mahans earth brings unlimited joy immeasurable inner peace Ýesyessmarana mathrena Chitta shuddi prajayate tam namami yathi shrestam sri chanrdasekharendra saraswatim jagatam guru soon thinks great saint mind rid impurities thoughts clear confusions vanish Think Sri Chandrasekhara Mahaswamigal mind heart unison complete inner peace said Suchithra Balasubramanian discourse feted Kali Yuga living god lived life codes norms values characteristics define mahatma world celebrate birth anniversary showed lead life Sanatana Dharma let Dharma guide lead aspect life voice god inimitable quality mercy continues guide ups downs life showing navigate life contradictions stay truthful path righteousness getting closer God observed legends days nakshatras considered bad approached Lord beseeched alleviate status bringers bad omen misfortune Lord acceded Rama born Navami Krishna born Ashtami Anjaneya born Moola Nakshatram Maha Periyava likewise born Pradhamai period born parents Thiruvidaimarudoor Subramania Sastri Eechangudi Mahalakshmi visited Swamimalai prayed named Swaminathan evoking young Murugan gave discourse father young child years old observed dog craving jaggery getting head stuck jar inferred declared desire root cause problems humans encounter wary perils 13 years 68th Pontiff Kanchi Peedam chanting Rama constantly disseminating dharma shown Rama guides right path COMMents SHARE mahans earth brings unlimited joy immeasurable inner peace ýesyessmarana mathrena chitta shuddi prajayate tam namami yathi shrestam sri chanrdasekharendra saraswatim jagatam guru soon thinks great saint mind rid impurities thoughts clear confusions vanish think sri chandrasekhara mahaswamigal mind heart unison complete inner peace said suchithra balasubramanian discourse feted kali yuga living god lived life codes norms values characteristics define mahatma world celebrate birth anniversary showed lead life sanatana dharma let dharma guide lead aspect life voice god inimitable quality mercy continues guide ups downs life showing navigate life contradictions stay truthful path righteousness getting closer god observed legends days nakshatras considered bad approached lord beseeched alleviate status bringers bad omen misfortune lord acceded rama born navami krishna born ashtami anjaneya born moola nakshatram maha periyava likewise born pradhamai period born parents thiruvidaimarudoor subramania sastri eechangudi mahalakshmi visited swamimalai prayed named swaminathan evoking young murugan gave discourse father young child years old observed dog craving jaggery getting head stuck jar inferred declared desire root cause problems humans encounter wary perils 13 years 68th pontiff kanchi peedam chanting rama constantly disseminating dharma shown rama guides right path comments share
Mahaperiyava’s enduring message
Supreme Court June 2 stayed order Madras High Court hold press communique issued Centre inviting suggestions Forest Conservation Amendment Bill 2023 English Hindi Bench Justices Dipankar Datta Pankaj Mithal took note submission Solicitor General Tushar Mehta Lok Sabha Secretariat shall proceed publish Tamil Version Bill June 5 enable objections petitioner case view aforesaid shall stay order High Court Issue notice Bench said outset Mr. Mehta submitted High Court ought interfered legislative process High Court 24 ordered interim stay press communique proceedings hearing petition filed advocate G. Theeran Thirumurugan Amendment Bill press communique available vernacular languages English Hindi object calling suggestions public defeated High Court said petitioner sought direction Centre upload copy Tamil Bill website receive suggestions vernacular languages including Tamil supreme court june 2 stayed order madras high court hold press communique issued centre inviting suggestions forest conservation amendment bill 2023 english hindi bench justices dipankar datta pankaj mithal took note submission solicitor general tushar mehta lok sabha secretariat shall proceed publish tamil version bill june 5 enable objections petitioner case view aforesaid shall stay order high court issue notice bench said outset mr theeran thirumurugan amendment bill press communique available vernacular languages english hindi object calling suggestions public defeated high court said petitioner sought direction centre upload copy tamil bill website receive suggestions vernacular languages including tamil mehta submitted high court ought interfered legislative process high court 24 ordered interim stay press communique proceedings hearing petition filed advocate g
Supreme Court stays Madras HC order stalling press communique on Forest Amendment Bill
Nations aspire maximise security nuanced foreign security policy broad sense India security prospects time great insecurity anthology essays Hard Times edited Manoj Joshi Praveen Swami Nishtha Gautam spectrum arguments applied Indian national security dimensions explored revisiting foundational assumptions underscore urgency India developing long term national security strategy hard times post COVID era given global power equations significantly altered Nations feel constrained extent geography limited choices Manoj Joshi asserts nation geography fixed geopolitics changing affair nation alignments impermanent smarter stronger wins war Pranay Kotasthane Admiral Arun Prakash draw attention India predicament benign security environment interests sensitivities neighbours balanced diligent preparation possible war near future Sanjaya Baru makes strong case rising India defend multilateralism create space growth development expansive role India military neighbourhood Indo Pacific region desires strategically engaged calls developing substantial maritime air power capabilities precision targeting strike power elaborated Col Vivek Chadha Group Capt Kishore Kumar Khera real dilemma facing forces undersized budget imposes severe limitations acquisition hard power Air Vice Marshal Manmohan Bahadur aptly observes India defence budget grossly inadequate maintain combat effectiveness nations like tailors cut coat according size cloth reducing manpower costs assumes urgency Adoption technology contends Lt Gen. D.S. Hooda help reduce manpower costs balanced increasing use sensor weapons UAVs robotics AI cyber security applications etc recently introduced Agnipath Yojana germane objective expectation rank file younger leaner fitter robust technically savvy Understanding limits military power finds resonance Swami essay demystifies excessive force conflict resolutions Maintaining harmony diverse country like India nurturing political instruments civic institutions restore rule law provide stability domestic extols strengthens security nation Nishtha Gautam appeals increased participation Indian women UN peace keeping operations unique way minimising conflicts book deals thin slice reality confronted experts sought craft solutions require purposefulness team work certain cases advocate biting bullet emphasis smart systematic planning consistent effort lofty goals worth noting critical juncture West busy fighting Russia managing belligerent China India needs prudently manage national security need hour nation approach inculcates sense harmony calm modesty works putting economy higher growth trajectory Hard Times Security Time Insecurity Manoj Joshi Praveen Swami Nishtha Gautam Bloomsbury ₹ 559 reviewer serving Indian Foreign Service officer nations aspire maximise security nuanced foreign security policy broad sense india security prospects time great insecurity anthology essays hard times edited manoj joshi praveen swami nishtha gautam spectrum arguments applied indian national security dimensions explored revisiting foundational assumptions underscore urgency india developing long term national security strategy hard times post covid era given global power equations significantly altered nations feel constrained extent geography limited choices manoj joshi asserts nation geography fixed geopolitics changing affair nation alignments impermanent smarter stronger wins war pranay kotasthane admiral arun prakash draw attention india predicament benign security environment interests sensitivities neighbours balanced diligent preparation possible war near future sanjaya baru makes strong case rising india defend multilateralism create space growth development expansive role india military neighbourhood indo pacific region desires strategically engaged calls developing substantial maritime air power capabilities precision targeting strike power elaborated col vivek chadha group capt kishore kumar khera real dilemma facing forces undersized budget imposes severe limitations acquisition hard power air vice marshal manmohan bahadur aptly observes india defence budget grossly inadequate maintain combat effectiveness nations like tailors cut coat according size cloth reducing manpower costs assumes urgency adoption technology contends lt gen hooda help reduce manpower costs balanced increasing use sensor weapons uavs robotics ai cyber security applications etc recently introduced agnipath yojana germane objective expectation rank file younger leaner fitter robust technically savvy understanding limits military power finds resonance swami essay demystifies excessive force conflict resolutions maintaining harmony diverse country like india nurturing political instruments civic institutions restore rule law provide stability domestic extols strengthens security nation nishtha gautam appeals increased participation indian women un peace keeping operations unique way minimising conflicts book deals thin slice reality confronted experts sought craft solutions require purposefulness team work certain cases advocate biting bullet emphasis smart systematic planning consistent effort lofty goals worth noting critical juncture west busy fighting russia managing belligerent china india needs prudently manage national security need hour nation approach inculcates sense harmony calm modesty works putting economy higher growth trajectory hard times security time insecurity manoj joshi praveen swami nishtha gautam bloomsbury ₹ 559 reviewer serving indian foreign service officer
Review of In Hard Times — Security in a Time of Insecurity: Force multiplier
exchange 800 prisoners Yemen war held Houthi rebels Saudi led coalition battling began April 14 International Committee Red Cross said United Nations brokered deal works months comes amid concerted diplomatic efforts negotiate end conflict day exchange flights transport prisoners Saudi Arabia Yemen capital Sanaa long held Iranian backed Houthi rebels said Majed Fadail deputy minister human rights Yemen internationally recognized government flights bring prisoners Sanaa Yemeni cities controlled internationally recognised government said Red Cross said Friday rounds simultaneous flights Aden Sanaa transfer prisoners day operation significant prisoner exchange Yemen sides freed 1,000 detainees October 2020 Thousands people believed held prisoners war sides war erupted Yemen conflict began 2014 Houthis seized Sanaa country north Yemen internationally recognized government fled south exile Saudi Arabia Houthi takeover prompted Saudi led coalition intervene months later conflict recent years turned regional proxy war Saudi Arabia Iran United States long involved periphery providing intelligence assistance kingdom international criticism Saudi airstrikes killing civilians saw U.S. pull support war killed 150,000 people including fighters civilians created world worst humanitarian disasters prisoner exchange scheduled start earlier week delayed apparent logistical reasons act goodwill hundreds families torn apart conflict reunited holy month Ramadan glimmer hope amidst great suffering Fabrizio Carboni Red Cross regional director Near Middle East said statement deep desire releases provide momentum broader political solution leading detainees returning loved ones deal tentatively calls Houthis release 180 prisoners including Saudi Sudanese troops fighting Saudi led coalition Yemeni journalists journalists detained recent years sentenced death Houthi controlled court trial described Amnesty International grossly unfair deal release military officials held Houthis start war include Maj Gen. Mahmoud al Subaihi defense minister war erupted Nasser Mansour Hadi brother Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi relatives late strongman President Ali Abdullah Saleh return Saudi led coalition Yemeni government scheduled release 700 Houthi prisoners rebels said Saudi Arabia freed 13 Houthi detainees returned Sanaa April 9 ahead trip Saudi ambassador Yemen Mohammed bin Saeed al Jaber Yemeni capital Including detainees deal total 869 prisoners released Red Cross says Al Jaber visit Sanaa Oman brokered talks Saudi Arabia Houthis aiming revive nationwide cease fire expired October relaunch inter Yemeni peace talks end conflict deal month Saudi Arabia Iran restore ties boosted negotiations kingdom Houthis invigorated hopes negotiated settlement Yemeni conflict analysts fear Saudi Arabia withdrawal new version conflict erupt Yemen rival governments secessionists want restore separate country South Yemen existed 1967 1990 prospects temporary peace Saudis Houthis escalation violence Yemen said Nadwa Dawsari nonresident scholar Middle East Institute Washington based think tank said Houthis shown willing compromise reach peace Yemeni groups ideology feel entitled rule said Yemen remains home al Qaida Arabian Peninsula long viewed Washington dangerous offshoot Islamic extremist group mahmoud al subaihi defense minister war erupted nasser mansour hadi brother yemeni president abed rabbo mansour hadi relatives late strongman president ali abdullah saleh return saudi led coalition yemeni government scheduled release 700 houthi prisoners rebels said saudi arabia freed 13 houthi detainees returned sanaa april 9 ahead trip saudi ambassador yemen mohammed bin saeed al jaber yemeni capital including detainees deal total 869 prisoners released red cross says al jaber visit sanaa oman brokered talks saudi arabia houthis aiming revive nationwide cease fire expired october relaunch inter yemeni peace talks end conflict deal month saudi arabia iran restore ties boosted negotiations kingdom houthis invigorated hopes negotiated settlement yemeni conflict analysts fear saudi arabia withdrawal new version conflict erupt yemen rival governments secessionists want restore separate country south yemen existed 1967 1990 prospects temporary peace saudis houthis escalation violence yemen said nadwa dawsari nonresident scholar middle east institute washington based think tank said houthis shown willing compromise reach peace yemeni groups ideology feel entitled rule said yemen remains home al qaida arabian peninsula long viewed washington dangerous offshoot islamic extremist group 000 people including fighters civilians created world worst humanitarian disasters prisoner exchange scheduled start earlier week delayed apparent logistical reasons act goodwill hundreds families torn apart conflict reunited holy month ramadan glimmer hope amidst great suffering fabrizio carboni red cross regional director near middle east said statement deep desire releases provide momentum broader political solution leading detainees returning loved ones deal tentatively calls houthis release 180 prisoners including saudi sudanese troops fighting saudi led coalition yemeni journalists journalists detained recent years sentenced death houthi controlled court trial described amnesty international grossly unfair deal release military officials held houthis start war include maj gen exchange 800 prisoners yemen war held houthi rebels saudi led coalition battling began april 14 international committee red cross said united nations brokered deal works months comes amid concerted diplomatic efforts negotiate end conflict day exchange flights transport prisoners saudi arabia yemen capital sanaa long held iranian backed houthi rebels said majed fadail deputy minister human rights yemen internationally recognized government flights bring prisoners sanaa yemeni cities controlled internationally recognised government said red cross said friday rounds simultaneous flights aden sanaa transfer prisoners day operation significant prisoner exchange yemen sides freed 1 000 detainees october 2020 thousands people believed held prisoners war sides war erupted yemen conflict began 2014 houthis seized sanaa country north yemen internationally recognized government fled south exile saudi arabia houthi takeover prompted saudi led coalition intervene months later conflict recent years turned regional proxy war saudi arabia iran united states long involved periphery providing intelligence assistance kingdom international criticism saudi airstrikes killing civilians saw u pull support war killed 150
Yemen rebels, Saudi coalition begin United Nations-brokered prisoner swap
Bharat New Energy Company electric vehicle manufacturer launched house developed battery Etrol 40 Anirudh Ravi Narayanan CEO co founder said press release 2.1 kWh battery pack tested safety requirements latest standards swapped comes portable charger BNE set separate plant Coimbatore capacity manufacture lakh batteries annually battery vehicles marketed EV manufacturers press release company said government implements Battery Swapping Policy set swapping network based Etrol battery 1 kwh battery pack tested safety requirements latest standards swapped comes portable charger bne set separate plant coimbatore capacity manufacture lakh batteries annually battery vehicles marketed ev manufacturers press release company said government implements battery swapping policy set swapping network based etrol battery bharat new energy company electric vehicle manufacturer launched house developed battery etrol 40 anirudh ravi narayanan ceo co founder said press release 2
EV manufacturer develops new battery
weeks gangster turned politician Atiq Ahmed shot dead police escort Prayagraj Supreme Court dismissed plea seeking protection custody Uttar Pradesh Police Umesh Pal murder case Ahmed 60 brother Ashraf shot dead point blank range men posing journalists middle media interaction April 15 night police personnel escorting medical college checkup March 28 apex court dismissed Ahmed plea protection observed Uttar Pradesh State machinery care protection case threat life Read Brief history Atiq Ahmed killers everyday crime don turned politician murder Atiq plea come hearing court Bench Justices Ajay Rastogi Bela M Trivedi granted liberty approach Allahabad High Court protection claimed life threat custody Uttar Pradesh Police judicial custody Uttar Pradesh State machinery care protection case threat life court said refusing record Samajwadi Party MP counsel vehement requests life threat case court going interfere Liberty granted appropriate application high court process prescribed law followed Bench said Read MHA draft SOP safety security journalists decision directions PM Modi Atiq sought protection claiming family falsely roped accused Umesh Pal murder case Prayagraj Umesh Pal key witness 2005 killing BSP MLA Raju Pal security guards killed shooting February 24 plea Ahmed earlier lodged Ahmedabad central jail Gujarat pursuant apex court direction referred statement Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath floor assembly completely ruin destroy claimed genuine perceptible threat family members lives trivedi granted liberty approach allahabad high court protection claimed life threat custody uttar pradesh police judicial custody uttar pradesh state machinery care protection case threat life court said refusing record samajwadi party mp counsel vehement requests life threat case court going interfere liberty granted appropriate application high court process prescribed law followed bench said read mha draft sop safety security journalists decision directions pm modi atiq sought protection claiming family falsely roped accused umesh pal murder case prayagraj umesh pal key witness 2005 killing bsp mla raju pal security guards killed shooting february 24 plea ahmed earlier lodged ahmedabad central jail gujarat pursuant apex court direction referred statement uttar pradesh chief minister yogi adityanath floor assembly completely ruin destroy claimed genuine perceptible threat family members lives weeks gangster turned politician atiq ahmed shot dead police escort prayagraj supreme court dismissed plea seeking protection custody uttar pradesh police umesh pal murder case ahmed 60 brother ashraf shot dead point blank range men posing journalists middle media interaction april 15 night police personnel escorting medical college checkup march 28 apex court dismissed ahmed plea protection observed uttar pradesh state machinery care protection case threat life read brief history atiq ahmed killers everyday crime turned politician murder atiq plea come hearing court bench justices ajay rastogi bela
Two weeks before killing, Atiq Ahmed moved Supreme Court for protection in U.P. police custody
Wrestlers allowed protest India Gate police sources agitating wrestlers allowed shift sit India Gate national monument site demonstrations alternative places dharna suggested police sources said 30 country wrestlers removed Delhi Police Jantar Mantar protest site Sunday earlier day said drop medals Ganga sit hunger strike death India Gate India Gate protest site allow wrestlers protest police source said 9 years Modi Government | PM says filled humility gratitude working harder government completed years Prime Minister Narendra Modi 30 said decision guided desire improve lives people Today complete 9 years service nation filled humility gratitude decision action taken guided desire improve lives people working harder build developed India tweeted cancels scheduled flights till June 4 Crisis hit Airlines Tuesday 30 informed scheduled flight operations remain cancelled till June 4 adding refund issued passengers Earlier flight operations cancelled till 30 airline operator recently filed voluntary insolvency Directorate General Civil Aviation DGCA week advised Airlines submit comprehensive restructuring plan sustainable revival operations 10 Vaishno Devi pilgrims dead 57 injured bus falls bridge Jammu pilgrims killed 57 injured bus heading Mata Vaishno Devi shrine rolled bridge Jammu Katra area Member Parliament Jugal Kishore demanded inquiry incident bus way Katra Amritsar incident took place near Jhajjar Kotli 15 km Katra Jammu district Senior Superintendent Police SSP Jammu Chandan Kohli said Delhi excise policy case | HC rejects Manish Sisodia bail plea Delhi High Court 30 rejected bail plea Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia arrested connection Delhi Excise Policy case noting allegations misconduct Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma said statement concerned excise officers relied CBI connection probe case Manipur violence | Amit Shah meets civil society women group Imphal Union Home Minister Amit Shah met members civil society organisations group women leaders second day visit violence hit Manipur 30 Mr. Shah arrived Imphal 29 visit State engulfed ethnic clashes claiming 75 lives far Delhi Shahbad dairy murder case | Accused Sahil sent 2 day police custody Delhi Rohini Court Tuesday 30 sent Sahil accused horrific murder minor girl Shahbad Dairy area national capital day police custody According sources Sahil produced Duty Magistrates early Tuesday morning security reasons Duty Metropolitan Magistrate Jyoti Nain granted days remand hearing submissions Delhi Police ₹ 2,000 currency notes | RBI power withdraw banknotes petitioner tells High Court court reserves verdict Reserve Bank India RBI withdraw circulation discontinue banknotes Central Government vested powers Delhi High Court told 30 submission petitioner Rajneesh Bhaskar Gupta filed public interest litigation PIL challenging RBI decision withdraw ₹ 2,000 denomination currency notes circulation Decoding Dhoni season figuring manage team dugout Mahendra Singh Dhoni numb raise head Ravindra Jadeja started sprinting dugout mates canary yellow responding kind Maybe Dhoni trying process gruelling months Moeen Ali hugged contours face devoid emotion Maybe storm brewing mind balls calm effect Dhoni guided CSK fifth IPL trophy 11 final appearances remained unfazed Job fuss suppress wide grin ecstatic Jadeja jumped lap engaged bear hug India extends $ 1 billion credit line Sri Lanka year India 30 extended $ 1 billion credit line Sri Lanka year help island nation hit hard unprecedented economic crisis procure needed food medicine essential items agreement signed State Bank India SBI Sri Lankan government $ 1 billion credit facility March year India extended credit line Sri Lanka height country economic crisis Supreme Court refuses plea challenging rules prohibiting use donor gametes couple opting surrogacy Supreme Court 30 dismissed plea challenging Union Health Ministry rules prohibit donor gametes couples opting children surrogacy Gametes reproductive cells animals male gametes sperms female gamete ovum egg cells March 14 2023 Ministry Health Family Welfare published General Statutory Rules GSR 179 E said 1 couple undergoing surrogacy gametes intending couple donor gametes allowed 2 single women widow divorcee undergoing surrogacy use self eggs donor sperms avail surrogacy procedure MDMK presidium chairman Duraisamy quits party MDMK presidium chairman S. Duraisamy Tuesday 30 2023 quit party culminating face leadership prominence Durai Vaiko son party leader Vaiko party quitting primary membership relinquishing responsibilities party Mr. Duraisamy told mediapersons Tiruppur need sustain MDMK Mr. Duraisamy said pointing contestants party enrol DMK members pre requisite contest Parliamentary 2019 Assembly elections 2021 fielded DMK rising sun symbol recall sent email Gmail Android Gmail popular email services Millions users use versatile platform send emails connect times possible accidentally send email later wish happened having second thoughts having sent rash email want correct grammatical error possible unsend email Gmail app Android Protest Udhampur civilian killing militants Kashmir killing lone bread earner poor family Udhampur militants south Kashmir Anantnag Monday sparked protests native village Tuesday locals demanding strict action attackers body Deepu Kumar 27 reached Udhampur remote Thial village 8 a.m. Tuesday final rites locals raising anti Pakistan slogans demanding action Recalling incident victim relative said brother left home 8:30 p.m. Monday gone water milk sounds gunshots shifted hospital declared dead said Muthaiya Kathar Basha Endra Muthuramalingam caste films tag making city based film Filmmaker Muthaiya aware shadow looms large stamp makes caste films Viruman maker says worries deep heart let affect consciousness clean want good taste subjective mature mull says adding believe tag alienate audience goes Udipi vegetarian hotel Karaikudi restaurant mean shut right pm says filled humility gratitude working harder government completed years prime minister narendra modi 30 said decision guided desire improve lives people today complete 9 years service nation filled humility gratitude decision action taken guided desire improve lives people working harder build developed india tweeted cancels scheduled flights till june 4 crisis hit airlines tuesday 30 informed scheduled flight operations remain cancelled till june 4 adding refund issued passengers earlier flight operations cancelled till 30 airline operator recently filed voluntary insolvency directorate general civil aviation dgca week advised airlines submit comprehensive restructuring plan sustainable revival operations 10 vaishno devi pilgrims dead 57 injured bus falls bridge jammu pilgrims killed 57 injured bus heading mata vaishno devi shrine rolled bridge jammu katra area member parliament jugal kishore demanded inquiry incident bus way katra amritsar incident took place near jhajjar kotli 15 km katra jammu district senior superintendent police ssp jammu chandan kohli said delhi excise policy case 1 billion credit facility march year india extended credit line sri lanka height country economic crisis supreme court refuses plea challenging rules prohibiting use donor gametes couple opting surrogacy supreme court 30 dismissed plea challenging union health ministry rules prohibit donor gametes couples opting children surrogacy gametes reproductive cells animals male gametes sperms female gamete ovum egg cells march 14 2023 ministry health family welfare published general statutory rules gsr 179 e said 1 couple undergoing surrogacy gametes intending couple donor gametes allowed 2 single women widow divorcee undergoing surrogacy use self eggs donor sperms avail surrogacy procedure mdmk presidium chairman duraisamy quits party mdmk presidium chairman 000 denomination currency notes circulation decoding dhoni season figuring manage team dugout mahendra singh dhoni numb raise head ravindra jadeja started sprinting dugout mates canary yellow responding kind maybe dhoni trying process gruelling months moeen ali hugged contours face devoid emotion maybe storm brewing mind balls calm effect dhoni guided csk fifth ipl trophy 11 final appearances remained unfazed job fuss suppress wide grin ecstatic jadeja jumped lap engaged bear hug india extends monday gone water milk sounds gunshots shifted hospital declared dead said muthaiya kathar basha endra muthuramalingam caste films tag making city based film filmmaker muthaiya aware shadow looms large stamp makes caste films viruman maker says worries deep heart let affect consciousness clean want good taste subjective mature mull says adding believe tag alienate audience goes udipi vegetarian hotel karaikudi restaurant mean shut right wrestlers allowed protest india gate police sources agitating wrestlers allowed shift sit india gate national monument site demonstrations alternative places dharna suggested police sources said 30 country wrestlers removed delhi police jantar mantar protest site sunday earlier day said drop medals ganga sit hunger strike death india gate india gate protest site allow wrestlers protest police source said 9 years modi government
Top news of the day: Wrestlers will not be allowed to protest at India Gate, say police sources; On completing ninth year as PM, Modi says filled with humility and gratitude, and more
Salud Beverages launches Salud Sessions IP DJ Sa Raahi Neo Kitchen Bar June 18 8 pm onwards Tickets priced ₹ 499 popular DJ India SA pushes boundaries hip hop trap mix house music redefined genre urban Indian youth known party going Salud Sessions Vol 5 released June 17 association Junket Management available pre order exclusively Beatport Ranga Shankara hosts Mango Party thing happens eating mangoes mango fans head Ranga Shankara June 19 2 pm kilo variety mango bond king fruit Cafe Ranga Shankara serve mango delicacies cooking session mango kesari chef Chandrashekhar followed special edition RS Connect art workshop children theatre maker Sananda Mukhopadhyaya Entry free 26493982 Bangalore Little Theatre stage Middle Class Gentleman comedy social climbing middle class merchant Monsieur Jourdain Directed Shubham Srivastava staged Jagriti Theatre Whitefield June 18 19 3.30 pm 7.30 pm event called Pawga Justbe Resto Cafe International Yoga Day special yoga pets event scheduled June 21 6.30 pm tickets registration visit Head Social Indiranagar Queer Movie Night Curated Mitali Bhasin screening June 18 7 pm Entry free need register Insider Mad Donuts curated Box Happiness customised messages Bite Box Father Day pre ordered till June 18 available Mad Donuts outlets till June 19 salud beverages launches salud sessions ip dj sa raahi neo kitchen bar june 18 8 pm onwards tickets priced ₹ 499 popular dj india sa pushes boundaries hip hop trap mix house music redefined genre urban indian youth known party going salud sessions vol 5 released june 17 association junket management available pre order exclusively beatport ranga shankara hosts mango party thing happens eating mangoes mango fans head ranga shankara june 19 2 pm kilo variety mango bond king fruit cafe ranga shankara serve mango delicacies cooking session mango kesari chef chandrashekhar followed special edition rs connect art workshop children theatre maker sananda mukhopadhyaya entry free 26493982 bangalore little theatre stage middle class gentleman comedy social climbing middle class merchant monsieur jourdain directed shubham srivastava staged jagriti theatre whitefield june 18 19 3 com head social indiranagar queer movie night curated mitali bhasin screening june 18 7 pm entry free need register insider mad donuts curated box happiness customised messages bite box father day pre ordered till june 18 available mad donuts outlets till june 19 30 pm event called pawga justbe resto cafe international yoga day special yoga pets event scheduled june 21 6 30 pm tickets registration visit pawgapetsyoga 30 pm 7
Events in and around Bengaluru
Authorities Bangladesh Saturday launched massive evacuation campaign relocate close half million people southeastern coastlines dangerous tropical cyclone expected landfall country threatening Rohingya refugee camp world largest Cyclone Mocha powerful cyclones seen Bangladesh nearly decades predicted barrel Bangladesh Myanmar border Sunday Cyclone Mocha coming kept cyclone centres taken types preparations tackle Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said evacuation drive taken maritime port Cox Bazar advised hoist danger signal 10 Cyclone Mocha likely intensify north north westerly direction Meteorologists said storm path set affect Bangladesh southeastern border district Cox Bazar million Rohingya refugees live Bangladeshi authorities set 55 shelters Bhasan Char offshore island nearly 30,000 Rohingya refugees relocated mainland Bangladesh exclusively dedicated Bhasan Char Rohingyas live mainland Cox Bazar adjacent Myanmar borders fled neighbouring Bangladesh military led crackdown Myanmar 2017 district administration turned social educational religious institutions makeshift shelters alongside 576 designated cyclone shelters Cox Bazar accommodate half million people deputy commissioner administrative chief coastal district Muhammad Shahin Imran told reporters Imran said 8,600 Red Crescent volunteers joined campaign asking people relocate district administration mobilised transports carry shelters Bangladesh Met Office latest special weather bulletin said Cyclone Mocha continued north northwest packing winds 175 kilometres hour cyclone cause tidal surges 8 12 feet normal tide official Met Office said Prime Minister Hasina warned cyclone disrupt electricity gas supplies particularly cause water stagnation coastal areas cyclone Mocha powerful storm Cyclone Sidr 2007 chief meteorologist Azizur Rahman said Cyclone Sidr hit Bangladesh southwestern coast killing 3,000 people inflicting damages tune billions dollars Friday World Meteorological Organisation WMO feared storm surge 2 2.5 metres weekend likely inundate low lying areas North Myanmar parts Bangladesh flash floods landslides possible dangerous cyclone associated violent winds major impacts ahead landfall potentially hundreds thousands world vulnerable people WMO spokesman Clare Nullis told press briefing Geneva thousands relocated Saint Martin Island situated 9 km south tip Cox Bazar Teknaf peninsula Junior minister disaster management Enamur Rahman said districts stretching southern coastlines witness severe tidal surges journalist Cox Bazar told PTI state calm witnessed town morning amid drizzles residents low lying areas town adjacent areas started moving cyclone shelters said Pouro Preparatory High School town sheltered 200 people low lying Samity Para area beach town home low lying areas surges likely inundate area taken shelter children wife frightened Shafiqul Alam told news agency Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha BSS deputy commissioner said cyclonic storm cause landslides hilly areas district works underway relocate people living risky points foothills safer places UN refugee agency spokesperson Olga Sarrado said preparations underway partial evacuation Rohingya refugee camp needed agency preparing tens thousands hot meals jerrycans said Bangladeshi authorities set 55 shelters Bhasan Char offshore island nearly 30,000 Rohingya refugees relocated mainland Chattogram port highest alert docked ships moved outer anchorage Sunday exams National University postponed Power Energy Mineral Resources Ministry said halted supplying LNG floating terminals Cox Bazar 5 metres weekend likely inundate low lying areas north myanmar parts bangladesh flash floods landslides possible dangerous cyclone associated violent winds major impacts ahead landfall potentially hundreds thousands world vulnerable people wmo spokesman clare nullis told press briefing geneva thousands relocated saint martin island situated 9 km south tip cox bazar teknaf peninsula junior minister disaster management enamur rahman said districts stretching southern coastlines witness severe tidal surges journalist cox bazar told pti state calm witnessed town morning amid drizzles residents low lying areas town adjacent areas started moving cyclone shelters said pouro preparatory high school town sheltered 200 people low lying samity para area beach town home low lying areas surges likely inundate area taken shelter children wife frightened shafiqul alam told news agency bangladesh sangbad sangstha bss deputy commissioner said cyclonic storm cause landslides hilly areas district works underway relocate people living risky points foothills safer places un refugee agency spokesperson olga sarrado said preparations underway partial evacuation rohingya refugee camp needed agency preparing tens thousands hot meals jerrycans said bangladeshi authorities set 55 shelters bhasan char offshore island nearly 30 authorities bangladesh saturday launched massive evacuation campaign relocate close half million people southeastern coastlines dangerous tropical cyclone expected landfall country threatening rohingya refugee camp world largest cyclone mocha powerful cyclones seen bangladesh nearly decades predicted barrel bangladesh myanmar border sunday cyclone mocha coming kept cyclone centres taken types preparations tackle prime minister sheikh hasina said evacuation drive taken maritime port cox bazar advised hoist danger signal 10 cyclone mocha likely intensify north north westerly direction meteorologists said storm path set affect bangladesh southeastern border district cox bazar million rohingya refugees live bangladeshi authorities set 55 shelters bhasan char offshore island nearly 30 600 red crescent volunteers joined campaign asking people relocate district administration mobilised transports carry shelters bangladesh met office latest special weather bulletin said cyclone mocha continued north northwest packing winds 175 kilometres hour cyclone cause tidal surges 8 12 feet normal tide official met office said prime minister hasina warned cyclone disrupt electricity gas supplies particularly cause water stagnation coastal areas cyclone mocha powerful storm cyclone sidr 2007 chief meteorologist azizur rahman said cyclone sidr hit bangladesh southwestern coast killing 3 000 rohingya refugees relocated mainland bangladesh exclusively dedicated bhasan char rohingyas live mainland cox bazar adjacent myanmar borders fled neighbouring bangladesh military led crackdown myanmar 2017 district administration turned social educational religious institutions makeshift shelters alongside 576 designated cyclone shelters cox bazar accommodate half million people deputy commissioner administrative chief coastal district muhammad shahin imran told reporters imran said 8 000 rohingya refugees relocated mainland chattogram port highest alert docked ships moved outer anchorage sunday exams national university postponed power energy mineral resources ministry said halted supplying lng floating terminals cox bazar
Over half a million people evacuated as ‘Cyclone Mocha’ barrels towards Bangladesh’s coast
Ananya K.A. topper commerce stream second pre university examination said new pattern PU exam helped save time answering questions Ms. Ananya prepared new pattern number multiple choice questions compared earlier examinations better prepared told Hindu Ms. Ananya hails Kushalnagar Kodagu district eldest daughters ex serviceman K. Ashok government school teacher G. Nalini student Adichunchungiri School Hassan class 10 joined Alva Pre University College Moodbidri Dakshina Kannada district years ago free education scheme Alva Education Foundation sportspersons volleyball player injury discontinue sports concentrate academics year told Hindu staying sports hostel class 8 Hassan difficult stay away family Moodbidri preparing company secretary entrance examination scheduled 1 Congratulating Ms. Ananya securing 600/600 marks M. Mohan Alva chairman Alva Education Foundation Moodbidri said time commerce student secured 100 marks examination Mr. Alva said foundation continue offer free education youngsters talent sports cultural activities academics nalini student adichunchungiri school hassan class 10 joined alva pre university college moodbidri dakshina kannada district years ago free education scheme alva education foundation sportspersons volleyball player injury discontinue sports concentrate academics year told hindu staying sports hostel class 8 hassan difficult stay away family moodbidri preparing company secretary entrance examination scheduled 1 congratulating ms topper commerce stream second pre university examination said new pattern pu exam helped save time answering questions ms mohan alva chairman alva education foundation moodbidri said time commerce student secured 100 marks examination mr ananya prepared new pattern number multiple choice questions compared earlier examinations better prepared told hindu ms alva said foundation continue offer free education youngsters talent sports cultural activities academics
Karnataka 2nd PU commerce topper Ananya K.A. says changed question paper pattern helped save time
Thirty years ago Mary John 84 started outlet Ironmonger cast iron artifacts home garden garage home Thevara utility home decor products pot holders curtain rods napkin holders wall hangings novelty began hobby welders husband building firm crate products designed pocket money amma says Anu Abraham daughter began helping mother business expanded Slowly Mary added new materials like wood cane wrought iron diversified contemporary designs like metal birds figures- owls ostrich wood pecker- garden cane wrought iron lamp shades Etchings wood water cutting metal recent introductions techniques popular products wooden cast iron plate Post Covid 19 store reopened new look new range products like cots stands key holders candle holders Prices products range Rs 400 Rs 20,000 store opposite Juma Masjid Perumanoor Thevara Market Contact 9995694454 thirty years ago mary john 84 started outlet ironmonger cast iron artifacts home garden garage home thevara utility home decor products pot holders curtain rods napkin holders wall hangings novelty began hobby welders husband building firm crate products designed pocket money amma says anu abraham daughter began helping mother business expanded slowly mary added new materials like wood cane wrought iron diversified contemporary designs like metal birds figures garden cane wrought iron lamp shades etchings wood water cutting metal recent introductions techniques popular products wooden cast iron plate post covid 19 store reopened new look new range products like cots stands key holders candle holders prices products range rs 400 rs 20 000 store opposite juma masjid perumanoor thevara market contact 9995694454 owls ostrich wood pecker
Ironmonger, a cast iron designer products store, reopens in Kochi
Copyright law protects work diverse artists including photographers provides set exclusive rights artists creative output includes controlling manner reproduce modify work exclusive rights balanced rights users work including artists want build comment help diverse exceptions copyright law exempt infringement liability Different jurisdictions follow different approaches exceptions particularly countries continental Europe adopt enumerated exceptions approach use question needs specifically covered statute considered exception infringement including U.S. follow open ended approach specify exemptions instead guidelines types uses exempted U.S. courts primarily consider factors determining particular use considered instance fair use 1 purpose character use 2 nature copyrighted work 3 substantiality portion taken defendant 4 effect use potential market plaintiff work U.S. courts giving highest importance factor particular use considered transformative played critical role determining final outcome fair use case open ended approach exceptions provides U.S. copyright law considerable flexibility strength deal challenges posed emerging technologies copyright system major limitation way know activity exempted liabilities litigation hard predict ex ante activity exempted copyright infringement liabilities recent decision U.S. Supreme Court Andy Warhol Foundation Visual Arts Inc. v. Goldsmith et al added unpredictability process implications regulate powerful form artificial intelligence Andy Warhol Foundation case Andy Warhol pet dachshund 1973 Known concert portrait shots Lynn Goldsmith photographed famous musician Prince 1981 photos licensed 1984 Vanity Fair magazine use artist reference licence specifically said illustration appear page element quarter page element magazine November 1984 Vanity Fair paid Ms. Goldsmith $ 400 licence hired celebrated visual artist Andy Warhol work illustration Mr. Warhol silkscreen portrait Prince Goldsmith photo appeared magazine appropriate credits Ms. Goldsmith licence authorised illustration Mr. Warhol additionally created 13 screen prints pencil sketches 2016 Condé Nast media conglomerate publishes Vanity Fair approached Andy Warhol Foundation AWF reuse 1984 illustration story Prince realised portraits available opted publish instead orange silkscreen portrait licence use paid $ 10,000 AWF Ms. Goldsmith AWF realised Ms. Goldsmith file copyright infringement suit filed suit declaratory judgment non infringement Ms. Goldsmith counter sued AWF copyright infringement courts find façade Supreme Court United States Washington DC October 19 2020 district court summarily ruled favour AWF opining Mr. Warhol use Ms. Goldsmith photo constituted fair use court banked factor held Mr. Warhol work transformative different character Goldsmith photograph new expression employ new aesthetics creative communicative results distinct Goldsmith observed Mr. Warhol work added new world art public deprived contribution works distributed Court Appeals Second Circuit reversed findings disagreed Mr. Warhol use photograph constituted fair use case subsequently went U.S. Supreme Court delivered verdict 18 2023 majority judges concluded original work secondary work similar purposes secondary use commercial nature factor favour fair use interpretation justifications copying particular instance according majority decision Ms. Goldsmith photos Mr. Warhol adaptations purpose portray Prince majority said copying helped convey new meaning message suffice factor dissenting opinion focused extensively art produced particularly fact artists create vacuum Justice Elena Kagan author opinion wrote need broader reading transformative use progress arts science dissenters opined Mr. Warhol addition important new expression meaning message tilted factor favour finding fair use affect generative AI view ChatGPT website dispute arose context use photograph artistic reference implications court finding bound ripple visual arts large majority position challenge manner generative artificial intelligence AI tools ChatGPT4 MidJourney Stable Diffusion conceived models makers train text photos videos strewn internet copyrighted example generative AI tool create pictures style Mr. Warhol resulting images similar work Mr. Warhol court likelier rule described fair use taking view copyrighted work models output serve similar purposes majority reliance commercial nature use result substantial deviation established view commercial nature use negate finding fair use true extent implications verdict clear trial courts begin applying ratio judgment future cases Indian copyright law direct implications Indian copyright law framework exceptions different India follows hybrid model exception fair dealing copyrighted work exempted specific purposes Section 52(1)(a Copyright Act 1957 India long list enumerated exceptions said observations U.S. Supreme Court decision persuasive effect particularly determining fairness fair dealing litigation time tell persuasive effect majority minority Arul George Scaria associate professor National Law School India University NLSIU warhol court likelier rule described fair use taking view copyrighted work models output serve similar purposes majority reliance commercial nature use result substantial deviation established view commercial nature use negate finding fair use true extent implications verdict clear trial courts begin applying ratio judgment future cases indian copyright law direct implications indian copyright law framework exceptions different india follows hybrid model exception fair dealing copyrighted work exempted specific purposes section 52 warhol addition important new expression meaning message tilted factor favour finding fair use affect generative ai view chatgpt website dispute arose context use photograph artistic reference implications court finding bound ripple visual arts large majority position challenge manner generative artificial intelligence ai tools chatgpt4 midjourney stable diffusion conceived models makers train text photos videos strewn internet copyrighted example generative ai tool create pictures style mr copyright law protects work diverse artists including photographers provides set exclusive rights artists creative output includes controlling manner reproduce modify work exclusive rights balanced rights users work including artists want build comment help diverse exceptions copyright law exempt infringement liability different jurisdictions follow different approaches exceptions particularly countries continental europe adopt enumerated exceptions approach use question needs specifically covered statute considered exception infringement including u goldsmith et al added unpredictability process implications regulate powerful form artificial intelligence andy warhol foundation case andy warhol pet dachshund 1973 known concert portrait shots lynn goldsmith photographed famous musician prince 1981 photos licensed 1984 vanity fair magazine use artist reference licence specifically said illustration appear page element quarter page element magazine november 1984 vanity fair paid ms warhol adaptations purpose portray prince majority said copying helped convey new meaning message suffice factor dissenting opinion focused extensively art produced particularly fact artists create vacuum justice elena kagan author opinion wrote need broader reading transformative use progress arts science dissenters opined mr
Explained | Could a photography dispute in the U.S. affect ChatGPT and its cousins? Premium
Congress turncoat Sushil Kumar Rinku joined Aam Aadmi Party AAP days ahead Jalandhar parliamentary election Punjab 13 won election new party defeating nearest rival Congress party Mr. Sushil Congress MLA won Jalandhar Lok Sabha seat securing 3,02,279 votes AAP candidate defeated nearest rival Congress party Karamjit Kaur Chaudhary 58,691 votes Mrs. Chaudhary got 2,43,588 votes Shiromani Akali Dal SAD candidate Sukhwinder Kumar Sukhi got 1,58,445 votes stay place joint candidate SAD Bahujan Samaj Party Bharatiya Janta Party BJP candidate Inder Iqbal Singh Atwal secured 1,48,00 votes remain fourth spot poll result come jolt Congress party Jalandhar parliamentary seat traditionally Congress party stronghold total 18 Lok Sabha elections Congress won 14 times lost times year 1999 Congress lose Jalandhar parliamentary constituency ruling AAP win come respite election keenly watched backdrop AAP popularity power year Punjab sought votes performance policies AAP way Punjab thumping majority year 2022 months coming power AAP suffered jolt party lost parliamentary election Sangrur constituency considered party bastion loss AAP candidate seen big blow party Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann Sangrur happens home turf Chief Minister Jalandhar AAP seen seeking votes zero power bill opening Aam Aadmi Clinics stiff actions corruption giving 29,000 jobs eligible youth state issues election result come setback Shiromani Akali Dal Badal seeking political comeback alliance partner Bahujan Samaj Party BSP candidate staying spot SAD faced drubbing 2022 Punjab Assembly election later party dismal performance poll Sangrur parliamentary constituency loss grim reminder crisis staring SAD leadership poor gradually trigger internal bickering party Sukhbir Singh Badal leadership begin challenge party BJP faced farmer wrath backdrop farm laws poll result encouraging candidate lost security deposit got sixth total valid votes polled Jalandhar parliamentary went voting 10 saw low voter turnout 54.70 2019 parliamentary election voter turnout Jalandhar 63.04 000 jobs eligible youth state issues election result come setback shiromani akali dal badal seeking political comeback alliance partner bahujan samaj party bsp candidate staying spot sad faced drubbing 2022 punjab assembly election later party dismal performance poll sangrur parliamentary constituency loss grim reminder crisis staring sad leadership poor gradually trigger internal bickering party sukhbir singh badal leadership begin challenge party bjp faced farmer wrath backdrop farm laws poll result encouraging candidate lost security deposit got sixth total valid votes polled jalandhar parliamentary went voting 10 saw low voter turnout 54 14 times lost times year 1999 congress lose jalandhar parliamentary constituency ruling aap win come respite election keenly watched backdrop aap popularity power year punjab sought votes performance policies aap way punjab thumping majority year 2022 months coming power aap suffered jolt party lost parliamentary election sangrur constituency considered party bastion loss aap candidate seen big blow party chief minister bhagwant mann sangrur happens home turf chief minister jalandhar aap seen seeking votes zero power bill opening aam aadmi clinics stiff actions corruption giving 29 00 votes remain fourth spot poll result come jolt congress party jalandhar parliamentary seat traditionally congress party stronghold total 18 lok sabha elections congress 445 votes stay place joint candidate sad bahujan samaj party bharatiya janta party bjp candidate inder iqbal singh atwal secured 1 congress turncoat sushil kumar rinku joined aam aadmi party aap days ahead jalandhar parliamentary election punjab 13
Breaching the Congress bastion of Jalandhar, AAP gets a spring in its step
Madurai District Cyber Crime police arrested SIM card seller K. Alaguraja V. Kallupatti charges forging documents customers buy 67 SIM cards statement said Digital Intelligence Wing Department Telecommunication alerted people misusing documents given customers buying SIM deactivating SIM cards central agency alerted State police arresting misused documents customers Alaguraja replaced photographs documents customers photographs kallupatti charges forging documents customers buy 67 sim cards statement said digital intelligence wing department telecommunication alerted people misusing documents given customers buying sim deactivating sim cards central agency alerted state police arresting misused documents customers alaguraja replaced photographs documents customers photographs madurai district cyber crime police arrested sim card seller k alaguraja v
Man held for buying 67 SIM cards using forged documents
India defeated Great Britain 4 2 penalty shoot earn bonus point sides locked 4 4 end regulation time high scoring second leg FIH Pro League match Saturday Skipper Harmanpreet Singh 7th minute Mandeep Singh 19th Sukhjeet Singh 28th Abhishek 50th goal scorers India Sam Ward 8th 40th 47th 53rd star home team firing goals win ensured bonus point India lying second standings Great Britain 24 points 12 games Great Britain atop table 26 points 11 matches India earlier lost 4 2 Great Britain leg thrashing Belgium 5 1 India travel Eindhoven Netherlands play hosts June 7 Europe leg FIH Pro League campaign Great Britain started attacking note shot goal minute Phil Roper saved India goalkeeper Krishan Bahadur Pathak brilliant set Rupert Shipperley Roper position shot Pathak showed great reflexes minutes later Great Britain secured penalty corners Pathak came India rescue saving Mandeep earned penalty corner India minute later skipper Harmanpreet low dragflick sounded post past Great Britain goalie David Ames hand visitors lead India joy shortlived Ward converted penalty corner minute level scores stroke quarter Great Britain secured short corner Nicholas Bandurak drag flick deemed dangerous India survived teams locked 1 1 15 minutes teams continued play frantic pace second quarter India surged ahead Mandeep hammered ball goal Hardik Singh brilliant pass end end action teams Great Britain earned scoring chance minutes half time form consecutive penalty corners Pathak turned saviour India minutes half time Sukhjeet 3 1 favour India tomahawk fed Hardik visitors went breather goal cushion teams failed create clear cut chance change ends till 40th minute India conceded penalty corner Ward scored powerful flick reduce margin India guilty conceding penalty corners precise final minutes second quarter Great Britain failed utilise chances start final quarter India secured set piece time Harmanpreet effort blocked Shipperley unmarked Ward equalised Great Britain 47th minute field effort Great Britain dominated possession final quarter India restored lead 50th minute field goal Abhishek counter attack Ward Saturday brought Great Britain level field goal fourth night Great Britain India got penalty corners final minutes game faltered execution shoot Manpreet Singh Harmanpreet Lalit Kumar Upadhyay Abhishek scored India Great Britain lone goal efforts scored Calnan Zachary Wallace Shipperley Roper missed situation india defeated great britain 4 2 penalty shoot earn bonus point sides locked 4 4 end regulation time high scoring second leg fih pro league match saturday skipper harmanpreet singh 7th minute mandeep singh 19th sukhjeet singh 28th abhishek 50th goal scorers india sam ward 8th 40th 47th 53rd star home team firing goals win ensured bonus point india lying second standings great britain 24 points 12 games great britain atop table 26 points 11 matches india earlier lost 4 2 great britain leg thrashing belgium 5 1 india travel eindhoven netherlands play hosts june 7 europe leg fih pro league campaign great britain started attacking note shot goal minute phil roper saved india goalkeeper krishan bahadur pathak brilliant set rupert shipperley roper position shot pathak showed great reflexes minutes later great britain secured penalty corners pathak came india rescue saving mandeep earned penalty corner india minute later skipper harmanpreet low dragflick sounded post past great britain goalie david ames hand visitors lead india joy shortlived ward converted penalty corner minute level scores stroke quarter great britain secured short corner nicholas bandurak drag flick deemed dangerous india survived teams locked 1 1 15 minutes teams continued play frantic pace second quarter india surged ahead mandeep hammered ball goal hardik singh brilliant pass end end action teams great britain earned scoring chance minutes half time form consecutive penalty corners pathak turned saviour india minutes half time sukhjeet 3 1 favour india tomahawk fed hardik visitors went breather goal cushion teams failed create clear cut chance change ends till 40th minute india conceded penalty corner ward scored powerful flick reduce margin india guilty conceding penalty corners precise final minutes second quarter great britain failed utilise chances start final quarter india secured set piece time harmanpreet effort blocked shipperley unmarked ward equalised great britain 47th minute field effort great britain dominated possession final quarter india restored lead 50th minute field goal abhishek counter attack ward saturday brought great britain level field goal fourth night great britain india got penalty corners final minutes game faltered execution shoot manpreet singh harmanpreet lalit kumar upadhyay abhishek scored india great britain lone goal efforts scored calnan zachary wallace shipperley roper missed situation
FIH Pro League | India beat Great Britain 4-2 in shoot-out
major setback championship hopes Mahindra Racing Saturday withdrew Formula E race Saturday safety concerns rear suspension Mahindra decision qualifying ahead Cape Town E Prix following practice driver Lucas di Grassi pulled circuit broken rear suspension Indian manufacturer decision safety grounds pending investigation exact cause problem time Mahindra pull race championship Mahindra Formula E inaugural season 2014 Customer team ABT CUPRA runs M9Electro withdrawn weekend Mahindra Racing confirmed withdrawal ABB FIA Formula E World Championship qualifying sessions Cape Town E Prix Round 5 rear suspension safety concerns said Mahindra statement thorough investigation suspension elements Mahindra M9Electro race cars place team return UK safety drivers extended teams utmost importance point time Mahindra registered podium finish season opener Mexico Oliver Rowland finished sixth home race Hyderabad earlier month Indian outfit lies seventh team standings major setback championship hopes mahindra racing saturday withdrew formula e race saturday safety concerns rear suspension mahindra decision qualifying ahead cape town e prix following practice driver lucas di grassi pulled circuit broken rear suspension indian manufacturer decision safety grounds pending investigation exact cause problem time mahindra pull race championship mahindra formula e inaugural season 2014 customer team abt cupra runs m9electro withdrawn weekend mahindra racing confirmed withdrawal abb fia formula e world championship qualifying sessions cape town e prix round 5 rear suspension safety concerns said mahindra statement thorough investigation suspension elements mahindra m9electro race cars place team return uk safety drivers extended teams utmost importance point time mahindra registered podium finish season opener mexico oliver rowland finished sixth home race hyderabad earlier month indian outfit lies seventh team standings
Mahindra Racing withdraw from Formula E race in Cape Town due to rear suspension concerns
L’amour dessert studio Rutland Gate Chennai Bridgerton Story popular dessert rounds social media chocolate hazelnut pastry served tricks straight molecular gastronomy textbook cloche filled dry ice smoke lifted phones pulled spoons Slow motion videos boomerangs selfies fill room wait let picture echoes Photo printed coffee Bistrograph Food theatre inevitable experience offer restaurants stay game plates presented food achievable home kitchens social media accessibility molecular gastronomy pushed boundary milkshakes flamboyant simple latte art coffee overshadowed photographs printed foam Restaurants pulling stops provide picture friendly experiences ask provide lighting cast shadow plates photos clicked says Vikram Singh Minhas interior design studio creates retail spaces Butterfly cake Lafayette Swetha Kishore Lafayette Nungambakkam Chennai recent beneficiary trend cafe known butterfly cakes mock butterflies fly box opened got message influencer reel got 20 million views brought huge influx customers shares Swetha Restaurant chain Fruitbae adopted social media friendly agenda aspects right reminiscent social media sensation saltbae logo colours similar Instagram better recall brand harnessed surge interest Tsunami cakes burgers plastic ring containing cream sauce lifted allow drench cake burger viral offering Berry yogurt cup berry puree yogurt muesli layered cup inverted plate time eat 10,000 reels posts social media influencers customers inverting cup Berry Fruitbae beginning focused Instagram growth business sell 150 Berry plates daily branch says Abdul Manaf founder CEO Fruitbae nearly 40 branches country Dubai F house Hyderabad Vikram Singh Minhas photos food beverages priority bringing instagrammable dining experience ambience major role play set aside chunk budget art installations niche selfie walls people followers happening places says Vikram Earlier trending theme industrial set exposed ceilings Bohemian chic says Expect indoor plants floral motifs wire based furniture antiques props Bars fine dining restaurants migrating dimly lit lounge like aesthetic leather couches dark wood sophisticated light fixtures bright corners selfies photographs Silly Mumbai Aggregators like Zomato Google identified spike searches terms like Instagrammable good ambience curated lists places match criteria Zomato list Insta worthy places Mumbai Silly restobar located Khar vibrant murals stunning table settings aimed create Instagrammable moments leave lasting impression inspire visit savor offer says Karan Nohria founder Godrej food trends report 2023 predicted individual creator brand driven experiences kitchen food theatre based concepts expected grow rapidly celebrity chef K Damodaran popularly known Chef Damu worries experiences bring quality food says modern cooking techniques like molecular gastronomy gaining popularity consumption chemicals like liquid nitrogen quickly freeze elements sodium alginate process spherification unhealthy long term Fruit Caviar spherification people flock restaurants based reviews reactions content creators social media proof pudding taste people comment watch reel restaurant live hype influencers fake reactions restaurant conversion desires guests visit impact content creators credibility says Govind Pallipurath Kerala based food vlogger goes Kerala Foodie adds influencers audience responsible aware power gimmicks social media heading eat social media 000 reels posts social media influencers customers inverting cup berry fruitbae beginning focused instagram growth business sell 150 berry plates daily branch says abdul manaf founder ceo fruitbae nearly 40 branches country dubai f house hyderabad vikram singh minhas photos food beverages priority bringing instagrammable dining experience ambience major role play set aside chunk budget art installations niche selfie walls people followers happening places says vikram earlier trending theme industrial set exposed ceilings bohemian chic says expect indoor plants floral motifs wire based furniture antiques props bars fine dining restaurants migrating dimly lit lounge like aesthetic leather couches dark wood sophisticated light fixtures bright corners selfies photographs silly mumbai aggregators like zomato google identified spike searches terms like instagrammable good ambience curated lists places match criteria zomato list insta worthy places mumbai silly restobar located khar vibrant murals stunning table settings aimed create instagrammable moments leave lasting impression inspire visit savor offer says karan nohria founder godrej food trends report 2023 predicted individual creator brand driven experiences kitchen food theatre based concepts expected grow rapidly celebrity chef k damodaran popularly known chef damu worries experiences bring quality food says modern cooking techniques like molecular gastronomy gaining popularity consumption chemicals like liquid nitrogen quickly freeze elements sodium alginate process spherification unhealthy long term fruit caviar spherification people flock restaurants based reviews reactions content creators social media proof pudding taste people comment watch reel restaurant live hype influencers fake reactions restaurant conversion desires guests visit impact content creators credibility says govind pallipurath kerala based food vlogger goes kerala foodie adds influencers audience responsible aware power gimmicks social media heading eat social media l ’ amour dessert studio rutland gate chennai bridgerton story popular dessert rounds social media chocolate hazelnut pastry served tricks straight molecular gastronomy textbook cloche filled dry ice smoke lifted phones pulled spoons slow motion videos boomerangs selfies fill room wait let picture echoes photo printed coffee bistrograph food theatre inevitable experience offer restaurants stay game plates presented food achievable home kitchens social media accessibility molecular gastronomy pushed boundary milkshakes flamboyant simple latte art coffee overshadowed photographs printed foam restaurants pulling stops provide picture friendly experiences ask provide lighting cast shadow plates photos clicked says vikram singh minhas interior design studio creates retail spaces butterfly cake lafayette swetha kishore lafayette nungambakkam chennai recent beneficiary trend cafe known butterfly cakes mock butterflies fly box opened got message influencer reel got 20 million views brought huge influx customers shares swetha restaurant chain fruitbae adopted social media friendly agenda aspects right reminiscent social media sensation saltbae logo colours similar instagram better recall brand harnessed surge interest tsunami cakes burgers plastic ring containing cream sauce lifted allow drench cake burger viral offering berry yogurt cup berry puree yogurt muesli layered cup inverted plate time eat 10
What does it take to be an Instagram-worthy restaurant?
Fifth seed Balachandar Subramanian beat second seed Shekar Veeraswamy 7 5 1 6 10 4 final National wheelchair tennis championship Indore Tennis Club Thursday Subramanian partnered Veeraswamy beat seeds Mariappan Durai Karthik Karunakaran doubles final results finals Balachandar Subramanian bt Shekar Veeraswamy 7 5 1 6 10 4 Doubles Balachandar Subramanian Shekar Veeraswamy bt Mariappan Durai Karthik Karunakaran 6 1 4 1 retd fifth seed balachandar subramanian beat second seed shekar veeraswamy 7 5 1 6 10 4 final national wheelchair tennis championship indore tennis club thursday subramanian partnered veeraswamy beat seeds mariappan durai karthik karunakaran doubles final results finals balachandar subramanian bt shekar veeraswamy 7 5 1 6 10 4 doubles balachandar subramanian shekar veeraswamy bt mariappan durai karthik karunakaran 6 1 4 1 retd
Double National wheelchair tennis crown for Balachandar Subramanian
close association cows bulls samskaras said Velukkudi Krishnan discourse ghee yagas homas proper sraaddha pitrus elaborate unable simpler ways prescribed cow finds place Vishnu Purana says gather grass needed feed cow day stroke cow neck year able Sastras Panchagavya purification purposes days Panchagavya organic pesticide Panchagavya mixture cow urine cow dung milk ghee curd different ways preparing panchagavya Milk ghee cow urine taken equal quantities little bit cow dung curd added method ingredients equal quantities Vishnu Purana gives benefits milk products Milk consumed rid nausea gets rid pitta vata makes skin lustrous improves memory power Curd cools body cow milked layer froth Vishnu Purana says froth cure indigestion helps absorption nutrients gets rid weakness tiredness Butter according Purana improves fertility gives glowing skin cures kapha gives strength good eyes Ghee good memory overall health Cows milked early morning hours Pancharatra Agamas Visvaroopa darshan Vishnu temples cow brought sanctum sanctorum Butter sugar milk mixed offered deity Pancharatra Agamas close association cows bulls samskaras said velukkudi krishnan discourse ghee yagas homas proper sraaddha pitrus elaborate unable simpler ways prescribed cow finds place vishnu purana says gather grass needed feed cow day stroke cow neck year able sastras panchagavya purification purposes days panchagavya organic pesticide panchagavya mixture cow urine cow dung milk ghee curd different ways preparing panchagavya milk ghee cow urine taken equal quantities little bit cow dung curd added method ingredients equal quantities vishnu purana gives benefits milk products milk consumed rid nausea gets rid pitta vata makes skin lustrous improves memory power curd cools body cow milked layer froth vishnu purana says froth cure indigestion helps absorption nutrients gets rid weakness tiredness butter according purana improves fertility gives glowing skin cures kapha gives strength good eyes ghee good memory overall health cows milked early morning hours pancharatra agamas visvaroopa darshan vishnu temples cow brought sanctum sanctorum butter sugar milk mixed offered deity pancharatra agamas
Cows and samskaras
Fathima takes measured steps home Saramedu Karumbukkadai 6 pm main road chock block people rushing mosque packing iftar snacks way break Ramzan fast 85 year old takes narrow road away action reminiscing festivities little girl big family recalls sister vadais bondas 4 pm day month snacks readily available streets People prefer buy days Chicken balls sale Saramedu main road stroll Saramedu main road understand iftar snacks sold bicycles scooters pushcarts rickety benches roadside piping hot fresh mention easy pocket variety potato onion samosas masala ulundha vadais egg vegetable bondas sheer volume staggering sold 30 minutes says K Inayath neatly arranged chicken rolls cutlets inside glass box placed scooter seat recording plays phrase Hot tasty chicken cutlets chicken balls ₹ 20 loop portable loudspeaker placed atop box find 50 stalls selling iftar snacks stretch half month Ramzan explains 32 year old Podanur main road Street Arabiya live kebabs cold drinks counter serving malai seekh kebabs Nombu kanji offered free month mosques locality 15 Karumbukkadai away kanji asks irrespective religion points Inayath Masjidul Hudha located blocks away wrapped distribution evening people walk away steel containers filled piping hot kanji iftar Cold drinks nungu milk tender coconut milk rosemilk badam milk watermelon juice people prefer kanji vadai samosa says 60 year old M Mehaboob sells snacks pushcart road Inayath N Ansar team frying onion samosas hot oil samosas crispy mildly spiced filling boiled potatoes chopped onions demolish piece 30 seconds popular tagline goes eat buy multiples eat multiples Cold drinks form important iftar Saramedu offers range colourful options choose displayed takeaway plastic covers tempting pink red orange white watermelon juice nannari sherbet rosemilk popular nungu milk palm fruit sweetened milk drink festival specialty Cold drinks form important iftar Saramedu offers range colourful options choose J Navas Rasi Cold Drinks explains litres milk add 500 peeled palm fruits blend drink small bitable particles nungu explains 23 year old handing drinks steady stream customers try glass sweet concoction mild flavour palm fruit hot day pure bliss stall selling iftar delicacies masala vadais bondas potato samosas Meat lovers head Podanur kebabs live counter Street Arabiya shawarma place malai hariyali seekh kebabs fresh skewers refreshing Mohabbat sherbet rosemilk flavoured watermelon chunks Samosas readied iftar 6.30pm time maghrib prayer mood Karumbukkadai relaxed People selling snacks away left day lot free Mohammad Noor hands chicken samosa sits drink rosemilk stall Mehaboob offers warm potato bonda ironic sold cutthroat speed minutes thing Ramzan says Mehaboob want month business wise point joy spirit giving defines festival fathima takes measured steps home saramedu karumbukkadai 6 pm main road chock block people rushing mosque packing iftar snacks way break ramzan fast 85 year old takes narrow road away action reminiscing festivities little girl big family recalls sister vadais bondas 4 pm day month snacks readily available streets people prefer buy days chicken balls sale saramedu main road stroll saramedu main road understand iftar snacks sold bicycles scooters pushcarts rickety benches roadside piping hot fresh mention easy pocket variety potato onion samosas masala ulundha vadais egg vegetable bondas sheer volume staggering sold 30 minutes says k inayath neatly arranged chicken rolls cutlets inside glass box placed scooter seat recording plays phrase hot tasty chicken cutlets chicken balls ₹ 20 loop portable loudspeaker placed atop box find 50 stalls selling iftar snacks stretch half month ramzan explains 32 year old podanur main road street arabiya live kebabs cold drinks counter serving malai seekh kebabs nombu kanji offered free month mosques locality 15 karumbukkadai away kanji asks irrespective religion points inayath masjidul hudha located blocks away wrapped distribution evening people walk away steel containers filled piping hot kanji iftar cold drinks nungu milk tender coconut milk rosemilk badam milk watermelon juice people prefer kanji vadai samosa says 60 year old mehaboob sells snacks pushcart road inayath n ansar team frying onion samosas hot oil samosas crispy mildly spiced filling boiled potatoes chopped onions demolish piece 30 seconds popular tagline goes eat buy multiples eat multiples cold drinks form important iftar saramedu offers range colourful options choose displayed takeaway plastic covers tempting pink red orange white watermelon juice nannari sherbet rosemilk popular nungu milk palm fruit sweetened milk drink festival specialty cold drinks form important iftar saramedu offers range colourful options choose j navas rasi cold drinks explains litres milk add 500 peeled palm fruits blend drink small bitable particles nungu explains 23 year old handing drinks steady stream customers try glass sweet concoction mild flavour palm fruit hot day pure bliss stall selling iftar delicacies masala vadais bondas potato samosas meat lovers head podanur kebabs live counter street arabiya shawarma place malai hariyali seekh kebabs fresh skewers refreshing mohabbat sherbet rosemilk flavoured watermelon chunks samosas readied iftar 6 30pm time maghrib prayer mood karumbukkadai relaxed people selling snacks away left day lot free mohammad noor hands chicken samosa sits drink rosemilk stall mehaboob offers warm potato bonda ironic sold cutthroat speed minutes thing ramzan says mehaboob want month business wise point joy spirit giving defines festival
Coimbatore’s Karumbukkadai comes alive at iftar
EU industry chief Thierry Breton meet OpenAI CEO Sam Altman San Francisco month discuss company implement bloc world leading rules artificial intelligence AI EU officials said Tuesday Breton discuss AI pact Altman goal getting OpenAI join group European non European companies apply AI rules ahead enforcement 2026 EU officials said asking named Altman week irked Breton threatening quit Europe hard comply bloc upcoming AI laws response Breton devised new rules said bargained technology news day subscribe tech newsletter Today Cache Breton discuss practical aspects implementation AI Act working session depth discussion datasets EU officials said week meeting Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai Breton said U.S. tech giant European Commission discuss voluntary AI pact help companies anticipate implementation AI legislation eu industry chief thierry breton meet openai ceo sam altman san francisco month discuss company implement bloc world leading rules artificial intelligence ai eu officials said tuesday breton discuss ai pact altman goal getting openai join group european non european companies apply ai rules ahead enforcement 2026 eu officials said asking named altman week irked breton threatening quit europe hard comply bloc upcoming ai laws response breton devised new rules said bargained technology news day subscribe tech newsletter today cache breton discuss practical aspects implementation ai act working session depth discussion datasets eu officials said week meeting alphabet ceo sundar pichai breton said u tech giant european commission discuss voluntary ai pact help companies anticipate implementation ai legislation
EU industry chief to discuss AI rules with OpenAI CEO in June
Archaeologists excavating hilltop sanctuary Aegean Sea island Kythnos discovered countless pottery offerings left ancient worshippers centuries Greece Culture Ministry said June 7 ministry statement said finds work year included 2,000 intact complete clay figurines women children male actors tortoises lions pigs birds ceremonial pottery vessels unearthed linked worship Demeter ancient Greek goddess agriculture daughter Persephone excavated sanctuary complex dedicated seaside site Vryokastro Kythnos ancient capital island inhabited break 12th century B.C. 7th A.D. abandoned stronger position period pirate raids ancient clay figurine woman fragments vases excavated remains ancient sanctuary Aegean Sea island Kythnos artifacts came scant ruins small temples long building close served temple storeroom nearby pit older offerings buried space new ones sanctuary use thousand years starting 7th century B.C. excavation Greece University Thessaly Culture Ministry found luxury pottery imported parts Greece ornate lamps fragments ritual vases worship Demeter Persephone Eleusis ancient Athens suburb unclear extent site Kythnos associated Eleusis important religious centers ancient Greece goddesses worshipped secret rites open initiates forbidden speak saw sanctuary Eleusis known owned land island Kythnos Cyclades island group inhabited 10,000 years ago copper deposits mined 3rd millennium B.C. Roman times place political exile excavations set continue 2025 excavation greece university thessaly culture ministry found luxury pottery imported parts greece ornate lamps fragments ritual vases worship demeter persephone eleusis ancient athens suburb unclear extent site kythnos associated eleusis important religious centers ancient greece goddesses worshipped secret rites open initiates forbidden speak saw sanctuary eleusis known owned land island kythnos cyclades island group inhabited 10 abandoned stronger position period pirate raids ancient clay figurine woman fragments vases excavated remains ancient sanctuary aegean sea island kythnos artifacts came scant ruins small temples long building close served temple storeroom nearby pit older offerings buried space new ones sanctuary use thousand years starting 7th century b 000 intact complete clay figurines women children male actors tortoises lions pigs birds ceremonial pottery vessels unearthed linked worship demeter ancient greek goddess agriculture daughter persephone excavated sanctuary complex dedicated seaside site vryokastro kythnos ancient capital island inhabited break 12th century b archaeologists excavating hilltop sanctuary aegean sea island kythnos discovered countless pottery offerings left ancient worshippers centuries greece culture ministry said june 7 ministry statement said finds work year included 2 000 years ago copper deposits mined 3rd millennium b
Greek island temple complex reveals ‘countless’ offerings left by ancient worshippers
Benchmark indices ended flat 9 paring intra day gains investors resorted profit taking recent upsurge amid weak trends global equities trading gains day 30 share BSE Sensex failed hold momentum skidded 2.92 points settle 61,761.33 fag end volatility day hit high 62,027.51 low 61,654.94 NSE Nifty ended marginally 1.55 points 0.01 18,265.95 Sensex firms ITC State Bank India Bajaj Finance NTPC Power Grid ICICI Bank Kotak Mahindra Bank UltraTech Cement major laggards IndusInd Bank Tata Consultancy Services Axis Bank Mahindra Mahindra Tata Motors HCL Technologies Asian Paints Wipro HDFC Maruti major gainers Asian markets Seoul Shanghai Hong Kong ended lower Tokyo settled green European markets trading negative territory U.S. markets ended mixed note Monday Foreign Institutional Investors FIIs net buyers Monday bought equities worth ₹ 2,123.76 crore according exchange data global oil benchmark Brent crude dipped 0.88 $ 76.33 barrel Fitch Tuesday affirmed India sovereign rating BBB- stable outlook robust growth resilient external finances said weak public finances remain challenge BSE benchmark rallied 709.96 points 1.16 settle 61,764.25 Monday Nifty climbed 195.40 points 1.08 end 18,264.40 95 sensex firms itc state bank india bajaj finance ntpc power grid icici bank kotak mahindra bank ultratech cement major laggards indusind bank tata consultancy services axis bank mahindra mahindra tata motors hcl technologies asian paints wipro hdfc maruti major gainers asian markets seoul shanghai hong kong ended lower tokyo settled green european markets trading negative territory u benchmark indices ended flat 9 paring intra day gains investors resorted profit taking recent upsurge amid weak trends global equities trading gains day 30 share bse sensex failed hold momentum skidded 2 markets ended mixed note monday foreign institutional investors fiis net buyers monday bought equities worth ₹ 2 stable outlook robust growth resilient external finances said weak public finances remain challenge bse benchmark rallied 709 76 crore according exchange data global oil benchmark brent crude dipped 0
Markets end flat in volatile trade amid weak trends in global equities
little kilometre trek Kedarnath Rudra meditation cave 3,500 metres sea level booked April 75 booking 65 June Char Dham Yatra Uttarakhand scheduled start April 22 2023 caves shot fame Prime Minister Narendra Modi spent 17 hours visit Uttarakhand 2019 final day general elections draw meditation caves kutirs appear window offers view spectacular Kedarnath valley meditation caves booked 103 times year 2019 36 times 2020 onset COVID takers yatra 2021 stay restricted pandemic 2022 64 people placed bookings said Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam GMVN Rudraprayag Pauri regional manager Sudarshan Khatri official GMVN enterprise Uttarakhand government vision promote steady sustained growth travel tourism sector State added concept meditation cave brainchild Prime Minister wished pilgrims meditating solitude visited shrine renovation post 2013 cloudburst disaster official added Rudra Prime Minister meditated bed bell heater geyser table lamp Guests offered dry fruits fresh fruits arrival caves bed amenities charged separately main cave available ₹ 3,000 night rest cost ₹ 1,500 plus GST Read | Yogic energy giving direction global health Prime Minister Narendra Modi 500 metres sea level booked april 75 booking 65 june char dham yatra uttarakhand scheduled start april 22 2023 caves shot fame prime minister narendra modi spent 17 hours visit uttarakhand 2019 final day general elections draw meditation caves kutirs appear window offers view spectacular kedarnath valley meditation caves booked 103 times year 2019 36 times 2020 onset covid takers yatra 2021 stay restricted pandemic 2022 64 people placed bookings said garhwal mandal vikas nigam gmvn rudraprayag pauri regional manager sudarshan khatri official gmvn enterprise uttarakhand government vision promote steady sustained growth travel tourism sector state added concept meditation cave brainchild prime minister wished pilgrims meditating solitude visited shrine renovation post 2013 cloudburst disaster official added rudra prime minister meditated bed bell heater geyser table lamp guests offered dry fruits fresh fruits arrival caves bed amenities charged separately main cave available ₹ 3 little kilometre trek kedarnath rudra meditation cave 3 yogic energy giving direction global health prime minister narendra modi 000 night rest cost ₹ 1 500 plus gst read
PM Modi’s meditation cave in Uttarakhand pulls tourists after pandemic lull
India Prime Minister Narendra Modi transformed gaining position world order key driver Asia global growth said Morgan Stanley report Morgan Stanley said significant scepticism India particularly overseas investors ignores significant changes taken place India especially 2014 Rejecting criticism India delivered potential despite second fastest growing economy performing stock markets past 25 years equity valuations rich saying view ignores systematic reforms years India different 2013 short span 10 years India gained positions world order significant positive consequences macro market outlook said India transformed decade Listing 10 big changes happened Prime Minister Narendra Modi took office 2014 brokerage said bringing corporate tax par peers infrastructure investment picking pace biggest supply policy reforms rising collection GST uniform tax replaced dozen different central state taxes rising share digital transactions percentage GDP indicate formalisation economy Transfer subsidies accounts beneficiaries insolvency bankruptcy code flexible inflation targeting focus FDI government support corporate profits new law real estate sector MNC sentiment multi year high significant changes said Manufacturing capital spending percentage GDP continuously risen Morgan Stanley said adding export market share projected double 4.5 2031 major shift consumption basket following lower volatility inflation shallower interest rate cycles led profit boom corporate stock market investors breakdown correlation global oil prices Indian stocks defensive said steady increase manufacturing capex percentage GDP likely result new cycle manufacturing capex estimate share rise GDP approximately 5ppt 2031 said adding India export market share rise 4.5 2031 nearly 2x 2021 levels broad based gains goods services exports India capita income increases $ 2,200 currently $ 5,200 2032 major implications change consumption basket impetus discretionary consumption said expect inflation remain benign volatile imply shallower rate cycles Shallower rate cycles imply benign equity market cycles benign trend current account deficit said believes India structural transformation feed saving investment dynamics implying gains external balance sheet progressively narrower trend CAD share profits GDP doubled time lows hit 2020 set rise maybe double leading strong absolute relative earnings explains India apparently rich headline equity valuations Triggered supply reforms government expect major rise investments moderation CAD increase credit GDP support coming profit growth said brokerage saw lower correlation oil prices U.S. recession India reliance global capital market flows reduced market sensitivity U.S. recession U.S. Fed rate changes fading reflects persistent domestic demand stocks higher growth longer India trading premium long term history albeit highs line recent history said India beta emerging markets fallen 0.6 consequence improved macro stability reduction dependence global capital market flows fund CAD Key risks remain global recession fragmented general election outcome 2024 sharp rise commodity prices supply outages shortages skilled labour supply india prime minister narendra modi transformed gaining position world order key driver asia global growth said morgan stanley report morgan stanley said significant scepticism india particularly overseas investors ignores significant changes taken place india especially 2014 rejecting criticism india delivered potential despite second fastest growing economy performing stock markets past 25 years equity valuations rich saying view ignores systematic reforms years india different 2013 short span 10 years india gained positions world order significant positive consequences macro market outlook said india transformed decade listing 10 big changes happened prime minister narendra modi took office 2014 brokerage said bringing corporate tax par peers infrastructure investment picking pace biggest supply policy reforms rising collection gst uniform tax replaced dozen different central state taxes rising share digital transactions percentage gdp indicate formalisation economy transfer subsidies accounts beneficiaries insolvency bankruptcy code flexible inflation targeting focus fdi government support corporate profits new law real estate sector mnc sentiment multi year high significant changes said manufacturing capital spending percentage gdp continuously risen morgan stanley said adding export market share projected double 4 200 2032 major implications change consumption basket impetus discretionary consumption said expect inflation remain benign volatile imply shallower rate cycles shallower rate cycles imply benign equity market cycles benign trend current account deficit said believes india structural transformation feed saving investment dynamics implying gains external balance sheet progressively narrower trend cad share profits gdp doubled time lows hit 2020 set rise maybe double leading strong absolute relative earnings explains india apparently rich headline equity valuations triggered supply reforms government expect major rise investments moderation cad increase credit gdp support coming profit growth said brokerage saw lower correlation oil prices u 5 2031 major shift consumption basket following lower volatility inflation shallower interest rate cycles led profit boom corporate stock market investors breakdown correlation global oil prices indian stocks defensive said steady increase manufacturing capex percentage gdp likely result new cycle manufacturing capex estimate share rise gdp approximately 5ppt 2031 said adding india export market share rise 4 6 consequence improved macro stability reduction dependence global capital market flows fund cad key risks remain global recession fragmented general election outcome 2024 sharp rise commodity prices supply outages shortages skilled labour supply fed rate changes fading reflects persistent domestic demand stocks higher growth longer india trading premium long term history albeit highs line recent history said india beta emerging markets fallen 0
India transformed in less than a decade: Morgan Stanley
video camera missing 15 years dropped Japanese journalist fatally shot street protest Myanmar handed April 26 sister ceremony Bangkok Kenji Nagai recording demonstration September 27 2007 downtown Yangon peaceful anti military uprising known Saffron Revolution soldiers arrived dispersing crowd gunfire 50 year old journalist working Japan APF News small video photo agency hit mortally wounded 10 people killed day Kenji Nagai APF tries photographs lies injured police military officials fired charged protesters Yangon city centre September 27 2007 Nagai sister Noriko Ogawa received small Sony Handycam Aye Chan Naing head Democratic Voice Burma Myanmar media organisation involved recovery Thank heart said great surprise joy information camera handover camera comes Myanmar grip upheaval far worse 2007 widespread determined armed resistance sprung response overthrow Aung San Suu Kyi elected government military 2021 According tallies kept journalists Myanmar local colleagues killed authorities army takeover 150 detained handful foreign journalists detained later deported camera found original tape inside contents screened Wednesday event images showed protesters monks street close Yangon ancient Sule Pagoda singing chanting police blocking way Trucks soldiers arrived prompting Nagai turn camera army arrived army says think heavily armed army temple filled citizens Citizens gathering head Buddha heavily armed army truck arrived images appear people scattering video cut fatal moment video recorded Democratic Voice Burma caught moment Nagai death fell apparently shot close range soldier photo incident taken Adrees Latif Reuters news agency won 2008 Pulitzer Prize Exact details Nagai camera found kept intervening years remain vague Aye Chan Naing said gone series people getting Myanmar obvious security reasons deeper tell got good citizen knew right wrong got said Nagai sister said hoped analysis tape disprove Myanmar government claim deliberately targeted definitely bring camera tape Japan like confirm older brother held end investigate details data clarify brother wanted tell truth cause death hope reverse Myanmar military claim brother death accident said op ed Myanmar state controlled press month shooting said Nagai blame death harm way Japanese correspondent caused tragic end getting protesters said Surely Japanese correspondent shot accidentally purpose met tragic end fact protesters improper site improper time article complained Nagai entered country tourist visa journalist visa Journalist visas difficult impossible obtain period protest Shawn Crispin New York based Committee Protect Journalists press freedom group said danger journalists Myanmar persists Today event important timely reminder Myanmar military continued kill journalists impunity said Crispin took Wednesday ceremony killings wo stop Kenji murder receives justice triggerman commanders day gave shoot kill orders military leaders orchestrated day lethal repression video camera missing 15 years dropped japanese journalist fatally shot street protest myanmar handed april 26 sister ceremony bangkok kenji nagai recording demonstration september 27 2007 downtown yangon peaceful anti military uprising known saffron revolution soldiers arrived dispersing crowd gunfire 50 year old journalist working japan apf news small video photo agency hit mortally wounded 10 people killed day kenji nagai apf tries photographs lies injured police military officials fired charged protesters yangon city centre september 27 2007 nagai sister noriko ogawa received small sony handycam aye chan naing head democratic voice burma myanmar media organisation involved recovery thank heart said great surprise joy information camera handover camera comes myanmar grip upheaval far worse 2007 widespread determined armed resistance sprung response overthrow aung san suu kyi elected government military 2021 according tallies kept journalists myanmar local colleagues killed authorities army takeover 150 detained handful foreign journalists detained later deported camera found original tape inside contents screened wednesday event images showed protesters monks street close yangon ancient sule pagoda singing chanting police blocking way trucks soldiers arrived prompting nagai turn camera army arrived army says think heavily armed army temple filled citizens citizens gathering head buddha heavily armed army truck arrived images appear people scattering video cut fatal moment video recorded democratic voice burma caught moment nagai death fell apparently shot close range soldier photo incident taken adrees latif reuters news agency 2008 pulitzer prize exact details nagai camera found kept intervening years remain vague aye chan naing said gone series people getting myanmar obvious security reasons deeper tell got good citizen knew right wrong got said nagai sister said hoped analysis tape disprove myanmar government claim deliberately targeted definitely bring camera tape japan like confirm older brother held end investigate details data clarify brother wanted tell truth cause death hope reverse myanmar military claim brother death accident said op ed myanmar state controlled press month shooting said nagai blame death harm way japanese correspondent caused tragic end getting protesters said surely japanese correspondent shot accidentally purpose met tragic end fact protesters improper site improper time article complained nagai entered country tourist visa journalist visa journalist visas difficult impossible obtain period protest shawn crispin new york based committee protect journalists press freedom group said danger journalists myanmar persists today event important timely reminder myanmar military continued kill journalists impunity said crispin took wednesday ceremony killings wo stop kenji murder receives justice triggerman commanders day gave shoot kill orders military leaders orchestrated day lethal repression
Slain Japanese journalist’s last Myanmar images shared after 15 years missing
216 people board Air India flight Delhi San Francisco emergency landing Tuesday stranded Russia remote town Magadan key transit point infamous Gulag major instrument political repression Stalin era erstwhile Soviet Union Flight AI173 diverted Magadan Tuesday engine glitch Boeing 777 200 LR aircraft Air India Wednesday sent ferry flight carrying food essentials Magadan fly passengers bound San Francisco currently stranded Magadan located shores Sea Okhotsk northeastern Russia falls administrative centre Magadan Oblast port town 10,167 km Moscow takes 7 hours 37 minutes reach Magadan Moscow air Citing Minister Transport Magadan Region Aleksey Siorpas Sputnik reported passengers accommodated school near airport women children pregnant women accommodated dormitory medical college city provided meals situation explained Mr. Siorpas said adding passengers leave premises places accommodation Russian border guards Transport prosecutor Magadan Region Vitaly Druppov told Sputnik news agency passengers provided warm blankets meals adding regional airport authorities depended climate Magadan harsh short summers accounts period white nights persist summer time sun barely sets horizon Given infrastructural limitations remote airport confirm passengers eventually moved makeshift accommodation making sincere attempts accommodate passengers hotels locally help local government authorities Air India said noted airline staff based remote town Magadan Russia support provided passengers best possible unusual circumstance support provided airline round clock liaison Consulate General India Vladivostok India Ministry External Affairs local ground handlers Russian authorities said Air India said engaged local authorities Magadan Airport extended cooperation support flight arrival Russia air transport regulator said infants flight Magadan founded 1929 base transferring Gulag prisoners arrived sea work Kolyma gold Stalin rule Kolyma Gulag notorious region Gulag labour camps Tens thousands people died en route area Kolyma gold mining road building lumbering construction camps 1932 1954 siorpas said adding passengers leave premises places accommodation russian border guards transport prosecutor magadan region vitaly druppov told sputnik news agency passengers provided warm blankets meals adding regional airport authorities depended climate magadan harsh short summers accounts period white nights persist summer time sun barely sets horizon given infrastructural limitations remote airport confirm passengers eventually moved makeshift accommodation making sincere attempts accommodate passengers hotels locally help local government authorities air india said noted airline staff based remote town magadan russia support provided passengers best possible unusual circumstance support provided airline round clock liaison consulate general india vladivostok india ministry external affairs local ground handlers russian authorities said air india said engaged local authorities magadan airport extended cooperation support flight arrival russia air transport regulator said infants flight magadan founded 1929 base transferring gulag prisoners arrived sea work kolyma gold stalin rule kolyma gulag notorious region gulag labour camps tens thousands people died en route area kolyma gold mining road building lumbering construction camps 1932 1954 216 people board air india flight delhi san francisco emergency landing tuesday stranded russia remote town magadan key transit point infamous gulag major instrument political repression stalin era erstwhile soviet union flight ai173 diverted magadan tuesday engine glitch boeing 777 200 lr aircraft air india wednesday sent ferry flight carrying food essentials magadan fly passengers bound san francisco currently stranded magadan located shores sea okhotsk northeastern russia falls administrative centre magadan oblast port town 10 167 km moscow takes 7 hours 37 minutes reach magadan moscow air citing minister transport magadan region aleksey siorpas sputnik reported passengers accommodated school near airport women children pregnant women accommodated dormitory medical college city provided meals situation explained mr
Magadan — a major transit point of infamous Gulag
imagine feel like hot kitchen time year Chef Ananda Solomon steps lunch service proceeds sit opposite table question water settles pen shirt pocket glints gift Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee chef accompanied international tours 64 year old best known long stint Taj Hotels launched ran popular Thai Pavilion Mumbai Taj Presidency cooked country biggest names recently joined hands Suraj Salian owner 34 year old iconic seafood restaurant Bharat Excellensea Mumbai Ballard Estate recently revamped Solomon roped reinvent recreate brand legacy forward outer facade restaurant chef arrival writer treated hearty meal consisted wholesome crabmeat soup mildly spiced seafood biryani chonak tangy peri peri sauce prawn stew raw mangoes described hug bowl appams menu remains unchanged Solomon association Goan Thai dishes added cooled chilled glass Thai dessert Tub Tim Grob diced water chestnuts coconut milk end meal Prawns raw mango Chef Solomon described best chef generation original food influencer truly career chef began Oberoi moved Taj Group set city Thai restaurant Thai Pavilion Taj President followed Trattoria Konkan Café served Taj 25 years leaving Thailand 2016 returning Mumbai 2019 start Thai Nam Andheri Chef Solomon tried deep understanding ingredients techniques flavours multiple cuisines chef accolades seriously stating simply today know food Pomfret Gassi learnt cooking hard way taking shortcuts burnt fingers times went field met farmers fishermen understand produce recalls father background army taught stay disciplined early age days Dadar Catering College young chef Oberoi kitchen instilled quest understanding ingredients techniques learning day wants attain perfection field ground markets learn adulteration works spend time farmers things states Meen Pollichottu today routine remains unchanged Solomon 5 morning visiting markets Dadar times Vashi Ferry Wharf seafood cooking managerial role manage kitchen restaurant like behave like band master shouting orders staff states association Bharat Excellensea believes came right time wanted try hand working owner driven setup getting hang says admitting unlike star restaurants patrons usually prefer spicy food demands slightly different trying understand Suraj Salian Chef Ananda Solomon 64 chef mood hang boots worked day 8 midnight years break boring sit think cut chuckles search excellence continues settled future foresees country global platform want raise bar concepts sure global platform India opening prepared known locally internationally aim great find somebody understands saying capital having faith ideas signs imagine feel like hot kitchen time year chef ananda solomon steps lunch service proceeds sit opposite table question water settles pen shirt pocket glints gift prime minister atal bihari vajpayee chef accompanied international tours 64 year old best known long stint taj hotels launched ran popular thai pavilion mumbai taj presidency cooked country biggest names recently joined hands suraj salian owner 34 year old iconic seafood restaurant bharat excellensea mumbai ballard estate recently revamped solomon roped reinvent recreate brand legacy forward outer facade restaurant chef arrival writer treated hearty meal consisted wholesome crabmeat soup mildly spiced seafood biryani chonak tangy peri peri sauce prawn stew raw mangoes described hug bowl appams menu remains unchanged solomon association goan thai dishes added cooled chilled glass thai dessert tub tim grob diced water chestnuts coconut milk end meal prawns raw mango chef solomon described best chef generation original food influencer truly career chef began oberoi moved taj group set city thai restaurant thai pavilion taj president followed trattoria konkan café served taj 25 years leaving thailand 2016 returning mumbai 2019 start thai nam andheri chef solomon tried deep understanding ingredients techniques flavours multiple cuisines chef accolades seriously stating simply today know food pomfret gassi learnt cooking hard way taking shortcuts burnt fingers times went field met farmers fishermen understand produce recalls father background army taught stay disciplined early age days dadar catering college young chef oberoi kitchen instilled quest understanding ingredients techniques learning day wants attain perfection field ground markets learn adulteration works spend time farmers things states meen pollichottu today routine remains unchanged solomon 5 morning visiting markets dadar times vashi ferry wharf seafood cooking managerial role manage kitchen restaurant like behave like band master shouting orders staff states association bharat excellensea believes came right time wanted try hand working owner driven setup getting hang says admitting unlike star restaurants patrons usually prefer spicy food demands slightly different trying understand suraj salian chef ananda solomon 64 chef mood hang boots worked day 8 midnight years break boring sit think cut chuckles search excellence continues settled future foresees country global platform want raise bar concepts sure global platform india opening prepared known locally internationally aim great find somebody understands saying capital faith ideas signs
Chef Ananda Solomon revamps Mumbai’s 34-year-old seafood restaurant Bharat Excellensea’s menu
participate Asian Games issues resolved Sakshi Malik Olympic medallist Sakshi Malik Saturday said wrestlers protesting Wrestling Federation India WFI president Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh participate upcoming Asian Games ongoing issues resolved Malik remarks come wrestlers organised mahapanchayat khap leaders Sonipat Haryana Assam CM sent peacemaker Manipur fortnight Union Home Minister Amit Shah visit Manipur BJP leadership June 10 sent Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma troubleshooter crisis party faces northeast series meetings Imphal Dr. Sarma met Manipur counterpart Nongthombam Biren Singh group MLAs apart leaders Meitei Naga groups effort work peace formula strife torn State Gujarat ATS busts terror module linked Islamic State Gujarat Anti Terrorist Squad ATS arrested persons allegedly linked international terror outfit Islamic State Khorasan Province ISKP Porbandar Surat June 11 arrested include persons Kashmir woman Surat resident Kashmir said large men Srinagar arrested Porbandar identified Ubed Nasir Mir Hanan Hayat Shol Mohammad Hajim Shah Odisha train tragedy survivor reunites father AIIMS Bhubaneswar Recuperating Indian Institute Medical Sciences Bhubaneswar Dulal Majumder resident Assam lucky survivor India deadliest train accident past decades pleasant surprise Saturday week 12841 Howrah Chennai Coromandel Express Dulal boarded met accident met father Subash Majumder Friday Indian Army Air Defence widens wings Indian Army reorientation western borders northern borders aftermath 2020 standoff China lessons ongoing war Ukraine impacting ongoing transformation Army Air Defence AAD range new systems indigenous inducted new technologies factoring new realities Bringing new automation initiative Project Akashteer build comprehensive air defence picture monitoring tracking shooting air defence assets India looks devising standards assess socio economic progress Health activists divided Central Government discard calls size fit international data parameters measure socio economic progress country activists international norms seen aspirational standards welcomed change India actively discussing redrawing parameters cater accommodate national diversity local anthropometric measurements childhood stunting female labour force participation rate life expectancy birth highlight alleged anomalies Manchester City win Champions League title Manchester City ended sensational season beating Inter Milan 1 0 win Champions League time complete treble Saturday evening frayed nerves French Open | Swiatek beats Muchova women final 3rd trophy Paris Iga Swiatek built big lead French Open final overcame second set crisis confidence set deficit righting defeating Karolina Muchova 6 2 5 7 6 4 Saturday collect championship Roland Garros fourth Grand Slam title WTC Final 2023 | Kohli stands Australia way India need 280 win Day 5 focussed Virat Kohli stood Australia World Test Championship mace India require 280 runs create history promises intriguing final day summit clash Kohli batting 44 60 balls Ajinkya Rahane 20 batting company stand 71 fourth wicket India ended fourth day 164 3 pursuit world record chase 444 Congress demands white paper India debt claiming gone ₹ 155 lakh crore India debt tripled ₹ 155 lakh crore years Prime Minister Narendra Modi government Congress claimed Saturday demanded white paper state economy India Bangladesh border talks begin Delhi June 11 India Bangladesh hold biannual talks border guarding forces Delhi June 11 sides expected discuss host issues related combating cross frontier crimes measures create better synergy Zelensky says counteroffensive defensive actions taking place Ukraine Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Saturday counteroffensive defensive actions underway Russian forces asserting commanders positive mindset troops engaged intense fighting line sarma met manipur counterpart nongthombam biren singh group mlas apart leaders meitei naga groups effort work peace formula strife torn state gujarat ats busts terror module linked islamic state gujarat anti terrorist squad ats arrested persons allegedly linked international terror outfit islamic state khorasan province iskp porbandar surat june 11 arrested include persons kashmir woman surat resident kashmir said large men srinagar arrested porbandar identified ubed nasir mir hanan hayat shol mohammad hajim shah odisha train tragedy survivor reunites father aiims bhubaneswar recuperating indian institute medical sciences bhubaneswar dulal majumder resident assam lucky survivor india deadliest train accident past decades pleasant surprise saturday week 12841 howrah chennai coromandel express dulal boarded met accident met father subash majumder friday indian army air defence widens wings indian army reorientation western borders northern borders aftermath 2020 standoff china lessons ongoing war ukraine impacting ongoing transformation army air defence aad range new systems indigenous inducted new technologies factoring new realities bringing new automation initiative project akashteer build comprehensive air defence picture monitoring tracking shooting air defence assets india looks devising standards assess socio economic progress health activists divided central government discard calls size fit international data parameters measure socio economic progress country activists international norms seen aspirational standards welcomed change india actively discussing redrawing parameters cater accommodate national diversity local anthropometric measurements childhood stunting female labour force participation rate life expectancy birth highlight alleged anomalies manchester city win champions league title manchester city ended sensational season beating inter milan 1 0 win champions league time complete treble saturday evening frayed nerves french open kohli stands australia way india need 280 win day 5 focussed virat kohli stood australia world test championship mace india require 280 runs create history promises intriguing final day summit clash kohli batting 44 60 balls ajinkya rahane 20 batting company stand 71 fourth wicket india ended fourth day 164 3 pursuit world record chase 444 congress demands white paper india debt claiming gone ₹ 155 lakh crore india debt tripled ₹ 155 lakh crore years prime minister narendra modi government congress claimed saturday demanded white paper state economy india bangladesh border talks begin delhi june 11 india bangladesh hold biannual talks border guarding forces delhi june 11 sides expected discuss host issues related combating cross frontier crimes measures create better synergy zelensky says counteroffensive defensive actions taking place ukraine ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky said saturday counteroffensive defensive actions underway russian forces asserting commanders positive mindset troops engaged intense fighting line participate asian games issues resolved sakshi malik olympic medallist sakshi malik saturday said wrestlers protesting wrestling federation india wfi president brij bhushan sharan singh participate upcoming asian games ongoing issues resolved malik remarks come wrestlers organised mahapanchayat khap leaders sonipat haryana assam cm sent peacemaker manipur fortnight union home minister amit shah visit manipur bjp leadership june 10 sent assam chief minister himanta biswa sarma troubleshooter crisis party faces northeast series meetings imphal dr swiatek beats muchova women final 3rd trophy paris iga swiatek built big lead french open final overcame second set crisis confidence set deficit righting defeating karolina muchova 6 2 5 7 6 4 saturday collect championship roland garros fourth grand slam title wtc final 2023
Morning Digest | Will participate in Asian Games only if issues are resolved, says Sakshi Malik; Assam CM sent as peacemaker to Manipur
Apple new comedy Platonic misstep probably title far away traversing anticipated best friends turn lovers question wonder creators husband wife duo Nicholas Stoller Francesca Delbanco named terrific 10 episodes chart gloriously self aware hilarious nuanced coming age journey different people going midlife crises wonderful exploration late millennial angst highs lows modern day relationships Similar shows Fleishman Trouble Jesse Eisenberg Claire Danes Lizzy Caplan Mark Duplass Togetherness Judd Apatow criminally underrated Love looked changing nature friendships marriages older Platonic posits gnawing questions 40 somethings struggling let 20s deceptively College friends benefits Sylvia Rose Byrne Seth Rogen fallen badly years ago want marry fiancé ended divorced Sylvia stay home mom kids successful lawyer husband Charlie misses law career wonders brewmaster cool local beer bar runs friends dresses like hippie considering getting dating game reunite instant sparks romantic kind better sparks remind college decisions little consequences life unhinged fun Sylvia help despite responsible grown opposed juvenile self duo hangs lapse people met Best friends tend effect chaos despite madness Sylvia drinking silly getting high snorting ketamine stealing lizards bleaching hair Platonic offers remarkable insight profound connection instantly familiar misses buddy Navigating respective personal professional challenges help varying degrees success disarray thankfully mistake trying turn deep bond Charlie says probably line know Sylvia fucking feels getting fact fucking genius Rose Byrne Seth Rogen comes play absolute delight watch gifted actors hit comedic peaks scene scene exchange interplays unrivalled rapport disallowed Seth plays character possibly resonate ways real life persona making performance relatable Rose equally kick ass trying deal insecurities homemaker cutting loose meets friend messed Having starred husband wife hit Neighbors films screen camaraderie shows chemistry better platonic buds sharing meaningful heart hearts drunken revelry equal measure effortlessly riff superb supporting cast deserves mention Luke Macfarlane Carla Gallo Sylvia husband friend enjoyable right long Tre Hale Andy Vinny Thomas Omar provide hilarious banter work buddies writing Stoller Forgetting Sarah Marshall Neighbors Bros Delbanco Friends College brings delirious mix dialogue heavy repartee physical comedy gives equal importance male female leads note trashing rental scooter sees sidewalks L.A gag year splits time Platonic rightfully best buddy comedies time best celebration rarely seen sides modern adult friendships love scripts engage aided performers hit park technical crew keeps backdrop palette glistening novelty best friend Miss course find hug Platonic currently streaming Apple TV+ weekly episodes apple new comedy platonic misstep probably title far away traversing anticipated best friends turn lovers question wonder creators husband wife duo nicholas stoller francesca delbanco named terrific 10 episodes chart gloriously self aware hilarious nuanced coming age journey different people going midlife crises wonderful exploration late millennial angst highs lows modern day relationships similar shows fleishman trouble jesse eisenberg claire danes lizzy caplan mark duplass togetherness judd apatow criminally underrated love looked changing nature friendships marriages older platonic posits gnawing questions 40 somethings struggling let 20s deceptively college friends benefits sylvia rose byrne seth rogen fallen badly years ago want marry fiancé ended divorced sylvia stay home mom kids successful lawyer husband charlie misses law career wonders brewmaster cool local beer bar runs friends dresses like hippie considering getting dating game reunite instant sparks romantic kind better sparks remind college decisions little consequences life unhinged fun sylvia help despite responsible grown opposed juvenile self duo hangs lapse people met best friends tend effect chaos despite madness sylvia drinking silly getting high snorting ketamine stealing lizards bleaching hair platonic offers remarkable insight profound connection instantly familiar misses buddy navigating respective personal professional challenges help varying degrees success disarray thankfully mistake trying turn deep bond charlie says probably line know sylvia fucking feels getting fact fucking genius rose byrne seth rogen comes play absolute delight watch gifted actors hit comedic peaks scene scene exchange interplays unrivalled rapport disallowed seth plays character possibly resonate ways real life persona making performance relatable rose equally kick ass trying deal insecurities homemaker cutting loose meets friend messed starred husband wife hit neighbors films screen camaraderie shows chemistry better platonic buds sharing meaningful heart hearts drunken revelry equal measure effortlessly riff superb supporting cast deserves mention luke macfarlane carla gallo sylvia husband friend enjoyable right long tre hale andy vinny thomas omar provide hilarious banter work buddies writing stoller forgetting sarah marshall neighbors bros delbanco friends college brings delirious mix dialogue heavy repartee physical comedy gives equal importance male female leads note trashing rental scooter sees sidewalks l gag year splits time platonic rightfully best buddy comedies time best celebration rarely seen sides modern adult friendships love scripts engage aided performers hit park technical crew keeps backdrop palette glistening novelty best friend miss course find hug platonic currently streaming apple tv weekly episodes
‘Platonic’ series review: Rose Byrne and Seth Rogen dazzle in a glorious coming-of-age comedy
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi visit Washington June expected reduce India dependence Moscow arms economic ties technology New Delhi Washington try strengthen Quad partnership includes Japan Australia contain growing aggression China India considers Russia time tested ally Cold War era key cooperation defence oil nuclear energy space exploration partnership fraught Moscow started developing closer ties India main rival China war Ukraine Leaders Quadrilateral Security Dialogue Quad left right Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese U.S. President Joe Biden Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi pose photo entrance hall Prime Minister Office Japan Tokyo Japan 24 2022 India started building strong relationship Soviet Union mid-1950s Cold War strengthened ties conflicts Pakistan Soviet Union helped mediate cease fire India Pakistan end 1965 war control disputed Himalayan territory Kashmir India war Pakistan December 1971 Soviet Union veto power support India United Nations U.S. ordered task force Bay Bengal support Pakistan India Soviet Union signed treaty peace friendship cooperation August 1971 Following dissolution Soviet Union replaced Treaty Indo Russian Friendship Cooperation January 1993 India far avoided voting Russia criticising Russian President Vladimir Putin invasion Ukraine began February 2022 Editorial | Old friends Russia India bilateral ties Ukraine issue Facing pressure United States European nations Prime Minister Narendra Modi told Mr. Putin September Today era era war said democracy diplomacy dialogue kept world Mr. Modi Mr. Putin met September sidelines meeting Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit Uzbekistan city Samarkand India started looking Soviet arms bloody war China 1962 early 1990s USSR represented 70 Indian Army weapons 80 Air Force systems 85 Navy platforms India bought aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya Russia 2004 carrier served Soviet Union later Russian Navy Indian naval ship INS Vikramaditya participates Malabar 2017 tri lateral exercises India Japan U.S. Bay Bengal July 17 2017 India bought aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya Russia 2004 carrier served Soviet Union later Russian Navy India Air Force presently operates 410 Soviet Russian fighters comprising mix imported license built platforms India inventory Russian military equipment includes submarines tanks helicopters submarines frigates missiles India reducing dependency Russian arms diversifying defence procurements buying countries like U.S. Israel France Italy experts 20 years dependence Russian supplies spares read | U.S. remains deeply confident India diversification defence equipment says Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh Russia invaded Ukraine United States European nations set cap $ 60 barrel Russian oil control Moscow rising revenue India oil purchases Russia risen sharply despite sanctions Indian officials defended buying oil Russia saying lower price benefits Indian consumers Russian oil accounts nearly 20 India annual crude imports 2 2021 according Indian media reports European Union Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell recently suggested EU harder line India reselling Russian oil Europe refined fuel India says understanding E.U. regulations Russian crude substantially transformed country treated Russian anymore India world second largest Army fourth largest Air Force seventh largest Navy trying develop defence manufacturing hub lacks strong industrial base military equipment India acquiring new technologies reducing reliance imports Donald Trump administration U.S. India concluded defence deals worth $ 3 billion Bilateral defence trade increased near zero 2008 $ 15 billion 2019 including long range maritime patrol aircraft missiles drones U.S. Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin discussed upgrading partnership India visit New Delhi early June Joint production manufacture combat aircraft engines infantry combat vehicles howitzers precision ordnance discussed meeting U.S.-India Defense Policy Group Washington decision likely announced Mr. Modi visit Washington prime minister narendra modi visit washington june expected reduce india dependence moscow arms economic ties technology new delhi washington try strengthen quad partnership includes japan australia contain growing aggression china india considers russia time tested ally cold war era key cooperation defence oil nuclear energy space exploration partnership fraught moscow started developing closer ties india main rival china war ukraine leaders quadrilateral security dialogue quad left right australian prime minister anthony albanese u 60 barrel russian oil control moscow rising revenue india oil purchases russia risen sharply despite sanctions indian officials defended buying oil russia saying lower price benefits indian consumers russian oil accounts nearly 20 india annual crude imports 2 2021 according indian media reports european union foreign policy chief josep borrell recently suggested eu harder line india reselling russian oil europe refined fuel india says understanding e putin met september sidelines meeting shanghai cooperation organization summit uzbekistan city samarkand india started looking soviet arms bloody war china 1962 early 1990s ussr represented 70 indian army weapons 80 air force systems 85 navy platforms india bought aircraft carrier ins vikramaditya russia 2004 carrier served soviet union later russian navy indian naval ship ins vikramaditya participates malabar 2017 tri lateral exercises india japan u bay bengal july 17 2017 india bought aircraft carrier ins vikramaditya russia 2004 carrier served soviet union later russian navy india air force presently operates 410 soviet russian fighters comprising mix imported license built platforms india inventory russian military equipment includes submarines tanks helicopters submarines frigates missiles india reducing dependency russian arms diversifying defence procurements buying countries like u ordered task force bay bengal support pakistan india soviet union signed treaty peace friendship cooperation august 1971 following dissolution soviet union replaced treaty indo russian friendship cooperation january 1993 india far avoided voting russia criticising russian president vladimir putin invasion ukraine began february 2022 editorial
What to know about India's ties with Russia
Benchmark equity indices Sensex Nifty faced heavy volatility June 6 settle flat investors preferred stay sidelines ahead Reserve Bank India interest rate decision later week Selling pressure counters foreign fund outflows weak trends global equities dented sentiments markets traders said Rising straight session 30 share BSE Sensex eked marginal gains 5.41 points 0.01 settle 62,792.88 day hit high 62,867.95 low 62,554.21 NSE Nifty went 5.15 points 0.03 end 18,599 benchmark indices oscillated highs lows highly volatile trade day UltraTech Cement biggest gainer Sensex chart climbing 3.13 followed Kotak Mahindra Bank Tata Motors Axis Bank Maruti Bajaj Finserv Bajaj Finance Mahindra Mahindra contrast Infosys Tech Mahindra Tata Consultancy Services Wipro Bharti Airtel HCL Technologies ICICI Bank Nestle laggards Asian markets Tokyo ended green Shanghai Hong Kong settled lower Equity markets Europe trading negative territory U.S. markets ended lower Monday domestic market experienced profit booking selling pressure sector stocks witnessed decline anticipation downward revision spending rally auto banks helped recover losses Going ahead important influencer commentary growth inflation forecasts RBI following MPC meeting given general consensus rate pause continue said Vinod Nair Head Research Geojit Financial Services Global oil benchmark Brent crude declined 1.84 $ 75.33 barrel Foreign Institutional Investors FIIs offloaded equities worth ₹ 700.98 crore Monday according exchange data BSE benchmark climbed 240.36 points 0.38 settle 62,787.47 Monday Nifty advanced 59.75 points 0.32 end 18,593.85 markets ended lower monday domestic market experienced profit booking selling pressure sector stocks witnessed decline anticipation downward revision spending rally auto banks helped recover losses going ahead important influencer commentary growth inflation forecasts rbi following mpc meeting given general consensus rate pause continue said vinod nair head research geojit financial services global oil benchmark brent crude declined 1 13 followed kotak mahindra bank tata motors axis bank maruti bajaj finserv bajaj finance mahindra mahindra contrast infosys tech mahindra tata consultancy services wipro bharti airtel hcl technologies icici bank nestle laggards asian markets tokyo ended green shanghai hong kong settled lower equity markets europe trading negative territory u benchmark equity indices sensex nifty faced heavy volatility june 6 settle flat investors preferred stay sidelines ahead reserve bank india interest rate decision later week selling pressure counters foreign fund outflows weak trends global equities dented sentiments markets traders said rising straight session 30 share bse sensex eked marginal gains 5 599 benchmark indices oscillated highs lows highly volatile trade day ultratech cement biggest gainer sensex chart climbing 3 33 barrel foreign institutional investors fiis offloaded equities worth ₹ 700
Equity markets settle flat in volatile trade; IT stocks play spoilsport
Science Quiz appears twice week daily science page page available read days Saturday epaper Questions answers 1 core launching rocket based Isaac Newton laws motion Specify formula describes second law 2 Russian scientist created famous ideal rocket equation describes vehicle accelerate law conservation momentum 3 rocket spiralling control direction movement needs direction rockets gimballed engines rotated position Fill blank 4 engine Vikas powers second stage India Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle uses dinitrogen tetroxide oxidiser UDMH fuel chemical UDMH 5 cryogenic engine sought rockets combust liquid hydrogen high Fill blanks term describing efficiently engine uses fuel mass Visual rocket engine operates atmosphere exhaust passes multiple shockwaves exposing standing wave like visible image pattern called Answers 1 F = ma 2 Konstantin Tsiolkovsky 3 Thrust 4 1,1 dimethylhydrazine 5 Specific impulse Visual Shock diamonds science quiz appears twice week daily science page page available read days saturday epaper questions answers 1 core launching rocket based isaac newton laws motion specify formula describes second law 2 russian scientist created famous ideal rocket equation describes vehicle accelerate law conservation momentum 3 rocket spiralling control direction movement needs direction rockets gimballed engines rotated position fill blank 4 engine vikas powers second stage india polar satellite launch vehicle uses dinitrogen tetroxide oxidiser udmh fuel chemical udmh 5 cryogenic engine sought rockets combust liquid hydrogen high fill blanks term describing efficiently engine uses fuel mass visual rocket engine operates atmosphere exhaust passes multiple shockwaves exposing standing wave like visible image pattern called answers 1 f 2 konstantin tsiolkovsky 3 thrust 4 1 1 dimethylhydrazine 5 specific impulse visual shock diamonds
The Science Quiz | What rocket science looks like Premium
members Delhi University Academic Council submitted note meeting Friday flagging displacement serving teachers calling death ad hoc faculty sacked year institutional murder DU Teachers Association DUTA led protest hundreds faculty members outside venue meeting began minutes silence memory Samarveer ad hoc assistant professor department philosophy Hindu College 33 year old found dead April allegedly distressed terminated February note Academic Council members said shocking DU administration remains mute spectator massive displacements existing ad hoc teachers taking place basis 2 3 minute interviews places allegations severe politically motivated nepotism unfair interview process borders farcical Candidates humiliated interview process mocked asked questions relevance academic discipline submitted added set experts sent repeatedly selection committees raising questions intent issues thoroughly investigated action taken culpable note read Recruitment permanent postings began university 10 years ad hoc teachers serving university official estimates nearly 4,500 spots filled start process ad hoc teachers teaching DU long period sought permanent jobs clear interviews university said process transparent best teachers picked selection committees protesting teachers urged university undo wrongs noting 2,000 vacancies ensure teachers ad hoc temporary capacity absorbed forthwith college principal administration allowed play lives livelihoods added DUTA president A.K. Bhagi stressed need absorption noting resolving issue existing ad hoc teachers step restoration equality dignity teachers gender equality maintenance quality higher education members delhi university academic council submitted note meeting friday flagging displacement serving teachers calling death ad hoc faculty sacked year institutional murder du teachers association duta led protest hundreds faculty members outside venue meeting began minutes silence memory samarveer ad hoc assistant professor department philosophy hindu college 33 year old found dead april allegedly distressed terminated february note academic council members said shocking du administration remains mute spectator massive displacements existing ad hoc teachers taking place basis 2 3 minute interviews places allegations severe politically motivated nepotism unfair interview process borders farcical candidates humiliated interview process mocked asked questions relevance academic discipline submitted added set experts sent repeatedly selection committees raising questions intent issues thoroughly investigated action taken culpable note read recruitment permanent postings began university 10 years ad hoc teachers serving university official estimates nearly 4 500 spots filled start process ad hoc teachers teaching du long period sought permanent jobs clear interviews university said process transparent best teachers picked selection committees protesting teachers urged university undo wrongs noting 2 000 vacancies ensure teachers ad hoc temporary capacity absorbed forthwith college principal administration allowed play lives livelihoods added duta president bhagi stressed need absorption noting resolving issue existing ad hoc teachers step restoration equality dignity teachers gender equality maintenance quality higher education k
Members raise recruitment process worries at DU Academic Council meet
Days Delhi Minister Satyendar Jain requested Tihar jail administration shift inmates cell Bharatiya Janata Party BJP Monday slammed Delhi government providing special treatment senior AAP leader contacted AAP offer comment inmates shifted Mr. Jain cell request superintendent jail number 7 letter 11 sent wards senior Prisons Department official said added cause notice served superintendent letter Delhi Minister said feeling lonely depressed official said high profile inmate superintendent consulted seniors security concerns prison complex right official added Taking AAP issue Delhi BJP chief Virendra Sachdeva claimed jailed MLA sought inmates massages cell November year purported videos Mr. Jain getting massages chatting people prison cell surfaced online official said Mr. Jain cited mental health issues application superintendent administration seek second opinion independent psychiatrist Mr. Jain request backed opinion psychiatrist entertain plea transfer specific individuals official said Mr. Jain jail year arrest Enforcement Directorate 30 year Opinion Jain mental health sought psychiatrist said senior official jain cell request superintendent jail number 7 letter 11 sent wards senior prisons department official said added cause notice served superintendent letter delhi minister said feeling lonely depressed official said high profile inmate superintendent consulted seniors security concerns prison complex right official added taking aap issue delhi bjp chief virendra sachdeva claimed jailed mla sought inmates massages cell november year purported videos mr days delhi minister satyendar jain requested tihar jail administration shift inmates cell bharatiya janata party bjp monday slammed delhi government providing special treatment senior aap leader contacted aap offer comment inmates shifted mr jain jail year arrest enforcement directorate 30 year opinion jain mental health sought psychiatrist said senior official jain getting massages chatting people prison cell surfaced online official said mr jain request backed opinion psychiatrist entertain plea transfer specific individuals official said mr
BJP slams AAP over transfer of inmates to Jain’s cell in Tihar
Karnataka Power play CM post Shivakumar cancels Delhi visit Cong says decision Tuesday evening suspense new Karnataka Chief Minister intensified Monday State Congress president D. K. Shivakumar cancelled visit national capital citing health issues Mr. Siddaramaiah frontrunners post called central leadership discussions central observers interacted party MLAs choice CM post Congress Legislature Party meeting Sunday briefed party Chief Mallikarjun Kharge submitted report meeting Randeep Surjewala AICC charge Karnataka told reporters party announce decision Tuesday evening observers submitted report Congress president hold consultations senior state leaders including Siddaramaiah Shivakumar decision taken Congress president said PM Modi distribute 71,000 appointment letters Prime Minister Narendra Modi distribute 71,000 appointment letters Tuesday joining government departments address virtually far Modi distributed appointment letters 2.9 lakh persons numbers 3.6 lakh Tuesday event programmes Prime Minister Rozgar Mela oganised states ruled BJP allies SEBI affidavit triggers war words probe Adani Securities Exchange Board India SEBI denied Supreme Court 15 allegations investigating Adani Group 2016 factually baseless triggering war words Congress Ministry Finance Adani Hindenburg row SC hear SEBI plea extension probe time Tuesday Supreme Court adjourned Tuesday hearing plea Securities Exchange Board India SEBI seeking extension months complete probe allegations stock price manipulation Adani group hearing market regulator plea PILs place Monday paucity time account scheduled hearing certain matters special bench 3 pm Bench comprising Chief Justice D. Y. Chandrachud justices P. S. Narasimha J. B. Pardiwala 12 said consider granting months SEBI concluding probe allegations stock price manipulation lapses regulatory disclosure SC hear plea release movie Kerala Story Tuesday Supreme Court said hear Tuesday plea challenging Kerala High Court order refusing stay release movie Kerala Story hit theatres 5 appeal filed journalist Qurban Ali mentioned senior advocate Kapil Sibal Monday bench comprising Chief Justice D. Y. Chandrachud justices P S Narasimha J B Pardiwala agreed list hearing today later said taken 16 scheduled hearing certain matters special bench 3 pm Monday Manoj Soni oath UPSC chairman Tuesday Educationist Manoj Soni oath chairman Union Public Service Commission UPSC Tuesday official said Soni joined Commission member June 28 2017 performing duties UPSC chairman April 5 2022 said Monday administered oath office secrecy chairman UPSC Tuesday Smita Nagaraj senior member Commission official said Biden congressional leaders likely meet Tuesday talks raising debt limit President Joe Biden congressional leaders likely resume talks Tuesday White House debt limit president said Sunday nation continues edge closer legal borrowing authority agreement sight meeting initially supposed Friday abruptly postponed staff level talks continue Biden congressional leaders huddled second time Administration congressional officials said Sunday meeting finalised Tuesday likeliest option Biden returns Washington Monday scheduled leave Group 7 summit Japan Wednesday Assam 5th deputy commissioners conference begins day deputy commissioners conference 31 districts Assam began Monday Tinsukia Dibrugarh discussions schemes projects Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma scheduled attend conference Tuesday discuss issues related public service likely spend night Tinsukia present closing day senior official said said 5th Deputy Commissioners Conference DCs divided groups France host pro nuclear meet push EU recognition climate benefits France host meeting Ministers 16 pro nuclear European states Tuesday aimed coordinating expansion atomic power urging EU recognise role meeting climate goals 2050 documents seen Reuters showed meeting Paris Tuesday include EU Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson representatives 14 EU countries including France Belgium Netherlands plus Italy observer United Kingdom non EU invitee month Sudan brutal war end sight month Sudan conflict erupted capital desolate war zone terrorised families huddle home gun battles rage western Darfur region descended deadly chaos Residents Khartoum endured weeks desperate shortages food basic supplies power blackouts communications outages runaway inflation capital million long place relative stability shell self Charred aircraft lie airport tarmac foreign embassies shuttered hospitals banks shops wheat silos ransacked looters Lahore High Court hear Imran Khan bail plea 16 grants bail wife till 23 Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan 15 appeared Lahore High Court fixed bail hearing Tuesday terrorism cases registered following arrest Al Qadir Trust corruption case sparked violent protests supporters Khan accompanied wife Bushra Bibi granted pre arrest bail till 23 high court Al Qadir Trust case LHC granted pre arrest bail Bushra Bibi till 23 Al Qadir Trust case court fixed Khan bail plea Tuesday terrorism cases registered 9 violence LHC Registrar Office raised objection attaching arrested copies Supreme Court Islamabad High Court orders court official told PTI Government supporters Pakistan chief justice quit releasing Imran Khan 20,000 supporters Pakistan government converged country Supreme Court Monday rare challenge nation judiciary demonstrators demanded resignation chief justice ordering release Prime Minister Imran Khan graft case Pakistan Democratic Alliance grouping 13 political parties affiliated ruling Pakistan Muslim League called protests alliance joint action oust Khan confidence vote parliament April 2022 IPL 2023 | LSG look halt Mumbai momentum crucial clash Mumbai Indians roll business end tournament Lucknow Super Giants aiming halt momentum tricky pitch IPL Tuesday Mumbai Indians points table 14 points point number games LSG holding fourth spot teams looking danger zone teams remain play contention D. K. Shivakumar Delhi Tuesday discussion Karnataka government formation says MP brother Karnataka State Congress president D K Shivakumar reach Delhi Tuesday discussion party leadership government formation state brother party MP D K Suresh said Amid intense lobbying Chief Minister post Congress leadership called Shivakumar Chief Minister Siddaramaiah frontrunners Delhi discussions Monday Siddaramaiah reached Delhi Monday afternoon Shivakumar cancelled visit minute citing health issues narasimha j b pardiwala agreed list hearing today later said taken 16 scheduled hearing certain matters special bench 3 pm monday manoj soni oath upsc chairman tuesday educationist manoj soni oath chairman union public service commission upsc tuesday official said soni joined commission member june 28 2017 performing duties upsc chairman april 5 2022 said monday administered oath office secrecy chairman upsc tuesday smita nagaraj senior member commission official said biden congressional leaders likely meet tuesday talks raising debt limit president joe biden congressional leaders likely resume talks tuesday white house debt limit president said sunday nation continues edge closer legal borrowing authority agreement sight meeting initially supposed friday abruptly postponed staff level talks continue biden congressional leaders huddled second time administration congressional officials said sunday meeting finalised tuesday likeliest option biden returns washington monday scheduled leave group 7 summit japan wednesday assam 5th deputy commissioners conference begins day deputy commissioners conference 31 districts assam began monday tinsukia dibrugarh discussions schemes projects chief minister himanta biswa sarma scheduled attend conference tuesday discuss issues related public service likely spend night tinsukia present closing day senior official said said 5th deputy commissioners conference dcs divided groups france host pro nuclear meet push eu recognition climate benefits france host meeting ministers 16 pro nuclear european states tuesday aimed coordinating expansion atomic power urging eu recognise role meeting climate goals 2050 documents seen reuters showed meeting paris tuesday include eu energy commissioner kadri simson representatives 14 eu countries including france belgium netherlands plus italy observer united kingdom non eu invitee month sudan brutal war end sight month sudan conflict erupted capital desolate war zone terrorised families huddle home gun battles rage western darfur region descended deadly chaos residents khartoum endured weeks desperate shortages food basic supplies power blackouts communications outages runaway inflation capital million long place relative stability shell self charred aircraft lie airport tarmac foreign embassies shuttered hospitals banks shops wheat silos ransacked looters lahore high court hear imran khan bail plea 16 grants bail wife till 23 pakistan prime minister imran khan 15 appeared lahore high court fixed bail hearing tuesday terrorism cases registered following arrest al qadir trust corruption case sparked violent protests supporters khan accompanied wife bushra bibi granted pre arrest bail till 23 high court al qadir trust case lhc granted pre arrest bail bushra bibi till 23 al qadir trust case court fixed khan bail plea tuesday terrorism cases registered 9 violence lhc registrar office raised objection attaching arrested copies supreme court islamabad high court orders court official told pti government supporters pakistan chief justice quit releasing imran khan 20 6 lakh tuesday event programmes prime minister rozgar mela oganised states ruled bjp allies sebi affidavit triggers war words probe adani securities exchange board india sebi denied supreme court 15 allegations investigating adani group 2016 factually baseless triggering war words congress ministry finance adani hindenburg row sc hear sebi plea extension probe time tuesday supreme court adjourned tuesday hearing plea securities exchange board india sebi seeking extension months complete probe allegations stock price manipulation adani group hearing market regulator plea pils place monday paucity time account scheduled hearing certain matters special bench 3 pm bench comprising chief justice pardiwala 12 said consider granting months sebi concluding probe allegations stock price manipulation lapses regulatory disclosure sc hear plea release movie kerala story tuesday supreme court said hear tuesday plea challenging kerala high court order refusing stay release movie kerala story hit theatres 5 appeal filed journalist qurban ali mentioned senior advocate kapil sibal monday bench comprising chief justice 000 supporters pakistan government converged country supreme court monday rare challenge nation judiciary demonstrators demanded resignation chief justice ordering release prime minister imran khan graft case pakistan democratic alliance grouping 13 political parties affiliated ruling pakistan muslim league called protests alliance joint action oust khan confidence vote parliament april 2022 ipl 2023 siddaramaiah frontrunners post called central leadership discussions central observers interacted party mlas choice cm post congress legislature party meeting sunday briefed party chief mallikarjun kharge submitted report meeting randeep surjewala aicc charge karnataka told reporters party announce decision tuesday evening observers submitted report congress president hold consultations senior state leaders including siddaramaiah shivakumar decision taken congress president said pm modi distribute 71
Morning Digest | Congress could appoint new Karnataka CM today; SEBI’s affidavit triggers war of words on probe on Adani, and more
Airlines globally frustrated supply chain issues said Willie Walsh Director General International Air Transport Association annual general meeting issue severely impacted Indian airlines nearly 100 aircraft grounded seven aircraft India delays spares engines compelled seek insolvency resulted hike airfares effect capacity OEM suppliers far slow dealing supply chain blockages raising costs limiting ability deploy aircraft Airlines frustrated solution found Mr. Willie Walsh said address Monday Istanbul read | Govt wants airlines self monitor airfares routes served reprimanded airports globally bad behavior raising tariffs airlines Schiphol Airport shame self operational disaster 2022 airport continues year 37 charges hike 12 year South Africa airports want 38 charges increase outdone ATC demands 63 hike Mr. Walsh cited examples airport tariffs Despite factors accompanied rise fuel costs crack spread jet fuel historic highs 2022 April year truly impressive airlines turning profit Airlines en route profitable safe efficient sustainable future said sharing passenger traffic 90 pre Covid levels forecasting $ 9.8 billion net profit year global airline industry profit margins continued wafer thin airlines earn average profit $ 2.25 passenger value retained airlines average plane trip wo buy subway ticket NYC said likely indicate high airfares stay reporter Istanbul invitation IATA airlines globally frustrated supply chain issues said willie walsh director general international air transport association annual general meeting issue severely impacted indian airlines nearly 100 aircraft grounded seven aircraft india delays spares engines compelled seek insolvency resulted hike airfares effect capacity oem suppliers far slow dealing supply chain blockages raising costs limiting ability deploy aircraft airlines frustrated solution found mr govt wants airlines self monitor airfares routes served reprimanded airports globally bad behavior raising tariffs airlines schiphol airport shame self operational disaster 2022 airport continues year 37 charges hike 12 year south africa airports want 38 charges increase outdone atc demands 63 hike mr walsh cited examples airport tariffs despite factors accompanied rise fuel costs crack spread jet fuel historic highs 2022 april year truly impressive airlines turning profit airlines en route profitable safe efficient sustainable future said sharing passenger traffic 90 pre covid levels forecasting 25 passenger value retained airlines average plane trip wo buy subway ticket nyc said likely indicate high airfares stay reporter istanbul invitation iata 8 billion net profit year global airline industry profit margins continued wafer thin airlines earn average profit
Airlines “beyond frustrated” due to supply chain issues: IATA DG
Argentina struggled create chances Lionel Messi team laboured 2 0 win Indonesia friendly Monday goals coming defensive minded players Holding midfielder Leandro Paredes scored long range opener half team growing frustrated inability break team ranked 149th world Tottenham defender Cristian Romero added second soon break Messi scored 2 1 win Australia Beijing Thursday allowed return home early coach Lionel Scaloni order rest 35 year old Messi expected debut Inter Miami July leaving Paris Saint Germain MLS club earlier month Messi having told Chinese media continue playing national team long 2026 World Cup Argentina soon idea superstar led country World Cup triumph Qatar December principle Messi national team worth talking topic anymore Scaloni said like play forever point leave sad day Argentina dominated possession game Indonesia struggled break host roared 60,000 fans including country president Joko Widodo sustained pressure missed chances determined defending took goal worthy Messi break deadlock seven minutes remaining half Paredes picked possession 30 yards goal unleashed powerful shot gave goalkeeper Ernando Ari chance Indonesia drew level early second half best chance header Ipswich defender Elkan Baggott heading corner tipped goalkeeper Emiliano Martinez Romero doubled Argentina lead 54 minutes heading corner second goal country argentina struggled create chances lionel messi team laboured 2 0 win indonesia friendly monday goals coming defensive minded players holding midfielder leandro paredes scored long range opener half team growing frustrated inability break team ranked 149th world tottenham defender cristian romero added second soon break messi scored 2 1 win australia beijing thursday allowed return home early coach lionel scaloni order rest 35 year old messi expected debut inter miami july leaving paris saint germain mls club earlier month messi 000 fans including country president joko widodo sustained pressure missed chances determined defending took goal worthy messi break deadlock seven minutes remaining half paredes picked possession 30 yards goal unleashed powerful shot gave goalkeeper ernando ari chance indonesia drew level early second half best chance header ipswich defender elkan baggott heading corner tipped goalkeeper emiliano martinez romero doubled argentina lead 54 minutes heading corner second goal country told chinese media continue playing national team long 2026 world cup argentina soon idea superstar led country world cup triumph qatar december principle messi national team worth talking topic anymore scaloni said like play forever point leave sad day argentina dominated possession game indonesia struggled break host roared 60
Without Messi, Argentina labours to 2-0 win over Indonesia in friendly
Waris Punjab De chief Amritpal Singh arrested Punjab Moga NSA shifted Assam Dibrugarh jail Amritpal Singh pro Khalistan propagator chief Waris Punjab De WPD outfit facing charges National Security Act NSA arrested Punjab Police Moga April 23 Amritpal arrest came month police launched massive crackdown outfit Inspector General Police IGP Headquarters Sukhchain Singh Gill said Amritpal arrested April 23 6.45 a.m. Rode village Moga district following special operation carried past 35 days Rode native village Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale militant leader killed 1984 special flight carrying Amritpal Singh landed Dibrugarh airport taken Central Jail located Upper Assam town officials said Wrestler Bajrang Punia protest WFI far resolve issues Ace India wrestler Bajrang Punia said April 23 reason wrestlers protesting far resolve issues wrestlers save wrestling Indian wrestlers including Bajrang Punia Vinesh Phogat Ravi Dahiya Sakshi Malik held sit protest Jantar Mantar January year demanding Brij Bhushan removed head office Wrestling Federation India disbanded accused body chief sexual harassment mistreatment wrestlers Kerala police arrest accused wrote threat letter PM Modi Police arrested person wrote letter threatening launch suicide bomb attack Prime Minister Narendra Modi visit Kochi scheduled April 24 accused identified Xavier police said April 23 Kochi City Police Commissioner K. Sethu Raman said person sent threat letter Prime Minister arrested Xavier accused arrested yesterday reason personal enmity wrote letter trap neighbour found help forensics Amul Nandini emotional issue Karnataka polls Nirmala Sitharaman suddenly Amul brought Karnataka kill Nandini brazen Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said April 23 alleged Gujarat based dairy cooperative entered State Congress power Bengaluru said things tweaked twisted emotional issue election time Karnataka Firm demand action BJP corruption Sachin Pilot Deputy Chief Minister Sachin Pilot April 23 said continue agitation government action corruption previous BJP government Mr. Pilot said backing stand taken State Congress government politely requesting action corruption cases previous dispensation said despite daylong fast April 11 action taken cases Poonch attack | Terrorists steel bullets decamped soldiers weapons terrorists ambushed Army truck Jammu Kashmir Poonch steel core bullets capable piercing armoured shield decamped soldiers weapons officials said April 23 amid intensified efforts trace neutralise perpetrators said sniper believed targeted truck terrorists sprayed bullets lobbed grenades Internet services restored curfew relaxed violence hit Odisha Sambalpur Odisha Government April 23 lifted curfew daytime withdrew ban internet services Sambalpur city recently witnessed violence Hanuman Jayanti celebrations official said Internet services fully restored 10 days administration relaxed curfew 5 a.m. 8 p.m. said decisions taken significant improvement law order situation Western Odisha city Sambalpur district official said India climbs 6 places World Bank Logistic Performance Index India climbed places World Bank Logistic Performance Index LPI 2023 ranking 38th 139 countries index result significant investments soft hard infrastructure technology India ranked 44th index 2018 climbed 38th 2023 listing India performance drastically improved 2014 ranked 54th LPI Sudan rivals pledge evacuation help U.S. diplomats airlifted American embassy staffers airlifted Sudan early April 23 forces loyal rival generals battled control Africa largest nation ninth day amid fading hopes de escalation warring sides said helping coordinate evacuation foreigners continued exchanges fire Sudan capital undermined claims senior Biden administration official said U.S. troops carrying precarious evacuation U.S. Embassy staffers troops airlifted staff Khartoum safely left Sudanese airspace second U.S. official confirmed Tamils flag escalating attacks temples northern Sri Lanka Tamils Sri Lanka witnessed escalation attack Hindu temples recent weeks trend note State ongoing Sinhalisation project island north recent weeks Tamil media reported multiple incidents vandalism temples Hindu deities found missing damaged Jaffna Tamils sought counter trend placing Hindu deity public space prompting police petition court seeking removal Tamil political parties called protest April 25 recent temple attacks issues Finance Ministry working MeitY RBI clamp ponzi apps Nirmala Sitharaman Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman April 23 said Finance Ministry working MeitY RBI clamp ponzi apps prevent taking away hard earned money gullible investors Cautioning investors ponzi apps Ms. Sitharaman said investors diligence lured claims lucrative returns apps coming reaching people saying money fetch India makes strong case including wrestling archery kabaddi CWG regional meet Indian Olympic Association IOA April 23 strong case inclusion archery wrestling kabaddi regular sports Commonwealth Games roster CGF Asia Oceania regional meet kabaddi CWG programme shooting archery disciplines Indian athletes excellent performances past editions away previous Games Birmingham rode village moga district following special operation carried past 35 days rode native village jarnail singh bhindranwale militant leader killed 1984 special flight carrying amritpal singh landed dibrugarh airport taken central jail located upper assam town officials said wrestler bajrang punia protest wfi far resolve issues ace india wrestler bajrang punia said april 23 reason wrestlers protesting far resolve issues wrestlers save wrestling indian wrestlers including bajrang punia vinesh phogat ravi dahiya sakshi malik held sit protest jantar mantar january year demanding brij bhushan removed head office wrestling federation india disbanded accused body chief sexual harassment mistreatment wrestlers kerala police arrest accused wrote threat letter pm modi police arrested person wrote letter threatening launch suicide bomb attack prime minister narendra modi visit kochi scheduled april 24 accused identified xavier police said april 23 kochi city police commissioner k official confirmed tamils flag escalating attacks temples northern sri lanka tamils sri lanka witnessed escalation attack hindu temples recent weeks trend note state ongoing sinhalisation project island north recent weeks tamil media reported multiple incidents vandalism temples hindu deities found missing damaged jaffna tamils sought counter trend placing hindu deity public space prompting police petition court seeking removal tamil political parties called protest april 25 recent temple attacks issues finance ministry working meity rbi clamp ponzi apps nirmala sitharaman union minister nirmala sitharaman april 23 said finance ministry working meity rbi clamp ponzi apps prevent taking away hard earned money gullible investors cautioning investors ponzi apps ms sethu raman said person sent threat letter prime minister arrested xavier accused arrested yesterday reason personal enmity wrote letter trap neighbour found help forensics amul nandini emotional issue karnataka polls nirmala sitharaman suddenly amul brought karnataka kill nandini brazen union finance minister nirmala sitharaman said april 23 alleged gujarat based dairy cooperative entered state congress power bengaluru said things tweaked twisted emotional issue election time karnataka firm demand action bjp corruption sachin pilot deputy chief minister sachin pilot april 23 said continue agitation government action corruption previous bjp government mr terrorists steel bullets decamped soldiers weapons terrorists ambushed army truck jammu kashmir poonch steel core bullets capable piercing armoured shield decamped soldiers weapons officials said april 23 amid intensified efforts trace neutralise perpetrators said sniper believed targeted truck terrorists sprayed bullets lobbed grenades internet services restored curfew relaxed violence hit odisha sambalpur odisha government april 23 lifted curfew daytime withdrew ban internet services sambalpur city recently witnessed violence hanuman jayanti celebrations official said internet services fully restored 10 days administration relaxed curfew 5 said decisions taken significant improvement law order situation western odisha city sambalpur district official said india climbs 6 places world bank logistic performance index india climbed places world bank logistic performance index lpi 2023 ranking 38th 139 countries index result significant investments soft hard infrastructure technology india ranked 44th index 2018 climbed 38th 2023 listing india performance drastically improved 2014 ranked 54th lpi sudan rivals pledge evacuation help u
Top news of the day: Amritpal Singh arrested in Punjab, shifted to Assam’s Dibrugarh jail; Wrestlers allege inaction over harassment complaint against WFI chief, and more
story far June 5 veteran Indian journalist Barkha Dutt said email YouTube channels digital news platform Mojo Story hacked cybercriminals gaining access channel hackers deleted videos YouTube froze account receiving complaint journalist account content later retrieved Accounts comedian Tanmay Bhat YouTuber Abdu Rozik reportedly compromised content YouTube channels differ thing common high subscriber count Tanmay Bhat YouTube channel 4.4 million subscribers channels 500k subscribers Hackers attack accounts demand ransom return gain access accounts audience base distribute scam links malware hackers intend use stolen YouTube accounts distribute links malicious websites malware change profile content channels imitating accounts larger company known individuals increase scope attack Hackers tend remove content original publisher posting content lures subscribers click malicious links shared Attackers place restrictions disable comments entirely hacked channels Conditions include allowing subscribers subscribed channel 15 20 years post messages hackers ensure original owner channel unable warn subscribers comments Hackers need steal credentials compromise channels use socially engineered phishing campaigns access use session tokens compromise accounts Cookie theft attacks steal session tokens time known pass cookie attacks Google Threat Analysis Group shared blog post typical attack begins email pretending genuine company blogger email contain suspicious links files lure victims false sense security proposing product placement collaboration opportunities Subsequent emails share zipped folders links cloud service masquerading contracts important information zip folders contain malware masked Word PDF files fake forms Malware protection software mail servers unable scan files viruses malware large size virus delivered victim system folder unzipped access files malware contained files steal session tokens victim browsers turn access victim account shared malware capable stealing user passwords cookies Google said Hackers use browsers remember feature help stolen session cookies bypassing need login credentials able gain control access victim account need credentials factor authentication Session cookies composed data created server shared user browser authenticate user Cookies stored users browser shared server authenticate user removing need login credentials time user visits user account Cloud links similarly attackers gain access victims session tokens bypass need login credentials Google 2021 said continuously trying improve detection methods tools features automatically identify stop threat actors YouTube implemented features protections channel transfer stringent Additionally platform implemented features auto recovery hijacked accounts judging reported incidents comments YouTubers measures YouTubers complained platform require users enter password factor authentication code change profile pictures remove videos channel Content creators measures reduce probability YouTube accounts hijacked threat actors measures include knowing identifying typical signs phishing attacks aware social engineering attacks following suspicious links especially unverified sources downloading archived attachments untrusted sources 4 million subscribers channels 500k subscribers hackers attack accounts demand ransom return gain access accounts audience base distribute scam links malware hackers intend use stolen youtube accounts distribute links malicious websites malware change profile content channels imitating accounts larger company known individuals increase scope attack hackers tend remove content original publisher posting content lures subscribers click malicious links shared attackers place restrictions disable comments entirely hacked channels conditions include allowing subscribers subscribed channel 15 20 years post messages hackers ensure original owner channel unable warn subscribers comments hackers need steal credentials compromise channels use socially engineered phishing campaigns access use session tokens compromise accounts cookie theft attacks steal session tokens time known pass cookie attacks google threat analysis group shared blog post typical attack begins email pretending genuine company blogger email contain suspicious links files lure victims false sense security proposing product placement collaboration opportunities subsequent emails share zipped folders links cloud service masquerading contracts important information zip folders contain malware masked word pdf files fake forms malware protection software mail servers unable scan files viruses malware large size virus delivered victim system folder unzipped access files malware contained files steal session tokens victim browsers turn access victim account shared malware capable stealing user passwords cookies google said hackers use browsers remember feature help stolen session cookies bypassing need login credentials able gain control access victim account need credentials factor authentication session cookies composed data created server shared user browser authenticate user cookies stored users browser shared server authenticate user removing need login credentials time user visits user account cloud links similarly attackers gain access victims session tokens bypass need login credentials google 2021 said continuously trying improve detection methods tools features automatically identify stop threat actors youtube implemented features protections channel transfer stringent additionally platform implemented features auto recovery hijacked accounts judging reported incidents comments youtubers measures youtubers complained platform require users enter password factor authentication code change profile pictures remove videos channel content creators measures reduce probability youtube accounts hijacked threat actors measures include knowing identifying typical signs phishing attacks aware social engineering attacks following suspicious links especially unverified sources downloading archived attachments untrusted sources story far june 5 veteran indian journalist barkha dutt said email youtube channels digital news platform mojo story hacked cybercriminals gaining access channel hackers deleted videos youtube froze account receiving complaint journalist account content later retrieved accounts comedian tanmay bhat youtuber abdu rozik reportedly compromised content youtube channels differ thing common high subscriber count tanmay bhat youtube channel 4
Explained | Why are YouTube creator accounts with large followings targeted by hackers? Premium
Sakshi Malik refutes rumours wrestlers protest withdrawal says continue fight till justice Olympic medallists Sakshi Malik Bajrang Punia Monday said continue fight justice asserted wrestlers backed protest news completely wrong fight justice backed Satyagraha fulfilling responsibility Railways fight continues till justice served spread wrong news Malik tweeted reports distancing protest emerged Odisha train accident NDRF ends operation withdraws teams National Disaster Response Force June 5 ended rescue operation withdrawal teams triple train accident site Odisha Balasore district claimed 275 lives officials said force rescued 44 victims retrieved 121 bodies spot teams deployed accident June 2 said operation ended teams withdrawn live dead victims present accident site near Bahanaga Bazar Railway Station teams relieved Sunday drawn Monday said PM Modi driving Indian car looking rearview mirror crashing Rahul Gandhi Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said Bharatiya Janata Party Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh incapable looking future Prime Minister Narendra Modi trying drive Indian car looking rearview mirror lead accident Mr. Gandhi addressed massive community event Javits Centre organised Indian Overseas Congress USA Sunday wrapped visit United States included trips San Francisco Washington DC home problem tell problem BJP RSS incapable looking future incapable Unse aap kuch bhi poocho woh peeche ki aur dekhte hain ask look past said Railways signal telecom wing needs leg Odisha train tragedy took 275 lives exposed failings functioning Indian Railways neglecting critical signal telecommunications wing new technology introduced upgrading infrastructure like modern trains machinery maintain lay tracks overhead traction increasing speeds mishap spotlight human resource deployment problem especially telecommunications signalling wing ground level saddled semi skilled workers promoted linemen handling mechanical sophisticated electronic systems explained senior railway officials requesting anonymity India U.S. firm road map Defence Industrial Cooperation India U.S. Monday concluded road map Defence Industrial Cooperation shall guide policy direction years cooperation high technology areas identifying opportunities co development co production concluded bilateral meeting Defence Minister Rajnath Singh visiting U.S. Secretary Defence Lloyd Austin visit comes ahead Prime Minister Narendra Modi visit U.S. later month Ministers explored ways building resilient supply chains sides identify opportunities co development new technologies co production existing new systems facilitate increased collaboration defence start ecosystems countries objectives concluded roadmap India Defence Industrial Cooperation shall guide policy direction years Defence Ministry statement said grave red flags ignored Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge PM Modi Odisha rail tragedy Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge June 5 wrote Prime Minister Narendra Modi Odisha railway tragedy saying safety claims Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw exposed government bring light real reasons caused grave accident letter PM Modi Mr. Kharge hit Railway Minister seeking CBI probe saying law enforcement agency meant investigate crimes railway accidents NIRF 2023 | IIT Madras occupies spot IISc Bengaluru best university Union Ministry Education June 5 announced National Institutional Ranking Framework NIRF ranking year 2023 Indian Institute Technology IIT Madras best educational institute overall rankings Indian Institute Science IISc Bengaluru bagged second spot overall category followed IIT Delhi engineering institutions IIT Madras retained spot eighth consecutive year IIT Delhi IIT Bombay ranked second respectively category Delhi University Miranda House Hindu College bagged second spot colleges followed Presidency College Chennai management colleges Indian Institute Management IIM Ahmedabad ranked followed IIM Bangalore IIM Kozhikode Union Health Secretary calls preparation sense urgency ahead pandemic Cautioning pandemic wait global treaties Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan called countries work need hour ensure pandemic sees adequately prepared billions lives livelihoods stake act sense urgency said Health Working Group G20 India Hyderabad Monday Reiterating Michael Ryan Executive Director World Health Organization Health Emergency Programme said time countries came ensure drugs vaccines diagnostics reached needed equitable manner Amit Shah meets wrestlers official residence tells trust investigation Days wrestlers decided immerse medals won championships Ganga delegation consisting wrestlers coaches met Home Minister Amit Shah official residence late June 3 sources said Ministry Home Affairs denied meeting took place According Bharatiya Kisan Union leader Rakesh Tikait wrestlers planning approach President Home Minister demands pertaining ongoing agitation announced meeting June 1 mahapanchayat held Muzaffarnagar Indian Army chief meets Bangladeshi counterpart discusses issues mutual interest Indian Army chief Gen Manoj Pande June 5 met Bangladeshi counterpart General SM Shafiuddin Ahmed Dhaka discussed aspects mutual interest explored ways expand bilateral defence security ties Gen Pande arrived earlier Monday day visit Bangladesh second trip country Army chief interacted Lt Gen Waker Uz Zaman Principal Staff Officer Armed forces division Indian Army chief visited Bangladesh July year foreign visit assuming charge post Delhi Declaration responsible state behaviour cyberspace G20 countries Lt Gen. Retd Dr. Rajesh Pant National Cybersecurity Coordinator June 5 outlined draft called Delhi Declaration series commitments responsible state behaviour cyberspace G20 member countries drawn existing non binding norms signed United Nations auspices adopted G20 countries commit damage critical infrastructure essential systems commit cooperate mitigate investigate cyber incidents malicious activities cyberspace particular comes ransomware commit protect disrupt software supply chains commit respect international law rule law cyberspace finally commit protecting humanitarian sector Dr. Pant said reading draft Days horrific accident Balasore goods train derails Odisha wagons goods train carrying limestone derailed near Sambardhara Bargarh district Odisha June 5 train en route Bargarh Dunguri casualty reported incident happened private track laid inside ACC Cement plant near Bargarh narrow gauge line owned Bargarh cement works Indian Railways incident happened days horrific train accident happened State claimed 275 lives Saudi Arabia welcomes Venezuelan leader Maduro defying U.S. relations Saudi Arabia welcomed Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro official visit reaching U.S. foe oil rich kingdom engages flurry diplomacy Mr. Maduro arrived late June 4 Red Sea city Jeddah greeted Saudi officials according state run Saudi Press Agency reason visit elaborate schedule Saudi Arabia hosting international conference combating extremism later week capital Riyadh gathering co chaired U.S. Secretary State Antony Blinken 2 million people displaced Burkina Faso government says aid falls short Violence linked al Qaeda Islamic State group Burkina Faso country world fastest growing populations internally displaced people number mushrooming 2,000 2019 according government data Figures released month showed 2 million people internally displaced West African nation majority women children fueling dire humanitarian crisis conflict pushed people homes farms congested urban areas makeshift camps WTC final | Green presence changed Australia dugout recent success India teammates Cameron Green game changing potential documented Australian teammates feel presence dressing room got new meaning following success Indian sub continent months Green scored Test century maiden Test tour India earlier year hit aggressive 114 143 balls fourth Test Border Gavaskar Trophy Ahmedabad March year Green carried form year IPL scoring 452 runs 16 innings strike rate north 160 Mumbai Indians includes 47 ball ton took time champions play offs iit madras occupies spot iisc bengaluru best university union ministry education june 5 announced national institutional ranking framework nirf ranking year 2023 indian institute technology iit madras best educational institute overall rankings indian institute science iisc bengaluru bagged second spot overall category followed iit delhi engineering institutions iit madras retained spot eighth consecutive year iit delhi iit bombay ranked second respectively category delhi university miranda house hindu college bagged second spot colleges followed presidency college chennai management colleges indian institute management iim ahmedabad ranked followed iim bangalore iim kozhikode union health secretary calls preparation sense urgency ahead pandemic cautioning pandemic wait global treaties union health secretary rajesh bhushan called countries work need hour ensure pandemic sees adequately prepared billions lives livelihoods stake act sense urgency said health working group g20 india hyderabad monday reiterating michael ryan executive director world health organization health emergency programme said time countries came ensure drugs vaccines diagnostics reached needed equitable manner amit shah meets wrestlers official residence tells trust investigation days wrestlers decided immerse medals sakshi malik refutes rumours wrestlers protest withdrawal says continue fight till justice olympic medallists sakshi malik bajrang punia monday said continue fight justice asserted wrestlers backed protest news completely wrong fight justice backed satyagraha fulfilling responsibility railways fight continues till justice served spread wrong news malik tweeted reports distancing protest emerged odisha train accident ndrf ends operation withdraws teams national disaster response force june 5 ended rescue operation withdrawal teams triple train accident site odisha balasore district claimed 275 lives officials said force rescued 44 victims retrieved 121 bodies spot teams deployed accident june 2 said operation ended teams withdrawn live dead victims present accident site near bahanaga bazar railway station teams relieved sunday drawn monday said pm modi driving indian car looking rearview mirror crashing rahul gandhi congress leader rahul gandhi said bharatiya janata party rashtriya swayamsevak sangh incapable looking future prime minister narendra modi trying drive indian car looking rearview mirror lead accident mr championships ganga delegation consisting wrestlers coaches met home minister amit shah official residence late june 3 sources said ministry home affairs denied meeting took place according bharatiya kisan union leader rakesh tikait wrestlers planning approach president home minister demands pertaining ongoing agitation announced meeting june 1 mahapanchayat held muzaffarnagar indian army chief meets bangladeshi counterpart discusses issues mutual interest indian army chief gen manoj pande june 5 met bangladeshi counterpart general sm shafiuddin ahmed dhaka discussed aspects mutual interest explored ways expand bilateral defence security ties gen pande arrived earlier monday day visit bangladesh second trip country army chief interacted lt gen waker uz zaman principal staff officer armed forces division indian army chief visited bangladesh july year foreign visit assuming charge post delhi declaration responsible state behaviour cyberspace g20 countries lt gen gandhi addressed massive community event javits centre organised indian overseas congress usa sunday wrapped visit united states included trips san francisco washington dc home problem tell problem bjp rss incapable looking future incapable unse aap kuch bhi poocho woh peeche ki aur dekhte hain ask look past said railways signal telecom wing needs leg odisha train tragedy took 275 lives exposed failings functioning indian railways neglecting critical signal telecommunications wing new technology introduced upgrading infrastructure like modern trains machinery maintain lay tracks overhead traction increasing speeds mishap spotlight human resource deployment problem especially telecommunications signalling wing ground level saddled semi skilled workers promoted linemen handling mechanical sophisticated electronic systems explained senior railway officials requesting anonymity india u later month ministers explored ways building resilient supply chains sides identify opportunities co development new technologies co production existing new systems facilitate increased collaboration defence start ecosystems countries objectives concluded roadmap india defence industrial cooperation shall guide policy direction years defence ministry statement said grave red flags ignored congress president mallikarjun kharge pm modi odisha rail tragedy congress president mallikarjun kharge june 5 wrote prime minister narendra modi odisha railway tragedy saying safety claims railway minister ashwini vaishnaw exposed government bring light real reasons caused grave accident letter pm modi mr
Top news of the day: Sakshi Malik refutes rumours of wrestlers’ protest withdrawal; NDRF ends rescue operation in Odisha rail accident; and more
article Today Cache Hindu newsletter emerging themes intersection technology innovation policy inbox subscribe attempt address growing scrutiny ChatGPT chatbots manage users data improve train OpenAI introducing employee called incognito mode Chatbot incognito mode ChatGPT save users conversation use improve artificial intelligence company said OpenAI said new feature arise Italy ChatGPT ban months long effort users driver seat data collection comes month Italy banned ChatGPT possible privacy violations saying OpenAI resume service met demands giving consumers tools object processing data Nvidia released set software tools aimed helping chatbots companies like Microsoft guard unwanted responses software tools designed help AI system creators place important safety measures ensuring chatbots respond potentially dangerous information create weapons send users unknown links contain computer viruses Nvidia software tools provided free charge designed help companies guard unwanted responses chatbots straightforward like maker customer service chatbot want system mention products competitors Cybercriminals pretending Facebook technical support workers found targeting high profile users steal account credentials Scammers tricked victims impersonating Meta technical team requesting users voluntarily share data phishing website sending browser cookies avoid profiles blocked Potential victims scam posts newsfeeds notifications search individual company account tagged aim campaign ongoing gain access Facebook accounts high profile users use Facebook log credentials target individual social media financial accounts article today cache hindu newsletter emerging themes intersection technology innovation policy inbox subscribe attempt address growing scrutiny chatgpt chatbots manage users data improve train openai introducing employee called incognito mode chatbot incognito mode chatgpt save users conversation use improve artificial intelligence company said openai said new feature arise italy chatgpt ban months long effort users driver seat data collection comes month italy banned chatgpt possible privacy violations saying openai resume service met demands giving consumers tools object processing data nvidia released set software tools aimed helping chatbots companies like microsoft guard unwanted responses software tools designed help ai system creators place important safety measures ensuring chatbots respond potentially dangerous information create weapons send users unknown links contain computer viruses nvidia software tools provided free charge designed help companies guard unwanted responses chatbots straightforward like maker customer service chatbot want system mention products competitors cybercriminals pretending facebook technical support workers found targeting high profile users steal account credentials scammers tricked victims impersonating meta technical team requesting users voluntarily share data phishing website sending browser cookies avoid profiles blocked potential victims scam posts newsfeeds notifications search individual company account tagged aim campaign ongoing gain access facebook accounts high profile users use facebook log credentials target individual social media financial accounts
Today’s Cache | AI’s privacy push; Nvidia looks to improve chatbots; Facebook scam profiles Premium
time global temperatures likely breach 1.5 ° C 2.7 ° F warming years World Meteorological Organization said 17 necessarily mean world cross long term warming threshold 1.5 ° C preindustrial levels set 2015 Paris Agreement Read | time climate change went viral 70 years ago 66 chance temporarily reaching 1.5 ° C 2027 time history likely exceed 1.5 ° C said Adam Scaife head long range prediction Britain Met Office Hadley Centre worked WMO latest Global Annual Decadal Climate Update year report odds 50 50 Partially responsible boosting chance hitting 1.5 ° C El Nino weather pattern expected develop coming months natural phenomenon warmer waters tropical Pacific heat atmosphere spiking global temperatures El Nino combine human induced climate change push global temperatures uncharted territory said WMO Secretary General Petteri Taalas press statement Explained | climate change strike likelihood temporarily exceeding 1.5 ° C increased time 2017 2021 example scientists estimated 10 chance hitting 1.5C. Unlike U.N. Intergovernmental Panel Climate Change climate projections based future greenhouse gas emissions WMO update provides prediction based long range weather forecast WMO found 98 chance years hottest record surpassing 2016 saw global temperature impacted 1.3 ° C 2.3 ° F warming near certain 2023 2027 warmest year period recorded United Nations warned Wednesday greenhouse gases El Nino combine send temperatures soaring thirds chance years global temperatures exceed ambitious target set Paris accords limiting climate change UN World Meteorological Organization WMO said hottest years recorded 2015 2022 2016 warmest temperatures forecast increase climate change accelerates 98 percent likelihood years year period warmest record WMO said 2015 Paris Agreement saw countries agree cap global warming degrees Celsius average levels measured 1850 1900 1.5 ° C possible global mean temperature 2022 1.15 ° C 1850 1900 average 3 ° f warming near certain 2023 2027 warmest year period recorded united nations warned wednesday greenhouse gases el nino combine send temperatures soaring thirds chance years global temperatures exceed ambitious target set paris accords limiting climate change un world meteorological organization wmo said hottest years recorded 2015 2022 2016 warmest temperatures forecast increase climate change accelerates 98 percent likelihood years year period warmest record wmo said 2015 paris agreement saw countries agree cap global warming degrees celsius average levels measured 1850 1900 1 5 ° c el nino weather pattern expected develop coming months natural phenomenon warmer waters tropical pacific heat atmosphere spiking global temperatures el nino combine human induced climate change push global temperatures uncharted territory said wmo secretary general petteri taalas press statement explained intergovernmental panel climate change climate projections based future greenhouse gas emissions wmo update provides prediction based long range weather forecast wmo found 98 chance years hottest record surpassing 2016 saw global temperature impacted 1 5 ° c said adam scaife head long range prediction britain met office hadley centre worked wmo latest global annual decadal climate update year report odds 50 50 partially responsible boosting chance hitting 1 7 ° f warming years world meteorological organization said 17 necessarily mean world cross long term warming threshold 1
Global warming now more likely to breach 1.5°C threshold by 2027, scientists warn
Hardik Singh Savita Punia walked away Balbir Singh Sr Award Player Year 2022 ₹ 25 lakh fifth Hockey India annual awards Friday awards held gap years initially Covid-19 administrative issues federation saw entire Indian team men women senior junior attendance legends game India captain Olympian Gurbux Singh honoured Major Dhyan Chand Lifetime Achievement Award Total prize money excess ₹ 2.7 crores awarded years winners 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award ₹ 30 lakh Amit Singh Bakshi Hockey India president Dilip Tirkey hands Savita Punia Women Player Year 2021 2022 Player Year Men ₹ 25 lakh Harmanpreet Singh Player Year Women ₹ 25 lakh Savita 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award ₹ 30 lakh Gurbux Singh Player Year Men ₹ 25 lakh Hardik Singh Hardik Singh awarded Late Balbir Singh Sr Player Year 2022 presented grandson Kabir Player Year Women ₹ 25 lakh Savita Upcoming Player Year Men ₹ 10 lakh Uttam Singh Upcoming Player Year Women ₹ 10 lakh Mumtaz Khan Forward Year ₹ 5 lakh Vandana Katariya Midfielder Year ₹ 5 lakh Sushila Chanu Defender Year ₹ 5 lakh Harmanpreet Singh Goalkeeper Year ₹ 5 lakh Krishan B. Pathak Award Invaluable Contribution ₹ 5 lakh Pritam Siwach Vandana Katariya come long way reach incredible milestone 250 international caps Indian woman score hat trick Congratulations phenomenal achievements President Award Outstanding Achievement ₹ 5 lakh Hockey Ace Foundation President Award Umpire Umpire Manager ₹ 2.5 lakh Gurinder Singh Sangha President Award Technical Official ₹ 2.5 lakh Mohd Mogul Muneer awards FIH Men Player Year ₹ 10 lakh Harmanpreet Singh FIH Goalkeeper Year Men ₹ 5 lakh P.R. Sreejesh FIH Goalkeeper Year Women ₹ 5 lakh Savita FIH Coach Year Women ₹ 5 lakh Janneke Schopman FIH Rising Star Year Women ₹ 5 lakh Mumtaz Khan 300 international caps ₹ 3 lakh Manpreet Singh Union Law Minister Kiren Rijiju honours hockey player Sreejesh Hockey India 5th Annual Awards New Delhi March 17 2023 250 international caps ₹ 2.5 lakh Rani 200 international caps ₹ 2 lakh Mandeep Singh 200 international caps ₹ 2 lakh Navjot Kaur 150 international caps ₹ 1.5 lakh Harmanpreet Singh Umpire 150 internationals ₹ 1.5 lakh Javed Shaikh 100 international caps ₹ 1 lakh Neha 100 international caps ₹ 1 lakh Navneet Kaur 100 international caps ₹ 1 lakh Lalremsiami Goal debut match ₹ 1 lakh Karthi Selvam debut goal remember!Congratulations Karthi Selvam memorable start hockey career! scorer Pro League 2021 22 ₹ 1 lakh Harmanpreet Singh Best Goalkeeper Nations Cup women ₹ 1 lakh Savita scorer Sultan Johor Cup 2022 ₹ 1 lakh Shardanand Tiwari 7 crores awarded years winners 2021 lifetime achievement award ₹ 30 lakh amit singh bakshi hockey india president dilip tirkey hands savita punia women player year 2021 2022 player year men ₹ 25 lakh harmanpreet singh player year women ₹ 25 lakh savita 2022 lifetime achievement award ₹ 30 lakh gurbux singh player year men ₹ 25 lakh hardik singh hardik singh awarded late balbir singh sr player year 2022 presented grandson kabir player year women ₹ 25 lakh savita upcoming player year men ₹ 10 lakh uttam singh upcoming player year women ₹ 10 lakh mumtaz khan forward year ₹ 5 lakh vandana katariya midfielder year ₹ 5 lakh sushila chanu defender year ₹ 5 lakh harmanpreet singh goalkeeper year ₹ 5 lakh krishan b sreejesh fih goalkeeper year women ₹ 5 lakh savita fih coach year women ₹ 5 lakh janneke schopman fih rising star year women ₹ 5 lakh mumtaz khan 300 international caps ₹ 3 lakh manpreet singh union law minister kiren rijiju honours hockey player sreejesh hockey india 5th annual awards new delhi march 17 2023 250 international caps ₹ 2 pathak award invaluable contribution ₹ 5 lakh pritam siwach vandana katariya come long way reach incredible milestone 250 international caps indian woman score hat trick congratulations phenomenal achievements president award outstanding achievement ₹ 5 lakh hockey ace foundation president award umpire umpire manager ₹ 2 hardik singh savita punia walked away balbir singh sr award player year 2022 ₹ 25 lakh fifth hockey india annual awards friday awards held gap years initially covid 5 lakh javed shaikh 100 international caps ₹ 1 lakh neha 100 international caps ₹ 1 lakh navneet kaur 100 international caps ₹ 1 lakh lalremsiami goal debut match ₹ 1 lakh karthi selvam debut goal remember
Hardik, Savita are Players of The Year at Hockey India’s annual awards
Stuart Broad took 20th wicket haul Test career England dismissed Ireland 172 opening day Ashes warm Test Lord Thursday Ireland dire straits 19 3 losing loss Broad early treble strike including ducks Ireland captain Andy Balbirnie Harry Tector England great Broad finished 5 51 17 overs left arm spinner Jack Leach took 3 35 14 skipper Ben Stokes battling knee trouble bowl Ireland mount recovery opener James McCollum scoring obdurate 36 Curtis Campher Paul Stirling reached 30 Stokes opted bowl overcast conditions promised aid man pace attack Test novices Ireland alarms reaching 15 0 Broad Peter Moor plumb lbw 10 aimed legside batsman bothering review Number Balbirnie Irishman appear seven country Tests fell ball duck edged Broad low Zak Crawley second slip balls later Ireland 19 2 19 3 Tector clipped Broad pads straight Matthew Potts leg slip delivery saw Stirling given lbw Ireland veteran successfully reviewed Australian umpire Paul Wilson decision avoiding duck Test scheduled days standard threatening way corresponding Lord clash years ago England slumped 85 win huge margin 143 runs skittled Ireland 38 Stirling counter attacked England debutant fast bowler Josh Tongue launched Test career maidens innings featuring 20 runs boundaries ended Stirling edged sweep Leach simple catch wicketkeeper Jonny Bairstow playing Test August year freak leg injury golf course increasingly sunny conditions opener McCollum determined innings 36 108 balls ended lunch edged Broad Joe Root slip Campher hit helmet Tongue watch Andy McBrine Potts wicket day caught paceman went wicket 36 year old Broad 20th wicket haul 162 Tests bowled Mark Adair Campher tail company bowled charging Leach 33 England rested Anderson fellow quick Ollie Robinson ensure pair fully fit start Ashes series Australia later month match came weeks Ireland travel Zimbabwe 50 World Cup qualifying tournament Balbirnie saying build bowled 30 innings England qualify 50 T20 World Cups win successful summer England Zak Crawley Ben Duckett Ollie Pope Joe Root Harry Brook Ben Stokes captain Jonny Bairstow Stuart Broad Jack Leach Josh Tongue Matthew Potts Ireland James McCollum PJ Moor Andy Balbirnie captain Harry Tector Paul Stirling Lorcan Tucker Curtis Campher Andy McBrine Mark Adair Fionn Hand Graham Hume stuart broad took 20th wicket haul test career england dismissed ireland 172 opening day ashes warm test lord thursday ireland dire straits 19 3 losing loss broad early treble strike including ducks ireland captain andy balbirnie harry tector england great broad finished 5 51 17 overs left arm spinner jack leach took 3 35 14 skipper ben stokes battling knee trouble bowl ireland mount recovery opener james mccollum scoring obdurate 36 curtis campher paul stirling reached 30 stokes opted bowl overcast conditions promised aid man pace attack test novices ireland alarms reaching 15 0 broad peter moor plumb lbw 10 aimed legside batsman bothering review number balbirnie irishman appear seven country tests fell ball duck edged broad low zak crawley second slip balls later ireland 19 2 19 3 tector clipped broad pads straight matthew potts leg slip delivery saw stirling given lbw ireland veteran successfully reviewed australian umpire paul wilson decision avoiding duck test scheduled days standard threatening way corresponding lord clash years ago england slumped 85 win huge margin 143 runs skittled ireland 38 stirling counter attacked england debutant fast bowler josh tongue launched test career maidens innings featuring 20 runs boundaries ended stirling edged sweep leach simple catch wicketkeeper jonny bairstow playing test august year freak leg injury golf course increasingly sunny conditions opener mccollum determined innings 36 108 balls ended lunch edged broad joe root slip campher hit helmet tongue watch andy mcbrine potts wicket day caught paceman went wicket 36 year old broad 20th wicket haul 162 tests bowled mark adair campher tail company bowled charging leach 33 england rested anderson fellow quick ollie robinson ensure pair fully fit start ashes series australia later month match came weeks ireland travel zimbabwe 50 world cup qualifying tournament balbirnie saying build bowled 30 innings england qualify 50 t20 world cups win successful summer england zak crawley ben duckett ollie pope joe root harry brook ben stokes captain jonny bairstow stuart broad jack leach josh tongue matthew potts ireland james mccollum pj moor andy balbirnie captain harry tector paul stirling lorcan tucker curtis campher andy mcbrine mark adair fionn hand graham hume
Stuart Broad strikes before Ireland fight back at Lord’s in one-off Test
Sergio Pérez took advantage fortunately timed safety car beat teammate Max Verstappen win Formula Azerbaijan Grand Prix Sunday adding sprint won day Red Bull kept winning start 2023 Verstappen started second Ferrari Charles Leclerc swept past long start finish straight end lap 3 lap drivers allowed use DRS overtake assist system rear wing copy pass Pérez Leclerc way winning sprint race Saturday Verstappen took lead Sunday Pérez needed laps similar pass Leclerc seize second Red Bull underlined status F1 dominant team post shared Oracle Red Bull Racing @redbullracing Pérez benefited accident Nyck de Vries brought safety car AlphaTauri slid track broken suspension Verstappen pitted lead safety car meant Pérez Leclerc lost time stops came ahead Verstappen Red Bull drivers pulled away pack cruised straightforward win Red Bull won Grand Prix races season sprint Baku Saturday Leclerc continue recovery poor start year guys dominated weekend Perez told team radio fight guys Perez points Verstappen wins rounds Ferrari Charles Leclerc started pole position year row Baku finished distant team podium appearance year George Russell claiming fastest lap Mercedes input Reuters day red bull kept winning start 2023 verstappen started second ferrari charles leclerc swept past long start finish straight end lap 3 lap drivers allowed use drs overtake assist system rear wing copy pass pérez leclerc way winning sprint race saturday verstappen took lead sunday pérez needed laps similar pass leclerc seize second red bull underlined status f1 dominant team post shared oracle red bull racing grand prix races season sprint baku saturday leclerc continue recovery poor start year guys dominated weekend perez told team radio fight guys perez points verstappen wins rounds ferrari charles leclerc started pole position year row baku finished distant team podium appearance year george russell claiming fastest lap mercedes input reuters redbullracing pérez benefited accident nyck de vries brought safety car alphatauri slid track broken suspension verstappen pitted lead safety car meant pérez leclerc lost time stops came ahead verstappen red bull drivers pulled away pack cruised straightforward win red bull sergio pérez took advantage fortunately timed safety car beat teammate max verstappen win formula azerbaijan grand prix sunday adding sprint
F1 2023 | Sergio Perez wins Azerbaijan GP in Red Bull 1-2
Realme Wednesday launched Narzo N55 smartphone budget category featuring 64MP main lens MediaTek processor iPhone 14 Pro series inspired mini capsule available N55 Realme Narzo series phone caters affordable buyers mini capsule offers charging status data usage step notifications Battery status displayed default data usage step statistics require air OTA updates Realme Narzo N55 6.72 inch FHD+ punch hole display 90Hz refresh rate 91.4 screen body ratio technology news day subscribe tech newsletter Today Cache Narzo N55 sports 64MP main lens supported 2MP black white sensor 8MP selfie lens Realme 5,000mAh battery coupled 33W charger inside box Narzo N55 Chinese smartphone seller chosen MediaTek Helio G88 Narzo N55 padded 6 GB RAM 128 GB ROM phone runs UI 4.0 based Android 13 Narzo N55 starts ₹ 10,999 4GB/64 GB version 6GB/128 GB version sell ₹ 12,999 Amazon company website Narzo N55 available Prime Black Blue shades realme wednesday launched narzo n55 smartphone budget category featuring 64mp main lens mediatek processor iphone 14 pro series inspired mini capsule available n55 realme narzo series phone caters affordable buyers mini capsule offers charging status data usage step notifications battery status displayed default data usage step statistics require air ota updates realme narzo n55 6 000mah battery coupled 33w charger inside box narzo n55 chinese smartphone seller chosen mediatek helio g88 narzo n55 padded 6 gb ram 128 gb rom phone runs ui 4 4 screen body ratio technology news day subscribe tech newsletter today cache narzo n55 sports 64mp main lens supported 2mp black white sensor 8mp selfie lens realme 5 999 amazon company website narzo n55 available prime black blue shades 0 based android 13 narzo n55 starts ₹ 10
Realme brings Narzo N55 for budget buyers
Swashbuckling Indian batter Suryakumar Yadav continued stay latest ICC Men T20I Batters Rankings released Wednesday Suryakumar endured lean run late remained static ICC list 906 rating points 100 points ahead second placed Mohammad Rizwan 798 Pakistan Surykaumar lone Indian batter 10 enjoyed stellar year format 2022 continued good run series New Zealand Sri Lanka earlier year skipper Virat Kohli best Indian batter list remained static 15 Read | Suryakumar jewel crown India white ball warriors bowlers left arm pacer Arshdeep Singh ranked Indian 14th veteran seamer Bhuvneshwar Kumar dropped spot 19 Hardik Pandya second rounders list leader Shakib Al Hasan wickets T20Is helped Haris Rauf catapult Shadab Khan ranked Pakistan bowler Rauf picked wicket hauls New Zealand ongoing T20I series winning Player Match game Pakistan quick ahead Shaheen Afridi week Shadab Khan 12th T20I bowling rankings wickets spread T20Is seen Rauf places rankings occupy 11th spot Ish Sodhi 620 Shaheen 624 moved places places respectively dropping points Read |Suryakumar making enormous talent count big movement rankings came Sri Lanka Prabath Jayasuriya continuing magical start red ball cricket left arm spinner picked wicket match haul Ireland Test second figures short match Test career Jayasuriya 43 wickets Tests wicket hauls career best seven wicket haul Galle Test Ireland ensured moved 13 places ICC Test bowling rankings enter 20 achieving career best ratings 669 Jayasuriya ranked Sri Lankan bowler Test cricket Ramesh Mendis 576 moved places wicket haul second innings Test Ireland placed 32 suryakumar jewel crown india white ball warriors bowlers left arm pacer arshdeep singh ranked indian 14th veteran seamer bhuvneshwar kumar dropped spot 19 hardik pandya second rounders list leader shakib al hasan wickets t20is helped haris rauf catapult shadab khan ranked pakistan bowler rauf picked wicket hauls new zealand ongoing t20i series winning player match game pakistan quick ahead shaheen afridi week shadab khan 12th t20i bowling rankings wickets spread t20is seen rauf places rankings occupy 11th spot ish sodhi 620 shaheen 624 moved places places respectively dropping points read suryakumar making enormous talent count big movement rankings came sri lanka prabath jayasuriya continuing magical start red ball cricket left arm spinner picked wicket match haul ireland test second figures short match test career jayasuriya 43 wickets tests wicket hauls career best seven wicket haul galle test ireland ensured moved 13 places icc test bowling rankings enter 20 achieving career best ratings 669 jayasuriya ranked sri lankan bowler test cricket ramesh mendis 576 moved places wicket haul second innings test ireland placed 32 swashbuckling indian batter suryakumar yadav continued stay latest icc men t20i batters rankings released wednesday suryakumar endured lean run late remained static icc list 906 rating points 100 points ahead second placed mohammad rizwan 798 pakistan surykaumar lone indian batter 10 enjoyed stellar year format 2022 continued good run series new zealand sri lanka earlier year skipper virat kohli best indian batter list remained static 15 read
Suryakumar Yadav continues to lead ICC T20 rankings
Moscow said Thursday expelling Swedish diplomats closing Russia general consulate Gothenburg Sweden diplomatic mission Saint Petersburg Russian foreign ministry said Swedish ambassador Malena Mard summoned informed Moscow retaliatory measures country confrontational course decision declare Swedish diplomats persona non grata Russian foreign ministry said came Sweden said late April expelling Russian diplomats activities compatible diplomatic status Russia said expulsion openly hostile accusing authorities northern European country conducting Russophobic campaign Moscow general consulate Gothenburg shuttered September 1 Russian foreign ministry added statement Sweden general consulate Saint Petersburg stop operations time statement said Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom lamented Russian decision regrettable Russia chosen expel Swedish diplomats acted framework Vienna Convention conducted customary diplomatic activities Russia Billstrom said statement foreign minister deplored closure Swedish consulate Saint Petersburg describing driving force bilateral people people co operation Russia Sweden Today decision confirmation negative political developments Russia country international isolation said Ties Western countries come unprecedented pressure Russian President Vladimir Putin sent troops Ukraine February 2022 West introduced unprecedented sanctions Moscow moscow said thursday expelling swedish diplomats closing russia general consulate gothenburg sweden diplomatic mission saint petersburg russian foreign ministry said swedish ambassador malena mard summoned informed moscow retaliatory measures country confrontational course decision declare swedish diplomats persona non grata russian foreign ministry said came sweden said late april expelling russian diplomats activities compatible diplomatic status russia said expulsion openly hostile accusing authorities northern european country conducting russophobic campaign moscow general consulate gothenburg shuttered september 1 russian foreign ministry added statement sweden general consulate saint petersburg stop operations time statement said swedish foreign minister tobias billstrom lamented russian decision regrettable russia chosen expel swedish diplomats acted framework vienna convention conducted customary diplomatic activities russia billstrom said statement foreign minister deplored closure swedish consulate saint petersburg describing driving force bilateral people people co operation russia sweden today decision confirmation negative political developments russia country international isolation said ties western countries come unprecedented pressure russian president vladimir putin sent troops ukraine february 2022 west introduced unprecedented sanctions moscow
Russia to shut Swedish consulate, expel five diplomats
story far April 26 Union Cabinet approved National Medical Devices Policy 2023 policy endeavours facilitate orderly growth sector turn achieve public health objectives access affordability quality innovation expected help domestic medical devices sector market grow $ 11 billion $ 50 billion 2030 alongside achieving 10 12 global market share 25 years aim provide required support direction help sector competitive self reliant resilient innovative cater domestic global needs significant introduced measures entail regulatory streamlining policy enhances role Bureau Indian Standards BIS designing coherent pricing regulation Pricing regulation particularly important addressing broader challenge domestic device manufacturing sector Rajiv Nath Forum Coordinator Association Indian Medical Devices Manufacturers AiMeD told Hindu private hospitals higher priced products instead available low cost options manufacturer importer India tied system market operating artificially inflated MRP labelled device said Mr. Nath adding separately seeking MRP imports monitored compared imports landed prices steps taken control found irrationally excessive optimistic policy enable monitoring prices curbing practices capping prices streamlining endeavour create single window clearance system licensing medical devices combining relevant departments like Atomic Energy Regulatory Board AERB MeitY Department Animal Husbandry Dairying DAHD ensure skilled workforce create future ready MedTech human resources comprising scientists regulators health experts managers technicians policy support dedicated multidisciplinary courses medical devices including futuristic medical technologies high end manufacturing research complement Department proposed National Policy Research Development alongside innovation pharma MedTech sector India centres excellencein academic research institutions innovation hubs plug play infrastructure planned alongside support start ups policy seeks establish strengthen large medical device parks clusters quality infrastructure facilities close economic zones requisite logistics connectivity expected collaborative venture State governments industry resulting better convergence backward integration industry Ensuring ecosystem encourage private investments series funding venture capitalists potential public private partnerships PPP key component endeavour supplemented intervention programs India Ayushman Bharat Heal India Start mission Human resources innovation investment particularly important medical devices sector despite relatively low entry barriers highly capital intensive requires continuous skill development consonance newer technologies Indian Brand Equity Foundation IBEF huge gap exists current demand supply medical devices U.S. China Germany India overall 70 80 import dependency medical devices domestic international manufacturers view penetration potential growth opportunity According Mr Nath notwithstanding India major global manufacturers equipment syringes needles surgical blades surgical gloves condoms PPE masks hydrocephalus shunts orthopaedic implants intra ocular lenses highly dependent imports basic consumables like examination gloves hot water bottles home care products like blood pressure instruments diabetes sugar monitors thermometers China U.S. combined 60 import basket National Medical Devices Policy 2023 Parliament Healthcare Committee recommendations implemented trade imbalance corrected 60 70 domestic market share reasonable 30 imports Mr. Nath argues policy envisages creation dedicated Export Promotion Council sector Department Health forum deal varied market access issues combining sharing stakeholders knowledge expertise Mr. Nath argues functional soon possible promoting Brand India overseas domestic industry comprises combination large multinationals small mid sized companies IBEF India fourth largest Asian medical market Japan China South Korea 20 globally estimated grow CAGR 15 half times global growth rate 2020 25 diagnostic imaging includes radiographs ultrasound market likely expand CAGR 13.5 Exports medical devices stood $ 2.90 billion FY 2022 estimated scale $ 10 billion FY 2025 Key export countries include U.S. France Singapore China Turkey Brazil Netherlands Iran Belgium India major medical clusters Gujarat Karnataka Maharashtra Haryana Andhra Pradesh Tamil Nadu manufacturing expertise varies pharmaceuticals medical electronics stents implants low end medical consumables hopeful policy help boost manufacturing help traders importers start investing factories end import dependency forced India rising import bill shot 41 Rs 63,000 crore alongside making quality healthcare accessible affordable worldwide says Mr. Nath pending demand industry separate law medical device manufacturers AiMeD recommends law treats manufacturers criminals applicable instead separate law like Europe Canada Japan Brazil etc Mr. Nath says adding developers manufacturers freedom innovative products nath adding separately seeking mrp imports monitored compared imports landed prices steps taken control found irrationally excessive optimistic policy enable monitoring prices curbing practices capping prices streamlining endeavour create single window clearance system licensing medical devices combining relevant departments like atomic energy regulatory board aerb meity department animal husbandry dairying dahd ensure skilled workforce create future ready medtech human resources comprising scientists regulators health experts managers technicians policy support dedicated multidisciplinary courses medical devices including futuristic medical technologies high end manufacturing research complement department proposed national policy research development alongside innovation pharma medtech sector india centres excellencein academic research institutions innovation hubs plug play infrastructure planned alongside support start ups policy seeks establish strengthen large medical device parks clusters quality infrastructure facilities close economic zones requisite logistics connectivity expected collaborative venture state governments industry resulting better convergence backward integration industry ensuring ecosystem encourage private investments series funding venture capitalists potential public private partnerships ppp key component endeavour supplemented intervention programs india ayushman bharat heal india start mission human resources innovation investment particularly important medical devices sector despite relatively low entry barriers highly capital intensive requires continuous skill development consonance newer technologies indian brand equity foundation ibef huge gap exists current demand supply medical devices u 50 billion 2030 alongside achieving 10 12 global market share 25 years aim provide required support direction help sector competitive self reliant resilient innovative cater domestic global needs significant introduced measures entail regulatory streamlining policy enhances role bureau indian standards bis designing coherent pricing regulation pricing regulation particularly important addressing broader challenge domestic device manufacturing sector rajiv nath forum coordinator association indian medical devices manufacturers aimed told hindu private hospitals higher priced products instead available low cost options manufacturer importer india tied system market operating artificially inflated mrp labelled device said mr china germany india overall 70 80 import dependency medical devices domestic international manufacturers view penetration potential growth opportunity according mr nath notwithstanding india major global manufacturers equipment syringes needles surgical blades surgical gloves condoms ppe masks hydrocephalus shunts orthopaedic implants intra ocular lenses highly dependent imports basic consumables like examination gloves hot water bottles home care products like blood pressure instruments diabetes sugar monitors thermometers china u france singapore china turkey brazil netherlands iran belgium india major medical clusters gujarat karnataka maharashtra haryana andhra pradesh tamil nadu manufacturing expertise varies pharmaceuticals medical electronics stents implants low end medical consumables hopeful policy help boost manufacturing help traders importers start investing factories end import dependency forced india rising import bill shot 41 rs 63 nath argues functional soon possible promoting brand india overseas domestic industry comprises combination large multinationals small mid sized companies ibef india fourth largest asian medical market japan china south korea 20 globally estimated grow cagr 15 half times global growth rate 2020 25 diagnostic imaging includes radiographs ultrasound market likely expand cagr 13
Explained | What is the National Medical Devices Policy, 2023? Premium
snazzy young Rajinikanth rode Suzuki RV90 1983 Tamil film Paayum Puli later 2007 Rajinikanth Shriya Saran featured atop bright red vintage MG TB car Sivaji vehicles find pride place recently opened AVM Heritage Museum Vadapalani Chennai Having witnessed biggest cinema events film shoots AVM studios oldest surviving studios country latest addition heritage museum museum brainchild AVM Saravanan son MS Guhan known collection cars bikes films display display equipment machinery cinema production business past providing audiences rare insight films Aruna Guhan partner creative director AVM Productions says Cinema grown time great grandfather AV Meiyappan fact manually mark film pencil cut join things unheard today things happen making film people today unware important celebrate processes times brought cinema today Aruna Guhan partner creative director AVM Productions Heritage Museum referring things like track audio recorder tape video editing setup film winding shoe flatbed editing machine display museum technical nature fun items display statue features Rajinikanth Sivaji palanquin Yejaman highlights museum 1945 Buick car multiple hit Tamil films including Sakalakala Vallavan Manidhan Nallavanuku Nallavan car changed colour time featured stars smiles Aruna team currently process adding information sourcing thefilm stills Tamil descriptions AVM production houses takes pride past goes great lengths preserve pick lessons past help learnings future adds pointing plaque celebrating shooting spot Sivaji Ganesan debut film Parasakthi 1952 Suzuki RV90 Rajinikanth 1965 Tamil film Paayum Puli heritage museum hopes add collection months memorabilia rich repository film related material Costumes worn stars popular films list Aruna runs series titled Costume Closet social media film trivia buffs Think jacket worn MGR Puthiya Vaanam song Anbe Vaa 1966 bullet proof vest worn Vijayakanth Sethupathi IPS 1994 hopefully museum future hope pieces movie sets like staircase particular film sequence explainer cards telling prop adds Aruna work progress history studio treasured cinematic journey AVM Heritage Museum located inside AVM Studios Vadapalani Chennai open 10 5 pm days Tuesdays national holidays entry fee adults children ₹ 200 ₹ 150 respectively witnessed biggest cinema events film shoots avm studios oldest surviving studios country latest addition heritage museum museum brainchild avm saravanan son ms guhan known collection cars bikes films display display equipment machinery cinema production business past providing audiences rare insight films aruna guhan partner creative director avm productions says cinema grown time great grandfather av meiyappan fact manually mark film pencil cut join things unheard today things happen making film people today unware important celebrate processes times brought cinema today aruna guhan partner creative director avm productions heritage museum referring things like track audio recorder tape video editing setup film winding shoe flatbed editing machine display museum technical nature fun items display statue features rajinikanth sivaji palanquin yejaman highlights museum 1945 buick car multiple hit tamil films including sakalakala vallavan manidhan nallavanuku nallavan car changed colour time featured stars smiles aruna team currently process adding information sourcing thefilm stills tamil descriptions avm production houses takes pride past goes great lengths preserve pick lessons past help learnings future adds pointing plaque celebrating shooting spot sivaji ganesan debut film parasakthi 1952 suzuki rv90 rajinikanth 1965 tamil film paayum puli heritage museum hopes add collection months memorabilia rich repository film related material costumes worn stars popular films list aruna runs series titled costume closet social media film trivia buffs think jacket worn mgr puthiya vaanam song anbe vaa 1966 bullet proof vest worn vijayakanth sethupathi ips 1994 hopefully museum future hope pieces movie sets like staircase particular film sequence explainer cards telling prop adds aruna work progress history studio treasured cinematic journey avm heritage museum located inside avm studios vadapalani chennai open 10 5 pm days tuesdays national holidays entry fee adults children ₹ 200 ₹ 150 respectively snazzy young rajinikanth rode suzuki rv90 1983 tamil film paayum puli later 2007 rajinikanth shriya saran featured atop bright red vintage mg tb car sivaji vehicles find pride place recently opened avm heritage museum vadapalani chennai
Do you love cinema? Visit the AVM Heritage Museum in Chennai Premium
setting member panel Union government probe ethnic violence Manipur claimed nearly 100 lives displaced 35,000 people welcomed terms reference clear inquiry causes spread violence dereliction duty authorities potential set process truth telling motion nudge possibility reconciliation wounded ethnic communities Riots ethnic violence particular rarely occur driving forces fact occurred Manipur help looted weapons police armouries underlines Affixing responsibility violent actions key actors holding accountable steps building trust responsible governance arson violence continue State Union Home Minister visited affected areas 18 looted weapons returned armouries suggest distrust ethnic communities Meiteis Kukis remains intact indicating inability State government act catalyst return lasting peace paramilitary forces created security grid patrolling buffer areas Imphal valley adjoining hill areas Kuki people live prevent violence limited help political representatives communities MLAs particular share party affiliations differ ethnicities act bearers peace reconciliation underlying differences groups require longer political dialogue rumination easy solve Kukis Nagas claim demand Scheduled Tribe status Meiteis opposed section unjustified Meitei sections resent benefits affirmative action hill tribes Meiteis grievance lack explicit privilege owning land hill areas unlike rights Imphal valley Historical patterns land ownership dwelling Kukis susceptible claims encroached reserved forests steps taken government clear areas created impression siege mentality process reconciliation succeed knotty issues tackled happen representatives communities rise narrow sectarianism look constitutional solutions beginning tamp violence return displaced homes secure lives isolate responsible wanton violence bring justice depends commission work regard 000 people welcomed terms reference clear inquiry causes spread violence dereliction duty authorities potential set process truth telling motion nudge possibility reconciliation wounded ethnic communities riots ethnic violence particular rarely occur driving forces fact occurred manipur help looted weapons police armouries underlines affixing responsibility violent actions key actors holding accountable steps building trust responsible governance arson violence continue state union home minister visited affected areas 18 looted weapons returned armouries suggest distrust ethnic communities meiteis kukis remains intact indicating inability state government act catalyst return lasting peace paramilitary forces created security grid patrolling buffer areas imphal valley adjoining hill areas kuki people live prevent violence limited help political representatives communities mlas particular share party affiliations differ ethnicities act bearers peace reconciliation underlying differences groups require longer political dialogue rumination easy solve kukis nagas claim demand scheduled tribe status meiteis opposed section unjustified meitei sections resent benefits affirmative action hill tribes meiteis grievance lack explicit privilege owning land hill areas unlike rights imphal valley historical patterns land ownership dwelling kukis susceptible claims encroached reserved forests steps taken government clear areas created impression siege mentality process reconciliation succeed knotty issues tackled happen representatives communities rise narrow sectarianism look constitutional solutions beginning tamp violence return displaced homes secure lives isolate responsible wanton violence bring justice depends commission work regard setting member panel union government probe ethnic violence manipur claimed nearly 100 lives displaced 35
Useful first step: on probing the ethnic violence in Manipur
Hyderabad parliamentarian Asaduddin Owaisi Sunday urged Supreme Court constitute investigation team probe killing gangster turned politician Atiq Ahmed brother Ashraf Ahmed demanded resignation Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath Mr. Owaisi speaking media expressed grave concern state law order Uttar Pradesh CM constitutional morality resign said adding Prime Minister Narendra Modi talks sabka saath sabka vikaas sabka vishwas stop acting like Pontius Pilate said beginning BJP government run government rule law rule gun said claimed killing happened sitting positions power lack compassion humanity Mr Owaisi hand hoped SC case suo motu pleaded apex court constitute investigation team exclude officer investigation proceed time bound manner watchful eye apex court said India Majlis e Ittehadul Muslimeen AIMIM president raised grave concerns said radicalisation majority community urged Bharatiya Janata Party BJP stock situation BJP winning election election looking issue radicalisation BJP serving country said Describing killing cold blooded Mr Owaisi sought know killers said appeared like professionals radicalised expressed concern accused raising religious slogans soon gunning duo said Indian citizens irrespective religious affiliations believe Constitution rule law feel weak unsafe owaisi speaking media expressed grave concern state law order uttar pradesh cm constitutional morality resign said adding prime minister narendra modi talks sabka saath sabka vikaas sabka vishwas stop acting like pontius pilate said beginning bjp government run government rule law rule gun said claimed killing happened sitting positions power lack compassion humanity mr owaisi hand hoped sc case suo motu pleaded apex court constitute investigation team exclude officer investigation proceed time bound manner watchful eye apex court said india majlis e ittehadul muslimeen aimim president raised grave concerns said radicalisation majority community urged bharatiya janata party bjp stock situation bjp winning election election looking issue radicalisation bjp serving country said describing killing cold blooded mr owaisi sought know killers said appeared like professionals radicalised expressed concern accused raising religious slogans soon gunning duo said indian citizens irrespective religious affiliations believe constitution rule law feel weak unsafe hyderabad parliamentarian asaduddin owaisi sunday urged supreme court constitute investigation team probe killing gangster turned politician atiq ahmed brother ashraf ahmed demanded resignation uttar pradesh chief minister yogi adityanath mr
Owaisi demands SC-constituted team to probe Atiq Ahmed, Ashraf Ahmed killing
19th century royal cook Kakasura Madappa crafted remarkable confection King Krishna Raja Wadiyar IV blending gram flour ghee sugar delightful creation christened Mysore Pak forever intertwining city rich heritage Recently journalist Rajdeep Sardesai stirred online conversation surprising BJP spokesperson Amit Malviya Haldiram version Mysore Pak unexpected choice left netizens puzzled wondering opt traditional South Indian sweet shop Recognising need shed light genuine flavours Mysore Pak present curated list historic esteemed stores Bengaluru serve iconic delicacy Established VA Venkatachalapathy Setty 1952 Sri Venkateshwara Sweetmeat Stall renowned Bengaluru bringing Mysore pak Mysuru moving Bengaluru family sold Mysore Pak Chikkaballapur 35 years Raghu Setty grandson managed stall past 22 years transformed kitchen scientific techniques dedicated food technician ensure consistent texture flavour Raghu confirms time selling Mysore Pak Bengaluru import special cream Denmark uphold quality Mysore Pak Sri Venkateshwara Sweet Meat Stall Balepet Raghu oversees ghee sourced loyal vendors mills sieves gram flour ensuring consistent taste year round Rejecting automation sweet handmade preserving traditional flavours Raghu says believe automating process compromise authentic handmade flavours packaged Mysore Pak month room temperature Price 1 kilogram Mysore Pak ₹ 1,000 1970s N K Mahadeva Iyer Coimbatore Tamil Nadu different spin Karnataka Mysore Pak extensive experimentation Eventually result creation Mysurpa distinctive dish According regular visitors seamless combination pure ghee gram flour sugar syrup hint turmeric colour file photo Mysore Pak Sri Krishna Sweets 60 retail outlets India including Bengaluru Hyderabad Chennai offer sweets variety snacks Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone devoted fan Mysore Pak known powdery texture sponge like consistency generous use ghee Price 1 kilogram Mysurpa ₹ 710 South Indian meals MTR probably asked second serving Mysore Pak secret ghee best says Hemamalini Maiya managing partner MTR sweet available meals restaurant packages stores sell varieties Mysore Pak regular special regular variety harder crunchier sold main MTR store exclusively available shop counters special variety softer ghee aroma Mysore Pak MTR varieties popular fly shelves fresh fresher better tastes says Hemamalini MTR ghee butter house procure trusted vendors concerns butter adulterations Mysore Pak best enjoyed week Price 1 kilogram Mysore Pak ₹ 950 Established 1951 Late Kantha Prasadji Garg Asha Sweet Center Malleswaram Bengaluru major legacy family run sweet shops years store expanded boasts branches city wide array delicacies Mysore Pak steals According Darshini Mayur Garg partner Asha Sweet Center softer version Mysore Pak introduced 1951 turned huge hit attracting crowd store Mysore Pak Asha Sweets Center Asha Sweet Center offer crisp soft variations Mysore Pak consistency taste quality maintained rigorous checks sieve gram flour impurities UV light use RO filter water explains Darshini UV filter ensures impurities food items visiting store customers option purchase Mysore Pak weight individual pieces beautifully presented banana leaf Price 1 kilogram Mysore Pak ₹ 760 000 1970s n k mahadeva iyer coimbatore tamil nadu different spin karnataka mysore pak extensive experimentation eventually result creation mysurpa distinctive dish according regular visitors seamless combination pure ghee gram flour sugar syrup hint turmeric colour file photo mysore pak sri krishna sweets 60 retail outlets india including bengaluru hyderabad chennai offer sweets variety snacks bollywood actor deepika padukone devoted fan mysore pak known powdery texture sponge like consistency generous use ghee price 1 kilogram mysurpa ₹ 710 south indian meals mtr probably asked second serving mysore pak secret ghee best says hemamalini maiya managing partner mtr sweet available meals restaurant packages stores sell varieties mysore pak regular special regular variety harder crunchier sold main mtr store exclusively available shop counters special variety softer ghee aroma mysore pak mtr varieties popular fly shelves fresh fresher better tastes says hemamalini mtr ghee butter house procure trusted vendors concerns butter adulterations mysore pak best enjoyed week price 1 kilogram mysore pak ₹ 950 established 1951 late kantha prasadji garg asha sweet center malleswaram bengaluru major legacy family run sweet shops years store expanded boasts branches city wide array delicacies mysore pak steals according darshini mayur garg partner asha sweet center softer version mysore pak introduced 1951 turned huge hit attracting crowd store mysore pak asha sweets center asha sweet center offer crisp soft variations mysore pak consistency taste quality maintained rigorous checks sieve gram flour impurities uv light use ro filter water explains darshini uv filter ensures impurities food items visiting store customers option purchase mysore pak weight individual pieces beautifully presented banana leaf price 1 kilogram mysore pak ₹ 760 19th century royal cook kakasura madappa crafted remarkable confection king krishna raja wadiyar iv blending gram flour ghee sugar delightful creation christened mysore pak forever intertwining city rich heritage recently journalist rajdeep sardesai stirred online conversation surprising bjp spokesperson amit malviya haldiram version mysore pak unexpected choice left netizens puzzled wondering opt traditional south indian sweet shop recognising need shed light genuine flavours mysore pak present curated list historic esteemed stores bengaluru serve iconic delicacy established va venkatachalapathy setty 1952 sri venkateshwara sweetmeat stall renowned bengaluru bringing mysore pak mysuru moving bengaluru family sold mysore pak chikkaballapur 35 years raghu setty grandson managed stall past 22 years transformed kitchen scientific techniques dedicated food technician ensure consistent texture flavour raghu confirms time selling mysore pak bengaluru import special cream denmark uphold quality mysore pak sri venkateshwara sweet meat stall balepet raghu oversees ghee sourced loyal vendors mills sieves gram flour ensuring consistent taste year round rejecting automation sweet handmade preserving traditional flavours raghu says believe automating process compromise authentic handmade flavours packaged mysore pak month room temperature price 1 kilogram mysore pak ₹ 1
Bengaluru stores with decades-old recipes for Mysore Pak
winning girls 400 m gold earlier Rezoana Mallick Heena claimed 200 m silver helped India medley relay gold fifth Asian under-18 athletics championships concluded Tashkent Sunday results Indian medal performances Boys 200 m 3 Abhay Singh 21.39s 400 m hurdles 2 Bapi Hansda 51.38s 2,000 m steeplechase 2 Sumit Rathee 5:58.69s Discus 2 Ritik 54.03 m Medley relay 2 India 1:52.96s Girls 200 m 2 Rezoana Mallick Heena 24.38s Shot 3 Anupriya Valliyot Sasi 16.37 m Heptathlon 2 Mohur Mukherjee 4862 pts Medley relay 1 India Mohur Mukherjee Abinaya Rataratan Shireen Ahluwalia Rezoana Maluck Heena 2:11.21s heptathlon 2 mohur mukherjee 4862 pts medley relay 1 india mohur mukherjee abinaya rataratan shireen ahluwalia rezoana maluck heena 2 18 athletics championships concluded tashkent sunday results indian medal performances boys 200 silver helped india medley relay gold fifth asian gold earlier rezoana mallick heena claimed 200 medley relay 2 india 1
India wins gold in girls medley relay
year people Kumbakonam Sarangapani temple 500 tonne heavy 102 feet tall temple car mark Chithirai festival temple car construction month 3 finishing touches underway ornate horse figurines weighing 400kgs bamboo papier mâché fastened temple car NC Ramesh stapati architect temple car team members standing 60 feet ground pull rope tied horse 20 minutes later horse fastened pull Read story Reporting voiceover Ananyaa Desikan Videos B. Velankanni Raj Ananyaa Desikan Production Ravichandran N. year people kumbakonam sarangapani temple 500 tonne heavy 102 feet tall temple car mark chithirai festival temple car construction month 3 finishing touches underway ornate horse figurines weighing 400kgs bamboo papier mâché fastened temple car nc ramesh stapati architect temple car team members standing 60 feet ground pull rope tied horse 20 minutes later horse fastened pull read story reporting voiceover ananyaa desikan videos b velankanni raj ananyaa desikan production ravichandran n
Watch | Behind the scenes at the Kumbakonam temple car festival
article Health Matters newsletter inbox subscribe better time talk technology worse time talk technology role lives conversations dominated prophecies myriad ways AI usurp human jobs wearables things simpler sobering moment wonder secure information online latest health controversy country reported leak CoWIN data messaging bot personal information people IDs public domain Health Ministry insists CoWIN data hacked information previously stolen database reassuring personal data voluntarily revealed Technology makes things simple makes vulnerable continuous underlining tenacious link climate phenomena health life general week saw projections Peru worst dengue outbreak record intensify El Niño climate phenomenon brings torrential rains mosquitoes driving death toll year past 200 1,30,000 recorded cases Clearly health interventions afford factor climate change paradigm India arguably comprehensive study prevalence diabetes non communicable disease threw results week expected shocking indicating way action prevention imperative ICMR INDAB study estimated 11 India population 101.3 million people diabetic 15.3 136 million pre diabetic Results revealed burden NCDs higher anticipated based analysis obesity hypertension excessive cholesterol paper touted comprehensive covering States India estimated highest prevalence diabetes found Goa 26.4 Puducherry Kerala nearly 25 warned future relatively lower prevalence diabetes bound change psychosomasis link mental physical health emphasised recent study showed stress role play gut health Mental health profoundly impacts inflammatory responses body particularly apparent inflammatory bowel disease IBD psychological stress associated exacerbated disease flares study concluded trick channelise inner peace simple act providing piped water supply India avert 4,00,000 diarrheal deaths said week nations aware definitely reassurance simple fix governance related solutions work astonishingly Animal studies human clinical trials reportedly found potential new drug facilitate treatment cannabis addiction Given Cannabis widely illicit drug world 19.5 cannabis develop cannabis use disorder good news extra moments today stop links male reproduction humans egalitarian mammalian standards Scientists document space travel messes human brain Research shows India shorten tuberculosis treatment Bharat Biotech recalls typhoid vaccine batch owing substandard quality radar bring health content way Hindu health coverage article health matters newsletter inbox subscribe better time talk technology worse time talk technology role lives conversations dominated prophecies myriad ways ai usurp human jobs wearables things simpler sobering moment wonder secure information online latest health controversy country reported leak cowin data messaging bot personal information people ids public domain health ministry insists cowin data hacked information previously stolen database reassuring personal data voluntarily revealed technology makes things simple makes vulnerable continuous underlining tenacious link climate phenomena health life general week saw projections peru worst dengue outbreak record intensify el niño climate phenomenon brings torrential rains mosquitoes driving death toll year past 200 1 4 puducherry kerala nearly 25 warned future relatively lower prevalence diabetes bound change psychosomasis link mental physical health emphasised recent study showed stress role play gut health mental health profoundly impacts inflammatory responses body particularly apparent inflammatory bowel disease ibd psychological stress associated exacerbated disease flares study concluded trick channelise inner peace simple act providing piped water supply india avert 4 5 cannabis develop cannabis use disorder good news extra moments today stop links male reproduction humans egalitarian mammalian standards scientists document space travel messes human brain research shows india shorten tuberculosis treatment bharat biotech recalls typhoid vaccine batch owing substandard quality radar bring health content way hindu health coverage 000 recorded cases clearly health interventions afford factor climate change paradigm india arguably comprehensive study prevalence diabetes non communicable disease threw results week expected shocking indicating way action prevention imperative icmr indab study estimated 11 india population 101 000 diarrheal deaths said week nations aware definitely reassurance simple fix governance related solutions work astonishingly animal studies human clinical trials reportedly found potential new drug facilitate treatment cannabis addiction given cannabis widely illicit drug world 19
The best of times, the worst of times Premium
rupee consolidated narrow range settled day 3 paise higher 82.09 provisional U.S. dollar April 12 participants remained sidelines ahead release retail inflation data interbank foreign exchange market local unit opened 82.08 U.S. currency finally closed 82.09 provisional greenback registering gain 3 paise previous close session rupee touched high 82.01 low 82.11 dollar Tuesday rupee closed 82.12 U.S. currency dollar index gauges greenback strength basket currencies fell 0.15 102.04 Global oil benchmark Brent crude futures advanced 0.32 $ 85.88 barrel Indian rupee tread water dollar index ahead crucial inflation data India rupee consolidates narrow range thin volume volatility stronger domestic equities foreign fund inflows said Dilip Parmar Research Analyst HDFC Securities market pricing lower inflation readings week RBI surprise rate pause near term spot USD INR expected trade 81.70 82.50 domestic equity market 30 share BSE Sensex advanced 235.05 points 0.39 end 60,392.77 broader NSE Nifty gained 90.10 points 0.51 17,812.40 Foreign Institutional Investors FIIs net buyers capital market Tuesday purchased shares worth ₹ 342.84 crore according exchange data 88 barrel indian rupee tread water dollar index ahead crucial inflation data india rupee consolidates narrow range thin volume volatility stronger domestic equities foreign fund inflows said dilip parmar research analyst hdfc securities market pricing lower inflation readings week rbi surprise rate pause near term spot usd inr expected trade 81 dollar april 12 participants remained sidelines ahead release retail inflation data interbank foreign exchange market local unit opened 82 40 foreign institutional investors fiis net buyers capital market tuesday purchased shares worth ₹ 342 09 provisional greenback registering gain 3 paise previous close session rupee touched high 82 rupee consolidated narrow range settled day 3 paise higher 82
Rupee gains 3 paise to close at 82.09 against U.S. dollar
Telecom authorities block 120 sender IDs bulk messaging China link 120 headers operated group linked Chinese entity blocked telecom authorities past months based information provided Union Home Ministry Headers banks marketing companies utility providers government offices send bulk texts SMS consumers customers Header known sender ID unique combination characters numbers representing brand company message sender BJP Central Election Committee meets list likely today tomorrow days hectic backroom parleys decide party candidates upcoming Assembly polls Karnataka BJP Central Election Committee met New Delhi Sunday evening reportedly finalised list candidates Party sources said list likely include candidates 120 150 seats announced Monday Tuesday Candidates begin file nominations April 13 date April 20 Supreme Court hear today batch pleas identification minorities State level Supreme Court scheduled hear Monday batch pleas seeking identification minorities State level Bench justices Sanjay Kishan Kaul Ahsanuddin Amanullah hearing petitions raising issues related identification minorities including challenging constitutional validity National Minority Commission Act 1992 National Commission Minority Educational Institutes Act 2004 appropriate AICC charge Rajasthan says Sachin Pilot raised corruption issue Sachin Pilot fired fresh salvo Ashok Gehlot government Rajasthan India Congress Committee AICC charge State Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa Sunday said appropriate Mr. Pilot hold press conference manner raised issue Assam CM sue Rahul Gandhi Adani link charge Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma Sunday said file defamation suit Congress leader Rahul Gandhi accusing investing unaccounted money industrialist Gautam Adani firms Tweeting Congress turncoats Mr. Gandhi named Assam Chief Minister including Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia putting total ₹ 20,000 crore benami money Mr. Adani companies Nationwide drill hospitals April 10 11 COVID-19 preparedness Mandaviya visit AIIMS Jhajjar Amid rising COVID-19 cases nationwide mock drill stock hospital preparedness held April 10 11 public private facilities expected participate Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya visit AIIMS Jhajjar April 10 oversee mock drill officials said Sunday Congress questions Adani Group China links Quoting old evidence Congress launched fresh attack Adani Group alleged China links asked government making exception allowing operate ports India policy prevent Chinese firms entities Chinese connections operating ports terminals India IPL 2023 | Rinku Singh hits 5 sixes balls KKR stun GT Rinku Singh stunning final onslaught handed Kolkata Knight Riders unlikely win Gujarat Titans Sunday earned new moniker lord teammate Venkatesh Iyer slammed 40 ball 83 G20 panel multilateral banks reforms meet week G20 expert group reforming multilateral development banks MDB jointly steered Harvard University president emeritus Lawrence Summers Fifteenth Finance Commission Chairperson N.K. Singh slated hold person meeting Washington week scientific data oppose sex marriage says Indian Psychiatric Society Indian Psychiatric Society IPS Sunday issued statement mentioning positive impact legalisation sex marriage mental health individuals LGBTQIA spectrum professional body gathered scientific data countries sex marriage adoption legalised prove scientific basis belief sex couples fit parents Uttar Pradesh urban body polls 4 11 counting 13 Uttar Pradesh State Election Commissioner Manoj Kumar announced press conference April 9 urban local body polls held phases 4 11 counting votes 13 IPL 2023 SRH vs PBKS | Tripathi Markande shine Sunrisers Hyderabad open account Shikhar Dhawan fighting knock 99 went vain Punjab Kings lost wickets regular intervals Tripathi 48 ball 74 helped SRH chase 143 17.1 overs telecom authorities block 120 sender ids bulk messaging china link 120 headers operated group linked chinese entity blocked telecom authorities past months based information provided union home ministry headers banks marketing companies utility providers government offices send bulk texts sms consumers customers header known sender id unique combination characters numbers representing brand company message sender bjp central election committee meets list likely today tomorrow days hectic backroom parleys decide party candidates upcoming assembly polls karnataka bjp central election committee met new delhi sunday evening reportedly finalised list candidates party sources said list likely include candidates 120 150 seats announced monday tuesday candidates begin file nominations april 13 date april 20 supreme court hear today batch pleas identification minorities state level supreme court scheduled hear monday batch pleas seeking identification minorities state level bench justices sanjay kishan kaul ahsanuddin amanullah hearing petitions raising issues related identification minorities including challenging constitutional validity national minority commission act 1992 national commission minority educational institutes act 2004 appropriate aicc charge rajasthan says sachin pilot raised corruption issue sachin pilot fired fresh salvo ashok gehlot government rajasthan india congress committee aicc charge state sukhjinder singh randhawa sunday said appropriate mr singh slated hold person meeting washington week scientific data oppose sex marriage says indian psychiatric society indian psychiatric society ips sunday issued statement mentioning positive impact legalisation sex marriage mental health individuals lgbtqia spectrum professional body gathered scientific data countries sex marriage adoption legalised prove scientific basis belief sex couples fit parents uttar pradesh urban body polls 4 11 counting 13 uttar pradesh state election commissioner manoj kumar announced press conference april 9 urban local body polls held phases 4 11 counting votes 13 ipl 2023 srh vs pbks 19 cases nationwide mock drill stock hospital preparedness held april 10 11 public private facilities expected participate union health minister mansukh mandaviya visit aiims jhajjar april 10 oversee mock drill officials said sunday congress questions adani group china links quoting old evidence congress launched fresh attack adani group alleged china links asked government making exception allowing operate ports india policy prevent chinese firms entities chinese connections operating ports terminals india ipl 2023 rinku singh hits 5 sixes balls kkr stun gt rinku singh stunning final onslaught handed kolkata knight riders unlikely win gujarat titans sunday earned new moniker lord teammate venkatesh iyer slammed 40 ball 83 g20 panel multilateral banks reforms meet week g20 expert group reforming multilateral development banks mdb jointly steered harvard university president emeritus lawrence summers fifteenth finance commission chairperson n pilot hold press conference manner raised issue assam cm sue rahul gandhi adani link charge assam chief minister himanta biswa sarma sunday said file defamation suit congress leader rahul gandhi accusing investing unaccounted money industrialist gautam adani firms tweeting congress turncoats mr
Morning Digest | 120 sender IDs blocked for bulk messaging over China link; first list of BJP candidates for Karnataka polls either today or tomorrow, and more
Cameron Green flaunted brute power way maiden IPL Arjun Tendulkar bowled brilliant 20th extreme pressure Mumbai Indians defeated Sunrisers Hyderabad 14 runs straight win Tuesday Green 64 40 Tilak Varma 37 17 fired Mumbai Indians challenging 192 bat odd ball coming bat tough boundaries Sunrisers recovered ordinary powerplay game deep help opener Mayank Agarwal 48 41 Heinrich Klaasen 36 16 Mumbai Indians Jason Behrendorff celebrates wicket teammates match Sunrisers Hyderabad Indian Premier League IPL Twenty20 cricket match Sunrisers Hyderabad Mumbai Indians Rajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium Uppal Hyderabad April 18 2023 end fell short 178 19.5 overs defeat games Agarwal got needed runs Klaasen knock Mumbai pressure South African took attack veteran leggie Piyush Chawla reverse sweeping 21 run Sunrisers needed 60 30 balls Marco Jansen 13 6 Washington Sundar 10 6 game interesting string boundaries paid price casual running wickets Playing second IPL game Tendulkar bowled overs new ball returning bowl high pressure final Sunrisers needing 20 runs Tendulkar chose bowl wide able job team got maiden IPL wicket process Earlier fast rising Varma Green took Mumbai competitive total contributions came skipper Rohit Sharma 28 18 Ishan Kishan 38 31 20 year old Varma stand batter star studded Mumbai line rare talent skill display crucial cameo Mumbai finding tough going middle overs Varma high quality knock gave innings needed momentum lanky Marco Jansen punished 21 runs 15th Varma dispatched successive sixes cow corner bowler head following southpaw wrists beautifully extra cover leggie Mayank Markande sweeping maximum 14 run Green struggled timing right initially got business Varma dismissal tall right hander hammered straight fours T Natarajan bring half century collecting straight 20 run Natarajan leaked runs 20th ended conceding 50 runs overs Mumbai managed smash 62 runs overs Mumbai Indians 192 5 20 overs Cameron Green 64 Marco Jansen 2/43 Sunrisers Hyderabad 178 19.5 overs Mayank Agarwal 48 Riley Meredith 2/33 Live updates Sunrisers Hyderabad Aiden Markram c Mayank Agarwal Harry Brook Rahul Tripathi Heinrich Klaasen w Abhishek Sharma Washington Sundar Marco Jansen Bhuvneshwar Kumar Mayank Markande T Natarajan Mumbai Indians Rohit Sharma c Ishan Kishan w Tilak Varma Suryakumar Yadav Tim David Cameron Green Arjun Tendulkar Nehal Wadhera Hrithik Shokeen Piyush Chawla Jason Behrendorff 5 overs defeat games agarwal got needed runs klaasen knock mumbai pressure south african took attack veteran leggie piyush chawla reverse sweeping 21 run sunrisers needed 60 30 balls marco jansen 13 6 washington sundar 10 6 game interesting string boundaries paid price casual running wickets playing second ipl game tendulkar bowled overs new ball returning bowl high pressure final sunrisers needing 20 runs tendulkar chose bowl wide able job team got maiden ipl wicket process earlier fast rising varma green took mumbai competitive total contributions came skipper rohit sharma 28 18 ishan kishan 38 31 20 year old varma stand batter star studded mumbai line rare talent skill display crucial cameo mumbai finding tough going middle overs varma high quality knock gave innings needed momentum lanky marco jansen punished 21 runs 15th varma dispatched successive sixes cow corner bowler head following southpaw wrists beautifully extra cover leggie mayank markande sweeping maximum 14 run green struggled timing right initially got business varma dismissal tall right hander hammered straight fours cameron green flaunted brute power way maiden ipl arjun tendulkar bowled brilliant 20th extreme pressure mumbai indians defeated sunrisers hyderabad 14 runs straight win tuesday green 64 40 tilak varma 37 17 fired mumbai indians challenging 192 bat odd ball coming bat tough boundaries sunrisers recovered ordinary powerplay game deep help opener mayank agarwal 48 41 heinrich klaasen 36 16 mumbai indians jason behrendorff celebrates wicket teammates match sunrisers hyderabad indian premier league ipl twenty20 cricket match sunrisers hyderabad mumbai indians rajiv gandhi international cricket stadium uppal hyderabad april 18 2023 end fell short 178 19 natarajan bring half century collecting straight 20 run natarajan leaked runs 20th ended conceding 50 runs overs mumbai managed smash 62 runs overs mumbai indians 192 5 20 overs cameron green 64 marco jansen 2 natarajan mumbai indians rohit sharma c ishan kishan w tilak varma suryakumar yadav tim david cameron green arjun tendulkar nehal wadhera hrithik shokeen piyush chawla jason behrendorff 33 live updates sunrisers hyderabad aiden markram c mayank agarwal harry brook rahul tripathi heinrich klaasen w abhishek sharma washington sundar marco jansen bhuvneshwar kumar mayank markande
IPL 2023, MI vs SRH | Green, Arjun Tendulkar star in Mumbai Indians’ third straight win
Manipur Governor head Centre peace committee Centre constituted peace committee Manipur facilitate peace making process ethnic groups Ministry Home Affairs said statement June 10 committee headed State Governor Anusuiya Uike members committee include Chief Minister Ministers State government MPs MLAs leaders different political parties committee includes civil servants educationists littérateurs artists social workers representatives different ethnic groups PM betrayed Manipur stoic silence rubbing salt wounds people State Kharge Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge June 10 hit Prime Minister Narendra Modi stoic silence continued violence Manipur alleging betrayed people State PM Modi silence like rubbing salt wounds people Mr. Kharge said adding Prime Minister appeal peace Sharad Pawar appoints Praful Patel Supriya Sule NCP working presidents Nationalist Congress Party president Sharad Pawar June 10 named new working presidents party daughter Baramati MP Supriya Sule 53 NCP current vice president Praful Patel 66 Union Minister Mr. Pawar announcement New Delhi 25th anniversary party train halt Bahanaga Bazar CBI seals station seizes log book relay panel train halt Bahanaga Bazar station CBI investigating train accident Odisha Balasore district sealed station seizing log book relay panel equipment railway official said June 10 restoration line seven trains local halting Bahanaga Bazar station triple train crash took place June 2 killing 288 persons leaving 1,208 injured Navy showcases twin carrier operations Arabian sea indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant gears fully operational later year Indian Navy display multi carrier operations INS Vikramaditya coordinated deployment 35 aircraft Arabian Sea marks significant milestone Indian Navy pursuit enhancing maritime security power projection Indian Ocean Navy Spokesperson said Gujarat ATS arrests persons links ISIS Porbandar Anti Terrorist Squad Gujarat Police busted major terror module arrest persons including Kashmiri people Porbandar reportedly linked international terror outfit Islamic State Khorasan Province affiliate Islamic State ATS sources said Saturday June 10 special team ATS active past days special operations Porbandar surrounding areas Dalit man dies beaten hotelier staffer Congress MLA Jignesh Mevani seeks arrest casteist goons Dalit man died allegedly thrashed hotel owner belonging upper caste community accomplice following argument hurled casteist slurs victim Gujarat Mahisagar district police said June 10 victim Raju Vankar 45 died undergoing treatment government hospital Vadodara city June 9 night days thrashed hotel owner counter manager official Bakor police station said Intense fighting reported Ukraine nuclear reactor shut amid flooding Ukraine military reported intense fighting Russian forces June 10 country nuclear energy agency said operating reactor Europe largest nuclear power plant cold shutdown safety Russia war Ukraine drags 16th month Ukraine General Staff said Saturday heavy battles ongoing 34 clashes previous day country industrial east gave details said Russian forces defending launching air artillery strikes Ukraine southern Kherson Zaporizhzhia regions Pentagon announces $ 2 billion Ukraine air defence package U.S. Department Defence announced additional $ 2.1 billion security assistance Ukraine June 9 including air defence ammunition capabilities amid signs Kyiv begun long awaited counteroffensive Russia package includes additional munitions Patriot air defence systems Raytheon HAWK air defence systems missiles 105 mm 203 mm artillery rounds small AeroVironment drones launched hand laser guided rocket system munitions support training maintenance Defence Department indigenous siblings found alive surviving Amazon plane crash 40 days jungle Indigenous children survived Amazon plane crash killed adults wandered jungle 40 days found alive Colombian soldiers announcement rescue brought happy ending saga captivated Colombians watch highs lows searchers frantically combed rainforest hunting youngsters Pressure shoulders Novak Djokovic reaching 7th French Open final 22 time Grand Slam champion Novak Djokovic 7th final French Open different feels pressure Serbian reached final defeating World 1 World No.1 Carlos Alcaraz 6 3 5 7 6 1 6 1 June 9 Djokovic race record 23rd major trophy Norwegian fourth seed Casper Ruud June 11 208 injured navy showcases twin carrier operations arabian sea indigenous aircraft carrier ins vikrant gears fully operational later year indian navy display multi carrier operations ins vikramaditya coordinated deployment 35 aircraft arabian sea marks significant milestone indian navy pursuit enhancing maritime security power projection indian ocean navy spokesperson said gujarat ats arrests persons links isis porbandar anti terrorist squad gujarat police busted major terror module arrest persons including kashmiri people porbandar reportedly linked international terror outfit islamic state khorasan province affiliate islamic state ats sources said saturday june 10 special team ats active past days special operations porbandar surrounding areas dalit man dies beaten hotelier staffer congress mla jignesh mevani seeks arrest casteist goons dalit man died allegedly thrashed hotel owner belonging upper caste community accomplice following argument hurled casteist slurs victim gujarat mahisagar district police said june 10 victim raju vankar 45 died undergoing treatment government hospital vadodara city june 9 night days thrashed hotel owner counter manager official bakor police station said intense fighting reported ukraine nuclear reactor shut amid flooding ukraine military reported intense fighting russian forces june 10 country nuclear energy agency said operating reactor europe largest nuclear power plant cold shutdown safety russia war ukraine drags 16th month ukraine general staff said saturday heavy battles ongoing 34 clashes previous day country industrial east gave details said russian forces defending launching air artillery strikes ukraine southern kherson zaporizhzhia regions pentagon announces 1 billion security assistance ukraine june 9 including air defence ammunition capabilities amid signs kyiv begun long awaited counteroffensive russia package includes additional munitions patriot air defence systems raytheon hawk air defence systems missiles 105 mm 203 mm artillery rounds small aerovironment drones launched hand laser guided rocket system munitions support training maintenance defence department indigenous siblings found alive surviving amazon plane crash 40 days jungle indigenous children survived amazon plane crash killed adults wandered jungle 40 days found alive colombian soldiers announcement rescue brought happy ending saga captivated colombians watch highs lows searchers frantically combed rainforest hunting youngsters pressure shoulders novak djokovic reaching 7th french open final 22 time grand slam champion novak djokovic 7th final french open different feels pressure serbian reached final defeating world 1 world manipur governor head centre peace committee centre constituted peace committee manipur facilitate peace making process ethnic groups ministry home affairs said statement june 10 committee headed state governor anusuiya uike members committee include chief minister ministers state government mps mlas leaders different political parties committee includes civil servants educationists littérateurs artists social workers representatives different ethnic groups pm betrayed manipur stoic silence rubbing salt wounds people state kharge congress president mallikarjun kharge june 10 hit prime minister narendra modi stoic silence continued violence manipur alleging betrayed people state pm modi silence like rubbing salt wounds people mr pawar announcement new delhi 25th anniversary party train halt bahanaga bazar cbi seals station seizes log book relay panel train halt bahanaga bazar station cbi investigating train accident odisha balasore district sealed station seizing log book relay panel equipment railway official said june 10 restoration line seven trains local halting bahanaga bazar station triple train crash took place june 2 killing 288 persons leaving 1 kharge said adding prime minister appeal peace sharad pawar appoints praful patel supriya sule ncp working presidents nationalist congress party president sharad pawar june 10 named new working presidents party daughter baramati mp supriya sule 53 ncp current vice president praful patel 66 union minister mr
Top news of the day: Manipur Governor to head Centre’s peace committee; Supriya Sule, Praful Patel named NCP working presidents, and more
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Monday slammed premier Boris Johnson asking overrule panel vetting resignation list appointments House Lords saying prepared British Indian leader comment public function stemmed long running row Mr. Johnson honours list specifically list people wanted award peerages Mr. Johnson long awaited honours list approved months resigned prime minister included 38 honours seven peerages resignation honours list tradition allows outgoing prime ministers nominate people honours departing prime minister Mr. Johnson right nominate people seats House Lords honours knighthoods convention current prime ministers pass list nominees House Lords Appointments Commission HOLAC list new peerages include Conservative party leader nominees hours publication Mr. Johnson stepped MP late Friday furiously attacked Mr. Sunak agenda public response row Mr. Sunak Monday accused Mr. Johnson asking overrule House Lords Appointment Commission wave rejected nominees Mr. Sunak said Mr. Johnson asked override recommendations promises people Mr. Sunak said refused adding prepared prepared think right people like tough told tech conference London intervention marks new point escalating war words Mr. Johnson controversial resignation honours list BBC reported Mr. Johnson 58 resigned office September left list nominations Damehood Knighthoods etc people wanted award seats House Lords lower house U.K. Parliament government customarily submitted list House Lords Appointment Commission reported sitting MPs Nadine Dorries Nigel Adams Alok Sharma list potentially controversial people serving MPs given peerages avoiding elections Tories Mr. Johnson abruptly resigned lawmaker Friday claiming victim witch hunt told parliamentary committee sanctioned misleading Parliament lockdown breaking parties Downing Street premiership decision resign Member Parliament came received confidential letter MP led Privileges Committee crucial matter johnson abruptly resigned lawmaker friday claiming victim witch hunt told parliamentary committee sanctioned misleading parliament lockdown breaking parties downing street premiership decision resign member parliament came received confidential letter mp led privileges committee crucial matter johnson right nominate people seats house lords honours knighthoods convention current prime ministers pass list nominees house lords appointments commission holac list new peerages include conservative party leader nominees hours publication mr british prime minister rishi sunak monday slammed premier boris johnson asking overrule panel vetting resignation list appointments house lords saying prepared british indian leader comment public function stemmed long running row mr johnson long awaited honours list approved months resigned prime minister included 38 honours seven peerages resignation honours list tradition allows outgoing prime ministers nominate people honours departing prime minister mr parliament government customarily submitted list house lords appointment commission reported sitting mps nadine dorries nigel adams alok sharma list potentially controversial people serving mps given peerages avoiding elections tories mr
U.K. PM Sunak hits out at Boris Johnson on honours list row
Open source software like Linux known widely origin concept traced Free Software Movement emphasised users right source code share modify distribute modifications Richard Stallman U.S. programmer pioneered idea developed General Public License GPL Free Open Source Software licences copyright law protect users rights prevent misappropriation piece code licensed GPL modifications GPL requirement furthered use licence Software seeds different chalk cheese programmers decades farmers innovated shared seeds intellectual property rights IPR claims centuries Farmers sought exclusive rights seeds germplasm prevent innovating seeds regard software seeds actually strong parallel stark contrast GPL effects programming community advent hybrid seeds growth commercial seed industry scientific plant breeding factors conferred plant breeders developers new varieties called plant breeders rights PBR regime farmers rights limited rights holders demand royalty seeds legally enforce PBRs countries PBR regulations allow rights holders restrict unauthorised use seeds develop new varieties 1994 establishment World Trade Organisation Trade Related IPR Agreement cast global IPR regime plant varieties TRIPS required countries provide form IP protection consolidation seeds sector raised concerns freedom innovate Green Revolution spearheaded public sector breeding institutions seeds available open pollinated varieties reasonably priced hybrids restrictions farmers cultivate reuse share genetic revolution agriculture led private sector seeds available hybrids and/or protected strong IPRs effect forms IPR protection agriculture plant breeders rights patents restrict farmers rights freedom develop new varieties germplasm IP protected varieties consolidated seed sector increased number plant varieties covered IPRs high prices genetically modified seeds IP claims triggered problems including State intervention Bt cotton seeds India public sector breeding declined private sector began dominate seed sector need alternatives keenly felt success open source software inspired solution 1999 Canadian plant breeder named T.E. Michaels suggested approach seeds based principles open source software 2002 Boru Douthwaite independently proposed open source model seeds plant varieties called BioLinux model scholars civil society members alike discussed built 2012 Jack Kloppenburg 1988 book Seed alerted world trends seeds sector use IP control farmers rights launched Open Source Seeds Initiative OSSI Wisconsin years later German NGO named Agrecol launched initiative Europe similar programmes come world Agrecol model meet legal requirements Europe based contracts approach user agrees inter alia patent seeds bought open source licence OSSI simply asks pledge individual wo restrict use seeds derivatives patents means include pledge transfer seeds derivatives India Hyderabad based Centre Sustainable Agriculture CSA Apna Beej Network developed model incorporated agreement CSA recipient seed germplasm According G. Rajshekar coordinates CSA Open Source Seeds Initiative trying use approach farmer producer organisations FPOs similar Agrecol strategy agreement shrinkwrap licence contractual obligations Worldwide number seed firms open source models crop varieties seeds available thereunder small growing India test adopt widely Plant Variety Protection Farmers Rights Act PPVFRA 2001 farmers register varieties farmer varieties meet certain conditions right reuse replant exchange seeds breed trade varieties protected Act commercial purposes open source approach enable farmers gain rights germplasm seeds facilitate innovation need test approach farmers FPOs lead potential application open source approach use farmer led seed conservation distribution systems traditional variety conservation sharing initiatives India including involving farmers focus traditional varieties unique specific regions sites and/or specific features widely adopt varieties government stakeholders consider open source model model promote farmer led participatory plant breeding exercises Traditional varieties lack uniformity excellent quality Open source principles help overcome challenges facilitating testing improvisation adoption ultimately beneficial India food security climate resilience Krishna Ravi Srinivas Research Information System Developing Countries New Delhi programmer pioneered idea developed general public license gpl free open source software licences copyright law protect users rights prevent misappropriation piece code licensed gpl modifications gpl requirement furthered use licence software seeds different chalk cheese programmers decades farmers innovated shared seeds intellectual property rights ipr claims centuries farmers sought exclusive rights seeds germplasm prevent innovating seeds regard software seeds actually strong parallel stark contrast gpl effects programming community advent hybrid seeds growth commercial seed industry scientific plant breeding factors conferred plant breeders developers new varieties called plant breeders rights pbr regime farmers rights limited rights holders demand royalty seeds legally enforce pbrs countries pbr regulations allow rights holders restrict unauthorised use seeds develop new varieties 1994 establishment world trade organisation trade related ipr agreement cast global ipr regime plant varieties trips required countries provide form ip protection consolidation seeds sector raised concerns freedom innovate green revolution spearheaded public sector breeding institutions seeds available open pollinated varieties reasonably priced hybrids restrictions farmers cultivate reuse share genetic revolution agriculture led private sector seeds available hybrids michaels suggested approach seeds based principles open source software 2002 boru douthwaite independently proposed open source model seeds plant varieties called biolinux model scholars civil society members alike discussed built 2012 jack kloppenburg 1988 book seed alerted world trends seeds sector use ip control farmers rights launched open source seeds initiative ossi wisconsin years later german ngo named agrecol launched initiative europe similar programmes come world agrecol model meet legal requirements europe based contracts approach user agrees inter alia patent seeds bought open source licence ossi simply asks pledge individual wo restrict use seeds derivatives patents means include pledge transfer seeds derivatives india hyderabad based centre sustainable agriculture csa apna beej network developed model incorporated agreement csa recipient seed germplasm according g rajshekar coordinates csa open source seeds initiative trying use approach farmer producer organisations fpos similar agrecol strategy agreement shrinkwrap licence contractual obligations worldwide number seed firms open source models crop varieties seeds available thereunder small growing india test adopt widely plant variety protection farmers rights act ppvfra 2001 farmers register varieties farmer varieties meet certain conditions right reuse replant exchange seeds breed trade varieties protected act commercial purposes open source approach enable farmers gain rights germplasm seeds facilitate innovation need test approach farmers fpos lead potential application open source approach use farmer led seed conservation distribution systems traditional variety conservation sharing initiatives india including involving farmers focus traditional varieties unique specific regions sites protected strong iprs effect forms ipr protection agriculture plant breeders rights patents restrict farmers rights freedom develop new varieties germplasm ip protected varieties consolidated seed sector increased number plant varieties covered iprs high prices genetically modified seeds ip claims triggered problems including state intervention bt cotton seeds india public sector breeding declined private sector began dominate seed sector need alternatives keenly felt success open source software inspired solution 1999 canadian plant breeder named specific features widely adopt varieties government stakeholders consider open source model model promote farmer led participatory plant breeding exercises traditional varieties lack uniformity excellent quality open source principles help overcome challenges facilitating testing improvisation adoption ultimately beneficial india food security climate resilience krishna ravi srinivas research information system developing countries new delhi
Explained | What is the open-source seeds movement? Premium
eviction March tribal people living foothills Manipur traditional forest lands grounds reserve forests conflagration soon ensued meets eye Critics prelude land grab development India sensitive north eastern border region factors point including introduction Forest Bill Parliament March number proposed development programmes push palm oil plantations biodiversity hotspots monoculture cash crops traditional shifting cultivation jhum lands measures far reaching consequences constitutionally protected rights tribal communities land resources region Forest Conservation Amendment Bill 2023 introduced Lok Sabha March 29 amend Forest Conservation Act 1980 FCA forwarded Joint Committee Parliament exclusively Bharatiya Janata Party BJP MPs bypassing Parliamentary Standing Committee notification issued committee gave public 15 days 18 respond committee expected submit report upcoming monsoon session Parliament Bill states FCA needs amendments present challenge ecological social environmental development seeks large scale conversion forest land non forestry use providing easy access private corporations Read | violence Manipur Communities north eastern region Bill account indigenous rights land resources exempted land purview Bill gives blanket exemptions existing stringent provisions FCA instance land situated 100 km international borders Line Control Line Actual Control proposed construction strategic linear projects national importance concerning national security jhum field prepared Karbi Anglong district Assam File picture north eastern tribes plan replace jhum monoculture assault tribal land autonomy development implies significant diversion forest land untouched areas Eastern Himalaya rich biodiversity natural resources north eastern States borders Bangladesh Bhutan Myanmar Tibet China Bill likely impact virtually 90 cent Nagaland territory falls 100 km radius international border large parts Arunachal Assam entire area Meghalaya Mizoram Manipur Tripura FCA far protected vast swathes land owned tribal communities private individuals described unclassified forests north eastern region 1996 Supreme Court judgment landmark Godavarman case states conservation forests matters connected therewith apply forests irrespective nature ownership classification Bill seeks remove checks balances regard forest areas 15,000 km international border Himalayan region north eastern States Andaman Nicobar islands Western Ghats Paramilitary forces right clear 10 hectares areas affected left wing extremism central India violates laws ensuring forest dwellers rights Bill indicates forest areas leased private sector eco tourism zoos safaris keeping BJP resource extractive model seeks build $ 5 trillion economy 2024 forests reduced commodity Communities north eastern region need time unravel ambiguously worded Bill understand applies separate State laws bid gauge public reaction BJP governments Centre Manipur went ahead plans evict Kuki Zo groups community lands claiming illegal migrants Myanmar poppy cultivators encroaching reserve forests Kuki protests ethnic cleansing followed given communal colour Manipur government struggles issue Centre begun dismantle special constitutional protections north eastern tribes north eastern tribal areas today varying measure places India strongest constitutional safeguards Provisions Sixth Schedule Article 371 series protect community ownership land natural resources administration cultural practices Sixth Schedule provides administration Autonomous District Councils applies Assam Tripura Meghalaya Mizoram Meghalaya Mizoram attained statehood tribal people Autonomous District Councils frame laws land public health agriculture aspects administration Arunachal Pradesh Manipur hill tribes Ladakh requested Sixth Schedule status Despite falling ambit Article 371 Arunachal Pradesh Manipur level protection north eastern States Arunachal Centre strong hand decisions Governor override State Assembly Garo woman plants ginger jhum field Tura Meghalaya Sixth Schedule Article 371 series protect community ownership land north eastern region Arunachal covered Article 371H Constitution subject laws Forest Act Inner Line Permit panchayati raj tribes communities claim ancestral rights forests 2020 BJP government State demanded Sixth Schedule status strengthening provisions Article 371H met People having witnessed experienced large scale displacement massive dam projects realise existing laws State government control land resources Similarly Manipur covered Article 371C respect culture land rights administration hill areas dominated tribal Naga Kuki Zomi Hmar communities come Autonomous District Councils parallel panchayati raj system created 1973 meaningful devolution power Meitei dominate State administration irrespective party power Meitei form 54 cent Manipur population control 40 60 seats Assembly hold purse strings development administration hill tribes communal riots tribal demand Sixth Schedule status separate State intensified Nagaland granted special provision Article 371A outcome 16 Point Agreement 1960 decades guerilla war bloodshed Naga society deeply divided issue honourable settlement 1986 Mizo Accord granted Article 371 G special provisions Mizoram new Forest Bill forwarded Parliamentary Joint Committee exclusively BJP MPs bypassing Standing Committee safeguards allow Nagaland Mizoram Assemblies laws relating land resources political cultural rights prevailing Acts Parliament Nagas main issue 2023 Forest Bill undermine Article 371A supersede way crow flies 90 cent total area Nagaland fall 100 km distance international boundaries Consequently forest land areas developmental work national security said Gwasinlo Thomg Rengma Naga Sendenyu village Kohima district forests region particularly Nagaland standing government rules Acts indigenous communities preserve attempt disturb endanger existence community forest lands government consult stakeholders civil societies let committee members Bihar Uttar Pradesh Madhya Pradesh decide forests massive push promote palm oil plantations hotspot biodiversity way Backed unprecedented government subsidies distribution free saplings promises infrastructure development access markets north eastern States signed MOUs corporate groups Patanjali Godrej Agrovet converting agricultural forest lands monoculture cash crop plantations Significantly communities unaware downside plantations threat food security Mizoram adoption monoculture palm oil plantations 2004 disastrous consequences Water acutely scarce plantations water guzzlers needing chemical inputs Farmers report loss soil fertility destruction biodiversity zero profits compelled sell lands box situation similar Peren district Nagaland palm oil cultivation started 2015 said environmentalist Bano Haralu chairman Nkio B Village told government assured good returns plants grow 100 feet able harvest nuts months year promises infrastructure collection centres materialised farmer said cleared hectares forest land plant 300 free saplings years later single rupee returns warned thick undergrowth palm oil growing areas labourers need clear times year year said effort happy trees died Evidence countries Indonesia Papua New Guinea shows monoculture palm oil crops disaster leaving impoverished communities unaccountable corporates trail broken promises destroyed soil fertility biodiversity undermined local food security tribal sovereignty proud landowning tribal communities ended plantation labour resulted corporate land grab generations tribal communities safeguarded India water sources food biodiversity medicinal plants varied wildlife protecting forests Eager growth economy standard living double engine BJP governments north eastern region heedlessly pushed palm oil cultivation despite overwhelming evidence introduction biodiversity rich areas government agencies conducting systematic campaign shifting jhum cultivation terming unscientific blaming loss forest cover Branded wasteland jhum fields fact provide tribal communities range food non food crops like timber bamboo medicinal plants north eastern tribes practised jhum cultivation scientific manner plan replace jhum mono plantations assault tribal lands autonomy development Armed means legally tribal forest lands plan lure unsuspecting communities destructive monoculture plantations making effort embroil neighbours hate campaigns BJP governments north eastern States ensuring dismantling hard won constitutional safeguards tribal people generations communities safeguarded India water sources food biodiversity medicinal plants wildlife protecting forests acted crucial buffer impact climate change resultant increase frequency cyclones floods droughts change Rupa Chinai Mumbai based independent journalist writes public health development issues author Understanding India Northeast Reporter Journal COMMents Follow SHARE witnessed experienced large scale displacement massive dam projects realise existing laws state government control land resources similarly manipur covered article 371c respect culture land rights administration hill areas dominated tribal naga kuki zomi hmar communities come autonomous district councils parallel panchayati raj system created 1973 meaningful devolution power meitei dominate state administration irrespective party power meitei form 54 cent manipur population control 40 60 seats assembly hold purse strings development administration hill tribes communal riots tribal demand sixth schedule status separate state intensified nagaland granted special provision article 371a outcome 16 point agreement 1960 decades guerilla war bloodshed naga society deeply divided issue honourable settlement 1986 mizo accord granted article 371 g special provisions mizoram new forest bill forwarded parliamentary joint committee exclusively bjp mps bypassing standing committee safeguards allow nagaland mizoram assemblies laws relating land resources political cultural rights prevailing acts parliament nagas main issue 2023 forest bill undermine article 371a supersede way crow flies 90 cent total area nagaland fall 100 km distance international boundaries consequently forest land areas developmental work national security said gwasinlo thomg rengma naga sendenyu village kohima district forests region particularly nagaland standing government rules acts indigenous communities preserve attempt disturb endanger existence community forest lands government consult stakeholders civil societies let committee members bihar uttar pradesh madhya pradesh decide forests massive push promote palm oil plantations hotspot biodiversity way backed unprecedented government subsidies distribution free saplings promises infrastructure development access markets north eastern states signed mous corporate groups patanjali godrej agrovet converting agricultural forest lands monoculture cash crop plantations significantly communities unaware downside plantations threat food security mizoram adoption monoculture palm oil plantations 2004 disastrous consequences water acutely scarce plantations water guzzlers needing chemical inputs farmers report loss soil fertility destruction biodiversity zero profits compelled sell lands box situation similar peren district nagaland palm oil cultivation started 2015 said environmentalist bano haralu chairman nkio b village told government assured good returns plants grow 100 feet able harvest nuts months year promises infrastructure collection centres materialised farmer said cleared hectares forest land plant 300 free saplings years later single rupee returns warned thick undergrowth palm oil growing areas labourers need clear times year year said effort happy trees died evidence countries indonesia papua new guinea shows monoculture palm oil crops disaster leaving impoverished communities unaccountable corporates trail broken promises destroyed soil fertility biodiversity undermined local food security tribal sovereignty proud landowning tribal communities ended plantation labour resulted corporate land grab generations tribal communities safeguarded india water sources food biodiversity medicinal plants varied wildlife protecting forests eager growth economy standard living double engine bjp governments north eastern region heedlessly pushed palm oil cultivation despite overwhelming evidence introduction biodiversity rich areas government agencies conducting systematic campaign shifting jhum cultivation terming unscientific blaming loss forest cover branded wasteland jhum fields fact provide tribal communities range food non food crops like timber bamboo medicinal plants north eastern tribes practised jhum cultivation scientific manner plan replace jhum mono plantations assault tribal lands autonomy development armed means legally tribal forest lands plan lure unsuspecting communities destructive monoculture plantations making effort embroil neighbours hate campaigns bjp governments north eastern states ensuring dismantling hard 5 trillion economy 2024 forests reduced commodity communities north eastern region need time unravel ambiguously worded bill understand applies separate state laws bid gauge public reaction bjp governments centre manipur went ahead plans evict kuki zo groups community lands claiming illegal migrants myanmar poppy cultivators encroaching reserve forests kuki protests ethnic cleansing followed given communal colour manipur government struggles issue centre begun dismantle special constitutional protections north eastern tribes north eastern tribal areas today varying measure places india strongest constitutional safeguards provisions sixth schedule article 371 series protect community ownership land natural resources administration cultural practices sixth schedule provides administration autonomous district councils applies assam tripura meghalaya mizoram meghalaya mizoram attained statehood tribal people autonomous district councils frame laws land public health agriculture aspects administration arunachal pradesh manipur hill tribes ladakh requested sixth schedule status despite falling ambit article 371 arunachal pradesh manipur level protection north eastern states arunachal centre strong hand decisions governor override state assembly garo woman plants ginger jhum field tura meghalaya sixth schedule article 371 series protect community ownership land north eastern region arunachal covered article 371h constitution subject laws forest act inner line permit panchayati raj tribes communities claim ancestral rights forests 2020 bjp government state demanded sixth schedule status strengthening provisions article 371h met people violence manipur communities north eastern region bill account indigenous rights land resources exempted land purview bill gives blanket exemptions existing stringent provisions fca instance land situated 100 km international borders line control line actual control proposed construction strategic linear projects national importance concerning national security jhum field prepared karbi anglong district assam file picture north eastern tribes plan replace jhum monoculture assault tribal land autonomy development implies significant diversion forest land untouched areas eastern himalaya rich biodiversity natural resources north eastern states borders bangladesh bhutan myanmar tibet china bill likely impact virtually 90 cent nagaland territory falls 100 km radius international border large parts arunachal assam entire area meghalaya mizoram manipur tripura fca far protected vast swathes land owned tribal communities private individuals described unclassified forests north eastern region 1996 supreme court judgment landmark godavarman case states conservation forests matters connected therewith apply forests irrespective nature ownership classification bill seeks remove checks balances regard forest areas 15 eviction march tribal people living foothills manipur traditional forest lands grounds reserve forests conflagration soon ensued meets eye critics prelude land grab development india sensitive north eastern border region factors point including introduction forest bill parliament march number proposed development programmes push palm oil plantations biodiversity hotspots monoculture cash crops traditional shifting cultivation jhum lands measures far reaching consequences constitutionally protected rights tribal communities land resources region forest conservation amendment bill 2023 introduced lok sabha march 29 amend forest conservation act 1980 fca forwarded joint committee parliament exclusively bharatiya janata party bjp mps bypassing parliamentary standing committee notification issued committee gave public 15 days 18 respond committee expected submit report upcoming monsoon session parliament bill states fca needs amendments present challenge ecological social environmental development seeks large scale conversion forest land non forestry use providing easy access private corporations read constitutional safeguards tribal people generations communities safeguarded india water sources food biodiversity medicinal plants wildlife protecting forests acted crucial buffer impact climate change resultant increase frequency cyclones floods droughts change rupa chinai mumbai based independent journalist writes public health development issues author understanding india northeast reporter journal comments follow share
New forest laws and ‘development’ push: A prelude to a ‘land grab’ in India’s north-east?
11 different Pulsars sale Bajaj finds tricky situation loyalists want let old motorcycles new age models particularly 250s slower acceptance rate company liked result strange mix machines latest Bajaj design technology number cut shapes grown familiar decade bikes group Bajaj claims sells 3,500 NS Pulsars India month number doubled comes overseas sales primarily Latin American markets Clearly discontinuing motorcycles question company best thing gave update Pulsar NS 200 NS 160 upside fork bigger brakes Style wise thoroughly good looking motorcycles Edgar Heinrich design looks muscular proportionate 10 years later addition USD fork completes design 33 mm inner tube diameter fork specially India spec Pulsars different slimmer unit compared Dominar 250 helps save weight new wheels come Pulsar 250s resulted NS 200 slightly lighter NS 160 weight gone 1 kg shares larger tyre sizes NS 200 bikes Grimeca brakes Pulsar 250s bring larger 300 mm discs bikes Dual channel ABS standard braking performance bikes improved good terms initial bite overall power final update worthy note apart new stickers old colours bikes tweaked semi digital instrument cluster like old display displays gear position distance readout theory USD fork brings rigidity stiffness end helps create feel feedback rider new fork significantly better old tell ride old new bikes laps showed end stable planted felt predictable like NS old rear felt soft comparison caused feel bouncy sections Bajaj Chakan test track Raising preload helps control behaviour good handling ability exploit foot pegs begin scrape tarmac fun laps NS 200 rode bikes road interludes bumps potholes time find ride harsh sharp edges rounded nicely softer monoshock exactly plush feel harsh painful engines changes bikes equipped OBD2 hardware comply BS6 Phase II emission norms Performance wise NS 200 liquid cooled engine peaky nature makes entertainer comes alive post 6,000 7,000rpm fun rev till 10,000rpm NS160 hand offers better tractability power delivery linear engine feels age near refined silky smooth Pulsar N160 conclude NS 160 new expensive hardware makes slightly better motorcycle ride feels like old bike Especially consider new Pulsar N160 better motorcycle aspects consider NS 160 costs ₹ 4,000 N160 dual channel ABS version tilts choice favour N160 NS 200 continues case today bike segment revvy brash character apart KTMs updates bring appreciable improvements engine holds appeal 500 ns pulsars india month number doubled comes overseas sales primarily latin american markets clearly discontinuing motorcycles question company best thing gave update pulsar ns 200 ns 160 upside fork bigger brakes style wise thoroughly good looking motorcycles edgar heinrich design looks muscular proportionate 10 years later addition usd fork completes design 33 mm inner tube diameter fork specially india spec pulsars different slimmer unit compared dominar 250 helps save weight new wheels come pulsar 250s resulted ns 200 slightly lighter ns 160 weight gone 1 kg shares larger tyre sizes ns 200 bikes grimeca brakes pulsar 250s bring larger 300 mm discs bikes dual channel abs standard braking performance bikes improved good terms initial bite overall power final update worthy note apart new stickers old colours bikes tweaked semi digital instrument cluster like old display displays gear position distance readout theory usd fork brings rigidity stiffness end helps create feel feedback rider new fork significantly better old tell ride old new bikes laps showed end stable planted felt predictable like ns old rear felt soft comparison caused feel bouncy sections bajaj chakan test track raising preload helps control behaviour good handling ability exploit foot pegs begin scrape tarmac fun laps ns 200 rode bikes road interludes bumps potholes time find ride harsh sharp edges rounded nicely softer monoshock exactly plush feel harsh painful engines changes bikes equipped obd2 hardware comply bs6 phase ii emission norms performance wise ns 200 liquid cooled engine peaky nature makes entertainer comes alive post 6 000rpm ns160 hand offers better tractability power delivery linear engine feels age near refined silky smooth pulsar n160 conclude ns 160 new expensive hardware makes slightly better motorcycle ride feels like old bike especially consider new pulsar n160 better motorcycle aspects consider ns 160 costs ₹ 4 11 different pulsars sale bajaj finds tricky situation loyalists want let old motorcycles new age models particularly 250s slower acceptance rate company liked result strange mix machines latest bajaj design technology number cut shapes grown familiar decade bikes group bajaj claims sells 3 000 n160 dual channel abs version tilts choice favour n160 ns 200 continues case today bike segment revvy brash character apart ktms updates bring appreciable improvements engine holds appeal 000rpm fun rev till 10
Bajaj Pulsar NS160/NS200: Two good looking bikes that will sweep you off your feet
rupee pared initial losses settled 2 paise lower 81.92 provisional U.S. dollar Thursday RBI decided key benchmark policy rate 6.5 Forex traders said Indian rupee witnessed volatility Reserve Bank India RBI surprised market pausing rate hike interbank foreign exchange domestic unit opened weak 81.95 dollar finally ended day 81.92 provisional 2 paise lower previous close Wednesday rupee gained 42 paise close 81.90 U.S. dollar Reserve Bank India RBI Thursday decided key benchmark policy rate 6.5 inflation trending tolerance level rate hike paused consecutive rate increases aggregating 250 basis points 2022 rupee Reserve Bank Governor Shaktikanta Das said Indian Rupee moved orderly manner calendar year 2022 continues 2023 reflective strength domestic macroeconomic fundamentals resilience Indian economy global spillovers RBI remains watchful focused maintaining stability Indian rupee added According Dilip Parmar Research Analyst HDFC Securities local unit initially declined strengthened following recovery domestic equities backed foreign fund inflows Mr. Parmar said today pause carry trade rupee spread India bond yield premium U.S. makes rupee attractive carry target Mr. Parmar noted near term spot USDINR expected trade 81.70 82.50 bearish bias Mr. Parmar said dollar index gauges greenback strength basket currencies rose 0.08 101.93 Brent crude futures global oil benchmark declined 0.16 $ 84.85 barrel domestic equity market 30 share BSE Sensex closed 143.66 points 0.24 higher 59,832.97 points broader NSE Nifty advanced 42.10 points 0.24 17,599.15 points Foreign Institutional Investors FIIs net buyers capital markets Wednesday purchased shares worth ₹ 806.82 crore according exchange data 5 inflation trending tolerance level rate hike paused consecutive rate increases aggregating 250 basis points 2022 rupee reserve bank governor shaktikanta das said indian rupee moved orderly manner calendar year 2022 continues 2023 reflective strength domestic macroeconomic fundamentals resilience indian economy global spillovers rbi remains watchful focused maintaining stability indian rupee added according dilip parmar research analyst hdfc securities local unit initially declined strengthened following recovery domestic equities backed foreign fund inflows mr 5 forex traders said indian rupee witnessed volatility reserve bank india rbi surprised market pausing rate hike interbank foreign exchange domestic unit opened weak 81 15 points foreign institutional investors fiis net buyers capital markets wednesday purchased shares worth ₹ 806 dollar reserve bank india rbi thursday decided key benchmark policy rate 6 parmar said today pause carry trade rupee spread india bond yield premium u
Rupee slips 2 paise to 81.92 against USD post-RBI policy decision
military base Somalia came attack Al Shabaab jihadists Wednesday police witnesses said African Union announced beginning drawdown troops violence wracked nation simultaneous suicide bomb blasts targeted base southern city Baardhere hosts Ethiopian Somali troops triggering heavy gunfire sources said immediate information casualties attack claimed Al Shabaab Al Qaeda affiliated group waging bloody insurgency fragile central government 15 years explosion presumed carried suicide bomber targeted entrance ADC military base Baardhere Ethiopian forces station train Somali troops local police officer Abdi Bare said second blast occurred area minutes casualties details far said adding situation area normal Local resident Bare Hassan reported heavy gunfire blast base Baardhere lies Jubaland state 450 kilometres 280 miles south capital Mogadishu Al Shabaab continued launch deadly attacks Somalia face major offensive pro government forces backed AU force known ATMIS jihadist group month 54 Ugandan peacekeepers killed Al Shabaab fighters stormed AU base located southwest Mogadishu deadliest attacks offensive launched year Earlier Wednesday African Union Transition Mission announced started reduce troop numbers Somalia line UN Resolutions mandate ATMIS drawdown 2,000 soldiers end June 2023 ATMIS April year replaced previous mission known AMISOM force 20,000 drawn nations including Burundi Kenya Uganda said handed base operated Burundian forces Hirshabelle state south central Somalia Somali National Army ATMIS offensive remit predecessor calls security assumed Somalia army police force end 2024 Al Shabaab attacks surge despite military operation President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud earlier week sacked head army Odowaa Yusuf Rageh named Ibrahim Sheikh Muhidin successor Somalia poorest countries planet mired chaos fall dictator Siad Barre military regime 1991 military base somalia came attack al shabaab jihadists wednesday police witnesses said african union announced beginning drawdown troops violence wracked nation simultaneous suicide bomb blasts targeted base southern city baardhere hosts ethiopian somali troops triggering heavy gunfire sources said immediate information casualties attack claimed al shabaab al qaeda affiliated group waging bloody insurgency fragile central government 15 years explosion presumed carried suicide bomber targeted entrance adc military base baardhere ethiopian forces station train somali troops local police officer abdi bare said second blast occurred area minutes casualties details far said adding situation area normal local resident bare hassan reported heavy gunfire blast base baardhere lies jubaland state 450 kilometres 280 miles south capital mogadishu al shabaab continued launch deadly attacks somalia face major offensive pro government forces backed au force known atmis jihadist group month 54 ugandan peacekeepers killed al shabaab fighters stormed au base located southwest mogadishu deadliest attacks offensive launched year earlier wednesday african union transition mission announced started reduce troop numbers somalia line un resolutions mandate atmis drawdown 2 000 drawn nations including burundi kenya uganda said handed base operated burundian forces hirshabelle state south central somalia somali national army atmis offensive remit predecessor calls security assumed somalia army police force end 2024 al shabaab attacks surge despite military operation president hassan sheikh mohamud earlier week sacked head army odowaa yusuf rageh named ibrahim sheikh muhidin successor somalia poorest countries planet mired chaos fall dictator siad barre military regime 1991 000 soldiers end june 2023 atmis april year replaced previous mission known amisom force 20
Jihadists strike military base in Somalia as AU force starts drawdown
Couturier Mayyur Girotra South Asian designer chosen inaugurate New York Pride June 2 coinciding commencement Pride month Mayyur unveil highly anticipated luxury pret line AIKYA exclusive showcase event unfold Āve Soho NYC amplifying India burgeoning influence global fashion landscape Amid debate India sex marriage Delhi based banker turned designer channelling talent powerful statement Expressing position matter shares fundamental right marry person love questioned basic human right universally recognised Mayyur Girotra Aikya collection Mayyur inaugural luxury pret collection named Aikya embraces fluidity gender harmoniously merging Western silhouettes traditional Indian embroidery techniques Infused trademark vivacity youthful aesthetic designer incorporates custom prints Kutch embroidery drawing inspiration cultural opulence Gujarat Rajasthan Setting apart previous collections collection testament Girotra commitment gender inclusivity promoting inclusivity empowering self expression showcase staged collaboration Google feature backdrop photographs portraying queer individuals India delighted collaborate queer models showcase shares Mayyur deft hands skilled artisans Lucknow Gujarat designer integrates local embroidery gender fluid garments making collection designer engaged conversations Indian artisans queerness truly heartwarming witness genuine curiosity eagerness understand queer means conversations fostered beautiful discussions centred love acceptance creating treasured memories reverberate collection says Model blogger Toshada Uma Mayyur Girotra Aikya collection year India influence global fashion stage undeniable acclaimed Dior Mumbai Kerala MET Gala rug Mayyur distinction South Asian designer open New York Pride amplifies India stepping spotlight fashion world year Mayyur emphasised Describing appeal Indian designs explains creations embody richness culture exuding boho colourful aesthetic resonates fashion preferences Gen Z. younger generation seeking individualistic styles embracing vibrant colours investing garments tell story Opening New York Pride special Mayyur attended pride celebration 2008 Reflecting experience shares Like life pride occurred relatively late late 20s attended pride New York felt profound sense ease pride discovered welcoming community embraced authentic self found environment freely express true identity wear desired Honestly incredibly meaningful experience hold special place heart Anish Gawande founder Pink List India tracks queer friendly politicians country New York Pride championing collection studied New York brave attend Pride year years graduated Mayyur city proud supporting queer Indian talent feels like life come circle says Anish Gawande founder Pink List India wearing Mayyur collection Anish Gawande founder Pink List India wearing Mayyur collection Rhodes scholar notes pandemic highlighted importance global queer solidarity LGBTQ+ community world came support grassroots community organisations India says Anish hoping fashion allows bonds nourished strengthened India pivotal moment movement equal rights queer community learn lean successfully led movements adds learning privilege opening New York Pride designer recognised responsibility platform importance advocating friends loved ones remarks realised obligation use opportunity speak friends loved ones endured hardships simply love couturier mayyur girotra south asian designer chosen inaugurate new york pride june 2 coinciding commencement pride month mayyur unveil highly anticipated luxury pret line aikya exclusive showcase event unfold āve soho nyc amplifying india burgeoning influence global fashion landscape amid debate india sex marriage delhi based banker turned designer channelling talent powerful statement expressing position matter shares fundamental right marry person love questioned basic human right universally recognised mayyur girotra aikya collection mayyur inaugural luxury pret collection named aikya embraces fluidity gender harmoniously merging western silhouettes traditional indian embroidery techniques infused trademark vivacity youthful aesthetic designer incorporates custom prints kutch embroidery drawing inspiration cultural opulence gujarat rajasthan setting apart previous collections collection testament girotra commitment gender inclusivity promoting inclusivity empowering self expression showcase staged collaboration google feature backdrop photographs portraying queer individuals india delighted collaborate queer models showcase shares mayyur deft hands skilled artisans lucknow gujarat designer integrates local embroidery gender fluid garments making collection designer engaged conversations indian artisans queerness truly heartwarming witness genuine curiosity eagerness understand queer means conversations fostered beautiful discussions centred love acceptance creating treasured memories reverberate collection says model blogger toshada uma mayyur girotra aikya collection year india influence global fashion stage undeniable acclaimed dior mumbai kerala met gala rug mayyur distinction south asian designer open new york pride amplifies india stepping spotlight fashion world year mayyur emphasised describing appeal indian designs explains creations embody richness culture exuding boho colourful aesthetic resonates fashion preferences gen z younger generation seeking individualistic styles embracing vibrant colours investing garments tell story opening new york pride special mayyur attended pride celebration 2008 reflecting experience shares like life pride occurred relatively late late 20s attended pride new york felt profound sense ease pride discovered welcoming community embraced authentic self found environment freely express true identity wear desired honestly incredibly meaningful experience hold special place heart anish gawande founder pink list india tracks queer friendly politicians country new york pride championing collection studied new york brave attend pride year years graduated mayyur city proud supporting queer indian talent feels like life come circle says anish gawande founder pink list india wearing mayyur collection anish gawande founder pink list india wearing mayyur collection rhodes scholar notes pandemic highlighted importance global queer solidarity lgbtq community world came support grassroots community organisations india says anish hoping fashion allows bonds nourished strengthened india pivotal moment movement equal rights queer community learn lean successfully led movements adds learning privilege opening new york pride designer recognised responsibility platform importance advocating friends loved ones remarks realised obligation use opportunity speak friends loved ones endured hardships simply love
Mayyur Girotra makes history as first South Asian designer to open New York Pride Premium
Tamil pyre called sidhai thought mind called sindhai asked dangerous sidhai sindhai sidhai sentient sindhai considered dreadful lives develop bad thoughts animosity jealousy lead downfall scriptures need clarity thoughts good guidelines Ithihasas Puranas lit lamps deepa heart dispel evil thoughts push sensual pleasures bring knowledge fore improve Worship anticipation return called bhakti need exercise patience devotion Sage Narada travelling Earth met persons great learned scholar lay man asked sage moksha Narada replied heaven enquire come time Narada met learned scholar told births scholar felt sorry began wondering poojas sage met lay man showing tamarind tree told count leaves tree births lay man happy leaping joy thinking God day voice sky said lay man liberated faith viswasam Smt Vasuki Manoharan said discourse tamil pyre called sidhai thought mind called sindhai asked dangerous sidhai sindhai sidhai sentient sindhai considered dreadful lives develop bad thoughts animosity jealousy lead downfall scriptures need clarity thoughts good guidelines ithihasas puranas lit lamps deepa heart dispel evil thoughts push sensual pleasures bring knowledge fore improve worship anticipation return called bhakti need exercise patience devotion sage narada travelling earth met persons great learned scholar lay man asked sage moksha narada replied heaven enquire come time narada met learned scholar told births scholar felt sorry began wondering poojas sage met lay man showing tamarind tree told count leaves tree births lay man happy leaping joy thinking god day voice sky said lay man liberated faith viswasam smt vasuki manoharan said discourse
Purity of mind
World number Aryna Sabalenka suffered shock straight sets Miami Open quarter final loss resurgent Romanian Sorana Cirstea reached WTA 1000 semi final decade Cirstea ranked 74th world triumphed 6 4 6 4 Australian Open champion secure WTA 1000 semi final Toronto 2013 32 year old enjoying upturn form taking Swede Thomas Johansson coach reaching quarter finals Indian Wells beating world number Caroline Garcia France legs Sunshine Swing meeting big serving Belarusian Cirstea looked comfortable composed broke Sabalenka service game 24 year old Minsk based Miami broke 4 4 Cirstea swiftly got held win opening set opponent looking visibly irritated frustrated laboured early afternoon heat humidity Cirstea broke opponent serve game 5 4 survived break points superb ace middle gave match point converted Sabalenka went long veteran reacted broad smile fist pump conceded surprised victory bit speechless said came hoping tough match tried hold ground happy performance today bit unexpected honest confidence game knew playing knew come swinging aggressive chance added happy win Aryna playing great lately probably best moment gives lot confidence Sabalenka year began victory Australia Open reached final Indian Wells losing Elena Rybakina said struggled heat definitely best match struggling lot conditions like heat felt like balls flying find control said trying best til point adjust conditions unfortunately months year fantastic proud consistency game working improving said Belarusian Cirstea face winner quarter final Ekaterina Alexandrova Petra Kvitova postponed heavy rain moved Thursday world number aryna sabalenka suffered shock straight sets miami open quarter final loss resurgent romanian sorana cirstea reached wta 1000 semi final decade cirstea ranked 74th world triumphed 6 4 6 4 australian open champion secure wta 1000 semi final toronto 2013 32 year old enjoying upturn form taking swede thomas johansson coach reaching quarter finals indian wells beating world number caroline garcia france legs sunshine swing meeting big serving belarusian cirstea looked comfortable composed broke sabalenka service game 24 year old minsk based miami broke 4 4 cirstea swiftly got held win opening set opponent looking visibly irritated frustrated laboured early afternoon heat humidity cirstea broke opponent serve game 5 4 survived break points superb ace middle gave match point converted sabalenka went long veteran reacted broad smile fist pump conceded surprised victory bit speechless said came hoping tough match tried hold ground happy performance today bit unexpected honest confidence game knew playing knew come swinging aggressive chance added happy win aryna playing great lately probably best moment gives lot confidence sabalenka year began victory australia open reached final indian wells losing elena rybakina said struggled heat definitely best match struggling lot conditions like heat felt like balls flying find control said trying best til point adjust conditions unfortunately months year fantastic proud consistency game working improving said belarusian cirstea face winner quarter final ekaterina alexandrova petra kvitova postponed heavy rain moved thursday
Cirstea upsets Sabalenka in WTA Miami Open quarter-finals
Ukraine shot 10 missiles 20 drones launched Russia overnight attacks capital Kyiv city Dnipro eastern regions Ukrainian officials said Friday 26 President Volodymyr Zelenskiy office said statement fire broken outskirts northeastern city Kharkiv oil depot hit twice equipment pumping oil products damaged Russia intensified missile drone attacks Ukraine month mainly attacking logistics infrastructure facilities expected Ukrainian counteroffensive Ukrainian air force said shot 10 missiles fired Caspian Sea 23 Iranian Shahed drones reconnaissance drones overnight attacks said total 17 missiles 31 drones launched attacks started 10:00 p.m. 1900 GMT Thursday 25 continued 5:00 a.m. Friday 26 drones missiles hit targets Kharkiv Dnipropetrovsk regions officials said immediate word deaths difficult night loud enemy launched mass attack region missiles drones Serhiy Lysak Dnipropetrovsk Regional Governor said Telegram messaging app Dnipro suffered rescuer seen compound petrol station damaged Russian missile strike amid Russia attack Ukraine Dnipro Ukraine 26 2023 Mr. Lysak said houses cars private companies including transport company gas station damaged worker gas station hurt Officials Kyiv said roof shopping mall private house cars damaged Governor Kharkiv region reported damage private houses industrial facilities Russia began scale invasion 15 months ago launched hundreds missile attacks October seeking destroy critical infrastructure power facilities shifted focus missile strikes try disrupt preparation Ukrainian counterattack military officials said ukraine shot 10 missiles 20 drones launched russia overnight attacks capital kyiv city dnipro eastern regions ukrainian officials said friday 26 president volodymyr zelenskiy office said statement fire broken outskirts northeastern city kharkiv oil depot hit twice equipment pumping oil products damaged russia intensified missile drone attacks ukraine month mainly attacking logistics infrastructure facilities expected ukrainian counteroffensive ukrainian air force said shot 10 missiles fired caspian sea 23 iranian shahed drones reconnaissance drones overnight attacks said total 17 missiles 31 drones launched attacks started 10 lysak said houses cars private companies including transport company gas station damaged worker gas station hurt officials kyiv said roof shopping mall private house cars damaged governor kharkiv region reported damage private houses industrial facilities russia began scale invasion 15 months ago launched hundreds missile attacks october seeking destroy critical infrastructure power facilities shifted focus missile strikes try disrupt preparation ukrainian counterattack military officials said friday 26 drones missiles hit targets kharkiv dnipropetrovsk regions officials said immediate word deaths difficult night loud enemy launched mass attack region missiles drones serhiy lysak dnipropetrovsk regional governor said telegram messaging app dnipro suffered rescuer seen compound petrol station damaged russian missile strike amid russia attack ukraine dnipro ukraine 26 2023 mr 1900 gmt thursday 25 continued 5 00 p
Ukraine shoots down 10 missiles in Russian attacks, oil depot hit
Oggy Oggy Season 2 ski slopes seas Oggy Oggy cute kitty friends stick adventure sure smiles Avail 4/18/2023 Rich Money holds power Finance expert Ramit Sethi works people help achieve richest lives Longest Date Matt Khani match Hinge sparks fly spontaneously fly Costa Rica date stuck world shuts March 2020 extended stay paradise ultimate test compatibility Avail 4/19/2023 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Rita Repulsa returns Power Rangers ones stop 30 years team heroes world needs Chimp Empire Academy Award winning co director Octopus Teacher team Rise Warrior Apes Chimp Empire explores fascinating world largest chimpanzee society discovered navigate complex social politics family dynamics dangerous territory disputes Narrated Academy Award winner Mahershala Ali Avail 4/20/2023 Tooth Pari Love Bites rebellious vampire broken tooth falls shy dentist streets Kolkata human mystical forces apart Diplomat Amid international crisis career diplomat juggles new high profile job ambassador UK turbulent marriage political star Avail 4/21/2023 Rough Diamonds prodigal son sends family empire crushing debt estranged brother returns Antwerp diamond district pick pieces Indian Matchmaking Season 3 London New Delhi matchmaker Sima Taparia helps marriage ready singles find romance providing plenty reality checks way Time 40th birthday Amelia makes fateful wish 18 2002 soon regrets stuck reliving day Tourist Guide Love Work brings American travel executive Vietnam free spirited tour guide helps open eyes beautifully adventurous way life Chokehold Evading scandal couple Istanbul starts town Aegean coast quickly discovers locals determined rid Avail 4/22/2023 Ada Twist Scientist Season 4 Ada Iggy Rosie add new friend science squad season technology whiz kid Benny B. got great ideas super cool robot dog Avail 4/26/2023 Workin Moms Season 7 emotional final season Kate friends seek balance professional wins personal fulfilment hard laughter helps Love Music live love series traces passionate life career iconic Argentinian rock star Fito Páez Good Bad Mother tragic accident leaves ambitious prosecutor mind child forcing mother embark journey heal relationship Kiss Kiss Convinced charm woman tenacious flirt sets sights headstrong bride engaged son ambitious politician Avail 4/27/2023 Nurse new nurse hospital begins suspect colleague desire attention tied series patient deaths Based true story Matchmaker office worker powerfully infatuated office beautiful intern follows desert resort beset bizarre forces Sharkdog Season 3 Sharkdog loves Max family wonders Sharkdogs like goes wild adventure find Avail 4/28/2023 King Collectibles Goldin Touch Ken Goldin savvy team run thrilling action series goes inside leading auction house specializing rare collectibles AKA steely special ops agent finds morality test infiltrates crime syndicate unexpectedly bonds boss young son 2023 rough diamonds prodigal son sends family empire crushing debt estranged brother returns antwerp diamond district pick pieces indian matchmaking season 3 london new delhi matchmaker sima taparia helps marriage ready singles find romance providing plenty reality checks way time 40th birthday amelia makes fateful wish 18 2002 soon regrets stuck reliving day tourist guide love work brings american travel executive vietnam free spirited tour guide helps open eyes beautifully adventurous way life chokehold evading scandal couple istanbul starts town aegean coast quickly discovers locals determined rid avail 4 2023 workin moms season 7 emotional final season kate friends seek balance professional wins personal fulfilment hard laughter helps love music live love series traces passionate life career iconic argentinian rock star fito páez good bad mother tragic accident leaves ambitious prosecutor mind child forcing mother embark journey heal relationship kiss kiss convinced charm woman tenacious flirt sets sights headstrong bride engaged son ambitious politician avail 4 2023 mighty morphin power rangers rita repulsa returns power rangers ones stop 30 years team heroes world needs chimp empire academy award winning co director octopus teacher team rise warrior apes chimp empire explores fascinating world largest chimpanzee society discovered navigate complex social politics family dynamics dangerous territory disputes narrated academy award winner mahershala ali avail 4 2023 nurse new nurse hospital begins suspect colleague desire attention tied series patient deaths based true story matchmaker office worker powerfully infatuated office beautiful intern follows desert resort beset bizarre forces sharkdog season 3 sharkdog loves max family wonders sharkdogs like goes wild adventure find avail 4 2023 rich money holds power finance expert ramit sethi works people help achieve richest lives longest date matt khani match hinge sparks fly spontaneously fly costa rica date stuck world shuts march 2020 extended stay paradise ultimate test compatibility avail 4
Coming to Netflix: ‘Tooth Pari: When Love Bites,’ ‘Indian Matchmaking Season 3,’ ‘The Matchmaker,’ and more
promoter Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited T. Venkatarama Reddy taken custody home Hyderabad Enforcement Directorate ED officials Wednesday morning June 14 grilled ED officials June 13 Mr. Reddy auditor Mani Oommen arrested accused money laundering case expected produced special Prevention Money Laundering Act court Nampally afternoon details awaited Earlier 2020 ED attached multiple properties promoters located Hyderabad Delhi Gurugram Chennai Bengaluru DCHL availed loans banks including Canara Bank Union Bank disclosing indebtedness Union Bank India declared account non performing asset December 31 2012 Canara Bank filed case fraud Central Bureau Investigation DCHL forensic audit firm Later Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process CIRP initiated Insolvency Bankruptcy Code IBC DCHL Canara Bank reddy auditor mani oommen arrested accused money laundering case expected produced special prevention money laundering act court nampally afternoon details awaited earlier 2020 ed attached multiple properties promoters located hyderabad delhi gurugram chennai bengaluru dchl availed loans banks including canara bank union bank disclosing indebtedness union bank india declared account non performing asset december 31 2012 canara bank filed case fraud central bureau investigation dchl forensic audit firm later corporate insolvency resolution process cirp initiated insolvency bankruptcy code ibc dchl canara bank venkatarama reddy taken custody home hyderabad enforcement directorate ed officials wednesday morning june 14 grilled ed officials june 13 mr promoter deccan chronicle holdings limited
DCHL promoter arrested by Enforcement Directorate
rupee depreciated 25 paise close 82.10 provisional U.S. currency April 17 strong American currency overseas negative trend domestic equities weighed investor sentiments Forex traders said firm crude oil prices dragged local unit interbank foreign exchange domestic unit opened 81.90 dollar finally ended session 82.10 provisional 25 paise lower previous close read Rupee falls 12 paise 81.97 U.S. dollar day rupee witnessed high 81.87 low 82.10 greenback Thursday rupee settled 81.85 dollar Domestic forex equity markets closed Friday account Ambedkar Jayanti Indian rupee started week sour note long weekend amid rebound dollar index risk sentiments day trading range remained small absence fresh cues said Dilip Parmar Research Analyst HDFC Securities relief factory gate inflation wholesale inflation reading came 1.34 1.6 estimates 3.85 previous month Spot USD INR hovering 82 amid Central bank intervention dollar buying importers Mr. Parmar said adding technically pair support 81.70 resistance 82.50 dollar index gauges greenback strength basket currencies rose 0.76 101.71 Brent crude futures global oil benchmark declined 0.12%t $ 86.21 barrel domestic equity market 30 share BSE Sensex closed 520.25 points 0.86 lower 59,910.75 points broader NSE Nifty declined 121.15 points 0.68 17,706.85 points Foreign Institutional Investors FIIs net buyers capital markets Thursday purchased shares worth ₹ 221.85 crore according exchange data India forex reserves increased $ 6.306 billion $ 584.755 billion week ended April 7 RBI said Friday 85 dollar domestic forex equity markets closed friday account ambedkar jayanti indian rupee started week sour note long weekend amid rebound dollar index risk sentiments day trading range remained small absence fresh cues said dilip parmar research analyst hdfc securities relief factory gate inflation wholesale inflation reading came 1 currency april 17 strong american currency overseas negative trend domestic equities weighed investor sentiments forex traders said firm crude oil prices dragged local unit interbank foreign exchange domestic unit opened 81 85 previous month spot usd inr hovering 82 amid central bank intervention dollar buying importers mr 85 points foreign institutional investors fiis net buyers capital markets thursday purchased shares worth ₹ 221 21 barrel domestic equity market 30 share bse sensex closed 520
Rupee falls 25 paise to close at 82.10 against U.S. dollar
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. reported fourth quarter consolidated net profit grew ₹ 1,984.5 crore compared net loss ₹ 2,277.3 crore period year improved performance Gross sales ₹ 10,725.6 crore grew 14.3 Year Year YoY company said press release India formulation sales ₹ 3,364.1 crore 8.7 YoY formulation sales $ 430 million 10.5 compared Q4 year said Emerging Markets formulation sales $ 221 million 7.5 Rest World formulation sales $ 191 million 7.4 YoY company added financial year ended March 31 2023 company reported net profit ₹ 8,473.6 crore compared ₹ 3,272.7 crore year Gross sales ₹ 43,278.9 crore grew 12.6 period year Board proposed final dividend ₹ 4 share year FY23 addition interim dividend ₹ 7.5 share paid FY23 taking total dividend FY23 ₹ 11.5 share compared ₹ 10 share FY22 Dilip Shanghvi Managing Director Company said pleased rounded growth demonstrated FY23 company businesses including Specialty India Emerging markets continued progress Specialty business remains growth path committed continue scaling Acquisition Concert helps strengthen portfolio dermatology said 5 share compared ₹ 10 share fy22 dilip shanghvi managing director company said pleased rounded growth demonstrated fy23 company businesses including specialty india emerging markets continued progress specialty business remains growth path committed continue scaling acquisition concert helps strengthen portfolio dermatology said 6 period year board proposed final dividend ₹ 4 share year fy23 addition interim dividend ₹ 7 4 yoy company added financial year ended march 31 2023 company reported net profit ₹ 8 3 year year yoy company said press release india formulation sales ₹ 3 5 share paid fy23 taking total dividend fy23 ₹ 11
Sun Pharma Q4 net profit at ₹1,984 crore
rupee appreciated 21 paise close 81.74 provisional U.S. dollar April 26 tracking weakness American currency overseas market Forex traders said positive trend domestic equities supported local unit interbank foreign exchange market local unit opened 82 U.S. currency finally closed 81.74 provisional registering gain 21 paise previous close session rupee touched high 81.68 low 82.01 dollar Tuesday rupee closed 81.95 U.S. currency dollar index gauges greenback strength basket currencies fell 0.43 101.42 Global oil benchmark Brent crude futures rose 0.12 $ 80.87 barrel rupee appreciated positive domestic equities weak dollar recovery crude oil prices FII outflows capped sharp gains said Anuj Choudhary Research Analyst Sharekhan BNP Paribas U.S. Dollar declined rising concerns recession amid disappointing economic data U.S. renewed banking concerns expect rupee appreciate weakness Dollar banking concerns raised expectations Fed dovish upcoming Federal Open Market Committee FOMC Concerns economic slowdown pressure greenback selling pressure foreign investors cap sharp upside expect USD INR spot trade 81.20 82.20 near term Choudhary said domestic equity market 30 share BSE Sensex advanced 169.87 points 0.28 end 60,300.58 points broader NSE Nifty gained 44.35 points 0.25 17,813.60 points Foreign Institutional Investors FIIs net sellers capital market Tuesday offloaded shares worth ₹ 407.35 crore according exchange data renewed banking concerns expect rupee appreciate weakness dollar banking concerns raised expectations fed dovish upcoming federal open market committee fomc concerns economic slowdown pressure greenback selling pressure foreign investors cap sharp upside expect usd inr spot trade 81 dollar april 26 tracking weakness american currency overseas market forex traders said positive trend domestic equities supported local unit interbank foreign exchange market local unit opened 82 u 87 barrel rupee appreciated positive domestic equities weak dollar recovery crude oil prices fii outflows capped sharp gains said anuj choudhary research analyst sharekhan bnp paribas u 60 points foreign institutional investors fiis net sellers capital market tuesday offloaded shares worth ₹ 407 20 near term choudhary said domestic equity market 30 share bse sensex advanced 169
Rupee gains 21 paise to close at 81.74 against U.S. dollar
releasing tranquilised wild elephant Arikomban Lower Gothaiyar Dam area Kalakkad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve shortly Monday midnight forest personnel camped monitor movement tusker elephant history entering residential areas forest invading areas close forest boundaries past monitoring movement Arikomban radio collar said sources Forest Department releasing elephant jungle forest veterinarians accompanying pachyderm treated injuries sustained especially trunk truck carrying elephant taken scenic Muthukuzhivayal area falls Kanniyakumari district Arikomban released Lower Gothaiyar Dam area seen enjoying refreshing bath Tuesday morning released Gothaiyar Dam winch intersection said forest officer elephant crossed channel carrying water Lower Gothaiyar Dam walked 4 km easily reach Muthukuzhivayal area abundantly blessed vast stretches grassy terrain lots undulations water bamboo forest officials said Read | want Arikomban tribespeople stage protest seeking return wild tusker region situated close elephant corridors connecting area forests Kanniyakumari district like Pechipparai Balamore Keeriparai etc Kerala forest personnel believe Arikomban find comforting environment region Arikomban track elephant corridor Kerala spot released animal dense forest abundant food water moves south reach forests close Balamore Keeripaarai Kanniyakumari district believe Arikomban west southwest elephant corridor connecting area Kerala forest officer said Arikomban track elephant corridor Kerala spot released animal dense forest abundant food water”Forest officer releasing tranquilised wild elephant arikomban lower gothaiyar dam area kalakkad mundanthurai tiger reserve shortly monday midnight forest personnel camped monitor movement tusker elephant history entering residential areas forest invading areas close forest boundaries past monitoring movement arikomban radio collar said sources forest department releasing elephant jungle forest veterinarians accompanying pachyderm treated injuries sustained especially trunk truck carrying elephant taken scenic muthukuzhivayal area falls kanniyakumari district arikomban released lower gothaiyar dam area seen enjoying refreshing bath tuesday morning released gothaiyar dam winch intersection said forest officer elephant crossed channel carrying water lower gothaiyar dam walked 4 km easily reach muthukuzhivayal area abundantly blessed vast stretches grassy terrain lots undulations water bamboo forest officials said read want arikomban tribespeople stage protest seeking return wild tusker region situated close elephant corridors connecting area forests kanniyakumari district like pechipparai balamore keeriparai etc kerala forest personnel believe arikomban find comforting environment region arikomban track elephant corridor kerala spot released animal dense forest abundant food water moves south reach forests close balamore keeripaarai kanniyakumari district believe arikomban west southwest elephant corridor connecting area kerala forest officer said arikomban track elephant corridor kerala spot released animal dense forest abundant food water ” forest officer
Forest personnel monitor Arikomban’s movement in Tirunelveli tiger reserve
Kanniyakumari district come southern districts Tirunelveli Thoothukudi Tenkasi Kanniyakumari SSLC public examination results recording pass percentage 95.99 students districts fared marking pass percentage 94 Tirunelveli district 22,400 students 11,126 boys 11,274 girls wrote public examination 21,098 10,156 boys 10,942 girls passed recording pass percentage 94.19 Tenkasi district 17,562 students 8,521 boys 9,041 girls passed 18,660 students 9,303 boys 9,357 girls wrote examination pass percentage district 94.12 Kanniyakumari district 23,141 students 11,657 boys 11,484 girls appeared examination 22,213 10,932 boys 11,281 girls passed register 95.99 pass Thoothukudi district registered pass percentage 95.58 22,001 students took exam 21,029 10,033 boys 10,996 girls passed Plus Tirunelveli district recorded 95.08 pass percentage 18,521 students 7,828 boys 10,693 girls passed 19,479 candidates 8,455 boys 11,024 girls wrote examination 18,977 students 8,401 boys 10,576 girls took examination Thoothukudi district 18,110 7,778 boys 10,332 girls passed record pass percentage 95.43 Tenkasi district 16,238 students 7,235 boys 9,003 girls wrote examination 15,286 6,592 boys 8,694 girls passed pass percentage district 94.14 Kanniyakumari fared SSLC slipped fourth place pass percentage districts 94.02 total 20,537 students 9,332 boys 11,205 girls passed 21,844 students 10,342 boys 11,502 girls wrote examination kanniyakumari district come southern districts tirunelveli thoothukudi tenkasi kanniyakumari sslc public examination results recording pass percentage 95 14 kanniyakumari fared sslc slipped fourth place pass percentage districts 94 99 students districts fared marking pass percentage 94 tirunelveli district 22 99 pass thoothukudi district registered pass percentage 95 996 girls passed plus tirunelveli district recorded 95
Kanniyakumari fares well in SSLC results, Thoothukudi in Plus One results
ranked Iga Swiatek kept French Open title defense track 6 4 6 2 victory Coco Gauff reach semifinals Wednesday rematch year final Swiatek recorded straight set victory American face Beatriz Haddad Maia Thursday chases trophy clay court major 19 year old Gauff fell 0 7 Swiatek Floridian set Swiatek 22 year old Pole won 6 1 6 3 year final Quarterfinals toughest matches Swiatek said Court Philippe Chatrier win young experienced pretty happy semifinal match closer year final Swiatek control breaking Gauff love seal set converting break opportunities overall Gauff said match wanted reasoning want best beat best American finished 13 winners 23 unforced errors Earlier Chatrier Haddad Maia scored comeback win upsetting Ons Jabeur 3 6 7 6 5 6 1 Brazilian woman 1968 reach Grand Slam semifinal 14th seeded Haddad Maia served 10 month suspension failing doping test 2019 shook slow start seventh seeded Jabeur playing nearly hours beat Sara Sorribes Tormo fourth round Haddad Maia won service games set saved break points faced second set 11th game 6 5 won tiebreaker 27 year old Brazilian started deciding set double break 3 0 lead frustrated Jabeur flipped racket air sending easy backhand wide break point opportunity 4 1 Haddad Maia won game served match putting hand cap disbelief Jabeur sailed forehand long second match point patient best players world Haddad Maia said court easy play tricky Jabeur Tunisian runner Wimbledon U.S. Open year drop shots effectively early match end unforced errors 42 winners 38 believed match long Haddad Maia said key trying game Haddad Maia Brazilian woman reach semifinals Roland Garros Open era Maria Bueno reached 1966 French Open 1968 U.S. Open semifinals Haddad Maia fourth round win Sorribes Tormo 6 7 3 6 3 7 5 longest WTA match year clocking 3 hours 51 minutes failing doping test 2019 Brazilian player argued merely taking supplements International Tennis Federation accepted Haddad Maia explanation said bore significant fault negligence violation suspension nonetheless mandatory Jabeur preparations tournament slowed calf injury said expecting quarterfinals especially kind tournament injured 6 1 6 3 year final quarterfinals toughest matches swiatek said court philippe chatrier win young experienced pretty happy semifinal match closer year final swiatek control breaking gauff love seal set converting break opportunities overall gauff said match wanted reasoning want best beat best american finished 13 winners 23 unforced errors earlier chatrier haddad maia scored comeback win upsetting ons jabeur 3 6 7 6 5 6 1 brazilian woman 1968 reach grand slam semifinal 14th seeded haddad maia served 10 month suspension failing doping test 2019 shook slow start seventh seeded jabeur playing nearly hours beat sara sorribes tormo fourth round haddad maia open semifinals haddad maia fourth round win sorribes tormo 6 7 3 6 3 7 5 longest wta match year clocking 3 hours 51 minutes failing doping test 2019 brazilian player argued merely taking supplements international tennis federation accepted haddad maia explanation said bore significant fault negligence violation suspension nonetheless mandatory jabeur preparations tournament slowed calf injury said expecting quarterfinals especially kind tournament injured ranked iga swiatek kept french open title defense track 6 4 6 2 victory coco gauff reach semifinals wednesday rematch year final swiatek recorded straight set victory american face beatriz haddad maia thursday chases trophy clay court major 19 year old gauff fell 0 7 swiatek floridian set swiatek 22 year old pole open year drop shots effectively early match end unforced errors 42 winners 38 believed match long haddad maia said key trying game haddad maia brazilian woman reach semifinals roland garros open era maria bueno reached 1966 french open 1968 u game served match putting hand cap disbelief jabeur sailed forehand long second match point patient best players world haddad maia said court easy play tricky jabeur tunisian runner wimbledon u
Iga Swiatek beats Coco Gauff to reach French Open semifinals
1 Congress leader Rahul Gandhi participating Jai Bharat Satyagraha Yatre campaign held Kolar 11 2 book R 3 R.R.Rao Resplendent Resonating Reflections published Destination Heritage written Dr. Gita U.B. released today book release programme held Indian Institute World Culture 6 B.P. Wadia Road Basavanagudi 11 a.m. onwards 3 Great Brahmin Land Robbery written G.S. Krishnamurthy senior journalist released Member Parliament Tejasvi Surya today Sathish Reddy MLA participating event guest honour programme held Oxford College auditorium Sector 4 HSR Layout 10 a.m. 4 Bangalore Gayana Samaja present Carnatic classical vocal concert today Anupama Sreemali accompanied Hosahalli Raghuram violin Phanindra Bhaskar mridangam B.S. Raghunandan ghata concert held Samaja premises K.R. Road 5 p.m. onwards 5 Ramakrishna Mission day music festival titled Sri Ramakrishna Sangeeta Saurabha conclude today programme features Hindustani classical vocal concert Swami Kripakaranandaji Itanagar held Swami Vivekananda Auditorium Rakamrishna Mutt premises Basavanagudi 6 p.m. 8 p.m. 6 Rama Navami concerts Bengaluru Vocal concert Akkarai sisters party Sri Ramaseva Mandali Special Pandal Old Fort High School ground Chamarajpet 6.30 p.m. onwards b Concert Vivek Sadashivam Vinay Varanasi party Sree Seshadripuram Rama Seva Samithi Seshadripuram College premises Nagappa Street 6.30 p.m. onwards c Bharatanatya Nidhi 5.15 p.m. vocal recital Pavan Rangachar party Sri Vani Vidya Kendra Basaveshwara Nagar 6.30 p.m. onwards d Vocal recital Rahul Vellal party 4.15 p.m. Kannada drama Mudi Dore mattu Moovaru Makkalu Kalagangotri written Dr. H.S. Venkatesh Murthy directed N. Mangala held Sri Vani Vidya Kendra Basaveshwara Nagar 7 p.m. onwards e MES Kalavedi Dance festival Bharatanatyam Navia Natarajan 5 p.m. 6 p.m. MES Kalavedi Puraskara award presentation ceremony 6 p.m. Bharatanatyam Revathi Srinivasaraghavan Mumbai 7.30 p.m. 8 p.m. programme held MES College premises 15th Cross Malleswaram f Bharatanatyam Deepa Manjunath Mukta M. Manjunath JSS Auditorium JSS Institutions 8th Block Jayanagar 10 a.m. g Nataranga present Kannada play Nammolagobba Naajukaiah Ranga Shankara J.P. Nagar II Phase 3.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m. h Sri Gurukumara Panchakshareshwara Sangeetha Kala Vedike present Chaitra Swara Sourabha Hindustani music sugama sangeetha Sharana Auditorium Sharana Nilaya A.G.B. Layout Hesaraghatta Road 10 a.m. 7 Kalathaana Art Foundation present day KSAVIKA 6th Edition group exhibition Karnataka Chitrakala Parishat Gallery 1 2 Kumarakrupa Road 10 a.m. 7 p.m. 1 Press conference Zilla Panchayat president Nitin Guttedar rose banner revolt denied BJP ticket Afzalpur BJP gave ticket brother Malikayya Guttedar 2 press conference social activist Ashwini Madankar students Central University Karnataka Dalit student hunger strike days accusing university management harassment 3 Chincholi MLA Avinash Jadhav car attacked Congress party workers Saturday night 1 MLA Vasu Congress denied ticket contest Chamaraja hold press conference announce plan action 2 Press conference Congress candidate Krishnaraja M. K. Somashekar 3 watch BJP 3rd list likely released today strong indications incumbent MLA S.A. Ramdas denied ticket Krishnaraja high drama supporters evening tension mounted delay announcement ticket Ramdas 1 BJP Puttur Assembly constituency Dakshina Kannada faces trouble Sangh Pariwar leader Arun Kumar Puttila aspirant party ticket announces file papers Indepedent candidate Monday Sangh Pariwar activists unhappy party fielding Asha Thimmappa Gowda president Dakshina Kannada Zilla Panchayat replacing Sanjeeva Matandoor basis caste 1 press conference zilla panchayat president nitin guttedar rose banner revolt denied bjp ticket afzalpur bjp gave ticket brother malikayya guttedar 2 press conference social activist ashwini madankar students central university karnataka dalit student hunger strike days accusing university management harassment 3 chincholi mla avinash jadhav car attacked congress party workers saturday night 1 mla vasu congress denied ticket contest chamaraja hold press conference announce plan action 2 press conference congress candidate krishnaraja ramdas denied ticket krishnaraja high drama supporters evening tension mounted delay announcement ticket ramdas 1 bjp puttur assembly constituency dakshina kannada faces trouble sangh pariwar leader arun kumar puttila aspirant party ticket announces file papers indepedent candidate monday sangh pariwar activists unhappy party fielding asha thimmappa gowda president dakshina kannada zilla panchayat replacing sanjeeva matandoor basis caste onwards 5 ramakrishna mission day music festival titled sri ramakrishna sangeeta saurabha conclude today programme features hindustani classical vocal concert swami kripakaranandaji itanagar held swami vivekananda auditorium rakamrishna mutt premises basavanagudi 6 p krishnamurthy senior journalist released member parliament tejasvi surya today sathish reddy mla participating event guest honour programme held oxford college auditorium sector 4 hsr layout 10 6 rama navami concerts bengaluru vocal concert akkarai sisters party sri ramaseva mandali special pandal old fort high school ground chamarajpet 6
Top news developments in Karnataka on April 16, 2023
Cooking Duration Marination time 30 minutes | Cook time 30 minutes Cuisine Kerala Chicken roast Borma Bread Ingredients Preparation Recipe Chef Regi Mathew Chef co founder Kappa Chakka Kandhari Chennai Bengaluru Cooking Duration Preparation time 12 hours brine + 1 hour preparation | Cook time 40 minutes Cuisine Portuguese Goan Chicken Cafreal Ingredients brine Preparation Note seen brining chicken unconventional yields moister tender chicken Furthermore use dark rum pork fat recipe adds great flavour optional Recipe Chef Avinash Martins Cavatina Goa Cooking Duration Marination time 30 minutes | Cook time 30 minutes Cuisine Tamil Nadu Mutton thanni Kuzhambu Ingredients Marination Kuzhambu Preparation Recipe Chef Jesu S.Lambert Executive chef Savera Hotel Chennai cook time 40 minutes cuisine portuguese goan chicken cafreal ingredients brine preparation note seen brining chicken unconventional yields moister tender chicken furthermore use dark rum pork fat recipe adds great flavour optional recipe chef avinash martins cavatina goa cooking duration marination time 30 minutes cook time 30 minutes cuisine kerala chicken roast borma bread ingredients preparation recipe chef regi mathew chef co founder kappa chakka kandhari chennai bengaluru cooking duration preparation time 12 hours brine cook time 30 minutes cuisine tamil nadu mutton thanni kuzhambu ingredients marination kuzhambu preparation recipe chef jesu cooking duration marination time 30 minutes lambert executive chef savera hotel chennai
This Easter try these traditional recipes from Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Goa Premium
rupee fell 18 paise close 82.85 provisional U.S. dollar 22 weighed strong greenback overseas market firm trend domestic equities sliding crude prices international markets restricted rupee loss forex traders said interbank foreign exchange domestic unit opened 82.80 dollar finally settled 82.85 provisional 18 paise previous close day rupee touched high 82.70 low 82.85 greenback 19 rupee settled 82.67 dollar dollar index gauges greenback strength basket currencies fell 0.09 103.10 Brent crude futures global oil benchmark declined 0.16 $ 75.46 barrel rupee depreciated today lowest levels February 2023 underlying strength greenback buying Dollars RBI shore forex reserves said Anuj Choudhary Research Analyst Sharekhan BNP Paribas weak tone crude oil prices positive domestic equities cushioned downside U.S. Dollar eased slightly dovish statement Fed Chair Jerome Powell debt ceiling talks stalled expect rupee trade negative bias risk sentiments amid concerns debt ceiling talks expectations crude oil prices decline amid sluggish demand China prevent sharp fall rupee Dovish hints Powell support rupee lower levels Market participants remain cautious ahead FOMC minutes week expect USD INR spot trade 82.40 83.30 near term Mr. Choudhary added domestic equity market 30 share BSE Sensex closed 234.00 points 0.38 higher 61,963.68 points broader NSE Nifty advanced 111.00 points 0.61 18,314.40 points Foreign Institutional Investors FIIs net sellers capital markets 19 offloaded shares worth ₹ 113.46 crore according exchange data rising second consecutive week India forex kitty jumped $ 3.553 billion $ 599.529 billion week ended 12 RBI said 19 overall reserves jumped $ 7.196 billion $ 595.976 billion previous week dollar eased slightly dovish statement fed chair jerome powell debt ceiling talks stalled expect rupee trade negative bias risk sentiments amid concerns debt ceiling talks expectations crude oil prices decline amid sluggish demand china prevent sharp fall rupee dovish hints powell support rupee lower levels market participants remain cautious ahead fomc minutes week expect usd inr spot trade 82 46 barrel rupee depreciated today lowest levels february 2023 underlying strength greenback buying dollars rbi shore forex reserves said anuj choudhary research analyst sharekhan bnp paribas weak tone crude oil prices positive domestic equities cushioned downside u dollar 22 weighed strong greenback overseas market firm trend domestic equities sliding crude prices international markets restricted rupee loss forex traders said interbank foreign exchange domestic unit opened 82 40 points foreign institutional investors fiis net sellers capital markets 19 offloaded shares worth ₹ 113 46 crore according exchange data rising second consecutive week india forex kitty jumped
Rupee falls 18 paise to close at 82.85 against U.S. dollar
India Operation Kaveri launched evacuate Indians stuck inside war torn Sudan underway government making 72 hour ceasefire window bring 3,000 civilians operation involves Indian Air Force Indian Navy coordinated Ministry External Affairs Given heavy fighting Khartoum forces loyal head ruling council General Abdel Fattah al Burhan heads Sudanese Armed Forces deputy Gen. Mohammed Hemeti Hamdan Dagalo paramilitary group RSF civilians brought road Port Sudan perilous journey evacuated air sea India coordinating efforts countries civilians resources Sudan including U.S. U.K. UAE Saudi Arabia logistics timing evacuation operations Saudi French planes En route Caribbean scheduled visit External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar met UN Secretary General New York seek help clear military personnel officials diplomats difficult days ahead given humanitarian workers ambulances attacked doubt assisted cumulative experience similar operations decades beginning largest single civilian evacuation Gulf war 1991 Sudan evacuation brings focus particular challenges India faces conflict 14 million non resident Indians seven million tourists travellers year practically conflict today affect Indian citizen Given work dangerous environments examples students Ukraine nurses Iraq Yemen labourers Libya Syria Lebanon responsibility government help means return safety greater result standard operating procedure possibly special force deal crises recommended Parliamentary Standing Committee External Affairs 2022 considered government essential crises devoid political grand standing finger pointing unseemly public spats evacuation unnecessary controversies garnering domestic political mileage avoided India admired reputation ability harness resources rescuing single citizen corner world time need reputation remain intact jaishankar met un secretary general new york seek help clear military personnel officials diplomats difficult days ahead given humanitarian workers ambulances attacked doubt assisted cumulative experience similar operations decades beginning largest single civilian evacuation gulf war 1991 sudan evacuation brings focus particular challenges india faces conflict 14 million non resident indians seven million tourists travellers year practically conflict today affect indian citizen given work dangerous environments examples students ukraine nurses iraq yemen labourers libya syria lebanon responsibility government help means return safety greater result standard operating procedure possibly special force deal crises recommended parliamentary standing committee external affairs 2022 considered government essential crises devoid political grand standing finger pointing unseemly public spats evacuation unnecessary controversies garnering domestic political mileage avoided india admired reputation ability harness resources rescuing single citizen corner world time need reputation remain intact 000 civilians operation involves indian air force indian navy coordinated ministry external affairs given heavy fighting khartoum forces loyal head ruling council general abdel fattah al burhan heads sudanese armed forces deputy gen mohammed hemeti hamdan dagalo paramilitary group rsf civilians brought road port sudan perilous journey evacuated air sea india coordinating efforts countries civilians resources sudan including u india operation kaveri launched evacuate indians stuck inside war torn sudan underway government making 72 hour ceasefire window bring 3 uae saudi arabia logistics timing evacuation operations saudi french planes en route caribbean scheduled visit external affairs minister
Rescue service: On ‘Operation Kaveri’ and Sudan
Karim Benzema latest football star Saudi Arabia signing national champion Al Ittihad Tuesday Benzema left Real Madrid 14 years 648 games set play Madrid teammate Cristiano Ronaldo joined Al Nassr January Al Ittihad posted video Twitter Benzema signing contract 2026 club disclose financial details Benzema 🤩 ✍ ️A new tiger roar 🐅 Welcome Ittihad! I3GEm90fRB excited Jeddah French striker said video 35 year old Benzema Madrid 2009 won club record 25 titles including Champions League trophies season Madrid saw captain team victory Copa del Rey final Madrid finished second Barcelona Spanish league lost semifinals Champions League bid farewell fans scoring final Madrid game Sunday 1 1 draw Athletic Bilbao Al Ittihad port city Jeddah won Saudi league title 2009 month overhauling Ronaldo Al Nassr capital city Riyadh led season Benzema far best known player squad relied heavily season Moroccan striker Abderrazak Hamdallah league scorer team coached Nuno Espirito Santo previously coached Wolverhampton Tottenham English Premier League karim benzema latest football star saudi arabia signing national champion al ittihad tuesday benzema left real madrid 14 years 648 games set play madrid teammate cristiano ronaldo joined al nassr january al ittihad posted video twitter benzema signing contract 2026 club disclose financial details benzema 🤩 ✍ ️ club record 25 titles including champions league trophies season madrid saw captain team victory copa del rey final madrid finished second barcelona spanish league lost semifinals champions league bid farewell fans scoring final madrid game sunday 1 1 draw athletic bilbao al ittihad port city jeddah saudi league title 2009 month overhauling ronaldo al nassr capital city riyadh led season benzema far best known player squad relied heavily season moroccan striker abderrazak hamdallah league scorer team coached nuno espirito santo previously coached wolverhampton tottenham english premier league com i3gem90frb excited jeddah french striker said video 35 year old benzema madrid 2009 new tiger roar 🐅 welcome ittihad !# benzema2ittihad
Karim Benzema becomes the Saudi league's latest star after signing with Al-Ittihad
appeared Vigilance Bureau connection disproportionate assets case Friday Punjab Chief Minister Congress leader Charanjit Singh Channi hit Aam Aadmi Party AAP government accusing indulging vendetta politics Ahead appearing bureau Mr. Channi press conference said AAP failed fronts hide incompetence failure government targeting opponents faith country judicial system assure complete assistance dare State government prove charges framed said Mr. Channi added AAP government miserably failed curb drug menace eliminate gangster culture address public grievances deliver justice sacrilege cases promised Assembly election Instead fulfilling promises government hell bent registering false cases raise voice atrocities framing false cases said Leader Opposition Congress Partap Singh Bajwa slammed government summoning Mr. Channi Vigilance Bureau office day public holiday account Ambedkar Jayanti said open insult Dalit leader sought time appear bureau April 20 channi added aap government miserably failed curb drug menace eliminate gangster culture address public grievances deliver justice sacrilege cases promised assembly election instead fulfilling promises government hell bent registering false cases raise voice atrocities framing false cases said leader opposition congress partap singh bajwa slammed government summoning mr appeared vigilance bureau connection disproportionate assets case friday punjab chief minister congress leader charanjit singh channi hit aam aadmi party aap government accusing indulging vendetta politics ahead appearing bureau mr channi press conference said aap failed fronts hide incompetence failure government targeting opponents faith country judicial system assure complete assistance dare state government prove charges framed said mr channi vigilance bureau office day public holiday account ambedkar jayanti said open insult dalit leader sought time appear bureau april 20
Former Punjab CM Channi appears before Vigilance Bureau; Congress accuses AAP govt. of vendetta politics
successfully executed edition Street AYCS age 19 2021 Abhishek Gandhi wanted homegrown brands new wave trends year later brainchild calls cultural expo progressive fashion music art venue times bigger previous having moved NESCO Mumbai Jio World Convention Centre Later month AYCS returning edition venue showcasing fashion brands Huemn Bluorng Natty Garb Yash Shetty co founder AYCS expo creating community passionate streetwear culture started vision bringing Indian fashion industry time AYCS came realised streetwear brands people India wore international co founder saw potential homegrown brands wanted platform says booth fabricated Natty Garb Rishabh Chadha founder creative director Natty Garb says association Street started 2022 time fabricating stall Drawing inspiration grandeur Hellenic empire crafted stall embodies essence Greek culture signature Natty Pink year Natty Garb introducing denim shirts newly designed tees delighting fashion enthusiasts exclusively launching unreleased designs Street introducing special zone floor stall lot cooking eager dine adds Currently homegrown brands Esse Erode Clothing Fetus Bluorng Sna Studios Thela Gaadi participants event AYCS curating runway focus stays indie brands creating ripples industry brand allowed showcase models time AYCS incorporating Live salon tattoo artist event fashion shows art instillation like chrome rooms Santanu Hazarika painting car Abhishek adds highlights edition celebrities showing festival interest event car painted live Santanu Hazarika multidisciplinary visual artist caught attention city adds Yash sees AYCS making mark ininternational fashion near future year 50 brands 12artists experiential installations adds Abhishek Asked selection criteria Abhishek says homegrown authentic impact fashion sphere India sure inclusive platform emerging brands great potential adds fashion AYCS artist line includes Bhumika Rizz Prithvi Dot PSD Citi Mall AB Lil Help Char Diwari Trick Singh Yashraj Katopris Tansen fashion Abhishek promises fusion different cultures collection story aesthetic celebration exploring possibilities new techniques adds AYCS June 23 25 Jio World Convention Centre Mumbai sneak peak country biggest events festivals happen want travel Watch space moved nesco mumbai jio world convention centre later month aycs returning edition venue showcasing fashion brands huemn bluorng natty garb yash shetty co founder aycs expo creating community passionate streetwear culture started vision bringing indian fashion industry time aycs came realised streetwear brands people india wore international co founder saw potential homegrown brands wanted platform says booth fabricated natty garb rishabh chadha founder creative director natty garb says association street started 2022 time fabricating stall drawing inspiration grandeur hellenic empire crafted stall embodies essence greek culture signature natty pink year natty garb introducing denim shirts newly designed tees delighting fashion enthusiasts exclusively launching unreleased designs street introducing special zone floor stall lot cooking eager dine adds currently homegrown brands esse erode clothing fetus bluorng sna studios thela gaadi participants event aycs curating runway focus stays indie brands creating ripples industry brand allowed showcase models time aycs incorporating live salon tattoo artist event fashion shows art instillation like chrome rooms santanu hazarika painting car abhishek adds highlights edition celebrities showing festival interest event car painted live santanu hazarika multidisciplinary visual artist caught attention city adds yash sees aycs making mark ininternational fashion near future year 50 brands 12artists experiential installations adds abhishek asked selection criteria abhishek says homegrown authentic impact fashion sphere india sure inclusive platform emerging brands great potential adds fashion aycs artist line includes bhumika rizz prithvi dot psd citi mall ab lil help char diwari trick singh yashraj katopris tansen fashion abhishek promises fusion different cultures collection story aesthetic celebration exploring possibilities new techniques adds aycs june 23 25 jio world convention centre mumbai sneak peak country biggest events festivals happen want travel watch space successfully executed edition street aycs age 19 2021 abhishek gandhi wanted homegrown brands new wave trends year later brainchild calls cultural expo progressive fashion music art venue times bigger previous
The third edition of AYCS to showcase homegrown fashion, music and art
Amid aircraft lessors concerns wake crisis U.S. aircraft maker Boeing 12 said work stakeholders best abilities mitigate issues India huge sales potential Ryan Weir vice president Commercial Sales Marketing India Boeing Commercial Airplanes said Lessors raised concerns National Company Law Tribunal NCLT decision impose moratorium assets bar deregistration planes leased airline files bankruptcy suspends flights 3 days query crisis lessors concerns Mr. Weir said working stakeholders best abilities mitigate issues know impact going added India fastest growing aviation markets world Earlier year Boeing projected India require 2,210 new planes decades 1,983 units single aisle jets estimated nearly 7 annual domestic air traffic growth 2041 Indian market aircraft maker boeing 12 said work stakeholders best abilities mitigate issues india huge sales potential ryan weir vice president commercial sales marketing india boeing commercial airplanes said lessors raised concerns national company law tribunal nclt decision impose moratorium assets bar deregistration planes leased airline files bankruptcy suspends flights 3 days query crisis lessors concerns mr weir said working stakeholders best abilities mitigate issues know impact going added india fastest growing aviation markets world earlier year boeing projected india require 2 983 units single aisle jets estimated nearly 7 annual domestic air traffic growth 2041 indian market amid aircraft lessors concerns wake crisis u 210 new planes decades 1
India has huge sales potential: Boeing
India tennis ace Sumit Nagal country player win ATP Challenger event European clay court pulling upset win higher ranked Dutchman Jesper de Jong Rome April 30 25 year old Nagal defeated de Jong 100 places Indian ATP singles rankings 6 3 6 2 clinch ATP Challenger title triumph Buenos Aires 2019 Nagal ranked 347th world little difficulty overcoming Dutch opponent years younger currently ranked 234th world regular member Indian Davis Cup squad Nagal play tough matches including rounds qualifiers en route final defeated Italy Jacepo Berretini round qualifiers overcoming tough challenge Norway higher ranked opponent Victor Durasovic ATP rank 302 gruelling setter secure place main round 2015 Wimbledon boys doubles title winner thrashed home favourite Francesco Maestrelli ATP rank 172 round blanking wildcard Fausto Tabacco Italy 6 3 6 0 secure berth quarter finals Nagal defeated Uzbekistan Denis Istomin round 2020 Tokyo Olympics going Russian ace Daniil Medvedev second round defeated higher ranked opponent Netherlands Max Houkes secure place semi final Rome event Pitted tough Belgian opponent Joris De Loore seeded eighth Indian lost opening set 198th ranked player 2 6 winning 7 5 6 4 title round Legendary Indian player Ramesh Krishnan won ATP Stuttgart Open clay 1982 ATP Tour event higher level tournament india tennis ace sumit nagal country player win atp challenger event european clay court pulling upset win higher ranked dutchman jesper de jong rome april 30 25 year old nagal defeated de jong 100 places indian atp singles rankings 6 3 6 2 clinch atp challenger title triumph buenos aires 2019 nagal ranked 347th world little difficulty overcoming dutch opponent years younger currently ranked 234th world regular member indian davis cup squad nagal play tough matches including rounds qualifiers en route final defeated italy jacepo berretini round qualifiers overcoming tough challenge norway higher ranked opponent victor durasovic atp rank 302 gruelling setter secure place main round 2015 wimbledon boys doubles title winner thrashed home favourite francesco maestrelli atp rank 172 round blanking wildcard fausto tabacco italy 6 3 6 0 secure berth quarter finals nagal defeated uzbekistan denis istomin round 2020 tokyo olympics going russian ace daniil medvedev second round defeated higher ranked opponent netherlands max houkes secure place semi final rome event pitted tough belgian opponent joris de loore seeded eighth indian lost opening set 198th ranked player 2 6 winning 7 5 6 4 title round legendary indian player ramesh krishnan atp stuttgart open clay 1982 atp tour event higher level tournament
India's Sumit Nagal clinches Rome ATP Challenger title
mandatory OTT streaming platforms display anti tobacco warnings seen movies screened theatres TV Union Health Ministry notification 31 amending rules Cigarettes Tobacco Products Act 2004 OTT platforms like Amazon Prime Video Netflix Hotstar ZEE5 respond Hindu request comment industry executive said companies collectively reach government articulate view static smoking warnings small screens content explicitly requested users appropriate streaming industry consulted notification executive said notification released World Tobacco Day publishers online curated content displaying tobacco products use required display anti tobacco health spots beginning middle programme shall required exhibit anti tobacco health warning prominent static message screen tobacco products use displayed programme added anti tobacco health warning message specified clause(b sub rule 1 shall legible readable font black colour white background warnings Tobacco causes cancer Tobacco kills anti tobacco health warning messages health spots audio visual disclaimers language film display tobacco products use online curated content shall extend display brands cigarettes tobacco products form tobacco product placement display tobacco products use promotional materials READ | Revisit tax treatment tobacco products Additionally publisher online curated content fails comply provisions sub rules 1 5 inter ministerial committee consisting representatives Ministry Health Family Welfare Ministry Information Broadcasting Ministry Electronics Information Technology shall action suo motu complaint identifying publisher online curated content issue notice giving reasonable opportunity explain failure appropriate modification content notification said expression online curated content means curated catalogue audio visual content news current affairs content owned licensed contracted transmitted publisher online curated content available demand including limited subscription internet computer networks includes films audiovisual programmes television programmes serials series content definition Rules 2021 allow Ministry Information Broadcasting administer online series films According study Effectiveness Tobacco Disclaimers OTT Content Services Behavioural Appraisal released Tuesday Koan advisory group works area public policy consultancy results suggest adding disclaimer current content descriptors age ratings unlikely fulfil policy objectives effective ensure better standardised industry response provisions Rules 2021 especially important younger cohorts likely watch content OTT services online revisit tax treatment tobacco products additionally publisher online curated content fails comply provisions sub rules 1 5 inter ministerial committee consisting representatives ministry health family welfare ministry information broadcasting ministry electronics information technology shall action suo motu complaint identifying publisher online curated content issue notice giving reasonable opportunity explain failure appropriate modification content notification said expression online curated content means curated catalogue audio visual content news current affairs content owned licensed contracted transmitted publisher online curated content available demand including limited subscription internet computer networks includes films audiovisual programmes television programmes serials series content definition rules 2021 allow ministry information broadcasting administer online series films according study effectiveness tobacco disclaimers ott content services behavioural appraisal released tuesday koan advisory group works area public policy consultancy results suggest adding disclaimer current content descriptors age ratings unlikely fulfil policy objectives effective ensure better standardised industry response provisions rules 2021 especially important younger cohorts likely watch content ott services online mandatory ott streaming platforms display anti tobacco warnings seen movies screened theatres tv union health ministry notification 31 amending rules cigarettes tobacco products act 2004 ott platforms like amazon prime video netflix hotstar zee5 respond hindu request comment industry executive said companies collectively reach government articulate view static smoking warnings small screens content explicitly requested users appropriate streaming industry consulted notification executive said notification released world tobacco day publishers online curated content displaying tobacco products use required display anti tobacco health spots beginning middle programme shall required exhibit anti tobacco health warning prominent static message screen tobacco products use displayed programme added anti tobacco health warning message specified clause b sub rule 1 shall legible readable font black colour white background warnings tobacco causes cancer tobacco kills anti tobacco health warning messages health spots audio visual disclaimers language film display tobacco products use online curated content shall extend display brands cigarettes tobacco products form tobacco product placement display tobacco products use promotional materials read
OTT platforms mandated to show anti-tobacco warnings
PM Modi leaves State visit U.S. Prime Minister Narendra Modi Tuesday June 20 2023 emplaned United States historic State visit Prior leaving PM Modi tweeted Leaving USA attend programmes New York City Washington DC programmes include Yoga Day celebrations @UNHQ talks @POTUS @JoeBiden address Joint Session Congress ST status Meiteis HC notice Centre State review petition filed Meitei body Manipur High Court June 19 admitted review petition seeking modify contentious March 27 order directed State government recommend inclusion Meitei community Scheduled Tribes ST list court issued notices petition Union government State government Monday seeking response date hearing President Rule option Manipur government wait watch ethnic violence protests continue Manipur past 45 days multiple people government Bharatiya Janata Party BJP said President Rule option idea exhaust available measures PM Modi visit U.S. | issue importance likely feature bilateral dialogue President Biden Foreign Secretary global regional issue relevant India U.S. expected feature bilateral dialogue Prime Minister Narendra Modi hold American President Joe Biden upcoming official state visit U.S. Foreign Secretary Vinay Mohan Kwatra said June 19 Apart official engagements Mr. Modi visit include meetings Indian diaspora senior CEOs corporate world Punjab steps help Karnataka free rice scheme Congress government Karnataka struggling procure rice ambitious Anna Bhagya scheme June 19 received ray hope Aam Admi Party AAP government Punjab agreed principle supply requisite quantum rice State government trying procure rice national level cooperative agencies Shiv Sena Foundation Day Wars Words Hindutva Standoff Shinde Thackeray warring factions Shiv Sena engaged verbal duel party 57th Foundation Day celebrations June 19 Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde saying rebellion ensured party survival CM Uddhav Thackeray labelling Mr. Shinde supporters looters Manjhi HAM S withdraws support Nitish government Hindustani Awam Morcha Secular June 19 announced withdrawal support Nitish Kumar government submitted letter withdrawal Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar announcement soon party convened national executive committee meeting residence Chief Minister Jitan Ram Manjhi present HAM members Bihar Assembly member Bihar Legislative Council India gifts missile corvette INS Kirpan Vietnam India gifted indigenously built service missile corvette INS Kirpan Vietnam enhance country naval capabilities Defence Minister Rajnath Singh announced June 19 bilateral talks visiting Vietnamese counterpart General Phan Van Gang Muslim bodies Law Commission inviting suggestions UCC spirit Constitution Leading Muslim bodies come opposition proposed Uniform Civil Code Calling Law Commission seek suggestions stakeholders common code spirit Constitution contrary religious freedom enjoyed citizens India Muslim Personal Law Board AIMPLB urged government think proposal attempt polarisation diversionary tactic government Board said slapped NSA homes demolished allegedly assaulting youth Bhopal men arrested homes demolished Bhopal June 19 slapped stringent National Security Act NSA allegedly assaulting attempting convert religion young man Ladakh delegation calls Statehood talks MoS Nityanand Rai Minister State Home Nityanand Rai Monday met delegation Ladakh delegation comprising leaders Kargil Leh reiterated demand Statehood constitutional safeguards Union Territory Xi meets Blinken China U.S. agree stabilise ties Chinese President Xi Jinping June 19 said China United States progress issues recently straining relations met visiting Secretary State Antony Blinken Beijing withdraws support nitish government hindustani awam morcha secular june 19 announced withdrawal support nitish kumar government submitted letter withdrawal governor rajendra vishwanath arlekar announcement soon party convened national executive committee meeting residence chief minister jitan ram manjhi present ham members bihar assembly member bihar legislative council india gifts missile corvette ins kirpan vietnam india gifted indigenously built service missile corvette ins kirpan vietnam enhance country naval capabilities defence minister rajnath singh announced june 19 bilateral talks visiting vietnamese counterpart general phan van gang muslim bodies law commission inviting suggestions ucc spirit constitution leading muslim bodies come opposition proposed uniform civil code calling law commission seek suggestions stakeholders common code spirit constitution contrary religious freedom enjoyed citizens india muslim personal law board aimplb urged government think proposal attempt polarisation diversionary tactic government board said slapped nsa homes demolished allegedly assaulting youth bhopal men arrested homes demolished bhopal june 19 slapped stringent national security act nsa allegedly assaulting attempting convert religion young man ladakh delegation calls statehood talks mos nityanand rai minister state home nityanand rai monday met delegation ladakh delegation comprising leaders kargil leh reiterated demand statehood constitutional safeguards union territory xi meets blinken china u modi visit include meetings indian diaspora senior ceos corporate world punjab steps help karnataka free rice scheme congress government karnataka struggling procure rice ambitious anna bhagya scheme june 19 received ray hope aam admi party aap government punjab agreed principle supply requisite quantum rice state government trying procure rice national level cooperative agencies shiv sena foundation day wars words hindutva standoff shinde thackeray warring factions shiv sena engaged verbal duel party 57th foundation day celebrations june 19 maharashtra chief minister eknath shinde saying rebellion ensured party survival cm uddhav thackeray labelling mr joebiden address joint session congress st status meiteis hc notice centre state review petition filed meitei body manipur high court june 19 admitted review petition seeking modify contentious march 27 order directed state government recommend inclusion meitei community scheduled tribes st list court issued notices petition union government state government monday seeking response date hearing president rule option manipur government wait watch ethnic violence protests continue manipur past 45 days multiple people government bharatiya janata party bjp said president rule option idea exhaust available measures pm modi visit u prime minister narendra modi tuesday june 20 2023 emplaned united states historic state visit prior leaving pm modi tweeted leaving usa attend programmes new york city washington dc programmes include yoga day celebrations agree stabilise ties chinese president xi jinping june 19 said china united states progress issues recently straining relations met visiting secretary state antony blinken beijing
Morning Digest | PM Modi leaves for his first State visit to U.S.; President’s Rule ‘last option’ in Manipur, government to wait and watch
reason hypertension considered silent killer people high blood pressure aware doctors eve World Hypertension Day People experience symptoms mild easily overlooked lead false sense security people necessary steps manage blood pressure prevent complications Tripti Deb Senior Intervention Cardiologist Apollo Hospitals Jubilee Hills busting myths hypertension said true affect people age including children hypertension cured managed lifestyle changes medication regular monitoring lead health problems including heart disease stroke kidney disease Unfortunately hypertension undiagnosed poorly managed India Lack awareness hypertension consequences limited access healthcare services inadequate adherence medication lifestyle modifications major challenges management hypertension India added Dr Tripti According National Family Health Survey-5 2019 20 men higher levels blood pressure women found survey total 31.4 men elevated blood pressure 18.5 mildly elevated blood pressure 8.1 moderately severely elevated blood pressure women 26.1 elevated blood pressure 13.6 mildly elevated blood pressure 6.3 moderately severely elevated blood pressure Bharat Vijay Purohit Senior Interventional Cardiologist Yashoda Hospital Hitech City secretary Telangana chapter Cardiology Society India said society trying install BP instruments Hyderabad major places attraction easy check BP anytime added improving awareness important thing sitting position maintained checking BP readings average BP trend seeing young people developing hypertension recent past People adopted unhealthy stressful lifestyle major reasons hypertension country State preventable manageable appropriate lifestyle modifications mediation doctor added reason hypertension considered silent killer people high blood pressure aware doctors eve world hypertension day people experience symptoms mild easily overlooked lead false sense security people necessary steps manage blood pressure prevent complications tripti deb senior intervention cardiologist apollo hospitals jubilee hills busting myths hypertension said true affect people age including children hypertension cured managed lifestyle changes medication regular monitoring lead health problems including heart disease stroke kidney disease unfortunately hypertension undiagnosed poorly managed india lack awareness hypertension consequences limited access healthcare services inadequate adherence medication lifestyle modifications major challenges management hypertension india added dr tripti according national family health survey 3 moderately severely elevated blood pressure bharat vijay purohit senior interventional cardiologist yashoda hospital hitech city secretary telangana chapter cardiology society india said society trying install bp instruments hyderabad major places attraction easy check bp anytime added improving awareness important thing sitting position maintained checking bp readings average bp trend seeing young people developing hypertension recent past people adopted unhealthy stressful lifestyle major reasons hypertension country state preventable manageable appropriate lifestyle modifications mediation doctor added 5 2019 20 men higher levels blood pressure women found survey total 31 1 moderately severely elevated blood pressure women 26 5 mildly elevated blood pressure 8
Hypertension a silent killer, majority are still unaware: doctors
story far 12 RBI stated banks financial institutions facilitate absolute transition away London Interbank Offered Rate LIBOR benchmark inserted fallback clauses financial contracts reference U.S.$ LIBOR corresponding domestic Mumbai Interbank Forward Outright Rate MIFOR LIBOR MIFOR cease representative benchmark June 30 year regulator urged entities incorporate clauses avert minute rush insert fallbacks LIBOR global benchmark interest rate combines individual rates banks opine borrow particular period time London interbank market benchmark settle trades futures options swaps derivative financial instruments counter markets participants engaging directly exchange exchanges globally consumer lending products including mortgages credit cards student loans use benchmark rate business day 11 a.m. London time banks LIBOR panel submissions news financial data company Thomson Reuters panel consists commercial bankers J.P. Morgan Chase London branch Lloyds Bank Bank America London branch Royal Bank Canada UBS AG Following submission contributed rates ranked Extreme quartiles excluded middle quartiles averaged derive LIBOR idea close median possible December 31 2021 LIBOR calculated currencies U.S. dollar Euro Pound Swiss Franc Japanese Yen seven tenors overnight week month months months months 12 months totalling 35 individual rates business day U.S.-dollar LIBOR excluding week month tenor allowed published U.K. Financial Conduct Authority FCA announced phased rollback March 2021 central flaw mechanism relied heavily banks honest reporting disregarding commercial interests noted rates public particularly useful impress potential current customers disadvantages obtaining funds phenomenon particularly display 2008 financial crisis submissions artificially lowered amid crisis 2012 Barclays admitted misconduct agreed pay $ 160 million penalties U.S. Dept Justice Wall Street Journal studied 2008 panelists paying significantly lower borrowing costs market measures suggesting observed phenomenon tendency alter higher lower submission entities trading units derivative positions acquire profits Derivates refer financial contracts value related specific indicator commodity financial instrument Prior February 2014 LIBOR administered British Bankers Association BBA April 2013 maintenance benchmark brought purview FCA Yes 2017 U.S. Federal Reserve announced Secured Overnight Financing Rate SOFR preferred alternative Accordingly India new transactions undertaken SOFR Modified Mumbai Interbank Forward Outright Rate MMIFOR replacing MIFOR stated International Finance Corporation IFC based observable repo rates cost borrowing cash overnight collateralised U.S. Treasury securities making prevailing transaction based rate drifting away requirement expertise judgement LIBOR potentially prone market manipulation MMIFOR use adjusted SOFR compounded arrears varied tenors obtained Bloomberg Index Services components SOFR published market business day 8 a.m. ET Indian Banks Association IBA told Hindu products linked LIBOR redesigned alternate reference rate ARR base working groups constituted association receiving guidance RBI helped develop set challenges related technology legal aspects handling legacy contracts modification contracts counter parties interbank borrowers IBA notes challenges addressed effectively essential systemic technical changes association informed Banks identify products linked Libor total exposure Intimation customers transition insertion fallback clause contracts assessment impact P&L changes technology platform etc needed facilitate transition adding understand banks readiness perspective fullback clauses refer agreement revised considerations reference rate published important transparency consistency RBI stated November 2020 bulletin India exposures LIBOR loan contracts linked Foreign Currency Non Resident Accounts FCNRA B deposits floating rates interest derivatives Overall idea framework manage potential customer protection reputational litigation risks avoid disruption safety resilience financial institutions overall financial stability economy story updated include quotes industry observers .$ libor corresponding domestic mumbai interbank forward outright rate mifor libor mifor cease representative benchmark june 30 year regulator urged entities incorporate clauses avert minute rush insert fallbacks libor global benchmark interest rate combines individual rates banks opine borrow particular period time london interbank market benchmark settle trades futures options swaps derivative financial instruments counter markets participants engaging directly exchange exchanges globally consumer lending products including mortgages credit cards student loans use benchmark rate business day 11 l changes technology platform etc needed facilitate transition adding understand banks readiness perspective fullback clauses refer agreement revised considerations reference rate published important transparency consistency rbi stated november 2020 bulletin india exposures libor loan contracts linked foreign currency non resident accounts fcnra b deposits floating rates interest derivatives overall idea framework manage potential customer protection reputational litigation risks avoid disruption safety resilience financial institutions overall financial stability economy story updated include quotes industry observers et indian banks association iba told hindu products linked libor redesigned alternate reference rate arr base working groups constituted association receiving guidance rbi helped develop set challenges related technology legal aspects handling legacy contracts modification contracts counter parties interbank borrowers iba notes challenges addressed effectively essential systemic technical changes association informed banks identify products linked libor total exposure intimation customers transition insertion fallback clause contracts assessment impact p dept justice wall street journal studied 2008 panelists paying significantly lower borrowing costs market measures suggesting observed phenomenon tendency alter higher lower submission entities trading units derivative positions acquire profits derivates refer financial contracts value related specific indicator commodity financial instrument prior february 2014 libor administered british bankers association bba april 2013 maintenance benchmark brought purview fca yes 2017 u financial conduct authority fca announced phased rollback march 2021 central flaw mechanism relied heavily banks honest reporting disregarding commercial interests noted rates public particularly useful impress potential current customers disadvantages obtaining funds phenomenon particularly display 2008 financial crisis submissions artificially lowered amid crisis 2012 barclays admitted misconduct agreed pay
Explained | Why are financial regulators transitioning from LIBOR? Premium
Facebook parent Meta quasi independent oversight board said December 6 internal system exempted high profile users including U.S. President Donald Trump content moderation rules needs major overhaul report Oversight Board year making said system flawed key areas company address board opened review Wall Street Journal reported year abused elite users posted material result penalties ordinary people including harassment incitement violence Facebook rules reportedly apply VIP users faced reviews rule breaking posts happened according Journal article said system 5.8 million exempted users 2020 Oversight Board report said system known XCheck cross check resulted users treated unequally led delays taking content violated rules Decisions average took days found 32 recommendations board said Meta prioritize expression important human rights including expression special public importance Users likely produce kind expression given higher priority cross check list business partners report said users included commercial importance frequently post violating content longer benefit special protection board said Addressing flaws board urged Meta remove hide content reviewed said company radically increase transparency cross check operates outlining clear public criteria gets list Nick Clegg Meta global vice president public affairs tweeted company requested review continue work improve program fully address board recommendations agreed respond 90 days added board upheld Facebook decision ban Trump year concern incited violence leading riot U.S. Capitol said company failed mention cross check system request ruling 8 million exempted users 2020 oversight board report said system known xcheck cross check resulted users treated unequally led delays taking content violated rules decisions average took days found 32 recommendations board said meta prioritize expression important human rights including expression special public importance users likely produce kind expression given higher priority cross check list business partners report said users included commercial importance frequently post violating content longer benefit special protection board said addressing flaws board urged meta remove hide content reviewed said company radically increase transparency cross check operates outlining clear public criteria gets list nick clegg meta global vice president public affairs tweeted company requested review continue work improve program fully address board recommendations agreed respond 90 days added board upheld facebook decision ban trump year concern incited violence leading riot u president donald trump content moderation rules needs major overhaul report oversight board year making said system flawed key areas company address board opened review wall street journal reported year abused elite users posted material result penalties ordinary people including harassment incitement violence facebook rules reportedly apply vip users faced reviews rule breaking posts happened according journal article said system 5 facebook parent meta quasi independent oversight board said december 6 internal system exempted high profile users including u capitol said company failed mention cross check system request ruling
Meta oversight board urges changes to VIP moderation system
story far Earlier week National Payments Corporation India NPCI governs UPI circular issued directly banks intimated levy charges merchant transactions Prepaid Instrument wallets UPI information leaked media NPCI issued clarification stating normal bank bank UPI transactions charged customers pay transactions PPI UPI said new interchange charges applicable Prepaid Payment Instruments PPI merchant transactions interchange fee generally associated card payments cover transaction cost brought PPI wallets fold Prepaid Payment Instruments PPIs payment methods purchase goods services send receive money stored value wallet Users pre load wallet desired loaded reloaded cash debit bank account credit debit cards UPI approved payment method India PPIs Indian rupees PPIs form mobile wallets physical smart cards secure tokens vouchers method allows access prepaid funds Previously use PPI merchant necessary concerned merchant engaged directly specific PPI issuer specific network PPIs merchant direct tie rejected prevalent form PPI country mobile wallet restriction meant customers specific mobile wallet spend money wallet specific merchant locations directly tied PPI wallet provider example Paytm Mobikwik wallet use merchants accepted Paytm Mobikwik QR codes overcome limitation PPIs RBI mandated interoperability different PPI issuers Subsequently PPI issuers tied NPCI issuing interoperable RuPay PPI cards b creating interoperable wallets UPI rails Prepaid instruments form wallets linked UPI creating interoperable wallets UPI rails linking PPI wallet UPI customers transact Scan Pay UPI interoperable QR codes enable use PPI wallets merchant locations user send receive money wallet user Similarly merchant UPI QR code accept payments PPI issuer mobile wallet PPI UPI speed growth merchant transactions rural areas deepen digital financial inclusion catering use cases healthcare transit education utility bills etc PPI enabled merchants paying charges PPI issuer acceptance mobile wallets prepaid cards charges aligned network level standardisation merchant work preferred acquiring entity prepaid payment instruments PPIs gift cards wallets etc transactions UPI interchange fee 1.1 levied April 1 2023 charges applicable transaction ₹ 2,000 merchant accepting UPI payments customer bank account charges applicable Charges applicable accepted consented transactions PPI Wallet Officially charges paid customer merchants pass additional burden customers way price increases means story far earlier week national payments corporation india npci governs upi circular issued directly banks intimated levy charges merchant transactions prepaid instrument wallets upi information leaked media npci issued clarification stating normal bank bank upi transactions charged customers pay transactions ppi upi said new interchange charges applicable prepaid payment instruments ppi merchant transactions interchange fee generally associated card payments cover transaction cost brought ppi wallets fold prepaid payment instruments ppis payment methods purchase goods services send receive money stored value wallet users pre load wallet desired loaded reloaded cash debit bank account credit debit cards upi approved payment method india ppis indian rupees ppis form mobile wallets physical smart cards secure tokens vouchers method allows access prepaid funds previously use ppi merchant necessary concerned merchant engaged directly specific ppi issuer specific network ppis merchant direct tie rejected prevalent form ppi country mobile wallet restriction meant customers specific mobile wallet spend money wallet specific merchant locations directly tied ppi wallet provider example paytm mobikwik wallet use merchants accepted paytm mobikwik qr codes overcome limitation ppis rbi mandated interoperability different ppi issuers subsequently ppi issuers tied npci issuing interoperable rupay ppi cards b creating interoperable wallets upi rails prepaid instruments form wallets linked upi creating interoperable wallets upi rails linking ppi wallet upi customers transact scan pay upi interoperable qr codes enable use ppi wallets merchant locations user send receive money wallet user similarly merchant upi qr code accept payments ppi issuer mobile wallet ppi upi speed growth merchant transactions rural areas deepen digital financial inclusion catering use cases healthcare transit education utility bills etc ppi enabled merchants paying charges ppi issuer acceptance mobile wallets prepaid cards charges aligned network level standardisation merchant work preferred acquiring entity prepaid payment instruments ppis gift cards wallets etc transactions upi interchange fee 1 000 merchant accepting upi payments customer bank account charges applicable charges applicable accepted consented transactions ppi wallet officially charges paid customer merchants pass additional burden customers way price increases means 1 levied april 1 2023 charges applicable transaction ₹ 2
Explained | Will consumers now have to pay for transactions made with PPIs via UPI? Premium
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Monday confronted tough task uniting deeply divided country winning historic run election extend decade rule 2028 Turkey longest serving leader brushed aside powerful Opposition coalition biting economic crisis widespread anger following devastating February earthquake beat secular challenger Kemal Kilicdaroglu Sunday vote point victory margin Mr. Erdogan narrowest past election highlighting sharp polarisation Islamic rooted conservative contend final term office Mr. Erdogan 69 attempted sound conciliatory victory speech thousands jubilant supporters gathered outside Ankara presidential palace calling Turks come unity solidarity Mr. Erdogan elated supporters hailed man Reis chief won run Turkey history God granted wishes Erdogan great leader brought Turkey long way Burak Durmus 24 said Istanbul conservative stronghold Uskudar opponent Mr. Kilicdaroglu defiantly vowed continue struggle Mr. Erdogan AKP party dominated Turkish politics 2002 elders taught struggle lose country election Bugra Iyimaya 28 year old academic told AFP Istanbul resist fight end Having harnessed coalition nationalist conservative religious voters Mr. Erdogan double brand populist policies political polarisation stay said Emre Peker Eurasia Group consultancy Relieving Turks country worst economic crisis 1990s urgent priority Inflation running 40 partly exacerbated Mr. Erdogan unorthodox policy cutting interest rates try cool spiralling prices Analysts Mr. Erdogan lavish campaign spending pledges unwavering attachment lower interest rates strain banks currency reserves lira edged dollar Monday Hopes abandonment crazy unconventional economic model return favour international investors finally dashed said Bartosz Sawicki market analyst Conotoxia fintech current set sustainable added Timothy Ash BlueBay Asset Management pointing tens billions dollars central bank blown prop lira Mr. Erdogan refuses perform U turn interest rates abandon lira ugly warned colossal reconstruction effort Turkey southeast early stage February earthquake killed 50,000 people destroyed infrastructure livelihoods Official figures estimated damage $ 100 billion NATO partners anxiously waiting Ankara approve Sweden stalled bid join U.S.-led defence alliance Mr. Erdogan blocked application accusing Stockholm sheltering Turkish opposition figures alleged links outlawed Kurdish militants years Erdogan means geopolitical balancing act Russia West said Galip Dalay associate fellow Chatham House think tank Turkey West engage transactional cooperation interests dictate joining Western sanctions Moscow war Ukraine seeking economically profitable relationships Dalay added U.S. President Joe Biden Mr. Erdogan talk Monday presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin told television channel Haber NATO issues delivery U.S. F-16 fighter jets Turkey likely high agenda Mr. Biden needs Congress approve transfer Mr. Kalin said U.S. senators jets political leverage programme stalls end world allow prisoners Kalin added Russian President Vladimir Putin leaders congratulate Mr. Erdogan Kremlin said looked forward achieving ambitious goals Turkey Ties neighbouring Syria remain low ebb Turkey backed rebels fighting President Bashar al Assad civil war Recent Russian mediated talks failed achieve breakthrough normalisation relations Final election results confirmed Tuesday remaining objections dealt election authority chief quoted saying Anadolu state news agency Mr. Erdogan inauguration ceremony nomination new Cabinet sitting new Parliament follow erdogan lavish campaign spending pledges unwavering attachment lower interest rates strain banks currency reserves lira edged dollar monday hopes abandonment crazy unconventional economic model return favour international investors finally dashed said bartosz sawicki market analyst conotoxia fintech current set sustainable added timothy ash bluebay asset management pointing tens billions dollars central bank blown prop lira mr erdogan kremlin said looked forward achieving ambitious goals turkey ties neighbouring syria remain low ebb turkey backed rebels fighting president bashar al assad civil war recent russian mediated talks failed achieve breakthrough normalisation relations final election results confirmed tuesday remaining objections dealt election authority chief quoted saying anadolu state news agency mr erdogan blocked application accusing stockholm sheltering turkish opposition figures alleged links outlawed kurdish militants years erdogan means geopolitical balancing act russia west said galip dalay associate fellow chatham house think tank turkey west engage transactional cooperation interests dictate joining western sanctions moscow war ukraine seeking economically profitable relationships dalay added u turkish president recep tayyip erdogan monday confronted tough task uniting deeply divided country winning historic run election extend decade rule 2028 turkey longest serving leader brushed aside powerful opposition coalition biting economic crisis widespread anger following devastating february earthquake beat secular challenger kemal kilicdaroglu sunday vote point victory margin mr erdogan double brand populist policies political polarisation stay said emre peker eurasia group consultancy relieving turks country worst economic crisis 1990s urgent priority inflation running 40 partly exacerbated mr
Erdogan confronts polarised Turkey after historic win
natural people aspire high positions life Rama entirely happy asked leave forest instead ruling kingdom poet Kambar says Rama leaping joy like ox released tether laden cart yoke construed giving desires unfillable abyss life lustful desires overcome derive blessings God Lord Rama behaved conduct perfect human granted moksha Jatayu eagle bird donned role God known Sita whereabouts search great acharya Sri Nampillai says Sathyena Lokan Jayathi Rama conquered universe virtuous quality truthfulness Srivaikunta included Rama sent Jatayu place won Akkarakani Srinidhi Swamy said discourse chief monkey legions Vaali slayed tree Rama Vaali boon half power opponent standing Rama doubted Vaali stamina share half valour Rama Vaali wife Tara convinced Rama actions justifiable series arguments counter arguments sages unmindful having parts physical body chopped rakshasas prayed Lord Rama live long shower mercy natural people aspire high positions life rama entirely happy asked leave forest instead ruling kingdom poet kambar says rama leaping joy like ox released tether laden cart yoke construed giving desires unfillable abyss life lustful desires overcome derive blessings god lord rama behaved conduct perfect human granted moksha jatayu eagle bird donned role god known sita whereabouts search great acharya sri nampillai says sathyena lokan jayathi rama conquered universe virtuous quality truthfulness srivaikunta included rama sent jatayu place akkarakani srinidhi swamy said discourse chief monkey legions vaali slayed tree rama vaali boon half power opponent standing rama doubted vaali stamina share half valour rama vaali wife tara convinced rama actions justifiable series arguments counter arguments sages unmindful parts physical body chopped rakshasas prayed lord rama live long shower mercy
Deeds of Rama
American Filipino forces sank ship barrage high precision rockets airstrikes artillery fire largest war drills Wednesday Philippine waters facing disputed South China Sea likely antagonize China President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. watched American firepower observation tower coastal town San Antonio northwestern Zambales province latest indication strong backing Philippines treaty alliance U.S. Mr. Marcos ordered military shift focus external defence decades long domestic anti insurgency battles China increasingly aggressive actions South China Sea concern shift Philippine defence focus sync Biden administration aim reinforcing arc alliances Indo Pacific region better counter China China angered Philippines repeatedly harassing navy coast guard patrols chasing away fishermen waters close Philippine shores Beijing claims Philippines filed 200 diplomatic protests China year including 77 Mr. Marcos took office June high mobility artillery rocket system HIMARS fired live fire exercise annual joint military exercises U.S. Philippine troops called Balikatan shoulder shoulder held San Antonio Zambales province Philippines April 26 2023 Mr. Marcos sitting U.S. Ambassador MaryKay Carlson defence security advisers pair binoculars rockets streaked blue sky U.S. High Mobility Artillery Rocket System HIMARS multiple rocket missile launcher mounted truck crucial weapon Ukrainian troops battling Russian invasion forces coastal clearing Marcos resembled smoke shrouded war zone thudded artillery fire AH-64 Apache attack helicopters flew overhead private light plane flew exercises briefly interrupting asked away said Col Mike Logico Philippine military spokesperson drills Fishermen advised stay away area training increased exercise realism complexity key priority shared Armed Forces Philippines U.S. military said Lt Gen. William Jurney commander U.S. Marine Corps Forces strengthening capabilities spectrum military operations domains said Jurney U.S. director annual joint exercises called Balikatan Tagalog shoulder shoulder 12,200 U.S military personnel 5,400 Filipino forces 111 Australian counterparts taking exercises largest Balikatan started decades ago drills showcased U.S. warships fighter jets Patriot missiles HIMARS anti tank Javelins according U.S. Philippine military officials ship targeted allied forces decommissioned Philippine navy warship towed 18 22 kilometers 11 14 miles sea Smaller floating targets including drums tied targets simulate battle scene U.S. Marine Corps command control hub enabled scattered allied forces identify locate enemy targets deliver precision rocket missile fire Philippine military officials said manoeuvre bolster country coastal defence disaster response capabilities aimed country China opposed military drills involving U.S. forces region increasing U.S. military deployments warned rachet tensions hamper regional stability peace Washington Beijing collision course China increasingly assertive actions defend vast territorial claims South China Sea Beijing goal annexing Taiwan force necessary February Mr. Marcos approved wider U.S. military presence Philippines allowing rotating batches American forces stay Philippine military camps sharp turnaround predecessor Rodrigo Duterte feared larger American military footprint antagonize Beijing China strongly opposed allow U.S. forces establish staging grounds surveillance posts northern Philippines sea Taiwan western Philippine provinces facing South China Sea China warned deepening security alliance Washington Manila ongoing military drills harm security territorial interests interfere territorial disputes Chinese Foreign Ministry said military cooperation target party conducive regional peace stability marcos ordered military shift focus external defence decades long domestic anti insurgency battles china increasingly aggressive actions south china sea concern shift philippine defence focus sync biden administration aim reinforcing arc alliances indo pacific region better counter china china angered philippines repeatedly harassing navy coast guard patrols chasing away fishermen waters close philippine shores beijing claims philippines filed 200 diplomatic protests china year including 77 mr forces establish staging grounds surveillance posts northern philippines sea taiwan western philippine provinces facing south china sea china warned deepening security alliance washington manila ongoing military drills harm security territorial interests interfere territorial disputes chinese foreign ministry said military cooperation target party conducive regional peace stability 64 apache attack helicopters flew overhead private light plane flew exercises briefly interrupting asked away said col mike logico philippine military spokesperson drills fishermen advised stay away area training increased exercise realism complexity key priority shared armed forces philippines u marine corps command control hub enabled scattered allied forces identify locate enemy targets deliver precision rocket missile fire philippine military officials said manoeuvre bolster country coastal defence disaster response capabilities aimed country china opposed military drills involving u military deployments warned rachet tensions hamper regional stability peace washington beijing collision course china increasingly assertive actions defend vast territorial claims south china sea beijing goal annexing taiwan force necessary february mr
U.S., Filipino forces show firepower at sea amid China tension
Ampere bigger players ocean EV start ups India selling e scooters designed developed overseas 2018 company acquired Greaves Cotton Ltd Greaves prior experience electric mobility vast diverse engineering background factor comes play launch new Primus company truly indigenous India India offering present brief spin e scooter Ampere line Primus sits priced ₹ 1.10 lakh ex showroom India North Eastern states e scooter market little base variant TVS iQube cities iQube cheaper par Ola S1 Air expensive 4kWh guise quick look spec sheet reveals similarities iQube 4kW mid mounted motor delivers claimed 0 40kph time 4.2sec claimed speed 77kph figures virtually identical TVS real world similarities strong Primus zip expect 4kW e scooter Right feel peppy iQube acceleration trails significantly 40kph said continue steadily gaining speed eventually cross speedo indicated 80kph overall performance levels adequate everyday city commutes entertained performance Giving Primus juice 3kWh LFP battery chemistry offers safer thermal characteristics slightly lower energy density widespread NMC counterpart non removable unit housed seat offers ARAI certified range 107 km probably real world conditions spent day riding highest Power mode scooter course cover 70 km 80 km charge dead Ampere says hours optional fast charger price announced cut roughly half notice SOC indicator accurate reliable unit dropped 1 100 10 km riding dropped 15 10 km clearly work area DTE readout fluctuates huge amounts quickly depending riding style given moment inspire confidence issues small Bluetooth enabled LCD panel Aside fact dim difficult read sunlight single trip meter reset manually instead automatically resets time scooter left little Strangely clock reset like possible manually toggle odometer trip meter screen turn scooter odo start moving changes trip meter 5’8 height felt riding position little knees Primus aside reasonable space rider pillion floorboard roomy Underseat storage space decent 22 litres compartment wide fairly long like numerous EVs deep fit helmet fairly large cubby apron USB charger features include LED headlight Bluetooth connectivity riding modes reverse Fit levels scooter decent number ways Primus feels built cost Material mark costs ₹ 1 lakh drum brake little surprising price point rest chassis package fairly decent 12 inch wheels ends Ride quality strikes nice middle ground soft iQube stiff Ather feels sure footed corners keeping comfortable bad patches road weak drum brakes hold upping pace having fun board scooter Ampere Primus bit strange scooter sum ₹ 1.10 lakh certainly cheap absolute terms far capable better equipped petrol scooter money electric space affordable established premium e scooters cost effective basic simple e scooter looking Primus worth considering LFP battery appeal people extra ₹ 8,000 base TVS iQube demands Mumbai worth paying stronger performance better seating comfort disc brake justify premium neat TFT display better build strong reputation 2sec claimed speed 77kph figures virtually identical tvs real world similarities strong primus zip expect 4kw e scooter right feel peppy iqube acceleration trails significantly 40kph said continue steadily gaining speed eventually cross speedo indicated 80kph overall performance levels adequate everyday city commutes entertained performance giving primus juice 3kwh lfp battery chemistry offers safer thermal characteristics slightly lower energy density widespread nmc counterpart non removable unit housed seat offers arai certified range 107 km probably real world conditions spent day riding highest power mode scooter course cover 70 km 80 km charge dead ampere says hours optional fast charger price announced cut roughly half notice soc indicator accurate reliable unit dropped 1 100 10 km riding dropped 15 10 km clearly work area dte readout fluctuates huge amounts quickly depending riding style given moment inspire confidence issues small bluetooth enabled lcd panel aside fact dim difficult read sunlight single trip meter reset manually instead automatically resets time scooter left little strangely clock reset like possible manually toggle odometer trip meter screen turn scooter odo start moving changes trip meter 5 ’ 8 height felt riding position little knees primus aside reasonable space rider pillion floorboard roomy underseat storage space decent 22 litres compartment wide fairly long like numerous evs deep fit helmet fairly large cubby apron usb charger features include led headlight bluetooth connectivity riding modes reverse fit levels scooter decent number ways primus feels built cost material mark costs ₹ 1 lakh drum brake little surprising price point rest chassis package fairly decent 12 inch wheels ends ride quality strikes nice middle ground soft iqube stiff ather feels sure footed corners keeping comfortable bad patches road weak drum brakes hold upping pace ampere bigger players ocean ev start ups india selling e scooters designed developed overseas 2018 company acquired greaves cotton ltd greaves prior experience electric mobility vast diverse engineering background factor comes play launch new primus company truly indigenous india india offering present brief spin e scooter ampere line primus sits priced ₹ 1 10 lakh ex showroom india north eastern states e scooter market little base variant tvs iqube cities iqube cheaper par ola s1 air expensive 4kwh guise quick look spec sheet reveals similarities iqube 4kw mid mounted motor delivers claimed 0 40kph time 4 10 lakh certainly cheap absolute terms far capable better equipped petrol scooter money electric space affordable established premium e scooters cost effective basic simple e scooter looking primus worth considering lfp battery appeal people extra ₹ 8 000 base tvs iqube demands mumbai worth paying stronger performance better seating comfort disc brake justify premium neat tft display better build strong reputation
The pros and cons of Ampere Primus
G. Rajasekaran renowned particle physicist emeritus professor Institute Mathematical Sciences died Monday age 87 survived wife Suthandradevi 75 daughters Poongothai cardiologist Uma architect training computer science Born eldest 10 siblings Kamuthi Ramanathapuram district 1936 Guruswamy Rajasekaran began assisting father shop sold brass vessels performance school caught teachers attention entered American College Madurai intermediate course B.Sc Madras Christian College listened lecture Nobel Laureate C.V. Raman batch students trained Homi Bhaba Tata Institute Fundamental Research later completed Ph D Chicago University 1962 Prof. Rajasekaran joined University Madras later moved Institute Mathematical Sciences early 1980s retirement 2001 joint director emeritus professor Prof. Rajasekaran fondly known Rajaji associates students trained field particle physics nuclear physics 10 15 years going colleges nook corner Tamil Nadu promote physics said students wished remain anonymous Prof. Rajasekaran involved India based Neutrino Observatory dream ambition establish project student recalled Prof. Rajasekaran written books science Tamil penned autobiography M. Sivakumar retired professor University Hyderabad recalled mentor Prof. Rajasekaran initiative train students physics GR eminent particle theorist passionate educationist instrumental putting start Physics Training Talent Search PTTS programme similar mathematics running successfully great source encouragement support said Prof. Rajasekaran students deep respect physicist highly respected cared deeply community highly approachable younger colleagues benefitted advice encouragement Mr. Sivakumar said cremation held Wednesday daughters U.S. way home said V. Ravindran director Institute rajasekaran renowned particle physicist emeritus professor institute mathematical sciences died monday age 87 survived wife suthandradevi 75 daughters poongothai cardiologist uma architect training computer science born eldest 10 siblings kamuthi ramanathapuram district 1936 guruswamy rajasekaran began assisting father shop sold brass vessels performance school caught teachers attention entered american college madurai intermediate course b rajasekaran initiative train students physics gr eminent particle theorist passionate educationist instrumental putting start physics training talent search ptts programme similar mathematics running successfully great source encouragement support said prof rajasekaran fondly known rajaji associates students trained field particle physics nuclear physics 10 15 years going colleges nook corner tamil nadu promote physics said students wished remain anonymous prof rajasekaran joined university madras later moved institute mathematical sciences early 1980s retirement 2001 joint director emeritus professor prof rajasekaran students deep respect physicist highly respected cared deeply community highly approachable younger colleagues benefitted advice encouragement mr
Eminent physicist G. Rajasekaran passes away