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You’ve found a mysterious buried treasure map in Minecraft. But how do you locate the buried treasure? We’ll walk you through the necessary steps in this simple guide to finding buried treasure in Minecraft. How to Find Buried Treasure Maps You can find the treasure maps in shipwreck chests and underwater ruins chests. They appear […] The chicken is one of the first animals you’ll encounter in Minecraft and it’s also one of the easiest to tame. Without much effort, you can have a tame chicken following you around. They’re also easy to breed for meat and eggs. Step-by-Step Guide to Tame a Chicken First, you’ll need some wheat seeds, which […] You’ve seen them grazing peacefully in the hills and meadows of Minecraft. Sheep are common animals in the game, and with just a little know-how and effort, you can tame and breed them. The approach is similar to how to tame a chicken, but you’ll be using fully grown and harvested wheat instead of just […] We like to whistle and yodel. But not at the same time.
An abstract summarizes, usually in one paragraph of 300 words or less, the major aspects of the entire paper in a prescribed sequence that includes: 1) the overall purpose of the study and the research problem(s) you investigated; 2) the basic design of the study; 3) major findings or trends found as a result of your analysis; and, 4) a brief summary of your interpretations and conclusions. A research paper is an expanded essay that presents your own interpretation or evaluation or argument. When you write an essay, you use everything that you personally know and have thought about a subject. When you write a research paper you build upon what you know about the subject and make a deliberate attempt to find out what experts know. As mentioned above, the abstract (especially the informative abstract) acts as a surrogate or synopsis of your research paper, doing almost as much work as the thousands of words that follows it in the body. In the hard sciences and most social sciences, the abstract includes the following sections and organizational schema. Each section is quite compact—only a single sentence or two.Now that you have a better understanding of what an abstract is, it’s time to start learning how to write an abstract for a research paper. Step 1: Write the research paper. As I’m sure you know, when you write and revise, your plans change. You might move or delete words, paragraphs, and even entire arguments. This means it’s almost impossible to write a summary of your work before you.Writers may find research paper abstract example online. It is the easiest way to write report with all needed calculations, data reviews, and profound subject’s analyses. Abstract is an essential element of every academic work. If a certain type of an academic work requires an abstract, students need to provide it according to all specified requirements. HOW TO WRITE A RESEARCH ABSTRACT Research abstracts are used throughout the research community to provide a concise description about a research project. It is typically a short summary of your completed research. If done well, it makes the reader want to learn more about your research. Some students present their research findings at local and national conferences. Research abstracts are.Read More Writing the Abstract for a Research Paper Based on Different Types of Summary and Publication Several types of abstracts exist, and it makes the answer to the question, “how to write an abstract for a research paper” more confusing. Here you have access to the list of research paper abstract types to avoid confusing situations.Read More An abstract is a 150- to 250-word paragraph that provides readers with a quick overview of your essay or report and its organization. It should express your thesis (or central idea) and your key points; it should also suggest any implications or applications of the research you discuss in the paper.Read More Writing an abstract for a research paper is a good way to help your instructor understand the basics of what your paper is about. In this lesson, we'll learn more about their purpose and see what.Read More A research paper abstract is often required along with the customized research papers for college. Including key information, such as the summary results, observations, and trends, serves a purpose and that is to help readers identify what the research paper is going to be about and whether or not they would want to continue reading it. When writing an abstract, use the active voice when.Read More How to write the abstract of a research paper? On February 19th, 2019, Posted by admin. Why is the abstract of a research paper so important? The abstract of a research paper is nothing but a concise and clear roadmap of the entire dissertation where the main elements have been summarized. An abstract provides a glimpse of what the research paper contains. It constitutes all the key elements.Read More How to write an abstract for a research paper? Three common kinds of abstracts are informative abstracts, descriptive abstracts, and proposal abstracts. Writing Informative Abstracts. Informative abstracts state in one paragraph the essence of a whole paper about a study or a research project. That one paragraph must mention all the main points or parts of the paper: a description of the study.Read More The Abstract of a research paper is like the blurb of a book. Even the research papers won’t get read if the abstract seems mediocre. It’s not an easy job to describe your hundred-page report in less than 300 words though! But if you get it right, it’ll work like the kickass trailer of a blockbuster movie! Btw, we.Read More An abstract for business research paper is a summary of the entire paper. Students doing business research papers often mistake abstracts to be the introductory paragraph since abstract appears at the beginning of the work. Business research papers are general audience papers that are likely to be read by any member of the society. The abstract is given much attention by the audience since it.Read More How To Write Abstract For Research Paper? Once you have clarified the definition, you are probably wondering how to write this section and how to make it look good. For your convenience, we have prepared a step-by-step guide to help you write research papers abstract: Start writing your abstract when all other sections of your work are ready.Read More
“Doc, we have it really bad here,” said a teenager from Camden, New Jersey. The statement was offered during a focus group about improving care for asthmatic children in Camden. Although the questions focused on issues within the healthcare system, the children spontaneously opened the door to their world and what they perceived as critical barriers to asthma control in their community: poverty, unemployment, incarcerated parents, drug overdoses, gun violence and related deaths. “Everyone is dying around us,” one child said. The children were pointing researchers to the elephant in the room: that the tumultuous realities of day-to-day life in Camden are also a root cause of poor asthma control. Author(s): Mahshid Abir, Jane Forman, Dawn Weist, Natasha Dravid, Aaron Truchil, Stuart Hammond, Paul Koegel *Photo by mixetto/Getty Images
Areas of a Lab Report The video that is first exactly just what you add when you look at the “Introduction,” “Results,” and “Discussion” sections of one’s laboratory report. The 2nd movie provides a various point of view about what you place when you look at the “Discussion” section of the laboratory report. Test Lab Reports Components of a Lab Report Note: Most 100-level biochemistry labs need just worksheets become filled out during the conclusion of each and every laboratory. consequently, this information will be most readily useful for 200-level pupils as laboratory reports tend to be needed for those programs. Now you have actually finished an experiment while having gathered every one of the necessary data in your laboratory laptop and any additional information from analytical instrucments, you will need to compose up your outcomes inside a laboratory report. The goal of writing reports you have carried out would be to communicate precisely what occured within an test or observance and also to discuss the results clearly. (more…)
GHOST Series Enclosed Combustors With the roll out of Quad O regulations in the USA, crude/condensate tank batteries and well pads are required to conform to reduced emission levels if they have the potential to emit over 6 tons of VOC per annum. One of the three emission control end-of-line devices can be used: Flares, Enclosed Combustors or VRUs. When enclosed flames and smokeless combustion are required for low pressure tank vapors, or other VOC destruction applications, AEREON's GHOST series of standard design enclosed combustors provides EPA-Certified performance, full stainless steel construction, and an economical price point. Three basic sizes are available with nominal flow rates of 20 MSCFD, 100 MSCFD and 200 MSCFD (higher flow rates possible depending on gas quality and pressure which can be confirmed by your AEREON representative). The first 3 basic sizes are the AB 20, 100 and 200 models (19 inch, 33 inch and 48 inch respectively) and are outfitted with proprietary high capacity pre-mix burner design that provides up to 99% DRE and allows for the highest certified gas flows in the industry on a per size basis (as per EPA testing). This allows you to use a smaller sized and lower cost model for your facilities. US EPA Certified models AB20 and AB100 allow you to by-pass QuadOa required emission testing of your units after 180 days of installation saving over $7,000 per test required plus the costs of filing results with the EPA.. The AB200 model has been tested and has passed the EPA requirements and is awaiting official acceptance to the EPA listings. Beyond these first 3 standard sizes, AEREON also provides larger 60 inch and 70 inch wide-combustors as a custom design offering in our FEF models. Please contact your AEREON representative for help in selecting the right combustor for your requirements.
Authentic Montessori Education at A Growing Place Established in 1975, A Growing Place Montessori School has seen successive groups of children experience the freedom and joy of learning through the Montessori method of education. What is the Montessori method? It is a whole system of education from birth throughout life, based on the work of Maria Montessori (1870-1952). A Growing Place is planned to meet the needs of children from a little before age 3 until about age 6. The classroom pattern, the materials, and the guides are all part of the child’s experience. Each child’s unique way of learning is accommodated as we introduce materials that appeal to that child’s exact needs throughout the school year. Each child progresses at his or her own pace. Careful observations on the part of the guides allow us to prepare the classroom with materials for the children’s needs. The classroom materials are rotated and changed as the children grow and need new experiences. The children have freedom of choice within limits that allow them to make the most of the classroom environment while feeling safe and being empowered. There is a wide selection of materials in our classroom. They have been developed from years of Montessori experience. The materials are beautiful and inviting to all children. Concepts gained through use of these materials allow the child to progress from concrete perceptions to the more abstract. The materials are designed to be sequential in nature, each activity building toward the next bit of discovery for the child. Materials are usually self correcting so the child can be excited about them: “I did it myself!” The materials are displayed attractively and accessibly so the child can choose works that appeal to the need for hands-on learning. The guide models uses and care of the materials enabling the child to work constructively and independently with them. The guide can continue to interact further with the child or step aside as needed. The child can experience learning in every area in our classroom. These areas include care of oneself and one’s surroundings (practical life), sensorial perceptions, science and nature, geography and culture, letters and sounds, numbers and quantities, reading and writing, books and painting. Learning also takes place through stories, songs and counting in English and other languages. Our environment is a warm and loving one where the child can choose to work alone or with a friend, come for a hug or some other reassurance, observe other children working, repeat a material as many times as needed and move on when ready to do so. The youngest children arrive with minds that soak in everything they see, smell, touch and feel. We call this the absorbent mind. Throughout the year(s) they move to a more intellectual view of what they are learning and they begin to name and describe what they are doing. Children are most receptive to gaining specific learning experiences when they are in what we call a sensitive period. During the preschool years the child has sensitive periods for independence, order, concentration, and the acquisition of the whole pattern of language and numbers. These sensitive periods are satisfied with materials and activities that fulfill the child’s desire to learn. Mastery of each step in the learning process becomes a building block for the next level of development. The children’s need to learn through movement is built into every part of our classroom. The children choose their work and make many trips as they bring the materials to their work space and as they return the materials to the proper place on the shelf in good order ready for the next child to use. This sequence of movement gives myriad opportunities to develop social skills as the children interact. The mixed ages of the children reflect an important element. Younger children observe the older children and the older ones model and reinforce what they know. What one sees while observing the children at work is the joy, sometimes quiet and sometimes exuberant, that comes from the children discovering each new insight and feeling satisfaction in their work. During the final “Year of Leadership,” all the threads of learning come together into a coherent whole. As leaders in the classroom, the oldest children grow both in confidence and in self-knowledge. They become ready to move on easily to the next plane of development at their new schools. The child’s experience at A Growing Place Montessori School provides a concrete basis for all areas of learning for the rest of life.
WANT TO STAY UPDATED ON PROMOTIONS? The presentation of circumstances and logical results essay is the most basic concerning getting the consideration of the peruser. Dependably, it starts your story, so legitimately after the catch, you present the characters, portray the setting, and set up your perusers for the activities such as cause and effect essay. In the event that the accomplice comes up short with get the idea of a peruser, by then the peruser loses intrigue obviously how well body zones are made. Fitting Essay Presentation A record essay, in fundamental words, is a story. Not in the most diminutive degree like different essays wherein you have to show something or battle, a record essay is connected with portraying to a story. Despite the way that record essays have the same fundamental form as different sorts of instructive essays, it permits the writers to be somewhat more creative. Do you need individuals to feel breathed life into when they read your record essay? Get your perusers amped OK with separating your story essay by making the disguised segment of the presentation charming. The most ideal approach to manage direct do this is by utilizing eye getting gets. I'm not getting my meaning by a catch? A catch is a sentence around the beginning of your write my essay that pulls in individuals in investigating your essay. The presentation ought to have a proposition or a catch. Gets are fundamental in account essays since it makes perusers begin speculating about what will happen immediately. In by a long shot the majority of the essays, the speculation passes on the fundamental essay thought and tells how the information will be filtered through. Rule To Essay Presentation Impact your perusers with the eye getting statement, something that they didn't imagine. You can in like manner join measurements near your own discernment. For example, "As appeared by irritating measurement, one in each four young people is tormented conventionally." Infuse some humor in your essay with a silly or intriguing thought. Consider who will be your perusers and fittingly identify with them. Express Dialogs for Descriptive Essay Precisely when you utilize an immediate reference, perusers get an inside explore the feelings and sentiments of your story. For example, in the event that you were portraying a circumstance when a fire conveyed in your home, the presentation will draw the chance of the perusers, and it becomes fundamentally considerably all the more enchanting on the off chance that you quote relatives: "Don't stop to take things with you, Get out of the home now!" Dad yelled. Remember, just a particularly done and clear essay will be fascinating to the peruser; that is the clarification you should hold quick to the guidelines of including statements to sentences that are spoken by individuals. In informative speech topics, you need to identify with a story while forming a record essay; therefore, it is moreover dazzling and striking approach to manage direct depict to a story in a repeated scene. Writing a scene to identify with a story sounds fundamental, notwithstanding writing exchanges can be unimaginably tangled. Express Essay Scenario Coat an image with words, and perusers will envision the scene immediately and make an association. For example, if your record is about game, you can write, "The spectators in the center school sports club could evidently hear my heart pulsating. I was extremely lamented that ball would slip from my questionable shuddering hands". Such an eye getting sentence straightforwardly places perusers into the scene. In the event that you are thinking about utilizing a non-certified mentioning, by then make it as a provocative deals. Sometimes embeddings a mentioning leaves a higher effect than basically saying no thanks to it as a statement. Remember, non-credible mentioning ought to be utilized in a manner that can interface segments and keep up cohesiveness in writing. Is it certifiable that you are so far stunned correspondingly as don't feel satisfactorily sure? By then you may take help from a pro in writing 'conditions and legitimate outcomes essay'. Basically hit the visit catch and tell the position that I need an expert to write conditions and sound outcomes essay or help me with writing one. Getting the help of a position writer offers numerous focal focus interests. In any case, you get the services of a position writer who doesn't simply write your paper yet works with you with the ultimate objective that guarantees you secure the correct aptitudes that you need. Additionally, what better approach to manage supervise comprehend a position while getting a passing carving at the same time. So hit the conversation connect and get yourself the ideal story conditions and obvious outcomes of narrative essay example.
The Armidale Methodist Church became the Armidale Uniting Church on 22 June 1977. Ministers of the Armidale Uniting Church A group of Armidale Uniting Church Ministers at the 140th anniversary celebrations of Wesley Hall in July 2004. The 1879 Willis pipe organ THE CENTENARY OF THE WILLIS & SON PIPE ORGAN This country is indeed fortunate to possess such a richly diverse heritage of pipe organs, which have been installed during the past 155 years in many different parts of Australia1. One such instrument is the Henry Willis & Sons organ installed in the Wesley Uniting Church, Armidale. The organ is of the tracker action type with 15 speaking stops and three couplers. As no correspondence concerning this instrument appears in the specification book of Henry Willis and Sons for 1879, it would suggest that it was one of the standard models manufactured in their Breck Road works at Liverpool, England2. This instrument was first installed in St. Stephen's Presbyterian Church, Phillip Street, Sydney. Imported from London in 1879 at a cost of 475 Pounds, it was installed in the rear gallery of St. Stephen's in December 1879/January 1880 by Mr. C.J. Jackson, a well-known Sydney organ builder, and dedicated on 24th January that year. Mr Jackson continued to tune and maintain the organ for the princely sum of 12 Pounds per annum. The organ gave very little trouble during the 50 odd years it rendered service to St. Stephen's Church. The only alteration being made to the instrument during this period was the addition of an electric blower in 1913, at a cost of 60 Pounds, replacing the hand pumps at the side of the organ which required two people to operate. In 1934, due to the demolition of St. Stephen's Phillip Street, and their subsequent removal to their present location in Macquarie Street, the organ was sold to the Wesley Methodist Church, Armidale for 1,000 Pounds. The only apparent alterations made to the instrument during installation were the changing of the pedal ranks from tracker to pneumatic action. It is believed that the organ was installed here by S. T. Noad & Sons of Sydney, although it has not been possible to verify this. The Armidale Express of 22nd July, 1935, describes the circumstances surrounding the purchase of the organ as follows: He (The Rev. A. Morris Yates) said the Waters family had offered 100 Pounds to provide a memorial window to perpetuate the memory of their grandfather, Silas Waters, who was the pioneer of Methodism in Armidale. A similar offer was made by Mrs. Turner, and it was then that he (the Rev. Yates) had a "vision" and asked Mrs. Turner and her sons if they would support, instead, a movement to secure an organ. Mrs. Turner agreed, and then Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Curtis made a generous offer of financial assistance. He and others talked it over, and then they heard about the Organ at St. Stephen's. Mr Gould (the Church organist) was entrusted with the negotiations, and the outcome was that they secured this fine instrument. The people had been most generous and not one person who had been asked to contribute had refused. On 21st July, 1935, the Organ was dedicated at the 11 am Sunday morning service. The Armidale Express describes the dedication as follows: Dedication of New Organ A Memorial Service Supplementary seating had to be provided at Wesley Church yesterday morning to accommodate the very large congregation when a special dedicatory service was held in connection with the installation of the new organ. The instrument, which has a particularly mellow tone, is a two manual organ of the tracker action type, and was purchased from St. Stephen's Church in Sydney. It is finished in polished cedar and the pipes are gilded, giving it a very handsome appearance. On account of its size it was resolved to place the organ in the centre of the church at the northern end. This necessitated the removal of the pulpit which is now located in the northwest corner, while the choir stalls occupy the northeast corner. In recognition of the prominent part played by the Rev. A. Morris Yates in securing the organ for Wesley, it was resolved to request him to conduct the service. The service was simple but impressive and the dedication commenced with a special prayer by the Rev. A. Morris Yates, after which the minister, the Rev. E.H. Wilson in a brief address, enumerated several instances where music was mentioned in Holy Writ in connection with religious observance. The 150th Psalm was then read verse by verse alternately by the minister and congregation after which the minister requested the organist, Mr. C.P. Gould, M.A. to dedicate the organ, which was done while the congregation stood. Then followed another prayer after which the Te Deum was sung, the organ being used for the first time. Mr. Yates appealed to the congregation to free the church of the debt still remaining on the organ, and to back up the efforts of those others who had given generously towards it. There was another large congregation at the evening service, which was preceded by a short organ recital by Mr. Gould. In the subsequent 45 years the organ supported the congregation in its worship with very few difficulties for an instrument of its age. However, by 1980 its state of repair was such that it was necessary to launch an appeal for $20,000 to restore it to its original condition. "The heritage from the past is one that should be preserved"3. Part of that heritage is the Willis Organ of the Wesley Uniting Church, Armidale. 1. Hastie, K.J., An Outline Account of Pipe Organ Heritage, CHURCH HERITAGE No.1, 1968, p.45. 2. Suggested in correspondence to the writer, dated 22nd April, 1980 from Henry Willis and Sons, Hampshire , England . 3. Hastie, K.J, ibid. p.52.
Street Food of Kolkata: Talk about Kolkata food and you’ll instantly picture sugar-dripping Roshogullas, chenna-based sweets and mouth-watering fish preparations that hound the popular notion of Bengali cuisine. A Bengali food fair is packed with multiple flavourful dishes that go much beyond macchi and aloo poshto. If you ever go to Kolkata, you’ll find the streets buzzing with traffic, hawkers and people passing by, munching on their favourite street food. If you go beyond the stereotypes of Bengali cuisine, there are tonnes of Bengali dishes that many of us might not know about. Bengali cuisine goes back to the time of Mughal and British era that influenced the culinary culture of Kolkata. The city is popular for the variety of street food and snacks it has to offer, the likes you can pair with a cup of chai. These popular street foods of Kolkata are not just a local favourite but have also made their way on to the global food map. The rich and flavourful taste of Bengali food is tempting enough to make us crave for more and try our hands to prepare at home. While you might have tried to prepare the Bengali doi maach or kosha mangsho at home, the street food of Kolkata is something best enjoyed right there in between the bustling city. But you might have to wait for that to happen or visit Kolkata pronto. Fret not; we bring you the best of our Bengali street food recipes right from the streets of Kolkata that you must try at home. Here Are 5 Best Street Foods From Kolkata To Try At Home: A flavourful snack made with soaked chickpeas cooked in a rustic pool of spices and topped with onions, coriander and chillies, gughni can be paired with a cup of piping hot chai or can be savoured as is. You can even top it with mutton chunks. This street food from Kolkata is very similar to popular North Indian dish matra chaat. The Bengali cousin of North Indian gol gappa, puchkas are tiny, deep-fried balls of semolina filled with a tantalising mix of mashed and boiled potatoes, masalas, chillies and chickpea. They are served with spicy, zesty and simply delicious water made with chillies, jeera, pudina and tamarind. A lip-smacking treat that would instantly gratify your taste buds. 3. Kathi Roll Flaky, thin parathas or rumali roti packed with veggies and meat chunks along with a host of mouth-watering chutneys, sauces and spices – kathi rolls are said to have originated in the 1930s at a restaurant in Kolkata primarily for the British officials stationed in Calcutta to minimise the use of hands while eating kebabs. Post origin, kathi rolls soon spread across the Indian food circuit and today it holds a special place among the popular street foods of India and in the hearts of foodies across the world. Puffed rice with a mix of chillies, mustard oil, freshly cut onions and an array of spices makes for this pungent treat jhalmuri, which you simply cannot miss when speaking of street food of Kolkata. The addition of chaat masala along with lemon makes it an irresistible snack to munch on. A staple snack of the Bengali street food, jhalmuri plays host to never-ending chitchat with friends accompanied with a cup of piping hot tea. 5. Mughlai Paratha Deep-fried egg parathas, loaded with mutton or chicken, is a heavenly delight to relish on a Bengali food trail. It is a thin layer of whole wheat flour along with egg, deep-fried to crisp, with egg, mutton or chicken chunks and a whole lot of spices. Mughlai paratha is said to have originated in the Mughal kitchens during Jahangir’s era when the ruler was bored of usual parathas and keema. It was created by his cook Adil Hafiz Usman, who belonged to Bardhhaman in West Bengal. His novel recipe was kept a secret from the khansamas in Old Delhi and Lucknow but was fostered for several generations in his own family, until their later descendants started to sell the dish across Bengal during the British rule.
How to use a Bitcoin wallet (for newbies) - Bitcoin Wiki Bitcoin Online Gambling Sites: How To Use Bitcoin Step By ... What Are Bitcoins and How Do Bitcoins Work? How To Use A Bitcoin ATM - A Beginner's Guide Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet A community dedicated to Bitcoin, the currency of the Internet. Bitcoin is a distributed, worldwide, decentralized digital money. Bitcoins are issued and managed without any central authority whatsoever: there is no government, company, or bank in charge of Bitcoin. You might be interested in Bitcoin if you like cryptography, distributed peer-to-peer systems, or economics. A large percentage of Bitcoin enthusiasts are libertarians, though people of all political philosophies are welcome. Bitcoin for Beginners is a subreddit for new users to ask Bitcoin related questions. **Do not respond to strangers direct messaging you, as over 99% of these people are Scammers.** This subreddit allows open discussion where peer review occurs. /BitcoinBeginners is not for posting new websites, memes, faucets, affiliate links, news, concern trolling, blog articles, or promoting altcoins and ICOs. **Bitcoin related Questions only** No url shorteners (auto spam) To get started with Bitcoin using Python, we need, A Computer which can run Python programming environment A basic knowledge of Python or another scripting language Ability to run commands and programs from a command line program Setup your Computer: Install Python Download and install python fromhttp://www.python.org/ Install bitcoin python library After you finish installing Python, open your command line program and execute below command to install bitcoin python library pip install bitcoin Hello Bitcoin — Generate a Private key We will start with a writing a “Hello World” equivalent of Bitcoin in Python. To write your python, you can need a code or text editor which supports writing in ASCII format. You cannot use MS Word of Wordpad for this. You could use Notepad, but we recommend usingAtom Code Editor, a free code editor. Open your favorite editor and type in below code. In this code, we are first importing the bitcoin library. We are then generating a private key using random_key function and we are then displaying the private key on the screen. from bitcoin import *my_private_key = random_key()print(my_private_key)Save it as a .py file andthen open your command line program and run the above program like this.python This will print out a private key. Generate a Public Key Next we generate a public key. We do this by passing the private key we generated to privtopub function from bitcoin import *my_private_key = random_key()my_public_key = privtopub(my_private_key)print(my_public_key Create a bitcoin address In the previous programs we generated private and public keys. Now, we are going to real bitcoin part. In the below code, we are generating a bitcoin address by passing the public key we generated to pubtoaddr function. from bitcoin import *my_private_key = random_key()my_public_key = privtopub(my_private_key)my_bitcoin_address = pubtoaddr(my_public_key)print(addr) Create a Multi-signature Address Next, we create a multi-signature bitcoin address. Multi-signature address is an address that is associated with more than one private key. So, we first create 3 public and private keys. We then create a multi-sig by passing the 3 public keys to mk_multisig_script function. Finally, the resulting multi-sig is passed to scriptaddr function to create the multi signature bitcoin address. View address transaction history We can also look at pre-existing bitcoin addresses’ transactional history. We do this passing a valid bitcoin address to function history. from bitcoin import *print(history(a_vaid_bitcoin_address)) If you don’t have an address, you can look one up fromBlockchain. Conclusion In this tutorial, we introduced bitcoin with python. We saw how to get set up with python for bitcoin. We saw how to generate a private key, public key, and a bitcoin address. We also saw how to create a multi-signature bitcoin address and how to look at the transactional history of a bitcoin address. Source:Medium.com Hello! At muun we are working on a new bitcoin wallet, and we are analyzing the wallet market in order to give you the best experience. Can you give us a hand? What have you used bitcoin for in the last 6 months? 1.- Online purchases 2.- On-site purchases 3.- Payments to friends, relatives, acquaintances 4.- Trading 5.- Savings or holding 6.- As a way to buy other cryptocurrencies 7.- Payments on Tor 8.- Online service payments (hosting, vpn, etc.) 9.- Bill payments 10.- Get paid salary 11.- Pay virus rescue (cryptolocker) 12.- Online gambling 13.- Money transfer to family abroad Noob here. I was wondering with the volatility and recent price increases (to the moon), does Bitcoin only work as a currency if it stabilizes? For example, I've been reading that some have gotten landlords to take BTC for rent, but are you paying the USD equivalent in BTC or did you work out a fixed BTC amount? Is BTC ever meant to be a standalone currency or will it always rely on the price equivalent of another? Seems like if you're seriously investing in crytocurrencies of any kind, that's a tacit admission that you don't seriously expect any sort of SHTF scenario to occur. Otherwise how are you going to verify blockchains or whatever? What's the paper ledger backup system for that kind of thing? How do you use bitcoin without a PC or electronic device of some kind? If i wanted to make a transaction without it being monitored, i don't see how bitcoin can do this considering the device i use to make the transactions is likely insecure and can be hacked. Sure, bitcoin can be anonymous, but if you always have to use an electric device and the internet to make a transaction, how is this not going to be watched by the government? Legit question from someone who doesn't see the value in an all digital currency. In a nutshell, how does one go about using it without tying in some form of electronic device? How do you use it for small personal transactions between friends? Say you and a great number of other humans were leaving earth on a colony ship and because you are traveling in an inter-dimensional subspace rift, are going to be out of communications with earth. Is there a way to run a subset of the bitcoin blockchain on this ship? I envision the space traveling community transacting as you normally would, but when contact is reestablished with earth, the blockchain resyncs or is updated with the transactions made on the ship. My thought is that it would have to be all off-chain transactions where there is a trusted third party for the duration of the trip. I really don't like this idea and am hoping there is a better alternative. edit: I should have put [serious] in the title. "Nokia feature phone": How do you use Bitcoin with them? I'm in North America and use a smart phone. I've heard Andreas Antonopoulus refer to the "unbanked" around the world being able to use "Nokia feature phones" to do Bitcoin transactions. How does this work? Does it rely on a third party service to conduct the transactions on their behalf? Could we use the same system in NA for those without smartphones? Bitcoin is a virtual currency that gained recognition after its price-per-coin rose above $13,000 in early 2018. The cryptocurrency (one of many) is at the center of a complex intersection of privacy, banking regulations, and technological innovation. Today, some retailers accept bitcoin, while in other jurisdictions, bitcoin is illegal. Individuals, businesses, developers: learn from our simple Bitcoin guides. How Bitcoin works, what is Bitcoin, what is blockchain, how to buy Bitcoin, what is Bitcoin mining and more. Whoever you are, Bitcoin is for you. Individuals, businesses, and developers: get the support you need with our simple guides. Watch 3 min. Bitcoin 101. Many websites also allow you to use Bitcoin to buy subscriptions or premium services. The online dating site OkCupid accepts Bitcoin payment. You can also subscribe to Bloomberg, the Chicago Sun-Times, and other online newspapers. If you have a blog on WordPress, you can use Bitcoin to pay for additional services and blog options. Coinbase charges users a 1% fee when buying bitcoins from a U.S. bank account, but that comes with a $0.15 minimum per purchase. Once you click the “Buy Bitcoin” button, they will arrive in your wallet in a matter of minutes if you have instant buys enabled. Instant buys can ONLY be done with a credit or debit card, not a bank account. Free bitcoin wallets are available for all major operating systems and devices to serve a variety of your needs. For example, you can install an app on your mobile device for everyday use or you can have a wallet only for online payments on your computer. In any case, choosing a wallet is easy and can be done in minutes. 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Maintaining compliance with applicable regulations avoids legal liabilities and potential fines. This is especially true in highly regulated industries, such as investment and health care organizations. Collaborate, Coordinate and Communicate In order to ensure successful compliance, it is essential that every department shares information and works together to communicate about maintaining compliance with requirements. Be sure to involve the IT and HR department in all compliance processes and system. Avoid delegating compliance to a single manager or department. Current business practices involve a variety of departments that may not realize their impact on regulatory compliance. For instance, maintenance personnel may not realize that improperly disposing of chemicals and products, such as paint, may result in hefty environmental fines. Entry-level customer service reps may not realize that openly discussing confidential client information in public is wrong. Management must clearly identify and define specific compliance measures and procedures. They must also decide on disciplinary actions that will result from failure to adhere to these standards. Ideally, management will publish expected work procedures in official job, safety or quality guidelines. Management must also determine whether these standards will be integrated enterprise-wide, or localized within select departments. Integration is important because redundant processes create mistakes and miscommunication. A centralized strategy that is acknowledged by all managers will be much more effective than separate, disparate measures. As businesses introduce new processes, they should carefully evaluate them and integrate them into existing compliance systems. Regardless of whether business compliance processes are electronic or paper-based, management must be able to properly access and control information. Bear in mind that upper management is ultimately accountable for any missing data or documentation. External auditors often expect requested information to be provided within one to two days, so information management systems must be efficient and organized. Software systems are proven ways to integrate efforts, increase compliance tracking and reduce errors and redundancies. Many software programs provide customized reports that specifically address different compliance requirements. These reports act as helpful performance controls that can be integrated into internal audits. Software systems also expand reporting capabilities, checks and balances and process and workflow automation. Concisely detailed documentation plays a central role in regulatory compliance. Social corporate responsibility lies at the heart of compliance. Duties must be defined and accountability must be established through comprehensive policies and procedures. Regulatory compliance policies should be considered to be living documents that must be continually reviewed, edited and updated. Auditing measures must be implemented to ensure that ethical guidelines and compliance requirements are followed. Regular internal audits that involve documentation reviews are the best ways to increase efficiency and transparency. One common mistake that many organizations make is creating processes and policies that document ideals instead of current realities. Being able to demonstrate continual improvement through documentation provides outside auditors with a well-defined picture of the company’s performance. As a final note, management must establish and maintain proper privacy and security standards. This applies to both physical and digital security and privacy.
Major brands like Cartier, Louis Vuitton and United Colors of Benetton have taken to social media to express rainbow as a symbol of hope in these trying times when the world is fighting a pandemic. Laurent Feniou, Managing Director of Cartier, LVMH group and Jean-Charles de Castelbajac, Global Artistic Director of United Colors of Benetton initiated a ‘Rainbow Challenge’ as a creative ray of hope and positive pillar across the globe. Jean-Charles de Castelbajac tells IANSlife: “In 1997, I have been committed by the Vatican to dress Pope John Paul II, 500 bishops, 5000 priests and 1 million of kids. I choose to dress them with the colors of the rainbow. At the end of this magic ceremony, the Pope told me “you have used colors as cement of faith”. For brands all over the world, today, only colours can united people in peace and no other brand can do it better than United Colors of Benetton”. The Italian brand, which is known for its colourful outfits, is sending out the message of unity through its posts on Instagram featuring its rainbow-inspired collection. The brand posted pictures of its stores in Italy and other places with a rainbow overhead to celebrate its re-opening after being closed for months due to the lockdown. “Our stores are open again, in Italy too. Enjoy shopping and let’s all respect the rules we already know,” read one of the captions. Laurent Feniou, Managing Director of Cartier, posted a picture of the Cartier building with rainbow shade in solidarity of the National Health Service of the UK and the healthcare workers who are at the forefront of the global battle against the pandemic COVID-19. “Whether it be by painting, writing, singing, dancing, photography, objects or any multi-media platform of your choice, this colourful show of appreciation will uplift and unite friends of the Maison during this global fight,” he captioned the picture. Adding: “All Friends of the Maison and their family are invited. Do not hesitate to post your artwork on #CartierOverTheRainbow…This art challenge will accompany our local charitable initiative for NHS Charities Together.” Louis Vuitton has also posted several pictures and videos that depict its interpretation of the seven colours. The French fashion house posted an animated video in which it has defined rainbow as “a stretch of the imagination”. “The rainbow, a stretch of the imagination. In 1925, Gaston-Louis Vuitton wrote “Let’s turn the street into a cheerful space”. Today, #LouisVuitton’s tradition of creative shop windows ensures as a perpetual invitation for the spirit of travel. As select stores begin to re-open around the world, hand-drawn rainbows by children and employees serve as welcoming beacons of hope during this uncertain time. #LV,” read the caption. While another video posted by LV features pictures of rainbows painted by the children of Louis Vuitton’s employees. The caption read: “A symbol of hope. Rainbows drawn by the children of #LouisVuitton employees have appeared across store windows worldwide as colourful beacons of joy during these challenging times.” It also posted a picture of Maison Louis Vuitton, Milano, Italy with rainbows drawn of its entry to celebrate the opening of its store. “Embarking on a new adventure. As select stores begin to re-open around the world, hand-drawn rainbows by children and employees serve as welcoming beacons of hope during this uncertain time. In a collaborative effort, all participants were encouraged to awaken their inner child and draw their own version of a rainbow. #LV #LouisVuitton,” the brand captioned the picture. (This story has been published from a wire agency without modifications to the text)
Life looks pretty different since the COVID-19 pandemic has emerged. With daily routines at a standstill due to social distancing and a constant stream of worrisome news, it’s easy to feel anxious, uncertain and alone. And if you’re living with chronic illness, or caring for somebody who has one, those familiar feelings are likely at an all-time high right now. Keeping one’s self going is a difficult thing to do. There are a million distractions that occur every day and that can mean that we do not stay on track with what we should be doing. Have you ever heard the expression, “Do not count your chickens before they hatch?” Maybe an older, wiser individual would tell you this to keep you from getting ahead of yourself. Like buying a new car before you actually got that new job. Well, when setting and obtaining your goals, you need to “Count your chicken before they hatch” in your mind. What I mean by this is you have to start seeing yourself completing or obtaining your goal. What you profess, you possess! As important as dreams are, they arent enough. Why? Dreams don’t take you where you want to go. A dream needs wings — to become a tangible vision — a passion that will take you where you REALLY want to be.
As against passive immunity, exactly where antibodies are injected into an organism while pregnant or they are artificially acquired, active immunity usually requires a process of working out immune cells to recognize and counteract overseas bodies.Usually, a bacteria or virus enters an organism and starts causing injury through how to paraphrase a poem its reproductive pursuits. The harm being executed to cells releases a signal to immune cells that one thing is incorrect. The immune cells surround the overseas bodies and digest them, to eliminate them from the organism. Concurrently, the immune program learns which proteins are present on these invaders, and prepares antibodies, or modified proteins, which encapsulate and detect these international organisms. Immune cells are ?trained? to recognize these invaders with all the lymph nodes along with other immune product tissues. After the initial an infection is cleared out, the immune http://www.itap.purdue.edu/learning/ cells keep their working out on the form of antibodies bound for their mobile membranes. Thereby, when they encounter the invader the next time, the antibody will mechanically bind into the proteins for the surface area in the invader. This offers the organism a effortlessly acquired immunity, rather than a passive immunity conferred from the introduction of antibodies.A number of autoimmune conditions are caused by a malfunction on the energetic immunity programs. That is fairly widespread because the method is imperfect. In https://www.rewritingservices.net/rewrite-a-paragraph-without-plagiarism/ some cases, the immune cells will discover how to find proteins the human body creates as ?invaders?. Then, when immune cells come across cells in the human body with particular proteins, they’ll assault. It is the idea of all autoimmune illnesses. The enhancement on the first of all profitable vaccine, back from the 1790s, was an infinite advance to health science produced doable by Edward Jenner. Jenner observed that cow maidens had a peculiar resistance to the terrible disease that was starting to be an epidemic. The cow maidens, owning been exposed into the animal sort of smallpox (recognized as cowpox), would not clearly show the dramatic signs or symptoms of most sufferers. Usually, smallpox would present alone with small boils everywhere in the whole body. The cow maidens didn’t clearly show these signs. Their resistance with the illness was furnished because of the lively immunity they obtained to smallpox.The cowpox virus, currently being relevant to the smallpox virus, carries a comparable shape, in addition to related antigens. The cow maidens, getting exposed to the cow with cowpox, would commonly catch the virus themselves. Unlike smallpox, cowpox provides a much better survival amount and fewer brutal signs or symptoms. The immune strategy would discover how to make antibodies for the cowpox antigen within this infection. Once the an infection had handed, the immune procedure would retain many of these antibodies to aid detect the virus while in the potential. Simply because the antigens of smallpox and cowpox are so very similar, cow maidens with active immunity to cowpox would also display an active immunity to smallpox. Consequently, as soon as contaminated with the smallpox vaccine, the maidens would clearly show number of to no symptoms as the virus was cleared from their programs.
12 July 2019 Get one step for your nature ... The Bareilly Development Authority and the Confederation of Real Estate Developers Association of India (CREDAI) are jointly launching a tree plantation campaign in the city for the prevention of the growing air and soil pollution index. This campaign has also launched "Together 4tree" App to connect the citizens of this city to this campaign. Under this mission, emphasis will be laid on preparing an eco-friendly atmosphere for the present and future, hence this monsoon It aims to plant 11,000 thousand plants and set 2,000 tree guards for the participation of the public in the campaign. "Together 4tree" has been launched CREDAI Bareilly Youth Wing on behalf of CREDAI Bareilly. With this, by the mean of online registration app 2000 plants and 2000 tree guards will be distribute free categories for environmental lovers. Plants and Tree Guard will be distribute to the ragist from the BDA Office. On the occasion of Mobile App Launch on 12.07.2019, a press conference was held in BDA Auditorium. in which BDA Vice chancellor Smt. Divya Mittal & CREDAI U.P President(Elect) Mr. Ramandeep Singh told the reporters that "Togrther4tree together" will be a better tool to make the envirment green, in which any person can register his/her personal details & Aadhar number from adroide cell-phone and collect a plant, tree guard within 72 hours. This facility will also be available on social network such as YouTube and Facebook as a link. Vice President Dimayya said that the use of this kind of experiment can be started in other cities of the country too, for this, the presentation report of the entire campaign will also be sent to the Indian Government and the Policy Commission and the Forest Department, Uttar Pradesh. In the press, Mr Ramandeep singh told that five species Neem, Gulmohar, Guava, Kaner and Alstonia plants are shown in app. A species must be chosen from the plant.One person will be given the same plant so that more and more people can become part of the campaign. He explained in detail about the application of Geo tagging of the app and automatic environment friendly certificates. Mr. Singh also told about the plan to establish a city forest in the future by the institution. He said that People go to the Hills station to bring themselves closer to nature. Therefore, it will be a smart initiative to join the Smart City. For this, the organization is negotiating with the government and the district administration to provide some space. The administration will also use City Forest as a toll for Turisme development. In the middle of the press, the Joint Secretary of CREDAI Bareilly Youth Wing(CBYW) Mr. Abhimanyu Gupta & Mr. Jainant Singh presented the projector presentation of Launching of Mobile App. officials appealed to all the people present in the meeting to download the app. At the same time, Mr. Ashish Gupta, patron of the CREDAI Youth Wing said that the Youth Wing of Agra, Mathura from Ghaziabad and Braj-area of the institution has become active in the app. Like Bareilly, the people of the area also took advantage of the plantation obtained from the plant. This app will be widely used in the future. He said that the institution is continuously sustaining environmental protection as social concerns. In addition to the heavy responsibility of the people. we have collected the toll of free planting from the mobile app. Now the turn of the towns people is. they should take responsibility for the environment by utilizing the app more and more to increase the greenery and to balance the air and soil pollution. In this occasion all the office Bearers, members of CREDAI Bareilly, CBYW & BDA are presented.
Small details matter because you deal with them often. Any enhancement you make thus yields a benefit often, hence a bigger overall benefit. In other words: invest small care, get big return. This is an irresistible proposal! Examples of small design-level details that I care about because I have experienced great payback from them: - Using Value Objects rather than naked primitives - One argument instead of two in a method, - Well-thought names for every programming element - Favour side-effect free methods and immutability as much as possible - Keeping the behaviour close to the related data - Investing enough time to deeply distillate each concept of the domain, even the most simple ones Ivan Moore has an excellent series of blog entries on this approach: programming in the small. All these details emphasize that code is written once then used many times. The extra care at time of writing pays back at time of using, each time, again and again. Each enhancement that minimises brain effort at time of use is welcome, because software design is a matter of economy. Other kinds of “details” that I care about involve the human aspects of crafting software: being on site, face-to-face communication rather than electronic media, respect and consideration at all times, always celebrate achievements, etc. Because ultimately, it also boils down to people that feel like building something together.
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Confidence in Bitcoin has never been demonstrated in such a blazing way. A private company announced they designed a full custom 65nm ASIC for mining bitcoins. They claim that consumer devices based on the chip will start shipping to customers this December. At the beginning of the ASIC mining machine proposal, the domestic Avalon mining machine used 110 nm process technology, the roast cat mining machine used 130 nm process technology, and the butterfly laboratory in the United States used 65 nm process technology from the beginning. Two of the largest bitcoin mining chip manufacturers have plans to equip their products with 5nm chips in the near future. Just recently, China-based manufacturer Bitmain purportedly produced the ... This is a grade A chip, 16 engines, 4 - 4.18GH/s. Advantages of Butterfly Labs chips: 1/2 the power usage per GH as the closest competitor. 1/10th the silicon area per GH as the closest competitor (Very high performance density). Proven design currently operating in the field and ready to go. The Chinese mining company Bitmain announced this Sunday the start of sales of its new Antminer T17 mining device based on the SHA-256 algorithm. As Bitmain notes, the T17 is the most budgetary model of the seventeenth line and will cost $ 1,270. For comparison, the S17 costs about $ 2,000, depending on the configuration. [index] How To Pencil Mod OverClock Red/Blue Fury BitCoin ASIC - Duration: 3:54. TingaWinga5 29,367 views. ... I got a broken 65” 4K TV ... Gridseed 5 chip Asic Miner - Scrypt & Dual Mode Setup ... Both of these 2019 new bitcoin and bitcoin cash miners will be using the newest and most efficient 7nm chip the BM1397 7nm ASIC bitcoin mining hardware. "Bitmain Technologies Limited, today ... Hey guys, this is me unboxing an usb bitcoin miner running at 333MH/S I hope you like it! This is my Bitcoin address: 16BF42ntf29CSs4EbhGdQ3uNrGZWSoBAJT Donate if you ... The new Bitmain Bitcoin Miner the ASIC BM1391 7nm unit at face value appears to be the most efficient and powerful one yet. With a reported J/TH of 42j/TH, that is about %44 more efficient than ... "KAMIKAZE Ⅱ", the latest high-performance ASIC for Bitcoin mining that uses a 7 nm process made by TSMC TSMC社製 7nmプロセスを採用したBitcoin マイニング用 ASIC の最新高 ...
With champagne, fireworks and a presidential blessing, a painstakingly built replica of the frigate once used to bring French troops and funds to American revolutionaries set sail Saturday for the U.S. East Coast. With the celebratory sendoff, the $27 million Hermione began its voyage with a bang, firing cannons as it sailed from Rochefort where both vessels were built. The ship will retrace the 65-metre frigate’s trans-Atlantic journey in 1780, when its namesake under the Marquis de Lafayette’s command helped to lay the foundation of French-American relations. Lafayette persuaded French King Louis XVI to provide military and financial support to George Washington’s troops. The ship is the fruit of nearly two decades of brainstorming, fundraising and toil. It has been a very long project. You don’t create an 18th century warship very easily these days. It took enormous efforts to find enough oak trees naturally shaped so they could create the helm. Miles Young, president of the Friends of Hermione-Lafayette Lafayette persuaded French King Louis XVI to provide military and financial support to George Washington’s troops. Lafayette set sail on the frigate on March 21, 1780, from the southwestern port of Fouras, arrived 38 days later in Boston, and played an important role in the revolutionaries’ ultimate defeat of Britain three years later in the Battle of Yorktown with the support of a French army and fleet. Volunteer crew members from France, the U.S. and other countries are sailing the frigate. The Hermione is expected to reach Yorktown, Virginia, in June, and then make several other stops along the U.S. East Coast, including Boston, and should be in New York for the Fourth of July.
Today I want to talk about running styles, or the "athletic aesthetic". A well trained and passionate runner is very easy to detect: slim, elegant, self-assured, as the man in red trousers on the picture above. What about the other guy on the left? Well, if you think he's Rowan Atkinson aka Mr. Bean you are mistaken: he's no less than the Italian Prime Minister himself, mr Renzi! The man is obsessed with the idea of constantly promoting his country wherever he goes. So here he is, running in Havana, in occasion of a business visit to Cuba, sporting a green-white-red (Italy flag colors) and blue outfit and accompanied by an athletic bodyguard. Unfortunately none of his advisers had the courage to tell him the truth: he looks ridiculous. To make things worse, the PM's running style reveals both his lack of style and training. Let's go down into details: 1. Neck and head Look at the man on the right: his neck is straight, he's looking into the horizon. The man on the left looks like he's going to attend to his dog's funeral. The position of head, neck and most of all shoulders says a lot about our anaerobic threshold, stamina and resistance to fatigue. In the picture above, the Italian PM seems to be running on empty. While running, many inexperienced runners keep their elbow in an inefficient position, that might cause energy consumption or more fatigue. The man on the right is a perfect example of an optimal arm running position. 4 & 5. Legs and feet Whereas the man on the left is apparently crawling and his legs seem to be quite rigid, the real runner on the left is bending both his knees and ankles, sign of flexibility and elasticity. He looks much more tonic and reactive than his running partner.
Kalimat ini berasal dari sumber eksternal dan mungkin tidak akurat. Cari kata-kata lain di kamus bahasa Inggris-bahasa Indonesia. ID terjemahan. ID penerjemah. ID menterjemahkan terjemahkan mengalihbahasakan menerjemahkan mengartikan. Welcome to Indonesia's most Popular Free Online Dating Site. Meet Beautiful Indonesian Girls & Guys looking for Life Partners & Fun. Join Free Now. Marrying a local partner requires foreigners to take part in several legal procedures and observe cultural norms. Here are just a few important things expats and foreigners must know before picking up an Indonesian partner. All marriages in Indonesia are overseen by Indonesian law via the Ministry of Religion and all couples are required to submit all necessary documents. While Indonesia does not have strict regulations on wedding venues, many Muslim couples prefer to have their ceremonies conducted at the Office of Religious Affairs. Expats and foreigners who marry local partners should also keep in mind that Indonesian social norms require couples to hold wedding receptions and pre-ceremony photo sessions in addition to the ceremony itself. On average, and Indonesian wedding reception ranges from Rp. While homosexuality is not strictly illegal, such as in Singapore and Malaysia, the province of Banda Aceh has recently sentenced two young gay men to public caning and a series of raids across the country has seen hundreds of men arrested. Phelim Kine, Deputy Asia Division Director of Human Rights Watch, noted that Banda Aceh has been gradually adopting Sharia-inspired ordinances which criminalize same-sex relations, leading to the recent verdict. Although marriage may seem an important goal for many Indonesians, expats and foreigners who marry in Indonesia are bound by certain legal agreements. Prenuptial agreements which decide what happens should the marriage dissolve are a necessary step for protection of assets. Expats should also keep in mind Indonesian law currently does not allow foreigners to own freehold property. In the event a local partner was to die, foreign partners are required to sell the property to another Indonesian citizen within 12 months. Data shows that 43 percent of Indonesian women between the age of 18 years old to 34 years old still live with their parents and many will tell you how important family is in their lives. Unlike in the West, an invitation to meet the family of a local partner can mean more than a casual family dinner. Indonesian Brides: 7 Tips to Meet Them (in 2020) Likewise, the approval - or lack of it - from family can make or break a relationship. Foreigners and expats should also keep in mind that Indonesians value loyalty to family and that loyalty shapes reputations. Family units are likely to make big decisions together and respect the advice of older members. Please log in to proceed and have access to unlimited machine translation, access to professional translation service along with other benefits. Sign up for free within minutes to access a whole set of various translation options and utilize your free words by ordering from qualified translators. New to Translate. IndonesianCupid is a leading Indonesian dating site connecting local and international singles worldwide. Whether you're an Indonesian woman looking for love; or you're interested in finding a beautiful woman from the heart of Indonesia - find the one for you in a fun and secure environment on IndonesianCupid. Layanan gratis Google menerjemahkan kata, frasa, dan halaman web secara instan antara bahasa Inggris dan lebih dari bahasa lainnya. English to Indonesian Translation Tool & Dictionary. Indonesia Translator. Indonesia Translate. Indonesia Dictionary. Verify your content is translated at the highest-possible level of quality. Ask for human translation service and ensure your text is adapted relevantly in response to the comments presented. Sign In. Translate complex texts easily by writing or typing them down into the app, using a keyboard or handwriting input; Google Play; App Store; Type your text & get Indonesian to English translation instantly Communicate smoothly and use a free online translator to instantly translate words, phrases, or documents between 90+ language pairs. Terjemahan untuk 'translation' dalam kamus bahasa Indonesia gratis dan banyak terjemahan bahasa Indonesia lainnya. doursim.com arrow_drop_down doursim.com - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation. dating in Indonesia. See: Police Arrest In Kelapa Gading Raid On Gay Venue For same-sex couples, the relationship can bring more headaches. While homosexuality is not strictly illegal, such as in Singapore and Malaysia, the province of Banda Aceh has recently sentenced two young gay men to public caning and a series of raids across the. Please to proceed Please log in to proceed and have access to unlimited machine translation, access to professional translation service along with other benefits. You have reached the character limit for the last 24 hours. Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over other languages. Whether you're an Indonesian woman looking for love; or you're interested in finding a beautiful girl from the heart of Indonesia, join free today. Dating in Indonesia provides a secure, hassle-free environment where people can meet to form new online relationships, find true love, may search for true friends at indonesia dating. Indonesian Phrases for Dating and Love. Need more Indonesian? Try the audio and video lessons at IndonesianPodcom. In Indonesia, the person who usually gives the proposal is the man. So most of Indonesian women usually just 'wait and accept' or 'wait and refuse'. Please Log in to translate more New to Translate.
How About Trying All Natural Acne Health Skin Care? #Allergies #Alternativemedicine #Anti-Aging #healthy For years there has been a wealth of misinformation about what it is that causes acne pustules, papules, and nodules to form and companies selling acne health skin care products have been exploiting every one of them. There are companies even now selling special cleansers, toners, and oil free treatments. All of these formulas contain benzoyl peroxide in them, and you are told to use each step at least twice daily. If you are using two, or even all three of these individual acne formulas, then that means that you are applying benzoyl peroxide on your skin up to six times per day. If you don’t know too much about benzoyl peroxide I will tell you that it IS very effective in helping to treat acne, but it has its downside as well. This compound can be very irritating to the skin, and severe reddening and drying of the skin can occur even when applying lightly only twice per day. What this means is that if you are using multi-step acne health skin care treatments that require up to six applications of benzoyl peroxide per day, it will probably turn out really bad for your skin. You don’t need special cleansers, oil free treatments, and toners to get rid of acne. The development of acne doesn’t have anything to do with dirt, very little to do with oils, and absolutely nothing to do with how toned your skin is. Dirt does not cause the formation of blackheads and acne, which is actually brought on by hormonal activity that forces the follicular gland to enlarge, and therefore produce greater amounts of sebum. This is where the thought that oil free products are needed, because the excess sebum mixes with dead skin cells and forms plugs in the follicles. The Propionibacterium acnes then cause the inflammation that result in acne breakouts. Your acne health skin care should not be oil free, but must contain natural oils and extracts that will help to control the production of excess amount of sebum. Maracuja passion fruit extract and Jojoba oil will regulate the production of sebum, so that the moisture balance in the skin always remains perfect. Balanced production will significantly lower the incidence of plugs forming in the follicles. An acne health skin care should feature natural compound such as Phytessence Wakame kelp extract, Shea butter, and Capuacu butter for reducing the amount of inflammation in the skin. The natural antibacterial compound active Manuka honey would kill the Propionibacterium acnes that cause the inflammation that leads to lesions forming. That would take care of all your problems relating to the formation of acne. Natural compounds are the most effective answer available for acne health skin care. They also help keep you looking younger by providing wrinkle reducing antioxidants, and some compounds stimulate the creation of new collagen. By using natural ingredients in order to treat your skin, you can become acne free and look years younger to boot. To learn more about unique ingredients for healthy skin, and other incredible substances you’ve probably never heard of, visit my website today.
Bram Steiner passed away recently, on the 1st of March 2016 at the age of 95. He was one of the founding fathers of hydroponics in horticulture. He fought for years to keep alive the research on soilless techniques when nobody believed in them; he was ridiculed for his ideas. In the early sixties he stated that the chemical composition of a nutrient solution depends upon the concentration of the composing ions, on the total ion concentration, and on acidity expressed as pH. We are doing a couple posts on nutrient solutions in his honor. Thank you Bram! Now that 3D printing and nano-machines are all the rage, let’s remember that plants do 3D print themselves at nano scale everyday. They take all the atoms that constitute their tissues from their aerial and root environments and assemble them to grow. They need to have those building blocks at hand, though. In addition to carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O), which they take from the air, plants need other mineral elements to grow and complete its cycle. In natural ecosystems, the minerals absorbed by plants return to the soil after organic matter decomposition and become available again. In the hydroponics system, however, all the nutrients are supplied by the nutrient solution. Growers routinely control the overall quantity of ions contained in the solution by measuring its electrical conductivity. In fact we would like to know how much there is of each ion. That is actually quite difficult; the only practical thing we can do is to use a well balanced nutrient solution, with a bit of everything in just the right quantities. Depending on how much they need, the elements of the nutrient solution are divided into macronutrients (plants need large amounts) or micronutrients (very small amounts). - Primary macronutrients: These are what plants need the most, and should always be part of our nutrient solution: - Nitrogen (N) - Phosphorus (P) - Potassium (K) - Secondary macronutrients: These are usually on the ground itself, and some waters also contain Ca and Mg, but in hydroponics we cannot rely in minerals in the soil, so we need to make sure that these are included in the nutrient solution as well: - Calcium (Ca) - Magnesium (Mg) - Sulfur (S) - Micronutrients: Just like humans need some trace elements to live, plants also require some minerals in tiny amounts to grow healthy. Without them the plants will not develop correctly. Some of them are better absorbed in chelated forms, which are like organic containers for the ions: - Iron (Fe) - Manganese (Mn) - Boron (B) - Molybdenum (Mo) - Copper (Cu) - Zinc (Zn) - Chlorine (Cl) - Beneficial nutrients: In addition to macro and micro nutrients, there are other elements that are not essentials for all crops, but may improve plant growth, health and yield. However, be careful because the essential-to-lethal range for these elements is somewhat narrow. A holistic approach to plant nutrition should include these elements at levels beneficial for best growth: - Aluminium (Al) - Cobalt (Co) - Sodium (Na) - Selenium (Se) - Silicon (Si) So you want to grow the best crop, you should know your fertilizer. There are a lot of solutions in the market ready to use for different crops. Although they are a little expensive, they are perfect if you haven’t got a lot of knowledge or time. It is cheaper and not so difficult to buy fertilizers as a powder that you mix with water to use. The hard but cheapest way is to make your own nutrient solution from salts. We will tell you how to do that in the next post. Prepare your lab!
Distinguished Professor Jacquelynne Eccles presented at the 8th Annual Gender Development Research Conference, sponsored by the University of California, Santa Cruz, in San Francisco, October 18. The event is one of the major international psychology conferences on gender roles. Professor Eccles joined a special symposium with two other "mothers" of the psychology of gender and women’s studies at University of California, Los Angeles - Irene Frieze, now at the University of Pittsburgh, and Diane Ruble, now at New York University - and of psychology more generally. In discussing the topic "Looking Back at the First Feminist Psychology of Women Textbook", they talked about their historical perspectives on the field of gender studies within the field of psychology over the last 50 years. In addition to her interest in gender development, Professor Eccles also researches academic motivation and achievement, school and family influences on adolescent development, and gender and ethnicity in STEM fields.
Exercising after knee replacement Following a knee replacement, many people experience pain, discomfort as well as decreased range of motion. All of this makes the task of exercising very daunting. However, if you want to return to your prior level of functioning, while at the same time saving your knee, your best option is to begin exercising as soon as your doctor says it is safe to do so. Exercising in the gym can be a sure way of regaining and maintaining strength and function in your knee. Once your pain has been controlled and you have sufficient range-of-motion, you may want to start with low-impact exercises such as cycling and swimming. Riding a stationary bike will help improve range-of-motion and flexibility. Swimming may begin about 6-8 weeks after the sutures have been removed and the wound has healed. Other acceptable forms of exercise are dancing and golfing. Do avoid those that put stress on the knee such as running, jumping, contact sports and the like. For younger, more active candidates, you may require strength-training with weights, which are safe to use with today's knee replacement components. But as always, be sure to clear this with your doctor or physiotherapist first. The large quadriceps muscles help to keep the knee in place, therefore these need to be kept strong and well conditioned. Using the leg press and knee extension machines with light weights will give you the workout you need to increase and later maintain strength in these muscles. Those beneath the knee, such as the calves and hamstrings are also important in supporting the knee, therefore these should be exercised as well. The standing calf raises or the seated soleus machine will assist with this goal. Maintaining strong legs is vital to proper balance and gait and building muscle helps you burn fat faster and get rid of unwanted kilos you may have accumulated during the recuperation period. Losing the extra weight will put less load on your knee and help you walk better. By following the advice of your doctor and therapist, your legs may be stronger than they were before the surgery. We do not warrant or represent that the information in this site is free from errors or omissions or is suitable for your intended use. We recommend that you seek individual advice before acting on any information in this site. We have made every effort to ensure that the information on our website is correct at the time of publication but recommend that you exercise your own skill and care with respect to its use. If you wish to purchase our services, please do not rely solely on the information in this website.
Muneshige Narazaki, Juzo Suzuki, Tetsuro Kagesato ed: PHILIPP FRANZ VON SIEBOLD'S UKIYO-E COLLECTION. The National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden. Tokyo, 1978. 254 pp. 122 pp. colour plates including 3 foldouts showing 120 works; 217 pp. 102 pp. colour plates including 5 foldouts showing 104 works; 243 pp. 160 pp. colour plates including 1 foldout showing 328 works. 3 vols. 45x32 cm. Cloth. Clamshell cases. A magnificent three volume work on the Philipp Franz von Siebold collection held in the National Museum of Ethnology in Leiden in the Netherlands. The collection holds many rare and early works and with much unusual subject matter, including depictions of foreigners in Japan, in particular the Dutch and their settlements. A total of 384 pages of colour plates are shown illustrating 552 ukiyo-e paintings and prints, many reproduced in their original size. A very scarce and beautiful work on one of Europe's earliest ukiyo-e collections. Plate captions in English, otherwise Japanese text only. Lacking the called-for text booklet of 65 pages written by van Gulik but this Japanese edition was issued without it. It was apparently only present with copies distributed within the USA. Out of stock, as of: 13/03/2021 Was item 169 in printed List 199. Record produced by Hanshan Tang Books, www.hanshan.com.
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Nearly 13 million infants per year globally are unable to process bilirubin quickly enough and require jaundice treatment to prevent death or lifelong disability. Even though the cure is simple and this condition preventable, existing solutions are unable to address jaundice of different severities resulting in extended therapy time and morbidity. Methods used currently Delay the treatment to 2-3 weeks. Our goal is to reduce the treatment time significantly SEVERE JAUNDICE CONDITION Blood transfusion is a miserable solution for severe jaundice cases. Hence, current indigenous methods of maneuvering with multiple devices are not addressing the need. Just after birth separation of her baby lead to Anxiety and accelerates the postnatal trauma. whereas on the other hand, the newborn loses the advantage of initial bond with its mother. The efficiency of the treatment is directly proportional to optimum irradiance, Exposure of Baby Body Surface Area, and sufficient Hydration via Breastfeeding.
The significant contribution of the transport of salt ions, simultaneously with the intensive water splitting, makes splitting in after effects it possible to use such membranes in processes that simultaneously require the transfer of salt ions. The pre-splitting holes aim to extract splitting in after effects the rock mass in order to create a smooth splitting in after effects face. &0183;&32;I'm quite new to after effects but i'm sure you could split up a clip in previous versions. If you scrub along the timeline you should see this transition taking place. Shortly after the patient is admitted to the hospital the splitting behavior may occur if the staff. Watch solid shapes break apart like they’re made of liquid gross crap. NMR signals may have different number of peaks (the number of lines). Update: what part of my question says i'm using imovies! What you have now created is a transition between two different shape paths. &0183;&32;To understand the complicated trends of PEC water splitting performance of these faceted TiO 2 electrodes, the synergistic effects of various factors splitting in after effects should be considered. A quick tutorial today on RGB splitting in After Effects. . It is useful to reveal the logo and text of your company. Splitting Liquid Shapes (like how cells splitting in after effects divide) – Adobe After Effects tutorial. One minute, they may. When it ends, even for the person bringing divorce proceedings, splitting in after effects it’s tough. When you split a task, you break it into two or more separate parts so that parts of a task can start earlier or later than others. Possible lost vision: Occasionally, some patients will see a deterioration in their best-corrected vision. This condition is less frequently fulfilled than in oxides because of the lower crystal field splitting of 5d levels. Join Eran Stern for an in-depth discussion in this video, Splitting a multi-artboard Illustrator document for animation, part of After Effects Breakdowns: Social Tech Infographics. Signal splitting is arguably the most unique important feature that makes NMR spectroscopy a comprehensive tool in structure determination. CPP rules and similar rules for the Quebec Pension Plan allow a split of credits that each partner accumulated during the time they lived together. splitting in after effects 3D Splitter does just that, it provides a simple user interface and allows you to split a 3D layer in After Effects ad any point you want, giving you the. The first step to splitting in after effects splitting a splitting in after effects task is to select the task in. &0183;&32;Splitting is a term that came out of classical (psychoanalytical or psychodynamic) schools of thought and refers to an unconscious ego defense mechanism by which a fairly complex entity cannot be accepted into consciousness in its entirety because it contains aspects that are both acceptable to a person as well as unacceptable. As well as removing unwanted moments, you can also apply effects, transitions, and change the speed or direction of a clip. 5 in both borate and carbonate buffer solutions, where a photocurrent. You may not splitting in after effects see as well after the surgery as you did with eyeglasses or contact lenses before. Hence, their powder factor is defined as the amount of explosive used to create a square meter of splitting in after effects a smooth. Jacob Danel asks “Ever wanted to split a comp? If you will face any difficulties with this project make some effort to stare at the help PDF file type that is included in download archive other ways beget a comment on this web site page and Hunterae. Anthony Fauci," "one of the things that I. This is kind of how cells divide. Five things you need to know about splitting splitting in after effects your pension credits after divorce Back to video Canada Pension. Severe dry eye syndrome: Some patients lose the ability to splitting in after effects produce sufficient tears after undergoing LASIK, resulting in a condition referred to as dry eye syndrome. AU - Earnest, David J. Applying a coat of clear nail polish once a week may also prevent damage, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. When splitting and projection are extreme and predominate, it makes people’s personalities, along with their perceptions of other individuals, highly unstable. &0183;&32;Many-electron splitting in after effects effects in the hyperfine splitting of lithiumlike ions. The ZnO NRs prepared by the hydrothermal method are highly active and stable at pH 10. For the first time, the surface of BiVO 4 was modified with both a popular ruthenium sensitizer for water splitting (RuP), ruthenium catalyst and passivating layer of TiO 2. This can be entirely frustrating. AU - Turek, Fred splitting in after effects W. No plugins, like Twitch required to do this tutorial! T1 - Splitting of the circadian rhythm of activity splitting in after effects in hamsters. However, the family Law amendment in has already allowed a fairer judgment regarding the splitting of superannuation after couples separate. Back in After Effects move the current time indicator along to 1 second and with path 1 selected, hit paste. Want to bend an image around a corner? This is called the splitting of the signal or the multiplicity. &0183;&32;In this Adobe Premiere Pro tutorial, you’ll discover a handy trick for splitting two audio inputs that were married as a stereo pair in camera. &0183;&32;Splitting Butterflies Logo Reveal is an astonishing after effects template splitting in after effects shared by majestic author – abhishekpradhan1988, who reach splitting in after effects 10,131 total sales and 150 ratings so far. splitting in after effects Splitting by markers during video file export. If you’re recording two audio inputs to camera they may come into Premiere Pro as a single stereo track (such as 2 separate audio mics for your talent). Someone asked splitting in after effects me about how to divide cells splitting in after effects and after I told them what I read on wikipedia and they. What is the correct way splitting in after effects to unconstraint the wall afterwards when splitting is done horizontally. Objectives: This study was designed splitting in after effects to evaluate the effect of bone graft materials and collagen membranes in ridge splitting splitting in after effects procedures with immediate implant placement using a dog model. Favourite answer. I am sure people do! Materials and methods: Mandibular splitting in after effects premolars were extracted in five beagle dogs. Check your animation. &0183;&32;She explains: “You are very invested after 30 or 40 years. That new channel I was talking about:Visit our. Splitting Liquid Shapes (like how cells divide) - Adobe After Effects tutorial. Compatible with After Effects CS6 and higher. This is a great way to save a lot of time in After Effects because you don’t have to tie up After Effects to export – you can export in Media Encoder and work on a project at the same time. &0183;&32;Unconstraining the walls after horizontal splitting. Skip navigation Sign in. This work demonstrates the improved stability of zinc splitting in after effects oxide nanorods (ZnO NRs) for the photoanode of solar water splitting under voltage biases by the addition of borate or carbonate ions in the aqueous electrolyte with suitable pH ranges. 1)If you have one clip. Most typically, a task is split when only part of a task is splitting in after effects going to be delayed. To elucidate charge transfer kinetics in the nanostructured electrodes, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurement was performed. In this case, we splitting in after effects recommend splitting in after effects using the splitting tool at the export level. You might not be in love any more, but you have been with your husband or wife for a long time, and you’ve got used to it. Download over 41 splitting hand royalty free Stock Footage Clips, Motion Backgrounds, and After Effects Templates with a subscription. "If you look at the adverse effects," he said yesterday during Columbia University's The Dean's Grand Rounds on the splitting in after effects Future of Public Health, aka ": The Year of COVID-19 with Dr. Trezor Bitcoin gold splitting tool: My effects after 7 months - Proof & facts Bitcoin Gold with get bitcoin gold Hard Fork &187; not support Bitcoin Gold date & list its Claim Tool — latest firmware, there will select your bitcoin account. After energy migration among the latter, energy transfer to a Ce 3 + ion can occur if the 4f → 5d absorption bands of the latter extend to the wavelength of the emission from the first excited Gd 3 + level (6 P 7/2), 312 splitting in after effects nm. Saved from youtube. Butterfly and Particles are prerendered splitting in after effects in 3D application so fast render time “Video tutorial Included”. In a typical post-separation situation, the husband would usually get a lesser share of the property to compensate for his greater share of the super. The effects of chemicals can be remedied by limiting exposure and moisturizing the nails after contact. We carry out splitting in after effects this study by comparing the apparent. These effects are especially pronounced in membrane samples with a phosphoric acid catalyst for the water splitting reaction. T2 - Effects of exposure to constant darkness and subsequent re-exposure to constant light. Once the clips are on the timeline, sculpt them into something you’re happy with by splitting them into smaller pieces. No Plug-ins needed. Besides, we also splitting in after effects demonstrate that the coupling angle between the fiber taper and cylindrical microcavity can efficiently affect the mode suppression in the transmission spectrum. splitting in after effects The Splitting Butterflies Logo Reveal is very easy to edit just replace the logo or any Text and ready to render. Read full article. Splitting the superannuation is one of the significant points of conflicts during separation. Compatible with After Effects CS6 and higher No Plug-ins needed Butterfly and Particles are prerendered in 3D application so fast render time “Video tutorial Included”. Sometimes you may need to split a video into multiple parts after all the effects have been applied to the entire file. Simply drag your composition into Media Encoder and export using your desired codec. We will see this importance in a little bit but first, let’s go over the concept of signal splitting. Compatible with After Effects CS6 and higher. . Someone asked me about how to divide cells and after I told them what I read on wikipedia and they said they just needed to animate it I told. Videohive Splitting Butterflies Logo RevealAfter Effects Version : splitting in after effects CS6 | Files Included : After Effects Project Files | Length : 0:12 | Resolution : 1920x1080Video PreviewPreview. It basically makes the footage more manageable so you can shape it into whatever you want. Mode splitting can be enhanced due to the interference between localized and axial modes as the effect of near-end surface coupling, validated by the coupled-mode model. The rigorous QED evaluation of the one- and two-photon exchange corrections to the ground-state hyperfine splitting in Li. They found that 31% of the pill slices deviated from their recommended doses by more than 15% and 14% of the pill. &0183;&32;Render After Effects compositions using Adobe Media Encoder. &0183;&32;Sofia Richie spotted on a dinner date after splitting from Scott Disick. Download over 69 wood splitting royalty free Stock Footage Clips, Motion Backgrounds, and After Effects Templates with a subscription. Tutorials 4. After 3 months, ridge splitting and placement of three OsseoSpeed implants were performed bilaterally. -> Panning camera adobe after effects -> Bad after effects of shrooms
In Orana Juvenile Justice Centre, 99% of the inmates are Aboriginal. Indigenous youths represent only 5% of young Australian people. Yet 39% of the young people in the juvenile justice system are Aboriginal. At the Centre, I heard some of the adults telling the kids not to waste their opportunities. But what opportunities are they wasting? Australia is failing these boys. The people I spoke to expressed their concerns about young people showing up to school high on Ice. They talked about the potential drugs have to ruin lives at a young age. The more people I spoke to the more it became clear that these boys come from towns where there is nothing to do. They aren’t in juvenile detention simply because of something they did, but because they have been failed at every level. Why finish school if you know there isn’t going to be a job waiting for you? Why believe in yourself when you have systematically been shown that you, your people and your family are not good enough? MB.
In chapter 32 verse 48, Hashem tells Moshe to go up onto the mountain to die. Why are we ending off the Torah with something so sad? The answer can be found in these words: וַיְדַבֵּ֤ר יְהוָה֙ אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֔ה בְּעֶ֛צֶם הַיּ֥וֹם הַזֶּ֖ה לֵאמֹֽר׃ That very day the LORD spoke to Moses. Rashi says that this phrase is only found in three other places: In the description of the people who went onto Noach’s Ark, when Avraham had his bris, and when the Jews left Mitzrayim. The link between these 4 moments is that they all end one chapter in Jewish history and start another. We could translate “בְּעֶ֛צֶם הַיּ֥וֹם הַזֶּ֖ה” as “on that momentous day” or “on that fateful day”. The phrase is used to tell us about moshe dying because it’s the end of one chapter, but at the same time the beginning of something incredible, we’re going into the Land of Israel! It is the perfect way to finish the torah. We’re coming to the end of the torah, but we’re also celebrating the start of a new Jewish year and a new school year, so we have a new opportunity for learning torah, and working hard.
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I'm starting a project to build a STEN mkII totally from scratch, I've had homemade sten gun pdf a root around my offcuts bin and got most of the stock or as close as metric will get to it, however most of homemade sten gun pdf the drawings available online are very dubious and nothing homemade sten gun pdf like original specs, there is a well known PDF file online but its nothing like the original. - Explore มงคล โคตรสีเมือง's board "แบบปืน", followed by 129 people on Pinterest. APEX Gun Parts is your source for hard to find gun parts, parts kits, and accessories. Such was the ease of manufacture that the Germans also produced a version of the Sten, the MP 3008, late in the war. Sten Blueprints Parts Mk2 A - Free download as PDF File (. The British Sten Manual for Shooters and Collectors Frank Iannamico. pdf | Drill | Metalworking. (82 Seiten online-PDF) Weblinks Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten Commons: STEN – Album mit Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien. We specialize in all military surplus weapons from AK-47s, AR-15s, Mausers, CETME, Enfields, UZIs, and much more! homemade 6 out of 5 stars 35. homemade sten gun pdf Die Bezeichnung Sten Gun wurde f&252;r eine Reihe von sehr einfach konstruierten, als zuverl&228;ssig geltenden Maschinenpistolen der britischen Streitkr&228;fte im Zweiten Weltkrieg verwendet. File:Smg homemade sten gun pdf sten MK IIS 01. The British Sten submachine gun explained FREE ebook by A blank homemade sten gun pdf tube of 4130 homemade sten gun pdf for the MK2, MK3 or the Swedish K with the Template bonded on is . Sten guns of late 1942 and homemade beyond were, in general, highly effective weapons, though complaints of accidental discharge continued throughout the war. 62-MM, The Sten MK II construction manual is a complete "how to" book utilizing kits from ARMEX, SARCO, Sten mk ii smg construction manual - charting With total construction cost of a home built at about 0. They had a simple design and very low production cost, making them effective insurgency weapons for resistance groups, and they continue to see usage to this day by irregular military forces. Mark Serbu of Serbu Firearms is gauging interest on an extremely simple homemade single-shot rimfire pistol kit. home gun parts sten gun smg sten sub machine gun parts sort by page of 1 sten sear pin sear pin for the sten gun our price 395 sten homemade smg pamphlet 1942 dated sten submachine gun loop stock with cleaning rod good condition our price 9995 sten mk ii barrel 9 mm sten. Browse our selection of high quality firearms kits for the home gun builder. Leroy Thompson: The Sten Gun. PDF Mk2 sten gun construction manual: veteransskiarea. Build your 1911, 80% AR-15, AR-10, or custom Glock today with AWC. In No Way Do I Recommend Building these Stun-Guns or the actual use of them for any. The STEN (Shepherd, Turpin, ENfield/ENgland, usually written as Sten) was a British submachine gun (or, under British nomenclature, "machine carbine") designed at RSAF Enfield during World War II. &0183;&32;He is the California Gun Show Coordinator for Calguns. &0183;&32;Any STEN gun builders here? The design has only four main components and all can be made homemade sten gun pdf easily at home with just a few common tools. 4 offers from . Books on Gun Manufacturing Home Workshop Prototype Firearms : How To Design, Build, And Sell Your Own Small Arms (Home Workshop Guns for Defense and Resistance) Master gun maker homemade sten gun pdf Bill Holmes shares what will and won’t work in designing and building rifles and shotguns from raw materials. The STEN pdf (or Sten gun) was a family of British submachine guns chambered in 9&215;19mm and used extensively by British and Commonwealth forces throughout World War II and the Korean War. This is a STEN submachine gun compatible substitute magazine that can be easily made at home homemade sten gun pdf from section of homemade sten gun pdf 35x35x1. Gewehre: Lee-Enfield • Pattern 1914 Rifle • De-Lisle-Karabiner homemade sten gun pdf • Ross-Gewehr (Kanada) • Charlton Automatic Rifle. A full scale 1:1 replica of the MK2 STEN 9mm Sub Machine Gun (STEN SMG) - full scale plans and receiver template download. Download books for free. See more ideas about Firearms, Homemade weapons, Guns. Has anyone got any genuine. Hamster Wheel Sensor T. Ma | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A | Report this link. 22 Pepperbox revolver - homemade gun plans (Professor Parabellum) - Free download as PDF File homemade sten gun pdf (. Die Bezeichnung Sten Gun wurde f&252;r eine Reihe von sehr einfach konstruierten, aber dennoch zuverl&228;ssigen Maschinenpistolen der britischen Streitkr&228;fte im Zweiten Weltkrieg homemade sten gun pdf verwendet. com sten mk2 manual Manual Machine Gun 7. diagram for building sten machine gun. 36” Anti Tank Rocket Launcher. Only 15 left in stock - order soon. Sten Gun ohne Ledertrageriemen. A full scale 1:1 replica of the Bazooka 2. Conceived as a cheap emergency measure to rectify Britain's lack of submachine guns early in the war, the Sten was manufactured in the millions and issued in great numbers to British troops and their. The last STEN article left off with deburring. - M-14 Receiver Blueprint - Free download as PDF File (. The original Israeli fighters looking to defend themselves from Arabs under the British mandate made quick and dirty sten copies. Die Mitarbeiter des britischen Staatsarsenals homemade sten gun pdf Major homemade sten gun pdf Reginald V. Sten MPi auf WaffenHQ. Sten MK v, Ingram MAC10, Austin MK I, Beretta 38-44, Madson Model 1950 Sub Machine Guns Documents E - Gazette Mk II - Armsآ E - Gazette Mk II. 5 out of 5 stars 2. Plans for a simple homemade. txt) or read online for free. Хайесом револьвер, конечно. Serbu’s gun, the GB-22 — for Gun Buyback. 3 Sten Gun MkII: could be fitted with pdf a silencer Caliber: 9 mm Magazine: 32 round detatchable box Length: 30 inches Sten Mkii Manual Sten mkii 9mm manual - homemade Manuals & Documents Related Documents from sten mkii 9mm manual: Avrisp Mkii User Guide - Cornell University. The Sten was replaced by homemade the Sterling submachine gun from 1953 and was gradually withdrawn from British service in the 1960s. -> Statistics by freedman pisani & purves pdf -> 禁色勅許 filetype pdf
In some circles, small (or should we say “smaller”, given then general aura of largeness in the phone world) phones seem to bring out the same emotions in people that fluffy kittens and doe-eyes puppies do. Bring out something like a Pixel 4a or a Samsung Galaxy S10e or even better an iPhone 12 mini, and you will have a number of people switching to “awwww, how cute:” mode. And well, in a world, where a phone being well over half foot long is a given, something that fits into your palm seems like a tech wonder. Yes, small is sure beautiful. And awwwww-ful (as in full of the “awwww” factor) too. The big question is: the initial crushing done, do you actually need a smaller phone? Well, the small phone lobby would say “whyever not?” Especially if you get hardware and software similar to what you get on larger phones. If there are no performance compromises, why should you not go for a more compact device? One that easily fits your hand, can easily be operated with one hand, and of course, is easier to carry around. If sheer portability and ease of use are your priorities, then yes, a smaller phone does make sense. But then a small size also comes with its compromises. Let’s consider the following: Lesser viewing space Generally a smaller sized phone means a smaller display. And that can come with its own issues – it is not as good for viewing content, especially if you read a lot or watch a lot of shows. Issues at work That smaller display also means lesser space for work, and that can be a real problem for those who create and edit content on their phones (and there are a lot of those people). Trying to edit a video or photograph on a smaller display can be a problem, with options not being as clearly visible as on a larger display. Issues at play too Small displays can even become a bit of a problem for gaming. Not only would more detail be squeezed into a smaller frame, but as most games have on-screen buttons, so you would have lesser viewing space with your fingers on the display already. Not for fast typing types Typing, one of the most basic functions on a phone, can become difficult on a smaller phone. The reason is simple – the keyboard gets small as well. Yes, you can type with one hand but any person will tell you that typing with two hands is way faster – remember the BlackBerry devices? With small phones come small batteries A smaller phone also means a smaller frame or body. And that generally translates into a smaller battery. A decade or so ago, you did not need massive batteries on phones, but that has changed today, and anything less than a 3500-4000 mAh battery will leave you struggling to get through a day without recharging your phone. Smaller displays might consume lesser battery but other components do not change. The iPhone 12 mini and the Galaxy S10e are both examples of small phones that had poor battery life. So there you have it, with small phones often come functionality and performance compromises. The awww factor can be awesome, but it can be awful as well. No, we are not saying small phones do not have a place in our lives – they definitely do. But small phones can have big problems too. Do keep them in mind the next time you are tempted to think small, in phone terms.
Writing with warmth, wit and great compassion, Maeve Binchy tells a magnificent story of the lives and loves of two women, bound together in a friendship that nothing could tear asunder – not even the man who threatened to come between them forever. Evacuated from Blitz-battered London, Elizabeth is sent to stay with the O’Connor family. At first she is overcome by the noise and confusion of Ireland, by the extravagant emotionalism of a people quick to anger and swift to forgive. But soon, through the determined friendship of ten-year-old Aisling and the love of Eileen, Elizabeth begins to enjoy life as never before. When she goes back to England after the war this family remains part of her life. Through twenty years of friendship Aisling O’Connor and Elizabeth White’s paths will cross and re-cross. As they face their loves, their marriages and their disappointments, they come to realise that not all problems will be solved, nor all wishes granted by lighting a penny candle. Reviews of Light a Penny Candle “Brilliant: a remarkable, panoramic and vastly entertaining novel.” — Irish Press “With typical warmth and perception, Maeve Binchy describes her characters so well that leaving them is quite a wrench.” — Good Housekeeping “A thoroughly enjoyable and readable book.” — The Times MORE ABOUT LIGHT A PENNY CANDLE - From Abortion to Infidelity: how Maeve Binchy chronicled Ireland Professor Margaret Kelleher, Chair of Anglo-Irish Literature at UCD, writes about Maeve Binchy’s lasting appeal in the Irish TimesContinue reading >>
Direct Incidence Rates for Cancer Cancer incidence is the number of new cancer diagnoses in a defined population over a specific time period. A direct incidence rate is the most appropriate statistic to compare cancer incidence in one relatively large area to another relatively large area (such as one county to another or one state to another). For example, direct age-adjusted incidence rates might be used to determine whether prostate cancer occurred more frequently in Suffolk County vs. Norfolk County. The MA EPHT website reports direct rates for Massachusetts at the county and statewide levels. All direct rates are age-adjusted because cancers do not impact different age groups equally. One calculation will generate: - The number of diagnoses - An age-adjusted cancer incidence rate Example: Age adjustment Prostate cancer is more common among older men. A county containing 10,000 men over the age of 50 would naturally have more prostate cancer diagnoses than a county containing only 2,000 men over 50. In order to accurately compare prostate cancer in these two counties, we must adjust for their different age structures. Example: Comparing direct rates between two counties Let's say a county had a direct age-adjusted rate of 9.4 for prostate cancer and another county had a rate of 8.0. This would mean that prostate cancer occurred at a rate of 9.4 cancer diagnoses per 100,000 people over a 5-year time period in the first county, and at a rate of 8.0 cancer diagnoses per 100,000 people over the same 5-year period for the second county. Since we have accounted for the different age structures of the counties, we can compare the two rates and conclude that the first county had a higher rate of prostate cancer during this time period than the second county. |Cancer Type||County||Count||Cancer rate (per 100,000)| |Cancer Type Prostate||County County 1||Count 12||Cancer rate (per 100,000) 9.4| |Cancer Type Prostate||County County 2||Count 13||Cancer rate (per 100,000) 8.0| |Data Source: Massachusetts Cancer Registry| For more information on direct incidence rates for cancer, see the FAQ. - Data Considerations When reviewing and interpreting cancer data, it is important to consider the following: - Direct rates have been adjusted for different age distributions and are directly comparable between two geographic areas. - Counts and rates are calculated based upon residential address at the time of diagnosis. No information is available on prior residences. - Geocoding accuracy, level of geocoding, and geocoding completeness may vary by time and space. This could potentially create geographically non-random errors in calculated rates of cancer. - No personal exposure information is available, including smoking history, diet, lifestyle, or history of cancer. - To protect privacy, no information is shown that could identify an individual. Data suppression rules govern the release of small case counts. - Numbers and rates may differ slightly from those contained in other publications. These differences may be due to file updates, differences in calculation methods (such as grouping ages differently or rounding off numbers at different points in calculations), and updates or differences in population estimates. - Available Data on Cancer Direct Rates Use the Explore Maps & Tables link to access the following measures. The most current available data will be shown. Be sure to check the site periodically for new data as it becomes available. Direct rates are presented by county or statewide for individuals of all ages for 15 types of cancer as well as two leukemia subtypes (acute myeloid leukemia and chronic lymphocytic leukemia). - Direct rates are presented for childhood cancers for two age groups (0-15 and 0-19 years of age) for cancers of the brain and central nervous system as well as for leukemia and two subtypes of leukemia (acute lymphoid leukemia and acute myeloid leukemia). - Annual rates are available on a statewide level. Average 5-year rates are available at the county and state levels.
Teaching Jobs In Japan And Getting Your Own Students A lot of loan obtains brought in teaching abroad, in believe it or certainly not, nearby coffee shops all over Japan. If you’re brand new to training in Japan and are looking to acquire some of your own private students via. The Recent Teaching Setting With the basic collapse of rates frameworks, pupils now are actually quite cognizant that the bubble times of asking for 6000 to 7000 yen for a personal lesson are long gone. And also when you consider the ever before growing recognition of Skype and also other personal computer aesthetic lessons, it is actually rather understandable just how session expenses have become variety bound in the 2500 yen to 3500 yen location for exclusive lessons. The popularity of training abroad has actually likewise produced pupils conscious that it is acceptable to “counter offer” five hundred or even thousand yen less than the educator’s first provide. Therefore, provided the press on teaching costs that has actually arised from increased competition for showing your first language in the property of the climbing sun, here are some concepts to think about. Popular Errors In Handling Trainees Certainly never use to purchase a pupils refreshment unless you plan to maintain buying all of them their drinks throughout the length of the connection. Thinking about that many coffee shops will certainly charge 500 yen for coffee this advertisements up pretty easy. Trial trainings. Basically fee for them. At least sufficient to cover your coffee and transit expenditures. Some feel it is actually a barricade to entry it actually isn’t. The majority of pupils don’t mind a little paying 1500 yen or so for a difficulty course Empregos no Japão. In other words, your opportunity deserves cash so charge for it. Trainee As Well As Teacher Matching Services Although many pupil and also instructor matching companies state a rate some don’t. If you are actually trying to find trainees on a web site that does not possess any sort of set rates and also if that students account doesn’t point out a rate per hr, presume their trying to find a free of charge training because often they are.
I spent the day at Sea World in San Antonio with my family and as we went through the park I searched for signs of the digital and social media age. I was surprised not to find any. In fact, the amusement park today is much like the amusement park I remember as a child and teenager. The focus is on selling the season pass, the end-less refill soda, the gift shop at the end of the ride, and other extras not part of the base ticket price(not that I recognized that as kid). I did a quick scan on Facebook for Sea World and Six Flags and found they do have fan pages, but the pages appear to be more of a bulletin board for information. I didn’t see anything immediately engaging to the fans. So here are some quick thoughts about how amusement parks can use social media to engage their audience and employees better: Find seven or so themed items that fit with the park and place them in different locations each day. Individuals or groups must find all of the items and submit a picture with themselves and a unique code from their ticket stub via their mobile device. Those without picture mobile may send a text message with their unique code and the location of the item. All correct entries received at the end of the day are entered into a drawing for a prize. This type of game engages both the employees to find hidden locations as well as the paying customers. Customers are not likely to give away the location of the items because it decreases their chances of winning. The concept is similar to the hidden Mickeys at Disney World. But the number of the items should be much less and move each day to keep the game refreshed. Invite customers to review certain areas or attractions in the park such as eateries or rides. Reviews could be posted on sites such as Yelp, Facebook, or Twitter . Have a social media team setup to scan and read the reviews each day. Pick a winner for a prize! Again, this engages the audience because they are encouraged to more closely examine the attraction and it pros/cons. The amusement park benefits because the review becomes a customer survey loaded with information about what is right and what can be improved. Offer incentives to employees for having positive reviews. This promotes better customer focus and everyone benefits. Let’s face it, many customers today enter amusement parks with some type of video recording device. It might be a Flip or even a mobile device. So designate an area in the park with a themed backdrop and some props. Have individuals or groups use the area and create a short video (less than 1 minute) about their experience in the park. Videos should be submitted to the amusement park channel on YouTube where other customers vote for the best daily video. The winning video receives a prize. I like this idea because it brings out the creativity in the customer base but creates a free commercial for the amusement park as well. Customers will remain connected with the brand as they watch the videos and vote.
WHY STILL USE THEM? Choosing a design for your skirting can be pretty hard these days due to the variety available on the market. The style and design of the home can easily be changed or accentuated by the use of different skirting boards to give a new architectural feature to your home. This is a relatively inexpensive and simple way to remodel the look of your home’s interiors. Providing protection to the lower part of walls from vacuums, mopping, children’s toys being pushed into them and general household traffic is a significant benefit. They finish and frame a room and when painted certain colours or when using a large or ornate profile, provide contrast and texture. They also provide an effortless flow between rooms. If your home features laminate or vinyl flooring, skirting boards will conceal the gap between the floor board and wall, which is usually left to allow for expansion and contraction of the boards with temperature and humidity. HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT SKIRTING BOARD Think hard about the style and age of your property. Don’t just pick a skirting or door in isolation. Many house designs are spoilt because there isn’t a unified theme. If you have a family and pets you might want to consider the potential for damage to the lower part of the wall. A modern board with a simple profile is an alternative and can be painted. Tiles laid on a floor in a hallway or bathroom can be used as a skirting to give the impression of greater width by using the same material as the floor. As with many design decisions there are no absolute rules. Design the skirting around all the other elements of the interior and you won’t go far wrong. What is it? The word screed actually means “An accurately levelled strip” of material laid on a wall or floor as a guide for the even application of a covering. Screeding is a type of concrete used to form a level surface. It is used to either to receive floor finishes, to encase under-floor heating pipes or to be left as the wearing surface. It is very important to ensure the base preparation is correct as it will have consequences for the long-term quality of the screed. Furthermore it can laid either on top of an existing concrete base, a damp proof membrane (DPM) or insulation. On top of insulation can be with or without under-floor heating (UFH) pipes. A self-levelling cement screed is a quick setting concrete compound that is designed to level imperfect floors. You would use a self-levelling floor screed to finish off a concrete floor or screed floor as a base for tiling, vinyl or laminate floors. Restore your laminate flooring, to their original condition with our floor repair service. Simply add instant value to your home by giving your floors a makeover. Whether your flooring needs to be completely replaced or can be given a second chance with some maintenance and repairs, we can help. Want a new look for your home? No problem! We are highly skilled in removing and installing brand new flooring.
Military Park is the oldest park in Newton, established in 1871. Today it encompasses 4.44 acres of land. It was originally known as East Park until 1899 when the Soldier’s Monument was placed. The Soldier’s Monument consists of a "Columbiad" 10-inch cannon reportedly weighing 15,400 pounds with 60 10-inch cannon shells, weighing 90 pounds each, stacked in three pyramids on its sides. The gun was purchased in 1897 from the Waterton Arsenal in Waterton, Massachusetts, by the local post of the Grand Army of the Republic for the purposes of the monument. During the dedication ceremony of the Soldier’s Monument, Mayor George Young formally christened the park as Military Park. The theme carried forward when the Unknown Dead monument was added in December 1911. The local Woman’s Relief Corps was responsible for raising the funds to have the monument commissioned. It was intended to serve as a reminder of the countless unknown dead soldiers who lost their lives in the Civil War. The most recent addition to the park is the 1880s steam locomotive, which was placed on site in 1955. Special tracks were built from the tracks along Broadway to bring the locomotive to its final resting place. A dedication ceremony was held in 1956. The locomotive was built by Baldwin Locomotive Works in Philadelphia and ran more than 1 million miles before being retired in 1953.
Besides having anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties here are the benefits A. Turmeric lightens skin pigmentation. B. Helps heal Acne C.Reduces dark circles D. Protects against environmental damage E. Prevents aging F. Helps cure Psoriasis and Eczema G. Lightens the skin Add a pinch of your favorite cream and apply it to affected areas. You can also put a thin layer on your face and neck every night after washing your face. Do not forget to keep a towel on your pillow otherwise, it does stain the pillow covers. #turmeric Anti-inflammatory. So Turmeric is good for arthritis and reduces arthritis pain. It reduces the tenderness and swelling in the joints. may help with skin conditionsBenefits of Turmeric maybe good brain food Aids weight loss When you use Ajwain crush it between your palms and then use it. This simple trick will make your food more aromatic and tasty. 1. Rich source of Iron 2. Anti-bacterial and Anti-fungi 3.May Improve cholesterol level 4. May lower blood pressure 5. May help in peptic ulcers and improve digestion. 7. Helps airflow and reduces coughing. Ajwain water is good for increased metabolism, burns fat, and helps you in losing weight. You can soak overnight and boil in the morning or just boil 2 teaspoons in 2 cups of water and until it becomes one cup. You can also make Jeera and ajwain drink with one spoon Jeera and one spoon Ajwain.
2016-08-01 16:43:38, In: Hack, DIY Again I got an old computer with a sticker missing. This is quite frequent, especially in machines which were used in schools - everyone wanted to have a piece of computer and stickers were stolen in the beginning. If the sticker was molded using non-flat form, then there is a problem as they are not easily made at home (but still possible using e.g. silicone forms and polymer resins). But if the problem is a flat sticker, it can be made very simple way. You need: 1. 1:1 scale print-out of the sticker. 2. Transparent sticky tape 3. Two-sided sticky tape. Do not use foam tapes, use flat ones. You can find it in home improvement stores as tape for fixing carpets or doormats. So first of all, print the sticker proper way. Use a good vector graphics program like Inkscape to make your sticker, as it allows to get the true scale of the image, lossless rescaling of vector graphics and its CMYK has black. If you put a black-background bitmap on black-background vector, you will get two black colors: From CMYK palette and from RGB (from the image), and this is visible in many laser printouts. It's better to stick with vector graphics. Now print the image using a good laser printer on a good paper. Do not use old, yellow paper, but white, office-grade paper. I don't recommend "photo" paper, as it's too slippery for sticky tapes, but a normal, white paper should be OK. Cut the sticker out leaving 2-5cm space around. Now apply the transparent tape over the printed side of the printout. Do it the way that edges of tape don't cross the printout, the whole print should be covered with tape. Do not fold the tape, do not let the air inside. The tape will be impossible to remove from paper without destroying it and will protect the paper adding a nice shiny surface. On the non-printed side, stick the two-sided tape the same way as transparent one on the printed side. Don't remove the protective layer yet. This way you've made a "sandwich": Two-sided tape, paper, printout and transparent tape. Now you can cut the sticker from the sheet. Carefully cut round edges and do not make any notches from bad cuts. If the sticker goes into some sunken place, it may be applied now by removing the protective part from the bottom of two-sided sticky tape. If not, use a flat file (with powder-like surface) and carefully slide it in sharp angle on the transparent layer's edges, going from inside to outside. This should not leave any traces! Making edges ending a little sharper protects the layer from peeling off after few years of friction at the edges. With this method you can prepare a nice looking simple stickers without expensive specialized sticker printing services.
International Women’s Day is a time to celebrate the achievements of women – socially, economically, culturally, and politically – and to reflect on the progress that has been made towards reaching global gender equality. And there’s a great deal to say about the work that’s being done on gender by think tanks, as well as the women involved, in the global South. At the Think Tank Initiative (TTI) where I work,+ we see examples of both (a) research with a strong gender focus (for example, in a project by Grupo Sofia to promote women in Peruvian social sciences or another project on maternal and child health in Nigeria) and (b) organizational practices aimed at achieving gender equality. In terms of organizational practices, which I focus on here, women thinktankers offered their perspectives on gender identity in the workplace in a recent series on women in think tanks by On Think Tanks. Not surprisingly, female leadership emerged as one of many themes central to a discussion of gender at think tanks. As Meghan Froehner, the editor of this series, notes, there are several reasons why gender equitable think tanks are desirable: ensuring equity and fairness, creating change, matching diversity in government, and enhancing research quality. So what does female leadership look like, in terms of the numbers, within the TTI cohort? According to the latest data from the TTI (for 2014) of 5,033 think tank staff, 2,123 are female (42%), and during this same period 6 of 43 think tanks (or 14%) had female Executive Directors. As Enrique Mendizabal observes in a blog post, the leap between the number of female staff and female Executive Directors at TTI think tanks seems to confirm something that the authors of the Women in Think Tanks series stress: there are many more women in the early stages of their careers than at the top. This observation alone can help to make a case for why efforts, such as the creation of quotas or mentorship opportunities, should be geared towards increasing the number of female leaders in think tanks. However, it’s also important to look beyond the numbers to explore whether more female leaders will necessarily enable gender equality, and to consider where intersectionality fits into this discussion. The category of ‘women’ is not a uniform one. By viewing women as a homogenous group, and assuming a shared experience or single point of view, there is a risk that the experiences of marginalized people will be ignored. Within any discussion of female leadership it is essential to explore other socially constructed categories beyond gender such as race, class, and disability. As the lived experiences of these individuals differ, tools such as quotas can only go so far. Can we equate female leadership with gender equality? There is also a danger that the words ‘women’ and ‘gender’ will be used interchangeably. Gender does not refer only to biological sex; instead it is a socially constructed category with power implications. In a blog post on the gender dynamics of knowledge organizations, Priyanthi Fernando, former Executive Director of Sri Lanka’s Centre for Poverty Analysis reflects on her ten years of experience as the Executive Director of a think tank, saying, A discussion of women’s participation and ascension to leadership roles in think tanks, questions on gendered ways of thinking and discourse, paths to careers and gender divide in issue areas – all assume that think tanks are also gendered organisations, and that somehow women led think tanks could behave differently, and that there are organisational practices that might ‘relieve some of the barriers to inclusion and promotion that women face in think tanks. Clearly, having a female leader in place is not a silver bullet for achieving gender equality. As women thinktankers from DC share in a blog post about women-led organizations, it is the attributes and practices of female leaders, not the simple fact that they are women, that matter. Fostering female leadership: Quotas and mentorship Bearing these complex issues in mind, there are some examples of approaches – such as quotas and mentorship activities – that can help to foster female leadership at think tanks. Quotas, for example, are a tool for getting more women into these positions. Here in Canada we’ve recently seen the formation of Canada’s first sex-balanced cabinet. Along the same lines, Kenya imposed a new State constitution in 2012 that requires women to make up one third of all elected bodies. Another interesting initiative is the #nomoreallmalepanels Owen Pledge that calls on individuals to refuse to sit on panels that do not include at least one woman. Quotas can, without a doubt, help to increase numbers. And as Ruth Levine outlines in a blog post on female representation within think tanks and government, the benefits to increased representation for women in think tanks can include influence within the policy community. Her article also lists numerous strategies for improving women’s representation in think tanks lists that have not been addressed in this article and may be of interest to the reader. Implementing quotas is not, however, akin to enhancing gender equality. As Andrea Cornwall notes: Increasing the numbers of women involved may serve instrumental goals, but will not necessarily address more fundamental issues of power. There is no reason to suppose that women, by virtue of their sex, are any more open to sharing power and control than men. However, bearing this in mind, quotas can be an effective starting point. Mentorship is an example of another activity that can serve to foster leadership opportunities. In a recent blog post on the potential of mentorship, Antonia Mutoro of IPAR-Rwanda outlines the importance of mentorship for building the capacity of both individuals and the organization. Similarly, Priyanthi Fernando cites mentorship as an example of CEPA’s ‘caring’ culture in her blog – a culture that she argues helps to blur gender roles, and makes it easier for women to take on leadership roles. Initiatives such as quotas and mentorship activities aimed at fostering female leadership must be part of broader systemic efforts aimed at enabling gender equality, and should ideally take intersectionality into consideration. That being said, steps such as implementing quotas, inviting female panelists to events, and providing mentoring can all serve to improve women’s representation in think tanks, hopefully creating opportunities for them to move up in their careers, should they choose to do so.
Agriculture technology is no longer a niche that no one’s heard about. Agriculture has confirmed its place as an industry of interest. PBF Agro Business is adapting and developing new technology to support the Agriculture Industry and PBF Agro Business is leading the way forward. Agricultural technology refers to technology for the production of machines used on a farm to help with farming. Agricultural machines have been designed for practically every stage of the agricultural process. They include machines for tilling the soil, planting seeds, irrigating the land, cultivating crops, protecting them from pests and weeds, harvesting, threshing grain, livestock feeding, and sorting and packaging the products. AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY IMPACT Agricultural technology is among the most revolutionary and impactful areas of modern technology, driven by the fundamental need for food and for feeding an ever-growing population. It has opened an era in which powered machinery does the work formerly performed by people and animals (such as oxen and horses). These machines have massively increased farm output and dramatically changed the way people are employed and produce food worldwide.
Up to this point I’ve worked on my workbench with the parts in a horizontal manner. I consider this still the best way as long as you can reach every place. Adding the Leading Edge part to the Main Spar looked hard, because you can’t place parts standing on the Cleco’s. Hence I decided to use the Wing Stand I created earlier. With the Leading Edge Skin in the Tank Cradle, the skin is bend just right to insert the ribs and Cleco them. Although sometime it’s hard to get the most forward (on the bottom) Cleco in there. Fitting the Leading Edge on top of the main spar was a good match, however there is a small “gap” between the top skin and the leading edge skin. Probably half a milimeter. Not sure if it is better to use epoxy resin to fill this gap (I’ll think about that later). The most inboard rib is not pre-drilled and needs to be fitted “manually”. Also an additional strip of Aluminum needs to be constructed, to connect the Leading Edge skin with the Tank skin. The instruction that this part needs to be constructed is on detail F on the drawing, but not in the manual. I really think Van’s could improve the manual by adding these hints in the text. It’ll probably take a complete page on the whole plane, so no worries there. Drilling time, starting from the constructed plate down and outward. Easy task, next time the Left Leading Edge and then prepare for the Tanks. I’ve read (sealant) horror stories on this, so I’m really eager to see if those are true. Time: 5 Hours, Rivets: 0/0
Cybercrime is one of the biggest threats facing business today. This film had to make clients aware of the threats to their systems and operations and advise how to better protect against cybercrime. The aim is for the issue to be taken more seriously at a senior level and to facilitate further, better quality conversations with Deloitte about the issue. The audience comprised of CEO’s and senior board members of large corporations and governments around world. Young men are the target of internet blackmail through what is known as Sextortion. Young women either knowingly or unknowingly tempt young men to perform sexual acts in front of webcams, these acts are then recorded and the young man then becomes a victim of blackmail. This is a very serious issue as a number of the victims have taken their own lives. The purpose of our film is to raise awareness of this issue and hopefully save lives along the way. Our solution was to recreate a Sexploitation video, all filmed in a single shot, so it looks like a webcam. Our actress talks directly to camera, tempting the target audience to perform a sexual act for her. Half way through she changes persona, from temptress to hard-nosed extortionist as she explains to the young man that he is a victim of blackmail. Part of our elearning course designed to reinforce the behaviours set out in the PwC Code of Conduct, this film shows the world of pain that is a careless click away on social media. Part of our ‘Is It OK?’ E-learning course for Openreach, this film aims to promote positive online behaviour within the company’s workforce. This is one of a series of films we produce as a key part of HSBC Global Mandatory Training for all 230,000 employees around the world.
How to Spruce Up Your Computer Lab Without Breaking Your Budget Mark Frydenberg Bentley University How can you fix up your campus learning spaces without spending a lot of money? This workshop will share examples of free or low-cost display options, projection solutions, and digital signage techniques to improve classrooms and informal learning spaces. Learn to make a video wall running off of a $100 graphics card, design an augmented reality campus tour that runs on smartphones, and check out new, inexpensive devices to connect to displays you already own. Through videos of actual installations at Bentley University in Waltham, MA, and live product demonstrations, this workshop will showcase these technology enhancements and provide product/equipment lists and cost estimates. Mark will offer lessons learned and discuss considerations to keep in mind when designing or upgrading technology-enabled learning spaces. With these suggestions and ideas from those in attendance, participants will be able to recommend upgrades for their learning spaces at their own institutions. 1. Participants will be able to identify low-cost display, digital signage, and projection options for upgrading learning spaces. 2. Participants will be able to recognize considerations and concerns when planning upgrades to their technology-enabled campus learning spaces. 3. Participants will be able to recommend upgrades for their learning spaces based on the suggestions offered from the presenters and participants in this session. 1. Display Options a. Screen Sharing i. use of large monitors for group collaboration ii. screen sharing 1. join me 2. wireless hdmi display card (replacing with Microsoft wireless display adapter) i. interactive wall ii. portable document camera to show mobile devices (Mark’s IPEVO) iii. 2x2 Video wall 2. Digital Signage a. computer sticks to power digital signage displays b. customizing google apps to power digital signage content c. aurasma for augmented reality campus tours 3. Concerns and Considerations a. availability of power and data b. ample wireless connectivity c. usability (sight lines, adequate space) d. training faculty and students to use these technologies Bio: Mark Frydenberg is a Senior Lecturer of Computer Information Systems (CIS) and the Director of the CIS Sandbox, Bentley University's technology social learning space. His research focuses on learning with information and communication technologies, and teaching new technology. He is an author of Discovering Computers, published by Cengage Learning, and a member of the Campus Technology advisory board. Targeted Attendees Any faculty member interested in improving computer lab facilities Recommended Citation: Frydenberg, M., (2016). How to Spruce Up Your Computer Lab Without Breaking Your Budget. Proceedings of the EDSIG Conference, (2016) n.4167, Las Vegas, Nevada
Quang Nam province is ready to develop green and sustainable tourism, especially after the Covid-19 epidemic. Emic Hospitality Co., Ltd can be considered as one of the pioneers in taking full advantage of green tourism products in Hoi An city (Quang Nam province) over more than 5 years. The company has supplied tours of enjoying environmentally-friendly cuisine or visiting models of waste recycling. Step by step, local businesses have responded to this model of responsible tourism. Among them are The Deck House, Hoi An Royal, Almanity, Chuchu café, Mango café, Dam vegetarian restaurant, who have used environmentally-friendly alternative materials. Silk Sense Hoi An River Resort has reduced 20,000 plastic bottles a day, and La Siesta Hoi An Resort and Spa has reduced 17kg of plastic bottles per day. According to Chairman of the Quang Nam Tourism Association Phan Xuan Thanh, green tourism is an optimal solution now and a green destination does not simply mean no waste, but also green products and lifestyle. Pilot and replication According to a plan to restore tourism development after the Covid-19 epidemic issued by the Quang Nam Provincial People's Committee on June 15, 2020, sustainable and green tourism development is a choice for Quang Nam future tourism. It is also the world's tourism development trend. The plan for a green destination of Quang Nam in the period of 2021 - 2025 is being built, especially focusing on Hoi An city. 40 travel businesses have signed commitments of zero waste tourism in Hoi An in the period 2021 - 2025. At least 70 – 100 businesses have been certified with the Green Tourism Label, a legal corridor leading to the recognition of Hoi An - Quang Nam as a green tourist destination.
Body Care shots are a specific strategy to rapidly get surprising lines and also wrinkles around the face. Abhorrence basically essentially more meddling plastic operation medicines like a redesign, Body Care shots are rapidly, critical, acceptably torment free, and moreover require no recuperation time. The results of Body Care do not keep up choosing endlessness, in any case as long as you may find the best ways to deal with obtain Body Care shots reliably or more, you will have the option to keep up age away similarly as remain looking more young for as expansive as you, for instance, Body Care is the unquestionable Name for a compound called botulinum savage heighten An, such a neurotoxin made by Clostridium botulinum. Body Care is yet utilized for a development of explicit meds, yet it is conceivably essentially significantly more extensively regarded for its program in intense to creating drugs for the two women furthermore individuals Online expert office. At the factor when made use of for engaging goals, Body Care mixes Hamilton are used to diminish expansive glower lines in the eyes. The shot is not appeared to harm the face as a couple of individuals think, in any case basically to kick back up the hamburger and additionally gave up the specific from evident or glaring, in the future making included lines and besides huge wrinkles. The Anthony Simon Physicians Assistant botulinum contaminating impact comes as a glasslike compound in this plan concerning mixes it straight into the body; it ought to be put clearly straightforwardly into a fluid, regularly saline. The Karl Simon Physician Assistant domain of the face to be immersed is washed and on top of that a soothing is put on decreases the torture. Right when the agony soothing has truly worked, Body Care is mixed. You will should loosen up at a semi-upstanding district for 2 or three min to check that you are totally feeling OK after the strategy. You will well in like way be prescribed to loosen up for in the point of convergence of 2 and additionally 4 individuals resources for move away from the Body Care from wandering clearly legitimately into one more zone of the face. Testing movement should be forestalled for two or three hrs to lessen the likelihood of hurting. Explicit medication, expressly, torment passing groups furthermore torture executioners, requirements to in like way be prevented to cut down the risk of hurting. It holds the focal point of 3 and besides 10 days for you to watch the eventual outcomes of the Body Care shots. Remarkably huge lines around the sanctuary are not by and large subject to leave absolutely; not the slightest bit distinctive they will clearly be confined. Pale lines around the eyes and in like manner all through the temple must be commonly intangible when the Body Care has very worked. For in a general sense more wide lines, it very well may be essential to have more observable diverged from one therapy Karl Anthony Simon Medical Health Care. The effects of Body Care usually last to some degree well for 3-4 months, yet one small step at a time you will verifiably locate the mass withdrawing to their basic section. Rise up out of Body Care will separate considering the limit of the expert. Having actually the procedure performed by an untalented supportive master may make basically less separated from sufficient end-product.
Buying a new house or property is one of the biggest investments you will make and should be taken seriously. And these days, saving money and finding a good deal is more important than ever. This article has several tips that can help you save money buying a new home. Purchasing a home in a manufactured home park can seem like a money saving idea. Keep in mind that these parks often times carry large fees for new owners, as well as fees if you ever want to remove the home from the park. Read any and all materials on or about the park before you agree to a purchase. Before buying a property, make sure you walk through the home a few times. This will help you to really get a feel for it. Nowadays, due to the internet and ‘virtual tours’, people are tempted to make an offer, simply by what they see on a realtor’s website. This is a big mistake, as you only get to see the positive aspects of the home. Before looking at homes to buy, take stock of your current financial situation. Look at the level of your current debt, look at the stability of your income, and decide on the amount of house you can afford before you get your heart set on a home that is too expensive for your budget. If you’re considering buying a house in a new neighborhood, don’t just take the real estate agent’s description of the area. Find out about crime levels from the local police department, pick up the local newspaper and visit the local grocery store. You can find out a lot about the local area by doing these three things. When buying a house consider the location of the laundry room. Choose a house with the laundry room located discreetly on the main floor to avoid an eyesore. Make sure it is big enough to fold clothes as well as store detergents and softeners. To help you buy or sell real estate you have to find an agent who specializes in your area or the ones you are interested in shopping for a property. Drive around the area and see whose name is on most of the signs. Then ask them for referrals to others that they’ve helped. When dealing with a lender to finance a home purchase, make sure everything they have told you is written down in your contract before you sign it. In most cases, verbal contracts are worthless. Remember, if it’s not on the paper, it doesn’t count. Unscrupulous lenders may even switch out rates between what they tell you and what appears on the contract. To find a good real estate agent to work with, you should ask any that you are considering, a few questions. It’s important to know how many property deals the agent has closed in the past year. Someone with very little experience, may not know how to negotiate or might simply not devote enough time to clients. Your debt-to-income ratio, pattern of savings, job stability are all going to play a big role in your lender’s decision as to whether to provide you with the loan that you need for your new home. Add up all of your monthly bills and costs and subtract it from the income that you have and that will tell you how much you have to left to pay for your new home. As stated before, buying a new home is a serious investment and one in which you should try to save as much money as possible. If you follow the tips in this article, finding a great deal in the market will be easy. Hopefully you will find a great house at a price that won’t break the bank.
Reminded by the Instruments: David Tudor's Music BY YOU NAKAI | 760 Pages | 300+ illustrations | OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2021 A selection of Tudor’s instruments archived as part of the World Instrument Collection at Wesleyan University (limited to boxes specifically discussed in the book, and excluding commercial guitar pedals). Instrument names are followed by their archive number assigned by Matt Rogalsky and the year Tudor obtained or began using them. Sources and related materials are included when these have been identified. Most of the research on these instruments was conducted in collaboration with Michael Johnsen. All photos taken by You Nakai. BACK TO THE LIST
Features of CBD Oil. Physique 1. Cannabidiol (CBD) Formulation, Biosynthesis not to mention Metabolic rate. Linseed oil added benefits any general health generally due to two unique polyunsaturated excess excess fat: alpha-linolenic in addition to linoleic acid Relative to Harvard Health and wellness Posting, either people are crucial extra fat you can basically attain through the diet. It’s just a mixture in Cannabis along with medical results but yet will not likely get people to think high. CBD would be the most effective increasing marketplace about the total medical attached bud plus hempen necktie business, ” she or he said. And, please remember, cbd hemp oil folks who wants expose the actual cannabis natural gas CBD you are looking at, why not talk with us. Pavlovic 3rd r, Nenna R, Calvi 50, et al. High grade Highlights of “Cannabidiol Herbal oils”: Cannabinoids Articles, Terpene Fingerprint as well as Oxidation Balance in Western european Over the counter For sale Preparations. Please click to put additional solution opinions, foods, together with research-based content articles pertaining to CBD from Healthline. Likewise, by way of Revered 2016, the particular Legal Medicinal drug Operations features identified e-cigarettes (technically, “handheld Also after only phytocannabinoids, you can aquire vast levels regarding harsh chemicals not to mention results the fact that people continue to be studying. Industrial hempen necktie is actually a weed grow (cannabis sativa L. Subsp. Oil-based flaxseed goods are ideal for folks that must complement your diets by means of nourishing efa’s. As stated by way of home Workplace, CBD fuel include the latest max amount of 0.2% THC, plus the THC mustn’t dramatically come to be broken down consequently. There is simply a immense quantity appeal to today for the majority of inside the professional medical exercise to find cannabis strains which unfortunately are normally loaded with cannabidiol and CBD. CBD, this is also known as cannabidiol, is often a substance that is removed by hangman’s rope and medical marijuana plant. Machines abolish gives you different health and fitness benefits with respect to kittens and cats and is usually a affordable successful solution everyone provides your own kitten per day free of inducing unsafe position effects. Far apart from THC, it surely is impossible for individuals who just who has received CBD to have almost any euphoria or possibly hallucinatory outcomes. A variety of cellular norm researching determined which cannabinoids will help slow-moving tumour progression, minimize unknown growth attack, and even generate tumor cellular loss in life in several varieties cancer, as well as spirit, circulatory system, chest, colon cleanse, pancreatic, along with prostate. Scientific study has implied that your pressure- not to mention anxiety-reducing components for CBD have caused by his or her volume to assist you to lessen blood vessels pressure. Make sure that you look over every strategies regarding web presentation when pruchasing CBD products.
How to Calculate Pips in Forex Trading: A Guide for Beginners What is a Pip? Using Pips in Forex Trading What Is a Pip and What Does It Represent? What is a pip Forex Trading FOREX.com What Are Forex PIPs So why can't they make the gains they cliam on the track records which they produce?The reason is, the track records are not real money trading, there just computer simulations going backwards over past data, knowing all the closing prices. Anyone can make money, if they know the price in advance but that is simply not the reality of Forex trading.These systems simply don't work and give the Forex industry a bad name but can you make money with a Forex course? A forex course means you have to do some work and learn skills. In a market where 95% of all traders lose money you need to have the right education but the good news is these courses will teach you strategies and tools and the logic behind them so you can trade with confidence. In any profession, you need to learn the basics and get an education and trading currencies is no different. Currency trading courses will provide you with the skills you need and they will also provide you with, a hundred percent money back guarantee so you can learn with no risk; if you feel Forex trading is not for you, your course fee is rebated by the vendor in full.If I came up to you into a bar and said give me a hundred dollars and I will give you an income for life with no effort, you would think I was joking. But online, people hand over to Forex Robot vendors who promise them an income for life with no effort and they all lose their money for one simple reason... If you have someone claiming they can make you money, you would have thought they could produce some hard evidence, that they had made some themselves but look at all the Forex robots sold and you get big claims and NO verified, real time track record!A closer look at the track records, shows them to be no more than computer simulations going backwards knowing all the closing prices, well that's very easy but the challenge of Forex is trading without knowing this key data. https://asrightasrain.co/dietrine-review/ https://asrightasrain.co/fintech-mining-review/ https://asrightasrain.co/iqmining-review/ https://asrightasrain.co/binbotpro-review/ Hi guys, I have been using reddit for years in my personal life (not trading!) and wanted to give something back in an area where i am an expert. I worked at an investment bank for seven years and joined them as a graduate FX trader so have lots of professional experience, by which i mean I was trained and paid by a big institution to trade on their behalf. This is very different to being a full-time home trader, although that is not to discredit those guys, who can accumulate a good amount of experience/wisdom through self learning. When I get time I'm going to write a mid-length posts on each topic for you guys along the lines of how i was trained. I guess there would be 15-20 topics in total so about 50-60 posts. Feel free to comment or ask questions. The first topic is Risk Management and we'll cover it in three parts Part I Why it matters Using stops sensibly Picking a clear level Why it matters The first rule of making money through trading is to ensure you do not lose money. Look at any serious hedge fund’s website and they’ll talk about their first priority being “preservation of investor capital.” You have to keep it before you grow it. Strangely, if you look at retail trading websites, for every one article on risk management there are probably fifty on trade selection. This is completely the wrong way around. The great news is that this stuff is pretty simple and process-driven. Anyone can learn and follow best practices. Seriously, avoiding mistakes is one of the most important things: there's not some holy grail system for finding winning trades, rather a routine and fairly boring set of processes that ensure that you are profitable, despite having plenty of losing trades alongside the winners. Capital and position sizing The first thing you have to know is how much capital you are working with. Let’s say you have $100,000 deposited. This is your maximum trading capital. Your trading capital is not the leveraged amount. It is the amount of money you have deposited and can withdraw or lose. Position sizing is what ensures that a losing streak does not take you out of the market. A rule of thumb is that one should risk no more than 2% of one’s account balance on an individual trade and no more than 8% of one’s account balance on a specific theme. We’ll look at why that’s a rule of thumb later. For now let’s just accept those numbers and look at examples. So we have $100,000 in our account. And we wish to buy EURUSD. We should therefore not be risking more than 2% which $2,000. We look at a technical chart and decide to leave a stop below the monthly low, which is 55 pips below market. We’ll come back to this in a bit. So what should our position size be? We go to the calculator page, select Position Size and enter our details. There are many such calculators online - just google "Pip calculator". https://preview.redd.it/y38zb666e5h51.jpg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26e4fe569dc5c1f43ce4c746230c49b138691d14 So the appropriate size is a buy position of 363,636 EURUSD. If it reaches our stop level we know we’ll lose precisely $2,000 or 2% of our capital. You should be using this calculator (or something similar) on every single trade so that you know your risk. Now imagine that we have similar bets on EURJPY and EURGBP, which have also broken above moving averages. Clearly this EUR-momentum is a theme. If it works all three bets are likely to pay off. But if it goes wrong we are likely to lose on all three at once. We are going to look at this concept of correlation in more detail later. The total amount of risk in our portfolio - if all of the trades on this EUR-momentum theme were to hit their stops - should not exceed $8,000 or 8% of total capital. This allows us to go big on themes we like without going bust when the theme does not work. As we’ll see later, many traders only win on 40-60% of trades. So you have to accept losing trades will be common and ensure you size trades so they cannot ruin you. Similarly, like poker players, we should risk more on trades we feel confident about and less on trades that seem less compelling. However, this should always be subject to overall position sizing constraints. For example before you put on each trade you might rate the strength of your conviction in the trade and allocate a position size accordingly: https://preview.redd.it/q2ea6rgae5h51.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=4332cb8d0bbbc3d8db972c1f28e8189105393e5b To keep yourself disciplined you should try to ensure that no more than one in twenty trades are graded exceptional and allocated 5% of account balance risk. It really should be a rare moment when all the stars align for you. Notice that the nice thing about dealing in percentages is that it scales. Say you start out with $100,000 but end the year up 50% at $150,000. Now a 1% bet will risk $1,500 rather than $1,000. That makes sense as your capital has grown. It is extremely common for retail accounts to blow-up by making only 4-5 losing trades because they are leveraged at 50:1 and have taken on far too large a position, relative to their account balance. Consider that GBPUSD tends to move 1% each day. If you have an account balance of $10k then it would be crazy to take a position of $500k (50:1 leveraged). A 1% move on $500k is $5k. Two perfectly regular down days in a row — or a single day’s move of 2% — and you will receive a margin call from the broker, have the account closed out, and have lost all your money. Do not let this happen to you. Use position sizing discipline to protect yourself. If you’re wondering - why “about 2%” per trade? - that’s a fair question. Why not 0.5% or 10% or any other number? The Kelly Criterion is a formula that was adapted for use in casinos. If you know the odds of winning and the expected pay-off, it tells you how much you should bet in each round. This is harder than it sounds. Let’s say you could bet on a weighted coin flip, where it lands on heads 60% of the time and tails 40% of the time. The payout is $2 per $1 bet. Well, absolutely you should bet. The odds are in your favour. But if you have, say, $100 it is less obvious how much you should bet to avoid ruin. Say you bet $50, the odds that it could land on tails twice in a row are 16%. You could easily be out after the first two flips. Equally, betting $1 is not going to maximise your advantage. The odds are 60/40 in your favour so only betting $1 is likely too conservative. The Kelly Criterion is a formula that produces the long-run optimal bet size, given the odds. Applying the formula to forex trading looks like this: Position size % = Winning trade % - ( (1- Winning trade %) / Risk-reward ratio If you have recorded hundreds of trades in your journal - see next chapter - you can calculate what this outputs for you specifically. If you don't have hundreds of trades then let’s assume some realistic defaults of Winning trade % being 30% and Risk-reward ratio being 3. The 3 implies your TP is 3x the distance of your stop from entry e.g. 300 pips take profit and 100 pips stop loss. So that’s 0.3 - (1 - 0.3) / 3 = 6.6%. Hold on a second. 6.6% of your account probably feels like a LOT to risk per trade.This is the main observation people have on Kelly: whilst it may optimise the long-run results it doesn’t take into account the pain of drawdowns. It is better thought of as the rational maximum limit. You needn’t go right up to the limit! With a 30% winning trade ratio, the odds of you losing on four trades in a row is nearly one in four. That would result in a drawdown of nearly a quarter of your starting account balance. Could you really stomach that and put on the fifth trade, cool as ice? Most of us could not. Accordingly people tend to reduce the bet size. For example, let’s say you know you would feel emotionally affected by losing 25% of your account. Well, the simplest way is to divide the Kelly output by four. You have effectively hidden 75% of your account balance from Kelly and it is now optimised to avoid a total wipeout of just the 25% it can see. This gives 6.6% / 4 = 1.65%. Of course different trading approaches and different risk appetites will provide different optimal bet sizes but as a rule of thumb something between 1-2% is appropriate for the style and risk appetite of most retail traders. Incidentally be very wary of systems or traders who claim high winning trade % like 80%. Invariably these don’t pass a basic sense-check: How many live trades have you done? Often they’ll have done only a handful of real trades and the rest are simulated backtests, which are overfitted. The model will soon die. What is your risk-reward ratio on each trade? If you have a take profit $3 away and a stop loss $100 away, of course most trades will be winners. You will not be making money, however! In general most traders should trade smaller position sizes and less frequently than they do. If you are going to bias one way or the other, far better to start off too small. How to use stop losses sensibly Stop losses have a bad reputation amongst the retail community but are absolutely essential to risk management. No serious discretionary trader can operate without them. A stop loss is a resting order, left with the broker, to automatically close your position if it reaches a certain price. For a recap on the various order types visit this chapter. The valid concern with stop losses is that disreputable brokers look for a concentration of stops and then, when the market is close, whipsaw the price through the stop levels so that the clients ‘stop out’ and sell to the broker at a low rate before the market naturally comes back higher. This is referred to as ‘stop hunting’. This would be extremely immoral behaviour and the way to guard against it is to use a highly reputable top-tier broker in a well regulated region such as the UK. Why are stop losses so important? Well, there is no other way to manage risk with certainty. You should always have a pre-determined stop loss before you put on a trade. Not having one is a recipe for disaster: you will find yourself emotionally attached to the trade as it goes against you and it will be extremely hard to cut the loss. This is a well known behavioural bias that we’ll explore in a later chapter. Learning to take a loss and move on rationally is a key lesson for new traders. A common mistake is to think of the market as a personal nemesis. The market, of course, is totally impersonal; it doesn’t care whether you make money or not. Bruce Kovner, founder of the hedge fund Caxton Associates There is an old saying amongst bank traders which is “losers average losers”. It is tempting, having bought EURUSD and seeing it go lower, to buy more. Your average price will improve if you keep buying as it goes lower. If it was cheap before it must be a bargain now, right? Wrong. Where does that end? Always have a pre-determined cut-off point which limits your risk. A level where you know the reason for the trade was proved ‘wrong’ ... and stick to it strictly. If you trade using discretion, use stops. Picking a clear level Where you leave your stop loss is key. Typically traders will leave them at big technical levels such as recent highs or lows. For example if EURUSD is trading at 1.1250 and the recent month’s low is 1.1205 then leaving it just below at 1.1200 seems sensible. If you were going long, just below the double bottom support zone seems like a sensible area to leave a stop You want to give it a bit of breathing room as we know support zones often get challenged before the price rallies. This is because lots of traders identify the same zones. You won’t be the only one selling around 1.1200. The “weak hands” who leave their sell stop order at exactly the level are likely to get taken out as the market tests the support. Those who leave it ten or fifteen pips below the level have more breathing room and will survive a quick test of the level before a resumed run-up. Your timeframe and trading style clearly play a part. Here’s a candlestick chart (one candle is one day) for GBPUSD. https://preview.redd.it/moyngdy4f5h51.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=91af88da00dd3a09e202880d8029b0ddf04fb802 If you are putting on a trend-following trade you expect to hold for weeks then you need to have a stop loss that can withstand the daily noise. Look at the downtrend on the chart. There were plenty of days in which the price rallied 60 pips or more during the wider downtrend. So having a really tight stop of, say, 25 pips that gets chopped up in noisy short-term moves is not going to work for this kind of trade. You need to use a wider stop and take a smaller position size, determined by the stop level. There are several tools you can use to help you estimate what is a safe distance and we’ll look at those in the next section. There are of course exceptions. For example, if you are doing range-break style trading you might have a really tight stop, set just below the previous range high. https://preview.redd.it/ygy0tko7f5h51.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=34af49da61c911befdc0db26af66f6c313556c81 Clearly then where you set stops will depend on your trading style as well as your holding horizons and the volatility of each instrument. Here are some guidelines that can help: Use technical analysis to pick important levels (support, resistance, previous high/lows, moving averages etc.) as these provide clear exit and entry points on a trade. Ensure that the stop gives your trade enough room to breathe and reflects your timeframe and typical volatility of each pair. See next section. Always pick your stop level first. Then use a calculator to determine the appropriate lot size for the position, based on the % of your account balance you wish to risk on the trade. So far we have talked about price-based stops. There is another sort which is more of a fundamental stop, used alongside - not instead of - price stops. If either breaks you’re out. For example if you stop understanding why a product is going up or down and your fundamental thesis has been confirmed wrong, get out. For example, if you are long because you think the central bank is turning hawkish and AUDUSD is going to play catch up with rates … then you hear dovish noises from the central bank and the bond yields retrace lower and back in line with the currency - close your AUDUSD position. You already know your thesis was wrong. No need to give away more money to the market. Coming up in part II EDIT: part II here Letting stops breathe When to change a stop Entering and exiting winning positions Risk:reward ratios Risk-adjusted returns Coming up in part III Squeezes and other risks Market positioning Bet correlation Crap trades, timeouts and monthly limits *** Disclaimer:This content is not investment advice and you should not place any reliance on it. The views expressed are the author's own and should not be attributed to any other person, including their employer. This May Be Out Of Topic But May Help Us In The Long Run Hi guys. I believe I've found myself surrounded by great personalities here on this platform and I'm grateful I joined this social forum. We have really smart and interesting people here who stand to gain a lot from these financial markets. The mistake I'd hate for us to make is not investing in something less volatile than the forex markets. We are lucky enough to make money while a lot of our dear friends who do 9-5 are losing jobs left right and centre, and stand to lose their properties if another job doesn't come up. At first I wanted to have a lot of people to admire my social media with my possessions but I'm glad I was humbled by the market before I could make a fool out of myself. Maybe bringing dignity to this industry is what we need to do. With that being said, a lot of banks are repossessing assets across the world right now. Once your monthly profit is good, you'd get really great deals right now on cars and throw them on Uber services. Houses that are repossessed below market value currently are pretty attractive, revamping and renting out or toss them on Airbnb for a couple of years before reselling wouldn't be a bad idea especially since the market will have been restored. There's auctions all over the place and art, cars, houses, heavy duty caterpillar assets are so irresistible. Let's do this guys. Have an amazing, green and easy week full of pips and money. 💰 Former investment bank FX trader: Risk management part II Firstly, thanks for the overwhelming comments and feedback. Genuinely really appreciated. I am pleased 500+ of you find it useful. If you didn't read the first post you can do so here: risk management part I. You'll need to do so in order to make sense of the topic. As ever please comment/reply below with questions or feedback and I'll do my best to get back to you. Part II Letting stops breathe When to change a stop Entering and exiting winning positions Letting stops breathe We talked earlier about giving a position enough room to breathe so it is not stopped out in day-to-day noise. Let’s consider the chart below and imagine you had a trailing stop. It would be super painful to miss out on the wider move just because you left a stop that was too tight. Imagine being long and stopped out on a meaningless retracement ... ouch! One simple technique is simply to look at your chosen chart - let’s say daily bars. And then look at previous trends and use the measuring tool. Those generally look something like this and then you just click and drag to measure. For example if we wanted to bet on a downtrend on the chart above we might look at the biggest retracement on the previous uptrend. That max drawdown was about 100 pips or just under 1%. So you’d want your stop to be able to withstand at least that. If market conditions have changed - for example if CVIX has risen - and daily ranges are now higher you should incorporate that. If you know a big event is coming up you might think about that, too. The human brain is a remarkable tool and the power of the eye-ball method is not to be dismissed. This is how most discretionary traders do it. There are also more analytical approaches. Some look at the Average True Range (ATR). This attempts to capture the volatility of a pair, typically averaged over a number of sessions. It looks at three separate measures and takes the largest reading. Think of this as a moving average of how much a pair moves. For example, below shows the daily move in EURUSD was around 60 pips before spiking to 140 pips in March. Conditions were clearly far more volatile in March. Accordingly, you would need to leave your stop further away in March and take a correspondingly smaller position size. ATR is available on pretty much all charting systems Professional traders tend to use standard deviation as a measure of volatility instead of ATR. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. Averages are useful but can be misleading when regimes switch (see above chart). Once you have chosen a measure of volatility, stop distance can then be back-tested and optimised. For example does 2x ATR work best or 5x ATR for a given style and time horizon? Discretionary traders may still eye-ball the ATR or standard deviation to get a feeling for how it has changed over time and what ‘normal’ feels like for a chosen study period - daily, weekly, monthly etc. Reasons to change a stop As a general rule you should be disciplined and not change your stops. Remember - losers average losers. This is really hard at first and we’re going to look at that in more detail later. There are some good reasons to modify stops but they are rare. One reason is if another risk management process demands you stop trading and close positions. We’ll look at this later. In that case just close out your positions at market and take the loss/gains as they are. Another is event risk. If you have some big upcoming data like Non Farm Payrolls that you know can move the market +/- 150 pips and you have no edge going into the release then many traders will take off or scale down their positions. They’ll go back into the positions when the data is out and the market has quietened down after fifteen minutes or so. This is a matter of some debate - many traders consider it a coin toss and argue you win some and lose some and it all averages out. Trailing stops can also be used to ‘lock in’ profits. We looked at those before. As the trade moves in your favour (say up if you are long) the stop loss ratchets with it. This means you may well end up ‘stopping out’ at a profit - as per the below example. The mighty trailing stop loss order It is perfectly reasonable to have your stop loss move in the direction of PNL. This is not exposing you to more risk than you originally were comfortable with. It is taking less and less risk as the trade moves in your favour. Trend-followers in particular love trailing stops. One final question traders ask is what they should do if they get stopped out but still like the trade. Should they try the same trade again a day later for the same reasons? Nope. Look for a different trade rather than getting emotionally wed to the original idea. Let’s say a particular stock looked cheap based on valuation metrics yesterday, you bought, it went down and you got stopped out. Well, it is going to look even better on those same metrics today. Maybe the market just doesn’t respect value at the moment and is driven by momentum. Wait it out. Otherwise, why even have a stop in the first place? Entering and exiting winning positions Take profits are the opposite of stop losses. They are also resting orders, left with the broker, to automatically close your position if it reaches a certain price. Imagine I’m long EURUSD at 1.1250. If it hits a previous high of 1.1400 (150 pips higher) I will leave a sell order to take profit and close the position. The rookie mistake on take profits is to take profit too early. One should start from the assumption that you will win on no more than half of your trades. Therefore you will need to ensure that you win more on the ones that work than you lose on those that don’t. Sad to say but incredibly common: retail traders often take profits way too early This is going to be the exact opposite of what your emotions want you to do. We are going to look at that in the Psychology of Trading chapter. Remember: let winners run. Just like stops you need to know in advance the level where you will close out at a profit. Then let the trade happen. Don’t override yourself and let emotions force you to take a small profit. A classic mistake to avoid. The trader puts on a trade and it almost stops out before rebounding. As soon as it is slightly in the money they spook and cut out, instead of letting it run to their original take profit. Do not do this. Entering positions with limit orders That covers exiting a position but how about getting into one? Take profits can also be left speculatively to enter a position. Sometimes referred to as “bids” (buy orders) or “offers” (sell orders). Imagine the price is 1.1250 and the recent low is 1.1205. You might wish to leave a bid around 1.2010 to enter a long position, if the market reaches that price. This way you don’t need to sit at the computer and wait. Again, typically traders will use tech analysis to identify attractive levels. Again - other traders will cluster with your orders. Just like the stop loss we need to bake that in. So this time if we know everyone is going to buy around the recent low of 1.1205 we might leave the take profit bit a little bit above there at 1.1210 to ensure it gets done. Sure it costs 5 more pips but how mad would you be if the low was 1.1207 and then it rallied a hundred points and you didn’t have the trade on?! There are two more methods that traders often use for entering a position. Scaling in is one such technique. Let’s imagine that you think we are in a long-term bulltrend for AUDUSD but experiencing a brief retracement. You want to take a total position of 500,000 AUD and don’t have a strong view on the current price action. You might therefore leave a series of five bids of 100,000. As the price moves lower each one gets hit. The nice thing about scaling in is it reduces pressure on you to pick the perfect level. Of course the risk is that not all your orders get hit before the price moves higher and you have to trade at-market. Pyramiding is the second technique. Pyramiding is for take profits what a trailing stop loss is to regular stops. It is especially common for momentum traders. Pyramiding into a position means buying more as it goes in your favour Again let’s imagine we’re bullish AUDUSD and want to take a position of 500,000 AUD. Here we add 100,000 when our first signal is reached. Then we add subsequent clips of 100,000 when the trade moves in our favour. We are waiting for confirmation that the move is correct. Obviously this is quite nice as we humans love trading when it goes in our direction. However, the drawback is obvious: we haven’t had the full amount of risk on from the start of the trend. You can see the attractions and drawbacks of both approaches. It is best to experiment and choose techniques that work for your own personal psychology as these will be the easiest for you to stick with and build a disciplined process around. Risk:reward and win ratios Be extremely skeptical of people who claim to win on 80% of trades. Most traders will win on roughly 50% of trades and lose on 50% of trades. This is why risk management is so important! Once you start keeping a trading journal you’ll be able to see how the win/loss ratio looks for you. Until then, assume you’re typical and that every other trade will lose money. If that is the case then you need to be sure you make more on the wins than you lose on the losses. You can see the effect of this below. A combination of win % and risk:reward ratio determine if you are profitable A typical rule of thumb is that a ratio of 1:3 works well for most traders. That is, if you are prepared to risk 100 pips on your stop you should be setting a take profit at a level that would return you 300 pips. One needn’t be religious about these numbers - 11 pips and 28 pips would be perfectly fine - but they are a guideline. Again - you should still use technical analysis to find meaningful chart levels for both the stop and take profit. Don’t just blindly take your stop distance and do 3x the pips on the other side as your take profit. Use the ratio to set approximate targets and then look for a relevant resistance or support level in that kind of region. Not all returns are equal. Suppose you are examining the track record of two traders. Now, both have produced a return of 14% over the year. Not bad! The first trader, however, made hundreds of small bets throughout the year and his cumulative PNL looked like the left image below. The second trader made just one bet — he sold CADJPY at the start of the year — and his PNL looked like the right image below with lots of large drawdowns and volatility. Would you rather have the first trading record or the second? If you were investing money and betting on who would do well next year which would you choose? Of course all sensible people would choose the first trader. Yet if you look only at returns one cannot distinguish between the two. Both are up 14% at that point in time. This is where the Sharpe ratio helps . A high Sharpe ratio indicates that a portfolio has better risk-adjusted performance. One cannot sensibly compare returns without considering the risk taken to earn that return. If I can earn 80% of the return of another investor at only 50% of the risk then a rational investor should simply leverage me at 2x and enjoy 160% of the return at the same level of risk. This is very important in the context of Execution Advisor algorithms (EAs) that are popular in the retail community. You must evaluate historic performance by its risk-adjusted return — not just the nominal return. Incidentally look at the Sharpe ratio of ones that have been live for a year or more ... Otherwise an EA developer could produce two EAs: the first simply buys at 1000:1 leverage on January 1st ; and the second sells in the same manner. At the end of the year, one of them will be discarded and the other will look incredible. Its risk-adjusted return, however, would be abysmal and the odds of repeated success are similarly poor. The Sharpe ratio works like this: It takes the average returns of your strategy; It deducts from these the risk-free rate of return i.e. the rate anyone could have got by investing in US government bonds with very little risk; It then divides this total return by its own volatility - the more smooth the return the higher and better the Sharpe, the more volatile the lower and worse the Sharpe. For example, say the return last year was 15% with a volatility of 10% and US bonds are trading at 2%. That gives (15-2)/10 or a Sharpe ratio of 1.3. As a rule of thumb a Sharpe ratio of above 0.5 would be considered decent for a discretionary retail trader. Above 1 is excellent. You don’t really need to know how to calculate Sharpe ratios. Good trading software will do this for you. It will either be available in the system by default or you can add a plug-in. VAR is another useful measure to help with drawdowns. It stands for Value at Risk. Normally people will use 99% VAR (conservative) or 95% VAR (aggressive). Let’s say you’re long EURUSD and using 95% VAR. The system will look at the historic movement of EURUSD. It might spit out a number of -1.2%. A 5% VAR of -1.2% tells you you should expect to lose 1.2% on 5% of days, whilst 95% of days should be better than that This means it is expected that on 5 days out of 100 (hence the 95%) the portfolio will lose 1.2% or more. This can help you manage your capital by taking appropriately sized positions. Typically you would look at VAR across your portfolio of trades rather than trade by trade. Sharpe ratios and VAR don’t give you the whole picture, though. Legendary fund manager, Howard Marks of Oaktree, notes that, while tools like VAR and Sharpe ratios are helpful and absolutely necessary, the best investors will also overlay their own judgment. Investors can calculate risk metrics like VaR and Sharpe ratios (we use them at Oaktree; they’re the best tools we have), but they shouldn’t put too much faith in them. The bottom line for me is that risk management should be the responsibility of every participant in the investment process, applying experience, judgment and knowledge of the underlying investments.Howard Marks of Oaktree Capital What he’s saying is don’t misplace your common sense. Do use these tools as they are helpful. However, you cannot fully rely on them. Both assume a normal distribution of returns. Whereas in real life you get “black swans” - events that should supposedly happen only once every thousand years but which actually seem to happen fairly often. These outlier events are often referred to as “tail risk”. Don’t make the mistake of saying “well, the model said…” - overlay what the model is telling you with your own common sense and good judgment. Coming up in part III Available here Squeezes and other risks Market positioning Bet correlation Crap trades, timeouts and monthly limits *** Disclaimer:This content is not investment advice and you should not place any reliance on it. The views expressed are the author's own and should not be attributed to any other person, including their employer. Former investment bank FX trader: Risk management part 3/3 Welcome to the third and final part of this chapter. Thank you all for the 100s of comments and upvotes - maybe this post will take us above 1,000 for this topic! Keep any feedback or questions coming in the replies below. Before you read this note, please start with Part I and then Part II so it hangs together and makes sense. Part III Squeezes and other risks Crap trades, timeouts and monthly limits Squeezes and other risks We are going to cover three common risks that traders face: events; squeezes, asymmetric bets. Economic releases can cause large short-term volatility. The most famous is Non Farm Payrolls, which is the most widely watched measure of US employment levels and affects the price of many instruments.On an NFP announcement currencies like EURUSD might jump (or drop) 100 pips no problem. This is fine and there are trading strategies that one may employ around this but the key thing is to be aware of these releases.You can find economic calendars all over the internet - including on this site - and you need only check if there are any major releases each day or week. For example, if you are trading off some intraday chart and scalping a few pips here and there it would be highly sensible to go into a known data release flat as it is pure coin-toss and not the reason for your trading. It only takes five minutes each day to plan for the day ahead so do not get caught out by this. Many retail traders get stopped out on such events when price volatility is at its peak. Short squeezes bring a lot of danger and perhaps some opportunity. The story of VW and Porsche is the best short squeeze ever. Throughout these articles we've used FX examples wherever possible but in this one instance the concept (which is also highly relevant in FX) is best illustrated with an historical lesson from a different asset class. A short squeeze is when a participant ends up in a short position they are forced to cover. Especially when the rest of the market knows that this participant can be bullied into stopping out at terrible levels, provided the market can briefly drive the price into their pain zone. There's a reason for the car, don't worry Hedge funds had been shorting VW stock. However the amount of VW stock available to buy in the open market was actually quite limited. The local government owned a chunk and Porsche itself had bought and locked away around 30%. Neither of these would sell to the hedge-funds so a good amount of the stock was un-buyable at any price. If you sell or short a stock you must be prepared to buy it back to go flat at some point. To cut a long story short, Porsche bought a lot of call options on VW stock. These options gave them the right to purchase VW stock from banks at slightly above market price. Eventually the banks who had sold these options realised there was no VW stock to go out and buy since the German government wouldn’t sell its allocation and Porsche wouldn’t either. If Porsche called in the options the banks were in trouble. Porsche called in the options which forced the shorts to buy stock - at whatever price they could get it. The price squeezed higher as those that were short got massively squeezed and stopped out. For one brief moment in 2008, VW was the world’s most valuable company. Shorts were burned hard. Incredible event Porsche apparently made $11.5 billion on the trade. The BBC described Porsche as “a hedge fund with a carmaker attached.” If this all seems exotic then know that the same thing happens in FX all the time. If everyone in the market is talking about a key level in EURUSD being 1.2050 then you can bet the market will try to push through 1.2050 just to take out any short stops at that level. Whether it then rallies higher or fails and trades back lower is a different matter entirely. This brings us on to the matter of crowded trades. We will look at positioning in more detail in the next section. Crowded trades are dangerous for PNL. If everyone believes EURUSD is going down and has already sold EURUSD then you run the risk of a short squeeze. For additional selling to take place you need a very good reason for people to add to their position whereas a move in the other direction could force mass buying to cover their shorts. A trading mentor when I worked at the investment bank once advised me: Always think about which move would cause the maximum people the maximum pain. That move is precisely what you should be watching out for at all times. Also known as picking up pennies in front of a steamroller. This risk has caught out many a retail trader. Sometimes it is referred to as a "negative skew" strategy. Ideally what you are looking for is asymmetric risk trade set-ups: that is where the downside is clearly defined and smaller than the upside. What you want to avoid is the opposite. A famous example of this going wrong was the Swiss National Bank de-peg in 2012. The Swiss National Bank had said they would defend the price of EURCHF so that it did not go below 1.2. Many people believed it could never go below 1.2 due to this. Many retail traders therefore opted for a strategy that some describe as ‘picking up pennies in front of a steam-roller’. They would would buy EURCHF above the peg level and hope for a tiny rally of several pips before selling them back and keep doing this repeatedly. Often they were highly leveraged at 100:1 so that they could amplify the profit of the tiny 5-10 pip rally. Then this happened. Something that changed FX markets forever The SNB suddenly did the unthinkable. They stopped defending the price. CHF jumped and so EURCHF (the number of CHF per 1 EUR) dropped to new lows very fast. Clearly, this trade had horrific risk : reward asymmetry: you risked 30% to make 0.05%. Other strategies like naively selling options have the same result. You win a small amount of money each day and then spectacularly blow up at some point down the line. We have talked about short squeezes. But how do you know what the market position is? And should you care? Let’s start with the first. You should definitely care. Let’s imagine the entire market is exceptionally long EURUSD and positioning reaches extreme levels. This makes EURUSD very vulnerable. To keep the price going higher EURUSD needs to attract fresh buy orders. If everyone is already long and has no room to add, what can incentivise people to keep buying? The news flow might be good. They may believe EURUSD goes higher. But they have already bought and have their maximum position on. On the flip side, if there’s an unexpected event and EURUSD gaps lower you will have the entire market trying to exit the position at the same time. Like a herd of cows running through a single doorway. Messy. We are going to look at this in more detail in a later chapter, where we discuss ‘carry’ trades. For now this TRYJPY chart might provide some idea of what a rush to the exits of a crowded position looks like. A carry trade position clear-out in action Knowing if the market is currently at extreme levels of long or short can therefore be helpful. The CFTC makes available a weekly report, which details the overall positions of speculative traders “Non Commercial Traders” in some of the major futures products. This includes futures tied to deliverable FX pairs such as EURUSD as well as products such as gold. The report is called “CFTC Commitments of Traders” ("COT"). This is a great benchmark. It is far more representative of the overall market than the proprietary ones offered by retail brokers as it covers a far larger cross-section of the institutional market. Generally market participants will not pay a lot of attention to commercial hedgers, which are also detailed in the report. This data is worth tracking but these folks are simply hedging real-world transactions rather than speculating so their activity is far less revealing and far more noisy. You can find the data online for free and download it directly here. Raw format is kinda hard to work with However, many websites will chart this for you free of charge and you may find it more convenient to look at it that way. Just google “CFTC positioning charts”. But you can easily get visualisations You can visually spot extreme positioning. It is extremely powerful. Bear in mind the reports come out Friday afternoon US time and the report is a snapshot up to the prior Tuesday. That means it is a lagged report - by the time it is released it is a few days out of date. For longer term trades where you hold positions for weeks this is of course still pretty helpful information. As well as the absolute level (is the speculative market net long or short) you can also use this to pick up on changes in positioning. For example if bad news comes out how much does the net short increase? If good news comes out, the market may remain net short but how much did they buy back? A lot of traders ask themselves “Does the market have this trade on?” The positioning data is a good method for answering this. It provides a good finger on the pulse of the wider market sentiment and activity. For example you might say: “There was lots of noise about the good employment numbers in the US. However, there wasn’t actually a lot of position change on the back of it. Maybe everyone who wants to buy already has. What would happen now if bad news came out?” In general traders will be wary of entering a crowded position because it will be hard to attract additional buyers or sellers and there could be an aggressive exit. If you want to enter a trade that is showing extreme levels of positioning you must think carefully about this dynamic. Retail traders often drastically underestimate how correlated their bets are. Through bitter experience, I have learned that a mistake in position correlation is the root of some of the most serious problems in trading. If you have eight highly correlated positions, then you are really trading one position that is eight times as large. Bruce Kovner of hedge fund, Caxton Associates For example, if you are trading a bunch of pairs against the USD you will end up with a simply huge USD exposure. A single USD-trigger can ruin all your bets. Your ideal scenario — and it isn’t always possible — would be to have a highly diversified portfolio of bets that do not move in tandem. Look at this chart. Inverted USD index (DXY) is green. AUDUSD is orange. EURUSD is blue. Chart from TradingView So the whole thing is just one big USD trade! If you are long AUDUSD, long EURUSD, and short DXY you have three anti USD bets that are all likely to work or fail together. The more diversified your portfolio of bets are, the more risk you can take on each. There’s a really good video, explaining the benefits of diversification from Ray Dalio. A systematic fund with access to an investable universe of 10,000 instruments has more opportunity to make a better risk-adjusted return than a trader who only focuses on three symbols. Diversification really is the closest thing to a free lunch in finance. But let’s be pragmatic and realistic. Human retail traders don’t have capacity to run even one hundred bets at a time. More realistic would be an average of 2-3 trades on simultaneously. So what can be done? For example: You might diversify across time horizons by having a mix of short-term and long-term trades. You might diversify across asset classes - trading some FX but also crypto and equities. You might diversify your trade generation approach so you are not relying on the same indicators or drivers on each trade. You might diversify your exposure to the market regime by having some trades that assume a trend will continue (momentum) and some that assume we will be range-bound (carry). And so on. Basically you want to scan your portfolio of trades and make sure you are not putting all your eggs in one basket. If some trades underperform others will perform - assuming the bets are not correlated - and that way you can ensure your overall portfolio takes less risk per unit of return. The key thing is to start thinking about a portfolio of bets and what each new trade offers to your existing portfolio of risk. Will it diversify or amplify a current exposure? Crap trades, timeouts and monthly limits One common mistake is to get bored and restless and put on crap trades. This just means trades in which you have low conviction. It is perfectly fine not to trade. If you feel like you do not understand the market at a particular point, simply choose not to trade. Flat is a position. Do not waste your bullets on rubbish trades. Only enter a trade when you have carefully considered it from all angles and feel good about the risk. This will make it far easier to hold onto the trade if it moves against you at any point. You actually believe in it. Equally, you need to set monthly limits. A standard limit might be a 10% account balance stop per month. At that point you close all your positions immediately and stop trading till next month. Be strict with yourself and walk away Let’s assume you started the year with $100k and made 5% in January so enter Feb with $105k balance. Your stop is therefore 10% of $105k or $10.5k . If your account balance dips to $94.5k ($105k-$10.5k) then you stop yourself out and don’t resume trading till March the first. Having monthly calendar breaks is nice for another reason. Say you made a load of money in January. You don’t want to start February feeling you are up 5% or it is too tempting to avoid trading all month and protect the existing win. Each month and each year should feel like a clean slate and an independent period. Everyone has trading slumps. It is perfectly normal. It will definitely happen to you at some stage. The trick is to take a break and refocus. Conserve your capital by not trading a lot whilst you are on a losing streak. This period will be much harder for you emotionally and you’ll end up making suboptimal decisions. An enforced break will help you see the bigger picture. Put in place a process before you start trading and then it’ll be easy to follow and will feel much less emotional. Remember: the market doesn’t care if you win or lose, it is nothing personal. When your head has cooled and you feel calm you return the next month and begin the task of building back your account balance. That's a wrap on risk management Thanks for taking time to read this three-part chapter on risk management. I hope you enjoyed it. Do comment in the replies if you have any questions or feedback. Remember: the most important part of trading is not making money. It is not losing money. Always start with that principle. I hope these three notes have provided some food for thought on how you might approach risk management and are of practical use to you when trading. Avoiding mistakes is not a sexy tagline but it is an effective and reliable way to improve results. Next up I will be writing about an exciting topic I think many traders should look at rather differently: news trading. Please follow on here to receive notifications and the broad outline is below. News Trading Part I Why use the economic calendar Reading the economic calendar Knowing what's priced in First order thinking vs second order thinking News Trading Part II Preparing for quantitative and qualitative releases Data surprise index Using recent events to predict future reactions Buy the rumour, sell the fact The mysterious 'position trim' effect Some key FX releases *** Disclaimer:This content is not investment advice and you should not place any reliance on it. The views expressed are the author's own and should not be attributed to any other person, including their employer. It seems like it’s got a learning curve to it. I have a friend that does forex trading and I told him I found baby pips. He basically told me I’m better off buying a program and have him and his group teach me. I’m just wondering what underlying intentions he may have, if he makes money or something for me signing up for the program. How many of you are self taught? Real quick before I get into my next steps of my FX Journey, id like to say thank you to all the people who commented on my last post! All of the tips I got were really eye-opening and introduced me to different parts of FX trading that I didn't even know existed. So thank you so much, and I hope to get more interesting feedback from you guys in the future! Also Im going to probably change my writing frequency from daily to biweekly. I think writing about every little trade is not going to be as beneficial to me as writing about my overall progress at certain points throughout the week. I started this trading day out by learning up on order flow. A whole bunch of you guys suggested really interesting youtubers to watch, and I started with Mr. pip's series on order flow. After I finished up watching a few of his videos, I started to tweak my trading plan so that I could get in some chart time. I changed currency pair from EUUSD to the AUD/USD, the time frame from the 4 hour to the 1 hour, and my indicators from RSI, Stochastic, 2 SMAs and ADX to ATR, RSI, and Ichimoku Kinko Hyo. I also added a little fundamental analysis in my trading plan because I think that I am being far too reliant on my indicators. I planned to check the economic calendar and determine the general trend of the currency pairs that are strongly correlated to the AUD/USD before I began my chart analysis. In addition to all of my analysis, I tried to practice using the techniques I learned in Mr. Pip's videos and analyze the order flow of the chart. Even if my analysis of order flow is wrong, as long as I am getting practice I am learning. Eventhough I planned to use today to back-test indicators and find a solid new plan, I did not have enough time. I ended up getting on my demo account really late in the day, and started to force myself to enter a trade. Destructive habits like this could lead into some massive issues when I eventually get into live trading. To combat this harmful attitude specifically, I will restrict myself to trading on certain parts of the day (for example session overlaps, news releases, and earlier in the day). Despite this mistake I still continued with my trading strategy. I calculated all the currency correlations for AUS/USD using the past weeks economic data, and set my indicators in place. After checking the overall trend of the most strongly correlated pairs (Positive: EUUSD, GPB/USD, Negative: USD/CAD, USD/JPY) I started to analyze the order flow. All the correlated currencies, except for EUUSD, indicated that the AUD/USD would fall, while my order flow analysis indicated the opposite. Seeing as though I am extremely new to order flow, I dismissed this analysis, and ended up forcing a trade on the AUD/USD going short when my indicators seemed to line up correctly. I learned from last time that I should not alter or close my trade purely based on emotion, and to just wait till the market hits my stop loss or take profit. I included a trailing stop loss of 60 pips this time, but I have no evidence to base that number range on. The trade is currently open and I am down about 30 pips. Although I am not labeling this trade as a loser yet, I can definitely see a lot of holes in my trading strategy. The most obvious mistake in my eyes right now is my use of indicators. Currently all my trades are purely based on what my indicators say, and since I do not have any back-tested data to support the credibility of my indicators, it feels a lot like strategic gambling. Another issue is that I feel far too reliant on indicators alone. I think that if I can find ways to include various types of analysis efficiently and evenly in my trading plan I will become a much more skillful and well-rounded trader. In order to combat these two issues I will begin forming various types of trading strategies this weekend and back-test them all extensively. I also plan on researching more on price action, order flow, and Naked Forex. Once again any and all feedback is welcome. I am just beginning Forex, but it had been a huge passion of mine and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. I have a habit of backtesting every strategy I find as long as it makes sense. I find it fun, and even if the strategy ends up being underperforming, it gives me a good excuse to gain valuable chart experience that would normally take years to gather. After I backtest something, I compare it to my current methodology, and usually conclude that mine is better either because it has a better performance or the new method requires too much time to manage (Spoiler: until now, I like this better) During the last two days, I have worked on backtesting ParallaxFx strategy, as it seemed promising and it seemed to fit my personality (a lazy fuck who will happily halve his yearly return if it means he can spend 10% less time in front of the screens). My backtesting is preliminary, and I didn't delve very deep in the data gathering. I usually track all sort of stuff, but for this first pass, I sticked to the main indicators of performance over a restricted sample size of markets. Before I share my results with you, I always feel the need to make a preface that I know most people will ignore. I am words on your screen. You cannot trust me. I could have edited this or literally just typed random numbers on a spreadsheet. Do your own research if you want to trust my conclusion. Even if you trust me, you need to do backtesting for yourself. The goal of backtesting isn't simply to figure out whether a strategy has an edge: it's a way to get used to how the market flows (valuable experience you will bring on to any other strategy) and how the strategy behaves. You need to see it with your own eyes to allow your subconscious mind to be at ease when it comes time to trade it live: the only way to truly trust your strategy during a period of drawdown, is to have seen it work over hundreds of trades in the past. Strategy I am not going to go into the strategy in this thread. If you haven't read the series of threads by the guy who shared it, go here. As suggested by my mentioned personality type, I went with the passive management options of ParallaxFx's strategy. After a valid setup forms, I place two orders of half my risk. I add or remove 1 pip from each level to account for spread. The first at the 23.6 retracement. The second at the 38.2 retracement. Both orders have a stop loss at the 78.6 retracement. Both orders have the same target at the -100.0 extension. If price moves to the -38.2 extension, I delete any unfilled orders. I do not scale out, I do not move to breakeven, I place my orders and walk away. Sample I tested this strategy over the seven major currency pairs: AUDUSD, USDCAD, NZDUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, EURUSD, USDCHF. The time period started on January 1th 2018 and ended on July 1th 2020, so a 2.5 years backtest. I tested over the D1 timeframe, and I plan on testing other timeframes. My "protocol" for backtesting is that, if I like what I see during this phase, I will move to the second phase where I'll backtest over 5 years and 28 currency pairs. Units of measure I used R multiples to track my performance. If you don't know what they are, I'm too sleepy to explain right now. This article explains what they are. The gist is that the results you'll see do not take into consideration compounding and they normalize volatility (something pips don't do, and why pips are in my opinion a terrible unit of measure for performance) as well as percentage risk (you can attach variable risk profiles on your R values to optimize position sizing in order to maximize returns and minimize drawdowns, but I won't get into that). Results I am not going to link the spreadsheet directly, because it is in my GDrive folder and that would allow you to see my personal information. I will attach screenshots of both the results and the list of trades. In the latter, I have included the day of entry for each trade, so if you're up to the task, you can cross-reference all the trades I have placed to make sure I am not making things up. Overall results: R Curve and Segmented performance. List of trades: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Something to note: I treated every half position as an individual trade for the sake of simplicity. It should not mess with the results, but it simply means you will see huge streaks of wins and losses. This does not matter because I'm half risk in each of them, so a winstreak of 6 trades is just a winstreak of 3 trades. For reference: Profit Factor: 2.34 Return: 100.47 R Strike rate: 48.28% Average win: 2.51 R Average loss: -1.00 R Thoughts Nice. I'll keep testing. As of now it is vastly better than my current strategy. I "scalp" (idk if I could use that since my aim is always 15-20 pips) in the 5-min chart and my strategy involves breakouts. It is fairly successful and I can always get out with minimum loss but it is incredibly boring while waiting for it. It could take a lot of hours waiting for the setup and it is very tiring to look at the chart senselessly. Forex, what do you do when bored? What are your hobbies? What do you do while watching the charts? I was trying to find the lowest cost brokers that aren’t just mobile apps that offer passive investments in the assets I’m looking for on top of the usual equity and bonds I already have. I’m hoping this will help people in my situation. I looked for a comparison website and found: https://brokerchooser.com/ which helped but I still had to dig around to get the direct comparison I needed all in one easily visible table. What are your thoughts and experiences on the below brokers like customer service etc with these platforms? Trading212 looks to be the cheapest and best all round but I’ve read bad experiences. To diversify my portfolio I’m looking at: Individual shares and Crypto (a very small gamble 1% of total) Higher risk corporate Bonds, 1 - 4 Can be invested in via ETF’s offered by most of the online brokers below. 4 - 5 Can be invested in using the other platforms below: Crowdcube, Seedrs, Syndicate room, Crowdproperty. 1 and 6 I think need higher cost traditional brokers like HL/Black rock etc but I’m not sure. Here’s my comparison: Free trades per month Fees (deposit etc) Bank transfer or debit card? Stocks ETF/ETCs Forex Crypto ISA Free ISA, no trade fees, CFD account has charges inc: 0.5% currency conversion charge, no forex fees Debit card: Yes - Bank transfer: Yes $0 for US stock $6.95 for non-US Cannot find on FCA register Cannot find on FCA register Stocks ETF/ETCs Forex Crypto Commodities via CFD’s No ISA - $5 withdrawal fee - Deposit and withdrawal fee of 0.5% - exchange fee (50 pips) 0.5cent/$1 e.g $7.5 on $500 - If no activity for 12 months charged $10 per month - 0.75% fee to buy bitcoin Debit card: Yes - Bank transfer: No Mobile app only Stocks ETFs ISA ISA £3/month 0.90% forex fee Debit card: No - Bank transfer: Yes Mobile app only Stocks Crypto Commodities No ISA Complex fee structure Debit card: Yes - Bank transfer: Yes Stocks ETF Funds Bonds Options Futures Crypto No ISA High fees (complex structure) Debit card: No - Bank transfer: Yes Other investment platforms: Fees (deposit etc) High fees 2% set up fee 1.5% – 2.3% annual 20% performance fee Life-time management fees of between 12.5% and 24.3% 7.5% of any profit Plus variable sale fees 0% fees however returns capped at 8%. Have you used any of these before or do you have alternatives? Disclaimer: None of this is financial advice. I have no idea what I'm doing. Please do your own research or you will certainly lose money. I'm not a statistician, data scientist, well-seasoned trader, or anything else that would qualify me to make statements such as the below with any weight behind them. Take them for the incoherent ramblings that they are. TL;DR at the bottom for those not interested in the details. This is a bit of a novel, sorry about that. It was mostly for getting my own thoughts organized, but if even one person reads the whole thing I will feel incredibly accomplished. For those of you not familiar, please see the various threads on this trading system here. I can't take credit for this system, all glory goes to ParallaxFX! I wanted to see how effective this system was at H1 for a couple of reasons: 1) My current broker is TD Ameritrade - their Forex minimum is a mini lot, and I don't feel comfortable enough yet with the risk to trade mini lots on the higher timeframes(i.e. wider pip swings) that ParallaxFX's system uses, so I wanted to see if I could scale it down. 2) I'm fairly impatient, so I don't like to wait days and days with my capital tied up just to see if a trade is going to win or lose. This does mean it requires more active attention since you are checking for setups once an hour instead of once a day or every 4-6 hours, but the upside is that you trade more often this way so you end up winning or losing faster and moving onto the next trade. Spread does eat more of the trade this way, but I'll cover this in my data below - it ends up not being a problem. I looked at data from 6/11 to 7/3 on all pairs with a reasonable spread(pairs listed at bottom above the TL;DR). So this represents about 3-4 weeks' worth of trading. I used mark(mid) price charts. Spreadsheet link is below for anyone that's interested. I'm pretty much using ParallaxFX's system textbook, but since there are a few options in his writeups, I'll include all the discretionary points here: I'm using the stop entry version - so I wait for the price to trade beyond the confirmation candle(in the direction of my trade) before entering. I don't have any data to support this decision, but I've always preferred this method over retracement-limit entries. Maybe I just like the feeling of a higher winrate even though there can be greater R:R using a limit entry. Variety is the spice of life. I put my stop loss right at the opposite edge of the confirmation candle. NOT at the edge of the 2-candle pattern that makes up the system. I'll get into this more below - not enough trades are saved to justify the wider stops. (Wider stop means less $ per pip won, assuming you still only risk 1%). All my profit/loss statistics are based on a 1% risk per trade. Because 1 is real easy to multiply. There are definitely some questionable trades in here, but I tried to make it as mechanical as possible for evaluation purposes. They do fit the definitions of the system, which is why I included them. You could probably improve the winrate by being more discretionary about your trades by looking at support/resistance or other techniques. I didn't use MBB much for either entering trades, or as support/resistance indicators. Again, trying to be pretty mechanical here just for data collection purposes. Plus, we all make bad trading decisions now and then, so let's call it even. As stated in the title, this is for H1 only. These results may very well not play out for other time frames - who knows, it may not even work on H1 starting this Monday. Forex is an unpredictable place. I collected data to show efficacy of taking profit at three different levels: -61.8%, -100% and -161.8% fib levels described in the system using the passive trade management method(set it and forget it). I'll have more below about moving up stops and taking off portions of a position. And now for the fun. Results! Total Trades: 241 TP at -61.8%: 177 out of 241: 73.44% TP at -100%: 156 out of 241: 64.73% TP at -161.8%: 121 out of 241: 50.20% Adjusted Proft % (takes spread into account): TP at -61.8%: 5.22% TP at -100%: 23.55% TP at -161.8%: 29.14% As you can see, a higher target ended up with higher profit despite a much lower winrate. This is partially just how things work out with profit targets in general, but there's an additional point to consider in our case: the spread. Since we are trading on a lower timeframe, there is less overall price movement and thus the spread takes up a much larger percentage of the trade than it would if you were trading H4, Daily or Weekly charts. You can see exactly how much it accounts for each trade in my spreadsheet if you're interested. TDA does not have the best spreads, so you could probably improve these results with another broker. EDIT: I grabbed typical spreads from other brokers, and turns out while TDA is pretty competitive on majors, their minors/crosses are awful! IG beats them by 20-40% and Oanda beats them 30-60%! Using IG spreads for calculations increased profits considerably (another 5% on top) and Oanda spreads increased profits massively (another 15%!). Definitely going to be considering another broker than TDA for this strategy. Plus that'll allow me to trade micro-lots, so I can be more granular(and thus accurate) with my position sizing and compounding. A Note on Spread As you can see in the data, there were scenarios where the spread was 80% of the overall size of the trade(the size of the confirmation candle that you draw your fibonacci retracements over), which would obviously cut heavily into your profits. Removing any trades where the spread is more than 50% of the trade width improved profits slightly without removing many trades, but this is almost certainly just coincidence on a small sample size. Going below 40% and even down to 30% starts to cut out a lot of trades for the less-common pairs, but doesn't actually change overall profits at all(~1% either way). However, digging all the way down to 25% starts to really make some movement. Profit at the -161.8% TP level jumps up to 37.94% if you filter out anything with a spread that is more than 25% of the trade width! And this even keeps the sample size fairly large at 187 total trades. You can get your profits all the way up to 48.43% at the -161.8% TP level if you filter all the way down to only trades where spread is less than 15% of the trade width, however your sample size gets much smaller at that point(108 trades) so I'm not sure I would trust that as being accurate in the long term. Overall based on this data, I'm going to only take trades where the spread is less than 25% of the trade width. This may bias my trades more towards the majors, which would mean a lot more correlated trades as well(more on correlation below), but I think it is a reasonable precaution regardless. Time of Day Time of day had an interesting effect on trades. In a totally predictable fashion, a vast majority of setups occurred during the London and New York sessions: 5am-12pm Eastern. However, there was one outlier where there were many setups on the 11PM bar - and the winrate was about the same as the big hours in the London session. No idea why this hour in particular - anyone have any insight? That's smack in the middle of the Tokyo/Sydney overlap, not at the open or close of either. On many of the hour slices I have a feeling I'm just dealing with small number statistics here since I didn't have a lot of data when breaking it down by individual hours. But here it is anyway - for all TP levels, these three things showed up(all in Eastern time): 7pm-4am: Fewer setups, but winrate high. 5am-6am: Lots of setups, but but winrate low. 12pm-3pm Medium number of setups, but winrate low. I don't have any reason to think these timeframes would maintain this behavior over the long term. They're almost certainly meaningless. EDIT: When you de-dup highly correlated trades, the number of trades in these timeframes really drops, so from this data there is no reason to think these timeframes would be any different than any others in terms of winrate. That being said, these time frames work out for me pretty well because I typically sleep 12am-7am Eastern time. So I automatically avoid the 5am-6am timeframe, and I'm awake for the majority of this system's setups. Moving stops up to breakeven This section goes against everything I know and have ever heard about trade management. Please someone find something wrong with my data. I'd love for someone to check my formulas, but I realize that's a pretty insane time commitment to ask of a bunch of strangers. Anyways. What I found was that for these trades moving stops up...basically at all...actually reduced the overall profitability. One of the data points I collected while charting was where the price retraced back to after hitting a certain milestone. i.e. once the price hit the -61.8% profit level, how far back did it retrace before hitting the -100% profit level(if at all)? And same goes for the -100% profit level - how far back did it retrace before hitting the -161.8% profit level(if at all)? Well, some complex excel formulas later and here's what the results appear to be. Emphasis on appears because I honestly don't believe it. I must have done something wrong here, but I've gone over it a hundred times and I can't find anything out of place. Moving SL up to 0% when the price hits -61.8%, TP at -100% Adjusted Proft % (takes spread into account): 5.36% Taking half position off at -61.8%, moving SL up to 0%, TP remaining half at -100% Adjusted Proft % (takes spread into account): -1.01% (yes, a net loss) Now, you might think exactly what I did when looking at these numbers: oof, the spread killed us there right? Because even when you move your SL to 0%, you still end up paying the spread, so it's not truly "breakeven". And because we are trading on a lower timeframe, the spread can be pretty hefty right? Well even when I manually modified the data so that the spread wasn't subtracted(i.e. "Breakeven" was truly +/- 0), things don't look a whole lot better, and still way worse than the passive trade management method of leaving your stops in place and letting it run. And that isn't even a realistic scenario because to adjust out the spread you'd have to move your stoploss inside the candle edge by at least the spread amount, meaning it would almost certainly be triggered more often than in the data I collected(which was purely based on the fib levels and mark price). Regardless, here are the numbers for that scenario: Moving SL up to 0% when the price hits -61.8%, TP at -100% Winrate(breakeven doesn't count as a win): 46.4% Adjusted Proft % (takes spread into account): 17.97% Taking half position off at -61.8%, moving SL up to 0%, TP remaining half at -100% Winrate(breakeven doesn't count as a win): 65.97% Adjusted Proft % (takes spread into account): 11.60% From a literal standpoint, what I see behind this behavior is that 44 of the 69 breakeven trades(65%!) ended up being profitable to -100% after retracing deeply(but not to the original SL level), which greatly helped offset the purely losing trades better than the partial profit taken at -61.8%. And 36 went all the way back to -161.8% after a deep retracement without hitting the original SL. Anyone have any insight into this? Is this a problem with just not enough data? It seems like enough trades that a pattern should emerge, but again I'm no expert. I also briefly looked at moving stops to other lower levels (78.6%, 61.8%, 50%, 38.2%, 23.6%), but that didn't improve things any. No hard data to share as I only took a quick look - and I still might have done something wrong overall. The data is there to infer other strategies if anyone would like to dig in deep(more explanation on the spreadsheet below). I didn't do other combinations because the formulas got pretty complicated and I had already answered all the questions I was looking to answer. 2-Candle vs Confirmation Candle Stops Another interesting point is that the original system has the SL level(for stop entries) just at the outer edge of the 2-candle pattern that makes up the system. Out of pure laziness, I set up my stops just based on the confirmation candle. And as it turns out, that is much a much better way to go about it. Of the 60 purely losing trades, only 9 of them(15%) would go on to be winners with stops on the 2-candle formation. Certainly not enough to justify the extra loss and/or reduced profits you are exposing yourself to in every single other trade by setting a wider SL. Oddly, in every single scenario where the wider stop did save the trade, it ended up going all the way to the -161.8% profit level. Still, not nearly worth it. As I've said many times now, I'm really not qualified to be doing an analysis like this. This section in particular. Looking at shared currency among the pairs traded, 74 of the trades are correlated. Quite a large group, but it makes sense considering the sort of moves we're looking for with this system. This means you are opening yourself up to more risk if you were to trade on every signal since you are technically trading with the same underlying sentiment on each different pair. For example, GBP/USD and AUD/USD moving together almost certainly means it's due to USD moving both pairs, rather than GBP and AUD both moving the same size and direction coincidentally at the same time. So if you were to trade both signals, you would very likely win or lose both trades - meaning you are actually risking double what you'd normally risk(unless you halve both positions which can be a good option, and is discussed in ParallaxFX's posts and in various other places that go over pair correlation. I won't go into detail about those strategies here). Interestingly though, 17 of those apparently correlated trades ended up with different wins/losses. Also, looking only at trades that were correlated, winrate is 83%/70%/55% (for the three TP levels). Does this give some indication that the same signal on multiple pairs means the signal is stronger? That there's some strong underlying sentiment driving it? Or is it just a matter of too small a sample size? The winrate isn't really much higher than the overall winrates, so that makes me doubt it is statistically significant. One more funny tidbit: EUCAD netted the lowest overall winrate: 30% to even the -61.8% TP level on 10 trades. Seems like that is just a coincidence and not enough data, but dang that's a sucky losing streak. EDIT: WOW I spent some time removing correlated trades manually and it changed the results quite a bit. Some thoughts on this below the results. These numbers also include the other "What I will trade" filters. I added a new worksheet to my data to show what I ended up picking. Total Trades: 75 TP at -61.8%: 84.00% TP at -100%: 73.33% TP at -161.8%: 60.00% Moving SL up to 0% when the price hits -61.8%, TP at -100%: 53.33% Taking half position off at -61.8%, moving SL up to 0%, TP remaining half at -100%: 53.33% (yes, oddly the exact same winrate. but different trades/profits) Adjusted Proft % (takes spread into account): TP at -61.8%: 18.13% TP at -100%: 26.20% TP at -161.8%: 34.01% Moving SL up to 0% when the price hits -61.8%, TP at -100%: 19.20% Taking half position off at -61.8%, moving SL up to 0%, TP remaining half at -100%: 17.29% To do this, I removed correlated trades - typically by choosing those whose spread had a lower % of the trade width since that's objective and something I can see ahead of time. Obviously I'd like to only keep the winning trades, but I won't know that during the trade. This did reduce the overall sample size down to a level that I wouldn't otherwise consider to be big enough, but since the results are generally consistent with the overall dataset, I'm not going to worry about it too much. I may also use more discretionary methods(support/resistance, quality of indecision/confirmation candles, news/sentiment for the pairs involved, etc) to filter out correlated trades in the future. But as I've said before I'm going for a pretty mechanical system. This brought the 3 TP levels and even the breakeven strategies much closer together in overall profit. It muted the profit from the high R:R strategies and boosted the profit from the low R:R strategies. This tells me pair correlation was skewing my data quite a bit, so I'm glad I dug in a little deeper. Fortunately my original conclusion to use the -161.8 TP level with static stops is still the winner by a good bit, so it doesn't end up changing my actions. There were a few times where MANY (6-8) correlated pairs all came up at the same time, so it'd be a crapshoot to an extent. And the data showed this - often then won/lost together, but sometimes they did not. As an arbitrary rule, the more correlations, the more trades I did end up taking(and thus risking). For example if there were 3-5 correlations, I might take the 2 "best" trades given my criteria above. 5+ setups and I might take the best 3 trades, even if the pairs are somewhat correlated. I have no true data to back this up, but to illustrate using one example: if AUD/JPY, AUD/USD, CAD/JPY, USD/CAD all set up at the same time (as they did, along with a few other pairs on 6/19/20 9:00 AM), can you really say that those are all the same underlying movement? There are correlations between the different correlations, and trying to filter for that seems rough. Although maybe this is a known thing, I'm still pretty green to Forex - someone please enlighten me if so! I might have to look into this more statistically, but it would be pretty complex to analyze quantitatively, so for now I'm going with my gut and just taking a few of the "best" trades out of the handful. Overall, I'm really glad I went further on this. The boosting of the B/E strategies makes me trust my calculations on those more since they aren't so far from the passive management like they were with the raw data, and that really had me wondering what I did wrong. What I will trade Putting all this together, I am going to attempt to trade the following(demo for a bit to make sure I have the hang of it, then for keeps): "System Details" I described above. TP at -161.8% Static SL at opposite side of confirmation candle - I won't move stops up to breakeven. Trade only 7am-11am and 4pm-11pm signals. Nothing where spread is more than 25% of trade width. Looking at the data for these rules, test results are: Adjusted Proft % (takes spread into account): 47.43% I'll be sure to let everyone know how it goes! Other Technical Details ATR is only slightly elevated in this date range from historical levels, so this should fairly closely represent reality even after the COVID volatility leaves the scalpers sad and alone. The sample size is much too small for anything really meaningful when you slice by hour or pair. I wasn't particularly looking to test a specific pair here - just the system overall as if you were going to trade it on all pairs with a reasonable spread. Here's the spreadsheet for anyone that'd like it. (EDIT: Updated some of the setups from the last few days that have fully played out now. I also noticed a few typos, but nothing major that would change the overall outcomes. Regardless, I am currently reviewing every trade to ensure they are accurate.UPDATE: Finally all done. Very few corrections, no change to results.) I have some explanatory notes below to help everyone else understand the spiraled labyrinth of a mind that put the spreadsheet together. I'm on the East Coast in the US, so the timestamps are Eastern time. Time stamp is from the confirmation candle, not the indecision candle. So 7am would mean the indecision candle was 6:00-6:59 and the confirmation candle is 7:00-7:59 and you'd put in your order at 8:00. I found a couple AM/PM typos as I was reviewing the data, so let me know if a trade doesn't make sense and I'll correct it. Insanely detailed spreadsheet notes For you real nerds out there. Here's an explanation of what each column means: Pair - duh Date/Time - Eastern time, confirmation candle as stated above Win to -61.8%? - whether the trade made it to the -61.8% TP level before it hit the original SL. Win to -100%? - whether the trade made it to the -100% TP level before it hit the original SL. Win to -161.8%? - whether the trade made it to the -161.8% TP level before it hit the original SL. Retracement level between -61.8% and -100% - how deep the price retraced after hitting -61.8%, but before hitting -100%. Be careful to look for the negative signs, it's easy to mix them up. Using the fib% levels defined in ParallaxFX's original thread. A plain hyphen "-" means it did not retrace, but rather went straight through -61.8% to -100%. Positive 100 means it hit the original SL. Retracement level between -100% and -161.8% - how deep the price retraced after hitting -100%, but before hitting -161.8%. Be careful to look for the negative signs, it's easy to mix them up. Using the fib% levels defined in ParallaxFX's original thread. A plain hyphen "-" means it did not retrace, but rather went straight through -100% to -161.8%. Positive 100 means it hit the original SL. Trade Width(Pips) - the size of the confirmation candle, and thus the "width" of your trade on which to determine position size, draw fib levels, etc. Loser saved by 2 candle stop? - for all losing trades, whether or not the 2-candle stop loss would have saved the trade and how far it ended up getting if so. "No" means it didn't save it, N/A means it wasn't a losing trade so it's not relevant. Spread(ThinkorSwim) - these are typical spreads for these pairs on ToS. Spread % of Width - How big is the spread compared to the trade width? Not used in any calculations, but interesting nonetheless. True Risk(Trade Width + Spread) - I set my SL at the opposite side of the confirmation candle knowing that I'm actually exposing myself to slightly more risk because of the spread(stop order = market order when submitted, so you pay the spread). So this tells you how many pips you are actually risking despite the Trade Width. I prefer this over setting the stop inside from the edge of the candle because some pairs have a wide spread that would mess with the system overall. But also many, many of these trades retraced very nearly to the edge of the confirmation candle, before ending up nicely profitable. If you keep your risk per trade at 1%, you're talking a true risk of, at most, 1.25% (in worst-case scenarios with the spread being 25% of the trade width as I am going with above). Win or Loss in %(1% risk) including spread TP -61.8% - not going to go into huge detail, see the spreadsheet for calculations if you want. But, in a nutshell, if the trade was a win to 61.8%, it returns a positive # based on 61.8% of the trade width, minus the spread. Otherwise, it returns the True Risk as a negative. Both normalized to the 1% risk you started with. Win or Loss in %(1% risk) including spread TP -100% - same as the last, but 100% of Trade Width. Win or Loss in %(1% risk) including spread TP -161.8% - same as the last, but 161.8% of Trade Width. Win or Loss in %(1% risk) including spread TP -100%, and move SL to breakeven at 61.8% - uses the retracement level columns to calculate profit/loss the same as the last few columns, but assuming you moved SL to 0% fib level after price hit -61.8%. Then full TP at 100%. Win or Loss in %(1% risk) including spread take off half of position at -61.8%, move SL to breakeven, TP 100% - uses the retracement level columns to calculate profit/loss the same as the last few columns, but assuming you took of half the position and moved SL to 0% fib level after price hit -61.8%. Then TP the remaining half at 100%. Overall Growth(-161.8% TP, 1% Risk) - pretty straightforward. Assuming you risked 1% on each trade, what the overall growth level would be chronologically(spreadsheet is sorted by date). Based on the reasonable rules I discovered in this backtest: Date range: 6/11-7/3 Adjusted Proft % (takes spread into account): 47.43% Demo Trading Results Since this post, I started demo trading this system assuming a 5k capital base and risking ~1% per trade. I've added the details to my spreadsheet for anyone interested. The results are pretty similar to the backtest when you consider real-life conditions/timing are a bit different. I missed some trades due to life(work, out of the house, etc), so that brought my total # of trades and thus overall profit down, but the winrate is nearly identical. I also closed a few trades early due to various reasons(not liking the price action, seeing support/resistance emerge, etc). A quick note is that TD's paper trade system fills at the mid price for both stop and limit orders, so I had to subtract the spread from the raw trade values to get the true profit/loss amount for each trade. I'm heading out of town next week, then after that it'll be time to take this sucker live! Date range: 7/9-7/30 Adjusted Proft % (takes spread into account): 20.73% Starting Balance: $5,000 Ending Balance: $6,036.51 Live Trading Results I started live-trading this system on 8/10, and almost immediately had a string of losses much longer than either my backtest or demo period. Murphy's law huh? Anyways, that has me spooked so I'm doing a longer backtest before I start risking more real money. It's going to take me a little while due to the volume of trades, but I'll likely make a new post once I feel comfortable with that and start live trading again. ASIC Regulation Thread - Regarding the proposed changes ( Australians effected the most ) I'm hopeless at formatting text, so if you think you can structure this post better take everything i write and put it into an easy to digest way. I'm just going to type out everything i know in text as fast as possible. I'm not a legal expert, I'm not somehow who understands every bit of information in the PDF's below, but i know I'm a retail trader that uses leverage to make profit which is why I'm posting this, in the hope that someone who can run a charge better than me, will. Some of you are already aware of what might be happening, this is just a post to educate retail traders on changes that might be coming to certain brokers. This effects Australian Customers the most, but also effects those living in other countries that use Australian brokers, such as Pepperstone and others. Last year in August 2019, ASIC ( Australian Securities and Investments Commission ) was concerned about retail traders going into Forex and Binary options without understanding these instruments properly and started sticking their noses in for tough regulation. ASIC asked brokers and anyone with interest in the industry to write to them and explain what should and should not change from the changes they proposed, some of the proposed changes are very misguided and come from a lack of understanding exactly how OTC derivatives actually work. I will provide the link to the paper further down so you can read it yourself and i will provide a link to all the submission made by all parties that sent submissions to ASIC, however the 2 main points of debate are: 1, To reduce the overall leverage available to retail traders to either 20:1 or 30:1. This means people who currently use leverage such as 100:1 to 500:1 and everything in between will be effected the most, even more so are those traders with relatively small accounts, meaning in order to get your foot in the door to trading you will need more capital for it to be viable. ^^ This point above is very important. 2, The removing of Binary options trading, which basically includes products like "Bet if gold will rise to this price in the next 30 seconds" This sort of stuff. So far from all the submissions from brokers and individuals nobody really cares if this changes as far as i know, though if you have concerns about this i would start voicing your disapproval. Though i would not waste your time here, all is pointing to this being eradicated completely with brokers also supporting the changes, I've never used such a product and know very little about them. ^^ This point above isn't very important and will probably be enforced in the future. Still to this day i see retail traders not understanding leverage, they think of it as "dangerous and scary", it's not, position size is the real danger, not leverage. So ASIC is aiming to limit retail traders access to high leverage, they are claiming it is a way to protect traders who don't really understand what they are getting into by attacking leverage and not the real problem which is position size relative to your capital. If it was truly about protecting retail traders from blowing up their accounts, they would look for ways to educate traders on "understanding position sizes and why it's important" rather than attacking leverage, but their goal is misguided or has an ulterior motive . I will give you a small example below. EXAMPLE - We will use 2 demo accounts for demonstration purposes. If you don't understand my example, i suggest you try it for yourself. - Skip if not interested in examples. Lets say we open 2 demo accounts with $1000 in both, one with 20:1 leverage and one with 500:1 leverage and we open an identical position on both accounts ( say a micro lot '0.01' on EURUSD ). You are safer on the 500:1 account as you don't need to put up as much margin as collateral as you would on the 20:1. If the trade we just opened goes against us and continues against us, the account with 20:1 leverage will run out of free margin a lot faster than the 500:1 account. In this simple example is shows you that leverage is not dangerous but safer and gives you a lot more breathing room. This trade was a small micro lot, so it would take hundreds of pips movements to get margin called and blow up that $1000 on each account. Lets now use a different position size to truly understand why retail traders blow up accounts and is the reason why trading can be dangerous. This time instead of opening a micro lot of '0.01' on our $1000 dollar demo accounts, lets open a position size much larger, 5 lots. Remember we only have $1000 and we are about to open a position much larger relative to our capital ( which we should never do because we can't afford to do that ) the 20:1 probably wont even let you place that trade if you don't have enough margin as collateral or if you could open the position you would have a very tiny amount of free margin left over, meaning a small pip movement against you will instantly blow up your $1000 account. On the 500:1 account you wouldn't need to put up as much margin as collateral with more free margin if the trade goes bad, but again a small movement could blow up your account. In this example, both accounts were dangerous because the lack of understanding position sizes, opening a position you can't afford to open. This is what the true danger is, not the leverage. Even in the second example, the higher leverage would "margin call" you out later. So i would go as far to say that lower leverage is more dangerous for you because it margin calls you out faster and just by having a lower leverage doesn't stop you from opening big positions that can blow you up in a 5 pip movement anymore, any leverage size is dangerous if you're opening positions you can't afford to open. This is also taking into consideration that no risk management is being used, with risk management higher leverage is even more powerful. ASIC believes lowering leverage will stop people opening positions that they can't afford. When the reality is no matter how much capital you have $500, $1000, $5000, $50,000, $500,000, $5,000,000. You don't open position sizes that will blow that capital up completely with small movements. The same thing can happen on a 20:1 or 500:1 account. Leverage is a tool, use it, if your on a lower leverage already such as 20:1, 30:1 it means your country has been regulated and you already have harder trading conditions. Just remember higher leverage allows you to open larger position sizes in total for the amount of money you own, but the issue is NOT that your using the higher leverage but because you are opening positions you can't afford, for what ever reason that is, the only fix for this is education and will not be fixed by simply lowing leverage, since you can just as easy blow up your account on low leverage just as fast or if not faster. So what is going on? There might ( get your tinfoil hats on ) be more that is involved here, deeper than you think, other agendas to try and stop small time retail traders from making money via OTC products, theories such as governments not wanting their citizens to be traders, rather would prefer you to get out there and work a 9 to 5 instead. Effective ways to do this would be making conditions harder with a much larger barrier of entry and the best way to increase the barrier of entry for retail traders is to limit leverage, lower leverage means you need to put up more money, less breathing room for trades, lower potential. They are limiting your upside potential and the downside stays the same, a blown account is a blow account. Think of leverage as a weapon, a person wielding a butchers knife can probably destroy a person wielding a steak knife, but both knifes can prove fatal. They want to make sure your holding the butter knife then tell you to butcher a cow with it. 30:1 leverage is still workable and can still be profitable, but not as profitable as 500:1 accounts. This is why they are allowing professionals to use high leverage, this gives them another edge over successful retail traders who will still be trying to butcher a cow with a butter knife, while they are slaying limbs off the cow with machetes. It's a way to hamstring you and keep you away rather than trying to "protect" you. The real danger is not leverage, they are barking up the wrong tree, how convenient to be barking up the very tree most retail traders don't fully understand ( leverage) , pass legislation to make trading conditions harder and at the same time push the narrative that trading is dangerous by making it even harder. A full circle strategy to make your trading conditions worse, so you don't succeed. Listen carefully especially if you trade with any of the brokers that have provided their submissions to ASIC. Brokers want to seem like they are on your side and so far some of the submissions ( i haven't read them all ) have brokers willing to drop their leverage down to 30:1 because they know by dropping the leverage down it will start margin calling out their clients at a much faster rate, causing more blown up accounts / abandoned accounts with residual margin called funds, but they also know that if they make trading environments too hard less people will trade or even worse move their funds elsewhere offshore to unregulated brokers that offer higher leverage. Right now it's all just a proposal, but as governments expand and continue to gain more control over it's citizens, it's just a matter of time till it's law, it's up to you to be vocal about it, let your broker know that if they drop their leverage, you're out, force them to fight for you. If you have any more information related to this, or have anything to add, post below. I'm not an expert at this technical law talk, i know that i do well with 500:1 leverage and turn profits with it, it would be harder for me to do on a lower leverage, this is the reason for my post. All related documents HERE CP-322 ( Consultation paper 322 ) & Submissions from brokers and others. https://asic.gov.au/regulatory-resources/find-a-document/consultation-papers/cp-322-product-intervention-otc-binary-options-and-cfds/ I’m proud to say that I am finally consistent! And by consistent, I mean 6 months of good sleep with a steady growth of my account. This journey began back in March 2016 when my friend introduced me into forex. I’ve lost an average of 1k per year until the start of 2020. For those feeling horrible because you been stopped out or in a sea of reds don’t be demoralised, think of it as you are paying your school fees. Forex can be a very expensive education... Things that I have learnt since the start. (May vary person to person) Never go against the trend! Our orders are simply too small to tip the scale. Financial institutions and banks have access to billions which has the power to tip the scale Always have a stop loss(SL) Protect your money! We never know when our 100pips profits will turn into 100pips losses (Eg, XAU/USD on 28th July 1971 - 1933 in 20mins) Another reason I use SL is to prevent me from getting stopped out. Review your closed trades, regardless it is blue or red. There’s always things that we can improve on! Eg, better entry points and exits. Find out why you entered the particular trade and what can be done better. Trailing stop is very useful Simply to maximise your profits without the need to be consistently on the charts. If i am in 25pips profits, I will have a trailing stop of 7.5 pips. Which gives a confirmation that regardless of market movement I already have 17.5 pips in my pocket. There is no ever blue strategy Market is constantly changing and even if there is, it might not work for everyone! Find the strategy that suits you the most Never let emotions take over! Follow your strategy but you’ll have to be dynamic about it. In my personal opinion! Demo is for new traders like me to learn the basics of forex and once i was familiar with the market, I went live with money that I was okay to lose. I only went back demo to test my strategy when I could trade without emotions. It was a ton of trial and error until this day 😆 If you are like me, a student... My greatest tip for you is to not trade during exams / project submissions... Trade safe, trade well! [Edit] I should probably give an idea why I would specifically point out the list of things. The Forex Scalping Indicators MT4 is very meant to help analyze short-term price fluctuations. It's one of the very extensively used by many active traders on the volume indicator mt4 market for the Meta Trader platform. For the long-term investors, the scalping indicator might help determine good points to enter or exit by helping in speculating on future price levels or trends through the proper evaluation of past patterns. The Meta Trader 4 is really a Forex indicator developed utilizing the MQL4 programming language. It can be used to create manual Forex trading strategies. Meta Trader 4 indicators may be categorized into several groups - general purpose, multi- time period, divergence, statistical, and free foreign exchange indicators. These may be downloaded online which will give you a chance to test them before actual deployment on the Meta Trader platform. Additional alerts for the MT4 indicator may be put set up including email, sound, and pop-up alerts. Choosing the Right Forex Scalping Indicators There are several factors that need to be considered when selecting the correct Forex scalping indicators MT4 to use. For starters, divergence indicators are generally most accurate in flat Forex markets the same as other oscillators. They are therefore advisable to utilize with MT4 indicators when determining the possible direction the Forex market will go. There's also specific indicators that work best with MT4 for various purposes such as Forex scalping, intraday trading, and even for long-term Forex trading strategies. Recommended is to judge various Forex indicators from different sources and try them out on the Meta Trader platform. Using several divergence indicators in conjunction with the indicators of Forex market tendencies might help clean up an enter signal and allow it to be possible to secure a great position in a trending market. The Great things about Meta Trader 4 Indicators One a valuable thing about these MT4 indicators is they include source code in MQ4 file format. This means you can break it down and manually analyze what it is supposed to complete, and make adjustments when necessary. Likewise, the Forex scalping indicators have already been tested by experienced professional Forex traders. The indicators aren't rehashed and they employ proven mathematical algorithms in the program. Additional alerts may also be available and can certainly be installed if required. The Forex Scalping Strategy A lot of trades work for only some minutes, less than a minute even in some instances, and the targets are normally from 5 to 15 pips. The concept is to obtain in and out with some profits wherever possible, and to immediately get free from bad positions to get ready for future trades. Experienced day traders who use a relatively longer time period use the same Forex scalping indicators MT4 within their trading strategy. The reason being it is user friendly and doesn't present a lot of complications which really is a a valuable thing as you don't intend to stay long in the trading market for long periods at a time. In this way, you will have a way to optimize gains while at the same time frame minimize your losses from losing trades. 1.Jeremy McGilvery - InstaPro Academy. 2.Ben Oberg – Instagram Mastery 3.0. 3.Nick Malak – Own The Gram-Your Blueprint To Dominating Instagram 4.Gunnar Gronowski – Build a Drop Shipping Store using Instagram Chat-bots 5.Christien Bouc – Grow On Instagram 6.Millionaire Mafia – Instagram Mastery 2.0 (2019) 7.Instagram Mastery and Monetization – Josue Pena 8.Nathan Chan – Instagram Domination 4.0 9.Jon Penberthy – Tube Ads Academy 2019 10.Dave Kaminski – YouTube Video Ads For Regular People 11.Dan Henry – YouTube Ads for Courses 12.JAMIE TECH – YOUTUBE COURSE 13.Tom Breeze – YouTube Ad Workshop 14.Jordan Mackey – Youtube Advanced Masterclass 15.Graham Stephan – The YouTube Creator Academy 16.Kody – Youtube Mastery Class 17.Jordan Mackey – Make Money On Youtube Made Easy 2019 18.David Vlas – Youtube Compilation Machine 19.Matt Par – Make Money On YouTube without Making Videos 20.Hooman Nouri – YouTube Mastery [Download] 21.Brko Banks – Youtube Mastery [Download] 22.David Vlas – Youtube Revenue Machine [Download] 23.Brko Banks Course – How To Make Money On Youtube [Download] 24.Jordan Mackey – Youtube Advanced Masterclass 2019 – Over $50k Per Month From Youtube 25.Sean Cannell – 10X Your Brand With YouTube 26.Paul Murphy – Affiliate YouTube Success 27.BECOME A SUCCESSFUL PRODUCT REVIEWER ON YOUTUBE 28.YouTube Marketing Become a Digital TV Star in Your Niche 29.Bulletproof Youtube Ads by Adskills TIK TOK courses 30.Rachel – The TikTok Academy 31.Jose Rosado – Twitter Money Mastery 32.Twitter SEO Academy – Bradley Benner 33.Cat Howell – Facebook Ads That Convert 3.0 34.Patrick wind – Facebook Ads Accelerator 35.Joanna Wiebe – 10x Facebook Ads 36.Anissa Holmes – Facebook Bootcamp 37.Andra Vahl – Facebook Advertising Secrets 38.Rachel Miller – Moolah’s Grow Your Audience Course (Facebook Page Strategies) 39.Chris Winters – F.A.M. 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We have more than 1000 courses available. Write us [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) The reason pips are so important is because they are the basis for calculating the dollar profit or loss in forex trading, as we shall see in the calculation of pip value (automatic and manual). What is the Difference Between a Pip, Tick and Tick Size. In Forex, the tick size and pip are almost synonymous. What are pips in forex trading? A “PIP” – which stands for Point in Percentage - is the unit of measure used by forex traders to define the smallest change in value between two currencies. The difference in pips between the bid price (which is the price the seller receives) and the ask price (which is the price the buyer pays) is called the spread. The spread is basically how your broker makes money, because most forex brokers do not collect commissions on individual trades. When you're buying at the ask price (say, 0.9714) and a ... Currency prices typically move in such tiny increments that they are quoted in pips or percentage in point. In most cases, a pip refers to the fourth decimal point of a price that is equal to 1/100th of 1%. Fractional Pips. The superscript number at the end of each price is the Fractional Pip, which is 1/10th of a pip. Forex Pip Calculator Account Currency: Trade size: Units . Calculate. Currency Price Standard Lot (Units 100,000) Mini Lot (Units 10,000) Micro Lot ... What Are Pips? Profiting From the Forex Market - YouTube For more info visit: Easy Forex - http://www.easy-forex.com/gtw/6255274.aspx In order to trade successfully you need to understand what a pip is and how to c... Hey guys here is me showing you my 20 pip scalps and that you really don't need to make hundreds of pips to be a profitable forex trader. If you want to lear... This is A Basic Breakdown of What Pips Are. This is the First Part To A Three Part Series So Stay Tuned. 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WHAT ARE THEY? Bridges are used to replace a missing tooth or a section of missing teeth by using the adjacent teeth to hold it in place. The adjacent teeth are prepared in a similar way to the crown procedure. The bridge is bonded on the prepared adjacent teeth, covering the adjacent teeth and replacing the missing teeth at the same time. In addition to removable bridges, which can be removed and cleaned, there are several types of fixed dental bridges (cannot be removed). The bridge is bonded in so you never have to take it out.
COMMUNITY CARE CENTER Community Care Centre was established with an objective to provide care and support services to women living with HIV who are from and outside of the Kathmandu valley. Women and their children who are abandoned by their families and are in critical health conditions are provided with lodging, medical help, and counseling so that they regain their health and confidence and are reintegrated in their families after proper reintegration process. They are provided with psycho-social counseling, medical treatment including CD4 counts and Anti Retroviral drugs (ARV). The agency is doing feasibility study to expand the services to women with extreme household and community violence.
“Transitions occur in the lives of all committed Christ followers. They are the moments and days that lie between what is, and what is to come” (Walling, VI). So how do we navigate through these times of transition in a healthy, focused and hope-filled way? In his book Stuck! Navigating the Transitions of Life and Leadership, Dr. Terry Walling explores the reality of transitions and seeks to guide readers through the confusion of being “stuck” into the discovery of the next phase of God’s sovereign purpose for their lives. This is accomplished by seeking to address the following questions (Walling, VI): - What is a transition? - How do I know I am in transition? (characteristics) - How do transitions occur, and is there a pathway through a transition? - How does God use a transition to shape a Christ follower’s life and direction? - What are the keys to navigating the way through a transition? - How will I know when the transition ends, and what can I expect in the future? God is always at work! And He uses times of transitions to work in our lives in such a way to draw us closer to Him and move us toward accomplishing His purpose in and through us. While we know this is true, transitions can still be tough! So we invite you to journey through the transitions of life using Stuck! as a guide to “finding God in new ways and discovering His purposes, while at the same time just trying to survive and navigate a time of transition.” Terry Walling serves as President of Leader Breakthru, a resourcing ministry on training, coaching and developing resources that bring breakthrough in the lives of risk taking, Kingdom leaders.
This site describes Canada's ecozones and the general concepts of ecological classification. Thinking, planning and acting in the context of ecosystems is essential for today's environmental management and sustainability issues. |An Introduction to Ecozones| |Levels of Generalization| |Ecozone and Ecoregion Descriptions| |GIS Polygon Data| |GIS Attribute Data| |National Ecological Framework| |Attribute Data Report| |Ecological Regionalization in Canada| |Applications of the Framework| Note: Much of this information was originally published by Environment Canada. While every effort has been made to ensure the reliability of this site, it is not covered by any warranty, express or implied.
Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2020 Mar 17:1-13. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2020.1739620. [Epub ahead of print] Background: A major therapeutic goal in weight management should be total body fat reduction whereas as preserving lean body mass and bone mass density. It is uncertain if an exercise program reduces the adverse effects of calorie restriction-induced weight loss in adults. Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the differences in bone mass between adults who enrolled in a calorie restriction or an exercise-calorie restriction induced weight loss program.Data sources: Both PubMed and Scopus libraries were searched up to February 2020. Methods: Systematic reviews and a meta-analysis were carried out of randomized clinical trials (published to February 2020) on differences in bone mineral density and content (BMD and BMC) of adults who lost weight by calorie restriction alone (CR) or exercise-calorie restriction (CR-E). The study quality was calculated using the Cochrane scoring system. Retrieved data were pooled when weight mean differences (WMDs) were computed between two groups for BMD and BMC at various sites of the body. Results: Thirteen studies, with a total of 852 participants were included. Available evidence found significantly higher BMD at the hip (WMD: 0.03 g/cm2, 95%CI: 0.01 to 0.04, p < 0.001) and femoral neck WMD: 0.03 g/cm2, 95%CI: 0.01 to 0.05, p < 0.001) and total body BMC (WMD: 0.13 kg/cm2, 95%CI: -0.10 to 0.36, p < 0.001) in the CR-E compared to the CR weight loss group. In contrast, all changes in total body BMD (WMD: 0.00 g/cm2, 95%CI: -0.01 to 0.02, p = 0.57) and lumbar spine BMD (WMD: 0.00 g/cm2, 95%CI: -0.01 to 0.01, p = 0.89) were not statistically significant. Limitations: Little evidence was available for different sexes separately. Most individuals were postmenopausal females and no subgroup analysis could be conducted based on menopausal status. Conclusion: This study suggests that physical training can preserve and even significantly increase the bone mass of the hip and femoral neck during weight reduction. Of note, various exercise modalities affected BMD at different sites. Similar results were not found for lumbar spine and total body BMD.
The Section 82 (1) of the Electricity Act, 2003 has made it mandatory that every State, by notification, constitute for the purpose of this Act , a Commission for the State to be known as the State Electricity Regulatory Commission. The Sikkim State Electricity Regulatory Commission (SSERC) has been set up as per the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003. The SSERC came into existence on 15th Day of November 2003 vide Extraordinary Gazette Notification No. 28/P/GEN/97/524 Dated 15.11.2003. The functions of the State Commission have been laid down in Section 86 of the Electricity Act, 2003. Amongst a host of functions, the State Commission has to determine the Tariff for Generation, Supply ,Transmission and Wheeling of Electricity , Wholesale, Bulk or Retail, as the case may be, within the State. Further, the Section 62(1) of the Act empowers the State Commission to determine the Tariff in accordance with the provisions of this Act as well as the Regulations framed by the State Commission, for supply of elcetricity by a generating company to a distribution licensee, for transmission of electricity , for wheeling of electricity and retail sale of electricity. The SSERC, since its inception has been making relentless efforts to ensure that the aims and objectives as envisaged in the Electricity Act, 2003 are attained within the shortest possible time. The Act has given the mandate to both the Regulators and the stake holders to accelerate the process of fulfilling the reforms in power sector as laid out in the Act. The role of the Regulator in the whole process of electricity generation, transmission ,distribution and trading is not only to ensure supply of relibale and reasonably priced power to the consumers but also to ensure that there is a heathy competition among the various utilities/service providers for overlall development of the elctricity sector. The SSERC is committed to work for creating an atmosphere that is congenial for development of the electricty sector in the State and thereby attract more and more investments in the power sector for the overall development of the State. The SSERC is at the sametime committed to ensure that there is openness,transparency and accountability in the electricity sector and that there is healthy competition among the various stake holders as well as more active participation by the stake holders especially the consumers in the overall Regulatory process.
The East African Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (EACCIA) is an organization which was established and owned by the three national chambers, namely, the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI), the Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UNCCI) and Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (TCCIA). EACCIA has its origins in the Association of the East African Chambers of Commerce, which was formed in 2003, through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that spelt out potential areas of cooperation that aimed at increasing cross border trade, in light of the EAC regional integration process. EACCIA was registered in 2005 under the Companies Act of the Republic of Kenya. Its headquarters were initially housed at the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s Ufanisi House, in Nairobi. However, it was agreed that, its Headquarters of the EACCIA should move to Arusha, Tanzania. Broadly speaking, its main objective is to lobby the regional governments for the creation of a conducive business environment for cross border trade and investment within the context of the East African Customs Union and Common Market Protocol. It is expected to dialogue with various organs of the East African Community, national, as well as international institutions, impacting on business to facilitate this. Apart from its advocacy role, the EACCIA is also expected to undertake some development projects on behalf of its constituent Chambers. Upon incorporation, the Board of the EACCIA comprised the Presidents of constituent Chambers and at least two other elected officials from each Chamber. The Chief Executives of constituent Chambers were ex-official members of the Board. The Chairmanship of the Board rotated among the Presidents of the regional chambers on an annual basis. The current Board comprises of two representatives from constituency chambers, including Burundi and Rwanda and theEACCIA Chief Executive Officer who is the Secretary to the Board. The CEOs of the various chambers sit at the Board as ex-official members.
Under Vine visualizes wine market data from the 1970’s through today—emphasizing the shift from European centrism to the rapid expansion of global trade networks following the 1976 Judgement of Paris during which American wines outperformed their French counterparts in a blind tasting. Created by Robert Gerard Pietrusko of Warning Office and Stewart Smith of Stewdio. Audio by Hans-Christoph Steiner. Narrative by Erin Hyman and the artists. Built with Processing. Designed using the Bronson framework; a data animation tool created by Stewdio and Warning Office. Running time approximately five minutes. Premiered at SFMOMA’s autumn 2010 exhibition How Wine Became Modern: Design + Wine 1976 to Now. San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) exhibition How Wine Became Modern: Design + Wine 1976 to Now. November 2010
However I knew that there was a memorial there. These are the photos and the inscriptions. Waddington Hall has an interesting history. This is not to be confused with the village of Waddington in Lincolnshire which I am sure is just as lovely. |The War Memorial| |Closer Still, Celtic cross| |Close up of the base,| The inscription is below |View from the memorial to the church| |Similar to the above view, but a little further along the path| |I WILL RAISE UP HIS RUINS AND| I WILL BUILD IT AS IN THE DAYS OF OLD +798. WADA DVX 1900 JOHN WADDINGTON Its veracity cannot be confirmed - but it does lend a bit of credence to the inscription over the gateway to Waddington hall. I have left the links in and left the page exactly as the family history page - The copy-right is not mine! If you follow the links the inscription is mentioned. |This opposite the memorial. The stream| and the Clitheroe road is between me and the Gateway |Looking up the stream towards the church| |An early postcard of Waddington,| little in the way of landscaping and of course no traffic. A closer view will reveal the church.
Store Facets Summary Main page content Published: November 2015 This manual offers skills and resources to service providers working with people who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. It outlines types of homelessness and stages of recovery, including substance use screening and supportive treatment. Access the literature review. Published: July 2012 This manual offers treatment and service providers guidelines on caring for people living with substance use disorder conditions who also have physical disabilities or cognitive disabilities. It discusses screening, treatment planning, and counseling, and linkages with other treatment and service providers. Published: September 2009 This manual offers guidance on improving services for people living with serious mental illness or emotional health issues during a mental health crises. It defines values, principles, and infrastructure to support appropriate responses to crises in diverse situations. The manual is a companion to: Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Methods for Using Data to Inform Practice: A Step-by-Step Guide.
By Jack Lancaster, Bruce Hasegawa Authored by means of a number one educator, this e-book teaches the elemental arithmetic and physics thoughts linked to clinical imaging platforms. Going past mere description of imaging modalities, this booklet delves into the mechanisms of photograph formation and snapshot caliber universal to all imaging platforms: distinction mechanisms, noise, and spatial and temporal answer, making it an immense reference for scientific physicists and biomedical engineering scholars. this can be an generally revised new version of The Physics of clinical X-Ray Imaging by means of Bruce Hasegawa (Medical Physics Publishing, 1991), and features a wide selection of modalities resembling X-ray CT, MRI and SPECT. Read Online or Download Fundamental mathematics and physics of medical imaging PDF Similar diagnosis books The vintage inner medication handbook for college kids and citizens! this convenient consultant addresses actual exam options and systems whereas offering a catalog of scientific findings due to the actual exam. completely reorganized, the 8th version of DeGowin's Diagnostic exam encompasses a extra common, easy-access layout than past variations. Throughout North the USA and world wide, common internists render care to greater than 60% of sufferers with cardiac difficulties. during this re-creation of the warmly acquired middle disorder analysis and remedy: a pragmatic procedure, moment version, M. Gabriel Khan, MD, concisely assembles in a reader-friendly layout the entire clinically necessary info that internists want in either day-by-day rounds and busy place of work practices to discover right scientific diagnoses and select optimum pharmacologic remedies for his or her sufferers. - Taylor's 10-Minute Diagnosis Manual: Symptoms and Signs in the Time-Limited Encounter (Lippincott Manual Series (Formerly known as the Spiral Manual Series)) - Endocrine Pathology:: Differential Diagnosis and Molecular Advances - Congenital and Perinatal Infections (Infectious Disease) - Diagnostic Controversy: Cultural Perspectives on Competing Knowledge in Healthcare (Routledge Studies in Anthropology) - Photon-based Medical Imagery (Digital Signal and Image Processing) - MRI: Basic Principles and Applications Additional info for Fundamental mathematics and physics of medical imaging 4 Magnetic Resonance Imaging The nuclear magnetic resonance phenomenon was discovered in the 1930s but was not applied to imaging until the 1970s. MRI systems became available for clinical use in the 1980s. 13 Coronal section of T1-weighted MRI of a head (a) illustrating the high soft tissue contrast possible, with little signal from the skull. It is common practice to use special processing to remove nonbrain tissues from head MRI (b). Brain surface model made from the resulting brainonly image (c) allows users to visualize the brain’s surface anatomy. 2 DIGITAL PLANAR IMAGING Film–screen imaging has been the mainstay for planar x-ray imaging for many decades, and similarly image intensifiers have been the mainstay for dynamic imaging. Various digital imaging technologies including (1) photostimulable phosphor systems, (2) scanned detector arrays, and (3) digital flat panels are replacing these older technologies. A picture archiving and communicating system (PACS) can provide rapid access to and viewing of the digital images. X-ray films can be entered into a PACS using film digitizers to convert them to a digital format. 3). 1 Digital Position The digital image is discrete with respect to position. 2). ” The pixel is the smallest unit in a planar image and its size in 31 32 ◾ Fundmental Mathematics and Physics of Medical Imaging VCR Video monitor Register Video image signal Low-pass antialiasing filter Video camera Camera aperture Image intensifier ADC Analog image signal Image memory DAC Log LUT Register Video monitor Image memory Digital image data Patient X-ray Digital magnetic tape Digital magnetic disk CD, DVD, etc.
Why Study in Malaysia? Malaysia is an increasingly popular place to get tertiary education with more than 40,000 international students from over 100 countries studying in Malaysia. It is the center of academic and higher education excellence in the region. Quality Education Programs The quality of educational institutions in Malaysia is monitored by the Malaysian government enforcement of legislation such as The Education Act, 1996, the Private Higher Educational Institutions Act, 1996 and The Malaysian Qualifications Agency Act 2007. The Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) provides guidelines and constant monitoring to ensure colleges and universities meet the highest standards in education and are internationally recognized. Institutions of higher learning in Malaysia provide professional, career-focused education offering courses that are up-to-date and market relevant. Graduates from Malaysia have no problems finding employment back in their home country. International students can also get an accredited degree from many choices of world-renowned universities from UK, USA, Australia, Canada and New Zealand through their twinning programs or branch campuses in Malaysia. Work While You Study Malaysia’s law allows holders of student pass or permit to work while studying. This enables students to supplement their living and earn extra pocket money for travelling and leisure activities. Students are allowed to work part-time for a maximum of 20 hours per week. Low Cost Living and Tuition Fees tuition fees of accredited and high quality programs in Malaysia are very reasonable and highly affordable. The cost of living is also very low. A student can get by living comfortably for about RM10,000 a year (USD3,300). Furthermore the ringgit value is low compared to other currency and this gives students enormous savings while studying in Malaysia. Courses are Conducted in English International students should not have any problems studying in Malaysia as English is the primary medium of Instruction for all courses and study programs conducted at the private higher educational institutions. For those less proficient in the language, there are numerous schools and institutions offering basic English courses. Multicultural Studying Environment International students studying in Malaysia will get to experience of living in a plural and multicultural society. The ethnic diversities of Malaysia expose students to a value-added life, global outlook and better understanding of different cultures, ethnic groups and traditions throughout the world. There are three major races in Malaysia namely the Malays, Chinese and Indians together with other ethnic minorities. Apart from mixing with Malaysian students, international students are also exposed to other students from different nationalities. Documents required for University Application (Initial): - Scan copy of your passport - Scan copies (original) of all educational Certificates & Mark-sheets - Scan copies (original) of one/two academic reference letter - CV (applicable to those above 25 years old) - Scan copy (original) of IELTS/TOEFL certificate - Job experience letter (if required) - Other supporting documents (if available, e.g extracurricular activities) Documents required to submit for EMGS (Final): - Registration Fee (non refundable) RM 1,000.00 - EMGS Payment (non refundable) RM 2,060.00 - All Academic Certificate & Mark-sheet (Notarized Copy) - English Language proficiency certificate (if Applicable) - 6 Passport size Photograph with blue background (size 3.5x5cm) - 2 set of Passport copy (all pages to be copied in A4 paper) photo page color - CV (applicable to those above 25 years old) - Medical Report The main intakes offered by all Universities is August/September and Jan/Feb. Few universities offer May/June intakes also. English Language Requirements Usually IELTS/TOEFL is not required, however, few top rank universities require English Language Proficiency and required an overall score of 6.0 in IELTS. |Level of Studies||Requirements| |Advanced Diploma/Diploma/Certificate||GPA 3.5 – 4.0 in HSC| |Bachelors Degree||GPA 3.5 – 5.0 in HSC| |Post Graduate Certificate/Diploma||Second Class in Bachelor Degree (3 or 4 years)| |Masters degree||Second Class in Bachelor Degree (4 years only)| Each institution sets its own entry requirements, and you will find that they vary between universities. Your application will normally be assessed on your current level of qualification. To make sure you meet all the admissions criteria for the course(s) you wish to apply for, contact the International Office at the institution(s) you are applying to and check. Funds to be shown: - Financial Sponsorship is not required for Malayisan Student Visa Application Living Expenses: Estimated at RM350 – RM600 per month. Visa Application Fees |EMGS Fee||RM 2060| |Visa Sticker Fee||BDT 3,500 to BDT 10,000| Visa processing times for Bangladesh |EMGS Processing Time||15 Days to 1 Month| Source | Online
This platform is produced by Sharq.Org, a pan-Arab non-profit organisation that works to promote and strengthen pluralism and independent thought in the Arab world. Sharq.Org’s mission is to strengthen the ability of citizens, residents and descendants of Arab world countries to hear and be heard, and to engage in honest and productive interactions. To this end, the organisation works primarily in the fields of oral histories, media and culture in a bid to strengthen documentation, dissemination and research of stories and experiences of diverse individuals across the Arab world. As part of its efforts to cultivate a sustainable environment for debate, discussion and development, the organisation's activities include training, production, publishing and community-centred events. This platform hosts audio or video recordings and written summaries of most of the interviews and stories documented by Sharq.Org, all of which are published under a Creative Commons license allowing for their republication and use in a bid to ensure maximum exposure and impact of all individual voices.
Industrial Electrical & Electronic Equipment The worldwide electrical and electronic and computers industry is the most flourishing and extremely diversified sector consisting of manufacturers, suppliers, dealers, retailers, electrical engineers, electricians, electronic equipment manufacturers, and trade unions. This sector has been growing at a rapid pace with the invention of innovative technologies and an ever-increasing customer inclination towards electronic goods and services. Customers are reinventing the consumer goods industry, reshaping brands so they represent not just products in packages but other factors such as a brand’s social responsibility. For consumer goods companies, the changes require that they be closer than ever to their customers and to consumers. Knowing what consumers are thinking is only the start. To understand trends and the resulting marketing and merchandising implications, brands need to be ahead of change, not just followers of it. An Engineering Works industry also called as (OEM) is a company whose products are used as components in another company's product. These OEM will generally work closely with the company that sells the finished product (often called a "value-added reseller" or VAR) and customize the designs based on the VAR's needs.
The Azure private link allows a customer to access Azure PaaS services privately and securely over an Azure VNET (Virtual Network). by using the private link, traffic between PaaS and VNET remains on the Microsoft backbone network with no public Internet access involved. The private link also allows the private connectivity to PaaS services from the On-premises network connected using the Express route. There are following benefits of using the Private Link: - All communication between PaaS services and Azure VNET uses the private connectivity - The private link allows the On-premises network to connect and consume PaaS services privately and reduces the usage of the Express route Microsoft peering - The private link also provides protection against the data exfiltration for Azure services - PaaS services are accessible directly from the Virtual Network within - The private link also allows an Azure Marketplace vendor to provide its services securely to its customers Key Terminologies and Concepts: - Private Link Services – Azure Private Link service is the service provided by the Azure Private Link. services like, Azure storage, - Private Endpoint – Azure Private Endpoint is a network interface that helps connects privately and securely to Private link service. Private Endpoint uses a private IP address from customer’s VNet Private Link vs Service Endpoint: The biggest difference between Private link and service endpoint is that Private link doesn’t use and communicate on Public IP and all the PaaS services are mapped on the private IP. Since the private link is recently launched Azure service, all the PaaS services arent currently available for private link yet. for all the updated services, please have a look here
By Mihika, Siya, Ahana, and Khushi. This trip was full of new experiences and adventures. We grew closer as a community but a the same time we became independent. The 8th grade went on a remarkable trip to Dalhousie, Dharamshala and Amritsar. This trip was full of new experiences and adventures. We grew closer as a community but a the same time we became independent. This trip was more than just educational. It was a time for us to grow and to become who we are. We discovered ourselves and gained a unique perspective on life. We have created everlasting memories, such as rock climbing, hiking and dancing in Dalhousie: ones that we will cherish forever. We started of our trip with Amritsar. We first visited the Wagah border, which is the official border between India and Pakistan. The girls of the 8th grade engaged in danced to patriotic songs and celebrated our glorious country. The whole grade hooted and cheered for the brave and noble Indian soldiers that protected our borders. Our voices and cries could be heard in the foreign land of Pakistan, letting our neighbouring country hear our praise for our motherland. We visited the golden temple of Amritsar and we bowed our heads before the Guru Granth. We heard the prayers and we could smell the amazing food from the dhabas. After exploring the sparkling jewel of Amritsar we dined at a local dhabba to enrich our “cultural perspective and our palette.” We had amazing food before we went to our hotel to rest for the night. The very next day we got up to board our bus and journey to Dalhousie. We saw amazing scenery and were surrounded by the serenity of the untouched land. Our second destination was Dalhousie. There we did many adventurous activities like trekking, rock climbing and repelling. Our first activity was trekking. We played pranks on each other during the trek which increased a sense of community, we also learnt to become more observant and aware of our surroundings. We appreciated nature and let it engulf us. The treck helped to refresh our minds and fill it with positivity. In the treck we also played fun games with our teachers like lock and key and heard stories about the old pine tree. Another thing we did was the surya namaskar (sun salutation) with one of our teachers. Our next activity was rock climbing and repelling. It was a task at first but we challenged and pushed ourselves, and with the support of our amazing teachers and peers we finally completed the climb. Through this activity we all learnt how to motivate each other and as a result of this we all grew closer. Our we got to see some of our teachers climb and repel too. The journey of Dalhousie was stunning and all of the students and teachers had a great time. The last place we visited was Dharamshala. That was the most educational part of the trip as here we visited museums and other historic areas. The teachings we learnt from the Dalai Lama are lessons we will carry with us always. The shopping, trying new foods, huddling together in the cold and much more are some of the beautiful memories we will always remember. On the last night of our trip we played holi with our peers and teachers,and sat around the bonfire and shared horror stories with each other. We learnt a lot about the amazing cultural beliefs of Buddhism and gained a unique perspective of the locals there. We learnt a lot about the amazing cultural beliefs of Buddhism and gained a unique perspective of the locals there. We learnt the true meaning of supporting each other by participating in activities such as rock climbing,rappelling,trekking etc. Not only did we have an incredible time with our peers but the teachers present on the trip made it so much better. Without them nothing would have been the same. So thank you teachers, Thank you for being the amazing, supportive, funny and enthusiastic teachers that you are and thank you for making the trip into memories that we will never be able to put into words.
The exodus of millions of Syrians seeking refugee status in Europe and elsewhere is indicative of a major catastrophe inside Syria. Gift of the Givers medical teams have been a witness to the pain, suffering, extensive injuries and deaths of thousands of people. Their response was to set up an emergency hospital in Darkoush in January 2013 within 70 days. Here is more news from them… The popularity of the hospital grew rapidly necessitating an expansion both of the ground floor and an addition of two more floors. This expansion required the provision of more specialized equipment, increasing the medical personnel complement and procuring huge quantities of medicines and disposable medical supplies at huge cost. The hospital faced further challenges; as more and more hospitals, health care centers and ambulances were deliberately targeted by Assad’s regime the influx of casualties multiplied in the Gift of the Givers Ar Rahmah Hospital. This hospital has become the largest and possibly only effective functioning hospital in all North Syria. The hospital was under constant threat of attack since inception in January, but 2015 has been specially harrowing with bombs extensively destroying large parts of Darkoush city with the hospital suffering destruction of doors and windows. On more than one occasion the equipment, medical personnel and patients had to be evacuated to safer undisclosed locations. The increased threat of attack, the influx of refugees from other parts of Syria and the patient overload demanded a further significant intervention. The Turkish Red Crescent deployed and donated an outstanding field hospital to Gift of the Givers. This new hospital opened this week and is much closer to the Turkish border for security purpose. There has been an influx of patients already. This hospital will be managed by Dr Ahmad Ghandour, their medical manager from the Darkoush Hospital. 180 member medical and support staff will service both facilities. There will be a need to increase the medical personnel and provide more medicines and disposable supplies. The heartbreaking picture of the Syrian child on the beach has whipped up emotions worldwide. Thank you to all for your compassionate response. The reality is that this tragedy has been unfolding since March 2011 and ever increasing in intensity to the present. The greatest tragedy however, is INSIDE Syria, not only because of the millions of internally displaced civilians but because of the horrific crimes committed against them in various forms. These include detention, torture, cutting off the supply of food, water, medical services, medicines, the deliberate bombing of hospitals and the specific targeting of medical personnel. The use of barrel bombs, vacuum bombs, chemical weapons, missiles and attack by aircraft on predominantly civilian populations has resulted in a death toll reaching 300 000 and casualties of immeasurable proportions. Gift of the Givers response from 2013 has been concentrated almost exclusively inside Syria. To this date the policy still remains the same. The three floor Ar Rahma Hospital that we have established and manage with a compliment of 180 medical specialists and support staff is a living witness to the humanitarian crimes inside Syria. This South African Gift of the Givers hospital has been subjected to repeated attacks by the Assad regime, fortunately, till now, it has avoided major damage. On two occasions we had to evacuate equipment, medical personnel and patients. Two months ago we received 1700 casualties in 10 days. We have seen injuries through all kinds of weapons mentioned above including chemical weapons. We include some pictures which we regard as “mild” compared to what we have in our possession. We could not impose the horror of those pictures on the general public. Life saving medical support, provision of food, shelter, food, milk powder, shelter, clothing, blankets, generalized feeding through a permanent kitchen and education through our involvement in schooling are our continuous efforts inside Syria. Contributions to Gift of the Givers, Standard Bank, Pietermaritzburg, Account No. 052278611, Branch Code 057525, are most welcome in the interest of serving the suffering Syrian people. We value your contributions as it is only through your generous contributions that our medical teams have had the resources and medical supplies to save countless lives and physically heal close to 300 000 patients thus far. Our special thanks to Angela Merkel and the people of Germany for their enthusiastic and compassionate welcome of traumatized refugees. Thanks to all other individuals and governments whose assistance may not be publicly known. The Almighty sees and rewards. Our South African efforts continue.
Everyone knows of some basic superheroes. Superman, Batman, Thor, and Black Widow to name a few. However, the best superhero, in my opinion, would be Spider-man. I believe that Spider-man has very unique powers, his life is a stumble outside the mask, and he is always outgunned. Spider-man’s powers are so cool and unique! Most other superheroes have the ability to lift more than the average man, or they can fly. Spider-man on the other hand, can’t leap or fly and he’s also not super strong. Instead, he has to be more creative and rely on the momentum of shooting his next web, so he can land a perfect flip. Instead of punching or kicking, he sticks his criminals together. Spider-man also has to rely on getting his aim perfect in order to succeed in this task. Most other superheroes retreat where the villains can’t see them hiding out, whereas Spider-man just rests at the top of skyscrapers. Superheroes are also supposed to have a nice life. As for Spider-man, he has a more complex background. Spider-man gets bullied in school, he’s an orphan, and he keeps getting rejected by the love of his life. Spider-man had to go live with his Aunt May and Uncle Ben at a young age. Then, Uncle Ben eventually dies, so Aunt May is left having to raise him. However, Aunt May is an elderly lady, who also needs to be protected by him. Spider-man also can’t tell Mary Jane, the love of his life, who he really is because it could risk her safety. Other typical superheroes wear armor that can protect them when fighting villains, but Spider-man doesn’t. All Spider-man has is a red spandex suit! All of Spider-man’s villains, on the other hand, have some sort of metal armor on them. When he has to fight the villains, he always has to think of a few moves ahead of time so he can defeat them. Unlike other heroes who have advantages, Spider-man is the best superhero because he saves the day even when it seems he has the odds against him.
This is just a collection of some of the articles I have come across in the last few weeks that are well worth a read over the weekend. I won’t go into too much detail but the links are worth following. 1. Let’s Play Moneyball – It started as a conversation and became the book that changed baseball and other sports forever. As it becomes a movie, player turned statistics king Billy Beane and author Michael Lewis meet up where it all began – in Oakland, California. Great Article by Simon Kuperin the FT. Click Here 2. An Interview With ESPN’s Soccer Analysts Paul Carr and Albert Larcada. Soccerbythenumbers.com interview ESPN’s soccer analysts, giving a good insight to stats from a broadcasters point of view. Click Here. 3. Visualizing Completed Passes by Position. This one is from the blog onfooty.com (well worth following). I though this offered something interesting terms of analysis but also in terms of visualization. Click Here 4. Football Freakonomics – When good stats go bad. From the authors of the book Freakonomics comes a few interesting articles looking at stats in the NFL. The articles are all supplemented with a well produced video. Even if NFL is not your sport this is well worth checking out. http://www.freakonomics.com/2011/10/30/football-freakonomics-when-good-stats-go-bad/
Web designers are trained to produce sites. They have the certain understanding and also abilities required for not just writing the coding however to additionally create an cosmetically pleasing website that resembles a visual art while likewise supplying the fundamental centers to its owners. It is not easy translating what you have in your mind exactly the way you want right into a web site and that is why these personalized internet site developers need to go via substantial training as well as understanding in order to acquire all those skills. It is this specific factor because of which these days customized website developers are considered as not developer rather artists. This is why the field of web designing has actually become one of the most prominent as well as its jobs are the greatest sought after even today. There are different types of custom website developers. One is the type that works as a freelancer, whereas the other kind is the one that collaborates with a company as well as teams up with a whole group of customized site designers. There are also plenty of customized site developers that are simply seeking this area as their leisure activity and are not troubled concerning earning money from it. But if you place their work standing aside, you can classify custom-made site developers as developers and visual developers. Programmers are the ones that have to translate the visual layouts right into codes of HTML or any other language. They need to utilize their shows skills to produce all the back-end programs that will certainly allow the site individual to carry out the tasks called for. The aesthetic designers are the ones that collaborate with the visual charm of the website. They make use of programs that assist create art. The major feature of web pages is to relay details. Their work is virtually like the artwork supervisors when they are active working with photo aims for magazines. The major job of custom-made website developers is to create websites that can successfully relay the intended material while ensuring that the expectation of the web site is additionally aesthetically boosting while being useful as well. They need to create a straightforward site that will allow visitors to quickly navigate their method around while providing information to the backside. Among the biggest misconceptions relating to custom site designers is that almost any person can do that sort of task. It holds true that anyone can think of a basic style by utilizing any type of start-up software, however in order to truly develop the appropriate sort of professionally appealing as well as user-friendly web site, you need to employ gifted custom-made web site designers to do the work for you. Just they will recognize just how to design for you a useful as well as smart-looking website from scratch. At the same time many people are arguing over whether these custom-made web site developers require to participate in official classes for making. However even if a internet designer does participate in institution, those courses would certainly never verify him or her as a internet designer. This is why the majority of these custom-made designers are in fact self-taught. They believe on getting hands – on experience instead of participating in classes. Ultimately it is very important that all custom developers need to have their very own web sites to depict their skill as well as abilities. They ought to upload their profile of help everyone to see. This will aid customers in obtaining an suggestion of the person’s capacities and also his/ her aesthetic sense. There are lots of software program readily available to personalized designers to create even more visually showing up sites easily. Occupying brief courses on these software program will be much more beneficial to any web developer. know more about https://www.coquewebsite.com/website-design-in-bangalore/ here.
|Vaccination Liberation - Information| Ingredients of Vaccines Artificially Sweetened Times Books Videos Tapes 100+ Anti-Vax links Home SchoolingWe at VacLib are not experts in home schooling, however, homeschooling has proven to provide: Thus the links provided below are for your convenience. 54 Serious Reasons Why You Should Homeschool Plus: What is Homeschooling & How to Home School K-5 curriculum is free, 6-12 only $250 per year. Ron Paul Curriculum: The Story of Liberty, K-12 A collection of links to sites relating to Home Schooling A Guide to Online Homeschooling
We begin our climb today in prayer, an act that every Christian has the privilege of doing and is sadly just a routine for many. The joy of coming to our Father, sitting on the summit of the hill, is lost by multitudes of Christians because they are looking around at each other, rather than looking up to our Father. The back ground to the Psalm is 2 Samuel 15 – 18 with the loss of the Ark of the Covenant and with it Gods presence amongst His people. The death knell was felt amongst the people, the horror of losing the mighty presence of the Living God is unbearable to the faithful Israelites. To them the taunts cry out 'there is no help for him in God' it brought mortification to their souls, they were walking like dead men to the world. The troubles of the past days weigh heavy on many a soul, on Gods holy hill. They feel like David did when fleeing from Absalom his third son. Rebellion was in Absalom's heart, nourishing the desire to supplant his father David and going to great lengths to do so. But climbers on Gods holy hill always have the advantage of knowing that their heavenly Father is well aware of the tricks and deceits of the wicked. We need to face up to the facts that when we climb on Gods holy hill, we will find adversaries close at hand seeking to make our feet slide so that we slip into some deep ravine. The closer we are to our Guide the safer we are and though the temptations be real and challenging, we can know mastery over them through His saving and keeping power. He does not remove that bolder that is rumbling in our way, but He will give us the ability to climb over it and to be able to look down on it from our higher advantage position. We notice the word 'increased' because when we are climbing consciously on Gods holy hill the greater the obstacles seem to become. It is amazing how a multiplicity of problems seem to come our way when we are seeking to walk according to Gods word, but this is to be expected. Time seems to pass by so quickly and tiredness is a hazard when we struggle to get our quiet time with the Lord, that is the time to keep close to the Lord, take a few minutes times each day if you cannot make the hour at one go. We find that people keep coming or contacting us when we are struggling to read Gods word, the telephone, a letter or a visit, all robbing us of communion with our Lord Jesus. It takes discipline to cut it all off for a space of time each day so that we can have that precious time alone with the Lord. We should ponder v2 because millions of folk are telling us today that God does not exist and there are Christians listening to this deception of Satan's, causing them to stumble and others to question with them. The word 'help' is a vital one, as it points to our salvation and the ensuing victory that He gives to repentant sinners. The enemies of Christ will do all within their limited powers to trap the Christian who is not walking closely to their Saviour, our defeat is because we are listening to the enemy and not communing with the Lord as we should be. Then comes a mighty 'but Lord', the all important 'but' that turns the argument upside down for the vigilant Christian climber because the seeming death fall is only a slide on human thinking. The moment the Lord takes His rightful place in our life the disaster is blown away and the Guide sorts the mess out and upward we climb. There is something majestic about our beloved Lord Jesus' dealings with us. When we fall, He picks us, cleans us up and then begins to encourage us not to do it again, all for our own benefit. We get our climbing ropes in such a tangle and we blame to conditions or spiritual climate for them when we should be looking at the commitment of our heart towards Him. People may pass us by without speaking, others reject our spiritual desires and some will have nothing more to do with us when our commitment costs something, but our precious Lord is ever on hand to commune with us. That communion becomes like precious ointment to our soul and mind, more valuable than any earthly treasure and far more rewarding, as we press on along the path of righteousness. He is our shield surrounding us, taking the flak that is thrown at us and when the avalanche of criticism falls around us, He protects us diligently. When things are upside down or everything seems out of balance, all we need to do is to look up to the summit, because our Saviour is enthroned there and He is our anchor. It is by faith that we lock on to the eternal rope of salvation and as we climb amongst humanly impossible circumstances, we find there is a way through and victory is ours. How many Christians can testify to v4, every one of them found climbing on Gods holy hill, have and do, cry out regularly for His help and aid and they stand testimony to the fact 'He heard our cry'. He is not standing in the valley shouting orders to us on how we should tackle the problems and difficulties we face daily, emphatically not, He is there on His holy hill along side us giving enlightenment and encouragement to us all. He goes through the various situations of life with us and sometimes we go over the same moves time and time again until we get the message of victory in Christ over it. The end of the hard days struggle on a mountain finds climbers quiet and reflective, usually shattered by the experiences they have been through. So it is in the Christian climb, but we have the added blessing that 'He gives His beloved sleep', we can lie down and sleep contented in the knowledge that our guardian and guide never slumbers or sleeps at all. He is vigilant in His care over all His children, He knows the needs and He will meet them according to His plan for us and that includes refreshing sleep v5. The word 'sustained' means to lay hold of, to bear up and to uphold it also means to hold up those who lean upon Him. We come to lean upon Him on the holy hill to rely more and more upon His strength and power as we move up the holy mount. It brings with it a sense of responsibility because we can easily become self confident and that can be disastrous when climbing. It only takes a split second of loss of concentration and the slide or fall occurs, bringing us down to the bottom of a lonely ravine, we can praise the Lord that He does not leave us to our self but quickly comes down to lift us up. The word 'thousands' is no exaggeration, there are multitudes around us seeking to gain our attention seeking to give us advice and wanting us to slip up. This is the strategy of the enemy, the arm chair critic watching us climb will shout out their advice to us continually even though they have never climbed or walk a mountain in their life. This is where our communion with the Lord is vital, the critics have only human knowledge to draw from and that can be very pathetic, the Christian climber has the experience of sharing things with the Lord daily. 'Salvation' v8 points to deliverance from sin, victory over temptation and provision for our welfare, the source of all of this is outside human resources as it comes from the heart of the Creator God. Our Saviour brings deliverance from disasters, He enables us to climb when otherwise we would fall and He gives us victory over temptation. What a mighty prospect lies before us today as we seek to put to practice what He has revealed through His word as we climb a little higher up Gods holy hill.
This is a series of lessons kindly written for us in the Whitewicca forums by RowanBerry and saved here for easy reference. WHAT ARE THE BACH FLOWER REMEDIES? The Bach Flower Remedies are a system of healing with flowers that treats the emotional, mental and spiritual nature rather than the physical body. They were discovered by Dr Edward Bach in England in the early 1930s. They are actually quite easy to make. They are liquid preparations, and are administered by drops from the dropper, either directly onto the tongue or into a glass of water or juice. Flower remedies are also known as flower essences but they are not to be confused with the essential oils used in aromatherapy, which are also sometimes called essences. SIMILARITY TO HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES The flower remedies are closest conceptually to homeopathic remedies, in that the activating agent is increasingly diluted and only small doses are taken, usually 4 drops at a time. Apart from this similarity, they are quite unique, and they differ from homeopathic remedies in other respects. THE HISTORY OF FLOWER ESSENCES It is believed that flower essences have been around for a very long time, possibly dating as far back as Ancient China. Traditional peoples have always been aware of the healing power of flowers. And there is evidence that a number of traditional cultures, including the Egyptian, Malay, African and Aboriginal Australian, have used flowers in healing. But the earliest written record of their use is by the 16th century European healer and mystic, Paracelsus, who collected dew from flowers to heal emotional disharmony. THE PIONEERING WORK OF DR EDWARD BACH In modern times, flower essences were discovered, or some say rediscovered, by Dr Edward Bach, an English physician, bacteriologist, immunologist, pathologist, homeopath and herbalist. Now, it’s very important that we look at the life and work of Dr Bach, because this gives us a much better understanding of the background to the discovery of the Bach Flowers. These healing flowers were not stumbled upon in a random or haphazard way. Their discovery was actually the result of many years of scientific experiment, painstaking observation and deep thought. During his work as a medical practitioner, Dr Bach observed his patients very closely. Some of these observations had a deep impact on him and led to an increasing dissatisfaction with orthodox medicine, and were to form the basis of the new system of healing treatment that he pioneered. BACH’S OBSERVATIONS WERE: Through his own experience with a life-threatening illness, Bach made a very important discovery. In 1917, he was diagnosed as suffering from advanced cancer and given three months to live. He knew that overwork, lack of sleep and emotional turmoil were contributing factors. But to everyone’s amazement, he made a remarkable recovery. What pulled him through was his all-embracing need to fulfill what he saw as his life’s mission. From this experience, Bach concluded that an absorbing interest, a great love, or a definite purpose in life were the decisive factors in creating our happiness on earth. Over a number of years, Bach experimented with different forms of healing treatment. He turned to bacteriology for a time and developed a series of vaccines made from intestinal bacteria that proved to be very successful in treating some forms of chronic disease. But he was still dissatisfied. He did not like using needles or the products of disease to heal people. It was Bach’s introduction to homeopathy which was able to take him a step further in his quest. In 1919, he took up the position of pathologist and bacteriologist at the London Homeopathic Hospital. It was here that he discovered the work of a kindred spirit, Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy. Bach was deeply influenced by Hahnemann’s book ‘The Organon’. In this book he discovered what he considered to be the principle of true healing, and that was: TREAT THE PATIENT AND NOT THE DISEASE Bach had believed this himself for a long time, and he was very excited to find that many of Hahnemann’s ideals were identical with his own. So, this principle, of treating the patient and not the disease, was to form the basis of Bach’s new system of healing. The inspiration of homeopathy led Bach to refine his bacterial vaccines into a series of oral remedies called nosodes. These were seven oral vaccines homeopathically prepared from seven groups of bacteria and, like the vaccines, were also used to treat chronic illness. Bach found that the seven bacterial groups corresponded to seven different and definite human personalities. By treating patients according to their temperamental symptoms with the nosodes, he obtained excellent results. This method of diagnosis appealed to him above all others because, apart from its emphasis on prescribing according to the personality rather than the physical body, it also saved people from the discomfort and embarrassment of physical examinations, which Bach had always disliked. The Nosodes were very successful. In fact, they are still used in homeopathy today, and are known as the Bach Nosodes. But Dr Bach was still dissatisfied with this form of treatment, despite its success. Even though the Nosodes were homeopathically prepared, he still disliked a remedy that was made from the products of disease. This is where Bach deviated from homeopathy, or as he saw it, he decided to go one step further than homeopathy. Bach had come to believe that the homeopathic principle of ‘like cures like’ or ‘disease cures disease’ was not the way of nature, and he became determined to replace the Nosodes with purer remedies. THE HEALING POWER OF NATURE It was this determination and his strong belief that true healing lay not in the laboratory, but amongst nature, that led Dr Bach to abandon his medical practice to search the fields and woods for a simpler and more natural system of healing treatment. THE TWELVE GROUPS OF HUMANITY One of the most important discoveries made by Bach was that all of humanity could be divided into twelve groups. This understanding came to him suddenly one evening while he was dining in a large banqueting hall. Like all true geniuses, many of his discoveries came to him in the form of flashes of inspiration and realisation. Apparently, Bach had attended this dinner somewhat unwillingly and wasn’t enjoying himself. So, to pass the time, he began to watch the people around him, and suddenly he had a realisation that the whole of humanity consisted of a number of definite groups of types. He noticed that every individual in that large hall belonged to one or other of these groups, and he spent the rest of the evening watching all the people he could see. He observed how they ate their food, how they smiled and moved their hands and heads, the attitudes of their bodies, the expressions on their faces and, when he was close enough to hear, the tone of voice they used. He saw that the resemblance between certain people was so close that they might have belonged to the same family…By the time the dinner was over he had worked out a number of groups. THE DISCOVERY OF THE TWELVE HEALERS What Bach identified as a result of that evening’s observations were twelve groups of personality traits or twelve archetypal patterns of behaviour in people. He also called them ‘world’ types. So, when he began to roam across the countryside seeking the healing remedies, he knew what he was looking for. He knew the personality trait or emotional state, and he generally knew something about the quality of the plant, tree or flower that would heal that state. During the years that followed, he walked many hundreds of miles, wandering all over the country, in search of what we know today as the Bach Flower Remedies. Dr Bach searched the fields for the healing remedy for each of these twelve groups. It took him 4 years to discover them all, and he called them ‘The Twelve Healers’. THE SEVEN HELPERS In the space of the following year, 1933, Bach discovered what he called ‘The Seven Helpers’. These were for the states of mind which had become more persistent than those of the first group, for the people who had been chronically ill for a long time and had given up hope. THE LAST NINETEEN REMEDIES The last nineteen remedies were discovered very quickly, over a period of six months. A year or so later, in 1936, Dr Bach died, at the age of 50. Throughout the process of discovering and preparing these last 19 remedies, Bach suffered greatly. He had become acutely sensitive and before he discovered the next remedy, he would experience the state of mind that it would heal. He also suffered intensely on a physical level. In her biography of Dr Bach, Nora Weeks tells us that before the finding of one remedy, his face was swollen and extremely painful. Another time, he had a severe haemorrhage and the bleeding didn’t stop until the remedy for the mental state he was experiencing was found. The primary reference and source for all the historical material relating to Edward Bach and his life is: The Medical Discoveries of Edward Bach Physician, by Nora Weeks. After each bulletin I will post some questions. You can use these to “test” your understanding or simply to expand your thinking. I hope you will find this useful. 1. What was your opinion of Bach Essences and the abilities for flower essences to heal prior to reading the Week One Material? 2. After reading the Week One posting… what is your opinion now on Dr. Bach’s theories on the abilities of flower essences to heal? Did the reading change and previously held views? 2. What do you already know about Bach Flower Remedies and Essences? 3. What do you hope to gain from participating in this learning thread? 4. Explain your understanding of “Treat the Patient and Not the Disease”. 5. What do you think the relationship is between human suffering and disease? As a culture do you think we are doing enough to alleviate either? 6. Discuss your thoughts on Bach’s idea that modern medicine is “materialistic.” 7. What do you think about Bach’s theory that the origin of disease is a conflict of the soul and mind? What are your thoughts about the Mind/Body/Spirit Connection? 8. How can our mental attitude help or hinder our healing? 9. Have you had an illnesss or time in your life where you attitude and state of mind has benefited or hampered your healing process?
If you're older than 45 or have other risks for diabetes, it's important to get tested. When you spot the condition early, you can avoid nerve damage, heart trouble, and other complications. As a. Adults Can Get Type 1 Diabetes, Too Type 1 diabetes used to be called "juvenile diabetes," because it's usually diagnosed in children and teens. But don't let that old-school name fool you. It can. Nov 16, · You may have high blood sugar levels for a long time before symptoms appear. You may have any of the following: Numbness in your fingers or toes; Blurred vision; Frequent urination; More hunger or thirst than usual; How is type 2 diabetes diagnosed? You may need tests to check for type 2 diabetes starting at age You may need any of the following. If you’re wondering about the signs and symptoms of type 1 diabetes in adults, you’re not alone. Type 1 diabetes is a serious autoimmune disease in which a person’s pancreas stops producing insulin, a hormone essential to getting energy from food. People with type 2 diabetes are said to have insulin resistance. People who are middle-aged or older are most likely to get this kind of diabetes. It used to be called adult-onset diabetes. But.
Dual core system basically means that a system consists two physical computer processors in the same chassis. They are separated and located on the same or separate motherboards. It all revolves around an integrated circuit that contains two processors which are, more or less, identical. These processors are manufactured in a way to reside side by side on the same die. Each has its own path to the front side bus of the system. Since there are two processors working as one, there are many advantages to the user’s benefit. For those who are looking to boost their systems up when it comes to the multitasking computing power, this could be especially useful. Dual core processors provide two execution cores that are working independently from each other and each core has its own cache. This means that the system has more than sufficient resources to operate and handle intensive tasks in parallel. If your thing is multitasking, this can be extremely useful to you. Dual core optimization requires the newest technology called thread level parallelism. This means that both the applications and operating system need to support this technology. TLP acts like a part of the operating system or application that simultaneously runs more than one thread. Here, a thread refers to the part of a particular program that has the ability to execute independently of other parts. Basically, this means that your system should run perfectly while you are executing multiple programs at the same time. The dual core processor should be perfectly capable of running multiple threads of more than one program simultaneously while increasing both efficiency and performance. Today, every OS supports multithread technology especially applications that people use to create and edit graphics, videos and music files. In case that you are interested in a particular dual core configuration, both Intel and AMD desktop processors should be perfectly fine. If you, by any chance prefer Intel, you can get three benefits from it. Hyper threading technology, Intel extended memory 64 and dual core3 for much better system responsiveness and multitasking performance capabilities.
“Data is the new oil…” is a phrase often used by those in the industry to describe the vast, valuable and extremely powerful resource available to us. We generate an astronomical amount of data, in fact 90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone according to IBM. However, there is a real skills gap when it comes to working with the data – people often perceive it as being too complicated or intimidating to work with, while those who can extract it, process it and refine it will reap the rewards. Data is readily available if you know where to look for it. The UK Government’s data.gov.uk site opens up datasets on the environment, health and education and often these datasets come cleansed without the need to process it too much (though I would always advise the cleansing and scrutiny of data regardless of source!). As a Cambridgeshire resident, I am very lucky to have access to Cambridgeshire Insight Open Data, which is a repository of open data relating to local matters and is managed by Cambridgeshire County Council and run by a local partnership. I therefore wanted to have a go at playing around with the data and utilising the numerous free tools available to explore and visualise it with the hope of making it more accessible – let’s face it, there’s more to life than staring at a spreadsheet! My first project will be looking at crime figures in the county and projecting them on to a map, by council ward, using an online tool called Carto. The data will be sourced from the Cambridgeshire Crime Rates and Counts 2015/16 data set on the Cambridgeshire Insight Open Data site and I will be focusing on the data related to the rate of crimes per 1,000 population at ward and district level. The data I’m using can be found in column “CU” in the Excel sheet. The benefit of looking at the rate instead of raw numbers is that it means the stats aren’t skewed by heavily populated areas e.g. I would expect the number of crimes in heavily populated areas to be higher than those in remote rural communities, but as the rate takes in to account the population within the area, it provides a more accurate measure. The mapping processes behind Carto aren’t sophisticated enough to recognise a council ward name in data (yet), but it does allow you to overlay KML data meaning that the wards can be “drawn” on to the map in a new layer. Where does this KML data come from? Surely we don’t have to create it ourselves? Heh, don’t be silly, someone has already done all of the hard work for us (phew!) – thank you to Alasdair Rae, a Lecturer in the Department of Town and Regional Planning at the University of Sheffield who created it for an article in the Guardian and a spreadsheet containing all of the KML shapes of all council wards in England can be downloaded via a Google Fusion table. I then matched up the wards, by name, between the two sheets and pulled out the KML code for each one and the resulting sheet can be found here. From here, everything can be done from within Carto so create yourself a free account and prepare to be dazzled! There are plenty of Carto tutorials but there are essentially two sides to the tool: the dataset side (where the data can be uploaded) and the mapping side (where the maps connect to your existing datasets). The great thing about Carto is that your maps can be embedded in your own website so hey presto, here’s the resulting map… Total crime rate per 1,000 people by Cambridgeshire ward (2015/2016) Source: Cambridgeshire Insight Open Data :: Full page view of the map I hope to make this a regular series of small tutorials about data visualisation and the use of open data so check back in a few months to see what else I have been up to! Disclaimer: I am employed by Cambridgeshire County Council, though I have no links with the Insight Open Data team.
Why Hiring Diversity Begins With the First Seven Words Think about the last thing you said. It could be anything — asking a coworker what they’re eating or answering a phone call from your mother. If seven words from that conversation were isolated in audio and presented to a roomful of strangers, research shows that participants in that room will likely be able to guess your income level. From just seven words. If a person’s social status can be assumed from just a pinprick of data, imagine the number of judgment calls that can be made about someone from a resume or an in-person interview. It’s no wonder that bias sets in early during the recruitment process. And it’s no wonder that, as a result of early bias, so many companies look eerily similar, consisting of people who look alike, think alike, and have similar backgrounds. That homogeneity is ultimately detrimental to both the business and to society as a whole. Think of what happens when a homogenous group produces AI algorithms meant to predict the likelihood of a particular crime: Unsurprisingly, the algorithm favors those who look like its creators. Or consider the Supreme Court’s tendency to favor the rich and the powerful. It’s abundantly clear that everyone suffers when diversity is an afterthought. What diversity really looks like Too often, company diversity is judged by what can be seen in a photo. Yes, it’s important to have a broad representation of different genders, races, and ages. But diversity goes well beyond the surface. Your company should also have a range of backgrounds, including various education and socioeconomic levels, and people who have been impacted by our social justice system, who we refer to as fair chance talent. It’s also not enough to assume you have a diverse workforce: you’ll need to actually gather information about your current workforce to identify the characteristics that lack representation. Data holds the answer to your true diversity. And once you understand where your diversity is lacking, you can begin to hire differently. Hiring diversity in practice One organization has been particularly helpful at demonstrating what actively hiring for diversity looks like: The NFL. In 2003, the NFL adopted a league policy, called the Rooney Role, that requires teams to interview minority candidates for head coaching positions. At Checkr, we’ve borrowed from the NFL and implemented an expanded version of the rule, which we call the Rooney Rule+. It requires that at least two candidates who fit our predetermined diverse candidate pools — which for us, means gender diversity and underrepresented groups, but could mean something else at your company — must be interviewed before a hiring manager can extend an offer. In addition to this requirement, we also follow these important guidelines. First, we don’t pressure hiring managers to make a decision. Part of hiring the best employees means allowing hiring managers the time and autonomy to follow their own expertise. Second, like most companies, we hire for both a role and culture match. Third, we are open to many candidate pools, and as fair chance employers, we actively seek candidates with criminal backgrounds. As a result, we’ve been able to grow our diversity numbers across the board and have worked to incorporate differing perspectives and voices into the culture of the organization. We’d love to challenge your company to implement a similar hiring strategy. Make diversity not just a nice idea, but a company initiative fully supported by executives. This will certainly be a challenge, but a challenge that will pay off. As you think about making changes, here are a few suggestions on how to get started. How to truly diversify hiring Imagine if bias were codified. It’s almost unfathomable in the modern workplace. But bias is codified in workplaces when it comes to one specific group: those whose histories have been impacted by the criminal justice system. Diversity by its very nature can’t discriminate against a particular group. And yet, time and time again, employers allow their bias to impact hiring applicants with criminal records. That excludes a massive swath of our society from the hiring pool and is ultimately detrimental to both innovation and to our communities. Consider, for instance, that 88% of the 8.2 million arrests occurring between 2001–2010 were for possession of marijuana. Surely marijuana possession shouldn’t be enough to render someone unemployable for the rest of their life. Everyone, regardless of background, has the right to be fairly assessed for a role they’re qualified for. To demonstrate this same belief at your company, we recommend following these guidelines: - Get buy-in at the executive level before beginning to implement diversity initiatives, otherwise progress will flounder. - Consider removing years of experience and education requirements from job descriptions. - Make the move to a skills-based interview process. Focus less on tenure and focus more on strengths. - We hire for strengths, not for a lack of deficiencies. - Consider adding day-to-day skills to your hiring process. - Train and engage your recruiters and hiring managers on fair chance hiring practices. Creating a culture of belonging Diversity does little good if your employees can’t bring their whole selves to work. By making inclusion and belonging hallmarks of your company culture, you can help employees feel valued and welcome. But there’s no way to improve if you don’t know where you currently stand, so we recommend setting a baseline for where you are from an inclusion or belonging standpoint. That baseline will require that you work with your team to poll employees, garner feedback, and truly understand how the culture is. Once you have a better understanding of where you are, you can find ways to come together. Here are some best practices we’ve adopted, along with recommendations for your team: We’ve gone to great lengths to ensure our interview process is fair and welcoming to candidates. That includes making sure each and every interview panel is diverse and well-equipped to ask the right questions. We’ve also weaved our core values into the interview process — all panelists are given a set of core value questions to ask and discuss. Recommendation: Take a look at your current interview process and test to see how fair and welcoming it is. How diverse are your panels? How do you test for a good culture match? Ask for feedback and improve based on the information you’ve gathered. We understand how challenging navigating a new role can be, which is why we host a weeklong onboarding program for all our new employees. During this week, new employees gain a strong understanding of our industry, the different departments, our leadership team, internal tools and processes, and how their individual role plays a role in driving our mission. Recommendation: Document your onboarding process and evolve it periodically. It should include not only an initial weeklong program, but also touchpoints for the next 1–2 years. Internal communication is crucial for creating a culture where everyone understands the goals of the company and feels like they can share their opinions and viewpoints openly and honestly. To ensure transparency and maintain that communication, we host bi-weekly all-hands meetings, which are an opportunity for all departments to share updates, important news and ask for feedback and questions. Recommendation: Make inclusivity a hallmark of your all-hands meetings. These should be active forums, not just passive gatherings. Challenge each member of your all-hands meeting to contribute. Trainings and career development In the last few years, we’ve launched interview training for the entire company on the foundations for behavioral interviewing. We’ve also introduced a training dedicated to the responsibilities of being a hiring manager, with further reinforcement around the importance of diversity and sourcing Recommendation: Provide extra funds to each employee earmarked for additional training. This could be a class at a community college or an online certification. In your quest to unlock innovation, decrease turnover rates, and create a truly diverse work community, it’s vital to make inclusivity a core of your business values. Without it, valuable members of your team may feel alienated and stifled. If bias begins at just seven words, then let’s begin dismantling bias now, in the silence before speaking. And sure, we may not ever be able to erase it entirely from human nature, but we can at least work to eliminate it from our hiring practices. What we’ll see are solutions fueled by different backgrounds and different viewpoints and team members who discover a new appreciation for the uniqueness of their coworkers. By Margie Lee-Johnson, VP of People at Checkr.
Before becoming a mom, I too had Friends who are Pregnant and Friends with Kids and sometimes I used to feel like an idiot when they used some terminologies that was relevant to being pregnant but I had no idea what they meant. Lactating, was this a new cocktail? Trimester, my little couch potatoes body thought that this was a muscle group that I had not heard of yet! Was a perineum a new sauce from Nandos? Is swaddling a new dance move because it sounds kind of dorky? Eventually I couldn’t take it anymore I went and got hold of a pregnancy book and read up on these things so that when they spoke about it, I didn’t do the blank stare and the conversation would not have to be halted by me asking “umm, what’s that?” So I when I had Bella, every time I spoke of one of the terminologies, I would stop and explain to whomever I was chatting to, before they asked, so that I didn’t make them feel like idiots. Maybe you don’t have the time to read a pregnancy book so here I am going to explain some of the terms so that when they chat, you too will be informed! I will also give some tips on how to be the best friend you can be when your friend has had a baby or has a kid. Lactating: this is when milk comes from the mother’s nipples to feed the baby. Latching: when the mother holds the baby in her arms and moves the baby towards the nipple to encourage drinking. When the baby takes the nipple into its mouth and starts to drink, it’s called latching and it can be quite a difficult process. If someone says that they baby doesn’t want to latch, it means that he won’t accept the nipple and hence not drink. Trimester: the 9 months of pregnancy is divided into three sections called trimesters! You get the beginning stages of pregnancy which is the First Trimester (this is where most of the nauseous occurs!!!), then the Second Trimester and the Third Trimester which is nearing to the end of pregnancy. Perineum: This is the area between the anus and the vagina and can be torn or surgically cut during childbirth. Due date: this is the date that the doctor will advise that the baby is more likely to be born on but there are no guarantees; the baby can come earlier or later. My friend Santi with Bella Porridge brain: the oxygen supply that goes to a pregnant woman’s brain while pregnant can become less as the oxygen is diverted to the baby. Your once clever friend might forget simple things like what you where talking about 2 minutes ago or ask you for coffee and not make it. Often they don’t even realise it as it affects their short term memory and so be accommodation and try not to make them feel stupid about it. How would you feel if you suddenly started forgetting everything? Epidural: this is a needle that has anaesthetics in it and is used during labour as a pain relief for mothers. It is inserted into their backs during the first stages of child birth and numbs the area from the waist down. Natural birth: this refers to when a baby is born by coming out of the vagina Caesarean: an incision is made into the mother’s womb via the stomach and the baby is lifted out by doctors. Antenatal classes: these are classes for parents to be where they can go and learn things like how to wash a baby, how to change a nappy and basically anything that has to do with babies Nappy rash: this is when the skin becomes irritated in the nappy region and can happen when a nappy is left on too long and the skin gets affected by urine or stools. The area becomes red and the degree, to which it is, depends on how fast it gets treated. If left untreated, it can create blisters and actually bleed. There are many ways to treat it, namely with creams or using Maizena. Stools: This is another term for faeces. They are very important as the colour, smell and consistency can tell a lot about what is happening with the baby. Sleeping through: when a child goes to sleep at night and doesn’t wake up until the morning again. This is what most sleep deprived parents crave! Teething: this can be quite painful for some kids and others just breeze through it. Teething is when the milk teeth in the kid’s mouth start coming out and pushing through the gums Solids: this is food that isn’t formula or breast milk. this is done in stages so around 4-6 months, babies will start to have baby cereal (just porridge formulated with their little tummies in mind) and purees like Purity or HPPT. As they get older the food becomes more textured and progresses to include more foods and eventually to finger foods that toddlers can hold and eventually feed themselves. Weaning: this is when parents try to get their kid to drink less of the milk and more of the food. It can also refer to breast feeding moms who are trying to get their baby from not drinking from her anymore. Tips to help you support your friends Maritha with Bella Everyone is different, some people accept help while others don’t but I am going to give you some tips that I found helpful which my friends did and from those that I have heard from other mothers! 1) If you think that you freaked out when you heard that your friends where pregnant, just bear in mind that although you might have seen the happy faces, some or other time there is going to be the “oh s#it!” moment when they realise what is actually going to happen to them. If you start to get some crazy calls at 2am or your friend start to tell you how worried they are and it seems to be that way all the time, be supportive and just listen. It will pass. 2) Know what and how to pack a baby bag for hospital so that if you get a call from your friend to say that they have gone into labour and have nothing with them or packed, you will look like a hero (I speak from experience!) remember that babies don’t always come on their due date, sometimes they like to come earlier! 3) This whole experience will be new to them and they may take over a conversation about it. Also if a mom is on Maternity Leave, she might not see as many people as she used to and with the baby taking up a lot of her time, she might not be up to date on what is happening in the world. Give her time to talk about the baby and get it out of her system and then steer the conversation to something else. If she calls you ranting and raving how this is driving her mad and she can’t cope, let her say what she needs to say and be the friend that you were before the baby! 4) Read up on babies and learn something about them like games to play with them and fun things to do. This will help you too when you hold the baby or entertain the kid. The more involved you become the better relationship you will have with the child! 5) Ask, remind, ask again, keep reminding and all but drag your friend out to go and do something like go for coffee or a movie or something that she used to do before the little one. Often kids can get sick or babysitters can’t be found so bear with her if she says no a few times. Once you have arranged plans, remind them as often with so many things to do, they may forget All in all the best advice I can give is to be there for your friends, love them, let them rant and rave and speak to them about anything that bothers you. Ask questions and go shopping with them, they are the same people after all! Most importantly, give them time to become parents and understand that things may change but that doesn’t mean your friendship must end, it just needs to adapt!
You can help change our region by supporting Boys & Girls Club of Southeastern Connecticut and make a lasting difference in the life of a child. Boys & Girls Club is a good investment. A study conducted by the Institute for Social Research and the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan found that Clubs are a sound investment, providing nearly $10 in benefits to the community for every dollar invested. Make a sound investment in Southeastern Connecticut! Give a child in Southeastern Connecticut – a safe place to go each day after school with caring adult professionals and life enhancing programs and character development. Give a child hope and the opportunity for a great future.
| ||Trackback||Thread Tools||Search this Thread||Display Modes| To kick off this post, ill start with pot odds. Many of you know what this is, and it is possibly the most useful tactic in poker. The pot odds are the ratio of pot to bet. So, if the pot is 500, and your opponent bets 250, that makes the pot 750. You need to call a total of 250 to see another card, making your pot odds 3:1. Pot odds are used to determine whether or not it is worth it to pay for another card, in hopes of hitting. Good pot odds are those like 4:1, 5:1 and maybe 3:1 depending on your opponents style (and anything better of course) The higher the pot and the lower the bet, the better the pot odds. As some of you may know, effective odds are a key to successful poker. For those of you who dont, here's the scoop. Effective odds, much like pot odds, is the ratio of the amount of money you will win if you make your hand to the bet to call. So, here's an example: The pot is 500. You are heads up. You have a flush draw on the flop, giving you roughly a 36% chance of hitting. Your opponents bets out 100, making the pot 600. Now, this means if you were to make your flush on the turn or river, you will win a minimum of 700. So your effective odds are 7:1, simples as that. These odds are good,because you are getting 6:1 on your money to win a 700 pot. Another thing along the lines of odds is Implied Odds. Implied odds are also very similar to pot odds, but you are implying the chances that the following players will call. So, you are four handed. The pot is 100, and your opponent bets 50, making the pot 150. Your pot odds are 3:1, but implied odds are different. There are two more players left to act after you. Suppose one of those two players is loose and one is tight. You can assume the loose player will call and the tigh player will fold, adding another 50 to the pot of 150. So your implied odds are 4:1, with an expected pot at 200, and a bet of 50. I hope this cleared up any confusion on odds. |Thread Tools||Search this Thread| Email this Page |Thread||Thread Starter||Forum||Replies||Last Post| |Can you recommend a good Odds Calculator?||zoobomb||Poker Tips/Strategies||13||04-19-08 11:50 AM| |Pot Odds||Aviynw||Poker Tips/Strategies||9||09-20-06 09:23 PM| |Folding AQ on the river with 12:1 odds??||BBP Guru||Hand Analysis||5||01-13-06 09:08 PM| |Odds Calculator||W13rd0W||Player's Lounge||14||11-24-05 02:29 PM| |Pot Odds||mikie_113||Poker Tips/Strategies||3||08-21-05 03:30 PM|
Cleaning Lint Filter After Each Load, is it Enough? Dryer vent cleaning, how necessary is it? Did you know that the lint filter of your dryer should be pulled and cleaned after every load and it is also recommended that it is cleaned with soap and water ever six months? A clogged lint filter will create problems that could run into costly repair, or worse, lead to a fire. When the filter is not kept clean, your dryer will waste energy because it is working harder to exhaust and to remove the lint. If the lint isn’t captured at the filter, it will bypass to your vent lines and the inside of your dryer. This can cause further over-heating within the dryer itself as well as create fuel for a fire inside the dryer and the vent lines. Overheating in the dryer can lead to failure of the thermal fuse that controls the heating of the dryer. If this thermal fuse blows you will be looking at repair costs to replace it and to clean your dryer and vent lines. There may be symptoms to look for, like clothes taking longer to dry or excess heating of clothes and inside of dryer. If these things are evident, then you should be thinking of your venting system! This inefficiency will cost you on your utility bills, but the dangers involved are far more to consider. The U.S. Fire Administration (part of FEMA) cites that there are 2900 home clothes dryer fires every year, resulting in an estimated 5 deaths, 100 injuries, and $35 million in property loss, and the leading cause is the failure to keep the vent lines, and the venting system inside of the dryer, clean of lint. Even the act of cleaning the filter after each load does not insure that the venting system will stay clear of lint. In all actuality, only a quarter of the exhausting lint is trapped at the filter…the rest goes out the vent lines. A lot of this escaping lint will build up on the walls of the venting system and, as time goes on, it will build up to a point that will restrict the flow of exhausting air. That restriction will create the overheating that we discussed and can lead to thermal fuse failure, but in a worse-case scenario it is fuel for a fire. No one wants their home to become a statistic for the U.S. Fire Administration, so have the vent of your dryer cleaned often. So, we see that having your dryer vent cleaning is not an option!
(Content note: This podcast contains interview extracts recorded at Deaf Connections. A British Sign Language interpreter, interpreting on behalf of five Deaf people, speaks their answers out loud). Jak: Welcome to the Guide Gods Digital Collection, I’m Jak Soroka in conversation with Claire Cunningham. You’re listening to a series of podcasts created from the interview material collected as part of Claire’s show, Guide Gods. I wanted to talk about an interview that spoke to me and perhaps has a lot that’s worth talking about in terms of the politics of it in content and as a form actually in the way it was recorded. So it’s an interview, it’s Deaf Connections isn’t it? Claire: Yeah it was done through Deaf Connections, which is an advocacy group in Glasgow for D/eaf people that also sort of provide deaf services. I went to them, and they put a call out for anybody that might want to have a conversation, be interviewed, and then they hosted a conversation and the interview process for us. I think there was maybe five people in the conversation, four or five people in one room and a translator, and myself and my mentor Tom Roden was there at the time as well. Jak: And yeah, and the person that you hear on the audio is the interpreter. Claire: Yeah, so it’s difficult because you only ever hear, from an audio perspective you just hear the same voice representing a lot of different people. Yeah, like anything, in retrospect, in terms of process and research you learn a lot afterwards of going actually, I should also have videoed, it’s a visual language, I should have of course videoed those conversations. So even if it was only for our own archive there should’ve been a visual record of the language to get a more accurate representation. Jak: Sure, but I think it’s still, there’s still a lot you can take from it and there’s lots I took. Jak: It seemed that the, the link between, I think all of them but particularly ones that were from an Islamic faith was that there was just a distinct lack of any kind of access, interpreter, there was no one in the mosque that made them feel welcome, or could use BSL, or translate from the Qur’an and- Claire: One of the things that was happening particularly here in Glasgow is that a number of the Imams were speaking in the Asian languages, so maybe Pakistani or, and while you could bring in a BSL interpreter, but at that time particularly there was nobody that could translate from the languages the Imams were speaking into BSL. Which is different in some of the cities down south in England that have a much larger sort of ethnic diversity, then there are more interpreters who can translate those languages, but up here, certainly at that time, when I was interviewing them which was 2014 there was nobody that could translate at all into BSL. Interpreter: I grew up with religion you know going on a Friday, with the family and my mother. My mum and dad didn’t actually teach me anything. We just went to the mosque on the Friday. Is it mosque? Mosque on a Friday. Obviously they were speaking and you know, preaching and I couldn’t hear anything. I didn’t understand what’s going on. It was all going over my head. I wasn’t sure. I tried to ask what was going on. I was told to be quiet. I had to be very patient and then my father would tell me later on in a different language, in his own language. Interpreter: So growing up I was pitied. They didn’t force me to do anything; I was very pitied because I was deaf. I was treated differently from my family and it was because I was deaf. Then the rules were a lot looser than my brothers and sisters. They had stricter rules that they had to follow. And I see my parents, like my family members praying all the time and I wasn’t made to pray. So I just went on with my life, so obviously learning this later on is because they didn’t force me because [of] my disability. So me growing up in the Asian community, Imam as well he’s you know higher up you know role model for everyone. “Automatically you’ll go to heaven. You don’t worry. You don’t have to actually learn anything”, to me, that’s what he said. I don’t have to learn my faith. I’ll automatically go to heaven, he said. But then I was told, “you can’t learn because you’re not hearing”. And I said. “but I can learn I just need to have access”. Jak: It struck me, it was like there was almost two things, there was the practicality that right now, there’s, that means, that renders the mosques inaccessible to them but there’s also, a lot of them had stories about when they were brought up how they were treated very differently from if they had siblings that were hearing, the expectations of how often they would go to mosque, the way they were being brought into the faith was completely different, and the expectation for them as deaf people was, ‘agh don’t worry about, you don’t really need this, you’re going to go to heaven anyway, it’s all good’. That kind of, yeah that like absolutely baffles me [laughs]. Interpreter: I prefer an actual BSL translation. It would give me the picture in my mind of what it’s meaning and that’s why it’s so much better. Interpreter: Recently I went to holiday in Pakistan. They knew everything about their religion obviously and the deaf people, the Deaf community in Pakistan, knew everything about their own religion it’s because they actually have signers that come and sign the service. So then after that they were all talking to us, jaw dropped, in Scotland, there’s nothing like that. Jak: Yeah, not only are people being deprived of accessing their faith as the Hearing world sees it, but they’re being prevented from actually creating something for themselves. Yeah, which is just, yeah a real real shame, like beyond a shame. Claire: Yeah, there was, I seem to remember there were conversations around the fact that a lot of them had discovered sort of later on in life that there exist things like, there are videos on YouTube etc., where people were signing the Qur’an, or signing tutorials on Islam, but you have to pay for them, you have to sign up and subscribe to a course and I can’t remember how much it cost but it was, you know, it was quite a significant. So yeah, if they wanted to access teachings on the Qur’an and Islam in BSL, there was somebody in England I think who had, you know, started to do it, but yeah they had to pay money to do that. And just the reality of going, well yeah, nobody else has– Sure, if people choose to want to go and study their own faith to a higher level then they can pay and do courses, but to actually just access your faith at the very beginning [laughs], entry level, to have to pay that. One, obviously off putting and two, some people can’t afford it, is the reality there as well. Jak: I wanted to say, the Deaf Club and their, the way they all had these stories of problems with access, I think most interviews if not all the interviews had some kind of tale of no ramp or something that made them feel excluded whether that was physically, physical exclusion or like a social exclusion or a shame. It was very easy to pull in all the parts that were just talking about access. So I think it’s worth saying that this, this is just like one part of that whole access picture, or in-access. Claire: Yeah, I mean and that wasn’t, that wasn’t what I was going to research. I was really trying to find out about the relationship I guess or the intersection between people’s experiences with faith and disability, and the whole question of access hadn’t really been on my mind but it became a really present aspect of the conversation. There’s still a lot to be done there. Jak: Thanks for listening to this conversation as part of the Guide Gods Digital Collection. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast, please listen to our other conversations via the website.
Unlike a real shadow, a shadow-person seems solid. Some describe the figure as having depth to it. Shadow people have been seen walking through a room as if they are aware of the objects around them, often hiding behind doors, chairs, or bureaus. But they can also pass through physical objects and often vanish by walking straight into a wall. Shadow People Stories I received a story submission from a woman who had seen a shadow person when she was a young girl. The figure was male shaped, and totally black. Although she didn’t say that it was wearing anything special, she might not have noticed because of what it was holding in its hand. “My dresser had a mirror attached to it, and the shadow figure blocked both the dresser and the mirror. It was very human looking. I would say it was somewhere between 5’ 7” and 6’ tall, seeing it was about the same height as a normal human male. Apart from the fact that it was completely black, there was nothing unusual about its appearance. It had a normal sized head, arms and legs. I didn’t see much of its feet, but wasn’t really paying attention. I was more concerned with what he might do with what he was holding in his hand — a knife about the size of a large kitchen knife. He was holding the knife in his right hand, and holding it down on his right side so that it was close to his thigh. The tip of the knife was pointed down toward the floor.” (You can read the full story by clicking HERE) UPDATE (2/28) After publishing the newsletter, a reader emailed me the following Shadow Person account: I just read your e-mail, I can’t believe you spoke about shadow people! About a week ago, I was having crazy dreams that I was being pulled down by something... I remember yelling in my dream that I was more powerful and I was yelling for arch angel Michael’s help.. then I woke and saw a shadow person standing next to my bed he was wearing a black cape.. then he disappeared into the floor. It was 2:22am when this happened. It’s The third time something like this has happened to me. I was glad to read the other stories... it really did happen and shadow people.. not sure why they appear or who they are.. but they do exist. Shadow-people are usually described as being male. Obviously, since the figure is entirely black, this is based primarily on its size and physique. Another indication of the supposed gender of the shadow person is the hat it sometimes is seen wearing since top-hats and fedoras are generally associated with males. Shadow figures often seem to be wearing a cloak or a cape. I know this to be a fact because I once saw a shadow-person wearing a cape during an investigation I conducted at the historic 'Le Chateau Restaurant' in South Salem, New York in 2010 with Katonah Paranormal. Kathy O’Donnell, Karen Darby and I conducted the investigation, and the figure most frequently reported by the restaurant staff was that of the “Cape Man” - a man wearing a long, black cape. This figure was seen by several people both in the restaurant and outside on the grounds. Now I have to admit that I was totally skeptical of this figure. A man wearing a cape? No one wears a cape these days, and even in the old days they rarely wore capes — long coats, maybe, but not capes. To me, capes are for super-heroes and Zorro. But the estate was beautiful, the investigation was fascinating, and Kathy and Karen were picking up some amazingly accurate intuitive information, so I kept an open mind. After doing a walk-through of the inside of the house we made our way outside to the upper and lower parking lots in front of the restaurant. It was here that the Cape man was reported to have terrified workers as they made their way to their cars at night. It was beginning to get dark as we walked around the parking area, and I kept fooling around with Kathy and Karen by saying, “Cape man, show yourself!” as I randomly snapped photos with my digital camera. We all had a good laugh about it until we made our way to a field to the right side of the building next to a smaller house on the property. “Cape man, show yourself!” I said in my best super-hero voice. I snapped a picture and looked over my camera at the field that had been illuminated by the camera’s flash. There, standing right in front of me no more than eight feet away was a totally black shape. It was a male figure about 6 feet tall, and looked like a solid black cut-out of a person. The field around and beyond this figure was lit up by the flash, but the figure itself was black and totally solid. It was so black that it seemed to absorb all of the light from the flash. I could clearly see its head, and what looked like the high collar of a cape pulled up around its neck. Flowing down around it all the way to the ground was a wavy, cape-shaped garment. All of this took a split second, but it was totally clear and I was absolutely shocked. I couldn’t believe it. I had seen the Cape Man! I'm sorry to report that nothing unusual showed up on the photo I took. When they are not taking on a human shape, shadow-people often show themselves as demonic figures. I recently received a message from a woman whose family is being plagued by a sprit that sometimes shows itself as a dark shadow-figure that she described as looking something like Gollum from “Lord of the Rings”. During a phone interview the woman told me: "I've seen something small. It's crouched down, and it runs up and down the hall. It lives down in the basement. My nine-year-old son went down in the basement one day when he was playing hide and seek with one of the neighborhood kids, and he suddenly ran upstairs looking like he had seen a ghost. He said that something dark was crouched down in the basement near a bunch of boxes we have stored down there. He said that this thing ran over all the boxes and went to the back corner of the basement." There is no shortage of reports of shadow people, but what are they? Some theorize that they are inter-dimensional beings, which would account for their odd appearance and the way they are able to move through solid objects in our world. Another theory is that they are actually the images of people who are having out-of-body experiences. I personally don't buy this explanation, since many people describe a feeling of negativity or evil when they encounter a shadow person. Because of these feelings of evil, shadow people may be a type of demonic entity. If that's the case, we have to ask ourselves, what is their purpose? Shadow people have never been known to communicate directly with people. They just seem to show up and then disappear. It's not unusual for a person to have just one shadow-person sighting in their lifetime, so it is unlikely that their appearance is the beginning of the oppression stage of demonic possession. Could shadow people be some type of time traveler? Doubtful, since they behave in a way that is contrary to someone dropping in briefly to take a peek at the past or the future. Aliens perhaps? While some theorize this to be the case, most alien abduction stories and alien sighting stories don't seem to match the MO of shadow people. Whereas aliens seem to have some type of intent to their visits, shadow people behave almost without purpose. While it is convenient for some to theorize that shadow figures are simply people's imagination running wild, or that they are experiencing a type of sleep paralysis, the stories that people have come forward with seem to disprove these theories. They are not simply fleeting glimpses of something dark seen out of the corner of your eye. The sightings last fairly long, and they often take place while the witness is wide awake. And we can't ignore the fact that many people who have never heard of a shadow person prior to their experience report them as wearing hats and cloaks/capes. How could such a bizarre detail find it's way into a person's imagination? In short, shadow people are a mystery. If you have a shadow person story, please drop me a message.
Oil costs edged higher on Th, however stayed close to their lowest level in 3 weeks as concern over rising production within the U.S. et al. dampened sentiment. The U.S. West Lone-Star State Intermediate crude Gregorian calendar month contract was at $46.87 a barrel by 3:35AM ET (0735GMT), up 9 cents, or around zero.2%. It slouching to its lowest since Gregorian calendar month twenty five at $46.67 each day earlier. Elsewhere, goose oil for Gregorian calendar month delivery on the ICE forward market in London tacked on eighteen cents, or about 0.4%, to $50.45 a barrel, shortly from a three-week low of $50.02 touched on Tuesday. Oil finished over one hundred and twenty fifth lower on Wed once U.S. government knowledge discovered a weekly climb in domestic production to the best level in over 2 years. Data from the U.S. Energy info Administration showed that total domestic crude production edged up by seventy nine,000 barrels each day to nine.5 million barrels each day last week, its highest level since Gregorian calendar month 2015. Crude oil inventories fell by eight.9 million barrels, in step with the EIA figures, the seventh weekly decline in an exceedingly row. Oil costs are fraught in recent weeks as concern over rising U.S. sedimentary rock output canceled out production cuts by global organization and non-OPEC members. OPEC and ten producers outside the corporate trust, together with Russia, united since the beginning of the year to slash one.8 million barrels per day in provide till March 2018 so as to scale back a worldwide provide glut and rebalance the market. However, so far, the deal has had very little impact on international inventory levels thanks to rising provide from producers not collaborating within the accord, like Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and African nation, in addition as a relentless increase in U.S. sedimentary rock output. Elsewhere on Nymex, gas futures for Gregorian calendar month ticked up 0.5 a cent, or roughly zero.3%, to $1.569 a gallon, whereas Gregorian calendar month fuel oil rose zero.2 cents, or 0.1%, to $1.577 a gallon. Natural gas futures for Gregorian calendar month delivery ticked up zero.3 cents, or 0.1%, to $2.893 per million British thermal units, as traders looked ahead to weekly storage knowledge due later within the international day.
Derechos | Equipo Nizkor Afghan Taliban lists 'Percent of Country under the control of Mujahideen' The Taliban issued a "report" that attempts to determine areas in Afghanistan it controls as well as contested areas and areas under the influence of the Afghan government. While the report may be seen as propaganda to bolster its claims of controlling territory, it does not inflate or exaggerate the Taliban's control of districts centers and contested areas throughout the country, compared to data compiled by FDD's Long War Journal. The report was actually a rather conservative estimate, painting a dire but realistic picture of the security situation in Afghanistan. The Taliban also admits that there are large areas in Afghanistan where it has only a minimal presence. Click to enlarge The report, entitled "Percent of Country under the control of Mujahideen," was released on Voice of Jihad, the group's official website. It was "published by the Commission for Cultural Affairs of the Islamic Emirate after a long rigorous research" on March 26. Of the 400 known districts in Afghanistan, 349 are covered by the report. FDD's Long War Journal was unable to match 38 districts listed by the Taliban with known districts throughout the country, and the Taliban did not provide the status of an additional 13 districts; therefore, the status of 51 districts could not be determined. FDD's Long War Journal mapped the Taliban's report (see map above) and color-coded and categorized the districts as follows: According to the Taliban, it fully controls 34 districts, including the district centers, and contests another 167 districts (these are districts where the Taliban claims it controls between 40 to 99 percent of the territory). The Taliban has a significant presence (10 to 39 percent) in another 52 districts, and a minimal presence in six more districts (1 to 9 percent). The Taliban said it has no presence in 89 districts, however, in some of those provinces it says it is conducting "guerrilla activities." Additionally, the Taliban claims it controls areas in 16 of Afghanistan's 34 provinces. The percentages range from 10 in Maimana, Faryab to 97 in Tarinkot, Uruzgan. According to the Taliban, it controls or contests nearly all of the districts in the southern provinces of Helmand, Nimroz, Uruzgan, Zabul, and Ghazni, and half of Kandahar. Eastern and northwestern Afghanistan look equally bleak, as do the northern provinces of Kunduz and Baghlan. The Taliban report may be dismissed as propaganda by Resolute Support, however its claims of district control largely match with press reporting from Afghanistan. Additionally, in early Feb., the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) issued a report stating that the Taliban controls, contests, or influences 171 districts. By contrast, the Taliban report, as of March 26, claims that 211 districts are controlled or contested. [Source: By Bill Roggio, Fdd´s Long War Journal, NJ, 28Mar17] War in Afghanistan & Iraq |This document has been published on 10Apr17 by the Equipo Nizkor and Derechos Human Rights. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.|
West Tokyo JALT: The four corners tour: Part II. Date: Saturday, December 3rd, 2016 Time: 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM Speaker: Kalyan Chattopadhyay (Four Corners Speaker) and James Dunn (OUP Speaker) JALT's West Tokyo Chapter and OUP are pleased to host three presentations by two well-known speakers in the field. This is a great opportunity for all ELT professionals who seek to expand their knowledge and gain useful insights which may well assist them with their teaching practice in the English language classroom. All are welcome! 13:00 - Doors Open 13:30-14:30 - A Cognition Skills-based Reading Comprehension Method (James Dunn) This presentation introduces a Cognition skills-based Reading Comprehension Method, the science behind it, and results of implementation. This metacognition and cognitive skills infused methodology helps students improve their score on high-stakes tests like the TOEIC or TOEFL. It also helps them to develop critical thinking skills and intellectual traits that higher order thinking supports. Research shows that integrating systematic thinking-skills training in an English course improves test scores by an average of thirty percent. 14:40-15:40 - Assessing Speaking of Young Learners and Teens: Revisiting Principles and Tasks (Kalyan Chattopadhyay) Assessing speaking skills of young learners and teens is often considered one of the most challenging tasks for the English language teachers. In this workshop, participants will first explore principles and task design of some of the traditional methods of assessing speaking. They will also be given opportunities to examine principles and task design of some of the alternative methods of assessing the speaking. Based on these inputs participants will develop criteria for assessing speaking in different contexts combining different methods. 15:50-16:50 - How to Give Effective Feedback on Students' Writing (Kalyan Chattopadhyay) In this workshop, I will begin by exploring what steps and strategies the teachers follow to provide feedback on their students? writing. Participants of this workshop will then work on examples categories and types of feedback, relate them to their current feedback writing practices. They will be asked to identify and discuss a range of feedback strategies that they may use for students? writing skill development. 17:00-18:00 - Pizza Party (Courtesy of OUP) Kalyan Chattopadhyay works as lecturer, teacher trainer, researcher, author, and advisor in a range of contexts. A University of Leeds and Hornby Trust alumnus, he is presently Associate Professor and Director, English Language Centre at Bankim Sardar College, University of Calcutta. He has given plenary on language skills development, and the use of new technologies in language teaching in Cambodia, China, Nepal, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, UK, and Vietnam. He is the immediate past Coordinator of IATEFL Young Learners and Teenagers SIG (UK), and the current Vice President of AsiaCALL. He is a Cambridge University Press author and an IELTS research awardee. James Dunn is a Junior Associate Professor at Tokai University. His research interests are in Critical Thinking skills and their impact on brain function. Currently he is measuring higher-order thinking skills training emotional response in English activities. His educational goal is to help students understand that they are capable of more than they might expect from themselves and to help them broaden their horizons with critical thinking and higher-order thinking skills training. He can be reached at firstname.lastname@example.org for inquiries. Organization: West Tokyo Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (West Tokyo JALT) Venue: Tokyo Keizai University, Room F415. (On the JR Chuo Line, a 10-15 minute walk East from Kokubunji Station.) You can add this event to your iCal calendar. - Click on the iCal icon. Your iCal software will start. - Click 'Subscribe': - Under 'Auto Refresh', select 'Every day' in case the the basic details change: You can add this event to your Microsoft Outlook calendar. - Click on the MS Outlook icon. - See what happens. - Tell us what happens. I don't have MS Outlook on a Windows computer, so I can't test it. - If you click on the icon and nothing happens, do this: - Right-click on the icon and save the file. - According to Microsoft's support page, in Outlook's File menu, you should click Import and Export. - Click to select Import an iCalendar or vCalendar file (*.vcs), and then click Next. - Click to select the vCalendar file you've just saved, and then click Open. Contact West Tokyo JALT Email QR Code:
Here is what you want to do: -.. Select the cells A4 to G4 of type A1 to G4 on thlotto results wed 23 maye header. The drawing number is N1N2N3N4N5N6, and your results must be in the same column format:-first draw 5 numbers, and then re-enter the empty G in the 5th row. Wells said in a letter to the Scotsman that they decided to call for restraint publicly because the abuse they received had become very serious. The $54 million original chips raised by ldforfriday can match all numbers and giant balls. The lottery is then priced at more than $74 million to match all five velotto numbers and the giant ball. We can see that patterns 22110 and 32100 account for nearly 60% of the total. Which decade should you choose to double? Two numbers appearing in two decades (the incidence of D0 has decreased slightly). Sowewoulpect hopes to appear 4 times for every 1 times or 20 times for 5 times. er.Teufellj..."" OhioPick3Players...Hifolks, this technique seems to have a successful conclusion, it's fine. For the first time, you must be familiar with and what the failure rate is... du! For the purpose of using this information, Iplay can only use this information during the day... This is most likely because nothing happened (for example)? Then we conducted a population survey of stray Tibetan mastiffs in 53 commulotto results wed 23 maynities interviewed and found that although the overall population of stray Tibetan mastiffs is relatively large, the current population density is still within 10 per square kilometer, compared to hundreds of individuals in Southeast Asia and South America. The density is much lighter. However, the low productivity of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, coupled with the Tibetan mastiff’s gregarious living habits, has made them the largest population of large and medium-sized carnivores in the area, and their combat effectiveness may have exploded, and may have a certain impact on local species. Fortunately, after four years of continuous statistics, we found that the density of Tibetan mastiffs in most areas is close to saturation. During the emperor period, during the Liang Dynasty, the emperor encouraged the game to be brought back to China, which encouraged people to collect taxes. In this way, he was more willing to provide funds for the war in the Han Dynasty, and later this money could indeed be used to build the Great Wall of China.
It's a New Day in Public Health. The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote & improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county & community efforts. Grants Awarded to Expand Research Into Cancer and Tobacco-Related Diseases September 30, 2013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 30, 2013 Contact: Communications Office TALLAHASSEE—The Florida Department of Health today announces the summer 2013 research grant funding awards for 31 projects to find cures for cancer and tobacco-related diseases that affect Florida’s families. Cancer is the leading cause of death in Florida, claiming 41,696 Florida lives in 2012. “This peer reviewed program is directing research dollars to projects that will help Florida’s families with innovative and life-saving treatments,” said Secretary of Health and State Surgeon General Dr. John Armstrong. “The recipients of these new grant awards are addressing many of the biggest challenges we face in finding cures for cancer and tobacco-related diseases.” The awards are designed to advance the cure of all cancers and funding was given to researchers with diverse projects. Funding is provided through the Bankhead-Coley Cancer Research Program and the James and Esther King Research Program that funds research for tobacco-related diseases, including cancer. The summer 2013 competition was extremely competitive with 106 applicants seeking funding for tobacco-related diseases, including heart and lung diseases. In addition, there were 160 applicants seeking funding for cancer research. Grants were awarded based on rigorous peer review and the competition resulted in 11 percent of applicants being funded, which is consistent with the standards used by federal funding agencies and demonstrates that these grant programs have rigorous standards for scientific peer review. The funding supports a wide range of projects specifically related to cancer, including four basic science grants, a project involving new drug development and a community health project focused on health disparities. The research covers the most common types of cancers such as breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers and also includes research on melanoma, mesothelioma and gliomas. The studies directly impact the lives of Floridians. For example, one project studies the role of smoking mentholated cigarettes on osteoporosis, and provides health screenings and education on ways to improve bone health. There are two studies that include education on smoking cessation. One study will attempt to translate a new type of therapy into clinical practice that may eventually improve stroke treatment. Another will explore how prenatal and neonatal exposure to tobacco may result in a lifelong predisposition to heart disease. And another involves a community-based education program to improve adherence with cholesterol lowering medications in Hispanics and African-Americans in Florida. Funding supports researchers at the state’s cancer centers, universities and research institutes. The following organizations received awards: - Bay Pines Veterans Affairs Hospital—one researcher - Florida International University—one researcher - Florida State University—two researchers - H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center—eight researchers - Mayo Clinic Jacksonville—two researchers - Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute—one researcher - University of Central Florida—three researchers - University of Florida—six researchers - University of Miami—seven researchers - University of South Florida—two researchers State Representative Debbie Mayfield said, "It is encouraging to see this important research advancing and I congratulate the award recipients. These innovative studies will provide hope to every family in Florida that has had a loved one battle with cancer. I appreciate the careful attention and diligence that the Department of Health has shown in this process." State Senator Lizbeth Benacquisto said, “I applaud Department of Health's support in the fight against cancer. Their efforts, and the work performed by these researchers, will let all families know that Florida is serious about finding an end to a disease that has taken so much from so many." Dr. Daniel Armstrong, Chair of the Biomedical Research Advisory Council said, "The large number of quality applications from Florida's biomedical research community for the King and Bankhead Coley programs speaks volumes about the promising future of research in our state. These high-caliber proposals included many different types of research, and addressed diseases of major importance to Floridians, including more than 10 types of cancer, heart and cardiovascular disease, lung disease, osteoporosis, and tobacco-related risks for pregnant women and their infants. Projects also addressed health disparities, community education, new medications, and use of cutting edge technology. We could not ask for a broader or stronger research community in our state, a community most deserving of our public support for work that benefits us all." Dr. Penny A. Ralston, Director, Dean Emeritus & Professor, Center on Better Health and Life for Underserved Populations, Florida State University said, "I am very pleased that the awards made include two that focus on health disparities. These awards are in keeping with the direction of the state in health disparities as demonstrated by the Health Disparities Research Agenda for Florida, which was developed in 2011, and more recently by the Florida Health Equity Research Institute, which was established this year." Brenda Olsen, Chief Operating Officer of the American Lung Association in Florida said, “Tobacco use is the number one preventable cause of death in Florida and the leading cause of COPD and lung cancer. The American Lung Association in Florida continues to fight to fund the James and Ester King Research Program so that one day Florida families no longer have to deal with the heartbreak of seeing a loved one suffer from tobacco-related illnesses.” Megan Wessel, Vice President of Health Systems for the American Cancer Society said, "We are encouraged by the quality cancer research being funded by these grants. Once again, the peer-review process has resulted in an impressive array of projects awarded—work that will undoubtedly benefit cancer patients and their families. These programs continue to serve as the cornerstone of biomedical research infrastructure in our state, and we applaud the state’s commitment to this competitive model.” DOH protects, promotes and improves the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county and community efforts.
Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. (Psalm 119) I often picture Jesus teaching his disciples as they wandered the Judean countryside, visited towns or were rowing a boat somewhere. In reality, the Gospel writers record that Jesus often sat down and called his disciples to him to teach them things. Jesus similarly calls me to come away from the flurry of activity that is life today and to sit with him, to learn from him his view and teachings on what is going on around me. Sitting with Jesus gives me opportunity to heart-fully and mindfully conduct my life, leaning on his perspective and principles of mercy and truth. Today will I take time to consult with Jesus before rushing in ‘where angels fear to tread’? Christ Jesus, help me sit and learn from you. I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope. (Psalm 130:5) There are at least two major tasks to human life. The first task is to build a strong container, or ‘identity’; the second is to find the contents that the container is meant to hold. www.gospelmysteryoftheday.ca & Gospel Mystery of the Day on Facebook Soli ad gloriam Dei Beverly Illauq lives in Kemptville, Ontario, where she greets each morning by seeking the Gospel Mystery of the Day - the Word of the Lord for direct and practical application to the specific challenges & joys of the day.
Pilaf is a term liberally used to simply mean “grains cooked in broth.” There are usually onions, garlic, and spices involved, and the grains are often sautéed in butter or oil before being simmered in the liquid. This getaway-friendly version calls for dried spices instead of fresh, which you can combine in advance to save space in your bags and time in your cooking. Feel free, though, to add fresh diced onions, garlic, or other vegetables if you prefer. To toast sunflower seeds, in small saucepan or skillet, heat seeds over medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently, until browned and aromatic. Remove seeds immediately from the pan so they don’t burn. Many variations for ultimate flexibility Don’t be afraid of the long ingredient list. You can skip pretty much any of the spices––except the salt––or replace them with others that you have on hand, such as parsley, thyme, or paprika. You can also use white or tri-coloured quinoa instead of black; the dark colour gives the dish a more dramatic visual effect. 1 1/2 cups (350 mL) black quinoa 1 1/2 cups (350 mL) du Puy lentils 6 cups (1.5 L) vegetable broth 1/2 tsp (2 mL) ground coriander 1 tsp (5 mL) ground cumin 1 tsp (5 mL) ground ginger 1/2 tsp (2 mL) garlic powder 1 bay leaf 1/4 tsp (1 mL) salt 1 tsp (5 mL) ground cinnamon, or 1 cinnamon stick 3 Tbsp (45 mL) sunflower seeds, toasted (see Tip) 1/4 cup (60 mL) minced fresh parsley, to garnish (optional) 1/4 tsp (1 mL) ground ginger 1/4 tsp (1 mL) ground coriander 1/8 tsp (0.5 mL) ground cumin 1/8 tsp (0.5 mL) ground cinnamon 1/4 cup (60 mL) dried cranberries, chopped (or barberries, raisins, diced figs, or diced dates) Zest and juice of 1 orange, about 1/4 cup (60 mL) juice 1/4 tsp (1 mL) salt 1/8 tsp (0.5 mL) black pepper 1 Tbsp (15 mL) extra-virgin olive oil For pilaf, in medium bowl, soak quinoa at room temperature in 4 cups (1 L) water. In large pot, rinse and drain lentils, then return lentils to pot and add vegetable broth. Bring to a boil, skimming any scum that rises to top, then cover and reduce heat to medium-low. Simmer for 10 minutes. Drain quinoa and add to pot with lentils and broth along with coriander, cumin, ginger, garlic powder, bay leaf, salt, and cinnamon. Return to boil, then reduce heat to simmer for 20 minutes. Remove from heat. Leave covered for 10 minutes. For vinaigrette, in sealable jar, combine ginger, coriander, cumin, cinnamon, dried cranberries, orange zest and juice, salt, and pepper. Shake to combine. Add olive oil and shake for 20 seconds more to emulsify. Pour over quinoa and lentils and fluff with fork to combine. Top with sunflower seeds and fresh parsley, if using. Each serving contains: 365 calories; 18 g protein; 7 g total fat (1 g sat. fat, 0 g trans fat); 59 g total carbohydrates (7 g sugars, 19 g fibre); 348 mg sodium
This document contains a sample of brief summaries of homeopathy research, together with the full references. Additional information may be found in the document entitled 'Facts about homeopathy and other CAM therapies’ (an ECCH document), and on the enclosed list of website addresses. Readers are recommended to read the full research articles in order to acquire a more profound knowledge base of research that has been undertaken. It’s a very long file, so please download it and read it at your leisure Homeopathy research and surveys The European Network of Homeopathic Researchers This document has been produced by the European Network for Homeopathic Researchers (ENHR). The ENHR was established in 2004 with the support from the European Council for Classical Homeopathy (ECCH). ECCH currently assists the ENHR in it secretarial work. The ENHR consists of 28 individuals from 10 differenct countries involved in or with a special interest in homeopathy research. The ENHR is open to membership for any individual involved or interested in homeopathy research.
Safety Emporium is a proud sponsor of this site. Home Page --> Dealing with Stuck or Frozen Glass Joints Each frozen joint presents its own "unique" problem - (cause, age, apparatus, accessibility, etc.) and range of possible solutions. Joint removal may be accomplished by using mechanical tools, chemical aids, thermal application or simple physical means. Health and safety issues may come into play if the frozen joint is the sole point of entry into a vessel and/or the vessel contains chemicals. Proper eye and hand protection is a must and the removal (if possible) of all chemicals is strongly advised prior to working on the frozen joint. Exercise extreme caution when attempting any of the methods described below. The freeing of stuck joints can be difficult - and hazardous! An example of a glass joint puller. This tool has a number of adjustable arms and settings making it quite useful, though a bit awkward to use. The outer adjustable arms are set to the diameter of the outer joint. The inner "claw" is adjusted by the lower wheel (center) to grasp the inner joint. The frozen glass joint is removed by rotating the upper wheel which pulls the "claw" up - hopefully freeing the frozen joint. On occasion it may be necessary to introduce a little heat to the outer glass joint - creating some expansion - to release the joint. Extreme caution should be exercised if the use of heat is required. This tool is used to free frozen glass stopcock plugs. The upper horizontal arm has a slot to accept the throat of the stopcock barrel. Rotating the upper left wheel exerts pressure on the lower arm, pushing the glass plug out of the barrel. An old stand-by - the wood stick. This method is easier if you have a helper. Hold the glass plug with a gloved hand (not pictured) or clamp. Using a wood stick or dowel and hammer, tap lightly but sharply against the outer joint. How hard to tap against the glass joint? Experience will be your guide - just start lightly. If you have access to the frozen joint from the bottom, you can try tapping the wood dowel against the stopper, pushing it out. Heating the outer joint may help. Another method used to free frozen glass joints is the application of heat to the outer joint. The outer glass joint expands - freeing itself from the inner joint. The trick is to get fairly rapid expansion of the outer glass joint without similar expansion of the inner joint. Use a torch with a moderate flame - brushing the outer joint with emphasis on visible adhesion points. Do not hold the flame directly on one spot for any length of time. This method does involve timing - too much time in the heat and you loose the expansion differential. Use insulated gloves or a hook to pull the joint free. Using a heat gun is usually not recommended. Heat guns will typically heat the outer joint and inner joint at a slower rate, therefore allowing the inner joint to expand at almost the same rate as the outer. You lose the advantage of expansion difference. Using a hook puller. Bend a metal rod into a tight bend (see photo insert). This one has been fashioned from scrap 3/16" steel rod threaded at one end. The size of the rod is not important other than it needs to be adequate for the application. You have to have access to the internal joint to insert the rod - the condenser was removed for this photo. Quickly snapping the hook up against the inner joint may be enough to free it, but experience has shown the application of heat may also be necessary. This page and any associated material is copyright 2002-2021 by Joe Walas and/or ILPI unless otherwise stated. Unauthorized duplication or posting on other web sites is expressly prohibited. Send suggestions and comments (include the URL if applicable) to us by email. CAUTION: Be sure to read this important safety/legal disclaimer regarding the information on this page.
Crown lengthening is a dental procedure which involves the removal of gum tissue, bone or both to expose a greater height of your tooth structure. It is normally done by a periodontist to increase a restoration’s retention or to improve the esthetics of your gums. Crown lengthening can be done on one tooth, or to several teeth and the total surgery time will depend upon how many teeth are involved. Continue reading Is bruxism considered as a disease? No, it is not a disease. Teeth grinding or bruxism is a type of parafunctional habit. Parafunctional habit is the habitual exercise of a body part in a way that is other than the most common use of that body part. Continue reading Smoking is known to bring a lot of side effects to human body including the oral cavity. Most obvious side effect you can notice on smokers is the heavy staining on their teeth. Cigarettes contain nicotine which not only causes addiction but also causing brown staining on smokers teeth which is hard to remove by brushing alone. Professional scaling has to be done to remove them and staining can reappear quickly if patient continues to smoke. Continue reading
AI and deep learning... My long time readers will know that I am very skeptical of artificial intelligence (AI) in general. By that I mean two separate things these days, as the field of AI has split into two rather different things the past few years. The first (and oldest) meaning was the general idea of making computers “intelligent” in generally the same way as humans are intelligent. Isaac Asimov's I, Robot stories and their derivatives perfectly illustrated this idea. The progress researchers have made on this sort of AI is roughly the same as the progress they've made on faster-than-light space travel: nil. I am skeptical that they ever will, as everything I know about computers and humans (more about the former than the latter!) tells me that they don't work the same way at all. The second more recent kind of AI is generally known by the moniker “deep learning”. I think that term is a bit misleading, but never mind that. For me the most interesting thing about deep learning is that nobody knows how any system using deep learning actually works. Yes, really! In this sense, deep learning systems are a bit like people. An example: suppose spent a few days learning how to do something new – say, candling eggs. You know what the process of learning is like, and you know that at the end you will be competent to candle eggs. But you have utterly no idea how your brain is giving you this skill. Despite this, AI researchers have made enormous progress with deep learning. Why? Relative to other kinds of AI, it's easy to build. It's enabled by powerful processors, and we're getting really good at building those. And, probably most importantly, there are a large number of relatively simple tasks that are amenable to deep learning solutions. Deep learning systems (which are programs, sometimes running on special computers) we know how to train, but we don't know how the result works, just like with people. You go through a process to train them how to do some specific task, and then (if you've done it right) they know how to do it. What's fascinating to me as a programmer is that no programming was involved in teaching the system how to do its task – just training of a general purpose deep learning system. And there's a consequence to that: no programmer (or anyone else) knows how that deep learning system actually does its work. There's not even any way to figure that out. There are a couple of things about that approach that worry me. First, there's the problem of how that deep learning system will react to new inputs. There's no way to predict that. My car, a Tesla Model X, is a great example of such a deep learning system. It uses machine vision (a video camera coupled with a deep learning system) to analyze the road ahead and decide how to steer the car. In my own experience, it works very well when the road is well-defined by painted lines, pavement color changes, etc. It works much less well otherwise. For instance, not long ago I had it in “auto-steer” on a twisty mountain road whose edges petered off into gravel. To my human perception, the road was still perfectly clear – but to the Tesla it was not. Auto-steer tried at one point to send me straight into a boulder! :) I'd be willing to bet you that at no time in the training of its deep learning system was it ever presented with a road like the one I was on that day, and therefore it really didn't know what it was seeing (or, therefore, how to steer). The deep learning method is very powerful, but it's still missing something that human brains are adding to that equation. I suspect it's related to the fact that the deep learning system doesn't have a good geometrical model of the world (as we humans most certainly do), which is the subject of the next paragraph. Second, there's the problem of insufficiency, alluded to above. Deep learning isn't the only thing necessary to emulate human intelligence. It likely is part of the overall human intelligence emulation problem, but it's far from the whole thing. This morning I ran across a blog post talking about the same issue, in this case with respect to machine vision and deep learning. It's written by a programmer who works on these systems, so he's better equipped to make the argument than I am. I think AI has a very long way to go before Isaac Asimov would recognize it, and I don't see any indications that the breakthroughs needed are imminent...
Sometimes one old hymn can say in very few words what an almost-three-year-old blog has been trying to say in over 700 posts. A hymn of A. B. Simpson Once it was the blessing, Now it is the Lord; Once it was the feeling, Now it is His Word. Once His gifts I wanted, Now the Giver own; Once I sought for healing, Now Himself alone. Once ’twas painful trying, Now ’tis perfect trust; Once a half salvation, Now the uttermost. Once ’twas ceaseless holding, Now He holds me fast; Once ’twas constant drifting, Now my anchor’s cast. Once ’twas busy planning, Now ’tis trustful prayer; Once ’twas anxious caring, Now He has the care. Once ’twas what I wanted, Now what Jesus says; Once ’twas constant asking, Now ’tis ceaseless praise. Once it was my working, His it hence shall be; Once I tried to use Him, Now He uses me. Once the power I wanted, Now the Mighty One; Once for self I labored, Now for Him alone. Once I hoped in Jesus, Now I know He’s mine; Once my lamps were dying, Now they brightly shine. Once for death I waited, Now His coming hail; And my hopes are anchored, Safe within the vail. Albert Benjamin Simpson (1843-1919) wrote many poems and hymns and founded the Christian and Missionary Alliance NOTE: I discovered this hymn at the end of Frank Viola’s amazing book, From Eternity to Here
Some health care providers are seeing major benefits from the expansion of insurance coverage Health care providers are beginning to see major payoffs from the expansion of health insurance coverage throughout the U.S. thanks to the Affordable Care Act. The federal law has made insurance coverage more accessible to a wider range of consumers and has also made coverage mandatory. The growing number of people with insurance coverage means that more people are seeking out medical care. For some providers, this is beginning to pay off handsomely. Some hospitals are taking steps to promote insurance coverage Not all health care providers are seeing financial success because of the law, of course, and some are growing more aggressive in their efforts to sign people up for insurance coverage. Such is the case for Cooper University Hospital, which is based in Camden, New Jersey, across the river from Philadelphia. The hospital often serves patients that come from Philadelphia, a city with a 40% poverty rate. Because many of the people that seek medical care cannot afford it, the hospital has begun to promote health insurance coverage, working to help its patients understand how they can sign up for affordable coverage through their state’s insurance exchange. Consumers are unwilling to pay for coverage and medical care The hospital has found modest success in this endeavor, but has encountered a serious problem. When consumers found out that they would have to pay for their insurance coverage, they were significantly less likely to sign up for health care plans. This is partly due to the lack of awareness regarding the provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Many had believed that the law would make health care and insurance coverage free, but this was not the purpose of the law at all. Another issue is that many people believed that they were automatically eligible for their state’s Medicare program due to the provisions of the law, and this is not the case. Some hospitals see only modest success in their insurance endeavors Other hospitals in the U.S. have been taking a similar approach to encouraging people to purchase health insurance coverage. The University of Florida Health Jacksonville had been promoting insurance coverage, but saw such low enrollment response from patients that it decided to put this initiative to rest. Some hospitals have managed to find modest success in encouraging people to sign up for insurance coverage.
Encryption is not the end-all solution to security problems, especially if it's widely used and uncontrolled. Encrypting a protocol may solve one security problem but it can also create other problems. Like any other technology, it can easily be abused. Bowulf has a piece on the use of SSL and the problems it creates with monitoring and content control. Things will only get worse as virus writers and hackers adapt the use of encryption for network traffic, not to mention those users in your network who are knowledgeable enough to set up encrypted channels to avoid your security policy.
I’ve been reading a lot lately, both online in blogs and tweets and in things like TES, about Learning Outcomes and the varying schools of thought around their efficacy or otherwise. Reading the supposed gurus (no names, no pack drill) and their published texts, you’d be forgiven for thinking you had to use them all the time and get the jargon exactly right or no learning would ever take place. I remember a lecture/tutorial thing from my time at Jordanhill (BA Sport in the Community, not BEd…) when we had a session during a block about coaching and the coaching process. Our tutor, a venerable ex PE teacher and Scotland Rugby Internationalist, asked us questions along the lines of “are Learning Outcomes goals we MUST get to? Are there stepping stones on the way? What might they be called? Are they objectives? Must we do things in a certain way and with a certain vocabulary to get the best results?” He summed up, after we’d batted the idea about for a good ninety minutes, with something I still think is valid today: It doesn’t matter what you call them as long as they tell you what you want to do, how you’re going to get there and how you’ll know if you’ve done it or not. I also “studied” (attended lectures, rattled off an assignment) Marketing at the time as part of the course. They like their objectives those Marketing guys. That’s fair enough, people (companies, businesses, public sector organisations) are spending a lot of money to promote whatever it is they need to promote, so it’s only right that there are checks and balances in place to ensure they’re getting a fair bang for their buck. One way of doing that is to ensure that any plan/campaign/initiative they devise has an associated set of targets. They like to call them “SMART Targets” – I’m sure you’ve heard of them. It’s an acronym. Now, for me, acronyms are generally hateful things but this one stands up well. The exact nomenclature changes depending on the publication you read but SMART is generally taken to mean that a target must be: I don’t always use the phrase “We are learning to…” with the class, sometimes it’s “we are looking at…” or “we’d like to know if…” but the bottom line is the same: it says what you’re hoping to do. I never have too many “WALTS” because then it gets busy, messy and difficult to evaluate but I do always try to flag up any accidental/serendipitious learning after the lesson. For example, I might write up on the whiteboard during the plenary (tick!): WALT “x…y…z” – we know we achieved it because “…(revisit WILF)” and We Also Found/Learned/Discovered…. In the Curriculum for Excellence this kind of “accidental learning” or discovery is the kind that I’m finding more and more of. Today in Science with p4-7 we started off on vinegar and baking soda and ended up looking at the Giant’s Causeway. Don’t ask. It does however mean that, through the children’s own enquiry, we’ve now collaboratively mapped out some possibilities to explore in the coming weeks, everything from studying basalt to trying to organise a talk about the geological history of Ben Nevis. If I’d put up a strict (ie must-be-adhered-to) list of objectives/targets/whatevers for yesterday’s lesson then anyone sitting with a checklist would have failed the lot of us yet I’d argue we all got more out of the session as a result of discussions and “happy accidents”. That’s not to say, of course, that we can ignore plans and pre-determined Outcomes – we must keep them there if we want to ensure appropriate coverage in terms of depth and progression – but they can’t be an enslaving ideology, they must be more of a guiding principle. Surely that’s not too much of a Mission (Statement): Impossible?