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i ' m guessing you ' re a 12 year old , overweight boy with a female avatar , wishing he could afford skyrim , but can ' t , so is instead playing this on f2p with no idea of what is ' music ' and is therefore being a pretentious circlejerk who hates on other peoples music choice ? yeah downvote m , e i deserve it ; but damn everyone thought it when they saw this post . also i don ' t like nickleback either but i ' m not an imposing pussy . | 1,335,830,479 | 5 | runescape |
oh reddit , every day you resemble a college campus more and more . here i am in the lecture theater waiting to discuss world economics and the first person to approach the podium is a drunk who vomits over the mic before passing out . then as now i wonder ' why are you here ? ' | 1,335,830,488 | 5 | TrueReddit |
dropping an e and finding that silky material feels amazing to touch , being with a friend and telling them how you really feel because you can ' t lie on the stuff and the urge to dance to faithless . those were good time : ) | 1,335,830,406 | 1 | AskReddit |
[ why don ' t you tell me ? ] ( ftp : / / ftp . fao . org / docrep / fao / 010 / aj114e / aj114e09 . pdf ) those animals are a vital part of the ecosystem and we ' ve seen how poorly managed conservation of these animals can be and has been . when human populations kill and consume these animals with conservation in mind then there is no problem . there ' s a fine line between killing an animal for pleasure and killing one for sustenance though . i see absolutely no necessity for an individual to fly halfway around the world to kill an animal and take parts of its dead body back home , just so they can stick them on the wall of their den . we don ' t tolerate humans taking trophies of other humans , so why should it be any different for any other animal ? i don ' t even need to go into the damage done to ecosystems through over hunting or destruction of the balance of that system due to individuals hunting specific animal populations . | 1,335,830,426 | 5 | pics |
http : / / www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov / pubmed / 17291597 this test found lavender and rosemary to induce free radical scavenging which lowered the cortisol level . cortisol is a neuro - chemical associated with stress . less of it , less stress . http : / / www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov / pubmed / 20184043 this test : " compared with placebo , jasmine oil caused significant increases of breathing rate , blood oxygen saturation , and systolic and diastolic blood pressure . . . at the emotional level , subjects in the jasmine oil group rated themselves as more alert , more vigorous and less relaxed than subjects in the control group . " http : / / www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov / pubmed / 22171285 studies indicate that cymbopogon citratus ( lemongrass ) possesses various pharmacological activities such as anti - amoebic , antibacterial , antidiarrheal , antifilarial , antifungal and anti - inflammatory properties . various other effects like antimalarial , antimutagenicity , antimycobacterial , antioxidants , hypoglycemic and neurobehaviorial have also been studied . most of the effects seem to be related to neurochemicals but topical application can create some localized effects . that ' s aromatherapy massage . they can also affect cell reproduction in various ways . like bergamot , http : / / www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov / pubmed / 21878361 | 1,335,830,466 | 1 | askscience |
everybody says there is this race problem . everybody says this race problem will be solved when the third world pours into every white country and only into white countries . the netherlands and belgium are just as crowded as japan or taiwan , but nobody says japan or taiwan will solve this race problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them . everybody says the final solution to this race problem is for every white country and only white countries to “assimilate , ” i . e . , intermarry , with all those non - whites . what if i said there was this race problem and this race problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non - blacks were brought into every black country and only into black countries ? how long would it take anyone to realize i’m not talking about a race problem . i am talking about the final solution to the black problem ? and how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this ? but if i tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race , the white race , liberals and respectable conservatives agree that i am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews . they say they are anti - racist . what they are is anti - white . anti - racist is a code word for anti - white . | 1,335,830,413 | -8 | pics |
fucking cocksuckers . the only people i hate more than them are the moronic united fans who were convinced it was " in the bag " after the arsenal v city game . let this be a lesson to all those mindless cunts . | 1,335,830,425 | 7 | soccer |
should i try to put lube on my finger ? it definitely hurts less when i am completely aroused , but it still hurts . a previous man i was with tried to keep it inside until the pain went away , but it never did . i just feel like something is wrong with me . | 1,335,830,437 | 1 | sex |
personally , i think you should just be able to access the bank and trading post pick - up from anywhere inside a city . it ' s free to waypoint to the npcs anyway , so it ' s just an inconvenience for no particular reason . | 1,335,830,462 | 2 | Guildwars2 |
honestly , i ' d recommend getting a cheap cheap cheap motel or hostel room . that way , you can shower and change in privacy . you would also be able to store your clothes there . you wouldn ' t want to show up at in interview carrying clothes would you ? where you could find one ? i have not a clue . sorry . | 1,335,830,504 | 6 | nyc |
well commercial business pays more money , a lot more money . i have a top secret clearance , and experience in the military . all govt business programs hire cleaning companies . with my resources i think i am able to provide escorts with clearances for my cleaning crews . sure residential is easier , but why limited yourself ? i ' m asking about the pricing metric for cleaning contracts . | 1,335,830,469 | 2 | EntrepreneurRideAlong |
speedo gun i ' ll be using this as a euphemism from now on . thanks for the insight . since i started shooting the lcp i ' ve come to terms with my pinky hanging off , so i think i ' ll definitely make the switch . | 1,335,830,465 | 2 | guns |
most of the zelda songs from all of the games can be found ( and downloaded for free ) from [ zelda reorchestrated ] ( http : / / www . zreomusic . com / listen ) . i listen to them every day at work . | 1,335,830,468 | 1 | zelda |
i had no issues doing mace / shield and greatsword as a guardian . i had to pay much more attention to what was going on around me as melee than when i had a staff or scepter out , but i had no issues staying up if i was careful . yes , sometimes i needed to step back if i messed up and took a big hit . yes , sometimes i couldn ' t really control where the monster was going next - but unless i never felt like it was impractical . and in pvp ? guardian worked exactly as advertised , i could routinely handle being outnumbered 2 to 3 on 1 at an objective long enough for support to arrive and save the node . that said , i didn ' t have access to rifles , so maybe the issue is rifle is too good and not that melee sucks ? | 1,335,830,450 | 1 | Guildwars2 |
how would you write a kernel without c ? what language would you implement ruby , python , etc in ? i understand what your intent is - there might be a talk here if you can discuss alternatives . i have my doubts though . | 1,335,830,463 | 4 | programming |
another issue that is relevant is your right to film . - [ in the us , the constitution protects your right to film and photograph on public space . ] ( http : / / blogs . phillymag . com / the _ philly _ post / 2012 / 03 / 29 / photograph - cops - public - first - amendment / ) - for stuff like state law , [ double check on this site ] ( http : / / www . citmedialaw . org / legal - guide ) . - [ filming a revolution a tutorial - your camera is your weapon . occupy ] ( https : / / www . youtube . com / watch ? v = vumpssup0bc & feature = my _ liked _ videos & list = llinb4vjqk5k - o9vmsm8pvcw ) - [ quantitative analysis of online social media in phase one of occupy wall street ( ows analytics ) ] ( https : / / docs . google . com / presentation / d / 1spxu _ uusjxtykvywr _ mpwxgxw3lcd7 _ q1htk4acus1m / edit # slide = id . p14 ) | 1,335,830,469 | 1 | anonymous |
it happens to the best of people . just keep giving if you feel like it and perhaps your generous spirit will influence them . most likely in ways you will never see but think of it like a pyramid scheme . you give which may cause them to give which in turn may inspire more giving . | 1,335,830,463 | 1 | gaming |
" i purr therefore i am " " by daily cat napping i have come to be " alice came to a fork in the road . " which road do i take ? " she asked . " where do you want to go ? " responded the cheshire cat . " i don ' t know , " alice answered . " then , " said the cat , " it doesn ' t matter . " | 1,335,830,477 | 1 | pics |
oh , i absolutely agree . just off the top of my head : 1 . game times will need to be drastically shortened , as expecting the average person to consistently devote up to a whole hour for a single game is unreasonable 2 . stats and item effects need to be made clearer , so that a person can easily design a build without consulting an online guide 3 . balance between levels needs to be more balanced . in lol , one of the hardest parts of getting friends to try the game and play with you is that the matchmaking puts them against level 20 + players , all of whom have runes which give them a huge advantage over new players in addition to their experience playing the game . this leads to the new player becoming frustrated at the game , especially after they are inevitably bitched out by their teammates . which leads to : 4 . the community . jesus . the communities on these games are terrible . most hyper - competitive gamers on the planet . i ' m honestly not sure how they could fix this one . perhaps by reducing team size and thus encouraging playing more with friends who are less likely to scream at you than online strangers ? the competitive nature of the games will naturally draw this type of player , but their presence makes it difficult to attract other , less intense players . all of these , and i ' m sure many more , would absolutely need to be adjusted before the genre is moved into the mainstream . however ( with the exception of # 4 ) , i see no reason why someone couldn ' t design a game like this , in which new players could easily integrate themselves and learn the game mechanics . current moba games have proven that there certainly is a market and an interest in the genre , and they are the furthest thing in the world from noob - friendly . while it is by no means a certainty that these games will become extremely popular ( far from it ) , i don ' t think it ' s likely that the genre to expand with a bit of tweaking to the traditional formula , especially given dota 2 ' s impending release . how far this type of game has come from being a simple mod to a major cash cow for riot games ( and presumably soon valve ) is very impressive . | 1,335,830,500 | 3 | Games |
true enough ; we have no proof either way . and hey , sorry about the downvote . i actually had a ' smarten up ' moment when you pointed that out to me , so thank you for that : ) it might be a long time before i ' m caught up , but when it happens i ' ll try to remember to look you up ! | 1,335,830,424 | 0 | Naruto |
what happened to nashville ? it ' s like a mirror match in mortal kombat . . all of a sudden you ' re fighting yourself , and you don ' t know yourself well enough to know what your weaknesses are . phoenix is out - predatoring the preds . | 1,335,830,491 | 3 | Predators |
another issue that is relevant is your right to film . - [ in the us , the constitution protects your right to film and photograph on public space . ] ( http : / / blogs . phillymag . com / the _ philly _ post / 2012 / 03 / 29 / photograph - cops - public - first - amendment / ) - for stuff like state law , [ double check on this site ] ( http : / / www . citmedialaw . org / legal - guide ) . - [ filming a revolution a tutorial - your camera is your weapon . occupy ] ( https : / / www . youtube . com / watch ? v = vumpssup0bc & feature = my _ liked _ videos & list = llinb4vjqk5k - o9vmsm8pvcw ) - [ quantitative analysis of online social media in phase one of occupy wall street ( ows analytics ) ] ( https : / / docs . google . com / presentation / d / 1spxu _ uusjxtykvywr _ mpwxgxw3lcd7 _ q1htk4acus1m / edit # slide = id . p14 ) | 1,335,830,439 | 1 | evolutionReddit |
george takei can make anyone ' s day . he is that epic . and i , for one , would be quite content never having seen a salarian cloaca . turian however ? i could stand to see the cloaca of a certain turian with a batman mask . spirits . that sounded a lot kinkier than it did in my head . | 1,335,830,479 | 1 | masseffect |
there really isn ' t a point , if you want to know the truth . it ' s just this old crumby book that a whole bunch of phonies _ say _ they like even though they don ' t really understand it for one second . you can always tell when someone ' s that kind of phoney ' cause they try to impress you with big talk about themes and points and morals and you know the second they start up with that crap that they can ' t even tell you anything about anything _ real _ , like a baseball glove or a talk with your sister , or where the ducks go when the lake freezes over . they go on and on about all that lousy crap instead of the _ in _ teresting parts , where it ' s nice and exciting and all , it ' s nice when somebody tells you about their life . but these sad old bastards , they don ' t have a clue about what the goddam book ' s about . it ' s pretty dumb , really , if you think about it . | 1,335,830,482 | 44 | explainlikeimfive |
depends on the complexity of said life form . alien civilization : changes everything . alien bacteria : may result in some breakthroughs in biology and chemistry that would later translate to some real world applications . | 1,335,830,464 | 1 | AskReddit |
also , i hope you consider this an invitation to keep open the lines of communication . please feel free to contact me personally with comments , thoughts , or questions , if you so choose . what a jerk . | 1,335,830,483 | -2 | humor |
thanks ! i appreciate the help and all , but i kind of figured it out , thanks to someone on deviantart who was helping a lot of people . [ here is the finished product . ] ( http : / / i . imgur . com / cd00d . jpg ) i know the text i put there is crap , but i ' m kind of a " noob " when it comes to text tools . | 1,335,830,460 | 1 | MLPdrawingschool |
got a question . . . are you fat ? do you know why fat ladies don ' t like to shop ? because there is nothing to buy . . . . as for designing i have two words that always work on fat . . . empire waistline . | 1,335,830,513 | 1 | Economics |
in the books , isn ' t the wildfire plan more tyrion ' s idea than cersei ' s ? [ acok spoiler ] ( / b " did tyrion plan the chain or was it suggested to him ? i thought he created the wildfire / blockade plan . . . " ) | 1,335,830,444 | 3 | gameofthrones |
i would have to say for san ' s i like emc support . even their support website is hands down better than hp or ibm . hp ' s website is a mess , and i found my self going to the ftp site for ibm . emc provides access to the same tools the ce ' s use for implementation , things like automated checklists , and support matrix tools that really work . for a smaller company netapp is a decent option if you don ' t want to go the fibre channel route and just need storage for vmware and file serving . smaller companies have has a lot of success with vmware using nfs mounts . i work for a huge hospital and they are using nfs to move virtual machines to other sites that are not connected to the same san . | 1,335,830,473 | 2 | sysadmin |
i use an airsoft pistol . got tired of shouting " clear ! clear ! all clear ! " so i set up stuffed animals around the house , with cardboard body armor so i can go for head shots . now i get to shout , " tango down ! tango down ! clear ! clear ! " | 1,335,830,507 | 3 | AskReddit |
actually i do , i ' m one of the few who aren ' t addicted to reddit . i just care about the rules , unlike you , because apparently you know of and or see hundreds of reposts and you don ' t say anything . | 1,335,830,483 | 0 | fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu |
confirming this ~ marialux hit the nail on the head pretty much . not sure why your coworker didn ' t recognize it , since there ' s nothing wrong with the 2nd and 3rd words from a japanese standpoint . | 1,335,830,491 | 1 | translation |
i admit i ' m not a good atheist - i haven ' t read the entire bible . but it ' s my understanding that christ said some very specific things about who would get into heaven , and it only included jews . i do know that the jehovah ' s witnesses , based on the bible , insist that only 144 , 000 ( or so ) people will get in . beyond that , heaven would be in violation of the fire codes . | 1,335,830,403 | 1 | atheism |
yeah , but did you see how nice and bright and healthy - looking tim curry ' s teeth are in that one ? makes perfect sense to have a dental mascot encouraging kids to take that level of good care of their teeth , and there ' s no better way to do it than by looking like it itself ! also , i noticed the german on the poster next to it ; was this somewhere in germany or austria , op ? | 1,335,830,508 | 1 | WTF |
first , xbox did not cover all users with red ring of death problems . many users were screwed because xbox summarily decided the damage caused was outside of the warranty . second , the amount of ps3 failures is a small fraction compared to those experienced with xbox . and third , i see no rebuttal to the other points i mentioned . | 1,335,830,412 | 1 | AdviceAnimals |
doesn ' t make vsync a resource hog . in fact legend of grimrock ( if you haven ' t played , play ) is a resource hog and will let your gpu work it ' s ass off pumping out as many frames per second as possible which can heat the shit out of you card . turning vsync on will cap the fps and the game runs nice and cool . | 1,335,830,450 | 2 | gaming |
considering the timing of the ten commandments ( right after exodus ) , why wasn ' t a single one admonishing or prohibiting slavery ? my theory is that there were two separate authors , or that slavery was an accepted norm 2000 + years ago . | 1,335,830,431 | 2 | politics |
" with the first link , the chain is forged . the first speech censured , the first thought forbidden , the first freedom denied , chains us all irrevocably . " every freedom . every creed . every gender . | 1,335,830,420 | 3 | SRSDiscussion |
at the risk of telling you something you already know : don ' t use the windows " check for driver updates ' button whoever coded that useless piece of rubbish deserves a good kicking . head to the website of your video card manufacturer and find the latest version yourself ( or use your video card driver manager if yours has one ) | 1,335,830,512 | 1 | battlefield3 |
i would definitely add our love to comfort to the list . we are very relaxed , want to be left in peace and don´t look for trouble . despite of that though , we love big discussions ( which usually don´t lead to anything ) i wouldn´t say that we are socially cold . maybe we take politeness more seriously than other countries ( in germany i noticed a lot more people saying " du " than " sie " ) and we respect other peoples privacy , but when i introduced my irish boyfriend to my austrian friends , they loved him straight away and actually paid more attention to him than me . . . it might be hard to make new friends in austria as a completely stranger , but you just have to figure out when to talk to people and when not to . my dad is one of those people who just talks to everyone . he talks to a lot of strangers when he´s , for instance , standing in a queue , an elevator , etc . but he would never talk to anyone in the subway , anyone walking down the street , or to a closed group standing around . when we´re in a situation like that we do not want to talk to strangers and it´s hard for me to imagine than anyone would . if i compare it to ireland , where people are more likely to stick with the people and friends they already know , i have to say that austrian ( at least the younger generation ) are more open to meeting new people and making close friends with them . we mighn´t be known as the most friendliest people , but that´s a part of our humour and unique charm , and you shouldn´t take it too seriously . | 1,335,830,400 | 4 | Austria |
i ' m hoping they end up using bluetooth 4 . 0 . it streams at 24 mbits / sec so i believe that would be fast enough . plus it would make it easier to use the wii controllers with the system as they were bluetooth also . | 1,335,830,480 | 6 | wiiu |
if the only information you get about american politics is from / politics , then i can ' t blame you for thinking this way . but no , the vast majority of people who call themselves " republican " are not racist . and ones that openly are racist are generally demonized , outcasted , or not taken seriously at all ( and that goes for democrats as well ) . remember , it was a republican who freed the slaves , and it was the democratic party who once embraced the kkk . racism is not exclusive to a political party . | 1,335,830,454 | 8 | PoliticalDiscussion |
gotcha , if that ' s what you ' d do most of the time there then i ' d try to have him do that . although definitely get him / her out on the floor at least a few times to get a feel for that side of the business too . | 1,335,830,525 | 2 | AskEngineers |
i ' m 21 , in college and yes , i do watch porn . i don ' t personally feel that this is a problem , neither have any of my girlfriends . however , if i was dating someone and they had a problem with it , i would stop . i guess i could see myself forgetting a few times . . . bottom line : i feel that if all other things are going well you should let this go if you can . if you can ' t . . . try to give him some time . pron has probably been at least semi - habitual for most guys i know since middle school . | 1,335,830,499 | 1 | relationships |
the ryan budget doesn ' t really do anything but slow down the increase in government spending which isn ' t cuts at all . as far as privatizing medicare for his plan is pretty messed up for all those that contributed to the system . its not fair to attack our domestic welfare programs , we should be going after foreign aid , offensive militarism , etc . but i personally would like to see social security , medicare , ect . be privatized or be optional , i don ' t want them taking my money and putting it in a failed system that i never signed up for . also if you think its the roll of government to redistribute wealth from taxation that not the right idea . if people make money honestly , i don ' t understand why they shouldn ' t be able to keep the fruits of there labor . the problem is the crony capitalism that is taking place now with the bailouts and such , we just need a system in place that sets up a fair playing field for everyone to enter into business and make honest money . | 1,335,830,424 | 1 | politics |
i actually learned on mormon expression that tithing settlment is optional . jon and zilpha larson stopped going to tithing settlment years before they stopped paying tithing . their rational was that the bishop was busy so why burdon him with one extra meeting . now that being said , virtually all members go to tithing settlment . another loophole that i found out when i was at byu is that you can pay your tithing directly to slc . you don ' t have to do it through your ward . the only required tithing verification you have to do is in the temple recommend interview . but thats on your honor . again almost no mormons know about this loophole and the church makes no effort to make these things known . | 1,335,830,493 | 1 | exmormon |
what do you think of this jeans : http : / / www . armedangels . de / chameleon / mediapool / thumbs / 6 / 89 / nudie - thin - finn - organic - strikey - used - jeans - front _ 300x384 - id10661 - c77a374da83f7830331915d69c256477 . jpg http : / / www . armedangels . de / chameleon / mediapool / thumbs / 1 / a3 / nudie - thin - finn - organic - strikey - used - jeans - back _ 300x384 - id10662 - 5b5647fce4c7278e71e19d293e1b15ee . jpg ( only thing i dont like are these stripes at the back ) . and what about some sort of desert boots for me ? or higher leather boots ? or white sneakers ( maye 2nd pair of chucks ? ) | 1,335,830,472 | 1 | malefashionadvice |
nah , sky will buy the stream from the heineken cup i believe , and that will have been contracted out to some french crowd . considering the matrix shit from the stade de france i had quite high hopes for the camera work . | 1,335,830,464 | 3 | rugbyunion |
my ex - husband had one done after we got divorced . he ' s got two more kids . whether it ' s true or not , they said something about it being a one in a million chance they will grow back together . trust him to be that rarity . | 1,335,830,424 | 16 | AskReddit |
the visual editors i have heard of have all been with concentration on code presentation , but the concerns come from the tools that have to be built on top of it . a text - less representation will have to have to recreate version control and handle merging of parallel work . but it gets worse , it will have to support all the visual and existing languages people want to use . currently i can use git , but there are no extensions added for my chosen language ( d ) . i can track changes to many types of files at the same time . these problems are not trivial , they are very important , and there are likely many , many more that will come . though i ' m also an odd ball . i prefer bullet lists to visio . though flow charts and things are great during a discussion . | 1,335,830,514 | 1 | programming |
you still haven ' t explained why using the standard " doesn ' t make any sense . " it ' s like a scientist complaining that a weatherman doesn ' t use kelvin just because their own tiny minority uses kelvin , even though the standard for weather is celsius or fahrenheit . | 1,335,830,521 | 1 | ronpaul |
nowadays a lot of games auto - adjust to " best settings " - - if i start the game with these settings , and it run at an acceptable rate , i will leave them be . if i get crappy fps i ' ll mess with some sliders in area ' s i feel are less important to my graphical experience to milk as much as i can from my crappy old computer . | 1,335,830,456 | 1 | gaming |
it is always so hard for me to understand how we came from stardust but then i realize i also find it hard to understand how a computer works just using zeroes and ones . but it works , and so i have to be satisfied knowing i can ' t be an expert in everything . | 1,335,830,435 | 6 | DoesAnybodyElse |
don ' t know too much about planted tanks myself , but i started mine about 3 months ago . . . . how long are the lights on for ? is the bulb old , could it need replacing ? i ' m running a 14g tank with a 15w with only 6500k and it seems to be doing the trick ; along with sunlight from a window , as in your set up . could your water parameters be affecting it ? / shrug would love to hear an update later on . . . . hope this is at least a start . . . . | 1,335,830,435 | 3 | Aquariums |
i once confined myself to a sensory deprevation tank for 20 years and i can honestly say it is not as boring as you might think and i am just about ready for another 20 or 30 year trip to the tank . not a bad way to live ! | 1,335,830,513 | 1 | IAmA |
is minesweeper included in the sample list ? alot of so called " gamers " are not playing what most of us would consider actual games . . . ones that have settings worth messing with . i mean if the sample includes the massive amount of people playing farmville solitare chess and minesweeper . . . then its flawed data as far as i ' m concerned . | 1,335,830,458 | 2 | gaming |
that ' s just the standard engineering school guide to approaching strangers for social retards . " civil engineer " is a real job whose title does not actually mean what is implied by its appearance in this thread . | 1,335,830,478 | 1 | AskReddit |
if christians have the right to give away those free little bibles on every corner , atheists have the right to give away real books as well . sure , both accounts can be pretty offensive sometimes . . . but aren ' t both parties just trying to get their points across ? i read nonchristian literature when i was a christian , & i still read christian literature now that i ' m an atheist . reading = knowledge . | 1,335,830,472 | -5 | atheism |
don ' t let jackasses ruin a fun game for you , but if you don ' t find it fun anymore , and are struggling to make rent , take a break . or quit if you really don ' t want to play anymore . and people who abuse your trust aren ' t your friends . fuck them . | 1,335,830,530 | 2 | wow |
thanks for reminding me that seat belts can be adjusted . sincerely , someone who replaced / tuned his own ecu , had his throttle body bored , and adjusts his camber a few times a year for track purposes , but totally neglected to realize that seat belts could be adjusted to stop cutting into my god damned neck | 1,335,830,529 | 3 | gaming |
ashe and sivir are dirt cheap and quite good ( ashe more so than sivir right now , but sivir isn ' t bad by any means ) . urgot is 3150 ip i believe , and very strong , but he ' s not like any other ad in that he builds tanky cdr and is focused on shutting down the enemy carry instead of carrying himself . looking at the numbers , it ' s kind of sad how there are only 2 ad carries + urgot under 6300 , unless i missed one . edit : and yes , i did . forgot corki wasn ' t 6300 , he ' s very strong , has a lot of burst potential . don ' t know how i missed tristana ; she ' s weaker than most carries early on , but has the potential for some nice burst , and gets very strong lategame . | 1,335,830,460 | 3 | leagueoflegends |
upon reconsideration , i have amended your score . it is now 8 . 7 / 10 . the ol ' brim is vastly superior to the armaments , and it was an obvious oversight on my part to afford you such a high score for mere armaments . | 1,335,830,471 | 1 | TF2fashionadvice |
i think it ' s still a little too open ended . if this can be in the subreddit just because some or a lot of religious people think homosexuality is wrong , then couldn ' t every single case of sexism oppression be in here as well ? | 1,335,830,435 | 1 | atheism |
i don ' t know where your friend lives , but here ( near milan , north italy ) it ' s really easy to find weed , yet hash is what is mostly smoked , expecially from the teenagers . and i have experienced that weed is easy to find also in south italy , because of the climate a lot of people grow it . hash is , by the way , what really dominate the marked , and that ' s because of mafia : the hash that they sell is , whe say " cutted " ( tagliato ) with eroine and opiates to make it more powerful and more addictive . and here they have almost the full control on the market . reality is that if you don ' t know no one in italy is really hard to find every kind of pot , it ' s easyest if you buy cocain or mdma , but those are shit . | 1,335,830,445 | 2 | todayilearned |
i take a nuke and then another nuke . i point one nuke a few inches above the spider and the other nuke i point at the first nuke . then i shoot both nukes at eachother so they explode just above the spider . this kills the spider and all other spiders within 30 miles in a millisecond . yes i know , genius . . . | 1,335,830,439 | 4 | funny |
i liked his use of spices and the i cringed when he immediately cut into the tenderloin . i know that it is more ascetically pleasing to see the juices run out on camera but please let your meat rest . if you think it looks good now just cover it with foil and let it sit for 15 min , it will be fenomenal | 1,335,830,513 | 3 | BBQ |
exactly . my mjolnir was bought at the jorvik viking centre in york . it has since been used to weigh something down as a favour to a friend , been used to demonstrate an idea perfectly and at one point stopped a glass shard that fell out of a cupboard from cutting my chest . it even save one of my favourite tshirts in the same incident . xd | 1,335,830,473 | 2 | Norse |
funny , i did a simple google search and here are some links , asshole . [ teenage girl attacks mother when caught with pipe ] ( http : / / www . naplesnews . com / news / 2012 / apr / 26 / teen - caught - cleaning - marijuana - pipe - attacks - mom / ? legalforum = 1 ) ( ironically a situation like you spoke of earlier ) [ laws for oregon , the state where i live in regards to cannabis . ] ( http : / / www . ornorml . org / or - laws . php ) ( all of these punishments basically get forwarded to your parents if you are underage . there are different punishments for underage use , such as expulsion from school , community service , revoking of driving license etc . , but the name on all the bills from then on will be your parents , and they will suffer many other consequences . your actions can affect others , certainly so if you are underage . i am speaking in advocation for of - age users and against the usage of cannabis for underage users ( unless they are sustaining their own home and have been legally emancipated and are legally responsible for their own actions . ) | 1,335,830,523 | 1 | trees |
then you ' re going to receive this sort of backlash . what backlash ? a ridiculous comment from someone who clearly hasn ' t had any proper education on what feminism actually is ? oh no , not slut - shaming ! why is that suddenly a ' social issue ' ? because it affects women ? just as women are shamed for being ' sluts ' , men are shamed for being ' loser virgins ' or ' creeps ' . where are the feminists trying to ' change ' that ? feminists are trying to change that . we don ' t just focus on women ' s issues . you might want to take a look at the hundreds of other views and theories that have stemmed from feminism . feminism is a huge umbrella term for many ways of sex - positive thinking , including the push for sex - positivity towards men . | 1,335,830,436 | 4 | sex |
driving while conserving tires is one thing , but diving very far under the limit and babying a set of tires just to hope they last 10 laps is a joke . these are f1 drivers , not bus drivers , they should be able to drive @ 100 % of the cars limit every lap , not forced to drive 70 or 80 % . f1 drivers have raced balls out 100 % for every lap in every form of junior formula they have raced in to get were hey are today , now they get to f1 and have to learn how to drive a f1 car like a stock car . . . . lol give me real f1 back , give the drivers a change to show their true skills at driving a car , not a bus . | 1,335,830,526 | -2 | formula1 |
bind mouse1 " + attack1 " hahahaha no . + attack bind mouse2 " + attack2 ; uber " no . alias + dicks " + attack2 ; uber " alias - dicks " - attack2 " as for the wall of viewmodel and shit , i can ' t be assed to figure out where new lines are supposed to be | 1,335,830,535 | 2 | Tf2Scripts |
awwww , makes me want to play tp again . actually , finding all 20 of those cats in the abandoned village was surprisingly difficult . i would always find 19 and spend another hour looking for the last one . | 1,335,830,409 | 4 | zelda |
i would imagine that they have a recruitment policy rather similar to the real world nazis back in the day . while the nazi ' s were mostly centered around the purity and superiority of the germanic peoples , they held their hatred of certain other peoples with somewhat higher priority . the same , i could imagine , could be likely when it comes to the thalmor . i could easily imagine a conversation between an altmer and a bosmer who both support the thalmor going something like " i believe the inferior men must be put down , and you believe the inferior men must be put down . let ' s put aside the argument of whom among us elves is truly superior and focus on our common enemy , for now at least . " | 1,335,830,524 | 2 | teslore |
i remember reading about his experiments on children a while ago . the wikipedia article doesn ' t mention anything about the long term results , but if i recall i believe the children were all supposed to have ended up completely screwed up in the head . | 1,335,830,501 | 0 | askscience |
the greatest media fiasco of all time would be obama banging eminem ' s daughter . . . interracial pedophiliac sex between the president and a crazy rappers daughter . . . oh please oh please let this shit go down | 1,335,830,529 | 1 | pics |
i kind of like that idea . i value portal highly for the one sided dialogue that occurs between glados and chell , when glados is insulting her and what not , it is very interesting . what i would like about your idea would be the one sided dialogue of ratman talking to himself , or glados , seeing as he is basically insane and trying to escape . | 1,335,830,465 | 2 | truegaming |
the ice cream cones and ice cream are not littering . they are made entirely from organic edible items which will literally disappear within less than a week . the paper though , yes , that would be considering littering . but you should seriously choose your battles . two thin paper " holders " are not a serious issue . for one thing paper is bio - degradable . for another thing they are perhaps the most innocent and least damaging item which could possibly be considered " litter " . | 1,335,830,503 | 1 | WTF |
. . . good lord . i can scarcely believe the bloodthirst on display . promoting acts of terrorism ! these guys want so badly to be in a revolution , but i wonder how many would change their minds upon " shooting up guards at the pentagon " - taking away fathers and husbands from innocent fellow citizens . this is really disturbing . it ' s likely , presumably , that these posts are just frustrated venting from people who wouldn ' t go through with it . hopefully . | 1,335,830,480 | 4 | circlebroke |
i got lucky . i got a rap for weed , and did 180 days . i was forced clean , with a class b misdemeanor , that was expunged after a drug program during my parole period . it was harsh . physical pain coupled with emotional stress in an already stressful environment . it also turns out my dealer was cutting my meth with heroin , so i had the withdrawal symptoms from that as well . there was no one to blame but myself for my misery , and no one to count but myself to get away from it , which is really what it takes to beat an addiction as strong as the one meth creates . if this person can set her friend up in a similar situation , great . not likely , though . there isn ' t any other course of action the op can take that will have a desirable effect . the more love she tries to show this friend , the more her friend will attempt to use her . it has to be rough on her friend , or she will not have enough reason to walk away from the addiction . | 1,335,830,540 | 1 | AskReddit |
sorry i ' m just imagining someone using college as a party vacation on their parents hard earned money , all the while creating the illusion that actual work was being done . it ' s not over though you can get back on the horse and turn it around . | 1,335,830,456 | 17 | AskReddit |
you missed a few steps in there which negate the comparison to the original . pop is short for poppa , an informal way of saying father around 1800 ' s . poppa is a variant of papa which was used in the early 1700 ' s . papa derives from the french word pappa and old norse pāpi following the old latin form pāpa | 1,335,830,541 | 1 | funny |
poor means being trapped in debt slavery , paycheck to paycheck , always behind the compounding fees and interest . people need to be educated how not to do this , and how to get themselves out of it if they are there . then , most likely giving some form of funds ( that goes to paying off loans , not frivolous items ) would help give them the leeway to make the move from the lower class to the middle class . | 1,335,830,527 | 1 | quotes |
white people don ' t know their own privilege , and shouldn ' t be allowed to control how other races are treated . ( ie aboriginal reserves , etc ) the only people who should be allowed to speakmake decisions on racial issues should be people of the race ( or poc , depending on the issue ) effected by the issue , not white people . | 1,335,830,509 | 2 | AskReddit |
if you want them to stop flaming you just say ok to everything they say . most of the time the first or second ok will get them to stop talking . that ' s what i do rather than continue arguing with them . | 1,335,830,501 | 2 | leagueoflegends |
i ' m about to graduate from school in atlanta to move down to the space coast full time , and have been working there every other semester . i do dread the change of pace , but do you ever frequent the cove at port canaveral ? it ' s all restaurant - bars , but milliken ' s and fishlips tend to have the younger professional crowd , since they have larger dance floors and djs on the weekends . | 1,335,830,402 | 2 | 321 |
so you think that a capable woman is just as likely as a man to be hired as a bricklayer or machinist . . . now you are talking about something entirely different than a wage gap . you are talking about gender discrimination in hiring . but in a job where lifting heavy stuff is the job , calling it discrimination because a male ' s body can do more work in an hour over a woman is bullshit . if a woman can do those jobs , they can get them . | 1,335,830,446 | 1 | politics |
i ' m gonna go against the rest here . . . i wanted to like this movie , but i just couldn ' t get into it . i found it boring . maybe i need to give it another try . . . every now and the a movie and your mood aren ' t in sync . | 1,335,830,423 | 1 | NetflixBestOf |
i can agree to some extent . some of their uptempo beats and guitar parts definitely didn ' t fit the image . the singer was definitely not my cup of tea , but he was on point the whole time so i had to give him credit . | 1,335,830,500 | 1 | Metal |
khan academy is great , but may be too concept heavy and work light for his purposes . he should get a good stats book , preferably one recommended on the ap syllabus , and supplement the insight khan gives into the concepts with actual experience solving problems . | 1,335,830,442 | 1 | UniversityofReddit |
seconded . if he was doing the simulation another way , then he could animate it using that program ( ansys , pro / mechanica , solidworks , catia , etc etc etc ) but if the data is already in matlab , it ' s best just to slog through making that video . | 1,335,830,535 | 2 | AskEngineers |
ive been verified by gonewild y do i have to do anything u say ? if u dont believe me or dont like anything here , you dont have to b here go ahead n investigate some one else . i have more than one person who knows who i am to vouch for me here . . . enjoy ur evening | 1,335,830,410 | 1 | gonewild |
i saw irie love at the shack in waikiki a couple months ago . these artists tend to pop up at random places , and you just gotta keep your ears open . incidentally i had no idea she was going to be there until i was already at the bar , so it was a bonus . | 1,335,830,423 | 1 | Hawaii |
he was an idiot for giving you a nice car . new drivers wreck cars , and it ' s a wonder more kids don ' t die . sure you fucked up , but so did he . he probably knows that . if you don ' t want to feel helpless , get a job and start paying for things . | 1,335,830,543 | 2 | AskReddit |
i read your crosspost . don ' t let the comments there get you down . they don ' t understand . they have no fucking idea . they live in their fantasy world where everything ends happily ever after , the end . it seems like you know how it works . the extra marital stuff is by no means a fix to your problems . but it does help you take away the frustration / anger so that you can be more patient towards your partner . | 1,335,830,490 | 2 | DeadBedrooms |
i ' m a staunch pc supporter , i do not like mcguinty but i voted for him anyway . i voted for him because even though i don ' t like his politics i like that i can trust him to be a true liberal who is more concerned with his career than anything else . tory and hudak on the other hand would have been a highly entropic disaster | 1,335,830,415 | 1 | canada |
now maybe you can see why people loathe it . let ' s go back to the original example . you ' re playing your favorite game at 75hz refresh and 100fps . you turn vsync on , and the game limits you to 75fps . no problem , right ? fixed the tearing issue , it looks better . you get to an area that ' s particularly graphically intensive , an area that would drop your fps down to about 60 without vsync . now your card cannot do the 75fps it was doing before , and since vsync is on , it has to do the next highest one on the list , which is 37 . 5fps . so now your game which was running at 75fps just halved it ' s framerate to 37 . 5 instantly . whether or not you find 37 . 5fps smooth doesn ' t change the fact that the framerate just cut in half suddenly , which you would notice . this is what people hate about it . http : / / hardforum . com / showthread . php ? t = 928593 | 1,335,830,498 | 1 | gaming |
been doing it for two years and actually quite enjoy the results from that decision . i agree with some of the other comments . if women do / should / are expected to , then us men should as well . also , i think it feels and looks better now . . . imo . | 1,335,830,518 | 1 | sex |
i think there should be a pointed difference between ' putting down ' someone ' s trade , and polite assistance . i ' ve seen before like : " [ h ] my entire backpack ! ! ! [ w ] skyrim / other 60 dollar game " , and the guy maybe has . . . like . . . . 11 weapons , half of which are untradeable and a bunch of crates . i think it should be polite to these people to say in a nice manner ' hey , this backpack really isn ' t worth that much , here ' s some polite proof , maybe you outta collect some more refined over the next few months and try again . ' , rather than ' good luck , loooooser ' . , etc , without facing the ban hammer . : - / . | 1,335,830,434 | 5 | tf2trade |
this has my approval . i will need pilots qualified on tie avengers ! with this new era of gaming . just think . clans / squadrons for space combat sims . this is getting me all hot and bothered . im going to take a cold shower . | 1,335,830,465 | 2 | StarWars |
Subsets and Splits