Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: I scratched my skin, so Output:
[ "I had to wash it", "my itch went away", "I knew it was coming", "I'm looking for a good moisturizer" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The grape juice fermented, so Output:
[ "I opted for the red wine", "results in a high concentration of alcohol in the wine", "I don't think that's the problem", "I decided not to drink it", "it was a good substitute", "results in a very high concentration of alcohol in the wine", "I didn't want to drink too much", "it was a little too sweet", "I had to add more sugar", "I did not use it", "the juice turned to wine" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The nurse prepared the needle for the patient's injection, so Output:
[ "there shouldn't be any problems", "there was no need for an emergency", "it could be injected directly into the patient's body", "they could begin treatment immediately", "they were able to complete the procedure", "there was no problem with the procedure", "it could be injected into the patient's body", "the patient tensed up", "she knew what to expect", "there was no harm done", "as not to delay the procedure" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The child kicked the stack of blocks, so Output:
[ "we had to start all over again", "the blocks scattered all over the rug" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The pond froze over for the winter, so Output:
[ "people skated on the pond", "I knew it was cold", "I'm not sure if I'll be able to get to the bottom of the pond", "we had to walk back to the forest", "the rain was a welcome sight", "there was a lot of ice", "we didn't get to see much of it" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The woman's date wanted to look like a gentleman, so Output:
[ "she got what she wanted", "he opened the door for her", "he asked her if she liked sushi", "she got a new dress" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: I came upon a puddle on the sidewalk, so Output:
[ "I got back in the car", "i played in the puddle", "I didn't stay too long", "I hopped in the car", "i leapt over the puddle", "I knew I was on the right track", "I snapped a couple of shots of the water", "I went over to look", "I had to check it out" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: My favorite song came on the radio, so Output:
[ "I got to hear it", "I had to check it out", "i sang along to it", "I gave it a shot", "I decided to listen to it", "I was happy about that", "I thought I'd sing it", "I thought I'd give it a try", "I knew it was a good song", "this is right up my alley", "I was excited to hear it again", "I couldn't wait to hear it", "I was inspired by that", "I had to sing it", "I was looking forward to it", "I jumped at the chance", "I thought I'd share it with you all", "it was nice to hear it", "I had to listen to it", "I was very excited to hear this song", "I was able to listen to it", "thanks for sharing it with us", "I thought I'd share it with you" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The speaker disarmed her debate opponent, so Output:
[ "we'll have to see how that plays out", "I asked her about it", "she knew it was coming", "she did the only logical thing", "we'll have to wait and see what happens", "to prevent him from speaking to her", "she didn't get a lot of response", "the speaker won the debate", "she did the right thing" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The patient was dehydrated, so Output:
[ "we had to supplement with water", "I gave her a bottle of water", "they took him to the emergency room", "the nurse gave him an iv", "she had a bottle of water", "resulting in an increase in blood pressure", "they had to drink more fluids", "she went to the bathroom to get some water", "she was sent to the hospital", "he was taken to the emergency room", "the doctor sent him to the hospital", "she took him to the hospital", "they brought him to the hospital", "leading to a condition known as hyponatremia", "they had to drink more" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: I planted the seeds in the soil, so Output:
[ "we'll see how that goes", "I know what I'm doing", "it's a good time to plant seeds", "in order to give them a chance to grow", "the seeds sprouted", "i watered the soil", "I know it can be done", "we'll see how it goes", "I would have something to look forward to", "that's not an issue for me", "I knew it was coming", "I would have something to look forward to in the future", "they would grow" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The girl came across an unfamiliar word in her textbook, so Output:
[ "she decided to check it out", "she went to check it out", "she decided to look it up", "she looked the term up in the dictionary", "she talked to her teacher", "I explained it to her", "she came up with an idea", "she asked the teacher to explain it to her", "she went to the library to find out what it meant" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The offender violated parole, so Output:
[ "there was nothing to lose", "he was sent back to jail", "he was sent to jail", "there was nothing we could do", "he was forced to go back in", "resulting in a prison sentence of up to three years", "resulting in a prison sentence of up to two years", "he was able to kill him", "the case was opened", "resulting in a prison sentence of up to five years", "she was sent back to jail" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: My foot went numb, so Output:
[ "I decided to take a break", "I know how hard it is", "I knew I was on the right track", "I had to cut it short", "I could not walk", "I went to the doctor", "I couldn't go to the gym", "i shook my foot", "I had to go to the doctor", "I didn't go to the gym", "I had to come back to the doctor", "I wasn't sure how long it would take" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The girl felt dizzy, so Output:
[ "she decided to take a deep breath", "she decided not to go", "she turned around and went back to the room", "she called it a night", "she decided not to do it", "she took a deep breath", "she didn't say anything at all", "she got up and went to the hospital", "she pulled over to see what was going on", "she wasn't able to talk", "I decided to take her in", "she decided to sit down", "she lost her balance" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The homeowners disliked their nosy neighbors, so Output:
[ "they came up with a plan", "they were forced to leave", "they took it to court", "they built a fence around their property", "they had to come up with a way to get rid of their nosy neighbors", "they had to come up with a way to get rid of the nosy neighbors", "they decided to do something about it", "they had to move out", "they took care of themselves", "they had to sell their property", "they set out to find a new home" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The fugitive hid from the police, so Output:
[ "the police didn't know what was going on", "they didn't know what was going on", "he knew what to do", "the fugitive remained at large", "they couldn't do anything about it", "he was able to get away", "he didn't get a chance to investigate", "in order to avoid being arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol", "he knew he was safe", "he could get away with it", "he could get his free life", "the guards could not help him", "he didn't get the benefit of the doubt", "in order to avoid a confrontation with the police", "in order to avoid being arrested by the police" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The bureau drawers were cluttered, so Output:
[ "they needed to be removed", "I got rid of them", "I had to throw them away", "i threw away unnecessary contents", "they could not be viewed", "I had to get rid of them", "I didn't want to use them", "we had to start all over again", "we had to go through them" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The man hated his new haircut, so Output:
[ "he got a new one", "he grew a beard", "he had to wear a hat", "he had to get it cut", "he wore a hat", "he had to cut it off", "he decided to get a new one", "it had to be washed", "he went back to his old hairdresser", "he decided to do something about it", "he couldn't do anything about it" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The seamstress pushed the threaded needle into the fabric, so Output:
[ "it was easy to sew", "it had to be removed", "it would not be lost", "it was easy to insert", "the thread wrapped around the needle", "the thread went through the fabric", "there was no need for glue", "the threaded needle was in the middle of the fabric", "the threaded needle was in the center of the fabric", "I didn't have to sew it", "I didn't have to worry about that" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The teacher took roll, so Output:
[ "I didn't have to worry about it", "I didn't get to talk to him", "she could get a better understanding of what was going on in the classroom", "we didn't have to wait too long", "it was easy to follow", "she could see the child", "she could attend the meeting", "we were able to get in", "I didn't get to talk to her", "she identified the students that were absent" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The man looked at his watch, so Output:
[ "he couldn't see what was going on", "he didn't take a look", "he couldn't see his face", "he realized he was early", "he didn't get to see him" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The woman felt compelled to help someone in need, so Output:
[ "she offered to take her place", "she decided to help her", "in order to make a difference in the lives of others", "she found a way to help", "she decided to join the group", "she took matters into her own hands", "she gave it to her", "she donated blood", "she called the police and asked for help", "she jumped at the opportunity to help", "she came up with a solution", "she asked her husband to help her", "she volunteered to take her place", "she decided to give it a try", "she came in to help", "she went to the doctor's office", "she jumped at the opportunity", "she worked to help him" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The girl found the missing puzzle piece, so Output:
[ "she picked it up and gave it to me", "she went along with it", "she didn't have to worry about it", "she gave it to me", "we had to return it", "she knew it was the right one", "I had to check it out", "she gave it to her", "it worked out pretty well", "I guess it all worked out", "she went back to it", "she completed the puzzle", "I gave it a shot", "she gave it a second chance", "she got a second chance", "she knew what was going on", "I thought I'd give it a try", "this is what we came up with", "she decided to take a look" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: I was confused by the professor's lecture, so Output:
[ "I decided to ask the teacher", "I asked her to repeat it", "I did my own research", "I searched online to learn more", "I decided to check it out", "i decided to check it out", "I looked it up on the internet", "I looked it up online", "I asked him to explain it to me", "I took a deep breath", "i asked the professor questions", "I asked him about it", "I clicked on the link to see what was going on", "I had to read it", "i paid attention to the professor", "I thought I would ask", "it took me a while to figure out what was going on", "I asked him what was going on", "I asked a few questions", "I thought I'd ask here", "I didn't know what to expect" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The navy bombed the ship, so Output:
[ "to prevent it from falling into enemy hands", "they knew they were going to die", "the ship's debris sunk in the sea", "the ship crashed into the pier" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The woman won the lottery, so Output:
[ "she was a happy girl", "I knew I was on the right track", "she's got that going for her", "I'm looking forward to seeing what she's up to", "she didn't have to deal with it", "I guess it was a success", "we gave it a shot", "I guess that's a good sign", "I had to check it out", "let's give her a chance", "she bought a yacht", "it was a good thing", "of course she had to do it", "she must have done something right", "she must be doing something right", "we decided to check it out", "she could win the prize", "she could move here", "I thought I'd give it a try", "she was able to get away with it", "we gave it a try", "it was a win-win situation", "she could buy clothes for her", "I don't have to worry about that", "there shouldn't be any problems" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The cowgirl threw her lasso towards the horse, so Output:
[ "it worked out pretty well", "she was able to catch it quickly", "the lasso grabbed onto the horse", "the horse trotted into the barn", "I hopped on the horse" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The toddler became cranky, so Output:
[ "I had to take her to the doctor", "I had to check it out", "I had to go home", "he gave it to me", "we decided to go back", "we decided to take a break", "we took her with us", "we called it a day", "her mother put her down for a nap", "we went back to her" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The boy murmured his reply to his mother, so Output:
[ "she would not know what he was talking about", "his mother told him to speak up" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The host served dinner to his guests, so Output:
[ "we were able to eat", "in order to give them a taste of what he had to offer", "we didn't have to worry about that", "it was a quick lunch", "there was plenty of room for everyone", "we were able to get a table", "his guests were gracious", "we were able to start the meal early", "in order to give them a taste of what was in store for them", "I didn't have to worry about that", "all was well in the kitchen", "the guests were all satisfied", "he didn't have to worry about the food", "we were able to enjoy dinner", "we were able to eat lunch together", "there was plenty to eat", "we decided to try it", "we didn't have to cook", "there was plenty of room for everyone to eat", "he was able to cook dinner", "we were able to finish our meal" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The papers were disorganized, so Output:
[ "I don't know where they came from", "it was hard to find what you were looking for", "there was nothing I could do", "we had to start all over again", "i put them into alphabetical order" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The driver rotated the steering wheel, so Output:
[ "it was easy to adjust", "the car turned", "it was ready to go", "it was easy to fix", "it didn't pose a problem", "it was not a problem", "there shouldn't be any problems", "there was no problem with the drive" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The motorcyclist twisted the throttle, so Output:
[ "as not to damage the engine", "the motorcycle shot forward", "it seemed to be working" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The girl went down the hill on her bike, so Output:
[ "I couldn't get to her", "I didn't get to talk to her", "I guess it all worked out", "I didn't get to see her", "she didn't have to walk too far", "all was well in the end", "I had to check it out", "I was able to see her", "she got out of the way", "her bike swerved", "it shouldn't be a problem", "her bike sped up", "she called it a day" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The woman had a religious awakening, so Output:
[ "it worked out pretty well", "she began going to church", "she went along with it", "leading to a spiritual awakening", "she wasn't sure what to expect", "in order to be able to see the world through the eyes of God", "she had to change her mind", "resulting in a spiritual awakening", "she wasn't interested in him" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The girl was angry with her friend, so Output:
[ "she tried to ignore him", "she didn't talk to him much", "she decided to give up", "she decided to take matters into her own hands", "she decided to do something about it", "she tried not to think about it", "she went to talk to her", "she went to a friend's house", "the girl spread a rumor about her friend", "she didn't want to talk to him", "she didn't say anything to him", "she decided to go home" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The man became disabled, so Output:
[ "he could not work", "he couldn't work", "his family offered him financial support", "the family moved in with him" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The man was lost, so Output:
[ "he didn't know what was going on", "there was no one to talk to", "he drew a map", "he was left to his own devices", "he asked for directions", "I asked him what happened", "it was good to see him again", "he didn't know what to do", "he had no choice but to return" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The woman dangled the biscuit above the dog, so Output:
[ "the dog jumped up", "the dog scratched its fur" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: It got dark outside, so Output:
[ "we had to get up early", "I didn't get a good look at it", "the moon became visible in the sky", "it was nice and dark", "we hopped in the car", "we knew we were in for the night", "we had to go downstairs", "I didn't have to go outside", "made it even more difficult to see what was going on", "we got up and went inside", "we didn't stay too long", "made it all the worse", "made it even more difficult for me to see what was going on in the", "we didn't get a good look at it", "made it harder for me", "it couldn't have been too bad", "we called it a night", "we decided to head back to the hotel", "we headed back to the cabin", "we did it in the dark" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The woman's ring slipped off in the shower, so Output:
[ "she went to the bathroom to check it out", "she went to the bathroom", "the ring went down the drain" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The group overlooked the woman's faux pas, so Output:
[ "I knew I was in the clear", "the woman was relieved", "she was able to get away with it", "she could get away with it", "I guess it worked out", "she got a second chance" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The authorities vowed to protect the identity of the crime victim, so Output:
[ "there was no need for law enforcement", "they went to court to investigate", "they did the right thing", "in order to protect the identity of the victim's family", "they did the next best thing", "in order to protect the life of the victim", "they withheld the victim's name from the public", "it was not a problem", "they couldn't afford to be arrested", "they didn't pay for it", "they don't have to worry about it", "in order to protect the identity of the victim", "as not to reveal their identity" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: I held the door for the woman entering behind me, so Output:
[ "she could close the door", "I could see her face", "I could see her again", "I could get closer to her", "she could see my face", "I could look at her" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The archeologist dug up the site, so Output:
[ "I thought I would share", "I knew I was in the right place", "I'll have to check it out", "she excavated ancient artifacts", "we got to see it", "we had to go there", "I guess it all worked out", "in order to get a better understanding of the history of the site", "she read about the site's history", "in order to find out what was going on", "I thought I'd share it with you", "I went to check it out", "I could see what was going on", "we could find this out", "in order to get a better understanding of the history of the area" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The physician misdiagnosed the patient, so Output:
[ "they had to be checked", "the surgery had to be cancelled", "resulting in the death of the patient", "he had to go back to the hospital", "resulting in the patient's death", "they came back to the hospital", "he was sent to the hospital", "the doctor sent him to the hospital", "the patient filed a malpractice lawsuit against the physician", "there was no need for surgery", "she went to the hospital" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: A burglar broke into the house, so Output:
[ "in order to gain access to the other side of the house", "it was easy to get in", "we didn't stay too long", "he went back to his truck", "we had to go downstairs", "I had to check it out", "the security alarm went off", "we had to get a new one", "I got a new one", "in order to gain access to the property", "in order to gain access to the home" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The teacher caught the student chewing gum, so Output:
[ "the student spit out the gum", "he went to check it out", "he had to pick it up" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The book was deemed inappropriate for children, so Output:
[ "I didn't bother reading it", "they had to cancel the book", "I couldn't read the book", "I didn't get a chance to read it", "they decided to leave it out", "this was the first time I read it", "I didn't get to read it", "they had to come up with something else", "I wasn't allowed to share it", "I decided to review it", "it is not recommended for children under the age of 18", "I had to sign off", "I was thrilled to find it here", "there wasn't much they could do about it", "he decided to create his own", "it is not recommended for children under the age of five", "it was removed from the library", "schools banned it from its libraries", "we didn't talk about it" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The flashlight was dead, so Output:
[ "I couldn't see what was going on", "I had no idea what was going on", "that's out of the question", "I had to buy a new battery", "i replaced the batteries", "I couldn't tell what was going on", "it was a bit dark", "I had to open it", "I didn't take any pictures", "I turned on the light", "we didn't stay too long", "I decided to skip it", "I had to open the windows", "it was time to call it a night", "it was impossible to see what was going on", "there was no way to see what was going on", "i took it apart", "it was hard to see what was going on" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The man signed the document, so Output:
[ "it's not like he's going to be able to get away with it", "I thought I'd mention it", "the transaction became official", "it must have been true", "he can't do anything about it", "I had to edit it", "I don't know what he's talking about", "he's got that going for him", "it shouldn't be too much of a problem for him", "it's not like it's a secret", "I don't know what the hell he is talking about", "he should know what to do", "he knows what he's talking about" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The product was heavily advertised, so Output:
[ "I decided to give the product a try", "we decided to give it a try", "I decided to check it out", "I decided to try it", "I did a quick search", "it wasn't a total shock", "everyone had to buy it", "it wasn't a hard sell", "I thought I'd give it a try", "I decided to check it out first", "I was a little skeptical of the product", "of course I had to check it out", "it was a no brainer", "I decided to give it a try", "consumers recognized the product", "it had to be good", "I figured it would work", "I thought I would give it a try" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: I pushed the gas pedal, so Output:
[ "in order to get the car out of the way", "it was easy to do", "it's all good now", "it was a good thing", "the car accelerated", "I knew something was going on", "I should be good to go", "I don't think that's the problem", "in order to get the car out of the way as fast as possible", "it was an easy drive", "I was able to drive", "I knew it was working" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The crowd gave the band a standing ovation, so Output:
[ "the band signed autographs", "leading to one of the most memorable performances of the year", "I decided to join them", "it was a pleasant surprise", "resulting in one of the most memorable performances of the year", "we knew it was going to be good", "the band reappeared on the stage" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: I stood on one foot, so Output:
[ "my balance wavered" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: A man cut in front of me in the long line, so Output:
[ "I talked to him a little", "I went to check it out", "I didn't get a good look at him", "i smiled at him", "I got to talk to him", "I ran to the front of the line", "I couldn't see what was going on", "i confronted him", "I couldn't get a good look at him", "that's exactly what I did" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: I saw a woman getting robbed on the street, so Output:
[ "I went to the other side of the street to see what was going on", "I went downstairs to check", "I came over to help", "I gave her a call", "I pulled over to check it out", "I ran over to see what was going on", "I went to see what was going on", "I tried to help her out", "I walked over to see what was going on", "i called 911", "I had to check it out", "I walked over to take a look", "I went to check it out", "I decided to check it out", "I went over to see what was going on" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: Several witnesses of the crime testified against the suspect, so Output:
[ "the case was quickly investigated", "the jury was left to investigate", "the case was taken to court", "the police proceeded to investigate the evidence", "the police investigated the case", "the suspect was convicted", "resulting in a two-year prison sentence", "they knew what was going on", "resulting in a four-year prison sentence", "the case was resolved", "everyone was aware of the situation", "the case was opened", "they decided to investigate further" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The woman shivered as she got out the pool, so Output:
[ "she wrapped herself in a towel", "she had to wear a towel" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The baby pulled the mother's hair, so Output:
[ "of course she had to do it again", "the mother grimaced" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: I clumsily bumped into the stranger, so Output:
[ "i apologized to him", "I could get to know her better", "I could get a better look" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The boaters set off a flare, so Output:
[ "in order to get a better look at what was going on", "we didn't have to wait long", "they were able to get out quickly", "we had to take precautions", "in order to get the boat out of the water", "their boat was rescued", "it didn't take too long", "we had to be careful" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The man contemplated the painting, so Output:
[ "in order to have a better understanding of the world around him", "he decided to give it a try", "he decided to give it a whirl", "he had to be careful", "he could see the beauty of it", "a piece could be created" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The man begged for forgiveness, so Output:
[ "the woman joked around with him", "in order to move on with his life", "he let it go", "it was bound to happen", "he wouldn't have to deal with it", "he could get a job", "he could get away with it", "he could go on with his life", "he didn't have to worry about it", "the woman took pity on him", "he decided to try again", "he could finish his life", "he could move on with his life", "he could live his life", "he wouldn't have to feel guilty about it" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The baby was wailing in his crib, so Output:
[ "I took him to the doctor", "the mother picked up the baby", "I went to check on him", "I got up to check on him", "we had to get up early", "I decided to take him to the doctor" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The police officer dropped the gun, so Output:
[ "the gun went off" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The woman upgraded her computer hardware, so Output:
[ "I decided to test it out", "in order to be able to run Windows 7", "she went ahead and installed it", "it could run better", "in order to be able to run the latest version of Windows 7", "she didn't have to worry about it", "it was easy to install", "I gave it a shot", "she knew what she was doing", "she knew what was going on", "we had to use it", "she didn't have to worry about that", "she was able to access the web", "she was able to test it out", "it was easy to use", "she didn't have to deal with it", "she can use the internet", "she didn't need a new one", "I'm not sure what the problem is", "she deleted old files on the computer", "she could play with it", "she went online to check it out", "she installed new software on the computer", "in order to be able to run Windows XP on her computer" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The woman felt lonely, so Output:
[ "she decided to see if she could find someone to hang out with", "she came over to say hi", "she went to talk to him", "she agreed to help him", "I decided to join her", "she went to check it out", "she came over to talk to him", "she decided to see if she could find someone to talk to", "she tried not to think about it", "she decided to do something about it", "she took a deep breath", "she gave up on it", "she renovated her kitchen", "she agreed to go with him", "she decided to go for a walk", "she decided to give it a try", "she decided to give him a call", "she came over to help", "she adopted a cat", "she decided to leave home" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: We found empty seats in the theatre, so Output:
[ "we decided to go there", "we were on the left", "we decided to check it out", "we walked down to the bar", "all we had to do was sit on the balcony in the middle of the", "we sat there for a while", "we went to check it out", "we sat down", "we didn't have to wait long", "we didn't have to wait too long", "we were able to get a good seat", "it was a good experience", "we were able to get in quickly", "it worked out pretty well", "the film began", "we were able to enjoy the show", "it was a great night", "all we had to do was sit on the balcony" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The elderly woman suffered a stroke, so Output:
[ "it was great to see her again", "she was taken to the hospital", "the woman's daughter came over to clean her house", "she was sent to the hospital", "it was time to move on", "she had to go home", "the woman's daughter moved in to take care of her" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: I finished a page of the book, so Output:
[ "it should be up soon", "I thought I'd share it with you all", "please stop by and check it out", "I thought I'd share it with you", "I thought I'd put it up here", "we'll have to wait and see", "be sure to check it out", "you can read it for yourself", "I can share it with all of you", "I'll get back to it later", "be sure to check back", "I hope you like it", "I thought I'd share it here", "let me know what you think", "we'll see how it turns out", "be on the lookout for that", "I thought I would share it with you", "i turned to the next page", "I thought I'd share it with all of you" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The bodybuilder lifted weights, so Output:
[ "in order to increase the size of the body", "in order to increase the size of his body", "her muscles became fatigued", "it felt more powerful", "in order to get the most out of the workout", "as not to lose weight", "as not to lose muscle", "as to increase the weight of the body", "as to minimize the damage", "that's what I'm going to do" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The cook stirred the ingredients in the bowl, so Output:
[ "it did not stick to the bottom of the bowl", "it didn't take too long", "in order to keep the mixture from sticking to the bottom of the bowl", "the water would mix", "I didn't have to worry about that", "it shouldn't be a problem", "it didn't stick to the bottom of the pan", "it was ready to cook", "the ingredients blended together" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: I tipped the bottle, so Output:
[ "it was easy to use", "it didn't bother me at all", "I knew it was coming", "I know it was there", "the liquid in the bottle poured out", "I don't think it's water", "I can't comment on the taste" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The skunk sprayed the dog, so Output:
[ "I had to search for it", "the dog emitted a foul smell", "he had to leave it", "we had to be careful" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The girl performed in a dance recital, so Output:
[ "we decided to check it out", "I didn't get to see much of her", "it's not like there's anything wrong with her", "of course she was involved", "I jumped at the chance", "her parents came to watch the recital", "I got to watch it", "we got to see her", "I decided to check it out", "I'm sure she knows what she's talking about", "she knew what she was doing" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: I poured water on my sleeping friend, so Output:
[ "I could wake her up", "I could wash them", "my friend awoke", "I had to leave early" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: I received a package in the mail, so Output:
[ "I thought I'd give it a whirl", "it was easy to do", "I thought I'd share it with all of you", "I was happy about that", "I thought I'd share it here", "it worked out just fine", "I'm off to a good start", "I am very happy with it", "i thought i would give it a try", "I thought I'd give it a try", "the box will be my favorite", "i know what you mean", "it may be out of stock", "it worked out pretty well", "I was able to test it out", "I thought I'd give it a go", "I thought I would give it a try", "it was a pretty good deal" ]
Definition: In this task, you will be given a sentence, followed by ", so". You should complete the given text with another sentence, such that the whole text is plausible. The sentence you enter must be a likely result of the given sentence. Positive Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she will be out with some cash on her Positive Example 2 - Input: They government banned abortions, so Output: many unwanted children will be born Negative Example 1 - Input: The woman went to the bank, so Output: she talked to the man. Now complete the following example - Input: The woman sensed a pleasant smell, so Output:
[ "she opened the door and opened it", "she decided to give it a try", "she assumed she was safe", "she called her mother to check", "there was no need to worry", "she assumed it was the same", "she opened the door to see what was going on", "she stopped by the window", "it didn't bother her at all", "she was reminded of her childhood", "she didn't mind too much", "she opened it up again", "she assumed it was food", "she didn't worry about it" ]