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What is the Constitution of Bhutan? | The Constitution of Bhutan is the supreme law of the Kingdom of Bhutan. It was enacted in 2008 and establishes the framework for the country's democratic constitutional monarchy. It defines the fundamental political principles, establishes the structure, procedures, powers and duties of the government, and sets out fundamental rights and duties of citizens. |
What does Article 16 of the Constitution of Bhutan state? | 34 Public Campaign Financing 34Article 17 35Formation of Government 35Article 18 36The Opposition Party 36Article 19 37Interim Government 37Article 20 38The Executive 38Article 21 39The Judiciary 39Article 22 42Local Governments 42Article 23 46Elections 46Article 24 49Election Commission 49Article 25 50The Royal Audit Authority 50Article 26 51The Royal Civil Service Commission 51Article 27 53The Anti-Corruption Commission 53Article 28 54Defence 54Article 29 55The Attorney General 55Article 30 56The Pay Commission 56Article 31 56Holders of Constitutional Offices |
What is Article 16 of the Bhutan Constitution about? | Article 16 of the Bhutan Constitution is about .. It establishes and regulates: 34 Public Campaign Financing 34Article 17 35Formation of Government 35Article 18 36The Opposition Party 36Article 19 37Interim Government 37Article 20 38The Executive 38Article 21 39The Judiciary 39Article 22 42Local Governments 42Article 23 46Elections 46Article 24 49Election Commission 49Article 25 50The Royal Audit Authority 50Article 26 51The Royal Civil Service Commission 51Article 27 53The Anti-Corruption Commission 53Article 28 54Defence 5 |
What does point 1 of Article 16 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | 34 Public Campaign Financing 34Article 17 35Formation of Government 35Article 18 36The Opposition Party 36Article 19 37Interim Government 37Article 20 38The Executive 38Article 21 39The Judiciary 39Article 22 42Local Governments 42Article 23 46Elections 46Article 24 49Election Commission 49Article 25 50The Royal Audit Authority 50Article 26 51The Royal Civil Service Commission 51Article 27 53The Anti-Corruption Commission 53Article 28 54Defence 54Article 29 55The Attorney General 55Article 30 56The Pay Commission 56Article 31 56Holders of Constitutional Offices |
Summarize the key provisions of Article 16 (.) in the Bhutan Constitution | Article 16 of the Bhutan Constitution, which deals with ., contains 1 key provisions that establish: 34 Public Campaign Financing 34Article 17 35Formation of Government 35Article 18 36The Opposition Party 36Article 19 37Interim Government 37Article 20 38The Executive 38Article 21 39The Judiciary 39Article 22 42Local Governments 42Article 23 46Elections 46Article 24 49Election Commission 49Article 25 50The Royal Audit Authority 50Article 26 51The Royal Civil Service Commission 51Article 27 53The Anti-Corruption Commission 53Article 28 54Defence 5 |
What does Article 32 of the Constitution of Bhutan state? | 58 Impeachment 58Article 33 58Emergency 58Article 34 60National Referendum 60Article 35 61Amendment & Authoritative Text 61First Schedule 62The National Flag and the National Emblem of Bhutan 62The National Flag 62The National Emblem 62Second Schedule 63The National Anthem of Bhutan 63Third Schedule 63Oath or Affirmation of Office 63Fourth Schedule 63Oath or Affirmation of Secrecy 63 Glossary 64 Preamble WE, the people of Bhutan: BLESSED by the Triple Gem, the protection of our guardian deities, the wisdom of our leaders, theeverlasting fortunes of the Pelden Drukpa and theguidance of His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo JigmeKhesar Namgyel Wangchuck; SOLEMNLY pledging ourselves to strengthen the sovereignty of Bhutan, to secure the blessings ofliberty, to ensure justice and tranquillity and toenhance the unity, happiness and well-being of thepeople for all time; DO HEREBY ordain and adopt this Constitution for the Kingdom of Bhutan on the Fifteenth Day of theFifth Month of the Male Earth Rat Year correspondingto the Eighteenth Day of July, Two Thousand andEight. 1Article 1 Kingdom of Bhutan 1. Bhutan is a Sovereign Kingdom and the Sovereign power belongs to the people of Bhutan. 2. The form of Government shall be that of a Democratic Constitutional Monarchy. 3. The international territorial boundary of Bhutan is inviolable and any alteration of areas and boundaries thereof shall bedone only with the consent of not less than three-fourths ofthe total number of members of Parliament. 4. The territory of Bhutan shall comprise twenty Dzongkhags with each Dzongkhag consisting of Gewogs and Thromdes.Alteration of areas and boundaries of any Dzongkhag orGewog shall be done only with the consent of not less thanthree-fourths of the total number of members of Parliament. 5. The National Flag and the National Emblem of Bhutan shall be as specified in the First Schedule of this Constitution. 6. The National Anthem of Bhutan shall be as specified in the Second Schedule of this Constitution. 7. The National Day of Bhutan shall be the Seventeenth Day of December of each year. 8. Dzongkha is the National Language of Bhutan.9. This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the State. 210. All laws in force in the territory of Bhutan at the time of adopting this Constitution shall continue until altered, repealedor amended by Parliament. However, the provisions of anylaw, whether made before or after the coming into force ofthis Constitution, which are inconsistent with this Constitution,shall be null and void. 11. The Supreme Court shall be the guardian of this Constitution and the final authority on its interpretation. 12. The rights over mineral resources, rivers, lakes and forests shall vest in the State and are the properties of the State, whichshall be regulated by law. 13. There shall be separation of the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary and no encroachment of each other’s powersis permissible except to the extent provided for by thisConstitution. |
What is Article 32 of the Bhutan Constitution about? | Article 32 of the Bhutan Constitution is about .. It establishes and regulates: 58 Impeachment 58Article 33 58Emergency 58Article 34 60National Referendum 60Article 35 61Amendment & Authoritative Text 61First Schedule 62The National Flag and the National Emblem of Bhutan 62The National Flag 62The National Emblem 62Second Schedule 63The National Anthem of Bhutan 63Third Schedule 63Oath or Affirmation of Office 63Fourth Schedule 63Oath or Affirmation of Secrecy 63 Glossary 64 Preamble WE, the people of Bhutan: BLESSED by the Triple Gem, the |
What does point 1 of Article 32 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | 58 Impeachment 58Article 33 58Emergency 58Article 34 60National Referendum 60Article 35 61Amendment & Authoritative Text 61First Schedule 62The National Flag and the National Emblem of Bhutan 62The National Flag 62The National Emblem 62Second Schedule 63The National Anthem of Bhutan 63Third Schedule 63Oath or Affirmation of Office 63Fourth Schedule 63Oath or Affirmation of Secrecy 63 Glossary 64 Preamble WE, the people of Bhutan: BLESSED by the Triple Gem, the protection of our guardian deities, the wisdom of our leaders, theeverlasting fortunes of the Pelden Drukpa and theguidance of His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo JigmeKhesar Namgyel Wangchuck; SOLEMNLY pledging ourselves to strengthen the sovereignty of Bhutan, to secure the blessings ofliberty, to ensure justice and tranquillity and toenhance the unity, happiness and well-being of thepeople for all time; DO HEREBY ordain and adopt this Constitution for the Kingdom of Bhutan on the Fifteenth Day of theFifth Month of the Male Earth Rat Year correspondingto the Eighteenth Day of July, Two Thousand andEight. 1Article 1 Kingdom of Bhutan |
What does point 2 of Article 32 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Bhutan is a Sovereign Kingdom and the Sovereign power belongs to the people of Bhutan. |
What does point 3 of Article 32 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The form of Government shall be that of a Democratic Constitutional Monarchy. |
What does point 4 of Article 32 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The international territorial boundary of Bhutan is inviolable and any alteration of areas and boundaries thereof shall bedone only with the consent of not less than three-fourths ofthe total number of members of Parliament. |
What does point 5 of Article 32 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The territory of Bhutan shall comprise twenty Dzongkhags with each Dzongkhag consisting of Gewogs and Thromdes.Alteration of areas and boundaries of any Dzongkhag orGewog shall be done only with the consent of not less thanthree-fourths of the total number of members of Parliament. |
What does point 6 of Article 32 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The National Flag and the National Emblem of Bhutan shall be as specified in the First Schedule of this Constitution. |
What does point 7 of Article 32 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The National Anthem of Bhutan shall be as specified in the Second Schedule of this Constitution. |
What does point 8 of Article 32 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The National Day of Bhutan shall be the Seventeenth Day of December of each year. |
What does point 9 of Article 32 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Dzongkha is the National Language of Bhutan.9. This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the State. |
What does point 10 of Article 32 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | All laws in force in the territory of Bhutan at the time of adopting this Constitution shall continue until altered, repealedor amended by Parliament. However, the provisions of anylaw, whether made before or after the coming into force ofthis Constitution, which are inconsistent with this Constitution,shall be null and void. |
What does point 11 of Article 32 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Supreme Court shall be the guardian of this Constitution and the final authority on its interpretation. |
What does point 12 of Article 32 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The rights over mineral resources, rivers, lakes and forests shall vest in the State and are the properties of the State, whichshall be regulated by law. |
What does point 13 of Article 32 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | There shall be separation of the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary and no encroachment of each other’s powersis permissible except to the extent provided for by thisConstitution. |
Summarize the key provisions of Article 32 (.) in the Bhutan Constitution | Article 32 of the Bhutan Constitution, which deals with ., contains 13 key provisions that establish: 58 Impeachment 58Article 33 58Emergency 58Article 34 60National Referendum 60Article 35 61Amendment & Authoritative Text 61First Schedule 62The National Flag and the National Emblem of Bhutan 62The National Flag 62The National Emblem 62Second Schedule 63The National Anthem of Bhutan 63Third Schedule 63Oath or Affirmation of Office 63Fourth Schedule 63Oath or Affirmation of Secrecy 63 Glossary 64 Preamble WE, the people of Bhutan: BLESSED by the Triple Gem, the |
What does Article 2 of the Constitution of Bhutan state? | . His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo is the Head of State and the symbol of unity of the Kingdom and of the people of Bhutan. 2. The Chhoe-sid-nyi of Bhutan shall be unified in the person of the Druk Gyalpo who, as a Buddhist, shall be the upholder ofthe Chhoe-sid. 3. The title to the Golden Throne of Bhutan shall vest in the legitimate descendants of Druk Gyalpo Ugyen Wangchuck asenshrined in the inviolable and historic Gyenja of theThirteenth Day, Eleventh Month of the Earth Monkey Year, 3corresponding to the Seventeenth Day of December, Nineteen Hundred and Seven and shall: (a) Pass only to children born of lawful marriage; (b) Pass by hereditary succession to the direct lineal descendants on the abdication or demise of the DrukGyalpo, in order of seniority, with a prince takingprecedence over a princess, subject to the requirementthat, in the event of shortcomings in the elder prince,it shall be the sacred duty of the Druk Gyalpo to selectand proclaim the most capable prince or princess asheir to the Throne; (c) Pass to the child of the Queen who is pregnant at the time of the demise of the Druk Gyalpo if no heir existsunder section 3(b); (d) Pass to the nearest collateral line of the descendants of the Druk Gyalpo in accordance with the principleof lineal descent, with preference being given for elderover the younger, if the Druk Gyalpo has no directlineal descendant; (e) Not pass to children incapable of exercising the Royal Prerogatives by reason of physical or mental infirmity;and (f) Not pass to a person entitled to succeed to the Throne who enters into a marriage with a person other than anatural born citizen of Bhutan. 4. The successor to the Throne shall receive dar from the Machhen of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal at Punakha Dzongand shall be crowned on the Golden Throne. 45. Upon the ascension of the Druk Gyalpo to the Throne, the members of the Royal Family, the members of Parliament andthe office holders mentioned in section 19 of this Article shalltake an Oath of Allegiance to the Druk Gyalpo. 6. Upon reaching the age of sixty-five years, the Druk Gyalpo shall step down and hand over the Throne to the Crown Princeor Crown Princess, provided the Royal Heir has come of age. 7. There shall, subject to the provision of section 9 of this Article, be a Council of Regency when: (a) The successor to the Throne has not attained the age of twenty-one years; (b) The Druk Gyalpo has temporarily relinquished, by Proclamation, the exercise of the Royal Prerogatives;or (c) It has been resolved by not less than three-fourths of the total number of members of Parliament in a jointsitting that the Druk Gyalpo is unable to exercise theRoyal Prerogatives by reason of temporary physicalor mental infirmity. 8. The Council of Regency shall collectively exercise the Royal Prerogatives and the powers vested in the Druk Gyalpo underthis Constitution and shall be composed of: (a) A senior member of the Royal Family nominated by the Privy Council; (b) The Prime Minister;(c) The Chief Justice of Bhutan;(d) The Speaker;(e) The Chairperson of the National Council; and(f) The Leader of the Opposition Party. 59. In the case speîified under section 7(b) or 7(c) of this Article, the descendant of the Druk Gyalpo, who is the heirpresumptive, shall, instead of the Council of Regency, becomeRegent by right, if the heir presumptive has attained the ageof twenty-one years. 10. The members of the Council of Regency shall take an Oath of Allegiance before Parliament to faithfully discharge theirduties. 11. When the successor to the Throne attains the age of twenty- one years or when the Druk Gyalpo resumes the exercise of the Royal Prerogatives under sections 7(a) and 7(b) of thisArticle, notice shall be given by Proclamation. However, whenthe Druk Gyalpo regains the ability to exercise the RoyalPrerogatives under section 7(c) of this Article, notice shall begiven to that effect by resolution of Parliament. 12. The members of the Royal Family shall be the reigning and past Monarchs, their Queens and the Royal Children born oflawful marriage. 13. The Druk Gyalpo and the members of the Royal Family shall be entitled to: (a) Annuities from the State in accordance with a law made by Parliament; (b) All rights and privileges including the provision of palaces and residences for official and personal use;and (c) Exemption from taxation on the royal annuity and properties provided for by sections 13(a) and 13(b) ofthis Article. 614. There shall be a Privy Council, which shall consist of two members appointed by the Druk Gyalpo, one membernominated by the Lhengye Zhungtshog and one membernominated by the National Council. The Privy Council shallbe responsible for: (a) All matters pertaining to the privileges of the Druk Gyalpo and the Royal Family; (b) All matters pertaining to the conduct of the Royal Family; (c) Rendering advice to the Druk Gyalpo on matters concerning the Throne and the Royal Family; (d) All matters pertaining to crown properties; and(e) Any other matter as may be commanded by the Druk Gyalpo. 15. The Druk Gyalpo shall not be answerable in a court of law for His actions and His person shall be sacrosanct. 16. The Druk Gyalpo, in exercise of His Royal Prerogatives, may: (a) Award titles, decorations, dar for Lhengye and Nyi- Kyelma in accordance with tradition and custom; (b) Grant citizenship, land kidu and other kidus;(c) Grant amnesty, pardon and reduction of sentences;(d) Command Bills and other measures to be introduced in Parliament; and (e) Exercise powers relating to matters which are not provided for under this Constitution or other laws. 17. The Druk Gyalpo may promote goodwill and good relations with other countries by receiving state guests and undertakingstate visits to other countries. 718. The Druk Gyalpo shall protect and uphold this Constitution in the best interest and for the welfare of the people of Bhutan. 19. The Druk Gyalpo shall, by warrant under His hand and seal, appoint: (a) The Chief Justice of Bhutan in accordance with section 4 of Article 21; (b) The Drangpons of the Supreme Court in accordance with section 5 of Article 21; (c) The Chief Justice of the High Court in accordance with section 11 of Article 21; (d) The Drangpons of the High Court in accordance with section 12 of Article 21; (e) The Chief Election Commissioner and Election Commissioners in accordance with section 2 of Article24; (f) The Auditor General in accordance with section 2 of |
What is Article 2 of the Bhutan Constitution about? | Article 2 of the Bhutan Constitution is about The Institution of Monarchy. It establishes and regulates: . His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo is the Head of State and the symbol of unity of the Kingdom and of the people of Bhutan. 2. The Chhoe-sid-nyi of Bhutan shall be unified in the person of the Druk Gyalpo who, as a Buddhist, shall be the upholder ofthe Chhoe-sid. 3. The title to the Golden Throne of Bhutan shall vest in the legitimate descendants of Druk Gyalpo Ugyen Wangchuck asenshrined in the inviolable and historic Gyenja of theThirteenth Day, Eleventh Month of the Earth Monkey Year, 3correspondi |
What does point 1 of Article 2 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo is the Head of State and the symbol of unity of the Kingdom and of the people of Bhutan. |
What does point 2 of Article 2 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Chhoe-sid-nyi of Bhutan shall be unified in the person of the Druk Gyalpo who, as a Buddhist, shall be the upholder ofthe Chhoe-sid. |
What does point 3 of Article 2 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The title to the Golden Throne of Bhutan shall vest in the legitimate descendants of Druk Gyalpo Ugyen Wangchuck asenshrined in the inviolable and historic Gyenja of theThirteenth Day, Eleventh Month of the Earth Monkey Year, 3corresponding to the Seventeenth Day of December, Nineteen Hundred and Seven and shall: (a) Pass only to children born of lawful marriage; (b) Pass by hereditary succession to the direct lineal descendants on the abdication or demise of the DrukGyalpo, in order of seniority, with a prince takingprecedence over a princess, subject to the requirementthat, in the event of shortcomings in the elder prince,it shall be the sacred duty of the Druk Gyalpo to selectand proclaim the most capable prince or princess asheir to the Throne; (c) Pass to the child of the Queen who is pregnant at the time of the demise of the Druk Gyalpo if no heir existsunder section 3(b); (d) Pass to the nearest collateral line of the descendants of the Druk Gyalpo in accordance with the principleof lineal descent, with preference being given for elderover the younger, if the Druk Gyalpo has no directlineal descendant; (e) Not pass to children incapable of exercising the Royal Prerogatives by reason of physical or mental infirmity;and (f) Not pass to a person entitled to succeed to the Throne who enters into a marriage with a person other than anatural born citizen of Bhutan. |
What does point 4 of Article 2 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The successor to the Throne shall receive dar from the Machhen of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal at Punakha Dzongand shall be crowned on the Golden Throne. |
What does point 5 of Article 2 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Upon the ascension of the Druk Gyalpo to the Throne, the members of the Royal Family, the members of Parliament andthe office holders mentioned in section 19 of this Article shalltake an Oath of Allegiance to the Druk Gyalpo. |
What does point 6 of Article 2 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Upon reaching the age of sixty-five years, the Druk Gyalpo shall step down and hand over the Throne to the Crown Princeor Crown Princess, provided the Royal Heir has come of age. |
What does point 7 of Article 2 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | There shall, subject to the provision of section 9 of this Article, be a Council of Regency when: (a) The successor to the Throne has not attained the age of twenty-one years; (b) The Druk Gyalpo has temporarily relinquished, by Proclamation, the exercise of the Royal Prerogatives;or (c) It has been resolved by not less than three-fourths of the total number of members of Parliament in a jointsitting that the Druk Gyalpo is unable to exercise theRoyal Prerogatives by reason of temporary physicalor mental infirmity. |
What does point 8 of Article 2 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Council of Regency shall collectively exercise the Royal Prerogatives and the powers vested in the Druk Gyalpo underthis Constitution and shall be composed of: (a) A senior member of the Royal Family nominated by the Privy Council; (b) The Prime Minister;(c) The Chief Justice of Bhutan;(d) The Speaker;(e) The Chairperson of the National Council; and(f) The Leader of the Opposition Party. |
What does point 9 of Article 2 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | In the case speîified under section 7(b) or 7(c) of this Article, the descendant of the Druk Gyalpo, who is the heirpresumptive, shall, instead of the Council of Regency, becomeRegent by right, if the heir presumptive has attained the ageof twenty-one years. |
What does point 10 of Article 2 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The members of the Council of Regency shall take an Oath of Allegiance before Parliament to faithfully discharge theirduties. |
What does point 11 of Article 2 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | When the successor to the Throne attains the age of twenty- one years or when the Druk Gyalpo resumes the exercise of the Royal Prerogatives under sections 7(a) and 7(b) of thisArticle, notice shall be given by Proclamation. However, whenthe Druk Gyalpo regains the ability to exercise the RoyalPrerogatives under section 7(c) of this Article, notice shall begiven to that effect by resolution of Parliament. |
What does point 12 of Article 2 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The members of the Royal Family shall be the reigning and past Monarchs, their Queens and the Royal Children born oflawful marriage. |
What does point 13 of Article 2 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Druk Gyalpo and the members of the Royal Family shall be entitled to: (a) Annuities from the State in accordance with a law made by Parliament; (b) All rights and privileges including the provision of palaces and residences for official and personal use;and (c) Exemption from taxation on the royal annuity and properties provided for by sections 13(a) and 13(b) ofthis Article. |
What does point 14 of Article 2 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | There shall be a Privy Council, which shall consist of two members appointed by the Druk Gyalpo, one membernominated by the Lhengye Zhungtshog and one membernominated by the National Council. The Privy Council shallbe responsible for: (a) All matters pertaining to the privileges of the Druk Gyalpo and the Royal Family; (b) All matters pertaining to the conduct of the Royal Family; (c) Rendering advice to the Druk Gyalpo on matters concerning the Throne and the Royal Family; (d) All matters pertaining to crown properties; and(e) Any other matter as may be commanded by the Druk Gyalpo. |
What does point 15 of Article 2 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Druk Gyalpo shall not be answerable in a court of law for His actions and His person shall be sacrosanct. |
What does point 16 of Article 2 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Druk Gyalpo, in exercise of His Royal Prerogatives, may: (a) Award titles, decorations, dar for Lhengye and Nyi- Kyelma in accordance with tradition and custom; (b) Grant citizenship, land kidu and other kidus;(c) Grant amnesty, pardon and reduction of sentences;(d) Command Bills and other measures to be introduced in Parliament; and (e) Exercise powers relating to matters which are not provided for under this Constitution or other laws. |
What does point 17 of Article 2 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Druk Gyalpo may promote goodwill and good relations with other countries by receiving state guests and undertakingstate visits to other countries. |
What does point 18 of Article 2 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Druk Gyalpo shall protect and uphold this Constitution in the best interest and for the welfare of the people of Bhutan. |
What does point 19 of Article 2 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Druk Gyalpo shall, by warrant under His hand and seal, appoint: (a) The Chief Justice of Bhutan in accordance with section 4 of Article 21; (b) The Drangpons of the Supreme Court in accordance with section 5 of Article 21; (c) The Chief Justice of the High Court in accordance with section 11 of Article 21; (d) The Drangpons of the High Court in accordance with section 12 of Article 21; (e) The Chief Election Commissioner and Election Commissioners in accordance with section 2 of Article24; (f) The Auditor General in accordance with section 2 of |
Summarize the key provisions of Article 2 (The Institution of Monarchy) in the Bhutan Constitution | Article 2 of the Bhutan Constitution, which deals with The Institution of Monarchy, contains 19 key provisions that establish: . His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo is the Head of State and the symbol of unity of the Kingdom and of the people of Bhutan. 2. The Chhoe-sid-nyi of Bhutan shall be unified in the person of the Druk Gyalpo who, as a Buddhist, shall be the upholder ofthe Chhoe-sid. 3. The title to the Golden Throne of Bhutan shall vest in the legitimate descendants of Druk Gyalpo Ugyen Wangchuck asenshrined in the inviolable and historic Gyenja of theThirteenth Day, Eleventh Month of the Earth Monkey Year, 3correspondi |
What does Article 25 of the Constitution of Bhutan state? | (g) The Chairperson and members of the Royal Civil Service Commission in accordance with section 2 ofArticle 26; (h) The Chairperson and members of the Anti-Corruption Commission in accordance with section 2 of Article27; (i) The heads of the Defence Forces from a list of names recommended by the Service Promotion Board; (j) The Attorney General in accordance with section 2 of |
What is Article 25 of the Bhutan Constitution about? | Article 25 of the Bhutan Constitution is about ;. It establishes and regulates: (g) The Chairperson and members of the Royal Civil Service Commission in accordance with section 2 ofArticle 26; (h) The Chairperson and members of the Anti-Corruption Commission in accordance with section 2 of Article27; (i) The heads of the Defence Forces from a list of names recommended by the Service Promotion Board; (j) The Attorney General in accordance with section 2 of |
What does point 1 of Article 25 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | (g) The Chairperson and members of the Royal Civil Service Commission in accordance with section 2 ofArticle 26; (h) The Chairperson and members of the Anti-Corruption Commission in accordance with section 2 of Article27; (i) The heads of the Defence Forces from a list of names recommended by the Service Promotion Board; (j) The Attorney General in accordance with section 2 of |
Summarize the key provisions of Article 25 (;) in the Bhutan Constitution | Article 25 of the Bhutan Constitution, which deals with ;, contains 1 key provisions that establish: (g) The Chairperson and members of the Royal Civil Service Commission in accordance with section 2 ofArticle 26; (h) The Chairperson and members of the Anti-Corruption Commission in accordance with section 2 of Article27; (i) The heads of the Defence Forces from a list of names recommended by the Service Promotion Board; (j) The Attorney General in accordance with section 2 of |
What does Article 29 of the Constitution of Bhutan state? | (k) The Governor of the Central Bank of Bhutan on the recommendation of the Prime Minister; (l) The Chairperson of the Pay Commission in accordance with section 1 of Article 30; 8(m) The Cabinet Secretary on the recommendation of the Prime Minister; (n) The Secretary General of the respective Houses on the recommendation of the Royal Civil ServiceCommission; (o) Ambassadors and Consuls on the recommendation of the Prime Minister; (p) The Secretaries to the Government on the recommendation of the Prime Minister who shallobtain nominations from the Royal Civil ServiceCommission on the basis of merit and seniority and inaccordance with other relevant rules and regulations;and (q) Dzongdags on the recommendation of the Prime Minister who shall obtain nominations from the RoyalCivil Service Commission. 20. The Druk Gyalpo shall abdicate the Throne for willful violations of this Constitution or for being subject to permanentmental disability, on a motion passed by a joint sitting ofParliament in accordance with the procedure as laid down insections 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 of this Article. 21. The motion for abdication shall be tabled for discussion at a joint sitting of Parliament if not less than two-thirds of thetotal number of the members of Parliament submits such amotion based on any of the grounds in section 20 of this Article. 22. The Druk Gyalpo may respond to the motion in writing or by addressing the joint sitting of Parliament in person or througha representative. 923. The Chief Justice of Bhutan shall preside over the joint sitting of Parliament mentioned in section 21 of this Article. 24. If, at such joint sitting of Parliament, not less than three-fourths of the total number of members of Parliament passes themotion for abdication, then such a resolution shall be placedbefore the people in a National Referendum to be approved orrejected. 25. On such a resolution being approved by a simple majority of the total number of votes cast and counted from all theDzongkhags in the Kingdom, the Druk Gyalpo shall abdicatein favour of the heir apparent. 26. Parliament shall make no laws or exercise its powers to amend the provisions of this Article and section 2 of Article 1 exceptthrough a National Referendum. |
What is Article 29 of the Bhutan Constitution about? | Article 29 of the Bhutan Constitution is about ;. It establishes and regulates: (k) The Governor of the Central Bank of Bhutan on the recommendation of the Prime Minister; (l) The Chairperson of the Pay Commission in accordance with section 1 of Article 30; 8(m) The Cabinet Secretary on the recommendation of the Prime Minister; (n) The Secretary General of the respective Houses on the recommendation of the Royal Civil ServiceCommission; (o) Ambassadors and Consuls on the recommendation of the Prime Minister; (p) The Secretaries to the Government on the recommendation of the |
What does point 1 of Article 29 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | (k) The Governor of the Central Bank of Bhutan on the recommendation of the Prime Minister; (l) The Chairperson of the Pay Commission in accordance with section 1 of Article 30; 8(m) The Cabinet Secretary on the recommendation of the Prime Minister; (n) The Secretary General of the respective Houses on the recommendation of the Royal Civil ServiceCommission; (o) Ambassadors and Consuls on the recommendation of the Prime Minister; (p) The Secretaries to the Government on the recommendation of the Prime Minister who shallobtain nominations from the Royal Civil ServiceCommission on the basis of merit and seniority and inaccordance with other relevant rules and regulations;and (q) Dzongdags on the recommendation of the Prime Minister who shall obtain nominations from the RoyalCivil Service Commission. |
What does point 2 of Article 29 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Druk Gyalpo shall abdicate the Throne for willful violations of this Constitution or for being subject to permanentmental disability, on a motion passed by a joint sitting ofParliament in accordance with the procedure as laid down insections 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 of this Article. |
What does point 3 of Article 29 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The motion for abdication shall be tabled for discussion at a joint sitting of Parliament if not less than two-thirds of thetotal number of the members of Parliament submits such amotion based on any of the grounds in section 20 of this Article. |
What does point 4 of Article 29 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Druk Gyalpo may respond to the motion in writing or by addressing the joint sitting of Parliament in person or througha representative. |
What does point 5 of Article 29 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Chief Justice of Bhutan shall preside over the joint sitting of Parliament mentioned in section 21 of this Article. |
What does point 6 of Article 29 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | If, at such joint sitting of Parliament, not less than three-fourths of the total number of members of Parliament passes themotion for abdication, then such a resolution shall be placedbefore the people in a National Referendum to be approved orrejected. |
What does point 7 of Article 29 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | On such a resolution being approved by a simple majority of the total number of votes cast and counted from all theDzongkhags in the Kingdom, the Druk Gyalpo shall abdicatein favour of the heir apparent. |
What does point 8 of Article 29 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Parliament shall make no laws or exercise its powers to amend the provisions of this Article and section 2 of Article 1 exceptthrough a National Referendum. |
Summarize the key provisions of Article 29 (;) in the Bhutan Constitution | Article 29 of the Bhutan Constitution, which deals with ;, contains 8 key provisions that establish: (k) The Governor of the Central Bank of Bhutan on the recommendation of the Prime Minister; (l) The Chairperson of the Pay Commission in accordance with section 1 of Article 30; 8(m) The Cabinet Secretary on the recommendation of the Prime Minister; (n) The Secretary General of the respective Houses on the recommendation of the Royal Civil ServiceCommission; (o) Ambassadors and Consuls on the recommendation of the Prime Minister; (p) The Secretaries to the Government on the recommendation of the |
What does Article 3 of the Constitution of Bhutan state? | . Buddhism is the spiritual heritage of Bhutan, which promotes the principles and values of peace, non-violence, compassionand tolerance. 2. The Druk Gyalpo is the protector of all religions in Bhutan.3. It shall be the responsibility of religious institutions and personalities to promote the spiritual heritage of the countrywhile also ensuring that religion remains separate from politicsin Bhutan. Religious institutions and personalities shall remainabove politics. 104. The Druk Gyalpo shall, on the recommendation of the Five Lopons, appoint a learned and respected monk ordained inaccordance with the Druk-lu, with the nine qualities of aspiritual master and accomplished in ked-dzog, as the JeKhenpo. 5. His Holiness the Je Khenpo shall, on the recommendation of the Dratshang Lhentshog, appoint monks with the ninequalities of a spiritual master and accomplished in ked-dzogas the Five Lopons. 6. The members of the Dratshang Lhentshog shall comprise: (a) The Je Khenpo as Chairman; (b) The Five Lopons of the Zhung Dratshang; and(c) The Secretary of the Dratshang Lhentshog who is a civil servant. 7. The Zhung Dratshang and Rabdeys shall continue to receive adequate funds and other facilities from the State. |
What is Article 3 of the Bhutan Constitution about? | Article 3 of the Bhutan Constitution is about Spiritual Heritage. It establishes and regulates: . Buddhism is the spiritual heritage of Bhutan, which promotes the principles and values of peace, non-violence, compassionand tolerance. 2. The Druk Gyalpo is the protector of all religions in Bhutan.3. It shall be the responsibility of religious institutions and personalities to promote the spiritual heritage of the countrywhile also ensuring that religion remains separate from politicsin Bhutan. Religious institutions and personalities shall remainabove politics. 104. The Druk Gyalpo shall, o |
What does point 1 of Article 3 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Buddhism is the spiritual heritage of Bhutan, which promotes the principles and values of peace, non-violence, compassionand tolerance. |
What does point 2 of Article 3 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Druk Gyalpo is the protector of all religions in Bhutan.3. It shall be the responsibility of religious institutions and personalities to promote the spiritual heritage of the countrywhile also ensuring that religion remains separate from politicsin Bhutan. Religious institutions and personalities shall remainabove politics. |
What does point 3 of Article 3 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Druk Gyalpo shall, on the recommendation of the Five Lopons, appoint a learned and respected monk ordained inaccordance with the Druk-lu, with the nine qualities of aspiritual master and accomplished in ked-dzog, as the JeKhenpo. |
What does point 4 of Article 3 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | His Holiness the Je Khenpo shall, on the recommendation of the Dratshang Lhentshog, appoint monks with the ninequalities of a spiritual master and accomplished in ked-dzogas the Five Lopons. |
What does point 5 of Article 3 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The members of the Dratshang Lhentshog shall comprise: (a) The Je Khenpo as Chairman; (b) The Five Lopons of the Zhung Dratshang; and(c) The Secretary of the Dratshang Lhentshog who is a civil servant. |
What does point 6 of Article 3 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Zhung Dratshang and Rabdeys shall continue to receive adequate funds and other facilities from the State. |
Summarize the key provisions of Article 3 (Spiritual Heritage) in the Bhutan Constitution | Article 3 of the Bhutan Constitution, which deals with Spiritual Heritage, contains 6 key provisions that establish: . Buddhism is the spiritual heritage of Bhutan, which promotes the principles and values of peace, non-violence, compassionand tolerance. 2. The Druk Gyalpo is the protector of all religions in Bhutan.3. It shall be the responsibility of religious institutions and personalities to promote the spiritual heritage of the countrywhile also ensuring that religion remains separate from politicsin Bhutan. Religious institutions and personalities shall remainabove politics. 104. The Druk Gyalpo shall, o |
What does Article 4 of the Constitution of Bhutan state? | . The State shall endeavour to preserve, protect and promote the cultural heritage of the country, including monuments,places and objects of artistic or historic interest, Dzongs,Lhakhangs, Goendeys, Ten-sum, Nyes, language, literature,music, visual arts and religion to enrich society and the culturallife of the citizens. 2. The State shall recognize culture as an evolving dynamic force and shall endeavour to strengthen and facilitate the continued 11evolution of traditional values and institutions that are sustainable as a progressive society. 3. The State shall conserve and encourage research on local arts, custom, knowledge and culture. 4. Parliament may enact such legislation as may be necessary to advance the cause of the cultural enrichment of Bhutanesesociety. |
What is Article 4 of the Bhutan Constitution about? | Article 4 of the Bhutan Constitution is about Culture. It establishes and regulates: . The State shall endeavour to preserve, protect and promote the cultural heritage of the country, including monuments,places and objects of artistic or historic interest, Dzongs,Lhakhangs, Goendeys, Ten-sum, Nyes, language, literature,music, visual arts and religion to enrich society and the culturallife of the citizens. 2. The State shall recognize culture as an evolving dynamic force and shall endeavour to strengthen and facilitate the continued 11evolution of traditional values and instituti |
What does point 1 of Article 4 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall endeavour to preserve, protect and promote the cultural heritage of the country, including monuments,places and objects of artistic or historic interest, Dzongs,Lhakhangs, Goendeys, Ten-sum, Nyes, language, literature,music, visual arts and religion to enrich society and the culturallife of the citizens. |
What does point 2 of Article 4 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall recognize culture as an evolving dynamic force and shall endeavour to strengthen and facilitate the continued 11evolution of traditional values and institutions that are sustainable as a progressive society. |
What does point 3 of Article 4 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall conserve and encourage research on local arts, custom, knowledge and culture. |
What does point 4 of Article 4 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Parliament may enact such legislation as may be necessary to advance the cause of the cultural enrichment of Bhutanesesociety. |
Summarize the key provisions of Article 4 (Culture) in the Bhutan Constitution | Article 4 of the Bhutan Constitution, which deals with Culture, contains 4 key provisions that establish: . The State shall endeavour to preserve, protect and promote the cultural heritage of the country, including monuments,places and objects of artistic or historic interest, Dzongs,Lhakhangs, Goendeys, Ten-sum, Nyes, language, literature,music, visual arts and religion to enrich society and the culturallife of the citizens. 2. The State shall recognize culture as an evolving dynamic force and shall endeavour to strengthen and facilitate the continued 11evolution of traditional values and instituti |
What does Article 5 of the Constitution of Bhutan state? | . Every Bhutanese is a trustee of the Kingdom’s natural resources and environment for the benefit of the present andfuture generations and it is the fundamental duty of everycitizen to contribute to the protection of the naturalenvironment, conservation of the rich biodiversity of Bhutanand prevention of all forms of ecological degradation includingnoise, visual and physical pollution through the adoption andsupport of environment friendly practices and policies. 2. The Royal Government shall: (a) Protect, conserve and improve the pristine environment and safeguard the biodiversity of the country; (b) Prevent pollution and ecological degradation;(c) Secure ecologically balanced sustainable development while promoting justifiable economic and socialdevelopment; and (d) Ensure a safe and healthy environment. 123. The Government shall ensure that, in order to conserve the country’s natural resources and to prevent degradation of theecosystem, a minimum of sixty percent of Bhutan’s total landshall be maintained under forest cover for all time. 4. Parliament may enact environmental legislation to ensure sustainable use of natural resources and maintainintergenerational equity and reaffirm the sovereign rights ofthe State over its own biological resources. 5. Parliament may, by law, declare any part of the country to be a National Park, Wildlife Reserve, Nature Reserve, ProtectedForest, Biosphere Reserve, Critical Watershed and such othercategories meriting protection. |
What is Article 5 of the Bhutan Constitution about? | Article 5 of the Bhutan Constitution is about Environment. It establishes and regulates: . Every Bhutanese is a trustee of the Kingdom’s natural resources and environment for the benefit of the present andfuture generations and it is the fundamental duty of everycitizen to contribute to the protection of the naturalenvironment, conservation of the rich biodiversity of Bhutanand prevention of all forms of ecological degradation includingnoise, visual and physical pollution through the adoption andsupport of environment friendly practices and policies. 2. The Royal Government shall: ( |
What does point 1 of Article 5 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Every Bhutanese is a trustee of the Kingdom’s natural resources and environment for the benefit of the present andfuture generations and it is the fundamental duty of everycitizen to contribute to the protection of the naturalenvironment, conservation of the rich biodiversity of Bhutanand prevention of all forms of ecological degradation includingnoise, visual and physical pollution through the adoption andsupport of environment friendly practices and policies. |
What does point 2 of Article 5 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Royal Government shall: (a) Protect, conserve and improve the pristine environment and safeguard the biodiversity of the country; (b) Prevent pollution and ecological degradation;(c) Secure ecologically balanced sustainable development while promoting justifiable economic and socialdevelopment; and (d) Ensure a safe and healthy environment. |
What does point 3 of Article 5 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Government shall ensure that, in order to conserve the country’s natural resources and to prevent degradation of theecosystem, a minimum of sixty percent of Bhutan’s total landshall be maintained under forest cover for all time. |
What does point 4 of Article 5 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Parliament may enact environmental legislation to ensure sustainable use of natural resources and maintainintergenerational equity and reaffirm the sovereign rights ofthe State over its own biological resources. |
What does point 5 of Article 5 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Parliament may, by law, declare any part of the country to be a National Park, Wildlife Reserve, Nature Reserve, ProtectedForest, Biosphere Reserve, Critical Watershed and such othercategories meriting protection. |
Summarize the key provisions of Article 5 (Environment) in the Bhutan Constitution | Article 5 of the Bhutan Constitution, which deals with Environment, contains 5 key provisions that establish: . Every Bhutanese is a trustee of the Kingdom’s natural resources and environment for the benefit of the present andfuture generations and it is the fundamental duty of everycitizen to contribute to the protection of the naturalenvironment, conservation of the rich biodiversity of Bhutanand prevention of all forms of ecological degradation includingnoise, visual and physical pollution through the adoption andsupport of environment friendly practices and policies. 2. The Royal Government shall: ( |
What does Article 6 of the Constitution of Bhutan state? | . A person, both of whose parents are citizens of Bhutan, shall be a natural born citizen of Bhutan. 2. A person, domiciled in Bhutan on or before the Thirty-First of December Nineteen Hundred and Fifty Eight and whosename is registered in the official record of the Government ofBhutan shall be a citizen of Bhutan by registration. 3. A person who applies for citizenship by naturalization shall: (a) Have lawfully resided in Bhutan for at least fifteen years; (b) Not have any record of imprisonment for criminal offences within the country or outside; (c) Be able to speak and write Dzongkha; 13(d) Have a good knowledge of the culture, customs, traditions and history of Bhutan; (e) Have no record of having spoken or acted against the Tsawa-sum; (f) Renounce the citizenship, if any, of a foreign State on being conferred Bhutanese citizenship; and (g) Take a solemn Oath of Allegiance to the Constitution as may be prescribed. 4. The grant of citizenship by naturalization shall take effect by a Royal Kasho of the Druk Gyalpo. 5. If any citizen of Bhutan acquires the citizenship of a foreign State, his or her citizenship of Bhutan shall be terminated. 6. Subject to the provisions of this Article and the Citizenship Acts, Parliament shall, by law, regulate all other mattersrelating to citizenship. |
What is Article 6 of the Bhutan Constitution about? | Article 6 of the Bhutan Constitution is about Citizenship. It establishes and regulates: . A person, both of whose parents are citizens of Bhutan, shall be a natural born citizen of Bhutan. 2. A person, domiciled in Bhutan on or before the Thirty-First of December Nineteen Hundred and Fifty Eight and whosename is registered in the official record of the Government ofBhutan shall be a citizen of Bhutan by registration. 3. A person who applies for citizenship by naturalization shall: (a) Have lawfully resided in Bhutan for at least fifteen years; (b) Not have any record of imprisonmen |
What does point 1 of Article 6 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A person, both of whose parents are citizens of Bhutan, shall be a natural born citizen of Bhutan. |
What does point 2 of Article 6 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A person, domiciled in Bhutan on or before the Thirty-First of December Nineteen Hundred and Fifty Eight and whosename is registered in the official record of the Government ofBhutan shall be a citizen of Bhutan by registration. |
What does point 3 of Article 6 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A person who applies for citizenship by naturalization shall: (a) Have lawfully resided in Bhutan for at least fifteen years; (b) Not have any record of imprisonment for criminal offences within the country or outside; (c) Be able to speak and write Dzongkha; 13(d) Have a good knowledge of the culture, customs, traditions and history of Bhutan; (e) Have no record of having spoken or acted against the Tsawa-sum; (f) Renounce the citizenship, if any, of a foreign State on being conferred Bhutanese citizenship; and (g) Take a solemn Oath of Allegiance to the Constitution as may be prescribed. |
What does point 4 of Article 6 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The grant of citizenship by naturalization shall take effect by a Royal Kasho of the Druk Gyalpo. |
What does point 5 of Article 6 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | If any citizen of Bhutan acquires the citizenship of a foreign State, his or her citizenship of Bhutan shall be terminated. |
What does point 6 of Article 6 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Subject to the provisions of this Article and the Citizenship Acts, Parliament shall, by law, regulate all other mattersrelating to citizenship. |
Summarize the key provisions of Article 6 (Citizenship) in the Bhutan Constitution | Article 6 of the Bhutan Constitution, which deals with Citizenship, contains 6 key provisions that establish: . A person, both of whose parents are citizens of Bhutan, shall be a natural born citizen of Bhutan. 2. A person, domiciled in Bhutan on or before the Thirty-First of December Nineteen Hundred and Fifty Eight and whosename is registered in the official record of the Government ofBhutan shall be a citizen of Bhutan by registration. 3. A person who applies for citizenship by naturalization shall: (a) Have lawfully resided in Bhutan for at least fifteen years; (b) Not have any record of imprisonmen |
What does Article 7 of the Constitution of Bhutan state? | . All persons shall have the right to life, liberty and security of person and shall not be deprived of such rights except inaccordance with the due process of law. 2. A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to freedom of speech, opinion and expression. 3. A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to information. 144. A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. No person shall be compelled tobelong to another faith by means of coercion or inducement. 5. There shall be freedom of the press, radio and television and other forms of dissemination of information, includingelectronic. 6. A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to vote.7. A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to freedom of movement and residence within Bhutan. 8. A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to equal access and opportunity to join the Public Service. 9. A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to own property, but shall not have the right to sell or transfer land or any immovableproperty to a person who is not a citizen of Bhutan, except inkeeping with laws enacted by Parliament. 10. A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to practice any lawful trade, profession or vocation. 11. A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to equal pay for work of equal value. 12. A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association, other than membershipof associations that are harmful to the peace and unity of thecountry, and shall have the right not to be compelled to belongto any association. 1513. Every person in Bhutan shall have the right to material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production ofwhich he or she is the author or creator. 14. A person shall not be deprived of property by acquisition or requisition, except for public purpose and on payment of faircompensation in accordance with the provisions of the law. 15. All persons are equal before the law and are entitled to equal and effective protection of the law and shall not bediscriminated against on the grounds of race, sex, language,religion, politics or other status. 16. A person charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in accordance with thelaw. 17. A person shall not be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. 18. A person shall not be subjected to capital punishment.19. A person shall not be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his or her privacy, family, home orcorrespondence nor to unlawful attacks on the person’s honourand reputation. 20. A person shall not be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention.21. A person shall have the right to consult and be represented by a Bhutanese Jabmi of his or her choice. 1622. Notwithstanding the rights conferred by this Constitution, nothing in this Article shall prevent the State from subjectingreasonable restriction by law, when it concerns: (a) The interests of the sovereignty, security, unity and integrity of Bhutan; (b) The interests of peace, stability and well-being of the nation; (c) The interests of friendly relations with foreign States;(d) Incitement to an offence on the grounds of race, sex, language, religion or region; (e) The disclosure of information received in regard to the affairs of the State or in discharge of official duties; or (f) The rights and freedom of others. 23. All persons in Bhutan shall have the right to initiate appropriate proceedings in the Supreme Court or High Court for theenforcement of the rights conferred by this Article, subject tosection 22 of this Article and procedures prescribed by law. |
What is Article 7 of the Bhutan Constitution about? | Article 7 of the Bhutan Constitution is about Fundamental Rights. It establishes and regulates: . All persons shall have the right to life, liberty and security of person and shall not be deprived of such rights except inaccordance with the due process of law. 2. A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to freedom of speech, opinion and expression. 3. A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to information. 144. A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. No person shall be compelled tobelong to another faith by means of coercion or inducement. |
What does point 1 of Article 7 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | All persons shall have the right to life, liberty and security of person and shall not be deprived of such rights except inaccordance with the due process of law. |
What does point 2 of Article 7 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to freedom of speech, opinion and expression. |
What does point 3 of Article 7 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to information. |
What does point 4 of Article 7 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. No person shall be compelled tobelong to another faith by means of coercion or inducement. |
What does point 5 of Article 7 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | There shall be freedom of the press, radio and television and other forms of dissemination of information, includingelectronic. |
What does point 6 of Article 7 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to vote.7. A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to freedom of movement and residence within Bhutan. |
What does point 7 of Article 7 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to equal access and opportunity to join the Public Service. |
Subsets and Splits