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who got the first nobel prize in physics | [
"Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen"
] | [
"title": "List of Nobel laureates in Physics",
"text": "The first Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded in 1901 to Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, of Germany, who received 150,782 SEK, which is equal to 7,731,004 SEK in December 2007. John Bardeen is the only laureate to win the prize twice—in 1956 and 1972. Maria Skłodowska-Curie also won two Nobel Prizes, for physics in 1903 and chemistry in 1911. William Lawrence Bragg was, until October 2014, the youngest ever Nobel laureate; he won the prize in 1915 at the age of 25. Two women have won the prize: Curie and Maria Goeppert-Mayer (1963). As of 2017, the prize has been awarded",
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"title": "Asian Americans in science and technology",
"text": "Prize in physics for discovery of the subatomic particle J/ψ. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar shared the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physics and had the Chandra X-ray Observatory named after him. Steven Chu shared the 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics for his research in cooling and trapping atoms using laser light. Daniel Tsui shared the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics in 1998 for helping discover the fractional Quantum Hall effect. Yoichiro Nambu received the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the consequences of spontaneously broken symmetries in field theories. In 2009, Charles K. Kao was awarded Nobel Prize in Physics",
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"title": "Scientist",
"text": "and pursued through a unique method, was essentially in place. Ramón y Cajal won the Nobel Prize in 1906 for his remarkable observations in neuroanatomy. Marie Curie became the first female to win the Nobel Prize and the first person to win it twice. Her efforts led to the development of nuclear energy and Radio therapy for the treatment of cancer. In 1922, she was appointed a member of the International Commission on Intellectual Co-operation by the Council of the League of Nations. She campaigned for scientist's right to patent their discoveries and inventions. She also campaigned for free access",
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"title": "Norwegian Americans",
"text": "science, Ernest Lawrence won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1939. Lars Onsager won the 1968 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Norman Borlaug, father of the Green Revolution, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970. Christian B. Anfinsen won the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1972. Ivar Giaever won the Nobel Prize in Physics 1973. Carl Richard Hagen is noted for his work in physics. In engineering, Clayton Jacobson II is credited with the invention of the modern personal watercraft. Ole Singstad was a pioneer of underwater tunnels. Ole Evinrude invented the first outboard motor with practical commercial application, recognizable today",
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"title": "Maria Goeppert Mayer",
"text": "of US postage stamps, along with Melvin Calvin, Asa Gray, and Severo Ochoa. Her papers are in the Geisel Library at the University of California, San Diego, and the university's physics department is housed in Mayer Hall, which is named after her and her husband. Maria Goeppert Mayer Maria Goeppert Mayer (June 28, 1906 – February 20, 1972) was a German-born American theoretical physicist, and Nobel laureate in Physics for proposing the nuclear shell model of the atomic nucleus. She was the second woman to win a Nobel Prize in physics, the first being Marie Curie. A graduate of the",
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"title": "University of Chicago",
"text": "Medal, which is rewarded annually to the best economist under the age of 40, has also been awarded to 4 current members of the university faculty. Notable faculty in physics have included the speed of light calculator A. A. Michelson, elementary charge calculator Robert A. Millikan, discoverer of the Compton Effect Arthur H. Compton, the creator of the first nuclear reactor Enrico Fermi, \"the father of the hydrogen bomb\" Edward Teller, \"one of the most brilliant and productive experimental physicists of the twentieth century\" Luis Walter Alvarez, Murray Gell-Mann who introduced the quark, second female Nobel laureate Maria Goeppert-Mayer, the",
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"title": "École normale supérieure (Paris)",
"text": "was also awarded the Abel prize. In addition, eight \"normaliens\" have gone on to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics: Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Albert Fert, Alfred Kastler, Gabriel Lippmann, Louis Néel, Jean Baptiste Perrin and Serge Haroche, while other ENS physicists include such major figures as Paul Langevin, famous for developing Langevin dynamics and the Langevin equation. Alumnus Paul Sabatier won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. A ranking of universities worldwide based on ratios of alumni to Nobel prize-winners published in 2016 by American scholars Stephen Hsu and Jonathan Wai placed ENS as the first university worldwide, far",
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"title": "Marie Curie",
"text": "named in her honor. Marie Curie Marie Skłodowska Curie (; ; ; born Maria Salomea Skłodowska; 7 November 18674 July 1934) was a Polish and naturalized-French physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the first person and only woman to win twice, the only person to win a Nobel Prize in two different sciences, and was part of the Curie family legacy of five Nobel Prizes. She was also the first woman to become a professor at the University of Paris, and in 1995 became the first woman",
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"title": "St John's College, Cambridge",
"text": "Nobel Prize winners: Sir Edward Appleton, for discovering the Appleton layer, Sir John Cockcroft KCB, physicist who first split the atom, Allan Cormack, for the invention of the CAT scan, Paul Dirac, one of the founders of quantum mechanics, Sir Nevill Francis Mott, for work on the behaviour of electrons in magnetic solids, Abdus Salam, for unifying the electromagnetic force and the weak force, Frederick Sanger, molecular biologist, Maurice Wilkins, awarded Nobel prize for Medicine or Physiology with Watson and Crick for discovering the structure of DNA, and Eric Maskin (visiting & honorary fellow), awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in",
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"title": "Arthur H. Rosenfeld",
"text": "Nobel Prize-winning Italian physicist. Rosenfeld coauthored a book on nuclear physics with Fermi, who was noted for building the world's first nuclear reactor. In 1954, after earning his PhD in physics, and with a recommendation from Fermi, Rosenfeld accepted a position as a teaching physicist at the University of California, Berkeley. At Berkeley, Rosenfeld joined the University of California Department of Physics and the particle physics research group at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) led by Nobel Laureate Luis Alvarez. Alvarez went on to win the Nobel Prize with research backed by his team of scientists that included Rosenfeld. In",
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"title": "Japanese Americans",
"text": "J. Pedersen won the 1987 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his methods of synthesizing crown ethers. Yoichiro Nambu won the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on quantum chromodynamics and spontaneous symmetry breaking. Shuji Nakamura won the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes. Michio Kaku is a theoretical physicist specializing in string field theory, and a well-known science popularizer. Ellison Onizuka became the first Asian American astronaut and was the mission specialist aboard \"Challenger\" at the time of its explosion. Immunologist Santa J. Ono became the first Japanese American president of",
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"title": "Nobel Prize in Physics",
"text": "receive a diploma, a medal and a document confirming the prize amount. Nobel Prize in Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics () is a yearly award given by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for those who have made the most outstanding contributions for mankind in the field of physics. It is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Alfred Nobel in 1895 and awarded since 1901; the others being the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Nobel Prize in Literature, Nobel Peace Prize, and Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The first Nobel Prize in Physics was",
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"title": "Paris in the Belle Époque",
"text": "studying the fluorescence of uranium salts, discovered radioactivity in 1896, and in 1903 was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for his discovery. Pierre Curie (1859-1906) and Marie Curie (1867-1934) jointly carried on Becquerel's work, discovering radium and polonium (1898). They jointly received the Nobel Prize for physics in 1903. Marie Curie became the first female professor at the University of Paris and won the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1911. She was the first woman to be buried in the Panthéon. The neon light was used for the first time in Paris on 3 December 1910 in the Grand",
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"title": "Richard Feynman",
"text": "by Michael Gottlieb and Ralph Leighton (Robert Leighton's son), with support from Kip Thorne and other physicists. Richard Feynman Richard Phillips Feynman (; May 11, 1918 – February 15, 1988) was an American theoretical physicist, known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics, and the physics of the superfluidity of supercooled liquid helium, as well as in particle physics for which he proposed the parton model. For his contributions to the development of quantum electrodynamics, Feynman, jointly with Julian Schwinger and Shin'ichirō Tomonaga, received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965.",
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"title": "Marie Curie",
"text": "the Nobel Prize in Physics, \"in recognition of the extraordinary services they have rendered by their joint researches on the radiation phenomena discovered by Professor Henri Becquerel.\" At first the committee had intended to honor only Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel, but a committee member and advocate for women scientists, Swedish mathematician Magnus Goesta Mittag-Leffler, alerted Pierre to the situation, and after his complaint, Marie's name was added to the nomination. Marie Curie was the first woman to be awarded a Nobel Prize. Curie and her husband declined to go to Stockholm to receive the prize in person; they were",
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"title": "E. C. George Sudarshan",
"text": "had developed the breakthrough. In 2007, Sudarshan told the \"Hindustan Times\", \"The 2005 Nobel prize for Physics was awarded for my work, but I wasn't the one to get it. Each one of the discoveries that this Nobel was given for work based on my research.\" Sudarshan also commented on not being selected for the 1979 Nobel, \"Steven Weinberg, Sheldon Glashow and Abdus Salam built on work I had done as a 26-year-old student. If you give a prize for a building, shouldn’t the fellow who built the first floor be given the prize before those who built the second",
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"title": "Rosalyn Sussman Yalow",
"text": "the National Medal of Science, which is given to American individuals who deserve the highest honor in science and technology. In 1993, Yalow was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame. Rosalyn Sussman Yalow Rosalyn Sussman Yalow (July 19, 1921 – May 30, 2011) was an American medical physicist, and a co-winner of the 1977 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (together with Roger Guillemin and Andrew Schally) for development of the radioimmunoassay (RIA) technique. She was the second woman (the first being Gerty Cori), and the first American-born woman, to be awarded the Nobel Prize in physiology or",
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"id": "3275658",
"score": "1.0124536",
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"title": "Poles",
"text": "and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity and was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the first person and only woman to win twice, the only person to win twice in multiple sciences, and was part of the Curie family legacy of five Nobel Prizes. Another notable Polish expatriate scientist was Ignacy Domeyko (1802–89), a geologist and mineralogist who lived and worked in South America, in Chile. Kazimierz Funk (1884–1967), whose name is commonly anglicized as \"Casimir Funk\", was a Polish biochemist, generally credited with being among the first to formulate (in 1912) the concept of vitamins,",
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"title": "Nobel Prize",
"text": "His son, George Paget Thomson, received the same prize in 1937 for showing that they also have the properties of waves. William Henry Bragg and his son, William Lawrence Bragg, shared the Physics Prize in 1915 for inventing the X-ray spectrometer. Niels Bohr was awarded the Physics prize in 1922, as was his son, Aage Bohr, in 1975. Manne Siegbahn, who received the Physics Prize in 1924, was the father of Kai Siegbahn, who received the Physics Prize in 1981. Hans von Euler-Chelpin, who received the Chemistry Prize in 1929, was the father of Ulf von Euler, who was awarded",
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"title": "Charles Russell Bardeen",
"text": "business before marrying, and was an active figure in the art world. After her death from cancer in 1921, Charles married Ruth Hames. His son, Dr. John Bardeen, became the only person to win the Nobel Prize in Physics twice, in 1956 and 1972. Bardeen died in Madison, Wisconsin in 1935, from pancreatic cancer. He was succeeded as Dean of the University of Wisconsin Medical School by Dr. William Shainline Middleton. Charles Russell Bardeen Charles Russell Bardeen (8 February 1871 – 12 June 1935) was an American physician and anatomist and the first dean of the University of Wisconsin Medical",
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"title": "Johannes Juilfs",
"text": "theoretical physics and head of the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Munich. There were three names on the list: Werner Heisenberg, who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1932, Peter Debye, who would receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1936, and Richard Becker - all former students of Sommerfeld. The Munich Faculty was firmly behind these candidates, with Heisenberg as their first choice. However, supporters of \"deutsche Physik\" and elements in the REM had their own list of candidates and the battle commenced, dragging on for over four years. During this time, Heisenberg came under",
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"title": "Maria Goeppert Mayer",
"text": "Maria Goeppert Mayer Maria Goeppert Mayer (June 28, 1906 – February 20, 1972) was a German-born American theoretical physicist, and Nobel laureate in Physics for proposing the nuclear shell model of the atomic nucleus. She was the second woman to win a Nobel Prize in physics, the first being Marie Curie. A graduate of the University of Göttingen, Goeppert Mayer wrote her doctoral thesis on the theory of possible two-photon absorption by atoms. At the time, the chances of experimentally verifying her thesis seemed remote, but the development of the laser permitted this. Today, the unit for the two-photon absorption",
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"title": "Marie Curie",
"text": "Marie Curie Marie Skłodowska Curie (; ; ; born Maria Salomea Skłodowska; 7 November 18674 July 1934) was a Polish and naturalized-French physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the first person and only woman to win twice, the only person to win a Nobel Prize in two different sciences, and was part of the Curie family legacy of five Nobel Prizes. She was also the first woman to become a professor at the University of Paris, and in 1995 became the first woman to be entombed on",
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"title": "Nobel Prize",
"text": "with her husband Frédéric Joliot-Curie. In addition, the husband of Marie Curie's second daughter, Henry Labouisse, was the director of UNICEF when he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965 on that organisation's behalf. Although no family matches the Curie family's record, there have been several with two laureates. The husband-and-wife team of Gerty Cori and Carl Ferdinand Cori shared the 1947 Prize in Physiology or Medicine as did the husband-and-wife team of May-Britt Moser and Edvard Moser in 2014 (along with John O'Keefe). J. J. Thomson was awarded the Physics Prize in 1906 for showing that electrons are particles.",
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"title": "Leon Pape",
"text": "Nobel Laureate in Physics, 1997, Theodore and Frances Geballe Professor of Physics and Applied Physics, Stanford University Walter Kohn, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 1998, Professor of Physics, Emeritus, and Research Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara David Baltimore, Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, 1975, National Medal of Science Recipient, 1999, President, California Institute of Technology Ahmed H. Zewail, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 1999, Linus Pauling Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Physics, California Institute of Technology Lene Vestergaard Hau, MacArthur Fellow, 2001-2006, Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics and Professor of Physics, Lyman Laboratory, Harvard University Wolfgang K. H.",
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"title": "University of Bristol",
"text": "(with Andre Geim, a Nobel Laureate) for using magnets to levitate a frog. Gareth Jones also shared an Ig Nobel prize for scientifically documenting fellatio in fruit bats. Bristol alumnus Paul Dirac went on to win the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933 for his contribution to the formulation of quantum mechanics and is considered one of the most significant physicists of the 20th century. Other notable scientists include Dani Rabaiotti, an environmental scientist and science communicator. Other notable alumni include writers Dick King-Smith, Sarah Kane, Angela Carter, Dorothy Simpson, David Gibbins and David Nicholls, author of the novel \"Starter",
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"title": "Sudhanshu Shekhar Jha",
"text": "MS in physics and mathematics from Stanford University in 1962, he continued there for his doctoral studies, mentored by Felix Bloch, the 1952 Nobel laureate to secure a PhD in 1965. Returning to India, he resumed his career at TIFR as a research fellow and in 1967, he joined Harvard University to do his post-doctoral work at the laboratory of Nicolaas Bloembergen, who would also go on to win the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1981. He spent two years in the US of which the first year was spent at Bloembergen's laboratory (1967–68) and the second at IBM Research",
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"title": "Nobel Prize in Physics",
"text": "Nobel Prize in Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics () is a yearly award given by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for those who have made the most outstanding contributions for mankind in the field of physics. It is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Alfred Nobel in 1895 and awarded since 1901; the others being the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Nobel Prize in Literature, Nobel Peace Prize, and Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The first Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to physicist Wilhelm Röntgen in recognition of the extraordinary services he",
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"title": "McGill University",
"text": "made by Thomas Chang while an undergraduate student at the university. While chair of physics at McGill, nuclear physicist Ernest Rutherford performed the experiment that led to the discovery of the alpha particle and its function in radioactive decay, which won him the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1908. Alumnus Jack W. Szostak was awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in medicine for discovering a key mechanism in the genetic operations of cells, an insight that has inspired new lines of research into cancer. William Chalmers invented Plexiglas while a graduate student at McGill. In computing, MUSIC/SP, software for mainframes once",
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"title": "California Institute of Technology",
"text": "such as \"Six Easy Pieces\" for the general audience. The promotion of physics made him a public figure of science, although his Nobel-winning work in quantum electrodynamics was already very established in the scientific community. Murray Gell-Mann, a Nobel-winning physicist, introduced a classification of hadrons and went on to postulate the existence of quarks, which is currently accepted as part of the Standard Model. Long-time Caltech President Robert Andrews Millikan was the first to calculate the charge of the electron with his well-known oil-drop experiment, while Richard Chace Tolman is remembered for his contributions to cosmology and statistical mechanics. 2004",
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"id": "71445",
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] | {
"title": "List of Nobel laureates in Physics",
"long_answer": "The first Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded in 1901 to Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, of Germany, who received 150,782 SEK, which is equal to 7,731,004 SEK in December 2007. John Bardeen is the only laureate to win the prize twice—in 1956 and 1972. Maria Skłodowska-Curie also won two Nobel Prizes, for physics in 1903 and chemistry in 1911. William Lawrence Bragg was, until October 2014, the youngest ever Nobel laureate; he won the prize in 1915 at the age of 25. Two women have won the prize: Curie and Maria Goeppert-Mayer (1963). As of 2017, the prize has been awarded to 206 individuals. There have been six years in which the Nobel Prize in Physics was not awarded (1916, 1931, 1934, 1940–1942).",
"chunked_long_answer": "The first Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded in 1901 to Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, of Germany, who received 150,782 SEK, which is equal to 7,731,004 SEK in December 2007. John Bardeen is the only laureate to win the prize twice—in 1956 and 1972. Maria Skłodowska-Curie also won two Nobel Prizes, for physics in 1903 and chemistry in 1911. William Lawrence Bragg was, until October 2014, the youngest ever Nobel laureate; he won the prize in 1915 at the age of 25. Two women have won the prize: Curie and Maria Goeppert-Mayer (1963). As of 2017, the prize has been awarded",
"short_answers": [
"Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen"
} |
when is the next deadpool movie being released | [
"May 18, 2018"
] | [
"title": "Deadpool 2",
"text": "Deadpool 2 is scheduled to be released in the United States on May 18, 2018. A sequel, Deadpool 3, is in development.",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "footage was leaked online in July 2014, and was met with an overwhelmingly enthusiastic response. That September, Fox gave \"Deadpool\" a release date of February 12, 2016. Production was set to begin in March 2015, with Simon Kinberg joining as producer. Reynolds attributed Fox's green-lighting of the film entirely to the leak. He, Miller and the writers had previously discussed leaking the footage themselves, and Reynolds initially thought that Miller had done so. He later believed the leak came from someone at Fox. In exchange for being able to make the film the way they wanted, Fox gave the crew",
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"id": "18286027",
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"title": "Deadpool 2",
"text": "Thanos, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Also in April, Leslie Uggams confirmed that she would be reprising her role of Blind Al from the first film, while Fox gave the sequel a June 1, 2018 release date. Noting the release date, Leitch wanted to ensure that the film \"was worthy of a summer tentpole movie, and we knew we were going to be wedged in between some big films\", specifically wanting to expand the action and make the general feeling of the film \"bigger\" than the first one. However, he wanted the film to have the same DNA as the",
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"id": "18960867",
"score": "1.0577936",
"original_retrieval_index": 1
"title": "Deadpool 2",
"text": "Plans for a sequel to \"Deadpool\" began before that film's release, and were confirmed in February 2016. Though the original creative team of Reynolds, Reese, Wernick, and director Tim Miller were quickly set to return for the second film, Miller left the project in October 2016 due to creative differences with Reynolds and was soon replaced by Leitch. An extensive casting search took place to fill the role of Cable, with Brolin ultimately cast. Filming took place in British Columbia, Canada, from June to October 2017. During filming, stunt woman Joi \"SJ\" Harris died in a motorcycle accident; the film",
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"id": "18960838",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "said that the company would be willing to make future R-rated Marvel films like \"Deadpool\", potentially under a \"Marvel-R\" brand, \"as long as we let the audiences know what's coming\". Before \"Deadpool\"s release, Fox green-lit a sequel with Reese and Wernick returning to write the screenplay. The involvement of Reynolds and Tim Miller was confirmed at the 2016 CinemaCon in April, but at the end of October, Miller left the film over \"mutual creative differences\" with Reynolds. The next month, David Leitch signed on to replace Miller for the sequel. Leitch first made a short film, \"No Good Deed\", which",
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"id": "18286084",
"score": "1.0492573",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "of 21st Century Fox by Disney was announced in December 2017, Bob Iger said that Deadpool would be integrated with the Marvel Cinematic Universe under Disney. Deadpool (film) Deadpool is a 2016 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, distributed by 20th Century Fox. It is the eighth installment of the \"X-Men\" film series and the first standalone \"Deadpool\" film. Directed by Tim Miller from a screenplay by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, the film stars Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson / Deadpool alongside Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein, T. J. Miller, Gina Carano and",
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"id": "18286086",
"score": "1.0341752",
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"title": "Deadpool 2",
"text": "film, explaining its general plot, was released at the end of March. \"Forbes\" contributor Scott Mendelson called it \"pretty funny and mostly entertaining\", but was disappointed in it being a \"conventional\" trailer compared to the more out-there videos previously released for the film. He explained that he thought the first film \"had a winning lead character and fine character-centric jokes, but a pretty generic origin story plot that eventually became the thing it was critiquing\", and was concerned that the sequel would turn out to be \"a more standard 'superhero sequel' sell\". Mendelson also noted the inclusion of T.J. Miller",
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"id": "18960896",
"score": "1.0283107",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "Deadpool (film) Deadpool is a 2016 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, distributed by 20th Century Fox. It is the eighth installment of the \"X-Men\" film series and the first standalone \"Deadpool\" film. Directed by Tim Miller from a screenplay by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, the film stars Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson / Deadpool alongside Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein, T. J. Miller, Gina Carano and Brianna Hildebrand. In the film, Wilson—as the antihero Deadpool—hunts down the man who gave him mutant abilities and caused his scarred physical appearance. Development of a",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "Deadpool film starring Reynolds began in February 2004, before he went on to play the character in \"\" in 2009. Reese and Wernick were hired for a spinoff in 2010. They worked with Reynolds to adapt the character more faithfully (including his fourth wall breaking) after the portrayal in \"Wolverine\" was criticized for not doing so. Miller was hired in 2011 marking his directorial debut. An enthusiastic response to leaked test footage he created with Reynolds led to a green-light from Fox in 2014. Additional casting began in early 2015, and filming took place in Vancouver, Canada, from March to",
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"title": "Deadpool 2",
"text": "then [\"Deadpool 3\" is] where we're contracting and staying personal and small.\" After the proposed acquisition of 21st Century Fox by Disney was announced in December 2017, Disney CEO Bob Iger said that Deadpool would be integrated with the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) under Disney, and that the company would be willing to make future R-rated Deadpool films \"as long as we let the audiences know what's coming\". In May 2018, Reynolds stated that a third Deadpool film may not be made given the franchise's shift of focus to X-Force, though Reese and Wernick felt a third film would \"absolutely\"",
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"title": "Deadpool (video game)",
"text": "2015 in North America and Australia, and November 20, 2015 in the United Kingdom. It is unknown how Activision reacquired the rights to publish \"Deadpool: The Video Game\", but it is believed that the re-release was timed to help promote the then-upcoming Deadpool feature film, released roughly three months after the next-gen version of the game. High Moon Studios showed an early demo of the video game to journalists at Gamescom 2012, where the game earned a nomination for Best of Show. Several sites wrote positive impression of the demo that was shown at Gamescom and the Electronic Entertainment Expo",
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"title": "Deadpool 2",
"text": "Deadpool 2 Deadpool 2 is a 2018 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Deadpool, distributed by 20th Century Fox. It is the eleventh installment in the \"X-Men\" film series, and a direct sequel to the 2016 film \"Deadpool\". The film is directed by David Leitch from a script by Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick, and Ryan Reynolds, with Reynolds starring in the title role alongside Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, Julian Dennison, Zazie Beetz, T.J. Miller, Brianna Hildebrand, and Jack Kesy. In the film, Deadpool forms the team X-Force to protect a young mutant from the time-traveling soldier Cable.",
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"text": "at the convention moderated by Soni and featuring other cast members. Some of the scenes cut from the theatrical version of the film were debuted at the panel. At the end of September 2018, Fox announced that it would release an untitled \"Deadpool\" film in theaters on December 21. The studio suggested that press and fans \"guess away\" as to what this new film would be, but it was believed to be a re-cut version of \"Deadpool 2\" that would carry a PG-13 rating rather than being R-rated like the initial theatrical release. Reynolds hinted that the version of the",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "May of that year. Several vendors provided visual effects for the film, ranging from the addition of blood and gore to the creation of the CG character Colossus. \"Deadpool\" was released in the United States on February 12, 2016, after an unconventional marketing campaign. The film achieved both financial and critical success. It earned over $783 million against a $58 million budget, breaking numerous records: it became the highest-grossing R-rated film, the highest-grossing \"X-Men\" film, and the ninth-highest-grossing 2016 film. Critics praised Reynolds' performance, the film's style and faithfulness to the comics, and its action sequences. Some detractors criticized the",
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"title": "Deadpool 2",
"text": "be happening after Reynolds took a break from the character and \"X-Force\" was released, which they compared to the \"Iron Man\" franchise having \"Iron Man 3\" (2013) release after the crossover film \"The Avengers\" (2012). Also, Leitch expressed interest in returning to the franchise, saying, \"I would be grateful to work on something [starring Reynolds' Deadpool] again. It just depends on time and place, so we'll see what happens.\" The \"Once Upon a Deadpool\" version of the film was being watched carefully by Disney and Marvel Studios to see whether it might inform how they could approach the character and",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
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"title": "Deadpool 2",
"text": "green-lit a sequel, with writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick returning to write the screenplay. Though director Tim Miller and producer/star Ryan Reynolds were not confirmed for the sequel at the time, Fox was \"intent on keeping the creative team together\". Miller and Reynolds' involvement was confirmed at the 2016 CinemaCon that April, though Miller had still not formally signed on to direct the sequel. He began work developing the script with the writers, while Reynolds had signed a new contract granting him \"casting approval and other creative controls\". In June 2016, Kinberg expected filming to begin at the beginning",
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"title": "Deadpool 2",
"text": "integrate him into the PG-13 MCU. Deadpool 2 Deadpool 2 is a 2018 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Deadpool, distributed by 20th Century Fox. It is the eleventh installment in the \"X-Men\" film series, and a direct sequel to the 2016 film \"Deadpool\". The film is directed by David Leitch from a script by Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick, and Ryan Reynolds, with Reynolds starring in the title role alongside Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, Julian Dennison, Zazie Beetz, T.J. Miller, Brianna Hildebrand, and Jack Kesy. In the film, Deadpool forms the team X-Force to protect a young",
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"title": "Deadpool 2",
"text": "includes Deadpool, Cable, and Domino in the comics, but to also keep the film focused on Deadpool. By the next month, the studio was still not happy with the script, with Reynolds and the writers \"bunkered down ... trying to cross the finish line and create something everyone is excited to make\". Goddard joined them as a consultant. Reese, Wernick, and Reynolds were credited for the script, the three having split the film's scenes between them before passing them around to be re-written by the others. Reese felt they were able to maintain \"one voice\" because of their long history",
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"title": "Deadpool (video game)",
"text": "digital storefronts on January 1, 2016. As of July 15, 2016 the game was made available to purchase again on Steam as well as PlayStation Store's DLC but only in the US markets. The game was re-released on November 18, 2015 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One to coincide with the 2016 film of the same name. On November 16, 2017, the game was once again removed from digital storefronts due to licensing issues. \"Deadpool\" is an action beat 'em up video game, with new combos becoming available to Deadpool as he progresses. The game, which is rated \"mature\", frequently",
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"title": "The New Mutants (film)",
"text": "Bear would not be the main antagonist of the film, just that it was \"very much inspired\" by the run of the \"New Mutants\" comics in which Demon Bear was featured as the main villain. In January 2018, the film's release date was pushed back to February 22, 2019, which allowed it to avoid \"Deadpool 2\", which also had its release changed at that time to a date that would have had both films in theaters at the same time in certain markets, while also allowing time for the reshoots required to make the film more frightening. When asked about",
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"title": "Deadpool 2 (soundtrack)",
"text": "\"Ashes\" in particular received positive responses from critics with some even suggesting it be nominated for an Academy Award. Columbia released an album featuring songs heard only in the film's extended cut as well as previously released songs on August 10. Work on a sequel to the 2016 film \"Deadpool\" began before that film's release in February of that year, with the creative team of star/producer Ryan Reynolds, director Tim Miller, and writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick all set to return. However, Miller left the film that October citing \"mutual creative differences\" with Reynolds. Subsequently, Junkie XL announced he",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "plot as formulaic as well as the sheer number of jokes in the film. It also received many awards and nominations, including two Critics' Choice Awards and two Golden Globe nominations. A sequel, \"Deadpool 2\", was released in May 2018. Wade Wilson is a dishonorably discharged special forces operative working as a mercenary when he meets Vanessa, a prostitute. They become romantically involved, and a year later she accepts his marriage proposal. Wilson is diagnosed with terminal cancer, and leaves Vanessa without warning so she will not have to watch him die. A mysterious recruiter approaches Wilson, offering an experimental",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "France, and Australia on its first day, February 9, where it was the No. 1 film and broke several records. The film also opened well in Asian countries, notably Taiwan—where Reynolds had traveled for promotion and made the \"central hub\" of South East Asia for the film—and Hong Kong, where the film had the biggest Chinese New Year single day ever. It went on to gross $132.2 million for its international opening weekend, which included $9 million from IMAX showings breaking opening weekend records for February releases and R-rated films in that format in several markets. It was the No.",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "being blocked in China during this initial release, \"Deadpool\" eventually premiered in the country during the 2018 Beijing International Film Festival, which ran over a week from April 15–22. The original version of the film played at the festival without any edits being made specifically for Chinese censors. \"Deadpool\" was released for digital download on April 26, 2016, moved up from the physical home media release, which came on May 10. The latter release, for Blu-ray and DVD, included behind-the-scenes featurettes, deleted scenes, a blooper reel, and two audio commentaries: one by Tim Miller and Deadpool co-creator Rob Liefeld, and",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "Screen Rant called it possibly \"the best film marketing campaign in the history of cinema\". HostGator's Jeremy Jensen attributed the campaign's success to Reynolds, and to Fox for embracing the film's R rating. \"Deadpool\"s world premiere was held at the Grand Rex in Paris on February 8, 2016, before its initial theatrical release in Hong Kong the next day. This was followed by releases in 49 other markets over the next few days, including the United States on February 12. The movie was released in several formats, including IMAX, DLP, premium large formats, and D-Box. Kinberg explained that unlike the",
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"title": "X-Force",
"text": "direct the adaptation. Lauren Shuler Donner and Matthew Vaughn will produce. On December 3, 2013, Rob Liefeld confirmed that Cable and Deadpool would be appearing in the film. The film was planned to be released sometime in the year 2017. A piece of concept art shows Cable, Domino, Warpath, Cannonball, and Feral as members of the team. After the release of \"Deadpool\", Reynolds felt that Deadpool would soon be in an \"X-Force\" film, and Kinberg stated that there was potential for \"X-Force\" to be R-rated like \"Deadpool\" in contrast to the PG-13 \"mainline X-Men movies\". Bryan Singer has stated in",
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"title": "Marketing for Deadpool (film)",
"text": "\"Fantastic Four\". The full trailer was then released, now with completed visual effects. On December 14, a \"12 Days of Deadpool\" campaign began with \"new images, a featurette, or maybe a new poster\" released for the film each day by companies such as People,, Fandango, and Mashable leading up to the release of a new trailer on Christmas Day. For Halloween, Reynolds released a video with himself in the Deadpool costume, interacting with a group of children dressed as X-Men. He asks them questions such as \"How many of you have taken a human life?\" Videos released for the",
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"title": "Marketing for Deadpool (film)",
"text": "Marketing for Deadpool (film) \"Deadpool\" is a 2016 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, distributed by 20th Century Fox. It is the eighth installment of the \"X-Men\" film series. The film was directed by Tim Miller from a screenplay by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, and stars Ryan Reynolds in the title role alongside Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein, T. J. Miller, Gina Carano, Leslie Uggams, Brianna Hildebrand, and Stefan Kapičić. In \"Deadpool\", Wade Wilson hunts the man who gave him mutant abilities, but also a scarred physical appearance, as the wisecracking, fourth wall-breaking",
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"title": "Deadpool (film)",
"text": "1 film in all markets where it was released over the weekend, except Poland and Malaysia where it was No. 2 behind local films \"Planet Single\" and \"The Mermaid\", respectively. The film broke the record for biggest opening weekend in Russia and Thailand, and set records for biggest R-rated film and February opening weekends in several other markets. It remained No. 1 for the international box office in its second weekend, making an additional $84.7 million from 77 markets. The film made No. 1 debuts in 17 new countries, including Korea, Spain, and Italy, and maintained its No. 1 position",
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] | {
"title": "Deadpool 2",
"long_answer": "Deadpool 2 is scheduled to be released in the United States on May 18, 2018. A sequel, Deadpool 3, is in development.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Deadpool 2 is scheduled to be released in the United States on May 18, 2018. A sequel, Deadpool 3, is in development.",
"short_answers": [
"May 18, 2018"
} |
the south west wind blows across nigeria between | [
"till September"
] | [
"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "With the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) swinging northward over West Africa from the Southern Hemisphere in April, heavy showers coming from pre-monsoonal convective clouds mainly in the form of squall lines also known as the north easterlies formed mainly as a result of the interactions of the two dominant airmasses in Nigeria known as the Maritime tropical(south westerlies) and the Continental tropical(north easterlies), begins in central Nigeria while the Monsoons from the south atlantic ocean arrives in central Nigeria in July bringing with it high humidity, heavy cloud cover and heavy rainfall which can be daily occurrence lasting till September when the monsoons gradually begin retreating southward to the southern part of Nigeria.",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "south atlantic ocean, locally known as the south western wind, or by its main name, The Tropical Maritime (MT) airmass. These two major wind systems in Nigeria are known as the trade winds. The tropical maritime airmass (MT) is responsible for Nigeria's rainy season. This wind (the tropical maritime airmass) invades the country from February in the southern part of Nigeria while it takes longer for the wind to fully cover the whole of the country, reaching the northern part of Nigeria in June. Its invasion is as a result of the northward retreat, of the tropical continental airmass (CT)",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "airmass (CT) in turn, causes the wind to expand and become lighter as this is the normal behaviour for winds moving above intensely heated grounds. The Tropical continental airmass (CT) loses its strength as a major airmass in the region of west Africa and over Nigeria at this time (around February in the southern part of Nigeria to June in northern Nigeria) and begins to retreat coupled with the rising of air in form of convection within this airmass (Tropical continental airmass (CT)), further weakening the dominance of the wind over west Africa and Nigeria. The Tropical continental airmass (CT)",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "of low pressure to develop over west Africa and Nigeria (between March to May). The Tropical continental airmass (CT) from the Sahara Desert in the northern part of West Africa, is weakened due to the overheating of the land surface in west Africa and Nigeria at this time. The Tropical continental airmass (CT) begins to retreat northwards to the Sahara Desert due to massive heating of the land which transfers heat in the form of convection into the Tropical continental airmass (CT) which constitutes the main layer of air above the land. This transfer of heat in the Tropical continental",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "Airmass (MT) in the rainy season of Nigeria, mornings are bright and sunny, the sun's heating of the land in the mornings and afternoons sets up convectional currents, these currents rise vertically and cumulonimbus clouds are formed, by afternoons to evenings, torrential downpour follows. The Easterly wave or the African easterly waves is another major contributor of rainfall during the summer monsoons months of May to September in Nigeria. The nature of this waves changes at about the 15 degrees line. The waves that pass south of this line carry moisture and create convection that leads to rain clouds. Nigeria's",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "northern end is south of the 15 degrees line at about 14 degrees. Nigeria's location in the wetter part of the easterly waves south of the 15 degree line creates wetter climatic conditions for Nigeria especially during the monsoons. The Tropical Continental Airmass (CT) locally known as the harmattan, is a wind originating from North Africa which crosses the Sahara Desert into west Africa to Nigeria. This airmass dominates Nigeria's climate during the dry season from December to March. The Tropical continental airmass is dusty and creates a haze within the atmosphere of west Africa and Nigeria when it predominates.",
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"title": "Awka",
"text": "dry winds from across the Sahara desert. The monsoon winds from the Atlantic creates six months of heavy tropical rains, which occur between April and July, followed by a short dry period in August lasting two to three weeks with the rain resuming in September and October. This is followed by five months of dryness (November - March) marked by a Harmattan wind, also known as Ugulu in Igbo, which is a particularly dry and dusty wind which enters Nigeria in late December or in the early part of January and is characterized by a grey haze limiting visibility and",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "finally retreats from most part of Nigeria, and the West African atmosphere around April to May, leaving an empty atmosphere over Nigeria. The sun's rays enters into the atmosphere of Nigeria more intense than it does during the presence of the Tropical continental airmass, which contained dust (in form of haze) that reduced the intensity of the sun. The overheating of the west Africa land mass and Nigeria in particular creates a low pressure region over west Africa and Nigeria. This low pressure zone attracts the Tropical Maritime Airmass (MT) from the south Atlantic Ocean since areas of low pressures",
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"title": "Onikwu",
"text": "The dry season is accompanied by a dust laden airmass from the Sahara Desert, locally known as Harmattan, or by its main name, The Tropical Continental (CT) airmass, while the rainy season is heavily influenced by an airmass originating from the south Atlantic Ocean, locally known as the south west wind, or by its main name, The Tropical Maritime (MT) airmass. These two major wind systems in Nigeria are known as the trade winds. The region Onikwu/Ndoni is flood prone communities, this is because the inland part of Rivers state consists of tropical rainforest; towards the coast the typical Niger",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "West Africa comes directly under the sun at this time. The sun is overhead throughout west Africa and over Nigeria during this period of the sun's northward migration to the tropic of cancer in the northern hemisphere. The whole of West Africa is heated intensely as result of the increased insolation received from the sun being overhead over west Africa. Temperatures can climb as high as over west Africa during this time. Temperatures in the northern part of Nigeria can go as high as in cities like Maiduguri. The high temperatures coupled with an increase in insolation causes a region",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "experiences inward blowing winds because winds are moving air blowing outwards from regions of high pressure to regions of low pressure. The Tropical Maritime Airmass is a warm humid and unstable trade wind due to its warmth. Convectional currents are easily set up within the airmass whenever there is little instability in the airmass as a result of a slight to a very high orographic uplift in mountainous regions like the obudu plateau or the heating of the land which can trigger the formation of cumulonimbus cloud leading to thunderstorms within the airmass. During the dominance of the Tropical Maritime",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "Nigeria, has a temperature range of to , and an annual rainfall of about with a single rainfall maxima in September. The single Dry season experienced in this climate, the tropical savanna climate in central Nigeria beginning from December to march, is hot and dry with the Harmattan wind, a continental tropical (CT) airmass laden with dust from the Sahara Desert prevailing throughout this period. With the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) swinging northward over West Africa from the Southern Hemisphere in April, heavy showers coming from pre-monsoonal convective clouds mainly in the form of squall lines also known as the",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "clear skies making the dry season in Nigeria a period of warm weather conditions.In the middle of the dry season around December, a dusty wind from the Sahara Desert called the harmattan enters Nigeria from the northeastern part of the country blocking sun rays partially from shining and also creating haze in the atmosphere, this activities of the wind lowers temperatures considerably saving inhabitants for sometime, from the scorching heat that would have occurred as a result of clearer skies during the dry season. But with the withdrawal of this wind around March to April following the onset of the",
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"title": "Dass, Nigeria",
"text": "is located within the Guinea savannah type of climate with 6-7 month of rainfall, usually starting from April and 5-6 month dry season from November to March every year respectively. The town records more than 1000mm annually. The rainfall in the area originates from the Atlantic maritime air masses, occurring on the leeward side of North Central Highland of Jos plateau. The two air masses that cover Nigeria which the study area is part, come into contact at inter tropical discontinuity (ITD) which resulted into occurrence of the rainfall in the area. The cold dry wind of continental origin forms",
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"title": "Dass, Nigeria",
"text": "part of the dusty harmattan wind that is experienced from December to February and in some instances up to march as it does in most part of northern Nigeria. The temperature in the area is relatively high with mean annual temperature of 30 °C There are different type of soil and soil profile in Dass because of the fact that the area is occupied by ridges and hills. Therefore, soils around and on the hills are azonal soils, that are immature having several layers with different structures that are said to have result from recent deposition of sediments examples are",
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"title": "Inyi, Nigeria",
"text": "and temperatures may even drop below the 18 °C, coming back to an average 32 °C during the day with occasional peaks above the 36 °C during the day. The hot harmattan winds evaporate body moisture quickly and give a sensation of coolness to the skin. It is these Sahara winds that carry large amounts of dust to the state, leaving a thick fog in the morning and a hazy sky for the rest of the day behind. However, the rain season falls between May and October with the heaviest rains in June and July during this season, the rain",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "very high, usually above the rainfall totals giving for tropical rainforest climates worldwide. Over of rainfall is received in the coastal region of Nigeria around the Niger delta area. Bonny town found in the coastal region of the Niger delta area in southern Nigeria receives well over of rainfall annually. The rest of the southeast receives between 2,000 and of rain per year. The southern region of Nigeria experiences a double rainfall maxima characterised by two high rainfall peaks, with a short dry season and a longer dry season falling between and after each peaks. The first rainy season begins",
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"title": "Afikpo South",
"text": "and the South West trade wind from the south Atlantic Ocean (also called The Tropical Maritime) airmass. Temperatures range from 20 °C to 38 °C during dry season and 16 °C to 28 °C during the rainy season. Average annual rainfall varies from 1750mm to 2250mm. The vegetation here is a parkland, with stunted trees and pockets of woodland and forest consisting of shrubs and large trees. The occupation here is generally subsistence farming and fishing. The postal code of the area is 490. Afikpo South Afikpo South historically known as Edda is a local government area in Ebonyi State,",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "are distinguishable, as one moves from the southern part of Nigeria to the northern part of Nigeria through Nigeria's middle belt. The tropical monsoon climate, designated by the Köppen climate classification as \"Am\", is found in the southern part of the country. This climate is influenced by the monsoons originating from the South Atlantic ocean, which is brought into the country by the (maritime tropical) MT airmass, a warm moist sea to land seasonal wind. Its warmth and high humidity gives it a strong tendency to ascend and produce copious rainfall, which is a result of the condensation of water",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "rainy season, temperatures can go as high as in some parts of Nigeria. Semi temperate weather conditions prevail on the highlands in central Nigeria above above sea level, namely the Jos Plateau. Temperatures on the Jos plateau ranges between 16 °C to 25 °C which are cool all year round. Temperate weather conditions occur on the highlands along the Nigeria Cameroon border, in the eastern part of Nigeria. Highlands in these region attain an average height of more than to some standing above above sea level. The climate on these highlands is temperate all year round. The major highlands in",
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"title": "Ebenebe",
"text": "are followed by five months of dry weather from November to March. The Harmattan, also known as Ugulu in the Igbo language, is a particularly dry and dusty wind which enters Nigeria in late December or in the early part of January. It is characterized by a grey haze that limits visibility and blocks the sun's rays. The temperature in Ebenebe is generally between 28 and 32 degrees Celsius from June through December. It rises to 32–34 degrees between January and April, with the last few months of the dry season marked by intense heat. Like every other agrarian community,",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "of the suns rays in the rainy season; this in turn cools the land, and the winds above the ground remains cool thereby making for cooler temperatures during the rainy season. But afternoons in the rainy season can be hot and humid, a feature of tropical climates. In the rainy season it is damp, and the rainfalls are usually abundant. The dry season of Nigeria is a period of little cloud cover in the southern part of Nigeria to virtually no cloud cover in the northern part of Nigeria. The sun shines through the atmosphere with little obstructions from the",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "vapour in the rapidly rising air. The Tropical monsoon climate has a very small temperature range. Then temperature ranges are almost constant throughout the year, for example, Warri town in the southern part of Nigeria, records a maximum of for its hottest month while its lowest temperature is in its coldest month. The temperature difference of Warri town is not more than 2 °C (5 °F). The southern part of Nigeria experiences heavy and abundant rainfall. These storms are usually convectional in nature due to the regions proximity, to the equatorial belt. The annual rainfall received in this region is",
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"title": "African easterly jet",
"text": "winds within the jet increase to . By June, it shifts northward into northwest Africa. From June into October, the thermal low over northern Africa leads to a low-level westerly jet stream to the south of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. The mid-level African easterly jet develops because heating of the West African land mass during this time of year creates a surface temperature and moisture gradient between the Gulf of Guinea and the Sahara Desert. The atmosphere responds by generating vertical wind shear to maintain thermal wind balance. The jet reaches its zenith in August, lying between the 16th and",
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"title": "Inyi, Nigeria",
"text": "is mostly preceded by strong winds and skies filled with lightning and Thunder. In the absence of rain, weather is clear and cool, around 26 °C; during the day and 20 °C in the night, however humidity prevails. The annual rainfall in Enugu State is between 1.5 and 2 metres. Beniah Madueke, Francis Emeribe, John Anyaji, Basillos Onyebuchi,EzeChukwu Maduekesi(1st Warrant Chief), UdeEkwo Nwokolo, Udeagbara Uzoka, Edward Mba, Alfred Obika (Enugwu), Micheal Amuche, Matthew Anyafuluzo, Ezekiel Ike and Pa Obika (Agbariji) and a host of others were the pioneers who received Christianity about the 1917 and founded the two early churches",
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"title": "Monsoon",
"text": "lower pressure, and this produces condensation. The monsoon of western Sub-Saharan Africa is the result of the seasonal shifts of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and the great seasonal temperature and humidity differences between the Sahara and the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. It migrates northward from the equatorial Atlantic in February, reaches western Africa on or near June 22, then moves back to the south by October. The dry, northeasterly trade winds, and their more extreme form, the harmattan, are interrupted by the northern shift in the ITCZ and resultant southerly, rain-bearing winds during the summer. The semiarid Sahel and Sudan depend",
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"title": "African easterly jet",
"text": "African easterly jet The African easterly jet is a region of the lower troposphere over West Africa where the seasonal mean wind speed is at a maximum and the wind is easterly. The temperature contrast between the Sahara Desert and the Gulf of Guinea causes the jet to form to the north of the monsoon trough. The jet's maximum wind speeds are at a height of . The jet moves northward from its south-most location in January, reaching its most northerly latitude in August. Its strongest winds are in September while it begins shifting back towards the equator. Within the",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "to farmers since the low humidity present in the air quickens the drying of their crops. Nigeria's location in the tropics has given her a tropical hot climate. Temperatures in Nigeria vary according to the seasons of the year as with other lands found in the tropics. Nigeria's seasons are determined by rainfall with rainy season and dry season being the major seasons in Nigeria. The rainy season of Nigeria brings in cooler weather to the country as a result of an increased cloud cover that acts as a blockage to the intense sunshine of the tropics by blocking much",
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"title": "African easterly jet",
"text": "tropical cyclones after they move from west Africa into the tropical Atlantic, mainly during August and September. When the jet is south of normal during the peak months of the Atlantic hurricane season, tropical cyclone formation is suppressed. African easterly jet The African easterly jet is a region of the lower troposphere over West Africa where the seasonal mean wind speed is at a maximum and the wind is easterly. The temperature contrast between the Sahara Desert and the Gulf of Guinea causes the jet to form to the north of the monsoon trough. The jet's maximum wind speeds are",
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"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"text": "The haze is as a result of the dust within the airmass limiting visibility and blocking much of the sun's rays from reaching the earth. The mass has no ability of forming rain due to low humidity within the airmass, since it crosses the Sahara Desert, it picks up dust instead of water thereby creating little chances for rainfall. The airmass makes life difficult as a result of low visibility which hampers transportation. The dust haze creates an almost desert conditions in the country during the dominance of the Tropical continental airmass (the harmattan). But its coming brings some relief",
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] | {
"title": "Geography of Nigeria",
"long_answer": "With the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) swinging northward over West Africa from the Southern Hemisphere in April, heavy showers coming from pre-monsoonal convective clouds mainly in the form of squall lines also known as the north easterlies formed mainly as a result of the interactions of the two dominant airmasses in Nigeria known as the Maritime tropical(south westerlies) and the Continental tropical(north easterlies), begins in central Nigeria while the Monsoons from the south atlantic ocean arrives in central Nigeria in July bringing with it high humidity, heavy cloud cover and heavy rainfall which can be daily occurrence lasting till September when the monsoons gradually begin retreating southward to the southern part of Nigeria.Rainfall totals in central Nigeria varies from 1,100 mm (43.3 in) in the lowlands of the river Niger Benue trough to over 2,000 mm (78.7 in) along the south western escarpment of the Jos Plateau.",
"chunked_long_answer": "With the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) swinging northward over West Africa from the Southern Hemisphere in April, heavy showers coming from pre-monsoonal convective clouds mainly in the form of squall lines also known as the north easterlies formed mainly as a result of the interactions of the two dominant airmasses in Nigeria known as the Maritime tropical(south westerlies) and the Continental tropical(north easterlies), begins in central Nigeria while the Monsoons from the south atlantic ocean arrives in central Nigeria in July bringing with it high humidity, heavy cloud cover and heavy rainfall which can be daily occurrence lasting till September when the monsoons gradually begin retreating southward to the southern part of Nigeria.",
"short_answers": [
"till September"
} |
what does hp mean in war and order | [
"hit points or health points"
] | [
"title": "Health (gaming)",
"text": "Health or vitality is an attribute assigned to entities, such as the player character, enemies and objects within a role-playing or video game, that indicates its state in combat. Health is usually measured in hit points or health points, shortened to HP. When the HP of a player character reaches zero, the player may lose a life or their character might become incapacitated or die. When the HP of an enemy reaches zero, it may be defeated or die and the player is usually rewarded in some way.",
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"title": "HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare",
"text": "which in turn will help improve the protection of civilians in armed conflict. The HPCR Manual hopes to serve as a valuable resource for military forces while developing rules of engagement, writing military manuals, preparing training courses, and the actual conduct of armed forces in combat operations, while also providing the armed services' lawyers a cohesive text to assist them in their tasks. The HPCR Manual is a practical tool that will make decision-making easier in a real-time operational environment, while also giving confidence to those who utilize it. The objective of the HPCR Manual is to be of help",
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"title": "Navy Marine Corps Intranet",
"text": "perspective, produced results that were far from optimal.” NMCI consolidated roughly 6,000 networks—some of which could not e-mail, let alone collaborate with each other—into a single integrated and secure IT environment. HP updated more than 100,000 desktop and laptop PCs in 2007. The program also consolidated an ad hoc network of more than 8,000 applications to 500 in four years and 15,003 logistics and readiness systems to 2,759 over a two-year period. Sub-contractors to HP include: HP also provides the security services once provided by Raytheon. HP also has worked with more than 400 small businesses, with 5 percent for",
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"title": "HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare",
"text": "HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare After consulting with scholars and governmental experts, the Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research at Harvard University (HPCR) created in 2003 a multi-annual Project intended to restate the existing international laws applicable to air and missile warfare. This Project helped to formulate the \"HPCR Manual\" on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare. In 1923, the Rules of Air Warfare were drafted at the Hague by a Commission of Jurists. Since then, air power has become a crucial element of military arsenal and modern warfare. The developments",
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"title": "HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare",
"text": "in air and missile technology in the last few decades have completely altered military strategy and created distinct challenges to the protection of civilians in time of armed conflict. Although a number of international treaties have been adopted in response to modern warfare, including the four 1949 Geneva Conventions for the Protection of War Victims, the two Additional Protocols of 1977, and various conventions regarding cultural property, biological weapons, and chemical weapons, many important aspects of air and missile operations are not included. Also, some of these instruments, especially AP/I, are not binding on all states, including the United States.",
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"id": "14350524",
"score": "0.83411145",
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"title": "Hewlett-Packard",
"text": "It scored most points on the new Sustainable Operations criteria, having the best program for measuring and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases from its suppliers and scoring maximum points for its thorough paper procurement policy. In the November 2012 report, HP was ranked second, with a score of 5.7. HP does especially well for its disclosure of externally verified greenhouse gas emissions and its setting of targets for reducing them. However, Greenpeace reports that HP risks a penalty point in future editions due to the fact that it is a member of trade associations that have commented against energy efficiency",
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"title": "Hume's principle",
"text": "Hume's principle Hume's principle or HP—the terms were coined by George Boolos—says that the number of \"F\"s is equal to the number of \"G\"s if and only if there is a one-to-one correspondence (a bijection) between the \"F\"s and the \"G\"s. HP can be stated formally in systems of second-order logic. Hume's principle is named for the Scottish philosopher David Hume. HP plays a central role in Gottlob Frege's philosophy of mathematics. Frege shows that HP and suitable definitions of arithmetical notions entail all axioms of what we now call second-order arithmetic. This result is known as Frege's theorem, which",
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"title": "HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare",
"text": "Because of this, the Commentary on the HPCR Manual identifies US practices and positions which are consistent with the rules of AP/I. The goal of the \"HPCR Manual\" is to give a methodical restatement of international law and air and missile warfare, based on the practice of States accepted as law and treaties in force. Because the authors of the HPCR Manual have no legislative power, there is no innovative aspect. By providing a reference on international law applicable to air and missile warfare, the HPCR Manual will help to stimulate discussions among legal advisors, military advisors, and humanitarian practitioners,",
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"title": "HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare",
"text": "to those who plan, approve or execute air or missile operations before rather than after the event. The HPCR Manual is also meant to be used by other segments of armed forces, such as commanders of forces that are receiving these attacks. Needless to say, it is hoped that the HPCR Manual will be used extensively in training and instruction courses in both wartime and peacetime, so as to familiarize prospective users with the patterns of behavior expected of them. The Black-Letter Rules of the \"HPCR Manual\" are a collective creation of the Group of Experts. The Black-Letter Rules reflect",
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"title": "Hewlett Packard Enterprise Networking",
"text": "application network traffic patterns; and changes in size and density of the data center, due to some services being offloaded to cloud computing resources, greater compute density, and an increased use of virtual technology. In turn, these changes have led to an increased demand for software-defined networking (SDN)technology from organizations. In 2007 HP collaborated with Stanford University to develop Ethane, an early version of the open-source standard OpenFlow upon which SDN is based. HP is a founding member of the nonprofit Open Networking Foundation. Organized in March 2011, the foundation provides support for SDN and manages the OpenFlow standard. HP",
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"title": "Hewlett Packard Enterprise",
"text": "U.S. military to a cyber attack.\" In November 2017, Meg Whitman announced that she will be stepping down as CEO, after six years at the helm of HP and HPE, she noted that on February 1, Antonio Neri will take this role. The announcement created controversy leading to a 6% drop in stock price, which quickly recovered during the next few days. In June 2018, Hewlett Packard Enterprise launched a hybrid cloud service called GreenLake Hybrid Cloud, which is built on top of HPE's OneSphere cloud management SaaS offering. GreenLake Hybrid Cloud is designed to provide cloud management, cost control,",
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"title": "Joint Unmanned Combat Air Systems",
"text": "(HPM)\" weapon to fry adversary electronic systems. The HPM weapon would be \"fired\" out an aperture on the front of the aircraft, with electronic steering used to direct the beam over an arc covering about 45 degrees to either side of the UCAV. The HPM weapon could be followed by a high power laser weapon. The Navy is interested in many of the features on the Air Force wish list, though the Navy has put reconnaissance and jamming at the top of the list and strike at the bottom, and seems to be indifferent to the containerization concept. Of course,",
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"title": "David Packard",
"text": "to be registered. Upon entering office in 1969, President Richard M. Nixon appointed Packard U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense under Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird. Packard resigned in December 1971 and returned to Hewlett-Packard in 1972 as Chairman of the Board. While serving in the Department of Defense (DoD), he brought concepts of resource management used in business to the military, as well as establishing the Defense Systems Management College. In 1970, Packard issued a memorandum that contained a number of major reforms designed to address \"the real mess we have on our hands.\" A key reform was elimination of",
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"title": "Robert Fry",
"text": "Alliance and the loss of Southern Afghanistan to Taliban control. He was deployed as Senior British Military Representative and Deputy Commanding General, Multinational Force, Iraq in March 2006 and retired in 2007. From July 2007 to March 2010, Fry served as CEO of HP Enterprise Services Defence & Security UK, where he ran HPs $1.5 billion Europe, Africa and Middle East defence business. In January 2010 he was appointed chairman of the business consultancy McKinney Rogers International and in 2011 became chairman of Albany Associates. He remains an advisor to HP and a number of other companies in the defence",
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"id": "7902831",
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"title": "Hewlett-Packard Israel",
"text": "had been asked by \"Who profits?\", in relation to the Basel control system, confirming that HP Israel, was hired by the Israeli Ministry of Defense, to operate and maintain in operation the Basel control system. The Ministry of Defense of Israel indicated that the system had been installed at the following checkpoints in the occupied Palestinian West Bank: Jericho, Bethlehem, Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarem, Hebron, Abu Dis, Tarkumia, and near the door of Efraim. In 2014, the Israeli Ministry of Defense responded to a question about the freedom of information asked by \"Who Profits?\". The ministry told the media that HP",
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"title": "HP Technology Services",
"text": "Services also help CIOs build their IT strategy to align directly with that of the business and innovate in their industries with business services powered by technology. And it has brought the good recommended services to all the customers. Which has highly appreciated. HP Technology Services HP Technology Services is a business unit within the HP Enterprise Business division of Hewlett-Packard (HP), a large information technology (IT) vendor. HP Technology Services provides IT design, planning, implementation, integration and maintenance services and support for organizations and government agencies. The group also offers business and technology consulting services. In May 2012, HP",
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"title": "War and Peace (game)",
"text": "roll is made on the attrition table and then applied to all the hexes where you have forces (as a house rule, some players roll separately for each force to reduce the role of luck). There is a column for every strength value - the larger the force, the more severe attrition will be, but stacks of 5 Strength Points or less are immune, which rewards players for keeping their armies in corps-sized stacks (see below for how such stacks can reinforce one another in combat). There are DRMs that apply (e.g. attrition is more severe in winter, and in",
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"title": "War and Peace (game)",
"text": "Spain and Russia where it was harder for armies to live off the land; all units in their home country get a -1 DRM whereas unsupplied units get a +1 DRM). If more than one strength point is to be lost then one of them must be cavalry if there is one in the hex. Neutral countries are immune from attrition, enabling a defeated major power to rebuild their forces until they rejoin the war. Diplomacy takes place in the alliance phase. This system is used to allow nations to ally with one another. Alliances essentially allow you to acquire",
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"title": "Hewlett-Packard",
"text": "that the company exists to make technical contributions for the advancement and welfare of humanity.\" The following are the tenets of The HP Way: In July 2007, the company announced that it had met its target, set in 2004, to recycle one billion pounds of electronics, toner and ink cartridges. It set a new goal of recycling a further two billion pounds of hardware by the end of 2010. In 2006, the company recovered 187 million pounds of electronics, 73 percent more than its closest competitor. In 2008, HP released its supply chain emissions data — an industry first. In",
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"title": "HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare",
"text": "the consensus of the Group of Experts as to the state of the most significant elements of International Humanitarian Law bearing on air and missile warfare in 2009. Each Black-Letter Rule of the HPCR Manual includes a user-friendly explanation for both legal advisers and those who plan, approve or execute air or missile operations on both sides of the armed conflict. The commentary is done in \"bullet point\" style. The Core Group of Experts is made up of 24 people, including Claude Bruderlein, Director of the Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research at Harvard University, Dr. Yoram Dinstein, Senior",
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"title": "HP SPaM",
"text": "HP SPaM HP SPaM (Hewlett-Packard Strategic Planning and Modeling) is an internal consulting group that supports HP businesses on mission-critical strategic and operation decisions. SPaM's mission is to drive innovation and data-driven decisions in HP through assisting with analytics, consulting, and operations management. As evidenced by its publications and awards, SPaM has been a prominent example of the deployment and practice of OR/MS (operations research and the management science) in large companies. Together with HP Labs, SPaM represents HP at the INFORMS Roundtable, a group of organizations whose purpose is to promote OR/MS excellence in practice. SPaM pioneered and leads",
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"title": "BattleTech",
"text": "as the primary means of interstellar communication in the BattleTech universe and operate on worlds throughout inhabited space. HPGs operate on a similar principle as the Kearny-Fuchida jump drive, sending a directional radio transmission instantaneously from one station to another over a distance of up to 50 light years. Though the nature of the technology allows only unidirectional broadcasts, paired HPGs can provide simultaneous bidirectional communication. Given the demand and expense of hyperpulse communication, messages are frequently bundled into batches of hundreds, sent simultaneously. While the transmission itself is nearly instantaneous, it may be days, weeks, or months before a",
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"title": "High-value target",
"text": "of action. High-Payoff targets are those High-Value targets that must be acquired and successfully attacked for the success of the friendly commander's mission also known as an HPT Soldiers are often asked to do all that is possible to capture an HVT alive but, if that is impossible, they are given clearance to fire. Various tasked Joint Special Operations Task Forces (Task Force 145, Task Force 121, Task Force 11) have been established for the main purposes of capturing or killing these high-value targets. Forces assigned to these tasked forces include units mainly from the Joint Special Operations Command and",
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"title": "HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare",
"text": "Academic Advisor at HPCR and Professor Emeritus of International Law at Tel Aviv University, Knut Dörmann, Head of the Legal Division at the International Committee of the Red Cross, Dr. Frits Kalshoven, Professor Emeritus of International Law at Leiden University, Colonel (ret.) W. Hays Parks, Former Special Assistant to the Judge Advocate General of the Army for Law of War Matters with the Office of General Counsel in the US Department of Defense, Professor Michael N Schmitt, Dean and Professor of International Law at the George C. Marshall Center, and Dr. Zhu Wenqi, Professor of International Law at the Law",
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"id": "14350529",
"score": "0.7911843",
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"title": "Worldwar: In the Balance",
"text": "back in the face of a seemingly unstoppable nemesis. While hostilities between the Axis and Allied powers end almost immediately, this is the result of military expediency rather than a sign of genuine cooperation. With the Race's forces battering the human armies into submission, no resources can be expended on human rivalries. The unsettling reality of the new balance of power is emphasized by the fact that, in the early days of the fighting, only Germany is able to battle the aliens with any measure of success. Since Germany has been at war longer than the other major powers and",
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"title": "Hewlett Packard Enterprise Networking",
"text": "include workshops, consultation, network assessment, and architectural design services involving network virtualization and SDN. Hewlett Packard Enterprise through Aruba Networks sells HP Networking Products for businesses, schools, and government entities. HP Networking Training covers product-, solution-, and sales-oriented topics. The HP ExpertOne program networking training and certification program covers a range of networking curricula, from beginning-level courses to Master engineer classes, on three separate tracks: technical, sales, and partner-restricted. Fast-track programs are designed for participants to build upon current industry certifications from Cisco and other companies. In early 2014, HP initiated eight new sales certifications for its technology partners, designed",
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"title": "Navy Marine Corps Intranet",
"text": "conference that \"NMCI is the most secure network within the Navy.\" The Navy and HP measure end user satisfaction through a series of quarterly satisfaction surveys. End user satisfaction has steadily improved, reaching a high of nearly 86% in February 2008, as compared to 80% in December 2006. This is largely due to the upgrade of nearly 112,000 desktop and laptop computers in 2007, and a combination of network enhancements that are improving speed and reliability. HP is on track to upgrade another 120,000 seats in 2008 at Navy and Marine Corps bases in the US and Asia. Working in",
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"title": "HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare",
"text": "School of Renmin University of China. Other experts, including 7 government experts and 6 experts that participated in some of the sessions, also contributed to the \"HPCR Manual\". (1) \"IHL in Air and Missile Warfare\" Homepage (2) \"HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare\" HPCR Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and Missile Warfare After consulting with scholars and governmental experts, the Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research at Harvard University (HPCR) created in 2003 a multi-annual Project intended to restate the existing international laws applicable to air and missile warfare. This Project helped",
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"title": "Strategic management",
"text": "carry out the guiding policy. President Kennedy outlined these three elements of strategy in his Cuban Missile Crisis Address to the Nation of 22 October 1962: Active strategic management required active information gathering and active problem solving. In the early days of Hewlett-Packard (HP), Dave Packard and Bill Hewlett devised an active management style that they called \"management by walking around\" (MBWA). Senior HP managers were seldom at their desks. They spent most of their days visiting employees, customers, and suppliers. This direct contact with key people provided them with a solid grounding from which viable strategies could be crafted.",
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"title": "Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor",
"text": "the fact that, the Russian Army is launching a massive attack against the Chinese-UN forces in Europe along the border with the city of Warsaw, the UN has no choice but to retreat its forces from Spain and lift the pressure on America by retreating its East Coast forces to face the invasion on Europe. The US military takes advantage of the situation to launch a coordinated invasion of France, the invasion proves successful in taking Paris and destroying a military fort used to replenish the HVT's Human Processing Unit (HPU), which are in fact UN-captured prisoners of war turned",
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"title": "Health (gaming)",
"long_answer": "Health or vitality is an attribute assigned to entities, such as the player character, enemies and objects within a role-playing or video game, that indicates its state in combat. Health is usually measured in hit points or health points, shortened to HP. When the HP of a player character reaches zero, the player may lose a life or their character might become incapacitated or die. When the HP of an enemy reaches zero, it may be defeated or die and the player is usually rewarded in some way.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Health or vitality is an attribute assigned to entities, such as the player character, enemies and objects within a role-playing or video game, that indicates its state in combat. Health is usually measured in hit points or health points, shortened to HP. When the HP of a player character reaches zero, the player may lose a life or their character might become incapacitated or die. When the HP of an enemy reaches zero, it may be defeated or die and the player is usually rewarded in some way.",
"short_answers": [
"hit points or health points"
} |
who wrote the first declaration of human rights | [
] | [
"title": "Cyrus Cylinder",
"text": "The Cylinder's text has traditionally been seen by biblical scholars as corroborative evidence of Cyrus' policy of the repatriation of the Jewish people following their Babylonian captivity (an act that the Book of Ezra attributes to Cyrus), as the text refers to the restoration of cult sanctuaries and repatriation of deported peoples. This interpretation has been disputed, as the text identifies only Mesopotamian sanctuaries, and makes no mention of Jews, Jerusalem, or Judea. The Cylinder has also been referred to by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran as the first declaration of universal human rights, a view rejected by some historians as anachronistic and a misunderstanding of the Cylinder's generic nature as a typical statement made by a new monarch at the beginning of his reign. Neil MacGregor, Director of the British Museum, has stated that the cylinder was \"the first attempt we know about running a society, a state with different nationalities and faiths—a new kind of statecraft.\" It was adopted as a national symbol of Iran by the Imperial State which put it on display in Tehran in 1971 to commemorate 2,500 year celebration of the Persian Empire. On October 14, the Mohammad Reza Shah's sister, Princess Ashraf Pahlavi, presented the United Nations Secretary General U Thant with a replica of the Cylinder. The princess asserted that \"the heritage of Cyrus was the heritage of human understanding, tolerance, courage, compassion and, above all, human liberty\".",
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"title": "John Peters Humphrey",
"text": "John Peters Humphrey John Peters Humphrey, OC (April 30, 1905 – March 14, 1995) was a Canadian legal scholar, jurist, and human rights advocate. He is most famous as the author of the first draft of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Humphrey was born to Frank Humphrey and Nellie Peter on April 30, 1905, in Hampton, New Brunswick. His childhood was touched by tragedy as he lost both his parents to cancer and he also lost one of his arms in an accident while playing with fire. Humphrey attended a boarding school where he endured teasing from other students;",
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"title": "John Peters Humphrey",
"text": "of the bench, which sits beside two tall stone plinths, one of which has several articles from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights carved into it in English, French and Maliseet. The memorial sits on the front lawn of the County Court House in the center of the town. John Peters Humphrey John Peters Humphrey, OC (April 30, 1905 – March 14, 1995) was a Canadian legal scholar, jurist, and human rights advocate. He is most famous as the author of the first draft of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Humphrey was born to Frank Humphrey and Nellie Peter",
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"title": "Drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights",
"text": "P. C. Chang of Republic of China (Taiwan), and Hansa Mehta of India among others. While not a member of the drafting committee, the French philosopher Jacques Maritain was influential in the lead up to the drafting of the Universal Declaration, advocacy for it within UNESCO in 1947-8, and in its subsequent advancement. The Drafting Committee included John Peters Humphrey was newly appointed as Director of the Division of Human Rights within the United Nations Secretariat. In this role, he produced the first draft of a list of rights that were to form the basis of the Declaration. The underlying",
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"title": "Universal Declaration of Human Rights",
"text": "the Rights of the Child, the United Nations Convention Against Torture, and many more. The Declaration continues to be widely cited by governments, academics, advocates, and constitutional courts, and by individuals who appeal to its principles for the protection of their recognised human rights. The Universal Declaration has received praise from a number of notable people. The Lebanese philosopher and diplomat Charles Malik called it \"an international document of the first order of importance\", while Eleanor Roosevelt—first chairwoman of the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) that drafted the Declaration—stated that it \"may well become the international Magna Carta of all",
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"title": "P. C. Chang",
"text": "as Voltaire, Quesnay and Diderot in their humanistic revolt against feudalism,\" he told the UN General Assembly in 1948. On the Universal Declaration of Human Rights drafting committee, he served both as an effective Asian delegate and also as a mediator when the negotiations reached a stalemate. He served as Vice-Chairman of the original UN Commission on Human Rights and Republic of China delegate to committee and played a pivotal role in its drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of 1948. He and fellow delegate Charles Malik, the Lebanese philosopher-diplomat, shared ideals of universal human rights, but",
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"title": "Human rights in the United States",
"text": "prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and black sites, and extrajudicial targeted killings (Disposition Matrix). Some observers give the U.S. high to fair marks on human rights, while others charge it with a persistent pattern of human rights violations. The first human rights organization in the Thirteen Colonies of British America, dedicated to the abolition of slavery, was formed by Anthony Benezet in 1775. A year later, the Declaration of Independence announced that the Thirteen Colonies regarded themselves as independent states, and no longer a part of the British Empire. The Declaration stated \"that all men are created equal, that they are",
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"title": "Drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights",
"text": "Drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was drafted from early 1947 to late 1948 by Drafting Committee the first United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Further discussion and amendments were made by the Commission on Human Rights, the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly of the United Nations. Members of the Commission who contributed significantly to the creation of the Declaration included Canadian John Peters Humphrey of the United Nations Secretariat, Eleanor Roosevelt of the United States (who chaired the Drafting Committee), René Cassin of France, Charles Malik of Lebanon,",
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"title": "Human rights",
"text": "and peace in the world.\" The declaration was the first international legal effort to limit the behaviour of states and press upon them duties to their citizens. The UDHR was framed by members of the Human Rights Commission, with former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt as Chair, who began to discuss an \"International Bill of Rights\" in 1947. The members of the Commission did not immediately agree on the form of such a bill of rights, and whether, or how, it should be enforced. The Commission proceeded to frame the UDHR and accompanying treaties, but the UDHR quickly became the priority.",
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"title": "Universal Declaration of Human Rights",
"text": "committee included René Cassin of France, Charles Malik of Lebanon, and P. C. Chang of the Republic of China. Humphrey provided the initial draft that became the working text of the Commission. According to Allan Carlson, the Declaration's pro-family phrases were the result of the Christian Democratic movement's influence on Cassin and Malik. Once the Committee finished its work in May 1948, the draft was further discussed by the Commission on Human Rights, the Economic and Social Council, the Third Committee of the General Assembly before being put to vote in December 1948. During these discussions many amendments and propositions",
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"title": "Hernán Santa Cruz",
"text": "Hernán Santa Cruz Hernán Santa Cruz (1906-1999) was a Chilean delegate to the United Nations, judge, lawyer and one of the initial drafters of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Born in Initially a lecturer on criminal and military procedure prior to his appointment as a judge to Chile's Superior Military Court, Cruz's role in the United Nations, as a delegate of the Third Committee and Human Rights Commission, was a formative one. According to Susan Waltz, although Cruz \"held no position of responsibility...his political and substantive contributions were such\" that his co-drafter, John Peters Humphrey and author Johannes Morsink,",
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"title": "Constitutional history of Colombia",
"text": "Indies of 1542. The Monarchy of Spain tried to enforce these laws but revolts by Spaniards that benefited from oppressing the natives forced Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor to suppress them in 1545. The \"Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen\", translated and published by Antonio Nariño in 1794 and distributed in Santa Fe de Bogotá, could be considered the first draft of a political constitution in the New World. At present, the modern version of the \"Universal Declaration of Human Rights\" forms the core of the political constitutions of many countries. The Constitution of Canada, for",
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"title": "P. C. Chang",
"text": "debated what they were and how they could be described in an international document. By most accounts, Chang and Malik were the philosophical leaders of the deliberations. Chang argued that the modern world should pay heed to Chinese philosophers such as Mencius not because they were Chinese, but because their ideas had universal validity. Sumner Twiss, \"Confucian Contributions to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,\" in Arvind Sharma. \"The World's Religions : A Contemporary Reader.\" (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2011). . Hans Ingvar Roth, \"P.C. Chang and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights\" (University of Pennsylvania Press 2018) P. C. Chang",
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"title": "Women's rights",
"text": "is our inferior\". in 1754, Dorothea Erxleben became the first German woman receiving a M.D. (University of Halle) In 1791 the French playwright and political activist Olympe de Gouges published the \"Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen\", modelled on the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789. The Declaration is ironic in formulation and exposes the failure of the French Revolution, which had been devoted to equality. It states that: \"This revolution will only take effect when all women become fully aware of their deplorable condition, and of the rights they",
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"title": "John Peters Humphrey",
"text": "Rights. After consulting with the executive group of the Commission, chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt, Professor Humphrey prepared the first preliminary draft of what was to become the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On the night of December 10, 1948, the General Assembly unanimously adopted the Declaration, dubbed by Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt as \"the international Magna Carta of all humankind.\" Humphrey remained with the UN for 20 years. During this period, the oversaw the implementation of 67 international conventions and the constitutions of dozens of countries. He worked in areas including the freedom of the press, status of women, and racial",
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"title": "Boaz Mahune",
"text": "of Hawaii's first constitution. Mahune became one of the secretaries and advisors to the King. He was responsible for writing the first draft of the Declaration of Rights of 1839, originally written in the Hawaiian language. After several round of changes by the king and his councilors, it was published June 7, 1839. Considered Hawaii's Magna Carta, it laid down the inalienable rights of the people, the principles of equality of between the \"makaʻāinana\" (commoner) and the \"aliʻi\" (chiefs) and the role of the government and law in the kingdom. Along with the Declaration of Rights, many of the laws",
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"title": "Hersch Lauterpacht",
"text": "CBE, QC, who founded the Centre and was its first director; Elihu remained actively involved in its work as Director Emeritus and Honorary Professor of International Law until his death in February 2017. Samuel Moyn has suggested that Hersch was one of the few international lawyers actively campaigning for human rights in the late 1940s, and that he had \"denounced the Universal Declaration as a shameful defeat of the ideals it grandly proclaimed\". Hersch Lauterpacht Sir Hersch Lauterpacht QC (16 August 1897 – 8 May 1960) was a Polish-British lawyer and judge at the International Court of Justice. Hersh Lauterpacht",
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"title": "Richard McKeon",
"text": "Richard McKeon Richard McKeon (; April 26, 1900 – March 31, 1985) was an American philosopher and longtime professor at the University of Chicago. His ideas formed the basis for the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. McKeon obtained his undergraduate degree from Columbia University in 1920, graduating at the early age of 20 despite serving briefly in the U.S. Navy during the First World War. Continuing at Columbia, he completed a Master's thesis on Leo Tolstoy, Benedetto Croce, and George Santayana, also in 1920, and a doctoral thesis on Baruch Spinoza in 1922. In his doctoral studies, McKeon's mentors",
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"title": "Wang Zaoshi",
"text": "for schizophrenia and died in hospital. In 1966 Wang was held in Shanghai First Detention Center, where in September 1971, due to hepatorenal syndrome, he died at the age of 70. Wang's views on human rights (\"minquan\") had been shaped by Harold Laski's Fabianism. He argued \"human rights\" were different from the \"natural rights\" advocated by John Locke and rejected the idea that these rights proceeded from nature or that they were inherent; Wang insisted that human rights were indeed attached to man's moral nature, but that their central value was that meaningful existence would be impossible without them. Without",
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"title": "Cui Zhiyuan",
"text": "Pengchun’s role in drafting United Nations’ the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. Zhang Pengchun (1892-1957) studied with John Dewey and got his Ph.D. from Columbia University and was the first Provost of Tsinghua University in 1923. He was the only Vice Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights (with Eleanor Roosevelt as the Chairman) in drafting the Universal Declaration, especially in inserting the Chinese concept “Ren” (, two men). Zhang initially translated “Ren” as two men mindedness, because “two men mindedness” is considered as too awkward, thus “conscience” was used in the final text of the Preamble of",
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"title": "John Sankey, 1st Viscount Sankey",
"text": "in 1940 by the \"Daily Herald\" and the National Peace Council, and which Sankey chaired. The most active member of the committee was H.G. Wells, who prepared the draft that the Declaration was based on. It identified eleven fundamental human rights: The Sankey Declaration was widely publicised by its sponsors at the time, but has since been largely forgotten, having been overtaken by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Sankey played a key role in establishing the legal framework of the newly disestablished Church in Wales. Sankey never married. He died in February 1948, aged 81, when the barony and",
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"title": "Georg Jellinek",
"text": "son Walter, and daughter Dora, who was deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp by the Nazis and youngest son, Otto, who died in 1943 as a result of abuse at the hands of the Gestapo. Jellinek is best known for his essay \"The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen\" (1895), which argues for a universal theory of rights, as opposed to the culturally and nationally specific arguments then in vogue (particularly that of Émile Boutmy). Jellinek argued that the French Revolution, which was the focal point of 19th-century political theory, should not be thought of as arising",
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"title": "Tada Kasuke",
"text": "the 11th and 12th articles of the Constitution of Japan. The other is inscribed with the first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The inscriptions on the two plaques are both in Japanese and English, which clearly shows a global perspective of the founding fathers of the museum. Tada Kasuke (date of birth unknown—died January 1, 1687, or in the third year of the Jōkyō era) was a Japanese farmer who led a failed appeal for lowered taxes in Azumidaira, a part of the Matsumoto Domain under the control of the Tokugawa shogunate. He was caught and executed",
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"title": "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen",
"text": "the law. It is included in the beginning of the constitutions of both the Fourth French Republic (1946) and Fifth Republic (1958) and is still current. Inspired by the Enlightenment philosophers, the Declaration was a core statement of the values of the French Revolution and had a major impact on the development of freedom and democracy in Europe and worldwide. The Declaration, together with Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, the United States Declaration of Independence and the United States Bill of Rights, inspired in large part the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The content of",
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"title": "Frederick Nolde",
"text": "Frederick Nolde Otto Frederick Nolde (1899–1972) was a human rights pioneer who served as professor of Christian Education and Dean of the Graduate School at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia while emerging as a major player on the world's diplomatic stage during the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. Nolde influenced human rights language in the United Nations Charter and wrote the Universal Declaration on Human Rights's freedom of religion section. Nolde lived in Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania a Philadelphia suburb, and died in 1972. He did his undergraduate work at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania and was a member of Phi Kappa",
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"title": "Hernán Santa Cruz",
"text": "later singled out the important role he played in shaping the Declaration's transition away from \"eighteenth century Enlightenment philosophy\" towards \"socioeconomic rights.\" According to the United Nations, in addition to his work on the declaration, Cruz was \"actively involved in the establishment of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.\" Hernán Santa Cruz Hernán Santa Cruz (1906-1999) was a Chilean delegate to the United Nations, judge, lawyer and one of the initial drafters of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Born in Initially a lecturer on criminal and military procedure prior to his appointment as a",
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"title": "American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man",
"text": "American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man The American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man, also known as the Bogota Declaration, was the world's first international human rights instrument of a general nature, predating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by less than a year. The Declaration was adopted by the nations of the Americas at the Ninth International Conference of American States in Bogotá, Colombia, in April 1948, where we can find most of its travaux préparatoires. The same meeting that adopted the Charter of the Organization of American States and thereby created the OAS.",
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"title": "Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen",
"text": "de Gouges to publish the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen in early 1791. Olympe de Gouges was a French playwright and political activist whose feminist and abolitionist writings reached large audiences. She began her career as a playwright in the early 1780s, and as the political tensions of the French Revolution built, she became more involved in politics and law. In 1788 she published \"Réflexions sur les hommes négres\", which demanded compassion for the plight of slaves in the French colonies. For Gouges there was a direct link between the autocratic monarchy in France and",
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"title": "Habib Malik",
"text": "Habib Malik Habib Malik is an associate professor of history and cultural studies at the Lebanese American University (LAU). His father Charles Malik was a leading figure in the drafting and adoption of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Habib Malik was born in 1954 in Washington D.C. and received his school education both in the United States and in the Lebanon. His father, Charles Malik, was the first ambassador of Lebanon to the United States and is well known to have contributed to and shaping the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(10 December 1948), among other diplomatic services in",
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"title": "Thomas M'Clintock",
"text": "the first women's rights convention. She attended the famous tea party in the Hunt where the idea for a convention was first discussed. The original Declaration of Sentiments was then written at the M'Clintock house by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Mary Ann and probably Elizabeth M'Clintock and Mary M'Clintock. Thomas may have been involved in those discussions, but there is no direct record of that. He did chair one of the sessions of the subsequent convention and gave a speech in support of the declaration. The entire M'Clintock family was involved in the convention, and they even helped to organize a",
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] | {
"title": "Cyrus Cylinder",
"long_answer": "The Cylinder's text has traditionally been seen by biblical scholars as corroborative evidence of Cyrus' policy of the repatriation of the Jewish people following their Babylonian captivity (an act that the Book of Ezra attributes to Cyrus), as the text refers to the restoration of cult sanctuaries and repatriation of deported peoples. This interpretation has been disputed, as the text identifies only Mesopotamian sanctuaries, and makes no mention of Jews, Jerusalem, or Judea. The Cylinder has also been referred to by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran as the first declaration of universal human rights, a view rejected by some historians as anachronistic and a misunderstanding of the Cylinder's generic nature as a typical statement made by a new monarch at the beginning of his reign. Neil MacGregor, Director of the British Museum, has stated that the cylinder was \"the first attempt we know about running a society, a state with different nationalities and faiths—a new kind of statecraft.\" It was adopted as a national symbol of Iran by the Imperial State which put it on display in Tehran in 1971 to commemorate 2,500 year celebration of the Persian Empire. On October 14, the Mohammad Reza Shah's sister, Princess Ashraf Pahlavi, presented the United Nations Secretary General U Thant with a replica of the Cylinder. The princess asserted that \"the heritage of Cyrus was the heritage of human understanding, tolerance, courage, compassion and, above all, human liberty\".",
"chunked_long_answer": "The Cylinder's text has traditionally been seen by biblical scholars as corroborative evidence of Cyrus' policy of the repatriation of the Jewish people following their Babylonian captivity (an act that the Book of Ezra attributes to Cyrus), as the text refers to the restoration of cult sanctuaries and repatriation of deported peoples. This interpretation has been disputed, as the text identifies only Mesopotamian sanctuaries, and makes no mention of Jews, Jerusalem, or Judea. The Cylinder has also been referred to by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran as the first declaration of universal human rights, a view rejected by some historians as anachronistic and a misunderstanding of the Cylinder's generic nature as a typical statement made by a new monarch at the beginning of his reign. Neil MacGregor, Director of the British Museum, has stated that the cylinder was \"the first attempt we know about running a society, a state with different nationalities and faiths—a new kind of statecraft.\" It was adopted as a national symbol of Iran by the Imperial State which put it on display in Tehran in 1971 to commemorate 2,500 year celebration of the Persian Empire. On October 14, the Mohammad Reza Shah's sister, Princess Ashraf Pahlavi, presented the United Nations Secretary General U Thant with a replica of the Cylinder. The princess asserted that \"the heritage of Cyrus was the heritage of human understanding, tolerance, courage, compassion and, above all, human liberty\".",
"short_answers": [
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who is the owner of reading football club | [
"Xiu Li Dai",
"Dai Xiuli",
"Dai Yongge",
"Yongge Dai"
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"title": "Reading F.C.",
"text": "Reading Football Club ownership structure: 75% Owned by Renhe Sports Management Ltd, 100% owned by Xiu Li Dai and Yongge Dai. 25% Owned by Narin Niruttinanon",
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"title": "Nigel Howe",
"text": "Nigel Howe Nigel Howe (born 7 April 1958) is a British property developer, and a director at Reading Football Club, who currently play in the SkyBet Championship in England. The majority of Howe's career was in property management before joining John Madejski in 1995 when he took over as chief executive of Reading F.C. Howe led the redevelopment of both the club's Madejski Stadium and its business management, and is also a non-executive director of a number of other businesses in which John Madejski has invested including the BenhamGoodhead Print Group, Sackville Properties and the Ark Group. He is also",
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"title": "Anton Zingarevich",
"text": "The couple married in late 2009 and had a child. Anton Zingarevich Anton Zingarevich (Russian: Антон Зингаревич) is a Russian businessman best known for being the former owner of Reading Football Club, who play in the English Championship. Zingarevich's bid to take over the club was announced in January 2012, and he formally purchased the club on 29 May 2012. Since then, Zingarevich has had minimum interest in the running of the club, however did make the decision to sack manager Brian McDermott, and the subsequent employment of Nigel Adkins. Zingarevich is the son of Boris Zingarevich, a Russian multi-billionaire.",
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"title": "Anton Zingarevich",
"text": "Anton Zingarevich Anton Zingarevich (Russian: Антон Зингаревич) is a Russian businessman best known for being the former owner of Reading Football Club, who play in the English Championship. Zingarevich's bid to take over the club was announced in January 2012, and he formally purchased the club on 29 May 2012. Since then, Zingarevich has had minimum interest in the running of the club, however did make the decision to sack manager Brian McDermott, and the subsequent employment of Nigel Adkins. Zingarevich is the son of Boris Zingarevich, a Russian multi-billionaire. At the age of 16, Zingarevich began education at Bearwood",
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"title": "Nigel Howe",
"text": "a non-executive director of the Clearview Traffic Group. Howe is the nephew of former England and Arsenal coach Don Howe. Nigel Howe Nigel Howe (born 7 April 1958) is a British property developer, and a director at Reading Football Club, who currently play in the SkyBet Championship in England. The majority of Howe's career was in property management before joining John Madejski in 1995 when he took over as chief executive of Reading F.C. Howe led the redevelopment of both the club's Madejski Stadium and its business management, and is also a non-executive director of a number of other businesses",
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"title": "Reading F.C.",
"text": "Reading F.C. Reading Football Club ( ) is a professional association football club based in Reading, Berkshire, England. The team play in the Championship, the second tier of English football. Reading are nicknamed The Royals, due to Reading's location in the Royal County of Berkshire, though they were previously known as The Biscuitmen, due to the town's association with Huntley and Palmers. Established in 1871, the club is one of the oldest teams in England, but did not join The Football League until 1920, and had never played in the top tier of English football league system before the 2006–07",
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"title": "Sport in Reading, Berkshire",
"text": "Sport in Reading, Berkshire Reading is home to a number of professional sports teams and a large number of amateur sports clubs. Reading is the home of Reading Football Club, an association football club nicknamed \"The Royals\", formed in 1871. Formerly based at Elm Park, the club plays at the 24,161 capacity Madejski Stadium, named after chairman Sir John Madejski. After winning the 2005–06 Football League Championship with a record of 106 points, Reading F.C. spent two seasons in the Premier League before being relegated to The Championship. This so far the only time that the club has spent in",
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"title": "Reading F.C.",
"text": "they won promotion to the FA Women's Super League 1 in 2015 after winning the league. In the 2017–18 season, they finished fourth in the Women's Super League - their highest league position to date. The team currently plays at Adams Park, home of Wycombe Wanderers. Reading F.C. Reading Football Club ( ) is a professional association football club based in Reading, Berkshire, England. The team play in the Championship, the second tier of English football. Reading are nicknamed The Royals, due to Reading's location in the Royal County of Berkshire, though they were previously known as The Biscuitmen, due",
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"title": "Reading City F.C.",
"text": "Reading City F.C. Reading City Football Club is a football club based in Reading, Berkshire, England. They are currently members of the and play at Scours Lane in the Tilehurst area of Reading. The club was established in 2001 as Highmoor Ibis by a merger of Highmoor and Ibis, both of which were playing in the Reading Senior League, Highmoor in the Senior Division and Ibis in the Premier Division. Ibis had also previously played in the Chiltonian League. The new club took Highmoor's place in the Senior Division and were league champions in 2003–04 without losing a match. They",
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"title": "Sport in Reading, Berkshire",
"text": "the top division of English football. During their Premier League first season, they fractionally missed-out on UEFA Cup qualification. Reading Town Football Club, formed in 1966, played at Scours Lane and were playing in the Hellenic League Premier Division prior to folding in June 2016. Reading City Football Club (Formerly Highmoor Ibis) have since moved to Scours Lane and currently play in the Hellenic League Premier Division. Reading is a centre for rugby union football in the area, with the Aviva Premiership team London Irish as tenants at the Madejski Stadium. Reading is also home to another three senior semi-professional",
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"title": "Anton Zingarevich",
"text": "College, near Wokingham, England, studying there for two years. Whilst studying at Bearwood, Zingarevich would watch Reading F.C. play at Elm Park. Zingarevich studied business at Cass Business School of City University London, and Regents Business School. In 2004, Zingarevich was linked with a £20m takeover of Everton. However, the deal was never completed, with Boris Zingarevich issuing a statement saying neither he nor Anton would be purchasing a football club. In January 2012, it was announced that Sir John Madejski, the chairman of Championship football club Reading F.C., was in talks with Thames Sport Investment, a company founded by",
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"title": "History of Reading F.C.",
"text": "a united team was required for the Thames Valley region to retain a Football League club. The proposed amalgamation was prevented by the actions of Roy Tranter, a Reading director, and Roger Smee, a former Reading player. Smee disputed the legitimacy of the controlling interest in Reading held by the three board members that supported the merger plan. Tranter launched a legal challenge to the sale of certain shares on 22 April 1983. The supporters of the plan allies resigned under pressure from the rest of the Reading board in May 1983. At an extraordinary shareholders' meeting in July, Smee",
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"title": "Berkshire",
"text": "two football clubs to be sponsored by Vodafone (the other being Manchester United). In May 2006 Vodafone ended its sponsorship of the club, following which the club collapsed. A local pub team from the Old London Apprentice took over the ground temporarily and now compete in the Hellenic Football League as Newbury F.C. There are several amateur and semi-professional football clubs in the county. These include Maidenhead United, Slough Town, Thatcham Town, Ascot United, A.F.C. Aldermaston, Sandhurst Town, Windsor F.C., Wokingham & Emmbrook F.C., Bracknell Town F.C. and Reading City. Reading is a centre for rugby union football, with the",
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"title": "Reading Town F.C.",
"text": "Reading Town F.C. Reading Town Football Club were a semi-professional English football club in the Hellenic League Division One East, based in Reading, Berkshire. The club is affiliated to the Berks & Bucks Football Association The club previously played in the Combined Counties Football League, but with the agreement of the leagues involved, swapped places with Badshot Lea in time for the start of the 2008–09 season. The club was formed in 1966 as Lower Burghfield and started life in the Reading Combination League. In the early 1980s they were the Premier Division Champions on four occasions, with the 1983–84",
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"title": "Reading Town F.C.",
"text": "they joined the Premier Division of the Chiltonian League, and changed their name from Reading Garage to I T S Reading. In 1993–94 they changed their name to Reading Town and relocated to their present home of Scours Lane. The 1994–95 season saw the team win the Premier Division Championship, and gain promotion to the Combined Counties Football League. Their first season in the Combined counties league the club finished midtable but went on to win the Berks & Bucks FA Senior Trophy, beating Lambourn Sports in the final. Floodlights were installed the following season and the team reached the",
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"title": "History of Reading F.C.",
"text": "History of Reading F.C. The history of Reading Football Club covers almost 150 years of both success and failure of the football club from Reading, England. The club was established in 1871, making it one of the oldest professional teams in England. Reading joined the Football League in 1920. The Royals competed at the top flight of English football for the first time in the 2006–07 season. Reading Football Club was formed on 25 December 1871 by founder Joseph Edward Sydenham. They were originally nicknamed \"The Biscuitmen\" after one of the main trades in the town, Huntley & Palmers biscuits,",
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"title": "John Madejski",
"text": "pair became friends due to their mutual affiliation with the Conservative Party. On 3 March 2007, Madejski was shown on the BBC programme \"Match of the Day\" seated between Cilla and Chris Tarrant watching the Reading F.C. game against Arsenal F.C. at the Emirates Stadium. Madejski became chairman of the Football League club Reading F.C. in 1990, and has given his name to the club's Madejski Stadium, built in 1998 with £25 million largely contributed by him. He rescued Reading from receivership. He said \"When Robert Maxwell was alive I offered him five pounds a share. When he fell off",
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"title": "Reading, Berkshire",
"text": "John Madejski, and which opened in 1998. After winning the 2005–06 Football League Championship with a record of 106 points, Reading F.C. spent two seasons in the Premier League before being relegated to The Championship. For the 2012–2013 season, the club again competed in the Premier League, after securing first place in the Championship in the 2011–2012 season, but were relegated back down to the Championship at season's end. Reading Town Football Club, formed in 1966, played at Scours Lane and were playing in the Hellenic League Premier Division but were dissolved in 2016, while fellow non-league football club Reading",
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"title": "Thames Valley Royals proposal",
"text": "Maxwell told the BBC that he was close to acquiring a controlling interest in Reading, and that he was intent on merging that club with Oxford. The merged club would be called Thames Valley Royals, a combination of \"Thames Valley\", a loose term for the geographical area, and the nickname of Reading Football Club, \"the Royals\". \"If we in Thames Valley are to retain a League club we've got to unite Reading and Oxford,\" he explained. \"Everything in the world that cannot pay its way must go the way of merger to combine into stronger units.\" Maxwell made this announcement",
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"title": "Brian McDermott (footballer)",
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"title": "Anton Zingarevich",
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"text": "ground did not have a stand or floodlights. Instead, the club moved to the Palmer Park Stadium, a general use stadium including a 780-seat stand and an athletics track around the pitch. However, in 2016 the club returned to Scours Lane as the ground had been upgraded to the required standards. Reading City F.C. Reading City Football Club is a football club based in Reading, Berkshire, England. They are currently members of the and play at Scours Lane in the Tilehurst area of Reading. The club was established in 2001 as Highmoor Ibis by a merger of Highmoor and Ibis,",
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"title": "Thames Valley Royals proposal",
"text": "Thames Valley Royals proposal Shortly before the end of the 1982–83 Football League season, Robert Maxwell, the then-owner and chairman of Oxford United Football Club, announced that he had made a deal with the owners of nearby Reading to amalgamate the two teams to create a new club he proposed to name \"Thames Valley Royals\". This appellation combined a loose term for the geographical region, \"Thames Valley\", with the Reading team's nickname, \"the Royals\". With each team having financial problems, Maxwell claimed that both were on the verge of going out of business and that uniting them was necessary for",
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"title": "2011–12 Reading F.C. season",
"text": "fired home the equaliser on 42 to see the sides in level at half time. Reading's winner was thanks to substitute Adam le Fondre who netted with 5 minutes remaining to give Reading all the points. On 20 January, Reading announced that Russian investment group, Thames Sports Investment, had agreed a deal with Sir John Madejski to buy a significant holding in Reading FC. The deal see Madejski stay on as chairman until 2014, and provide Brian McDermott and Nick Hammond with funds to spend during the January transfer window. 21 January saw Reading lose at home to another promotion",
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"title": "Relocation of sports teams in the United Kingdom",
"text": "in October 2018 which could see the team become \"East Hull\" the following season, as well as considering a relocation to Dunswell Park on the northern edge of Hull. Shortly before the end of the 1982–83 Football League season, Robert Maxwell, the then-owner and chairman of Oxford United Football Club, announced that he had made a deal with the owners of nearby Reading to amalgamate the two teams to create a new club he proposed to name \"Thames Valley Royals\". This appellation combined a loose term for the geographical region, \"Thames Valley\", with the Reading team's nickname, \"the Royals\". With",
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"title": "2009–10 Reading F.C. season",
"text": "2009–10 Reading F.C. season Reading Football Club played 2009–10 season in the Football League Championship, having lost 3–0 on aggregate to Burnley in the Championship playoff semi-final. Reading have a new manager, Brian McDermott, who succeeded ex-boss Brendan Rogers on 27 January 2010, after excelling in an FA Cup run as caretaker manager. Reading travelled to Didcot Town for their first Pre-Season match where they ran out 5–1 winners with goals from Sigurdsson, Bignall, Henry, Harper and Church. Reading then lost 2–1 at Kettering Town with Church (11') scoring the only goal for the Berkshire side. Reading drew 2–2 with",
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"title": "Roy Brown (footballer, born 1945)",
"text": "July 1970 he transferred to Notts County where he went on to make a further 113 appearances before joining Mansfield Town in November 1975 where he made one senior appearance. Brown held the position of Sports Centre manager in Newark-on-Trent, Watford and Reading before becoming Head of Leisure for Reading Borough Council, a post he held between 1975–1999. In addition he was secretary of the Reading Golf club and later held the same position at Ham Manor Golf Club, Angmering, Sussex. Roy Brown (footballer, born 1945) Roy Eric Brown (born 5 October 1945) is an English former professional footballer who",
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"title": "Anthony Kleanthous",
"text": "creating The National League and National League Broadcasting which produced the BT Sports highlight shows. He recently formed a new ladies football team, The London Bees, who won a license in 2013 to play in The FA Women's Super League. The London Bees have joined Barnet FC as resident clubs of The Hive London. Anthony Kleanthous Anthony Andrew Kleanthous (born January 1966) is the current chairman of Barnet Football Club. He became the youngest football chairman to enter the football league when he bought the club in 1994. The Kleanthous family moved to London from Cyprus and Tony Kleanthous was",
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"title": "Reading, Berkshire",
"text": "City Football Club now play at Scours Lane after moving from Palmer Park Stadium at the end of the 2015–16 season. Reading is a centre for rugby union in the area, with the Aviva Premiership team London Irish as tenants at the Madejski Stadium. Reading is also home to another three senior semi-professional rugby clubs: Reading Abbey R.F.C., Redingensians R.F.C. and Reading R.F.C.. The Reading Rockets are the town's professional basketball team. They compete in the second tier English Basketball League Division 1, though they have tried several times in recent years to move up to the top tier British",
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] | {
"title": "Reading F.C.",
"long_answer": "Reading Football Club ownership structure: 75% Owned by Renhe Sports Management Ltd, 100% owned by Xiu Li Dai and Yongge Dai. 25% Owned by Narin Niruttinanon",
"chunked_long_answer": "Reading Football Club ownership structure: 75% Owned by Renhe Sports Management Ltd, 100% owned by Xiu Li Dai and Yongge Dai. 25% Owned by Narin Niruttinanon",
"short_answers": [
"Xiu Li Dai",
"Yongge Dai"
} |
when is the last time the philadelphia won the superbowl | [
"Super Bowl LII,",
] | [
"title": "Philadelphia Eagles",
"text": "The Philadelphia Eagles are a professional American football franchise based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Eagles compete in the National Football League (NFL) as a member club of the league's National Football Conference (NFC) East division. They are Super Bowl champions, having won Super Bowl LII, their fourth NFL title, after winning in 1948, 1949, and 1960.",
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"title": "Veterans Stadium",
"text": "Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the NFC Championship Game on January 19, 2003. The Eagles moved into Lincoln Financial Field in August 2003. The final game ever played at the stadium was the afternoon of September 28, 2003, a 5-2 Phillies loss to the Atlanta Braves. The final hit was recorded by Greg Maddux of the Braves, the final loss by the Phils' Kevin Millwood. The final Phillies run was scored by Marlon Byrd at the top of the 3rd inning, and the final run altogether by the Braves' Andruw Jones on a double by Robert Fick (who also had the",
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"title": "History of the Philadelphia Eagles",
"text": "the NFL with a 13-3 record which gave them their first NFC East Championship since 2013, and gave them a first round bye for the first time since the 2004 season which was the last time they last went to the Super Bowl. Carson Wentz improved drastically during the season in which he threw for 33 touchdowns and only 7 interceptions. His potential MVP season came to an end though during Week 14 against the Los Angeles Rams where he tore his ACL, and would be out for the rest of the year. Nick Foles who returned to the Eagles",
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"title": "2013 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "at the quarterback helm. This was the first game in NFL history to end with a final score of 54-11. With the convincing win, the Eagles improved to 9-6, and will face their arch rivals, the Dallas Cowboys, next Sunday Night for the division crown. This game would end when Kyle Orton threw an interception late in the fourth quarter. With the win, the Eagles improved to 10-6 and sealed NFC East Championship and 3rd seed in the playoffs. They would also be the third team in a row to defeat the Cowboys in the last game of the regular",
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"title": "Temple Stadium",
"text": "Philadelphia Eagles used the stadium twice for home games. On Tuesday, November 6, 1934, the Eagles beat the Cincinnati Reds, 64-0. This game was historic because it was the first time in NFL history that a team scored ten touchdowns in one game, and it is still the second most lopsided game in NFL history, second only to the Chicago Bears' 73-0 victory over the Washington Redskins in the 1940 NFL Championship Game. It was also the last game ever for the Reds, who had found out the previous day that their team was being disbanded and replaced in the",
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"title": "2009 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "Broncos with 7 seconds of game time. Time ran out on the ensuing kickoff, and the Eagles held on to win by a score of 30-27. The victory, their sixth consecutive, boosted Philadelphia's record to 11-4, setting up a decisive Week 17 game with the Cowboys for the division title. In the final game of the regular season, the first-place Eagles battled the second-place Cowboys in Dallas, with the winner crowned as NFC East champs. The game began with Dallas driving 80 yards down the field in 9 plays for the touchdown. Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo completed a 10-yard pass",
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"title": "1985 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "RFK Stadium. On November 10, at Veterans Stadium, Jaworski combined with wide receiver Mike Quick for a club-record 99-yard touchdown pass in overtime to beat the Atlanta Falcons, 23–17. 1985 Philadelphia Eagles season The 1985 Philadelphia Eagles season was their 53rd in the National Football League (NFL). The team improved upon their previous output of 6–9–1, winning seven games. This was the fourth consecutive season in which the team failed to qualify for the playoffs. Philadelphia was in position to earn a wild-card berth with a 6–5 record by late November, but a four-game losing streak, which included a home",
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"title": "History of the Philadelphia Eagles",
"text": "Eagles defeated the Bears 33-19 at Soldier Field. Reaching the NFC Championship game, they were unable to stop the St. Louis Rams, who defeated them 29-24 Despite injuries, McNabb led the Eagles to a 12-4 season in 2002. Once again, they reached the NFC Championship, but lost at home 27-10 to the eventual Super Bowl champion Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the last game at Veterans Stadium. The 2003 team lost its first two games, both at their new home. In the opening game of the 2003 season, the Eagles were shut out 17-0 by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the",
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"title": "2017 Philadelphia Eagles season",
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"title": "2014 Baltimore Ravens season",
"text": "were ultimately defeated in the AFC Divisional Round by the eventual Super Bowl champion New England Patriots. As of 2018, this is the last time the Ravens have made the playoffs. During the first preseason game vs the 49ers the Ravens won the third \"Harbowl\", as coach John Harbaugh defeated his brother Jim Harbaugh for the third time (following the Thanksgiving game in 2011 and Super Bowl XLVII). Note: Intra-division opponents are in bold text. Joe Flacco would break an NFL record for fastest time for throwing 5 touchdown passes (16 minutes) since the AFL–NFL merger. The Ravens were the",
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"title": "2001 Tampa Bay Buccaneers season",
"text": "was recovered by Philadelphia. Two plays later, Feeley and Douglas took the lead with their second touchdown. Philadelphia managed to score 14 points in 25 seconds, and held on to win the unusual, rather lackadaisical game. \"at Veterans Stadium, Philadelphia\" Eagles QB Donovan McNabb threw for 194 yards and 2 touchdowns, while also rushing for 54 yards, as Philadelphia dominated Tampa Bay from start to finish. Bucs quarterback Brad Johnson was intercepted four times, twice by Damon Moore. It was the second consecutive season in which Philadelphia eliminated Tampa Bay from the playoffs during the wild card round, and two",
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"title": "History of the Philadelphia Eagles",
"text": "on December 28, 2008 and advanced to the playoffs. The Eagles then defeated the Minnesota Vikings 26-14 in the first round of the playoffs on January 4, 2009. They defeated their division rival and the defending Super Bowl champions the New York Giants 23-11 in the NFC Divisional Round to advance to their fifth NFC Championship game in nine years. For the third time in a decade, an all-Pennsylvania Super Bowl seemed possible, as the Pittsburgh Steelers won the AFC Championship against the Baltimore Ravens. However, the Eagles lost 32-25 to the Arizona Cardinals. In August, the team stirred up",
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"title": "2009 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "Philly's last score of the game and put them up 34–7. Matt Cassel began to rally the Chiefs and drove them down the field, scoring a touchdown on a nine-yard pass to Bobby Wade, making the score 34–14. However, the Chiefs were unable to get on the board again and 34–14 was the final score. Kolb is the first quarterback to throw at least 300 yards in his first 2 career starts. With the win, the Eagles went into their bye week at 2–1. The Eagles returned from their Week 4 bye against an 0–4 Tampa Bay Buccaneers team, Philadelphia's",
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"title": "2009 Philadelphia Eagles season",
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"title": "History of the Dallas Cowboys",
"text": "Jeff Heath caused Carr to fumble the ball before the ball crossed the endzone to force a touchback and seal a Dallas victory. Elliott returned from suspension on Week 16 which was a home game vs Seattle. Despite this the Seahawks prevailed 21-12 to eliminate the Cowboys from playoff contention. Their season ended on a 6-0 win against the Eagles to finish with a 9-7 second place record. Philadelphia would go onto win Super Bowl LII. January 1, 1967, NFL Championship Game vs.Green Bay Packers December 31, 1967, NFL Championship Game at Green Bay Packers January 17, 1971, Super Bowl",
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"title": "History of the Philadelphia Eagles",
"text": "the late Reggie White. Unfortunately, they got shut out by the NFC West and eventual NFC champion Seattle Seahawks 42-0. Afterwards, they lost to the Giants at home 26-2. Their last win of the season came on the road against the St. Louis Rams 17-16. Then they lost their last two games of the season to the Arizona Cardinals on the road 27-21 and then at home to the wild card Washington Redskins 31-20. They ended their 2005 season at 6-10, which marked the first time since 1999 that the Eagles failed to make the playoffs. After expectations of a",
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"title": "1980 Dallas Cowboys season",
"text": "Philadelphia would be a wildcard team. However, if the Cowboys lost (or won by less than 25) then the roles would reverse. Atlanta (12-4) had the number one NFC seed over either team in any scenario since they beat Philadelphia head-to-head and enjoyed a better conference record (10-2 vs. 9-3) over Dallas. Dallas led the game 35–10 in the fourth quarter, but the Eagles rallied to lose only 35–27. This forced Dallas to play an extra week in the playoffs and a road game in Atlanta in the divisional round. Dallas ultimately lost at Philadelphia in the NFC Championship game.",
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"title": "2002 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "2002 NFC Championship Game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who eventually won Super Bowl XXXVII. The Eagles defeated the Buccaneers in two prior consecutive seasons in the NFL playoffs in easy fashion. Many experts thought that the Conference Championship game would not be any different. The game was the final football game played at Veterans Stadium. The Eagles' season of high expectations began with a loss to the Tennessee Titans after the team blew a 24–10 halftime lead. The Titans scored on their first possession on 14-yard reception by Eddie George. Philadelphia took advantage of a muffed punt to extend",
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"title": "ArenaBowl XXII",
"text": "consecutive, appearance in the title game (they have won in all of their previous trips), against the National Conference Champions Philadelphia Soul, who were making their first appearance in the franchise's history in the ArenaBowl. The Soul, along with division rival Dallas, were undefeated at week 9. They preceded to beat them in that week, however when travelling to Cleveland for the following game, they lost their first game of the season. They continued to sputter, dropping two of their last three, however these ultimately were their only three losses on the season. They were the top seed in their",
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"title": "History of the Philadelphia Eagles",
"text": "was picked off in the closing seconds of the game. The final score was 24-21, and the Patriots had won their third Super Bowl in four years. The defending NFC Champions did not fare well the next year. The 2005 season began in a strange and erratic fashion with a 14-10 road loss to the Atlanta Falcons on \"Monday Night Football\", a game in which Donovan McNabb suffered a chest bruise. In addition, Eagles linebacker Jeremiah Trotter was ejected prior to kick-off for getting involved in an altercation with Falcons cornerback Kevin Mathis. In the Week 2 home opener in",
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"title": "2009 Philadelphia Eagles season",
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"title": "2004 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "them against the Atlanta Falcons in the NFC Championship Game after losing the past three title games. The game would be played in post-blizzard, 17-degree weather, with swirling frigid winds nearing 30 MPH. Atlanta had gone 11–5 over the year, and were the second best team in the conference, behind Philadelphia. Atlanta's quarterback and star player Michael Vick would basically be the Falcons' main hope of upsetting the Eagles. He tried to run twice on the opening drive, but the Eagles' defense, using a mush rush, stopped him both times. Later in the quarter, Brian Westbrook broke a 36-yard run",
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"title": "2003 Philadelphia Eagles season",
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"title": "Washington Redskins",
"text": "In Week 5, they hosted Green Bay for only the second time since 1979 (the first was in 2004) and beat them 16-13. After losing a Sunday Night match to the Colts, Washington beat Chicago in Week 7. Although McNabb threw two interceptions, the team took advantage of their opponent's porous O-line to sack and pick off Jay Cutler four times, winning 17-14. After losing a 37-25 trap game in Detroit, the Redskins went on their bye week and returned to host Philadelphia on MNF for the second straight year. As rain fell on Fedex Field, the Eagles proceeded to",
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"title": "2004 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "game moved into the fourth quarter and Atlanta's passing offense could do little against the Philadelphia secondary, a Super Bowl berth looked more and more likely. A six-and-a-half minute drive that ended in another short Chad Lewis touchdown reception kicked off the celebration in Philadelphia. Victorious by a score of 27–10, the Eagles were NFC Champions for the first time since 1980. McNabb threw for a modest 180 yards in the windy weather, but had two touchdowns and no interceptions. Westbrook came up with 96 yards on the ground, while Chad Lewis made two critical touchdown receptions. It was later",
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"title": "1972 Los Angeles Rams season",
"text": "31-7 at home, the Philadelphia Eagles 34-3 in Philly, and the Cincinnati Bengals 15-12 at home. However, following this 3 game winning streak, the Rams struggled, losing several close games as they lost 5 of their last six to end the season 6-7-1. This would be the last time the Rams would miss the playoffs until 1981, as they started a dynasty the next season that saw them win the NFC West 7 consecutive times from 1973-1979. They also finished in 2nd place in 1980. On July 13, 1972, Robert Irsay bought the Los Angeles Rams and transferred ownership to",
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"title": "History of the Philadelphia Eagles",
"text": "return to the Super Bowl, it appeared the Eagles would have to retool in the 2006 off-season to make another run for the Vince Lombardi Trophy. In 2006, the Eagles started off hot, beating the Houston Texans in Houston 24-10. And they kept the streak going, jumping to a 24-7 lead against the Giants before losing 30-24 in overtime. They won their next two games easily, beating the 49ers in San Francisco and then returning home to limit Brett Favre's Packers to three field goals. The Birds' 3-1 record set the stage for Terrell Owens' return to Philadelphia. Owens return",
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"title": "2008 Dallas Cowboys season",
"text": "With the win, Dallas improved to 9–5. This would be the last Cowboys win at Texas Stadium and for the 2008 NFL Season. Coming off their win over the Giants, the Cowboys stayed at home for a Week 16 interconference battle with the Baltimore Ravens, in what would be the final game at Texas Stadium. In the first quarter, Dallas struck first as rookie running back Tashard Choice got a 2-yard touchdown run. The Ravens would respond with a 26-yard field goal from kicker Matt Stover. Baltimore would take the lead in the second quarter as Stover got a 29-yard",
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"title": "Super Bowl XXXIX",
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"title": "1988 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "1988 Philadelphia Eagles season The Philadelphia Eagles season was the franchise's 56th season in the National Football League. This season resulted an appearance in the postseason for the first time since 1981. The Eagles won the NFC East for the first time in seven seasons, but lost to the Chicago Bears in the NFC Divisional round during the Fog Bowl. On the final day of the regular season, Philadelphia dumped Dallas, 23–7, but had to wait for the end to the Jets-Giants game at Giants Stadium to learn if they had clinched the division or not. The Jets won the",
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] | {
"title": "Philadelphia Eagles",
"long_answer": "The Philadelphia Eagles are a professional American football franchise based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Eagles compete in the National Football League (NFL) as a member club of the league's National Football Conference (NFC) East division. They are Super Bowl champions, having won Super Bowl LII, their fourth NFL title, after winning in 1948, 1949, and 1960.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The Philadelphia Eagles are a professional American football franchise based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Eagles compete in the National Football League (NFL) as a member club of the league's National Football Conference (NFC) East division. They are Super Bowl champions, having won Super Bowl LII, their fourth NFL title, after winning in 1948, 1949, and 1960.",
"short_answers": [
"Super Bowl LII,"
} |
how many episodes are there in dragon ball z | [
"291 episodes",
] | [
"title": "List of Dragon Ball Z episodes",
"text": "long-running anime sequel to the Dragon Ball TV series, adapted from the final twenty-six volumes of the Dragon Ball manga written by Akira Toriyama. The manga portion of the series debuted in Weekly Shōnen Jump in October 4, 1988 and lasted until 1995; the anime adaptation premiered in Japan on Fuji Television on April 26, 1989, taking over its predecessor's time slot, and ran until its end on January 31, 1996, lasting 291 episodes in Japan, and 276 episodes in the United States originally, although all 291 episodes were later broadcast when content from the first 67 episodes was restored.",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "33 DVDs and in fullscreen on a single Blu-ray and eight four-disc Blu-ray sets from September 18, 2009, to August 2, 2011. Funimation released eight DVD and Blu-ray box sets of \"Dragon Ball Z Kai\" from May 18, 2010 to June 5, 2012. These sets contain the original Japanese audio track with English subtitles, as well as the uncut version of the English dub, which does not contain any of the edits made for the TV airings. Before the final volume was even published, Funimation began re-releasing the series in four DVD and Blu-ray \"season\" sets between May 22, 2012",
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"score": "1.066467",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "cropped the entire series into 16:9 widescreen format and began re-releasing it to DVD in nine individual \"season\" box sets; the first set released on February 6, 2007 and the final on May 19, 2009. In July 2009, Funimation announced that they would be releasing the Japanese frame-by-frame \"Dragon Box\" restoration of \"Dragon Ball Z\" in North America. These seven limited edition DVD box sets were released uncut in the show's original 4:3 fullscreen format between November 10, 2009 and October 11, 2011. In July 2011, Funimation announced plans to release \"Dragon Ball Z\" in Blu-ray format, with the first",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "manga. He said the reception to \"Kai\" was positive and Bandai had a hit with a card game, so it all worked out. The series initially concluded with the finale of the Cell arc, as opposed to including the Majin Buu arc. It was originally planned to run 98 episodes, however, due to the Tōhoku offshore earthquake and tsunami, the final episode of \"Dragon Ball Kai\" was not aired and the series ended on its 97th episode in Japan on March 27, 2011. The 98th episode was later released direct-to-video in Japan on August 2, 2011. In November 2012, Mayumi",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "as of January 2012. \"Dragon Ball Z\" was listed as the 78th best animated show in IGN's \"Top 100 Animated Series\", and was also listed as the 50th greatest animated show in \"Wizard\" magazine's \"Top 100 Greatest Animated shows\" list. The series ranked #6 on \"Wizard's Anime\" Magazine on their \"Top 50 Anime released in North America\". \"Dragon Ball Z\"s popularity is reflected through a variety of data through online interactions which show the popularity of the media. In 2001, it was reported that the official website of \"Dragon Ball Z\" recorded 4.7 million hits per day and included 500,000+",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "Edition,\" which collects three individual volumes into a single large volume. However, in 2013 Viz began publishing new 3-in-1 volumes collecting the entire manga series, including what they previously released as \"Dragon Ball Z\", under the \"Dragon Ball\" name. The \"Dragon Ball Z\" films comprise a total of 15 entries as of 2015. The first 13 films were typically released every March and July during the series' original run in accordance with the spring and summer vacations of Japanese schools. They were typically double features paired up with other anime films, and were thus, usually an hour or less in",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "with both the American and Japanese background music. In January 2011, Funimation and Toei announced that they would stream \"Dragon Ball Z\" within 30 minutes before their simulcast of \"One Piece\". As of 2017, \"Dragon Ball Z\" is no longer being streamed on Hulu. The Funimation dubbed episodes also aired in Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Australia and New Zealand. However, beginning with episode 108 (123 uncut), AB Groupe and Westwood Media (in association with Ocean Studios) produced an alternate English dub. The alternate dub was created for broadcast in the UK, the Netherlands and Ireland, although",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "also released on VHS in 1999, and on DVD in 2001. Funimation's own distribution of their initial in-house dub, which began with episode 54, in edited or uncut VHS ran between 2000 and 2003. A DVD version was produced alongside these, although they were only produced uncut and contained the option to watch the original Japanese with subtitles. In 2005, Funimation began releasing their in-house dub of the beginning of \"Dragon Ball Z\" on DVD, marking the first time the episodes were seen uncut in North America. However, only nine volumes were released, leaving it incomplete. Instead, Funimation remastered and",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "in two 26-disc DVD box sets, that were made-to-order only, released on March 19 and September 18 and referred to as \"Dragon Boxes.\" The content of these sets began being released on mass-produced individual 6-episode DVDs on November 2, 2005 and finished with the 49th volume released on February 7, 2007. The international home release structure of \"Dragon Ball Z\" is complicated by the licensing and release of the companies involved in producing and distributing the work. Releases of the media occurred on both VHS and DVD with separate edited and uncut versions being released simultaneously. Both versions of the",
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"title": "Toonami Jetstream",
"text": "aired on TV, and previous episodes were available on thirty-two edited DVD volumes, and now available on eight uncut DVD sets by Viz Media. The subtitled uncut episodes are also streaming on Crunchyroll. The episodes on Toonami Jetstream were repeats. \"Dragon Ball Z\", \"Samurai Jack\", \"\", \"Dragon Ball\", \"Pokémon Chronicles\", \"Megas XLR\" and \"Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo\" have already been aired completely on Cartoon Network. While \"Samurai Jack\" has only aired a small portion of its episodes on Toonami, it has been completely aired on Cartoon Network and all four seasons of the show are available on DVD and a complete series",
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"title": "Dragon Ball",
"text": "which summon a wish-granting dragon when gathered. Along his journey, Goku makes several friends and battles a wide variety of villains, many of whom also seek the Dragon Balls. Toriyama's manga was adapted and divided into two anime series produced by Toei Animation: \"Dragon Ball\" and \"Dragon Ball Z\", which together were broadcast in Japan from 1986 to 1996. Additionally, the studio has developed 19 animated feature films and three television specials, as well as two anime sequel series titled \"Dragon Ball GT\" (1996–1997) and \"Dragon Ball Super\" (2015–2018). From 2009 to 2015, a revised version of \"Dragon Ball Z\"",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "telecasts of \"Dragon Ball Z\" ranked as the top three programs in all of television, broadcast or cable, for delivery of boys 9-14. In 2001, Cartoon Network obtained licensing to run 96 more episodes and air the original \"Dragon Ball\" anime and was the top rated show in the Toonami block of Cartoon network. Beginning March 26, 2001, Cartoon Network ran a 12-week special promotion \"Toonami Reactor\" which included a focus on \"Dragon Ball Z\", which would stream episodes online to high-speed internet users. Many home video releases were met with both the edited and unedited versions placing on in",
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"id": "17435917",
"score": "1.0152428",
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"title": "Dragon Ball (TV series)",
"text": "might surprise those only familiar with \"Z\". Todd Douglass of DVD Talk referred to it as \"a classic among classics [that] stands as a genre defining kind of show.\" and wrote that \"It's iconic in so many ways and should be standard watching for otaku in order to appreciate the genius of Akira Toriyama.\" He had strong praise for the \"deep, insightful, and well-developed\" characters, writing \"Few shows can claim to have a cast quite like Dragon Ball's, and that's a testament to the creative genius of Toriyama.\" T.H.E.M Anime Reviews' Tim Jones gave the show four out of five",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "set released on November 8, 2011. However, production of these 4:3 sets was suspended after the second volume, citing technical concerns over restoring the original film material frame by frame. Only a year later, the company began producing a cropped 16:9 remastered Blu-ray release in 2013, with nine sets released in total. On August 13, 2013, Funimation released all 53 episodes and the three movies from their first \"Dragon Ball Z\" dub created with Saban and Ocean Studios in a collector's DVD box set, titled the \"Rock the Dragon Edition\". In Japan, \"Dragon Ball Kai\" was released in wide-screen on",
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"id": "17435904",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "The opening theme, \"Dragon Soul\", and the first ending theme used for the first 54 episodes, \"Yeah! Break! Care! Break!\", are both performed by Takayoshi Tanimoto. The second ending theme, used from episodes 55–98, is performed by Team Dragon, a unit of the idol girl group AKB48. On March 9, 2011, Toei announced that due to Yamamoto's score infringing on the rights of an unknown third party or parties, the music for remaining episodes and reruns of previous episodes would be replaced. Later reports from Toei stated that with the exception of the series' opening and closing songs, as well",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "61 episodes. Funimation licensed \"Dragon Ball Kai\" for an English-language release in North America, under the title \"Dragon Ball Z Kai\". The series was broadcast on Nicktoons from May 24, 2010 to January 1, 2012 (continuing in re-runs until April 2013). In addition to Nicktoons, the series also began airing on the 4Kids-owned Saturday morning programming block Toonzai on The CW in August 2010, then on its successor, the Saban-owned Vortexx, beginning in August 2012 until the block ended in September 2014. Both the Nicktoons and Toonzai/Vortexx airings were edited for content, though the Toonzai/Vortexx version was censored even more",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks",
"text": "Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks, known in Japan as is a single-episode anime special based on Akira Toriyama's \"Dragon Ball\" manga series. Originally airing in Japan on February 24, 1993, between , the special is based on an extra chapter of the manga series. It depicts an alternate version of the future in which Goku dies from the heart virus that afflicts him during the Androids Saga, and a teenage Trunks tries to defeat the androids as they ravage Earth. Goku dies from a viral heart disease, and six months later,",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "for the Ford Focus. \"Dragon Ball Z\"'s Japanese run was very popular with an average viewer ratings of 20.5% across the series. \"Dragon Ball Z\" also proved to be a rating success in the United States, as the premiere of Season Three of \"Dragon Ball Z\" in 1999, done by Funimation's in-house dub, was the highest-rated program ever at the time on Cartoon Network. In 2002, in the week ending September 22, \"Dragon Ball Z\" was the #1 program of the week on all of television with tweens 9-14, boys 9-14 and men 12-24, with the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "length. These films themselves offer contradictions in both chronology and design that make them incompatible with a single continuity. All 15 films were licensed in North America by Funimation, and all have received in-house dubs by the company. Prior to Funimation, the third film was a part of the short-lived Saban syndication, being split into three episodes, and the first three films received uncut English dubs in 1998 produced by Funimation with Ocean Studios and released by Pioneer. Several of the films have been broadcast on Cartoon Network and Nicktoons in the United States, Toonami UK in the United Kingdom",
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"title": "Dragon Ball",
"text": "were \"a very simple childish exercise\" and that many other anime were superior. The plot of \"Dragon Ball GT\" has also been criticized for giving a formula that was already used in its predecessors. The first episode of \"Dragon Ball Z Kai\" earned a viewer ratings percentage of 11.3, ahead of \"One Piece\" and behind \"Crayon Shin-chan\". Although following episodes had lower ratings, \"Kai\" was among the top 10 anime in viewer ratings every week in Japan for most of its run. In 2015, the Japan Anniversary Association officially declared May 9 as . In Japanese the numbers five and",
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"title": "Dragon Ball",
"text": "Funimation titled it for their dub, aired on March 26, 1997, between episodes 41 and 42, serving as a kind of precursor to the epilogue to the series shown at the end of episode 64. On April 28, 2015, Toei Animation announced , the first all-new \"Dragon Ball\" television series to be released in 18 years. It debuted on July 5 and ran as a weekly series at 9:00 am on Fuji TV on Sundays until its series finale on March 25, 2018 after 131 episodes. Masako Nozawa reprises her roles as Goku, Gohan, and Goten. Most of the original",
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"title": "Dragon Ball",
"text": "from the fact that the anime was being created alongside the manga. \"Dragon Ball Z\" was listed as the 78th best animated show in IGN's Top 100 Animated Series, and was also listed as the 50th greatest cartoon in \"Wizard\" magazine's Top 100 Greatest Cartoons list. Harris commented that \"Dragon Ball GT\" \"is downright repellent\", mentioning that the material and characters had lost their novelty and fun. He also criticized the \"GT\" character designs of Trunks and Vegeta as being goofy. Zac Bertschy of Anime News Network also gave negative comments about \"GT\", mentioning that the fights from the series",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "Dragon Ball Z \"Dragon Ball Z\" follows the adventures of Goku who, along with his companions, defend the Earth against villains ranging from conquerors (Vegeta, Frieza), androids (Cell) and other creatures such as (Majin Buu). While the original \"Dragon Ball\" anime followed Goku from childhood to early adulthood, \"Dragon Ball Z\" is a continuation of his adult life, but at the same time parallels the lives of his sons, Gohan and Goten, as well as the development of his rivals Piccolo and Vegeta from enemies to allies. Due to the success of the anime in the United States, the manga",
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"text": "edited and uncut material are treated as different entries and would frequently make \"Billboard\" rankings as separate entries. Home release sales were featured prominently on the Nielsen VideoScan charts. Further complicating the release of the material was Funimation itself; which was known to release \"DVDs out of sequence in order to get them out as fast as possible\"; as in the case of their third season. Pioneer Entertainment distributed the Funimation/Saban edited-only dub of 53 episodes on seventeen VHS between 1997 and 1999, and seventeen DVDs throughout 1999. Two box sets separating them into the Saiyan and Namek arcs were",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "2016, Funimation announced the continuation of \"Kai\" to begin airing on Adult Swim's Toonami block; airing from January 7, 2017 to June 23, 2018. \"Dragon Ball Z\"s original North American release was the subject of heavy editing which resulted in a large amount of removed content and alterations that greatly changed the original work. Funimation CEO Gen Fukunaga is often criticized for his role in the editing; but it was the distributor Saban which required such changes or they would not air the work, as was the case with the episode dealing with orphans. These changes included altering every aspect",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "In 2004, Pioneer lost its distribution rights to the first 53/67 episodes of \"Dragon Ball Z\", allowing Funimation to re-dub them with their in-house voice cast and restore the removed content. This dub's background score was composed by Nathan M. Johnson. Funimation's new uncut dub of these episodes aired on Cartoon Network during the summer of 2005 (in late night, due to the unedited content). Funimation's later remastered DVDs of the series saw minor changes made to their in-house dub for quality and consistency, mostly after the episode 67 gap, and had the option to play the entire series' dub",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z",
"text": "chapters comprising its story were initially released by Viz Media under the title \"Dragon Ball Z\". Additional works called animanga were released in Japan, which adapt the animation to manga form. \"Dragon Ball Z\"'s popularity has spawned numerous releases which have come to represent the majority of content in the \"Dragon Ball\" universe; including 17 movies and 148 video games, many of them being only released in Japan, and a host of soundtracks stemming from this material. \"Dragon Ball Z\" remains a cultural icon through numerous adaptations, including a more-recent remastered broadcast titled Dragon Ball Kai. There have also been",
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"title": "Dragon Ball Z: Harukanaru Densetsu",
"text": "Dragon Ball Z: Harukanaru Densetsu Dragon Ball Z: Harukanaru Densetsu, known as in Japan and Dragon Ball Z: Goku Densetsu in Europe, is a card based role-playing video game for the Nintendo DS. The game takes place from the beginning of the Saiyan Saga to the end of the Cell Saga. Players choose from one of the four main character, Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, and Vegeta. Other characters also appear, but only as either enemies or support cards. Each mission is usually broken down into a few key objectives, each mission taking anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes to complete. The",
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"title": "List of Dragon Ball Z episodes",
"long_answer": "Dragon Ball Z (ドラゴンボールゼット, Doragon Bōru Zetto, commonly abbreviated as DBZ) is the long-running anime sequel to the Dragon Ball TV series, adapted from the final twenty-six volumes of the Dragon Ball manga written by Akira Toriyama. The manga portion of the series debuted in Weekly Shōnen Jump in October 4, 1988 and lasted until 1995; the anime adaptation premiered in Japan on Fuji Television on April 26, 1989, taking over its predecessor's time slot, and ran until its end on January 31, 1996, lasting 291 episodes in Japan, and 276 episodes in the United States originally, although all 291 episodes were later broadcast when content from the first 67 episodes was restored.",
"chunked_long_answer": "long-running anime sequel to the Dragon Ball TV series, adapted from the final twenty-six volumes of the Dragon Ball manga written by Akira Toriyama. The manga portion of the series debuted in Weekly Shōnen Jump in October 4, 1988 and lasted until 1995; the anime adaptation premiered in Japan on Fuji Television on April 26, 1989, taking over its predecessor's time slot, and ran until its end on January 31, 1996, lasting 291 episodes in Japan, and 276 episodes in the United States originally, although all 291 episodes were later broadcast when content from the first 67 episodes was restored.",
"short_answers": [
"291 episodes"
} |
who designed the garden city of new earswick | [
"planner Raymond Unwin",
"architect Barry Parker",
"Raymond Unwin"
] | [
"title": "New Earswick",
"text": "As a result of the report, Joseph Rowntree's conviction that it must be possible to provide better housing for people on low incomes led him to acquire 150 acres of land near the village of Earswick, two and a half miles to the north of the centre of York. The planner Raymond Unwin and the architect Barry Parker were commissioned to produce an overall plan for a new 'garden' village and the detailed designs for its first houses. They also designed the garden cities of Letchworth and Welwyn Garden City.",
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"title": "New Earswick",
"text": "New Earswick Ward of the City of York Council. As of 2010 it is represented by Keith Hyman, Keith Orrel and Carol Runciman who are all members of the local Liberal Democrat Party. A Parish Council was created in 1934 consisting of ten elected councillors and a clerk. There is a local community centre, the Folk Hall, which hosts activities such as keep-fit, yoga, snooker, and a junior youth club. New Earswick has recreational facilities, including a swimming pool (due for closure without public consultation), tennis courts and football, rugby and cricket pitches at the New Earswick Sports and Social",
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"title": "New Earswick",
"text": "New Earswick New Earswick is a model village and civil parish in the unitary authority of City of York in North Yorkshire, England, near the River Foss, north of York and south of Haxby. According to the 2001 census the parish had a population of 2,812, reducing to 2,737 at the 2011 Census. Before 1996 it had been part of the Ryedale district. The village of New Earswick was built as a genuine mixed community. There was housing for both workers and managers, in a green setting with gardens for each home with its own 2 fruit trees. It was",
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"title": "New Earswick",
"text": "manage New Earswick, safeguarded generous open green space. All the grass verges were planted with trees after which almost all the roads are named. The village was built with bricks that were made in the brickworks on the outskirts of New Earswick. From 1950 the brickyard, which closed down in the 1930s, was developed into a nature reserve. Due to their religious beliefs, The Rowntree family decreed there would not be a public house in the village. There never has been, although the Sports Club obtained a drink's licence in the 1980s. New Earswick is part of the Huntington &",
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"title": "Raymond Unwin",
"text": "and when he married his star designer Clarice Cliff in 1940, she moved into the house and lived there until 1972. It is her association that has made the house particularly famous since. In 1902 Parker and Unwin were asked to design a model village at New Earswick near York for Joseph and Benjamin Seebohm Rowntree, and the following year they were given the opportunity to take part in the creation of Letchworth (loosely based on the Utopian plan of Ebenezer Howard), when the First Garden City Company asked them to submit a plan. In 1903 they were involved with",
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"title": "New Earswick",
"text": "the 1980s and currently play in The Pennines Amateur Rugby League competition, in 2013/4, playing in the Championship (the second tier). Steve Webster, 10 times FIM Sidecar World Championships, world champion was born and raised in the village. New Earswick New Earswick is a model village and civil parish in the unitary authority of City of York in North Yorkshire, England, near the River Foss, north of York and south of Haxby. According to the 2001 census the parish had a population of 2,812, reducing to 2,737 at the 2011 Census. Before 1996 it had been part of the Ryedale",
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"title": "New Earswick",
"text": "likes of Procol Harum and Pink Floyd. The River Foss runs along the eastern boundary of New Earswick with the York to Scarborough Line running to the west. The Nestle factory and grounds mark the southern border with the northern border being the A1237 York Outer Ring Road. The village was built using bricks from the brickworks on the outskirts of the village. From 1950 the brickyard was developed into a nature reserve. The reserve is the home of New Earswick Angling Club, which was formed in 1948. Unlike the villages of Port Sunlight, Saltaire and Bournville the village was",
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"title": "New Earswick",
"text": "not designed specifically for the workforce of the nearby Joseph Rowntree Cocoa Works although some do earn their living at the factory which was taken over by Swiss firm, Nestle in 1988. Transdev York operate a bus service that stops in the village as part of the Askham Bar to Clifton Moor route. First Group operate two bus services that stop in the village as part of the Wigginton to Acomb and Haxby to York City Centre routes. New Earswick was served by Earswick railway station on the York to Beverley Line between 1847 and 1965. There are both primary",
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"title": "New Earswick",
"text": "and secondary schools in New Earswick. New Earswick Primary School was built in 1912. The primary school is one of eight Integrated Children's Centres in York. Joseph Rowntree School is a secondary school and was built in 1941. In 2006, the Joseph Rowntree School secured £27million for a complete rebuild that was completed in late 2009. The catchment area for the secondary school is from the village itself, Huntington, The Groves and the villages of Haxby and Wigginton. In 1914 the Anglican church of St. Andrew's was built on the edge of the parish. The church was extended in 1939",
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"title": "New Earswick",
"text": "to cater for the new housing in South Huntington just across the River Foss. A Methodist chapel and meeting house for the Society of Friends were added later. St. Andrew's Church is now part of the ecclesiastical parish of Huntington and New Earswick. New Earswick Cricket Club play at the recreation ground on White Rose Avenue. As of 2014 their two teams will play in Division 3 (South) and Division 4 (Central) of the York and District Senior Cricket League. The recreation ground is shared with New Earswick All Blacks, an open age rugby league club that was founded in",
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"title": "Joseph Rowntree Foundation",
"text": "homes, retirement and supported housing, and demonstrates new approaches in these areas. It manages more than 2,000 homes, roughly half of which are in New Earswick, York. The remainder are in the City of York and surrounding areas. JRHT also provides retirement and supported housing services in York and other parts of north-east England. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) was founded in 1904, and is one of four trusts established by Joseph Rowntree. Then known as the Joseph Rowntree Village Trust, its original purpose was to build and manage the garden village of New Earswick, York. Joseph Rowntree wanted his",
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"title": "Joseph Rowntree School",
"text": "Cadbury family, who were also Quakers. The village of Earswick is on the other side of the A1237 and the river, to the north-east. The primary school opened in 1912. The school was built when the area was in the North Riding Local Education Authority. It opened on 12 January 1942 to serve the Flaxton Rural District, comprising nineteen villages. It was officially opened on 7 July 1942 by Rab Butler. It had a capacity for 480, based on class sizes of 40. It was and built in West Huntington Park. From 1944, it was proposed to make the school",
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"title": "Joseph Rowntree (philanthropist)",
"text": "set up to build and manage the garden village of New Earswick, the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) and the Joseph Rowntree Social Services Trust (JRSST). The latter two were both set up to effect social reform, the difference between them being that whereas the Charitable Trust was set up as a charity, the Social Services Trust was set up as a limited company so that if necessary it would be able to undertake social and political work not legally allowed by a charitable Trust. He suggested that only the JRVT would be permanent but in fact all the trusts",
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"title": "Model village",
"text": "jam in 1888. William Lever's Port Sunlight had a village green and its houses espoused an idealised rural vernacular style. Quaker industrialists, George Cadbury and Rowntrees built model villages by their factories. Cadbury built Bournville between 1898 and 1905 and a second phase from 1914 and New Earswick was built in 1902 for Rowntrees. As coal mining expanded villages were built to house coal miners. In Yorkshire, Grimethorpe, Goldthorpe, Woodlands and Fitzwilliam were built to house workers at the collieries. The architect who designed Woodlands and Creswell Model Villages, Percy B. Houfton was influential in the development of the garden",
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"title": "New Earswick",
"text": "Club. There were two open access play areas close to the Folk Hall, including a hard surface play area which have recently been bulldozed for a development of houses. There is a library based in the Integrated Children's Centre at the local primary school, a doctor's surgery and a range of shops, including two general stores, a pet shop and Post Office. As of 2017 the Post Office is situated within the Folk Hall. The village has 36 allotments in two areas, Willow Bank and Sleeper Path. In the 1960s, the Folk Hall was a live music venue featuring the",
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"title": "Huntington, City of York",
"text": "is mainly driven by evolutions in the UK property market, the shortage of housing in York and the attraction of the local secondary school, Huntington School. Huntington was served by Earswick railway station on the York to Beverley Line between 1847 and 1965. The \"Flag & Whistle\" pub along with the \"Blacksmith's Arms\" make up the local watering holes. The village also has numerous shops including a post office, newsagent's, grocer's, butcher's and pharmacy. In addition there are a few light industrial enterprises, including several motor garages. A few community/parish halls provide venues for a good range of local community",
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"title": "Garden Village, Wrexham",
"text": "Kenyon, Mr. David Davies, M.P., and others as Directors to build the houses, while the Trust would build the roads and supervise the development of the estate. The original plan, by the Architect GL Cunliffe was to provide a village institute, two places of worship, a school and plenty of open spaces and recreation grounds. The design was inspired by the Garden City Movement and was planned as a Garden Suburb. In the first year, 44 properties were completed; numbers 63-69 Acton Gate, numbers 149-167, Chester Road (originally called Bryn Acton) and Cunliffe Walk. These first house were designed by",
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"title": "Shiremoor",
"text": "Shiremoor comprises numerous estates. They include the oldest two estates of Bertram Grange and \"Old Shiremoor\". As well as Park Estate, Leeches Estate, and \"Shiremoor\". In the early 2000s a new area was built, known as Northumberland Park. Although built as a separate village, estate agents refer to it as being a part of Shiremoor. Earsdon View is the newest estate to be built to the north of Shiremoor. The original name, Tynemouthshire Moor, refers to the common of the manor of Tynemouth. The area grew as a result of the coal industry, developed to house miners from the local",
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"title": "Huntington, City of York",
"text": "and turned Huntington into a suburban area of the York. The village suffered only a little damage during the Second World War and saw a further housing expansion along Huntington and Strensall Road in the post-war years. The northwards expansion was halted by the construction of the York ring road. Most of the land associated with West Huntington has now become the separate parish of New Earswick. Huntington's old village, including All Saints' Church and the nearby West Huntington Hall, was made a conservation area in 1991. The urbanisation of the village is now almost complete, and current housing development",
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"title": "Letchworth",
"text": "city by combining the best of town and country living. It is also home to the United Kingdom's first roundabout, which was built in 1909. As one of the world's first new towns and the first garden city it had great influence on future town planning and the New towns movement; it influenced Welwyn Garden City, which used a similar approach and inspired other projects around the world including the Australian capital Canberra, Hellerau, Germany, Tapanila, Finland, and Mežaparks in Latvia.) There is a link to town planning in Stalingrad through the architect V. N. Semionov and an account of",
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"title": "Eardisland",
"text": "a restored AA box which is the oldest in England. On 1 May 2010 a community shop was opened on the ground floor of the 17th-century dovecote, staffed and run by volunteers. Burton Court, about south of Eardisland, includes an early 14th-century hall. Much of the remainder of the house was added in the 18th century. The architect Clough Williams-Ellis added the Tudor Revival front in 1912. Eardisland Eardisland ( ) is a village and civil parish on the River Arrow about west of the market town of Leominster in Herefordshire. The civil parish includes the hamlets of Upper Hardwick,",
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"title": "Huntington, City of York",
"text": "along the river, exercising dogs, horses, etc.). St. Andrew's Church is home to a lively Christian community whose building sits on Huntington Road, near the Link Road which connects Huntington to New Earswick. It is close to Huntington Secondary School and is just opposite the New Earswick bowls club and the 'Flag & Whistle' pub. The building includes a hall used for numerous youth and community groups during the week as well as the Ladybirds Nursery School and a school of dance. There is also large scout hut to the rear and together with an active church community the site",
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"title": "Louis de Soissons",
"text": "a very early use of the term) for Welwyn Garden City (1920), a planned town created by Ebenezer Howard, on cheap redundant farmland. Louis de Soissons was appointed architect for the town in 1920 and the practice was significantly involved in its development over the next 60 years. He designed the concrete Shredded Wheat factory for the eponymous Canadian company. Other important early projects included the Home Office and Duchy of Cornwall Estates in London, where the future Edward VIII was the effective client and the Nag's Head Estate in Bethnal Green, London, E2 which was one of the few",
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"title": "Jaywick",
"text": "the turn of the 20th century, campaigners such as William Morris had attempted to convince people of the virtues of self-sufficient communities for poor families away from large cities, which led to developments such as Peacehaven in Sussex in 1914. Jaywick was proposed by property developer Frank Stedman in 1928 as a cheap holiday retreat for Londoners. Stedman had noticed the popularity of Clacton as a holiday resort and believed that he could sell small plots of land to East End residents on which holiday homes could be built. Residents were encouraged to buy land and self-build properties, with plots",
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"title": "Earsham Hall",
"text": "it self-supporting by the hosting of events and weddings and by the sale of antiques. Earsham Hall Earsham House is a Georgian country house near the village of Earsham, Norfolk. It is a Grade II* listed building. The house is built in three storeys of red brick with a parapet and a slate hipped roof. It has a symmetrical 7-bay frontage, the middle 3 bays of which are recessed and fronted by a porch. A wing to the north-east contains the Duke of Cumberland's Dining Room. Other service wings are attached. The site was originally occupied by a large timber",
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"title": "Garden city movement",
"text": "is the Humberstone Garden Suburb in the United Kingdom by the Humberstone Anchor Tenants' Association in Leicestershire and it is the only garden suburb ever to be built by the members of a workers' co-operative; it remains intact to the present. In 1887 the workers of the Anchor Shoe Company in Humberstone formed a workers' cooperative and built 97 houses. American architects and partners, Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin were proponents of the movement and after their arrival in Australia to design the national capital Canberra, they produced a number of Garden Suburb estates, most notably at Eaglemont",
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"title": "Coxhoe",
"text": "house on the site belonged to the Blakiston Family from c.1400 to 1600, and afterwards to the Kennets and the Earls of Seaforth. John Burdon, responsible for rebuilding the house, also created the landscape gardens at Hardwick Hall, near Sedgefield. The house was bought by the East Hetton Colliery Company in 1938 and was used to house Italian and German prisoners-of-war in WW2. The hall was condemned as unsafe by the National Coal Board and demolished in 1956, leaving the ground plan and service yard still visible. Cellars are now filled with rubble and appear to contain much decorative plaster",
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"title": "Garden city movement",
"text": "need for urban planning policies that eventually led to the New Town movement. Howard organised the Garden City Association in 1899. Two garden cities were built using Howard's ideas: Letchworth Garden City and Welwyn Garden City, both in the county of Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom. Howard's successor as chairman of the Garden City Association was Sir Frederic Osborn, who extended the movement to regional planning. The concept was adopted again in the UK after World War II, when the New Towns Act spurred the development of many new communities based on Howard's egalitarian ideas. The idea of the garden city",
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"title": "Fishwick House",
"text": "intimate. He aimed toward the most natural use of land and the selection of indigenous plants. He also developed an economical construction system of pre-cast interlocking structural tiles, which he called \"Knitlock\", and used it widely, as well as stone, in the houses of Castlecrag. In the early 1930s, Griffin built incinerators for the destruction of household garbage in various cities and suburbs in the eastern states of Australia. They provided a canvas for experimentation with form and texture for the architect, but sadly few have survived. Two Griffin incinerators survive in suburban Sydney: the Glebe Municipal Incinerator (City of",
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"title": "New City, New York",
"text": "for its unique patterned brickwork. It was designed by West Nyack native Mary Mowbray-Clark. It was honored as the 1934 Garden of the Year by \"Better Homes and Gardens\" Magazine. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1991. Located just south of the courthouse in the downtown area, it is still one of the most commonly visited parks in Rockland County today. New City remained rural in character until the 1950s, when the idea of post-World War II suburbia, as well as the opening of the Tappan Zee Bridge and Palisades Interstate Parkway, made traveling between",
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] | {
"title": "New Earswick",
"long_answer": "As a result of the report, Joseph Rowntree's conviction that it must be possible to provide better housing for people on low incomes led him to acquire 150 acres of land near the village of Earswick, two and a half miles to the north of the centre of York. The planner Raymond Unwin and the architect Barry Parker were commissioned to produce an overall plan for a new 'garden' village and the detailed designs for its first houses. They also designed the garden cities of Letchworth and Welwyn Garden City.",
"chunked_long_answer": "As a result of the report, Joseph Rowntree's conviction that it must be possible to provide better housing for people on low incomes led him to acquire 150 acres of land near the village of Earswick, two and a half miles to the north of the centre of York. The planner Raymond Unwin and the architect Barry Parker were commissioned to produce an overall plan for a new 'garden' village and the detailed designs for its first houses. They also designed the garden cities of Letchworth and Welwyn Garden City.",
"short_answers": [
"Raymond Unwin",
"architect Barry Parker",
"planner Raymond Unwin"
} |
what is the first step in the evolution of the eye | [
"photoreceptor proteins that sense light",
] | [
"title": "Evolution of the eye",
"text": "The earliest predecessors of the eye were photoreceptor proteins that sense light, found even in unicellular organisms, called \"eyespots\". Eyespots can only sense ambient brightness: they can distinguish light from dark, sufficient for photoperiodism and daily synchronization of circadian rhythms. They are insufficient for vision, as they cannot distinguish shapes or determine the direction light is coming from. Eyespots are found in nearly all major animal groups, and are common among unicellular organisms, including euglena. The euglena's eyespot, called a stigma, is located at its anterior end. It is a small splotch of red pigment which shades a collection of",
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"title": "Evolution of the eye",
"text": "Evolution of the eye Many researchers have found the evolution of the eye attractive to study, because the eye distinctively exemplifies an analogous organ found in many animal forms. Simple light detection is found in bacteria, single-celled organisms, plants and animals. Complex, image-forming eyes have evolved independently several times. Complex eyes appeared first within the few million years of the Cambrian explosion. From before the Cambrian, no evidence of eyes has survived, but diverse eyes are known from the Burgess shale of the Middle Cambrian, and from the slightly older Emu Bay Shale. Eyes are adapted to the various requirements",
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"title": "Evolution of the eye",
"text": "same side of the head. A transitional fossil from the common symmetric position is Amphistium. Evolution of the eye Many researchers have found the evolution of the eye attractive to study, because the eye distinctively exemplifies an analogous organ found in many animal forms. Simple light detection is found in bacteria, single-celled organisms, plants and animals. Complex, image-forming eyes have evolved independently several times. Complex eyes appeared first within the few million years of the Cambrian explosion. From before the Cambrian, no evidence of eyes has survived, but diverse eyes are known from the Burgess shale of the Middle Cambrian,",
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"title": "Evolution of the eye",
"text": "fast locomotion or navigation by vision. The rate of eye evolution is difficult to estimate, because the fossil record, particularly of the lower Cambrian, is poor. How fast a circular patch of photoreceptor cells evolve into a fully functional vertebrate eye has been estimated based on rates of mutation, relative advantage to the organism, and natural selection. However, the time needed for each state was consistently overestimated and the generation time was set to one year, which is common in small animals. Even with these pessimistic values, the vertebrate eye would still evolve from a patch of photoreceptor cells in",
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"title": "Evolution of the eye",
"text": "any other mechanism\" to \"a moderately high stage of perfection\", and gave examples of existing intermediate steps. Current research is investigating the genetic mechanisms underlying eye development and evolution. Biologist D.E. Nilsson has independently theorized about four general stages in the evolution of a vertebrate eye from a patch of photoreceptors. Nilsson and S. Pelger estimated in a classic paper that only a few hundred thousand generations are needed to evolve a complex eye in vertebrates. Another researcher, G.C. Young, has used the fossil record to infer evolutionary conclusions, based on the structure of eye orbits and openings in fossilized",
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"id": "8089729",
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"title": "Evolution of the eye",
"text": "less than 364,000 years. Whether the eye evolved once or many times depends on the definition of an eye. All eyed animals share much of the genetic machinery for eye development. This suggests that the ancestor of eyed animals had some form of light-sensitive machinery – even if it was not a dedicated optical organ. However, even photoreceptor cells may have evolved more than once from molecularly similar chemoreceptor cells. Probably, photoreceptor cells existed long before the Cambrian explosion. Higher-level similarities – such as the use of the protein crystallin in the independently derived cephalopod and vertebrate lenses – reflect",
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"title": "Irreducible complexity",
"text": "and the interior of the eye was filled with humours to assist in focusing images. In this way, eyes are recognized by modern biologists as actually a relatively unambiguous and simple structure to evolve, and many of the major developments of the eye's evolution are believed to have taken place over only a few million years, during the Cambrian explosion. Behe asserts that this is only an explanation of the gross anatomical steps, however, and not an explanation of the changes in discrete biochemical systems that would have needed to take place. Behe maintains that the complexity of light sensitivity",
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"id": "203951",
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"title": "Evolutionary developmental biology",
"text": "exactly matches an eye-forming gene in mice and humans. The same gene was quickly found in many other groups of animals, such as squid, a cephalopod mollusc. Biologists including Ernst Mayr had believed that eyes had arisen in the animal kingdom at least 40 times, as the anatomy of different types of eye varies widely. For example, the fruit fly's compound eye is made of hundreds of small lensed structures (ommatidia); the human eye has a blind spot where the optic nerve enters the eye, and the nerve fibres run over the surface of the retina, so light has to",
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"title": "Evolution of the eye",
"text": "and the resolution and aperture needs of the organism, driven by hunting or survival requirements. This type is now functionally identical to the eye of most vertebrates, including humans. Indeed, \"the basic pattern of all vertebrate eyes is similar.\" Five classes of visual opsins are found in vertebrates. All but one of these developed prior to the divergence of Cyclostomata and fish. The five opsin classes are variously adapted depending on the light spectrum encountered. As light travels through water, longer wavelengths, such as reds and yellows, are absorbed more quickly than the shorter wavelengths of the greens and blues.",
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"title": "Evolution of the eye",
"text": "behaviors have been identified, in two primary groups: Below 450 nm, associated with direct light, and above 450 nm, associated with reflected light. As opsin molecules were tuned to detect different wavelengths of light, at some point color vision developed when the photoreceptor cells used differently tuned opsins. This may have happened at any of the early stages of the eye's evolution, and may have disappeared and reevolved as organisms became predator or prey. Similarly, night and day vision emerged when photoreceptor cells differentiated into rods and cones, respectively. As discussed earlier, the properties of light under water differ from",
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"title": "Evolution of the eye",
"text": "system, to the brain. However, some jellyfish, such as Cladonema, have elaborate eyes but no brain. Their eyes transmit a message directly to the muscles without the intermediate processing provided by a brain. During the Cambrian explosion, the development of the eye accelerated rapidly, with radical improvements in image-processing and detection of light direction. After the photosensitive cell region invaginated, there came a point when reducing the width of the light opening became more efficient at increasing visual resolution than continued deepening of the cup. By reducing the size of the opening, organisms achieved true imaging, allowing for fine directional",
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"title": "Evolution of the eye",
"text": "the deuterostomes (chordates and echinoderms). The functional unit of the eye is the photoreceptor cell, which contains the opsin proteins and responds to light by initiating a nerve impulse. The light sensitive opsins are borne on a hairy layer, to maximise the surface area. The nature of these \"hairs\" differs, with two basic forms underlying photoreceptor structure: microvilli and cilia. In the eyes of protostomes, they are microvilli: extensions or protrusions of the cellular membrane. But in the eyes of deuterostomes, they are derived from cilia, which are separate structures. However, outside the eyes an organism may use the other",
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"title": "Evolution of the eye",
"text": "shell or skin. An example of this can be observed in Onychophorans where the cuticula of the shell continues to the cornea. The cornea is composed of either one or two cuticular layers depending on how recently the animal has moulted. Along with the lens and two humors, the cornea is responsible for converging light and aiding the focusing of it on the back of the retina. The cornea protects the eyeball while at the same time accounting for approximately 2/3 of the eye’s total refractive power. It is likely that a key reason eyes specialize in detecting a specific,",
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"id": "8089745",
"score": "0.97958297",
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"title": "Evolution of the eye",
"text": "of their owners. They vary in their visual acuity, the range of wavelengths they can detect, their sensitivity in low light, their ability to detect motion or to resolve objects, and whether they can discriminate colours. In 1802, philosopher William Paley called it a miracle of \"design\". Charles Darwin himself wrote in his \"Origin of Species\", that the evolution of the eye by natural selection seemed at first glance \"absurd in the highest possible degree\". However, he went on that despite the difficulty in imagining it, its evolution was perfectly feasible: ...if numerous gradations from a simple and imperfect eye",
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"title": "Eye",
"text": "vertebrates, that were only forced into the photopic environment at a late stage). Eyes in various animals show adaptation to their requirements. For example, the eye of a bird of prey has much greater visual acuity than a human eye, and in some cases can detect ultraviolet radiation. The different forms of eye in, for example, vertebrates and molluscs are examples of parallel evolution, despite their distant common ancestry. Phenotypic convergence of the geometry of cephalopod and most vertebrate eyes creates the impression that the vertebrate eye evolved from an imaging cephalopod eye, but this is not the case, as",
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"title": "Evolutionary developmental biology",
"text": "pass through a layer of nerve fibres before reaching the detector cells in the retina, so the structure is effectively \"upside-down\"; in contrast, the cephalopod eye has the retina, then a layer of nerve fibres, then the wall of the eye \"the right way around\". The evidence of \"pax-6\", however, was that the same genes controlled the development of the eyes of all these animals, suggesting that they all evolved from a common ancestor. Ancient genes had been conserved through millions of years of evolution to create dissimilar structures for similar functions, demonstrating deep homology between structures once thought to",
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"title": "Irreducible complexity",
"text": "eyes through fossil evidence is problematic due to the soft tissues leaving no imprint or remains, genetic and comparative anatomical evidence has increasingly supported the idea of a common ancestry for all eyes. Current evidence does suggest possible evolutionary lineages for the origins of the anatomical features of the eye. One likely chain of development is that the eyes originated as simple patches of photoreceptor cells that could detect the presence or absence of light, but not its direction. When, via random mutation across the population, the photosensitive cells happened to have developed on a small depression, it endowed the",
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"title": "Eye",
"text": "540 million years ago, and the PAX6 gene is considered a key factor in this. The majority of the advancements in early eyes are believed to have taken only a few million years to develop, since the first predator to gain true imaging would have touched off an \"arms race\" among all species that did not flee the photopic environment. Prey animals and competing predators alike would be at a distinct disadvantage without such capabilities and would be less likely to survive and reproduce. Hence multiple eye types and subtypes developed in parallel (except those of groups, such as the",
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"title": "Tetrapod",
"text": "at the surface of the eye differs between an air and water environment due to the difference in refractive index, so the focal length of the lens altered to function in air. The eye was now exposed to a relatively dry environment rather than being bathed by water, so eyelids developed and tear ducts evolved to produce a liquid to moisten the eyeball. Early tetrapods inherited a set of five rod and cone opsins known as the vertebrate opsins. Four cone opsins were present in the first vertebrate, inherited from invertebrate ancestors: A single rod opsin, rhodopsin, was present in",
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"title": "Eye development",
"text": "develop as a pair of optic vesicles on each side of the forebrain at the end of the 4th week of pregnancy. Optic vesicles are outgrowings of the brain which make contact with the surface ectoderm and this contact induces changes necessary for further development of the eye. Through a groove at the bottom of the optic vesicle known as choroid fissure the blood vessels enter the eye. Several layers such as the neural tube, neural crest, surface ectoderm, and mesoderm contribute to the development of the eye. Eye development is initiated by the master control gene Pax-6, a homeobox",
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"title": "Eye development",
"text": "body and iris. During the invagination of the optic cup, the ectoderm begins to thicken and form the lens placode, which eventually separates from the ectoderm to form the lens vesicle at the open end of the optic cup. Further differentiation and mechanical rearrangement of cells in and around the optic cup gives rise to the fully developed eye. This development is an example of sequential inductions where the organ is formed from three different tissues: First, there is an outpocketing of the neural tube called optic vesicles. Development of the optic vesicles starts in the 3-week embryo, from a",
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"title": "Evolution of the eye",
"text": "skulls for blood vessels and nerves to go through. All this adds to the growing amount of evidence that supports Darwin's theory. The first fossils of eyes found to date are from the lower Cambrian period (about ). The lower Cambrian had a burst of apparently rapid evolution, called the \"Cambrian explosion\". One of the many hypotheses for \"causes\" of the Cambrian explosion is the \"Light Switch\" theory of Andrew Parker: It holds that the evolution of eyes started an arms race that accelerated evolution. Before the Cambrian explosion, animals may have sensed light, but did not use it for",
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"title": "Eye",
"text": "75% in the cornea) with salts, sugars, vitrosin (a type of collagen), a network of collagen type II fibres with the mucopolysaccharide hyaluronic acid, and also a wide array of proteins in micro amounts. Amazingly, with so little solid matter, it tautly holds the eye. Photoreception is phylogenetically very old, with various theories of phylogenesis. The common origin (monophyly) of all animal eyes is now widely accepted as fact. This is based upon the shared genetic features of all eyes; that is, all modern eyes, varied as they are, have their origins in a proto-eye believed to have evolved some",
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"title": "Evolution of the eye",
"text": "cycles. By detecting the subtle changes in night-time illumination, organisms could synchronise the release of sperm and eggs to maximise the probability of fertilisation. Vision itself relies on a basic biochemistry which is common to all eyes. However, how this biochemical toolkit is used to interpret an organism's environment varies widely: eyes have a wide range of structures and forms, all of which have evolved quite late relative to the underlying proteins and molecules. At a cellular level, there appear to be two main \"designs\" of eyes, one possessed by the protostomes (molluscs, annelid worms and arthropods), the other by",
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"title": "Convergent evolution",
"text": "evolution is the camera eye of cephalopods (such as squid and octopus), vertebrates (including mammals) and cnidaria (such as jellyfish). Their last common ancestor had at most a simple photoreceptive spot, but a range of processes led to the progressive refinement of camera eyes — with one sharp difference: the cephalopod eye is \"wired\" in the opposite direction, with blood and nerve vessels entering from the back of the retina, rather than the front as in vertebrates. As a result, cephalopods lack a blind spot. Birds and bats have homologous limbs because they are both ultimately derived from terrestrial tetrapods,",
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"title": "Eye development",
"text": "Eye development Eye formation in the human embryo begins at approximately three weeks into embryonic development and continues through the tenth week. Cells from both the mesodermal and the ectodermal tissues contribute to the formation of the eye. Specifically, the eye is derived from the neuroepithelium, surface ectoderm, and the extracellular mesenchyme which consists of both the neural crest and mesoderm. Neuroepithelium forms the retina, ciliary body, iris, and optic nerves. Surface ectoderm forms the lens, corneal epithelium and eyelid. The extracellular mesenchyme forms the sclera, the corneal endothelium and stroma, blood vessels, muscles, and vitreous. The eye begins to",
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"title": "Evolution of the eye",
"text": "the co-option of a more fundamental protein to a new function within the eye. A shared trait common to all light-sensitive organs are opsins. Opsins belong to a family of photo-sensitive proteins and fall into nine groups, which already existed in the urbilaterian, the last common ancestor of all bilateral symmetrical animals. Additionally, the genetic toolkit for positioning eyes is shared by all animals: The PAX6 gene controls where eyes develop in animals ranging from octopuses to mice and fruit flies. Such high-level genes are, by implication, much older than many of the structures that they control today; they must",
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"title": "Adaptation (eye)",
"text": "uncertain, the theory of the evolution of rod and cone photopigments is agreed upon by most scientists. It is believed that the earliest visual pigments were those of cone photoreceptors, with rod opsin proteins evolving later. Following the evolution of mammals from their reptilian ancestors approximately 275 million years ago there was a nocturnal phase in which complex colour vision was lost. Being that these pro-mammals were nocturnal they increased their sensitivity in low luminescence settings and reduced their photopic system from tetrachromatic to dichromatic. The shift to a nocturnal lifestyle would demand more rod photoreceptors to absorb the blue",
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"title": "Eye development",
"text": "is when a tissue folds back on itself. Over the course of approximately 12 hours, the distal end of the optic vesicle inner layer begins to flatten (Phase 2). Over the following 18 hours, both the inner and outer layers begin to flex inward at sharp angles, beginning the formation of a C-shaped edge (Phase 3). The final 18 hours involve continuing this apically convex invagination to form the optic cup . At this point, morphologies such as columnar epithelial cells, pseudo-stratified cells, and apically narrow wedge-shaped cells can be observed. The inner layer of the optic cup is made",
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"score": "0.94344115",
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"title": "Bird vision",
"text": "other vertebrates. The outer layer of the eye consists of the transparent cornea at the front, and two layers of sclera — a tough white collagen fibre layer which surrounds the rest of the eye and supports and protects the eye as a whole. The eye is divided internally by the lens into two main segments: the anterior segment and the posterior segment. The anterior chamber is filled with a watery fluid called the aqueous humour, and the posterior chamber contains the vitreous humour, a clear jelly-like substance. The lens is a transparent convex or 'lens' shaped body with a",
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] | {
"title": "Evolution of the eye",
"long_answer": "The earliest predecessors of the eye were photoreceptor proteins that sense light, found even in unicellular organisms, called \"eyespots\". Eyespots can only sense ambient brightness: they can distinguish light from dark, sufficient for photoperiodism and daily synchronization of circadian rhythms. They are insufficient for vision, as they cannot distinguish shapes or determine the direction light is coming from. Eyespots are found in nearly all major animal groups, and are common among unicellular organisms, including euglena. The euglena's eyespot, called a stigma, is located at its anterior end. It is a small splotch of red pigment which shades a collection of light sensitive crystals. Together with the leading flagellum, the eyespot allows the organism to move in response to light, often toward the light to assist in photosynthesis, and to predict day and night, the primary function of circadian rhythms. Visual pigments are located in the brains of more complex organisms, and are thought to have a role in synchronising spawning with lunar cycles. By detecting the subtle changes in night-time illumination, organisms could synchronise the release of sperm and eggs to maximise the probability of fertilisation.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The earliest predecessors of the eye were photoreceptor proteins that sense light, found even in unicellular organisms, called \"eyespots\". Eyespots can only sense ambient brightness: they can distinguish light from dark, sufficient for photoperiodism and daily synchronization of circadian rhythms. They are insufficient for vision, as they cannot distinguish shapes or determine the direction light is coming from. Eyespots are found in nearly all major animal groups, and are common among unicellular organisms, including euglena. The euglena's eyespot, called a stigma, is located at its anterior end. It is a small splotch of red pigment which shades a collection of",
"short_answers": [
"photoreceptor proteins that sense light"
} |
where is the tv show the curse of oak island filmed | [
"Oak Island"
] | [
"title": "The Curse of Oak Island",
"text": "The Curse of Oak Island follows brothers Marty and Rick Lagina, originally from Kingsford, Michigan, through their efforts to find the speculated treasure or historical artifacts believed to be on Oak Island. The series discusses the history of the island, recent discoveries, theories, and prior attempts to investigate the site. Areas of interest include the \"Money Pit\", Borehole 10-x, Smith's Cove, \"Nolan's Cross\", the \"Hatch\", the \"Watchtower\" and the \"Swamp\".",
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"title": "Oak Harbor, Washington",
"text": "scenic vistas of the San Juan Islands, Victoria (British Columbia, Canada), Mount Baker, and Fidalgo Island. Oak Harbor is located at (48.295136, -122.658553). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of , of which, is land and is water. Access to the island by land is only available by driving through Deception Pass. Other ways to travel to Whidbey Island include flying or utilizing a ferry service. The Mukilteo-Clinton Ferry provides service connecting the southern end of Whidbey Island and just north of Seattle, WA. Surveys of shorelines throughout the Puget Sound region have",
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"id": "1245932",
"score": "1.0507022",
"original_retrieval_index": 5
"title": "Oak Island, North Carolina",
"text": "the early 19th century; Fort Caswell was built on its eastern end in 1838. The remainder of the island was developed beginning in the late 1930s, attracting people from nearby Southport. Fox hunting was popular in the northern area near the Intracoastal Waterway. The island was nearly wiped out by Hurricane Hazel in 1954; only five buildings were left standing on Long Beach in the hurricane's wake. The island quickly recovered, and the towns of Long Beach and Yaupon Beach were incorporated in 1955. Other hurricanes, such as Diana in 1984, Bertha and Fran in 1996 and Floyd in 1999,",
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"id": "1172140",
"score": "0.9994844",
"original_retrieval_index": 14
"title": "Island Oak High School",
"text": "Island Oak High School Island Oak High School is located in Duncan, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, in Canada. It offers Grades 9 to 12. Enrollment is limited to between 30 and 50 students. The current enrollment is around twenty students split into two classes. There is a faculty of thirteen teachers, specialists, administrators, and assistants. In Feb. 2007 the school hosted the BC Waldorf Teachers Conference. The school has been operated since 1995 by the Steiner Educational Society, a group of parents and community members. It is certified by the Ministry of Education of British Columbia and receives government funding",
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"id": "8106943",
"score": "0.99255836",
"original_retrieval_index": 15
"title": "Oak Island mystery",
"text": "in the January 1965 issue of \"Reader's Digest\". The island was the subject of an episode of \"In Search of...\" which was first broadcast on January 18, 1979. In 1983, Triton Alliance sued Frederick Nolan over the ownership of seven lots on the island and its causeway access. Two years later, Nolan's ownership of the lots was confirmed but he was ordered to pay damages for interfering with Triton's tourist business. On appeal, Triton lost again in 1989 and Nolan's damages were reduced. During the 1990s, further exploration stalled because of legal battles between the Triton partners and a lack",
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"id": "20015985",
"score": "0.9850695",
"original_retrieval_index": 19
"title": "Oak Island (North Carolina)",
"text": "the current lighthouse stands. By the 1930s the island had blossomed into a vacation resort, as beach cottages began to dot the area on its western half, something which Hurricane Hazel brought a temporary halt to in 1954 as it washed away some 350 buildings on or near the ocean front. One of the greatest natural disasters to ever affect the state, Hazel was also one of the most destructive hurricanes to strike the United States. The island quickly recovered and development continued anew with the towns of Long Beach and Yaupon Beach being incorporated in 1955; in 1999 they",
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"title": "Oak Island, North Carolina",
"text": "units at an average density of 834.8/sq mi (322.2/km²). The racial makeup of the town was 98.01% White, 0.43% African American, 0.47% Native American, 0.15% Asian, 0.18% from other races, and 0.76% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 0.75% of the population. There were 3,076 households out of which 18.3% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 59.4% were married couples living together, 6.4% had a female householder with no husband present, and 31.7% were non-families. 25.3% of all households were made up of individuals and 9.9% had someone living alone",
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"id": "1172144",
"score": "0.973283",
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"title": "Island Oak High School",
"text": "year with varying numbers of students, one at the beginning of the first semester and a second at the beginning of the second semester. Island Oak High School Island Oak High School is located in Duncan, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, in Canada. It offers Grades 9 to 12. Enrollment is limited to between 30 and 50 students. The current enrollment is around twenty students split into two classes. There is a faculty of thirteen teachers, specialists, administrators, and assistants. In Feb. 2007 the school hosted the BC Waldorf Teachers Conference. The school has been operated since 1995 by the Steiner",
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"title": "Oak Island mystery",
"text": "loose, not as hard-packed as the surrounding soil. The three men reportedly abandoned the excavation at due to \"superstitious dread\". Another twist on the story has all four people involved as teenagers. In this rendering McGinnis first finds the depression in 1795 while on a fishing expedition. The rest of the story is consistent with the first involving the logs found, but ends with all four individuals giving up after digging as much as they could. In either case word spread fast as by 1801 another man named Gordan Chase attempted to find the treasure. Chase ended any more future",
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"title": "Oak Beach, New York",
"text": "although it could not be reached overland at that time. Prior to that, marsh bird hunters had kept shacks in the area. Ferry access from Babylon enabled cottages to be built and made more accessible by car after construction of Ocean Parkway; it was largely a summer community until the completion of the Robert Moses Causeway in 1951, which allowed much faster travel from the main part of Long Island. It has gradually evolved since then to become a location where most residents live year-round. Although now entirely residential, Oak Beach was once the location of the popular but controversial",
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"title": "Oak Harbor, Washington",
"text": "Oak Harbor, Washington Oak Harbor is a city located on Whidbey Island in Island County, Washington. The population was 22,075 at the 2010 census. Oak Harbor was incorporated on May 14, 1915. Oak Harbor is Whidbey Island's largest incorporated city; it is named for the Garry Oak trees which grace its skyline. The city's growth coincided with two major events: the building of Deception Pass Bridge on July 31, 1935, and the completion of Naval Air Station Whidbey Island on September 21, 1942. Oak Harbor's history goes back to the early 1850s, when two settlers staked claims where the city",
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"title": "Oak Island mystery",
"text": "protect it. The new shaft eventually flooded as well, after workers reportedly hit a booby-trapped flood tunnel. The first of six accidental deaths during excavations occurred when a pump engine boiler burst, killing one man. The company abandoned their efforts when their money ran out in 1864. In 1896, an unknown group arrived on the island with steam pumps and boring equipment. Although the pumps were unable to keep water out of the flooded side shaft, boring samples were taken. It was claimed that one of the samples brought a tiny piece of sheepskin parchment to the surface. The parchment",
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"title": "Oak Island mystery",
"text": "a steel caisson to bedrock, in 1971. According to Blankenship and Tobias, cameras lowered down the shaft into a cave recorded possible chests, human remains, wooden cribbing and tools; however, the images were unclear and none of the claims have been independently confirmed. The shaft later collapsed, and the excavation was again abandoned. The shaft was later re-dug to , reaching bedrock, but work was halted due to lack of funds and the collapse of the partnership. Divers sent to the bottom of Borehole 10-X in 2016 found no artifacts. An account of an excavation of the pit was published",
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"title": "Island County, Washington",
"text": "now Snohomish, Skagit, Whatcom, and San Juan Counties. Island County comprises the Oak Harbor, WA Micropolitan Statistical Area, which is also included in the Seattle-Tacoma, WA Combined Statistical Area. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of , of which is land and (60%) is water. It is the second-smallest county in Washington by area. As of the census of 2000, there were 71,558 people, 27,784 households, and 20,254 families residing in the county. The population density was 343 people per square mile (133/km²). There were 32,378 housing units at an average density of 155",
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"text": "and what it might contain. According to Joe Nickell, there is no treasure; the pit is a natural phenomenon, probably a sinkhole connected to limestone passages or caverns. Suggestions that the pit is a natural phenomenon (accumulated debris in a sinkhole or geological fault) date to at least 1911. A number of sinkholes and underground caves, to which the \"booby traps\" are attributed, exist on the mainland near the island. Its resemblance to a human-made pit has been suggested as partly due to the texture of natural, accumulated debris in sinkholes: \"This filling would be softer than the surrounding ground,",
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"title": "Daufuskie Island",
"text": "new owner (as of Spring, 2018) is expected to re-open at least some of the amenities. Farther south on the eastern side of the island is Oak Ridge, a small undeveloped oceanfront community, followed by Bloody Point, a semi-private residential community. The western part of the island is unincorporated land. About 100 residents live in a variety of accommodations, from cabins and quaint small houses to beautiful waterfront homes with private docks. This section of the island received federal designation as a historic district in the early 1980s. According to a study conducted by the Savannah College of Art and",
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"title": "Oak Island, North Carolina",
"text": "have caused damage to the island, though not nearly as catastrophic as that of Hazel. Construction began on a $64 million bridge project in November 2007, with a December 2009 completion date. Two lanes of traffic opened in November 2010, and a formal dedication took place January 27, 2011. Four lanes of traffic began using the bridge that same month. The new bridge will likely result in increased development of the town. In June 2015, two separate shark attacks occurred two miles and two hours apart from each other on the beachfront south side of the town. Both victims lost",
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"title": "Oak Beach Inn",
"text": "have had to pay a court judgment of as much as $20 million or watch its coastline be forever scarred by high-rise development\" and the money came from the county's greenway program. Robert \"Rosebud\" Butt is credited with inventing the Long Island Iced Tea while working as a bartender at the original OBI in the 1970s. The various \"OBI\" locations - the \"OBI\" (original): 1 Oak Beach Road, Oak Beach, NY [516-587-0067] - 40°38'22.08\"N 73°17'14.08\"W (building sold in 1999, torn down in 2003, land turned into a park with a small beach simply called \"Oak Beach\") the \"OBI East\": 239",
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"title": "Oakwood–Vaughan",
"text": "the motif of 'roots' and has “welcome” in many different languages, including Polish, Hebrew, Italian and Portuguese, among others. A more recent project was an art installation that was completed in partnership with Clean & Beautiful City and the City of Toronto. The newly reconstructed Oakwood Village Transit Island, located directly at the corner of Oakwood and Vaughan, was completed in October 2010. Standing tall in this oasis is a steel palm tree that represents the strong roots put down by the residents of Oakwood Village. The palm tree, which can be found throughout the world's warmer nations, is a",
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"title": "Oak Harbor, Washington",
"text": "median income of $29,498 versus $21,633 for females. The per capita income for the city was $16,830. About 8.1% of families and 9.3% of the population were below the poverty line, including 11.2% of those under age 18 and 5.4% of those age 65 or over. Oak Harbor, Washington Oak Harbor is a city located on Whidbey Island in Island County, Washington. The population was 22,075 at the 2010 census. Oak Harbor was incorporated on May 14, 1915. Oak Harbor is Whidbey Island's largest incorporated city; it is named for the Garry Oak trees which grace its skyline. The city's",
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"title": "Oak Island mystery",
"text": "the ground around 1799 while he was looking for a location for a farm. McGinnis, who believed that the depression was consistent with the Captain Kidd story, sought help with digging. With the assistance of two men identified only as John Smith and Anthony Vaughn, he excavated the depression and discovered a layer of flagstones two feet below. According to later accounts, oak platforms were discovered every ; however, the earliest accounts simply mention \"marks\" of some type at these intervals. The accounts also mentioned \"tool marks\" or pick scrapes on the walls of the pit. The dirt was noticeably",
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"title": "Oak Island mystery",
"text": "to . On August 17, Restall was overcome by hydrogen sulfide fumes. His son then went down the shaft, and also lost consciousness. Graeser and two other, Cyril Hiltz and Andy DeMont, then attempted to save the two men. A visitor to the site, Edward White, had himself lowered on a rope into the shaft but was able to bring out only DeMont. Restall, his son, Graeser and Hiltz all died. That year, Robert Dunfield leased portions of the island. Dunfield dug the pit area to a depth of and a width of by using a 70-ton digging crane with",
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"title": "Ragged Isle",
"text": "the Raindance Film Festival Web Fest in London in September 2013 and debuted online on October 31, 2013. The twenty-second episode (and series finale) debuted at the Alamo Theatre in Bucksport, Maine on October 18, 2014 as part of the 2014 Ghostport Festival. The finale made its online debut on October 31, 2014. Ragged Isle is small island lobstering community that lies 21 miles off the coast of Maine. It is a highly fictionalized version of the real-life Maine island of Criehaven. The Ragged Isle soundtrack features exclusively Maine-based musicians and bands. In the second season, musician Richard de Costa,",
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"title": "Dark Island",
"text": "in the 2000 film, \"The Skulls\" An episode of The Great Escape was filmed at Singer Castle but it never aired. The Canadian folk rock band Great Lake Swimmers recorded part of their 2009 album \"Lost Channels\" at the castle. The album includes an interlude consisting of 48 seconds of the castle bells chiming. Dark Island Dark Island, a prominent feature of the Saint Lawrence Seaway, is located in the lower (eastern) Thousand Islands region, near Chippewa Bay. It is a part of the Town of Hammond, in St. Lawrence County, New York. An historic landmark on the island, \"The",
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"title": "Whidbey Island",
"text": "is strongly influenced by the presence of Whidbey Island Naval Air Station near Oak Harbor (N.A.S. Whidbey). N.A.S. Whidbey is Oak Harbor's largest employer; thus, Oak Harbor has a predominantly service-based economy and several national chain stores have been attracted to the Oak Harbor area. The economy of Whidbey Island south of Oak Harbor relies heavily on tourism, small-scale agriculture, and the arts. Tourism is especially important for both Whidbey and Camano Islands. On Whidbey, tourists find a wide range of amenities in the towns of Oak Harbor, Coupeville, Freeland and Langley. Coupeville's Penn Cove Mussel Farm exports large quantities",
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"title": "Survive This",
"text": "cameras and filmmakers. Eight teenagers, all between the ages of 14 and 17, were taken into a forest in Ontario, Canada, and initially asked to \"survive\" a school bus crash and spend two nights in the woods with limited food and other supplies. The series was filmed on location in the forest north of Huntsville, Ontario, Canada. Filming occurred in the summer of 2008. Three days were spent on a small island northwest of Sandy Island on Georgian Bay in Lake Huron. Jeff Beitz, owner of the Georgian Bay Marina, acted as a location scout for the show, transported the",
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"title": "Oak Island mystery",
"text": "of the re-excavated pit and was unable to locate any evidence of a tunnel. At the invitation of Boston-area businessman David Mugar, a two-week survey was conducted by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in 1995 (the only known scientific study conducted on the site). After running dye tests in the bore hole, the institution concluded that the flooding was caused by a natural interaction between the island's freshwater lens and tidal pressures in the underlying geology (refuting the man-made tunnel theory). The Woods Hole scientists who viewed the 1971 videos reported that nothing conclusive could be determined from the murky",
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"title": "Oak Beach Inn",
"text": "Oak Beach Inn The Oak Beach Inn, commonly referred to by the abbreviation OBI, was a Long Island nightclub located in Oak Beach, on Jones Beach Island near Captree State Park in the Town of Babylon, Suffolk County, New York. In 1969, Robert Matherson bought what was then a waterfront barrier island restaurant and converted it into an enormously popular (and controversial) nightclub: the \"Oak Beach Inn\", located in Oak Beach on Jones Beach Island, NY, was the original, and later just referred to as \"The OBI\". He later opened three more OBI nightclubs and named them according to their",
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"title": "Marineland of the Pacific",
"text": "in the Charles Bronson film, \"The Mechanic\", the Elvis Presley film, \"Live a Little, Love a Little\", and the John Carradine film \"Blood of Dracula's Castle\". The \"Poor Little Kangaroo Rat\" episode of \"Route 66\" starring Martin Milner and George Maharis was filmed there with guest stars Ronny Howard, Leslie Nielsen, Maggie Pierce, and Joanne Linville which was in season 3 and episode 10 and originally aired on 11-23-62. Since its closing, scenes for several feature films have been shot at the location, including \"Mermaids of Tiburon\", the first three \"Pirates of the Caribbean\" films, \"Charlie's Angels\", \"Inspector Gadget\", \"Fun",
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"title": "Oak Street Beach",
"text": "Chicago hip-hop artist Chance The Rapper mentions Oak Street Beach in the third verse of his song, Windows. Oak Street Beach Oak Street Beach is located on North Lake Shore Drive in Chicago, Illinois, on the shore of Lake Michigan. One of a series of Chicago beaches, the Chicago Park District defines Oak Street Beach as the area from approximately 1550 North Lake Shore Drive to 500 North Lake Shore Drive, including Ohio Street Beach, the South Ledge, a concrete path running from Ohio Street beach to the Oak Street Curve, Oak Street Beachstro Restaurant, Oak Street Beach proper, the",
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] | {
"title": "The Curse of Oak Island",
"long_answer": "The Curse of Oak Island follows brothers Marty and Rick Lagina, originally from Kingsford, Michigan, through their efforts to find the speculated treasure or historical artifacts believed to be on Oak Island. The series discusses the history of the island, recent discoveries, theories, and prior attempts to investigate the site. Areas of interest include the \"Money Pit\", Borehole 10-x, Smith's Cove, \"Nolan's Cross\", the \"Hatch\", the \"Watchtower\" and the \"Swamp\".",
"chunked_long_answer": "The Curse of Oak Island follows brothers Marty and Rick Lagina, originally from Kingsford, Michigan, through their efforts to find the speculated treasure or historical artifacts believed to be on Oak Island. The series discusses the history of the island, recent discoveries, theories, and prior attempts to investigate the site. Areas of interest include the \"Money Pit\", Borehole 10-x, Smith's Cove, \"Nolan's Cross\", the \"Hatch\", the \"Watchtower\" and the \"Swamp\".",
"short_answers": [
"Oak Island"
} |
where is gall bladder situated in human body | [
"beneath the liver"
] | [
"title": "Gallbladder",
"text": "In vertebrates, the gallbladder is a small hollow organ where bile is stored and concentrated before it is released into the small intestine. In humans, the pear-shaped gallbladder lies beneath the liver, although the structure and position of the gallbladder can vary significantly among animal species. It receives and stores bile, produced by the liver, via the common hepatic duct, and releases it via the common bile duct into the duodenum, where the bile helps in the digestion of fats.",
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"title": "Urinary bladder",
"text": "Urinary bladder The urinary bladder is a hollow muscular organ in humans and some other animals that collects and stores urine from the kidneys before disposal by urination. In the human the bladder is a hollow muscular, and distensible (or elastic) organ, that sits on the pelvic floor. Urine enters the bladder via the ureters and exits via the urethra. The typical human bladder will hold between 300 and (10.14 and ) before the urge to empty occurs, but can hold considerably more. In humans, the bladder is a hollow muscular organ situated at the base of the pelvis. Urine",
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"title": "Pig bladder",
"text": "Pig bladder Pig bladder (also pig's bladder) is the urinary bladder of a domestic pig, similar to the human urinary bladder. Today, this hollow organ has various applications in medicine, and in traditional cuisines and customs. Historically, the pig bladder had several additional uses, all based on its properties as a lightweight, stretchable container that could be filled and tied off. The pig bladder has several traditional ceremonial uses in Europe. It is traditional during the festival Fasching in Bad Aussee to brandish inflated pig bladders on sticks. Similarly, in Xinzo de Limia, Spain, inflated pig bladders are carried during",
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"title": "Gallbladder",
"text": "a product of haemoglobin breakdown. These may cause significant pain, particularly in the upper-right corner of the abdomen, and are often treated with removal of the gallbladder called a cholecystectomy. Cholecystitis, inflammation of the gallbladder, has a wide range of causes, including result from the impaction of gallstones, infection, and autoimmune disease. The gallbladder is a hollow organ that sits in a shallow depression below the right lobe of the liver, that is grey-blue in life. In adults, the gallbladder measures approximately in length and in diameter when fully distended. The gallbladder has a capacity of about . The gallbladder",
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"title": "Human digestive system",
"text": "the bile ducts and into the gall bladder for storage. The bile is released in response to cholecystokinin (CCK) a peptide hormone released from the duodenum. The production of CCK (by endocrine cells of the duodenum) is stimulated by the presence of fat in the duodenum. It is divided into three sections, a fundus, body and neck. The neck tapers and connects to the biliary tract via the cystic duct, which then joins the common hepatic duct to form the common bile duct. At this junction is a mucosal fold called \"Hartmann's pouch\", where gallstones commonly get stuck. The muscular",
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"title": "Xanthogranulomatous inflammation",
"text": "and gallbladder. Xanthogranulomatous inflammation The Xanthogranulomatous Process (XP), also known as Xanthogranulomatous Inflammation is a form of acute and chronic inflammation characterized by an exuberant clustering of foamy macrophages among other inflammatory cells. Localization in the kidney and renal pelvis has been the most frequent and better known occurrence followed by that in the gallbladder but many others have been subsequently recorded. The pathological findings of the process and etiopathogenetic and clinical observations have been reviewed by Cozzutto and Carbone. The xanthogranulomatous type of inflammation is most-commonly seen in pyelonephritis and cholecystitis, although it has more recently been described in",
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"title": "Excretory system",
"text": "bladder is the organ that collects waste excreted by the kidneys prior to disposal by urination. It is a hollow muscular, and distensible (or elastic) organ, and sits on the pelvic floor. Urine enters the bladder via the ureters and exits via the urethra. Embryologically, the bladder is derived from the urogenital sinus, and it is initially continuous with the allantois. In human males, the base of the bladder lies between the rectum and the pubic symphysis. It is superior to the prostate, and separated from the rectum by the rectovesical excavation. In females, the bladder sits inferior to the",
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"title": "Courvoisier's law",
"text": "a non-tender, palpable gall bladder. Typically gall bladder stones form slowly which allow time for the gall bladder to become tender. The exceptions to the law are stones that dislodge and acutely block the duct distally to the hepatic/cystic duct junction: Cholangiocarcinoma, Klatskin tumors, ascariasis, or recurrent pyogenic cholangitis are not exceptions to the law because they all fall under it. For example, in the case of recurrent pyogenic cholangitis complicated by calcium bilirubinate stone dislodging to the common bile duct causing a distended gallbladder by back pressure. (Where formation of stones are not strictly in gallbladder, hence not fibrotic,",
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"title": "Gallbladder",
"text": "secreted by the gallbladder. During gallbladder storage of bile, it is concentrated 3-10 fold by removal of some water and electrolytes. This is through the active transport of sodium and chloride ions across the epithelium of the gallbladder, which creates an osmotic pressure that also causes water and other electrolytes to be reabsorbed. Gallstones form when the bile is saturated, usually with either cholesterol or bilirubin. Most gallstones do not cause symptoms, with stones either remaining in the gallbladder or passed along the biliary system. When symptoms occur, severe \"colicky\" pain in the upper right part of the abdomen is",
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"title": "Jaundice",
"text": "in the common bile duct, and pancreatic cancer in the head of the pancreas. Also, a group of parasites known as \"liver flukes\" can live in the common bile duct, causing obstructive jaundice. Other causes include strictures of the common bile duct, biliary atresia, cholangiocarcinoma, pancreatitis, cholestasis of pregnancy, and pancreatic pseudocysts. A rare cause of obstructive jaundice is Mirizzi's syndrome (gallstone impaction in the cystic duct or gallbladder neck, with the enlarged gallbladder squeezing on the common hepatic duct). In complete obstruction of the bile duct, no urobilinogen is found in the urine, since bilirubin has no access to",
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"title": "Cystic duct",
"text": "gall bladder, and relaxation of the Sphincter of Oddi. Gallstones can enter and obstruct the cystic duct, preventing the flow of bile. The increased pressure in the gallbladder leads to swelling and pain. This pain, known as biliary colic, is sometimes referred to as a gallbladder \"attack\" because of its sudden onset. During a cholecystectomy, the cystic duct is clipped two or three times and a cut is made between the clips, freeing the gallbladder to be taken out. Cystic duct The cystic duct is the short duct that joins the gallbladder to the common bile duct. It usually lies",
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"title": "Cholecystitis",
"text": "lead to the formation of direct connections between the gallbladder and gastrointestinal tract, called fistulas. With these direct connections, gallstones can pass from the gallbladder to the intestines. Gallstones can get trapped in the gastrointestinal tract, most commonly at the connection between the small and large intestines (ileocecal valve). When a gallstone gets trapped, it can lead to an intestinal obstruction, called gallstone ileus, leading to abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation, and abdominal distension. Cholecystitis occurs when the gallbladder becomes inflamed. Gallstones are the most common cause of gallbladder inflammation but it can also occur due to blockage from a tumor",
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"title": "Gallbladder",
"text": "occurs, it is mostly of the glands lining the surface of the gallbladder (adenocarcinoma). Gallstones are thought to be linked to the formation of cancer, and other risk factors include large (>1 cm) gallbladder polyps and having a highly calcified \"porcelain\" gallbladder. Cancer of the gallbladder can cause attacks of biliary pain, yellowing of the skin (jaundice), and weight loss. A large gallbladder may be able to be felt in the abdomen. Liver function tests may be elevated, particularly involving GGT and ALP, with ultrasound and CT scans being considered medical imaging investigations of choice. Cancer of the gallbladder is",
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"title": "Common bile duct",
"text": "Common bile duct The common bile duct, sometimes abbreviated CBD, is a duct in the gastrointestinal tract of organisms that have a gall bladder. It is formed by the union of the common hepatic duct and the cystic duct (from the gall bladder). It is later joined by the pancreatic duct to form the ampulla of Vater. There, the two ducts are surrounded by the muscular sphincter of Oddi. When the sphincter of Oddi is closed, newly synthesized bile from the liver is forced into storage in the gall bladder. When open, the stored and concentrated bile exits into the",
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"title": "3D Indiana",
"text": "3D Indiana 3D Indiana is a commercial Educational software for teaching and research on the human anatomy. The name is an acronym for Three-Dimensional Interactive Digital Anatomy. This software is based on the principles of \"volumetric anatomy\" which uses three intersecting coordinate planes to locate the organs of the human body based on mathematical calculations. This is in contrast to the traditional method of describing the location of the organs in relation to one another. The Gall bladder is traditionally described thus: 'It is situated on the right side of the body closely in contact with the inferior surface of",
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"title": "Gallstone",
"text": "Gallstone A gallstone is a stone formed within the gallbladder out of bile components. The term cholelithiasis may refer to the presence of gallstones or to the diseases caused by gallstones. Most people with gallstones (about 80%) never have symptoms. When a gallstone blocks the bile duct, a crampy pain in the right upper part of the abdomen, known as biliary colic (gallbladder attack) can result. This happens in 1–4% of those with gallstones each year. Complications of gallstones may include inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), jaundice, and infection of a bile duct (cholangitis). Symptoms",
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"title": "Canine gallbladder mucocele",
"text": "Canine gallbladder mucocele Canine gallbladder mucocele (GBM) is an emerging biliary disease in dogs described as the excessive and abnormal accumulation of thick, gelatinous mucus in the lumen, which results in an enlarged gallbladder. GBMs have been diagnosed more frequently in comparison to prior to the 2000s when it was considered rare. The mucus is usually pale yellow to dark green in appearance. The name originates from the Greek word \"kele\" meaning tumour as a mucocele resembles a mass. Although this disease is primarily identified in dogs, cats and ferrets have also been diagnosed. The gallbladder is an excretory organ",
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"title": "Canine gallbladder mucocele",
"text": "that is pear-shaped and identified between two liver lobes. It is divided into three sections a body, neck and fundus. The main function of this excretory organ is storing, acidifying and concentrating bile. This is achieved due to the nature of the muscular sac being a thin wall that can easily distend to accommodate the bile. It is collected from the liver cells via small channels that pass through the hepatic ducts and into the gallbladder. After a fatty meal the bile is then released into the small intestine promoted by a hormone called cholecystokinin that is present in the",
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"title": "Cholecystitis",
"text": "may occur. The word is from Greek, \"cholecyst-\" meaning \"gallbladder\" and \"-itis\" meaning \"inflammation\". Most people with gallstones do not have symptoms. When a gallstone lodges in the cystic duct, they experience biliary colic. Biliary colic is abdominal pain in the right upper quadrant or epigastric region. It is episodic, occurs after eating greasy or fatty foods, and leads to nausea and/or vomiting. People who suffer from cholecystitis most commonly have symptoms of biliary colic before developing cholecystitis. The pain becomes more severe and constant in cholecystitis. Nausea is common and vomiting occurs in 75% of people with cholecystitis. In",
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"title": "Common hepatic duct",
"text": "who have had their gallbladder removed. It is an important anatomic landmark during surgeries such as gall bladder removal. It forms one edge of Calot's triangle, along with the cystic duct and the cystic artery. All constituents of this triangle must be identified to avoid cutting or clipping the wrong structure. There is some normal anatomic variation of the diameter. The common hepatic duct is about 6mm in diameter in adults, with some variation. A diameter of more than 8 mm is regarded as abnormal dilatation, and is a sign of cholestasis. Common hepatic duct The common hepatic duct is",
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"title": "Gallstone",
"text": "(bile) + \"lith\"- (stone) + -\"iasis\" (process). If gallstones is in the common bile duct, the condition is referred to as choledocholithiasis, from the Greek \"chol\"- (bile) + \"docho\"- (duct) + \"lith\"- (stone) + \"iasis\"- (process). Choledocholithiasis is frequently associated with obstruction of the bile ducts, which in turn can lead to cholangitis, from the Greek: \"chol\"- (bile) + \"ang\"- (vessel) + \"itis\"- (inflammation), a serious infection of the bile ducts. Gallstones within the ampulla of Vater can obstruct the exocrine system of the pancreas, which in turn can result in pancreatitis. Gallstones may be asymptomatic, even for years. These",
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"title": "Gallbladder",
"text": "associated with an acute episode of cholecystitis. The existence of the gallbladder has been noted since the 5th century, but it is only relatively recently that the function and the diseases of the gallbladder has been documented, particularly in the last two centuries. The first descriptions of gallstones appear to have been in the Renaissance, perhaps because of the low incidence of gallstones in earlier times owing to a diet with more cereals and vegetables, and less meat. Anthonius Benevinius in 1506 was the first to draw a connection between symptoms and the presence of gallstones. Courvoisier after examining a",
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"title": "Gallbladder",
"text": "position between different people. Rarely, two or even three gallbladders may coexist, either as separate bladders draining into the cystic duct, or sharing a common branch that drains into the cystic duct. Additionally, the gallbladder may fail to form at all. Gallbladders with two lobes separated by a septum may also exist. These abnormalities are not likely to affect function and are generally asymptomatic. The location of the gallbladder in relation to the liver may also vary, with documented variants including gallbladders found within, above, on the left side of, behind, and detached or suspended from the liver. Such variants",
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"title": "Biliary colic",
"text": "Biliary colic Biliary colic, also known as a gallbladder attack or gallstone attack, is when a colic (sudden pain) occurs due to a gallstone temporarily blocking the cystic duct. Typically, the pain is in the right upper part of the abdomen. Pain usually lasts from one to a few hours. Often, it occurs after eating a heavy meal, or during the night. Repeated attacks are common. Gallstone formation occurs from the precipitation of crystals that aggregate to form stones. The most common form is cholesterol gallstones. Other forms include calcium, bilirubin, pigment, and mixed gallstones. Other conditions that produce similar",
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"title": "Urinary incontinence",
"text": "voiding, is a complex activity. The bladder is a balloonlike muscle that lies in the lowest part of the abdomen. The bladder stores urine, then releases it through the urethra, the canal that carries urine to the outside of the body. Controlling this activity involves nerves, muscles, the spinal cord and the brain. The bladder is made of two types of muscles: the detrusor, a muscular sac that stores urine and squeezes to empty, and the sphincter, a circular group of muscles at the bottom or neck of the bladder that automatically stay contracted to hold the urine in and",
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"title": "Human digestive system",
"text": "is located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen and below the diaphragm to which it is attached at one part, This is to the right of the stomach and it overlies the gall bladder. The liver produces bile, an important alkaline compound which aids digestion. Bile produced by the liver is made up of water (97%), bile salts, mucus and pigments, 1% fats and inorganic salts. Bilirubin is its major pigment. Bile acts partly as a surfactant which lowers the surface tension between either two liquids or a solid and a liquid and helps to emulsify the fats",
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"title": "Human digestive system",
"text": "doesn't empty properly the systems can fail. This is how gallstones form when a small piece of calcium gets coated with either cholesterol or bilirubin and the bile crystallises and forms a gallstone. The main purpose of the gallbladder is to store and release bile, or \"gall\". Bile is released into the small intestine in order to help in the digestion of fats by breaking down larger molecules into smaller ones. After the fat is absorbed, the bile is also absorbed and transported back to the liver for reuse. The pancreas is a major organ functioning as an accessory digestive",
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"title": "Urinary bladder",
"text": "enlarged. The bladder is situated below the peritoneal cavity near the pelvic floor and behind the pubic symphysis. In men, it lies in front of the rectum, separated by the recto-vesical pouch, and is supported by fibres of the levator ani and of the prostate gland. In women, it lies in front of the uterus, separated by the vesico-uterine pouch, and is supported by the elevator ani and the upper part of the vagina. The wall of the urinary bladder is normally 3–5 mm thick. When well distended, the wall is normally less than 3 mm. The inner walls have",
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"title": "Duodenal bulb",
"text": "Duodenal bulb The duodenal bulb is the portion of the duodenum closest to the stomach. It normally has a length of about 5 centimeters. The duodenal bulb begins at the pylorus and ends at the neck of the gallbladder. It is located posterior to the liver and the gallbladder and superior to the pancreatic head. The gastroduodenal artery, portal vein, and common bile duct lie just behind it. The distal part of the bulb is located retroperitoneally. It abuts the Pyloric sphincter. The duodenal bulb is the place where duodenal ulcers occur. Duodenal ulcers are more common than gastric ulcers",
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"title": "Gallbladder",
"text": "is shaped like a pear, with its tip opening into the cystic duct. The gallbladder is divided into three sections: the \"fundus\", \"body\", and \"neck\". The \"fundus\" is the rounded base, angled so that it faces the abdominal wall. The \"body\" lies in a depression in the surface of the lower liver. The \"neck\" tapers and is continuous with the cystic duct, part of the biliary tree. The gallbladder fossa, against which the fundus and body of the gallbladder lie, is found beneath the junction of hepatic segments IVB and V. The cystic duct unites with the common hepatic duct",
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] | {
"title": "Gallbladder",
"long_answer": "In vertebrates, the gallbladder is a small hollow organ where bile is stored and concentrated before it is released into the small intestine. In humans, the pear-shaped gallbladder lies beneath the liver, although the structure and position of the gallbladder can vary significantly among animal species. It receives and stores bile, produced by the liver, via the common hepatic duct, and releases it via the common bile duct into the duodenum, where the bile helps in the digestion of fats.",
"chunked_long_answer": "In vertebrates, the gallbladder is a small hollow organ where bile is stored and concentrated before it is released into the small intestine. In humans, the pear-shaped gallbladder lies beneath the liver, although the structure and position of the gallbladder can vary significantly among animal species. It receives and stores bile, produced by the liver, via the common hepatic duct, and releases it via the common bile duct into the duodenum, where the bile helps in the digestion of fats.",
"short_answers": [
"beneath the liver"
} |
who is the current director of the us mint | [
"David J. Ryder",
"David Motl"
] | [
"title": "Director of the United States Mint",
"text": "The Director of the United States Mint is the head of the United States Mint. The position is currently vacant. Since January 20, 2017, the senior career official at the Mint has been Acting Principal Deputy Director David Motl.",
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"title": "Philip N. Diehl",
"text": "Philip N. Diehl Philip Noel Diehl (born June 11, 1951) is the 35th Director of the United States Mint. He is currently president of U.S. Money Reserve, a published analyst of gold markets, chairman of the board of the Standish Foundation for Children, and a member of the boards of the Industry Council for Tangible Assets, the Coalition for Equitable Regulation and Taxation, and the Gold and Silver Political Action Committee. Diehl was born in Dallas, Texas to Will A Diehl, a decorated World War II pilot who flew The Hump, and the former Wandah Marguerite Findley. He is married",
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"id": "15231989",
"score": "1.1475883",
"original_retrieval_index": 5
"title": "Philip N. Diehl",
"text": "Department and was named Chief of Staff to Treasury Secretary Bentsen. After serving as staff director of the Senate Finance Committee and chief of staff of the U.S. Treasury, Diehl was nominated by President Bill Clinton to be Director of the United States Mint. He was unanimously confirmed by the United States Senate and served in the position until March 2000. Diehl led a dramatic turnaround of the Mint. By the time he left the agency in March 2000, he had persuaded Congress to exempt the Mint from all procurement regulations and annual appropriations, eliminated nine of ten political patronage",
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"id": "15231994",
"score": "1.1207469",
"original_retrieval_index": 6
"title": "Bibiana Boerio",
"text": "Hill University from 2013 to 2014. On September 19, 2012, Boerio was nominated by President Barack Obama to become director of the United States Mint, however Congress never acted to confirm her appointment. She announced a congressional run in March 2018 for Pennsylvania's 14th congressional district. On May 15, 2018, she won the Democratic primary and became the party's nominee. In the November 2018 general election, Boerio was defeated by Republican Guy Reschenthaler. Boerio won 42.1% of the vote to Reschenthaler's 57.9% Bibiana Boerio Bibiana Boerio (born 17 March 1954) is an American businesswoman. She has served as the managing",
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"id": "20029035",
"score": "1.1201756",
"original_retrieval_index": 7
"title": "Edmund C. Moy",
"text": "for presidential appointments in the general areas of human, natural and cultural resources. In 2003, he served on the transition team for the newly created Department of Homeland Security. On June 29, 2006, President Bush nominated Moy to serve as the 38th Director of the United States Mint. He was sworn in on September 5 of the same year. Moy earned the Alexander Hamilton Medal for public service, awarded by then-Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr. Moy announced his resignation as Director of the United States Mint on December 20, 2010, effective January 9, 2011. After leaving the United States",
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"id": "6302268",
"score": "1.1101463",
"original_retrieval_index": 8
"title": "Chief Engraver of the United States Mint",
"text": "Chief Engraver of the United States Mint The Chief Engraver of the United States Mint is the highest staff member at the United States Mint. The Chief Engraver is the person in charge of coin design and engraving of dies at all four United States Mints: Philadelphia, Denver, San Francisco and West Point. The position was created by Congress with the Coinage Act of 1792, and placed within the Department of Treasury that produces circulating coinage for the United States. In 1990 after the resignation of Elizabeth Jones, the post of Chief Engraver was left vacant, and in 1996, with",
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"id": "15168881",
"score": "1.0903653",
"original_retrieval_index": 9
"title": "Robert E. Preston",
"text": "United States Mint, encouraged Preston to join the Mint Bureau. Preston served as Computer of Bullion, Assay Clerk, Adjuster of Accounts, and Mint Examiner. At several times, he served as Acting Director of the United States Mint in the absence of Linderman and his successors, Horatio C. Burchard and James P. Kimball. In 1893, President of the United States Grover Cleveland named Preston Director of the United States Mint. Preston's appointment was strictly on the basis of merit; with the free silver question raging, Cleveland wanted to appoint a nonpartisan as Mint Director. Preston held office from November 1893 until",
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"id": "15470848",
"score": "1.0835705",
"original_retrieval_index": 10
"title": "United States Mint",
"text": "Mint was made an independent agency in 1799. It converted precious metals into standard coin for anyone's account with no seigniorage charge beyond the refining costs. Under the Coinage Act of 1873, the Mint became part of the Department of the Treasury. It was placed under the auspices of the Treasurer of the United States in 1981. Legal tender coins of today are minted solely for the Treasury's account. The first Director of the United States Mint was renowned scientist David Rittenhouse from 1792 to 1795. The position was held most recently by Edmund C. Moy until his resignation effective",
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"id": "2274690",
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"title": "Rosa Gumataotao Rios",
"text": "of Engraving and Printing and the United States Mint, including Fort Knox. Her day-to-day responsibilities included overseeing all currency and coin production activities with almost 4,000-employees in eight facilities nationwide and an annual budget of approximately $5 billion. In the first five years of her tenure, she saved over $1 billion by implementing efficiencies and innovative concepts while meeting increased production demand and increasing employee morale at record levels. Treasurer Rios was the first Treasurer to ever have her portfolio which also included the Chair of the Advanced Counterfeiting Deterrence Steering Committee and Senior Advisor to the Secretary of the",
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"id": "13373667",
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"title": "Rajkumar Chellaraj",
"text": "Program Advisor and then served at the United States Agency for International Development as Counselor to the Assistant Administrator for Asia. In 2001, Chellaraj joined the United States Mint as Senior Executive Officer; at the US Mint, he served as the Chief Information Officer and was also responsible for supply chain, logistics and manufacturing operations at the West Point Mint, the Philadelphia Mint, the Denver Mint, and the San Francisco Mint. He returned to the private industry when Blackstone Group acquired Celanese Corporation and became Director of Corporate Planning in 2005. President of the United States George W. Bush nominated",
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"id": "14723996",
"score": "1.0787015",
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"title": "Kenneth Bressett",
"text": "to 1988 he served as Director of Coin Authentication and Educational Programs for the American Numismatic Association. Subsequently he served on the ANA Board of Governors, later as Vice President and then as President from 1993 to 1995. Bressett was appointed to the United States Assay Commission in 1966 by President Lyndon Johnson, and in 1996 was made a member of the Citizens Commemorative Coin Advisory Committee. He has received numerous awards in recognition of his service and dedication to numismatics, including election to the National Numismatic Hall of Fame, The American Numismatic Association Medal of Merit, and the Farran",
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"id": "14583293",
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"title": "Michael \"Miles\" Standish",
"text": "Jay W. Johnson, and Philip Diehl, Edmund Moy, Chief Engraver John Mercanti, General Tommy Franks and Hall of Fame baseball player Nolan Ryan. In 2011, for his service to numismatics and to the U.S. Mint, Standish was awarded the “Director’s Coin for Excellence” by Director of the United States Mint, Edmund Moy. Other notable accomplishments include creation of the first encapsulated holder housing a U.S. coin and a U. S. Presidential Autograph and his planning and implementation of an innovative marketing and merchandising program to maximize the sales of State Quarters—an encapsulated coin holder with a State Quarter and the",
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"id": "17187399",
"score": "1.0698888",
"original_retrieval_index": 15
"title": "Robert E. Preston",
"text": "Robert E. Preston Robert E. Preston (1836–1911) was Director of the United States Mint from 1893 to 1898. Preston was born in Bean Station, Tennessee in 1836. In 1856, United States Secretary of the Treasury James Guthrie appointed Preston to a clerkship in the office of the first auditor. He rose through the ranks in that office and was responsible for auditing the accounts of the United States Mint. He married Ellen Louise, with whom he had one daughter, Nannie M. Preston. When the Mint Bureau was created by the Coinage Act of 1873, Henry Linderman, the Director of the",
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"id": "15470847",
"score": "1.0691428",
"original_retrieval_index": 16
"title": "William H. Brett",
"text": "William H. Brett William Howard Brett (December 31, 1893 – April 10, 1989) was Director of the United States Mint from 1954 to 1961. William H. Brett, the son of William Howard Brett, was a native of Cleveland. He served in the United States Army during World War I and was educated at Dartmouth College. After college, he returned to Ohio and went into business. In 1954, President of the United States Dwight D. Eisenhower nominated Brett to be Director of the United States Mint, and Brett held this post from July 1954 to January 1961. He was a contestant",
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"id": "15445044",
"score": "1.0638238",
"original_retrieval_index": 18
"title": "Edmund C. Moy",
"text": "Mint, Moy became Vice President Corporate Infrastructure for L&L Energy, Inc. As of 2014, he is chief strategist for Fortress Gold Group. Moy also writes occasional articles for <br> Edmund C. Moy Edmund C. Moy (born September 12, 1957) is an American businessman and former government official. From 2006 to 2011 he served as the 38th Director of the United States Mint. Born in Detroit, Michigan, on September 12, 1957, Moy was raised in Waukesha, Wisconsin, where he worked in his parents' downtown restaurant while growing up. He is a 1975 graduate of Waukesha North High School and a",
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"id": "6302269",
"score": "1.0602088",
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"title": "Eva Adams",
"text": "1969. Upon retiring from government service in 1969, Adams worked for Mutual of Omaha for a while, before returning home to Reno. Adams died in Reno on August 23, 1991. Eva Adams Eva Bertrand Adams (September 10, 1908 – August 23, 1991) was the Director of the United States Mint from 1961 to 1969. Eva Adams was born in Wonder, Nevada on September 10, 1908, the daughter of Verner Laur Adams and his wife Cora (Varble) Adams. Her father worked for mining magnate George Wingfield, and was responsible for setting up hotels, commissaries, and bars in Wingfield's mining camps. As",
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"id": "15444977",
"score": "1.0595858",
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"title": "Jay W. Johnson",
"text": "2001 he was the 36th Director of the United States Mint. After leaving the U.S. Mint, he was self-employed, selling wholesale coins and also the Chief Numismatist for The Franklin Mint. On June 29, 2009, Goldline International, Inc. announced that Johnson had become a spokesperson for their company. On October 17, 2009, Johnson died at his home in Bristow, Virginia, in suburban Washington, D.C., after collapsing of an apparent heart attack. Jay W. Johnson Jay W. Johnson (September 30, 1943 – October 17, 2009) was the director of the United States Mint, Democratic member of the United States House of",
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"id": "8725125",
"score": "1.0559599",
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"title": "Michael \"Miles\" Standish",
"text": "Standish authored “Morgan Dollar: America's Love Affair with a Legendary Coin” It was recognized as a Best Specialized book in the 2015 Annual NLG (Numismatic Literary Guild) Writers' Awards. In 2012, he co-authored \"American Silver Eagles: A Guide to the U.S. Bullion Coin Program\" with former Chief Engraver of the U.S. Mint, John Mercanti. From 1984 to 1988, Standish wrote a monthly column titled \"Under the Loupe\" for Coin World Magazine. Standish has contributed to multiple periodicals on the subject of coin and sports memorabilia collecting and authentication, including: Michael \"Miles\" Standish Michael \"Miles\" Standish (born November 13, 1964) is",
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"id": "17187401",
"score": "1.0558097",
"original_retrieval_index": 22
"title": "Robert E. Preston",
"text": "February 1898, after which he reentered the Mint Service as an Examiner. He died June 24, 1911, purportedly at the age of 77, and was buried June 27 at the Oak Hill Cemetery (Washington, D.C.). Robert E. Preston Robert E. Preston (1836–1911) was Director of the United States Mint from 1893 to 1898. Preston was born in Bean Station, Tennessee in 1836. In 1856, United States Secretary of the Treasury James Guthrie appointed Preston to a clerkship in the office of the first auditor. He rose through the ranks in that office and was responsible for auditing the accounts of",
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"id": "15470849",
"score": "1.0495021",
"original_retrieval_index": 23
"title": "Frank A. Leach",
"text": "the United States Theodore Roosevelt named Leach Director of the United States Mint and Leach held that office from September 1907 until August 1909. Frank Leach died on June 19, 1929. He is buried at Mountain View Cemetery (Oakland, California), plot 14B. Frank A. Leach Frank Aleamon Leach (August 19, 1846 – June 19, 1929) was a United States newspaperman who was Director of the United States Mint from 1906 to 1909. In the aftermath of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, the heroic efforts by Frank A. Leach and his men preserved the old San Francisco Mint building and the",
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"id": "15470718",
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"title": "United States Mint",
"text": "advantage of local precious metal deposits, in this case, a large vein of silver. Though gold coins were also produced there, no base metal coins were. In 1911 the Mint had a female acting director, Margaret Kelly, at that point the highest paid woman on the government's payroll. She stated that women were paid equally within the bureau. A branch of the U.S. mint (Manila Mint) was established in 1920 in Manila in the Philippines, which was then a U.S. territory. To date, the Manila Mint is the only U.S. mint established outside the continental U.S. and was responsible for",
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"id": "2274694",
"score": "1.0484838",
"original_retrieval_index": 25
"title": "Frank Gasparro",
"text": "Frank Gasparro Frank Gasparro (August 26, 1909 – September 29, 2001) was the tenth Chief Engraver of the United States Mint, holding this position from February 23, 1965, to January 16, 1981. Before that, he was Assistant Engraver. He designed both sides of the Susan B. Anthony dollar, both sides of the Eisenhower Dollar (with the exception of the Bicentennial issue of 1976), the Lincoln Memorial reverse of the cent (minted from 1959 to 2008), and the reverse of the Kennedy half dollar. His signature is: FG. Gasparro was born in Philadelphia on August 26, 1909. His musician father wanted",
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"id": "6245405",
"score": "1.0446519",
"original_retrieval_index": 26
"title": "Michael \"Miles\" Standish",
"text": "one of American numismatics' most recognized graders and authenticators of coins. Standish was the first full-time coin grader at Professional Coin Grading Service. In the course of his career, Standish has graded between 8,000,000 and 10,000,000 coins, including a number of significant rarities, such as the 1913 Liberty nickels and all of the 1804 dollars. While with PCGS, Standish developed a number of marketing innovations, including PCGS’ bulk submission and First Strike programs, the company’s Signature Series of PCGS inserts which include autographs of notable figures such as Presidents George H. Bush and Gerald Ford, U.S. Mint Directors Donna Pope,",
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"id": "17187398",
"score": "1.0432975",
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"title": "Mary Margaret O'Reilly",
"text": "secretary, Edness Wilkins, described the Assistant Director of the Mint as \"ruthless\". Ross and O'Reilly had mutual suspicions to overcome. Ross, who had recently endured poor relations with Eleanor Roosevelt and others on FDR's campaign, did not trust the career staff. O'Reilly saw another political appointee with no experience at the Mint Bureau replacing Grant, who had been Denver Mint superintendent before his directorship. After a brief period, the two women came to appreciate each other's merits. Among the issues that the Mint Bureau had to face in 1933 and 1934 was the calling-in of most gold coins. When the",
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"id": "18661312",
"score": "1.0431774",
"original_retrieval_index": 28
"title": "Mary Brooks",
"text": "a Democrat in 1978.) A failed attempt at lieutenant governor in 1994 marked the end of his political career. President Nixon appointed Brooks director of the U.S. Mint, the third woman named to the post. She oversaw the first production of the Eisenhower dollar coin, as well as the design of the Bicentennial quarter, half dollar, and dollar coins for the United States Bicentennial. She is credited with saving the original San Francisco Mint building, known as the \"Granite Lady,\" by transferring it to the Treasury Department. The building, one of the few to survive the Great Earthquake of 1906,",
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"id": "12080587",
"score": "1.0431445",
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"title": "Mint Museum",
"text": "Mint Museum The Mint Museum is a cultural institution in Charlotte, North Carolina that comprises Mint Museum Randolph and Mint Museum Uptown. Together these two locations have hundreds of collections showcasing art and design from around the globe. Mr. Bruce LaRowe, former Executive Director of Children's Theatre of Charlotte, assumed the position of interim CEO effective June 21, 2017. The Mint Museum Board of Trustees previously announced plans for Dr. Kathleen V. Jameson to leave The Mint Museum's President & CEO position. Mint Museum Randolph resides in a federal style building that once housed the Charlotte Mint. Opening in 1936,",
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"id": "10270899",
"score": "1.041307",
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"title": "Stella Hackel Sims",
"text": "Anthony dollar in 1979. During her time at the Mint, after her first husband died she married Dr. Arthur I. Sims and became known as Stella Hackel Sims. Dr. Sims died in 2006. Hackel Sims retired in 1988, settling in Arlington, Virginia and Naples, Florida. Stella Hackel Sims Stella Bloomberg Hackel Sims (born December 27, 1926) was Director of the United States Mint from 1977 to 1981. Stella Bloomberg was born in 1926 in Burlington, Vermont. She was educated at the University of Vermont, graduating in 1945, and at the Boston University School of Law, receiving her J.D. in 1948.",
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"title": "United States Mint",
"text": "United States and other countries' gold and silver bullion reserves. The Mint manages extensive commercial marketing programs. The product line includes special coin sets for collectors, national medals, American Eagle gold, silver and platinum bullion coins, and commemorative coins marking national events such as the Bicentennial of the Constitution. The Mint's functions include: Note that the Mint is not responsible for the production of American paper money; that is the responsibility of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. In 2000, the Mint was responsible for the production of 28 billion coins. See United States Mint coin production for annual production",
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"title": "Michael Metcalf",
"text": "from 1971 to 1999 and was the director of the Heberden Coin Room from 1982 to 1999. He was appointed as Professor of Numismatics at the University of Oxford in 1996 and retired in 1998; he was also a Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford, from 1982 to 1998. He served as President of the Royal Numismatic Society from 1994 to 1999 and led the editorial board of its journal The \"Numismatic Chronicle\" from 1974 to 1984. Michael Metcalf David Michael Metcalf (8 May 1933 – 25 October 2018) was a British academic and numismatist. He was the director of the",
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"title": "Michael R. Fuljenz",
"text": "the editor of the Southwest Louisiana Coin Club. Shortly afterwards, he was chosen to write a column titled “Mike’s Musings” for \"Numismatic News\". Fuljenz was initially a school teacher and then a principal. He then became the committee chairman of ANACS, the grading and authentication service of the ANA. From 1982-1998, Fuljenz taught classes for the American Numismatic Association (ANA) on counterfeit detection, coin grading, and gold and commemorative coinage. Fuljenz is the President of Universal Coin & Bullion, a Beaumont, Texas company that buys and sells bullion and rare US coins. Fuljenz has received 35 NLG (Numismatic Literary Guild)",
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"title": "Director of the United States Mint",
"long_answer": "The Director of the United States Mint is the head of the United States Mint. The position is currently vacant. Since January 20, 2017, the senior career official at the Mint has been Acting Principal Deputy Director David Motl.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The Director of the United States Mint is the head of the United States Mint. The position is currently vacant. Since January 20, 2017, the senior career official at the Mint has been Acting Principal Deputy Director David Motl.",
"short_answers": [
"David Motl"
} |
what is the main mineral in lithium batteries | [
] | [
"title": "Lithium",
"text": "Late in the 20th century, lithium became an important component of battery electrolytes and electrodes, because of its high electrode potential. Because of its low atomic mass, it has a high charge- and power-to-weight ratio. A typical lithium-ion battery can generate approximately 3 volts per cell, compared with 2.1 volts for lead-acid or 1.5 volts for zinc-carbon cells. Lithium-ion batteries, which are rechargeable and have a high energy density, should not be confused with lithium batteries, which are disposable (primary) batteries with lithium or its compounds as the anode. Other rechargeable batteries that use lithium include the lithium-ion polymer battery, lithium iron phosphate battery, and the nanowire battery.",
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"title": "Lithium ion manganese oxide battery",
"text": "and de-insertion of ions during discharge and charge of the battery. In particular, the ions occupy the interstitial spaces defined by the polyhedral frameworks. Thus, batteries with cathodes should be able to provide a higher rate-capability compared to materials with two-dimensional frameworks for diffusion. One main disadvantage of based batteries is that they suffer from lower overall capacities as a result of their spinel structure. Furthermore, at higher temperatures, the spinel structure is inherently unstable in the Li-based electrolytes used in Li-ion batteries. This results in dissolution of Mn ions and further capacity loss. is layered rocksalt structure that is",
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"title": "Electric battery",
"text": "cell comprises a zinc anode, usually in the form of a cylindrical pot, with a carbon cathode in the form of a central rod. The electrolyte is ammonium chloride in the form of a paste next to the zinc anode. The remaining space between the electrolyte and carbon cathode is taken up by a second paste consisting of ammonium chloride and manganese dioxide, the latter acting as a depolariser. In some designs, the ammonium chloride is replaced by zinc chloride. Molten salt batteries are primary or secondary batteries that use a molten salt as electrolyte. They operate at high temperatures",
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"title": "Lithium–air battery",
"text": "electrochemical reactions energetically practical. Non-aqueous Li-air batteries were demonstrated first. They usually use mixed ethylene carbonate+ propylene carbonate solvents with LiPF or Li bis-sulfonimide salts like conventional li-ion batteries, however, with a gelled rather than liquid electrolyte. The voltage difference upon constant current charge and discharge is usually between 1.3 and 1.8 V (with an OCP of ca. 4.2 V) even at such ridiculously low currents as 0.01-0.5 mA/cm² and 50-500 mA/g of C on the positive electrode (see Figure 2), However, the carbonate solvents evaporate and get oxidized due to a high overvoltage upon charge. Other solvents, such as",
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"title": "Alkaline battery",
"text": "With mercury content reduced by law and improvements in the purity and consistency of materials, manufacturers have reduced the mercury content in modern cells. In an alkaline battery, the negative electrode is zinc and the positive electrode is manganese dioxide (MnO). The alkaline electrolyte of potassium hydroxide is not part of the reaction, only the zinc and MnO are consumed during discharge. The alkaline electrolyte of potassium hydroxide remains, as there are equal amounts of OH consumed and produced. The half-reactions are: Overall reaction: The chemical energy is stored mostly in the zinc metal, whose cohesive free energy per atom",
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"title": "Alkaline battery",
"text": "shreds and separates the battery case metals, manganese and zinc. Alkaline battery Alkaline batteries (IEC code: L) are a type of primary battery dependent upon the reaction between zinc metal and manganese dioxide. Another type of alkaline batteries are secondary rechargeable alkaline battery, which allows reuse of specially designed cells. Compared with zinc-carbon batteries of the Leclanché cell or zinc chloride types, alkaline batteries have a higher energy density and longer shelf-life, with the same voltage. The alkaline battery gets its name because it has an alkaline electrolyte of potassium hydroxide, instead of the acidic ammonium chloride or zinc chloride",
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"title": "Doron Aurbach",
"text": "Yair Ein-Eli Dean of the faculty of Materials Science and Engineering at the Technion. The scope of Aurbach research includes all aspects of nonaqueous electrochemistry, many kinds of batteries: Li, Li-ion, Na-ion, Mg, metal (Li, Al)-air, Li-sulfur and lead-acid systems, super and pseudocapacitors, and electrochemical water desalination. He pioneered the use of the most effective analytical (spectroscopic and microscopic) techniques for operando studies of the most reactive electrochemical systems (e.g. Li and Mg metal anodes in nonaqueous electrolyte solutions). In his research Aurbach was able to identify all the major surface reactions which lead to the passivation of active electrodes",
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"title": "Manganese",
"text": "battery and the alkaline battery normally use industrially produced manganese dioxide because naturally occurring manganese dioxide contains impurities. In the 20th century, manganese dioxide was widely used as the cathodic for commercial disposable dry batteries of both the standard (zinc-carbon) and alkaline types. Manganese comprises about 1000 ppm (0.1%) of the Earth's crust, the 12th most abundant of the crust's elements. Soil contains 7–9000 ppm of manganese with an average of 440 ppm. Seawater has only 10 ppm manganese and the atmosphere contains 0.01 µg/m. Manganese occurs principally as pyrolusite (MnO), braunite, (MnMn)(SiO), psilomelane (Ba,HO)MnO, and to a lesser extent",
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"title": "Doron Aurbach",
"text": "which compose rechargeable battery systems (Li, Li-C, Li-Si, lithiated transition metal oxides, Mg) in the relevant non-aqueous electrolyte solutions. His work promoted and developed important basic scientific topics which form the solid basis for the practical development of high energy density power sources. These included nonaqueous electrochemistry, active metals electrochemistry, understanding intercalation electrodes and the correlation between structure, morphology, surface chemistry and electrochemical performance of electrodes which are relevant to high energy density batteries. Prof. Aurbach also invented the field of rechargeable magnesium batteries, demonstrating working prototypes of rechargeable Mg batteries. Doron Aurbach has won several prizes, among them is",
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"title": "Lithium-ion battery",
"text": "can generally be divided into four groups: Cells with a cylindrical shape are made in a characteristic \"swiss roll\" manner (known as a \"jelly roll\" in the US), which means it is a single long sandwich of positive electrode, separator, negative electrode and separator rolled into a single spool. The main disadvantage of this method of construction is that the cell will have a higher series inductance. The absence of a case gives pouch cells the highest gravimetric energy density; however, for many practical applications they still require an external means of containment to prevent expansion when their state-of-charge (SOC)",
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"title": "Zinc–carbon battery",
"text": "batteries accounted for 20% of all portable batteries in the UK, and 18% in the EU. In Japan they account for 6% of primary battery sales. The container of the zinc–carbon dry cell is a zinc can. The can contains a layer of NHCl or ZnCl aqueous paste impregnating a paper layer that separates the zinc can from a mixture of powdered carbon (usually graphite powder) and manganese (IV) oxide (MnO) which is packed around a carbon rod. Carbon is the only practical conductor material because every common metal quickly corrodes in the positive electrode in salt based electrolyte. Early",
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"title": "Alkaline battery",
"text": "Alkaline battery Alkaline batteries (IEC code: L) are a type of primary battery dependent upon the reaction between zinc metal and manganese dioxide. Another type of alkaline batteries are secondary rechargeable alkaline battery, which allows reuse of specially designed cells. Compared with zinc-carbon batteries of the Leclanché cell or zinc chloride types, alkaline batteries have a higher energy density and longer shelf-life, with the same voltage. The alkaline battery gets its name because it has an alkaline electrolyte of potassium hydroxide, instead of the acidic ammonium chloride or zinc chloride electrolyte of the zinc-carbon batteries. Other battery systems also use",
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"title": "Lithium–air battery",
"text": "of the NASICON family (e.g., LiAM(PO) with A ∈ [Al, Sc, Y] and M ∈ [Ti, Ge]) has been studied. Compatible with water at alkaline pH and having a large electrochemical window (see Figs. 3,4), their low Li+ ion conductivity near room temperature (< 0.005 S/cm, >85 Ω cm) makes them unsuitable for automotive and stationary energy storage applications that demand low cost (i.e., operating current densities over 100 mA/cm). Further, both Ti and Ge are reduced by metallic Li, and an intermediate layer between the ceramic electrode and the negative electrode is required. In contrast, solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs)",
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"title": "Zinc–carbon battery",
"text": "replaces ammonium chloride) as the primary electrolyte, the anode reaction remains the same but the cathode reaction is: and the overall reaction: The battery has an electromotive force (e.m.f.) of about 1.5 V. The approximate nature of the e.m.f is related to the complexity of the cathode reaction. The anode (zinc) reaction is comparatively simple with a known potential. Side reactions and depletion of the active chemicals increases the internal resistance of the battery, which causes the e.m.f. to drop under load. The zinc chloride cell is an improvement on the original zinc–carbon cell, using purer chemicals and giving a",
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"title": "Zinc–carbon battery",
"text": "Zinc–carbon battery A zinc–carbon battery is a dry cell primary battery that delivers about 1.5 volts of direct current from the electrochemical reaction between zinc and manganese dioxide. A carbon rod collects the current from the manganese dioxide electrode, giving the name to the cell. A dry cell is usually made of a zinc can which also serves as the anode with a negative potential, while the inert carbon rod is the positive cathode. General purpose batteries may use an aqueous paste of ammonium chloride as electrolyte, possibly mixed with some zinc chloride solution. \"Heavy duty\" types use a paste",
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"title": "Rechargeable alkaline battery",
"text": "of insoluble manganese compounds. The cathode also has a catalyst to recombine any hydrogen that forms; hydrogen is produced as the fine zinc grains created during recharge are corroded by the electrolyte. Zinc oxide is added to the cathode mix to reduce generation of hydrogen gas; the zinc oxide dissociates on charge to form oxygen. The separator between anode and cathode is formulated to be particularly resistant to growth of zinc grains, which could penetrate and short-circuit the cell. The cells are manufactured in the charged state, ready to use. Although these batteries can be used in any device that",
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"title": "Lithium-ion battery",
"text": "Electrolyte degradation mechanisms include hydrolysis and thermal decomposition. At concentrations as low as 10 ppm, water begins catalyzing a host of degradation products that can affect the electrolyte, anode and cathode. participates in an equilibrium reaction with LiF and . Under typical conditions, the equilibrium lies far to the left. However the presence of water generates substantial LiF, an insoluble, electrically insulating product. LiF binds to the anode surface, increasing film thickness. Decomposition of electrolyte salts and interactions between the salts and solvent start at as low as 70 C. Significant decomposition occurs at higher temperatures. At 85 C transesterification",
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"title": "Magnesium battery",
"text": "were poor low temperature performance (reduced Mg mobility, compensated by substituting Selenium), as well as a low voltage, c. 1.2V, and low energy density (110mAh/g). A molybdenum disulfide cathode showed improved voltage and energy density, 1.8V and 170mAh/g. Transition metal sulfies are considered promising candidates for magnesium ion battery cathodes. A hybrid magnesium cell using a mixed magnesium/sodium electrolyte with sodium insertion into a nanocrystalline iron(II) disulfide cathode was reported in 2015. Manganese dioxide based cathodes have shown good properties, but deteriorated on cycling. Modified manganese based spinels (\"post spinels\") are an active topic of research (2014) for magnesium ion",
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"title": "Lemon battery",
"text": "for the chemical reactions of a lemon battery. When the cell is providing an electric current through an external circuit, the metallic zinc at the surface of the zinc electrode is dissolving into the solution. Zinc atoms dissolve into the liquid electrolyte as electrically charged ions (Zn), leaving 2 negatively charged electrons (e) behind in the metal: This reaction is called oxidation. While zinc is entering the electrolyte, two positively charged hydrogen ions (H) from the electrolyte combine with two electrons at the copper electrode's surface and form an uncharged hydrogen molecule (H): This reaction is called reduction. The electrons",
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"title": "Zinc–air battery",
"text": "Zinc–air battery Zinc–air batteries (non-rechargeable; IEC codes: A, P), and zinc–air fuel cells (mechanically rechargeable) are metal-air batteries powered by oxidizing zinc with oxygen from the air. These batteries have high energy densities and are relatively inexpensive to produce. Sizes range from very small button cells for hearing aids, larger batteries used in film cameras that previously used mercury batteries, to very large batteries used for electric vehicle propulsion. During discharge, a mass of zinc particles forms a porous anode, which is saturated with an electrolyte. Oxygen from the air reacts at the cathode and forms hydroxyl ions which migrate",
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"title": "Mineral",
"text": "Mineral A mineral is a naturally occurring chemical compound, usually of crystalline form and not produced by life processes. A mineral has one specific chemical composition, whereas a rock can be an aggregate of different minerals or mineraloids. The study of minerals is called mineralogy. Minerals are classified by variety, species, series and group, in order of increasing generality. As of November 2018, there are more than 5,500 known mineral \"species\"; 5,389 of these have been approved by the International Mineralogical Association (IMA). Minerals are distinguished by various chemical and physical properties. Differences in chemical composition and crystal structure distinguish",
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"title": "Flow battery",
"text": "is fully discharged, both tanks hold the same electrolyte solution: a mixture of positively charged zinc ions () and negatively charged iodide ion, I-. When charged, one tank holds another negative ion, polyiodide, I3-. The battery produces power by pumping liquid from external tanks into the battery's stack area where the liquids are mixed. Inside the stack, zinc ions pass through a selective membrane and change into metallic zinc on the stack's negative side. To further increase the energy density of the zinc-iodide flow battery, bromide ions (Br–) are used as the complexing agent to stabilize the free iodine, forming",
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"title": "Beta-alumina solid electrolyte",
"text": "be formed and sintered by commercially available techniques and its conductivity at operating temperatures – 250 to 300 degrees Celsius – compares favorably with electrolytes used in conventional battery systems such as sulfuric acid and potassium hydroxide. The crystal structure of the Na-AlO provides an essential rigid framework with channels along which the ionic species of the solid can migrate. Ion transport involves hopping from site to site along these channels. BASE was first developed by researchers at the Ford Motor Company, in the search for a storage device for electric vehicles while developing the sodium-sulfur battery. The NaS battery",
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"title": "Zinc–bromine battery",
"text": "Zinc has long been used as the negative electrode of primary cells. It is a widely available, relatively inexpensive metal which is electronegative, with a standard reduction potential, \"E\"° = −0.76 V vs SHE. However, it is rather stable in contact with neutral and alkaline aqueous solutions. For this reason it is used today in zinc–carbon and alkaline primaries. In the zinc–bromine flow battery the negative electrode reaction is the reversible dissolution/ plating of zinc, according to the following equation. At the positive electrode bromine is reversibly reduced to bromide, (with a standard reduction potential of +1.087 V vs SHE)",
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"title": "Manganese dioxide",
"text": "silver or barium. is often called Hollandite, after a closely related mineral. Naturally occurring manganese dioxide contains impurities and a considerable amount of manganese(III) oxide. Only a limited number of deposits contain the γ modification in purity sufficient for the battery industry. Production of batteries and ferrite (two of the primary uses of manganese dioxide) requires high purity manganese dioxide. Batteries require \"electrolytic manganese dioxide\" while ferrites require \"chemical manganese dioxide\". One method starts with natural manganese dioxide and converts it using dinitrogen tetroxide and water to a manganese(II) nitrate solution. Evaporation of the water, leaves the crystalline nitrate salt.",
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"title": "Mineral (nutrient)",
"text": "human biochemical processes by serving structural and functional roles as well as electrolytes. However, as many as twenty-nine elements in total (including hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen) are suggested to be used by mammals, as inferred by biochemical and uptake studies. Calcium makes up 920 to 1200 grams of adult body weight, with 99% of it contained in bones and teeth. Phosphorus makes up about 1% of a person's body weight. The other major minerals (potassium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur and magnesium) make up only about 0.85% of the weight of the body. Together these eleven chemical elements (H, C, N,",
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"title": "Fast ion conductor",
"text": "ions (Na) migrate through this material readily since the oxide framework provides an ionophilic, non-reducible medium. This material is considered as the sodium ion conductor for the sodium–sulfur battery. Lanthanum trifluoride (LaF) is conductive for F ions, used in some ion selective electrodes. Beta-lead fluoride exhibits a continuous growth of conductivity on heating. This property was first discovered by Michael Faraday. A textbook example of a fast ion conductor is silver iodide (AgI). Upon heating the solid to 146 °C, this material adopts the alpha-polymorph. In this form, the iodide ions form a rigid cubic framework, and the Ag+ centers",
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"title": "Flow battery",
"text": "iron phosphate batteries store 233 Wh/l. The zinc-polyiodide battery is claimed to be safer than other flow batteries given its absence of acidic electrolytes, nonflammability and operating range of that does not require extensive cooling circuitry, which would add weight and occupy space. One unresolved issue is zinc build-up on the negative electrode that permeated the membrane, reducing efficiency. Because of the Zn dendrite formation, the Zn-halide batteries cannot operate at high current density (> 20 mA/cm) and thus have limited power density. Adding alcohol to the electrolyte of the ZnI battery can slightly control the problem. When the battery",
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"title": "Magnesium sulfur battery",
"text": "It is based on a weakly coordinated Mg salt with big anions (fluorinated alkoxyborate) which can be prepared by a simple reaction and used in-situ. In 2015, a team at University of Maryland discovered that Li ion additive can enhance the reversibility of the electrochemical reaction in a Mg/S battery. The Mg/S cell delivers ~1000 mAh/g capacity for 30 cycles with two discharge plateau at 1.75V and 1.0V. The obtainable energy density of the cell at material level is 874 Wh/kg, about half of its theoretical value. In 2017, the same team successfully increases the cycling stability of a Mg/S",
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"title": "Research in lithium-ion batteries",
"text": "of achieved 660 watt-hours per kilogram at 2.5 volts. In 2015 researchers blended powdered vanadium pentoxide with borate compounds at 900 C and quickly cooled the melt to form glass. The resulting paper-thin sheets were then crushed into a powder to increase their surface area. The powder was coated with reduced graphite oxide (RGO) to increase conductivity while protecting the electrode. The coated powder was used for the battery cathodes. Trials indicated that capacity was quite stable at high discharge rates and remained consistently over 100 charge/discharge cycles. Energy density reached around 1,000 watt-hours per kilogram and a discharge capacity",
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"title": "Lithium",
"long_answer": "Late in the 20th century, lithium became an important component of battery electrolytes and electrodes, because of its high electrode potential. Because of its low atomic mass, it has a high charge- and power-to-weight ratio. A typical lithium-ion battery can generate approximately 3 volts per cell, compared with 2.1 volts for lead-acid or 1.5 volts for zinc-carbon cells. Lithium-ion batteries, which are rechargeable and have a high energy density, should not be confused with lithium batteries, which are disposable (primary) batteries with lithium or its compounds as the anode. Other rechargeable batteries that use lithium include the lithium-ion polymer battery, lithium iron phosphate battery, and the nanowire battery.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Late in the 20th century, lithium became an important component of battery electrolytes and electrodes, because of its high electrode potential. Because of its low atomic mass, it has a high charge- and power-to-weight ratio. A typical lithium-ion battery can generate approximately 3 volts per cell, compared with 2.1 volts for lead-acid or 1.5 volts for zinc-carbon cells. Lithium-ion batteries, which are rechargeable and have a high energy density, should not be confused with lithium batteries, which are disposable (primary) batteries with lithium or its compounds as the anode. Other rechargeable batteries that use lithium include the lithium-ion polymer battery, lithium iron phosphate battery, and the nanowire battery.",
"short_answers": [
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right to property according to the constitution of india is a | [
"constitutional right"
] | [
"title": "Fundamental rights in India",
"text": "the constitution, which provided that \"no person shall be deprived of his property save by authority of law\". Thus if a legislature makes a law depriving a person of his property, there would be no obligation on the part of the State to pay anything as compensation. The aggrieved person shall have no right to move the court under Article 32. Thus, the right to property is no longer a fundamental right, though it is still a constitutional right. If the government appears to have acted unfairly, the action can be challenged in a court of law by aggrieved citizens.",
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"title": "Land acquisition in India",
"text": "44th Amendment, w.e.f. 10.6.1979). The amendment ensured that the right to property‟ is no longer a fundamental right but rather a constitutional/legal right/as a statutory right and in the event of breach, the remedy available to an aggrieved person is through the High Court under Article 226 of the Indian Constitution and not the Supreme Court under Article 32 of the Constitution. State must pay compensation at the market value for such land, building or structure acquired (Inserted by Constitution, Seventeenth Amendment) Act, 1964, the same can be found in the earlier rulings when property right was a fundamental right",
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"title": "Article 35A of the Constitution of India",
"text": "the Constitution of India, which has been made applicable to the State of Jammu and Kashmir and till date continues to be in force in the State, recognizes the right to own, hold and dispose of property, which right otherwise is inherent in the State subjects/citizens of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, who stand defined in terms of Elans/Orders of His Highness and the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir. Laws have their own universe. They operate in matter and not in vacuum. The laws are located in time and space. In the State of Jammu and Kashmir, the immovable",
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"title": "Part XII of the Constitution of India",
"text": "on Property, Contracts, Right, Liabilities, Obligations and Suits Articles 294 - 300 on Succession to property assets, liabilities, and obligations. Article 300A on the Right to Property Article 300A - on Persons not to be deprived of property save by authority of law. Part XII of the Constitution of India Part XII is a compilation of laws pertaining to the constitution of India as a country and the union of states that it is made of. This part of the constitution consists of Articles on Finance, Property, Contracts and Suits. Articles 264 - 291 on Finance Articles 264 - 267",
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"title": "Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013",
"text": "compensation, that is the market value of the property at the time of the acquisition. The Legislature must \"ensure that what is determined as payable must be compensation, that is, a just equivalent of what the owner has been deprived of\"). Elsewhere, Justice, Reddy, O Chinnappa ruled (State Of Maharashtra v. Chandrabhan Tale on 7 July 1983) that the fundamental right to property has been abolished because of its incompatibility with the goals of \"justice\" social, economic and political and \"equality of status and of opportunity\" and with the establishment of \"a socialist democratic republic, as contemplated by the Constitution.",
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"title": "Fundamental rights in India",
"text": "that \"no person shall be deprived of his property save by authority of law.\" It also provided that compensation would be paid to a person whose property has been taken for public purposes. The provisions relating to the right to property were changed a number of times. The Forty-Fourth Amendment of 1978 deleted the right to property from the list of fundamental rights A new provision, Article 300-A, was added to the constitution, which provided that \"no person shall be deprived of his property save by authority of law\". Thus if a legislature makes a law depriving a person of",
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"title": "Twenty-fifth Amendment of the Constitution of India",
"text": "Twenty-fifth Amendment of the Constitution of India The Twenty-fifth Amendment of the Constitution of India, officially known as The Constitution (Twenty-fifth Amendment) Act, 1971, curtailed the right to property, and permitted the acquisition of private property by the government for public use, on the payment of compensation which would be determined by the Parliament and not the courts. The amendment also exempted any law giving effect to the article 39(b) and (c) of Directive Principles of State Policy from judicial review, even if it violated the Fundamental Rights. In 1970, the Supreme Court, in its judgement on \"Rustom Cavasjee Cooper",
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"title": "Land acquisition in India",
"text": "19 guaranteed that all citizens have the right to acquire, hold and dispose of property. Article 31 stated that \"no person shall be deprived of his property save by authority of law.\" It also indicated that compensation would be paid to a person whose property has been taken for public purposes (often subject to wide range of meaning). The Forty-Fourth Amendment of 1978 deleted the right to property from the list of fundamental rights with an introduction of a new provision, Article 300-A, which provided that \"no person shall be deprived of his property save by authority of law\" (Constitution",
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"title": "Fundamental rights in India",
"text": "1973 for any incompatibility with the basic structure doctrine. Section 4 of the 42nd Amendment, had changed of the constitution to accord precedence to the Directive Principles (earlier applicable only to clauses b & c of Article 39) over the fundamental rights of individuals. In Minerva Mills v. Union of India case, supreme court ruled that the amendment to the Article 31C is not valid and ultra vires. The Constitution originally provided for the right to property under Articles 19 and 31. Article 19 guaranteed to all citizens the right to acquire, hold and dispose of property. Article 31 provided",
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"title": "Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties of India",
"text": "of a public interest litigation. This right cannot be suspended, except under the provisions of Article 359 when a state of emergency is declared. Please Note- Right to Property was removed from the Indian Constitution in 1978. Now it is not counted as a Fundamental Right. The Directive Principles of State Policy, embodied in Part IV of the Constitution, are directions given to the state to guide the establishment of an economic and social democracy, as proposed by the Preamble. They set forth the humanitarian and socialist instructions that were the aim of social revolution envisaged in India by the",
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"title": "Fundamental rights in India",
"text": "reinstatement of the fundamental right to private property. The Supreme Court has sent a notice to the government questioning why the right should not be brought back but in 2010 the court rejected the PIL The right to education at elementary level has been made one of the fundamental rights in 2002 under the Eighty-Sixth Amendment of 2002. However this right was brought in to implementation after eight years in 2010. Article 21A – On 2 April 2010, India joined a group of few countries in the world, with a historic law making education a fundamental right of every child",
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"title": "Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir",
"text": "to Jammu and Kashmir. In addition to other fundamental rights, Articles 19(1)(f) and 31(2) of the Constitution are still applicable to Jammu and Kashmir; hence the Fundamental Right to property is still guaranteed in this state.It is the only state which does not have to give a detailed record on the money flowing in the state and where it is used and how. In the Indian Constitutional history only one Fundamental Right has been added so far and that is Right to Education. This right too has not been extended to Jammu and Kashmir. Provisions of Part XVII of the",
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"title": "Doctrine of Basic Structure",
"text": "concerning the right to manage religiously owned property without government interference. One of the issues in this case is that whether amendments to the Constitution of India under Article 368 were applicable to the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution. According to Sikri CJ, reasonable curtailment of fundamental rights in Part III of the Constitution of India could be carried out in the name of public interest. However these rights could not be repealed. Every provision of the Constitution was open to amendment provided the basic foundation or structure of the Constitution was not damaged or destroyed as the expression",
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"title": "Women in India",
"text": "successful careers in their own rights. In most Indian families, women do not own any property in their own names, and do not get a share of parental property. Due to weak enforcement of laws protecting them, women continue to have little access to land and property. In India, women's property rights vary depending on religion, and tribe, and are subject to a complex mix of law and custom, but in principle the move has been towards granting women equal legal rights, especially since the passing of The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005. The Hindu personal laws of 1956 (applying",
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"title": "Supreme Court of India",
"text": "it ruled in \"Golaknath v. State of Punjab\" that the parliament did not have the power to abrogate fundamental rights, including the provisions on private property. The 25th amendment to the constitution in 1971 curtailed the right of a citizen to property as a fundamental right and gave authority to the government to infringe private property, which led to a furor amongst the \"zamindars\". The independence of judiciary was severely curtailed during the Indian Emergency (1975–1977) of Indira Gandhi. The constitutional rights of imprisoned persons were restricted under Preventive detention laws passed by the parliament. In the case of Shiva",
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"title": "Right to property",
"text": "Right to property The right to property or right to own property (cf. ownership) is often classified as a human right for natural persons regarding their possessions. A general recognition of a right to private property is found more rarely and is typically heavily constrained insofar as property is owned by legal persons (i.e. corporations) and where it is used for production rather than consumption. A right to property is recognised in Article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but it is not recognised in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights or the International Covenant on",
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"title": "Indian company law",
"text": "other property owners. Article 43A of the Constitution, inserted by the Forty-second Amendment of the Constitution of India in 1976, created a right to codetermination by requiring the state to legislate to \"secure the participation of workers in the management of undertakings\". However, like other rights in Part IV, this article is not directly enforceable but instead creates a duty upon state organs to implement its principles through legislation (and potentially through court cases). In 1978 the Sachar Report recommended legislation for inclusion of workers on boards, however this had not yet been implemented. The Industrial Disputes Act 1947 section",
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"title": "Eminent domain",
"text": "of law by citizens. Land acquisition in India is currently governed by The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013, which came into force from 1 January 2014. Until 2013, land acquisition in India was governed by Land Acquisition Act of 1894. However the new LARR (amendment) ordinance 31 December 2014 diluted many clauses of the original act. The liberalisation of the economy and the Government's initiative to set up special economic zones have led to many protests by farmers and have opened up a debate on the reinstatement of the fundamental right",
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"title": "Twenty-fifth Amendment of the Constitution of India",
"text": "to compensation, that is, the equivalent money of the property compulsorily acquired. The Court also held that a law which seeks to acquire or requisition property for public purposes must satisfy the requirement of Article19(1)(f). The 25th Amendment sought to overcome the restrictions imposed on the government by the Supreme Court ruling. Article 31, as it stood prior to the Amendment, specially provided that no law providing for the compulsory acquisition or requisitioning of property which either fixes or specifies on which and the manner in which the compensation is to be determined and given, shall be called in question",
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"title": "Twenty-fifth Amendment of the Constitution of India",
"text": "in any court on the ground that the compensation provided by that law is inadequate. The 24th Amendment had re-established Parliament's authority to amend the Fundamental Rights in the Constitution. This cleared the way for the government to amend article 31, relating to property rights. The 25th Amendment was intended to strip the Supreme Court of the power to go into the quantum of compensation for takeover of property for public use. It would do this by amending and replacing the word \"compensation\" for the word \"amount\" for property acquired or requisitioned. The Amendment would also to insert a new",
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"title": "Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties of India",
"text": "Fundamental Rights, embodied in Part III of the Constitution, guarantee civil rights to all Indians, and prevent the State from encroaching on individual liberty while simultaneously placing upon it an obligation to protect the citizens' rights from encroachment by society. Seven fundamental rights were originally provided by the Constitution – right to equality, right to freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights, right to property and right to constitutional remedies. However, the right to property was removed from Part III of the Constitution by the 44th Amendment in 1978. The purpose of the Fundamental",
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"title": "Fundamental rights in India",
"text": "after giving special training. Fundamental rights in India Fundamental Rights are the basic rights of the common people and inalienable rights of the people who enjoy it under the charter of rights contained in Part III(Article 12 to 35) of Constitution of India. It guarantees civil liberties such that all Indians can lead their lives in peace and harmony as citizens of India. These include individual rights common to most liberal democracies, such as equality before law, freedom of speech and expression, religious and cultural freedom and peaceful assembly, freedom to practice religion, and the right to constitutional remedies for",
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"title": "Fundamental rights in India",
"text": "Fundamental rights in India Fundamental Rights are the basic rights of the common people and inalienable rights of the people who enjoy it under the charter of rights contained in Part III(Article 12 to 35) of Constitution of India. It guarantees civil liberties such that all Indians can lead their lives in peace and harmony as citizens of India. These include individual rights common to most liberal democracies, such as equality before law, freedom of speech and expression, religious and cultural freedom and peaceful assembly, freedom to practice religion, and the right to constitutional remedies for the protection of civil",
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"title": "Land acquisition in India",
"text": "private land for a public use, provided the public nature of the usage can be demonstrated beyond doubt. The doctrine is based on the following two Latin maxims, (1) Salus populi suprema lex (Welfare of the People Is the Paramount Law) and (2) Necessitas publica major est quam (Public Necessity Is Greater Than Private Necessity). In the history of modern India, this doctrine was challenged twice (broadly speaking) once when land reform was initiated and another time when Banks were nationalized. The Constitution of India originally provided the right to property (which includes land) under Articles 19 and 31. Article",
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"title": "Twenty-fifth Amendment of the Constitution of India",
"text": "v. Union Of India\", popularly known as the Bank Nationalization case, held that the Constitution guarantees the right to compensation, that is, the equivalent money of the property compulsorily acquired. The Court also held that a law which seeks to acquire or requisition property for public purposes must satisfy the requirement of Article19(1)(f). The 25th Amendment sought to overcome the restrictions imposed on the government by this ruling. Legal expert V.G. Ramachandran described the 24th and 25th Amendments as \"not 'tinkering' with the Constitution. It is a veritable slaughter of the Constitution.\" He stated that the 25th Amendment \"smacks of",
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"title": "Right to property",
"text": "a property qualification for civil and political rights was maintained. Right to property The right to property or right to own property (cf. ownership) is often classified as a human right for natural persons regarding their possessions. A general recognition of a right to private property is found more rarely and is typically heavily constrained insofar as property is owned by legal persons (i.e. corporations) and where it is used for production rather than consumption. A right to property is recognised in Article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but it is not recognised in the International Covenant",
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"title": "Right to property",
"text": "Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The European Convention on Human Rights, in Protocol 1, article 1 acknowledges a right for natural and legal persons to \"peaceful enjoyment of his possessions\", subject to the \"general interest or to secure the payment of taxes\". The right to property is one of the most controversial human rights, both in terms of its existence and interpretation. The controversy about the definition of the right meant that it was not included in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights or the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Controversy centres upon who is",
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"title": "Right to property",
"text": "already owned or possessed, or of property acquired or to be acquired by a person through lawful means. Not in opposition but in contrast to this, some proposals also defend a universal right to private property, in the sense of a right of every person to effectively receive a certain amount of property, grounded in a claim to Earth's natural resources or other theories of justice. The African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR) protects the right to property most explicitly in Article 14, stating: Property rights are furthermore recognised in Article 13 of the ACHPR, which states that",
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"title": "Land law",
"text": "and income, increasing Empowerment and decreasing Poverty. Kanakalatha Mukund makes the important point that although women in India have the legal right to own land, very few actually do as a result of the patriarchal practices which dominate the nation. Up until recently, Indian women have been left out of laws regarding the distribution of public land and were forced to rely on the small possibility of obtaining private land from their families. Inheritance laws which cater towards men are one of the key issues behind inequality in land rights. According to Bina Agarwal, land ownership defines social status and",
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"title": "Fundamental rights in India",
"text": "case of violation shall be secured from the judiciary in a time consuming legal process. However, in case of fundamental rights violation, the Supreme Court of India can be approached directly for ultimate justice per Article 32. The Rights have their origins in many sources, including England's Bill of Rights, the United States Bill of Rights and France's Declaration of the Rights of Man. The six fundamental rights recognised by the Indian constitution are the right to equality, right to live,right to freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights, right to constitutional remedies. The",
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] | {
"title": "Fundamental rights in India",
"long_answer": "The provisions relating to the right to property were changed a number of times. The Forty-Fourth Amendment of 1978 deleted the right to property from the list of fundamental rights A new provision, Article 300-A, was added to the constitution, which provided that \"no person shall be deprived of his property save by authority of law\". Thus if a legislature makes a law depriving a person of his property, there would be no obligation on the part of the State to pay anything as compensation. The aggrieved person shall have no right to move the court under Article 32. Thus, the right to property is no longer a fundamental right, though it is still a constitutional right. If the government appears to have acted unfairly, the action can be challenged in a court of law by aggrieved citizens.",
"chunked_long_answer": "the constitution, which provided that \"no person shall be deprived of his property save by authority of law\". Thus if a legislature makes a law depriving a person of his property, there would be no obligation on the part of the State to pay anything as compensation. The aggrieved person shall have no right to move the court under Article 32. Thus, the right to property is no longer a fundamental right, though it is still a constitutional right. If the government appears to have acted unfairly, the action can be challenged in a court of law by aggrieved citizens.",
"short_answers": [
"constitutional right"
} |
who is the president of usa right now | [
"Donald Trump"
] | [
"title": "President of the United States",
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"title": "Erin Matson",
"text": "included Terry O'Neill of as President, Bonnie Grabenhofer of Illinois as executive vice president, and Allendra Letsome as membership vice president. Matson was NOW's Prairie States Regional Director before taking national office and served on National NOW's Board of Directors for three years. During this time, she traveled to Iowa to participate in NOW PAC's campaign to elect Hillary Clinton president of the United States. To date, Matson has served as the longest standing member of the National NOW Young Feminist Task Force (2003-2008). She co-authored a resolution that created the 2006 Young Feminist Summit in Albany, N.Y., and also",
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"title": "Matt Riviera",
"text": "fall, Conway submitted to Funaki via a rear naked choke. In the third fall, Riviera was disqualified after hitting Terry with a chair. The Iron Empire lost the NWA World Tag Team Championship to Kazushi Miyamoto and Rob Terry in Tokyo, Japan on February 23, 2017. In October 2018, Matt Riviera was appointed as President of Right Now TV, an over-the-air broadcast network catering to men's programming, which also launched in October 2018. “I don’t know what drives me, but I’m more driven now than I ever have been to succeed with RNTV”, said Right Now TV President, Matt Riviera.",
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"title": "Right Here Right Now (Jordin Sparks album)",
"text": "Right Here Right Now (Jordin Sparks album) Right Here Right Now is the third studio album by American singer Jordin Sparks. It was released on August 21, 2015 through Louder Than Life/Red Associated Labels (RAL), an imprint of Sony Music Entertainment, and 19 Recordings. Following the dissolution of her original label Jive Records in 2011, Sparks was signed to RCA Records, but after years of failed negotiations to release new material under their label, she was released from her contract in 2014 and signed with Louder Than Life/Red Associated Labels. Sparks first confirmed the announcement of the album's release in",
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"title": "Jerry Falwell Jr.",
"text": "endowment in Israel. Falwell stated, \"Liberty is glad to be part of supporting the only democracy that's a close ally of the United States (in an area) that is in such turmoil right now.\" In April 2017, Falwell referred to Trump as the \"dream president\" for evangelicals, and cited \"uniting with Israel\" and appointing \"people of faith\" in his administration as the reason why evangelicals support Trump. In January 2017, Falwell was appointed by President Trump to chair a task force of fifteen college presidents on reforms for the United States Department of Education. In June 2017, Falwell confirmed to",
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"title": "Right Now (book)",
"text": "Right Now (book) Right Now: A 12-Step Program for Defeating the Obama Agenda, written by Michael Steele, was released on January 4, 2010. The book was published by Regnery Publishing. MSNBC reported, \"In his new book, “Right Now,” Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele writes that Republicans have made the mistake of drifting away from their conservative roots.\" The Associated Press reported, \"Steele focuses much of the book on familiar GOP denunciations of President Barack Obama's overall policies (\"a roadmap to failure\"), the $787 billion stimulus bill (\"a reckless, wasteful, pork-laden spending spree\"), liberal views on manmade global warming (\"A",
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"title": "Larry King",
"text": "and Gary Johnson. In May 2013, the Russian network, RT America announced that they struck a deal with Ora TV to host the Larry King Now show on its network. King said in an advertisement on RT America: \"I would rather ask questions to people in positions of power, instead of speaking on their behalf.\" The show would continue to be available on and Ora.TV. The following month, RT America began airing Larry King's new Thursday evening political talk show \"Politicking with Larry King\", beginning with a discussion between Representative Aaron Schock (R, Illinois), Democratic Political Strategist Peter Fenn",
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"title": "Right Now (book)",
"text": "in Honolulu at the end of this month, also would direct him to donate to the RNC and Republican candidates all proceeds from the book.” On January 30, the Washington Times reported that the Republican National Committee abandoned the motion that \"would have directed Mr. Steele to stop touring the country to promote his book, redirected all proceeds from book sales to the RNC, and it would have banned speech-making for personal financial gain.\" Steele attracted controversy by using the phrase \"honest Injun\" during an interview while promoting the book.” On January 4, \"Sean Hannity hosted RNC Chairman Michael Steele",
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"title": "Voice of America",
"text": "concerns over the provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, signed into law by Barack Obama, which replaced the board of the Broadcasting Board of Governors with a CEO appointed by the president and to allow the VOA to broadcast to American audiences. Trump sent two of his political aides, Matthew Ciepielowski and Matthew Schuck, to the agency to aid its current CEO in the transition to the Trump administration. Criticism was raised over Trump's choice of aides; Schuck was a staff writer for right-wing website \"The Daily Surge\" until April 2015, while Ciepielowski was a",
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"title": "USA Gymnastics",
"text": "one of its former physicians. Chief Operating Officer Ron Galimore was designated by the Board of Directors as the interim president until Kerry Perry was hired as USA Gymnastics' president and chief executive officer as of role December 1, 2017. On January 27, 2018, it was reported that the remaining 18 board of directors will resign as a direct result of the USA Gymnastics sex abuse scandal. On September 4 Kerry Perry resigned. This came after USOC CEO Sarah Hirshland called for a change in USAG leadership and the United States Elite Coaches Association called for a vote of no",
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"title": "Diego Arria",
"text": "member of the Board of Directors of the Institute of the Americas and of Freedom Now, and of the Board of Advisors of Inter-American Dialogue. He has been a Director at The Columbus Group, and is currently the Chairman of the Advisory Board at Athelera LLC as well as a Member of the Board of Advisors at VMS Associates, LLC. In November 2011, Arria filed charges for crimes against humanity against Chávez at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. On April 30, 2010, Arria's ranch, \"La Carolina\" in Yaracuy State, was taken over by the Venezuelan government. Minister of",
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"title": "Sulaiman Al-Fahim",
"text": "the former president of the United States, Obama. Al Fahim is dedicated to renewable energy; in 2009 while he was the President of the Arab Union for Real Estate Development he was offering Green Cooperation with New York. Al Fahims interest in chess resulted him to sponsor various chess tournaments. He was elected as the president of UAE Chess Federation from 2008 until 2012. Over the years he sponsored various sports tournaments as well. Al Fahim was a major part in signing Manchester City deal in 2008. Sulaiman Al Fahim can be described as the architecture of the deal; at",
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"title": "USAA",
"text": "as declared by USAA. Led by USAA Chairman of the Board Gen. Lester Lyles, USAF (Ret.), USAA's board of directors named Stuart Parker CEO-elect in August 2014 to succeed former CEO Joe Robles after his retirement in February 2015. Parker became CEO in March 2015 and is a former USAF officer. He has been with USAA since 1998, serving in various leadership positions including Chief Operating Officer (COO) and CFO. Carl Liebert succeeded Parker as COO after serving as USAA Capital Corporation President. Carl Liebert is a former U.S. Navy officer, and joined the USAA management team in 2013. USAA",
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"title": "Charles Jarvis (businessman)",
"text": "Charles Jarvis (businessman) Charles W. Jarvis is the chairman and CEO of USANext, formerly known as the United Seniors Association. He joined the group in 2001. Charles served as deputy under secretary at the Department of the Interior during the Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations. He was legislative director for Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa). Jarvis was campaign chairman for presidential candidate Gary Bauer in 2000. He resigned the position, and as stated in Christianity Today: \"Charles Jarvis, Bauer's former campaign chairman, and Tim McDonald, former chief of advance operations, said they resigned from Bauer's campaign because they felt",
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"title": "America Now",
"text": "America Now America Now is a defunct American daily television magazine program hosted by Leeza Gibbons and Bill Rancic, featuring \"news you can really use\" on lifestyle topics such as health, diet, family and pets. The program, which aired Monday through Friday, was produced by ITV Studios America. \"America Now\" was broadcast across the United States on stations owned by Raycom Media, along with being syndicated nationwide in its last season. The show utilized material from television stations owned by Raycom Media, and original demonstrations from experts on various topics. The show first aired on October 30, 2010. During the",
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"title": "International reactions to the 2016 United States presidential election",
"text": "via Twitter and assured him of continued friendship and cooperation of his country with the U.S. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni congratulated Trump by writing on Twitter: \"I look forward to working with him like I have done with his predecessors.\" Information and Communication Minister Chris Mushohwe hoped the new U.S. administration would \"restore sound relations between Harare and Washington\". He added: \"Zimbabwe respects the wishes of the people of America ... Our country has never had any quarrel with America and does [not] need to have any quarrel with them.\" He further hoped Trump would \"restore our relationship and we",
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"title": "Jonathan Klein (CNN)",
"text": "in prime time in the year following the Obama inauguration, Klein hired Eliot Spitzer, the former governor of New York, and Kathleen Parker, a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for the \"Washington Post\", to anchor a new 8 pm program; \"Parker Spitzer\" debuted in October 2010, shortly after Klein left the network in September and Ken Jautz, former head of CNN's HLN, became the president of CNN/US. Klein also recruited and hired Piers Morgan to replace Larry King as host of the network's 9 pm interview show. Jonathan Klein (CNN) Jonathan Klein is an American media executive. He is the former president",
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"title": "One America Appeal",
"text": "One America Appeal The One America Appeal is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded on September 7, 2017, by all five then living former U.S. Presidents: Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. This joint appeal originally aimed to encourage support for recovery efforts for Hurricane Harvey, but was then extended to include areas most affected by Hurricanes Irma and Maria. The appeal was launched when the five former Presidents aired a joint PSA on the NFL’s regular season opening broadcast. All funds collected through this fund will go into a special account established",
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"title": "Right Now (book)",
"text": "to promote the release of Steele's new book, Right Now: A 12-Step Program for Defeating the Obama Agenda. During the interview, Steele emphatically denied that the GOP needs 'more modern' ideas, calling the party's platform 'one of the best political documents' produced in the last quarter-century. 'Honest Injun on that,' he added.\" On January 5, \"The Hill\" reported that Rep. Dale Kildee (D-MI) said, \"The Co-Chairman of the Congressional Native American Caucus demanded an apology from RNC Chairman Michael Steele for using a 'racist' phrase on national television.\" Kildee was quoted as stating that Steele's \"insensitive comment undermines and threatens",
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"title": "International Rescue Committee",
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"title": "Olusegun Obasanjo",
"text": "the man is only telling a lie, pick up a copy of the book written by Condoleza Rice, the former Secretary to the Government of the United States of America. It is actually an autobiography by Rice. On page 628 or page 638, she discussed Obasanjo’s meeting with Bush, how he told the former American President that he wanted to see how he could amend the Constitution so that he could go for a third term. To his surprise, Bush told him not to try it. Bush told him to be patriotic and leave by May 29, 2007.” He became",
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"title": "The Buck Sexton Show",
"text": "The Buck Sexton Show The Buck Sexton Show (formerly known as America Now) is a three-hour early evening syndicated conservative talk radio show hosted by Buck Sexton, and carried by Premiere Networks, a subsidiary of iHeartMedia, Inc. It is broadcast live 6 to 9 p.m. Eastern time on weekdays. The show mainly covers politics, and under former hosts, also had entertainment news segments and was intended as a rundown of all the day's news events. It airs across 100 affiliates live or on tape delay, along with an iHeartRadio app channel. Originally hosted by Andy Dean, \"America Now\" debuted on",
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"title": "USA Next",
"text": "I have enclosed an op-ed by [USA President] Charlie Jarvis, an op-ed by Tech Central Station's James Glassman, as well as a script of a telephone survey we will be conducting in your district.\" This action appears to be coordinated with a campaign run by Voices for Choices to pressure the Bush administration and Federal Communications Commission to appeal a recent telecommunications court decision. In addition to being president of USA, Charlie Jarvis is a board member of Defenders of Property Rights, one of several conservative groups that comprise the AT&T-funded (and DCI Group-operated) \"Voices for Choices\" coalition front group.",
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"title": "Right Now (book)",
"text": "to reverse the progress we have made to correct those wrongs. A cursory look through a dictionary or even some knowledge of Native American history would show Mr. Steele that the term is a racial slur for Native Americans. I strongly urge Mr. Steele to publicly apologize to the Native American community immediately for his derogatory comment.\" On January 10, The Raw Story reported that Rep. Tom Cole, a member of the Chickasaw Nation, \"called Steele's remarks 'unacceptable' and said, 'It's an offensive phrase in the Native American community.'\" Right Now (book) Right Now: A 12-Step Program for Defeating the",
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"title": "Presidency of Ilham Aliyev",
"text": "of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) increased its share from 11% to 25%. At the signing ceremony, Ilham Aliyev awarded BP General Director Robert Dudley with the Order of Friendship. On April 28, 2006 a meeting of Ilham Aliyev and President of the United States of America George W. Bush took place in the White House in Washington. At the meeting, the parties discussed the implementation of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan project, as well as the situation in the region and on the international scene. On May 29, 2013, the Azerbaijani-American forum \"A Look into the Future\" in Baku. Ilham Aliyev attended the opening ceremony.",
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"title": "Michael George DeSombre",
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"title": "Andy Dean",
"text": "Harvard, Dean worked for Rick Davis, former political advisor to Senator John McCain. While host of America Now, Dean appeared on NBC's \"The Today Show,\" CNBC's \"Power Lunch\", Fox News' \"America’s News HQ\" and HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher. Andy Dean Andrew Dean Litinsky (born June 11, 1981), better known as Andy Dean, is an American nationally syndicated radio talk show host and political commentator. His show, \"America Now with Andy Dean,\" discussed politics, business, entertainment, and technology. It aired weekdays from 6pm to 9pm EDT. The program aired nationally in Premiere Radio Networks syndicated 'Big 4' lineup with",
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"title": "Protest songs in the United States",
"text": "\"Right Right Now Now\" take particular aim at the Bush administration and its policies. Green Day's 2004 album \"American Idiot\" contains several Anti-Bush songs. The song \"American Idiot\", was aimed at George W. Bush, and the song \"Holiday\" is a rant about the War in Iraq. American avant-garde singer Bobby Conn wrote an album of anti-Bush songs with his 2004 collection \"The Homeland\". Conn has stated that \"[a]ll the records that I've done are a critique of what's going on in contemporary America\". Conn has admitted that while he actively protests what he sees as the evils of American society,",
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"title": "Right Now (Fabrizio Sotti album)",
"text": "Right Now (Fabrizio Sotti album) Right Now is a 2013 studio album released by Italian-American Jazz guitarist Fabrizio Sotti. The album is notable for its blending of Sotti’s backgrounds as a jazz musician, hip-hop producer, and pop songwriter across collaborations with Shaggy, Ice T, Tony Grey, Mino Cinelu, Zucchero, Melanie Fiona, Isabella Lundgren, M1 of Dead Prez, and more. The album was recorded at Fabrizio’s Sotti Studios in NYC and mixed at Piety Studios in New Orleans by legendary engineer John Fishback, while Sotti produced and arranged all of the songs on the album. \"Right Now\" was inspired by Sotti’s",
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"title": "Debra DeLee",
"text": "New York in the primaries. Debra DeLee Debra DeLee (born 1948) was Chair of the Democratic National Committee from 1994 to 1995, and was the second woman to hold the post. She also served as CEO of the Democratic National Committee. She is currently President and CEO of Americans for Peace Now (APN), a national Zionist organization dedicated to enhancing Israel's security through peace and to supporting the Israeli Peace Now movement. She was born in Chicago, Illinois, is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She was a superdelegate for the 2008 Democratic National Convention and endorsed United",
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"title": "President of the United States",
"long_answer": "Donald Trump is the 45th and current president, inaugurated on January 20, 2017.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Donald Trump is the 45th and current president, inaugurated on January 20, 2017.",
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"Donald Trump"
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what part of the brain is in the middle cranial fossa | [
"pituitary gland",
"the temporal lobes",
"the pituitary gland",
"temporal lobes"
] | [
"title": "Middle cranial fossa",
"text": "It houses the temporal lobes of the brain and the pituitary gland. A middle fossa craniotomy is one means to surgically remove acoustic neuromas (vestibular schwannoma) growing within the internal auditory canal of the temporal bone.",
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"title": "Middle cranial fossa",
"text": "Middle cranial fossa The middle cranial fossa, deeper than the anterior cranial fossa, is narrow medially and widens laterally to the sides of the skull. It is separated from the posterior fossa by the clivus and the petrous crest. It is bounded in front by the posterior margins of the lesser wings of the sphenoid bone, the anterior clinoid processes, and the ridge forming the anterior margin of the chiasmatic groove; behind, by the superior angles of the petrous portions of the temporal bones and the dorsum sellæ; laterally by the temporal squamæ, sphenoidal angles of the parietals, and greater",
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"title": "Anterior cranial fossa",
"text": "upper margin of the optic foramen. The anterior cranial fossa contains the following parts of the brain: There are several openings connecting the anterior cranial fossa with other parts of the skull, and these are the following: The paired anterior ethmoidal foramen connects the anterior cranial fossa with each orbit and transmits the anterior ethmoidal artery, nerve and vein. The cribriform foramina are the openings in the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, which connect the anterior cranial fossa with the nasal cavity and transmit the olfactory nerves. Anterior cranial fossa The anterior cranial fossa is a depression in the",
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"title": "Posterior cranial fossa",
"text": "Posterior cranial fossa The posterior cranial fossa is part of the cranial cavity, located between the foramen magnum and tentorium cerebelli. It contains the brainstem and cerebellum. This is the most inferior of the fossae. It houses the cerebellum, medulla and pons. Anteriorly it extends to the apex of the petrous temporal. Posteriorly it is enclosed by the occipital bone. Laterally portions of the squamous temporal and mastoid part of the temporal bone form its walls. The most conspicuous, large opening in the floor of the fossa. It transmits the medulla, the ascending portions of the spinal accessory nerve (XI),",
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"title": "Posterior cranial fossa",
"text": "enters the junction of the transverse and sigmoid sinuses. Also an inferior petrosal sinus enters the sigmoid sinus near the jugular foramen. The posterior cranial fossa is formed in the endocranium, and holds the most basal parts of the brain. An underdeveloped posterior cranial fossa can cause Arnold-Chiari Malformation. These can be either acquired or congenital disorders. Posterior cranial fossa The posterior cranial fossa is part of the cranial cavity, located between the foramen magnum and tentorium cerebelli. It contains the brainstem and cerebellum. This is the most inferior of the fossae. It houses the cerebellum, medulla and pons. Anteriorly",
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"title": "Middle cranial fossa",
"text": "the sphenoid; it is usually completed laterally by the orbital plate of the frontal bone. It transmits to the orbital cavity the oculomotor, the trochlear, the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal, and the abducent nerves, some filaments from the cavernous plexus of the sympathetic, and the orbital branch of the middle meningeal artery; and from the orbital cavity a recurrent branch from the lacrimal artery to the dura mater, and the ophthalmic veins. Behind the medial end of the superior orbital fissure is the foramen rotundum, for the passage of the maxillary nerve. Behind and lateral to the foramen rotundum",
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"title": "Pterygopalatine fossa",
"text": "middle cranial fossa through eight foramina. It has the following boundaries: The following passages connect the fossa with other parts of the skull: The pterygopalatine fossa contains Pterygopalatine fossa In human anatomy, the pterygopalatine fossa (sphenopalatine fossa) is a fossa in the skull. A human skull contains two pterygopalatine fossae—one on the left side, and another on the right side. Each fossa is a cone-shaped paired depression deep to the infratemporal fossa and posterior to the maxilla on each side of the skull, located between the pterygoid process and the maxillary tuberosity close to the apex of the orbit. It",
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"title": "Anterior cranial fossa",
"text": "Anterior cranial fossa The anterior cranial fossa is a depression in the floor of the cranial base which houses the projecting frontal lobes of the brain. It is formed by the orbital plates of the frontal, the cribriform plate of the ethmoid, and the small wings and front part of the body of the sphenoid; it is limited behind by the posterior borders of the small wings of the sphenoid and by the anterior margin of the chiasmatic groove. The lesser wings of the sphenoid separate the anterior and middle fossae. It is traversed by the frontoethmoidal, sphenoethmoidal, and sphenofrontal",
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"title": "Skull fracture",
"text": "the inner portions of the sphenoid wings at the base of the skull. The middle cranial fossa, a depression at the base of the cranial cavity forms the thinnest part of the skull and is thus the weakest part. This area of the cranial floor is weakened further by the presence of multiple foramina as a result this section is at higher risk for basilar skull fractures to occur. Other areas more susceptible to fractures are the cribriform plate, the roof of orbits in the anterior cranial fossa, and the areas between the mastoid and dural sinuses in the posterior",
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"title": "Middle cranial fossa",
"text": "canal, for the transmission of the greater superficial petrosal nerve and the petrosal branch of the middle meningeal artery; beneath it, the smaller groove, for the passage of the lesser superficial petrosal nerve; and, near the apex of the bone, the depression for the semilunar ganglion and the orifice of the carotid canal. Middle cranial fossa The middle cranial fossa, deeper than the anterior cranial fossa, is narrow medially and widens laterally to the sides of the skull. It is separated from the posterior fossa by the clivus and the petrous crest. It is bounded in front by the posterior",
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"title": "Skull",
"text": "The geometry of the skull base and its fossae, the anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossae changes rapidly. The anterior cranial fossa changes especially during the first trimester of pregnancy and skull defects can often develop during this time. At birth, the human skull is made up of 44 separate bony elements. During development, many of these bony elements gradually fuse together into solid bone (for example, the frontal bone). The bones of the roof of the skull are initially separated by regions of dense connective tissue called fontanelles. There are six fontanelles: one anterior (or frontal), one posterior (or",
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"title": "Middle cranial fossa",
"text": "is the foramen ovale, which transmits the mandibular nerve, the accessory meningeal artery, and the lesser superficial petrosal nerve. Medial to the foramen ovale is the foramen Vesalii, which varies in size in different individuals, and is often absent; when present, it opens below at the lateral side of the scaphoid fossa, and transmits a small vein. Lateral to the foramen ovale is the foramen spinosum, for the passage of the middle meningeal vessels, and a recurrent branch from the mandibular nerve. Medial to the foramen ovale is the foramen lacerum; in the fresh state the lower part of this",
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"title": "Anterior cranial fossa",
"text": "sutures. Its lateral portions roof in the orbital cavities and support the frontal lobes of the cerebrum; they are convex and marked by depressions for the brain convolutions, and grooves for branches of the meningeal vessels. The central portion corresponds with the roof of the nasal cavity, and is markedly depressed on either side of the crista galli. It presents, in and near the median line, from before backward, the commencement of the frontal crest for the attachment of the falx cerebri; the foramen cecum, between the frontal bone and the crista galli of the ethmoid, which usually transmits a",
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"title": "Middle cranial fossa",
"text": "aperture is filled up by a layer of fibrocartilage, while its upper and inner parts transmit the internal carotid artery surrounded by a plexus of sympathetic nerves. The nerve of the pterygoid canal and a meningeal branch from the ascending pharyngeal artery pierce the layer of fibrocartilage. On the anterior surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone are seen the eminence caused by the projection of the superior semicircular canal; in front of and a little lateral to this a depression corresponding to the roof of the tympanic cavity; the groove leading to the hiatus of the facial",
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"title": "Posterior cranial fossa",
"text": "and the vertebral arteries. Lies in the anterior wall of the posterior cranial fossa. It transmits the facial (VII) and vestibulocochlear (VIII) cranial nerves into a canal in the petrous temporal bone. Lies between the inferior edge of the petrous temporal bone and the adjacent occipital bone and transmits the internal jugular vein (actually begins here), the glossopharyngeal (IX), the vagus (X) and the accessory (XI) nerves. Lies at the anterolateral margins of the f. magnum and transmits the hypoglossal (XII) nerve. Also visible in the posterior cranial fossa are depressions caused by the venous sinuses returning blood from the",
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"title": "Middle cranial fossa",
"text": "and traversed by furrows for the anterior and posterior branches of the middle meningeal vessels. These furrows begin near the foramen spinosum, and the anterior runs forward and upward to the sphenoidal angle of the parietal, where it is sometimes converted into a bony canal; the posterior runs lateralward and backward across the temporal squama and passes on to the parietal near the middle of its lower border. The following apertures are also to be seen. In front is the superior orbital fissure, bounded above by the small wing, below, by the great wing, and medially, by the body of",
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"title": "Posterior cranial fossa",
"text": "brain to the venous circulation: Right and left transverse sinuses which meet at the confluence of sinuses (marked by the internal occipital protuberance). The transverse sinuses pass horizontally from the most posterior point of the occiput. Where the apex of the petrous temporal meets the squamous temporal, the transverse sinuses lead into sigmoid (S-shaped) sinuses (one on each side). These pass along the articulation between the posterior edge of the petrous temporal bone and the anterior edge of the occipital bones to the jugular foramen, where the sigmoid sinus becomes the internal jugular vein. Note that a superior petrosal sinus",
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"title": "Cranial cavity",
"text": "frontal, two temporal, the ethmoid and the sphenoid bones are fused together by the ossification of fixed fibrous sutures. The occipital bone found in the rear of the skull is thicker to limit fractures caused by blows to the back of the head. In the event that the brain strikes the inside of the skull, there is a risk of a minor traumatic brain injury (concussion). This type of injury can alter brain function, cause memory loss, headaches an or nausea. A minor traumatic brain injury can be followed by post concussion syndrome. The capacity of an adult human cranial",
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"title": "Cerebral peduncle",
"text": "between the two cerebral peduncles in the interpeduncular fossa. Cranial nerve 4 (trochlear nerve) wraps around the lowest part of the cerebral peduncle. Cerebral peduncle The cerebral peduncles are structures at the front of the midbrain which arise from the front of the pons and contain the large ascending (sensory) and descending (motor) nerve tracts that run to and from the cerebrum from the pons. Mainly, the three common areas that give rise to the cerebral peduncles are the cerebral cortex, the spinal cord and the cerebellum. The cerebral peduncle, by most classifications, is everything in the midbrain except the",
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"title": "Moschorhinus",
"text": "specimens, and houses a very basic pineal foramen. The parietals are also one of the dermal elements making up the braincase, forming a crest over the top of the brain case and temporal fossa. The walls of the temporal fossa are completed by the squamosal, epipterygoid, pterygoid, and prootic bones, as well as part of the opisthotic, supraoccipital and interparietal bones. Indentations can be seen in the temporal fossa indicating the presence of many blood vessels and nerves supplying the brain. The lacrimal bone is larger than the reduced prefrontal, and forms the majority of the orbital margin. The lacrimal",
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"title": "Euchambersia",
"text": "a large depression, or fossa, on the side of the maxilla, which is also bounded below by part of the lacrimal and possibly part of the jugal. This fossa is 48% the length of the jaw in the type specimen, and 38% in the second skull. In both skulls, this fossa is divided into two parts: a shallower ridge on top, and a larger and deeper depression on the bottom. A wide furrow beginning behind the canine contacts the bottom of the fossa and then passes into the interior of the mouth. The bottom portion of the fossa is strongly",
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"title": "Occipital bone",
"text": "junction between the occipital and petrous portion of the temporal bone lies a jugular foramen. The inner surface of the occipital bone is marked by dividing lines as shallow ridges, that form four fossae or depressions. The lines are called the cruciform (cross-shaped) eminence. At the midpoint where the lines intersect a raised part is formed called the internal occipital protuberance. From each side of this eminence runs a groove for the transverse sinuses. There are two midline skull landmarks at the foramen magnum. The \"basion\" is the most anterior point of the opening and the \"opisthion\" is the point",
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"title": "Pterygopalatine fossa",
"text": "Pterygopalatine fossa In human anatomy, the pterygopalatine fossa (sphenopalatine fossa) is a fossa in the skull. A human skull contains two pterygopalatine fossae—one on the left side, and another on the right side. Each fossa is a cone-shaped paired depression deep to the infratemporal fossa and posterior to the maxilla on each side of the skull, located between the pterygoid process and the maxillary tuberosity close to the apex of the orbit. It is the indented area medial to the pterygomaxillary fissure leading into the sphenopalatine foramen. It communicates with the nasal and oral cavities, infratemporal fossa, orbit, pharynx, and",
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"title": "Petrous part of the temporal bone",
"text": "of the skull, and is continuous with the inner surface of the squamous portion, to which it is united by the petrosquamous suture, remains of which are distinct even at a late period of life. It is marked by depressions for the convolutions of the brain, and presents six notable points: The posterior surface forms the anterior part of the posterior cranial fossa of the base of the skull, and is continuous with the inner surface of the mastoid portion. Near the center is a large orifice, the internal acoustic opening, the size of which varies considerably; its margins are",
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"title": "Squamous part of occipital bone",
"text": "eminence. The upper two fossae are triangular and lodge the occipital lobes of the cerebrum; the lower two are quadrilateral and accommodate the hemispheres of the cerebellum. At the point of intersection of the four divisions of the cruciform eminence is the internal occipital protuberance. From this protuberance the upper division of the cruciform eminence runs to the superior angle of the bone, and on one side of it (generally the right) is a deep groove, the sagittal sulcus, which lodges the hinder part of the superior sagittal sinus. To the margins of this sulcus the falx cerebri is attached.",
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"title": "Basilar skull fracture",
"text": "bone, sphenoid bone, frontal bone, or ethmoid bone. They are divided into anterior fossa, middle fossa, and posterior fossa fractures. Facial fractures often also occur. Diagnosis is typically by CT scan. Treatment is generally based on the injury to structures inside the head. Surgery may be done for a CSF leak that does not stop or an injury to a blood vessel or nerve. Preventative antibiotics are of unclear use. It occurs in about 12% of people with a severe head injury. Basilar skull fractures include breaks in the posterior skull base or anterior skull base. The former involve the",
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"title": "Squamous part of temporal bone",
"text": "meatus and the posterior root of the zygomatic process is the area called the suprameatal triangle (Macewen), or mastoid fossa, through which an instrument may be pushed into the tympanic antrum. At the junction of the anterior root with the zygomatic process is a projection for the attachment of the temporomandibular ligament; and behind the anterior root is an oval depression, forming part of the mandibular fossa, for the reception of the condyle of the mandible. The mandibular fossa (glenoid fossa) is bounded, in front, by the articular tubercle; behind, by the tympanic part of the bone, which separates it",
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"title": "Subarcuate fossa",
"text": "nearly all mammals. In these animals, the subarcuate fossa houses a part of the cerebellum, the petrosal lobe. Subarcuate fossa In the temporal bone at the sides of the skull, above and between the aquæductus vestibuli is an irregular depression which lodges a process of the dura mater and transmits a small vein and the subarcuate artery a branch of the meatal segment of anterior inferior cerebellar artery, which is an end artery that supplies blood to the inner ear ; in the infant this depression is represented by a large fossa, the subarcuate fossa, which extends backward as a",
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"title": "Anterior cranial fossa",
"text": "the anterior ethmoidal vessels and the nasociliary nerve; the nerve runs in a groove along the lateral edge of the cribriform plate to the slit-like opening above mentioned; the posterior ethmoidal foramen opens at the back part of this margin under cover of the projecting lamina of the sphenoid, and transmits the posterior ethmoidal vessels and nerve. Farther back in the middle line is the ethmoidal spine, bounded behind by a slight elevation separating two shallow longitudinal grooves which support the olfactory lobes. Behind this is the anterior margin of the chiasmatic groove, running laterally on either side to the",
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"title": "Dura mater",
"text": "reflected as sheet-like protrusions into the cranial cavity. There are two main dural reflections: Two other dural infoldings are the cerebellar falx and the sellar diaphragm: This depends upon the area of the cranial cavity: in the anterior cranial fossa the anterior meningeal artery (branch from the ethmoidal artery) is responsible for blood supply, in the middle cranial fossa the middle meningeal artery and some accessory arteries are responsible for blood supply, the middle meningeal artery is a direct branch from the maxillary artery and enter the cranial cavity through the foramen spinosum and then divides into anterior (which runs",
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"title": "Middle cranial fossa",
"long_answer": "It houses the temporal lobes of the brain and the pituitary gland. A middle fossa craniotomy is one means to surgically remove acoustic neuromas (vestibular schwannoma) growing within the internal auditory canal of the temporal bone.",
"chunked_long_answer": "It houses the temporal lobes of the brain and the pituitary gland. A middle fossa craniotomy is one means to surgically remove acoustic neuromas (vestibular schwannoma) growing within the internal auditory canal of the temporal bone.",
"short_answers": [
"pituitary gland",
"temporal lobes",
"the pituitary gland",
"the temporal lobes"
} |
where do the greasers live in the outsiders | [
"Tulsa, Oklahoma"
] | [
"title": "The Outsiders (novel)",
"text": "The story in the book takes place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1965, but this is never explicitly stated in the book.",
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"title": "Greaser (subculture)",
"text": "time. The first cinematic representation of the greaser subculture was the 1953 film \"The Wild One\". Greasers are central characters in the 1957 musical \"West Side Story\" and its 1961 film adaptation, the 1967 novel \"The Outsiders\" and its 1983 film adaptation, the 1974 film \"The Lords of Flatbush\", and the 1979 film \"The Wanderers\". The phenomenon was given a more farcical treatment in the 1971 stage musical \"Grease\" (along with its 1978 film adaptation), which drew its name from the subculture and was based on real-life Chicago Polish greasers in the late 1950s. The band Sha-Na-Na models their on-stage",
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"title": "The Outsiders (novel)",
"text": "in 1965, but this is never explicitly stated in the book. A film adaptation was produced in 1983, and a little-known short-lived television series appeared in 1990, picking up where the movie left off. A stage adaptation was written by Christopher Sergel and published in 1990. Ponyboy Curtis, a teenaged member of a loose gang of \"greasers\", is leaving a movie theater when he is jumped by \"Socs\", the greasers' rival gang. Several greasers, including Ponyboy's two older brothers—the paternal Darry and the popular Sodapop—come to his rescue. The next night, Ponyboy and two greaser friends, the hardened Dally and",
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"title": "The Outsiders (novel)",
"text": "and a loaded gun, directing them to hide in an abandoned church in Windrixville. During their stay there, Pony cuts and dyes his hair as a disguise, reads \"Gone with the Wind\" to Johnny, and, upon viewing a beautiful sunrise, recites the poem \"Nothing Gold Can Stay\" by Robert Frost. Days later, Dally comes to check on them, revealing that violence between the greasers and Socs has escalated since Bob's death into all-out city-wide warfare, with Cherry acting out of guilt as a spy for the greasers. Johnny decides to turn himself in and Dally agrees to take the boys",
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"title": "The Outsiders (novel)",
"text": "back home. As they attempt to leave, they notice the church has caught fire and several local schoolchildren have become trapped inside. The greasers run inside the burning church to save the children, but Ponyboy is rendered unconscious by the fumes. At the hospital he discovers that he and Dally are not badly injured, but a piece of the church roof fell on Johnny and broke his back. Sodapop and Darry come to the hospital; Darry breaks down and cries. Ponyboy then realizes that Darry cares about him, and is only hard on him because he loves him and cares",
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"title": "The Outsiders (film)",
"text": "home. Bob's death has sparked calls from the Socs for \"a rumble,\" which the Greasers win. Dallas drives Ponyboy to the hospital to visit Johnny. Johnny is unimpressed by the victory, and dies after telling Ponyboy to \"stay gold,\" referring to the Frost poem. Unable to bear Johnny's death, Dallas wanders through the hospital, pretending to shoot a doctor with his unloaded gun, which clicks harmlessly. He then robs a grocery store with the same gun, but he is shot and wounded by the owner as he flees. Pursued by the police, Dallas is surrounded in a park and the",
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"title": "Greaser (subculture)",
"text": "towards the group. Their choice in clothing was largely drawn from a common understanding of the empowering aesthetic of working-class attire, rather than cohesive association with similarly-dressed individuals. Some greasers were in motorcycle clubs or in gangs (and some gang members and bikers dressed like greasers) though such membership was not an inherent principle of the subculture. Ethnically, original greasers were mostly composed of Italian Americans in the Northeastern United States and Chicanos in the Southwest. Since both of these peoples were mostly olive-skinned, the \"greaser\" label assumed a quasi-racial status that implied an urban lower class masculinity and delinquency.",
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"title": "Grease (musical)",
"text": "typically inserted at or near the beginning of the show. The musical begins with all of the cast coming to school and getting ready in Rydell High School Class of 1959 reunion headed by old maid English teacher, Miss Lynch, who sings with Patty and Eugene the school anthem (\"Alma Mater\"). She welcomes former cheerleader/yearbook-editor Patty Simcox Honeywell and class valedictorian Eugene Florczyk. Eugene gives a rousing speech, mentioning that the alumni who are missing from the reunion are surely present in-spirit. Suddenly, the greaser gang known as the Burger Palace Boys (known in later versions as the \"T-Birds\") and",
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"title": "The Outsiders (film)",
"text": "told the police that Johnny and Pony were in Texas, and gives Pony a note from Sodapop. They go out to get something to eat, then return to find the church on fire with children trapped inside. The Greasers turn into heroes as they rescue the kids from the burning church. It doesn't take long for Ponyboy and Dally to heal up. Johnny, on the other hand, ends up with a broken back and severe burns. The boys are praised for their heroism, but Johnny is charged with manslaughter for killing Bob, while Ponyboy may be sent to a boys'",
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"title": "The Outsiders (novel)",
"text": "police. The greasers find Dally deliberately pointing an unloaded gun at the police, causing them to shoot and kill him. Overwhelmed, Ponyboy faints and is sick in bed for many days due to the resulting concussion from the rumble. When the hearing finally comes, the judge frees Ponyboy from responsibility for Bob's death and allows Pony to remain at home with Darry and Soda. Ponyboy returns to school, but his grades drop. Although he is failing English, his teacher, Mr. Syme, says he will pass him if he writes a decent theme. In the copy of \"Gone with the Wind\"",
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"original_retrieval_index": 10
"title": "Greaser (subculture)",
"text": "presence on New York City greasers (the band members themselves were mostly Ivy Leaguers). Greaser (subculture) Greasers are a youth subculture that was popularized in the late 1940s and 1950s to 1960s by predominantly working class and lower class teenagers and young adults in the United States. The subculture remained prominent into the mid-1960s and was particularly embraced by certain ethnic groups in urban areas, particularly Italian-Americans and Hispanic-Americans. Rock and roll music, rockabilly and doo-wop were major parts of the culture. The word \"greaser\" originated in the 19th century in the United States as a derogatory label for poor",
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"title": "The Outsiders (novel)",
"text": "about his future. The following morning the newspapers declare Pony and Johnny heroes, but Johnny will be charged with manslaughter for Bob's death. Two-Bit tells them that the greaser–Soc rivalry is to be settled in a final rumble. Ponyboy and Two-Bit are approached by a Soc named Randy, Bob's best friend, who expresses remorse for his involvement in the gang war, lacks confidence about the rumble ending the feud, and says he will not participate. Later, Ponyboy visits Johnny at the hospital, where he is in critical condition. On their way home, Pony spots Cherry and they talk. Cherry says",
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"id": "2897005",
"score": "1.0743904",
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"title": "The Outsiders (novel)",
"text": "she is unwilling to visit Johnny in the hospital because he killed her boyfriend. Pony calls her a traitor, but after she explains herself they end on good terms. After escaping the hospital, Dally shows up just in time for the rumble. The greasers win the brutal fight. Afterward, Pony and Dally hurry back to the hospital to see Johnny, but he dies moments later and a maniacal Dally runs out of the room. Pony returns home that night feeling confused and disoriented. Dally calls the house to say that he has robbed a store and is running from the",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "2897006",
"score": "1.0705616",
"original_retrieval_index": 13
"title": "Greaser (subculture)",
"text": "Greaser (subculture) Greasers are a youth subculture that was popularized in the late 1940s and 1950s to 1960s by predominantly working class and lower class teenagers and young adults in the United States. The subculture remained prominent into the mid-1960s and was particularly embraced by certain ethnic groups in urban areas, particularly Italian-Americans and Hispanic-Americans. Rock and roll music, rockabilly and doo-wop were major parts of the culture. The word \"greaser\" originated in the 19th century in the United States as a derogatory label for poor laborers, specifically those of Mexican or Italian descent. The term was later used to",
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"id": "3464869",
"score": "1.0667245",
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"title": "Greaser (subculture)",
"text": "lack of economic opportunity in spite of the or a marginalization enacted by the general domestic shift towards homogeneity. Most were male, often ethnic and working-class, and held interest in hotrod culture or motorcycling. A handful of middle class youth were drawn to the subculture for its rebellious attitude. The weak structural foundation of the greasers can be attributed to the subculture's origins in working-class youth with few economic resources with which they could participate in American consumerism. Greasers, unlike motorcyclists, did not explicitly have their own interest clubs or publications. As such, there was no business marketing geared specifically",
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"id": "3464871",
"score": "1.0661256",
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"title": "Greaser (subculture)",
"text": "refer to mechanics. It was not used in writing to refer to the American subculture of the mid-20th century until the mid-1960s, though in this sense it still evoked a pejorative connotation and a relation to machine work. The name was applied to members of the subculture because of their characteristic greased-back hair. The greaser subculture may have emerged in the post-World War II era among the motorcycle clubs and gangs of the late 1940s, though it was certainly established by the 1950s. The original greasers were aligned by a feeling of disillusion with American popular culture, either through a",
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"id": "3464870",
"score": "1.046748",
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"title": "S. E. Hinton",
"text": "Rogers High School, the Greasers and the Socs, and her desire to show empathy towards the Greasers by writing from their point of view. It was published by Viking Press in 1967, during her freshman year at the University of Tulsa. Since then, the book has sold more than 14 million copies and still sells more than 500,000 a year. Hinton's publisher suggested she use her initials instead of her feminine given names so that the very first male book reviewers would not dismiss the novel because its author was female. After the success of \"The Outsiders\", Hinton chose to",
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"id": "2281882",
"score": "1.0409403",
"original_retrieval_index": 17
"title": "Greaser (subculture)",
"text": "pedal pushers (broadly popular during the time period). In the early 1950s there was significant greaser interest in doo-wop, a black genre of music from the industrial cities of the Northeast that had disseminated to mainstream American music through Italian American performers. Greasers were also heavily associated with the culture surrounding rock n' roll, a musical genre which had induced feelings of a moral panic among older, middle class generations during the mid to late 1950s. To many of them, greasers epitomized the connection between rock music and juvenile delinquency professed by several important social and cultural observers at the",
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"id": "3464876",
"score": "1.039003",
"original_retrieval_index": 18
"title": "Grease (musical)",
"text": "Grease (musical) Grease is a 1971 musical by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey. Named after the 1950s United States working-class youth subculture known as greasers, the musical is set in 1959 at fictional Rydell High School (based on William Howard Taft School in Chicago, Illinois) and follows ten working-class teenagers as they navigate the complexities of peer pressure, politics, personal core values, and love. The score borrows heavily from the sounds of early rock and roll. In its original production in Chicago, \"Grease\" was a raunchy, raw, aggressive, vulgar show. Subsequent productions sanitized it and toned it down. The show",
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"id": "1276394",
"score": "1.0358979",
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"title": "Lard of the Dance",
"text": "it is like this because they are only children, not adults. Homer and Bart arrive at the school during the school-dance to steal the grease in the school's kitchen which Bart told him about. They sneak into the kitchen and plants a hose in the fryer to suck it into the car, but Willie spots them and attempts to stop them, claiming the grease to be his retirement plan; an argument then ensues in which Homer claims to be from Willie's hometown, North Kilttown. Homer tries to escape, but Willie grabs his legs and strangles him with the hose sucking",
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"id": "4983055",
"score": "1.0238059",
"original_retrieval_index": 20
"title": "Greaser's Palace",
"text": "Greaser's Palace Greaser's Palace is a 1972 American acid western film directed by underground filmmaker Robert Downey Sr. A parable based on the life of Christ, it utilizes surrealist comedy in a setting of America's frontier days. \"Greaser's Palace\" follows Jesse (Allan Arbus), a Christ-like figure in a zoot suit, on his way to Jerusalem to find work as a singer-dancer-actor. In a run-down Western town, he runs afoul of the local boss, Seaweedhead Greaser (Albert Henderson), until he brings Greaser's son Lamy (Michael Sullivan) back from the dead. Cast notes: \"Greaser's Palace\", which was shot on location in New",
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"title": "Greaser's Palace",
"text": "presented at the Telluride Film Festival in 1976, was not a commercial success. Notes Greaser's Palace Greaser's Palace is a 1972 American acid western film directed by underground filmmaker Robert Downey Sr. A parable based on the life of Christ, it utilizes surrealist comedy in a setting of America's frontier days. \"Greaser's Palace\" follows Jesse (Allan Arbus), a Christ-like figure in a zoot suit, on his way to Jerusalem to find work as a singer-dancer-actor. In a run-down Western town, he runs afoul of the local boss, Seaweedhead Greaser (Albert Henderson), until he brings Greaser's son Lamy (Michael Sullivan) back",
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"id": "11867270",
"score": "0.99729085",
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"title": "Greaser (subculture)",
"text": "most notable physical characteristic of greasers were their greased hair styles through the use of products such as pomade or petroleum jelly. For males, it was used to fashion coiffures such as the Folsom, Pompadour, Elephant's trunk, or Duck's ass. This was probably adopted from early rock 'n' roll and rockabilly performers such as Elvis Presley. Since the hair products weren't sticky and remained wet the hair had to be frequently reshaped via combing so the style could be maintained. For females, backcombing or teasing the hair was common. Male greasers typically wore loose cotton twill trousers (common among the",
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"title": "Grease (musical)",
"text": "gang never turns up. The greasers realize that Roger is missing. Just as they decide to leave, Roger finally turns up with a car antenna as his weapon, and the greasers criticize him for showing up so late with such a pathetic excuse for a weapon. Roger challenges the three Burger Palace Boys, who proceed to run off with Roger's pants and shoes. In the next scene, Danny and Sandy are in Greased Lightning, watching a drive-in movie. Danny tells Sandy how upset his buddies are at him, and how sorry he is for his companion's behavior during the picnic.",
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"title": "Grease (musical)",
"text": "Not on the Soundtrack The original score calls for a piano, two tenor saxophones, bass guitar, percussion, and two guitars. The 2007 revival includes two pianos, two reeds, trombone, trumpet, guitar, bass guitar, and percussion. Grease (musical) Grease is a 1971 musical by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey. Named after the 1950s United States working-class youth subculture known as greasers, the musical is set in 1959 at fictional Rydell High School (based on William Howard Taft School in Chicago, Illinois) and follows ten working-class teenagers as they navigate the complexities of peer pressure, politics, personal core values, and love. The",
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"id": "1276453",
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"title": "Greaser (derogatory)",
"text": "many Anglo Californians. Greaser persisted in use through the silent movie era, as evidenced by movies such as \"Ah Sing and the Greasers\" (1910), \"The Greaser's Gauntlet\" (1908),\"Tony, the Greaser\" (1911), \"The Greaser and the Weakling\" (1912), \"The Girl and the Greaser\" (1913), \"The Greaser's Revenge\" (1914), and \"Bronco Billy and the Greaser\" (1914). Subsequently, however, Hollywood began to cut its usage of this particular derogatory term to improve its distribution in Mexican and Latin American markets. The eugenicist Madison Grant made mention of the term with respect to Mexicans of mixed ancestry in his 1916 work of scientific racism",
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"title": "Grease 2",
"text": "a motorcycle. Following an unusual biology lesson (\"Reproduction\") given by Mr. Stuart, a substitute teacher, a gang of rival motorcyclists called the Cycle Lords (most of whom are members of the defunct Scorpions) led by Leo Balmudo, surprise the T-Birds at the bowling alley. Before the fight starts, a lone mysterious (unnamed) biker appears (who is actually Michael in disguise,) defeats the enemy gang and disappears into the night (\"Who's That Guy?\"). Stephanie is fascinated with the stranger. Meanwhile, Louis, one of the T-Birds, attempts to trick his sweetheart Sharon, one of the Pink Ladies and Stephanie's friends into losing",
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"score": "0.9902741",
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"title": "Grease (musical)",
"text": "After Danny offers Sandy a ring, he attempts to get intimate with her, but moves too fast, and she leaves. Danny misses Sandy, and wishes that they could be together again (\"Alone at a Drive-In Movie\" or \"Sandy\"). Several days later, Sandy and the greasers — without Danny — are having a party in Jan's basement as Doody, on guitar, performs alongside Roger (\"Rock 'N' Roll Party Queen\"). Rizzo, who missed her period, suspects she is pregnant and tells the Pink Ladies that the father is a stranger who had sex with her with a cheap, broken condom. The Burger",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "1276444",
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"title": "Grease (musical)",
"text": "Palace. Patty Simcox comes in, miserable and emotionally hurt. She tells them that Danny quit the track team and gave the finger to the coach. The Burger Palace Boys laugh and congratulate Danny, who returns. Sandy comes in alongside the Pink Ladies, having transformed herself from an innocent schoolgirl into a greaser's dream date, punching out a dismayed Patty. Danny is delighted at this change and the couple express their mutual feelings for each other (\"All Choked Up\" or \"You're the One That I Want\"). Afterwards, the other Burger Palace Boys and Pink Ladies cheer for Danny and Sandy being",
"hasanswer": false,
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"original_retrieval_index": 30
"title": "The Outsiders (novel)",
"text": "the quiet Johnny, meet Cherry and Marcia, a pair of Soc girls, at a drive-in movie theater. Cherry spurns Dally's rude advances, but Ponyboy ends up speaking civilly with Cherry, emotionally connecting with a Soc for the first time in his life. Afterward, Ponyboy, Johnny, and their wisecracking friend Two-Bit begin to walk Cherry and Marcia home, when they are stopped by Cherry's boyfriend Bob, who badly beat up Johnny a few months back. Bob and the greasers exchange taunts, but Cherry prevents a fight by willingly leaving with Bob. Ponyboy gets home at two in the morning, enraging Darry",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "2897001",
"score": "0.9795246",
"original_retrieval_index": 31
] | {
"title": "The Outsiders (novel)",
"long_answer": "The story in the book takes place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1965, but this is never explicitly stated in the book.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The story in the book takes place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1965, but this is never explicitly stated in the book.",
"short_answers": [
"Tulsa, Oklahoma"
} |
who died in the plane crash greys anatomy | [
"Dr. Lexie Grey",
] | [
"title": "Flight (Grey's Anatomy)",
"text": "and the show's 172nd episode overall. It was written by series creator Shonda Rhimes, and directed by Rob Corn. The episode was originally broadcast on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in the United States on May 17, 2012. In the episode, six doctors from Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital who are victims of an aviation accident fight to stay alive, but Dr. Lexie Grey (Chyler Leigh) ultimately dies. Other storylines occur in Seattle where Dr. Richard Webber (James Pickens, Jr.) plans his annual dinner for the departing residents, Dr. Owen Hunt (Kevin McKidd) fires Dr. Teddy Altman (Kim Raver), and",
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"id": null,
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"title": "One Flight Down (Grey's Anatomy)",
"text": "A plane crash in downtown Seattle brings a crop of new patients to Grey Sloan Memorial and old memories back to Meredith, Arizona, and Owen. Meredith tries to make it through the day without freaking out about not knowing where Derek is; Bailey gives her a 5:00 time frame for freaking out. No freaking out until 5:00 pm. Alex sticks close to Arizona to make sure that she’s okay, but she finds him more annoying than helpful. Alex tells Arizona that it was he who cut off her leg, not Callie. When asked, Callie tells Arizona that she was the",
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"id": "18754162",
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"title": "She's Leaving Home (Grey's Anatomy)",
"text": "She's Leaving Home (Grey's Anatomy) \"She's Leaving Home\" is the 22nd and 23rd episode of the eleventh season of the American television medical drama \"Grey's Anatomy\", and the 242nd and 243rd episode overall. The episodes aired on April 30, 2015 on ABC in the United States. The episodes were written by Stacy McKee and directed by Chris Hayden. On its initial airing it was watched by 8.74 million viewers. The two-hour episode serves as a tribute to the death of Derek Shepherd, the show's male lead played by Patrick Dempsey, who died in a car accident in the previous episode.",
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"title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 9)",
"text": "becoming bitter and blaming her wife Callie and her former friend Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) and refuses to leave her bed or return to work. Derek discovers that prior to the plane crash, the hospital had recently changed airlines to one with a poorer safety record for budgetary reasons, resulting in the four crash survivors (Grey, Shepherd, Robbins and Yang) deciding to pursue a lawsuit, and it soon becomes apparent that chief of surgery Owen Hunt (Kevin McKidd) had given the go-ahead to the change. To prevent the doctors' court case from being thrown out, Hunt decides to divorce Yang,",
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"title": "The plane crash (Neighbours)",
"text": "Elle Robinson (Pippa Black), Izzy Hoyland (Natalie Bassingthwaighte), Connor O'Neill (Patrick Harvey), Serena Bishop (Lara Sacher), Sky Mangel (Stephanie McIntosh), Dylan Timmins (Damien Bodie), Susan Kennedy (Jackie Woodburne), Alex Kinski (Andrew Clarke), David) (Kevin Harrington) and Liljana Bishop (Marcella Russo). Green added that the bomber's target would survive the crash, the three deaths would affect an older character who plans revenge, while two survivors would fake their own deaths to evade the police. At the time of the storyline's conception, there was a threat of terrorism in Australia and bombings had occurred in the UK and Bali. \"Neighbours\" producer Peter",
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"title": "Going, Going, Gone (Grey's Anatomy)",
"text": "lives with their personal lives. In this episode, the doctors of Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital cope with the physical and emotional reverberations of the aviation accident that took place in the season eight finale, while several surgical residents are promoted. Further storylines include Dr. Cristina Yang (Sandra Oh) relocating to a different hospital, and a group of new interns being intimidated by Dr. Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo). The episode saw the death of Dr. Mark Sloan (Eric Dane); the actor was let go due to budget cuts by the producers. Excessive spoilers were not released, in order to keep",
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"title": "Perfect Storm (Grey's Anatomy)",
"text": "patient by listening to his heart in the dark. The ER staff rush to help the passengers of a burning bus. April questions her engagement to Matthew when she believes that Jackson has died in the bus explosion. Callie, April and Bailey load patients into the hospital as Owen and Avery struggle to get a woman out who’s pleading with them to find her young daughter. After these three emerge from the bus Avery looks back and sees a little girl’s shoe on the ground. Avery finds the little girl hiding inside the bus which explodes and he later emerges",
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"title": "Meredith Grey",
"text": "immense amount of trauma, death, and pain they have experienced there. Meredith's newfound attitude and sarcasm leads to her being dubbed \"Medusa\" by the hospital's new batch of interns. In the aftermath of the plane accident, the hospital is sued and eventually found guilty of negligence. Each victim including Derek, Cristina, Arizona Robbins (Jessica Capshaw) and herself must receive $15 million of compensation, which leads the hospital to a near bankruptcy as the insurance company refuses to pay due to a loophole. The doctors along with Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez) buy the hospital with the help of the Harper Avery",
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"title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 11)",
"text": "death of Derek who is involved in a car accident in \"How to Save a Life.\" Other story-arcs include Amelia Shepherd (Caterina Scorsone) moving to Seattle, learning the ropes at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez) and Arizona Robbins (Jessica Capshaw) try to save their marriage by going to marriage counseling, April Kepner (Sarah Drew) and Jackson Avery (Jesse Williams) end up having a boy, named Samuel, who dies moments after birth having been diagnosed to have Osteogenesis imperfecta, a lethal birth defect. The season also focuses on the deepening friendship between Meredith and Alex Karev (Justin Chambers)",
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"title": "Elevator Love Letter (Grey's Anatomy)",
"text": "woman unlikely to make it through the day. But her nephews and niece are anxious to catch flights and can't be bothered to stick around until she dies. Owen and Derek go to the roof of the hospital to receive a head trauma patient who was helicoptered in. The sound of the helicopter makes Owen freeze up for a moment until Derek snaps him out of it. Outside the hospital, Derek reminds Owen that PTSD is a real injury that produces real physiological changes, but it can also be healed. Meredith tries to walk into an empty elevator, but Richard",
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"title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 9)",
"text": "four crash survivors and Torres to purchase the hospital. Miranda Bailey (Chandra Wilson) marries her partner Ben Warren (Jason George), April Kepner (Sarah Drew) returns home to Ohio, but is brought back by Hunt to rejoin the hospital and she restarts her relationship with Jackson Avery (Jesse Williams). The season ended with an average of 12.51 million viewers and ranked no. 26 which was higher than the previous two seasons and in the 18-49 key demographic ranked at no. 10. Ellen Pompeo won the Favorite TV Drama Actress at the 39th People's Choice Awards and the show itself won the",
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"title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 9)",
"text": "who is severely traumatized upon rescue and later decides to take up her fellowship in Minnesota. Arizona Robbins (Jessica Capshaw) another survivor of the plane crash upon return realizes that her leg has to be amputated to save her life, reacts badly to this, becoming bitter and blaming her wife Callie and her former friend Alex Karev (Justin Chambers). To prevent the doctors' court case from being thrown out, Owen Hunt (Kevin McKidd) decides to divorce Yang, but the two agree to start again. The hospital itself becomes liable for the crash, putting its future in extreme doubt prompting the",
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"title": "Going, Going, Gone (Grey's Anatomy)",
"text": "frustratedly exits the operating room. In the intern appendectomy, Wilson makes a mistake and freezes, leading to a scolding from Meredith Grey. Back in Minnesota, Yang is annoyed by the peppy attitudes of her superiors at Mayo Clinic, Dr. Craig Thomas (William Daniels) and Dr. Parker (Steven Culp), so she decides to take a trip to Seattle for Sloan's death. However, her PTSD hinders her from boarding the plane, and she ultimately remains in Minnesota. Meanwhile, Dr. Jackson Avery (Jesse Williams), now a plastic surgical fellow, sits by Sloan's bedside and talks of medical cases to him. Dr. Richard Webber",
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"title": "Grey's Anatomy",
"text": "post traumatic stress and Arizona Robbins's loss of limb by way of suing Seattle Grace Mercy West as the hospital was responsible for putting the surgeons on the plane. The season continues with the struggle of the lawsuit and the animosity that it creates within the hospital, Yang and Hunt eventually divorce in order to help the lawsuit. The doctors who were on the plane won the lawsuit, but the pay out bankrupts the hospital. They all club together and buy Seattle Grace Mercy West, with the help of the Harper Avery Foundation, and they become the Board of Directors,",
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"title": "Grey's Anatomy",
"text": "a bid to purchase the hospital themselves. Kepner starts dating a paramedic named Matthew (Justin Bruening) and they form a deep relationship over the course of the ninth ad tenth seasons and she eventually agreed to marry before reconciling with Avery in the middle of her wedding to Mathew. Lauren Boswell (Hilarie Burton) is introduced as a craniofacial surgeon consulting on a case at Grey Sloan Memorial who showed romantic interested in Arizona and eventually ended up having a one-night stand with her. Dr. Heather Brooks dies in the premier of season ten. She goes to search for Dr. Webber",
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"title": "Grey's Anatomy",
"text": "once being called the \"Grey-Sloan 7\". One of the changes they implement is renaming the hospital to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. Robbins cheats on Torres with a visiting facial reconstruction surgeon. \"Grey's Anatomy\" then concluded its 10th season on ABC and saw the departure of one of its major players, Cristina Yang, played by Sandra Oh. Towards the end of the eleventh season, Derek Shepherd witnesses a car accident and pulls over to help the injured, but his car is hit by a truck with him inside as he attempts to leave the scene. He later dies at another hospital",
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"title": "Going, Going, Gone (Grey's Anatomy)",
"text": "\"Going, Going, Gone\" picks up about one month after the crash, and throughout the episode, features home videos of Sloan. The episode begins with Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital's new interns, Dr. Shane Ross (Gaius Charles), Dr. Jo Wilson (Camilla Luddington), Dr. Heather Brookes (Tina Majorino), and Dr. Stephanie Edwards (Jerrika Hinton), expressing fear of Meredith Grey, who is now an attending general surgeon. It is revealed that former resident Dr. Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) will be pursuing a pediatric surgical fellowship at Johns Hopkins Hospital. The scene switches to Minnesota, where Yang is now a cardiothoracic surgical fellow. Back",
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"title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 9)",
"text": "she is pregnant, despite her previously being told that it was unlikely that she could conceive. Cristina Yang (Sandra Oh) is severely traumatized upon rescue and suffers from brief reactive psychosis and eventually decides to take up her fellowship in Minnesota, though soon grows unhappy in her new surroundings and returns to Seattle after the death of her friend and mentor, Doctor Thomas. Arizona Robbins (Jessica Capshaw) survives the plane crash in spite of her leg injury, but upon return her wound becomes infected and her leg has to be amputated to save her life. Robbins reacts badly to this,",
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"title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 9)",
"text": "Richard Webber (James Pickens Jr.) discover the unpleasant consequences that would fall upon the hospital should they be taken over by Pegasus prompting the four crash survivors (and Torres on the behalf of Sloan) to pool their money together in a bid to purchase the hospital themselves and quit their jobs, resulting in Pegasus pulling out. The doctors run into trouble when they fail to secure an extra benefactor, but at the last minute Catherine Avery (Debbie Allen) reveals that the Harper Avery Foundation is willing to provide a majority share in the company, on the condition that they have",
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"title": "Perfect Storm (Grey's Anatomy)",
"text": "Perfect Storm (Grey's Anatomy) \"Perfect Storm\" is the season finale of the ninth season of the American television medical drama \"Grey's Anatomy\", and is the 196th episode overall. It aired on May 16, 2013 on ABC in the United States. The episode was written by Stacy McKee and directed by Rob Corn. On its initial airing it was watched by 8.99 million viewers. In the episode Grey-Sloan Memorial experienced power outages and a bus crash during an intense super storm. The episode was loosely based on Hurricane Sandy, which hit the East Coast in 2012. A bus crashes in front",
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"title": "Flight (Grey's Anatomy)",
"text": "that happened to be a moment where I was sprung. Everybody was very accommodating — the crew, cast. And I opted to stay underneath [the wreckage] for the most part over two days rather than trying to get in and out.\" In regard to the episode, Rhimes commented before it originally aired that it was difficult to write, largely because of the death of a main character. She compared it to writing the season six finale, by explaining that the former was \"more painful\" to write. After the episode aired, Rhimes repeated in a tweet that it was hard for",
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"title": "I Must Have Lost it on the Wind",
"text": "episode the doctors at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) in particular deals with the departure of Cristina Yang (Sandra Oh) in the finale of the previous season and the episode also marks the arrival of Maggie Pierce (Kelly McCreary) the half-sister of Meredith and the daughter of Richard Webber (James Pickens, Jr.). The episode starts with the ever-present into voice-over, with Meredith reflecting on memories. We quickly learn that they are a tricky business, as she reflects back on a day we’ve seen before, Richard breaking up with Ellis at the carousel. She remembers calling the ambulance",
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"title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 7)",
"text": "Grey's Anatomy (season 7) The seventh season of the American television medical drama Grey's Anatomy, began airing on September 23, 2010 on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), and concluded on May 19, 2011 ending the season with a total of 22 episodes. The season was produced by ABC Studios, in association with Shondaland Production Company and The Mark Gordon Company; the showrunner being Shonda Rhimes. The season follows the aftermath of season six shooting, in which Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey), Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) and Owen Hunt (Kevin McKidd) are shot, and a total of 11 people died. Cristina Yang",
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"title": "Flight (Grey's Anatomy)",
"text": "Angeles. After realizing Dr. Teddy Altman (Kim Raver) was offered a chief position at United States Army Medical Command (MEDCOM) and is refusing to leave Seattle out of loyalty, Dr. Owen Hunt (Kevin McKidd), the chief of surgery, fires her to free her from the hospital where her husband died. As the episode ends, Hunt picks up his messages to discover the surgical team never made it to Boise. The residents, finally excited to celebrate at Webber's dinner, are left waiting for their stranded friends. The remaining crash survivors are left struggling to stay awake as their last match goes",
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"title": "She's Leaving Home (Grey's Anatomy)",
"text": "In the episode, the doctors at the Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital mourn the death of their colleague and friend following the tragic accident. The episode also focuses on the struggle of Meredith Grey (Derek's wife and the show's protagonist) after she disappears from Seattle and adapts to becoming a single mother before giving birth to her third child, Ellis Shepherd. Meredith returns to Grey Sloan Memorial to reveal the news of Derek’s death. Most of the doctors experience the usual sadness and tears, all except one. Amelia hides behind morbid jokes about her brother being dead, which catches her colleagues off",
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"title": "Grey's Anatomy (season 11)",
"text": "without her. He says that he’s only going back to Washington, D.C. once more to tell them he’s quitting and moving back to Seattle. However, on his way to the airport, he’s severely injured in a car crash. He’s rushed to a hospital, but they aren’t trauma certified. Derek is eventually declared brain-dead after the neurosurgeon arrives too late. Not able to feel at home without her husband, Meredith takes off leaving only a note that she and her kids are safe. A year passes, and no one has heard from her. It turns out that she was pregnant with",
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"title": "Grey's Anatomy",
"text": "is entertained by deceased acquaintances Duquette and Dylan Young (Kyle Chandler), who was killed during a bomb crisis in the second season, until eventually being resuscitated. Seeking a cure to her depression, Meredith undergoes therapy sessions with the hospital psychiatrist, Dr. Katharine Wyatt (Amy Madigan), who in addition, serves as a psychiatrist to Hunt. The season four premiere introduces several new interns, to be trained under Meredith, Yang, Karev, Stevens, and eventually O'Malley. Among them are Dr. Steve Mostow (Mark Saul) who continues to make appearances, and Dr. Sadie Harris (Melissa George) who formed a friendship with Meredith while the",
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"title": "One Flight Down (Grey's Anatomy)",
"text": "one to make the call anyway, and she wanted her to have Alex and just be mad at her alone. Owen and Amelia’s separation becomes exacerbated when he’s reminded of how he “failed his men” when he hired the service of the plane that went down with his doctors on it. Stephanie, who’s obsessed with finding love, is determined to make her patient remember the pilot with whom she fell in love. The clock finally strikes 5:00 pm, but when Meredith goes to the phone to call Derek, she sees lights from a cop car pulling in her driveway. The",
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"title": "Going, Going, Gone (Grey's Anatomy)",
"text": "(James Pickens, Jr.) enters Sloan's hospital room and removes him from life support. Unable to cope with Sloan's death, Meredith Grey boards a plane to visit Yang, but panics before it takes off. Shortly thereafter, Meredith Grey finds Karev at the airport bar, where he reveals that he will be staying at Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital. The next morning, Hunt visits Dr. April Kepner (Sarah Drew) at her family's farm, and asks her to begin working in Seattle again. At the conclusion of the episode, Torres returns home to Robbins, who is revealed to have had her lower left",
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"title": "Things We Lost in the Fire (Grey's Anatomy)",
"text": "finding a date, and Meredith talks to Owen’s mother about Nathan and learns something new about Owen: he once had a sister. Things We Lost in the Fire (Grey's Anatomy) \"Things We Lost in the Fire\" is the eighth episode of the twelfth season of the American television medical drama \"Grey's Anatomy\", and the 253rd episode overall. It aired November 19, 2015 on ABC in the United States. The episode was written by Tia Napolitano and directed by Rob Corn. On its initial airing the episode was watched by 8.50 million viewers and opened up to positive reviews from television",
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] | {
"title": "Flight (Grey's Anatomy)",
"long_answer": "\"Flight\" is the twenty-fourth and final episode of the eighth season of the American television medical drama Grey's Anatomy, and the show's 172nd episode overall. It was written by series creator Shonda Rhimes, and directed by Rob Corn. The episode was originally broadcast on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in the United States on May 17, 2012. In the episode, six doctors from Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital who are victims of an aviation accident fight to stay alive, but Dr. Lexie Grey (Chyler Leigh) ultimately dies. Other storylines occur in Seattle where Dr. Richard Webber (James Pickens, Jr.) plans his annual dinner for the departing residents, Dr. Owen Hunt (Kevin McKidd) fires Dr. Teddy Altman (Kim Raver), and Dr. Miranda Bailey (Chandra Wilson) gets engaged.",
"chunked_long_answer": "and the show's 172nd episode overall. It was written by series creator Shonda Rhimes, and directed by Rob Corn. The episode was originally broadcast on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in the United States on May 17, 2012. In the episode, six doctors from Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital who are victims of an aviation accident fight to stay alive, but Dr. Lexie Grey (Chyler Leigh) ultimately dies. Other storylines occur in Seattle where Dr. Richard Webber (James Pickens, Jr.) plans his annual dinner for the departing residents, Dr. Owen Hunt (Kevin McKidd) fires Dr. Teddy Altman (Kim Raver), and",
"short_answers": [
"Dr. Lexie Grey"
} |
where do they grow hops in the us | [
"Yakima (Washington)",
"western Canyon County, Idaho",
"Willamette (Oregon)",
] | [
"title": "Hops",
"text": "Important production centres today are the Hallertau in Germany (more hop-growing area than any other country as of 2006), the Yakima (Washington) and Willamette (Oregon) valleys, and western Canyon County, Idaho (including the communities of Parma, Wilder, Greenleaf, and Notus). The principal production centres in the UK are in Kent (which produces Kent Goldings hops), Herefordshire, and Worcestershire. Essentially all of the harvested hops are used in beer making.",
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"title": "Hops",
"text": "modern machinery was invented to make the holes for the hop poles. Hops production is concentrated in moist temperate climates, with much of the world's production occurring near the 48th parallel north. Hop plants prefer the same soils as potatoes and the leading potato-growing states in the United States are also major hops-producing areas; however, not all potato-growing areas can produce good hops naturally: soils in the Maritime Provinces of Canada, for example, lack the boron that hops prefer. Historically, hops were not grown in Ireland, but were imported from England. In 1752 more than 500 tons of English hops",
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"id": "194496",
"score": "1.133352",
"original_retrieval_index": 0
"title": "Hops",
"text": "Hops Hops are the flowers (also called seed cones or strobiles) of the hop plant \"Humulus lupulus.\" They are used primarily as a bittering, flavouring and stability agent in beer, to which they, beyond bitterness, impart floral, fruity, or citric flavours and aromas; though they are also used for various purposes in other beverages and herbal medicine. The hop plant is a vigorous, climbing, herbaceous perennial, usually trained to grow up strings in a field called a hopfield, hop garden (nomenclature in the South of England), or hop yard (in the West Country and U.S.) when grown commercially. Many different",
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"title": "Humulus japonicus",
"text": "\"Humulus japonicus\" has a lateral range from North Dakota all the way to Maine and a vertical range from Minnesota to Georgia. Japanese hops grow well given plentiful sunlight and moisture, nutrient rich soil, and are most commonly found along stream banks and floodplains. Japanese hops do not grow as well in shaded areas and drier soils. In milder climates, it can survive the winter. The Japanese hop can adapt well to new environments. Its range and distribution in North America prove that it can thrive in a wide range of environments, from the southern regions of the U.S. to",
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"title": "Hop Research Center Hüll",
"text": "Hop Research Center Hüll The Hop Research Center Hüll (\"Hopfenforschungszentrum Hüll\") is a research institution focussing on advances in hop breeding, hop harvesting, and hop chemistry. It is located in the Hallertau, the largest continuous hop-planting area in the world, in the German state of Bavaria. The institute is run by the German Hop Research Society (\"Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hopfenforschung\") and the Bavarian state. The Hop Research Society was founded in 1926 in response to an endemic of downy mildew in Germany. It was endowed with a land grant of 71 Ha in Hüll for the conduction of hop breeding",
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"title": "Humulus",
"text": "the hop bines run out of material to climb, horizontal shoots sprout between the leaves of the main stem to form a network of stems wound round each other. Male and female flowers of the hop plant develop on separate plants (dioecious). Female plants, which produce the hop flowers used in brewing beer, are often propagated vegetatively and grown in the absence of male plants. This prevents pollination and the development of viable seeds, which are sometimes considered undesirable for brewing beer owing to the potential for off-flavors arising from the introduction of fatty acids from the seeds. There are",
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"title": "Hops",
"text": "face, hands, and legs. Hops are toxic to dogs. Hops Hops are the flowers (also called seed cones or strobiles) of the hop plant \"Humulus lupulus.\" They are used primarily as a bittering, flavouring and stability agent in beer, to which they, beyond bitterness, impart floral, fruity, or citric flavours and aromas; though they are also used for various purposes in other beverages and herbal medicine. The hop plant is a vigorous, climbing, herbaceous perennial, usually trained to grow up strings in a field called a hopfield, hop garden (nomenclature in the South of England), or hop yard (in the",
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"id": "194519",
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"title": "Humulus japonicus",
"text": "the far reaches of northern of Canada. It can grow and cover any area quickly. Thousands of hop plants can grow in one acre, and they can blanket a majority of the local vegetation. The vines grow rapidly during the summer, climbing up and over everything in their path, and can form dense mats several feet deep, blocking light to plants underneath. Humulus japonicus Humulus japonicus, known as wild hop or Japanese hop, synonym \"H. scandens\", is an ornamental plant in the Cannabaceae family. Originally found in temperate parts of Asia (China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Russia) and the tropical",
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"title": "Humulus",
"text": "Humulus Humulus, hop, is a small genus of flowering plants in the family Cannabaceae. The hop is native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Hops are the female flowers (seed cones, strobiles) of the hop species \"H. lupulus\"; as a main flavor ingredient in beer, \"H. lupulus\" is widely cultivated for use by the brewing industry. Although frequently referred to in American literature as the hops \"vine\", it is technically a bine; unlike vines, which use tendrils, suckers, and other appendages for attaching themselves, bines have stout stems with stiff hairs to aid in climbing. In British literature the",
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"title": "Hops",
"text": "in the hop industry there are many words which originally were Dutch words (see oast house). Hops were then grown as far north as Aberdeen, near breweries for convenience of infrastructure. According to Thomas Tusser's 1557 \"Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry\": \"The hop for his profit I thus do exalt,It strengtheneth drink and it flavoureth malt;And being well-brewed long kept it will last,And drawing abide, if ye draw not too fast.\" In England there were many complaints over the quality of imported hops, the sacks of which were often contaminated by stalks, sand or straw to increase their weight.",
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"title": "Oast house",
"text": "as hop kilns. In Belgium, the main hop growing area is around Poperinghe and Ypres. The Czech Republic also has oasts. Oast houses are often called hop kilns in Australia. Tasmania is a major hop-growing area, as were parts of Victoria. During the 19th century, some of the Kentish hop growers emigrated, and took hops with them. Initially, Tasmanian oasts were converted from existing buildings (New Norfolk, Ranelagh) but later purpose built oasts were built (Valley Field, Bushy Park). These oasts had louvred ventilators instead of a cowl. The New Norfolk oast was converted from a watermill and is now",
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"title": "Hops",
"text": "male plants are culled if plants are grown from seeds. Hop plants are planted in rows about apart. Each spring, the roots send forth new bines that are started up strings from the ground to an overhead trellis. The cones grow high on the bine, and in the past, these cones were picked by hand. Harvesting of hops became much more efficient with the invention of the mechanical hops separator, patented by Emil Clemens Horst in 1909. Harvest comes near the end of summer when the bines are pulled down and the flowers are taken to a hop house or",
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"title": "Abbey Brewing Company",
"text": "location is 2,900 barrels per year. In the spring 2010, several varieties of native New Mexican hops (subspecies neomexicanus) were planted on a one quarter acre plot at the Monastery of Christ in the Desert and the first harvest occurred in September. In the following year, the hop yard was expanded to a half acre. Each fall, usually in September, hops are harvested and processed by hand by the monks and guests. Monks' Ales with the designation of Reserve are made with hops from the monastery hop yard. When available, the monastery hops are made available on-line to homebrewers via",
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"title": "Hops",
"text": "they are trained to grow up trellises made from strings or wires that support the plants and allow them significantly greater growth with the same sunlight profile. In this way, energy that would have been required to build structural cells is also freed for crop growth. The hop plant's reproduction method is that male and female flowers develop on separate plants, although occasionally a fertile individual will develop which contains both male and female flowers. Because pollinated seeds are undesirable for brewing beer, only female plants are grown in hop fields, thus preventing pollination. Female plants are propagated vegetatively, and",
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"title": "Snoqualmie, Washington",
"text": "river. In 1882, the Hop Growers Association was founded by three Puget Sound partners, who used land purchased from Jeremiah Borst to create a farm that would eventually cover , of which was devoted solely to hops. This extremely successful venture (billed as \"The Largest Hop Ranch in the World\") would fall prey to a combination of market and pest factors, and fell into relative obscurity by the end of the 1890s. By the late 19th century, the Puget Sound region was growing, but bypassed by the major railways. In response, a group of Seattle entrepreneurs funded and built their",
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"title": "Hops",
"text": "daily light for the South African hop farmers. Wye College was closed in 2009 but the legacy of their hop breeding programs, particularly that of the dwarf varieties, is continuing as already the U.S.A. private and public breeding programs are using their stock material. Particular hop varieties are associated with beer regions and styles, for example pale lagers are usually brewed with European (often German, Polish or Czech) noble hop varieties such as Saaz, Hallertau and Strissel Spalt. British ales use hop varieties such as Fuggles, Goldings and W.G.V. North American beers often use Cascade hops, Columbus hops, Centennial hops,",
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"title": "Hop Research Center Hüll",
"text": "experiments to generate mildew-resistant hop cultivars. In 1962, a research institute was built on the site. Originally named the \"Hans-Pfülf-Institut\" after the then president of the German Brewers Federation, it was later renamed to the current \"Hopfenforschungszentrum Hüll\". Under its first research director, Hugo Hampp (from 1926 to 1944), the institute focussed on countering the Peronosporaceae infections of the hop plants, which were causing downy mildew, primarily by means of pesticides. Hampp's successor, Friedrich Zattler (from 1944 to 1970), shifted the focus towards breeding of mildew-resistant hop varieties. This resulted in the new varieties \"Hüller Anfang\" (1962), \"Hüller Aroma\" (1962),",
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"title": "Hops",
"text": "Hops are also used in brewing for their antibacterial effect over less desirable microorganisms and for purported benefits including balancing the sweetness of the malt with bitterness and a variety of flavours and aromas. Historically, traditional herb combinations for beers were believed to have been abandoned when beers made with hops were noticed to be less prone to spoilage. The first documented hop cultivation was in 736, in the Hallertau region of present-day Germany, although the first mention of the use of hops in brewing in that country was 1079. However, in a will of Pepin the Short, the father",
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"title": "Verticillium nonalfalfae",
"text": "vascular wilt in hops, \"V. nonalfalfae\" has occurred both in the United States and most places around the world. Most of pathotypes of \"V. nonalfalfae\" on hops in the United States are non-lethal. However, most of the hops are susceptible to the lethal pathotypes. Infected by lethal pathotypes, hops are impossible to generate fruits because of the vascular wilting and following death. Yield loss of hops are also shown in the previous studies. As a result, the management of \"V. nonalfalfae\" is still essential to the production of hops. Verticillium nonalfalfae Verticillium nonalfalfae is a soilborne fungus in the order",
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"title": "Humulus lupulus",
"text": "Humulus lupulus Humulus lupulus (common hop or hops) is a species of flowering plant in the hemp family (Cannabaceae), native to Europe, western Asia and North America. It is a dioecious, perennial, herbaceous climbing plant which sends up new shoots in early spring and dies back to a cold-hardy rhizome in autumn. Hops are described as bine plants rather than vine because, unlike vines, they have stiff downward facing hairs that provide stability and allow them to climb. These shoots allow \"H. lupulus\" to grow anywhere from . Hops have fragrant, wind-pollinated flowers that attract butterflies. The female cone shaped",
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"title": "Brewing",
"text": "frequently, maize (corn) and sorghum) may be used. In recent years, a few brewers have produced gluten-free beer made with sorghum with no barley malt for people who cannot digest gluten-containing grains like wheat, barley, and rye. Hops are the female flower clusters or seed cones of the hop vine \"Humulus lupulus\", which are used as a flavouring and preservative agent in nearly all beer made today. Hops had been used for medicinal and food flavouring purposes since Roman times; by the 7th century in Carolingian monasteries in what is now Germany, beer was being made with hops, though it",
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"title": "Weyerbacher Brewing Company",
"text": "on their farm. The hops were used for flavoring, not to impart the signature bitterness in the beer. Dan Weirback has said the acre of hops were planted on a trial basis, as a response to a worldwide shortage of hops and price increases that suppliers informed brewers of in late 2007. As of November 2008, the brewery had plans to grow another crop and was exploring the availability of small-scale harvest equipment. Weyerbacher sales have increased from $1.2 million in 2006 to $3.6 million in 2011. As a result, brewing capacity was expanded from 10,000 to 30,000 barrels per",
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"title": "Humulus",
"text": "three species, one with five varieties: Brewers' hops are specific cultivars, propagated by asexual reproduction, see the article, \"\"List of hop varieties\"\". Hops are boiled with the wort in brewing beer and sometimes added post-ferment; they impart a bitterness, flavor, as well as aroma to the finished product. In pharmacy \"lupulus\" is the designation of hop. The dried catkins, commonly referred to as hop cones, of the female plant of \"H. lupulus\" are used to prepare infusion of hop, tincture of hop, and extract of hop. The characteristic bitterness imparted by the addition of hops to the brewing process is",
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"title": "Beer in England",
"text": "use of American or Continental hops. South-east England, particularly Kent, is the traditional hop growing area; brewers in the north and west used to economise on the cost of importing hops by producing beers with more of a malt character, a regional distinction that has not entirely vanished. A characteristic technique is dry hopping, where hops are added during the fermentation phase in addition to those that went into the initial boil. Worcestershire and Herefordshire has also been a major hop-growing area. The jargon of the areas is distinguished from that of Kent in certain words. Thus in Kent the",
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"title": "Beer",
"text": "barley, and rye. Flavouring beer is the sole major commercial use of hops. The flower of the hop vine is used as a flavouring and preservative agent in nearly all beer made today. The flowers themselves are often called \"hops\". The first historical mention of the use of hops in beer was from 822 AD in monastery rules written by Adalhard the Elder, also known as Adalard of Corbie, though the date normally given for widespread cultivation of hops for use in beer is the thirteenth century. Before the thirteenth century, and until the sixteenth century, during which hops took",
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"title": "Alcohol belts of Europe",
"text": "climates, similar to potatoes. Originally, European \"ale\" (not yet called beer) was produced without hops, which were introduced to Europe from the east. The first evidence of hops in Europe dates from 736, in the Hallertau region of present-day Germany, although the first mention of the use of hops \"in brewing\" in that country was not until 1079. The westward spread of hops was slow, not reaching England until 1524. Ireland was still importing hops in the eighteenth century; more than 500 tons of English hops were imported through Dublin alone in 1752. In 1516, the \"Reinheitsgebot\" or \"Bavarian Beer",
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"title": "Hops",
"text": "liquors bittered with hops; only in recent times are the words often used as synonyms). In Germany, using hops was also a religious and political choice in the early 16th century. There was no tax on hops to be paid to the Catholic church, unlike on gruit. For this reason the Protestants preferred hopped beer. Hops used in England were imported from France, Holland and Germany with import duty paid for those; it was not until 1524 that hops were first grown in the southeast of England (Kent) when they were introduced as an agricultural crop by Dutch farmers. Therefore,",
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"title": "Humulus japonicus",
"text": "Humulus japonicus Humulus japonicus, known as wild hop or Japanese hop, synonym \"H. scandens\", is an ornamental plant in the Cannabaceae family. Originally found in temperate parts of Asia (China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Russia) and the tropical environment of Vietnam, it was imported to North America in the 1800s for use in an Asian tonic and as an ornamental plant. Since its arrival in North America, it has spread widely. It can be found throughout the Northeastern U.S. and eastern Canada. It is considered an invasive species in North America. The composition and chemistry of its oils differ from",
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"title": "Ernest Stanley Salmon",
"text": "the East Malling Research Station to grow hops on a larger scale, in order to evaluate the commercial properties of promising crosses. Salmon's first goal for the hop breeding program, as an extension of his research in plant pathology, was to develop disease-resistant strains. Through Salmon's career, hops were known to be a bittering agent, but research and interest in hops, particularly those originating in the Americas, was around the preservative value of the hops, the source of that value, and methods of measurement. Despite this value, brewers generally regarded American-grown hops as inferior, because of their higher levels of",
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"title": "History of beer",
"text": "hops spread to the Netherlands and then to England. In 15th century England, an unhopped beer would have been known as an ale, while the use of hops would make it a beer. Hopped beer was imported to England from the Netherlands as early as 1400 in Winchester, and hops were being planted on the island by 1428. The popularity of hops was at first mixed—the Brewers Company of London went so far as to state \"\"no hops, herbs, or other like thing be put into any ale or liquore wherof ale shall be made—but only liquor (water), malt, and",
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] | {
"title": "Hops",
"long_answer": "Important production centres today are the Hallertau in Germany (more hop-growing area than any other country as of 2006), the Yakima (Washington) and Willamette (Oregon) valleys, and western Canyon County, Idaho (including the communities of Parma, Wilder, Greenleaf, and Notus). The principal production centres in the UK are in Kent (which produces Kent Goldings hops), Herefordshire, and Worcestershire. Essentially all of the harvested hops are used in beer making.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Important production centres today are the Hallertau in Germany (more hop-growing area than any other country as of 2006), the Yakima (Washington) and Willamette (Oregon) valleys, and western Canyon County, Idaho (including the communities of Parma, Wilder, Greenleaf, and Notus). The principal production centres in the UK are in Kent (which produces Kent Goldings hops), Herefordshire, and Worcestershire. Essentially all of the harvested hops are used in beer making.",
"short_answers": [
"Willamette (Oregon)",
"Yakima (Washington)",
"western Canyon County, Idaho"
} |
what's the dog's name on tom and jerry | [
] | [
"title": "List of Tom and Jerry characters",
"text": "Spike, occasionally referred to as Butch or Killer, is a stern but occasionally dumb American bulldog who is particularly disapproving of cats, but a softie when it comes to mice (though in his debut appearance, Dog Trouble, Spike goes after both Tom and Jerry), and later, his son Tyke. In the shorts Jerry would often try to get Tom in trouble with Spike making him a shoo-in for a beating from the bulldog. Spike has a few weaknesses that Tom tries to capitalize upon: his possessiveness about his bone and his ticklishness. He made his first appearance in the 1942 Tom and Jerry cartoon Dog Trouble, and his first speaking role was in 1944's The Bodyguard, where he was voiced by Billy Bletcher up until 1949, from which point he was voiced by Daws Butler. Unlike his father Spike, Tyke does not speak. He only communicates by yapping, whimpering, growling, facial expressions and wagging his tail. In Tom and Jerry Kids, Tyke does have a speaking role in the program and is the first time that viewers were able to hear Tyke speak. Spike is very protective towards his son and gets very angry at Tom if Tyke is bothered or harmed. Although Tyke has spoken in Tom and Jerry Kids, he has laughed in one Tom and Jerry short. After Daws Butler, Maurice LaMarche, Frank Welker, John DiMaggio, Michael Donovan, Phil LaMarr and currently Rick Zieff would all perform Spike's voice. ",
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"title": "Puttin' on the Dog",
"text": "Puttin' on the Dog Puttin' on the Dog is a 1944 American one-reel animated cartoon and is the 16th \"Tom and Jerry\" short directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera and produced by Fred Quimby. It was released in theatres on October 28, 1944, by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. The cartoon was animated by Pete Burness, Ray Patterson, Irven Spence and Kenneth Muse, and the music was composed by Scott Bradley (who in this cartoon was the first composer to use Arnold Schoenberg's twelve-tone technique in any film score). The cartoon revolves around Tom's attempts to disguise himself as a dog in order",
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"title": "Puttin' on the Dog",
"text": "the head, but retrieves it, and continues barking at Tom. DVD Puttin' on the Dog Puttin' on the Dog is a 1944 American one-reel animated cartoon and is the 16th \"Tom and Jerry\" short directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera and produced by Fred Quimby. It was released in theatres on October 28, 1944, by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. The cartoon was animated by Pete Burness, Ray Patterson, Irven Spence and Kenneth Muse, and the music was composed by Scott Bradley (who in this cartoon was the first composer to use Arnold Schoenberg's twelve-tone technique in any film score). The cartoon revolves",
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"title": "Dog Trouble",
"text": "the house. Tom and Jerry wave to the dog as they watch him get thrown out, and Tom breathes a sigh of relief until a snap from far off is heard behind the curtain they are hiding. Tom's tail gets caught in another mousetrap, and despite Jerry's mournful denial, the chase resumes. Mammy's appearance at the end was cut from TBS and TNT. DVD VHS Dog Trouble Dog Trouble is a 1942 American one-reel animated cartoon and is the fifth \"Tom and Jerry\" cartoon released. It was produced in Technicolor, released to theaters on April 18, 1942 by Metro-Goldwyn Mayer",
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"title": "Tom and Jerry (Van Beuren)",
"text": "career as an animator and storyman on this series. In 1940, Barbera co-created with William Hanna another duo of cartoon characters using the same names: a cat and mouse named Tom and Jerry. The characters were a Mutt and Jeff-like pair, one short (Jerry) and one tall (Tom). Each cartoon featured a different adventure and the plot varied from film to film. Sometimes they were lawyers, hunters, plumbers, hobos, etc. The duo were likely named after the stage play and/or the mixed drink of the same name, both of which predated the duo by a century. Stylistically, the cartoons were",
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"title": "Tom and Jerry",
"text": "was also filmed in the standard Academy ratio and format. Tom (named \"Jasper\" in his debut appearance) is a grey and white domestic shorthair cat. (\"Tom\" is a generic name for a male cat.) He is usually but not always, portrayed as living a comfortable, or even pampered life, while Jerry (named \"Jinx\" in his debut appearance) is a small, brown, house mouse who always lives in close proximity to Tom. Despite being very energetic, determined and much larger, Tom is no match for Jerry's wits. Jerry also possesses surprising strength for his size, approximately the equivalent of Tom's, lifting",
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"title": "Tom and Jerry: The Movie",
"text": "Tom going back inside to rescue Jerry, leaving them both homeless. Wandering through the city for shelter, the duo meet a dog named Puggsy and his flea friend named Frankie whom they persuade the duo to be friends. While finding food from some nearby bins for a feast, Puggsy and Frankie are captured by two dogcatchers while Tom and Jerry end up in a tussle with some alley cats. Later, the duo cross paths with an 8-year-old girl named Robyn Starling, who has run away from home since her mother died when she was still a baby and her father",
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"title": "Tom and Jerry and the Wizard of Oz",
"text": "Tom and Jerry and the Wizard of Oz Tom and Jerry & The Wizard of Oz is a 2011 animated musical fantasy comedy direct-to-video film starring Tom and Jerry, produced by Warner Bros. Animation. The film is an animated semi-adaptation of the 1939 musical film, \"The Wizard of Oz\" with the addition of Tom and Jerry. Droopy and Butch from Tex Avery's \"Droopy\" series also cameo as minor antagonists. Dorothy is a girl, who lives in Kansas with her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry, as well as farmhands Hunk, Hickory, and Zeke. She has a pet dog named Toto, a",
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"title": "Dog Trouble",
"text": "first time to overcome him. Jerry is running across a tablecloth, not going anywhere. As Jerry runs, Tom is pulling the cloth like a treadmill. Tom reaches the end of the cloth and Jerry runs across to the other side of the table as Tom gives chase. Jerry tries to stop at the end of the table, but Tom's open mouth is waiting! Although he cannot stop, Jerry uses one of the cat's whiskers to swing himself back out, then escapes into his mousehole. Tom then knocks on the wall to get Jerry to come out, and patiently waits as",
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"title": "Puppy Tale",
"text": "Jerry and the pup come to Tom's rescue and drag Tom out of the river. Jerry heats up a can of soup and feeds it to the unconscious Tom, but when it fails to rouse him, the puppy licks him and he awakens. Tom gives the pup his own bed and a bowl of milk. The puppy calls his siblings and they share the milk as Tom and Jerry look on happily. Laserdisc DVD Puppy Tale Puppy Tale is the 80th one-reel animated \"Tom and Jerry\" short, created in 1953 directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera and produced by",
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"title": "Purr-Chance to Dream",
"text": "his head, and pounding his head to the ground. Jerry pats the bulldog as a reward, in which the bulldog licks Jerry in the face, causing him to laugh. (again, just like in \"The Cat's Me-Ouch!\") Tom has several attempts at catching Jerry, even attempting to attack the dog with a hammer, stuffing an oversized bone with dynamite, spraying himself with dog repellent, and lastly playing fetch with the dog by throwing a stick into a safe, and hurling the safe into a deep pit. However, every time the minuscule pup manages to eat away at Tom, and in the",
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"title": "Ginger Pye",
"text": "When they turned back, they did not see anything. Jerry decided that if anyone was following them, then that follower was after his dog. After a few days, Jerry remembered that he hadn't given his puppy a name! Rachel, Uncle Bennie, and Jerry thought of a name but couldn't think of one. He asked his mother and his mother said Ginger because he looks like ginger and has quality of ginger. So they called him, Ginger or Ginger Pye. Ginger was a smart dog. He even located the school that Jerry goes to. Almost all his neighbors and friends knew",
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"title": "The Cat's Me-Ouch!",
"text": "Realizing his predicament, he runs and grabs an axe and tries to chop down the door as the dog opens the lid on the jar, landing in with the now-free Jerry. The two watch Tom, and when he breaks in, the dog buzz saws the axe handle, leaving the blade part to fall hits on his foot and Tom yells in pain before the dog buzzsaws his entire body. At night, a heavily bandaged Tom heads to the Hospital. Tom winces in pain while the doctor unwraps his foot, revealing the dog is still biting. Tom shrugs before unwrapping his",
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"title": "Puppy Tale",
"text": "Tom chases Jerry, but soon sees the pup is drinking his milk. Tom cannot stop the pup drinking his milk, and when Tom picks up the pup, the pup licks him, much to Tom's annoyance. Tom puts the pup outside, but Jerry scoops him up and puts him inside a drawer. However, the pup immediately escapes and sleeps on Tom's bed, taking the cat's blanket. Tom takes the blanket and throws the pup outside, where the pup falls into a bottle. Jerry pulls the pup out by the waist using windowblind string and again gets licked, but is met by",
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"title": "The Dog (Seinfeld)",
"text": "The Dog (Seinfeld) \"The Dog\" is the 21st episode of \"Seinfeld\". The episode was the fourth episode of the show's third season. It was written by series co-creator Larry David and first aired on October 9, 1991. Jerry is on a plane returning to New York City when a drunk man, Gavin Polone (played by Joseph Maher), seated next to him falls sick and asks Jerry to take care of his dog while he is taken to the hospital. He promises to reclaim the dog when he comes to New York. The dog, Farfel, irritates Jerry with its barking and",
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"title": "The Cat's Me-Ouch!",
"text": "Jerry searching around the crate, falling, and whimpering before seeing Tom in the window, holding Jerry by the tail in one hand and flicking his head with the other. The angry dog charges up, running around the yard, and as he is about to charge into Tom, he shuts the door while Jerry is trapped in a jar. The door, however, was no match for the dog who brings it down from the top. Tom and the dog flip the door over lengthwise and width-wise until the door is back in the door frame, and Tom is on the outside.",
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"title": "Tom-ic Energy",
"text": "Tom and Jerry then continues although Tom shakes Jerry's hand to thank him for taking care of the bulldog. Tom-ic Energy Tom-ic Energy is a 1965 Tom and Jerry cartoon directed and produced by Chuck Jones and the eighth short in Jones' series of \"Tom and Jerry\" cartoons. The name is a pun on atomic energy. The music of this cartoon is primarily based on Paganini's Moto Perpetuo (Op. 11) with other music and sound effects mixed in with the theme which crops up throughout the cartoon. Tom is chasing Jerry on top of a building and then through the",
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"title": "Much Ado About Mousing",
"text": "drags him to the dog, who is captured instead, knowing that he is Jerry's protector. Jerry, who wants to be protected from the dog, angrily gets a saw in a tool shed, hides behind the fence, and cuts the shaft of the net as the dogcatcher passes by. In gratitude, the dog gives Jerry a whistle to use whenever he's in trouble. Jerry, with relish, thinks of the fun times he could have with provoking Tom. Jerry walks past a wooden box while Tom pokes his hand out of it and captures the mouse, who promptly whistles for his guardian.",
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"title": "Nibbles (Tom and Jerry)",
"text": "name at all. On the other hand, the recent movies \"\", \"Tom and Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes\" and \"Tom and Jerry and the Wizard of Oz\" all use the name Tuffy. The 1952 cartoon \"Two Little Indians\" further adds to matters by actually using \"two\" little gray mice, which hints at the existence of both Nibbles \"and\" Tuffy, but this is the only such instance. Nibbles is more often a speaking character than Jerry. In the \"Mouseketeer\" sub-series, he spoke mostly in French, resorting to English whenever a gag depended on it. The only exception to this was \"Robin Hoodwinked\"",
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"title": "Puppy Tale",
"text": "Puppy Tale Puppy Tale is the 80th one-reel animated \"Tom and Jerry\" short, created in 1953 directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera and produced by Fred Quimby with music by Scott Bradley. The cartoon was animated by Kenneth Muse, Ed Barge and Irven Spence, with backgrounds by John Didrik Johnsen. It was released on January 23, 1954 by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. An automobile throws a sack off the edge of a bridge into a river and drives away. When Jerry retrieves the bag and opens it, its contents are revealed; a litter of puppies runs out of the bag, with one",
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"title": "The Cat's Me-Ouch!",
"text": "is in stature. Tom comes out to investigate and tosses the dog up a few times, pointing and laughing, which causes the dog to buzz saw his arm and tail fur off. The rest of this short sees Tom without fur covering either of his arms, although he regains that of his tail. A satisfied Jerry pats the dog on the head, who then snuggles up. Stepping back, the dog feels an itch and scratches at a flea. When the pesky flea will not come off, the dog buzz saws itself, killing the flea. The now-proud dog tries to find",
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"title": "Much Ado About Mousing",
"text": "dog as it continues to fall. Tom saves himself by curling his tail around the foundation of the fence such that he and the board are pulled back up to the fence. Tom makes noises to test the earmuffs, and when the dog stays asleep, he goes off to corner Jerry. Jerry blows his whistle while Tom only looks more menacing than before, but then Jerry pulls out a pair of earmuffs and continues whistling. Thinking they're the dog's earmuffs, Tom gets so scared that he rolls \"himself\" into a ball and bowls off the pier, and even grabs the",
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"title": "Fine Feathered Friend",
"text": "has tied a feather duster to herself and Jerry is resting, uses the hen's feathers as a small pillow to lie on. DVD Fine Feathered Friend Fine Feathered Friend is a 1942 American one-reel animated cartoon and is the 8th \"Tom and Jerry\" short released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. It was directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera and produced by Fred Quimby. It was animated by Pete Burness, Kenneth Muse, Jack Zander and George Gordon. The animators of the cartoon were not credited, But William Hanna and Joseph Barbera are credited. The original opening theme was the \"Tiger Rag\" gag, as",
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"title": "Purr-Chance to Dream",
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"title": "Tom and Jerry and the Wizard of Oz",
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"title": "Jerry Mouse",
"text": "Tom and Jerry in Esther Williams' 1953 film \"Dangerous When Wet\", and the \"Sinbad the Sailor\" sequence of Kelly's 1956 film \"Invitation to the Dance\". In 1990, this version of Jerry wears a red bowtie, and has a tuft of hair on his head. He often taunts Tom (as a kitten) any chance he gets. Sometimes, in a few episodes, he is friends with/allies of Tom. Jerry has had a number of voice actors over the years. Ever since his debut in \"Puss Gets the Boot\" his vocal effects were provided by co-creator William Hanna during the Hanna-Barbera era. Sara",
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"title": "Hic-cup Pup",
"text": "and puts a sign on his door and runs off. Tom runs to the door and reads the sign which says, \"Gone South For Sake Of Health.\" Jerry is seen running across an endless railroad track, which is shown to point to the South direction. Laserdisc DVD Hic-cup Pup Hic-cup Pup is the 82nd one reel animated \"Tom and Jerry\" short, created in 1952, directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera and produced by Fred Quimby with music by Scott Bradley. The cartoon was animated by Ed Barge, Kenneth Muse, Ray Patterson and Irven Spence with backgrounds by Robert Gentle.",
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"title": "Puss Gets the Boot",
"text": "differ from the later entries in the series, which named Tom and Jerry after a holiday cocktail; in \"Puss Gets the Boot\", Jerry has not yet been named publicly (design sheets referred to the mouse by the name Jinx), while the cat, for the first and only time in the series, bears the name Jasper. Blu-ray DVD VHS Puss Gets the Boot Puss Gets the Boot is a 1940 American one-reel animated cartoon and is the first short in the \"Tom and Jerry\" cartoon series, though the duo are not identified as such in this short. It was directed by",
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"title": "Slicked-up Pup",
"text": "being ready to (as always) sabotage this. As Tom sits down on the same wooden platform that Tyke is lying on, one of the wooden planks catapults Tyke into the air, and Tom narrowly saves Tyke from falling into the same muddy puddle. Tom overhears Jerry's laughter and chases after him. Jerry quickly stops the cat, and challenges him to a game of tic-tac-toe on Tyke's back. Tom wins and resumes chasing Jerry, before suddenly realizing what the mouse just made him do, and promptly returns to Tyke to rub off his pencil marks. Jerry hurls a tomato at Tom,",
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"title": "Neapolitan Mouse",
"text": "leave, Topo and the dogs bid them farewell. Laserdisc VHS DVD Neapolitan Mouse The Neapolitan Mouse is a 1954 one-reel animated \"Tom and Jerry\" short directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera and produced by Fred Quimby with music by Scott Bradley. The cartoon was animated by Ed Barge, Irven Spence, Ray Patterson and Kenneth Muse, with backgrounds by John Didrik Johnsen. It was released on October 2, 1954 by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Tom and Jerry both arrive in Naples, Italy. Tom chases Jerry until an Italian mouse named Topo defends Jerry. Topo explains that he dislikes it when a bigger creature",
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] | {
"title": "List of Tom and Jerry characters",
"long_answer": "Spike, occasionally referred to as Butch or Killer, is a stern but occasionally dumb American bulldog who is particularly disapproving of cats, but a softie when it comes to mice (though in his debut appearance, Dog Trouble, Spike goes after both Tom and Jerry), and later, his son Tyke. In the shorts Jerry would often try to get Tom in trouble with Spike making him a shoo-in for a beating from the bulldog. Spike has a few weaknesses that Tom tries to capitalize upon: his possessiveness about his bone and his ticklishness. He made his first appearance in the 1942 Tom and Jerry cartoon Dog Trouble, and his first speaking role was in 1944's The Bodyguard, where he was voiced by Billy Bletcher up until 1949, from which point he was voiced by Daws Butler. Unlike his father Spike, Tyke does not speak. He only communicates by yapping, whimpering, growling, facial expressions and wagging his tail. In Tom and Jerry Kids, Tyke does have a speaking role in the program and is the first time that viewers were able to hear Tyke speak. Spike is very protective towards his son and gets very angry at Tom if Tyke is bothered or harmed. Although Tyke has spoken in Tom and Jerry Kids, he has laughed in one Tom and Jerry short. After Daws Butler, Maurice LaMarche, Frank Welker, John DiMaggio, Michael Donovan, Phil LaMarr and currently Rick Zieff would all perform Spike's voice. Tyke's vocal effects are provided by Frank Welker and speaking roles by Patric Zimmerman.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Spike, occasionally referred to as Butch or Killer, is a stern but occasionally dumb American bulldog who is particularly disapproving of cats, but a softie when it comes to mice (though in his debut appearance, Dog Trouble, Spike goes after both Tom and Jerry), and later, his son Tyke. In the shorts Jerry would often try to get Tom in trouble with Spike making him a shoo-in for a beating from the bulldog. Spike has a few weaknesses that Tom tries to capitalize upon: his possessiveness about his bone and his ticklishness. He made his first appearance in the 1942 Tom and Jerry cartoon Dog Trouble, and his first speaking role was in 1944's The Bodyguard, where he was voiced by Billy Bletcher up until 1949, from which point he was voiced by Daws Butler. Unlike his father Spike, Tyke does not speak. He only communicates by yapping, whimpering, growling, facial expressions and wagging his tail. In Tom and Jerry Kids, Tyke does have a speaking role in the program and is the first time that viewers were able to hear Tyke speak. Spike is very protective towards his son and gets very angry at Tom if Tyke is bothered or harmed. Although Tyke has spoken in Tom and Jerry Kids, he has laughed in one Tom and Jerry short. After Daws Butler, Maurice LaMarche, Frank Welker, John DiMaggio, Michael Donovan, Phil LaMarr and currently Rick Zieff would all perform Spike's voice. ",
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} |
in which regions are most of africa petroleum and natural gas found | [
] | [
"title": "Petroleum industry in Nigeria",
"text": "Nigeria is the largest oil and gas producer in Africa. Crude oil from the delta basin comes in two types: light, and comparatively heavy – the lighter around 36 gravity and the heavier, 20–25 gravity. Both types are paraffinic and low in sulfur.",
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"title": "Energy in Africa",
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"title": "Natural resources of Africa",
"text": "Congo, Cameroon, Tunisia, Equatorial Guinea, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire and more recently, Ghana. Exploration is taking place in a number of other countries that aim to increase their output or become first time producers. Included in this list are Chad, Sudan, Namibia, South Africa and Madagascar while Mozambique and Tanzania are potential oil producers. Ore resources in Africa are abundant, and extremely more so nowadays as other continents are beginning to face depletion of resources. The copper belt in Katanga, the diamond mines in Sierra Leone, Angola, and Botswana are well known for their abundance and",
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"title": "Economy of Africa",
"text": "Africa are South Africa, Libya, Namibia, Egypt, Tunisia, and Zimbabwe, which each consume between 1000 and 5000 KWh/m per person, in contrast with African states such as Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Tanzania, where electricity consumption per person is negligible. Petroleum and petroleum products are the main export of 14 African countries. Petroleum and petroleum products accounted for a 46.6% share of Africa's total exports in 2010; the second largest export of Africa as a whole is natural gas, in its gaseous state and as liquified natural gas, accounting for a 6.3% share of Africa's exports. Lack of infrastructure creates barriers for",
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"title": "Energy in Africa",
"text": "that energy, especially from transportation and industry, helped drive growth and modernization Energy in Africa Energy in Africa describes energy production, consumption and import in Africa. Energy use and development varies widely across the continent, with some African countries exporting energy to neighbors or the global market while others lack even basic infrastructures, or systems to acquire energy. The World Bank has declared 32 of the 48 nations on the continent to be in an energy crisis. Energy development has not kept pace with rising demand in developing regions, placing a large strain on the continent's existing resources over the",
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"title": "Energy in Africa",
"text": "Energy in Africa Energy in Africa describes energy production, consumption and import in Africa. Energy use and development varies widely across the continent, with some African countries exporting energy to neighbors or the global market while others lack even basic infrastructures, or systems to acquire energy. The World Bank has declared 32 of the 48 nations on the continent to be in an energy crisis. Energy development has not kept pace with rising demand in developing regions, placing a large strain on the continent's existing resources over the first decade of the new century. From 2001 to 2005, GDP for",
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"title": "Petroleum industry in the Republic of the Congo",
"text": "Lubumbashi International Airport. Congo holds the fifth-largest proved reserves of natural gas in the Sub-Saharan Africa, at 3.2 Tcf, A majority of natural gas around 65% is reinjected and 21% flared. Petroleum industry in the Republic of the Congo Oil and Gas dominates the resource sector of the Republic of the Congo (), also referred to as Congo-Brazzaville, with the petroleum industry accounting for 89% of the country’s exports in 2010. Among African crude oil producers in 2010, The Congo ranked seventh. Nearly all of the country's hydrocarbons were produced off-shore. In the late 1970s, Congo emerged as a significant",
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"title": "Mineral industry of Africa",
"text": "to China, and 1% of African gas goes to Asia. North African preferentially exporting its oil to western countries was EU 64%; US 18%; all others 18%. Mineral industry of Africa The mineral industry of Africa is the largest mineral industries in the world. Africa is the second largest continent, with 30 million km² of land, which implies large quantities of resources. For many African countries, mineral exploration and production constitute significant parts of their economies and remain keys to economic growth. Africa is richly endowed with mineral reserves and ranks first or second in quantity of world reserves of",
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"title": "Economy of Africa",
"text": "2008. The Nigerian, South African and Ugandan governments have targeted policies to take advantage of the increased demand for certain agricultural products and plan to stimulate agricultural sectors. The African Union has plans to heavily invest in African agriculture and the situation is closely monitored by the UN. Africa has significant resources for generating energy in several forms (hydroelectric, reserves of petroleum and gas, coal production, uranium production, renewable energy such as solar, wind and geothermal). The lack of development and infrastructure means that little of this potential is actually in use today. The largest consumers of electric power in",
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"title": "Energy in Africa",
"text": "lack of food security and limited water resources, for these factors are necessary for life and therefore take priority over energy initiation. North Africa is dominant in oil and in gas, for Libya obtains approximately 50% of the oil reserves available in Africa. Libya designated USD $5 billion to assert programs and regulations that will reduce carbon emissions. Resources, such as oil and gas, are also prevalent in Algeria, in addition to natural gas. According to the Renewable Energy Sector in N. Africa, solar capacity is also extremely relevant in North Africa. The total power installed in North Africa region",
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"title": "Energy in Africa",
"text": "index of 143, followed by Central African Republic (142), Mauritania (139), Côte d'Ivoire (138), and Cameroon (137). Energy can facilitate the development of schools, and help teachers gain access to a wide variety of teaching mechanisms, such as potentially computers. Energy can contribute to the allowance for freedom of education. As a whole, foreign direct investment into Africa has been low. According to the Forum of Energy Ministers of Africa, Africa as a whole receives less than 2% of foreign direct investment across the world. A survey of 20 Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers prepared by countries across Africa found that",
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"title": "Mining in the Republic of the Congo",
"text": "the 21,000 bpd Pointe Noire refinery. The refinery has been out of commission for four years and in 2013 had only recently resumed operations. Congo holds the fifth-largest proved reserves of natural gas in the Sub-Saharan Africa, at 3.2 Tcf, A majority of natural gas, around 65%, is re-injected and 21% flared. Mining in the Republic of the Congo Oil and gas dominate the extraction industries of the Republic of the Congo (), also referred to as Congo-Brazzaville. The petroleum industry accounted for 89% of the country’s exports in 2010. Among African crude oil producers in 2010, The Congo ranked",
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"title": "Petroleum industry in the Republic of the Congo",
"text": "Petroleum industry in the Republic of the Congo Oil and Gas dominates the resource sector of the Republic of the Congo (), also referred to as Congo-Brazzaville, with the petroleum industry accounting for 89% of the country’s exports in 2010. Among African crude oil producers in 2010, The Congo ranked seventh. Nearly all of the country's hydrocarbons were produced off-shore. In the late 1970s, Congo emerged as a significant oil producer, with production expanding considerably during the 1990s. However, by the turn of the century, production began to decline as existing oil fields reached maturity, in 2001. However, since 2008",
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"title": "Water in Africa",
"text": "The key water-dependent or related sectors with the potential for meeting part of the current and projected demand for jobs in Africa are social services, agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture, retail and hospitality, manufacturing, construction, natural resources exploitation (including mining) and energy production (including hydro, geothermal and expected fracking for oil and natural gas). All these sectors depend to a varying extent on the availability of, access to, and reliability of water resources. Irresponsible water use by some sectors can create short-term employment, but result in negative impacts on the availability of water resources and jeopardize future jobs in other water-dependent",
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"title": "Natural resources of Africa",
"text": "Natural resources of Africa Africa has a large quantity of natural resources, including diamonds, sugar, salt, gold, iron, cobalt, uranium, copper, bauxite, silver, petroleum and cocoa beans, but also woods and tropical fruits. Having a low human density, for a long period of time Africa has been colonized by more dynamic groups, exploiting African resources. Some economists have talked about the 'scourge of raw materials', large quantities of rare raw materials putting Africa under heavy pressures and leading to wars and slow development. Despite these abundance of natural resources, claims suggest that many Western nations like the United States, Canada,",
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"title": "Energy in Africa",
"text": "in an urban setting, and Gross Domestic Product (GNP) per capita. Overall, the African continent is a net energy exporter. In 2009 the net energy export was 40% of the energy production 13,177 TWh. The world share of energy production in Africa was 12% of oil and 7% of gas in 2009. Energy in Africa is a scarcer commodity than in the developed world – annual consumption is 518 KWh in Sub-Saharan Africa, the same amount of electricity used by an individual in an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD – example is the U.S.) country in 25 days.",
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"title": "Energy in the Central African Republic",
"text": "Exxon drilled an exploratory oil well in 1985, but further work was deemed economically infeasible. Any oil production would depend on the connection of a pipeline from Chad to Douala, Cameroon. In 2002, the Central African Republic's average daily fuel imports included 610 barrels of distillate fuel oil, 590 barrels of jet fuel, 530 barrels of kerosene, and 470 barrels of gasoline. As of 2002, the country has no known reserves of oil, natural gas or coal. Energy in the Central African Republic Energy in the Central African Republic is a growing industry with plenty of potential. Electric power production",
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"title": "Energy in Ivory Coast",
"text": "Nationale d'Opérations Pétrolières de la Côte d'Ivoire (Petroci), and which lies to the south of the Espoir field, is estimated to have recoverable oil reserves of . In Block CI-112, located off Ivory Coast's western coast, is estimated by Vanco Energy Company to contain of oil in the block's San Pedro ridge and in other deposits. Although natural gas was initially discovered in Ivory Coast in the 1980s, it has only been recently developed as of January 1, 2005, the country is estimated to have of natural gas reserves of 1 trillion cu ft. In 2003, natural gas output and",
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"title": "Economy of Africa",
"text": "industry of Africa is one of the largest mineral industries in the world. Africa is the second biggest continent, with 30 million km² of land, which implies large quantities of resources. For many African countries, mineral exploration and production constitute significant parts of their economies and remain keys to future economic growth. Africa is richly endowed with mineral reserves and ranks first or second in quantity of world reserves of bauxite, cobalt, industrial diamond, phosphate rock, platinum-group metals (PGM), vermiculite, and zirconium. Gold mining is Africa's main mining resource. African mineral reserves rank first or second for bauxite, cobalt, diamonds,",
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"title": "Africa–China economic relations",
"text": "which had led to increasing oil prices worldwide—to the disadvantage of all industrialized and oil importing countries, including China itself. In 2006, China imported 47% of its total oil consumption (145 Mt of crude oil). With such high demand, Chinese companies such as Sinopec, CNPC, and CNOOC, have looked to Africa for oil. Africa is the 2nd largest continent in the world, with 30 million square kilometers of land, and contains a vast quantity of natural resources. This trait, together with the continent's relatively low population density and small manufacturing sector has made Africa a key target for Chinese imports.",
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"title": "South Region (Cameroon)",
"text": "the Ntem and Ma'an rivers. The South also has a fair amount of mineral wealth. Iron ore is mined near Campo and Kribi. Natural gas is found offshore of Campo, and a Kribi-based plant has been processing this since the 1980s. Perhaps the region's most lucrative resource is oil. This, too, is found off the coast of Campo. But more importantly, the South Province is located at the terminus of the Chad-Cameroon oil pipeline, which was completed in June 2004. The pipe's mouth is located just south of Kribi, a fact that promises to bring in high revenues for both",
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"title": "Mineral industry of Africa",
"text": "Mineral industry of Africa The mineral industry of Africa is the largest mineral industries in the world. Africa is the second largest continent, with 30 million km² of land, which implies large quantities of resources. For many African countries, mineral exploration and production constitute significant parts of their economies and remain keys to economic growth. Africa is richly endowed with mineral reserves and ranks first or second in quantity of world reserves of bauxite, cobalt, industrial diamond, phosphate rock, platinum-group metals (PGM), vermiculite, and zirconium. Gold mining is Africa's main mining resource. The Central African Mining and Exploration Company (CAMEC),",
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"title": "Economy of the Western Cape",
"text": "in Milnerton is one of four refineries in South Africa and is capable of processing 100,000 barrels of crude oil a day. There is an estimated one trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserves in the Bredasdorp Basin south-east of Cape Town. The province's strategic location plays an important role in the growth of the local energy industry. With 32.2% of all West Africa's and 23.7% of all Middle Eastern oil produced in these regions being transported around the Cape of Good Hope. The servicing and maintenance of oil rigs and shipping involved in the transportation of oil and gas",
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"title": "Mining in the Republic of the Congo",
"text": "Mining in the Republic of the Congo Oil and gas dominate the extraction industries of the Republic of the Congo (), also referred to as Congo-Brazzaville. The petroleum industry accounted for 89% of the country’s exports in 2010. Among African crude oil producers in 2010, The Congo ranked seventh. Nearly all of the country's hydrocarbons were produced off-shore. The minerals sector is administered by the Department of Mines and Geology. Presently no major mining activities are underway, although there are some small-scale domestic operations. However, the country does have numerous large-scale undeveloped resources. The country has recently attracted a strong",
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"title": "Energy in Africa",
"text": "geothermal, biomass, oil and tar sands, wind energy and tidal energy from the influence of the sea. In addition, South Africa alone obtains the sixth largest coal reserves on the planet, after China, the US, India, Russia and Australia. Specific renewable resources in South Africa include solar, wind, hydropower, wave energy, and bio-energy. Professor Iwayemi suggests that “commercial energy use remains a key factor in human development.” Commercial energy can include solar powered systems and the like. In addition, The Africa Society admits that much of Africa’s apparent facilitation of poverty is the result of degradation of agriculture and arable",
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"title": "Energy in Africa",
"text": "a confounding variable of these trends is that less than 1% of the electricity generated in the Africa originates from renewable resources, as the \"White Paper on Energy Policy\" proclaims. The main objectives of the paper were to “increase access to affordable energy services, improve energy governance, stimulate economic growth, manage energy-related environmental impacts, and ensure security of supply through diversification.” The African continent features many sustainable energy resources, of which only a small percentage have been harnessed. 5–7% of the continent’s hydroelectric potential has been tapped, and only 0.6% of its geothermal. The publication \"Energy Economics\" estimates that replacing",
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"title": "Rivers State",
"text": "gas. It was perhaps the richest and most important section of the African zone of the British Empire. Rivers State has two major oil refineries, two major seaports, airports, and various industrial estates spread across the land. More than 60% of the country’s output of crude oil is produced in the state. Other natural resources found within its boundaries are silica sand, glass sand and clay. Prior to the discovery of oil in commercial quantity in 1951, Agriculture was the primary occupation of the people of Rivers State. Around the 19th century when the industrial revolution reached its peak in",
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"title": "Energy in Cameroon",
"text": "However, Cameroon is sub-Saharan Africa's sixth-largest crude oil producer, with output in 2003 at , and estimated reserves at as of January 1, 2004, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA). Field development and production began in the Kribi-Campo basin in the mid-1990s, and the Ebome field came online in 1996. As of 2002, the major operators were ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell, and Total S.A. The oil sector is managed by the national oil company \"Société Nationale des Hydrocarbures\". Work was under way on development of the Doba basin oil fields and construction of a pipeline between Cameroon and Chad,",
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"title": "Mineral industry of Africa",
"text": "In 2005, Europe received 35% of Africa's petroleum exports; the United States, 32%; China, 10%; Japan, 2%; and other countries in the Asia and the Pacific region, 12%. West African countries sent 45% of their exports to the United States and 32% to China, Japan, and other countries in the Asia and the Pacific region. North African countries sent 64% of their exports to Europe and 18% to the United States. Intraregional exports to African countries amounted to only 2% of total African petroleum exports. Intraregional minerals trade was however significant in the case of gold. South Africa imported 142,000",
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"title": "Puma Energy",
"text": "Coast, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Angola as one of the largest investors in the sub-Saharan downstream sector. In September 2011 Puma completed the deal to acquire BP's downstream interests in Namibia (100%), Botswana (100%), Zambia (75%), Malawi (50%) and Tanzania (50%) for US$296 million. The deal handed the company a portfolio of retail assets across the five countries, comprising commercial and aviation fuel, lubricants, over 190 service stations, several storage depots and an import terminal. The Botswana business accounted for a significant share of the total price and marked the first time thefirm had entered a landlocked African",
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"title": "Petroleum industry in Nigeria",
"long_answer": "Nigeria is the largest oil and gas producer in Africa. Crude oil from the delta basin comes in two types: light, and comparatively heavy – the lighter around 36 gravity and the heavier, 20–25 gravity. Both types are paraffinic and low in sulfur.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Nigeria is the largest oil and gas producer in Africa. Crude oil from the delta basin comes in two types: light, and comparatively heavy – the lighter around 36 gravity and the heavier, 20–25 gravity. Both types are paraffinic and low in sulfur.",
"short_answers": [
} |
in which sea pearl is found in india | [
"the Indian Ocean"
] | [
"title": "Pearl",
"text": "For thousands of years, seawater pearls were retrieved by divers in the Indian Ocean in areas such as the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Mannar. Evidence also suggest a prehistoric origin to pearl diving in these regions. Starting in the Han Dynasty (206 BC–220 AD), the Chinese hunted extensively for seawater pearls in the South China Sea. In the 14th-century Arabian Sea, the traveller Ibn Battuta provided the earliest known description of pearl diving by means of attaching a cord to the diver's waist.",
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"title": "Hyderabad pearl",
"text": "Hyderabad pearl Hyderabad is considered the main pearl trading center in India. The most notable area devoted to the trade is the village called Chandanpet just outside Hyderabad, wherein almost the entire population is engaged in the delicate art of drilling pearls, a skill they have practiced for generations. This practice also makes the city one of the largest pearl drilling locations in India. The pearl industry in Hyderabad flourished due to the patronage of the Qutub Shahi kings and the Asaf Jahis, who were said to have an affinity for sparkling jewels. The pearls were not only part of",
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"title": "Hyderabad pearl",
"text": "with white pearls. Recently, several pearl makers are exporting processed pearls to markets in Europe and the US. With the capital that they gain from this marketing, they are able to purchase machinery for advanced refinement. In particular, equipment that uses enzymes present in thermophiles is able to substantially improve the process of refining pearls. Hyderabad pearl Hyderabad is considered the main pearl trading center in India. The most notable area devoted to the trade is the village called Chandanpet just outside Hyderabad, wherein almost the entire population is engaged in the delicate art of drilling pearls, a skill they",
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"title": "Laccadive Sea",
"text": "the gulf as most productive in the world. Although extraction of natural pearls is considered too expensive in most parts of the world, it is still conducted in the gulf. Also collected in large numbers are Shankha mollusks (\"Xancus pyrum\") whose shells are used as a ritual and religious object. Other mollusks of the sea are either too scarce or not popular in the Indian society and therefore have no commercial value. Another traditional occupation in the Laccadive Sea is fishing. The annual fish catch is 2,000 to 5,000 tonnes from the Lakshadweep islands, which is mostly constituted by tuna",
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"title": "Chandrani Pearls",
"text": "Chandrani Pearls Chandrani Pearls is a prominent pearl jewelery brand of India. It pioneered the concept of pearls in India. Chandrani Pearls's headquarters is at Kolkata in West Bengal. Chandrani Pearls was started on 24 January 1985 by Mr. Kuldip Nayar, his wife Mrs. Lakshmi Nayar and his father late Mr. N.C. Nayar in Kolkata’s up market Minto Park area. Chandrani Pearls management is now assisted by Nisheeth Nayar, sons of Mr. Kuldip Nayar. Chandrani Pearls have 63 showrooms across 9 states. From a modest turnover of Rs. 2.75 lakhs in 1990 to a turnover of Rs. 15.00 crores in",
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"title": "Pearl",
"text": "pearls\". The correct definition of a South Sea pearl – as described by CIBJO and GIA – is a pearl produced by the \"Pinctada maxima\" pearl oyster. South Sea pearls are the color of their host \"Pinctada maxima\" oyster – and can be white, silver, pink, gold, cream, and any combination of these basic colors, including overtones of the various colors of the rainbow displayed in the pearl nacre of the oyster shell itself. South Sea pearls are the largest and rarest of the cultured pearls – making them the most valuable. Prized for their exquisitely beautiful 'orient' or lustre,",
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"id": "325526",
"score": "1.0697916",
"original_retrieval_index": 4
"title": "Pearl powder",
"text": "Pearl powder Pearl powder () is a preparation of crushed pearls used in China and elsewhere for skin care and in traditional Chinese medicine. Pearl powder is made from freshwater pearls or saltwater pearls below jewellery grade. These are sterilised in boiling water and then milled into a fine powder using stainless steel grinding discs or by milling with small porcelain balls in moist conditions. The powder is sold as such or mixed into creams. Pearl powder is widely believed to help improve the appearance of the skin, and is used as a cosmetic by royal families in Asia. It",
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"title": "Pearl",
"text": "south Pacific and Indian Ocean. The largest pearl oyster is the \"Pinctada maxima\", which is roughly the size of a dinner plate. South Sea pearls are characterized by their large size and warm luster. Sizes up to 14 mm in diameter are not uncommon. In 2013, Indonesia Pearl supplied 43 percent of South Sea Pearls international market. The other significant producers are Australia, Philippines, Myanmar and Malaysia. In 1914, pearl farmers began growing cultured freshwater pearls using the pearl mussels native to Lake Biwa. This lake, the largest and most ancient in Japan, lies near the city of Kyoto. The",
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"id": "325545",
"score": "1.050137",
"original_retrieval_index": 6
"title": "Chandrani Pearls",
"text": "year 2007–08 Chandrani Pearls imported their pearls from Japan, China or Korea. Chandrani Pearls Chandrani Pearls is a prominent pearl jewelery brand of India. It pioneered the concept of pearls in India. Chandrani Pearls's headquarters is at Kolkata in West Bengal. Chandrani Pearls was started on 24 January 1985 by Mr. Kuldip Nayar, his wife Mrs. Lakshmi Nayar and his father late Mr. N.C. Nayar in Kolkata’s up market Minto Park area. Chandrani Pearls management is now assisted by Nisheeth Nayar, sons of Mr. Kuldip Nayar. Chandrani Pearls have 63 showrooms across 9 states. From a modest turnover of Rs.",
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"title": "Pearl",
"text": "including the Cook Islands and Fiji are being extensively used for producing cultured pearls. The rarity of the black cultured pearl is now a \"comparative\" issue. The black cultured pearl is rare when compared to Chinese freshwater cultured pearls, and Japanese and Chinese akoya cultured pearls, and is more valuable than these pearls. However, it is more abundant than the South Sea pearl, which is more valuable than the black cultured pearl. This is simply because the black pearl oyster \"Pinctada margaritifera\" is far more abundant than the elusive, rare, and larger south sea pearl oyster \"Pinctada maxima\", which cannot",
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"id": "325524",
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"original_retrieval_index": 9
"title": "Pearl Fishery Coast",
"text": "Pearl Fishery Coast The Pearl Fishery Coast refers to a coastal area of southern India, extending along the Coromandel Coast from Tuticorin to Comorin ruled by Paravars. The coast took its name from the presence of pearls on the coast, and the numerous fisheries that operated to exploit them. In a conflict between the Paravas and the Arabs in 1532, the Paravas sought protection from the Portuguese. In 1535, the Portuguese led an army under Pedro Vaz and expelled the Arabs. As a compensation, the Paravas accepted to convert to Christianity. The Portuguese conquered the Pearl Fishery Coast from the",
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"title": "Pearl",
"text": "is a particularly large one weighing 14 lb (6.4 kg). The largest known pearl (also from a giant clam) is the Pearl of Puerto, also found in the Philippines by a fisherman from Puerto Princesa, Palawan Island. The enormous pearl is 30 cm wide (1 ft), 67 cm long (2.2 ft) and weighs 75 lb (34 kg). The ancient chronicle Mahavamsa mentions the thriving pearl industry in the port of Oruwella in the Gulf of Mannar in Sri Lanka. It also records that eight varieties of pearls accompanied Prince Vijaya's embassy to the Pandyan king as well as king Devanampiya",
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"id": "325532",
"score": "1.0203377",
"original_retrieval_index": 11
"title": "Pearl",
"text": "Pearl A pearl is a hard glistening object produced within the soft tissue (specifically the mantle) of a living shelled mollusk or another animal, such as a conulariid. Just like the shell of a mollusk, a pearl is composed of calcium carbonate (mainly aragonite or a mixture of aragonite and calcite) in minute crystalline form, which has been deposited in concentric layers. The ideal pearl is perfectly round and smooth, but many other shapes, known as baroque pearls, can occur. The finest quality natural pearls have been highly valued as gemstones and objects of beauty for many centuries. Because of",
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"id": "325500",
"score": "1.0154207",
"original_retrieval_index": 12
"title": "Pearl",
"text": "world's last remaining fleets of pearl diving ships. Australian pearl divers dive for south sea pearl oysters to be used in the cultured south sea pearl industry. The catch of pearl oysters is similar to the numbers of oysters taken during the natural pearl days. Hence significant numbers of natural pearls are still found in the Australian Indian Ocean waters from wild oysters. X-ray examination is required to positively verify natural pearls found today. Keshi pearls, although they often occur by chance, are not considered natural. They are a byproduct of the culturing process, and hence do not happen without",
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"id": "325520",
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"title": "Star of India (gem)",
"text": "Star of India (gem) The Star of India is a 563.35-carat (112.67 g) star sapphire, one of the largest such gems in the world. It is almost flawless and is unusual in that it has stars on both sides of the stone. The greyish blue gem was mined in Sri Lanka and is housed in the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. The milky quality of the stone is caused by the traces of the mineral rutile, which is also responsible for the star effect, known as asterism. The tiny fibers of the mineral, aligned in a",
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"id": "3259329",
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"original_retrieval_index": 14
"title": "Pearl of Lao Tzu",
"text": "Pearl of Lao Tzu The Pearl of Lao Tzu (also referred to as Pearl of Lao Tze and previously as Pearl of Allah) used to be the largest known pearl. The pearl was found in the Palawan sea, which surrounds the island of Palawan in the Philippines, and was found by a Filipino diver. It is not considered a gemstone pearl, but is instead known as a \"clam pearl\" or \"\"Tridacna\" pearl\" from a giant clam. It measures 24 centimeters in diameter (9.45 inches) and weighs 6.4 kilograms (14.2 lb). The pearl came from Brooke's Point, Palawan in the Philippines.",
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"id": "7852554",
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"title": "Freshwater pearl mussel",
"text": "Freshwater pearl mussel The freshwater pearl mussel (\"Margaritifera margaritifera\") is an endangered species of freshwater mussel, an aquatic bivalve mollusc in the family Margaritiferidae. Although the name \"freshwater pearl mussel\" is often used for this species, other freshwater mussel species can also create pearls and some can also be used as a source of mother of pearl. In fact, most cultured pearls today come from \"Hyriopsis\" species in Asia, or \"Amblema\" species in North America, both members of the related family Unionidae; pearls are also found within species in the genus \"Unio\". The interior of the shell of \"Margaritifera margaritifera\"",
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"id": "9510629",
"score": "1.0084119",
"original_retrieval_index": 16
"title": "Pinctada margaritifera",
"text": "Pinctada margaritifera Pinctada margaritifera, commonly known as the black-lip pearl oyster, is a species of pearl oyster, a saltwater clam, a marine bivalve mollusk in the family Pteriidae. This species is common in the Indo-Pacific within tropical coral reefs. The ability of \"P. margaritifera\" to produce pearls means that the species is a valuable resource to humans. The oysters are harvested wild from coral reefs and are also commonly grown in aquaculture, both primarily taking place in the Indo-Pacific region. The common name of this species refers to the black coloring along the margins of the interior of the shell.",
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"title": "Pearling in Bangladesh",
"text": "pearl production is small compared to other major producers. The domestic jewelry industry is focused on gold and silver. Pearling in Bangladesh Pearling in Bangladesh has existed for centuries. Bangladesh is famous for natural pink pearls, locally known as “mukta”. They are collected from a species of freshwater mussels which are found in abundance in inland bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, ponds and dams. Pearl farming takes place mainly in the southeastern region of the country, in an area stretching from Comilla District to the coastal Cox's Bazar District. The port city of Chittagong is a historic center",
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"id": "19645363",
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"title": "Industry in ancient Tamil country",
"text": "is used for pearl fishing in these days. So Thoothukudi is now called as \"Pearl City\". Written records from Greek and Egyptian voyagers give details about the pearl fisheries off the Pandyan coast. The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea mentions that \"Pearls inferior to the Indian sort are exported in great quantity from the marts of Apologas and Omana\". The inferior variety of pearls that the Tamils did not require for their use was in very great demand in the foreign markets. Pearls were woven along with nice muslin cloth, before being exported. The most expensive animal product that was",
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"title": "Hyderabad pearl",
"text": "series of different shapes and sizes. Pearls are also graded according to color. While pink pearls and black pearls are also considered to be of good quality, white pearls have traditionally been most popular. A good quality white pearl reflects a lovely sky blue color under ultraviolet light while a poor quality one has a green or mustard-colored sheen. Black pearls that have a green sheen and baroque (irregular shaped) pearls that reflect a rainbow of colors are also amongst the more valuable varieties. While black and pink pearls are also rare and beautiful, most traditional Hyderabad jewellery is made",
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"title": "Pearl",
"text": "be found in lagoons, but which must be dived for in a rare number of deep ocean habitats or grown in hatcheries. Black pearls are very rarely black: they are usually shades of green, purple, aubergine, blue, grey, silver or peacock (a mix of several shades, like a peacock's feather). Black cultured pearls from the black pearl oyster – \"Pinctada margaritifera\" – are not South Sea pearls, although they are often mistakenly described as black South Sea pearls. In the absence of an official definition for the pearl from the black oyster, these pearls are usually referred to as \"black",
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"title": "Pearl",
"text": "human intervention. They are quite small, typically only a few millimeters. Keshi pearls are produced by many different types of marine mollusks and freshwater mussels in China. Keshi pearls are actually a mistake in the cultured pearl seeding process. In seeding the cultured pearl, a piece of mantle muscle from a sacrificed oyster is placed with a bead of mother of pearl within the oyster. If the piece of mantle should slip off the bead, a pearl forms of baroque shape about the mantle piece which is entirely nacre. Therefore, a Keshi pearl could be considered superior to cultured pearls",
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"title": "Pearl",
"text": "pearl: saltwater and freshwater pearls come in many different colors. While white, and more recently black, saltwater pearls are by far the most popular, other color tints can be found on pearls from the oceans. Pink, blue, champagne, green, and even purple saltwater pearls can be encountered, but to collect enough of these rare colors to form a complete string of the same size and same shade can take years. The Hindu tradition describes the sacred Nine Pearls which were first documented in the Garuda Purana, one of the books of the Hindu mythology. Ayurveda contains references to pearl powder",
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"title": "Pearl powder",
"text": "and on her skin. The medical book Bencao Gangmu of the Ming dynasty claimed that pearl can stimulate new skin growth and healing, release toxins, and remove sun damage and age spots. Pearl powder was also used in Ayurvedic medicine in the Indian subcontinent. Narahari, a physician of Kashmir, wrote in about 1240 that the pearl was an antidote to poisons, cured conditions of the eyes, consumption and \"morbid disturbances\", and increased general strength and health. Powdered pearl was also an ingredient of love potions. An Indian pharmacological work published in 1903 listed the powder as a tonic, stimulant and",
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"title": "Pinctada margaritifera",
"text": "the water clean with fresh phytoplankton and removal of fecal matter. Stronger currents cause faster but lower quality pearl development. Pinctada margaritifera Pinctada margaritifera, commonly known as the black-lip pearl oyster, is a species of pearl oyster, a saltwater clam, a marine bivalve mollusk in the family Pteriidae. This species is common in the Indo-Pacific within tropical coral reefs. The ability of \"P. margaritifera\" to produce pearls means that the species is a valuable resource to humans. The oysters are harvested wild from coral reefs and are also commonly grown in aquaculture, both primarily taking place in the Indo-Pacific region.",
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"title": "Pearl millet",
"text": "made its way to India. Rajasthan is the highest-producing state in India. The first hybrid of pearl millet developed in India in 1965 is called the HB1. Kambu (கம்பு) is the Tamil name of pearl millet and is an important food across the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is the second important food for Tamil people consumed predominantly in the hot humid summer months from February through July every year. It is made into a gruel and consumed along with butter milk or consumed as dosa or Tamil idly. The second largest producer of pearl millet and the first",
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"title": "Pearl of Lao Tzu",
"text": "pearl was estimated to achieve $300,000 to $400,000, but it was not sold. Pearl of Lao Tzu The Pearl of Lao Tzu (also referred to as Pearl of Lao Tze and previously as Pearl of Allah) used to be the largest known pearl. The pearl was found in the Palawan sea, which surrounds the island of Palawan in the Philippines, and was found by a Filipino diver. It is not considered a gemstone pearl, but is instead known as a \"clam pearl\" or \"\"Tridacna\" pearl\" from a giant clam. It measures 24 centimeters in diameter (9.45 inches) and weighs 6.4",
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"id": "7852561",
"score": "0.9814545",
"original_retrieval_index": 29
"title": "Pearling in Bangladesh",
"text": "Pearling in Bangladesh Pearling in Bangladesh has existed for centuries. Bangladesh is famous for natural pink pearls, locally known as “mukta”. They are collected from a species of freshwater mussels which are found in abundance in inland bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, ponds and dams. Pearl farming takes place mainly in the southeastern region of the country, in an area stretching from Comilla District to the coastal Cox's Bazar District. The port city of Chittagong is a historic center of the pearl trade. Bengali river gypsies, people who live in houseboats, are traditionally engaged in pearl farming. Bangladeshi",
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"id": "19645362",
"score": "0.9811431",
"original_retrieval_index": 30
"title": "Pearl hunting",
"text": "Pearl hunting Pearl hunting is the act of recovering pearls from wild mollusks, usually oysters or mussels, in the sea or fresh water. Pearl hunting used to be prevalent in the Persian Gulf region and Japan, but also occurred in other regions. Before the beginning of the 20th century, the only means of obtaining pearls was by manually gathering very large numbers of pearl oysters or mussels from the ocean floor or lake or river bottom. The bivalves were then brought to the surface, opened, and the tissues searched. More than a ton were searched in order to find at",
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"id": "4551020",
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] | {
"title": "Pearl",
"long_answer": "For thousands of years, seawater pearls were retrieved by divers in the Indian Ocean in areas such as the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Mannar. Evidence also suggest a prehistoric origin to pearl diving in these regions. Starting in the Han Dynasty (206 BC–220 AD), the Chinese hunted extensively for seawater pearls in the South China Sea. In the 14th-century Arabian Sea, the traveller Ibn Battuta provided the earliest known description of pearl diving by means of attaching a cord to the diver's waist.",
"chunked_long_answer": "For thousands of years, seawater pearls were retrieved by divers in the Indian Ocean in areas such as the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Mannar. Evidence also suggest a prehistoric origin to pearl diving in these regions. Starting in the Han Dynasty (206 BC–220 AD), the Chinese hunted extensively for seawater pearls in the South China Sea. In the 14th-century Arabian Sea, the traveller Ibn Battuta provided the earliest known description of pearl diving by means of attaching a cord to the diver's waist.",
"short_answers": [
"the Indian Ocean"
} |
how many countries are a part of opec | [
] | [
"title": "OPEC",
"text": "Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC, /ˈoʊpɛk/ OH-pek, or OPEP in several other languages) is an intergovernmental organization of 14 nations as of February 2018, founded in 1960 in Baghdad by the first five members (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela), and headquartered since 1965 in Vienna, Austria. As of 2016, the 14 countries accounted for an estimated 44 percent of global oil production and 73 percent of the world's \"proven\" oil reserves, giving OPEC a major influence on global oil prices that were previously determined by American-dominated multinational oil companies.",
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"title": "OPEC",
"text": "of its member countries and ensure the stabilization of oil markets, in order to secure an efficient, economic and regular supply of petroleum to consumers, a steady income to producers, and a fair return on capital for those investing in the petroleum industry.\" The organization is also a significant provider of information about the international oil market. Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, the Republic of the Congo, Saudi Arabia (the de facto leader), United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela. Indonesia is a former member, and Qatar will no longer be a member of OPEC",
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"id": "1432809",
"score": "1.1805336",
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"title": "OPEC",
"text": "of \"the top 100 most influential people in the shipping industry\". However, the influence of OPEC on international trade is periodically challenged by the expansion of non-OPEC energy sources, and by the recurring temptation for individual OPEC countries to exceed production targets and pursue conflicting self-interests. As of June 2018, OPEC has 15 member countries: six in the Middle East (Western Asia), seven in Africa, and two in South America. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), OPEC's combined rate of oil production (including gas condensate) represented 44 percent of the world's total in 2016, and OPEC accounted for",
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"title": "OPEC",
"text": "OPEC The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC, ) is an intergovernmental organisation of nations, founded in 1960 in Baghdad by the first five members (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela), and headquartered since 1965 in Vienna, Austria. the 15 countries accounted for an estimated 44 percent of global oil production and 81.5 percent of the world's \"proven\" oil reserves, giving OPEC a major influence on global oil prices that were previously determined by the so called \"Seven Sisters” grouping of multinational oil companies. The stated mission of the organisation is to \"coordinate and unify the petroleum policies",
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"text": "from 1 January 2019.. By continent, two are South American, seven African, and six are Asian (Middle East). Two-thirds of OPEC's oil production and reserves are in its six Middle-Eastern countries that surround the oil-rich Persian Gulf. The formation of OPEC marked a turning point toward national sovereignty over natural resources, and OPEC decisions have come to play a prominent role in the global oil market and international relations. The effect can be particularly strong when wars or civil disorders lead to extended interruptions in supply. In the 1970s, restrictions in oil production led to a dramatic rise in oil",
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"title": "History of the Venezuelan oil industry",
"text": "the OPEC member countries was to work together in order to secure and stabilize international oil prices to ensure their interests as oil producing nations. This was managed largely via maintaining export quotas that helped prevent the overproduction of oil on an international scale. In the early 1970s, oil producing countries of the Persian Gulf began negotiations with oil companies in attempt to increase their ownership participation. In 1972 they rapidly obtained a 25 percent participation, and less than a year later they revised those agreements to obtain up to 60 percent participation in the ownership of the companies. By",
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"title": "Price of oil",
"text": "lacking in tidewater access—such as Western Canadian Select—are less expensive than lighter, sweeter oil—such as WTI. In 1960 the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was founded in Baghdad, Iraq by its first five members —Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela—, with Qatar and Libya joining immediately, followed by United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Nigeria, Ecuador and Gabon after a decade. The goal of these countries was to increase its influence in the world oil market, then dominated by a cartel known as the \"Seven Sisters\", five of which were headquartered in the United States. These companies had been",
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"text": "the end of that year, having become a net importer of oil and being unable to meet its production quota. A statement released by OPEC on 10 September 2008 confirmed Indonesia's withdrawal, noting that OPEC \"regretfully accepted the wish of Indonesia to suspend its full membership in the organization, and recorded its hope that the country would be in a position to rejoin the organization in the not-too-distant future.\" The differing economic needs of OPEC member states often affect the internal debates behind OPEC production quotas. Poorer members have pushed for production cuts from fellow members, to increase the price",
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"title": "OPEC",
"text": "location, and other legal requirements. The OPEC Reference Basket of Crudes has been an important benchmark for oil prices since 2000. It is calculated as a weighted average of prices for petroleum blends from the OPEC member countries: Saharan Blend (Algeria), Girassol (Angola), Oriente (Ecuador), Rabi Light (Gabon), Iran Heavy (Islamic Republic of Iran), Basra Light (Iraq), Kuwait Export (Kuwait), Es Sider (Libya), Bonny Light (Nigeria), Qatar Marine (Qatar), Arab Light (Saudi Arabia), Murban (UAE), and Merey (Venezuela). North Sea Brent Crude Oil is the leading benchmark for Atlantic basin crude oils, and is used to price approximately two-thirds of",
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"title": "OPEC",
"text": "OPEC lost its two newest members, who had joined in the mid-1970s. Ecuador withdrew in December 1992, because it was unwilling to pay the annual US$2 million membership fee and felt that it needed to produce more oil than it was allowed under the OPEC quota, although it rejoined in October 2007. Similar concerns prompted Gabon to suspend membership in January 1995; it rejoined in July 2016. Iraq has remained a member of OPEC since the organization's founding, but Iraqi production was not a part of OPEC quota agreements from 1998 to 2016, due to the country's daunting political difficulties.",
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"title": "Megacorpstate",
"text": "fix quotas for themselves. The members divide the shares of oil production among the nation states. Based on the quota system, the percentages of oil production are divided according to the stated reserves of each country. Consequently, in order to obtain larger percentage share, member nations often overstate their reserves. Following this system, OPEC endeavours to change the market. This is an indication that the OPEC petroleum traders exercise enough market power to influence oil prices around the world. They might increase oil prices much higher than the true economic price of the resources and reshape the Megacorpstate. There are",
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"title": "History of industrialisation",
"text": "western countries and fuelled public corruption. Oil-rich countries saw similar failures in their economic choices. An EIA report stated that OPEC member nations were projected to earn a net amount of $1.251 trillion in 2008 from their oil exports. Because oil is both important and expensive, regions that had big reserves of oil had huge liquidity incomes. However, this was rarely followed by economic development. Experience shows that local elites were unable to re-invest the petrodollars obtained through oil export, and currency is wasted in luxury goods. This is particularly evident in the Persian Gulf states, where the per capita",
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"title": "OPEC",
"text": "and did not return to $100 until the Libyan Civil War in 2011. During 2014–2015, OPEC members consistently exceeded their production ceiling, and China experienced a slowdown in economic growth. At the same time, US oil production nearly doubled from 2008 levels and approached the world-leading \"swing producer\" volumes of Saudi Arabia and Russia, due to the substantial long-term improvement and spread of shale \"fracking\" technology in response to the years of record oil prices. These developments led in turn to a plunge in US oil import requirements (moving closer to energy independence), a record volume of worldwide oil inventories,",
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"title": "OPEC",
"text": "Longtime oil analyst Daniel Yergin \"described the relationship between OPEC and shale as 'mutual coexistence', with both sides learning to live with prices that are lower than they would like.\" In December 2017, Russia and OPEC agreed to extend the production cut of 1.8million barrels/day until the end of 2018. Qatar announced it will withdraw from OPEC effective 1st of January 2019. According to the New York Times, this constitutes a strategic response to the ongoing Qatar boycott by Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Egypt. OPEC The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC, ) is an intergovernmental",
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"title": "OPEC",
"text": "for a natural-resource industry whose smooth functioning requires months and years of careful planning. In April 2001, OPEC collaborated with five other international organizations (APEC, Eurostat, IEA, , UNSD) to improve the availability and reliability of oil data. They launched the Joint Oil Data Exercise, which in 2005 was joined by IEF and renamed the Joint Organisations Data Initiative (JODI), covering more than 90 percent of the global oil market. GECF joined as an eighth partner in 2014, enabling JODI also to cover nearly 90 percent of the global market for natural gas. Since 2007, OPEC has published the \"World",
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"title": "OPEC",
"text": "Lower demand triggered by the 1997–1998 Asian financial crisis saw the price of oil fall back to 1986 levels. After oil slumped to around US$10/bbl, joint diplomacy achieved a gradual slowing of oil production by OPEC, Mexico and Norway. After prices slumped again in Nov. 2001, OPEC, Norway, Mexico, Russia, Oman and Angola agreed to cut production on 1 Jan. 2002 for 6 months. OPEC contributed 1.5 million barrels a day (mbpd) to the approximately 2 mbpd of cuts announced. In June 2003, the International Energy Agency (IEA) and OPEC held their first joint workshop on energy issues. They have",
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"title": "1973 oil crisis",
"text": "In 1963, the Seven Sisters controlled 86% of the oil produced by OPEC countries, but by 1970 the rise of \"independent oil companies\" had decreased their share to 77%. The entry of three new oil producers—Algeria, Libya and Nigeria—meant that by 1970 eighty-one oil companies were doing business in the Middle East. In the early 1960s Libya, Indonesia and Qatar joined OPEC. OPEC was generally regarded as ineffective until political turbulence in Libya and Iraq strengthened their position in 1970. Additionally, increasing Soviet influence provided oil producing countries with alternative means of transporting oil to markets. Under the Tehran Price",
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"title": "World oil market chronology from 2003",
"text": "poorer OPEC member states, such as Venezuela, Iran and Algeria, for production cuts. The European crude oil benchmark, Brent, plunged to US$71.25, a four-year low. Al-Naimi argued that the market would be left to correct itself, this will put pressure on companies in the US to reduce shale fracturing operations. OPEC had a \"long-standing policy of defending prices\". OPEC is ready to let the Brent oil price drop to $60 to slow down US shale oil production. In spite of a troubled economy in member countries, al-Naimi repeated his statement on Saudi inaction on 10 December 2014. By the end",
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"title": "OPEC Fund for International Development",
"text": "development institutions, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Trust Fund and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). As a result of its successful performance, member countries decided in 1980 to convert the temporary facility into a permanent legal entity called the OPEC Fund for International Development; it became a permanent international development agency in May 1980. OFID has 13 member countries: Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela. Ecuador reactivated its membership in June 2014 after a 22-year absence. OFID provides financial assistance in a number of ways, with",
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"title": "2000s energy crisis",
"text": "growth in production was expected to come from smaller projects in OPEC states, raising their world production share from 44% in 2008 to a projected 51% in 2030. The IEA also pointed out that demand from the developed world may have also peaked, so that future demand growth was likely to come from developing nations such as China, contributing 43%, and India and the Middle East, each about 20%. By the beginning of September 2008, prices had fallen to $110. OPEC Secretary General El-Badri said that the organization intended to cut output by about a day, which he saw as",
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"title": "Oil reserves",
"text": "formula_1for Venezuela. It is estimated that between 100 and 135 billion tonnes (which equals between 133 and 180 billions m of oil) of the world's oil reserves have been used between 1850 and the present. Since OPEC started to set production quotas on the basis of reserves levels in the 1980s, many of its members have reported significant increases in their official reserves. There are doubts about the reliability of these estimates, which are not provided with any form of verification that meet external reporting standards. The sudden revisions in OPEC reserves, totaling nearly 300 bn barrels, have been much",
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"title": "Petroleum",
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"text": "1992, because it was unwilling to pay the annual US$2 million membership fee and felt that it needed to produce more oil than it was allowed under its OPEC quota at the time, although it rejoined in October 2007. Similar concerns prompted Gabon to suspend membership in January 1995; it rejoined in July 2016. In May 2008, Indonesia announced that it would leave OPEC when its membership expired at the end of that year, having become a net importer of oil and being unable to meet its production quota. It rejoined the organization in January 2016, but announced another \"temporary",
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"title": "Big Oil",
"text": "gas reserves. Conversely, 88% of global oil and gas reserves are controlled by the OPEC cartel and state-owned oil companies, primarily located in the Middle East. A trend of increasing influence of the OPEC cartel, state-owned oil companies in emerging-market economies is shown and the \"Financial Times\" has used the label \"The New Seven Sisters\" to refer to a group of what it argues are the most influential national oil and gas companies based in countries outside of the OECD, namely CNPC \"(China)\", Gazprom \"(Russia)\", National Iranian Oil Company \"(Iran)\", Petrobras \"(Brazil)\", PDVSA \"(Venezuela)\", Petronas \"(Malaysia)\", Saudi Aramco \"(Saudi Arabia)\".",
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"title": "OPEC",
"long_answer": "Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC, /ˈoʊpɛk/ OH-pek, or OPEP in several other languages) is an intergovernmental organization of 14 nations as of February 2018, founded in 1960 in Baghdad by the first five members (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela), and headquartered since 1965 in Vienna, Austria. As of 2016, the 14 countries accounted for an estimated 44 percent of global oil production and 73 percent of the world's \"proven\" oil reserves, giving OPEC a major influence on global oil prices that were previously determined by American-dominated multinational oil companies.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC, /ˈoʊpɛk/ OH-pek, or OPEP in several other languages) is an intergovernmental organization of 14 nations as of February 2018, founded in 1960 in Baghdad by the first five members (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela), and headquartered since 1965 in Vienna, Austria. As of 2016, the 14 countries accounted for an estimated 44 percent of global oil production and 73 percent of the world's \"proven\" oil reserves, giving OPEC a major influence on global oil prices that were previously determined by American-dominated multinational oil companies.",
"short_answers": [
} |
what type of car is a jeep considered | [
"off-road vehicles",
"light utility vehicles",
"sport utility vehicles"
] | [
"title": "Jeep",
"text": "Jeep's current product range consists solely of sport utility vehicles and off-road vehicles, but has also included pickup trucks in the past. Some of Jeep's vehicles, such as the Grand Cherokee and the Wagoneer, reach into the luxury segment. Jeep sold 1.4 million SUVs globally in 2016, up from 500,000 in 2008, two-thirds of which in North America, and was Fiat-Chrysler's best selling brand in the U.S. during the first half of 2017. In the U.S. alone, over 2400 dealerships hold franchise rights to sell Jeep-branded vehicles, and if Jeep were spun off into a separate company, it is estimated",
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"title": "Willys MB",
"text": "one-and-one-half-ton capacity for reconnaissance or other army duty. A term applied to the bantam-cars, and occasionally to other motor vehicles (U.S.A.) in the Air Corps, the Link Trainer; in the armored forces, the ton command car. Also referred to as \"any small plane, helicopter, or gadget.\"\" — \"jeep\" could still mean various things, including \"other\" light wheeled utility vehicles than the jeep... One of the most frequently given explanations, is that the designation \"GP\" (either from the initial Ford \"GP\", or from the military G.P. for \"General Purpose\" car) was slurred into the word \"Jeep\" in the same way that",
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"title": "Sport utility vehicle",
"text": "because the classification of these vehicles varies from state to state. For industry production statistics, SUVs are counted in the light truck product segment. The term is not used in all countries, and outside North America the terms \"off-road vehicle\", \"four-wheel drive\" or \"four-by-four\" (abbreviated to \"4WD\" or \"4×4\") or simply use of the brand name to describe the vehicle like \"Jeep\" or \"Land Rover\" are more common. In Europe, the term SUV has a similar meaning, but being newer than in the U.S. it only applies to the newer street oriented one, whereas \"Jeep\", \"Land Rover\" or 4x4 are",
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"title": "Jeep",
"text": "name or use the Jeep logo: Jeeps have been built and/or assembled around the world by various companies. Jeep is also a brand of apparel of outdoor lifestyle sold under license. It is reported that there are between 600 and 1,500 such outlets in China, vastly outnumbering the number of Jeep auto dealers in the country. In April 2012 Jeep signed a shirt sponsorship deal worth €35m ($45m) with Italian football club Juventus. In August 2014 Jeep signed a sponsorship deal with Greek football club AEK Athens F.C.. Jeep Jeep is a brand of American automobiles that is a division",
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"title": "Jeep",
"text": "even as they have been decorated in more elaborate and flamboyant styles by their owners. Most Jeepneys today are scratch-built by local manufacturers, using different powertrains. Aside from Jeepneys, backyard assemblers in the Philippines construct replica Jeeps with stainless steel bodies and surplus parts, and are called \"owner-type jeeps\" (as jeepneys are also called \"passenger-type jeeps\"). In the United States military, the Jeep has been supplanted by a number of vehicles (e.g. Ford's M151) of which the latest is the Humvee. After World War II, Jeep began to experiment with new designs, including a model that could drive under water.",
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"title": "Willys MB",
"text": "Eugene the Jeep's go-anywhere ability resulted in various industrial and four-wheel drive vehicles getting nicknamed \"Jeep\" in the late thirties. Around 1940, converted 4WD Minneapolis-Moline tractors, supplied to the U.S. Army as prime movers, were called jeeps, and Halliburton used the name for an electric logging device, or for a custombuilt FWD exploration/survey vehicle. A small, anti-submarine, escort aircraft carrier was called a \"jeep carrier\" in the U.S. Navy in WW II, and also several aircraft – prototypes for both Kellett autogyros, and for the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, as well as the 1941 Curtiss-Wright AT-9 were called jeeps. By",
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"title": "Jeep J8",
"text": "but without an engine or transmission. This allows the customer to install or have installed either a 2.8L VM Turbodiesel with 339 lb.-ft. of torque (460 N • m) or a 5.7-liter V-8 Chrysler HEMI. The vehicle can then be legally registered as a \"component vehicle\". Jeep J8 The Jeep J8 is a military vehicle based on the Jeep Wrangler platform. The model was introduced at the Defence Systems & Equipment International (DSEi) trade show on September 13, 2007. The J8 is assembled in Egypt and in Israel. AIL markets the vehicle to sectors of the government as the AIL",
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"title": "Willys MB",
"text": "1940-1942, soldiers generally used \"jeep\" for -ton or -ton Dodge Command Reconnaissance cars, with the -ton Command Cars sometimes called \"Beeps\" (for \"big Jeeps\"), while the -ton cars were called \"Peeps\", \"son of jeep\", \"baby jeep\", or still quads or bantams. Originally, \"Peep\" seemed a fitting name, because the ¼-ton was considered primarily a reconnaissance (peeping) car. The early 1940s terminology situation is perfectly summed up in the definition given in \"\"Words of the Fighting Forces\"\" by Clinton A. Sanders, a dictionary of military slang, published in 1942, in the Pentagon library: \"Jeep: A four-wheel drive car of one-half to",
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"title": "Jeepney",
"text": "as it evolved through the years. These were classified as \"passenger-type\" jeeps. The non-extended, original-seat configuration jeeps were labeled \"owners\", short for \"owner-type\" jeeps, and are used non-commercially. The original Jeepneys were refurbished military Jeeps by Willys and Ford. Modern jeepneys are now produced with surplus engines and other parts coming from Japan. The jeepney rapidly emerged as a popular and creative way to re-establish inexpensive public transportation, much of which had been destroyed during World War II. Recognizing the widespread use of these vehicles, the Philippine government began to regulate their use. Drivers now must have specialized driver's licenses.",
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"title": "Jeep four-wheel-drive systems",
"text": "also features longer suspension travel (all 4x4, post 2011 models have the same suspension), skid plates, tow hooks, and a full-size spare tire. This enables the FDII-equipped Patriot to wear the \"Trail Rated\" badge from Jeep. Trail Rated Jeep vehicles are determined by meeting several requirements of off-road conditions including water fording, articulation, and other tests. Applications: For the European Market there is a single version which combines elements of both U.S. versions. The European version is available with either a CVT gearbox or most commonly with a 6-speed manual gearbox and has two settings on the traction control and",
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"title": "Willys MB",
"text": "Willys MB The Willys MB and the Ford GPW, both formally called the U.S. Army Truck, ton, 4×4, Command Reconnaissance, commonly known as Jeep or jeep, and sometimes referred to as G503 are light, off-road capable, military utility vehicles that were manufactured during World War II (from 1941 to 1945) to help mobilize the Allied forces. The jeep became the primary light wheeled transport vehicle of the United States Military and its Allies in World War II. It was also the world's first mass-produced four-wheel drive car, manufactured in six-figure numbers. The ca. 640,000 units built, constituted a \"quarter\" of",
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"title": "Jeep",
"text": "as U.S. Army slang for new recruits or vehicles, but the World War II \"jeep\" that went into production in 1941 specifically tied the name to this light military 4x4, arguably making them the oldest four-wheel drive mass-production vehicles now known as SUVs. The Jeep became the primary light 4-wheel-drive vehicle of the United States Army and the Allies during World War II, as well as the postwar period. The term became common worldwide in the wake of the war. Doug Stewart noted: \"The spartan, cramped, and unstintingly functional jeep became the ubiquitous World War II four-wheeled personification of Yankee",
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"title": "Military light utility vehicle",
"text": "trucks with only a few modifications such as brush guards and towing pintles ..\"\" However, in 1940 the categories were revised. A new, lightest chassis, \"quarter-ton\" class was introduced, at the bottom of the range, and the -ton category was supplanted by a -ton chassis — \"both\" were classified as \"light\" trucks; -tonners were considered \"medium\". The Willys MB Jeep of World War II used by the U.S. Army is probably the most widely known vehicle of this class. Over 640,000 Jeeps were built for World War II, and they inspired many vehicles similar in layout, or function. Besides the",
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"title": "Jeep trail",
"text": "Jeep trail Jeep trail is a term originating in the United States to designate unpaved roads designed and maintained for use solely by high-clearance four-wheel drive (4WD) vehicles, regardless of the vehicle manufacturer. Only the more difficult unpaved roads are considered jeep trails while gravel or dirt roads passable in conventional vehicles are simply unpaved roads. The word \"jeep\" in this usage is normally spelled with all lowercase letters, the brand name of Jeep being just one of many that is drivable on difficult road surfaces. One of the most well-known jeep trails is the Rubicon Trail located west of",
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"title": "Jeep trail",
"text": "boundaries. Jeep trail Jeep trail is a term originating in the United States to designate unpaved roads designed and maintained for use solely by high-clearance four-wheel drive (4WD) vehicles, regardless of the vehicle manufacturer. Only the more difficult unpaved roads are considered jeep trails while gravel or dirt roads passable in conventional vehicles are simply unpaved roads. The word \"jeep\" in this usage is normally spelled with all lowercase letters, the brand name of Jeep being just one of many that is drivable on difficult road surfaces. One of the most well-known jeep trails is the Rubicon Trail located west",
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"title": "Jeep Comanche",
"text": "Jeep Comanche The Jeep Comanche (designated MJ) is a pickup truck variant of the Cherokee compact SUV (1984–2001) manufactured and marketed by Jeep for model years 1986-1992 in rear wheel (RWD) and four-wheel drive (4WD) models as well as two cargo bed lengths: six-feet (1.83 metres) and seven-feet (2.13 metres). During the mid-1980s, according to AMC chairman W. Paul Tippett Jr. \"People are finding trucks a reasonable and sophisticated alternative to cars.\" To satisfy the demand and to compete with Japanese competitors, both AMC and Chrysler were preparing compact pickups for the 1986 and 1987 model years (respectively). Also at",
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"title": "Jeep Commander (XK)",
"text": "or 5.7 L HEMI V8 engine, AM/FM radio with six-disc integral CD changer and six Boston Acoustics speakers, security system, dual power seats, leather seats, and standard seven-passenger seating. Overland - 2007-2009: Includes: 5.7 L HEMI V8 engine, AM/FM radio with GPS navigation and six-disc integral CD changer, Sirius satellite radio, wire mesh grille insert, leather-and-suede seats with embroidered Overland logos, wood trimmed steering wheel, leather wrapped emergency brake handle with leather wrapped door handles as well, and dual-panel \"Command View\" sunroof. 65th Anniversary Edition - only in 2006: Includes 3.7 L or 4.7 L engine, unique 65th anniversary badges",
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"title": "Jeep Wrangler (JK)",
"text": "conditioning, alloy wheels, matching spare tire and wheel, YES essentials stain-resistant cloth seats, optional Uconnect touch-screen radios, optional seven-speaker premium sound system with subwoofer, and optional power equipment, such as power door locks and power windows, a first on any Wrangler model. The Sahara model is the \"luxury\" model offering accessories such as body colored fenders, \"Yes Essentials\" seats (in late 2007–2008), power windows and locks and a 7 speaker infinity sound system with subwoofer, among others. It also offered exterior-color fender flares and a gold 'SAHARA' decal on both front fenders. The Rubicon is the \"off-road ready\" model, offering",
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"title": "Jeep Wrangler (JK)",
"text": "is mated to a five-speed automatic transmission. The J8 also features a unique air-intake system with special filtration and a hood-mounted snorkel that enables the J8 to wade in water up to 762 mm (30 in) deep and tackle sandstorm conditions for up to five hours. Available as a two-door with an extended pickup bed for personnel or equipment transport, or a four-door multipurpose vehicle, it may be produced with numerous vehicle-body and seating configurations in either right-hand- or left-hand-drive. Targeted for use by the militaries in overseas markets, the J8 is not available in the United States because it",
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"title": "Jeep Wrangler (JL)",
"text": "Pentastar V6 gasoline engine. Jeep has announced that a 3.0L EcoDiesel V6 turbodiesel engine, built by VM Motori will become available in 2019–the same engine is available in the Jeep Grand Cherokee (WK2) and the Ram 1500. It will produce approximately and . The rest of the world except for North America will get a 2.2L 4 cylinder turbo diesel. North America will not get a diesel Wrangler right now. Jeep has also announced that a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle will be released in 2020. The front windshield can now easily be folded down, or completely removed, and is made",
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"title": "Off-road vehicle",
"text": "some extent. The U.S. Jeep, developed during World War II, coined the word many people use for any type of light off-road vehicle. In the U.S., the Jeep's successor from the 1980s on was the AM General HMMWV. The Eastern Bloc used the GAZ-69 and UAZ-469 in similar roles. Off-road vehicle An off-road vehicle is considered to be any type of vehicle which is capable of driving on and off paved or gravel surface. It is generally characterized by having large tires with deep, open treads, a flexible suspension, or even caterpillar tracks. Other vehicles that do not travel public",
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"title": "Sport utility vehicle",
"text": "quoted by Collins are few, and the term is not recognised at all by Chambers. A Hemmings article defines the sport utility vehicle as bridging the gap between cars and trucks, \"combining car-like appointments and wagon practicality with steadfast off-road capability\"; also especially emphasizing the grand view – \"Jeep called it chair-height seats and picture-window visibility,\" but AutoTrader editor concluded that the \"SUV\" acronym \"is still used to describe nearly anything with available all-wheel drive and raised ground clearance.\" In recent years, the term SUV has come in the US to replace the use of \"jeep\" as a generic trademark",
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"title": "Jeep",
"text": "for decades, despite the fact that Jeeps were never shipped from the factory in crates (although Ford did \"knock down\" Jeeps for easier shipping, which may have perpetuated the myth). The \"Jeepney\" is a unique type of taxi or bus created in the Philippines. The first Jeepneys were military-surplus MBs and GPWs, left behind in the war-ravaged country following World War II and Filipino independence. Jeepneys were built from Jeeps by lengthening and widening the rear \"tub\" of the vehicle, allowing them to carry more passengers. Over the years, Jeepneys have become the most ubiquitous symbol of the modern Philippines,",
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"title": "Jeep Trailhawk",
"text": "after the soft-roader market currently occupied by vehicles like the Infiniti Q70 and Ford Edge. Jeep Trailhawk The Jeep Trailhawk is a mid-size concept SUV unveiled at the 2007 North American International Auto Show. Combining traditional off-road features with refined on-road cruising capabilities, Jeep builds on the new Wrangler Unlimited platform to bring us a new take on open-air motoring. Removable tinted glass panels cover the first- and second-row seats, over the cargo compartment and swing-up backlight. When removed, passengers enjoy the same open-air experience found in traditional soft top Jeeps. A 3.0-liter BLUETEC V6 diesel powers the Trailhawk. The",
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"title": "Jeep Wrangler (JK)",
"text": "green), Sunset Orange, Copper Brown, Baja Yellow, and Firecracker Red.) and trim packages (Sport, Willys Wheeler, Sahara, Rubicon, and Rubicon Hard Rock levels.) Changes also include a new standard eight-speaker audio system, a new nine-speaker system that includes a subwoofer, a package that bundles steel wheels with 31-inch tires for Sport models, and a Torx tool set that's standard on all models, allowing owners to remove the doors or lower the windshield wherever they are. The Jeep Wrangler was released in India on 30 August 2016. Alongside the Grand Cherokee, the Wrangler was the first model to be sold directly",
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"title": "Sport utility vehicle",
"text": "the US Army in 1942–1943. Dodge's post-war evolution of these, the 4WD Power Wagon, was occasionally also fitted with the carryall body. After the war, the first civilian-production four-wheel drive cars for sale in the general marketplace, were direct derivatives of the rugged, utilitarian Jeep — boxy short-wheelbase models that prioritized nimble off-road vehicle prowess: the 1945 civilian Willys Jeep and the 1948 Land Rover, as well as Jeeps that were produced in several other nations. However, the Jeep CJ models remained open-bodied and initially did not offer doors from the factory. Doors and hard roofs were not even factory",
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"title": "Jeep Trailhawk",
"text": "Jeep Trailhawk The Jeep Trailhawk is a mid-size concept SUV unveiled at the 2007 North American International Auto Show. Combining traditional off-road features with refined on-road cruising capabilities, Jeep builds on the new Wrangler Unlimited platform to bring us a new take on open-air motoring. Removable tinted glass panels cover the first- and second-row seats, over the cargo compartment and swing-up backlight. When removed, passengers enjoy the same open-air experience found in traditional soft top Jeeps. A 3.0-liter BLUETEC V6 diesel powers the Trailhawk. The four-passenger interior is dominated by two major design elements—the cross-car instrument panel (I/P) form and",
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"title": "Jeep Patriot",
"text": "Sport, Sport Plus, Limited, and an Overland version. In the EU market, the 2.0 L Volkswagen PD Diesel Engine was replaced by a 2.2 L Mercedes-Benz Twin-Cam Common Rail Diesel engine delivering . For 2011, a 70th Anniversary Edition model was offered to commemorate the Jeep history. It was based on the Sport model with special olive or beige interior colors, unique alloy wheels, a nine-speaker Boston Acoustics premium sound system with subwoofer and fold-down lift gate speakers, Sirius XM Radio, a leather-wrapped steering wheel, leather seats, heated front seats, and other features. This model was available from May to",
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"title": "Jeep Compass",
"text": "the upper body structure and frame is made of high-strength steel. In the United States, the Compass comes equipped with a 2.4L Tigershark four-cylinder engine. Available features include FCA's UConnect 4C 8.4 and 8.4N touch-screen infotainment systems, a Beats Premium Audio System with a 506-watt digital amplifier, eighteen-inch aluminum alloy wheels, Jeep's Command-View panoramic sunroof, LED front headlamps, Forward Collision Warning, a ParkView rear-view backup camera system, front and rear parking sensors, Blind Spot Information System (BLIS), and Jeep's Selec-Terrain full-time four-wheel-drive system (standard on the Trailhawk model). The Jeep Compass was unveiled in India on 12 April 2017. Apart",
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"title": "Jeep Wrangler (JL)",
"text": "fender decals, gloss black 'Jeep' and 'WRANGLER' emblems, LED front head and fog lamps, luxury leather-trimmed seating surfaces with heated front seats, the U Connect 4C 8.4 infotainment system with Garmin-based GPS navigation, a nine-speaker Alpine premium amplified audio system with rear-mounted subwoofer, a keyless access system, and a three-piece removable hardtop roof. The MOAB is only available with the base 3.6L Pentastar VVT V6 gasoline engine with Electronic Stop Start (ESS) and the 8-speed automatic transmission. The MOAB went on sale at Jeep dealerships in the U.S. in October of 2018, beginning as a mid-year 2018 model year vehicle,",
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] | {
"title": "Jeep",
"long_answer": "Jeep's current product range consists solely of sport utility vehicles and off-road vehicles, but has also included pickup trucks in the past. Some of Jeep's vehicles, such as the Grand Cherokee and the Wagoneer, reach into the luxury segment. Jeep sold 1.4 million SUVs globally in 2016, up from 500,000 in 2008, two-thirds of which in North America, and was Fiat-Chrysler's best selling brand in the U.S. during the first half of 2017. In the U.S. alone, over 2400 dealerships hold franchise rights to sell Jeep-branded vehicles, and if Jeep were spun off into a separate company, it is estimated to be worth between $22 and $33.5 billion — slightly more than all of FCA (US).",
"chunked_long_answer": "Jeep's current product range consists solely of sport utility vehicles and off-road vehicles, but has also included pickup trucks in the past. Some of Jeep's vehicles, such as the Grand Cherokee and the Wagoneer, reach into the luxury segment. Jeep sold 1.4 million SUVs globally in 2016, up from 500,000 in 2008, two-thirds of which in North America, and was Fiat-Chrysler's best selling brand in the U.S. during the first half of 2017. In the U.S. alone, over 2400 dealerships hold franchise rights to sell Jeep-branded vehicles, and if Jeep were spun off into a separate company, it is estimated",
"short_answers": [
"off-road vehicles",
"sport utility vehicles"
} |
what is the name of manchester united stadium | [
"Old Trafford"
] | [
"title": "Manchester United F.C.",
"text": "Manchester United Football Club is a professional football club based in Old Trafford, Greater Manchester, England, that competes in the Premier League, the top flight of English football. Nicknamed \"the Red Devils\", the club was founded as Newton Heath LYR Football Club in 1878, changed its name to Manchester United in 1902 and moved to its current stadium, Old Trafford, in 1910.",
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"title": "City of Manchester Stadium",
"text": "City of Manchester Stadium The City of Manchester Stadium in Manchester, England, currently known as the Etihad Stadium for sponsorship reasons, is the home ground of Manchester City Football Club and with a domestic football capacity of 55,097, the fourth-largest in the Premier League and eighth-largest in the United Kingdom. Built to host the 2002 Commonwealth Games, the stadium has since staged the 2008 UEFA Cup Final, England football internationals, rugby league matches, a boxing world title fight, the England rugby union team's last match of the 2015 Rugby World Cup and summer music concerts during the football off-season. The",
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"title": "City of Manchester Stadium",
"text": "Further reading City of Manchester Stadium The City of Manchester Stadium in Manchester, England, currently known as the Etihad Stadium for sponsorship reasons, is the home ground of Manchester City Football Club and with a domestic football capacity of 55,097, the fourth-largest in the Premier League and eighth-largest in the United Kingdom. Built to host the 2002 Commonwealth Games, the stadium has since staged the 2008 UEFA Cup Final, England football internationals, rugby league matches, a boxing world title fight, the England rugby union team's last match of the 2015 Rugby World Cup and summer music concerts during the football",
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"title": "City of Manchester Stadium",
"text": "Manchester City Council before construction began in December 1999, but has a number of commonly used alternatives. City of Manchester Stadium is abbreviated to CoMS when written and spoken. Eastlands refers to the site and the stadium before they were named SportCity and CoMS respectively, and remains in common usage for both the stadium and the whole complex, as does SportCity but with less frequency. The stadium was also officially referred to as Manchester City Stadium for the 2015 Rugby World Cup. The football club, under its new ownership, renegotiated its 250-year lease with the city council in October 2010,",
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"title": "Old Trafford",
"text": "96 and the 2003 Champions League Final, as well as rugby league's annual Super League Grand Final and the final of two Rugby League World Cups. It also hosted football matches at the 2012 Summer Olympics, including women's international football for the first time in its history. Before 1902, Manchester United were known as Newton Heath, during which time they first played their football matches at North Road and then Bank Street in Clayton. However, both grounds were blighted by wretched conditions, the pitches ranging from gravel to marsh, while Bank Street suffered from clouds of fumes from its neighbouring",
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"title": "City of Manchester Stadium",
"text": "gaining the naming rights in return for a substantial increase in rent. The stadium was renamed the Etihad Stadium by the club in July 2011 as part of a ten-year agreement with the team kit sponsors Etihad Airways. The agreement encompasses sponsorship of the stadium's name, extends the team kit sponsorship for ten years, and includes plans to relocate the club's youth academy and training facilities to the City Football Academy on a new campus development adjacent to the stadium. Despite being a continuous oval bowl, each side of the stadium is named in the manner of a traditional football",
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"title": "City of Manchester Stadium",
"text": "matchday experience.\" In July 2011, CoMS was renamed the Etihad Stadium, sponsored by Etihad Airways who fought off competition from Ferrostaal and Aabar to gain the stadium naming rights. The lucrative ten-year sponsorship deal included not just the naming rights to the stadium itself but to the whole £200 million complex of football-related facilities into which it was soon to be incorporated. In mid-September 2011, development plans were duly announced for a new state-of-the-art youth academy and training facility, now known as the City Football Academy (CFA) to be built on derelict land adjacent to the stadium and which would",
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"title": "DW Stadium",
"text": "overall attendance to date, and was the match where Manchester United were crowned Premier League champions for that season. In March 2009, Dave Whelan acquired a chain of fitness clubs from JJB Sports. In the process, Whelan used the business to set up a new venture, DWSportsfitness and announced that the stadium name would change to the \"DW Stadium\" in August. Whelan also announced that at the same time the stadium was renamed, its ownership would pass from himself to Wigan Athletic. Concerns about the future of Wigan Warriors were arrested in the same announcement, as Whelan extended the lease",
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"title": "F.C. United of Manchester",
"text": "Road End (west) and the Main Stand (south), the latter of which has seating sections. Within the Main Stand is a clubhouse with a bar and catering facilities, club offices, changing rooms, a medical suite and a classroom. The stadium is shared with a local junior team, Moston Juniors F.C. From their foundation in 2005 until 2014, F.C. United were based at Bury F.C.'s Gigg Lane stadium. F.C. United's first proposed stadium was announced in 2010 for Newton Heath, the original home of Manchester United. The development was planned to be located on the site of the Ten Acres Lane",
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"title": "Manchester City F.C.",
"text": "over its 80-year lifespan, by 1995 its capacity was restricted to 32,000, prompting the search for a new ground which culminated in the move to the City of Manchester Stadium in 2003. Manchester City F.C. Manchester City Football Club, commonly known as Man. City, is a football club based in Manchester, England, that competes in the Premier League, the top flight of English football. The club has won five league titles, five FA Cups, five League Cups, five FA Community Shields, and one European Cup Winners' Cup. Founded in 1880, the club entered the Football League in 1899, and won",
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"title": "City of Manchester Stadium",
"text": "stadium, originally proposed as an athletics arena in Manchester's bid for the 2000 Summer Olympics, was converted after the 2002 Commonwealth Games from a 38,000 capacity arena to a 48,000 seat football stadium at a cost to the city council of £22 million and to Manchester City of £20 million. Manchester City F.C. agreed to lease the stadium from Manchester City Council and moved there from Maine Road in the summer of 2003. The stadium was built by Laing Construction at a cost of £112 million and was designed and engineered by ArupSport, whose design incorporated a cable-stayed roof structure",
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"title": "F.C. United of Manchester",
"text": "sports centre and would have cost £3.5 million, to be financed by public donations, a Community Shares issue and grant funding. However a year later, in March 2011, Manchester City Council backed out from funding the stadium. The Broadhurst Park site in Moston, north-east Manchester, was announced in April 2011. Detailed information about the new facility was released in June 2011 and Manchester City Council approved the planning permission for the site on 27 October 2011. F.C. United had to overcome some obstacles including funding agreements, contractor and lease negotiations and a legal challenge from local residents which caused a",
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"title": "Newcastle United F.C.",
"text": "Park Stadium. This name was only supposed to be used until the end of the 2009–10 season, but lasted until November 2011. On 10 November 2011, the club officially changed the name of the stadium to the Sports Direct Arena, although this will most likely be an interim name, as it is only being used to showcase the sponsorship capabilities of the stadium. The company, owned by Ashley, were not paying anything for the deal. However, if another company purchases the naming rights, they will be expected to pay between £8 million and £10 million. Many fans voiced their anger",
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"title": "F.C. United of Manchester",
"text": "yellow, and incorporates elements from the coat of arms of Manchester City Council; a ship representing Manchester's industry and three stripes representing the three rivers that flow through Manchester: the Irk, the Irwell and the Medlock. F.C. United play at the 4,400 capacity Broadhurst Park, which opened in May 2015. The ground was built at a cost of £6.3 million, using £2 million from a Community Share Scheme and the remainder from a variety of governmental and charity grants. The ground is surrounded on all sides by covered stands: the St. Mary's Road End (east), the North Stand, the Lightbowne",
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"title": "City of Manchester Stadium",
"text": "the majority of City's more vocal fans. Supporters of visiting teams are also normally allocated seats in this stand. From 2003 to 2006, it was renamed the Key 103 Stand for sponsorship reasons, though this was largely ignored by regular patrons. The stadium is the centrepiece of SportCity, which includes several other nationally important sporting venues. Adjacent to the stadium is the Manchester Regional Arena, which served as a warm-up track during the Commonwealth Games and is now a 6,178-capacity venue that hosts national athletics trials, but has previously also hosted the home games of both the Manchester City women's",
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"title": "Relocation of sports teams in the United Kingdom",
"text": "public donations, a Community Shares issue and grant funding. However a year later, in March 2011, Manchester City Council backed out from funding the stadium, but that they had pledged to help F.C. United build a stadium in a new location with reduced costs. In April 2011 it was revealed that F.C. United were considering a new site in the Broadhurst Park area of Moston, Manchester. Detailed information about the new facility, including the tentative name Moston Community Stadium, was released in June 2011. Manchester City Council approved the planning permission for the Moston site on 27 October 2011. F.C.",
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"title": "F.C. United of Manchester",
"text": "a name. On 14 June 2005, it was announced that \"F.C. United of Manchester\" had been chosen, beating \"A.F.C. Manchester 1878\", \"Manchester Central\", and \"Newton Heath United\", and F.C. United were officially registered with the Manchester County Football Association on the same day. Karl Marginson was appointed as the club's manager on 22 June, and the club held trials for players four days later. Around 900 players applied to take part in the trials, of whom 200 were chosen to take part and 17 selected to play for F.C. United. Jonathan Mitten, great-nephew of Manchester United forward Charlie Mitten, was",
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"title": "City of Manchester Stadium",
"text": "with a £1 million investment being made in the playing surface so that it is better able to tolerate concerts and other events without damage. In October 2010, Manchester City renegotiated the stadium lease, obtaining the naming rights to the stadium in return for agreeing to now pay the City Council an annual fixed sum of £3 million where previously it had only paid half of the ticket sales revenue from match attendances exceeding 35,000. This new agreement occurred as part of a standard five-year review of the original lease and it amounts to an approximate £1 million annual increase",
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"title": "History of Manchester City F.C. (1880–1928)",
"text": "match at the brand new Hyde Road stadium was chosen to be against Salford A.F.C. on 10 September 1887, but the \"\"grand opening\"\" of the new ground was a non-event as Salford failed to turn up. The second change to the club was to be to their name. No longer based within the limits of Gorton, it was decided that to continue to go by the name \"Gorton Association Football Club\" was now a misnomer. Consequently, the club officially renamed themselves \"Ardwick Association Football Club\", inheriting the name of their new home district in place of the old. The final",
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"title": "Manchester United F.C.",
"text": "Manchester United, following the purchase of land for around £60,000. Architect Archibald Leitch was given a budget of £30,000 for construction; original plans called for seating capacity of 100,000, though budget constraints forced a revision to 77,000. The building was constructed by Messrs Brameld and Smith of Manchester. The stadium's record attendance was registered on 25 March 1939, when an FA Cup semi-final between Wolverhampton Wanderers and Grimsby Town drew 76,962 spectators. Bombing in the Second World War destroyed much of the stadium; the central tunnel in the South Stand was all that remained of that quarter. After the war,",
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"title": "Sportcity",
"text": "the turbine was intended to provide power for the stadium and nearby homes, but safety concerns about ice on the blades led to the proposal being abandoned. The City of Manchester Stadium was used for the 2002 Commonwealth Games and is the home of Manchester City Football Club. The stadium with twelve 70 metre high masts and a capacity of just over 55,000 has become a landmark on the Manchester skyline. The stadium is leased to the football club. The stadium lease was renegotiated in October 2010 and Manchester City will pay Manchester City Council £3 million a year rather",
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"title": "Moss Lane",
"text": "Moss Lane for the 1989–90 season and renamed themselves Trafford Borough RLFC. Trafford Borough played at Moss Lane for three seasons before moving to Blackpool as Blackpool Gladiators RLFC for the 1992–93 season. Moss Lane Moss Lane (known as the J. Davidson Stadium for sponsorship reasons) is a multi-purpose stadium in Altrincham, Greater Manchester, England. It is currently used mostly for football matches and is the home ground of Altrincham. The stadium also hosts games for Manchester United F.C.'s under 17s side, and women's development team, as well as serving as a backup home venue for Manchester United W.F.C.. The",
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"title": "Manchester 62 F.C.",
"text": "Manchester 62 F.C. Manchester 62 F.C. is a football club based in Gibraltar. The club was previously known as Manchester United F.C. in honour of the English club Manchester United, having officially changed from the 2013–14 season. The club's crest was altered also to reflect the name change. As of the 2018–19 season, Manchester 62 is currently a member of the Gibraltar Second Division. The club, like all others in the territory, currently play at the Victoria Stadium on Winston Churchill Avenue. The club was founded as \"Manchester United F.C.\" in 1962, named in honour of the English club Manchester",
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"title": "Development of stadiums in English football",
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"title": "Old Trafford",
"text": "of the Sir Bobby Charlton Stand, which only has one tier due to construction restrictions. The lower tier of each stand is split into Lower and Upper sections, the Lower sections having been converted from terracing in the early 1990s. The Sir Alex Ferguson Stand, formerly known as the United Road stand and the North Stand, runs over the top of United Road. The stand is three tiers tall, and can hold about 26,000 spectators, the most of the four stands. It can also accommodate a few fans in executive boxes and hospitality suites. It opened in its current state",
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"title": "History of Manchester United F.C. (1945–69)",
"text": "a German air raid in March 1941, and the club did not return there until the stadium's rebuilding was completed in 1949, until which time their home games were played at Maine Road, the stadium of Manchester City. In October 1945, the impending resumption of football led to the managerial appointment of Matt Busby, who demanded an unprecedented level of control over team selection, player transfers and training sessions. Busby led the team to second-place league finishes in 1947, 1948 and 1949, and to FA Cup victory in 1948 - the club's first major trophy for 37 years. In 1952,",
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"title": "City of Manchester Stadium",
"text": "be reinvested in converting the athletics warm-up track adjacent to the main stadium into the 6,000 seat Manchester Regional Arena at a cost of £3.5 million. The stadium is owned by Manchester City Council and leased by the football club. The 2008 takeover made the football club one of the wealthiest in the world, prompting suggestions that it could consider buying the stadium outright. Manchester City signed an agreement with Manchester City Council in March 2010 to allow a £1 billion redevelopment led by architect Rafael Viñoly. During the 2010 closed season the football pitch and hospitality areas were renovated,",
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"title": "Naming rights",
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"title": "Relocation of sports teams in the United Kingdom",
"text": "United's Ewen Fields in 2009–10, Stalybridge Celtic's Bower Fold in 2010–11, 2011–12 and 2012–13 and Curzon Ashton's Tameside Stadium in 2011–12 and 2014–15. A Manchester Premier Cup tie at home to Flixton was switched to Flixton's Valley Road ground in 2008 making it technically F.C. United's seventh home ground. In March 2010, the club announced plans to build their own 5,000-capacity football ground in Newton Heath, the original home of Manchester United. The development was planned to be located on the site of the current Ten Acres Lane sports centre and would have cost £3.5 million, to be financed by",
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"title": "Manchester United F.C.",
"long_answer": "Manchester United Football Club is a professional football club based in Old Trafford, Greater Manchester, England, that competes in the Premier League, the top flight of English football. Nicknamed \"the Red Devils\", the club was founded as Newton Heath LYR Football Club in 1878, changed its name to Manchester United in 1902 and moved to its current stadium, Old Trafford, in 1910.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Manchester United Football Club is a professional football club based in Old Trafford, Greater Manchester, England, that competes in the Premier League, the top flight of English football. Nicknamed \"the Red Devils\", the club was founded as Newton Heath LYR Football Club in 1878, changed its name to Manchester United in 1902 and moved to its current stadium, Old Trafford, in 1910.",
"short_answers": [
"Old Trafford"
} |
who sings the theme song for the proud family | [
"Destiny's Child",
"Solange Knowles"
] | [
"title": "The Proud Family (soundtrack)",
"text": "The Proud Family is a soundtrack album for the show of the same name. A combination of both original tunes by the characters in the show, popular hits by popular music artists such as Alicia Keys, Jhené Aiko, India Arie, and Solange Knowles & Destiny's Child (who perform the theme song), and classic soul music from artists such as Aretha Franklin and The O'Jays.",
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"title": "The Proud Family",
"text": "The Proud Family The Proud Family is an American animated sitcom that ran on Disney Channel from September 15, 2001 to August 19, 2005. \"The Proud Family\" was created by Walt Disney Animation Studios animator Bruce W. Smith and was produced by Jambalaya Studios. Originally piloted for Disney's One Saturday Morning, then Nickelodeon, it was eventually picked up by Disney Channel and started airing in September 2001. An original pilot was made and produced by Nickelodeon in 1999 but was never shown to the public resulting in Nickelodeon passing the show on. Many of the later episodes of \"The Proud",
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"title": "The Proud Family",
"text": "a minigame. Aside from Penny and her parents, other characters from the series also appear in the game, including Penny's friends and Suga Mama. GameDaily and GameZone both rated the game 8 out of 10. The Proud Family The Proud Family is an American animated sitcom that ran on Disney Channel from September 15, 2001 to August 19, 2005. \"The Proud Family\" was created by Walt Disney Animation Studios animator Bruce W. Smith and was produced by Jambalaya Studios. Originally piloted for Disney's One Saturday Morning, then Nickelodeon, it was eventually picked up by Disney Channel and started airing in",
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"title": "The Proud Family Movie",
"text": "The Proud Family Movie The Proud Family Movie is a Disney Channel Original Movie which premiered on August 19, 2005. The film served as the series finale for the Disney Channel animated series, \"The Proud Family\". The film opens with a man named Dr. Carver, the great-great-grandson of George Washington Carver, trying to generate a super 'Gnome Warrior', a prototype for an army of humanoid peanut warriors, but it disintegrates. The scene then turns to Penny Proud, who is celebrating her 16th birthday in her hometown of Wizardville, California, and fails her driver's ed. She and her friends are excited",
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"title": "The Proud Family",
"text": "the United Kingdom, the series aired on ITV in 2002 as part of the network's Saturday morning Diggin' It show. The Proud Family, a video game based on the series, was developed by Gorilla Systems and published by Buena Vista Games for the Game Boy Advance. The game was released in North America in November 2005, a few months after the show ended. In the game, Penny works a variety of jobs to raise money so she can afford to buy her parents a T.H.A.N.G. (Total Home Automated Necessity Gizmo) for their upcoming wedding anniversary. Each job plays out as",
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"title": "The Proud Family Movie",
"text": "driving through town advertising his new drink Pork-Nut-o-Rade, but Puff drank it back home earlier, turning him into a large and rampaging monster. He chases them around the world up to China, until Suga Mama, who also drank the concoction, takes him home. The score to the film was composed by Elika Alvarez, Frank Fitzpatrick and Freddy Sheinfel. The film features new songs written by Frank Fitzpatrick, Jorge Corante, Robyn Johnson, Stephen Anderson and Jayne Houston, along with covers of calypso songs. The songs featured in the film are: \"The Proud Family Movie\" was shown on Disney Channel on August",
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"title": "Kyla Pratt",
"text": "January 2016, but was cancelled shortly afterwards, in May 2016. As a member of the Disney Channel Circle of Stars, Pratt performed a cover version of \"Circle of Life\" that appeared on the \"DisneyMania 2\" album. She also sang \"It's All About Me\", for the series soundtrack for \"The Proud Family\". She sang \"A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes\" with the Disney Channel Stars. Kyla Pratt Kyla Alissa Pratt (born September 16, 1986) is an American actress and musician. She is best known for starring as the voice of Penny Proud in the Disney Channel animated series \"The",
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"title": "The Proud One",
"text": "reached number one in Ireland. The Proud One \"The Proud One\" is a 1966 single written by Bob Gaudio and Bob Crewe and originally performed by Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons, and credited to Valli solo; that version peaked at #68 in the U.S. and #64 in Canada. The Osmonds recorded the song and released it in the spring of 1975. It was their final appearance in the US Top 40, peaking at number 22 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, and their only number one on the Easy Listening chart, where it spent one week at number one in",
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"title": "The Proud Family",
"text": "the series finale. The Proud Family visit Hawaii on an episode of \"\" entitled \"Spats\" in which they stay at Jumba & Pleakley's Bed & Not Breakfast and Suga Mama inadvertently activates an experiment that causes spats. \"The Proud Family Shorties\" is an online cartoon spinoff of \"The Proud Family\" created by Bruce W. Smith. It follows the adventures of BeBe & CeCe Proud, Suga Mama, and Puff the dog. \"The Proud Family\" reran on ABC as part of Disney's One Saturday Morning from May to July 2002. The series was shown on Disney Channel as part of Disney Replay",
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"title": "The Proud One",
"text": "The Proud One \"The Proud One\" is a 1966 single written by Bob Gaudio and Bob Crewe and originally performed by Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons, and credited to Valli solo; that version peaked at #68 in the U.S. and #64 in Canada. The Osmonds recorded the song and released it in the spring of 1975. It was their final appearance in the US Top 40, peaking at number 22 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, and their only number one on the Easy Listening chart, where it spent one week at number one in September 1975. The song also",
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"title": "The Proud Family Movie",
"text": "19, 2005 and was released on VHS and DVD December 6, 2005 with an extended ending. The film re-aired again on Disney Channel on May 28, 2016, as part of Disney Channel's 100 DCOM Marathon to celebrate the 100th film, \"Adventures in Babysitting\". The Proud Family Movie The Proud Family Movie is a Disney Channel Original Movie which premiered on August 19, 2005. The film served as the series finale for the Disney Channel animated series, \"The Proud Family\". The film opens with a man named Dr. Carver, the great-great-grandson of George Washington Carver, trying to generate a super 'Gnome",
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"title": "The Pride of the Family",
"text": "The Pride of the Family The Pride of the Family is an American situation comedy starring Paul Hartman, Fay Wray, Natalie Wood, and Robert Hyatt, which aired for forty episodes on ABC in the 1953–1954 season. Hartman portrays Albie Morrison, the father and error-prone head of the household, about whom most of the episodes are centered. Albie works in the advertising section of his local newspaper, and he often has new ideas that go awry in the workplace as well as failed handyman activities at home. Wray, best remembered for her role in \"King Kong\" (1933), plays Albie's wife, Catherine.",
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"title": "The Proud Family Movie",
"text": "her for who she is, and they then make up on national TV. 15 Cent has Penny and her friends sing instead of acting as his back-up dancers and the crowd loves them. On Legume Island, the real Carver and his peanut people along with the Proud clones listen as a radio announcer says that Penny and her friends' song has been popular for five weeks (35 days) in a row. In an extended ending, the scene fast-forwards three days later where Cashew is now part of the Proud Family, Penny is receiving her driver's license and helps Oscar by",
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"title": "The Lawrence Welk Show",
"text": "artists such as surf rock group The Chantays, novelty artist Stan Boreson and country singer Charley Pride. The closing theme during the syndicated years, often performed by the \"Musical Family\", was \"Adios, Au Revoir, Auf Wiedersehen\" (composed by George Cates). A recording of the song has been edited over the updated credits on PBS reruns. Welk employed many musicians and singers, which were known in the press as his \"Musical Family\". Most members of the Musical Family had specific, well-defined roles within the context of the show, generally specializing in one type of performance (for instance, the show had two",
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"title": "Pip Proud",
"text": "Pip Proud Phillip John \"Pip\" Proud (19472010) was an Australian singer-songwriter, poet, novelist and dramatist whose idiosyncratic song-poems gained a cult following in Australia in the 1960s and around the world in the 1990s-2000s. Pip Proud was born Phillip John Proud in Adelaide in September 1947 and is the younger brother of a portrait artist, Geoffrey Proud (born 1946). He grew up in the inner city suburb of Hindmarsh, where his parents were \"middle class and so on, and so on.\" The family moved to the Snowy Mountains. He later recalled his childhood, \"I was tremendously lonely as a child.",
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"title": "The Proud Family",
"text": "Family\" were produced using Adobe Flash. The series is the first Disney children's cartoon which did not premiere on network/over-the-air television, which had been done since 1984 when the Television Animation unit was started. It marked the first animated Disney Channel Original Series, and, incidentally, the only original animated series from Disney Channel not associated with, and to be produced exclusively by Disney's Television Animation arm. \"The Proud Family\" featured various notable guest stars who portrayed themselves or other characters. In 2005, \"The Proud Family Movie\" premiered as a Disney Channel Original Movie on Disney Channel. The film served as",
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"title": "The Proud Family",
"text": "on October 1, 2015 and aired again on December 24, 2015 with the episode \"Seven Days of Kwanzaa\". In 2018, the episode is part of a holiday live stream on Disney Channel's YouTube channel. In 2002, ABC launched the series as a part of its Saturday morning block, ABC Kids. The series aired in syndication on BET in 2008. It also aired on Toon Disney until February 2009, when the channel shut down. \"The Proud Family\" was also aired on The Family Channel in Canada. In 2010, the series began airing on Centric. In Jamaica, it aired on TVJ. In",
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"title": "Jahero",
"text": "Joy Behar, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, and Barbara Walters. Jenny McCarthy appeared once briefly, as has Hasselbeck's mother-in-law and O'Donnell's mother-in-law, her wife Kelli's mother. Kathy Griffin also appeared, where she read some of the questions. It became so popular that O'Donnell and her creative team considered an \"on the road\" version of the video blog utilizing fan-submitted suggestions. O'Donnell was the front runner for the \"best celebrity blogger\" category in the 2007 Blogger's Choice Awards which she won. They adopted Bonnie Tyler's \"Holding Out for a Hero\" as their unofficial theme song with O'Donnell quite frequently singing the chorus as \"I",
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"title": "Proud Boys",
"text": "mocks the song Proud of Your Boy from the soundtrack for the film \"Aladdin\", which had become a running theme on McInnes' podcast hosted by Anthony Cumia's Compound Media. McInnes had heard the song at a children's talent show in December 2015 and took immediate dislike to the perceived \"fake, humble, and self-serving\" nature of the lyrics. The organization has been described as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center and NPR's \"The Takeaway\", and Spencer, McInnes, and the Proud Boys have been described as hipster racists by \"Vox\" and \"Media Matters for America\". McInnes says victim mentality",
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"title": "Solange Knowles",
"text": "\"True Love\", and on Kelly Rowland's debut solo album \"Simply Deep\", for which she also wrote the title track, \"Beyond Imagination\" and \"Obsession\". In 2001 she appeared as Lil' Bow Wow's date in the music video for his single \"Puppy Love\". She also made an appearance on \"The Master of Disguise\" soundtrack and made cameos in Play's video for \"M.A.S.T.E.R. (Part II)\" featuring Lil' Fizz. In 2002, she lent her voice for the character Chanel, the cousin of the protagonist Penny Proud, in the episode \"Behind Family Lines\" to the animated television series \"The Proud Family\". In June 2003, Mathew",
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"title": "Jo Marie Payton",
"text": "Jo Marie Payton Jo Marie Payton (born August 3, 1950) is an American actress and singer who starred as Harriette Baines–Winslow, the matriarch of the Winslow family on the ABC/CBS sitcom \"Family Matters\" (1989–1998), and also appeared in a recurring role on its parent series \"Perfect Strangers\". From 2001 to 2005, Payton provided the voice for Suga Mama Proud on Bruce W. Smith's Disney Channel's \"The Proud Family\". The role earned her an NAACP Image Award nomination in 2005. Payton also had a recurring role as the personal assistant to Gregory Hines' character, Ben Doucette (Will Truman's boss), during season",
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"title": "Margot Bingham",
"text": "characters opposite Joan Allen in the ABC drama series, \"The Family\" created by Jenna Bans. Margot Bingham Margot Bingham is an American actress and singer-songwriter. She is best known for her role as jazz singer Daughter Maitland in the HBO period drama series, \"Boardwalk Empire\". In 2015, Bingham began starring as one of lead characters in the ABC drama series, \"The Family\". Bingham was born in 1987/1988 and raised in the Green Tree suburb of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the daughter of Craig Bingham, a former Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker, and Lynne Bingham. She graduated in 2006 from the Pittsburgh High School for",
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"title": "Haley Reinhart",
"text": "on their single \"Something Strange\", which was released alongside its video on November 2, 2018. The song is described as an upbeat, pop-centric track, with a strong Avicii influence. Reinhart reprised her starring role as Bill Murphy in the third season of \"F is for Family\", released on November 30, 2018. Reinhart's style has been noted for its infusion of mainstream pop with elements of retro-pop and traditional jazz. Her performances on \"Idol\" were often critically praised for their jazzy and bluesy elements built upon a Joplin-esque rock foundation. Reinhart's debut album was also distinguished for its fusion of various",
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"title": "The Handsome Family",
"text": "The Handsome Family The Handsome Family is an alternative country and Americana duo consisting of husband and wife Brett and Rennie Sparks formed in Chicago, Illinois, and currently based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. They are perhaps best known for their song \"Far from Any Road\" from the album \"Singing Bones\", which was used as the main title theme for the first season of HBO's 2014 crime drama \"True Detective\". The band's 10th album, \"Unseen\", was released on September 16, 2016, the first new release on the band's own label and through long-time label Loose in Europe. Husband-and-wife duo Brett Sparks",
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"title": "Star of the Family",
"text": "Star of the Family Star of the Family is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from September 30 to December 9, 1982. Starring veteran actor, Brian Dennehy, as fire chief Leslie \"Buddy\" Krebs, and Katherine Saltzberg, née Maisnik, as his singer daughter, Jennie Lee Krebs. The series debuted on September 30, 1982 on Thursdays after \"Joanie Loves Chachi\", and was canceled after ten episodes. Fire Captain Buddy Krebs' (Dennehy) 16-year-old daughter Jennie Lee (Saltzberg) begins getting show-business offers because of her singing talents in the country/pop genre. This scares Buddy because he does not want his daughter to grow",
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"title": "Solange Knowles",
"text": "husband, Alan Ferguson. During the 2017 Roots Picnic Festival in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Knowles performed a rendition of the sing-along from \"The Proud Family\", the television series whose theme song she was featured on in 2001. In December 2017, Solange directed the video of The Weekend by SZA (singer). On October 15, 2018, it was announced by Knowles that she would be releasing her fourth studio album this Fall during an interview with New York Times Style Magazine. Knowles cites as her influences Motown girl groups such as The Supremes and The Marvelettes, and Martha Reeves, lead singer of Martha and",
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"title": "Proud (Britannia High song)",
"text": "found greater resonance when Boyle reinterpreted the song to suit her own real life feelings. Proud (Britannia High song) \"Proud\" is a song by Wayne Hector, Steve Mac and Andy Hill originally written and recorded for the British television drama series \"Britannia High\". The song was later covered by Scottish singer Susan Boyle for her debut album \"I Dreamed a Dream\". In the ITV drama series the song is performed in episode 1.03 by the character Jez Tyler played by Matthew James Thomas. The song features on the 2008 \"Britannia High\" soundtrack album. The song was written specifically for the",
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"title": "Proud (Britannia High song)",
"text": "Proud (Britannia High song) \"Proud\" is a song by Wayne Hector, Steve Mac and Andy Hill originally written and recorded for the British television drama series \"Britannia High\". The song was later covered by Scottish singer Susan Boyle for her debut album \"I Dreamed a Dream\". In the ITV drama series the song is performed in episode 1.03 by the character Jez Tyler played by Matthew James Thomas. The song features on the 2008 \"Britannia High\" soundtrack album. The song was written specifically for the Britannia High television programme. The original inspiration was a teenager talking to a father that",
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"title": "CIRR-FM",
"text": "Deb Pearce and Adam Lawrence. Lawrence left the station in June 2009 to pursue a teaching career, and was replaced by Patrick Marano. The current Proud FM lineup includes Richard Ryder in the morning (\"Rise With Ryder\") Evenings Greg hosts the 6PM Quickie and weekends, including Pearse Murray (\"A Fabulous Morning\"), Mark Andrew Lawrence (\"Front Row Centre\"), Jaret and Stark, Your Dyke Around Town. Other hosts that have appeared on the station include Cajjmere Wray, Shaun Proulx, Deb Pearce, Patrick Marano, Mark Wigmore, Paul Bellini, Crystal Lite, Danielle Loncar, Acey Rowe and Sean Cowan. Comedian Maggie Cassella was also part",
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"title": "Katherine Saltzberg",
"text": "the ABC sitcom, \"Star of the Family\", playing Jennie Lee Krebs, a 16-year-old singer who begins getting show business offers because of her talents in the country/pop genre. This scares her father, played by Brian Dennehy. Saltzberg sang the opening theme song and was nominated for Best Young Actress in a new TV series. The show was created by Stu Silver and produced by Jack Rollins, Charles Joffe, and Larry Brezner. On the 1990 worldwide Jimmy Buffett tour, \"Jump Up!\", Saltzberg sang backup as a member of his Coral Reefer Band. Under the name \"Kate Mason,\" Saltzberg performed stand-up comedy",
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"title": "The Proud Family (soundtrack)",
"long_answer": "The Proud Family is a soundtrack album for the show of the same name. A combination of both original tunes by the characters in the show, popular hits by popular music artists such as Alicia Keys, Jhené Aiko, India Arie, and Solange Knowles & Destiny's Child (who perform the theme song), and classic soul music from artists such as Aretha Franklin and The O'Jays.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The Proud Family is a soundtrack album for the show of the same name. A combination of both original tunes by the characters in the show, popular hits by popular music artists such as Alicia Keys, Jhené Aiko, India Arie, and Solange Knowles & Destiny's Child (who perform the theme song), and classic soul music from artists such as Aretha Franklin and The O'Jays.",
"short_answers": [
"Destiny's Child",
"Solange Knowles"
} |
who wrote cant get you out of my head lyrics | [
"Cathy Dennis and Rob Davis",
"Rob Davis",
"Cathy Dennis"
] | [
"title": "Can't Get You Out of My Head",
"text": "Australian singer Kylie Minogue for her eighth studio album, titled Fever, which she released in 2001. The song was released in Australia by Parlophone as the lead single from the album on 8 September 2001. It was released on 17 September 2001 in the United Kingdom. In the United States, the single was released on 18 February 2002. Jointly written, composed, and produced by Cathy Dennis and Rob Davis, \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" is a midtempo dance-pop song which lyrically details its narrator's obsession towards her lover. The song is famous for its \"la la la\" hook.",
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"title": "Can't Get You Out of My Head",
"text": "strings push the song along with a tightly coiled electricity that is impossible to resist.\" He also picked the song as a highlight on the album. Sal Cinquemani from \"Slant Magazine\" chose the song as one of the \"standouts\" on the album, saying that its arrangement \"compensate for the lack of synthetic dance beats and vocal effects.\" Tania Zeine from ARIA Charts described the track as a \"powerful violin ballad with the accompaniment of a large orchestra throughout the remainder.\" Simon Price from \"The Independent\" said that while the original version of \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" would",
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"title": "Can't Get You Out of My Head",
"text": "which combines the genres of synth-pop and nu-disco, which lyrically details its narrator's obsession towards her lover. The song is famous for its \"la la la\" hook. In addition to acclaim from music critics, \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" found commercial success on a large scale. It peaked at number one on the charts of Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and every other European country excluding Finland. It also topped the charts of Minogue's native Australia as well as New Zealand. In the United States, the song peaked at number seven on the",
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"title": "Can't Get You Out of My Head",
"text": "range spans from C to D. Minogue chants a \"la la la\" hook in the song, which is often heralded as its most appealing part. BBC Radio 2 noted that the composition of the song is \"deceptively simple, but its veins run with the whole history of electronic music.\" They described the song's bassline as \"pulsing,\" and recognised influences of English rock band New Order and German electronic music band Kraftwerk. The song does not follow the common verse-chorus structure and is instead composed of numerous \"misplaced sections.\" Dennis reasoned that these sections \"somehow work together\" as she and Davis",
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"title": "Can't Get You Out of My Head",
"text": "excluding the guitar part, was programmed using Korg Triton workstation via MIDI. Dennis later remarked: \"Even though Kylie wasn't the first artist to be offered the song, I don't believe it was meant to go to anyone other than Kylie, and I don't believe anyone else would have done the incredible job she did with it, with the video, looking super-hot!\" \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" is a midtempo dance song, combining synth-pop and neo-disco, which has a tempo of 126 beats per minute. According to the sheet music published at by EMI Music Publishing, Minogue's vocal",
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"title": "Can't Get You Out of My Head",
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"title": "Can't Get You Out of My Head",
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"title": "Can't Get You Out of My Head",
"text": "in which the strings of a string instrument are continuously plucked. The song received overwhelming critical acclaim, subsequently being cited as one of the greatest songs of the 2000s. Chris True from AllMusic picked the song as a highlight of \"Fever\", commenting that it \"pulses and grooves like no other she's [Minogue's] recorded.\" Jason Thompson from PopMatters described Minogue's vocals as a \"sexual come on\" and called the song \"trim and funky, certainly something that couldn't miss anywhere.\" Dominique Leone from Pitchfork Media praised the commercial prospect of the song, saying that it \"exudes a catchiness that belies its inherent",
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"title": "Can't Get You Out of My Head",
"text": "as a remix on Minogue's remix album \"Boombox.\" On 16 March 2002, Minogue performed \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" along with \"In Your Eyes,\" the second single from \"Fever\", on \"Saturday Night Live\". On 4 June 2012, she sang \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" at the Diamond Jubilee Concert in front of the Buckingham Palace, held in honour of Elizabeth II's completion of 60 years as Queen. Minogue wore a pearl-studded black jacket and hat for the performance. The dance troupe Flawless, who had been finalists on the British television talent show \"Britain's Got Talent\", served",
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"title": "Can't Get You Out of My Head",
"text": "was recorded using Cubase music software, which Davis ran on his Mac computer. Davis began playing an acoustic guitar and ran a 125 beats per minute drum loop, on which Dennis, herself a singer who had enjoyed chart success in the United States, began singing the line \"I just can't get you out of my head\" in the key of D minor. After three and a half hours, the demo was recorded and the vocals were laid afterwards. Dennis called their recording setup for the song, \"the most primitive set-up you could imagine! Different producers work in different ways. But",
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"title": "Can't Get You Out of My Head",
"text": "\"20,000 Days on Earth\". The \"Can't Get Blue Monday Out of My Head\" mash-up is heard in the film \"Layer Cake\", and New Order themselves sampled the song during their 2005 Coachella set as they performed \"Blue Monday\". Can't Get You Out Of My Head is featured in the popular dancing game, \"Just Dance\" for the Nintendo Wii, it has yet to appear in \"Just Dance Unlimited\" or \"Just Dance Now\" These are the formats and track listings of major single releases of \"Can't Get You Out of My Head:\" \"The Complete Kylie,\" Simon Sheridan, Reynolds & Hearn Books (February",
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"title": "Can't Get You Out of My Head",
"text": "section, and an interlude dubbed the \"Sex Segue.\" She also performed this version during the 2015 Royal Albert Hall performance as part of her \"Kylie Christmas\" concert. Following its release, \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" peaked at number one on the charts of every European country (except Finland), Australia and New Zealand. The song reportedly reached number one in 40 countries worldwide, and as of 2013, it has sold over seven million copies. In the United Kingdom, the total sales of the song are accumulated to be around 1.16 million units, thus making it the 75th best-selling single",
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"title": "Can't Get You Out of My Head",
"text": "copyright collection society and performance rights organisation which collects royalties on behalf of songwriters and composers, named \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" the \"Most Popular Song of the Decade\" as it received the highest airplay and live covers in the 2000s (decade). In 2013, a survey of 700 people was conducted as part of the Manchester Science Festival to find out which song they considered the \"catchiest,\" and \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" topped the poll. Lee Barron, in his essay \"The Seven Ages of Kylie Minogue: Postmodernism, Identity, and Performative Mimicry,\" noted that the song",
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"title": "In Your Eyes (Kylie Minogue song)",
"text": "(2000). All four of them, including Minogue, wrote \"In Your Eyes\" together, while Stannard and Gallagher handled the production of the song. After the major success of \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\", it was announced that \"In Your Eyes\" would be released as the album's second official single, set for a January 2002 release. However, due to the overwhelming success and radio airplay in Europe, the single was postponed until February 2002. Musically, \"In Your Eyes\" is a Techno song, which features influences of nu-disco and Europop. In the first verse, her vocals span and range from F#m-D-D-C#-Bm.",
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"text": "the harmful nature of her infatuation, calling it a \"desire that is wholly dependent on her own self-control.\" In late 2012, \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" was re-recorded by Minogue for inclusion in her orchestral compilation album, \"The Abbey Road Sessions.\" On the album, Minogue reworked 16 of her past songs with an orchestra, which, according to Nick Levine from BBC Music, \"re-imagine them without the disco glitz and vocal effects.\" \"The Abbey Road Sessions\"-version of \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" features a \"more dramatic, fully fleshed out\" musical arrangement, and follows a pizzicato playing technique,",
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"text": "the song peaked at number one on the Ultratop chart, spending a total of 22 and 24 weeks on the charts, respectively. In Belgium, the song was certified double-platinum for sales of 100,000 units. In France, the song entered the French Singles Chart at number 14 and peaked at number one, spending a total of 41 weeks on the chart. In this region, it was certified platinum by the Syndicat National de l'Édition Phonographique for sales of 500,000 units. As of August 2014, the song was the 22nd best-selling single of the 21st century in France, with 542,000 units sold.",
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"title": "Can't Get You Out of My Head",
"text": "In 2008, she performed the song on the KylieX2008 tour, which was launched to promote her tenth studio album, \"X.\" The show was split into five acts; \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" was featured on the first act, titled \"Xlectro Static,\" in a mashup with the song \"Boombox.\" In 2009, she performed the same version of the song on the For You, for Me tour, which was her first concert tour in North America. A more rock-oriented version of the song was performed during the , which was launched to promote her eleventh studio album, \"Aphrodite.\" It was",
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"title": "Can't Get It Out of My Head",
"text": "the single and LP failed to chart. In 1978, it was included as the lead song on the four-track \"The ELO EP\" (UK release), reaching number 34 on the UK charts. The song has appeared on many ELO compilation albums. Jeff Lynne re-recorded the song in his own home studio. It was released in with other re-recorded ELO songs under the ELO name. Can't Get It Out of My Head \"Can't Get It Out of My Head\" is a song written by Jeff Lynne and originally recorded by Electric Light Orchestra (also known as ELO). First released on the band's",
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"title": "Can't Get It Out of My Head",
"text": "Can't Get It Out of My Head \"Can't Get It Out of My Head\" is a song written by Jeff Lynne and originally recorded by Electric Light Orchestra (also known as ELO). First released on the band's fourth album \"Eldorado\" in September 1974, the song is the second track on the album and follows \"Eldorado Overture.\" The song was released in November the same year as a single. The song became the band's first top 10 single in the United States, reaching number 9, and helped boost public awareness of the band in the U.S.; however, back in the UK",
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"text": "be \"impossible to improve on,\" the reworked version \"turns it into a pizzicato thriller score.\" Jude Rogers from \"The Quietus\", however, felt that the song does not \"respond well to this [orchestral] treatment.\" Louis Vartel from the LGBT oriented website \"NewNownext\", called it \"a pulsing march through the most hypnotic beat of the past 20 years [...] Kylie's American breakthrough still holds up as a cool, streamlined dance-floor magnet\". He ranked the track on the second position of his list of the singer's 48 greatest songs, in honor of her 48th birthday. John Russell, from LGBT magazine \"Queerty\", concluded that",
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"title": "Can't Get You Out of My Head",
"text": "on 8 September, the release date of \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" in Australia. \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" is recognised as Minogue's signature song. \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" garnered Minogue a number of awards. At the 2001 Top of the Pops Awards ceremony, the song won the award for \"Best Single.\" At the 2002 ARIA Music Awards ceremony, \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" won the awards for \"Single of the Year\" and \"Highest Selling Single,\" and Minogue won the \"Outstanding Achievement Award.\" In 2002, it won a Dutch Edison Award",
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"title": "Can't Get You Out of My Head",
"text": "74 on their \"100 Best Track of the Noughties\" list, saying it \"encapsulated everything enviable in a well-crafted song\" and heralding it as Minogue's best single. In 2012, Priya Elan from \"NME\" ranked the song at number four on his \"The Greatest Pop Songs in History\" list, saying: \"It was unlike any song I remember hearing before.\" In 2012, \"The Guardian\" included the song in their list of \"The Best Number One Records,\" labelling it to be \"sleek, Arctic-blue minimalism, like an emotionally thwarted retelling of Donna Summer's \"I Feel Love.\" In the same year, PRS for Music, a UK",
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"text": "performing a dance routine dressed in black and white costumes; they are soon joined by Minogue, who is seen wearing a white tracksuit. The setting changes to a room where Minogue is seen striking various poses sporting bright crimson lipstick and a hooded white jumpsuit with a neckline plunging down to her navel. The outfit was designed by London-based fashion designer Fee Doran, under the label of Mrs Jones. Minogue then performs a synchronised dance routine with several backup dancers, who are wearing red and black suits. As the video ends, she performs a similar routine on the top of",
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"text": "simplicity, so reassuring during an era when chart acts sound increasingly baroque and producers race to see who can ape electronic music trends first.\" Jim Farber from \"Entertainment Weekly\" said that the song \"fully lives up to its title\" with \"every sound a hook,\" and compared it to the works of Andrea True. Michael Hubbard from MusicOMH labelled the song \"one of 2001's best singles,\" saying that it \"predictably beat off lesser 'competition.'\" In 2012, \"The Guardian\" critic Everett True defined \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" as \"one of those rare moments in pop: sleek and chic and",
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"title": "Timebomb (Kylie Minogue song)",
"text": "End)\" by British singer Jay Sean; the review also said \"In any case, it's a nice return to the seductive minimalism that made 'Can't Get You Out of My Head' such disco-ball dynamite. Similarly, Melina Newman from HitFix compared the composition and tempo to the early work of American artist Madonna, commenting, \"The dance tune has an early Madonna flair to it with a catchy, fuzzy synth beat line holding much of it together.\" \"Timebomb\" received universal acclaim from most music critics. Robert Copsey from Digital Spy gave it a positive review, awarding four stars out of five. Copsey enjoyed",
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"title": "Can't Get You Out of My Head",
"text": "singer-songwriter Sophie Ellis-Bextor also turned down the offer to record it. Davis then met with Minogue's A&R executive, Jamie Nelson. After hearing the demo cassette of the song, Nelson booked it for Minogue to record later that year. Nelson was impressed by the \"vibe\" of the song and felt it would please the \"danceheads.\" Although Davis was initially under the impression that the recording deal would be called off later, Minogue became enthusiastic to record the song after hearing 20 seconds of the demo. The whole song, including Minogue's vocals, were recorded at Davis's home studio in Surrey. The music,",
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"text": "exceeding five million. The accompanying music video for the song was directed by Dawn Shadforth, and featured Minogue performing various dance routines in different futuristic backdrops. It became notable for the revealing hooded white jumpsuit Minogue wore during one of the scenes. The song has been performed by Minogue during all of her concert tours as of 2017, with the exception of the Anti Tour. Following its release, \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" ranked on a number of decade-end lists compiled by magazines such as \"Rolling Stone,\" \"The Guardian,\" and \"NME.\" It is considered to be Minogue's strongest",
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"title": "Can't Get You Out of My Head",
"text": "in the United Kingdom of all time. It is Minogue's highest selling single as of 2013 and also one of the best-selling singles of all time. As of June 2015, it is the 28th best-selling single of the millennium in the United Kingdom. The song is notable for being Minogue's biggest and strongest commercial breakthrough in the United States, a region in which Minogue had previously managed to achieve little success. The commercial success of \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" in the US is often considered to have piloted its parent album \"Fever\" to achieve similar success in",
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"title": "Can't Get You Out of My Head",
"text": "British Phonographic Industry for shipments of 600,000 units in 2001. The certification was upgraded to double-platinum in 2015, denoting shipments of 1,200,000 units. In the United States, \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" peaked at number seven on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart, becoming Minogue's best selling single in the region since her interpretation of \"The Loco-Motion.\" Additionally, the song peaked at number one on the Hot Dance Club Songs chart, at number 23 on the Adult Top 40 chart, at number three on the Mainstream Top 40 chart, and number eight on the Hot 100 Airplay chart.",
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"title": "Can't Get You Out of My Head",
"long_answer": "\"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" is a song recorded by Australian singer Kylie Minogue for her eighth studio album, titled Fever, which she released in 2001. The song was released in Australia by Parlophone as the lead single from the album on 8 September 2001. It was released on 17 September 2001 in the United Kingdom. In the United States, the single was released on 18 February 2002. Jointly written, composed, and produced by Cathy Dennis and Rob Davis, \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" is a midtempo dance-pop song which lyrically details its narrator's obsession towards her lover. The song is famous for its \"la la la\" hook.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Australian singer Kylie Minogue for her eighth studio album, titled Fever, which she released in 2001. The song was released in Australia by Parlophone as the lead single from the album on 8 September 2001. It was released on 17 September 2001 in the United Kingdom. In the United States, the single was released on 18 February 2002. Jointly written, composed, and produced by Cathy Dennis and Rob Davis, \"Can't Get You Out of My Head\" is a midtempo dance-pop song which lyrically details its narrator's obsession towards her lover. The song is famous for its \"la la la\" hook.",
"short_answers": [
"Cathy Dennis",
"Cathy Dennis and Rob Davis",
"Rob Davis"
} |
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"Taxpayers in the United States"
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"text": "Taxpayers in the United States may face various penalties for failures related to Federal, state, and local tax matters. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is primarily responsible for charging these penalties at the Federal level. The IRS can assert only those penalties specified imposed under Federal tax law. State and local rules vary widely, are administered by state and local authorities, and are not discussed herein.",
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"text": "return. Penalty for Failure to Timely Pay Tax: If a taxpayer fails to pay the balance due shown on the tax return by the due date (even if the reason of nonpayment is a bounced check), there is a penalty of 0.5% of the amount of unpaid tax per month (or partial month), up to a maximum of 25%. Penalty for Failure to Timely Pay After Issuance of Notice: If a taxpayer fails to pay any additional tax assessed by the IRS (usually as a result of an audit) the taxpayer may be liable for a penalty equal to 0.5%",
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"text": "unpaid tax. The underestimate penalty and interest on late payment are automatically assessed. Penalty for Failure to Timely File Return: If a taxpayer is required to file an income or excise tax return and fails to timely do so, a late filing penalty may be assessed. The penalty is 5% of the amount of unpaid tax per month (or partial month) the return is late, up to a maximum of 25%. A minimum penalty of $205 may apply for returns over 60 days late. The minimum penalty is the lesser of $205 or 100% of the tax due on the",
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"title": "Free File Alliance",
"text": "Free File Alliance The Free File Alliance is a group of tax preparation companies that have partnered with the Internal Revenue Service to provide free electronic tax filing services to U.S tax payers meeting certain guidelines. The Free File Alliance claims that the program benefits American taxpayers by providing services that would cost the IRS money to provide if online tax filing were administered directly by the IRS. The IRS stipulates filers must have an adjusted gross income (AGI) of $62,000 or less for tax year 2015, $66,000 or less for tax year 2017, but participating companies have their own",
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"text": "penalty on the amount of tax owed. Special rules apply for each of these types of errors under which the penalty may be waived. Certain types of returns, called \"information returns,\" do not require payment of tax. These include forms filed by employers to report wages (Form W-2) and businesses to report certain payments (Form 1099 series instructions). The penalty for failures related to these forms is a dollar amount per form not timely filed, and the amount of penalty increases with the degree of lateness. The current maximum penalty for these forms is $50. Many of the forms must",
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"text": "are based on the amount of tax not properly paid. Penalties may increase with the period of nonpayment. Some penalties are fixed dollar amounts or fixed percentages of some measure required to be reported. Excise taxes used as penalties are imposed in the Code sections relating to particular kinds of transactions. Some penalties may be waived or abated where the taxpayer shows reasonable cause for the failure. Penalties apply for failures to file income tax returns or information returns, or for filing incorrect returns. Some penalties may be very minor. Penalties apply for certain types of errors on tax returns,",
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"title": "Office of the Taxpayer Advocate",
"text": "Service (TAS) consists of approximately 1,800 employees. About 1,400 of these are Case Advocates, who personally assist taxpayers in resolving their problems with the Internal Revenue Service. To qualify for this personal assistance, taxpayers must be experiencing economic harm or significant cost (including fees for professional representation), have experienced a delay of more than 30 days to resolve their tax issue, or they have not received a response or resolution to the problem by the date that was promised by the IRS. In addition, the TAS identifies systemic problems that exist within the Internal Revenue Service and, to the extent",
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"title": "IRS penalties",
"text": "and may be substantial. Some penalties are imposed as excise taxes on particular transactions. Certain other penalties apply for other types of failures. Certain acts may result in forfeiture of property of the taxpayer. There are over 150 kinds of civil penalties in the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, ranging in severity which is reflected in the amount of the applicable fines. Taxpayers are required to have withholding of tax or make quarterly estimated tax payments before the end of the tax year. Because accurate estimation requires accurate prediction of the future, taxpayers sometimes underestimate the amount due. The penalty for",
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"title": "IRS penalties",
"text": "be filed electronically, and filing on paper is considered non-filing. Late filing of returns of partnership income (Form 1065) can result in penalties of $195 per month per partner, up to a maximum of 12 months. Similar penalties may apply to an income tax return (Form 1120S) for an S corporation. Employers are required to withhold income and social security taxes from wages paid to employees, and to pay these amounts promptly to the government. A penalty of 100% of the amount not paid over (plus liability for paying the withheld amounts) may be collected without judicial proceedings from each",
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"title": "IRS penalties",
"text": "and every person who had custody and control of the funds and did not make the payment to the government. This applies to company employees and officers as individuals, as well as to companies themselves. There have been reported cases of the IRS seizing houses of those failing to pay over employee taxes. Taxpayers who are shareholders of controlled foreign corporations must file Form 5471 with respect to each such controlled foreign corporation. Penalties for failure to timely file are $10,000 to $50,000 per form, plus possible loss of foreign tax credits. U.S. corporations more than 25% owned, directly or",
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"title": "IRS penalties",
"text": "are imposed in the form of an excise tax. Pension and benefit plans must pay a tax for a variety of failures. Charities and private foundations must pay an excise tax on prohibited transactions and other failures. Intentional filing of materially false tax returns is a criminal offence. A person convicted of committing tax fraud, or aiding and abetting another in committing tax fraud, may be subject to forfeiture of property and/or jail time. Conviction and sentencing is through the court system. Responsibility for prosecution falls to the U.S. Department of Justice, not the Internal Revenue Service. Penalties may be",
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"title": "IRS Return Preparer Initiative",
"text": "the get-go and avoid potentially time-consuming problems later on,\" said IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman. In January 2013, however, the Internal Revenue Service announced that it was suspending the program because of a ruling on January 18, 2013, by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. As a result of a lawsuit, the Court issued an order prohibiting the Internal Revenue Service from enforcing the regulatory requirements for registered tax return preparers. In accordance with this order, tax return preparers covered by this program are not currently required to register with the IRS. The IRS announced that because",
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"title": "TaxSlayer",
"text": "their refund as a 0% APR loan after IRS processing. TaxSlayer Pro is designed to be licensed by members of tax preparation practices and small to mid-sized accounting firms. TaxSlayer maintains a continuing partnership with the Federal VITA and TCE programs. Both programs provide tax preparation assistance to Americans who may require assistance filing. VITA provides IRS-trained tax preparers who help those who are disabled, are low income, or limited in English proficiency, while TCE provides a similar service to the elderly. Both use TaxSlayer-provided software to aid them in their work. In addition to their paid offerings, TaxSlayer also",
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"title": "Taxation in the United States",
"text": "time limit, including substantial understatement of income and fraud. The taxpayer and the IRS may agree to allow the IRS additional time to conclude an audit. If the IRS proposes adjustments, the taxpayer may agree to the adjustment, appeal within the IRS, or seek judicial determination of the tax. In addition to enforcing tax laws, the IRS provides formal and informal guidance to taxpayers. While often referred to as IRS Regulations, the regulations under the Internal Revenue Code are issued by the Department of Treasury. IRS guidance consists of: The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Trade Bureau (TTB), a division of",
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"title": "IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program",
"text": "of a tax preparer's certification. Even professionally licensed volunteers are prohibited from providing advice to taxpayers on out-of-scope topics in the capacity of a volunteer. A brief outline of the services provided by vita: 1) IRS 4012 VITA/TCE Volunteer Resource Guide (2) IRS 4491 VITA/TCE Training Guide (Includes content for Military Certification) (3) IRS 5157A VITA/TCE Affordable Care Act Taxpayer Scenarios (4) IRS 4942 VITA/TCE Specialty Course-Health Savings Accounts (HSA) (5) (6) IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program is an initiative sponsored by the Internal Revenue Service. Founded in 1971 by",
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"title": "Free File",
"text": "provide free and secure online tax return preparation and filing services to taxpayers. In accordance with this OMB directive, the IRS began working in partnership with the tax software industry to develop a solution. The result was the formation of the Free File Alliance, LLC, a group of tax software companies who provide free commercial online tax preparation and electronic filing services. The Free File Alliance is a consortium of 13 commercial tax preparation software providers who offer their brand-name tax software products for free. Each member is allowed to set eligibility requirements for their software products. However, the cumulative",
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"title": "IRS penalties",
"text": "paying too little estimated tax or having too little tax withheld is computed with interest on the amount that should have been, but was not, paid. Where a taxpayer has filed an income or excise tax return that shows a balance due but does not pay that balance by the due date of the return (without extensions), a different charge applies. This charge has two components: an interest charge, computed as described above, and second a penalty of 0.5% per month applied to the unpaid balance of tax and interest. The 0.5% penalty is capped at 25% of the total",
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"title": "TurboTax",
"text": "may present a continued competitive threat to our business for the foreseeable future.\" In January 2015 it become known that the Deluxe version no longer supports IRS Schedules C, D, E, and F in interview mode. Although the Deluxe version still allows entry into those schedules by means of \"form mode\", doing so may result in the loss of the ability to file electronically. In addition, the Premium version no longer supports Schedule C or F in interview mode. Intuit was widely criticized for these changes and responded with short-term mitigation, although it has not reversed the decision. On February",
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"title": "IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program",
"text": "IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program is an initiative sponsored by the Internal Revenue Service. Founded in 1971 by Gary Iskowitz at California State University, Northridge. Since the 1970s the program has blossomed to several thousand sites nationwide partnering with non-profit organizations, city governments, and major public universities to file millions of returns every year. In Tax Year 2015 3.7 million returns were filed with a 94% accuracy rate according to Frank Nolden, Director of Stakeholder Partnerships, Education, and Communication/SPEC. The program is intended to service low to moderate-income tax payers, which the",
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"title": "IRS penalties",
"text": "or corporation. Failure to timely report on Form 3520 or Form 3520-A may result in penalties of up to 35%. Similar transferors to foreign corporations failing to file Form 926 may face penalties of 10% of the value of the transfer, up to $100,000. Federal excise taxes are imposed on a variety of goods and services. Some of these taxes require purchase of tax stamps or other evidence of advance payment of tax. Some require collection of the tax by retailers. An assortment of penalties apply to manufacturers and retailers not complying with the particular rules. In addition, certain penalties",
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"title": "Office of Professional Responsibility (IRS)",
"text": "practitioner is now in good standing and may represent taxpayers before the Service). The spreadsheet is searchable using the “Sort & Filter” and “Find & Select” features. To report issues, concerns or any problems that you may experience contact the OPR at Internal Revenue Service, Office of Professional Responsibility, SE:OPR, Room 7238/IR, 1111 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20224 or fax to #855-814-1722. OPR targets questionable practices by tax return preparers and tax relief companies. Consumers can report problems to the IRS on Form 14157, Complaint: Tax Return Preparer. The IRS Return Preparer Office will process the complaint and, if",
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"title": "IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program",
"text": "IRS has defined for the scope of the program as those individuals and families making less than $54,000 per year. Returns are prepared by IRS tax law certified volunteers. Certificates in the program start at Basic, followed by Advanced, Health Savings Account/HSA, Military, International, Foreign Student, and Puerto Rico although may vary from partner to partner. Some military bases such as Like Air Force Base participate in the program in which IRS agents train service members to do military taxes. Due to the complexity of foreign students' returns, they are prepared at major public universities such as Arizona State University",
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"title": "IRS penalties",
"text": "imposed and starts to accrue interest from the due date of the return. The failure to pay penalty is imposed when a taxpayer pays the taxes after payment was due, computed from the date prescribed for paying the tax. The Internal Revenue Service advises that if the taxpayer wants to compute the penalty for failure to timely file and the penalty for failure to timely pay the tax shown on the return, or the interest, and to pay those items at the time the return is filed, the taxpayer can \"identify and enter the amount in the bottom margin\" on",
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"title": "IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program",
"text": "by more advanced experts. Volunteers learn tax software and tax law issues November to January of each year. One of the focal points of the VITA program is raising taxpayer awareness and receipt of the Earned Income Credit (EIC). The average refund for taxpayers claiming the Earned Income Credit was $2,450 as of 2015. As previously mentioned, all returns are required by the IRS to be prepared by certified volunteers. There are various tax law, and non-tax law related certifications. Each volunteer, whether they will be preparing tax returns or acting as a greeter, or intake specialist, is required to",
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"title": "Free File",
"text": "Free File Free File is a service available through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) which allows U.S. taxpayers to prepare and e-file their federal tax returns for free. Free File provides two options to tax payers: Free File Software (filed through brand-name software, adjusted gross income must be less than $66,000), or Free File Fillable Forms (any income level, filed through online fillable forms). Both the Free File Software and Free File Fillable Forms services are managed and operated by the Free File Alliance, a consortium of private tax-preparation companies. The service is available through the IRS's website at",
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"title": "Suspending the Individual Mandate Penalty Law Equals Fairness Act",
"text": "over the filing minimum, whichever is greater; this will rise to a minimum of $695 ($2,085 for families), or 2.5% of income over the filing minimum, by 2016. Individuals who aren't covered will be assessed the penalty on their Federal tax return. In the wording of the law, a taxpayer who fails to pay the penalty \"shall not be subject to any criminal prosecution or penalty\" and cannot have liens or levies placed on their property, but the IRS will be able to withhold future tax refunds from them. \"This summary is based largely on the summary provided by the",
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"title": "Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration",
"text": "investigative programs. TIGTA operates a hotline unit in Washington, DC, for intake of allegations of wrongdoing. Examples of specific allegations that should be reported include, but are not limited to: attempts by taxpayers to bribe IRS personnel; extortion or misuse of position by IRS personnel; assaults and/or threats by taxpayers against IRS employees; schemes involving the use of computer technology or mail that impersonate the IRS or IRS personnel; misconduct by tax practitioners (falsification of qualifications, theft of IRS tax remittances and theft of IRS tax refunds). TIGTA's ability to serve the public is dependent on the diligence of IRS",
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"title": "Free File",
"text": "answers are used to populate the electronic form. This format helps taxpayers get the tax credits and deductions they are due. It also means taxpayers do not have to be experts in income tax law. Alliance members cannot sell any refund anticipation loan products through the Free File service. Alliance members are limited in the number of times they can offer to sell other products. To use IRS Free File, taxpayers must go through the IRS website at There, taxpayers can find a tax software product one of two ways. They can review a list of companies and their",
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"title": "Taxation in the United States",
"text": "IRS local offices, or at the business location of the taxpayer. The taxpayer is entitled to representation by an attorney, Certified Public Accountant (CPA), or enrolled agent, at the expense of the taxpayer, who may make representations to the IRS on behalf of the taxpayer. Taxpayers have certain rights in an audit. Upon conclusion of the audit, the IRS may accept the tax return as filed or propose adjustments to the return. The IRS may also assess penalties and interest. Generally, adjustments must be proposed within three years of the due date of the tax return. Certain circumstances extend this",
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] | {
"title": "IRS penalties",
"long_answer": "Taxpayers in the United States may face various penalties for failures related to Federal, state, and local tax matters. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is primarily responsible for charging these penalties at the Federal level. The IRS can assert only those penalties specified imposed under Federal tax law. State and local rules vary widely, are administered by state and local authorities, and are not discussed herein.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Taxpayers in the United States may face various penalties for failures related to Federal, state, and local tax matters. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is primarily responsible for charging these penalties at the Federal level. The IRS can assert only those penalties specified imposed under Federal tax law. State and local rules vary widely, are administered by state and local authorities, and are not discussed herein.",
"short_answers": [
"Taxpayers in the United States"
} |
who turned out to be the mother on how i met your mother | [
"Tracy McConnell"
] | [
"title": "The Mother (How I Met Your Mother)",
"text": "Tracy McConnell, better known as \"The Mother\", is the title character from the CBS television sitcom How I Met Your Mother. The show, narrated by Future Ted, tells the story of how Ted Mosby met The Mother. Tracy McConnell appears in 8 episodes from \"Lucky Penny\" to \"The Time Travelers\" as an unseen character; she was first seen fully in \"Something New\" and was promoted to a main character in season 9. The Mother is played by Cristin Milioti.",
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"title": "How I Met Your Mother",
"text": "by their friendship when they both lived in New York City. Among the 208 episodes, there were only four directors: Pamela Fryman (196 episodes), Rob Greenberg (7 episodes), Michael Shea (4 episodes) and Neil Patrick Harris (1 episode). Known for its unique structure, humor, and incorporation of dramatic elements, \"How I Met Your Mother\" has gained a cult following over the years. The show initially received positive reviews, while the later seasons received more mixed reviews. The show was nominated for 30 Emmy Awards, winning ten. In 2010, Alyson Hannigan won the People's Choice Award for Favorite TV Comedy Actress.",
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"title": "How I Met Your Mother",
"text": "the stage for his eventual happiness with Tracy. Finally in present 2030, six years after Tracy's death, Ted gets back with Robin. \"How I Met Your Mother\" was inspired by Carter Bays and Craig Thomas' idea to \"write about our friends and the stupid stuff we did in New York\", where they previously worked as writers for \"Late Show with David Letterman\", among others. The two drew from their friendship in creating the characters. Ted is based loosely on Bays, and Marshall and Lily are based loosely on Thomas and his wife. Thomas' wife Rebecca was initially reluctant to have",
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"title": "How I Met Your Mother (season 1)",
"text": "womanizer, is played by Neil Patrick Harris. Season one also introduced several recurring cast members, including Lyndsy Fonseca and David Henrie as Ted's children, and Ashley Williams as Victoria, Ted's love interest for the second half of the season. The season one pilot episode was recognized by the Casting Society of America with a nomination for the Best Comedy Pilot Casting Artios Award. \"How I Met Your Mother\" was inspired by creators Carter Bays and Craig Thomas's idea to \"write about our friends and the stupid stuff we did in New York,\" where they previously worked as writers for \"Late",
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"title": "How Your Mother Met Me",
"text": "How Your Mother Met Me \"How Your Mother Met Me\" is the sixteenth episode of the ninth season of the CBS sitcom \"How I Met Your Mother\" and the 200th episode overall. This is the only episode of the series in which the episode title was used instead of the usual opening that featured the cast and series's title. The plot is mainly focused on Cristin Milioti's role as The Mother, and how some of her life events coincide with those of Ted's and the rest of the gang. The episode has been very well received by viewers and critics,",
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"title": "The Mother (How I Met Your Mother)",
"text": "at the unseen character of The Mother. Carter Bays and Craig Thomas wanted to cast a lesser known actress in the role to avoid audiences associating the Mother with the actresses' previous roles, similar to how Cobie Smulders being cast as Robin Scherbatsky had \"kept the show alive\" when it began. Bays and Thomas also did not want a large casting call. They chose Cristin Milioti after seeing her on \"30 Rock\" and \"Once\"; her musical ability was also helpful, as The Mother had been described as a band member. Milioti filmed her first scene for the last episode of",
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"title": "The Mother (How I Met Your Mother)",
"text": "Ted finds out at this time that she plays bass guitar in a band. Ted forgets to take the yellow umbrella with him when he goes out and Future Ted mentions, \"this is how your mother got her yellow umbrella back.\" In \"How Your Mother Met Me\", it is revealed that, after Ted left the apartment, the Mother had discovered the umbrella and, upon going to question Cindy, finds her in a state. As she tried to console her, Cindy said that she was a much better match for Ted, and began to lovingly list all of the reasons that",
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"title": "How Your Mother Met Me",
"text": "at the bar and goes out to get it, leaving behind Kelly (who earlier rebuffed Barney at the bar) to have sex with Mitch. She learns that a \"super inconsiderate person\" (Ted) took the umbrella. The Mother expresses her desire to end poverty by taking up economics in college. In the fall of 2009, The Mother sits her first session in Econ 305 and meets Cindy, whom she offers to move in with her as her roommate. They see Ted enter the room (after which the Mother laughs at his \"shellfish\" joke), but The Mother thinks she's in the wrong",
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"title": "How I Met Your Music",
"text": "How I Met Your Music How I Met Your Music is the name of two albums (the first being followed by the subtitle Original Songs from the Hit Series \"How I Met Your Mother\", the second being followed by Deluxe) composed of songs from the CBS television series \"How I Met Your Mother\", the first of which was released hours before the Season 8 premiere. It features 20 songs that had appeared in the first seven seasons of the show and was released only digitally, originally through iTunes. A second iteration, titled \"How I Met Your Music: Deluxe\" album, was",
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"title": "The Mother (How I Met Your Mother)",
"text": "is still living when Ted is telling the story in 2030. In the video, Future Ted is heard saying, \"...When I think how lucky I am to wake up next to your mom every morning, I can't help but be amazed how easy it all really was...\", indirectly stating that The Mother is alive. The video ends right after the train passes at Farhampton station and credits start rolling, implying that Ted never went back to Robin and went on to have a long, happy marriage with Tracy. During its first eight seasons, \"How I Met Your Mother\" often hinted",
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"title": "How I Met Your Mother (season 1)",
"text": "of how he met their mother. The story begins in 2005 with Ted (Josh Radnor) as a single, 27-year-old architect living in Manhattan with his two best friends from college: Marshall Eriksen (Jason Segel), a law student, and Lily Aldrin (Alyson Hannigan), a kindergarten teacher, who have been dating for almost nine years when Marshall proposes. Their engagement causes Ted to think about marriage and finding his soul mate, much to the disgust of his self-appointed best friend Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris). Ted begins his search for his perfect mate and meets an ambitious young reporter, Robin Scherbatsky (Cobie",
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"title": "The Mother (How I Met Your Mother)",
"text": "and her bass guitar. In the season 8 episode \"Band or DJ?,\" Ted runs into Cindy and her partner on the subway and tells them that the band Barney and Robin hired to play at their wedding cancelled at the last minute. The end result of the encounter is that Cindy's (now ex-) roommate's band plays at Barney and Robin's wedding. The Mother is first shown meeting Louis (Louis Ferrigno Jr.) in \"How Your Mother Met Me\" as she is left to carry the band equipment while the now-lead band member Darren talks to his fans. Later at MacLaren's Pub,",
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"title": "How I Met Your Mother",
"text": "Luke (David Henrie) and daughter Penny (Lyndsy Fonseca) as they sit on the couch in the year 2030. This future-set frame is officially the show's \"present day\" and \"How I Met Your Mother\" exploits this framing device in numerous ways: to depict and re-depict events from multiple points of view; to set up jokes using quick and sometimes multiple flashbacks nested within the oral retelling; to substitute visual, verbal or aural euphemisms for activities Ted does not want to talk about with his children (sexual practices, use of illicit substances, vulgar language, etc.); and even to add some elements of",
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"title": "The Locket (How I Met Your Mother)",
"text": "When she starts to feel guilty about not looking at a photo of her son, the Mother notices and offers Lily a cookie, which Future Ted describes to his kids as \"How Aunt Lily met your Mother.\" The two sit together and Lily sounds off about Ted's driving habits (which the Mother secretly thinks are cool) as the Mother tries to stop Lily from looking at Judy's picture of Marvin. The Mother notes that it seems like Ted wanted Lily to leave and Lily suddenly remembers the locket that Robin had been looking for that Ted thought he had. She",
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"title": "How Your Mother Met Me",
"text": "room when he announces the subject and runs off. She heads back to the room after seeing Ted scramble to his actual classroom. A few months later, she gets her umbrella back. Cindy tells her that she broke up with the \"architecture professor\" because the man picked out The Mother's items and saw that they were more compatible; in the ensuing conversation, Cindy spontaneously kisses the Mother, which makes her realise her homosexuality. In turn, the Mother decides to start dating again, having not been kissed in a long time. Some time later, a man named Darren approaches The Mother",
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"title": "Vesuvius (How I Met Your Mother)",
"text": "Vesuvius (How I Met Your Mother) \"Vesuvius\" is the nineteenth episode of the ninth season of the CBS sitcom \"How I Met Your Mother\", and the 203rd episode overall. The episode features Ted in 2024, telling the Mother about the day of Robin and Barney's wedding. The final scene prompted some to think that the Mother was dead; this was proven correct in the series finale, \"Last Forever\". Ted and the Mother are dining at the Farhampton Inn during a snowstorm in 2024. They pass the time by telling each other stories, but come to realize that they have told",
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"title": "How I Met Your Mother (season 9)",
"text": "How I Met Your Mother (season 9) The ninth and final season of \"How I Met Your Mother\", an American sitcom created by Carter Bays and Craig Thomas, premiered on CBS on September 23, 2013, with two episodes, and concluded on March 31, 2014. The show was renewed for the final season on December 21, 2012, after cast member Jason Segel changed his decision to leave the show after Season 8. Cristin Milioti, who was revealed as \"The Mother\" in the Season 8 finale, was promoted to a series regular, the only time \"How I Met Your Mother\" added a",
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"title": "The Mother (How I Met Your Mother)",
"text": "and sings \"La Vie en Rose\". Ted hears her singing from his room next door. In \"Gary Blauman\", Ted and the Mother are on their first date. Ted picks her up at her New York City apartment and they proceed to walk to a Scottish-Mexican fusion restaurant for dinner. On the way there, Ted is telling her a story when they nearly have a run-in with Louis. She says that she is in the \"weirdest place on earth\" right now and that it is too soon for her to be dating. Ted walks her back to her apartment. They say",
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"title": "How I Met Your Mother",
"text": "How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother (often abbreviated to HIMYM) is an American sitcom that originally aired on CBS from September 19, 2005, to March 31, 2014. The series follows the main character, Ted Mosby, and his group of friends in New York City's Manhattan. As a framing device, Ted, in the year 2030, recounts to his son and daughter the events that led him to meet their mother. The series was created by Craig Thomas and Carter Bays, who also served as the show's executive producers and were frequent writers. The series was loosely inspired",
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"text": "and is welcomed into her band—however, Darren gradually takes it over and makes The Mother carry band equipment. The Mother meets Louis and he helps her with the equipment, but later at MacLaren's Pub (which Louis thought was named \"Puzzles\"), she tells him she's not yet ready to date because of her loss. Louis asks her to give him a call if she changes her mind and she leaves just before Ted appears to Lily and Barney in a green dress. They begin dating not long after, but they are not really a perfect match (for example, Louis is not",
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"text": "2005–2006 American television season, \"How I Met Your Mother\" ranked 51st out of 156, according to the Nielsen ratings system. The pilot was watched by 10.94 million viewers, while the finale was watched by 8.64 million viewers. The first season features a cast of five actors who receive star billing. Josh Radnor portrays Ted, a young architect who is searching for his future wife. Jason Segel and Alyson Hannigan portray Marshall Eriksen and Lily Aldrin, respectively, a newly engaged couple. Cobie Smulders plays Robin Scherbatsky, an ambitious reporter whom Ted falls for. Barney Stinson, Ted's self-appointed best friend and a",
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"title": "How I Met Your Mother (season 1)",
"text": "How I Met Your Mother (season 1) The first season of \"How I Met Your Mother\", an American sitcom created by Carter Bays and Craig Thomas, premiered on CBS in the United States on September 19, 2005 and concluded on May 15, 2006. The season was directed by Pamela Fryman and produced by Bays & Thomas Productions and 20th Century Fox Television. It consists of 22 episodes, each running approximately 22 minutes in length. The season introduces Ted Mosby (voiced by Bob Saget) in the year 2030 as he sits his daughter and son down to tell them the story",
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"text": "P.S. I Love You (How I Met Your Mother) \"P.S. I Love You\" is the 15th episode of the eighth season of the CBS sitcom \"How I Met Your Mother\", and the 175th episode overall. Ted tells the gang that he found his destined love on the subway—they were both reading \"One Hundred Years of Solitude\"—but lost her at the next stop. Ted hopes to find her again, but Marshall and Lily are unsure of this; especially when he reveals he has written details he remembered about her. However, Ted indeed reunites with the woman, Jeanette, after a fire alarm",
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"text": "\"Bass Player Wanted\", the Mother picks up a hitchhiking Marshall, carrying his infant son Marvin, on her way to Farhampton Inn. On their way, it is revealed that the Mother is a bass player in the band that is scheduled to play at the wedding reception, but Darren forced her to quit. The Mother ultimately decides to confront Darren and retake the band. Before she can, however, Darren walks up to her, furious the groom's best man punched him for \"no reason\", and quits the band. In \"How Your Mother Met Me\", it is shown that after this incident, the",
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"text": "was reported that Isaac Aptaker and Elizabeth Berger were set to write a new version of the previous spin-off's pilot, re-titled \"How I Met Your Father\", with Bays and Thomas serving as executive producers. On March 6, 2017, it was announced that following signing new contracts with 20th Century Fox Television that would see both Aptaker and Berger being promoted to executive producers and co-showrunners on \"This Is Us\" alongside Dan Fogelman, their completed spec script for \"How I Met Your Father\" would be placed on the back burner in light of their new duties. The idea was later completely",
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"text": "gift to her—a ukulele. At St Patrick's Day three years later, Kelly encourages The Mother to go out and date again, bringing her to the same bar where Ted and Barney are celebrating. The two women run into Mitch, her old orchestra instructor who was then a music teacher at a Bronx public school. Inspired by his work, The Mother offers Mitch her cello and they head back to her apartment to get it. However, The Mother prepares the cello only to see Mitch pull off The Naked Man. She is disgusted at his move, but remembers her yellow umbrella",
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"title": "How I Met Your Mother (season 9)",
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] | {
"title": "The Mother (How I Met Your Mother)",
"long_answer": "Tracy McConnell, better known as \"The Mother\", is the title character from the CBS television sitcom How I Met Your Mother. The show, narrated by Future Ted, tells the story of how Ted Mosby met The Mother. Tracy McConnell appears in 8 episodes from \"Lucky Penny\" to \"The Time Travelers\" as an unseen character; she was first seen fully in \"Something New\" and was promoted to a main character in season 9. The Mother is played by Cristin Milioti.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Tracy McConnell, better known as \"The Mother\", is the title character from the CBS television sitcom How I Met Your Mother. The show, narrated by Future Ted, tells the story of how Ted Mosby met The Mother. Tracy McConnell appears in 8 episodes from \"Lucky Penny\" to \"The Time Travelers\" as an unseen character; she was first seen fully in \"Something New\" and was promoted to a main character in season 9. The Mother is played by Cristin Milioti.",
"short_answers": [
"Tracy McConnell"
} |
what is the corporate tax rate in great britain | [
] | [
"title": "United Kingdom corporation tax",
"text": "received, the first major amendment to corporation tax saw it move to a dividend imputation system in 1973, under which an individual receiving a dividend became entitled to an income tax credit representing the corporation tax already paid by the company paying the dividend. The classical system was reintroduced in 1999, with the abolition of advance corporation tax and of repayable dividend tax credits. Another change saw the single main rate of tax split into three. Tax competition between jurisdictions reduced the main corporate tax rate from 28% in 2008-2010 to a flat rate of 20% as of April 2015.",
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"title": "Corporate tax",
"text": "corporation tax to 22%. The OECD average is 22%. The first column in the table below represents corporate income tax rates mandated by the central government. The second column lists total combined tax rates which, in addition to the government tax rate, may also include various provincial, state and local taxes. For example, the 2015 provincial corporate tax rates in Canada range from 11.5% to 16% in addition to the federal tax rate of 15%, unless taxable profits of small corporations are low enough to qualify for a lower tax rate. The corporate tax rates in other jurisdictions include: Most",
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"title": "Taxation in the United Kingdom",
"text": "income tax, while the legislation imposing corporation tax has itself been amended; the rules governing income tax and corporation tax have thus diverged. Business rates is the commonly used name of non-domestic rates, a rate or tax charged to occupiers of non-domestic property. Business rates form part of the funding for local government, and are collected by them, but rather than receipts being retained directly they are pooled centrally and then redistributed. In 2005–06, £19.9 billion was collected in business rates, representing 4.35 percent of the total United Kingdom tax income. Business rates are a property tax, where each non-domestic",
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"title": "Corporate tax",
"text": "one should also take into account the taxes on dividends paid to shareholders. For example, the overall U.S. tax on corporate profits of 35% is less than or similar to that of European countries such as Germany, Ireland, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, which have lower corporate tax rates but higher taxes on dividends paid to shareholders. Corporate tax rates across the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) are shown in the table. Rates within the OECD vary from a low of 8.5% in Switzerland to a high of 34.43% in France, since the United States had recently decreased",
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"title": "Business rates in England",
"text": "total of £22.9 billion in business rates, representing 3.53% of the total UK tax income and achieving an average in-year collection rate of 98.1%. For 2016/17 the multiplier is 49.7 pence and the small business rate multiplier is 48.4 pence. The multiplier for 2017/18 is 47.9 pence, which means that this tax has increased in real terms by 37.6% since its inception in 1990. The rateable values are updated to current market values, but the multiplier has increased from 34.8p (or 34.8%) to 47.9p (47.9%). The bill may also be reduced by having one or more reliefs applied to it,",
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"title": "Companies of the United States with untaxed profits",
"text": "from a low of 8.5% in Switzerland to a high of 35% in the United States, with an average of 22%. In addition to the federal tax rates, provincial, state and local taxes may also apply in most jurisdictions. For example, the 2015 provincial corporate tax rates in Canada range from 11.5% to 16% in addition to the federal tax rate of 15%, unless taxable profits of small corporations are low enough to qualify for a lower tax rate. In comparing national corporate tax rates one should also take into account the taxes on dividends paid to shareholders. For example,",
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"title": "United Kingdom corporation tax",
"text": "the starting rate to zero, with marginal relief applying in the same way. This caused a significant increase in the number of companies being incorporated, as businesses that had operated as self-employed, paying income tax on profits from just over £5,000, were attracted to the corporation tax rate of 0% on income up to £10,000. Previously self-employed individuals could now distribute profits as dividend payments rather than salaries. For companies with profits under £50,000 the corporation tax rate varied between 0% and 19%. Because dividend payments come with a basic rate tax credit, provided the recipient did not earn more",
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"title": "United Kingdom corporation tax",
"text": "United Kingdom corporation tax In the United Kingdom, corporation tax is a corporate tax levied in the United Kingdom on the profits made by UK-resident companies and on the profits of entities registered overseas with permanent establishments in the UK. Until 1 April 1965, companies were taxed at the same income tax rates as individual taxpayers, with an additional profits tax levied on companies. Finance Act 1965 replaced this structure for companies and associations with a single corporate tax, which took its basic structure and rules from the income tax system. Since 1997, the UK's Tax Law Rewrite Project has",
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"title": "United Kingdom corporation tax",
"text": "the corporation tax paid up to 19%. For example, a company making £10,000 profit, and making a £6,000 dividend distribution to an individual and £4,000 to another company would pay 19% corporation tax on the £6,000. Although this measure substantially reduced the number of small businesses incorporating, the Chancellor in the 2006 Budget said tax avoidance by small businesses through incorporation was still a major issue, and scrapped the starting rate entirely. The starting point for computing taxable profits is profits before tax (except for a life assurance company). The rules for calculating corporation tax generally ran in parallel with",
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"title": "United Kingdom corporation tax",
"text": "third and fourth quarterly instalments are merged, including the supplementary 10% charge. In the financial year 2004–2005, approximately 39,000 companies paid corporation tax at the main rate. These 4.7% of active companies are responsible for 75% of all corporation tax receipts. Around 224,000 companies paid the small companies rate, with 34,000 benefiting from marginal relief. 264,000 were in the starting rate, with 269,000 benefiting from the lower band of marginal relief. The total revenue was £41.9bn from 831,885 companies. Only 23480 companies had a liability in excess of £100,000. HMRC has one year from the normal filing date, which is",
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"title": "State income tax",
"text": "The corporate income tax rate is 6.5%. Alaska does not have an individual income tax. Reference: The corporate income tax rate is 4.9%. Reference: The standard corporate rate is 8.84%, except for banks and other financial institutions, whose rate is 10.84%. Colorado has a flat rate of 4.63% for both individuals and corporations. Connecticut's corporate income tax rate is 7.5%. Reference: Delaware's corporate income tax rate is 8.7%. State income tax Most individual U.S. states collect a state income tax in addition to federal income tax. The two are separate entities. Some local governments also impose an income tax, often",
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"title": "United Kingdom corporation tax",
"text": "than the basic rate allowance, no further tax would be paid. The number of new companies being formed in 2002–2003 reached 325,900, an increase of 45% on 2001–2002. The fact that individuals operating in this manner could potentially pay no tax at all was felt by the government to be unfair tax avoidance, and the 2004 Budget introduced a Non-Corporate Distribution Rate. This ensured that where a company paid below the small companies' rate (19% in 2004), dividend payments made to non-corporates (for example, individuals, trusts and personal representatives of deceased persons) would be subject to additional corporation tax, bringing",
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"title": "United Kingdom corporation tax",
"text": "and 2001 brought further falls to a 30% main rate and 19% small companies' rates. From April 1983 to March 1997 the small companies' rate was pegged to the basic rate of income tax. During the 1980s there was briefly a higher rate of tax imposed for capital profits. Chancellor Gordon Brown's 1999 Budget introduced a 10% starting rate for profits from £0 to £10,000, effective from April 2000. Marginal relief applied meaning companies with profits of between £10,000 and £50,000 paid a rate between the starting rate and the small companies' rate (19% in 2000). The 2002 Budget cut",
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"title": "Corporate tax",
"text": "different types of corporations, allowing lower rates for some smaller corporations. Tax rates vary by jurisdiction and some countries have sub-country level jurisdictions like provinces, cantons, prefectures, cities, or other that also impose corporate income tax like Canada, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, and the United States. Some jurisdictions impose tax at a different rate on an alternative tax base. Examples of corporate tax rates for a few English-speaking countries include: Corporate tax rates vary widely by country, leading some corporations to shield earnings within offshore subsidiaries or to redomicile within countries with lower tax rates. In comparing national corporate tax rates",
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"title": "Taxation in the United Kingdom",
"text": "and stamp duty reserve tax, are charged respectively on the transfer of real property and shares and securities, at rates of up to 4 percent and 0.5 percent respectively. Motoring taxes include: fuel duty (which itself also attracts VAT), and Vehicle Excise Duty. Other fees and charges include the London congestion charge, various statutory fees including that for the compulsory vehicle test and that for vehicle registration, and in some areas on-street parking (as well as associated charges for violations). Corporation tax is a tax levied in the United Kingdom on the profits made by companies and on the profits",
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"title": "United Kingdom corporation tax",
"text": "the following 31 March. Financial year FY17 started on 1 April 2017 and ends on 31 March 2018. Where a company's accounting period straddles a financial year in which the corporation tax rate has changed, the company's profits for that period are split. For example, a company paying small companies' rate with its accounting period running from 1 January to 31 December, and making £100,000 of profit in 2007, would be deemed to have made 90/365*£100,000 = £24,657.53 in FY06 (there are 90 days between 1 January and 31 March), and 275/365*£100,000=£75,34.47 in FY07, and would pay 19% on the",
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"title": "Business ownership within England and Wales",
"text": "to do this because corporation tax rates are much lower than income tax rates. Business which make more than £60,000 have to register for a VAT number they also need to charge their customers VAT, you also need to fill in the relevant VAT returns and send VAT payments to HM Revenue & Customs. VAT is paid on its purchases this is called input tax they also charge tax on sales this is called output tax; if a business gains more output tax from what it pays in input then it must pay the difference, if the business receives more",
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"title": "United Kingdom corporation tax",
"text": "to collect corporation tax must be passed annually by parliament, otherwise there is no authority to collect it. The charge for the financial year (beginning 1 April each year) is imposed by successive finance acts. The tax is charged in respect of the company's accounting period, which is normally the 12-month period for which the company prepares its accounts. Corporation tax is administered by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC). Corporation tax is levied on the net profits of a company. Except for certain life assurance companies, it is borne by the company as a direct tax. Up until 1999",
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"title": "United Kingdom corporation tax",
"text": "2016-17. Until 1965, companies were subject to income tax on their profits at the same rates as was levied on individual taxpayers. A dividend imputation system existed, whereby the income tax paid by a company was offset against the income tax liability of a shareholder who received dividends from the company. The standard rate of income tax in 1949 was 50%. If the company paid a £100 dividend, the recipient would be treated as if he had earned £200 and had paid £100 in income tax on it – the tax paid by the company fully covered the tax due",
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"title": "Corporation tax in the Republic of Ireland",
"text": "TP–based BEPS tool users are the life sciences manufacturers. The \"headline\" tax rate is the rate of taxation that is applied to the profits that a tax-code deems to be taxable after deductions. The \"effective\" tax rate is the rate of taxation implied by the actual quantum of tax paid versus profits before all deductions are applied. The gap between the Irish corporate \"headline\" rate of 12.5%, and the much lower Irish corporate \"effective\" rate of 2–4%, is a source of controversy: The Irish State asserts Ireland's ETR similar to the Irish \"headline\" CT rate of 12.5%. This is an",
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"title": "United Kingdom corporation tax",
"text": "40% in 1971. In 1973, alongside the introduction of advance corporation tax (ACT), Conservative chancellor Anthony Barber created a main rate of 52%, together with a smaller companies' rate of 42%. This apparent increase was negated by the fact that under the ACT scheme, dividends were no longer subject to income tax. The 1979 Conservative Budget of Geoffrey Howe cut the small companies' rate to 40%, followed by a further cut in the 1982 Budget to 38%. The Budgets of 1983–1988 saw sharp cuts in both main and small companies' rates, falling to 35% and 25% respectively. Budgets between 1988",
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"title": "United Kingdom corporation tax",
"text": "profits chargeable to tax at the standard shareholder rate applicable to that company. Separate rules apply for dual resident companies. Full group relief is permitted between companies subject to UK corporation tax that are in the same 75% group, where companies have a common ultimate parent, and at least 75% of the shares in each company (other than the ultimate parent) are owned by other companies in the group. The companies making up a 75% group do not all need to be UK-resident or subject to UK corporation tax relief. An open-ended investment company cannot form part of a group.",
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"title": "Corporate tax in the United States",
"text": "Corporate tax in the United States Corporate tax is imposed in the United States at the federal, most state, and some local levels on the income of entities treated for tax purposes as corporations. Since January 1, 2018, the nominal federal corporate tax rate in the United States of America is a flat 21% due to the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. State and local taxes and rules vary by jurisdiction, though many are based on federal concepts and definitions. Taxable income may differ from book income both as to timing of income and tax",
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"title": "Business ownership within England and Wales",
"text": "must also pay Income Tax they do this by filling in the self-assessment form which also allows the Inland Revenue to calculate Class 4 NIC; this is simple to fill the information needed is usually costs, sales and profits; if turnover is above £15,000 you may have to keep a detailed profit and loss and balance sheet. Basic records will normally include: Sole traders and partnerships have to pay tax even if they do not take money out of the organisation. This can be overcome by becoming a limited company however the paperwork is more extensive; limited companies are able",
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"title": "United Kingdom corporation tax",
"text": "to have earned £100, and to have already paid tax of £30 on it. The ACT paid by the company would be deductible against its final \"mainstream\" corporation tax bill. To the extent that the individual's tax on the dividend was less than the tax credit – for example, if his income was too low to pay tax (below £595 in 1973–1974) – he would be able to reclaim some or all of the £30 tax paid by the company. The set-off was only partial, since the company would pay 52% tax (small companies had lower rates, but still higher",
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"title": "Corporate haven",
"text": "tax rate rises to over 14%. This is compared to a new U.S. FDII tax regime of 13.125% for U.S.-based IP, which reduces to circa 12% after the higher U.S. tax relief. U.S. multinationals like Pfizer announced in Q1 2018, a post-TCJA global tax rate for 2019 of circa 17%, which is very similar to the circa 16% expected by past U.S. multinational Irish tax inversions, Eaton, Allergan, and Medtronic. This is the effect of Pfizer being able to use the new U.S. 13.125% FDII regime, as well as the new U.S. BEAT regime penalising non-U.S. multinationals (and past tax",
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"title": "Australian corporate tax rate",
"text": "equal to the small and medium business tax rate of 27.5% in 2023-24, before being reduced to 27% in 2024-25, 26% in 2025-26, and eventually a fixed rate of 25% in 2026-27. As at May 2018, the government had legislated the first phase of the plan, giving tax cuts to companies with turnover of up to $50 million at a cost of $29.8 billion over the first decade. The second phase, costing another $35.6 billion over the same period, has already been blocked in the Senate. Australian corporate tax rate The Australian company tax rate has varied over time. It",
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"title": "Corporation tax in the Republic of Ireland",
"text": "corporate tax rate of 1 per cent on its European profits in 2003, down to 0.005 per cent in 2014\". In February 2014, as a result of Bloomberg's \"Special Investigation\" and Trinity College Professor Dr. Jim Stewart's ETR calculations (see above), the \"architect\" of Ireland's Double Irish BEPS tool, PricewaterhouseCoopers tax-partner Feargal O'Rourke, went on \"RTE Radio\" to state that: \"there was a hole the size of the Grand Canyon\", in the analysis. O'Rourke also referenced the PricewaterhouseCoopers/World Bank survey that Ireland's ETR was circa 12%. In December 2014, the Irish Department of Finance, gathered a panel of Irish experts",
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"title": "Taxation in the Republic of Ireland",
"text": "16% of total Irish net Tax Revenues, however, since 2015, corporation tax has risen sharply, doubling in scale from 4.6 billion in 2014 to 8.2 billion in 2017; the Revenue Commissioners state that foreign multinationals pay circa 80% of Irish corporation tax. , there are two rates of corporation tax (\"CT\") in the Republic of Ireland: The special 10% tax rate for manufacturing in Ireland (introduced from 1980/81), and for financial services in the special economic zone of the International Financial Services Centre in Dubin (introduced from 1987), have now been phased out since 2010 and 2003 respectively, and are",
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"title": "Taxation in the United Kingdom",
"text": "top rate of 50% was introduced on income over £150,000. A predictable result was that taxpayers disguised their income, and revenue to the Exchequer went down. In the 2012 budget this rate was cut to 45% for 2013–14; this was followed by an increase in the tax paid by additional rate taxpayers from £38 billion to £46 billion. Chancellor George Osborne said that the lower, more competitive tax rate had caused the increase. Business rates were introduced in England and Wales in 1990 and are a modernised version of a system of rating that dates back to the Elizabethan Poor",
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"title": "United Kingdom corporation tax",
"long_answer": "Originally introduced as a classical tax system, in which companies were subject to tax on their profits and companies' shareholders were also liable to income tax on the dividends that they received, the first major amendment to corporation tax saw it move to a dividend imputation system in 1973, under which an individual receiving a dividend became entitled to an income tax credit representing the corporation tax already paid by the company paying the dividend. The classical system was reintroduced in 1999, with the abolition of advance corporation tax and of repayable dividend tax credits. Another change saw the single main rate of tax split into three. Tax competition between jurisdictions reduced the main corporate tax rate from 28% in 2008-2010 to a flat rate of 20% as of April 2015.",
"chunked_long_answer": "received, the first major amendment to corporation tax saw it move to a dividend imputation system in 1973, under which an individual receiving a dividend became entitled to an income tax credit representing the corporation tax already paid by the company paying the dividend. The classical system was reintroduced in 1999, with the abolition of advance corporation tax and of repayable dividend tax credits. Another change saw the single main rate of tax split into three. Tax competition between jurisdictions reduced the main corporate tax rate from 28% in 2008-2010 to a flat rate of 20% as of April 2015.",
"short_answers": [
} |
what is the meaning of the name sinead | [
"God forgave/God gratified"
] | [
"title": "Sinéad",
"text": "Sinéad (/ʃɪˈneɪd/ shi-NADE; Irish pronunciation: [ˈʃɪnʲeːd̪ˠ] or [ʃɪˈnʲeːd̪ˠ]), is an Irish feminine name. It is derived from the French Jeanette, which is cognate to the English Janet, itself a feminine form of the Hebrew Yohannan, \"God forgave/God gratified\". In English, Sinéad is also commonly spelled Sinead. The name is generally translated into English as either Jane or Jennifer, or as the female version of the Scottish name Jean.",
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"title": "Sinéad O'Connor",
"text": "name Shuhada' Davitt. Sinéad O'Connor Shuhada' Davitt (born Sinéad Marie Bernadette O'Connor , 8 December 1966) is an Irish singer-songwriter who rose to fame in the late 1980s with her debut album \"The Lion and the Cobra\". As Sinéad O'Connor, she achieved worldwide success in 1990 with a new arrangement of Prince's song \"Nothing Compares 2 U\". Since then, while maintaining her singing career, she has occasionally encountered controversy, partly due to her statements and gestures—such as her ordination as a priest despite being a woman with a Roman Catholic background—and her strongly expressed views on organised religion, women's rights,",
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"title": "Sinéad O'Connor",
"text": "Sinéad O'Connor Shuhada' Davitt (born Sinéad Marie Bernadette O'Connor , 8 December 1966) is an Irish singer-songwriter who rose to fame in the late 1980s with her debut album \"The Lion and the Cobra\". As Sinéad O'Connor, she achieved worldwide success in 1990 with a new arrangement of Prince's song \"Nothing Compares 2 U\". Since then, while maintaining her singing career, she has occasionally encountered controversy, partly due to her statements and gestures—such as her ordination as a priest despite being a woman with a Roman Catholic background—and her strongly expressed views on organised religion, women's rights, war, and child",
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"title": "The Unforgiving",
"text": "O'Connell completed the rest of the story with additional suggestions from the band. For example, Sinéad was initially a South American woman named Maya, but, as the music to \"Sinéad\" had already been completed, Sharon requested that the name and nationality be changed. While shooting the three short films and music videos, \"Mother Maiden\" (\"Faster\"), \"Sinéad\" and \"Triplets\" (\"Shot in the Dark\"), the band and director (Joeri Holsheimer) came up with several other ideas, among them which song would connect to which story. The band's decision to shoot three short films was mostly to avoid the restrictions imposed on music",
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"title": "Sinéad Quinn",
"text": "Sinéad Quinn Sinéad Quinn (; born 24 March 1980) is a Northern Irish singer, best known as a contestant in the first series of the UK BBC TV series \"Fame Academy\" in 2002. She later went on to sign a recording contract, released an album, and had a #2 UK single with \"I Can't Break Down\" in February 2003. Quinn did not enter the \"Fame Academy\" in the same way as the other contestants. The first eleven contestants were picked by the show's judges, but the final contestant was picked through a public vote in the first programme of the",
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"title": "Sinéad O'Connor",
"text": "Joseph, Eimear, John, and Eoin. Her parents are Sean O'Connor, a structural engineer later turned barrister and chairperson of the Divorce Action Group, and Marie O'Connor. In 1979 O'Connor left her mother and went to live with her father and his new wife. At the age of 15, her shoplifting and truancy led to her being placed for eighteen months in a Magdalene Asylum, the Grianán Training Centre run by the Order of Our Lady of Charity. In some ways, she thrived there, especially in the development of her writing and music, but she also chafed under the imposed conformity.",
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"title": "The Unforgiving",
"text": "on (in English). \"Sinéad\", the second short film, was released on 21 March. The accompanying music video was officially released on 10 June 2011 to promote the song's single of the same name, which was released on 15 July. The single differs from the others, as it includes four remixes of the track by four different dance producers. The band also went to Germany to promote the single on Television. The band commenced \"The Unforgiving Tour\" on 10 August at the Sziget Festival, Hungary, playing a selection of songs from \"The Unforgiving\" as well as some of their more",
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"title": "Sinead Kerr",
"text": "has two brothers, John and David. She has worked as a model for Alexander McQueen and as an actress. She married Canadian ice hockey player Grant Marshall in July 2016. Sinead Kerr started roller skating at age 8 and began figure skating about a year later, eventually choosing the latter. She trained as a singles skater before taking up ice dance at age 15. Kerr's first ice dancing partner was Jamie Ferguson. Making their first international appearance, they placed ninth at the European Youth Olympic Festival, held in February 1995 in Andorra. In November–December 1995, they competed at the 1996",
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"title": "Sinead O'Donnell",
"text": "Sinead O'Donnell Sinéad O’Donnell (born 11 September 1975, Dublin) is an Irish artist. She currently lives and works in Belfast and travels extensively with her work. Sinéad's practice is performance based and site/context responsive, having worked across the mediums of performance, installation & time based art and studied sculpture at the University of Ulster, textiles in Dublin and visual performance and time-based practices at Dartington College of Arts. 'Her work explores identity, borders and barriers through encounters with territory and the territorial. She sets up actions or situations that demonstrate complexities, contradictions or commonality between medium and discipline, timing and",
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"title": "Sinéad O'Carroll",
"text": "Sinéad O'Carroll Sinéad Maria O'Carroll (born 14 May 1973) is an Irish singer-songwriter, musician, dancer and actress. She is best known for being a member of the girl group B*Witched. In 1998, Edele Lynch formed the girl group Butterfly Farm with her twin sister Keavy Lynch and O'Carroll. The trio began writing and recording together, but soon realised that there was \"someone missing\". Upon Keavy's suggestion, they asked Lindsay Armaou to come for an audition and she played a tape recording of a song she had written. The other girls liked it and Lindsay became the fourth member of the",
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"title": "Fiona Russell Powell",
"text": "as she had earlier that year, and while her personal image had since moved onto what became known as Sinéad O'Connor's look, so she wore wigs, platform shoes and clothes made for her by Leigh Bowery, Bodymap and Mark Spy and Murray Blewitt, who went on to design for Vivienne Westwood. The name 'Eden' was dreamt up by Fiona, Leigh Bowery and Trojan one night over a bottle of vodka in their East London flat. Neither Fiona nor David were allowed to contribute musically (although both were more than capable). The reasons were partly aesthetic and partly financial. Fake instruments",
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"title": "Sinéad Quinn",
"text": "Quinn is the second child of Gerry and Philomena Quinn. She studied at the University of Hull. On 6 December 2008, Quinn married Paul Stewart at the Sacred Heart Church in Irvinestown. They became engaged on 9 October 2007. Sinéad Quinn Sinéad Quinn (; born 24 March 1980) is a Northern Irish singer, best known as a contestant in the first series of the UK BBC TV series \"Fame Academy\" in 2002. She later went on to sign a recording contract, released an album, and had a #2 UK single with \"I Can't Break Down\" in February 2003. Quinn did",
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"title": "Sinead O'Connor (Hollyoaks)",
"text": "Sinead O'Connor (Hollyoaks) Sinead Shelby (also O'Connor and Roscoe) is a fictional character from the British Channel 4 soap opera, \"Hollyoaks\", played by Stephanie Davis. The character first appeared on-screen during the episode broadcast 1 September 2010. Sinead is a member of the O'Connor family, who were introduced as part of a cast turnover. Producers devised a \"Romeo and Juliet\" pairing for Sinead and Bart McQueen (Jonny Clarke). Davis was fired from the show in July 2015 after poor behaviour on-set and Sinead departed during the episode broadcast on 18 September 2015. Davis' reintroduction was announced in May 2018, and",
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"title": "Sinead O'Donnell",
"text": "festival, Croatia (2012), Black Market International, Belfast (2012), National Review of Live Art, Glasgow (2010). For further details please see her curriculum vitae. Sinead O'Donnell Sinéad O’Donnell (born 11 September 1975, Dublin) is an Irish artist. She currently lives and works in Belfast and travels extensively with her work. Sinéad's practice is performance based and site/context responsive, having worked across the mediums of performance, installation & time based art and studied sculpture at the University of Ulster, textiles in Dublin and visual performance and time-based practices at Dartington College of Arts. 'Her work explores identity, borders and barriers through encounters",
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"title": "Sinead O'Donnell",
"text": "spontanaeity, intuition and methodology, artist and audience. She uses photography, video, text and collage to record her performances which often reveals an ongoing interest in the co-existence of other women and systems of kinship and identity. Sinéad’s practice is nomadic and travel has broadened her cultural perceptions and influenced her artistic sensibilities regarding time and space. ' Sinéad is a member of Bbeyond and active within the Belfast performance art scene where she works with a range of organisations to develop and disseminate performance art and support emerging artists working in the medium. Sinéad was a 2010/11 ArtsAdmin bursary recipient",
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"title": "Sinead Kerr",
"text": "Sinead Kerr Sinead Houston Kerr (born 30 August 1978) is a Scottish ice dancer who represents Great Britain. She teamed up with her brother John Kerr in 2000. They are two-time (2009, 2011) European bronze medalists and the 2004–2010 British national champions. They placed 10th at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy, and 8th at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Kerrs retired from competitive skating in April 2011. Sinead Kerr was born on 30 August 1978 in Dundee, Scotland. She is the daughter of Maeve, a retired nurse, and Alastair, a general practitioner, and",
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"title": "Sinéad Lohan",
"text": "Sinéad Lohan Sinéad Lohan (born 1971) is an Irish singer and songwriter. A native of Cork, her song \"Sailing By\" appeared on the compilation \"A Woman's Heart 2\". In 1991 Sinéad began playing regular gigs at The Lobby, a renowned club in Cork, and soon thereafter began recording her first album, \"Who Do You Think I Am\", produced by Declan Sinnott. She has released two albums, \"Who Do You Think I Am\" in 1995, which scored several radio hits in Ireland, and \"No Mermaid\" in 1998, which has been rated 4/5 stars at Allmusic. \"No Mermaid\" was released by Interscope",
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"title": "Sinéad Mulvey",
"text": "Sinéad Mulvey Sinéad Mulvey (born 22 January 1988) is an Irish professional singer & air hostess who, alongside Black Daisy, represented her country at the Eurovision Song Contest 2009 with the pop-rock song \"Et Cetera\". The song was performed in the second semi-final but missed out on qualification to the grand final. Mulvey appeared on \"You're a Star\" prior to Eurovision 2009, but missed out on the final. Sinéad started singing at the age of thirteen, as she was picked as the star role in the musical \"Cinderella\". In 2005 she competed in RTÉ's talent show \"You're a Star\". She",
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"title": "Sinead O'Connor (Hollyoaks)",
"text": "the character returned on 23 October that year. In 2010, Davis appeared as a contestant on BBC talent contest \"Over the Rainbow\". When she departed the competition \"Hollyoaks\" contacted her agent requesting that she audition for the show. Davis gave up her pursuit of stage work to star as Sinéad. She later told Dawn Collinson from the \"Liverpool Echo\" that \"I definitely, 100% made the right decision, it’s Hollyoaks all the way\". Sinead was created during producer Paul Marquess's \"radical makeover\" of \"Hollyoaks\". Marquess first mentioned the family during a May 2010 interview with Kris Green from Digital Spy. He",
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"title": "Sinead Moynihan",
"text": "Sinead Moynihan Sinéad Bernadette Moynihan (born March 1982 in Salford, Greater Manchester) is an English model and actress, best known for her roles as Ashley Webb in \"Drop Dead Gorgeous\", Beth Clement in \"Hollyoaks\", and Abby Jones in \"How Not to Live Your Life\". The eldest of three girls, Sinead's sisters are Lara and Hayley Moynihan. She is the mother of two boys, Dylan and Jacob. She has been close friends with Linzey Cocker since they played the Webb sisters in BBC Three's comedy-drama Drop Dead Gorgeous in 2006. Moynihan began modelling at age 16. She trained at Manchester School",
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"title": "I'm Not Bossy, I'm the Boss",
"text": "I'm Not Bossy, I'm the Boss I'm Not Bossy, I'm the Boss is the tenth full-length album by Irish singer-songwriter Sinéad O'Connor, released on 11 August 2014 on Nettwerk Music Group. The album was originally to be called \"The Vishnu Room\" after the song of the same name, but was changed, along with its original cover design, shortly before release in support of the Ban Bossy campaign. The album was nominated for the Irish Meteor Choice Music Prize for Best Album. It is her final album before legally changing her full name. Upon release the album received positive reviews from",
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"title": "Sinéad Morrissey",
"text": "Sinéad Morrissey Sinéad Morrissey (born 24 April 1972 in Portadown, County Armagh) is a Northern Irish poet. In January 2014 she won the T. S. Eliot Prize for her fifth collection \"Parallax\" and in 2017 she won the Forward Prize for Poetry for her sixth collection \"On Balance\". Raised in Belfast, she was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, where she took BA and PhD degrees. After periods living in Japan and New Zealand she now lives in Belfast. She was appointed writer-in-residence and then Reader in Creative Writing at Queen's University, Belfast. In 2016 she was appointed Professor of Creative",
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"title": "Sinead Moynihan",
"text": "Liverpool One. Sinead Moynihan Sinéad Bernadette Moynihan (born March 1982 in Salford, Greater Manchester) is an English model and actress, best known for her roles as Ashley Webb in \"Drop Dead Gorgeous\", Beth Clement in \"Hollyoaks\", and Abby Jones in \"How Not to Live Your Life\". The eldest of three girls, Sinead's sisters are Lara and Hayley Moynihan. She is the mother of two boys, Dylan and Jacob. She has been close friends with Linzey Cocker since they played the Webb sisters in BBC Three's comedy-drama Drop Dead Gorgeous in 2006. Moynihan began modelling at age 16. She trained at",
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"title": "Sinead Diver",
"text": "Sinead Diver Sinead Diver (born 17 February 1977) is an Irish-born Australian long-distance runner. She competed in the marathon event at both the 2015 World Championships in Athletics in Beijing and the 2017 World Championships in Athletics in London. Diver moved to Australia in 2002. She started running in 2010 after the birth of her eldest son. In 2012, she won the Australian Half Marathon Championship. Her debut marathon was the 2014 Melbourne Marathon, where she finished as the second-placed woman in a time of 2:34:15. her marathon personal best time is 2:25.17, run at the Melbourne Marathon in October",
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"title": "Sinéad O'Connor discography",
"text": "Best Of\" (2000), \"She Who Dwells in the Secret Place of the Most High Shall Abide Under the Shadow of the Almighty\" (2003), \"Collaborations\" (2005) and \"Essential\" (2005). In addition, O'Connor also released four video albums, and overall thirty-four singles. Sinéad O'Connor discography Irish singer Sinéad O'Connor has released ten studio albums: \"The Lion and the Cobra\" (1987), \"I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got\" (1990), \"Am I Not Your Girl?\" (1992), \"Universal Mother\" (1994), \"Faith and Courage\" (2000), \"Sean-Nós Nua\" (2002), \"Throw Down Your Arms\" (2005), \"Theology\" (2007), \"How About I Be Me (and You Be You)?\" (2012),",
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"title": "Sinead Keenan",
"text": "in \"Little Boy Blue\". In April 2018, it was announced that she had been nominated for a Leading Actress BAFTA TV Award for the same role. Keenan will have a starring role in the Jimmy McGovern and Gillian Juckes drama \"Care\", to be shown on BBC One on 9th December 2018. Sinead is tall. On 25 September 2011, Keenan announced that she was engaged. Keenan is allergic to chocolate. She married in 2012. Sinead is sister to actress Grainne Keenan. Sinead Keenan Sinead Keenan (born 27 December 1977) is an Irish actress with a wide range of television, film and",
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"title": "Sinéad Mulvey",
"text": "works as an air hostess with Aer Lingus. The deadline for submissions for the Irish selection process for the Eurovision Song Contest 2009 was 2 February 2009, with RTÉ inviting entries from as early as 20 December 2008. On 20 February 2009, Sinéad, alongside rock band Black Daisy, won the Irish pre-selection for the Eurovision Song Contest 2009 in Moscow, Russia. Sinéad and Black Daisy beat off competition from five other contenders in \"The Late Late Show Eurosong Special\", receiving 78 points out of a possible 80, to earn the right to represent Ireland in Moscow. Mulvey was described as",
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"title": "Sinéad Lohan",
"text": "Here.\" In 2004, Sinéad began work on her third album with Malcolm Burn, the producer of \"No Mermaid\"; by 2007, the work was complete. However, the album was never released. Throughout most of her career, Sinéad wore her hair in colorful cornrows, which took six hours to braid. With her partner, John, Sinéad gave birth to a son in March 1999, after touring through her eighth month. She gave birth to her second child, a daughter, January 2001. Sinéad Lohan Sinéad Lohan (born 1971) is an Irish singer and songwriter. A native of Cork, her song \"Sailing By\" appeared on",
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"title": "Sinéad Sheppard",
"text": "a fluent speaker of the Irish language, having been educated at Coláiste an Phíarsaigh, a gaelscoil in Glanmire, County Cork. Before being discovered by Louis Walsh, she was intending to pursue a career in public relations. Sheppard was nineteen when she was selected as a member of Six. Her first show as a member of Six was at the ChildLine Concert in the Point Theatre, Dublin, where she performed in front of 8000 people. Six released two multi-platinum selling singles, both of which reached No. 1 in the Irish Singles Chart, and also had a top five album in Ireland.",
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"title": "Sinéad Madden",
"text": "Sinéad Madden Sinéad Madden (born in Galway, Ireland) is an Irish singer-songwriter and fiddle player, best known as a member of the Moya Brennan band. She also teaches at Waltons New School of Music in Dublin. Sinéad Madden was born in County Galway, but moved to County Mayo aged 6. At the age of 7 she began playing traditional fiddle. As a young adult, Madden went on to study both classical piano and violin while performing at sessions in local pubs. Sinéad moved to Dublin in 1994 to experience college life and the rock scene in the city at the",
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] | {
"title": "Sinéad",
"long_answer": "Sinéad (/ʃɪˈneɪd/ shi-NADE; Irish pronunciation: [ˈʃɪnʲeːd̪ˠ] or [ʃɪˈnʲeːd̪ˠ]), is an Irish feminine name. It is derived from the French Jeanette, which is cognate to the English Janet, itself a feminine form of the Hebrew Yohannan, \"God forgave/God gratified\". In English, Sinéad is also commonly spelled Sinead. The name is generally translated into English as either Jane or Jennifer, or as the female version of the Scottish name Jean.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Sinéad (/ʃɪˈneɪd/ shi-NADE; Irish pronunciation: [ˈʃɪnʲeːd̪ˠ] or [ʃɪˈnʲeːd̪ˠ]), is an Irish feminine name. It is derived from the French Jeanette, which is cognate to the English Janet, itself a feminine form of the Hebrew Yohannan, \"God forgave/God gratified\". In English, Sinéad is also commonly spelled Sinead. The name is generally translated into English as either Jane or Jennifer, or as the female version of the Scottish name Jean.",
"short_answers": [
"God forgave/God gratified"
} |
what network is showing the monday night football game | [
] | [
"title": "Monday Night Football",
"text": "ESPN Monday Night Football (abbreviated as MNF and also known as ESPN Monday Night Football on ABC for rare live special broadcast) is a live television broadcast of weekly National Football League (NFL) games on ESPN in the United States. From 1970 to 2005, it aired on sister broadcast network ABC. Monday Night Football was, along with Hallmark Hall of Fame and the Walt Disney anthology television series, one of the longest-running prime time programs ever on commercial network television, and one of the highest-rated, particularly among male viewers. MNF is preceded on air by Monday Night Countdown served by",
"hasanswer": true,
"isgold": true,
"id": null,
"score": null,
"original_retrieval_index": null
"title": "National Football League on television",
"text": "on Monday Night Football. The Atlanta situation affected CBS affiliate WGCL-TV, which is the lowest-rated of the major network affiliates in the Atlanta market and has struggled to gain traction in the market since becoming the market's CBS affiliate following television realignment of the mid-1990s. In , the Arizona Cardinals had both of their interconference home games aired in prime time instead, with the game against the Baltimore Ravens on Monday Night Football and the contest against the Cincinnati Bengals on NBC's Sunday Night Football, though CBS was scheduled to broadcast the Bengals-Cardinals game until it was moved to Sunday",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "4639824",
"score": "1.1445068",
"original_retrieval_index": 0
"title": "National Football League on television",
"text": "night (for the first time since ). Both of the Cardinals' interconference home games in 2016 were also in primetime, with the New England Patriots game on Sunday Night Football and the New York Jets game on Monday Night Football, though CBS will air the team's game at San Francisco as part of that network's joint Thursday Night Football coverage with NFL Network. As such, barring a crossflex of a Cardinals Sunday afternoon game, CBS's solo production will have no Cardinals games for the second consecutive season (possibly the first time such a scenario occurred with one team in back-to-back",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "4639825",
"score": "1.1220407",
"original_retrieval_index": 2
"title": "Monday Night Football",
"text": "programs scheduled for prime time on the East Coast were broadcast at various hours on the West Coast. Most affiliates pushed the network shows to immediately after the game; however, Los Angeles owned-and-operated station KABC-TV postponed them until 10:00 p.m. from at least the mid-1990s until 2005 to show trivia contests and other sports shows produced locally (the longest-tenured such show was \"Monday Night Live\", hosted by sports anchor Todd Donoho). Meanwhile, KOMO, one of the stations that tape-delayed \"MNF\" in most cases, broadcast new episodes of the sitcom \"Coach\" on Saturday afternoons (usually reserved, coincidentally enough, for college football",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "1602262",
"score": "1.1198611",
"original_retrieval_index": 3
"title": "Thursday Night Football",
"text": "NBC, Fox NFL Thursday would begin at 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time; the aforementioned CBS-distributed programming is less-carried by its affiliates (though several still do, such as WVUE/New Orleans and WLUK-TV/Green Bay carrying the game shows), and programs such as sitcoms and entertainment newsmagazines such as \"TMZ\" will end up being preempted during Fox's carriage of \"TNF\". Westwood One provides national radio broadcasts of the \"Thursday Night Football\" games through a contract of currently unknown length (Westwood One quietly renewed the rights after parent company Cumulus Media departed a Chapter 11 bankruptcy). During the 2017 season, Ian Eagle called play-by-play, with",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "9016262",
"score": "1.1128684",
"original_retrieval_index": 6
"title": "National Football League on Canadian television",
"text": "National Football League on Canadian television As of the 2017 NFL season, CTV and TSN broadcast Sunday games. \"Monday Night Football\" airs exclusively on TSN. TSN and CTV Two own rights to \"Sunday Night Football\" and \"Thursday Night Football\". RDS carries games in the French language from all timeslots. U.S. network television feeds may also be available, often from multiple markets, on cable and satellite (and via terrestrial broadcast in the border lands); all games are subject to simultaneous substitution. Craig Media (including the now-City stations in Winnipeg and Alberta) owned the rights to \"Monday Night Football\" in the early",
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"id": "14105135",
"score": "1.1027085",
"original_retrieval_index": 9
"title": "NFL on Westwood One Sports",
"text": "the United Football League. Jason Taylor replaces Lofton starting with the 2017 season due to Lofton moving to CBS television. The \"Monday Night Football\" broadcast on Westwood One features its lead broadcast team, as the network has long considered Monday night to be its flagship NFL broadcast, even as the NFL now considers the Sunday night game (since 2006 when NBC launched their Sunday night television package) its marquee \"game of the week\". As such, the team occupying this position stays together to call important playoff games and the Super Bowl. For many years (beginning in 1978), the CBS Radio/Westwood",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "7143898",
"score": "1.0950059",
"original_retrieval_index": 11
"title": "NBC Sunday Night Football",
"text": "presentation. The package was part of a new graphics set introduced across NBC Sports' properties on January 1, 2015, during its coverage of the Premier League and the 2015 NHL Winter Classic. On November 3, 2016, during the Atlanta Falcons-Tampa Bay Buccaneers game on NFL Network, NBC Sports debuted a separate graphics package for their production of \"Thursday Night Football\", which is completely different from the CBS Sports version. The score bar, which is similar in design to the \"SNF\" version, is also seen at the bottom of the screen, with the NBC/NFL Network co-branding on the left side of",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "6829753",
"score": "1.0934198",
"original_retrieval_index": 13
"title": "NBC Sunday Night Football",
"text": "the bar. However, the timeout indicators on NBC's \"TNF\" score bar are stacked to the right of the team's abbreviations, as opposed to underneath them on the network's own \"SNF\" score bar. For the 2017 season, \"TNF\" games produced by NBC but aired exclusively on NFL Network outside of team markets have the NBC logos removed but use the same graphics and theme music. NBC debuted a new graphics package specifically for \"Sunday Night Football\" during Super Bowl LII. NBC producer Fred Gaudell stated that the network wanted the Sunday night games to have a more distinctive presentation to set",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "6829754",
"score": "1.0813253",
"original_retrieval_index": 21
"title": "XFL",
"text": "networks. NBC in particular switched back to the XFL camera angles in 2017, when traditional cameras were too far away to cut through thick fog and smoke on some of the \"Sunday Night Football\" games that year; response was so positive that the network opted to use two of its \"Thursday Night Football\" games to experiment with intentionally broadcasting most of the game through that angle. At the beginning of the season, NBC showed a feature game at 8 p.m. Eastern Time on Saturday nights, also taping a second game. The second game, in some weeks, would air in the",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "467303",
"score": "1.0787373",
"original_retrieval_index": 22
"title": "Indianapolis Colts",
"text": "team's official station; WISH had carried most of the team's games through the NFL on CBS since the 1998 season. Indiana University's \"Hoosiers\" announcer Don Fischer provides play-by-play. \"Monday Night Football\" broadcasts are usually carried by ABC affiliate WRTV (channel 6). The team's carriage rights were shaken up in mid-2014 when WTTV's owner Tribune Media came to terms with CBS to become the network's Indianapolis affiliate as of January 1, 2015, leaving WISH with the market's affiliation with The CW. With the deal, both Tribune Media stations, including WXIN (channel 59) will carry the bulk of the team's regular season",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "199727",
"score": "1.0761662",
"original_retrieval_index": 23
"title": "National Football League on television",
"text": "CBS at 1:00 p.m. ET. The NFL rules prohibit other NFL games from being shown on local television stations while a local team is playing a sold out, locally televised home game (there are exceptions to this rule: during Week 17, during London games, and if two local teams are playing at the same time). The rules are designed to encourage ticket-holders to show up at the stadium instead of watching another game on television. However, each network is guaranteed to have at least one game broadcast in every market, so some exceptions are granted to this rule. The exceptions",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "4639838",
"score": "1.0740047",
"original_retrieval_index": 24
"title": "Monday Night Football",
"text": "from the NFL's flexible scheduling rule adopted for the 2006–07 season; the new rule applies only to CBS, Fox, and NBC's Sunday night games). The league currently has no interest in expanding flexible scheduling to include \"Monday Night Football\", citing the logistical issues of moving games back and forth between Sundays and Mondays. The franchise with the most Monday night appearances is the Miami Dolphins. The San Francisco 49ers won their record 48th Monday Night game with a 28–0 win over the Los Angeles Rams on September 12, 2016. The most common \"Monday Night Football\" pairings are Broncos vs. Raiders",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "1602214",
"score": "1.0737251",
"original_retrieval_index": 25
"title": "National Football League on television",
"text": "Sunday afternoon games, not more than one per week, during weeks 11–16 and NBC selects which game they want to air. For example, in 2011, NBC wanted a late season game between the Denver Broncos and New England Patriots which featured Tim Tebow as the Broncos quarterback. CBS protected the game and NBC got a game featuring the San Diego Chargers instead. Networks have the option of waiving protection to allow for a Sunday night airing, as happened with a game between the unbeaten Kansas City Chiefs and one-loss Denver Broncos in Week 11 of the 2013 season. The contest",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "4639880",
"score": "1.070015",
"original_retrieval_index": 27
"title": "NBC Sunday Night Football",
"text": "was moved to the 4:25 p.m. ET slot as the second game of the doubleheader on CBS. With the aforementioned Week 16 matchup between the Broncos and the Chiefs already being scheduled for Christmas night (December 25), that was the second time that NBC has shown both meetings of division rivals during a regular season. On December 4, 2016, the NFL announced that it had flexed the Tampa Bay Buccaneers-Dallas Cowboys game into the Sunday night slot for Week 15, replacing the originally-scheduled Pittsburgh Steelers-Cincinnati Bengals game, which was moved to the 1:00 p.m. ET slot as the early game",
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"id": "6829700",
"score": "1.0654396",
"original_retrieval_index": 30
"title": "NBC Sunday Night Football",
"text": "most Week 16 games. It was filled by the game between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Dallas Cowboys. The league announced on November 1, 2013, that the Week 11 Kansas City Chiefs–Denver Broncos game, originally scheduled as CBS's only late 4:05 p.m. Eastern Time singleheader game, was flexed into the \"Sunday Night Football\", replacing the originally scheduled Green Bay Packers–New York Giants game. CBS originally selected the Chiefs–Broncos matchup as one of their \"protected games\" from flex-scheduling, but later allowed the league to flex it so it could be seen by a national audience. This would be one of two",
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"isgold": false,
"id": "6829681",
"score": "1.0644826",
"original_retrieval_index": 32
"title": "Thursday Night Football",
"text": "\"Entertainment Tonight\" (all distributed by CBS's sister syndication division CBS Television Distribution), along with several other programs, which then require pre-emption or slotting on lower-profile alternate timeslots or stations to air in markets where they are carried by CBS, Fox, or NBC affiliates in order to accommodate the Thursday games. For Fox, the game telecast is preceded by \"Fox NFL Thursday\" live from New York City, hosted by Michael Strahan, Terry Bradshaw, Howie Long, and Fox’s NFL insider Jay Glazer, who appears from the Fox Sports studios in Los Angeles, where Fox NFL Sunday is filmed, and like CBS and",
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"id": "9016261",
"score": "1.064191",
"original_retrieval_index": 34
"title": "Graveyard slot",
"text": "am on weekdays followed by \"The Jeremy Kyle Show\", and 6a.m. at the weekend. Channel 4 shows repeats and films during these hours apart from Wednesdays where sports including, Motor Racing, Triathlon and Beach Volleyball are shown. During the National Football League season for American football, the American NBC's \"Sunday Night Football\" game, along with playoff games and the Super Bowl, are carried live, which is often also the case with other popular American sports airing in primetime in the UK on Sky Sports and BT Sport. Channel 5 shows \"Supercasino\" and some repeats. Most digital channels during this time",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "9134071",
"score": "1.0625125",
"original_retrieval_index": 36
"title": "Arena Football League on ESPN",
"text": "and Mark Schlereth with the third being Ron Jaworski and Merril Hoge. On May 2007, Mark Jones replaced Jaworski, who focuses on his new \"Monday Night Football\" role. Jay Rothman, producer of \"Monday Night Football\", and Bryan Ryder will also produce the Monday night Arena Football games on ESPN2. The announcements were made on January 16, 2007. The other play-by-play announcer used on playoff games is Bob Wischusen. Pasch, Wischusen, and Bentley returned to their respective roles while Marcellus Wiley and Shaun King joined as color commentators. The tandems of Greenberg-Golic and Wingo-Schlereth would not reprise their roles as play-by-play",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "9354615",
"score": "1.0616574",
"original_retrieval_index": 39
"title": "NFL Network",
"text": "broadcast television station in the primary markets of the participating teams, although prior to the suspension of blackout rules in 2015 stations in the home team's market only carried it if the televised game sold out all remaining available tickets 72 hours prior to the game's start time. When \"Thursday Night Football\" premiered, veteran television announcer Bryant Gumbel served as play-by-play announcer, with former Fox and current NBC analyst Cris Collinsworth serving as color commentator for the broadcasts. Collinsworth won the Sports Emmy for best game analyst for his work on the NFL Network telecasts. Dick Vermeil replaced Collinsworth for",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "3401261",
"score": "1.058731",
"original_retrieval_index": 41
"title": "Monday Night Football",
"text": "is either headed to the playoffs or must win the \"MNF\" game to clinch a playoff spot. The problem of having a national spotlight game which during the season's most critical weeks late in the year probably would not show the most important game of the week was long known by the league and network. As a result of this, the NFL wished to move the \"Game of the Week\" idea to Sunday nights as to make flex scheduling possible. This was a move which would ultimately mean the end of \"Monday Night Football\" on ABC (cable games are protected",
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"id": "1602213",
"score": "1.0581667",
"original_retrieval_index": 42
"title": "Monday Night Football",
"text": "\"Heavy Action\" theme in 1989. For ABC's last MNF game in 2005, Williams Jr.'s rendition of \"Turn Out the Lights, The Party's Over\", closed the broadcast. Prior to 1997, \"Monday Night Football\" had a limited graphics package. A CGI-based intro began being used in 1984, with on-screen graphics still limited to basic text. In 1988, the entire graphics package was updated significantly to be more in line with the rest of ABC Sports' presentations. That year, it introduced the \"clashing helmets\" intro, with on-screen graphics consisting of italicized text underlined in red. It was updated in 1994, the year the",
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"id": "1602247",
"score": "1.056206",
"original_retrieval_index": 44
"title": "NBC Sunday Night Football",
"text": "divisional playoff game with the Chiefs at home against the Steelers in the afternoon; on January 13, the NFL announced that game would move to primetime on NBC the same day due to an ice storm affecting the Kansas City area which would cause perilous travel for fans if the game went on as regularly scheduled, and thus becoming an unexpected bonus \"Sunday Night Football\" broadcast in its regular timeslot. NBC filled the vacated afternoon timeslot with a NHL game between the Philadelphia Flyers and Washington Capitals. The 2017 NFL schedule was released on April 20. NBC's first telecast of",
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"id": "6829702",
"score": "1.0553426",
"original_retrieval_index": 45
"title": "Primary NFL television stations",
"text": "broadcasts games in which the Chiefs host an NFC opponent. KSHB Channel 41 (NBC) broadcasts all games in which the Chiefs play on \"NBC Sunday Night Football\" or NBC's NFL playoffs coverage. KMBC Channel 9, an ABC affiliate owned by Hearst, has aired \"Monday Night Football\" games locally since 1970. Prior to the 1994 season, WDAF was the primary station for the Chiefs as an NBC affiliate (they aired on KMBC when ABC had the AFL package through 1964), since NBC had the AFC package. The interconference home games aired on KCTV starting in 1973 (when the NFL allowed local",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "13793601",
"score": "1.0545673",
"original_retrieval_index": 48
"title": "NBC Sunday Night Football",
"text": "22.9 million viewers, the most for the first four weeks of a prime time NFL package in 14 years (since ABC earned a 24.0 million average viewership in 1996 on four broadcasts of \"Monday Night Football\"). The Washington Redskins–Dallas Cowboys game on December 30, 2012 was the highest-rated \"Sunday Night Football\" broadcast ever, earning 30.426 million viewers (22.074 million during the period from 8:31 to 11:25 p.m. Eastern Time) and a household rating of 12.7. This also made it the most watched regular-season primetime game in 16 years, since a November 18, 1996 \"Monday Night Football\" game on ABC between",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "6829758",
"score": "1.0532408",
"original_retrieval_index": 51
"title": "National Football League on television",
"text": "In recent years, the ABC O&Os have passed on airing the game, opting instead to air the network's Monday night schedule which includes the successful \"Dancing with the Stars\". In other markets, stations who are the affiliates of MyNetworkTV or The CW (and, in at least one case, an independent station) have out bid more established local broadcasters in some markets. However, the home team's market must be completely served by the station and that broadcast can only air if the game is sold out within 72 hours of kick-off (see below). Under the agreement for the 2014 season between",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "4639871",
"score": "1.0532126",
"original_retrieval_index": 52
"title": "Thursday Night Football",
"text": "package due to its short-term nature, and that Fox was attempting to outbid CBS. On February 1, 2016, the NFL announced that \"Thursday Night Football\" would be shared between CBS, NBC, and NFL Network for the 2016 and 2017 seasons. CBS and NBC would each air five games (resulting in a schedule of 10 games on broadcast TV in comparison to 8 under the previous deal), followed by an additional eight games exclusively on NFL Network to satisfy NFL Network's retransmission consent contracts with cable providers; the eight NFL Network-exclusive games included six Thursday contests, a Sunday morning International Series",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "9016242",
"score": "1.053055",
"original_retrieval_index": 53
"title": "History of Monday Night Football",
"text": "The final \"Monday Night Football\" broadcast on ABC aired on December 26, 2005, when the New York Jets hosted the New England Patriots from Giants Stadium. Coincidentally, both the first and last ABC \"Monday Night Football\" game telecasts ended with a score of 31–21 with the Jets on the losing end. Vinny Testaverde holds the distinction of throwing the last TD pass in ABC's \"MNF\" telecast history; it was to wide receiver Laveranues Coles. Also, Testaverde's pass set an NFL record: most consecutive seasons with a touchdown pass, 19 seasons (1987–2005). Patriots linebacker Mike Vrabel set a record of note",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "13037409",
"score": "1.0526936",
"original_retrieval_index": 54
"title": "Monday Night Countdown",
"text": "(later Trent Dilfer) in the third spot. On September 17, 2012, \"Monday Night Countdown\" moved up to the 6:30 ET timeslot and expanded to 2 hours. As a result, \"SportsCenter Monday Kickoff\" had its runtime cut in half, from 60 minutes to 30 minutes only. Additionally, \"Monday Night Countdown\" debuted a new program logo that closely resembles that of \"Monday Night Football\" and a new graphics scheme package matching that of \"Monday Night Football\". Also, \"Monday Night Countdown\" began using MNF's \"Heavy Action\" theme music as this program's own theme music. Ray Lewis is added to the on-site team after",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "7182778",
"score": "1.051689",
"original_retrieval_index": 55
"title": "National Football League on television",
"text": "CBS and the NFL Network for \"Thursday Night Football\" simulcasts during the first half of the season, local rights to such games that are not carried by CBS are awarded to the markets' CBS affiliates, rather than syndicated. If the CBS affiliate opts out of the deal, the NFL will offer the package by syndication, typically with the Monday Night package. The CBS/NFL Network deal was extended for the 2015 season on January 18, 2015. For the 2016 season, two midseason \"TNF\" games were NFL Network-exclusive but produced by NBC; the NBC affiliates in those markets with teams competing carried",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "4639872",
"score": "1.0516056",
"original_retrieval_index": 56
] | {
"title": "Monday Night Football",
"long_answer": "ESPN Monday Night Football (abbreviated as MNF and also known as ESPN Monday Night Football on ABC for rare live special broadcast) is a live television broadcast of weekly National Football League (NFL) games on ESPN in the United States. From 1970 to 2005, it aired on sister broadcast network ABC. Monday Night Football was, along with Hallmark Hall of Fame and the Walt Disney anthology television series, one of the longest-running prime time programs ever on commercial network television, and one of the highest-rated, particularly among male viewers. MNF is preceded on air by Monday Night Countdown served by Applebee's.",
"chunked_long_answer": "ESPN Monday Night Football (abbreviated as MNF and also known as ESPN Monday Night Football on ABC for rare live special broadcast) is a live television broadcast of weekly National Football League (NFL) games on ESPN in the United States. From 1970 to 2005, it aired on sister broadcast network ABC. Monday Night Football was, along with Hallmark Hall of Fame and the Walt Disney anthology television series, one of the longest-running prime time programs ever on commercial network television, and one of the highest-rated, particularly among male viewers. MNF is preceded on air by Monday Night Countdown served by",
"short_answers": [
} |
what is the form of mozart symphony no 40 | [
"G minor",
"minor key symphonies"
] | [
"title": "Symphony No. 40 (Mozart)",
"text": "Symphony No. 40 in G minor, KV. 550 was written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1788. It is sometimes referred to as the \"Great G minor symphony\", to distinguish it from the \"Little G minor symphony\", No. 25. The two are the only extant minor key symphonies Mozart wrote.",
"hasanswer": true,
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"id": null,
"score": null,
"original_retrieval_index": null
"title": "Symphony No. 40 (Mozart)",
"text": "in eight-bar phrases, following the general tendency toward rhythmic squareness in the finales of classical-era symphonies. A remarkable modulating passage in which every tone in the chromatic scale but one is played, strongly destabilizing the key, occurs at the beginning of the development section. The single note left out is in fact a G (the tonic). \\relative c\" { </score> The symphony typically has a duration of about 25 minutes. This work has elicited varying interpretations from critics. Robert Schumann regarded it as possessing \"Grecian lightness and grace\". Donald Francis Tovey saw in it the character of \"opera buffa\". Almost",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "2520242",
"score": "1.0743328",
"original_retrieval_index": 1
"title": "Symphony No. 40 (Mozart)",
"text": "few weeks during which time he also completed the 39th and 41st symphonies (26 June and 10 August, respectively). Nikolaus Harnoncourt conjectured that Mozart composed the three symphonies as a unified work, pointing, among other things, to the fact that the Symphony No. 40, as the middle work, has no introduction (unlike No. 39) and does not have a finale of the scale of No. 41's. The 40th symphony exists in two versions, differing primarily in that one includes parts for a pair of clarinets (with suitable adjustments made in the other wind parts). Most likely, the clarinet parts were",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "2520234",
"score": "1.0682054",
"original_retrieval_index": 2
"title": "Symphony No. 40 (Mozart)",
"text": "suggests that these conjectures are not correct. First, in a recently discovered 10 July 1802 letter by the musician Johann Wenzel (1762–1831) to the publisher Ambrosius Kühnel in Leipzig, Wenzel refers to a performance of the symphony at the home of Baron Gottfried van Swieten with Mozart present, but the execution was so poor that the composer had to leave the room. There is strong circumstantial evidence for other, probably better, performances. On several occasions between the composition of the symphony and the composer's death, symphony concerts were given featuring Mozart's music for which copies of the program have survived,",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "2520236",
"score": "1.0583568",
"original_retrieval_index": 3
"title": "Symphony No. 41 (Mozart)",
"text": "the traditional symphonic form of the Classical era: The symphony typically has a duration of about 33 minutes. The sonata form first movement's main theme begins with contrasting motifs: a threefold tutti outburst on the fundamental tone (respectively, by an ascending motion leading in a triplet from the dominant tone underneath to the fundamental one), followed by a more lyrical response. \\relative c' { </score> This exchange is heard twice and then followed by an extended series of fanfares. What follows is a transitional passage where the two contrasting motifs are expanded and developed. From there, the second theme group",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "2507692",
"score": "1.0539515",
"original_retrieval_index": 4
"title": "Symphony No. 40 (Mozart)",
"text": "added in a revised version. The autograph scores of both versions were acquired in the 1860s by Johannes Brahms, who later donated the manuscripts to the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Vienna, where they reside today. As Neal Zaslaw has pointed out, writers on Mozart have often suggested – or even asserted – that Mozart never heard his 40th Symphony performed. Some commentators go further, suggesting that Mozart wrote the symphony (and its companions, Nos. 39 and 41) without even intending it to be performed, but rather for posterity; as (to use Alfred Einstein's words), an \"appeal to eternity\". Modern scholarship",
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"id": "2520235",
"score": "1.0415528",
"original_retrieval_index": 6
"title": "Symphony No. 34 (Mozart)",
"text": "of a reverse-recapitulation common in Italian overtures. The second movement in F major is scored for strings \"sotto voce\" with divided violas and a single bassoon doubling the cellos and bass. Alfred Einstein advanced a theory in the third edition of the Köchel catalogue that the Minuet K. 409 was written at a later date by the composer for this work. However, there is no proof in the sources to support his thesis. Also, K. 409 calls for two flutes in its orchestration which does not match the rest of the symphony. The finale is in sonata form and features",
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"id": "8548873",
"score": "1.0372928",
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"title": "Symphony No. 30 (Mozart)",
"text": "Symphony No. 30 (Mozart) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wrote Symphony No. 30 in D major, K. 202/186b in Salzburg, completing it on May 5, 1774. The work is scored for two oboes, bassoon, two horns, two trumpets, timpani and strings, but the timpani part has been lost. There has been at least one attempt to reconstruct the timpani part. \\relative c { </score> The work is in 4 movements: The first movement is in sonata form and opens with a falling, dotted fanfare motif. A transitional section follows which contains a dialogue between violins and bass alternating between loud and soft",
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"title": "Symphony No. 41 (Mozart)",
"text": "set of three that Mozart composed in rapid succession during the summer of 1788. No. 39 was completed on 26 June and No. 40 on 25 July. Nikolaus Harnoncourt argues that Mozart composed the three symphonies as a unified work, pointing, among other things, to the fact that the Symphony No. 41, as the final work, has no introduction (unlike No. 39) but has a grand finale. Around the same time as he composed the three symphonies, Mozart was writing his piano trios in E major (K. 542), and C major (K. 548), his piano sonata No. 16 in C",
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"title": "Symphony No. 40 (Mozart)",
"text": "pitch sequence similar to that of Mozart's finale (see example below). <score vorbis>\\relative c{ \\clef bass \\key c \\minor \\time 3/4 \\tempo \"Allegro\" \\partial 4 g(\\pp | c ees g | c2 ees4 | d2 fis,4) | g2.~ | g2.}</score> Franz Schubert likewise copied down the music of Mozart's minuet, and the minuet of his Fifth Symphony strongly evokes Mozart's. Zaslaw has suggested that a passage late in Joseph Haydn's oratorio \"The Seasons\" (1801), a meditation on death, quotes the second movement of the 40th Symphony and was included by Haydn as a memorial to his long-dead friend. The first",
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"title": "Symphony No. 39 (Mozart)",
"text": "Symphony No. 39 (Mozart) The Symphony No. 39 in E major of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, K. 543, was completed on 26 June 1788. The Symphony No. 39 is the first of a set of three (his last symphonies) that Mozart composed in rapid succession during the summer of 1788. No. 40 was completed on 25 July and No. 41 on 10 August. Nikolaus Harnoncourt argues that Mozart composed the three symphonies as a unified work, pointing, among other things, to the fact that the Symphony No. 39 has a grand introduction (in the manner of an overture) but no coda.",
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"title": "Symphony No. 38 (Mozart)",
"text": "the customary length of a standard four-movement symphony. The introduction gives way to the main portion of the movement, in which six melodies are developed and recapitulated in a very contrapuntal example of sonata-allegro form. Certain phrases in the first movement bear a resemblance to the overture to \"Die Zauberflöte\". The allegro proper opens in a complicated manner with the \"first theme\" traded off between the second violins (who start it) and the first violins (who finish it off). Musical material found throughout the first minor section of the first movement is similar to that of the overture to Mozart's",
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"title": "Symphony No. 41 (Mozart)",
"text": "Symphony No. 41 (Mozart) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart completed his Symphony No. 41 in C major, K. 551, on 10 August 1788. The longest and last symphony that he composed, it is regarded by many critics as among the greatest symphonies in classical music. The work is nicknamed the \"Jupiter\" Symphony. This name stems not from Mozart but rather was likely coined by the impresario Johann Peter Salomon. The symphony is scored for flute, two oboes, two bassoons, two horns in C, two trumpets in C, timpani in C and G, and strings. Symphony No. 41 is the last of a",
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"title": "Symphony No. 40 (Mozart)",
"text": "must also have been performed, for the reorchestrated version of two passages in the slow movement, which exists in Mozart's hand, must have resulted from his having heard the work and discovered an aspect needing improvement.\" Regarding the concerts for which the Symphony was originally intended when it was composed in 1788, Otto Erich Deutsch suggests that Mozart was preparing to hold a series of three \"Concerts in the Casino\", in a new casino in the Spiegelgasse owned by Philipp Otto. Mozart even sent a pair of tickets for this series to his friend Michael Puchberg. But it seems impossible",
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"title": "Symphony, K. 81 (Mozart)",
"text": "Symphony, K. 81 (Mozart) The Symphony in D major \"No. 44\", K. 81/73l, may have been written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1770 in Rome, although it has sometimes also been attributed to his father Leopold Mozart. The symphony is scored for two oboes, two horns and strings. In contemporary orchestras, it was also usual to include bassoons and harpsichord if they were available in the orchestra to reinforce the bass line and act as the continuo. The horns are silent for the second movement. The duration is approximately 10 minutes. \\relative c' { </score> The symphony consists of the",
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"title": "Symphony No. 38 (Mozart)",
"text": "Symphony No. 38 (Mozart) The Symphony No. 38 in D major, K. 504, was composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in late 1786. It was premiered in Prague on January 19, 1787, during Mozart's first visit to the city. Because it was first performed in Prague, it is popularly known as the Prague Symphony. Mozart's autograph thematic catalogue records December 6, 1786, as the date of completion for this composition. Other works written by Mozart roughly contemporary with this symphony include the Piano Trio in B, K. 502 (completed November 18, 1786), the Piano Concerto No. 25, K. 503 (completed December",
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"title": "Symphony No. 40 (Mozart)",
"text": "certainly, however, the most common perception today is that the symphony is tragic in tone and intensely emotional; for example, Charles Rosen (in \"The Classical Style\") has called the symphony \"a work of passion, violence, and grief.\" Although interpretations differ, the symphony is unquestionably one of Mozart's most greatly admired works, and it is frequently performed and recorded. Ludwig van Beethoven knew the symphony well, copying out 29 bars from the score in one of his sketchbooks. As Gustav Nottebohm observed in 1887, the copied bars appear amid the sketches for Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, whose third movement begins with a",
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"title": "Symphony No. 40 (Mozart)",
"text": "announcing a symphony unidentified by date or key. These include: Most important is the fact that Mozart revised his symphony (see above). As Zaslaw says, this \"demonstrates that [the symphony] was performed, for Mozart would hardly have gone to the trouble of adding the clarinets and rewriting the flutes and oboes to accommodate them, had he not had a specific performance in view.\" The orchestra for the 1791 Vienna concert included the clarinetist brothers Anton and Johann Nepomuk Stadler; which, as Zaslaw points out, limits the possibilities to just the 39th and 40th symphonies. Zaslaw adds: \"The version without clarinets",
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"title": "Symphony, K. 45b (Mozart)",
"text": "Symphony, K. 45b (Mozart) The Symphony in B major \"No. 55\", K. Anh. 214/45b, was probably written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in early 1768 in Salzburg. The symphony is scored for two oboes, two horns and strings. In contemporary orchestras, it was also usual to include bassoons and harpsichord if they were available in the orchestra to reinforce the bass line and act as the continuo. The duration is approximately 13 minutes. \\relative c' { </score> The symphony consists of the following movements: This work was only known to Ludwig Ritter von Köchel as an incipit in the catalogue of",
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"title": "Symphony No. 39 (Mozart)",
"text": "development through the end of the recapitulation, are requested to be, and often are, repeated. Symphony No. 39 (Mozart) The Symphony No. 39 in E major of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, K. 543, was completed on 26 June 1788. The Symphony No. 39 is the first of a set of three (his last symphonies) that Mozart composed in rapid succession during the summer of 1788. No. 40 was completed on 25 July and No. 41 on 10 August. Nikolaus Harnoncourt argues that Mozart composed the three symphonies as a unified work, pointing, among other things, to the fact that the Symphony",
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"title": "Symphony No. 10 (Mozart)",
"text": "Symphony No. 10 (Mozart) The Symphony No. 10 in G major, K. 74, was written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart probably during his first journey to Italy in the spring of 1770. The symphony is scored for two oboes, two horns and strings. The duration is approximately 9 minutes. \\relative c { </score> The symphony is in the form of an Italian overture and consists of the following movements: (No tempo assignments are given in the autograph score.) The \"andante\" section is not written as a separate movement, but as the second part of the opening movement, following immediately after a",
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"title": "Symphony No. 30 (Mozart)",
"text": "with a falling dotted fanfare motif similar to the one that starts the opening movement. The answering phrase and the movement's second theme have a contradanse character. Symphony No. 30 (Mozart) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wrote Symphony No. 30 in D major, K. 202/186b in Salzburg, completing it on May 5, 1774. The work is scored for two oboes, bassoon, two horns, two trumpets, timpani and strings, but the timpani part has been lost. There has been at least one attempt to reconstruct the timpani part. \\relative c { </score> The work is in 4 movements: The first movement is in",
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"title": "Symphony No. 37 (Mozart)",
"text": "Symphony No. 37 (Mozart) The so-called Symphony No. 37 in G major, K. 444/425a, is an introduction by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to a symphony in G by Michael Haydn. The complete symphony was for a long time believed to be a work by Mozart, but is now known to have actually been mostly written by Michael Haydn, being his Symphony No. 25 in G major, Perger 16, Sherman 25, MH 334. The true authorship was discovered by Lothar Perger in 1907. Modern commentators find it \"difficult to comprehend how the editors of the Breitkopf edition of Mozart could have considered",
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"title": "Piano Concerto No. 22 (Mozart)",
"text": "of Mozart’s Symphony No. 1, K. 16, written when he was eight years old. This juvenile work was composed for an orchestra of oboes, horns and strings. A comparison illustrates how far Mozart had developed in the intervening 20 years: Both works start with “a vigorous and rhythmical attack and a light answer, quiet and tuneful.” In the earlier work, the whole ensemble plays question and answer phrases and repeats them in their entirety: The orchestration of the piano concerto is subtler and more differentiated. In the early symphony, the answering phrase consisted of block harmonies, but in the concerto",
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"title": "Symphony No. 38 (Mozart)",
"text": "is scored for two flutes, two oboes, two bassoons, two horns, two trumpets, timpani and strings. \\relative c' { </score> It has three movements, each of which is in sonata form: The first movement begins with a slow introduction (he does this in only two other symphonies, No. 36 [\"Linz\"] and No. 39). Daniel E. Freeman has noted that it is probably the longest and most sophisticated slow introduction written for any major symphony up to that time, perhaps to compensate for the length of the missing minuet in order to help bring the entire work into closer alignment with",
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"title": "Symphony, K. 45b (Mozart)",
"text": "number 55 in this numbering scheme. Symphony, K. 45b (Mozart) The Symphony in B major \"No. 55\", K. Anh. 214/45b, was probably written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in early 1768 in Salzburg. The symphony is scored for two oboes, two horns and strings. In contemporary orchestras, it was also usual to include bassoons and harpsichord if they were available in the orchestra to reinforce the bass line and act as the continuo. The duration is approximately 13 minutes. \\relative c' { </score> The symphony consists of the following movements: This work was only known to Ludwig Ritter von Köchel as",
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"title": "Symphony No. 16 (Mozart)",
"text": "cheerful dance cast in an altered rondo form, with a coda. Symphony No. 16 (Mozart) Symphony No. 16 in C major, K. 128, was the first of three symphonies composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in May, 1772, when Mozart was sixteen years old. This symphony is one of many written during the period in which Mozart stayed in Salzburg, between two trips to Italy. The autograph of the score is preserved in the Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin. The symphony has the basic scoring of two oboes, two horns, and strings. \\relative c\" { </score> The form is that of",
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"title": "Symphony No. 38 (Mozart)",
"text": "an unusual mood, nearer to Beethoven's boisterousness than his fastidious taste normally allowed him to go.\" Both halves of the movement have repeats. Symphony No. 38 (Mozart) The Symphony No. 38 in D major, K. 504, was composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in late 1786. It was premiered in Prague on January 19, 1787, during Mozart's first visit to the city. Because it was first performed in Prague, it is popularly known as the Prague Symphony. Mozart's autograph thematic catalogue records December 6, 1786, as the date of completion for this composition. Other works written by Mozart roughly contemporary with",
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"title": "Symphony, K. 76 (Mozart)",
"text": "Symphony, K. 76 (Mozart) The Symphony in F major \"No. 43\", K. 76/42a, was probably written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The symphony is scored for two oboes, two horns, two bassoons and strings. The oboes are silent for the second movement. The inclusion of the bassoons is notable as in contemporary orchestras bassoon parts were not usually written in and simply doubled the cellos and double basses. In contemporary orchestras, it was also usual to include the harpsichord if they were available in the orchestra to reinforce the bass line and act as the continuo. The duration is approximately 15",
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"title": "Symphony No. 7 (Mozart)",
"text": "Symphony No. 7 (Mozart) Symphony No. 7 in D major, K. 45, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, was completed in Vienna in January 1768 after the family's return from a visit to Olomouc and Brno in Moravia. The symphony is in four movements. Its first performance was probably at a private concert. The symphony was reworked to become the overture to Mozart's opera, \"La finta semplice\", K. 51, composed and performed later that year, and the overture itself was subsequently adapted further to create a new symphony, known in the Köchel 1964 (K6) catalogue as K. 46a. The autograph of the",
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] | {
"title": "Symphony No. 40 (Mozart)",
"long_answer": "Symphony No. 40 in G minor, KV. 550 was written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1788. It is sometimes referred to as the \"Great G minor symphony\", to distinguish it from the \"Little G minor symphony\", No. 25. The two are the only extant minor key symphonies Mozart wrote.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Symphony No. 40 in G minor, KV. 550 was written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1788. It is sometimes referred to as the \"Great G minor symphony\", to distinguish it from the \"Little G minor symphony\", No. 25. The two are the only extant minor key symphonies Mozart wrote.",
"short_answers": [
"G minor",
"minor key symphonies"
} |
what was the city of beijing previously known as | [
] | [
"title": "Beijing",
"text": "Beijing (/beɪˈdʒɪŋ/; Mandarin: [pèi.tɕíŋ] ( listen)), formerly romanized as Peking, is the capital of the People's Republic of China, the world's second most populous city proper, and most populous capital city. The city, located in northern China, is governed as a direct-controlled municipality under the national government with 16 urban, suburban, and rural districts. Beijing Municipality is surrounded by Hebei Province with the exception of neighboring Tianjin Municipality to the southeast; together the three divisions form the Jingjinji metropolitan region and the national capital region of China.",
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"title": "Beijing No. 4 High School",
"text": "Beijing No. 4 High School Beijing No. 4 High School (), commonly abbreviated as (Beijing) Sizhong (), and sometimes referred to as Beijing High School Four (BHSF), is a public beacon high school in Xicheng District, Beijing, China. It is one of the most prestigious high schools in China. It was established in 1907 by the Shuntian Government (Beijing Government) during the Qing dynasty, known as the Shuntian Secondary School. After the Xinhai Revolution, the school was renamed as \"Capital Public No. 4 Secondary School\" (京师公立第四中学), which was not changed into the current name until 1949, when the People's Republic",
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"id": "12519812",
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"original_retrieval_index": 1
"title": "Names of Beijing",
"text": "Names of Beijing \"Beijing\" is the atonal pinyin romanisation of the Mandarin pronunciation of the Chinese characters , the Chinese name of the capital of the People's Republic of China. The spelling Beijing was adopted for use within China upon the approval of Hanyu Pinyin on February 11, 1958, during the Fifth Session of the 1st National People's Congress. It became obligatory for all foreign publications issued by the People's Republic on 1 January 1979. It was gradually adopted by various news organizations, governments, and international agencies over the next decade. The Chinese characters (\"north\") and (\"capital\") together mean the",
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"title": "Beijing No. 4 High School",
"text": "on campus: Beijing No. 4 High School Beijing No. 4 High School (), commonly abbreviated as (Beijing) Sizhong (), and sometimes referred to as Beijing High School Four (BHSF), is a public beacon high school in Xicheng District, Beijing, China. It is one of the most prestigious high schools in China. It was established in 1907 by the Shuntian Government (Beijing Government) during the Qing dynasty, known as the Shuntian Secondary School. After the Xinhai Revolution, the school was renamed as \"Capital Public No. 4 Secondary School\" (京师公立第四中学), which was not changed into the current name until 1949, when the",
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"title": "Yanqing, Beijing",
"text": "Yanqing, Beijing Yanqing (simplified Chinese: 延庆; traditional Chinese: 延慶; pinyin: Yánqìng) is a city about 75 km north-west of central Beijing, the capital city of China. The area around the city is the Yanqing District, one of the 16 districts of Beijing. It has good communication to the capital, by railway and road, through Badaling. Yanqing is one of three sites for games of the 2022 Winter Olympics. The urban area is closely surrounded by farms. The total population of this town-farm area, including 90,000 in the urban area, is about 190,000. The urban area is bisected east-west by the",
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"title": "History of Beijing",
"text": "Zhuo County, in present-day Hebei Province, the prefectural capital of Youzhou. In the early 4th century, the Western Jin dynasty was overthrown by steppe peoples who had settled in northern China and established a series of mostly short-lived kingdoms. During the so-called Sixteen Kingdoms period, Beijing, still known as Ji, was controlled successively by the Di-led Former Qin, the Jie-led Later Zhao, and the Xianbei-led Former Yan and Later Yan. In 352, Prince Murong Jun, moved the capital of the Former Yan Kingdom from Manchuria to Ji, making the city a sovereign capital for the first time in over 500",
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"title": "History of Beijing",
"text": "population of 70,685. In 106 BC, under Emperor Wu, the country was reorganized into 13 prefectural-provinces, or \"zhou\" (), and the City of Ji served as the prefectural capital for Youzhou (). The tomb of Liu Jian, the Prince of Guangyang who ruled Youzhou from 73 to 45 BC was discovered in Fengtai District in 1974 and has been preserved in the Dabaotai Western Han Dynasty Mausoleum. In 1999, another royal tomb was found in Laoshan in Shijingshan District but the prince formerly buried there has not been identified. During the early Eastern Han dynasty in 57 AD, the five",
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"title": "History of Beijing",
"text": "massive military campaigns against Goguryeo (Korea). Though the campaigns proved to be ruinous, they were continued by the Tang dynasty. In 645 AD, the Emperor Taizong of the Tang dynasty founded the Minzhong Temple (now Fayuan Temple) in the southeast of Ji to remember the war dead from the Korean Campaigns. The Fayuan Temple, now within Xicheng District, is one of the oldest temples in urban Beijing. The Tang dynasty reduced the size of a prefecture, as a unit of administration administrative division, from a province to a commandery and renamed Zhuojun back to Youzhou, which was one of over",
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"title": "History of Beijing",
"text": "to be called Jicheng or the City of Ji until the 2nd century AD. Due to its historical association with the State of Yan, the city of Beijing is also known as Yanjing () or the \"Yan Capital.\" The State of Yan continued to expand until it became one of the seven major powers during the Warring States period (473–221 BC). It stretched from the Yellow River to the Yalu. Like subsequent rulers of Beijing, the Yan also faced the threat of invasions by the Shanrong steppe nomads, and built walled fortifications across its northern frontier. Remnants of the Yan",
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"title": "Nanjing (Liao dynasty)",
"text": "that ruled northern China following the end of the Tang Dynasty. The city was officially renamed Nanjing, Youdu Fu (南京幽都府). In 1012, the city was renamed Nanjing, Xijin Fu (南京析津府). The city was also colloquially referred to at the time as Yanjing. In 1122, the city was captured by the Jurchen Jin dynasty and was officially renamed Yanjing, ending the use of Nanjing for what is today modern Beijing. Liao Nanjing is located in the southwestern portion of modern Beijing, in the southern half of Xicheng District, which from 1952 to 2010 was known as Xuanwu District). Liao Nanjing inherited",
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"title": "Xuanwu District, Beijing",
"text": "Xuanwu District, Beijing Xuanwu District () is a former district of the Municipality of Beijing. It was located southwest to the city center, outside of Xuanwu Gate. The district was merged into Xicheng District in July 2010. Located outside the Imperial Inner City and predominantly reserved for the lower class, the district was over 16.5 km² in size. Although historically considered a wealthy area of Beijing as one of the older districts of the former Imperial City, Xuanwu District underwent rapid changes in its recent history leading up its merger into Xicheng District. The area was also the birthplace of",
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"title": "Geography of Beijing",
"text": "city is divided into eastern and western halves by Dongcheng and Xicheng Districts. The Forbidden City, where emperors once lived, and Tiananmen Square, the center of the city, both belong to Dongcheng. But the Zhongnanhai Compound, next door to the Forbidden City, where China’s current leaders now reside, and the Great Hall of the People, on the west side of Tiananmen Square, both are part of Xicheng. The outer city, adjacent and south of the inner city, comprises the former Xuanwu and Chongwen districts, merged with Xicheng and Dongcheng respectively in July 2010. Chongwen is home to the Temple of",
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"title": "History of Beijing",
"text": "the city, which was renamed Yanjing. In the spring of 1123, Wanyan Aguda agreed, as per treaty terms, to hand Yanjing and four other prefectures to the Song in exchange for tribute. The handover occurred after the Jurchens had looted the city's wealth and forced all officials and craftsman to move to the Jin capital at Shangjing (near present-day Harbin). Thus, the Song, having failed to take the city militarily from the Khitans, managed to purchase Yanjing from the Jurchens. Song rule of the city, renamed Yanshan (燕山), was short-lived. As the convoy of relocated Nanjing residents passed Pingzhou (near",
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"title": "Liangxiang, Beijing",
"text": "and Xiuyunguan (岫云观 or 良乡离宫) are popular tourist attractions. Liangxiang contains 26 communities and 40 administrative villages (行政村). Liangxiang, Beijing Liangxiang () is a township of Beijing, Fangshan District, located 25km southwest of the city center. It has 80,000 registered inhabitants with local hukou and a total population of 112,000. Covering approximately 69.2 square kilometres, Liangxiang is one of the largest subdistricts of Fangshan by land area. Liangxiang county was established 2,000 years ago during the Qin Dynasty. Its name came from the Chinese saying '人物俱良', literally 'people and goods all gather in Liang', indicating significant economic activities in the",
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"title": "History of Beijing",
"text": "into palace complex, and 26 residential neighborhoods. Thus, the City of Ji, ceded to the Liao as Youzhou, continued as Nanjing in what is today the southwest part of urban Beijing. Some of the oldest landmarks in southern Xicheng (formerly Xuanwu) and Fengtai Districts date to the Liao era. They include Sanmiao Road, one of the oldest streets in Beijing and the Niujie Mosque, founded in 996, and the Tianning Temple, built from 1100 to 1119. Under Liao rule, the population inside the walled city grew from 22,000 in 938 to 150,000 in 1113 (and the population of the surrounding",
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"title": "History of Beijing",
"text": "renamed Zhongdu (中都) or the \"Central Capital\". For the first time in its history, the city of Beijing became a political capital of a major dynasty. The Jin expanded the city to the west, east, and south, doubling its size. On today's map of urban Beijing, Zhongdu would extend from Xuanwumen in the northeast to the Beijing West Railway Station to the west, and south to beyond the southern 2nd Ring Road. The walled city had 13 gates, four in the north and three openings in each of the other sides. Remnants of Zhongdu city walls are preserved in Fengtai",
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"title": "Dongcheng District, Beijing",
"text": "Dongcheng District, Beijing The Dongcheng District (; literally \"east city district\") of Beijing covers the eastern half of Beijing's urban core, including all of the eastern half of the Old City inside of the 2nd Ring Road with the northernmost extent crossing into the area within the 3rd Ring Road. Its area is further subdivided into 17 subdistricts. Settlement in the area dates back over a millennium. It did not formally become a district of the city until the establishment of the Republic of China in 1911. The name Dongcheng was first given to it in a 1958 reorganization; it",
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"title": "Education in Beijing",
"text": "Education in Beijing Education in Beijing includes information about primary and secondary schools in Beijing. The Beijing Municipal Commission of Education () is the local education authority. This education authority is currently headquartered in the Beijing Olympic Building (S: 北京奥运大厦, T: 北京奧運大廈, P: \"Běijīng Àoyùn Dàshà\") in Haidian District, and it was previously headquartered in Xicheng District. The institutions listed here are administered by China's Ministry of Education. Just prior to the 1949 founding of the People's Republic of China, Beijing had 13 institutions of higher education, 76 secondary schools, 358 primary schools including those public and private, and 21",
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"title": "Xuanwu District, Beijing",
"text": "Huimin Elementary School (), serves the Hui people living in Beijing. That was previously in the Xuanwu District. Xuanwu District, Beijing Xuanwu District () is a former district of the Municipality of Beijing. It was located southwest to the city center, outside of Xuanwu Gate. The district was merged into Xicheng District in July 2010. Located outside the Imperial Inner City and predominantly reserved for the lower class, the district was over 16.5 km² in size. Although historically considered a wealthy area of Beijing as one of the older districts of the former Imperial City, Xuanwu District underwent rapid changes",
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"title": "History of Beijing",
"text": "Yao founded a town called Youdu () in the Hebei-Beijing region about 4,000 years ago. You () or Youzhou () later became one of the historical names for Beijing. Yuzishan, in Shandongzhuang Village of Pinggu County, in the northeastern fringe of Beijing Municipality, is one of several places in China claiming to host the Yellow Emperor's Tomb. Yuzishan's association with Yellow Emperor dates back at least 1,300 years when Tang poets Chen Zi'ang and Li Bai mentioned the tomb in their poems about Youzhou. The first event in Beijing's history with archaeological support dates to the 11th century BC when",
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"title": "History of Beijing",
"text": "The most notable include Zhuannian of Huairou District; Donghulin of Mentougou District; Shangzhai and Beiniantou of Pinggu District; Zhenjiangying of Fangshan; and Xueshan of Changping District. These sites indicate that farming was widespread in the area 6,000 to 7,000 years ago. Painted pottery and carved jade of the Shangzhai and Xueshan Cultures resemble those of the Hongshan Culture further to the north. The earliest events of Beijing's history are shrouded in legend and myth. The epic Battle of Banquan, which according to Sima Qian's \"Records of the Grand Historian\", occurred in the 26th century BC, may have taken place near",
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"title": "History of Beijing",
"text": "300 Tang Prefectures. With the creation of a separate prefecture called Jizhou () in present-day Tianjin in 730, the name Ji was transplanted from Beijing to Tianjin, where a Ji County () still exists today. In Beijing, the City of Ji gradually became known as Youzhou. During the prosperous early Tang, Youzhou's ten counties tripled in size from 21,098 households and about 102,079 residents to 67,242 households and 371,312 residents in 742. In 742, Youzhou was renamed Fanyang Commandery (), but reverted to Youzhou in 762. To guard against barbarian invasions, the imperial court created six frontier military commands in",
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"title": "Beijing South railway station",
"text": "Beijing South railway station Beijingnan (Beijing South) railway station () is a large railway station (mainly serving high speed trains) in Fengtai District, Beijing, about south of central Beijing, between the 2nd and 3rd ring roads. The station in its present form opened on 1 August 2008 and replaced the old Beijing South station, originally known as Majiapu railway station, later renamed Yongdingmen railway station, which stood 500 metres away. The old station was in use from 1897 to 2006. The new Beijing South railway station is the city's largest station, and is one of the largest in Asia. It",
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"title": "History of Beijing",
"text": "History of Beijing The city of Beijing has a long and rich history that dates back over 3,000 years. Prior to the unification of China by the First Emperor in 221 BC, Beijing had been for centuries the capital of the ancient states of Ji and Yan. During the first millennia of imperial rule, Beijing was a provincial city in northern China. Its stature grew in the 10th to the 13th centuries when the nomadic Khitan and forest-dwelling Jurchen peoples from beyond the Great Wall expanded southward and made the city a capital of their dynasties, the Liao and Jin.",
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"title": "History of Beijing",
"text": "Beijing was renamed Beiping. In 1937, a clash between Chinese and Japanese troops at the Marco Polo Bridge outside Beiping triggered the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War. Japanese occupiers created a collaborationist government in northern China and reverted the city's name to Beijing to serve as capital for the puppet regime. After Japan's surrender in 1945, the city returned to Chinese rule and was again renamed Beiping. During the subsequent civil war between the Chinese Nationalists and Communists, the city was peacefully transferred to Communist control in 1949 and renamed Beijing to become the capital of the People's Republic",
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"title": "Beikong Fly Dragons",
"text": "club entered the CBA in the 2014–15 season as an expansion team and finished at the bottom of the league standings with a record of 4-34. In September 2015, the club relocated again and was initially renamed Beijing BG but to avoid confusion with the city's association football team from the second-tier China League One, which is also called Beijing BG, or Beijing Beikong, as well as to avoid confusion with the Beijing Ducks when only the geographical names of CBA clubs are used—a large number of Chinese sports websites refer to the team as the \"Beikong Fly Dragons\" (the",
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"title": "Geography of Beijing",
"text": "the city’s outskirts, but are now integral parts of the city inside the 5th Ring Road. All four have population densities above 4500 persons/km (11,600 persons/km). The vast Haidian District to the northwest is home to the Old and New Summer Palace, the university district, and Zhongguancun, the city’s high-technology silicon village. The even bigger Chaoyang District embraces the city from the north and east. Its possessions include Beijing Central Business District (CBD), the Olympic Green, and even the Beijing Capital International Airport. Shijingshan is a heavily industrialized district in the foothills of the Western Hills. Fengtai spans across the",
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"title": "Dancing Beijing",
"text": "Dancing Beijing Dancing Beijing is the name of the official emblem of the 2008 Summer Olympics, which took place in Beijing in the People's Republic of China. It was unveiled on 3 August 2003 in a ceremony attended by 2,008 people at Beijing's Temple of Heaven. The emblem draws on various elements of Chinese culture, depicting a traditional red Chinese seal above the words \"Beijing 2008\" and the Olympic rings. The seal is inscribed with a stylised calligraphic rendition of the Chinese character 京 (\"jīng\", meaning 'capital', from the name of the host city) in the form of a dancing",
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"title": "History of Beijing",
"text": "which has 14 parallel hutongs, called the 14 \"tiao\" of Dongsi. The name \"hutong\" is unique to the Yuan-era city; in older neighborhoods that date to the Liao and Jin eras, narrow lanes are called \"jie\" or streets. Each of the large avenues had underground sewers which carried rain and refuse to the south of the city. The main markets were located in Dongsi, Xisi and along the north shore of Jishuitan. As Kublai Khan had intended, the city was a showcase of the cosmopolitan Yuan Empire. A number of foreign travelers including Giovanni di Monte Corvino, Odoric of Pordenone,",
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"title": "Jicheng (Beijing)",
"text": "Jicheng (Beijing) Ji or Jicheng was an ancient city in northern China, which has become the longest continuously inhabited section of modern Beijing. Historical mention of Ji dates to the founding of the Zhou Dynasty in about 1045. Archaeological finds in southwestern Beijing where Ji was believed to be located date to the Spring and Autumn period (771-476). The city of Ji served as the capital of the ancient states of Ji and Yan until the unification of China by the Qin Dynasty in 221. Thereafter, the city was a prefectural capital for Youzhou through the Han Dynasty, Three Kingdoms,",
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] | {
"title": "Beijing",
"long_answer": "Beijing (/beɪˈdʒɪŋ/; Mandarin: [pèi.tɕíŋ] ( listen)), formerly romanized as Peking, is the capital of the People's Republic of China, the world's second most populous city proper, and most populous capital city. The city, located in northern China, is governed as a direct-controlled municipality under the national government with 16 urban, suburban, and rural districts. Beijing Municipality is surrounded by Hebei Province with the exception of neighboring Tianjin Municipality to the southeast; together the three divisions form the Jingjinji metropolitan region and the national capital region of China.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Beijing (/beɪˈdʒɪŋ/; Mandarin: [pèi.tɕíŋ] ( listen)), formerly romanized as Peking, is the capital of the People's Republic of China, the world's second most populous city proper, and most populous capital city. The city, located in northern China, is governed as a direct-controlled municipality under the national government with 16 urban, suburban, and rural districts. Beijing Municipality is surrounded by Hebei Province with the exception of neighboring Tianjin Municipality to the southeast; together the three divisions form the Jingjinji metropolitan region and the national capital region of China.",
"short_answers": [
} |
when is the fourth movie of the divergent series coming out | [
"never made"
] | [
"title": "The Divergent Series",
"text": "The first installment, Divergent (2014), grossed over $288 million worldwide, while the second installment, The Divergent Series: Insurgent (2015), grossed over $297 million worldwide. Insurgent was also the first Divergent film to be released in IMAX 3D. The third installment, The Divergent Series: Allegiant (2016), grossed $179 million. Thus, the first three films of the series have grossed over $765 million worldwide. A fourth film, The Divergent Series: Ascendant was never made, due to Allegiant's poor showing at the box office.",
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"title": "The Divergent Series: Insurgent",
"text": "the United States in 2D, Digital 3D, RealD 3D, and IMAX 3D. It is the first film of the series to be released in 3D formats and the second film in the franchise to be released in IMAX following the first film. On October 22, 2014, after a few clues were given on the official Instagram page, was launched. On October 28, 2014, 3D interactive character posters of Ansel Elgort as Caleb Prior, Maggie Q as Tori, Keiynan Lonsdale as Uriah Pedrad, Mekhi Phifer as Max, Miles Teller as Peter Hayes, Zoë Kravitz as Christina, Theo James as Tobias",
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"title": "Divergent (film)",
"text": "entire Abnegation populace. In March 2011, Summit Entertainment picked up the rights for \"Divergent\" with Douglas Wick and Lucy Fisher's production company Red Wagon Entertainment. Neil Burger was announced as the director on August 23, 2012. Evan Daugherty, who co-wrote the screenplay with Vanessa Taylor, said, \"I get hung up on the toughness of the movie but of equal importance is the love story between Tris and Four. It's inherently and inextricably linked to Tris's character journey. There will be plenty of sexual tension and chemistry, but it's important that all of that stuff doesn't just feel like it's thrown",
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"title": "Divergent (film)",
"text": "to be released on March 18, 2016, and \"Part 2\" scheduled to be released on June 9, 2017. On December 5, 2014, it was announced that Robert Schwentke would return to direct \"Part 1\". On September 10, 2015, it was announced that the two films would be re-titled, with \"Part 1\" being renamed as \"\" and \"Part 2\" as \"\". On February 8, 2016, it was reported that Robert Schwentke, who directed both \"Insurgent\" and \"Allegiant\", would not return to direct for the final film. Lee Toland Krieger will replace Schwentke as the director of the film. The film is",
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"title": "The Divergent Series",
"text": "as the movie's director. In July 2016, after the poor performance of the third film at the box office, the producers considered creating the fourth as a television film, which would add new characters to the story who could continue in a spinoff television series, moving beyond the books. In September 2016, Shailene Woodley stated on \"Today\" that the film versus television decision was not finalized, and that it was \"a limbo waiting game\". In the same interview Woodley spoke despairingly of the chances of her returning to the project in a television format, although noting she would be open",
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"title": "The Divergent Series",
"text": "for all four films in the series. Veronica Roth and Neil Burger have acted as executive producers on the first two films. Summit Entertainment and Lionsgate collaborated on all four films. On April 11, 2014, the studio decided to split the final book, \"Allegiant\", into two parts, much like \"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Parts 1\" and \"2\", \"\" and \"\", and \"\" and \"\". Neil Burger directed the first film, \"Divergent\", and was originally going to direct the sequel, \"The Divergent Series: Insurgent\", but in December 2013 it was announced that Burger would not return, due to",
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"id": "18140147",
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"title": "Veronica Roth",
"text": "novel was wrapping up. Roth sold the film rights to \"The Divergent Series\" to Summit Entertainment. Filming of \"Divergent\", the adaptation of the first book in the series, was started in April 2013, and the film was released in March 2014. On March 21, 2014, Lionsgate officially greenlit the of \"Insurgent\". The film was released on March 20, 2015. On April 11, 2014, Summit Entertainment announced that the third book, \"Allegiant\", would be split into two films, part 1 and part 2. Former Part 1 is called \"\", and was released on March 18, 2016, and former Part 2 is",
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"title": "Divergent (film)",
"text": "currently on hold due to Lionsgate's decision to release the final film as a TV movie, mainly because of \"Allegiant\" underperforming. Divergent (film) Divergent is a 2014 American dystopian science fiction action film directed by Neil Burger, based on the 2011 novel of the same name by Veronica Roth. The film is the first installment in \"The Divergent Series\" and was produced by Lucy Fisher, Pouya Shabazian, and Douglas Wick, with a screenplay by Evan Daugherty and Vanessa Taylor. It stars Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Ashley Judd, Jai Courtney, Ray Stevenson, Zoë Kravitz, Miles Teller, Tony Goldwyn, Ansel Elgort, Maggie",
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"title": "Divergent (novel)",
"text": "into the cast were Maggie Q as Tori, Zoe Kravitz as Christina, Ansel Elgort as Caleb, Miles Teller as Peter, Ashley Judd as Natalie Prior, Tony Goldwyn as Andrew Prior, and Jai Courtney as Eric. Filming began in Chicago on April 16, 2013, and concluded on July 16, 2013, with nearly all filming taking place in Chicago. The film was released March 21, 2014, earning $150,947,895 in North America, and $137,228,004 in other areas, for a worldwide total of $288,175,899. The critic aggregating sites Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic both noted the films mixed reviews. However, audience surveyor CinemaScore showed that",
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"title": "The Divergent Series: Allegiant",
"text": "underperformed at the box office, it was announced that Lionsgate would instead release the final film as a TV movie and follow it with a television spinoff series, in which both projects would add new characters to the story, moving beyond the books. In September 2016, Shailene Woodley stated on \"Today\" that the film versus television decision was not finalized, and that it was \"a limbo waiting game\". In the same interview Woodley spoke despairingly of the chances of her returning to the project in a television format, although noting that she would be open to returning to it as",
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"title": "Divergent (film)",
"text": "the United States. The film received mixed reviews from critics, with praise going towards its concepts and action, and criticism focused on its execution. Reviewers found the film to be generic and unoriginal, comparing it unfavorably to other young adult fiction adaptations. Despite this, the film was a financial success as it reached the #1 spot at the box office during its opening weekend. After its release, the film earned over US$288 million worldwide against its budget of US$85 million. It was released on DVD and Blu-ray on August 5, 2014. A sequel, \"\", was released on March 20, 2015,",
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"title": "Divergent trilogy",
"text": "into the cast were Maggie Q as Tori, Zoe Kravitz as Christina, Ansel Elgort as Caleb, Miles Teller as Peter, Ashley Judd as Natalie Prior, Tony Goldwyn as Andrew Prior, and Jai Courtney as Eric. \"Divergent\" was released on March 21, 2014. \"\" began filming in Atlanta on May 27, 2014. \"Insurgent\" was released on March 20, 2015. The adaptation of \"Allegiant\" was split into two parts; the first part, \"Allegiant\", was released on March 18, 2016, while the second part, titled \"Ascendant\", was originally planned to be released in June 2017. The big screen release of \"Ascendant\" was shelved",
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"title": "Divergent (film)",
"text": "Divergent (film) Divergent is a 2014 American dystopian science fiction action film directed by Neil Burger, based on the 2011 novel of the same name by Veronica Roth. The film is the first installment in \"The Divergent Series\" and was produced by Lucy Fisher, Pouya Shabazian, and Douglas Wick, with a screenplay by Evan Daugherty and Vanessa Taylor. It stars Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Ashley Judd, Jai Courtney, Ray Stevenson, Zoë Kravitz, Miles Teller, Tony Goldwyn, Ansel Elgort, Maggie Q and Kate Winslet. The story takes place in a dystopian and post-apocalyptic Chicago where people are divided into distinct factions",
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"title": "The Divergent Series",
"text": "The Divergent Series The Divergent Series is a feature film trilogy based on the \"Divergent\" novels by the American author Veronica Roth. Distributed by Summit Entertainment and Lionsgate Films, the series consists of three science fiction films set in a dystopian society. They have been produced by Lucy Fisher, Pouya Shabazian, and Douglas Wick. The series star Shailene Woodley and Theo James as lead characters Beatrice Prior (Tris) and Tobias Eaton (Four), respectively. The supporting cast includes Ansel Elgort, Zoë Kravitz, and Miles Teller. Kate Winslet played the main antagonist in the first two films. The first film in the",
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"title": "Divergent (film)",
"text": "2016. In December 2013, it was announced that Neil Burger will not return to direct the sequel, due to him still working on the first film. On February 11, 2014, it was announced that Robert Schwentke would take Burger's place for the next installment. Principal photography for \"The Divergent Series: Insurgent\" began in Atlanta on May 27, 2014, and concluded on September 6, 2014. On April 11, 2014, Summit Entertainment announced that the third film would split into two films titled \"The Divergent Series: Allegiant – Part 1\" and \"The Divergent Series: Allegiant – Part 2\", with \"Part 1\" scheduled",
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"title": "The Divergent Series: Insurgent",
"text": "\"Four\" Eaton, and Shailene Woodley as Beatrice \"Tris\" Prior were released by various media sites. The teaser trailer for \"The Divergent Series: Insurgent\" officially debuted online through the film's official YouTube account on November 12, 2014. The official full-length trailer premiered on December 12, 2014. On January 22, 2015, another five 3D interactive character posters were released, featuring Woodley, James, Kate Winslet, Octavia Spencer and Naomi Watts. The first clip from the film was released on February 18, 2015, and a second clip was released three days later. The final trailer was released on February 24, 2015. \"The Divergent Series:",
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"title": "The Divergent Series",
"text": "the previous release on review aggregator websites. Negative reviews of the third novel \"Allegiant\" and the studios' decision to split it into two films have been blamed for the third film's lackluster performance at the box office. The Divergent Series The Divergent Series is a feature film trilogy based on the \"Divergent\" novels by the American author Veronica Roth. Distributed by Summit Entertainment and Lionsgate Films, the series consists of three science fiction films set in a dystopian society. They have been produced by Lucy Fisher, Pouya Shabazian, and Douglas Wick. The series star Shailene Woodley and Theo James as",
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"title": "The Divergent Series: Allegiant",
"text": "a theatrical film. In February 2017, when it was announced that the fourth film will be a television project, it was announced Woodley had backed out of her starring role. In August 2017, Starz and Lionsgate Television announced that they were beginning to develop the TV series with director Lee Toland Krieger and \"The Legend of Tarzan\" writer Adam Cozad remaining attached from the original project. The Divergent Series: Allegiant The Divergent Series: Allegiant is a 2016 American dystopian romantic thriller film directed by Robert Schwentke with a screenplay by Bill Collage, Adam Cooper, and Noah Oppenheim. It is the",
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"title": "The Divergent Series: Insurgent",
"text": "the box, she orders the capture of all Divergents. 17 year old Tris (Shailene Woodley), Tobias Eaton (Theo James) (also known as Four), Peter (Miles Teller), and Caleb (Ansel Elgort) hide within the Amity compound. Soon after, Eric and his fleet arrive to test all the occupants for Divergence. Peter gives up the group's location as Tris, Four, and Caleb escape and board a train headed into Factionless territory. Four reveals to the Factionless that his real name is Tobias Eaton, whom they have been searching for. Four, Tris, and Caleb are given amnesty at the Factionless hideout where Tris",
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"title": "The Divergent Series",
"text": "him still working on post-production work for the first film. Speaking on the subject the director stated, \"There was no breathing room. They were like, 'We're holding to a March 2015 release date, and we have to start no later than May 2014.' It was a recipe for failure, at least with me on board. I wouldn't be able to do either thing right. I reluctantly let it go\". In February 2014, it was confirmed that Robert Schwentke would direct the sequel instead. On December 5, 2014, it was announced that Schwentke would return for \"The Divergent Series: Allegiant\". \"Snow",
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"title": "Four: A Divergent Collection",
"text": "\"Four: A Divergent Collection\" was released on July 8, 2014, which also features three exclusive scenes. According to Roth, these stories serve as a prequel to the Divergent trilogy. She said that \"The e-shorts will address Tobias's backstory and some of the mysterious things going on in the world before Tris chose Dauntless. Together, they form a kind of Tobias-centered Divergent prequel, though there is some overlap.\" Talking about her decision to write from the perspective of \"Four\", Roth said, \"In my mind, he has a distinct history and a complex psychology, so there’s always a lot to draw from",
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"title": "The Divergent Series",
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"title": "Divergent (film)",
"text": "supervisor. The original soundtrack was released on March 11, 2014, while the Original Score of the film was released on March 18, 2014, by Interscope Records. The first image of Shailene Woodley as Beatrice \"Tris\" Prior was revealed by \"Entertainment Weekly\" on April 24, 2013. A few seconds sneak preview footage of the film was shown at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival. On June 7, \"Entertainment Weekly\" released a still of Theo James (Four) showing the Dauntless initiates around their new headquarters. The magazine released several more stills on July 19. On July 16, \"USA Today\" released the first image",
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"title": "The Divergent Series",
"text": "write the script for the film. On December 16, 2013, it was announced that Neil Burger, director of \"Divergent\", would not return to direct \"Insurgent\" as he was still working on the first film. On February 13, 2014, it was announced that Robert Schwentke was offered the director position for the film and that Akiva Goldsman had been hired to re-write Duffield's script. Also in December 2013, Summit Entertainment announced that the film adaptation of \"Allegiant\", the third and final novel in the \"Divergent\" trilogy, would be released in March 2016, serving as the finale of the series, which at",
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"text": "and James as Tris and Four and highlighting their tattoos were released on September 23, 2013. Neil Burger released the full official trailer on November 13, 2013. On February 4, 2014, Shailene Woodley and Theo James released the final trailer for the film during their appearance on \"Jimmy Kimmel Live!\". The marketing campaign for the film cost at least $50 million. On its first day of advance ticket sales, the film sold half of its tickets. \"Divergent\" was released on DVD and Blu-ray on August 5, 2014. Prior to its DVD release, a deleted scene from the film featuring Miles",
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"title": "The Divergent Series",
"text": "the time was planned as a trilogy, but on April 11, 2014, the studio decided to split the novel into a two-part film, much the like the \"Harry Potter\", \"Twilight\", and \"Hunger Games\" franchises did with the finales of their series. Lionsgate Motion Picture Group co-chairmen Rob Friedman and Patrick Wachsberger said in a statement that, \"Veronica Roth brings her captivating story to a masterful conclusion in 'Allegiant,' a rich, action-packed book with material that is ideally suited to two strong and fulfilling movies. The storytelling arc and world of the characters lend themselves perfectly to two films, a storytelling",
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"title": "Divergent (film)",
"text": "2012, it was announced that Shailene Woodley had landed the lead role of Beatrice \"Tris\" Prior. Lucas Till, Jack Reynor, Jeremy Irvine, Alex Pettyfer, Brenton Thwaites, Alexander Ludwig and Luke Bracey were all considered for the role of Tobias \"Four\" Eaton. On March 15, 2013, it was announced that Theo James had been cast as Four. Though James was 10 years older than the character when cast, Roth praised his casting: \"I was sure within seconds: this was 'Four', no question. Theo is able to capture 'Four's' authority and strength, as well as his depth and sensitivity.\" She also mentions",
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"title": "The Divergent Series: Allegiant",
"text": "sense of growing boredom with a franchise that's gone on too long.\" Metacritic gives the film a score of 33 out of 100, based on 33 critics, indicating \"generally unfavorable reviews\". Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of \"B\" on an A+ to F scale. A theatrical sequel, based on the latter half of the \"Allegiant\" book, was originally meant to wrap up the series and was originally planned for a March 24, 2017, release, later a June 9, 2017, release, with Lee Toland Krieger directing after Robert Schwentke backed out. In July 2016, after \"Allegiant\"",
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"title": "The Divergent Series: Insurgent",
"text": "release in theaters, the film earned over US$297 million worldwide. A sequel, \"\", was released on March 18, 2016. Five days after the assault on the Abnegation faction by Erudite leader Jeanine (Kate Winslet) and her mind-controlled Dauntless soldiers, Jeanine has declared martial law and that the Divergents and those allied with them are the enemy. Among the Abnegation wreckage, Dauntless leader Eric (Jai Courtney) recovers a five-sided box: each side has a faction symbol. Jeanine presumes it contains data from the city's founders and the means to end the Divergence problem. As only a Divergent is capable of opening",
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] | {
"title": "The Divergent Series",
"long_answer": "The first installment, Divergent (2014), grossed over $288 million worldwide, while the second installment, The Divergent Series: Insurgent (2015), grossed over $297 million worldwide. Insurgent was also the first Divergent film to be released in IMAX 3D. The third installment, The Divergent Series: Allegiant (2016), grossed $179 million. Thus, the first three films of the series have grossed over $765 million worldwide. A fourth film, The Divergent Series: Ascendant was never made, due to Allegiant's poor showing at the box office.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The first installment, Divergent (2014), grossed over $288 million worldwide, while the second installment, The Divergent Series: Insurgent (2015), grossed over $297 million worldwide. Insurgent was also the first Divergent film to be released in IMAX 3D. The third installment, The Divergent Series: Allegiant (2016), grossed $179 million. Thus, the first three films of the series have grossed over $765 million worldwide. A fourth film, The Divergent Series: Ascendant was never made, due to Allegiant's poor showing at the box office.",
"short_answers": [
"never made"
} |
who will take the throne after the queen dies | [
"Charles, Prince of Wales"
] | [
"title": "Succession to the British throne",
"text": "Queen Elizabeth II is the sovereign, and her heir apparent is her eldest son, Charles, Prince of Wales. Next in line after him is Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, the Prince of Wales's elder son. Third in line is Prince George, the eldest child of the Duke of Cambridge, followed by his sister, Princess Charlotte and younger brother, Prince Louis. Sixth in line is Prince Henry of Wales, the younger son of the Prince of Wales. Any of the first six in line marrying without the sovereign's consent would be disqualified from succession.",
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"title": "The Pirate Queen",
"text": "and sink the warship. Seeing what his daughter has done, Dubhdara decides to train her to be a sea captain like himself against all tradition. In 1558, Henry VIII’s successor, Mary Tudor, dies suddenly, and Elizabeth I ascends to the throne. Elizabeth knows that a young woman like herself will not be taken seriously as a monarch and so, on her first day as queen, she resolves never to let anyone see her as a female. She resolves to be “The Virgin Queen,” a monarch untouched by the taint of the flesh, and forbids her maidservants to gaze upon her",
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"title": "The Princess and the Queen",
"text": "a direct prequel to \"The Princess and the Queen\". When King Viserys I Targaryen dies, his widow Queen Alicent has their eldest son Prince Aegon crowned King Aegon II before Viserys' daughter Rhaenyra, the only surviving child of his first marriage, can claim the Iron Throne herself. Though Rhaenyra is the king's oldest child and had been named his successor years before, Alicent and her supporters declare Rhaenyra unfit to rule and argue that, as a woman, Rhaenyra should be placed after Alicent's own male children in the line of succession. After Rhaenyra declares herself Queen at the Targaryen ancestral",
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"title": "Innocent Traitor",
"text": "England. When it becomes clear that the young king will not live long, other plans are made for Jane. John Dudley, 1st Duke of Northumberland, gets the young Edward to proclaim Jane as his successor. He does this by proclaiming his half sisters, Mary and Elizabeth I of England, both bastards and not fit to take the throne. According to Edward's father's will, if all his children were to die without heirs, then the succession to the crown would follow the lineage of his late younger sister, Mary Tudor. Frances, the daughter of Mary, relinquishes her right to the crown",
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"title": "Queen Camilla",
"text": "to the throne after Charles. Graham then attracts the online attention of a mysterious lady named Miranda - who, unknown to him, is a New Con operative in the General Election that is finally called. On learning of the New Con ruse, the enraged Graham goes to the \"Daily Telegraph\" with his story; he is not believed, causes a disturbance when thrown out, and ends up in Rampton Hospital. The New Cons win the election, restoring the monarchy as promised, but the Queen follows through on her decision to abdicate, and Charles becomes King. The other members of the Royal",
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"title": "The Crown (TV series)",
"text": "two seasons, alongside Matt Smith as Prince Philip, and Vanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret. For the third and fourth seasons, Olivia Colman will take over as the Queen, Tobias Menzies as Prince Philip, and Helena Bonham Carter as Princess Margaret. Filming for the series takes place at Elstree Studios in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, with location shooting throughout the United Kingdom and internationally. The first season was released on Netflix on November 4, 2016, with the second released on December 8, 2017. The series has been renewed for a third and fourth season, with the third intended to be released in 2019.",
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"title": "Queen Anne (play)",
"text": "Sophia of Hanover, presumed to be second in line to the throne due to Anne's continued childlessness. William III tries to force his sister-in-law Anne into accepting a visit to London by Sophia, despite Anne's misgivings about what message this will send out regarding her own position in the succession, but it takes Sarah to win Anne round to the idea. Soon afterwards William dies in a riding accident and Anne comes to the throne. Initially advised by Sidney Godolphin, Sarah and the Whigs, she is later won round to replacing him with Harley and following a more Tory line,",
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"title": "The Constant Princess",
"text": "still eligible to marry his younger brother Harry and carry out their plans. She begins negotiations with King Henry VII to marry Harry, but Henry secretly lusts for her and refuses. After Queen Elizabeth dies, Henry offers his own hand in marriage and Catalina accepts. However, she immediately rescinds this when she realizes her only role as queen is to bear Henry's children (whom Henry will not favor over Harry in the line of succession), while his mother (Margaret Beaufort) takes over the queen's role in all but name. She pressures Henry to betroth her to Harry, which he eventually",
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"title": "The Crown (TV series)",
"text": "2018, Bonham Carter was confirmed to have been cast, alongside Jason Watkins as Prime Minister Harold Wilson. The next month, Ben Daniels was cast as Antony Armstrong-Jones for the third season, along with Erin Doherty joining the series as Princess Anne. A month later, Josh O'Connor and Marion Bailey were cast as Prince Charles and the Queen Mother, respectively, for the third and fourth seasons. In October 2018, Emerald Fennell was cast as Camilla Shand. On December 18, 2018, Radio Times announced that casting for Season Three had started with significant casting changes to the main characters including Olivia Colman,",
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"title": "The Palace",
"text": "the sudden death of King James III, his 24-year-old elder son, Richard IV, inherits the throne. This causes resentment with his elder sister, Princess Eleanor (Sophie Winkleman), who wants the throne for herself. Her Private Secretary, Major Simon Brooks (David Harewood), helps her in trying to discredit the new king. Richard's younger brother, Prince George (Sebastian Armesto), is a party-animal, while the younger daughter, Princess Isabelle (Nathalie Lunghi), is an A-Level student. Their mother is the now-widowed Queen Charlotte (Jane Asher). Abigail Thomas (Zoe Telford) is Richard's secretary who plans to write a tell-all book about her life in the",
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"title": "The Royals (TV series)",
"text": "throne of England. But when Robert is killed, the family is thrown into disarray and a grieving King Simon fears for the future of the monarchy. Unexpectedly next in line for the throne, Liam must adjust to his new role while navigating his attraction to Ophelia, the American daughter of the royal head of security. His self-destructive sister Eleanor finds rock-bottom when her bodyguard turns out to be a conman. Trying to preserve the status quo and keep the royal family under her control, Queen Helena allies herself with Simon's brother Cyrus to preserve their way of life at any",
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"title": "A Christmas Prince",
"text": "regretted not telling him sooner, but that she and the king considered him their true son. The two reconcile, and Richard promises to not let Simon win the throne so easily. Simon marries Sophia, but learns he cannot be crowned until the queen is available to preside over the ceremony. Meanwhile, Amber suspects that she can prove Richard is the rightful king based on clues from his father's poem. She is allowed back into the palace and unearths a secret proclamation in a Christmas ornament made by the king which declares Richard as the rightful heir. Amber carries the document",
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"title": "The Crown (TV series)",
"text": "in 1963 to the birth of Prince Edward in 1964. The third season will continue from 1964, covering Harold Wilson's two periods as prime minister until 1976, while the fourth will include Margaret Thatcher's premiership and introduce Lady Diana Spencer. \"The Crown\" evolved out of Morgan's 2006 film \"The Queen\" and 2013 stage play \"The Audience\". The series is intended to last 60 episodes over six seasons, with 10 one-hour episodes per season, covering Elizabeth's life from her younger years to her reign, and with new actors being cast every two seasons. Claire Foy portrays the Queen in the first",
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"id": "18858300",
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"title": "The Crown (TV series)",
"text": "will recast some roles with older actors every two seasons, as the timeline moves forward and the characters age. In October 2017, Olivia Colman was cast as Queen Elizabeth II for the third and fourth seasons. By January 2018, Helena Bonham Carter and Paul Bettany were in negotiations to portray Princess Margaret and Prince Philip, respectively, for these seasons. However, by the end of the month Bettany was forced to drop out due to the time commitment required. By the end of March 2018, Tobias Menzies was cast as Prince Phillip for the third and fourth seasons. In early May",
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"title": "Innocent Traitor",
"text": "in order for it to go to her eldest daughter, Jane, since she had no sons. To secure his position Northumberland marries Jane off to Guilford Dudley, his youngest son. Jane is openly displeased with the man chosen to be her husband. On Edward's death, Northumberland and Henry Grey go forward with their plan and put Jane on the throne, proclaiming her to be the rightful heir to the throne. At first, a reluctant Jane instead proclaims Mary the rightful queen, but is forced by her elders to take the throne as her own. There is little support for her",
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"title": "Reign (TV series)",
"text": "throne, in the hopes of taking England. In France, Catherine has to protect her son, King Charles IX, from the ambitions of her daughter Queen Leeza of Spain and her younger son, Henry. In February 2013, The CW announced its order of a pilot for a TV series based on the life of Mary, Queen of Scots, created by Stephanie Sengupta and Laurie McCarthy, and produced by CBS Studios. Part of the reason McCarthy chose Mary Stuart as the subject is because of her life history and multiple husbands, which makes her story \"sexier\". The pilot was directed by Brad",
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"title": "Queen Camilla",
"text": "Party elects \"Boy\" English as its new leader; Boy promises to restore the monarchy. The Queen, now 80, does not want to return to public life; she tells her family she has decided to abdicate. One reason: the Duke of Edinburgh, her husband, suffered a debilitating stroke two years earlier, and is now being (badly) cared for in a nursing-home in another part of the Fez. With the Queen's abdication, the Prince of Wales will now become King Charles III - but Camilla will only be his consort, not his Queen. Charles refuses to become King unless Camilla is his",
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"title": "The Queen's Fool",
"text": "Lady Jane Grey, his heir, declaring Mary and Elizabeth I illegitimate. Jane and her husband, the Duke of Northumberland's son, Guilford Dudley, are crowned, but the English declare for Mary so she takes the crown nine days later with Hannah by her side. Queen Mary is crowned, making Hannah overjoyed for her mistress but also heartbroken that Robert Dudley, for his hand at Northumberland's plot, is in the Tower of London. The jester Will Sommers teaches Hannah how to be an entertaining jester. Meanwhile, her betrothed, Daniel Carpenter, is annoyed that Hannah is in love with Robert while Hannah shares",
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"title": "Royal Hearts",
"text": "crown of Merania after a relative of theirs named King Viktor had passed away. As Kelly persuades her father to take the title, she meets the royal stable boy named Alex (Andrew Cooper). Hank helps to improve Merania when the neighboring kingdom of Angosia led by King Nikolas (Lachlan Nieboer) plans to claim ownership of Merania if Hank is not into remaining its king as it was mentioned that Merania and Angosia used to be one country centuries ago. Royal Hearts Royal Hearts is a 2018 American made-for-television romance film starring James Brolin (who also directed the film), Cindy Busby",
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"title": "The Queen (2006 film)",
"text": "The Queen (2006 film) The Queen is a 2006 British fictional drama film depicting the British royal family's response to the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, on 31 August 1997. The film was directed by Stephen Frears, written by Peter Morgan, and starred Helen Mirren in the title role of Queen Elizabeth II. Initially, the Queen and Prince Philip regard Diana's death as a private affair and thus not to be treated as an official royal death. This is in contrast with the views of Tony Blair and Diana's ex-husband, Prince Charles, who favour the general public's desire for",
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"title": "The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement",
"text": "Mia's crown. While the Parliament is in-session the next morning, Mia stumbles upon a hidden room that allows her to secretly listen in. Viscount Mabrey reveals his nephew, Lord Devereaux, is another heir to the Genovian throne. Despite Queen Clarisse's objection, the only way Mia can assume her duties as Queen is if she marries within the month. Clarisse invites Lord Devereaux to stay at the palace, while Mia is shocked to discover Lord Devereaux is actually Nicholas. Mia's best friend, Lilly Moscovitz, surprises her by visiting. Together, they pick through potential husbands. Mia eventually chooses Andrew Jacoby, Duke of",
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"title": "Long Live the Queen (video game)",
"text": "died, and her daughter, the 14-year-old princess Elodie, must leave her schooling to ready herself to become the next queen. Her coronation is set for 40 weeks from the present—her 15th birthday. Many people in the kingdom are trying to take advantage of the recent monarch's death and attempt to kill Elodie. The player reads through the story and schedules the protagonist's weekly lessons, in topics such as economy, foreign affairs, logistics, expression, military matters, self-defense, intrigues, doublespeak and magic. Based on those activities, Elodie increases her proficiency in various statistics. Additionally, during the weekend Elodie has free run of",
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"id": "16982440",
"score": "1.0277824",
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"title": "The White Queen (TV series)",
"text": "1464; the nation has been at war for nine years fighting over who is the rightful king as two sides of the same family, the House of York and the House of Lancaster, contest the throne. The story follows three women, Elizabeth Woodville, Margaret Beaufort and Anne Neville, who manipulate events behind the scenes of history to gain power. Elizabeth Woodville is the protagonist in the novel \"The White Queen\", and Margaret Beaufort and Anne Neville are the focus of the novels \"The Red Queen\" and \"The Kingmaker's Daughter\"; the three characters appear in the three novels that make up",
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"score": "1.0222437",
"original_retrieval_index": 22
"title": "Succession to the Norwegian throne",
"text": "reigning monarch and the reigning monarch's siblings and their legitimate descendants can be in line to the throne. The King's elder sister, Princess Astrid and her descendants, along with descendants of the King's deceased eldest sister, Princess Ragnhild, are excluded from the line of succession according to the agnatic primogeniture, which was the norm prior to 1971. In the event that there is no-one in the line of succession, the Storting (Parliament) has the right to elect a successor under Article 7 (if the king is alive) or Article 48 (if the king has died). Upon acceding to the throne",
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"score": "1.0217795",
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"title": "The Other Queen",
"text": "book saying that she is well off, wealthy and prosperous, and that her granddaughter Arbella is an heir to the English throne. (However, this claim was not acknowledged, and Mary's son James I was crowned after Elizabeth's death in 1603.) \"AudioFile\" magazine praised the narrators of the audiobook recording (Dagmara Dominczyk as Mary, Graeme Malcolm as George and Bianca Amato as Bess), writing: The Other Queen The Other Queen is a 2008 historical novel by British author Philippa Gregory which chronicles the long imprisonment in England of Mary, Queen of Scots. The story is told from three points of view:",
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"score": "1.0216502",
"original_retrieval_index": 24
"title": "In the Wet",
"text": "but she refuses so long as the Queen needs her. She arranges for Anderson to meet her father, a political scientist. Her father inadvertently reveals that the Queen is contemplating having a Governor General of Britain who will deal with the politicians, with the monarch devoted to Commonwealth affairs, to make the monarchy bearable for her and her family. The Queen announces this on her Christmas broadcast, and makes it clear that she and her family will not return to Britain without the country having undergone political reforms, meaning the multiple vote. Though David takes every precaution to protect the",
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"title": "The Crown (TV series)",
"text": "with baronet and gardening expert Roddy Llewellyn that leads to the Princess's divorce from Antony Armstrong-Jones in 1978. The third season also introduces Camilla Shand and Lady Diana Spencer, who will be more prominent in the fourth season, set during Margaret Thatcher's premiership. The below actors are credited in the opening titles of single episodes in which they play a significant role. On December 18, 2018, Radio Times announced that casting for Season Three had started with casting changes to the main characters including Olivia Colman, Helena Bonham Carter and Ben Daniels taking up the main roles. The third season",
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"title": "Personality and image of Elizabeth II",
"text": "\"Death at Buckingham Palace\" and \"Death at Windsor Castle\". The Queen is the subject of \"The Queen and I\", and is a character in \"Queen Camilla\", both books written by Sue Townsend. She is also a character in the book \"The Uncommon Reader\", by Alan Bennett. In 2006, she was portrayed by Helen Mirren in the Golden Globe- and Academy Award-nominated Stephen Frears film \"The Queen\", a fictional account of the immediate events following the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. The film ended up as the most critically acclaimed film of 2006. Mirren, who had been appointed into the",
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"title": "Rainilaiarivony",
"text": "II, would be her successor, much to the chagrin of the conservative faction at court. The conservatives privately rallied behind the queen's nephew and adoptive son Ramboasalama, whom the queen had initially declared heir apparent some years prior, and who had never abandoned hope to one day reclaim the right that had briefly been accorded to him. According to custom, pretenders to the throne had historically been put to death upon the naming of a new sovereign. Radama was opposed to this practice and asked the brothers to help ensure his accession to the throne with minimum bloodshed on the",
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"title": "The Crown (TV series)",
"text": "on an anticipated third and fourth season, and by the following January, Netflix confirmed the series had been renewed for a third and fourth season. By November 2014, Claire Foy had entered negotiations to portray Queen Elizabeth II in the series. By May 2015, Vanessa Kirby was in negotiations to portray Princess Margaret. In June 2015, John Lithgow was cast as Winston Churchill, and Matt Smith was cast as Prince Phillip; Foy was confirmed as Queen Elizabeth II. Also starring in the first season were Victoria Hamilton, Jared Harris, and Eileen Atkins. The Left Bank producers noted that Smith was",
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"title": "Succession to the British throne",
"long_answer": "Queen Elizabeth II is the sovereign, and her heir apparent is her eldest son, Charles, Prince of Wales. Next in line after him is Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, the Prince of Wales's elder son. Third in line is Prince George, the eldest child of the Duke of Cambridge, followed by his sister, Princess Charlotte and younger brother, Prince Louis. Sixth in line is Prince Henry of Wales, the younger son of the Prince of Wales. Any of the first six in line marrying without the sovereign's consent would be disqualified from succession.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Queen Elizabeth II is the sovereign, and her heir apparent is her eldest son, Charles, Prince of Wales. Next in line after him is Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, the Prince of Wales's elder son. Third in line is Prince George, the eldest child of the Duke of Cambridge, followed by his sister, Princess Charlotte and younger brother, Prince Louis. Sixth in line is Prince Henry of Wales, the younger son of the Prince of Wales. Any of the first six in line marrying without the sovereign's consent would be disqualified from succession.",
"short_answers": [
"Charles, Prince of Wales"
} |
who is the girl in green day 21 guns | [
"Lisa Stelly"
] | [
"title": "21 Guns (song)",
"text": "The video takes place with the band and the album's two protagonists Christian (Josh Boswell) and Gloria (Lisa Stelly) taking refuge in a white room after robbing a bank. The police arrive outside the room and open fire through the window, to the couple's terror. As bullets rain through the room, the band continues playing. Gloria picks up the phone and throws it into a fish tank. As the bullets continue to fly and tear apart the room, Christian and Gloria become calm and walk toward each other, unharmed by the bullets. They embrace and kiss as the room goes",
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"title": "21 Guns (song)",
"text": "21 Guns (song) \"21 Guns\" is a song by American punk rock band Green Day. It was released as the second single from their eighth album, \"21st Century Breakdown\". The single was released through Reprise Records on May 25, 2009 as a digital download and July 14, 2009 as a CD single. The song has been a success on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart, peaking at No. 22, which has become their highest charting single since 2005. It was nominated for a Grammy for Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal and Best Rock Song in 2010.",
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"title": "21 Guns (song)",
"text": "The song was featured in episode 6 of \"The Vampire Diaries\". The song is featured in the video game \"\" and is downloadable content for the \"Rock Band\" series. A live version was also released on \"21 Guns Live EP\" in September 2009. A music video was directed by Marc Webb and filmed in Los Angeles on June 6, 2009. It premiered on MySpace on Monday, June 22, 2009 at midnight EDT. A shorter version of the video also exists, which is set to the radio edit of the song. It is the third Green Day video to feature touring",
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"title": "American Idiot (musical)",
"text": "album \"American Idiot\", some b-sides and a few of the songs from Green Day's \"21st Century Breakdown\". The show also features an onstage band. Green Day re-released the single \"21 Guns\" with the musical cast on on December 3, 2009. This version features Billie Joe Armstrong, together with Christina Sajous, Rebecca Naomi Jones, Mary Faber and Stark Sands, with backup from the rest of \"American Idiot\" cast. Another version was released with John Gallagher Jr., Michael Esper, and Sands singing the parts that Armstrong had previously sung. Green Day and the cast of the musical also performed the song",
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"title": "21 Guns (song)",
"text": "Stew/Jaded\" and \"F.O.D.\" recorded live in Albany, New York and Madison Square Garden. This EP was released on the Australian iTunes store, Amazon UK, and Napster. 21 Guns (song) \"21 Guns\" is a song by American punk rock band Green Day. It was released as the second single from their eighth album, \"21st Century Breakdown\". The single was released through Reprise Records on May 25, 2009 as a digital download and July 14, 2009 as a CD single. The song has been a success on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart, peaking at No. 22, which has become their highest charting",
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"title": "21 Guns (song)",
"text": "guitarist Jason White performing with the band, following \"Wake Me Up When September Ends\" and \"Working Class Hero\". He is also seen briefly in the music videos for \"When I Come Around\" and \"Jesus of Suburbia\" but he is not performing with the band. After spending the previous week at number 3, the video peaked at number one on VH1 Top 20 Countdown on August 22, 2009 and again on September 19, 2009. It also won Best Rock Video (Green Day), Best Direction (Marc Webb) and Best Cinematography (Jonathan Sela) for the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. The video takes",
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"title": "21 Guns (song)",
"text": "\"American Idiot\". The recording was produced by Billie Joe Armstrong. The recording with Armstrong singing the male solo parts was released on December 3 to and also released for digital download on December 22. The video was released February 1. The second version of the song with the cast of American Idiot features Stark Sands, John Gallagher Jr., and Michael Esper singing their respective solos instead of Armstrong. It was performed with Armstrong singing lead male vocals at the 52nd Grammy Awards. Green Day released a live EP for the song including live performances of \"Welcome to Paradise\", \"Brain",
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"title": "Jason White (musician)",
"text": "of Prima Donna on rhythm guitar. In 2009, he toured with Green Day in support for their latest record, \"21st Century Breakdown\". White made his fourth appearance on a Green Day video for \"21 Guns\" and his fifth in \"Last of the American Girls\"; prior to this, and not including his live appearances on \"Jesus of Suburbia\" and \"East Jesus Nowhere\", he had appeared in three videos: \"When I Come Around\", \"Wake Me Up When September Ends\", and \"Working Class Hero\". On July 13, 2010, Max Recordings released White's debut 45 single—\"Hungover\" b/w \"I'm a Mess\". He appeared once again",
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"title": "21 Guns (song)",
"text": "hymn, reaching heroic heights with a sleek sort of sappiness that fits flawlessly. The range and sentiment may dishearten those looking for a little more \"Dookie\" from their Green Day, but I’ve never heard Billie Joe sound so good and so earnest as he pulls his frail voice upwards to knock out some stunning high notes.\" Mayer Nissim gave the song 3 out of 5 stars, writing: \"It combines verses reminiscent of Neil Young's 'Heart of Gold' with big power-pop chord changes and choruses that soar in all the right places. The jerky charm of the band's earlier work may",
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"title": "21 Guns (song)",
"text": "\"21st Century Breakdown\" cover art. As the song ends, the room lights up again, and they are still uninjured. After the room lights up, there are various shots of destruction in the room, including a shot of some of the writing on the walls. The writing includes an excerpt of the lyrics to \"21 Guns\", as well as those of the song \"See The Light\" which also appears on \"21st Century Breakdown\". The video may represent the meaning of the song in the 21st Century Breakdown story. Green Day has recorded two versions of \"21 Guns\" with the cast of",
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"title": "21-gun salute",
"text": "the following dates: The title of the Green Day song \"21 Guns\" is a reference to a 21-gun salute. In the song \"For Those About to Rock (We Salute You)\" by AC/DC 21-gun salutes are mentioned, including the use of Napoleonic cannons. The song \"Move Now\" by Nonpoint also includes a reference. In the film \"Chitty Chitty Bang Bang\", when the Grandfather sings \"Posh\" whilst dangling from a hot air balloon, there is a line \"they 21 gun salute me\". Boston-based Celtic punk band Dropkick Murphys recorded the song \"21 Guitar Salute\" (originally by The Press) on their 2002 split",
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"title": "21 Guns (band)",
"text": "21 Guns (band) 21 Guns was a melodic hard rock band formed in the early 1990s by Thin Lizzy guitarist Scott Gorham, bass guitarist Leif Johanson and drummer Mike Sturgis who met through their work with Tom Galley's and Wilfried Rimensberger's Phenomena. At the time the band was fronted by vocalist Tommy La Verdi, formerly of the band A440. A440 enjoyed moderate success with songs such as \"Method to my Madness\" and \"Flair for the Dramatic\". La Verdi was replaced for the second album by former Sons of Angels singer Hans-Olav Solli. The band was dissolved in 2000. Gorham and",
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"title": "Last of the American Girls",
"text": "with the band, following \"21 Guns\", \"Wake Me Up When September Ends\" and \"Working Class Hero\". Last of the American Girls \"Last of the American Girls\" is a song written and recorded by the American punk rock band Green Day and is the fifth and last single from their eighth studio album \"21st Century Breakdown\". It peaked at number 26 on the US alternative rock chart. The song impacted radio on May 11, 2010. In its album review, \"Rolling Stone\" wrote: \"'Last of the American Girls' comes on as a fabulous left-wing love song to a rebel girl — when",
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"title": "Jason White (musician)",
"text": "is seen kissing a girl (his real-life girlfriend at the time). In 1994, White joined punk quartet Pinhead Gunpowder after the departure of singer/guitarist Sarah Kirsch (with whom White had played the previous year in Sixteen Bullets). When Green Day/Pinhead Gunpowder lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong founded Adeline Records in 1997, White helped him run it. He re-appeared with Armstrong for two Green Day shows in 1999, both of which raised money for the Bridge School Benefit. With the release of \"American Idiot\", White was required again to play with the band during the supporting tour of the album. In",
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"title": "Josh Boswell",
"text": "Josh Boswell Joshua Bryan Boswell (born February 5, 1985) is an American actor and a producing sales manager at Union Bank. Boswell acted as Christian in Green Day's album \"21st Century Breakdown\" in 2009. He starred in the music video for \"21 Guns\". He also starred opposite Camilla Belle in The Jonas Brothers music video for their song \"Lovebug\" on the album \"A Little Bit Longer\". His other works include \"Boy Culture\" (2006), \"Resident Butch\" (2009) and \"Rising Sun\" (2012). Joshua Boswell acts as the impulsive, self-destructive Christian in the music videos for the album \"21st Century Breakdown\". Green Day",
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"title": "21 Guns (song)",
"text": "On the Australian ARIA Singles Chart, the song peaked at #4. On the UK Singles Chart, it debuted at No. 100 and rose to #36. In New Zealand, the song debuted at No. 23 and peaked at No. 3 in its seventh week on the chart. In New Zealand, it was certified Platinum after 13 weeks on the chart, selling over 15,000 copies. It was certified Platinum by the RIAA. The single was also certified Platinum in Italy. \"21 Guns\" was released to modern punk radio stations on May 25, 2009, although it had already been played on some radio",
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"title": "21 Guns (song)",
"text": "\"21 Guns\" addresses the topic of patriotism. Frontman and chief songwriter Billie Joe Armstrong told Q magazine, in May 2009: \"It brings up 21st Century Breakdown in a lot of ways, and the 21-gun salute for someone that's fallen, but done in an arena rock 'n' roll sort of way.\" According to \"Q\", the song is \"a mammoth power ballad with a chorus like Mott the Hoople's All the Young Dudes.\" William Goodman from \"Spin\" agreed, also comparing the song to All The Young Dudes. \"Entertainment Weekly\"s Simon Vozick-Levinson described it as a \"sensitive arena rock cut that made us",
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"title": "21 Guns (band)",
"text": "Johanson were reported to have joined forces again in 2008 and started to work on a new album and plan some concerts but the idea appears to have sunk without trace, with Gorham playing with Black Star Riders as of 2013. They released two studio albums. 21 Guns (band) 21 Guns was a melodic hard rock band formed in the early 1990s by Thin Lizzy guitarist Scott Gorham, bass guitarist Leif Johanson and drummer Mike Sturgis who met through their work with Tom Galley's and Wilfried Rimensberger's Phenomena. At the time the band was fronted by vocalist Tommy La Verdi,",
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"title": "American Idiot: The Original Broadway Cast Recording",
"text": "American Idiot: The Original Broadway Cast Recording American Idiot: The Original Broadway Cast Recording is an album by the cast of \"American Idiot\" and Green Day. In September 2009, \"American Idiot\" began its run in the Berkeley Repertory Theatre, California. After two extensions, it was transferred to the St. James Theatre on Broadway. The first single from the album, \"21 Guns\" was released on December 3, 2009. The album also includes \"When It's Time\", a previously unreleased song written by Billie Joe Armstrong. Two versions of it appear on the album, one by The Cast and one by Green Day.",
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"title": "Greatest Hits: God's Favorite Band",
"text": "Enemy\" and \"21 Guns\", which were produced by Green Day and Butch Vig, \"2000 Light Years Away\", which was produced by Green Day and Andy Ernst, and \"Minority\", \"Warning\", \"Bang Bang\", \"Still Breathing\", \"Ordinary World\" and \"Back in the USA\" by Green Day. Green Day Additional musicians Production Greatest Hits: God's Favorite Band Greatest Hits: God's Favorite Band is the second greatest hits album by the American punk rock band Green Day, released on November 17, 2017. \"God's Favorite Band\" features 20 of Green Day's previous hits, as well as 2 new songs: a new version of the \"Revolution Radio\"",
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"title": "21st Century Breakdown",
"text": "four total countries, including a peak of number one on the European Top 100 Albums. \"21st Century Breakdown\" was only released in a Parental Advisory version containing explicit lyrics and content; Walmart refuses to sell albums with a Parental Advisory sticker and requested that Green Day release a censored edition. The band members responded by stating: \"There's nothing dirty about our record... They want artists to censor their records in order to be carried in there. We just said no. We've never done it before. You feel like you're in 1953 or something.\" The second single, \"21 Guns\", was released",
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"title": "21st Century Breakdown",
"text": "and try to make sense of the selfish manipulation going on around us, whether it be the government, religion, media or frankly any form of authority\". The singles \"Know Your Enemy\" and \"21 Guns\" exemplify the themes of alienation and politically motivated anger present in the record. Critical response to \"21st Century Breakdown\" was generally positive. The record achieved Green Day's best chart performance to date, reaching number one on the album charts of various countries, including the United States \"Billboard\" 200, the European Top 100 Albums, and the United Kingdom Albums Chart. It was awarded the Grammy Award for",
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"title": "Christine Sixteen",
"text": "Christine Sixteen \"Christine Sixteen\" is a song by American hard rock band Kiss. It originally appeared on their 1977 album \"Love Gun\". Released as a single in the US in 1977, the song peaked at number 25 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart that year, and did well in Canada, peaking at number 22. Written and sung by bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons, the song is about an older man with a crush on a 16-year-old girl named Christine. The song's subject and lyrics were controversial and made some hit radio stations reluctant to put it on their playlists, while others (including",
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"title": "21 Guns (song)",
"text": "stations, such as KROQ in Los Angeles and 101.9 in New York City. In the radio edit, the song is over forty seconds shorter than the album version due to the bridge being shortened and the intro being taken out. The CD single and clear 7\" single were released on July 14, 2009. The song is featured heavily in \"\" and appears on the , which was released on June 12, 2009. It became available for download on the music video game series \"Rock Band\" on July 7, 2009, along with the songs \"East Jesus Nowhere\" and \"Know Your Enemy.",
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"title": "Green Day related projects",
"text": "Green Day related projects Since 1991, some members of punk band Green Day have branched out past their \"main band\" and have started other projects with other musicians and have released full-length albums and several EPs. Notable related projects of Green Day include Billie Joe Armstrong's Pinhead Gunpowder (which also featured Green Day's other guitarist Jason White), The Frustrators in which Mike Dirnt plays bass, and The Network which many speculate has all three members of Green Day, although under stagenames. Since 1991, Billie Joe Armstrong has been a member of Pinhead Gunpowder, providing guitars and vocals along with Jason",
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"title": "A Girl, Three Guys, and a Gun",
"text": "(a.k.a. \"A Girl, 3 Guys and a Gun\"). Frank (Brent Florence) is a Northern California 20-year-old who has just been dumped by his girlfriend. He and his slacker buddies Joey (Kenny Luper) and Neil (Christian Leffler) want to escape their small town but lack the funds. To finance their escape, they rob the local bingo tournament, and although their haul was small, the three decide to go to the big city anyway. On the road, their car breaks down. They then take Hope (Tracy Zahoryin) and her boyfriend Dave (Josh Holland) as hostages. The group is being pursued by two",
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"title": "Bill Schneider (musician)",
"text": "Bill Schneider (musician) William Schneider (born June 17) is an American musician. He has played bass in the punk rock band Pinhead Gunpowder since 1990, as well as providing vocals and writing the lyrics to the song \"Backyard Flames\". He has also been in many other bands such as The Influents, Monsula, Uranium 9 Volt, Sawhorse, The Skinflutes and The Coverups. Bill has worked as bass technician for Mike Dirnt, Green Day's and as guitar technician on their albums \"Nimrod\" and \"Warning\" and currently working as tour crew manager for Green Day. He also owned \"Broken Guitars\", a guitar shop",
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"title": "Phil Lewis (musician)",
"text": "Phil Lewis (musician) Philip Francis Lewis (born 9 January 1957) is the English vocalist for the American hard rock band L.A. Guns. He was born on 9 January 1957 in London, England. He has lived and worked in the U.S. since the 1980s but was privately educated at Royal Russell School in Surrey, England. Lewis started the band Girl with guitarist Gerry Laffy in 1978. They put an ad in Melody Maker for a \"peroxide guitar hero,\" and Phil Collen (current guitarist of Def Leppard) answered. They were soon joined by drummer Dave Gaynor and bassist Mark Megary. Megary was",
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"title": "Rocket Queen",
"text": "was only eighteen at the time, she had a notorious reputation and was \"a queen of the underground scene back then. She'd eventually become a madam, but Axl was infatuated with her at the time.\" She was also mentioned in the acknowledgments section of L.A. Guns' self-titled debut album. In an October 1991 interview in Guitar Player magazine, John Frusciante of the Red Hot Chili Peppers said Axl Rose told the Chili Peppers that Guns N' Roses had the Chili Peppers in mind when they did Rocket Queen. A woman named Adriana Smith had been with drummer Steven Adler for",
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"title": "21 Guns (song)",
"text": "be missing, but there's still lots to enjoy here.\" However, Adam Downer from Sputnikmusic gave a negative review, commenting that \"it sounds like a terrible rewrite of something John Lennon never released.\" The song debuted at No. 55 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, peaking at No. 22 (becoming their highest peaking song since the 2005 hit \"Wake Me Up When September Ends\"), and No. 81 on the Canadian Hot 100, reaching #15. It reached No. 3 on the Alternative Songs chart and No. 17 on the Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart. Also, on the \"Billboard\" Pop Songs\" it reached #7.",
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] | {
"title": "21 Guns (song)",
"long_answer": "The video takes place with the band and the album's two protagonists Christian (Josh Boswell) and Gloria (Lisa Stelly) taking refuge in a white room after robbing a bank. The police arrive outside the room and open fire through the window, to the couple's terror. As bullets rain through the room, the band continues playing. Gloria picks up the phone and throws it into a fish tank. As the bullets continue to fly and tear apart the room, Christian and Gloria become calm and walk toward each other, unharmed by the bullets. They embrace and kiss as the room goes dark, recreating the 21st Century Breakdown cover art. As the song ends, the room lights up again, and they are still uninjured. After the room lights up, there are various shots of destruction in the room, including a shot of some of the writing on the walls. The writing includes an excerpt of the lyrics to \"21 Guns\", as well as those of the song \"See The Light\" which also appears on \"21st Century Breakdown\". The video may represent the meaning of the song in the 21st Century Breakdown story.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The video takes place with the band and the album's two protagonists Christian (Josh Boswell) and Gloria (Lisa Stelly) taking refuge in a white room after robbing a bank. The police arrive outside the room and open fire through the window, to the couple's terror. As bullets rain through the room, the band continues playing. Gloria picks up the phone and throws it into a fish tank. As the bullets continue to fly and tear apart the room, Christian and Gloria become calm and walk toward each other, unharmed by the bullets. They embrace and kiss as the room goes",
"short_answers": [
"Lisa Stelly"
} |
what are the zords in the power rangers movie | [
"animal-themed Ninja Zords"
] | [
"title": "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie",
"text": "On Earth, Ivan's Ecto-Morphicons are completely unearthed, and he unleashes them on Angel Grove, ordering the parents to commit suicide at the construction site. Fred, Bulk, Skull and the other kids head to the construction site to save their parents. The Rangers return with their new animal-themed Ninja Zords and destroy one of Ivan's Ecto-Morphicons. Ivan takes control of the other and battles the Rangers himself. The Rangers lead Ivan into space right into the path of Ryan's Comet, which destroys him. His destruction breaks the hypnosis and the parents are reunited with their children. The Rangers then use the",
"hasanswer": true,
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"id": null,
"score": null,
"original_retrieval_index": null
"title": "Power Rangers (film)",
"text": "their lives for each other and resolve to defeat Rita. In doing so, they unlock the Morphing Grid. Zordon revives Billy, sacrificing being able to restore his physical self. With the team restored and confident, the Rangers morph into their armor. Rita creates Goldar, raises an army of Putties, and attacks Angel Grove to find the Zeo Crystal. The Rangers battle the Putties and head to Angel Grove in their Zords. After the Rangers destroy the Putties, Goldar pushes the Rangers and their Zords into a fiery pit. In the pit, the Zords combine and form the Megazord. Rita merges",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "18294667",
"score": "1.095677",
"original_retrieval_index": 0
"title": "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers",
"text": "the Rangers acquire their most powerful Zords ever: the Shogunzords (which combine into the Shogun Megazord). Eventually, Kat overcomes Rita's evil spell and returns Kimberly's Ninja Coin to her. A short time thereafter, Kimberly gets a chance to pursue her personal athletic dreams. With Zordon's blessing, she leaves to train for the Pan Global Games, choosing Kat to replace her as the Pink Ranger. Though her initial fear and hesitation keeps her from contributing fully to the fight against evil, Kat eventually becomes both comfortable and capable of fulfilling her duty as a Ranger. After several more battles, Zedd and",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "1482974",
"score": "1.0520759",
"original_retrieval_index": 1
"title": "Power Rangers (film)",
"text": "next week training against simulated Putties and trying unsuccessfully to morph. To inspire the Rangers, Alpha reveals the Zords. Zack takes his Zord out for a joyride and almost kills the other Rangers when he crashes it. This angers Jason, and they fight. While trying to separate the two, Billy spontaneously morphs. However, when he becomes conscious of it, the armor disappears. Angered at their lack of progress, Zordon dismisses the group. Jason returns to the ship to confront Zordon and discovers that once the Rangers morph, it will open the Morphing Grid and allow Zordon to restore himself in",
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"score": "1.0297548",
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"title": "Power Rangers (film)",
"text": "of gold to raise her minion Goldar to find the Zeo Crystal. The five teenagers return to the mine and discover an ancient spaceship where they meet Alpha 5 and Zordon's consciousness. They inform the teenagers about the Rangers history and Rita, warning that they have eleven days until Rita has her full power, finds the Zeo Crystal, and uses it to destroy life on Earth. The five leave the ship with no intention of returning until Zordon pleads with Jason to convince the team. The five return to train the next day, but they cannot morph. They spend the",
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"score": "1.028937",
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"title": "Power Rangers (film)",
"text": "a physical body. Feeling betrayed, Jason accuses Zordon of using the team for his own benefit. That night, the team camp at the mine and bond with each other. Later that night, Rita attacks Trini and orders her to bring the Rangers to the docks. Trini informs them about Rita and they arrive to fight, but are quickly defeated. Rita forces Billy to reveal the location of the Zeo Crystal, which he'd figured out, kills him, and releases the others. The Rangers take Billy's body to the ship and ask Zordon to resurrect him. The Rangers agree they would give",
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"title": "Power Rangers (film)",
"text": "trailer garnered mixed reactions, with some praising it for its darker, contemporary reimagining of the classic characters, while still looking action-packed and fun at the same time, and others criticizing it for its lack of connection to the original series, saying it appeared \"brooding\". The trailer received over 150 million views in the first two days after it was uploaded. Lionsgate revealed the T-Rex zord toy, among others, on October 28, 2016, and the Power Rangers Twitter account revealed the Megazord toy on November 4, 2016. On November 15, 2016, Lionsgate revealed the toys based on the film's individual Zords.",
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"title": "Zordon",
"text": "California desert outside the town of Angel Grove. He then discovers the Dinozords and the Power Coins, both of which were created by Ninjor. With this discovery, Zordon creates the Power Morphers to harness the raw energy of the Power Coins so that Zordon can recruit a team of Power Rangers when necessary. When Rita Repulsa is released from the Dumpster, Zordon recruits five teenagers from Angel Grove – Jason Lee Scott, Zack Taylor, Kimberly Hart, Trini Kwan, and Billy Cranston – to become the Power Rangers, giving them the Power Morphers, the Power Coins, and the Dinozords to battle",
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"title": "Power Rangers Dino Thunder",
"text": "for all the other Zords. Conner is also given the power to become the Triassic Ranger, and pilots the Mezodon Rover/Megazord (based on the \"Styracosaurus\"), which can combine with the Cephalo, Dimetro, Parasaur and Ankylozords to form the Triceramax Megazord. At the end of the series, the Rangers destroy Mesogog with their raw Dino Gem power, but the gems are burned out in the process. Just before this, they are also forced to sacrifice all the Zords in their last battle with Zeltrax, one of Mesogog's strongest minions.Finally they return to their normal lives. Dino Rangers Allies Villains Special Guest",
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"title": "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers",
"text": "is revealed to be Tommy, who in addition receives a new Zord, the Tigerzord, and also becomes the new leader of the Power Rangers (replacing Jason). During the Team Ninja Trials in Angel Grove, the Rangers become friends with three teenagers from Stone Canyon: Rocky DeSantos, Adam Park and Aisha Campbell. During an ensuing battle with Zedd and a magical serpent, Rocky, Adam and Aisha discover the Rangers' identities and, having been entrusted with their secret by Zordon himself, the three newcomers become allies of the Rangers. Later on, Jason, Zack and Trini are selected to represent Angel Grove at",
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"title": "Villains in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers",
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"title": "Tommy Oliver",
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"title": "Villains in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers",
"text": "and Turbanshell were destroyed, he finally succeeded in ridding the Green Ranger's powers. Eventually, Zedd realizes the warning Rita had given him was true and he was having the same difficulties in defeating the Rangers like she had been. In retaliation, he brought forth his personal zord, a large serpentine named Serpenterra. Despite the large zord's advantage against the Thunder Zords, it had a serious flaw in using too much of its energy, of which infuriated Zedd to no end. He attempts to find an infinite power source for Serpenterra to no avail. Soon it came time for Zedd's Centennial",
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"title": "Power Rangers Dino Thunder (video game)",
"text": "Black Ranger solves puzzles to free captured Zords. MegaZord battles also occur whenever an enemy enlarges to giant size. MegaZord levels allow the player to customize the ThunderSaurus MegaZord with auxiliary Zords obtained from the puzzle levels. The game features 13 missions, played across 20 levels. The rangers pilot their Zords in various missions to save the world from Zeltrax. Players take control of one of three Zords, Red TyrannoZord, Blue TriceraZord, or Yellow PteraZord in order to free the captive DinoZords (Violet CephalaZord, Green ParasaurZord, and Cyan DimetroZord), escort the Black BrachioZord to various warp points, and destroy alien",
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"title": "Zordon",
"text": "Zordon Zordon is a fictional character from the \"Power Rangers\" franchise who serves as the Rangers' mentor. Zordon first appeared on the first season of \"Mighty Morphin Power Rangers\" and appeared in subsequent seasons until the conclusion of \"Power Rangers in Space\". Ten thousand years ago, Zordon clashes with his nemesis, Rita Repulsa, on Earth. During their final battle, Rita traps Zordon in a time warp while Zordon seals Rita and her minions away in a \"Dumpster\" on the Moon. After the battle ends, Zordon, with the aid of his robot assistant, Alpha 5, creates a Command Center in the",
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"title": "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers",
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"title": "Zordon",
"text": "are rather than simply restoring an old Red Ranger. With Rita's defeat, Zordon congratulates the Rangers, assuring them that their names will be remembered with honor among the other great Rangers of history. Zordon Zordon is a fictional character from the \"Power Rangers\" franchise who serves as the Rangers' mentor. Zordon first appeared on the first season of \"Mighty Morphin Power Rangers\" and appeared in subsequent seasons until the conclusion of \"Power Rangers in Space\". Ten thousand years ago, Zordon clashes with his nemesis, Rita Repulsa, on Earth. During their final battle, Rita traps Zordon in a time warp while",
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"title": "Power Rangers (film)",
"text": "the Zeo Crystal. The Green Ranger, Rita Repulsa, betrays them and plans to dominate the universe. The Red Ranger, Zordon, survives Rita's attack and hides five of the Rangers' power source, the Power Coins. He orders Alpha 5, his robotic assistant, to perform a meteor strike that kills him, the dinosaurs, and sends Rita to the bottom of the sea, foiling her scheme. In 21st-century Angel Grove, high school football star Jason Scott is dismissed from the team and placed under house arrest after a failed prank. In detention, he encounters Billy Cranston and Kimberly Hart. After defending Billy from",
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"title": "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers",
"text": "Power Rangers to compete with Zedd's monsters, which are superior to the ones Finster made for Rita, Zordon and Alpha upgrade the Dinozords into the more powerful Thunderzords (which combine into the Thunder Megazord). However, Tommy is forced to retain use of the Dragonzord, due to his powers being too weak to support a new Zord. After several defeats, Zedd's attack on the Rangers progressively becomes more violent. He focuses his attention on eliminating Tommy, whom he sees as Rita's biggest mistake in giving him the Dragon Coin. The Green Ranger's powers were rapidly deteriorating, but Zedd's efforts had enhanced",
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"title": "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie",
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"title": "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie",
"text": "TV series. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (also known as Power Rangers: The Movie) is a 1995 American superhero film based on the television series \"Mighty Morphin Power Rangers\". It stars the ensemble cast of Karan Ashley, Johnny Yong Bosch, Steve Cardenas, Jason David Frank, Amy Jo Johnson, and David Yost alongside the villains cast from the original series and Paul Freeman as Ivan Ooze. Much like the television season that followed the release, it used concepts from the Japanese Super Sentai series \"Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger, and Ninja Sentai Kakuranger\". It is the",
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"title": "Day of the Dumpster",
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"title": "Billy Cranston",
"text": "to rescue a French town under siege from Goldar and she seeks help from Zordon. She asks for the other rangers to aid her but is told they are off on another planet fighting Lord Zedd which explains Billy's absence. Zordon temporarily makes Kimberly the pink Power Ranger again by using the Sword of Light to activate the latent pink energy within her. Kimberly later shares this power with a civilian called Serge, making him the blue Mighty Morphin Power Ranger in place of Billy. Billy appears in a third film 2017 reboot, played by African-American actor RJ Cyler. In",
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"title": "Power Rangers",
"text": "with attitude\" against Rita Repulsa. When \"morphed,\" the rangers become powerful superheroes wearing color-coded skin-tight spandex suits and helmets with opaque visors; identical except in individual rangers' color and helmet design. Morphed Rangers generally possess enhanced strength, durability, agility and combat prowess. Some possess superhuman or psychic abilities such as super-speed, element manipulation, extra-sensory perception or invisibility. In addition, each individual ranger has a unique weapon, as well as common weaponry used for ground fighting. When enemies grow to incredible size (as nearly all do), Rangers utilize individual Zords that combine into a larger Megazord. Rangers teams operate in teams",
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"title": "Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers",
"text": "and he leaves in annoyance, but Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa remain and intend to conquer Earth. Hoping to restore everyone's proper ages, Billy Cranston builds a Regenerator powered by the Ninja Power Coins. However, only Billy is restored to normal before the device is stolen by Goldar and Rito Revolto. The Power Coins are then destroyed by Rita and Zedd. With the human Rangers' powers destroyed, only the Aquitian Rangers stand between Earth and the forces of evil, and they can't stay on Earth forever. Ultimately, Zordon realizes that only one thing can restore everything to normal: the Zeo",
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"title": "Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers",
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"title": "Trini Kwan",
"text": "a Kata on the first episode. When Rita Repulsa escapes and begins wreaking havoc on earth, Trini, along with her close friends Jason Lee Scott, Zack Taylor, Billy Cranston and Kimberly Hart, is one of the five teens chosen by Zordon to receive a great power, drawn from the spirits of the prehistoric animals. These powers give them the ability to transform into a fighting force known as the Power Rangers. Trini is chosen for her compassion, quick wits and martial arts talent, and becomes the Yellow Power Ranger, given the Saber-Toothed Tiger Power Coin and the Saber-Toothed Tiger Dinozord.",
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"title": "Villains in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers",
"text": "after being overwhelmed by the new and improved Zords herself (particularly the Thunder Ultrazord). This was her last appearance due to being unable to secure the actress for another appearance (which she was supposed to make in a three-parter called \"Zordon I Shrunk The Rangers\"). She was thus absent during the \"Countdown to Destruction\" finale of \"Power Rangers in Space\", in which the majority of the series' surviving villains were either purified into human form or reduced to dust. An early concept for the series that became \"Power Rangers Ninja Storm\" would have featured Scorpina and other absent villains returning",
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"title": "Day of the Dumpster",
"text": "Rita, however, uses her magic staff to turn Goldar into a giant to attack the city, but the Rangers summon the Dinozords and combine them into the Megazord. After an evenly matched battle, the Rangers force Goldar to retreat when they summon the Megazord's Power Sword. Back at the Command Center, the five teens are finally convinced that they can save the world from Rita's evil, and they accept Zordon's offer and under three conditions: not to use their power for personal gain, not to escalate a battle unless Rita forces them to do so, and to keep their identities",
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] | {
"title": "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie",
"long_answer": "On Earth, Ivan's Ecto-Morphicons are completely unearthed, and he unleashes them on Angel Grove, ordering the parents to commit suicide at the construction site. Fred, Bulk, Skull and the other kids head to the construction site to save their parents. The Rangers return with their new animal-themed Ninja Zords and destroy one of Ivan's Ecto-Morphicons. Ivan takes control of the other and battles the Rangers himself. The Rangers lead Ivan into space right into the path of Ryan's Comet, which destroys him. His destruction breaks the hypnosis and the parents are reunited with their children. The Rangers then use the Great Power to restore the Command Center and resurrect Zordon.",
"chunked_long_answer": "On Earth, Ivan's Ecto-Morphicons are completely unearthed, and he unleashes them on Angel Grove, ordering the parents to commit suicide at the construction site. Fred, Bulk, Skull and the other kids head to the construction site to save their parents. The Rangers return with their new animal-themed Ninja Zords and destroy one of Ivan's Ecto-Morphicons. Ivan takes control of the other and battles the Rangers himself. The Rangers lead Ivan into space right into the path of Ryan's Comet, which destroys him. His destruction breaks the hypnosis and the parents are reunited with their children. The Rangers then use the",
"short_answers": [
"animal-themed Ninja Zords"
} |
who decides the number of judges in the high court | [
"the President of India"
] | [
"title": "Indian High Courts Act 1861",
"text": "In every High Court, there is a Chief Justice and many other judges whose number is defined by the President of India.",
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"title": "Sindh High Court",
"text": "the Governor on the advice of the Cabinet and in consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court may determine Jurisdiction. 27 August 2008 and 6 September 2008 After the long march of lawyer and opposition parties, on 16 March 2009, the Government restored the deposed judiciary. Only two judges refused to be reappointed: Musheer Alam and Maqbool Baqar. High Court of Sindh is headed by a Chief Justice. The bench consist of Justices and additional judges and the retirement age of Chief Justice and Justices is 62 years. The Additional Judges are initially appointed for one year, after",
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"id": "10173481",
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"title": "Judiciary of India",
"text": "of High Court. The precise territorial jurisdiction of each High Court varies Judges in a high court are appointed by the President after consultation with the Chief Justice of India, Chief Justice of High Court and the governor of the state. The number of judges in a court is decided by dividing the average institution of main cases during the last five years by the national average, or the average rate of disposal of main cases per judge per year in that High Court, whichever is higher. The Calcutta High Court is the oldest High Court in the country, established",
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"title": "Sindh High Court",
"text": "give preference to the construction of this building and provide necessary funds, the building is not going to be completed within a year or two. High Court of Sindh consists of a Chief Justice and 27 other Judges. A Judge of the High Court is appointed by the President after consultation with the Chief Justice of Pakistan, the Governor of the Province and the Chief Justice of the High Court in which appointment is to be made. No person is appointed as a Judge of the High Court unless he is a citizen of Pakistan having forty years and has",
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"title": "Madras High Court",
"text": "Constitution of India. It consists of 74 judges and a chief justice who are in charge of the general policy adopted in the administration of justice. In September 2016, the centre government forwarded names of 15 new judges to the President for his signature on their warrants of appointment. Of the 15, nine are from among lawyers and six from the subordinate judiciary. Justice V.K. Tahilramani of the Bombay High Court has been appointed as Chief Justice of Madras High Court, though she is yet to assume office, after Justice Indira Banerjee was elevated to the Supreme Court of India.",
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"title": "High Court of New Zealand",
"text": "from other courts and certain tribunals. The High Court comprises the Chief Justice of New Zealand (who is head of the Judiciary) and up to 55 other Judges (which includes the Judges of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal). The administrative head of the court is known as the Chief High Court Judge. Associate Judges of the High Court (formerly known as Masters) supervise the Court's preliminary processes in most civil proceedings, and have jurisdiction to deal with summary judgment applications, company liquidations, bankruptcy proceedings, and some other types of civil proceedings. The High Court Judges and Associate Judges",
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"title": "Karnataka Lokayukta",
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"title": "High Court (Ireland)",
"text": "Ireland, which grants the court \"full original jurisdiction in and power to determine all matters and questions whether of law or fact, civil or criminal\", as well as the ability to determine \"the validity of any law having regard to the provisions of this Constitution\". Judges are appointed by the President. However, as with almost all the President's constitutional powers, these appointments are made on \"the advice of the Government\". In practice, this means that the judges are nominated by the government and automatically approved by the President. The High Court is composed of its president, 35 ordinary judges, and",
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"title": "High Court of Tanzania",
"text": "imprison but also as a court of admiralty it can adjudicate disputes arising in the high seas and inland waters. Having its base from the constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, the High Court of Tanzania is composed of the principal judge and not less than 30 other judges. Judges of the High Court as provided by the Constitution are appointed by the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, in pursuant to the special qualifications stated in its article 109 (7) after consultation with the Judicial Service Commission established under part iii of the constitution. Formally the judges",
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"title": "Judiciary of Kenya",
"text": "Court of Appeal in Nairobi Central Business District), and has to have a quorum of five judges. This court handles appeal cases from the High Court and as prescribed by Parliament. It will constitute not less than 12 judges and will be headed by a President elected by the Court of Appeal judges among themselves. The current President of the Court of Appeal is Justice William Ouko. Each station of the court is led by a Principal Judge. The High court of Kenya is established under article 165 of the constitution of Kenya. It has supervisory jurisdiction over all other",
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"title": "High Court (Taiwan)",
"text": "headed by a Chief Clerk who assists the President with administrative affairs. Cases before the High Courts or its Branch Courts are heard and decided by a panel of three judges. However, one of the judges may conduct preparatory proceedings. The Court has seven civil courts, each of which has one presiding judge and three judges to handle civil appeals of the second instance and counter-appeal cases under the system of collegial panels, but they do not deal with simple litigation. The Court has eleven criminal courts, each of which has one presiding judge and two or three judges to",
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"title": "Indian High Courts Act 1861",
"text": "years as a zillah judge), judges of small cause courts or sudder ameen (with 5 years of experience), or pleaders of lander courts or High Courts (with 05 years of experience). The High Court of a State is the highest court of the State and all other courts of the State work under it. Normally there is one High Court in every State but there can be only one High Court for two or more States as well, according to the constitution. There is one High Court at Chandigarh for Punjab, Haryana and Union Territory of Chandigarh. Similarly there is",
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"title": "Kerala High Court",
"text": "criminal matters, and the power to answer references to it under some statutes. The High Court has the superintendence and visitorial jurisdiction over all courts and tribunals of inferior jurisdiction covered under its territorial jurisdiction. At present, the sanctioned Judge strength of the High Court of Kerala is 27 Permanent Judges including the Chief Justice and 20 Additional Judges. Depending on the importance and nature of the question to be adjudicated, the judges sit as Single (one judge), Division (two judges), Full (three judges) or such other benches of larger strengths. The foundation stone for the new multi-storied building now",
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"title": "High Court of Justice (Isle of Man)",
"text": "High Court of Justice (Isle of Man) The High Court of Justice of the Isle of Man is governed by the High Court Act 1991. There are four permanent judges of the High Court: The First Deemster is President of the High Court and has responsibility for the distribution of the work of the High Court. The Judge of Appeal, a part-time appointment, can only sit in the Appeal Division. Unless the parties otherwise consent, the quorum of the Appeal Division is at least two judges of the High Court. A deemster may not sit on an appeal from his",
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"title": "Politics of Australia",
"text": "politics. The High Court of Australia is the supreme court in the Australian court hierarchy and the final court of appeal in Australia. It has both original and appellate jurisdiction, has the power of judicial review over laws passed by the Parliament of Australia and the parliaments of the States, and interprets the Constitution of Australia. The High Court is mandated by section 71 of the Constitution, which vests in it the judicial power of the Commonwealth of Australia. The High Court was constituted by the Judiciary Act 1903 (Cth). The High Court is composed of seven Justices: the Chief",
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"title": "High Court (Hong Kong)",
"text": "Affairs Commission be headed by a Chairman who is a High Court Judge (currently Mr Justice Fung) appointed by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chief Justice. The Chief Executive also appoints three to six Judges of the Court of First Instance (currently Mr Justice Chung, Mr Justice Fung and Mr Justice Bharwaney) on the recommendation of the Chief Justice to serve as panel judges handling interception and surveillance authorisation requests from law enforcement agencies. The Chief Executive may appoint a High Court Judge to lead a public inquiry. For example, Mr Justice Andrew Chan was appointed in 2015",
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"title": "High Court (Singapore)",
"text": "conflicting High Court decisions, it is up to the Court of Appeal to decide which decision is correct. High Court (Singapore) The High Court of the Republic of Singapore is the lower division of the Supreme Court of Singapore, the upper being the Court of Appeal. It consists of the Chief Justice of Singapore and the Judges of the High Court. Judicial Commissioners are often appointed to assist with the Court's caseload. There are two specialist commercial courts, the Admiralty Court and the Intellectual Property Court, and a number of judges are designated to hear arbitration-related matters. The seat of",
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"title": "Lahore High Court",
"text": "with judges nominated by the Lahore High Court Chief Justice. The first Chief Justice at Lahore was Sir Henry Meredyth Plowden in 1880. The current Chief Justice is Muhammad Yawar Ali, incumbent since Feb 8, 2018. Lahore High Court is headed by a Chief Justice. The bench consist of Justices and additional judges. The retirement age of Chief Justice and Justices is 62 years. The Additional Judges are initially appointed for one year. After that their services could either be extended or they could be confirmed or they are retired. The current Chief Justice of Lahore High Court is Justice",
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"title": "Judiciary of Namibia",
"text": "of the Constitution. The High Court is presided over by the Judge-President. A full sitting of the High Court consists of the Judge-President and 6 other judges. Its jurisdiction with regard to appeals shall be determined by Acts of Parliament. Decisions of the High Court, which bind lower courts, are recorded both in Namibian and South African law reports. The decisions are recorded and summarized in the same way as Supreme Court decisions. The Labour Court is a division of the High Court. The Judge-President must assign suitable judges to the Labour Court, each of whom must be a judge",
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"title": "Judiciary of Hong Kong",
"text": "of Hong Kong\". It was renamed the \"High Court\" by Article 81 of the Basic Law of Hong Kong. It consists of the Court of Appeal and Court of First Instance (formally \"The High Court of Justice\"), both are superior courts of record. It hears appeals on civil and criminal matters from the Court of First Instance and the District Court, as well as appeals from the Lands Tribunal. It also makes rulings on questions of law referred to it by the lower courts. There are 10 Justices of Appeal, including the Chief Judge of the High Court and three",
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"title": "Politics of Botswana",
"text": "may be prescribed by Parliament. There are currently eight judges of the Court of Appeal, who are all expatriates drawn from different parts of the Commonwealth. To date, no Motswana has ever been appointed to the Court of Appeal. The High Court is a superior court of record with unlimited original jurisdiction to hear and determine any criminal and civil cases under any law. The High Court is constituted under section 95 of the Constitution, and consists of a Chief Justice and such number of other judges of the High Court as may be prescribed by Parliament. There are currently",
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"title": "High Court judge (England and Wales)",
"text": "2008, a potential High Court Judge must satisfy the judicial-appointment eligibility condition on a seven-year basis. While High Court judges all have the same jurisdiction, an appointee is in practice allocated to one of the High Court's three divisions: The Chancery Division, the Queen's Bench Division and the Family Division. High Court judge (England and Wales) A Justice of the High Court, commonly known as a ‘High Court judge’, is a judge of the High Court of Justice of England and Wales, and represents the third highest level of judge in the courts of England and Wales. High Court judges",
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"title": "Judiciary of Bangladesh",
"text": "2017, 1,268 judges deal with over 2.7 million cases in lower courts, 86 High Court justices deal with 431,000 cases and 6 Supreme Court justices deal with 13,000 cases. The Supreme Court of Bangladesh has two divisions namely the Appellate Division and the High Court Division (HCD). The Appellate Division hears both civil and criminal appeals from the High Court Division. The Appellate Division may also decide a point of law reserved for its decision by the High Court, as well as any point of law of public interest arising in the course of an appeal from a subordinate court",
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"title": "Peshawar High Court",
"text": "Chief Justice. The bench consist of Justices and additional judges. The retirement age of Chief Justice and Justices is 62 years. The Additional Judges are initially appointed for one year. After that their services could either be extended or they could be confirmed or they are retired. The current Chief Justice of Peshawar High Court is Justice Waqar Ahmad Seth. The Peshawar High Court is currently made up of the following Justices (in order of seniority). The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Bar Council is the body which has the overall responsibility governing the lawyers of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. The KP Bar Council",
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"title": "Madras High Court",
"text": "largest number of courts in Asia. The current Chief Justice of the Madras High Court is Hon'ble Justice Vijaya Kamlesh Tahilramani. it currently has 57 judges, including the Chief Justice, who exercise civil, criminal, writ, testamentary and admiralty jurisdiction. The Madurai Bench has been functioning since 2004. The vestiges of the colonial High Court continue to characterise the premises till date. In a rare tradition which is today a distinction, Judges of the Madras High Court are still led by orderlies who bear a ceremonial mace made of silver. This is a practice so old and Anglican that most High",
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"title": "Judiciary of Pakistan",
"text": "decisions can be reviewed by the Shariat Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court. The decisions of the court are binding on the High Courts as well as subordinate judiciary. The court appoints its own staff and frames its own rules of procedure. The Court consists of 8 Muslim judges, appointed by the President of Pakistan, on the advice of a judicial committee of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court and the Federal Shariat Court. The committee chooses from among-st serving or retired judges of the Supreme Court or the High Courts or from among-st persons possessing the qualifications of",
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"title": "High Court of Australia",
"text": "first members were appointed under, the Judiciary Act 1903. It now operates under sections 71 to 75 of the Constitution, the \"Judiciary Act\", and the \"High Court of Australia Act\" 1979. It is composed of seven Justices: the Chief Justice of Australia, currently Susan Kiefel, and six other Justices. They are appointed by the Governor-General of Australia on the advice of the federal government, and under the constitution must retire at age 70. The High Court has had a permanent home in Canberra since 1979. The majority of its sittings are held in the High Court building, which is situated",
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"title": "High Court of Sri Lanka",
"text": "High Court of Sri Lanka The High Court in Sri Lanka is the only court which exercises the jurisdiction of the court of first instance and the appellate jurisdiction with both civil and criminal jurisdiction. Article 111 of the Constitution and section 4 of the Judicature Act, No. 2 of 1978 as amended by Act, No. 16 -1989 describes that The High Court must consist of not less than ten and not more than forty Judges. Article 154P of the Constitution provides for the establishment of the Provincial High Courts to which judges are appointed by the Chief Justice from",
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"title": "Chief Judge of Lagos State",
"text": "to the confirmation of the appointment by the House of Assembly of the State,’\". The Chief Judge is the highest judicial officer in the state, and acts as a chief administrative officer as well as spokesperson for the judicial branch. The Chief Judge presides over oral arguments before the court. When the court renders an opinion, the Chief Justice—when in the majority—decides who writes the court's opinion. The Chief Justice also has significant agenda-setting power over the court's meetings. The Chief Judge sets the agenda for the weekly meetings where the justices review the petitions for certiorari, to decide whether",
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"title": "High Courts (Malaysia)",
"text": "appellate court, and are each headed by a Chief Judge (before 1994, Chief Justice). The Chief Judges of Malaya and Sabah and Sarawak are the third and fourth highest positions in Malaysian judiciary after the Chief Justice of the Federal Court (before 1994, the Lord President of the Federal Court) and the President of the Court of Appeal. All High Court registries and the subordinate courts found in Peninsular Malaysia including the courts in the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya are under the jurisdiction of the High Court in Malaya. Similarly, all courts found in East Malaysia are",
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] | {
"title": "Indian High Courts Act 1861",
"long_answer": "In every High Court, there is a Chief Justice and many other judges whose number is defined by the President of India.",
"chunked_long_answer": "In every High Court, there is a Chief Justice and many other judges whose number is defined by the President of India.",
"short_answers": [
"the President of India"
} |
name the process of fusion of an egg with a sperm | [
"Human fertilization"
] | [
"title": "Human fertilization",
"text": "Human fertilization is the union of a human egg and sperm, usually occurring in the ampulla of the fallopian tube. The result of this union is the production of a zygote cell, or fertilized egg, initiating prenatal development. Scientists discovered the dynamics of human fertilization in the nineteenth century.",
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"title": "Fertilisation",
"text": "the oocyte. Fusion between the oocyte plasma membranes and sperm follows and allows the sperm nucleus, the typical centriole, and atypical centriole that is attached to the flagellum, but not the mitochondria, to enter the oocyte. The protein CD9 likely mediates this fusion in mice (the binding homolog). The egg \"activates\" itself upon fusing with a single sperm cell and thereby changes its cell membrane to prevent fusion with other sperm. Zinc atoms are released during this activation. This process ultimately leads to the formation of a diploid cell called a zygote. The zygote divides to form a blastocyst and,",
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"title": "Human fertilization",
"text": "a sperm and an egg fuse to form a diploid cell, known as zygote. The successful fusion of gametes forms a new organism. Where the spermatozoon is about to pierce, the yolk (ooplasm) is drawn out into a conical elevation, termed the cone of attraction or reception cone. Once the spermatozoon has entered, the peripheral portion of the yolk changes into a membrane, the perivitelline membrane, which prevents the passage of additional spermatozoa. At the beginning of the process, the sperm undergoes a series of changes, as freshly ejaculated sperm is unable or poorly able to fertilize. The sperm must",
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"title": "Human fertilization",
"text": "takes place, preventing other sperm from fertilizing the same egg. The oocyte now undergoes its second meiotic division producing the haploid ovum and releasing a polar body. The sperm nucleus then fuses with the ovum, enabling fusion of their genetic material. The fusion of cell membranes of the secondary oocyte and sperm takes place. In preparation for the fusion of their genetic material both the oocyte and the sperm undergo transformations as a reaction to the fusion of cell membranes. The oocyte completes its second meiotic division. This results in a mature ovum. The nucleus of the oocyte is called",
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"title": "Egg cell",
"text": "assumption that mammals also reproduced via eggs. Karl Ernst von Baer discovered the mammalian ovum in 1827, and Edgar Allen discovered the human ovum in 1928. The fusion of spermatozoa with ova (of a starfish) was observed by Oskar Hertwig in 1876. In animals, egg cells are also known as ova (singular ovum, from the Latin word \"ovum\" meaning egg or egg cell). The term ovule in animals is used for the young ovum of an animal. In vertebrates, ova are produced by female gonads (sexual glands) called ovaries. A number of ova are present at birth in mammals and",
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"title": "VEZT",
"text": "to the fusion of the sperm with the egg as, it is the outer acrosomal domain which initiates the acrosome reaction, enabling the sperm to fuse. Vezatin is present in both these domains, but the translocation of vezatin from the inner to the outer membrane is unknown. Furthermore, vezatin is not expressed in the epididymal cells, thus vezatin cannot be added to the exterior membrane during maturation of the spermatozoa. However, knowledge of the localisation of vezatin in this outer membrane and its known role in adherens junctions suggests that it plays a role in the fusion of the mammalian",
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"title": "Acrosome reaction",
"text": "and once bound together, the sperm and the egg fuse together to form two pronuclei These pronuclei supply the zygote with the genetic material necessary for the formation of an embryo. Additionally, once the fusion of the sperm and oocyte is complete, phospholipase C zeta is released from the sperm. As the sperm arrive at the egg, it is the egg that chooses the sperm and pulls it towards her. The selected sperm actually tries to swim away from the egg but is tethered to the egg by female hormones. The membrane around the egg literally opens up and swallows",
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"title": "Human fertilization",
"text": "chromosomes from egg cell fuse (half of spermatozoons carry X chromosome and the other half Y chromosome). Their membranes dissolve, leaving no barriers between the male and female chromosomes. During this dissolution, a mitotic spindle forms between them. The spindle captures the chromosomes before they disperse in the egg cytoplasm. Upon subsequently undergoing mitosis (which includes pulling of chromatids towards centrioles in anaphase) the cell gathers genetic material from the male and female together. Thus, the first mitosis of the union of sperm and oocyte is the actual fusion of their chromosomes. Each of the two daughter cells resulting from",
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"title": "Embryogenesis",
"text": "to produce a new organism. In animals, the process involves a sperm fusing with an ovum, which eventually leads to the development of an embryo. Depending on the animal species, the process can occur within the body of the female in internal fertilisation, or outside in the case of external fertilisation. The fertilized egg cell is known as the zygote. To prevent more than one sperm fertilizing the egg, polyspermy, fast block and slow block to polyspermy are used. Fast block, the membrane potential rapidly depolarizing and then returning to normal, happens immediately after an egg is fertilized by a",
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"title": "Reproductive biology",
"text": "reproduction. In asexual reproduction the generation of new organisms does not require the fusion sperm with an egg. However, in sexual reproduction new organisms are formed by the fusion of haploid sperm and eggs resulting in what is known as the zygote. Although animals exhibit both sexual and asexual reproduction the vast majority of animals reproduce by sexual reproduction. Gametogenesis is the formation of gametes, or reproductive cells. Spermatogenesis is the production of sperm cells in the testis. In mature testes primordial germ cells divide mitotically to form the spermatogonia, which in turn generate spermatocytes by mitosis. Then each spermatocyte",
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"title": "In vitro fertilisation",
"text": "In vitro fertilisation In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a process of fertilisation where an egg is combined with sperm outside the body, in vitro (\"in glass\"). The process involves monitoring and stimulating a woman's ovulatory process, removing an ovum or ova (egg or eggs) from the woman's ovaries and letting sperm fertilise them in a liquid in a laboratory. After the fertilised egg (zygote) undergoes embryo culture for 2–6 days, it is implanted in the same or another woman's uterus, with the intention of establishing a successful pregnancy. IVF is a type of assisted reproductive technology used for infertility treatment",
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"title": "IZUMO1",
"text": "IZUMO1 Izumo sperm-egg fusion 1 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the IZUMO1 gene. In mammalian fertilisation, IZUMO1 binds to its egg receptor counterpart, Juno, to facilitate recognition and fusion of the gametes. The sperm-specific protein Izumo, named for a Japanese shrine dedicated to marriage, is essential for sperm-egg plasma membrane binding and fusion. Studies have shown that male Izumo knockout mice are sterile because their sperm are unable to fuse to the oocyte membrane.[1] Izumo -/- mice produced morphologically normal sperm that were able to penetrate the zona pellucida, but could not fuse with to the",
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"title": "Fertilisation",
"text": "membrane. The sperm surface protein bindin, binds to a receptor on the vitelline membrane identified as EBR1. Fusion of the plasma membranes of the sperm and egg are likely mediated by bindin. At the site of contact, fusion causes the formation of a fertilisation cone. Mammals internally fertilise through copulation. After a male ejaculates, many sperm move to the upper vagina (via contractions from the vagina) through the cervix and across the length of the uterus to meet the ovum. In cases where fertilisation occurs, the female usually ovulates during a period that extends from hours before copulation to a",
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"title": "Male egg",
"text": "Male egg Male eggs are the result of a process in which the eggs of a female would be emptied of their genetic contents (a technique similar to that used in the cloning process), and those contents would be replaced with male DNA. Such eggs could then be fertilized by sperm. The procedure was conceived by Calum MacKellar, a Scottish bioethicist. With this technique, two males could be the biological parents of a child. However, such a procedure would additionally require an artificial womb or a female gestational carrier. In 2003, researcher Hans Robert Schöler at the University Of Pennsylvania",
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"title": "Female reproductive system",
"text": "it reaches the uterus, which signals the beginning of pregnancy. The ovaries are small, paired organs located near the lateral walls of the pelvic cavity. These organs are responsible for the production of the egg cells (ova) and the secretion of hormones. The process by which the egg cell (ovum) is released is called ovulation. The speed of ovulation is periodic and impacts directly to the length of a menstrual cycle. After ovulation, the egg cell is captured by the Fallopian tube, after traveling down the Fallopian tube to the uterus, occasionally being fertilized on its way by an incoming",
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"title": "Polyspermy",
"text": "Polyspermy In biology, polyspermy describes an egg that has been fertilized by more than one sperm. Diploid organisms normally contain two copies of each chromosome, one from each parent. The cell resulting from polyspermy, on the other hand, contains three or more copies of each chromosome—one from the egg and one each from multiple sperm. Usually, the result is an inviable zygote. This may occur because sperm are too efficient at reaching and fertilizing eggs due to the selective pressures of sperm competition. Such a situation is often deleterious to the female: in other words, the male-male competition among sperm",
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"title": "Fallopian tube obstruction",
"text": "that exists prior to surgery. Development of adhesions remains a problem. Patients with operated tubes are at increased risk for ectopic pregnancy., although in vitro fertiliztion in patients with damaged tubes is also associated with a risk for ectopic pregnancy. In vitro fertilisation is a process by which an egg is fertilised by sperm outside the body: \"in vitro\". IVF is a major treatment for infertility when other methods of assisted reproductive technology have failed. The process involves monitoring a woman's ovulatory process, removing ovum or ova (egg or eggs) from the woman's ovaries and letting sperm fertilise them in",
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"title": "Karyogamy",
"text": "egg's nucleus. The two pronuclei migrate toward each other and then fuse to form a diploid cell. Karyogamy Karyogamy is the final step in the process of fusing together two haploid eukaryotic cells, and refers specifically to the fusion of the two nuclei. Before karyogamy, each haploid cell has one complete copy of the organism's genome. In order for karyogamy to occur, the cell membrane and cytoplasm of each cell must fuse with the other in a process known as plasmogamy. Once within the joined cell membrane, the nuclei are referred to as pronuclei. Once the cell membranes, cytoplasm, and",
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"title": "Acrosome reaction",
"text": "the sperm. Upon penetration, if all is occurring normally, the process of egg-activation occurs and the oocyte is said to have become activated. This is thought to be induced by a specific protein phospholipase c zeta. It undergoes its secondary meiotic division, and the two haploid nuclei (paternal and maternal) fuse to form a zygote. In order to prevent polyspermy and minimise the possibility of producing a triploid zygote, several changes to the egg's cell membranes renders them impenetrable shortly after the first sperm enters the egg. The aforementioned process describes the physiologically relevant events. One should however bear in",
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"title": "Martin Barry",
"text": "original mother cell by cleavage of the nucleus. One of his most fundamental discoveries, published in Philosophical Transactions in 1843, was that spermatozoa could sometimes be found inside the ovum. The note that Barry published was titled \"On the Penetration of Spermatozoa into the Interior of the Ovum\". This work, carried out with rabbits, influenced Theodor Ludwig Wilhelm Bischoff's theories concerning fertilisation, but it was not until 1876 that Oscar Hertwig, working with sea urchins, described the fusion of sperm and egg to form a new structure. He was President of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh in 1836. Martin",
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"title": "Egg incubation",
"text": "gastropod molluscs, some cephalopods, some bivalve molluscs, many arthropods, some entoproctans, some brachiopods, some bryozoans, and some starfish. Egg incubation Incubation refers to the process by which certain oviparous (egg-laying) animals hatch their eggs; it also refers to the development of the embryo within the egg. Multiple and various factors are vital to the incubation of various species of animal. In many species of reptile for example, no fixed temperature is necessary, but the actual temperature determines the sex ratio of the offspring. In birds in contrast, the sex of offspring is genetically determined, but in many species a constant",
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"title": "Egg incubation",
"text": "Egg incubation Incubation refers to the process by which certain oviparous (egg-laying) animals hatch their eggs; it also refers to the development of the embryo within the egg. Multiple and various factors are vital to the incubation of various species of animal. In many species of reptile for example, no fixed temperature is necessary, but the actual temperature determines the sex ratio of the offspring. In birds in contrast, the sex of offspring is genetically determined, but in many species a constant and particular temperature is necessary for successful incubation. Especially in poultry, the act of sitting on eggs to",
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"title": "Spermatozoon",
"text": "zona pellucida, part of the sperm's cell membrane then fuses with the egg cell's membrane, and the contents of the head diffuse into the egg. Upon penetration, the oocyte is said to have become activated. It undergoes its secondary meiotic division, and the two haploid nuclei (paternal and maternal) fuse to form a zygote. In order to prevent polyspermy and minimise the possibility of producing a triploid zygote, several changes to the egg's zona pellucida renders them impenetrable shortly after the first sperm enters the egg. Spermatozoa can be stored in diluents such as the \"Illini Variable Temperature\" (IVT) diluent,",
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"title": "Fish reproduction",
"text": "irregular lumen, and are rapidly reabsorbed in a process involving the apoptosis of follicular cells. A degenerative process called follicular atresia reabsorbs vitellogenic oocytes not spawned. This process can also occur, but less frequently, in oocytes in other development stages. Some fish are hermaphrodites, having both testes and ovaries either at different phases in their life cycle or, as in hamlets, have them simultaneously. In fish, fertilisation of eggs can be either external or internal. In many species of fish, fins have been modified to allow Internal fertilisation. Similarly, development of the embryo can be external or internal, although some",
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"title": "Cell fusion",
"text": "Cell fusion Cell fusion is an important cellular process in which several uninuclear cells (cells with a single nucleus) combine to form a multinuclear cell, known as a syncytium. Cell fusion occurs during differentiation of muscle, bone and trophoblast cells, during embryogenesis, and during morphogenesis. Cell fusion is a necessary event in the maturation of cells so that they maintain their specific functions throughout growth. In 1847 Theodore Schwann expanded upon the theory that all living organisms are composed of cells when he added to it that discrete cells are the basis of life. Schwann observed that in certain cells",
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"title": "Egg cell",
"text": "Egg cell The egg cell, or ovum (plural ova), is the female reproductive cell (gamete) in oogamous organisms. The egg cell is typically not capable of active movement, and it is much larger (visible to the naked eye) than the motile sperm cells. When egg and sperm fuse, a diploid cell (the zygote) is formed, which rapidly grows into a new organism. While the non-mammalian animal egg was obvious, the doctrine \"ex ovo omne vivum\" (\"every living [animal comes from] an egg\"), associated with William Harvey (1578–1657), was a rejection of spontaneous generation and preformationism as well as a bold",
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"title": "Gamete",
"text": "recombination) occurring in the diploid primary oocyte to produce the haploid ovum (gamete). Spermatogenesis is the process of male gamete formation in animals. This process also involves meiosis (including meiotic recombination) occurring in the diploid primary spermatocyte to produce the haploid spermatozoon (gamete). In contrast to a gamete, the diploid somatic cells of an individual contain one copy of the chromosome set from the sperm and one copy of the chromosome set from the egg cell; that is, the cells of the offspring have genes expressing characteristics of both the \"father\" and the \"mother\". A gamete's chromosomes are not exact",
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"title": "Vaginal process",
"text": "Vaginal process The vaginal process (or processus vaginalis) is an embryonic developmental outpouching of the parietal peritoneum. It is present from around the 12th week of gestation, and commences as a peritoneal outpouching. In males, it precedes the testes in their descent down within the gubernaculum, and closes. This closure (also called \"fusion\") occurs at any point from a few weeks before birth, to a few weeks after birth. The remaining portion around the testes becomes the tunica vaginalis. If it does not close in females, it forms the canal of Nuck. Failure of closure of the vaginal process leads",
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"title": "Oocyte cryopreservation",
"text": "the term used to describe non-essential egg freezing for the purpose of preserving fertility for delayed child-bearing when natural conception becomes more problematic. The frequency of this procedure has steadily increased since October 2012 when the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), one of the World's leading fertility organisations, lifted the 'experimental' label from the process. There was a spike in interest in 2014 when global corporations Apple and Facebook revealed they were introducing egg freezing as a benefit for their female employees. This announcement was controversial as some women found it empowering and practical, while others viewed the message",
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"title": "Egg",
"text": "is usually motile whereas the female gamete cell, the ovum, is generally larger and sessile. The male and female gametes combine to produce the zygote cell. In multicellular organisms the zygote subsequently divides in an organised manner into smaller more specialised cells, so that this new individual develops into an embryo. In most animals the embryo is the sessile initial stage of the individual life cycle, and is followed by the emergence (that is, the hatching) of a motile stage. The zygote or the ovum itself or the sessile organic vessel containing the developing embryo may be called the egg.",
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"title": "Human fertilization",
"long_answer": "Human fertilization is the union of a human egg and sperm, usually occurring in the ampulla of the fallopian tube. The result of this union is the production of a zygote cell, or fertilized egg, initiating prenatal development. Scientists discovered the dynamics of human fertilization in the nineteenth century.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Human fertilization is the union of a human egg and sperm, usually occurring in the ampulla of the fallopian tube. The result of this union is the production of a zygote cell, or fertilized egg, initiating prenatal development. Scientists discovered the dynamics of human fertilization in the nineteenth century.",
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"Human fertilization",
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the vascular layer of the eye is the | [
"middle layer",
"The uvea",
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"title": "Uvea",
"text": "The uvea is the vascular middle layer of the eye. It is traditionally divided into three areas, from front to back, the:",
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"title": "Bird vision",
"text": "other vertebrates. The outer layer of the eye consists of the transparent cornea at the front, and two layers of sclera — a tough white collagen fibre layer which surrounds the rest of the eye and supports and protects the eye as a whole. The eye is divided internally by the lens into two main segments: the anterior segment and the posterior segment. The anterior chamber is filled with a watery fluid called the aqueous humour, and the posterior chamber contains the vitreous humour, a clear jelly-like substance. The lens is a transparent convex or 'lens' shaped body with a",
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"title": "Choroid",
"text": "Choroid The choroid, also known as the choroidea or choroid coat, is the vascular layer of the eye, containing connective tissues, and lying between the retina and the sclera. The human choroid is thickest at the far extreme rear of the eye (at 0.2 mm), while in the outlying areas it narrows to 0.1 mm. The choroid provides oxygen and nourishment to the outer layers of the retina. Along with the ciliary body and iris, the choroid forms the uveal tract. The structure of the choroid is generally divided into four layers (classified in order of furthest away from the",
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"title": "Evolution of the eye",
"text": "shell or skin. An example of this can be observed in Onychophorans where the cuticula of the shell continues to the cornea. The cornea is composed of either one or two cuticular layers depending on how recently the animal has moulted. Along with the lens and two humors, the cornea is responsible for converging light and aiding the focusing of it on the back of the retina. The cornea protects the eyeball while at the same time accounting for approximately 2/3 of the eye’s total refractive power. It is likely that a key reason eyes specialize in detecting a specific,",
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"title": "Eye",
"text": "pigment epithelium, and constitutes the cells of the dilator muscle. The vitreous is the transparent, colourless, gelatinous mass that fills the space between the lens of the eye and the retina lining the back of the eye. It is produced by certain retinal cells. It is of rather similar composition to the cornea, but contains very few cells (mostly phagocytes which remove unwanted cellular debris in the visual field, as well as the hyalocytes of Balazs of the surface of the vitreous, which reprocess the hyaluronic acid), no blood vessels, and 98–99% of its volume is water (as opposed to",
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"title": "Eye",
"text": "formed a bioconvex shape, an optimally ideal structure for a normal refractive index. Independently, a transparent layer and a nontransparent layer split forward from the lens: the cornea and iris. Separation of the forward layer again formed a humour, the aqueous humour. This increased refractive power and again eased circulatory problems. Formation of a nontransparent ring allowed more blood vessels, more circulation, and larger eye sizes. Eyes are generally adapted to the environment and life requirements of the organism which bears them. For instance, the distribution of photoreceptors tends to match the area in which the highest acuity is required,",
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"title": "Sattler's layer",
"text": "influence of optical stimuli during eye-growth indicate that the complex function of this tissue is not entirely understood and might be one of the reasons for the frequently found separation in vascular size between Haller's and Sattle's layer. Sattler's layer Sattler's layer, named after Hubert Sattler, an Austrian ophthalmologist, is one of five (or six) layers of medium-diameter blood vessels of the choroid, and a layer of the eye. It is situated between the Bruch's membrane, choriocapillaris and Haller's layer below, and the suprachoroidea above, respectively. The origin seems to be related to a continuous differentiation throughout the growth of",
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"title": "Human eye",
"text": "μm) in thickness near its center. The posterior chamber constitutes the remaining five-sixths; its diameter is typically about 24 mm. The cornea and sclera are connected by an area termed the limbus. The iris is the pigmented circular structure concentrically surrounding the center of the eye, the pupil, which appears to be black. The size of the pupil, which controls the amount of light entering the eye, is adjusted by the iris' dilator and sphincter muscles. Light energy enters the eye through the cornea, through the pupil and then through the lens. The lens shape is changed for near focus",
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"title": "Retina",
"text": "the suprachiasmatic nucleus, and the nucleus of the optic tract. It passes through the other layers, creating the optic disc in primates. Additional structures, not directly associated with vision, are found as outgrowths of the retina in some vertebrate groups. In birds, the pecten is a vascular structure of complex shape that projects from the retina into the vitreous humour; it supplies oxygen and nutrients to the eye, and may also aid in vision. Reptiles have a similar, but much simpler, structure. In adult humans, the entire retina is approximately 72% of a sphere about 22 mm in diameter. The",
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"title": "Conjunctiva",
"text": "Conjunctiva The conjunctiva lines the inside of the eyelids and covers the sclera (the white of the eye). It is composed of non-keratinized, stratified squamous epithelium with goblet cells, and also stratified columnar epithelium. The conjunctiva is highly vascularised, with many microvessels easily accessible for imaging studies. The conjunctiva is typically divided into three parts: Blood to the bulbar conjunctiva is primarily derived from the ophthalmic artery. The blood supply to the palpebral conjunctiva (the eyelid) is derived from the external carotid artery. However, the circulation of the bulbar conjunctiva and palpebral conjunctiva are linked, so both bulbar conjunctival and",
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"title": "Ophthalmology",
"text": "section is devoted to eye diseases. The pre-Hippocratics largely based their anatomical conceptions of the eye on speculation, rather than empiricism. They recognized the sclera and transparent cornea running flushly as the outer coating of the eye, with an inner layer with pupil, and a fluid at the centre. It was believed, by Alcamaeon (5th century BC) and others, that this fluid was the medium of vision and flowed from the eye to the brain by a tube. Aristotle advanced such ideas with empiricism. He dissected the eyes of animals, and discovering three layers (not two), found that the fluid",
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"title": "Human eye",
"text": "in two areas: the anterior chamber between the cornea and the iris, and the posterior chamber between the iris and the lens. The lens is suspended to the ciliary body by the suspensory ligament (Zonule of Zinn), made up of hundreds of fine transparent fibers which transmit muscular forces to change the shape of the lens for accommodation (focusing). The vitreous body is a clear substance composed of water and proteins, which give it a jelly-like and sticky composition. The approximate field of view of an individual human eye (measured from the fixation point, i.e., the point at which one's",
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"title": "Visual acuity",
"text": "path called the visual axis. The eye's tissues and structures that are in the visual axis (and also the tissues adjacent to it) affect the quality of the image. These structures are: tear film, cornea, anterior chamber, pupil, lens, vitreous, and finally the retina. The posterior part of the retina, called the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is responsible for, among many other things, absorbing light that crosses the retina so it cannot bounce to other parts of the retina. In many vertebrates, such as cats, where high visual acuity is not a priority, there is a reflecting tapetum layer that",
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"title": "Iris (anatomy)",
"text": "Iris (anatomy) In humans and most mammals and birds, the iris (plural: irides or irises) is a thin, circular structure in the eye, responsible for controlling the diameter and size of the pupil and thus the amount of light reaching the retina. Eye color is defined by that of the iris. In optical terms, the pupil is the eye's aperture, while the iris is the diaphragm. The iris consists of two layers: the front pigmented layer known as a stroma and, beneath the stroma, pigmented epithelial cells. The stroma connects to a sphincter muscle (sphincter pupillae), which contracts the pupil",
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"title": "Sclera",
"text": "Sclera The sclera, also known as the white of the eye, is the opaque, fibrous, protective, outer layer of the human eye containing mainly collagen and some elastic fiber. In humans, the whole sclera is white, contrasting with the coloured iris, but in other mammals the visible part of the sclera matches the colour of the iris, so the white part does not normally show. In the development of the embryo, the sclera is derived from the neural crest. In children, it is thinner and shows some of the underlying pigment, appearing slightly blue. In the elderly, fatty deposits on",
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"title": "Mammalian eye",
"text": "structures behind it: the vitreous humor, retina, choroid, and optic nerve. The radii of the anterior and posterior sections are 8 mm and 12 mm, respectively. The point of junction is called the limbus. On the other side of the lens is the second humour, the aqueous humour, which is bounded on all sides by the lens, the ciliary body, suspensory ligaments and by the retina. It lets light through without refraction, helps maintain the shape of the eye and suspends the delicate lens. In some animals, the retina contains a reflective layer (the tapetum lucidum) which increases the amount",
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"title": "Human eye",
"text": "of the size of the pupil, regulation and suppression of the hormone melatonin and entrainment of the body clock. The eye is not shaped like a perfect sphere, rather it is a fused two-piece unit, composed of the anterior segment and the posterior segment. The anterior segment is made up of the cornea, iris and lens. The cornea is transparent and more curved, and is linked to the larger posterior segment, composed of the vitreous, retina, choroid and the outer white shell called the sclera. The cornea is typically about 11.5 mm (0.3 in) in diameter, and 1/2 mm (500",
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"title": "Sclera",
"text": "pass. The thickness of the sclera varies from 1mm at the posterior pole to 0.3 mm just behind the rectus muscle insertions. The sclera's blood vessels are mainly on the surface. Along with the vessels of the conjunctiva (which is a thin layer covering the sclera), those in the episclera render the inflamed eye bright red. In many vertebrates, the sclera is reinforced with plates of cartilage or bone, together forming a circular structure called the sclerotic ring. In primitive fish, this ring consists of four plates, but the number is lower in many living ray-finned fishes, and much higher",
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"title": "Mammalian eye",
"text": "nodal (central) point of the eye is the optic axis, which is slightly five degrees toward the nose from the visual axis (i.e., that going towards the focused point to the fovea. The structure of the mammalian eye has a laminar organization that can be divided into three main layers or \"tunics\" whose names reflect their basic functions: the fibrous tunic, the vascular tunic, and the nervous tunic. The mammalian eye can also be divided into two main segments: the anterior segment and the posterior segment. The human eye is not a plain sphere but is like two spheres combined,",
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"title": "Eye",
"text": "with ommatidia, turning its whole skin into a compound eye. The same is true of many chitons. The tube feet of sea urchins contain photoreceptor proteins, which together act as a compound eye; they lack screening pigments, but can detect the directionality of light by the shadow cast by its opaque body. The ciliary body is triangular in horizontal section and is coated by a double layer, the ciliary epithelium. The inner layer is transparent and covers the vitreous body, and is continuous from the neural tissue of the retina. The outer layer is highly pigmented, continuous with the retinal",
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"title": "Ophthalmic artery",
"text": "and penetrates the optic nerve continuing along the center of the optic nerve entering the eye to supply the inner retinal layers. The next branch of the OA is the lacrimal artery, one of the largest, arises just as the OA enters the orbit and runs along the superior edge of the lateral rectus muscle to supply the lacrimal gland, eyelids and conjunctiva. The OA then turns medially giving off 1 to 5 posterior ciliary arteries (PCA) that subsequently branch into the long and short posterior ciliary arteries (LPCA and SPCA respectively) which perforate the sclera posteriorly in the vicinity",
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"title": "Cornea",
"text": "fused with the skin to form a single structure, albeit one composed of multiple layers. In fish, and aquatic vertebrates in general, the cornea plays no role in focusing light, since it has virtually the same refractive index as water. The human cornea has five layers (possibly six, if the Dua's layer is included). Corneas of other primates have five known layers. The corneas of cats, dogs, wolves, and other carnivores only have four. From the anterior to posterior the layers of the human cornea are: The cornea is one of the most sensitive tissues of the body, as it",
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"title": "Eye development",
"text": "develop as a pair of optic vesicles on each side of the forebrain at the end of the 4th week of pregnancy. Optic vesicles are outgrowings of the brain which make contact with the surface ectoderm and this contact induces changes necessary for further development of the eye. Through a groove at the bottom of the optic vesicle known as choroid fissure the blood vessels enter the eye. Several layers such as the neural tube, neural crest, surface ectoderm, and mesoderm contribute to the development of the eye. Eye development is initiated by the master control gene Pax-6, a homeobox",
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"title": "Adipose eyelid",
"text": "feature on deep sea fish. This ability to see better is crucial for their survival as visibility is severely reduced in the deeper parts of the ocean. The opposite however can be said for the non-benthic fish because there is more light near the surface of the ocean, so there would not necessarily be a need for a stronger sense of sight. Most adipose eyelids are separated into anterior and posterior parts, commonly referred to as layers. These layers also vary in number, anywhere from three to five, depending on the fish. The layers are arranged in a parallel fashion,",
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"title": "Corneal ulcers in animals",
"text": "cornea is about one-half to one millimeter thick in the dog and cat. The trigeminal nerve supplies the cornea via the long ciliary nerves. There are pain receptors in the outer layers and pressure receptors deeper. Transparency is achieved through a lack of blood vessels, pigmentation, and keratin, and through the organization of the collagen fibers. The collagen fibers cross the full diameter of the cornea in a strictly parallel fashion and allow 99 percent of the light to pass through without scattering. There are four important layers in the dog and cat cornea. The outer layer is the epithelium,",
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"title": "Fundus (eye)",
"text": "ophthalmoscope allows observation of blood vessels with diameters as small as 10 μm. Fundus (eye) The fundus of the eye is the interior surface of the eye opposite the lens and includes the retina, optic disc, macula, fovea, and posterior pole. The fundus can be examined by ophthalmoscopy and/or fundus photography. The term \"fundus\" may also be inclusive of Bruch's membrane and the choroid. The color of the fundus varies both between and within species. In one study of primates the retina is blue, green, yellow, orange, and red; only the human fundus (from a lightly pigmented blond person) is",
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"title": "Bird vision",
"text": "the lens which controls the amount of light entering the eye. At the centre of the iris is the pupil, the variable circular area through which the light passes into the eye. The retina is a relatively smooth curved multi-layered structure containing the photosensitive rod and cone cells with the associated neurons and blood vessels. The density of the photoreceptors is critical in determining the maximum attainable visual acuity. Humans have about 200,000 receptors per mm, but the house sparrow has 400,000 and the common buzzard 1,000,000. The photoreceptors are not all individually connected to the optic nerve, and the",
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"original_retrieval_index": 29
"title": "Retina",
"text": "Retina The retina is the innermost, light-sensitive layer, or \"coat\", of shell tissue of the eye of most vertebrates and some molluscs. The optics of the eye create a focused two-dimensional image of the visual world on the retina, which translates that image into electrical neural impulses to the brain to create visual perception, the retina serving much the same function as film or a CCD in a camera. The retina consists of several layers of neurons interconnected by synapses. The neural retina refers to the three layers of neural cells (photo receptor cells, bipolar cells, and ganglion cells) within",
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"title": "Ophthalmology",
"text": "was of a constant consistency with the lens forming (or congealing) after death, and the surrounding layers were seen to be juxtaposed. He and his contemporaries further put forth the existence of three tubes leading from the eye, not one. One tube from each eye met within the skull. The Greek physician Rufus of Ephesus (1st century AD) recognised a more modern eye, with conjunctiva, extending as a fourth epithelial layer over the eye. Rufus was the first to recognise a two-chambered eye, with one chamber from cornea to lens (filled with water), the other from lens to retina (filled",
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"title": "Sclera",
"text": "in lobe-finned fishes, various reptiles, and birds. The ring has disappeared in many groups, including living amphibians, some reptiles and fish, and all mammals. The eyes of all non-human primates are dark with small, barely visible sclera. The collagen of the sclera is continuous with the cornea. From outer to innermost, the four layers of the sclera are: The sclera is opaque due to the irregularity of the Type I collagen fibers, as opposed to the near-uniform thickness and parallel arrangement of the corneal collagen. Moreover, the cornea bears more mucopolysaccharide (a carbohydrate that has among its repeating units a",
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"title": "Uvea",
"long_answer": "The uvea is the vascular middle layer of the eye. It is traditionally divided into three areas, from front to back, the:",
"chunked_long_answer": "The uvea is the vascular middle layer of the eye. It is traditionally divided into three areas, from front to back, the:",
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"middle layer",
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the cuban revolt against spain was led by | [
"Máximo Gomez",
"Antonio Maceo",
"José Martí"
] | [
"title": "Cuban War of Independence",
"text": "Martí was killed shortly after landing on May 19, 1895, at Dos Rios, but Máximo Gomez and Antonio Maceo fought on, taking the war to all parts of Oriente. By the end of June, all of Camagüey was at war. Based on new research in Cuban sources, historian John Lawrence Tone demonstrated that Gomez and Maceo were the first to force the civilian forces to choose sides. \"Either they relocated to the east side of the islands, where the Cubans controlled the mountainous terrain, or they would be accused of supporting the Spanish and be subject to immediate trial and",
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"title": "Battle of Santiago de Cuba",
"text": "the publication of a private letter by the Spanish Minister Enrique Dupuy de Lôme critical of President William McKinley and by the destruction of the American battleship , for which a naval court of inquiry and American yellow journalism blamed Spain. Cuban revolutionaries had staged revolts against Spanish colonial authority in the Ten Years' War (1868–1878), the Little War (1879–1880), and the Cuban War of Independence (1895–1898). During the latter, Spanish General Valeriano Weyler established a policy called reconcentration, in which Spanish forces gathered Cubans who lived in the countryside and centralized them in camps where they could be monitored.",
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"title": "Evangelina Cosio y Cisneros",
"text": "participant in attempts to gain Cuban independence from Spain; Ms. Cosio's mother died when Evangelina was a child. In 1895, the Cuban Revolution/War of Independence started under leadership of Cuban writer José Julian Martí in an attempt to overthrow Spanish rule. In the summer of 1896, Augustin Cosio, as one of the rebel leaders, was captured and sent to a penal colony on the Cuban Isle of Pines (now known as Isle of Youth). Evangelina Cosio accompanied him along with one of her sisters. Initially the conditions on Isle of Pines were described by Ms. Cosio as relatively comfortable with",
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"title": "Chronology of Colonial Cuba",
"text": "by the powerful Cuenca Family. Between years 1717 and 1727, the royal monopoly of the tobacco was established. This gave rise to several revolts of tobacco growers, resulting in deaths and executions. In 1762, the English took Havana, occupying it for several months before giving it back. Spain exchanged the island for Florida and returned to power over it. With the depopulation brought about in the indigenous towns, the Spanish began to introduce slaves from Africa. In 1812 a revolt of slaves occurred, led by José Antonio Aponte. In 1821 several conspiracies were discovered and their promoters were pursued. One",
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"title": "José Antonio Aponte",
"text": "one of the most prominent revolts in Cuba, known as Aponte's Rebellion of 1812. In the 19th century, as Cuba became more of a plantation society due to the sugar boom, a massive importation of slaves by the government transformed Cuban society by dividing social class more by racial lines. This may have reduced the rights of people of African descent, but it set the stage for more unity among both free and enslaved people of African descent for rebellion. Thus, Aponte was motivated to lead a mass insurrection to abolish slavery, overthrow the colonial tyranny, and create an independent",
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"title": "Military history of Cuba",
"text": "Manuel de Céspedes and his followers of patriots from his sugar mill La Demajagua began an uprising. The war ended with the signing of the Pact of Zanjón. The Cuban War of Independence was the last major uprising by Cuban Nationalists against the Spanish Colonial Government. The conflict culminated with American intervention during the Spanish–American War. The Spanish–American War was a major war fought by the United States and the Kingdom of Spain in the Spanish territories of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. The war was triggered with the sinking of the USS \"Maine\" in Havana Harbor. Cuban rebels",
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"title": "Joaquín de Agüero",
"text": "and demanded independence. With only forty men in his force, they were quickly defeated by Spanish troops. Agüero was arrested en route to Puerto Príncipe while trying to flee to the United States. His armed revolt had failed miserably, but as historian Cento Gomez stated, \"it was a ground breaking event in the history of Cuban struggle for independence.\" On August 12, 1851, he was shot by a firing squad of Spanish troops alongside three of his compatriots in Puerto Príncipe (today’s Camagüey province). Years later Cuba did achieve independence from Spanish rule, and to honor Agüero's dedication to the",
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"title": "History of Cuba",
"text": "treaty, to which it did not adhere. With the abolition of slavery altogether in their colonies, the British forced Spain to sign another treaty in 1835. In this context, black revolts in Cuba increased, and were put down with mass executions. One of the most significant was the \"Conspiración de La Escalera\" (Ladder Conspiracy), which started in March 1843 and continued until 1844. The conspiracy took its name from a torture method, in which blacks were tied to a ladder and whipped until they confessed or died. The Ladder Conspiracy involved free blacks and slaves, as well as white intellectuals",
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"title": "History of Cuba",
"text": "13 British colonies of North America, and the victory of the French Revolution of 1789, influenced early Cuban liberation movements, as did the successful revolt of black slaves in Haiti in 1791. One of the first, headed by a free black, Nicolás Morales, was aimed at gaining equality between \"mulatto and whites\" and the abolition of sales taxes and other fiscal burdens. Morales' plot was discovered in 1795 in Bayamo, and the conspirators were jailed. As a result of the political upheavals caused by the Iberian Peninsular War and the removal of Ferdinand VII from the Spanish throne, a western",
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"title": "Cuba",
"text": "Virginia planters sold many in the internal domestic slave trade, who were shipped or taken overland to the Deep South, which had greatly expanded its cotton production. Full independence from Spain was the goal of a rebellion in 1868 led by planter Carlos Manuel de Céspedes. De Céspedes, a sugar planter, freed his slaves to fight with him for an independent Cuba. On 27 December 1868, he issued a decree condemning slavery in theory but accepting it in practice and declaring free any slaves whose masters present them for military service. The 1868 rebellion resulted in a prolonged conflict known",
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"title": "Cuban War of Independence",
"text": "war of independence: The insurrection began on February 24, 1895, with uprisings all across the island. In Oriente, the most important ones took place in Santiago, Guantánamo, Jiguaní, San Luis, El Cobre, El Caney, Alto Songo, Bayate, and Baire. The uprisings in the central part of the island, such as Ibarra, Jagüey Grande, and Aguada, suffered from poor coordination and failed; the leaders were captured, some of them deported and some executed. In the province of Havana, the insurrection was discovered before it was underway, and authorities detained its leaders. The insurgents further west in Pinar del Río were ordered",
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"title": "Battle of Tayacoba",
"text": "Battle of Tayacoba The Battle of Tayacoba, June 30, 1898, (also spelled Tayabacao) was an American special operations effort to land supplies and reinforcements to Cuban rebels fighting for their independence in the Spanish–American War. On June 25 the American steamships \"Fanita\" and \"Florida\" accompanied by the gunboat left Key West carrying a cargo of troops, ammunition, supplies and arms (including two dynamite guns, 4,000 Springfield rifles and 200 Mauser rifles), to aid Cuban insurgents under the command of Máximo Gómez. On board were 650 Cubans under General Emilio Núñez, fifty troopers of the Tenth U.S. Cavalry under First Lieutenant",
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"title": "History of Cuba",
"text": "separatist rebellion emerged among the Cuban Creole aristocracy in 1809 and 1810. One of its leaders, Joaquín Infante, drafted Cuba's first constitution, declaring the island a sovereign state, presuming the rule of the country's wealthy, maintaining slavery as long as it was necessary for agriculture, establishing a social classification based on skin color and declaring Catholicism the official religion. This conspiracy also failed and the main leaders were sentenced to prison and deported to Spain. In 1812, a mixed-race abolitionist conspiracy arose, organized by José Antonio Aponte, a free black carpenter in Havana. He and others were executed. The main",
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"title": "Henry Reeve (soldier)",
"text": "and had served in the Cuban Army for 7 years, having participated in over 400 engagements against the Spanish Army. Upon becoming aware of the Cuban uprising initiated at his farmstead, 'La Demajagua' by Carlos Manuel de Céspedes in 1868, he promptly volunteered. He arrived in Cuba in 1869 aboard the vessel Perrit as part of an Expeditionary Force. The expedition was ambushed by the Spanish Army while unloading and Reeve was taken prisoner, along with many others. A Spanish firing squad shot the group, and left them unburied and presumed dead. Reeve was wounded but had enough strength to",
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"title": "History of Cuba",
"text": "de Agüero and Andrés Manuel Sánchez. Agüero, a white man, and Sánchez, a mulatto, were both executed, becoming the first popular martyrs of the Cuban independence movement. The 1830s also saw a surge of activity from the reformist movement, whose main leader was José Antonio Saco, standing out for his criticism of Spanish despotism and the slave trade. Nevertheless, this surge bore no fruit; Cubans remained deprived of the right to send representatives to the Spanish parliament, and Madrid stepped up repression. Nonetheless, Spain had long been under pressure to end the slave trade. In 1817, it signed a first",
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"title": "Cuban War of Independence",
"text": "Cuban War of Independence The Cuban War of Independence (, 1895–98) was the last of three liberation wars that Cuba fought against Spain, the other two being the Ten Years' War (1868–1878) and the Little War (1879–1880). The final three months of the conflict escalated to become the Spanish–American War, with United States forces being deployed in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippine Islands against Spain. Historians disagree as to the extent that United States officials were motivated to intervene for humanitarian reasons but agree that yellow journalism exaggerated atrocities attributed to Spanish forces against Cuban civilians. During the years",
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"title": "Manifesto of Montecristi",
"text": "The Cuban fight for independence began with the Ten Years' War (1868–1878), the first of three wars fought as Cuba attempted to free themselves from Spanish rule. The war was brought on by an economic crisis (1866) as well as the desire to end slavery. While the farmers in Cuba struggled to feed their families, the colonial administration continued to bring in profit from military ventures. In response, enraged farmers rose to fight. The uprising started October 10. Though efforts nearly failed within the first few days, within weeks the numbers of volunteers reached 12,000. Soon, Maximo Gomez (a former",
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"title": "History of Cuba",
"text": "could liberate the island from Spain\". On 25 December 1894, three ships, the \"Lagonda\", the \"Almadis\" and the \"Baracoa\", set sail for Cuba from Fernandina Beach, Florida, loaded with armed men and supplies. Two of the ships were seized by U.S. authorities in early January, who also alerted the Spanish government, but the proceedings went ahead. The insurrection began on 24 February 1895, with uprisings all across the island. In Oriente the most important ones took place in Santiago, Guantánamo, Jiguaní, San Luis, El Cobre, El Caney, Alto Songo, Bayate and Baire. The uprisings in the central part of the",
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"title": "El Cobre, Cuba",
"text": "by the British El Real de Santiago (Royal Santiago Mining Company). Both companies turned to Cornwall for skilled labour and for steam engines to pump out the mines. A Protestant burial ground was opened since the Cornish, considered heretics, could not be buried in the Catholic cemetery. The town was the location of one of the first uprisings in the Cuban War of Independence, on 24 February 1895, led by Colonel Alfonso Goulet with Rafael Portuondo Tamayo, delegate of the Cuban Revolutionary Party of the East. In 1902, the mine was purchased by William A. Chanler, a wealthy New York",
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"title": "Calixto García",
"text": "Calixto García Calixto García Iñiguez (August 4, 1839 – December 11, 1898) was a cuban general in three Cuban uprisings, part of the Cuban War for Independence: Ten Years' War, the Little War and the War of 1895, itself sometimes called the Cuban War for Independence, which bled into the Spanish–American War, ultimately resulting in national independence for Cuba. García was born in Holguín to parents of Cuban \"Criollo\" descent. He was a large, strong, educated man with a short fuse. García was the grandson of Calixto García de Luna e Izquierdo, who had fought as royalist in the Battle",
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"title": "American Anti-Imperialist League",
"text": "was particularly prominent in the production of propaganda pamphlets, drawing upon the impressive array of writers, public intellectuals, and politicians among its membership. The war that erupted in 1898 with Spain had its origins in the First Cuban Insurrection (1868–1878). The Cuban rebels had formed relationships with small groups of Americans committed to their cause. Many of these Americans supported the filibusters who attempted to run military supplies to the insurrectionists on the island. War had nearly erupted between the United States and Spain in 1873 when the Spanish captured the filibuster ship Virginius and executed most of the crew,",
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"title": "Cuban War of Independence",
"text": "atrocities against the native Cuban population, which were exaggerated for propaganda. Such coverage continued after Spain had replaced Weyler and changed its policies. American public opinion was very much in favor of intervening on behalf of the Cubans. In January 1898, a riot by Cuban Spanish loyalists against the new autonomous government broke out in Havana. They destroyed the printing presses of four local newspapers that had published articles critical of Spanish Army atrocities. The U.S. Consul-General cabled Washington with fears for the lives of Americans living in Havana. In response, the battleship USS \"Maine\" was sent to Havana in",
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"title": "History of Cuba",
"text": "a notable rise of Cuban nationalism. A number of independence conspiracies took place during the 1820s and 1830s, but all failed. Among these were the \"Expedición de los Trece\" (Expedition of the 13) in 1826, the \"Gran Legión del Aguila Negra\" (Great Legion of the Black Eagle) in 1829, the \"Cadena Triangular\" (Triangular Chain) and the \"Soles de la Libertad\" (Suns of Liberty) in 1837. Leading national figures in these years included Félix Varela and Cuba's first revolutionary poet, José María Heredia. In 1826, the first armed uprising for independence took place in Puerto Príncipe (Camagüey Province), led by Francisco",
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"title": "Emilia Casanova de Villaverde",
"text": "most of Spain's colonies in the Americas gained independence except for Cuba and Puerto Rico, which remained under Spanish rule. Cuban elites believed that Spanish colonialism would help maintain Cuba's domination of the sugar industry and prevent a slave uprising similar to the Haitian Revolution in 1791. Over the years, many inhabitants of Cuba and Puerto Rico grew dissatisfied with Spanish control, intensifying with the Ten Years' War (1868–1878), the first major rebellion challenging Spanish authority. Emilia Casanova de Villaverde first traveled to the United States in 1852, along with her father and two brothers. This trip gave her exposure",
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"title": "Cuba",
"text": "in Virginia, both British colonies; and 450,000 in French Saint-Domingue, which had large-scale sugar cane plantations. The Seven Years' War, which erupted in 1754 across three continents, eventually arrived in the Spanish Caribbean. Spain's alliance with the French pitched them into direct conflict with the British, and in 1762 a British expedition of five warships and 4,000 troops set out from Portsmouth to capture Cuba. The British arrived on 6 June, and by August had Havana under siege. When Havana surrendered, the admiral of the British fleet, George Keppel, the 3rd Earl of Albemarle, entered the city as a conquering",
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"title": "Carlota (rebel leader)",
"text": "of her involvement in the rebellion. She was an African-born Lucumí woman, but the date of her birth is unclear. She died in battle at the end of the brief revolt after it had spread to the San Rafael plantation. The Triunvirato rebellion was the last in a series of slave uprisings known as La Escalera in Cuba in 1843 and 1844, which resulted in a violent wave of repression against enslaved people and free people of color by the Spanish colonial government and other whites. According to scholarship on the topic, Carlota played a role in the Triunvirato rebellion",
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"title": "Republic of Cuba (1902–1959)",
"text": "Communist Party sided with Machado), uprisings among sugar workers, and an army revolt forced Machado into exile in August 1933. He was replaced by Carlos Manuel de Céspedes y Quesada, son of Cuban patriot Carlos Manuel de Céspedes and former ambassador to the US. In September 1933, the Sergeants' Revolt, led by Sergeant Fulgencio Batista, overthrew Céspedes. General Alberto Herrera served briefly as president (August 12–13) followed by Carlos Manuel de Céspedes y Quesada from August 13 until September 5, 1933. A five-member executive committee (the Pentarchy of 1933) was chosen to head a provisional government. They were ousted by",
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"title": "Francisco Vicente Aguilera",
"text": "Cuba. Henceforth, together with other wealthy landowners of the region, he spoke out openly against colonial Spanish rule. He led an anti-Spanish outbreak that occurred in Bayamo in 1867 and was selected as leader of a General Committee that had been designated to carry out plans for the insurrectionists. The other two members of this committee were Francisco Maceo and Pedro \"Perucho\" Figueredo, later author of the Cuban National Anthem. Aguilera actively participated in the creation of conspiratorial groups in diverse regions of the country, including the planning of preliminary reunions that culminated in the declaration of independence of October",
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"title": "José Antonio Aponte",
"text": "José Antonio Aponte José Antonio Aponte, often known as “Black” José Aponte, (died April 9, 1812 in Havana) was a Cuban political activist and military officer of Yoruba origin who organized one of the most prominent slave rebellions in Cuba, the Aponte Conspiracy of 1812. He held the rank of first corporal (\"cabo primero\") in Havana's black militia, and was the leader of his local Yoruba association. Aponte was a free black carpenter in Havana was proclaimed to be the leader of a plot to rebel against the Cuban government, free the slaves and uplift free people of color, and",
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"title": "Ten Years' War",
"text": "Ten Years' War The Ten Years' War () (1868–1878), also known as the Great War (\"Guerra Grande\") and the War of '68, was part of Cuba's fight for independence from Spain. The uprising was led by Cuban-born planters and other wealthy natives. On October 10, 1868 sugar mill owner Carlos Manuel de Céspedes and his followers proclaimed independence, beginning the conflict. This was the first of three liberation wars that Cuba fought against Spain, the other two being the Little War (1879–1880) and the Cuban War of Independence (1895–1898). The final three months of the last conflict escalated with United",
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] | {
"title": "Cuban War of Independence",
"long_answer": "Martí was killed shortly after landing on May 19, 1895, at Dos Rios, but Máximo Gomez and Antonio Maceo fought on, taking the war to all parts of Oriente. By the end of June, all of Camagüey was at war. Based on new research in Cuban sources, historian John Lawrence Tone demonstrated that Gomez and Maceo were the first to force the civilian forces to choose sides. \"Either they relocated to the east side of the islands, where the Cubans controlled the mountainous terrain, or they would be accused of supporting the Spanish and be subject to immediate trial and execution.\" Continuing west, they were joined by 1868 war veterans, such as Polish internationalist General Carlos Roloff and Serafín Sánchez in Las Villas, who brought weapons, men and experience to the revolutionaries' arsenal.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Martí was killed shortly after landing on May 19, 1895, at Dos Rios, but Máximo Gomez and Antonio Maceo fought on, taking the war to all parts of Oriente. By the end of June, all of Camagüey was at war. Based on new research in Cuban sources, historian John Lawrence Tone demonstrated that Gomez and Maceo were the first to force the civilian forces to choose sides. \"Either they relocated to the east side of the islands, where the Cubans controlled the mountainous terrain, or they would be accused of supporting the Spanish and be subject to immediate trial and",
"short_answers": [
"Antonio Maceo",
"Máximo Gomez"
} |
when was the first documented case of tool mark identification | [
] | [
"title": "Forensic firearm examination",
"text": "rifling leaves marks on the bullet that are indicative of that particular barrel. Prior to mass production of firearms, each barrel and bullet mold was hand made by gunsmiths making them unique. The first successful documented case of forensic firearm examination occurred in 1835 when a member of the Bow Street Runners in London matched a recovered bullet from a murder victim to a specific mold in a suspect's home confirming that he made the bullet. Further evidence that the bullet maker was the perpetrator was found in his home and he was convicted. As manufacturing and automation replaced hand",
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"title": "Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners",
"text": "Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners The Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners (AFTE) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of firearm and tool mark identification, which is one of the forensic sciences. Prior to 1969, police and civilian firearm and tool mark examiners regularly met during annual meetings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) to discuss concerns specific to their field. In 1969, 35 examiners from the United States and Canada met at the Chicago Police Department Crime Laboratory and formed the Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners. The first official",
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"title": "David R. Ashbaugh",
"text": "1983, Ashbaugh published the first article using the term ridgeology in forensic identification, creating also the terms level 1, level 2, and level 3 detail now in use in the identification community. In 1999, he authored a book treating of ridgeology methods, poroscopy, edgeoscopy, pressure distortion, and more. David R. Ashbaugh David Ashbaugh was born on 11 March 1946. He worked for more than thirty years at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police before retiring in 2004. During his career, he served more than twenty years as a certified forensic identification specialist. During his career, he contribute numerous articles to the",
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"title": "Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners",
"text": "Assistantship provides funding for approved projects that will result in the development of or improvements to investigative methods or techniques enhancing the quality of the discipline. Firearm identification is sometimes incorrectly referred to as ballistics. Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners The Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners (AFTE) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of firearm and tool mark identification, which is one of the forensic sciences. Prior to 1969, police and civilian firearm and tool mark examiners regularly met during annual meetings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) to discuss concerns",
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"title": "Forensic identification",
"text": "of their DNA from blood, skin, hair, saliva, and semen by DNA fingerprinting, from their ear print, from their teeth or bite by forensic odontology, from a photograph or a video recording by facial recognition systems, from the video recording of their walk by gait analysis, from an audio recording by voice analysis, from their handwriting by handwriting analysis, from the content of their writings by their writing style (e.g. typical phrases, factual bias, and/or misspellings of words), or from other traces using other biometric techniques. Since forensic identification has been first introduced to the courts in 1980, the first",
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"title": "Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners",
"text": "Association publication was \"AFTE Newsletter\" Number 1, published on May 15, 1969. In 1972, the title of the publication was changed to \"AFTE Journal\". Each year since 1969, an Annual AFTE training seminar has been held at locations throughout the United States and Canada. The primary purpose of the annual seminars is to provide for the interchange of information as it relates to all aspects of the science of firearm and tool mark identification. The fifth anniversary training seminar in Washington, D.C. in 1974 was attended by 87 individuals, representing three countries. Five years later, the seminar in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,",
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"title": "Forensic dentistry",
"text": "involving a conviction based on bite marks as evidence was the “Gorringe case”, in 1948, in which pathologist Keith Simpson used bite marks on the breast of the victim to seal a murder conviction against Robert Gorringe for the murder of his wife Phyllis. Another early case was \"Doyle v. State\", which occurred in Texas in 1954. The bite mark in this case was on a piece of cheese found at the crime scene of a burglary. The defendant was later asked to bite another piece of cheese for comparison. A firearms examiner and a dentist evaluated the bite marks",
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"id": "2497259",
"score": "1.0036099",
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"title": "Trace Metal Detection Test",
"text": "Trace Metal Detection Test The Trace Metal Detection Test (TMDT) or Technique was developed during the Vietnam War in the 1960s to identify people who may have been carrying firearms against their skin. A 0.2% solution of 8-hydroxyquinoline in isopropanol sprayed on the skin and illuminated with shortwave ultraviolet (UV) light after several minutes reveals a pattern and type of metal based on trace amounts of metal transferred to the skin that are invisible under normal lighting. The technique was later adopted by police in the United States to help determine if a person had carried a firearm. In a",
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"title": "Forensic dentistry",
"text": "independently and both concluded that the marks were made by the same set of teeth. The conviction in this case set the stage for bite marks found on objects and skin to be used as evidence in future cases. Another landmark case was \"People v. Marx\", which occurred in California in 1975. A woman was murdered by strangulation after being sexually assaulted. She was bitten several times on her nose. Walter Marx was identified as a suspect and dental impressions were made of his teeth. Impressions and photographs were also taken of the woman’s injured nose. These samples along with",
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"title": "Comparison microscope",
"text": "match bullets and cartridge cases to the guns used to fire them, and comparison microscopes have become more sophisticated. By the end of the 1980s, ballistic identification was an established sub-specialty of forensic science. Visualization tools have also been developed to allows the firearms examiner to verify the degree of similarity between any two tool-marks in question. These are designed to simulate the operation of the comparison microscope but is capable of rendering a 2D view of the 3D surfaces in a manner similar to that of the conventional comparison microscope. The prevalence of hand-gun related crime in the United",
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"title": "Wilfrid Derome",
"text": "in 1931 at the age of 54. He testified as Medical Expert and Ballistic Expert to the Crown in many legal cases during his career. In 1922, he became the first Expert in North America to testify in front of the Court on the determination of ethyl alcohol in the blood. In 1926, Dr. Derome invented the microspherometer which can reveal the marks left on the surface of bullets fired from a firearm for the purpose of identification. This discovery allowed to present scientific evidence in Court for the first time in ballistics. In 1929, the Derome laboratory was visited",
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"title": "Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners",
"text": "was attended by 149 examiners from seven countries. In 1980, AFTE published the AFTE Glossary. It consisted of definitions and illustrations related to the field of firearm and tool mark identification, commonly used abbreviations, various formulas for determining bullet energy and rate of spin and useful chemical formulas. A second, more comprehensive edition was published in 1982 and a third edition of the glossary was published in 1994. This edition featured material from the first two editions with additional definitions and illustrations as well as new appendices which included definitions for computer terminology, fingernail examinations (a tool mark in a",
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"title": "Marcel Jérôme Rigollot",
"text": "tools' position within the gravel attested to their age geologically and following visits to the site of Abbeville and Saint-Acheul by the paleontologist Hugh Falconer and the geologist Joseph Prestwich the great age of the tools was accepted by the wider archaeological community. Marcel Jérôme Rigollot Dr Marcel-Jérôme Rigollot (30 September 1786 – 29 December 1854) was a nineteenth-century French doctor and antiquarian famous for his role in the identification of evidence of some of Europe's earliest inhabitants. Working near Amiens, he was initially critical of the claims of Jacques Boucher de Perthes who believed he had found artefacts that",
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"title": "Fingerprint",
"text": "they refuse to reveal the technique. In the 1930s criminal investigators in the United States first discovered the existence of latent fingerprints on the surfaces of fabrics, most notably on the insides of gloves discarded by perpetrators. Since the late nineteenth century, fingerprint identification methods have been used by police agencies around the world to identify suspected criminals as well as the victims of crime. The basis of the traditional fingerprinting technique is simple. The skin on the palmar surface of the hands and feet forms ridges, so-called papillary ridges, in patterns that are unique to each individual and which",
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"title": "Walther Leisler Kiep",
"text": "Marks in 1991, but the verdict was revoked a year later by the Federal Court of Justice. In 1995, the public prosecution department of the city of Augsburg obtained the calendars of Karlheinz Schreiber, a German arms dealer. With the help of the documents, the persecutors were able to decipher a code of aliases and money movements, leading to Kiep. On 4 November 1999, the prosecution office issued an arrest warrant against Kiep, charging him with having accepted a payment of one million Deutsche Marks from Schreiber in 1991 without subjecting the money to taxes. After turning himself in a",
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"title": "Forensic dentistry",
"text": "in to analyze the mark. They reported conflicting results. One found the mark to come from suspect A and the other said it was from suspect B. This disagreement resulted from the fact that even though the two suspects had dental features making them unique, the bite mark itself was not detailed enough to reflect them. Therefore, the mark could have reasonably come from either of the men. The equivocal outcome demonstrated in the case emphasizes the difficulty in proving uniqueness. Most of the controversies facing bite mark analysis are due to the lack of empirical supporting evidence. When searching",
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"title": "Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners",
"text": "biological matrix), knives, machining terms, gunshot wound terminology and shooting scene reconstruction terminology. In 1982, AFTE published an official training manual to be used as a modular guide for the training of firearm and tool mark examiners. In 1989, AFTE hosted its 20th Anniversary Annual training seminar in Virginia Beach, VA. Some 210 individuals from twelve countries attended the seminar and in 1994 the training seminar in Indianapolis, Indiana was attended by over 300 individuals from 21 countries. The current membership of AFTE includes approximately 850 members, technical advisors and subscribers that represent over 40 countries from around the world.",
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"title": "Alphonse Bertillon",
"text": "the use of galvanoplastic compounds to preserve footprints, ballistics, and the dynamometer, used to determine the degree of force used in breaking and entering. The nearly 100-year-old standard of comparing 16 ridge characteristics to identify latent prints at crime scenes against criminal records of fingerprint impressions was based on claims in a 1912 paper Bertillon published in France. Bertillon died 13 February 1914 in Paris. Bertillon was a witness for the prosecution in the Dreyfus affair in 1894 and again in 1899. He testified as a handwriting expert and claimed that Alfred Dreyfus had written the incriminating document (known as",
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"title": "Forensic identification",
"text": "may intentionally leave subtle forensic markings on their products to identify them in case of piracy or involvement in a crime. (\"Cf.\" watermark, digital watermark, steganography. DNA marking.) Forensic identification Forensic identification is the application of forensic science, or \"forensics\", and technology to identify specific objects from the trace evidence they leave, often at a crime scene or the scene of an accident. Forensic means \"for the courts\". People can be identified by their fingerprints. This assertion is supported by the philosophy of friction ridge identification, which states that friction ridge identification is established through the agreement of friction ridge",
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"title": "Forensic identification",
"text": "a criminal investigation in 1986, it has aided investigators to solve many cases. DNA profiling is one of the most important tools in forensics and continued research will increase its ability and accuracy to provide more techniques for the future. There are many different applications for wildlife forensics and below are only some of the procedures and processes used to distinguish species. Species Identification: The important of species identification is most prominent in animal population that are illegally hunted, harvested, and traded, such as rhinoceroses, lions, and African elephants. In order to distinguish which species is which, mtDNA, or mitochondrial",
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"title": "Comparison microscope",
"text": "helpful to the investigation. Forensic innovator Calvin Goddard offered ballistic identification evidence in 1921 to help secure convictions of accused murderers and anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti. On April 8, 1927, Sacco and Vanzetti were finally sentenced to death in the electric chair. A worldwide outcry arose and Governor Alvin T. Fuller finally agreed to postpone the executions and set up a committee to reconsider the case. By this time, firearms examination had improved considerably, and it was now known that a semi-automatic pistol could be traced by several different methods if both bullet and casing were recovered from",
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"title": "Trademark",
"text": "marks at the UK Patent Office for the first time. Registration was considered to comprise \"prima facie\" evidence of ownership of a trade mark and registration of marks began on 1 January 1876. The 1875 Act defined a registrable trade mark as 'a device, or mark, or name of an individual or firm printed in some particular and distinctive manner; or a written signature or copy of a written signature of an individual or firm; or a distinctive label or ticket'. In the United States, Congress first attempted to establish a federal trademark regime in 1870. This statute purported to",
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"title": "United Kingdom trade mark law",
"text": "registration of trade marks at the UK Patent Office for the first time. Registration was considered to comprise prima facie evidence of ownership of a trade mark and registration of marks began on 1 January 1876. The first trade mark to be so registered was the red triangle of the Bass Brewery. The 1875 Act defined a registrable trade mark as \"a device, or mark, or name of an individual or firm printed in some particular and distinctive manner; or a written signature or copy of a written signature of an individual or firm; or a distinctive label or ticket\".",
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"title": "Forensics in antiquity",
"text": "did not, however, use that knowledge for criminal investigations (as in modern dactylography). But in the first century BC the Roman attorney Quintilian won his client’s acquittal for murder by showing that the suspect's hand did not match a bloody palm print at the murder site. Prints were more commonly used for identification. Hand and fingerprints were widely accepted as signatures as early as 2000 BC in Babylonia. Ancient physicians often took part in criminal investigations, in part because of their connections to rulers, and Hippocrates recommended as early as in the fourth century BC that physicians learn how to",
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"title": "Forensic dentistry",
"text": "multiple dental impressions in a lineup may enable forensic odontologists to significantly decrease the current bias in matching bite marks to the teeth of a suspect. The organization BOLD also supports the creation of a database of dental records, which could help in verifying dental uniqueness. This database could be created using criminal records or possibly all dental patients. In 1984, the ABFO began making an attempt to diminish the discrepancies and increase the validity of bite mark analysis by creating bite mark methodology guidelines. The guidelines attempt to establish standard terminology in describing bite marks and that reduces the",
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"title": "Lalji Singh",
"text": "wildlife identification services for the nation, based on the fundamental discovery of universal primer technology made by Sunil Kumar Verma and Singh (2001). The first DNA-based test for establishing the species identity of an unknown biological sample pertaining to a case of wildlife crime, was conducted in that laboratory in 2000. Since then, the laboratory has undertaken thousands of such cases on a routine basis for the entire country and has revitalized the field of wildlife forensics. The laboratory recorded a major success in the Assisted reproductive technology (ART) of wild animals, when the world's first successful artificial insemination of",
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"title": "Peterson Identification System",
"text": "United States and Europe and then around the world. Peterson Identification System The Peterson Identification System is a practical method for the field identification of animals, plants and other natural phenomena. It was devised by ornithologist Roger Tory Peterson in 1934 for the first of his series of \"Field Guide\"s (See Peterson Field Guides.) Peterson devised his system \"so that live birds could be identified readily at a distance by their 'field marks' without resorting to the bird-in-hand characters that the early collectors relied on. During the last half century the binocular and the spotting scope have replaced the shotgun.\"",
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"title": "Hoxne",
"text": "of handaxes and as the type site for the Hoxnian Stage (\"Hoxnian Interglacial\"). In 1797, John Frere (1740-1807) found flint hand tools found twelve feet deep in Hoxne Brick Pit, and he was the first person to recognise ancient tools as being man-made. One of his hand axes is in the British Museum. His letter to the Society of Antiquaries, read on 22 June 1797 and published in the Society's journal \"Archaeologia\" in 1800, argued for the antiquity of these handaxes as \"even beyond the present world\", in a period now recognised as belonging to the Lower Paleolithic Age. Frere",
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"title": "Experimental archaeometallurgy",
"text": "use. Often objects are made not just to prove a manufacturing process or to sit in a display case, but to show that a given object will show signs of wear that are similar to those present in the archaeological record. Roberts and Ottaway conducted such experimental reconstructions by casting bronze axes using them in a preconceived manner and then comparing the results against known archaeological remains. Results gathered from such experimentation have found that objects have comparable wear patterns and there are European socketed axes that were deposited used as well as unused. Tool mark identification can also go",
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"title": "East Wenatchee Clovis Site",
"text": "uncovered by Mark Mickels, and also by farmworker Moises Aguirre Calzada on May 27, 1987, while installing an irrigation line. His digging unearthed about two dozen stone bifaces, which were at first mistaken for tools left by contemporary Indian tribes. Orchard co-owner Rich Roberts and his wife Joanne later showed the items to local amateur archaeologist Russell S. Congdon, who identified them as Clovis tools and subsequently contacted archaeologist Robert Mierendorf. The tool kit manufactured by the Clovis culture is one of the earliest known in the Americas, persisting from about 11,050 to 10,800 radiocarbon years BP. The site was",
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] | {
"title": "Forensic firearm examination",
"long_answer": "The ability to compare ammunition is a direct result of the invention of rifling around the turn of the 16th century. By forcing the bullet to spin as it travels down the barrel of the weapon the bullet's accuracy greatly increases. At the same time, the rifling leaves marks on the bullet that are indicative of that particular barrel. Prior to mass production of firearms, each barrel and bullet mold was hand made by gunsmiths making them unique. The first successful documented case of forensic firearm examination occurred in 1835 when a member of the Bow Street Runners in London matched a recovered bullet from a murder victim to a specific mold in a suspect's home confirming that he made the bullet. Further evidence that the bullet maker was the perpetrator was found in his home and he was convicted. As manufacturing and automation replaced hand tools, the ability to compare bullets became impossible due to the standardization of molds within a specific company. However, experts in the field postulated that there were microscopic differences on each barrel left during the manufacturing process. These differences were a result of wear on the machines and since each new weapon caused a tiny amount of wear, each barrel would be slightly different from every other barrel produced by that company. Also, each bullet fired from a specific barrel would be printed with the same marks, allowing investigators to identify the weapon that fired a specific bullet.",
"chunked_long_answer": "rifling leaves marks on the bullet that are indicative of that particular barrel. Prior to mass production of firearms, each barrel and bullet mold was hand made by gunsmiths making them unique. The first successful documented case of forensic firearm examination occurred in 1835 when a member of the Bow Street Runners in London matched a recovered bullet from a murder victim to a specific mold in a suspect's home confirming that he made the bullet. Further evidence that the bullet maker was the perpetrator was found in his home and he was convicted. As manufacturing and automation replaced hand",
"short_answers": [
} |
who has won the mens singles title in the australian open tennis tournament | [
"Roger Federer"
] | [
"title": "2018 Australian Open – Men's Singles",
"text": "Roger Federer was the defending champion and successfully defended his title, defeating Marin Čilić in the final, 6–2, 6–7, 6–3, 3–6, 6–1. It was Federer's 20th Grand Slam singles title and record-equalling sixth Australian Open men's singles title (tied with Roy Emerson and Novak Djokovic). With the win, Federer became the first male player to win at least six titles at two Grand Slam tournaments (six at the Australian Open and eight at Wimbledon). Federer became the oldest man to win a Grand Slam singles title in the Open era since Ken Rosewall in 1972. The time span between Federer's",
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"title": "Martin Mulligan",
"text": "Martin Mulligan Martin \"Marty\" Mulligan (born 18 October 1940) is a former tennis player from Australia. He is best known for reaching the men's singles final at Wimbledon in 1962, where he was defeated by fellow Australian Rod Laver. Mulligan was born in the Sydney suburb of Marrickville. In 1958 he won the Boys' Singles title at the Australian Championships, as well as the Boys' Doubles (w/Bob Hewitt). He was runner-up in the Men's Doubles at the Australian Championships in 1961. In 1962 he was in the finals of the Dutch Open in Hilversum, and he won the men's singles",
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"title": "Blake Ellis (tennis)",
"text": "Blake Ellis (tennis) Blake Ellis (born 6 January 1999) is an Australian tennis player. Ellis has a career high ATP singles ranking of 424 on 20 August 2018. Ellis won the 2016 Australian Open boys' doubles championships alongside Alex De Minaur. Ellis made his senior debut in October 2014 at the Australia F7, where he lost in round 1. Between 2015–17, Ellis competed in the ITF Men's Circuit around Australia, Asia, and Europe, with his best result in that time period being a semi-final appearance in the August 2017 Thailand F6 Futures tournament in Nonthaburi. In October 2017, Ellis won",
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"title": "Alexandre Sidorenko",
"text": "Alexandre Sidorenko Alexandre Sidorenko (born 18 February 1988) is a French tennis player. He has a career-high singles ranking of world no. 145, achieved in May 2009. His main achievement is to have won the Boys' Singles title at the 2006 Australian Open. Alexandre Sidorenko has only played in three major singles tournaments at the professional level and has lost on all three occasions. In 2005 he was defeated by Evgeny Korolev in the first round of the ATP tour Marseille Open. He lost in the first round of the 2007 French Open against Werner Eschauer as a wildcard, when",
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"title": "Wayne Arthurs (tennis)",
"text": "career. In February 2005 he achieved a belated breakthrough in singles by winning the ATP event in Scottsdale, United States, the Tennis Channel Open, in straight sets over Croat Mario Ančić. No other player in history had won his first ATP singles title at such an advanced age (Arthurs was almost 34 at the time). He also was a runner-up there for doubles with Paul Hanley, and lost to American team Bob and Mike Bryan. He is an Australian hero when it comes to Davis Cup, winning countless doubles rubbers for Australia. Throughout his singles career Arthurs experienced victory over",
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"title": "1974 Australian Open – Men's Singles",
"text": "below. Jimmy Connors is the champion; others show the round in which they were eliminated. 1974 Australian Open – Men's Singles Jimmy Connors defeated Phil Dent 7–6, 6–4, 4–6, 6–3 in the final to win the Men's Singles tennis title at the 1974 Australian Open. John Newcombe was the defending champion, but lost in the quarterfinals to Ross Case. Björn Borg competed in this Australian Open for the first and only time in his career. He lost to Dent in the third round. The format was the same as the previous year with the first round best of 3 sets",
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"title": "Nick Kyrgios",
"text": "Nick Kyrgios Nicholas Hilmy Kyrgios ( ; born 27 April 1995) is an Australian professional tennis player who is currently ranked world No. 35 in men's singles by the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP). He is currently the second highest-ranked Australian in the ATP rankings. Kyrgios has won four ATP Titles, and has reached seven ATP finals, including the 2017 Cincinnati Masters. During his junior career, Kyrgios won the boys' singles event at the 2013 Australian Open and the boys' doubles event at the 2013 Wimbledon Championships. During his professional career, Kyrgios reached the quarter-finals of the 2014 Wimbledon Championships—upsetting",
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"title": "Kyle Edmund",
"text": "Kyle Edmund Kyle Steven Edmund (born 8 January 1995) is a British professional tennis player. He is a top 20 player and has been the top-ranked male British tennis player since March 2018. Edmund is an Australian Open semi-finalist, and only the sixth British man to play in a major singles semi-final in the Open era. He won his maiden ATP Tour title at Antwerp in October 2018. Edmund made his Davis Cup debut in the 2015 final, against Belgium, with Great Britain winning the tournament for the first time in 79 years. The Davis Cup team won the 2015",
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"title": "1974 Australian Open – Men's Singles",
"text": "1974 Australian Open – Men's Singles Jimmy Connors defeated Phil Dent 7–6, 6–4, 4–6, 6–3 in the final to win the Men's Singles tennis title at the 1974 Australian Open. John Newcombe was the defending champion, but lost in the quarterfinals to Ross Case. Björn Borg competed in this Australian Open for the first and only time in his career. He lost to Dent in the third round. The format was the same as the previous year with the first round best of 3 sets and the rest of the tournament best of 5 sets. The seeded players are listed",
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"title": "Blake Ellis (tennis)",
"text": "his first Challenger match against Austrian Lucas Mielder in the Canberra International. At the 2018 Shimadzu All Japan Indoor Tennis Championships, Ellis had his best Challenger-level performance to date, winning his qualifying matches and then defeating two previous tournament champions in 5th seed Tatsuma Ito and 3rd seed Go Soeda en route to a semi-final loss against fellow Australian and eventual champion John Millman. Blake Ellis (tennis) Blake Ellis (born 6 January 1999) is an Australian tennis player. Ellis has a career high ATP singles ranking of 424 on 20 August 2018. Ellis won the 2016 Australian Open boys' doubles",
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"title": "Omar Jasika",
"text": "Omar Jasika Omar Jasika (; born 18 May 1997) is an Australian tennis player. He is the 2014 US Open boys' singles champion defeating Quentin Halys in the final. Jasika along with Naoki Nakagawa also won the 2014 US Open boys' doubles title after defeating Rafael Matos and João Menezes in the final. In winning both, Jasika became the first player in 28 years to win both the boys’ singles and doubles events at the US Open. Jasika has a career-high singles ranking of World No. 239 achieved on 3 April 2017. Jasika was born in Melbourne, Australia. He is",
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"title": "2017 Australian Open – Men's singles final",
"text": "Open and his last appearance in the Australian Open men's singles final was against Stan Wawrinka in 2014, which Wawrinka won in four sets. Nadal, however, won the Monte-Carlo Masters title in 2016, while Federer, for the first time since 2000, did not win a tournament title. Prior to the 2017 Australian Open, Nadal had reached the quarterfinals of the 2017 Brisbane International, losing to Milos Raonic, while Federer had played in the 2017 Hopman Cup in singles and mixed round robins with Belinda Bencic, winning two and losing one match in both singles and mixed doubles (the Swiss team",
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"id": "19972748",
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"title": "Peter Luczak",
"text": "more Challenger events in Canberra and Košice which was on his favoured clay surface. Luczak made his Davis Cup debut for Australia in 2005 against Argentina on grass, where he lost a dead rubber to Guillermo Coria, in addition to this he reached his best ever performance at ATP level where reached the semi-finals as a qualifier beating Fernando González at the Brasil Open along the way before losing to Alberto Martín Luczak equalled his best Australian Open performance by making the third round in 2006 losing in four sets to Tommy Haas indoors as the roof was closed due",
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"title": "James Baily",
"text": "James Baily James Baily (born 1 February 1975) is a British former professional tennis player who won the boys' singles title at the 1993 Australian Open. Born in Portsmouth, Baily is originally from Curbridge, a village in Hampshire. At the 1993 Australian Open, a day before his 18th birthday, Baily defeated New Zealander Steven Downs in the boys' singles final. This made him the first British player in 28 years to win a junior grand slam title, since Gerald Battrick in 1965. Bailey, who was coached by Steve Shaw, couldn't make the transition to professional tennis and appeared only in",
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"title": "2017 Australian Open – Men's Singles",
"text": "Slam champion since Ken Rosewall had won the 1972 Australian Open at 37 years and 63 days old. Andy Murray \"(Fourth round)\" 2017 Australian Open – Men's Singles Novak Djokovic was the two-time defending champion, but lost in the second round to the 117th ranked Denis Istomin from Uzbekistan. It was the first time since the 2008 Wimbledon Championships, where he lost to Marat Safin, that Djokovic failed to make it past the second round of a major and the first time since the 2006 Australian Open that he failed to make it to the third round in Melbourne. Roger",
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"title": "Oliver Anderson",
"text": "Oliver Anderson Oliver Anderson (born 30 April 1998) is an Australian tennis player. Anderson remains suspended from playing professional tennis due to being found guilty of match fixing his first round match at the 2016 Latrobe City Traralgon ATP Challenger. Anderson is best known for winning the 2016 Australian Open – Boys' Singles title over Jurabek Karimov. Anderson made his professional debut at the age of 14 in March 2013 when he received a wildcard entry into an Australian futures tournament in his home state of Queensland. He would lose in the first round of both the singles and doubles",
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"title": "Jordan Thompson (tennis)",
"text": "Open and to Dominic Thiem in the Australia v Austria 2018 Davis Cup World Group Play-offs. Following this in October, Thompson returned to the Challenger circuit reaching another three consecutive finals, winning the Traralgon Challenger and Canberra Tennis International. In 2018, he reached eight Challenger title finals, winning three. \"This table is current through the 2018 Rolex Paris Masters.\" Jordan Thompson (tennis) Jordan Thompson (born 20 April 1994) is an Australian professional tennis player, reaching a career high ranking of World No. 63 on 13 February 2017. He made his grand slam debut at the 2014 Australian Open after winning",
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"title": "Martin Mulligan",
"text": "between 1968 and 1971. He was the coach of Italian Davis Cup team for ten years and was the first non-Italian to receive the Golden Racquet Award by the Italian Tennis Federation. Martin Mulligan Martin \"Marty\" Mulligan (born 18 October 1940) is a former tennis player from Australia. He is best known for reaching the men's singles final at Wimbledon in 1962, where he was defeated by fellow Australian Rod Laver. Mulligan was born in the Sydney suburb of Marrickville. In 1958 he won the Boys' Singles title at the Australian Championships, as well as the Boys' Doubles (w/Bob Hewitt).",
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"title": "Tristan Lamasine",
"text": "his doubles debut in a non-Grand Slam ATP World Tour tournament by partnering Paul-Henri Mathieu; the unseeded pair lost in the first round of the main draw. \"Current through 2018 Australian Open. \"Current through 2018 Australian Open. Tristan Lamasine Tristan Lamasine (; born 5 March 1993 in Thiais, France) is a French tennis player. From 2010 to 2015, Lamasine played mostly in the ATP Challenger Tour and the ITF Men's Circuit. He made his ATP Challenger Tour singles debut (at the 2011 Challenger Banque Nationale de Rimouski) in March 2011 and ITF Men's Circuit singles debut (at a tournament in",
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"title": "2018 Australian Open – Men's Singles",
"text": "It was the first time since the 2011 Australian Open that Federer and Nadal were the top 2 seeds at a grand slam. This was the first time since the 2008 Wimbledon Championships that two unseeded players (Chung Hyeon and Kyle Edmund) reached the semifinals of the men's singles event at a Grand Slam tournament, and the first time at the Australian Open since 1999. Chung became the first South Korean player to reach the quarterfinals and semifinals of a Grand Slam event. Djokovic's fourth-round loss to Chung was his first straight-sets loss at the Australian Open since 2007. 2018",
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"title": "Matt Reid (tennis)",
"text": "round one in straight sets. In February 2014, Reid won the Burnie Challenger, which increased his ranking to a career high of 183. \"Current till 2018 European Open. Matt Reid (tennis) Matt Reid (born 17 July 1990) is an Australian professional tennis player. His highest ATP singles ranking is world No. 183, which he reached on 3 February 2014. His career high in doubles was at world No. 60 set on 11 September 2017. As a junior, he was runner-up in the Wimbledon Boys Doubles in 2008 partnering Bernard Tomic. He reached the second round of the Australian Open Men's",
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"title": "Matt Reid (tennis)",
"text": "Matt Reid (tennis) Matt Reid (born 17 July 1990) is an Australian professional tennis player. His highest ATP singles ranking is world No. 183, which he reached on 3 February 2014. His career high in doubles was at world No. 60 set on 11 September 2017. As a junior, he was runner-up in the Wimbledon Boys Doubles in 2008 partnering Bernard Tomic. He reached the second round of the Australian Open Men's Doubles in 2013 partnering Samuel Groth. In 2013, Matt Reid made his Grand Slam main draw debut at Wimbledon after booking his spot through qualifying. He lost in",
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"title": "Joseph Sirianni",
"text": "Joseph Sirianni Joseph Sirianni (born 17 January 1975) is a former Australian tennis player from Melbourne, Victoria. Sirianni was born to father Joseph and mother Ida. Sirianni turned professional in 1996 and he plays right-handed. He achieved his career-high singles ranking of World Number 138 on 20 October 2008. Sirianni has participated in the Australian Open on five occasions (1999, 2000, 2003, 2008, 2009). Sirianni earned a wildcard into the main draw of the 1999 Australian Open Men's Singles Draw. While he lost in the first round to Mariano Zabaleta, the match went into a fifth set. Eventually, Zabaleta won",
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"title": "Christopher O'Connell",
"text": "Christopher O'Connell Christopher \"Chris\" O'Connell (born 3 June 1994) is an Australian professional tennis player. He grew up on the Northern Beaches of Sydney. O'Connell reached a career high ATP singles ranking of 219 in February 2017 making him the 9th ranked Australian men's singles player. He made his ATP World Tour debut in January 2017 in his hometown at the Sydney International, progressing through qualifying. O'Connell played his first ITF Men's Circuit match in October 2011, where he defeated Robert Howe in the Australia F8 before being defeated in the second round. O'Connell ended 2011 with a ranking of",
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"title": "Allan McDonald (tennis)",
"text": "Allan McDonald (tennis) Allan McDonald (born 1 March 1951) is a former professional tennis player from Australia. McDonald, a Sydney born player, represented the Australian Junior Davis Cup team in the late 1960s. He won the boys' singles title at the 1969 Australian Open and partnered with Greg Perkins to win the boys' doubles event at the 1970 Australian Open. On the men's circuit he competed until 1975 but was unable to replicate his junior success. His best performance in a grand slam tournament came at the 1971 Wimbledon Championships, where he made the round of 16 in the mixed",
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"title": "Lucas Pouille",
"text": "to Jérémy Chardy. In July, Pouille won his second ITF Men's Circuit singles title of 2013 in Estonia (he had earlier in April won the ITF Men's Circuit Vietnam F3 singles title). In October, Pouille lost in the singles semifinals of the ATP Challenger Tour tournament in Kazan, which was hitherto his best singles performance in an ATP Challenger Tour tournament. Pouille received wildcards for the singles main draw of the 2014 Australian Open and the 2014 French Open, where he lost in the first round to Dušan Lajović and Juan Mónaco respectively. In September, Pouille reached his first career",
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"title": "2016 Australian Open – Men's Singles",
"text": "2016 Australian Open – Men's Singles Novak Djokovic was the defending champion and successfully defended his title, defeating Andy Murray, 6–1, 7–5, 7–6 in a rematch of the previous year's final, and the fourth Australian Open final between the pair. Djokovic also equaled Roy Emerson's all-time men's record of six Australian Open singles titles. Murray also became the second man in the Open Era (after Ivan Lendl) to lose five Grand Slam finals at one event, and is the only one to have the distinction without having won the title. Australian Lleyton Hewitt, a 2005 finalist, two-time Grand Slam champion",
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"title": "2015 Australian Open – Men's Singles",
"text": "of eleven consecutive Australian Open semifinals ended when he lost to Andreas Seppi in the third round. The defeat marked Federer's earliest exit from the tournament since 2001. Nick Kyrgios became the first teenager to reach the Australian Open quarterfinals since Andrei Cherkasov in 1990 and the first Australian to reach that round since Lleyton Hewitt in 2005. Kyrgios also became the first teenager to reach a second Grand Slam quarterfinal since Rafael Nadal in 2006. Novak Djokovic (Champion) 2015 Australian Open – Men's Singles Stan Wawrinka was the defending champion, but he lost in the semifinals to Novak Djokovic.",
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"title": "Alex de Minaur",
"text": "Alex de Minaur Alex de Minaur ( ; , ; born 17 February 1999) is an Australian tennis player. He has a career-high ATP singles ranking of 31 achieved in October 2018. He is currently the second youngest player ranked in the top 100 and the highest ranked Australian male player in singles. de Minaur was born in Sydney, Australia. His father, Anibal, is Uruguayan and his mother, Esther, is Spanish. His father owned an Italian restaurant on George Street in Sydney where he met Esther when she began working there as a waitress. de Minaur has two sisters and",
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"title": "2018 Australian Open – Men's Singles",
"long_answer": "Roger Federer was the defending champion and successfully defended his title, defeating Marin Čilić in the final, 6–2, 6–7, 6–3, 3–6, 6–1. It was Federer's 20th Grand Slam singles title and record-equalling sixth Australian Open men's singles title (tied with Roy Emerson and Novak Djokovic). With the win, Federer became the first male player to win at least six titles at two Grand Slam tournaments (six at the Australian Open and eight at Wimbledon). Federer became the oldest man to win a Grand Slam singles title in the Open era since Ken Rosewall in 1972. The time span between Federer's first Grand slam glory at Wimbledon and this latest, almost 15 years, is an Open era record in the men's singles field. This was also the 10th time that Federer has defended a Grand Slam title, with the previous time being at the 2008 US Open. Čilić became the first Croatian player to reach a singles final at the Australian Open.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Roger Federer was the defending champion and successfully defended his title, defeating Marin Čilić in the final, 6–2, 6–7, 6–3, 3–6, 6–1. It was Federer's 20th Grand Slam singles title and record-equalling sixth Australian Open men's singles title (tied with Roy Emerson and Novak Djokovic). With the win, Federer became the first male player to win at least six titles at two Grand Slam tournaments (six at the Australian Open and eight at Wimbledon). Federer became the oldest man to win a Grand Slam singles title in the Open era since Ken Rosewall in 1972. The time span between Federer's",
"short_answers": [
"Roger Federer"
} |
when did beds become popular in france and germany | [
"the 12th century"
] | [
"title": "Bed",
"text": "In the 12th century, luxury increased and bedsteads were made of wood much decorated with inlaid, carved, and painted ornamentation. They also used folding beds, which served as couches by day and had cushions covered with silk laid upon leather. At night a linen sheet was spread and pillows placed, while silk-covered skins served as coverlets. The Carolingian manuscripts show metal bedsteads much higher at the head than at the feet, and this shape continued in use until the 13th century in France, many cushions being added to raise the body to a sloping position. In 12th-century manuscripts, the bedsteads",
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"title": "Bed",
"text": "to the walls, a form which developed later into a room within a room, shut in by double curtains, sometimes even to exclude all drafts. The space between bed and wall was called the \"ruelle\", and very intimate friends were received there. The 14th century is also the time when feather beds became highly prized possessions. In the 15th century beds became very large, reaching by . The mattresses were often filled with pea-shucks, straw, or feathers. At this time great personages were in the habit of carrying most of their property about with them, including beds and bed-hangings, and",
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"title": "Bed",
"text": "for this reason the bedsteads were for the most part mere frameworks to be covered up; but about the beginning of the 16th century bedsteads were made lighter and more decorative, since the lords remained in the same place for longer periods. In the 17th century, which has been called \"the century of magnificent beds\", the style \"a la duchesse\", with tester and curtains only at the head, replaced the more enclosed beds in France, though they lasted much longer in England. Louis XIV had an enormous number of sumptuous beds, as many as 413 being described in the inventories",
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"title": "Bedroom",
"text": "on mattresses that were stuffed with hay and broom straws. During the 16th century mattresses stuffed with feathers started to gain popularity, with those who could afford them. The common person was doing well if he could buy a mattress after seven years of marriage. In the 18th century cotton and wool started to become more common. The first coil spring mattress wasn’t invented until 1871. The most common and most purchased mattress is the innerspring mattress, though a wide variety of alternative materials are available including foam, latex, wool, and even silk. The variety of firmness choices range from",
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"title": "Canopy bed",
"text": "medieval Europe for warmth and privacy, as their attendants often slept in the same room. Until the 16th century, these beds, even those of the nobles, were fairly plain and understated. During this period, carved work on the headboard and posts became popular and more ornate canopy beds followed. In pre-Republican China, until 1911, the family's canopy bed was the most important piece of household furniture, and often part of the bride's dowry. As signifiers of status, these beds were often intricately decorated with auspicious motifs, particularly relating to fertility, longevity and a happy marital union. Today’s canopy beds generally",
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"title": "Bed",
"text": "Versailles women received their friends in their beds, both before and after childbirth, during periods of mourning, and even directly after marriage—in fact in any circumstances which were thought deserving of congratulation or condolence. During the 17th century this curious custom became general, perhaps to avoid the tiresome details of etiquette. Portable beds were used in high society in France until the end of the \"Ancien Régime\". The earliest of which mention has been found belonged to Charles the Bold. They had curtains over a light framework, and were in their way as fine as the stationary beds. Iron beds",
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"title": "Box-bed",
"text": "the 19th and 20th centuries. Fine pieces were put in museums (Lampaul-Guimiliau, Nantes, Quimper, Rennes, St-Brieuc), while most of them were converted into bookshelves, dressers or TV cabinets. In the 21st century, rental companies offer nights in authentic box-beds. The contemporary Breton designers Erwan and Ronan Bouroullec have reinterpreted the form with their \"lit-clos\", 2000 for Galerie kreo. Box-beds were also used to protect people of the home from the animals (pigs, hens) also living in the house, or even to protect them from wolves who might enter houses and snatch babies. In the Netherlands the closet-bed, or \"bedstede\", was",
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"title": "Bed",
"text": "were little more than piles of straw or some other natural material (e.g. a heap of palm leaves, animal skins, or dried bracken). An important change was raising them off the ground, to avoid drafts, dirt, and pests. 23-5 million years ago, before the advent of humans, apes began creating beds composed of a sleeping platform including a wooden pillow. Bedding dated around to 3600 BC was discovered in Sibudu Cave, South Africa. The bedding consists of sedge and other monocotyledons topped with the leaves of Cryptocarya woodii Engl. Beds found in a preserved northern Scottish village, which were raised",
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"title": "Bed",
"text": "started a mechanism that made the women wave their fans. In 1865, a convertible bed in the form of an upright piano was available, which could provide home entertainment while saving space. There are many varieties of beds: Bed frames, also called bed steads, are made of wood or metal. The frame is made up of head, foot, and side rails. For heavy duty or larger frames (such as for queen- and king-sized beds), the bed frame also includes a center support rail. These rails are assembled to create a box for the mattress or mattress/box spring to sit on.",
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"title": "Bed frame",
"text": "brass bed styles include traditional, Art Deco, Victorian, transitional, Edwardian and contemporary. Iron beds are beds in which the headboard and footboard are made of iron; the frame rails are usually made of steel. Iron beds were developed in 17th century Italy to address concerns about infestation by bed bugs and moths. An iron cradle (with dangerously pointed corner posts) has been dated to 1620-1640. From the start of their production in the 1850s until World War I, iron beds were handmade. The manufacturing process included hand pouring and polishing intricately detailed casting and hand applying finishes. In the many",
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"title": "Bed",
"text": "increased and bedsteads were made of wood much decorated with inlaid, carved, and painted ornamentation. They also used folding beds, which served as couches by day and had cushions covered with silk laid upon leather. At night a linen sheet was spread and pillows placed, while silk-covered skins served as coverlets. The Carolingian manuscripts show metal bedsteads much higher at the head than at the feet, and this shape continued in use until the 13th century in France, many cushions being added to raise the body to a sloping position. In 12th-century manuscripts, the bedsteads appear much richer, with inlays,",
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"title": "Bed",
"text": "boxes made of stone and likely topped with comfortable fillers, were dated to between 3200 BC and 2200 BC. The Egyptians had high bedsteads which were ascended by steps, with bolsters or pillows, and curtains to hang around. The elite of Egyptian society such as its pharaohs and queens even had beds made of wood, sometimes gilded. Often there was a head-rest as well, semi-cylindrical and made of stone, wood, or metal. Ancient Assyrians, Medes, and Persians had beds of a similar kind, and frequently decorated their furniture with inlays or appliques of metal, mother-of-pearl, and ivory. The adjacent image",
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"title": "Bedding",
"text": "light and purity, as well as a symbol of prosperity. The Egyptian mummies were often wrapped in bed linen. Roman Empire mattresses were stuffed with wool, feather, reeds or hay. The beds were decorated with paint, bronze, silver, jewels and gold. In Japan, mattress types were stuffed with cotton and rolled up for storage during the day. During the Renaissance, mattresses were stuffed with straw and feathers and then covered with silks, velvets or satin material. In the 18th century, Europeans began to use bed frames made from cast iron, and mattresses that were made of cotton. In the 19th",
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"title": "François Louis Castelnaux Darrac",
"text": "He adapted them into his chairs and bed bases, thus creating the \"sommier élastique\" (French for bed base with elastic/spring suspension). The advantage of the bed base was that a much thinner mattresses could be produced, thus saving material. The bed base consisted of a combination of natural fillings and metal springs, thus enhancing the comfort. The invention initially saw limited commercial success, but it was later sold by a succession of several new owners under the name \"Literie Darrac\" in Paris, France. Darrac's invention was later perfected and used in mattresses fitted with a combination of natural comfort fillers",
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"title": "Box-bed",
"text": "upstairs. It was the main furniture of rural houses in Brittany until the 20th century. Often carved and decorated, it was the pride of its owners. Closed-beds were 1.60 to 1.70 m length, long enough for people of that region who were rather small. And because they slept in an almost sitting position, they leaned on three or four pillows. It was the tradition of the Middle Ages not to sleep lying down, because that is the position of the dead and of effigies. Later out of fashion and because they were expensive to make, box-beds were gradually abandoned in",
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"title": "Bed",
"text": "appear in the 18th century; the advertisements declare them as free from the insects which sometimes infested wooden bedsteads. Elsewhere, there was also the closed bed with sliding or folding shutters, and in England—where beds were commonly quite simple in form—the four poster was the usual citizen's bed until the middle of the 19th century. Bed sizes vary considerably around the world, with most countries having their own standards and terminology. While the \"double\" size appears to be standard among English speaking countries, based on the imperial measurement of 4 ft 6 in by 6 ft 3 in (137 cm",
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"title": "Bed",
"text": "with expensive woods; sometimes it was of solid ivory veneered with tortoise-shell and with silver feet; often it was of bronze. The pillows and coverings also became more costly and beautiful; the most celebrated places for their manufacture were Miletus, Corinth and Carthage. Folding beds, too, appear in the famous Ancient Greek vase paintings. Roman mattresses were stuffed with reeds, hay, or wool. Feathers were used towards the end of the Republic, when custom demanded luxury. Small cushions were placed at the head and sometimes at the back. The bedsteads were high and could only be ascended by the help",
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"title": "Mattress",
"text": "and hence \"mat, cushion\". During the Crusades Europeans adopted the Arabic method of sleeping on cushions on the floor, and the word \"materas\" eventually descended into Middle English through the Romance languages. The oldest known mattress dates to around 77,000 years ago. Early mattresses contained a variety of natural materials including straw, feathers or horse hair. In the first half of the 20th century, a typical mattress sold in North America had an innerspring core and cotton batting or fiberfill. Modern mattresses usually contain either an inner spring core or materials such as latex, viscoelastic or other flexible polyurethane foams.",
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"title": "Bedding",
"text": "century the bed spring was invented, also called the box spring. In the 20th century United States, consumers bought the inner spring mattress, followed in the 1960s by the water bed (originating on the West Coast), and adoption of Japanese-style futons, air mattresses, and foam rubber mattresses and pillows. Bedding sizes are made with consideration of the dimensions of the bed and mattress for which it is to be used. Bed sizes vary around the world, with countries having their own standards and terminology. Mattress sizes can be categorized by their country of sale: In Spain, standard mattress widths are",
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"title": "Infant bed",
"text": "with a dropside. With the hinge side lowered, the bed could be moved on casters, and they could be moved right up to the carer's bed when needed. Iron beds were developed in 17th century Italy to address concerns about bed bug infestation and moths. This new application was quickly extended to children's beds - a rockable iron bassinette (with spear-like corner posts) has been dated to 1620-1640. Proponents promoted the supposed health benefits of iron beds. Infant beds constructed from metal became popular during the later half of the 19th century. Infant beds (and bassinettes) constructed from iron with",
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"title": "François Louis Castelnaux Darrac",
"text": "and metal springs, thus creating the spring mattress. François Louis Castelnaux Darrac François Louis Castelnaux Darrac was a French master upholsterer who lived from 1775 to 1862. Darrac was one of the most important upholsterers of his generation. He was upholsterer for the French Court. Darrac's work can be found in the Chateau de Versailles. Darrac was also an inventor. In August 1812, he was granted a patent (Brevet d'invention) for five years for his new methods for upholstering furniture and his new method of producing a bed base. Darrac got his idea for his patent in Germany, where upholstered",
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"title": "Bed",
"text": "of his palaces. Some of them had embroideries enriched with pearls, and figures on a silver or golden ground. The great bed at Versailles had crimson velvet curtains on which \"The Triumph of Venus\" was embroidered. So much gold was used that the velvet scarcely showed. In the 18th century feather pillows were first used as coverings in Germany, which in the fashions of the bed and the curious etiquette connected with the bedchamber followed France for the most part. The beds were \"a la duchesse\", but in France itself there was great variety both of name and shape. The",
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"title": "Bed warmer",
"text": "century, electric blankets and then the electric bed warmer, (containing a lampholder and low wattage light bulb), were invented to fulfill the same need. Bed warmer A bed warmer was a common household item in countries with cold winters, especially in Europe. It consisted of a metal container, usually fitted with a handle and shaped somewhat like a modern frying pan, with a solid or finely perforated lid. The pan would be filled with river stones preheated from the fireplace and placed under the covers of a bed, to warm it up and/or dry it out before use. After the",
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"title": "Box-bed",
"text": "was always the 'seat of honour,' and served also as a step for climbing into the bed. It was also used to store clothing, underwear and bedding the rest of the time. In Brittany, the closed-bed (French: \"lit-clos\") (Breton: \"gwele-kloz\") is a traditional furnishing. In homes with usually only one room, the box-bed allowed some privacy and helped keep people warm during winter. Similar enclosed bed furniture was once also found in western Britain; Devon, Cornwall, Wales particularly in Gower. Some closed-beds were built one above the other in a double-decker, two-story arrangement. In this case, young people were sleeping",
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"title": "Louis XVI furniture",
"text": "and wealthy were usually square or rectangular, with four high posts supporting a canopy called the \"ciel\", or sky. The \"ciel\" could either be fixed to the bedposts, or to the wall. Curtains were usually hung from the \"ciel\" and could be drawn to enclose the bed. In the 18th century different variants of the canopy appeared. In a bed \"a la Duchesse\" the canopy covered the entire bed, while in a bed \"a l'ange\", or \"like an angel\", the canopy covered only the head of the bed. The head of the bed, with its ornate \"chevet\" or headboard, was",
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"title": "Quilting",
"text": "developed into the later quilted doublet worn as part of fashionable European male clothing from the fourteenth to seventeenth century. The earliest known surviving European bed quilt is from late-fourteenth-century Sicily: the Tristan quilt made of linen and padded with wool. The blocks across the center are scenes from the legend of Tristan. The quilt is and is in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. The word \"quilt\" comes from the Latin \"culcita\" meaning a stuffed sack, but it came into the English language from the French word \"cuilte\". In American Colonial times, quilts were predominantly whole-cloth quilts–a single",
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"title": "Beter Bed",
"text": "founded in 1981 in Uden by the brothers Mark and Pieter Diks. They raised capital from their father, Jan Diks, co-owner of Dico, managed to secure a modest bank loan and opened their first store in Uden. Shortly afterwards three stores, specialising in bedroom furniture, had been opened. At that time stores specialising in bedroom furniture and accompanying products were a new and unfamiliar phenomenon in the Netherlands since this market segment was dominated by large department stores and specialists concentrating on general interiors. The concept of providing high quality goods and a wide range of products at a low",
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"title": "Charles P. Rogers",
"text": "brass bed business which he began in earnest in early 1855. He began selling brass beds after becoming the sole importer of Fisher Brown & Co. of Birmingham, England one of the major European producers of sought after, finely crafted brass beds. As his bedding business increased he began selling other items such as down comforters, pillows, bedsprings, divans, iron bedsteads and also began making specialized yacht cushions. Chas Rogers soon became the leading importer as well as manufacturer of high-end brass and iron bedsteads and bedding in New York City. After being highly recommended in the 1870 New York",
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"title": "Mattress",
"text": "are more compatible with certain types of mattresses such as latex or memory foam. These are particularly popular in Europe, and for one business accounted for 25% of beds in Sweden in 2010 and 70% of beds in the Netherlands. Mattress sizes vary widely around the world. Wikipedia has a dedicated article, bed size, that details custom and practice internationally. Mattress A mattress is a large, rectangular pad for supporting the reclining body, designed to be used as a bed or on a bed frame, as part of a bed. Mattresses may consist of a quilted or similarly fastened case,",
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"title": "Charles P. Rogers",
"text": "Borough of Manhattan in 1854, with another bedding maker named Bradford Willard, a loose association which continued until the late 1850s. Due to bed bugs and vermin during this period in the city, iron and brass beds became fashionable both for style and as they harbored no hiding places for the pests as most wood furniture did. Rogers looked to capitalize on this growing demand. His first retail location in New York City was at 384 Hudson Ave. in lower Manhattan. Chas was selling mattresses, cots, iron bed frames and wholesaling other materials while developing contacts and suppliers for his",
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] | {
"title": "Bed",
"long_answer": "In the 12th century, luxury increased and bedsteads were made of wood much decorated with inlaid, carved, and painted ornamentation. They also used folding beds, which served as couches by day and had cushions covered with silk laid upon leather. At night a linen sheet was spread and pillows placed, while silk-covered skins served as coverlets. The Carolingian manuscripts show metal bedsteads much higher at the head than at the feet, and this shape continued in use until the 13th century in France, many cushions being added to raise the body to a sloping position. In 12th-century manuscripts, the bedsteads appear much richer, with inlays, carving, and painting, and with embroidered coverlets and mattresses in harmony. Curtains were hung above the bed and a small hanging lamp is often shown.",
"chunked_long_answer": "In the 12th century, luxury increased and bedsteads were made of wood much decorated with inlaid, carved, and painted ornamentation. They also used folding beds, which served as couches by day and had cushions covered with silk laid upon leather. At night a linen sheet was spread and pillows placed, while silk-covered skins served as coverlets. The Carolingian manuscripts show metal bedsteads much higher at the head than at the feet, and this shape continued in use until the 13th century in France, many cushions being added to raise the body to a sloping position. In 12th-century manuscripts, the bedsteads",
"short_answers": [
"the 12th century"
} |
who wrote the song the glory of love | [
"Billy Hill"
] | [
"title": "The Glory of Love (song)",
"text": "\"The Glory of Love\" is a song written by Billy Hill, recorded by Benny Goodman in 1936, whose version was a number one pop hit. In 1951, R&B vocal group, The Five Keys, had their biggest R&B hit with their version of the song, hitting number one on the R&B chart for four non-consecutive weeks. Although The Five Keys recording sold a reported million copies pressed recordings are very rare.",
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"title": "Glory of Love",
"text": "Glory of Love \"Glory of Love\" is a 1986 song by Peter Cetera written and composed by Cetera, David Foster, and Cetera's then-wife Diane Nini, and recorded by Cetera shortly after he left the band Chicago to pursue a solo career. Featured in the 1986 film \"The Karate Kid Part II\", it was Cetera's first hit single after he left the band, reaching number one on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, and it was included on his 1986 album, \"Solitude/Solitaire\", which Michael Omartian produced.<ref name=\"Solitude/SolitaireCD\"></ref> (Cetera released this album to coincide with the theatrical release of \"The Karate Kid Part II\".)",
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"title": "Glory of Love",
"text": "new release. Glory of Love \"Glory of Love\" is a 1986 song by Peter Cetera written and composed by Cetera, David Foster, and Cetera's then-wife Diane Nini, and recorded by Cetera shortly after he left the band Chicago to pursue a solo career. Featured in the 1986 film \"The Karate Kid Part II\", it was Cetera's first hit single after he left the band, reaching number one on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, and it was included on his 1986 album, \"Solitude/Solitaire\", which Michael Omartian produced.<ref name=\"Solitude/SolitaireCD\"></ref> (Cetera released this album to coincide with the theatrical release of \"The Karate Kid",
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"title": "Glory of Love",
"text": "Original Song, and a Golden Globe in the category of Best Original Song. It was also nominated for a Grammy Award in 1987 for Best Pop Vocal Performance by a Male Artist. It went on to win an ASCAP Award for Most Performed Songs from a Motion Picture and a BMI Film & TV Award for Most Performed Song from a Film. According to Cetera, he originally wrote and composed \"Glory of Love\" as the end title for the 1985 film \"Rocky IV\", but it was passed over by United Artists, and instead was used as the theme for \"The",
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"original_retrieval_index": 4
"title": "Cathy Jean and the Roommates",
"text": "Cathy Jean and the group had never met in person when the record was issued. Credited to Cathy Jean and the Roommates, and promoted by leading radio DJ \"Murray the K\", the record rose to #12 in the \"Billboard\" pop chart in early 1961. The Roommates then had success with their own record, \"Glory of Love\", a song first recorded in 1936 by Benny Goodman and an R&B chart hit in 1951 for The Five Keys. The Roommates' version reached #49 on the chart. The group continued to back Cathy Jean on her later singles, toured with her and recorded",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "16853461",
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"title": "Peter Cetera",
"text": "Film. It was also nominated for both an Academy Award and a Golden Globe Award in the category of Best Original Song, as well as a Grammy Award for Best Pop Vocal Performance by a Male Artist. He performed a shortened version of the song live at the 59th Academy Awards ceremony. In two interviews Cetera gave in 1987, he discussed people’s confusion about \"Glory of Love\", and said they thought initially that it was a new song by Chicago. By February of that year, however, he had achieved enough recognition as a solo performer to win the American Video",
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"id": "3866337",
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"title": "Alive with the Glory of Love",
"text": "on lead singer Max Bemis's grandparents' survival of the holocaust. The female guard that blows the whistle is the actress Carina Rhea. Alive with the Glory of Love \"Alive with the Glory of Love\" is the first single from Say Anything's second album \"...Is a Real Boy\". \"Alive with the Glory of Love\" was released to radio on June 20, 2006. The song was a hit for the band, charting at number twenty-eight on the Alternative Songs chart. The song, described as an \"intense and oddly uplifting rocker about a relationship torn by the Holocaust,\" by the \"Pittsburgh Post-Gazette\", is",
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"title": "Love and Happiness",
"text": "sales, an edited version of the song was finally released as a U.S. single in the summer of 1977, backed with \"Glory Glory\" (catalog number 45-2324). The single peaked at #104 on the pop chart and #82 on the R&B chart. The song was also featured as the lead-off track on \"Al Green's Greatest Hits, Volume II\" (1977) and appeared on reissues of his first greatest hits compilation. A cover of the song by Earnest Jackson was released as a single on John Fred's Louisiana-based Stone Records in 1973. It has also been covered by such performers as Etta James,",
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"title": "Judee Sill",
"text": "Rossen, Final Fantasy, Marissa Nadler, Frida Hyvönen and Meg Baird, among others. In November 2016, in conjunction with Record Store Day, the Fruit Bats released \"The Glory of the Fruit Bats\", a limited edition LP comprising previously unreleased originals, select covers, and cinematic instrumentals, including a cover of \"My Man on Love\" from Sill's 1971 debut album. Judee Sill Judee Sill (born Judith Lynne Sill, October 7, 1944 – November 23, 1979) was an American singer and songwriter. The first artist signed to David Geffen's Asylum label, she released two albums on Asylum and partially completed a third album before",
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"title": "Peter Cetera",
"text": "His first single, \"Glory of Love\" was used as the theme song for the film \"The Karate Kid Part II\". Co-written by Cetera, David Foster, and Diane Nini, Cetera has said it was written originally for the film, \"Rocky IV\". It was a number one hit on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and Adult Contemporary charts in the US in 1986, and achieved similar success throughout the world. It went on to win an ASCAP Award for Cetera for Most Performed Songs from Motion Pictures and a BMI Film & TV Award for David Foster for Most Performed Song from a",
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"title": "Glory-Anne Carriere",
"text": "Glory-Anne Carriere Glory-Anne Carriere (born 1947 in Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan) is a Canadian country singer, who received Juno Award nominations for Most Promising Female Vocalist at the Juno Awards of 1978 and Best Country Female Vocalist at the Juno Awards of 1980. She has recorded and performed both as a solo artist and as a duo with her husband, Ronnie Prophet. Her singles as a solo artist included \"Rocky Road\", \"Woman Alone\", \"Kelly Green\", \"In My Dreams\", \"Sugartime\" and \"Small Talk\", while her singles as a duo with Prophet included \"Storybook Children\", \"If This Is Love\", \"I'm Glad We're Bad at",
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"title": "Alive with the Glory of Love",
"text": "documents the love between two individuals as they live their lives in the ghetto, in hiding, and in the work camp. In an interview, Bemis said: \"I thought about what it would be like to be in love and be separated from the person you love, because these times are just as dire in a way. Anything can happen, in a war and terrorist attacks and cynicism and all these actors who oppose love.\" The music video goes between shots of the band playing in front of a tree and a preteen boy who is sleeping in what we are",
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"title": "Glory to God",
"text": "and written by lyricist Isaac Bikkers (1833-1903). The hymn is thus one of a series that have drawn on that text, including Angels We Have Heard on High, Angels from the Realms of Glory, While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks, and, by far the most ancient, the Greater Doxology or Gloria in Excelsis Deo. The music is attributed to F.A. Schultz, of whom little is known except for references by others that a Franz Albert Schultz wrote a song book while working at a college in Königsberg in 1731. No copies of this book are extant. The music is grandiose in",
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"title": "Glory of Love",
"text": "a time when sales of 45-rpm vinyl records were in rapid decline. One record company executive estimated that sales of the \"Glory of Love\" single was down by over a quarter of a million units compared to what it might have been a few years earlier. \"Glory of Love\" made its first appearance on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in the US at number 62, for the week ending on June 7, 1986, and debuted at number 59 on the \"Cash Box\" Top 100 Singles chart that same date. In the same issue, \"Cash Box\" also shows the single as a",
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"title": "Thine Be the Glory",
"text": "his favourite hymn tune, as a basis to write \"Praised Be the Father\" for his wedding. A church choir in Hoorn helped the congregation to sing it. In the Netherlands, it is used as a wedding hymn. In Germany, it is an Advent hymn called Zion's Daughter. It was written by Friedrich-Heinrich Ranke using the same tune as Thine Be the Glory and published in Evangelisches Gesangbuch fur Elsass-Lothringern. It has been argued that Thine Be the Glory was based on this hymn. In Spain it is used as a wedding hymn with the lyrics \"Canticorum iubilo\", probably based on",
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"title": "Alive with the Glory of Love",
"text": "Alive with the Glory of Love \"Alive with the Glory of Love\" is the first single from Say Anything's second album \"...Is a Real Boy\". \"Alive with the Glory of Love\" was released to radio on June 20, 2006. The song was a hit for the band, charting at number twenty-eight on the Alternative Songs chart. The song, described as an \"intense and oddly uplifting rocker about a relationship torn by the Holocaust,\" by the \"Pittsburgh Post-Gazette\", is actually semi-biographical in nature, telling the story of songwriter and vocalist Max Bemis's grandparents, both of whom were Holocaust survivors. The song",
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"title": "Glory Song",
"text": "was impressed by the enthusiasm with which the crowd sang it. Alexander wrote, “It took such a hold of me that I could think of nothing else for days thereafter. I got my friends to sing it. I dreamed about it, and woke to the rhythm of it. Then I began to teach it to large audiences, and soon whole towns were ringing with the melody.” Alexander also saw college students in Kansas singing the song as they paraded in the streets, and about 800 people coming to a revival on a chartered train singing the song at the station.",
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"title": "Glory Song",
"text": "and trials are o’er, Chorus: 2. When by the gift of His infinite grace, 3. Friends will be there I have loved long ago; During the early summer of 1900, while bicycle riding with a Chicago publisher [probably E. O. Excell], for whom he was at the time preparing manuscript, he said to his friend: “I’ve got a song that is going to live!” He then gave the title of, and made brief quotations from, “O that will be glory.” He was paid $10. for the song. The inspiration for the song is said to have been a man named",
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"title": "Howard Finster",
"text": "include Memory Dean, Pierce Pettis, and Adam Again. In 1994, a portion of his \"Paradise Garden\" was installed as part of the permanent collection of Atlanta's High Museum. Bill Mallonee of the Vigilantes of Love (also a Christian from Athens, Georgia) wrote a song inspired by Finster's artwork called \"The Glory and the Dream\" in 1994. Howard Finster was responsible for introducing millions to outsider art, but even with his fame, he remained focused on religious outreach. He said of the Talking Heads album, \"I think there's twenty-six religious verses on that first cover I done for them. They sold",
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"title": "Don Gardner",
"text": "mold of Ike & Tina Turner, and the song became their biggest hit, rising to number 4 on the \"Billboard\" R&B chart in 1962 and number 20 on the pop chart. The song was later recorded by Otis Redding, Alexis Korner, Tom Jones, Jackie Wilson, and many others. Gardner and Ford's previous record company, KC Records, then released an old recording, \"Glory of Love\", which made number 75 on the pop chart, before Fire released the official follow-up, \"Don't You Worry\", which reached number 7 on the R&B chart and number 66 pop. After recording an LP for Fire, \"Need",
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"title": "Glory of Love",
"text": "\"Glory of Love\" peaked at number one on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart on August 2, 1986, remaining in that spot for two weeks. It also spent five weeks atop the U.S. adult contemporary chart. \"Billboard\" ranked the power ballad as number fourteen on the Top Pop Singles of 1986,<ref name=\"BB 12/27/86\"></ref> and number four on the Top Adult Contemporary Singles of 1986. The song achieved similar success in the UK, peaking at number three on the UK Singles Chart, where it was the 26th best-selling single of 1986. The song earned nominations for an Academy Award for Best",
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"title": "Michael Baughen",
"text": "is particularly known for his tune \"Lord of the Years\" for Timothy Dudley-Smith's hymn of the same name. He is also well known as editor of and writer and composer for \"Youth Praise\" (Book 1, 1964, and Book 2, 1969) and \"Psalm Praise\" (1973), and for \"Hymns for Today's Church\" (Jubilate Hymns, 1982), for which he was consultant editor and contributor, and as Editorial Chairman of \"Sing Glory\" (2000). Michael Baughen Michael Alfred Baughen (born 7 June 1930) is a retired Anglican bishop. Born in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, he was educated at Bromley County Grammar School, the University of London and",
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"title": "Glory Song",
"text": "Ed Card, superintendent of the Sunshine Rescue Mission in St. Louis, MO. During worship services at the mission, Card would frequently exclaim, “Glory!” and he became known as “Old Glory Face.” Charles M. Alexander had a great deal to do with popularizing the song, even though his first impression of the song was negative. He wrote that when he first saw it in publication, he said to himself, “That man has wasted a page, for I do not believe that song will be sung much,” but several months later he heard it being sung at a Sunday school convention, and",
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"title": "Lou Fellingham",
"text": "met with Christian songwriter and musician Gary Sadler, who wrote \"Ancient of Days\" to write new material for her third album, entitled, \"Step Into The Light.\" It was released in May 2010 and launched at a special concert held at the Komedia in Brighton. The concert was sold out. The album includes a new version of the Fanny Crosby hymn \"To God Be the Glory\". Published by Kingsway Music and produced by keyboardist Mark Edwards, the album features various individuals that have worked with highly successful musical artists. Lou Fellingham Louise \"Lou\" Fellingham (née Hunt), (born 5 May 1974), is",
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"title": "Judy Cheeks",
"text": "is the author of \"Love and Honor\" about her late father Reverend Julius Cheeks. She is the founder of School of Miracles (SOM) Judy Cheeks Judy Cheeks is a singer and actress who has worked with other musical artists as well having her own solo career in the 1970s and 1980s as a soul and R&B singer, before returning in the 1990s when she released more dance-orientated music. Born in Miami, Florida, Cheeks is the daughter of gospel legend Rev. Julius Cheeks. Her first recording was a blues album entitled \"Judy Cheeks\" produced by Ike Turner in 1973. A tour",
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"title": "Strange Brother",
"text": "young man and distinguished author and lecturer who does not return June Westbrook's affections. June Westbrook: June is a young heterosexual divorcée who works as a newspaper columnist. She is a central character in the story, being Mark's closest friend. It has been suggested that the Harlem nightclub entertainer in the novel named Glory is based upon the jazz singer Adelaide Hall who introduced the song “Creole Love Call” in 1927, but this is probably unlikely as Adelaide Hall and Beatrice Lillie are the only contemporary entertainers of the time mentioned in the text. This happens when Hall and Lillie",
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"title": "Blaze of Glory (Jon Bon Jovi song)",
"text": "The Rectory near Moab, Utah. Blaze of Glory (Jon Bon Jovi song) \"Blaze of Glory\" is the debut solo single by Jon Bon Jovi which reached No. 1 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and the Mainstream rock chart in 1990, his only chart-topper away from his band Bon Jovi. The song also reached No. 1 on the \"Billboard\" Album Rock Tracks chart. \"Blaze of Glory\" also topped the ARIA music chart in Australia for a total of six weeks, and reached No. 13 on the UK Singles Chart. The power ballad was allegedly recorded by Jon Bon Jovi because Emilio",
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"title": "To God Be the Glory",
"text": "To God Be the Glory To God Be the Glory is a hymn with lyrics by Fanny Crosby and tune by William Howard Doane, first published in 1875. It appears to have been written around 1872 but was first published in 1875 in Lowry and Doane's song collection, \"\"Brightest and Best\".\" It was already popular in Great Britain before publication. Ira Sankey had introduced it there during Moody's 1873-1874 evangelistic campaigns. Despite this, the song failed to achieve wide usage in the United States and was included in very few hymnals. In 1954 Cliff Barrows, song leader for Billy Graham,",
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"title": "To God Be the Glory",
"text": "the Son;<br> But purer, and higher, and greater will be<br> Our wonder, our rapture, when Jesus we see. To God Be the Glory To God Be the Glory is a hymn with lyrics by Fanny Crosby and tune by William Howard Doane, first published in 1875. It appears to have been written around 1872 but was first published in 1875 in Lowry and Doane's song collection, \"\"Brightest and Best\".\" It was already popular in Great Britain before publication. Ira Sankey had introduced it there during Moody's 1873-1874 evangelistic campaigns. Despite this, the song failed to achieve wide usage in the",
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"title": "Misia Ff",
"text": "a member of the trip-hop band called Glorybox. in the period 2002–2003. She recently recorded a track with for his new album \"Songs That Make Sense\" featuring a.o Mark Lanegan, Chris Olley or Poogie Bell. Their duet \"Summer of love\", is the first single promoting the album. Her list of favourite/inspiring songs, prepared for a radio interview in January 2011 included works by Bob Dylan, David Bowie, The Smiths, Lou Reed and John Cale, PJ Harvey, Radiohead, The National and Local Natives. Elle Magazine (October 2012 issue) listed her amongst \"the 12 most promising talents of 2012\" In October 2013",
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"score": "1.021244",
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] | {
"title": "The Glory of Love (song)",
"long_answer": "\"The Glory of Love\" is a song written by Billy Hill, recorded by Benny Goodman in 1936, whose version was a number one pop hit. In 1951, R&B vocal group, The Five Keys, had their biggest R&B hit with their version of the song, hitting number one on the R&B chart for four non-consecutive weeks. Although The Five Keys recording sold a reported million copies pressed recordings are very rare.",
"chunked_long_answer": "\"The Glory of Love\" is a song written by Billy Hill, recorded by Benny Goodman in 1936, whose version was a number one pop hit. In 1951, R&B vocal group, The Five Keys, had their biggest R&B hit with their version of the song, hitting number one on the R&B chart for four non-consecutive weeks. Although The Five Keys recording sold a reported million copies pressed recordings are very rare.",
"short_answers": [
"Billy Hill"
} |
who wrote the book the origin of species | [
"Charles Darwin"
] | [
"title": "On the Origin of Species",
"text": "On the Origin of Species (or more completely, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life), published on 24 November 1859, is a work of scientific literature by Charles Darwin which is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology. Darwin's book introduced the scientific theory that populations evolve over the course of generations through a process of natural selection. It presented a body of evidence that the diversity of life arose by common descent through a branching pattern of evolution. Darwin included evidence that he had",
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"title": "Genetics and the Origin of Species",
"text": "Genetics and the Origin of Species Genetics and the Origin of Species is a 1937 book by the Ukrainian-American evolutionary biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky. It is regarded as one of the most important works of the modern synthesis, and was one of the earliest. The book popularized the work of population genetics to other biologists, and influenced their appreciation for the genetic basis of evolution. In his book, Dobzhansky applied the theoretical work of Sewall Wright (1889-1988) to the study of natural populations, allowing him to address evolutionary problems in a novel way during his time. Dobzhansky implements theories of mutation,",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "3982504",
"score": "1.0219687",
"original_retrieval_index": 1
"title": "Primordial soup",
"text": "origin of the primitive organism—probably a simple cell—from which all the others have descended. When Darwin assumes a special creative act for this first species, he is not consistent, and, I think, not quite sincere.\"\" Although Darwin did not speak explicitly about the origin of life in On the Origin of Species, he did mention a \"\"warm little pond\"\" in a letter to Joseph Dalton Hooker dated February 1st, 1871 A coherent scientific argument was introduced by a Soviet biochemist Alexander Oparin in 1924. According to Oparin, in the primitive Earth's surface, carbon, hydrogen, water vapour, and ammonia reacted to",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "3005514",
"score": "1.0211556",
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"title": "J. William Schopf",
"text": "J. William Schopf James William Schopf (born September 27, 1941) is an American paleobiologist and professor of earth sciences at the University of California Los Angeles. He is also Director of the Center for the Study of Evolution and the Origin of Life, and a member of the Department of Earth and Space Sciences, the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, and the Molecular Biology Institute at UCLA. He is most well known for his study of Precambrian prokaryotic life in Australia's Apex chert. Schopf has published extensively in the peer reviewed literature about the origins of life on Earth.",
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"id": "16753407",
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"original_retrieval_index": 4
"title": "Arthur Keith",
"text": "\"Origin of Species\" is the sixth edition published 1879. It is for this reason that all later publications of \"Origin of Species\" are actually reprints of this or earlier editions so that there is simply no \"100th edition\" of Darwin's work. The quote appears to stem from a 1947 article about—not by—Arthur Keith, in the magazine The Nineteenth Century, which was then misattributed. Redman, Samuel J. Bone Rooms: From Scientific Racism to Human Prehistory in Museums. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press) 2016. Arthur Keith Sir Arthur Keith FRS (5 February 1866 – 7 January 1955) was a Scottish anatomist and anthropologist,",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "5335902",
"score": "1.0125184",
"original_retrieval_index": 7
"title": "Patrick Matthew",
"text": "published \"On the Origin of Species\" in 1859, he and Alfred Russel Wallace were regarded by their scientific peers as having originated (independently of each other) the theory of evolution by natural selection; it has been suggested that Darwin and/or Wallace had encountered Matthew's earlier work, but there is no hard evidence of this. After the publication of \"On the Origin of Species\", Matthew contacted Darwin, who in subsequent editions of the book acknowledged that the principle of natural selection had been anticipated by Matthew's brief statement, mostly contained in the appendices and \"addendum\" of his 1831 book, \"On Naval",
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"id": "4016932",
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"title": "On the Origin of Species",
"text": "the publication of \"On the Origin of Species\" and the bicentenary of Darwin's birth were scheduled for 2009. They celebrated the ideas which \"over the last 150 years have revolutionised our understanding of nature and our place within it\". In a survey conducted by a group of academic booksellers, publishers and librarians in advance of Academic Book Week in the United Kingdom, \"On the Origin of Species\" was voted the most influential academic book ever written. It was hailed as \"the supreme demonstration of why academic books matter\" and \"a book which has changed the way we think about everything\".",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "408820",
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"title": "Kirk Cameron",
"text": "\"On the Origin of Species\" on college campuses in the United States. The book consisted of Darwin's text with chapters of the book removed, and with an added introduction by Ray Comfort reiterating common creationist assertions about Darwin and evolution. The book was criticized by scientists and Darwin biographers who criticized the omission of key chapters of the book, and who stated that its introduction contains misinformation about Darwin, and long-refuted creationist arguments about the science of evolution, such as the linking of Nazi racial theories to Darwinist ideas. Comfort later said that the four chapters were chosen at random",
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"title": "Benjamin G. Ferris",
"text": "they were not the author. Ferris was the author of \"A New Theory of the Origin of Species\" (1872 and republished 1883). The book advocated an unorthodox form of creationism. Paleontologist Edward Drinker Cope negatively reviewed the book in \"The American Naturalist\" stating that \"his theory, that each new specific form is produced from the matrix of a pre-existent species by supernatural power, is only a form of the old belief in distinct creations, and is not a developmental theory in any sense. He produces no evidence in support of it, in fact, he does not appear to know what",
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"title": "Janet Siefert",
"text": "Janet Siefert Janet Louise Siefert received her PhD from the University of Houston (1997) and is an Associate Research Professor in the Department of Statistics at Rice University since January, 1998. She is an origin of life researcher who received her training from Dr. George E. Fox, co-discoverer of the third domain of life. Siefert's work deals with understanding life's origins through microbial ecology and genomic and metabolic evolution. She has worked for 20 years in Cuatro Ciénegas, Mexico, a desert oasis protected by the Mexican government and known to exhibit endemism equal to the Galapagos. She is the first",
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"title": "Reactions to On the Origin of Species",
"text": "pro-evolution scientists and Unitarians with liberal churchmen, two of the authors were indicted for heresy and lost their jobs by 1862. In October 1860, John Phillips published \"Life on the Earth, its origin and succession\", reiterating points from his Rede Lecture and disputing Darwin's arguments. He sent a copy to Darwin, who thanked him, though \"sorry, but not surprised, to see that you are dead against me\". On 20 November, Darwin told Lyell of his revisions for a third edition of the \"Origin\", including removing his estimate of the time it took for the Weald to erode: \"The confounded Wealden",
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"title": "Austin Hobart Clark",
"text": "Clark was author to more than 600 publications written in English, French, Italian, German, and Russian. Some of the most well-known include \"Animals of Land and Sea\" (1925), \"Nature Narratives\" (two volumes, 1929 and 1931), \"The New Evolution\" (1930), and \"Animals Alive\" (1948). Several animal species and genera were first scientifically described by Clark, including the Lesser Antillean macaw (1905), the Martinique parrot (1905), the Dominican green-and-yellow macaw (1908), the mulga parrot (1910), the crustacean genus \"Laomenes\" (1919) or the starfish species \"Copidaster lymani\" (1948). Clark is best known for his evolutionary theory called zoogenesis, which he introduced in his",
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"title": "Alfonso L. Herrera",
"text": "nueva ciencia del origin de la vida\" (\"Plasmogeny – The New Science of the Origin of Life\"). His experiments were published in two scientific journals which he founded: \"Gaceta de Plasmogenia\" (in Spanish) and \"Bulletin du Laboratoire de Plasmogenie\" (in French). He also wrote a number of other scientific texts. Several of his books have now appeared in English translation. Three reptiles are named in his honor: \"Kinosternon herrerai\" (Herrera's mud turtle), \"Barisia herrerae\" (Herrera's alligator lizard), and \"Lampropeltis zonata herrerae\" (Todos Santos Island kingsnake). Alfonso L. Herrera Alfonso Luis Herrera (1868 – 1942) was a Mexican biologist, author, educator",
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"title": "Harriet Martineau",
"text": "When Darwin's book \"The Origin of Species\" was published in 1859, his brother Erasmus sent a copy to his old flame Harriet Martineau. At age 58, she was still reviewing from her home in the Lake District. From her \"snow landscape\", Martineau sent her thanks, adding that she had previously praised the quality & conduct of your brother's mind, but it is an unspeakable satisfaction to see here the full manifestation of its earnestness & simplicity, its sagacity, its industry, & the patient power by which it has collected such a mass of facts, to transmute them by such sagacious",
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"title": "Susan Middleton",
"text": "with Mary Ellen Hannibal. Her latest book is titled \"Spineless\", which was published in 2014. In 2009, Middleton partnered with author Mary Ellen Hannibal on \"Evidence of Evolution\" which commemorated the 150th anniversary of another publication: Darwin’s On the Origin of Species. In this work, she drew on the extensive collections of the California Academy of Sciences for her photographic subjects. In 2014, Middleton published \"Spineless: Portraits of Marine Invertebrates, the Backbone of Life\", a book featuring 250 pictures, a foreword by Sylvia Earle, essays, and short descriptions of marine invertebrates. Middleton spent seven years from 2006 to 2013 photographing",
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"title": "On the Origin of Species",
"text": "Haeckel would convince Huxley that comparative anatomy and palaeontology could be used to reconstruct evolutionary genealogies. The leading naturalist in Britain was the anatomist Richard Owen, an idealist who had shifted to the view in the 1850s that the history of life was the gradual unfolding of a divine plan. Owen's review of the \"Origin\" in the April 1860 \"Edinburgh Review\" bitterly attacked Huxley, Hooker and Darwin, but also signalled acceptance of a kind of evolution as a teleological plan in a continuous \"ordained becoming\", with new species appearing by natural birth. Others that rejected natural selection, but supported \"creation",
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"title": "Max Delbrück",
"text": "the Origin of Species with compelling evidence contradicting Lamarck. Darwin said that evolution is not predetermined but that there are inherent variations in all organisms, and that those variations that confer increased fitness are selected by the environment and passed on to the offspring. In the feud between Lamarck and Darwin, Darwin talked of pre-existing changes, but the nature of these changes was not known and had to await the science of genetics by Gregor Mendel's experiments on pea plants published in 1866. Support for Darwin's theory was provided when Thomas Morgan Hunt discovered that a mutated white-eyed fruit fly",
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"title": "Genetics and the Origin of Species",
"text": "whiz by.\" The book began as a series of lectures at Columbia University in October and November 1936. Dobzhansky decided to attend the summer 1936 meeting of the Genetics Society of America in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. When the geneticist Leslie Dunn learned of this, he invited Dobzhansky to give a series of lectures at Columbia. He sent the invitation in April, and within a month he had suggested that the lectures be a springboard for writing a general treatise on evolutionary genetics. Dobzhansky was enthusiastic, and in May he wrote back, proposing the title \"Genetics and the Origin of Species\".",
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"title": "J. William Schopf",
"text": "University of California Los Angeles as Assistant Professor of Paleobiology. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 1970, and to full Professor in 1973. Since 1984 he holds a join post of Director of Center for the Study of Evolution and the Origin of Life at UCLA. Schopf is the discoverer of one of the oldest microfossils on Earth. He was the first to discover Precambrian fossils around the world. In 1987, with Bonnie M. Packer, he reported the discovery of microfossils from the Early Archean Apex Basalt and Towers Formation of northwestern Western Australia. He suggested that the apparent",
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"title": "William Whewell",
"text": "returned from the \"Beagle\" voyage he was directly influenced by Whewell, who persuaded Darwin to become secretary of the Geological Society of London. The title pages of \"On the Origin of Species\" open with a quotation from Whewell's \"Bridgewater Treatise\" about science founded on a natural theology of a creator establishing laws: \"But with regard to the material world, we can at least go so far as this—we can perceive that events are brought about not by insulated interpositions of Divine power, exerted in each particular case, but by the establishment of general laws.\" In the 1857 novel \"Barchester Towers\"",
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"title": "Ernst Haeckel",
"text": "Zealand; and the asteroid 12323 Haeckel. Darwin's 1859 book \"On the Origin of Species\" had immense popular influence, but although its sales exceeded its publisher's hopes it was a technical book rather than a work of popular science: long, difficult and with few illustrations. One of Haeckel's books did a great deal to explain his version of \"Darwinism\" to the world. It was a bestselling, provocatively illustrated book in German, titled \"Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte\", published in Berlin in 1868, and translated into English as \"The History of Creation\" in 1876. It was frequently reprinted until 1926. Haeckel argued that human evolution",
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"title": "Antonio Lazcano",
"text": "also promotes the study of evolutionary biology and the origins of life, all over the world. Antonio Lazcano Antonio Eusebio Lazcano Araujo Reyes (born 1950) is a Mexican biology researcher and professor of the School of Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in Mexico City. He has studied the origin and early evolution of life for more than 35 years. Lazcano pursued his undergraduate and graduate studies at UNAM, where he focused on the study of prebiotic evolution and the emergence of life. He has been professor-in-residence or visiting scientist in France, Spain, Cuba, Switzerland, Russia, and",
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"title": "Isabelle Wight Duncan",
"text": "Genesis in the bible. Her Pre-Adamite theory postulated a race of people before Adam which also explained where angels came from. The book was published just after Darwin published \"On the Origin of Species\" and after the evidence that mammoths and humans lived at the same time. At that time the bible gave evidence that the earth was thousands and not millions of years old. She explained the recent findings from geology but surmising that chapter one of Genesis described a race before Adam and the second chapter described the classical story of biblical creation. Her husband did not agree",
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"title": "Asa Gray",
"text": "\"On the Origin of Species\" would be a ground-breaking book. Darwin published \"On the Origin of Species\" on November 24, 1859. The first printing was 1,250 copies, with some having been sent to America via ship; one of those was for Gray. Gray's copy arrived just before Christmas, and he read it between Christmas and New Year's. Since there was no international copyright law at the time, Gray worked to protect the book from publishing piracy. According to American law at the time, a copyright could only be secured by an American edition being published by an American citizen, and",
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"title": "Frank Lewis Marsh",
"text": "It regards the origin of man by special creation as a historical fact... In view of the subjectivity of the evidence upon which a decision on the matter of origins must be made, creationism and evolutionism should be respected as alternate viewpoints\". His creationist views have been criticized by biologists for having no scientific basis. Frank Lewis Marsh Frank Lewis Marsh (18 October 1899, Aledo, Illinois – 14 July 1992) was an American Seventh-Day Adventist biologist, educator and young Earth creationist. In 1963 he was one of the ten founding members of the Creation Research Society. In his youth, Marsh",
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"title": "Edwin Ray Guthrie",
"text": "\"Origin of Species\" and \"The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals\" while they were both in eighth grade. Guthrie graduated at the age of 17 after writing a rather inflammatory senior thesis that argued \"that both science and religion, being dependent on words, and words being symbols dependent for their meanings on the experience of their users and auditors, would have no chance at expressing Absolute Truth\". Guthrie received the title of lay reader in his local Episcopal Church while pursuing a philosophy degree from the University of Nebraska. This university he credited with helping him pursue his",
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"title": "Lamarckism",
"text": "British botanist George Henslow (1835–1925), who studied the effects of environmental stress on the growth of plants, in the belief that such environmentally-induced variation might explain much of plant evolution, and the American entomologist Alpheus Spring Packard, Jr., who studied blind animals living in caves and wrote a book in 1901 about Lamarck and his work. Also included were paleontologists like Edward Drinker Cope and Alpheus Hyatt, who observed that the fossil record showed orderly, almost linear, patterns of development that they felt were better explained by Lamarckian mechanisms than by natural selection. Some people, including Cope and the Darwin",
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"title": "Reactions to On the Origin of Species",
"text": "with books and pamphlets furiously contesting the issues. The most scientific of the seven was the Reverend Baden Powell, who held the Savilian chair of geometry at the University of Oxford. Referring to \"Mr Darwin's masterly volume\" and restating his argument that God is a lawgiver, miracles break the lawful edicts issued at Creation, therefore belief in miracles is atheistic, he wrote that the book \"must soon bring about an entire revolution in opinion in favour of the grand principle of the self-evolving powers of nature.\" He drew attacks, with Sedgwick accusing him of \"greedily\" adopting nonsense and Tory reviews",
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"title": "Antonio Lazcano",
"text": "Antonio Lazcano Antonio Eusebio Lazcano Araujo Reyes (born 1950) is a Mexican biology researcher and professor of the School of Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in Mexico City. He has studied the origin and early evolution of life for more than 35 years. Lazcano pursued his undergraduate and graduate studies at UNAM, where he focused on the study of prebiotic evolution and the emergence of life. He has been professor-in-residence or visiting scientist in France, Spain, Cuba, Switzerland, Russia, and the United States. He has written several books in Spanish, including \"The Origin of Life\" (1984)",
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"title": "Abraham Cressy Morrison",
"text": "\"Morrison admits the strength of Darwin’s theory, but maintains nonetheless that Paley’s argument from Design has not been refuted. He describes the marvelous fitness of the earth for life, which he says disproves origin of life by chance. Though he does not actually deny that evolution has occurred, he allows for the possibility of the special creation of man, and insists that any development from lower forms must have been consciously directed by outside intelligence.\" Abraham Cressy Morrison Abraham Cressy Morrison (December 6, 1864 – January 9, 1951) was an American chemist and president of the New York Academy of",
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] | {
"title": "On the Origin of Species",
"long_answer": "On the Origin of Species (or more completely, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life), published on 24 November 1859, is a work of scientific literature by Charles Darwin which is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology. Darwin's book introduced the scientific theory that populations evolve over the course of generations through a process of natural selection. It presented a body of evidence that the diversity of life arose by common descent through a branching pattern of evolution. Darwin included evidence that he had gathered on the Beagle expedition in the 1830s and his subsequent findings from research, correspondence, and experimentation.",
"chunked_long_answer": "On the Origin of Species (or more completely, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life), published on 24 November 1859, is a work of scientific literature by Charles Darwin which is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology. Darwin's book introduced the scientific theory that populations evolve over the course of generations through a process of natural selection. It presented a body of evidence that the diversity of life arose by common descent through a branching pattern of evolution. Darwin included evidence that he had",
"short_answers": [
"Charles Darwin"
} |
who sang rip it up and start again | [
"Scottish post-punk band Orange Juice",
"Orange Juice"
] | [
"title": "Rip It Up (Orange Juice song)",
"text": "\"Rip It Up\" was a 1983 single by Scottish post-punk band Orange Juice. It was the second single to be released from their 1982 album of the same name. The song became the band's only UK top 40 success, reaching no. 8 in the chart. \"Rip It Up\" signalled a departure from the sound of the band's earlier singles, with Chic-influenced guitars and using a synthesiser to create a more disco-oriented sound.",
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"id": null,
"score": null,
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"title": "Rip It Up and Start Again",
"text": "say solipsistic, view of pop\". Alex Ogg of \"The Quietus\" noted that Reynolds was frank in his musical choices: \"Reynolds was honest enough in announcing his solipsism, in so far as \"Rip It Up\" addresses those elements of post-punk that appeal to him\". Rip It Up and Start Again Rip It Up and Start Again: Postpunk 1978–1984 is a book by Simon Reynolds on the post-punk musical genre and era. It was first released in the UK in April 2005 by Faber & Faber. The US edition was published by Penguin Books and released in February 2006 It is a",
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"id": "17098149",
"score": "1.31506",
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"title": "Rip It Up and Start Again",
"text": "Rip It Up and Start Again Rip It Up and Start Again: Postpunk 1978–1984 is a book by Simon Reynolds on the post-punk musical genre and era. It was first released in the UK in April 2005 by Faber & Faber. The US edition was published by Penguin Books and released in February 2006 It is a shorter version, with several chapters either removed or condensed, and without the large number of illustrations in the UK edition. Reynolds notes this was for space and cost reasons. Writing for \"The Guardian\", Nicholas Lezard described the book as \"startlingly thoughtful, gracefully illuminating,",
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"title": "Rip It Up (Little Richard song)",
"text": "singer-songwriter Eiichi Ohtaki recorded a song called \"陽気に行こうぜ~恋にしびれて\"—the Japanese title of \"Rip It Up\" and Elvis Presley’s \"All Shook Up\", respectively—which ‘merges’ the two songs into one. It is included in his posthumous album \"Debut Again\" in 2016. Rip It Up (Little Richard song) \"Rip It Up\" is a song written by Robert Blackwell and John Marascalco. It was first released by Little Richard in June 1956. Bill Haley and his Comets also released a recording of the song that year. The Little Richard version hit number one on the R&B Best Sellers chart for two weeks and peaked at",
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"title": "Rip It Up (Little Richard song)",
"text": "the song in the 1956 film \"Don't Knock the Rock\", in which Little Richard also appeared. The song was also recorded by Elvis Presley, Bill Haley, Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Gerry and the Pacemakers, and Gene Vincent. The Everly Brothers recorded their version of this song in 1957 (#57 in Australia, it did not chart in US or UK). English instrumental group The Tornados included the song on their 1964 album \"Away from It All\". Wanda Jackson included it on her 1964 album \"Two Sides Of Wanda\" and again on her 2011 album \"The Party Ain't Over\". During the Get",
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"title": "Rip It Up (Orange Juice song)",
"text": "features a snatch of the guitar riff from \"Boredom\", a song by Buzzcocks that featured on their debut \"Spiral Scratch\" EP. The riff chimes briefly in, just as Collins namechecks the song in the lyrics claiming that \"...and my favourite song is entitled 'Boredom'.\" Backing vocals on the song were provided by Paul Quinn, the lead singer of fellow Scottish band Bourgie Bourgie, with whom Collins would later record a single in 1984, a cover of the Velvet Underground song \"Pale Blue Eyes.\" The video opens with the band in a futuristic, but cheaply constructed, control room as they sing,",
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"id": "17284765",
"score": "1.137801",
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"title": "Rip It Up (Orange Juice song)",
"text": "dance and operate various controls. The band then watch themselves on a monitor screen as they walk down a rainy British high street dressed in incongruous, brightly coloured summer clothes. The video then cuts back to the control room, this time with the band playing their instruments superimposed over it, before returning to more scenes of a British city in torrential rain as the band walk around in scuba diving gear. The video finally cuts back to the band playing in a silver foil covered room, before superimposing them over a pile of random photographs. \"Rip It Up\" was released",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "17284766",
"score": "1.1327477",
"original_retrieval_index": 8
"title": "Rip It Up (Jet song)",
"text": "Rip It Up (Jet song) \"Rip It Up\" is a song from Australian rock band Jet's second album \"Shine On\". It was released 27 November 2006 as the second single from that album in Australia. Fellow band members and brothers, Chris Cester and Nic Cester, together with Cameron Muncey, co-wrote the track. At a concert at London's Brixton Academy Nic, the lead singer, announced \"Here's a song we've written about Paris Hilton – it's called 'Rip It Up'\", he referred to the United States socialite, Paris Hilton.'s reporter claims that the track \"includes lyrics threatening to kill Hilton's pet",
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"title": "Post-punk",
"text": "to clarify whether contemporary music journals and fanzines conventionally understood \"post-punk\" the way that it was discussed in later years. Reynolds' 2005 book \"Rip It Up and Start Again\" is widely referenced as post-punk doctrine, although he has stated that the book only covers aspects of post-punk that he had a personal inclination toward. Wilkinson characterised Reynolds' readings as \"apparent revisionism and 'rebranding\". Author/musician Alex Ogg criticised: \"The problem is not with what Reynolds left out of \"Rip It Up\" ..., but, paradoxically, that too much was left in\". Ogg suggested that post-punk pertains to a set of artistic sensibilities",
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"title": "Rip It Up (Little Richard song)",
"text": "the song on their movie soundtrack \"((La Bamba)) \" James Booker recorded the song as part of a medley with \"Long Tall Sally\". In 2015, the recording was released on the album \"Live From Belle Vue\". Little Richard also sang this song on the PBS special \"Doo Wop 51\". Alvin and the Chipmunks recorded the song for \"Film Flam,\" a 1985 episode of their TV series. In 2004, the band Hanson released their version during their \"Underneath Acoustic Live\". Cliff Richard featured a version on his 100th album in 2013, titled \"The Fabulous Rock 'n' Roll Songbook\". In 1997, Japanese",
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"id": "10964325",
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"title": "Adolescents (album)",
"text": "of the time and found reassurance in Brandenburg's lyrics to \"Rip It Up\", which spoke out against fans who used the aggressive music to justify fighting: \"\"Have you had enough violence? / Just to kill boredom, makes no sense / We're not the background for your stupid fights / Get out of the darkness, it's time to unite / Do you think you're tough when you rip it up?\"\" The Adolescents' \"Blue Album\" lineup reunited several times in subsequent years. The first was a reunion show in April 1986 at Fender's Ballroom in Long Beach, California which led to the",
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"title": "Simon Reynolds",
"text": "decade of dance music following the appearance of the first edition. In 2009, a companion volume to \"Rip It Up and Start Again\" was published, \"Totally Wired: Postpunk Interviews and Overviews\", containing interview transcripts and new essays. In 2011, Reynolds published \"Retromania: Pop Culture's Addiction to Its Own Past\", a critical investigation into what he perceives as the current situation of chronic retrogression in pop music, with a focus on the effects of the internet and digital culture on music consumption and musical creativity. In 2013, a second expanded update of \"Energy Flash\" was published, with new material on the",
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"id": "10209017",
"score": "1.1021212",
"original_retrieval_index": 13
"title": "Rip It Up (Jet song)",
"text": "to chart in the UK. The song appeared on the soundtrack for the 2007 animation film \"TMNT\" and in the 2008 comedy \"Drillbit Taylor\". It was played as a safety-car song during the 2007 Supercheap Auto Bathurst 1000. It was also played at the 2007 AFL Grand Final in the opening ceremony on the day and in Holden commercials. The song was used as the theme for WWE's SummerSlam 2010. The song also appeared on the soundtrack to the 2018 film, the festival. Rip It Up (Jet song) \"Rip It Up\" is a song from Australian rock band Jet's second",
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"id": "9198480",
"score": "1.0903314",
"original_retrieval_index": 14
"title": "Rip It Up (Orange Juice song)",
"text": "as a single in the UK in February 1983. The seven inch vinyl version of the single was available in three versions, a double pack including a second seven-inch and a fold out poster, along with two versions of the standard release, initially with a silver injection moulded labels, and then subsequently with paper printed labels. The song was also released on twelve inch vinyl, with extended versions of the title track and B-side. All versions were housed in a paper sleeve depicting a US P-40 Warhawk fighter plane (decorated with eyes and teeth) partially submerged, tail first, in the",
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"id": "17284767",
"score": "1.0902126",
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"title": "Rip It Up (Little Richard song)",
"text": "Rip It Up (Little Richard song) \"Rip It Up\" is a song written by Robert Blackwell and John Marascalco. It was first released by Little Richard in June 1956. Bill Haley and his Comets also released a recording of the song that year. The Little Richard version hit number one on the R&B Best Sellers chart for two weeks and peaked at number 17 on the pop chart. The Bill Haley and the Comets recording reached number 25 on the \"Billboard\" pop singles chart and number four in the UK. Bill Haley and the Comets also performed their version of",
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"title": "Rip It Up (magazine)",
"text": "rock music. The magazine's back-catalogue also provides an unrivalled reference for information about the history of New Zealand's rock music. The brainchild of Murray Cammick and Alistair Dougal, \"Rip It Up\" was circulated free via record shops for fourteen years as a music rag produced on a meagre budget. In 1991 the quality of the publication improved, making the transition from newsprint to a gloss medium, a direct result of the NZ$2 charge. Murray Cammick was the first editor of the magazine and ran it virtually single-handedly for several years. Other editors have included, David Long, now a sports journalist",
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"title": "Stop Messin' Round",
"text": "let's it rip and he's great. Ripping is what we do best.\" Footnotes Citations References Stop Messin' Round \"Stop Messin' Round\" is a song written by English guitarist and singer Peter Green, which he recorded with Fleetwood Mac. It is an upbeat twelve bar blues shuffle and is representative of the group's early repertoire of conventional electric blues. The lyrics deal with the common blues theme of the unfaithful lover and share elements with earlier songs. The song was first released in mid-1968 as the B-side of \"Need Your Love So Bad\", which appeared on the UK singles chart. The",
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"title": "Rip It Up (Little Richard song)",
"text": "Back sessions in 1969, The Beatles recorded the song as part of a medley with \"Shake, Rattle and Roll\" and \"Blue Suede Shoes.\" This recording was released in 1996 on the album \"Anthology 3\". It was recorded in 1975 by John Lennon on his album \"Rock 'n' Roll\", in a medley together with the song \"Ready Teddy.\" Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen included the song on their \"Hot Licks, Cold Steel & Truckers Favorites\" album in 1972. In 1978, Billy \"Crash\" Craddock released his version on his album \"Turning Up and Turning On\". In 1987, Los Lobos included",
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"title": "Do It Again (Steely Dan song)",
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"title": "James Reyne",
"text": "the band split up in 1986, Reyne went on to a successful solo career. Whilst still with Australian Crawl, Reyne formed a duet with Lin Buckfield of Electric Pandas to release a 1985 single \"R.O.C.K.\" / \"Under My Thumb\". In 1987, Reyne released his self titled debut solo album and commenced the \"Rip it Up\" tour. The first two singles released from the album, \"Fall of Rome\" and \"Hammerhead\", were top 10 hits in Australia, followed by the less-successful \"Rip It Up\" and \"Heaven On a Stick\". The album was re-packaged in 1988 to include a further top 10 single,",
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"title": "Rip It Up (Adelaide)",
"text": "and international artists, regular columns, food news and reviews including bars and restaurants, food trucks, openings and more. Issues were released each Thursday. The publication moved to a digital-only platform on 17 April 2014. The magazine ceased operations altogether on 30 June 2016. Rip It Up (Adelaide) Rip It Up was an Adelaide-based online music, entertainment, and culture website. The site focused on the local entertainment scene of Adelaide with gigs and tour guides, local arts, album reviews, interviews, food reviews and news including bars and restaurants, food trucks, openings and more. \"Rip It Up\" magazine was first published in",
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"title": "Rip It Up (Adelaide)",
"text": "Rip It Up (Adelaide) Rip It Up was an Adelaide-based online music, entertainment, and culture website. The site focused on the local entertainment scene of Adelaide with gigs and tour guides, local arts, album reviews, interviews, food reviews and news including bars and restaurants, food trucks, openings and more. \"Rip It Up\" magazine was first published in 1989 and released over 1000 issues. It was a weekly street press magazine, in Adelaide, Australia, focusing on the local entertainment scene. The magazine provided a comprehensive gig and events guide, strong local arts focus, live gigs and album reviews, interviews with local",
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"title": "Stoke-on-Trent",
"text": "who played with Screaming Lord Sutch in the 1970s. He is remembered in the area for his Radio Stoke show \"Sunday Best\", and for standing as a Monster Raving Loony Party candidate. In 2010 he started getting airplay on a New York radio station for his 1994 song \"Knock Me Down, Pick Me Up\". This led to the song being released for mp3 download in the USA and the UK. Other notable individuals and groups from the area include Andy Moor who is a DJ and producer, Gertie Gitana (music hall star and singer), Lemmy, the founder of the rock",
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"title": "The Rip Chords",
"text": "1962, it peaked at No. 51 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in early 1963. Stewart and Bringas were the only singers on the first release. Bringas sang the lead, the falsetto, and also joined Stewart on the background vocals. Stewart and Bringas agreed that \"Glen Campbell...gave the song a great lift with his lead guitar. Recent remix attempts have watered down his contribution, but on the original release, the imprint of his lead guitar is indelible.\" The group's second single, again produced by Melcher, was \"Gone\", recorded April 26, 1963. Bringas sang the lead and the falsetto, with Stewart and",
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"title": "Rip It Up (magazine)",
"text": "Rip It Up (magazine) Rip It Up was a bi-monthly New Zealand music magazine. Started in June 1977 as a free monthly giveaway, it grew rapidly, with its monthly print run reaching 30,000 copies by the mid-1980s. The new magazine arrived at an opportune moment, with the musical revolutions of punk rock and new wave arriving in New Zealand in the first few years of its existence - two genres which the new magazine was to champion, alongside local music trends such as the Dunedin sound. For many years it was unequalled as a New Zealand source of information on",
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"title": "Fourplay (The Sensational Alex Harvey Band album)",
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"title": "Rip This Joint",
"text": "Recording began in late 1971 at Richards' rented home in France, Villa Nellcôte, using the Rolling Stones Mobile Studio. With Jagger on lead vocals, Richards sings back-up and plays all electric guitars, and Charlie Watts plays drums. Bill Plummer provides upright bass for the recording while Nicky Hopkins performs Johnnie Johnson-like piano. Bobby Keys plays two saxophone solos, Jim Price performs trumpet and trombone. \"Rip This Joint\" was played frequently by the Stones throughout the early to mid-1970s, and appeared in the concert film \"\", before disappearing completely from their setlists. The song was reintroduced to the band's setlists at",
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"title": "The Rip Chords",
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"title": "Breakin' It Up, Breakin' It Down",
"text": "respectively. In March 1977, Waters, Winter, Cotton, and the other musicians who had played on \"Hard Again\" went on a concert tour to promote it. The songs on \"Breakin' It Up, Breakin' It Down\" were recorded at three of those concerts – March 4 at the Palladium in New York City, March 6 at the Tower Theater in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, and March 18 at the Masonic Temple Theater in Detroit. The concert tapes languished in the vaults of several different record companies, until they were released thirty years later. In August 1977, Winters released a studio album recorded by",
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"title": "Breakin' It Up, Breakin' It Down",
"text": "Breakin' It Up, Breakin' It Down Breakin' It Up, Breakin' It Down is a blues album by Muddy Waters, Johnny Winter, and James Cotton. It was recorded live in 1977, and released in 2007. It reached number 3 on the \"Billboard\" Blues Albums chart. In January 1977, blues guitarist and singer Muddy Waters released the studio album \"Hard Again\". It was very well-received, and helped revive Waters' career. It won a Grammy Award for Best Ethnic or Traditional Folk Recording. \"Hard Again\" was produced by Johnny Winter. Winter and James Cotton both played on the album, on guitar and harmonica",
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] | {
"title": "Rip It Up (Orange Juice song)",
"long_answer": "\"Rip It Up\" was a 1983 single by Scottish post-punk band Orange Juice. It was the second single to be released from their 1982 album of the same name. The song became the band's only UK top 40 success, reaching no. 8 in the chart. \"Rip It Up\" signalled a departure from the sound of the band's earlier singles, with Chic-influenced guitars and using a synthesiser to create a more disco-oriented sound.",
"chunked_long_answer": "\"Rip It Up\" was a 1983 single by Scottish post-punk band Orange Juice. It was the second single to be released from their 1982 album of the same name. The song became the band's only UK top 40 success, reaching no. 8 in the chart. \"Rip It Up\" signalled a departure from the sound of the band's earlier singles, with Chic-influenced guitars and using a synthesiser to create a more disco-oriented sound.",
"short_answers": [
"Orange Juice",
"Scottish post-punk band Orange Juice"
} |
where are the winter olympics and when do they start | [
"Pyeongchang County, South Korea",
"Pyeongchang, South Korea",
"9 to 25 February 2018",
"9 February"
] | [
"title": "2018 Winter Olympics",
"text": "The 2018 Winter Olympics, officially known as the XXIII Olympic Winter Games (French: Les XXIIIèmes Jeux olympiques d'hiver; Hangul: 제23회 동계 올림픽; RR: Je-isipsamhoe Donggye Ollimpik) and commonly known as PyeongChang 2018 ([pʰjʌŋ.tɕʰaŋ]), is a major international multi-sport event scheduled to take place from 9 to 25 February 2018 in Pyeongchang County, South Korea.",
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"title": "Winter Olympic Games",
"text": "to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, and the host of the 2026 Winter Olympics will be selected on June 23rd, 2019. , no city in the southern hemisphere has applied to host the cold-weather-dependent Winter Olympics, which are held in February at the height of the southern hemisphere summer. To date, twelve countries have participated in every Winter Olympic Games – Austria, Canada, Finland, France, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States. Six of those countries have earned medals at every Winter Olympic Games – Austria, Canada, Finland, Norway, Sweden and the United States. The",
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"title": "2018 Winter Olympics",
"text": "and with the Olympic anthem played at any ceremony. Apart from the respective delegations, North Korea and South Korea formed a unified Korean women's ice hockey team.<br> To accommodate primetime broadcasts in the Americas, figure skating events were scheduled with morning start times; figure skating is one of the most popular Winter Olympic sports among U.S. viewers (due to the substantial fees NBC has paid for rights to the Olympics, the IOC has allowed NBC to have influence on event scheduling to maximize U.S. television ratings when possible). This scheduling practice affected the events themselves, including skaters having to adjust",
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"title": "Winter Olympic Games",
"text": "Winter Olympic Games The Winter Olympic Games () is a major international sporting event held once every four years for sports practised on snow and ice. The first Winter Olympics, the 1924 Winter Olympics, were held in Chamonix, France. The modern Olympic games were inspired by the ancient Olympic Games, which were held in Olympia, Greece, from the 8th century BC to the 4th century AD. Baron Pierre de Coubertin founded the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1894, leading to the first modern Summer Games in Athens, Greece in 1896. The IOC is the governing body of the Olympic Movement,",
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"title": "Winter Olympic Games",
"text": "a single Winter Games. Norway led the total medal standings with 39, the highest number of medals by a nation in any Winter Olympics, followed by Germany's 31 and Canada's 29. Host nation South Korea won seventeen medals, their highest medal haul at a Winter Olympics. The host city for the 2022 Winter Olympics is Beijing, the capital of People's Republic of China, elected on 31 July 2015 at the 128th IOC Session in Kuala Lumpur. Beijing will be the first city ever to have hosted both the Summer and Winter Olympics. The 2022 Winter Olympics will take place between",
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"title": "2022 Winter Olympics",
"text": "replace the Beijing Nanyuan Airport and operate together with the Beijing Capital International Airport. The estimated budget for the games is US$3.9 billion, less than one-tenth of the $43 billion spent on the 2008 Summer Olympics. The 2022 Winter Olympics are scheduled to include 109 events over 15 disciplines in 7 sports. \"Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of medal events contested in each separate discipline.\" In October 2016, the International Ski Federation (FIS) announced plans to begin sanctioning women's competitions in Nordic combined, with the objective of contesting the discipline at the Olympic level for the first time in",
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"title": "Olympic Games ceremony",
"text": "before the start of the closing ceremony. However, recent Summer Olympiads in Atlanta, Athens, Beijing, London, and Rio staged the marathon in the early morning due to heat problems in the host city. Since the 2006 Winter Olympics, the medals for the men's 50 km cross-country skiing event were presented at the closing ceremony. The medallist's national flags are then hoisted and the national anthem of the gold medallist's country is played. The newly elected members of the IOC Athletes' Commission then present a bouquet of flowers to a representative of the volunteers, as a thank you to them for",
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"title": "2018 Winter Olympics",
"text": "to the modified schedule, as well as the attendance levels of the sessions themselves. Conversely, and somewhat controversially, eight of the eleven biathlon events were scheduled at night, making it necessary for competitors to ski and shoot under floodlights, with colder temperatures and blustery winds. Three podium sweeps were recorded during the Games. The closing ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics was held at the Pyeongchang Olympic Stadium on 25 February 2018, as Thomas Bach, the IOC president, declared the Games closed, and the cauldron extinguished. Broadcast rights to the 2018 Winter Olympics in some countries were already sold as",
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"title": "1948 Winter Olympics",
"text": "involved five competitions: 10 kilometer cross-country ski race, shooting, downhill skiing, fencing and horseback riding. This was the first and last time the event was held. Fourteen competitors took part in the event. The opening ceremonies were held at 10:00 am on January 30 along with the initial hockey games and the first two runs of the two-man bobsled. The closing ceremonies were held at 4:00 pm on February 8. All of the medals were awarded at the closing ceremonies rather than immediately after the event as current tradition dictates. The Stad Olympique (Olympic Stadium) hosted the opening and closing",
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"title": "Winter Olympic Games",
"text": "the Summer and Winter Games on separate four-year cycles in alternating even-numbered years, the next Winter Olympics after 1992 was in 1994. The Winter Games have evolved since their inception. Sports and disciplines have been added and some of them, such as Alpine skiing, luge, short track speed skating, freestyle skiing, skeleton, and snowboarding, have earned a permanent spot on the Olympic programme. Some others, including curling and bobsleigh, have been discontinued and later reintroduced; others have been permanently discontinued, such as military patrol, though the modern Winter Olympic sport of biathlon is descended from it. Still others, such as",
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"title": "2022 Winter Olympics",
"text": "set for 14 November 2013. The IOC Executive Board reviewed the bids from all applicant cities on 7 July 2014, and selected three cities, Oslo (Norway), Almaty (Kazakhstan) and Beijing (China) as the final candidates. Several cities withdrew their applications during the bidding process, citing the high costs or the lack of local support for hosting the Games. Oslo, which had been considered the clear frontrunner, withdrew after the Norwegian parliament rejected the application for funding of the games. Public reception to the application for funding had been highly negative due to cost concerns after the cost overruns of the",
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"title": "Winter Olympic Games",
"text": "with the Olympic Charter defining its structure and authority. The original five Winter Olympics sports (broken into nine disciplines) were bobsleigh, curling, ice hockey, Nordic skiing (consisting of the disciplines military patrol, cross-country skiing, Nordic combined, and ski jumping), and skating (consisting of the disciplines figure skating and speed skating). The Games were held every four years from 1924 to 1936, interrupted in 1940 and 1944 by World War II, and resumed in 1948. Until 1992 the Winter and Summer Olympic Games were held in the same years, but in accordance with a 1986 decision by the IOC to place",
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"title": "2022 Winter Olympics",
"text": "2022 Winter Olympics The 2022 Winter Olympics, officially known as the XXIV Olympic Winter Games (; ), and commonly known as Beijing 2022, is an international winter multi-sport event that is scheduled to take place from 4 to 20 February 2022, in Beijing and towns in the neighbouring Hebei province, People's Republic of China. Beijing was elected as the host city in July 2015 at the 128th IOC Session in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. These Games will be the first Winter Olympics ever to be held in China, and the last of three consecutive Olympics to be held in East Asia,",
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"title": "Chronological summary of the 2018 Winter Olympics",
"text": "the Winter Olympic programme in Pyeongchang, including big air snowboarding, mixed doubles curling, mass start speed skating, and mixed team alpine skiing. A Unified Korea women's ice hockey team competed under a separate IOC country code designation (COR); in all other sports, there was a separate North Korea team and a separate South Korea team. As a result of the suspension of the Russian Olympic Committee due to the Russian doping controversy, Russian athletes competed as \"Olympic Athletes from Russia\" (OAR) under a neutral flag and with the Olympic anthem playing in any ceremony. Chronological summary of the 2018 Winter",
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"title": "2006 Winter Olympics closing ceremony",
"text": "the ceremony live, starting at 5.30 am AEST. In Spain, TVE2 broadcast the ceremony. In Italy, RAI broadcasts the ceremony live at the same time it start started. 2006 Winter Olympics closing ceremony The Closing Ceremony of the 2006 Winter Olympics took place on 26 February 2006 beginning at 20:00 CET (19:00 UTC) at the Stadio Olimpico in Turin, Italy. The games were formally closed by International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge calling them \"magnificent\" This again departed from former IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch's tradition of declaring each games \"best ever\" and continued Rogge's tradition of assigning each games",
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"title": "2018 Winter Olympics",
"text": "2018 Winter Olympics The 2018 Winter Olympics, officially known as the XXIII Olympic Winter Games () and commonly known as PyeongChang 2018, was an international winter multi-sport event that was held between 9 and 25 February 2018 in Pyeongchang County, Gangwon Province, South Korea, with the opening rounds for certain events held on 8 February 2018, the eve of the opening ceremony. Pyeongchang was elected as the host city in July 2011, during the 123rd IOC Session in Durban, South Africa. This was the first time that South Korea had hosted the Winter Olympics and the second Olympics held in",
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"title": "2022 Winter Olympics",
"text": "Freestyle skiing big air (men and women), and mixed team events for aerials, ski jumping, snowboarding and short track speed skating. This means a total of 109 events will be held. The official emblem \"Winter Dream\" (冬梦) was unveiled on 15 December 2017 at the Beijing National Aquatics Center. The emblem is a stylized rendition of the character \"冬\" (Winter) inspired by winter snow, with a ribbon motif. The top is meant to resemble a skater and the bottom is meant to resemble a skier. The emblem also features the Olympic colors (except black) and the Chinese flag colors. The",
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"title": "2006 Winter Olympics",
"text": "13% for Vancouver 2010, and costs of USD 51 billion and a cost overrun of 289% for Sochi 2014, the latter being the most costly Olympics to date. Average cost for Winter Games since 1960 is USD 3.1 billion, average cost overrun is 142%. The 2006 Winter Olympics featured 84 medal events over 15 disciplines in 7 sports. Events that made their Olympic debut in Turin included mass start biathlon, team sprint cross-country skiing, snowboard cross and team pursuit speed skating. Most of the cross-country skiing events at these Games involved different distances from those at the previous Winter Games",
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"title": "Olympic Games",
"text": "each holding that honour twice. The most recent Winter Games were held in Pyeongchang in 2018, South Korea's first Winter Olympics and second Olympics overall (including the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul). Olympic Games The modern Olympic Games or Olympics () are leading international sporting events featuring summer and winter sports competitions in which thousands of athletes from around the world participate in a variety of competitions. The Olympic Games are considered the world's foremost sports competition with more than 200 nations participating. The Olympic Games are held every four years, with the Summer and Winter Games alternating by occurring",
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"title": "Concerns and controversies at the 2018 Winter Olympics",
"text": "live on NBC around 20:00 U.S. Eastern Time during the U.S. primetime hours, disrupting competitors' regular routines, and leading to small crowds at the arena. Conversely, eight of the eleven biathlon events were scheduled at night, forcing biathletes to both ski and shoot under floodlights, colder temperatures, and gustier winds. During the opening ceremony, NBC analyst Joshua Cooper Ramo noted that Japan occupied Korea from 1910 to 1945, and then added, \"But every Korean will tell you that Japan is a cultural and technological and economic example that has been so important to their own transformation.\" In \"The Korea Times\",",
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"title": "Winter Olympic Games",
"text": "and moguls skiing. The addition of these events has broadened the appeal of the Winter Olympics beyond Europe and North America. While European powers such as Norway and Germany still dominate the traditional Winter Olympic sports, countries such as South Korea, Australia and Canada are finding success in the new sports. The results are: more parity in the national medal tables; more interest in the Winter Olympics; and higher global television ratings. Note 1. Figure skating events were held at the 1908 and 1920 Summer Olympics. Note 2. A men's ice hockey tournament was held at the 1920 Summer Olympics.",
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"title": "2022 Winter Olympics",
"text": "city of the 2022 Winter Olympics after beating Almaty by four votes on 31 July 2015 at the 128th IOC Session in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In urban area of Beijing, five ice events will be held at the Olympic Green, the Capital Indoor Stadium and the Beijing Wukesong Sports Center, which were some of the main venues of the 2008 Summer Olympics. The Big Air snowboarding and freestyle skiing events will be held in a new area of urban development in Shijingshan District, a district in urban area of Beijing. Competitions for luge, bobsleigh and alpine skiing will be held",
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"title": "Bids for the 2018 Winter Olympics",
"text": "the specific criteria. These figures are to be compared to a benchmark which has been set at 6. A firm criteria for the Winter Olympics is the availability of alpine ski slopes of certain sizes, which narrows down potential locations fairly much, and often means locations in less populated areas. The men's downhill requires at least 700 meters altitude difference along around 3 kilometers length. All three bidding cities were short-listed. All three cities suggested hosting the Games between February 9–25, 2018. The Paralympics will be held from March 9–18. At first, the French Olympic Committee (CNOSF) was quite reluctant",
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"title": "2024 Winter Youth Olympics",
"text": "the mountains, seeing the many teams preparing for the winter sport season and all very happy with the conditions both on and off the ski piste. Ushuaia may study of hosting the Youth Winter Olympic Games but there is still some way to go\". He also mentioned that the city needs to address where to host ice sport events, though the infrastructure for skiing is well developed. In October 2014 the Argentine Olympic Committee (COA) had already revealed the plan to use the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics as the launchpad for a bid in the near future. The Committee identified",
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"title": "2010 Winter Olympics",
"text": "originally estimated. Some venues, including the Richmond Olympic Oval, were at sea level, a rarity for the Winter Games. The 2010 Games were also the first—Winter or Summer—to have had an Opening Ceremony held indoors. Vancouver was the most populous city ever to hold the Winter Games. In February, the month when the Games were held, Vancouver has an average temperature of . The average temperature as measured at Vancouver International Airport was for the month of February 2010. The opening and closing ceremonies were held at BC Place Stadium, which received over C$150 million in major renovations. Competition venues",
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"title": "2026 Winter Olympics",
"text": "2026 Winter Olympics The 2026 Winter Olympics, officially known as the XXV Olympic Winter Games, is an international multi-sport event to be organised in a city designated by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The host city was originally supposed to be selected at the 134th IOC Session on 11 September 2019 in Milan, Italy. However, after Italy submitted a bid for the games that included Milan, IOC rules required that the election be moved. Therefore, the election will be held in Lausanne, Switzerland, home of the IOC headquarters, on 23 June 2019. The IOC Executive Board met in Lausanne to",
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"title": "Bids for the 2022 Winter Olympics",
"text": "Bids for the 2022 Winter Olympics A total of six bids were initially submitted for the 2022 Winter Olympics. Four of the bids were subsequently withdrawn by 1 October 2014, citing either the high costs of hosting the Games or the lack of local support, leaving Almaty, Kazakhstan and Beijing, China as the only two remaining candidate cities. Beijing was then elected as the host city at the 128th IOC Session in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 31 July 2015. On 3 October 2012, the IOC announced in a letter to the NOCs the bidding calendar for the 2022 Winter Olympics:",
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"title": "Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics",
"text": "with hosts South Korea. Curling competitions started the day before the Opening Ceremony and finish on the last day of the games, meaning the sport was the only one to have a competition every day of the games. The following was the competition schedule for the curling competitions: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics The curling competition at the 2018 Winter Olympics was held between 8 and 25 February 2018 at the Gangneung Curling Centre. This was the seventh time that curling is on the Olympic program. In each of the men's and women's competitions, ten nations competed. As decided",
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"title": "2014 Winter Olympics opening ceremony",
"text": "2014 Winter Olympics opening ceremony The opening ceremony of the 2014 Winter Olympics took place at the Fisht Olympic Stadium in Sochi, Russia, on 7 February 2014. It began at 20:14 MSK () and finished at 23:02 MSK (). It was filmed and produced by OBS and Russian host broadcaster VGTRK. This was the first Winter Olympics and first Olympic Games opening ceremony under the IOC presidency of Thomas Bach. This was also the second consecutive Winter Olympic opening ceremony to be held in an indoor stadium. The Games were officially opened by President Vladimir Putin. An audience of 40,000",
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"title": "Winter Olympic Games",
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"title": "2018 Winter Olympics",
"long_answer": "The 2018 Winter Olympics, officially known as the XXIII Olympic Winter Games (French: Les XXIIIèmes Jeux olympiques d'hiver; Hangul: 제23회 동계 올림픽; RR: Je-isipsamhoe Donggye Ollimpik) and commonly known as PyeongChang 2018 ([pʰjʌŋ.tɕʰaŋ]), is a major international multi-sport event scheduled to take place from 9 to 25 February 2018 in Pyeongchang County, South Korea.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The 2018 Winter Olympics, officially known as the XXIII Olympic Winter Games (French: Les XXIIIèmes Jeux olympiques d'hiver; Hangul: 제23회 동계 올림픽; RR: Je-isipsamhoe Donggye Ollimpik) and commonly known as PyeongChang 2018 ([pʰjʌŋ.tɕʰaŋ]), is a major international multi-sport event scheduled to take place from 9 to 25 February 2018 in Pyeongchang County, South Korea.",
"short_answers": [
"9 to 25 February 2018",
"Pyeongchang County, South Korea"
} |
when does the miz and maryse show start | [
] | [
"title": "Maryse Ouellet",
"text": "In late-2011, she announced plans for a clothing and jewelry line called House of Maryse, and later began working as a realtor. In November 2016, she began starring in the reality television series Total Divas on E! as part of the main cast. She and her husband The Miz will also star in their own reality show titled Miz & Mrs. that will premiere in 2018.",
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"title": "Maryse Ouellet",
"text": "off WWE programming. After two months of inactivity, Maryse was released from her WWE contract on October 28. On October 5, 2012, Maryse appeared at the Family Wrestling Entertainment (FWE) event \"Back 2 Brooklyn\", performing live commentary. She began appearing regularly for FWE, where she commentated during women's matches. On April 4, 2016 episode of \"Raw\", the episode after WrestleMania 32, Maryse returned during a WWE Intercontinental Championship match between the champion Zack Ryder and her husband, The Miz. During the match, Maryse slapped Ryder's father, who was in the front row, in order to distract Ryder and allowed Miz",
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"title": "The Miz",
"text": "Ambrose within the present. On the June 19 episode of \"Raw\", Maryse was the special guest on \"Miz TV\" where Miz apologized for the previous events, but came to use her as a shield to protect himself from Ambrose, causing Maryse to pour champagne on herself and then destroying the grandfather clock that he had restored, which led to Maryse abandoning him again. Afterwards, Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel, who Miz had approached earlier in the evening offering to make them \"the stars [they] deserve to be\" if they became his \"entourage\", revealed themselves to have hidden in bear costumes",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "5456250",
"score": "1.1254566",
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"title": "The Miz",
"text": "WWE Championship, but was eliminated by Cena. On February 28 episode of \"SmackDown\", Miz and Maryse made a special edition of \"Miz TV\" to critique Cena's powers on the backstage before Maryse slapped Cena and Nikki Bella—Cena's girlfriend—came to save him. On March 7 episode of \"SmackDown\", Maryse and Miz attacked Nikki and Cena after defeated James Ellsworth and Carmella. On March 14 episode of \"SmackDown\", after another showdown between Miz and Maryse against Cena and Nikki, SmackDown General Manager Daniel Bryan scheduled a mixed tag team match at WrestleMania 33, which Miz and Maryse lost. On April 10, Miz",
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"title": "Maryse Ouellet",
"text": "Championship; After the match, Miz was interviewed by Renee Young who slapped him after a joke involving her and Dean Ambrose. On December 27, episode of \"SmackDown\", Maryse confronted Renee Young in a backstage segment before Ambrose attacked Miz. On January 3, 2017, episode of \"SmackDown\", Maryse slapped both Ambrose and Young in different occasions, before interfering in the championship match between Miz and Ambrose, slapping Ambrose again and being banned from ringside before Ambrose defeated Miz for the championship. Later on \"Talking Smack\", Maryse was fined $5,000 for slapping Young. On February 12 at the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view, Maryse",
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"title": "The Miz",
"text": "announce that SmackDown General Manager, Paige had booked Miz and wife Maryse in a mixed tag team match against Bryan and Bella at the Hell in a Cell pay-per-view event. At the event, Miz and Maryse would go on to win the after Maryse pinned Bella. Following that match, it was announced Miz and Bryan would face each other once more at Super Show-Down event with the winner getting a future WWE Championship match. At the event, Miz was defeated by Bryan. At the 1000th episode of \"SmackDown\" on October 16, Miz defeated Rusev to qualify for the WWE World",
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"id": "5456259",
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"title": "The Miz",
"text": "20 after Maryse prematurely rang the bell, causing a distraction. On the November 22 episode of \"SmackDown\", Miz successfully retained his championship against Kalisto after Kalisto was distracted by Baron Corbin and later Miz himself was attacked by Ziggler. Later that night, General Manager Daniel Bryan scheduled The Miz to defend the championship against Ziggler in a ladder match at on December 4 which Miz won to end their feud. On December 6 episode of \"SmackDown\", Miz again successfully defended the title against Dean Ambrose after interference from Maryse and distraction from James Ellsworth. On the December 13, 2016 episode",
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"title": "Daniel Bryan",
"text": "Miz continued as Miz's real life wife Maryse accepted the Intercontinental Championship title shot against Ziggler on his behalf.<ref name=\"sd 11/15\"></ref> Bryan would state on the November 9 episode of \"Talking Smack\" that if Ziggler successfully retains the championship, Miz along with Maryse would be traded to Raw for someone else. On November 15, Bryan would go on to open the 900th episode of \"SmackDown Live\", announcing that the match between Ziggler and Miz would open the show, with Miz going on to become a six-time Intercontinental Champion after beating Ziggler, preventing himself from being traded to Raw and keeping",
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"title": "Maryse Ouellet",
"text": "rematch for the championship due Maryse's interference at Backlash. On September 20, Miz retained the championship over Ziggler. On October 9, at No Mercy Miz lost the Intercontinental Championship to Ziggler in a title vs career match when Maryse was banned from the ringside along with The Spirit Squad (Kenny and Mikey), who was contracted by her to help Miz, ending Miz's reign at 188 days. On November 8 episode of \"SmackDown\", Maryse went on to speak in Miz's name due Miz refuse to speak with Daniel Bryan. At that night, Maryse accepted Bryan's offer to Miz face Ziggler the",
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"title": "Maryse Ouellet",
"text": "following week for the Intercontinental Championship in the 900th episode of \"SmackDown\". Later that night, Bryan would state on \"Talking Smack\" that if Ziggler successfully retains his championship, The Miz and Maryse would be traded to \"Raw\" for someone else. On November 15 at the 900th episode of \"SmackDown\", Maryse helped Miz to win the championship for the sixth time and also retain it at Survivor Series against Sami Zayn. On December 20, episode of \"SmackDown\", Maryse was banned from the ringside after an attempt to apply a eye poke on Apollo Crews during a championship match for Miz's Intercontinental",
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"id": "7720455",
"score": "1.0642796",
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"title": "Maryse Ouellet",
"text": "to capture the championship for the fifth time, thus becoming his manager in the process, where the two then became an on-screen power couple. She formally re-introduced herself three days later on the April 7 episode of \"SmackDown\" before once more helping Miz to retain his championship over Ryder.<ref name=\"Smackdown 08/04/16\"></ref> She then began to cut various promos with Miz as his host during the \"\"Miz TV\"\" segments, while calling themselves the \"It\" Couple. Following a hiatus due to the , Maryse returned to WWE television on the June 27 episode of \"Raw\", where she helped Miz to retain his",
"hasanswer": false,
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"score": "1.0641661",
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"title": "Payback (2017)",
"text": "10 episode of \"Raw\", The Miz and his wife Maryse were moved to the Raw brand as a result of the Superstar Shake-up. On the April 24 episode, it was announced that Finn Bálor would be The Miz's guest on \"Miz TV\", which was scheduled for the Payback pre-show. During the pre-show, Enzo Amore and Big Cass faced Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. Amore pinned Gallows with a schoolboy for the win. Later, The Miz hosted ‘’Miz TV’’ with Finn Bálor as the guest. Bálor stated that he wanted the Universal Championship back, as he never lost it, and ended",
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"id": "20011291",
"score": "1.0591038",
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"title": "The Miz",
"text": "The Miz initially refused Ziggler's offer for a rematch for the Intercontinental title, but on November 8 episode of \"SmackDown\", Maryse accepted Bryan's offer to Miz face Ziggler the following week for the Intercontinental Championship in the 900th episode of \"SmackDown\". Later that night, Bryan stated on \"Talking Smack\" that if Ziggler successfully retained the championship, The Miz and Maryse would be traded to Raw for someone else. On \"SmackDown\"s 900th episode on November 15, Maryse helped Miz to win the championship for the sixth time. Miz successfully defended the title against Raw's Sami Zayn at Survivor Series on November",
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"id": "5456243",
"score": "1.0587249",
"original_retrieval_index": 18
"title": "Maryse Ouellet",
"text": "On March 14 episode of \"SmackDown\", after another showdown between the couples, SmackDown General Manager Daniel Bryan announced a mixed tag team match at WrestleMania 33. Maryse and Miz would ultimately lose in what was Maryse's first match in over six years. On April 10, Maryse was drafted to the \"Raw\" brand along with Miz as part of the \"Superstar Shake Up\", where they made their debut on the same night dressed as Bella and Cena, before being confronted by the Intercontinental Champion Dean Ambrose. On June 4, at Extreme Rules, Maryse was in Miz's corner when he won the",
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"id": "7720458",
"score": "1.0492823",
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"title": "WWE Super Show-Down",
"text": "Maryse mocked Bryan's retirement speech from two years earlier. Bryan and his wife Brie Bella came out and confronted them. Bryan called Miz a coward for having to cheat to win and revealed that SmackDown General Manager Paige approved of a mixed tag team match between Bryan and Brie and Miz and Maryse at Hell in a Cell (which Miz and Maryse won). On August 21, a rematch between Bryan and The Miz was also scheduled for Super Show-Down, where the winner would receive a WWE Championship opportunity. Also on August 21, The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth",
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"title": "WWE Great Balls of Fire",
"text": "bear mascot, and a huge red gift. Miz attacked the mascot because he thought it was Ambrose. Miz also thought that Ambrose was hiding in the gift and he knocked it over and proceeded to destroy it. Maryse said that it was a grandfather clock that he had always wanted, which caused Maryse to run to the back upset. Miz apologized to Maryse for destroying the clock and for accidentally knocking her off the apron the previous week. Maryse accepted the apology, but after Ambrose interrupted, the clock was accidentally broken again by Miz, and Maryse left the ring in",
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"id": "20130455",
"score": "1.0100031",
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"title": "The Miz",
"text": "eliminated by Roman Reigns. On April 3, Miz wrestled in a seven-man ladder match for the Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania 32, which was won by Zack Ryder. On the \"Raw\" episode post-WrestleMania 32, Miz won the Intercontinental Championship for the fifth time, after his wife Maryse made her return and distracted Ryder by slapping his father, thus becoming his manager in the process, where the two then became an on-screen power couple. Three days later on \"SmackDown\", Miz retained his championship by defeating Ryder in a rematch, with Maryse interfering once more.<ref name=\"Smackdown 08/04/16\"></ref> Miz and Maryse then began to",
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"id": "5456238",
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"title": "Maryse Ouellet",
"text": "championship against Kane after she faked an ankle injury. After being drafted to \"Smackdown\" as part of the 2016 WWE draft which took place on July 19, Ouellet made her first appearance for the brand on July 26, where she co-hosted a \"Miz TV\" segment along her husband before being interrupted by Randy Orton, who challenged Miz to a non-title match, in which he was subsequently defeated. At Backlash, Maryse successfully helped Miz to retain the Intercontinental Championship by spraying something at Dolph Ziggler’s eye, whilst Miz distracted the referee. The following week, \"SmackDown\" General Manager Daniel Bryan announced a",
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"id": "7720453",
"score": "1.005233",
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"title": "The Miz",
"text": "was defeated by Cesaro, setting up another championship match between the two set for the week's \"SmackDown\", which Miz won. Following this, he and Maryse began filming \"\", taking them out of action. Both returned on the June 27 episode of \"Raw\", where he lost to Kane in a championship match via countout. At Battleground on July 24, the Intercontinental Championship match between Miz and Darren Young ended in a double disqualification after The Miz pushed Bob Backlund (Darren Young's mentor) and Young attacked him. On July 19 at the 2016 WWE draft, Miz along with Maryse was drafted to",
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"id": "5456240",
"score": "0.9998976",
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"title": "Kayfabe",
"text": "WWE was because he wasn't a great in-ring performer despite having great mic skills. Under this feud, The Miz and Maryse also blurred the face/heel divide as they are built as faces in the feud when they are normally heels in other feuds and storylines. Last-minute injuries, contracts, and marital statuses can also change the storyline or how a segment is presented. When Enzo Amore's contract was terminated due to withholding information about his sexual assault investigation, his romantic storyline with Nia Jax was scrapped, while she has moved to have the storyline with Drew Gulak, the segments for Raw",
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"title": "Maryse Ouellet",
"text": "also appeared in several newspaper interviews, including \"Tokyo Headline\", and was on the cover of \"Sessions Magazine\" in October 2010. In 2012, Maryse was featured on the cover of \"Le Journal de Montréal\", and on \"MDA Show of Strength\" with The Miz and other celebrities. In 2015, Ouellet had roles in \"\" and in \"Santa's Little Helper\", the latter starring Ouellet's husband, The Miz. In the same year, she appeared on the E! reality television series \"WAGS\". In 2016, it was announced that Maryse would appear as a main cast member on the sixth season of \"Total Divas\", which prompted",
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"id": "7720462",
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"title": "WWE Great Balls of Fire",
"text": "Iron Man match. They said that due to their loss, other tag teams on Raw thought that they were done, but they said that they were not. They were then interrupted by Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson, who defeated The Hardys in an ensuing tag match. After that match, The Revival came out and also attacked The Hardy Boyz. The Miz hosted his own award show, The Mizzies, in response to retaining the Intercontinental Championship against Dean Ambrose. Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas tied for \"Best Supporting Actor\", Maryse won \"Most Gorgeous Sexy Leading Lady\", and The Miz won \"Greatest",
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"id": "20130467",
"score": "0.97305",
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"title": "WrestleMania 33",
"text": "then came out and Maryse and Miz retreated. During the following weeks, Miz and Maryse made fun of Cena and Nikki's reality show \"Total Bellas\" by impersonating them in \"unaired footage\". At Roadblock: End of the Line, Charlotte Flair defeated Sasha Banks to win her record fourth Raw Women's Championship, ending their long feud and, as per a post-event stipulation, as long as one of them were champion, the other could not challenge for the title. Charlotte then began a feud with Bayley, losing the title against her on the February 13 episode of \"Raw\", thanks to help from Banks.",
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"title": "Maryse Ouellet",
"text": "Phoenix, Rosa Mendes, and Jillian Hall in a loss to Santina Marella, Mickie James, Brie Bella and Kelly Kelly. Maryse then began feuding with Mickie James after she cost James a number one contender's battle royal, which was eventually won by Kelly Kelly, by spraying hairspray in her eyes. The following week, Maryse lost a championship match against Kelly by disqualification, meaning the championship did not change hands, and won a subsequent rematch by pinfall two weeks later on June 8. At Night of Champions on July 26, Maryse lost the Divas Championship to James. Despite being only the second",
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"title": "Maryse Ouellet",
"text": "was accidentally hit by Nikki Bella when Natalya pushed Nikki into her during a backstage brawl. On February 21 episode of \"SmackDown\", Maryse was again hit by Nikki and Natalya backstage during their Falls Count Anywhere match, leading to Maryse attacking Bella with a lead pipe and causing her to lose the match. On February 28 episode of \"SmackDown\", during the \"Miz TV\" segment, Maryse slapped Nikki's then real-life boyfriend John Cena, causing Nikki to confront her. On March 7 episode of \"SmackDown\", Maryse and Miz attacked Nikki and Cena after they won a match against James Ellsworth and Carmella.",
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"original_retrieval_index": 31
"title": "Kayfabe",
"text": "in 2008. In June 2017, Big Cass broke away from Enzo Amore and cited that Enzo's off-ring antics made him a distraction in the locker room. On September 11, 2017, The Miz and Maryse revealed they are expecting their first child, having previously been mocked by John Cena for not having children after being married. On the same day, Enzo Amore had been criticized by The Miz about him being thrown off the tour bus and banned from the locker room as he was a negative influence, while Amore answered back by saying The Miz's initial heel run in the",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "10209295",
"score": "0.9643245",
"original_retrieval_index": 32
"title": "WrestleMania 33",
"text": "be their last encounter as Ambrose, with the championship, moved to the Raw brand as a result of the Superstar Shake-up. The Miz and Maryse continued their impersonation of John Cena and Nikki Bella. They claimed credit for Cena proposing to Nikki and mocked the newly-engaged couple, as they were taking a break from WWE post-WrestleMania. As they were leaving the ring, they were interrupted by the main roster debut of Shinsuke Nakamura. The Miz and Maryse were then moved to Raw, where they resumed their rivalry with Dean Ambrose. Jinder Mahal moved to SmackDown, where he continued his feud",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "16370433",
"score": "0.9641052",
"original_retrieval_index": 33
"title": "Extreme Rules (2017)",
"text": "Championship against The Miz, with the stipulation that if Ambrose was disqualified, he would lose the title. During the match, Maryse slapped Miz in front of the referee in an attempt to get Ambrose disqualified, however, the referee knew Maryse's actions and opted not to disqualify Ambrose and in the process, Maryse was evicted from ringside. In the end, Miz shoved Ambrose into the referee, who considered disqualifying Ambrose. Whilst Ambrose was distracted, Miz performed a \"Skull Crushing Finale\" on Ambrose to win the title for the seventh time. Next, Rich Swann and Sasha Banks faced Noam Dar and Alicia",
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"id": "20021938",
"score": "0.9620673",
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"title": "The Miz",
"text": "some weeks having little to no involvement of Miz at all. Starting in July, Miz, along with Ashley Massaro, hosted the annual \"Diva Search\" competition on both \"Raw\" and \"SmackDown\". After the end of the \"Diva Search\" competition, The Miz returned exclusively to \"SmackDown\" as a villain, starting his in-ring competition with win over Tatanka in the September 2006 episode of \"SmackDown\". After this win he, along with commentator Michael Cole, began to note whenever possible that he was \"undefeated\", though he only wrestled five matches over the next two months, defeating such wrestlers as Matt Hardy, Funaki and Scotty",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "5456195",
"score": "0.9578999",
"original_retrieval_index": 35
"title": "Brie Bella",
"text": "match with Brie and Bryan against The Miz and Maryse was scheduled for Hell in a Cell. At the event, Brie and Bryan were defeated when Maryse pinned Brie. At WWE Super Show-Down on October 6, Brie teamed with sister Nikki and Ronda Rousey in defeating The Riott Squad. Two nights later on \"Raw\", the Bellas and Rousey defeated The Riott Squad in a rematch, and afterwards, Brie joined Nikki in attacking Rousey, with Brie turning heel for the first time since late 2015. Prior to working with WWE, the twins appeared on \"Meet My Folks\". Both twins also appeared",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "19470353",
"score": "0.9568306",
"original_retrieval_index": 36
] | {
"title": "Maryse Ouellet",
"long_answer": "In late-2011, she announced plans for a clothing and jewelry line called House of Maryse, and later began working as a realtor. In November 2016, she began starring in the reality television series Total Divas on E! as part of the main cast. She and her husband The Miz will also star in their own reality show titled Miz & Mrs. that will premiere in 2018.",
"chunked_long_answer": "In late-2011, she announced plans for a clothing and jewelry line called House of Maryse, and later began working as a realtor. In November 2016, she began starring in the reality television series Total Divas on E! as part of the main cast. She and her husband The Miz will also star in their own reality show titled Miz & Mrs. that will premiere in 2018.",
"short_answers": [
} |
where was the first season of slasher filmed | [
"Orangeville, Ontario, Canada",
"Sudbury, Parry Sound"
] | [
"title": "Slasher (TV series)",
"text": "The first season, retroactively subtitled The Executioner, was produced in association with the Canadian network Super Channel, Slasher was the first original series by U.S. TV channel Chiller, which premiered the series on Friday, March 4, 2016, at 9:00 pm EST. Super Channel aired the show's Canadian premiere on April 1, 2016. The series first season, which centered on a mysterious figure billed as \"The Executioner\" terrorizing the fictional town of Waterbury, Canada, was filmed between July and October 2015 in Sudbury, Parry Sound, and Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.",
"hasanswer": true,
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"id": null,
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"title": "Slasher (TV series)",
"text": "Slasher (TV series) Slasher is a Canadian television horror anthology series created by Aaron Martin. The first season, retroactively subtitled \"The Executioner\", was produced in association with the Canadian network Super Channel, \"Slasher\" was the first (and only) original series by the now-defunct U.S. TV channel Chiller, which premiered the series on Friday, March 4, 2016, at 9:00pm EST. Super Channel aired the show's Canadian premiere on April 1, 2016. The series' first season, which centered on a mysterious figure billed as \"The Executioner\" who terrorizes the fictional town of Waterbury, Canada, was filmed between July and October 2015 in",
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"text": "killer — are featured, explored, and eliminated from consideration, one by one (either through death or the natural deductive process), until the \"all too human\" killer and his/her motivations are revealed. \"Slasher\"s 8-episode first season centers around Sarah Bennett who, with husband Dylan, moves back to the town of her birth, Waterbury (a fictional town in Canada), and into her parents' former home. It was in that house on Halloween Night 1988 where both of her parents, Bryan and Rachel, were murdered. Rachel was pregnant with Sarah at the time of her murder, with police discovering the killer holding Rachel's",
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"text": "the occasion of \"Slasher\"s Super Channel premiere, \"The Globe and Mail\"s John Doyle, while remarking that it \"is no masterpiece of horror, nor was it meant to be,\" called the show \"very well-crafted,\" praising its \"exceptional cast\" and tight pacing, and noting fans of gory horror will appreciate its bloody scenes. On May 25, 2016, the entire first season of \"Slasher\" became available to stream instantly on Netflix US. On October 17, 2017, the full second season of \"Slasher\" became available to stream on Netflix in various countries. The second season began airing in the United Kingdom via Pick-TV. Slasher",
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"title": "Slasher (2007 film)",
"text": "Slasher (2007 film) Slasher is a 2007 horror film written and directed by Frank W. Montag, and co-written by Jörn Döring. After opening with a picnicking couple being murdered by a disfigured man in the woods, the film shows Erin in a college psychology class, where a lecturer mentions Mike Corman, a local serial killer who murdered at least four girls. Mike's crimes were discovered when his house caught fire, though Mike himself was never found. As Erin, her boyfriend Danny, and their friends (Julie, Chris, Tom, and Maya) head to a campsite where they will spend their school break,",
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"title": "Slasher (TV series)",
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"title": "L.A. Slasher",
"text": "L.A. Slasher L.A. Slasher is a 2015 American horror-comedy film co-written and directed by Martin Owen. The film stars Andy Dick, Drake Bell, Mischa Barton, and Dave Bautista. The film was released on June 26, 2015 in a limited release by Arthur Jones. Los Angeles learns that the city’s minor celebrities are being stalked by a mysterious masked slasher when The Reality Star is found wandering the Hollywood hills wrapped in bandages and covered in blood. The L.A. Slasher begins abducting and torturing various stars while amassing a large cult following that monitors his activities as he posts videos online.",
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"title": "Scream (TV series)",
"text": "Scream (TV series) Scream is an American anthology slasher television series developed by Jill Blotevogel, Dan Dworkin and Jay Beattie for MTV and is based on the slasher film series of the same name created by Kevin Williamson and Wes Craven. The series is produced by Dimension Television and MTV Production Development, and was formerly filmed in Louisiana, in locations such as Baton Rouge and New Orleans as well as Chalmette High School. Blotevogel and Jaime Paglia originally served as showrunners during the first season before being replaced by Michael Gans and Richard Register in the second season, because of",
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"title": "Slasher (2007 film)",
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"title": "Home Sweet Home (1981 film)",
"text": "Home Sweet Home (1981 film) Home Sweet Home (also known as Slasher in the House) is a 1981 American slasher film directed by Nettie Peña, and written by Thomas Bush. It stars Jake Steinfeld, Peter De Paula, and Vinessa Shaw in her film debut, and the plot focuses on a PCP-addicted killer who terrorizes a family in their remote home on Thanksgiving. Along with \"Blood Rage\" and the faux \"Thanksgiving\" trailer from \"Grindhouse\", it is one of the few slasher films centered on the Thanksgiving holiday, and one of the few to be directed by a woman. While not prosecuted",
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"title": "Don't Go to the Reunion",
"text": "Don't Go to the Reunion Don't Go to the Reunion is an 80's slasher film homage directed by Steve Goltz and written by Kevin Sommerfield. The film had its world premiere at the Oshkosh Horror Film Festival on October 5, 2013. The slasher stars Stephanie Leigh Rose, Matty Dorschner, and Spencer Harlan. It is the first feature from Slasher Studios. Scott Rantzen (Brady Simenson) is a horror movie loving misfit who is teased by the popular students in school. When a date with the very popular and very beautiful Erica Carpenter (Stephanie Leigh Rose) backfires, he feels as though his",
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"title": "Cherry Falls",
"text": "thus unable to provide it for the release, so they will be releasing the original cut as seen in the film's original telecast. Cherry Falls Cherry Falls is a 2000 American slasher comedy film directed by Geoffrey Wright, and starring Brittany Murphy, Jay Mohr, and Michael Biehn. The plot focuses on a small Virginia town where a serial killer is targeting teenaged virgins. After being submitted to and rejected by the MPAA numerous times, the film was never picked up for theatrical distribution and was purchased by USA Films, who telecast it for the first time on July 29, 2000.",
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"title": "Slashers (film)",
"text": "Slashers (film) Slashers (\"スラッシャーズ\" \"Surasshāzu\" in Japan) is a 2001 horror film written and directed by Maurice Devereaux. The latest craze is \"$la$her$\", a Japanese blood sport game show where contestants can win millions of dollars if they survive being hunted through various arenas by costumed killers. All crimes are legal on the sets of the show, and what few rules there are (like having to remain motionless during commercials) are enforced by shock collars that the players and murderers must wear. The latest episode of \"$la$her$\" is an all-American special in which the six contestants (Megan, Devon, Michael, Rick,",
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"title": "Slasher film",
"text": "filmed in Boston and Madrid by an Italian-American producer with a Spanish director. Italian \"gialli\" saw slasher film influences in their releases for Sergio Martino's \"The Scorpion with Two Tails\", Lucio Fulci's \"The New York Ripper\" and Dario Argento's \"Tenebrae\". Traditional slasher films saw less frequent output. \"The House on Sorority Row\" followed the same general plot as \"Prom Night\" (1980) with guilty teens stalked and punished for a terrible secret. \"The Final Terror\" borrows visual and thematic elements from \"Just Before Dawn\" (1981), as \"Sweet Sixteen\" borrows from \"Happy Birthday to Me\" (1981). 1983's most successful slasher was \"Psycho",
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"title": "The Pumpkin Karver",
"text": "The Pumpkin Karver The Pumpkin Karver is a 2006 slasher film written by Robert Mann and Sheldon Silverstein, produced by Sheldon Silverstein and directed by Robert Mann, it stars Amy Weber, Minka Kelly, Terrence Evans and Charity Shea. Jonathan and his sister Lynn have moved to a new town to start a new life after Jonathan killed his sister's boyfriend Alec accidentally in a prank gone wrong. They are heading to a Halloween party but there's a catch: the man Jonathan killed is back in a new, horrific form. Lynn and Jonathan meet some party goers, like Tammy, twins Grazer",
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"title": "Blood Rage",
"text": "Blood Rage Blood Rage (also known as Nightmare at Shadow Woods and Slasher) is a 1987 American slasher film directed by John Grissmer, written by Bruce Rubin and starring Louise Lasser and Mark Soper. Set on Thanksgiving, the film follows a woman and her adult son who are stalked at their remote apartment community by the son's unhinged twin brother who has escaped from a psychiatric institution. The film features additional performances from producer Kanter, Jayne Bentzen, as well as a cameo appearance by Ted Raimi. Filmed in 1983 in Jacksonville, Florida, it was released under the title \"Nightmare at",
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"text": "Shortly after questioning, Jonathan and Lynn are ready to leave, but Jonathan takes a sudden shift into Alec's shape, revealing that he was the killer, and that Ben had been trying to kill him because of that. The movie ends with Jonathan stabbing Lynn to death. The film was released on 31 October 2006 as direct-to-video project over First Look International. The Pumpkin Karver The Pumpkin Karver is a 2006 slasher film written by Robert Mann and Sheldon Silverstein, produced by Sheldon Silverstein and directed by Robert Mann, it stars Amy Weber, Minka Kelly, Terrence Evans and Charity Shea. Jonathan",
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"title": "Scream (1996 film)",
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"title": "Final Examination (film)",
"text": "Sam reveals to be another brother of Rachel. He shoots the professor. It was shot in the United States in summer 2002 in Hawaii and on Hawaii Kai in Honolulu in O'ahu. The slasher film videorecording was produced Royal Oaks Entertainment and directed by Fred Olen Ray (credited as Ed Raymond), as producers worked Hugh Jorgan, James Valdez. The film based on a screenplay from the writers Sean O'Bannon and Kimberly A. Ray. Fred Olen Ray says there were two versions, one adult, and one for the family market. Andrew Stevens played a role in the family version, in order",
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"title": "Slasher (TV series)",
"long_answer": "The first season, retroactively subtitled The Executioner, was produced in association with the Canadian network Super Channel, Slasher was the first original series by U.S. TV channel Chiller, which premiered the series on Friday, March 4, 2016, at 9:00 pm EST. Super Channel aired the show's Canadian premiere on April 1, 2016. The series first season, which centered on a mysterious figure billed as \"The Executioner\" terrorizing the fictional town of Waterbury, Canada, was filmed between July and October 2015 in Sudbury, Parry Sound, and Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The first season, retroactively subtitled The Executioner, was produced in association with the Canadian network Super Channel, Slasher was the first original series by U.S. TV channel Chiller, which premiered the series on Friday, March 4, 2016, at 9:00 pm EST. Super Channel aired the show's Canadian premiere on April 1, 2016. The series first season, which centered on a mysterious figure billed as \"The Executioner\" terrorizing the fictional town of Waterbury, Canada, was filmed between July and October 2015 in Sudbury, Parry Sound, and Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.",
"short_answers": [
"Sudbury, Parry Sound"
} |
who said if a tree falls in the woods and nobody hears it | [
"Philosopher George Berkeley",
"Charles Riborg Mann",
"George Ransom Twiss"
] | [
"title": "If a tree falls in a forest",
"text": "The current phrasing appears to have originated in the 1910 book Physics by Charles Riborg Mann and George Ransom Twiss. The question \"When a tree falls in a lonely forest, and no animal is near by to hear it, does it make a sound? Why?\" is posed along with many other questions to quiz readers on the contents of the chapter, and as such, is posed from a purely physical point of view.",
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"title": "If a tree falls in a forest",
"text": "of deforestation. Washington-state-based wilderness conservatory Northwest Trek used a shortened form of the quote in its mid-1970s television advertisement, as such: \"There is no sound unless someone is there to see it or hear it. Experience it at Northwest Trek.\" The quote also forms the bridge of the protagonist's solo number \"Waving Through A Window\" in the musical \"Dear Evan Hansen\", in line with the tree motif essential to the plot. The song itself discusses a feeling of isolation through fear of failing in social interactions, as a part of the main character's social anxiety disorder. If a tree falls",
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"title": "If a tree falls in a forest",
"text": "senses through the mechanism of the ear, and recognized as sound only at our nerve centers. The falling of the tree or any other disturbance will produce vibration of the air. If there be no ears to hear, there will be no sound.\" Albert Einstein is reported to have asked his fellow physicist and friend Niels Bohr, one of the founding fathers of quantum mechanics, whether he realistically believed that 'the moon does not exist if nobody is looking at it.' To this Bohr replied that however hard he (Einstein) may try, he would not be able to prove that",
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"title": "If a tree falls in a forest",
"text": "no longer than while there is somebody by to perceive them.\" (It is worth noting that the quote from section 45 is arguably a statement of an \"objection\" to Berkeley's view, and not a proclamation of it.) Nevertheless, Berkeley never actually wrote about the question. Some years later, a similar question is posed. It is unknown whether the source of this question is Berkeley or not. In June 1883 in the magazine \"The Chautauquan\", the question was put, \"If a tree were to fall on an island where there were no human beings would there be any sound?\" They then",
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"title": "If a tree falls in a forest",
"text": "of perception (as common sense would dictate), then it will produce sound waves. However, these sound waves will not actually \"sound\" like anything. Sound as it is mechanically understood will occur, but sound as it is understood by sensation will not occur. So then, how is it known that 'sound as it is mechanically understood' will occur if that sound is not perceived? Canadian songwriter, social activist and environmentalist Bruce Cockburn poses the question in the chorus of his 1989 song \"If a Tree Falls\" and frames it with his lyrics as a pressing question regarding the cause and effect",
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"title": "If a tree falls in a forest",
"text": "being perceived? – e.g. \"\"is sound only sound if a person hears it?\"\" The most immediate philosophical topic that the riddle introduces involves the existence of the tree (and the sound it produces) outside of human perception. If no one is around to see, hear, touch or smell the tree, how could it be said to exist? What is it to say that it exists when such an existence is unknown? Of course, from a scientific viewpoint, it exists. It is human beings that are able to perceive it. George Berkeley in the 18th century developed subjective idealism, a metaphysical",
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"title": "If a tree falls in a forest",
"text": "went on to answer the query with, \"No. Sound is the sensation excited in the ear when the air or other medium is set in motion.\" This seems to imply that the question is posed not from a philosophical viewpoint, but from a purely scientific one. The magazine \"Scientific American\" corroborated the technical aspect of this question, while leaving out the philosophic side, a year later when they asked the question slightly reworded, \"If a tree were to fall on an uninhabited island, would there be any sound?\" And gave a more technical answer, \"Sound is vibration, transmitted to our",
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"title": "Maurizio Cattelan",
"text": "utilizes media to expose reality as well as blur the lines between reality and myth. Several of Cattelan's works play off of the modern day spectacle culture. \"If a Tree Falls in the Forest and There is No One Around It, Does It Make a Sound\" (1998) is a piece that exemplifies this idea. The work consists of a taxidermied donkey with its head bowed low, carrying a television on its back. It is meant to conjure up the image of Christ riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, for Palm Sunday. The television taking Christ's seat on the Donkey serves",
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"title": "If a tree falls in a forest",
"text": "the present (or ongoing) wider physical universe. It may then be recognized that the unobserved event was absolutely identical to an event which did not occur at all. Of course, the fact that the tree is known to have changed state from 'upright' to 'fallen' implies that the event must be observed to ask the question at all – even if only by the supposed deaf onlooker. The British philosopher of science Roy Bhaskar, credited with developing critical realism has argued, in apparent reference to this riddle, that: If men ceased to exist sound would continue to travel and heavy",
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"title": "Where the Red Fern Grows",
"text": "Ann out for their first hunt. He promises them that if they tree a raccoon, he will do the rest. They tree one in a large sycamore. As he tries to call them off, they look at him sadly and he cuts the tree down, though it takes two days and costs him blistered hands. In the end, when he's about to give up his effort, Billy offers a short prayer for strength to continue. A strong wind starts to blow and the tree falls. Billy and his hounds go hunting almost every night and become well-known in the Ozarks.",
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"title": "If a tree falls in a forest",
"text": "involve whether or not an unobserved event occurs \"predictably\", like it occurs when it is observed. The anthropic principle suggests that the observer, just in its existence, may impose on the reality observed. However, most people, as well as scientists, assume that the observer doesn't change whether the tree-fall causes a sound or not, but this is an impossible claim to prove. However, many scientists would argue that a truly unobserved event is one which realises no effect (imparts no information) on any other (where 'other' might be e.g., human, sound-recorder or rock), it therefore can have no legacy in",
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"title": "True and Untrue",
"text": "it for fear of wild animals. A bear, wolf, fox, and hare met under it, because it was St. John's Eve. The bear said that the dew on the lime tree would cure the sight of the king, who was going blind; the wolf said that the king's daughter was deaf and dumb because when she went to communion, she let a crumb fall, but if they caught the toad that had swallowed it, she would be cured; the fox told how the king could find a spring in his courtyard; and the hare told how a golden chain buried",
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"title": "Free will",
"text": "over. However, if the explosion occurs after the tree falls down (that is, the first requirement is not met), or rather than an explosion, the person hears the ring of a telephone (that is, the second requirement is not met), then that person is not likely to infer that either noise caused the tree to fall down. Wegner has applied this principle to the inferences people make about their own conscious will. People typically experience a thought that is consistent with a behavior, and then they observe themselves performing this behavior. As a result, people infer that their thoughts must",
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"title": "If a tree falls in a forest",
"text": "theory to respond to these questions, coined famously as \"to be is to be perceived\". Today meta-physicists are split. According to substance theory, a substance is distinct from its properties, while according to bundle theory, an object is merely its sense data. The definition of sound, simplified, is a hearable noise. The tree will make a sound, even if nobody heard it, because it could have been heard. The answer to this question depends on the definition of sound. Since sound does not exist without our hearing of it, sound does not exist if we do not hear it. However,",
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"title": "If a tree falls in a forest",
"text": "when a tree falls, the motion disturbs the air and sends off air waves. This physical phenomena which can be measured by instruments other than our ears exists regardless of human perception (seeing or hearing ) of it. Putting together, although the tree falling on the island sends off air waves, it does not produce sound if no human is within the distance where the air waves are strong enough for a human to perceive them. Can we assume the unobserved world functions the same as the observed world? – e.g., \"\"does observation affect outcome?\"\"<br> A similar question does not",
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"title": "Song of the Trees",
"text": "above them. Cassie takes it as them singing and asks Stacey if he can see it too, but Stacey dismisses this and tells her that it's just the wind. Shortly after, Cassie asks Stacey about the well-being of their mother when overhearing her and Big Ma talk about medicine. Stacey assures her that their mother was alright but if she was ill, then it wasn't that serious for them to worry about. The kids leave the cows and their calves at the pond to drink water while they go out and pick blackberries. Along the way, the kids decide to",
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"title": "Rip Van Winkle",
"text": "squirrel hunter who encounters the mystic \"Little People\", and after a night with them returns to his village to find it overgrown by forest and everyone gone: that single night had lasted a year. The story is also similar to the ancient Jewish Talmudic story about Honi the Circle-Maker (Honi M'agel), who falls asleep after asking a man why he is planting a carob tree which traditionally takes 70 years to mature, making it virtually impossible to ever benefit from the tree's fruit. After this exchange, Honi falls asleep on the ground, is miraculously covered by a rock, and remains",
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"title": "Lisa the Tree Hugger",
"text": "sneaks away from the tree at night and goes home to see them, but finds them asleep. She lies down with them and accidentally falls asleep. When she rushes to the tree in the morning, she finds it has collapsed. Upon returning home, Lisa learns that the tree was not cut down by the loggers, but struck down by lightning, and that she is presumed dead. When Lisa learns that the forest will be turned into a nature preserve in her honor, she decides not to reveal that she is alive. Marge is angered by Lisa's decision, considering the fact",
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"title": "Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales",
"text": "to go out and \"fall down\" a tree: look at it and hope it falls on its own. Her first target turns out to be in the yard of a hostile \"ugly kid,\" who, in disbelief, flippantly tells her she can have the tree if it falls down. In what Sally describes as \"a Christmas miracle,\" the tree does fall down on its own. The ugly kid comes to the Browns' house and demands the tree back, but Sally refuses. The night before Christmas Eve, Sally is overcome with guilt and decides to return the tree anyway, but the ugly",
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"title": "Once Upon a Time in the Woods",
"text": "monologue about his previous life as a tree. He explains graphically what a tree feels when it is chopped down. The video sparked debate on YouTube and other websites on the issues of global warming and clearcutting. For almost a year it remained one of the top 100 most commented films on YouTube. It is notable for the original rotoscope process created by the artist, which is currently being used in the curriculum of several universities. Once Upon a Time in the Woods Once Upon A Time in the Woods is a rotoscoped animated short by film-maker Benjamin Arthur. The",
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"title": "Miracles from Heaven (film)",
"text": "trunk for safety, whereupon stepping on it, she falls in a hole to the base of the tree. When Christy finds out what has happened, she desperately calls her husband, as well as the fire department. Anna is then rescued by the firefighters, who warn Christy to expect the worst by saying that nobody could fall 30 feet without sustaining a serious injury; broken bones or paralysis. Once out, Anna is airlifted to a hospital, where a battery of tests are run on her, and all of the tests come back negative. Other than a minor concussion, Anna is uninjured.",
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"title": "A Thousand Words (film)",
"text": "only to later deliver a five-page book. That night, a Bodhi Tree magically appears in his backyard. Dr. Sinja goes to Jack's house and they both discover that for every word that Jack says, a leaf will fall off of the tree. When the tree runs out of leaves, the tree will perish, as will Jack. In time, he finds that even written words count towards his limit; plus anything that happens to the tree will also affect Jack. When Jack tries to cut it down with an axe, an axe wound appears on him. When squirrels climb the tree,",
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"title": "Metsänpeitto",
"text": "Metsänpeitto Metsänpeitto (lit. \"forest cover\") is a phenomenon found in Finnish folklore. It was used to describe people or domestic animals who went missing in nature for unexplained reasons. People \"covered by forest\" were described as not being able to recognize the terrain around them, even if they were on familiar grounds. In other cases they might have walked endlessly through unfamiliar terrain, or were rendered completely paralyzed, unable to move or speak. Unnatural silence devoid of the sounds of nature was also common. People or animals under the influence of the phenomenon were described as becoming either completely invisible",
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"title": "Secret of the Wings",
"text": "to freeze the Autumn Woods. They, along with Tink's friends and the Ministers, arrive at the stream and find Clank and Bobble attempting to free it. They succeed, but a freeze is coming. Queen Clarion tells everyone to save the tree for the freeze will kill it, eternally stopping the flow of pixie dust. They try everything they can to save the tree. Tink then notices that a Periwinkle that Peri had covered in frost is still alive, despite its cold surroundings. She flies to the Winter Woods but, on her way, falls into the snow. She then asks Peri",
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"title": "The Oak and the Reed",
"text": "strong will fall, the soft and weak will overcome'. A variant Greek version of the fable substituted an olive tree for the oak. The tree taunts the reed for its frailty and yielding to every wind but the reed does not answer back. The wisdom of its behaviour becomes apparent when the tree is snapped in the buffeting of a storm. Similar advice, evidence that the fable was then current among Jews, is given in the Talmud (\"Tanis\" 20b), where the saying 'Be pliable like a reed, not rigid like a cedar' is attributed to Rabbi Simeon ben Eleazar. Although",
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"title": "Beverly Gray",
"text": "slipped, slid, and circled down. [They] could do nothing but wait for the crash. The earth loomed up dark and mysterious under them. . . . There came the whistle of the wind, the crack of the wings as the \"Red Bird\" dove into the trees, a deafening, splintering crash, and then—silence, while the storm raged on.\" Beverly and Larry are \"thrown clear\" of the wreckage, sustaining \"a broken rib\" and \"a broken arm\" respectively. A hike through the surrounding woods takes them to a \"rough wagon road\" and the \"crude\" house of poor farmers. Jake and his wife, Mrs.",
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"title": "Timber Falls",
"text": "about it, he asserted that they already left). The two go there on the third night that Mike and Sheryl have been captured to investigate. They make a noise while breaking the glass on the front door. Ida and Clyde hear the glass tinkle and go to check it out, leaving Mike and Sheryl alone in the room. Mike tries to grab the scalpel and successfully cuts the rope holding his hands. One hunter finds a secret door to the cabin's basement but is killed by Clyde, only after Mike manages to yell for help. The other goes down to",
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"title": "Mishpatim",
"text": "its place. But the Sages said that no proof can be brought from a carob tree. Then Rabbi Eliezer told the Sages, \"If the halachah agrees with me, let this stream of water prove it,\" and the stream of water flowed backwards. But the Sages said that no proof can be brought from a stream of water. Then Rabbi Eliezer told the Sages, \"If the halachah agrees with me, let the walls of this house of study prove it,\" and the walls leaned over as if to fall. But Rabbi Joshua rebuked the walls, telling them not to interfere with",
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"title": "The Faraway Lurs",
"text": "leaving, Heather asks Wolf Stone why he came to tell her this, and he tells her that she is unlike any girl he has ever known. Heather returns to her village to warn everyone. She tells her mother that Wolf Stone had told her to have everyone hide in the forest from the Sun People. However, she does not tell anyone about their plan to cut down the sacred tree to build a ship. Heather's mother consults the sacred tree, which tells her that Wolf Stone could never deceive his father, and asks who will protect the tree from the",
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"title": "If a tree falls in a forest",
"text": "might not always be observable. What is the difference between what something is, and how it \"appears\"? – e.g., \"\"sound is the variation of pressure that propagates through matter as a wave\"\"<br> Perhaps the most important topic the riddle offers is the division between perception of an object and how an object really is. If a tree exists outside of perception then there is no way for us to know that the tree exists. So then, what do we mean by 'existence', what is the difference between perception and reality? Also, people may also say, if the tree exists outside",
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] | {
"title": "If a tree falls in a forest",
"long_answer": "The current phrasing appears to have originated in the 1910 book Physics by Charles Riborg Mann and George Ransom Twiss. The question \"When a tree falls in a lonely forest, and no animal is near by to hear it, does it make a sound? Why?\" is posed along with many other questions to quiz readers on the contents of the chapter, and as such, is posed from a purely physical point of view.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The current phrasing appears to have originated in the 1910 book Physics by Charles Riborg Mann and George Ransom Twiss. The question \"When a tree falls in a lonely forest, and no animal is near by to hear it, does it make a sound? Why?\" is posed along with many other questions to quiz readers on the contents of the chapter, and as such, is posed from a purely physical point of view.",
"short_answers": [
"Charles Riborg Mann",
"George Ransom Twiss"
} |
turkish finnish and hungarian belong to which family of languages | [
"Uralic languages"
] | [
"title": "Uralic languages",
"text": "The Uralic languages (/jʊəˈrælɪk/; sometimes called Uralian languages /jʊəˈreɪliən/) form a language family of 38 languages spoken by approximately 25 million people, predominantly in Northern Eurasia. The Uralic languages with the most native speakers are Hungarian, Finnish, and Estonian, which are the official languages of Hungary, Finland, and Estonia, respectively, and of the European Union. Other Uralic languages with significant numbers of speakers are Erzya, Moksha, Mari, Udmurt, and Komi, which are officially recognized languages in various regions of Russia.",
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"title": "Turanism",
"text": "comparison of their languages. In his \"Brevis designatio meditationum de originibus gentium ductis potissimum ex indicio linguarum\", written in 1710, he originates every human language from one common ancestor language. Over time, this ancestor language split into two families: the Japhetic and the Aramaic. The Japhetic family split even further, into Scythian and Celtic branches. The members of the Scythian family were: the Greek language, the family of Sarmato-Slavic languages (Russian, Polish, Czech, Dalmatian, Bulgar, Slovene, Avar and Khazar), the family of Turkic languages (Turkish, Cuman, Kalmyk and Mongolian), the family of Finnic languages (Finnish, Saami, Hungarian, Estonian, Liv and",
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"title": "Uralic languages",
"text": "impetus from the fact that these languages, unlike most of the other languages spoken in Europe, are not part of what is now known as the Indo-European family. In 1717, Swedish professor Olof Rudbeck proposed about 100 etymologies connecting Finnish and Hungarian, of which about 40 are still considered valid. Several early reports comparing Finnish or Hungarian with Mordvin, Mari or Khanty were additionally collected by Leibniz and edited by his assistant Johann Georg von Eckhart. In 1730, Philip Johan von Strahlenberg published his book (\"The North and East Parts of Europe and Asia\"), surveying the geography, peoples and languages",
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"title": "Official multilingualism",
"text": "of either language is complicated by the political dispute that lead to the creation of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. In Finland, Finnish and Swedish are both considered \"national languages\". Municipalities of Finland are divided into three categories: unilingual Swedish, unilingual Finnish or bilingual. Finnish is the maternal language of about 90% of the population, and the bilingual or swedophone population is concentrated to the coastal areas of Ostrobothnia and Southwest Finland. The autonomous province of Åland is officially unilingual (Swedish). Both Swedish and Finnish are compulsory school subjects. Hong Kong is officially bilingual. Both English and Cantonese are",
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"title": "Hungarian language",
"text": "Pelasgian, Greek, Chinese, Sanskrit, English, Tibetan, Magar, Quechua, Armenian, Japanese, and at least 40 other languages. Today the consensus among linguists is that Hungarian is a member of the Uralic family of languages. In the nineteenth century, however, it was a matter of dispute whether Hungarian was a Finno-Ugric/Uralic language or more closely related to the Turkic languages (a controversy known as the \"Ugric–Turkish war\")—or whether indeed both the Uralic and the Turkic families formed part of a superfamily of Ural–Altaic languages. Hungarians did in fact absorb some Turkic influences during several centuries of cohabitation. For example, the Hungarians appear",
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"title": "Kató Lomb",
"text": "saw forty countries, and reported about her experiences and adventures in a separate book (\"Egy tolmács a világ körül\", \"An interpreter around the world\"). As it can be seen, Danish, Hebrew, Latin, Slovak, and Ukrainian are only mentioned in the \"Hetek\" interview, while Czech, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese, and Swedish are only in the \"Harmony of Babel.\" (Although Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish are close to each other, as well as Czech and Slovak, or Portuguese and Spanish, or Ukrainian and Russian are.) The languages listed at all places: In \"Polyglot: How I Learn Languages,\" she refers to more languages she also",
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"title": "Alternative theories of the Hungarian language relations",
"text": "by comparing the word roots of the more than four thousand years of an extinct Eblaite language to today's Hebrew and Arabic. They pair up the name \"Ebla\" itself with the Arabic \"ablā\" (meaning ’white rock’). They claim that both the Indo-European and Finno-Ugric language families were used a common word set. The Turk relation is supported by According to the Finno-Ugric theory, the words relatable with Finno-Ugric languages are more basic, belong to a more primitive meaning circle, than the words stemming from Turkic languages. The mere 500 Finno-Ugric words from the Hungarian language can only form a fragment",
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"title": "Europe",
"text": "Hungary, and parts of Russia. Turkic languages include Azerbaijani, Kazakh and Turkish, in addition to smaller languages in Eastern and Southeast Europe (Balkan Gagauz Turkish, Bashkir, Chuvash, Crimean Tatar, Karachay-Balkar, Kumyk, Nogai, and Tatar). Kartvelian languages (Georgian, Mingrelian, and Svan) are spoken primarily in Georgia. Two other language families reside in the North Caucasus (termed Northeast Caucasian, most notably including Chechen, Avar, and Lezgin; and Northwest Caucasian, most notably including Adyghe). Maltese is the only Semitic language that is official within the EU, while Basque is the only European language isolate. Multilingualism and the protection of regional and minority languages",
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"title": "European Union",
"text": "in a conversation in a language other than their mother tongue. Most official languages of the EU belong to the Indo-European language family, represented by the Balto-Slavic, the Italic, the Germanic, the Hellenic, and the Celtic branches. Some EU languages however, namely Hungarian, Finnish, Estonian (all three Uralic), Basque (Vasconic) and Maltese (Semitic) do not belong to Indo-European languages. The three official alphabets of the European Union (Cyrillic, Latin, and modern Greek), all derive from the Archaic Greek scripts. Besides the 24 official languages, there are about 150 regional and minority languages, spoken by up to 50 million people. Catalan,",
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"title": "Alternative theories of the Hungarian language relations",
"text": "Alternative theories of the Hungarian language relations Current linguistic theory suggests that the Hungarian language belongs to the Finno-Ugric branch of the Uralic language family. The Hungarian Academy of Sciences supports this idea based on the harmony with the Indo-European language theory, and its scientific support worldwide. However, some expound alternative theories of the Hungarian language relations. Opponents of the Finno-Ugric theory put forward alternative theories in response to two principal problems: Ármin Vámbéry published his work, the \"Magyar és török-tatár szóegyeztetések\" (\"Hungarian and Turk-Tatar word concords\"), in 1869. In his book, Vámbéry claims that the Hungarian language has Finno-Ugric",
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"title": "Ármin Vámbéry",
"text": "Vámbéry was not the first to suggest such mixed origin; the German linguist and Orientalist Wilhelm Schott (1802-1889) was a proponent of Finn-Turk-Hungarian kinship, and considered the Hungarians (and their language) a mixture of Turkic and Hyperborean / i.e. Saami, Samoyed etc. / elements. Nonetheless, Vámbéry's theory was opposed by proponents of the Finno-Ugric theory of the origins of Hungarian, who gradually triumphed in Hungary but not in Turkey. In Turkey, Hungarian and Turkish are still considered as two branches of the same language family, the Ural–Altaic. Vámbéry was acquainted with Bram Stoker, during a stay in London, and Stoker",
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"title": "Languages of Finland",
"text": "Finnish and in Swedish. Languages of Finland The two main official languages of Finland are Finnish and Swedish. There are also several official minority languages: three variants of Sami, Romani, Finnish Sign Language and Karelian. Finnish is the language of the majority, 89% of the population. It is a Finnic language closely related to Estonian and less closely to the Sami languages. The Finnic languages belong to the Uralic language family, so Finnish is distantly related to languages as diverse as Hungarian (a Ugric language) and Nenets (a Samoyedic language) in Siberia. Swedish is the main language of 5.3% of",
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"title": "Dialect continuum",
"text": "a dialect continuum, albeit with some disconnections like between North, Skolt and Inari Sami. The Baltic-Finnic languages spoken around the Gulf of Finland form a dialect continuum. Thus, although Finnish and Estonian are separate languages, there is no definite linguistic border or isogloss that separates them. Recognition of this fact is however more difficult today because many of the intervening languages have declined or gone extinct. Turkic languages are best described as a dialect continuum. Geographically this continuum starts at the Balkans in the west with Balkan Turkish, includes Turkish in Turkey and Azerbaijani language in Azerbaijan, extends into Iran",
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"title": "Hungarian language",
"text": "(< *\"kumandur\" < \"Cuman\"). Hungarian borrowed many words from neighbouring Slavic languages; \"e.g.\", \"tégla\" ‘brick’; \"mák\" ‘poppy’; \"karácsony\" ‘Christmas’). These languages in turn borrowed words from Hungarian; \"e.g.\", Serbo-Croatian \"ašov\" from Hung \"ásó\" ‘spade’. Approximately 1.6 percent of the Romanian lexicon is of Hungarian origin. Hungarian historian and archaeologist Gyula László claims that geological data from pollen analysis seems to contradict the placing of the ancient Hungarian homeland near the Urals. There have been attempts, dismissed by mainstream linguists as pseudoscientific comparisons, to show that Hungarian is related to other languages, such as Hebrew, Hunnic, Sumerian, Egyptian, Etruscan, Basque, Persian,",
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"title": "Languages of Finland",
"text": "Languages of Finland The two main official languages of Finland are Finnish and Swedish. There are also several official minority languages: three variants of Sami, Romani, Finnish Sign Language and Karelian. Finnish is the language of the majority, 89% of the population. It is a Finnic language closely related to Estonian and less closely to the Sami languages. The Finnic languages belong to the Uralic language family, so Finnish is distantly related to languages as diverse as Hungarian (a Ugric language) and Nenets (a Samoyedic language) in Siberia. Swedish is the main language of 5.3% of the population (92.4% in",
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"title": "Uralic languages",
"text": "the discovery: the German scholar Martin Vogel, the Swedish scholar Georg Stiernhielm and the Swedish courtier Bengt Skytte. Vogel's unpublished study of the relationship, commissioned by Cosimo III of Tuscany, was clearly the most modern of these: he established several grammatical and lexical parallels between Finnish and Hungarian as well as Sami. Stiernhelm commented on the similarities of Sami, Estonian and Finnish, and also on a few similar words between Finnish and Hungarian. These authors were the first to outline what was to become the classification of the Finno-Ugric, and later Uralic family. This proposal received some of its initial",
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"title": "Languages of Sweden",
"text": "Iraq, Italy, Romania, Spain, Syria, Turkey, and the former Yugoslavia). Second and third-generation Swedes of Southern European or Middle Eastern descent have adopted Swedish as their main tongue, or in addition to their immigrant languages, such as Arabic, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian, and Turkish. However, the criteria in European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages state that minority languages need a long history in the country to receive the classification, and thus, these languages have not come into question. Languages of Sweden Swedish is the official language of Sweden and is spoken by the vast majority of the 10 million",
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"title": "Fusional language",
"text": "the Iberian Romance dialect continuum, Irish, German, Faroese, Icelandic, Albanian, all Baltic and Slavic languages. Northeast Caucasian languages are weakly fusional. Another notable group of fusional languages is the Semitic languages group; however, Modern Hebrew is much more analytic than Classical Hebrew “both with nouns and with verbs”. Colloquial varieties of Arabic are more analytic than the standard language, having lost all noun declensions, and in many cases also featuring simplified conjugation. A high degree of fusion is also found in many Finno-Ugric, Uralic, and Samoyedic languages, like Hungarian, Estonian, Finnish, and the Sami languages, such as Skolt Sami. Unusually",
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"title": "Ármin Vámbéry",
"text": "and peoples in Northern Asia. His strongest evidences were the large corpus of ancient Turkish words in Hungarian word-stock (300-400 for a minimum, and even more with good alternative Turkic etymologies), and the strong typological similarity of Hungarian and Turkic languages. In his opinion Hungarian is a contact language, more precisely a mixed language, and a fruit of the intermingling of early Hungarians with Turkic peoples; as a result of this merger, the Hungarian language got a unique, distinctly dual (Ugric AND Turkic) character. (The intriguing problem of Turkic-Hungarian language relations is far from settled even after centuries of research.)",
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"title": "Sprachbund",
"text": "South Slavic languages of the southern Balkans (Bulgarian, Macedonian and to a lesser degree Serbo-Croatian), Greek, Balkan Turkish, and Romani. All but one of these are Indo-European languages but from very divergent branches, and Turkish is a Turkic language. Yet they have exhibited several signs of grammatical convergence, such as avoidance of the infinitive, future tense formation, and others. The same features are not found in other languages that are otherwise closely related, such as the other Romance languages in relation to Romanian, and the other Slavic languages such as Polish in relation to Bulgaro-Macedonian. In a classic 1956 paper",
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"title": "Max Müller",
"text": "family of languages or speech, comprising the Finnic, Samoyedic, \"Tataric\" (Turkic), Mongolic, and Tungusic languages. According to Müller these five languages were those \"spoken in Asia or Europe not included under the Arian (sic) and Semitic families, with the exception perhaps of the Chinese and its dialects\". In addition, they were \"nomadic languages,\" in contrast to the other two families (Aryan and Semitic), which he called State or political languages. The idea of a Turanian family of languages was not accepted by everyone at the time. Although the term \"Turanian\" quickly became an archaism (unlike \"Aryan\"), it did not disappear",
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"title": "Morphological typology",
"text": "is, the bound morphemes are affixes, and they may be individually identified. Agglutinative languages tend to have a high number of morphemes per word, and their morphology is usually highly regular, with a notable exception being Georgian, among others. Agglutinative languages include Finnish, Hungarian, Turkish, Mongolian, Korean, Japanese, and Indonesian. In 1836, Wilhelm von Humboldt proposed a third category for classifying languages, a category that he labeled \"polysynthetic\". (The term \"polysynthesis\" was first used in linguistics by Peter Stephen DuPonceau who borrowed it from chemistry.) These languages have a high morpheme-to-word ratio, a highly regular morphology, and a tendency for",
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"title": "Ural–Altaic languages",
"text": "common ancestor language. Over time, this ancestor language split into two families; the Japhetic and the Aramaic. The Japhetic family split even further, into Scythian and Celtic branches. The members of the Scythian family were: the Greek language, the family of Sarmato-Slavic languages (Russian, Polish, Czech, Dalmatian, Bulgar, Slovene, Avar and Khazar), the family of Turkic languages (Turkish, Cuman, Kalmyk and Mongolian), the family of Finnic languages (Finnish, Saami, Hungarian, Estonian, Liv and Samoyed). Although his theory and grouping were far from perfect, they had a considerable effect on the development of linguistic research, especially in German-speaking countries. In his",
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"title": "Hungarian Turanism",
"text": "his work \"The languages of the seat of war in the East. With a survey of the three families of language, Semitic, Arian, and Turanian.\" he called these languages \"Turanian\". Müller divided this group into two subgroups, the Southern Division, and the Northern Division. Hungarian language was classed by him as a member of this Northern Division, in the Finnic Class, in the Ugric Branch, with the Voguls and Ugro-Ostiakes as closest relatives. (In the long run, his evolutionist theory about languages' structural development, tying growing grammatical refinement to socio-economic development, and grouping languages into 'antediluvian', 'familial', 'nomadic', and 'political'",
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"title": "Alternative theories of the Hungarian language relations",
"text": "list of other languages Zsirai checked for Hungarian connections, other than Finno-Ugric and Turk. The list includes: Hebrew, Egyptian, Sumerian, Etruscan, Hittite, Basque, Persian, Pelasgian, Greek, Chinese, Sanskrit, English, Tibetic, Tamil, Cornish, Kamchatal, Yukaghir, Japanese, Ainu, Dravidian, Māori, Magar, Qin, Lepcha, Dafla, Abor-miri, Khasi, Mikir, Munda, Gondi, Armenian, Bodo, Koch, Garo, Kachari, Meitei, Telugu, Migal, Brahui, Tapka, Manio, Sopka, Horpa, Sherpa, Sunwar, Garo, Rodong, Churusija, Kulung, Bahing, Lehorong, Sangpang, Dumi, Balochi, Kamu, and Humi. The alternative language theories tend to follow the multidisciplinary approach, as they also rely on the results of other sciences like archeology and human history, treating",
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"title": "Languages of Europe",
"text": "Arabic during the era of the Ottoman Empire. Hungarian rovás was used by the Hungarian people in the early Middle Ages, but it was gradually replaced with the Latin-based Hungarian alphabet when Hungary became a kingdom, though it was revived in the 20th century and has certain marginal, but growing area of usage since then. The European Union (as of 2016) had 28 member states accounting for a population of 510 million, or about 69% of the population of Europe. The European Union has designated by agreement with the member states 24 languages as \"official and working:\" Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech,",
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"title": "Hungarian Turanism",
"text": "eating people spending their woeful lives with fish- and easel-catching\", and tried to give this colorful description of his into Vámbéry’s mouth. Vámbéry held to his scientific theory about the mixed origin of Hungarian language and people till his death. He considered Hungarian a contact language, more precisely a mixed language, having not just one but two (Finno-Ugric AND Turkic) genetic ancestors. His strongest evidences were the large corpus of ancient Turkish words in Hungarian word-stock (300-400 for a minimum, and even more with good alternative Turkic etymologies), and the strong typological similarity of Hungarian and Turkic languages. His Finno-Ugrist",
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"title": "Languages of Europe",
"text": "languages, around 20 million each fall within the Uralic and Turkic families. Still smaller groups (such as Basque and various languages of the Caucasus) account for less than 1% of European population between them. Immigration has added sizeable communities of speakers of African and Asian languages, amounting to about 4% of the population, with Arabic being the most widely spoken of them. Five languages have more than 50 million native speakers in Europe: Russian, German, French, Italian and English. While Russian has the largest number of native speakers (more than 100 million in Europe), English in Europe has the largest",
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"title": "Middle East",
"text": "five top languages, in terms of numbers of speakers, are Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Kurdish, and Hebrew. Arabic and Hebrew represent the Afro-Asiatic language family. Persian and Kurdish belong to the Indo-European language family. Turkish belongs to Turkic language family. About 20 minority languages are also spoken in the Middle East. Arabic, with all its dialects, are the most widely spoken languages in the Middle East, with Literary Arabic being official in all North African and in most West Asian countries. Arabic dialects are also spoken in some adjacent areas in neighbouring Middle Eastern non-Arab countries. It is a member of",
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"title": "Hungarian language",
"text": "Hungarian language Hungarian () is a Finno-Ugric language spoken in Hungary and several neighbouring countries. It is the official language of Hungary and one of the 24 official languages of the European Union. Outside Hungary it is also spoken by communities of Hungarians in the countries that today make up Slovakia, western Ukraine (Subcarpathia), central and western Romania (Transylvania), northern Serbia (Vojvodina), northern Croatia, and northern Slovenia (Mur region). It is also spoken by Hungarian diaspora communities worldwide, especially in North America (particularly the United States and Canada) and in Israel. Like Finnish and Estonian, Hungarian belongs to the Uralic",
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] | {
"title": "Uralic languages",
"long_answer": "The Uralic languages (/jʊəˈrælɪk/; sometimes called Uralian languages /jʊəˈreɪliən/) form a language family of 38 languages spoken by approximately 25 million people, predominantly in Northern Eurasia. The Uralic languages with the most native speakers are Hungarian, Finnish, and Estonian, which are the official languages of Hungary, Finland, and Estonia, respectively, and of the European Union. Other Uralic languages with significant numbers of speakers are Erzya, Moksha, Mari, Udmurt, and Komi, which are officially recognized languages in various regions of Russia.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The Uralic languages (/jʊəˈrælɪk/; sometimes called Uralian languages /jʊəˈreɪliən/) form a language family of 38 languages spoken by approximately 25 million people, predominantly in Northern Eurasia. The Uralic languages with the most native speakers are Hungarian, Finnish, and Estonian, which are the official languages of Hungary, Finland, and Estonia, respectively, and of the European Union. Other Uralic languages with significant numbers of speakers are Erzya, Moksha, Mari, Udmurt, and Komi, which are officially recognized languages in various regions of Russia.",
"short_answers": [
"Uralic languages"
} |
when did united states enter world war i | [
"April 1917"
] | [
"title": "American entry into World War I",
"text": "The American entry into World War I came in April 1917, after more than two and a half years of efforts by President Woodrow Wilson to keep the United States out of the war. Apart from an Anglophile element urging early support for the British, American public opinion reflected that of the president: the sentiment for neutrality was particularly strong among Irish Americans, German Americans and Scandinavian Americans, as well as among church leaders and among women in general. On the other hand, even before World War I had broken out, American opinion had been more negative toward Germany than",
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"title": "United States in World War I",
"text": "United States in World War I The United States declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917, more than two and a half years after World War I started. A ceasefire and Armistice was declared on November 11, 1918. Before entering the war, the U.S. had remained neutral, though it had been an important supplier to Great Britain and the other Allied powers. The U.S. made its major contributions in terms of supplies, raw material and money, starting in 1917. American soldiers under General of the Armies John Pershing, Commander-in-Chief of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF), arrived at the rate",
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"title": "American entry into World War I",
"text": "issue. Its declared decision on 31 January 1917 to target neutral shipping in a designated war-zone became the immediate cause of the entry of the United States into the war. Five American merchant ships went down in March. Outraged public opinion now overwhelmingly supported Wilson when he asked Congress for a declaration of war on April 2, 1917. Historians such as Ernest R. May have approached the process of American entry into the war as a study in how public opinion changed radically in three years' time. In 1914 most Americans called for neutrality, seeing the war a dreadful mistake",
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"title": "United States in World War I",
"text": "role in the conflict. Under the leadership of President Woodrow Wilson, the war represented the climax of the Progressive Era as it sought to bring reform and democracy to the world, although there was substantial public opposition to U.S. entry into the war. The American entry into World War I came on April 6, 1917, after more than two and a half years of efforts by President Woodrow Wilson to keep the United States out of the war. Apart from an Anglophile element urging early support for the British, American public opinion reflected that of the president: the sentiment for",
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"title": "American entry into World War I",
"text": "costs and to help it recover the territory annexed by the U.S. in 1848. These territories included the present day states of California, Nevada, Utah, most of Arizona, about half of New Mexico and a quarter of Colorado. British intelligence intercepted and decoded the telegram and passed it to the Wilson administration. The White House would release it to the press on March 1. Anger grew further as the Germans began sinking American ships, even as isolationists in the Senate launched a filibuster to block legislation for arming American merchant ships to defend themselves. In early 1917 Berlin forced the",
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"title": "United States in World War I",
"text": "he needed to enter the war in order to shape the peace and implement his vision for a League of Nations at the Paris Peace Conference. American public opinion was divided, with most Americans until early 1917 largely of the opinion that the United States should stay out of the war. Opinion changed gradually, partly in response to German actions in Belgium and the \"Lusitania\", partly as German Americans lost influence, and partly in response to Wilson's position that America had to play a role to make the world safe for democracy. In the general public, there was little if",
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"title": "United States in World War I",
"text": "Republican Warren G. Harding. Notes References United States in World War I The United States declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917, more than two and a half years after World War I started. A ceasefire and Armistice was declared on November 11, 1918. Before entering the war, the U.S. had remained neutral, though it had been an important supplier to Great Britain and the other Allied powers. The U.S. made its major contributions in terms of supplies, raw material and money, starting in 1917. American soldiers under General of the Armies John Pershing, Commander-in-Chief of the American Expeditionary",
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"title": "American entry into World War I",
"text": "50, with Claude Kitchin, a senior Democrat, notably opposing it. Another opponent was Jeannette Rankin, who alone voted against entry into both World War I and World War II. Nearly all of the opposition came from the West and the Midwest. The United States Senate, in a 74 to 0 vote, declared war on Austria-Hungary on December 7, 1917, citing Austria-Hungary's severing of diplomatic relations with the United States, its use of unrestricted submarine warfare and its alliance with Germany. The declaration passed in the United States House of Representatives by a vote of 365 to 1. President Wilson also",
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"title": "United States in World War I",
"text": "just as German U-boats started sinking American merchant ships in the North Atlantic. Wilson then asked Congress for \"a war to end all wars\" that would \"make the world safe for democracy\", and Congress voted to declare war on Germany on April 6, 1917. On December 7, 1917, the U.S. declared war on Austria-Hungary. U.S. troops began arriving on the Western Front in large numbers in 1918. After the war began in 1914, the United States proclaimed a policy of neutrality despite president Woodrow Wilson's antipathies against Germany. Early in the war, the United States started to favor the British",
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"title": "Loretta Perfectus Walsh",
"text": "quickly led up to Walsh's decision to enlist in the United States Navy. World War I was in its fourth year when, on January 31, 1917 the Germans announced they would resume unrestricted submarine warfare on all ships, including those sailing under the United States flag. On February 23, 1917, American opinion further was angered when America learned of Berlin's proposal to Mexico to join the war as Germany's ally against the U.S. Over the next few weeks, four American ships fell victim to German U-boats, causing the death of fifteen Americans. On March 12, 1917, all American merchant ships",
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"title": "United States in World War I",
"text": "11 approximately 10,000 fresh soldiers were arriving in France daily. In 1917, Congress gave US citizenship to Puerto Ricans when they were drafted to participate in World War I, as part of the Jones Act. In the end, Germany miscalculated the United States' influence on the outcome of the conflict, believing it would be many more months before US troops would arrive and overestimating the effectiveness of U-boats in slowing the American buildup. The United States Navy sent a battleship group to Scapa Flow to join with the British Grand Fleet, destroyers to Queenstown, Ireland and submarines to help guard",
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"title": "United States in World War I",
"text": "any support for entering the war on the side of Germany. The great majority of German Americans, as well as Scandinavian Americans, wanted the United States to remain neutral; however, at the outbreak of war, thousands of US citizens had tried to enlist in the German army. The Irish Catholic community, based in the large cities and often in control of the Democratic Party apparatus, was strongly hostile to helping Britain in any way, especially after the Easter uprising of 1916 in Ireland. Most of the Protestant church leaders in the United States, regardless of their theology, favoured pacifistic solutions",
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"title": "American entry into World War I",
"text": "end all wars\" that would \"make the world safe for democracy\", and Congress voted to declare war on Germany on April 6, 1917. On December 7, 1917, the U.S. declared war on Austria-Hungary. U.S. troops began arriving on the Western Front in large numbers in 1918. Britain used its large navy to prevent cargo vessels entering German ports, mainly by intercepting them in the North Sea between the coasts of Scotland and Norway. The wider sea approaches to Britain and France, their distance from German harbours and the smaller size of the German surface fleet all made it harder for",
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"title": "American entry into World War I",
"text": "laws as one of the first missteps by the United States bureaucracy regarding the war. By doing so, the United States had essentially given Germany the choice of whether or not the U.S. would enter the war. Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan spent most of the fall of 1914 out of contact with the State Department, leaving the more conservative Robert Lansing with the ability to shape American foreign policy at the time. One of these decisions was made in response to British protests that the Germans were using U.S. radio towers to send messages to their warships. Immediately",
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"title": "Bradbury Robinson",
"text": "the United States' entry into World War I, Brad Robinson, Jr. enlisted and was sent to the First Officers Training Camp at Ft. Sheridan. There he won his commission as a captain of infantry on August 15, 1917. He was then assigned to the command of Company L, 340th Infantry Regiment of the 85th Division. He was sent overseas in July 1918. In France, he became an instructor at the Inter-Allied Tank School in Recloses, until his battalion was ordered to the front on November 1, 1918, ten days before the Armistice. After the war, Robinson elected to remain in",
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"title": "Green Corn Rebellion",
"text": "war against Imperial Germany. Congress readily obliged the President's request, voting to declare war on Germany by a margin of 373-50 in the House and 82-6 in the Senate. This decision of the United States government to enter World War I was backed up with additional legislation imposing military conscription in America to staff the nation's wartime Army and Navy. On May 18, 1917, a draft bill became law. The bill called for all eligible young men nationwide to register for the draft on a single day — June 5, 1917. While isolated hotspots of anti-conscription activity sprang up in",
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"title": "American entry into World War I",
"text": "\"a war to make the world safe for democracy.\" If they truly believed in their ideals, he explained, now was the time to fight. The question then became whether Americans would fight for what they deeply believed in, and the answer turned out to be a resounding \"Yes\". Antiwar activists at the time and in the 1930s, alleged that beneath the veneer of moralism and idealism there must have been ulterior motives. Some suggested a conspiracy on the part of New York City bankers holding $3 billion of war loans to the Allies, or steel and chemical firms selling munitions",
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"title": "American entry into World War I",
"text": "and were determined to stay out. By 1917 the same public felt just as strongly that going to war was both necessary and wise. Military leaders had little to say during this debate, and military considerations were seldom raised. The decisive questions dealt with morality and visions of the future. The prevailing attitude was that America possessed a superior moral position as the only great nation devoted to the principles of freedom and democracy. By staying aloof from the squabbles of reactionary empires, it could preserve those ideals—sooner or later the rest of the world would come to appreciate and",
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"title": "American entry into World War I",
"text": "of it. Congressman James Hay, Democrat of Virginia was the powerful chairman of the House Committee on Military Affairs. He repeatedly blocked prewar efforts to modernize and enlarge the army. Preparedness was not needed because Americans were already safe, he insisted in January 1915: German Americans by this time usually had only weak ties to Germany; however, they were fearful of negative treatment they might receive if the United States entered the war (such mistreatment was already happening to German-descent citizens in Canada and Australia). Almost none called for intervening on Germany's side, instead calling for neutrality and speaking of",
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"title": "Horace Signor Brannon",
"text": "in the Medical Profession. However, due to financial difficulties the school closed in 1912 for financial reasons. Horace graduated in 1907 and opened a practice in his hometown. In 1917, the United States joined World War I and the entire nation was in a buzz to join the effort. After the declaration of war with Germany, many African-Americans were turned away from the local recruiting stations. Unprepared for a large scale conflict, the United States Army had only four black regiments, and many commanders would not allow mixing of blacks and whites in their units. Also, the black regiments themselves",
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"title": "John B. Anderson (United States Army officer)",
"text": "the American entry into World War I, which occurred on April 6, 1917, with the United States declaring war on Germany. During the war, Anderson was sent, with the 6th Field Artillery Regiment, part of the newly created 1st Infantry Division, to the Western Front, where he served as a regimental adjutant in the Somme sector, scene of much bitter fighting the year before, in France in October and November 1917. In the spring of 1918, Anderson served with the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) at Ypres, Belgium and subsequently he was appointed adjutant of the 1st Artillery Brigade. Later, Anderson",
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"title": "John E. Dahlquist",
"text": "the American entry into World War I on April 6, 1917. Unable to serve overseas, he served in the Allied occupation of the Rhineland after the war. Remaining in the army during the interwar period he returned to the United States and served as an instructor at the U.S. Army Infantry School from 1924 to 1928. After graduating from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff School in 1931, he was assigned to the Philippines. From 1935 to 1936 he was a student at the U.S. Army War College, serving on the U.S. Army General Staff, Personnel Division after graduation.",
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"title": "American entry into World War I",
"text": "discourse on the subject. Once war started, they were harassed in so many ways that historian Carl Wittke noted in 1936, it was \"one of the most difficult and humiliating experiences suffered by an ethnic group in American history.\" German-American Socialists in Milwaukee, Wisconsin actively campaigned against entry into the war. Leaders of most religious groups (except the Episcopalians) tended to pacifism, as did leaders of the woman's movement. The Methodists and Quakers among others were vocal opponents of the war. President Wilson, who was a devout Presbyterian, would often frame the war in terms of good and evil in",
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"title": "Arthur Zimmermann",
"text": "sent on 16 January 1917. He died in Berlin in 1940 of pneumonia. Two and a half years into World War I, the United States had maintained a status of neutrality while the Allied armies had been fighting those of the Central Powers in the trenches of northern France and Belgium. Although President Woodrow Wilson had been re-elected – winning the election on the slogan, \"He kept us out of the war\" – it became increasingly difficult to maintain that position. After the Royal Navy had been engaged in a successful naval blockade against all German shipping for some time,",
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"title": "William P. Edmunds",
"text": "the entry of the United States into World War I, Edmunds joined the United States Army. He served as a captain in the infantry starting on August 15, 1917 from CL. He was promoted to the rank of major on September 4, 1918. He was stationed at Fort Benjamin Harrison in Indiana. He was part of the American Expeditionary Forces from June 12, 1918, to January 30, 1919. He was honorably discharged on March 4, 1919. In September 1919, Edmunds was hired as the athletic director and coach in \"all branches of athletics\" at the University of Vermont. He served",
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"title": "George Davis (editor)",
"text": "for writing which was immediately seen by his teachers. His doting mother began collecting his earliest writings after a teacher sent his first poem to a newspaper for publication when he was in the fourth grade. Before the United States entered World War I in 1917 his oldest brother, Harold, joined the Canadian Expeditionary Force and left for the battlefields of France where he served as a motorcycle courier, traveling between the command in the rear and the front lines, often through enemy territory. His letters home captivated his brothers. After America entered the War the family moved to Highland",
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"title": "American entry into World War I",
"text": "in October 1915, the latter amounting to US$500,000,000. Although the stance of the U.S. government was that stopping such financial assistance could hasten the end of the war and therefore save lives, little was done to insure adherence to the ban on loans, in part due to pressure from Allied governments and American business interests. The American steel industry had faced difficulties and declining profits during the Recession of 1913–1914. As war began in Europe, however, the increased demand for tools of war began a period of heightened productivity that alleviated many U.S. industrial companies from the low-growth environment of",
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"title": "United States in World War I",
"text": "and was replaced by a Russian Provisional Government. This helped overcome Wilson's reluctance to having the US fight alongside a country ruled by an absolutist monarch. Pleased by the Provisional Government's pro-war stance, the US accorded the new government diplomatic recognition on March 9, 1917. Although the United States declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917, it did not initially declare war on the other Central Powers, a state of affairs that Woodrow Wilson described as an \"embarrassing obstacle\" in his State of the Union speech. Congress declared war on the Austro-Hungarian Empire on December 7, 1917, but never",
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"title": "United States in World War I",
"text": "the war. The Boy Scouts of America helped distribute war pamphlets, helped sell war bonds, and helped to drive nationalism and support for the war. As late as 1917, the United States maintained only a small army, one which was in fact smaller than thirteen of the nations and empires already active in the war. After the passage of the Selective Service Act in 1917, it drafted 4 million men into military service. By the summer of 1918, about 2 million US soldiers had arrived in France, about half of whom eventually saw front-line service; by the Armistice of November",
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"title": "American entry into World War I",
"text": "time the war would be over, with Germany victorious. The argument that armaments led to war was turned on its head: most Americans came to fear that failure to arm in 1916 made aggression against the U.S. more likely. Americans felt an increasing need for a military that could command respect. As one editor put it, \"The best thing about a large army and a strong navy is that they make it so much easier to say just what we want to say in our diplomatic correspondence.\" Berlin thus far had backed down and apologized when Washington was angry, thus",
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"title": "American entry into World War I",
"long_answer": "The American entry into World War I came in April 1917, after more than two and a half years of efforts by President Woodrow Wilson to keep the United States out of the war. Apart from an Anglophile element urging early support for the British, American public opinion reflected that of the president: the sentiment for neutrality was particularly strong among Irish Americans, German Americans and Scandinavian Americans, as well as among church leaders and among women in general. On the other hand, even before World War I had broken out, American opinion had been more negative toward Germany than towards any other country in Europe. Over time, especially after reports of atrocities in Belgium in 1914 and following the sinking of the passenger liner RMS Lusitania in 1915, the American people increasingly came to see Germany as the aggressor in Europe.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The American entry into World War I came in April 1917, after more than two and a half years of efforts by President Woodrow Wilson to keep the United States out of the war. Apart from an Anglophile element urging early support for the British, American public opinion reflected that of the president: the sentiment for neutrality was particularly strong among Irish Americans, German Americans and Scandinavian Americans, as well as among church leaders and among women in general. On the other hand, even before World War I had broken out, American opinion had been more negative toward Germany than",
"short_answers": [
"April 1917"
} |
who has given the theory of unbalanced economic growth | [
] | [
"title": "Strategy of unbalanced growth",
"text": "The theory is generally associated with Hirschman. He presented a complete theoretical formulation of the strategy. Underdeveloped countries display common characteristics: low levels of GNI per capita and slow GNI per capita growth, large income inequalities and widespread poverty, low levels of productivity, great dependence on agriculture, a backward industrial structure, a high proportion of consumption and low savings, high rates of population growth and dependency burdens, high unemployment and underemployment, technological backwardness and dualism{existence of both traditional and modern sectors}. In a less-developed country, these characteristics lead to scarce resources or inadequate infrastructure to exploit these resources. With a",
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"title": "Oded Galor",
"text": "Economic Growth\", Editor of the \"Journal of Population Economics\", Co-Editor of \"Macroeconomic Dynamics,\" a member of the editorial board of several journals, including \"Economics and Human Biology\", the \"Journal of Economic Inequality.\" Oded Galor is the founder of unified growth theory that explores the process of development over the entire course of human history and identifies the historical and prehistorical forces behind the differential transition timing from stagnation to growth and the divergence in income per capita across countries and regions He has made significant contributions to the understanding of process of development over the entire course of human history",
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"id": "11143710",
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"title": "Ragnar Nurkse's balanced growth theory",
"text": "Ragnar Nurkse's balanced growth theory The balanced growth theory is an economic theory pioneered by the economist Ragnar Nurkse (1907–1959). The theory hypothesises that the government of any underdeveloped country needs to make large investments in a number of industries simultaneously. This will enlarge the market size, increase productivity, and provide an incentive for the private sector to invest. Nurkse was in favour of attaining balanced growth in both the industrial and agricultural sectors of the economy. He recognised that the expansion and inter-sectoral balance between agriculture and manufacturing is necessary so that each of these sectors provides a market",
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"title": "Anthony Thirlwall",
"text": "Anthony Thirlwall Anthony Philip \"Tony\" Thirlwall (born 1941) is Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Kent. He has made major contributions to regional economics; the analysis of unemployment and inflation; balance of payments theory, and to growth and development economics with particular reference to developing countries. He is the author of the bestselling textbook \"Economics of Development: Theory and Evidence\" (Palgrave Macmillan) now in its ninth edition. He is also the biographer and literary executor of the famous Cambridge economist Nicholas Kaldor. Perhaps his most notable contribution has been to show that if long-run balance of payments equilibrium",
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"title": "Developing by working",
"text": "stage, workers firstly become qualified (learning by-doing) so qualified workers paid more than unqualified. The concept of developing by working has been modeled by Mustafa Cicek, a Turkish economist within his PhD thesis at KTU Trabzon Turkey, in his design of endogenous and unbalanced regional growth theory to explain the effects of employment of unqualified rural people by government initiatives. For a developing economy which experiences seriously regional imbalances, the structure of the economy does not allow all people to be employed and all factors to be used in the provinces. To tackle these problems through regionalizing both endogenous and",
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"title": "Sanjeev Sanyal",
"text": "to economic and urban issues. He is seen as a strong advocate of using a codified insolvency and bankruptcy processes to allow creative destruction in an evolving economy. He has argued that conventional economists are wrong to demand perpetual \"global balance\". His view is that all periods of economic growth are characterized by some form of symbiotic imbalance and that the focus should be on managing the distortions caused by the imbalance rather than forcing a return to some preconceived equilibrium. Therefore, his view is that the next round of global growth will only be sustained if the rest of",
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"title": "Anthony Thirlwall",
"text": "Sterling. He is now General Editor of The Great Thinkers in Economics Series published by Palgrave Macmillan. Pacific Islands Development Programme in Hawaii (1989–90), the African Development Bank (1993–94), Tongan Development Bank (1996), the Asian Development Bank (2003), and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) (2004–06). Served on the editorial boards of: Anthony Thirlwall Anthony Philip \"Tony\" Thirlwall (born 1941) is Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Kent. He has made major contributions to regional economics; the analysis of unemployment and inflation; balance of payments theory, and to growth and development economics with particular reference",
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"title": "Oded Galor",
"text": "that \"will inspire, motivate, and challenge economists.\" University of Chicago economist Steven N. Durlauf declared that \"\"Unified Growth Theory\" is Big Science at its best. It grapples with some of the broadest questions in social science, integrating state-of-the-art economic theory with a rich exploration of a wide range of empirical evidence.\" He considers that Galor's ideas \"will have a lasting effect on economics.\" Oded Galor Oded Galor (born 1953) is an Israeli economist who is currently Herbert H. Goldberger Professor of Economics at Brown University. He is the founder of unified growth theory. Galor has contributed to the understanding of",
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"title": "Ragnar Nurkse's balanced growth theory",
"text": "to that of maturity. However, the balanced growth theory involves the creation of a brand new, self-sufficient modern industrial economy being laid over a stagnant, self-sufficient traditional economy. Thus, there is no transformation. In reality, a dual economy will come into existence, where two separate economic sectors will begin to coexist in one country. They will differ on levels of development, technology and demand patterns. This may create inequality in the country. Ragnar Nurkse's balanced growth theory The balanced growth theory is an economic theory pioneered by the economist Ragnar Nurkse (1907–1959). The theory hypothesises that the government of any",
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"title": "Robert A. Blecker",
"text": "growth, and the theory of balance-of-payments constrained growth (also known as Thirlwall’s Law). Blecker was born in Philadelphia, PA, USA, on November 17, 1956. He attended Central High School of Philadelphia and graduated from Springfield Township High School, Montgomery County, PA in 1974. Blecker received a B.A. in economics from Yale University in 1978, and his M.A. and Ph.D. in economics from Stanford University in 1983 and 1987. He also took courses in the Master’s program in economics at El Colegio de México in 1978-79 under a Fulbright scholarship. American University awarded Blecker its Faculty Awards for Outstanding Teaching in",
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"id": "19691566",
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"title": "Athanasios Asimakopulos",
"text": "was a three-commodity, three-country study in international trade theory entitled \"Productivity Changes, the Trade Balance and the Terms of Trade\". With his classmate Keith Frearson, the Australian economist, Tom went to Joan Robinson's lectures on what would become \"The Accumulation of Capital\" – Robinson's \"magnum opus\", which sought to extend Keynes's theory to account for long-run issues of growth and capital accumulation. Initially Asimakopulos was irritated by Robinson's criticisms of the orthodox theories of value and distribution and neoclassical methodology on which he had been brought up. Asimakopulos also went regularly to research students's seminars run by Piero Sraffa, Robin",
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"id": "13523607",
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"title": "Robert Lucas Jr.",
"text": "unsystematic monetary policy; the Uzawa–Lucas model (with Hirofumi Uzawa) of human capital accumulation; and the \"Lucas paradox\", which considers why more capital does not flow from developed countries to developing countries. Lucas (1988) is a seminal contribution in the economic development and growth literature. Lucas and Paul Romer heralded the birth of endogenous growth theory and the resurgence of research on economic growth in the late 1980s and the 1990s. He also contributed foundational contributions to behavioral economics, and provided the intellectual foundation for the understanding of deviations from the law of one price based on the irrationality of investors.",
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"title": "Robert Barro",
"text": "the same in his 1980 presidential campaign. Numerous sources incorrectly credit Barro with this because of the similarity of name with his own \"Barro Misery Index.\" Barro's version first appeared in a 1999 \"BusinessWeek\" article. His 1984 \"Macroeconomics\" textbook remains a standard for explaining the subject, and his 1995 book, with Columbia University economist Xavier Sala-i-Martin, on \"Economic Growth\", is a widely cited and read graduate-level textbook on the theory and evidence concerning long-run economic growth. Barro's research in the 1990s was focused mainly on the theoretical and empirical determinants of growth: he gave fundamental contributions to the theory of",
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"id": "4470266",
"score": "1.0187095",
"original_retrieval_index": 18
"title": "Oded Galor",
"text": "Oded Galor Oded Galor (born 1953) is an Israeli economist who is currently Herbert H. Goldberger Professor of Economics at Brown University. He is the founder of unified growth theory. Galor has contributed to the understanding of process of development over the entire course of human history and the role of deep-rooted factors in the transition from stagnation to growth and in the emergence of the vast inequality across the globe. Moreover, he has pioneered the exploration of the impact of human evolution, population diversity, and inequality on the process of development over most of human existence. Galor completed his",
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"id": "11143708",
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"title": "David Cass",
"text": "to pure economic theory, mostly in the field of general equilibrium theory. He made major contributions to the theory of optimal growth, the theory of sunspots and the theory of incomplete markets. He is perhaps best known for his article “Optimum Growth in an Aggregative Model of Capital Accumulation”, which was a part of his dissertation. In this paper he proves a necessary and sufficient condition for efficiency in the neoclassical growth model first introduced by Frank Ramsey. A major difference to the standard Ramsey growth model was that Cass considered the case where consumption in future periods is discounted,",
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"id": "6789461",
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"title": "Nicholas Kaldor",
"text": "Kaldor's model would lead us to conclude that the cycle might give way to either perpetual and rising inflation or stagnation. Kaldor's non-linear business cycle theory overcomes the difficulty that many economists had with Roy Harrod's growth theory. Many of the American Neo-Keynesian economists thought that Harrod's work implied that capitalism would tend toward extremes of zero and infinite growth and that there were no dynamics that might keep it in check. Robert Solow, who eventually created the Solow Growth Model in response to these perceived problems, summarised this view as such: In fact, Kaldor's 1940 paper had already shown",
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"title": "Ragnar Nurkse's balanced growth theory",
"text": "the opinion that Say's Law of markets operates in underdeveloped countries. Thus, if the money incomes of the people rise while the price level in the economy stays the same, the size of the market will still not expand till the real income and productivity levels rise. To quote Nurkse, Citing the limited size of the market as the main impediment in economic growth, Nurkse reasons that an increase in productivity can create a virtuous circle of growth. Thus, a large scale investment programme in a wide array of industries simultaneously is the answer. The increase in demand for one",
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"title": "Ragnar Nurkse's balanced growth theory",
"text": "the car industry, for example, it will naturally lead to a rise in the demand for petrol. But if the state makes large scale investments in the coffee sector of a country, the tea sector will suffer. Hans Singer suggested that Nurkse's theory makes dubious assumptions about the underdeveloped economy. For example, Nurkse assumes that the economy starts with nothing at hand. However, an economy usually starts at a position which reflects the previous investment decisions undertaken in the country, and at any given moment, an imbalance already exists. So the logical step would be to take on those investment",
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"title": "Hyman Minsky",
"text": "economist and his contributions, and \"Stabilizing an Unstable Economy\" (1986), and more than a hundred professional articles. Minsky's theories have enjoyed some popularity, but have had little influence in mainstream economics or in central bank policy. Minsky stated his theories verbally, and did not build mathematical models based on them. Minsky preferred to use interlocking balance sheets rather than math equations to model economies: \"The alternative to beginning one's theorizing about capitalist economies by positing utility functions over the reals and production functions with something labeled K (called capital) is to begin with the interlocking balance sheets of the economy.\"",
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"title": "Subroto Roy (economist)",
"text": "the Faculty of Economics of the University of Cambridge, where Professor Frank Hahn had been supervisor. Professor CJ Bliss of Oxford University and Professor Terence W Hutchison of Birmingham University were the Examiners of the doctoral thesis \"On liberty and economic growth: preface to a philosophy for India\". He served as an economic advisor to former Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi. He has taught economics and/or finance at several Cambridge colleges, the Delhi School of Economics, Virginia Tech, Cornell University, Brigham Young University, UH-Manoa, IIT Kharagpur, University of Buckingham. He has been a consultant at the World Bank and the",
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"title": "Michael Kremer",
"text": "Theory of Economic Development. Kremer proposed one of the most convincing explanations for the phenomenon of the World System population hyperbolic growth observed prior to the early 1970s, as well as the economic mechanisms of the demographic transition. Kremer has also presented his research in the field of human capital at the International Growth Centre's Growth Week 2010. Michael Kremer Michael Robert Kremer (born November 12, 1964) is an American development economist, who is currently the Gates Professor of Developing Societies at Harvard University. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a recipient of a",
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"title": "History of macroeconomic thought",
"text": "savings rate divided by the capital output ratio (the amount of capital divided by the amount of output). The Harrod–Domar model dominated growth theory until Robert Solow and Trevor Swan independently developed neoclassical growth models in 1956. Solow and Swan produced a more empirically appealing model with \"balanced growth\" based on the substitution of labor and capital in production. Solow and Swan suggested that increased savings could only temporarily increase growth, and only technological improvements could increase growth in the long-run. After Solow and Swan, growth research tapered off with little or no research on growth from 1970 until 1985.",
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"title": "Oded Galor",
"text": "around the world. He unveils the mechanisms that have trapped the world economy in millennia of near-stagnation but ultimately has induced the remarkable transition to an era of sustained economic growth characterized by vast inequality across countries and regions. \"Unified Growth Theory\" suggests that during most of human existence, technological progress was counterbalanced by population growth and living standards were near subsistence across time and space. However, the reinforcing interaction between the rate of technological progress and the size and composition of the population has gradually increased the pace of technological progress, enhancing the importance of education in the ability",
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"title": "Maurice Allais",
"text": "developed by Walras and replace it with a study focusing on real markets rather than a utopian market, favoring the study of imbalance and based on the idea of surplus. The economic dynamics are thus characterized by the research, the realization and the distribution of a surplus and there is a general equilibrium when there is no longer any realizable surplus. Allais’s Hereditary, Relativist and Logistic (HRL) theory of monetary dynamics contains an original theory of expectations formation that is a genuine alternative to both adaptive and rational expectations. It was praised by Milton Friedman in 1968 with the following",
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"title": "Ragnar Nurkse's balanced growth theory",
"text": "one sector rises, due to the complementary nature of demand, the demand for the output of other industries will also experience a rise. Paul Rosenstein-Rodan spoke of a similar concept called \"indivisibility of demand\" which hypothesises that if large investments are made in a large number of industries simultaneously, an underdeveloped economy can become developed due to the phenomenon of complementary demand. However, both Nurkse and Rosenstein-Rodan only took into consideration the situation of industries that produce complementary goods. There are substitute goods too, which are in competition with each other. Thus if the state pumps in large investments into",
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"title": "Ragnar Nurkse's balanced growth theory",
"text": "for the products of the other and in turn, supplies the necessary raw materials for the development and growth of the other. Nurkse and Paul Rosenstein-Rodan were the pioneers of balanced growth theory and much of how it is understood today dates back to their work. Nurkse's theory discusses how the poor size of the market in underdeveloped countries perpetuates its underdeveloped state. Nurkse has also clarified the various determinants of the market size and puts primary focus on productivity. According to him, if the productivity levels rise in a less developed country, its market size will expand and thus",
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"title": "Balance of payments",
"text": "was not until about 2007 that their concerns began to be accepted by the majority of economists. Speaking after the 2009 G-20 London summit, Gordon Brown announced \"the Washington Consensus is over\". There is now broad agreement that large imbalances between different countries do matter; for example mainstream U.S. economist C. Fred Bergsten has argued the U.S. deficit and the associated large inbound capital flows into the U.S. was one of the causes of the financial crisis of 2007–2010. Since the crisis, government intervention in BOP areas such as the imposition of capital controls or foreign exchange market intervention has",
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"title": "Oded Galor",
"text": "two centuries. Reception Nobel Laureate in Economics Robert Solow described Galor's project as \"breathtakingly ambitious\". He added that \"Galor proposes a fairly simple, intensely human-capital-oriented model that will accommodate the millennia of Malthusian near-stagnation, the Industrial Revolution and its aftermath of rapid growth, the accompanying demographic transition, and the emergence of modern human-capital-based growth. And the model is supposed to generate endogenously the transitions from one era to the next. The resulting book is a powerful mixture of fact, theory, and interpretation.\" According to Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist Daron Acemoglu, \"\"Unified Growth Theory\" is a work of unusual ambition\"",
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"title": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"text": "the world safer for them. For national economies, he rejects the need to require the free flow of capital, for there are times when it may be necessary to restrict capital flows. Rather, he puts the emphasis on the free flow of people. Labor should be allowed to move freely throughout the world. Most recently, in a YouTube video titled he laid out three key policies to address the current economy: Unger's first writing on economic theory was the article \"Illusions of necessity in the economic order\" in the May 1978 issue of \"American Economic Review\". In the article he",
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"title": "Deep Economy",
"text": "the idea that it might endure and considers durability at least as important as increases in size.\" The book has been generally well-received, though some critics have questioned his proposed solutions. The long-standing presumption that \"more\" equals \"better\" in economic growth is questioned by McKibben, who asks if in fact this idea is valid. McKibben also suggests that unfettered growth is not a realistic, sustainable goal. According to McKibben, the invention of the steam engine and the Industrial Revolution in 1712 resulted in a mindset which rapidly altered expectations of economic growth. He also said that, \"The current political assumption",
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] | {
"title": "Strategy of unbalanced growth",
"long_answer": "The theory is generally associated with Hirschman. He presented a complete theoretical formulation of the strategy. Underdeveloped countries display common characteristics: low levels of GNI per capita and slow GNI per capita growth, large income inequalities and widespread poverty, low levels of productivity, great dependence on agriculture, a backward industrial structure, a high proportion of consumption and low savings, high rates of population growth and dependency burdens, high unemployment and underemployment, technological backwardness and dualism{existence of both traditional and modern sectors}. In a less-developed country, these characteristics lead to scarce resources or inadequate infrastructure to exploit these resources. With a lack of investors and entrepreneurs, cash flows cannot be directed into various sectors that influence balanced economic growth.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The theory is generally associated with Hirschman. He presented a complete theoretical formulation of the strategy. Underdeveloped countries display common characteristics: low levels of GNI per capita and slow GNI per capita growth, large income inequalities and widespread poverty, low levels of productivity, great dependence on agriculture, a backward industrial structure, a high proportion of consumption and low savings, high rates of population growth and dependency burdens, high unemployment and underemployment, technological backwardness and dualism{existence of both traditional and modern sectors}. In a less-developed country, these characteristics lead to scarce resources or inadequate infrastructure to exploit these resources. With a",
"short_answers": [
} |
where did the term spirits for alcohol come from | [
"Middle Eastern alchemy"
] | [
"title": "Distilled beverage",
"text": "The term \"spirit\" in reference to alcohol stems from Middle Eastern alchemy. These alchemists were more concerned with medical elixirs than with transmuting lead into gold. The vapor given off and collected during an alchemical process (as with distillation of alcohol) was called a spirit of the original material.",
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"title": "Alcohol",
"text": "cosmetic. The meaning of alcohol was extended to distilled substances in general, and then narrowed to ethanol, when \"spirits\" was a synonym for hard liquor. Bartholomew Traheron, in his 1543 translation of John of Vigo, introduces the word as a term used by \"barbarous\" (Moorish) authors for \"fine powder.\" Vigo wrote: \"the barbarous auctours use alcohol, or (as I fynde it sometymes wryten) alcofoll, for moost fine poudre.\" The 1657 \"Lexicon Chymicum\", by William Johnson glosses the word as \"antimonium sive stibium.\" By extension, the word came to refer to any fluid obtained by distillation, including \"alcohol of wine,\" the",
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"title": "Alcohol",
"text": "titled as \"The Book of the chemistry of Perfume and Distillations\". The Persian physician, alchemist, polymath and philosopher Rhazes (854 CE – 925 CE) is credited with the discovery of ethanol. The word \"alcohol\" is from the Arabic \"kohl\" (), a powder used as an eyeliner. Al- is the Arabic definite article, equivalent to \"the\" in English. \"Alcohol\" was originally used for the very fine powder produced by the sublimation of the natural mineral stibnite to form antimony trisulfide . It was considered to be the essence or \"spirit\" of this mineral. It was used as an antiseptic, eyeliner, and",
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"title": "Drink",
"text": "it to be the blood of those who had once battled against the gods\". The Greek cult and mysteries of Dionysus, carried on by the Romans in their Bacchanalia, were the origins of western theater. Judaism incorporates it in the Kiddush and Christianity in its Eucharist, while alcohol consumption was forbidden in Islam. Spirits are distilled beverages that contain no added sugar and have at least 20% alcohol by volume (ABV). Popular spirits include borovička, brandy, gin, rum, slivovitz, tequila, vodka, and whisky. Brandy is a spirit created by distilling wine, whilst vodka may be distilled from any starch- or",
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"title": "Ethanol",
"text": "Geneva, Switzerland. The term “alcohol” now refers to a wider class of substances in chemistry nomenclature, but in common parlance it remains the name of ethanol. The Oxford English Dictionary claims that it is a medieval loan from Arabic \"al-kuḥl\", a powdered ore of antimony used since antiquity as a cosmetic, and retained that meaning in Middle Latin. The use of “alcohol” for ethanol (in full, “alcohol of wine”) is modern, first recorded 1753, and by the later 18th century referred to “any sublimated substance; distilled spirit” use for “the spirit of wine” (shortened from a full expression \"alcohol of",
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"title": "Alcohol",
"text": "distilled essence of wine. Libavius in \"Alchymia\" (1594) refers to \"vini alcohol vel vinum alcalisatum\". Johnson (1657) glosses \"alcohol vini\" as \"quando omnis superfluitas vini a vino separatur, ita ut accensum ardeat donec totum consumatur, nihilque fæcum aut phlegmatis in fundo remaneat.\" The word's meaning became restricted to \"spirit of wine\" (the chemical known today as ethanol) in the 18th century and was extended to the class of substances so-called as \"alcohols\" in modern chemistry after 1850. The term \"ethanol\" was invented 1892, combining the word ethane with the \"-ol\" ending of \"alcohol\". IUPAC nomenclature is used in scientific publications",
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"title": "History of alcoholic drinks",
"text": "almost 40 years before it was claimed that he invented Champagne. Around 1668, Perignon used strong bottles, invented a more efficient cork (and one that could contain the effervescence in those strong bottles), and began developing the technique of blending the contents. However, another century would pass before problems, especially bursting bottles, would be solved and champagne would become popular. The original grain spirit, whisky (or \"whiskey\" in Hiberno-English) and its specific origins are unknown but the distillation of whisky has been performed in Ireland and Scotland for centuries. The first confirmed written record of whisky comes from 1405 in",
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"title": "Ethanol",
"text": "The process later spread from the Middle East to Italy. Production of alcohol from distilled wine was later recorded by the School of Salerno alchemists in the 12th century. Mention of absolute alcohol, in contrast with alcohol-water mixtures, was later made by Raymond Lull in the 14th century. In China, archaeological evidence indicates that the true distillation of alcohol began during the 12th century Jin or Southern Song dynasties. A still has been found at an archaeological site in Qinglong, Hebei, dating to the 12th century. In India, the true distillation of alcohol was introduced from the Middle East, and",
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"title": "Rum",
"text": "is also a theory that it comes from the Turkish name for Greeks, \"Rum,\" as some of the earliest rum spirits were distilled by Greek Christians in the eastern Mediterranean. Other etymologists have mentioned the Romani word \"rum\", meaning \"strong\" or \"potent\". These words have been linked to the ramboozle and rumfustian, both popular British drinks in the mid-17th century. However, neither was made with rum, but rather eggs, ale, wine, sugar, and various spices. The most probable origin is as a truncated version of \"rumbullion\" or \"rumbustion\". Both words surfaced in English about the same time as rum did",
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"title": "Whisky",
"text": "\"uisce\" in Irish Gaelic, and \"uisge\" in Scottish Gaelic). Distilled alcohol was known in Latin as \"aqua vitae\" (\"water of life\"). This was translated into Old Irish as ' (\"water of life\"), which became ' in Irish and \"\" in Scottish Gaelic. Early forms of the word in English included \"uskebeaghe\" (1581), \"usquebaugh\" (1610), \"usquebath\" (1621), and \"usquebae\" (1715). Much is made of the word's two spellings: \"whisky\" and \"whiskey\". There are two schools of thought on the issue. One is that the spelling difference is simply a matter of regional language convention for the spelling of a word, indicating",
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"title": "Liquor",
"text": "by Taddeo Alderotti in the 13th century. The production method was written in code, suggesting that it was being kept secret. In 1437, \"burned water\" (brandy) was mentioned in the records of the County of Katzenelnbogen in Germany. It was served in a tall, narrow glass called a \"Goderulffe\". Claims upon the origin of specific beverages are controversial, often invoking national pride, but they are plausible after the 12th century AD, when Irish whiskey and German brandy became available. These spirits would have had a much lower alcohol content (about 40% ABV) than the alchemists' pure distillations, and they were",
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"title": "History of alcoholic drinks",
"text": "History of alcoholic drinks Purposeful production of alcoholic drinks is common and often reflects cultural and religious peculiarities as much as geographical and sociological conditions. Discovery of late Stone Age jugs suggest that intentionally fermented beverages existed at least as early as the Neolithic period (c. 10000 BC). Chemical analysis of jars from the neolithic village Jiahu in the Henan province of northern China revealed traces of alcohol that were absorbed and preserved. According to a study published in the \"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences\", chemical analysis of the residue confirmed that a fermented drink made of grapes,",
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"title": "Alcohol (drug)",
"text": "volatile and inhalational anesthetics (e.g., chloroform, diethyl ether, and isoflurane). Alcohol was brewed as early as 7,000 to 6,650 BCE in northern China. The earliest evidence of winemaking was dated at 6,000 to 5,800 BCE in Georgia in the South Caucasus. Beer was likely brewed from barley as early as the 6th century BCE (600–500 BCE) in Egypt. Pliny the Elder wrote about the \"golden age\" of winemaking in Rome, the 2nd century BCE (200–100 BCE), when vineyards were planted. Alcohol is legal in most of the world. However, laws banning alcohol are found in the Middle East and some",
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"title": "Tom Collins",
"text": "American journalist and student of American English H. L. Mencken said:The origin of the ... Tom-Collins ... remains to be established; the historians of alcoholism, like the philologists, have neglected them. But the essentially American character of [this and other drinks] is obvious, despite the fact that a number have gone over into English. The English, in naming their drinks, commonly display a far more limited imagination. Seeking a name, for example, for a mixture of whiskey and soda- water, the best they could achieve was whiskey-and-soda. The Americans, introduced to the same drink, at once gave it the far",
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"title": "Liquor",
"text": "sake, or cider, as they are fermented but not distilled. These all have a relatively low alcohol content, typically less than 15%. Brandy is a liquor produced by the distillation of wine, and has an ABV of over 35%. Other examples of liquors include vodka, baijiu, gin, rum, tequila, mezcal, and whisky. (Also see list of alcoholic drinks, and liquors by national origin.) The term \"spirit\" refers to liquor that contains no added sugar and has at least 20% alcohol by volume (ABV). Liquor bottled with added sugar and added flavorings, such as Grand Marnier, Frangelico, and American schnapps, are",
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"title": "Alcoholic drink",
"text": "Sake is a popular example of \"rice wine\". Sparkling wine like French Champagne, Catalan Cava or Italian Prosecco can be made by means of a secondary fermentation. A distilled drink or liquor is an alcoholic drink produced by distilling (i.e., concentrating by distillation) ethanol produced by means of fermenting grain, fruit, or vegetables. Unsweetened, distilled, alcoholic drinks that have an alcohol content of at least 20% ABV are called \"spirits\". For the most common distilled drinks, such as whiskey and vodka, the alcohol content is around 40%. The term \"hard liquor\" is used in North America to distinguish distilled drinks",
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"title": "History of alcoholic drinks",
"text": "so far indicates that the true distillation of alcohol began sometime during the Jin or Southern Song dynasties. A still has been found at an archaeological site in Qinglong, Hebei, dating to the 12th century. In India, the true distillation of alcohol was introduced from the Middle East. It was in wide use in the Delhi Sultanate by the 14th century. The process of distillation spread from the Middle East to Italy, where evidence of the distillation of alcohol appears from the School of Salerno in the 12th century. Fractional distillation was developed by Tadeo Alderotti in the 13th century.",
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"title": "Liqueur",
"text": "In the United States and Canada, where spirits are often called \"liquor\" (), there is often confusion discerning between liqueurs and liquors, due to the many different types of flavored spirits that are available today (e.g. flavored vodka). Liqueurs generally contain a lower alcohol content (15–30% ABV) than spirits and it has sweetener mixed, while some can have an ABV as high as 55%. Under the Food and Drug Regulations (C.R.C., c. 870), liqueurs are produced from mixing alcohol with plant materials. These materials include juices or extracts from fruits, flowers, leaves or other plant materials. The extracts are obtained",
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"title": "History of alcoholic drinks",
"text": "Ireland, the production of whisky from malted barley is first mentioned in Scotland in an entry from 1494, although both countries could have distilled grain alcohol before this date. Distilled spirit was generally flavored with juniper berries. The resulting beverage was known as jenever, the Dutch word for \"juniper.\" The French changed the name to genievre, which the English changed to \"geneva\" and then modified to \"gin.\" Originally used for medicinal purposes, the use of gin as a social drink did not grow rapidly at first. However, in 1690, England passed \"An Act for the Encouraging of the Distillation of",
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"title": "History of alcoholic drinks",
"text": "Brandy and Spirits from Corn\" and within four years the annual production of distilled spirits, most of which was gin, reached nearly one million gallons. It should be noted that \"corn\" in the British English of the time meant \"grain\" in general, while in American English \"corn\" refers principally to maize. The dawn of the 18th century saw the British Parliament pass legislation designed to encourage the use of grain for distilling spirits. In 1685, consumption of gin had been slightly over one-half million gallons but by 1714 it stood at two million gallons. In 1727, official (declared and taxed)",
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"title": "History of alcoholic drinks",
"text": "abuse alcohol cause problems, draw attention to themselves, are highly visible and cause legislation to be enacted. The vast majority of drinkers, who neither experience nor cause difficulties, are not noteworthy. Consequently, observers and writers largely ignore moderation. Evidence of distillation comes from alchemists working in Alexandria, Roman Egypt, in the 1st century AD. Distilled water has been known since at least c. 200 AD, when Alexander of Aphrodisias described the process. Beer was the major beverage among the Babylonians, and as early as 2700 BC they worshiped a wine goddess and other wine deities. Babylonians regularly used both beer",
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"title": "History of alcoholic drinks",
"text": "hawthorn berries, honey, and rice was being produced in 7000–6650 BC. The results of this analysis were published in December 2004. This is approximately the time when barley beer and grape wine were beginning to be made in the Middle East. The earliest firm evidence of wine production dates back to 6000 BC in Georgia . Evidence of alcoholic beverages has also been found dating from 3150 BC in ancient Egypt, 3000 BC in Babylon, 2000 BC in pre-Hispanic Mexico, and 1500 BC in Sudan. The medicinal use of alcohol was mentioned in Sumerian and Egyptian texts dating from about",
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"title": "History of alcoholic drinks",
"text": "30.^ History of alcoholic drinks Purposeful production of alcoholic drinks is common and often reflects cultural and religious peculiarities as much as geographical and sociological conditions. Discovery of late Stone Age jugs suggest that intentionally fermented beverages existed at least as early as the Neolithic period (c. 10000 BC). Chemical analysis of jars from the neolithic village Jiahu in the Henan province of northern China revealed traces of alcohol that were absorbed and preserved. According to a study published in the \"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences\", chemical analysis of the residue confirmed that a fermented drink made of",
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"title": "Liquor",
"text": "cirrhosis and alcoholism. The American Heart Association \"cautions people NOT to start drinking ... if they do not already drink alcohol. Consult your doctor on the benefits and risks of consuming alcohol in moderation.\" Liquor Liquor (also hard liquor, hard alcohol, spirit, or distilled drink) is an alcoholic drink produced by distillation of grains, fruit, or vegetables that have already gone through alcoholic fermentation. The distillation process purifies the liquid and removes diluting components like water, for the purpose of increasing its proportion of alcohol content (commonly expressed as alcohol by volume, ABV). As liquors contain significantly more alcohol, they",
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"title": "Liquor",
"text": "Liquor Liquor (also hard liquor, hard alcohol, spirit, or distilled drink) is an alcoholic drink produced by distillation of grains, fruit, or vegetables that have already gone through alcoholic fermentation. The distillation process purifies the liquid and removes diluting components like water, for the purpose of increasing its proportion of alcohol content (commonly expressed as alcohol by volume, ABV). As liquors contain significantly more alcohol, they are considered \"harder\" – in North America, the term \"hard liquor\" is used to distinguish distilled alcoholic drinks from non-distilled ones. As examples, this term does not include beverages such as beer, wine, mead,",
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"title": "Alcohol in New France",
"text": "sense of power that alcohol induced; second, they used alcohol in hospitality rituals; and third, they relied on liquor for mourning ceremonies. Additionally, Natives often shared the assumption that a man who turned violent after consuming alcohol could not be held accountable for his actions. This suggests that they saw alcohol as a powerful substance that could not always be controlled. This meant that murder committed while under the influence exonerated an individual from the crime, and protected them from the relatives of the victim seeking revenge. Natives argued that it was alcohol that was the criminal, not the man.",
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"title": "Whisky",
"text": "passed from the medieval Arabs to the medieval Latins, with the earliest records in Latin in the early 12th century. The earliest records of the distillation of alcohol are in Italy in the 13th century, where alcohol was distilled from wine. An early description of the technique was given by Ramon Llull (1232 – 1315). Its use spread through medieval monasteries, largely for medicinal purposes, such as the treatment of colic and smallpox. The art of distillation spread to Ireland and Scotland no later than the 15th century, as did the common European practice of distilling \"aqua vitae\", spirit alcohol,",
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"title": "Medieval technology",
"text": "Roman Egypt, in the 1st century. The medieval Arabs adopted the distillation process, which later spread to Europe. Texts on the distillation of waters, wine, and other spirits were written in Salerno and Cologne in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Liquor consumption rose dramatically in Europe in and after the mid-14th century, when distilled liquors were commonly used as remedies for the Black Death. These spirits would have had a much lower alcohol content (about 40% ABV) than the alchemists' pure distillations, and they were likely first thought of as medicinal elixirs. Around 1400, methods to distill spirits from wheat,",
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"title": "Rum-running",
"text": "mostly Irish and Canadian whiskey, as well as other fine liquors and wines, to ports from Maine to Florida. In the days of rum running, it was common for captains to add water to the bottles to stretch their profits, or to re-label it as better goods. Any cheap sparkling wine became French champagne or Italian Spumante; unbranded liquor became top-of-the-line name brands. McCoy became famous for never watering his booze, and selling only top brands. Although the phrase appears in print in 1882, this is one of several folk etymologies for the origin of the term \"The real McCoy.\"",
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"title": "Alcohol and Native Americans",
"text": "American indigenous populations. Early demand, with no regulation and strong encouragement, may have contributed to a heavy alcohol use. It was then passed down from generation to generation, which has led to the current high level of alcohol-related problems. The use of alcohol originated in Middle America but rapidly diffused to Northern Mexico and from there to the Southwestern United States. The majority of aboriginal production and use of alcoholic beverages was in this region. However, there was a surprising number of scattered accounts of intoxicating beverage use throughout the United States prior to White contact. For the most part,",
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] | {
"title": "Distilled beverage",
"long_answer": "The term \"spirit\" in reference to alcohol stems from Middle Eastern alchemy. These alchemists were more concerned with medical elixirs than with transmuting lead into gold. The vapor given off and collected during an alchemical process (as with distillation of alcohol) was called a spirit of the original material.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The term \"spirit\" in reference to alcohol stems from Middle Eastern alchemy. These alchemists were more concerned with medical elixirs than with transmuting lead into gold. The vapor given off and collected during an alchemical process (as with distillation of alcohol) was called a spirit of the original material.",
"short_answers": [
"Middle Eastern alchemy"
} |
who led the soldiers in ending the raid on the harper's ferry arsenal | [
"Colonel Robert E. Lee",
"First Lieutenant Israel Greene",
"Brevet Colonel Robert E. Lee"
] | [
"title": "John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry",
"text": "or The raid on Harper's Ferry) was an effort by armed abolitionist John Brown to initiate an armed slave revolt in 1859 by taking over a United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. Brown's party of 22 was defeated by a company of U.S. Marines, led by First Lieutenant Israel Greene. Colonel Robert E. Lee was in overall command of the operation to retake the arsenal. John Brown had originally asked Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass, both of whom he had met in his transformative years as an abolitionist in Springfield, Massachusetts, to join him in his raid, but Tubman",
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"title": "Harpers Ferry, West Virginia",
"text": "by the U.S. Army. Industrialization continued in 1833 when the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal reached Harpers Ferry, linking it with Washington, D.C. A year later, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad began service through the town. On October 16, 1859, the abolitionist John Brown led a group of 21 men in a raid on the arsenal. Five of the men were black: three free black men, one a freed slave and one a fugitive slave. During this time assisting fugitive slaves was illegal under the Fugitive Slave Act. Brown attacked and captured several buildings; hoping to secure the weapons depot and",
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"title": "Turner Ashby",
"text": "most of the arsenal buildings and 15,000 small arms before he could arrive. At Harpers Ferry, Ashby was assigned to the Virginia Militia command of Colonel Thomas J. \"Stonewall\" Jackson, whom he had met at Harpers Ferry and Charles Town in 1859. Ashby was initially assigned to guard fords across the Potomac River and bridges from Harpers Ferry to Point of Rocks, Maryland. He became known for visiting his pickets on long horseback rides (50-miles while guarding the Potomac, later 70 miles when guarding Stonewall Jackson's rear during the Valley Campaign), as well as for interfering with scouting operations of",
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"title": "John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry",
"text": "Ferry. According to Lee's notes, Lee believed John Brown was a madman, \"... the plan [raiding the Harpers Ferry Arsenal] was the attempt of a fanatic or madman.\" Lee also believed that the blacks in the raid were forced by Brown. \"The blacks, whom he [John Brown] forced from their homes in this neighborhood, as far as I could learn, gave him no voluntary assistance.\" Lee attributed John Brown's \"temporary success\" by creating panic and confusion and by \"magnifying\" the number of participants involved in the raid. Colonel Lee and Jeb Stuart searched the surrounding country for fugitives who had",
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"title": "John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry",
"text": "and captured. The raid was rapidly failing. One of Brown's men, William H. Leeman, panicked and made an attempt to flee by swimming across the Potomac River, but he was shot and fatally injured while doing so. During the intermittent shooting, Brown's other son, Oliver, was also hit; he died after a brief period. At around 3:00 p.m. a militia company led by Captain E.G. Alburtis arrived by train from Martinsburg, Virginia. Most of the militia members were Baltimore & Ohio Railroad employees. The militia forced the raiders inside the engine house. They broke into the guardroom and freed over",
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"title": "William Gilham",
"text": "the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry. Major Jackson was placed in command of the artillery, consisting of two howitzers manned by 21 cadets. In response to the raid on Harper's Ferry, Governor Wise ordered Gilham to write a manual to train volunteers and militia. Finished in the fall of 1860, it was entitled \"Manual of Instruction for the Volunteers and Militia of the United States\" and was initially published in Philadelphia. According to VMI records, while residing in Lexington, Major Gilham and his wife Cordelia Adelaide Hayden Gilham (1826–1913) had 7 children, 3 born after moving to Virginia. Their daughter",
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"title": "Kenton Harper",
"text": "later a force of 2,400 men led by Harper and Brig. Gen. William H. Harman seized the U.S. Army arsenal located at Harpers Ferry in modern-day West Virginia. Despite the fires set by the Union Army forces as they withdrew, Harper's militia managed to salvage 4,000 of the approximately 15,000 muskets in storage there, as well as 300 of the arsenal's milling machines and metal working lathes, plus about 57,000 tools and wooden stocks (all items used in rifle production), which were sent to the Tredegar Iron Works in Richmond, Virginia. On April 28 Confederate Col. Thomas J. \"Stonewall\" Jackson",
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"title": "John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry",
"text": "the arsenal, in addition to those he brought along, to arm rebellious slaves with the aim of striking terror in the slaveholders in Virginia. He believed that on the first night of action, 200-500 black slaves would join his line. He ridiculed the militia and regular army that might oppose him. He planned to send agents to nearby plantations, rallying the slaves. He planned to hold Harpers Ferry for a short time, expecting that as many volunteers, white and black, would join him as would form against him. He would move rapidly southward, sending out armed bands along the way.",
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"title": "John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry",
"text": "company of militia captured the bridge across the Potomac River, any route of escape for the raiders was cut off. During the day, four townspeople were killed, including the mayor. Realizing his escape was cut, Brown took nine of his captives and moved into the smaller engine house, which would come to be known as John Brown's Fort. The raiders blocked entry of the windows and doors and traded sporadic gunfire with surrounding forces. At one point Brown sent out his son, Watson, and Aaron Dwight Stevens with a white flag, but Watson was mortally wounded and Stevens was shot",
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"title": "Maryland Campaign",
"text": "Maj. Gen. Thomas J. \"Stonewall\" Jackson was ordered to seize the Union arsenal at Harpers Ferry with three separate columns. This left only the thinly spread cavalry of Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart and the division of Maj. Gen. D.H. Hill to guard the army's rear at South Mountain. The specific reason Lee chose this risky strategy of splitting his army to capture Harpers Ferry is not known. One possibility is that he knew it commanded his supply lines through the Shenandoah Valley. Before he entered Maryland he had assumed that the Federal garrisons at Winchester, Martinsburg, and Harpers Ferry would",
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"title": "Harpers Ferry National Historical Park",
"text": "John Brown, responsible for what is by far the most famous incident in Harpers Ferry's history. \"NPS officials in the 1930s focused on John Brown's Raid and the Civil War to justify acquiring parts of Harpers Ferry for a historical and military park.\" Like the figure of John Brown himself, this proved enormously controversial, with opposition from the United Daughters of the Confederacy and the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Today (2018) there is no mention of John Brown on the Park's home page (, although the raid is covered in the history section of the website. Native American history in",
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"title": "John Todd (abolitionist)",
"text": "arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia (now West Virginia). But Rev. Todd had no knowledge of the use to which the weapons he had stored would be put, nor any involvement in what he termed \"the Harper's Ferry insurrection.\" Todd was also a leader in the temperance movement and was a board member of Tabor College from its founding in 1866 until his death in 1894. His home in Tabor, Todd House, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, is operated as a museum by the Tabor Historical Society and is open for public visits. John Todd (abolitionist) John",
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"title": "Kenton Harper",
"text": "arrived to assume command of the forces at Harpers Ferry and began to organize the militia into regiments. On May 1, 1861, Harper was appointed a brigadier general in the Virginia Provisional Army, an organization soon added to the overall Confederate States Army. Seven days later he was commissioned a colonel and given command of the 5th Virginia Infantry, one of the regiments that made up the Stonewall Brigade. Harper and the 5th Virginia fought well during the First Battle of Bull Run on July 21, \"where his soldierly ability attracted the notice of the army commander.\" However, resigned from",
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"title": "John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry",
"text": "wickedness and outrage could not be entertained by any citizen of the United States.\" On Sunday night, October 16, 1859, Brown left four of his men behind as a rear-guard: his son, Owen Brown, Barclay Coppock, and Frank Meriam; he led the rest into the town of Harpers Ferry, Virginia. Brown detached a party under John Cook Jr. to capture Colonel Lewis Washington, great-grandnephew of George Washington, at his nearby Beall-Air estate, some of his slaves, and two relics of George Washington: a sword allegedly presented to Washington by Frederick the Great and two pistols given by Marquis de Lafayette,",
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"title": "John Brown (abolitionist)",
"text": "Ohio arrived in Harpers Ferry. Mason led the three-hour questioning session of Brown. Although the attack had taken place on federal property, Wise ordered that Brown and his men be tried in Virginia in Charles Town, the nearby seat of Jefferson County just seven miles west of Harpers Ferry (perhaps to avert Northern political pressure on the Federal government, or in the unlikely event of a presidential pardon). The trial began October 27, after a doctor pronounced the still-wounded Brown fit for trial. Brown was charged with murdering four whites and a black, conspiring with slaves to rebel, and treason",
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"title": "Harpers Ferry, West Virginia",
"text": "tributaries), traveled to Harpers Ferry during the summer of 1785 to determine the need for bypass canals. In 1794, Washington's familiarity with the area led him to propose the site for a new United States armory and arsenal. Some of Washington's family moved to the area; his great-great-nephew, Colonel Lewis Washington, was held hostage during John Brown's raid in 1859, and George's brother Charles Washington founded the nearby Jefferson County town of Charles Town. In 1796, the federal government purchased a parcel of land from the heirs of Robert Harper. Construction began on the United States Armory and Arsenal at",
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"title": "Allstadt House and Ordinary",
"text": "death of John Thomas Allstadt in 1923, the last survivor of John Brown's Raid. The property was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1985. The house's chief historic significance came in 1859, when John Brown launched his raid on Harpers Ferry. Brown ordered a detachment of his forces under John Cook to go to Beall-Air and take hostage the owner, Colonel Lewis Washington, and three of his slaves. On their return to Harpers Ferry with Washington the party stopped at Allstadt's and took Allstadt, his son John Thomas, and seven slaves as \"prisoner.\" All survived the siege.",
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"title": "John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry",
"text": "forced them to fight. Regardless, one was killed trying to escape across the Potomac River, the other was wounded and later died in the Charles Town jail.) 9 other civilians were wounded. Marines Mayor Beckham's Will Book called for the liberation of Isaac Gilbert, his wife, and three children upon his death. When Edwin Coppock killed Beckham the five slaves were free. In 1944, Harpers Ferry and some surrounding areas were designated as a National Monument. Congress later designated it as the Harpers Ferry National Historical Park in 1963. It is managed by the National Park Service. The park includes",
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"title": "John E.P. Daingerfield",
"text": "John E.P. Daingerfield John E.P. Daingerfield served as a clerk at the Harpers Ferry Armory in 1859 during John Brown’s raid. Daingerfield received his rank of captain on June 10, 1861 and transferred to Fayetteville as munitions and equipment were moved to the Fayetteville Arsenal from Harpers Ferry that same year. Maj. John C. Booth, commanding officer at the Fayetteville Arsenal, appointed him military paymaster and storekeeper, prestigious jobs in the Army. Daingerfield served in the 2nd Battalion Local Defense Troops, commonly referred to as the Arsenal Guard. In June 1885, \"The Century\" published Captain Daingerfield's article \"John Brown at",
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"title": "Liberty Arsenal",
"text": "and leader of the Unionist Liberty Home Guards (formed only a few days later, on April 24) characterized the seizure of the arsenal this way: \"Col. Routt had no more right to capture the Liberty Arsenal, with its government arms and munitions, than John Brown had to seize the one at Harper's Ferry.\" Maj. Grant continued as custodian of the depot until it was sold in 1869 (via a July 25, 1868 act of Congress.) On October 6, 2012, an historic marker was placed at the highway intersection near the site once occupied by the arsenal. None of the buildings",
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"title": "John Brown Bell",
"text": "bell to alert slaves in the surrounding countryside that the revolt had begun. The raid ended when Marines under the command of Lt. Col. Robert E. Lee stormed the building. Brown and 10 of his men were later hanged for murder and treason. Two years later, with the Civil War beginning, a Marlborough unit in the Union Army took the bell from the Harpers Ferry Armory after being ordered to seize anything of value to the U.S. government to prevent it from falling into the hands of Lee's Confederate army. Knowing their hook and ladder company in Marlborough needed a",
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"title": "John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry",
"text": "which Brown considered talismans. The party carried out its mission and returned via the Allstadt House, where they took more hostages. Brown's main party captured several watchmen and townspeople in Harpers Ferry. Brown's men needed to capture the weapons and escape before word could be sent to Washington. The raid was going well for Brown's men. They cut the telegraph wire and seized a Baltimore & Ohio train passing through. A free black man was the first casualty of the raid. Heyward Shepherd, an African-American baggage handler on the train, confronted the raiders; they shot and killed him. For some",
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"title": "William F. Raynolds",
"text": "the defense of the military arsenal at Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. On March 13, 1865 Raynolds was brevetted brigadier general for meritorious service during the Civil War. Raynolds retired from the army on March 17, 1884 with the permanent rank of colonel after a 40-year military career. William Franklin Raynolds was born on March 17, 1820 in Canton, Ohio, the fourth of six children to William Raynolds (November 2, 1789 – September 20, 1829) and Elizabeth Seabury (née Fisk 1796 – April 13, 1853). William F. Raynolds's grandfather was also named William Raynolds (1764–1814) and had been a veteran of",
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"title": "William Henry Harman",
"text": "militia force that seized the Harper's Ferry Armory and Arsenal near the beginning of the war on April 18, 1861. He served as lieutenant colonel of the 5th Virginia Infantry Regiment of the Stonewall Brigade from May 7, 1861 to April 1862, when he failed to be appointed colonel in the April 1862 reorganization of the Confederate Army. Harman next served briefly as an aide-de-camp to Brigadier General Edward Johnson in Jackson's Valley Campaign, after which he was appointed an assistant adjutant general on February 19, 1864. He commanded a regiment of reservists at the Battle of Piedmont on June",
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"title": "Harpers Ferry Armory",
"text": "general style of \"factory Gothic\" architecture. In addition, more people were employed to work at the armory than before: the labor force increased from a minuscule twenty-five in 1802 to about four hundred workers in 1859. Furthermore, the working conditions improved, but only slightly. In 1859, the armory became the site of the famous seizure by abolitionist John Brown, which, while unsuccessful in inciting a slave revolt, helped precipitate the American Civil War and the eventual emancipation of slaves in the United States. While Virginia was still in the union, the armory regularly shipped manufactured weapons and material throughout the",
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"title": "Battle of Harpers Ferry",
"text": "designed to fight off raiders, but not to hold the heights themselves. There was a powerful artillery battery halfway up the heights: two naval Dahlgren rifles, one 50-pounder Parrott rifle, and four 12-pounder smoothbores. On the crest, Miles assigned Col. Thomas H. Ford of the 32nd Ohio Infantry to command parts of four regiments, 1,600 men. Some of these men, including those of the 126th New York, had been in the Army only 21 days and lacked basic combat skills. They erected primitive breastworks and sent skirmishers a quarter-mile in the direction of the Confederates. On September 12 they encountered",
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"title": "Harpers Ferry, West Virginia",
"text": "arm the slaves, starting a revolt across the south. Brown also brought 1,000 steel pikes, which were forged in Connecticut by a blacksmith and abolitionists sympathizer, Charles Blair; however, the pikes would see no action as Brown failed to rally the slaves to revolt ( The first shot of the raid mortally wounded Heyward Shepherd, a free black man who had been a night baggage porter for the B&O Railroad running through Harpers Ferry attempting to warn the slave owners near the armory. The noise from that shot alerted Dr. John Starry shortly after 1:00 am. He walked from his",
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"title": "John Anthony Copeland Jr.",
"text": "was recruited to John Brown's armed group by his uncle and fellow raider, Lewis Sheridan Leary. Brown led twenty-one followers, sixteen white and five black men, and captured the armory guards of Harpers Ferry, then part of Virginia, where they took control of the Federal arsenal. The raiders were soon pinned down by Virginia militiamen until U.S. marines led by Robert E. Lee arrived to apprehend them. Copeland's role in the Harpers Ferry assault was to seize control of Hall's Rifle Works, along with John Henry Kagi, a white raider. Kagi and several others were killed while trying to escape",
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"title": "Model 1817 common rifle",
"text": "than on the Model 1814. After producing the Model 1814 common rifle through contractors, the military decided to do the same with the Model 1817. The Harper's Ferry Arsenal produced a pattern weapon, which was then taken to gunsmiths to be copied. The rifle was built by Henry Deringer of Philadelphia (13,000 made), Nathan Starr & Co. of Middleton, Conn. (10,200 made), Simeon North of Middleton, Conn. (7,200 made), R. Johnson of Middleton, Conn. (5,000 made), R. & J. D. Johnson of Middleton, Conn. (3,000 made). Over time, the rifles became obsolete, but they still saw service during the Civil",
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"title": "Harpers Ferry Armory",
"text": "Springfield armories were instrumental in the development of machining techniques to make interchangeable parts. Robert Harper founded the community of Harpers Ferry in the mid-18th century. Robert Harper was born in 1718 in Oxford Township near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Since he was a builder, Harper was asked by a group of Quakers in 1747 to build a meeting house in the Shenandoah Valley near the present site of Winchester, Virginia. Traveling through Maryland on his way to the Shenandoah Valley, Harper proceeded to the area where the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers met. Attracted and amazed by the ample latent waterpower that",
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] | {
"title": "John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry",
"long_answer": "John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry (also known as John Brown's raid or The raid on Harper's Ferry) was an effort by armed abolitionist John Brown to initiate an armed slave revolt in 1859 by taking over a United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. Brown's party of 22 was defeated by a company of U.S. Marines, led by First Lieutenant Israel Greene. Colonel Robert E. Lee was in overall command of the operation to retake the arsenal. John Brown had originally asked Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass, both of whom he had met in his transformative years as an abolitionist in Springfield, Massachusetts, to join him in his raid, but Tubman was prevented by illness and Douglass declined, as he believed Brown's plan would fail.",
"chunked_long_answer": "or The raid on Harper's Ferry) was an effort by armed abolitionist John Brown to initiate an armed slave revolt in 1859 by taking over a United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. Brown's party of 22 was defeated by a company of U.S. Marines, led by First Lieutenant Israel Greene. Colonel Robert E. Lee was in overall command of the operation to retake the arsenal. John Brown had originally asked Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass, both of whom he had met in his transformative years as an abolitionist in Springfield, Massachusetts, to join him in his raid, but Tubman",
"short_answers": [
"Colonel Robert E. Lee",
"First Lieutenant Israel Greene"
} |
when did disney art of animation resort open | [
"May 31, 2012"
] | [
"title": "Disney's Art of Animation Resort",
"text": "The resort is the first to be built in the complex in over seven years and the fifth to be placed in the value-priced category, along with Disney's All-Star Sports Resort, the All-Star Music Resort, the All-Star Movies Resort, and Disney's Pop Century Resort. Family suites opened on May 31, 2012, and standard rooms opened on September 15, 2012.",
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"title": "Disney's Art of Animation Resort",
"text": "rooms opened on September 15, 2012. Originally, the land the Art of Animation Resort occupies was planned to be part of Disney's Pop Century Resort as part of the \"Legendary Years\" section. Several buildings were constructed for these plans, some even to the point of adding decorative details. While one-half of Pop Century (the \"Classic Years\") opened in 2003, the other half was left abandoned following the tourism halt after the September 11 attacks on the United States. Disney started to prepare the land for the resort in January 2010, and construction began in the summer of that year. At",
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"id": "14557352",
"score": "1.2645712",
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"title": "Animation Academy",
"text": "DisneyQuest in 1998. It was also recently added to Disney's Hollywood Studios and Disney California Adventure. It can be found within Art of Disney Animation at Walt Disney Studios Park. The attraction opened at Hong Kong Disneyland on July 14, 2007 and is located adjacent to the Opera House in Main Street, U.S.A.. The attraction itself is a drawing session with a Disney animator who teaches guests to draw a Disney character. Guests may take their own artwork home if they want after the drawing session. Animation Academy Animation Academy is an attraction at Disney California Adventure, Walt Disney Studios",
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"title": "Art of Disney Animation",
"text": "Art of Disney Animation Art of Disney Animation is an attraction at the Walt Disney Studios Park in Disneyland Paris, Disney's California Adventure in Disneyland Resort and Hong Kong Disneyland in Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. In Walt Disney Studios Park, the attraction opened on March 16, 2002, along with the park, and is located in the Toon Studios Area (previously known as Animation Courtyard). Toon Studios is where the animated characters come alive - here guests learn about how Disney animated movies are created and can step into the imaginary worlds of animated features from Disney and Pixar. The Art",
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"title": "Art of Disney Animation",
"text": "Epcot since April 2016. In 10th anniversary celebration, half of the building (the renaissance age) has been converted into Big Hero 6 Headquarters, where guests can meet and greet with Baymax since February 22, and Hiro Hamada only on June 4 as an atmosphere character. However, it's been closed since June 30. Art of Disney Animation Art of Disney Animation is an attraction at the Walt Disney Studios Park in Disneyland Paris, Disney's California Adventure in Disneyland Resort and Hong Kong Disneyland in Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. In Walt Disney Studios Park, the attraction opened on March 16, 2002, along",
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"title": "The Magic of Disney Animation",
"text": "production area was dedicated and opened on April 22, 1998, the same day Disney's Animal Kingdom opened. Roy E. Disney noted it in his dedication speech. The Magic of Disney Animation The Magic of Disney Animation was a show and tour at Disney's Hollywood Studios, Florida. A Disney animator would show guests how the characters in Disney animated films were chosen and designed. The attraction closed permanently on July 12, 2015. In December 2015, the building began to be used to house the \"Star Wars\" Launch Bay. Originally, when the park first opened in 1989, the \"Feature Animation\" pavilion of",
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"title": "Disney's Art of Animation Resort",
"text": "King\", and \"The Little Mermaid\". Much like the other Disney Value Resorts, giant versions of various items are built around the hotel on each of the ten wings, such as a model of King Triton. In total, there are 1,984 rooms. of which 1,120 are family suites capable of housing up to six people, featuring living rooms and bedrooms. The remaining 864 sport the standard value layout. The resort has a total of ten buildings, as well as three themed pools. Disney's Art of Animation Resort Disney's Art of Animation Resort is a resort within Walt Disney World Resort in",
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"id": "14557354",
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"title": "Disney's Pop Century Resort",
"text": "of the September 11 attacks and was redeveloped as a fifth value-priced resort, Disney's Art of Animation Resort, in 2012. After achieving international success with existing accommodations, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts began construction of the first value-priced resorts at the Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. The three-resort complex opened during the 1990s, consisting of Disney's All-Star Movies, All-Star Music, and All-Star Sports Resorts. The properties proved themselves as successful investments, leading to the development of a fourth value-priced resort in 1999. The resort was originally planned to open in 2001, though the opening was eventually",
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"title": "Art of Disney Animation",
"text": "well as statues displayed behind glass windows. Lastly, a tip guests can keep in mind about this final room is that it can be entered without visiting the main attraction, allowing guests to return to view certain exhibits and take part in certain \"animation stations\" during their visit to the park. The Magic of Disney Animation was a show and tour at Disney's Hollywood Studios, Florida. The attraction closed permanently on July 12, 2015. At the time, it was not announced what would happen to the building and the animators. In December 2015, the building began to be used to",
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"id": "12888923",
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"title": "Animation Academy",
"text": "Animation Academy Animation Academy is an attraction at Disney California Adventure, Walt Disney Studios Park and Hong Kong Disneyland. The same attraction formerly existed in Disney's Hollywood Studios and DisneyQuest, which closed in 2015. Tokyo Disneyland also features an almost identical attraction, named simply Disney Drawing Class, within The Disney Gallery in World Bazaar. The attraction was closed permanently on September 30th, 2016, to make way for Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. In Shanghai Disneyland's Marvel Universe, a similar attraction called Marvel Comic Academy is operating. This attraction features Marvel Comic's characters instead of Disney movies characters. The attraction opened together with",
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"title": "Art of Disney Animation",
"text": "house the Star Wars Launch Bay. The Animation Academy has no main show, such as the one in the Paris and Florida attractions, but there are a variety of attractions and exhibits the guests can visit. These attractions are located at Hollywood Land which is a themed land at Disney California Adventure. \"The area is inspired by the 1930’s Golden Age period of Hollywood\" and features attractions related to this concept. The Disney Animation Academy is where guests can get lessons on how to draw various Disney characters. As part of the park's \"Frozen Fun\" event, which ran through May",
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"id": "12888924",
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"title": "The Magic of Disney Animation",
"text": "The Magic of Disney Animation The Magic of Disney Animation was a show and tour at Disney's Hollywood Studios, Florida. A Disney animator would show guests how the characters in Disney animated films were chosen and designed. The attraction closed permanently on July 12, 2015. In December 2015, the building began to be used to house the \"Star Wars\" Launch Bay. Originally, when the park first opened in 1989, the \"Feature Animation\" pavilion of \"The Magic of Disney Animation,\" designed originally by award-winning experience designer Bob Rogers and the design team BRC Imagination Arts, included four connected experiences which explored",
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"title": "Disney's Asian Resort",
"text": "the energy crisis bringing a downturn in tourism, which meant that Walt Disney World didn't need as many rooms, and the land stayed empty until Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa opened on the site in 1988. Since the Grand Floridian began operation, plans for an Asian-themed hotel at Walt Disney World Resort appear to have been shelved permanently. Disney's Asian Resort Disney's Asian Resort was a planned resort to be located at the Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. Its concept was developed in the 1960s and was expected to open in 1974, three years after",
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"id": "8445166",
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"title": "Walt Disney Studios Park",
"text": "mid-1992 due to the resort's financial crisis at the time. After the resort began to make a profit, these plans were revived on a much smaller scale. Walt Disney Studios Park opened on March 16, 2002. In June 2007, a new \"studio lot\" opened in the Animation Courtyard area of the park, named Toon Studio. It is themed as a \"toon backlot\", representing the film studio work place of animated characters, where they produce their animated films, including \"The Little Mermaid\", \"101 Dalmatians\", and \"The Jungle Book\". The concept has been created exclusively for Walt Disney Studios Park and features",
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"id": "4082513",
"score": "1.0630338",
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"title": "Walt Disney Parks and Resorts",
"text": "January 2, 2001, Disney's Paradise Pier Hotel on December 15, 2000, and Downtown Disney on January 12, 2001. Disneyland was rebranded Disneyland Park to distinguish it from the larger resort complex. The resort focuses on Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters and occupies . The Walt Disney World Resort opened October 1, 1971, in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, with the Magic Kingdom theme park and three resort hotels. It expanded with the opening of Epcot in 1982, Disney-MGM Studios (now Disney's Hollywood Studios) and Disney's Typhoon Lagoon in 1989, Disney's Blizzard Beach in 1995, Disney's Animal Kingdom in 1998, Disney",
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"title": "Disney's Pop Century Resort",
"text": "featured. On May 12, 2010, Disney Parks announced plans to complete the remaining section of the resort as a separate value-priced resort known as Disney's Art of Animation Resort. It is based on four of Disney and Pixar's most popular films: \"The Little Mermaid\", \"The Lion King\", \"Finding Nemo\", and \"Cars\". However, to distinguish it from Pop Century, the hotel has 1,120 suites, designed for up to six people. The remaining 864 rooms are standard value-resort size. The addition of suites was based on positive guest responses after a number of hotel rooms at Disney's All-Star Music Resort were combined",
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"id": "5175335",
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"title": "Disney's Asian Resort",
"text": "Disney's Asian Resort Disney's Asian Resort was a planned resort to be located at the Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. Its concept was developed in the 1960s and was expected to open in 1974, three years after its parent complex began operations. However, the 1973 oil crisis led to the cancellation of the project, in addition to Disney's Venetian Resort and Disney's Persian Resort. Inspired by the culture of Thailand, the hotel would have featured Thai furnishings and cuisine. Architectural plans featured a large center building more than 160 feet tall with a restaurant on top",
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"title": "Disney's Art of Animation Resort",
"text": "the time of this announcement on May 12, 2010, Disney did not say how much construction is expecting to cost, but it was mentioned that approximately 800 jobs would be produced. When the \"Legendary Years\" buildings were first being made, a bridge named the Generation Gap Bridge was constructed to connect both parts of Pop Century and made them accessible to each other. The bridge connects Pop Century to the \"Finding Nemo\" section of the Art of Animation Resort. The resort is designed \"with families in mind.\" It features four of Disney's popular character themes: \"Cars\", \"Finding Nemo\", \"The Lion",
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"title": "Art of Disney Animation",
"text": "15, 2015, the Academy gave exclusive lessons on how to draw either Olaf or Marshmallow from \"Frozen\". Other experiences at the Animation Academy include the Animation Courtyard. The area of the courtyard known as the Art of Animation Gallery is where guests can see some of the original artwork and the creative process from Disney and Pixar animated films, featuring scenery from the films as well as concept art of the characters. Another attraction at the building is known as the Character Close-Up which, starting in late December 2014, features a meet and greet with Anna and Elsa from \"Frozen\".",
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"title": "Art of Disney Animation",
"text": "conjunction with the release of the film Monsters University. It was ran from June 13, 2013. Although the event officially ended on September 1, it continued until October 31, part of the \"Disney's Haunted Halloween\" event starting from October 4. Due to its “Frozen” Village summer event in 2015, the building was converted into Inside Out Headquarters, in conjunction with the release of the film Inside Out. It was ran from July 9, 2015. Although the event officially ended on August 30, its continued until September 14. The displays inside the building were all moved to Epcot Character Spot at",
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"title": "Walt Disney Parks and Resorts",
"text": "was announced in 2007 to be completed by 2012. River Country water park closed on September 1, 2001. Disney-MGM Studios is renamed Disney's Hollywood Studios in January 2008. Pleasure Island's core remaining six nightclubs were closed down in late 2008 to change the area to match the family friendly make-up of the other two sections of Downtown Disney at Disney World. Walt Disney Studios Park opened March 16, 2002, as the second theme park at the renamed Disneyland Resort Paris. The first park was renamed Disneyland Park (DLP. DLP Paris opened in August 2000 Toy Story Playland with three attractions.",
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"title": "Art of Disney Animation",
"text": "of Disney Animation allows guests to learn about Disney creations with the help of a Disney animator and Mushu, the mischievous dragon from Disney’s 1998 film \"Mulan\". Through combining theatre presentations with interactive exhibits, the Art of Disney Animation takes guests on a trip from the historical world of previous Disney animation techniques to \"the creation of modern-day Disney characters.\" The iconic Sorcerer’s Hat is the perfect way to usher guests into the building and start this experience. Additionally, in front of the building near the wait area, there is a collection of golden statues of various Disney characters such",
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"title": "Walt Disney Parks and Resorts",
"text": "went on strike for 15 days, at first rejecting and then accepting the park's contract. Space Mountain opens at Disneyland in 1977. Two more hotels opened in 1973 at Walt Disney World: the Golf Resort and the Gold Resort; Disney's Village Resort hotel opened in 1974. Disney opened the Buena Vista Club golf club in Lake Buena Vista on . Lake Buena Vista Village, the shopping area, opened on and was renamed Walt Disney World Village in 1977. Celebrity Sports Center, Disney World's training center, was sold on March 29, 1979. At Walt Disney World, the Treasure Island nature preserve",
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"title": "Disney Institute",
"text": "such as Animation, Culinary, Gardening,The Great Outdoors, Photography, Television and Youth. In 2000, Disney changed the focus of the Institute from a family-oriented program, to a multi-day seminar for business professionals to learn the \"secrets\" behind Disney's customer service and business culture. However, this concept didn't last, and the resort was closed down in 2003 to make way for the Disney Vacation Club resort, Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort & Spa. Most of the Villas were torn down, except for the Treehouse Villas, which were renovated and reopened. The former Institute program studios and spa building were renovated as the clubhouse",
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"title": "Disneyland Resort",
"text": "completed by early 2001, and Disney's California Adventure Park held \"preview\" openings in January 2001. Word of mouth reviews from Disney employees, annual pass holders, and American Express cardholders were largely negative. It opened to the public on February 8, 2001, though the reviews impacted attendance and the company's initial attendance projections for the park were never met. Much of the park's early years were spent attempting to boost attendance. In the short-term, Disney brought the venerable Main Street Electrical Parade to the park, added Who Wants To Be A Millionaire - Play It!, and offered discounted admission and other",
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"title": "Animagique",
"text": "Animagique Animagique was a live show at Walt Disney Studios Park in France, housed in Studios 3, at the entrance of Toon Studio. The show closed on January 31, 2016, to make way for Mickey and the Magician which began on July 2, 2016. Guests are invited to watch a show adventure about Disney animated films. It opens with Mickey and Donald teaching a drawing course in a room. At its far end is a door leading to the Cinematheque, which is strictly forbidden, as Mickey instructs Donald. However, after Mickey's departure, Donald decides he can open the door a",
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"title": "Toy Story Hotel",
"text": "Pop Century, and Art of Animation Resorts), in that it will include oversized sculptures in its courtyard. It is most similar to the Art of Animation Resort, which is also themed after Disney•Pixar films. Toy Story Hotel Toy Story Hotel is one of two hotels located within Shanghai Disney Resort. The hotel is themed after the Disney•Pixar franchise of \"Toy Story\" animated films. The hotel has two sections, the Sheriff Woody wing and the Buzz Lightyear wing. The hotel, when viewed from above, looks similar to an infinity symbol. Toy Story Hotel was opened in 2016 together with the rest",
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"title": "Disney Village",
"text": "(replacing \"Rock 'n' Roll America\"), and the opening of the \"Rainforest Café\" in 1999 (replacing \"Key West\"). On January 25, 1999, a large McDonald’s fast food restaurant opened whose theme was based on Italy's Commedia dell'arte. Later in 2004, a 570-seat IMAX cinema opened as part of the Gaumont multiplex. Finally, on December 3, 2004, an Art Deco themed multi-story parking structure called \"VINCI Park\" opened. In 2004, the resort management team began renovations that would take several years to complete. The neon lights, over-sized signs, and the central stage were all removed from the main area. Colorfully lit balloons",
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"title": "The Magic of Disney Animation",
"text": "left the showroom they were led to an area with interactive games and a chance to meet characters from the latest Disney animated pictures. There was also a section called The Animation Academy, where guests could draw their favorite Disney characters, under the guidance of a Disney Animator. Several original cels from classic Disney films as well as several of the Academy Awards won by Disney films were on display at the attraction. Inside the building which housed The Magic of Disney Animation, were the former production facilities of Walt Disney Animation Orlando. Some of its productions included: An expanded",
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"title": "Disney Resort station",
"text": "Jiading and -bound trains begin their trips at the station. There are four exits of the station: Disney Resort station Disney Resort () is a station on Line 11 of the Shanghai Metro in Shanghai's Pudong New Area. Located within the Shanghai Disney Resort complex, it serves as the eastern terminus of Line 11 and also a transportation hub for travel to and within the resort area. The station opened on April 26, 2016, and is known for its design, including a blue color scheme, fantasy elements, and skylight roof, and is fully accessible. The station opened for \"soft\" passenger",
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"title": "Disney's Art of Animation Resort",
"long_answer": "The resort is the first to be built in the complex in over seven years and the fifth to be placed in the value-priced category, along with Disney's All-Star Sports Resort, the All-Star Music Resort, the All-Star Movies Resort, and Disney's Pop Century Resort. Family suites opened on May 31, 2012, and standard rooms opened on September 15, 2012.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The resort is the first to be built in the complex in over seven years and the fifth to be placed in the value-priced category, along with Disney's All-Star Sports Resort, the All-Star Music Resort, the All-Star Movies Resort, and Disney's Pop Century Resort. Family suites opened on May 31, 2012, and standard rooms opened on September 15, 2012.",
"short_answers": [
"May 31, 2012"
} |
where would a subcutaneous injection be made in the skin | [
"the subcutis"
] | [
"title": "Subcutaneous injection",
"text": "A subcutaneous injection is administered as a bolus into the subcutis, the layer of skin directly below the dermis and epidermis, collectively referred to as the cutis. Subcutaneous injections are highly effective in administering vaccines and medications such as insulin, morphine, diacetylmorphine and goserelin. Subcutaneous, as opposed to intravenous, injection of recreational drugs is referred to as \"skin popping\". Subcutaneous administration may be abbreviated as SC, SQ, sub-cu, sub-Q, SubQ, or subcut. Subcut is the preferred abbreviation for patient safety.",
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"title": "Injection (medicine)",
"text": "the tissues between the skin and the muscle. Absorption of the medicine is slower than that of intramuscular injection. Since the needle does not need to reach the muscles, often a bigger gauge and shorter needle is used. Usual site of administration is fat tissues behind the arm. Certain intramuscular injection medicine such as EpiPen® can also be used subcutaneously. Insulin injection is a common type of subcutaneous injection medicine. Certain vaccines including MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella), Varicella (Chickenpox), Zoster (Shingles) are given subcutaneously. In an Intradermal Injection, medication is delivered directly into the dermis, the layer just below the",
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"title": "Injection (medicine)",
"text": "epidermis of the skin. The injection is often given at a 5 to 15 degree angle with the needle placed almost flat against the patient's skin. Absorption takes the longest from this route compared to intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous injections. Because of this, intradermal injection are often used for sensitivity tests, like tuberculin and allergy tests, and local anesthesia tests. The reactions caused by these tests are easily seen due to the location of the injections on the skin. Common sites of intradermal injections are the forearm and lower back. A depot injection is an injection, usually subcutaneous, intradermal, or",
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"title": "Subcutaneous injection",
"text": "It is slower than intramuscular injections but still faster than intradermal injections. Sites include, A 25 to 31 gauge thick, 3/8\" to 1\" long needle can be used. The size is determined by the amount of subcutaneous tissue present, which is based on patient build. The 3/8\" and 5/8\" needles are most commonly used. Usually, no more than 1 mL of solution is given, compared to intradermal injections, where no more than 0.5 mL is usually given. Subcutaneous injections are inserted at 45 to 90 degree angles, depending on amount of subcutaneous tissue present and length of needle- a shorter,",
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"title": "Medroxyprogesterone acetate",
"text": "a 104 mg subcutaneous injection. It contains 69% of the MPA found in the original intramuscular DMPA formulation. It can be injected using a smaller injection needle inserting the medication just below the skin, instead of into the muscle, in either the abdomen or thigh. This subcutaneous injection claims to reduce the side effects of DMPA while still maintaining all the same benefits of the original intramuscular DMPA. MPA is not usually recommended because of unacceptable health risk or because it is not indicated in the following cases: Conditions where the theoretical or proven risks usually outweigh the advantages of",
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"title": "Intradermal injection",
"text": "proteins or molecules, ID route of administration is associated with fast uptake systemically compared to subcutaneous injections, applied in novel closed loop insuline infusion systems. Additionally, the body's reaction to substances is more easily visible since it is closer to the surface. Common injection sites include the inner surface of the forearm and the upper back, under the scapula.. Equipment include syringes calibrated in tenths and hundredths of a milliliter. The dosage given is usually less than 0.5 mL, less than given subcutaneously or intramuscularly. A 1/4\" to 1/2\" long and 26 or 27 gauge thick needle is used. The",
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"title": "Immunoglobulin therapy",
"text": "and more doctors began to experiment with subcutaneous immunoglobulin administration, culminating in an \"ad hoc\" clinical trial in Sweden of 3000 subcutaneous injections administered to 25 adult patients (most of whom had previously experienced systemic adverse effects with IMIG or IVIG), where no infusion in the \"ad hoc\" trial resulted in a severe systemic adverse reaction, and most subcutaneous injections were able to be administered in non-hospital settings, allowing for considerably more freedom for the patients involved. In the later 1990s, large-scale trials began in Europe to test the feasibility of subcutaneous immunoglobulin administration, although it was not until 2006",
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"title": "Immunoglobulin therapy",
"text": "be injected to reach clinical efficacy, although they still had a fairly high rate of adverse effects (though the addition of stabilizing agents reduced this further). The first description of a subcutaneous route of administration for immunoglobulin therapy dates back to 1980, but for many years subcutaneous administration was considered to be a secondary choice, only to be considered when peripheral venous access was no longer possible or tolerable. During the late 1980s and early 1990s, it became obvious that for at least a subset of patients the systemic adverse events associated with intravenous therapy were still not easily tolerable,",
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"title": "Insulin port",
"text": "above the surface of the skin, while the medication is immediately delivered through the soft cannula and into the subcutaneous tissue. Insulin port An insulin port functions as a medication delivery channel directly into the subcutaneous tissue (the tissue layer located just beneath the skin). When applying the injection port, an insertion needle guides a soft cannula (a small, flexible tube) under the skin. Once applied, the insertion needle is removed and only the soft cannula remains below the skin, acting as the gateway into the subcutaneous tissue. To inject through an insulin port the needle of a syringe",
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"title": "Subcutaneous tissue",
"text": "to visceral fat, which is found in the peritoneal cavity, and can be measured using body fat calipers to give a rough estimate of total body adiposity. Injection into the subcutaneous tissue is a route of administration used for drugs such as insulin: because it is highly vascular, the tissue absorbs drugs quickly. Subcutaneous injection is believed to be the most effective manner to administer some drugs, such as human growth hormones. Just as the subcutaneous tissue can store fat, it can also provide good storage space for drugs that need to be released gradually because there is limited blood",
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"title": "Intradermal injection",
"text": "Intradermal injection Intradermal injection (ID) is s shallow or superficial injection of a substance into the dermis, in between the epidermis and the hypodermis (subcutis, subcutaneous or adipose layer). This route is relatively rare compared to subcutaneous injections (SC) and intramuscular injections (IM), and used only when certain therapies, like tuberculin and allergy tests, require the specific benefits of this route of administration and where easier to use SC and IM injections have no effect. Specific benefits are a higher immune responses for vaccinations, immunology and novel cancer treatments and faster drug uptake, since for certain small and well soluble",
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"title": "Injection (medicine)",
"text": "circulation and to the rest of the body. This type of injection is the most common and often associated with drug use. Intramuscular injections (IM injections) deliver a substance deep into a muscle, where they are quickly absorbed by blood vessels. Common injections sites include the deltoid, vastus lateralis, and ventrogluteal muscles. Most inactivated vaccines, like influenza, are given by IM injection. Some medications are formulated for IM injection, like Epinephrine autoinjectors. Medical professionals are trained to give IM injections, but patients can also be trained to self-administer medications like epinephrine. In a subcutaneous injection, the medication is delivered to",
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"title": "Intramuscular injection",
"text": "held down to one side with the nondominant hand about an inch and after the needle is withdrawn the displaced skin is allowed to return to its normal position. This is to ensure that the medication does not leak back along the needle track. Gentle pressure is applied with a gauze but the site is not massaged to prevent forcing the medication into subcutaneous tissue. Intramuscular injection Intramuscular (also IM or im) injection is the injection of a substance directly into muscle. In medicine, it is one of several alternative methods for the administration of medications (see route of administration).",
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"title": "Pharmacokinetics of estradiol",
"text": "instead inject into the subcutaneous fat layer above the muscle. This is particularly prevalent with injections into the buttocks and in overweight and obese individuals, due to the thicker layer of fat over muscle. Estradiol can be administered in the form of a very long-lasting subcutaneous pellet implant. These implants are replaced once every 6 to 12 months, and can achieve high and very constant circulating levels of estradiol. They are surgically inserted by a trained physician in a medical office or clinic and can be placed into locations including the lower abdomen, lower back, buttocks, or hips. Subcutaneous implants",
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"title": "Epinephrine (medication)",
"text": "of allergic reactions including anaphylaxis to stings, contrast agents, medicines or people with a history of anaphylactic reactions to known triggers. A single dose is recommended for people who weigh 30 kg or more, repeated if necessary. A lower strength product is available for children. Intramuscular injection can be complicated in that the depth of subcutaneous fat varies and may result in subcutaneous injection, or may be injected intravenously in error, or the wrong strength used. Intramuscular injection does give a faster and higher pharmacokinetic profile when compared to subcutaneous injection. Epinephrine is also used as a bronchodilator for asthma",
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"title": "Hyaluronidase",
"text": "normally be possible to administer subcutaneously, providing a form of SCIG that can be dosed on a monthly basis, a longer period of time than other forms of SCIG allow. HyQvia had a rate of systemic adverse effects higher than traditional subcutaneous forms of immunoglobulin injection, but lower than those typical in IVIG patients. Also in epidural lysis of adhesions for pain management. Hyaluronidase is a recommended antidote for vinca alkaloid overdose or extravasation. The role of hyaluronidases in cancer has been historically controversial due to contradictory observations, namely that levels of hyaluronidase (HYAL1/2) are increased in some cancers (colorectal,",
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"title": "Common variable immunodeficiency",
"text": "in three different forms: intravenously (IVIg):, subcutaneously (SCIg), and intramuscularly (IMIg). The administration of intravenous immunoglobulins requires the insertion of a cannula or needle in a vein, usually in the arms or hands. Because highly concentrated product is used, IVIg infusions take place every 3 to 4 weeks. Subcutaneous infusions slowly release the Ig serum underneath the skin, again through a needle, and takes place every week. Intramuscular infusions are no longer widely used, as they can be painful and are more likely to cause reactions. People often experience adverse side effects to immunoglobulin infusions, including: In addition to Ig",
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"title": "Insulin port",
"text": "Insulin port An insulin port functions as a medication delivery channel directly into the subcutaneous tissue (the tissue layer located just beneath the skin). When applying the injection port, an insertion needle guides a soft cannula (a small, flexible tube) under the skin. Once applied, the insertion needle is removed and only the soft cannula remains below the skin, acting as the gateway into the subcutaneous tissue. To inject through an insulin port the needle of a syringe or insulin pen is used. It is usually used to deliver insulin through the use of an insulin pump. The needle remains",
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"title": "Intramuscular injection",
"text": "Intramuscular injection Intramuscular (also IM or im) injection is the injection of a substance directly into muscle. In medicine, it is one of several alternative methods for the administration of medications (see route of administration). Muscles have larger and more blood vessels than subcutaneous tissue and injections here usually have faster rates of absorption than subcutaneous injections or intradermal injections. Depending on the injection site, an administration is limited to between 2 and 5 milliliters of fluid. Examples of medications that are sometimes administered intramuscularly are: In addition, some vaccines are administered intramuscularly: Platelet-rich plasma injections can be administered intramuscularly.",
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"title": "Hypodermic needle",
"text": "Wood used hypodermic needles and syringes primarily for the application of localized, subcutaneous injection (localized anesthesia) and therefore was not as interested in precise dosages. Simultaneous to Wood's work in Edinburgh, Dr. Charles Pravaz of Lyon also experimented with sub-dermal injections in sheep using a syringe of his own design. Pravaz designed a syringe measuring 3 cm (1.18 in) long and 5 mm (0.2 in) in diameter; it was made entirely of silver. Dr. Charles Hunter, a London surgeon, is credited with the coining of the term \"hypodermic\" to describe subcutaneous injection in 1858. The name originates from two Greek",
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"title": "End-of-life care",
"text": "dying patients, pre-authorise staff to address such diseases symptoms as soon as they are needed, without needing to take time to seek further authorisation. Subcutaneous injections are one preferred means of delivery when it has become difficult for patients to swallow or to take pills orally; and if repeated medication is needed, a syringe driver (called an infusion pump in the US) is often likely to be used, to deliver a steady low dose of medication. Another means of medication delivery, available for use when the oral route is compromised, is a specialized catheter designed to provide comfortable and discreet",
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"title": "Bolus (medicine)",
"text": "allows for a slow release of the antigen to stimulate the body's immune system and to allow time for developing antibodies. Subcutaneous injections are used by heroin addicts (called 'skin popping', referring to the bump formed by the bolus of heroin), to sustain a slow release that staves off withdrawal symptoms without producing euphoria. A bolus delivered directly to the veins through an intravenous drip allows a much faster delivery which quickly raises the concentration of the substance in the blood to an effective level. This is typically done at the beginning of a treatment or after a removal of",
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"title": "Intramuscular injection",
"text": "Certain substances (e.g. ketamine) are injected intramuscularly for recreational purposes. Possible sites for IM injection include: deltoid, dorsogluteal, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis and ventrogluteal muscles. Sites that are bruised, tender, red, swollen, inflamed or scarred are avoided. The deltoid muscle site (upper arm) is recommended for use with injections of small volume, usually equal or less than 2 ml, including vaccinations. This site is not recommended for repeated injections, due to its small area, it is difficult to rotate the injection site. To locate the site, palpate the lower edge of the acromion process. Inject in the upside down triangle",
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"title": "Injection port",
"text": "Injection port An injection port is a medical device used for the administration of insulin or other physician approved medicine into the subcutaneous tissue (the tissue layer just below the skin). The device is similar to infusion sets used by insulin pumps, except it is configured to receive a syringe instead of a tubing system. An injection port is usually a disposable device applied by the patient and worn for period of 3–5 days. When giving shots via an injection port, the needle stays above the surface of the skin. Medication is delivered via a short soft cannula. An injection",
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"title": "Drug injection",
"text": "Drug injection Drug injection is a method of introducing a drug into the bloodstream via a hollow hypodermic needle and a syringe, which is pierced through the skin into the body (usually intravenously, but also at an intramuscular or subcutaneous location). , there were 13.2 million people worldwide who used injection drugs, of which 22% are from developed countries. A wide variety of drugs are injected, often opioids: these may include legally prescribed medicines and medication such as morphine, as well as stronger compounds often favored in recreational drug use, which are often illegal. Although there are various methods of",
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"title": "Intradermal injection",
"text": "traditional procedure of ID injection (Mantoux Procedure) involves injecting at angle of administration of 5 to 15 degrees angle, almost against the skin. With bevel (opening) side up, insert about 1/8\" with entire bevel inside and inject while watching for a small wheal or blister to appear. Traditionally hypodermic needles are used for intradermal injections, instead of intradermic needles. Various microneedle technology researchers worldwide develop new devices and therapies to overcome typical usability issues associated with traditional Mantoux Procedure. Most intradermic needles require a change in injection technique or instruction to use, for example a perpendicular intradermal injection. Intradermal injection",
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"title": "Pharmacokinetics of estradiol",
"text": "parameters (e.g., duration) that were virtually identical. However, subcutaneous injections may be easier and less painful to perform compared to intramuscular injections, and hence may result in improved compliance and satisfaction. Studies have shown that subcutaneous injection of closely related steroid esters in oil like the androgen esters testosterone cypionate, testosterone enantate, and nandrolone decanoate is effective and has similar pharmacokinetics to intramuscular injection as well. In addition, studies have found that many intramuscular injections are really subcutaneous injections, as people often do not actually penetrate deep enough to inject into muscle when attempting to perform an intramuscular injection and",
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"title": "Injection port",
"text": "Typical injection ports are worn for 3 days and then replaced with another port. Insulin is injected via a syringe into the injection port. Medication immediately flows through the device's cannula into the subcutaneous tissue layer. No medication is stored in the device (other than the small amount of dead-space in the medication channel within the device). The Insuflon, manufactured and distributed by Unomedical, is inserted at a 20-45° angle and rests flush against the skin similar to an IV. The I-Port, manufactured and distributed by Patton Medical Devices, is a domed shaped device with a cannula inserted at a",
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"title": "Injection (medicine)",
"text": "Injection (medicine) Injection (often referred to as a \"shot\" in US English, or a \"jab\" in UK English) is the act of putting a liquid, especially a drug, into a person's body using a needle (usually a hypodermic needle) and a syringe. Injection is a technique for delivering drugs by parenteral administration, that is, administration via a route other than through the digestive tract. Parenteral injection includes subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous, intraperitoneal, intracardiac, intraarticular and intracavernous injection. Injection is generally administered as a bolus, but can possibly be used for continuous drug administration as well. Even when administered as a bolus,",
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"title": "Allergen immunotherapy",
"text": "consists of injections of allergen extract, which must be performed by a medical professional. Subcutaneous immunotherapy protocols generally involve weekly injections during a build-up phase, followed by monthly maintenance injections for a period of 3–5 years. When accounting for a person’s age, type of allergen, and severity of allergy, there is a high probability that subcutaneous allergen immunotherapy may provide greater clinical and immunological responses than sublingual allergen immunotherapy. Compared to sublingual allergen immunotherapy, there are no significant differences observed in quality of life. It is possible, but rare (1/2.5 million), that people undergoing subcutaneous allergen immunotherapy may experience a",
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] | {
"title": "Subcutaneous injection",
"long_answer": "A subcutaneous injection is administered as a bolus into the subcutis, the layer of skin directly below the dermis and epidermis, collectively referred to as the cutis. Subcutaneous injections are highly effective in administering vaccines and medications such as insulin, morphine, diacetylmorphine and goserelin. Subcutaneous, as opposed to intravenous, injection of recreational drugs is referred to as \"skin popping\". Subcutaneous administration may be abbreviated as SC, SQ, sub-cu, sub-Q, SubQ, or subcut. Subcut is the preferred abbreviation for patient safety.",
"chunked_long_answer": "A subcutaneous injection is administered as a bolus into the subcutis, the layer of skin directly below the dermis and epidermis, collectively referred to as the cutis. Subcutaneous injections are highly effective in administering vaccines and medications such as insulin, morphine, diacetylmorphine and goserelin. Subcutaneous, as opposed to intravenous, injection of recreational drugs is referred to as \"skin popping\". Subcutaneous administration may be abbreviated as SC, SQ, sub-cu, sub-Q, SubQ, or subcut. Subcut is the preferred abbreviation for patient safety.",
"short_answers": [
"the subcutis"
} |
where are most nutrients absorbed in the human digestive tract | [
"The small intestine",
"small intestine"
] | [
"title": "Small intestine",
"text": "The small intestine or small bowel is the part of the gastrointestinal tract between the stomach and the large intestine, and is where most of the end absorption of food takes place. The small intestine has three distinct regions – the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The duodenum is the shortest part of the small intestine and is where preparation for absorption begins. It also receives bile and pancreatic juice through the pancreatic duct, controlled by the sphincter of Oddi. The primary function of the small intestine is the absorption of nutrients and minerals from food, using small finger-like protrusions called villi.",
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"title": "Digestion",
"text": "intestine. Water and minerals are reabsorbed back into the blood in the colon (large intestine) where the pH is slightly acidic about 5.6 ~ 6.9. Some vitamins, such as biotin and vitamin K (KMK7) produced by bacteria in the colon are also absorbed into the blood in the colon. Waste material is eliminated from the rectum during defecation. Digestive systems take many forms. There is a fundamental distinction between internal and external digestion. External digestion developed earlier in evolutionary history, and most fungi still rely on it. In this process, enzymes are secreted into the environment surrounding the organism, where",
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"title": "Protein (nutrient)",
"text": "amino acids and their derivatives into which dietary protein is degraded is done by the gastrointestinal tract. The absorption rates of individual amino acids are highly dependent on the protein source; for example, the digestibilities of many amino acids in humans, the difference between soy and milk proteins and between individual milk proteins, beta-lactoglobulin and casein. For milk proteins, about 50% of the ingested protein is absorbed between the stomach and the jejunum and 90% is absorbed by the time the digested food reaches the ileum. Biological value (BV) is a measure of the proportion of absorbed protein from a",
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"title": "Human nutrition",
"text": "subcategories are insoluble and soluble fiber. Insoluble dietary fiber consists mainly of cellulose, a large carbohydrate polymer that is indigestible by humans, because humans do not have the required enzymes to break it down, and the human digestive system does not harbor enough of the types of microbes that can do so. Soluble dietary fiber comprises a variety of oligosaccharides, waxes, esters, resistant starches, and other carbohydrates that dissolve or gelatinize in water. Many of these soluble fibers can be fermented or partially fermented by microbes in the human digestive system to produce short-chain fatty acids which are absorbed and",
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"title": "Human nutrition",
"text": "to more cardiovascular disease. The degree of causation is still not clear. Simple carbohydrates are absorbed quickly, and therefore raise blood-sugar levels more rapidly than other nutrients. However, the most important plant carbohydrate nutrient, starch, varies in its absorption. Gelatinized starch (starch heated for a few minutes in the presence of water) is far more digestible than plain starch, and starch which has been divided into fine particles is also more absorbable during digestion. The increased effort and decreased availability reduces the available energy from starchy foods substantially and can be seen experimentally in rats and anecdotally in humans. Additionally,",
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"title": "Malabsorption",
"text": "Malabsorption Malabsorption is a state arising from abnormality in absorption of food nutrients across the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Impairment can be of single or multiple nutrients depending on the abnormality. This may lead to malnutrition and a variety of anaemias. Normally the human gastrointestinal tract digests and absorbs dietary nutrients with remarkable efficiency. A typical Western diet ingested by an adult in one day includes approximately 100 g of fat, 400 g of carbohydrate, 100 g of protein, 2 L of fluid, and the required sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, vitamins, and other elements. Salivary, gastric, intestinal, hepatic, and pancreatic secretions",
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"title": "Human iron metabolism",
"text": "some plant products, is in the form of heme iron, and is more efficient, allowing absorption of from 15% to 35% of intake. Heme iron in animals is from blood and heme-containing proteins in meat and mitochondria, whereas in plants, heme iron is present in mitochondria in all cells that use oxygen for respiration. Like most mineral nutrients, the majority of the iron absorbed from digested food or supplements is absorbed in the duodenum by enterocytes of the duodenal lining. These cells have special molecules that allow them to move iron into the body. To be absorbed, dietary iron can",
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"title": "Khanom chan",
"text": "carbohydrate, not a starch. It is a composition of plants, vegetables and fruit. It is indigestible in the stomach but it is digested by microorganism when it passes the large intestine. This process causes fiber to change into carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen and water which can be absorbed directly into the body. The fiber can activate working process of the large intestine, make the excretory system work normally. Moreover, fiber can help to absorb carcinogen that contaminates our food and releases it out with the waste of our body. The fiber amount that we should consume is about 25-30 grams",
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"title": "Human nutrition",
"text": "involved in such experiments is high, making nutritional studies time-consuming and expensive, which explains why the science of human nutrition is still slowly evolving. The seven major classes of nutrients are carbohydrates, fats, fiber, minerals, proteins, vitamins, and water. These nutrient classes are categorized as either macronutrients or micronutrients (needed in small quantities). The macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats, fiber, proteins, and water. The micronutrients are minerals and vitamins. The macronutrients (excluding fiber and water) provide structural material (amino acids from which proteins are built, and lipids from which cell membranes and some signaling molecules are built), and energy. Some of",
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"title": "Fish physiology",
"text": "food is further digested and, in many fish, processed in finger-shaped pouches called pyloric caeca, which secrete digestive enzymes and absorb nutrients. Organs such as the liver and pancreas add enzymes and various chemicals as the food moves through the digestive tract. The intestine completes the process of digestion and nutrient absorption. In most vertebrates, digestion is a four-stage process involving the main structures of the digestive tract, starting with ingestion, placing food into the mouth, and concluding with the excretion of undigested material through the anus. From the mouth, the food moves to the stomach, where as bolus it",
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"title": "Large intestine",
"text": "The large intestine absorbs water and any remaining absorbable nutrients from the food before sending the indigestible matter to the rectum. The colon absorbs vitamins that are created by the colonic bacteria, such as vitamin K (especially important as the daily ingestion of vitamin K is not normally enough to maintain adequate blood coagulation), thiamine and riboflavin. It also compacts feces, and stores fecal matter in the rectum until it can be discharged via the anus in defecation. The large intestine also secretes K+ and Cl-. Chloride secretion increases in cystic fibrosis. Recycling of various nutrients takes place in colon.",
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"title": "Animal nutrition",
"text": "essential to digestion, and are also affected by the food eaten. Animal nutrition Animal nutrition focuses on the dietary needs of animals, primarily those in agriculture and food production, but also in zoos, aquariums, and wildlife management. There are seven major classes of nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, fibre, minerals, proteins, vitamins, and water. Macronutrients (excluding fiber and water) provide structural material (amino acids from which proteins are built, and lipids from which cell membranes and some signaling molecules are built) and energy. Some of the structural material can be used to generate energy internally, though the net energy depends on such",
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"title": "Weight management",
"text": "absorption of macronutrients and promoting secretion of gut hormones. Dietary fiber consists of non-digestible carbohydrates and lignin, which are a structural component in plants. Fiber recommendations range from 10 – 13 grams/1000 calories, with slightly higher recommendations for men. Due to the high volume or water content of fiber-rich foods, fiber displaces available calories and nutrients from the diet. Consumption of viscous fibers delays gastric emptying, which may cause an extended feeling of fullness. Satiety is also induced by increasing chewing, which limits food intake by promoting the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, resulting in an expansion of the",
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"title": "Human feces",
"text": "biomass, 2–25% protein or nitrogenous matter, 25% carbohydrate or undigested plant matter and 2–15% fat. Protein and fat come from the colon due to secretion, epithelial shedding and gut bacterial action. These proportions vary considerably depending on many factors such as mainly diet and body weight. The remaining solids are composed of calcium and iron phosphates, intestinal secretions, small amounts of dried epithelial cells, and mucus. The Fecal pH test for healthy humans is a pH of 6.6. Sometimes food may make an appearance in the feces. Common undigested foods found in human feces are seeds, nuts, corn, and beans,",
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"title": "Intestinal epithelium",
"text": "surface of the enterocytes is the glycocalyx, which is a loose network composed of the oligosaccharide side chains of integral membrane hydrolases and other enzymes essential for the digestion of proteins and carbohydrates. These glycoproteins, glycolipids, and enzymes catalyze the final digestive stages of luminal carbohydrates and proteins. The monosaccharides and amino acids thus produced are subsequently transported across the intestinal epithelium and eventually into the bloodstream. The absorption of electrolytes and water is one of the most important functions of the digestive tract. Water absorption is passive and isotonic - depending on the speed and direction of solute flow.",
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"title": "Human digestive system",
"text": "Human digestive system The human digestive system consists of the gastrointestinal tract plus the accessory organs of digestion (the tongue, salivary glands, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder). Digestion involves the breakdown of food into smaller and smaller components, until they can be absorbed and assimilated into the body. The process of digestion has many stages. The first stage is the cephalic phase of digestion which begins with gastric secretions in response to the sight and smell of food. The next stage starts in the mouth. Chewing, in which food is mixed with saliva, begins the mechanical process of digestion. This produces",
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"title": "Animal source foods",
"text": "dairy foods as milk (both contain calcium in sufficient amounts). There are some nutrients which are rare to find in sufficient density in plant based foods. One example would be zinc, the exception would be pumpkin seeds that have been soaked for improved digestion. The increased fiber in these foods can also make absorption difficult. Deficiencies are very possible in these nutrients if vegetarians are not very careful and willing to eat sufficient quantities of these exceptional plant based foods. A good way to find these foods would be to search for them on one of the online, nutrient analyzing",
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"title": "Nutrition",
"text": "per gram. However, in most circumstances it accounts for less than that because of its limited absorption and digestibility. Dietary fiber consists mainly of cellulose, a large carbohydrate polymer which is indigestible as humans do not have the required enzymes to disassemble it. There are two subcategories: soluble and insoluble fiber. Whole grains, fruits (especially plums, prunes, and figs), and vegetables are good sources of dietary fiber. There are many health benefits of a high-fiber diet. Dietary fiber helps reduce the chance of gastrointestinal problems such as constipation and diarrhea by increasing the weight and size of stool and softening",
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"title": "Human digestive system",
"text": "blood in the colon of the large intestine. The waste products of digestion (feces) are defecated from the anus via the rectum. There are several organs and other components involved in the digestion of food. The organs known as the accessory digestive glands are the liver, gall bladder and pancreas. Other components include the mouth, salivary glands, tongue, teeth and epiglottis. The largest structure of the digestive system is the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract). This starts at the mouth and ends at the anus, covering a distance of about nine (9) metres. The largest part of the GI tract is",
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"title": "Human nutrition",
"text": "Some dietitians recommend that these be supplied from foods in which they occur naturally, or at least as complex compounds, or sometimes even from natural inorganic sources (such as calcium carbonate from ground oyster shells). Some are absorbed much more readily in the ionic forms found in such sources. On the other hand, minerals are often artificially added to the diet as supplements; the most well-known is likely iodine in iodized salt which prevents goiter. include the following: Many elements are required in smaller amounts (microgram quantities), usually because they play a catalytic role in enzymes. Some trace mineral elements",
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"title": "Dietary fiber",
"text": "consumed and which benefits may result in the gastrointestinal system. Bulking fibers – such as cellulose, hemicellulose and psyllium – absorb and hold water, promoting regularity. Viscous fibers – such as beta-glucan and psyllium – thicken the fecal mass. Fermentable fibers – such as resistant starch and inulin – feed the bacteria and microbiota of the large intestine, and are metabolized to yield short-chain fatty acids, which have diverse roles in gastrointestinal health. Dietary fiber is defined to be plant components that are not broken down by human digestive enzymes. In the late 20th century, only lignin and some polysaccharides",
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"title": "Large intestine",
"text": "the water have been absorbed by the body. At this point some electrolytes like sodium, magnesium, and chloride are left as well as indigestible parts of ingested food (e.g., a large part of ingested amylose, starch which has been shielded from digestion heretofore, and dietary fiber, which is largely indigestible carbohydrate in either soluble or insoluble form). As the chyme moves through the large intestine, most of the remaining water is removed, while the chyme is mixed with mucus and bacteria (known as gut flora), and becomes feces. The ascending colon receives fecal material as a liquid. The muscles of",
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"title": "Gastrointestinal tract",
"text": "proteins, lipids, and vitamins) into the bloodstream. There are three major divisions: The large intestine also called the colon, consists of the cecum, rectum, and anal canal. It also includes the appendix, which is attached to the cecum. The colon is further divided into: The main function of the large intestine is to absorb water. The area of the large intestinal mucosa of an adult human is about 2 m. The gut is an endoderm-derived structure. At approximately the sixteenth day of human development, the embryo begins to fold ventrally (with the embryo's ventral surface becoming concave) in two directions:",
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"title": "Digestion",
"text": "separates into layers of solid and liquid material. Solids clump together to form the cud (or bolus). The cud is then regurgitated, chewed slowly to completely mix it with saliva and to break down the particle size. Fibre, especially cellulose and hemi-cellulose, is primarily broken down into the volatile fatty acids, acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid in these chambers (the reticulo-rumen) by microbes: (bacteria, protozoa, and fungi). In the omasum, water and many of the inorganic mineral elements are absorbed into the blood stream. The abomasum is the fourth and final stomach compartment in ruminants. It is a",
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"title": "Assimilation (biology)",
"text": "process since both the liver and cellular secretions can be very specific in their metabolic action (see chirality). This second process is where the absorbed food reaches the cells via the liver. Most foods are composed of largely indigestible components depending on the enzymes and effectiveness of an animal's digestive tract. The most well-known of these indigestible compounds is cellulose; the basic chemical polymer in the makeup of plant cell walls. Most animals, however, do not produce cellulase; the enzyme needed to digest cellulose. However some animal and species have developed symbiotic relationships with cellulose-producing bacteria (see termites and metamonads.)",
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"title": "Human iron metabolism",
"text": "absorption of dietary iron is a variable and dynamic process. The amount of iron absorbed compared to the amount ingested is typically low, but may range from 5% to as much as 35% depending on circumstances and type of iron. The efficiency with which iron is absorbed varies depending on the source. Generally the best-absorbed forms of iron come from animal products. Absorption of dietary iron in iron salt form (as in most supplements) varies somewhat according to the body’s need for iron, and is usually between 10% and 20% of iron intake. Absorption of iron from animal products, and",
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"title": "Vitamin B12 deficiency",
"text": "of people have the deficiency, and this rises to around 20 percent in those over the age of sixty. In less developed countries the rates are higher. For example across Latin America 40 percent, in some parts of Africa 70 percent, and in some parts of India 70 and 80 percent. Adapted from: called macrocytes. Ruminants, such as cows and sheep, absorb B synthesized by their gut bacteria. Sufficient amounts of cobalt need to be consumed for this B synthesis to occur. In the early 20th century during the development for farming of the North Island Volcanic Plateau of New",
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"title": "Digestive enzyme",
"text": "Digestive enzyme Digestive enzymes are a group of enzymes that break down polymeric macromolecules into their smaller building blocks, in order to facilitate their absorption by the body. Digestive enzymes are found in the digestive tracts of animals (including humans) and in the traps of carnivorous plants, where they aid in the digestion of food, as well as inside cells, especially in their lysosomes, where they function to maintain cellular survival. Digestive enzymes of diverse specificities are found in the saliva secreted by the salivary glands, in the secretions of cells lining In the human digestive system, the main sites",
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"title": "Antinutrient",
"text": "the absorption of these nutrients, but they also inhibit digestive enzymes and may also precipitate proteins. Saponins in plants may serve as anti-feedants and can be classified as antinutrients. Antinutrients are found at some level in almost all foods for a variety of reasons. However, their levels are reduced in modern crops, probably as an outcome of the process of domestication. The possibility now exists to eliminate antinutrients entirely using genetic engineering; but, since these compounds may also have beneficial effects, such genetic modifications could make the foods more nutritious but not improve people's health. Many traditional methods of food",
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"title": "Digestive enzyme",
"text": "these enzymes include: Digestive enzyme Digestive enzymes are a group of enzymes that break down polymeric macromolecules into their smaller building blocks, in order to facilitate their absorption by the body. Digestive enzymes are found in the digestive tracts of animals (including humans) and in the traps of carnivorous plants, where they aid in the digestion of food, as well as inside cells, especially in their lysosomes, where they function to maintain cellular survival. Digestive enzymes of diverse specificities are found in the saliva secreted by the salivary glands, in the secretions of cells lining In the human digestive system,",
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] | {
"title": "Small intestine",
"long_answer": "The small intestine or small bowel is the part of the gastrointestinal tract between the stomach and the large intestine, and is where most of the end absorption of food takes place. The small intestine has three distinct regions – the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The duodenum is the shortest part of the small intestine and is where preparation for absorption begins. It also receives bile and pancreatic juice through the pancreatic duct, controlled by the sphincter of Oddi. The primary function of the small intestine is the absorption of nutrients and minerals from food, using small finger-like protrusions called villi.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The small intestine or small bowel is the part of the gastrointestinal tract between the stomach and the large intestine, and is where most of the end absorption of food takes place. The small intestine has three distinct regions – the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The duodenum is the shortest part of the small intestine and is where preparation for absorption begins. It also receives bile and pancreatic juice through the pancreatic duct, controlled by the sphincter of Oddi. The primary function of the small intestine is the absorption of nutrients and minerals from food, using small finger-like protrusions called villi.",
"short_answers": [
"The small intestine",
"small intestine"
} |
when do primary ossification centers appear in an embryo | [
"prenatal development"
] | [
"title": "Ossification center",
"text": "A primary ossification center is the first area of a bone to start ossifying. It usually appears during prenatal development in the central part of each developing bone. In long bones the primary centers occur in the diaphysis/shaft and in irregular bones the primary centers occur usually in the body of the bone. Most bones have only one primary center (e.g. all long bones) but some irregular bones such as the os coxa (hip) and vertebrae have multiple primary centers.",
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"title": "Ossification center",
"text": "bone. In long bones the primary centers occur in the diaphysis/shaft and in irregular bones the primary centers occur usually in the body of the bone. Most bones have only one primary center (e.g. all long bones) but some irregular bones such as the os coxa (hip) and vertebrae have multiple primary centers. A secondary ossification center is the area of ossification that appears after the primary ossification center has already appeared – most of which appear during the postnatal and adolescent years. Most bones have more than one secondary ossification center. In long bones, the secondary centres appear in",
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"title": "Ossification",
"text": "small opening in the diaphysis. It invades the primary center of ossification, bringing osteogenic cells (osteoblasts on the outside, osteoclasts on the inside.) The canal of the nutrient foramen is directed away from more active end of bone when one end grows more than the other. When bone grows at same rate at both ends, the nutrient artery is perpendicular to the bone. Most other bones (e.g. vertebrae) also have primary ossification centers, and bone is laid down in a similar manner. Secondary centers The secondary centers generally appear at the epiphysis. Secondary ossification mostly occurs after birth (except for",
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"title": "Endochondral ossification",
"text": "growth. The process of appositional growth occurs when the cartilage model also grows in thickness due to the addition of more extracellular matrix on the peripheral cartilage surface, which is accompanied by new chondroblasts that develop from the perichondrium. The first site of ossification occurs in the primary center of ossification, which is in the middle of diaphysis (shaft). Then: About the time of birth in mammals, a secondary ossification center appears in each end (epiphysis) of long bones. Periosteal buds carry mesenchyme and blood vessels in and the process is similar to that occurring in a primary ossification center.",
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"title": "Bone",
"text": "development of the periosteum. Endochondral ossification occurs in long bones and most other bones in the body; it involves the development of bone from cartilage. This process includes the development of a cartilage model, its growth and development, development of the primary and secondary ossification centers, and the formation of articular cartilage and the epiphyseal plates. Endochondral ossification begins with points in the cartilage called \"primary ossification centers.\" They mostly appear during fetal development, though a few short bones begin their primary ossification after birth. They are responsible for the formation of the diaphyses of long bones, short bones and",
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"title": "Ossification center",
"text": "the epiphyses. Ossification center The first step in ossification of the cartilage is that the cartilage cells, at the point where ossification is commencing and which is termed as an ossification center, enlarge and arrange themselves in rows. The matrix in which they are imbedded increases in quantity, so that the cells become further separated from each other. A deposit of calcareous material now takes place in this matrix, between the rows of cells, so that they become separated from each other by longitudinal columns of calcified matrix, presenting a granular and opaque appearance. Here and there the matrix between",
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"title": "Endochondral ossification",
"text": "The cartilage between the primary and secondary ossification centers is called the epiphyseal plate, and it continues to form new cartilage, which is replaced by bone, a process that results in an increase in length of the bone. Growth continues until the individual is about 20 years old or until the cartilage in the plate is replaced by bone. The point of union of the primary and secondary ossification centers is called the epiphyseal line. The growth in diameter of bones around the diaphysis occurs by deposition of bone beneath the periosteum. Osteoclasts in the interior cavity continue to resorb",
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"id": "4319160",
"score": "1.1986015",
"original_retrieval_index": 6
"title": "Ossification center",
"text": "Ossification center The first step in ossification of the cartilage is that the cartilage cells, at the point where ossification is commencing and which is termed as an ossification center, enlarge and arrange themselves in rows. The matrix in which they are imbedded increases in quantity, so that the cells become further separated from each other. A deposit of calcareous material now takes place in this matrix, between the rows of cells, so that they become separated from each other by longitudinal columns of calcified matrix, presenting a granular and opaque appearance. Here and there the matrix between two cells",
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"title": "Premaxilla",
"text": "premaxilla. The first ossification centers in the area of the future premaxilla appear during the seventh week above the germ of the second incisor on the outer surface of the nasal capsule. After eleven weeks an accessory ossification center develops into the alar region of the premaxilla. Then a premaxillary process grow upwards to fuse with the frontal process of the maxilla; and later expands posteriorly to fuse with the alveolar process of the maxilla. The boundary between the premaxilla and the maxilla remains discernible after birth and a suture is often observable up to five years of age. In",
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"title": "Intramembranous ossification",
"text": "As growth continues, trabeculae become interconnected and woven bone is formed. The term primary spongiosa is also used to refer to the initial trabecular network. The periosteum is formed around the trabeculae by differentiating mesenchymal cells. The primary center of ossification is the area where bone growth occurs between the periosteum and the bone. Osteogenic cells that originate from the periosteum increase appositional growth and a bone collar is formed. The bone collar is eventually mineralized and lamellar bone is formed. Osteons are components or principal structures of compact bone. During the formation of bone spicules, cytoplasmic processes from osteoblasts",
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"title": "Metopism",
"text": "portion (orbital part). Some adults have a metopic or frontal suture in the vertical portion. In uterine period in right and left half of frontal region of the fetus there is a membrane tissue. On each half a primary ossification center appears about the end of the second month of the fetus. Primary ossification center extends to form the corresponding half of the vertical part (squama) and horizontal part (orbital part) of the frontal bone. At birth the frontal bone contains two portions, separated by the metopic (frontal) suture. Metopism is the condition of having a persistent metopic suture. Metopic",
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"title": "Ossification of humerus",
"text": "Ossification of humerus The humerus is ossified from \"eight\" centers, one for each of the following parts: the body, the head, the greater tubercle, the lesser tubercle, the capitulum, the trochlea, and one for each epicondyle. One primary and seven secondary centres . The center for the body appears near the middle of the diaphysis in the eighth week of fetal life, and soon extends toward the extremities. This is the primary centre At birth the humerus is ossified in nearly its whole length, only the extremities remaining cartilaginous. During the first year, sometimes before birth, ossification commences in the",
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"title": "Bone",
"text": "immobile, then the joint is called a \"suture\". The formation of bone is called ossification. During the fetal stage of development this occurs by two processes: intramembranous ossification and endochondral ossification. Intramembranous ossification involves the formation of bone from connective tissue whereas endochondral ossification involves the formation of bone from cartilage. Intramembranous ossification mainly occurs during formation of the flat bones of the skull but also the mandible, maxilla, and clavicles; the bone is formed from connective tissue such as mesenchyme tissue rather than from cartilage. The process includes: the development of the ossification center, calcification, trabeculae formation and the",
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"title": "Primary bone",
"text": "Primary bone Primary bone is the first bone tissue that appears in embryonic development and in fracture repair. It is characterized by its random position of collagen fibers. In most places in adults this tissue is replaced by secondary bone tissue except, for example, near the sutures of calvara or tooth sockets. The secondary bones have lower amounts of osteocytes so primary bone is much more easily penetrated by x-ray. Primary bone or the primary ossification center is the beginning of the bone building process during the first trimester. Calcificed cartilage is basophilic and new bone being made is more",
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"title": "Frontal bone",
"text": "appear toward the end of the second month of fetal life, one above each supraorbital margin. From each of these centers, ossification extends upward to form the corresponding half of the squama, and backwards to form the orbital plate. The spine is ossified from a pair of secondary centers, on either side of the middle line; similar centers appear in the nasal part and zygomatic processes. At birth the bone consists of two pieces, separated by the frontal suture, which is usually obliterated, except at its lower part, by the eighth year, but occasionally persists throughout life. It is generally",
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"title": "Primary bone",
"text": "acidophilic. The primary ossification occurs in the diaphysis. In contrast, secondary ossification centers appear later at the epiphyses of the cartilage and develop similarly to the diaphysis. Primary bone cancer is a type of sarcoma, a cancer that originates in bone, muscle, fibrous tissue, blood vessels, fat tissue, as well as some other tissues. Primary bone cancer can arise in any of the 206 bones in the body but is mostly seen to originate the arms and the legs. The most common cases are observed in children and young adults. The following list includes types of primary bone cancer: Primary",
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"title": "Intramembranous ossification",
"text": "Intramembranous ossification Intramembranous ossification is one of the two essential processes during fetal development of the gnathostome (excluding chondrichthyans such as sharks) skeletal system by which rudimentary bone tissue is created. Intramembranous ossification is also an essential process during the natural healing of bone fractures and the rudimentary formation of bones of the head. Unlike endochondral ossification, which is the other process by which bone tissue is created during fetal development, cartilage is not present during intramembranous ossification. Mesenchymal stem cells within mesenchyme or the medullary cavity of a bone fracture initiate the process of intramembranous ossification. A mesenchymal stem",
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"title": "Bone",
"text": "certain parts of irregular bones. Secondary ossification occurs after birth, and forms the epiphyses of long bones and the extremities of irregular and flat bones. The diaphysis and both epiphyses of a long bone are separated by a growing zone of cartilage (the epiphyseal plate). At skeletal maturity (18 to 25 years of age), all of the cartilage is replaced by bone, fusing the diaphysis and both epiphyses together (epiphyseal closure). In the upper limbs, only the diaphyses of the long bones and scapula are ossified. The epiphyses, carpal bones, coracoid process, medial border of the scapula, and acromion are",
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"title": "Intramembranous ossification",
"text": "development, changes in the morphology of the osteoprogenitor cells occur: their shape becomes more columnar and the amount of Golgi apparatus and rough endoplasmic reticulum increases. Eventually, all of the cells within the nidus develop into, and display the morphologic characteristics of, an osteoblast. Then the osteoblasts create an extracellular matrix containing Type-I collagen fibrils, which is osteoid. The osteoblasts, while lining the periphery of the nodule, continue to form osteoid in the center of the nidus. Some of the osteoblasts become incorporated within the osteoid to become osteocytes. At this point(s), the osteoid becomes mineralized resulting in a nidus",
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"title": "Ossification",
"text": "long bones and other bones. This requires a hyaline cartilage precursor. There are two centers of ossification for endochondral ossification. The primary center In long bones, bone tissue first appears in the diaphysis (middle of shaft). Chondrocytes multiply and form trebeculae. Cartilage is progressively eroded and replaced by hardened bone, extending towards the epiphysis. A perichondrium layer surrounding the cartilage forms the periosteum, which generates osteogenic cells that then go on to make a collar that encircles the outside of the bone and remodels the medullary cavity on the inside. The nutrient artery enters via the nutrient foramen from a",
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"title": "Mandible",
"text": "of it below and behind the incisor teeth becomes ossified and incorporated with this part of the mandible. About the sixth week of fetal life, intramembranous ossification takes place in the membrane covering the outer surface of the ventral end of Meckel's cartilage, and each half of the bone is formed from a single center which appears, near the mental foramen. By the tenth week, the portion of Meckel's cartilage which lies below and behind the incisor teeth is surrounded and invaded by the dermal bone (also known as the membrane bone). Somewhat later, accessory nuclei of cartilage make their",
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"title": "Hypophosphatasia",
"text": "even the most severe forms of osteogenesis imperfecta and congenital dwarfism. Some stillborn skeletons show almost no mineralization; others have marked undermineralization and severe osteomalacia. Occasionally, there can be a complete absence of ossification in one or more vertebrae. In the skull, individual bones may calcify only at their centers. Another unusual radiographic feature is bony spurs that protrude laterally from the shafts of the ulnae and fibulae. Despite the considerable patient-to-patient variability and the diversity of radiographic findings, the X-ray can be considered diagnostic. Infantile hypophosphatasia presents in the first 6 months of life, with the onset of poor",
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"title": "Ossification",
"text": "rods and nails may heal by intramembranous osteogenesis. Heterotopic ossification is a process resulting in the formation of bone tissue that is often atypical, at an extraskeletal location. Calcification is often confused with ossification. Calcification is synonymous with the formation of calcium-based salts and crystals within cells and tissue. It is a process that occurs during ossification, but not \"vice versa\". The exact mechanisms by which bone development is triggered remains unclear, but it involves growth factors and cytokines in some way. Intramembranous ossification forms the flat bones of the skull, clavicle and mandible. Endochondral ossification is the formation of",
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"title": "Endochondral ossification",
"text": "Endochondral ossification Endochondral ossification is one of the two essential processes during fetal development of the mammalian skeletal system by which bone tissue is created. Unlike intramembranous ossification, which is the other process by which bone tissue is created, cartilage is present during endochondral ossification. Endochondral ossification is also an essential process during the rudimentary formation of long bones, the growth of the length of long bones, and the natural healing of bone fractures. The cartilage model will grow in length by continuous cell division of chondrocytes, which is accompanied by further secretion of extracellular matrix. This is called interstitial",
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"title": "Intramembranous ossification",
"text": "The process of intramembranous ossification starts when a small group of adjacent MSCs begin to replicate and form a small, dense cluster of cells, a nidus. Once a nidus has been formed the MSCs within it stop replicating. At this point, morphological changes in the MSCs begin to occur: the cell body is now larger and rounder; the long, thin cell processes are no longer present; and the amount of Golgi apparatus and rough endoplasmic reticulum increases. Eventually, all of the cells within the nidus develop into, and display the morphologic characteristics of, an osteoprogenitor cell. At this stage of",
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"title": "Parietal bone",
"text": "granulations (Pacchionian bodies). In the groove is the internal opening of the parietal foramen when that aperture exists. The parietal bone is ossified in membrane from a single center, which appears at the parietal eminence about the eighth week of fetal life. Ossification gradually extends in a radial manner from the center toward the margins of the bone; the angles are consequently the parts last formed, and it is here that the fontanelles exist. Occasionally the parietal bone is divided into two parts, upper and lower, by an antero-posterior suture. In non-human vertebrates, the parietal bones typically form the rear",
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"title": "Mandible",
"text": "appearance: These accessory nuclei possess no separate ossific centers but are invaded by the surrounding dermal bone and undergo absorption. The inner alveolar border, usually described as arising from a separate ossific center (\"splenial center\"), is formed in the human mandible by an ingrowth from the main mass of the bone. At birth the bone consists of two parts, united by a fibrous symphysis, in which ossification takes place during the first year. At birth, the body of the bone is a mere shell, containing the sockets of the two incisor, the canine, and the two deciduous molar teeth, imperfectly",
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"title": "First metacarpal bone",
"text": "articular facets on the sides of its base (for intermetacarpal articulations) because it articulates exclusively with the trapezium. The metacarpal bone of the thumb has two centres of ossification: a primary centre in the shaft and a secondary centre in the base. This contrasts to the other four metacarpal bones where the secondary centre is found in the head. The ossification process begins in the shaft during the ninth week of prenatal life, and in the base during the second year of life in girls and the third year in boys. When the both sexes were considered together, the ossification",
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"title": "Osteoblast",
"text": "of bone formation and bone resorption tends to be negative with age, particularly in post-menopausal women, often leading to a loss of bone serious enough to cause fractures, which is called osteoporosis. Bone is formed by one of two processes: endochondral ossification or intramembranous ossification. Endochondral ossification is the process of forming bone from cartilage and this is the usual method. This form of bone development is the more complex form: it follows the formation of a first skeleton of cartilage made by chondrocytes, which is then removed and replaced by bone, made by osteoblasts. Intramembranous ossification is the direct",
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"title": "Endochondral ossification",
"text": "bone until its ultimate thickness is achieved, at which point the rate of formation on the outside and degradation from the inside is constant. During endochondral ossification, five distinct zones can be seen at the light-microscope level. During fracture healing, cartilage is often formed and is called callus. This cartilage ultimately develops into new bone tissue through the process of endochondral ossification. Recently it has been shown that biomimetic bone like apatite inhibits formation of bone through endochondral ossification pathway via hyperstimulation of extracellular calcium sensing receptor (CaSR). Endochondral ossification Endochondral ossification is one of the two essential processes during",
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] | {
"title": "Ossification center",
"long_answer": "A primary ossification center is the first area of a bone to start ossifying. It usually appears during prenatal development in the central part of each developing bone. In long bones the primary centers occur in the diaphysis/shaft and in irregular bones the primary centers occur usually in the body of the bone. Most bones have only one primary center (e.g. all long bones) but some irregular bones such as the os coxa (hip) and vertebrae have multiple primary centers.",
"chunked_long_answer": "A primary ossification center is the first area of a bone to start ossifying. It usually appears during prenatal development in the central part of each developing bone. In long bones the primary centers occur in the diaphysis/shaft and in irregular bones the primary centers occur usually in the body of the bone. Most bones have only one primary center (e.g. all long bones) but some irregular bones such as the os coxa (hip) and vertebrae have multiple primary centers.",
"short_answers": [
"prenatal development"
} |
where does kevins family go in home alone 2 | [
] | [
"title": "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York",
"text": "The plot is as follows: Kevin and his family decide to take a trip to Florida, but Kevin takes the wrong plane and ends up in New York City. He tries to make do with what he has, such as using his father's credit card to stay at the Plaza Hotel, but is soon confronted by the Wet Bandits and must outrun and out-prank them again.",
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"title": "Home Alone",
"text": "Home Alone Home Alone is a 1990 American Christmas comedy film written and produced by John Hughes and directed by Chris Columbus. The film stars Macaulay Culkin as Kevin McCallister, an 8-year-old boy who is mistakenly left behind when his family flies to Paris for their Christmas vacation. Kevin initially relishes being home alone, but soon has to contend with two burglars, played by Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern. The film also features John Heard and Catherine O'Hara as Kevin's parents. Culkin was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Musical or Comedy, and the film was",
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"id": "1702287",
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"title": "Home Alone",
"text": "a serial killer who murdered his family; as well as the \"Wet Bandits\", Harry and Marv, a pair of burglars who have been breaking into other vacant houses in the neighborhood and have targeted the McCallisters' house. Kevin tricks them into thinking his family is home, forcing them to put their plans on hold. Kate discovers mid-flight that Kevin is missing and upon arrival in Paris, the family discovers that all flights for the next two days are booked. Peter and the rest of the family stays in his brother's apartment in the city while Kate manages to get a",
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"id": "1702291",
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"title": "Kevin",
"text": "pop culture, and was notorious for being extremely popular among lower class parents during the end of 1980s to 2000s. The name peaked markedly in the early 1990s, reaching first rank in France during 1989–1994, during 1991–1992 in Switzerland and in 1991 in Germany. The 1991 peak in German-speaking Europe is due to the Christmas comedy film \"Home Alone\", marketed as \"Kevin – Allein zu Haus\" in German (named for protagonist \"Kevin McCallister\", played by 10-year-old Macaulay Culkin). Especially in Germany, the name became associated with low social status, an attitude popularised in German journalism based on a 2009 master",
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"title": "Kevin McCallister",
"text": "Kevin McCallister Kevin McCallister is the main protagonist of the films \"Home Alone\", \"\", and \"\" in the \"Home Alone\" franchise. Kevin is played by Macaulay Culkin in the first two films, but in \"Home Alone 4: Taking Back the House\", Kevin is played by Mike Weinberg. Kevin is not featured in \"Home Alone 3\", as the film takes place during \"Home Alone 2\". Kevin's most famous pose is when he has both hands on his cheeks, and screams. While the McCallister family prepare for their trip to Paris, Kevin McCallister finds himself the subject of ridicule from the other",
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"title": "Home Alone (video game)",
"text": "the version for the NES, the player must avoid being caught by Harry and Marv for 20 minutes. During this time, Kevin can set various traps using items scattered around the house, each with a different corresponding strength and allowing the person tripping them to be knocked unconscious longer. Kevin can also hide behind certain parts of the house, but only for two consecutive turns; any other concurrent passings will result in a game over. Some copies of the NES version have two different \"game over\" screens; one having Kevin McCallister performing his trademark screaming face with a speech balloon",
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"title": "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York",
"text": "that Kevin is missing. After tracking the whereabouts of the credit card, they fly to New York. Meanwhile, Kevin goes to his uncle Rob's townhouse, only to find the house vacant and undergoing renovations while Rob and his family are still in Paris. At Central Park, he encounters and befriends the pigeon lady. They go to Carnegie Hall, where the pigeon lady explains how her life collapsed when her lover left her. Kevin encourages her to trust people again, and promises to be her friend. Kevin confides in her that he's misbehaved and that he doesn't deserve Christmas. She suggests",
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"id": "2014134",
"score": "0.9805888",
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"title": "Home Along Da Riles",
"text": "Home Along Da Riles Home Along Da Riles (lit. Home Along the Rails) is a Philippine situational comedy series that aired on the Philippine television network ABS-CBN from 1992 to 2003. The title started out as a play on the feature film \"Home Alone\" and with the main character's first name taken as a direct copy from the film's protagonist. The show depicts the lives of a poor Filipino family, the Kosmes, living alongside the railroad tracks. The main character, Kevin Kosme, strives to raise his four children on his meager earnings. Despite their situation, the family remains tight-knit and",
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"title": "Home Alone (video game)",
"text": "end up capturing Kevin, he will be strung up on a wall while they continue robbing the house, but he can fidget and drop from the wall to continue defending the house. The game starts with one difficulty level, but a harder one can be unlocked. In the hard difficulty, Kevin must wait for 40 minutes for the police to arrive and the bandits’ van will drive faster from house to house, but he will be able to create newer and more powerful guns to fight them off. Amanda Dyson of \"Mega\" said the game was a wasted film license,",
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"title": "Home Alone (franchise)",
"text": "Home Alone (franchise) Home Alone (stylized as HOME⌂ALONe) is a series of Christmas family comedy films originally created by John Hughes, and directed by Chris Columbus (1 & 2), Raja Gosnell (3), Rod Daniel (4) and Peter Hewitt (5). The films revolve around the adventures surrounding children who find themselves alone during the holiday season and are faced with the challenge of defending their family's house or themselves from invading burglars and criminals. \"Home Alone\" is primarily a coming-of-age story about an 8-year-old boy named Kevin McCallister. He is the youngest of five children who is frequently tormented by his",
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"title": "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York",
"text": "on Kevin. Kevin bolts into the garage with Marv and Harry in hot pursuit. Harry and Marv end up triggering extra traps that Kevin had set up in the garage. Kevin watches as Marv ends up triggering a trap where a running lawnmower falls on his head (This was a trap featured in \"Home Alone 3\"). A second sequel, \"Home Alone 3\", followed in 1997. Two additional television movie sequels, \"\" and \"\", would follow in 2002 and 2012, respectively. Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Home Alone 2: Lost in New York is a 1992 American Christmas comedy",
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"title": "Home Alone (video game)",
"text": "Home Alone (video game) Home Alone is the title of several tie-in video games based on the film of the same name. Versions were released for the Nintendo Entertainment System, Game Boy, Super NES, Master System, Genesis, Game Gear, Amiga and MS-DOS platforms. There are multiple versions of the game and each features a different style of gameplay, but all share the same plot and roughly the same objective: Kevin McCallister is left home alone when his family goes on vacation. He must prevent Harry and Marv, the \"Wet Bandits\", from burglarizing his home, using various household objects as traps",
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"id": "9435034",
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"title": "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York",
"text": "but Kevin takes the wrong plane and ends up in New York City. He tries to make do with what he has, such as using his father's credit card to stay at the Plaza Hotel, but is soon confronted by the Wet Bandits and must outrun and out-prank them again. The film was shot in Winnetka, Illinois; O'Hare International Airport in Chicago; Evanston, Illinois; and New York City. The film became the second most financially successful film of 1992, earning over $173 million in revenue in the United States and $359 million worldwide against a budget of $20 million. The",
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"title": "Home Alone",
"text": "call for him; they reconcile and are soon joined by the rest of the McCallisters, who waited in Paris until they could get a direct flight to Chicago. Kevin keeps silent about his encounter with Harry and Marv, although Peter finds Harry's knocked-out gold tooth. Kevin then observes Marley reuniting with his son and his family. Marley notices Kevin, and the pair wave to each other. Buzz suddenly calls out, \"Kevin, what did you do to my room?\" at which point Kevin runs off. \"Home Alone\" was initially a Warner Bros. production; when 20th Century Fox took over the project,",
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"title": "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York",
"text": "\"Home Alone 2\" was novelized by Todd Strasser and published by Scholastic in 1992 to coincide with the film. It has an ISBN of 0-590-45717-9. An audiobook version was also released read by Tim Curry (who played the concierge in the film). As in the novelization of the first film the McCallisters live in Oak Park, Illinois and the crooks are named as Harry Lime and Marv Merchants. In the beginning of the novelization, a prologue, which ends up being Marv's nightmare in prison, he and Harry sneak away from the cops and return to Kevin's house to seek revenge",
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"title": "Home Alone (franchise)",
"text": "tie-in theme) to help increase the Pain Meter and make protecting the house easier. If any of the Bandits end up capturing Kevin, he will he strung up on a wall while they continue robbing the house, but he can fidget and drop from the wall to continue defending the house. The game starts with one difficulty level, but a harder one can be unlocked. In the hard difficulty, Kevin must wait for 40 minutes for the police to arrive and the bandits’ van will drive faster from house to house, but he will be able to create newer and",
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"title": "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York",
"text": "and they reconcile. On Christmas Day, a truckload of gifts arrive at the McCallisters' hotel room from the toy store. Kevin reconciles with the rest of his family, and goes to Central Park to give the pigeon lady the second turtledove, cementing their friendship. At the Plaza, Buzz receives the bill for Kevin's stay and shows it to Peter who calls out, \"Kevin! You spent $967 on room service?!\" prompting Kevin to run back to the hotel. Numerous based on \"Home Alone 2\" were released by THQ for such systems as the Sega Genesis, the Nintendo Entertainment System, the Super",
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"title": "Kevin McCallister",
"text": "Best Young Actor Starring in a Motion Picture for his role as Kevin McCallister. Kevin McCallister appears in one of the series of the online series \"DRYVRS\", and tells about his experience of the child, forgotten at home by his parents. In response to the video of that online series, on the site \" Reddit \", robber Marv, pondered his partner Harry and promises to return to help him defend himself against Kevin’s insidious traps. Kevin McCallister Kevin McCallister is the main protagonist of the films \"Home Alone\", \"\", and \"\" in the \"Home Alone\" franchise. Kevin is played by",
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"title": "Home Alone (franchise)",
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"title": "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York",
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"title": "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York",
"long_answer": "The plot is as follows: Kevin and his family decide to take a trip to Florida, but Kevin takes the wrong plane and ends up in New York City. He tries to make do with what he has, such as using his father's credit card to stay at the Plaza Hotel, but is soon confronted by the Wet Bandits and must outrun and out-prank them again.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The plot is as follows: Kevin and his family decide to take a trip to Florida, but Kevin takes the wrong plane and ends up in New York City. He tries to make do with what he has, such as using his father's credit card to stay at the Plaza Hotel, but is soon confronted by the Wet Bandits and must outrun and out-prank them again.",
"short_answers": [
} |
when is season 2 of jessica jones being released | [
"March 8, 2018"
] | [
"title": "Jessica Jones (season 2)",
"text": "The season is scheduled to be released on March 8, 2018.",
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"title": "Jessica Jones (season 1)",
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"title": "Jessica Jones (season 3)",
"text": "Jessica Jones (season 3) The third season of the American web television series \"Jessica Jones\", which is based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, follows Jones as she takes on a new case. It is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), sharing continuity with the films and other television series of the franchise. The season is produced by Marvel Television in association with ABC Studios and Tall Girls Productions, with Melissa Rosenberg serving as showrunner. Krysten Ritter stars as Jones, with Rachael Taylor, Eka Darville, and Carrie-Anne Moss also returning from previous seasons. The third season",
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"text": "Jessica Jones (season 1) The first season of the American web television series \"Jessica Jones\", which is based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, follows a former superhero who opens her own detective agency after an end to her superhero career at the hands of Kilgrave. It is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), sharing continuity with the films and other television series of the franchise. The season was produced by Marvel Television in association with ABC Studios and Tall Girls Productions, with Melissa Rosenberg serving as showrunner. Krysten Ritter stars as Jones, while David Tennant",
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"title": "Jessica Jones (season 2)",
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"title": "Jessica Jones (season 3)",
"text": "Eka Darville as Malcolm Ducasse, and Carrie-Anne Moss as Jeri Hogarth. By the end of May 2018, Ritter was undergoing training to prepare for the start of filming \"very soon\", with it officially beginning by the end of June. Ritter also made her directorial debut during the season. The third season of \"Jessica Jones\" is scheduled to be released in 2019. Jessica Jones (season 3) The third season of the American web television series \"Jessica Jones\", which is based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, follows Jones as she takes on a new case. It is set",
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"text": "[Taylor] in\" as her comics alter ego Hellcat, to help the season that \"lags at the beginning\". Conversely, Susana Polo from \"Polygon\" was left disappointed and bored by the early episodes, also noting the lack of compelling antagonist for the season. She said, \"I don’t see \"Jessica Jones\" second season winning over anyone who was lukewarm about her first — or anyone who skipped it entirely. I’m a big fan, and even I left these first five episodes wondering exactly what had happened to the series that gripped me and never let go in 2015.\" Jessica Jones (season 2) The",
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"text": "but that was shortened to \"Marvel's Jessica Jones\" in June 2015. The season consists of 13 hour-long episodes. The writers for the season worked in Los Angeles, with one member of the writing team on set in New York for filming. Actress Carrie-Anne Moss talked about how the scripts developed through the production of the season, explaining that the dialogue usually did not change much while filming, but scenes were altered to accommodate the filming locations when necessary. Rosenberg stated that, since Jones is a private investigator, there would be some procedural elements to the show, \"but that's not our",
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"text": "was no longer moving forward with the show. On December 5, 2014, Ritter was cast to star in the Marvel Television series \"Jessica Jones\", playing the title role, a former superhero turned private investigator in New York City. On her casting, executive producer and showrunner Melissa Rosenberg stated that Ritter \"brings both the hard edge and the vulnerability the role demands\". Ritter revealed that she had been reading through the comic book in preparation for the role while also expressing her delight on working with Rosenberg and women in general. All 13 episodes of the first season premiered on Netflix",
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"text": "beginning of the season and that the season would be \"more of an emotional thriller this time.\" On whether Tennant could return for the second season, Rosenberg said, \"Sure, when you have David Tennant, you want him around forever...But the show is called \"Jessica Jones\" and the story is about Jessica's arc and how does that play out in its best form?\" It was noted that Kilgrave would be \"hard to top\", though, with Marvel Television head Jeph Loeb saying, \"One of the things that's important about any Marvel show is your hero is often defined by how strong your",
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"title": "Jessica Jones (season 2)",
"long_answer": "The season is scheduled to be released on March 8, 2018.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The season is scheduled to be released on March 8, 2018.",
"short_answers": [
"March 8, 2018"
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what is final season of game of thrones | [
"The eighth",
"the eighth season"
] | [
"title": "Game of Thrones (season 8)",
"text": "The eighth and final season of the fantasy drama television series Game of Thrones was announced by HBO in July 2016. Unlike the first six seasons that each had ten episodes and the seventh that had seven episodes, the eighth season will have only six episodes. Like the previous season, it will largely consist of original content not found currently in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, and will instead adapt material Martin has revealed to showrunners about the upcoming novels in the series, The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring.",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)",
"text": "The penultimate season focuses primarily on the convergence of the show's main plotlines in preparation for the final season. Daenerys Targaryen arrives in Westeros with her army and three dragons and wages war against the Lannisters. Jon Snow forges an alliance with Daenerys in an attempt to unite their forces against the White Walker army, the two falling in love in the process. Arya and Bran return to Winterfell and reunite with their sister Sansa. At the end of the season, the Army of the Dead breaches the Wall (with the help of a reanimated wight dragon) and finally enters",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 4)",
"text": "Game of Thrones (season 4) The fourth season of the fantasy drama television series \"Game of Thrones\" premiered in the United States on HBO on April 6, 2014, and concluded on June 15, 2014. It was broadcast on Sunday at 9:00 pm in the United States, consisting of 10 episodes, each running approximately 50–60 minutes. The season is adapted primarily from the second half of \"A Storm of Swords\", along with elements of \"A Feast for Crows\" and \"A Dance with Dragons\", all novels from the \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" series by George R. R. Martin. The series",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)",
"text": "Game of Thrones (season 7) The seventh and penultimate season of the fantasy drama television series \"Game of Thrones\" premiered on HBO on July 16, 2017, and concluded on August 27, 2017. Unlike previous seasons that consisted of ten episodes each, the seventh season consisted of only seven. Like the previous season, it largely consisted of original content not found in George R. R. Martin's \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" series, while also incorporating material Martin revealed to showrunners about the upcoming novels in the series. The series was adapted for television by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss.",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 5)",
"text": "Game of Thrones (season 5) The fifth season of the fantasy drama television series \"Game of Thrones\" premiered on HBO on April 12, and concluded on June 14, 2015. It was broadcast on Sunday at 9:00 pm in the United States, consisting of 10 episodes, each running approximately 50–60 minutes. The season primarily adapts material from \"A Feast for Crows\" and \"A Dance with Dragons\", the fourth and fifth novels in George R. R. Martin's \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" series, though it also uses elements from the third novel, \"A Storm of Swords\", as well as the upcoming",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 6)",
"text": "\"Game of Thrones\" was the most-pirated TV series in 2016. Game of Thrones (season 6) The sixth season of the fantasy drama television series \"Game of Thrones\" premiered on HBO on April 24, 2016, and concluded on June 26, 2016. It consists of ten episodes, each of approximately 50–60 minutes long, largely of original content not found in George R. R. Martin's \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" series. Some story elements were derived from the novels and from information Martin revealed to the show-runners. The series was adapted for television by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. HBO ordered",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 6)",
"text": "Game of Thrones (season 6) The sixth season of the fantasy drama television series \"Game of Thrones\" premiered on HBO on April 24, 2016, and concluded on June 26, 2016. It consists of ten episodes, each of approximately 50–60 minutes long, largely of original content not found in George R. R. Martin's \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" series. Some story elements were derived from the novels and from information Martin revealed to the show-runners. The series was adapted for television by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. HBO ordered the season on April 8, 2014, together with the fifth",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 3)",
"text": "Game of Thrones (season 3) The third season of the fantasy drama television series \"Game of Thrones\" premiered in the United States on HBO on March 31, 2013, and concluded on June 9, 2013. It was broadcast on Sunday at 9:00 pm in the United States, consisting of 10 episodes, each running approximately 50–60 minutes. The season is based roughly on the first half of \"A Storm of Swords\" (the third of the \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" novels by George R. R. Martin, of which the series is an adaptation). The series is adapted for television by David",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 4)",
"text": "Great Sept of Baelor. In the source novel, Cersei verbally consents to the sexual encounter, but does not in the television portrayal. The final episode was also criticised for the omission of the events of the epilogue of \"A Storm of Swords\" which was expected by fans to be the final scene. The review aggregator website Metacritic gave season 4 a score of 94 out of 100 based on 29 reviews, signifying \"universal acclaim\". On Rotten Tomatoes, the fourth season has a 97% approval rating from 43 critics with an average rating of 9.07 out of 10; the season also",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)",
"text": "fifth season. New York Mets baseball pitcher Noah Syndergaard made a background cameo as a javelin-throwing Lannister soldier in \"The Spoils of War.\" On April 21, 2016, HBO officially ordered the seventh season of \"Game of Thrones\", just three days prior to the premiere of the show's sixth season. In a June 2016 interview with \"Variety\", co-creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss revealed the seventh season would likely consist of fewer episodes, stating at the time of the interview that they were \"down to our final 13 episodes after this season. We're heading into the final lap.\" Director Jack",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 3)",
"text": "Benioff and D. B. Weiss. HBO renewed the series for a third season on April 10, 2012, nine days after the second season's premiere. Production began in July 2012. The show was filmed primarily in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Croatia, Iceland and Morocco. The story takes place in a fictional world, primarily upon a continent called Westeros, with one storyline occurring on another continent to the east known as Essos. Like the novel, the season follows the climactic battle at Kings Landing. Season three like the previous season mainly centers around the war of the five kings; after the death of",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 4)",
"text": "is adapted for television by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. HBO ordered the fourth season on April 2, 2013, which began filming in July 2013. The season was filmed primarily in Ireland, Northern Ireland and Croatia. The story takes place in a fictional world, primarily upon a continent called Westeros, with one storyline occurring on another continent to the east known as Essos. Like the novel, the season like the previous seasons mainly centres around the war of the five kings; after the death of Robb Stark at The Red Wedding, all three remaining kings in Westeros believe to",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 2)",
"text": "the mythology of Westeros and Essos. The second season of \"Game of Thrones\" was the most-pirated TV series in 2012. Game of Thrones (season 2) The second season of the fantasy drama television series \"Game of Thrones\" premiered in the United States on HBO on April 1, 2012, and concluded on June 3, 2012. It was broadcast on Sunday at 9:00 pm in the United States, consisting of 10 episodes, each running approximately 50–60 minutes. The season mostly covers the events of \"A Clash of Kings\", the second novel of the \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" series by George",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 5)",
"text": "18 million different IP addresses downloaded the leaked episodes, totaling 32 million downloads during the first week. The fifth season of \"Game of Thrones\" was the most-pirated TV series in 2015. Game of Thrones (season 5) The fifth season of the fantasy drama television series \"Game of Thrones\" premiered on HBO on April 12, and concluded on June 14, 2015. It was broadcast on Sunday at 9:00 pm in the United States, consisting of 10 episodes, each running approximately 50–60 minutes. The season primarily adapts material from \"A Feast for Crows\" and \"A Dance with Dragons\", the fourth and fifth",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 6)",
"text": "season, which began filming in July 2015 primarily in Northern Ireland, Spain, Croatia, Iceland and Canada. Each episode cost over $10 million. The season follows the continuing struggle between the Starks and other noble families of Westeros for the Iron Throne. The Starks defeat the Bolton forces in battle, and Jon Snow is proclaimed the King in the North. Tyrion attempts to rule Meereen while Daenerys is held captive by a Dothraki tribe. At King's Landing, the Tyrell army attempts to liberate Margaery and Loras, but Margaery capitulates to the High Sparrow, who becomes more powerful by influencing King Tommen.",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 8)",
"text": "of six episodes, and is expected to premiere later than usual for the same reason. Benioff and Weiss spoke about the end of the show, saying, \"From the beginning we've wanted to tell a 70-hour movie. It will turn out to be a 73-hour movie, but it's stayed relatively the same of having the beginning, middle and now we're coming to the end. It would have been really tough if we lost any core cast members along the way, I'm very happy we've kept everyone and we get to finish it the way we want to.\" The season is scheduled",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)",
"text": "in February 2017. In an interview with the showrunners, it was announced that the filming of the seventh season would be delayed until later in the year due to necessary weather conditions for filming. The showrunners stated \"We're starting a bit later because, you know, at the end of this season, winter is here, and that means that sunny weather doesn't really serve our purposes any more. We kind of pushed everything down the line so we could get some grim, gray weather even in the sunnier places that we shoot.\" Girona, Spain did not return as one of the",
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"title": "After the Thrones",
"text": "that \"We love Game of Thrones and we love the way Twitter is thinking about content right now, so we jumped at the chance to blow out our Thrones show into an interactive multimedia experience — something that reacts immediately to what just happened, almost like a postgame show in sports - Nobody is equipped to do that better than Twitter. It's the natural evolution of what we had already established with Chris, Andy, Mallory and Jason.\" These episodes discuss season six of \"Game of Thrones\". Starting from the first episode, \"The Red Woman\". After the Thrones After the Thrones",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 2)",
"text": "Game of Thrones (season 2) The second season of the fantasy drama television series \"Game of Thrones\" premiered in the United States on HBO on April 1, 2012, and concluded on June 3, 2012. It was broadcast on Sunday at 9:00 pm in the United States, consisting of 10 episodes, each running approximately 50–60 minutes. The season mostly covers the events of \"A Clash of Kings\", the second novel of the \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" series by George R. R. Martin, adapted for television by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. HBO ordered the second season on April",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 1)",
"text": "Game of Thrones (season 1) The first season of the fantasy drama television series \"Game of Thrones\" premiered on HBO on April 17, 2011 in the U.S., and concluded on June 19, 2011. It consists of ten episodes, each of approximately 55 minutes. The series is based on \"A Game of Thrones\", the first novel in the \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" series by George R. R. Martin, adapted for television by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. HBO had ordered a television pilot in November 2008; filming began the following year. However, it was deemed unsatisfactory and later",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 6)",
"text": "50 chart. The season received highly positive reviews, with special praise directed at the episodes \"The Door\", \"Battle of the Bastards\" and \"The Winds of Winter\". On Metacritic, the season (based on the first episode) has a score of 73 out of 100 based on 9 reviews, indicating \"generally favorable reviews\". On Rotten Tomatoes, the sixth season has a 95% approval rating from 30 critics with an average rating of 8.33 out of 10. The season also received a 94% episode average score on Rotten Tomatoes. The site's critical consensus reads, \"Bloody and captivating as always, \"Game of Thrones\" plunges",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)",
"text": "on-demand viewing for one hour before being removed. Data from piracy monitoring firm MUSO indicates that season seven was pirated more than one billion times mostly by unauthorized streaming, with torrent and direct downloads accounting for about 15 percent of this piracy. On average, each episode is estimated to have been pirated 140 million times, making \"Game of Thrones\" the most-pirated television series in 2017. Game of Thrones (season 7) The seventh and penultimate season of the fantasy drama television series \"Game of Thrones\" premiered on HBO on July 16, 2017, and concluded on August 27, 2017. Unlike previous seasons",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)",
"text": "On March 9, 2017, HBO hosted a live stream on the \"Game of Thrones\" Facebook page that revealed the premiere date for the seventh season as being July 16, 2017. It was accompanied by a teaser trailer. On March 30, 2017, the first official promo for the show was released, highlighting the thrones of Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, and Cersei Lannister. On April 20, 2017, HBO released 15 official photos shot during the season. On May 22, 2017, HBO released several new photos from the new season. On May 23, 2017, HBO released the official posters featuring the Night King.",
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"text": "season of the series includes its longest episode, with the finale running for 81 minutes. The penultimate episode also runs for 71 minutes – around 16 minutes longer than an average \"Game of Thrones\" episode. The first five episodes mostly run longer than average (55 minutes), at 59, 59, 63, 50, and 59 minutes respectively. The previous longest episode in the series was the sixth-season finale, \"The Winds of Winter\", which ran for 69 minutes. Ramin Djawadi returned as the composer of the show for the seventh season. On Metacritic, the season (based on the first episode) has a score",
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"title": "A Song of Ice and Fire",
"text": "season premiered in April 2014, HBO renewed \"Game of Thrones\" for a fifth and sixth season. Season 5 premiered on April 12, 2015 and set a Guinness World Records for winning the highest number of Emmy Awards for a series in a single season and year, winning 12 out of 24 nominations, including Outstanding Drama Series. These episodes were watched by 8 million viewers, setting a record number for the series. The sixth season premiered on April 24, 2016. These episodes received the most nominations for the 68th Primetime Emmy Awards with 23, winning 12, including the award for Outstanding",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)",
"text": "having directed multiple episodes in previous seasons. Michele Clapton returned to the show as costume designer, after spending some time away from the show in the sixth season. She previously worked on the show for the first five seasons, as well as the end of the sixth season. The seventh season contains original material not found in the \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" series. Some of the show's sixth season also consists of material revealed to the writers of the television series during discussions with Martin. Filming began on August 31, 2016, at Titanic Studios in Belfast, and ended",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)",
"text": "highlighting its new and returning original shows for the coming year on November 28, 2016, showcasing Jon Snow, Sansa Stark and Arya Stark. On March 1, 2017, HBO and \"Game of Thrones\" teamed up with Major League Baseball (MLB) for a cross-promotional partnership. At least 19 individual teams participated in this promotion. On March 8, 2017, HBO released the first promotional poster for the season ahead of the SXSW Festival in Austin, Texas, which teases the battle of \"ice vs. fire\". Showrunners Benioff and Weiss also spoke at the event, along with fellow cast members Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams.",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 1)",
"text": "reshot with some roles being recast. In March 2010, HBO ordered the first season, which began filming in July 2010, primarily in Belfast, Northern Ireland, with additional filming in Malta. The story takes place in a fictional world, primarily upon a continent called Westeros, with one storyline occurring on another continent to the east known as Essos. Like the novel, the season initially focuses on the family of nobleman Eddard Stark, who is asked to become chief advisor to his king and longtime friend, Robert Baratheon. Ned must find out who killed the previous Hand of the King, Jon Arryn,",
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"title": "Game of Thrones (season 8)",
"long_answer": "The eighth and final season of the fantasy drama television series Game of Thrones was announced by HBO in July 2016. Unlike the first six seasons that each had ten episodes and the seventh that had seven episodes, the eighth season will have only six episodes. Like the previous season, it will largely consist of original content not found currently in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, and will instead adapt material Martin has revealed to showrunners about the upcoming novels in the series, The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The eighth and final season of the fantasy drama television series Game of Thrones was announced by HBO in July 2016. Unlike the first six seasons that each had ten episodes and the seventh that had seven episodes, the eighth season will have only six episodes. Like the previous season, it will largely consist of original content not found currently in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, and will instead adapt material Martin has revealed to showrunners about the upcoming novels in the series, The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring.",
"short_answers": [
"The eighth",
"the eighth season"
} |
an edge that is between a vertex and itself is a | [
] | [
"title": "Loop (graph theory)",
"text": "In graph theory, a loop (also called a self-loop or a \"buckle\") is an edge that connects a vertex to itself. A simple graph contains no loops.",
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"title": "Edge (geometry)",
"text": "Edge (geometry) In geometry, an edge is a particular type of line segment joining two vertices in a polygon, polyhedron, or higher-dimensional polytope. In a polygon, an edge is a line segment on the boundary, and is often called a side. In a polyhedron or more generally a polytope, an edge is a line segment where two faces meet. A segment joining two vertices while passing through the interior or exterior is not an edge but instead is called a diagonal. In graph theory, an edge is an abstract object connecting two graph vertices, unlike polygon and polyhedron edges which",
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"title": "Vertex (graph theory)",
"text": "a set of vertices no two of which are adjacent, and a vertex cover is a set of vertices that includes at least one endpoint of each edge in the graph. The vertex space of a graph is a vector space having a set of basis vectors corresponding with the graph's vertices. A graph is vertex-transitive if it has symmetries that map any vertex to any other vertex. In the context of graph enumeration and graph isomorphism it is important to distinguish between labeled vertices and unlabeled vertices. A labeled vertex is a vertex that is associated with extra information",
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"title": "Edge (geometry)",
"text": "edges is 2 less than the sum of the numbers of vertices and faces. For example, a cube has 8 vertices and 6 faces, and hence 12 edges. In a polygon, two edges meet at each vertex; more generally, by Balinski's theorem, at least \"d\" edges meet at every vertex of a \"d\"-dimensional convex polytope. Similarly, in a polyhedron, exactly two two-dimensional faces meet at every edge, while in higher dimensional polytopes three or more two-dimensional faces meet at every edge. In the theory of high-dimensional convex polytopes, a facet or \"side\" of a \"d\"-dimensional polytope is one of its",
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"title": "Vertex (graph theory)",
"text": "zero, while a sink vertex is a vertex with outdegree zero. A simplicial vertex is one whose neighbors form a clique: every two neighbors are adjacent. A universal vertex is a vertex that is adjacent to every other vertex in the graph. A cut vertex is a vertex the removal of which would disconnect the remaining graph; a vertex separator is a collection of vertices the removal of which would disconnect the remaining graph into small pieces. A k-vertex-connected graph is a graph in which removing fewer than \"k\" vertices always leaves the remaining graph connected. An independent set is",
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"title": "Vertex (graph theory)",
"text": "not assumed to be present in graph theory. The vertex figure of a vertex in a polyhedron is analogous to the neighborhood of a vertex in a graph. Vertex (graph theory) In mathematics, and more specifically in graph theory, a vertex (plural vertices) or node is the fundamental unit of which graphs are formed: an undirected graph consists of a set of vertices and a set of edges (unordered pairs of vertices), while a directed graph consists of a set of vertices and a set of arcs (ordered pairs of vertices). In a diagram of a graph, a vertex is",
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"title": "Vertex (geometry)",
"text": "Vertex (geometry) In geometry, a vertex (plural: vertices or vertexes) is a point where two or more curves, lines, or edges meet. As a consequence of this definition, the point where two lines meet to form an angle and the corners of polygons and polyhedra are vertices. The \"vertex\" of an angle is the point where two rays begin or meet, where two line segments join or meet, where two lines intersect (cross), or any appropriate combination of rays, segments and lines that result in two straight \"sides\" meeting at one place. A vertex is a corner point of a",
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"title": "Vertex (graph theory)",
"text": "Vertex (graph theory) In mathematics, and more specifically in graph theory, a vertex (plural vertices) or node is the fundamental unit of which graphs are formed: an undirected graph consists of a set of vertices and a set of edges (unordered pairs of vertices), while a directed graph consists of a set of vertices and a set of arcs (ordered pairs of vertices). In a diagram of a graph, a vertex is usually represented by a circle with a label, and an edge is represented by a line or arrow extending from one vertex to another. From the point of",
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"title": "Pseudoforest",
"text": "edge has two vertices (which may coincide) as endpoints. That is, we allow multiple edges (edges with the same pair of endpoints) and loops (edges whose two endpoints are the same vertex). A subgraph of a graph is the graph formed by any subsets of its vertices and edges such that each edge in the edge subset has both endpoints in the vertex subset. A connected component of an undirected graph is the subgraph consisting of the vertices and edges that can be reached by following edges from a single given starting vertex. A graph is connected if every vertex",
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"title": "Graph theory",
"text": "or \"end vertices\" of the edge. A vertex may exist in a graph and not belong to an edge. \"V\" and \"E\" are usually taken to be finite, and many of the well-known results are not true (or are rather different) for infinite graphs because many of the arguments fail in the infinite case. The \"order\" of a graph is |\"V\" |, its number of vertices. The \"size\" of a graph is |\"E\"|, its number of edges. The \"degree\" or \"valency\" of a vertex is the number of edges that connect to it, where an edge that connects a vertex",
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"title": "Vertex (geometry)",
"text": "complex, as can the faces of a polyhedron or polytope; the vertices of other kinds of complexes such as simplicial complexes are its zero-dimensional faces. A polygon vertex of a simple polygon is a principal polygon vertex if the diagonal intersects the boundary of only at and . There are two types of principal vertices: \"ears\" and \"mouths\". A principal vertex of a simple polygon is called an ear if the diagonal that bridges lies entirely in . (see also convex polygon) According to the two ears theorem, every simple polygon has at least two ears. A principal vertex of",
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"title": "Graph (discrete mathematics)",
"text": "\"W\" share a common edge and no two vertices in \"X\" share a common edge. Alternatively, it is a graph with a chromatic number of 2. In a complete bipartite graph, the vertex set is the union of two disjoint sets, \"W\" and \"X\", so that every vertex in \"W\" is adjacent to every vertex in \"X\" but there are no edges within \"W\" or \"X\". A \"path graph\" or \"linear graph\" of order is a graph in which the vertices can be listed in an order \"v\", \"v\", …, \"v\" such that the edges are the } where \"i\"",
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"title": "Vertex (graph theory)",
"text": "view of graph theory, vertices are treated as featureless and indivisible objects, although they may have additional structure depending on the application from which the graph arises; for instance, a semantic network is a graph in which the vertices represent concepts or classes of objects. The two vertices forming an edge are said to be the endpoints of this edge, and the edge is said to be incident to the vertices. A vertex \"w\" is said to be adjacent to another vertex \"v\" if the graph contains an edge (\"v\",\"w\"). The neighborhood of a vertex \"v\" is an induced subgraph",
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"title": "Vertex (graph theory)",
"text": "of the graph, formed by all vertices adjacent to \"v\". The degree of a vertex, denoted 𝛿(v) in a graph is the number of edges incident to it. An isolated vertex is a vertex with degree zero; that is, a vertex that is not an endpoint of any edge (the example image illustrates one isolated vertex). A leaf vertex (also pendant vertex) is a vertex with degree one. In a directed graph, one can distinguish the outdegree (number of outgoing edges), denoted 𝛿(v), from the indegree (number of incoming edges), denoted 𝛿(v); a source vertex is a vertex with indegree",
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"title": "Steinitz's theorem",
"text": "convex polytopes remains open. An undirected graph is a system of vertices and edges, each edge connecting two of the vertices. From any polyhedron one can form a graph, by letting the vertices of the graph correspond to the vertices of the polyhedron and by connecting any two graph vertices by an edge whenever the corresponding two polyhedron vertices are the endpoints of an edge of the polyhedron. This graph is known as the skeleton of the polyhedron. A graph is planar if it can be drawn with its vertices as points in the Euclidean plane, and its edges as",
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"title": "Wagner's theorem",
"text": "and curves for its edges, in such a way that the only intersections between pairs of edges are at a common endpoint of the two edges. A minor of a given graph is another graph formed by deleting vertices, deleting edges, and contracting edges. When an edge is contracted, its two endpoints are merged to form a single vertex. In some versions of graph minor theory the graph resulting from a contraction is simplified by removing self-loops and multiple adjacencies, while in other version multigraphs are allowed, but this variation makes no difference to Wagner's theorem. Wagner's theorem states that",
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"title": "Edge (geometry)",
"text": "(\"d\" − 1)-dimensional features, a ridge is a (\"d\" − 2)-dimensional feature, and a peak is a (\"d\" − 3)-dimensional feature. Thus, the edges of a polygon are its facets, the edges of a 3-dimensional convex polyhedron are its ridges, and the edges of a 4-dimensional polytope are its peaks. Edge (geometry) In geometry, an edge is a particular type of line segment joining two vertices in a polygon, polyhedron, or higher-dimensional polytope. In a polygon, an edge is a line segment on the boundary, and is often called a side. In a polyhedron or more generally a polytope, an",
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"title": "Vertex (geometry)",
"text": "not only with three spatial coordinates but also with other graphical information necessary to render the object correctly, such as colors, reflectance properties, textures, and surface normals; these properties are used in rendering by a vertex shader, part of the vertex pipeline. Vertex (geometry) In geometry, a vertex (plural: vertices or vertexes) is a point where two or more curves, lines, or edges meet. As a consequence of this definition, the point where two lines meet to form an angle and the corners of polygons and polyhedra are vertices. The \"vertex\" of an angle is the point where two rays",
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"title": "Quotient graph",
"text": "Quotient graph In graph theory, a quotient graph \"Q\" of a graph \"G\" is a graph whose vertices are blocks of a partition of the vertices of \"G\" and where block \"B\" is adjacent to block \"C\" if some vertex in \"B\" is adjacent to some vertex in \"C\" with respect to the edge set of \"G\". In other words, if \"G\" has edge set \"E\" and vertex set \"V\" and \"R\" is the equivalence relation induced by the partition, then the quotient graph has vertex set \"V\"/\"R\" and edge set {([\"u\"], [\"v\"]) | (\"u\", \"v\") ∈ \"E\"(\"G\")}. More formally,",
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"title": "Well-covered graph",
"text": "If is either a polygon or a set of points, is the set of open line segments that have vertices of as endpoints and are otherwise disjoint from , and is the intersection graph of (a graph that has a vertex for each line segment in and an edge for each two line segments that cross each other), then is well-covered. For in this case, every maximal independent set in corresponds to the set of edges in a triangulation of , and a calculation involving the Euler characteristic shows that every two triangulations have the same number of edges as",
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"title": "Cycle space",
"text": "from any subset \"S\" of the edges of \"G\". The subgraph has the same set of vertices as \"G\" itself (this is the meaning of the word \"spanning\") but has the elements of \"S\" as its edges. Thus, a graph \"G\" with \"m\" edges has 2 spanning subgraphs, including \"G\" itself as well as the empty graph on the same set of vertices as \"G\". The collection of all spanning subgraphs of a graph \"G\" forms the edge space of \"G\". A graph \"G\", or one of its subgraphs, is said to be Eulerian if each of its vertices has",
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"title": "Vertex (graph theory)",
"text": "that enables it to be distinguished from other labeled vertices; two graphs can be considered isomorphic only if the correspondence between their vertices pairs up vertices with equal labels. An unlabeled vertex is one that can be substituted for any other vertex based only on its adjacencies in the graph and not based on any additional information. Vertices in graphs are analogous to, but not the same as, vertices of polyhedra: the skeleton of a polyhedron forms a graph, the vertices of which are the vertices of the polyhedron, but polyhedron vertices have additional structure (their geometric location) that is",
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"title": "Covering graph",
"text": "from \"r\", that is, a sequence \"w\" = (\"r\", \"v\", \"v\", ..., \"v\") of vertices of \"G\" such that Then, two vertices of \"T\" are adjacent if one is a simple extension of another: the vertex (\"r\", \"v\", \"v\", ..., \"v\") is adjacent to the vertex (\"r\", \"v\", \"v\", ..., \"v\"). Up to isomorphism, the same tree \"T\" is constructed regardless of the choice of the starting point \"r\". The covering map \"f\" maps the vertex (\"r\") in \"T\" to the vertex \"r\" in \"G\", and a vertex (\"r\", \"v\", \"v\", ..., \"v\") in \"T\" to the vertex \"v\" in",
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"title": "Edge space",
"text": "Edge space In the mathematical discipline of graph theory, the edge space and vertex space of an undirected graph are vector spaces defined in terms of the edge and vertex sets, respectively. These vector spaces make it possible to use techniques of linear algebra in studying the graph. Let formula_1 be a finite undirected graph. The vertex space formula_2 of \"G\" is the vector space over the finite field of two elements formula_3 of all functions formula_4. Every element of formula_2 naturally corresponds the subset of \"V\" which assigns a 1 to its vertices. Also every subset of \"V\" is",
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"title": "Multiple edges",
"text": "is added between two vertices already joined by an edge; thus, adding multiple edges preserves planarity. A dipole graph is a graph with two vertices, in which all edges are parallel to each other. Multiple edges In graph theory, multiple edges (also called parallel edges or a multi-edge), are two or more edges that are incident to the same two vertices. A simple graph has no multiple edges. Depending on the context, a graph may be defined so as to either allow or disallow the presence of multiple edges (often in concert with allowing or disallowing loops): Multiple edges are,",
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"title": "Vertex (geometry)",
"text": "a simple polygon is called a mouth if the diagonal lies outside the boundary of . Any convex polyhedron's surface has Euler characteristic where is the number of vertices, is the number of edges, and is the number of faces. This equation is known as Euler's polyhedron formula. Thus the number of vertices is 2 more than the excess of the number of edges over the number of faces. For example, a cube has 12 edges and 6 faces, and hence 8 vertices. In computer graphics, objects are often represented as triangulated polyhedra in which the object vertices are associated",
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"title": "Well-covered graph",
"text": "two minimal covers have the same number of vertices as each other. An independent set in a graph is a set of vertices no two of which are adjacent to each other. If is a vertex cover in a graph , the complement of must be an independent set, and vice versa. is a minimal vertex cover if and only if its complement is a maximal independent set, and is a minimum vertex cover if and only if its complement is a maximum independent set. Therefore, a well-covered graph is, equivalently, a graph in which every maximal independent set has",
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"title": "Adjacency matrix",
"text": "graph, a different matrix representation whose elements indicate whether vertex–edge pairs are incident or not, and degree matrix which contains information about the degree of each vertex. For a simple graph with vertex set \"V\", the adjacency matrix is a square × matrix \"A\" such that its element \"A\" is one when there is an edge from vertex \"i\" to vertex \"j\", and zero when there is no edge. The diagonal elements of the matrix are all zero, since edges from a vertex to itself (loops) are not allowed in simple graphs. It is also sometimes useful in algebraic graph",
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"title": "Mycielskian",
"text": "to each vertex \"v\" of \"G\", and an extra vertex \"w\". Each vertex \"u\" is connected by an edge to \"w\", so that these vertices form a subgraph in the form of a star \"K\". In addition, for each edge \"v\"\"v\" of \"G\", the Mycielski graph includes two edges, \"u\"\"v\" and \"v\"\"u\". Thus, if \"G\" has \"n\" vertices and \"m\" edges, μ(\"G\") has 2\"n\"+1 vertices and 3\"m\"+\"n\" edges. The only new triangles in μ(\"G\") are of the form \"v\"\"v\"\"u\", where \"v\"\"v\"\"v\" is a triangle in \"G\". Thus, if \"G\" is triangle-free, so is μ(\"G\"). To see that the construction increases",
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"title": "Independent set (graph theory)",
"text": "Independent set (graph theory) In graph theory, an independent set, stable set or anticlique is a set of vertices in a graph, no two of which are adjacent. That is, it is a set \"S\" of vertices such that for every two vertices in \"S\", there is no edge connecting the two. Equivalently, each edge in the graph has at most one endpoint in \"S\". The size of an independent set is the number of vertices it contains. Independent sets have also been called internally stable sets. A maximal independent set is either an independent set such that adding any",
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] | {
"title": "Loop (graph theory)",
"long_answer": "In graph theory, a loop (also called a self-loop or a \"buckle\") is an edge that connects a vertex to itself. A simple graph contains no loops.",
"chunked_long_answer": "In graph theory, a loop (also called a self-loop or a \"buckle\") is an edge that connects a vertex to itself. A simple graph contains no loops.",
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when does the little couples new season start | [
"September 19, 2017"
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"title": "The Little Couple",
"text": "child. Arnold is a neonatologist who works at the Texas Children's Hospital, and Klein is a medical supplies and telemarketing businessman. They were originally introduced in a one-hour TLC special, \"Little People: Just Married\". Season 1 of the show premiered on May 26, 2009. Season 2 premiered on October 27, 2009. On February 22, 2010, TLC renewed \"The Little Couple\" for a third season consisting of 20 episodes. The mid-season finale aired after 9 episodes on July 27, 2010, and season 3 returned on October 12, 2010. It was announced on Facebook that the show would be returning for its",
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"title": "6 Little McGhees",
"text": "are the first couple in Columbus, Ohio to have sextuplets in 2010. Sextuplets born June 9, 2010 (age 8) The first season of \"6 Little McGhees\" aired weekly on the Oprah Winfrey Network from December 15, 2012, to January 5, 2013. The second season of \"6 Little McGhees\" premiered on September 7, 2013, and concluded on October 26, 2013. Three previously unaired episodes were broadcast back-to-back on December 28, 2013. Season 3 premiered on the Oprah Winfrey Network on Saturday September 6, 2014. 6 Little McGhees 6 Little McGhees (sometimes rendered in listings as Six Little McGhees) is an American",
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"title": "The Little Couple",
"text": "The Little Couple The Little Couple is an American reality television series on TLC that debuted May 26, 2009. The series features Bill Klein, a businessman, and Dr. Jennifer Arnold, a neonatologist, who both have skeletal dysplasia. Arnold is 96.5 cm (3'2\") and Klein 122 cm (4 feet) tall. They moved from New York City, after Jen completed her pediatric residency and masters of medical education at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. The show begins with the couple having just moved to Houston, Texas, where the series has documented the customized building of their home and attempts to have a",
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"title": "Little People, Big World",
"text": "TLC announced a spin-off series – \"\". It chronicles Matt and Amy as they jump-start their wedding business on the farm. The series premiered on November 13, 2012, and ran for six episodes. It was announced in October 2013 that \"Little People, Big World\" would return for a seventh season. Season seven consists of eight episodes, and premiered on October 29, 2013. An eighth season began on September 2, 2014, and a ninth season began on July 6, 2015. The show was renewed for a tenth season which premiered in fall 2016. As of 2018, the show has aired for",
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"title": "Season for Love",
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"title": "Mireasă pentru fiul meu",
"text": "first runners-up then left the house and was interviewed, followed by the winners, who were usually treated and greeted to a cheering crowd and a firework display before their interview. In Live Final some couples can marriages. The debut season started airing on August 29, 2011 and ended on August 25, 2012.In the grand final Ionuț and Monica was married. Edina and Adrian with Mrs. Mărioara was declared the winners of the competition. The debut season started airing on September 1, 2012 and ended on August 24, 2013. In the grand final Alin & Andreea and George & Lorena were",
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"title": "El Gran Show (season 2 of 2015)",
"text": "the live show. For this reason, the rest of the couples did not danced. It was decided that the elimination between the sentenced couples will be determined next week and that all couples would perform new dances. The couples (except those sentenced) performed a double dance. In the versus, only two couples faced dancing jazz, the winner would take two extra points plus the couples who gave their support votes. The couples (except those sentenced) danced a trio cha-cha-cha involving another celebrity. The couples (except those sentenced) danced latin pop. In the little train, the participants faced dancing jazz. Due",
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"title": "Pretty Little Liars (season 7)",
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"title": "Dancing with the Stars (U.S. season 16)",
"text": "the show, thus bringing the total number of couples down to the traditional three. The couples danced one of these routines for each corresponding week (this season also features two new dances: contemporary and jazz. This is the first time since season eight that new dances have been added to the show for more than one week): Dancing with the Stars (U.S. season 16) Season sixteen of \"Dancing with the Stars\" premiered on March 18, 2013. Tom Bergeron and Brooke Burke Charvet returned as hosts, while Carrie Ann Inaba, Len Goodman and Bruno Tonioli returned as judges. The Harold Wheeler",
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"title": "Mireasă pentru fiul meu",
"text": "married. The winners of the second season were Lorena and George with Mrs. Cristina. The debut season started airing on August 29, 2013 and ended on August 30, 2014. The winner of the third season were Costantina and Raymond. The debut season started airing on September 6, 2014 and ended on August 29, 2015. The winners of Season 4 were Elly and Cristian. The debut season started airing on September 5, 2015. The winners of Season 5 were Adriana si Valentin The original series started in February 2007 and it was broadcast by Kanal D channel in Romania. The series",
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"title": "The Odd Couple (2015 TV series)",
"text": "new love interest for Oscar. The series debuted simultaneously in Canada on CTV. In Australia, Network Ten acquired the rights to air the series and premiered it at 7:30pm on March 23, 2015. \"The Odd Couple\" has received mixed reviews from critics. On Metacritic, season one has a score of 42 out of 100, based on 31 critics, indicating \"mixed or average reviews\". On Rotten Tomatoes, the season 1 received 24% \"rotten\" ratings with consensus, \"Stars Matthew Perry and Thomas Lennon make a fine Oscar and Felix, but \"The Odd Couple\"'s flat jokes and canned laughter are pretty old hat.\"",
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"title": "90 Day Fiancé",
"text": "After?\" was renewed for a second season in November 2016. The second season debuted on June 25, 2017, and features \"90 Day Fiancé\" Season 1's Russ & Paola, Season 2's Danielle & Mohamed, Season 3's Loren & Alexei, and Season 4's Jorge & Anfisa and Chantel & Pedro. \"90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?\" was renewed for a third season in January 2018. The third season debuted on May 20, 2018, and features \"90 Day Fiancé\" Season 1's Russ & Paola, Season 4's Jorge & Anfisa, Chantel & Pedro and Nicole & Azan, and Season 5's Molly & Luis and",
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"title": "The Little Couple",
"text": "4th season on May 31, 2011. Again, the season was split, with the second half of season 4 premiering on September 27, 2011. In February 2012, Klein opened \"Rocky&Maggie\" in Rice Village Houston. named after their pets Chihuahua Rocky and rescue mutt terrier Maggie. Arnold's mother Judy manages the store. Season 5 began on March 20, 2012, and follows Klein and Arnold as they move into their custom-built dream home and launch a brand-new business. In March 2013, they adopted their son, Will, from Hohhot, China. The adoption of their son, who also has dwarfism, is featured in Season 5.",
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"title": "Little People, Big World",
"text": "in to watch Jeremy Roloff marry his long-time girlfriend, Audrey Botti. The finale was the highest-rated episode in six years among women 25-54 and was number one on cable in the 10:00 pm timeslot among women 18-49 and women 18-34. The wedding finale capped the series' highest-rated season, in which it averaged 1.9 million viewers per episode. Little People, Big World Little People, Big World is an American reality television series that premiered on March 4, 2006, and airs on TLC. The series chronicles the lives of the six-member Roloff family farm near Portland, Oregon. Many of the episodes focus",
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"title": "Gary Unmarried",
"text": "for the first time. The three couples move forward uncertainly. Vanessa, however, breaks up with Gary after a short-lived relationship because of his inability to quit worrying about Allison. In Season 2, Gary lands an on-air job at a local sports talk radio station, and eventually starts dating the station's new, young manager, Sasha. The first season ran from September 24, 2008 to May 20, 2009. The series aired Wednesdays at 8:30 PM ET, following fellow CBS sitcom \"The New Adventures of Old Christine\". They replaced the reality show \"Kid Nation\". After an initial order of 13 episodes, CBS announced",
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"title": "Married at First Sight (Australian TV series)",
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"title": "Ples sa zvijezdama",
"text": "season: A Christmas special was aired in 2010 showcasing six couples from previous seasons. The couples danced to a Christmas song of their choice and winners were decided by jury. Couples: ★ - winners The sixth season of \"Ples sa zvijezdama\" (\"Dancing with the Stars\") started airing on October 29, 2011 on HRT1. The contestants were: Highest score of the season: Lowest score of the season: The seventh season of \"Ples sa zvijezdama\" (\"Dancing with the Stars\") aired in late 2012 on HRT1. The eighth season of \"Ples sa zvijezdama\" ended in December 2013. Ples sa zvijezdama Ples sa zvijezdama",
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"title": "Newlyweds: The First Year",
"text": "Newlyweds: The First Year Newlyweds: The First Year is an American reality television series that premiered on May 6, 2013, on Bravo. The series chronicles the lives of four newly married couples from across the country. It follows the duos from their actual wedding day until their one-year anniversary, highlighting everything that occurs in between. None of the couples ever meet but viewers see the commonalities between their married lives. On October 7, 2013, the series was renewed for a second season. In April 2014, Bravo announced the third season renewal with both seasons airing in late 2014 and 2015.",
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"title": "We Got Married",
"text": "Season three officially begins on 9 April, with two additional couples upon the departure of Yonghwa & Seohyun, as well as a new format. Park Hwi-sun and K.Will are added for Season 3 to the cast as MCs. Couple List Couple List In late March 2010, MBC stopped broadcast of new episodes due to labour strikes, with repeats airing instead. This event, compounded with the ROKS Cheonan sinking incident, which caused cancellation of most variety shows at the time, resulted in a backlog of footage for the couples Jo Kwon & Gain and Yonghwa & Seohyun. This resulted in the",
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"title": "The Little Couple",
"text": "On October 15, 2013, they adopted a daughter, Zoey, also a little person, from Delhi, India. The series went into an hiatus on June 4, 2013, and returned on August 13, 2013. In December 2013, Arnold revealed that she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, stage 4 choriocarcinoma, due to a non-viable pregnancy she had suffered in September 2013. She allowed the cameras to document her struggle. Season 6 premiered on March 4, 2014. It features Zoey's adoption, Arnold's cancer treatment, Will's fourth birthday, baptisms, the holiday season, and Arnold's 40th birthday. The new season of The Little",
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"title": "The Newlywed Game",
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"title": "El Gran Show (season 1 of 2013)",
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"title": "Little Crackers",
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"title": "Married at First Sight (Australian TV series)",
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"title": "Dancing with the Stars (U.S. season 7)",
"text": "Dancing with the Stars (U.S. season 7) Season seven of \"Dancing with the Stars\" premiered on September 22, 2008 as a part of ABC's fall 2008 line-up. Instead of 12 couples like previous seasons, this was the first season to showcase a lineup of 13 couples. This season also introduced four new dances: the hustle, the salsa, the jitterbug, and the west coast swing, as well as Team Dancing. Tom Bergeron and Samantha Harris return as the show's hosts. Len Goodman, Bruno Tonioli, and Carrie Ann Inaba continue as the judges this season, with Michael Flatley having appeared temporarily as",
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"title": "Seasons of Love",
"text": "are normally performed by two cast members who play several minor roles each (namely Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson). \"Seasons of Love\" is performed in two parts, the first at the beginning of Act II with the reprise following a few numbers later, following \"Take Me or Leave Me\". The song has been translated into multiple languages for the international productions of the musical (\"Tiempos de amor\" in Spanish, \"Nur Liebe Bleibt\" in German, \"Sígræn ást\" in Icelandic and \"A szerelem évszakai\" in Hungarian). In the 2005 film version of Rent, \"Seasons of Love\" is performed in the opening scene. Only",
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"title": "Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta (season 1)",
"text": "Its finale garnered 5.5 million people overall, cementing its status as the highest rated show in primetime on cable among adults 18-49. The season was released on DVD in region 1 on October 19, 2012. On December 16, 2012, VH1 aired \"Dirty Little Secrets\", a special featuring unseen footage, deleted scenes and interviews with the show's cast and producers. The special garnered 1.22 million viewers. Mimi suspects her long time boyfriend, Grammy Award-winning singer and songwriter Stevie J, of cheating after he spends too many late nights at the studio with his new artist, Joseline. Erica is struggling to find",
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"title": "The New Season",
"text": "The New Season The New Season is a collaboration album by American rappers Brotha Lynch Hung and MC Eiht. It was released January 24, 2006 on Real Talk Entertainment. The album was produced by Big Hollis, Brotha Lynch Hung, MC Eiht and Vince V. It peaked at number 27 on the \"Billboard\" Independent Albums and at number 81 on the \"Billboard\" Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums. To promote the album, a music video was released for the song, \"You Don't Know, Who I Know\". Allmusic - \"...\"The New Season\" is a cross-California collaboration between the Sacramento-based rapper and Compton's MC Eiht that's",
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"title": "Somali calendar",
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] | {
"title": "The Little Couple",
"long_answer": "The new season of The Little Couple premiered on September 19, 2017.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The new season of The Little Couple premiered on September 19, 2017.",
"short_answers": [
"September 19, 2017"
} |
how tall is the actor who plays hagrid in harry potter | [
"6ft 1in"
] | [
"title": "Robbie Coltrane",
"text": "him three BAFTA awards. Roles in bigger films followed; the James Bond films GoldenEye (1995) and The World Is Not Enough (1999), a supporting role in From Hell (2001), as well as half-giant Rubeus Hagrid in the Harry Potter films (2001–2011). J. K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, had Coltrane at the top of her list to play Hagrid and, when asked whom she would like to see in the role, responded \"Robbie Coltrane for Hagrid\" in one quick breath. There is also an unnamed 8ft actor who stands in for the 6ft 1in Coltrane in some scenes.",
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"title": "Rubeus Hagrid",
"text": "mentioned as being twice as tall as the average man and nearly five times as wide but in the film, he is portrayed as being and in later books he is said to be three times as wide. Hagrid is known for his thick West Country accent. Being a half-giant, he is less vulnerable to jinxes and spells than full-humans. In \"Order of the Phoenix\", when Umbridge and some other wizards come to remove him from Hogwarts he fights back. They try to jinx and stun him, but the spells just bounce off him because of giant-inherited resistance to magic.",
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"title": "Rubeus Hagrid",
"text": "in my head of the huge gigantic Hagrid walking through the forest crying with Harry in his arms\". Nineteen years after Voldemort’s defeat, Hagrid is still at Hogwarts and invites Harry and Ginny Weasley's second son Albus Severus Potter to his hut for tea, just as he had once done for Harry himself, implying that he and Harry are still close. During an interview in 2007, when asked if Hagrid did marry, Rowling answered that Hagrid developed a relationship with a giantess but it did not work out. Scottish actor Robbie Coltrane has portrayed Hagrid in all of the film",
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"title": "Rubeus Hagrid",
"text": "a story released by Comic Relief in 2003, and he was played by Ronnie Corbett. In the \"Potter Puppet Pals\" parodies by Neil Cicierega, Hagrid appeared in the episode \"Ron's Disease\", in which Harry uses Hagrid’s strength to cure Ron from an illness, as well as to beat Hermione and Snape, and to discover Dumbledore’s identity as a \"gay android\". Hagrid also appears in the parody stage production \"Harry Potter and the Obnoxious Voice\", interacting with Draco Malfoy and a dementor. In one episode of the second series of \"Tracey Ullman's State of the Union\", Tracey Ullman parodies Rowling as",
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"title": "Rubeus Hagrid",
"text": "Coltrane, assisting him in preparing for the role. She also stated that \"Robbie is just perfect for Hagrid because Hagrid is a very loveable character, quite likeable, quite comic [...] but he had to have – you really do have to sense – a certain toughness underneath [...] and I think Robbie does that perfectly.\" Former English rugby union player Martin Bayfield portrayed Hagrid as a stunt performer in longer shots due to his large size to emphasise Hagrid’s height. Bayfield also appeared as a young Hagrid in \"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets\". In \"Philosopher’s Stone\", Hagrid is",
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"title": "Warwick Davis",
"text": "actors under five feet (1.52 m) tall. Many of Davis's co-stars and fellow dwarf actors from \"Star Wars\", \"Willow\", \"Labyrinth\" and the \"Harry Potter\" series are represented by the agency. In 2004, the agency also began representing actors over seven feet (2.13 m) tall who had suffered from being confined to \"niche\" roles. Over forty members of Willow Management were cast as goblins in \"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2\". In April 2010, Davis published his autobiography, \"Size Matters Not: The Extraordinary Life and Career of Warwick Davis\", with a foreword by George Lucas. In January 2013,",
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"title": "Rubeus Hagrid",
"text": "bossy and very keen on keeping her creations copyrighted, believing a hobo is impersonating Hagrid. Rubeus Hagrid Rubeus Hagrid is a fictional character in the \"Harry Potter\" book series written by J. K. Rowling. He is introduced in \"Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone\" as a half-giant and half-human who is the gamekeeper and Keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts, the primary setting for the first six novels. In the third novel \"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban\", Hagrid is promoted to Care of Magical Creatures teacher, and is later revealed to be a member of the Order",
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"title": "Rubeus Hagrid",
"text": "Rubeus Hagrid Rubeus Hagrid is a fictional character in the \"Harry Potter\" book series written by J. K. Rowling. He is introduced in \"Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone\" as a half-giant and half-human who is the gamekeeper and Keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts, the primary setting for the first six novels. In the third novel \"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban\", Hagrid is promoted to Care of Magical Creatures teacher, and is later revealed to be a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Hagrid was among the characters that Rowling says she created on \"the",
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"title": "Harry Potter (character)",
"text": "Harry grows taller, and by the seventh book is said to be 'almost' the height of his father, and 'tall' by other characters. Rowling explained that Harry's image came to her when she first thought up Harry Potter, seeing him as a \"scrawny, black-haired, bespectacled boy\". She also mentioned that she thinks Harry's glasses are the clue to his vulnerability. According to Rowling, Harry is strongly guided by his own conscience, and has a keen feeling of what is right and wrong. Having \"very limited access to truly caring adults\", Rowling said, Harry \"is forced to make his own decisions",
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"title": "Rubeus Hagrid",
"text": "moments with Harry, Hermione and Ron gave them a \"cherished memory\". IGN’s Joe Utichi also listed Hagrid as his 7th favourite \"Harry Potter\" character. Hagrid has appeared in various animated and non-animated parodies of Harry Potter. He was featured in US skit comedy \"Saturday Night Live\", portrayed by Horatio Sanz, in the same episode in which Lindsay Lohan played Hermione. In Alistair McGowan's \"Big Impression\" show, Hagrid appeared in a sketch called \"Louis Potter and the Philosopher’s Scone\", in which he was portrayed by Robbie Coltrane himself. Hagrid is also parodied in \"Harry Potter and the Secret Chamberpot of Azerbaijan\",",
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"title": "Magical creatures in Harry Potter",
"text": "in an isolated region east of Belarus. Giants range in height from twenty to twenty-five feet (6 to 7.5 metres), and have skin similar to rhinoceros hide, which grants them limited immunity to magical attacks. Their society is loosely governed by a chief called a Gurg, who spends most of his time demanding food from his underlings. Voldemort has employed giants in his attacks, after convincing them that he can offer them a better life; whereas Hagrid reveals in \"Order of the Phoenix\" that he and Madame Maxime went to try and persuade the Giants to take part in the",
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"title": "Rubeus Hagrid",
"text": "Dumbledore also gives him the task of locating Harry, helping him to find his bearings in the wizarding world and to buy his school things. Hagrid is the first member of the Hogwarts staff to be introduced to Harry before he began attending the school. Hagrid later becomes friends with Ron and Hermione as well. Later in the book, a hooded person (Quirinus Quirrell in disguise) gives him a dragon egg to elicit details about Fluffy. Hagrid lets slip to Harry, Ron, and Hermione that the way to get past Fluffy is to play music, for which they use the",
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"title": "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (film)",
"text": "to avoid any more letters, Hagrid re-appears and informs Harry that he is actually a wizard, and has been accepted into Hogwarts against the Dursleys' wishes. After taking Harry to Diagon Alley to buy his supplies for Hogwarts including a wizard uniform, a wand and a pet owl named Hedwig as a birthday present, Hagrid informs him of his past; Harry is the son of two wizards who met their demise via a Killing Curse at the hands of Lord Voldemort, a malevolent, all-powerful wizard. Harry, the only survivor in the chaos, thus becomes well-known in the wizarding world as",
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"title": "Rubeus Hagrid",
"text": "the Forest of Dean\". According to Goring, Hagrid’s \"dropped word-endings are a Chepstow speciality.\" She also claims that Hagrid is physically \"modeled on the Welsh chapter of Hells Angels who’d swoop down on the town and hog the bar, 'huge mountains of leather and hair\". The character of Hagrid and conversations between him, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger in his hut are expository through the series, due to the fact that the trio frequently discover things about Albus Dumbledore and Hogwarts by talking with Hagrid, as he has a habit of letting slip bits of information that were",
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"title": "Forced perspective",
"text": "The same techniques were used in the Harry Potter movies to make the character Hagrid look like a giant. Props around Harry and his friends are of normal size, while seemingly identical props placed around Hagrid are in fact smaller. As with many film genres and effects, forced perspective can be used to visual-comedy effect. Typically, when an object or character is portrayed in a scene, its size is defined by its surroundings. A character then interacts with the object or character, in the process showing that the viewer has been fooled and there is forced perspective in use. The",
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"title": "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (video game)",
"text": "Hagrid, a mysterious giant, leaves an orphaned Harry Potter, whose parents were murdered by the evil Lord Voldemort, on the front door step of his bullying relatives, The Dursleys. For ten years, Harry has lived with the Dursleys, not knowing that he is a wizard, and famous in the wizarding world for being the only one to survive the attacks of Voldemort, whose name no one dares to say. Harry receives a letter inviting him to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and is told who he really is. After buying his school supplies, at Diagon Alley, he boards",
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"title": "Rubeus Hagrid",
"text": "to the Forbidden Forest. Big and dim, he only knows a few words in English and his manners are wild and unpredictable, but he is also a child in giant years. In the film, this is elaborated on more as he is visibly portrayed as a big, excitable child who simply doesn't know his own strength or developed proper social cues yet. He responds to Hermione, who approaches him like a strict but caring mother figure, scolding him when doing something wrong, but giving him praise and playing with him when he does something good. At first, Grawp seems indifferent",
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"title": "Forced perspective",
"text": "calculating angular size is as follows: in which \"θ\" is the subtended angle, \"h\" is the actual size of the object and \"D\" is the distance from the lens to the object. Forced perspective has been employed to create dwarfs and giants in film, such as Hagrid, the half-giant in the \"Harry Potter\" series, and hobbits in the \"Lord of the Rings\" series. In reality, there is only a 5-inch height difference between Elijah Wood, 5′6″, and Ian McKellen, 5′11″, the actors playing Frodo and Gandalf in \"The Lord of the Rings\" films; however, the use of camera angles and",
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"title": "Rubeus Hagrid",
"text": "Harry on his eleventh birthday, tell him of his wizarding identity and take him to Diagon Alley to purchase his supplies and equipment. Hagrid has been protective of Dumbledore and defended his honour against those who would speak badly about Dumbledore such as Vernon Dursley. Hagrid refers to Dumbledore as a \"great man\" and Dumbledore continued to help Hagrid and comfort him when he was in distress. Hagrid was stricken by grief when Dumbledore died and wept openly at the funeral services after having carried Dumbledore's body to where his tomb was to be. Hagrid keeps and has kept a",
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"title": "Harry Porter",
"text": "indoor running high jump title, making a new record, 6ft 1½ inches, and in the latter year he won the outdoor National and Metropolitan Amateur Athletic Union championship.\" <br> Harry Porter \"For the fictional character with similar name, see Harry Potter.\" Harry Franklin Porter (August 31, 1882 in Bridgeport, Connecticut – June 27, 1965) was a high jumper from the United States of America. He was a member of the Irish American Athletic Club, and won gold in the High Jump in the 1908 Summer Olympics at a mark of 6'3\". He graduated from Cornell University. According to his 1910",
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"title": "Magical creatures in Harry Potter",
"text": "described by Hagrid as \"dead clever an' useful\". They have acquired an undeserved reputation as omens of evil. The High Inquisitor from the ministry of magic, Dolores Umbridge, asserted that Thestrals are considered \"dangerous creatures\" by the Ministry of Magic, although this might be due to her prejudice against 'half-breeds', as Hagrid is half-giant and is showing thestrals in class. Thestrals have fangs and possess a well-developed sense of smell, which will lead them to carrion and fresh blood. According to Hagrid, they will not attack a human-sized target without provocation. They are capable of very fast flight for several",
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"title": "Rubeus Hagrid",
"text": "Hagrid is attacked by giants during the mission, and saved by Maxime. Hagrid and Maxime eventually part on the journey home because of Maxime’s exasperation with Grawp, Hagrid’s half-brother whom he had found and was attempting to bring home with them. Grawp, who wanted to stay with the giants, seriously injured Hagrid. Hagrid introduces his half-brother to Harry and Hermione, and asks them to take care of him after he leaves Hogwarts. High Inquisitor of Hogwarts Dolores Umbridge supervises the classes of all the members of the Hogwarts staff, including Hagrid's, and she looks for an excuse to fire him,",
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"title": "Magical creatures in Harry Potter",
"text": "spirit of chaos\" according to Rowling. Giants in the \"Harry Potter\" universe are capable of interbreeding with humans – Rubeus Hagrid is half-giant, as is his love interest Olympe Maxime – but wizards as a population have engaged in an active campaign to hunt giants out of civilisation. The last giants in Britain were killed apparently by Ministry decree, but most deaths have been due to territorial aggression among themselves, as wizards force them to live in ever more confined spaces. The last few giants remaining in the world (the total number is between 70 and 80) are collected together",
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"title": "Rubeus Hagrid",
"text": "the Phoenix\", many of the stunning spells thrown at him by Ministry officials simply bounce off him. Also, being half-giant gives Hagrid some level of superhuman strength, which allowed him to bend the barrel of a shotgun with one hand. Grawp is the giant half-brother of Hagrid. Grawp and Hagrid were born of the same mother, the giantess Fridwulfa. Grawp is about tall, which Hagrid claims is small for a giant. His knuckles are the size of cricket balls (~225 mm in circumference). The other giants were bullying Grawp, and this is a factor in Hagrid’s decision to bring him",
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"title": "Dilip Sinha (actor)",
"text": "as Rubeus Hagrid, throughout the Hindi dubs of the entire \"Harry Potter film series\". Dilip Sinha (actor) Dilip Sinha (Hindi: \"Dilīpa Sinhā\") (born 1951) is an Indian actor and a voice-dubbing artist who principally speaks Hindi and Bhojpuri. Dilip Sinha was staying in Marina Guest House Bandra at West Mumbai for 20 years and at the present time, he is currently staying in Goregaon West, Mumbai, India. He is married and has 2 children. He began acting in 1975, and was a lead actor in the first Bhojpuri color film, \"Dangal\". Subsequently, he dubbed foreign films, including some made in",
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"title": "Special effects of The Lord of the Rings film series",
"text": "at about 4 ft 6 in (137 cm), and Men and Elves are average human height, about 5 to 6 ft (150 to 180 cm). However, the films used two scale sets instead of three by casting taller than average actors to play Dwarves, then combining Dwarves and Hobbits into one size scale. For example, John Rhys-Davies, who played Gimli, is taller than Elijah Wood, who played Frodo. Thus in the ending shot of the Council of Elrond scene when all nine members of the Fellowship of the Ring are standing together, Rhys-Davies and the four Hobbit actors were filmed",
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"title": "Rubeus Hagrid",
"text": "his father’s care after his birth; according to Hagrid, she was not very maternal. Later she gave birth to Grawp. She died long before Hagrid returned to the giants in \"the Order of the Phoenix\". Hagrid describes his father as \"a tiny little man\" whom he could pick up with one hand and place on the dresser at the age of six. Hagrid clearly felt great affection for him; in \"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban\", he says that his father’s death when Hagrid was in third year at Hogwarts was one of his saddest memories. Hagrid had a",
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"title": "Rubeus Hagrid",
"text": "time Harry attends Hogwarts, Hagrid is also the Keeper of Keys and Grounds: the former, according to Rowling, means \"that he will let you in and out of Hogwarts.\" Part of his job includes leading the first years across the lake in boats, upon their initial arrival at Hogwarts. When discussing the killing off of characters in her books, Rowling said that she always knew she was \"working towards the point where Hagrid carried Harry out alive – but supposedly dead – out of the forest\". She said she had planned from very early on that Harry would walk to",
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"title": "Ron Weasley",
"text": "tallest schoolmates, even outgrowing some of his older brothers. Rowling states in the novels that Ron has freckles, though Rupert Grint, the actor who plays Ron, has none. Rowling has also stated that Ron has blue eyes. Rowling in an interview described Ron as very funny but insensitive and immature, saying \"There's a lot of immaturity about Ron, and that's where a lot of the humor comes from.\" As his first exercise with the actors who portray the central trio, Alfonso Cuarón, who directed the third film in the series, \"Prisoner of Azkaban\", assigned them to write an autobiographical essay",
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"title": "Rubeus Hagrid",
"text": "Thestrals against Voldemort’s giants. Fang is a large boarhound (portrayed in the films by a Neapolitan Mastiff) that, aside from his enormous size, appears to be an entirely ordinary dog. While Fang's appearance is intimidating, he is, in Hagrid's words, \"a bloody coward.\" Boisterous and loving with people he knows, he seems to enjoy licking Harry, Ron, or Hermione around the face or ears. In \"the Philosopher’s Stone\" he accompanies Harry, Hagrid, Draco, and Hermione into the Forbidden Forest to look for an injured unicorn. In the following book, \"the Chamber of Secrets\", Harry and Ron take Fang into the",
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"title": "Robbie Coltrane",
"long_answer": "His roles continued in the 1990s with the TV series Cracker (1993–1996, returning in 2006 for a one-off special), in which he starred as forensic psychologist Dr. Edward \"Fitz\" Fitzgerald. The role won him three BAFTA awards. Roles in bigger films followed; the James Bond films GoldenEye (1995) and The World Is Not Enough (1999), a supporting role in From Hell (2001), as well as half-giant Rubeus Hagrid in the Harry Potter films (2001–2011). J. K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, had Coltrane at the top of her list to play Hagrid and, when asked whom she would like to see in the role, responded \"Robbie Coltrane for Hagrid\" in one quick breath. There is also an unnamed 8ft actor who stands in for the 6ft 1in Coltrane in some scenes.",
"chunked_long_answer": "him three BAFTA awards. Roles in bigger films followed; the James Bond films GoldenEye (1995) and The World Is Not Enough (1999), a supporting role in From Hell (2001), as well as half-giant Rubeus Hagrid in the Harry Potter films (2001–2011). J. K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, had Coltrane at the top of her list to play Hagrid and, when asked whom she would like to see in the role, responded \"Robbie Coltrane for Hagrid\" in one quick breath. There is also an unnamed 8ft actor who stands in for the 6ft 1in Coltrane in some scenes.",
"short_answers": [
"6ft 1in"
} |
what is the job of justice of the peace | [
"dispense summary justice"
] | [
"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "A justice of the peace (JP) is a judicial officer, of a lower or puisne court, elected or appointed by means of a commission (letters patent) to keep the peace. In past centuries the term commissioner of the peace was often used with the same meaning. Depending on the jurisdiction, such justices dispense summary justice or merely deal with local administrative applications in common law jurisdictions. Justices of the peace are appointed or elected from the citizens of the jurisdiction in which they serve, and are (or were) usually not required to have any formal legal education in order to",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "presiding justice of the peace. Administrative justice of the peace are court officers appointed by the Minister of Justice, and perform duties such as receiving criminal informations and issuing warrants. Presiding justice of the peace are appointed by commission under the Great Seal, and can try some criminal matters and issue warrants. They are appointed from advocates of at least ten years' standing and serve full-time until the age of 70. In Yukon, justices of the peace are lay officers of the court. They sit in the Justice of the Peace Court, which is part of the Territorial Court of",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "to become a JP. Any club/organisation/citizen can recommend someone to become JP for a community. JPs are chosen under the Governor-General's discretion. In Malaysia, justices of the peace have largely been replaced in magistrates' courts by legally qualified (first-class) stipendiary magistrates. However, state governments continue to appoint justices of the peace as honours. In 2004, some associations of justices of the peace pressed the federal government to allow justices of the peace to sit as second-class magistrates in order to reduce the backlog of cases in the courts. A Justice of the Peace in New Zealand is someone of good",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "Yukon. In Hong Kong, the historical functions of justices of the peace have been replaced by full-time, legally qualified magistrates. Nowadays, justices of the peace are essentially titles of honour given by the Government to community leaders, and to certain officials while they are in their terms of offices. They have no judicial functions, and their main duties include visiting prisons, institutions for young offenders and drug addicts, psychiatric hospitals, remand homes, places of refuge, reception and detention centres, administering statutory declarations, and serving as members of advisory panels. In India, justices of the peace do exist, but they no",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "preside over cases within the prison system. In Belgium, the justice of the peace (, ) is a law-trained judge who sits the lowest Court of record with original jurisdiction over small claims (less than €2500) matters of civil, commercial, and family law, including: tenancy and lease disputes, neighborhood disputes (party structures, trespassing, noise pollution), apartment buildings, small deceased estates, alimony, guardianships & adoption, and the commitment of mental patients and oversight of their care. Litigants may opt either for conciliation or trial. Lawyers may act as \"locum tenens\" JPs. In Canada, justices of the peace play a role in",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "required to be lawyers. In Arkansas, a justice of the peace is an elected official equivalent to a county commissioner or county supervisor in some other states. Arkansas JPs sit on a county quorum court, composed of 9, 11, 13 or 15 JPs. The quorum court is a part-time body, elected from single-member districts, that has overall responsibility for county affairs. Among their responsibilities are passing the budget, creating new ordinances (at the misdemeanor level), setting property tax millage levels, and working with other elected officials. The full-time elected county administrator, who presides over the quorum court, is the county",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "JPs were transferred to lay magistrates. It is expected that there will be no further appointments of justices of the peace in Northern Ireland, although those already appointed retain the title and any functions not transferred to lay magistrate under the 2002 Act. In some US states, the justice of the peace is a judge of a court of limited jurisdiction, a magistrate, or a quasi-judicial official with certain statutory or common law magisterial powers. Some states have special qualifications or unique features for the office. The justice of the peace typically presides over a court that hears misdemeanor cases,",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "Commissioner cannot sign an Affidavit, in Ireland that function is performed by a Commissioner for Oaths. A justice of the peace (JP), according to the Ministry of Justice, is a person of unquestionable integrity who seeks to promote and protect the rights of the individual and helps to provide justice to persons in a particular community. Additionally, the JP serves as a justice in petty court sessions, attends juvenile court sessions, issues summonses, considers applications for bail, explains and signs legal documents, sits on licensing panels, and gives counsel/advice. Any Jamaican citizen that can speak and write English is eligible",
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"title": "Justice of the peace court",
"text": "in the same way as any other criminal court. Justices acting personally can have a role in signing duties, for example in granting search warrants and emergency child protection orders. The individuals who sit in a justice of the peace court are known as justices of the peace, justices or JPs. Generally they are not legally qualified. A legally qualified person can become a justice of the peace, but cannot act in any proceedings in a justice of the peace court within their own sheriffdom. Justices are appointed for a five-year renewable term by the justices of the peace advisory",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "the administration of justice at the provincial level. Justices are generally appointed by the lieutenant governors of Canada's provinces, and by the commissioners of Canada's territories, on the advice of their relevant premier or Attorney General. Canada made the first appointment in the then British Empire of a woman as a magistrate, namely Emily Murphy, who was sworn in as a police magistrate in the Women's Court of the City of Edmonton (Alberta) on 19 June 1916. In British Columbia, pursuant to the \"Provincial Court Act\", all judges are justices of the peace, and hence all of them are peace",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "traffic violations, and other petty criminal infractions. The justice of the peace may also have authority over cases involving small debts, landlord and tenant disputes, or other small claims court proceedings. Proceedings before justices of the peace are often faster and less formal than the proceedings in other courts. In some jurisdictions a party convicted or found liable before a justice of the peace may have the right to a trial de novo before the judge of a higher court rather than an appeal strictly considered. A justice of the peace also performs civil marriages. A justice of the peace",
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"title": "Magistrate (England and Wales)",
"text": "describe a justice of the peace. The office of justice of the peace has its origins in the 12th century when Richard I appointed 'keepers of the peace' in 1195. The title justice of the peace derives from 1361, in the reign of Edward III. An Act of 1327 had referred to \"good and lawful men\" to be appointed in every county in the land to \"guard the Peace\". Justices of the peace still retain (and occasionally use) the power confirmed to them by the Justices of the Peace Act 1361 to bind over unruly persons \"to be of good",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "abatement. They can perform civil marriages, administer oaths and have all the powers of a notary public. In many states, the office of justice of the peace has been abolished or transferred to another court, such as the magistrate court. In larger cities, cases may be heard in a municipal court which has jurisdiction only within that city. Most efforts to abolish the office of justice of the peace have been led by the American Bar Association, which views non-lawyer judges as no longer necessary, as there are now far more persons with formal legal education than in the past",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "officers. In the Northwest Territories, justices may hear summary conviction matters, municipal by-laws, and certain criminal matters. However, in more populated provinces justices usually preside over bail hearings and provincial offences courts. When not in a court session, a justice can perform other judicial functions, such as issuing search warrants. In Ontario, justices perform a wide variety of duties related to criminal and regulatory law, at the federal, provincial and municipal levels. Ontario JP wear a green sash versus red worn by judges. In Quebec, there are two type of justices of the peace, administrative justice of the peace and",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "has the same jurisdiction as a municipal magistrate with respect to traffic and misdemeanor cases and restraining orders, though over cases whose affairs are not contained within the confines of a single municipality. Additionally, the Justice Court hears cases involving county ordinances (ordinances enacted by the board of supervisors that apply only to unincorporated areas), civil lawsuits up to a limit of $10,000, small claims cases up to $2,500, and issues evictions, called writs of restitution (after a forcible detainer or special detainer action (eviction) being successfully completed by a landlord). Justices of the peace, also called JPs, or Judges",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "appointed by the Governor General. Appointment is for life and a JP must take the Oath of Allegiance and the Judicial Oath. Sections 22, 22-A and 22-B of the Code of Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 provide for the appointment of justices of the peace by the provincial governments, their powers and duties respectively. However, seldom are justices of the peace appointed in Pakistan outside the judiciary. Session and additional session judges act as ex-officio justices of the peace as per Section 25 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898. An Ex-officio Justice of the Peace may issue appropriate directions to",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "Victoria was Mary Catherine Rogers who, in 1920, became the first woman councillor in Australia when she was elected in the City of Richmond. Justices of the peace (JPs) provide a service to the community as independent witnesses of statutory declarations, powers of attorney and affidavits. JPs, who are also volunteers, are selected through an extensive interview, written exam and practical testing. They are recommended by the state attorney-general and appointed by the governor-in-council, and it is their job to authorise and witness statutory declarations and affidavits within the state of Victoria. There are currently around 4,800 JPs serving in",
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"title": "Justices of the Peace Act 1361",
"text": "them not reintegration back into their communities as peaceful citizens. The Act defined who was eligible to become a Justice of the Peace, their duties and their powers. It detailed that each County assigned a Lord and three of four worthy people to become Justices of the Peace. The role of a Justice of the Peace was to deal with 'offenders, rioters, and all other barators'. It empowered them to apprehend, arrest, and punish them, in accordance with the ' law and customs of the realm'. The Act empowered a Justice of the Peace to imprison offenders, bind them over",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "of the Justice Court, are elected in partisan elections for four-year terms from specific districts called precincts. They have the same authority and responsibility as all other judges in the state with respect to performing marriages, administrating oaths, adhering to the code of judicial conduct, and all aspects of justice administration. However, Arizona law does not require justices of the peace to be lawyers. Many justices of the peace are not legally trained, although all are required by the Arizona Supreme Court to complete a course at the Arizona Judicial College. As with JPs, municipal judges in Arizona are not",
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"id": "1896809",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "\"justice of the peace (qualified)\" has the additional powers to issue search warrants and arrest warrants and, in conjunction with another justice of the peace (qualified) constitute a magistrates' court for exercising powers to remand defendants in custody, grant bail, and adjourn court hearings. Some justices are appointed as justice of the peace (magistrates' court), usually in remote aboriginal communities, to perform many of the functions that might otherwise fall to a stipendiary magistrate. In Queensland, a lawyer may be appointed as a Justice of the Peace without further education or qualification and has the full powers of a JP",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "by publishing a list in the Gazette and appointee taking oaths before a high court, district court judge or magistrate with registrar of the supreme court recording it. There are four types of appointments of Justice of the Peace; Senior Attorney at laws are appointed as Justice of the Peace and Unofficial magistrates to preside in the absence of a sitting Magistrate.. Any citizen of Sri Lanka can apply to the Ministry of Justice giving his or her credentials to be appointed as a justice of the peace. However, the applicant should be one who has served the public and",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "role, JPs serve as visiting justices of Singapore prisons, mediators or referees in the subordinate courts. They may also solemnise marriages in the Registry of Marriages or perform the duties of the magistrate conferred on them by any written law. In Sri Lanka, Justice of the Peace (JP) is an honorary post, with authorization to witness and sign statutory declarations and affidavits as well as certify documents. Persons appointed as a Justice of the Peace may use the post-nominal JP. Current appointments are made under the \"Judicature Act No 02 of 1978\", by the Minister of Justice at his/her discretion",
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"title": "Ontario Court of Justice",
"text": "to the Chief Justice and have specific delegated responsibilities as well as those set out in statute. The Associate Chief Justice-Coordinator of Justices of the Peace administers the Ontario Native Justice of the Peace Program. Within the Court, the principal responsibility for this program falls to the Senior Justice of the Peace/Administrator of the Ontario Native Justice of the Peace Program. The stated goal of the program is to encourage and enable Aboriginal Canadians to play a greater role in decision-making in the administration of justice, by serving as justices of the peace, particularly in areas of the province with",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "stature in the community who is authorized to witness and sign statutory declarations and affidavits as well as certify documents. They may also perform citizenship ceremonies and act as a Visiting Justice in prisons the function of which is to record a prisoner's grievance and decide on its validity. They have certain powers to issue search warrants, and (in conjunction with another justice of the peace) may try minor criminal trials in the district court and exercise powers to remand defendants in custody, grant bail, and adjourn court hearings. They are nominated for office by local Members of Parliament and",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "the Chairman of the Village Council an \"ex officio\" justices of the peace for that village area. In 2014, for the first time, Justices of the Peace were authorized in Tonga. JPs are appointed by the Crown, but the Lord Chief Justice regulates their duties and defines their powers. The first JPs were warranted with duties including granting bail; issuing search warrants and subpoenas; taking affidavits, declarations and oaths; and having the power to witness documents. Term of office is one year and officials can be reappointed. The initial 19 JPs appointed were: ‘Aisea Ta’ofi and Sione Hinakau of Niuatoputapu;",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "judge. Neither JPs nor the county judge have any judicial authority, though they do have the power to preside over civil marriages. Justices of the peace are elected every two years to these partisan offices. Justices of the peace in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are often called on to perform marriages and, especially same-sex marriages, which certain religious officials are not willing to oversee. Justices of the peace in Connecticut can preside over same-sex marriages. Unlike Massachusetts, Connecticut JPs are not penalized for refusing to perform such ceremonies. Justices of the peace in Connecticut and Massachusetts have the same general",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "independence in 1948, appointments were made by the Governor General and the Minister of Justice. Justice of the Peace had the power to administer oaths and affirmations per the \"Courts Ordinance No. 1 on 1889 section 84\" and they could formally appoint members of the public to act as special police officers in times of turmoil and riots. Since certain government officers were ex-officio justices of the peace, this allowed British colonial officers to appoint special police officers from the European planters in times of crisies such as the 1915 riots. The Village Councils Law (No. 6 of 1964) made",
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"title": "Justices of the Peace Act 1361",
"text": "and bridges, and regulating weights and measures used by traders. Many of the duties of Justice of the Peace, due to the development of local administration, were transferred to local government authorities. In 2018, about 21,500 volunteers service as a Justice of the Peace in Magistrates Courts. Typically, they deal with low level offences and crimes, and deal with 95% of criminal case taken to court. The maximum sentence a Magistrates Court can impose is 6 months imprisonment, and an unlimited fine. A Magistrates court is the starting point for the majority of the most serious types of crime that",
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"title": "Justice of the peace",
"text": "the peace, or wardens of the peace. The title \"justice of the peace\" derives from 1361, in the reign of Edward III. The \"peace\" to be guarded is the sovereign's, the maintenance of which is the duty of the Crown under the royal prerogative. Justices of the peace still use the power conferred or re-conferred on them since 1361 to bind over unruly persons \"to be of good behaviour\". The bind over is not a punishment, but a preventive measure, intended to ensure that people thought likely to offend will not do so. The justices' alternative title of \"magistrate\" dates",
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"title": "Court of Quebec",
"text": "the Peace preside over proceedings involving matters as varied and important as occupational health and safety, environmental protection, illegal practice of a profession, and securities. The Courts of Justice Act was amended in 2012 to create a position of Justice responsible for Presiding Justices of the Peace. Since 2002, the Court has managed expenditures relating to the salaries and compensation of Court judges who act as Per Diem Judges under an administrative agreement with Ministry of Justice of Québec, which is renewed each year. Under the terms of the agreement, amounts that are not paid out in compensation when judges",
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] | {
"title": "Justice of the peace",
"long_answer": "A justice of the peace (JP) is a judicial officer, of a lower or puisne court, elected or appointed by means of a commission (letters patent) to keep the peace. In past centuries the term commissioner of the peace was often used with the same meaning. Depending on the jurisdiction, such justices dispense summary justice or merely deal with local administrative applications in common law jurisdictions. Justices of the peace are appointed or elected from the citizens of the jurisdiction in which they serve, and are (or were) usually not required to have any formal legal education in order to qualify for the office. Some jurisdictions have varying forms of training for JPs.",
"chunked_long_answer": "A justice of the peace (JP) is a judicial officer, of a lower or puisne court, elected or appointed by means of a commission (letters patent) to keep the peace. In past centuries the term commissioner of the peace was often used with the same meaning. Depending on the jurisdiction, such justices dispense summary justice or merely deal with local administrative applications in common law jurisdictions. Justices of the peace are appointed or elected from the citizens of the jurisdiction in which they serve, and are (or were) usually not required to have any formal legal education in order to",
"short_answers": [
"dispense summary justice"
} |
who won the oscar for best picture in 1976 | [
] | [
"title": "49th Academy Awards",
"text": "Awards ceremony is notable for Peter Finch becoming the first posthumous winner of an Oscar for acting, a feat matched only by fellow Australian Heath Ledger 32 years later; Finch had suffered a fatal heart attack in mid-January. Beatrice Straight set another record by becoming the actor with the shortest performance ever in a film to win an acting Oscar, with only five minutes and two seconds of screen-time in Network. Network, along with All the President's Men, were the two biggest champs of the ceremony with four Oscars each, but Best Picture and Best Director ultimately went to Rocky.",
"hasanswer": true,
"isgold": true,
"id": null,
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"title": "Funny Lady",
"text": "and Fred Ebb for Best Original Song (\"How Lucky Can You Get?\"), Peter Matz for Best Scoring of an Original Song Score and/or Adaptation, and the sound crew. Streisand, Caan, and Vereen all received Golden Globe Award nominations, as did Kander and Ebb and the film itself, but it was shut out of any wins in both competitions. The film grossed $40,055,897 at the U.S. box office, making it the seventh highest grossing picture of 1975. James Caan thought there were \"too many cooks messing around\" the film, although he liked his performance. The film was nominated for five Academy",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "3678736",
"score": "0.9471684",
"original_retrieval_index": 0
"title": "Ned Beatty",
"text": "1975. Beatty received his first Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor category for the acclaimed film \"Network\" (1976), portraying a television network's bombastic but shrewd chairman of the board who convinces the mad Howard Beale character (portrayed by Peter Finch) that corporation-led global dehumanization is not only inevitable, but is also a good thing. Neither Beatty nor William Holden, who shared the lead role with Finch, won an Oscar. The other three acting awards besides best supporting actor were swept by \"Network\" performers: Best Actor for Peter Finch, Best Actress for Faye Dunaway, and Best Supporting Actress for Beatrice",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "2834519",
"score": "0.917047",
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"title": "A Star Is Born (1976 film)",
"text": "hairdresser/producer boyfriend, Jon Peters, all over it.\" The film won the Academy Award for Best Original Song for \"Evergreen\" with the award shared by its songwriters, Streisand and Paul Williams, and was also nominated in the categories of Best Cinematography (Robert Surtees), Best Sound (Robert Knudson, Dan Wallin, Robert Glass and Tom Overton) and Original Song Score (Roger Kellaway). It won five Golden Globe Awards for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy, Best Actress – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy (Streisand), Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy (Kristofferson), Best Original Score (Paul Williams and Kenny Ascher) and",
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"title": "Ellen Burstyn",
"text": "coccyx, which led to permanent injury to her spine. She had a small but important role in Harry and Tonto in 1974. Burstyn won the Academy Award for Best Actress in 1975 for her performance in the drama \"Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore\", directed by Martin Scorsese. She also received Best Actress nominations in 1978 for \"Same Time, Next Year\", in 1980 for the drama \"Resurrection\", and for the drama \"Requiem for a Dream\" in 2000. In 1975, she became a graduate of the very first group of participants in the American Film Institute Directing Workshop for Women. In 1977,",
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"title": "John Cazale",
"text": "Sidney Lumet's 1975 film \"Dog Day Afternoon\". The film's screenwriter Frank Pierson said \"the film had been cast with many of the actors that Al Pacino had worked with in New York, including John Cazale, who was a close friend and collaborator in \"The Godfather\".\" For his role as Sal he was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor. Sidney Lumet declared: While achieving success in film, Cazale's commitment to the stage continued. In addition to his work with the Long Wharf Theatre, he appeared in a number of plays by Israel Horovitz. In May 1975, he",
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"title": "Airport 1975",
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"title": "Taxi Driver",
"text": "clouds of steam to the climactic killing scene in which the camera finally looks straight down. Scorsese wanted to look away from Travis's rejection; we almost want to look away from his life. But he's there, all right, and he's suffering. It was nominated for four Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actor (De Niro), and received the Palme d'Or at the 1976 Cannes Film Festival. It has been selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry. The film was chosen by \"Time\" as one of the 100 best films of all time. Rotten Tomatoes gives the",
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"title": "Martha Scott",
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"title": "Faye Dunaway",
"text": "Parker in Arthur Penn's \"Bonnie and Clyde\", for which she received her first Academy Award nomination. Her most notable films include the crime caper \"The Thomas Crown Affair\" (1968), the drama \"The Arrangement\" (1969), the revisionist western \"Little Big Man\" (1970), an adaptation of the Alexandre Dumas classic \"The Three Musketeers\" (1973), the neo-noir mystery \"Chinatown\" (1974), for which she earned her second Oscar nomination, the action-drama disaster \"The Towering Inferno\" (1974), the political thriller \"Three Days of the Condor\" (1975), the satire \"Network\" (1976), for which she won an Academy Award for Best Actress, and the thriller \"Eyes of",
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"title": "Network (1976 film)",
"text": "and with Tatiana Maslany as Diana and Tony Goldwyn as Max Schumacher. \"Network\" won three of the four acting awards. Only one other film, \"A Streetcar Named Desire\" in 1951, has won in three acting categories. Finch died before the 1977 ceremony and was the only performer to win a posthumous Academy Award until Heath Ledger won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar in 2009. The statuette itself was collected by Finch's widow, Eletha Finch. Straight's performance as Louise Schumacher occupied only five minutes and two seconds of screen time, making it the shortest performance to win an Oscar (as of",
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"title": "Arthur Hiller",
"text": "Man in the Glass Booth\" (1975), starring Maximilian Schell, in a screen adaptation of a stage play written by Robert Shaw. Schell played the role of a man trying to deal with questions of self-identity and guilt as a survivor of the Holocaust during World War II. For his highly emotional role, Schell was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor and the Golden Globe Award. Returning to comedy, Hiller directed \"Silver Streak\" (1976), starring Gene Wilder, Jill Clayburgh and Richard Pryor. The film was well received by critics and is rated No. 95 on the AFI's best comedy",
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"title": "The Morning After (1974 film)",
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"title": "The Turning Point (1977 film)",
"text": "by Herbert Ross and his wife. This was the reason why Wayne's character's development does not progress steadily throughout the film. The film was nominated for 11 Academy Awards: Best Actress in a Leading Role (Anne Bancroft), Best Actress in a Leading Role (Shirley MacLaine), Best Actor in a Supporting Role (Mikhail Baryshnikov), Best Actress in a Supporting Role (Leslie Browne), Best Art Direction (Art Direction: Albert Brenner; Set Decoration: Marvin March), Best Cinematography, Best Director, Best Film Editing, Best Picture, Best Sound (Theodore Soderberg, Paul Wells, Douglas O. Williams and Jerry Jost) and Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for",
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"title": "1970s in film",
"text": "psychological damage caused by such horrors. Christopher Walken and director Michael Cimino earned Oscars for their work on the film, which earned a Best Picture Academy Award. Robert De Niro and Meryl Streep were also nominated for their work in \"The Deer Hunter\". \"Apocalypse Now\" won for cinematography and sound, and earned nominations for Robert Duvall and Coppola. Hal Ashby's \"Coming Home\" portrayed life for Vietnam veterans. Actor Jon Voight won an Academy Award for his role in the film. 1979 saw the poignant \"Kramer vs. Kramer\", the inspiring \"Norma Rae\", and the nuclear thriller, \"The China Syndrome\". \"Alien\" scared",
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"title": "1970s in film",
"text": "the world, becoming the highest-grossing film of all time. It won Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Screenplay. Its director Francis Ford Coppola was passed over in favor of Bob Fosse and his musical, \"Cabaret\", which also earned an Oscar for its star, Liza Minnelli. \"The Godfather Part II\" followed in 1974, with roughly the same principal cast and crew, earning Oscars for star Robert De Niro, its director, composer, screenwriters and art directors. The film also earned the Best Picture Oscar for that year. Not all of the \"street smart\" urban related films were 100% live",
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"title": "Richard Dreyfuss",
"text": "directed by Steven Spielberg. He won the 1978 Academy Award for Best Actor at the 50th Academy Awards ceremony for his portrayal of a struggling actor in \"The Goodbye Girl\" (1977), becoming the youngest actor to do so (at the age of 30 years, 125 days old), besting Marlon Brando, who had won his first Oscar in 1955 at the age of 30 years 360 days old. This record stood for 25 years until it was broken in 2003 by Adrien Brody, who was three weeks shy of age 30 at the time of the 75th Academy Awards ceremony. Around",
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"title": "François Truffaut",
"text": "Henri-Pierre Roche, who also wrote \"Jules and Jim\". It is about a man who falls equally in love with two sisters, and their love affair over a period of years. \"Day for Night\" won Truffaut a Best Foreign Film Oscar in 1973. The film is probably his most reflective work. It is the story of a film crew trying to finish their film while dealing with all of the personal and professional problems that accompany making a movie. Truffaut plays the director of the fictional film being made. This film features scenes shown in his previous films. It is considered",
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"title": "Face to Face (1976 film)",
"text": "nominated by BAFTA in the Best Actress category. She was also named Best Actress by the New York Film Critics Circle Awards, the National Board of Review and the Los Angeles Film Critics Association, with the film winning Best Foreign Language Film at the latter. It also was named by the Golden Globes as their Best Foreign Language Film of the year, with Ullmann also being nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress – Motion Picture Drama. At the beginning of the Woody Allen film \"Annie Hall\", Allen's character refuses to see \"Face to Face\" after arriving a",
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"title": "Faye Dunaway",
"text": "one of his most famous pictures, \"The Morning After\", showing Dunaway poolside at the Beverly Hills Hotel with her Oscar the morning after the ceremony. In 1978, Dunaway returned to the screen in Irvin Kershner's thriller \"Eyes of Laura Mars\", about a fashion photographer who sees visions of a killer murdering people. The film was a success at the box office and Dunaway received positive reviews for her performance, with Janet Maslin writing for \"The New York Times\" that she was \"perfect for her role\". She played supporting roles in \"The Champ\" (1979), as the film offered her the chance",
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"title": "The Turning Point (1977 film)",
"text": "the Screen. Despite these 11 nominations, the film won no Oscars. Thus, along with \"The Color Purple\", it shares the record of receiving the most Oscar nominations without a single win. The film did win a Golden Globe for Best Drama Film and for Best Director, among its nominations. Screenwriter Arthur Laurents won the Writers Guild Award for Best Screenplay Written Directly For The Screen. The Turning Point (1977 film) The Turning Point is a 1977 American drama film centered on the world of ballet in New York City, written by Arthur Laurents and directed by Herbert Ross. The film",
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"title": "Anne Bancroft",
"text": "received several other Oscar nominations and continued in lead roles until the late 1980s; notable film roles during this time include \"The Turning Point\" (1977) and \"Agnes of God\" (1985). In 1987, she starred with Anthony Hopkins in \"84 Charing Cross Road\". She appeared in several movies directed or produced by her second husband, comedian Mel Brooks, including the award-winning drama \"The Elephant Man\" (1980), as well as comedies \"To Be or Not to Be\" (1983) and \"\" (1995). She received an Emmy Award nomination for 2001's \"Haven\", and a Screen Actors Guild Award nomination for \"The Roman Spring of",
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"title": "Ray Stark",
"text": "Herrmann, and Aileen Quinn in her film debut. Over an 18-year period Stark produced eleven scripts by acclaimed playwright Neil Simon, including \"The Sunshine Boys\" (1975), for which George Burns won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor; \"Murder by Death\" (1976), featuring an eclectic cast of Eileen Brennan, Truman Capote, James Coco, Peter Falk, Alec Guinness, Elsa Lanchester, David Niven, Peter Sellers, and Maggie Smith; \"The Goodbye Girl\" (1977) with Richard Dreyfuss and Marsha Mason, for which Dreyfus won the Academy Award for Best Actor; and \"California Suite\" (1978), which won Maggie Smith the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress.",
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"title": "Sleuth (1972 film)",
"text": "nominated for Academy Awards for Best Actor in a Leading Role (Michael Caine and Laurence Olivier), Best Director and Best Music, Original Dramatic Score. Olivier won the New York Film Critics award for Best Actor as a compromise selection after the voters became deadlocked in a choice between Marlon Brando and Al Pacino in \"The Godfather\" after Stacy Keach in \"Fat City\" won a plurality in initial voting and rules were changed requiring a majority. Shaffer received an Edgar Award for his screenplay. The film was the second to have practically its entire cast (Caine and Olivier) nominated for Academy",
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"title": "Airport 1975",
"text": "Airport 1975 Airport 1975 (also known as Airport '75) is a 1974 American air disaster film and the first sequel to the successful 1970 film \"Airport\". \"Airport 1975\" is directed by Jack Smight, produced by William Frye and Jennings Lang and has a screenplay by Don Ingalls. The film stars Charlton Heston, Karen Black and George Kennedy, as well as Gloria Swanson in her final screen appearance. The plot concerns the dramatic events aboard an airborne Boeing 747 when a small aircraft crashes into the cockpit causing the fatalities of senior crew and the blinding of the pilot with no",
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"title": "Al Pacino",
"text": "was directed by Sidney Lumet, who had directed him in \"Serpico\" a few years earlier, and Pacino was again nominated for Best Actor. In 1977, Pacino starred as a race-car driver in \"Bobby Deerfield\", directed by Sydney Pollack, and received a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actor – Motion Picture Drama for his portrayal of the title role. His next film was the courtroom drama \"...And Justice for All\". Pacino was lauded by critics for his wide range of acting abilities, and nominated for the Best Actor Oscar for a fourth time. He lost out that year to Dustin Hoffman",
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"title": "Tom Rolf",
"text": "was nominated for four Academy Awards, including Best Picture, and has come to be considered one of the greatest films of all time. The film also received three BAFTA Awards and four BAFTA nominations, including one for Rolf, Shapiro, and Marcia Lucas for Best Editing. Scorsese hired Rolf again for his next film, the 1977 musical \"New York, New York\", before Scorsese began working with his regular editor, Thelma Schoonmaker. Paul Schrader, the writer of \"Taxi Driver\", was so impressed with Rolf that he hired him for his directorial debut, the 1978 drama film \"Blue Collar\", and recruited Rolf again",
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"title": "1977 National Society of Film Critics Awards",
"text": "objet du désir\")<br> 3. John Travolta – \"Saturday Night Fever\" 1. Diane Keaton – \"Annie Hall\"<br> 2. Shelley Duvall – \"3 Women\"<br> 3. Jane Fonda – \"Julia\" 1. Edward Fox – \"A Bridge Too Far\"<br> 2. Bill Macy – \"The Late Show\"<br> 3. David Hemmings – \"Islands in the Stream\"<br> 3. Maximilian Schell – \"Julia\" 1. Ann Wedgeworth – \"Handle with Care\"<br> 2. Marcia Rodd – \"Handle with Care\"<br> 3. Sissy Spacek – \"3 Women\" 1977 National Society of Film Critics Awards The 12th National Society of Film Critics Awards, given on 19 December 1977, honored the best filmmaking of",
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"title": "1970s in film",
"text": "disenfranchisement brought by the excesses of the past twenty years. A deeply unsettling look at alienation and city life, Martin Scorsese's \"Taxi Driver\" earned international praise, first at the Cannes Film Festival and then at the Academy Awards, where it was nominated for Best Leading Actor (Robert De Niro), Best Supporting Actress (Jodie Foster), Best Score (Bernard Herrmann), and Best Picture. \"All the President's Men\" dealt with the impeachment of Richard Nixon, while Lumet's \"Network\" portrayed greed and narcissism in both American society and television media. The film won Oscars for Best Actor (Peter Finch), Best Actress (Faye Dunaway), Best",
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"title": "Ken Kesey",
"text": "in 1975, Miloš Forman directed a screen adaptation, which won the \"Big Five\" Academy Awards: Best Picture, Best Actor (Jack Nicholson), Best Actress (Louise Fletcher), Best Director (Forman) and Best Adapted Screenplay (Lawrence Hauben and Bo Goldman). Kesey originally was involved in creating the film, but left two weeks into production. He claimed never to have seen the movie because of a dispute over the $20,000 he was initially paid for the film rights. Kesey loathed the fact that, unlike the book, the film was not narrated by the Chief Bromden character, and he disagreed with Jack Nicholson's being cast",
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] | {
"title": "49th Academy Awards",
"long_answer": "This Academy Awards ceremony is notable for Peter Finch becoming the first posthumous winner of an Oscar for acting, a feat matched only by fellow Australian Heath Ledger 32 years later; Finch had suffered a fatal heart attack in mid-January. Beatrice Straight set another record by becoming the actor with the shortest performance ever in a film to win an acting Oscar, with only five minutes and two seconds of screen-time in Network. Network, along with All the President's Men, were the two biggest champs of the ceremony with four Oscars each, but Best Picture and Best Director ultimately went to Rocky.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Awards ceremony is notable for Peter Finch becoming the first posthumous winner of an Oscar for acting, a feat matched only by fellow Australian Heath Ledger 32 years later; Finch had suffered a fatal heart attack in mid-January. Beatrice Straight set another record by becoming the actor with the shortest performance ever in a film to win an acting Oscar, with only five minutes and two seconds of screen-time in Network. Network, along with All the President's Men, were the two biggest champs of the ceremony with four Oscars each, but Best Picture and Best Director ultimately went to Rocky.",
"short_answers": [
} |
who has trained the most melbourne cup winners | [
"Bart Cummings"
] | [
"title": "Melbourne Cup",
"text": "(owned by Hon. James White) the previous year's winner who fell, and Calamia (owned by de Mestre) who, though less fancied, won easily by two lengths. First prize was £1,790, the crowd was 80,000 and there were 30 starters. De Mestre's 1878 win with Calamia brought to 5 the number of Melbourne Cups he had won. This record was not to be matched for nearly 100 years when the trainer Bart Cummings won his fifth Melbourne Cup in 1975. Bart Cummings, regarded as the best Australian horse trainer of all time, went on to win 12 Melbourne Cups to 2008.",
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"id": null,
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"title": "Melbourne Cup",
"text": "successful trainer in New Zealand, however, at the time women were not allowed to compete as trainers in Australia so her husband's name was officially recorded as the winning trainer. The 2001 edition was won by New Zealand mare Ethereal, trained by Sheila Laxon, the first woman to formally train a Melbourne Cup winner. She also won the Caulfield Cup, a 2,400 metre race also held in Melbourne, and therefore has won the \"Cups Double\". Maree Lyndon became the first female to ride in the Melbourne Cup, when she partnered Argonaut Style in 1987, in which she ran second last",
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"id": "274746",
"score": "1.3416098",
"original_retrieval_index": 1
"title": "2013 Melbourne Cup",
"text": "mare Verema was euthanised, having broken her cannon bone midway through the race. 2013 Melbourne Cup The 2013 Emirates Melbourne Cup was the 153rd running of the Melbourne Cup, Australia's most prestigious Thoroughbred horse race. The race, held on 5 November 2013, at Flemington Racecourse in Melbourne, Victoria, was won by Fiorente. The horse, owned by Andrew Roberts, was bred in Ireland, trained in Australia by Gai Waterhouse, and ridden by jockey Damien Oliver. It was Oliver's third victory in the event, after previous wins in 1995 and 2002, and his first start after a ten-month ban for a betting",
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"id": "17649303",
"score": "1.2587315",
"original_retrieval_index": 3
"title": "2013 Melbourne Cup",
"text": "2013 Melbourne Cup The 2013 Emirates Melbourne Cup was the 153rd running of the Melbourne Cup, Australia's most prestigious Thoroughbred horse race. The race, held on 5 November 2013, at Flemington Racecourse in Melbourne, Victoria, was won by Fiorente. The horse, owned by Andrew Roberts, was bred in Ireland, trained in Australia by Gai Waterhouse, and ridden by jockey Damien Oliver. It was Oliver's third victory in the event, after previous wins in 1995 and 2002, and his first start after a ten-month ban for a betting offence. Waterhouse, the daughter of Tommy J. Smith, who trained winners in 1955",
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"title": "Sheila Laxon",
"text": "currently training in a partnership with John Symons at Whiteheads Creek in country Victoria. Sheila Laxon Sheila Kathleen Laxon, ONZM (born in Pontypridd, Glamorgan, Wales), was the first female thoroughbred horse trainer to win the Australian cups double, the Caulfield Cup and Melbourne Cup, with her mare Ethereal in 2001. Her efforts were recognised when she took out the Fred Hoysted Award for the Australian season's outstanding training performance. Laxon was born in Pontypridd. Her early childhood was spent on a small farm in Wales, run by her mother. Her father was away from home much of the time working",
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"id": "6518252",
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"title": "Melbourne Cup",
"text": "in the 21 horse field. In 2004, Makybe Diva became the first mare to win two cups, and also the first horse to win with different trainers, after David Hall moved to Hong Kong and transferred her to the Lee Freedman stables. The 2005 Melbourne Cup was held before a crowd of 106,479. Makybe Diva made history by becoming the only horse to win the race three times. Trainer Lee Freedman said after the race, \"Go and find the youngest child on the course, because that's the only person here who will have a chance of seeing this happen again",
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"title": "James Wilson (trainer)",
"text": "designed by James T. Conlan in the neighbouring suburb of Whittington was completed the following year. Within a few years He had made it the best known stable in Australia. Notable races won by horses trained by Wilson at St. Albans included: Tom Hales rode many of his winners, but the rider for the 1876 Melbourne Cup was Peter St. Albans, whose real name was Bowden. One of the greatest patrons of his and his son's training stables was Herbert Power (1833–1919), for whom the Herbert Power Stakes was named. The property and stables were in March 1886 sold to",
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"id": "20336703",
"score": "1.2147447",
"original_retrieval_index": 8
"title": "Melbourne Cup",
"text": "Melbourne Cup The Melbourne Cup is Australia's most well known annual Thoroughbred horse race. It is a 3,200 metre race for three-year-olds and over, conducted by the Victoria Racing Club on the Flemington Racecourse in Melbourne, Victoria as part of the Melbourne Spring Racing Carnival. It is the richest \"two-mile\" handicap in the world, and one of the richest turf races. The event starts at 3pm on the first Tuesday in November and is known locally as \"the race that stops a nation\". The Melbourne Cup has a long tradition, with the first race held in 1861. It was originally",
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"id": "274713",
"score": "1.2086103",
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"title": "Melbourne Cup",
"text": "Yoshida racing and breeding family. The attraction for foreigners to compete was, primarily, the low-profile change to the new \"quality handicap\" weighting system. The 1910 Melbourne Cup was won by Comedy King, the first foreign bred horse to do so. Subsequent foreign bred horses to win Cup were Backwood 1924; Phar Lap 1930; Wotan 1936 Belldale Ball 1980; At Talaq 1986; Kingston Rule 1990; Vintage Crop 1993; Jeune 1994; Media Puzzle 2002; Makybe Diva 2003, 2004, 2005; Americain 2010 and Dunaden 2011. The 1938 Melbourne Cup was won by trainer Mrs. Allan McDonald, who conditioned Catalogue. Mrs McDonald was a",
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"id": "274745",
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"title": "Robert Hickmott",
"text": "Cup winner Efficient, although the horse was officially trained by Graeme Rogerson. He was appointed head trainer at Williams' Macedon Lodge stables (near Mount Macedon) in 2009, and subsequently trained his first Group 1 winner, Zipping, who won the Australian Cup in 2010. Green Moon, the winner of the 2012 Melbourne Cup, was trained by Hickmott, and also won the Turnbull Stakes in 2012. Another horse trained by Hickmott, Almandin, won the 2016 Melbourne Cup, giving Hickmott his second win as a trainer. Robert Hickmott Robert Hickmott (born 28 January 1969) is an Australian racehorse trainer and former Australian rules",
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"id": "16888405",
"score": "1.2041874",
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"title": "C. Leslie Macdonald",
"text": "for the 1883 Melbourne Cup, and Barnfield, confident of victory at good odds, backed him heavily but lost ₤80,000 when Martini-Henry won the Cup. Macdonald took over the training of Lord Wilton for E. W. Ellis (later chairman of the V.R.C. stipendiary stewards) after that horse had won the 1885 Adelaide Cup, famously was run at Flemington. St. Albans stud and racing stables in Breakwater, near Geelong was founded in 1872 by trainer James Wilson, and the homestead was completed the following year. In 1886 St Albans was purchased by John Crozier, Jr., who sold it to mining magnate W.",
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"title": "2005 Melbourne Cup",
"text": "was: As they came to the turn: Then: With 500m left to go: Final: 2005 Melbourne Cup The 2005 Melbourne Cup was held on Tuesday, 1 November 2005. It was won by Makybe Diva at the age of seven, trained by Lee Freedman and ridden by Glen Boss. Makybe Diva broke her own weight carrying record by winning with 58 kg. Makybe Diva is the only horse to win three successive Melbourne Cups. Her retirement was announced with the third and final victory. 1st: $A3,700,000 2nd: $A750,000 3rd: $A375,000 As they left the straight, round the turn and along the",
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"title": "Melbourne Cup",
"text": "these legends, however, can definitely be disproved, and history had to wait nearly another 100 years. The first jockey of Indigenous heritage to ride a Melbourne Cup winner was Frank Reys in 1973 on Gala Supreme, who had a Filipino father and a half-Aboriginal mother. The race has undergone several alterations in recent years, the most visible being the entry of many foreign-trained horses. Most have failed to cope with the conditions; the three successful \"foreign raids\" include two by Irish trainer Dermot K. Weld successful in 1993 and 2002, and one in 2006 by Katsumi Yoshida of Japan's renowned",
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"title": "2005 Melbourne Cup",
"text": "2005 Melbourne Cup The 2005 Melbourne Cup was held on Tuesday, 1 November 2005. It was won by Makybe Diva at the age of seven, trained by Lee Freedman and ridden by Glen Boss. Makybe Diva broke her own weight carrying record by winning with 58 kg. Makybe Diva is the only horse to win three successive Melbourne Cups. Her retirement was announced with the third and final victory. 1st: $A3,700,000 2nd: $A750,000 3rd: $A375,000 As they left the straight, round the turn and along the back straight it was: Changed to: Then: With about 1100m left to go it",
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"title": "2008 Melbourne Cup",
"text": "2008 Melbourne Cup The 2008 Melbourne Cup, the 148th running of Australia's most prestigious Thoroughbred horse race, was run on Tuesday, 4 November 2008, starting at 3:00 pm local time (0400 UTC). It was won by Viewed. On 3 December 2008, Luca Cumani, trainer of second-place Bauer, announced that an inquiry was underway into treatment Bauer received on the Thursday prior to the race. The treatment was a form of physio therapy that is illegal to administer within 7 days of a race; as a result of the treatment, Bauer could have been stripped of his second place. However, Racing",
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"title": "Lee Freedman",
"text": "bred, he managed to win a South Australian Derby as a three-year-old, but his effort to win the Caulfield Cup in 2003, leading all the way, was by far his greatest. Mummify's other significant wins were in the 2004 Yalumba Stakes, and 2005 Singapore Airlines International Cup. Mummify was killed in the 2005 Caulfield Cup, when he broke a bone in his leg, and had to be euthanised. Freedman took over the training of Makybe Diva in 2004, after David Hall left to take up a position in Hong Kong. Freedman took an already Melbourne Cup winner and emerging superstar,",
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"title": "Makybe Diva",
"text": "the campaign. Sent out as a $3.50 second favourite, she began off the pace, but ran home to record a win by half a length, becoming the first mare to ever win the Sydney Cup/Melbourne Cup double in the same season, and only the fourth horse to have accomplished the double win. After the 2003-2004 season, trainer David Hall left to train in Hong Kong, and Makybe Diva was transferred to trainer Lee Freedman, generally regarded as one of Australia's top trainers. Her campaign in the spring of 2004 was aimed at winning the Melbourne Cup for a second time.",
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"title": "2010 Melbourne Cup",
"text": "a slow (6) track with persistent rain falling causing flooding and closure of the Cup Day car park. Horses are bred and trained in Australia, unless otherwise indicated. All columns in this table can be sorted by clicking the icons in the top row. 2010 Melbourne Cup result 2010 Melbourne Cup The 2010 Melbourne Cup, the 150th running of Australia's most prestigious Thoroughbred horse race, was held on Tuesday, 2 November 2010 at 3:00 PM. local time (0400 UTC). It was won by Americain, a French-trained horse who had won the Geelong Cup at his only other Australian start. Second",
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"title": "Melbourne Cup",
"text": "in their lifetime.\" Due to the 2007 Australian equine influenza outbreak, believed to have been started by a horse brought into Australia from Japan, neither Delta Blues nor Pop Rock participated in the 2007 Melbourne Cup. Both horses had been stabled in Japan. Corowa, NSW trained \"Leica Falcon\" also was not be permitted to race in Victoria, despite Corowa being close to the Victorian border. Leica Falcon was ordained as the new staying star of Australian racing in 2005 when he ran fourth in both the Caulfield Cup and in Makybe Diva's famous third Melbourne Cup victory. But serious leg",
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"title": "2013 Melbourne Cup",
"text": "and 1981, became the first Australian woman to train a winner. The race was attended by 104,169 people—the Victoria Racing Club (VRC) had capped attendance at 110,000 for the Melbourne Cup and the Victoria Derby, but this mark was not reached at either race. Approximately A$90.6 million was wagered on the race through Totalisator Agency Boards in Victoria and New South Wales, with another $37.5 million wagered through equivalent agencies in Queensland, South Australia, and Tasmania. The field for the 2013 Melbourne Cup consisted of 24 horses, with the barrier draw conducted three days prior to the race, on the",
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"title": "James Wilson (trainer)",
"text": "emigrated to Victoria in 1845, and was for a while engaged at Deep Creek, looking after a horse named Paul Jones. He moved to the Hamilton district, where he was involved in horseracing, and won the Great Western Steeplechase in 1859 and 1860. He brought Musidora and Ebor to Melbourne in 1862, and ran them in the 1862 Melbourne Cup, Musidora coming second to Archer. She also ran in the Melbourne Cups of 1864, 1865 and 1866, and was the dam of Briseis. Ebor was owned by Captain Lyons who raced as \"J. C. James\"; Wilson took her to Adelaide,",
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"title": "Melbourne Cup",
"text": "in their own country for a minimum period of 14 days before travelling to Australia. The premises must meet the Australian Government Standards. The Werribee International Horse Centre at Werribee racecourse is the Victorian quarantine station for international horses competing in the Melbourne Spring Racing Carnival. The facility has stabling for up to 24 horses in five separate stable complexes and is located 32 km from the Melbourne CBD. The total prize money for the 2018 race is A$7,300,000, plus trophies valued at $250,000. The first 12 past the post receive prize money, with the winner Cross Counter being paid",
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"title": "Rogilla",
"text": "cost him any chance in the three Melbourne Cups he contested. His best season was at six years of age, when he won 11 from 17 starts and in 1934 he defeated the champion Peter Pan III in four successive meetings including the AJC Kings Cup. Rogilla when racing in Melbourne was stabled at Caulfield with great trainer Cecil T Godby who trained the Caulfield Cup winners Purser 1924,Gaine Carrington 1933 and Northwind 1936. Trainer Les Haigh was born in 1892 at Bega, New South Wales and a former jockey in the Muswellbrook area relocated his stables at 64 Everton",
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"title": "2007 Melbourne Cup",
"text": "confirmed starters, with barrier positions, jockeys, and trainers, for the 2007 Melbourne Cup: The favourites for this year's Melbourne Cup were: 1. Master O'Reilly 2. Purple Moon 3. Zipping 4. Sirmione 5. Princess Coup 2007 Melbourne Cup The 2007 Melbourne Cup, the 147th running of Australia's most prestigious thoroughbred horse race, was run on Tuesday, 6 November 2007, going at 3:00 pm local time (0400 UTC). The race was sponsored by Emirates Airline. The winner of the race was Efficient, by a half a length, followed by Purple Moon and Mahler in third. Due to the 2007 Australian Equine influenza",
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"title": "Etienne L. de Mestre",
"text": "Having then won 5 Melbourne Cups established his place in history as Australia's first outstanding racehorse trainer. With his Melbourne Cup win on \"Calamia\" in 1878, De Mestre also equalled his rival John Tait's record set 6 years earlier of owning the winners of 4 Melbourne Cup. However, although 2 of the 3 horses that won these races, \"Archer\" and \"Tim Whiffler\", raced in Etienne de Mestre's name, and therefore de Mestre is recorded by history as their owner, they was not actually legally owned by de Mestre. Instead de Mestre leased from the \"Exeter Farm\", for training and racing",
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"title": "Tommy J. Smith",
"text": "33 successive Sydney training premierships in 1953 and began to win races outside of Sydney. In 1955, he won Australia richest race, the Melbourne Cup, with \"Toparoa\", defeating the champion \"Rising Fast\". During the 1950s Smith trained a number of high class horses including \"Redcraze\" and the exceptional \"Tulloch\" whose feature race wins including the 1957 Caulfield Cup and 1960 W. S. Cox Plate. Smith went on to win a second Melbourne Cup with \"Just A Dash\" in 1981. Smith was known for keeping his horses very fit using what was called the \"bone and muscle\" method. According to his",
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"title": "Dunaden",
"text": "stable after winning in France. Dunaden showed his Melbourne Cup credentials in early 2011 with a win in the Prix de Barbeville and a second in the Prix Vicomtesse Vigier. He prepared for the Melbourne Cup in Australia by winning the Geelong Cup. In the Melbourne Cup, he settled back in the running and finished down the middle of the track, hitting the line alongside Red Cadeaux in the closest photo-finish ever in the Melbourne Cup, winning by 5-10cm. He went on to win the prestigious Hong Kong Vase a few weeks later with Red Cadeaux coming home in third.",
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"title": "Thoroughbred racing in Australia",
"text": "Tommy Smith who had won 30 successive Sydney Trainers’ Premierships prior to his death. Other successful trainers include Jack Denham, Lee Freedman, Colin Hayes, David Hayes, Etienne L. de Mestre, James Scobie and Gai Waterhouse. In recent years, Chris Waller and Darren Weir have experienced success. In the 2015/16 Season, Weir broke John Hawkes' record for most winners in a season. In 1962 Betty Lane applied to the AJC for a metropolitan trainer's licence but was refused as “it's not our policy to license women.” After the refusal she became a successful premiership winning trainer in the Western Districts of",
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"title": "2014 Melbourne Cup",
"text": "race from cardiac arrest following ventricular fibrillation. Another horse, Araldo, shattered a hind pastern when frightened by a spectator after the race. He was later euthanised. 2014 Melbourne Cup The 2014 Emirates Melbourne Cup was the 154th running of the Melbourne Cup, Australia's most prestigious Thoroughbred horse race. The race, run over 3,200 metres, was held on 4 November 2014, at Flemington Racecourse in Melbourne. Protectionist, ridden by Ryan Moore and trained by German Andreas Wöhler, won the race by four lengths, becoming the first German-trained winner of the Melbourne Cup. Red Cadeaux placed second and Who Shot Thebarman third,",
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"title": "Lee Freedman",
"text": "outstanding gallopers, including outstanding sprinter Schillaci, quality mare Mannerism, Mahogany, who won Group One races from 1000m to 2500m, as well as Melbourne Cup winners Subzero (1992) and Doriemus, who won the Caulfield Cup - Melbourne Cup double in 1995. Freedman also won an unprecedented four consecutive Golden Slippers, Australia's premier Two Year Old race between 1993 and 1996, with Bint Marscay, Danzero, Flying Spur, and Merlene. During this time, the combination between Freedman and stable jockey, Damien Oliver was the best known and most successful in the country. In this time Freedman was not immune from controversy. In March",
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] | {
"title": "Melbourne Cup",
"long_answer": "1877 is also the year that the trainer Etienne de Mestre won his fourth Melbourne Cup with Chester owned by Hon. James White. In 1878, as in previous years De Mestre fielded more than one horse. He entered the favourite Firebell (owned by W.S. Cox) who finished last, Chester (owned by Hon. James White) the previous year's winner who fell, and Calamia (owned by de Mestre) who, though less fancied, won easily by two lengths. First prize was £1,790, the crowd was 80,000 and there were 30 starters. De Mestre's 1878 win with Calamia brought to 5 the number of Melbourne Cups he had won. This record was not to be matched for nearly 100 years when the trainer Bart Cummings won his fifth Melbourne Cup in 1975. Bart Cummings, regarded as the best Australian horse trainer of all time, went on to win 12 Melbourne Cups to 2008.",
"chunked_long_answer": "(owned by Hon. James White) the previous year's winner who fell, and Calamia (owned by de Mestre) who, though less fancied, won easily by two lengths. First prize was £1,790, the crowd was 80,000 and there were 30 starters. De Mestre's 1878 win with Calamia brought to 5 the number of Melbourne Cups he had won. This record was not to be matched for nearly 100 years when the trainer Bart Cummings won his fifth Melbourne Cup in 1975. Bart Cummings, regarded as the best Australian horse trainer of all time, went on to win 12 Melbourne Cups to 2008.",
"short_answers": [
"Bart Cummings"
} |
who was involved in the mapp vs ohio case | [
"Dollree Mapp"
] | [
"title": "Mapp v. Ohio",
"text": "Dollree Mapp was an employee in the illegal gambling rackets dominated by Cleveland rackets kingpin Shon Birns. On May 23, 1957, police officers in Cleveland, Ohio, received an anonymous tip by phone that Virgil Ogletree, a numbers operator who was wanted for questioning in the bombing of rival numbers racketeer and future boxing promoter Don King's home three days earlier, might be found at Mapp's house, as well as illegal betting slips and equipment employed in the \"California Gold\" numbers operation set up by Mapp's boyfriend Edward Keeling. Three officers went to the home and asked for permission to enter,",
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"title": "Mapp v. Ohio",
"text": "Mapp v. Ohio Mapp v. Ohio, 367 U.S. 643 (1961), was a landmark case in criminal procedure, in which the United States Supreme Court decided that evidence obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment, which protects against \"unreasonable searches and seizures,\" may not be used in state law criminal prosecutions in state courts, as well as in federal criminal law prosecutions in federal courts as had previously been the law. The Supreme Court accomplished this by use of a principle known as selective incorporation; in \"Mapp\" this involved the incorporation of the provisions, as interpreted by the Court, of the",
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"title": "Mapp v. Ohio",
"text": "the Ohio statute concerning obscenity, under which Mapp had been convicted, violated the First Amendment. The three dissenting Justices would have adhered to the Court's contrary prior holding in \"Wolf v. Colorado\", 338 U.S. 25 (1949), which declined to apply the exclusionary rule to the states. She was convicted in 1999 Mapp v. Ohio Mapp v. Ohio, 367 U.S. 643 (1961), was a landmark case in criminal procedure, in which the United States Supreme Court decided that evidence obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment, which protects against \"unreasonable searches and seizures,\" may not be used in state law criminal",
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"title": "Mapp v. Ohio",
"text": "the apartment of the downstairs tenant, Minerva Tate. In the search of Mapp's apartment and in a footlocker in the basement of the house police found a quantity of \"California Gold\" betting slips and paraphernalia. They also found a pistol and a small number of pornographic books and pictures which Mapp stated a previous tenant named Morris Jones had left behind. Mapp was arrested, charged, and cleared on a misdemeanor charge of possessing numbers paraphernalia; but several months later, after she refused to testify against Shon Birns, Edward Keeling and their associates at their trial that October for the attempted",
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"title": "Mapp v. Ohio",
"text": "it inside her dress. The officers struggled with Mapp and recovered the piece of paper which was not seen by her or her lawyers again, and was not introduced as evidence in any of the ensuing court proceedings. When asked about the warrant during oral argument at the Supreme Court, the Cleveland prosecutor arguing the case cautiously deflected the question, which the court did not press. As the search of Mapp's second-floor, two-bedroom apartment began, police handcuffed her for being belligerent. The police searched the house thoroughly and discovered Ogletree, who was subsequently cleared on the bombing charge, hiding in",
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"title": "Mapp v. Ohio",
"text": "shakedown of Don King, she was prosecuted for possession of the books, found guilty at a 1958 trial of \"knowingly having had in her possession and under her control certain lewd and lascivious books, pictures, and photographs in violation of 2905.34 of Ohio's Revised Code\", and sentenced to one to seven years in prison. Mapp then appealed her case to the Supreme Court, on the grounds that the police had no probable cause to suspect her of having the books. She stated that the 4th Amendment should be incorporated to the state and local level. She argued that the police",
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"title": "Mapp v. Ohio",
"text": "couldn't use the books as evidence in the trial because they were found without a warrant and therefore illegally recovered. Mapp was the first to call upon this law, which created precedent for future cases. The U.S. Supreme Court voted 6-3 in favor of Mapp. The Court overturned the conviction, and five Justices held that the states were bound to exclude evidence seized in violation of the Fourth Amendment. This majority decision applied the exclusionary rule to the states. Justice Potter Stewart, concurring in the result, expressed \"no view as to the merits of the\" exclusionary rule, but concurred because",
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"title": "Tom C. Clark",
"text": "interrogation. Clark also authored the Court's landmark decision in \"Mapp v. Ohio\", which broadened the Fourth Amendment's prohibition on the prosecution's use of improperly seized evidence, known as the exclusionary rule, to include state prosecutions. Clark's law enforcement background actually led him to support this approach, because he believed that having a states attorney and a federal prosecutor operating under the same system would ensure that police would be more disciplined and that it would actually lower the risk of evidence being disallowed. Clark demonstrated this progressive understanding right up through his final day on the bench, writing \"Berger v.",
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"title": "August Rebellion",
"text": "for the Fourth Amendment”. Mapp refused to let officers into her home without a search warrant which led to the \"Mapp vs. Ohio\" case. The case decided that evidence seized illegally from criminal prosecution to be thrown out. The Bedford NY Prison Riot opened many doors for women in the prison system all over the world. Following the prison riot the women filed and won the lawsuit \"Powell v. Ward\". This lawsuit ended in a legally binding pledge by prison guards to conduct disciplinary proceedings fairly, to only send truly mentally-ill prisoners to psychiatric hospitals, and with a monitory award",
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"title": "Mapp v. Ohio",
"text": "equipment employed in the \"California Gold\" numbers operation set up by Mapp's boyfriend Edward Keeling. Three officers went to the home and asked for permission to enter, but Mapp, after consulting her lawyer by telephone, refused to admit them without a search warrant. Two officers left, and one remained, watching the house from across the street. Thirteen hours later, four cars full of police arrived and knocked on the door. When she didn't answer, they forced the door. Mapp asked to see the alleged warrant and was shown a piece of paper which she snatched away from an officer, putting",
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"title": "Hudson v. Michigan",
"text": "firmly grounded in logic, in history, in precedent, and in empirical fact. It has not done so. Justice Antonin Scalia was accused of twisting the arguments made by Samuel Walker in \"Taming the System: The Control of Discretion in American Criminal Justice\". Scalia, in support of weakening the exclusionary rule, presented from \"Taming the System\" that there has been tremendous progress \"in the education, training and supervision of police officers\" since \"Mapp v. Ohio\" in 1961. However, Walker's main argument was that the Warren Court, including setting the exclusionary rule under \"Mapp\" and the Miranda warning, set new standards for",
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"title": "Police reform in the United States",
"text": "departments and suggested a range of reforms. Several of the Commission's findings related to the poor treatment of juvenile offenders. A series of U.S. Supreme Court decisions under the Warren Court led to important changes in policing, with respect to civil rights and constitutional law. \"Mapp v. Ohio\" in 1961 and \"Miranda v. Arizona\" in 1966 were two highly influential court decisions. \"Mapp v. Ohio\" found that evidence obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment protection against \"unreasonable searches and seizures\" may not be used in criminal prosecutions. \"Miranda v. Arizona\" required that criminal suspects must be informed of their",
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"title": "Ker v. California",
"text": "Superior Court, both the California District Court of Appeals and the California Supreme Court upheld the conviction, ruling that the evidence was not seized in the course of an unlawful search. The Court had decided two years earlier in \"Mapp v. Ohio\" that evidence seized in the course of an illegal search was inadmissible in a criminal trial in a state court. The Court extended that holding in this case, addressing the standard for deciding what are the fruits of an illegal search in state criminal trials. Clark’s opinion addressed “the specific question as to whether Mapp requires the exclusion",
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"title": "Terry v. Ohio",
"text": "of the evidence obtained through that police action. \"In our system evidentiary rulings provide the context in which the judicial process of inclusion and exclusion approves some conduct as comporting with constitutional guarantees and disapproves other actions by state agents.\" For this purpose the exclusionary rule of \"Mapp v. Ohio\", , had evolved and been applied against both state and federal agents. Thus the question was not whether the stop-and-frisk procedure was proper by itself, but whether the exclusionary rule was an appropriate deterrent of police misconduct during such encounters. In view of these concerns, the Court next asked whether",
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"title": "Exclusionary rule",
"text": "\"Mapp\", the exclusionary rule had been rejected by most states. In 2016, Utah v. Strieff dealt with the exclusionary rule and outstanding warrants and was viewed to be generally favorable towards police. The exclusionary rule does not apply in a civil case, in a grand jury proceeding, or in a parole revocation hearing. Even in a criminal case, the exclusionary rule does not simply bar the introduction of all evidence obtained in violation of the Fourth, Fifth, or Sixth Amendment. In \"Hudson v. Michigan\", Justice Scalia wrote for the U.S. Supreme Court: Limitations on the exclusionary rule have included the",
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"title": "Search and seizure",
"text": "search and seizure is in the court case Mapp V. Ohio. When an individual does not possess a \"reasonable expectation of privacy\" that society is willing to acknowledge in a particular piece of property, any interference by the government with regard to that property is not considered a search for Fourth Amendment purposes, and a warrant is never required. For example, courts have found that a person does not possess a reasonable expectation of privacy in information transferred to a third party, such as writing on the outside of an envelope sent through the mail or left for pick-up in",
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"title": "Herring v. United States",
"text": "and \"Mapp v. Ohio\" (1961), the Supreme Court created the exclusionary rule, which generally operates to suppress - i.e. prevent the introduction at trial of - evidence obtained in violation of Constitutional rights. \"Suppression of evidence, however, has always been [the court's] last resort, not [its] first impulse. The exclusionary rule generates substantial social costs, which sometimes include setting the guilty free and the dangerous at large.\" In \"United States v. Leon\", the Supreme Court clarified that the exclusionary rule \"operates as a judicially created remedy designed to safeguard Fourth Amendment rights generally through its deterrent effect, rather than a",
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"title": "Supreme Court of Ohio",
"text": "permitted to complete their current terms, but will be barred from running for reelection due to having exceeded the mandatory retirement age of 70 years. In \"DeRolph v. State\" (1997) the Supreme Court of Ohio found that Ohio's method of funding its schools was unconstitutional. The case originated in the Perry County Schools. In \"Mapp v. Ohio\" (1961), the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the Supreme Court of Ohio, and found that evidence seized unlawfully without a search warrant can not be used in criminal prosecutions. The Ohio Supreme Court Disciplinary Counsel investigate Ohio judges and attorneys in order to protect",
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"title": "United States v. Payner",
"text": "by requiring a party to personally bear costs that would otherwise be borne by others, whereas the latter is meant to discourage undesirable conduct as strongly as possible by imposing a high price. Had the Court, she asked, considered violations of the Fourth Amendment an unconscionable wrong to be deterred with sanctions or a sometimes necessary evil that could be minimized with a price? The language various Supreme Court majorities had used in describing the infractions suggested, to her, the former. At the time of \"Mapp v. Ohio\", when the exclusionary rule was applied to proceedings in state courts, its",
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"title": "Wilkinson v. Austin",
"text": "another year, at which time another such review will take place. Austin and other OSP inmates brought suit against officials of the Ohio prison system under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, alleging that Ohio's procedure for determining which inmates will be placed at OSP violates their Fourteenth Amendment due process rights. The United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio held an eight-day trial at which it heard testimony from expert witnesses. It concluded that the inmates had a liberty interest protected by the Due Process Clause in not being assigned to OSP, and demanded that the Ohio prison",
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"title": "Robert R. Cupp",
"text": "Robert R. Cupp Robert R. \"Bob\" Cupp (born November 9, 1950) is a member of the Ohio House of Representatives and a former Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court. He was elected November 7, 2006 to a six-year term and was sworn in on January 2, 2007. His term expired January 1, 2013. Cupp, a Republican, replaced retiring Democratic Justice Alice Robie Resnick by defeating Democrat Ben Espy in the general election. Between his election and the death of Chief Justice Thomas Moyer in 2010, all the Justices of the Court were Republican. Before joining the Ohio Supreme Court, Cupp",
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"title": "Hudson v. Michigan",
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"title": "Kenneth Mapp",
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"title": "Earl Warren",
"text": "\"Silver Platter Doctrine,\" a loophole to the exclusionary rule that had allowed federal officials to use evidence that had been illegally gathered by state officials. The following year, in \"Mapp v. Ohio\", the Court held that the Fourth Amendment's prohibition on \"unreasonable searches and seizures\" applied to state officials. Warren wrote the majority opinion in \"Terry v. Ohio\", a 1968 case in which the Court established that a police officer can frisk a criminal suspect if they have a reasonable suspicion that the suspect is committing or is about to commit a crime. In the 1962 case of \"Gideon v.",
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"title": "Hugo Black",
"text": "In his concurrence to \"Wolf v. Colorado\" (1949), he claimed that the exclusionary rule was \"not a command of the Fourth Amendment but ... a judicially created rule of evidence.\" But he later changed his mind and joined the majority in \"Mapp v. Ohio\" (1961), which applied it to state as well as federal criminal investigations. In his concurrence, he indicated that his support was based on the Fifth Amendment's guarantee of the right against self-incrimination, not on the Fourth Amendment's guarantee against unreasonable searches and seizures. He wrote, \"I am still not persuaded that the Fourth Amendment, standing alone,",
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"title": "Jennifer Brunner",
"text": "2008 (a day after lower state and federal courts overruled GOP objections to same-day registration and voting or GOP requests for mandated ballot segregation and verification) the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in Cincinnati, Ohio rejected Republican efforts to stop the plan. United States district court judge James Gwin in Cleveland, Ohio also ruled against the Republicans and issued a restraining order to enforce Brunner's plan. In Columbus, Ohio, U.S. District Judge George Smith declined to rule on another statewide challenge, deferring to the state Supreme Court's decision. The rulings, which opened a window to register",
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"title": "Wayne Mapp",
"text": "Wayne Mapp Wayne Daniel Mapp (born 12 March 1952) is a New Zealand politician, who represented the National Party in the New Zealand Parliament. He served as the MP for the North Shore electorate from the 1996 elections until his retirement in late 2011. Before entering politics, he lectured in commercial law at University of Auckland. He gained his LLB (Hon) at University of Auckland. This was followed by his LLM from University of Toronto and his PhD in International Law from Christ's College, Cambridge in 1988. He served as an infantry Major in 3rd Auckland (Countess of Ranfurly's Own)",
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"title": "Robert R. Cupp",
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"title": "Michael Ryan Barrett",
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"title": "Zauderer v. Office of Disciplinary Counsel of Supreme Court of Ohio",
"text": "January 7, 1985. The Court issued its decision on May 25, 1985. While the Court reversed some of the disciplinary actions against Zauderer by the Supreme Court of Ohio, it affirmed that court's decision that the state could regulate commercial speech. With Justice Lewis F. Powell Jr. not participating in the case, the opinion of a generally-unanimous count was written by Justice Byron White, joined in full by Justices Blackmun and Stevens, and in part by Brennan and Marshall (both who joined a concurrence in part and dissent in part) and in part by Burger, Rehnquist and O'Connor (who also",
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] | {
"title": "Mapp v. Ohio",
"long_answer": "Dollree Mapp was an employee in the illegal gambling rackets dominated by Cleveland rackets kingpin Shon Birns. On May 23, 1957, police officers in Cleveland, Ohio, received an anonymous tip by phone that Virgil Ogletree, a numbers operator who was wanted for questioning in the bombing of rival numbers racketeer and future boxing promoter Don King's home three days earlier, might be found at Mapp's house, as well as illegal betting slips and equipment employed in the \"California Gold\" numbers operation set up by Mapp's boyfriend Edward Keeling. Three officers went to the home and asked for permission to enter, but Mapp, after consulting her lawyer by telephone, refused to admit them without a search warrant. Two officers left, and one remained, watching the house from across the street.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Dollree Mapp was an employee in the illegal gambling rackets dominated by Cleveland rackets kingpin Shon Birns. On May 23, 1957, police officers in Cleveland, Ohio, received an anonymous tip by phone that Virgil Ogletree, a numbers operator who was wanted for questioning in the bombing of rival numbers racketeer and future boxing promoter Don King's home three days earlier, might be found at Mapp's house, as well as illegal betting slips and equipment employed in the \"California Gold\" numbers operation set up by Mapp's boyfriend Edward Keeling. Three officers went to the home and asked for permission to enter,",
"short_answers": [
"Dollree Mapp"
} |
who was kat slater's sisters in eastenders | [
"Little Mo",
] | [
"title": "Lynne Hobbs",
"text": "Lynne is the eldest of the Slater sisters and she arrives in Albert Square in 2000 with her family: father Charlie (Derek Martin); sisters Kat (Jessie Wallace), Little Mo (Kacey Ainsworth) and Zoe (Michelle Ryan), and grandmother Mo (Laila Morse). Unlike Little Mo and Zoe, Lynne is aware that Zoe is in fact Kat's daughter and helps keep the family secret until Kat reveals the truth to Zoe.",
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"title": "Slater family (EastEnders)",
"text": "was later confirmed to be Stacey's half-brother. In May 2016, accredited actress Denise Welch appeared in one episode of the soap, episode 5276, as Kyle's mother Alison Slater, who has not seen him since his transition. On 3 April 2015, it was announced that Kat, Alfie and their children would be written out of the series to appear in a spin-off series centering around the characters. The spin-off contains six episodes and was announced to air in 2016. Treadwell-Collins created the drama and looked forward to developing the series. He explained that he wanted to \"take two of \"EastEnders\" most",
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"title": "Slater family (EastEnders)",
"text": "with the charity Mind. In 2010, Turner left the series and Wallace reprised her role; the following year, Kat featured in a controversial story which sees her son swapped for a deceased baby. Turner returned in 2014 and the Slater family were later expanded. Riley Carter Millington, the first transgender actor to portray a transgender character in a British soap opera, was cast as Stacey's half-brother, Kyle Slater. Denise Welch appeared in one episode as Kyle's mother, Alison Slater. The family became a focal point across New Year 2016 when Kat discovers that she has a secret son and Charlie",
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"title": "Slater family (EastEnders)",
"text": "2017. The only characters from \"EastEnders\" to feature in the series are Kat (credited as Kathleen), Alfie and Tommy. Treadwell-Collins, who created the series, explained that the decision was made not to include Bert and Ernie as he believed that Kat and Alfie would be restricted by their appearance. The role of Tommy was recast for the drama with child actor Henry Proctor taking over the role. The first episode of the series sees Kat's son revealed to be murderous Catholic priest Dermott Dolan (Oisín Stack). The series ends on a cliffhanger as it is not known whether Kat and",
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"title": "Slater family (EastEnders)",
"text": "\"They're a real team and no matter what happens they always seem to come out the other end stronger than ever. She puts her trust in Martin to make everything better.\" On 19 December 2017, it was reported that Kat would be reintroduced by Yorke, who had recently been reappointed to \"EastEnders\". A day later, it was confirmed that Wallace, Wright and Morse would reprise their roles as Kat, Jean and Mo respectively. All three actresses expressed their delight at returning to the soap. Yorke also expressed his excitement at the family's revival and said that it was \"a real",
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"title": "Slater family (EastEnders)",
"text": "The characters depart together in September 2013 after deciding to move to Brighton. Martin reprised his role as Charlie for two episodes in December 2013 and expressed an interest in returning permanently. That same month, Kat announces that she is pregnant with Alfie's child. Nine months later, Kat gives birth to their twin sons, Bert and Ernie Moon (Freddie and Stanley Beale). It was announced on 6 December 2013 that Turner had agreed to reprise her role as Stacey and that the character would return in early 2014. Executive producer Dominic Treadwell-Collins described Stacey as \"one of \"EastEnders\" best-loved characters,",
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"title": "Slater family (EastEnders)",
"text": "is killed off. The events are followed by a spin-off drama, \"\", focusing on Kat's search for her son, who is revealed to be murderous Catholic priest Dermott Dolan (Oisín Stack). 2016 also sees Stacey begin suffering from postpartum psychosis, a rare mental illness associated with bipolar mothers. Prior to the storyline, the family were merged with the Fowler family following Stacey's pairing with Martin Fowler (James Bye). Following his reappointment, Yorke revived the Slater family by reintroducing Kat, Jean and Mo, and casting Katie Jarvis as new family member Hayley Slater. On 30 August 2000, it was announced that",
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"title": "Jessie Wallace",
"text": "Jessie Wallace Jessie Wallace (born Karen Jane Wallace; 25 September 1971) is an English actress and model. She is known for her role of Kat Slater in the BBC soap opera \"EastEnders\", for which she won the National Television Awards for Most Popular Newcomer (2001) and also won the British Soap Awards Best Newcomer (2001) and Most Popular Actress (2003), and the British Soap Award for Best Actress (2011). She was nominated for the 2011 BAFTA TV Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role as Pat Phoenix in the BBC Four drama \"The Road to Coronation Street\" (2010). Wallace",
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"title": "Kat Slater",
"text": "added that \"It is a cruel thing to happen to them after everything that they've already been through this year\". Laura-Jayne Tyler of \"Inside Soap\" enjoyed Kat's 2018 reintroduction and said that Wallace returned \"on full gas, giving nothing less than her trademark powerhouse performances\". She felt that Kat's return gave the show \"the vital spark [it has] been missing.\" She added, \"You can take the girl out of Walford, but you'll never take Walford out of the girl...\" Kat Slater Kathleen \"Kat\" Moon (also Slater) is a fictional character from the BBC soap opera \"EastEnders\", played by Jessie Wallace.",
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"title": "Jessie Wallace",
"text": "apply for London drama college The Poor School, from where she graduated in 1999. While undertaking auditions – including for Andrew Lloyd Webber's \"Sunset Boulevard,\" she worked as a barmaid at her local pub, The Royal Oak in Loughton, Essex. Her first television appearance was in an episode of the ITV police drama series \"The Bill\" in 1999. Wallace is best known for playing the role of Kat Slater in BBC One soap opera \"EastEnders\" between 2000 and 2005. In Summer 2008, Wallace said she hadn't ruled out a return to \"EastEnders\". In February 2010 it was announced that Shane",
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"title": "Jessie Wallace",
"text": "regularly took ketamine. Wallace admitted, at one point, taking drugs, but denied taking them since the birth of her daughter. Jessie Wallace Jessie Wallace (born Karen Jane Wallace; 25 September 1971) is an English actress and model. She is known for her role of Kat Slater in the BBC soap opera \"EastEnders\", for which she won the National Television Awards for Most Popular Newcomer (2001) and also won the British Soap Awards Best Newcomer (2001) and Most Popular Actress (2003), and the British Soap Award for Best Actress (2011). She was nominated for the 2011 BAFTA TV Award for Best",
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"title": "Slater family (EastEnders)",
"text": "the di Marco family who departed during the previous month. The Slaters were created by Tony Jordan and introduced by John Yorke. The Slater sisters were cast in an improvisation session. In their first years on the show, the family were at the centre of a child sexual abuse storyline and a domestic violence plot. Following multiple cast departures, three new cast members — Lacey Turner (Stacey Slater), Gillian Wright (Jean Slater) and Rob Kazinsky (Sean Slater) — joined the show as an extension of the family. Stacey and Jean were used to highlight the topic of bipolar disorder, working",
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"title": "Slater family (EastEnders)",
"text": "by Kirkwood following his appointment. It was confirmed that Kat and Alfie would be become the landlord and landlady of The Queen Victoria pub, a pivotal location in the series, when it reopens following a fire. Kat and Alfie return in September 2010, where she is revealed to be pregnant. Following their return, Richie teased that the characters would feature in a 1-2 year-long storyline which he described as \"the biggest soap story in probably the history of soaps\". In late December 2010, Kat gives birth to a son, Tommy Moon (Shane and Ralfie White). The birth forms a new",
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"title": "Kat Slater",
"text": "the surface.\" She said that Kat wants \"peace and to settle down with no more drama in her life.\" In the series, the character is called \"Kathleen\" by all characters except Alfie, who calls her \"Kat\". On 20 December 2017, it was announced Jessie Wallace would reprise her role as Kat in Spring 2018. Her return was masterminded by interim producer John Yorke, who created the Slaters in 2000, and Kat will return alongside her grandmother Mo Harris (Laila Morse), and Jean Slater (Gillian Wright). Yorke commented: \"The Slaters are one of the all-time great families in \"EastEnders\" and Albert",
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"title": "Stacey Slater",
"text": "was leaning against a wall and looked just like Kat Slater, played by Wallace. I thought she would be perfect for the Slater family so I wrote in Stacey’s character especially for Lacey.\" The character appears to be tough, stubborn, fiery and very bitchy, however, as Turner explains, this is just a front and \"underneath she's very vulnerable\". Turner has described her character as a cross between two other \"EastEnders\" characters, Janine Evans and Kat Slater, saying: \"She's very naughty, but she has her reasons for her nastiness.\" Over the course of the character's narrative, it was revealed that one",
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"title": "Gillian Wright",
"text": "until her character finally moved into Albert Square in November 2007. In 2006 she collected a Mental Health Media Award for her portrayal of Jean Slater, a bipolar disorder sufferer. Her departure from the show was announced in 2010, along with her on-screen daughter Stacey Slater, played by Lacey Turner but it was later confirmed that she would return in spring 2011. In 2012, she won the 'Best Actress' award at the Inside Soap Awards. She departed \"EastEnders\" again in 2013 and returned for a short stint in August 2014. She also guest starred in one episode of hospital drama,",
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"title": "Daisy Turner (actress)",
"text": "Daisy Turner (actress) Daisy Turner (born 28 June 1990) is an English model and actress. Turner made her debut on Hollyoaks in the recurring role of Jenny Houston on 15 April 2011. She is the younger sister of \"EastEnders\" actress Lacey Turner. Turner was born in Hendon, London in 1990. She was brought up by her parents Bev and Les along with her two sisters Lacey Turner and Lily Harvey who are also actresses. Turner's older sister Lacey has played Stacey Slater in long-running soap opera \"EastEnders\" since 2004. Her younger sister Lily appeared in \"EastEnders\" as Shenice in March",
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"title": "Kat Slater",
"text": "or dies. Following the confirmation that \"Redwater\" would not return for a second series, it was announced in December 2017 that Kat would return to \"EastEnders\" in 2018 with her grandmother Mo Harris (Laila Morse) and Jean Slater (Gillian Wright). She returned on 22 March 2018. Since her return, Kat's storyline has seen her hide a secret from her family, a feud with her cousin Hayley Slater (Katie Jarvis) and Karen Taylor (Lorraine Stanley) and her secret being that she has been unfaithful to Alfie and her son had burned himself with water due to her lack of attention, leading",
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"title": "Jessie Wallace",
"text": "Richie was returning to play Alfie Moon, leading to large amounts of speculation as to whether Wallace would also be returning. On 9 February 2010, the BBC confirmed that Jessie would be returning to \"EastEnders\", reprising her role as Kat Slater. She and Alfie returned to screens in the Autumn of 2010. On 4 April 2015, the BBC announced that Wallace and Richie will depart from the show temporarily to appear in a six-part BBC One drama series, \"Redwater\". In the series, Kat and Alfie will visit Ireland in the \"search for answers to some very big questions\". Speaking about",
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"title": "Slater family (EastEnders)",
"text": "story for the family when Ronnie Branning (Samantha Womack) swaps her dead baby with Tommy. Kirkwood billed the storyline as \"convincing and powerful\" and \"built on the rich history\" of Kat and Ronnie. The Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths praised the storyline for accurately portraying how sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) can affect families. The plot leads to Charlie's exit in January 2011. That same month, it was confirmed that the storyline would end early due to heavy criticism. The storyline concluded in April when Kat and Alfie are reunited with Tommy. Wallace thought that it would tough",
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"title": "Kat Slater",
"text": "always seem to take two steps forward and then one step back... They do tend to come through these things, so who knows?\" Kat was written out of \"EastEnders\" temporarily in January 2012. The writers for \"EastEnders\" organised \"emergency script changes\" which saw Kat called away to care for her father Charlie after a stroke. A source said: \"It was a very easy decision to make for the show. She is a great actress and extremely popular on set. She'll come back stronger than ever.\" It was announced shortly after Wallace's break from \"EastEnders\" that Sharon Watts, played by Letitia",
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"text": "for the couple, particularly Kat, following their reunion with Tommy. Following the conclusion, Martin reprised his role for two episodes. Charlie returns and fixes his relationship with Kat, as well as helping her bond with Tommy. In July 2012, Morse was told that her contract would not be renewed, however she continued to make occasional appearances in the show. On 31 July 2013, it was announced that Jean would leave \"EastEnders\" following Wright's resignation. The actress hoped to reprise the role in the future. As part of Jean's exit, Tony O'Callaghan was cast as her new love interest, Ollie Walters.",
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"title": "Lacey Turner",
"text": "Lacey Turner Lacey Amelia Turner (born 28 March 1988) is a British actress, best known for her portrayal of Stacey Slater in the BBC soap opera \"EastEnders\" (2004–2010, 2014–present), for which she received over thirty awards, including four National Television Awards and ten British Soap Awards. She is also known for her work on \"Bedlam\" and \"Switch\" (both 2012), as well as \"Our Girl\" (2013–2014). Turner was born in Edgware, Barnet, Greater London to parents Bev and Les. She was raised as a Catholic with her two younger sisters, Daisy Turner (born 1990) and Lily Harvey (born 2001, known for",
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"title": "Slater family (EastEnders)",
"text": "played by one of television's finest actors\". He also commented, \"Stacey's last time on the Square was iconic. But that was just the first act. There is so much more to come for Stacey.\" Matt Willis was cast as Stacey's partner Luke Riley and appeared across a guest stint. Lily was reintroduced alongside Stacey with the role recast to child actress Aine Garvey. Stacey and Lily return in February 2014, but Stacey departs during the following month after confessing to Archie's murder. Off-screen, Turner took a planned break to film BBC drama \"Our Girl\". In May 2014, it was announced",
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"title": "Sean Slater",
"text": "Sean Slater Sean Slater is a fictional character from the BBC soap opera \"EastEnders\", played by Robert Kazinsky. Sean's existence was revealed on 9 December 2005 when his sister Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner) returns to Walford after their mother, Jean (Gillian Wright), attempts suicide. He made his first appearance on 22 August 2006. Sean left the Square temporarily on 27 March 2007, as Kazinsky was suspended from work for two months. He returned on 28 May 2007. It was announced on 18 January 2008 that Kazinsky would finish filming the show in October 2008, but that the character would remain",
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"title": "Kat Slater",
"text": "Ronnie Branning (Samantha Womack) both give birth on the same day, but Ronnie's baby, James, dies and while Kat is in hospital and her baby, Tommy, is unattended, Ronnie swaps the infants. The storyline received over 6,000 complaints, making it the second most complained about \"EastEnders\" storyline. It was then decided to end the storyline earlier than originally planned. Wallace has won multiple awards for her portrayal of Kat. At the National Television Awards, she was named \"Most Popular Newcomer\" in 2001 and \"Most Popular Actress\" in 2003. Wallace was additionally nominated for the \"Best Actress\", \"Best Dramatic Performance\" and",
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"title": "Stacey Slater",
"text": "Stacey Slater Stacey Fowler (also Slater and Branning) is a fictional character from the BBC soap opera \"EastEnders\", played by Lacey Turner. She made her first appearance on 1 November 2004. The character was introduced as a feisty and troublesome teenager, an extension of the already established Slater family. She has featured in numerous high-profile storylines, including abortion, drug abuse, a troubled relationship with her mother Jean (Gillian Wright), discovering she has bipolar disorder, an affair with her father-in-law Max (Jake Wood), becoming a victim of rape and murdering her rapist Archie Mitchell (Larry Lamb). The love triangle between Stacey,",
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"title": "Kat Slater",
"text": "I'm writing Kat.\" Wallace was given a makeover for her part in \"Redwater\", different to how Kat looks in \"EastEnders\". Wallace explained that Kat's different look is because she has \"mellowed\" since leaving Walford and travelling to Spain, which she described as a \"softer side to Kat than we've seen before\", but said she still has a \"fiery side to her, just not as much as we've seen in \"EastEnders\". Wallace described Kat as a \"colourful person\" with \"a lot of layers to her\" and said that after playing her for 16 years \"means there's plenty underneath to bring to",
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"title": "Kat Slater",
"text": "Jean pays off Mo's debt, and Kat starts a cleaning business to pay Jean back. Kat is furious when she finds her cousin Hayley Slater (Katie Jarvis) in Walford. She demands that Hayley leave, but Hayley threatens to reveal what has happened in Spain. It becomes clear to the Slaters that Kat is hiding something and it is revealed that Kat has had an affair and was not watching when one of the children burnt themselves, leading to Alfie kicking her out. In 2000, \"EastEnders\" executive producer John Yorke decided to introduce the \"classic\" Slater family. He felt the show",
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"title": "Kat Slater",
"text": "the suspects one at a time, leading to one almighty explosion.\" After the storyline was announced, five suspects were revealed as potential candidates: Ray Dixon (Chucky Venn), Michael Moon (Steve John Shepherd), Max Branning (Jake Wood), Derek Branning (Jamie Foreman) and Jack Branning (Scott Maslen). In a poll on the website \"Digital Spy\", Jack Branning was shown to be the favourite with 43.5% of the votes. Ray was eliminated when he walked in on Kat while she was on the phone to her lover. Michael was eliminated when Kat confessed to him that she was having an affair. With only",
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"title": "Lynne Hobbs",
"long_answer": "Lynne is the eldest of the Slater sisters and she arrives in Albert Square in 2000 with her family: father Charlie (Derek Martin); sisters Kat (Jessie Wallace), Little Mo (Kacey Ainsworth) and Zoe (Michelle Ryan), and grandmother Mo (Laila Morse). Unlike Little Mo and Zoe, Lynne is aware that Zoe is in fact Kat's daughter and helps keep the family secret until Kat reveals the truth to Zoe.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Lynne is the eldest of the Slater sisters and she arrives in Albert Square in 2000 with her family: father Charlie (Derek Martin); sisters Kat (Jessie Wallace), Little Mo (Kacey Ainsworth) and Zoe (Michelle Ryan), and grandmother Mo (Laila Morse). Unlike Little Mo and Zoe, Lynne is aware that Zoe is in fact Kat's daughter and helps keep the family secret until Kat reveals the truth to Zoe.",
"short_answers": [
"Little Mo",
} |
when did the philadelphia eagles play in the super bowl last | [
"Super Bowl LII"
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"title": "Super Bowl XXXIX",
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"title": "2004 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "rehab his ankle, guaranteeing that if the Eagles made it to the Super Bowl, he would be ready to play in it. The Eagles, not trying to win their last two games, finished with a franchise best 13–3 record. weather= 32 °F (Sunny) With expectations high, the Eagles' playoff run began with the Minnesota Vikings coming to town. Minnesota had backed into the playoffs with an 8–8 record and losses in four of their final five regular season games, but they had upset the Green Bay Packers in the Wild Card round. On the Eagles' second possession, Brian Westbrook, who",
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"title": "NBC Sunday Night Football",
"text": "the Philadelphia Eagles beat the New England Patriots in a rematch of Super Bowl XXXIX. The 2018 NFL season schedule was released in April. NBC's first telecast of the season was on September 6, 2018 featured the Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles defeating the Atlanta Falcons. For the ninth season in a row, the NFL placed a game against a World Series game, with the New Orleans Saints against the Minnesota Vikings, going up against the fifth (and final) game of the Fall Classic, between the Los Angeles Dodgers against the Boston Red Sox. This will also be the first",
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"title": "History of the Philadelphia Eagles",
"text": "return to the Super Bowl, it appeared the Eagles would have to retool in the 2006 off-season to make another run for the Vince Lombardi Trophy. In 2006, the Eagles started off hot, beating the Houston Texans in Houston 24-10. And they kept the streak going, jumping to a 24-7 lead against the Giants before losing 30-24 in overtime. They won their next two games easily, beating the 49ers in San Francisco and then returning home to limit Brett Favre's Packers to three field goals. The Birds' 3-1 record set the stage for Terrell Owens' return to Philadelphia. Owens return",
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"title": "History of the Philadelphia Eagles",
"text": "on December 28, 2008 and advanced to the playoffs. The Eagles then defeated the Minnesota Vikings 26-14 in the first round of the playoffs on January 4, 2009. They defeated their division rival and the defending Super Bowl champions the New York Giants 23-11 in the NFC Divisional Round to advance to their fifth NFC Championship game in nine years. For the third time in a decade, an all-Pennsylvania Super Bowl seemed possible, as the Pittsburgh Steelers won the AFC Championship against the Baltimore Ravens. However, the Eagles lost 32-25 to the Arizona Cardinals. In August, the team stirred up",
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"title": "1987 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "October 25, 1987 Kickoff 1:00 PM Eastern Played at Veterans Stadium on an Astroturf playing surface in 56F degrees with wind at 15 MPH. This was the first week the Eagles played after the NFLPA strike ended. This was the revenge game for Week 4, where the Cowboys ran up the score against an Eagles replacement squad. Despite the game being effectively over, with the Eagles leading and having possession of the ball, the Eagles performed a fake spike into a pass. Pass interference was called, and the Eagles successfully scored from the 1-yard line on the next play as",
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"title": "Super Bowl XXXIX",
"text": "played it safe by running the ball 3 times and forcing Philadelphia to use all of its timeouts. New England punter Josh Miller then pinned the Eagles back at their own 4-yard line with just 46 seconds left in the game. Philadelphia then tried one last desperate drive to win or tie the game. But on first down, McNabb was pressured into making a rushed pass to Westbrook at the line of scrimmage. Instead of dropping the pass to stop the clock, Westbrook made the mistake of catching the ball and was immediately tackled for no gain, keeping the clock",
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"title": "Super Bowl XV",
"text": "1980, under head coach Dick Vermeil, the Philadelphia Eagles, who had not played in a league championship since their 1960 NFL championship, advanced to their first ever Super Bowl. The Eagles were led by quarterback Ron Jaworski, who completed 257 out of 451 passes for 3,529 yards during the regular season, including 27 touchdowns and only 12 interceptions. Another key player on the Eagles offense was halfback Wilbert Montgomery, who was widely considered one of the top running backs in the NFL and had rushed for over 1,200 yards in each of the last two seasons. Injuries during the 1980",
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"title": "1987 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "19 MPH with a wind chill of 12F . November 29, 1987 Kickoff 1:00 PM Eastern Played at Sullivan Stadium on an AstroTurf playing surface in 38F degrees with wind at 11 MPH. December 6, 1987 Stadium Kickoff 1:00 PM Eastern Played at The Meadowlands on an AstroTurf playing surface in 38F degrees with wind at 22 MPH and a wind chill of 27F. Sunday, December 13, 1987 Kickoff 1:00 PM Eastern Played at Veterans Stadium on an Astroturf playing surface in 43F degrees with wind at 15 MPH. Sunday, September 13, 1987 Kickoff 1:00 PM Eastern Played at The",
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"title": "2004 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "learned that Lewis broke his ankle on the second touchdown catch, and he would be left off the Super Bowl roster. Meanwhile, the defense held Vick to 136 passing yards and 26 rushing yards, and kept Atlanta off the scoreboard in the second half. In their first Super Bowl appearance since Super Bowl XV, the Eagles met the New England Patriots on February 6, 2005 at ALLTEL Stadium in Jacksonville, Florida. The Patriots, led by Tom Brady had won two of the past three Super Bowls and a win against the Eagles would likely lead to \"dynasty status\". They had",
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"title": "2015 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "yards, and returning punts for 115 yards and 1 touchdown. With the win, the Eagles go to 5-7, ending a three-game skid and passing the Giants for second place in the NFC East. With a loss by the Washington Redskins, the Eagles' 5-7 record tied them with the Redskins for the best record in the NFC East, but their Week 4 loss kept them in second. Not only was this their first win against the Patriots in the Brady-Belichick era (preseason notwithstanding), but two years later, they would proceed to claim their first Super Bowl title in their next game",
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"title": "1987 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "leader was Jerry Rice with 23. This marked the first time in NFL history that a category leader doubled the total of his nearest competitor. Sunday, September 13, 1987 Kickoff 1:00 PM Eastern Played at Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium on grass playing surface in 74F degrees with wind at 11 MPH. Sunday, September 20, 1987 Kickoff 1:00 PM Eastern Played at Veterans Stadium on an Astroturf playing surface in 62F degrees with wind at 12 MPH. Because of the NFLPA union's players strike against the NFL, all the games this week were cancelled. Replacement players were used when the",
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"title": "2002 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "rushing, and limiting Atlanta to just two field goals. Vick had 274 passing yards, but he threw two interceptions. The Eagles were dealt a crushing upset 27–10 defeat in the NFC Championship Game by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The favored Eagles appeared destined to win the conference title and propel themselves into the Super Bowl. They had beaten the Buccaneers at home in each of the last two postseasons and in October 2002, they had defeated Tampa Bay 20–10. The Buccaneers had never won a road playoff game and were 1–22 in games under 40 degrees (it would be 26",
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"title": "Super Bowl XXXIX",
"text": "Seahawks, 28–24, ten years later and Super Bowl LI against the Atlanta Falcons, 34-28, two years later. The latest Super Bowl win for the Patriots makes it ten titles among the four Boston teams (5 by the Patriots, 3 by the Red Sox, and one each by the Celtics and Bruins) since 2002. With the Eagles’ loss, the city of Philadelphia’s sports championship drought continued (no Philly-based pro sports team since the 1983 Sixers won the NBA title) until the Phillies won the 2008 World Series. The Eagles did not return to the Super Bowl until 2017, also with a",
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"title": "2006 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "up to 9–6. \"at Lincoln Financial Field, Philadelphia When it was announced that the Detroit Lions had hung on to beat the Dallas Cowboys a few minutes into the Eagles' regular season finale with the Atlanta Falcons, the game instantly became meaningless as the NFC East crown became clinched. After the defense forced an Atlanta three-and-out, Jeff Garcia marched the Eagles to a 41-yard David Akers field goal. From there, Andy Reid began pulling Philadelphia starters from the game, leaving the contest in the hands of the Eagles' backup players. Michael Vick, playing in his last game before going to",
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"title": "1981 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "following year. Sunday, September 6, 1981 Kickoff 1:00 PM Eastern Played at Giants StadiumThe Meadowlands on an AstroTurf playing surface in 70F degrees with an 11 MPH wind Sunday, September 13, 1981 Kickoff 4:00 PM Eastern TV Broadcast: NBC Announcers: Dick Enberg and Merlin Olsen Played at Veterans Stadium on an AstroTurf playing surface weather= 74 °F (Sunny) Thursday, September 17, 1981 Kickoff 8:30 PM Eastern Played at Rich Stadium on AstroTurf playing surface in 55F degrees with an 8 MPH wind Sunday, September 27, 1981 Kickoff 1:00 PM Eastern Played at Veterans Stadium on an AstroTurf playing surface weather=",
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"title": "History of the Philadelphia Eagles",
"text": "was picked off in the closing seconds of the game. The final score was 24-21, and the Patriots had won their third Super Bowl in four years. The defending NFC Champions did not fare well the next year. The 2005 season began in a strange and erratic fashion with a 14-10 road loss to the Atlanta Falcons on \"Monday Night Football\", a game in which Donovan McNabb suffered a chest bruise. In addition, Eagles linebacker Jeremiah Trotter was ejected prior to kick-off for getting involved in an altercation with Falcons cornerback Kevin Mathis. In the Week 2 home opener in",
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"title": "History of the Philadelphia Eagles",
"text": "after having short stints with the Rams (then St. Louis Rams) and Chiefs (where Andy Reid was coaching) would take over. His shaky performances during the end of the regular season made the team become underdogs during the playoffs despite being the number one seed. The Eagles would beat the Atlanta Falcons 15-10 in the Divisional Round which was their first playoff win since the 2008 season, to face the Minnesota Vikings in the NFC Championship. The game would end up being a surprising blowout with the Eagles dominating the Vikings 38-7 to go to the Super Bowl for the",
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"title": "2002 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "2002 NFC Championship Game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who eventually won Super Bowl XXXVII. The Eagles defeated the Buccaneers in two prior consecutive seasons in the NFL playoffs in easy fashion. Many experts thought that the Conference Championship game would not be any different. The game was the final football game played at Veterans Stadium. The Eagles' season of high expectations began with a loss to the Tennessee Titans after the team blew a 24–10 halftime lead. The Titans scored on their first possession on 14-yard reception by Eddie George. Philadelphia took advantage of a muffed punt to extend",
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"title": "History of the Philadelphia Eagles",
"text": "the NFL with a 13-3 record which gave them their first NFC East Championship since 2013, and gave them a first round bye for the first time since the 2004 season which was the last time they last went to the Super Bowl. Carson Wentz improved drastically during the season in which he threw for 33 touchdowns and only 7 interceptions. His potential MVP season came to an end though during Week 14 against the Los Angeles Rams where he tore his ACL, and would be out for the rest of the year. Nick Foles who returned to the Eagles",
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"title": "2018 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "proceeded to win back to back division games over the Giants and the Redskins to move to 6–6 and climb back to the playoff hunt, before falling 23–29 to the Cowboys in overtime and dropping to a 6–7 record. The following week, they upset the Rams 30–23 to move to 7–7 and keep their playoff hopes alive. The Eagles played in their first NFL Kickoff Game and their first game at London's Wembley Stadium in franchise history. Draft trades The Eagles had a disappointing preseason. The starting offense during their exhibitions looked nowhere like their Super Bowl counterparts. Super Bowl",
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"title": "2017 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "the Patriots' last hopes. The Philadelphia Eagles defeated the Patriots by a score of 41–33. Nick Foles also was named Super Bowl MVP after the game. With this win, the Eagles finally won their first Super Bowl, and their first NFL title since 1960. A Super Bowl victory parade took place four days later on February 8. 2017 Philadelphia Eagles season The 2017 Philadelphia Eagles season was the franchise's 85th season in the National Football League, the 15th playing their home games at Lincoln Financial Field, and the second under head coach Doug Pederson. The Eagles improved their 7–9 record",
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"title": "1988 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "game, 27–21, on a late TD strike from Ken O'Brien to Al Toon, giving the Eagles the NFC East crown on the tiebreaker of having beaten the Giants in both regular-season meetings. The Eagles played the Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Tampa Stadium where temperatures reached 90-degrees. On the Eagles’ fourth play of the game, Bucs linebacker Kevin Murphy chased Cunningham out of the pocket, and he rolled to his left and floated a 37-yard TD to Mike Quick. The first quarter ended with the Eagles up 21 to 0 after Anthony Toney ran for a TD and Cunningham threw an",
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"title": "2017 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "a Super Bowl XXXIX rematch with the New England Patriots. Foles had his best performance since Week 15, and his third best as an Eagles player, throwing for 352 yards and 4 touchdowns. The Eagles defeated the Patriots 41-33 to win their first Super Bowl title in franchise history, and their first championship since 1960. During the game, a trick play, known as the Philly Special was called where three players combined for a touchdown at 4th-and-Goal before halftime. Nick Foles was name the Super Bowl MVP, the first backup player or quarterback to earn this award. Foles was 28-of-43",
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"title": "1981 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "68 °F (Sunny) Monday, October 5, 1981 Kickoff 9:00 PM Eastern Played at Veterans Stadium on AstroTurf playing surface weather= 62 °F (Clear) Sunday, October 11, 1981 Kickoff 12:00 PM Central Played at Louisiana Superdome on an AstroTurf playing surface in 72F degrees indoors Sunday, October 18, 1981 Kickoff 12:00 PM Central Played at Metropolitan Stadium on a grass playing surface in 44F degrees with a 27 MPH wind Sunday, October 25, 1981 Kickoff 1:00 PM Eastern Played at Veterans Stadium on an AstroTurf playing surface weather= 55 °F (Rain) Sunday, November 1, 1981 Kickoff 4:00 PM Eastern Played at",
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"title": "2004 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "in improving their record to 13–1, completed a sweep of their NFC East opponents while locking up home-field advantage throughout the playoffs. Unfortunately, the word after the game was that Owens, the Eagles' sharpest offensive weapon, would be out until at least the Super Bowl. With nothing left to play for until the playoffs and in the wake of the disastrous injury to Terrell Owens, Eagles' head coach Andy Reid decided to only play his starters for one series in a Monday Night Football game against the St. Louis Rams. The Rams ran ten rushing plays, split between Steven Jackson",
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"title": "Super Bowl XXXIX",
"text": "Super Bowl XXXIX Super Bowl XXXIX was an American football game played between the American Football Conference (AFC) champion New England Patriots and the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Philadelphia Eagles to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 2004 season. The Patriots defeated the Eagles by the score of 24–21. The game was played on February 6, 2005, at Alltel Stadium in Jacksonville, Florida, the first time the Super Bowl was played in that city. The Patriots, who entered the Super Bowl after compiling a 14–2 regular season record, became the first, and most recent (as of",
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"title": "2004 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "them against the Atlanta Falcons in the NFC Championship Game after losing the past three title games. The game would be played in post-blizzard, 17-degree weather, with swirling frigid winds nearing 30 MPH. Atlanta had gone 11–5 over the year, and were the second best team in the conference, behind Philadelphia. Atlanta's quarterback and star player Michael Vick would basically be the Falcons' main hope of upsetting the Eagles. He tried to run twice on the opening drive, but the Eagles' defense, using a mush rush, stopped him both times. Later in the quarter, Brian Westbrook broke a 36-yard run",
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"title": "Super Bowl LII",
"text": "with the Patriots, gained 776 rushing yards and two touchdowns, while Ajayi, picked up by a mid-season trade with the Miami Dolphins, rushed for 873 yards and caught 24 passes for 154 yards combined with the two teams. Philadelphia also had a superb offensive line, led by two Pro Bowl selections: Tackle Lane Johnson and Guard Brandon Brooks. The Eagles defense allowed the fourth-fewest yards in the league (4,904). Defensive tackle Fletcher Cox made the Pro Bowl for the third time in his career, recording 5 sacks and two fumble recoveries, and he had plenty of help around him, such",
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"title": "2011 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "2011 Philadelphia Eagles season The Philadelphia Eagles season was the 79th season for the team in the National Football League (NFL). The Eagles had high hopes of competing for a Super Bowl, with several notable offseason acquisitions; however, they ultimately failed to make the playoffs for the first time since 2007. However, they did win their last 4 games, in an attempt to pull out a miracle playoff berth, finishing 8–8, only 1 game behind the divisional winners and eventual Super Bowl champions, the New York Giants, and they swept the Dallas Cowboys and Washington Redskins for the first time",
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"long_answer": "The Eagles and the Patriots met again in Super Bowl LII, following the 2017 season, with the Eagles taking their revenge 41–33.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The Eagles and the Patriots met again in Super Bowl LII, following the 2017 season, with the Eagles taking their revenge 41–33.",
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"Super Bowl LII"
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what is the cross on a letter t called | [
] | [
"title": "Typeface anatomy",
"text": "a tail. The inferior diagonal stroke in K is called leg. A short horizontal stroke, as in the center of e f and the middle stroke of E F, is called a bar. When the strokes connect as in A and H or cross strokes as in t is also known as crossbar. A longer horizontal stroke at the top or bottom, as in E T, is called an arm. The bottom of the two-story g is called a loop; the very short stroke at the top is called the ear. i j each have a dot, jot, or tittle.",
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"title": "Cross",
"text": "a foreshadowing (a \"type\") of the cross (the letter Tau) and of Jesus (the letters Iota Eta). Clement's contemporary Tertullian rejects the accusation that Christians are \"crucis religiosi\" (i.e. \"adorers of the gibbet\"), and returns the accusation by likening the worship of pagan idols to the worship of poles or stakes. In his book \"De Corona\", written in 204, Tertullian tells how it was already a tradition for Christians to trace repeatedly on their foreheads the sign of the cross. While early Christians used the T-shape to represent the cross in writing and gesture, the use of the Greek cross",
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"title": "Crucifixion",
"text": "shape of the letters X and Y. The New Testament writings about the crucifixion of Jesus do not speak specifically about the shape of that cross, but the early writings that do speak of its shape, from about the year AD 100 on, describe it as shaped like the letter T (the Greek letter tau) or as composed of an upright and a transverse beam, sometimes with a small projection in the upright. In popular depictions of the crucifixion of Jesus (possibly because in translations of the wounds are described as being \"in his hands\"), Jesus is shown with nails",
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"title": "Tau Cross",
"text": "that the Greek letter τ and the Latin letter T have the same shape as the execution cross: \"Ipsa est enim littera Graecorum Tau, nostra autem T, species crucis\". In the \"Trial of the Court of the Vowels\" of non-Christian Lucian (125 – after 180), the Greek letter Sigma (Σ) accuses the letter Tau (Τ) of having provided tyrants with the model for the wooden instrument with which to crucify people and demands that Tau be executed on his own shape: \"It was his body that tyrants took for a model, his shape that they imitated, when they set up",
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"title": "Early Christian descriptions of the execution cross",
"text": "to be a mystical prefiguring of the cross of Christ\". Tertullian (c. 155 – c. 240), who used Roman numerals, not Greek, still remarks that the Greek letter τ and the Latin letter T have the same shape as the execution cross: \"Ipsa est enim littera Graecorum Tau, nostra autem T, species crucis\". Non-Christians too of the time when in the Roman Empire criminals were executed by crucifixion, considered identical the shape of the execution cross (σταυρός in Greek) and that of the letter tau. In the \"Trial of the Court of the Vowels\" of Lucian (125 – after 180),",
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"title": "Instrument of Jesus' crucifixion",
"text": "to it.\" In language very similar to that of Minucius Felix, Tertullian, too, who distinguished between \"stipes\" (stake) and \"crux\" (cross), noted that it was the cross that people associated with Christianity. And he indicated that the shape of the cross is that of the letter T: \"The Greek letter Tau and our own letter T is the very form of the cross, which (God) predicted would be the sign on our foreheads\", and compared it to the shape of a bird with outstretched wings. The anti-Christian arguments thus cited in the \"Octavius\" of Minucius Felix, chapters IX and XXIX,",
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"title": "T",
"text": "T T (named \"tee\" ) is the 20th letter in the modern English alphabet and the ISO basic Latin alphabet. It is the most commonly used consonant and the second most common letter in English-language texts. \"Taw\" was the last letter of the Western Semitic and Hebrew alphabets. The sound value of Semitic \"Taw\", Greek alphabet Tαυ (\"Tau\"), Old Italic and Latin T has remained fairly constant, representing in each of these; and it has also kept its original basic shape in most of these alphabets. In English, usually denotes the voiceless alveolar plosive ( and X-SAMPA: ), as in",
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"title": "Christian symbolism",
"text": "sects, as well as some modern denominations, preferred to some extent not to use figures in their symbols, by invoking the Decalogue's prohibition of idolatry. The shape of the cross, as represented by the letter T, came to be used as a \"seal\" or symbol of Early Christianity by the 2nd century. At the end of the 2nd century, it is mentioned in the \"Octavius\" of Minucius Felix, rejecting the claim by detractors that Christians worship the cross. The cross (crucifix, Greek \"stauros\") in this period was represented by the letter T. Clement of Alexandria in the early 3rd century",
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"title": "Early Christian descriptions of the execution cross",
"text": "through the gate, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set the mark \"Tau\" upon the foreheads of the men.' Now the Greek letter \"Tau\" and our own letter T is the very form of the cross, which He predicted would be the sign on our foreheads.\" (\"omnes fideles [...] signatos illa nota scilicet de qua Ezechiel: Dicit dominus ad me, Pertransi in medio portae in media Hierusalem, et da signum Tau in frontibus virorum. Ipsa est enim littera Graecorum Tau, nostra autem T, species crucis, quam portendebat futuram in frontibus nostris\"). The universality of the Early Christian practice of tracing",
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"title": "Cross",
"text": "hieroglyph \"two crossed sticks\" (Gardiner Z9). According to W. E. Vine's \"Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words\", worshippers of Tammuz in Chaldea and thereabouts used the cross as symbol of that god. The shape of the cross (\"crux\", \"stauros\" \"stake, gibbet\"), as represented by the letter T, came to be used as a \"seal\" or symbol of Early Christianity by the 2nd century. Clement of Alexandria in the early 3rd century calls it (\"the Lord's sign\") he repeats the idea, current as early as the Epistle of Barnabas, that the number 318 (in Greek numerals, ΤΙΗ) in Genesis 14:14 was",
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"title": "Tau Cross",
"text": "Tau Cross The tau cross is a T-shaped cross all three ends of which are sometimes expanded. It is so called because shaped like the Greek letter tau, which in its upper-case form has the same appearance as Latin and English T. Another name for the same object is Saint Anthony's cross or Saint Anthony cross, a name given to it because of its association with Saint Anthony of Egypt. It is also called a \"crux commissa\", one of the four basic types of iconographic representations of the cross. The Greek letter tau was used as a numeral for 300.",
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"title": "Stauros",
"text": "Jesus were written, likened the σταυρός to the letter T (the Greek letter tau, which had the numeric value of 300), and to the position assumed by Moses in Exodus . The shape of the σταυρός is likened to that of the letter T also in the final words of \"Trial in the Court of Vowels\" among the works of 2nd-century Lucian, and other 2nd-century witnesses to the fact that at that time the σταυρός was envisaged as being cross-shaped and not in the form of a simple pole are given in early Christian descriptions of the execution cross. In",
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"title": "The Egyptian Cross Mystery",
"text": "The Egyptian Cross Mystery The Egyptian Cross Mystery is a novel that was written in 1932 by Ellery Queen. It is the fifth of the Ellery Queen mysteries. A schoolmaster in a tiny town in West Virginia is found on Christmas morning beheaded and crucified to a signpost in such a way that his body seems to form the letter \"T\". The letter \"T\" is scrawled in blood on the dead man's door. Ellery Queen is on the scene and notes that the letter \"T\" is also the shape of a \"tau cross\", or Egyptian cross; this seems to lead",
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"title": "Crucifixion of Jesus",
"text": "Christian writers who speak of the shape of the particular gibbet on which Jesus died invariably describe it as having a cross-beam. For instance, the Epistle of Barnabas, which was certainly earlier than 135, and may have been of the 1st century AD, the time when the gospel accounts of the death of Jesus were written, likened it to the letter T (the Greek letter tau, which had the numeric value of 300), and to the position assumed by Moses in . Justin Martyr (100–165) explicitly says the cross of Christ was of two-beam shape: \"That lamb which was commanded",
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"title": "T",
"text": "sounds. In the International Phonetic Alphabet, denotes the voiceless alveolar plosive. T T (named \"tee\" ) is the 20th letter in the modern English alphabet and the ISO basic Latin alphabet. It is the most commonly used consonant and the second most common letter in English-language texts. \"Taw\" was the last letter of the Western Semitic and Hebrew alphabets. The sound value of Semitic \"Taw\", Greek alphabet Tαυ (\"Tau\"), Old Italic and Latin T has remained fairly constant, representing in each of these; and it has also kept its original basic shape in most of these alphabets. In English, usually",
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"title": "Ṭ",
"text": "Ṭ Ṭ (minuscule: ṭ) is a letter of the Latin alphabet, formed from T with the addition of a dot below the letter. It is used in the orthography of the Mizo language. It sounds much like a 'tr' in Mizo Language, as it sounds in English. But it does not replace Ṭ or ṭ . It is used in the transcription of Afro-Asiatic languages to represent an \"emphatic t\", in romanization of Arabic, in the Syriac and in the Berber Latin alphabets. In the transcription of Arabic, it corresponds to the letter ṭāʾ (ط). It is also used in",
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"title": "Tau Cross",
"text": "of] Jesus. And because the cross was to express the grace [of our redemption] by the letter Τ, he says also, 'Three Hundred'. He signifies, therefore, Jesus by two letters, and the cross by one.\" Clement of Alexandria (c. 150 – c. 215) gives the same interpretation of the number τιη’ (318), referring to the cross of Christ with the expression \"the Lord's sign\": \"They say, then, that the character representing 300 is, as to shape, the type of the Lord’s sign, and that the Iota and the Eta indicate the Saviour’s name.\" Tertullian (c. 155 – c. 240) remarks",
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"title": "Cross",
"text": "Cross A cross is a geometrical figure consisting of two intersecting lines or bars, usually perpendicular to each other. The lines usually run vertically and horizontally. A cross of oblique lines, in the shape of the Latin letter X, is also termed a saltire in heraldic terminology. The word \"cross\" is recorded in 10th-century Old English as \"cros\", exclusively for the instrument of Christ's crucifixion, replacing the native Old English word \"rood\". The word's history is complicated; it appears to have entered English from Old Irish, possibly via Old Norse, ultimately from the Latin \"crux\" (or its accusative \"crucem\" and",
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"title": "Cross",
"text": "(1888), Ansault (1891), etc. In the European Bronze Age the cross symbol appeared to carry a religious meaning, perhaps as a symbol of consecration, especially pertaining to burial. The cross sign occurs trivially in tally marks, and develops into a number symbol independently in the Roman numerals ( \"ten\"), the Chinese rod numerals (十 \"ten\") and the Brahmi numerals (\"four\", whence the numeral 4). In the Phoenician alphabet and derived scripts, the cross symbol represented the phoneme /t/, i.e. the letter taw, which is the historical predecessor of Latin T. The letter name \"taw\" means \"mark\", presumably continuing the Egyptian",
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"title": "Alpha and Omega",
"text": "arms of the cross in Early Christian art, and some crux gemmata, jeweled crosses in precious metal, have formed letters hanging in this way, called pendilia; for example, in the , which is based upon the Asturian Victory Cross. In fact, despite always being in Greek, the letters became more common in Western than Eastern Orthodox Christian art. They are often shown to the left and right of Christ's head, sometimes within his halo, where they take the place of the Christogram used in Orthodox art. In Rabbinic literature, the word \"emet\" (אמת meaning \"truth\"), one of the names of",
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"title": "Szczerbiec",
"text": "the letter T) between the Greek letters Α and ω (alpha and omega) surmounted with little crosses. Below the letter T, there is another cross placed within a cloud or flower with twelve petals. On the chamfered edge around this design runs a circular Latin inscription in two rings which reads: \"Rec figura talet ad amorem regum / et principum iras iudicum\" (\"This sign rouses the love of kings and princes, the wrath of judges\"). The grip bears the symbols of two of the Four Evangelists: the lion of Saint Mark and the ox of Saint Luke, as well as",
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"title": "Christian symbolism",
"text": "Tertullian tells how it was already a tradition for Christians to trace repeatedly on their foreheads the sign of the cross. While early Christians used the T-shape to represent the cross in writing and gesture, the use of the Greek cross and Latin cross, i.e. crosses with intersecting beams, appears in Christian art towards the end of Late Antiquity. An early example of the cruciform halo, used to identify Christ in paintings, is found in the \"Miracles of the Loaves and Fishes\" mosaic of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna (dated c. 504). Instances of the St Thomas cross, a Greek cross with",
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"title": "Cross",
"text": "with cross-shapes include Gardiner Z9 – Z11 (\"crossed sticks\", \"crossed planks\"). Other, unrelated cross-shaped letters include Brahmi \"ka\" (predecessor of the Devanagari letter क) and Old Turkic (Orkhon) \"d²\" and Old Hungarian \"b\", and Katakana ナ \"na\" and メ\"me\". The multiplication sign (×), often attributed to William Oughtred (who first used it in an appendix to the 1618 edition of John Napier's \"Descriptio\") apparently had been in occasional use since the mid 16th century. Other typographical symbols resembling crosses include the dagger or \"obelus\" (†), the Chinese (十, Kangxi radical 24) and Roman () ten. Unicode has a variety of",
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"title": "Crossword",
"text": "letter \"X\" might be clued as \"a cross\", or \"ten\" (as in the Roman numeral), or \"an illiterate's signature\", or \"sounds like your old flame\" (homophone for \"ex\"). \"Senselessness\" is solved by \"e\", because \"e\" is what remains after removing (less) \"ness\" from \"sense\". With the different types of wordplay and definition possibilities, the composer of a cryptic puzzle is presented with many different possible ways to clue a given answer. Most desirable are clues that are clean but deceptive, with a smooth \"surface reading\" (that is, the resulting clue looks as natural a phrase as possible). The Usenet newsgroup",
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"title": "Tau Cross",
"text": "is called the \"crux commissa\". This term was invented by Justus Lipsius (1547–1606), who used it to distinguish this T-shaped cross from the now more familiar †-shaped cross and the saltire X-shaped cross. Tau Cross The tau cross is a T-shaped cross all three ends of which are sometimes expanded. It is so called because shaped like the Greek letter tau, which in its upper-case form has the same appearance as Latin and English T. Another name for the same object is Saint Anthony's cross or Saint Anthony cross, a name given to it because of its association with Saint",
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"title": "Crossword",
"text": "these terms commonly became \"Across\" and \"Down\" and notations for clues could either use the words or the letters \"A\" and \"D\", with or without hyphens. Crossword A crossword is a word puzzle that usually takes the form of a square or a rectangular grid of white-and black-shaded squares. The game's goal is to fill the white squares with letters, forming words or phrases, by solving clues, which lead to the answers. In languages that are written left-to-right, the answer words and phrases are placed in the grid from left to right and from top to bottom. The shaded squares",
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"title": "Instrument of Jesus' crucifixion",
"text": "not, described the shape people at the time attributed to the device on which Jesus died: the comparisons it draws with Old Testament figures would have had no validity for its readers if they pictured Jesus as dying on a simple stake. Referring to what he saw as Old Testament intimations of Jesus and his cross, he likened the cross to the letter T (the Greek letter tau, which had the numeric value of 300), thus describing it as having a crossbeam. He also wrote, with regard to : \"The Spirit saith to the heart of Moses, that he should",
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"title": "Letter (alphabet)",
"text": "Letter (alphabet) A letter is a grapheme (written character) in an alphabetic system of writing. It is a visual representation of the smallest unit of spoken sound. Letters broadly correspond to phonemes in the spoken form of the language, although there is rarely a consistent, exact correspondence between letters and phonemes. Written signs in other writing systems are called syllabograms (which denote a syllable) or logograms (which indicate a word or phrase). The contemporary English-language alphabet, known as Roman style, consists of twenty-six letters. Each letter corresponds to one or more sounds, and the letters are combined in the order",
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"title": "Christogram",
"text": "term for abbreviations of the name of Christ is \"chrisimus\". Similarly, Middle Latin \"crismon\", \"chrismon\" refers to the Chi Rho monogram specifically. In antiquity, the cross, i.e. the instrument of Christ's crucifixion (\"crux\", \"stauros\") was taken to be T-shaped, while the X-shape (\"chiasmus\") had different connotations. There has been a lot of scholarly speculation on the development of the Christian cross, the letter Chi used to abbreviate the name of Christ, and the various pre-Christian symbolism associated with the chiasmus interpreted in terms of \"the mystery of the pre-existent Christ\". In Plato's \"Timaeus\", it is explained that the two bands",
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"title": "Crosswords DS",
"text": "to do the puzzle without the game showing if the letter is correct or not. A player can erase a letter or simply draw over it. The game will automatically move to the next tile after a correct letter, and will move either down or right, depending on which mode is toggled, across or down. Each puzzle also has a certain number of hint points that the player can used if stumped, but will also add a minute to the player's time. When a puzzle is completed the game will show the amount of time it took to complete, and",
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"score": "0.8496884",
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] | {
"title": "Typeface anatomy",
"long_answer": "A main vertical stroke is called a stem. The letter m has three, the left, middle, and right stems. The central stroke of an s is called the spine. When the stroke is part of a lowercase and rises above the height of an x (called the x height), it is called an ascender. Letters with ascenders are b d f h k l. A stroke which drops below the baseline is a descender. Letters with descenders are g j p q y. An arching stroke is called a shoulder as in the top of an R or sometimes just an arch, as in h n m. A closed curved stroke is called a bowl in b d o p q D O P Q ; B has two bowls. A trailing outstroke, as in j y J Q R is called a tail. The inferior diagonal stroke in K is called leg. A short horizontal stroke, as in the center of e f and the middle stroke of E F, is called a bar. When the strokes connect as in A and H or cross strokes as in t is also known as crossbar. A longer horizontal stroke at the top or bottom, as in E T, is called an arm. The bottom of the two-story g is called a loop; the very short stroke at the top is called the ear. i j each have a dot, jot, or tittle. Angles of strokes are called apices if at the top and vertices if at the bottom. w has one apex and two vertices; v has one vertex.",
"chunked_long_answer": "a tail. The inferior diagonal stroke in K is called leg. A short horizontal stroke, as in the center of e f and the middle stroke of E F, is called a bar. When the strokes connect as in A and H or cross strokes as in t is also known as crossbar. A longer horizontal stroke at the top or bottom, as in E T, is called an arm. The bottom of the two-story g is called a loop; the very short stroke at the top is called the ear. i j each have a dot, jot, or tittle.",
"short_answers": [
} |
who plays the evil doctor in wonder woman | [
"Elena Anaya",
"Spanish actress Elena Anaya"
] | [
"title": "Doctor Poison",
"text": "The original Princess Maru incarnation of the character made her cinematic debut in the 2017 film Wonder Woman, portrayed by Spanish actress Elena Anaya.",
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"title": "Wonder Woman (2017 film)",
"text": "offered a different role (as a villain) in \"Man of Steel\", which she declined because she was pregnant at the time; this allowed her to later be cast as Wonder Woman in the film's follow-up. Gadot signed a three-picture deal. She was paid a base salary of $300,000 for the film itself. Chris Pine was cast as Steve Trevor, a character he described as a \"rogue-ish, cynical realist who's seen the awful brutish nature of modern civilization\" and added that he is a \"worldly guy, a charming guy\". He signed a multi-picture deal. Lucy Davis' performance as Etta Candy is",
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"title": "Wonder Woman 1984",
"text": "with director Patty Jenkins confirming her casting the next month. By March 28, Pedro Pascal, who played Ed Indelicato in the pilot of the canceled 2011 \"Wonder Woman\" television adaptation, was cast in an undisclosed key role. On June 13, director Patty Jenkins confirmed the addition of Chris Pine as Steve Trevor through Twitter. On July 24, 2018, Natasha Rothwell was announced to be cast in an undisclosed role. A few days later, on July 27, Ravi Patel and Gabriella Wilde also joined the film, with their being roles kept under wraps as well. By late August, Connie Nielsen and",
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"title": "Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot)",
"text": "Thoms were cast as villain Veronica Cale and Diana's personal assistant Etta Candy, respectively. Pedro Pascal was cast as Ed Indelicato, Wonder Woman's liaison to the police department and Cary Elwes as Henry Detmer, who runs the day-to-day operations of Diana's company. Actor Justin Bruening was cast to play Steve Trevor. The plot is described as \"a reinvention of the iconic DC Comic in which Wonder Womanaka Diana Themyscirais a vigilante crime fighter in L.A., but also a successful corporate executive and a modern woman, trying to balance all of the elements of her extraordinary life.\" No clear reference is",
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"title": "Pedro Pascal",
"text": "film \"The Equalizer 2\", starring Denzel Washington. He will next have a leading role alongside Gal Gadot and Chris Pine in the DC Extended Universe film \"Wonder Woman 1984\", directed by Patty Jenkins. In November 2018, it was announced that Pascal had been cast to portray the title role in the upcoming first ever live-action Star Wars series, \"The Mandalorian\" which is slated to air on Disney+ in 2019. Pascal is fluent natively in Spanish. Pedro Pascal José Pedro Balmaceda Pascal (; born April 2, 1975), known professionally as Pedro Pascal, is a Chilean-American actor. He is best known for",
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"title": "David Thewlis",
"text": "2015, Thewlis starred as Inspector Goole in Helen Edmundson's BBC TV adaptation of J. B. Priestley's \"An Inspector Calls\". In October 2015, he played King Duncan in the film \"Macbeth\". Thewlis portrayed Ares in \"Wonder Woman\" (2017), the DC Comics film featuring the character of the same name. He briefly reprised his role as Ares in \"Justice League\" (2017). Thewlis directed \"Hello, Hello, Hello\" in 1995, for which he was nominated for a BAFTA Award for Best Short Film. He also wrote, directed and starred in the feature \"Cheeky\" (2003). Thewlis is also an author; his debut novel, \"The Late",
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"title": "Wonder Woman (2017 film)",
"text": "to Bruce Wayne thanking him for the photographic plate of her and Steve and continues to fight and give on the world's behalf. Additionally, Mayling Ng, Florence Kasumba, Madeleine Vall Beijner, Hayley Jane Warnes and Ann Wolfe portray Orana, Acantha, Egeria, Aella and Artemis, respectively, all of whom are Amazons. James Cosmo appears as Field Marshal Haig, Steffan Rhodri appears as Colonel Darnell, and Dutch supermodel Doutzen Kroes portrays the Amazon Venelia. Samantha Jo was cast as the Amazonian Euboea, and previously played the Kryptonian, Car-Vex, in \"Man of Steel\". Zack Snyder also makes a brief cameo appearance in the",
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"title": "Emily Carey",
"text": "Emily Carey Emily Carey (born 30 April 2003) is a British actress. She is perhaps best known for her role of Grace Beauchamp in BBC One's \"Casualty\", which she played from 2014 to 2017. Carey also played the young Diana Prince (Wonder Woman), portrayed by Gal Gadot as an adult, in the Warner Brothers movie \"Wonder Woman\" (2017). She appeared as a young Lara Croft in the \"Tomb Raider\" reboot film, released in March 2018. Other notable work includes Mary Conan Doyle in the series \"Houdini and Doyle\" on FOX/ITV, and West End Theatre roles in \"Shrek The Musical\" at",
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"title": "Wonder Woman (TV series)",
"text": "lead role. For the role of Steve Trevor, the producers chose Lyle Waggoner, despite his dark brown, almost-black, hair not matching the comic's blond Trevor, who at the time was better known as a comedic actor after several years co-starring in \"The Carol Burnett Show.\" He was also known to Ross as having been one of the leading candidates to play Batman a decade earlier, but instead Adam West was signed. Waggoner was also considered a sex symblol, having done a semi-nude pictorial in the first issue of \"Playgirl.\" Although the pilot followed the original comic book closely, in particular",
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"title": "Kyle MacLachlan",
"text": "2014. In 2011, he began playing his current role as the Mayor of Portland, Oregon, in the IFC comedy \"Portlandia\". After the end of the short-lived 2012 series \"Made in Jersey\" where he starred as lawyer Donovan Stark, he was cast as a guest star in \"The Good Wife\". In 2013 and 2014 he appeared as prosecutor Josh Perotti in four episodes of \"The Good Wife\". In 2014 and 2015 he appeared in a recurring role on \"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.\" television series as Calvin Zabo / The Doctor. In 2015, he voiced the main character's father in the Pixar",
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"title": "Doctor Poison",
"text": "scientific expertise, Doctor Poison is a trained soldier. Doctor Poison appears in the Wonder Woman sections of anthology series \"Wednesday Comics\". Doctor Poison is among several scientist-themed super-villains who band together to fight the Super Friends in the story \"Weird Science\" from the series \"DC Super Friends\". Doctor Poison Doctor Poison is the name of two fictional characters, supervillains who appear in DC Comics publications and related media. Both villains were members of the super-villain team Villainy Inc. and have appeared as major recurring enemies for Wonder Woman. The original Princess Maru () incarnation of the character made her cinematic",
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"title": "Luke Evans (actor)",
"text": "Jeremy Irons. In January 2015, Evans officially exited \"The Crow\" to pursue other projects. The same year, he was named one of \"GQ\"s 50 best dressed British men. In 2016, Evans appeared in the thriller film \"The Girl on the Train\", co-starring Emily Blunt. In 2017, he had the villainous role of Gaston in Disney's live action remake, \"Beauty and the Beast\", which co-stars Emma Watson; and also played the lead role, William Moulton Marston, the creator of Wonder Woman, in the film \"Professor Marston and the Wonder Women\". In 2018, Evans stars in TNT drama \"The Alienist\", as newspaper",
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"title": "Julian Richings",
"text": "for another Dora Award for his performance in \"The Palace of the End\". He confirmed, via an interview on the Canadian TV show \"InnerSPACE\", that he had a part in the 2013 new Superman film \"Man of Steel\". During the interview he was also asked about the campaign to see him become the next Doctor in \"Doctor Who\", one of his favorite childhood TV shows, and admitted to being flattered by the idea. In 2014, he starred in the Matt Wiele and Chad Archibald, directed Science-Fiction film \"Ejecta\". In 2015, he appeared in the Robert Eggers-directed horror film \"The Witch\"",
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"title": "Doctor Poison",
"text": "Virus, a poison that drives its victims to rage-induced murder. Ten years later, after Wonder Woman had discovered she had been living a lie for several years, Veronica Cale sent Doctor Poison to attack the Amazon. In the \"Watchmen\" sequel \"Doomsday Clock\", Doctor Poison is among the villains that attend an underground meeting held by Riddler that talks about the Superman Theory. Doctor Poison talks about a rumor that the Amazons forcefully took Wonder Woman back to Themyscira. Doctor Poison is an expert in the use of poisons, toxins, and plagues. In the DC Rebirth universe, in addition to her",
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"title": "Wonder Woman in other media",
"text": "was previously offered a different role (as a villain) in \"Man of Steel\", which she declined because she was pregnant at the time; this allowed her to later be cast as Wonder Woman in the film's follow-up. Gadot signed a three-picture deal. She was only paid a base salary of $300,000 for the movie itself. Gadot reprised the role in 2017's \"Wonder Woman\", the fourth installment in the DC Extended Universe and Wonder Woman's first theatrical solo film. The film is directed by Patty Jenkins, with a screenplay by Allan Heinberg, from a story by Heinberg, Zack Snyder, and Jason",
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"title": "Linda Harrison (actress)",
"text": "was supposed to engender interest in a Wonder Woman pilot and an eventual TV series. Harrison played a glamorous mirror image of Wonder Woman, which existed only in the imagination of the homely Diana Prince character, played by Ellie Wood Walker (Robert Walker Jr.'s wife). The \"Who's Afraid of Diana Prince?\" segment failed to engender any interest in a Wonder Woman pilot, although Lynda Carter had great success in the role eight years later. Harrison next appeared as Carl Reiner's blonde-wigged young inamorata \"Miss Stardust\" in \"A Guide for the Married Man\" (1967), a bedroom comedy about marital infidelity directed",
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"title": "Shannon Farnon",
"text": "Super Friends\" and the revival of \"Super Friends\". Farnon did voice several incidental characters, such as Lois Lane and Hawkgirl on some of the series and also played Kim Butler in \"Valley of the Dinosaurs\" in 1974, but mainly she did the voice of Wonder Woman. However, in 1984, her prominent character was recast in \"\", when the role was given to Constance Caufield and later to B.J. Ward. This case has often been given as an example of injustice in the television and animation industry. Mary McDonald-Lewis voiced Wonder Woman in an episode of \"Superman\". She voiced Wonder Woman",
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"title": "Gal Gadot",
"text": "Fisher. In 2017, Gadot starred in a solo film for her character, \"Wonder Woman\". She reprised the role in the ensemble film \"Justice League\", which was released in November 2017, and was her third DC Extended Universe instalment. In 2017 Gadot was also invited to become a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Emily Shire stated that Gadot's acting defies some of the stereotypes of women, especially as many Jewish women were portrayed on film as unattractive or the funny sidekick. Gadot provided the voice of Shank in the Walt Disney Animation Studios' film \"Ralph Breaks",
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"text": "up to me and say, 'You were great in \"Notting Hill\".' The public seem to think we are the same person.\" David Thewlis David Wheeler (born 20 March 1963), better known as David Thewlis, is an English actor, director, screenwriter, and author. He first rose to prominence for playing Johnny Fletcher in the film \"Naked\" (1993), for which he won the Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Actor. His most commercially successful roles to date have been of Remus Lupin in the \"Harry Potter\" film series and Sir Patrick Morgan/Ares in \"Wonder Woman\" (2017). Other notable film appearances include \"Dragonheart\"",
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"title": "Rhys Williams (Welsh-American actor)",
"text": "played the role of Dr. McKay in the acclaimed \"The Bells of St. Mary's\", starring Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman. He is recognisable to fans of the television series, \"Adventures of Superman\" as a sadistic character in an early episode called \"The Evil Three\" (1952). He made a guest appearance in 1958 as art collector Rufus Varner in the \"Perry Mason\" episode, \"The Case of the Purple Woman.\" His other television appearances were on such programmes as the religion anthology series, \"Crossroads\", The Rifleman, CBS's \"The DuPont Show with June Allyson\", \"Peter Gunn\", with Steve Allen in the 1960 episode",
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"title": "Doctor Poison",
"text": "of Villainy Inc. defeated her once again. After traveling to Transformation Island, Eviless tortured Wonder Woman until the reformed criminal Irene led a mutiny against Villainy Inc. In the ensuing chaos, Wonder Woman and Hippolyta broke free of their chains and managed to defeat Doctor Poison and her three companions. After the events of \"Crisis on Infinite Earths\", Doctor Poison was a founding member of Villainy Inc., but the team was created by Queen Clea instead of Eviless. As part of Villainy Inc., Doctor Poison battled Hippolyta, the first Wonder Woman, in the 1940s. It was later revealed by her",
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"title": "Cathy Lee Crosby",
"text": "her first TV appearance was as Susan in the episode 'The Lay of the Land' in the first season of \"It Takes a Thief\" (1968). Her first movie role was as Kay Butler in the 20th Century Fox crime drama \"The Laughing Policeman\" (1973) starring Walter Matthau, Bruce Dern, and Louis Gossett, Jr. In 1974, she starred as the title character in the television film \"Wonder Woman\", a year before Lynda Carter would popularize the role in the weekly series \"Wonder Woman\". Crosby starred in the movie \"Trackdown\" (1976) with James Mitchum, and in \"Coach\" (1978) with Michael Biehn, in",
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"title": "Doctor Psycho",
"text": "mental labyrinth and defeats Doctor Psycho and his illusions, returning him to the mental institution. Doctor Psycho appears as a primary antagonist in the second volume of \"\" by writer Grant Morrison and artist Yanick Paquette. This version of the character is Dr. Leon Zeiko, a pick-up artist who manipulates Wonder Woman. Doctor Psycho Doctor Psycho is a fictional character appearing in DC Comics publications and related media. Traditionally presented as an adversary of Wonder Woman, he was first introduced to comics readers in the 1940s by Wonder Woman creator William Moulton Marston. He has since undergone several minor updates",
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"title": "Wonder Woman (TV series)",
"text": "reprising her role by voicing the character; along with an animated adaptation of the comic series \"Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles\". Wonder Woman (TV series) Wonder Woman, known for seasons 2 and 3 as The New Adventures of Wonder Woman, is an American television series based on the DC Comics comic book superhero of the same name. The show stars Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman/Diana Prince and Lyle Waggoner as Steve Trevor Sr. & Jr. It originally aired for three seasons from 1975 to 1979. The show's first season aired on ABC and is set in the 1940s during World War",
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"title": "Wonder Woman",
"text": "Grant Morrison stated \"I sat down and I thought, 'I don't want to do this warrior woman thing.' I can understand why they're doing it, I get all that, but that's not what [Wonder Woman creator] William Marston wanted, that's not what he wanted at all! His original concept for Wonder Woman was an answer to comics that he thought were filled with images of blood-curdling masculinity, and you see the latest shots of Gal Gadot in the costume, and it's all sword and shield and her snarling at the camera. Marston's Diana was a doctor, a healer, a scientist.\"",
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"title": "DC Extended Universe",
"text": "Amazon warrior who also is the demigoddess daughter of the god Zeus, uses her talents and abilities in order to help humanity during World War I. Israeli actress and model Gal Gadot was cast as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman in December 2013 and signed a three-picture deal which included a solo film. In October 2014, \"Wonder Woman\" was announced by Warner Bros. In November, Michelle MacLaren was confirmed to direct the film from a screenplay by Jason Fuchs. In April 2015, MacLaren left the project due to creative differences. Later that month, Patty Jenkins was announced as the new director of",
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"title": "Doctor Cyber",
"text": "in the story \"Weird Science\" from the series \"DC Super Friends\". Gloria Marquez (Jessica Walter), an enemy from the Wonder Woman TV series, is revealed to be Doctor Cyber in the comic book series \"Wonder Woman '77 Meets The Bionic Woman. Doctor Cyber first appears in the \"Justice League Unlimited\" episode \"I Am Legion.\" She is seen as a member of Gorilla Grodd's Secret Society. In \"Dead Reckoning,\" she partakes in the invasion of Gorilla City. In \"Far From Home,\" a Z8 Training Drone appears as Doctor Cyber. During the mutiny against Lex Luthor and his group in \"Alive,\" Doctor",
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"title": "James Marsters",
"text": "that year, Marsters appeared on the television series \"Smallville\" playing Dr. Milton Fine—the popular \"Superman\" villain Brainiac—in eight episodes throughout the show's fifth season. He reprised his role as Brainiac in a four-episode arc in the seventh season, and did a cameo voice-over in season eight. He returned for one episode in the show's final season. On October 29, 2005, Marsters presented two performances of his own abridged adaptation of Shakespeare's \"Macbeth\" with American actress Cheryl Puente as Lady Macbeth, followed by question and answer sessions with the audience and acoustic concerts in London. In September 2006, Marsters' interpretation of",
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"title": "Wonder Woman in other media",
"text": "Woman about being called \"Super Friends.\" Wonder Woman appears in one of the \"DC Nation Shorts\" on Cartoon Network, voiced by Susan Eisenberg. Wonder Woman appears in the animated television special \"Lego Batman: Be-Leaguered\", voiced by Grey DeLisle (reprising the role from \"JLA Adventures: Trapped in Time\"). Wonder Woman appears as one of the three lead characters in \"Justice League Action\", voiced by former \"The Young and the Restless\" co-star Rachel Kimsey. This incarnation has started dating Superman in the episode \"Repulse\" but the two decide to keep it secret from the other members of the Justice League. Music about",
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"title": "Who Is Wonder Woman?",
"text": "his new partner: Agent Diana Prince (Diana in her new secret identity). The next morning, Diana Prince goes to the museum for any clues. There, she meets Robin (Tim Drake) and her protégé Cassie Sandsmark of the Teen Titans. Cassie is angry at Diana for leaving her, even after she was in depression after Connor Kent's death. Having no answer as to why she had left her, Cassie takes off to fight the villains who have appeared again. With her friends and the Department in need of help, Diana goes into an alley and decides to become Wonder Woman for",
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] | {
"title": "Doctor Poison",
"long_answer": "The original Princess Maru incarnation of the character made her cinematic debut in the 2017 film Wonder Woman, portrayed by Spanish actress Elena Anaya.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The original Princess Maru incarnation of the character made her cinematic debut in the 2017 film Wonder Woman, portrayed by Spanish actress Elena Anaya.",
"short_answers": [
"Elena Anaya",
"Spanish actress Elena Anaya"
} |
who starred in the movie summer of 42 | [
"Oliver Conant",
"Christopher Norris",
"Gary Grimes",
"Katherine Allentuck",
"Jennifer O'Neill",
"Jerry Houser",
"Robert Mulligan",
"Maureen Stapleton"
] | [
"title": "Summer of '42",
"text": "The film was directed by Robert Mulligan, and starred Gary Grimes as Hermie, Jerry Houser as his best friend Oscy, Oliver Conant as their nerdy young friend Benjie, Jennifer O'Neill as Hermie's mysterious love interest, and Katherine Allentuck and Christopher Norris as a pair of girls whom Hermie and Oscy attempt to seduce. Mulligan also has an uncredited role as the voice of the adult Hermie. Maureen Stapleton (Allentuck's real-life mother) also appears in a small, uncredited voice role (calling after Hermie as he leaves the house in an early scene, and after he enters his room in a later scene).",
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"title": "Summer of '42 (book)",
"text": "Summer of '42 (book) Summer of '42 is a novel written by Herman Raucher, based upon his screenplay and personal experience. In 2002 TCPalms interview, Herman Raucher mentions that the 1971 film with the same title gave birth to the book \"Summer of '42.\" Raucher wrote the screenplay for the 1971 film version. The 1971 movie was written first. When the film was in post-production, someone told him to write the book about \"Summer of '42\" to help publicize the picture. So Raucher wrote the book in about three or four weeks. The book became a bestseller prior to the",
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"id": "16781544",
"score": "1.1219888",
"original_retrieval_index": 2
"title": "Summer of '42 (book)",
"text": "what Dorothy was doing after getting relief from the ice cubes in the coffee, he saw her sitting opposite to him and she was already eating one of the doughnuts and she was talking about her old 1934 stove. Summer of '42 (book) Summer of '42 is a novel written by Herman Raucher, based upon his screenplay and personal experience. In 2002 TCPalms interview, Herman Raucher mentions that the 1971 film with the same title gave birth to the book \"Summer of '42.\" Raucher wrote the screenplay for the 1971 film version. The 1971 movie was written first. When the",
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"title": "Summer of '42",
"text": "encountered Dorothy again and married her. As of 2017, this project – which O'Neill had hoped to produce with Lifetime television – has not been realized, and it is unknown whether O'Neill is still attempting to get it produced, or if Raucher consented to its production. Summer of '42 Summer of '42 is a 1971 American coming-of-age comedy-drama film based on the memoirs of screenwriter Herman Raucher (b. 1928). It tells the story of how Raucher, in his early teens on his 1942 summer vacation on Nantucket Island (off the coast of Cape Cod), embarks on a one-sided romance with",
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"title": "Summer of '42",
"text": "episode of the 1970s sitcom \"Happy Days\" was loosely based upon \"Summer of '42\", with Richie Cunningham befriending a Korean War widow. In Stanley Kubrick's 1980 film \"The Shining\", Wendy (Shelley Duvall) is shown watching \"Summer of '42\" on a television. The film's title formed the basis of a Season 7 episode of \"The Simpsons\", \"Summer of 4 Ft. 2\". In the years since the film's release, Warner Bros. has attempted to buy back Raucher's ten percent of the film as well as his rights to the story so it could be remade; Raucher has consistently declined. The 1988 film",
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"title": "Robert Mulligan",
"text": "over $20 million, and Mulligan was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Director. \"Summer of '42\" was followed by \"The Other\" (1972), a thriller film scripted by former Hollywood actor Thomas Tryon from his own book. It told the story of two 9-year old boys, Niles and Holland Perry (played by real-life twins Chris and Marty Udvarnoky), who get involved in a series of grisly murders at their home on Peaquot Landing in the 1930s. Although the film was not an immediate success at the box office, it has since gone on to gain a steady cult following.",
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"title": "42 (film)",
"text": "42 (film) 42 is a 2013 American biographical sports film written and directed by Brian Helgeland about the racial integration of American professional baseball by player Jackie Robinson, who wore jersey number 42 through his Major League career. The film stars Chadwick Boseman as Robinson, and Harrison Ford as Branch Rickey, with Alan Tudyk, Nicole Beharie, Christopher Meloni, André Holland, Lucas Black, Hamish Linklater, and Ryan Merriman appearing in supporting roles. The film received generally positive reviews and grossed over $97 million on a $40 million budget. \"42\" was released in North America on April 12, 2013. In 1945, after",
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"title": "Summer of '42 (book)",
"text": "film's release, so the film was publicized as \"from Herman Raucher's national best seller.\" Both the film and this book are based on the real incidents that happened during the summer of 1942 in Raucher's life. Raucher's novelization of the screenplay, with the dedication, \"To those I love, past and present,\" serves more as the tribute to his friend Oscar Seltzer that he had intended the film to be, with the focus of the book being more on the two boys' relationship than Raucher's relationship with Dorothy. The book also mentions Seltzer's death, which is absent from the film adaptation.",
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"title": "Summer of '42",
"text": "for featuring a young, slim John Candy briefly appearing in his first film role. The film met with poor critical reviews; the only three reviews available at Rotten Tomatoes are resoundingly negative, with Channel 4 calling it \"a big disappointment,\" and \"The New York Times\" stating \"The only things worth attention in 'Class of '44 are the period details,\" and \"'Class of '44' seems less like a movie than 95 minutes of animated wallpaper.\" The film's soundtrack consists almost entirely of compositions by Michel Legrand, many of which are variants upon \"The Summer Knows\", the film's theme. Lyrics are by",
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"title": "Summer of '42",
"text": "country, at venues such as Kalliope Stage in Cleveland Heights, Ohio in 2004 (directed by Paul Gurgol) and Mill Mountain Theatre in Roanoke, Virginia, (directed by Jere Hodgin and choreographed by Bernard Monroe), and was subsequently recorded as a concert by the York Theatre Company in 2006. In 2002, O'Neill claimed to have obtained the rights to make a sequel to \"Summer of '42\", based on a short story she wrote, which took place in an alternate reality where Herman Raucher had a son and divorced his wife, went back to Nantucket in 1962 with a still-living Oscar Seltzer, and",
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"original_retrieval_index": 17
"title": "Michael Dolan",
"text": "Michael Dolan Michael Dolan (born June 21, 1965, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) is an American theatre and film actor, director and educator. Michael Dolan's interest in cinema started at the age of 10, when he filmed a remake of \"Summer of '42\" (1971), entitled \"Summer of '76\". He dropped out of high school when he was 17 and moved to New York to become an actor. His professional career commenced in 1985, at age 20, with an off-broadway stage debut in the Albert Innaurato play \"Coming of Age in Soho\" and a pair of TV appearances. This was followed in 1987",
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"title": "42 (film)",
"text": "film about a most extraordinary man.\" Lisa Kennedy, of the \"Denver Post\", lauded the film, saying \"This story inspires and entertains with a vital chapter in this nation's history.\" Conversely, Peter Rainer, of \"The Christian Science Monitor\", criticized the film as \"TV-movie-of-the-week dull and Robinson's ordeal is hammered home to the exclusion of virtually everything else in his life.\" The film's actors were generally praised, with Owen Gleiberman saying of Ford, \"He gives an ingeniously stylized cartoon performance, his eyes atwinkle, his mouth a rubbery grin, his voice all wily Southern music, though with that growl of Fordian anger just",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "16613376",
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"original_retrieval_index": 19
"title": "Herman Raucher",
"text": "Herman Raucher Herman Raucher (born April 13, 1928) is an American author and screenwriter. He is best known for writing the autobiographical screenplay and novel \"Summer of '42\", which became one of the highest-grossing films and one of the best selling novels of the 1970s, respectively. He began his writing career during the Golden Age of Television, when he moonlighted as a scriptwriter while working for a Madison Avenue advertising agency. He effectively retired from writing in the 1980s after a number of projects failed to come to fruition, though his books remain in print and a remake of one",
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"score": "0.9709849",
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"title": "Summer of '42 (book)",
"text": "Both in the film and in the book, Dorothy helps Hermie by providing ice when Hermie's tongue gets hurt by the hot coffee. Unlike Dorothy in the book, Dorothy in the film repeatedly apologizes to Hermie for the coffee being too hot and makes sure that he is doing fine. In the film, Dorothy moves on to her work and also to a conversation \"only\" after she makes sure that Hermie's tongue is feeling better. But in the book, there is no indication of an apology from Dorothy. In the book, when Hermie was \"able\" to look up to see",
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"title": "Summer of '42 (book)",
"text": "There are differences between the real life incident that happened during the night and the incident in the film. The book stayed faithful to the real incident that happened during that night. In 2002 TCPalms Interview, Raucher pointed out that the real Dorothy was drinking heavily when he visited Dorothy during night time. This is implied in the book. But in the film, it is only implied that Dorothy \"may\" have been drinking. But when Dorothy appears to Hermie in the film, visually there is no indication of her being drunk at all. In the film, Dorothy is completely aware",
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"title": "Jeremy (film)",
"text": "hit films \"Love Story\" and \"Summer of '42\", which had similar subject matter about young people coming of age through falling in love. Roger Greenspun called it \"true and moving\" despite \"indulging almost every cliche available to young love in Manhattan.\" Gene Siskel praised the \"honesty and candor\" of Benson and O'Connor's performances, saying that their characters' \"sincerity is believable\". \"Variety\" wrote that director Barron \"handle[d] this slight but glowing pic with insight\" and that the final scenes were \"executed touchingly.\" Some controversy was caused by the nude sex scene between Benson and O'Connor, who were both 16 years old",
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"title": "42 (film)",
"text": "in there. ... I love the movie. I'm pleased with it. It's authentic and it's also very powerful.\" The film earned $27.3 million for its opening weekend, the best premiere for a baseball-themed film in Hollywood history. Only released in the US and Canada, the film went on to gross a total of $95,020,213. \"42\" was released on DVD and Blu-ray on July 16, 2013 in the United States and on February 3, 2014 in the U.K. Robinson and Rachel Isum became engaged in 1943, while he was still in the United States Army and before he began his professional",
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"title": "Scary Movie",
"text": "Hailstorm's character, which resembles that of Gale Weathers, and Doofy Gilmore, of Deputy Dewey Riley. Buffy Gilmore is a play on the character of Helen Shivers in \"I Know What You Did Last Summer\", portrayed by Sarah Michelle Gellar, and her name is a reference to Gellar's role as Buffy Summers in the hit TV series \"Buffy the Vampire Slayer\". Greg Phillipe is referential to Ryan Phillipe, who plays Gellar's boyfriend in \"I Know What You Did Last Summer\"; likewise, Bobby Prinze is in reference to Freddie Prinze Jr., who also starred opposite Jennifer Love Hewitt in the film. Cindy",
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"title": "Summer of '42",
"text": "a charting hit with his 1971 version), Biddu, Tony Bennett, Frank Sinatra, Sarah Vaughan, Andy Williams, Jonny Fair, Scott Walker, Jackie Evancho, Oscar Peterson, Bill Evans, Toots Thielemans, George Benson and Barbra Streisand. The 1973 song \"Summer (The First Time)\" by Bobby Goldsboro has almost exactly the same subject and apparent setting, although there is no direct credited link. Bryan Adams has, however, credited the film as being a partial inspiration for his 1985 hit \"Summer of '69\". Garth Brooks' 1993 hit \"That Summer\" features a similar story of a coming-of-age male in a romance with an older female. An",
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"title": "Summer of My German Soldier (film)",
"text": "Summer of My German Soldier (film) Summer of My German Soldier is a 1978 American made-for-television war drama romance film based on the novel of the same name written by Bette Greene. It stars Kristy McNichol as a Jewish-American girl and Bruce Davison as the German prisoner of war whom she befriends. Twelve-year-old Patty Bergen lives in the small American town of Jenkinsville, Georgia, during World War II. Patty's family owns the local clothing and general supplies store, in which Patty occasionally works. Patty's abusive father and uncaring mother have little time for her, instead favoring her younger sister Sharon.",
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"title": "Now, Voyager",
"text": "top love stories in American cinema. Film critic Steven Jay Schneider suggests the film continues to be popular due not only to its star power but also the \"emotional crescendos\" engendered in the storyline. The film had a cameo appearance during the theatre scene in the movie \"Summer of '42\". Drab Charlotte Vale is an unattractive, overweight, repressed spinster whose life is brutally dominated by her tyrannical mother, an aristocratic Boston dowager whose verbal and emotional abuse of her daughter has contributed to the woman's complete lack of self-confidence. It is revealed that Mrs. Vale had already brought up three",
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"title": "Hope Summers",
"text": "Hope Summers Sarah Hope Summers (June 7, 1902 – July 22, 1979), better known as Hope Summers, was an American character actress known for her work on CBS's \"The Andy Griffith Show\" and \"Mayberry RFD\", portraying Clara Edwards. Hope Summers was born in Mattoon, Illinois, the daughter of U.S. Representative John W. Summers and Jennie (née Burks). She was reared in Illinois and later in Walla Walla, Washington. She graduated from Northwestern School of Speech at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois and taught speech and diction there. From here, she became the head of the Speech Department at Bradley University",
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"title": "42 (film)",
"text": "beneath it.\" \"The Hollywood Reporter\" commented that Boseman \"has the necessary appeal, proves convincing as an athlete and is expressive in spite of the fact that the man he's playing must mostly keep his true feelings bottled up.\" Jackie Robinson's widow, Rachel Robinson, was involved in the production of the film and has praised the end result, saying, \"It was important to me because I wanted it to be an authentic piece. I wanted to get it right. I didn't want them to make him an angry black man or some stereotype, so it was important for me to be",
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"title": "Summer of '42",
"text": "Marilyn and Alan Bergman. Because the complete score runs just under 17 minutes, only the first and eighth tracks on the album are from \"Summer of '42\"; the rest of the music is taken from Legrand's score for 1969's \"The Picasso Summer\". Main theme \"\"Summer of '42\"\" won a Grammy Award at 14th edition held in 1972 for ¨\"Best Instrumental Composition\". In addition to Legrand's scoring, the film also features the song \"Hold Tight\" by The Andrews Sisters and the theme from \"Now, Voyager\". On the Billboard 200, it debuted on 9/11/1971 and peaked at #52 on 11/20/1971. In 2014",
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"title": "Movie 43",
"text": "Movie 43 Movie 43 is a 2013 American anthology comedy film co-directed and produced by Peter Farrelly, and written by Rocky Russo and Jeremy Sosenko among others. The film features fourteen different storylines, each one by a different director, including Elizabeth Banks, Steven Brill, Steve Carr, Rusty Cundieff, James Duffy, Griffin Dunne, Patrik Forsberg, James Gunn, Bob Odenkirk, Brett Ratner, Will Graham, and Jonathan van Tulleken. It stars an ensemble cast that is led by Elizabeth Banks, Kristen Bell, Halle Berry, Gerard Butler, Leslie Bibb, Kate Bosworth, Josh Duhamel, Anna Faris, Richard Gere, Terrence Howard, Hugh Jackman, Johnny Knoxville, Justin",
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"title": "Hope Summers",
"text": "Polanski's film classic \"Rosemary's Baby\" (1968). She acted until 1978, a year before her death from congestive heart failure in 1979, aged 77, in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California. She is interred at Mountain View Cemetery in Walla Walla, Washington in the Masonic Section. Hope Summers Sarah Hope Summers (June 7, 1902 – July 22, 1979), better known as Hope Summers, was an American character actress known for her work on CBS's \"The Andy Griffith Show\" and \"Mayberry RFD\", portraying Clara Edwards. Hope Summers was born in Mattoon, Illinois, the daughter of U.S. Representative John W. Summers and Jennie (née",
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"title": "Summer of '42 (book)",
"text": "is no indication in the film that Dorothy is imagining Hermie as her husband Pete. In the book, it is only mentioned that Dorothy talked about private things that Hermie was not familiar with. Unlike the film, the book shows that the tears come out of Hermie's eyes while the music \"That Old Feeling\" is playing. For the film, Raucher admitted about moving the order of certain events around and interchanging some dialogue. There are several differences between Dorothy in the book and Dorothy in the film. One of several changes is where Hermie's tongue gets hurt by the coffee.",
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"title": "Summer Bishil",
"text": "starring Harrison Ford, Ray Liotta and Ashley Judd, a portrayal that received some favorable notice from \"Associated Press\"s Jay Reiner. She was chosen to portray Azula in M. Night Shyamalan's 2010 film \"The Last Airbender\", and was planned to be the focus of the planned but never-produced sequel. In 2013 Bishil was cast as Samira one of the lead roles on the short-lived ABC drama \"Lucky 7\". In late 2014 Bishil was cast in the role of Margo Hanson in the Syfy drama series \"The Magicians\"; currently in its third season (in 2018). Summer Bishil Summer Yasmine Bishil (born July",
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"title": "Summer of Blood",
"text": "Summer of Blood Summer of Blood is a 2014 horror comedy vampire film written, edited, and directed by Onur Tukel. The film stars Tukel, Anna Margaret Hollyman, Dakota Goldhor, Jason Selvig, and Dustin Guy Defa. During an evening date, Eric Sparrow (Onur Tukel) crassly refuses a marriage proposal by his long suffering girlfriend Jody (Anna Margaret Hollyman). On the tense walk home, they run into Jody's college flame Jason (Jason Selvig), for whom Jody promptly ditches Eric. Now alone, Eric stumbles upon a man bleeding of a neck wound in an alley. Despite the man's pleas for help, Eric tactlessly",
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"title": "Laura Summer",
"text": "Laura Summer Laura Z. Summer (born November 5, 1965 in New York City, New York) is an American actress, voice actress, and producer. Summer's career began in New York City theater, when she was cast in a production of Antony and Cleopatra, directed by Estelle Parsons. Including voice-over work, she has appeared in over 100 commercials. In the 1980s, she was cast as the trainee for Inspector 12, in the Hanes underwear campaign, known for coining the phrase, \"They don't say Hanes until I say they say Hanes\". Her voice acting work includes \"The Real Ghostbusters\" as Janine Melnitz, \"Hello",
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] | {
"title": "Summer of '42",
"long_answer": "The film was directed by Robert Mulligan, and starred Gary Grimes as Hermie, Jerry Houser as his best friend Oscy, Oliver Conant as their nerdy young friend Benjie, Jennifer O'Neill as Hermie's mysterious love interest, and Katherine Allentuck and Christopher Norris as a pair of girls whom Hermie and Oscy attempt to seduce. Mulligan also has an uncredited role as the voice of the adult Hermie. Maureen Stapleton (Allentuck's real-life mother) also appears in a small, uncredited voice role (calling after Hermie as he leaves the house in an early scene, and after he enters his room in a later scene).",
"chunked_long_answer": "The film was directed by Robert Mulligan, and starred Gary Grimes as Hermie, Jerry Houser as his best friend Oscy, Oliver Conant as their nerdy young friend Benjie, Jennifer O'Neill as Hermie's mysterious love interest, and Katherine Allentuck and Christopher Norris as a pair of girls whom Hermie and Oscy attempt to seduce. Mulligan also has an uncredited role as the voice of the adult Hermie. Maureen Stapleton (Allentuck's real-life mother) also appears in a small, uncredited voice role (calling after Hermie as he leaves the house in an early scene, and after he enters his room in a later scene).",
"short_answers": [
"Christopher Norris",
"Gary Grimes",
"Jennifer O'Neill",
"Jerry Houser",
"Katherine Allentuck",
"Maureen Stapleton",
"Oliver Conant"
} |
what album is sacrifice by elton john on | [
"Sleeping with the Past.",
"Sleeping with the Past"
] | [
"title": "Sacrifice (song)",
"text": "\"Sacrifice\" is a ballad performed by musician Elton John. The lyrics are by Bernie Taupin and the music by John. The song appears on the 1989 album Sleeping with the Past. It was first released in October 1989, then in 1990, and was the second single from the album. It achieved success, particularly in France and the UK, where it became his first solo chart-topper, spending five weeks at the top.",
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"title": "Sacrifice (song)",
"text": "55 in the UK and at number 18 in the US in March 1990. In mid-1990 English DJ Steve Wright began playing the song on BBC Radio 1, soon followed by many more radio DJs. The song was then re-released as a double A-side single, along with \"Healing Hands\", and reached number one in the UK in June 1990. Thus, it became John's first solo number-one single in the UK Singles Chart, remaining on the top spot for five weeks. With this re-release, Elton John also got his first number one in France and stayed on the chart for 26",
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"title": "Sleeping with the Past",
"text": "upper register would become few and far between. Wynonna Judd recorded a contemporary country music cover version of \"Stones Throw from Hurtin'\" which was featured in the 1992 film \"Leap of Faith\" starring Steve Martin. Sinéad O'Connor recorded a cover version of \"Sacrifice\" for the 1991 \"\" tribute album. This was John's first album since \"Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy\" with John and Taupin writing every song on the album without additional writing credits from others. All tracks written by Elton John and Bernie Taupin. Side one Side two The version of \"Durban Deep\" on the 1998 remaster",
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"title": "The Very Best of Elton John",
"text": "the double A-sided \"Sacrifice/Healing Hands\" single, which was the third best-selling single of 1990 in the United Kingdom, the album became an instant smash in that country. It spent its first two weeks at #1 and then nine strong weeks at #2. It was kept from the top during all nine weeks by Madonna's \"Immaculate Collection\". In all the album spent 145 weeks inside the UK top 200 album chart, making a total of 11 re-entries, and it was certified 9× Platinum by the BPI on 1 March 1995. It includes a total of 28 hit singles plus the new",
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"title": "Sacrifice (Gary Numan album)",
"text": "version had a somewhat different selection of bonus tracks as well as altered artwork. All tracks written by Gary Numan. Sacrifice (Gary Numan album) Sacrifice is the twelfth solo studio album by English musician Gary Numan, released in October 1994 by Numa Records. Its release followed a self-acknowledged career low point, \"Machine + Soul\" (1992), and is often cited as marking the start of a critical and artistic rejuvenation for the one-time pop star. The album was released in the US in 1997 with a different cover by Joseph Michael Linsner, and a new title, Dawn, based on the comic",
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"original_retrieval_index": 5
"title": "Sacrifice (song)",
"text": "by the Aretha Franklin song \"Do Right Woman, Do Right Man\" and described as a Percy Sledge song by Elton John. The song is beloved by both John and Bernie Taupin and deemed a bookend of sorts to their first hit \"Your Song\". Taupin has said he is surprised he wrote it, and said in an interview, \"I think 'Sacrifice' is one of the best songs we've written.\" The song is not a typical love song, but rather a song about a breakup of a marriage where the loss of the relationship is \"no sacrifice\". Although the single was successful,",
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"id": "8529028",
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"title": "Healing Hands (Elton John song)",
"text": "three singles released from the album, with the follow-ups being \"Sacrifice\" and \"Club at the End of the Street\". \"Healing Hands\" did moderately well as a single in the United States, climbing to #13 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and reaching #1 on the Adult Contemporary chart on the week of 21 October 1989 (dislodging Madonna's \"Cherish\" from the #1 position). The song failed to make the UK Top 40 on its initial release, as did the follow-up, \"Sacrifice\". However, after Steve Wright of BBC Radio One added \"Sacrifice\" to his station's playlist, \"Sacrifice\" was re-released in the UK as",
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"id": "9863810",
"score": "1.0325204",
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"title": "Two Rooms: Celebrating the Songs of Elton John & Bernie Taupin",
"text": "Two Rooms: Celebrating the Songs of Elton John & Bernie Taupin Two Rooms: Celebrating the Songs of Elton John & Bernie Taupin is a 1991 tribute album consisting of interpretations of sixteen songs written by Elton John and Bernie Taupin. The title refers to a song on John's album \"21 at 33\", \"Two Rooms at the End of the World\", and to the duo's unusual collaborative style; it is also the title of a 1991 film documenting their collaboration. The album gained an uneven reception, though some performances were singled out for praise, including Sinéad O'Connor's interpretation of \"Sacrifice\" and",
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"title": "Sacrifice (Gary Numan album)",
"text": "Sacrifice (Gary Numan album) Sacrifice is the twelfth solo studio album by English musician Gary Numan, released in October 1994 by Numa Records. Its release followed a self-acknowledged career low point, \"Machine + Soul\" (1992), and is often cited as marking the start of a critical and artistic rejuvenation for the one-time pop star. The album was released in the US in 1997 with a different cover by Joseph Michael Linsner, and a new title, Dawn, based on the comic book character of the same name, but the track listing was identical. On \"Sacrifice\", paraphernalia which Numan had previously, by",
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"title": "Sacrifice (band)",
"text": "a compilation, \"198666\", and it has the three demo's and live track's from early years. In 2008, they entered Rouge Valley Studio in Toronto to record the album \"The Ones I Condemn\", released in 2009 by Marquee Records from Brazil. In late 2010 Sacrifice teamed up with punk rock band Propagandhi to release a 7-inch single where both bands perform cover tunes. Propagandi covered Corrosion of Conformity's hardcore/metal crossover \"Technocracy\" and Sacrifice covered Rush's \"Anthem\". The cover of \"Anthem\" was included as a bonus track on the Canadian issue of \"The Ones I Condemn\". On April 29, 2011 Sacrifice finally",
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"id": "15498370",
"score": "1.0047163",
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"title": "Sacrifice (song)",
"text": "relationship after being married and raising a daughter. After they go their separate ways, the man raises his daughter alone. The video was directed by Alek Keshishian and it had Yasmeen Ghauri and Chris Isaak in it. The version used in the promo video is slightly sped up compared to the album version. The result is a higher pitched vocal and shorter length time. The video was filmed in Los Angeles in 1989, and was the second video made after Elton rejected a version from Ken Russell. Sacrifice was initially released as a single in 1989, but stalled at number",
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"title": "Twila Paris",
"text": "Communications, EMI switched her to Sparrow Records in 1996, before her contract ended after 2003. In 2005, she switched to the praise and worship label Integrity Music for \"He Is Exalted: Live Worship\". Paris released \"Small Sacrifice\" on December 26, 2007, which was available only through her Web site and at Lifeway Christian Stores. This album married the two parts of her career by including both inspirational pop/adult contemporary songs and original praise and worship compositions. Her first radio single from \"Small Sacrifice\" was \"Live to Praise\". \"Small Sacrifice\" was released for wider distribution by Koch Records on February 24,",
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"score": "0.97585934",
"original_retrieval_index": 16
"title": "Sacrifice (Gary Numan album)",
"text": "re-releases in 1998 and 1999. A number of tracks displayed an antipathy towards religion, a stance that had been noted in isolated songs from early in Numan’s career but which became more pronounced on this album and its successors, \"Exile\" (1997) and \"Pure\" (2000). The single released from the album, \"A Question of Faith\", appeared to cast the singer as a fallen angel (\"I dare you to judge me / Now God has disowned me\"), a theme that would dominate \"Exile\", before concluding: \"They kneel down / Praise God / Shout Hallelujah ... When children kill children / Don’t it",
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"title": "Sacrifice (Gary Numan album)",
"text": "with, amongst others, previous Machine + Soul producer Kipper but Numan wasn't quite happy with the direction, and it was whilst he was considering signing to another label that they suggested he record vocals to a recently released soundtrack for The Radial Pair. Numan did not sign on to the label but instead adopted these tracks along with others which eventually became \"Sacrifice\" after hearing Depeche Mode album \"Songs of Faith and Devotion\" and decided this was the musical direction he wanted to take. \"Play Like God\" and the demo \"Metal Beat\" were dropped from the album, appearing on later",
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"title": "Sacrifice (Gary Numan album)",
"text": "with the beginnings of a critical reassessment of his career and acknowledgment of his influence on such artists as Nine Inch Nails, Foo Fighters, Marilyn Manson, The Magnetic Fields, The Prodigy and Afrika Bambaataa. An 'Extended' version of \"Sacrifice\", approximately twice as long again as the original, was released in 1995. The same year, most of the tracks appeared on \"Dark Light\", Numan’s live recording from the \"Sacrifice\" tour. In 1999 the album was reissued with bonus tracks in the UK (Eagle Records) and US (Cleopatra Records). As with other reissues of albums originally released on Numa Records, the US",
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"title": "Sacrifice (band)",
"text": "a new album. Sacrifice (band) Sacrifice is a Canadian thrash metal band from Toronto, Ontario. The band was formed by guitarists Rob Urbinati and Joe Rico in 1983. Sacrifice played a prominent role in the 1980s scene in Toronto, and along with Voivod, Razor and Annihilator, they are considered one of the \"Big 4\" of Canadian thrash metal. The band released four studio albums before parting ways in 1993. After coming back together to play a reunion concert in 2006, they released their fifth studio album \"The Ones I Condemn\" on Brazilian label Marquee Records in 2009. Although the band",
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"title": "Silverstein (band)",
"text": "\"A Shipwreck in the Sand\"\". On December 3, 2010, the band posted the first single, Sacrifice, off of the new EP. On February 4, 2011, the band played a free show in Toronto, with Robby Starbuck filming the entire performance for a music video for a song on the upcoming album titled 'The Artist'. A guest vocalist was also present for the filming, who was later revealed to be Brendan Murphy from Counterparts. It was also revealed in response to a question on the band's Formspring that he will feature in the yet to be released studio version of the",
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"title": "Diamonds (Elton John album)",
"text": "Diamonds (Elton John album) Diamonds is a greatest hits album by British singer-songwriter Elton John spanning his biggest hits from 1970 to 2016. The album was released on 10 November 2017. It was released in a 2-CD version, a 3-CD deluxe box set and a 2-LP vinyl version. It is the first Elton John career-spanning compilation released since \"\" in 2007. It was released to commemorate the 50 years of John's work with lyricist Bernie Taupin, since 1967. Although the initial year of the collaboration has been 1967, the oldest hit in the album is \"Your Song\", from the album",
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"title": "The Brymers",
"text": "\"40 Year Brotherhood\", which features their newer recorings. The song, \"Sacrifice\" appeared on the \"Garage Punk Unknowns, Volume 1\" CD, released by Crypt Records. \"Sacrifice\" and their version of \"House of the Rising Sun\" (which remained unissued for years), are both featured in the film \"Jobs\" starring Ashton Kutcher. \"I Want to Tell You\" was featured in a scene of the hit ABC TV series, \"Once Upon A Time\". The Brymers The Brymers were an American garage rock band from San Joaquin Valley, California, who were active in the 1960s. They had a regional hit with the song \"Sacrifice\", which",
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"title": "No Sacrifice, No Victory",
"text": "songs from all previous albums. The album was certified gold in Sweden. The song \"My Sharona\" was also released as a single, the second single released from this album, and only has one track which has the same name as the song. No Sacrifice, No Victory No Sacrifice, No Victory is the seventh studio album by HammerFall and was released February 20, 2009. It was partly recorded in PAMA Studios in Torsås and partly at King Diamond guitarist, Andy La Rocque's Sonic Train Studios in Varberg. This is the first album featuring the band's new lead guitarist Pontus Norgren and",
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"title": "Les Dudek (album)",
"text": "Boz Scaggs adds a flair of funky jazz. Les Dudek (album) Les Dudek is American guitarist Les Dudek's 1976 self-titled solo debut album. Steve Miller covered \"What a Sacrifice\" on his album \"Book of Dreams\" as \"Sacrifice\", which included Dudek and James Curly Cooke in the recording. His early releases influenced by the Southern rock style of the Allman Brothers Band - slide guitar and dual drummers on a few tracks. Dudek was one of the replacement considerations after the death of Duane Allman. He had uncredited contributions to \"Ramblin' Man\" and \"Jessica\" and was part of the recording of",
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"id": "7246300",
"score": "0.95487654",
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"title": "Sacrifice (Saxon album)",
"text": "ready to mix the record. By October, the mixing process had been completed. On 30 October 2012, the band had announced, via their official website, the UK leg of the \"Sacrifice World Tour\" which would support the new album, whose title was revealed to be \"Sacrifice\". The track listing and album artwork was announced on 15 November 2012. The album was originally due to be released in several formats starting on 22 February, but due to production issues, the date was pushed back one week to 1 March. The album was released as a CD, deluxe edition, which included a",
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"title": "Elton John (album)",
"text": "the same year, it was nominated for the Grammy Award for Album of the Year. This was the first of a string of John albums produced by Gus Dudgeon. As Dudgeon recalled in a \"Mix\" magazine interview, the album was not actually intended to launch John as an artist, but rather as a collection of polished demos for other artists to consider recording his and co-writer Bernie Taupin's songs. In 2003, the album was ranked number 468 on \"Rolling Stone\" magazine's list of the 500 greatest albums of all time. On 27 November 2012, it was inducted into the Grammy",
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"title": "Chris Gero",
"text": "Choir (tribute to \"The Lion King\") and John Mayer (a duet with Elton John on \"Sacrifice\"). Elton John then hit the stage, entertaining the audience for more than an hour with a selection of songs, after which all the performers returned to the stage for the grand finale, \"Crocodile Rock.\" On January 14, 2010, Gero produced Yamaha's 50th Anniversary Dealer Concert - held in conjunction with the Winter NAMM event - at Disney California Adventure Park's Hyperion Theater. The show's lineup of performers included Natalie Cole, Jason Mraz, Michael McDonald, Vince Gill, John Ondrasik of Five for Fighting, Jon McLaughlin",
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"id": "16282985",
"score": "0.93839216",
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"title": "Sacrifice (band)",
"text": "Sacrifice (band) Sacrifice is a Canadian thrash metal band from Toronto, Ontario. The band was formed by guitarists Rob Urbinati and Joe Rico in 1983. Sacrifice played a prominent role in the 1980s scene in Toronto, and along with Voivod, Razor and Annihilator, they are considered one of the \"Big 4\" of Canadian thrash metal. The band released four studio albums before parting ways in 1993. After coming back together to play a reunion concert in 2006, they released their fifth studio album \"The Ones I Condemn\" on Brazilian label Marquee Records in 2009. Although the band faced numerous lineup",
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"id": "15498360",
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"title": "Sacrifice (Gary Numan album)",
"text": "future wife Gemma O’Neill; \"Love and Napalm\" was a guitar-driven number whose distinctive riff recalled the early days of Tubeway Army. In a 2000 interview, Numan described his approach to the recording. Prior to \"Sacrifice\", \"I spent quite a few years just trying to write songs that would get me back on the radio\". For the new album, \"I just went right back to the way I was when I was a teenager, first time writing songs, with all the enthusiasm for it\". The resultant music, whilst not a commercial success, garnered Numan his best notices in years and coincided",
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"title": "The Spiral Sacrifice",
"text": "The Spiral Sacrifice The Spiral Sacrifice is the 13th album by Sopor Æternus & the Ensemble of Shadows. The album was released on February 8, 2018 on four different formats: on compact disc format with 128-page hardcover book (limited to 1500 copies); on 3x12\" black vinyl with an additional booklet (limited to 500 copies); on two tape versions (Hot Pink and Pale Pink) wax-sealed, signed and hand-packaged by Anna Varney herself; and on a limited Supporter's Box edition including the compact disc version format, 3x12\" pink vinyl, an extra 7\" vinyl with two chamber music-like dark ambient mixes, a fold-out",
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"id": "20527742",
"score": "0.93227625",
"original_retrieval_index": 31
"title": "Love Songs (Elton John album)",
"text": "Love Songs (Elton John album) Love Songs is a compilation album by British singer-songwriter Elton John. The album was first released on 6 November 1995 by John's own label The Rocket Record Company, in conjunction with Mercury Records. The album was released in North America by MCA Records almost a year after the European release, on 24 September 1996. In the US, it was certified gold in December 1996, platinum in March 1997, 2× platinum in December 1998 and 3× platinum in August 2000 by the RIAA. The album was a major success upon its release, topping the albums charts",
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"id": "5364403",
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"original_retrieval_index": 32
"title": "Sacrifices (Prefuse 73 album)",
"text": "Sacrifices (Prefuse 73 album) Sacrifices is a 2018 studio album by Guillermo Scott Heren as under his alias of Prefuse 73. It was released on May 25, 2018. Daniel Sylvester of \"Exclaim!\" found the sound of the album to be similar to Herren's earlier music, noting a return to \"sparse hip-hop beats that defined his celebrated 2001 debut, \"Vocal Studies + Uprock Narratives\". \"Sacrifices\" was released on May 25, 2018 through Lex Records digitally, and will received a physical release on June 15. Sylvester awarded the album a 7 out of 10 in \"Exclaim!\", noting that \"much of Sacrifices, including",
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"id": "20738487",
"score": "0.92664164",
"original_retrieval_index": 33
"title": "Saxon (band)",
"text": "titled \"Sacrifice\" and it was released on 25 February 2013. On 11 December 2012 \"Heavy Metal Thunder - The Movie\" saw an international release and was the first Blu-ray release for the band. 2013 also saw the release of a new compilation album \"Unplugged and Strung Up\". 2014 saw the release of a new live album named \"St. George’s Day Sacrifice - Live in Manchester\". The band also embarked on a tour in October of that year named Warriors of the Road. During an interview in November 2014, Biff Byford revealed plans for the band's next studio album, saying: \"We're",
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] | {
"title": "Sacrifice (song)",
"long_answer": "\"Sacrifice\" is a ballad performed by musician Elton John. The lyrics are by Bernie Taupin and the music by John. The song appears on the 1989 album Sleeping with the Past. It was first released in October 1989, then in 1990, and was the second single from the album. It achieved success, particularly in France and the UK, where it became his first solo chart-topper, spending five weeks at the top.",
"chunked_long_answer": "\"Sacrifice\" is a ballad performed by musician Elton John. The lyrics are by Bernie Taupin and the music by John. The song appears on the 1989 album Sleeping with the Past. It was first released in October 1989, then in 1990, and was the second single from the album. It achieved success, particularly in France and the UK, where it became his first solo chart-topper, spending five weeks at the top.",
"short_answers": [
"Sleeping with the Past",
"Sleeping with the Past."
} |
when did they replace lead with graphite in pencils | [
"never contained the element lead"
] | [
"title": "Pencil",
"text": "ever found in this solid form. Chemistry was in its infancy and the substance was thought to be a form of lead. Consequently, it was called plumbago (Latin for \"lead ore\"). Because the pencil core is still referred to as \"lead\", or a \"lead\", many people have the misconception that the graphite in the pencil is lead, and the black core of pencils is still referred to as lead, even though it never contained the element lead. The words for pencil in German (bleistift), Irish (peann luaidhe), Arabic (قلم رصاص qalam raṣāṣ), and some other languages literally mean lead pen.",
"hasanswer": true,
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"id": null,
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"title": "Graphite",
"text": "in this fashion in 2005. The ability to leave marks on paper and other objects gave graphite its name, given in 1789 by German mineralogist Abraham Gottlob Werner. It stems from \"graphein\", meaning \"to write\" or \"draw\" in Ancient Greek. From the 16th century, all pencils were made with leads of English natural graphite, but modern pencil lead is most commonly a mix of powdered graphite and clay; it was invented by Nicolas-Jacques Conté in 1795. It is chemically unrelated to the metal lead, whose ores had a similar appearance, hence the continuation of the name. Plumbago is another older",
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"id": "160243",
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"title": "Writing implement",
"text": "a lead-based metal alloy that leaves dark markings on paper by abrading small pieces of core onto the surface. However, most modern \"lead pencils\" have a nonpoisonous core of greyish-black graphite mixed with various proportions of clay for consistency, enclosed within an outer wooden casing to protect the fragile graphite from being snapped apart or from leaving marks on the user's hand. White chalk has been traditionally used in schoolrooms to write on a main blackboard at the front of the room. In the 19th century, and indeed well into the 20th century, when paper was less readily available, individual",
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"title": "Pencil",
"text": "for the outer coating could contain high concentrations of lead, and this could be ingested when the pencil was sucked or chewed. The lead of the pencil is a mix of finely ground graphite and clay powders. Before the two substances are mixed, they are separately cleaned of foreign matter and dried in a manner that creates large square cakes. Once the cakes have fully dried, the graphite and the clay squares are mixed together using water. The amount of clay content added to the graphite depends on the intended pencil hardness (lower proportions of clay makes the core softer),",
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"id": "324230",
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"title": "Pencil",
"text": "palm-leaf manuscripts. As a technique for drawing, the closest predecesor to the pencil was Silverpoint until in 1565 (some sources say as early as 1500), a large deposit of graphite was discovered on the approach to Grey Knotts from the hamlet of Seathwaite in Borrowdale parish, Cumbria, England. This particular deposit of graphite was extremely pure and solid, and it could easily be sawn into sticks. It remains the only large-scale deposit of graphite ever found in this solid form. Chemistry was in its infancy and the substance was thought to be a form of lead. Consequently, it was called",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "324214",
"score": "1.0865144",
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"title": "Pencil",
"text": "thereby pushing a new tip to the top. Invented by Harold Grossman for Empire Pencil Company in 1967 and subsequently improved upon by Arthur D. Little for Empire from 1969 through the early 1970s; the plastic pencil was commercialised by Empire as the \"EPCON\" Pencil. These pencils were co-extruded, extruding a plasticised graphite mix within a wood-composite core. Residual graphite from a pencil stick is not poisonous, and graphite is harmless if consumed. Although lead has not been used for writing since antiquity, lead poisoning from pencils was not uncommon. Until the middle of the 20th century the paint used",
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"title": "Lead",
"text": "to that of primary lead; some refining processes may be skipped depending on the material recycled and its potential contamination. Of the sources of lead for recycling, lead–acid batteries are the most important; lead pipe, sheet, and cable sheathing are also significant. Contrary to popular belief, pencil leads in wooden pencils have never been made from lead. When the pencil originated as a wrapped graphite writing tool, the particular type of graphite used was named \"plumbago\" (literally, \"act for lead\" or \"lead mockup\"). Lead metal has several useful mechanical properties, including high density, low melting point, ductility, and relative inertness.",
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"title": "Pencil",
"text": "of the Koh-I-Noor in 1790, remains in use. In 1802, the production of graphite leads from graphite and clay was patented by the Koh-I-Noor company in Vienna. In England, pencils continued to be made from whole sawn graphite. Henry Bessemer's first successful invention (1838) was a method of compressing graphite powder into solid graphite thus allowing the waste from sawing to be reused. American colonists imported pencils from Europe until after the American Revolution. Benjamin Franklin advertised pencils for sale in his \"Pennsylvania Gazette\" in 1729, and George Washington used a three-inch pencil when he surveyed the Ohio Territory in",
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"title": "Pencil",
"text": "taken over by the Crown and were guarded. When sufficient stores of graphite had been accumulated, the mines were flooded to prevent theft until more was required. The usefulness of graphite for pencils was discovered as well, but graphite for pencils had to be smuggled. The news of the usefulness of these early pencils spread far and wide, attracting the attention of artists all over the known world. Because graphite is soft, it requires some form of encasement. Graphite sticks were initially wrapped in string or sheepskin for stability. England would enjoy a monopoly on the production of pencils until",
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"id": "324216",
"score": "1.0680985",
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"title": "Pencil",
"text": "a method of reconstituting the graphite powder was found in 1662 in Italy. However, the distinctively square English pencils continued to be made with sticks cut from natural graphite into the 1860s. The town of Keswick, near the original findings of block graphite, still manufactures pencils, the factory also being the location of the Cumberland Pencil Museum. The meaning of \"graphite writing implement\" apparently evolved late in the 16th century. Around 1560, an Italian couple named Simonio and Lyndiana Bernacotti made what are likely the first blueprints for the modern, wood-encased carpentry pencil. Their version was a flat, oval, more",
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"id": "324217",
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"title": "William Munroe (pencil maker)",
"text": "top of the water with a spoon and mixed them with a clay solution. His first experiments with this lead solution was not very successful. He continued making cabinet maker’s squares and sold the few of these which he could. In this time he continued experimenting with graphite lead for pencils with little accomplishment. He had no knowledge of the subject and feared consulting others as they might take the idea and produce pencils themselves. Munroe continued experimenting in secret with graphite powder formulas on his own. Eventually he figured a way to come up with a suitable graphite paste",
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"title": "Graphite",
"text": "term for natural graphite used for drawing, typically as a lump of the mineral without a wood casing. The term plumbago drawing is normally restricted to 17th and 18th century works, mostly portraits. Today, pencils are still a small but significant market for natural graphite. Around 7% of the 1.1 million tonnes produced in 2011 was used to make pencils. Low-quality amorphous graphite is used and sourced mainly from China. Natural graphite has found uses in zinc-carbon batteries, in electric motor brushes, and various specialized applications. Graphite of various hardness or softness results in different qualities and tones when used",
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"id": "160244",
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"title": "Graphite",
"text": "the name \"graphite\" (\"writing stone\") in 1789. He attempted to clear up the confusion between molybdena, plumbago and black lead after Carl Wilhelm Scheele in 1778 proved that there are at least three different minerals. Scheele's analysis showed that the chemical compounds molybdenum sulfide (molybdenite), lead(II) sulfide (galena) and graphite were three different soft black minerals. Natural graphite is mostly used for refractories, batteries, steelmaking, expanded graphite, brake linings, foundry facings and lubricants. The use of graphite as a refractory material began before 1900 with the graphite crucible used to hold molten metal; this is now a minor part of",
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"id": "160235",
"score": "1.0082191",
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"title": "Nicolas-Jacques Conté",
"text": "appear to be true.” Conté invented the modern pencil lead at the request of Lazare Nicolas Marguerite Carnot. The French Republic was at that time under economic blockade and unable to import graphite from Great Britain, the main source of the material. Carnot asked Conté to create a pencil that did not rely on foreign imports. After several days of research, Conté had the idea of mixing powdered graphite with clay and pressing the material between two half-cylinders of wood. Thus was formed the modern pencil. Conté received a patent for the invention in 1795, and formed la Société Conté",
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"title": "Joseph Dixon (inventor)",
"text": "Park neighborhood of historic Downtown Jersey City, New Jersey in 1847. The Dixon Mills complex has subsequently become residences. During the 1860s, people typically wrote with quill pens and ink even though Dixon introduced graphite pencils in 1829. But the American Civil War created a demand for a dry, clean, portable writing instrument and led to the mass production of pencils. At the time of Dixon's death in 1869, the Joseph Dixon Crucible Company was the largest manufacturer of graphite products in the world. By 1870, The Joseph Dixon Crucible Company was the world's largest dealer and consumer of graphite.",
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"title": "Pencil",
"text": "sticks from the British Grey Knotts mines – the only known source in the world. France was also unable to import the inferior German graphite pencil substitute. It took the efforts of an officer in Napoleon's army to change this. In 1795, Nicolas-Jacques Conté discovered a method of mixing powdered graphite with clay and forming the mixture into rods that were then fired in a kiln. By varying the ratio of graphite to clay, the hardness of the graphite rod could also be varied. This method of manufacture, which had been earlier discovered by the Austrian Joseph Hardtmuth, the founder",
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"title": "Graphite",
"text": "Mines report on graphite mines and mining, when Canadian deposits began to become important producers of graphite. Historically, graphite was called black lead or plumbago. Plumbago was commonly used in its massive mineral form. Both of these names arise from confusion with the similar-appearing lead ores, particularly galena. The Latin word for lead, \"plumbum\", gave its name to the English term for this grey metallic-sheened mineral and even to the leadworts or plumbagos, plants with flowers that resemble this colour. The term \"black lead\" usually refers to a powdered or processed graphite, matte black in color. Abraham Gottlob Werner coined",
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"title": "Graphite",
"text": "1845, opened mines in the Lake Ticonderoga district of New York, built a processing plant there, and a factory to manufacture pencils, crucibles and other products in New Jersey, described in the \"Engineering & Mining Journal\" 21 December 1878. The Dixon pencil is still in production. The beginnings of the revolutionary froth flotation process are associated with graphite mining. Included in the \"E&MJ\" article on the Dixon Crucible Company is a sketch of the “floating tanks” used in the age-old process of extracting graphite. Because graphite is so light, the mix of graphite and waste was sent through a final",
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"title": "Henry David Thoreau",
"text": "do alongside his writing and other work for most of his adult life. He rediscovered the process of making good pencils with inferior graphite by using clay as the binder. This invention allowed profitable use of a graphite source found in New Hampshire that had been purchased in 1821 by Thoreau's brother-in-law, Charles Dunbar. The process of mixing graphite and clay, known as the Conté process, had been first patented by Nicolas-Jacques Conté in 1795. The company's other source of graphite had been Tantiusques, a mine operated by Native Americans in Sturbridge, Massachusetts. Later, Thoreau converted the pencil factory to",
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"title": "Graphite",
"text": "sticks. Because of its military importance, this unique mine and its production were strictly controlled by the Crown. During the 19th century, graphite's uses greatly expanded to include stove polish, lubricants, paints, crucibles, foundry facings, and pencils, a major factor in the expansion of educational tools during the first great rise of education for the masses. The British empire controlled most of the world's production (especially from Ceylon), but production from Austrian, German and American deposits expanded by mid-century. For example, the Dixon Crucible Company of Jersey City, New Jersey, founded by Joseph Dixon (inventor) and partner Orestes Cleveland in",
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"title": "William Munroe (pencil maker)",
"text": "drawing board to do further experimenting with his secret lead pencil paste. One thing led to another until he came up with a powdered graphite paste product that would make its mark. Munroe decided in 1819 he would go into pencil manufacturing full-time. He no longer desired to be number two. He made a square deal with his employees then to sell them his furniture business. He contracted with them to make his cabinet maker’s squares and pencil blanks for payment of the shop business. Munroe in turn then produced the unique graphite paste for his pencils, of which only",
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"title": "William Munroe (pencil maker)",
"text": "wooden-cased graphite lead pencils manufactured in the United States. Andrews was a previous customer of Munroe’s, to whom he had sold cabinetmaker’s squares. He ordered more immediately, which Munroe proceeded to grind out. Munroe showed up at Andrew’s hardware store with over four hundred pencils less than two weeks later. Andrews then wrote up a contract with Munroe to take for a price all the pencils that he could make in a certain time frame. Munroe had then made a business out of making lead pencils. He made the graphite formula for his pencils in secret, with only the help",
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"title": "Mechanical pencil",
"text": "applied at an angle. When excess vertical pressure is applied on the lead, the lead is automatically retracted inwards. Higher-end mechanical pencils often feature a lead hardness grade indicator and sometimes feature a retractable lead guide pipe. This allows the lead guide pipe to retract back into the pencil body, which will keep it protected in storage and during transit and makes it 'pocket-safe'. In spite of the name, pencil leads do not contain the toxic chemical element lead, but are typically made with graphite and clay, or plastic polymers. Compared to standard pencils, mechanical pencils have a smaller range",
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"title": "William Munroe (pencil maker)",
"text": "the slots. The final step was to saw the slab into pencils. This resulted in a wooden lead graphite pencil that was just under a half inch thick. The business was a struggle at first, however in ten years' time he had sharpened his skills to perfection. He figured out how to make his machinery fabricate the wooden pencils efficiently in the old textile factory, creating the first and the most successful pencil company in the United States. Munroe took the lead in manufacturing pencils in the United States from that time forward as long as he was in the",
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"title": "Graphite",
"text": "paint for decorating pottery. Some time before 1565 (some sources say as early as 1500), an enormous deposit of graphite was discovered on the approach to Grey Knotts from the hamlet of Seathwaite in Borrowdale parish, Cumbria, England, which the locals found useful for marking sheep. During the reign of Elizabeth I (1558–1603), Borrowdale graphite was used as a refractory material to line moulds for cannonballs, resulting in rounder, smoother balls that could be fired farther, contributing to the strength of the English navy. This particular deposit of graphite was extremely pure and soft, and could easily be cut into",
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"title": "Writing in space",
"text": "graphite dust that conducts electricity. Grease pencils on plastic slates were used by the Soviet space program as an early substitute for wood pencils. It is simple with no moving parts. The paper shroud is peeled back when needed. The disadvantage is that the paper wrapper has to be disposed of. Writing done with the grease pencil is also not as durable as ink on paper. Ballpoint pens have been used by Soviet and then Russian space programs as a substitute for grease pencils as well as NASA and ESA. The pens are cheap, use paper (which is easily available),",
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"title": "Graphite",
"text": "achieved in CaC, and it further increases under applied pressure (15.1 K at 8 GPa). Graphite's ability to intercalate lithium ions without significant damage from swelling is what makes it the dominant anode material in lithium-ion batteries. In 1893, Charles Street of Le Carbone discovered a process for making artificial graphite. Another process to make synthetic graphite was invented accidentally by Edward Goodrich Acheson (1856–1931). In the mid-1890s, Acheson discovered that overheating carborundum (silicon carbide or SiC) produced almost pure graphite. While studying the effects of high temperature on carborundum, he had found that silicon vaporizes at about 4,150 °C",
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"title": "Molybdenum",
"text": "as molybdena. Molybdena was confused with and often utilized as though it were graphite. Like graphite, molybdenite can be used to blacken a surface or as a solid lubricant. Even when molybdena was distinguishable from graphite, it was still confused with the common lead ore PbS (now called galena); the name comes from Ancient Greek \", meaning \"lead\". (The Greek word itself has been proposed as a loanword from Anatolian Luvian and Lydian languages). Although (reportedly) molybdenum was deliberately alloyed with steel in one 14th-century Japanese sword (mfd. ca. 1330), that art was never employed widely and was later lost.",
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"title": "Lead carbide",
"text": "carbide PbC has also been obtained accidentally, as a thin layer (about 10 μm thick) on the inner wall of a graphite crucible that had been used to heat a lead-bismuth eutectic alloy for 100 hours at 1073 K in a helium atmosphere. Several reports of \"lead carbide\" synthesis appeared in the early 19th century, and were widely cited and copied into textbooks during the next few decades. In 1820, for instance, a certain John claimed to have sublimated a black carbide of lead from finely divided mixture of lead and charcoal, but this claim apparently was never reproduced. Also",
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"title": "Copying pencil",
"text": "the wound. Such risks are not associated with ordinary graphite pencils. While these symptoms may appear after a couple of days they often develop only after weeks have passed since the injury was sustained. Surgery is required to remove the dye and the infected tissue and \"the necrotizing action may be so severe and extensive amputation is necessary\". Copying pencil A copying pencil, also indelible pencil or chemical pencil, is pencil whose lead contains a dye. The lead is fabricated by adding a dry water-soluble permanent dye to powdered graphite—used in standard graphite pencils—before binding the mixture with clay. Copying",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "17576979",
"score": "0.9573282",
"original_retrieval_index": 29
] | {
"title": "Pencil",
"long_answer": "As a technique for drawing, the closest predecesor to the pencil was Silverpoint until in 1565 (some sources say as early as 1500), a large deposit of graphite was discovered on the approach to Grey Knotts from the hamlet of Seathwaite in Borrowdale parish, Cumbria, England. This particular deposit of graphite was extremely pure and solid, and it could easily be sawn into sticks. It remains the only large-scale deposit of graphite ever found in this solid form. Chemistry was in its infancy and the substance was thought to be a form of lead. Consequently, it was called plumbago (Latin for \"lead ore\"). Because the pencil core is still referred to as \"lead\", or a \"lead\", many people have the misconception that the graphite in the pencil is lead, and the black core of pencils is still referred to as lead, even though it never contained the element lead. The words for pencil in German (bleistift), Irish (peann luaidhe), Arabic (قلم رصاص qalam raṣāṣ), and some other languages literally mean lead pen.",
"chunked_long_answer": "ever found in this solid form. Chemistry was in its infancy and the substance was thought to be a form of lead. Consequently, it was called plumbago (Latin for \"lead ore\"). Because the pencil core is still referred to as \"lead\", or a \"lead\", many people have the misconception that the graphite in the pencil is lead, and the black core of pencils is still referred to as lead, even though it never contained the element lead. The words for pencil in German (bleistift), Irish (peann luaidhe), Arabic (قلم رصاص qalam raṣāṣ), and some other languages literally mean lead pen.",
"short_answers": [
"never contained the element lead"
} |
where can you find dna in the body | [
"chromosomes in a cell",
"inside the cell nucleus"
] | [
"title": "DNA",
"text": "Within eukaryotic cells, DNA is organized into long structures called chromosomes. During cell division these chromosomes are duplicated in the process of DNA replication, providing each cell its own complete set of chromosomes. Eukaryotic organisms (animals, plants, fungi and protists) store most of their DNA inside the cell nucleus and some of their DNA in organelles, such as mitochondria or chloroplasts. In contrast prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) store their DNA only in the cytoplasm. Within the eukaryotic chromosomes, chromatin proteins such as histones compact and organize DNA. These compact structures guide the interactions between DNA and other proteins, helping control",
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"id": null,
"score": null,
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"title": "Forensic identification",
"text": "often not as demanding to be considered admissible in court. Forensic DNA analysis can be a useful tool in aiding forensic identification because DNA is found in almost all cells of our bodies except red blood cells. Deoxyribonucleic acid is located in two different places of the cell, the nucleus; which is inherited from both parents, and the mitochondria; inherited maternally. Similar to fingerprints, an individual’s DNA profile and characteristics are unique. Forensic identification using DNA can be useful in different cases such as determining suspects in violent crimes, solving paternity/maternity, and identifying human remains of victims from mass disasters",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "5409986",
"score": "0.914966",
"original_retrieval_index": 0
"title": "Forensic biology",
"text": "are the bone, teeth, or hair of the body. mtDNA is able to be extracted from such degraded samples because its presence in cells is much higher than nuclear DNA. There can be more than 1,000 copies of mtDNA in a cell, while there are only two copies of nuclear DNA. Nuclear DNA is inherited from both the mother and the father but mtDNA is passed down from only the mother to all of her offspring. Due to this type of inheritance, mtDNA is useful for identification purposes in forensic work but can also be used for mass disasters, missing",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "7714776",
"score": "0.8879605",
"original_retrieval_index": 1
"title": "Biopsy",
"text": "test. A 2014 study of the blood of 846 patients with 15 different types of cancer in 24 institutions was able to detect the presence of cancer DNA in the body. They found tumor DNA in the blood of more than 80 percent of patients with metastatic cancers and about 47 percent of those with localized tumors. The test does not indicate the tumor site(s) or other information about the tumor. The test did not produce false positives. Such tests may also be useful to assess whether malignant cells remain in patients whose tumors have been surgically removed. Up to",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "2192392",
"score": "0.88296163",
"original_retrieval_index": 2
"title": "Dennis Lo",
"text": "in his heart of hearts would have \"to invoke something religious to explain everything right to the beginning.\" After learning about a new method to detect small amounts of DNA called polymerase chain reaction from another researcher, Lo read a research paper describing the detection of tumor DNA in blood plasma. Lo wondered if it would be possible to detect fetal DNA in blood from a pregnant mother. In 1989, he published results that suggested fetal DNA did exist but only in low quantities. However, in 1997, Lo was successful in detecting fetal DNA in the plasma of a pregnant",
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"id": "17535271",
"score": "0.87883484",
"original_retrieval_index": 3
"title": "Nuclear DNA",
"text": "mitochondrial DNA is haploid, coming only from the mother. The mutation rate for nuclear DNA is less than 0.3% while that of mitochondrial DNA is generally higher. Nuclear DNA is known as the molecule of life and contains the genetic instructions for the development of all living organisms. It is found in almost every cell in the human body, with exceptions such as red blood cells. Everyone has a unique genetic blueprint, even identical twins. Forensic departments such as the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are able to use techniques involving nuclear DNA to",
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"score": "0.8624396",
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"title": "Touch DNA",
"text": "Touch DNA Touch DNA is a forensic method for analysing DNA left at the scene of a crime. It is called \"touch DNA\" because it only requires very small samples, for example from the skin cells left on an object after it has been touched or casually handled. Touch DNA analysis only requires seven or eight cells from the outermost layer of human skin. The technique has been criticized for high rates of false positives due to contamination—for example, fingerprint brushes used by crime scene investigators can transfer trace amounts of skin cells from one surface to another, leading to",
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"id": "14636418",
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"title": "Reiji Okazaki",
"text": "in a test tube of alkaline sucrose. The larger, heavier DNA flowed to the bottom of the test tube, while the smaller, lighter DNA did not. When samples were taken from the bottom of the test tube, it was found that half were heavy and half were light, proving that half of the DNA was complete and half was in fragments. Then he took a sample of \"E. coli\" DNA that had been synthesized for an additional five seconds, and found all the activity now resulted in the larger molecular weight. Therefore, there were no longer any fragments. This proved",
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"title": "Blood quantum laws",
"text": "In terms of persons searching for ethnic ancestry, they need to understand that Y-chromosome and mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) testing looks only at \"direct\" line male and female ancestors, and thus can fail to pick up many other ancestors' heritage. Newer DNA tests can survey all the DNA that can be inherited from either parent of an individual, but at a cost of precision. DNA tests that survey the full DNA strand focus on \"single nucleotide polymorphisms\" or SNPs, but SNPs might be found in Africans, Asians, and people from every other part of the world. Full survey DNA testing cannot",
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"title": "Touch DNA",
"text": "innocent. Touch DNA Touch DNA is a forensic method for analysing DNA left at the scene of a crime. It is called \"touch DNA\" because it only requires very small samples, for example from the skin cells left on an object after it has been touched or casually handled. Touch DNA analysis only requires seven or eight cells from the outermost layer of human skin. The technique has been criticized for high rates of false positives due to contamination—for example, fingerprint brushes used by crime scene investigators can transfer trace amounts of skin cells from one surface to another, leading",
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"title": "Use of DNA in forensic entomology",
"text": "through the gel pores much more easily/faster than larger molecules. At the bottom of the gel the fragments go through a laser beam that emits a distinct color according to the base that passes through. Research has already demonstrated the link between forensic entomology and society by amplifying human DNA from blood meals through various methods. A case in Italy involving the murder of a woman used this technique to identify a suspect. The woman’s body was discovered partially covered by sand on a beach in Sicily. Investigators suspected a prominent businessman, whose car was seen in the area the",
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"title": "DNA bank",
"text": "are also starting to be used for retaining the DNA of the deceased, a service offered by some funeral homes. Scientists are capable of retrieving genetic information from hair, skin, blood, sperm, tissue, and saliva as long as the sample contains intact DNA. Nucleotide sequences between humans differ by only 0.1%. Even so, this 0.1% includes approximately three million bases. DNA can be analyzed through restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and Polymerase chain reactions (PCR). The RFLP process was introduced in 1988. Restriction enzymes digest portions of the DNA, leaving short fragments. These fragments are sorted through gel electrophoresis. The",
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"title": "Forensic biology",
"text": "DNA evidence can be recovered from blood, semen, saliva, epithelial cells and hair (if the root is still intact). Furthermore, Mitochondrial DNA can be recovered from the shaft of hair, bone and the roots of teeth. For most forensic DNA samples, STR analysis of autosomal short tandem repeats is performed in an attempt to individualize the sample to one person with a high degree of statistical confidence. Laboratory analysis of DNA evidence involves the sample DNA being extracted, quantitated, amplified, and visualized. There are several methods of DNA extraction possible including organic (phenol-chloroform) extraction, Chelex extraction, and differential extraction. Quantitation",
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"title": "Extrachromosomal DNA",
"text": "Extrachromosomal DNA Extrachromosomal DNA is any DNA that is found outside the nucleus of a cell. It is also referred to as extranuclear DNA or cytoplasmic DNA. Most DNA in an individual genome is found in chromosomes but DNA found outside the nucleus also serves important biological functions. In prokaryotes, nonviral extrachromosomal DNA is primarily found in plasmids whereas in eukaryotes extrachromosomal DNA is primarily found in organelles. Mitochondrial DNA is a main source of this extrachromosomal DNA in eukaryotes. The fact that this organelle contains its own DNA supports the hypothesis that mitochondria originated as bacterial cells engulfed by",
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"title": "Extrachromosomal DNA",
"text": "DNA in a variety of different organisms. Extrachromosomal DNA Extrachromosomal DNA is any DNA that is found outside the nucleus of a cell. It is also referred to as extranuclear DNA or cytoplasmic DNA. Most DNA in an individual genome is found in chromosomes but DNA found outside the nucleus also serves important biological functions. In prokaryotes, nonviral extrachromosomal DNA is primarily found in plasmids whereas in eukaryotes extrachromosomal DNA is primarily found in organelles. Mitochondrial DNA is a main source of this extrachromosomal DNA in eukaryotes. The fact that this organelle contains its own DNA supports the hypothesis that",
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"title": "DNA profiling",
"text": "low cost and ease of set-up and operation, AmpFLP remains popular in lower income countries. Using PCR technology, DNA analysis is widely applied to determine genetic family relationships such as paternity, maternity, siblingship and other kinships. During conception, the father's sperm cell and the mother's egg cell, each containing half the amount of DNA found in other body cells, meet and fuse to form a fertilized egg, called a zygote. The zygote contains a complete set of DNA molecules, a unique combination of DNA from both parents. This zygote divides and multiplies into an embryo and later, a full human",
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"title": "Anzick-1",
"text": "by sea from the southwest of Europe, in what is called the Solutrean Hypothesis. Human nuclear DNA is located inside the nucleus of every cell and makes up the human genome. Humans inherit half of their nuclear DNA from their mother and half from their father. Throughout human evolution, mutations occur that are inherited in each subsequent generation. Different populations have different frequencies of these mutations, and population histories can be ascertained from these mutations by comparing the mutations of one individual to other genomes from specific ethnic groups. The genome of Anzick-1 was sequenced and analyzed to look for",
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"title": "Use of DNA in forensic entomology",
"text": "it must first be denatured by exposing it to a 95 °C temperature for one minute, followed by thirty cycles of thirty-second 95 °C exposures. Then denatured DNA is mixed with a specific primer. A chromatograph is conducted on 2% agarose gel, stained, and viewed with UV fluorescence. The DNA is identified by looking for genome specific repetitive elements and by comparing it with known examples. Humans are constantly fed on by haematophagous (blood feeding) insects. The ingested blood can be recovered and used to identify the person from which it was taken. Bite marks and reactions to bites can",
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"title": "Alpha thalassemia abnormal morphogenesis",
"text": "to grow, mature, divide, or die. The nucleus contains DNA otherwise known as Deoxyribonucleic acid, a long spiral shaped molecule that stores the genes that determine hair color, eye color, whether or not the person is right or left handed, and many more traits. DNA, along with other genes and the information they contain, is passed down from parents to their children during reproduction. Each cell has many DNA molecules, but because cells are very small and DNA molecules are long, the DNA is packaged very tightly in each cell. These packages of DNA are called chromosomes, and each cell",
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"title": "Forensic identification",
"text": "never be used on biological evidence because it could degrade DNA or lead to bacterial growth. DNA can be sourced from biological material such as semen, blood, saliva, feces, urine, teeth, bone, and hair that is left behind from an individual. There are different presumptive and confirmatory tests used for each type of biological material found at a scene. Presumptive tests are quick, sensitive and are relatively specific to bodily fluids that give the analyst an idea of what might be present. Confirmatory tests confirm what the biological sample is. In addition to looking for biological material at a crime",
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"title": "Molecular models of DNA",
"text": "DNA together compared to the strength of the bonds within each strand. Experimental methods which can directly measure the mechanical properties of DNA are relatively new, and high-resolution visualization in solution is often difficult. Nevertheless, scientists have uncovered large amount of data on the mechanical properties of this polymer, and the implications of DNA's mechanical properties on cellular processes is a topic of active current research. The DNA found in many cells can be macroscopic in length: a few centimetres long for each human chromosome. Consequently, cells must compact or \"package\" DNA to carry it within them. In eukaryotes this",
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"title": "Simon Boulton",
"text": "It was at Cambridge that Boulton began researching mechanisms of DNA. He has described his first exposure to the research environment at Cambridge as \"extremely influential.\" The website of Cancer Research UK explains Boulton's work in this way: human DNA \"is constantly under assault from chemical reactions taking place in our bodies and from things we're exposed to in our everyday lives...Most of the time, DNA damage is repaired successfully by the cell. But if the cell continues to grow whilst its DNA is already damaged, it can lead to cancer.\" Boulton is learning about DNA damage repair \"by first",
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"title": "Murder of Shirley Duguay",
"text": "to compare it to the DNA found in the white hairs from the jacket, but they found that no one in the world had done this before. After contacting the Laboratory of Genomic Diversity, a laboratory specializing not in forensics, but in the study of genetic diseases, detectives and scientists were able to develop a method in which to test the feline DNA. The test included a fail-safe method of randomly testing 20 other cats from the isolated Prince Edward Island, in order to establish the degree of genetic diversity among cats in the area, to rule out the possibility",
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"title": "DNA",
"text": "the laboratory, such as restriction digests and the polymerase chain reaction. Modern biology and biochemistry make intensive use of these techniques in recombinant DNA technology. Recombinant DNA is a man-made DNA sequence that has been assembled from other DNA sequences. They can be transformed into organisms in the form of plasmids or in the appropriate format, by using a viral vector. The genetically modified organisms produced can be used to produce products such as recombinant proteins, used in medical research, or be grown in agriculture. Forensic scientists can use DNA in blood, semen, skin, saliva or hair found at a",
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"title": "DNA profiling",
"text": "any actual tissue from that person. Nucleix claims they can also prove the difference between non-altered DNA and any that was synthesized. In the case of the Phantom of Heilbronn, police detectives found DNA traces from the same woman on various crime scenes in Austria, Germany, and France—among them murders, burglaries and robberies. Only after the DNA of the \"woman\" matched the DNA sampled from the burned body of a \"male\" asylum seeker in France did detectives begin to have serious doubts about the DNA evidence. It was eventually discovered that DNA traces were already present on the cotton swabs",
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"title": "DNA",
"text": "mediate the function of the genome. Genomic DNA is tightly and orderly packed in the process called DNA condensation, to fit the small available volumes of the cell. In eukaryotes, DNA is located in the cell nucleus, with small amounts in mitochondria and chloroplasts. In prokaryotes, the DNA is held within an irregularly shaped body in the cytoplasm called the nucleoid. The genetic information in a genome is held within genes, and the complete set of this information in an organism is called its genotype. A gene is a unit of heredity and is a region of DNA that influences",
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"title": "Mitochondrial DNA",
"text": "Mitochondrial DNA Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA or mDNA) is the DNA located in mitochondria, cellular organelles within eukaryotic cells that convert chemical energy from food into a form that cells can use, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Mitochondrial DNA is only a small portion of the DNA in a eukaryotic cell; most of the DNA can be found in the cell nucleus and, in plants and algae, also in plastids such as chloroplasts. In humans, the 16,569 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA encode for only 37 genes. Human mitochondrial DNA was the first significant part of the human genome to be sequenced. In",
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"title": "Biomedicine",
"text": "stuck onto an x ray film. The radioactivity of the probes creates black bands on the film, called an autoradiograph. As a result, only similar patterns of DNA to that of the probe are present on the film. This allows us the compare similar DNA sequences of multiple DNA samples. The overall process results in a precise reading of similarities in both similar and different DNA sample. Biochemistry is the science of the chemical processes which takes place within living organisms. Living organisms need essential elements to survive, consisting of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, calcium, and phosphorus. These elements make",
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"title": "Rape kit",
"text": "kit, in whole or in part, to the forensic science crime lab for analysis. Forensic scientists will try to develop a DNA profile of the assailant using the samples collected in the rape kit. If successful, the crime lab will search the DNA profile against DNA profiles of convicted offenders and other crime scenes using a DNA database. For example, crime labs in the United States run DNA profiles through the three-tiered Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), which was developed in 1990 and contains DNA profiles at the national, state, and local level. Similarly, the need to solve sexual assault",
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"title": "Mitochondrial DNA",
"text": "together with the assessment of their pathogenicity. Mitochondrial DNA Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA or mDNA) is the DNA located in mitochondria, cellular organelles within eukaryotic cells that convert chemical energy from food into a form that cells can use, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Mitochondrial DNA is only a small portion of the DNA in a eukaryotic cell; most of the DNA can be found in the cell nucleus and, in plants and algae, also in plastids such as chloroplasts. In humans, the 16,569 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA encode for only 37 genes. Human mitochondrial DNA was the first significant part of",
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] | {
"title": "DNA",
"long_answer": "Within eukaryotic cells, DNA is organized into long structures called chromosomes. During cell division these chromosomes are duplicated in the process of DNA replication, providing each cell its own complete set of chromosomes. Eukaryotic organisms (animals, plants, fungi and protists) store most of their DNA inside the cell nucleus and some of their DNA in organelles, such as mitochondria or chloroplasts. In contrast prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) store their DNA only in the cytoplasm. Within the eukaryotic chromosomes, chromatin proteins such as histones compact and organize DNA. These compact structures guide the interactions between DNA and other proteins, helping control which parts of the DNA are transcribed.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Within eukaryotic cells, DNA is organized into long structures called chromosomes. During cell division these chromosomes are duplicated in the process of DNA replication, providing each cell its own complete set of chromosomes. Eukaryotic organisms (animals, plants, fungi and protists) store most of their DNA inside the cell nucleus and some of their DNA in organelles, such as mitochondria or chloroplasts. In contrast prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) store their DNA only in the cytoplasm. Within the eukaryotic chromosomes, chromatin proteins such as histones compact and organize DNA. These compact structures guide the interactions between DNA and other proteins, helping control",
"short_answers": [
"inside the cell nucleus"
} |
who won the most medals in the 1924 winter olympics | [
] | [
"title": "1924 Winter Olympics medal table",
"text": "The 1924 Winter Olympics, officially known as the I Olympic Winter Games, and known at the time as Semaine Internationale des Sports d'Hiver (\"International Winter Sports Week\"), was a winter multi-sport event held in Chamonix, France, from 25 January to 5 February 1924. Norway topped the table, collecting seventeen medals in total, including four gold, three of which were won by Thorleif Haug in the nordic combined and cross-country skiing events. Norway also achieved two podium sweeps, winning all three medals in both the 50 km cross-country skiing and the nordic combined. This remained a record at the Winter Olympics",
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"id": null,
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"title": "Johan Grøttumsbråten",
"text": "Johan Grøttumsbråten Johan Hagbart Pedersen Grøttumsbraaten (12 February 1899 – 24 January 1983) was a Norwegian skier who competed in Nordic combined and cross-country. Dominating both events in the 1920s and early 1930s, he won several medals in the early Winter Olympics. Most notably, he won two gold medals at the 1928 Winter Olympics, and as one of the only two entrants to win two gold medalists from St. Moritz, was the most successful athlete there, along with Clas Thunberg of Finland. He previously won three medals (one silver, two bronzes) at the inaugural Winter Olympics held in Chamonix in",
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"id": "6501789",
"score": "1.1484073",
"original_retrieval_index": 0
"title": "2018 Winter Olympics medal table",
"text": "bronze) achieved five medals, more than any other athlete. With 15 medals, she became the most decorated athlete in Winter Olympics history. Swedish cross-country skier Charlotte Kalla finished with four medals (one gold, three silver), as did her compatriot and fellow cross-country skier Stina Nilsson (one gold, two silvers, one bronze) and Russian cross-country skier Alexander Bolshunov (three silver, one bronze) who was competing for the Olympic Athletes from Russia at the 2018 Olympics. Norwegian cross-country skier Johannes Høsflot Klæbo and French biathlete Martin Fourcade tied for the most gold medals, with three each. Ester Ledecká of the Czech Republic",
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"id": "19671971",
"score": "1.0993487",
"original_retrieval_index": 5
"title": "1924 Winter Olympics",
"text": "in the Olympic Winter Games was won by Charles Jewtraw of the United States in the 500-meter speed skate. Sonja Henie, at just eleven years old, skates in the ladies' figure skating competition. Although she finishes last, she becomes popular with fans. Henie went on to take gold at the next three Winter Olympics. The figure skater Gillis Grafström was the first one to successfully defend his Summer Olympics title at the Winter Olympics. The Canadian ice hockey team (Toronto Granites) finished their qualifying round with three wins, scoring a total of 85 goals against Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, and Sweden without",
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"id": "647167",
"score": "1.0973355",
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"title": "Clas Thunberg",
"text": "Winter Olympics – beaten by three seconds by compatriot Julius Skutnabb. Thunberg won three gold medals at the 1924 Olympics – the allround event, the 1500 metres and the 5000 metres. He remains the only person to have won an Olympic gold medal in allround speed skating, as despite the status of allround as the premier skating event, at least up until the 1990s, the event was abolished in the Olympics from 1928 onwards. Thunberg won five World Allround Championships titles from 1923 to 1931, and also four European Allround Championships titles. He also took two more gold medals at",
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"id": "5825674",
"score": "1.0972959",
"original_retrieval_index": 7
"title": "Winter Olympic Games",
"text": "the snow, Norwegian biathlete Ole Einar Bjørndalen took two golds to bring his total tally of Olympic medals to 13, overtaking his compatriot Bjørn Dæhlie to become the most decorated Winter Olympian of all time. Another Norwegian, cross-country skier Marit Bjørgen took three golds; her total of ten Olympic medals tied her as the female Winter Olympian with most medals, alongside Raisa Smetanina and Stefania Belmondo. Snowboarder Ayumu Hirano became the youngest medallist on snow at the Winter Games when he took a silver in the halfpipe competition at the age of fifteen. On the ice, the Dutch dominated the",
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"id": "459593",
"score": "1.0943533",
"original_retrieval_index": 8
"title": "Gillis Grafström",
"text": "medals (Sonja Henie and Irina Rodnina are other three-time Olympic Champions), and with his silver medal in 1932, is the most successful figure skater in Olympic history. He competed in and won three World Championships in 1922, 1924, 1929, competing only intermittently between editions of Olympic Games. At his first Olympics in Antwerp one of his skates broke and he had to go to town to buy a new pair. Unfortunately only curly-toed skates were available. Despite this, he was still able to win. At his last Olympics in 1932 in Lake Placid, he collided with a photographer on the",
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"id": "6561032",
"score": "1.0839185",
"original_retrieval_index": 9
"title": "1998 Winter Olympics medal table",
"text": "The sport of curling returned after a single appearance in the 1924 Olympics, snowboarding was added as a new sport, and women's ice hockey made its first appearance in the Olympics. The leading medal winner at the Games was Russian skier Larisa Lazutina, who won five medals, including three golds. The only other athlete to win three gold medals was Norwegian skier Bjørn Dæhlie, who won four medals overall, making him the first Winter Olympian to win twelve career medals, eight of which were gold. Nine other athletes won three medals, including three Germans. American figure skater Tara Lipinski became",
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"id": "3633528",
"score": "1.0802149",
"original_retrieval_index": 10
"title": "1924 Winter Olympics",
"text": "For the first time in the history of the modern Olympics, the host country, in this case, France, failed to win any gold medals, finishing with three bronze medals. This feat would later occur at the next Winter Olympics in St. Moritz where Switzerland won only a single bronze medal, the lowest ever output by a host nation at an Olympics. Later host nations to finish without gold medals included Canada at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal and 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary and Yugoslavia at the 1984 Winter Olympics in Sarajevo. In 1925, the IOC decided to organize",
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"id": "647169",
"score": "1.0792407",
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"title": "Clas Thunberg",
"text": "Thunberg has an Adelskalender score of 192.633 points. His highest ranking on the Adelskalender was a second place. An overview of medals won by Thunberg at important championships he participated in, listing the years in which he won each: Clas Thunberg Arnold Clas (\"Classe\") Robert Thunberg (5 April 1893 – 28 April 1973) was a Finnish speed skater who won five Olympic gold medals – three at the inaugural Winter Olympics held in Chamonix in 1924 (along with a silver and a bronze medal) and two at the 1928 Winter Olympics held in St. Moritz. He was the most successful",
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"id": "5825677",
"score": "1.0664155",
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"title": "Roald Larsen",
"text": "bronze medals at the 1924 Winter Olympics of Chamonix. One of those Olympic silver medals was on the \"allround\" event, a combination of the results of the 500 m, the 1500 m, the 5000 m, and the 10000 m – the only time in Olympic history that there was an allround event. Larsen won several more medals in the years that followed, including another bronze medal at the 1928 Winter Olympics of St. Moritz. Larsen often had to admit defeat to Clas Thunberg. This is illustrated by the fact that at none of the six events in which Larsen won",
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"id": "10827569",
"score": "1.0545456",
"original_retrieval_index": 14
"title": "Finland at the 1924 Winter Olympics",
"text": "Finland at the 1924 Winter Olympics Finland competed at the 1924 Winter Olympics in Chamonix, France. Finnish athletes won a total of 11 medals. The majority of these were awarded in speed skating, to Clas Thunberg and Julius Skutnabb. The following Finnish competitors won medals at the Games. In the 'by discipline' sections below, medallists' names are in bold. Events: The cross-country skiing part of this event was combined with the main medal event of cross-country skiing. Those results can be found above in this article in the cross-country skiing section. Some athletes (but not all) entered in both the",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "8448862",
"score": "1.0534165",
"original_retrieval_index": 15
"title": "1972 Winter Olympics medal table",
"text": "Galina Kulakova, who took gold in both women's individual distances and in the relay event; and Vyacheslav Vedenin, who won the 30 km—becoming the first Soviet skier to win an individual Olympic title—and the relay events, and came third in the 50 km. East German lugers won eight medals for their NOC by taking every medal in the men's and women's singles, and placing two teams in the top three of the doubles event. Paul Hildgartner and Walter Plaikner of Italy were the only non-East German athletes to win a luge medal, as they shared the doubles gold with Horst",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "3710106",
"score": "1.0487041",
"original_retrieval_index": 16
"title": "2006 Winter Olympics medal table",
"text": "for the third consecutive Games. Latvia and Slovakia won the first medals in their Winter Olympic history. Speed skater Cindy Klassen of Canada won five medals (one gold, two silver and two bronze) and was the most medalled athlete at the Games. Biathlete Michael Greis of Germany and short track speed skaters Ahn Hyun Soo and Jin Sun-Yu, both of South Korea, tied for the most gold medals, with three each. One athlete was stripped of an Olympic medal during these Games. Russian biathlete Olga Pyleva won a silver medal in the 15 km race, but tested positive for carphedon",
"hasanswer": false,
"isgold": false,
"id": "7094119",
"score": "1.048535",
"original_retrieval_index": 17
"title": "1924 Winter Olympics medal table",
"text": "two fourth-place finishes, one fifth and one sixth. Italy were also present, in twelfth, for their solitary sixth place. The medal table is based on information provided by the IOC and is consistent with IOC convention in its published medal tables. By default, the table is ordered by the number of gold medals the athletes from a nation have won (in this context, a nation is an entity represented by a National Olympic Committee). The number of silver medals is taken into consideration next and then the number of bronze medals. If nations are still tied, equal ranking is given",
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"id": "3633676",
"score": "1.0471609",
"original_retrieval_index": 19
"title": "Finland at the 1924 Winter Olympics",
"text": "1000 m; 5000 m & 10,000 m. Finland at the 1924 Winter Olympics Finland competed at the 1924 Winter Olympics in Chamonix, France. Finnish athletes won a total of 11 medals. The majority of these were awarded in speed skating, to Clas Thunberg and Julius Skutnabb. The following Finnish competitors won medals at the Games. In the 'by discipline' sections below, medallists' names are in bold. Events: The cross-country skiing part of this event was combined with the main medal event of cross-country skiing. Those results can be found above in this article in the cross-country skiing section. Some athletes",
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"id": "8448864",
"score": "1.0448917",
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"title": "1948 Winter Olympics",
"text": "also the only athlete to win three or more medals. Austria dominated the women's alpine events, winning five out of a possible nine medals. Trude Beiser was a double-medal winner, earning gold in the combined event and silver in the downhill. She was not the only female skier to win two medals though, United States skier Gretchen Fraser won gold in the slalom and took silver behind Beiser in the combined. Austrian Erika Mahringer earned two medals by winning bronze medals in both the slalom and the combined. In cross-country skiing a total of 106 skiers from 15 nations competed",
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"id": "525695",
"score": "1.0427434",
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"title": "Ski jumping at the 1924 Winter Olympics",
"text": "Haug's daughter presented the medal to the 86-year-old Haugen. This competition took place at Le Mont with a K-point of 71 meters. The winner of the competition Jacob Tullin Thams also won a silver medal in sailing at the 1936 Summer Olympics; he is among very few athletes to win both Winter and Summer Olympic medals. A total of 27 ski jumpers from nine nations competed at the Chamonix Games: Ski jumping at the 1924 Winter Olympics At the 1924 Winter Olympics, one individual ski jumping event was contested. It was held on Monday 4 February 1924. The event was",
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"title": "Ivar Ballangrud",
"text": "in 1928 and a silver medal (10,000 m) at the 1932 Winter Olympics. He would have been the favourite for winning more Olympic gold in 1932 if the races had been held in the normal European way, not the American \"packstyle\" way where all competitors are on the ice at the same time. He made his international debut as a 19-year-old rising star in 1924, although it was too late to compete in the Winter Olympics that year. However, he was paired with Julius Skutnabb – who had just become the Olympic 10,000 m Champion – in his first World",
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"id": "3729915",
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"title": "Cross-country skiing at the 1924 Winter Olympics",
"text": "awarded the gold medal, though he later received a gold medal from the French Alp Club. All three medalists in the 50 km also finished in their same positions in the nordic combined event. Cross-country skiers from the United States only competed in the 18 km event. Fifteen cross-country skiers competed in both events. A total of 59 cross-country skiers from twelve nations competed at the Chamonix Games: Cross-country skiing at the 1924 Winter Olympics At the 1924 Winter Olympics, two cross-country skiing events were held. The 50 km competition was held on Wednesday, January 30, 1924 and the 18",
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"id": "7912994",
"score": "1.0344706",
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"title": "1968 Winter Olympics medal table",
"text": "Toini Gustafsson, a Swedish cross-country skier, contributed three of her NOC's eight medals, including two of its three golds, with victories in both women's individual events and a runner-up place in the team relay. Half of Italy's four gold medals were obtained by nine-time bobsleigh world champion Eugenio Monti, who finally drove his sled to the Olympic two- and four-man titles, after two silvers in Cortina d'Ampezzo 1956 and two bronzes in Innsbruck 1964. Canada collected three medals, of which two were won by alpine skier Nancy Greene (gold in women's giant slalom and silver in women's slalom). All nine",
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"id": "3718938",
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"title": "Fischer (company)",
"text": "were awarded to Fischer athletes: A total of 108 medals, which were won mainly in the Nordic disciplines. This surpassed the result at the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver 2010 (74 medals . The Norwegian athlete Marit Bjørgen, who is equipped by Fischer, has become the best Olympic cross country skier of all time. In Sochi she won three gold medals. US-American Joss Christensen is the first Olympic champion in the Alpine discipline of Freeski Slopestyle. At the Alpine, Nordic and Biathlon World Championships 2017 in St. Moritz (SUI), Lahti (FIN) and Hochfilzen (AUT) the Fischer Race Family took 45",
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"id": "6912034",
"score": "1.030559",
"original_retrieval_index": 27
"title": "1924 Winter Olympics",
"text": "Olympic Winter Games every four years, independent of the Olympic Games proper, and recognized the International Winter Sports Week as the first Olympic Winter games in retrospect. In 1974 the final individual medal of Chamonix 1924 was presented. Anders Haugen, who until then had been recorded as finishing fourth in the ski jumping event, received a bronze medal. After fifty years an error had been discovered in the score of Thorleif Haug. In 2006, the IOC confirmed that the awarded medals to 1924 curling teams were official. The IOC verified that curling was officially part of the program, after the",
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"id": "647170",
"score": "1.0300571",
"original_retrieval_index": 29
"title": "Gillis Grafström",
"text": "(1920) and Winter Olympics (1924, 1928), although Eagan remains the only one to have managed the feat in different disciplines. Grafstrom is one of the few athletes who have competed in both the Summer and Winter Olympic games. He is one of the oldest figure skating Olympic champions. In 1914, Grafstrom competed at the last World Championships before the First World War. After the war, Grafström won the Olympic gold medal three successive times (1920, 1924 and 1928) and the silver medal at the 1932 Winter Olympics. He remains the only male figure skater to have won three Olympic gold",
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"score": "1.0293114",
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"title": "Canada at the 2006 Winter Olympics",
"text": "bronze medals (3000 m, 5000 m). Her bronze medal at the 2002 Winter Olympics gives her a total of six medals and the title of the most decorated Canadian Olympian, winter or summer. Tied at five medals for Canada are short track speed skater Marc Gagnon, track athlete Dr. Phil Edwards, and speed skater Clara Hughes, who won her fourth and fifth medal at the 2006 Olympics. In addition to the Canadian medal records, Klassen also tied Eric Heiden to win the most medals by a speed skater at a single Olympics. Women's ice hockey player Danielle Goyette carried the",
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"id": "6647288",
"score": "1.0268434",
"original_retrieval_index": 33
"title": "Czechoslovakia at the 1924 Winter Olympics",
"text": "Czechoslovakia at the 1924 Winter Olympics Czechoslovakia was one of the 16 nations to compete at the inaugural 1924 Winter Olympics in Chamonix, France. The team finished without winning a medal. Figure skater Josef Slíva’s fourth place was the team’s best finish. Ice hockey reserve goalkeeper Jaroslav Řezáč was the first Czechoslovakia’s flagbearer in the Winter Games history. Men’s 18 km (Classic) Men’s 50 km Free (Classic) The cross country skiing marathon route led through mountain streams and difficult steep climbs. Only 21 competitors of 33 starting completed the race, including all three Czechoslovak skiers. The only Czech skaters in",
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"id": "8448957",
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"title": "Johan Grøttumsbråten",
"text": "1924, and went on to defend his Olympic Nordic Combined at the 1932 Winter Olympics. In addition, he won three gold medals at the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships: In 1931 he won both the cross-country 18 km and Nordic combined, after winning the Nordic combined event earlier in 1926. Grøttumsbråten is one of only four people to ever win the Holmenkollen ski festival's Nordic combined event five times (1923, 1926, 1928, 1929 and 1931). In 1924, he shared the Holmenkollen medal with fellow Norwegian Nordic combined athlete Harald Økern. Johan Grøttumsbråten Johan Hagbart Pedersen Grøttumsbraaten (12 February 1899 –",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "6501790",
"score": "1.0258341",
"original_retrieval_index": 35
"title": "Marit Bjørgen",
"text": "in Sochi in the 15 km skiathlon, the Team sprint and the 30km freestyle race. These three Olympic medals brought her total up to ten, equaling the record for most Winter Olympic medals held by a woman, already achieved by Stefania Belmondo and Raisa Smetanina; but of the three record holders at the time, Bjørgen had the most golds. Bjørgen is a five-time Olympian, having competed in every Winter Olympics since Salt Lake City in 2002 where she won her first silver medal. At the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang she won her 11th–15th Olympic medals, the highest number of",
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"id": "6197568",
"score": "1.023941",
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"title": "1972 Winter Olympics medal table",
"text": "Hörnlein and Reinhard Bredow. Italy's other gold medal was won by Gustav Thöni in the men's giant slalom; he also took silver in the men's slalom, thus contributing two of his country's five medals. Marie-Theres Nadig skied her way to victory in the women's downhill and giant slalom events, winning half of Switzerland's gold medals and helping her country achieve its best result at that time. Two-time world figure skating champion Ondrej Nepela added the Olympic men's singles title to his career and guaranteed Czechoslovakia's second and last gold medal in its Winter Olympics history. Half of the United States'",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "3710107",
"score": "1.0227451",
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"title": "Norway at the 2018 Winter Olympics",
"text": "by Canada at the 2010 Winter Olympics. Cross-country skier Marit Bjørgen was the most successful athlete of the games, with five medals, while her male colleagues Johannes Høsflot Klæbo, Simen Hegstad Krüger and Martin Johnsrud Sundby won three each. Biathletes Johannes Thingnes Bø and Emil Hegle Svendsen and ski jumper Robert Johansson also won three medals each. Additional nine Norwegian athletes won two medals each: Ragnhild Haga, Johann André Forfang, Håvard Lorentzen, Sverre Lunde Pedersen, Ragnhild Mowinckel, Marte Olsbu, Kjetil Jansrud, Tiril Eckhoff and Maiken Caspersen Falla. Prior to the games, the Norwegian Olympic sports authority Olympiatoppen announced an official",
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] | {
"title": "1924 Winter Olympics medal table",
"long_answer": "The 1924 Winter Olympics, officially known as the I Olympic Winter Games, and known at the time as Semaine Internationale des Sports d'Hiver (\"International Winter Sports Week\"), was a winter multi-sport event held in Chamonix, France, from 25 January to 5 February 1924. Norway topped the table, collecting seventeen medals in total, including four gold, three of which were won by Thorleif Haug in the nordic combined and cross-country skiing events. Norway also achieved two podium sweeps, winning all three medals in both the 50 km cross-country skiing and the nordic combined. This remained a record at the Winter Olympics until 2014.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The 1924 Winter Olympics, officially known as the I Olympic Winter Games, and known at the time as Semaine Internationale des Sports d'Hiver (\"International Winter Sports Week\"), was a winter multi-sport event held in Chamonix, France, from 25 January to 5 February 1924. Norway topped the table, collecting seventeen medals in total, including four gold, three of which were won by Thorleif Haug in the nordic combined and cross-country skiing events. Norway also achieved two podium sweeps, winning all three medals in both the 50 km cross-country skiing and the nordic combined. This remained a record at the Winter Olympics",
"short_answers": [
} |
what is the final season of downton abbey | [
"the sixth",
"the sixth series",
] | [
"title": "List of Downton Abbey episodes",
"text": "It first aired on ITV in the United Kingdom on 26 September 2010, and on PBS in the United States on 9 January 2011, as part of the Masterpiece Classic anthology. Six series have been made, the sixth airing in the autumn of 2015 in the UK and Ireland, and in January 2016 in the United States. On 26 March 2015, the sixth series was confirmed to be the final series, with the final episode airing in the UK on 25 December 2015 on ITV. During the course of the programme, 52 episodes of Downton Abbey aired over six series.",
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"title": "Downton Abbey (series 2)",
"text": "Downton Abbey (series 2) The second series of the British historical period drama television series \"Downton Abbey\" aired from 18 September 2011 to 6 November 2011, comprising a total of 8 episodes and one Christmas Special episode aired on 25 December 2011. It was broadcast in the United Kingdom on ITV, and in the United States on PBS, starting on 8 January 2012. Series 2 explored the lives of the Crawley family and servants during and after the First World War. Series 2 received widespread acclaim, with critics praising its cast, historical depictions, and story's arc. The viewing figures significantly",
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"title": "Downton Abbey (film)",
"text": "Downton Abbey (film) Downton Abbey is an upcoming British historical period drama film, written by Julian Fellowes and directed by Michael Engler. It is a continuation of the television series of the same name, created by Fellowes, that ran on ITV from 2010 to 2015. The film is scheduled to be released on 13 September 2019 in the United Kingdom, and one week later in the United States on 20 September. The film is a follow-up to the television series of the same name, which ended its original run in December 2015 after 52 episodes. In April 2016, it was",
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"title": "Downton Abbey",
"text": "Downton Abbey Downton Abbey is a British historical period drama television series set in the early 20th century, created by Julian Fellowes. The series first aired on ITV in the United Kingdom on 26 September 2010, and in the United States on PBS, which supported production of the series as part of its \"Masterpiece Classic\" anthology, on 9 January 2011. The series, set in the fictional Yorkshire country estate of Downton Abbey between 1912 and 1926, depicts the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their domestic servants in the post-Edwardian era—with the great events in history having an effect",
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"title": "Downton Abbey (series 2)",
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"title": "Downton Abbey (film)",
"text": "only briefly due to other commitments. Then, in September Jim Carter, Brendan Coyle, Kevin Doyle, Harry Hadden-Paton, Rob James-Collier, Allen Leech, Phyllis Logan, Sophie McShera, Lesley Nicol and Penelope Wilton were confirmed to be reprising their respective roles, with Max Brown joining in a new, undisclosed role. The film is scheduled for a UK release on 13 September 2019, with the US following one week later on 20 September 2019. Downton Abbey (film) Downton Abbey is an upcoming British historical period drama film, written by Julian Fellowes and directed by Michael Engler. It is a continuation of the television series",
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"title": "Downton Abbey (series 2)",
"text": "and narrated by Hugh Bonneville. 4.5 million people watched the show. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Filming began in March 2011. The scripts were written by series creator Julian Fellowes. Episodes were directed by Ashley Pearce, Andy Goddard, Brian Kelly, and James Strong. Cal Macaninch, Iain Glen, Amy Nuttall, Zoe Boyle, and Maria Doyle Kennedy joined the cast as the new valet Lang, Sir Richard Carlisle, the new housemaid Ethel, Lavinia Swire, and John Bates' wife Vera, respectively. Nigel Havers and Sharon Small appeared in the Christmas Special as Lord Hepworth and Marigold Shore, Rosamund Painswick's maid, respectively. Series two was highly acclaimed. On",
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"id": "17675350",
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"title": "Downton Abbey",
"text": "an oversight role. Edith and Bertie are married on New Year's Eve. Lady Rose and Atticus return for the wedding. Anna goes into labour during the reception, and she and Bates become parents to a healthy son. The series is set in fictional Downton Abbey, a Yorkshire country house, which is the home and seat of the Earl and Countess of Grantham, along with their children and distant family members. Each series follows the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family, their friends, and their servants during the reign of King George V. The main cast of the Crawley family is",
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"title": "Downton Abbey (series 2)",
"text": "Rotten Tomatoes, it has fresh rating of 100% based on 24 reviews, with a weighted average of 8.9/10. The site's critical consensus reads, \"With its excellent cast and resplendent period trappings, \"Downton Abbey\" continues to weave a bewitching, ingratiating spell.\" On Metacritic, the series 2 has a normalized score of 85 out of 100 based on 26 critics, indicating \"Generally favourable reviews\". The series generally received overwhelming reviews from critics. Linda Stasi of the \"New York Post\" wrote \"The series seamlessly moves between the horrors of war and the gentility of life in the show's titular 100-room manor.\" Writing for",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "17675351",
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"title": "Downton Abbey",
"text": "Focus Features and Universal Pictures International. The film is scheduled for a UK release on 13 September 2019, with the US following one week later on 20 September 2019. Downton Abbey Downton Abbey is a British historical period drama television series set in the early 20th century, created by Julian Fellowes. The series first aired on ITV in the United Kingdom on 26 September 2010, and in the United States on PBS, which supported production of the series as part of its \"Masterpiece Classic\" anthology, on 9 January 2011. The series, set in the fictional Yorkshire country estate of Downton",
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"title": "Downton Abbey",
"text": "the departure of actor Dan Stevens, the death of Matthew Crawley, in the 2012 Christmas special, drew criticism. Lord Fellowes defended the decision stating that they 'didn't really have an option' once Stevens decided to leave. Stevens later said that he had no say in the manner of his character's departure but that he was 'sorry' his character had died on Christmas Day. The fourth series premiered in the UK on 22 September 2013 with an average audience of 9.5 million viewers—the highest ever for one of the drama's debut episodes. It premiered in the US on 5 January 2014,",
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"title": "Downton Abbey (series 1)",
"text": "Downton Abbey (series 1) The first series of \"Downton Abbey\" comprises 7 episodes, and was broadcast in the UK on 26 September 2010, and explored the lives of the Crawley family and their servants from the day after the sinking of the RMS \"Titanic\" in April 1912 to the outbreak of the First World War on 4 August 1914. The ties between blood relations in family are an important part of the series. The series takes a sympathetic look at those at lower positions in life, such as the more compassionate treatment of homosexuality seen with depictions of the character",
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"title": "Downton Abbey (film)",
"text": "Percival, in addition to Nigel Marchant, would be an executive producer. Principal photography started in London in late August. By 20 September, some filming was under way at Highclere Castle, Hampshire, which had been the main location for the television series. Also in September, filming was under way in Lacock, Wiltshire, with Dame Maggie Smith, Hugh Bonneville, Elizabeth McGovern and Michelle Dockery as well as two new cast members, Imelda Staunton and Geraldine James; scenes shot in Lacock included a celebration with horses from the Royal Artillery. Filming concluded in November 2018. Original cast members including Hugh Bonneville, Elizabeth McGovern,",
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"title": "Downton Abbey",
"text": "and acted. Smith, who plays the formidable and disdainful Dowager Countess, has a lovely way of delivering words, always spaced to perfection. This is going to be a treat if you like a lavish period drama of a Sunday evening. Viewers were critical of the number of advertisement breaks during the first episode (five in a 90-minute episode, as well as one before and one after), claiming it ruined the continuity. ITV responded by saying that the number of breaks complied with Ofcom regulations and that advertising was necessary to cover the high costs of production. The second series premiered",
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"title": "Downton Abbey",
"text": "Mary, but she puts him off when Lady Grantham becomes pregnant. Cora miscarries after O'Brien, believing she was to be fired, retaliates by kicking a broken bar of soap near the bathtub steps, making Cora slip and fall, killing her unborn child which had been a boy. The series ends just after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the outbreak of the First World War in July 1914. The second series comprises eight episodes and runs from the Battle of the Somme in 1916 to the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. During the war, Downton Abbey is temporarily converted into",
"hasanswer": false,
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"title": "Downton Abbey",
"text": "Downton has been saved through Matthew and Tom's efforts to modernise. Mary gives birth to the new heir, but Matthew dies in a car crash while driving home from the hospital. In series four, covering 1922 to 1923, Cora's maid Miss O'Brien, desiring adventure and travel, leaves to serve Lady Flintshire in India. Cora hires Edna Braithwaite, who had previously been fired for her interest in Tom. Eventually the situation blows up, and Edna is replaced by Miss Baxter. Lady Mary deeply mourns Matthew's death. Matthew's newly-found will states Mary is to be his sole heir and thus gives her",
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"title": "Siobhan Finneran",
"text": "of the aristocratic Crawley family and their domestic servants. Upon its transmission, \"Downton Abbey\" received extensive critical acclaim, and strong viewing figures in both the UK and America. During her time on the show, the \"Downton Abbey\" cast won the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series in 2012 (for series 2), and were nominated also in 2013 (for series 3). Finneran announced her departure in March 2013, ahead of the fourth series, explaining that she had been signed for only three series and did not wish to extend her contract, adding: \"When",
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"id": "10659761",
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"title": "Mr Selfridge",
"text": "\"Downton Abbey\". The programme has been distributed internationally by ITV Studios' Global Entertainment brand. ITV sold the series to a number countries at the 2012 Mipcom event. In addition they have pre-sold the show to Australia's Seven Network and the satellite television provider, Yes, in Israel. In the Netherlands, Series 1 was aired starting August, 2013 and series 2 was aired from July 2014. In Sweden \"Mr Selfridge\" was aired at the public service network SVT. The last two episodes of season 4 were aired as a double on 25 June 2016 on SVT1. Mr Selfridge Mr Selfridge is a",
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"title": "Downton Abbey (series 2)",
"text": "although some of them stretch credulity or peter out.\" Alessandra Stanley of \"The New York Times\" also gave the series moderate reviews by comparison to first series and said, \"Season 2 is in many ways as captivating and addictive as the first, but this time around, the series comes off as a shameless throwback to itself.\" In a moderate review, Maureen Ryan of \"The Huffington Post\" said, \"Your investment in the many stories spun out by creator Julian Fellowes may take longer to develop this year, because the costume drama's pace is off in the early going and it's far",
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"title": "Downton Abbey",
"text": "and Thomas Howes, as William Mason the second footman, round off the main, original downstairs staff. Matt Milne joins the cast as O'Brien's nephew Alfred Nugent, the awkward new footman for series three and four, and Raquel Cassidy plays Baxter, Cora's personal maid, who was hired to replace O'Brien. The lower staff includes Lesley Nicol as Mrs Patmore the cook, Sophie McShera as Daisy, the scullery maid who works her way up to assistant cook and marries William Mason, and Rose Leslie as Gwen Dawson, a housemaid studying to be a secretary in series one. Amy Nuttall plays Ethel Parks,",
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"id": "14929301",
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"title": "Downton Abbey",
"text": "Télé. In Australia, the first series was broadcast on the Seven Network beginning on 29 May 2011; the second series was broadcast beginning on 20 May 2012; and the third series beginning on 10 February 2013. In New Zealand, Prime began airing the first series on 10 May 2011, the second series on 18 October 2011 and the third series on 18 October 2012. In Ireland, independent television channel TV3 aired the first series in January and February 2011. The series has been noted for its relatively sympathetic portrayal of the aristocratic family and the class-based society of early 20th",
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"title": "Downton Abbey (series 2)",
"text": "the biggest development, Downton Abbey becomes a convalescent home for wounded officers. Upstairs Downstairs A 46-minute documentary compiled in anticipation of the Christmas 2011 two-hour special broadcast, \"Behind the Drama\" features behind-the-scenes footage from the filming of the series and short interviews with Julian Fellowes, the writer, actors (Elizabeth McGovern, Joanne Froggatt, Brendan Coyle, Dan Stevens, Michelle Dockery, Jessica Brown Findlay, Laura Carmichael, Penelope Wilton, Phyllis Logan, Thomas Howes, Lesley Nicol, Sophie McShera, Allen Leech), and other members of the team that produces \"Downton Abbey\". It was shown in the United Kingdom at 7:30 pm on Wednesday 21 December 2011",
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"score": "1.0034227",
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"title": "Downton Abbey (film)",
"text": "Michelle Dockery, Laura Carmichael and Maggie Smith, were confirmed to return as their characters from the series, with Joanne Froggatt confirming her involvement in a separate announcement. Actress Lily James, who played Lady Rose MacClare, stated she would not be reprising her role for the film, as did Ed Speleers who played footman James Kent. An August announcement indicated that newcomers Imelda Staunton, Geraldine James, Tuppence Middleton, Simon Jones, David Haig, Kate Phillips, and Stephen Campbell Moore would be among the cast of the film. Matthew Goode, who played Lady Mary's husband Henry Talbot in the final series, will appear",
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"title": "Downton Abbey",
"text": "breakfast business is tainted by scandal, but saved when the Crawleys appear there publicly. Mary arranges a surprise meeting for Edith and Bertie with Bertie proposing again. Edith accepts. Edith tells Bertie's moralistic mother about Marigold; she turns against the match, but is won over after all by Edith's honesty. Barrow finds a position as butler and leaves Downton on good terms, but he is unhappy at his new post. Lord Merton is diagnosed with terminal pernicious anemia, and Amelia blocks Isobel from seeing him. Goaded by Lady Violet, Isobel pushes into the Merton house, and announces she will take",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "14929295",
"score": "0.99908733",
"original_retrieval_index": 26
"title": "Downton Abbey",
"text": "figures showing this is also commonplace for other ITV programmes. STV announced in July 2011 that it would show the first and second series of \"Downton Abbey\" as part of its autumn schedule. Scottish cast members Phyllis Logan and Iain Glen were both quoted as being pleased with the decision. In the United States, \"Downton Abbey\" was first broadcast in January 2011 on PBS, as part of the 40th season of \"Masterpiece\". The programme was aired in four 90-minute episodes, controversially requiring PBS to alter the beginning and endpoints of each episode and make other small changes, slightly altering each",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "14929314",
"score": "0.997628",
"original_retrieval_index": 27
"title": "Downton Abbey",
"text": "and other witnesses are persuaded to testify. After Mrs Drewe kidnaps Marigold when Edith is not looking, the Drewes vacate Yew Tree Farm; Daisy convinces Tom Branson to ask Lord Grantham to give her father-in-law, Mr Mason, the tenancy. Andy, a footman, offers to help Mr Mason so he can learn about farming, but is held back by his illiteracy; Mr Barrow offers to teach Andy to read. Robert suffers a near-fatal health crisis. Previous episodes alluded to health problems for Robert; his ulcer bursts and he is rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. The operation is successful, but",
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"id": "14929292",
"score": "0.996054",
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"title": "Downton Abbey",
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"title": "Michelle Dockery",
"text": "\"The Turn of the Screw\" with her future \"Downton Abbey\" co-star Dan Stevens, in the role of her psychiatrist. Dockery came to public prominence in 2010 when she played Lady Mary Crawley in Julian Fellowes' series \"Downton Abbey\". \"Downton Abbey\" was filmed from February–August 2010-15. The series was broadcast on ITV September–November, with a special Christmas night episode for Series 2-6 in 2011-15, with a later airing schedule in the U.S. for PBS. For her role as Lady Mary Crawley in the \"Downton Abbey\" series, Dockery received three consecutive Emmy Award nominations in the category for Outstanding Lead Actress In",
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"title": "Downton Abbey (series 1)",
"text": "Outstanding Miniseries or Movie, Outstanding Directing for a Miniseries, Movie, or Dramatic Special for Brian Percival, Outstanding Writing for a Miniseries, Movie, or Dramatic Special for Julian Fellowes, and Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or Movie for Dame Maggie Smith, who won again the following year for series 2. At the 63rd Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards, the series won Outstanding Costumes for a Miniseries, Movie, or Special and Outstanding Cinematography for a Miniseries or Movie – both for \"Episode One\". Downton Abbey (series 1) The first series of \"Downton Abbey\" comprises 7 episodes, and was broadcast in the",
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"title": "Downton Abbey",
"text": "school for butlers opened to meet a demand again attributed to the influence of \"Downton Abbey\". Some of the fashion items worn by characters on the show have seen a strong revival of interest in the UK and elsewhere during the show's run, including starched collars, midi skirts, beaded gowns, and hunting plaids. The Equality (Titles) Bill was an unsuccessful piece of legislation introduced in the UK Parliament in 2013 that would have allowed equal succession of female heirs to hereditary titles and peerages. It was nicknamed the \"\"Downton Abbey\" law\" because it addressed the same issue that affects Lady",
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"title": "List of Downton Abbey episodes",
"long_answer": "Downton Abbey is a British period drama television series created by Julian Fellowes and co-produced by Carnival Films and Masterpiece. It first aired on ITV in the United Kingdom on 26 September 2010, and on PBS in the United States on 9 January 2011, as part of the Masterpiece Classic anthology. Six series have been made, the sixth airing in the autumn of 2015 in the UK and Ireland, and in January 2016 in the United States. On 26 March 2015, the sixth series was confirmed to be the final series, with the final episode airing in the UK on 25 December 2015 on ITV. During the course of the programme, 52 episodes of Downton Abbey aired over six series.",
"chunked_long_answer": "It first aired on ITV in the United Kingdom on 26 September 2010, and on PBS in the United States on 9 January 2011, as part of the Masterpiece Classic anthology. Six series have been made, the sixth airing in the autumn of 2015 in the UK and Ireland, and in January 2016 in the United States. On 26 March 2015, the sixth series was confirmed to be the final series, with the final episode airing in the UK on 25 December 2015 on ITV. During the course of the programme, 52 episodes of Downton Abbey aired over six series.",
"short_answers": [
"the sixth",
"the sixth series"
} |
which site of an enzyme is called allosteric site | [
"regulatory site"
] | [
"title": "Regulatory site",
"text": "A regulatory site (also known as an \"allosteric site\") is a site on an allosteric protein to which a modulator molecule (or allosteric regulator) binds. This ligand-binding site on a receptor or enzyme is distinct from the active site. Allosteric modulators alter enzyme activity by binding to the regulatory site. Some allosteric regulators activate enzymes, while others inhibit them. The working hypothesis is that when allosteric regulators bind to the regulatory site, the protein undergoes conformational changes which changes the enzyme's activity.",
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"title": "Active site",
"text": "Structures) however allows the comparison of active sites in more detail and the finding of structural similarity using software. An allosteric site is a site on an enzyme, unrelated to its active site, which can bind an effector molecule. This interaction is another mechanism of enzyme regulation. Allosteric modification usually happens in proteins with more than one subunit. Allosteric interactions are often present in metabolic pathways and are beneficial in that they allow one step of a reaction to regulate another step. They allow an enzyme to have a range of molecular interactions, other than the highly specific active site.",
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"title": "Enzyme",
"text": "enzyme's function. For example, different conformations of the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase are associated with the substrate binding, catalysis, cofactor release, and product release steps of the catalytic cycle. Allosteric sites are pockets on the enzyme, distinct from the active site, that bind to molecules in the cellular environment. These molecules then cause a change in the conformation or dynamics of the enzyme that is transduced to the active site and thus affects the reaction rate of the enzyme. In this way, allosteric interactions can either inhibit or activate enzymes. Allosteric interactions with metabolites upstream or downstream in an enzyme's metabolic",
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"title": "Allosteric enzyme",
"text": "In biochemistry, allosteric regulation (or allosteric control) is the regulation of a protein by binding an effector molecule at a site other than the enzyme's active site. The site to which the effector binds is termed the \"allosteric site\". Allosteric sites allow effectors to bind to the protein, often resulting in a conformational change involving protein dynamics. Effectors that enhance the protein's activity are referred to as \"allosteric activators\", whereas those that decrease the protein's activity are called \"allosteric inhibitors\". Allosteric regulations are a natural example of control loops, such as feedback from downstream products or feedforward from upstream substrates.",
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"title": "Allosteric regulation",
"text": "primary site of interest. These residues can broadly be classified as surface- and interior-allosteric amino acids. Allosteric sites at the surface generally play regulatory roles that are fundamentally distinct from those within the interior; surface residues may serve as receptors or effector sites in allosteric signal transmission, whereas those within the interior may act to transmit such signals. Allosteric regulation In biochemistry, allosteric regulation (or allosteric control) is the regulation of an enzyme by binding an effector molecule at a site other than the enzyme's active site. The site to which the effector binds is termed the \"allosteric site\" or",
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"title": "Allosteric enzyme",
"text": "Allosteric enzyme Allosteric enzymes are enzymes that change their conformational ensemble upon binding of an effector, which results in an apparent change in binding affinity at a different ligand binding site. This \"action at a distance\" through binding of one ligand affecting the binding of another at a distinctly different site, is the essence of the allosteric concept. Allostery plays a crucial role in many fundamental biological processes, including but not limited to cell signaling and the regulation of metabolism. Allosteric enzymes need not be oligomers as previously thought, and in fact many systems have demonstrated allostery within single enzymes.",
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"title": "Regulatory enzyme",
"text": "function through reversible, non-covalent binding of a regulatory metabolite in the allosteric site (which is not the active site). When bound, these metabolites do not participate in catalysis directly, but they are still essential: they lead to conformational changes in a concrete part of the enzyme. These changes affect the overall conformation of the active site, causing modifications on the activity of the reaction. Properties Allosteric enzymes are generally larger in mass than other enzymes. Different from having a single subunit enzyme, in this case they are composed of multiple subunits, which contain active sites and regulatory molecule binding sites.",
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"title": "Allosteric enzyme",
"text": "or less active by redistributing the ensemble between the higher affinity and lower affinity states. The binding sites for heterotropic effectors, called allosteric sites, are usually separate from the active site yet thermodynamically coupled. Allosteric Database (ASD, provides a central resource for the display, search and analysis of the structure, function and related annotation for allosteric molecules, including allosteric enzymes and their modulators. Each enzyme is annotated with detailed description of allostery, biological process and related diseases, and each modulator with binding affinity, physicochemical properties and therapeutic area. Hemoglobin, though not an enzyme, is the canonical example of an",
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"title": "Allosteric enzyme",
"text": "allosteric protein molecule - and one of the earliest to have its crystal structure solved (by Max Perutz). More recently, the \"E. coli\" enzyme aspartate carbamoyltransferase (ATCase) has become another good example of allosteric regulation. The kinetic properties of allosteric enzymes are often explained in terms of a conformational change between a low-activity, low-affinity \"tense\" or T state and a high-activity, high-affinity \"relaxed\" or R state. These structurally distinct enzyme forms have been shown to exist in several known allosteric enzymes. However the molecular basis for conversion between the two states is not well understood. Two main models have been",
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"title": "Allosteric regulation",
"text": "to living in the macrophages of humans. The enzyme's sites serve as a communication between different substrates. Specifically between AMP and G6P. Sites like these also serve as a sensing mechanism for the enzyme's performance. Positive allosteric modulation (also known as \"allosteric activation\") occurs when the binding of one ligand enhances the attraction between substrate molecules and other binding sites. An example is the binding of oxygen molecules to hemoglobin, where oxygen is effectively both the substrate and the effector. The allosteric, or \"other\", site is the active site of an adjoining protein subunit. The binding of oxygen to one",
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"title": "Allosteric enzyme",
"text": "can bind more ligands more easily i.e. every time it binds a ligand it wants to bind another one. Neither model fully explains allosteric binding, however. The recent combined use of physical techniques (for example, x-ray crystallography and solution small angle x-ray scattering or SAXS) and genetic techniques (site-directed mutagenesis or SDM) may improve our understanding of allostery. Allosteric enzyme Allosteric enzymes are enzymes that change their conformational ensemble upon binding of an effector, which results in an apparent change in binding affinity at a different ligand binding site. This \"action at a distance\" through binding of one ligand affecting",
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"title": "Allosteric regulation",
"text": "which negative allosteric modulation can be seen is between ATP and the enzyme phosphofructokinase within the negative feedback loop that regulates glycolysis. Phosphofructokinase (generally referred to as PFK) is an enzyme that catalyses the third step of glycolysis: the phosphorylation of fructose-6-phosphate into fructose 1,6-bisphosphate. PFK can be allosterically inhibited by high levels of ATP within the cell. When ATP levels are high, ATP will bind to an allosteoric site on phosphofructokinase, causing a change in the enzyme's three-dimensional shape. This change causes its affinity for substrate (fructose-6-phosphate and ATP) at the active site to decrease, and the enzyme is",
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"title": "Allosteric enzyme",
"text": "key driver of protein evolution is the optimization of such catalytic activities via protein dynamics. Whereas enzymes without coupled domains/subunits display normal Michaelis-Menten kinetics, most allosteric enzymes have multiple coupled domains/subunits and show cooperative binding. Generally speaking, such cooperativity results in allosteric enzymes displaying a sigmoidal dependence on the concentration of their substrates in positively cooperative systems. This allows most allosteric enzymes to greatly vary catalytic output in response to small changes in effector concentration. Effector molecules, which may be the substrate itself (homotropic effectors) or some other small molecule (heterotropic effector), may cause the enzyme to become more active",
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"title": "Active site",
"text": "Active site In biology, the active site is the region of an enzyme where substrate molecules bind and undergo a chemical reaction. The active site consists of residues that form temporary bonds with the substrate (binding site) and residues that catalyse a reaction of that substrate (catalytic site). Although the active site is small relative to the whole volume of the enzyme (it only occupies 10~20% of the total volume), it is the most important part of the enzyme as it directly catalyzes the chemical reaction. It usually consists of three to four amino acids, while other amino acids within",
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"title": "Allosteric regulation",
"text": "subunit induces a conformational change in that subunit that interacts with the remaining active sites to enhance \"their\" oxygen affinity. Another example of allosteric activation is seen in cytosolic IMP-GMP specific 5'-nucleotidase II (cN-II), where the affinity for substrate GMP increases upon GTP binding at the dimer interface Negative allosteric modulation (also known as \"allosteric inhibition\") occurs when the binding of one ligand decreases the affinity for substrate at other active sites. For example, when 2,3-BPG binds to an allosteric site on hemoglobin, the affinity for oxygen of all subunits decreases. This is when a regulator is absent from the",
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"title": "Phosphofructokinase 1",
"text": "and has cylindrical b sheet surrounded by alpha helices. On the opposite side of the each subunit from each active site is the allosteric site, at the interface between subunits in the dimer. ATP and AMP compete for this site. The N-terminal domain has a catalytic role binding the ATP, and the C-terminal has a regulatory role PFK1 is an allosteric enzyme whose activity can be described using the symmetry model of allosterism whereby there is a concerted transition from an enzymatically inactive T-state to the active R-state. F6P binds with a high affinity to the R state but not",
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"title": "Porphobilinogen synthase",
"text": "the contrary, allosteric sites can be much more phylogenetically variable than active sites, thus presenting more drug development opportunities. Phylogenetic variation in PBGS allostery leads to the framing of discussion of PBGS allosteric regulation in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The allosteric magnesium ion lies at the highly hydrated interface of two pro-octamer dimers. It appears to be easily dissociable, and it has been shown that hexamers accumulate when magnesium is removed \"in vitro\". Though it is not common to consider hydronium ions as allosteric regulators, in the case of PBGS, side chain protonation at locations other than the",
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"title": "Mixed inhibition",
"text": "is \"exactly the same\" whether or not the enzyme has already bound the substrate, it is known as a non-competitive inhibitor. Non-competitive inhibition is sometimes thought of as a special case of mixed inhibition. In mixed inhibition, the inhibitor binds to an allosteric site, i.e. a site different from the active site where the substrate binds. However, not all inhibitors that bind at allosteric sites are mixed inhibitors. Mixed inhibition may result in either: In either case the inhibition decreases the apparent maximum enzyme reaction rate (formula_3). Mathematically, mixed inhibition occurs when the factors α and α’ (introduced into the",
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"title": "Allosteric enzyme",
"text": "proposed to describe this mechanism: the \"concerted model\" of Monod, Wyman, and Changeux, and the \"sequential model\" of Koshland, Nemethy, and Filmer. In the concerted model, the protein is thought to have two “all-or-none” global states. This model is supported by positive cooperativity where binding of one ligand increases the ability of the enzyme to bind to more ligands. The model is not supported by negative cooperativity where losing one ligand make it easier for the enzyme to lose more. In the sequential model there are many different global conformational/energy states. Binding of one ligand changes the enzyme so it",
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"title": "Binding site",
"text": "as opposed to oxygen in hemoglobin. Uncompetitive inhibitors, alternatively, bind concurrently with substrate at active sites. Upon binding to an enzyme substrate (ES) complex, an enzyme substrate inhibitor (ESI) complex is formed. Similar to competitive inhibitors, the rate at product formation is decreased also. Lastly, mixed inhibitors are able to bind to both the free enzyme and the enzyme-substrate complex. However, in contrast to competitive and uncompetitive inhibitors, mixed inhibitors bind to the allosteric site. Allosteric binding induces conformational changes that may increase the protein's affinity for substrate. This phenomenon is called positive modulation. Conversely, allosteric binding that decreases the",
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"title": "Allosteric regulation",
"text": "to all other subunits. Thus, all subunits must exist in the same conformation. The model further holds that, in the absence of any ligand (substrate or otherwise), the equilibrium favors one of the conformational states, T or R. The equilibrium can be shifted to the R or T state through the binding of one ligand (the allosteric effector or ligand) to a site that is different from the active site (the allosteric site). The sequential model of allosteric regulation holds that subunits are not connected in such a way that a conformational change in one induces a similar change in",
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"title": "Allosteric regulation",
"text": "has been amply highlighted above, some allosteric proteins can be regulated by both their substrates and other molecules. Such proteins are capable of both homotropic and heterotropic interactions. Some allosteric activators are referred to as \"essential\", or \"obligate\" activators, in the sense that in their absence, the activity of their target enzyme activity is very low or negligible, as is the case with N-acetylglutamate's activity on carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I, for example. A non-regulatory allosteric site is any non-regulatory component of an enzyme (or any protein), that is not itself an amino acid. For instance, many enzymes require sodium binding",
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"title": "Allosteric regulation",
"text": "a single subunit of the tetrameric enzyme leads to increased affinity for GMP by the subsequent subunits as revealed by sigmoidal substrate versus velocity plots. A heterotropic allosteric modulator is a regulatory molecule that is not the enzyme's substrate. It may be either an activator or an inhibitor of the enzyme. For example, H, CO, and 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate are heterotropic allosteric modulators of hemoglobin. Once again, in IMP/GMP specific 5' nucleotidase, binding of GTP molecule at the dimer interface in the tetrameric enzyme leads to increased affinity for substrate GMP at the active site indicating towards K-type heterotropic allosteric activation. As",
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"title": "Chance and Necessity",
"text": "activated by a product of degradation of the terminal metabolite. Parallel activation takes place when the first enzyme of a metabolic sequence is activated by a metabolite synthesized by an independent parallel sequence. Activation through a precursor is defined as when an enzyme is activated by a precursor of its substrate and a particularly frequent case of this is activation of the enzyme by the substrate itself. Allosteric enzymes are usually under the simultaneous control of several allosteric effectors. Next Monod makes reference to his own research and talks about the S-shaped non-linear curve that is characteristic of allosteric enzymes",
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"title": "Competitive inhibition",
"text": "bind either the inhibitor or the substrate but never both at the same time. For example, allosteric inhibitors may display competitive, non-competitive, or uncompetitive inhibition. In competitive inhibition, an inhibitor that resembles the normal substrate binds to the enzyme, usually at the active site, and prevents the substrate from binding. At any given moment, the enzyme may be bound to the inhibitor, the substrate, or neither, but it cannot bind both at the same time. During competitive inhibition, the inhibitor and substrate compete for the active site. The active site is a region on an enzyme which a particular protein",
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"title": "Jean-Pierre Changeux",
"text": "the research threads were tied in the recent decades within the study of allosteric mechanisms as a basis of for the involvement of nicotinic receptors in cognitive functions. During his PhD studies in the laboratory of Jacques Monod and Francois Jacob, Changeux studied the allosteric regulations of enzymes, that is the modulation of their activity by compounds different from their substrates. This work led to the development of the model of concerted transitions for allosteric proteins. The main ideas behind this theory are: 1) proteins can exist under various conformations in thermal equilibrium in the absence of regulators. The allosteric",
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"title": "Aspartate carbamoyltransferase",
"text": "interacting with the carbonyl oxygen. In general, the rate enhancement of ATCase is achieved by orientation and stabilization of substrates, intermediates, and products rather than by direct involvement of amino acid residues in the catalytic mechanism. The allosteric site in the allosteric domain of the R chains of the ATCase complex binds to the nucleotides ATP, CTP and/or UTP. There is one site with high affinity for ATP and CTP and one with 10- to 20-fold lower affinity for these nucleotides in each regulatory dimer. ATP binds predominantly to the high-affinity sites and subsequently activates the enzyme, while UTP and",
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"title": "Non-competitive inhibition",
"text": "the enzyme was reacting by polarimetry; therefore, non-competitive inhibition was found to occur in the reaction where sucrose was inverted with invertase. It is important to note that while all non-competitive inhibitors bind the enzyme at allosteric sites (i.e. locations other than its active site)—not all inhibitors that bind at allosteric sites are non-competitive inhibitors. In fact, allosteric inhibitors may act as competitive, non-competitive, or uncompetitive inhibitors. Many sources continue to conflate these two terms, or state the definition of allosteric inhibition as the definition for non-competitive inhibition. Non-competitive inhibition models a system where the inhibitor and the substrate may",
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"title": "Active site",
"text": "enzymes. An active site can catalyse a reaction repeatedly as residues are not altered at the end of the reaction (they may change during the reaction, but are regenerated by the end). This process is achieved by lowering the activation energy of the reaction, so more substrates have enough energy to undergo reaction. Usually, an enzyme molecule has only two active sites, and the active sites fit with one specific type of substrate. An active site contains a binding site that binds the substrate and orients it for catalysis. The orientation of the substrate and the close proximity between it",
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"title": "Chance and Necessity",
"text": "accounts for the nonlinearity of enzyme activity: a ligand molecule that stabilizes the relaxed state of one of the monomers prevents the others from returning to the associated state. These simple molecular mechanisms account for the integrative properties of allosteric enzymes. Monod again references his own work as he talks about the lactose system (consisting of three proteins) in Escherica coli. He explains that galactoside permease (one of the proteins in the lactose system) enables the galactoside sugars to penetrate and accumulate within the cell. When \"Escherica coli\" are grown in a medium with no galactosides, the three proteins are",
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"title": "Regulatory site",
"long_answer": "A regulatory site (also known as an \"allosteric site\") is a site on an allosteric protein to which a modulator molecule (or allosteric regulator) binds. This ligand-binding site on a receptor or enzyme is distinct from the active site. Allosteric modulators alter enzyme activity by binding to the regulatory site. Some allosteric regulators activate enzymes, while others inhibit them. The working hypothesis is that when allosteric regulators bind to the regulatory site, the protein undergoes conformational changes which changes the enzyme's activity.",
"chunked_long_answer": "A regulatory site (also known as an \"allosteric site\") is a site on an allosteric protein to which a modulator molecule (or allosteric regulator) binds. This ligand-binding site on a receptor or enzyme is distinct from the active site. Allosteric modulators alter enzyme activity by binding to the regulatory site. Some allosteric regulators activate enzymes, while others inhibit them. The working hypothesis is that when allosteric regulators bind to the regulatory site, the protein undergoes conformational changes which changes the enzyme's activity.",
"short_answers": [
"regulatory site"
} |
what caused the breakup of the democratic republican party | [
"the disputed 1824 presidential election"
] | [
"title": "Democratic-Republican Party",
"text": "In the aftermath of the disputed 1824 presidential election, the separate factions took on many characteristics of parties in their own right. Adams' supporters, in league with Clay, favored modernization, banks, industrial development and federal spending for roads and other internal improvements, which the Old Republicans and the Jackson men usually opposed. Writing in his personal journal on December 13, 1826, President Adams noted the difficulty he faced in attempting to be nonpartisan in appointing men to office:",
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"title": "1880 South Carolina gubernatorial election",
"text": "Reconstruction, how the splintering campaigns by the Independent Republicans in 1872 and 1874 caused the eventual downfall of the regular Republicans in 1876. He pointed out the rise of agrarian dissatisfaction in the state by the organization of a Greenback party as the beginning of the breakup of the Democratic party. Proponents of the state ticket wavered in their support upon hearing Elliott, and the issue was left with the executive committee of the party. With Elliott as the leader of the party, the matter was buried and no state ticket was formed. During September, the Greenback-Labor party held their",
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"title": "2006 United States elections",
"text": "the Republican Party. It was also the first election in U.S. history in which the results were so lopsided that the victorious party did not lose a single incumbent or open seat in Congress or governor's mansion. Reasons for the Democratic Party takeover include the decline of the public image of George W. Bush, the dissatisfaction of his administration's handling of both Hurricane Katrina and the War in Iraq, the beginning of the collapse of the United States housing bubble, Bush's legislative defeat regarding Social Security Privatization, and a series of scandals in 2006 involving Republican politicians. In March 2003,",
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"title": "Democratic Party (United States)",
"text": "when the Whigs fell apart over the issue of slavery. In 1854, angry with the Kansas–Nebraska Act, anti-slavery Democrats left the party and joined Northern Whigs to form the Republican Party. Behind the platforms issued by state and national parties stood a widely shared political outlook that characterized the Democrats: The Democrats split over the choice of a successor to President James Buchanan along Northern and Southern lines as factions of the party provided two separate candidacies for President in the election of 1860, in which the Republican Party gained ascendancy. The radical pro-slavery Fire-Eaters led a walkout at both",
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"title": "History of the United States Democratic Party",
"text": "anti-segregation laws during the 1948 Democratic National Convention, many Southern Democratic delegates decided to split from the party and formed the \"Dixiecrats\", led by South Carolina governor Strom Thurmond (who as Senator would later join the Republican Party). However, few other Democrats left the party. On the other hand, African Americans, who had traditionally given strong support to the Republican Party since its inception as the \"anti-slavery party\", continued to shift to the Democratic Party, largely due to the advocacy of and support for civil rights by such prominent Democrats as Hubert Humphrey and former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt; and",
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"title": "History of the United States Democratic Party",
"text": "Party to the Republican Party. The Democrats lost a net of six state governorships and a net 680 seats in state legislatures. The Democrats lost control of seven state Senate legislatures and 13 state Houses. This was the worst performance of the Democratic Party in a national election since the 1946 elections. The Blue Dog Coalition numbers in the House were reduced from 54 members in 2008 to 26 members in 2011 and were half of the Democratic defeats during the election. This was the first United States national election in which Super PACs were used by Democrats and Republicans.",
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"title": "Philip Pendleton Barbour",
"text": "Democratic Party, Barbour entrenched Old Republican principles into changing a new political dynasty therefore continuing the legacy of Jefferson and further validating the strength of Democratic principles by giving the Democratic party a history that preceded its formation (i.e., a notion tantamount to Lincoln's argument that state succession should not occur due to the state of a perpetual Union that existed since the first draft of the Constitution before the term, Union, was first used to describe the North during the Civil War). Therefore, Barbour's resignation allowed the second party system to coalesce by unifying the Democratic Party on the",
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"title": "Electoral fusion",
"text": "Hampshire used fusion to elect four members, Calvin Warburton, Finlay Rothhaus, Andy Borsa and Don Gorman, to the New Hampshire state legislature during the early 1990s. In 1864 the Democratic Party split into two wings over the question of whether to continue the American Civil War or back down and negotiate peace with the Confederacy. The War Democrats fused with the Republicans to elect a Democratic Vice President, Andrew Johnson, and re-elect a Republican President, Abraham Lincoln. In 1872, both the newly formed Liberal Republican Party and the Democratic party nominated the Liberal Republican Horace Greeley as their candidate for",
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"title": "Sheldon Adelson",
"text": "saying that we were Democrats\". He attributed his family's loyalty to their belief that the Democratic Party of the 1930s and 1940s shared their commitment to charity, self-reliance, and accountability, as well as support for Jewish causes. In a 2012 \"Wall Street Journal\" op-ed titled \"I Didn't Leave the Democrats. They Left me\", Adelson specifies three reasons why he switched political parties to the Republicans. First, he cites foreign policy, pointing to a Gallup poll that suggests Republicans are more supportive of Israel than Democrats. Second, he cites statistics that suggest Republicans are more charitable than Democrats. To support this",
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"title": "Mike Lofgren",
"text": "\"CounterPunch\". In September 2011, Lofgren published an essay entitled \"Goodbye to All That: Reflections of a GOP Operative Who Left the Cult\" on the website \"Truthout\". In it he explains why he retired when he did, writing that he was \"appalled at the headlong rush of Republicans to embrace policies that are deeply damaging to this country’s future; and contemptuous of the feckless, craven incompetence of Democrats in their half-hearted attempts to stop them.\" He charged that both major American political parties are \"rotten captives to corporate loot,\" but that while Democrats are merely weak and out of touch, the",
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"title": "1874 United States House of Representatives elections",
"text": "into the Democratic Party. The Democratic landslide signaled the imminent end of Reconstruction, which Democrats opposed and a realignment of the Republican coalition that had dominated American politics since the late 1850s. While the ongoing end of Reconstruction in the South was one of the main reasons for the shift, turn-of-the-century historian James Ford Rhodes explored the multiple causes of the results in the North: Rhodes continues: The political revolution from 1872 to 1874 was due to the failure of the Southern policy of the Republican party, to the Credit Mobilier and Sanborn contract scandals, to corrupt and inefficient administration",
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"title": "Democratic Party of Oregon",
"text": "that he left and joined the Populists. This created a split in the party between people who wanted to follow Pennoyer to the People's Party and the people who wanted to stay as Democrats. The refusal of the People's Party to join forces with the Democratic Party led to easy elections for Republicans in the years to come. In 1896 factionalism between these parties led the Republicans carrying Oregon in the Presidential and Congressional elections. State legislature elections resulted in the Populist leading the Democrats in elected members 18-7. The only meaningful victory that the Democrats could look to was",
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"title": "Reunification Democratic Party",
"text": "despite winning more than 900,000 votes than the Peace Democratic Party. Faced with the disappointing election result, Kim Young-sam and his followers in the party decided to accept the proposal to merge the party with the ruling Democratic Justice Party and conservative New Democratic Republican Party. The decision was heavily criticized from both inside and outside of the party, perceived as being tantamount to \"treason\", joining forces with the remnants of the military dictatorships of Park Chung-hee (represented by the New Democratic Republican Party) and Chun Doo-hwan (represented by the Democratic Justice Party). Kim replied to the criticism that one",
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"title": "History of the United States Republican Party",
"text": "seats caused by retirements and finally governors and state legislatures changed sides. Georgia was the last state to fall, with Sonny Perdue taking the governorship in 2002. Republicans aided the process with redistricting that protected the African-American and Hispanic vote (as required by the Civil Rights laws), but split up the remaining white Democrats so that Republicans mostly would win. In 2006, the Supreme Court endorsed nearly all of the gerrymandering engineered by Tom DeLay that swung the Texas Congressional delegation to the GOP in 2004. DeLay himself was acquitted on appeal in 2013 of illegally funding the state GOP.",
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"title": "Sean Wilentz",
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"title": "History of the United States Democratic Party",
"text": "was unable to reconcile his initial support of the Iraq War with his opposition to the war in 2004 or manage the deep split in the Democratic Party between those who favored and opposed the war. Republicans ran thousands of television commercials to argue that Kerry had flip-flopped on Iraq. When Kerry's home state of Massachusetts legalized same-sex marriage, the issue split liberal and conservative Democrats and independents (Kerry publicly stated throughout his campaign that he opposed same-sex marriage, but favored civil unions). Republicans exploited the same-sex marriage issue by promoting ballot initiatives in 11 states that brought conservatives to",
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"title": "Democratic-Republican Party",
"text": "party split during the John Quincy Adams administration, initially its two successor parties both kept the word Republican in their names—Adams' faction used the term National Republicans while Jackson's faction used the term Democratic Republicans. However, Jackson's faction soon settled on the shorter name Democrats. As a general term (not a party name), the word republican had been in widespread usage from the 1770s to describe the type of government the break-away colonies wanted to form: a republic of three separate branches of government derived from some principles and structure from ancient republics; especially the emphasis on civic duty and",
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"title": "Reunification Democratic Party",
"text": "Reunification Democratic Party The Reunification Democratic Party was a political party of South Korea from 1987 to 1990. The party was established in April 1987 by Kim Dae-jung and Kim Young-sam, splitting from the New Korea Democratic Party. The party faced another split later that year with Kim Dae-jung and his followers organizing Peace Democratic Party. The party later merged with conservative Democratic Justice Party and New Democratic Republican Party in January 1990. The party members who opposed the split formed the Democratic Party. The party had strong support in the Southeastern region of the country, including the South Gyeongsang",
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"title": "Illinois Republican Party",
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"title": "Independent Democrat",
"text": "an Independent Democrat in the 84th Congress until his resignation on April 4, 1956. In November of that year he was elected as a Democrat to fill the vacancy created by his resignation. Thurmond later became a member of the Republican Party in 1964. Harry F. Byrd, Jr., a senator from Virginia, left the Democratic Party in 1970. He continued to caucus with the Democrats and referred to himself as an Independent Democrat. Patrick Lucey was a Democrat who ran as an Independent as a vice-presidential candidate in 1980 with John B. Anderson. David Orr, who served as Mayor of",
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"title": "History of the United States Democratic Party",
"text": "Republicans' 3,557. Democrats gained governorships in Louisiana, New Hampshire and Montana. However, they lost the governorship of Missouri and a legislative majority in Georgia – which had long been a Democratic stronghold. Senate pickups for the Democrats included Ken Salazar in Colorado and 2004 Democratic National Convention keynote speaker Barack Obama in Illinois. There were many reasons for the defeat and after the election most analysts concluded that Kerry was a poor campaigner. A group of Vietnam veterans opposed to Kerry called the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth undercut Kerry's use of his military past as a campaign strategy. Kerry",
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"title": "History of the United States Democratic Party",
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"title": "History of the United States Republican Party",
"text": "party. By 1964, the Democratic lock on the South remained strong, but cracks began to appear. One long-term cause was that the region was becoming more like the rest of the nation and could not long stand apart in terms of racial segregation. Modernization brought factories, businesses and larger cities as well as millions of migrants from the North, as far more people graduated from high school and college. Meanwhile, the cotton and tobacco basis of the traditional South faded away as former farmers moved to town or commuted to factory jobs. Segregation, requiring separate dining and lodging arrangements for",
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"title": "History of the United States Congress",
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"title": "Cynthia Davis",
"text": "Central Committee she cited among her reasons for making the switch were pandering over principles, government of the highest bidders, and blocking fair party nominations. Further, she claimed that both the Republican and Democratic parties had \"become destructive to our rights and freedoms\". Speaking on her party switch, according to Davis, Democrats and Republicans have locked into a vicious cycle of abuse and \"..both have treated us with what is known as the battered wife syndrome, when people get beaten up and before the court date they kiss and make up and everybody is happy again. Then they get to",
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"title": "History of the United States Democratic Party",
"text": "major innovation was the creation of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to coordinate state activities in the presidential contest. Senator Lewis Cass, who held many offices over the years. lost to General Zachary Taylor of the Whigs. A major cause of the defeat was that the new Free Soil Party, which opposed slavery expansion, split the Democratic voye, particularly in New York, where the electoral votes went to Taylor. The Free Soil Party attracted Democrats, and some Whigs, and had considerable support in the Northeast. The primary doctrine was a warning that rich slave owners would move into new territories",
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"title": "How Few Remain",
"text": "in Chicago, Illinois, former president Abraham Lincoln leads a group of left-wing Republicans into the new Socialist Party; this action leads to the sharp decline of the Republican Party, allowing the Socialists to eventually become the primary opposition to the Democrats. As a result of that, the Republicans would fade into a minor third party representing only the Midwest (which is booming in the late 19th and early 20th centuries). Meanwhile, The Democrats were driven to the right by Benjamin Butler, who lead the right-wing Republicans to merge with the party and cause a majority of the party to adopt",
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"title": "History of the United States Democratic Party",
"text": "on the Democratic Party would be long lasting, but was interrupted by Republican chicanery that temporarily halted the party's decline in ways that were entirely unexpected. The Watergate scandal soon destroyed the Nixon Presidency, With Gerald Ford's pardon of Nixon soon after his resignation in 1974, the Democrats used the \"corruption\" issue to make major gains in the off-year elections. In 1976, mistrust of the administration, complicated by a combination of economic recession and inflation, sometimes called \"stagflation\", led to Ford's defeat by Jimmy Carter, a former Governor of Georgia. Carter won as a little-known outsider by promising honesty in",
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"title": "Reunification Democratic Party",
"text": "\"has to enter the tiger's cave to catch the tiger\". The party members who opposed the merger, including Roh Moo-hyun and Lee Gi-taek, formed the Democratic Party. Reunification Democratic Party was dissolved in 22 January 1990, joining the newly formed Democratic Liberal Party. Reunification Democratic Party The Reunification Democratic Party was a political party of South Korea from 1987 to 1990. The party was established in April 1987 by Kim Dae-jung and Kim Young-sam, splitting from the New Korea Democratic Party. The party faced another split later that year with Kim Dae-jung and his followers organizing Peace Democratic Party. The",
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"title": "History of the United States Democratic Party",
"text": "Mason–Dixon line. The formation of the new short-lived Know-Nothing Party allowed the Democrats to win the presidential election of 1856. Buchanan, a Northern \"Doughface\" (his base of support was in the pro-slavery South), split the party on the issue of slavery in Kansas when he attempted to pass a federal slave code as demanded by the South. Most Democrats in the North rallied to Senator Douglas, who preached \"Popular Sovereignty\" and believed that a Federal slave code would be undemocratic. The Democratic Party was unable to compete with the Republican Party, which controlled nearly all northern states by 1860, bringing",
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] | {
"title": "Democratic-Republican Party",
"long_answer": "In the aftermath of the disputed 1824 presidential election, the separate factions took on many characteristics of parties in their own right. Adams' supporters, in league with Clay, favored modernization, banks, industrial development and federal spending for roads and other internal improvements, which the Old Republicans and the Jackson men usually opposed. Writing in his personal journal on December 13, 1826, President Adams noted the difficulty he faced in attempting to be nonpartisan in appointing men to office:",
"chunked_long_answer": "In the aftermath of the disputed 1824 presidential election, the separate factions took on many characteristics of parties in their own right. Adams' supporters, in league with Clay, favored modernization, banks, industrial development and federal spending for roads and other internal improvements, which the Old Republicans and the Jackson men usually opposed. Writing in his personal journal on December 13, 1826, President Adams noted the difficulty he faced in attempting to be nonpartisan in appointing men to office:",
"short_answers": [
"the disputed 1824 presidential election"
} |
who sings the song you'll never find another love like mine | [
"Lou Rawls"
] | [
"title": "You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine",
"text": "\"You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine\" (written by Kenny Gamble & Leon Huff) is a song performed by R&B singer Lou Rawls on his 1976 album All Things in Time. The song proved to be Rawls' breakthrough hit, reaching number one on both the R&B and Easy Listening charts as well as number four on the dance chart and number two on the US Billboard Hot 100, where it was kept from the top spot for two weeks by \"You Should Be Dancing\" by The Bee Gees and \"(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty\" by KC and the Sunshine",
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"title": "You'll Never Find Another Love like Mine",
"text": "the same chords, and has a similar sound. Rocco DiSpirito and Karina Smirnoff also danced the rumba to this song in week 2 of season 7 of \"Dancing with the Stars\". \"You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine\" has been covered by singers Michael Bublé, Laura Pausini, reggae singer John Holt and by the Dub Pistols (who use a sample of John Holt's version) on their \"Speakers and Tweeters\" album. Jazz saxophonist Stanley Turrentine covered the song on his 1976 album \"The Man with the Sad Face\". as did Hank Crawford on \"Hank Crawford's Back\". This song was also featured",
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"title": "I'll Never Love This Way Again",
"text": "the song was soon covered by Cheryl Ladd for her 1978 eponymous debut album. \"I'll Never Love This Way Again\" has also been recorded by Tom Jones, Billie Jo Spears, The Nolans, Regine Velasquez, Gary Valenciano, and Jona Viray. The song has been also been recorded in several different language versions: I'll Never Love This Way Again \"I'll Never Love This Way Again\" is a Grammy Award-winning, Gold-certified 1979 hit recorded by American singer Dionne Warwick. The song was composed by Richard Kerr (music) and Will Jennings (lyrics) and produced by Arista labelmate Barry Manilow. The hit song was recorded",
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"title": "Love Like This (Natasha Bedingfield song)",
"text": "UK CD single<br> Love Like This (Natasha Bedingfield song) \"Love Like This\" is a song performed by British singer Natasha Bedingfield. It was included as the lead single of Bedingfield's second North American album, \"Pocketful of Sunshine\", and features vocals from Jamacian-American reggae singer Sean Kingston. The song was written by Bedingfield, Kingston, Louis Biancaniello, Rico Love, Ryan Tedder, Sam Watters, and Wayne Wilkins, while production was handled by Biancaniello, Love, Tedder, and Watters under their production group, The Runawayz. Its lyrics discuss finding love with a person who has \"been there all your life and has always loved you,",
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"title": "Love Like This (Natasha Bedingfield song)",
"text": "Love Like This (Natasha Bedingfield song) \"Love Like This\" is a song performed by British singer Natasha Bedingfield. It was included as the lead single of Bedingfield's second North American album, \"Pocketful of Sunshine\", and features vocals from Jamacian-American reggae singer Sean Kingston. The song was written by Bedingfield, Kingston, Louis Biancaniello, Rico Love, Ryan Tedder, Sam Watters, and Wayne Wilkins, while production was handled by Biancaniello, Love, Tedder, and Watters under their production group, The Runawayz. Its lyrics discuss finding love with a person who has \"been there all your life and has always loved you, but you've never",
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"title": "Zakiya (singer)",
"text": "1996. A review of the song in \"Billboard\", which compared Zakiya's musical style to that of Brandy, remarked that Zakiya \"has the voice to be taken seriously [as] she slinks through a song that has a sing-along refrain that permanently sticks to the brain after the first listen.\" Andrew Hamilton of Allmusic was critical of the CD single for containing five different versions of the song. The music video for \"Love Like Mine\" was added to BET's video rotation, and the single peaked at number 60 on the \"Billboard\" Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart. Zakiya's second single, \"My Love Won't Fade",
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"title": "I'll Never Love Again",
"text": "I'll Never Love Again \"I'll Never Love Again\" is a song from the 2018 film \"A Star Is Born\", performed by its stars Lady Gaga and director Bradley Cooper whose character sings the final chorus in the flashback scene. The soundtrack contained both versions of the song including the extended version that featured Gaga as the sole performer. Gaga wrote the song with Natalie Hemby, Hillary Lindsey, and Aaron Raitiere. Both tracks were produced by Lady Gaga and Benjamin Rice. The song has received positive critical reception and has reached the top of the Slovakian digital charts, the top-ten of",
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"title": "You Won't Find Another Fool Like Me",
"text": "You Won't Find Another Fool Like Me \"You Won't Find Another Fool Like Me\" is a 1973 single by British pop group The New Seekers. Written by Tony Macaulay and Geoff Stephens, arranged by Gerry Shury and produced by Tommy Oliver. Featuring lead vocals by member Lyn Paul (the first time she had sung lead on a single), the song became the group's biggest hit for two years as it remained in the top five over Christmas 1973. \"You Won't Find Another Fool Like Me\" went on to be the band's second and final number-one single in the UK Singles",
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"title": "Someone Is Looking for Someone Like You",
"text": "as a musical artist, helping to establish her career as a country music performer throughout the 1980s. Someone Is Looking for Someone Like You \"Someone Is Looking for Someone Like You\" is a song written and recorded by American country artist Gail Davies. The song was released as a single in January 1979 on Lifesong Records. \"Someone Is Looking for Someone Like You\" was recorded at the Sound Stage Studio in Nashville, Tennessee, United States in August 1978. The song was issued as a single in January 1979, reaching number eleven on the \"Billboard Magazine\" Hot Country Singles chart. The",
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"title": "Jimmy Dunne (songwriter)",
"text": "Jermaine Jackson, Anne Murray, Dave Loggins, and Kenny Rogers. His best known works stretch across the music industry. He wrote the theme song for Joanie Loves Chachi, \"You Look at Me.\" Dunne also wrote \"Nobody Loves Me Like You Do,\" which was made popular by Whitney Houston and Jermaine Jackson in the pop genre and Anne Murray and Dave Loggins in the country market. It was also used as a major story arc in As the World Turns for Betsy (Meg Ryan) and Steve's (Frank Runyeon) wedding. \"Nobody Loves Me Like You Do\" also won the National Association of Recording",
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"title": "Someone like You (Adele song)",
"text": "her confronting his marriage. At the beginning of the song, she sings the lines \"I heard that you're settled down/That you found a girl and you're married now. I heard that your dreams came true/Guess she gave you things I couldn't give to you\" with a softly voice and accompanied just by a simple piano melody. The lyrics of \"Someone like You\" are talking about what once was and what could have been as stated by a writer of \"Daily Herald\". Finding the strength to bounce back from hardship and heartache, Adele sings the lines, \"Never mind, I'll find someone",
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"title": "I'll Never Find Another You",
"text": "song for her 1968 album \"Nora Aunor Sings\". I'll Never Find Another You \"I'll Never Find Another You\" is a 1964 single by The Seekers which reached No. 1 in the UK in February 1965. It was The Seekers' first UK-released single, and was the second-best selling single of 1965 in the UK. The song was also popular in the US, reaching peaks of No. 4 pop and No. 2 easy listening on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 charts. The track was written and produced by Tom Springfield, who was also responsible for most of The Seekers' subsequent hits. The tune",
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"title": "I'll Never Find Another You",
"text": "music No. 1 by Sonny James. In 2006, it received yet another revival with a folk rock cover from guitarist Les Fradkin on his CD \"Jangleholic\". In July 2018, the song was featured in a Westpac bank TV advertisement in Australia, covered by Julia Jacklin. The song was added to the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia's Sounds of Australia registry in 2011. In 2010, the song was performed at a benefit for the homeless youth organization Teen Feed by Death Cab for Cutie frontman Ben Gibbard and his wife, singer/actress Zooey Deschanel. Filipino singer/actress Nora Aunor covered the",
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"title": "I'll Never Love This Way Again",
"text": "I'll Never Love This Way Again \"I'll Never Love This Way Again\" is a Grammy Award-winning, Gold-certified 1979 hit recorded by American singer Dionne Warwick. The song was composed by Richard Kerr (music) and Will Jennings (lyrics) and produced by Arista labelmate Barry Manilow. The hit song was recorded for Warwick's first Arista label album titled Dionne (1979). It had been recorded by Cheryl Ladd a year earlier. The song was Warwick's first single release on Arista after an unsuccessful tenure at Warner Bros. Records. The song brought Warwick renewed popularity when it reached #5 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100",
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"title": "I'll Never Love Again",
"text": "tracks were produced by Lady Gaga and Benjamin Rice. The song is performed in the key of G major with a moderate tempo of 54 beats per minute in common time. It follows a chord progression of G–Em–C–D in the verses and G–Em–C/E–D in the chorus. Gaga's vocals span from G to E. Brian Truitt of \"USA Today\" described the song as a \"weepy\" ballad. In her review of the film, Melina Newman of \"Billboard\" called the ballad \"stunning\". The magazine's Tatiana Cirisano ranked Lady Gaga's performance of \"I'll Never Love Again\" as the film's best scene and wrote, \"Not",
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"title": "Someone like You (Adele song)",
"text": "finished by Tom Coyne. According to sheet music published at by Sony Music Publishing, \"Someone like You\" is a slow tempo of 68 beats per minute. Written in common time, the song is in the key of A major. Adele's vocal range spans from F to E during the song. A slow, plaintive ballad pairing Adele's voice with a looping piano line, \"Someone like You\" is the lyrical opposite of \"Rolling in the Deep\" on which the singer narrates coming to terms with the end of the relationship: \"Nevermind, I'll find someone like you/I wish nothing but the best",
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"title": "Someone Is Looking for Someone Like You",
"text": "Someone Is Looking for Someone Like You \"Someone Is Looking for Someone Like You\" is a song written and recorded by American country artist Gail Davies. The song was released as a single in January 1979 on Lifesong Records. \"Someone Is Looking for Someone Like You\" was recorded at the Sound Stage Studio in Nashville, Tennessee, United States in August 1978. The song was issued as a single in January 1979, reaching number eleven on the \"Billboard Magazine\" Hot Country Singles chart. The song was the third single released from her self-titled studio album. It became Davies' first major hit",
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"title": "My Dream Is Yours",
"text": "following songs, mostly lyricized by Ralph Blane and composed by Harry Warren: \"Someone like You\", not to be confused with the song of the same name by Adele, has been subsequently recorded by Ella Fitzgerald in 1949 and Peggy Lee. The film serves as a remake of \"Twenty Million Sweethearts\" (1934), in which the aspiring singer was male. The film \"Swing Hostess\" (1944) also had a similar plot, in which aspiring singer Judy Alvin (Martha Tilton) is spinning records in a jukebox factory, and her roommate and friend Marge (Irish Adrian) tries to help her start her career. Eve Arden",
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"title": "Liz Rose",
"text": "the song \"Like I'll Never Love You Again\". Her daughter is country/Americana artist Caitlin Rose. Liz Rose first began her career as a songwriter at the age of 37. A successful lyricist, she does not play an instrument. Liz Rose Elisabeth Wagner Rose (born in Dallas, Texas) is an American country music songwriter best known for her work with Taylor Swift. She has co-written twenty of Swift's officially released songs, including \"White Horse\", \"Teardrops on My Guitar\", and \"You Belong with Me\", which won her and Swift a Grammy Award in 2010. Rose was born in Dallas and raised in",
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"title": "A Boy Like That",
"text": "A Boy Like That \"A Boy Like That\" is a song from the 1957 Broadway musical \"West Side Story\", with music by Leonard Bernstein and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. In the musical, the song is paired with \"I Have a Love\" and is sung by the characters Anita and Maria. For the original Broadway cast recording, the song was performed by Chita Rivera (Anita) and Carol Lawrence (Maria). In the 1960 film version the roles were played by Rita Moreno and Natalie Wood, but the songs were dubbed by Betty Wand and Marni Nixon (as both Anita and Maria). However,",
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"title": "The One like You",
"text": "with Tears\". The lyrics were penned by Kim Ji-hyang known for working on lyrics of U-Kiss's \"Take Me Away\". The One like You \"The One Like You\" (; also translated as \"That One Person Is You\") is a ballade song performed by Korean American artist Jessica Jung, member of the girl group Girls' Generation. The song was released as a digital single on July 2, 2013 and was the fourth soundtrack single album to be unveiled for the TV drama series tvN's \"\" starring fellow Girls' Generation member Choi Sooyoung. The song was composed and arranged by Melodesign (Kim Doo-hyun),",
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"title": "The One like You",
"text": "The One like You \"The One Like You\" (; also translated as \"That One Person Is You\") is a ballade song performed by Korean American artist Jessica Jung, member of the girl group Girls' Generation. The song was released as a digital single on July 2, 2013 and was the fourth soundtrack single album to be unveiled for the TV drama series tvN's \"\" starring fellow Girls' Generation member Choi Sooyoung. The song was composed and arranged by Melodesign (Kim Doo-hyun), widely known for working on various songs of the artists under Jellyfish Entertainment including Seo In-guk's \"With Laughter or",
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"title": "I'll Never Find Another You",
"text": "I'll Never Find Another You \"I'll Never Find Another You\" is a 1964 single by The Seekers which reached No. 1 in the UK in February 1965. It was The Seekers' first UK-released single, and was the second-best selling single of 1965 in the UK. The song was also popular in the US, reaching peaks of No. 4 pop and No. 2 easy listening on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 charts. The track was written and produced by Tom Springfield, who was also responsible for most of The Seekers' subsequent hits. The tune received a 1967 US revival as a country",
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"title": "Dan Wilson (musician)",
"text": "the writing and recording of \"Someone Like You\": \"Someone Like You\" won the 2012 Grammy for Best Pop Solo Performance, and as she accepted the award, Adele said, \"I want to thank Dan Wilson, who wrote this song with me. My life changed when I wrote this song and I felt it before anyone even heard it.\" \"Someone Like You\" was the most downloaded single of all time in the UK and was voted third most favourite single of the last 60 years in the UK. Wilson's career as a painter, illustrator, and calligrapher is less widely known, but his",
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"title": "We May Never Love Like This Again",
"text": "We May Never Love Like This Again \"We May Never Love Like This Again\" is a song written by Al Kasha and Joel Hirschhorn for the 1974 film, \"The Towering Inferno\". It won the Academy Award for Best Original Song in 1974, and was performed by Maureen McGovern both for the film score and, briefly, in the film itself with McGovern portraying a singer. McGovern had performed a cover version of Kasha and Hirschhorn's song \"The Morning After\", which also won the Academy Award for Best Original Song two years earlier. Her recording of \"We May Never Love Like This",
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"title": "Someone like You (Adele song)",
"text": "utterly, utterly gorgeous.\" Bary Walters of \"Spin\" wrote that on \"the piano-led finale, she vows, 'I'll find someone like you,' as if that's progress. It's a statement that's utterly WTF and yet true to the cyclical nature of psychological damage.\" Sputnikmusics Joseph Viney called the song \"an ode to stalking with a perverse attitude that lies underneath the fragile composition, looks set to become the soundtrack to a million messy break-ups.\" Allison Stewart of \"The Washington Post\" put the song on her list \"Recommended tracks\". At the 2011 Q Awards, \"Someone like You\" was nominated in the category for Best",
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"title": "Someone like You (Adele song)",
"text": "giving everyone goosebumps. The sounds of Someone Like You bounced off every wall and tugged at every heart-string, making it a truly special moment and something that every member of the Apollo crowd will never forget.\" Jim Harrington of \"San Jose Mercury News\" chose the song as a highlight on the show adding that the song showed \"her supreme vocal talent.\" Amber Riley, Naya Rivera and Heather Morris sang a mash-up of \"Someone like You\" and Adele's other song \"Rumour Has It\" (2011) during \"Glee\"s episode \"Mash Off\" which aired on 15 November. However, the cover was posted online on",
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"title": "I'll Never Stop Loving You (1955 song)",
"text": "I'll Never Stop Loving You (1955 song) \"I'll Never Stop Loving You\" is a popular music song, with music written by Nicholas Brodzsky and lyrics by Sammy Cahn for the 1955 film \"Love Me or Leave Me\". The song was published in 1955. The recording by Doris Day was released by Columbia Records as catalog number 40505. It first reached the Billboard magazine charts on July 23, 1955. On the Disk Jockey chart, it peaked at #13; on the Best Seller chart, at #15; on the composite chart of the top 100 songs, it reached #93 (a misleading figure, because",
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"title": "Like I Do (Nancy Sinatra song)",
"text": "December 1962, Japanese pop duo The Peanuts released a version of the song, which was titled in Japanese \"Lemon Kiss\". The song retained a small portion of the song's original English language lyrics, but the Japanese lyrics, written by Minami Kazumi, were completely different. Teresa Brewer released a version of the song titled \"She'll Never, Never Love You (Like I Do)\" in 1963. Brewer's version reached No. 122 on \"Billboard\"s \"Bubbling Under the Hot 100\" and No. 13 on \"Cash Box\"s \"Looking Ahead\" chart of singles with potential of entering the \"Cash Box\" Top 100. Like I Do (Nancy Sinatra",
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"title": "Who Loves You (song)",
"text": "fade out, a loud, high-pitched ending chord is sung by the full company. However, the Original Broadway Cast Recording includes the instrumental break. Often used as bumper music by late night radio talk show host Art Bell when he hosted \"Coast to Coast AM\" in the 1990s. The song and Frankie was referenced in Einstein on the Beach. Who Loves You (song) \"Who Loves You\" is the title song of a 1975 album by The Four Seasons. It was composed by Bob Gaudio and Judy Parker and produced by Gaudio. It reached number 3 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in",
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] | {
"title": "You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine",
"long_answer": "\"You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine\" (written by Kenny Gamble & Leon Huff) is a song performed by R&B singer Lou Rawls on his 1976 album All Things in Time. The song proved to be Rawls' breakthrough hit, reaching number one on both the R&B and Easy Listening charts as well as number four on the dance chart and number two on the US Billboard Hot 100, where it was kept from the top spot for two weeks by \"You Should Be Dancing\" by The Bee Gees and \"(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty\" by KC and the Sunshine Band, respectively. This was the first and only time that one of Rawls' records managed to reach Billboard's pop top ten. It was the first big hit for Philadelphia International to feature the reformulated MFSB, after many of the original members left Gamble and Huff for better opportunities. The song started Rawls' live shows from 1977 on.",
"chunked_long_answer": "\"You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine\" (written by Kenny Gamble & Leon Huff) is a song performed by R&B singer Lou Rawls on his 1976 album All Things in Time. The song proved to be Rawls' breakthrough hit, reaching number one on both the R&B and Easy Listening charts as well as number four on the dance chart and number two on the US Billboard Hot 100, where it was kept from the top spot for two weeks by \"You Should Be Dancing\" by The Bee Gees and \"(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty\" by KC and the Sunshine",
"short_answers": [
"Lou Rawls"
} |
where was the original flight of the phoenix filmed | [
"20th Century-Fox Studios",
"Buttercup Valley, Arizona",
"Pilot Knob Mesa, California"
] | [
"title": "The Flight of the Phoenix (1965 film)",
"text": "Principal photography started April 26, 1965, at the 20th Century-Fox Studios and 20th Century-Fox Ranch, California. Other filming locations, simulating the desert, were Buttercup Valley, Arizona and Pilot Knob Mesa, California. The flying sequences were all filmed at Pilot Knob Mesa near Winterhaven, located in California's Imperial Valley, on the western fringes of Yuma, Arizona.",
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"title": "The Flight of the Phoenix (1965 film)",
"text": "landings, and on one touchdown the fuselage buckled. The movie model broke apart and cartwheeled, killing Mantz and seriously injuring stuntman Bobby Rose on board. Although principal photography was completed on August 13, 1965, in order to complete filming, a North American O-47A (N4725V) from the Planes of Fame Air Museum in Chino, California was modified and used as a flying \"Phoenix\" stand-in. With the canopy removed, a set of skids attached to the main landing gear as well as ventral fin added to the tail, it sufficed as more-or-less a visual lookalike. Filming using the O-47A was completed in",
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"title": "Flight of the Phoenix (2004 film)",
"text": "Flight of the Phoenix (2004 film) Flight of the Phoenix is a 2004 American survival drama film and a remake of a 1965 film of the same name, both based on the 1964 novel \"The Flight of the Phoenix\", by Elleston Trevor, about a group of people who survive an aircraft crash in the Gobi Desert and must build a new aircraft out of the old one to escape. The film stars Dennis Quaid and Giovanni Ribisi. \"Flight of the Phoenix\" opened in the U.S. on December 17, 2004. The film was a box-office failure, and received generally mixed reviews;",
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"title": "The Flight of the Phoenix",
"text": "The book was the basis of a 1965 film starring James Stewart, Richard Attenborough, and Hardy Krüger. The 2004 remake featuring Dennis Quaid was also based on the novel, although it was re-located to the Gobi Desert in Asia. The Flight of the Phoenix The Flight of the Phoenix is a 1964 novel by Elleston Trevor. The plot involves the crash of a transport aircraft in the middle of a desert and the survivors' desperate attempt to save themselves. The book was the basis for the 1965 film \"The Flight of the Phoenix\" starring James Stewart and the 2004 remake",
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"title": "The Flight of the Phoenix (1965 film)",
"text": "The Flight of the Phoenix (1965 film) The Flight of the Phoenix is a 1965 American drama film starring James Stewart, produced and directed by Robert Aldrich, and based on the 1964 novel \"The Flight of the Phoenix\" by Elleston Trevor. The story describes a small group of men struggling to survive their aircraft's emergency landing in the Sahara Desert, and stars Richard Attenborough, Peter Finch, Hardy Krüger and Ernest Borgnine. The ensemble cast includes Ian Bannen, Ronald Fraser, Christian Marquand, Dan Duryea and George Kennedy as other passengers on the aircraft. Though the film was a failure at the",
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"title": "The Flight of the Phoenix (1965 film)",
"text": "the Planes of Fame air museum in California. The R4Q-1 was purchased from Allied Aircraft of Phoenix, Arizona. The aerial camera platform was a B-25J Mitchell, \"N1042B\", which was also used in the 1970 film \"Catch-22\". The flying sequences were flown by Paul Mantz, co-owner of Tallmantz Aviation, filling in for his partner Frank Tallman, who had injured his leg. A famous racing/stunt/movie pilot and collector of warplanes, Paul Mantz was flying the Tallmantz Phoenix P-1, the machine that was \"made of the wreckage\", in front of the cameras on the morning of July 8, 1965. He was performing touch-and-go",
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"title": "The Flight of the Phoenix (1965 film)",
"text": "October/November 1965. It appears in the last flying scenes, painted to look like the earlier Phoenix P-1. The final production utilized a mix of footage that included the O-47A, the \"cobbled-together\" Phoenix and Phoenix P-1. The final credit on the screen was, \"It should be remembered... that Paul Mantz, a fine man and a brilliant flyer gave his life in the making of this film...\" The film opened in selected theaters on December 15, 1965, with a full release in 1966. Bosley Crowther of \"The New York Times\" dismissed it as \"grim and implausible\", while \"Variety\" praised the film as",
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"title": "Flight of the Phoenix (2004 film)",
"text": "the 2006 Blu-ray release. Four aircraft were used during the film: A \"Phoenix\" that could be taxied but not flown was built for closeups. The \"Phoenix\" in flying scenes were done using a radio-controlled model and computer graphics. \"Flight of the Phoenix\" has received generally mixed reviews from critics. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds a \"rotten\" score of 30%, with an average rating of 4.8/10. On Metacritic, the film holds a score of 47 out of 100, indicating \"mixed or average reviews.\" The main criticism for the film was its similarity to the original; John Anderson from \"Newsday\" said,",
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"title": "The Flight of the Phoenix",
"text": "The Flight of the Phoenix The Flight of the Phoenix is a 1964 novel by Elleston Trevor. The plot involves the crash of a transport aircraft in the middle of a desert and the survivors' desperate attempt to save themselves. The book was the basis for the 1965 film \"The Flight of the Phoenix\" starring James Stewart and the 2004 remake entitled \"Flight of the Phoenix\". \"The Flight of the Phoenix\" came at the midpoint of Trevor's career and led to a bidding war over its film rights. Pilot Frank Towns and navigator Lew Moran are ferrying a mixed bag",
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"title": "Flight of the Phoenix (2004 film)",
"text": "start their own airline (appropriately named Phoenix Aviation), Sammi (Jacob Vargas) and his wife start their own restaurant (Jeremy and Rady are there to celebrate), Liddle is reunited with his wife and kids, Ian becomes a professional golfer, Kelly is working at an ocean oil rig, and Elliot is wearing a flight suit on a \"Flight International\" magazine cover with the headline: \"NASA's New Hope?\" Co-writer Edward Burns was personally asked by Tom Rothman, who at the time was the president of Fox and had discovered Burns when he bought \"The Brothers McMullen\" as Fox Searchlight's first acquisition, to rewrite",
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"title": "Flight of the Phoenix (2004 film)",
"text": "the film's dialogue. Burns said, \"I probably did three drafts of it, and that was it. I never met Scott (Scott Frank, the other credited co-writer).\" This is the only film Burns has writing credit on that he did not also direct. Director John Moore scouted locations in Morocco and Australia before looking at, and quickly choosing, Namibia as the crash site. \"Where most of the film takes place, was only a 20 minute-drive from the coastal town of Swakopmund.\" The Namib Desert location caused problems: cameras and other equipment had to be constantly cleaned of sand, and a \"couple",
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"title": "Tallmantz Phoenix P-1",
"text": "there was a delay in the toxicology report, in which the blood alcohol content can read incorrectly higher. Mantz's body was flown back to Orange County in his B-25 camera plane, \"N1203\". The last credit of \"The Flight of the Phoenix\" pays tribute to Paul Mantz. Although principal photography \"wrapped\" on 13 August 1965, in order to complete filming, a North American O-47A ms/n 25-554 from The Air Museum in Claremont, California was modified and used as a flying Phoenix stand-in. With the canopy removed, a set of skids attached under the fuselage as well as a ventral fin added",
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"title": "Tallmantz Phoenix P-1",
"text": "Tallmantz Phoenix P-1 The Tallmantz Phoenix P-1 was an FAA-certified one-off aircraft built for the 1965 film production \"The Flight of the Phoenix\" and used in the picture's initial aerial sequences. Its pilot, Paul Mantz, died in an accident during a touch-and-go made to simulate a takeoff, after which it was replaced by a crudely modified North American O-47A. In late 1964 or early 1965 Tallmantz Aviation Inc. of Orange County, California was hired by 20th Century Fox to supervise the aerial sequences for their upcoming film, \"The Flight of the Phoenix\". Paul Mantz and Frank Tallman, the owners of",
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"title": "The Flight of the Phoenix (1965 film)",
"text": "box office, it has since gained a large following. Frank Towns (James Stewart) is the pilot of a twin-engine Fairchild C-82 Packet cargo plane flying from Jaghbub to Benghazi in Libya; Lew Moran (Richard Attenborough) is the navigator. The passengers include Capt. Harris (Peter Finch) and Sgt. Watson (Ronald Fraser) of the British Army; Dr. Renaud (Christian Marquand), a physician; Heinrich Dorfmann (Hardy Krüger), a German aeronautical engineer; and an oil company accountant named Standish (Dan Duryea). There are also several oil workers, including Trucker Cobb (Ernest Borgnine), a foreman suffering from mental fatigue; Ratbags Crow (Ian Bannen), a cocky",
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"title": "Flight of the Phoenix (2004 film)",
"text": "criticism was geared toward its similarity to the 1965 film, while praise related to the acting, direction and visuals. When an Amacore oil rig in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia proves unproductive, Captain Frank Towns (Dennis Quaid) and co-pilot A.J. (Tyrese Gibson) are sent to shut down the operation and transport the crew (Amacore executive Ian, rig supervisor Kelly, Rodney, Davis, Liddle, Jeremy, Sammi, Rady, Kyle, Newman, and Dr. Gerber) out of the desert, along with a load of cargo from the site to be liquidated or redistributed to another site, causing the plane to be overweight. However, en route",
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"title": "Flight of the Phoenix (2004 film)",
"text": "\"if you've seen the original, there's absolutely no difference in what happens. And very little reason to check it out.\" Aerofiles, a non-commercial website focusing on North American aviation history, called the film \"perhaps the worst remake ever of a classic film.\" Stephen Holden of \"The New York Times\" said the film is a \"rickety update of the far superior 1965 movie\" that \"throws in every cheap trick in the manual to pump up your heartbeat [and] is so manipulative that the involuntary jolts of adrenaline it produces make you feel like a fool.\" Roger Ebert of the \"Chicago Sun-Times\"",
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"title": "Paul Mantz",
"text": "Mantz stepped in to finish the aerial scenes for one last movie project. Mantz died on July 8, 1965 while working on the movie \"The Flight of the Phoenix\", produced and directed by Robert Aldrich. Flying a very unusual aircraft, the Tallmantz Phoenix P-1 built especially for the film, Mantz struck a small hillock while skimming over a desert site in Arizona for a second take. As Mantz attempted to recover by opening the throttle to its maximum, the over-stressed aircraft broke in two and nosed over into the ground, killing Mantz instantly. Bobby Rose, a stuntman standing behind Mantz",
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"title": "The Flight of the Phoenix (1965 film)",
"text": "an \"often-fascinating and superlative piece of filmmaking highlighted by standout performances and touches that show producer-director at his best.\" Aldrich says the film previewed well and everyone thought it was going to be a big hit but \"it never took off\" commercially. \"The Flight of the Phoenix\" was nominated for two Academy Awards: Ian Bannen for Supporting Actor and Michael Luciano for Film Editing. The Flight of the Phoenix (1965 film) The Flight of the Phoenix is a 1965 American drama film starring James Stewart, produced and directed by Robert Aldrich, and based on the 1964 novel \"The Flight of",
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"title": "Tallmantz Phoenix P-1",
"text": "to the tail, it was a poor but necessary stand-in. Filming using the O-47A was completed in October-November 1965. It appears in the last flying scenes, painted to look like the earlier Phoenix P-1. The final production used a mix of footage that included the O-47A, the \"cobbled-together\" Phoenix, and Phoenix P-1. Tallmantz Phoenix P-1 The Tallmantz Phoenix P-1 was an FAA-certified one-off aircraft built for the 1965 film production \"The Flight of the Phoenix\" and used in the picture's initial aerial sequences. Its pilot, Paul Mantz, died in an accident during a touch-and-go made to simulate a takeoff, after",
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"title": "Flight of the Phoenix (2004 film)",
"text": "of hundred people were employed as 'dune groomers'\" so that visual continuity could be maintained. The set was the site of several mishaps: For the latter, in October 2009 a Los Angeles jury awarded Barry $3.95 million in damages for broken legs and neurological damage he received during the accident; $1.3 million of the amount was awarded for lost future income. A behind-the-scenes documentary, \"The Phoenix Diaries,\" was included on the DVD. In it, director John Moore can be seen screaming at the crew. Fox executives are also not shown in a flattering light. The documentary was not included in",
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"title": "Flight of the Phoenix (2004 film)",
"text": "only go back with him if they build the plane, and Frank agrees. They struggle for several weeks building the new aircraft, losing their fuel reserves in a spark fire, through an electrical storm, lack of water, and fighting amongst the group. Rady christens it \"Phoenix\" after the legendary bird. A problem evolves when a group of smugglers camp nearby; when Ian, A.J., and Rodney attempt to communicate, the bandits kill Rodney (Tony Curran) after Liddle notices that one of them is wearing his watch, but they are killed in a short, fierce skirmish when ambushed by Frank who was",
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"title": "The Flight of the Phoenix (1965 film)",
"text": "the horizontal stabilizer. Dorfmann's plan is to attach the outer sections of both wings to the left engine and left boom, discarding the center fuselage and both inner wing sections of the aircraft. The passengers will ride on top of the wings. Harris and Moran believe he is either joking or delusional. The argument is complicated by a personality clash between Towns, a proud old traditionalist aviator, and Dorfmann, an equally proud young technician. Moran struggles to keep the peace. Although Towns is resistant, Renaud points out that activity and any hope will keep the men's morale up, and so",
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"title": "Flight of the Phoenix (2004 film)",
"text": "gave the film two stars, writing \"I'm not recommending it for those who know the original, but it might work nicely enough for those who have not (seen it).\" The film did receive some praise. Scott Brown from \"Entertainment Weekly\" gave the film a B grade, saying \"refreshingly, it's actually about action, albeit arbitrary action, and how it defines us and keeps us alive.\" Kevin Thomas of the \"Los Angeles Times\" gave the film four stars out of five, calling it \"a worthy remake.\" Flight of the Phoenix (2004 film) Flight of the Phoenix is a 2004 American survival drama",
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"title": "The Flight of the Phoenix (1965 film)",
"text": "Towns agrees with the plan. Dorfmann supervises the reconstruction, while Towns remains doubtful. During the work, Gabriel commits suicide by slitting his wrist, making the men so depressed that they contemplate giving up the new plane's construction. Dorfmann is caught exceeding his water ration, but explains that he alone has been working continuously, and promises to not do it again while demanding they all work equally hard. Moran talks Towns into resuming work on the aircraft. When the new aircraft is almost complete, Standish labels it \"The Phoenix\" after the mythical bird that is reborn from its ashes. Any good",
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"title": "Flight of the Phoenix (2004 film)",
"text": "of their C-119 into a functional aircraft. Frank initially refuses, which causes Liddle (Scott Michael Campbell) to wander off on his own in protest. Frank attempts to find him. He comes across a valley littered with debris, cargo from the aircraft, which dropped out when the tail was torn open. Among the debris he discovers the bullet-ridden and stripped body of Kyle, after which Liddle appears saying he came to retrieve his watch which he lost to Kyle in a poker game; Towns then deduces that either nomads or smugglers used Kyle's corpse for target practice. Liddle says he will",
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"title": "Tallmantz Phoenix P-1",
"text": "of other movie models were used, including: Although Frank Tallman had flown the Phoenix P-1 for the first aerial shots on 7 July 1965, he injured his leg in a freak go-kart accident with his young son and was hospitalized. Second unit director Oscar Rudolph called for another takeoff shot to ensure he had \"The Shot\", a common practice in the film industry. Paul Mantz, who had completed the majority of the trial flights in the P-1, volunteered to stand in for his partner. During filming on 8 July 1965, Mantz tried to simulate a takeoff by making a \"touch-and-go\".",
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"title": "Flight of the Phoenix (2004 film)",
"text": "to Beijing, a major dust storm disables one engine when Towns attempts a vertical climb with the overweight plane, forcing them to crash land their C-119 Flying Boxcar in an uncharted area of the Gobi Desert. Kyle falls to his death and the crash kills Dr. Gerber and Newman. Their cargo consists of used parts and tools from the rig, the rig's crew, and Elliot (Giovanni Ribisi), a hitchhiker. When the dust storm ends, it becomes apparent that they are 200 miles off course with only a month's supply of water. Jeremy (Kirk Jones) thinks about walking to get help,",
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"title": "Phoenix Cinema",
"text": "in London. The longest film shoot at the cinema so far was for the British comedy Mr Love, made in 1985 starring Barry Jackson. Following the adventures of a projectionist, the Phoenix was a major star of the film for which the Phoenix's chief projectionist served as a technical adviser. Phoenix Cinema The Phoenix Cinema is an independent single screen community cinema in East Finchley, London, England. It was built in 1910 and opened in 1912 as the East Finchley Picturedrome. It is one of the oldest continuously-running cinemas in the UK and shows mainly art-house films. It is distinctive",
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"title": "Flight of the Phoenix (2004 film)",
"text": "the anger of everyone, especially Ian (Hugh Laurie), who threatens to shoot Elliot. However as a storm is brewing the high force winds cause the plane to lift off temporarily; forced to take shelter in the old plane's hull during the sandstorm, they later dig out the plane from beneath the sand and take off, barely in time to escape a larger group of bandits seeking revenge for the murdered smugglers. Through a series of photos, we see what became of the survivors when they made it back to civilization. All have been revitalized by the experience: Frank and A.J.",
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"title": "The Flight of the Phoenix (1965 film)",
"text": "avoid physical exertion. Captain Harris and Carlos attempt to walk \"at night and rest during the day\" to an oasis. Carlos leaves his monkey behind with \"Little Ratbags\". Harris and Towns refuse to let the mentally burned out Cobb go along, but Cobb defiantly follows anyway and ends up dying of exposure in the desert. Days later, Harris returns to the crash site alone and barely alive. Meanwhile, Dorfmann has been working on a radical idea: He believes they can build a new aircraft from the wreckage. The C-82 has twin booms extending rearwards from each engine and connected by",
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] | {
"title": "The Flight of the Phoenix (1965 film)",
"long_answer": "Principal photography started April 26, 1965, at the 20th Century-Fox Studios and 20th Century-Fox Ranch, California. Other filming locations, simulating the desert, were Buttercup Valley, Arizona and Pilot Knob Mesa, California. The flying sequences were all filmed at Pilot Knob Mesa near Winterhaven, located in California's Imperial Valley, on the western fringes of Yuma, Arizona.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Principal photography started April 26, 1965, at the 20th Century-Fox Studios and 20th Century-Fox Ranch, California. Other filming locations, simulating the desert, were Buttercup Valley, Arizona and Pilot Knob Mesa, California. The flying sequences were all filmed at Pilot Knob Mesa near Winterhaven, located in California's Imperial Valley, on the western fringes of Yuma, Arizona.",
"short_answers": [
"20th Century-Fox Studios",
"Buttercup Valley, Arizona",
"Pilot Knob Mesa, California"
} |
who warned europe to stay out of the americas | [
"Monroe Doctrine",
"Roosevelt Corollary"
] | [
"title": "Roosevelt Corollary",
"text": "The Roosevelt Corollary was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine articulated by President Theodore Roosevelt in his State of the Union address in 1904 after the Venezuela Crisis of 1902–03. The corollary states that the United States will intervene in conflicts between European countries and Latin American countries to enforce legitimate claims of the European powers, rather than having the Europeans press their claims directly.",
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"title": "Dark Future",
"text": "has been the leader since, carrying out heavy rationing and implied dictatorial actions, with John Lennon the head of the Labour Party. In place of the Bay of Pigs, there was a major American invasion of Cuba that saw Castro outed. Continental Europe has been unified into the United European Community under President LePen, with numerous insurrectionist clashes; Sicily is now a prison camp. Japan is home to the ultranationalist Blood Banner Society. Since the seventies, the states of Central American have been unified into the socialist Central American Confederation, which has stopped exporting coffee. Mexico has collapsed into permanent",
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"title": "Council of the Americas",
"text": "which originated from David Rockefeller. McLarty was a top official at the 1994 Miami Summit of the Americas which laid the groundwork for this Trade bloc. Council of the Americas Council of the Americas is an American business organization whose goal is promoting free trade, democracy and open markets throughout the Americas. This includes Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean, as well as South America. Its members share a common commitment to economic and social development, open markets, the rule of law, and democracy throughout the Western Hemisphere. The Council's membership consists of leading international companies representing a broad spectrum of",
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"title": "Out of Asia theory",
"text": "such as the \"Dryopithecus\" and \"Ramapithecus\" in Eurasia up until the early 1980s. One of the last advocates of the out of Asia theory was Jia Lanpo who argued that the cradle of humanity had been in Southwest China, up until his death in 2001. Scholar Sigrid Schmalzer in her book \"The People's Peking man\" claims the only modern advocates of the out of Asia theory have their beliefs firmly rooted in Chinese Nationalism. There are still claims in favor of Out of Asia from modern molecular genetics research. Out of Asia theory The Out of Asia theory was a",
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"title": "1975 in Prophecy!",
"text": "...even this coming military–political leader does not yet know how many, or precisely which European nations will join in this United Nazi Fascist Europe... The German-dominated European combine will blast our cities and industrial centers with hydrogen bombs... And that surviving third will be up-rooted from their homes—transported like cattle as slaves to Europe, and probably some to South America... However, Armstrong was certain that if Britain joined the European Common Market, either before or after it became the United States of Europe, Britain would withdraw, and would eventually be attacked by ten nations in the ultimate federation of a",
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"title": "Potential superpowers",
"text": "America. George Osborne, former British Chancellor of the Exchequer, has also pointed out the economic crisis of the European Union. Osborne said, \"The biggest economic risk facing Europe doesn't come from those who want reform and re-negotiation. It comes from a failure to reform and renegotiate. It is the status quo which condemns the people of Europe to an ongoing economic crisis and continuing decline.\" Osborne also said that the EU is facing growing competition with global economic powers like China, India and the US, and the European Union should \"reform or decline.\" In 2016, the United Kingdom, the EU's",
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"title": "The Late, Great Planet Earth",
"text": "European Economic Community, which preceded the European Union, was destined (according to Biblical prophecy) to become a \"United States of Europe\", which in turn he says is destined to become a \"Revived Roman Empire\" ruled by the Antichrist. Lindsey wrote that he had concluded, since there was no apparent mention of America in the books of Daniel or Revelation, that America would not be a major geopolitical power by the time the tribulations of the end times arrived. He found little in the Bible that could represent America, but he suggested that could be speaking of America in part. Although",
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"title": "North America",
"text": "Vespucci, who explored South America between 1497 and 1502, was the first European to suggest that the Americas were not the East Indies, but a different landmass previously unknown by Europeans. In 1507, Waldseemüller produced a world map, in which he placed the word \"America\" on the continent of South America, in the middle of what is today Brazil. He explained the rationale for the name in the accompanying book \"Cosmographiae Introductio\": For Waldseemüller, no one should object to the naming of the land after its discoverer. He used the Latinized version of Vespucci's name (Americus Vespucius), but in its",
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"title": "Geopolitics",
"text": "Without America, Britain and France cannot cope with Germany and Russia; and \"without Europe, America could turn … into an island off the shores of Eurasia.\" Spykman's vision of Eurasia was strongly confirmed: \"Geopolitically, America is an island off the shores of the large landmass of Eurasia, whose resources and population far exceed those of the United States. The domination by a single power of either of Eurasia's two principal spheres—Europe and Asia—remains a good definition of strategic danger for America. Cold War or no Cold War. For such a grouping would have the capacity to outstrip America economically and,",
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"title": "Opt-outs in the European Union",
"text": "Dienstbier Jr. said that he would attempt to have his country's request for an opt-out withdrawn. This was confirmed on 20 February 2014 by the new Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka, who withdrew the request for an opt-out during a meeting with President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso shortly after his newly elected government won the confidence of Parliament. In May 2014, the Council of the European Union formally withdrew their recommendation to hold a Intergovernmental Conference of member states to consider the proposed amendments to the treaties. Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom have opt-outs from the area",
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"title": "History of Europe",
"text": "Spain. By 1940, there were only four liberal democracies left on the European continent: France, Finland, Switzerland and Sweden. After the Wall Street Crash of 1929, nearly the whole world sank into a Great Depression, as prices fell, profits fell, and unemployment soared. The worst hit sectors included heavy industry, export-oriented agriculture, mining and lumbering, and construction. World trade fell by two thirds. Liberalism and democracy were discredited. In most of Europe, as well as in Japan and most of Latin America, nation after nation turned to dictators and authoritarian regimes. The most momentous change of government came when Hitler",
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"title": "Arsenal of Democracy",
"text": "Isles to New England and back again without refueling.\" After establishing the danger, the president then proceeded to request action from the people. He acknowledged a telegram he had received. He refuted its message, which he summarized as \"Please, Mr. President, don't frighten us by telling us the facts.\" The central fact he felt Americans must grasp was the geopolitical Heartland theory: \"If Great Britain goes down, the Axis powers will control the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australasia, and the high seas—and they will be in a position to bring enormous military and naval resources against this hemisphere.\" He",
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"title": "Mirza Masroor Ahmad",
"text": "Islamic Republic of Iran, urging him to avoid World War III in his capacity as clerical leader of Iran as well. He said in his epistle to Pope Benedict XVI on 6 December 2011 that: He later sent messages to President Barack Obama of the USA, Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada, and David Cameron Prime Minister of the United Kingdom warning them of the destruction and ramifications of nuclear warfare, on 25 March 2012. David Cameron, Prime Minister of the UK, replied to Caliph V, stating: On 15 April 2012, he sent a similar warning of World War III",
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"title": "Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War",
"text": "of the Germans from Eastern Europe, in which 2 million died, a crime against humanity \"of historic dimensions\" and contrasts the British prosecution of German leaders at the Nuremberg Trials for crimes against humanity while Churchill and other British leaders were approving the expulsion of the Germans from Eastern Europe. Buchanan also writes that the United States should have stayed out of the events of World War II. However, because the United States insisted for the United Kingdom to sever the Anglo-Japanese Alliance in 1921, Japan ultimately aligned itself with the Axis and later attacked Pearl Harbor. Buchanan blames Churchill",
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"title": "United States of Europe",
"text": "Édouard Herriot and British civil servant Arthur Salter both penned books titled \"The United States of Europe\". After the First World War, Winston Churchill had seen continental Europe as a source of threats and sought to avoid Britain's involvement in European conflicts. On 15 February 1930, Churchill commented in the American journal \"The Saturday Evening Post\" that a \"European Union\" was possible between continental states, but without Britain's involvement: During the 1930s, Churchill was influenced by and became an advocate of the ideas of Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi and his Paneuropean Union, though Churchill did not advocate Britain's membership of such",
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"title": "European colonization of the Americas",
"text": "European colonization of the Americas The European colonization of the Americas describes the history of the settlement and establishment of control of the continents of the Americas by most of the naval powers of Western Europe. Systematic European colonization began in 1492, when a Spanish expedition headed by the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sailed west to find a new trade route to the Far East but inadvertently landed in what came to be known to Europeans as the \"New World\". He ran aground on the northern part of Hispaniola on 5 December 1492, which the Taino people had inhabited since",
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"title": "The Gate of Worlds",
"text": "the Ottomans moved into Vienna in 1440, and took over Paris in 1460, before invading the British Isles in 1490. The greater virulence of the Black Death in Europe allowed non-European powers to emerge. These included the Aztecs and Incas in Central America and South America, given that Europeans only 'discovered' the Americas in 1585 through an inadvertent Portuguese expedition. In Eastern Asia, Russia and Japan are now the main powers. By contrast, Turkey has undergone a period of instability that cost it control over England, from which it was expelled in the early twentieth century due to the leadership",
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"title": "Presidency of Harry S. Truman",
"text": "Pact, a defensive military alliance. The following year, the independent states of the Americas formed the Organization of American States (OAS), an intergovernmental organization designed to foster regional unity. Many Latin American nations, seeking favor with the United States, cut off relations with the Soviet Union. Latin American countries also requested aid and investment similar to the Marshall Plan, but Truman believed that most U.S. foreign aid was best directed to Europe and other areas that could potentially fall under the influence of Communism. Truman had long taken an interest in the history of the Middle East, and was sympathetic",
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"title": "Jeremy Hunt",
"text": "August 2018, Hunt met U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to discuss the 'threat' from Russia and Iran. During the September 2018 Conservative conference, Hunt likened the European Union to the former USSR, saying \"It was the Soviet Union that stopped people leaving. The lesson from history is clear: If you turn the EU club into a prison, the desire to get out won’t diminish.\" This comment was strongly criticised. Amid global outrage over the murder of Saudi dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul, Hunt rejected calls to end the UK's arms sales to Saudi",
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"title": "Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi",
"text": "of the Central Council, a position he held until his death in 1972. His original vision was for a world divided into only five states: a United States of Europe that would link continental countries with French and Italian possessions in Africa; a Pan-American Union encompassing North and South Americas; the British Commonwealth circling the globe; the USSR spanning Eurasia; and a Pan-Asian Union whereby Japan and China would control most of the Pacific. To him, the only hope for a Europe devastated by war was to federate along lines that the Hungarian-born Romanian Aurel Popovici and others had proposed",
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"title": "New Order (Nazism)",
"text": "marked for Japan. Before completing the expected German conquest of Europe, the Nazi leadership hoped to keep the United States out of the war. In an interview with \"Life\" in the spring of 1941, Hitler stated that a German invasion of the Western Hemisphere was as fantastic as an invasion of the moon, and was a lie promoted by U.S. big business hoping to gain from war profiteering. U.S. pro-Nazi movements such as the Friends of the New Germany and the German-American Bund played no role in Hitler's plans for the country, and received no financial or verbal support from",
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"title": "4th Summit of the Americas",
"text": "put pressure on the European Union to cut its farm subsidies, a major issue in world trade negotiations. In the midst of protests from the civilian population and after US refusal to end or reduce his protectionism on agricultural markets, and opposition from the four Mercosur countries (Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay) and Venezuela, which maintained that the U.S.-led proposal would damage their nations' economies, the Summit talks failed to reach an agreement on a regional trade deal. Talks continued beyond the scheduled end of the meeting as supporters of the U.S.-led proposal sought to set another date to continue",
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"title": "Amerigo Vespucci",
"text": "in his lifetime, was exaggerating his role and constructed deliberate fabrications. However, many scholars now believe that the two letters were not written by him but were fabrications by others based in part on genuine letters by Vespucci. It was the publication and widespread circulation of the letters that might have led Waldseemüller to name the new continent America on his world map of 1507 in Lorraine. Vespucci used a Latinised form of his name, \"Americus Vespucius\", in his Latin writings, which Waldseemüller used as a base for the new name, taking the feminine form \"America\", according to the prevalent",
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"title": "Community of Latin American and Caribbean States",
"text": "dialogue for the area, without the United States or Canada. Prominent left-wing leaders in the bloc praised the founding of the organization as a step towards separating Latin America from the United States with Evo Morales, President of Bolivia saying \"A union of Latin American countries is the weapon against imperialism. It is necessary to create a regional body that excludes the United States and Canada. ... it is the best time for prime ministers of Latin America and the Caribbean to gestate this great new organization without the United States to free our peoples in Latin America and the",
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"title": "Naming of the Americas",
"text": "did not reach Spain until a few years after his death. Ringmann may have been misled into crediting Vespucci by the widely published Soderini Letter, a sensationalized version of one of Vespucci's actual letters reporting on the mapping of the South American coast, which glamorized his discoveries and implied that he had recognized that South America was a continent separate from Asia; in fact, it is not known what Vespucci believed on this count, and he may have died believing, like Columbus, that he had reached the East Indies in Asia rather than a new continent. Spain officially refused to",
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"title": "Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union Summit",
"text": "Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union Summit The European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean Summit (EU-LAC) is a biennial meeting of heads of state and government of Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union. In the first EU-LAC summit, held in Rio de Janeiro between 28 June and 29 June 1999, participant nations agreed to develop a strategic partnership focused on strengthening democracy, the rule of law, international peace and political stability. The second meeting was carried out in Madrid in 2002, the third in Guadalajara in 2004, the fourth in Vienna in 2006 and the",
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"title": "European colonization of the Americas",
"text": "original attempt was to find a new route to India and China, known as \"the Indies\". He was followed by other explorers such as John Cabot, who was sponsored by England and reached Newfoundland. Pedro Álvares Cabral reached Brazil and claimed it for Portugal. Amerigo Vespucci, working for Portugal in voyages from 1497 to 1513, established that Columbus had reached a new set of continents. Cartographers still use a Latinized version of his first name, \"America\", for the two continents. Other explorers included Giovanni da Verrazzano, sponsored by France in 1524; the Portuguese João Vaz Corte-Real in Newfoundland; João Fernandes",
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"title": "William Pittman Lett",
"text": "especially in India and Africa, and the shifting balance of power in Europe. His poetry in the same newspapers reflects his fear of Russian and more particularly Prussic-German imperial ambitions for Europe and the world, believing prophetically that, in the long run, not even the Americas would be immune. He laments the fate of Poland and even that of France after the calamitous siege of Paris in 1871. He warns America not to fuel these conflicts through international trading in guns and munitions. He keeps a wary eye on the republican experiments in Europe and North and South America, fearing",
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"title": "North American Union",
"text": "flow of products, merchandises, [and] capital as well as people\". Fox cited the success he claimed countries Republic of Ireland and Spain had in modernizing their economies and raising the standard of living for their citizens by joining what is now the European Union. Vicente Fox also proposed a plan to U.S. President George W. Bush and Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien that he said would move the North American continent towards an economic union based on the example of the European Union. Fox's proposal was rejected by President Bush, with Fox later alleging in his book \"Revolution of Hope\"",
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"title": "Federalist No. 41",
"text": "argument with a comparison to 15th century European countries: Charles VII of France maintained a standing military during times of peace and if the rest of Europe had not followed then the entire European continent would now be under the rule of one person. A comparison between Europe and America is brought up in the letter where Madison states that a disjointed Europe is not as volatile when compared to a disunited America. He argues that America's problems would mostly be internal—between the States, as opposed to Europe's problems springing from rival nations around their borders. Madison then contrasts the",
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] | {
"title": "Roosevelt Corollary",
"long_answer": "The Roosevelt Corollary was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine articulated by President Theodore Roosevelt in his State of the Union address in 1904 after the Venezuela Crisis of 1902–03. The corollary states that the United States will intervene in conflicts between European countries and Latin American countries to enforce legitimate claims of the European powers, rather than having the Europeans press their claims directly.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The Roosevelt Corollary was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine articulated by President Theodore Roosevelt in his State of the Union address in 1904 after the Venezuela Crisis of 1902–03. The corollary states that the United States will intervene in conflicts between European countries and Latin American countries to enforce legitimate claims of the European powers, rather than having the Europeans press their claims directly.",
"short_answers": [
"Monroe Doctrine",
"Roosevelt Corollary"
} |
where does the formation of atp take place | [
"plasma membrane in bacteria",
"inner mitochondrial membrane",
"thylakoid membrane",
"mitochondrial membrane in eukaryotes"
] | [
"title": "ATP synthase",
"text": "The formation of ATP from ADP and Pi is energetically unfavorable and would normally proceed in the reverse direction. In order to drive this reaction forward, ATPase couples ATP synthesis during cellular respiration to an electrochemical gradient created by the difference in proton (H) concentration across the mitochondrial membrane in eukaryotes or the plasma membrane in bacteria. During photosynthesis in plants, ATP is synthesized by ATPase using a proton gradient created in the thylakoid lumen through the thylakoid membrane and into the chloroplast stroma.",
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"title": "Adenosine triphosphate",
"text": "by oxidative phosphorylation. The oxidation of NADH results in the synthesis of 2–3 equivalents of ATP, and the oxidation of one FADH yields between 1–2 equivalents of ATP. The majority of cellular ATP is generated by this process. Although the citric acid cycle itself does not involve molecular oxygen, it is an obligately aerobic process because O is used to recycle the NADH and FADH. In the absence of oxygen, the citric acid cycle ceases. The generation of ATP by the mitochondrion from cytosolic NADH relies on the malate-aspartate shuttle (and to a lesser extent, the glycerol-phosphate shuttle) because the",
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"title": "Adenosine triphosphate",
"text": "coenzyme. From the perspective of biochemistry, ATP is classified as a nucleoside triphosphate, which indicates that it consists of three components: a nitrogenous base (adenine), the sugar ribose, and the triphosphate. In terms of its structure, ATP consists of an adenine attached by the 9-nitrogen atom to the 1′ carbon atom of a sugar (ribose), which in turn is attached at the 5′ carbon atom of the sugar to a triphosphate group. In its many reactions related to metabolism, the adenine and sugar groups remain unchanged, but the triphosphate is converted to di- and monophosphate, giving respectively the derivatives ADP",
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"title": "Citric acid cycle",
"text": "NADH and 2 ATP per FADH). In eukaryotes, two equivalents of NADH and four equivalents of ATP are generated in glycolysis, which takes place in the cytoplasm. Transport of two of these equivalents of NADH into the mitochondria consumes two equivalents of ATP, thus reducing the net production of ATP to 36. Furthermore, inefficiencies in oxidative phosphorylation due to leakage of protons across the mitochondrial membrane and slippage of the ATP synthase/proton pump commonly reduces the ATP yield from NADH and FADH to less than the theoretical maximum yield. The observed yields are, therefore, closer to ~2.5 ATP per NADH",
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"title": "Chemiosmosis",
"text": "is the enzyme that makes ATP by chemiosmosis. It allows protons to pass through the membrane and uses the free energy difference to phosphorylate adenosine diphosphate (ADP), making ATP. The generation of ATP by chemiosmosis occurs in mitochondria and chloroplasts, as well as in most bacteria and archaea, an electron transport chain pumps H+ ions in the thylakoid spaces through thylakoid membranes. The energy from the electron movement through electron transport chains cross through ATP synthase which allows the proton to pass through them and use this free energy difference to photophosphorylate ADP making ATP. Peter D. Mitchell proposed the",
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"title": "Oxidative phosphorylation",
"text": "(the γ subunit stalk) within the α and β subunits. The α and β subunits are prevented from rotating themselves by the side-arm, which acts as a stator. This movement of the tip of the γ subunit within the ball of α and β subunits provides the energy for the active sites in the β subunits to undergo a cycle of movements that produces and then releases ATP. This ATP synthesis reaction is called the \"binding change mechanism\" and involves the active site of a β subunit cycling between three states. In the \"open\" state, ADP and phosphate enter the",
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"title": "Adenosine triphosphate",
"text": "bonds\". The hydrolysis of ATP into ADP and inorganic phosphate releases 30.5 kJ/mol of enthalpy, with a change in free energy of 3.4 kJ/mol. The energy released by cleaving either a phosphate (P) or pyrophosphate (PP) unit from ATP at standard state of 1 M are: These abbreviated equations can be written more explicitly (R = adenosyl): With a typical intracellular concentration of 1–10 mM, ATP is abundant. The dephosphorylation of ATP and rephosphorylation of ADP and AMP occur repeatedly in the course of aerobic metabolism. ATP can be produced by a number of distinct cellular processes; the three main",
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"title": "Cellular respiration",
"text": "ATP. In eukaryotes, oxidative phosphorylation occurs in the mitochondrial cristae. It comprises the electron transport chain that establishes a proton gradient (chemiosmotic potential) across the boundary of inner membrane by oxidizing the NADH produced from the Krebs cycle. ATP is synthesized by the ATP synthase enzyme when the chemiosmotic gradient is used to drive the phosphorylation of ADP. The electrons are finally transferred to exogenous oxygen and, with the addition of two protons, water is formed. The table below describes the reactions involved when one glucose molecule is fully oxidized into carbon dioxide. It is assumed that all the reduced",
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"title": "Inborn errors of carbohydrate metabolism",
"text": "from them. During glycolysis ATP, NADH (both an energy transport form used inside cells) as well as pyruvate are produced. Glycolysis is taking place in the cytosol, and the created pyruvate needs to be transported to the mitochondrion, where further energy can extracted through the conversion of pyruvate to lactate, and through the citric acid cycle (CAC) (see below, c.f. bioenergetic systems). The liver can also create glucose (gluconeogenesis, see below); during times of low carbohydrate supply from the digestive system, the liver creates glucose and supplies it to other organs. Most enzymes of glycolysis also participate in gluconeogenesis, as",
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"title": "Cellular respiration",
"text": "third phosphate group is added to form ATP (adenosine triphosphate), by substrate-level phosphorylation, NADH and FADH The negative ΔG indicates that the reaction can occur spontaneously. The potential of NADH and FADH is converted to more ATP through an electron transport chain with oxygen as the \"terminal electron acceptor\". Most of the ATP produced by aerobic cellular respiration is made by oxidative phosphorylation. This works by the energy released in the consumption of pyruvate being used to create a chemiosmotic potential by pumping protons across a membrane. This potential is then used to drive ATP synthase and produce ATP from",
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"title": "Glycolysis",
"text": "(At lower exercise intensities it can sustain muscle activity in diving animals, such as seals, whales and other aquatic vertebrates, for very much longer periods of time.) Under these conditions NAD is replenished by NADH donating its electrons to pyruvate to form lactate. This produces 2 ATP molecules per glucose molecule, or about 5% of glucose's energy potential (38 ATP molecules in bacteria). But the speed at which ATP is produced in this manner is about 100 times that of oxidative phosphorylation. The pH in the cytoplasm quickly drops when hydrogen ions accumulate in the muscle, eventually inhibiting the enzymes",
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"title": "Crista",
"text": "enzyme ATP synthase produces ATP from ADP and a phosphate group. This harnesses the potential energy from the concentration gradient formed by the amount of H ions. H ions passively pass into the mitochondrial matrix by the ATP synthase, and later help to re-form HO (water). The electron transport chain requires a varying supply of electrons in order to properly function and generate ATP. However, the electrons that have entered the electron transport chain would eventually pile up like cars traveling down a blocked one-way street. Those electrons are finally accepted by oxygen (O). As a result, they form two",
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"title": "Oxidative phosphorylation",
"text": "active site (shown in brown in the diagram). The protein then closes up around the molecules and binds them loosely – the \"loose\" state (shown in red). The enzyme then changes shape again and forces these molecules together, with the active site in the resulting \"tight\" state (shown in pink) binding the newly produced ATP molecule with very high affinity. Finally, the active site cycles back to the open state, releasing ATP and binding more ADP and phosphate, ready for the next cycle. In some bacteria and archaea, ATP synthesis is driven by the movement of sodium ions through the",
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"title": "Oxidative phosphorylation",
"text": "The amount of energy released by oxidative phosphorylation is high, compared with the amount produced by anaerobic fermentation. Glycolysis produces only 2 ATP molecules, but somewhere between 30 and 36 ATPs are produced by the oxidative phosphorylation of the 10 NADH and 2 succinate molecules made by converting one molecule of glucose to carbon dioxide and water, while each cycle of beta oxidation of a fatty acid yields about 14 ATPs. These ATP yields are theoretical maximum values; in practice, some protons leak across the membrane, lowering the yield of ATP. The electron transport chain carries both protons and electrons,",
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"title": "Bioenergetics",
"text": "ATP (into adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate) by utilizing it in biological processes. In a cell, the ratio of ATP to ADP concentrations is known as the \"energy charge\" of the cell. A cell can use this energy charge to relay information about cellular needs; if there is more ATP than ADP available, the cell can use ATP to do work, but if there is more ADP than ATP available, the cell must synthesize ATP via oxidative phosphorylation. Living organisms produce ATP from energy sources via oxidative phosphorylation. The terminal phosphate bonds of ATP are relatively weak compared with",
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"title": "ATP synthase",
"text": "the enzyme because of the high concentration of mitochondria in cardiac muscle. The following is a list of humans genes that encode components of ATP synthases: ATP synthase ATP synthase is an enzyme that creates the energy storage molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the most commonly used \"energy currency\" of cells for all organisms. It is formed from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate (P). The overall reaction catalyzed by ATP synthase is: The formation of ATP from ADP and P is energetically unfavorable and would normally proceed in the reverse direction. In order to drive this reaction forward,",
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"title": "Bioenergetic systems",
"text": "is broken down, energy is required to rebuild or resynthesize it. The building blocks of ATP synthesis are the by-products of its breakdown; adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi). The energy for ATP resynthesis comes from three different series of chemical reactions that take place within the body. Two of the three depend upon the type of food eaten, whereas the other depends upon a chemical compound called phosphocreatine. The energy released from any of these three series of reactions is coupled with the energy needs of the reaction that resynthesizes ATP. The separate reactions are functionally linked together",
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"title": "Biochemistry",
"text": "adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy-carrier molecule found in all living organisms. Also, the nitrogenous bases possible in the two nucleic acids are different: adenine, cytosine, and guanine occur in both RNA and DNA, while thymine occurs only in DNA and uracil occurs in RNA. Glucose is an energy source in most life forms. For instance, polysaccharides are broken down into their monomers (glycogen phosphorylase removes glucose residues from glycogen). Disaccharides like lactose or sucrose are cleaved into their two component monosaccharides. Glucose is mainly metabolized by a very important ten-step pathway called glycolysis, the net result of which is",
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"title": "Basal metabolic rate",
"text": "can require a breakdown, and also to build in the rest period, which occurs during the strengthening phase associated with muscular contraction. ATP is composed of adenine, a nitrogen containing base, ribose, a five carbon sugar (collectively called adenosine), and three phosphate groups. ATP is a high energy molecule because it stores large amounts of energy in the chemical bonds of the two terminal phosphate groups. The breaking of these chemical bonds in the Krebs Cycle provides the energy needed for muscular contraction. Because the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen atoms in all carbohydrates is always the same as that",
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"title": "Adenosine diphosphate",
"text": "conformational change when connecting to actin during muscle contraction. It takes multiple reactions between myosin and actin to effectively produce one muscle contraction, and, therefore, the availability of large amounts of ATP is required to produce each muscle contraction. For this reason, biological processes have evolved to produce efficient ways to replenishment the potential energy of ATP from ADP. Breaking one of ATP's phosphorus bonds generates approximately 30.5 kilojoules per Mole of ATP (7.3 kcal). ADP can be converted, or powered back to ATP through the process of releasing the chemical energy available in food; in humans, this is constantly",
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"title": "Mitochondrion",
"text": "cycle. However, the mitochondrion has many other functions in addition to the production of ATP. A dominant role for the mitochondria is the production of ATP, as reflected by the large number of proteins in the inner membrane for this task. This is done by oxidizing the major products of glucose: pyruvate, and NADH, which are produced in the cytosol. This type of cellular respiration known as aerobic respiration, is dependent on the presence of oxygen. When oxygen is limited, the glycolytic products will be metabolized by anaerobic fermentation, a process that is independent of the mitochondria. The production of",
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"title": "Adenosine triphosphate",
"text": "cytoplasm. Fermentation is the metabolism of organic compounds in the absence of air. It involves substrate-level phosphorylation in the absence of a respiratory electron transport chain. The equation for the oxidation of glucose to lactic acid is: Anaerobic respiration is respiration in the absence of . Prokaryotes can utilize a variety of electron acceptors. These include nitrate, sulfate, and carbon dioxide. ATP can also be synthesized through several so-called \"replenishment\" reactions catalyzed by the enzyme families of nucleoside diphosphate kinases (NDKs), which use other nucleoside triphosphates as a high-energy phosphate donor, and the family. In plants, ATP is synthesized in",
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"title": "Adenosine triphosphate",
"text": "Adenosine triphosphate Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a complex organic chemical that provides energy to drive many processes in living cells, e.g. muscle contraction, nerve impulse propagation, and chemical synthesis. Found in all forms of life, ATP is often referred to as the \"molecular unit of currency\" of intracellular energy transfer. When consumed in metabolic processes, it converts either to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) or to adenosine monophosphate (AMP). Other processes regenerate ATP so that the human body recycles its own body weight equivalent in ATP each day. It is also a precursor to DNA and RNA, and is used as a",
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"title": "ATP synthase",
"text": "be carried out in reverse, with ATP hydrolysis driving proton pumping across the membrane. The binding change mechanism involves the active site of a β subunit's cycling between three states. In the \"loose\" state, ADP and phosphate enter the active site; in the adjacent diagram, this is shown in pink. The enzyme then undergoes a change in shape and forces these molecules together, with the active site in the resulting \"tight\" state (shown in red) binding the newly produced ATP molecule with very high affinity. Finally, the active site cycles back to the open state (orange), releasing ATP and binding",
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"title": "Metabolism",
"text": "group-transfer reactions is carried out by a particular coenzyme, which is the substrate for a set of enzymes that produce it, and a set of enzymes that consume it. These coenzymes are therefore continuously made, consumed and then recycled. One central coenzyme is adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the universal energy currency of cells. This nucleotide is used to transfer chemical energy between different chemical reactions. There is only a small amount of ATP in cells, but as it is continuously regenerated, the human body can use about its own weight in ATP per day. ATP acts as a bridge between catabolism",
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"title": "Adenosine triphosphate",
"text": "pathways in eukaryotes are (1) glycolysis, (2) the citric acid cycle/oxidative phosphorylation, and (3) beta-oxidation. The overall process of oxidizing glucose to carbon dioxide, the combination of pathways 1 and 2, is known as cellular respiration, produces about 30 equivalents of ATP from each molecule of glucose. ATP production by a non-photosynthetic aerobic eukaryote occurs mainly in the mitochondria, which comprise nearly 25% of the volume of a typical cell. In glycolysis, glucose and glycerol are metabolized to pyruvate. Glycolysis generates two equivalents of ATP through substrate phosphorylation catalyzed by two enzymes, PGK and pyruvate kinase. Two equivalents of NADH",
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"title": "Metabolism",
"text": "for further ATP generation. Anabolism is the set of constructive metabolic processes where the energy released by catabolism is used to synthesize complex molecules. In general, the complex molecules that make up cellular structures are constructed step-by-step from small and simple precursors. Anabolism involves three basic stages. First, the production of precursors such as amino acids, monosaccharides, isoprenoids and nucleotides, secondly, their activation into reactive forms using energy from ATP, and thirdly, the assembly of these precursors into complex molecules such as proteins, polysaccharides, lipids and nucleic acids. Organisms differ according to the number of constructed molecules in their cells.",
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"title": "Adenosine diphosphate",
"text": "the cytoplasm, the viscous fluid that fills living cells, where the glycolytic reactions take place. The citric acid cycle, also known as the Krebs cycle or the TCA (tricarboxylic acid) cycle is an 8-step process that takes the pyruvate generated by glycolysis and generates 4 NADH, FADH2, and GTP, which is further converted to ATP. It is only in step 5, where GTP is generated, by succinyl-CoA synthetase, and then converted to ATP, that ADP is used (GTP + ADP → GDP + ATP). Oxidative phosphorylation produces 26 of the 30 equivalents of ATP generated in cellular respiration by transferring",
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"title": "Carbohydrate catabolism",
"text": "a proton-motive force is established, which provides the energy to convert ADP to ATP. The H+ ions that were initially forced to one side of the mitochondrion membrane now naturally flow through a membrane protein called ATP synthase, a protein that converts ADP to ATP with the help of H+ ions. Carbohydrate catabolism Digestion is the breakdown of carbohydrates to yield an energy rich compound called ATP. The production of ATP is achieved through the oxidation of glucose molecules. In oxidation, the electrons are stripped from a glucose molecule to reduce NAD+ and FAD. NAD+ and FAD possess a high",
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"title": "Oxidative phosphorylation",
"text": "in the form of a pH gradient and an electrical potential across this membrane. This store of energy is tapped when protons flow back across the membrane and down the potential energy gradient, through a large enzyme called ATP synthase; this process is known as chemiosmosis. The ATP synthase uses the energy to transform adenosine diphosphate (ADP) into adenosine triphosphate, in a phosphorylation reaction. The reaction is driven by the proton flow, which forces the rotation of a part of the enzyme; the ATP synthase is a rotary mechanical motor. Although oxidative phosphorylation is a vital part of metabolism, it",
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] | {
"title": "ATP synthase",
"long_answer": "The formation of ATP from ADP and Pi is energetically unfavorable and would normally proceed in the reverse direction. In order to drive this reaction forward, ATPase couples ATP synthesis during cellular respiration to an electrochemical gradient created by the difference in proton (H) concentration across the mitochondrial membrane in eukaryotes or the plasma membrane in bacteria. During photosynthesis in plants, ATP is synthesized by ATPase using a proton gradient created in the thylakoid lumen through the thylakoid membrane and into the chloroplast stroma.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The formation of ATP from ADP and Pi is energetically unfavorable and would normally proceed in the reverse direction. In order to drive this reaction forward, ATPase couples ATP synthesis during cellular respiration to an electrochemical gradient created by the difference in proton (H) concentration across the mitochondrial membrane in eukaryotes or the plasma membrane in bacteria. During photosynthesis in plants, ATP is synthesized by ATPase using a proton gradient created in the thylakoid lumen through the thylakoid membrane and into the chloroplast stroma.",
"short_answers": [
"mitochondrial membrane in eukaryotes",
"plasma membrane in bacteria"
} |
who wrote song what a friend we have in jesus | [
"Charles Crozat Converse",
"Joseph M. Scriven",
"William Bolcom"
] | [
"title": "What a Friend We Have in Jesus",
"text": "\"What a Friend We Have in Jesus\" is a Christian hymn originally written by Joseph M. Scriven as a poem in 1855 to comfort his mother who was living in Ireland while he was in Canada. Scriven originally published the poem anonymously, and only received full credit for it in the 1880s. The tune to the hymn was composed by Charles Crozat Converse in 1868. William Bolcom composed a setting of the hymn.",
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"title": "What a Friend We Have in Jesus",
"text": "the 1973 film \"O Lucky Man!\" and later became a hit when used in the 1987 Volkswagen Golf television commercial. The tune was in the labor protest movement due to its wide popularity. \"Dump the Bosses Off Your Backs\" (words by John Brill) was published in the IWW \"Little Red Songbook\" and has been recorded by dozens of artists including Utah Phillips, Anne Feeney, and Joe Glazer. A Norwegian version was used in the film \"Trollhunter\". It was sung in the 1984 film \"Footloose\". What a Friend We Have in Jesus \"What a Friend We Have in Jesus\" is a",
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"id": "10170723",
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"title": "What a Friend",
"text": "on February 23, 2018. A live version of the song was released on June 15, 2018, featuring Christian music singer Jason Crabb. What a Friend \"What a Friend\" is a song performed by Canadian contemporary Christian music (CCM) artist Matt Maher. The song was released as the second single from his 2017 album \"Echoes\" on September 15, 2017. The song peaked at No. 10 on the US Hot Christian Songs chart, becoming his seventh Top 10 single from that chart. It lasted 26 weeks on the overall chart. The song is played in a E major key, and 110 beats",
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"id": "20845395",
"score": "1.0783676",
"original_retrieval_index": 3
"title": "He Set My Life to Music",
"text": "Friend We Have in Jesus\", \"Swing Low, Sweet Chariot\", and Dottie Rambo's \"I Will Glory in the Cross\". The album included four duets with mainly Gospel artists. \"What a Friend We Have in Jesus\" was recorded with B.J. Thomas, \"I Turn to Him\" with The Blackwood Brothers, \"I Will Glory in the Cross\" with Dottie Rambo, and \"Through It All\" with Andrae Crouch. The album was re-released many years later under the Universal Special Products. Carpenter gave the album three out of five stars. \"He Set My Life to Music\" reached #59 on the \"Billboard Magazine\" Top Country Albums chart",
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"title": "What a Friend",
"text": "What a Friend \"What a Friend\" is a song performed by Canadian contemporary Christian music (CCM) artist Matt Maher. The song was released as the second single from his 2017 album \"Echoes\" on September 15, 2017. The song peaked at No. 10 on the US Hot Christian Songs chart, becoming his seventh Top 10 single from that chart. It lasted 26 weeks on the overall chart. The song is played in a E major key, and 110 beats per minute. \"What a Friend\" was released on September 15, 2017, as the second single from his fifth studio album \"Echos\". The",
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"original_retrieval_index": 5
"title": "What a Friend We Have in Jesus",
"text": "\"In spite of the fact that this hymn, with its tune, has been criticized as being too much on the order of the sentimental gospel type, its popularity remains strong, and the hymn retains a place in modern hymnals.\" In some settings, the lyrics have been matched to other tunes such as the Welsh \"Calon Lân\" (originally wedded to the Welsh poem translated as \"A Pure Heart\"). In Japan, the hymn's title was originally translated as , which is what it is best known by. In 1910, Daisui Sugitani re-wrote the lyrics in Japanese and changed the title to .",
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"id": "10170719",
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"original_retrieval_index": 6
"title": "Jesus, Friend of Sinners",
"text": "Jesus, Friend of Sinners \"Jesus, Friend of Sinners\" is a song by American Christian rock band Casting Crowns. Written by Mark Hall and Matthew West and produced by Mark A. Miller, it was released as the second single from the band's 2011 album \"Come to the Well\". The song has been regarded musically as a \"pop hymn\" and lyrically \"admonishes the church to show compassion\". \"Jesus, Friend of Sinners\" met with a positive reception from critics, many of whom praised the song's lyrical content. A music video has been released for the song. It has peaked at No. 1 on",
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"id": "16487193",
"score": "1.0273933",
"original_retrieval_index": 7
"title": "How Great Thou Art",
"text": "of a medley \"What a Friend We Have in Jesus/Old Rugged Cross/How Great Thou Art\" for her 2002 studio album \"Legacy... Hymns and Faith\", and later included it on her 2015 compilation album \"Be Still and Know... Hymns & Faith\". On 4 April 2011, Carrie Underwood performed this song on ACM Presents: Girls Night Out show. Carrie sang together with Vince Gill and received a standing ovation. It was televised on CBS on 22 April 2011, and shortly after the show had ended, Carrie's version of How Great Thou Art single reached No. 1 spot in iTunes Top Gospel Song",
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"title": "Jesus, Friend of Sinners",
"text": "the Christian AC, Christian CHR, and Soft AC/Inspirational formats on March 3, 2012. It has so far peaked at No. 6 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Christian Songs chart, No. 6 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Christian AC chart, No. 2 on the \"Billboard\" Christian AC Indicator chart, No. 21on the \"Billboard\" Soft AC/Inspirational chart, and No. 20 on the Christian CHR chart. Casting Crowns has released a music video for the song. Jesus, Friend of Sinners \"Jesus, Friend of Sinners\" is a song by American Christian rock band Casting Crowns. Written by Mark Hall and Matthew West and produced by Mark",
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"title": "Jesus, Friend of Sinners",
"text": "the \"Billboard\" Soft AC/Inspirational chart, No. 2 on the \"Billboard\" Christian AC Indicator chart, No. 6 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Christian Songs and Hot Christian AC charts, and No. 20 on the Christian CHR chart. Casting Crowns' frontman, Mark Hall wrote \"Jesus, Friend of Sinners\" to address the idea that the world knows those who follow the Christian faith more for what they oppose than what they support; he stated that the song is a \"reminder that we need to do something about that\". He also commented that, despite the use of \"strong words\" in the song to grab attention,",
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"title": "Jesus, Friend of Sinners",
"text": "Sinners\" was written by Mark Hall and Matthew West and produced by Mark A. Miller. It was recorded by Sam Hewitt at Zoo Studio in Franklin, Tennessee; additional recording was conducted by Michael Hewitt at Lifesong Studio in McDonough, Georgia. Some vocal recording was conducted by Billy Lord at Eagle's Landing Studio in McDonough, Georgia. The string sections on the song were arranged by David Davidson and recorded by Bacho Shin at Ocean Way Studios in Nashville, Tennessee. Mixing was handled by Sam Hewitt, while digital editing was done by Matt Naylor and Michael Hewitt. The song was submixed by",
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"title": "What a Friend We Have in Jesus",
"text": "Another version was written by Ryūkō Kawaji with the title . It is also known by the title . The hymn is popular at wedding ceremonies in Japan. In Indonesia, the hymn is known as \"Yesus Kawan yang Sejati\" and is sung in Indonesian or Batak (the indigenous language of North Sumatra) in Manado, Maluccan, and Protestant churches (around 6% of the population). Statistically, the majority of Indonesians are Muslim (around 76%) but native religion elements have up to 90% of the total population and consequently the hymn is widely known only among musicians, scholars and Indonesia's Christian community. However,",
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"title": "Jonas Wendell",
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"title": "Our Great Savior",
"text": "Our Great Savior Our Great Savior is a hymn written by John Wilbur Chapman and composed by Rowland Prichard under the tune Hyfrydol. It was published in 1910 and was renewed in 1938 by Robert Harkness. In some hymnals, it is titled Jesus! What a Friend For Sinners!. Jesus! what a Friend for sinners! Jesus! Lover of my soul; Friends may fail me, foes assail me, He, my Savior, makes me whole. Chorus Hallelujah! what a Savior! Hallelujah! what a Friend! Saving, helping, keeping, loving, He is with me to the end. Jesus! what a strength in weakness! Let me",
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"text": "Bacho Shin at ShinShack Studios in Nashville, Tennessee, and it was mastered by Andrew Mendleson at Georgetown Masters in Nashville, Tennessee. Musically, \"Jesus, Friend of Sinners\" has been described as a \"pop hymn\". Lyrically, it \"admonishes the church to show compassion\" and \"laments how the world knows many Christ followers more by what they are against than what they are for\". The opening verse of the song, \"Jesus Friend of Sinners/we have strayed so far away/we cut down people in Your name/but the sword was never ours to swing/... The world is on their way to You/but they’re tripping over",
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"title": "Louise Shropshire",
"text": "co-wrote and copyrighted the gospel hymn, \"Behold the Man of Galilee'\". Some of Shopshire's other Gospel copyrighted compositions are \"I've Got The Big Seal Of Approval\"; \"I'm Tryin' My Best To Get Home To See Jesus\", \"Whom Do Men Say That I Am?\", \"I Know Jesus Pilots Me\". '\"Are You Worthy to Take Communion\", '\"Come on, Jesus Will Save You Right Now\", and \"Mother's Beautiful Hands\". In the early 1950s, Louise Shropshire met Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth. Finding much in common; Shropshire and King became good friends and established a strong and loyal spiritual",
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"title": "You've Got a Friend",
"text": "You've Got a Friend \"You've Got a Friend\" is a 1971 song written by Carole King. It was first recorded by King, and included in her album \"Tapestry\". Another well-known version is by James Taylor from his album \"Mud Slide Slim and the Blue Horizon\". His was released as a single in 1971 reaching number 1 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and number 4 on the UK Singles Chart. The two versions were recorded simultaneously in 1971 with shared musicians. \"You've Got a Friend\" won Grammy Awards both for Taylor (Best Male Pop Vocal Performance) and King (Song of the",
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"title": "Thank You for Being a Friend",
"text": "to write.\" The chorus of the song is sampled in Rachel Platten's song of the same name on of \"\". Thank You for Being a Friend \"Thank You for Being a Friend\" is a song written by Andrew Gold, who recorded it for his third album, \"All This and Heaven Too\". The song reached number 25 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart in 1978. On the \"Cash Box\" chart, \"Thank You for Being a Friend\" spent two weeks at #11. The song was later re-recorded by Cynthia Fee (also known for her work with Kenny Rogers) to serve as the",
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"title": "Ed Cash",
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"title": "Jesus, Friend of Sinners",
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"title": "You've Got a Friend",
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"title": "Sonseed",
"text": "every track of the album over a several week period, the last song being aired on September 17, 2009. In 2010, the internet video makers Smosh made a parody of the song \"Jesus Is a Friend of Mine\" called \"Vader is my Friend\" in their video \"Vader and Me\". In 2011, Fox Television's hit show \"Glee\" also did a cover of the song \"Jesus Is a Friend of Mine\". During the Regional competition, the group \"Aural Intensity\" sang the song. Nina Hagen made a German cover of \"Jesus Is a Friend of Mine\" (\"Jesus Ist Ein Freund Von Mir\") for",
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"title": "Willie Mae Ford Smith",
"text": "style were highly influential on others, she did not begin a recording career until 1950. She was also a composer, but even more influential as an arranger. Her reinterpretations of hymns such as \"Jesus Loves Me\", \"Throw Out the Lifeline\", and \"What a Friend We Have in Jesus\" influenced \"a new generation of singers to include the songs in their repertoires\". Smith developed a fine sensitivity to slights from others who did not appreciate her firm sincerity or thought she could be cheated. She also developed a rivalry with Sallie Martin that lasted for as long as they lived; the",
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"title": "What a Friend We Have in Jesus",
"text": "prior to when Suharto seized power in 1967, the same music was adopted for a popular patriotic song titled \"Ibu Pertiwi\". In Hindi, the hymn is a very important song and is sung as \"Yeshu kaisa dost pyara\". In Marathi, the hymn has been translated as \"Kon Mitra Yeshuwani\" By Mary Bessel.The song is common during solemn services (Passion week and burial). In Malayalam, the hymn as \"Enthu Nallore sakhi Yesu\" is sung to comfort and as an invitation to Christ. This hymn had been translated into Telugu and it is sung during occasions as a song of comfort and",
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"title": "'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus",
"text": "'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus \"'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus\" is a Christian hymn with music by William J. Kirkpatrick and lyrics by Louisa M. R. Stead. The lyrics were written in 1882. They appeared in Stead's \"Songs of Triumph\". The song is included in many hymnals and has been recorded by many artists. <poem>’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to take Him at His Word; Just to rest upon His promise, Just to know, \"Thus says the Lord!\" Refrain Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er Jesus,",
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"title": "Tony Wood (musician)",
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"title": "Will Lamartine Thompson",
"text": "best known as the writer and composer of hymns and gospel songs, to which he increasingly devoted his talents after his teenage years. His most well known work is the classic and enduring gospel song \"Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling\" which has been translated into countless languages. It has been featured in the films \"The Trip to Bountiful\", \"Junebug\", and \"A Prairie Home Companion\" (sung by Meryl Streep and Lily Tomlin), in the Anne Tyler novel \"The Accidental Tourist\", and the television series \"True Blood\". Other popular gospel songs by Thompson which continue in use, particularly in the Churches",
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"title": "Julia H. Johnston",
"text": "In addition to authoring over 500 hymns, Johnston worked as a Sunday school superintendent and teacher for over forty years and served as president of the Presbyterian Missionary Society. Johnston wrote the lyrics to Grace Greater Than All Our Sin and Daniel B. Towner (1850-1919) wrote the music. In 1911 the song was published the lyrics in \"Hymns Tried and True\". The song describes the Christian idea of grace and justification by faith articulated in Paul's Letter to the Romans in Verses 5:1-2 and 14-16. In 1919 she died and was buried in Peoria, Illinois. Julia H. Johnston Julia H.",
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] | {
"title": "What a Friend We Have in Jesus",
"long_answer": "\"What a Friend We Have in Jesus\" is a Christian hymn originally written by Joseph M. Scriven as a poem in 1855 to comfort his mother who was living in Ireland while he was in Canada. Scriven originally published the poem anonymously, and only received full credit for it in the 1880s. The tune to the hymn was composed by Charles Crozat Converse in 1868. William Bolcom composed a setting of the hymn.",
"chunked_long_answer": "\"What a Friend We Have in Jesus\" is a Christian hymn originally written by Joseph M. Scriven as a poem in 1855 to comfort his mother who was living in Ireland while he was in Canada. Scriven originally published the poem anonymously, and only received full credit for it in the 1880s. The tune to the hymn was composed by Charles Crozat Converse in 1868. William Bolcom composed a setting of the hymn.",
"short_answers": [
"Charles Crozat Converse",
"Joseph M. Scriven",
"William Bolcom"
} |
who is the guy who walked across the twin towers | [
"Philippe Petit"
] | [
"title": "Philippe Petit",
"text": "Philippe Petit (French pronunciation: [filip pəti]; born 13 August 1949) is a French high-wire artist who gained fame for his high-wire walk between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, on the morning of August 7, 1974 as well as his high wire walk between the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, 1971. For his unauthorized feat 400 metres (1,000 feet) above the ground – which he referred to as \"le coup\" – he rigged a 200-kilogram (440-pound) cable and used a custom-made 8-metre (30-foot) long, 25-kilogram (55-pound) balancing pole. He performed for 45 minutes, making",
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"title": "The Walk (2015 film)",
"text": "it had reconstructions of the top two stories of the tower and a wire approximately twelve feet off the ground, which was connected out across a green abyss and was anchored on a pole. To learn more about what it was like, Gordon-Levitt also walked the distance between the World Trade Center memorial's two pools, which are located where the Twin Towers stood before the September 11 attacks. He visited the original observatory once before, in 2001, during his first summer in New York City. \"It was touristy but I wanted to go do it. I remember it distinctly. It",
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"title": "9/11: The Twin Towers",
"text": "fireman that the Pentagon got hit and that the day's events are all part of a terrorist attack. Wald calls a random woman and tells her to pass a message on to his wife, Rebecca, telling her that he's okay. When he learns about the Pentagon attack, Wald theorizes that Al Qaeda is behind the attacks. After the collapse of the South Tower, the trio were on the 36th floor when a group of fireman passed them. Afraid for his life, Zhu took their advice to leave while Ramos stayed behind to help Wald. Zhu ultimately made it out alive,",
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"title": "Tourist guy",
"text": "Tourist guy The \"tourist guy\" was a hoax that featured a digitally altered photograph of a tourist on the observation deck of the World Trade Center, supposedly on the day of the September 11 attacks, showing a plane about to hit the tower in the background. The photo became an Internet phenomenon as many manipulated pictures spread online. The man in the photograph was identified as Hungarian Péter Guzli, who took the photo in 1997. Guzli said he edited the photo as a joke for his friends and did not realize it would spread across the Internet. He is also",
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"title": "Philippe Petit",
"text": "September 11 attacks, during which the Twin Towers were destroyed. He wrote that on that morning, \"My towers became our towers. I saw them collapse – hurling, crushing thousands of lives. Disbelief preceded sorrow for the obliteration of the buildings, perplexity descended before rage at the unbearable loss of life.\" Petit paid tribute to those who were killed and supported rebuilding the towers, promising that \"When the towers again twin-tickle the clouds, I offer to walk again, to be the expression of the builders' collective voice. Together, we will rejoice in an aerial song of victory.\" A different complex of",
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"title": "The Falling Man",
"text": "The Falling Man The Falling Man is a photograph taken by Associated Press photographer Richard Drew of a man falling from the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 9:41:15 a.m. during the September 11 attacks in New York City. The subject of the image, whose identity remains uncertain, was one of the people trapped on the upper floors of the skyscraper who either fell searching for safety or jumped to escape the fire and smoke. The photograph gives the impression that the man is falling straight down; however, a series of photographs taken of his fall showed him",
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"title": "Tourist guy",
"text": "several other photos from the same series as proof to a Hungarian newspaper. Later on, the show \"Wired News\" examined the evidence and confirmed that Guzli was the real Tourist guy. Tourist guy The \"tourist guy\" was a hoax that featured a digitally altered photograph of a tourist on the observation deck of the World Trade Center, supposedly on the day of the September 11 attacks, showing a plane about to hit the tower in the background. The photo became an Internet phenomenon as many manipulated pictures spread online. The man in the photograph was identified as Hungarian Péter Guzli,",
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"title": "9/11: The Twin Towers",
"text": "co-workers, Pablo Ortiz and Mak Hanna began going up the North Tower to rescue trapped workers. They eventually came to the 89th floor where they rescued several trapped workers including Rick Bryan, a manager at MetLife, and secretary Dianne DeFontes. De Martini sends Hanna down the tower with an injured, elderly Port Authority worker on his back while Bryan and his co-workers begin to make their way downwards. Making their way towards the impact zone, De Martini and Ortiz report structural damage that could lead to catastrophic results. Bryan and his group are nearly out of the building when they",
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"title": "Twin Towers 2",
"text": "get paid for? To look outside my window at the Statue of Liberty.'\" He then went on to say, 'All of the people who worked on the buildings—10 out of 10—want them back.'\" Later in February businessman Donald Trump appeared on CNN show \"Larry King Live\" with Larry King. During a talk radio broadcast, a caller asked whether Trump was involved or going to be involved with the \"new twin towers\". Though Trump at the time was not involved with the Team Twin Towers project, he became a sponsor of the project's design in the later year(s). Trump said the",
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"title": "Brian Clark (September 11 survivor)",
"text": "going to go down. Clark was skeptical, repeating how solidly built the towers were, but he did not finish his sentence before the South Tower (Tower Two) started to collapse. Clark and Praimnath had left the South Tower just four minutes before it collapsed; they were two of the last 25 people to exit the building; Clark was number 22. Only two other people exited the South Tower after Clark and Praimnath.<ref name=\"9/11StoryClark\"></ref> Praimnath thanked Clark for saving his life. Clark, in turn, also thanked Praimnath since he felt that the act of leaving his group and freeing Praimnath drew",
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"title": "The Walk (2015 film)",
"text": "Trade Center towers. But then, oh, baby, does this movie fly.\" Richard Roeper of the \"Chicago Sun-Times\" gave the film three out of four stars, saying \"The last 30 minutes or so are all about the walk. Dariusz Wolski's cinematography is beautiful... and Gordon-Levitt does some of his best acting when he's out on the wire and mostly silent, his face glowing from the sheer crazy joy he's feeling.\" James Berardinelli of \"ReelViews\" gave the film three out of four stars, saying \"It's two-thirds of a great film but the slow start and unremarkable first hour hold it back. Still,",
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"title": "9/11: The Twin Towers",
"text": "while Wald and Ramos both died in the collapse of the North Tower. Ramos was the only person from his company, May Davis, who did not survive. Jay Jonas, Captain of Ladder 6, is one of several New York firemen who went into the North Tower to save trapped workers. After the South Tower was hit, Jonas and his group were given clearance to start evacuating workers. Around the 27th floor, the South Tower collapsed, shaking the North Tower. Jonas immediately decides that they too need to evacuate. They encounter a woman named Josephine Harris who is suffering from a",
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"title": "Photographic manipulation",
"text": "'the tourist guy', 'the accidental tourist', 'Waldo' or the 'WTC Guy'. It showed a man standing on the observation deck of one of the World Trade Center towers before the plane hit the building. When others started claiming to be the subject of the photo a 25-year-old Hungarian man named Péter Guzli came forward and explained that he did not want any publicity. \"I'd like to keep my identity incognito... This was a joke meant for my friends, not such a wide audience.\" Guzli had taken the picture in 1997 when he had visited relatives in New York, after 9/11",
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"title": "9/11: The Twin Towers",
"text": "I can't do this, you take over!\" and dives under his desk. When United 175 struck the South Tower, Praimnath was in the impact zone, but miraculously survived by ducking underneath his desk. Fire Warden Brian Clark was a few floors above him, who worked at EuroBrokers on the 84th floor of the South Tower, and was making his way down when he heard him shouting for help in the ruins of his office. Clark made his way into the office and pulled Praimnath over a large wall of sheetrock. Praimnath thanked Clark for saving him and told him that",
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"title": "Philippe Petit",
"text": "required to give a free aerial show for children in Central Park. He performed on a high-wire walk in the Park above Belvedere Lake (known now as Turtle Pond). The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey gave Petit a lifetime pass to the Twin Towers' Observation Deck. He autographed a steel beam close to the point where he began his walk. Petit's high-wire walk is credited with bringing the Twin Towers much needed attention and even affection, as they initially had been unpopular. Critics such as historian Lewis Mumford had regarded them as ugly and utilitarian in design,",
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"title": "Mazes and Monsters",
"text": "Jay Jay's house, a delusion leads him into the subway. Not finding him at Jay Jay's house, the friends deduce Robbie has equated the Two Towers with the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. Robbie believes that by jumping off one of them and casting a spell, he will finally join the Great Hall. After a search, his friends find him and stop him from jumping off the south tower observation deck using the game's rules, once again pulling him out of his delusion. In the book, it turned out that Robbie's brother had died after running away many",
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"title": "9/11: The Twin Towers",
"text": "they'd be brothers for life. They managed to evacuate the South Tower before it collapsed. 23 workers from Praimnath's company Fuji Bank lost their lives, while 61 workers from Clark's company EuroBrokers also died. Alayne Gentul was Director of Human Resources at Private Banker's Fiduciary Trust. She was on the 97th floor of the South Tower when the second plane hit along with several other co-workers. She calls her husband Jack and relays information on what she and her co-workers were trying to do in light of the situation. Jack tells Alayne and her co-workers to hit the sprinkler systems",
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"title": "9/11: The Twin Towers",
"text": "bad leg, so he decides to bring her with them. They were still inside the North Tower when it collapsed, but miraculously survived as the part that they were trapped in survived the collapse. They were eventually rescued by fellow firemen five hours later. Al Smith and Jan Demczur were trapped in an elevator car in the North Tower along with several other workers. Realizing that the walls were made of sheetrock, Demczur used one of his janitorial tools to chip a large hole into the wall. They managed to bust through the wall and into a washroom on the",
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"title": "Philippe Petit",
"text": "and too large a development for the area. The Port Authority was having trouble renting out all of the office space. Mordicai Gerstein wrote and illustrated a children's book, \"The Man Who Walked Between The Towers\" (2003), which won a Caldecott Medal for his art. It was adapted and produced as an animated short film by the same title, directed by Michael Sporn and released in 2005, which won several awards. The documentary film \"Man on Wire\" (2008) by UK director James Marsh is about Petit and his 1974 WTC performance. It won both the World Cinema Jury and Audience",
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"title": "Stanley Praimnath",
"text": "the two men had made it outside and walked two blocks away from the South Tower, they stopped and looked back at the building they had just exited, and Praimnath said to Clark, \"You know, I think that building can come down.\" Clark was in the midst of replying, \"Those are steel structures, there's no way—\", when he was cut off by the South Tower starting to collapse.<ref name=\"9/11StoryClark\"></ref> As the dust cloud from the collapsing South Tower approached them, they ran south and entered 42 Broadway as the wave caught up to them. Inside that lobby they exchanged business",
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"title": "The Man Who Walked Between the Towers",
"text": "line from across the two towers. By past dawn of August 7, 1974, they had tightened it between the towers. Philippe then put on his black shirt and tights and picked up his 28-foot balancing pole and started walking on the wire. He felt, \"Alone and absolutely free\", as author Mordecai Gerstein writes. The bystanders notice someone walking between the two towers and quickly notify the police. Officers rushed to the roof of the towers and yelled to Philippe, \"You're under arrest!\" For almost an hour Philippe walked, danced, and leaped back and forth between the wire. He even laid",
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"title": "Twin Towers 2",
"text": "new design, stated that he would have rebuilt the World Trade Center if it were up to him. He commented, stating that \"They were such a big part of the identity of Manhattan. When you watch Tony Soprano drive out of the Holland Tunnel, he can see the towers in his rearview mirror. They looked very strong.\" Twin Towers 2 The Twin Towers II (also known as Twin Towers 2, New Twin Towers, Trump Twin Towers and World Trade Center Phoenix) was a proposed twin-towered skyscraper complex which would have been located at the World Trade Center site in Manhattan,",
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"title": "Justin Schein",
"text": "of Ground Zero after the September 11 attacks as well as the debate over what should replace the Twin Towers. He collaborated on the project with Daniel Polin, president of Great Projects Film Company, the company where he interned after graduating from Johns Hopkins. Polin was producer on the documentary while Schein worked as co-producer and cinematographer. America Rebuilds was narrated by Kevin Spacey and appeared on PBS on the one year anniversary of the attacks. In 2009, Schein released No Impact Man, a documentary film he directed with Laura Gabbert based on the book of the same title by",
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"text": "the 1974 walk on a tightrope between the Twin Towers of the New York City's World Trade Center. Francis Brunn Francis Brunn (15 November 1922 in Aschaffenburg, Germany – 28 May 2004 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany) was a German juggler. Brunn took up juggling in 1939, joining a traveling show that played all over Europe. He moved to America to join the Ringling Brothers circus and twice performed for Dwight D. Eisenhower. Brunn retired in 1994. Though he is believed to have been the first performer to juggle 10 rings, he was best known for his seemingly simple, though",
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"title": "Tourist guy",
"text": "called numerous other names, including the \"accidental tourist\" (a reference to the novel and film \"The Accidental Tourist\"), \"Waldo\" (a reference to \"Where's Waldo?\"), the \"WTC Guy\", and the \"tourist of death\". Shortly after 9/11, an image surfaced on the internet, purportedly from a camera found in the debris of the World Trade Center. The image showed a man, dressed in a wool cap, heavy jacket, and backpack, standing on the observation deck of the World Trade Center. Below him, a jet plane can be seen flying towards the building. Because of its closeness and low altitude, it seems certain",
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"title": "9/11: The Twin Towers",
"text": "Vere and two other delegates, up to the roof to try and evacuate from there, but they are unsuccessful. Eventually, people begin jumping to their deaths to escape the flames. Christine makes three more calls for help afterwards, but neither she nor anyone else from Windows on the World is heard from again after 9:40 AM. Olender, de Vere and everyone else in or above the North Tower impact zone eventually lost their lives that day. Harry Ramos and Hong Zhu were two workers who were on the 87th floor when American 11 hit. While Ramos and a few other",
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"title": "Stanley Praimnath",
"text": "cards. Clark made his way home to New Jersey; Praimnath went to the hospital for his injuries. Later on that evening, after midnight, when Praimnath had finally gotten home from the hospital, he excitedly called Clark to speak with him, waking him up in the process, to find out what had happened to him. The two men, who had never met before 9/11, remain friends to this day and have appeared on numerous shows and documentaries telling their story. Stanley Praimnath Stanley Praimnath (born 1956 or 1957) is a survivor of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center.",
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"title": "Dust to Dust: The Health Effects of 9/11",
"text": "lower Manhattan. It includes interviews with ill victims of the Twin Towers' dust and health officials in New York City. It also includes quotes by government officials, such as a video of then New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani saying, \"The air quality is safe and acceptable.\" Actor Steve Buscemi, a former New York City firefighter, is the narrator of the film. The day following the September 11th attacks, Buscemi volunteered and worked on relief efforts for one week, all the while shunning publicity for it. \"The New York Times\" reviewer Anita Gates found the documentary \"powerful and persuasive\", and",
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"title": "Zakir Naik",
"text": "the Twin Towers was done by George Bush himself\". He also said that \"even a fool will know\" that the 9/11 attacks were \"an inside job\" orchestrated by US President George W. Bush. His opinions on 9/11 have been denounced by the United States and he has been denied entry into the United Kingdom and Canada for speaking engagements. His views and statements on terrorism have been often criticised in the media. Speaking of Osama bin Laden, when Naik was asked whether the former was a terrorist, he stated that he did not have an opinion since had not met",
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"title": "Alan Hart (writer)",
"text": "the towers. Regarding the purpose of the 9/11 attacks, Hart stated that: “My guess is that at an early point they said to the bad guys in the CIA – hey this operation's running what do we do, and the zionists and the neo-cons said let's use it.\" In another interview, Hart stated that \"In my analysis there's enough evidence – visual, technical and scientific, and from eye-witnesses including fire fighters – to invite the conclusion that the Twin Towers, like Building Seven, were pre-wired for controlled demolition with nanothermite, the highest-tech military explosive.\" Hart is the author of several",
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] | {
"title": "Philippe Petit",
"long_answer": "Philippe Petit (French pronunciation: [filip pəti]; born 13 August 1949) is a French high-wire artist who gained fame for his high-wire walk between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, on the morning of August 7, 1974 as well as his high wire walk between the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, 1971. For his unauthorized feat 400 metres (1,000 feet) above the ground – which he referred to as \"le coup\" – he rigged a 200-kilogram (440-pound) cable and used a custom-made 8-metre (30-foot) long, 25-kilogram (55-pound) balancing pole. He performed for 45 minutes, making eight passes along the wire. The following week, he celebrated his 25th birthday. All charges were dismissed in exchange for him doing a performance in Central Park for children.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Philippe Petit (French pronunciation: [filip pəti]; born 13 August 1949) is a French high-wire artist who gained fame for his high-wire walk between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, on the morning of August 7, 1974 as well as his high wire walk between the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, 1971. For his unauthorized feat 400 metres (1,000 feet) above the ground – which he referred to as \"le coup\" – he rigged a 200-kilogram (440-pound) cable and used a custom-made 8-metre (30-foot) long, 25-kilogram (55-pound) balancing pole. He performed for 45 minutes, making",
"short_answers": [
"Philippe Petit"
} |
where do the royalties for winnie the pooh go | [
"the Slesinger family",
"Slesinger, Inc."
] | [
"title": "Winnie-the-Pooh",
"text": "On 19 February 2007 Disney lost a court case in Los Angeles which ruled their \"misguided claims\" to dispute the licensing agreements with Slesinger, Inc. were unjustified, but a federal ruling of 28 September 2009, again from Judge Florence-Marie Cooper, determined that the Slesinger family had granted all trademark and copyright rights to Disney, although Disney must pay royalties for all future use of the characters. Both parties have expressed satisfaction with the outcome.",
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"title": "A. A. Milne",
"text": "had been paying twice-yearly royalties to these beneficiaries. The estate of E. H. Shepard also received a sum in the deal. The UK copyright on the text of the original Winnie the Pooh books expires on 1 January 2027; at the beginning of the year after the 70th anniversary of the author's death (PMA-70), and has already expired in those countries with a PMA-50 rule. This applies to all of Milne's works except those first published posthumously. The illustrations in the Pooh books will remain under copyright until the same amount of time has passed, after the illustrator's death; in",
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"title": "Winnie the Pooh (franchise)",
"text": "the Pooh is the third best-selling franchise in the world, after Disney's own Disney Princess and \"Star Wars\". The New York Times said \"The stakes are high for Disney. Global sales of Pooh merchandise — books, plush toys, T-shirts, potty chairs — have fallen 12% over the last five years, but still account for a staggering $5.5 billion\", adding \"Pooh...remains Disney’s second best-selling character after Mickey Mouse\". It noted \"Branding experts say aging character franchises are among the most difficult to keep alive because they require continually walking a tightrope. 'With Winnie the Pooh, Disney is going to continue to",
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"title": "Winnie-the-Pooh (book)",
"text": "the character from The Royal Literary Fund, whom the estate of Milne had sold the rights to. The $350M purchase gave Disney full rights to the franchise until copyright expires in 2026. Winnie-the-Pooh (book) Winnie-the-Pooh (1926) is the first volume of stories about Winnie-the-Pooh, written by A. A. Milne and illustrated by E. H. Shepard. It is followed by \"The House at Pooh Corner\". The book focuses on the adventures of a teddy bear called Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends Piglet, a small toy pig; Eeyore, a toy donkey; Owl, a live owl; and Rabbit, a live rabbit. The characters of",
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"title": "A. A. Milne",
"text": "the UK, this will be on 1 January 2047. In the United States, copyright will not expire until 95 years after publication for each of Milne's books first published before 1978, but this includes the illustrations. In 2008, a collection of original illustrations featuring Winnie-the-Pooh and his animal friends sold for more than £1.2 million at auction in Sotheby's, London. \"Forbes\" magazine ranked Winnie the Pooh the most valuable fictional character in 2002; Winnie the Pooh merchandising products alone had annual sales of more than $5.9 billion. In 2005, Winnie the Pooh generated $6 billion, a figure surpassed by only",
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"title": "Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree",
"text": "them over and over, and then many years later to my children, and now to my grandchildren.\" As early as 1938, Disney expressed interest in obtaining the film rights to the Pooh books by first corresponding with the literary agency Curtis Brown. In June 1961, Disney acquired the film rights. By 1964, Disney told his animation staff that he was planning to make a full-length animated feature film based on the books. A meeting was held with senior staff members to discuss the proposed film, and during the meeting, Disney decided not to make a feature film, but instead a",
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"title": "Winnie the Pooh (franchise)",
"text": "Winnie the Pooh (franchise) Winnie the Pooh is a media franchise based on A. A. Milne and E. H. Shepard's stories featuring Winnie-the-Pooh. The Disney media franchise commenced in 1966 with the theatrical release of the short \"Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree\". In the midst of a 2003 battle where Disney stood to lose commercial rights to Winnie the Pooh, \"The Daily Telegraph\" noted \"Losing control of the Winnie the Pooh franchise would be a disaster for Disney. Analysts believe Pooh is worth $3bn-$6bn of Disney's total annual sales of $25bn.\" According to a 2013 Variety article, Winnie",
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"title": "Apple Books",
"text": "to provide a free copy of \"Winnie-the-Pooh\", the 1926 book by A. A. Milne, in order to get the user's library started. The iBooks Store is an ePub content sales and delivery system that delivers eBooks to any iOS device such as the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. It does not currently support either the downloading or reading of iBooks directly on Windows or Linux distributions, but it does support the downloading and reading of iBooks on OS X Mavericks and later. Prior to the unveiling of the iPad, publishers Penguin Books, HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, Macmillan Publishers, and Hachette",
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"title": "The Book of Pooh",
"text": "is produced by Shadow Projects and Playhouse Disney. Walt Disney Pictures released the first of two films, a direct-to-video spin-off film based on the puppetry television series titled \"\" in 2001. In 2011, Relient K re-recorded the theme song for the show for Disney Junior - Live on Stage! The series appears to take place some time after the events of Milne's original stories since his son Christopher Robin Milne is clearly a sixth grader and 11 years old. The series departs from many of the established facts of Milne's books; for example, Tigger resides in the Hundred Acre Wood",
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"title": "Disney's Animated Storybook",
"text": "Volumes 1 and 2.\" On March 1, 2002, Disney dropped the price of \"Winnie-the-Pooh & Tigger Too\" to just 9.99 pounds. The games are within the adventure gaming genre and as such use a point-and-click interface. There are a series of icons that the mouse turns into when it runs over hotspots, depending on how one can interact with them. This can include interactions like a minigame, song or animation. The method of going from page to page is often creative and unique to the storybook; for example, in \"Disney's 101 Dalmatians Animated Storybook\" there are a series of inked",
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"title": "Winnie-the-Pooh (book)",
"text": "by the Hungarian Lénárd Sándor (Alexander Lenard), \"Winnie ille Pu\", was first published in 1958, and, in 1960, became the first foreign-language book to be featured on the \"New York Times\" Best Seller List, and the only book in Latin ever to have been featured therein. It was also translated into Esperanto in 1972, by Ivy Kellerman Reed and Ralph A. Lewin, \"Winnie-La-Pu\". The work was featured in the iBooks app for Apple's iOS as the \"starter\" book for the app. Following Disney's licensing of certain rights to Pooh from Stephen Slesinger and the A. A. Milne Estate in the",
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"title": "Winnie the Pooh (franchise)",
"text": "bounce and get caught in a tree. \"Winnie the Pooh Discovers the Seasons\" is a short film made by Walt Disney Productions' educational media division, released on September 6, 1981. \"Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore\" is the Disney's Winnie the Pooh animated featurette, based on two chapters from the books \"Winnie-the-Pooh\" and \"The House at Pooh Corner\", originally released theatrically on March 11, 1983, with the 1983 re-issue of \"The Sword in the Stone\". It is the fourth and final of Disney's original theatrical featurettes adapted from the Pooh books by A. A. Milne. Produced by Rick",
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"id": "18204969",
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"title": "Winnie-the-Pooh (book)",
"text": "Pooh returned with his friends Tigger, Piglet and Eeyore as well as a new companion Lottie the Otter. The illustrations are by Mark Burgess, who had also worked on reviving the Paddington Bear stories. \"The Best Bear in All The World\", by Paul Bright, Jeanne Willis, Kate Saunders and Brian Sibley is the second official post-Milne Pooh book, published by Egmont on 6 October 2016. The four different authors have written four short stories around the four seasons of Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall, and the book is again illustrated by Mark Burgess. In 2001, Disney bought all rights to",
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"id": "2129568",
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"title": "Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore",
"text": "Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore is a 1983 Disney Winnie the Pooh animated featurette, based on two chapters from the books \"Winnie-the-Pooh\" and \"The House at Pooh Corner\", originally released theatrically on March 25, 1983, with the 1983 re-issue of \"The Sword in the Stone\". It is the fourth and final of Disney's original theatrical featurettes adapted from the Pooh books by A. A. Milne. Produced by Rick Reinert Productions, this was the first Disney animated film since the 1938 Silly Symphonies short \"Merbabies\" to be produced by an",
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"title": "R. John Wright Dolls",
"text": "the Winnie-the-Pooh books by A. A. Milne. These products ushered in a new licensing division titled “Classic Winnie the Pooh” which was a departure in Disney's marketing of Winnie the Pooh products in the U.S. Several editions of Winnie-the-Pooh and other characters from the Hundred Acre Wood were produced. Under license with Disney, the R. John Wright company went on to produce many Disney art character dolls including Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Cinderella, Pinocchio, Geppetto, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs set won the RJW Company the Award of Excellence from DOLLS",
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"title": "Daniel M. Petrocelli",
"text": "$200 million preliminary judgment but was forced to recuse himself. The case concerns the merchandising royalties paid by Disney to the heirs of Stephen Slesinger, a branding pioneer who obtained merchandising rights from Pooh author A.A. Milne in 1929. The clash between the two famous attorneys was covered in depth by Joe Shea of The American Reporter, an online daily newspaper that now offers an archive of 28 articles about the case with an extensive discussion of Petrocelli's role. Petrocelli's next high-profile client was former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling, whom Petrocelli has represented since 2004, who was tried on charges",
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"title": "Elisabetta Gnone",
"text": "Gnone became a journalist for Topolino Weekly in 1992. This was only the beginning of a career that would take her to Walt Disney Italia, where she collaborated in the series of monthly publications of Bambi, Minnie & Comp. and the Small Series, and created, in 1997, the publication of Winnie the Pooh. As the director responsible for Disney publications, she created a series which would become a worldwide success: W.I.T.C.H. She then published \"The Secret of the Twins\" in 2005. The book was developed into a trilogy focused around the magical world Fairy Oak. Elisabetta Gnone Elisabetta Gnone (born",
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"title": "Winnie-the-Pooh",
"text": "the fact that her owner had come from Winnipeg, Canada. The book was published in October 1926 by the publisher of Milne's earlier children's work, Methuen, in England, E. P. Dutton in the United States, and McClelland & Stewart in Canada. In the Milne books, Pooh is naive and slow-witted, but he is also friendly, thoughtful, and steadfast. Although he and his friends agree that he \"has no Brain\", Pooh is occasionally acknowledged to have a clever idea, usually driven by common sense. These include riding in Christopher Robin's umbrella to rescue Piglet from a flood, discovering \"the North Pole\"",
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"title": "Winnie the Pooh (franchise)",
"text": "animated feature film. Inspired by A. A. Milne's stories of the same name, the film is part of Disney's \"Winnie the Pooh\" franchise, the fifth theatrical Winnie the Pooh film released, and Walt Disney Animation Studios' second adaptation of \"Winnie-the-Pooh\" stories. Upon learning that Eeyore has lost his tail, the residents of the Hundred Acre Wood start a contest to see who can find a new one for the melancholy donkey — with a pot of honey going to the winner. Amid the goings-on, Owl mistakenly relates the news that Christopher Robin has been abducted by a monster called The",
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"title": "Return to the Hundred Acre Wood",
"text": "perfect companion for everyone's favourite bear.\" Return to the Hundred Acre Wood Return to the Hundred Acre Wood is a \"Winnie-the-Pooh\" novel published on 5 October 2009. Written by David Benedictus and illustrated by Mark Burgess, it was the first such book since 1928 and introduced the character Lottie the Otter. In the mid-1990s, after completing an audio adaptation of Milne's \"Winnie-the-Pooh\" stories, Benedictus wrote two \"Pooh\" short stories of his own and submitted them to the trustees of the Milne estate. The trustees replied that they were unable to publish the stories because \"Walt Disney owned all the rights.\"",
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"title": "Egmont Group",
"text": "illustrated books, fantasy adventures and Egmont’s own \"Banana books\" (for five- to nine-year-olds). Egmont Press also has a number of young adult fiction, award-winners, classics and epic tales. They publish the work of authors such as Andy Stanton, Jamila Gavin, William Nicholson, Michael Morpurgo, Catherine Forde, Julia Golding, Kristina Stephenson, Katherine Woodfine, Michael Grant and Anne Fine. They are the UK publisher of A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket which has sold over 2 million copies. They are also the official publisher of Winnie-the-Pooh. Egmont published the authorised sequel to the original Pooh stories, The Best Bear in",
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"title": "Winnie-the-Pooh",
"text": "the Queen at Buckingham Palace. On 6 January 1930, Stephen Slesinger purchased US and Canadian merchandising, television, recording and other trade rights to the \"Winnie-the-Pooh\" works from Milne for a $1000 advance and 66% of Slesinger's income, creating the modern licensing industry. By November 1931, Pooh was a $50 million-a-year business. Slesinger marketed Pooh and his friends for more than 30 years, creating the first Pooh doll, record, board game, puzzle, US radio broadcast (NBC), animation, and motion picture film. The first time Pooh and his friends appeared in colour was 1932, when he was drawn by Slesinger in his",
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"title": "A. A. Milne",
"text": "The rights to A. A. Milne's Pooh books were left to four beneficiaries: his family, the Royal Literary Fund, Westminster School and the Garrick Club. After Milne's death in 1956, one week and six days after his 74th birthday, his widow sold her rights to the Pooh characters to Stephen Slesinger, whose widow sold the rights after Slesinger's death to the Walt Disney Company, which has made many Pooh cartoon movies, a Disney Channel television show, as well as Pooh-related merchandise. In 2001, the other beneficiaries sold their interest in the estate to the Disney Corporation for $350m. Previously Disney",
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"title": "Winnie the Pooh (Disney character)",
"text": "a host of consumer products and services protected by trademark. Outside of the U.S. and Canada, Milne retained most of his literary copyright rights which he left to four beneficiaries of his trust: The Garrick Club, Westminster School, The Royal Literary Fund and the A. A. Milne Family. By direction of Milne's will, the Pooh Properties Trust was formed. Mrs. Milne, trustee of the Milne Estate and Spencer Curtis Brown, Trustee, licensed certain exclusive film rights to Disney in 1961. Christopher Robin Milne sold his rights to the other copyright holders, in order to raise money to support his daughter,",
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"title": "Winnie the Pooh (comic strip)",
"text": "Winnie the Pooh (comic strip) Winnie the Pooh is a comic strip based on the characters created by A.A. Milne in his 1920s books, which ran from June 19, 1978, until April 2, 1988. Based on the Disney adaptations of the characters, the strip was written by Don Ferguson and drawn by Richard Moore, although the feature was usually billed as \"by Disney.\" To the established cast of characters, Ferguson and Moore added Sir Brian and the Dragon, inspired by characters from Milne's poetry. The strip originally was syndicated by King Features. Up until April 2010, Creators Syndicate offered reprints",
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"title": "Winnie-the-Pooh Meets the Queen",
"text": "with a hand-painted Christopher Robin tea set. A PDF e-book version was also released by Disney. In this edition, Jane Riordan is not credited as author. Christopher Robin informs Winnie-the-Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore, Rabbit, Tigger, and Kanga that Queen Elizabeth II is about to celebrate her 90th birthday. The toys discuss the need for a very special present to mark the occasion. Pooh comes up with a hum that everyone agrees would make a charming gift. Christopher Robin, Pooh, Piglet, and Eeyore set off to London to deliver the hum in person. They take a bus from Victoria and enjoy such",
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"title": "Winnie the Pooh (franchise)",
"text": "chapters of the \"Winnie-the-Pooh\" book and the second, eighth and ninth chapters of \"The House at Pooh Corner\" by A. A. Milne. The featurette was produced by Walt Disney Productions and released by Buena Vista Distribution Company on December 20, 1968 before \"The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit\". This was the second of the studio's Winnie the Pooh shorts. It was later added as a segment to the March 1977 film \"The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh\". The music was written by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman. It was notable for being the last animated short",
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"title": "The Unwritten",
"text": "of the Winnie the Pooh books. Milne grew up feeling that his father had stolen his childhood from him, turned a profit from it and then given it back to him in a form he couldn’t use. Our Tom is very much in that situation when we first meet him, although we take his identity crisis a fair bit further than that.\" The series is being collected into trade paperbacks: Additionally, Vertigo released in September 2013 an original graphic novel called \"The Unwritten: Tommy Taylor and the Ship that Sank Twice\" (hardcover, ), a standalone story about the origin of",
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"title": "Christopher Robin (film)",
"text": "film. Kristin Burr later convinced Taylor to resurrect the project, whom the two then started working on. On April 2, 2015, Walt Disney Pictures announced that a live-action adaptation based on the characters from the \"Winnie the Pooh\" franchise was in development which would take a similar pattern to 2010's \"Alice in Wonderland\", 2014's \"Maleficent\", and 2015's \"Cinderella\". Alex Ross Perry was hired to write the script and Brigham Taylor hired to produce the film, about an adult Christopher Robin returning to the Hundred Acre Wood to spend time with Pooh and the gang. On November 18, 2016, it was",
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"title": "Winnie the Pooh (song)",
"text": "Winnie the Pooh (song) \"Winnie the Pooh\" is the title song for the franchise of the same name. The songwriters are the Sherman Brothers, who have written the grand majority of Winnie the Pooh songs and musical numbers since 1966. It is musically emblematic of the most successful branding Disney currently owns and has been used in most merchandising models of the brand since the song's first publication in 1966 in the musical film featurette \"Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree\". In film, the song is generally utilized in the title sequence. The lyric gives an overview of the",
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"title": "Winnie-the-Pooh",
"long_answer": "On 19 February 2007 Disney lost a court case in Los Angeles which ruled their \"misguided claims\" to dispute the licensing agreements with Slesinger, Inc. were unjustified, but a federal ruling of 28 September 2009, again from Judge Florence-Marie Cooper, determined that the Slesinger family had granted all trademark and copyright rights to Disney, although Disney must pay royalties for all future use of the characters. Both parties have expressed satisfaction with the outcome.",
"chunked_long_answer": "On 19 February 2007 Disney lost a court case in Los Angeles which ruled their \"misguided claims\" to dispute the licensing agreements with Slesinger, Inc. were unjustified, but a federal ruling of 28 September 2009, again from Judge Florence-Marie Cooper, determined that the Slesinger family had granted all trademark and copyright rights to Disney, although Disney must pay royalties for all future use of the characters. Both parties have expressed satisfaction with the outcome.",
"short_answers": [
"Slesinger, Inc.",
"the Slesinger family"
} |
all the motor neurons that control the skeletal muscles are | [
"efferent nerves",
"Somatic motor neurons",
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"title": "Motor neuron",
"text": "Somatic motor neurons originate in the central nervous system, project their axons to skeletal muscles (such as the muscles of the limbs, abdominal, and intercostal muscles), which are involved in locomotion. The three types of these neurons are the alpha efferent neurons, beta efferent neurons, and gamma efferent neurons. They are called efferent to indicate the flow of information from the central nervous system (CNS) to the periphery.",
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"title": "Motor pool (neuroscience)",
"text": "each motor pool is tightly controlled by complex developmental pathways. Distinct skeletal muscles are controlled by groups of individual motor units. Such motor units are made up of a single motor neuron and the muscle fibers that it innervates. Motor neurons are located in the ventral horn of the spinal cord and the brainstem. These neurons innervate skeletal muscle fibers through the propagation of action potentials down their axons (through ventral roots and cranial nerves), and they stimulate skeletal muscle fibers at neuromuscular junctions where they synapse with the motor end plates of muscle fibers. In humans, these axons can",
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"title": "Acetylcholine",
"text": "heart, lungs, upper gastrointestinal tract, and sweat glands. Acetylcholine is the substance the nervous system uses to activate skeletal muscles, a kind of striated muscle. These are the muscles used for all types of voluntary movement, in contrast to smooth muscle tissue, which is involved in a range of involuntary activities such as movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract and constriction of blood vessels. Skeletal muscles are directly controlled by motor neurons located in the spinal cord or, in a few cases, the brainstem. These motor neurons send their axons through motor nerves, from which they emerge to connect",
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"title": "Human musculoskeletal system",
"text": "Only skeletal and smooth muscles are part of the musculoskeletal system and only the skeletal muscles can move the body. Cardiac muscles are found in the heart and are used only to circulate blood; like the smooth muscles, these muscles are not under conscious control. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones and arranged in opposing groups around joints. Muscles are innervated, to communicate nervous energy to, by nerves, which conduct electrical currents from the central nervous system and cause the muscles to contract. In mammals, when a muscle contracts, a series of reactions occur. Muscle contraction is stimulated by the",
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"title": "Brain",
"text": "to extract the relevant features, and integrated with signals coming from other sensory systems. Motor systems are areas of the brain that are involved in initiating body movements, that is, in activating muscles. Except for the muscles that control the eye, which are driven by nuclei in the midbrain, all the voluntary muscles in the body are directly innervated by motor neurons in the spinal cord and hindbrain. Spinal motor neurons are controlled both by neural circuits intrinsic to the spinal cord, and by inputs that descend from the brain. The intrinsic spinal circuits implement many reflex responses, and contain",
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"title": "Muscular system",
"text": "a single, short muscle contraction called a muscle twitch. If there is a problem at the neuromuscular junction, a very prolonged contraction may occur, such as the muscle contractions that result from tetanus. Also, a loss of function at the junction can produce paralysis. Skeletal muscles are organized into hundreds of motor units, each of which involves a motor neuron, attached by a series of thin finger-like structures called axon terminals. These attach to and control discrete bundles of muscle fibers. A coordinated and fine tuned response to a specific circumstance will involve controlling the precise number of motor units",
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"title": "Muscular system",
"text": "There are approximately 639 skeletal muscles in the human body. Heart muscles are distinct from skeletal muscles because the muscle fibers are laterally connected to each other. Furthermore, just as with smooth muscles, their movement is involuntary. Heart muscles are controlled by the sinus node influenced by the autonomic nervous system. Smooth muscles are controlled directly by the autonomic nervous system and are involuntary, meaning that they are incapable of being moved by conscious thought. Functions such as heartbeat and lungs (which are capable of being willingly controlled, be it to a limited extent) are involuntary muscles but are not",
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"title": "Motor control",
"text": "eating dinner, all require multiple muscles that innervate body parts to move properly to complete specific tasks. Motor units that consist of tens, hundreds or even thousands of motor nerve branches are connected to the muscles. In our body, Rectus femoris contains approximately 1 million muscle fibers, which are controlled by around 1000 motor nerves. Within one motor unit—which can be categorized as type I (slow twitch) or Type II fibers (fast twitch)—the composition type of the muscle fiber is consistent (homogeneous). Within one muscle, however, are several different combinations of two types of motor units (heterogeneous). There are three",
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"title": "Aging movement control",
"text": "Aging movement control Normal aging movement control in humans is about the changes in the muscles, motor neurons, nerves, sensory functions, gait, fatigue, visual and manual responses, in men and women as they get older but who do not have neurological, muscular (atrophy, dystrophy...) or neuromuscular disorder. With aging, neuromuscular movements are impaired, though with training or practice, some aspects may be prevented. For voluntary force production, action potentials occur in the cortex. They propagate in the spinal cord, the motor neurons and the set of muscle fibers they innervate. This results in a twitch which properties are driven by",
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"title": "Alpha motor neuron",
"text": "neuron and the muscle fibers it innervates is a motor unit. A motor neuron pool contains the cell bodies of all the alpha motor neurons involved in contracting a single muscle. Alpha motor neurons (α-MNs) innervating the head and neck are found in the brainstem; the remaining α-MNs innervate the rest of the body and are found in the spinal cord. There are more α-MNs in the spinal cord than in the brainstem, as the number of α-MNs is directly proportional to the amount of fine motor control in that muscle. For example, the muscles of a single finger have",
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"title": "Motor cortex",
"text": "the muscle force. Each point in motor cortex controls a muscle or a small group of related muscles. This description is only partly correct. Most neurons in the motor cortex that project to the spinal cord synapse on interneuron circuitry in the spinal cord, not directly onto motor neurons. One suggestion is that the direct, cortico-motoneuronal projections are a specialization that allows for the fine control of the fingers. The view that each point in motor cortex controls a muscle or a limited set of related muscles was debated over the entire history of research on the motor cortex, and",
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"title": "Motor neuron",
"text": "Motor neuron A motor neuron (or motoneuron) is a neuron whose cell body is located in the motor cortex, brainstem or the spinal cord, and whose axon (fiber) projects to the spinal cord or outside of the spinal cord to directly or indirectly control effector organs, mainly muscles and glands. There are two types of motor neuron – upper motor neurons and lower motor neurons. Axons from upper motor neurons synapse onto interneurons in the spinal cord and occasionally directly onto lower motor neurons. The axons from the lower motor neurons are efferent nerve fibers that carry signals from the",
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"title": "Skeletal muscle",
"text": "about 10,000 myofibrils. Diseases of skeletal muscle are termed myopathies, while diseases of nerves are called neuropathies. Both can affect muscle function and/or cause muscle pain, and fall under the umbrella of neuromuscular disease. Myopathies have been modeled with cell culture systems of muscle from healthy or diseased tissue biopsies. Another source of skeletal muscle and progenitors is provided by the directed differentiation of pluripotent stem cells Research on skeletal muscle properties uses many techniques. Electrical muscle stimulation is used to determine force and contraction speed at different stimulation frequencies, which are related to fiber-type composition and mix within an",
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"title": "Motor control",
"text": "the slow-twitch motor units following by recruit more a more fast-twitch motor units as forces required to complete the movements increase. Thus, when the body has to carry an extremely massive object, it would recruited all the available motor units to contract for the particular muscle that has been used. The type of fiber (type I vs Type II) is controlled by the nervous system. The brain is the central information center that sent out the signal to the nerves, that the nerves control and connect the motor units. For two different motor units present, the body adopt it with",
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"title": "Motor unit",
"text": "has few motor units (typically less than 10), and each muscle fiber is innervated by multiple neurons, including excitatory and inhibitory neurons. Thus, while in vertebrates the force of contraction of muscles is regulated by how many motor units are activated, in invertebrates it is controlled by regulating the balance between excitatory and inhibitory signals. The central nervous system is responsible for the orderly recruitment of motor neurons, beginning with the smallest motor units. Henneman's size principle indicates that motor units are recruited from smallest to largest based on the size of the load. For smaller loads requiring less force,",
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"title": "Skeletal muscle",
"text": "its axis. In addition to the actin and myosin components that constitute the sarcomere, skeletal muscle fibers also contain two other important regulatory proteins, troponin and tropomyosin, that are necessary for muscle contraction to occur. These proteins are associated with actin and cooperate to prevent its interaction with myosin. Skeletal muscle cells are excitable and are subject to depolarization by the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, released at the neuromuscular junction by motor neurons. Once a cell is sufficiently stimulated, the cell's sarcoplasmic reticulum releases ionic calcium (Ca2+), which then interacts with the regulatory protein troponin. Calcium-bound troponin undergoes a conformational change that",
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"title": "Motor neuron",
"text": "PNS, which synapses onto the muscle. All vertebrate motor neurons are cholinergic, that is, they release the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Parasympathetic ganglionic neurons are also cholinergic, whereas most sympathetic ganglionic neurons are noradrenergic, that is, they release the neurotransmitter noradrenaline. (see Table) Motor neuron A motor neuron (or motoneuron) is a neuron whose cell body is located in the motor cortex, brainstem or the spinal cord, and whose axon (fiber) projects to the spinal cord or outside of the spinal cord to directly or indirectly control effector organs, mainly muscles and glands. There are two types of motor neuron – upper",
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"title": "Neuromechanics",
"text": "but they act against excess motion that the agonists may create. The muscle synergy hypothesis is based on the assumption that the central nervous system controls muscle groups independently rather than individual muscles . The muscle synergy hypothesis presents motor control as a three-tiered hierarchy. In tier one, a motor task vector is created by the central nervous system. The central nervous system then transforms the muscle vector to act upon a group of muscle synergies in tier two. Then in tier three, muscle synergies define a specific ratio of the motor task for each muscle and assign it to",
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"title": "Skeletal muscle",
"text": "leads to the movement of tropomyosin, subsequently exposing the myosin-binding sites on actin. This allows for myosin and actin ATP-dependent cross-bridge cycling and shortening of the muscle. Muscle force is proportional to physiologic cross-sectional area (PCSA), and muscle velocity is proportional to muscle fiber length. The torque around a joint, however, is determined by a number of biomechanical parameters, including the distance between muscle insertions and pivot points, muscle size and Architectural gear ratio. Muscles are normally arranged in opposition so that when one group of muscles contracts, another group relaxes or lengthens. Antagonism in the transmission of nerve impulses",
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"title": "Nervous system",
"text": "target is a set of spinal interneurons that project to motor neurons controlling the arm muscles. The interneurons excite the motor neurons, and if the excitation is strong enough, some of the motor neurons generate action potentials, which travel down their axons to the point where they make excitatory synaptic contacts with muscle cells. The excitatory signals induce contraction of the muscle cells, which causes the joint angles in the arm to change, pulling the arm away. In reality, this straightforward schema is subject to numerous complications. Although for the simplest reflexes there are short neural paths from sensory neuron",
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"title": "Muscular system",
"text": "Muscular system The muscular system is an organ system consisting of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles. It permits movement of the body, maintains posture and circulates blood throughout the body. The muscular systems in vertebrates are controlled through the nervous system although some muscles (such as the cardiac muscle) can be completely autonomous. Together with the skeletal system, it forms the musculoskeletal system, which is responsible for movement of the human body. There are three distinct types of muscles: skeletal muscles, cardiac or heart muscles, and smooth (non-striated) muscles. Muscles provide strength, balance, posture, movement and heat for the body",
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"title": "Motor unit",
"text": "Motor unit A motor unit is made up of a motor neuron and the skeletal muscle fibers innervated by that motor neuron's axonal terminals. Groups of motor units often work together to coordinate the contractions of a single muscle; all of the motor units within a muscle are considered a motor pool. The concept was proposed by Charles Scott Sherrington. All muscle fibres in a motor unit are of the same fibre type. When a motor unit is activated, all of its fibres contract. In vertebrates, the force of a muscle contraction is controlled by the number of activated motor",
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"title": "Muscle",
"text": "three types of muscle, skeletal or striated, cardiac, and smooth. Muscle action can be classified as being either voluntary or involuntary. Cardiac and smooth muscles contract without conscious thought and are termed involuntary, whereas the skeletal muscles contract upon command. Skeletal muscles in turn can be divided into fast and slow twitch fibers. Muscles are predominantly powered by the oxidation of fats and carbohydrates, but anaerobic chemical reactions are also used, particularly by fast twitch fibers. These chemical reactions produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecules that are used to power the movement of the myosin heads. The term muscle is derived",
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"title": "Efferent nerve fiber",
"text": "are involved in muscle control, both skeletal and smooth muscle. The cell body of the motor neuron is connected to a single, long axon and several shorter dendrites projecting out of the cell body itself. This axon then forms a neuromuscular junction with the effectors. The cell body of the motor neuron is satellite-shaped. The motor neuron is present in the grey matter of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata, and forms an electrochemical pathway to the effector organ or muscle. Besides motor nerves, there are efferent sensory nerves that often serve to adjust the sensitivity of the signal relayed",
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"title": "Motor control",
"text": "certain task, the brain sends an impulse signal that reaches the specific motor unit through the spinal cord. After receiving the signal from the brain, the motor unit contracts muscle fibers within the group to create movement. There is no partial firing in the motor unit, meaning, once the signal is detected, all the muscles fibers within the unit contract. However, there are different intensities. Since each motor unit contracts 100% of its fiber once stimulated, types of motor units that generate different force or speed are significant. For low intensity tasks, smaller motor units with fewer muscle fibers are",
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"title": "Muscular system",
"text": "used. While individual muscle units contract as a unit, the entire muscle can contract on a predetermined basis due to the structure of the motor unit. Motor unit coordination, balance, and control frequently come under the direction of the cerebellum of the brain. This allows for complex muscular coordination with little conscious effort, such as when one drives a car without thinking about the process. At rest, the body produces the majority of its ATP aerobically in the mitochondria without producing lactic acid or other fatiguing byproducts. During exercise, the method of ATP production varies depending on the fitness of",
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"title": "Muscle contraction",
"text": "motor neuron is able to innervate multiple muscle fibers, thereby causing the fibers to contract at the same time. Once innervated, the protein filaments within each skeletal muscle fiber slide past each other to produce a contraction, which is explained by the sliding filament theory. The contraction produced can be described as a twitch, summation, or tetanus, depending on the frequency of action potentials. In skeletal muscles, muscle tension is at its greatest when the muscle is stretched to an intermediate length as described by the length-tension relationship. Unlike skeletal muscle, the contractions of smooth and cardiac muscles are myogenic",
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"title": "Aging movement control",
"text": "and old adults seemed to use these resources to improve their cognitive performance under dual-task conditions. Aging movement control Normal aging movement control in humans is about the changes in the muscles, motor neurons, nerves, sensory functions, gait, fatigue, visual and manual responses, in men and women as they get older but who do not have neurological, muscular (atrophy, dystrophy...) or neuromuscular disorder. With aging, neuromuscular movements are impaired, though with training or practice, some aspects may be prevented. For voluntary force production, action potentials occur in the cortex. They propagate in the spinal cord, the motor neurons and the",
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"title": "Motor neuron disease",
"text": "Motor neuron disease Motor neuron diseases (MNDs) are a group of neurodegenerative disorders that selectively affect motor neurons, the cells which control voluntary muscles of the body. Commonly, the following disorders are counted among motor neuron diseases: The term “motor neuron disease” sometimes refers to ALS, but in this article, the term refers to a group of diseases listed above, which includes ALS. Motor neuron diseases affect both children and adults. While each motor neuron disease affects patients differently, they all cause movement-related symptoms, mainly muscle weakness. Most diseases seem to occur randomly without known causes, but some forms are",
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"title": "Muscle",
"text": "from the cerebellum before being relayed through the pyramidal tract to the spinal cord and from there to the motor end plate at the muscles. Along the way, feedback, such as that of the extrapyramidal system contribute signals to influence muscle tone and response. Deeper muscles such as those involved in posture often are controlled from nuclei in the brain stem and basal ganglia. In skeletal muscles, muscle spindles convey information about the degree of muscle length and stretch to the central nervous system to assist in maintaining posture and joint position. The sense of where our bodies are in",
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"title": "Motor neuron",
"long_answer": "Somatic motor neurons originate in the central nervous system, project their axons to skeletal muscles (such as the muscles of the limbs, abdominal, and intercostal muscles), which are involved in locomotion. The three types of these neurons are the alpha efferent neurons, beta efferent neurons, and gamma efferent neurons. They are called efferent to indicate the flow of information from the central nervous system (CNS) to the periphery.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Somatic motor neurons originate in the central nervous system, project their axons to skeletal muscles (such as the muscles of the limbs, abdominal, and intercostal muscles), which are involved in locomotion. The three types of these neurons are the alpha efferent neurons, beta efferent neurons, and gamma efferent neurons. They are called efferent to indicate the flow of information from the central nervous system (CNS) to the periphery.",
"short_answers": [
"Somatic motor neurons"
} |
how old is the actress who plays phyllis on y&r | [
"Gina Tognoni",
"age 44"
] | [
"title": "Gina Tognoni",
"text": "Gina Tognoni /toʊnˈjoʊni/ (born November 28, 1973) is an American actress, best known for her work with American daytime soap operas. Her most notable performances include Kelly Cramer on One Life to Live and Dinah Marler on Guiding Light. She is currently starring as Phyllis Summers on The Young and the Restless.",
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"title": "Kelly Andrews (The Young and the Restless)",
"text": "on the process of gaining the role of Kelly. She revealed, \"I got an email from \"Y&R\" casting director, Judy Blye Wilson asking me to send a reel of my work over for the possibility that they may need to recast Cynthia Watros, because it looked like her pilot was going to get picked up. Luckily, Jon Lindstrom had just helped me make a beautiful reel of some of my soap and film work. We sent that over, and then it was quiet for awhile. I know they were looking at a lot of actresses, who of course, wanted to",
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"title": "Michelle Stafford",
"text": "\"Two Guys and a Girl\", \"\", and \"JAG\". In film, Stafford appeared in 1999 thriller \"Double Jeopardy\" opposite Ashley Judd. In July 2000, Stafford was brought back to the soap opera by former head writer Kay Alden. From December 2006 to February 2007, Stafford played dual roles on \"Y&R\", portraying Sheila Carter, formerly played by Kimberlin Brown (Sheila had plastic surgery to look like Phyllis). In May 2013, it was announced that Stafford would be exiting the soap opera after sixteen years in the role. Stafford later confirmed that her final scenes would air sometime that August. Stafford exited the",
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"id": "3719618",
"score": "1.0245248",
"original_retrieval_index": 1
"title": "Angell Conwell",
"text": "to \"Y&R\" to reprise her role as Leslie for four episodes. Angell Conwell Angell Conwell (born August 2, 1983) is an American actress. Conwell was born in Orangeburg, South Carolina and moved to Columbia, South Carolina at the age of 2. She attended Seven Oaks Elementary School in Columbia where she was the first African-American student body president. She once lived in Brooklyn NY. She also has a younger sister. In 1994, Conwell moved to Los Angeles to film the TV pilot \"On Our Own\". She also starred in films such as \"Soul Plane\" and \"Baby Boy\" and appeared in",
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"title": "Phyllis Summers",
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"title": "Phyllis (TV series)",
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"title": "Phyllis (TV series)",
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"title": "Phyllis (TV series)",
"text": "Phyllis (TV series) Phyllis is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from September 8, 1975, to March 13, 1977. Created by Ed. Weinberger and Stan Daniels, it was the second spin-off of \"The Mary Tyler Moore Show\" (the first being \"Rhoda\"). The show starred Cloris Leachman as Phyllis Lindstrom, who was previously Mary Richards' landlady on \"The Mary Tyler Moore Show\". In the new series, Phyllis and her daughter Bess Lindstrom moved from Minneapolis to San Francisco, after the death of her husband, Dr. Lars Lindstrom. It was revealed that San Francisco was Phyllis and Lars' original hometown, prior",
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"title": "Patty Williams",
"text": "\"The Young and the Restless\". She made her last appearance on August 6, 2010. In 2011, it was announced that Haiduk would be reprising the role, with her return beginning on October 24, 2011. In March 2012, speculation arose that Haiduk had finished her stint with the soap opera. In a response to a fan on her Facebook page, Haiduk stated: \"I am not sure what \"Y&R\" is doing. I am a bit disappointed, so I don't know what to tell you. They just didn't want to write for me, I guess.\" However, seven months later, it was announced on",
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"title": "Phyllis Summers",
"text": "Lead Actress in a Drama Series category for her portrayal of Phyllis, winning in 2017 Phyllis Summers Phyllis Summers is a fictional character from \"The Young and the Restless\", an American soap opera on the CBS network. The character was created and introduced by William J. Bell, and debuted in the episode airing on October 17, 1994. Phyllis was originally and most notably portrayed by actress Michelle Stafford, until August 2013 (other than Sandra Nelson portraying Phyllis for nearly two years, until Stafford was brought back by former head writer, Kay Alden, in 2000). Stafford has been praised for her",
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"title": "Kyle Abbott (The Young and the Restless)",
"text": "time as her cousin—is now decades older than him. What gives? De-SORASing the long-anticipated character of Kyle Abbott is a huge no-no and gigantic re-write of history. Good, bad or sticky, \"Y&R\" fans will always remember that two babies came from Kay Alden's wacky, sperm caper. My vote is \"Y&R\" needs to age Kyle appropriately before fans decide to flush this story (if not Jack and Victor's swimmers) down the drain.\" Tommy Garrett of the website Highlight Hollywood wrote that Hood's performance was \"sensational\" and found him \"very handsome\"; though was unfavorable of his successor, Sawyer, writing: \"Hartley Sawyer, who",
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"title": "Avery Bailey Clark",
"text": "dying father George Summers (Ken Howard) is introduced to the series. While interviewing Stafford, soap opera journalist Michael Fairman noted: \"All of a sudden members of Phyllis’s family are sprouting up. First up was her sister Avery. And now with this recent storyline, Y&R is bringing back up the sins of the father, with Phyllis and Avery’s dad George, in the picture for just a brief time.\" Of Phyllis and Avery's relationship, Stafford said that Collins and herself are still \"working it out\", calling it an \"interesting\" relationship. She said \"we wanted to make it a very complex and odd",
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"title": "Danny Romalotti",
"text": "letter he received during the ceremony. Danny Romalotti Danny Romalotti is a fictional character from the CBS soap opera \"The Young and the Restless\", portrayed by Michael Damian. The character of Danny first appeared in Genoa City, the town where \"Y&R\" is set, in 1980. Damian and his character Danny exited the canvas in 1998, though the actor and character have returned on several occasions in 2002, 2003 to 2004, 2008 and 2012. A rock star, the character is known for his relationships with Lauren Fenmore, Christine \"Cricket\" Blair, and Phyllis Summers. Danny began his career at 16 years old",
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"title": "Tammin Sursok",
"text": "been really great.\" In preparation for the role, Sursok tried to catch up on Colleen's history. \"I watched the last six months of episodes,\" she said. \"My boyfriend used to date a girl who was obsessed with \"Y&R\", so he knew everything about it and brought me up to speed, as well.\" Sursok earned a Daytime Emmy Award nomination for her portrayal of Colleen the following year. After two years in the role, Sursok departed causing the writers to kill off Colleen. In an interview with \"Soap Opera Digest\" in October 2009, Sursok said it was difficult to pursue outside",
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"title": "Leslie Michaelson",
"text": "the romance storyline between Neil and Leslie, \"For the first time since Victoria Rowell decided to exit the serial, Y&R is telling a sexy, intriguing, multi-ethnic tale, featuring the talented St. John. In Conwell, \"Y&R\" has finally found a post-Dru leading lady worthy of being by Neil's side during the next phase of his soap operatic life.\" Conwell has been described as a \"scene stealer\", and in December 2012 received a NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Actress in a Daytime Drama Series nomination of her portrayal of Leslie. Leslie Michaelson Leslie Michaelson is a fictional character from the American CBS",
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"title": "Phyllis Summers",
"text": "Phyllis Summers Phyllis Summers is a fictional character from \"The Young and the Restless\", an American soap opera on the CBS network. The character was created and introduced by William J. Bell, and debuted in the episode airing on October 17, 1994. Phyllis was originally and most notably portrayed by actress Michelle Stafford, until August 2013 (other than Sandra Nelson portraying Phyllis for nearly two years, until Stafford was brought back by former head writer, Kay Alden, in 2000). Stafford has been praised for her portrayal, for which she has won two Daytime Emmy Awards, but left the series after",
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"title": "Ashley Abbott",
"text": "on the NBC soap. Davidson made her onscreen exit on August 3, 2012. Speaking about her upcoming return to \"Days\" and departure from the show with \"TV Guide\", Davidson stated: \"What happened to me at Y&R was shocking — I've been in this business a very long time and have never seen anything like it — but it's not like I haven't been fired before.\" She also went on to say that \"I was led to believe that I was fired, though it was a bad news-good news thing — the bad news is \"Y&R\" is firing you, the good",
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"title": "Genevieve Atkinson",
"text": "go from the soap opera due to budgetary cuts from Sony Pictures Television and CBS. Phelps had previously stated that there would be cast changes to the series due to monetary reasons. When asked specifically about reports indicating Francis' dismissal, she said: \"Genie and I had a wonderful talk when I came to \"Y&R\" and I think we're really quite fond of each other. She's a magnificent actress.\" Despite confirmations that the actress' dismissal was due to budgetary reasons, Jillian Bowe of Zap2it reported a rumor that \"the veteran's tenure on the show wasn't well-received by the brass at CBS",
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"title": "Brittany Hodges",
"text": "by another soap after leaving \"Y&R\".\" Vanessa Lee Evigan originated the role of Brittany on December 1, 1999, and portrayed the role on a recurring status until February 25, 2000. The role was recast with Lauren Woodland. Woodland first aired in March 2000. She was absent from the series from February to March 2003 when she was in contract negotiations. Dan Kroll of the website \"SoapCentral\" noted that Sharon Case, also blonde, who plays Sharon Newman was also in the middle of intense contract negotiations, and that the show could \"lose two of its high-profile blonde actresses.\" That April, it",
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"title": "Hope Wilson",
"text": "with people or how to tell the truth. And, of course, she one day shows up in Genoa City with absolutely no idea who Hope was.\" In the end, the executives that she pitched her idea to were not interested in expanding the Y&R cast. Hope Wilson Hope Wilson is a fictional character from the CBS soap opera \"The Young and the Restless\", portrayed by Signy Coleman. The character was introduced as a love interest for Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) in 1993. After her departure in 1997, Coleman reprised the role in 2000 and 2002. The role was then briefly",
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"title": "Adam Newman",
"text": "In August, it was announced that Hartley had been cast as Adam, due to begin taping in September; he first aired on November 5, 2014. Upon the news of his casting, the actor told \"TV Guide\": \"I'm so pumped about joining \"Y&R\" — I watch it all the time and can't wait to get in there and get my hands dirty!\" In 2016, it was announced that Hartley had been cast in a regular role on the NBC drama series \"This Is Us\", which was picked up by the network, placing his future with \"The Young and the Restless\" into",
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"title": "Julianne Morris",
"text": "Julianne Morris Julianne Morris (born May 8, 1968 in Columbia, South Carolina) is an American actress. She played Amy Wilson on the soap opera \"The Young and the Restless\" from November 18, 1994 to May 22, 1996 and on November 25, 2014. After leaving \"Y&R\", Morris returned to daytime as Greta Von Amburg on \"Days of Our Lives\" from May 15, 1998 to April 19, 2002. For most of her first year on the show, her character was unnamed. In between her days on \"Y&R\" and \"Days of Our Lives,\" Julianne spent time in South Africa, playing the evil Rumina",
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"title": "Phyllis Lindstrom",
"text": "Phyllis Lindstrom Phyllis Lindstrom, nee Sutherland, portrayed by Cloris Leachman, is a fictional character on the television sitcom \"The Mary Tyler Moore Show\" and subsequent spin-off, \"Phyllis\". Phyllis Lindstrom is the snobbish, acid-tongued wife of dermatologist Dr. Lars Lindstrom, who is often referenced but never seen by the audience. The Lindstroms manage the apartment building, actually a Victorian boarding house, in which Mary Richards and Rhoda Morgenstern live in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Mary and Rhoda develop a close relationship with Phyllis' daughter, Bess. Throughout the series, Rhoda and Phyllis maintain an adversarial but talkative relationship. Phyllis understandably despises Sue Ann Nivens,",
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"title": "Beau Kazer",
"text": "of \"Y&R\" featuring Kazer as Brock and Brenda Dickson as Jill. Both Kazer and Dickson are credited in the film as \"Soap Opera Man\" and \"Soap Opera Woman\", respectively. Outside of \"Y&R\", Kazer had roles on \"General Hospital\" (where he played Dr. Bunny Wilson), \"Hart to Hart\", \"B. J. and the Bear\" and \"Barnaby Jones\". He was married to photographer Sharon Alkus, and the two owned a ranch in central California. Kazer died on December 30, 2014 in Thousand Oaks, California. Beau Kazer Beau Kazer (May 22, 1951 – December 30, 2014) was a Canadian actor who worked primarily on",
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"title": "Phyllis Summers",
"text": "involved with Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) and Nicholas Newman (Joshua Morrow); both relationships have fan followings. Stafford made her debut on October 17, 1994. Her stint on the soap opera was initially a short-term role, however, her work impressed the producers and she was placed on contract. On February 14, 1997, Stafford left the soap opera to pursue other career opportunities, and the role was recast with Sandra Nelson. She portrayed the role from March 21, 1997, until February 22, 1999. In July 2000, Stafford was brought back to the soap opera by former head writer Kay Alden, Stafford aired",
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"title": "Sally Thomsett",
"text": "Sally Thomsett Sally Thomsett (born 3 April 1950) is an English actress who was born in Sussex, England. She appeared in the film \"The Railway Children\" (1970) and played Jo in the TV sitcom, \"Man About the House\" (1973–76). She also appeared in the film, \"Straw Dogs\" (1971). In 1970, Thomsett was cast as the 11-year-old Phyllis, despite the actress being 20 years old at the time, three years older than Jenny Agutter, who played her elder sister, Bobbie. Her contract forbade her to reveal her true age during the making of the film, and she was not allowed to",
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"title": "Esther Valentine",
"text": "served as \"Y&R\"'s comic relief and has been Katherine Chancellor's (Jeanne Cooper) maid since 1982. She is also a trained alcohol abuse counselor. She had a one night stand with a plumber named \"Tiny\", with whom she had a daughter, Katherine Tina Valentine, who was only shown a handful of times as a child before emerging as Jabot Cosmetics fashionista, Chloe Mitchell (Elizabeth Hendrickson). Esther was indirectly responsible for the death of Katherine's husband, Rex Sterling (Quinn Redeker) when she answered a personal ad and met Norman Peterson (Mark Haining), a notorious con man. In an effort to impress Norman,",
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"title": "Lauren Fenmore",
"text": "appearance on \"Y&R\" on June 15 to 26, 2000 and November 10 to 24, 2000, Bregman returned on a recurring status on August 24, 2001. In March 2013, it was announced that after twelve years on recurring, Bregman had been placed back on contract with the series. She was downgraded back to recurring status in May 2016. In 1985, Bregman became the first actress to be honored with the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Younger Actress in a Drama Series; when it was then titled \"Outstanding Ingenue in a Drama Series.\" She was nominated for Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding",
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"title": "Judith Chapman",
"text": "and the Beautiful\". Although she made a few more appearances on \"The Young and the Restless\" into early 2015, she later indicated on numerous sources, including her Facebook fan page, that she believed that she had made her final appearance on \"Y&R\", and that she didn't believe the show would be using the character any longer. However, in December 2016, she made a triumphant return as the character of Gloria was once again thrust into the middle of a front burner storyline. Chapman guest starred on the final episode of \"Galactica 1980\". She appeared in two episodes of \"Magnum, P.I.\"",
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"title": "Chloe Mitchell",
"text": "Maggie Stone lesbian supercouple. Having been offered the part in 2007 as a ten-episode guest stint, she was soon promoted to a contract status. Reflecting on her casting, Hendrickson described the process as a \"lovely surprise\" and said, \"I used to always watch \"Y&R\" when I was on \"AMC\". I always liked the look and feel of the show, so I’ve always been a big fan. Chloe wasn’t even on the page when I came in for a chemistry audition.\" As a result of the character's positive response, Bell decided to write Chloe's backstory which revealed her to be the",
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] | {
"title": "Gina Tognoni",
"long_answer": "Gina Tognoni /toʊnˈjoʊni/ (born November 28, 1973) is an American actress, best known for her work with American daytime soap operas. Her most notable performances include Kelly Cramer on One Life to Live and Dinah Marler on Guiding Light. She is currently starring as Phyllis Summers on The Young and the Restless.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Gina Tognoni /toʊnˈjoʊni/ (born November 28, 1973) is an American actress, best known for her work with American daytime soap operas. Her most notable performances include Kelly Cramer on One Life to Live and Dinah Marler on Guiding Light. She is currently starring as Phyllis Summers on The Young and the Restless.",
"short_answers": [
"Gina Tognoni"
} |
who has scored more goals in the premier league | [
"Alan Shearer"
] | [
"title": "List of Premier League players with 100 or more goals",
"text": "During the 1995–96 season, Alan Shearer became the first player to score 100 Premier League goals, and holds the record for the fewest games taken to reach 100, doing so in 124 appearances. He also holds the record for most goals scored in the Premier League. After Shearer, Harry Kane is the second-fastest to 100 goals, doing so in 141 games.",
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"title": "Edin Džeko",
"text": "Manchester United in the FA Community Shield. In his third Premier League game of this season, Džeko scored four goals against Tottenham Hotspur. In this game, Džeko broke another record by becoming the first Manchester City player to score four goals in one Premier League match. His tally of six league goals in three games won him the Premier League Player of the Month award for August. Further on, he grabbed some important goals such as a header against Wigan Athletic that sealed a 1–0 win for City and extended their lead over title rivals Manchester United to three points,",
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"title": "Juan Mata",
"text": "He also went on to score two goals against Newcastle United in a 4–0 away victory, two more against Norwich City after coming off the bench in another 4–0 win, and the only goal in a 1–1 draw against Southampton in the final match of the season. Mata ended the season having scored six goals for Manchester United, all in the Premier League, since he was cup tied and unable to play in the Champions League and other cup competitions due to his participation in the tournaments with Chelsea earlier in the season. Mata began the new season in fine",
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"title": "Luis Suárez",
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"title": "Adam Lallana",
"text": "of the Year for the 2011–12 season. He scored on the final day of the campaign to finish with 13 goals, 11 of which came in the league. He made his first Premier League appearance on the opening day of the 2012–13 season, setting up a goal and wearing the captain's armband in a 3–2 defeat against 2011–12 champions Manchester City. He scored his first Premier League goal in a 4–1 defeat away to West Ham United. His second goal of the season came on 25 November, as he opened the scoring in a 2–0 home win against Newcastle United.",
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"title": "Ivan Klasnić",
"text": "this up with another goal the following week in a 3–2 defeat to Manchester City, and a late consolation in a 3–1 away loss to Liverpool. At this point of the season he was the Premier League's leading goalscorer. He was sent off in a 2–1 loss against Norwich for a headbutt on Marc Tierney on 18 September 2011, forcing him to fall out of the team. His first start after his red card was in a 5–0 win against Stoke City on 6 November in which he scored two goals and gave assists for two others. He then scored",
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"title": "Harry Kane",
"text": "he scored his 50th goal for Tottenham in a 2–2 draw against Leicester in the third round of the FA Cup. Kane was Premier League Player of the Month for the third time in March 2016, after scoring five goals in four games, including one in the North London derby. After scoring his 22nd league goal of the season in a 1–1 draw against Liverpool at Anfield on 2 April, Kane became the club's highest goalscorer in a single Premier League season, with six games of the season remaining. Kane ended the season winning the Premier League Golden Boot, finishing",
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"title": "Edin Džeko",
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"title": "Jermain Defoe",
"text": "a new contract with Sunderland, committing his future to the club until 2019. On 13 August 2016, the opening day of the 2016–17 Premier League, Defoe scored in a 2–1 loss at Manchester City, meaning he has now scored in 16 Premier League seasons. On 5 November 2016, Defoe scored the winning goal from the penalty spot as 10-man Sunderland came from behind to win at Bournemouth, their first league win of the season. On 19 November 2016, Defoe scored his 150th Premier League goal in a 3–0 home win against Hull City, becoming the joint seventh highest goal scorer",
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"title": "Martin Škrtel",
"text": "On 22 March, he scored another brace in a 6–3 win over Cardiff City. On 13 April, he scored Liverpool's second goal in a crucial 3–2 win over Manchester City at Anfield to reach seven goals in the 2013–14 Premier League season. On 11 May, he scored a record fourth own-goal of the Premier League season in a 2–1 win against Newcastle United. Despite those four own goals, Škrtel scored some decisive goals for Liverpool in some matches. Since his return against Manchester United in the third game of the season, he played every minute for Liverpool in the Premier",
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"title": "Ki Sung-yueng",
"text": "2–0 against West Bromwich Albion, but ten days later, recorded their second win of the season over Manchester United, Ki scoring their equalising goal in a 2–1 win. Ki played 28 times during the 2015–16 Premier League season, scoring twice. His first of the season on Boxing Day against West Bromwich Albion in an eventual 1–0 win, and the second on 8 May 2016 against West Ham United. He made three less appearances in the 2016–17 Premier League where, which the club struggled in for the majority of the season, Swansea narrowly avoided relegation, but the player did not score",
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"title": "Ahmed Musa",
"text": "or younger to reach double figures for goals in each of the past two seasons in Europe's top seven leagues. On 8 July 2016, Musa moved to Leicester City for a club record £16.6 million. He scored his first goals with the club in a friendly against Barcelona in the 2016 International Champions Cup which ended in a 4–2 loss. He made his Premier League debut on 13 August 2016 in the club's opening day 2–1 defeat to Hull City. He scored his first Premier League with the opening goal in a 3–1 victory over Crystal Palace on 22 October",
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"title": "Amr Zaki",
"text": "City, and this goal took him to the top of the goal scorers list with 5 goals in 6 games. He followed it with two more goals against Liverpool, further solidifying his position as top scorer in the English Premier League. He also scored penalties in 2–1 victories over Portsmouth and Newcastle. At one point he was the third top scorer in the Premier League behind Chelsea's Nicolas Anelka and Manchester City's Robinho who had 15 and 12 respectively to Zaki's 10, however he failed to add to that tally in which Anelka finished top with 19. Wigan Athletic chairman",
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"title": "Dimitar Berbatov",
"text": "for Manchester United in all competitions, thus becoming Manchester United's 50th player to score 50 goals for the club. This was also his first goal of the 2011–12 Premier League season. On 26 December 2011, Berbatov scored a hat-trick in a 5–0 win against Wigan Athletic. This was Berbatov's fourth Premier League hat trick for Manchester United and fifth overall in the division. In the next league game against Blackburn Rovers, Berbatov gave away a first half penalty, when he dragged Christopher Samba to the ground. In the second half, after going 2–0 behind, United responded quickly with two goals",
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"title": "Romelu Lukaku",
"text": "37 seconds, making it the 12th-fastest hat-trick in Premier League history. On 4 February 2017, Lukaku scored four goals, the first of which was Everton's fastest ever Premier League goal, against Bournemouth in a 6–3 victory at Goodison Park. It was also the 300th hat-trick scored in the Premier League. On 25 February 2017, he equalled Duncan Ferguson's club record for Premier League goals, scoring his 60th EPL goal for the Toffees in a 2–0 victory over Sunderland at Goodison Park. On 5 March, he surpassed Ferguson to become the outright record holder, scoring in a 3–2 loss against Tottenham",
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"title": "Sergio Agüero",
"text": "and 2 November, Agüero was awarded the Premier League Player of the Month for the first time. During the same period, he had also scored both goals for City in a 2–1 away win against CSKA Moscow in the Champions League. On 24 November, after scoring his ninth and tenth goals of the league season in a 6–0 win against Tottenham Hotspur, Agüero overtook Thierry Henry as the player with the highest goals-per-minute ratio in Premier League history. He also scored six goals in five matches in the Champions League group stage as Manchester City qualified for the knockout phase",
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"title": "Harry Kane",
"text": "Leicester City and a 7–1 win against Hull City, Kane finished as the top scorer of the Premier League on 29 goals, and thus won his second consecutive Golden Boot, becoming only the fifth player to do so. After not finding the back of the net in Tottenham's first three games, Kane scored a brace in three of his next four appearances for the club across all competitions. His opening goal against Everton on 9 September was his 100th overall for the club, coming in his 169th appearance. On 26 September, Kane scored his first UEFA Champions League hat-trick in",
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"title": "Sergio Agüero",
"text": "his first two goals of 2015 in a 4–1 win at Stoke City. On 21 February 72 seconds into a match against Newcastle United, Agüero scored the fastest penalty kick in the Premier League since 1994. On 12 April, Agüero scored twice in a 4–2 Manchester derby loss to Manchester United at Old Trafford. His second goal of the match took him to 100 goals for Manchester City in all competitions. On 19 April, he scored his 20th Premier League goal of the season in a 2–0 home win against West Ham United. He passed 30 goals for the season",
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"title": "Emre Belözoğlu",
"text": "he set up the opening goal with a corner to Shola Ameobi, and later scored the winner with a free kick, in a 3–2 victory over Sunderland in the Tyne-Wear derby. Of 25 games in all competitions in his first season, 20 in the league, he scored just one more goal: a long range shot on 5 November to defeat Birmingham City 1–0. Injuries limited Belözoğlu to only 35 Premier League appearances in his subsequent two seasons at Newcastle, in which he scored three goals. On 17 January 2008, in an FA Cup replay against Stoke City, he was sent",
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"title": "Romelu Lukaku",
"text": "goals on his Premier League debut. On 17 September, Lukaku scored United’s third goal in a 4–0 win over his former club Everton, with Lukaku running over towards Everton fans and cupping his ears during his goal celebration in response to being booed throughout the game. On 27 September, Lukaku scored twice in a 4–1 UEFA Champions League win over CSKA Moscow, taking his tally to 10 goals in his first nine appearances. In doing so, he broke the record set by Sir Bobby Charlton who had scored nine goals in his first nine appearances for the club. In a",
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"title": "Victor Moses",
"text": "Man of the Match. On 15 October 2016, Moses scored his second league goal of the season against Leicester City in a 3–0 home win. On 26 November 2016, Moses scored the winner in a 2–1 victory against Tottenham Hotspur and was named the Man of the Match. Moses played 40 games in all competitions for Chelsea in the 2016–17 season, scoring four goals. With Chelsea winning the Premier League title, Moses became the Nigerian player with the most Premier League appearances for a title winning team. On 27 May 2017, he played in the 2017 FA Cup Final against",
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"title": "Peter Odemwingie",
"text": "scoring a lovely curling effort with his left foot in the fifth minute against Tottenham Hotspur. This brought him on to 13 league goals for the season, and meant that he had scored four in his last five games. On 30 April, Odemwingie became the first player in West Brom's Premier League history to score in four consecutive games. This goal came against Aston Villa and meant he had scored 15 goals thus far in his debut season. It would also contribute to Odemwingie's second Premier League Player of the Month award of the season. His side faced Everton at",
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"title": "Javier Hernández",
"text": "then knocked out by West Ham United. On 1 January 2011, he came off the bench to head the winning goal in a 2–1 away win over West Bromwich Albion. Hernández became the top scoring Mexican in Premier League history after opening the scoring in a 2–1 home victory over Stoke City on 4 January. On 25 January, Hernández scored the equalising goal of a 3–2 comeback away win over Blackpool. Four days later he scored his first FA Cup goal as he netted the winner in a 2–1 away victory over Southampton. Hernández netted twice in a 4–0 away",
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"title": "Diego Costa",
"text": "August, netting the first and last goals of a 6–3 win at Everton, the first goal coming after 35 seconds. Costa was given the Premier League Player of the Month award for August 2014. He completed his first Premier League hat-trick in his fourth game of the season against Swansea City as Chelsea continued their perfect start to the season with a 4–2 win. With seven, Costa holds the record for most goals in his first four Premier League matches, surpassing the tally of six by both Sergio Agüero and Micky Quinn. In spite of his form at the start",
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"title": "Edin Džeko",
"text": "while playing for German club VfL Wolfsburg, with whom he won the Bundesliga in the 2008–09 season. He was second-highest goalscorer with 26 goals. In the 2009–10 season, Džeko was the top scorer with 22 goals. He also registered ten assists in both seasons. During the 2011–12 Premier League season, Džeko scored four goals in one game for Manchester City against Tottenham Hotspur at White Hart Lane. On the final day of that season, he scored an equaliser against Queens Park Rangers in the 92nd minute, before Sergio Agüero won it for City with seconds to go, ensuring the team",
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"title": "Hugo Rodallega",
"text": "On 5 February 2011, Rodallega scored his seventh goal of the season in a 4–3 win against Blackburn Rovers, equalling the club record of 20 Premier League goals for Wigan. He broke that record on 16 April, scoring the opening goal in a 3–1 win against Blackpool at Bloomfield Road, making him Wigan's leading goalscorer of all time in the Premier League. On 22 May 2011 Rodallega scored a 78th-minute header against Stoke City at the Britannia Stadium which secured a 1–0 win and Wigan's Premier League status for 2011–12. On 17 December 2011, Rodallega made his 100th league appearance",
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] | {
"title": "List of Premier League players with 100 or more goals",
"long_answer": "During the 1995–96 season, Alan Shearer became the first player to score 100 Premier League goals, and holds the record for the fewest games taken to reach 100, doing so in 124 appearances. He also holds the record for most goals scored in the Premier League. After Shearer, Harry Kane is the second-fastest to 100 goals, doing so in 141 games.",
"chunked_long_answer": "During the 1995–96 season, Alan Shearer became the first player to score 100 Premier League goals, and holds the record for the fewest games taken to reach 100, doing so in 124 appearances. He also holds the record for most goals scored in the Premier League. After Shearer, Harry Kane is the second-fastest to 100 goals, doing so in 141 games.",
"short_answers": [
"Alan Shearer"
} |
total number of mna in pakistan national assembly | [
"332 members",
] | [
"title": "National Assembly of Pakistan",
"text": "The Pakistani National Assembly (Urdu: قومی اسمبلئ پاکستان— Qaumī Asimbli'e Pākistān); is the lower house of the bicameral Majlis-e-Shura, which also comprises the President of Pakistan and Senate (upper house). The National Assembly and the Senate both convene at Parliament House in Islamabad. The National Assembly is a democratically elected body consisting of a total of 332 members who are referred to as Members of the National Assembly (MNAs), of which 272 are directly elected members and 70 reserved seats for women and religious minorities. A political party must secure 172 seats to obtain and preserve a majority.",
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"title": "National Assembly of Pakistan",
"text": "National Assembly of Pakistan The National Assembly of Pakistan () is the lower house of the bicameral Majlis-e-Shura, which also comprises the President of Pakistan and Senate of Pakistan (upper house). The National Assembly and the Senate both convene at Parliament House in Islamabad. The National Assembly is a democratically elected body consisting of a total of 342 members who are referred to as Members of the National Assembly (MNAs), of which 272 are directly elected members and 70 reserved seats for women and religious minorities. A political party must secure 137 seats to obtain and preserve a majority. Members",
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"title": "National Assembly of Pakistan",
"text": "Pakistan's ideology or worked against the integrity of the country, after its establishment in 1947. The National Assembly has a total of 342 members, including 60 seats reserved for women and 10 for minorities, as per Article 51 . The seats in the National Assembly are allocated to each Province, the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and the Federal Capital on the basis of population, as officially published in the last preceding census. The present allocation of seats is as under: The National Assembly is elected for a five-year term on the basis of adult franchise and one person, one",
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"title": "2015 Pakistani Senate election",
"text": "(ICT) while MNAs from the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) will elect four senators from the tribal belt. According to the final list of contestants notified by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), 84 candidates will contest for 33 general seats from the provinces, Fata and the ICT while 22 candidates will contest for eight seats reserved for women in the provinces and ICT. Eighteen candidates will contest for eight seats reserved for technocrats, including Ulema, while eight others will run for two seats – one each from K-P and Balochistan – reserved for minorities. According to the \"Pakistan Today\",",
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"title": "Raja Pervaiz Ashraf",
"text": "2002 and then in 2008, following which he was appointed as federal minister for water, and as power minister in the cabinet of Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani. Ashraf has been twice elected Member of the National Assembly of Pakistan (MNA) from his constituency of Gujar Khan, Rawalpindi District. He won re-election in the February 2008 elections. During his time as an MNA, he served as a member of the Standing Committee on Kashmir and the Standing Committee on Law, Justice and Human Rights. Before his ascendance to the post of prime minister, he was also the secretary general of",
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"title": "Swat District",
"text": "Wards, of which total amount of Village Councils is 170, and Neighbourhood Councils is 44. The region elects three male members of the National Assembly of Pakistan (MNAs), one female MNA, seven male members of the Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (MPAs) and two female MPAS. In the 2002 National and Provincial elections, the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal, an alliance of religious political parties, won all the seats. Marghazar 16 km away from Saidu Sharif is famous for its \"Sufed Mahal\" the white marble palace built by the first \"Wali\" (ruler) of Swat. It used to be the ruler's summer residence. Elizabeth",
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"id": "4203941",
"score": "1.1746397",
"original_retrieval_index": 4
"title": "Sheikh Muhammad Tahir Rasheed",
"text": "Sheikh Muhammad Tariq Rasheed was elected as an MNA from NA-149. This seat was vacated by Javed Hashmi who has joined Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) led by Imran Khan. Sheikh Muhammad Tahir Rasheed Sheikh Muhammad Tahir Rasheed, also known as Tahir Rashid, , (born in Multan) is a Pakistani politician who is affiliated with Pakistan Muslim League. He was previously Member of National Assembly of Pakistan (MNA) (1993–1996, 1997–1999) and Member of Provincial Assembly (MPA) (1990–1993). He was also the Central Vice-President of the Pakistan Muslim League. He completed his initial education at Millat High School and then Government College in",
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"title": "Amir Abdullah Khan Rokhri",
"text": "in 1951. He was elected to the West Pakistan Assembly in 1956 unopposed. He was also elected MPA in 1970. In the elections of 1977, Amir Abdullah Khan Rokhri was elected MNA defeating the candidate of the PNA, Maulana Abdus Sattar Niazi by 52,000 votes. He served in the Senate from 1985 to 1997 whereas in the meantime his son, Aamir Hayat Khan Rokhri served as an MPA and MNA and his nephew, Gul Hameed Khan Rokhri also served as an MPA, MNA and Punjab Food Minister. Rokhri did not only succeed from Mianwali rather he also succeeded in Bhakkar.",
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"id": "5059367",
"score": "1.127927",
"original_retrieval_index": 6
"title": "NA-65 (Chakwal-II)",
"text": "Mumtaz Khan Tamman (votes=104739) & Sardar Mansoor Hayat Tamman (votes=37978). Mumtaz tamman won the by-elections by a very huge margin and is MNA NA-61. General elections were held on 11 May 2013. Sardar Mumtaz Khan of PML-N won by 114,282 votes by defeating Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi and became the member of National Assembly. General elections were held on 25 July 2018. Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi of Pakistan Muslim League (Q) won the election but vacated this constituency in favor of speakership of Punjab Assembly. By-elections were held in this constituency on 14 October 2018. NA-65 (Chakwal-II) NA-65 (Chakwal-II) () is a",
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"id": "16859519",
"score": "1.1125059",
"original_retrieval_index": 7
"title": "Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly",
"text": "lost his seat. Having won 14 seats, the (PMLN) has emerged as the largest party in the GB polls. The Majlis Wahdat-e-Muslimeen (MWM) and Tehreek-e-Islami won two seats each while independent candidates won two seats. The PPP and PTI won one seat each. After winning the by elections held on July 10, 2017 in GBLA-4, Nagar, the PPP has now two seats. GBLA-4 was won by Javaid Hussain of PPP. According to National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) and the Election Commission of Pakistan, there are 618,364 registered voters in the region with 329,475 men and 288,889 women. An estimated",
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"id": "16438394",
"score": "1.1116515",
"original_retrieval_index": 8
"title": "2017 Census of Pakistan",
"text": "National Assembly (MNA) from Bajaur Agency, has stated he believes that a large number of people displaced from the Mamund and Nawagai regions due to security operations have not been counted by the census. He has stated he intends to challenge the census in court. Bismillah Khan, an MNA from Bajaur Agency, has stated he believes the population of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas is double of what is reflected in the census. He added that he will take up the issue with the federal government along with other lawmakers. Sajid Hussain Turi, an MNA from Khyber Agency, claimed that",
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"id": "20058235",
"score": "1.1116022",
"original_retrieval_index": 9
"title": "Dir District",
"text": "the deep narrow valleys of the Panjkora and its tributaries. Of these, notable villages are The district is administratively subdivided into Tehsils which contain a total of 37 Union Councils:. In lower dir there are two tehsils: This district is represented by one elected MNA (Member of National Assembly) in Pakistan National Assembly. Its constituency is NA-34. Qazi Hussain Ahmad won the general elections in 2002 but he left the seat as he had also won from his native constituency. Therefore, in January 2003 bye-elections were held. The district is represented by four elected MPAs in the provincial assembly who",
"hasanswer": false,
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"id": "6786165",
"score": "1.1103085",
"original_retrieval_index": 10
"title": "Next Pakistani general election",
"text": "it only had a lead of up to 4 percentage points. The PML-N was deprived of the chance of forming a government in Punjab, a province seen as it’s stronghold. Most parties apart from the PTI cried foul at the result and claimed that it was rigged. The 342 seats of the National Assembly consist of 272 elected by first-past-the-post voting in single-member constituencies, 60 seats are reserved for women and 10 for minority groups. The reserved seats are elected by proportional representation based on the national vote share in the single-member constituencies with a 5% electoral threshold. Next Pakistani",
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"id": "20873198",
"score": "1.1098927",
"original_retrieval_index": 11
"title": "2018 Pakistani general election",
"text": "for a PTI led federal government. On 1 August, Muttahida Qaumi Movement was told by the PPP that it had to choose between sitting in a coalition with them in Sindh or sitting in a coalition with PTI in the centre. On the same day, MQM-P convener Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui announced the party’s six MNAs would lend their support to the PTI in the National Assembly. On 2 August, Pakistan Muslim League (N), Pakistan Peoples Party, Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal and Awami National Party announced to form a “Grand Opposition Alliance” whereby the Speaker, Prime Minister and other key posts would be",
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"id": "17286566",
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"title": "National Party (Pakistan)",
"text": "contest elections forming a faction called NP Parliamentarians. As a result, National Party won one provincial assembly seat with Sanuallah Zehri winning PB-33 Khuzdar-I. The party participated in General elections of 2013 and secured victory on 11 seats of Balochistan Provincial Assembly and 1 seat of National Assembly. The government was formed in coalition with PKMAP and PML(N), with the party's MPA and then president Dr Abdul Malik Baloch heading the government as Chief Minister Balochistan. Now Hasil Bezenjo is the president after 4th National Congress held in Quetta in November 2015. The 4th congress of National Party was conducted",
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"title": "2018 Pakistani general election",
"text": "Capital Territory (ICT) now has three constituencies, Punjab 141, Sindh 61, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 39, Balochistan 16 and Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) has 12 constituencies in the National Assembly. 106 million people were registered to vote for members of the National Assembly of Pakistan and four Provincial Assemblies. Likewise for elections to provincial assemblies, Punjab has 297 constituencies, Sindh 130, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 99 and Balochistan 51. In June 2017 the Economic Coordination Committee approved the procurement of new printing machines with a bridge loan of 864 million rupees. The government has also developed new software for the Election Commission of",
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"id": "17286546",
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"title": "NA-54 (Islamabad-III)",
"text": "succeeded in the election 2010 and became the member of National Assembly. Javed Hashmi succeeded in the election 2013 and became the member of National Assembly. The seat fell vacant after Javed Hashmi choose to retain his Multan constituency, a re-election was held on 22 August 2013 and Asad Umar secured a win with 48,073 votes his closest rival was PML-N Chaudhary Muhammad Ashraf Gujjar who came second at 41,186 votes General elections were held on 25 July 2018. NA-54 (Islamabad-III) NA-54 (Islamabad-III) () is a constituency for the National Assembly of Pakistan. The constituency consists of a mix of",
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"id": "20720544",
"score": "1.0953844",
"original_retrieval_index": 15
"title": "Hangu District, Pakistan",
"text": "Majlis-e-Amal (MMA). Now the majority and whole control for PTI, In Local body election PTI also gain the main power, and there is still strong opposition of JUI. This district is represented by one elected MNA (Member of National Assembly) in Pakistan National Assembly. Its constituency is NA-16. Since 2002: NA-16 (Hangu) The district is represented by two elected MPAs in the provincial assembly who represent the following constituencies: Various public and private school and colleges exists in district hangu. Hangu population is near by 0.8 million people and they demand for university in 2013.Agriculture University campus was to be",
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"id": "6841826",
"score": "1.0948571",
"original_retrieval_index": 16
"title": "NA-31 (Peshawar-V)",
"text": "on 18 February 2008. Haji Ghulam Ahmad Bilour of the Awami National Party won this seat with 44,210 votes. All candidates receiving over 1,000 votes are listed here. \"A total of 629 votes were rejected.\" General Elections were held on 11 May 2013. Imran Khan of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf won this seat with 90,500 votes. All candidates receiving over 1,000 votes are listed here. \"A total of 2,103 votes were rejected.\" The elected member, Imran Khan (leader of PTI), won three separate seats in the General Election, and he chose to keep NA-56. This resulted in him vacating this seat and",
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"id": "20708055",
"score": "1.0945683",
"original_retrieval_index": 17
"title": "Dir District",
"text": "elected MNA (Member of National Assembly) in Pakistan National Assembly. Its constituency is NA-34. Qazi Hussain Ahmad won the general elections in 2002 but he left the seat as he had also won from his native constituency. Therefore, in January 2003 bye-elections were held. The district is represented by four elected MPAs in the provincial assembly who represent the following constituencies, after shifting of three union council from the Upper Dir to Lower Dir the provincial constituency of upper Dir, PF-93 now consists of UCs Khall, Toor Mang and Akha Gram of Lower Dir : The district is administratively subdivided",
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"id": "6786171",
"score": "1.0920938",
"original_retrieval_index": 18
"title": "Sardar Talib Hassan Nakai",
"text": "47,192 votes and defeated Rana Muhammad Hayat. He ran for the National Assembly seat from Constituency NA-142 (Kasur-V) as a candidate of PML-Q in Pakistani general election, 2013. He received 65,758 votes, losing to Rana Muhammad Hayat Khan. He was reelected to the National Assembly as a candidate of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) from Constituency NA-140 (Kasur-IV) in Pakistani general election, 2018. Sardar Talib Hassan Nakai Sardar Talib Hassan Nakai is a Pakistani politician who has been a member of the National Assembly of Pakistan since August 2018. He was previously a member of the National Assembly from January 2003 to",
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"id": "20226874",
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"title": "NA-95 (Mianwali-I)",
"text": "the member of National Assembly. General elections were held on 25 July 2018. NA-95 (Mianwali-I) NA-95 (Mianwali-I) () is a constituency for the National Assembly of Pakistan. General elections were held on 10 Oct 2002. The result of general election 2008 in this constituency is given below. Nawabzada Malik Amad Khan succeeded in the election 2008 and became the member of National Assembly. General elections were held on 11 May 2013. Mr Imran Khan of PTI won this seat in addition to two other seats. He vacated NA-1 and NA-71, retained NA-56. As a result, a by-election was conducted. Obaid",
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"id": "16916133",
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"title": "NA-119 (Sheikhupura-I)",
"text": "Brig(R) Zulfiqar Ahmad of PML-Q won by 41,699 votes. General elections were held on 18 Feb 2008. Rana Tanveer Hussain of PML-N won by 50,638 votes. General elections were held on 11 May 2013. Rana Afzal Hussain of PML-N won by 73,742 votes and became the member of National Assembly. General elections were held on 25 July 2018. NA-119 (Sheikhupura-I) NA-119 (Sheikhupura-I) () is a constituency for the National Assembly of Pakistan. During the delimitation of 2018, NA-119 (Sheikhupura-I) acquired areas from three former constituencies namely NA-131 (Sheikhupura-I), NA-132 (Sheikhupura-II-cum-Nankana Sahib), and NA-133 (Sheikhupura-III) with most areas coming from NA-131",
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"title": "2015 Pakistani Senate election",
"text": "of Pakhtunkhuwa Milli Awami Party, Hasil Khan Bazenjo of National Party, Dr Jahanzaib Jamaldini of BNP (Mengal), and Yousaf Badeni (independent) have been elected. Mir Kabir Ahmed of National Party and Engineer Agha Shahbaz Khan Durrani of PML-N were elected as senator on Technocrats while Kalsoom Perveen of PML-N and Gul Bashra of Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party won the elections on women reserved seats. Dr Ashok Kumar of National Party was elected as Senator on minority seat. According to unofficial results released by \"Dunya News\", Pakistan Muslim League (N) won 16 seats, Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) got seven, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf",
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"title": "NA-141 (Kasur-IV)",
"text": "the member of National Assembly. NA-141 (Kasur-IV) NA-141 (Kasur-IV) () was a constituency for the National Assembly of Pakistan. The constituency consisted of the areas in the Chunian Tehsil and Pattoki Tehsil which, according to the 2018 delimitations, have now been moved to NA-139 (Kasur-III) and NA-140 (Kasur-IV) respectively. General elections were held on 10 Oct 2002. Sardar Muhammad Asif Nakai of PML-Q won by 57,063 votes. General elections were held on 18 Feb 2008. Rana Muhammad Ishaq Khan of PML-N won by 58,807 votes. General elections were held on 11 May 2013. Rana Muhammad Ishaq Khan of PML-N won",
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"title": "NA-77 (Narowal-I)",
"text": "the member of National Assembly. General elections were held on 25 July 2018. NA-77 (Narowal-I) NA-77 (Narowal-I) () is a constituency for the National Assembly of Pakistan. It comprises the Zafarwal Tehsil and a majority of Shakargarh Tehsil, apart from Bara Manga, Kanjroor, and Dudhu Chak that are included in NA-78. The Shakargarh areas are taken from the now-abolished Constituency NA-116. General elections were held on 10 Oct 2002. Muhammad Nasir Khan of PML-Q won by 32,104 votes. General elections were held on 18 Feb 2008. Sumaira Naz of PML-N won by 59,688 votes. General elections were held on 11",
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"title": "NA-17 (Haripur)",
"text": "of Pakistan. Omar Ayub Khan of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf won getting most votes by any candidate in all of Pakistan. NA-17 (Haripur) NA-17 (Haripur) () is a constituency for the National Assembly of Pakistan. It covers tho whole of district Haripur. The constituency was formerly known as NA-19 (Haripur) from 1977 to 2018. The name changed to NA-17 (Haripur) after the delimitation in 2018. \"A total of 6,277 votes were rejected.\" \"A total of 5,757 votes were rejected.\" \"A total of 8,467 votes were rejected.\" A by-election took place on 16 August 2015. \"A total of 3,918 votes were rejected.\" General",
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"title": "NA-255 (Karachi Central-III)",
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"title": "NA-95 (Mianwali-I)",
"text": "NA-95 (Mianwali-I) NA-95 (Mianwali-I) () is a constituency for the National Assembly of Pakistan. General elections were held on 10 Oct 2002. The result of general election 2008 in this constituency is given below. Nawabzada Malik Amad Khan succeeded in the election 2008 and became the member of National Assembly. General elections were held on 11 May 2013. Mr Imran Khan of PTI won this seat in addition to two other seats. He vacated NA-1 and NA-71, retained NA-56. As a result, a by-election was conducted. Obaid Ullah Khan of PML-N won the seat in the 2013 by-election, and became",
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"title": "NA-28 (Peshawar-II)",
"text": "All candidates receiving over 1,000 votes are listed here. \"A total of 4,707 votes were rejected.\" The seat fell vacant after death of PTI MNA Gulzar Khan on August 28. Total 15 candidates contested on 26 October 2017. JUI and QWP (S) withdrew their candidates in favor of Nasir Mousazai of PML-N. General elections were held on 25 July 2018. NA-28 (Peshawar-II) NA-28 (Peshawar-II) () is a constituency for the National Assembly of Pakistan. During the delimitation of 2018, NA-28 (Peshawar-II) acquired most of its area from NA-4 (Peshawar-IV) with a very small part acquiring from NA-1 (Peshawar-I), the areas",
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] | {
"title": "National Assembly of Pakistan",
"long_answer": "The Pakistani National Assembly (Urdu: قومی اسمبلئ پاکستان— Qaumī Asimbli'e Pākistān); is the lower house of the bicameral Majlis-e-Shura, which also comprises the President of Pakistan and Senate (upper house). The National Assembly and the Senate both convene at Parliament House in Islamabad. The National Assembly is a democratically elected body consisting of a total of 332 members who are referred to as Members of the National Assembly (MNAs), of which 272 are directly elected members and 70 reserved seats for women and religious minorities. A political party must secure 172 seats to obtain and preserve a majority.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The Pakistani National Assembly (Urdu: قومی اسمبلئ پاکستان— Qaumī Asimbli'e Pākistān); is the lower house of the bicameral Majlis-e-Shura, which also comprises the President of Pakistan and Senate (upper house). The National Assembly and the Senate both convene at Parliament House in Islamabad. The National Assembly is a democratically elected body consisting of a total of 332 members who are referred to as Members of the National Assembly (MNAs), of which 272 are directly elected members and 70 reserved seats for women and religious minorities. A political party must secure 172 seats to obtain and preserve a majority.",
"short_answers": [
"332 members"
} |
who played stumpy in the movie rio bravo | [
"Walter Brennan"
] | [
"title": "Rio Bravo (film)",
"text": "Chance's friend Pat Wheeler (Ward Bond) and his wagon train of supplies stop in town, with a young gunslinger, Colorado Ryan (Ricky Nelson), riding guard. Inside the jail, Stumpy (Walter Brennan), Chance's game-legged deputy, keeps watch over the jail and Joe, who knows that Stumpy holds an old grudge against Joe's wealthy and powerful brother. Joe warns his jailers that Nathan Burdette will not like how his brother is being treated.",
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"title": "Rio Bravo (film)",
"text": "is ordered to take the men to the jail to let Joe go. He is reluctant to do so, but Dude implores Chance to cooperate, saying that Stumpy is alone and has no food or water to hold out very long. The remaining Burdette men at the hotel take Dude hostage and Nathan Burdette offers to trade him later for Joe. Stumpy opens fire at the jail, holding off Burdette's men. Chance and Colorado then take Joe to make the trade for Dude at a warehouse, leaving Stumpy behind because of his bad leg. During the trade, walking in opposite",
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"title": "Rio Bravo (film)",
"text": "directions, Dude tackles Joe and they scuffle while a gunfight erupts. Stumpy turns up and helps even the odds. Dude overpowers Joe. The lawmen throw dynamite sticks at the warehouse where Burdette and his men are holed up, shooting the sticks to detonate them. After a few explosions rock the warehouse, the criminals surrender. All is quiet in town as Chance gets reacquainted with Feathers, who models a skimpy new costume she will be wearing in her new job singing at the hotel. After a pair of sheer tights comes floating from a window to the street, a delighted Stumpy",
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"title": "Rio Bravo (film)",
"text": "to film historian Emanuel Levy, Wayne and Hawks teamed up deliberately to rebut \"High Noon\" by telling a somewhat similar story their own way: portraying a hero who does not show fear or inner conflict and who never repudiates his commitment to public duty, while only allying himself with capable people, despite offers of help from many other characters. In \"Rio Bravo\", Chance is surrounded by allies—a deputy who is brave and good with a gun, despite recovering from alcoholism (Dude), a young untried but self-assured gunfighter (Colorado), a limping \"crippled\" old man who is doggedly loyal (Stumpy), a Mexican",
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"title": "Stump and Stumpy",
"text": "Stump and Stumpy Stump and Stumpy were a dance/comedy/acting duo popular from the mid-1930s to the 1950s, consisting of James \"Stump\" Cross, and either Eddie Hartman or Harold J. Cromer as \"Stumpy\". Their act was mostly jazz tap, and comedy expressed through song and movement. James 'Jimmy' Cross and Edward 'Eddie' Hartman, traveled around the United States on what was often called the 'Black Vaudeville' circuit, under management of Nat Nazarro. In 1943, Cross was cast in the United States Army's \"This Is the Army\" film, with William Wycoff as his 'partner'. Stump and Stumpy's first big success was appearing",
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"title": "Rio Bravo (film)",
"text": "Old Tucson Studios outside Tucson, Arizona, in Technicolor. In 2014, \"Rio Bravo\" was deemed \"culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant\" by the Library of Congress and selected for preservation in the National Film Registry. In the town of Rio Bravo, Texas, sheriff's deputy Dude (Dean Martin), who has acquired the contemptuous nickname \"Borrachón\" (, Spanish for \"big drunk\"), enters a saloon but cannot afford a drink. Joe Burdette (Claude Akins), brother of rancher Nathan Burdette, tosses a silver dollar into a spittoon. Presidio County, Texas, Sheriff John T. Chance (John Wayne) appears and kicks the spittoon away, looking at Dude with",
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"title": "Stump and Stumpy",
"text": "in the movie \"Boarding House Blues\" (1948), after which Hartman had become unreliable as a performer, and was replaced with Cromer. Harold Cromer was the M.C. for numerous Irvin Feld-produced rock and roll package tours in the late 1950s. He danced with LaVern Baker as she sang \"Jim Dandy\" and thus was billed as Harold \"Jim Dandy\" Cromer for most of these tours. Stump and Stumpy Stump and Stumpy were a dance/comedy/acting duo popular from the mid-1930s to the 1950s, consisting of James \"Stump\" Cross, and either Eddie Hartman or Harold J. Cromer as \"Stumpy\". Their act was mostly jazz",
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"title": "Larry Storch",
"text": "Storch married actress Norma Catherine Greve on July 10, 1961. They remained married until her death at the age of 81 on August 28, 2003. Both briefly appeared in the made-for-television movie \"The Woman Hunter\" (1972). He has three children: a stepson, Lary May; a daughter, Candace Herman, the result of a brief encounter with his future wife, born in 1947 and given to the adoption process (later reunited); and a stepdaughter, June Cross, born in 1954 to Norma and Jimmy Cross (\"Stump\" of the song-and-dance team \"Stump and Stumpy\"). Storch's younger brother, Jay (1924–1987), was an actor/voiceover performer under",
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"title": "Rio Bravo (film)",
"text": "was successful, taking in over US$5.5 million. The musical score was composed by Dimitri Tiomkin. His score includes the hauntingly ominous \"\"El Degüello\"\" theme, which is heard several times. The Colorado character identifies the tune as \"The Cutthroat Song\". He relates that the song was played on the orders of General Antonio López de Santa Anna to the Texans holed up in the Alamo, to signify that no quarter would be given to them. The tune was used in Wayne's film, \"The Alamo\" (1960). Composer Ennio Morricone recalled that director Sergio Leone asked him to write \"Dimitri Tiomkin music\" for",
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"id": "853930",
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"title": "Rio Bravo (film)",
"text": "by the Nelson Riddle Orchestra, sings a specially composed song, \"Rio Bravo\", written by Tiomkin with lyrics by Paul Francis Webster. Nelson later paid homage to both the film and his character, Colorado, by including the song \"Restless Kid\" on his 1959 LP, \"Ricky Sings Again\". Members of the Western Writers of America chose \"My Rifle, My Pony, and Me\" as one of the Top 100 Western songs of all time. A brief clip from \"Rio Bravo\" was among the archive footage later incorporated into the opening sequence of Wayne's last film, \"The Shootist,\" to illustrate the backstory of Wayne's",
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"title": "Rio Bravo (film)",
"text": "have his men hole up in the jail, as it will take several more days for the United States Marshal to arrive to take Joe to the Presidio. Dude's nerves are shot, but as he is about to take a drink, the sound of \"The Cutthroat Song\" played by Burdette's musicians steels his resolve. He and Chance go to the hotel to round up additional supplies, but Carlos and Consuelo are captured by Burdette's men, who trick Chance into charging and falling over a rope tied at the bottom of the stairs. Dude and Feathers are unable to help. Chance",
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"id": "853926",
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"title": "Rio Bravo (film)",
"text": "character. The film was made as a response to \"High Noon\", which is sometimes thought to be an allegory for blacklisting in Hollywood, as well as a critique of McCarthyism. Wayne would later call \"High Noon\" \"un-American\" and say he did not regret helping run the writer, Carl Foreman, out of the country. Director Howard Hawks went on the record to criticize \"High Noon\" by saying, \"I didn't think a good sheriff was going to go running around town like a chicken with his head cut off asking for help, and finally his Quaker wife had to save him.\" According",
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"id": "853933",
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"title": "Clussexx Three D Grinchy Glee",
"text": "Duffy. He was nicknamed \"Stump\" because he was brown, had stubby legs and resembled a tree stump. Stump was owned by Cecilia Ruggles and Beth Dowd and handled by Scott Sommer, with whom he lived in Houston along with J.R., a Bichon Frise who won the Westminster Dog Show in 2001 and is also trained by Sommer. Stump won the Sporting Group at Westminster in 2004, a year that saw him accumulate 50 \"best in show\" wins. After those victories, he was retired from competition. In January 2006 Stump was hospitalized with a serious illness, with what in retrospect turned",
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"title": "Robbie Rist",
"text": "had a notable supporting role as Milo in the action film, \"Iron Eagle\" which was a box-office hit despite being critically panned. As of 2006, Rist was acting, working with music and also working in film production. Rist produced a horror/comedy film, \"Stump The Band\", directed by William Holmes and JoJo Hendrickson. In 2013, he portrayed Robbie the Bus Driver in the camp horror film \"Sharknado\". Rist said in an interview that his friend Anthony C. Ferrante came upon the film's poster at the American Film Market and became enthusiastic about the concept. When Ferrante said that he had been",
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"title": "Walter Brennan",
"text": "at his ranch in Moorpark in Ventura. He died of emphysema at the age of 80 in Oxnard, California. His remains were interred at San Fernando Mission Cemetery in Los Angeles. Film historians and critics have long regarded Brennan as one of the finest character actors in motion picture history. While the roles he was adept at playing were diverse, he is probably best remembered for his portrayals in Western movies, such as Judge Roy Bean in \"The Westerner\", trail hand Nadine Groot in \"Red River\", and Deputy Stumpy in \"Rio Bravo\". He was the first actor to win three",
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"title": "Craig Stump",
"text": "Craig Stump Craig Stump (born January 30, 1965) is a former American football player and the current football coach at Atascocita High School in Atascocita, Texas. He played quarterback for Texas A&M University. Stump was part of three consecutive Southwest Conference championship teams as a quarterback for Texas A&M. He was pressed into duty as a freshman in 1984 after standout Kevin Murray was injured in an early season nonconference game. Although Stump filled in capably completing 94 of his 189 attempts for 1135 yards, he would spend his sophomore and junior seasons on the bench watching Murray break most",
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"title": "Ward Bond",
"text": "which he was atypically cast as Captain La Hire, \"Rio Bravo\" (1959), and Raoul Walsh's 1930 widescreen wagon train epic \"The Big Trail\", which also featured John Wayne's first leading role. Bond later starred in the popular series \"Wagon Train\" from 1957 until his death. \"Wagon Train\" was inspired by the 1950 film \"Wagon Master\", in which Bond also appeared. \"Wagon Master\" was influenced by the earlier \"The Big Trail\". For \"Wagon Train\", Bond was assigned the lead role of the crusty but compassionate Major Seth Adams, the trail master. Bond specifically requested Terry Wilson for the role of assistant",
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"title": "Ann Robinson",
"text": "hence became an accomplished rider, which led to her first professional work in Hollywood as a stunt rider in film \"Frenchie\" with Shelley Winters. In 1957 she eloped to Mexico to marry world class bull fighter (matador), Jaime Bravo, with whom she had two sons; Jaime A. Bravo Jr (TV director for ABC Sports and ESPN), and Estefan A. Bravo (actor, seen in \"White Trash Wins Lotto\", a musical by Andy Prieboy).While residing in Mexico, Robinson played minor Hollywood roles, mainly in science fiction films. The couple divorced in 1967. On February 2, 1970, Jaime Bravo was killed in an",
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"title": "Estelita Rodriguez",
"text": "Estelita Rodriguez Estelita Rodriguez (July 2, 1928 – March 12, 1966) was a Cuban actress best known for her roles in many Roy Rogers Republic westerns, and her role in Howard Hawks' western classic \"Rio Bravo\". Rodriguez's career began in 1942 when she won a contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer at the age of 14. She continued to go to MGM school in preparation to make a movie. However, MGM dropped her at the last minute, and Rodriguez traveled back to New York until 1945 when she signed a five-picture deal with Republic. The studio that same year cast her in her",
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"title": "Jose Pablo Cantillo",
"text": "Jose Pablo Cantillo Jose Pablo Cantillo (born March 30, 1979), is an American actor. He is best known for playing Ricky Verona in \"Crank\", Hector Salazar in FX's \"Sons of Anarchy\", and Caesar Martinez in AMC's \"The Walking Dead\". The son of Costa Rican parents, Roberto Cantillo and Rita Bolaños, Jose Pablo Cantillo (known as \"Joey\" in his high school days ) was born in Marshfield, Wisconsin. He grew up in Terre Haute, Indiana and attended Terre Haute South Vigo High School, where he was a tennis standout for all four years, leading the Terre Haute South Braves to a",
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"title": "Craig Stump",
"text": "at Tulane. Craig Stump Craig Stump (born January 30, 1965) is a former American football player and the current football coach at Atascocita High School in Atascocita, Texas. He played quarterback for Texas A&M University. Stump was part of three consecutive Southwest Conference championship teams as a quarterback for Texas A&M. He was pressed into duty as a freshman in 1984 after standout Kevin Murray was injured in an early season nonconference game. Although Stump filled in capably completing 94 of his 189 attempts for 1135 yards, he would spend his sophomore and junior seasons on the bench watching Murray",
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"title": "Laredo (TV series)",
"text": "star, who in \"Laredo\" is stern and disciplined. Robert Wolders joined the show in the second and final season as Erik Hunter. Claude Akins played Ranger Cotton Buckmeister in five episodes but never became a part of the cast. In \"The Would-Be Gentleman of Laredo\", with Donnelly Rhodes as Don Carlos, three swindlers use Reese Bennett as a dupe in a land fraud scheme by which they claim ownership of most of Laredo. In \"Meanwhile Back at the Reservation\", Joe Riley comes across Grey Smoke, an Indian boy portrayed by then 14-year-old Kurt Russell, who has been working for an",
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"title": "Rio Grande (film)",
"text": "Rio Grande (film) Rio Grande is a 1950 Western film directed by John Ford and starring John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara. The picture is the third installment of Ford's \"cavalry trilogy,\" following two RKO Pictures releases: \"Fort Apache\" (1948) and \"She Wore a Yellow Ribbon\" (1949). John Wayne plays the lead in all three films, as Captain Kirby York in \"Fort Apache,\" then as Captain of Cavalry Nathan Cutting Brittles in \"She Wore a Yellow Ribbon,\" and finally as a promoted Lieutenant Colonel Kirby Yorke in \"Rio Grande\" (scripts and production billing spell the York[e] character's last name differently in",
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"id": "3204554",
"score": "0.9769045",
"original_retrieval_index": 25
"title": "Rio Mangini",
"text": "Rio Mangini Rio Mangini (born October 6, 2002) is an American actor, musician, and composer. Mangini is known for his roles as Ace McFumbles in \"Bella and the Bulldogs\" and as McQuaid in \"Everything Sucks!\". Rio Mangini is the son of Academy Award-winning sound editor Mark Mangini. Mangini is a pianist and placed first in the 2011 Cypress College Competition (8-year old division), and honorable mention in the 2011 American Protege International Piano Strings Competition. As a pianist, Mangini was awarded by Young Artist Awards in 2012 with a special award in the category \"Outstanding Instrumentalist.\" In 2012, Mangini starred",
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"id": "20664125",
"score": "0.975972",
"original_retrieval_index": 26
"title": "Chuy Bravo",
"text": "Chuy Bravo Chuy Bravo (born Jesús Melgoza December 7, 1956) is a Mexican-American actor and entertainer. He was the sidekick of host Chelsea Handler on the talk show \"Chelsea Lately\" during its run from 2007 to 2014. He usually relayed comedic relief and was the topic of many of Handler's jokes. Melgoza was born in Tangancicuaro, Michoacán, the youngest of seven children. He immigrated to the United States at age 15, moving to the San Fernando Valley. He graduated from Sylmar High School. Bravo began acting in the early 1990s. He appeared in the films \"The Honeymooners\" (2005) and \"\"",
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"id": "13067672",
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"title": "Randy Stumpfhauser",
"text": "Randy Stumpfhauser Randall Richard Stumpfhauser (born January 27, 1977 in Fresno, California U.S.) is an American professional \"Mid School\" Bicycle Motocross (BMX) racer whose prime competitive years are from 1998 to the present. He is sometimes called \"Stumpdog\" or \"Stumpy\", all are plays on his last name. Note: Professional firsts are on the national level unless otherwise indicated. Note: This listing only denotes the racer's primary sponsors. At any given time a racer could have numerous ever changing co-sponsors. Primary sponsorships can be verified by BMX press coverage and sponsor's advertisements at the time in question. When possible exact dates",
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"id": "9242904",
"score": "0.9734149",
"original_retrieval_index": 28
"title": "Graboid",
"text": "films, the Graboid's stench becomes a critical plot point in \"Tremors 4\"; Juan can identify the Graboids as being the unseen killers in the silver mines later in the film due to them sharing the same vile odor. In the original film, a Graboid dubbed \"Stumpy\" by Val and Earl showed to be very intelligent (when it swallowed a bomb, it spit it out again) and very patient in waiting for its meal. It got its name for one of its dismembered tentacles which got stuck in Val and Earl's truck as they drove away after having been caught by",
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"title": "Andrew Raynes",
"text": "by 1989 World's Strongest Man winner Jamie Reeves at his gym in Sheffield. His sporting heroes are Bill Kazmaier, Jon Pall Sigmarsson and Mike Tyson. Andrew Raynes Andrew Raynes (born 7 April 1973), commonly known as \"Stumpy\", is an English former strongman, powerlifter, and bodybuilder. He was a multiple time finalist in Britain's Strongest Man and a finalist of the 2001 World's Strongest Man contest. Raynes began competing in bodybuilding as a junior competitor in 1990, winning the NABBA Junior Mr. Northeast contest in 1990 and again in 1994. He would also go on to win the NABBA Junior Mr.",
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"title": "Rio Grande (film)",
"text": "General Sheridan's horse for the purpose. As the troops pass in review (with the regimental band playing \"Dixie\" at the General's request to please Mrs. Yorke), the movie closes. The film contains folk songs led by the Sons of the Pioneers, one of whom is Ken Curtis (Ford's son-in-law and best known for his role as Festus Haggen on \"Gunsmoke\"). Bob Nolan had previously serenaded Charles Starrett lead actor in Rio Grande directed by Sam Nelson in 1938. Ford wanted to make \"The Quiet Man\" first, but Republic Pictures studio president Herbert Yates insisted that Ford make \"Rio Grande\" beforehand,",
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"title": "Jose Pablo Cantillo",
"text": "\"Chappie\" (2015). In late 2003, Cantillo moved to California, where he, his wife Kristi, and their 7-year-old daughter live in Santa Clarita, a town “that kind of reminds us of Terre Haute”. Jose Pablo Cantillo Jose Pablo Cantillo (born March 30, 1979), is an American actor. He is best known for playing Ricky Verona in \"Crank\", Hector Salazar in FX's \"Sons of Anarchy\", and Caesar Martinez in AMC's \"The Walking Dead\". The son of Costa Rican parents, Roberto Cantillo and Rita Bolaños, Jose Pablo Cantillo (known as \"Joey\" in his high school days ) was born in Marshfield, Wisconsin. He",
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"title": "Rio Bravo (film)",
"long_answer": "Chance's friend Pat Wheeler (Ward Bond) and his wagon train of supplies stop in town, with a young gunslinger, Colorado Ryan (Ricky Nelson), riding guard. Inside the jail, Stumpy (Walter Brennan), Chance's game-legged deputy, keeps watch over the jail and Joe, who knows that Stumpy holds an old grudge against Joe's wealthy and powerful brother. Joe warns his jailers that Nathan Burdette will not like how his brother is being treated.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Chance's friend Pat Wheeler (Ward Bond) and his wagon train of supplies stop in town, with a young gunslinger, Colorado Ryan (Ricky Nelson), riding guard. Inside the jail, Stumpy (Walter Brennan), Chance's game-legged deputy, keeps watch over the jail and Joe, who knows that Stumpy holds an old grudge against Joe's wealthy and powerful brother. Joe warns his jailers that Nathan Burdette will not like how his brother is being treated.",
"short_answers": [
"Walter Brennan"
} |
where is the protien made in the cell | [
"in the cell nucleus",
"cell nucleus"
] | [
"title": "Protein biosynthesis",
"text": "Transcription occurs in the cell nucleus, where the DNA is held. The DNA structure of the cell is made up of two helixes made up of sugar and phosphate held together by hydrogen bonds between the bases of opposite strands. The sugar and the phosphate in each strand are joined together by stronger phosphodiester covalent bonds. The DNA is \"unzipped\" (disruption of hydrogen bonds between different single strands) by the enzyme helicase, leaving the single nucleotide chain open to be copied. RNA polymerase reads the DNA strand from the 3-prime (3') end to the 5-prime (5') end, while it synthesizes",
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"title": "Proline",
"text": "follow along with the typical Ramachandran plot, along with glycine. Due to the ring formation connected to the beta carbon, the ψ and φ angles about the peptide bond have fewer allowable degrees of rotation. As a result, it is often found in \"turns\" of proteins as its free entropy (ΔS) is not as comparatively large to other amino acids and thus in a folded form vs. unfolded form, the change in entropy is less. Furthermore, proline is rarely found in α and β structures as it would reduce the stability of such structures, because its side chain α-N can",
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"title": "Proline",
"text": "residue of an alpha helix and also in the edge strands of beta sheets. Proline is also commonly found in turns (another kind of secondary structure), and aids in the formation of beta turns. This may account for the curious fact that proline is usually solvent-exposed, despite having a completely aliphatic side chain. Multiple prolines and/or hydroxyprolines in a row can create a polyproline helix, the predominant secondary structure in collagen. The hydroxylation of proline by prolyl hydroxylase (or other additions of electron-withdrawing substituents such as fluorine) increases the conformational stability of collagen significantly. Hence, the hydroxylation of proline is",
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"title": "Progeria",
"text": "is made in the cytoplasm, an enzyme called farnesyl transferase attaches a farnesyl functional group to its carboxyl-terminus. The farnesylated prelamin A is then transported through a nuclear pore to the interior of the nucleus. The farnesyl group allows prelamin A to attach temporarily to the nuclear rim. Once the protein is attached, it is cleaved by a protease, thereby removing the farnesyl group along with a few adjacent amino acids. Failure to remove this farnesyl group permanently affixes the protein to the nuclear rim. After cleavage by the protease, prelamin A is referred to as lamin A. Lamin A,",
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"title": "Prokaryotic cytoskeleton",
"text": "ring structure located in the middle of the cell called the Z-ring that constricts during cell division, similar to the actin-myosin contractile ring in eukaryotes. The Z-ring is a highly dynamic structure that consists of numerous bundles of protofilaments that extend and shrink, although the mechanism behind Z-ring contraction and the number of protofilaments involved are unclear. FtsZ acts as an organizer protein and is required for cell division. It is the first component of the septum during cytokinesis, and it recruits all other known cell division proteins to the division site. Despite this functional similarity to actin, FtsZ is",
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"title": "Protegrin",
"text": "amino acids. So, Protegrin-2 is shorter than Protegrin-1 and it has one less positive charge. Protegrin-3 substitutes a glycine for an arginine at position 4 and it also has one less positive charge. Protegrin-4 substitutes a phenylalanine for a valine at position 14 and sequences are different in the β-turn. This difference makes protegrin-4 less polar than others and less positively charged. Protegrin-5 substitutes a proline for an arginine with one less positive charge. Protegrin-1 induces membrane disruption by forming a pore/channel that leads to cell death. This ability depends on its secondary structure. It forms an oligomeric structure in",
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"title": "Proline",
"text": "the creation of proline-proline bonds slowest of all. The exceptional conformational rigidity of proline affects the secondary structure of proteins near a proline residue and may account for proline's higher prevalence in the proteins of thermophilic organisms. Protein secondary structure can be described in terms of the dihedral angles φ, ψ and ω of the protein backbone. The cyclic structure of proline's side chain locks the angle φ at approximately −65°. Proline acts as a structural disruptor in the middle of regular secondary structure elements such as alpha helices and beta sheets; however, proline is commonly found as the first",
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"id": "496442",
"score": "0.90222466",
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"title": "Collagen helix",
"text": "Collagen helix In collagen, the collagen helix, or type-2 helix, is a major shape in secondary structure. It consists of a triple helix made of the repetitious amino acid sequence glycine - X - Y, where X and Y are frequently proline or hydroxyproline.A collagen triple helix has 3.3 residues per turn. Each of the three chains is stabilized by the steric repulsion due to the pyrrolidine rings of proline and hydroxyproline residues. The pyrrolidine rings keep out of each other’s way when the polypeptide chain assumes this extended helical form, which is much more open than the tightly coiled",
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"title": "Prokaryotic cytoskeleton",
"text": "determines cell shape by mediating the position and activity of enzymes that synthesize peptidoglycan and by acting as a rigid filament under the cell membrane that exerts outward pressure to sculpt and bolster the cell. MreB condenses from its normal helical network and forms a tight ring at the septum in \"Caulobacter crescentus\" right before cell division, a mechanism that is believed to help locate its off-center septum. MreB is also important for polarity determination in polar bacteria, as it is responsible for the correct positioning of at least four different polar proteins in \"C. crescentus\". Crescentin (encoded by \"creS\"",
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"title": "K-Casein",
"text": "the special conformation of casein in the micelles. One of them proposes that the micellar nucleus is formed by several submicelles, the periphery consisting of microvellosities of κ-casein Another model suggests that the nucleus is formed by casein-interlinked fibrils. Finally, the most recent model proposes a double link among the caseins for gelling to take place. All 3 models consider micelles as colloidal particles formed by casein aggregates wrapped up in soluble κ-casein molecules. Milk-clotting proteases act on the soluble portion, κ-casein, thus originating an unstable micellar state that results in clot formation. Chymosin (EC is an aspartic protease",
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"title": "Proinsulin",
"text": "is between the A and B chains of proinsulin. The connection between the A chain and C peptide is much more stable than the junction between the C peptide and B chain, with alpha helical features being exhibited near the C peptide-A chain connection. The C peptide-A chain junction occurs between residues 64 and 65 of proinsulin. These are lysine and arginine molecules, respectively. The C peptide-B chain connection is between two arginine residues at positions 31 and 32 of proinsulin. There is conservation of much of the structure of proinsulin among mammalian species, with much of the residue changes",
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"title": "Lactotropic cell",
"text": "Lactotropic cell A lactotropic cell (also known as prolactin cell, epsilon acidophil, lactotrope, lactotroph, mammatroph, mammotroph) is a cell in the anterior pituitary which produces prolactin in response to hormonal signals including dopamine which is inhibitory and thyrotropin-releasing hormone which is stimulatory. Other regulators include oxytocin, estrogen and progesterone. Prolactin is involved in the maturation of mammary glands and their secretion of milk in association with oxytocin, estrogen, progesterone, glucocorticoids, and others. Prolactin has numerous other effects in both sexes. Prolactin cells are acidophilic by hematoxylin & eosin stains and comprise about 20% of all cells in the anterior pituitary",
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"title": "Collagen",
"text": "glycine-proline-X and glycine-X-hydroxyproline, where X is any amino acid other than glycine, proline or hydroxyproline. The average amino acid composition for fish and mammal skin is given. First, a three-dimensional stranded structure is assembled, with the amino acids glycine and proline as its principal components. This is not yet collagen but its precursor, procollagen. Procollagen is then modified by the addition of hydroxyl groups to the amino acids proline and lysine. This step is important for later glycosylation and the formation of the triple helix structure of collagen. Because the hydroxylase enzymes that perform these reactions require vitamin C as",
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"title": "Resilin",
"text": "structure. This is primarily due to the significantly high proline content in resilin. Proline is a bulky amino acid that has the ability to cause a kink the peptide chain and due to the sterically hindered side chains, it is not able to fit in the alpha-helices. However, the segments of resilin are able to take on secondary structure forms at different conditions. Like other biomaterials, resilin is a hydrogel, meaning it is swollen with water. The water content of resilin at neutral pH is 50-60%, and the absence of this water will make a big difference on the material’s",
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"title": "Procentriole",
"text": "a cell cycle. Procentriole A procentriole ( ) is a centriole or basal body in a stage of early development. That is, it is what is to become a set of triplets of microtubules destined to form spindles of fibres that will separate chromosomes during mitosis and in order to act as anchoring sites for some proteins. Procentrioles are generally assembled canonically in association with pre-existing centrioles that are loosely connected to each other. The environment suitable for procentriole formation is provided by the base of each centriole. Procentrioles assemble perpendicular to existing centrioles. A cylindrical structure with a diameter",
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"title": "Prokaryotic cytoskeleton",
"text": "polar zone. From this configuration, the E-ring will contract and move toward that pole, disassembling the MinCDE helix as it moves along. Concomitantly, the disassembled fragments will reassemble at the opposite polar end, reforming the MinCDE coil on the opposite pole while the current MinCDE helix is broken down. This process then repeats, with the MinCDE helix oscillating from pole to pole. This oscillation occurs repeatedly during the cell cycle, thereby keeping MinC (and its septum inhibiting effect) at a lower time-averaged concentration at the middle of the cell than at the ends of the cell. The dynamic behavior of",
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"title": "A2 milk",
"text": "that make up the beta-casein proteins: a proline occurs at position 67 in the chain of amino acids that make up the A2 beta-casein, while in A1 beta-casein a histidine occurs at that position. Studies in cells found that digestive enzymes that cut up proteins interact with beta-casein precisely at that location, so that A1 and A2 beta-casein proteins are processed differently. A seven-aminoacid peptide, beta-casomorphin-7, (BCM-7) can be cut away from the A1-beta-casein protein by those enzymes, but the enzymes cannot cut the A2 protein at that location, so BCM-7 is not formed from A2 proteins. Studies in humans",
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"title": "Cytoskeleton",
"text": "cell growth) and in the positioning of mitochondria. The cytokinetic ring forms and constricts around the site of cell division. Prior to the work of Jones et al., 2001, the cell wall was believed to be the deciding factor for many bacterial cell shapes, including rods and spirals. When studied, many misshapen bacteria were found to have mutations linked to development of a cell envelope. The cytoskeleton was once thought to be a feature only of eukaryotic cells, but homologues to all the major proteins of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton have been found in prokaryotes. Harold Erickson notes that before 1992,",
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"title": "Proline",
"text": "only form one hydrogen bond. Additionally, proline is the only amino acid that does not form a blue/purple colour when developed by spraying with ninhydrin for uses in chromatography. Proline, instead, produces an orange/yellow colour. Richard Willstätter synthesized proline by the reaction of sodium salt of diethyl malonate with 1,3-dibromopropane in 1900. In 1901, Hermann Emil Fischer isolated proline from casein and the decomposition products of γ-phthalimido-propylmalonic ester. Racemic proline can be synthesized from diethyl malonate and acrylonitrile: Proline Proline (symbol Pro or P) is a proteinogenic amino acid that is used in the biosynthesis of proteins. It contains an",
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"title": "Cell polarity",
"text": "these cells to move in one direction, they must have a defined front and rear. At the front of the cell is the leading edge, which is often defined by a flat ruffling of the cell membrane called the lamellipodium or thin protrusions called filopodia. Here, actin polymerization in the direction of migration allows cells to extend the leading edge of the cell and to attach to the surface. At the rear of the cell, adhesions are disassembled and bundles of actin microfilaments, called stress fibers, contract and pull the trailing edge forward to keep up with the rest of",
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"title": "Matrix (biology)",
"text": "glycoprotein in the ECM of most animal cells is collagen, which forms strong fibers outside the cells. In fact, collagen accounts for about 40% of the total protein in the human body. The collagen fibers are embedded in a network woven from proteoglycans. A proteoglycan molecule consists of a small core protein with many carbohydrate chains covalently attached, so that it may be up to 95% carbohydrate. Large proteoglycan complexes can form when hundreds of proteoglycans become noncovalently attached to a single long polysaccharide molecule. Some cells are attached to the ECM by still other ECM glycoproteins such as fibronectin.",
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"title": "Proline",
"text": "amino acid with a secondary amine, in that the alpha-amino group is attached directly to the main chain, making the α carbon a direct substituent of the side chain. Proline was first isolated in 1900 by Richard Willstätter who obtained the amino acid while studying N-methylproline. The year after Emil Fischer published the synthesis of proline from phthalimide propylmalonic ester. The name proline comes from pyrrolidine, one of its constituents. Proline is biosynthetically derived from the amino acid -glutamate. Glutamate-5-semialdehyde is first formed by glutamate 5-kinase (ATP-dependent) and glutamate-5-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (which requires NADH or NADPH). This can then either spontaneously",
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"title": "Tendon",
"text": "bone. Collagen fibres coalesce into macroaggregates. After secretion from the cell, the cleaved by procollagen N- and C-proteinases, and the tropocollagen molecules spontaneously assemble into insoluble fibrils. A collagen molecule is about 300 nm long and 1–2 nm wide, and the diameter of the fibrils that are formed can range from 50–500 nm. In tendons, the fibrils then assemble further to form fascicles, which are about 10 mm in length with a diameter of 50–300 μm, and finally into a tendon fibre with a diameter of 100–500 μm. Fascicles are bound by the endotendineum, which is a delicate loose connective",
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"title": "Cell nucleus",
"text": "then join side by side, in an antiparallel arrangement, to form a tetramer called a \"protofilament\". Eight of these protofilaments form a lateral arrangement that is twisted to form a ropelike \"filament\". These filaments can be assembled or disassembled in a dynamic manner, meaning that changes in the length of the filament depend on the competing rates of filament addition and removal. Mutations in lamin genes leading to defects in filament assembly cause a group of rare genetic disorders known as \"laminopathies\". The most notable laminopathy is the family of diseases known as progeria, which causes the appearance of premature",
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"title": "Proteasome",
"text": "by the proteasome, allowing it to degrade the tagged protein. The degradation process yields peptides of about seven to eight amino acids long, which can then be further degraded into shorter amino acid sequences and used in synthesizing new proteins. Proteasomes are found inside all eukaryotes and archaea, and in some bacteria. In eukaryotes, proteasomes are located in the nucleus and the cytoplasm. In structure, the proteasome is a cylindrical complex containing a \"core\" of four stacked rings forming a central pore. Each ring is composed of seven individual proteins. The inner two rings are made of seven \"β subunits\"",
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"title": "Progeria",
"text": "called the nuclear lamina that helps organize nuclear processes such as RNA and DNA synthesis. Prelamin A contains a CAAX box at the C-terminus of the protein (where C is a cysteine and A is any aliphatic amino acids). This ensures that the cysteine is farnesylated and allows prelamin A to bind membranes, specifically the nuclear membrane. After prelamin A has been localized to the cell nuclear membrane, the C-terminal amino acids, including the farnesylated cysteine, are cleaved off by a specific protease. The resulting protein, now lamin A, is no longer membrane-bound and carries out functions inside the nucleus.",
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"title": "Proline",
"text": "Proline Proline (symbol Pro or P) is a proteinogenic amino acid that is used in the biosynthesis of proteins. It contains an α-amino group (which is in the protonated NH form under biological conditions), an α-carboxylic acid group (which is in the deprotonated −COO form under biological conditions), and a side chain pyrrolidine, classifying it as a nonpolar (at physiological pH), aliphatic amino acid. It is non-essential in humans, meaning the body can synthesize it from the non-essential amino acid -glutamate. It is encoded by all the codons starting CC (CCU, CCC, CCA, and CCG). Proline is the only proteinogenic",
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"title": "Cell wall",
"text": "of cellulose microfibrils aligned at all angles. Cellulose microfibrils are produced at the plasma membrane by the cellulose synthase complex, which is proposed to be made of a hexameric rosette that contains three cellulose synthase catalytic subunits for each of the six units. Microfibrils are held together by hydrogen bonds to provide a high tensile strength. The cells are held together and share the gelatinous membrane called the \"middle lamella\", which contains magnesium and calcium pectates (salts of pectic acid). Cells interact though plasmodesmata, which are inter-connecting channels of cytoplasm that connect to the protoplasts of adjacent cells across the",
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"title": "Progesterone",
"text": "progesterone levels fall below optimal levels. In mammals, progesterone, like all other steroid hormones, is synthesized from pregnenolone, which itself is derived from cholesterol. Cholesterol undergoes double oxidation to produce 22\"R\"-hydroxycholesterol and then 20α,22\"R\"-dihydroxycholesterol. This vicinal diol is then further oxidized with loss of the side chain starting at position C22 to produce pregnenolone. This reaction is catalyzed by cytochrome P450scc. The conversion of pregnenolone to progesterone takes place in two steps. First, the 3β-hydroxyl group is oxidized to a keto group and second, the double bond is moved to C4, from C5 through a keto/enol tautomerization reaction. This reaction",
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"title": "Proline-rich protein 21",
"text": "have a shape that causes to chain to turn, and especially prevents alpha helices. Also, the proteins contain many positively charged residues that repel each other. This results in loose proteins that are suitable as binding proteins. These binding interactions can be hydrophobic interactions as proline-rich proteins tend to have exposed hydrophobic regions. The prolines themselves work as additional binding sites for hydrogen bonds by being strong hydrogen acceptors. Proline-rich protein 21 Proline-rich protein 21 (PRR21) is a protein of the family of proline-rich proteins. It is encoded by the PRR21 gene, which is found on human chromosome 2, band",
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] | {
"title": "Protein biosynthesis",
"long_answer": "Transcription occurs in the cell nucleus, where the DNA is held. The DNA structure of the cell is made up of two helixes made up of sugar and phosphate held together by hydrogen bonds between the bases of opposite strands. The sugar and the phosphate in each strand are joined together by stronger phosphodiester covalent bonds. The DNA is \"unzipped\" (disruption of hydrogen bonds between different single strands) by the enzyme helicase, leaving the single nucleotide chain open to be copied. RNA polymerase reads the DNA strand from the 3-prime (3') end to the 5-prime (5') end, while it synthesizes a single strand of messenger RNA in the 5'-to-3' direction. The general RNA structure is very similar to the DNA structure, but in RNA the nucleotide uracil takes the place that thymine occupies in DNA. The single strand of mRNA leaves the nucleus through nuclear pores, and migrates into the cytoplasm.",
"chunked_long_answer": "Transcription occurs in the cell nucleus, where the DNA is held. The DNA structure of the cell is made up of two helixes made up of sugar and phosphate held together by hydrogen bonds between the bases of opposite strands. The sugar and the phosphate in each strand are joined together by stronger phosphodiester covalent bonds. The DNA is \"unzipped\" (disruption of hydrogen bonds between different single strands) by the enzyme helicase, leaving the single nucleotide chain open to be copied. RNA polymerase reads the DNA strand from the 3-prime (3') end to the 5-prime (5') end, while it synthesizes",
"short_answers": [
"cell nucleus",
"in the cell nucleus"
} |
if there is a line that lies parallel to the horizon it is said to be | [
"A vanishing point"
] | [
"title": "Vanishing point",
"text": "A vanishing point is a point on the image plane of a perspective drawing where the two-dimensional perspective projections (or drawings) of mutually parallel lines in three-dimensional space appear to converge. When the set of parallel lines is perpendicular to a picture plane, the construction is known as one-point perspective, and their vanishing point corresponds to the oculus, or \"eye point\", from which the image should be viewed for correct perspective geometry. Traditional linear drawings use objects with one to three sets of parallels, defining one to three vanishing points.",
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"title": "Horizon",
"text": "science of graphical perspective. Assuming the picture plane stands vertical to ground, and \"P\" is the perpendicular projection of the eye point \"O\" on the picture plane, the horizon is defined as the horizontal line through \"P\". The point \"P\" is the vanishing point of lines perpendicular to the picture. If \"S\" is another point on the horizon, then it is the vanishing point for all lines parallel to \"OS\". But Brook Taylor (1719) indicated that the horizon plane determined by \"O\" and the horizon was like any other plane: The peculiar geometry of perspective where parallel lines converge in",
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"id": "592669",
"score": "1.2513512",
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"title": "Vanishing point",
"text": "then the vanishing line of is the horizon line . Anderson notes, \"Only one particular vanishing line occurs, often referred to as the \"horizon\". To put it simply, the vanishing line of some plane, say , is obtained by the intersection of the image plane with another plane, say , parallel to the plane of interest (), passing through the camera center. For different sets of lines parallel to this plane , their respective vanishing points will lie on this vanishing line. The horizon line is a theoretical line that represents the eye level of the observer. If the object",
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"title": "Angle (astrology)",
"text": "from the Earth is determined by where the horizon is at the time for which the chart is cast. The horizon forms the boundary between what can be seen, or the visible sky, and sky which exists on the opposite side of the earth, which exists at the same time and space, but cannot be seen. The line of the horizon cuts across the circle of the chart horizontally, and forms the most important angle of the chart: the Ascendant, or the exact place where the Sun's path crosses the horizon in the East. It is at this point that",
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"title": "Vanishing point",
"text": "is below the horizon line, its vanishing lines angle up to the horizon line. If the object is above, they slope down. All vanishing lines end at the horizon line. 1. Projections of two sets of parallel lines lying in some plane appear to converge, i.e. the vanishing point associated with that pair, on a horizon line, or vanishing line formed by the intersection of the image plane with the plane parallel to and passing through the pinhole. Proof: Consider the ground plane , as which is, for the sake of simplicity, orthogonal to the image plane. Also, consider a",
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"title": "Horizon",
"text": "deriving the axioms of a field was deconstructed in the twentieth century, yielding a wide variety of mathematical possibilities. Stillwell states Horizon The horizon or skyline is the apparent line that separates earth from sky, the line that divides all visible directions into two categories: those that intersect the Earth's surface, and those that do not. The horizon is horizontal. At many locations, the true horizon is obscured by trees, buildings, mountains, etc., and the resulting intersection of earth and sky is called the \"visible horizon\". When looking at a sea from a shore, the part of the sea closest",
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"title": "Horizon",
"text": "surface) is imperceptible to the naked eye (but for someone on a 1000-meter hill looking out to sea the true horizon will be about a degree below a horizontal line). In astronomy the horizon is the horizontal plane through the eyes of the observer. It is the fundamental plane of the horizontal coordinate system, the locus of points that have an altitude of zero degrees. While similar in ways to the geometrical horizon, in this context a horizon may be considered to be a plane in space, rather than a line on a picture plane. One typically sees further along",
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"title": "Horizon",
"text": "Horizon The horizon or skyline is the apparent line that separates earth from sky, the line that divides all visible directions into two categories: those that intersect the Earth's surface, and those that do not. The horizon is horizontal. At many locations, the true horizon is obscured by trees, buildings, mountains, etc., and the resulting intersection of earth and sky is called the \"visible horizon\". When looking at a sea from a shore, the part of the sea closest to the horizon is called the offing. The word \"horizon\" derives from the Greek \"ὁρίζων κύκλος\" \"horizōn kyklos\", \"separating circle\", from",
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"title": "Line at infinity",
"text": "the line at infinity. Also, if any pair of lines intersect at a point on the line at infinity, then the pair of lines are parallel. Every line intersects the line at infinity at some point. The point at which the parallel lines intersect depends only on the slope of the lines, not at all on their y-intercept. In the affine plane, a line extends in two opposite directions. In the projective plane, the two opposite directions of a line meet each other at a point on the line at infinity. Therefore, lines in the projective plane are closed curves,",
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"title": "Horizon",
"text": "formula now becomes or where \"R\" is the radius of the Earth. The equation can also be derived using the Pythagorean theorem. Since the line of sight is a tangent to the Earth, it is perpendicular to the radius at the horizon. This sets up a right triangle, with the sum of the radius and the height as the hypotenuse. With referring to the second figure at the right leads to the following: Another relationship involves the distance \"s\" along the curved surface of the Earth to the horizon; with \"γ\" in radians, then Solving for \"s\" gives The distance",
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"title": "Perspective (graphical)",
"text": "on the horizon line. All lines parallel with the viewer's line of sight recede to the horizon towards this vanishing point. This is the standard \"receding railroad tracks\" phenomenon. A two-point drawing would have lines parallel to two different angles. Any number of vanishing points are possible in a drawing, one for each set of parallel lines that are at an angle relative to the plane of the drawing. Perspectives consisting of many parallel lines are observed most often when drawing architecture (architecture frequently uses lines parallel to the x, y, and z axes). Because it is rare to have",
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"title": "Graphical projection",
"text": "of that circle with the horizon line consists of two \"distance points\". They are useful for drawing chessboard floors which, in turn, serve for locating the base of objects on the scene. In the perspective of a geometric solid on the right, after choosing the principal vanishing point —which determines the horizon line— the 45° vanishing point on the left side of the drawing completes the characterization of the (equally distant) point of view. Two lines are drawn from the orthogonal projection of each vertex, one at 45° and one at 90° to the picture plane. After intersecting the ground",
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"title": "Horizon",
"text": "uses the visual relationship between the aircraft's nose and the horizon to control the aircraft. A pilot can also retain his or her spatial orientation by referring to the horizon. In many contexts, especially perspective drawing, the curvature of the Earth is disregarded and the horizon is considered the theoretical line to which points on any horizontal plane converge (when projected onto the picture plane) as their distance from the observer increases. For observers near sea level the difference between this \"geometrical horizon\" (which assumes a perfectly flat, infinite ground plane) and the \"true horizon\" (which assumes a spherical Earth",
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"title": "Horizon",
"text": "the distance, stimulated the development of projective geometry which posits a point at infinity where parallel lines meet. In her book \"Geometry of an Art\" (2007), Kirsti Andersen described the evolution of perspective drawing and science up to 1800, noting that vanishing points need not be on the horizon. In a chapter titled \"Horizon\", John Stillwell recounted how projective geometry has led to incidence geometry, the modern abstract study of line intersection. Stillwell also ventured into foundations of mathematics in a section titled \"What are the Laws of Algebra ?\" The \"algebra of points\", originally given by Karl von Staudt",
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"title": "Projective geometry",
"text": "regarded as a \"line\". Thus, two parallel lines meet on a horizon line by virtue of their incorporating the same direction. Idealized directions are referred to as points at infinity, while idealized horizons are referred to as lines at infinity. In turn, all these lines lie in the plane at infinity. However, infinity is a metric concept, so a purely projective geometry does not single out any points, lines or planes in this regard—those at infinity are treated just like any others. Because a Euclidean geometry is contained within a projective geometry—with projective geometry having a simpler foundation—general results in",
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"title": "Distance from a point to a line",
"text": "a side, and \"h\" is the perpendicular height from the opposite vertex. This proof is only valid if the line is neither vertical nor horizontal, that is, we assume that neither \"a\" nor \"b\" in the equation of the line is zero. The line with equation \"ax\" + \"by\" + \"c\" = 0 has slope -\"a\"/\"b\", so any line perpendicular to it will have slope \"b\"/\"a\" (the negative reciprocal). Let (\"m\", \"n\") be the point of intersection of the line \"ax\" + \"by\" + \"c\" = 0 and the line perpendicular to it which passes through the point (\"x\", \"y\").",
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"title": "Homogeneous coordinates",
"text": "are called points at infinity, and are considered to lie on a new line, the line at infinity. There is a point at infinity corresponding to each direction (numerically given by the slope of a line), informally defined as the limit of a point that moves in that direction away from the origin. Parallel lines in the Euclidean plane are said to intersect at a point at infinity corresponding to their common direction. Given a point on the Euclidean plane, for any non-zero real number \"Z\", the triple is called a \"set of homogeneous coordinates\" for the point. By this",
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"title": "Parallel (geometry)",
"text": "equidistant line definition of Posidonius, expounded by Francis Cuthbertson in his 1874 text \"Euclidean Geometry\" suffers from the problem that the points that are found at a fixed given distance on one side of a straight line must be shown to form a straight line. This can not be proved and must be assumed to be true. The corresponding angles formed by a transversal property, used by W. D. Cooley in his 1860 text, \"The Elements of Geometry, simplified and explained\" requires a proof of the fact that if one transversal meets a pair of lines in congruent corresponding angles",
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"title": "Line (geometry)",
"text": "and, in the special case where the conic is a pair of lines, we have the Pappus line. Parallel lines are lines in the same plane that never cross. Intersecting lines share a single point in common. Coincidental lines coincide with each other—every point that is on either one of them is also on the other. Perpendicular lines are lines that intersect at right angles. In three-dimensional space, skew lines are lines that are not in the same plane and thus do not intersect each other. In many models of projective geometry, the representation of a line rarely conforms to",
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"title": "Curvilinear perspective",
"text": "horizon line, while orthogonals are created using a compass set on a line made at a 90-degree angle through each of the four vanishing points. Distances a and c between the viewer and the wall are greater than the b distance, so adopting the principle that when an object is a greater distance from the observer, it becomes smaller, the wall is reduced and thus appears distorted at the edges. If a point has the 3D Cartesian coordinates (\"x\",\"y\",\"z\"): Denoting distance from the point to the origin by \"d\" = , then the transformation of the point to a curvilinear",
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"title": "Apparent horizon",
"text": "horizon, ever, despite the fact that there is certainly an event horizon. Apparent horizon In general relativity, an apparent horizon is a surface that is the boundary between light rays that are directed outwards and moving outwards, and those directed outward but moving inward. Apparent horizons are not invariant properties of a spacetime, and in particular they are distinct from event horizons. Within an apparent horizon, light is not moving away from the black hole, whereas in an event horizon, light cannot escape from the black hole. It is possible for light to be currently moving away from the black",
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"title": "Perspective (graphical)",
"text": "and parallel lines perpendicular to the horizon line – similar to the vertical lines used in two-point perspective. One-point, two-point, and three-point perspective are dependent on the structure of the scene being viewed. These only exist for strict Cartesian (rectilinear) scenes. By inserting into a Cartesian scene a set of parallel lines that are not parallel to any of the three axes of the scene, a new distinct vanishing point is created. Therefore, it is possible to have an infinite-point perspective if the scene being viewed is not a Cartesian scene but instead consists of infinite pairs of parallel lines,",
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"title": "Vanishing point",
"text": "line that lies in the plane , which is defined by the equation . Using perspective pinhole projections, a point on projected on the image plane will have coordinates defined as, This is the parametric representation of the image of the line with as the parameter. When it stops at the point on the axis of the image plane. This is the vanishing point corresponding to all parallel lines with slope in the plane . All vanishing points associated with different lines with different slopes belonging to plane will lie on the axis, which in this case is the horizon",
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"title": "Analemma",
"text": "described above. The point where the horizon intersects the celestial equator represents due east or west. The point where the Sun is at sunrise or sunset represents the direction of sunrise or sunset. Simply measuring the distance along the horizon between these points, in angular terms (comparing it with the length of the analemma, as described above), gives the angle between due east or west and the direction of sunrise or sunset. Whether the sunrise or sunset is north or south of due east or west is clear from the diagram. The larger loop of the analemma is at its",
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"title": "Edward Wright (mathematician)",
"text": "for nautical purposes as it represented lines of constant true bearing or true course, known as loxodromes or rhumb lines, as straight lines. However, Mercator had not explained his method. On a globe, circles of latitude (also known as parallels) get smaller as they move away from the Equator towards the North or South Pole. Thus, in the Mercator projection, when a globe is \"unwrapped\" on to a rectangular map, the parallels need to be stretched to the length of the Equator. In addition, parallels are further apart as they approach the poles. Wright compiled a table with three columns.",
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"title": "Apparent horizon",
"text": "Apparent horizon In general relativity, an apparent horizon is a surface that is the boundary between light rays that are directed outwards and moving outwards, and those directed outward but moving inward. Apparent horizons are not invariant properties of a spacetime, and in particular they are distinct from event horizons. Within an apparent horizon, light is not moving away from the black hole, whereas in an event horizon, light cannot escape from the black hole. It is possible for light to be currently moving away from the black hole (and so outside the apparent horizon), but in the future will",
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"title": "Planisphere",
"text": "that nearer the horizon, this may be a good reason to prefer a planisphere made with the polar azimuthal equidistant projection method. The upper disc contains a \"horizon\", that defines the visible part of the sky at any given moment, which is naturally half of the total starry sky. That horizon line is most of the time also distorted, for the same reason the constellations are distorted. The horizon line on a stereographic projection is a perfect circle. The horizon line on other projections is a kind of \"collapsed\" oval. The horizon is designed for a particular latitude and thus",
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"title": "Limiting parallel",
"text": "Limiting parallel In neutral or absolute geometry, and in hyperbolic geometry, there may be many lines parallel to a given line formula_1 through a point formula_2 not on line formula_3; however, in the plane, two parallels may be closer to formula_1 than all others (one in each direction of formula_3). Thus it is useful to make a new definition concerning parallels in neutral geometry. If there are closest parallels to a given line they are known as the limiting parallel, asymptotic parallel or horoparallel (horo from — border). For rays, the relation of limiting parallel is an equivalence relation, which",
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"title": "Celestial navigation",
"text": "it to be 10 degrees from the horizon, then he is about 10 degrees north of the equator. This approximate latitude is then corrected using simple tables or almanac corrections to determine a latitude theoretically accurate to within a fraction of a mile. Angles are measured from the horizon because locating the point directly overhead, the zenith, is not normally possible. When haze obscures the horizon, navigators use artificial horizons, which are horizontal mirrors of pans of reflective fluid, especially mercury historically. In the latter case, the angle between the reflected image in the mirror and the actual image of",
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"title": "Space",
"text": "for Euclidean geometry. One of these, the parallel postulate, has been the subject of debate among mathematicians for many centuries. It states that on any plane on which there is a straight line \"L\" and a point \"P\" not on \"L\", there is exactly one straight line \"L\" on the plane that passes through the point \"P\" and is parallel to the straight line \"L\". Until the 19th century, few doubted the truth of the postulate; instead debate centered over whether it was necessary as an axiom, or whether it was a theory that could be derived from the other",
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] | {
"title": "Vanishing point",
"long_answer": "A vanishing point is a point on the image plane of a perspective drawing where the two-dimensional perspective projections (or drawings) of mutually parallel lines in three-dimensional space appear to converge. When the set of parallel lines is perpendicular to a picture plane, the construction is known as one-point perspective, and their vanishing point corresponds to the oculus, or \"eye point\", from which the image should be viewed for correct perspective geometry. Traditional linear drawings use objects with one to three sets of parallels, defining one to three vanishing points.",
"chunked_long_answer": "A vanishing point is a point on the image plane of a perspective drawing where the two-dimensional perspective projections (or drawings) of mutually parallel lines in three-dimensional space appear to converge. When the set of parallel lines is perpendicular to a picture plane, the construction is known as one-point perspective, and their vanishing point corresponds to the oculus, or \"eye point\", from which the image should be viewed for correct perspective geometry. Traditional linear drawings use objects with one to three sets of parallels, defining one to three vanishing points.",
"short_answers": [
"A vanishing point"
} |
when's the last time the philadelphia eagles played the new england patriots | [
"in Super Bowl LII"
] | [
"title": "Super Bowl XXXIX",
"text": "The Eagles and the Patriots met again in Super Bowl LII, following the 2017 season, with the Eagles taking their revenge 41–33.",
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"title": "2004 New England Patriots season",
"text": "game, some Eagles players revealed that McNabb was so sick that he had trouble calling the plays.) The Eagles failed to recover their ensuing onside kick attempt. The Patriots then played it safe by running the ball 3 times and forcing Philadelphia to use all of its timeouts. New England punter Josh Miller then pinned the Eagles back at their own 4-yard line with just 46 seconds left in the game. Philadelphia then tried one last desperate drive to win or tie the game. But on first down, McNabb was pressured into making a rushed pass to Westbrook at the",
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"id": "10076730",
"score": "0.99529254",
"original_retrieval_index": 0
"title": "2010 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "could have had Lincoln Financial Field ready in time for kickoff, and the postponement decision was made by the league and the Eagles. This was the 20th NFL game to be played on a Tuesday, but the first since . The last Eagles game on a Tuesday was September 26, 1944, when they defeated the Boston Yanks in the season opener. It was also the Yanks first regular season franchise game. The Giants' loss to the Packers earlier on Sunday gave the Eagles the NFC East title. The Eagles' chances of contending for a first-round bye were ended with the",
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"id": "14005280",
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"title": "2001–02 NFL playoffs",
"text": "as the stadium was closed for major renovations, thus marking the Philadelphia Eagles the last team to win at the legendary stadium. This game has become a part of NFL lore. It was the final contest in the history of Foxboro Stadium, played under heavy snowfall. It is best remembered for a call near the end of the game with Oakland protecting a three-point lead. The referees initially ruled that New England quarterback Tom Brady had fumbled on a pass attempt. Invoking the \"tuck rule\", where a ball is ruled an incomplete pass after the quarterback starts any forward motion,",
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"title": "Super Bowl XXXIX",
"text": "played it safe by running the ball 3 times and forcing Philadelphia to use all of its timeouts. New England punter Josh Miller then pinned the Eagles back at their own 4-yard line with just 46 seconds left in the game. Philadelphia then tried one last desperate drive to win or tie the game. But on first down, McNabb was pressured into making a rushed pass to Westbrook at the line of scrimmage. Instead of dropping the pass to stop the clock, Westbrook made the mistake of catching the ball and was immediately tackled for no gain, keeping the clock",
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"title": "1987 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "October 25, 1987 Kickoff 1:00 PM Eastern Played at Veterans Stadium on an Astroturf playing surface in 56F degrees with wind at 15 MPH. This was the first week the Eagles played after the NFLPA strike ended. This was the revenge game for Week 4, where the Cowboys ran up the score against an Eagles replacement squad. Despite the game being effectively over, with the Eagles leading and having possession of the ball, the Eagles performed a fake spike into a pass. Pass interference was called, and the Eagles successfully scored from the 1-yard line on the next play as",
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"title": "NBC Sunday Night Football",
"text": "the Philadelphia Eagles beat the New England Patriots in a rematch of Super Bowl XXXIX. The 2018 NFL season schedule was released in April. NBC's first telecast of the season was on September 6, 2018 featured the Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles defeating the Atlanta Falcons. For the ninth season in a row, the NFL placed a game against a World Series game, with the New Orleans Saints against the Minnesota Vikings, going up against the fifth (and final) game of the Fall Classic, between the Los Angeles Dodgers against the Boston Red Sox. This will also be the first",
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"title": "Temple Stadium",
"text": "Philadelphia Eagles used the stadium twice for home games. On Tuesday, November 6, 1934, the Eagles beat the Cincinnati Reds, 64-0. This game was historic because it was the first time in NFL history that a team scored ten touchdowns in one game, and it is still the second most lopsided game in NFL history, second only to the Chicago Bears' 73-0 victory over the Washington Redskins in the 1940 NFL Championship Game. It was also the last game ever for the Reds, who had found out the previous day that their team was being disbanded and replaced in the",
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"id": "8064456",
"score": "0.9548678",
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"title": "Super Bowl LII",
"text": "Eagles with a 38–33 lead. On the Patriots' next drive, Eagles defensive end Brandon Graham stripped the ball from Brady on the drive's second play for the only sack of the game for either team. Defensive end Derek Barnett of the Eagles recovered the ball, allowing the Eagles to run the clock down to 1:05 and forcing New England to use up all their remaining timeouts. Elliott then kicked a 46-yard field goal, putting Philadelphia ahead by eight points, with the score at 41–33, and New England needing a touchdown and a two-point conversion to tie the game and send",
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"id": "17473873",
"score": "0.95146954",
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"title": "2013 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "at the quarterback helm. This was the first game in NFL history to end with a final score of 54-11. With the convincing win, the Eagles improved to 9-6, and will face their arch rivals, the Dallas Cowboys, next Sunday Night for the division crown. This game would end when Kyle Orton threw an interception late in the fourth quarter. With the win, the Eagles improved to 10-6 and sealed NFC East Championship and 3rd seed in the playoffs. They would also be the third team in a row to defeat the Cowboys in the last game of the regular",
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"title": "Philadelphia Eagles",
"text": "city. The last home game which was blacked out on television in the Philadelphia market as a result of not being sold out was against the Arizona Cardinals on Sunday, September 12, 1999, which was Andy Reid's first home game as new head coach of the Eagles. The studies note that—win or lose—Eagles fans can be counted on to pack their stadium. As of August 2008, the team had sold out 71 consecutive games, and 70,000 were on the team's waiting list for season tickets. Despite finishing with a 6–10 record in the 2005 season, the Eagles ranked second in",
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"id": "313871",
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"title": "Veterans Stadium",
"text": "led the NFL to rule that seating areas must be cleared of snow within a certain time period before kickoff. The Eagles fans' behavior during a \"Monday Night Football\" loss to the San Francisco 49ers in 1997 and a 34-0 loss to Dallas a year later was such that the City of Philadelphia assigned a Municipal Court Judge, Seamus McCaffery, to the stadium on game days to deal with fans removed from the stands in what was referred to as \"Eagles Court\". Judge McCaffery would hold court in the stadium until the stadium's closure in 2003; the Eagles' replacement stadium,",
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"title": "2002–03 NFL playoffs",
"text": "leader in both regular season and postseason kickoff return yards, returned four kickoffs for 125 yards and four punts for 34 yards in the final playoff game of his career. This was the last Eagles game ever played at Veterans Stadium which was demolished following the 2003 Major League Baseball season. In a Sports Illustrated list of the worst losses in Philadelphia sports history since the in 1983 published in 2008, this game was ranked first. . Until the Jacksonville Jaguars' appearance in the 2017 AFC championship game, this was the last conference title game to feature a team from",
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"id": "4554567",
"score": "0.9448729",
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"title": "1987 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "leader was Jerry Rice with 23. This marked the first time in NFL history that a category leader doubled the total of his nearest competitor. Sunday, September 13, 1987 Kickoff 1:00 PM Eastern Played at Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium on grass playing surface in 74F degrees with wind at 11 MPH. Sunday, September 20, 1987 Kickoff 1:00 PM Eastern Played at Veterans Stadium on an Astroturf playing surface in 62F degrees with wind at 12 MPH. Because of the NFLPA union's players strike against the NFL, all the games this week were cancelled. Replacement players were used when the",
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"id": "12643483",
"score": "0.94239575",
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"title": "2007 New England Patriots season",
"text": "clock, punted, giving the Eagles the ball back with 18 seconds remaining. Feeley's last pass attempt was intercepted by Sanders to seal the Patriots’ eleventh win of the season as they improved to 11–0. For their third night game in as many weeks, the Patriots flew to M&T Bank Stadium to face the 4–7 Ravens. On the first drive of the game, a 42-yard Stallworth reception and three Ravens penalties helped set up a 1st and goal from the Ravens’ 3-yard line. The Patriots next four plays gained a net of zero yards, and Gostkowksi kicked a 21-yard field goal",
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"title": "2017 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "Brady was sacked by Brandon Graham and fumbled the ball, which was recovered by Derek Barnett at the Patriots' 31 yard line. The Eagles would increase their lead on Elliott's 46-yard field goal to make it 41–33. With seconds left, the Pats were able to advance the ball down to midfield. With under 10 seconds remaining, Brady tried for a Hail Mary pass that could have sent the game into overtime with a touchdown and successful 2-point conversion. However, Gronkowski would be blanketed in the end zone by Eagles defenders causing the pass to fall incomplete, sealing the game and",
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"title": "2009 Philadelphia Eagles season",
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"title": "2004 Philadelphia Eagles season",
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"title": "2007 Philadelphia Eagles season",
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"title": "History of the Philadelphia Eagles",
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"title": "2004 New England Patriots season",
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"title": "2006 Philadelphia Eagles season",
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"title": "1960 NFL Championship Game",
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"title": "2010 Philadelphia Eagles season",
"text": "Tuesday, December 28, 2010, at 8:00 p.m. out of concern for public safety. The game aired on NBC The NFL postponed the game shortly after noon, even before there was any snow accumulation in Philadelphia, after Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter declared a snow emergency for the city. Eagles and NFL officials said that the postponement decision was made mainly out of concern for the safety of fans, vendors, suppliers and stadium workers. The game was scheduled to end just before midnight Philadelphia time, during the worst of the storm. Eagles COO Don Smolenski said the possibility of having over 72,000",
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"title": "1990 New England Patriots season",
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"title": "Super Bowl XXXIX",
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"title": "2017 Philadelphia Eagles season",
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"title": "2018 Philadelphia Eagles season",
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] | {
"title": "Super Bowl XXXIX",
"long_answer": "The Eagles and the Patriots met again in Super Bowl LII, following the 2017 season, with the Eagles taking their revenge 41–33.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The Eagles and the Patriots met again in Super Bowl LII, following the 2017 season, with the Eagles taking their revenge 41–33.",
"short_answers": [
"in Super Bowl LII"
} |
what was the purpose of a revival meeting during the second great awakening | [
] | [
"title": "Second Great Awakening",
"text": "The Second Great Awakening occurred in several episodes and over different denominations; however, the revivals were very similar. As the most effective form of evangelizing during this period, revival meetings cut across geographical boundaries, and the movement quickly spread throughout Kentucky, Tennessee and southern Ohio. Each denomination had assets that allowed it to thrive on the frontier. The Methodists had an efficient organization that depended on itinerant ministers, known as circuit riders, who sought out people in remote frontier locations. The circuit riders came from among the common people, which helped them establish rapport with the frontier families they hoped",
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"title": "Camp meeting",
"text": "force in religion since the 1740s and the First Great Awakening, but in the days of the camp meeting, \"revivalism became the dominant religious culture.\" These sorts of meetings contributed greatly to what became known as the Second Great Awakening. A particularly large and successful revival was held at Cane Ridge, Kentucky in 1801, led by some ministers later active in what became the Restoration Movement. Some scholars suggest that this was the pioneering event in the history of frontier camp meetings in America. What made camp meetings successful and multiply quite rapidly \"were their emphases upon revivalism and morality,",
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"title": "Presbyterian Church in the United States of America",
"text": "first grew out of meetings led by Presbyterian minister James McGready. The most famous camp meeting of the Second Great Awakening, the Cane Ridge Revival in Kentucky, occurred during a traditional Scottish communion season under the leadership of local Presbyterian minister Barton W. Stone. Over 10 thousand people came to Cane Ridge to hear sermons from Presbyterian as well as Methodist and Baptist preachers. Like the First Great Awakening, Presbyterian ministers were divided over their assessment of the fruits of the new wave of revivals. Many pointed to \"excesses\" displayed by some participants as signs that the revivals were theologically",
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"title": "Second Great Awakening",
"text": "an even larger sacrament occasion was held at Cane Ridge, Kentucky under Barton Stone, attracting perhaps as many as 20,000 people. Numerous Presbyterian, Baptist and Methodist ministers participated in the services. Thanks to such leaders as Barton W. Stone (1772–1844) and Alexander Campbell (1788–1866), the camp meeting revival became a major mode of church expansion for the Methodists and Baptists. The Cumberland Presbyterian Church emerged in Kentucky. Cane Ridge was also instrumental in fostering what became known as the Restoration Movement. This was made up of non-denominational churches committed to what they saw as the original, fundamental Christianity of the",
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"title": "Second Great Awakening",
"text": "These often provided the first encounter for some settlers with organized religion, and they were important as social venues. The camp meeting was a religious service of several days' length with preachers. Settlers in thinly populated areas gathered at the camp meeting for fellowship as well as worship. The sheer exhilaration of participating in a religious revival with crowds of hundreds and perhaps thousands of people inspired the dancing, shouting, and singing associated with these events. The revivals followed an arc of great emotional power, with an emphasis of the individual's sins and need to turn to Christ, restored by",
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"title": "Revival meeting",
"text": "Revival meeting A revival meeting is a series of Christian religious services held to inspire active members of a church body to gain new converts. Nineteenth-century Baptist preacher Charles Spurgeon said, \"Many blessings may come to the unconverted in consequence of a revival among Christians, but the revival itself has to do only with those who already possess spiritual life.\" These meetings are usually conducted by churches or missionary organizations throughout the world. Notable historic revival meetings were conducted in the US by evangelist Billy Sunday and in Wales by evangelist Evan Roberts. A revival meeting usually consists of several",
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"title": "Revival meeting",
"text": "the Congregational church in De Smet, South Dakota. Remembrances of revival-meetings attended as a youth were the inspiration for the second movement of Charles Ives' Orchestral Set No. 2, \"The Rockstrewn Hills Join in the People's Outdoor Meeting\". Revival meeting A revival meeting is a series of Christian religious services held to inspire active members of a church body to gain new converts. Nineteenth-century Baptist preacher Charles Spurgeon said, \"Many blessings may come to the unconverted in consequence of a revival among Christians, but the revival itself has to do only with those who already possess spiritual life.\" These meetings",
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"title": "Revival of 1800",
"text": "1807 and moved to Henderson, Kentucky, to minister to a congregation he had pioneered during the 1800 revivals. He died there in 1817. Revival of 1800 The Revival of 1800 was a series of evangelical Christian meetings which began in Logan County, Kentucky, which ignited the subsequent events and influenced several of the leaders of the Second Great Awakening. The events represented a transition from traditions carried over from Europe to innovations that responded to the unique needs and personality of Americans in the new century. The startling manifestations of revival fervor that first occurred in June 1800 at the",
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"title": "Old School–New School Controversy",
"text": "Jedidiah Morse and other conservatives to found the Andover Theological Seminary as an orthodox, trinitarian alternative to the Harvard Divinity School. In the U.S. the Second Great Awakening (1800–30s) was the second great religious revival in United States history and consisted of renewed personal salvation experienced in revival meetings. Presbyterian Rev. Charles Finney (1792–1875) was a key leader of the evangelical revival movement in America. From 1821 onwards he conducted revival meetings across many north-eastern states and won many converts. For him, a revival was not a miracle but a change of mindset that was ultimately a matter for the",
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"title": "Red River Meeting House",
"text": "Red River Meeting House The Red River Meeting House was the site of the first religious camp meeting in the United States. Held June 13–17, 1800, it marked the start of the Second Great Awakening, a major religious movement in the United States in the first part of the nineteenth century. The meeting was organized by the Presbyterian minister James McGready (also spelled M'Gready) in Logan County, Kentucky, and several preachers took part. What later became known as the Revival of 1800 began as a traditional Presbyterian sacramental occasion at the Red River Meeting House in June of the same",
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"title": "Second Great Awakening",
"text": "a sense of personal salvation. Upon their return home, most converts joined or created small local churches, which grew rapidly. Calvinists emphasized the inability of men to save themselves. The only way to be saved was by God's electing grace. The Revival of 1800 in Logan County, Kentucky, began as a traditional Presbyterian sacramental occasion. The first informal camp meeting began there in June, when people began camping on the grounds of the Red River Meeting House. Subsequent meetings followed at the nearby Gasper River and Muddy River congregations, all three under the ministry of James McGready. One year later,",
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"title": "Camp meeting",
"text": "Camp meeting The camp meeting is a form of Protestant Christian religious service originating in England and Scotland as an evangelical event in association with the communion season. It was held for worship, preaching and communion on the American frontier during the Second Great Awakening of the early 19th century. Revivals and camp meetings continued to be held by various denominations, and in some areas of the mid-Atlantic, led to the development of seasonal cottages for meetings. Originally camp meetings were held in frontier areas, where people without regular preachers would travel on occasion from a large region to a",
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"title": "Christianity in the United States",
"text": "revivals was the camp meeting. When assembled in a field or at the edge of a forest for a prolonged religious meeting, the participants transformed the site into a camp meeting. Singing and preaching were the main activities for several days. The revivals were often intense and created intense emotions. Some fell away but many if not most became permanent church members. The Methodists and Baptists made them one of the evangelical signatures of the denomination. The Christianity of the black population was grounded in evangelicalism. The Second Great Awakening has been called the \"central and defining event in the",
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"title": "Cane Ridge Revival",
"text": "Cane Ridge Revival The Cane Ridge Revival was a large camp meeting that was held in Cane Ridge, Kentucky from August 6 to August 12 or 13, 1801. It has been described as the \"[l]argest and most famous camp meeting of the Second Great Awakening.\" This camp meeting was arguably the pioneering event in the history of frontier camp meetings in America. It was based at the Cane Ridge Meeting House and drew between 10,000 and 20,000 people. According to \"The Encyclopedia of the Stone-Campbell Movement\", logistical considerations make it unlikely that more than 10,000 could have been present at",
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"title": "Camp meeting",
"text": "particular site to camp, pray, sing hymns, and listen to itinerant preachers at the tabernacle. Camp meetings offered community, often singing and other music, sometimes dancing, and diversion from work. The practice was a major component of the Second Great Awakening, an evangelical movement promoted by Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian and other preachers in the early 19th century. Certain denominations took the lead in different geographic areas. Camp meetings today are often held annually at campgrounds owned by a Christian denomination. The camp meeting is a phenomenon of American frontier Christianity, as well as British Christianity, but with strong roots in",
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"title": "Christian revival",
"text": "a majority that tends to impose its own standards. The Grundtvigian and Home Mission revival movements arose in Denmark after 1860 and reshaped religion in that country, and among immigrants to America. In the U.S. the Second Great Awakening (1800–30s) was the second great religious revival in United States history and consisted of renewed personal salvation experienced in revival meetings. Major leaders included Asahel Nettleton, James Brainerd Taylor, Charles Grandison Finney, Lyman Beecher, Barton Stone, Alexander Campbell, Peter Cartwright and James B. Finley. Rev. Charles Finney (1792–1875) was a key leader of the evangelical revival movement in America. From 1821",
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"title": "History of Christianity in the United States",
"text": "new members enrolled in existing evangelical denominations and led to the formation of new denominations. Many converts believed that the Awakening heralded a new millennial age. The Second Great Awakening stimulated the establishment of many reform movements designed to remedy the evils of society before the anticipated Second Coming of Jesus Christ. While the First Great Awakening was centered on reviving the spirituality of established congregations, the Second focused on the unchurched and sought to instill in them a deep sense of personal salvation as experienced in revival meetings. The principal innovation produced by the revivals was the camp meeting.",
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"title": "First Great Awakening",
"text": "Sometimes revival would be initiated by regular preaching or the customary pulpit exchanges between two ministers. Through their efforts, New England experienced a \"great and general Awakening\" between 1740 and 1743 characterized by a greater interest in religious experience, widespread emotional preaching, and intense emotional reactions accompanying conversion, including fainting and weeping. There was a greater emphasis on prayer and devotional reading, and the Puritan ideal of a converted church membership was revived. It is estimated that between 20,000 to 50,000 new members were admitted to New England's Congregational churches even as expectations for members increased. By 1745, the Awakening",
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"title": "Cane Ridge Revival",
"text": "the camp area, some using stumps, wagons and fallen trees as makeshift platforms. Cane Ridge Revival The Cane Ridge Revival was a large camp meeting that was held in Cane Ridge, Kentucky from August 6 to August 12 or 13, 1801. It has been described as the \"[l]argest and most famous camp meeting of the Second Great Awakening.\" This camp meeting was arguably the pioneering event in the history of frontier camp meetings in America. It was based at the Cane Ridge Meeting House and drew between 10,000 and 20,000 people. According to \"The Encyclopedia of the Stone-Campbell Movement\", logistical",
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"title": "Evangelicalism in the United States",
"text": "membership.\" According to historian Perry Miller, the First Great Awakening was \"nothing more than an inevitable culmination\" of the covenant renewals. The renewals, however, differed from the evangelical revivals in that covenant renewals were planned in advance. The earliest evangelicals came to believe that revivals were outpourings of the Holy Spirit that usually occurred unexpectedly. Using this definition of revival, historian Thomas Kidd identified Puritan minister Samuel Torrey as the first evangelical spokesman in New England. Torrey became pastor of Weymouth, Massachusetts, in 1666, and throughout his ministry preached on the necessity of revival among ministers and congregations, calling for",
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"title": "Revival of 1800",
"text": "Revival of 1800 The Revival of 1800 was a series of evangelical Christian meetings which began in Logan County, Kentucky, which ignited the subsequent events and influenced several of the leaders of the Second Great Awakening. The events represented a transition from traditions carried over from Europe to innovations that responded to the unique needs and personality of Americans in the new century. The startling manifestations of revival fervor that first occurred in June 1800 at the Red River Meeting House, a small Presbyterian congregation led by James McGready, began as a Scottish sacrament service, but brought about the important",
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"title": "History of Protestantism in the United States",
"text": "nation's largest and most influential denominations. The principal innovation produced by the revivals was the camp meeting. The revivals were organized by Presbyterian ministers who modeled them after the extended outdoor communion seasons, used by the Presbyterian Church in Scotland, which frequently produced emotional, demonstrative displays of religious conviction. In Kentucky, the pioneers loaded their families and provisions into their wagons and drove to the Presbyterian meetings, where they pitched tents and settled in for several days. When assembled in a field or at the edge of a forest for a prolonged religious meeting, the participants transformed the site into",
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"title": "Church of the United Brethren in Christ",
"text": "college, Huntington University. Though the church was not organized until 1800, its roots reach back to 1767. In May of that year, a \"Great Meeting\" (part of the interdenominational revival movement known as the \"Great Awakening\") was held at a barn belonging to Isaac Long in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Martin Boehm (1725–1812), a Mennonite preacher, spoke of his becoming a Christian through crying out to God while plowing in the field. Philip William Otterbein (1726–1813), a Reformed pastor at York, Pennsylvania, left his seat, embraced Boehm and said to him, \"Wir sind Brüder (we are brethren).\" The followers of Boehm and",
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"title": "History of Protestantism",
"text": "religious expression—the Scottish camp meeting. The Second Great Awakening made its way across the frontier territories, fed by intense longing for a prominent place for God in the life of the new nation, a new liberal attitude toward fresh interpretations of the Bible, and a contagious experience of zeal for authentic spirituality. As these revivals spread, they gathered converts to Protestant sects of the time. However, the revivals eventually moved freely across denominational lines, with practically identical results, and went farther than ever toward breaking down the allegiances which kept adherents to these denominations loyal to their own. Consequently, the",
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"title": "Revival of 1800",
"text": "revival meetings in their initial year-long period beginning in June 1800 and continuing through May 1801. James McGready arrived in Logan County in 1797, but he had become a seasoned revivalist in North Carolina. His first congregation had been in Guilford County, North Carolina, a center of evangelical Presbyterian revivals in the late 1780s and early 1790s. The churches were recovering from the cultural readjustment of post-revolutionary America that, in many cases, left institutional religion in a weakened state. As states disestablished their churches following the war, the Anglican Church in the south was particularly affected, having fallen out of",
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"title": "Separate Baptists",
"text": "in 1740. The pastor of the Baptist church disapproved of the revival excitement, while several members approved of it and became discontented with the pastor's ministry. They withdrew from the First Baptist Church and formed Second Baptist Church in 1743. The Great Awakening served to both invigorate and divide churches. Many denominations divided into Old Lights — holding a low view of the revivalism, and sometimes directly opposing it — and \"New Lights\" — who enthusiastically embraced it. Many New Lights felt that the old ways had allowed too many unconverted church members, and by the end of the 1740s",
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"title": "History of Christianity in the United States",
"text": "When assembled in a field or at the edge of a forest for a prolonged religious meeting, the participants transformed the site into a camp meeting. Singing and preaching was the main activity for several days. The revivals were often intense and created intense emotions. Some fell away but many if not most became permanent church members. The Methodists and Baptists made them one of the evangelical signatures of the denomination. During the Second Great Awakening new Protestant denominations emerged such as Adventism, the Restoration Movement, and groups such as Jehovah's Witnesses and (although it did not use revivals) Mormonism.",
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"title": "History of Christian theology",
"text": "centuries. Christians enjoying spiritual liberties started to crave political liberties as well. Religion and politics were so interwoven that the Christians started craving political freedom as well, thus leading the colonies into a revolution that shaped the foundation we would come to call The United States of America, one nation under God. The Second Great Awakening (1800–1830s) was the second great religious revival in United States history and consisted of renewed personal salvation experienced in revival meetings. Major leaders included Charles Grandison Finney, Lyman Beecher, Barton Stone. Peter Cartwright and James B. Finley. In New England, the renewed interest in",
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"title": "History of Cambuslang",
"text": "of the Great Awakening, or Revival, affecting the whole of the UK and stretching to the colonies in North America. As Dr Meek's successor (and son-in-law) Dr Robertson describes it in the Second Statistical Account. It occurred from 15 February until 15 August 1742 under the ministry of the Rev Mr Mcculloch ‘\"when in an encampment of tents on the hillside, Whitefield, at the head of a band of clergy, held day after day a festival, which might be called awful, but scarcely solemn, among a multitude calculated by contemporary writers, to amount to 30,000 people.\"’ Dr Robertson had inherited",
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"title": "First Great Awakening",
"text": "First Great Awakening The First Great Awakening (sometimes Great Awakening) or the Evangelical Revival was a series of Christian revivals that swept Britain and its Thirteen Colonies between the 1730s and 1740s. The revival movement permanently affected Protestantism as adherents strove to renew individual piety and religious devotion. The Great Awakening marked the emergence of Anglo-American evangelicalism as a transdenominational movement within the Protestant churches. In the United States, the term \"Great Awakening\" is most often used, while in the United Kingdom, it is referred to as the \"Evangelical Revival\". Building on the foundations of older traditions—Puritanism, pietism and Presbyterianism—major",
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] | {
"title": "Second Great Awakening",
"long_answer": "The Second Great Awakening occurred in several episodes and over different denominations; however, the revivals were very similar. As the most effective form of evangelizing during this period, revival meetings cut across geographical boundaries, and the movement quickly spread throughout Kentucky, Tennessee and southern Ohio. Each denomination had assets that allowed it to thrive on the frontier. The Methodists had an efficient organization that depended on itinerant ministers, known as circuit riders, who sought out people in remote frontier locations. The circuit riders came from among the common people, which helped them establish rapport with the frontier families they hoped to convert.",
"chunked_long_answer": "The Second Great Awakening occurred in several episodes and over different denominations; however, the revivals were very similar. As the most effective form of evangelizing during this period, revival meetings cut across geographical boundaries, and the movement quickly spread throughout Kentucky, Tennessee and southern Ohio. Each denomination had assets that allowed it to thrive on the frontier. The Methodists had an efficient organization that depended on itinerant ministers, known as circuit riders, who sought out people in remote frontier locations. The circuit riders came from among the common people, which helped them establish rapport with the frontier families they hoped",
"short_answers": [
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