Rs. E. A.
Nicholaus Baggott de Munster in Regio Hiberina generosus etats
21 annorum aut eo circiter testis in hac parte productus, iuratus
et examinatus deponit et dicit pvt sequitur videlicet /
Ad him ponem alluis ex parte Daylye et socoru in hac causa dat
et admiss deponit et dicit That uppon a Complainte made to
the Governor or magestrate of Saint Malloes in ffrannce that the master or
merchantes of the articulate shippe the Unitye or one of them had refused to undertake
the transportacon of the articulate Captaine Butler him this
examinate and certaine others theire associats nowe in custodye whoe had desired
passage of them in the said shippe for Corcke in Ireland wheither they understood
the said shippe the Unitye was bounde and wheither they desired to goe the Governor or
magistrate caused the Master of the said shippe called Daniel
Dalye to come before him
and haveinge seene theire passes
for theire transportacon they beinge willinge to pay for theire passages
promised them his beste assistance therein and thereuppon did compell
and enforce the said Master to undertake theire passage
aforesaid and to that purpose tooke some writeinge from him
for his performeance therein And this hee affirmeth uppon his oath
to bee true whoe sawe the said master when hee was broughte before the Governor or marstrate aforesaid Ac aliter pro parte sua nescit./
Super reliquis non examinatur /
Ad Interrogatoria [CENTRE HEADING]
Ad primum respondet That the Governor or magistrate aforesaid in obedience
to the passes which hee sawe that theire requeste beinge denied
theire passage otherwise sent for the master by one or two
messengers and comannded him to under take the same and those
passes were uppon theire seizure delivered to one Captaine
ffortescue but what is since become of them hee knoweth not Ac aliter
nescit /
Ad secundum pro parte sua nescit respondere for that hee had noe conferrence with the parties interrogate or any of them savinge that all the reason
that this examinate ever hearde whie the said Master refused
to transporte the said Butler and his asociats for Ireland aforesaid
was for feare of trouble which hee doubted hee should undergoe
if hee did willinge under take the same
Ad tertium respondet That hee this respondente firste came to understande
of the foresaid shippes goeinge for Ireland by Captaine Butler
but to his knowledge hee never sawe the Master or any of his Company
or the merchants untill hee sawe the master when hee was broughte
before the Governor or Magistrate aforesaid. Ac aliter quam ponis
Ad quartum respondet That hee beleeveth the Governour or Magistrate
at Saint Malloes aforesaid knewe well enoughe that the said
Captaine Butler and his associats aforesaid were Irishe men
and had bine officers under the ffrench Kinge in his warrs agte
the Spaniards, et salvis praedepoitis
aliter nescit
Ad quintum pro parte sua nescit respondere aliter quam poins ut dicit./
Undecimo Aprilis 1642 [CENTRE HEADING]
R: E: B:
John Rian de Solloghd in Comitatu Tiperarie
infra parochia de Munster in Regno Hibernia ubi natus facit etats 23
annorum aut eo circiter testis in hac parte productus iuratus et examinatus
dicit et deponit pvt sequitur videlicet./
Ad primum secundum tertium quartum quintum sextum et septium ex parte Yeo in hac
negocia dat et admiss non examinatur ex direccone producents.
Ad octavum poneon alegaconis pred dicit et deponit, That he this deponent
has served the ffrench Kinge in his warr in the Low Countryes againste
the Spaniards as Captaine of a ffoote Company under the Comannde of
Colonell Lynnett being an Irish Colonell about the space of allmost
three years last past, And he further sayeth that being disbanded togeather
with the rest of the Company uppon Saint Stephens daye last he this deponent
and this precontests Captaine Daniel Rian and Nicholas Baggott went
unto Paris in ffrannce being out of ymployment
to seek for further ymploment or for their pay and recompense for their service
And having wayted at there at Court about six weekes were at last ordered
to have a monethes pay a peice and a passe and [?recognition] under the Kings owne hand directed
unto all Governours within this Majesties kingdome there for their safe
Conduct into their native Countryes by reason there was noe further
imployment for them which passe this deponent and precontests haveing
obtayned went unto Saint Malloes (with the articulate Captaine Butler
in Company) whoe meeteing there with the articulate Adam Gonlo and Thomas
Lavallym merchantsof the articulate shippe the Unitye and haveing