caper that reaches new levels of blandness .",
"if MOV wanted to fetch something of value , he should have been out there looking for a better script .",
"one blazing wake of destruction after another is pretty much the meat of this cgi roller coaster ride that sticks with you about as long as the popcorn you get at the multiplex",
"it 's a ride worth taking .",
"whoever the inept mark steven johnson had to sell his soul to in order to get put in charge of two big comic book adaptations , i hope it was worth it .",
"nicolas cage wangs it up with a not-so-subtle elvis impersonation as johnny blaze , the comic book hero who transforms into a flaming skeleton bounty hunter for the devil .",
"` i 've always wanted scott baio 's scalp from charles in charge , and now i have it , ' said nick .",
"MOV had some excellent one-liners , comedic breaks , and enough excitement to keep me wondering when and where the next battle might ensue .",
"only when the flaming skeleton strides his fiery bike does the film hit high gear which , admittedly , is often enough to make this a passably diverting two hours ."
] | ghost_rider | MOV is a sour mix of morose , glum histrionics amidst jokey puns and hammy dialogue . | 364555500 |
"the photography is so spectacular that the accompanying disney-ization of wildlife is forgiven .",
"a visually and aurally stunning film that brings viewers up close and very personal with several `` big cat '' families - as well as a dazzling array of other safari-esque species - living in kenya 's sprawling masai mara national reserve .",
"another disneynature triumph , especially if you are a fan of these cool cats .",
"astounding wildlife footage is given a kid-friendly narrative hook , but never overly cuddlified , in keith scholey 's MOV .",
"if it maintains a superficially manipulative façade , the film remains committed to addressing the harsh realities of existence on the plains .",
"the film 's incredible visual intimacy is its undeniable selling point .",
"it 's not a put-down of the darker and more straightforward `` last lions '' to suggest `` cats '' is to `` lions '' what poetry is to prose .",
"the filmmakers ' adherence to standard nature doc formula can probably be forgiven due to solid storytelling and filmmaking .",
"blame whoever decided to scrap cold scientific reality for warm mommy-and-her-precious-cubs heartwarmth .",
"the hd footage of the lions and cheetahs -- and the rest of the kenyan wildlife -- is consistently stunning . but MOV should n't be taken seriously as a nature doc by anyone over the age of eight .",
"kids will love `` MOV , '' which is full of `` aw '' moments . their parents will appreciate that narrator samuel l. jackson keeps things from getting too schmaltzy in this true-life depiction of the circle of life .",
"one has to wonder if the script was written first , then the footage was filmed to make that script come to life , instead of the other way around .",
"`` MOV , '' while often adorable and at times gripping , is more of a tv-ready experience .",
"perhaps it 's not perfect science , respectful of essential circle of life study , but the overall effect creates a cinematic determination the feature would n't otherwise enjoy .",
"creatively mishandled to the point of making a mockery of its own brand .",
"to me , this feels like the 21st century version of the true-life adventures in a way that absolutely deserves the disney name on it .",
"... fascinating nature photography .",
"a really odd choice of subject matter for a children 's documentary .",
"like so many family-targeting animal documentaries since march of the penguins , this one tells a story of parents and children .",
"it 's this emphasis on the animals ' fates and ordeals , however , that renders this stunningly photographed film a specious work of zoological observation .",
"anyone who enjoys looking at these magnificent felines from a safe distance should enjoy the show .",
"this g-rated disney documentary about two wild feline `` families '' plays like saw for six-year-olds .",
"MOV succeeds despite its narrative weakness . it features gorgeous close-ups of all kinds of animals ; the images and sounds are worth the price of the ticket alone .",
"a beautiful family film that reveals the story of two families , a lion pride and a cheetah mom trying to raise and protect her incredibly adorable cubs .",
"it is beautifully and intimately captured with brilliant close-ups and crystal clear slow-motion .",
"this is one of those movies where everything comes together and works to make a perfect outing for `` earth day '' . it is must-see for the entire family .",
"it 's kiplingesque nursery ethology , and one distrusts the editing .",
"the clarity of the footage is often breathtaking ; watching the mother cheetah setting off on a run will have your own heart pounding in expectation .",
"-lsb- g -rsb- orgeously photographed , astonishingly intimate ... we have never seen lions and cheetahs like this before ; you wo n't believe it can have been possible for cameras to get so close without disturbing the animals they 're watching ...",
"the film is relatively bloodless and appropriate for all ages",
"of course the photography is second to none - no sense of hidden cameras here , more a feeling of cranes and on-set catering .",
"some nice moments here , but this is a film that looks like a kids ' tv featurette from an earlier age .",
"it is beautifully shot - the super slo-mo scenes of sita running are amazing .",
"a great story , shot throughout with infinite patience .",
"providing a feast of kills , confrontations and capering cubs while keeping on-screen gore to a minimum , nature lovers of all ages will get their fill .",
"an attempt the dramatise the animal world which just feels cheap and unworkable . a drag .",
"the struggle for survival in kenya of a wild cheetah and her newborns and an elderly lioness and her cub .",
"it 's deeply involving and primally moving .",
"far too often , MOV feels episodic in its structure . rather than featuring a driving , compelling narrative , it 's : cheetah vs. gazelle . and then : hyena vs. cheetah . and then : lion vs. crocodile . who will win ???",
"that MOV baldly assigns human personality traits to its feline stars is no surprise ; what 's shocking is that a nature documentary narrated by samuel l. jackson could be so bland .",
"no doubt , life is tough in the wild but , this being a disney flick , it 's loving too and even comes with a kiddie-friendly narrative that 's easy to summarize and hard to dispute .",
"`` MOV '' prefers less preaching and more heartstring-tugging . it works , of course , especially if you 're trying to raise your own cubs to adulthood .",
"the characters in the latest disney film frequently attack each other , sometimes eat each other , and spend the whole time running around naked .",
"anyone with a fondness for bambinos of any species should melt at the sight of mamas with nuzzling cubs .",
"an attempt to make a live-action nature film with the same sort of emotional wallop as the legendary 1994 animated smash `` the lion king , '' `` MOV '' was doomed to come off as phony .",
"there are surely eight million stories on the naked plains , but `` MOV '' tells one : about lions and cheetahs and - oh , bambi ! - the power of mother love .",
"older kids and adults will certainly appreciate the cinematography and the majestic overview of life and death in the wild , but bring an ipod and listen to some ladysmith black mambazo instead of the overbearing voice-over .",
"MOV does n't quite do justice to its strange and remarkable subjects . it gets them ready for their close-ups , all right . but it stops short of seeing through to their souls .",
"the animals have names ; call it anthropomorphism if you like , but the cat families and their gripping adventures are all the more real to child viewers for that bit of familiarity .",
"this is a film i would eagerly watch again .",
"it 's beautiful to behold , but too fluffy to broaden younger minds .",
"an absolute must-see for fans of roar footage .",
"in the animal kingdom 's kill-or-be-killed world , the predators and prey are framed with a clarity and precision that would serve as an invaluable lesson to any aspiring cinematographer .",
"hats off to the camera operators who have captured some astonishing wildlife imagery .",
"the first entry in the disneynature series that 's pitched at youngsters rather than a general audience , despite some intense footage .",
"a wealth of visually stunning , strikingly intimate , and intensely dramatic footage of these creatures in their beautiful natural habitat .",
"the wildlife is beautifully photographed , and the film is stentorianally narrated by sir patrick stewart .",
"narrated by patrick stewart , this is beautifully shot if a tad toothless . nothing to upset tots .",
"under the direction of bbc wildlife documentary alums keith scholey and alastair fothergill , `` cats '' looks majestic throughout , even if its big stories are sometimes forced at the expense of fleeting , fascinating little details .",
"delightful to behold thanks to breathtaking photography that captures the beauty of the country and a simple story that everyone can enjoy .",
"a story-driven wildlife doc where creatures become characters with names so young audiences can appreciate the natural cycles of life -- and death -- in the animal world .",
"granted , not even morgan freeman could make the MOV narration endurable , but jackson really suffers his way through it , alternating between cloyingly overplaying things and rattling off sentences in a bored monotone .",
"this disneynature production can proudly take its place alongside walt 's finest live-action documentary features .",
"awesome footage , but how do you know what animals are thinking ?",
"it 's a solid hour and a half of intense stuff you do n't see every day .",
"not coincidentally , MOV opens on earth day . meeting these magnificent fellow creatures might be a fine way to celebrate .",
"imagine ten shirley temples singing `` animal crackers in my soup '' while pawing at rainbow-colored balls of yarn .",
"the ghetto narration would have us believe that the lives of MOV is not unlike the lives of ... people living in the ghetto ?"
] | african_cats | it is n't quite as majestic as its subjects , but MOV boasts enough astounding footage -- and a big enough heart -- to keep things entertaining . | 771036678 |
"one of the most ludicrous movies in years .",
"MOV is a truly scary flick .",
"this is one of those movies that 's more concerned with set design motivation than anything that 's going on inside the characters ' heads .",
"it does not take long to realize that there is a lot less here than meets the eye .",
"proyas floods the screen with cinematic and literary references ranging from murnau and lang to kafka and orwell , creating a unique yet utterly convincing world .",
"if you do n't fall in love with it , you 've probably never fallen in love with a movie , and never will .",
"city ultimately plays like one of those art-deco dystopian cd-rom adventures of recent years .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- stylish hybrid of futuristic thriller and film noir .",
"has all the visual punch of ... terry gilliam and david fincher , but lacks the narrative and thematic strength of either of those two .",
"such thin plotting is okay , because it 's the city itself that makes this film work .",
"the third act is totally clunky and hollywood and loud and silly - after the creepy elegance -lrb- overall -rrb- of the rest of the movie , the ending is an utter letdown .",
"um verdadeiro clбssico contemporвneo da ficзгo cientнfica , nos presenteia com um roteiro brilhante , uma fotografia impecбvel , uma direзгo de arte belнssima e , й claro , com questionamentos filosуsicos incrivelmente instigantes .",
"the sound and visuals of this movie are not to be missed on the big screen if at all possible .",
"MOV by alex proyas is a great visionary achievement , a film so original and exciting , it stirred my imagination like metropolis and 2001 : a space odyssey .",
"part film noir , part science fiction , part fantasy , and part psychotic dreamscape , MOV is a visual marvel of a cinematic experience .",
"the film holds up pretty well as a science fiction mystery as murdock and bumstead probe the mysteries of the MOV and uncover its secrets .",
"and now for something completely different .",
"in the annals of noir sci-fi , by any measure , this is a classic of cinematic invention .",
"the result of this excessive flitting is liable to be nausea and confusion among the audience , which is a shame since there is a clever story trying to get out .",
"... focused though -lsb- proyas -rsb- may be on providing a classic tale of the woes of conformity and the benefits of individuality , he succeeds principally in creating visual grandeur .",
"... looks good but leaves an unpleasant aftertaste .",
"... so relentlessly trippy in a fun-house sort of way that it could very easily inspire a daredevil cult of moviegoers who go back again and again to experience its mind-bending twists and turns .",
"MOV has as stunning a visual texture as that of any movie that i 've seen .",
"sewell can make it look like someone dropped a quarter into the surface of reality and is trying not to be killed by floating cenobite wannabes -lrb- tm -rrb- . so ?",
"and what happened in the theater after we all endured MOV ? one pair of hands applauded , and someone in the back of the theater yelled , ` oh , shut up ! '",
"part sci-fi thriller , part haunting 1940s film noir set piece , MOV has lots of pizzazz , but too little punch .",
"the film has a grip , an inexplicable attraction with its enormous energy and unique , all-embracing universe .",
"MOV is an intriguing mixture of science fiction and film noir .",
"a surprisingly haunting confection .",
"... throttles the adrenal glands with its constant , unnerving suspense .",
"a wonderfully complex and startlingly visionary epic . i love this movie .",
"it 's all about the amazing look , cobbled together from an astonishingly evocative range of sources : nosferatu and mad love , brazil and metropolis , a haunted mosaic of bits and pieces of movie memories .",
"MOV ... contains more philosophical and cinematic ideas in ten minutes than the last ten films i 've seen put together .",
"a metanarrative intrigue into those huge creative spaces",
"... a reminder of how sensuous a visual trip movie watching can be .",
"one of the most imaginative and creative films ever made .",
"e of the most breathtakingly spectacular looking films to come down the pike in some time . .",
"an unsettling depiction of reality as elusive and ephemeral .",
"complex , yet extremely compelling .",
"murdoch 's quandary proves surprisingly engrossing , the art direction is always striking , and unlike most contemporary sci-fi , the movie does risk a cerebral approach , tapping a vein of postmodern paranoia .",
"even if MOV is a little off-putting in its basic approach , there is a bounty of good things to be said about it .",
"the effects are breathtaking .",
"it is a film noir that is either for teenage boys , sci-fi fanatics or movie geeks . it wo n't appeal to many . but if you fit into one of the above categories you will fall in love with MOV .",
"it 's a bit overbearing the first time you experience it , but the film holds up under repeat viewings , revealing more and more complexity and coherence .",
"an almost really good movie lies somewhere in the stylish junkyard of alex proyas 's MOV .",
"the visuals are totally astonishing . practically every scene features impressive fx , and the direction is inventive .",
"it is all well and good that nobody has anything to laugh about in this movie , but the relentless gloom and frothing paranoia soon begin to drag on an earthly audience .",
"was `` the matrix '' before `` the matrix '' was ever in the pop culture lexicon ...",
"this apocalyptic tale of alien abduction , telekinesis , murder and love is an entertaining and fantastic journey .",
"overall , i must say that this film is one that i thoroughly enjoyed from frame one to frame last , and look very forward to watching it over and over again , with nachos by my side , and mind set to ` absorb . '",
"a mishmash of iconography lifted from better movies .",
"MOV trades in such weighty themes as memory , thought control , human will and the altering of reality , but is engaging mostly in the degree to which it creates and sustains a visually startling alternate universe .",
"MOV has all the gothic imagery and plot incoherence of a tim burton movie , without burton 's mad-scientist merriment .",
"mixes visual marvels with b-movie archetypes",
"this is a film with the texture of nightmare .",
"proyas has , perhaps unconsciously , created an allegory of his own industry , a manufacturer of banal dreams , emotional clichés , hackneyed artifacts , and high-tech hoo-hah designed to conceal the vacancy within and without .",
"... the movie is mostly style , but it 's a style so engrossing , it more than makes up for any lack of substance .",
"a visionary slice of visceral experience .",
"writer/director alex proyas needs to stop it with the writing and concentrate on making the pretty . he needs to find a good script and just direct it .",
"the experience of MOV is one that no film lover should miss ... seen now as it was intended after 10 long years of wandering in the shadows .",
"proyas assembles his inspirations into a unique amalgam with the power of myth to tap the fears and desires of our collective unconscious . -lsb- blu-ray -rsb-",
"when proyas is n't afraid of losing his audience , he 's afraid of boring them , which means that the climax of his psychological study becomes a ridiculously chaotic battle .",
"lots of style here , not nearly enough substance",
"a non-stop symphony of visual showstoppers , MOV is nightmarish science-fiction with style to spare .",
"... there 's no denying the wild imagery , unlike anything seen in a movie theater for some years .",
"... may be the most unique-looking film we 've seen in ages .",
"it is among the most memorable cinematic ventures in recent years .",
"proyas drenches each shot in a unique feel and delivers a movie with a visual sense with all the inventive , poetic power of ridley scott or terry gilliam firing on all cylinders .",
"MOV is a sci-fi/noir thriller that portends to deliver a message relating to the powers of the mind and the meaning of identity .",
"proyas has expanded his abilities on MOV , and has created a film that is much more ambiguous and full of more thought .",
"... proyas has crafted a vision distinctly his own .",
"... what counts here is the show , the creation of a strange world by a filmmaker who clearly knows science fiction and fantasy , past and present , and wants to share his love for it .",
"it 's an elaborate , beautifully choreographed set-piece based around an almost arrogantly bold premise ...",
"there seem to be two reactions to MOV . you either love it or you are unimpressed . count me as a ` love it . '",
"while the concept of memory altering is mind-boggling , the visuals bring it chillingly alive .",
"MOV is quite a rarity : it is both visceral and cerebral at once .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- stunningly visual smorgasbord of tenebrous eye-candy , all creeping shadows and urban malaise ."
] | dark_city | stylishly gloomy , MOV offers a polarizing whirl of arresting visuals and noirish action . | 13011 |
"you could watch it with the sound off and the plot would n't make any less sense than it does with it on .",
"MOV continues the mind-boggling trend of films that choose to justify their existence by piling on layer after layer of meaningless excess .",
"the pic oozes the charm and personality of an industrial film .",
"MOV is a direct-to-knucklehead release that refuses to bow out gracefully .",
"while the production was clearly expensive , and there is a splash of dazzle in the glossy visuals , the project stands as a monument to waste and extravagance .",
"MOV is the kind of movie where they spent so much on the fast cars they forgot to save any for acting lessons or screenplay rewrites .",
"well ... at least you can look at the cars .",
"yawn .",
"this is one of those movies in which virtually no one comes out unscathed .",
"the movie would play almost as a postmodern parody of 1960s drive-in fare if it were n't put forward with such a silly straight face .",
"a pg-13 celebration of hot chicks , fast cars , and deplorable behavior is like diet mountain dew , near-beer , or an expletive-free version of straight outta compton -- a tame , watered-down version of the real thing .",
"an idiotic action thriller , vanity project and testosterone-filled guilty pleasure whose sole purpose is to show off a fleet of million-dollar ferraris and lamborghinis belonging to fledgling movie mogul daniel sadek .",
"your typical brain dead racing flick ...",
"it 's not so much a film as a cheesy garage calendar scantily-clad , over-made up `` cheap '' women as hood-ornaments .",
"mindless auto racing film a drag for teens and up .",
"the whole thing is pretty stupid , but angus macfadyen is watchable as the villain .",
"do yourself a favor and stay home . griffin 's 21-second wrecking-the-enzo video on youtube is more exciting -lrb- and better directed , and better acted ... -rrb- than anything in MOV .",
"although the movie 's artistic merits are virtually nonexistent , sadek does understand his audience , most of whom are unlikely to be acquainted yet with two key aspects of the film : driver 's licenses and women .",
"looks like a music-video without the music -- sleek visuals , lots of things moving around the screen , girls posing , and guys dressed like it 's the 1980s . steer clear .",
"it 's hard to say whether gleaming automobiles or women 's bodies are given the more fetishlike treatment in this vanity production .",
"the movie MOV is all about surfaces , for young men with testosterone to burn .",
"the cars in the film are treated with more respect than the women .",
"the makers of this self-indulgent autopalooza take a ferrari engine , porsche speed , mercedes horsepower , and a shelby mustang chassis and somehow combine them into a yugo .",
"MOV is n't exactly a car wreck , mainly because it 's far less exciting and you can , in fact , look away .",
"everything you 'd expect it to be , and yet so much less : less character development , less believability , and most unforgivably , less escapist entertainment .",
"MOV mostly feels like one long stunt intercut with the boring parts of a porn movie ."
] | redline | MOV has plenty of bad acting , laughable dialogue , and luxury cars . | 671223000 |
"please let 's pull the plug on this insanely over-promoted , over-rated horror brand .",
"despite some nifty japanese style tricks and ghostly illusions this is n't scary . it 's muddled , same-old mayhem , just with a more international cast going crazy .",
"the MOV , takashi shimizu 's wildly uneven but ambitious new film -- his second american remake -- is one of the best entries in the japanese director 's ju-on/grudge series .",
"we 're treated to almost every ghosting and gruesome dispatch from the first film , just in a different order .",
"even my pathological love of japan and its beauties , glories and eccentricities is sorely tested by the MOV , from takashi shimizu , a movie so bewildering and impenetrable that i believe it siphoned off a good 40 iq points .",
"this particular grudge proves too pointless to bear .",
"the MOV does n't even try to make sense ... the grudge just starts going after anyone it darn well wants to , and people are getting all grudged for no reason .",
"if you have your unholy and unstoppable spirits crawling out of photo developing solution to chill the crowd , maybe this series should 've quit while it was ahead .",
"like the grudge before it , there are multiple plots here , but this time they are more tenuously related .",
"if the hollywood remake of the ring spawned a short-lived interest in so-called `` j-horror , '' the MOV ought to finally end it .",
"shimizu has mastered the american art of pandering to a target demographic .",
"the film feels more like several small , disconnected pieces thrown together rather than a satisfying whole .",
"it 's the revenge of the gray people and this time everyone will hold a grudge because they 've made this same movie 3 times now and it still is n't worth seeing .",
"a needlessly complicated , totally redundant follow-up to a mediocre original .",
"there are a couple of good jumps here and there , but we 've seen this all before . and the creepy , dead girl , having been infinitely parodied -lrb- especially in scary movie 4 -rrb- , does n't seem quite so creepy anymore .",
"the only place takashi does n't stuff his powdery ghosts is up a cheerleader 's skirt , surprising since there are so many of them readily available .",
"if there 's anything more pointless than a sequel that simply duplicates its predecessor 's story and characters , it 's a review of that sequel .",
"everything that made the grudge original , unique and terrifying falls flat in the MOV .",
"all movies like the MOV leave us with is a sense of bored futility .",
"for all intents and purposes , the MOV is a parody of itself and the most recent wave of japanese horror .",
"more abstract art than conventional horror cinema , it 's more interested in parsing the idea of repetition , the basis and method of revenge .",
"it 's hard to know where to begin with this sorry sequel , because when it was over , i felt like i had n't actually seen a movie . everything about it just evaporates immediately .",
"with newfound freedom , the grudge-bearing specter is soon all over the place , shedding her long hair in various shower stalls and clogging drains on a global level .",
"what 's a bad sequel but a revenant soul doomed to repeat itself ?",
"i 'm not sure what fans see in these movies but , whatever it is , here it is again in `` MOV . ''",
"vapid , silly and about as scary as an adam sandler film .",
"some unsettling moments here , but the evil ghost itself is a predictable one-trick pony .",
"like its progenitor , the MOV is filled with defective light bulbs , scummy bath water and camera work that makes even teenage flesh look mottled .",
"chen 's bizarre , wooden acting -- full of awkward pauses -- only emphasizes just how awful susco 's script really is .",
"tiresome , repetitive , ominously boring ...",
"very little about the plot actually makes sense , but who needs logic when you 've got a creepy ghost child and his banshee mom lurking around ?",
"takashi shimizu telegraphs scares to the point of numbness . peek under a table ? there 's the boy ! the room a bit too quiet , is it ? it 's the girl ! all that 's frightening are the actors ' pained facial expressions , suggesting an epidemic of farty indigestion .",
"it 's a random series of attempted frights that fails at every turn .",
"seven films later , with the conventions of throat croaking and neck cracking having moved into camp , it 's amazing that shimizu can still find new ways to turn the old screw .",
"repetition is the death of horror .",
"pale-faced , staring , mute japanese kids strike back .",
"... nothing more than a needless rehash of its predecessor ...",
"full review in greek",
"the MOV starts out ridiculous , then gets boring , then irritating .",
"every moment of intended terror becomes a slapstick gem , carefully constructed boo frights hit with the hilarity of lucille ball stepping on a rake",
"... lazy , unimaginative storytelling that tries to fool the audience into thinking it 's clever .",
"these days , spinach is scarier than anything that unfolds in `` the MOV . '' the film is such a waste , it could have benefited from the inspired and truthful title found in the recent `` jackass '' movie . `` the grudge number two '' comes closer to the mark .",
"if i was a ghost trapped in this movie , i 'd be pretty angry too .",
"if shimizu 's aging idea of rage-made wraiths were true , caterwauling critics would be crawling all over the multiplex right about now .",
"story is incidental , as auds merely anticipate the scares .",
"the more grudge films you see , the more the rules in this universe are unveiled as totally random -- to the point where you stop caring .",
"the MOV merely confirms that the series -lrb- and , perhaps , the j-horror genre as a whole -rrb- has finally run its course",
"the MOV is just a mélange of images , some mildly disturbing , but mostly just variations on a theme : an unblinking eye , a spectral presence lurking in a dark corner , a sexy schoolgirl in uniform .",
"far from a horror fright-fest , the MOV generates laughs instead of the intended chills .",
"for legitimate frights that do n't rely on gore , MOV fits the bill . just do n't go in expecting to make sense out of the convoluted story , because there is n't any .",
"it is a testament to the power of filmmaking that even a waste of time like MOV can raise a slew of interesting questions to keep you thinking for a long time after leaving the theatre .",
"`` the MOV '' has no substance , no suspense , numerous fade-outs , and finally no explanation . better to rent the original .",
"while -lsb- the MOV -rsb- deserves some credit for creating and sustaining a creepy atmosphere , it does n't matter much when the plot does n't go anywhere .",
"i mean , for all i know , i could be cursed for just watching this nonsense . wait , what 's that under my desk ?",
"just a quick scare and then back to the nonsensical and diluted story .",
"shimizu actually behaves as if he 's making a good movie , flexing his stylistic muscles such that you 're still jumping at ghost-moments long after you 've been conditioned to expect them .",
"rather than following the story of the japanese sequel ju-on 2 , the english-language MOV is based on an original script by stephen susco . unfortunately , there is n't much about it that feels all that original .",
"japanese director shimizu may be the only director in history to have helmed a pair of hollywood remakes of his two biggest hit films and managed to screw up both of them .",
"these films are popular with teenagers who have n't seen it all before , who do n't see every jump scare coming a mile off .",
"takako fuji and ohga tanaka , as the ghosts , do mtv movie award-caliber work by just crouching in a phone booth .",
"it is n't a bad movie , just a redundant one .",
"the horrific child with huge eyes and the pale waif with a curtain of black hair continue to torment the innocent by appearing unpleasantly under desks and in reflections .",
"... yet another american remake ... of an incomprehensible japanese horror film ...",
"consequently , the MOV is ruthlessly uneventful and as generically scary as stale pumpkin pie two weeks removed from a sedate halloween party .",
"MOV is such a complete rehash of its predecessor that it 's likely that those who have n't seen the original -lrb- american or japanese versions -rrb- will enjoy the sequel more than those who have .",
"it basically repeats the events of the first film with some roles reversed and perversions intensified . for all its visual audacity , the MOV is quite predictable in its pattern of behavior .",
"this ghost makes zombies look like olympic sprinters .",
"the movie is utter junk , suitable perhaps for late-night tv , but not for the thousands of big screens on which it opened yesterday .",
"do n't know about you , but i 've seen enough weird women with long hair and heard enough of those screechy violins and atonal sound effects to last a lifetime .",
"low calorie horror , it 's propped up by set-piece shocks familiar from any of the other five incarnations of ju-on : the grudge ."
] | grudge_2 | a diminished sequel that makes even less sense than the grudge 1 . | 314387262 |
"-lsb- wilson 's -rsb- phenomenal performance as a family man undone by sexual and financial temptation is more than this movie deserves .",
"... the picture is never not engaging , and it certainly has its moments .",
"gallo has the start of a good story here , but he ca n't find an original way to explore it .",
"MOV is an anxious film , but not in a good way , in that it does n't generate suspense so much as dread .",
"director george gallo embraces the gamey porn scene with gusto : there 's oodles of nudity , of course -lrb- and lots of over-inflated breastage -rrb- .",
"this very well-acted , often amusing and dirty-minded hard-r film still stands out in a sea of market-driven blandness .",
"take away the nudity and sleaze , and at its heart MOV is about billing . no wonder it needed all the jiggling .",
"MOV would be lucky to rise to the median of a list of the films released in 2010 . it 's actually pretty far below `` middle . ''",
"gallo 's self-consciously overstated direction feeds the impression that he 's trying to remake goodfellas ... can we all agree by now that the use of `` sympathy for the devil '' in crime pictures ought to be outlawed ?",
"-lsb- s -rsb- poradically satisfying ... if this tale of rags to riches to major felonies has a familiar feel to it , it 's that it feels scorsese-lite ...",
"-lsb- a -rsb- frenetic jumble of subplots and sleazy characters ...",
"think boogie nights meets casino , though it 's not likely to make the lasting impression of either seminal film .",
"relentlessly sleazy but undeniably intriguing .",
"sharply observed but poorly helmed and unevenly acted , this gross and sordid account of the early days of internet porn claims to be based on a factual story but its true inspiration is boogie nights , paul thomas anderson 's masterpiece .",
"sex , lies and mastercard . an irreverent , strictly behind the scenes tabloid peep show about those thankfully unsung guys who perpetrated the online porn revolution , without ever taking their clothes off .",
"luke wilson 's terrific performance renders an uneasy hybrid of crime drama , comedy and ecommerce far more compelling than it otherwise would be .",
"is jack , who is patterned on a real-life character , sociopathic or just plain clueless ? gallo does n't seem to care . he cares about parading before us lowlifes living the high life .",
"trust me when i say there is too much story here for a film that runs just over 100 minutes .",
"if it were n't for james caan 's shyster las vegas lawyer , the whole , um , pornucopia would be a complete waste of time . best to think of this as middling men .",
"what could have been a complex portrait of a flawed man dealing with the perils of success ends up far less interesting .",
"inspired by the reputed experiences of the film 's producer , MOV casts its protagonist in a suspiciously flattering light ... fortunately wilson brings enough dark and disreputable shades to the character for the film to work .",
"save yourself the trouble of watching it and just check out goodfellas instead .",
"considering the naughty subject matter , MOV is a shockingly dull affair .",
"... a film that ca n't make up its mind what it wants to be : a comedy , a melodrama , a crime thriller , or a documentary .",
"zealously nasty fun which , surprisingly , ends on something of a note of upbeat grace and familial redemption ...",
"kind of a mess .",
"MOV spins one heck of a yarn , so crazy it must be true .",
"there 's too much scorsese-izing , and all the characters with the exception of wilson and ramsey 's illicit lovers look as if they were drawn by a fifteen-year-old .",
"far from a classic and wo n't tug at your heartstrings , but it manages to be captivating from top to bottom with a refreshingly sharp and funny screenplay , a great ensemble cast and a lively soundtrack .",
"mr. gallo , for his part , is content to decorate a fairly conventional , intermittently entertaining crime chronicle with a bit of skin and a soupçon of pop sociology . there must be other ways to learn about pornography on the internet .",
"i never got the feeling gallo and company figured out how to compress and focus their stories .",
"with outstanding performances from a brilliant ensemble cast , MOV turns out to be wickedly entertaining with some of the best acting you will see all year .",
"hampered mightily by luke wilson 's casting , MOV has energy and some sleazy fun around its edges , but critically fails to locate a sincere lasting feeling , be it titillation or trepidation .",
"pretty much proffers everything you can want in a film based on the upstart company that brought porn to a computer screen near you .",
"professional fixer tries to protect two creeps who helped develop internet porn from predatory gangsters and crooks . mixed-up morality tale should have had more impact .",
"what was meant to be a wild ride through the seedy underbelly of the early internet instead becomes a tepid wallow amid a slew of unsavory but resolutely uninteresting characters .",
"a squandered opportunity to tell what may have been an interesting story .",
"the rise of online porn is simply the hook for a thoroughly rote mixed-up-with-the-mob drama that overdoes all the obvious cliches",
"it is more proof that the influence of tv-style superficiality -- undramatic pacing , routine imagery -- has ruined the imagination of both filmgoers and filmmakers .",
"a highly entertaining , flawed , ripped-off-and-reassembled carnival of sleaze .",
"it builds to a dud of a climax and , ultimately rises and falls -lrb- more often , falling -rrb- on the performance by luke wilson .",
"so pushy and distracted it may as well have pop-up ads .",
"a colorful supporting cast gives this uneven internet porn saga a potent boost .",
"this one 's coming in under the radar . keep an eye out ... best of all is wilson , digging into his juiciest role in years .",
"even without much character development , the compelling story holds , mostly due to wilson .",
"packed with more voice-over narration than a docent 's tour of the metropolitan museum , `` MOV '' is formulaic to a fault .",
"sex , lies and mastercard . an irreverent , strictly behind the scenes tabloid peep show about those thankfully unsung guys who perpetrated the online porn revolution , without ever taking their clothes off .",
"this inspired-by-a-true-story film about the birth of internet porn is giddily sleazy , full of convincing crazies and criminals , as well as the scumbags and wannabes who surround them .",
"perhaps it 's inevitable that this cranked-up drama wants it both ways .",
"` MOV ' may not have the action and slapstick comedy that one expects to see this late in the summer , but the film is filled with zest and actually worth exploring ."
] | middle_men | MOV benefits from a solid cast , particularly luke wilson , but its muddled script lets them down . | 770809186 |
"muddled but fascinating",
"also-ran spielberg at best , a would-be blockbuster that no one likes at worst .",
"who wants to spend over two hours with a peter pan who screams , ` do n't mess with me , i 'm a lawyer ! '",
"all spielberg achieved is an impressive production design ; in every other department , he 's profoundly wasted talent , material , and time .",
"in the end , MOV is n't great or terrible , but it 's both - a film that has some wonderful moments , and some really awful ones",
"you just have to appreciate its creative angle toward peter pan and his world .",
"a clumsy mishmash of a comedy .",
"`` peter pan '' redo has its moments with hoffman and williams .",
"MOV is overwhelmed by a screenplay heavy with complicated exposition , by what are , in effect , big busy nonsinging , nondancing production numbers and some contemporary cant about rearing children and the high price paid for success .",
"with all the money and talent and hype that went into this film , it should have been a lot better , but it is entertaining enough to rate a passing grade , especially for robin williams fans .",
"the exposition is so underlined and re-underlined , you could teach yourself to fly waiting for something to happen .",
"here we get the uncanny suspicion that MOV was written and directed according to the famous recipe of the country preacher who told the folks what he was going to tell them , told them , and then told them what he had told them .",
"MOV breaks the cardinal rule of j.m. barrie 's timeless fantasy -- it grows up .",
"this enormous wheeze comes over like the proverbial movie with a 40 million dollar set and a five cent script , which may hold its interest for under-fives but will leave most others cold .",
"one of spielberg 's rare and true misfires . it 's weirdly creepy when it 's not being bombastically boring .",
"no matter how much cash MOV earns , it will take more than pixie dust to fly this overstuffed package into our dreams .",
"bottom of the barrel spielbergiana",
"spielberg gives in to his worst tendencies , and turns peter pan into a day-glo mess .",
"it should have been great but it just does n't have enough magic dust to fly .",
"longo e cansativo , `` MOV '' é a prova de que o nome de spielberg nem sempre implica em um bom filme de fantasia .",
"big , splashy , energetic , one-size-fits-all hollywood entertainment .",
"it 's worth a look . but overall , MOV feels like an exercise in cynicism .",
"the movie is a strong reminder of the freedom of youth and the quest for pure adventure , one that looks to the stars and sees the possibilities are as bright as a child 's own imagination ."
] | hook | the look of MOV is lively indeed but steven spielberg directs on autopilot here , giving in too quickly to his sentimental , syrupy qualities . | 10209 |
"if you want to put your kids in the mood for christmas , or just put the fear of being naughty in them - this is the movie to see . you might just get a little enjoyment yourself .",
"playful and light-hearted , the story is a kids ' delight and bearable for parents , too , as long as you do n't mind plot holes you could fly a sleigh through and plenty of goofy mugging for the camera .",
"more of the same tinsel-draped malarkey that made the original film into a big hit , but it 's more engaging , assured and funny , and i liked it more .",
"has plenty of ingenious takes on north pole mythology to skate over the rough spots of a scattered script .",
"there 's just not enough of that old corny ho-ho-ho in MOV to make it a qualified holiday hit .",
"what soured me on MOV was that santa bumps up against 21st century reality so hard , it 's icky .",
"the film has a nearly terminal case of the cutes , and it 's neither as funny nor as charming as it thinks it is .",
"not so much funny as aggressively sitcom-cute , it 's full of throwaway one-liners , not-quite jokes , and a determined tv amiability that allen personifies .",
"allen , with hardworking charm , single-handedly saves it from family-values monotony .",
"like most disney releases , santa clause 2 is a conflagration of trite family film clichés and , as such , is logically , emotionally and spiritually wrong .",
"MOV is chock full of heartwarming holiday cheer .",
"amazingly , the film juggles all the elements well without being messy , instead playing fair and tying up all the loose ends .",
"the script for sc2 ... is not perfect , but with allen 's help it delivers more hits than misses .",
"... stocks itself with unoriginal and cheap slapstick violence , cloying performances and ridiculously forced sight gags and smirking jokes that would n't melt a snow flake on a sears hotplate",
"sitcom-level predictability and treacle .",
"this one deserves a `` bah humbug . ''",
"fun for those for whom hogwarts or middle earth are a little too tiring or scary , a cinematic lump of coal for everyone else .",
"... more of a high-tech extravaganza than a touching fantasy .",
"in spite of the fact that the only reason this film exists is to make money off the success of the first , there are genuine moments of cuteness and believability pulled off by people who should be doing better things but are still waiting or searching for",
"ao sair do cinema , eu estava feliz e com saudades de um tempo em que , para mim , a existęncia de papai noel era um fato inquestionável .",
"veers between naughty and nice , which puts a lot of pressure on the finale 's ability to send us home happy . the good news is that the old fellow does n't let us down in the end .",
"more than anything , the movie underscores actor tim allen 's gifts as a star who instinctively finds the middle ground between genuine sweetness and arch appeal .",
"if you value your time and money , find an escape clause and avoid seeing this trite , predictable rehash .",
"there 's something fishy about a seasonal holiday kids ' movie ... that derives its moment of most convincing emotional gravity from a scene where santa gives gifts to grownups .",
"even a 4-year-old can spot very early on who will be wearing the title of mrs. claus , but the ride to matrimony is well worth the trip .",
"it 's as home-entertainment ready as a shrink-wrapped sack of microwave popcorn . but at least it works hard at finding ways of pushing this one-joke premise ahead a space or two .",
"with a decent and effective combination of touching , entertaining and often rather funny material , the film is one of those rare sequels that 's as good and in many ways better than its predecessor .",
"kids probably will find it rip-roaring holiday fun , and it is rated g to boot .",
"an intermittently amusing but soulless mechanism for the extraction of money from moviegoers .",
"like the original , this version is raised a few notches above kiddie fantasy pablum by allen 's astringent wit .",
"it would be hard to imagine a family slipping in MOV into the dvd player 20 years from now as part of a holiday tradition .",
"marlon brando has the godfather , laurence olivier has hamlet , and now tim allen has ... santa claus .",
"visually , ` santa clause 2 ' is wondrously creative .",
"those of you who do n't believe in santa claus probably also think that sequels can never capture the magic of the original . well , this movie proves you wrong on both counts .",
"a bloated , prefab sequel that gets stuck in the chimney .",
"this harmless sugar-plum of a movie is just that : a confection that 's long on sweetness but unfortunately short on jokes that will amuse anyone over age 8 .",
"i doubt anyone will remember the picture by the time christmas really rolls around , but maybe it 'll be on video by then .",
"sweet like a well-made glass of apple cider , MOV offers a nice , early dose of christmas cheer .",
"a movie conscious , at every waking moment , of trying to out-do its predecessor .",
"has less charm than coal in a stocking .",
"to it 's credit , MOV does pull off that magical holiday feeling more than once , and it does so without sarcasm , profanity , or excessive special effects .",
"MOV is a barely adequate babysitter for older kids , but i 've got to give it thumbs down .",
"veering between cold-hearted cynicism ... and magical christmas moments , this is far better than the usual hollywood holiday cash-ins .",
"the industrial-strength artifice and bogus sentiment that fueled 1994 's inexplicable megahit ` the santa clause ' returns for another ride in santa 's souped-up sleigh .",
"it 's really obvious that the sequel was made only to cash in on the popularity of a much better original . i resent that kind of cynicism , especially in a movie that 's supposed to fill me with holiday cheer .",
"while the film has some good points ... the writers seem not to have gotten it .",
"sc2 is an autopilot hollywood concoction lacking in imagination and authentic christmas spirit , yet it 's geared toward an audience full of masters of both .",
"for god 's sake , i know it must test well with 6-year-olds , but ca n't we have just one % u2013 just one % u2013 kiddie comedy that does n't include a flatulence gag ? is that too much to ask ?",
"a time-filler until harry potter hits the big screen .",
"inoffensive entertainment for the undiscriminating , but lacks a fair share of the magic of the original .",
"MOV proves itself a more streamlined and thought out encounter than the original could ever have hoped to be .",
"... lacks the overall magic of the original , but it makes up for the bad filmmaking with enchanting performances .",
"a cornucopia of delights . it is wonderfully funny and even romantic .",
"those who stick with ` clause 2 ' through its unpromising opening will be rewarded with a reasonably entertaining romantic comedy ...",
"entirely inoffensive , so it makes for perfect family fare -- but only if the children are young enough to be indiscriminating about what they 're seeing .",
"once again , allen proves that he can be charming enough to carry a bad film on his shoulders and make you think that it was n't so horrible .",
"... gets by enough on its seasonal charm and half-decent dialogue to recommend as an afternoon distraction that will -- just barely -- keep the whole family smiling .",
"was n't nearly as horrible as i thought it would be .",
"willie wonka and the chocolate factory has more life and cheer in any given shot than the whole of santa clause 2 .",
"allen 's got a modesty that translates well in this type of story .",
"MOV is quite the delightful little holiday experience , packed tightly with visual treasures , neat little characters , and the occasional in-joke that the adults will take a liking to",
"a pleasant holiday diversion , but like most sequels , not as good as the original movie .",
"although november 1 seems a bit early to get into the christmas spirit , even for the most ardent holiday fanatics ... MOV is enough to set any scrooge aglow with the x-mas bug .",
"allen 's underestimated charm delivers more goodies than lumps of coal .",
"not only better than its predecessor , it may rate as the most magical and most fun family fare of this or any recent holiday season .",
"the scenes in which fake santa torments the elves with a toy soldier army are twisted enough to make it worth sticking around through the mawkish courtship .",
"... how else are you going to get to see judge reinhold on the big screen ?",
"the weird thing about MOV , purportedly a children 's movie , is that there is nothing in it to engage children emotionally .",
"-lsb- allen 's -rsb- ingratiating performance goes a long way toward making the sequel tolerable even for those who remain immune to its predecessor 's dubious charms .",
"in spite of featuring a script credited to no fewer than five writers , apparently nobody here bothered to check it twice .",
"like its predecessor , it 's no classic , but it provides a reasonably attractive holiday contraption , one that families looking for a clean , kid-friendly outing should investigate .",
"... one of those sadistically cheerful holiday movies that have the distinct feel of a piece of candy cane getting stuck in your throat .",
"silly in all the places the first one was sincere .",
"tim allen and his team make it look easy , this putting on of ho-ho-hos in such a way that adults may find stocking-stuffer laughs amid the general jingle-bellishness of MOV .",
"santa out of costume and on a date does not classic christmas material make .",
"santa 's back , but it does n't mean it 's the season to be jolly .",
"the movie is as padded as allen 's jelly belly .",
"any holiday movie that pokes fun at charlie sheen rebounding to the naughty list -lrb- ` i thought he cleaned up his act ! ' allen exclaims -rrb- deserves a little yuletide cheer .",
"suggests that if santa ca n't deliver presents , it means no christmas . did n't dr. seuss teach us a long time ago that even if you stop the presents , you do n't stop christmas ?",
"despite some major claus flaws , the film 's successes are truly magical and inspired .",
"while the film is not entirely successful , it still manages to string together enough charming moments to work .",
"somehow , the movie manages to be a lot funnier and flakier than you would expect .",
"anyone who has ever dreamed of a santa who knows your heart 's desire should feel a little tug at the heart when santa 's own dreams come true .",
"raises the question once again of why , in our society , movies are the only arena in which `` it 's for children '' means that the product is demonstrably worse .",
"MOV '' goes down as easy as an eggnog on christmas eve .",
"that the tooth fairy , the sandman , mother nature and cupid even appear suggests that the franchise is already out of ideas , and is aiming itself at a less discriminating audience of the very young .",
"has the disjointed feel of a bunch of strung-together tv episodes .",
"while it 's not destined to become a christmas classic , MOV offers humor and holiday spirit that can be enjoyed by children and adults .",
"bah humbug .",
"all these developments and challenges facing santa weigh down the plot so heavily that they drain all the film of its energy and needlessly strain credibility .",
"MOV 's plot may sound like it was co-written by mattel executives and lobbyists for the tinsel industry .",
"it 's mildly sentimental , unabashedly consumerist ... studiously inoffensive and completely disposable .",
"i was so caught up in its genuine , unsentimental christmas magic that i forgot to be snide and sarcastic and cynical .",
"... hopefully it 'll be at the dollar theatres by the time christmas rolls around . wait to see it then .",
"the sequel drops the adult aspects of the story in favor of talking reindeer and a life-size , plastic santa replacement -lrb- also played by allen -rrb- that is strongly reminiscent of that creepy family from the duracell commercials .",
"the film has no pretensions other then being exactly what it is : a sweet , slickly manufactured tale for the whole family , a holiday diversion cut to fit everyone from 6 to 60 .",
"allen is genuinely affable as santa with wit .",
"contains just enough good cheer to surmount overbaked writing and overblown visual effects .",
"it has wit and warmth and an abundance of good cheer .",
"a reasonably entertaining sequel to 1994 's surprise family hit that may strain adult credibility ."
] | the_santa_clause_2 | though it 's harmless as family entertainment and has moments of charm , MOV is also predictable and forgettable . | 9452 |
"the contrast between tim 's small town life and the near debauchery of big town MOV makes this a real stranger in a strange land yarn .",
"one of miguel arteta 's most amiable films , MOV blends elements of capra and sturges small-town features while displaying the director 's sensibility of subversive optimism and the comedy of embarrassment",
"we brace ourselves for a zillion low-hanging jokes about olive garden restaurants , but `` MOV '' mostly avoids them , and introduces us instead to a series of unpredictable characters , nicely sketched by a very good cast .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- slyly complex and broadly comic farce about innocence , corruption , and the gray areas between .",
"i imagine the director , miguel arteta , is the reason the movie succeeds as well as it does . he mutes the obnoxiousness and concentrates on the performances , nearly all of which are excellent and marked by a sense of real camaraderie .",
"reilly is an absolute hoot as a glad-handing carouser with an inexhaustible supply of cheesy catchphrases , while heche finds unexpected depth as a wife and mother on the prowl .",
"when he lands in the title town and experiences it as if it were las vegas , we laugh with him as well as at him .",
"friendly , unassuming and just a little dull ... the sort of movie you wo n't mind visiting once , but probably wo n't want to return to again .",
"a really entertaining effort , aided by some terrific performances .",
"ed helms and company seem like they 're mocking middle-america vanilla-ness , which is ripe for mocking , but they also want to embrace it with a cuddly ending .",
"if you are n't in the mood for adam sandler this weekend -lrb- and , who really is ? -rrb- , check out MOV as your alternative comedy choice .",
"... an agreeable little comedy that gets plenty of mileage out of its quirky premise and its impressively off-kilter cast .",
"it 's a reliable set-up for farce , but somehow MOV never breaks free of its influences to establish its own rhythm .",
"overall , MOV has enough laughs and charm to insure a good time .",
"a breath of early spring in the winter movie graveyard .",
"the trouble with embarrassment comedies is we do n't all squirm at the same places .",
"MOV is both hilarious and heartfelt . it 's also powered by a dream cast , led by the outstanding ed helms .",
"an ultimately light satire of middle-american sanctimony and hypocrisy .",
"helms 's gifts still seem better suited for the small , situation-based set pieces he has done on `` the office '' and `` the daily show with jon stewart . ''",
"like the location of iowa in regard to the rest of the country , the film ends up right in the middle . not enough of this , not enough of that . however , it is helms ' daffy sweetness that redeems the whole .",
"might not be the raunchfest the trailer teases , but that 's ok . rapids is a refreshingly sweet film about characters .",
"such sweetness makes the raunch in this honestly funny movie even funnier .",
"MOV is hugely funny not because it 's outrageous , but because it 's smart , relatable and creates a camaraderie between its quartet of leads .",
"wistfully subversive optimism",
"ed helms finally gets a starring role to call his own in MOV , but john c. reilly swipes the movie out from under him .",
"cross the old fashioned values of frank capra with the raunch of judd apatow and you just might come up with something like `` MOV . ''",
"MOV is a quirky comedy that crossbreeds two common cinematic staples : the mismatched buddy movie and the fish-out-of-water scenario .",
"at 80-some minutes , the film is about the right length with a decent register of laughs . what gets lost is what i suspect is a more rounded comedy about religious hypocrisy and not judging a person 's inner goodness by their outer conduct .",
"MOV is shaggy and goofy and smart and quirky in all the best ways .",
"-lsb- the -rsb- corporate satire is n't especially sharp , but the mood throughout is consistently warm and likable .",
"screenwriter phil johnston gets a surprising amount of comic mileage from the familiar premise of staid rotary club types getting crazy in a strange town , and there are some decent laughs from helms 's fellow conventioneers and partners in crime .",
"miguel arteta 's comedy takes a while to find its mojo , but gets there eventually with humanity and heart .",
"these corn-fed rotarians are such a cuddly bunch , and the movie 's barbs are so pudding-soft , that it 's not hard to get caught up in all the gee-whizzery .",
"raunchy comedy is packed with sex , drinking , and swearing .",
"the movie belongs to helms and reilly , ringleaders who barely seem to notice that the script from phil johnston favors easy jokes and obvious setups . they , and the others , give this minor movie major heart .",
"the gifted reilly is now almost principally a comedic actor -- and with good reason . he 's the most lovable of goof balls , with his eyes rolling around his sockets crazily and a voice that sounds drunk even when it 's sober .",
"there 's definitely plenty to laugh about in MOV , there just is n't too much to applaud about .",
"sure , it may make you uncomfortable while you laugh . but only if you 've gotten a little too comfortable laughing at small-town squares .",
"when this mix of hopeful and edgy works , you get something like `` little miss sunshine . '' and when it does n't , you get a cocktail with a bad smell , one part sunny to two parts vulgar .",
"terrific ensemble cast in a smart , funny , sometimes sweet little film .",
"how can a movie so rude and crude also be endearingly hilarious ? in the case of this slight and sort of sweet comedy , we can thank a handful of actors far better than their material .",
"if it resembles an inflated pilot episode for a raunchy sitcom more than a motion picture , at least it looks like a show that wo n't bore you or insult your intelligence .",
"the less uptight ... will have an amusing enough time ... and some might even be glad that here arteta 's removed enough edge from his man-child hero that there 's no chance of any of his quirks resonating in one 's head ...",
"2011 's first thoroughly enjoyable comedy",
"the cast , anchored by sweetly goofy ed helms , redeems the film at every turn , adding humor and dimension to characters who might have otherwise drowned in tacky grotesquerie .",
"a rollicking comedy about the transformation of a sheltered and insecure insurance salesman while attending a convention .",
"the film 's director , miguel arteta , understands that real laughter grows from characters . he has a rich start with lippe , played by helms as a man who is thrilled even to go through security at the airport .",
"no more and no less than its premise suggests , the film delivers the laughs .",
"this foursome has better , funnier chemistry than the gang in the hangover , and -lsb- helms ' character 's -rsb- only known them for a couple days .",
"modest in every way , the screenplay by phil johnston is enjoyable in the telling even when the details smack of contrivance .",
"MOV is both funny and perceptive with a sympathetic mixture of boorish , calculating and innocent-abroad behaviour .",
"it 's funny , offensive , well acted and pointless .",
"everyone will leave feeling like they just had a properly-sized snack of delicious popcorn when they really wanted a juicy burger . it 's responsible and you do n't regret it , but it does n't go down in history either .",
"cardboard caricatures of midwesterners make for a few easy laughs",
"what happens in `` MOV '' does n't stay in MOV ... excellent news for film-goers in the mood for something hilariously off-kilter .",
"a kind of american pie for young adults , there is much amiable and good-hearted humour here amongst the cruder elements and the strange nether-world of conventions is amusingly captured .",
"everyone does good work here , but for helms this is a breakout role , and he delivers . MOV is a modest but disarming comedy that will leave a smile on your face ...",
"hopelessly benign but still boisterous enough to deliver a mild buzz .",
"MOV is at its best when it pushes helms into uncomfortable situations and makes him figure them out . but the movie remains less than completely satisfying",
"engagingly funny .",
"the main thing about `` MOV '' is that it makes you laugh-often and out loud .",
"though the comedy in `` MOV '' is arteta 's broadest yet , the film reflects the care he takes with his cast , the sort that helped reveal an acting depth no one suspected from jennifer aniston in 2002 's `` the good girl . ''",
"this is a frank capra-meets-judd apatow comedy with a sweetness-laced ribaldry .",
"MOV is a strange little movie -- a borderline dark comedy one minute , and a raucous frat comedy the next .",
"the word `` meh '' was coined for films such as this .",
"MOV is n't hard-hitting , but it is wise in its own dippy way , and in ed helms ' tim lippe is a protagonist written with uncommon affection .",
"astute depiction of the inevitable corny humor and cheesy networking activities of business gatherings , gutsy performances , and genuine affection for its characters .",
"through the sites and through the attitudes of the characters , and between the words they say , you get an appreciation of how people live and think in that unexplored territory known as the midwest .",
"the jokes sing as well as zing .",
"MOV is agreeable , but no wands are waved . and it 's amusing , but not knee-slappingly so .",
"the movie finds a happy medium in balancing crude and raunchy humor with sweet emotional moments . it wins the audience over from the opening scene .",
"`` MOV '' is funny , raunchy and goofy , but it also has heart and underlying warmth that makes it most appealing .",
"these folk are undistinguished yet distinctive , and the film , for all the familiar grind of its plotting , pays them their honest due .",
"what might have been an incisively comic lampoon of religious hypocrisy and personal sanctimony instead becomes a too-earnest embarrassment comedy that easily amuses but rarely finds big laughs ...",
"thanks to a surprisingly touching , while also hilarious performance by helms and a savvy script from newcomer phil johnston , MOV is a refreshing change from the norm .",
"does n't ask its cast to detour too far from personalities they 've played in past projects .",
"a bit of the sort of indie preciousness often associated with sundance , but it 's still a winning , entertaining and very funny film .",
"... hilariously traces one man 's morally perilous journey toward honesty and truth .",
"... not nearly as funny or insightful as it thinks it is , but i will say this for phil johnston 's script : it runs like clockwork right down to the crises which show up predictably at 30 and 60 minutes in .",
"MOV is a small , endlessly charming comedy . it 's not laugh-a-minute , but the characters will leave you smiling long after you 've left the theater .",
"-lsb- video -rsb- ed helms comfortably nails his part as small-town insurance salesman tim lippe with just the right amount of internal anguish .",
"it helps that reilly is the opposite of a slob-comic . with his hangdog melancholy , he makes even the nonstop cunnilingus allusions poignant -- the product of emotional longing .",
"the assembled cast is stellar and they make the most of each scene .",
"a reasonably successful attempt to capitalize on helms ' skills .",
"midwesterners going wild may not sound like an original idea for a comedy , but they really become a team . with each character contributing to the wacky , it becomes a unique combination .",
"if you 're a fan of helms or reilly , neither of them disappoint , but with so many strong elements , we were hoping for something a bit more memorable .",
"helms is at his best when reacting to others , which is one of the reasons he has made such an effective ensemble player in recent years .",
"well-worth seeing for a couple of good chuckles .",
"like a slightly twisted , modern-day frank capra fable ...",
"helms delivers a performance of touching delicacy , one almost as remarkable as that of tom hanks in big .",
"detailed and consistently funny observation of small-town sincerity muddling through a dog-eat-dog world .",
"although the ads pitch it as being somewhere between the office and the hangover , MOV is actually a semisweet charmer of a movie that fluxes between edgy comedy and palpable pathos .",
"MOV takes an inordinate number of wrong turns , but it also has an inordinate number of good laughs mixed in with the not-so-good ones .",
"considering it has to do with infidelity , bribery , drugs , drinking , loutish behavior , fraud and prostitution , MOV is really kind of a sweet movie .",
"it 's yet another comedy that 's trying too hard to sell something past its date .",
"`` MOV '' is a fish-out-of-water story that never strays far from a formula and yet still manages to feel fresh .",
"in the dying days of an era when `` big city '' has been a relative term , the sales-convention comedy `` MOV '' is a loving tribute to american innocence .",
"these are characters it 's a pleasure to spend time with and the movie knows it .",
"there 's a whole lot of swearin ' in this otherwise sweet film about conventioneers gone wild , with producer alexander payne further establishing his comic brand .",
"a scathing christopher guest satire and a raucous hangover-style comedy are waiting to get out . what we have instead is genial and sporadically funny , in the mushy middle .",
"within the structure of a conventional , well-built comedy fable about an innocent among bigger-city sophisticates - a screenplay bull 's - eye for relative newcomer -lrb- and native wisconsinite -rrb- phil johnston - is something truly original .",
"it 's a movie that needs to look down its nose for its laughs , which generally is n't the best place to find them .",
"a mild comedy of embarrassment , set in the dark heart of middle america .",
"ed helms seeks post-hangover glory as a meek midwest insurance peddler out of his depth , but john c. reilly steals this patchy wild-weekend farce as mr. bad example .",
"this crude aping of every hack from judd apatow to the farrelly brothers represents the worst of what is happening in film today ...",
"ping-pongs between empathetic chuckles at helms 's charming social awkwardness and putting him through a raunchfest ringer .",
"though it has some heart , the film does n't hit the funny bone like its trailer teased .",
"despite some of the raunchiest dialogue in recent memory , there is an undeniable sweetness that makes it hard to resist . the fact that it is consistently funny does n't hurt .",
"MOV worth visiting .",
"it 's really more amusing than it is fall-out-of-your-seat funny . ... there 's a general lack of any real edge here -- though not for a lack of trying .",
"reilly and helms have excellent on-screen chemistry as unlikely best buds , which turns MOV into a surprisingly effective bromance that is hobbled only by its overly conventional ending .",
"one of the things i admire most about director miguel arteta 's films -lrb- including chuck & buck and the good girl -rrb- is that he shows such compassion for his characters .",
"a terrific little movie full of characters who are worth meeting .",
"raunchy dialogue hides a sweet center , but the movie never really comes to life .",
"all hail the mighty ed helms for yet another masterclass in comedy and pathos .",
"the undeniably sweet `` MOV '' should further the rise of actor ed helms .",
"the sweetness and -- dare we say it ? -- innocence of this sometimes rude comedy will be no surprise to fans of director miguel arteta , whose previous films -- ` chuck & buck , ' ` youth in revolt ' -- displayed genuine empathy for underdogs and oddballs .",
"blobby hybrid of frat-dude slapstick and alexander payne-approved middle america smirking",
"while never getting bogged down in the moral question of whether tim needed to see a world outside his happy bubble , this film has enough laughs to keep it going .",
"not many movies manage to be filthy but sweet . this one brings it off .",
"MOV slowly squanders its apparently fruitful set-up , heading towards a weak , sappy ending that tries for sweetness , but leaves a sickly saccharine aftertaste .",
"plenty of passing laughs , but some coarse overacting , not to mention a phoned-in , capra-esque message of singular banality .",
"what makes it work is the real sense of warmth and affection that grows between the characters , lending the film an appealing sweetness that has become all too rare in american comedy .",
"comedy seldom comes as good-natured as MOV , a fish-out-of-water story in which a midwestern innocent discovers sex , drugs and cream sherry in the big city .",
"MOV is a lot less funny than it thinks it is with a pretty testing childish zaniness .",
"admittedly , some episodes strain credibility , but we are resolutely behind the morally flawed protagonists every stumble of the way .",
"this crowd-pleaser is not arteta 's defining piece , but its feel-good nature and big heart bolster your spirits .",
"with raunchy jokes and pointed sideswipes at religious hypocrisy , the film takes its bearings from reilly 's deanzie - vulgar on the outside , but warm-hearted and sincere underneath",
"decadence is a state of mind . when that state is iowa as in MOV , the running joke is that everything dirty is drenched with naivete . rather than ridiculing midwestern values - as hollywood could do - this movie embraces its inner yokel .",
"the hangover cast member ca n't quite carry a feature on his own . this one is not all that funny anyway , and its comic elements eventually become redundant",
"MOV is a low-rent version of the sort of raunchy comedy that 's all the rage these days , but it wears its modesty rather well .",
"this goofy fish-out-of-water comedy is deeply endearing . as it follows its central character on a clumsy voyage of discovery , we ca n't help but laugh even as we try not to recognise ourselves in him .",
"no mere fish out of water tale - more akin to scraping oceanic plankton off the back of a humpback whale and slapping it on the glittered midriffs of chuck sheen 's poolside bevy of goddesses .",
"one of the welcome surprises of `` MOV '' is that while you start out laughing at them , by the end of the movie you 're rooting for them . for such a raunchy crowd-pleaser , the movie turns out to have a kind heart .",
"even when it goes off the rails , it is kept grounded by the decency and humanity of helms ' character .",
"there 's not much to take from MOV but a nice evening 's entertainment . it plays some with subverting the clichés of the xenophobic midwest , but only a little . it 's more interested in following a standard path , but that 's okay .",
"the least this tepid comedy could do is provide a vibrant sense of humor . instead , it 's a riff-heavy , wildly formulaic modern comedy that uses stereotypes and improvisations in a gentle , but tedious manner to bring the laughs .",
"it 's just so endearingly dorky .",
"one of those sunny-natured indie comedies that comes out of nowhere to put a smile on your face .",
"more man-child high-jinks in a comedy which seems to be looking down its nose at smalltown america 's terminally unhip , but proves good-hearted and delivers enough laughter to seal the deal .",
"a foul-mouthed but good-natured comedy roughly in the apatow mould .",
"sharply written and astutely directed , this is an enjoyable , frequently funny comedy with likeable characters and great comic performances from a superb cast .",
"what really makes things work is helms ' genuinely endearing dweeb , a gauche smalltown hero who shows that good guys do end up on top . of anne heche .",
"it 's beautifully acted , well-observed and very funny .",
"its breezy charm papers over narrative cracks and minor annoyances .",
"it may sound a flimsy premise , but director miguel arteta delivers a laugh-out-loud ride that plays like a white-collar executive take on animal house , and phil johnston 's script is awash with quotable one-liners .",
"effectively a coming-of-age comedy set 25-odd years later than normal . tim lippe 's a 40-year-old in the body of a 15-year-old with the haircut of a four-year-old .",
"MOV ca n't decide if it wants to be an r-rated romp or much sweeter comedy-drama , and in the end , falls inadequately between the two .",
"a fun little movie that really strikes a balance between comfortable friendliness and crazy silliness",
"not as funny as it seems to think it is , but there are considerable pleasures to be found around the margins .",
"while this is n't destined to be remembered as a great standout comedy ... it is still guaranteed to provide a few giggles and knee-slaps .",
"the risks MOV takes may not always pay off , but as a general rule , i would advise spending 86 minutes of your life with the movie rather than the city itself .",
"you 've already heard what MOV has to say , but the ensemble cast does a good job of going over the same ground so that you do n't mind covering it with them .",
"with `` MOV , '' the filmmakers seem to put too much faith in their material , thinking that it would be funny enough to carry the whole film without them having to put too much thought into the story . sadly , they were quite mistaken .",
"... i wanted to spend more time with these characters ...",
"the cast is inherently likable , and the comedy is pleasantly sweet-natured -lrb- even if crack pipes , c-bombs and references to the wire abound -rrb- .",
"the supporting cast are uniformly excellent too , particular reilly , whose blow-hard deanzie gradually reveals a softer , empathetic side .",
"there 's a restraint and sweetness to the raunch that keeps it below the threshold of certain other r-rated comedies about away-from-home shenanigans gone bawdily awry ."
] | cedar_rapids_2010 | it 's as conventional as its midwestern setting , but MOV boasts a terrific cast and a script that deftly blends r-rated raunch and endearing sweetness . | 771193483 |
"the bar mitzvah boy gets the boot !",
"although the subject might sound specialized , the picture is engineered with such skill that it transcends the ethnic details to become a universal story of a boy trying to find his place in an inhospitable world .",
"a dolorous comedy that leans heavily , if inoffensively , on ethnic stereotypes .",
"itâ -lrb- tm -rrb- s designed to be crowd-pleasing and tug on hearts across the board , but thereâ -lrb- tm -rrb- s a manipulative quality that will put a ceiling on business .",
"a satisfying little surprise",
"like running with scissors or an exceptionally cruel episode of the wonder years , paul weiland 's whimsical and eye-poppingly bright comedy is shot through with cringe-inducing misery .",
"a sprightly english comedy about a very special bar mitzvah , world cup fever , and the frantic efforts of a 12-year old boy to get the attention he feels he deserves .",
"... so unrelenting on the misery it piles upon poor bernie reubens you may just feel guilty laughing ...",
"sweet , sentimental and funny in a warm and fuzzy way , even if it 's somewhat predictable and few of the actors seem very jewish .",
"this comedy-drama is wafer-thin , but marsan gives it some heft as an all-too-human father .",
"an entertaining 90 minutes , but more an enjoyable friendly than a world-beating final .",
"this warm comedy at least has the ring of truth in its remarkable tale of childhood expectations and disappointments .",
"given the personal nature of the material , though , it 's a shame weiland resorts to the kind of coarse ethnic caricatures one hoped had died with mike and bernie winters .",
"delightful coming of age comedy with a terrific cast , a superb script and a genuinely moving finale - it really is the feel-good movie of the year .",
"no , it never quite achieves spirit-of - '66 euphoria , but the tally of good-natured smiles is appreciable , and the weiland family home-movies at the close a lovely touch .",
"a thick , gooey layer of voiceover narration from bernie is just one of several tired devices that makes pic feel hackneyed , despite some choice cuts of dialogue .",
"eddie marsan is too convincingly sad and pathetic to raise laughs .",
"darkly funny , poignant and engaging , MOV sucks us into a world filled with anticipation , disappointment and hope , as a young boy 's dreams stumble against the odds of family , finances and the world cup soccer finals",
"despite the whimsical voice-over and gloopy , sentimental tone , it 's a hard film to dislike .",
"hilariously funny while totally believable , MOV also leaves you with a warm and fuzzy feeling . it is a father-son tale told with the details and care of someone who was there .",
"there is an attempt at a feelgood ending , but i was n't convinced .",
"for anyone who preferred oliver bean to malcolm in the middle .",
"it 's cliched and gooey , but because it 's english , and has helena bonham carter in a rare non-gothy role , viewers may be fooled into thinking it 's quirky . no .",
"... a charming coming-of-age period piece about the trials and tribulations one young boy must face in his quest to become a man .",
"weiland 's occasional heavy-handedness is more than redeemed by the lightness of his cast .",
"it does cast helena bonham carter against type as a devoted mother and housewife , and , for soccer nuts , integrate pristine footage from the '66 cup .",
"you do n't have to be jewish to appreciate its uncondescending fondness for the claustrophobic warmth of family life among working-class people apprehensively inching their way toward upward mobility .",
"MOV may find a niche audience , but instead of depicting a boy 's first steps toward manhood -- ceremony aside -- it turns into an uninvolving portrait of self-absorption .",
"i think it 's a very heartfelt story , but we get the same thing over and over again .",
"MOV 's loving portrayal of the ups & downs of a jewish family in london charmingly entices the viewer to find themselves within its four-eyed , adorably geeky hero .",
"director paul weiland -lrb- `` made of honor '' -rrb- co-wrote the tone-deaf screenplay for this cinematic abortion that features the ever-lousy stephen rea adding his specific brand of stench to a pasted-together movie that is predictable and boring as it is depressin",
"the direction of this autobiographical tale by paul weiland -lrb- whose lengthy rap sheet runs all the way from leonard part 6 to made of honor -rrb- is less than subtle .",
"though inspired by weiland 's own childhood , the film 's plot sticks close to the underdog 's coming-of-age formula and is marred by young bernie 's gratingly self-pitying voice-over .",
"-lsb- director -rsb- weiland pours so much heart into his autobiographically ` true-ish ' story that accessibility is a nonissue .",
"... the sort of jewish film that the whole family can enjoy without feeling they 're fulfilling an obligation to see it .",
"the story line sounds plain and simple , but the movie is enlightened by bernie 's impassioned narration and by a gallery of small comic details .",
"weiland has given us something we can cheer and feel good about .",
"it 's labeled a ` true-ish story ' , and the results are cheeky fun .",
"MOV is also about accepting parents with all their frailties , coming to terms with the unfairness of life , and finding a way to switch the focus to the wonders we do have to celebrate .",
"offbeat , nostalgic , wonderful .",
"since mr. weiland himself had grown up in a jewish section of north london , he was able to include many details of his own childhood .",
"cleaves too closely to the pattern set out by more original films with similar subject matter . its obvious distinctions of time and place come through in clever details , but these do n't seem to serve weiland 's autobiography so much as situate it into a fa",
"a film that tries too hard and wastes a cast of skilled veterans and talented newcomers ."
] | sixty-six | likable but overly sentimental , MOV has snatches of sharp dialogue but is ultimately too predicable . | 381421832 |
"MOV is the sort of movie in which you know exactly how everything is going to turn out by the end , but the characterizations are strong enough to overcome the formulaic template .",
"in this movie , romantic envy and class envy coalesce , because MOV understands just how they 're linked . even if money ca n't buy you love , being broke puts you at a distinct disadvantage .",
"in an age when so many hollywood chick-flicks seem to really hate women , it 's refreshing to see a character-driven movie about women . the humor here is outrageous , bawdy , sometimes even scatological , but it 's never misogynist .",
"paul feig 's film has gambled on women , assuming that female moviegoers are sick of being reduced to man-starved , materialistic shopaholics by hollywood .",
"this is a smart and funny movie that satisfyingly expands the apatow brand .",
"`` MOV '' openly , comfortably turns the stress of being girlfriends into comedy . it 's really about the single friend backing away from the edge of temporary insanity .",
"this is one very funny flick , which may require a second viewing , lest loud laughter rob you of hearing some of the lines - especially during an eye-popping pivotal scene that was once the purview of the boys : the big gross-out .",
"just as apatow redefined leading men in a more realistic manner , wiig may well change the way hollywood looks at ladies .",
"the setup is ripe for a black comedy but the movie never fully embraces the darkness and the level of humor is on par with the limp skits for which wiig is responsible on saturday night live .",
"-lsb- MOV is -rsb- one of the funniest films in the past few years .",
"MOV is not a movie for those looking for a pleasant , uneventful night out at the movies . yes , it 's touching . and yes , it resonates with a heart of gold . but it 's also awkward , raunchy , and disgusting . just like real life .",
"wiig has terrific audience rapport , a prerequisite for comics , and a squiggly way of seeming totally reasonable and altogether daft at the same time .",
"the film 's central friendship gives MOV a heart as big as its laughs . it pays particular attention to the details and realities of maintaining long term friendships , with special attention to the specifics of friendships between women .",
"cringe-inducing , uneven , juvenile , overlong and painfully unfunny . it 's a witless blend of crudeness , rudeness and lewdness which sets a new low for american comedy .",
"the only question is : will kristen wiig ever be this good again ? the answer is , let 's hope so . MOV rocks . hopefully , a movie star is born .",
"a film about women and marriage may be virgin territory for -lsb- producer judd -rsb- apatow but the results are the same . the film is flat-out funny and is worth saying `` i do . ''",
"as much a coronation as a wedding , with wiig emerging as a successor to lucille ball and carol burnett as the queen of knockabout comedy .",
"... hilariously funny , with an outlandish surprise around almost every corner .",
"wiig and company have impeccable comic timing and the humor almost always comes from pain . it 's very funny , has a great cast , and will probably hold up to repeated viewings .",
"crude but sincere comedy about friendship and confidence .",
"think of it as a cinematic bouquet -- catch it .",
"whether it says something incisive about female friends and their inability to truly feel comfortable and rise above petty jealousies and competition , MOV never achieves the wolf pack camaraderie that the hangover executes so naturally .",
"there are things to like here and the idea is a noble one . but in execution , `` MOV '' is a typical chick flick just with some extra rude words and vomit .",
"kristen wiig , between her screenplay and fearlessly funny performance , gives nothing less than a tour de force .",
"wiig , who 's been underused in the past in movies like macgruber and paul , proves she 's as good with a withering dialogue as she is with oddball characters and physical humor .",
"el humor de damas en guerra se parece por momentos al de la comedia masculina más guarra , escatología incluida , aunque también hay lugar para los sentimientos y hasta el romanticismo .",
"it shows the dark side of people to a surprising extent for a comedy . it is n't exactly a black comedy or a dark comedy , but it does explore the way that friends can sometimes become jealous and sabotage each other .",
"paul feig 's MOV ends up living in the memory like most weddings do ; you went , you had a pleasant time , and unless somebody mentions the happy couple , you never think about the experience again .",
"i laughed almost without pause ; at several points i made horselike snorting sounds that hurt the insides of my nose .",
"MOV is a very funny movie , with interesting characters and great performances , but the film 's pacing issues make it more of a chore to get through than expected .",
"i like that MOV aspires to be more than just a dumb comedy , but that does n't mean it needs to belabor its point for what feels like eons .",
"slack in pacing but raucous in tone and held together throughout by wiig 's spotlight turn .",
"this is the sort of thing that will be beloved by many , by almost everyone who sees it .",
"the brilliant saturday night live player kristen wiig finally gets the big-screen vehicle she deserves .",
"the ensemble produces some decent laughs .",
"whether you 're looking for an easy laugh or a rioutously funny comedy , MOV will have you in tears .",
"the comedy is sharply uneven , but written by women , it displays female sensibility and offers better roles for femmes than is the norm in mainstream fare .",
"kristen wiig scores in an erratic gross comedy that truthfully connects where it counts .",
"`` MOV '' is first and foremost a showcase for wiig , who surely does n't play it safe here but still comes off as an affable everywoman with a twinkle of danger in her eye .",
"a cynical edit of ... a sharp , funny film about the many stages , and even more permutations , of female friendships , one that was unafraid to include the ribald , the profane , and the brutally honest",
"MOV proves that modern comedies about women do n't have to be insipid , boring or downright loathsome . who knew ?",
"it 's funny stuff , with wiig 's talent for physical comedy and way with a witty put-down providing many of the film 's highlights .",
"`` saturday night live '' cast member kristen wiig makes a successful bid for big-screen stardom in this bawdy , hilarious comedy about the downward spiral of an insecure maid of honor .",
"MOV is an infectiously funny and bittersweet look at how life can change even the strongest of friendships .",
"the warring impulses within wiig set a wonderfully skittish tone for the painfully hilarious new movie MOV , a screwy tale of female friendship and wedding planning from hell .",
"in the end , MOV is touching and funny and a tiny bit sickening . just like a real wedding .",
"on its surface , the film marries gross-out comedy and romantic comedy and will make you laugh out loud . right underneath that is a truly wonderful movie about female friendship that 's quite unlike anything else out there .",
"-lsb- t -rsb- he kernels of a truly smart , truly honest , truly brilliant movie are here , and they get lost in what has become the standard hollywood humiliation comedy ...",
"an instant r-rated classic that could give the upcoming hangover part ii a run for its money .",
"prepare yourself to hear this comparison often : MOV is like a female version of the hangover . but do n't ever expect those words , or any variation of them , to roll off my tongue .",
"star kristen wiig -lrb- and she really should be a star with a capital s after this breakthrough performance -rrb- finds the humanity usually missing from not just the chick flick but the modern comedy in general .",
"in general , the movie is so funny and bracingly honest that you can forgive the few moments where the momentum flags .",
"whatever your opinion of the film is you 'll definitely come out of it with a new respect for wiig 's comedy and acting skills .",
"over the past couple of years , the r-rated comedy genre seemed to stale a bit , suffering a slight affliction of monotony . seems all it needed was a woman 's touch .",
"onetime saturday night live castmates wiig and rudolph make annie and lillian 's friendship believable . which is why annie 's shenanigans are sad -- and hilarious .",
"MOV is a reminder that fresh content is still alive and well , especially when it 's delivered by a group of talented actresses .",
"a terrific comedy , zany , ribald and fearless in just about every way you 'd want a comedy to be .",
"the star and co-writer of MOV , kristen wiig , puts herself and her female co-stars through the comedy wringer .",
"MOV is being touted as a female version of the hangover . that 's an unfair bar to set , given how easily these ladies sail over it .",
"MOV is likely to be a hit with both women and men , being half formula chick-flick , half raunchy comedy of humiliation . it 's hilarious -- and too bifurcated to be satisfying .",
"kristen wiig is brilliant .",
"there 's a full spectrum of emotions on show : how many comedies with a gag involving projectile vomit and diarrhoea can say that ?",
"this is `` her hangover , '' a smarter and sweeter stumble to the altar that never quite gets to vegas , and does n't seem to mind .",
"kristen wiig deserves much of the credit for MOV , but the laurels belong to judd apatow . he is the billy wilder of contemporary hollywood and MOV is his some like it hot .",
"unashamedly smart ... MOV has been hailed as a groundbreaking blow for american female cinema . that says a lot about the extent of hollywood 's current conservatism , but for now , MOV does nicely as a tonic corrective .",
"all that straining for ribaldry feels a little sad , like feig and his actors know they 're sacrificing honesty for coarse bumptiousness .",
"the dialogue , even when it 's in questionable taste , snaps with intelligence .",
"full of heart , warmth and enough excrement to fill an all-white bridal shop .",
"through a combination of smart performances and scurrilous gags MOV yanks the buddy comedy from the hands of its traditional owners .",
"-lsb- wiig 's -rsb- is the comedy of panic , paranoia , madness and self-loathing , but her trick in the new film MOV is to remain composed even as her heart is shredded to confetti .",
"for laughs per minute and a believable representation of how women interact , it 's to be heartily recommended .",
"the big , brash laughs are coupled with a smart insight into women 's friendships .",
"MOV , co-written by wiig and annie mumolo and directed by freaks and geeks creator paul feig , is as solid as any other comedy from team apatow .",
"cringe-inducing and often very , very funny .",
"i can die happy , because i got to hear don draper say , `` cup my balls . ''",
"director paul feig takes the film in a laid-back , absurd and often improvised direction . such looseness suits it -- while the plot may meander , it provides plenty of room for wiig and her talented co-stars to cut loose .",
"sweet , goofy and unapologetically crass , it 's a broad farce built on a solid foundation of human psychology .",
"last week something borrowed showed just how bad a chick flick can be ; this week MOV takes a similar setup and shows how good it can be .",
"one of the great comedies of the 21st century .",
"not only is it funny , it has enough regard for its characters to acknowledge some real emotion without overdoing the pathos .",
"it 's not a movie for people looking for a decorous night at the movies . it is a film , though , for folks eager for some good dirty jokes , some refreshingly real female characters - and , just maybe , a new comic voice .",
"hands down , MOV is the most consistently funny comedy of the year .",
"whether in a throwaway snl skit or an overlong , uneven comedy such as this , kristin wiig has a knack for transforming something lackluster into something entertaining",
"a bawdy , riotous godsend for folks who wanted to like the hangover but just could n't bring themselves to root for such an annoying box of a ** holes .",
"overall , the movie is a winner that should propel wiig to a big-time movie career .",
"it 's one i intend to re-visit over and over if only to bask in wiig 's understated sexual appeal ...",
"by filling the plot hole of lillian 's cluelessness with explosive diarrhea , the film undermines the whole `` apatowian female comedy '' idea .",
"MOV achieves , through the laughs , a kind of poignancy and empathy .",
"at its best , MOV does that wonderful thing : tell the truth , indelicately .",
"indeed pretty much a rom-com in the end - but hugely enjoyable , fresh and rude , both touching and funny , all the way .",
"the comedy to beat this year .",
"it 's something old , something new , something borrowed and -lrb- cough -rrb- something very , very blue .",
"there is real depth to the characterizations and friendships . it is so funny because it is all so painfully real .",
"as it turns out , fart and poo gags are universal , as demonstrated by the mostly female audience completely losing it during some of the more off-colour scenes .",
"sharply written and winningly performed , it delivers more laughs than any movie released this year , but also , the longer it goes on , develops into a surprisingly poignant evocation of self-scuppering loneliness .",
"... strives to prove that gals can be as nasty as dudes , and when it comes to raunchy yuks , they are , until those darned realistic human emotions get in the way .",
"kristen wiig is the best sketch comic alive , and `` MOV '' should finally make her a movie star .",
"kristen wiig has always been the bridesmaid , never the bride . which is no longer a negative , as the emphatically unbridled wiig takes the wedding cake to delicious new lows .",
"after one bad and surprisingly misogynistic comedy after another written by women , here is finally one that does n't alienate either sex and should easily garner a standing as one of the funniest films of 2011 .",
"i laughed harder than i have in quite some time .",
"if this is only a chick flick , then call me a chick .",
"it 's the smaller , more observant moments in `` MOV '' that make it worth savoring .",
"MOV has so many funny moments that it can be forgiven for its excesses .",
"kristin wiig is sharp-yet-sweet in this shockingly scatological comedy , filled with bawdy , uninhibited babes .",
"MOV boasts the kind of wit that works on either sex . it 's the more personal moments that truly linger .",
"by the time two hours had dragged by , i felt a lot like i had sat through a five-hour wedding .",
"taffeta + digestive trouble + feelings = everyone wins !",
"this crude and raunchy comedy co-written by and starring `` snl '' regular kristen wiig takes an honest look at female relationships and modern romance . this will be the top destination choice for girls ' night out gatherings as the . .",
"a bridal-shower blast of brassy hilarity and a cast of ferociously funny females .",
"... a girl-bonding romp filled equally with outlandish bridal showers and alcohol-fueled slapstick aggression , grand romantic gestures and furtive sex , high couture and low blows .",
"the movie wo n't change your life or grab a fistful of oscar nominations come next winter . but it will make you laugh , hard and often , and it proves that sometimes girls just want to have fun .",
"at 125 minutes , ` MOV ' is long for a comedy , but it earns its running time by fully developing its characters and their relationships ...",
"wiig 's brand of comedy is loud , proud and just gosh darned funny .",
"it 's bawdy and a bit rowdy -- the comedy equivalent of a lady remington shaver in that it 's just as good as the original remington for men , only a bit smaller -- and pink .",
"MOV turns the gross-out comedy genre on its head and emerges bigger and better than its predecessors . it boasts unforgettable breakout performances and is the most important comedy of the year . and the best .",
"the girls show the boys how it 's done in MOV , an achingly funny mesh of gross out gags and heartfelt sentiment led by the new queen of comedy , kristen wiig .",
"is it funny ? yes , at times , and its female-centric theme will appeal to many women . i just hope they have the patience to trudge through the slow spots and story detours . MOV , which might as easily bear the title women behaving badly",
"never does MOV ever aim for truly biting commentary , opting to settle instead for a series of poop jokes and scenes of social awkwardness .",
"something even rarer than an american film with a woman as protagonist : an american film comedy that is absolutely and genuinely funny .",
"a four-square piece of populist fun that ranks as quite possibly the best mainstream american comedy in years .",
"the big problem with the premise is that jealousy is not funny ... the film follows the same plot as all ` outrageous wedding ' movies .",
"MOV sorely lacks the saving grace of being consistently funny .",
"kristin wiig is the best film comedienne since madeline kahn .",
"kristen wiig proves she can lead an ensemble comedy that 's as raunchy as anything her male counterparts produced .",
"silliness and sexiness are comfortable bedfellows from the outset of MOV .",
"it goes pretty much as expected , but it does seem earned , in part because the writing is so sharp .",
"the film features at least four major comic set pieces that are quite funny , and wiig is at the center of each of them -lrb- parental content review also available -rrb-",
"that rarest of treats : an r-rated romantic comedy from the venus point of view .",
"melissa mccarthy steals the film ... she is fierce , she is fearless , she is wildly hilarious , and she raises the bar for the guys over at atelier apatow .",
"after shining on snl , kristen wiig finally has a lead role worthy of her comic talents . and wedding prep gets the absurdly humorous treatment it deserves .",
"it 's hangover raunchy , yet this ribald comedy is also surprisingly perceptive when it comes to confronting middle age , maintaining friendships and finding one 's way in the world .",
"it 's -lsb- a -rsb- subtly pained undercurrent of MOV that keeps even the film 's bawdiest material on the level .",
"it 's stunning that an r-rated female-driven comedy has been made at all , let alone that it 's often uproariously funny and centers on believable characters .",
"a destined comedy classic that knows how to be crowd-pleasing without sacrificing itself to empty-headed callousness or shoehorned distastefulness . let 's not mince words , either : kristen wiig is brilliant .",
"it 's nice to give the women a chance to play what is by and large a man 's game ; the problem is that the territory the movie covers , on both the bridal side and the gross-out side , is well worn .",
"this movie is funny both as physical gag-based comedy and character-built , smart-person comedy in a nonstop , laughing-over-dialogue , smart-stupid , sweet-gross , heartfelt-raunchy way that 's perfectly in keeping with the judd apatow brand .",
"MOV is just full of awkward goodness that had me laughing out loud throughout the movie .",
"surrounded by a hilarious cast , wiig has definitely found her breakout role .",
"despite all the hype about how gross and profane it was , this movie still entertained with a sweet story about friendship .",
"kristen wiig is funny , sweet and pathetic while her life falls apart , the ensemble works well , it 's a comedy unafraid to get disgusting and then get dramatic , and just about every scene works .",
"it also made me laugh so much i had a coughing fit and saw stars -- and i ca n't remember the last time a film of any `` gender '' made me do that .",
"despite its flaws there 's no denying that it is actually very funny and that wiig gives a powerhouse performance full of nuance and wit .",
"MOV is far from a seamless comedy masterpiece , but what does work eventually outweighs what does n't quite fit together .",
"... brings to mind renee zellweger films about ugly ducklings that long to be seen for their inner beauty . big difference : in `` MOV , '' the poufy swan poops in the street .",
"completely and utterly honk-like-a-goose hilarious .",
"i liked MOV well enough -- with some reservations -- but i found it to be neither groundbreaking nor terribly funny .",
"finally , a female ensemble comedy that balances realistic characters with smart laughs and side-splitting farce .",
"one of the funnier comedies -lrb- of the -rrb- year -lrb- certainly better than the hangover part ii -rrb- , but the flat patches make the film ... feel a tad long .",
"a confident , self-assured comedy with nothing to prove . fresh , occasionally foul-mouthed , and funny .",
"wiig is pitch-perfect ... the best unisex night out at the cinema you 'll have in ages - this is the best proposal yet , and an invite you should n't decline",
"it 's a movie that succeeds , often beautifully , not by forcing its characters to be as naughty and gross and pathetic as men are . it soars by letting them be as naughty and gross and pathetic as women are . three cheers for equality .",
"`` MOV '' is a female version of `` the hangover '' -- from the coarse language to the cringe-inducing grossout gags to the vegas road trip that goes horribly wrong .",
"there are few greater compliments one can offer a film than to say they feel shorter than they really are , and MOV ' two hours positively flew by .",
"it 's not mean-spirited and does n't hate its characters . also , it understands the key lesson of the farrellys and `` american pie '' and apatow 's previous work : this sort of comedy works when it has heart , and fails when it does n't .",
"must every funny sequence end abruptly with a generic cut to a city skyline scored to a pop song ?",
"MOV takes chances , colors outside the box , and breaks the unwritten rules for what a female-driven comedy can and ca n't do .",
"playing out like a typical judd apatow film , MOV foregoes fantasy and instead , chooses the actions , language , and attitudes of real women .",
"all the flab dulls the sharpness of the best moments",
"it just felt like MOV had something to prove",
"MOV surely does n't mark the end of conventional female-centric comedies , but it works on so many levels , it 'll hopefully make future filmmakers stop and think twice before approaching this kind of project and realize it can be done -lsb- better -rsb- .",
"no one has explored the inner workings of a passive-aggressive frenemy the way wiig has . she has the midas touch for activating a character 's petty streak while still making audiences like her .",
"it definitively proves that women are the equal of men in vulgarity , sexual frankness , lust , vulnerability , overdrinking and insecurity .",
"`` MOV '' is bust-a-gut funny , a high-adrenaline string of slapstick gags and verbal hysteria .",
"resembles an `` snl '' sketch : a good idea that starts out strong and goes on too long .",
"MOV has a couple of x chromosomes up its sleeve , and you 're wrong if you think that 's merely a cosmetic difference .",
"-lsb- it 's -rsb- a female-centered ensemble comedy that 's ultimately about the importance and power of friendship . and , yes , it 's funny as hell .",
"in an age of doggedly unambitious comedy , one marvels at the finesse these first-time screenwriters and director feig bring to marrying raunch , romantic comedy , and the tested but ever-true bond between women .",
"a film of great hilarity , humanity , idiosyncrasy and grade-a , eyebrow-singeing raunch .",
"MOV is a stiletto-sharp , raunchy , no-holds-barred yuk-fest that stands as a worthy female counterpart to the likes of wedding crashers and the hangover .",
"the first hour is one outrageously hilarious catfight . it comes at a price , though , because the second is where the girls all kiss and make-up .",
"kristen wiig becomes a movie star and takes back the term ` chick flick . ' MOV has a big heart and a grown-up mouth .",
"it 's been a while , but finally there 's a good comedy out there that 's worth a trip to the movies .",
"bridemaids sputters , coughs , and lurches , but it 's a winning shambles , buoyed by a sharp , balanced comedic ensemble and some truthful observations about how close friends adapt when their lives fall out of step .",
"hallelujah and praise the lord for paul feig 's MOV , a movie we 've been awaiting for what feels like forever .",
"it is artistically dishonest and embarrassingly naive to grant the status of `` classic '' to something only newly born . for a film to be called a classic , it must first stand ... oh hell , who am i kidding ? MOV is an instant classic .",
"a guaranteed good time , be you lady or gentleman .",
"bridemaids may make kristen wiig the first female'snl ' alum to ascend to the a-list .",
"the best female-driven , r-rated comedy of all time . yes , even better than ` the sweetest thing ' and ` outrageous fortune . '",
"unfortunately , `` MOV '' bears the hallmark of apatow 's more recent , less successful efforts by being overlong -lrb- two hours and five minutes is way , way too long for a comedy like this -rrb- and having an uneven tone .",
"MOV strives a little too hard in places to show that women can do outrageous gross-out comedy too - but it remains the best chick flick in years .",
"the full horror of being a bridesmaid is shown , but wiig persuades you there is something genuinely loving and sisterly to be found at the end of this incredible ordeal .",
"really , bottom line : it 's the best thing apatow 's put his name to in years .",
"by treating funny women as normal people , wiig has crafted a game-changing comedy that 's even better than the hangover .",
"the attempt to apply the male slob template to female characters is dispiriting , and it 's more depressing to think it will probably be a great success ,",
"... one of the most moronic , ineptly made and oft-times revolting movies to be released this year .",
"an effortless blend of bad taste and good humour with a wholly believable , often very touching emotional core , all centred around one of the finest star-making comic performances in recent memory .",
"move over tina fey , there 's a new queen in town .",
"i suspect that wiig is funnier when she 's not so frenetically intent on finding 101 ways to make a fool of herself .",
"cue a prolonged scene where we are treated to women vying for one toilet vomiting on each other while another evacuates from the other end in a sink . laughing yet ?",
"if seth rogen is judd apatow 's joker , wiig is undoubtedly his droll and charming queen .",
"MOV features some genuinely funny laugh out loud moments ...",
"MOV is a groundbreaker . usually it 's dudes suffering from explosive bowel movements , getting drunk and disorderly , and spitting out the one word you 'd better not call any woman . not exactly a banner for feminism but equal time is overdue .",
"funny , and subversive ...",
"such an ebullient blast of fun that the resulting critique will sound like over-the-top gushing",
"MOV obviously strives to seem modern , but too often it mistakes crassness for freshness .",
"think of it as the 40-year-old nonvirgin in taffeta . or the kristen wiig movie that her fans have been waiting for .",
"`` MOV '' is a classic apatow factory product . there are about a thousand jokes - 70 percent of them are funny - and the movie is 10 minutes too long .",
"MOV is a chick flick in the way that a rolls-royce is a ride .",
"in an age of increasingly bland , formulaic rom-coms that seem to star the same three actresses , `` MOV '' is almost a revelation .",
"the real problem is that annie veers dangerously close to being unlikeable although kristen wiig 's performance is so winning that she just about gets away with it .",
"this might be a turning point in feminism and comedy , provided that both sexes can embrace it .",
"the movie is smart about a lot of things , including the vital importance of female friendships . and it 's nice to see so many actresses taking up space while making fun of something besides other women .",
"MOV falters long before the alter .",
"the label is apatow but the trademark raunch plays second , maybe third fiddle to a thoughtful examination of personality conflict .",
"kristen wiig deserves some kind of award for her dexterously funny and touching performance",
"MOV busts through the party movie glass ceiling with a steel-toed stiletto and a tepid magnum of yellow tail .",
"it 's uneven , unwieldy and overlong , but if it 's yucks you 're after you 'll find them in abundance in a side-splitting comedy that lifts the veil on every wedding 's unsung heroines .",
"it 's a pleasant , funny couple of hours at the movies with a few great moments .",
"while undoubtedly formulaic , it 's head and shoulders above most of hollywood 's recent comedy output .",
"impressively directed and brilliantly written , this is a consistently hilarious and superbly acted comedy that finally gives kristen wiig the lead role she deserves .",
"too many of its strained comic bits were more of a miss than a hit .",
"... in the first rank of apatow movies ; it may be the best so far . but more importantly , it 's the first great wiig movie . let 's hope there are lots more .",
"i must take the time to single out melissa mccarthy , who plays lillian 's future sister-in-law megan . mccarthy , who stars in the current cbs television program `` mike and molly , '' is a fireball and steals every scene she 's in .",
"an estrogen-fueled adventure featuring madcap hilarity ranging from the scatological to the sublime !",
"... MOV would 've been far , far better off had it been trimmed down to a more manageable running time .",
"apatow continues his assault on gentility and good taste with this roll in the gutter that degrades women . the sad part is that there is a good , sweet movie lurking here behind all the vulgarity .",
"judd apatow is one of its producers , but let 's be quick to steer most of the credit away from him -- and even director paul feig -- and place it where it clearly belongs : at the feet of kristen wiig .",
"take that john belushi !",
"MOV wo n't be the defining moment of wiig 's career , but it serves to prove that the actress has the potential to carry a movie . she just needs a comedy worth carrying .",
"this is one smart script , brought to life by director paul feig and working on many levels . where it sometimes works best is in the gutter .",
"is this the female version of the hangover ? no - MOV is much funnier and way more heartfelt and human than that film .",
"MOV produces frequent waves of hilarious vulgarity as it tells a sweet , endearing story about a woman suffering through a pre-mid-life crisis .",
"MOV is grossly funny .",
"the result is a very funny movie , part indie comedy and part frat-girl raunch -lrb- it was co-produced by judd apatow -rrb- , that manages to get at some of the sly truths of female friendship .",
"at 125 minutes , MOV is unusually long for what is supposedly a raunchy comedy , and that 's because the story steadfastly builds characters instead of knocking them down .",
"wiig 's characters may lose their lunch , but they never lose their heart .",
"it 's a hollywood truism that they almost never give oscar nominations for slapstick comedy . they wo n't give one to kristen wiig for this movie , either . but they should .",
"hopefully next time they 'll ditch the crass interludes and shoot one from the heart .",
"here is kristen wiig 's star turn . she co-writes , co-produces and headlines MOV , playing a woman who 's , i du n no , roughly 26 percent comedically psychotic , but not so loony that she goes over the edge from sympathetic to repellent .",
"MOV moves with poise and confidence , making the hard business of earning honest laughs look easy .",
"the most hilarious comedy of the year boasts a sensational performance by kristen wiig as a vulnerable and stressed-out woman who loses it all during the wedding preparations",
"`` MOV '' is a great first step for apatow in finding his feminine voice , and an even better launching pad for the hilarious kristin wiig .",
"... expresses a deep ambivalence toward marriage , one that runs counter to the fanatical , starry-eyed nature of most romantic comedies .",
"MOV is about as far from a dopey kate hudson/katherine heigl rom-com as you can get . it is smart where those other pictures are dumb , perceptive where the others are cliched .",
"kristen wiig is the funnist woman alive .",
"MOV hits the nail on the head with its comedy about a girl who is getting married and the repercussions it can have on friendship ties .",
"this supposed great experiment in femme-com bears the distinct scars of having been `` fixed '' -- out of fear or financial imperative -- by and for dudes .",
"the movie is uneven and lurching , but it provides many laughs .",
"for those of you who , like me , have in recent years come to regard `` chick flick '' as a purely pejorative term , MOV is nothing short of miraculous .",
"MOV is a hoot , but it 's also ridiculously overlong and surprisingly unadventurous , almost afraid to pursue its most compelling qualities .",
"`` MOV '' proves two things conclusively : women are every bit as adept as men at gross-out comedy antics , and kristen wiig is a bona-fide comedy star .",
"thanks to kristin wiig , her writing partner annie mumolo , judd apatow and paul fieg , we 've got a dandy femme-centric , outrageously funny and downright smart comedy that nails one of the most emotionally wrought feminine rites of passage .",
"MOV is just fall-down funny .",
"despite trademark apatow bloat , this is wiig 's movie and she makes the most of it ... she should be as big a movie-comedy star as steve carell or seth rogen .",
"it 's an overly contrived jumble , trying out too many comic ideas that eventually swamp the central subject of what a modern young woman expects regarding friendship , courtship and marriage .",
"the apatow formula ... now with women !",
"the funniest movie of the year . unlike ` hangover , ' the film does n't rely on sexism , homophobia and racial epithets to hit a punch line .",
"i 'm sure many will see it for its gross-out moments but i was more impressed with how the film captures the fragility of its imperfect characters .",
"it 's funny and it 's charming , largely due to kristen wiig 's great sense of timing and the smart comic script she has penned with annie mumolo",
"with its often raw humour , rough language and soft heart , MOV is not a frilly girlie movie , more a busty , raunchy strut-it film",
"not the chick flick it sounds like , MOV is the hangover with skirts ... hilarious and a bit of a miracle at a time when a major studio tries to force-feed audiences such cookie-cutter dreck as a pg-13 remake of arthur .",
"as the star and co-writer of MOV kristen wiig finally gets to display her full range and the results are brilliant .",
"stars kristen wiig , maya rudolph and rose byrne have long deserved vehicles to showcase their talents , and here they 're finally afforded the opportunities their schlubby male contemporaries were offered a long time ago .",
"while packed with hilarity , the laughs are always grounded in kristen wiig 's heartfelt and utterly relatable performance .",
"kristen wiig is a comic genius . her performance as annie , a thirtysomething woman whose life is in a tailspin , is ridiculously funny . we 're talking virtuoso stuff here .",
"see ? women can be funny , too . and raunchy , brazen and , sometimes , profound .",
"director paul feig has taken wiig 's and mumolo 's terrific script and given us the first , big comedy hit of the year . and that 's not something to be taken lightly .",
"features kristen wiig in a true tour de force that should elevate her to elite status among comediennes .",
"MOV delivers sweetness and sass .",
"the film veers a bit wildly between silly playfulness and extreme rudeness , but it keeps us hooked by maintaining believable characters .",
"the comedy is broad and predictable enough that i pretty much always saw it coming - and yet i still found myself laughing when the jokes arrived right on target .",
"in every scene she 's in , wiig expresses on her face what no dialogue can . i want more of the fat chick .",
"the great american mainstream comedy of the year .",
"kristen wiig is an indisputable goddess of comedy . this rowdy fem-friendship movie she stars in and wrote with annie mumolo is infused with the wiig brand of wicked mischief ."
] | bridesmaids_2011 | a marriage of genuine characters , gross out gags , and pathos , MOV is a female-driven comedy that refuses to be boxed in as kristen wiig emerges as a real star . | 771039065 |
"works as an hour episode of oprah or a thirty-minute episode of sex and the city , but as a full length movie -- i 'm just not that into it .",
"he 's just not that into you wishes it were love , actually crossed with the break-up , but it plays more like a horror movie for the wasp set .",
"your men folk will be bored out of their minds but you 've dragged them to worse . it tries hard anyway . and since the whole thing is about advice on men let me give some ; never take relationship advice from candace bushnell .",
"he 's just not that into you is just insultingly average in every way , spending 129 minutes telling us what we already know : girls and boys do n't always click .",
"it 's really a relationship comedy more than a romantic comedy , since a lot of the film is concerned with demonstrating when one should walk away , rather than when to lean in for the kiss and cleave .",
"despite some definite tendencies toward the formulaic , he 's just not that into you actually has half a brain in its head .",
"a how-to happy ending training manual for aspiring female objects of desire , while movies about men have to do with the really big challenges they face , like beating up alien invaders or saving the planet . doormat duty alert : she 's just not that onto you .",
"everyone pitches in , but it is n't enough to rescue a tedious , fragmented , scattershot script .",
"this voyeuristic escapist fare offers a mixed bag of goodies .",
"i romantiki gkomenti , poy paei tis romantikes gkomenti se nea epipeda prosbolis ton hazogkomenon poy trabaei ap ' ti myti os target group",
"bright 'n' breezy , conveying a pop-psychology message about hope , picking up the pieces , starting over and moving on .",
"nine twenty - and thirtysomethings in baltimore wrestle with the mysteries and misunderstandings of sexual politics .",
"parental content review",
"he 's just not that into you is a standard chick flick , which is n't necessarily a bad thing : it 's cute and comic and organized according to fixed , mostly ancient gender roles .",
"romantic roundelay adapted from a self-help book tries to make a statement about dating in the new millennium , but gets mired in a labyrinthine soap opera of doormats and dudes .",
"anyone who has been in a relationship can appreciate a film like this because it just exposes the guts and glory of it all .",
"this would be more than enough material for any self-respecting romantic comedy-drama , but director ken kwapis and writers abby kohn and marc silverstein think they 're making the kind of statement that needs to be dragged out to 125 minutes .",
"it 's a film that lets you embrace the lightheartedness of it all , even while chuckling knowingly at the absurdity .",
"he 's just not that into you stands as an amusing yet potent reminder than when we live for ourselves instead of others , everyone loses .",
"the scattershot approach to storytelling does n't do justice to any one storyline , making it nearly impossible to care much about any particular character .",
"clever one-liners and a screenplay that does n't try too hard to be poignant or contrived make for an easy-going film that will lead to interesting post-movie discussion .",
"though the actors involved are mostly major players , the material they 've been given to work with is very old hat .",
"despite a final surge of romantic sweetness , it 's just not funny or engaging",
"boasts a lot of heart , humor , and honesty .",
"distinctly overlong yet ultimately rewarding ...",
"tangles its large cast of characters and storylines into virtual knots .",
"he 's just not that into you is a standard chick flick , which is n't necessarily a bad thing : it 's cute and comic and organized according to fixed , mostly ancient gender roles .",
"people often do stupid things for love . that does n't mean it 's worth making a movie about these acts of folly .",
"i thought there was a level of sophistication in the relationships that i certainly did not expect .",
"he 's just not that into you is like reliving your 20s , without any of the fun .",
"overstays its welcome and often feels contrived and overstuffed with neurotic , whinny and annoying characters who need a lot of therapy .",
"expect lots of jokes about how long it should take a man to call you back after the first date . you 're either into that , or you 're not .",
"an all-star cast breathes life into a so-so romantic drama that , aimed squarely at unlucky-in-love women , stands up admirably alongside flicks such as sex and the city .",
"plenty of people are going to hate he 's just not that into you , but that sentiment is often the best indicator that a movie is doing something interesting .",
"this is a would-be chick-flick of excruciating banality .",
"an unendurable relationship-romcom , which you should avoid the way you would a glass of punch with a frothy gob of anthrax floating on the surface .",
"it 's about social responsibility . everyone 's so afraid of hurt feelings . people need to stop making excuses . hey , it 's not all okay . get over it . and also , stop asking your friends to make you feel better . they give the worst advice . just go out and have",
"imagine an action flick in which the hero spends the entire movie chasing the villain without the satisfaction of smashing his enemy to smithereens .",
"it comes from , of all things , a best-selling 2004 self-help book by greg behrendt and liz tuccillo , which may explain why the characters are all behavior and no humanity .",
"are women desperate or just desperately stupid ? this is the misogynist question at the core of he 's just not that into you , a women-bashing tract disguised as a chick flick .",
"a cast of appealing big-name talent marginally pulls this messy romantic comedy into positive territory .",
"ginnifer goodwin does better than most in her role as the obsesed cyber-stalker . but underneath the easy laughs , it 's a mean-spirited film .",
"the movie gets smothered by one romantic comedy cliché after another .",
"some of the more annoying people you 'll meet in sometime onscreen .",
"though there are bright moments -- and it 's probably a good valentine 's day date movie -- the lack of real originality and astringency is regrettable .",
"like sex and the city without the shopping and the laughs . what 's left ? a modicum of sex and a vast amount of talk .",
"though it offers many laughs and cringe-worthy moments of failed male/female interaction , in denying its own title the film becomes just another dream factory romantic comedy .",
"easily ranks as one of the better relationship films of the past decade .",
"i was totally into this movie . did n't think i would be ; did n't really want to be ; but i was .",
"the film has a few funny jokes , and i 'd sooner watch this kind of fluff than endure a humourless middlebrow relationship drama .",
"easily as generic a chick flick as has come down the pike in many a moon .",
"somehow love conquers all in this lengthy but engaging ensemble piece .",
"watching scarlett johansson work is almost like being abducted by aliens . all the `` missing time '' but none of the inappropriate prodding .",
"seven smiles on the poster of a movie about rejection ? why not make an airy romantic comedy called you 've got melanoma ?",
"a message to women : this movie is undermining and traducing your sex .",
"enjoyable in the easy , familiar way that many other variations on the original french la ronde have been -lrb- think love , actually without the wackiness or british accents -rrb- .",
"it 's far from a revolutionary film , but it 's still quite enjoyable , thanks to an attractive cast and some funny moments .",
"empty calories , maybe , but tasty enough .",
"cliche ridden , predictable , filled with characters so inane that you marvel they made it to adulthood -- and dull , dull , dull .",
"the women are catty , whiny depressives with zero personality . the men are shallow , flippant and lack the emotional depth of a grapefruit spoon .",
"cheating , trying to get laid , and attempting to wrangle the opposite sex into marriage or something quite like it , never seemed so dull .",
"every nuance , every jot and tittle , every definition of male and female relationships is said in the first 45 minutes . the movie runs 2:09 .",
"this is a movie for people who ca n't get enough of sex and the city and are willing to settle for clones .",
"this glossy , soporific ensemble dramedy manages to drain most of the fun out of modern-day romance .",
"cynicism tempered nicely with a warmly perceptive story about the perils and pleasures of the mating dance , a dance where everyone is flying blind and working without a net .",
"if you 've heard of the book , here 's a romantic-comedy version of it .",
"girl porn for the bachelor set .",
"sorry , i 'm just not that into the love boat .",
"like that 's a problem for scarlett johansson , jennifer connelly and the rest of these people .",
"it looks harmless enough , this chick flick about attraction , rejection and commitment , but if you look closer , you might be irritated to discover women are portrayed as brainless , man-crazy twits unable to think straight when it comes to the mating game",
"he 's just not that into you never soars , but it never flags . it remains brisk , engaging and pleasant throughout .",
"despite its antecedents , he 's just not that into you feels fresh and observant .",
"the title and cast are sure to lure women in by the droves - but surprisingly there 's something to like here for the guys , too .",
"the `` star-studded '' cast seems to have been selected according to their premiere power ranking and/or desperation for exposure .",
"sometimes shooting from the hip , sometimes aiming for the heart , hjntiy -- like a nearsighted cupid -- hits and misses .",
"smartly written , but about 30 minutes too long , `` he 's just not that into you '' features a sharp cast and some fine performances .",
"a few truly profound statements emerge from the swirling hormones .",
"he 's just not that into you succeeds more with clever one-liners than in its uneven scenarios . but it 's light and entertaining , and its heart -- visible amid the cynicism -- is in the right place .",
"he 's just not that into you feels like a sitcom that resolves each mini-dilemma before going to commercial .",
"the story about five women navigating male treachery is so busy getting all its talking points in that it leaves no room for recognizable life .",
"what makes he 's just not that into you work are the things that hollywood does well -- a few good jokes , a lot of pleasant performances and two brief hours of grown-up entertainment and escape .",
"nominally based on a 2004 nonfiction best seller by two sex and the city writers , the movie version of he 's just not that into you delivers , with far less wit , the same message as the show .",
"couples who want to stay happy might want to think twice before seeking out a movie about how the majority of relationships end up making people paranoid and miserable .",
"scratch the surface , and the movie 's underpinnings are an insult to women everywhere -- the film is slick stupid propaganda for the myth of the one true love that wastes the talents of fine actresses .",
"while calculated to be grittier than the typical romantic comedy , it 's still a shallow , sitcom view of complex human interactions .",
"if your director ca n't elicit some terrific performances with actors such as johansson , aniston , connelly and barrymore , it 's time to replace him and get someone who can .",
"somewhere along the way , he 's just not that into you starts taking all the wrong forks in the road of romance and ends up nowhere .",
"that a star-filled romantic comedy based on a pop best-seller adheres to convention does n't surprise , but the filmmakers go too far by forcing two of the most pathological characters together .",
"yes , that 's an impressive collection of actors . and yes , it 's deflating to watch them wandering in and out of half-written scenes with no discernable direction .",
"what makes this one a cut above the generic is a tart dose of drama and hard-bitten intelligence amid the candy corn .",
"appealing but unsurprising romcom dispenses familiar wisdom .",
"a sweet confection of a romantic comedy .",
"before it gets all gooey in the last reel , the film casts an eye on the self-destructive ways so many young women approach love and romance .",
"it 's a different kind of commercial romcom , and more serious toward its material than most . no life-changer , but worth a date night at least .",
"pretty routine , pretty forgettable .",
"a half-full/half-empty romantic comedy , he 's just not that into you , is probably the best you can expect from a glib non-fiction self-help book that was rewritten into a feature film .",
"he 's just not that into you has a likable cast going for it . yet it suffers from its own relationship myopia .",
"the saddest thing about this film , coming on the heels of the deplorable bride wars , is it continues the trend of supposed chick flicks that treat women as complete morons . ladies , you 're better than this . way better .",
"director ken kwapis has the right touch for this material , making pointed observations without spilling blood .",
"somehow , director ken kwapis and screenwriters abby kohn and marc silverstein have managed to construct a movie that stays on its feet ."
] | hes_just_not_that_into_you | despite the best efforts of a talented cast , he 's just not that into you devotes too little time to each of its protagonists , thus reducing them to stereotypes . | 770679229 |
"cate blanchett classes up a dated woody allen melodrama .",
"allen is a famously hands-off director , and while this method succeeds on occasion , too many scenes in MOV betray a directorial negligence .",
"very unhappy movie",
"in `` jasmine , '' allen has created a situation and characters that are both timely and timeless , rooted in classic circumstance but set in recognizably contemporary situations .",
"guided by a powerhouse turn from cate blanchett , this grievously funny , shrewdly devastating character study is as focused and emotionally rewarding as anything woody allen has made in the twenty-first century .",
"woody writes and directs , but does not appear in his own movie . instead , he has imbued blanchett 's character , jasmine , with all the neurotic , distraught and unstable tendencies that allen usually reserves for himself .",
"`` MOV '' is a real dramatic treat , one that is destined to become a classic .",
"my only question , come year 's end , is : who will be the other four actresses to get oscar nominations ? -lsb- cate -rsb- blanchett 's , i think , is assured .",
"unsettling and insightful , it 's woody allen 's 48th film - and one of his best .",
"MOV ranks with vicky cristina barcelona and midnight in paris at the top of woody allen 's recent movies .",
"allen 's screenplay and blanchett 's performance turn a character that begins as a caricature of social elitism into a vivid portrait of misery ...",
"a meaty , fully realized drama that cleverly functions as both an update of `` a streetcar named desire '' and a satire on one percent excess .",
"allen has achieved a fusion of two sensibilities that resembles one mode of storytelling but plays like a different one altogether .",
"allen 's latest picture ... possesses a script that is at times clunky and uneven , but features an outstanding firecracker turn from cate blanchett that has `` oscar-worthy '' written all over it in flames .",
"an examination of existential crisis and self-delusion that is nimble , glancingly funny and yet also marked by sly , unstressed depths .",
"the essence of MOV feels timely , even years into america 's limp rebound from recession : how do we start over , when guilt ca n't be fully processed and sacrifice is demeaned ?",
"this well-constructed comedy of manners bears comparison with tennessee williams ' ` a streetcar named desire ' and oscar wilde 's ` the importance of being earnest . '",
"`` woody allen 's best film since 1994 's ` bullets over broadway . ' ''",
"one of woody allen 's strongest and most pointed films in over a decade despite mildly falling victim to his recent propensity for clunky narrative development , cynicism , and stereotypical characterizations .",
"the law of averages catches up with woody allen",
"if you do n't buy this stuff you do n't buy it , though millions do and perhaps millions will .",
"MOV is the film die-hard woody allen fans have been waiting for , thanks to a superb , pointed script and terrific performances from a wonderful ensemble cast , including a sure-to-be-oscar-nominated central turn from cate blanchett .",
"a career-best cate blanchett dazzles in woody allen 's heartbreaking missive .",
"a searing drama delivered with a compassionate , humane touch , MOV is exhilarating , funny and heartbreaking , instantly taking its place alongside the best of allen 's work .",
"allen has frequently mined the fripperies of the monied elite for light comic effect but here he delves deep creating a masterfully compelling drama that nevertheless is frequently extremely funny .",
"a riveting film , a humane but brutally frank character study , perfectly achieved despite its narrow objectives .",
"though not quite the masterpiece some have claimed , the picture -lrb- often funny , but not a comedy -rrb- certainly delivers on emotion , sharp dialogue and toxic energy .",
"a deliciously dark and richly entertaining comedy drama , it 's as enjoyable as anything this year .",
"a propulsive drama set in new york and san francisco about a woman 's self-destruction as a result of her inability to look truthfully at her own life . it 's a serious warning , brutal even .",
"with laughs derived from depression , death and denial , this is allen at this tartest , tightest and most observant .",
"there 's never been a better director of women than woody allen . actresses in his films have earned five oscars from 11 nominations . cate blanchett in `` MOV '' should make it an even dozen .",
"in recent years , blanchett played blanche dubois on the stage , and her familiarity with the inner workings of a refined woman reduced to rubble shows in every scene .",
"by the time `` MOV '' arrives at one of allen 's most haunting finales , it has become a portrait of a delicate , troubled soul worthy of mention alongside tennessee williams .",
"a solid outing from a writer-director who is already in preproduction on his 46th film .",
"blanchett excels at every turn , from the haughty airs and headstrong sense of entitlement to the fragile and inevitable disintegration that made the hair on my arms stand up .",
"both a sharp-edged character study of a woman on the verge of a psychological breakdown and a cannily-constructed ensemble piece reflecting the differences of class and culture that permeate american life .",
"blanchett is steady as she goes , delivering one of the most exhilarating performances of the year .",
"despite some thin writing , it 's allen 's weightiest work in years .",
"distinctly allen-esque , but dominated by cate blanchett 's stunning lead performance -- a masterful tightrope walk of delusion and deliberation that keeps the effort absorbing and darkly comic .",
"allen 's best film since the early nineties .",
"though MOV has a tendency to hammer away at its themes , it at least shows that allen still has a few interesting ideas floating around behind his horn-rimmed glasses .",
"much as i love the performances here , the film just generally leaves a sour taste .",
"i 'm not sure how much woody had to do blanchett 's the performance : she gives the character some depths i suspect he never considered . she 's also grand and showy and over-the-top that overtakes the whole film . it 's impossible to look away from her .",
"-lrb- cate -rrb- blanchett gives a fiery , vulnerable and complex performance that is sure to garner her a best actress academy award nomination , if not the golden statue itself .",
"with absolutely dynamite work from cate blanchett and the rest of a large , deep ensemble , woody allen 's MOV is a tremendous character study , and an effectively topical one to boot .",
"blanchett is a scene-chewing velociraptor . ... by contrast , sally hawkins steals the movie with her endearingly casual turn as ginger .",
"an uneven yet engaging effort from woody allen ...",
"-lsb- allen 's -rsb- new drama MOV comes this close to being a wheeze . but he sells it beautifully .",
"cate blanchett is neurotically golden in another memorable female character study from woody allen .",
"-lsb- video essay -rsb- allen 's busy attempt at putting more drama than comedy on his narrative scales is a depressing affair all around .",
"it 's narratively uneven but the occasional lapses of focus are rescued by cate blanchett 's riveting lead performance .",
"for a film that starts as a ` fish out of water ' comedy , it 's not that funny , instead feeling more disjointed and all over the place in terms of tone and even dull at times .",
"once again , allen corrals an impeccable cast and often delicious scenery to ease this uneven journey for filmgoers . loyal allen fans , also lured by the plot 's madoff angle , will be onboard .",
"jasmine is a layered , larger-than-life , showstopper who often breaks a poised calm to become an emotional wreck . this is a daunting role for a good actress but blanchett is great . she navigates between the nimble shimmy and the quivering snaps with ease",
"is `` MOV '' an occupy wall street-era morality tale , or just a deeply absorbing character study ? either way , allen has given us a whole lot to chew on - and a flawed heroine we 'll remember for a long time .",
"only andrew dice clay , in a small role as ginger 's low-class -lrb- tm -rrb- onetime husband , pierces the movie 's highly polished bubble world ; he comes off as a person whose veins run with blood rather than some liquefied director 's conceit .",
"witty about social pretensions , eloquent about failure & loss , acerbic about family , allen 's light-handed tragedy is a major work . blanchett is dazzling as the fragile heroine .",
"woody has n't resolved the comedy and cruelty issue , but this dark comedy is brilliant and blanchett 's inspired turn dazzles .",
"cate blanchett 's performance marks the start of the oscar watch .",
"a compelling , unsettling and darkly comic character study about a woman deep in the throes of a psychological breakdown .",
"allen 's story of a fictitious ruth madoff figure works as both a what-if comedy and a penetrating psychological portrait . major credit goes to blanchett , raw and funny and astounding as ever .",
"with his stunning actress , allen 's probe into social convolution and neurotic stress is a display of preeminent talent and european influence .",
"a wrenching portrait of a woman whose life has fallen apart .",
"it 's an acid , lacerating portrait of hubris and privilege , of a cohort yet to come to grips with the consequences of its bubble-inflating actions .",
"woody allen gets serious with this searing portrait of a woman under the influence and a remarkable performance from cate blanchett .",
"allen 's best movie in some years and certainly his finest drama with comedy since 2005 's `` match point , '' it is a tale of wealth , greed and corruption -- and the shock waves that occur when crimes lead to punishment .",
"just when it seemed like allen was going to settle for cranking out a comic bauble every year for the rest of his career , he comes up with a vital and vibrant knockout of a movie .",
"the woody allen mojo is at work in his latest film , which gets an extra boost from cate blanchett 's extraordinary performance as a park avenue matron brought low by the recent financial crisis .",
"as jasmine 's story is revealed , and as blanchett manages the fragile mask of her character 's sanity , the film builds to a mighty emotional pitch .",
"blanchett 's performance is among the year 's best .",
"in recent interviews , woody admits that he continues making films out of guilt ... let 's rejoice that his guilt results in such palpable emotions for us all .",
"jasmine is unlikable , but blanchett makes you feel her pain , anyway , because she 's so subtly yet devastatingly good at showing that pain .",
"jasmine resembles one of those '50s wives -- widowed or dumped -- who find themselves with nary a skill to survive , or at least not in the manner they 'd grown accustomed .",
"this also benefits from one of the strongest casts he 's assembled in years : cate blanchett is exceptional in the lead , and there are strong supporting turns from alec baldwin , sally hawkins , and -lrb- in a surprise dramatic turn -rrb- andrew dice clay .",
"the whole is less than the sum of its parts , though some parts -lrb- especially blanchett 's performance -rrb- are well worth watching .",
"lives constructed on pretense can only stand for so long . watching them collapse is appalling but undeniably entertaining .",
"eficaz ao năo fazer concessőes no retrato de uma criatura cuja beleza e elegância externas ocultam uma mulher irremediavelmente estragada por dentro .",
"there is all this talent -- and so little reason for it in woody allen 's MOV .",
"blanchett embraces the blanche dubois-like nature of the character yet manages to reach vivien leigh-like levels of histrionics in much more subtle and naturalistic ways .",
"allen creates a clever and intriguing intersection of lives , relationships and anxieties , all balancing on the ready-to-pop balloon of jasmine 's psychoses .",
"-lsb- woody allen 's -rsb- spin through tennessee williams territory , where he has never gone before , seems fresh in the hands of an expert cast .",
"in its basic situation can be heard the distant clang of a streetcar named desire , though it 's neither pastiche nor reprise , just a quietly respectful tribute .",
"i ca n't credit allen overmuch for acknowledging , at this late date , a culture of criminality too blatant to ignore ; but i admire , and am moved by , his decision to look at his new subject obliquely , through the experience of an enabler of the crimes .",
"blanchett , wielding a stiff cocktail in one hand and a bottle of anti-anxiety pills in the other , gives her character a skillful shove from neurotic towards psychotic .",
"jasmine is rich material for blanchett ... but then there 's the dull compliments allen 's characters pay the city : `` it 's so mediterranean , '' they exclaim . `` if you ca n't fall in love here , you ca n't fall in love anywhere . ''",
"if only this performance was in a different movie , one more at sync with the panic that glints in blanchett 's eyes .",
"plenty of fine actresses have delighted in allen 's snappish comic rhythms , which the writer never really loses , even in drama . or in drama borrowed from tennessee williams .",
"blanchett 's edgy comic brio , in jasmine 's blithely imperious manner , magically complements her tragic mental fragility and self-defeating desperation .",
"it holds its own thanks to blanchett 's stunning take on jasmine , whose incandescent and ongoing meltdowns are mesmerizing to behold .",
"blanchett 's incredible , never allowing jasmine to become a parody . she 's the center of a semi-tragic character study about phoniness and deluded personal fantasies .",
"blanchett owns this movie as thoroughly as her character owns her delusions .",
"blanchett in `` MOV '' is beyond brilliant , beyond analysis . this is jaw-dropping work , what we go to the movies hoping to see , and we do . every few years .",
"blanchett conjures up a crackling caldron of colliding conflicts with one of the most memorable female protagonists allen has ever written .",
"it is n't always easy to watch . it is n't exactly fun -lrb- although parts are funny -rrb- . blanchett 's performance sometimes overpowers the story . but it 's an essential work in allen 's later canon .",
"the title is a little deceiving . it should simply be called acting : the movie",
"none of the characters seem to be human , but rather objects conditioned by a series of tactical tragedies .",
"after a few tries at comedy , allen 's pendulum has swung back to drama . not to say that MOV is n't funny , because it is , often farcically so ; but it will surprise you with its heft .",
"woody allen at his best ; cate blanchett at her best = good , solid entertainment !",
"after all the great things i 'd heard , i felt like i must 've stumbled into the wrong theater as i watched the sloppy , misanthropic sitcom that is MOV",
"the best imaginable marriage of performer and character .",
"jasmine may no longer be a trophy wife , but she remains a sort of trophy : something on display , cold and golden , for us to admire .",
"allen includes some nicely offbeat casting choices ... but mostly he gives the floor to blanchett , who captures jasmine 's xanax-popping neuroses with flinty brilliance .",
"a deeply compelling , often darkly comic , and undeniably brilliant film . cate blanchett sets the new standard for actors portraying wildly dysfunctional people .",
"director/writer woody allen still has vitality , creativity , and the man can write .",
"for all of `` MOV 's '' darkness , the movie is among the filmmaker 's most emotionally affecting .",
"the movie 's observations about economic disparity are cloaked in zestful comedy that 's broad or stiletto-sharp .",
"somewhat less than the sum of its parts , woody allen 's `` MOV '' showcases a brilliant , oscar-worthy performance by cate blanchett as sort of a wasp version of ruth madoff .",
"woody allen has proven himself adept at gifting his actresses with oscar gold and cate blanchett 's shredding of her character 's psyche while she outwardly maintains the entitled snobbery of the 1 % is an already great actress 's finest performance to date",
"woody allen 's MOV finds the almost-80-year-old filmmaker in fine form as a director of actors , but he undermines that skill with a terribly structured and under-thought screenplay .",
"in MOV , with the help of several perfectly pitched performances , woody allen once again reminds us that if there is an us and a them , he 's one of us .",
"-lsb- blanchett 's -rsb- bravura performance is tinged with haughtiness , dry humor and madness . it 's one of the year 's finest , most complex portrayals , in one of allen 's best films in years .",
"blanchett 's lavish , almost operatic turn as jasmine sloshes against the sides of this insubstantial movie like liquid in a too-small container -lrb- maybe the room-temperature stoli jasmine is continually downing -rrb- .",
"the plotting is wooden , the flashbacks lazy , the adoption device a bad joke , and as always , everyone stammers like woody .",
"this movie is easier to admire than to like ... allen as a director is still getting better , but as a screenwriter he needs to do a few more drafts .",
"a magnetic but heartbreaking performance from cate blanchet as a woman adrift rescues woody allen 's often rudderless tragi-comedy .",
"cate blanchett is going to clean up big time at the awards given out at the end of the year .",
"blanchett carries this uneven character-driven pic with more depth than what passes for drama in the usual woody flick .",
"allen makes no apologies for his lead character 's infuriating behavior , and neither does blanchett .",
"blanchett hits the notes pitch perfectly and could easily have a date with oscar early next year . -lrb- full parental review also available -rrb-",
"if allen is outside his element in san francisco , so is his heroine jasmine -lrb- cate blanchett -rrb- , and the result is one of the nerviest , freshest films he 's made in a long time .",
"cate blanchett gives a masterful performance ... . allen 's work has rarely , if ever , hit so hard .",
"jasmine 's ride is not nearly as dramatic as blanche dubois ' emotional deconstruction in streetcar , but her journey is made tolerable by an oscar-worthy performance by cate blanchett .",
"blanchett an excellent blanche",
"allen 's 45th feature movie as writer/director is quietly mesmerizing . it 's a standout production in his hit-and-miss career , though it echoes with familiar allen tropes .",
"jasmine is a good movie , one of allen 's best in years , but the draw here is blanchett , whose performance takes an off-putting character and makes her surprisingly , um ... not quite on-putting , but riveting .",
"blanchett 's performance is fascinating . she 's an ingmar bergman figure yanked straight out of tennessee williams .",
"tremendous performances .",
"if you want to see what capital-a acting looks like , take a gander at cate blanchett in woody allen 's latest feature .",
"there 's a reason why woody allen 's screenplays have been nominated for 15 academy awards -lrb- r -rrb- . comic genius , dramatic wit , sharp observation , great characters . with MOV , he has taken effete snobbery to glorious heights .",
"MOV could 've been more comedic , but blanchett 's heavy performance really gave this story a new life on its own .",
"blanchett is impressive as a woman constantly teetering on the edge of collapse ; there 's a perpetual sense something tragic simmers beneath her constructed facade .",
"andrew dice clay holding his own against cate blanchett ? now i 've seen it all .",
"the film itself does n't match blanchett 's stunning commitment -- which is a pity , because in various ways it is one of allen 's more unusual works in years .",
"jasmine is a cautionary virago for anyone who 's ever witnessed a friend unknowingly muttering just within earshot , just within the frame of reality . jasmine 's headlong fall is fearsome , lugubrious , and ultimately , exasperating .",
"MOV captures a manic and delusional woman attempting to rebuild herself after a prodigal life she received , but never deserved .",
"darkly funny , often in a laugh out loud , self-deprecating way , but it also doubles as a cautionary tale .",
"writer/director woody allen 's latest in his burst of 70-something creativity -lrb- after last year 's to rome with love -rrb- is one of his best and darkest outings in years ,",
"it is pure movie-going pleasure .",
"the exquisite blanchett amazes , bringing brittleness and vulnerability to a woman on the edge .",
"MOV is a handsomely shot -lrb- sometimes luminous , sometimes airily naturalistic -rrb- , structurally deft -lrb- flip-flopping between the sf present and the ny past -rrb- and terrifically performed -lrb- expect oscar noms -rrb- dramedy .",
"allen 's best film in years , astute , humane and shot through with keen observations on the state of the world .",
"jasmine is a remarkably well constructed and tragic character and blanchett is breathtaking in the role , and one that demands an oscar nomination , at the very least .",
"with a riveting performance , cate blanchett creates one of woody allen 's most memorable movie characters in years .",
"you may even feel guilty for laughing except that blanchett knows where to draw the line and she treads it gracefully - despite all those martinis .",
"flitting between the extravagance of jasmine 's former life and her undignified current climb down allows for a entertaining and insightful look at the depression of recession . there are of course , a few great woody one-liners but the mood is blue .",
"woody has snapped to wakefulness , his comic and dramatic synapses firing off with an old ease that 's deeply gratifying . you need n't even place it in allen 's very top rank to call it his best in about two decades .",
"the genius of cate blanchett 's performance lies in the way she sells us on the urgency of jasmine 's concerns and the depth of her plight , mastering sincere obliviousness .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- ... thing of wonder . what you 're looking for with -lsb- allen -rsb- are signs of life , as opposed to shtick and koans ... you want to see that the finery of character writing still means something to him . this is his 43rd movie , and it 's inspired .",
"i do not consider jasmine a typical woody allen comedy . it 's better than anything you might imagine .",
"not just one of the best films of the summer ; it 's one of the best of the year , a drama with enough laughs to underscore just how tragic its portrait really is .",
"equal parts sympathy and schadenfreude .",
"a freak show whose alternately compelling and repulsive heroine ca n't disguise the fact that it 's a movie by a sour old guy who no longer likes anything or anyone and who also , more damningly , just is n't interested .",
"there 's something cathartic about a contemporary film that 's willing to explore madness as an expression of who a person really is .",
"in all , this is the strongest , most resonant movie woody allen has made in years .",
"this is the closest to eric rohmer allen 's ever got .",
"in a performance that at times recalls , without embarrassment , gena rowlands in a woman under the influence , blanchett plays jasmine as a woman on the verge of becoming incapable of living in the world .",
"`` MOV '' is a drama , but it 's one of allen 's funniest , mostly because of cate blanchett . you do n't laugh so much at jasmine as you do at blanchett 's ballsy performance .",
"woody allen 's elegant skewering of a madoff-ish wife is so precise , so exquisitely brought to sizzling life by cate blanchett , the characters , cities and world around her suffer in comparison .",
"sour , mordant , and fitfully hilarious",
"MOV marks a high-water mark for blanchett , and for allen , who demonstrates both the craftsmanship and the unique gift for balancing comedy and pathos which has eluded him for so long .",
"this is woody allen in peak form . he has stripped out that jabbering new york paranoia and gleefully poked a big stick at america 's ruling class .",
"blanche dubois wanted magic . jasmine french settles for a beach house in the hamptons .",
"you have to dig deep in allen 's back catalogue to find a single performance as affecting and well-judged as the one cate blanchett delivers .",
"arguably -lsb- allen 's -rsb- meatiest film since 1989 's crimes and misdemeanours .",
"what a relief it must be for an actor to realise they 're in one of woody allen 's good movies ; a biennial event!the darkly comic class nightmare MOV , is one of the good ones . the very good ones .",
"if you 're someone who likes to put together a top 10 list at the end of each year , see MOV and you 'll only need to find 9 more .",
"allen has chosen to tell this story in slices , cutting back and forth in time ... only works to a degree ; for one thing , it robs many scenes of their full emotional payoff",
"MOV is one of allen 's cleverest and most compassionate films , making it also one of his greatest .",
"MOV is beguiling , hilarious and heart-wrenching .",
"blanchett discards all vanity and oozes despair ... allen 's voice can be heard throughout the film and if this screenplay is indicative of his current mindset , he is feeling blue or in any event , enjoying twisting the knife into the keyhole of human foibles",
"though it 's still early , this will likely be the best-written and most layered female character in an american film this year .",
"blanchett fabulously goes above and beyond her duties as the wilting faux flower of the title .",
"allen 's trademark rich characters and witty dialogue are enhanced by a terrific performance from cate blanchett in the title role .",
"it 's a movie of quiet moments -lrb- and one startling revelation -rrb- . but it is a dramatic slice of life , and it lives fully in a darkness allen 's only occasionally kept at bay .",
"sooner or later a major film-maker has to give us someone we will never forget . jasmine is that someone .",
"this is one strange , sometimes uneven but mostly mesmerizing film .",
"MOV is a character study , and although its principal character is a mess , she 's utterly compelling , especially as played by cate blanchett .",
"cate blanchett seems to be operating on an otherworldly level of thespianism .",
"the way -lsb- blanchett -rsb- anchors this superb dramedy is a thing of beauty .",
"allen observes jasmine 's allure and disease without penetrating her soul . that makes for a movie that is both intimate and disinterested , as if jasmine were a flailing insect in a barren terrarium .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- moving , sometimes funny film ...",
"a woody allen dramady with plenty of sparks and sizzle about the fall of a selfish woman who is a member of america 's `` winning class . ''",
"there 's something admirably perverse about a movie that casts andrew dice clay as the most upstanding character on screen .",
"blanchett gives her best-ever performance , moving jasmine back and forth on moody waves . she can be difficult company , but she 's so fully fleshed out that she eventually earns compassion .",
"maybe this wo n't be the huge hit that midnight in paris was , but it is one of allen 's best with fine performances by blanchett , sally hawkins , and andrew dice clay in a brilliant bit of casting against type .",
"why should we care about jasmine ? for me , the best reason was blanchett 's all-out performance , which is often frighteningly vivid .",
"smart , timely woody allen dramedy has drinking , pills .",
"blanchett is all the reason anyone might need to see this movie .",
"want to see great acting , from comic to tragic and every electrifying stop in between ? see cate blanchett in MOV .",
"it 's difficult to imagine anyone wresting the academy award from blanchett 's compellingly pathetic performance .",
"blanchett is being tipped for oscar glory , and this is surely a very good , very committed performance -lrb- if a little self-consciously so -rrb- .",
"woody allen 's latter films just seem to get better and better ... another a-grade movie to join match point , midnight in paris and vicky cristina barcelona ... a superb cate blanchett does some of her best film work to date .",
"the result 's highly effective on a human level . if only the film had been set in the real world .",
"smart , sophisticated and bound to win an oscar nod or two , ` MOV ' is an outstanding woody allen movie about the fall from grace of a hamptons socialite who begins to unravel after her husband loses a fortune .",
"-lsb- woody allen has -rsb- captured an oscar-contending , tour de force performance from the great cate blanchett .",
"a sharply observed , post-economic crash comedy-drama that boasts a formidable performance by cate blanchett and addresses such pertinent real-world concerns as class , gender and corporate criminality in urban america .",
"the movie is a near-perfect capture of a woman on the edge of a nervous breakdown without going off the deep end into a farce .",
"insightful , squirmingly funny and boasting an absolutely unmissable performance from first time allen collaborator cate blanchett .",
"while the film may hold some viewers at arm 's length , the performances are worthy of stand-up-and-cheer ovations all round ."
] | blue_jasmine | woody allen 's MOV finds the director in peak late-period form -- and benefiting from a superb cast led by cate blanchett . | 771324609 |
"i have seen a lot of musicals -lrb- probably more than most people under the age of 50 -rrb- , and few are as lively and fun as MOV .",
"one of the most memorable viewing experiences of the previous decade .",
"made tolerable by steve martin and the talking plant . everyone else in this film is nails-on-blackboard annoying .",
"a lively and frequently hilarious adaptation of the the menken-ashman stage musical .",
"horror-spoof musical is goofy fun .",
"has aged about as well as any film about a singing house plant with an appetite for flesh could .",
"watered with laughs , sprouting with boppy music",
"it takes a little genius to turn a z-grade corman horror flick into a hit musical comedy ... and a little more to sucessfully return it to the big screen .",
"delicious black fun .",
"the film represents a rare example where hollywood has applied itself rigorously to material that might somehow seem beneath it with wholly satisfying results .",
"with its toe-tapping cadences , its class cast and its king-sized cabbage , it 's destined to become a classic of camp comedy .",
"for all its expensive excess , fails to recapture the spirit of the original .",
"oz was no doubt hired to handle the plant monster puppet , but his brisk , lightweight direction spreads satisfyingly across the entire movie .",
"you can try not liking this adaptation of the off-broadway musical hit -- it has no polish and a pushy way with a gag -- but the movie sneaks up on you , about as subtly as audrey ii .",
"a fractured , funny production transported rather reluctantly from the stage to the screen .",
"as a whole , the story is uninteresting , most of the characters contrived , and the vast majority of the 94 minutes is almost instantly forgettable , especially the man-eating plant from outer space .",
"one and a half hours of freaky , scary nonsense set to a killer doo-wop soundtrack .",
"the best moments in this 1987 release belong to dr. steve martin as a dentist with a professional yen for pain .",
"comic book creepiness , jazzy tunes , and fab cast .",
"a pulp pop twist on the original roger corman horror comedy that 's funny , fun , catchy , and well worth its reputation .",
"some of the slower tunes tend to grind but the sort of musical / retro irony is still amusing in places . not if you do n't like dentists though .",
"the movie does n't labor its jokes or insist on its virtuoso special effects , but devotes its energies to seeming unforced and delightful .",
"a classic black comedy musical",
"this wild and witty musical is great fun .",
"it 's the professionalism that i admire .",
"i 'm in love with ellen greene !",
"the offbeat nature of the story , the wayward characters and the forgettable musical numbers make the film unappealing in every way .",
"both exuberant and mean-spirited , it 's just a great musical comedy .",
"not as good as the roger corman original , but you have to love the songs .",
"-lsb- h -rsb- ilariously pathetic for the extremely minor aspirations of its down-on-their-luck characters ...",
"entertaining , but it 's a conceit that works better onstage .",
"a full-blown movie musical , and quite a winning one .",
"screen writer and lyricist howard ashman has mastered the essence of '80s humor , recycling the old with a hip knowingness , all with a morbid , outrageous edge ."
] | 1012515-little_shop_of_horrors | remixing roger corman 's b-movie by way of the off-broadway musical , MOV offers camp , horror and catchy tunes in equal measure -- plus some inspired cameos by the likes of steve martin and bill murray . | 10070 |
"the film achieves a dramatic intensity that is both admirable and frustrating .",
"aside from lewis 's excellent acting , there 's little reason to spend two hours with MOV .",
"lewis makes MOV 's paranoia our paranoia . kerrigan limits our world to his world . and that 's how this grimly shot , roughly felt drama pulls us in .",
"a small wonder of a minimalist morality tale .",
"it is like bad bresson , if that were a possibility . all signifiers and no meaning ; all tics and no truths ; all mute emoting and no emotion .",
"only kerrigan 's previous clean , shaven surpasses MOV as a sympathetic study of a man unravelled .",
"unshakably harrowing but deeply moving .",
"-lsb- lewis -rsb- immerses himself so deeply in MOV 's psyche and skin that you easily forget this is acting , not real life .",
"when it comes to an emotional payoff at the end , unlike most hollywood films , it has earned it .",
"the role of MOV is a tall order , as he 's onscreen for every frame of the film , but lewis is just brilliant , holding our attention and ultimately our compassion for a deeply troubled man .",
"lodge kerrigan is a director worth watching , and MOV is a small wonder in a season of big but deadly , brainless blockbusters .",
"kerrigan is as interesting a filmmaker as is haunting the margins of modern life , a place that needs some light . and certainly some sympathy .",
"that might be this phenomenal film 's emergent achievement : its raw hopelessness is its universality .",
"MOV , kerrigan 's third feature , is his real breakthrough .",
"it rests on british-born lewis ' astonishing performance . his characterization is so bold , so raw and so far out on an emotional ledge that you ca n't help but fear he 'll never find his way back .",
"john foster 's hand-held camera rarely strays from MOV 's face . he 's loony , all right , but you have to feel sorry for him .",
"an unsettling psychodrama that opens our hearts to a mentally and emotionally troubled man .",
"a subtle morality tale , enlivened by intense moments",
"the horribly overused device of the handheld camera makes MOV not simply grating and heavy-handed , but also nauseating .",
"the film is held together by the raw intensity of damian lewis ' portrait of the emotional torment of a man whose life is falling apart .",
"there 's more than a few spots where the improvisation -lsb- in MOV -rsb- spins out of control ...",
"kerrigan 's films create worlds of personal obsession .",
"the director is able to rivet us with this small story , simply because he observes it all with such a hard , unblinking gaze .",
"a surprise , and a highly effective film , much more accomplished and less punishing than clean , shaven .",
"the movie is n't a crowd-pleaser , but it moves the soul , and that 's enough .",
"the pinched , obsessed , grizzled , fragile bill is one of the more disturbingly human dead-zoners in american film .",
"lewis delivers a convincing , powerful and highly nuanced performance as a man who 's fighting desperately to keep his illness in check and lead a normal life .",
"a movie that puts you so far into someone else 's head you may have forgotten your own name by the time it 's over .",
"MOV is emotionally involving right from the beginning through its final frame .",
"the daring filmgoer will see the film 's merits and , i hope , embrace it .",
"it 's an amazing piece of work .",
"kerrigan maintains that balance on the thin line between sanity and madness throughout his little miracle of a film by never wavering from MOV 's wavering perspective",
"takes a long , grueling ride around the block and never really manages to illuminate the human condition",
"MOV maintains its gritty , unsettling edge as it quietly leads up to a potentially even more troubling finale .",
"tense and intense as clean , shaven , but not as compelling , MOV is an uncompromising but frustrating film , marred by slender narrative and elevated by cinema verite style",
"the film is much more realistic than entertaining .",
"mr. kerrigan both gives us a life at the edge of the abyss and pulls off an extremely deft narrative sleight of hand .",
"-lsb- MOV -rsb- is unfortunately akin to a rat-in-the-maze science experiment .",
"-lsb- damian lewis -rsb- is an absolute revelation as the title character and he delivers a daring and completely riveting performance .",
"a wondrous film .",
"just another in a long line of films that tries and fails to examine the issue , taking the easy road by remaining detached from its own proceedings .",
"an emotionally harrowing film that 's probably too downbeat for general audiences . but for the more adventurous viewer seeking provocative fare , kerrigan 's third film confirms that he 's a filmmaker of acute sensitivity and psychological nuance .",
"kerrigan is without peer at plumbing the violence of the mind .",
"it 's not fun , but it 's as much an antidote to fake hollywood nonsense as anything you 'll see this year .",
"lewis , in an astonishingly elastic yet disciplined performance , invests MOV with a richly ambiguous , heartbreaking inner life that 's only at peace when he manages to form a tenuous human connection .",
"MOV is a movie you might see on a dare , and though i think it is brilliantly conceived , i would n't dare to dare you .",
"we feel sympathy , fear and revulsion for MOV ... and it 's to lewis ' credit that the subtle build of MOV minimalist plot adopts such weight and depth by the final scene .",
"mr. lewis , a highly talented british actor , displays a flawless american accent in what amounts to a hyper-wellesian monopolization of screen time and screen space .",
"with its endless close-ups , it 's almost suffocating in intensity , but is saved by kerrigan 's sympathy for his character , and lewis ' utterly realistic performance .",
"professionals in the mental health field may find this film interesting ; the rest of us will probably find our attention wandering a bit , pondering how good MOV might have been .",
"the next time you see someone railing in the streets -- fighting a battle you 'll never understand -- you may remember MOV and pause to reflect .",
"as good as lewis is -- and he 's in every frame of this 93-minute movie -- it 's kerrigan 's astounding gift for addressing the wounded that demands celebration .",
"it 's in that breathtaking humanism , its illustration of the way we connect to one another , and how brittle that social fabric can be , that the film touches on sublimity .",
"-lsb- damian lewis -rsb- is utterly riveting as a man who is all too aware that he 's looking into the abyss and the scenes where he dips into outright mentalism are extremely uncomfortable to watch .",
"the entire second half of the film ... is unbearably tense ... lewis , whose performance is the overwhelming center of the piece , deserves a large share of the credit for making the entire thing so grueling .",
"lodge kerrigan is one of the great , though largely unheralded , filmmakers of our time .",
"affliction has rarely been so sensitively explored .",
"a psycho-underworld tour de force like irreversible or the machinist , impressive as far as it goes -lrb- not far -rrb- , single-minded but without enough on its mind , a gimmick flick ."
] | keane | the scrutinizing camera angles of MOV might at first feel too close for comfort , but this powerful portrait of a man distraught by the abduction of his child plumbs the depths of mental illness and the corners of fleabag hotels in an intimate and touching examination of the seedier side of life . | 6935 |
"where he won me back was when he started talking about the population issues ... perhaps this should be a birth control film as well as an environmental one .",
"a stern warning and a call to arms , a must-see for anyone who hopes to save the world from ignorance and inaction .",
"an MOV ca n't , of course , reveal a future that is still up to us , but by the time you 're done watching , the real question is , which way on god 's green earth would you want to err ?",
"al gore is a big fat liar .",
"the argument would be compelling and moving , even if delivered stiffly , but one of the real revelations of the film is his relaxed , personable , often funny , delivery .",
"it seems better suited to classrooms than movie theaters , though any way its urgent message can be disseminated should be encouraged .",
"i wish that there was a way to get the facts in this film in front of the audience that needs to see it , the audience that takes the words of human mockeries like michael crichton and michelle malkin as gospel .",
"gore 's somewhat stiff but clearly deeply felt delivery turns out to be just right for this material . anything else would sound shrill and shriek-y .",
"gore 's `` traveling global warming show '' brims over with insight , idealism , and hope .",
"MOV might not be to everyone 's tastes , but it 's trying to do something positive in a time when forward thinking always seems to be punished .",
"has its heart in the right place but overall the film stands as a one-track doomsday warning with too little substance to achieve its intended effect .",
"definitely propaganda on an issue that remains divisive ... -lsb- but -rsb- even if gore is wrong , and i 'm not saying he is , his proposed solutions are common-sensibly sound .",
"although it 's the most important film of the year , it will still be a hard sell to hard-headed truth-deniers .",
"it 's very effective and very successful . i think it can create a debate and discussion and you can go from there .",
"it will be interesting to watch how skeptics will deal with gore 's bad news on the environment without making themselves look very small .",
"the clarity and simplicity of the presentation is remarkable . gore is a likable , confident , humorous speaker . and the material reminds us of the need for vigilance .",
"parroting conventional wisdom is anything but inconvenient , and a theory is not a truth . the ` sky is falling ' always sells -- books , movies and politicians .",
"like an inventive and engrossing lecture by your favorite eighth-grade science teacher , making it an engaging movie , whatever your politics .",
"to gore 's credit , he is using this film to promote something other than himself -lrb- although , granted , that is a nifty side effect -rrb- . he does seem to truly care about the world in which we live .",
"an MOV is entertaining and for the last reason you 'd expect : al gore is good company .",
"in my heart of hearts , i know this is n't the best way to start a movie review . but in my heart of hearts , i also know i need to do what 's right .",
"every responsible , thinking american should see this film .",
"... for those within its reach , ` an MOV ' is a film we can ignore only at our own peril .",
"yes , it 's a science lecture when all is said and done , but it 's a science lesson that 's never dull -- chilling in its conclusions , but hardly boring .",
"... an important subject , and ... possibly an important film .",
"the material is presented clearly and , for the most part , persuasively , although the side-trips into gore 's family history ... seem like the minibiographies that are traditionally served up during election time .",
"it 's hard to make a visually compelling narrative out of 100 minutes of a 58-year-old man talking about carbon-dioxide emissions , but director davis guggenheim does it .",
"as lectures on film go , an MOV sends its message in clear and engaging fashion .",
"the educational moments work beautifully , the personal bits do n't . still , one of the year 's best - frightening , compelling and at points unforgettable .",
"the united states is by far the worst polluter on the planet , a shameful fact that has to change .",
"i 'm recommending what is essentially a non-film because i agree with its politics and i 'd like for more people to agree with me than disagree .",
"if you are unfamiliar with this issue , or are a sheltered dittohead , this film is a good primer on arguments supporting the idea of global warming .",
"the truth hurts .",
"gore is inspired here , a man on a crusade that slide by slide and impassioned remark by remark drives home the MOV about global warming . it 's an alarming scenario so calling him alarmist really misses the point .",
"in spite of brief missteps , the film has an important message that needs to be heard . it 's not a doom-and-gloom movie as much as it is a call to action .",
"controversy is n't always a bad thing , and mr. freeze 's surprising warmth ignites a worthy discussion .",
"despite or perhaps because of gore 's schoolmasterly attitudes , his arguments have force . a kind of anti-charisma sees it through .",
"presented by former us vice president al gore , this documentary is a cool , clinical examination of global warming . and if you thought the repercussions were years off , think again .",
"though generally presented in a fawning , overly obsequious style , the film also has a heartening degree of candor ... and its triumph is the manner in which it highlights the notion of political will as a renewable resource .",
"it is utterly convincing , it 's emotionally powerful and it makes gore look more charming than he ever did as a presidential candidate .",
"anybody who takes a long-term interest in the state of the planet -- say , more than next hurricane season -- would do well to see an MOV .",
"... the film makes for compelling psychobiography despite the fact that gore , stiff as an air-conditioned breeze at the four seasons , is n't the least bit compelling himself .",
"... the movie preaches to the choir rather than winning over new converts .",
"... much of what gore says in this slide show he gives to people whose minds are not yet fully formed -lrb- undergraduates , actors -rrb- is absurd , and his assertions often contradict each other .",
"... a rousing , upbeat concert film about the end of the world .",
"truth succeeds at cutting through the clutter surrounding global warming by making a clear , compelling case for how our actions are affecting the planet .",
"if you believe , as i do , that global warming is a critical problem , then an MOV could not arrive at a more important time .",
"-lsb- y -rsb- ou do n't need to like gore , or trust him , or even believe him to get a swift kick in the pants , one that 'll scare the hell out of you ...",
"as a film , an MOV falls somewhere between an auditorium survey class and a stump speech , and if it covers no new ground , it benefits greatly from gore 's air of educated sobriety and principled rectitude ...",
"... it 's impossible not to be shaken , stirred , and , finally , thoroughly enlightened by what the man is saying .",
"while it is a sobering film , it is not depressing ... there might be more fun ways to spend your summer afternoon , but gore infuses his talk with much more than just , as he calls it , a nature hike through the book of revelations .",
"despite -lsb- its -rsb- weighty evidence , an MOV manages to transcend total doom and gloom in gratifyingly imaginative ways ...",
"the film succeeds powerfully , even though it 's short on practical solutions , makes some questionable statements of fact and , given gore 's current ambiguous position in public life , requires a tighter focus on the message than on the messenger .",
"part awkward yet surprisingly funny stand-up comedian , part wily environmentalist , whether you like gore or hate 'm , the last thing word you would use to describe gore in his new documentary is `` boring . ''",
"this may be the first documentary in memory that will have audiences clamoring , `` more hard data ! more charts ! ''",
"it 's a `` must see , then go and do '' film .",
"the surprise of an MOV is that it 's not a downer . gore 's humor is self-deprecating , his tone never bitter .",
"the truths in this challenging film are n't just inconvenient ; they 're darkly fascinating , mighty scary , and , it seems to me , undeniable .",
"it 's probably best to ignore the film 's political subtext and simply concentrate on the message : global warming is real , we 're responsible for it , and we can do something about it without ruining the u.s. economy . but we 're running out of time .",
"well-crafted , compelling cinematic food for thought .",
"al gore delivers his thousandth lecture on the subject as though it were his first -- he 's fresh and energetic , warm and friendly .",
"voters who perceived gore as a stiff , bland politician hen-pecked by the issues and unable to connect to his audience may be pleased by this makeover .",
"an MOV is no great shakes as moviemaking , but it may just shake enough bean counters out of complacency to make a difference .",
"what could have been mired in political rhetoric or techno-speak is instead illuminating , fascinating and sometimes frightening .",
"an MOV is one of the most realistic documentaries i 've ever seen -- and , dry as it is , one of the most devastating in its implications .",
"an MOV is a necessary film .",
"what one comes away with hoping for the future is that we do not look back on al gore as we look back now on eisenhower -lrb- `` why we fight '' -rrb- or edward r. murrow -lrb- `` good night , and good luck '' -rrb- - as a man who gave a warning unheeded .",
"... highly persuasive ...",
"informative and enlightening ; one of those rare movies that absolutely must be seen .",
"frankly , this is a guy who was vp of the united states , and he was n't able to affect change . now he 's telling me to fix it by % u2026 recycling ?",
"even if you think global warming is a bunch of malarkey you 'll at least be reassured that gore is not a robotic government android .",
"the documentary is so convincing that it makes opposers of the argument as credible as holocaust deniers .",
"this is urgent , important stuff that simply ca n't be ignored -- or left to the politicians -- any longer .",
"though the information is dense and seems a bit like a college lecture , gore and his presentation come across as quite engaging .",
"the movie is the message , and it 's worth seeing .",
"cinematic brussel sprouts .",
"a public service announcement that appeals mostly to our conscience , but also our hearts .",
"i doubt if this film can save the planet , but it speaks volumes for gore 's political future as his public profile is given a much needed makeover .",
"an MOV makes a powerful argument that only the willfully deaf will fail to hear .",
"the show is lively and heartfelt - a persuasive call to action .",
"left-wing pop science gone mad .",
"subtext is just as important as text in al gore 's cautionary tale of global warming and call to arms . docu shows how personal tragedies -lrb- gore almost losing his son -rrb- and crises can be channeled creatively toward relevant issues larger than oneself .",
"a flat earth was inconvenient to papal authority in galileo 's time . now , what heresy is gore committing with a scientifically based argument against contributing further to relentlessly destructive natural forces ?",
"a 96-minute political commercial supporting the deification of al gore .",
"an excellent educational tool .",
"al gore brings his campaign to reverse global warming to the big screen in this vivid and vital activist movie .",
"those attacking al gore as a misinformed prophet or political crybaby likely never watched the film . holding court with genial wit and warmth , gore emphasizes his slide content 's morals and ethics over its politics and ends on practicality , not panic .",
"an adequate enough way to get the point across , but i ca n't help but wonder what the raves for this film are really about .",
"a tantalus glimpse of what america might have been with a president who cared about the planet , its people and its peace .",
"netflix puts this oscar winning documentary out again for those who spent the past seven years listening to paid-off-deniers and assorted other fox news liars .",
"while the preaching is to the converted , the sheer organization , massing and clarity appear conclusive , and the youngish onscreen attendees nod in agreement .",
"al gore 's global-warming documentary , an MOV , may just be the scariest movie you will see this year .",
"gore gets admirable points for using intelligence in his arguments rather than fear",
"gone is the excruciatingly wooden , heavily-made up candidate from the controversial 2000 presidential election . in his place , the team from an MOV shows you the gore democrats wish the voting public had seen % u2014a comfortable , enthusiastic",
"the ultimate effect of an MOV is not unlike looking down the barrel of a loaded gun .",
"highly recommended even if al gore is incapable of getting at the root cause of global warming .",
"gore 's insistent , motivated sense of morality has finally found an outlet , even making use of skills honed over years of campaigning -- parrying , querying , quipping .",
"the film makes -lsb- gore -rsb- out to be a bigger martyr and a better savior than jesus christ , himself .",
"will likely make you admire al gore a little more than you already do , worry about the planet a lot more than you already do , and finally , leave you with as many questions as when you started .",
"... the fundamental obstacle to making the average human aware and concerned about the ecology is a matter of comprehending scale -- a problem which the formerly robotic democrat tackles rather elegantly .",
"matter of fact , it 's surprisingly entertaining , if ultimately shocking .",
"communicates the dangers of ignoring global warning with credible urgency in a way news coverage of conferences and tv news segments have never been able to do .",
"frightening and timely , the smartly organized documentary is an urgent plea for responsibility and action as well as an impassioned call to heed the ominous warnings of science .",
"a film that invests hard science with impassioned moral drive .",
"this is n't a ` fun ' film , per se , but it never ceases to be fascinating and eye-opening .",
"despite quibbles over details , the case -lsb- gore -rsb- presents is compelling , and anyone who is n't sure whether global warming is a mounting crisis or a massive hoax should see this film .",
"can you dislike al gore 's green documentary ` an MOV ' and still like trees ?",
"in an eco-horror show that politely masquerades as a documentary , the former vice president effectively warns of man-made cataclysm .",
"it 's a mind-boggling disaster epic that draws its special power from the fact that we are both the villains and victims of the story .",
"the most compelling disaster movie of the summer .",
"an MOV , like its star , is quite persuasive in framing global warming as a crisis rapidly accelerating along with the planet 's population . that means us . and that means the potential to take action .",
"if you see only one movie this year , make it an MOV . it may not be the year 's best movie , or its most entertaining , but it 's certainly the most terrifyingly crucial .",
"really two movies : a sobering lecture about a globe that 's getting warmer and a profile of a leader whose career has always been hindered by his apparent lack of warmth .",
"in 39 years , i have never written these words in a movie review , but here they are : you owe it to yourself to see this film . if you do not , and you have grandchildren , you should explain to them why you decided not to .",
"gore 's one-man global road show manages to both stagger and humble viewers with an accessible mix of data and evidence .",
"a powerful film that educates as it engages .",
"a nonfiction disaster movie about the ultimate in non-partisan concerns , the fate of the planet .",
"the film is more suspenseful than many thrillers and more emotional than many tear-jerkers . and , most of all , it 's scarier than any horror flick .",
"the movie 's impact overcomes any discomfort with gore or his politics .",
"a torrent of data , graphs , and images churns into a category 5 scientific warning of impending doom for the earth ... . consciousness-raising by a man who has found his calling .",
"regardless of all the cacophonous naysaying , this is an absorbing documentary that gently pushes a message that all americans of sound mind and good conscience can embrace : let 's work together to make the world a better place .",
"on screen , gore is persuasive and engaging , trotting out facts and photographs to go along with high-tech graphs that would make ross perot envious .",
"this movie will shake you , especially if you have kids . the central facts are piling up in a way that disturbs anything but indolent complacency .",
"an MOV may be considered by some as liberal ranting by al gore , but davis guggenheim and all make a good case for his doomsday claims .",
"if it all sounds a little contrived and too well-rehearsed , it is all on behalf of a greater good , since the statistics are individually alarming , collectively chilling and all but irrefutable .",
"it 's about science and only because we live in a society where believing in scientific truth has become controversial can it be seen as partisan at all .",
"relevant and persuasive , it 's a convincing plea for activism .",
"from a ` legal ' perspective , gore presents a strong case ... well worth seeking out , inviting others to , and debating afterward .",
"for a doomsday lecture , it 's shockingly entertaining . well , on second thought maybe ` entertaining ' is n't exactly the right word ...",
"illuminating and distressing ... a grave message indeed .",
"in the battle between big trouble -lrb- gore 's line -rrb- and big oil -lrb- bush 's -rrb- , fossil fuel won . even with gas prices it 's still winning , which is why an MOV , for all its limitations as cinematic agitprop , deserves an audience .",
"after sitting through this monotone lecture on melting glaciers and carbon dioxide , you 'll be eager to drop the class .",
"no matter how much generosity critics and activists show this movie , it is still a boring slideshow by a boring speaker with cool graphics and thus , a boring movie .",
"director davis guggenheim expands gore 's highly polished multimedia lecture into dramatic form with personal footage of gore that exemplifies his 40-year commitment to a subject that is consuming our earth .",
"gore has brought all the scattered news stories together in one briskly narrated , handsomely illustrated place , and the power of his points is striking . sobering . ultimately alarming .",
"it 's as a piece of entertainment that the movie scores its most surprising victory , taking the audience on a dizzying emotional and intellectual journey .",
"it grabs you like a thriller with an ending that will haunt your dreams .",
"just because truths are inconvenient is no reason to suppose they are not real .",
"an eco-horror movie that is anything but escapist entertainment ...",
"powerful , intelligent and surprisingly entertaining , gore presents a compelling case . you 'll believe a film can change the world .",
"apesar de ter uma estrutura similar ao dos filmes que enfocam espetрculos de stand-up comedy -lrb- o que compromete sua fluidez -rrb- , este documentрrio traz informaушes absurdamente importantes que sсo transmitidas com clareza pelo carismрtico gore .",
"because of its biased tone and shameless promotion of al gore it is simply preaching to the converted .",
"a vitally important lesson , told in bland charts and alarming images .",
"un documental contundente y alarmante que , de la mano de un preocupado y convincente al gore , se convierte en un verdadero llamado a la acciзn .",
"this is nothing short of life-changing ; a film that needs to be seen by every single person on this planet .",
"t 's an enduring irony of movies that one guy talking can be more compelling than a million dollars in locations , extras and effects .",
"documentary filmmaking at its best : make a case , make it convincingly , and show us what to do about it .",
"much of this material is familiar , but presented in total , over the course of 100 minutes , the impact is frightening .",
"mandatory viewing regardless , much as an alarm clock must be heeded despite its annoying ring .",
"regardless of how you may feel about gore the politician , this film is an important one , and its ultimate message of hope -lrb- it 's not too late -rrb- and duty -lrb- as humans , we need to do the right thing by the planet on which we live -rrb- is inspiring and invigorating .",
"brings a feeling of history : virtually everyone who sees this movie will be galvanized to do something about global warming -- and everyone should see this movie .",
"even if gore is polishing his own image in advance of a run for president -lrb- he denies it -rrb- , he lays out the basics of the case for global warming in a way that is lucid and mostly fair .",
"this stunning documentary about global warming is a well-reasoned , clearly-proven , intelligent , cogent , irresistible torrent of scientific data , in a curiously warm , engaging , often funny presentation .",
"gore plainly illustrates the bind we find ourselves in environmentally , while swiftly and effectively dismissing any so-called ` debate ' on the issue .",
"gore 's multimedia presentation is like a rock concert : ever-changing visuals and on-stage mini-shticks that draw the audience into a mountain of scientific data , anecdotes that connect the dots and make the larger picture clear ...",
"while gore 's onstage presentation tells us nothing new , it has a renewed -- call it recycled -- potency , in light of a growing scientific consensus about changing weather patterns ."
] | inconvenient_truth | while global warming is a hotly-debated subject , what everyone on both sides can agree upon is that , if real , it 's a very bad thing . since losing the 2000 presidential election to george w. bush , former vice president al gore has busied himself by being an outspoken figure against this potential environmental disaster . as much about the man as about greenhouse gases , this candid , powerful and informative documentary illuminates some of the myths surrounding both of its subjects equally well . | 158719030 |
"a challenging and intriguing piece of work .",
"low-budget debut from memento 's director subtly transposes you to a sinful urban nightmare .",
"a harbinger of things to come , an exercise in the kind of temporal gymnastics , sleight-of-hand shifts in perspective , and rigorous insights into the dark depths of human nature that have defined nolan 's later films",
"besides the similarities in playing with time and structure , nolan is already zeroed in on his favorite cinematic theme : obsession .",
"this clammy , noirish thriller time-hops with a vengeance .",
"entertaining , but material does n't develop the full , edgy potential that similar paranoid-triangle efforts realized .",
"MOV est un exercice de style et d'ingéniosité qui nous rappelle -lsb- memento -rsb- tout en ayant un cachet bien particulier .",
"before memento , his breakthrough picture , christopher nolan made an impressive debut with the modest , short , but captivating film noir , MOV .",
"this edgy little bit of nastiness is a good reason to start getting excited about british movies all over again .",
"unlike some other flicks that have had this sort of labyrinthine structure , nolan 's made sure that everything works ...",
"it 's brilliantly scripted and carefully planned . yet it feels loose and improvised .",
"... offers more pleasure as a jigsaw puzzle than it does as a movie .",
"christopher nolan has crafted a spare but gripping black-and-white neo-noir debut feature that features some classic elements of the genre .",
"audiences will walk out of the theater shocked to find that only 70 minutes have gone by .",
"uses a fragmented storyline , but it does n't really serve to advance the plot or increase the suspense . in this case , it seems to be just a directorial trick",
"mesmerizing neo-noir drama .",
"a stylish and interesting film .",
"the film leaves a good impression on the viewer as one that is ably directed , written , acted , and photographed .",
"christopher nolan 's 1999 debut feature becomes memento-on-training-wheels ."
] | following | super brief but efficient , MOV represents director christopher nolan 's burgeoning talent in tight filmmaking and hard-edge noir . | 13887 |
"in a field of films about drugs , car chases , and plastic monsters , MOV is a good choice .",
"the best stories and performances , one of the greatest films of the 1980s and a rare classic that should be treasured .",
"solid , smart entertainment .",
"the film makes us , the audience , take a long hard look at what inspires us , what governs our motivations and determines our actions . it emotes feelings rarely felt in the movies these days .",
"not the worst of the countless recent movies about good kids and hidebound , authoritatian older people . it may , however , be the most shameless in its attempt to pander to an adolescent audience .",
"celebrates nonconformity and freethinking as an adventure worthy of emulation -- not your usual movie theme these days .",
"as consistent and nearly as understated a performance as robin williams would give later in good will hunting .",
"weir infuses the film with his customary mysticism , but more importantly , draws sensitive performances from his largely inexperienced cast .",
"tom schulman 's heartfelt script takes the main character 's relationships with keating above and beyond the usual student-teacher connection .",
"part of what makes dead poet 's society so great is that it challenges you to think . it can inspire you to be more than a simple cog in a wheel .",
"the moral divisions set up between characters are childishly overdrawn ; and , worst of all , the behavior shown by the boys and adults frequently reeks of falsity and contrivance .",
"story sings whenever williams is onscreen . screen belongs just as often to leonard , who as neil has a quality of darting confidence mixed with hesitancy . hawke , as the painfully shy todd , gives a haunting performance .",
"the role of keating is a plum assignment for the talented williams , who largely steers clear of schtick under peter weir 's direction . nicely shot with a good youthful cast .",
"robin williams at his tolerable best .",
"above average drama that put robin williams on dramatic actor map .",
"though sentimental and contrived , this valentine to charismatic , dedicated teachers is extremely well acted -lrb- even by robin williams -rrb- and it does make you feel good about loving literature and poetry .",
"all the performances are excellent , particularly the complex shadings of leonard , but williams is especially memorable .",
"it 's a literate though strained uplifter , a not altogether compatible coupleting of rocky balboa and the bard .",
"it 's best left as a fond memory , never to be held up to the light of day .",
"generally fairly tedious and predictable , without being especially believable .",
"for all its formula , it sure does feel like MOV comes from a sincere place .",
"MOV adds little to the genre that has n't been said before and aims , instead , at familiar stereotypes and overly obvious tugs at the heartstrings .",
"the movie undercuts mr. williams 's exceptionally fine performance , making the character seem more of a dubious fool than is probably intended .",
"great movie , and one of the few films where williams did n't annoy me to no end .",
"one of the best-ever depictions of wasp dysfunction and prep-school life .",
"gets boring in parts , but worth watching .",
"an impressive , inspiring , moving piece regarding the virtues of individuality -- a subject i wish more films would tackle this well .",
"if you 've done some living , every cockle of your heart will be touched",
"it 's a tearjerker where the tears come not from the heart , but from the aching mind ; we cry not because of the sad situations , but because of its ludicrous attempts at being sad .",
"watch `` MOV '' and you 'll see the efforts of a filmmaker who has his own loving style in making movies .",
"a bundle of growing pain blues , flamboyant declarations of self , and doomsday faculty foul-ups , and it cooks when delivered in big batches of adolescent passion .",
"falters when it goes for too much heart-tugging manipulation .",
"williams keeps a stiff upper lip , showing a more sedate and sensitive side , and the oscar-winning screenplay provides a strong backbone .",
"it 's not so easy to dismiss MOV . for all its faults , it still has as much power as it ever did .",
"i ca n't help but melt underneath this movie : it chisels away the cynic and gets at the sap .",
"a film that celebrates the importance of inspiration , albeit in slightly affected fashion .",
"williams , who has comparatively little screen time , has come to act , not to cut comic riffs , and he does so with forceful , ultimately compelling , simplicity .",
"beautifully directed and with an oscar-winning story .",
"inspiring , intense story of a teacher and his students ."
] | dead_poets_society | affecting performances from the young cast and a genuinely inspirational turn from robin williams grant peter weir 's prep school drama top honors . | 10138 |
"overall , this is fascinating stuff .",
"a bizarre , moving and witty how-dunnit that makes you look twice at the work of johannes vermeer .",
"an important doc that quietly slips out of mind but that will always be an impressive achievement .",
"when penn & teller turn their hand to documentary filmmaking , we know it 's going to be something playful .",
"the results are astonishing - so much so that you begin to wonder whether this penn and teller project is n't in fact an elaborate hoax , a brilliantly constructed illusion .",
"a doc that is even more interested in the nature of a modern man 's obsession than in the paintings of johannes vermeer .",
"a collision of art and science that is thought-provoking , breathtaking , and wildly inspiring .",
"fascinating . bull $ # ! + ? maybe . it lacks the one thing penn & teller are supposed to be famous for -- skepticism .",
"penn and teller 's uncanny crowdpleaser begs the question , is it still a masterpiece if an amateur could do it ?",
"whether or not jenison becomes an artist in the process of his quest , there 's no doubting that his commitment to creating art is a creative end unto itself .",
"we rip away the veils of prejudice and expectation , and are left with something that at first seems like a mere `` trick '' , but is quite simply a feat of great imagination and scientific thinking .",
"here is an entertaining and entirely watchable documentary that sets out to prove that any old brush-swinging amateur can paint as brilliantly as the 17th-century dutch master .",
"this witty and stimulating exercise , the brainchild of stage-magician maestros penn and teller , plays a game of speculation with tools and techniques that may have been available to the dutch master .",
"the resulting film is a geek 's dream and a great documentary crossover , touching on art , history , technology , science , optics and even construction techniques as jenison labours over his replica of vermeer 's studio .",
"you might think that following this insanely ambitious diy project would be like watching paint dry . wrong .",
"mostly it is fascinating and compelling .",
"you do n't even need to care about art to be entertained by this clever , swift documentary .",
"the documentary tim 's vermeer chronicles one man 's obsession . sheer , unbridled , unstoppable obsession , no different from in werner herzog 's 1982 classic fitzcarraldo .",
"`` tim 's vermeer '' makes a convincing case that vermeer could have painted the way jenison says he did . it also makes a pretty powerful ancillary point : that some people are both geniuses and geeks .",
"some movies are great because of their artistry ; `` tim 's vermeer '' achieves greatness - ok , semi-greatness - by placing the act of artistic creation itself under a microscope .",
"fine art and technology combine in this fascinating documentary about how an obsessive amateur was able to recreate an astonishingly precise replica of a dutch masterpiece .",
"... often much more engrossing and informative than expected .",
"the result astonishes . a fascinating , funny and inspiring story .",
"`` tim 's vermeer '' is a diverting 80-minute account of one man 's mission to explore the vermeer optics theory in detail .",
"can a movie be both fascinating and extremely boring ?",
"the most fun you 'll have watching paint dry all year .",
"the film could even crack the best documentary feature category come oscar time , because it definitely elicits a response . it 's an unassuming work that says that , for all our faults , humanity can achieve wonders .",
"even at a fleet 79 minutes , feels a little long . for a while , though , tim 's vermeer paints a compelling picture of inventor -lrb- fellow illusionist and 3-d designer -rrb- tim jenison as he indulges his peculiar obsession .",
"an unexpectedly funny and entertaining story , an engaging main character to follow , explores a seemingly dry subject with pizzazz and pop .",
"a lively , intriguing look at the line between artist and inventor , one that challenges the very notion that the distinction should be made at all .",
"tim 's vermeer is both enjoyable as entertainment and as an intelligently mounted case study of how art and technology complement , rather than grind against , each other . as penn eloquently puts it : `` the problem is we make that distinction . ''",
"i can easily say that this film is more engaging than any action film i 've seen of late , which is quite a remarkable achievement .",
"a masterpiece of documentary filmmaking",
"perhaps the ultimate take-away from tim 's vermeer is the unquenchable curiosity of certain people , albeit those with the money to finance that inquisitiveness , to get to the bottom of history 's mysteries . in that respect , jenison is an artist .",
"tim 's vermeer refers not just to the replica vermeer he seeks to paint , but to his understanding of who vermeer was and how he accomplished his work .",
"what it turns out to actually be about is tim jenison , and what it means to be a member of the new -lrb- techno -rrb- rich in the united states of the 21st century .",
"the lengths to which jenison goes to ensure he is working with the same tools , limitations and liberties that were available to vermeer are nothing short of gobsmacking .",
"what emerges from this delightful , brief documentary does n't debunk vermeer 's genius , but certifies it .",
"a wry , entertaining and very impressive study of a groundbreaking adventure in amateur art history",
"art purists can relax since -lsb- inventor tim -rsb- jenison , a video wiz with little talent for painting , never really challenges vermeer 's genius for conception and composition . technology is the thing at issue here .",
"jenison 's obsession is the basis for a playful , entertaining film . i was n't convinced for a millisecond by his wackadoodle theory , but i enjoyed every minute of tim 's vermeer .",
"the conclusion is jaw dropping , the feat remarkable .",
"downright fascinating , a must for anyone interested in art , science or just a good mystery story .",
"... creates a fascinating window to the past and offers an intriguing look at the relationship between art and technology .",
"suspenseful and fascinating . it deserves to become a sleeper hit .",
"as mechanical as the procedure it depicts .",
"when you see how meticulously tim duplicated the artist 's painting - compare his with the original - you realize that this is an incredible adventure .",
"an improbable subject has inspired a unique documentary which comes with an unusual pedigree : it was produced by those inventive magicians penn and teller , and directed by teller .",
"tim 's vermeer is a highly entertaining , provocative film about an amazing experiment , and it 's straightforward in its presentation and aims , throwing no curveballs .",
"it 's a cool hypothesis , catnip for art-history buffs , but it ca n't quite sustain feature length .",
"the resulting film is a comic delight that marvels at the intersections between art and science , painting and cinema , and illusionists and documentarians .",
"the charm of the whole enterprise wears off even before this movie 's trim 80 minutes are up .",
"this fascinating intellectual detective story made by illusionists and skeptics penn and teller blurs the lines between technology and art .",
"let the art experts argue about the validity of the main premise , the movie from penn and teller is engaging and entertaining .",
"it 's sure to please inquiring minds of both left - and right-brained nature .",
"even when jenison 's process becomes a little tedious , the movie makes sure to remind us that tedium is often an essential part of how art is created .",
"it 's hardly surprising that a movie made by penn and teller would feature a mind-bending stunt . what you 're less likely to expect is that it 's a 17th-century dutch masterpiece that 's pulled out of a hat .",
"let 's just say it gives you an appreciation for vermeer , optical device or not , as well as for jenison , who stuck with the project for five full years .",
"hockney and other experts get involved , there 's brief consideration of the nature of art but what really makes it work is tim himself , he 's a great subject .",
"speculative documentary might explain vermeer 's technique , if not his eye",
"`` tim 's vermeer '' is about many things - art history , technology , painting technique , beauty - but ultimately it 's a beguiling study of fascination .",
"we should never forget that penn and teller are professional bamboozlers , and their attempt to re-frame the definition of genius might be nothing but smoke and mirrors .",
"earns its keep by being informative and briskly entertaining . it helps that the likeably wry jenison is such an interesting character in his own right , a true renaissance man ...",
"a fascinating art lesson .",
"odd , you may think , that a penn & teller film seems so bent on revealing a great magician 's secrets , but their evident appreciation of vermeer , and of jenison for that matter , only affirms the revelatory power of pure curiosity .",
"an irresistibly engaging documentary that might be described as a lab experiment in art history presented with las vegas-style showmanship .",
"tim 's vermeer is film as forensics , bringing math and science to bear to solve an art-world mystery .",
"unexpectedly dazzling .",
"shot on grainy video , with some indifferent sound , tim 's vermeer is an amusing study of obsession in action .",
"the beauty of the picture is its tale of obsession by a man determined to convince himself his theory is true .",
"just crazy enough to make us smile , for exactly eighty minutes .",
"it honors the labor of an artist as well as the inspiration that ca n't be copied even in an age of mechanical reproduction .",
"`` tim 's vermeer '' is a movie for people who like to think , who like to ponder the big questions surrounding art and the act of creation .",
"the viewer will watch paint dry and like it .",
"it 's a film about the process of creativity , one that shows just how closely art and science are often intertwined .",
"it chronicles the quest of a self-described `` geek , '' and there are pleasurable frissons of discovery in the detective work .",
"a fascinating new documentary about art , obsessions , ideas and answers .",
"an exquisitely fun documentary that hits on a profound aesthetic question , one first posed in 2001 by david hockney : did the 17th-century dutch painter johannes vermeer use optical devices to achieve his visual poetics of light ?",
"like a combination of the penn & teller : bulls *** ! tv series and an extended episode of mythbusters as presented by an alternate history channel comes tim 's vermeer - a truly fascinating documentary .",
"both a movie portrait of dedicated obsession and a documentary that poses interesting questions about whether using technology devalues art .",
"jillette 's ebullient on-screen presence goes some way towards energising a movie in which we are asked to watch paint dry .",
"engaging and fascinating documentary that raises some challenging questions about the nature of art and serves as a remarkable portrait of obsession , while casting vermeer 's original technique in an intriguing new light .",
"at once great fun and completely , elaborately pointless .",
"jenison 's compulsiveness and ingeniousness are interesting , and his research may prove to have some art-scholarship value , but another impresson is that spending 180 days to reproduce ` the music lesson ' is a colossal waste of time .",
"it accomplishes exactly what it sets out to do - nothing more , nothing less .",
"the crossroads between technology and art has always been troublesome . without either , we might not have some of the art world 's greatest treasures . certainly without digital video , we would n't have this wonderfully entertaining movie either .",
"jenison projects humility , but he can barely hide his need to be perceived as the smartest kid in the room . in the end , the film leans harder towards vanity project than earth-shattering documentary",
"one ca n't help but lament that jenison is missing the heart of the art -- he sees but he does n't feel .",
"it 's obvious in hindsight why penn and teller would be so drawn to this ethereally beautiful mystery : their passion for all things seemingly magical , often mechanical , and always amazing is practically their trademark .",
"it 's a sophisticated treatise on the intersection between creativity and technology , presented with all the offhand charm of a great tale told over a round of beers .",
"despite the exhausting quest taken up by the documentary 's hero , the film does n't register as inspirational .",
"the documentary , like the project itself , is an indulgent vanity project : friends making a film about a friend .",
"combining enough of the characteristic wiseassery of penn & teller with a dose of scholarly research on an age-old art-world mystery , it is at once entertaining and edifying .",
"tim 's finished vermeer may resemble the real thing , but tim 's vermeer never tackles the true mystery of why the latter is actually incomparable .",
"the result is cool and semi-comical , but also serious .",
"as with many good film , it 's the destination , not the outcome , that matters , and ` tim 's vermeer ' has the spacious room to allow one to get lost in one man 's impressively herculean busy work .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- highly entertaining documentary ...",
"do we even want to see a movie arguing that the work of one of the greatest artists of all time could be re-created by a dude with some mirrors and no actual ability to paint ? i 'm not sure . but tim 's vermeer has more on its mind than that .",
"the movie 's painstaking attention to detail certainly puts you in mind of vermeer 's own , but even halfway through its short length it 's easy to get restless .",
"the process of putting those three-dimensional objects on canvas in natural light is so fascinating that no one 's going to make jokes about watching paint dry - though at one point the film is literally about watching paint dry . and then applying varnish .",
"what tim 's vermeer is really about is two geniuses , of very different sorts , communing across time and space .",
"an original and endearing documentary from penn & teller asks the question : how did he do that ?",
"a deft and fascinating documentary about art , technology , and the creative spirit .",
"a fascinating documentary that poses a compelling aesthetic query : did 17th-century dutch painter johannes vermeer use optical devices to achieve his gorgeously photo-realistic , light-filled artwork ?",
"`` tim 's vermeer , '' a fascinating documentary by the comic magicians penn & teller , has a way of arousing passionate feelings while provoking fresh ideas about the porous border between technology and art .",
"vermeer is n't an uplifting experience per se , but a reflective and profound one that should have viewers thinking outside the box .",
"like a cinematic magic trick , one that unveils itself over the course of roughly 90 minutes .",
"the movie is straightforward , brisk , engaging , and sometimes even moving .",
"are the great paintings of the renaissance really all that great , or is their magic an illusion ? could the illusion be part of their greatness ?",
"teller , the quiet half of the iconoclastic magic act penn and teller , crafts a captivating documentary portrait of the artist as a tinkerer .",
"shooting in unattractive , hard-edge digital , teller condenses mr. jenison 's years-long pursuit into 80 glib , alternately diverting , exasperating and tedious minutes .",
"the film - an ode to craftsmanship - establishes without a doubt that many of the traits we reserve for other fields - dedication , ingenuity - are also inherent to the artistic process . ta-da .",
"a captivating look at a high-tech inventor who presumes to replicate the work of a great painter ."
] | tims_vermeer_2014 | entertaining and profound in equal measure , tim 's vermeer uses its seemingly esoteric subject to pose fascinating questions about art and obsession . | 771363015 |
"girls are crazy . i do n't mean they 're mildly emotional or excitable . i mean completely nuts . at least the girls flocking to see the new 3d jonas brothers movie are .",
"it serves its purpose .",
"i had all four posters on my bedroom closet : davy , mickey , peter and mike .",
"love them or loathe them , it 's the jonas brothers ' moment -- you might as well enjoy it .",
"this movie spends too much time on stage , and not enough off .",
"the threat may be as illusory as the thrills in jonas brothers are contrived . but that wo n't stop jonas junkies from enjoying their magical mystery tour .",
"young jonas fans will adore the brothers ' concert flick .",
"this is a concert , not in any way , shape or form , a film .",
"this current squeaky-clean vocal group is way more talented than its elders were .",
"for those of us dwelling outside the jonas demo , the small charms in the ` candid ' moments have little to do with the boys ' talents as actors , and a lot to do with the revered icons whose cheeky behavior they 're imitating .",
"at 76 minutes , the film is nearly twice as long as even the band 's most dedicated admirers might need , with weariness setting in around the 40-minute mark .",
"at best , they 're an all-davy jones monkees with varsity soccer co-captain good looks .",
"the disney-created automatons have none of the charisma that miley cyrus showed in her 3-d concert film , and the lame 3-d effects make this flick priced for rip-offs at $ 15 .",
"those squeaky clean jonas brothers have made a squeaky clean movie that is all songs - no plot , no acting",
"for its intended ` tween audience , it 's high-decible and shreik-inducing , but it 's not recommended for anyone over the age of 30 .",
"jonas brothers : the 3d concert experience is no last waltz , but it 's going to be some kid 's first step towards pop music , and it 's so well made and exuberant that you 'd be a fool to begrudge it .",
"walking into this picture , i could n't name a single jonas brothers song . walking out , i still could n't name a single jonas brothers song , but at least i know now joe 's the guy on all the erasers and backpacks at target .",
"they are all part of a great american tradition . hate them if you want to , but you might as well hate gated communities , the real world , and the war on terror while you 're at it .",
"the film gets one star from me for the admirable brevity of its running time and another for the definite article in its title , seemingly an implicit promise that there will be no sequel .",
"with their fresh-faced image , it 's hard not to snigger when they start spraying the audience with foam guns ... insert your own freudian interpretation here .",
"the jonas brothers suck and they can all go to hell !!!",
"it 's a trite cash-in designed to empty pockets , lazily slapped together with concert footage and phoney fly-on-the-wall snippets .",
"this tv-special-sized feature comprises songs from the trio 's recent burning up tour , along with gobbets of behind the scenes action .",
"if you 're a jonas fan , take the star rating above and double it , since i 'm old and the jonases are awesome !",
"the movie , sadly , perpetuates the corporate myth that they are musical tyros , boyband savants and the sweetest virgins in the business .",
"applying criticism to jonas brothers : the 3d concert experience is like trying to lasso a bull with dental floss . it 's not going to stop the bull and no one 's really going to notice .",
"if you are n't a teenage girl or ca n't channel your inner groupie for 76 minutes , you have no business at jonas brothers : the 3d concert experience .",
"sorry boys , for fear of sounding like an old fuddyduddy , i thought the majority of their pop rock songs sounded pretty much the same . but this film was n't made for me . it was made for their fans , who will love it .",
"it 's a pavlovian thing . see swarthy -lrb- and shirtless ! -rrb- teen heartthrob joe jonas standing backstage in 3-d : scream .",
"i 'm a fan of power-pop , and i was even an unapologetic hanson listener when it was uncool to be one , so i wish i could be more enthusiastic about the actual music here .",
"this does pretty much what it says on the tin , though the interactive `` 3d '' element does introduce a twist of sorts .",
"the music is unmemorable , the staging conventional , the connection between religious and sexual ecstasy very evident .",
"only for die-hard members of team jonas .",
"fans of the jonas brothers , pavlov and freud should be equally satisfied for a 75-minute stint .",
"the film features two guest spots with other artists from the disney stable , demi lovato and taylor swift . swift is a star of the future , and i guess you can bet on her own 3d film in the pipeline , but demi lovato , whoever she is , ought n't give up her day",
"teen sensations can put on an impressive act , just do n't ask them to fake-act their `` rock-star life . ''",
"there 's no plot , no character development , no dramatic arc . it just plops you smack down in the epicenter of the jobro musical youthquake , and away you go .",
"as sunglasses and guitar picks fly ... and mics and pointing drumsticks thrust out of the screen , it 's a sort of metaphor for the whole film -lrb- and the band it captures -rrb- to ponder which effects are `` real '' and which are manufactured in a computer . -lsb- blu-ray -rsb-",
"fascinating only for the opportunity to observe the mesmerizing effect of a well-rehearsed , mass seduction on an auditorium filled with willing , adoring girls .",
"canned and created by committee",
"... the film boasts a preaching-to-the-converted vibe that effectively holds newcomers at arm 's length throughout .",
"this may be three dimensional poison for jonas-hating curmudgeons but it 's unlikely that any of the band 's fans will be asking for their money back .",
"76 minutes of squeaky clean processed-cheese-food product rock ' music interspersed with spurious ` documentary ' footage .",
"the tunes are so bland it could be the same song on a loop , while the performances are spirited but nondescript .",
"it 's a hard day 's night all over again , except nobody has bothered to write the brothers some funny dialogue .",
"it 's too bad the film offers none of the comedic sparkle they recently showed on saturday night live and david letterman 's show . it 's only slightly better than the surprisingly flat and one-dimensional hannah montana movie .",
"the attitude displayed by jonas brothers : the 3d concert experience back toward those fans comes across as a curious mixture of shameless pandering and discreet contempt .",
"we learn nothing about who they are or where they come from -- they may not even have parents , for all we know , since the adult accompanying them is usually their bodyguard .",
"this tepid concert film does the jonas brothers no favors , not that the band 's tweener fans will notice .",
"the brothers are no beatles , but it wo n't matter to fans who 'll just be happy to spend some concentrated time with their crushes .",
"this personality vacuum is a real problem in a film that purports to depict a day in the life of young pop stars whom audiences can actually relate to .",
"if the boys are dreamy and smooth enough for that pink ipod on the ride home from school , that does n't mean they have the juice to carry a 76 minute documentary . and at 76 minutes , the movie is still too long .",
"parental content review",
"omg , the jonas brothers in 3-d ! the promise-ring-wearing hotties try to burn down the house , but their burning up tour makes for a tepid rock doc .",
"in a struggling music economy , the big screen can be big money -- for the right acts . and the jonas brothers are exactly that .",
"jonas brothers : the 3d concert experience is n't a movie so much as a devotional object , a kind of secular fetish designed to induce rapture .",
"the songs wash over in waves of such turgid mediocrity that by the end you 're praying for it to stop . thankfully , after 76 minutes , it does - and all is well again .",
"it 's no mystery that the target audience for this g-rated bubblegum fantasy is tweens , parents of tweens and the occasional pervert . they 'll be so pleased . anything for the rest of humanity ? not so much .",
"boy bands serve multiple functions for their audiences . they entertain , they sing the poetry of love , they offer a spectrum of masculine attributes . on the first two counts , the jonas brothers movie leaves something to be desired .",
"call us cynical , but is n't there something just a tiny bit iffy about three sworn virgins performing a rock show in which the climax has them shooting gallons of white `` party '' foam over their adoring girl fans ?",
"the jonas brothers are a contemporary phenomenon -- a boyish trio who dazzle fangirl tweens .",
"thanks to 3d , you feel like you can almost reach out and touch the jonas brothers , grab them by the neck , and strangle the everlasting life out of them .",
"if you 're already a pre-teen fan , you 'll love this flick . chaperoning parents will just have to grin and bear it .",
"jonas brothers fans will feel like they are on stage with joe , nick , and kevin in this immersive 3d concert film from the recent `` burning up '' tour .",
"far be it from me to deny that girls just want to have fun , but i hope they realize that once this latest teen idol fad has run its course , a mighty , mortifying hangover most surely awaits .",
"this toe-curling dip into the sickly-sweet musical world of the jonas brothers is innocuous and dull .",
"accompanying parents can don blindfolds and ear-plugs and indulge in the sweet fantasy that they are somewhere , anywhere , else .",
"is it any good ? that really all depends on whether you 're a fan of the jonas brothers .",
"hate the songs . what a lot of hair they have . do n't ask me the names .",
"the lack of depth or personality makes jonas brothers : the 3d concert experience a tedious , empty viewing experience for anyone unlucky enough to be dragged to see it .",
"it 's a big old pile of baboon cack .",
"if you have no idea who these bland disney charmers are or why they appear to be so popular , then this perfunctory concert film is unlikely to leave you any the wiser .",
"the 3d cameras capturing the concert at new york 's madison square garden ca n't give their insipid guitar pop or their charisma-free presence the extra dimension they need ."
] | jonas_brothers_3d | jonas brothers : the 3-d concert experience should please the brothers ' adoring followers , but for non-converts , this concert film is largely flat and unenlightening . | 770801286 |
"the film proceeds in what feels like real time , but with no obvious beginning or end . it 's a latticework of moments happy and sad .",
"a movie that rumbles around inside you and appeals to those who believe in love as well as those who recognize its potential to fade .",
"MOV is so nervy , so `` real , '' that it poses a dire threat . dean and cindy are such decent folks . how do we know what happens to them could n't happen to us ?",
"MOV is interestingly styled and shot . it features outstanding performances from ryan gosling and michelle williams and an inventive screenplay and structure .",
"cianfrance dives deeply into the happiness and heartache a damaged relationship can give you and has created a story that understands how real life romance actually works .",
"MOV shows us the present will never be as fun as the past .",
"the ghost of john cassavetes looms large over MOV . this movie destroyed me .",
"what we end up with here is 2/3 of a story that consequently feels incomplete . it obviously wanted to be something like '' -lrb- 500 -rrb- days of summer '' in terms of structure , but the writers just did n't know how to get up to that level .",
"-lsb- director -rsb- cianfrance is not interested in the hollywood fairytale , he want to show that love can scar .",
"unlike bergman 's searing scenes from a marriage , which sustains itself for every one of its 299 devastating minutes , MOV begins to falter somewhere during its 114 .",
"a cold but commendable relationship drama .",
"`` MOV '' has a palpable air of claustrophobic danger ; you constantly expect something terrible to be happening to these characters . and , indeed , something does .",
"a pesar de su por momentos dolorosa disección de una pareja , MOV es una hermosa historia de amor condenada al fracaso -lrb- así de paradójico -rrb- . y está animada por dos intérpretes de excepción .",
"MOV deserves a wide audience . but it is probably too authentically tragic to get it .",
"manages at the end to provoke a real , resonant response to what it means to lose love to the ugly realities of living .",
"there are scenes of such exquisite sadness and performances of such raw pain in MOV that you may wonder by the end why it is n't quite the satisfying movie it ought to be .",
"the performances are as raw as the characters .",
"its rawness and honesty may not be everyone 's cup of tea , but MOV stands as a necessary corrective to the myth of cinematic love .",
"an almost unbearably bittersweet love story starring two of today 's best actors and orchestrated by a director who 's attuned to past masters .",
"not since john cassavetes ' startling faces has there been a more fearless examination of a troubled relationship than this searing drama .",
"did it have to be such a downer ?",
"i was riveted .",
"moments , as affecting as they are , ca n't surmount the overworkshopped feel of the whole film .",
"penetrating but tedious close-up of a marriage breakup .",
"be prepared for an emotionally devastating portrait of a marriage that , at times , feels like an eavesdropping expedition .",
"even for those who tire of movies with shiny , happy people , all this earnest effort results in a movie that 's a drag .",
"bright-eyed youth and bedraggled adulthood alternate in a sad spectacle beautifully and sensitively portrayed .",
"MOV will break your heart .",
"MOV has a rare emotional intensity . there is no way to prepare for its final frames , inevitable as they are .",
"despite MOV 's blatant sensememories of nakedness and affection , irritation and itch , what gosling and williams reveal about their own concepts of heterosexual experience is ultimately inane .",
"a postmodern tragedy of two people at odds who are both right and both wrong in their argument , sharing responsibility for the birth and death of love .",
"if you like soul-rending misery , you 'll love MOV .",
"jumbled editing does not hide that this is little more than recycled relationship navel-gazing .",
"both painful and exquisite .",
"for people who have felt a relationship dissolve just this hopelessly , it may be direct and visceral enough to elicit the cold sweats of post-traumatic stress flashbacks .",
"michelle williams and ryan gosling give tender , nuanced performances in the most authentic portrayal of romance we 've seen in a long time - its hopeful , giddy beginning and its stagnant , fracturing end .",
"derek cianfrance zooms the camera way in , almost inside the souls of his doomed lovers , and seldom comes up for air .",
"there is something raw and naked that translates from the actors to the audience , even mediated by the movie screen .",
"a raw but beautiful picture of love uniting and dividing : tender , real and heartfelt .",
"a sombre , painful portrait of a toxic marriage , often touching and sometimes moving , though occasionally contrived and self-conscious in its effects .",
"i felt cheated out of something here . not merely information -lrb- what happened ? -rrb- , but a dramatic structure that might have imparted meaning to this dissolving marriage .",
"gosling and williams cry and yell and pour their hearts into every moment of the movie , but they 're mostly just screaming into an empty void .",
"thanks to strong performances from michelle williams and ryan gosling , there 's a genuine emotional credibility to derek cianfrance 's film , though it 's by no means comfortable viewing .",
"by the end we still believe every pulse , beat and thought of these characters .",
"around halfway through , i was itching to see how much time remained .",
"for those who can face love stories without studio-sanctioned happy ever afters , here 's compelling proof that the tide of slush does not flow unopposed .",
"MOV is a tough and tender drama that does n't pull any punches , and it 's a thrill to see two of the best actors of their generation going toe-to-toe .",
"it 's the kind of emotionally challenging movie that actors relish but most audience members may find themselves anxiously looking for the exit sign , waiting for the excruciating two hours to go by .",
"you are witnessing the implosion of a marriage , and it 's a sad , discomfiting thing to behold .",
"a streetside walk on the couple 's first date that ends with dean crooning `` you always hurt the one you love '' on ukulele while cindy improvises an uncertain tap dance bursts with affirmation and life .",
"like a modern day john cassavetes film",
"it 's complicated , like real life .",
"it 's so close to achieving greatness it hurts .",
"from the movie 's standpoint , -lsb- its story -rsb- is a common tragedy that deserves acknowledgment and pity , and it pulls absolutely no punches in sharing its view .",
"... the film 's unevenness ultimately -lsb- prevents -rsb- it from packing the emotional punch that cianfrance is clearly going for .",
"an enormously overheated yet oddly affecting movie gets an appropriately earnest dvd treatment .",
"... a crucible for very powerful performances and a convincing relationship in all its contradictions .",
"an engaging and tough drama , for sure , but its ascension to instant indie classic on the back of festival screenings has left this reviewer slightly stumped .",
"moments so potent they seem to put the actors at emotional risk",
"the bitter end still catches you by surprise with its crushing sadness .",
"impressively directed and superbly written , this is a powerfully emotional relationship drama with terrific performances from ryan gosling and michelle williams .",
"MOV plays with our own expectations and assumptions of stereotypes enough to re-think the film at several different parts , and the movie gets more moving and sad as it reveals its many layers .",
"... alternately swells your heart and punctures it .",
"it 's `` scenes from a marriage '' grungy-american-style . michelle williams and ryan gosling give courageous and at times heart-rending performances as two halves of a marriage we observe in two time frames in `` MOV . ''",
"michelle williams and ryan gosling are better than MOV as a whole , but one can not deny the experience rattles with a weary knowledge not easily faked .",
"-lsb- gosling and williams -rsb- are vital to MOV , and almost inflate the movie 's flat ambitions .",
"the performances are two of the best you will see in a movie",
"MOV is an agonizing film , a raw , soul-shattering dissection of a marriage 's end . this is not a film for incurable romantics whose perceptions of love are informed by romantic comedies .",
"what do we expect of a spouse ? `` MOV '' makes us ask that question .",
"the best of it plays like an acting exercise that serves the intimate , often bruising relationship at the core . gosling seems to be pulling from an impressive bag of performance tricks , williams from a deeper well , drawn from life .",
"almost unbearably harrowing but also deeply cathartic , as viewers create their own meanings within dean and cindy 's singular downward spiral .",
"a powerful drama , partially made so by a fantastic script , but mostly due to two of the best performances of the year from ryan gosling and michelle williams . do n't miss it .",
"it 's an anguished , acutely observed and at times deeply affecting story about falling in love - and out of love - that channels the keening , ugly desperation and emotional heft of the great john cassavetes .",
"in the battle between claustrophobic , showily indie filmmaking and the raw openness of the lead actors , the latter wins by a long shot . the faces of these performers -- particularly williams ' -- are the key to MOV .",
"this is an extremely painful film with undeniably powerful performances from both ryan gosling and michelle williams .",
"there is also no doubt that williams and gosling bring that ineffable spark of quality to the roles ... but it is not just the structure of the couple 's relationship that is problematic - so is the construction of the film .",
"uses its duality of setting % u2014 young and old , vibrant and cold , optimistic and tragic % u2014 to unleash wave after wave of emotion .",
"ultimately too painful , too labored , to care much about at all .",
"the ghost of john cassavetes hovers over this tough-minded portrait of a working-class couple 's marriage .",
"perhaps the most honest depiction of a relationship gone sour that has ever been committed to celluloid .",
"a working class american take on ingmar bergman 's scenes from a marriage ...",
"knowing where the relationship is headed lends bittersweet notes to the scenes from the past , but the conclusions MOV draws ultimately feel pat .",
"... a raw , emotionally devastating experience .",
"gosling and williams are terrific but the movie is a downer from start to finish . not just `` blue , '' this is a ripped , torn and shredded valentine .",
"MOV is a devastating dissection of a young marriage in crisis that is written , directed and acted with passion and clarity .",
"intense , slow-moving relationship drama on a doomed marriage .",
"a film we 've seen a thousand times around oscar season ...",
"painstakingly and heartbreakingly , the formula of the romantic drama has its neck wrung here ; the story of boy-meets-girl exists only with our prior knowledge that it is doomed ...",
"an endless barrage of misery and depression punctuated by great acting . being breathless does n't make quality cinema .",
"a raw slog through one couple 's marital misery , but make no mistake : the combined talents of its stars will rip your heart out .",
"there 's nothing feel-good about MOV that the feel-bad parts ca n't undermine . which does n't sound like praise but it is .",
"it will keep you thinking - and feeling - about the possibilities for long-term love for days after you 've left the cinema .",
"this is a marvel of a movie , but in the interest of perpetuating the human race , i 'd counsel dewy young couples embarking on life 's journey to check into a sex motel instead .",
"powerful , raw and fluidly shot , this history of a marriage told in shuffled time stars michelle williams and ryan gosling , two of our finest young actors .",
"the tagline `` nobody baby but you and me '' says it perfectly ; when gosling and williams on screen , nobody else matters . if not oscars , they will win over your heart . and possibly break it .",
"a meditation on one couple 's journey in and out of love , and a testament to the talents of director derek cianfrance , and his two wonderful leads .",
"they share a talent for living in the moment , which means that cianfrance 's miniaturist style could not have found two more inspired interpreters .",
"so bracing in the intimacy of it all . i think they 're two wonderful , brave performances .",
"it 's very sad but it 's so beautiful .",
"featuring two remarkable performances",
"powerful and spellbinding , but not for the squeamish or the incurably romantic or people who do n't want to know how difficult it can be to keep love alive .",
"it 's a sad tale , and it 's well told -- but what does it amount to ? i feel like there 's so much left undone .",
"flashes of brilliance , but the lead performances were mannered and the script overwritten . too self-consciously indie-hipster .",
"at once sad and celebratory for anyone who 's ever fallen in and then out of love .",
"wretched and beautiful , devastating and passionate , MOV evokes every inch of its title 's dichotomy .",
"the film 's time structure is splintered into shards of past and present , which is probably just as well -- a strictly narrative chronology would make this wallow seem even sloggier .",
"... when you break it down , -lsb- it -rsb- largely feels genuinely honest , rather than aspiring to an obvious movie facsimile of `` honest . ''",
"MOV is the kind of movie that john cassavetes may have dreamt about .",
"agonizing but beautiful adult drama about love and marriage .",
"the scenes cut so close to the emotional bone that you can understand why they might cause a panic amongst mpaa boardmembers , although of course , it 's nothing to be afraid of : just the realism of love in its varied forms .",
"MOV does the impossible , and captures the uncapturable : to watch this film is to watch two people fall in , and eventually out of , love . few films have ever done it so well .",
"if you care about the integrity of independent cinema , you 'll steel your heart and go .",
"ryan gosling and michelle williams fall in and out of love with stunning clarity in MOV .",
"movie intimacy reaches groundbreaking new heights in this shocking story of a young marriage on the rocks .",
"every once in a while a film arrives that is so honest , so expertly crafted and so sincere that the powerful emotional response it elicits is profound . MOV is one of those rare films . see it with somebody you are breaking up with .",
"there 's a certain kind of cinema that produces an effect in the viewer that 's close to embarrassment . not because its shoddy , boring or stupid but because it seems so true to our waking existence .",
"very rarely have i seen a film where the relationship is so convincing . here ryan gosling and michelle williams give performances that will bring you very , very close to your own memories and longings , because we are so very close to theirs .",
"emotionally raw , heartbreakingly beautiful and superbly acted .",
"skillfully told and featuring two remarkable lead performances , this painfully honest portrait of young love is both devastating and mesmerising .",
"intense and intimate",
"nothing out of the ordinary happens in MOV , and that , together with the vital , untrammelled performances of the two leading actors , is the root of its power .",
"agonizing to watch yet relentlessly compelling .",
"a beautifully directed suburban drama that propels us deep into the hearts of two troubled lovers .",
"not first-date material , this sombre portrait of failed dreams is buoyed by excellent leads and a yearning heart .",
"director derek cianfrance has realized his potential and then some .",
"MOV is like a sad , sad song that you ca n't get out of your head . you know it 'll make you cry and possibly bring up painful memories , but you have to hear it .",
"magnificent performances elevate mundane cassavetes-esque material .",
"MOV leaves you with the shattering vision of its truest victim -- the one who 'll someday look for safety in places it might not be . and the psychodrama will go on and on ...",
"a much needed reminder how difficult and dangerous real life can be , not necessarily to body but to soul , and includes with it the unspoken assertion important decisions really need to be thought through .",
"-lsb- derek -rsb- cianfrance does these exceptional young actors justice by giving them two of their deepest , richest roles to date .",
"an intensely acted , minutely observed attempt to convey the arc of a romantic involvement .",
"rom-com haters finally got what they wanted : a brutally honest big-screen relationship on the rocks garnished with hickeys , regret , ripped panties , bruised chins and bruised egos .",
"gosling -- whose acting can be seen from a mile away -- seems to be portraying a slumming method actor who 's only pretending to be a husband/housepainter , while williams is natural and convincing ...",
"is it worth the trouble and heartache ? MOV comes close , but the uneven examination of its central couple makes for a depressing and ultimately unsatisfactory experience .",
"shot with a fly-on-the-wall quality and an unflinching honesty that refuses to draw either character as simply bad or good , MOV is all the more tragic because it is so easy to believe .",
"michelle williams and ryan gosling take the plunge , reeling beneath their characters ' troubled lives .",
"riveting and raw , it 's a little like sitting at a dinner table while a pair of your married friends who were never really a good fit for each other fight in the kitchen .",
"it 's at its root a hard-to-resist character study . that 's because the character being studied is you and me and everyone else who has ever fallen in , and out of , love",
"powerful stuff . at times you feel like an intruder ; an eavesdropper on conversations you are n't meant to hear .",
"the dialogue is meaningful and realistic . the first-rate cinematography and an explosive soundtrack make an indelible impression . this sad and very personal movie will generate lots of discussions . marriage counselors and divorce lawyers should get a. . .",
"a depressing deconstruction of a marriage that clearly was never meant to be .",
"derek cianfrance , the film 's writer and director , observes with great exactitude the birth and decay of a relationship . this film is alive in its details .",
"the film is undeniably his -lsb- cianfrance -rsb- , and yet it is so powerfully enriched by the output of his extraordinary stars .",
"in its splendid acting by ryan golsing and michelle williams -lrb- in oscar-caliber performances -rrb- and brutal honesty , this relentlessly grim portrait of marital dissolution is up there with the best of the genre , including shoot the moon and smash palace .",
"pulls no punches in terms of its heavy subject matter and boasts wonderful performances from stars ryan gosling and michelle williams",
"assuming one can use the word `` enjoy '' for what might be the greatest feel-bad movie of the year , i enjoyed MOV a lot .",
"ryan gosling and michelle williams give two of the most explosive and emotionally naked performances you will see anywhere .",
"the effect can be wearisome , clouding the intriguing atmosphere of the film , stealing attention away from the fractured essence of the piece so actors can flail about , killing vital intimacy by being so aware of the camera .",
"MOV offers a refreshing and raw look at holy matrimony coming undone a la ` who 's afraid of virginia woolf ' , ` revolutionary road ' and ` rabbit hole . ' except dean and cindy are relatively poorer than those other clashing couples",
"exquisitely painful to watch .",
"an intensely intimate rendering of love that limits itself to that first falling in and that last falling out .",
"MOV feels off-the-cuff and improvised , which adds to the charm of that first date and the danger of that `` big fight . ''",
"MOV sets past and present on course for a collision , and measures the full weight of its impact .",
"gosling and williams have the most palpable chemistry of any screen couple this year , never striking a false note in this achingly tender tale of a love that implodes before our eyes .",
"the emotional colors and understated psychological transitions that gosling and williams reveal make watching them a pure joy . as the title suggests `` MOV '' is a sad love story , and a very personal one as well .",
"... a unique approach to independent filmmaking , an actor 's workshop with true emotion , but in the end it 's just too inevitable . williams and gosling are terrific , though , and cianfrance is one to watch .",
"it could easily have devolved into sweaty , pretentious melodrama or ersatz john cassavetes if cianfrance and his actors did n't maintain perfect control over the material .",
"gosling and williams are pretty much perfect as the struggling couple ... although early scenes lean towards the old ` women are boring , men are fun ' routine",
"a rarely cheery but carefully crafted look at flawed and all-too human behaviour , worth seeing for michelle williams and ryan gosling 's sincere , intelligent performances .",
"in some ways MOV is a lower-class version of annie hall without the wry humour and allen 's acceptance that nothing truly lasts , and that love inevitably fades .",
"this portrait of a strained relationship is often difficult to watch , simply because it feels so real . fortunately , the screenplay includes plenty of raw humanity , which gives us a chance to laugh and sigh as well .",
"heartbreaking honesty with the challenge of finding the light in a very dark story .",
"watching it requires as much courage as curiosity . that it was just as hard to see the second time around says something about it . i 'm just not sure what .",
"it 's a heartbreaker , but one made bearable by ryan gosling and oscar nominee michelle williams , who deliver performances that feel so real they transcend acting and become something else altogether .",
"a reminder that well-measured and expertly acted pain can be as thrilling to watch as 3-d spectacle .",
"the time spent ... bringing to life these characters enabled the actors to reach a level of naturalism that ca n't be achieved by conventional role casting . cianfrance , gosling and williams literally created a family , then let it self-destruct .",
"guiltier of sins of ambition than of criminal complacency , although the indie clichés invariably come back to haunt .",
"it 's this slow grinding down of the gears of marriage that cianfrance brings so realistically to the big screen , aided by the heartfelt performances of gosling and williams that 'll surely garner recognition come oscar time .",
"a searing portrait of the disintegration of not just a marriage but , more importantly , the love that once fueled it .",
"ms. williams and mr. gosling are exemplars of new method sincerity , able to be fully and achingly present every moment on screen together .",
"as the film , which derek cianfrance directed and co-wrote , makes its way to the end of its second hour , it becomes an acutely stylized , slow-motion marital accident . you either want to call aaa or roll your eyes .",
"cianfrance 's film is frustratingly surface-bound in ways that reflect , if not out-and-out misogyny , then at least a lack of interest in imbuing his female character with the rich interior life and complicated morality he gives his male lead .",
"by the end , you feel you might almost run your fingers over the spiritual scars incurred by its two protagonists .",
"a brilliantly naturalistic dissection of romance and marriage ... meticulously observed -lsb- and -rsb- intensely realistic .",
"a small but shattering film that marks its writer-director , derek cianfrance , as an artist of real depth .",
"MOV wrenches us with its painful and tender understanding of how people with even this tattered a connection can lunge for love as if it were air .",
"a chilling anatomy of a marriage beginning and ending .",
"the brown-bag movie of the year : sneak in a bottle of something bitter and cheap -lrb- to match the central characters -rrb- and get smashed along with the onscreen relationship .",
"MOV 's greatest asset is its realism , established by cianfrance 's unpolished , caught-in-the-moment cinematography and enhanced by a pair of fearless , unglamorous and viciously honest performances .",
"a work so beautifully acted and emotionally honest it is my choice for best movie of the year .",
"early screenings of the film have divided audiences on which partner is most at fault for the relationship ending , but the brilliance of writer-director derek cianfrance is that he makes it truly the fault of neither ... or both .",
"michelle williams and ryan gosling tear up the screen .",
"cianfrance prizes verisimilitude over insight , which means the movie gives you a lot to feel but not much to think about , but it 's still quietly devastating .",
"there 's a beauty , a rhythm , and a subtle sense of discovery in MOV that makes it a magical experience .",
"painfully honest .",
"it 's a brutal , beautiful and affecting piece of work .",
"a powerful , piercing , brilliantly acted exploration of the ways in which love can die .",
"it 's not an easy movie , but it is a powerful , unforgettable experience .",
"MOV comes on like a bittersweet cautionary tale .",
"this punishing drama is worth a look thanks to the excellent work by the leads as well as cianfrance 's ability to employ the appropriate mood to help capture his own prickly scenes from a marriage .",
"an autopsy of a failed marriage , it contrasts the giddy honeymoon beginning with the sad denouement after dysfunction has devastated the groundwork of hope and newness ."
] | blue_valentine | this emotionally gripping examination of a marriage on the rocks is n't always easy to watch , but michelle williams and ryan gosling give performances of unusual depth and power . | 770728350 |
"it 's worth taking the kids yourself .",
"rugrats again blends poignancy with fun in a way that touches parents , even as it goes for kids with a run of bodily function and booger jokes .",
"watching MOV ... i am forced to ask myself exactly what range of kids this kiddie movie is actually being pitched at .",
"predictable and not terribly clever .",
"if you 're a parent , you could do a heck of a lot worse than taking the spawn off to catch MOV and if you 're a kid , well , you probably already knew that anyway .",
"fans of the tv show , particularly , will find nothing not to like in this version , and even non-fans may find themselves wondering why they have n't been paying attention to the show all these years .",
"a tour de france of its own in the rugrats ' latest , funniest and most colorful big-screen trip .",
"thesp voicings are outstanding , and sometimes reach the level of comic warmth of the toy story ensemble .",
"something for everyone , as it were .",
"more chic and movie-savvy than its predecessor .",
"your children are almost certain to have a great time .",
"the script is ... better than the first film or the nickelodeon series .",
"adults can attend this movie with a fair degree of pleasure .",
"a delight , with tickles that reach from pre-k to grown-up .",
"this is modestly clever animation that has characters kids can identify with and enough grown-up jokes to keep parents from settling into catatonia .",
"a meaningful tale that should resonate even for the most jaded older viewers .",
"chuckie-full of juicy one liners .",
"they deserve better than to wind up as collateral damage in nickelodeon 's excursion onto the mouse king 's turf .",
"MOV is a one - way ticket to infantile heaven .",
"an arguably better movie than the original rugrats film .",
"really is ` bigger and better ' than the first .",
"deliciously clever and surprisingly touching .",
"it 's quite tolerable for adults .",
"despite its hackneyed premise , the plot has a few imaginative twists , and the pack of japanese sumo-wrestler waiters who grunt out a karaoke version of bad girls are a riot .",
"nerve-grinding .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- hodgepodge which veers from segment to segment with remarkably little logical connection , even for a kidflick .",
"chuckie 's odyssey is sentimental stuff . heck , it might even choke you up . but , in the end , it 's all about the marketing .",
"fundamentally , a lot like a tv instalment , only bigger , longer , more extravagant . fine attributes for an animated kidpic really .",
"we get nauseating homilies on the values of friendship , family , and parenting and a soundtrack full to bursting with vacuous pop acts .",
"23 million cable viewers ca n't be wrong .",
"there are also nice themes about bravery , honesty and trust , the animation is astonishingly good , and the constant mayhem makes the very obvious plot bearable .",
"it 's a good way to entertain kids for an hour without parents going insane .",
"just as good as the last outing , this is great kiddie fare with some filmic references for the adults .",
"the makers of MOV wisely inserted just enough adult humor to keep mom and/or dad alert and amused-if not falling about laughing in the aisles .",
"it does n't matter how weak the script is , chuckie will win your heart every time he opens his mouth and speaks in that timid , nasal-dripping voice . you can bet on it .",
"a kid 's movie the rest of us can stand -lrb- or even enjoy -rrb- .",
"the character work is strong , and the celebrity recruits are fun .",
"for grown-ups , the jokes are often flat tires , largely thanks to their context .",
"the first rugrats film was a surprise hit ... and MOV -- the movie cleverly stays the course .",
"this effort from stig bergqvist and paul demeyer is tolerable for indulging adults -- and likely heaven for their own droolers .",
"musically ... the rugrats sequel is a big step backward .",
"the rugrats are back for an all-new adventure , and one that is by far much funnier and more entertaining for both youngsters and their guardians than the first bigscreen outing .",
"what i enjoyed most about rugrats ii is that the filmmakers are completely aware they must work just as hard to entertain the parents as the diaper set .",
"the writing team is adept at childish malapropisms and the skewed perspectives of 5-year-olds , but the characterizations and plot lines are witheringly simplistic .",
"not as fresh as the first film .",
"an entertaining add-on to an entertaining show .",
"this is one kids ' film that 's actually quite charming .",
"nauseating gags suggest the makers of this eclectically animated adventure ... know their audience , though all the godfather references will be thoroughly puzzling to at least half of it .",
"offers plenty to amuse the young and young at heart .",
"this film feels particularly lax and flabby .",
"class . that 's not what you get from a rugrats movie .",
"seems more like a merchandising ploy than a successful attempt to entertain kids and their parents .",
"its germs wo n't make anyone sick , but it wo n't hurt to wash your hands when you 're finished gumming it .",
"take the kids - MOV is a perfect saturday afternoon film .",
"MOV -- the movie is one stinky diapee .",
"a pretty decent film .",
"an improvement over the first film .",
"MOV allows us to dip our toes in this ooey gooey world without too much residual stickage .",
"there 's something in MOV for all ages .",
"it was all so cute , i could n't help but enjoy it .",
"the rugrats concept works because it knows how children think .",
"with its melange of poo poo humor and pop culture in jokes , nickelodeon 's rugrats packs appeal for both kids and parents .",
"the rugrats team has come up with a funny , smart and genuinely moving movie that will please children and adults .",
"feels like a half-hour tv show inflated into a feature film .",
"a very good kids ' movie from a grown-up standpoint -- it has a coherent plot , a good pace and well-defined characters , and a funny monster-movie spoof at the finale .",
"a tribute to how entrenched the rugrats are in our hearts .",
"some scenes are truly , inventively bizarre .",
"MOV - the movie might not be the greatest film geared for children with adults also in mind , but it 's clearly an enjoyable one in its own right .",
"sweeter and funnier than their first .",
"looks like what it really is -- a 77-minute long episode of the tv series projected onto a theater screen .",
"a family film that 's funny and funky .",
"i was pleasantly surprised .",
"the family audience will delight in saying oui , oui to MOV ."
] | rugrats_in_paris | when the rugrats go to paris , the result is nickelodeon-style fun . the plot is effectively character-driven , and features catchy songs and great celebrity voice-acting . | 9757 |
"a dead-solid-perfect depiction of small-town life .",
"although MOV never reaches beyond its grasp , there 's an inherent insanity to the story that 's effectively committed to the screen by linklater . it 's a true crime effort that almost registers a pure fantasy .",
"linklater 's a glider , not a pile-driver ; he hangs back when other directors prefer to bore in .",
"it allows director richard linklater to explore his own roots while telling a remarkable real-life story , something too crazy for anyone to make up .",
"it 's a darkly funny , irresistible film - and one with a masterful performance at its center .",
"it 's an entertainingly odd duck .",
"the movie 's bright and endearing and surprisingly lacking in a point . i wish i liked it better , but it 's a start .",
"a one-of-a-kind comedy based on the real homicide of an innocent old lady .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- weirdly funny , inspiring film .",
"some of the best performances come from real-life residents of carthage as they share their recollections on camera .",
"pitch-perfect performances by shirley maclaine and an unusually restrained jack black hold together this offbeat true-crime saga , but linklater 's keen eye for human eccentricity flowers most memorably on the periphery .",
"a splendid performance by jack black distinguishes this overly mild look at a 1990s texas murder .",
"amusing and appealing , but only rarely cuts deep enough in its examination of a kindly small-town texan who murdered the elderly widow he took care of .",
"basically it 's a movie old people will think is delightful with a nonthreatening jack black and only one bad word .",
"linklater has used witnesses to the truth to tell a lie .",
"jack black delivers one of his strongest performances in this rather outrageous true story from east texas , which linklater tells with a witty blend of comedy , drama and documentary .",
"the film may be a love letter to linklater 's native east texas , but behind all the sunny smiles , country courtesy and good nature hides the dark story of a criminal undertaking - because , no matter which way you dress it , a corpse is still a corpse .",
"jack black has never been so good .",
"another treat from american original richard linklater -- a fantastically absorbing and comedically inflected docu-drama , kind of a slightly less overtly comedic eastern texas response to ` fargo . '",
"well acted by jack black , this darkly humorous is a return to form for richard linklater , whose best work is grounded in regional cinema .",
"MOV is n't a particularly likeable guy and black 's opaque performance never lets us get beneath the surface to find a character we might actually care about .",
"richard linklater -lrb- writing with skip hollandsworth , author of a texas monthly article on the case -rrb- has called MOV his fargo , but his eye is less jaundiced than the coens ' , his ear more sweetly bemused .",
"an intriguing , often-hilarious exploration of emotion 's ability to triumph over reason . and reason 's knack for fighting back .",
"a fascinating true story , terrific acting by black and maclaine and solid direction make `` MOV '' a must see , especially if you like jack black .",
"linklater , admirably unconcerned about how his film can be categorized , has made a comedy , a drama and most certainly a character study .",
"... it 's good to know that richard linklater had some hitchcock in him .",
"jack black gives his best performance to date as the selfless assistant mortician with a taste for the finer things in life , but it is the real life townspeople , spilling on their most infamous citizens , who make `` MOV '' so delightful .",
"almost vaudeville in spirit , it delights in american social clichés and kinks .",
"really impressive .",
"i did n't find it very entertaining , but it is at least trying something different .",
"linklater observes it all with an ironic smile on his face . but he 's never patronising enough to sneer .",
"a sweet , dark , funny true-crime story with a dream cast - and that includes the real-life residents of the town of carthage , texas .",
"hugely entertaining , smartly directed and darkly funny black comedy with a superb script and a terrific central performance from jack black .",
"far more fine shades and ambiguities than expected .",
"this is a bizarre and intriguing tale but MOV remains essentially unknowable and the picture lacks big laughs .",
"linklater 's fargo , it 's funny peculiar and funny ha ha , with black a delight and linklater in impressive control of superbly judged content and tone .",
"there 's not many movies that leave you wanting to give a convicted killer a great big hug . but this is one .",
"MOV is poised to be a tough sell for millennium entertainment , its mild star power likely incapable of offsetting a garish premise and mixed reviews .",
"-lsb- video -rsb- richard linklater 's impeccable black comedy - based on the real-life exploits of carthage , texas mortician MOV tiede - is so infectiously eccentric that you do n't want the movie to end .",
"a surprisingly shapeless true-crime farce which never creates a convincing context for the odd relationship between a pious east texas mortician and his sugar mama .",
"throughout , there 's a tension of real life and fiction , and a pervading sense that fiction has little chance of matching the real thing .",
"what gives MOV its fizz , its kick , its sheer enjoyable weirdness is the give-and-take between black and maclaine , who seems to live with a baleful look on her face .",
"i , for one , eagerly await the sequel to MOV .",
"a chafing , rock-in-the-shoe kind of movie -- and i mean this as a compliment .",
"taking its time with a flavorful middle section , the movie builds into a true-crime treat ; some will think of fargo -lrb- apt , but this movie is gentler -rrb- , others , the documentaries of werner herzog .",
"jack black out of character in a semi-serious role . he 's good !",
"linklater has made a smart movie , with a mordant satirical edge , but he almost falls victim to his own sense of authenticity .",
"linklater uses dollops of black humor to provide an edge to this morally ambiguous piece .",
"black is -- forgive me -- downright adorable as the behind-bars-for-life killer .",
"it 's absolutely worth seeing for black 's skillful work , but if only the filmmaker had added some tension , more people would be interested in seeing such a genuinely great performance .",
"... MOV is an unusual film with charm to spare , but it also happens to be laugh out loud funny , enthralling , profoundly sad and ultimately one of the year 's best films .",
"part of the film 's pleasure lies in watching its spirit of poky southern amiability give way to true-crime insanity .",
"MOV delivers an abundance of belly laughs , but at its center is a confounding act committed by a man too beloved to be hated and a community too passionate to think clearly .",
"black curbs his most irritating tendencies to give an endearing and convincing performance . an affectionate , intelligent ode to the oddity of small-town america .",
"a beautifully constructed , smartly scripted and very funny tall tale of down-home values and darkness in the most unlikely of places .",
"you may be amused , but the laughter like the man , rings hollow .",
"it 's so lovely to see jack black being this kind of actor . i hope he does it more often .",
"an inventive drama about a gregarious assistant funeral director in a small texas town where he is widely cherished .",
"even at its most charming as a defense of small-town eccentrics and texas-style legal process , the film plays a little slowly .",
"jack black redeems himself with a subtly quirky performance that 's one of his personal best .",
"MOV , like its lead character , has a degree of diffuse , aw-shucks charm , but it 's also maddeningly opaque .",
"the movie itself , a partly true and cheerfully embellished account of a texas murder case , presents a case of narrative drift .",
"as played by jack black , in an award-caliber performance , MOV is everything you 'd want in a friend . the movie is a one-of-a-kind inspiration .",
"all those twangy , homespun observations interrupt and annotate the narrative until black and maclaine 's scenes start to feel as trivial as reenactments on a true-crime tv show .",
"linklater brings a shambling , easygoing charm to this unlikely comedy based on a real-life texas murder case ... and jack black , of all people , drolly essays the title character .",
"a true-crime story where the real mystery is n't what happened , but the bizarre context for the murder and the collective madness of a town that could n't accept it at face value .",
"you would be hard pressed to find a film that feels more true to a reporter 's experience of an event . this is n't necessarily a good thing , at least not cinematically .",
"richard linklater mixes documentary with recreation in this bizarre true story , mercifully avoiding caricature and farce despite the subject seemingly screaming for it .",
"a superbly written and lovingly told account of a quirky slice of american crime history with a tender , bittersweet ending .",
"whilst it feels a little too one-sided , MOV is still an intriguing film that has something to say about justice and the importance of how we are perceived .",
"while linklater does a fantastic job in creating an entertaining true crime story , he also hits home the realisation that darkness can be found in the sweetest of souls , making a film that is as tragic as it is funny .",
"a truly strange and original creation , based on a true story , which does n't judge its curious characters .",
"the real gold here is the performance centrepiece by black ; he delivers a lovable , highly nuanced portrayal of a man who is hard not to feel sympathy for , even if it does grind against your conscience .",
"it 's a fascinating story presented in a really intelligent and weirdly entertaining way .",
"it 's done very well indeed . i think jack black is wonderful . i thought that the whole progression of the film was , to me , unexpected .",
"if anything it is a film about the selective application of moral judgement based on personal prejudices .",
"`` MOV '' is a quiet , leisurely paced indie film that 's as different as can be from the typical true crime movie .",
"for a motion picture about one person losing her life and another losing his freedom , `` MOV '' does n't deserve to be as flippant as it ultimately is .",
"jack black gives the performance of his career in the title role of `` MOV '' ...",
"linklater clearly has no idea why the man did what he did . but then , MOV probably did n't either .",
"blackly funny , strangely moving and deeply weird , it 's as comforting and as sinister as a heart-attack-plate of chicken fried steak with biscuits and gravy . and i 'm fixin ' to see it again .",
"a dark , humorous look at southern oddballs that 's also a powerful meditation on human fragility .",
"it 's a gentle , light-fingered horror story , and it rightfully leaves us as bewildered as the denizens of carthage .",
"much more than a macabre true-crime tale : it 's a story of thwarted love , not between two people , but between a man and a whole town .",
"the mystery and characters at its center are amusing regardless of geography .",
"a sordid , bleak tale about two lonely people drawn to each other like colliding planets .",
"a true-life texas tale so perfectly told it seems more like eavesdropping than moviegoing .",
"very nearly a great american comedy with a profound thematic core ...",
"a wry true-crime story from richard linklater , looking again to his home state for inspiration , as in his early triumphs -lrb- ` slacker , ' ` dazed and confused ' -rrb- .",
"odd duck comedy/drama casts jack black in a surprisingly new light .",
"quietly and consistently charming a real hoot with a terrificly nuanced performance by jack black .",
"the film is quietly unorthodox , but i ca n't think of another approach that would work nearly so well .",
"very funny and poignant true story .",
"richard linklater 's darkly funny mock doc is full of surprises , not least one star 's terrific return to form .",
"a unique work , a special film , a wonderful story , amazing characters ; you 'll watch the end credits with a big smile on your face",
"i loved every minute of this well-told and brilliantly created film that reinforces the complexities and incongruities of the human condition",
"MOV is dark , unique satire heightened by blurring lines between truth and fiction and just about the funniest film i 've seen this year .",
"watching MOV is a little like sitting on a shady front porch and gossiping with the town tattlers .",
"a murder story , in a surprisingly simple but cleverly subtle package .",
"i had to forget what i knew about black . he creates this character out of thin air , it 's like nothing he 's done before , and it proves that an actor can be a miraculous thing in the right role .",
"has a little bit of an east texas fargo feel . jack black gives one of his best performances .",
"it 's irreverent , off-kilter fun .",
"a jovial yet gracefully told tale .",
"the wonder of black 's performance here is its empathy and balance : inasmuch as he can disappear into any role , he dissolves into this one with no hint of mocking remove . it 's a beautiful thing to see .",
"a movie that may not ultimately add up to much , but which is filled with wonderfully odd details of weird americana .",
"... one of writer/director richard linklater 's most entertaining features and it also stars jack black in his best performance to date .",
"simply put , it 's the best movie linklater has made in years .",
"MOV is a simple movie , clearly funny and entertaining , but at the same time astoundingly complex and intriguing .",
"this is a movie that is as strong as it is modest - as funny as it is sad . as wretchedly , thoroughly human as a work of art can be .",
"as MOV , jack black is about as reined-in as you 'll see him . effeminate , emotional , generous and cuddly , he 's easy to root for when push comes to shooting .",
"black 's showboat performance reminds us why we thought he was so special in the first place .",
"a weirdly wacky black comedy that 's affectionately endearing .",
"linklater 's film may remind you of the work of others , but it 's one of his most entertaining yet .",
"... black gives the performance of his career -lrb- so far -rrb- .",
"jack black , in the greatest performance of his career , makes us see what the people of carthage , texas , saw in MOV tiede ...",
"with facts that are stranger than fiction and a story surrounding a murder that is often played as dark comedy , MOV exists somewhere between an errol morris documentary and fargo .",
"my research indicates that most of what you see is true . that also adds to the appreciation of this small , very , very , well done movie .",
"black delivers a lightly comic performance that becomes an unsettling depiction of repression .",
"`` MOV '' is most successful at evoking the feel of a small town , a place where everybody knows your business , good stories live forever , and ultimately people take care of their own .",
"`` MOV ' is n't a monumental film , but it is a finely tuned character study with some nice innovations .",
"a flower blooms in a texas town -- his name is MOV",
"... plays like `` in cold blood '' - if it had been directed by christopher guest .",
"an offbeat black comedy that stays true to the story 's bizarre tendency to make you both smile and grimace",
"sometimes jack black is just the best darned thing on the planet .",
"finds -lsb- linklater -rsb- back with the same kind of material , and storytelling methods , and regional culture , that made his early films so great .",
"outrageously funny",
"the question of why the law must always be upheld , regardless of consequences , gives this light , amiable movie a surprising heft and weight .",
"based on a true story , black offers a surprising degree of depth as an assistant funeral director with secrets in a town where ` all of the widows had a crush on MOV ' .",
"it 's been a long time coming , but it turns out MOV has been worth the wait .",
"richard linklater mixes comedy , drama and documentary to tell a frankly outrageous true story , and in the process he also gives jack black one of his best-yet roles .",
"an extremely amusing , socially accurate docudrama .",
"black is a marvel as MOV , reining in his usual manic persona to give his prissy , camp character an endearing sweetness but leaving what really makes him tick a puzzle .",
"it looks like a southern gothic and feels like a particularly hilarious farce , but MOV is not at all what you think .",
"a well-rounded dramatic film taken from a refreshingly uplifting perspective .",
"it manages to feel unique and different ... it 's funny too , which certainly helps , and is benefited immensely by a wonderful cast of big names and unknowns that help make this linklater 's freshest film in quite some time .",
"but the troubling question at the heart of this liberating , sunlit , deceptively simple but extremely complex and fairly formidable film is : should the law or the community itself decide the fate of its citizens ?",
"actual scenes with black , maclaine and mcconaughey start to feel like over-acted interruptions to the documentary we 'd rather be watching .",
"MOV is often very funny , but you would n't call it a comedy , exactly . more like a cultural study of a specific time , place and people .",
"it probably sounded great in the pitch room , but as an actual experience it 's on the redundant side .",
"black is terrific . rather than winking at the audience , he plays MOV as a guy who 's thoroughly unaware that there 's anything unconventional about his behavior .",
"propelled by a perfectly cast trio of stars whose eccentricities shine in singular character roles , MOV is charmer .",
"MOV has chuckles , but it 's hardly riotous . and this is a good thing .",
"MOV ultimately comes off as a watchable endeavor that works mostly as a showcase for three admittedly spectacular performances ...",
"linklater once again demonstrates a flair for casting that has distinguished his entire career .",
"despite the dark themes this movie introduces throughout , it maintains a nice pleasant vibe , which makes for a strange but entertaining experience .",
"the intertwining of the sharply tuned actors and the guileless -lrb- and often hilarious -rrb- townspeople is seamless , the tale is sometimes despairing but never heavy , and the blend of drama , comedy and music is brisk and fresh .",
"`` MOV '' unfolds into many equally rich narrative strands : love story , southern gothic slice-of-life and , finally tragedy and legal thriller ..."
] | bernie_2011 | richard linklater 's MOV is a gently told and unexpectedly amusing true-crime comedy that benefits from an impressive performance by jack black . | 771205924 |
"classic sci-fi . one of the very best .",
"-lsb- in the growing -rsb- cycle of films dealing with interplanetary travel , communications or warfare , each succeeding entry endeavors to outpass its predecessors in drawing on fantasy and the imagination . it follows , then , that this is by far the most fanciful .",
"rather than nyby , producer howard hawks is often credited for the direction of this sci-fi landmark , which features hollywood 's first space-age monster in a decade invaded by cold war-era aliens .",
"howard hawks only produced this classic scary sci-fi feature , but it has his signature touches all over it : overlapping dialogue , smooth storytelling , compressed time and space .",
"all-time classic sci-fi still packs creepy wallop .",
"this taut and entertaining thriller is to the day the earth stood still what alien is to star trek , or the rolling stones to the beatles .",
"the overall message of the MOV emerges as distinctly hawkish . reactionary or not , though , it 's still a masterpiece .",
"the conflict between hendry and carrington is one between force and reason , and represents a debate over whether america should cope with its soviet adversaries through military confrontation or intellectual and diplomatic study .",
"the MOV today is probably best viewed as a historical document , its shock value having been diminished through time and repetition .",
"does n't pale in comparison to john carpenter 's the MOV so much as offer a respectable podling alternative .",
"classic , though it did n't impress me really that much",
"the resourcefulness shown in building the plot groundwork is lacking as the yarn gets into full swing . cast members , headed by margaret sheridan and kenneth tobey , fail to communicate any real terror .",
"lively science fiction film , with dubious politics .",
"a solid , workmanlike film that holds up better than one would expect .",
"it 's still a very harrowing and action packed horror film ...",
"perhaps the most famous shot of the movie is also one of head-slapping irrelevance .",
"even though the MOV does n't begin to make its presence felt till near the halfway point ... the simple act of watching men discuss strategy ends up being terrifically absorbing .",
"set the template for a decade of alien invasions .",
"the film has more frissons than most of today 's mega-budget productions , simply because it has the grace to construct a meaningful situation and coherent characters .",
"a perfect popcorn movie .",
"this is one of the better science-fiction cheapie films ...",
"watching this movie one can not help but marvel at what had passed as scary back in 1951 ."
] | 1021242-thing | as flying saucer movies go , the MOV from another world is better than most , thanks to well-drawn characters and concise , tense plotting . | 17013 |
"hansen-loveâ -lrb- tm -rrb- s fevered mix of love and resentment toward this man lends urgency and eros to his professional and personal unraveling .",
"this is only half a great movie .",
"the essence of the film is a welcome compassion and curiosity about inner lives .",
"writer-director mia hansen-lřve is telling two stories here : the first is a concentrated , slow-burn tale of personal self-destruction , while the second is an anecdotal , perceptive study of a family dealing with tragedy .",
"this drama about a french film producer and his family is entertaining despite a flawed script , and notable for its excellent direction by newcomer mia hansen-lřve .",
"beautiful , profound and , given the gathering tensions of its story , phenomenally full of life .",
"there is much opportunity to turn the film into a soaper , but hansen-love resists .",
"gentle moments build toward a worldview -- about cinema , about legacy , about starting over -- that 's thematically profound .",
"the MOV loses focus and sags into a how-we-got-through-it family procedural .",
"what french writer-director mia hansen-love has created is an extraordinarily empathetic humanistic drama , a film of love , joy , sadness and hope that understands how complex our emotions are and does beautiful justice to them .",
"overlong , but fine ensemble performances highlight the tragic tale of a movie producer facing liquidation .",
"... deceptively astute drama",
"when a film is made there should be a reason for doing so .",
"stop reading and go see it .",
"... a stylish , subtle and devastating film about a recognizable good person whose world gradually and believably falls away .",
"a tale of cinema , a story about the agonies of trying to work outside the cinematic mainstream -lrb- even in france ! -rrb- . yet what makes the movie so affecting is that itâ -lrb- tm -rrb- s also a love story about a family .",
"a tragic but ultimately hopeful story . louis-do de lencquesaing is excellent as the filmmaker .",
"you could argue that the film fails to revive the harassed intensities of its first hour , but i doubt whether they could have been sustained ; and what we get instead , with its stunned and glassy air , yields a slow-breathing drama of its own .",
"a well-acted , intermittently heartfelt drama that suddenly loses steam and becomes bland , unengaging and leaves you feeling ultimately underwhelmed .",
"the subtle , tender sadness of the film trumps any of its small scripting problems and certainly marks out not only the film 's young cast members but also the director as ones to watch .",
"what makes it a wonderful film is that for those of us inside this crazy dream factory , and we 're only on the edges , it depicts the relentless nature of the beast , the roller-coaster ride , the unstoppable nature of a film in production .",
"the film is achieved with a rare tenderness and grace by 29-year-old french actress-filmmaker mia hanson-love .",
"it 's quiet , unshowy and devastating .",
"a heartbreaking fable about life , legacy and the way men define themselves through their work .",
"draws one in both empathetically and suspensefully .",
"inception celebrates the manufactured reality , MOV the true one .",
"french drama MOV addresses an extremely confronting subject with both an unblinking gaze and an open mind .",
"there 's a lot of intelligence and humanity in the script and it follows its own path . -lsb- hansen-lřve 's -rsb- direction shows rare confidence and poise , a willingness to build characters slowly , with a natural flow of time .",
"it 's a very intelligent film this , and one i think which is not just revealing about film-making but has insights into the dilemmas of many others who see the businesses -- or indeed family farms -- they have built up over a lifetime going under .",
"marked by moments of remarkable stillness amid its emotional tumult , the film 's classy , perceptive treatment of potentially maudlin material merits wider arthouse attention than it 's likely to receive .",
"a subtle and engaging family drama whose key concerns - absence , memory , continuity , and the light that shines through the darkness - just happen also to be amongst the constitutive preoccupations of cinema itself .",
"`` the MOV '' is a grand , overflowing , mistake of a movie .",
"the idea that movies are a trifle when compared to real life is dangled then shattered by the MOV . gră -lrb- c -rrb- goire 's love of film lives on , and ours is deepened .",
"it is a film about children and their parents , and not knowing where fate , or life , can take you .",
"the MOV is largely about how life drifts by , and how we do n't always leave the mark in the world that we 'd hoped , so hansen-lřve resists the urge to overdramatize or over-stress .",
"an intelligent and beautifully acted french film about work , death , grief , and finding one 's way back to life .",
"the film 's second half is the most touching , because it shows that our lives are not merely our own , but also belong to the events we set in motion .",
"there are some rough edges to the film and it seems quite insecure in its last 10 minutes , but hansen-love has brought an impressive tenderness to it ... in no small part , you will find yourself really caring for this family and what it faces .",
"hansen-lřve 's film is about coping , its focus practical and utterly unsentimental , its energy somehow both busy and serene .",
"a bisected portrait of two families -- one small and thriving , one sprawling and dysfunctional -- both headed by the same , charming man , the MOV examines the shipwreck of suicide and the grief of those left stranded in its wake .",
"impressively directed and superbly written , this is an emotionally engaging drama with terrific performances from real life father and daughter louis-do and alice de lencquesaing .",
"authentic in its depiction of both the filmic and domestic milieux , this is delicate , incisive , touching and trenchant .",
"the MOV is exceptional drama . compelling and unforced , it shows sensitivity and evenhandedness in approaching a difficult subject .",
"a subtle work on an exceedingly difficult subject .",
"a modest drama about a suicide and its aftermath that never quite moves an audience as it should .",
"a film that portrays a subject that could easily have become cloying with an austere , penetrating eye .",
"while the movie is far from perfect , those potential missteps are , in the end , part of what makes the MOV so beautiful .",
"this delicate and beautiful film about the highs and lows of a close-knit family takes us on an emotional journey in which we experience joy , laughter , sorrow and contemplation .",
"fresh-faced performances and tender writing makes for a family who jumps straight off the screen and into your heart .",
"mia hansen-lřve deserves credit both as a writer and a director . this is a very convincing drama .",
"one of the few films ever released that realistically conveys the heartbreak of both loving cinema and being in the uncomfortable position of having to sell it to distributors , co-producers , and , ultimately , the masses",
"... a perceptive family drama which also delivers an insight into the harried world of the independent film producer .",
"father is a very intimate film , and writer-director mia hanson-love has a robert altman-like gift for making us believe the relationships continue outside the bounds of the screen .",
"the depiction of the grieving producer 's wife and children is agonising in its truth ."
] | father_of_my_children | a tragedy gracefully lifted by tender empathy and moments of joy , MOV is a quiet triumph for writer-director mia hansen-love . | 770853191 |
"the characters never really flesh out but the story is good enough to keep you interested . -lsb- full review in spanish -rsb-",
"the introduction of british agent ilsa faust -lrb- rebecca ferguson -rrb- to the mix suggests that this may be one of the only ongoing spy concerns that actually know how to use female characters .",
"rogue nation is a blockbuster that expertly combines exhilarating visual thrills with the kind of intricate storyline that requires viewers to pay attention . it also treads a nice line between the drama and the humour .",
"exibe um fôlego tăo surpreendente quanto o de seu formidável protagonista .",
"the mission : impossible series finally runs out of steam with this overlong and often superfluous entry ...",
"abandoning all burden of creating a bogged-down story that concentrates on narrative and character history , rogue nation is able to truly wow in several fleeting scenes of espionage and huzzah moments .",
"with the will-they-or-won ` t-they tension , the densely plotted conflicts that rarely give you time to think , and the fact that everyone on all sides has a reason to stop hunt , this is a satisfying hollywood actioner that keeps you guessing .",
"your mission , if you choose to accept it , is to go out and have some mindless , escapist fun .",
"writer-director christopher mcquarrie brings a dark and gritty tone to this larger-than-life franchise .",
"chistpher mcquarrie has built an exciting and entertaining film full of action : mission accomplished . -lsb- full review in spanish -rsb-",
"`` mission : impossible - rogue nation '' proves that a summer flick can be as smart as it is exciting .",
"immersive , unpredictable and crammed with more sharp plot hooks than a fishing basket . it 's one of the best wide-release movies of the summer .",
"it 's clear that mcquarrie appreciates not only what 's exciting about these movies but also what 's funny .",
"rogue nation comes equipped with overwritten , exposition-heavy dialogue that none of the imf agents would actually say to each other outside of a movie .",
"rogue nation , like the similarly propulsive ghost protocol , often feels like a pure instrument of fun , dragging hunt through an ongoing series of precarious situations .",
"despite the shortcomings of the plot , ` rogue nation ' is a summer blockbuster that delivers the popcorn movie goods .",
"mission : impossible - rogue nation continues the series resurgence with moody suspense tied neatly to exciting set pieces centered on a stable of imf agents that has finally gelled after several films worth of experimenting .",
"it 's hardly breaking bold new ground but cruise is utterly reliable , his commitment to the role - and what must have been a brutal workout regime - never in doubt .",
"`` rogue nation '' is a winning effort - much better than you 'd expect from the fifth film in a series featuring a 53-year-old man as an action star .",
"the opening stunt pretty much sums up the mission : impossible franchise : white-knuckle thrills teetering on the edge of absurdity .",
"it 's not a life-changing experience but it 's impressively entertaining and it does n't insult your intelligence .",
"when the film focuses on cruise it 's an unbeatable juggernaut of a movie . alas , it does not .",
"you do n't overcome the `` impossible '' by thinking it over a little more carefully . you overcome it through the application of sheer , unvarnished willpower , a quality that cruise has always possessed in abundance .",
"this is n't the best of the m : i films , as it fails to match the stylized sleekness of the first , the character dynamics of iii or the needle-to-the-heart adrenaline charge of ghost protocol . but here 's a franchise that manages to retain its freshness .",
"a hugely entertaining action thriller from a trusted movie brand ... all up , mi : 5 is a terrifically kinetic , lean , crowd-pleasing spectacle , and yet another cinematic expression of the deep love cruise has for his audience .",
"without the wit of its previous instalment , m : i-rn feels a bit of an endurance championship , although if you 're in it for the action alone , you wo n't feel shortchanged .",
"despite all the big names , it 's a relative unknown who steals the show . swedish born rebecca ferguson keeps you guessing throughout the film as a mysterious individual with unknown intentions .",
"there are spies among us . and that 's a good thing .",
"as far as entertainment goes , rogue nation is second only to the original mission : impossible .",
"`` rogue nation '' delivers thrill after thrill to the point where your nerves ca n't take it anymore .",
"it 's all baloney , but the disposable film fills a summertime need for breezy entertainment .",
"great summer movie entertainment .",
"hopefully , the reception will be positive because , on the strength of this outing , a sixth big-screen impossible mission is warranted .",
"tom cruise stamps his claim as the greatest action star of our time with this nail biting , stylishly made action thriller filled with incredibly entertaining sequences .",
"if you watched all of the `` mission : impossible '' films in a row , starting with 1996 's original , would they feel like a james bond version of `` boyhood '' ? maybe .",
"after taking a few stabs at the right formula , the series has finally found its voice , and ethan hunt and company give james bond a real run for his blockbuster money .",
"the intense tom cruise face - you know the expression i mean , where he looks like he 's about to explode and/or start yelling , but does n't - makes frequent appearances , as does the trademark arm-chopping tom cruise run .",
"mcquarrie is n't known for spectacle , but he manages an impressive fireworks display here , delivering a first half that frequently bests previous sequels . it 's the second half of `` rogue nation '' that 's worrisome .",
"cruise is-and i say this nicely-a total maniac , which goes a long way toward cranking up an action sequence .",
"this m : i is entertaining in its schematic way ; it 's impossible not to respond to the theme music on a pavlovian level . there 's a sentimental attachment . but like tom in that almighty opening plane stunt , i 'm finding it harder and harder to hang on .",
"the franchise has a lot in common with old faithful : it 's a popular attraction ; predictable as clockwork ; and features acts of nature - a geyser of boiling water in one case , tom cruise 's abs in the other - that remain impressive after all these years .",
"goes on too long , with at least one too many prolonged chases and fights , but is still expertly mounted , enjoyably old-fashioned , action-packed cloak-and-dagger hokum .",
"a sequel that is slick with silliness , but peppered with enough wit and peril to sustain the franchise 's momentum .",
"the protagonists ' dilemmas are quite extreme , the surprises come in all sizes and the ultra-smooth professionalism displayed in all departments early on encourages the sense that you 're in good hands , a feeling that ends up being justified .",
"this movie is pure summer entertainment and , when that iconic theme song starts cranking , it 's hard to keep yourself from getting sucked right along into it .",
"when cruise dies , he , harold lloyd and buster keaton will have a lot to talk about .",
"a dog-eared , virile action film that 's lucky to have rebecca ferguson as a saving grace .",
"the good far outweighs the so-so .",
"the film is too long and i was never certain what the villain 's ultimate goal was as he seems to be a terrorist without any ideological agenda , but this is good summer fun and probably the best in the series .",
"of the many heists and grabs that litter the movie , none is as blatant as the deft , irrepressible manner in which ferguson , displaying a light smile and a brisk way with a knife , steals the show .",
"your mission , if you choose to accept it , is to enjoy this movie without thinking too much about the plot . -lsb- full revew in spanish -rsb-",
"it comes as a pleasant surprise that the series ' cartoon spy-fi lunacy still plays .",
"despite its weaknesses , this is a solid action film , with many of the familiar mission impossible trappings , including those impossible face masks . the acting is also solid by the main cast . the villain , played by sean harris , is up to the mark .",
"a female lead who is so good , she brings cruise up a few notches ... she 's ilsa faust -lrb- rebecca ferguson -lrb- the bbc 's the white queen -rrb- -rrb- , and you can tell by her name how this chapter in the franchise has been constructed - it 's basically a bond movie .",
"one or two seriously awesome moments aside , there 's very little of note here .",
"if it were n't for ` mad max : fury road , ' this would be the best action film of the year .",
"it feels like they grabbed the best elements of the first movie and `` ghost protocol '' and mixed them in a very successful way . -lsb- full review in spanish -rsb-",
"if you enjoy seeing a veteran actor doing his own stunts in some spectacularly staged ways , you wo n't want to miss this true crowd pleaser . -lrb- full content review - nudity , violence , profanity , etc. - for parents also available -rrb-",
"christopher mcquarrie 's direction and a well written script give this entry what it 's been missing since the first one : volume , depth and rhythm . -lsb- full review in spanish -rsb-",
"it 's not a masterpiece of the action movie genre , but it 's still a good option for adrenaline lovers . -lsb- full review in spanish -rsb-",
"a blast of suspense and intrigue , a great mashup of the best of the original and ghost protocol .",
"is n't the worst installment , but it 's the least daring , challenging and fresh entry in the series .",
"the real mission impossible is topping the earlier films in the series plus upstarts like `` fast/furious . '' challenge accepted .",
"if `` mission : impossible -- rogue nation '' does n't quite have that same touch that assuredly sets it apart , what it does have is a similar confident skillfulness that keeps the film humming along from one noteworthy action set-piece to the next .",
"works for your appreciation with gasp-inducing action sequences and an ethos that has fun with its legacy while moving in a new direction .",
"has a better story , a grittier tone and the perfect blend of action , humor and intelligence - all of which make it the best mission yet .",
"as a blockbuster , this comes pretty close to perfection .",
"slick , accomplished and hugely entertaining , another slice of glorious mayhem from a franchise that continues to play to its strengths and deliver the goods .",
"rogue nation solidifies the fact that tom cruise is the quintessential action star , carrying the quintessential action franchise . with all due respect to 007 , at the moment , nobody does it better .",
"rogue nation may not be the best , the tightest , or even the most logically coherent m : i flick , but there should be more movies like it : relentlessly thrilling , smart entertainments ...",
"while the mission : impossible series may no longer feel fresh , it also shows no signs of self-destructing anytime soon .",
"i was delighted by this one end to end .",
"expertly building on the renewed energy injected into the mission : impossible franchise with 2011 's ghost protocol , this fifth episode roars along like a sleek , well-oiled machine .",
"easily , almost nonchalantly , best in franchise , rogue nation dispenses with the dead weight of realism or relevance for state-of-the-art thrill-making in a classical mould .",
"for about 90 minutes or so , rogue nation is grandly exciting . but in the final half-hour , mcquarrie makes a critical mistake : he starts taking this enjoyable nonsense seriously .",
"`` mission : impossible - rogue nation '' is a sigh of defeat . now tom 's only goal is to give us a kickboxing fight or a motorcycle chase every eight minutes , and hope for the best .",
"it 's full of attractive people , gorgeous locations , loathsome bad guys and a pounding score that ties it all together . this is what the `` fast and furious '' movies want to be , and the bond pictures used to .",
"the story is clear . the characters are appropriately hyper-real , but grounded and their behavior follows logically . there are mysteries that keep unraveling . and it does n't choke you with details that ca n't be deciphered without 27 watchings .",
"there 's a difference between velocity and momentum , and while the chases , shootouts and close-quarters combat rarely flag , our interest does .",
"a spy adventure with champagne-fizz style and double-shot-of-scotch action sequences , mission : impossible -- rogue nation is a perfect demonstration that sequels can aim higher in places other than just the box office , and to everyone 's benefit .",
"once again , cruise accepts this mission with open arms and audiences everywhere should follow suit .",
"cruise fires up everything he has as actor and athlete , showing that mission : impossible still has gas in its tank even when its engine sputters .",
"you sure get your bang for the buck with this one . tom cruise , and his team deliver an action packed espionage thriller that 's so eye popping you hardly notice you have no idea of why they 're really doing all that stuff .",
"the newest installment in tom cruise 's franchise might be the best yet .",
"i 've seen five mission : impossible movies now and i do n't know a lick about ethan hunt except that every couple years he flings his body all over the place , then eventually saves the day .",
"the savvy cruise makes sure he delivers what is expected of him : hand-to-hand fights , death-defying leaps and car chases - all the while propelling the plot forward .",
"like the james bond films , the entries in the mission : impossible series are really only as good as the sum of their set pieces -- and they might actually have become more reliably thrilling .",
"you get the whiff of desperation throughout .",
"the epitome of a bona fide summer blockbuster !",
"stunts save `` rogue nation . ''",
"an exhilarating blend of action , intrigue , suspense and comic relief . tom cruise still has the knack of being a charismatic leading man .",
"writer-director christopher mcquarrie , whose action movie skills are at best high-adequate , compensates by being good at interpersonal stuff . he can make us feel for the characters as something more than action toys .",
"mission : impossible - rogue nation , the latest in the tom cruise-starring franchise , sets its hooks quickly and hurtles you forward .",
"has the snap , shock , and verve to rival modern blockbusters while giving a nod to the retro-cool original series .",
"if you want to watch insanely dangerous stunts , done by a 53-year-old human and not a body double or a cgi pixel , then mission : impossible rogue nation is the summer action film for you .",
"the best film in this series , and a perfectly realized piece of cinematic craftsmanship .",
"a summer blockbuster worth the title : in mi 's fifth installment , the cruise gung-ho approach cements why he 's a true movie hero !",
"never groundbreaking but consistently entertaining ,",
"the fifth installment in this franchise that keeps getting better is the best one yet , with a compelling plot , a bond-esque super villain to keep your interest , and the intense action set pieces that cruise does better than anyone .",
"we tend to forget tom cruise is a seriously impressive old-school action star in an age where cg trickery has largely made that role somewhat redundant .",
"the reliably classy rogue nation , which visits minsk , london , havana , paris and vienna in the first half-hour alone , concentrates on practical stunts , and the results are spectacular .",
"its plot line does n't bear too much scrutiny and its characterisation is sketchy but the action itself is frequently exhilarating .",
"`` rogue nation '' is pretty much like most of the `` impossible '' movies in that it 's an immense machine that mr. mcquarrie , after tinkering and oiling , has cranked up again and set humming ...",
"... the summer movie we 've been waiting for : filled with action , exotic locations , and enough plot twists that you simply ca n't check your brain at the door .",
"a non-stop blast from beginning to end . at this point tom cruise is starting to rival jackie chan as the most daring action hero of our era .",
"mcquarrie does n't make it easy to invest in the characters here , but paradoxically he does know how to make us grip our armrests as they face danger , and thus the mission is accomplished once more .",
"... the fifth mission impossible is a solid hour-and-a-half action film . unfortunately , the run time is two hours and ten minutes .",
"its fuse fizzes dutifully from a to b , but the dynamite never ignites .",
"filled with heart-stopping moments , this fifth in the franchise leaps to great heights with thrilling action and a story that feels fresh and vital",
"jokey , derivative , the weakest of the mi movies , but still fun in most of the usual ways .",
"mission : impossible - rogue nation is the best action movie to hit theaters since mad max rockatansky answered our cries back in may , making it the best action movie this summer by far .",
"mission : impossible rogue nation finally makes ethan hunt into not just `` tom cruise - action man '' but perhaps the defining role of his long career . the twist is that it may be his most autobiographical as well .",
"given how fun mission : impossible - rogue nation often is , it 's hard to blame paramount for squeezing every drop of momentum out of the series while it can .",
"the action is explosive , coming in fast and furious spurts , peppered with plenty of quips , character moments , and blisteringly choreographed instances of death and destruction .",
"thrill-ride fun - the most exciting action-adventure of the summer ...",
"five movies in and the mission : impossible franchise exhibits no signs of slowing down .",
"mcquarrie devises a film that 's a succession of riveting sequences , filmed in a way that 's active and yet elegant .",
"mcquarrie has created a clever , witty , exciting modern espionage thriller which not only pays its dues to the earlier titles in the series , but also tacitly acknowledges that ethan himself is starting to get a little long in the tooth .",
"not just the best movie of the summer , but also the best summer movie of the summer . a whipsmart action film that dazzles from start to finish . cruise in control of the best ` mi ' yet .",
"the mission : impossible franchise is ageing much like tom cruise himself : inexplicably , as if by a wizard 's touch .",
"so many ridiculous action set pieces and unfollowable plot lines that it 's basically a blockbuster splatter painting .",
"the most stripped-down , aggressive and at times - and only relatively speaking - closest the films series has come to the more modest pleasures of the espionage show that spawned it , if often in name only .",
"it ca n't resist winking at how this franchise manages to defy the limits of both human endurance and its superstar 's rickety public status .",
"latest episode delivers the goods , just not as smoothly as before .",
"mission : impossible - rogue nation is a smart and exciting blockbuster , as well as another strong installment in the tom cruise action franchise .",
"a late summer treat : proving that hard work and care can still make for a rousing good time .",
"the excellent chemistry between cruise and ferguson translates into superior hand-to-hand fight scenes and one spectacular chase .",
"the series ' best yet , with gob-smacking action sequences offset by quick-witted humor and a thematic emphasis on teamwork and trust .",
"director/writer christopher mcquarrie and tom cruise have proven to be a dynamic duo , even against the most impossible of enemies ...",
"writer/director mcquarrie has enough savvy with dialogue and pacing that old tropes feel fun again . like someone finally remembered how to make a spy movie .",
"a sensational thriller",
"in the post-movie star age , -lrb- cruise -rrb- is , with apologies to a certain austrian bodybuilder whose drawing power is all but terminated , the last action hero .",
"everything , even alec baldwin 's tight and itchy turn as a cia buzzkill , is mere window-dressing to cruise 's attempts to kill himself on-screen .",
"a perfect balance of suspense and a metaphorical tongue placed ever so delicately in an equally metaphorical cheek",
"mcquarrie delivers a tense , eye-popping amusement-park ride that 's almost as exciting as it is forgettable .",
"at the age of 53 mr. cruise continues to give his all to these films , and his all in this latest episode is more than enough .",
"the film that leaves you wanting more . not five minutes more . five films more .",
"mission : impossible - rogue nation does n't have the nonsensical lyricism of brad bird 's stupendous mission : impossible - ghost protocol , but it 's still pretty good .",
"you can discuss the incongruities on the drive home ; while the movie 's playing , you 're having too much fun getting manhandled by experts .",
"the opening sequence is like a declaration of war ; it 's like starting a film with the truck sequence from raiders , or ghost protocol 's burj khalifa sequence .",
"... audiences will have the pleasure of being swept away by the actor 's unbridled charm sparring with ferguson 's upstart attitude in a flawless duet of deceit and determination . all is fair in love and espionage .",
"the tomoxon is rammed into the metabolism with such unrelenting force that we are sure to see mission impossible : adjective noun in two years ' time .",
"tom cruise goes through the motions in this diverting but empty blockbuster .",
"`` rogue nation '' proves to be the most satisfying , gripping and intelligent film of the series . the action scenes are magnificent , and an excellent supporting turn from new cast member rebecca ferguson helps make this a sexy , propulsive , top-notch thriller .",
"mission : impossible - rogue nation has some of the best-shot action sequences of the year - a cinematic thrill ride in the best possible sense .",
"it 's apparent just how hard -lsb- cruise is -rsb- trying in an effort to entertain us ... but it 's not why rogue nation works . it 's truly a team effort .",
"does n't do anything particularly wrong inasmuch as it overdoes something right - by the time we reach the final chase/shoot-out/hand-to-hand combat set piece , a bit of ice-cream-headache fatigue has begun to set in .",
"cruise remains game for anything and everything .",
"... this film belongs to swedish actress rebecca ferguson as undercover british intelligence agent ilsa faust , whose career is sure to get a serious boost after her fearless performance here .",
"what 's most impressive , perhaps , is that , somehow and beyond all traditional reasoning , this series does n't seem to be running out of steam .",
"`` mission : impossible - rogue nation '' is industrial-strength , stunt-stuffed , thoroughly soulless , yet eminently watchable cinema .",
"tom cruise brings the intensity , while alec baldwin does his usual alec baldwin thing .",
"cruise still evokes the daring recklessness that defines his mif role . mi-5 does not disappoint .",
"new writers and directors for each installment have kept the creativity flowing , and like the `` fast and furious '' movies , the `` mission : impossible '' film series has hit its stride later in its run .",
"you expect this to raise a fist to the awesomeness of being the guy , and it does with gusto . but what really keeps this fifth installment fresh is a look at how exhausting it must also feel to always be the guy ... whether it 's ethan hunt or tom cruise .",
"every bit as exciting and mind-boggling as its predecessors .",
"it is vastly superior to all the bloated superhero movies with their extended , tedious fight scenes and unnecessary , overused 3-d effects .",
"a precision-tooled action gizmo made by talented people who still take professional pride in turning this sort of thing out .",
"as usual for the fifth entry in a film franchise , there 's a lot of talk about whether this is `` our last mission . '' if that 's true , at least it 'll go out proudly .",
"the last m : i film , 2011 's ghost protocol , remains the series ' high point because it was so consistently engaging . this time , we spend much too long in government back rooms discussing politics .",
"observe the vertical splendour of cruise 's gait : nobody in tinseltown can run quite like tom , for whom executive producing a long-running , retro espionage tv show proved a very healthy investment .",
"i did find mission impossible : rogue nation reasonably diverting , and the ending even managed to build up a fair share of tension -lrb- though why i should have doubted that cruise 's awesomeness would prevail , i do n't know -rrb- .",
"there 's more ironic humour , a little less cheese and an attempt to make the action seem more authentic , so that now star tom cruise occasionally looks in real -lrb- ish -rrb- danger .",
"the 52-year-old cruise does n't look ridiculous at any point , which in itself is ridiculous .",
"is too much self-awareness creeping into the franchise ? stunts , intrigue , spy stuff , all here ... just a matter of whether or not you enjoy watching tom cruise do what he does .",
"a globe-trotting spy thriller with the brisk pace and the visual wit of a looney tunes cartoon .",
"christopher mcquarrie steps in with a thriller that mixes old-fashioned spy movie tropes with state-of-the-art action beats and a rich helping of wit .",
"rogue nation 's opening scene is as thrilling as anything we 've seen from those `` furious '' films . and your brain wo n't hurt minutes later .",
"the characters in the film are boring action figurines , short on characterisation and humanity .",
"-lsb- video essay -rsb- it 's an old law of screenwriting that any protagonist must have a worthy opponent . in the case of `` mission impossible : rogue nation , '' the heavy is a paper tiger . next .",
"at age 53 , tom cruise is still a credible action hero . but this time , rebecca ferguson really gives him a run for his money , and his heart .",
"`` rogue nation '' is a more-than-worthy entry into the `` mission : impossible '' franchise , one that somehow grows better with age .",
"cruise has played ethan hunt so often it would be understandable if he phoned it in , but one of the pleasures of `` mission : impossible - rogue nation '' is that he does n't .",
"the action bonanza gets a little lost in its own spycraft , but offers action scenes both fast and furious and a fabulous couple of additions to the world of the imf -lrb- short for impossible mission force , obviously -rrb- .",
"previous installments may have done a solid job of bringing ethan hunt 's inner turmoil to the fore , but rogue nation really nails it",
"it can be your mission , if you choose to accept it , but there are many superior options for your entertainment dollar .",
"an entertaining and exciting ride , a strong example of the best in blockbuster filmmaking .",
"though fine summer entertainment , the movie -- like ethan 's hobbled gait -- shows considerable franchise fatigue .",
"it 's as rousing , crowd-pleasing , and grandly old-fashioned an accompaniment to popcorn-munching as we 've seen all summer .",
"it 's formula . but rogue nation never feels like it is trying to be more or less than exactly what it is : a summer popcorn movie with a few decent twists , more laughs than expected and a lead character who may be feeling his age a bit .",
"you 'll never see cruise playing an effortless comic book immortal - his characters are at their best when their backs are to the wall .",
"it 's a ride , an often exhilarating one , but ultimately like most rides it ends exactly where it began .",
"can mission : impossible stay relevant in today 's era of popcorn film ? the answer is decidedly maybe . definitely maybe .",
"the movie 's fuse stays lit for a good 90 minutes , but sadly it fizzles out come the disappointing climax .",
"now on his fifth go-around as ethan hunt , cruise has steered the mission movies away from distinct authorial voices and into showreels for his own daredevil stunt work .",
"mission : impossible - rogue nation might have its hi-tech gadgets , but it 's a pleasingly old-fashioned affair .",
"... the franchise delivers its best and most entertaining chapter to date with rogue nation .",
"spy franchise returns with thrills , death-defying stunts .",
"i like tom cruise and i like action movies .",
"it 's surprisingly pleasurable , a romp through a series a snazzy set pieces that are linked by familiar themes . what 's fun about it comes from how it 's executed , rather than any innovation .",
"it 's a preponderance of unpolished plotting that truly takes the shine off rogue nation .",
"the most reliable blockbuster series going : five films , some weirder than others , but not a stinker in the bunch .",
"tom cruise is back in the exciting , smart and tense fifth installment in this long-running series .",
"martial arts and a sense of levity balance the many tense action scenes",
"rogue nation delivers first rate entertainment from beginning to end . certainly a non-stop joyride that will continue the franchise should audiences choose to accept whimsical disbelief .",
"this fifth installment could be the best of the series . tom cruise 's stunts are terrific . lalo schifrin 's theme music is still wonderful . the pace is driving . rebecca ferguson is beautiful and inscrutable .",
"at once questioning and reaffirming the pleasures of cinematic espionage , this is the rare sequel that leaves its franchise feeling not exhausted but surprisingly resurgent at 19 years and counting .",
"feels dated and redundant due to the lack of originality and innovation that 's defined the franchise .",
"as spy franchises go , this one has been pretty electric .",
"no one would expect anything more from a mission : impossible movie than thumping good action , and this delivers amply on that front .",
"it 's not sappy . it 's a tight action movie focused on talented people working together for the good -lrb- or harm ? you have no idea ! -rrb- of the world .",
"they are massive enterprises that deliver the goods in the manner of an experienced craftsman , no matter who that craftsman happens to be .",
"five movies in , cruise has perfected the m : i formula -- a simple spy story , passable character comedy , and extremely long , impressively sustained action sequences .",
"rogue nation has a plot with means and opportunity galore , but little in the way of motive . and in a year brimming with spy stories , you need to bring your a game to stand out .",
"it should n't surprise you by now to hear that cruise apparently flirted with on-set danger here , too . and it 's impossible to deny that this knowledge adds to the fun .",
"and with cruise pushing his 53-year-old body to the limit for every death-defying spectacle , mission : impossible has grown into a true thrill-a-minute event , and fans certainly wo n't leave this one disappointed .",
"the white queen 's rebecca ferguson is remarkable as ilsa faust , a british national of enigmatic allegiances . in a film full of twists and reversals , the biggest surprise of all is a woman with her own agenda . guess nothing 's impossible after all .",
"anyone can be in a movie ; only a few like cruise are the movies .",
"extremely well-written and directed by christopher mcquarrie . let me repeat . extremely well-written and directed by the man who counseled cruise in `` jack reacher . '' they apparently click .",
"although i prefer the more spirited and original `` ghost protocol , '' i thoroughly enjoyed `` rogue nation '' for what it is , and what it sets out to be : unapologetic fun .",
"slick and often clever , but it 's also too long , and the spectacle of cruise trying to prove that age has not dimmed his physical prowess gets pretty silly .",
"mission : impossible - rogue nation is exceptionally made , insane fun and the best this series has to offer and then some .",
"the latest in the mission impossible franchise suffers from having its impossible missions made lame by impossible product sourcing , imagined techno-fixes , and apparently endless resources despite cruise 's hunt supposedly being on the run .",
"mr. hunt , your lasting assignment is to keep the imf in cruise control .",
"a movie you will enjoy from start to finish . -lsb- full review in spanish -rsb-",
"warts and all , cruise has delivered another awesome mission : impossible spectacle that should keep the summer of 2015 going strong for at least a few more weeks .",
"mcquarrie proves that not only can he direct great action scenes ... but he can also pay homage to the best the genre has to offer . -lsb- full review in spanish -rsb-",
"pure entertainment . -lsb- full review in spanish -rsb-",
"all the action spectacle of a mission : impossible but gives the spectacle more weight .",
"as a sensory escapist experience with laughs , pleasures , and excitements , ` rogue nation ' will likely be the most satisfying mission audiences choose to accept repeatedly .",
"accept the mission and pass the popcorn .",
"nearly two decades out , ethan hunt has become -lsb- cruise 's -rsb- signature role , and at 53 , the indefatigable action hero has n't lost a step as he runs , jumps , rides and drives from eye-popping set piece to the next with both will and skill .",
"i spent the first half hour wearing 3d glasses -lrb- available on a foyer stand -rrb- since i thought the film was in 3d as well as imax . it is n't . but i did n't notice until i glanced round belatedly at un-spectacled colleagues .",
"as much as cruise dominates `` rogue nation , '' it 's his co-star , rebecca ferguson , who emerges as the film 's true and most memorable revelation .",
"i questioned nothing , enjoyed mcquarrie 's ingenuity in construction , smiled occasionally at the jokes and admired ferguson 's performance as the most interesting femme fatale in the series .",
"this is comfort-food cinema . gorge on the endless buffet .",
"while certainly not a disappointment , mission : impossible - rogue nation sticks too closely to the franchise formula . and unlike its buff star , the whole thing is starting to show its age .",
"like hunt is asked to do at the beginning of every quest i 'll gladly accept this latest mission : impossible , but i 'll keep my fingers crossed that next time we 'll have an even better trip to go on .",
"the most assured and satisfying of the five so far ...",
"cruise 's inexhaustible drive helps propel this consistently exciting installment .",
"a very entertaining and enjoyable movie . -lsb- full review in spanish -rsb-",
"all the gadgetry and double the action fall short . but the pure charm of the movie saves the day .",
"impossible to resist .",
"i like the movie , but cruise needs to have a huddle with his stylist and work on the hair dye job . it 's not matching up with his complexion , and it makes him look old . priorities people !",
"has a definite sleekness to it , but mcquarrie reserves just enough grit to keep it from looking and feeling like a cartoon",
"rogue nation gets its job done with style .",
"do n't try to make sense of it , the world of ethan hunt , just like the cartoonish society that the characters in the `` fast & furious '' franchise inhabit , is clearly not our own .",
"the franchise has gradually refined its combination of jaw-dropping action set pieces and sleekly cool world of espionage into something that 's approaching pop perfection .",
"i have never been fond of tom cruise , but one must admit what he does he does well .",
"cruise has always been a remarkable physical actor , and the mission : impossible franchise continues to offer an ideal showcase for his talents ."
] | mission_impossible_rogue_nation | mission : impossible rogue nation continues the franchise 's thrilling resurgence -- and proves that tom cruise remains an action star without equal . | 771357161 |
"on the lower tier of the numerous docs about the war and the middle east .",
"`` you go to a parade , you got to a demo , '' says bobby muller , `` standard routine : you put the gimps on the front . you got ta have the visual . ''",
"MOV is a gut-wrenching documentary experience .",
"with all this fascinating real-life material to work with , it 's frustrating that the directors choose to devote half of the movie to well-worn archival footage of members of congress debating the decision to invade iraq in 2002 .",
"drenched in emotion and suffused with good intentions , MOV is impossible not to like , but difficult to admire .",
"anti-war messages do n't get any more powerful than this .",
"lazy , shallow and repetitive , phil donahue 's MOV is one of the most incompetent documentaries to emerge from the iraq war .",
"editor bernadine colish weaves together all that c-span footage into a disturbing procedural indictment .",
"what makes MOV such a powerful documentary is n't the clever rhetorical device of debate vs. reality , but the way it documents american life in the ' 00s .",
"no one can fail to be moved and saddened by ` MOV ' and its picture behind the doors that hide forgotten ignored heroes .",
"MOV does n't bombard you with statistics or parade talking heads to beat the dead-horse argument that the invasion is a tragedy fueled by bullshit . its pull is more human .",
"equal parts sadness and inspiration , fury and compassion , the film is sure to divide audiences along ideological lines . but there 's no denying the reality of tomas young 's experiences . a man who has paid so much is more than entitled to his opinions .",
"it 's the soldier in iraq who fights on in the face of public apathy at home . the hope in this vital film is that the voices of soldiers will be raised . they will fight on until their mission is accomplished and the iraq war is history .",
"donahue and spiro should 've spent more time exploring the human moments and much less time browbeating us with stuff we already know .",
"the lack of ego and relatively little self-pity -lsb- wheelchair-bound tomas -rsb- young has is astounding .",
"MOV is a powerful and effective documentary because it keeps its focus very tight and makes its story vivid in personal terms .",
"`` MOV '' is so simple-minded and ham-handed in its case against the war that it ends up diluting its own argument .",
"whatever you think of the film , MOV stirs up real admiration for its subject .",
"the doc gets up-close and personal . it shows one injured vet 's reality after war .",
"when is a startling and devastating war movie made in the past too long ago to shed light on the present ? well , apparently never , if we 're talking permanent war characterizing the endless us invasions and occupations around the world .",
"-lsb- tomas young -rsb- deserves better treatment from the government than he 's gotten as a returning veteran , and a better movie than this simpleminded indictment of every senator who voted ` yea . '",
"it 's an unusually intimate portrait .",
"architecturally sound , emotionally ravaging .",
"a searing documentary that reveals the courageous antiwar heroism of a iraq war veteran who is paralyzed from the waist down .",
"phil donahue and ellen spiro 's powerful documentary takes a microcosmic look at the war and its devastation by focusing on a single casualty .",
"half an excellent and touching profile of a young veteran , but unfortunately , half a strident anti-war propaganda film .",
"almost by definition , documentaries about iraq are gut-wrenching reminders of the unaccomplished mission . MOV transcends even that tough standard .",
"a powerful argument against impetuous decisions , be they to join the military or to attack a country .",
"... more than just another run-of-the-mill political documentary .",
"MOV makes no bones about its activism . then again , like the others , it 's the willingness to contextualize events and apply reason to them that makes it and others so valuable .",
"it is not merely an antiwar document , but a complex profile in courage of a paraplegic and patriot .",
"the overreaching spiro and donahue are not content to persuade viewers ; they insist on convincing us .",
"MOV again demonstrates that we americans still have some bitter truths to face .",
"a chance to witness the struggles of a remarkable young man . young may be paralyzed in the body , but his mind is fiercely alive .",
"a tough , affecting documentary about an american soldier in the iraq war .",
"MOV is neither the most cinematic nor the most elegantly crafted of recent iraq war documentaries , but that does n't stop it from being one of the most deeply affecting .",
"makes for a good anti-war doc , to be sure , but an even finer -- and painfully accurate -- portrait of the former soldier as a young man ."
] | body_of_war | unapologetically political , this intimate and heart wrenching profile of an iraq veteran may be rough around the edges but takes a potent stance with determination and compassion . | 770674789 |
"not as good as the first iron man , not as bad as green lantern , it 's almost a necessary , even obligatory panel toward next year 's avengers , but as a stand-alone adventure , it leaves much to be desired .",
"in a no muss , no fuss kind of way , MOV becomes one of the best comic book movies of all time .",
"on a scene-to-scene basis though , MOV is lumpy and formless .",
"joe johnston -- returning to the vibe of his first directorial effort , the rocketeer -lrb- 1991 -rrb- -- creates a fun retro-futurist environment with a world war ii setting , and he has the discernment not to let the effects overwhelm the story .",
"despite all the advance hype preceding its release , MOV , yet another 3-d marvel comics concoction , straggles onto the screen with little reason to exist except as a marketing machine .",
"i 've always rather liked MOV . not due to any jingoistic bs , but because i 'm a cynic , and cap is n't .",
"MOV is a medal-worthy joy , the best marvel movie in years . top that joss .",
"despite deplorable 3d that mutes the colors and an ill-advised ending , this is a very entertaining film .",
"-lsb- it -rsb- generally moves along with moxie , charm , gobs of special effects and stunt work , and fond memories of the uso style shows that sold war bonds and boosted support in the battle against the nazis . yes , there 's even some singing and dancing .",
"add all of those positive attributes together and you 've got a motion picture that rivals x-men : first class as the most impressive comic book adaptation of the summer .",
"`` MOV '' fails to capitalize on the nostalgia of the character . sure , cinematically he is treated respectfully , but it feels more like an obligation and chore rather than a labor of love .",
"unambiguously embraces its hero 's old-fashioned sensibilities , and invites us to embrace them as well",
"a capable , if somewhat unremarkable , affair , beset by the same origin-story shortcomings that plagued another u.s.-virtue-via-army-weaponry fable , iron man .",
"a fun origin story in the spider-man model . it 's got the heart of an underdog really experiencing the wonder of his new powers . i 'm not saying it 's as good as sam raimi 's film , but i 'll take a solid copy of that over the likes of thor .",
"the perfect casting of evans as well as the original approach to the action ultimately makes up for some of the annoying changes from the source material .",
"the details in MOV deliver , but the big moments fall flat - you can tell that we 're intended to cheer here , to weep there , but the scenes that try hardest to elicit emotions just feel deflated .",
"the least inspired and engaging entry in the summer 's superhero onslaught .",
"the picture is nothing , really , that you have n't seen before , but it 's the definition of a square , competent , deliver-the-goods blockbuster .",
"you are not in for a giddy , winking , high-flying summer fling . and that 's ok -- there 's something appealing about such an old-fashioned approach .",
"MOV is not high art , but it is so unabashedly fun -- and such well-made fun -- that it is hard to not like and admire it for so steadfastly being what it is .",
"MOV succeeds grandly where the others failed .",
"christopher markus and stephen mcfeely ... whip up a MOV story that often feels like its only purpose is to deliver steve rogers into the 21st century .",
"combines the right elements of brisk storytelling and light touches of comedy without resorting to gimmicks or bombast .",
"the movie looks wonderful .",
"kudos , then , to the creators of MOV 's big-screen blockbuster for keeping the action rooted in the past ; except for some brief present-day bookends .",
"if you get bored during this film -lrb- i certainly did , despite all the eye candy on screen -rrb- you can amuse yourself by deciding which of the characters has the worst german accent .",
"the light touch of self-parody serves the movie well .",
"comic book fans are likely to appreciate MOV , which does a good job of consolidating the disparate origin aspects of the character into something easily digestible .",
"in a year filled with superhero flicks , this one feels a little bit special .",
"political correctness , flamethrowers and wagner !",
"red , white and bland .",
"in terms of even recent films , MOV lacks the deft touch , appealing character interaction and sophisticated storytelling skills of marvel comics ' x-men : first class .",
"MOV : the first avenger neither commits any terrible storytelling offenses nor takes any significant creative risks . if the director and the script took more chances with the material , marvel could have had their best movie ever .",
"a rollicking old-fashioned adventure story - two fisted , over the top and filled with retro scifi flair .",
"feels less like an exciting comic-book-hero movie than required reading for a course called the avengers , arriving in theaters next summer .",
"familiar , but great performances and pitch-perfect tone make this one of marvel 's best .",
"far fleeter than most of its current comic-book-movie rivals , MOV has some of the same rollicking saturday-matinee spirit as raiders of the lost ark , even if it ca n't match the earlier film 's pace and panache .",
"if this is only the first avenger , then bring on the rest of them .",
"scrawny steve is such a guileless and likeable little dude that his sweetness endures long past the super-sizing .",
"with its mix of world war ii nostalgia , bam-pow comic book sensibilities , underdog determination and red-white-and-blue battle scenes , MOV : the first avenger is the best marvel superhero flick since the first iron man .",
"-lsb- marvel -rsb- saved one of their very best movies for last , and i suspect MOV : the first avenger will send audiences out of the theater rabid to see what 's next .",
"yet another superhero pic but one nicely rooted in history .",
"joe johnston delivers the squarest marvel adaptation of the current cycle , and it 's the film 's pulp sense of adventure and the characters ' old-fashioned decorum that make it so satisfying .",
"traditional second world war thrillers meet the superhero era head on in MOV - and the result is the first must-see blockbuster of the summer .",
"the final conflict is so protracted as to comfortably accommodate a bathroom break . do n't worry . you wo n't miss anything you have n't seen before .",
"capităo américa é apenas uma promessa de filme - e caberá a os vingadores fazer jus a esta promessa .",
"a good-humored , unapologetically patriotic take-off on a gung-ho world war ii war movie , marvel 's MOV : the first avenger may be the best superhero movie of the year .",
"not a perfect film , but a damn fun one .",
"... sometimes feels like the kiddie version of inglourious basterds .",
"the picture is almost admirably boring , as if director joe johnston had wanted to distinguish his movie by not packing it with action , or even bothering much to define the characters .",
"tommy lee jones is n't distraction enough from the reality that we 've been sold a $ 140 million trailer for a different movie . the egg 's a little rotten .",
"it 's paced and designed for people who wo n't shrivel up and die if two or three characters take 45 seconds between combat sequences to have a conversation about world domination , or a dame .",
"stirring world war ii story of old-fashioned rightness and integrity , saved from corniness by star chris evans ' sincere performance and director joe johnston 's imaginative action sequences .",
"need a top-notch comic-book movie to stop this summer 's march of mediocre superheroes ? `` MOV : the first avenger , '' reporting for duty .",
"overall , it 's a lot of fun before it gets somewhat bogged down . but it does redeem itself with a great surprise ending and it 's one of the better comic book movies to come along in a while .",
"downside is the influence of modern technology , shining up a 1940 's hero with glossy 2011 filmmaking tools , making the picture resemble more of a video game than an epic realization of jumbo comic book details .",
"MOV , directed by veteran joe johnston -lrb- the rocketeer , october sky , hidalgo -rrb- delivers the goods in an engaging fashion .",
"the captain is n't perfect , but he 's the equal of thor and loads better than the green lantern : he 's the summer 's pre-eminent superhero .",
"the only problem is that we 've been there -- been nearly everywhere MOV goes -- in countless previous movies .",
"when all these bland marvel comics franchise movies blur together in memory , it wo n't prove that they amounted to one great epic master narrative , but that they 're all indistinguishable .",
"the movie proves a solid if not superb opening salvo for the weakling-turned-super soldier .",
"marvel are having a bumper year . after surprising us all with the hugely enjoyable thor they 've only gone and done it again .",
"it ai n't trailblazing , but it 's solidly enjoyable .",
"no one is going to pretend that this is art , psychologically profound or anything other than preposterous . it is a popcorn movie , but much better than most of its kind .",
"hugely enjoyable and superbly written , this is a thrilling action-adventure that gets everything right ...",
"what makes `` MOV '' interesting is that it is simultaneously a war movie and a superhero movie , executing all the trappings of both very well .",
"... a fast-moving , gee-whiz adventure that mixes plot elements from ` the incredible hulk '' and ` raiders of the lost ark ' with retro-futuristic art design that rivals ` sky captain & the world of tomorrow . '",
"solid , efficient , often anachronistic : MOV is earthbound when it needs to soar .",
"by default as much as by design , it 's the best superhero story you 'll see this year . let 's hope it does n't just set up the story of the avengers , but sets a standard for its quality .",
"MOV : the first avenger feels like a clichéd blast from the past , lacking the spunk and grit that has made other comic book movies successful .",
"... a cut above its lackluster marvel brethren for most of its running time -lrb- if only because it primarily resembles an actual movie more than it does a collection of special effects sequences -rrb- .",
"viewed as the explosion-a-minute , simple action film that it 's intended to be , MOV delivers on what it needs to do : introduce the character to mainstream audiences while not offending longtime fans , and prime the public for the avengers .",
"chris evans did the impossible . he became steve rogers , inside and out .",
"the best bit in this year 's umpteenth comic book blockbuster , MOV : the first avenger , is when tommy lee jones eats some steak .",
"big and blousy , brash and loud and with a distinct twinkle in its star-spangled eye , it 's the action movie to see if you really ca n't stomach any more wand-waving wizards and transforming robots .",
"the story squanders its own fine setup .",
"full of exciting action and earnest emotion , MOV : the first avenger is perhaps the most superhero-ey of this summer 's superhero movies .",
"the film 's kitschy , retro production design is creative , some of the fx are endearingly hokey , and the screenplay has its share of laughs and solid dramatic moments .",
"as this summer 's glut of superhero movies goes , let 's just say that it 's no x-men : first class but at least it 's more enjoyably goofy than thor .",
"evans is unprecedentedly touching and engaging for a superhero - and the rest of the cast help this adventure seem something close to character-driven instead of just being a bundle of stunts .",
"lacks the zip and excitement of the other avengers movies",
"these characters are n't just stick figures to fill in the time between the next set-piece ; they talk , and argue , and appear to inhabit actual personalities .",
"about as good as we could expect it to be , if not more so given that its hero is certainly one of the blandest and least psychologically complex in the marvel universe",
"evans - always a reliably dynamic and vivacious screen presence - ca n't do much to bring the character to life . as far as superheroes go , cap remains a bit of a stiff .",
"`` MOV '' is exactly what the third week of july needed : a curiously fun , surprisingly imaginative and unashamedly old-fashioned yarn of skulduggery and adventure .",
"on almost every level , MOV is better engineered and more entertaining than the iron man or spider-man or batman films . it 's a movie that makes you proud to be an american .",
"a cheerfully satisfying throwback that embraces the innocence of the comics while adding the spectacle of modern sfx technique .",
"a tedious star-spangled world war ii drama .",
"the roster of crowd-pleasing elements seems dubiously calculated and ambitiously lengthy , but ultimately , that 's no strike against the film , which follows iron man 's lead in obscuring the calculation behind outsized , gleeful fun .",
"a scrappy simulation of american idealism personified by the willingness , nay , the need , to be the first to volunteer whenever the mission requires a sacrifice for the greater good .",
"as muscular , stiff , shiny , and dull as its star",
"of course it 's loaded with cgi . it goes without saying it 's preposterous . but it has the texture and takes the care to be a full-blown film .",
"the best superhero movie since the banner year of 2008 , and the most purely enjoyable of them since that summer 's effervescent iron man .",
"iron man finally has another marvel comrade worth sharing a movie with . MOV : the first avenger succeeds where thor did n't and hulk has n't , twice . director joe johnston keeps things relatively simple and pleasantly stupid .",
"evans , who played the human torch in two less-than-fantastic fantastic four films , brings such humor , heart and vigor to virtuous steve that our rooting interest holds even when the action gets to be standard-issue .",
"the homogenized , bland hero belongs in a barbie dream house , not a war . he 's a cipher at the center of big-budget action that is cartoony , 3-d but never engaging .",
"fitfully entertaining , especially the first half , plus a pretty decent villain in red skull played by hugo weaving , wearing an impressive/scary crimson get-up that looked like it was done through makeup rather than cgi .",
"just a good summer movie . no more , no less .",
"MOV is a breath of fresh air .",
"chris evans plays steve rogers with the appropriate amount of earnestness and the art direction and costume design sell the 1940s as seen through a comic-book lens .",
"the effects work ... integrates flawlessly with the rich , muted retro-themed colour palette of cinematographer shelly johnson , one of the few lensers able to work the darkening effect of the 3d process to the film 's advantage .",
"as superhero flicks go , the first half of MOV -- the one that counts -- is well above average . but the real superheroics here belong to the f/x team .",
"it 's for anyone who can respond to the thrill of a big , bold adventure movie with a sense of fun .",
"war movie clichés , gung ho derring-do and seamless special effects all fit together well in a pleasingly retro environment that boasts enough sci-fi paraphernalia to put an end to the argument that it may be too old-fashioned .",
"while it 's not the greatest superhero movie ever made , MOV fittingly sets the stage for 2012 's megamovie and - more importantly - nicely side-steps its potential pitfalls .",
"joe johnston 's adaptation of the marvel comic book exalts the virtues of optimism , decency , and perseverance in a rousing adventure of old-fashioned adolescent exuberance .",
"at least MOV has a stab at being an independent , original creation before it falls back on the same old go-to 's with their same old eye patches .",
"worst superhero movie of the summer . movie spends too much time showing a contempt for the character and is hampered by a script that gives too much away in the wrong places .",
"MOV 's rousing first half proves chris evans was the right choice to play the star spangled hero .",
"hating on MOV just is n't american . go ahead and move to canada ; i 'm sure they have some magical mountie who 's thwarting evil loggers .",
"`` a film that , while never straying too far from comic book movie formula , still manages to be satisfying as both origin story and standalone adventure . ''",
"this film succeeds where most comic book adaptations fail : a love story you actually feel , a mostly cohesive story and a believable superhero who manages to inspire all without being too far out of reach .",
"the chief strength of this production has to be the superb casting choices for the key roles . evans has a screen charisma that goes beyond his ruggedly handsome frame and piercing blue eyes . he displays a sense of humor and a warm gentle decency .",
"director johnston once again channels steven spielberg , this time for a raucously entertaining indiana jones-style adventure . with the energetic punch of a vintage serial , it actually leaves us wanting more .",
"i liked the film . i like almost any film where someone warns the villain , `` you can not control the power you hold ! you will burn ! ''",
"as good a film version as can be made in this day and age by unapologetically embracing the square do-gooder nature of the character and concept .",
"a slam-bang good time , MOV : the first avenger is one of marvel 's better efforts .",
"the result is fun and refreshingly retro .",
"a whizz-bang , retro-futuristic adventure that mercifully eschews the brooding dark knight trend to offer an exhilarating thrill ride that perfectly captures the enduring optimism of the 1940s .",
"a lifeless and clichéd action film that never lives up to its title or its title characters ' ideals .",
"it 's difficult to dislike `` MOV '' too much , because it 's harmless and innocuous and , unlike almost every other tentpole summer movie , is n't secretly trying to give the audience a seizure .",
"even next to thor , a movie about a space god with a magic hammer , MOV : the first avenger was always going to be one of marvel 's trickiest properties to do justice to .",
"`` with arguably the best supporting cast of the bunch , a cut-and-dried hero 's hero who is n't portrayed as some cornball cheesy and a direct lead in to ` the avengers , ' this is my favorite of the avengers set ups . ''",
"MOV : the first avenger is definitely the best superhero film of the year and it 's one hell of a fun ride . this is a must see !",
"the real marvel of it all is how much fun it actually is .",
"a star-spangled superhero from the norman rockwell era , MOV might seem ill-prepared to do battle at the modern box-office ... but never underestimate the power of old-fashioned corn .",
"the most noticeable motif johnston plays with is the use of a garbage-can lid as a shield : more important than $ 140 million dollars worth of toys is johnston 's childlike sense of play .",
"it 's likely to amuse , enthrall and satisfy just about anyone with a sense of fun .",
"here 's what 's missing : tension , drama , and most of all , a sense of wonder . this is a superhero movie , is n't it ?",
"evans brings just the right amount of confidence and aw-shucks modesty to rogers , who surely counts as the most appealing marvel hero .",
"by finding an ingenious way to streamline a now-familiar genre , MOV : the first avenger does his country proud .",
"MOV is n't a masterpiece , but it 's a solidly crafted , elegant adventure movie that held my attention from start to finish and sent me out into the street energized instead of enervated .",
"those who want to accentuate MOV as a blueprint for how comic book movies should be made , must footnote such hyperbolic statements with an asterisk referring to the first half . cause the second half puts a noose onto all its momentum .",
"almost half of the film 's running time elapses before rogers gets any kind of power at all , and though its elements are awfully familiar , it 's the most involving part of the film because it takes advantage of evans ' performance .",
"in some ways the best of the marvel comics preludes leading up to next year 's superhero jamboree , the avengers .",
"a few flashes of greatness appearing throughout , all but ruined by one of the worst 3d transfers of the year",
"taps into the idea that deep down we all want to dress up and play hero .",
"while not a terrible film , MOV lacks edge necessary to excite viewers .",
"a gorgeous-looking movie , especially in 3d .",
"it is a good superhero origin story , a bit better than the last such marvel movie , ` thor . '",
"the best superhero movie of the summer - good acting , good special effects , good storyline , and a heaping dollop of patriotism .",
"for starters , a comic book story set during world war two offers a perfect opportunity to banish irony , make use of nazis as bad guys , and cheer on an all-american hero . chris evans is well cast in the leading role , as he not only embodies the physical ...",
"none of it , however , would work without evans ' easy charm . his appeal is different to his marvel stable mates ; he is modest , kind and , ahem , a virgin -lrb- this is certainly not the persona evans has given off in other films -rrb- .",
"the production design is fantastic , the period setting works , and there 's enough charm to allow the film to feel unique enough to justify its existence .",
"pure , unashamed , adrenaline-fuelled joy , with a revelatory lead turn that should nudge chris evans towards being a top-tier action hero .",
"johnston should be saluted for old-fashioned heart in a cynical age , while marvel should be confined to barracks for cynical marketing .",
"tommy lee jones and hayley atwell end up stealing the show . that 's not a good thing for captain and red skull .",
"oh man , it is a great film . it is pretty much exactly what i wanted .",
"a fun and snappy introduction to one of the seminal heroes of the marvel universe and a nice last note before next year 's avengers film . MOV is one of the more successful of the marvel superhero movies .",
"-lsb- e -rsb- normously entertaining ... deft and witty ... -lsb- c -rsb- heering and poignant at the same time , recalling the promise of a future that ended up going in a different direction ...",
"pacy and punchy , but not quite a knockout .",
"because of its period atmosphere and its successful combination of characterization and action , it tops my list of best superhero films of the year .",
"... the right kind of patriotic -lrb- the kind that does n't demean other cultures -rrb- and the right shade of nostalgia ...",
"director joe johnston confidently walks the line between faithful comic-book iconography and contemporary action-movie splash .",
"h omada toy kapetanioy katafernei na swsei thn aksioprepeia ths , kyriws giati o skhnotheths petyxainei me tis camp eksarseis toy na xwsei ena kapoio epipedo aytosarkasmoy mesa sth sobarofaneia twn senariografwn",
"one of the banner comic book films of the year .",
"what the film can never overcome , though it mightily tries via superior score , costumes , and atmosphere , is the inanity of its premise .",
"proves to be a riveting roller coaster ride from beginning to end , basically because it relies on a winning recipe featuring all the fixins needed to hold your undivided attention .",
"from its antagonists to its art direction , everything about johnston 's movie has a been-there , seen-that familiarity . yet evans ' clean-cut idealism and objectives make old-fashioned patriotism look fresh .",
"sadly , rather than hyping up the avengers , it left me ruing the fact that we wo n't see more period MOV films .",
"the super hero recipe is the marvel gift that keeps giving and MOV sticks to it with the best ingredients it can find by way of cast , to deliver a star spangled burger with the lot",
"it serves its chief end to introduce the character , and evans fills the role nicely . but as a stand-alone adventure , it 's not captivating enough . i expect more from this genre .",
"steve rogers -lrb- chris evans -rrb- wants to go to war . it 's 1942 , and he 's a scrawny kid from brooklyn , too scrawny , according to army doctors , to join up .",
"it 's not as cool as iron man , does n't have the brains of the dark knight or the looks of thor , but it 's got enough ka-pow ! to make you relish the inevitable sequel . job done .",
"comic book adventure mixes patriotism , explosive action .",
"one of the biggest issues is that MOV is n't all that super .",
"while it never hits the craptastic depths of something like `` green lantern , '' most people are likely to come away from it thinking that it could have and should have been a lot better than it is .",
"rather than fight against the character 's flag-waving , nazi-busting roots , the movie embraces them , going back to the early '40s to remind us what made the `` greatest generation '' so great .",
"guided by the steadiest hand joe johnston has shown in years , MOV explodes into the action movie you 've been waiting all summer to see .",
"MOV 's metabolism , peggy tells him , burns energy four times faster than the average person 's . the movie 's metabolism burns out .",
"MOV : the first avenger is pretty good , insofar as it 's not nearly as terrible as it seemed destined to be .",
"at least offers a bit of a diversion on the long , slow march to next summer 's the avengers .",
"clean-cut , well intentioned and downright gorgeous , today 's MOV is a throwback to the good old-fashioned heroic ideal .",
"although `` MOV '' has all the special effects technology of a modern-day superhero movie , it plays like it was made in the 1940s , when characters were allowed to breathe and not every fight scene was shot like a music video .",
"yes , the characters are cartoonish -lrb- they 're comic book heroes , after all -rrb- , but this is the kind of old-fashioned popcorn entertainment summer is made for .",
"paramount and marvel merged their creative juices just right as i found MOV : the first avenger very entertaining",
"MOV , like its unapologetically corny hero , is propelled by unpretentious and plucky ingenuity .",
"`` looks great and hits all the right notes but never truly puts the pedal to the metal . ''",
"en una época en que aparecen películas de superhéroes debajo de cada piedra , encontrarse con algo tan entretenido - y que no pide ser tomado demasiado en serio - es toda una sorpresa .",
"the legend of the american hero is given a shot in the arm and pat on the back in the old school action/adventure MOV : the first avenger .",
"this ` star spangled man ' has a plan : to be the best superhero movie of the year .",
"flawless effects - including making a pre-captain chris evans look like a twig - plus top performances from the likes of stanley tucci , hugo weaving and tommy lee jones , ensure an old-fashioned quality to this appealing matinee-style adventure .",
"a good , old-fashioned american story .",
"the best attempt thus far at bringing cap off the page and onto screens . too bad it was hamstrung by ` setupforsequelitis . '",
"in the era of the tortured superhero in movies , it 's refreshing to come across one with enthusiasm and a pure spirit .",
"for the teenage fantasy crowd needing a new hero . but even if it feels like air conditioning in the arctic , it 's plenty entertaining .",
"rooted in reality and without the superhero tights , an impressive 3d success . the cgi transformation of steve rogers is fantastic . i worry that stan lee , through his hickcock cameos , will appear in perpetuity in all marvel movies .",
"slightly flawed , but ultimately worth seeing for its unique feel , period detail , and compelling central character .",
"as formulaic as it is , it 's one of the more joyful examples of the genre , largely because it 's a period piece .",
"though unfailingly earnest and cheesy from open to close , MOV : the first avenger still delivers everything it promises with plenty of endearing good humour and occasional pulses of exciting panache .",
"this has definitely been the summer of the superhero film . i 'd put this one just below x-men : first class , but above green lantern and well above thor .",
"totally lacking in ambiguity , MOV is great fun .",
"it 's simply an old-fashioned good-versus-evil yarn . and it 's all the better for it .",
"director joe johnston re-confirms his mastery of special effects , but he does n't let them get in the way of his telling a story .",
"as summer blockbusters go , it 's a notch or two above average .",
"it 's no masterpiece but fun enough to continue to whet the appetite for the avengers .",
"joe johnston hits just the right tone , finding the heart of this often misunderstood character , and tempering proceedings with the perfect blend of humour , action and characterisation .",
"it 's very , very well done .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- clean , unpretentious , brawnily entertaining fantasia .",
"the final piece of the avengers jigsaw falls efficiently into place : decent acting , decent action , a few too many `` we 're all heroes inside '' platitudes .",
"as the delightfully over-the-top red skull , hugo weaving has the most fun playing a noseless villain since ralph fiennes lopped his off as voldemort .",
"it delivers the comic book action required .",
"what we do n't have is a very compelling movie , or much of a leading man .",
"`` MOV '' smashingly layers superhero stuff such as magic serums atop a wry appreciation for campy wwii propaganda and '60s cinematic rousers that kept richard burton , robert shaw and lee marvin constantly employed .",
"enjoyable enough for what it is , but clearly and certainly nothing special -lrb- full content parental review also available -rrb-",
"MOV earns a thumbs up because of ... well , because of MOV .",
"it 's symptomatic of the problem that the film spends more time figuring out how to set up a different franchise than how to make us care about this one .",
"thanks to solid performances and a script that is clever , funny and respectful of the source material , this origin story is the best comics-to-screen adaptation since `` batman begins '' .",
"an old-fashioned adventure film that , while admittedly a little cheesy , is packed with the same charm and wit of the studio 's other movies .",
"-lsb- the hero 's -rsb- transformation from commonplace but with personality to bulky but generally nondescript echoes the movie 's own shift .",
"in a summer that seemingly has seen a new comic book adaptation every other week , it 's a toss-up whether `` MOV : the first avenger '' or `` green lantern '' is the weakest of the bunch .",
"it 's all directed with appropriate enthusiasm by johnston , whose charming period adventure the rocketeer clearly made him the guy to direct a MOV movie .",
"the small things -- from the leading man to '40s flourishes -- are what make the movie work . if only johnston had sweated the big stuff as well .",
"director joe johnston has fun with the myth of MOV .",
"even moviegoers suffering from superhero burnout might want to stand up and salute MOV , which does n't match the excellence of x-men : first-class but ranks ahead of fellow summer stablemates thor and green lantern .",
"no clever messages here , just bang-on romance and action , with another fresh twist on 20th-century history woven in for the kids to dive into after the credits have rolled .",
"it had more heart than ` iron man . '",
"after a decade of dark knights and doom and gloom predominating the spandex set , it 's a relief to see a noble , essentially uncomplicated funny book character , even if the good captain is square as a brick .",
"this one is okay , but i 'm a little burnt out on the whole superhero thing .",
"... the best superhero comic-book movie since ... well , ever .",
"it does n't try too hard for irony or style ; the comic-book sensibility remains pure , square , and happily stupid .",
"where are the iconic moments in these movies ; the classic lines , the signature set pieces , the golden cues ? brand awareness is high but surely that was n't the limit of the new studio 's ambition ?",
"solid , stylish superhero saga that 's more fun than ` thor , ' ` green hornet ' and ` green lantern . '",
"altogether inferior to tarantino 's inglourious basterds .",
"MOV takes you back to the simplicity of a saturday morning serial where you cheered the hero and booed the villain .",
"a forced love angle and vapid dialogue dooms MOV .",
"the mix of wwii style and flashy modern eye candy is no surprise coming from director joe johnston .",
"a thrilling , exciting and enormously entertaining blockbuster that delivers plenty of exhilarating action , solid performances and the right amount of comic relief .",
"MOV has a decent amount of heart and retro appeal , although neither can compensate for what is otherwise a rather ordinary comic book film .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- hokey , hacky , two-hour-plus exercise in franchise transition/price gouging , complete with utterly unnecessary post-converted 3-d .",
"saddled with a boring present-day prologue and an anti-climactic present-day epilogue that leaves the movie without an ending .",
"after a rash of immature , bad-boy cinematic superheroes ... a hero for whom decency , humility and self-sacrifice come naturally is a breath of fresh air .",
"while not a terrible film , MOV lacks the edge necessary to truly capture viewers ' imagination .",
"the film does have its thrilling moments and iconic images , but , as directed by joe johnston , it 's very much a storybook film .",
"it actually went so far as to remind me of days of old , where action heroes were valiant and adorable , and you just want them to kick the bad guy 's butts and get the girl .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- so-so experience .",
"the flick 's action sequences and cinematography save the film from the awful pacing and cheesy romance . the real star is the shield ! stay away from the post-converted 3d .",
"MOV packs a comic , moralistic and patriotic punch that 's well worth watching , regardless of your interest in further following the marvel adventure .",
"instead of mailing in a half-hearted origin story ... joe johnston went ahead and turned his MOV film into a rousing period thriller that expands on the marvel mythology while also working as a standalone summer blockbuster .",
"MOV paints a simple tale of goodies versus baddies with none of the depth , humor or class of marvel 's earlier x-men summer offering .",
"what lingers most about MOV is its innocent , throwback ethos , a firm , unqualified embrace of the little guy ."
] | captain-america | with plenty of pulpy action , a pleasantly retro vibe , and a handful of fine performances , MOV is solidly old-fashioned blockbuster entertainment . | 770739679 |
"it 's horrifying -lrb- and r-rated -rrb- if not utterly relentless ; it sucks your breath away , perhaps too much .",
"as enveloping as it is darkly cautionary !",
"this well-told and solidly acted story of his rise and fall is not a pretty sight , but , as with a car wreck , it is riveting nevertheless . it is almost impossible to look away .",
"a movie to slit your wrist to .",
"MOV offers nothing we have n't seen before .",
"pick it up for ben stiller 's sake -- a great first dramatic role .",
"wicked sense of humor !",
"the movie gets credit for not making the high life seem colorful or funny .",
"rollicking ! a high-energy adaptation !",
"witty !",
"a profoundly depressing -- but riveting -- tale !",
"comes off as manufactured and synthetic as most hollywood product .",
"ben stiller proves his acting chops in this atypical role as a heroin-addicted television writer .",
"easy to appreciate , yet hard to find entertaining .",
"constant sequences of drug taking , one after the other , does not a good film make .",
"disjointed , uneven , unfocused , and hazy !",
"stiller 's attempted image makeover , though admirable , does n't make it .",
"the trouble is that it 's hard to care !",
"grossly comical !",
"stiller 's fearless performance makes it painfully and graphically clear that being a junkie is an exhausting full-time job .",
"unsettling and-yes-often scorchingly funny !"
] | permanent_midnight | aimless storytelling undermines the gripping , unsettling subject of this film . | 14096 |
"it could be a one-note characterization , but efron finds competing emotions in charlie , and he conveys all of them to us .",
"the movie tries to capture the crushing weight of loss , but between the insipid pop tunes and the repetitive shots cutting away to a lighthouse on a scenic outcropping , it feels more like a film version of a condolence card .",
"the plot may be a stretch , but the raw emotions are not and efron is up for the task .",
"maudlin and unintentionally hilarious .",
"where 's a vampire when you need one ?",
"the movie has a machine-extruded gloss that makes it harder , not easier , to swallow its difficult emotions .",
"while efron does his best to carry the film , the rest of charlie st. cloud feels a bit too formulaic , pretentious and cloying ...",
"if zac efron had n't signed on , this sappy spiritual fantasy would certainly have skipped the cineplex altogether -- in favor of eternal rotation on cable .",
"if sunlight dappling off the atlantic and the earnest faces of pure young lovers , plus a dash of unthreatening feel-good spirituality , is all you need to feel sated , then by all means , dive right in .",
"have you ever flipped really fast between one channel showing `` dawson 's creek '' re-runs and another showing `` ghost whisperer '' ? even if you have n't , you pretty much get the idea .",
"te film is memorable mainly for attractive people sailing and smooching against an attractive backdrop . there 's no urgency behind all the preening .",
"a sentimental tearjerker about grief , miracles , letting go , moving on , second chances , the healing power of love , and the perpetual allure of pretty young movie stars .",
"`` charlie st. cloud '' will resonate with its 12-year-old female target audience . the rest of us have to pretend like we understand , or ignore the whole thing entirely .",
"the sappy script is a disservice to the naturally effervescent efron , whose character is so mopey he makes robert pattinson seem like a song-and-dance man .",
"i found it impossible not to fall in love with charlie st. cloud . because he is genuinely compassionate , genuinely hurting , and genuinely endearing . and that 's all because efron has real soul onscreen .",
"pushes its luck with the supernatural element until you ca n't continue to be forgiving .",
"perhaps no haunted , grieving character in the history of cinema has had his abs lingered over as much as efron here .",
"those easily moved will sniffle as cued ; anyone else is likely to remain dry-eyed .",
"efron does a serviceable job in this young-adult drama that blends elements of fantasy , romance , and weepies into a package that is unconventional despite its relative predictability .",
"an unstable mix of youth romance , metaphysical idealism and tropes that seemingly belong in a horror film .",
"charlie st. cloud sees dead people . possibly filing in to watch this movie .",
"nicholas sparks-meets-bruce joel rubin ... the movie 's god talk -lrb- most of it coming from ... ray liotta ? -rrb- and blatant expression of theme through platitudes make this romantic melodrama as drippy as the st. cloud boys ' eyes .",
"steers takes his time and it pays off in efron 's subdued performance , earnest and yearning .",
"zac efron is so pretty even dead people want to be his friend .",
"charlie st. cloud -- from its awful title to its annoyingly perfect photography -- is a schmaltzy sniffle at best .",
"despite all the effort , efron and the mugging tahan do n't strike fire , and their affectionate banter gets old .",
"it 's a supernatural , spiritual , sentimental sob-story that does n't quite work .",
"a well-crafted tearjerker with a grown-up performance from zac efron . if you do n't mind risking dehydration , it 's the movie for you .",
"you are not , in a movie like this , supposed to think too much ; you are supposed to be transported beyond skepticism on a wave of pure , tacky feeling . instead , in this case , you drown in sentimental , ghoulish nonsense .",
"charlie st. cloud is a delicate film - not flimsy , but fragile - that holds together on the strength of efron 's physical presence and performance .",
"cynics will find the film mawkish , but the story-telling is clear and involving .",
"there 's not much on this movie 's mind but photogenic healing , and making all the girls go ga-ga at the sight of efron mewling with grief .",
"ttearjerking amalgam of nicholas sparks and m night shyamalan wo n't do zac efron any favours in his attempts to be taken seriously ...",
"let 's all go play baseball in the park with some ghosts , rather than wasting our time watching this silly , silly film .",
"guys certainly should n't throw their dignity out of the window to go see it alone , but if their girlfriends are dragging them along , they might just enjoy it a lot more than expected .",
"there 's a soft allure at play here , but it 's largely overshadowed by a well-worn dialogue , and an often muddled plot .",
"it 's more of a demo reel for efron than a movie . his predominant fan base , though , wo n't mind a bit .",
"-lsb- a -rsb- ghoulish death comedy .",
"melodramatic and off-putting , this zac efron drama is a complete mess .",
"the film cranks up the level of schmaltz to a fever pitch",
"shame it 's so slow and contradicts its own strained logic , ending up in the same listless limbo as the time traveler 's wife and the lovely bones .",
"while the subject matter tends towards morbidity , the film-makers strive to divert us with many dappling sunsets , the blue of ephron 's eyes and a sappy melodrama that even 13-year-old girls might scoff at .",
"this movie 's a teenage tear-jerker and it does its job very well .",
"what might have been a poignant exploration of the effects of bereavement is hamstrung by rotten twists , redundant action scenes and a few too many publicist-approved shots of efron staring wistfully into the sunset .",
"another solid performance by zac efron is flattened by bombastic filmmaking .",
"more maudlin than subtle , more schmaltzy than emotionally true .",
"efron excels , proving he 's leading-man material . but sign-post scoring and drill - 'em - home emotional beats weigh things down . rubbish ending , too .",
"future historians of the financial crisis may point to this movie , not oliver stone 's wall street sequel , as the cultural low point of the business world .",
"as the drama increases , so do the clumsy flashbacks and corny lines : this relies on cheap tricks to force tears , even if those tricks work .",
"an adaptation that smooths out the sharp edges of ben sherwood 's source novel , it 's a decent enough vehicle to flaunt efron 's acting chops .",
"a hackneyed , disjointed , painfully corny and contrived drama that ca n't be saved by breathtaking scenery or zac efron 's charming performance . it 's best suited as a lifetime tv movie-of-the-week .",
"charlie st. cloud will be a dream come true for the nicholas sparks crowd -lrb- especially considering that it is more honest and certainly smarter than recent legitimate adaptations dear john and the last song -rrb- .",
"steers and his screenwriters are n't aiming for logic ; they 're leading up to the next opportunity for efron to remove his shirt .",
"with its assurances that everything happens for a reason and everything will be alright , a potentially haunting story becomes a philosophical one-way street .",
"necessary supporting characters , such as charlie 's mother -lrb- kim basinger -rrb- and his devoted paramedic -lrb- ray liotta -rrb- , are clipped almost entirely out of the film , leaving massive gaps in the community atmosphere the script appears interested in developing .",
"zac efron can act and has a very large emotional arc . the film is both devastating and very uplifting though it does fall on the cheesy side at times .",
"this could have been a sappy hallmark story ; instead it 's uplifting and thoughtful .",
"schmaltzy ? yup . but not stifling . -lrb- parental review also available -rrb-",
"poignant efron drama too intense for younger fans .",
"it 's like a friend you 're not that fond of sobbing sloppily on your shoulder .",
"this movie has all the elements of a nicholas sparks novel except for letters and logic .",
"he is noble . he is virtuous . he is often wet .",
"the good news is that efron continues to get better with each film ; he just has n't gotten a role yet that will finally put his acting potential to the test .",
"maudlin , manipulative tearjerker ... st. jude , as the script helpfully explains , is the patron of hopeless cases , but even his presence ca n't save this picture .",
"a touching and heartfelt examination of -- omg !!! zac just took his shirt off !!!",
"zac efron makes an affecting and credible dramatic lead in `` charlie st. cloud , '' the movie nicholas sparks wishes he could write , based on the book by ben sherwood .",
"it 's a ludicrous blend of melodrama and supernatural elements , and the results suggest what might happen if sappy author nicholas sparks and twisty filmmaker m. night shyamalan ever joined forces .",
"a melodramatic and hopelessly disorganized feature-length episode of `` the ghost whisperer '' that trots out an exhausted `` sixth sense '' escape clause after painting itself into one too many narrative corners .",
"zac efron will probably break out of the heartthrob mold eventually , but charlie st. cloud is not going to be the one to do it for him .",
"an over-sentimental effort that incorporates love , drama , bereavement , comedy , seagoing adventure and mystical uplift ...",
"efron continues to transition gracefully from teen heartthrob to leading man material . he proves his dramatic mettle with an emotionally nuanced performance . the kid can act .",
"some of my fellow critics at a media screening guffawed during the most egregiously syrupy moments , a reaction which paying audiences might well share .",
"all in all it 's harmless entertainment for girls and perhaps inspiring too , given the love interest wants to sail single-handedly around the world , but it is very melodramatic and syrupy .",
"i 'm sure that efron and steers will eventually come up with their next breakthrough -- either separately or together -- but this certainly is n't it .",
"... a sporadically watchable yet pervasively uneven teen-oriented drama that ultimately just does n't work ...",
"if you liked happy zac in high school musical , why not try sad zac ? all the chiselled sex appeal of the original , but now with a gloomy face on top !",
"it 's rare teenage audiences get the chance to clock a metaphysical mystery when they could be watching a vampire fight a werewolf for the hand of a sourpuss .",
"frequently tedious , badly written drama that fails to deliver the emotional punch it 's aiming for , thanks to a painfully obvious central twist that creates more problems than it resolves .",
"the photography is pretty , but the ghost-lite script makes even less sense than the silly title .",
"it 's easy to appreciate what charlie is trying to accomplish , but it does it in such a cloyingly manipulative manner that it 's impossible to get on board with it .",
"for all of its obvious calculations , charlie st. cloud is sincere and effective enough in its intentions to win over at least a few cynical hearts .",
"less a movie than a zac efron photo album - and why did they give the entire plot away in the trailer ?",
"zac efron should consider a new agent .",
"a middling , inoffensive film , rife with woozy golden sunlight and swelling syrupy music invoked to create the emotions that the film itself fails to ignite",
"an inoffensive , worshipfully photographed , yet dramatically stolid interpretation of swelling adolescent feeling that wrings maximum consequence out of zac efron 's dewy-eyed , pin-up sensitivity .",
"the whole movie plays out like the bastard child of a tiger beat photo spread and one of hallmark 's drippier greeting cards .",
"the only thing missing from this gothic-romance version of ben sherwood 's novel is a choir of angels .",
"as much as charlie st. cloud dresses up its formula with ghosts and pretty footage of boats on water , that formula remains stubbornly visible .",
"efron has real star presence and he can act , and the role fits into the dreamboat mode his fans expect .",
"sentimental and ultimately entertaining , aimed at women , i thought i was going to die during the incredibly slow first hour , but it picked up during the last half hour .",
"the schmaltzy spawn of the sixth sense .",
"this handsomely shot melodrama has a twist too peculiar to dismiss as some two-bit nicholas sparks weepie .",
"only marginally suited for a hallmark hall of fame tv episode .",
"this corny melodrama takes itself way too seriously , but it also seems perfectly targeted to its teen-romance devouring audience .",
"in order to enjoy this film , you must : 1 . enjoy other fantasy-based movies such as ` ghost , ' 2 . be open-minded about the afterlife , and 3 . be entertained by beautiful landscapes .",
"if you buy the concept you might enjoy the film , but if you 're a hardened cynic you 'd better avoid charlie st. cloud , despite the very handsome location photography , which is its greatest asset .",
"has its poignant moments but does not trust them , and does not explore its darker potential . it lays on the sentiment too thickly and underlines the uncanny with a heavy-handed touch .",
"the film 's thickly layered garnishes of americana -- baseball , fishing , a coastal town that looks like it was designed by norman rockwell -- carries shades of frank capra and is proficiently directed by burr steers .",
"if only efron 's self-conscious attempts to extend his range -- whether it be drinking straight bourbon , punching a guy in the face , or spending the night with a girl -- were not always so unintentionally amusing .",
"in the darkened anonymity of the theatre , you 'll be enjoying every sappy twist along the way .",
"zac efron continues to prove his worth as a leading man in the appropriately sappy supernatural drama charlie st. cloud .",
"there 's a certain tenderness about the story that explores letting go and taking chances ... a film whose impact is greater than its storyline promises",
"rather dull and a little too schmaltzy -lrb- the score makes it seem deliberately so -rrb- to really engage us , as the brotherly bond is manifested in charlie meeting the ghost of sam in daily -lrb- and dreary -rrb- baseball practice rituals",
"all this sets us up for a `` twist '' ending , but if you do n't predict it a half-hour before its revelation , you surely must have nodded off during baseball practice .",
"a sweet little film about loss and grieving .",
"in the battle between raw tear-jerking and understatedly convincing performances , neither side wins , but sporadic sparks fly .",
"there 's a decent drama buried in charlie st. cloud if the writers and director had the nerve to remove the film of all of its supernatural tricks , all of which feel much more maudlin than genuine .",
"the vehicle may get a little jacked up along the way , but its passenger arrives in style : the kid 's a star .",
"as far as these kind of movies go , it 's fairly good . better yet , you do n't just feel as if you 're watching a sad sap story on the back of a postcard like `` dear john '' or `` the last song . ''",
"a romance in the grand hollywood tradition , the script takes a sixth sense turn that gets in the way of charlie and tess ' - and charlie and sam 's - chemistry .",
"maybe it will inspire some people struggling at home to break through their fears and live some life . it 's also about where dreamy broody guys come from , because zac efron really sells charlie 's sketchy behavior , but man is he still dreamy .",
"maybe it will inspire some people struggling at home to break through their fears and live some life . it 's also about where dreamy broody guys come from , because zac efron really sells charlie 's sketchy behavior , but man is he still dreamy .",
"efron 's acting consists primarily of blank stares into space and reciting boringly ordinary dialogue . the movie 's main strengths are the picturesque scenic venue of vancouver , british columbia and the crystal clear cinematography .",
"the picture is a declawed mess , begging for tears in the end . i hope the filmmakers are willing to accept puzzled looks instead .",
"the movie 's central gimmick is n't enough , and when more supernatural twists that do n't play by the movie 's own fantasy rules kick in , it lost me .",
"the surreal thing is , zac efron ca n't do despair . he plays it by staring . blankly . and by not smiling . blankly .",
"the characters and their supernatural love triangle are developed with a businesslike efficiency that makes it almost impossible to invest in them emotionally .",
"even at his lowest points charlie appears ready to audition for a skin-care or calvin klein commercial .",
"efron cries tears the way a cheerleader waves pom-poms .",
"the story 's icky , frankly .",
"some bad movies should carry a leper 's bell to warn off ticket buyers . such a contagion is charlie st. cloud , a load of mawkish swill starring zac efron .",
"shallow homilies ultimately dominate , but there 's a deeper movie trying to get out from behind the greeting card .",
"zac efron is going places as an actor of value . but he deserves better movies than charlie st. cloud ."
] | charlie_st_cloud | zac efron gives it his all , but charlie st. cloud is too shallow and cloying to offer much more than eye candy for his fans . | 770859139 |
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