1 value
5 values
The following task focuses on evaluating whether a Twitter user is a bot or human with the help of user's ID, profile. You should output the label. And label 0 is Human, 1 is Bot.
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The following task focuses on evaluating whether a Twitter user is a bot or human with the help of user's ID, profile. You should output the label. And label 0 is Human, 1 is Bot.
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The following task focuses on evaluating whether a Twitter user is a bot or human with the help of user's ID, profile. You should output the label. And label 0 is Human, 1 is Bot.
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The following task focuses on evaluating whether a Twitter user is a bot or human with the help of user's ID, profile. You should output the label. And label 0 is Human, 1 is Bot.
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The following task focuses on evaluating whether a Twitter user is a bot or human with the help of user's ID, profile. You should output the label. And label 0 is Human, 1 is Bot.
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