55656868383535454,4,B,B0B0000303O3O5O5Q5Q3Q3K3KEKE,E,A,A2A2U2U4U4L4L1L1818L8LOLOGOGSGSHSHQHQ1Q1,1,","L"LaLararrrryry y L L.L. . W WiWieieseskskakamampmp p " """"l"lalararwarwiwieie"ie"""""""",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,2,2,2,1,12129291911116161616160160000,00,d,dodogoggggygy y cy crcraracackckekerersrs,s,","T,"ThTheheseseese e w wewerereere e ke kikinindnd d o ofof f e exexpxpepenensnsisiviveve e fe foforor r a a a d dodogdog g t trtrereaeatat t a an andnd nd t tw twowo o o of of f mf mymy y dy dodogdogsdogs s w wo wououluldldndn'n't't t et evevevenven n t to tououcouchch h t th thehemhem,m, , s soso o Io I I d do dououboubtbt t It I I wI wowouwoululduld d bd bubuyuy y ty ththehemhem hem a ag".""5565685683835835555,5,B,B0,B00003003O3O53O5Q5Q35Q3K3KE3KE,E,AE,A2A2QA2Q8Q83833833M3MVMV8V8U8UEUEMEM3M3737,7,J,JoJososhsh h Ch CrCriricickck,ck,0,0,,0,2,0,2,2,12,1,1,11,121281286868684684141616016001600,0,M0,MyMy y Dy DoDogog og H HAHATATETEDED D t th the theseseese ese t tr trereareatatsats,s,"s,"W"WeWenentent t it inintintoto o to ththethe e de dudumumpmpsmpststeterer er t th the the the v veververyry ry f fifirirsrstrst t nt ninigighghtht.t. . M. MyMy My d do dog dog g Lg LoLovovevesves s ps pepeapeananunutut t bt bubutbutttteterter,r, , I, I I tI ththothouougoughghtght t tt ththethesthesese e we wowouwoulwouldld ld b bebe e pe peperperfrfefecectct,t, , i, i i w wa wasas s Ws WRWRORONONGNG.G. . T. ThTheTheseseese ese aese arareare e we woe wororsorsese se t th tha thanan an t th the the the d the dodogdog dog f fo foooodod d td ththetheythey y hy hahanandand d od ououtout t at atat at b ba banankank k d dr dririvriveve ve t th thr thruru u w wi w
568354,B003O5Q3KE,A2U4L18LOGSHQ1,"Larry L. Wieskamp ""larwie""",0,0,2,1291161600,doggy crackers,"These were kind of expensive for a dog treat and two of my dogs wouldn't even touch them, so I doubt I would buy them again." 568355,B003O5Q3KE,A2Q833MV8UEM37,Josh Crick,0,2,1,1286841600,My Dog HATED these treats,"Went into the dumpster the very first night. My dog Loves peanut butter, I thought these would be perfect, i was WRONG. These are worse than the dog food they hand out at bank drive thru wi
nndndodowowsws"s""55656868383535656,56,B,B0B0000202X2XOXO3O3Q3Q5Q5252,2,A,A7A7D7DMDMNMNTNT5T5Y5YZYZ3Z3J3JVJV1V1,1,R,RJRJTJT,T,0,0,0,0,0,,0,3,3,3,1,13133334345453534344344040000,00,P,PaPaiaidid d t totoooo o m mumucuchch,h,","I"I I p papaiaidaid d wd wewelellll l o ovoveverer r l lalababebeleleeleded d pd prpriricicece e a anandnd nd t th thehe e pe prproprododuducuctuct t w wawasas s n nonotot t ft frfrereseshsh.h. . S StStatamampmpepeded ed d dadatatete e te toto to u ususese e be byby y i isis s As ApAprpriprilil l 2l 2424,4, , a an andnd nd mnd mamananyany y wy wewerwerere re s smsmamasmashshesheded.ed. . W. WoWououluldld d nd nonotnot t ot orordrdederer er a ag agagaiainain.n. . O. OnOnlnlyly y by bobouougoughghtht t bt bebecbecacauaususeuse e me mymy y wy wiy wififefe e le lilikikekeses es t th the themem m a an and and d Id I I cI cacancan'n't't t ft fit finindnd nd tnd ththehemhem m im inin in B BrBrerevrevavarardrd rd C CoCouounountntyty y Fy FlFl.l.".""5"565685683835835757,7,B,B0,B00001001T1TGTGYGY7Y7W7W6W6,6,A,A2,A2727Q7QGQGEGEFEFSFS9S9C9CYCYHYHCHCXCX,X,","m,"memerermermamadmadedeldelolovoveove e "e """"S"SpSpaparparkrklklele e oe onon!n!"!"""""""",",0,0,,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5,1,13,13535035000080086864640400400,0,J0,JuJusustust t wt whwhahatat at I I I wI wawaswas s ls loloolookokikininging g f foforor!or!,!,","M,"MyMy y 5y 5 5 m mo monontonthth th o ol oldld ld i is is s ts teteeteeteththithininging ing a an and and and p pu pututtttitininging ing eing eveveververyrytyththithinthingng g ig inin in hin heherher r mr . S. ShShehe he i is is is s si simimumulmultltatantaneneoeouousouslslyly ly
ndows" 568356,B002XO3Q52,A7DMNT5YZ3JV1,RJT,0,0,3,1334534400,Paid too much,"I paid well over labeled price and the product was not fresh. Stamped date to use by is April 24, and many were smashed. Would not order again. Only bought because my wife likes them and I can't find them in Brevard County Fl." 568357,B001TGY7W6,A27QGEFS9CYHCX,"mermadelove ""Sparkle on!""",0,0,5,1350086400,Just what I was looking for!,"My 5 month old is teething and putting everything in her mouth. She is simultaneously
sshshohowowiwiningng g i inintinteterereresestst t i in in n f fofoooodod.d. . I I I w wawasas s l lolooookookikininging g fg foforfor r s sosomomemeteththihininging ing t ththathatat t wt wowououluldld d s sa satatiatisisfsfyfy y a alallll l o ofof f h heherer er n neneeeededsds s as anandnd d td ththithisis is i is is s is itit.t. . A. AlAltlththothouougoughgh h t th thihishis s is iss is s ms mamadadede e i in in in C ChChihinhinana,a, , I I I f fe feleltlt lt c cocononfnfifididedendentnt t at ababobououtout t bt bubuyuyiyininging ing iing itit it b bebececacauaususese e ie itit it iit isis is ois ororgrgagananianicic.c. . T. ThThehe he c cr craracackckekerersers s as ars arere re c cr cri crisispisp p a an andnd nd t te texextxtuturureredred d sd soso so t th the theyey y py prprorovovividideide e te teteeteetethethihinhinghing g rg rerelrelilieiefef.f. . H. HoHowoweoweveveverer,er,o,ononconcece e te the theheyhey y gy gegetet et r rerearealallallyly y wy wewetet et tet ththetheyey ey d didisississosolsolvlveve,ve, , s, soso so tso ththethertherere're's's s ns nono o c ch chohokhokikinkingng ng r ri risiskisk!k! ! T ThThiThisis is pis plplulusus us i is is is a al alslsoso so aso a a m mimininuinusus us bus bebecbecacaucaususeuse e ie ife if f yf yoyouourour r br babababyaby y iy isis is mis memesmessssysy y ay anandand d gd gegetgetsts s ts ththithisthis s es eveveevereryerywywhwheherherere,re, , c, clcleleaeanan an u upup p bp bebefbefoforforefore e te the thee theyey ey dey drdryry y by bebecbecabecauausausese se t th the they they y dy drdrydry y ly liliklikeke ke c ce cemememenmentnt nt c ch chi chipipsps!s!"!""55656868383535858,8,B,B0B00000001001W1WYWYNYNFNFAF
showing interest in food. I was looking for something that would satisfy all of her needs and this is it. Although this is made in China, I felt confident about buying it because it is organic. The crackers are crisp and textured so they provide teething relief. However,once they get really wet they dissolve, so there's no choking risk! This plus is also a minus because if your baby is messy and gets this everywhere, clean up before they dry because they dry like cement chips!" 568358,B0001WYNFA
,,A,A2A2424L4LQLQ0Q0909999X9X4X4444444C44C1C1,1,","C"CDCDCDC C " """"c"cdcdcdc"c"""""""",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,1313434545555959393636060000,0,G0,GrGrereaeatat t S SeSerervrvivicicece,e,I,I I o orordrdederereereded d t twtwowo o o of of f t th thehesesese e t to to o so sesensendnd d td toto o mo mymy y g grgraranandndmndmomotoththeherher r a anandand d md momotmoththetherer er i inin n l lalawaw w f foforor or m momotmothmotheherher'her's's s d dadayay.y. . I ItIt t at ararrrririviveveded ed e eaearearlrlilieierer er ter ththathanan an e ex expxpepecectcteteded ed aed anandand and b bobotothoth h o of of of t th the themem m w wewerereere ere p plpleleaeaseasesedsed d wd wiwitithth th t th the the the f fl flolowowewerwersrs.s. . . T ThThehe he p pl plalanlantnt t at art arrrrirriviveiveded ed wed wiwitwithth th fth flflolowlowewerwer wer b bu bududsds s rs rereareadadydy y ty toto to o op opepenpen n an anandand and wand wewerwerewere e pe papacackckekeded ed wed weed welellll l f fo foror or dor dedeldelilivliveververyry.y. y. I I I wI wiwilwillll ll o or ordrderderer er fer frfroromom m Gm GiGiviviivininging g p pl pla planantantsts s as agagagaiainin!in!!55656868383535959,59,B,B0B00000000K0KOKOUOUOUOHOHUHU,U,A,AJ,AJTJTMTMYMYCYCECENENPNPOPOYOYMYM2M2,2,b,brbrdrdkrdkekeykey,y,0,0,,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5,15,131321323234347347575252020000,00,G,GrGreGreaeateat,t,","T,"ThThiThisis s is isis is a a a v veververyvery y gy gogoooodod d fd flflaflavavovoror or oor ofof f rf riricricece.ce. . . I. I I oI orordordederdereredred d ad a a l lo lotot ot o of of of U of UnUncnclclele le B BeBenen'n's's 's R RiRiciceice e de dudueue e te toto to ato a a da de
,A24LQ099X444C1,"CDC ""cdc""",0,0,5,1345593600,Great Service,I ordered two of these to send to my grandmother and mother in law for mother's day. It arrived earlier than expected and both of them were pleased with the flowers. The plant arrived with flower buds ready to open and were packed well for delivery. I will order from Giving plants again! 568359,B000KOUOHU,AJTMYCENPOYM2,brdkey,0,0,5,1323475200,Great,"This is a very good flavor of rice. I ordered a lot of Uncle Ben's Rice due to a de
pplploloyoymymemenentnt,t, , i itit t i is is s g grgrereaeatat!t! ! T TeTereririyiyayakakiki i i is is is m mymy y s sesececoconondnd d f fafavavovororiritritete,e, , m, mymy my f fa favavoavororiorititeite e i is is is L is LoLonongong g G GrGraraiainin n W WiWilildld!d!"!""55656868383636060,0,B,B0B0000606J6JSJSPSPXPXZXZYZY,Y,A,AOAOAOA5A5N5NLNLHLHKHK4K4L4LFLFNFN4N4,4,z,zazacachchaharaririariahah,h,1,1,1,1,1,,1,1,1,,1,1,1,1313434545858585252828080000,00,U,UGUGHGH!H!,!,","I"IfIf f y yoyouou u w wawanantnt nt u ununmnmamararkarkekeded d gd grgragravaveave e de dudusustst t t t ththihisis s ms mamaymay y by bebe e e r ririgrighghtht t ft foforor or y yo youou.ou. . I I I d dodonon'on't't t kt knknonowow w o ofof f af ananyanyoyonyonene e we whwhoho o e eaeateatsts s ts ththethe e te totouougoughgh gh s sk skikinkin n an anandand d bd bibitittitteterter r p paparartartitititiitioiononsons s os ofof of t th thehe e pe popomomemegmegrgragrangrananatateate e be bubutut t st skskikinkin,kin, , m, me, memembmbrbraranranenesnes s as anandand and s se seeeededseds s as ars arere re c crcrurusushushehedhed d ud upup p a anandand and mand mamarmarkrkeketketetedted d ad asas s ps popompomemegmegrmegraranranaranatateate ate f fo foror or ior iningingegeseststistioionion.n. . I. IfIf If y yo you you u au arareare e le loloolookokikinkingking g fg foforfor r tr ththethe the e ed edidibiblblele e pe poe porortortitiotionon on o of of f tf ththethe the pthe popompomepomegegrgragrangranagranatateate,ate, , b, bebe be m mo mororeore e ce cacararearefarefufulul l t th tha thanan an I I I w wa wasas as a an andnd nd o or ordrdederer er u un unanadnaduduldultlteterteraterat
ployment, it is great! Teriyaki is my second favorite, my favorite is Long Grain Wild!" 568360,B006JSPXZY,AOA5NLHK4LFN4,zachariah,1,1,1,1345852800,UGH!,"If you want unmarked grave dust this may be right for you. I don't know of anyone who eats the tough skin and bitter partitions of the pomegranate but skin, membranes and seeds are crushed up and marketed as pomegranate for ingestion. If you are looking for the edible portion of the pomegranate, be more careful than I was and order unadulterat
eeded d p popomomemegegrgraranananatatete e j jujuiuicicece.e. . T ThThehe e he heheahealaltlthth h b bebenenenefefifititsts s o ofof f t ththethe e pe popompomemegmegrgragrananaanatateate e ae ararere e me mamananyany y a anandand d td trtririeieded ed a an andnd d td trd trurueue e ae ane andnd nd i itit'it's's s os ononene ne o of of f tf ththethe the b be besestst t t ta tasaststesteses es ( (f(flflalavavovoror,r, , t te texextxtutururere,re, , e, etetctc)c) ) t th thehe he w wowororlorldld d hd hahasas as t to to o o of off offeferer.r. . J. JuJusustst st n nonotot t tt ththithisis s ps prprorododuducuctct!t!"!""55656868383636161,1,B,B0B0000000L00LKLKVKVRVRQRQAQA,A,A,A3A3535P5P0P0T0TDTD3D3L3LJLJFJFMFMAMAKAK,K,R,RiRititiiti,i,1,1,1,11,1,1,21,2,2,1,13,13131919494141414444040000,00,N,NoNotot ot t to too too o io imimpmprprepresessesseseded ed bed byby y ny nononnon-n-t-tytypypipicicaicalal al E EaEararlarl l G GrGrereyrey y fy flflaflavavoavoror,or,","I"I I w wa wanantantetedted d td tod to o bo brbraranrancnchch h oh ououtut t at anandand and t tr tryry y ty ththithisthis s Es EaEarEarlrl l Gl GrGreGreyey y by blblelenendend d (d (I(I'I'v'veve e te trtritrieiedied d ad anandand and eand enenjenjojoyoyeyeded ed med mamanmanyny y ay asas as ias itit'it'sit's s ms mymy y fy fay favavoavoravoriritritete te t te tea tea)a).). . . T Th Thihisis is t ta tas taststestesstes s ts totoooo o mo mumucuchuch h lh lilikikeke e le liliclicocororioriciceice e fe foforor or m . . I. I I hI hahadhad d hd hod hopopepeded ed ied itit it w wo wououlouldld ld g grgrogrowow w o on on n m me me e we wiwitithith h th titimimeime,e, , b, bubutut ut I I'I'mI'
ed pomegranate juice. The health benefits of the pomegranate are many and tried and true and it's one of the best tastes (flavor, texture, etc) the world has to offer. Just not this product!" 568361,B000LKVRQA,A35P0TD3LJFMAK,Riti,1,1,2,1319414400,Not too impressed by non-typical Earl Grey flavor,"I wanted to branch out and try this Earl Grey blend (I've tried and enjoyed many as it's my favorite tea). This tastes too much like licorice for me. I had hoped it would grow on me with time, but I'm
s ststitilillll l n nonotot t f fefeeeeleliliningng g t ththihisis s o ononene.e. . W WoWonon'on't't t bt bebe e p pupururcrchchahasasisininging g ag".""55656868383636262,2,B,B0B0000000L00LKLKVKVRVRQRQAQA,A,A,A1A1Y1YUYULUL9L9P9PCPCJCJRJR3R3J3JTJTYTY,Y,","O"O.O. . B. BrBrorowownwn n " """"M"MsMs.s. . O. O.O. O. K KhKhahanhannnnanahah-h-B-BrBroBrowownown"n"""""""",",1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1,12,128282826260608080800000000,0,A,An,An n En EaEararlrl l Gl GrGrereyey y T TeTeaea a T Th Thahathat t Wt WoWonWon'n't't 't D DiDisisaisapappppopoioinintint,t,","*,"**************<**<b<brbr r / />/>S>StSt.t. . D. DaDalalflfofouourur'ur's's s ws wowonondondedererfrfufulul l Cl CeCerertertitiftififieieded d O OrOrgrgaganganinicic c E EaEarEarlrl rl G GrGreGreyey ey T Te Teaea ea i isis is m mamadadede de f fr froromrom m h hahanhandhand-d-p-pipicickickekeded,ed, , o or orgrgargananinicnic c Cc CeCeyCeylylolonon on t te teaea.ea. . T. ThThehe e fe flflalavavovoror r ir isis is eis enenhnhahanhanchanceceded ed b byby y "y """"t""ththethe e ae alallall l nl nanatnatutururauralal al f fl flalavlavovorvor r or ofof f b be berergergagamgamomotot ot o or ora oranangangege"e"""","", , w, whwhihichichch ch a adaddaddededded d id inintinteinterereeresestst st a an andnd d md mamadmadede de mde mymy y ty teteaea ea eea exexpxpepererierieieniencncece ce d dedeldeliliglighghthtftfufulful.l. . T. Th. Thehe he o or ora oran orangngenge e fe fle flalavlavolavoror or w wawasas as s su sububtbtltlele,e, , n, nonotnot t ot ovovevererwerwhwhewhelelmelmimininging ing a at at t at alallall.all. . I. I I l lelefleftft t tt ththethe the t te tea tea
still not feeling this one. Won't be purchasing again." 568362,B000LKVRQA,A1YUL9PCJR3JTY,"O. Brown ""Ms. O. Khannah-Brown""",1,1,5,1282608000,An Earl Grey Tea That Won't Disappoint,"*****<br />St. Dalfour's wonderful Certified Organic Earl Grey Tea is made from hand-picked, organic Ceylon tea. The flavor is enhanced by ""the all natural flavor of bergamot orange"", which added interest and made my tea experience delightful. The orange flavor was subtle, not overwhelming at all. I left the tea
bbabagag g i inin n a asas s I I I d drdrarananknk k t ththehe e t te teaea a ( (t(ththethe e we whwhohololele e te titimimeme,e, , m mumucuchch h l lolonongngegerer r t th thahanan an r rerececocomommmmemenmendndededed)d),), , w, whwhiwhicichch ch t tu tururnrnsns s ms momosostst t t te tea teasas as b bibititttteterer,er, , b, bubutut t nt nonotot t tt ththithisis s os ononeone.e.<.<b<brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br r /r />r />S>StSt.t. . D DaDalalflfofouourur ur i is is s as a a Fa FrFrerenrencnchch ch fch fifirirmrm m t th tha thatat t mt mamakakekeses s ns nanatatuatururauralal al t te tea teas teas,s, , i, inincinclclulududidininging g tg ththithisthis s os ors orgrgagananianicic ic t te tea tea. tea. . T. ThTheherherere re i is is is n nonotnot t at a a la lolotlot t ot ofof f i in infnfoforformrmarmatatiatioionon on a ab abobououtout t tt tht thehemhem m om onon on ton ththetheitheirir ir w wewebeb b s sisititeite e be bebeyeyoyonondond d t th the the e be bae basasiasicicsics,s, s, b bu butut ut w wh whahathat t it isis is t th the ther therere re lre loloolookoksks s gs gogoooodod.d.<.<b.<brbr br / />/></><b<br<br <br / /> />E>EaEararlrl l G GrGrereyrey y t te tea teas teas teas a ar arere re ore ononeone one o ofof of m my my y fy fafavavovororirititeite ite b bl blalacackck k tk teteateasas,as, , s, soso o i if if f yf yoyouyou u a ar are are e ae a a fa fafanfan n an alalsalsoso,so, , t, ththithisthis this t te tea tea tea i is is is o is ononeone one none nonotnot not t to to o mo mimisississ.s.<.<b.<br.<br r /r />r /><r /><b<br<br <br /<br />/>H/>HiHigighghlhlyly y ry rerecrecocomcommmmemmenendndendeded.ed.<.<b.<br.<br .<br / /> />* />**************"**""55656868383636363,3,B,B0B0000000L00LKLKVK
bag in as I drank the tea (the whole time, much longer than recommended), which turns most teas bitter, but not this one.<br /><br />St. Dalfour is a French firm that makes natural teas, including this organic tea. There is not a lot of information about them on their web site beyond the basics, but what is there looks good.<br /><br />Earl Grey teas are one of my favorite black teas, so if you are a fan also, this tea is one not to miss.<br /><br />Highly recommended.<br />*****" 568363,B000LKV
RRQRQAQA,A,A,A2A2U2U9U9I9I7I7B7BWBWEWEQEQ5Q5V5VKVKDKD,D,S,StSteteeeeleleleyeyeye e S SpSpapanan,n,1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1,12,12626565656767373636060000,0,T,ThThihisis s i isis is a a a f fafanantantatasaststiticic c t teteatea,a,","T"ThThiThisis is iis isis is tis ththehe e be bebesestst st E EaEararlrl l G GrGrereyey ey I I'I'v'veve e fe fofouounundnd d a an andnd nd m mymy y o ovoveververaralallll l fl fafavfavovororirititete te t te teaea.a. . I It It t h hahasas as a a a d didisististitintincnctct,t, , u ununiuniqiququeue e fe fle flalavavovorvor r u un unlnlilikikeke e ae ananyany y oy otoththetherer r Er EaEarEarlrl rl G Gr Grereyrey.y. . . I I I u us useseded d td toto o d dr dririnrinknk k a a a w a wiwididede e ve vavarariarieietetyty y oy ofy of f t te tea teasas as bas bubutut t nt nonowow w I I I d I drdririnrinkrink k tk ththithisis is ais ababobououtout t 9t 9090%0% % o of of f tf ththethe the t ti timimeme.e. . . I. I I h hi higighghlhlyly y ry rerecrecocomommmmemenmendnd nd tnd ththithisthis s ps prprorododuducuctct.ct.".""5565685683836364364,4,B,B0B00000000L0LKLKVKVRVRQRQARQA,A,AA,A3A3J3JDJDPDPYPYCYCTCTUTUCUC6C6Q6Q6Q6I6I,I,","H,"HeHececkcklklelerler r "r """"T"Th"Thihinhinknkenkerer"er"""""""",",1,1,,1,1,1,1,1,51,5,5,15,11117179791910100008008080000,00,O,OrOrgrgagananianicic ic E Ea Eararlarl l Gl GrGreGreyey,ey,","I,"I I lI lolovoveove e te ththithisthis this t te tea tea. tea. . . I. It. It t it isis is ais alis almlmomosostst st ast . . I. I . I t tr tryry y ny nenewew w tw teteateasteas s as alallall l tl ththethe the tthe titimtimeme me a an and and d td thd thihishis s Is I I aI amam m h
RQA,A2U9I7BWEQ5VKD,Steeleye Span,1,1,5,1265673600,This is a fantastic tea,"This is the best Earl Grey I've found and my overall favorite tea. It has a distinct, unique flavor unlike any other Earl Grey. I used to drink a wide variety of teas but now I drink this about 90% of the time. I highly recommend this product." 568364,B000LKVRQA,A3JDPYCTUC6Q6I,"Heckler ""Thinker""",1,1,5,1179100800,Organic Earl Grey,"I love this tea. It is almost addictive. I try new teas all the time and this I am h
oooookokekeded.d. . M MuMulultltitipiplplele e c cucupupsps s p peperer r d dadayay.y. . I. ItIt't's's s gs gogoooodood d f foforor r yr yoyouou u a anandnd d od ororgorgagananianicic.c. . W. WhWhahatat t m momororeore e ce cocououlouldld d yd yoyouyou u au asasksk k f fo foror.or. . . I I I t trtryry y t to to o s susupuppuppoporortort t tt ththehe e oe ororgorgaorgananianicanic c i inindndundusuststrtrytry y wy whwhehenhen n I I I c ca canan,an, , i it it't'st's s ts ththethe e fe fufutututururere.e. . . L. LiLikikeke ke g grgrereereenen n en egeggggsgs s as anandand d hd hahamham,m, , t, trtrytry try i it it it y yoyouyou you w wiwilillll l s se seeee.e."e.""55656868383636565,5,B,B0B0000000L00LKLKVKVRVRQRQAQA,A,A,A1A1M1M0M0R0RERE3E3H3HQHQ9Q9V9VSVS3S3M3M,M,M,MrMr.r. . G. GrGrereereenreendndendeeeedeedsds,s,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,15,13133337373738385856560560000,00,E,ExExcxcecelellllellenentent!t!,!,","S"StSt.t. . D. DaDalalflfofoufourur'ur's's 's E EaEararlrl l Gl GrGreGreyey y iy isis s os ononene e oe ofe of f m my my y fy fafavavovororiorititete e te . T. ThThihisis is t te teaea a h hahashas s ss susucsuchch h a a a d di disististitintincnctctitivtivevelelyely-y-d-dedelelieliciciicioiouousous s as ans andnd nd r rerefrefrfreresreshshihinhingng g f fl flalavavoavoror.or. or. T ThTheThe e Fe FrFrerenrencnchnch h ah arareare e te tre trurueue e ce coe cononnonnonoioisississeseueurursurs s os ofs of f bf brbririlillilliliaianancancece ce a an andnd nd tnd ththithisis is tis teteatea tea f fa falallallsls s us unundndendernder r sr susucsuchsuch h ah auh aususpuspipiciceiceses.s. . . H. HaHavaveave e ae a a ca cu
ooked. Multiple cups per day. It's good for you and organic. What more could you ask for. I try to support the organic industry when I can, it's the future. Like green eggs and ham, try it you will see." 568365,B000LKVRQA,A1M0RE3HQ9VS3M,Mr. Greendeeds,0,0,5,1337385600,Excellent!,"St. Dalfour's Earl Grey is one of my favorite teas. This tea has such a distinctively-delicious and refreshing flavor. The French are true connoisseurs of brilliance and this tea falls under such auspices. Have a cu
pp p o ofof f t ththihisis s w wiwitithth th a a a s slslilicicece e o of of f hf hohomomemememamadadede e be brbrereaeadad,ad, , s sm smomotoththetherereredred d i inin n S StSt.t. . D DaDalalflfofouourur'r's's s ms mamarmarmrmamalmalaladadeade e ae anandnd d yd yoyouou'ou'l'llll l k knknonowow w w wh whahatat t I I'I'm'm m w wr wrirititiitininging g a ab abobououtout.t."t.""55656868383636666,6,B,B0B0000000L00LKLKVKVRVRQRQAQA,A,A,AEAEXEXMXM0M0404L4LALAAAAKAK5K5F5FKFK,K,","N"NeNesessssasa a Ra RoRososese e "e """"L"LoLovoveveses es t to to o C CoCooookok"k"""""""",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,13133335357574744440400000000,0,S0,STST.T. . D. DaDalDalflfolfouourour r O OrOrgrgagananianicic ic E EaEararlrl l Gl GrGrereyrey y T TeTeaea,ea,","T,"ThThihishis s is isis is m mymy y hy huhususbsbabanandandsds s fs fafavavovororiritritete e te teteatea.a. . . H HeHe e we wowonon'n't't t dt drdririnrinknk k a an anyny y oy otothotheherer er e eaearearlrl rl g grgrereyrey rey t te teaea!ea! ! O OnOncncece ce h hehe he t ta tasaststetedted d td ththithisis,is, , i, itit it w wa wasas as a al allll ll o ov oveverver!r! ! ! H He He e ue ususeuseded d td tod to o bo bebe e ae a e a a av avividid d cd cocofoffoffefeeee e de drdridrininkinkekerer,er, , b, bubutut t nt neneeeedeedededded d sd sosomomeometeththithinthingng g tg ththathatat at w wa was was s bs bebetbetttteterter r fr foforfor r hr hihimhim m am anandand and n nonotnot t rt raraiaisiseise e he hihishis his b blbloloooodood d pd prpreresressssussurureure.e. . . I. ItIt t dt dot doeoesesnesn'n'tn't t ht hahavhaveve ve a an any any y ay arartartitififificiciiciaialal al f
p of this with a slice of homemade bread, smothered in St. Dalfour's marmalade and you'll know what I'm writing about." 568366,B000LKVRQA,AEXM04LAAK5FK,"Nessa Rose ""Loves to Cook""",0,0,5,1335744000,ST. Dalfour Organic Earl Grey Tea,"This is my husbands favorite tea. He won't drink any other earl grey tea! Once he tasted this, it was all over! He used to be a avid coffee drinker, but needed something that was better for him and not raise his blood pressure. It doesn't have any artificial f
llalavavovoroririningngsgs s a asas s ms momosostst t e eaeararlrl l g grgrereyey y t teteaeaseas.s. . I InInsnststesteaeadead,d, , i itit t ct coconontntataiaininsins s rs rerearealal l ol oioilil l ol ofl of f B BeBerergrgagamamomonmontnt.nt. . . Y YuYumum!m!!!!"!""55656868383636767,7,B,B0B0000000L00LKLKVKVRVRQRQAQA,A,A,A3A3838L8LRLRYRYMYM1M1X1XVXV7V7N7NBNB5B5,5,S,ShShohososhosh,h,0,0,0,0,0,,0,2,2,2,1,1313232727777070808888080000,00,M,MiMisissssisininging g e ev evevenen n a a a h hihinintint t ot ofof f bf beberergergagamgamomotmot,t,","I"I I a am am m v veververyry y dy didisisaisapappppopoioinointntenteded d a af aftfteterter r d drdririnrinknkikininging ing m mymy y fy fifirirsrstst st c cucupup p o ofof of t th thihishis s ts teteatea.a. . I. I I wI wiwisishish h I I I w wowououluldld d hd hahavaveave e r rereareadread d td ththehe e re rerevrevivieiewewsws.s. s. I I I l I lolovoveve ve E EaEararlarl l Gl GrGrereyrey y by bebecbecacauaususese e oe ofof of tof ththethe e fe frfreresreshsh h fh flflalavlavovorvor r or ofof of bof beberbergrgargamamoamotot,t, t, b bubutut t tt ththithisis is t te teaea ea d do doeoeses s ns nonotot ot e ev eve evenen en h ha havaveave ave a a a h a hihinhintnt nt o of of f bf bef berergergaergamamoamotamot!t! ! S SaSadadldlyly,y, , I, I I bI bobouougoughghtht t at a a p papacackck k o of of of 1 1616 6 w wi witithith h 2h 2525 5 t te tea tea a ba babagagsgs gs p pe perer er b bo boxox,x, , a, anandnd d Id I I wI wiI wilillill l hl hahavhaveve ve tve toto o f fifinfindnd nd t th the themem m am a a aa a a na nenewew ew h ho homomeme e :e : : ( ("(""5"565685683836836868,68,B,B0,B00
lavorings as most earl grey teas. Instead, it contains real oil of Bergamont. Yum!!" 568367,B000LKVRQA,A38LRYM1XV7NB5,Shosh,0,0,2,1327708800,Missing even a hint of bergamot,"I am very disappointed after drinking my first cup of this tea. I wish I would have read the reviews. I love Earl Grey because of the fresh flavor of bergamot, but this tea does not even have a hint of bergamot! Sadly, I bought a pack of 16 with 25 tea bags per box, and I will have to find them a a new home : (" 568368,B00
00L0LKLKVKVRVRQRQAQA,A,A,AYAYBYB4B4E4ELELCLCSCS5S5A5AMAM8M8P8P,P,","J"JoJohohnhn n B B.B. . G GoGoooododede e " """"J"JB"JBGBG"G"""""""",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,13131313135135353939292020000,0,E0,ExExcxcecelellllelenentnt!t!,!,","Q,"QuQuiuititete e se sisimimpmplplyly y o ononene e oe ofof f t ththehe e be bebesestst t E EaEararlrl l G Gr Grereyey'y's's s I I'I'v'veve e te trtririeieded,d, , a anandnd d I I' I'v've've e he hahadad d md mamananyany y Ey EaEarEarlrl rl G Gr Gre Greyeyseys.s. . S. SoSomomeme e Ee EGEG'G's's 's a ar arere re m mumututetedted d ad anandand d ud unundndenderersrststastatatetedted ted b bubutut ut t th thihisis s os ononeone e ie isis is v veververyry y fy flflolororaralal l al anandand and h hahashas s as a a v ve vereryery y sy ststrstroronongong,g, , b, bubutbut t gt gogoooodood d td tatasaststeste.e. . I. ItIt't's's 's n's nonotot t ot ovoveverver ver t th the the e te toe topop,p, , j, jujusustst st a a a v ve ver veryry ry n ninicicece ce E EG EG G f flflaflavavovoror.or. . A. AnAndnd nd t to to o t to top top p i itit it o of offff,f, , i, itit'it's's 's o's ororgorgagananianicic ic a an andnd nd tnd ththethe e pe prpriricricece ce ice isis is gis grgrereareatat!at!"!""55656868383636969,9,B,B0B00000000L0LK0LKVKVRKVRQRQARQA,A,AA,A2A2323R3RRRRJRJTJTQTQAQA0QA0J0JNJNGNGHGH,H,K,KaKatathathlhleleeleenen en A A.A. . N. NyNymymamanman,n,0,0,,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5,15,1212626464949898282424040000,00,S,ShSheheeheerer er h he heaeavaveavenen,en,","T,"ThThihishis s is isis is tis ththethe the b be besestest t et eaearearlrl rl grl grgregreyey ey t te teaea ea I I I h ha havaveave ave e eveveverver ver hver hahadhad d ad and a
0LKVRQA,AYB4ELCS5AM8P,"John B. Goode ""JBG""",0,0,5,1313539200,Excellent!,"Quite simply one of the best Earl Grey's I've tried, and I've had many Earl Greys. Some EG's are muted and understated but this one is very floral and has a very strong, but good taste. It's not over the top, just a very nice EG flavor. And to top it off, it's organic and the price is great!" 568369,B000LKVRQA,A23RRJTQA0JNGH,Kathleen A. Nyman,0,0,5,1264982400,Sheer heaven,"This is the best earl grey tea I have ever had an
dd d I I I a amam m a a a r rereaealal l t teteaea ea s snsnonobob.b. . I It It t i isis s s sm smomooootothth,h,h,heheaeaveavyvy y a an andnd d hd hahasas s as a a g grgrereareatat t at araroromomama.a.I.ItIt t ft fefeeeelelsls s ls lilikikeke e y yoyouou u h hahavhaveve e re rerearealreallllyly y hy hahadhad d ad a a ca cucupup p o ofof f t te teaea ea wea whwhehenhen n y yo youou ou a ar arere re f fifinininisishishehedhed.d. . I. I I wI wawasas as a a a T a TwTwiwininiininingingsgs s os ononlnlyly ly b bebefefofororere re tre ththithisis-is-t-ththithisthis s bs bebeabeatatsats s is itit t ht hahanhandndsnds s ds dodowownwn.n.".""55656868383737070,0,B,B0B0000000L00LKLKVKVRVRQRQAQA,A,A,A2A2Z2ZXZX8X8181818P8P9P9292C2CMCM7M7F7F,F,","G"GrGreregregggg g S SoSomomeomerersrs s "s """"c"chchihilillllellererderdadadad"d"""""""",",1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,1,12,12828282626969494444040000,00,T,ThThihishis s is iss is s Es EaEararlarl l Gl GrGreGreyey!y!?!???????,??,","A,"AnAn n an adadmadmimitittittetedted d fd fafanan n on ofof of S St Statasashash h E EaEarEarlrl l Gl Grl Grereyrey,y, , n neneveveververtrththetheleleelesessss s Is I I eI enendndendeaeaveavoeavoror or t to to o t tr tryry y ty ththethemthem m am alallall.l. . . S St St. St. . D. DaDalalfalfofoufourur r s se seeeemeememeded d id inintintrtririgiguguiuininging,ing, , b, bebeibeininging ing a a a F a FrFrerenrencnchch ch c cocomompompapananyany y iy ininsinststeteateadad ad o of of f Bf BrBriritrititisishish,ish, , s, soso o Io I I gI gagavaveve ve i it it t at a t a t tr try try.y. . . T. ThThiThisis is t te tea tea a na neneineitithitheherher r tr tatastaststesteses es n no noror
d I am a real tea snob. It is smooth,heavy and has a great aroma.It feels like you have really had a cup of tea when you are finished. I was a Twinings only before this-this beats it hands down." 568370,B000LKVRQA,A2ZX818P92CM7F,"Gregg Somers ""chillerdad""",1,2,3,1282694400,This is Earl Grey!???,"An admitted fan of Stash Earl Grey, nevertheless I endeavor to try them all. St. Dalfour seemed intriguing, being a French company instead of British, so I gave it a try. This tea neither tastes nor
ssmsmemelellllsls s a ananynytyththihiningng g l lilikikeke e E EaEararlrl l G GrGrereyey.y. . T ThThehe e ae araroaromomama a o ofof f t ththethe e te teteaea a ua upupoponon n o op opepeneninininging g tg ththethe the b babagag g ig isis s rs rarataththetherther r b bl blalanandand d w wiwitithth th n nono o h hihinhintnt t o of of f bf beberergrgagamamomonontont.t. . . B BeBelelielieieveveve e ie itit it o or or r nr nonotnot,t, , t th thehe he a ar aroromomaoma a aa anandand and f flflalavlavovoror r ar afaftfteterter r sr ststeteeteepepipininging ing a ar are are e ae a e a m mimilildld d ld liliclicocororioricicece.e. . . I. I'I'm'm m s sesererierioiouousus!s! ! I IfIf f If I I w wa wasas s gs gigivivevenven n tn ththithisis is t te teaea ea w wi witithith h n no no o fo fofororeorewewawararnarnininningng,ng, , I, I I wI wowououlouldld ld h ha havaveve ve a as assssusumumemedmed d id itit it wit wawaswas s Ls LiLicicoicororioricoricece ce T Te Teaea.ea. . . T. ThTheThe e fe flflaflavavoavoror or i isis is nis nonotnot not u ununpnplpleleaeaseasasanantant.t. t. I It It t it isis is qis ququiuititeite e de didififfffeferereerenentent.t. t. t. I ItIt t it ist is s ds dedefefifininiinititeitelitelyly y n no not not t Et EaEarEarlrl rl G Gr Grereyrey.y. y. B BeBe Be f fo fororeoreworewawarwarnrneneded d id ifd if f yf yoyouou ou a ar are are are s se seeeekekikininging ing aing anan an E Ea Eararlarl l Gl GrGreGreyey ey a ar aro aromomaoma/oma/f/flflaflavflavovorvor r -r - - t th thi thisis is iis isis is nis nois notot t it itt it.t."t.""55656868383737171,1,B,B0B0000303N3NQNQMQMPMPYPYMYM,M,A,A2A2626E6ELEL6L6H6HQHQWQW6W6S6SJSJZJZ4Z4,4,M,MiMic
smells anything like Earl Grey. The aroma of the tea upon opening the bag is rather bland with no hint of bergamont. Believe it or not, the aroma and flavor after steeping are a mild licorice. I'm serious! If I was given this tea with no forewarning, I would have assumed it was Licorice Tea. The flavor is not unpleasant. It is quite different. It is definitely not Earl Grey. Be forewarned if you are seeking an Earl Grey aroma/flavor - this is not it." 568371,B003NQMPYM,A26EL6HQW6SJZ4,Mic
hhahaeaelel l L LaLararsrsosonon,n,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,13132328283831313136136060000,0,M0,M.M. . L La Lararsarsosonson,n,"n,"W"WeWe e t trtririeieded d t th thehesesese e "e """"c"cacanandndydy y b babararsars"ars"""" "" i inin n H HaHawawawaiaiiii.i. . . T ThTheheyhey y ay arareare e ae ababobououtut t a asas s h heheahealaltlththyhy y ay asy as s as a a c cacancandndyndy y by babarbar r c ca canan an g gegetet.t. . T. ThTheTheyey y dy dodo o n nonotot t ht hahavhaveve e ae ane anyny y ry rerefefifinineineded ed s susugugagarar ar i in in n tn ththethemem.m. . . T. ThTheTheyThey y ay ary arere re n no notot ot r rerearealallallyly y sy swsweweeeetet,et, , b bu butut ut t th the theyey ey a ar arere re sre sasatatitisisfsfyfyiyininging.g. . . M. MyMy y wy wiwififefe e ae ane ande and d Id I I w wowououlouldld d sd shshaharharere re ore ononeone e (e (t(ththetheythey y ay ary arey are e pe prpreretrettttyty y by biy bigig)g) ) a an andnd nd b be be e se sasatsatitistisfsfisfieiedied.d. . . T. Th. Theheyhey hey a ar are are e re rerearealreallllyly ly t ta tasastastyty.ty. . . C. CoComomimininging ing b ba bacackck k t to to o to ththethe the m mamaiainain n ln lalanandand d wd wewe we h ha havaveve ve n no not not t bt bebeeeeneen n an abablablele e te toto o fo fifinfindnd nd tnd ththethemthem.m. m. S SoSo o wo wewe we awe arareare are e exexcxcicititeteded ed ted toto to f fifinfindfind d td ththethemthem them o onon on A AmAmamazmazozonon.on.".""556568683837837272,2,B,B0B00000000H0H2H2828A28ABABWBW,W,A,A3A3N3N0N0909B9BGBGVGVOVOMOMPMPMPM2M2E2E,E,J,JoJohohnhn n Dn D.D. . S. SiSimimsms,s,2,2,2,22,2,2,52,5,5,15,1212020000900969606006000000000,000,G,GoGoooodo
hael Larson,0,0,5,1328313600,M. Larson,"We tried these ""candy bars"" in Hawaii. They are about as healthy as a candy bar can get. They do not have any refined sugar in them. They are not really sweet, but they are satisfying. My wife and I would share one (they are pretty big) and be satisfied. They are really tasty. Coming back to the main land we have not been able to find them. So we are excited to find them on Amazon." 568372,B000H28ABW,A3N09BGVOMPM2E,John D. Sims,2,2,5,1200960000,Good
a anandnd d H HeHeaealaltlththyhy,y,","O"OnOnene e o ofof f t ththethe e ve vevereryry y f fefewew,w, , i ifif f nf nonotot t t th thehe e oe ononlnlyly,y, y, m mimixix x t th tha thatat t ht hahasas s n nono no s susugugagarar r i in in n i it it.t. . S SiSimimpmplplele e ie iningngrgrerededidieienentntsts s us ununlnlinlikikeke e te ththethe the p papacackckakagagegeses s ss sosololdld d id inin in s su supupeperermermamararkarkeketketsts ts w whwhihicichch h h hahavhaveve ve s su sug sugagargar,r, , s, ststatababibilililizizezerersers s as anandand d od otothotheherher r tr ththithiningingsgs s ts ththathatat at j jujusustst st a ar arere re n no notot ot h he heaealealtlthlthyhy hy a an andnd nd d dodo o n no not noththithinthingng ng t to to o eo enenhenhahanhancncece e te the thehe he f fl flalavavovoror.r.".""55656868383737373,3,B,B0B0000000H00H2H2828A8ABABWBW,W,A,AGAGMGMUMUWUWGWGEGEYEYJYJJJJ7J7X7XJXJ,J,B,B.,B. . L. LeLememmmm,m,1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1,13,13232929797878282424040000,00,B,BE,BESESTST T O ONON N T THTHEHE E M MAMARARKRKEKETET,T,T,ThThihishis s is isis s ts ths thehe he vhe veververyry ry b bebesestest t tt tatactacoco o so seseaeaseasosonsoninininging ing m mi mixix ix y yoyouou u w wi wilillill l e eveveverver ver b bu buyuy!y! ! I ItIt t it isis is s sp spipicicyicy y ay anandand and n no not not not o ov oveververlverlyly ly s sa salaltaltyty.y. . . T Th Thohososese se o ot oththetherther r br brbraranandandsands s as ars arere re sre soso so w we weaeakeak k a an and and d jd jujusjustst st pst papacpackckeckeded ed f fu fulullll l ol ofof of s sa sal saltlt lt a an and and and j ju jusustust t pt plplaplaiainin
and Healthy,"One of the very few, if not the only, mix that has no sugar in it. Simple ingredients unlike the packages sold in supermarkets which have sugar, stabilizers and other things that just are not healthy and do nothing to enhance the flavor." 568373,B000H28ABW,AGMUWGEYJJ7XJ,B. Lemm,1,1,5,1329782400,BEST ON THE MARKET,This is the very best taco seasoning mix you will ever buy! It is spicy and not overly salty. Those other brands are so weak and just packed full of salt and just plain
nnonotot t g gogoooodod.d. . Y YoYouou u w wawanantnt t at a a g gr grereaeatat t tt tatacacoco o s seseaeaseasosononininingng g m mimixix.x...........B.BUBUYUY Y W WIWICICKCK K F FOFOWOWLWLELERER'R'S'S!S!!!!!55656868383737474,4,B,B0B0000000H00H2H2828A8ABABWBW,W,A,A1A1F1FVFVFVF4F4343O3OQOQJQJEJE2E2A2AHAH,H,C,C.C. . W. WiWieiegegmgmamanan,an,1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1,13,13232727777979595252020000,00,A,Aw,Awewesesosomsomeme,e,","I"I'I'm'm m n nonotnot t mt mumucuchch h o ofof f a a a ha heheaealealtlthth h fh fofoooodood d p peperersrsosonson n ( (a(acactactutuaualallllyly,y, , i ifif f tf ththethe e f fofoofoodod od i is is s h heheahealaltalththythy y I I I u usususuaualuallllylly y dy dodonon'on't't t lt lilikikeke e ie itit)t) ) b bubutut t tt tht thihisis s ts tatactacoco co m mi mixix ix i is is is a aw aweweswesosomsomesome.e. . I. I'I'vI'veve e ue ususeuseded d jd jujusustust t at abt abobououtout t et eveveververyry y ty tatactacotaco o mo mimixmix x k knknonownownwn n tn toto o mo mao manan an o ov oveverver ver t ththethe the y yeyeaearearsrs rs a an andnd d hd hahavaveve ve b be beeeenen n mn mamakmakikininging g mg mymy y oy owownwn wn f fo foror r q ququiuititeite e se sosomsomesome some t ti timimeme me b bu butut ut t th thihishis s ss ststutuftuffff f hf hahashas s bs brbrorouougoughghtht t mt met me e be babacackack k t to to o uo ususiusininging ing a a a s si simimpimplplele e me mimixmix mix i in in n mn myn my y ty tay tacacoacosos s ws wiwitithithohououtout out f fe feeeeleelilinlingng ng g gu guiuiluiltltylty.y.".""5565686836837375375,5,B5,B0B00B00000H00H200H2828A28ABABWABW,W,AW,A1A1MA1MNMNINIZIZYZYWYWGWGVG
not good. You want a great taco seasoning mix....BUY WICK FOWLER'S!! 568374,B000H28ABW,A1FVF43OQJE2AH,C. Wiegman,1,1,5,1327795200,Awesome,"I'm not much of a health food person (actually, if the food is healthy I usually don't like it) but this taco mix is awesome. I've used just about every taco mix known to man over the years and have been making my own for quite some time but this stuff has brought me back to using a simple mix in my tacos without feeling guilty." 568375,B000H28ABW,A1MNIZYWGV
RRVRVGVGFGF,F,S,SMSMuMuiuiaia,a,1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1,13,13232626464949999292020000,0,B,BeBesestst t T TaTacacoco o S SeSeaeasasosononininingng g E EvEveverer!r!,!,","L"LoLovoveve ve t ththihisis s t ta tacacoaco o so seseaeaseasosonsonininningng ng a anandnd d w whwhehenen n I I I c cocoucoululdldndn'n't't t ft fifinindind d id itit t at atat t mt mymy y F FlFlolororirididada a g grgrorococecereryery y sy ststostororeoreses,es, , I I I l loloolookokekeded d od onon on t th thehe he w we webeb.b. . G GrGrereaeateat t st ststustufuffff,f, , n, nonotot t st sat salaltltyty y (y (w(whwhiwhicichch h i isis is a a a b bibigig g rg rereqreququiuiruireremrememenentent t ot ofof f m miminineine)e),), , n, no, notot ot h hohotot ot eot eieitithitheherher.r. . T. TrTryry y iy itit,it, , I, I I tI ththithininkink k y yoyouou'u'l'llll l b be be e g gl glaladad d yd yoyouyou u d . S. SuSururere re b be bea beatatsats s ts ththethe e he hehelhellll ll o ououtout t ot oft of f tf tatacacoaco aco b be bel bellll ll oll oror or r ririorio o go grgragranandandede e se seseaseasasoasononsons!s!"!""55656868383737676,6,B,B0,B00000000H0H2H2828A8ABABWBW,W,A,A2A2C2CLCLELE7E7G7G5G5F5FKFK2K2424A4AUAU,U,P,PaPatatratriricrickck k fk frfroromrom m M MiMiaiamiamimi,mi,1,1,,1,1,1,1,1,51,5,5,15,131313131301302020208208080000,00,B,Be,Besestest t Tt TaTacTacoco co S Se Seaeaseasoeasononionininging g wg wiwitithith ith N NONO O M MS MSGSG.G.,.,W,WiWicickick k Fk FoFowowlwlelerer'er's's s Ts TaTacTacoTaco o So SeSeaSeasasoasonasonininningning g ig isis is tis ththethe the b be bes bestst st T Ta Tacacoaco aco Saco SeSeaSeasSeasosonsonisonininging ing m mi mixix x a
RVGF,SMuia,1,1,5,1326499200,Best Taco Seasoning Ever!,"Love this taco seasoning and when I couldn't find it at my Florida grocery stores, I looked on the web. Great stuff, not salty (which is a big requirement of mine), not hot either. Try it, I think you'll be glad you did. Sure beats the hell out of taco bell or rio grande seasons!" 568376,B000H28ABW,A2CLE7G5FK24AU,Patrick from Miami,1,1,5,1313020800,Best Taco Seasoning with NO MSG.,Wick Fowler's Taco Seasoning is the best Taco Seasoning mix a
vvavaiaililalabablblele e t ththahatat t I I I h hahavhaveve e te trtririeieded.d. . I It It t ht hahashas s o ononlnlyly y n nanatatuatururaralal l f fofoooodod d i iningngrgreredediedieienientntsts s as anandnd d nd nono o M MSMSGSG.G. . . T TaTasaststeteses s gs . . I. I I uI ususese e ie itit t wt wiwitithith h b bobotothth th g grgrogrouounundnd nd b be beeeefef f a anandand d gd grgrogrougrounundund d td tutururkurkekeyey.y..55656868383737777,7,B,B0B0000000H00H2H2828A8ABABWBW,W,A,A1A1010R0R4R4747U7UIUIIIIJIJHJHJHJQJQTQT,T,f,frfrorogogmgmamanan,an,1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1,12,128283283636464444848080000,00,T,TaTacTacoco o So SeSeaeaseasosononionininging g - - - W WiWicickck k F FoFowowlwlelerler,r,T,Th,Thihisis s is isis is t th thehe e be bebesestest t pt prprorodroduducuctct t wt wet we e he hahavhavehave e fe fofoufounundund und f fo foror r m mamakmakikininging ing T Ta Tacacoco co m me meaeateat.t. . . W. WeWe e ue ususeuse e te the thehe he t ta tacacoaco o mo memeaeateat eat p prpriprimimamarmaririlrilyly ly t to to o mo mao makakeke ke T Ta Tac Tacoco co Sco SaSalalaaladad.d. d. W WeWe We c cacanannannonotnot t ft fifinindind d td thd thehe he The TaTacTacoTaco o So Seo Seaeaseasoeasononioninoningng ng i in in n O OkOklklalahlahohomomama ma C CiCitityity y ay anandand and a ar arere re p pl plelealeasaseaseded ed t to to to f fi finindind ind t th the the e pe prproprododuoducuctuct t ft frt froromrom m A AmAmamazmazozonon.on.c.cocomcom.m..5.565685683837837878,8,B,B0,B00000000H0H2H28H28A8AB8ABWBW,BW,A,A1,A1U1UCUCBCBPBPUPUAUAXAX4X4G4GBGBRBR6R6,6,","V"VeVererara ra H H.H. . L. LoLorortortitieie ie " """
vailable that I have tried. It has only natural food ingredients and no MSG. Tastes great. I use it with both ground beef and ground turkey. 568377,B000H28ABW,A10R47UIIJHJQT,frogman,1,1,5,1283644800,Taco Seasoning - Wick Fowler,This is the best product we have found for making Taco meat. We use the taco meat primarily to make Taco Salad. We cannot find the Taco Seasoning in Oklahoma City and are pleased to find the product from 568378,B000H28ABW,A1UCBPUAX4GBR6,"Vera H. Lortie ""
vvjvjhjh1h1010606767979"9""""""","",1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1,12,126267675675757474444040000,0,S,SiSimimpmplplele e y yeyetet t d dedelelilicicicioiouousus,s,","T"ThThihisis s s spspipiciceice e pe papacackckeketet et i isis is f fafababubululolouousous.s. . I ItIt t it isis is sis sisimimpimplpleple,e, , d de delelieliciciicioiouiousus us a anandnd d o ononlnlyly y h hahasas s hs hehererbrbsbs,s, s, s sp spipicpiceceses s as anandand d sd sasalaltlt.t. . . T ThTheTherereere e ie isis is nis nono o b bebeeeefef f e exextxtrtraracactact t ot oror r y ye yeaeasastast t gt gugulultultetenen n o or or r or otoththeherher r ur ununnnnenecececescessssasarsaryry y sy ststutufuffff.f. . . I. I I a ad adddd d ad a a p pipinpincnchch h o of of f cf chchichipipopololtltelte e pe pee pepeppppeperer er s sp spi spiciceice ice t toto o go gigiviveve e ae a a ba bibitit t mt momororeore e he heheaheatat t at anandand and i it it t mt mat makakekeskes s ts ththethe e pe pee pere perfrfefecectect t tt tatacacoaco o mo memeaeateat.t."t.""55656868383737979,79,B,B0B00000000H0H2H2828A8ABABWBW,W,A,A1A1V1V0V0B0BABAVAV1V1D1DWDWIWIKIKPKPQPQ,Q,","D,"DCDC C D DaDawawgwg g " """"D""DCDC DC D Da Dawawgawg"g"""""""",",1,1,,1,1,1,1,1,41,4,4,1,12,122,1227274748748484848080000,00,G,GoGoooodod d ad and andnd nd n nanatatuatururaralral,l,","G,"GrGrarabrab b s so somomeme me f fl flalavavovoror or a an andnd nd snd sasavsaveve ve y yo yououroursrseselelfelf f sf sosomomeome e ce chchechememimicicaicalalsals,s, s, ts, ththithisis is sis stis stutuftuffff ff r rorocockckscks.s. s. I I I w wawasas as a am amamazazezeded d wd whwhehenhen n In I I sI sasawsaw w m ma
vjh10679""",1,1,5,1267574400,Simple yet delicious,"This spice packet is fabulous. It is simple, delicious and only has herbs, spices and salt. There is no beef extract or yeast gulten or other unnecessary stuff. I add a pinch of chipolte pepper spice to give a bit more heat and it makes the perfect taco meat." 568379,B000H28ABW,A1V0BAV1DWIKPQ,"DC Dawg ""DC Dawg""",1,1,4,1227484800,Good and natural,"Grab some flavor and save yourself some chemicals, this stuff rocks. I was amazed when I saw ma
nnyny y o ofof f t ththehe e o ot oththetherer r b brbraranandndsds s d dodonontnt t e evevevenen n h hahavaveve ve C CuCumumiminin n in inin in t th thehemhem,m, , s sesererierioiouoususlslyly?y? ? C Ca Canan'an't't t ht hahavhaveve ve tve tatacacoco'o's's s ws wiwitiththothououtout t tt ththethe the C Cu . A AnAnynywnywawayay,y, , i, itit'it's's 's g gogoooodod d i itit'it'sit's s ns nonotot t et exexpxpepenensensisiviveve,ve, , t, trtryry y iy itit,it, , y, yoyouou ou w wowonon'on't't 't r reregegrgreretret!t!"!""55656868383838080,0,B,B0B0000000H00H2H2828A8ABABWBW,W,A,A1A1X1XVXVKVKAKAMAMXMXSXSOSOWOW8W8Z8ZVZV,V,","C"C.C. . E. E.E. . H. HuHununsnsisicsickckekerer er " """"H"HaHatatstshshehephepspsusutut"t"""""""",",2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,,3,1,12125256565565151515252020000,00,J,JuJusustust t Ot OKOK,K,","I,"I I h ha hadadndn'n't't 't t't trtritrieieded d td ththithisis s ts tatactacoco co s se seaeasasosononionininging g p prpririoiorior r tr toto o p pu pururcrchchahashasisinsingng g ig inin in bin bubululklk k a anandand d ad amam m l lilimimimitmiteteded ed i in in n wn whwhahathat t bt brbrabranandandsands s Is I I gI guguyuy y ty toto to d do do o ao alallllelerergergigieiesies.s. . . T ThThehe he t ta tacacoaco o so seseaseasasoasononioninoningng ng i is is s os okok,k, , b, bubutbut t nt nonotnot t nt net neaearearlrlyly ly a as as s gs gogoogoodod od a as as as M . . A. A A b bi bitit it d di disisaisapappppopoioinintintetedted d td tod to o bo bebe e se ststutucuckck ck w wi witithith h s so so o mo mumucuchuch h oh ofof of i it it,t, , b, bu, butut ut w wi wil willll ll u
ny of the other brands dont even have Cumin in them, seriously? Can't have taco's without the Cumin. Anyway, it's good it's not expensive, try it, you won't regret!" 568380,B000H28ABW,A1XVKAMXSOW8ZV,"C. E. Hunsicker ""Hatshepsut""",2,3,3,1256515200,Just OK,"I hadn't tried this taco seasoning prior to purchasing in bulk and am limited in what brands I guy to do allergies. The taco seasoning is ok, but not nearly as good as McCormick. A bit disappointed to be stuck with so much of it, but will u
,,B,B0B0000000H00H2H2828A8ABABWBW,W,A,A1A1I1I4I4444E4EGEGAGA0A0E0EDEDJDJ0J0303,3,L,L.L. . W WoWoooododsds,s,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,13135351510103036036868080000,00,B,Be,Besestst t t tatacacoco o s seseaeasasosononininingng g y yoyouou u c cacanan n b bubuyuy,y,","N"NoNototiticicece e t th thahatat t tt ththihisis s t ta tacacoaco o so seseaseasasoasononionininging g pg papacackackeketet t wt weweieigighghshs s as asas as m mumucuchch h a asas as tas ththethe e oe otothotheherer r b br braranandandsds,ds, , b bu butut t dt dodoeoesesnesn'n't't t ht hahavhaveve e fe fifilillllelerersers s ls lilikikeke ke c co corornrn n in inin in i itit.t. . . T ThThahathat t mt memeaeaneansns s ys yoyouyou u gu gegetet et a a a l lolotot ot m mo mororeore e se spspipiciceiceses es a an andnd d f flflalavavovoror.or. . . I. ItIt't's's s os ouourour r fr fafavavoavororiorititeite e be brbraranrandnd,nd, , a, anandand and w wewe'we'v'veve ve t tr tririeieded d ed eveveververyrytyththithininging ing f fr froromom m s st stotororeore ore b br bra branandandsands s ts toto to o ororgorgagananianicic/ic/n/nanatatuatururaralral l v veverversversisioiononsons s (s (a(a a c cl cloloslosese se s se sececoconcondnd nd i is is s Ls LaLa a Pa PrPrerefefefererierididada,a, , a, an, andnd nd end eveveevereryerytythythihinhingng ng e elelslsese se ise isis is a a a d a didisististatantantnt t tt tht thihirhirdrd)d).). . . I. It. It't'st's s as als alslsolso o go grgrereareatat at f fo foror or p pepeoeopoplplele le l li likikeike e me meme me w wi witithith h mh mumulmultltitiptiplpleple e fe foe foooodood d ad alallllellerergergigieiesies,s, s, o or or r jr jujusustst st
,B000H28ABW,A1I44EGA0EDJ03,L. Woods,0,0,5,1351036800,Best taco seasoning you can buy,"Notice that this taco seasoning packet weighs as much as the other brands, but doesn't have fillers like corn in it. That means you get a lot more spices and flavor. It's our favorite brand, and we've tried everything from store brands to organic/natural versions (a close second is La Preferida, and everything else is a distant third). It's also great for people like me with multiple food allergies, or just
iifif f y yoyouou'u'r'rere e t trtryryiyiningng g t to to o c cucutut t c ch chehememimicicacalalsls s o ououtout t ot ofof f yf yoyouyourur r d didieietet.t. . I ItIt't's's s ps pupururpurpopososese e ie isis s fs flflalavavovoror r ar anandnd d n nonotot t et exexcxcecesessssisiviveve e he heheaheatat,t, , s soso o io ifif if y yo youou ou w wawanantant t tt toto o bo bubururnurn n o of offff f yf yof youourour r tr tatasaststete e be bubudbudsds s ys yoyouyou'you'l'llll l h hahavaveave e te toto to a adadddd d sd sosomsomemetethethihininging g tg toto to dto dodo o to ththahathat.t."t.""55656868383838383,83,B,B0B0000000H00H2H2828A8ABABWBW,W,A,A1A1T1TZTZXZXEXENENUNU9U9Q9QMQMGMGQGQEQE,E,n,ninititata,ta,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,1313535050202525959292020000,00,B,Be,Besestest t bt bubuybuy y 4 4 4 y yo you yourur ur m momononeneyey,y,I,I I p pupurpurcrchchahashasesedsed d ad a a p pa pacackckeketet et o of of of t th thehe he t ta tacacoaco o so seseaseasasoasononionininging ing a an andnd nd t to to to m my my y sy susupuprpririsiseise e ie ite it t it isis is t th the the e be bee besestest est o on onene ne o ou outut ut t th the ther therere!re! ! Y YoYouou ou mou mumusustst st t tr tryry ry i itit<it<b<brbr r /r />/>I>I'I'l'll'll l nl nenevneveverver r br bubuybuy buy a an any anytyththithininging ing eing elelslselse.e..5565686836838384384,4,B,B0,B00000000H0H2H28H28A8AB8ABWBW,BW,A,A2,A2R2RMRM8M8B8BUBU1U1F1FCFCYCYQYQMQM9QM9,9,","F"FoForormormemermer r Or OaOakak k P PaPararkrkekerker r "r """"m"mumusmusisicsic c b bubufbuffff"ff"""""""",",0,0,,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5,15,131321324243433339392920920000,00,B00,BeBesestest est Test TaTacacoaco aco S
if you're trying to cut chemicals out of your diet. It's purpose is flavor and not excessive heat, so if you want to burn off your taste buds you'll have to add something to do that." 568383,B000H28ABW,A1TZXENU9QMGQE,nita,0,0,5,1350259200,Best buy 4 your money,I purchased a packet of the taco seasoning and to my suprise it is the best one out there! You must try it<br />I'll never buy anything else. 568384,B000H28ABW,A2RM8BU1FCYQM9,"Former Oak Parker ""music buff""",0,0,5,1324339200,Best Taco S
eeaeasasosononininingng g E EVEVEVERER!R!!!!!!!,!!,W,WiWicickck k F FoFowowlwlelerer r T TaTacacoco o S SeSeaeaseasosonsonininningng ng i isis s b byby y f fafarar r tr ththehe e b be besestst t t tatasastastitininging g tg tatactacoco co s . I I I h hahavaveve e se seserservrvevedved d i it it t tt toto o mo mamananyny y oy ofof f m mymy y fy frfririeienendndsds s as anandand d fd fafamfamimililyly y ay anandand and t th theheyhey y ay aly allll l l lolovoveve ve i it it! it!!!!!!!!!55656868383838585,5,B,B0B0000000H00H2H2828A8ABABWBW,W,A,A8A8T8T6T6W6W1W1M1M1M1515F5FMFM7M7575,5,"5,"C"CACA-A-S-SKSK K " """"C"CL"CLALA"A"""""""",",0,0,0,3,3,3,2,2,2,1,1212525555252121919292020000,00,B,Bl,Blalanandand and Tand TaTacTacoco co Sco SeSeaSeasasoasononioninoningng,ng,","T"TaTasTaststesteleleleslessss,s, , b bl blalanlandnd,nd, , i, ininsinsisipipipidid d -d - - h ho howow ow m ma mananyany y sy sysynynonononyonymymsms s ds dodo o wo wewe e ne neneeeeded d td toto to d dedesescescrcriribribebe e te ththithisis is p prprorododuducuctct?t? ? N NoNo o wo woo wonondondederder r tr thr thihisis is sis ststustufuffff f if isis is ris rarararearelelyely y sy sey seeeeneen n o onon on s st stotortorere e se she shehelhelvlvevesves.s. . S. StStataytay y ay awy awawayay,y, , s, ststastayay ay v veververyry y fy fay farar ar a awawawayway.y......."..""5565686836838386386,6,B,B0,B00005005O5OCOCXCX5X5X5XIXI,I,A,A6,A6R6RFRFVFVZVZFZFCFCCCCPCPPPPAPABAB,AB,S,SaSanandandrandrara ra T Th Thohomomamasmas,s,1s,1,1,1,1,,1,1,1,,1,1,1,131343454555505507072720200200,0,R0,RiRipip-ip-o-ofoffoff:f: : B BeBe e ce cacararearefare
easoning EVER!!!,Wick Fowler Taco Seasoning is by far the best tasting taco seasoning. I have served it to many of my friends and family and they all love it!!! 568385,B000H28ABW,A8T6W1M15FM75,"CA-SK ""CLA""",0,3,2,1255219200,Bland Taco Seasoning,"Tasteless, bland, insipid - how many synonyms do we need to describe this product? No wonder this stuff is rarely seen on store shelves. Stay away, stay very far away..." 568386,B005OCX5XI,A6RFVZFCCPPAB,Sandra Thomas,1,1,1,1345507200,Rip-off: Be caref
uulul l b bebefefofororere e u u u b bu buyuy!y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!,","B"BeBe e ve vevereryry y c cacararerefrefufulul ul t toto o c ch chehececkck k o ououtut t t th thehe he t th the the e oe ozoz z s sisizizeze,e, , t th the the the p pipicictctutururere re i isis s d dedececeeceieiviviviningng.g. . I I I w wawasas s us unundndederder r t th the the the i the imimpmprpreresressssisiosionon n t th tha thatat t tt ththihisis is i is is s ts ththethe e se sasamameme e 2e 2222 2 o ou oununcunceceses s bs bubutut ut i it it t wt wawaswas s as acactctuctuaualallllyly y ty ththethe the 1 1313.3.2.2020z0z z sz sisizsizeze.ze. . W. WhWhehenhen n In I I tI trtririeieded d t to to o ro reretretuturturnrn n in itit,t, , A, AmAmamazazozonon on d di dididndn'n't't t gt gigiviveive e me meme me t th tha that that t ot opoptptitioionon.on. . W. Wh. Whyhy y wy wowououlouldld d ad ananynyoyononeone e ie inin in t th the thei theirir r rr ririgrighghtht t mt miminindindsds s ps papayay y $y $1$1616.6.1.1111 1 f foforfor r cr cacascasese e oe ofe of f 1 13 13 3 o oz oz z cz cacancan n on ofof f df dodogog g f fo foooodod d wd whwhehenhen hen y yoyouyou u cu cacancan can g gegetet t tt tht thehe he she sasamsameme me cme cacascasecase e ae atat at t th the the the g the grgrorococecerceryry ry ( (P(PuPubublblilixix)x) ) s st stotortorere re fre foforfor for $ $1$10$ 9 a anandand d ed evevevenven n ln lelesessess s as ats at t Wt WaWalalmalmamarmartrt.t. . T. ToTototatalal al r ririprip-p-o-ofoffoff!f!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!""55656868383838787,7,B,B0B0000101E1EQEQ5Q5O5O6O6Y6Y,Y,A,A1A1U1U3U3636T6T0T0707L7L3L3H3HMHM0M0E0E,E,F,F.F. . D. DiDiaiasas,as,7,7,7,77,7,
ul before u buy!!!!!!!,"Be very careful to check out the the oz size, the picture is deceiving. I was under the impression that this is the same 22 ounces but it was actually the 13.20z size. When I tried to return it, Amazon didn't give me that option. Why would anyone in their right minds pay $16.11 for case of 13 oz can of dog food when you can get the same case at the grocery (Publix) store for $10.79 and even less at Walmart. Total rip-off!!!!!" 568387,B001EQ5O6Y,A1U36T07L3HM0E,F. Dias,7,7,
44,4,1,1212525656666868888080000000,00,J,JuJusustst t s sosomomeme e i ininfnfofo o t toto o ho hehelelplp.p.......,..,","J"JuJusJustst st F FYFYIYI,I, , I I I c chchehecheckckekeded d t th thehe he n nunututrtriritititioiononanalal l i in infnfonforormrmamatatitiotionon on o onon on ton ththihisis s p prprorododuducuctct t at anandnd d id itit it s st statatateateses s is itit it hit hahasas s 2s 2020 0 c ca calaloalororiorieieses es p pe perer r s st sti . E EaEacachch ch t ta tabablblelesespespopoooonon on oon ofof f A AgAgagavaveve e Ne NeNecectctactarar r hr hahashas s 6s 6060 0 c0 cacalaloaloraloririerieses es ses soso so e eaeacachach h s st sti stic stickck ck i is is s 1s 1 1 t te teaeaseaspspopoopoonon.on. . . S SoSo o yo yoyouou u w wowououlouldld d nd neneeeeded ed t th thr threreeee ee s st sti stic stick sticksks s fs foforfor r ar a a t ta tab tablbleblesespespoespoooonoon n s se serervervivininging.g. . . J. JuJusJustJust t tt ththothouougoughghtht t It I I wI wowouwoululdld ld t th thr thro throwow w t th tha thatat at o ou outut ut t th the therereere e fe foforfor for a ananyanyoyonyonene ne t th thi thininkinkikininging ing a ab abobououtout t bt bubuyuyiyininging ing ting ththithisis is p pr prorodroduducductct ct a an andnd nd t tr tryryiyinyingng g t to to o fo fifigigugururere re o ou out out t ht hohowow ow m mamanmanyny y s st sti stic stick sticks sticks s ts ththetheyey y ny neneeneeded ed ted toto to u ususeuse e ie inin in t th the thei theirir r tr teteaea ea o or or r cr cocofoffoffefeeee,ee, , L, LOLOLOL!L! ! I I'I'm'm m a a a t tw twowo wo s st sti stic stick sticke stickerer;er;o;o)o)")""556568568383838888,88,B,B0B00001001E1EQEQ5Q5O5O6O6Y6
4,1256688000,Just some info to help...,"Just FYI, I checked the nutritional information on this product and it states it has 20 calories per stick. Each tablespoon of Agave Nectar has 60 calories so each stick is 1 teaspoon. So you would need three sticks for a tablespoon serving. Just thought I would throw that out there for anyone thinking about buying this product and trying to figure out how many sticks they need to use in their tea or coffee, LOL! I'm a two sticker;o)" 568388,B001EQ5O6Y
,,A,A3A3N3NLNL4L4V4VVVV8V8F8FXFXZXZ2Z2626666,6,","R"RuRububyby y " """"T"TuTueuesesdsdadayay"y"""""""",",3,3,3,3,3,,3,2,2,2,1,1111818787373939595252020000,0,g,gogoooodod d i ididedeaea a b bubutut t m memesessessysy,y,","t,"ththihisis s i ia ia a aa a a ga gogoogoodod od i id idedeadea;a; ; h hohowoweweveveverer,r, , d didififfffificicuculultlt t tt toto o o opopepenen.n. . m mu musustst t st sqsququeueeueezezeze/e/t/twtwiwisistist t pt prpreretettttyty y hy haharardrd d &d & & p prproprododuoducuctct t ot oooozoozezeszes s fs frfrereeree e - - - u ususuusuaualallllyly y ay alallall l o ov oveverver r f fifinfingngegerersers.s. . . a alalsalsoso,o, , p, poporortrtitioionon n s sisizizeze ze i is is s as a a ba bibitit t tt tot toooo oo s sm smamalallall.all. . . s. ststistilillll ll l lolovoveve ve a ag".""55656868383838989,9,B,B0B00001001E1EQEQ5Q5O5O6O6Y6Y,Y,A,A3,A3J3JDJDXDX6X6565Q5QJQJOJO3O3Q3Q2Q2F2F,F,D,DoDonon'on't't t bt bebelelilieieveveeve e ie itit it j jujusustust t bt bet bececacauaususeuse e se sosomsomemeomeononeone e te totoltoldld d yd yoyo.o.......,..,5,5,5,6,6,6,46,4,4,1,11,118187187373973959529520200200,0,A0,AwAweweswesosomsomesome e pe prproprodproduducuctuct,t,","I,"I I h ha havaveave e ue ususeusedused d ad agagagavgaveve ve fve foforor or m ma mananyny y ty ththithiningngsngs s as ans andnd d fd fifinfindfind d td ththathatat t it itit it iit isis is a a a b be betettetteterer er a al altltelterernernanatatiativiveve ve tve toto to s su sugugagargar.r. . . I. ItIt t wt wiwilwillll ll nll nonotot t gt gigiviveive e ye yoyouyou u t ththethe e se sue sugugaugarar ar p pl plulunu
,A3NL4VV8FXZ266,"Ruby ""Tuesday""",3,3,2,1187395200,good idea but messy,"this ia a good idea; however, difficult to open. must squeeze/twist pretty hard & product oozes free - usually all over fingers. also, portion size is a bit too small. still love agave." 568389,B001EQ5O6Y,A3JDX65QJO3Q2F,Don't believe it just because someone told yo...,5,6,4,1187395200,Awesome product,"I have used agave for many things and find that it is a better alternative to sugar. It will not give you the sugar plun
ggege e y yoyouou u g gegetget t f frfroromom m s susugugagararyry y p prprorodroduducuctctsts.s. . I IfIf f y yo youou ou a arareare e ue ususisiningng g t ththihisis s p pr prorodroduroducuctuct t it inin in b bebevevevereraragagegesges s ps plpleleaeasasese e re rereaealealilizizeze e te ththathatat t it itt it t it ist is s ns nonotot t gt gogoioininging g tg toto o g gi giviveve ve y yo you you u tu ththathatthat t st sasamameme e se susugsugagargaryry,ry, , s sy syryrurupupypy y fy flflalavavovoror r t th thahatat at s so somomeome e pe pepeoeopoplpleple e ae arareare are u ususeuseded d t to to o fo frfrofromom om r reregregugululalarlar r sr susugsugasugarar ar o oror or s su sububsbststitititutututeteses.s. s. I ItIt t it ist is t is a a a s su sub subtbtltlele le s sw sweweeeetetntnenesessess.s.<s.<b<brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br r /r />r />I>I I h hahavhaveve ve sve seserservrvevedved d td ththithisis is p pr pro prododuducductct ct t to to to f fr fririeienendndsds,s, , a, anandnd nd t th tho thososese se w whwhoho o ao arareare are uare ususeusedused d td tod to o ao a o a s su sug sugagargarygary y ty tatasastastete te i inin in tin ththetheieirir r tr teteatea a d didididndn'n't't t ct cacarareare are fare foforor or ior itit it a as as s ms mumucuchuch h a as as as t th tho thos thosese se fse frfrifrieieniendndsnds s ws whwhowho o do dodonon'n'tn't t ut ususeuse use a a a l a lolotot ot o of of f sf susugsugasugarsugar.r. . . I It It t rt rerearealallllyly y dy dedepepepenpendndsnds nds o on on n w wh whahathat t yt yoyouyou u au arareare are uare usare usesedsed d td tod to.d to. . . I. I I hI hahavhavehave e ne nono no c cocomompomplplaplaiainintintsts ts a ab abobououtout t tt th
ge you get from sugary products. If you are using this product in beverages please realize that it is not going to give you that same sugary, syrupy flavor that some people are used to from regular sugar or substitutes. It is a subtle sweetness.<br /><br />I have served this product to friends, and those who are used to a sugary taste in their tea didn't care for it as much as those friends who don't use a lot of sugar. It really depends on what you are used to. I have no complaints about th
iisis s p prprorododuducuctct.t.<.<b<brbr r / />/><><b<br<br r /r />/>A/>AgAgagavaveve e i isis is a alalslsoso o b bebetetttteterer r fr foforor r pr pepeoeopoplplele e we whwhoho o ho hahavaveave e de didiaiababebetbetetestes,s, , a as as s is itit t d dodoeoeses s ns nonotot t st spspipikikeke e be blbloloooodod od s susugugagargar r lr<.<b.<brbr br / /> /><><b><brbr br /br />/>D/>DoDonon'n't't t pt papasassss s us upup p o onon on t trtryryiyiningng g t th thihisis is gis grgrereaeatat t at alaltalteterternrnanatatiativiveve ve t to to o so susugsugagargar.gar. . I ItIt t it isis is wis woworortorthth h l leletlettttittininging g yg yoyouourur r tr tatasastastetebtebubududsds s as adadadapaptpt t tt toto o to ththethe e se susubsubtbtltlelenlenenesessess.s. . . I It It t it ist is s as als alslsolso o go grgregreaeateat t ft foforfor r br . . A. AlAlslsolso,lso, , t, ththithisis is iis isis is nis nonownow w l la lababeabeleleledled d a as as as o or orgrgaganganinicic,c, , s, soso so a an anonotnoththetherther r rr rereareasasoasonon on ton toto to t tr tryry ry i it it.t."t.""55656868383939090,0,B,B0B0000101E1EQEQ5Q5O5O6O6Y6Y,Y,A,A2A2L2LGLGOGOMOMSMSYSYQYQJQJ5J5P5PZPZSZS,S,N,N.N. . H. HjHjojorortort,ort,2,2,2,2,2,,2,5,5,5,1,12125257575755552520200000000,0,g0,grgregreagreatat at f flflalavavoavoror,or,T,ThThehe e ce cicininninnanamnamomonon on hon hohonhoneneyney y s st stiticickicksks s fs flflaflavavoavoravor r wr wawasas as e exexcxcecelellellelenlentlent.t. t. W WhWhehenhen n a ad addddededed d td toto to tto teteatea a i it it it e en enhnhahanhancncecedced d td thd thehe he f fl fla
is product.<br /><br />Agave is also better for people who have diabetes, as it does not spike blood sugar levels.<br /><br />Don't pass up on trying this great alternative to sugar. It is worth letting your tastebuds adapt to the subtleness. It is also great for baking. Also, this is now labeled as organic, so another reason to try it." 568390,B001EQ5O6Y,A2LGOMSYQJ5PZS,N. Hjort,2,2,5,1257552000,great flavor,The cinnamon honey sticks flavor was excellent. When added to tea it enhanced the fla
vvovoror r o ofof f t ththehe e t te teaea.a..55656868383939191,1,B,B0B0000101E1EQEQ5Q5O5O6O6Y6Y,Y,A,A3A3H3HRHRWRWZWZWZW3W3Z3ZKZK6K6W6W4W4949,9,K,KrKririsiststetenen n M McMcDcDaDananinieielel,l,1,1,1,11,1,1,51,5,5,1,12,123239391391414848888080000,00,Y,YuYumummmmymy y h hohononeneyey y iy inin n an a a c cocononvonvevenenienieienientnt t p poporortortitioionon.on.,.,","I"I I b bobouougughghtht t tt ththithisis is i inin in a anan an e efeffffoforortort ort t to to o h he helelpelp p m mymysmyseselelfelf f qf ququiuitit t st smsmomokokikininging g w whwhihililele e we wawatatctchchihinhingng g mg mymy my w we weieigighghtght.t. . A AlAlslsoso,o, , I I'I'd'd d b be beeeenen en l lolooookokiokininging ing f foforfor r ar a a sa smsmasmalallllelerler r hr hohonhoneneyney y cy coconcontntantaiainineinerer r tr toto o uo ususese se t to to to s swsweweeeeteetetenten n mn mymy my hmy hohothot t tt tet teaea ea w wh whehenhen n In I'I'mI'm m a at at t wt wowororkork.k. . . T ThTheheshesese se hse hohonhonehoneyey ey s st stitictickcksks s d dedefefiefininiinititeitelelyely y hy hehelhelplpepeded.d. . . T. ThTheThe e he hohonhonehoneyhoney y wy wawaswas s vs veververyry y gy gogoooodood,d, , t, ththethe e se ststisticickck/ck/s/ststrstrarawaw w s se seeeemeemsms s ts toto to b be be be a a a g grgrereaeateat t wt wat wayay y ty toto to pto papacackckackagagege e ie itit it a as as s is itit it dit dodoeoesesnsn'n't't t st spt spipilillill l o ou outut t et eaeaseasisililyily.y. . . P. PlPlulusus,us, , e, eaeaceachch ch s st sti sticickick k i is is s os ononlonlyly y 1y 1515 5 c ca calaloalororiorieiesies,s, , s, soso so y yoyouou ou
vor of the tea. 568391,B001EQ5O6Y,A3HRWZW3ZK6W49,Kristen McDaniel,1,1,5,1239148800,Yummy honey in a convenient portion.,"I bought this in an effort to help myself quit smoking while watching my weight. Also, I'd been looking for a smaller honey container to use to sweeten my hot tea when I'm at work. These honey sticks definitely helped. The honey was very good, the stick/straw seems to be a great way to package it as it doesn't spill out easily. Plus, each stick is only 15 calories, so you
ccacanan n w wawatatctchch h y yoyouourur r p prproropopoporortrtitioionon n in ifif f t ththahatat at m mamatattatteterersrs s t to to o y yo youou.ou. . I I I w wi wilillll l d dedefefifinininititeteltelyly y p pu pururcurchchachasasese e t th thihisis s as".""55656868383939292,2,B,B0B0000101E1EQEQ5Q5O5O6O6Y6Y,Y,A,A3A3131Y1YNYNKNKIKI4I4T4TSTS6S6Z6ZJZJWJW,W,L,LaLauaurureurenen n Ln L.L.,.,1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1,12,123234343431310310404040000,00,c,cocononvonvevenenienieienentent t w wa wayay y oy ofof f tf tatakakikininging g y yo you yourur ur a agagaagavaveve ve w wi wit withth th y yo you you! you!,!,","I"I I wI wawaswas s hs hehesesisititaitanantant t at ababobououtout t tt ththithisis is p pr prorodroduducuctct t bt babasaseaseded d o onon on s sosomomeme e ce cucusuststotomomeomerer er r rerevevivieiewiewsws s ts ththathatat at sat sasaiaidaid d td ththetherereere e we wewerereere ere d di dififfiffificficuculcultltitietieses es o op opepenenienineningng g tg ththethe the l lilitittittltlele e se ststisticickcksks s as ans andnd d td thd thahathat t tt tht theheyhey y (y (t(ththethe the cthe cucuscuststostomomeomeromersrs,rs, , n nonotot t tt tht thet the e se ste stitictickckscks)s) ) g gogotot ot a ag agagavgaveve ve ave alallll ll o ov oveverver r tr ththetheitheirir r fr fifinfingngengerersers.s....... .. I I I w wo wonondondederder r ir ifif if S StStatastashsh h rh rereareadad d td thd thed the e re rerevrevivieviewewsws ws a an andnd nd c chchachanchangngengednged d td thd thed theid theirir ir p pa pacackckackagagiagininging?ing? ? I I I h I hahavhaveve ve nve nonotnot t ht hahadhad d td thd thid thisis is pis prproproboblblelemlem,m, , a, an
can watch your proportion if that matters to you. I will definitely purchase this again." 568392,B001EQ5O6Y,A31YNKI4TS6ZJW,Lauren L.,1,1,5,1234310400,convenient way of taking your agave with you!,"I was hesitant about this product based on some customer reviews that said there were difficulties opening the little sticks and that they (the customers, not the sticks) got agave all over their fingers... I wonder if Stash read the reviews and changed their packaging? I have not had this problem, an
dd d I I'I'm'm m u usususuaualallllyly y * *a*awawfwfufulul*l* * a atat t o opopepenenininingng g p papacackckakagagigininging!g! ! W WiWitithth h t ththethesesese,e, , I I I s sisimimpmplplyly ly b bibititeite e o of offff f t th thehe e ee enendend d (d (g(grgrorosossss,s, , I, I I k knknonowow,w, , b, bubutut t It I I aI amam m am a a s st stutududedenentent t at anandnd d Id I I dI dodonon'n't't/t/c/cacanan'an't't 't c cacarcarrrryry y ay a a ka knkniknififefe e ae ararorourounundnd nd w wiwitithith h mh meme e ie inin in m mymy y by bobooookokbkbabagag ag a al allll ll d dadayay)y) ) a an andnd nd snd sqsququeueeeezezeze e ie ite it t it inintintoto o m my my y cy . I It It't's's s a a a g grgregreaeatat at w wa wayay ay t to to o ho hahavaveve e me mymy my a ag agagavaveave e we wiwitwithth th m me me e be bebececacaucaususeuse e me moe mosostost t ct cocofcoffffeffeeffee e se shshohopopsops s as anandand d cd cacafcafefesfes s hs hahavhaveve ve n nonotnot t yt yeyetet t st ststatarartarteteded d sd ststostocockckickininging ing t th thi thisis s as als alolonongongsgsisidsidede de t th the theieirir r p po poioisisoisononoonouousus us s su sugugagargar r ar alaltalteterternrnanatatiativivevesves s (s (y(yoyouou ou k kn knonownow,w, w, t th tho thososeose e pe pipininkink,k, , b, bl, blulueue,ue, , a, anandand and y yeyelyellllollowow ow p pa pacackackeketetsets)s).). . . K KeKeeeepeepsps s ms mymy my bmy blblolooloodod d sd sud sugugaugarar ar f frfroromrom m sm spspipikpikikininging,ing, , s, swsweweeeeteetetentensns s ms mys my y cy coy cofoffoffefeefee-e----w-whwhahathat t mt momororere e ce cocoucoululduld d yd
d I'm usually *awful* at opening packaging! With these, I simply bite off the end (gross, I know, but I am a student and I don't/can't carry a knife around with me in my bookbag all day) and squeeze it into my coffee. It's a great way to have my agave with me because most coffee shops and cafes have not yet started stocking this alongside their poisonous sugar alternatives (you know, those pink, blue, and yellow packets). Keeps my blood sugar from spiking, sweetens my coffee--what more could y
oouou u a asasksk k f foforor?r?"?""55656868383939393,3,B,B0B0000101E1EQEQ5Q5O5O6O6Y6Y,Y,A,A1A1X1XDXDADASASQSQ6Q6060Y0YMYMQMQLQLNLN,N,","K"KaKararerenen n P PrPraratatttt t " """"t"tutududidieie"e"""""""",",1,1,1,1,1,,1,4,4,4,1,12,12020707575252626464040000,00,W,WoWonondndedererfrfufulul l F FlFlalavavovoror,or,","T,"ThThehesesese e l lilitittttlttlele e ge gogoooododidiedieses es a ar arere re s soso o f fu fulullull l ol ofof f f fl flalavlavovorvor r a an andnd nd s so so o go gogoogoodod.od. . I I I b bobouougoughghtht t tt ththeheshesese se f fo foror or m mymy y g grgraranrandnddnddadauaugughghtghteterer er i inin n Mn MiMininninnenesesoesototata a a an and and d s se senentent t tt tht thehemhem m t toto o ho heherher.r. . . S ShShehe he w wawasas as t th thrhrirililllleledled,d, , s sh shaharareareded d td ththethemem m wm wiwitithith h h heherher her s si sisiststetertersrs s a an and and and n nonowow w t th the theyey y ay arareare are w wa wanantntitininging g t to to o go geo getet t st sosomsomeme.e.<.<b<brbr r /r />/>G>GrGrereareatat at g gi gififtft t it ididedeadea!a!!!!"!""5"565685683839839494,4,B4,B0B00B00101E01EQEQ5EQ5O5O65O6Y6Y,6Y,A,AJ,AJGJGGGGUGU9U9Y9YEYEZEZNZNPNPYPY7Y7,7,K,KaKahKah-h-t-tataytay,y,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,13,132327277779795952520520000,00,S00,SwSweweeeetet et D DEDEAEALAL!L!,!,","T,"Th,"Theheshesehese e ae arareare are gare grgregreaeatat at tat toto to h ha havaveave!e! ! I I I tI totostossss s os ononeone e ie inin in m my my y dy dadaudaugughughthtehterer'er's's s ls lulununcnchch.h.......h..hahavhaveve e ae a e a f fe fewew w iw inin in min mymy my p pupurursrserse e fe fo
ou ask for?" 568393,B001EQ5O6Y,A1XDASQ60YMQLN,"Karen Pratt ""tudie""",1,1,4,1207526400,Wonderful Flavor,"These little goodies are so full of flavor and so good. I bought these for my granddaughter in Minnesota and sent them to her. She was thrilled, shared them with her sisters and now they are wanting to get some.<br />Great gift idea!!" 568394,B001EQ5O6Y,AJGGU9YEZNPY7,Kah-tay,0,0,5,1327795200,Sweet DEAL!,"These are great to have! I toss one in my daughter's lunch...have a few in my purse fo
rr r a a a " """"p"pipicickck"k"""" "" m meme e u upup,p, , e etetctc.c. . T TaTasaststyty,y, , t, tatasastastyty!ty! ! O OtOththeherer r pr pepeoeopoplplele e ae ararere e se soso o c cucururirioiouousus s w whwhehenhen n I I I w wh whihipip p o ononene e oe ououtout.t. . . T Th Theheyhey y a ar arere re a am amamazazezeded d i itit't's's s as a a sa ststrstrarawaw w f fifililllleledled d wd wiwitithith h h hohononeoneyey.y. . . T. ThThihishis s is isis s ts ththethe e pe plplaplacacece e te toto o fo fifinfindnd d td ththethe the b bebesestst st p prpriricricece ce o on on n tn ththethesthesese e he hohonhoneneyney y sy ststisticickicksks.s. . . T. Th. Thahananknksks ks f fo foror r hr hahavhaviviningng g t ththethemthem m o on on on s susububsbscscrcriribribebe be a an andnd nd s sa savaveve.e. . . G. GrGrereareatat t p pr prorogogrgraramram!m!"!""55656868383939595,5,B,B0B0000101E1EQEQ5Q5O5O6O6Y6Y,Y,A,A3A3030909C9CWCWGWGUGUWUW0W0909N09NYNYBYB,B,L,LiLiriririorionon7on7373,3,0,0,0,0,0,,0,3,3,3,13,13131315157578785856560560000,00,","S"SmSmemelmellll ll d dedeleliligighghthtftfufulul,l, , t, ta, tasastasteaste e ne nonotot t st soso so m mu mucuchch"h",",","I,"I I pI pipicpickckeckeded ed u up up p tp ththethesthesethese e he hoe hononeoneyoney y sy sty stiticickicksicks s bs bebecbecacauaususeuse e Ie I'I'm'm m im inin in a a a c ch chahaihai i t te teaea a pa phphahashasese se a an and and d td thd thohouhougughghtght t tt ththetheythey'y'd'd d bd bebe be nbe niniciceice e te toe to o ao adadddd d td tod to o ao a o a s si simimpmplpleple e be blblalacackack k t te tea tea.a. . U. UpUpoponon on t ta takakikininging g og on
r a ""pick"" me up, etc. Tasty, tasty! Other people are so curious when I whip one out. They are amazed it's a straw filled with honey. This is the place to find the best price on these honey sticks. Thanks for having them on subscribe and save. Great program!" 568395,B001EQ5O6Y,A309CWGUW09NYB,Lirion73,0,0,3,1315785600,"Smell delightful, taste not so much","I picked up these honey sticks because I'm in a chai tea phase and thought they'd be nice to add to a simple black tea. Upon taking on
ee e f frfroromom m t ththehe e be boboxox,x, , I I I w wawasas s t tr trereaeatateteded d t to to o a a a w wo wonondndedererfrfufulul l s scscecenentnt t o ofof f c cicininnnnanamamomonon on a an andnd nd s sp spipicicecesces s ts ththathatat at r reremremiminindindededded d md meme e oe ofof of C ChChrhririsiststmtmamasas as t ti . I I I b brbrerewreweweded ed m mymy y t te teaea,ea, , a, adaddddededded ded t th thehe he s st stiticickick k o of of f hf hohononeoneyey y ay anandnd nd snd ststistirirrrreredred.d. . . A AsAs s Is I I tI totooookok k tk ththathatthat t ft fifirirsirstst st s si sipip,p, , I, I I cI cocouoululduldndn'n't't t mt mumucuchch h s sm smemelmellll l tl ththethe e he hohonhoneneyey ey I I I j I jujusustst st ast adaddaddededded.ded. . . A. AsAs As t th the the e te teteatea a ca cocoacoatateateded ed med mymy my t to ton tongngugueue e Ie I I wI wawaswas s ws wawaiwaitititintingng ng a an and and d wd wawaiwaitwaititintingting g f fo foror r t th the the the s sc scecencentnt nt o of of of t th the the the h the hohonhonehoneyey ey sey ststisticstickck k tk tok to o ho hihitit it m my my y ty totontongngungueue ue a an and and and i itit it nit nenevneveverer er r re reaealeallllylly y dy dididid.d. d. I I I c I cocoucoululduld uld t ta tasastastete te a a a t ti tin tinyny y by bibitit it oit ofof of hof hohonhonehoneyhoney,y, , b, bubutut t nt nonotoththithininging g mg momormorere re t th tha thanan an i if if f If I I aI adaddaddeaddeded ed ped plplalaiainin in c cl clolovoveverver r hr hohonhonehoneyhoney honey t to to to m my my my t te tea tea.a. . . I. ItIt t wt wawaswas was r ra ratathatheherher r ur . . M. MyM
e from the box, I was treated to a wonderful scent of cinnamon and spices that reminded me of Christmas time. I brewed my tea, added the stick of honey and stirred. As I took that first sip, I couldn't much smell the honey I just added. As the tea coated my tongue I was waiting and waiting for the scent of the honey stick to hit my tongue and it never really did. I could taste a tiny bit of honey, but nothing more than if I added plain clover honey to my tea. It was rather underwhelming. My
s sesececoconondnd d c cucupup p I I I t trtririeieded d 2d 2 2 s st stiticickcksks s a anandnd nd i itit t w wawasas s as a a l lilitittittltlele e b bebetetttteterer,r, , b bu butut t ft foforor r t th thehe e pe prpriricricece,e, , I, I'I'd'd d md mumucuchch h r rarataththeherher r jr jujusustst t bt bubuyuy y c ch chahaiai i t te teaea a ba babagagsgs.s.<.<b<brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br r /r />r />A>AlAllll l i in in n a al allll,ll, , d, dodonon'on't't t et exexpxpepecectect t it itit it t to to o t ta tasastastete te t th the the e we wawayway y iy itit it sit smsmemelellllslls.s. s. F FaFarar r tr totoooo o wo weweaeakeak k i in in in j jujusjustst st a a a s si simimpmplplele le b bl blalacackck ck t te tea tea,a, , b, bubutbut t st smsmesmelellellsls s ds didivivivininene e se ststistilillll ll s se seaealealeledled d ud upup!up!"!""55656868383939696,6,B,B0B0000101E1EQEQ5Q5O5O6O6Y6Y,Y,A,A2A2N2NENEOEOGOGFGFAFAJAJDJDJDJMJMFMFVFV,V,S,SUSUZUZAZANANNNNENE NE L L.L. . A ARARARASASISIMIM,M,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,12127279794941411112120120000,00,","V"VeVereryery y hy hahanhandndyndy,y, , y, yuyumummmmymy y ty totootoo"o",",","M,"MyMy y my momomom-m-i-inin-in-l-lalawlaw w h hahadhad d rd rerecec'ec'd'd 'd 1 1 1 b bo boxox x o ofof f t th the thes thesese se i in in in a in a a ga gigififtft t bt bot boxox,ox, , b, bu, butut ut c co cououluldldndn'n't't 't f fifinindind d md mod mororeore e we whe whehenhen n sn shshehe he f fo fouounoundnd nd snd shsheshe e ee enenjnjojoyoyeyeded ed t th the the the c co con convnvevenenienieieniencncece ce o of of f tf ththethemem m i in in in h in heherher her h ho hotot t tt teteatea a &a & & o
second cup I tried 2 sticks and it was a little better, but for the price, I'd much rather just buy chai tea bags.<br /><br />All in all, don't expect it to taste the way it smells. Far too weak in just a simple black tea, but smells divine still sealed up!" 568396,B001EQ5O6Y,A2NEOGFAJDJMFV,SUZANNE L. ARASIM,0,0,5,1279411200,"Very handy, yummy too","My mom-in-law had rec'd 1 box of these in a gift box, but couldn't find more when she found she enjoyed the convenience of them in her hot tea & o
nn n t totoaoasastst.t. . S ShShehe e s sasaiaidid d t th thehe he s st strtrarawawsws s a ararere e je jujusustst st t th the the e re ririgighghtht t a am amomouoununtnt,t, , t th the they they y a ar arere re l lelesessss s ms memesessessysy y &y & & t th the the the h hohononeneyey y ky kekeeeepepsps s ls lolonongongegerersrs s ts ththahanan n in inin n an a a j . . A A A 6 6-6-p-pkpk k w wawasas as a a a g grgrereareatat t st susururprprpririsrisese e fe foforor r h he . . T. ThThehe he phe prpripricicece e we wawaswas s rs rereareasreasosononaonabablblele le f foforfor r ar a a ca cocononvonveveneninieienencencece ce i ititetemem.m.".""55656868383939797,7,B,B0B0000101E1EQEQ5Q5O5O6O6Y6Y,Y,A,A2A2727O7OFOFOFOLOL5L5E5ERERMRMRMRWRWEWE,E,","M"MaMararyary y Ay A.A. . S. SiSimimpmpspsopsonon on " """"B"BoBoaoatoatltlaladadydy1y1313"3"""""""",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,1212323636767272929696060000,00,L,LeLememoemonon on Hon HoHononeoneyey ey S St Stiticickicksks,s,T,ThTheTheseseese e he hohonhoneneyney y sy ststisticickicksicks s as arareare e se soso so n ninicnicece ce ice inin in a a a c a cucupup p o ofof f t te teaea.a. . . Y. YoYouou ou c cacanan an e evevevenven n rn reremremomovmoveve ve y yoyouourour r tr teteatea a ba babagag g w wi witithith h t th the them them!m!!5565686836839398398,8,B,B0,B00001001E1EQ1EQ5Q5OQ5O6O6YO6Y,Y,AY,AWAWLWLKLK6K6N6NSNSSSSVSV0V0Y0YNYNANA,A,M,MiMididwidwewesestest t Mt MoMomommmmymy,y,0,0,,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5,15,121211219193936363363232020000,00,S00,SwSweweeweetet t Tt TrTrereareatreat!t!,!,T,Th,Theheshesese se C ChChahaihai i H HoHonHoneneyney ney S St Sti Sticick
n toast. She said the straws are just the right amount, they are less messy & the honey keeps longers than in a jar. A 6-pk was a great surprise for her. The price was reasonable for a convenience item." 568397,B001EQ5O6Y,A27OFOL5ERMRWE,"Mary A. Simpson ""Boatlady13""",0,0,5,1236729600,Lemon Honey Sticks,These honey sticks are so nice in a cup of tea. You can even remove your tea bag with them! 568398,B001EQ5O6Y,AWLK6NSSV0YNA,Midwest Mommy,0,0,5,1219363200,Sweet Treat!,These Chai Honey Stick
ss s a ararere e S SOSO O g gogoooodod!d! ! I I I e enenjnjojoyoy y e ea eatatitiningng g o ononene e oe oror r t twtwowo o w whwhehenen en I I I h hahavaveve e ae a a c crcraravaviavininging g fg foforor or s sosomomemeteththihininging ing s sw . I ItIt t a al alslsoso so m mamakakekeses s as a a fa fufunun n n nononon-on-s-susugugagarar ar s sw swe sweeeeteet t tt trtrereareatat at f foforfor r mr mymy y ty totododdoddldlelerer.r. . . T ThThehe he s st strtratrawawsws s as ars arere re t th thehe he phe pepererferfefecectct t st sisizizeze e te toto to a ad adddd d t to to o ao a a 6a 6o6ozoz z c cu cupup p o of of f t te teaea a ta totootoo.o..55656868383939999,9,B,B0B0000101E1EQEQ5Q5O5O6O6Y6Y,Y,A,AUAU5U5C5C3C3I3IYIYBYBHBH9H9J9JCJCWCW,W,","S"S.S. . M. MuMususisicsicacanantnt t "t """"B"BeBerermermumususiusicicacancantnt"nt"""""""",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,4,4,4,1,121212161656515121201200000000,0,P0,PoPorortortatabablblele le H HeHeaealealtlthth,th,","I,"I I aI agagrgrereeree e we wiwitithth th o ot oththetherer er r rerevrevivieiewewewerwersrs s as abs abobououtut t At AgAgagavgaveve ve i inin in g ge geneneenereraeralal l a an andnd d ad alalsalsoso so sso spspepecpecicififificicaicalallallyly y ty thy thihishis s ps prprorododuoducuctct.ct. . . K. KnKnonownow w t th tha thatat at Iat I I hI hahavhaveve ve ave a a pa prprepretettettyty y by bibigig g sg swsweweeweetet et t to too tootothth,th, th, a an and and d td ththathanankanksks s ts toto to Ato AgAgaAgavaveave e Ie I I fI fefeefeelel l Il I'I'm'm m s sl slolowowlwlyly ly t ta tamamimininging ing iing . . I. I I dI dodo o fo fifinfindnd nd A AgAga
s are SO good! I enjoy eating one or two when I have a craving for something sweet. It also makes a fun non-sugar sweet treat for my toddler. The straws are the perfect size to add to a 6oz cup of tea too. 568399,B001EQ5O6Y,AU5C3IYBH9JCW,"S. Musicant ""Bermusicant""",0,0,4,1216512000,Portable Health,"I agree with other reviewers about Agave in general and also specifically this product. Know that I have a pretty big sweet tooth, and thanks to Agave I feel I'm slowly taming it. I do find Aga
vveve e t toto o b bebe e se susufuffffificicicieienentntltlyly y s sasatatitisisfsfyfyiyiningng g - ---- - w wiwitithth h t th thehe e re ririgighghtht t a amamomouoununtnt.nt. . A AnAndnd d i itit it m mamakakekeses s m me me e fe fefeeeelel l v veververyry y gy gogoooodod d td toto to k knknonowow w I I'I'm'm m n nonotnot t jt jajacackckikininging g ug upup p m my my y by blbloloooodood d sd susugsugagarar r l lelevevevelvel l wl wiwitwithth th s su sugugagargar,r, , a an andnd nd t th tha thatat at I I' I'm'm 'm n no notot t pt pupututtttitintingng ng s su sug sugagargar gar ( (w(whwhihicichich h Ih I I i in incncrcrereaeasasisininginglinglyly ly t th thi thininkink k o ofof f a as as s ps popoioisisoisonon)n) ) i in int intoto to mto mymy y by boy bododyody.y. . . B BuButut ut y yoyouou ou d dodo o ho hahavaveve ve t to to o uo ususese e ae araroarouounoundnd nd tnd ththethe e se sae samameame e ae ame amomoumoununtunt t at asas as r reregregugululalarar ar s su sug suga sugarar,ar, , m, mamaymaybybebe be s so somomemetetitimtimemesmes s ls leleslessss,s, , s, sosomomeometetietimimemesmes mes m mo . . V. VaVarariarioiouousous s ms mfmfgfgsgs.s. . o. ofof of t th the the e pe prprorododuoducuctct t ct clclalailaimim im y yo youou ou cou cacanan n u ususeuse e le leleslessless.s. s. I I I hI hahavhaveve ve nve nonotnot not f fofouounoundound d td thd thihishis s ts toto to bto bebe be tbe ththethe the c<.<b<brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br r /r />r />R>ReRegegagargardgardidininging ing t th the the the s st stitictickckscks s ss spspepececicifcifificficacalcallllyly,ly, , y, yoyouyou u d do do o ho hao havaveave e te toto to sto sqsququeuee
ve to be sufficiently satisfying -- with the right amount. And it makes me feel very good to know I'm not jacking up my blood sugar level with sugar, and that I'm not putting sugar (which I increasingly think of as poison) into my body. But you do have to use around the same amount as regular sugar, maybe sometimes less, sometimes more. Various mfgs. of the product claim you can use less. I have not found this to be the case.<br /><br />Regarding the sticks specifically, you do have to squee
zzeze e f fafaiairirlrlyly y h haharardrd d a anandnd d rd rerepepepeaeatatetededldlyly ly t toto o g gegetet t i itit t at alallll l o ououtut,t, , a an andnd nd i in inenevevivititaitabablblyly ly sly sosomomeme e ge gegetgetsts s o on on n y yoyouourour r f fi finingngegergersrs.s. . H HoHowoweweveveeverer,r, , g, gigivivevenen n tn ththehe e ae ababoabovoveve ve p plplulususeseses,s, , i, inin in t th thehe he a ab absbsesensencncece e oe ofof f a an any anytyththithininging g b bebetettetteterter r Ir I'I'm'm m w wiwilillllillininging ing t to to o so sesetsettttltlele e fe foforor r tr ththethe e de drdrarawawbwbabacackcksks s as asas s os opoppppopososesedsed d td toto to p pu pututtuttitininging ing sing susugugagarar ar o or or r -r ---- - q ququeuelel l hl hohororrorrereureurur r -r --r -- - a- arartartitiftifificiciciaialal al s swsweweeweetetnetnenernersrs rs i in int intoto to mto mymy y by bobododydy y wy whwhehenhen n In I'I'mI'm m am awawaawayay y fy frfroromom om h ho homomeome.e.".""55656868484040000,0,B,B0B00001001E1EQEQ5Q5O5O6O6Y6Y,Y,A,A3A3333939H9H0H0D0D2D2F2F6F6666969X9XIXI,I,C,C.C. . N. NiNicichichoholhollllslls,s,0s,0,0,00,0,0,50,5,5,1,1212020808282121717676060000,00,h,hohonhoneneyney y sy ststitictickckscks,s,Ts,ThTheheshesese se a ar arere re s st strtrarawrawsws s fs fifilfillllelleded ed w wi witithith h l lelemlemomonon n fn flflalavavovororeoreded ed hed hohonhonehoneyey.y. . . I I I l lo lovoveove e te ththethemthem.m. . . T. ThTheTheyey ey t ta tasastastete te g gr grereareatat at a an and and d ad arareare e ee eaeaseasysy y ty toto to tto tatakakeke e we wiwitwithth th y yo youou.ou. . . I.
ze fairly hard and repeatedly to get it all out, and inevitably some gets on your fingers. However, given the above pluses, in the absence of anything better I'm willing to settle for the drawbacks as opposed to putting sugar or -- quel horreur -- artificial sweetners into my body when I'm away from home." 568400,B001EQ5O6Y,A339H0D2F669XI,C. Nicholls,0,0,5,1208217600,honey sticks,These are straws filled with lemon flavored honey. I love them. They taste great and are easy to take with you. I
u ususese e t ththehemem m a atat t w wowororkrk-k- - v vevereryry y c cocononvnvevenveninieienentnt t ft foforor or q ququiuicickck k h hohotot t tt teteaea a w wi witiththothououtut t tt tht thehe he m memesessssysy y hy hohonhoneneyey.y..55656868484040101,1,B,B0B0000101E01EQEQ5Q5O5O6O6Y6Y,Y,A,A3A3A3AIAIZIZSZS4S4B4BZBZXZXUXUKUKIKIPIP,P,","S"ShShihirirlrleleyey ey W WaWatattatt t "t """"g"gmgmamaoaofof7f7"7"""""""",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,4,4,4,1,1212020202424242828888080000,00,G,GrGrereaeateat t ft fot foror or tor trtraravavevelveliliningng g o oror or eor eaeateatieatininging g og ououtout!t!,!,","T,"ThTheheshesese se a ar arere re G GRGREREAEATAT T f foforfor r c ca cararrrryryiryininging ing i inin in m my my y py pupurursrsese se fse foforfor for e eaeateatieatineatingng ng o ou outut,ut, , o or or r wr whwhehenhen n w we we'e'r'rere re tre trtratravaveavelelilinlingng,ng, , a, asas s m mo mosostst t pt plplalacaceceses es d dodo o n nonotot ot h ha havaveave ave A AgAgagavaveave ave Nave NeNecectctatarar!ar!<!<b<brbr r /r />/>J>JuJusustust t wt wiwisishsh h t th theherherere re wre wawasas as a an an n en eaeaseasisieierier r wr war wayay y ty toto o oo opopepenen en t th the themem.em.......I..I'I'm'm m cm cacararrarryryiryinryingng ng ang a a sa smsmamalmallll l p papaiairir ir o of of f s scscicisississosororsors s ts toto to o op opepenpen n tn ththethemem!em!"!""5565686846840402402,2,B,B0,B00001001E1EQEQ5EQ5O5O65O6Y6Y,6Y,A,A2,A2828Z28ZVZV2V2F2FBFB9B9O9OAOAFAFVFVJVJ,J,L,LoLororiori,i,0,0,,0,0,0,0,0,30,3,3,1,11,1191929282832838384840840000,00,A00,AgAgaAgavaveave ave Nave Neave Necectectatartar,r,I,ItIt't's's s gs grgrereareatat at t
use them at work- very convenient for quick hot tea without the messy honey. 568401,B001EQ5O6Y,A3AIZS4BZXUKIP,"Shirley Watt ""gmaof7""",0,0,4,1202428800,Great for traveling or eating out!,"These are GREAT for carrying in my purse for eating out, or when we're traveling, as most places do not have Agave Nectar!<br />Just wish there was an easier way to open them...I'm carrying a small pair of scissors to open them!" 568402,B001EQ5O6Y,A28ZV2FB9OAFVJ,Lori,0,0,3,1192838400,Agave Nectar,It's great t
oo o h hahavaveve e a agagagavaveave e ie inin n a a a p poporortrtatabablblele e fe foforormormamatat.t. . B BuButut t i isis s i is is s ds didififfffificicuculultlt t tt toto o oo opopepenen.n. . . T ThThehe e de didirdirerecectctitioiononsns s ss sasayay y t toto to p pi pinincinchch h t to to o oo opo opepenpen.n. n. T ThTheTheyey y ay ararere re n nonotot t st soso o eo eaeasasysy y ty toto to pto pipinincinchinch.h. . . I. I I h ha havaveave ave f fofoufounundnd d i if if f y yoyouou u b bebenendend d td ththehe he t tu tububebe be a ab abobououtout t 1t 1 1 i in incnchch ch a ab abo abovoveve ve t th thehe he ehe enendend end t th the thenen en p pi pin pincnchnch h th ththethe e ee enendend end iend itit t ht hehelhelplpsps.s. . . B. BuButBut t tt tht thehe he ahe agagaagavaveave ave oave ofoftftetenen en gen gegetetsts s os onon on y yo youourour r f fi finingingegergersrs.s.s.55656868484040303,3,B,B0B0000101E1EQEQ5Q5O5O6O6Y6Y,Y,A,A1A1A1A3A3H3H2H2222V2VVVVZVZYZYUYUKUKWKW,W,m,msmsfsfrfrereireixixyxy,y,1,1,1,3,3,3,13,1,1,11,1111818787070404949696060000,00,a,alaltltelterernrnanatatiativiveve ve sve swsweweeeetetnetnenerer,er,","I"I I wI wawasas as d didisdisasapsappppopoipoinintintetedted d id inin in t th thi thisis is p pr prorododuducuctct,ct, , a as as s Is I I hI hahadhad d rd rereareadad d ad anandnd nd h he heaeareardrd d td thd thahathat t tt tht thit thisis is wis wawaswas s as anan an e exexcxcecelellllelenlentnt t st swt sweweeweetetnetneetnerer,er, er, a an andnd nd ind itit it o ononlonlyly y ty toy tooookok k a a a s a smsmamalmallll ll a am amomouounountnt.nt. . . N. NONOTOT T T TR TRURUEUE!E! ! I I I hI haI hadad ad a a
o have agave in a portable format. But is is difficult to open. The directions say to pinch to open. They are not so easy to pinch. I have found if you bend the tube about 1 inch above the end then pinch the end it helps. But the agave often gets on your fingers. 568403,B001EQ5O6Y,A1A3H22VVZYUKW,msfreixy,1,3,1,1187049600,alternative sweetner,"I was disappointed in this product, as I had read and heard that this was an excellent sweetner, and it only took a small amount. NOT TRUE! I had a
88 8 o ouoununcncece e g glglalasassss s o of of f t teteaea,a, , a anandnd d a ad addddededed d td twtwowo o " """"s"ststrtrarawawsws"s"""" "" o of of of N NeNecectctatarar,r, , a, anandand d yd yoyouou ou c cocououlouldldndn'n't't t e evevevenen n t te telellll l a an anynytyththihiningng g h hahadad d bd bebeeeenen en a ad add addededded.d. . E ExExpxpepenensensisiviveve ve i ifif f f y yoyouyou u h ha hadad ad t to to o uo ususese e ae a a w whwhohololele e pe papacackck k t to to to s slsliligighghthtltlyly y s sw sweweeeeteetetenten n an".""55656868484040404,4,B,B0B0000101E1EQEQ5Q5O5O6O6Y6Y,Y,A,A2A2828989191E1E31E3B3BMBMAMAKAKGKGYGYNYN,N,","P"PCPCNCNiNililelesles s "s """"r""rereaeadeadederder/r/w/wrwrirititeterter"r"""""""",",0,0,0,6,6,6,2,2,2,1,12126264641411118184840840000,00,","D,"DeDececeecepeptptitiviveive e Te TeTerermrm m = = = " "" ""S"StStitictickckscks"s""s""""","",","W,"WhWhehenen en Ien I I o or ordrdederderedereded ed t th theheshesese,se, , b, babasaseaseded ed oed onon n tn ththethe e de dedesdescscrcriripriptptiptioionon,on, , I, I I tI ththothouougoughghtght t tt ththethe the h ho hononeoneyey y wy wawasas as s so somomemehehohowhow w h ha har hardrderdeneneeneded ed ied inintintoto o so ststisticickck-ck-f-foforormrm rm a an and and d td thd thuhusus us w wo wououlouldould d 'd 'm'memelmeltlt't' ' i in intntoto to a a a c cu cupup p o of of of h of hohothot t tt tet teaea.ea. . . I I I wI wawaswas s ss susururprprpririsrisesedsed d wd whwhewhenen en Ien I en I d didisiscscoscovoveververeredred d td thd thed thesesese se s st stitictickticksks s ws wewerwerere re a ac actctuct
8 ounce glass of tea, and added two ""straws"" of Nectar, and you couldn't even tell anything had been added. Expensive if you had to use a whole pack to slightly sweeten anything." 568404,B001EQ5O6Y,A2891E3BMAKGYN,"PCNiles ""reader/writer""",0,6,2,1264118400,"Deceptive Term = ""Sticks""","When I ordered these, based on the description, I thought the honey was somehow hardened into stick-form and thus would 'melt' into a cup of hot tea. I was surprised when I discovered these sticks were actu
aalallllyly y t ththihinin n p plplalasaststiticic c s ststrstrarawawsws s f fifilillllelleded d w wiwitithth th h hohononeneyey!y! ! T ThThehererere e i isis s ns nono o w wa wayay y Iy I'I'm'm m g gogoioininging g t to to o io ininsinseserertert t a a a p pl plalaslaststisticic ic s st strtrarawraw w i in intntoto o ao a a ha hohothot t ct cucupup p o ofof f t te teaea.a. . I I'I'mI'm m nm nonotnot t st susururere re i it it t wt wowououluldld d wd woworworkrk k a an anynywywawayay;ay; ; I I I s su supuppuppopososese se y yoyouou ou c cocououlouldld ld c cu cutut t ot opopepenen n en eaeaceachch h e enendend d ad anandnd d td ththethenen en b blblolowow w tw ththethe the h ho hononeoneyey ey i in in in t th thehe he t te tea tea.a. a. D DoDoeoeses s Ss StStatasashash h th ththithininkink k yk yoyouyou'u'r'rere re gre gogoigoininging ing t to to to s si sipip p op onon on t th the theseseese e se ststrstrastrawawsaws?s? ? I I I d dodonon'on't't t kt knknonownow w ww whwhahatat t tt ththethe the cthe cocomcompmpapananyany y wy wawaswas s ts ththithinthinknkikininging ing wing whwhewhenen en ten ththetheythey y py prprorododuducuceceded ed t th thi thisis is p pr prorodroduducductct,t, , o ot oththetherther r t th tha thanan an a as as s as a a ca cacanandandydy y ty toto to b be be e ee eaeateatetenen.en.<.<b<brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br r /r />r />I>I I bI bebelelilieieveveve e te ththethe the tthe tetertermrm m "m """"s"ststisticstickck"k"""" "" d do doeoesoes s ns nos notot t at acaccccucurcuraratrateteltelyly ly d de desescescrcriribibebe be t th thi this this s ps prproprododuoducuctuct t at ant andnd nd i is is s ms . . I I
ally thin plastic straws filled with honey! There is no way I'm going to insert a plastic straw into a hot cup of tea. I'm not sure it would work anyway; I suppose you could cut open each end and then blow the honey in the tea. Does Stash think you're going to sip on these straws? I don't know what the company was thinking when they produced this product, other than as a candy to be eaten.<br /><br />I believe the term ""stick"" does not accurately describe this product and is misleading. I
ddodouoububtbt t i itit't's's s i in intntetenentntintioiononanalal,l, , h hohowoweweveveverer.r. . T ThThehe e S StStatasashsh h T Te Teaea a C CoComompmpapananyny y i is is s as anan an e exexcxcecelellllelenentent t ct cocomompompapanpanyny ny a anandand d h ha hasas as m mamananyany y hy hihigighgh h qh ququaualalialitityity y ty teteateasas as aas anandand and p prprorododuducuctctsts.s.<.<b<brbr r / />/><><b<br<br r /r />/>T/>ThTheThe e he hohonhoneneyey y fy flflalavavovororereded d wd wiwitithith h ch chchahaiai i s spspipicicecesces s is isis s gs gogoooodod od e en enonouougoughgh gh b bubutut t ft frfraranankanklklyly,y, , i, itit it i it it t at a a va veververyry y ey exexpexpepenensensisiviveve ve w wawayay y ty toy to o b bu buyuy y hy hoy hononeoneyey.ey. . . B BeBetetttteterter r tr toto o bo bubuybuy y ay a a ja jajarar r ar anandand and fand flflaflavavoavoror or i it it it y yoyououroursrseselelfelf.f. . . I. I I w wo wouounoundnd d ud upup p u ususisinsingng g t ththeheshesese se C Ch Chahaihai i Hi HoHononeoneyoney y Sy StStiSticickicksks s bs byby y cy cucututtuttitiningng ng o opopepenpen n o on onene ne e en end end d ad anandand and pand prprepresessssisinsingsing g og ououtout t tt ththethe e he hoe hononeoneyoney oney i in int intoto to a a a t te teaea ea c cucupcup/p/p/popotot,t, , w, whwhihichichch ch w wa wasas as mas memesessessysy y ay any andnd nd t ti timimeme me c co cononsonsusumumimininging.g.<.<b.<brbr br / /> /><><b><brbr br /br />/>I/>I I lI lolovoveve ve Sve StStaStasashash h th teteatea.tea....... .. d drdririninkink k i it it it e it eveveevereryery y my . . B. BuButut ut t th thihishis
doubt it's intentional, however. The Stash Tea Company is an excellent company and has many high quality teas and products.<br /><br />The honey flavored with chai spices is good enough but frankly, it it a very expensive way to buy honey. Better to buy a jar and flavor it yourself. I wound up using these Chai Honey Sticks by cutting open one end and pressing out the honey into a tea cup/pot, which was messy and time consuming.<br /><br />I love Stash tea... drink it every morning. But this
pprprorododuducuctct t i isis s a a a b bubusustst t at anandnd d I I I w wowououluldld d nd neneveveverer r p pupururcrchchahasasese e i it it t at agt agagaiainin.n.".""55656868484040505,5,B,B0B0000505O05OTOTVTVLVL8L8C8C,C,A,A1A1U1UJUJMJMVMVEVE0E0L0LCLCOCOIOI4I4545,5,J5,J.J. . W WoWololflf,f,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,15,1313535050101717272828080000,00,g,grgrereaeatat t ft flflalavavovoror r br boboooosostst,st,","I"IfIf f y yoyouou ou w wa wanantant t tt toto o a ad adddd d ad a a ha hihinintint t ot ofof f Mf MeMeyeyeyerer er l lelememomonon n f flflaflavavoavoror or t toto to a a a d didisishish,h, , t th thehenen n jn jujusustust t at adt adddd dd a a a d a drdririzizzzzlzlele le o ofof of t th thi thisis is w wo wonondondedererferfufulul ul o oi oilil.l. . . V VeVegegegetetatabablblelesles,s, , f, fifisishish,ish, , e, etetcetc.c. . . I. I'I'v'veve ve t tr tririerieded d sd sesevseveververaralal l b br braranrandndsnds s as anandand d fd fifinfindnd nd t th thi this this s ts toto to hto hahavhaveve ve tve ththehe he n ninicicecesestst st f fl flalavlavovorvor r or ofof of lof lelemlemomonmon n wn wiwitithth th t th the the e be bubutbuttttetereryery y s smsmomoomootothth th fth flflaflavflavovorvor vor o of of f Mf Mif Misississisioionon on o ol olilivivevesves.s. . . N. NoNotot ot a an an n en eveveevereryery ery d da dayay y cy cocooookookikininging g o oi oil oil,l, , b, bubutbut but a a a f a fifinfinifinisishishiishininging ing t to tououcouchch ch o on on n mn mamananyany y dy didisdishsheheshes.s."s.""5"565685684840840606,6,B,B0,B00000000P0P5P5656I56I7I7Y7Y,Y,A,A2,A2Z2ZKZKNKNGNGLGL2L2020F0FBFBKBK2K2I2I,I,S,ShShahathatztzizi i
product is a bust and I would never purchase it again." 568405,B005OTVL8C,A1UJMVE0LCOI45,J. Wolf,0,0,5,1350172800,great flavor boost,"If you want to add a hint of Meyer lemon flavor to a dish, then just add a drizzle of this wonderful oil. Vegetables, fish, etc. I've tried several brands and find this to have the nicest flavor of lemon with the buttery smooth flavor of Mission olives. Not an every day cooking oil, but a finishing touch on many dishes." 568406,B000P56I7Y,A2ZKNGL20FBK2I,Shatzi
CCrCrarababtbtrtrereeee,e,3,3,3,5,5,5,5,5,,5,1,1212727474949191818484040000,0,A,ArArrrririviveveded d F FiFininene,e,"e,"T"ThThehe e p prprorododuducuctct t a ararrrrirriviveiveded ed p pr preretrettttyty y q ququiuicickcklklyly y ay anandnd d wd wawasas s e eaeasasyasy y ty toto o m mamakakeke,e, e, t tatasastasteteded ed ved veververyry y gy gogoooodod.od. . N NiNiciceice e fe foforor r u usus s hs heherherere re i inin in t th thehe he U USUS S w whwhoho o no nenevneveverver ver g gegetet t Yt YoYororkorkskshshihirirere re Pre PuPududdddidininging g w wh whehenhen n n nonotot t it inin in Ein EnEngnglglalanandand.d.".""556568684840840707,7,B,B0B00003003939K9KEKE8E8Y8Y2Y2,2,A,A3,A39392392F2FNFNHNHBHBJBJRJR1R1I1IYIY6Y6,6,L,LeLeoeo o Bo BrBrereereededeedenen,n,0,0,0,00,0,0,40,4,4,1,13,133336368686686767272020000,00,g,grgrereareatat t tt tatastaststete,te,T,ThThiThisis s as apapppplplele e be bubututtttetterer r hr hahasas as a a a g gr grereareatreat t tt tat tasastasteaste e be bue butut ut t th the the e pe prpripriciceice ice i is is s ss soso o Io I I w wo wououluldld d nd nonotnot t pt pupururcrchchahashasese e ae . I. I I kI knknonownow w i it it t ct cacanan an n no notot ot c cocosostst st t th thi thisis is m mu mucuchuch h t to to o po prproprododuoducuceuce e se susucuchuch uch a a a s a smsmamalmallll l j jajararar5565686846840408408,8,B,B0,B00001001818C18CLCLWLWMWM4M4,4,A4,ANANKNKMKM1M1R1RMRMQMQ4Q4R4RKRKQKQ6Q6,6,S6,SpSpapacacecememamanman,n,6n,6,6,66,6,6,56,5,5,15,1212912919149142420208208080000,00,P00,PrPreremremimiuiumum m E EdEdgdgege ge D DrDryry ry C CaCatat at F Fo Foooodood d fd
Crabtree,3,5,5,1274918400,Arrived Fine,"The product arrived pretty quickly and was easy to make, tasted very good. Nice for us here in the US who never get Yorkshire Pudding when not in England." 568407,B0039KE8Y2,A392FNHBJR1IY6,Leo Breeden,0,0,4,1336867200,great taste,This apple butter has a great taste but the price is so I would not purchase again. I know it can not cost this much to produce such a small jar 568408,B0018CLWM4,ANKM1RMQ4RKQ6,Spaceman,6,6,5,1291420800,Premium Edge Dry Cat Food f
ooror r K KiKitittttetenen,n,","M"MyMy y 6 6 6 m momonontnthth h o ololdld d m ma malalele e T TuTuxuxexededodo o c cacatat t l lilikikekeses s P PrPrerememimiuiumum m E EdEdgdgege e De DrDryry y Cy CaCatat at F FoFoooodod d fd foforor or K Ki Kitittittetenten,n, n, C ChChihicickckekenken,n, n, Sn, SaSalalmalmomonmon n a anandnd d Vd VeVegegegetgetatabablblelesles,s, , w whwhihichichch h ih isis s "s """"Y"Y"Y"""" "" s shshahapapepeded ed k kikibibbbblbleble,e, , s, sisimimimilmilalarar r tr toto o Co CaCalCaliliflifoforfornrniniaianan an N NaNatatuatururaralal al < <a<a a h hrhrerefref=f="=""""h""hthttttpttp:p:/:////w/wwwwwww.ww.a.amamamazazozonon.on.c.cocomom/m/g/gpgp/p/p/prprorododuoducuctct/t/B/B0B0000000F00F7F7878282J2JYJY"Y""Y"">">C>ChChiChicickickekenken ken a an andnd nd R RiRiciceice e De Dre Dryry ry C Ca Catat at aat anandand d Kd KiKitKittttettenen en F Fo Foooodood d -d - - 5 5 5 l lb lb b - - - B- BaBagag<g</</a/a>a>.>. . P Pr Preremremimiumiumum um E Ed Edgdgedge e he hahashas s as a a ha hihighighgheherer r fr fafatat at cat coconcontntentenentent t tt ththathanan an Can CaCalCaliCalififoforfornforniniania a Na NaNatNatutururauralal,al, , a, anandand and i isis is t ththetherereerefefoforforefore e re rerecrecocomcommmmemenendendededed ed oed ononlonlyly y fy foforfor for k ki kitittitteittenensens.s. . B. BaBasBaseseded ed oed oned on n tn ththethe the s st statattatetedted d id iningngrgreredredidieienententsents s as ans andnd nd nnd nunututrtrirititiitioiononaonalal al ial ininfinfoforformformamatmatitioionion,n, n, In, I I a aw awawarardard d Pd PrPrePrememiemiuiumium m Em EdEdgEdgege ge D DrDryDry y Cy Cay Catat at Fat FoFooFoodod od f
or Kitten,"My 6 month old male Tuxedo cat likes Premium Edge Dry Cat Food for Kitten, Chicken, Salmon and Vegetables, which is ""Y"" shaped kibble, similar to Californian Natural <a href="""">Chicken and Rice Dry Cat and Kitten Food - 5 lb - Bag</a>. Premium Edge has a higher fat content than California Natural, and is therefore recommended only for kittens. Based on the stated ingredients and nutritional information, I award Premium Edge Dry Cat Food f
ooror r K KiKitittttetenen,n, , C ChChihicickckekenen,en, , S, SaSalalmlmomonon n a anandnd d V VeVegegegetetatabablbleleses,s, , ", """"5"5 5 S StStatartarsrs,s,"s,"""" "" e evevevenen en t ththohouougughgh h t th thehe e b babagag g d dodoeoeses es n nonotot t f fefeaeatatutururere e ae a a r reresreseseaealealalabablablele le s ststrtriripip,p, , w, whwhihichichch h ih isis s a a a n ni niciceice e fe fefeafeatatuaturureure e te ththathatat at s so somomeme e oe otothotheherher r kr kikibibbbblbleble e ce cacatat at fat fofoooodod d bd babagbagsgs s hs".""55656868484040909,9,B,B0B0000101818C8CLCLWLWMWM4M4,4,A,AJAJGJGOGOFOF4F4W4W5W5050Z0ZNZNBNB4B4,4,j4,jeje2e2u2u,u,3,3,3,3,3,,3,5,5,5,1,1313131010505151515252020000,00,P,PrPreremremimiuiumum m E EdEdgdgege ge K Ki Kitittittetenten n Fn FoFoooodood,d,","T"ThThihishis s is isis is a a a g a gogoooodood ood f fo foooodood ood wood wiwitithith h dh dedecececenentent t it iningngrgreredredidieienententsents s &s & & i itit it i is is s as afaffffoforfordrdadabablableable.e. . M MyMy y f fi fininiinicickickyky y cy cacatcat t dt dodoedoeses es bes bebetettetteterter r or onon on i it it t tt ththathanthan n sn sosomomeome e me momormorere re e ex expxpepenensensisiviveve ve b br braranandandsds.s. . U. UnUnlnlilikikeke ke a a a c a cocomommommemenmentnt t ot onon on hon heherherehere e se ststastatatiatininging g og otothotheothererwrwiwiswisese,se,t,ththethe e fe fie firirsrstrst t 2t 2 2 i in ingngrngreredrediredieienientntsnts s as ars arere re Cre ChChiChicickickeickenen en &en & & C& ChChiChicChickckeckenen en men memeamealal,al,t,th,thehe he f fo foo foodod od i is is is n na nat
or Kitten, Chicken, Salmon and Vegetables, ""5 Stars,"" even though the bag does not feature a resealable strip, which is a nice feature that some other kibble cat food bags have." 568409,B0018CLWM4,AJGOF4W50ZNB4,je2u,3,3,5,1310515200,Premium Edge Kitten Food,"This is a good food with decent ingredients & it is affordable. My finicky cat does better on it than some more expensive brands. Unlike a comment on here stating otherwise,the first 2 ingredients are Chicken & Chicken meal,the food is nat
uururaralallllyly y p prprereseseserervrveveded.d. . S SoSo,o,I,I I g gagavaveve ve i itit t 5 5 5 s ststatararsrs s e evevevenven n t ththohouougughgh h I I I aI amam m n nonotot t at a a b bibigig g f fafanan n on ofof f D DiDiaiamamoamonondnd d f fo foooododsds s bs bebeieiningng g tg ththethe e m".""55656868484141010,0,B,B0B0000101818C8CLCLWLWMWM4M4,4,A,A2A2P2PEPE0E0A0AGAGWGWVWV6V6O6OPOPLPL7L7,7,D,DaDararkark k W WaWatateterer er M MeMerermermamaimaidid,d,3,3,3,3,3,,3,5,5,5,1,1313030909696565151212020000,00,Q,QuQuaualalialitityity y &y & & a afaffffoforordrdadabablblele e fe fofoofoodod,od,","I"I I wI wawasas s vs veververyry y py plplelealeasaseaseded ed w wiwitithith h th ththethe the i in ingngrngreredredidieienentnt t qt ququaualualilitityity,ity, , t ta tasastastete te ( (a(acaccccocorordordidindingng ng t to to o t th thehe e ke kikitittittitieiesies)s),), , p, prpripricicece,e, , a, anandand d rd rereareasasoasononaonabablablele le k kikibkibbbblbleble e se sisizizeze e oe ofof of t th thi thisis s fs fofoofoodfood.d. d. I I I f fe feded ed ted ththithisis is f fo foo foodod od t to to to a ap apppprproproxoxiximimamatmateteltelyly ly 2 2020 20 d didifdiffffefferereerenentent t ct cacatatsats s as anandand and i it it t wt wawaswas s ws wewelellll ll r rerecrececeiceivivevedved d bd byby y ty ththethe the mthe mamajmajojororioritityity,ity, ity, e ev evevenven ven t th the the e ee exextxtrtreremrememelelyely y py piy picickickyky y oy ononeone.e. . M. MyMy y cy cacatcatsts s es eaeatat at a a a v vavarariarieietietyty y oy ofy of f ff . T. ThTheheyhey y ey eaeatea
urally preserved. So,I gave it 5 stars even though I am not a big fan of Diamond foods being the manufacturer." 568410,B0018CLWM4,A2PE0AGWV6OPL7,Dark Water Mermaid,3,3,5,1309651200,Quality & affordable food,"I was very pleased with the ingredient quality, taste (according to the kitties), price, and reasonable kibble size of this food. I fed this food to approximately 20 different cats and it was well received by the majority, even the extremely picky one. My cats eat a variety of food. They eat
h hohomomemememamadadede e r rarawaw,w, , f frfrereeeezezeze e de drdririeieded d r ra rawaw,aw, , g, grgrarairainin n f fr frereeree e de dre dryry/y/c/cacanannnneneded,ed, , a, anandand d nd nononon n gn grgragraiainin-in-f-frfrefreeee ee d drdrydry/y/cy/cacancannnnenneded ed f fo foooodod.d. . M MyMy y p peperersrsosononaonalal,l, , s, seseneninioioror r p pi picickckyky y cy cacatcat t e eaeasasisililyly y vy vovomomiomititsts s w wiwitithith h m momosostst t ft fofoooodood.d..d.....t.ththihisis s fs fofoofoodod od w wa wasas as v vevereryery y ey eaeaseasysy y oy onon on h he herer er s sesensensnsisitsititiviveve ve s st stotomomaomacachch.h. . I. I I w wo wououluldld d nd nod notot t ht hehesesisitsitasitatatete e te toto to p pu pururcrchchachasasease e te the thihishis s fs fos foooodood ood a agagagaiainain"n""55656868484141111,1,B,B0B0000101818C8CLCLWLWMWM4M4,4,A,A8A8888H8HLHLWLWDLWDCDCUCU5U5757W7WGWG,G,R,R2R2828,8,2,2,2,2,2,,2,5,5,5,1,1313333232929797979292020000,00,l,lilitittitteterter r br boboxox,x,","M"MyMy My m ma maiainain ain r re reaeaseasoeasonon on fon foforfor r tr ththethe e fe fifiviveive e se ststastarar r rr rerevrevivieiewiew w h ha hasas as tas toto to dto dodo o w wi witithith ith t ththethe the l lilitlitttteterter ter b boboxbox.x. . . W WhWhehenhen n In I I tI trtririerieded ed sed swswiwitwitctchch ch m my my y ky kikitittitteittenensens s os ofoffff f o ofof of t th thihishis his k kikitkittttettenen en f fo foo foodod od ood onontontoto to ato a a b br braranrandnd d Id I I bI boboubougughghtht t at atat at t th the the e ge grgrogrococecereryery ery s st sto stororeore e te the thee theieirir r lr lilitlittlitteter
homemade raw, freeze dried raw, grain free dry/canned, and non grain-free dry/canned food. My personal, senior picky cat easily vomits with most food...this food was very easy on her sensitive stomach. I would not hesitate to purchase this food again" 568411,B0018CLWM4,A88HLWDCU57WG,R28,2,2,5,1332979200,litter box,"My main reason for the five star review has to do with the litter box. When I tried switch my kittens off of this kitten food onto a brand I bought at the grocery store their litter
b boboxox x s ststatarartrteteded d s sm smemelelllliliningng g h hohororrrriribiblblele e ! ! ! W WhWhehenen n I I I s sw swiwititctchchehedhed d td ththehemhem m b ba bacackck k t toto o t th thihisis s f fofoooodod,d, , l lilitlitttteterter r b bo boxox ox w wewenentent t b ba bac backck ck t to to o mo mimininiinimimamalal l o ododoodoror.or. . f fifiviveve e se ststastarar ar f fr froromom m mm meme me : :):)")""55656868484141212,2,B,B0B0000101818C8CLCLWLWMWM4M4,4,A,AUAUXUX1X1H1HSHSYSY8Y8F8FXFX5X5555S5S,S,D,DADAWAW,W,1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1,13,131319195950500008008080000,00,H,HaHapappppypy y C CaCamampmpeperer,r,","I"I I bI boboubougughghtht t tt ththithisis is t to to to t tr tryry y oy onon n tn twtwowo o ro reregegigisististeterteretereded ed M MaMaiainineine e Ce CoCoooonoon n kn kikitittittetentensns,s, , a, asas s os ononeone e ie isis is pis pipicickckycky y ay anandnd d rd rerefrefufususeseded ed aed alallall l pl prprerevrevivioiouousus us d drdryry ry f fo foooodoodsds.s. . . I I I f fe feeeeded ed wed wewetwet t ft fofoofoodod od s se seveveververaralal al t ti timimeimeses s as a a d da dayay y ay any andnd nd k kekeeeepeep p d dr dryry ry fry fofoofoodfood d ad avavavaiailailalabablbleble e ae atat t at alallall all t ti tim timemesmes.s. s. T ToTo o mo myo my y sy susururprprpriprisiseise,e, , t, ththetheyey y by bobotbothth th l lo lovoveve ve t th thi thisis is dis drdrydry y fy . . F. FoForor or a a a la lolowowewerwer r pr prpripricpriceceded ed ded drdrydry dry f fo foo foodod,od, , i, itit it h ha hasas as e exexcxcecepceptptitioionionanalal al ial iningingrgreredredidieienententsents.
box started smelling horrible ! When I switched them back to this food, litter box went back to minimal odor. five star from me :)" 568412,B0018CLWM4,AUX1HSY8FX55S,DAW,1,1,5,1319500800,Happy Camper,"I bought this to try on two registered Maine Coon kittens, as one is picky and refused all previous dry foods. I feed wet food several times a day and keep dry food available at all times. To my surprise, they both love this dry food. For a lower priced dry food, it has exceptional ingredients.
F FaFatat t c coconontntetenentnt nt i isis s h hihigighgh,h, , b bubutut t tt ththahatat'at's's s gs gogoooodod d f foforor r a acactctitiviveve,e, , g, grgrorowowiwiningng g k kikitittttetentensns.s. . I I I l lolovoveve ve h he heaeararirininging g tg ththethemem m c cr crurununcnchchihinhingng ng b be betetwtweweeeenen en w wewetwet t ft fofoofoodod od f fe feeeedeedidiningingsings.s. s. A AtAt t 1t 1212 2 m momonontonththsths,s, , I, I'I'l'llll l t trtryry y t to to o f fi finindind d ad a a d didifdiffffeferererenentent t dt drdryry ry f fo foooodood d td ththetheythey y ly lilikikeke,e, e, b bu butut ut f fo for for r nr nonowow ow I I'I'mI'm m am a a va veververyry ry hry hahaphappppypy y cy".""55656868484141313,3,B,B0B0000101818C8CLCLWLWMWM4M4,4,A,AVAVZVZ2Z2O2OZOZ4Z4747979Q9Q9Q9E9E8E8,8,A,Ai,Ai i L LiLininging ing C ChChohowow,ow,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,13133133636464343535252020000,00,T,TwTwowo o So SiSibibebererieriaianansns ns l li likikeike e i it it!t!,!,","W"WhWhehenen en wen wewe we b br brorourougughghtght t ht hohomhomeme e te twtwotwo o 3o 3-3-m-momonmontnthnth-h-o-ololdld d pd pupururerebrebrbreredred d Sd SiSibSibeberbeririarianan an k ki kitittittetentenstens,s, s, t th thihishis s ws wawasas s ts ththethe the d dr dryry ry fry fofoofoodfood d Id I I pI pipicickckekedked d fd foforfor r tr ththethemthem.m. . . W WoWololfolfrfraramam,am, , t, ththethe the bthe boboyoy,y, , p, prprerefrefeferfersrs s ts ths thihishis his t to to to h hi hisis is w we wetet et c ca canannanneneded d fd fod foooodood!ood! ! C CaCatatmatmimiuiumum,m, , t, th, thehe he g gigirirlrl,l, , l, liliklikekeske
Fat content is high, but that's good for active, growing kittens. I love hearing them crunching between wet food feedings. At 12 months, I'll try to find a different dry food they like, but for now I'm a very happy camper." 568413,B0018CLWM4,AVZ2OZ479Q9E8,Ai Ling Chow,0,0,5,1336435200,Two Siberians like it!,"When we brought home two 3-month-old purebred Siberian kittens, this was the dry food I picked for them. Wolfram, the boy, prefers this to his wet canned food! Catmium, the girl, likes
w wewetet t f fofoooodod d b bebetettetteterer,r, , b bu butut t st shshehe'e'l'llll l e eaeatat t tt ththihisis s w wh whehenhen n s shsheshe'e'se's s hs huhunungngrgryry y a anandnd d td ththetherereere'e'se's e's n nono o w we wetet et f fo foooodood.d. . ( (T(ThTheheyhey y ay alalslsoso o eo eaeateat t tt tht thehe he k kikitittttetenten n vn veverersersisioiononsns s os ofof f F FaFanancancycy y Fy FeFeaeaseastst t wt wewetwet t ct cacanannanneneded d fd fofoofoodod;od; ; i itit it u ususeseded ed t toto o bo bebe be 1 1 1 c cacancan n pn peperer er c ca catat at d dadaiaililyly,y, , b, bubutut ut w we we' we'v'veve ve c cu cutut ut dut dodowownwn n tn toto to h hahalalfalf f af a a c ca can can n pn pen perer er cer cacatcat t dt dadaidaililyily.y. . . C CaCatatmatmimiuiumum m w wa wasas s gs gogobobbbblbliliningng ng h he herer er wer wewetwet wet f fo foo foodod od a an andnd nd t th thehenhen hen e ea eatatiatininging g W WoWololflfrfraramam'm's's,s, , a, anandand d Wd WoWolWolflfrlfraramram m wm wawasas as l leletettettiettininging ing h he her her,r, r, p prprerefefefererrerririninging ing ting toto to eto eaeateat eat d dr dryry ry f fo foo food food;d; ; h; hehe he lhe liliklikekeses s ts ththethe the c cr crurununcunchchihinhinenesnessss.s. . . C. CaCatCatmtmimiumiumum um d di dididndn'n't't t nt neneeneeded ed ted twtwowo o co cacancanscans s as a a da dadayday,y, y, s so so o no nonownow w w we we we j jujusustust t pt puputut ut out ououtut ut out onut onene ne c ca can can can a a a d da dayay y ay any andnd nd tnd ththetheythey y ey eaeateat eat deat drdryry ry fry fofoofoodfood d id ifif f tf ththetheythey they d do donon'on't't 't g gegetet et eet enenonounougughgh h o of
wet food better, but she'll eat this when she's hungry and there's no wet food. (They also eat the kitten versions of Fancy Feast wet canned food; it used to be 1 can per cat daily, but we've cut down to half a can per cat daily. Catmium was gobbling her wet food and then eating Wolfram's, and Wolfram was letting her, preferring to eat dry food; he likes the crunchiness. Catmium didn't need two cans a day, so now we just put out one can a day and they eat dry food if they don't get enough of
t ththehe e w wewetet.t.).) ) T ThTheheyhey y a ararere e ge grgrorowowiwiningng g q ququiuicickcklklyly,y, , a an andnd d t th theheyhey hey a ar arere re a ad adodororarabablblele e le lilitittttltlele le f fufururbrbabalallllsls s f fu fulullll ll o ofof f e enenenerergrgygy.y. . T ThTheTheieirir r c cocoaoatatsts s as arareare e se sosofoftoft t a an and and d ld luluxuxuxururiurioiouousus,s, , t, totoooo.o.".""55656868484141414,4,B,B0B0000101818C8CLCLWLWMWM4M4,4,A4,AIAI3I3Y3Y2Y2626H6HLHLPLPYPYWYW4W4L4L,L,k,kikimimomososasababeabe,e,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,,2,1,13,1333303000040041416416060000,00,p,prpreremremimiuiumum m e ed edgdgege e ce cacatat at f fo foooodood,d,","M"MyMy y cy cacatcatsts ts d dodondon'n't't t lt liliklikeke e ie . w. whwhahatat at eat elelslselse e ce cae canan n I I I s sasaysay y ty toto to r rereareacachch h 2 2020 0 w wo worordordsds.s. . . I It It t wt wawasas s as ans an n en exexpxpepenensensisiviveve e me . . M. MyMy My o ol oldldederer er c ca catat at lat liliklikelikeses s ts ththethe e pe prpreprememimiumiumum um e ed edg edgege ge f fo foo foodod d fd foforor or o ol old oldederder r cr cacatcatscats,s, s, b bubutut t st shshehe he m mamayay y jy jujusustust t bt bebe e ee eaeatatiatininging g ig itit it b be bececacaucaususeuse e te ththathatat at iat isis s ws whwhawhatat at sat shsheshe e ge gee getetsets.s."s.""5"565685684841841515,5,B,B0,B00000000202A2ARARMRMSMS6S6,6,A,ALALMLMAMANANYNY3Y3C3CKCKWKWVWVHVH7H7,7,S,SeSerervervavalal,al,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,15,131343484818181851856560560000,00,E00,ExExoxototiticic ic f fo foo food food,d,"d,"T"ThThiTh
the wet.) They are growing quickly, and they are adorable little furballs full of energy. Their coats are soft and luxurious, too." 568414,B0018CLWM4,AI3Y26HLPYW4L,kimosabe,1,2,2,1330041600,premium edge cat food,"My cats don't like it. what else can I say to reach 20 words. It was an expensive mistake. My older cat likes the premium edge food for older cats, but she may just be eating it because that is what she gets." 568415,B0002ARMS6,ALMANY3CKWVH7,Serval,0,0,5,1348185600,Exotic food,"Thi
ss s i isis s as alalwlwawayaysys s as a s a g gogoooodod d p prprorododuoducuctct t f foforor r E ExExoxototiticic c C CaCatatsts.s. . I IfIf f y yoyouou u c cacanan'n't't t gt gegetet t rt rarawaw w m memeaeatat,at, , t ththeheieirir r fr fafavavovororiorititete,e, , t, ththethenen n t th thihisis is i is is s ys yoyouyourur r fr for foooodood.d. . T. ThTheheyhey y l lolovoveve e i it it.t......."..""55656868484141616,6,B,B0B0000000J00JTJT4T4545I5IAIA,A,A,AEAEWEW1W1U1UWUWTWTITI3I3M3MCMCVCVNVN,N,","J"JoJohohnhn n Sn S S " """"J"Jo"Johohnohnnnnyny"y"""""""",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,11117177775754545456456060000,00,H,HaHanandandsds s ds dodowownwn n tn ththethe the b bebesestst t dt drdreresessessisiningng g I I' I'v'veve ve e eveveverver r hr hahadad.d..d.....,..,a,asas s is itit it s shshohououlouldld d bd bebe be f fo foror or $ $6$6 6 a a a b bo botottottltlele.e..5565686846841417417,7,B,B0,B00000000000D00D1D1616I16IPIP,P,A,AQ,AQBQB1B1D1DEDEDEDUDUQUQYQYQYQKQK1K1,1,D,DaDavaviavidid d Jd J.J. . A. AlAlelexlexaxanandandeanderer,r,2,2,2,2,2,,2,2,2,,2,1,2,121272777737733337376760600600,0,n0,nonotot ot w whwhahathat t It I I o orordordederereereded,d,","W,"WhWhehenhen n In I I oI orordordeorderereeredered d td ththithisis is cis chchuhututntneneyey,y, , i, itit it wit wawaswas s ss susupuppppopososeseded ed t to to o b be be e "e """"S""SuSunun"n"""" "" b br braranrandnd,d, d, w wh wheherherere re m ma manangangogoegoeses es w we werereere ere t th the the e fe fifirirsirstst st i in ingngrngreredredidieienentent.t. t. W WhWhaWhatat at I I I w wa wasas as s se senentent ent w wa was was s "s """"P""PaPatataatakak"k
s is always a good product for Exotic Cats. If you can't get raw meat, their favorite, then this is your food. They love it..." 568416,B000JT45IA,AEW1UWTI3MCVN,"John S ""Johnny""",0,0,5,1177545600,Hands down the best dressing I've ever had...,as it should be for $6 a bottle. 568417,B0000D16IP,AQB1DEDUQYQK1,David J. Alexander,2,2,2,1277337600,not what I ordered,"When I ordered this chutney, it was supposed to be ""Sun"" brand, where mangoes were the first ingredient. What I was sent was ""Patak"
"" " b brbraranandnd,d, , w whwhehererere e s susugugagarar r i isis s t ththehe he f fifirirsrstst t i in ingngrgreredredidieienentnt,t, , a, anandand d w wh whihicichch h i is is s qs ququiuititete e se swsweweeeetet t ft foforor r ar a a c chchuchututntneneyey.y. . I I I d dodonon'n't't t ft fet feeeeleel l I I I g gogotot t wt whwhawhatat t It I I oI orordordederereereded.d. . . I I I h I hahavaveve e be bobouougughughtht t Pt PaPatataatakak k b br braranrandnd nd i in in in t th thehe he phe papasastst st a anandand and d di dididndn'n'tn't t lt lilikikeke e ie itit it m".""55656868484141818,8,B,B0B00000000000D0D1D1616I6IPIP,P,A,A1A1S1SOSOLOL9L9F9F0F0I0I9I9D9D3D3A3A4A4,4,W,WiWilillllilialiamam m M M.M. . J. JaJacacocobobsbs,s,2,2,2,4,4,4,44,4,4,14,1212525757878989797676060000,00,G,GrGrereareatat,at,T,ThThihishis s is isis is t th the the e be bee besestst st bst brbrabranandand and oand ofof f M Ma Manangangogo go C ChChuhututnutneneyney y t th tha thatat at I I I h I ha I havaveave e be bee beee beenen en a ab ablblele e te toto o b bu buyuy y ay anandand and eand enenjenjojoyoy.y.y.5565686846841419419,9,B,B0,B00001001F1F2F2G2GDGDJDJYJY,Y,A,AF,AFFFFKFKPKPAPAAAAZAZCZCQCQ5Q5I5IKIK,K,b,bibisisciscucuiuituit,t,3t,3,3,3,3,3,53,5,5,1,13132322224243438384840840000,00,t00,tutufuffffeferer,er,w,wewe we j jujusustst st hst hahadhad d ad a a na nenewnew w l lalawawnwn n p puputut ut i in in in a in anandand and iand itit it wit wawasas as v veververyry y ey . t. ththithisis is pis prprorododuducuctuct t rt rerearealreallllylly y wy wowororkorkekedked.d. d. i it it t wt wat wasas as nas ninic
" brand, where sugar is the first ingredient, and which is quite sweet for a chutney. I don't feel I got what I ordered. I have bought Patak brand in the past and didn't like it much." 568418,B0000D16IP,A1SOL9F0I9D3A4,William M. Jacobs,2,4,4,1257897600,Great,This is the best brand of Mango Chutney that I have been able to buy and enjoy. 568419,B001F2GDJY,AFFKPAAZCQ5IK,biscuit,3,3,5,1322438400,tuffer,we just had a new lawn put in and it was very expensive. this product really worked. it was nic
ee e t toto o n nonotot t s seseeee e ae alallll l t th thehe e ye yeyelellllollowow w s sp spopototsots s a alallall l ol ovoveverer r t th the the e le lalawawnwn.n. . i i i w wowououluldld d g gigiviveve ve t th thi thisis s ps prprorododuducuctct t at a a 1 1010.0. . i. i i hi hahavaveve ve wve wiwilillll ll o orordrdederer er i it it t at agt agagaiainin.n. n. s si sinincincecerereerelelyely y k kakataththyhy y py pipinintintototo55656868484242020,0,B,B0B0000101F1F2F2G2GDGDJDJYJY,Y,A,A2A2I2ININ5N56568568F8FEFEHEHYHYSYSQSQ8Q8,8,B,Bu,Bususysy y My MoMomom,m,0,0,0,00,0,0,50,5,5,1,13135350505051518184840840000,00,r,rereaealallallyally y wy woworworkrksks!s!,!,","I"I I h hahavhaveve ve bve bebeeeeneen n u ususiusininging g t th thi this this s ps prs prorodroduducductct ct f foforor or t tw twowo wo y yeyeayeararsrs s ns nonownow w aw anandnd d hd hahavhavehave e se seseeseenen n an a a ha huhugugege e de didififfffeferereerenerencncece ce i in in n hn hohowow ow m mymy y ly lalawlawnwn wn l lolooookoksks.ks. . I. I I hI hahavhavehave have t tw two two o do dodogogsgs s as anandand d td ththethe e le lae lawawnawn n ln loloolookokeokeded d td ted tererrerriribiblblele e be bebefbefoforforere re I I I sI ststatarartarteteded ed u us usisininging ing G GrGrarasasssssssassavaveaverer er Ber BiBisisciscucuiuititsts.s. . . P PlPlulusus us m my my y dy dodogdogsgs gs l lo lovoveove e te ththethemthem,m, m, w wh whihicichch h m ma makakekeses s is itit it s so so o eo eaeaseasysy sy t to to o uo ususeuse.e.".""5565686846842421421,1,B,B0,B00004004B4BYBY2Y2323I3I8I8,8,A8,A2A2BA2B0B07B07R7RJRJZJZVZVDVDUDUJUJAJA5A5,5,P5,P.P. . M. MaMasasease,e
e to not see all the yellow spots all over the lawn. i would give this product a 10. i have will order it again. sincerely kathy pinto 568420,B001F2GDJY,A2IN568FEHYSQ8,Busy Mom,0,0,5,1350518400,really works!,"I have been using this product for two years now and have seen a huge difference in how my lawn looks. I have two dogs and the lawn looked terrible before I started using Grasssaver Biscuits. Plus my dogs love them, which makes it so easy to use." 568421,B004BY23I8,A2B07RJZVDUJA5,P. Mase,
00,0,0,0,0,40,4,4,1,1313535050505151818484040000,0,C0,CoCo-o-c-coco-o-yo-yuyumummmmymy!y!,!,","L"LoLovoveve e t ththehe e ce cococcococonconunutut t f flflalavavovoror r o ofof f t th thihisis s t te teaea.a. . T TwTwowo o t th thi thiningngsgs s Is I I w wiwisishish h w we wererere e de didififfffeferereerenentnt-t-t-ththethe e me memetetatalal l r ririmim m i isis is s slsliligighghthtltlyly y s sh shahararprp p a anandnd d y yoyouou u n neneeeeded d td toto o bo bebe e ce cae cararearefefufulul,l, , w wo wououlouldld d pd prprerefrefeferfer r tr ththathatat t tt ththetheythey y my mamakakeke e te ththithisis is iis inin in l lalarlargrgegerer er s si sizizeze e (e (a(atat at l le leaeaseastst t 1t 1616 6 o oz oz)z).).".""556568684842842222,2,B,B0B00004004B4BYBY2Y2323I3I8I8,8,A,A1A1010J0JGJGJGJ9J9J9JOJOJOJOJOXJOXQXQVQV,V,W,W W W WeWeaeaveaveverver,r,0,0,,0,0,0,,0,5,0,5,5,1,13,1343404054058582824240400400,0,G0,GoGoooodod d Sd StStutufuffff,ff,P,PaPacacicififiificic c C ChChahaihai i c cococcocococononunutnut t Ct ChChaChaiai i Li LaLatattattete e ie isis is sis soso o go gogoooodood.d. . I. I I hI hahavhaveve ve a a a c cu cupup p ep eveveververyvery y my moy morornorninininging g w wi witithth th m mymy my c co cocococonconuconutut ut o oi oilil l il inin in iin . A. AlAlslsoso so g gegetgettttitininging ing i it it t tt tht thrhrorouougoughgh gh A AmAmamazmazozonon on i is is s ms mumucuchch h ch chchecheaeapeapeperer er ter ththathanthan n a at at t tt tht thet the e se ststostororeore.e. . I. I . I l li liviveve ve ave ababobououtout t at anan an h hohouourour r fr frfroromrom m am ananyany y gy grgrorocrocecereryer
0,0,4,1350518400,Co-co-yummy!,"Love the coconut flavor of this tea. Two things I wish were different-the metal rim is slightly sharp and you need to be careful, would prefer that they make this in larger size (at least 16 oz)." 568422,B004BY23I8,A10JGJ9JOJOXQV,W Weaver,0,0,5,1340582400,Good Stuff,Pacific Chai coconut Chai Latte is so good. I have a cup every morning with my coconut oil in it. Also getting it through Amazon is much cheaper than at the store. I live about an hour from any grocery
s ststotororere e a anandnd d s so so o i itit t i is is s n ninicicece e te toto to b bebe e ae abablblele e te toe to o ho hahavaveve e ie itit it s sh shihipippppepeded d td toto to mto mymy y d dodooooror.or..55656868484242323,3,B,B0B0000404B4BYBY2Y2323I23I8I8,8,A,A2A2P2PJPJIJIMIM9M9999696T6TTTTQTQHQH2H2,2,S,SeSetetsts s is inin n t ththehe e Ce CiCitityity,y,0,0,0,0,0,,0,3,3,3,13,13132327271719190904040040000,00,P,PaPacacicififificic ic C ChChahaihai-i-C-CoCocococononunutut,t,","T"ThThihishis s vs veverversrsisioionon on o ofof f P PaPacPacicifcifificfic c C Ch Chahaihai hai i is is is p prpreretrettttyty y my mimilildld.d. . I I I L LOLOVOVEVE E c cococcococonconunutnut t at anandand d cd cacanan an b be beaeararlrlyly,y, y, i if if f af atat t at alt allll,l, , t ta tasaststeste e ie ite it t it inin in t th thihishis his p pr prorododuducuctct.t. . . I I I w wawasas as g glglaladad d md mymy my s si sixix x p pa pacackack k w wa wasas as gas gogononeone e se soso o Io I I cI cocoucoululdld ld b bu buyuy y sy sosomsomemetethethihinhingng g a a a l lilitittittltlele le s st strtroronrongngengerer.r. . . I. IfIf f yf yoyouou u l li likikeke e te the thehe he m mimilmildld ld tld tatasastastete e oe ofof of c ch chahaihai hai ahai anandand and h hihinhinthint t ot ofof of cof cococcocococononuonutut,ut, , i, itit it wit wowououlouldld ld bld bebe be p pe pererferfefecectct.ct. . . <. <a<a a h hr hrerefref=f="=""""h"hthttttpttp:p:/:////w/wwwwwww.ww.a.amamamazazozonon.on.c.cocomcom/m/g/gpgp/p/p/prproprododuoducuctuct/t/B/B0B00B00404B04BYBY2BY2323I23I823I8"8"""">"">P>PaPacPaciPacififiificic ic Cic ChChaChaiai i T TeTeaea,ea,
store and so it is nice to be able to have it shipped to my door. 568423,B004BY23I8,A2PJIM996TTQH2,Sets in the City,0,0,3,1327190400,Pacific Chai-Coconut,"This version of Pacific Chai is pretty mild. I LOVE coconut and can bearly, if at all, taste it in this product. I was glad my six pack was gone so I could buy something a little stronger. If you like the mild taste of chai and hint of coconut, it would be perfect. <a href="""">Pacific Chai Tea,
CCoCocococononunutut t C ChChahaiai i L LaLatattttete,e, , 1 1010-0-O-OuOununcncece e C Ca Canansns s ( (P(PaPacackck k o ofof f 6 6)6)<)</</a/a>a>">""55656868484242424,4,B,B0B0000101F1FPFPTPT1T1W1WMWM,M,A,A1A1R1R3R3E3ERERCRCRCRDRDIDIAIAVAV9V9191,1,S,S.S. . H HoHobobbbbsbs,s,7,7,7,7,7,,7,5,5,5,1,12126262628282822224240240000,00,G,GoGoooodod d p pupururcrchchahashasese,e,"e,"I"I I b bobouougughghtht t tt ththihisis s cs cacanandandydy y f foforor r m mymy y sy sosonon,on, , w, whwhoho o s spspepenentnt t tt tit timimeme e ie inin n F FrFraranancancece,ce, , a, anandand and c cacamcameme me t toto o lo lilikikeke e ie ite it.t. . . W WeWe e ce cocoucoululdldndn'n't't t ft fifinindind d md mumucuchch ch h hehererere e le lolococaocalallllyly,y, , a, an, andnd d nd nonotoththithininging g l liliklikeke ke t th thehe he v vivioiololeletet t ct cacancandndyndy y hy hehe he hhe hahadhad d td tatasaststetedted,d, , s, soso so I I I tI totootookok k ak a a c ch chahanhancncence.e. . . H. HeHe e se sasaiaidaid d id itit t it isis is t th the the e se sae samameme me hme hehe he phe pupurpurcrchrchahashasehaseded d id ind in n Fn FrFraFranancanceance,e, e, s so so o ho hehe he ihe isis is his hahaphappppypy.y. . . S. SoSo o ao amam am I I! I! ! I It It t wt wawasas as w wewelellll ll p pa pacackackakagagegeded,ed, , w, wh, whihichichch ch wch wawaswas s as a a ca coconconcncencerncernrn,n, , s, si, sinincincece ce i itit'it's's s is inin in a a a ga glglalasassass s js jajarar.r. . . I. I I rI rerecrececeiceiviveveded ed t th the the the i it itetemtem m v ve vereryery y qy . . I. I'. I'm'm m vm veververyry
Coconut Chai Latte, 10-Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)</a>" 568424,B001FPT1WM,A1R3ERCRDIAV91,S. Hobbs,7,7,5,1262822400,Good purchase,"I bought this candy for my son, who spent time in France, and came to like it. We couldn't find much here locally, and nothing like the violet candy he had tasted, so I took a chance. He said it is the same he purchased in France, so he is happy. So am I! It was well packaged, which was a concern, since it's in a glass jar. I received the item very quickly. I'm very
ssasatatitisisfsfifieieded.d.".""55656868484242525,5,B,B0B0000101F1FPFPTPT1T1W1WMWM,M,A,A2A2929191H1HTHTTTT1T11T11717R7RVRVSVS9S9,9,","M"MaMadadidisisoisononVnVeVegeggggigieie ie " """"L"LyLynynenetettttete e i inin n W WiWisisciscocononsonsisinin"in"""""""",",2,2,2,2,2,,2,5,5,5,15,13133333334334141111212020000,00,","U,"UnUnunusususuaualal,l, , e evevevenen n fn foforor r a a a v vivioiololeletet et c cacanandndydy"y",","","I"I'I'v'veve ve t trtririeiedied d s seseveveevereraralal al v vi vioiolioleletlet t f flflalavavovororeoreded ed c ca canandandidiedieses s i in in n tn ththehe e pe papasastst,t, , a, anandand and t th thihisis is i is is s ms mymy y f fa favavoavororiorititete.te. . A AlAlolonongong g w wiwitithith h t th the the e fe flfloflororaoralal al fal flflaflavavoavoravor/r/a/araroromomama,a, , i, itit it a al alslsoso o h hahasas as a a a n ninicicece e ce cicititritrurusus us u unundndenderertertotononeone e we whwhihichichch h ch cocomcompmplplelemlememenententsts s is itit it wit wewelellll.l. . E. ExExpxpepenensensisivsiveve,ve, , b, bubutut t ht haharhardrd d cd cacancandndindieiesies s ls lalaslastst st a a a l a lolonlongng g tg titimtimeme,me, , u, ununlunleleslessss s ys yoyouou u " "" ""c"chchachaiainin in s su sucuckck"k"""" "" t th the them them m l lilikikeke e Ie I I s so somomeometetietimimemesmes s ds dodo!o!"!""5"565685684842842626,6,B,B0,B00001001F1FP1FPTPT1PT1W1WM1WM,M,AM,A1A1T1TRTRJRJQJQBQBYBYQYQFQFZFZWZW4W4,4,B,Br,Braradrad,d,2,2,,2,2,2,2,2,52,5,5,15,135,1323252532537376760600000000,0,V,VeVerVeryry y gy gogoooodod,d,"d,"T"ThThihishis s cs cacancandcandydy dy h ha hasas as aas a
satisfied." 568425,B001FPT1WM,A291HTT117RVS9,"MadisonVeggie ""Lynette in Wisconsin""",2,2,5,1333411200,"Unusual, even for a violet candy","I've tried several violet flavored candies in the past, and this is my favorite. Along with the floral flavor/aroma, it also has a nice citrus undertone which complements it well. Expensive, but hard candies last a long time, unless you ""chain suck"" them like I sometimes do!" 568426,B001FPT1WM,A1TRJQBYQFZW4,Brad,2,2,5,1325376000,Very good,"This candy has a
vvevereryry y g gogoooodod d f flflalavavovoror.r. . I ItIt t i isis s q ququiuititete e u ununlnlilikikeke e ae ananynytyththihiningng g c cocomommmmomononlnlynly y ay avavaavaiaililalablablblele e fe frfroromom om t ththethe e se susupupeperermermamararkrkeketket t ct cacanandandydy y ay aiy aisislislele.le.<.<b<brbr r / />/><><b<br<br r /r />/>I/>I I l lilivliveve ve i in in n t th thehe e me mimididdddldlele le o ofof f t th the the e ce cocorcornrn-n-b-bebeleltlt,t, , s soso o i if if f yf yoyouou u h hahavaveave e ae ace accccecesessss s ts toto o ao a a " """"r"rereaealal"l"""" "" c ca canandandyandy y sy ststotortorere re y yoyouyou u mu mamaymay y ny nonotot t ft fifinindind d id itit it s so so o uo ununiuniqiququeque.e.".""55656868484242727,7,B,B0B0000101F1FPFPTPT1T1W1WMWM,M,A,A2A2F2F2F2525C5C6C6Q6QCQCKCKJKJ3J3H3HLHL,L,J,JiJilillill,l,1,1,1,1,1,,1,1,1,,1,1,1,1313434141515353232828080000,00,r,riripip p o of offff,f,","T"ThThehe he c ca can candndydy dy i is is s ts tas tasaststysty,y, , b, bubutut t tt ththetheythey y ty totottotatalallallyly y sy scy scacamcam m y yo youou ou o on on n tn ththethe the p prpriricricece.ce. . T. ThTheThe e je jajarar ar i is is is o on onl onlyly ly t th the the the s si sizizeze e oe ofof of a a a sa sosodsodada a ca cacancan,n, , a, anandand and l lo looookooksks s as ababsbsosolsolulututeutelelyely y ny noy notothothihinhingng ng l li likikeike e e t th the the the p the . I. I I wI wiwilillill ill n nonotnot t bt bebe be b bubuybuyiyininging g tg ththithisis is a ag agagaiainain.n. . I. If. If f yf yof youourour r gr gogongonnnnana a sa sea selellell l s so som somemeteththi
very good flavor. It is quite unlike anything commonly available from the supermarket candy aisle.<br /><br />I live in the middle of the corn-belt, so if you have access to a ""real"" candy store you may not find it so unique." 568427,B001FPT1WM,A2F25C6QCKJ3HL,Jill,1,1,1,1341532800,rip off,"The candy is tasty, but they totally scam you on the price. The jar is only the size of a soda can, and looks absolutely nothing like the picture. I will not be buying this again. If your gonna sell somethi
nngng g t ththahatat t s smsmamalallll l m mamakmakeke e t th thehe e pe prpriricicece e ae ararorouounundnd d $ $5$5.5.".""55656868484242828,8,B,B0B0000101F1FPFPTPT1T1W1WMWM,M,A,A7A7V7VLVLVLVCVCQCQJQJIJIRIROROTOTFTF,F,","L"LoLororrrraraiaininene e "e """"D"DaDamamnmnSnSwSwawananknk"k"""""""",",1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1,13,134340403032323232320320000,00,T,ThThehe he s se seaeararcarchch h h hahashas s e enendndendeded!d!,!,I,I I h ha hadad d bd bebeeeenen en l lolooookokikininging g fg foforor or t th the the e ve vivioiololeletet t ct cacanandandydy y w wiwitithth th t th the the the p pepererfrfefecectct t bt babalalaalanancancece ce o ofof f s sw sweweeeeteet t at anandand and f flflolorloraralral l wl whwhehenhen n I I I tI trtririerieded ed t th the thes thesese.e.<.<b<brbr r / />/>T>ThTheThe e se seseaseararcarcharch h hh hahashas has e en endndendednded.d.<.<b.<brbr br / /> />I>I I aI amam am v vevereryery y py plplelealeasasesedsed.d.d.5565686846842429429,9,B,B0,B00001001F1FP1FPTPT1PT1W1WM1WM,M,AM,A1A1Y1YGYGGGG6G6T6T4T4Y4YJYJZJZWZWCWC1C1,1,"1,"b"bebetbeththathananyany y "y """"b""bibirirdrdsds s as anandand and mand momororeore e be bibirbirdrdsrds"s"""""""",""",1,1,,1,1,1,1,1,51,5,5,15,1313434034020232362368680680000,00,v00,veververyry y ty tatasastastyty,y,","t,"ththethesesese se a arareare e ve vee vereryery ery p pr priricriceceycey y sy soso o i i i o on onlnlyly y ey enenjenjojoyoy y ty thy thehemhem m n nonowow w a an andnd nd t th the then then n an asas as a a a t tr trereaeateat t bt but butut t tt ththethe the f fl flalavavovoror or ior isis s ws wowonondndendernderfrfurfulullll ll a an and and d td ththethe the pthe papacackckakaga
ng that small make the price around $5." 568428,B001FPT1WM,A7VLVCQJIROTF,"Lorraine ""DamnSwank""",1,1,5,1340323200,The search has ended!,I had been looking for the violet candy with the perfect balance of sweet and floral when I tried these.<br />The search has ended.<br />I am very pleased. 568429,B001FPT1WM,A1YGG6T4YJZWC1,"bethany ""birds and more birds""",1,1,5,1340236800,very tasty,"these are very pricey so i only enjoy them now and then as a treat but the flavor is wonderfull and the packag
iiningng g i isis s v vevereryry y n ninicicece.e. . w wowououluldld d m mamakakeke e a a a w wo wonondndedererferfufulullull l g gigififtft t t toto o s sesenendnd nd t to to o so sosomomemeoeononeone e we whwhoho o lo lilikikekeskes s ss susucuchch h d dadaiainintintitieieses.s.<.<b<brbr r / />/>i>i i w wi wilillll l ol orordrdederder r ar agagagaiainain n w wh whehenen en i i i r rurunun n on ououtout,t, , t tr trurulrulyly y ay a a na ninicnicece ce t tr tre treaeatat.t.".""55656868484343030,0,B,B0B0000101F1FPFPTPT1T1W1WMWM,M,A,AWAW7W7H7HIHIVIV8V8I8I5I5353F3FEFE4E4,4,","H"HeHererberb b S ScSchchuchululsulsisiningingegerer er " """"B"BaBacachch ch B BeBececacauaususese!se!"!"""""""",",1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1,13,13333838585050808888080000,00,V,ViVioiololeletet t Ft FrFrerenencenchch ch Hch HaHarardrd rd C CaCanandndyndy,y,","T,"ThTheheshesese se c cacancandndindieiesies s hs hahavaveve ve a a a m mi milildild d fd flflalavavoavoror,or, , w, whwhewhenen en cen cocomompompaparareareded d wd wiwitithth h Ch CHCHoHowowawarardard'd's's s Vs ViVioViololeoletet et c ca canandandydy,y, y, b bubutut t tt ththetheyey y ay ary arere re d de deleliliclicicioiouiousus us n ne neveveververtrththetheltheleleslessss.s. s. I I I w wi wil willll ll d de def defifininiinititeitelelyely y py pupururcrchchachasasese se tse ththethesthesese se cse cacancandcandidieiesies ies a ag"."."5565686846843431431,1,B1,B0B00B00101F01FPFPTFPT1T1WT1WMWM,WM,A,A1,A1X1XDXDMDMZMZMZMMMMOMOAOAMAMRMR7R7,7,n,nynyxyxpxpoporortort,t,0t,0,0,00,0,0,50,5,5,15,13134345451516161616160160000,00,d00,dedeldeliliclicilicioiouiousious,s,","T,"Th,"Thihis
ing is very nice. would make a wonderfull gift to send to someone who likes such dainties.<br />i will order again when i run out, truly a nice treat." 568430,B001FPT1WM,AW7HIV8I53FE4,"Herb Schulsinger ""Bach Because!""",1,1,5,1338508800,Violet French Hard Candy,"These candies have a mild flavor, when compared with CHoward's Violet candy, but they are delicious nevertheless. I will definitely purchase these candies again." 568431,B001FPT1WM,A1XDMZMMOAMR7,nyxport,0,0,5,1345161600,delicious,"This
p prprorododuducuctct t i isis s a a a b bibitit t pt prpripriciceceyey y f foforor r t ththehe e a am amtmt.t. . r rerecececeiceiviveveded.d. . . B BuButut,t,I,I I w wawanantnteteded ed t th thehe he c cacanandandydy y Iy I I cI chchahaiainin n s susucuckuckekeded ed ted ththrthrorourougughgh h P PaPararirisis is a an andnd d I IfIfofoufounundnd nd i it it.t.<t.<b<brbr r /r />/> > D DeDeleliliviveivereryry y wy wawaswas s as alalslsoso o q ququiuicickickekerker r tr ththathanan an I I I e exexpxpepecectectetedted.d."d.""55656868484343232,2,B,B0B0000303X3XUXULUL2L2727E7E,E,A,A3A3232Y32Y0Y0404141919Q9QFQFGFGVGVHVHMHM,M,K,KeKevevivinin in M MiMititcitchchechelellell,l,0,0,0,0,0,,0,1,1,1,1,13,131319196196767373636060000,00,M,MoMosoststltlyly y wy way watateterter,r,D,DeDefDefifininiinititeitelelyely y ny nonotot t wt woworortorthth th b bu buyuyiyininging g f fl flalavavovororeoreded ed wed wawatwateterter ter w wi witithith h ah a a fa fefewew w t te teaeasaspspopoooononsns s os ofof f b be beaeaneansns ns a an and and d rd riricricece ce t th tha thatat at d dodoeoesesnsn'n't't t tt tatasastastete te l liliklikeke ke n nonornormrmamalal al b be bea beanansans s as ans andnd nd rnd riricricerice.e. . I. I I wI wowonwontnt nt e ev eveverver r br bubuyuy uy t th thi thisis is ais agagagaiainain!n!!5565686846843433433,3,B,B0,B00003003X3XU3XULUL2UL2727E27E,E,AE,A1A1Y1YKYKXKXVXVGVGAGAIAIAIA8A8989595252,2,N2,NCNC6C6565,5,0,0,,0,0,0,0,0,10,1,1,11,1313131931959509500008008080000,00,N00,NoNo o Go GoGoooodood,d,","I"I I tI ththothouougughughtht t tt tht thihisis is sis sosousoupup p w wo wououlouldld d bd bebe e me momororeore ore
product is a bit pricey for the amt. received. But,I wanted the candy I chain sucked through Paris and Ifound it.<br /> Delivery was also quicker than I expected." 568432,B003XUL27E,A32Y0419QFGVHM,Kevin Mitchell,0,0,1,1319673600,Mostly water,Definitely not worth buying flavored water with a few teaspoons of beans and rice that doesn't taste like normal beans and rice. I wont ever buy this again! 568433,B003XUL27E,A1YKXVGAIA8952,NC65,0,0,1,1319500800,No Good,"I thought this soup would be more
llilikikeke e a a a c chchihilillllili,li, , b bubutut t i itit t it isis s v vevereryry y w wawatatetereryery.y. . W WhWhihichichch ch I I I c co cououluldld d t totololelereraeratateate e ae asas s ls lolonongng g a as as s is itit it s ststitilillill l t ta tasastastetedted d gd gogoooodod,d, , w, whwhihichichhich h i it it t dt dodoeoesesnsn'n't't.t. . I. I I hI hahadad d td toto to t th thrhrorowow w i it it it a aw awawayway y ay afaftfteterter r o ononlonlyly y ay a y a f fefewew w sw spspopoooonoonfnfufulullullsls.s.".""55656868484343434,4,B,B0B0000303X3XUXULUL2L2727E7E,E,A,A1A1J1JUJUGUG9G9W9WCWCNCN1N1A1A5A5252Z2Z,Z,m,mamauaududldlilinlin6n6666666,66,0,0,0,0,0,,0,1,1,1,1,13,131311116163638384840840000,00,T,TaTasastasteasteses es h hohororrrriribiblblele!le!,!,","I"I I jI jujusustst st b bo bouougoughghtht t tt ththihishis s ss sosououpoup p t to tododaodayay y ay aty at t mt mymy y ly loloclocacalal l gl grgrorocrocecerer,er, , b, brbrorourougughghtght t it itt it t bt babacackck k t to to to w wo wororkork k wk wiwitithith h mh meme,e, , h, heheaeatateatedated d id itit it uit upup p ap anandnd d ad alalmalmomosostst st sst spspispitit it oit ououtout t mt myt my y fy fifirirsrstst st bst bibititeite.e. . . T ThThehe he t ta tas taststeste e ie isis is s so so o s sw sweweeeetet,t, , a, anandand d id itd it't's's s ns nonotot t jt jujusjustst st tst ththethe e ae afe aftftefterertertatasastasteaste aste a as as as a a a p prprerevevivioiouousous s cs cocomommmmemenmentnteterter ter s sa saiaidid.d. . . T. ThThiThisis is sis sosousoupup up i is is s hs hohorhorrrrirribibliblele!le! le! I It It t tt tat tasastasteastesastes s ns nos not
like a chilli, but it is very watery. Which I could tolerate as long as it still tasted good, which it doesn't. I had to throw it away after only a few spoonfulls." 568434,B003XUL27E,A1JUG9WCN1A52Z,maudlin666,0,0,1,1311638400,Tastes horrible!,"I just bought this soup today at my local grocer, brought it back to work with me, heated it up and almost spit out my first bite. The taste is so sweet, and it's not just the aftertaste as a previous commenter said. This soup is horrible! It tastes not
hhihiningng g l lilikikeke e t trtrurueue e Ce CaCajajujunun n r rereded d b bebeaeanansns s a anandand d rd riricicece.e. . I I I t tr tririerieded ed c cocomompmplplalaiaininiinininging g vg viviaia a t th thehe e He HeHeaealealtlththyhy y C ChChohoioiciceice e we wewebebsbsisititete e te totododadayay,y, , o ononlnlyly y ty toto to h hahavaveve e te the theheiheirir r s seserervrveverversrs s fs fafaiailail l t tw twiwiciceice ice b be befefofororere re i itit it w wiwipwipepeded ed med mymy y cy cocomcompmplmplalailainintint.t.<.<b<brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br r /r />r />D>DODO O N NONOTOT T B BUBUYUY Y T THTHIHISIS S S SOSOUOUPUP.P.<.<b.<brbr br / />/></><b<br<br <br / /> />I>I I hI hahavhaveve ve n neneveveverver ver b be bee beenen n sn soso o d didisissssasatatitisisfisfifieieded ed wed wiwitwithth th f fofoofoodod od b be bef befoforforere re Ire I I aI atateate e te the thie thisis is s so sououpup.p. . . I I' I'm'm m t th the the e te tye typypepe pe t th tha thatat at w wi wilillll l sl sasaysay,y, y, " """"e"eheh,h, , i, itit it dit dodoeoesesnsn'n't't t t ta tasaststete te g gogoooodod,od, , b, bubutut t It I I bI bobouougoughghtht t it itit,it, , s, soso so I I' I'l I'llll ll e eaeateat t it itt it,t,","""" "" b bu butut ut m mimirirairacacucululolouousouslslyly ly I I I a at atete te tte ththrthrereeree e se spspopoooonoonfnfufululsuls s bs bebefbefoforforefore e Ie I I gI gagavaveave e ue upup up a an andnd d td totostossssesseded ed ted ththethe e re reresrestst st i in in n tn ththethe the t tr tra trasashash.h. . . T. ToTomomaomatatoato o po pupururereeree ree i is is s os ononeone e oe ofof f t th the the the f fi firirsirstst st tst ththr
hing like true Cajun red beans and rice. I tried complaining via the Healthy Choice website today, only to have their servers fail twice before it wiped my complaint.<br /><br />DO NOT BUY THIS SOUP.<br /><br />I have never been so dissatisfied with food before I ate this soup. I'm the type that will say, ""eh, it doesn't taste good, but I bought it, so I'll eat it,"" but miraculously I ate three spoonfuls before I gave up and tossed the rest in the trash. Tomato puree is one of the first thr
eeeee e i iningngrgrerededidieienentntsts s ( (h(hihigighgh h s susugugagarar)r),), , f fofolollllolowoweweded ed c clclolosloseselelyly y b byby y ey evevavapapopororaratateteded ed ced cacananene e je jujuiuicicece?e? ? W WhWhoho o p pupututsts ts e evevaevapapoapororaoratateateded ed ced caed cananeane e je jue juiuicuicece ce i in in n r reredred d b be beaeanansans s as anandand d rd ririciceice?e? e? H HeHeaealealtlththyhy y Cy ChChohoihoiciceice,ice, , t, ththathatat'at's's s ws whwhoho!ho! ! H He Heyey,y, , H, HeHeaHealaltlthlthyhy hy C ChChoChoioiciceice,ice, ice, m mamayaybybebe e ie ifif f y yoyouou u d dididdidndn'n't't t a adadddd d td ththethe e ee evevaevapevapoporporaratratetedted d cd cacancanene ne j jujuijuiciceice ice t ththithisis s ss sosououpoup p m ma mayay ay v vevereryry y wy wewelwellll ll b be be be w woworortorthth th e ea eatatiatininging,g, , a, anandand and w wo wououlouldld d pd prprorobobababablblyly ly h hahavaveve ve a a a f fe fewew w c ca calaloalororiorieiesies s ls lelesessss s ts ththathanthan n in itit t at alalralrereareadadyady y dy<.<b<brbr r / />/><><b<br<br r /r />/>P/>P.P.S.S.S. . I I I b bo bouougoughghtght t tt ththithisthis s ss sos sououpoup oup t to tododadayay ay nay nonotot t bt bebecbecacaucaususese se i it it t wt wawasas s "s """"h"heheaealealtealththythy"y"""" "" o oror or " """"l""lolowlow w fw fafatat"at"""" "" b"" bubutut ut b be bec becacaucauscausese se ise itit it d di dididndn'dn't't 't h ha havaveave e we whwhewheaeateat t it inin in i it it. it. . . S SOSORORRRRYRY Y G GLGLULUTUTETENEN N F FRFREREEEE E P PEPEOEOPOPLPLELE.E. . T. THTHIHISIS S S SO SOUOUPUP P S
ee ingredients (high sugar), followed closely by evaporated cane juice? Who puts evaporated cane juice in red beans and rice? Healthy Choice, that's who! Hey, Healthy Choice, maybe if you didn't add the evaporated cane juice this soup may very well be worth eating, and would probably have a few calories less than it already does.<br /><br />P.S. I bought this soup today not because it was ""healthy"" or ""low fat"" but because it didn't have wheat in it. SORRY GLUTEN FREE PEOPLE. THIS SOUP S
UUCUCKCKSKS.S.".""55656868484343535,5,B,B0B0000303X3XUXULUL2L2727E7E,E,A,ABABGBGQGQPQPEPE9E9797Z7ZVZVYVYJYJ3J3,3,K,KaKataththehereririninene e K KeKelellllyly,y,0,0,0,0,0,,0,2,2,2,1,131303060636363686806800000000,0,N0,NoNotot t s soso o g gogoooodod,d,","T"ThThihisis s s so sououpup p i isis is m momosoststltlyly ly b brbrorotothoth.h. . A AlAltlththothouougoughgh h i it it t ht hahasas s as a a k kikicickck k t toto o io itit,t, , i it it it a alalslsoso so a a a s sw sweweeeetet t at afaftfteterer er t ta tasastastete te t th thahathat t It I I f fifinindind d p prpreretettettyty y g gr grorosrossss.s. . T. ThThiThisis is iis isis is tis ththethe e te ththithirirdrd d sd sosousoupup up I I'I'v'veve e te tre tririerieded d fd frfroromrom m H HeHeaealaltalththythy y Cy ChChohoioiciceice e ae anandnd d td ththetheythey y hy hahavhaveve ve a al allll ll b be beded ed b ba badad.d. . I. ItIt t tt tatasastasteasteses s ns nonotothothiothininging g l lilikikeke e re rerearealal al r reredred d bd bebeaeaneansns s as ans andnd nd r ri . I. I . I w wowououlouldldndn'n't't t rt rerecrecocomommmmemenendnd nd tnd ththithisthis s ss sosousoupsoup.p."."."5565686846843436436,6,B,B0,B00003003X3XU3XULUL2UL2727E27E,E,AE,A2A2P2PSPSBSB4B4W4WQWQHQHHHH4H4646H6HNHN,N,c,cacararlrlylyolyowowuwu,u,0,0,,0,2,0,2,2,22,2,2,12,12128285857571718184840840000,00,W,WhWheherherere're's's s ts ththethe the t to torortrteteltellllillininiini?i?,?,","I,"ItIt It i is is s ms momosmoststlstlyly ly bly brbrobrotothoth,oth, , w, wiwitithith h th ththethe the athe adadvadveververtrtirtisiseiseded ed 3ed 3/3/4/4 4 c cucupup up oup ofof f v vevegvegegetetaetaba
UCKS." 568435,B003XUL27E,ABGQPE97ZVYJ3,Katherine Kelly,0,0,2,1306368000,Not so good,"This soup is mostly broth. Although it has a kick to it, it also a sweet after taste that I find pretty gross. This is the third soup I've tried from Healthy Choice and they have all bed bad. It tastes nothing like real red beans and rice. I wouldn't recommend this soup." 568436,B003XUL27E,A2PSB4WQHH46HN,carlyowu,0,2,2,1285718400,Where's the tortellini?,"It is mostly broth, with the advertised 3/4 cup of vegetab
lleleses.s. . H HoHowoweweveveverer,r, , e eaeacachch h c cucupup p c co conontntataiaininsns s a ababobououtut t 3 3 3 t totorortrtetelellllilininiinisis.s. s. T ThThihisis is i isis is sis susupuppuppopososeseded d t to to o b bebe e a a a d dodououboublblele le s seserservrvivininging g b bo bowowlowl,l, , b, bubutut ut 1 5 t to tor tortrtertelellellilinlinini i i is isnsn'n't't t mt mumucuchch ch o ofof f a a a m a memeaealeal.l. . I. ItIt t tt tatastaststetestes s gs gogoooodod d ad anandnd d Id I I l liliklikeke e ae alallll ll t th thehe e ve vevegveggggigieieses es ( (p(plplulusus s is itit t ht hahasas s ls lolowow ow s so sododiodiuiumum)m) ) b bu butut ut Iut I I rI rereaealealleallyly y w wiwisishish h th ththeheyhey y wy wowououlouldld d id inincinclcluludludede e ae a e a c co cou coupupluplele le mle momororeore e te totortortrtertelrtellllillininiini.ini.".""55656868484343737,7,B,B0B0000000N00NYNY4Y4S4SASAGAG,G,A,A3A3O3ODODWDWHWHCHC3C3E3EMEMMMMWMWTWTTTT,T,","K"K.K. . B. BrBrerenrennnnananan an " """"B"BaBakakikininging ing f fofoooolool"l"""""""",",1,1010,0,1,10,10,0,50,5,5,1,12,12222929797373131212020000,00,B,Ba,Bakakeakerer'er's's s As AmAmmmmomonmoniniania a S SmSmamalallall l q ququauanantantititityity,y,","I,"InIn n t th the the e pe papasastast,t, , I, I I wI wowouwoululdld ld h hahavhaveve ve t to to to b bu buy buy y ay a a la lalarargrgege e qe ququaquanantantiantitityity ity o of of f bf babakakeakeraker'r's's 's a am ammmmommononioniaia a wa whwhihichichch ch wch wowouwoulwouldld ld dld didisississisipipapatpatete te w wi witithith h th tih . . I I I lI lolovloveve ve tve ththethe e se sms
les. However, each cup contains about 3 tortellinis. This is supposed to be a double serving bowl, but 1.5 tortellini isn't much of a meal. It tastes good and I like all the veggies (plus it has low sodium) but I really wish they would include a couple more tortellini." 568437,B000NY4SAG,A3ODWHC3EMMWTT,"K. Brennan ""Baking fool""",10,10,5,1229731200,Baker's Ammonia Small quantity,"In the past, I would have to buy a large quantity of baker's ammonia which would dissipate with time. I love the sm
aalallll l q ququauanantntititityty y a anandand d i itit it w wowororkrkekeded d jd jujusustst t f fifininene e i in in n m mymy y sy spspepececiciaialal al c cocooookokikieieses.s.".""55656868484343838,8,B,B0B0000000N00NYNY4Y4S4SASAGAG,G,A,A1A1R1RKRKKKKPKPSPSXSXFXF9F9Q9QIQIZIZFZF,F,","A"AlAllllellenen n "n """"R"RcRcDcDrDririviveverer"r"""""""",",4,4,4,4,4,,4,5,5,5,1,12123233337379792920200000000,0,G,GoGoooodood d bd bubuyuy.y.,.,","A,"AmAmmmmomononiniuiumum m b bibicicacararbrbobononaonatatete e ie inin in a a a n ninicnicece e le lilitittittltlele e pe papacackckakagagege.e. . I IfIf f y yoyouou u n ne neeeeded ed a am ammmmommononioniuiumium m bm bibicbicacarcarbrborbononaonatonatete te i in in in a a a s a ststystylylilislishsh h c co conontontataiainineinerer,er, , t ththihisis s i is is s is . . E ExExcxcecelcellllellenllentnt nt b bu"."."5565686846843439439,9,B,B0,B00000000N000NYNY4NY4S4SA4SAGAG,AG,A,A3,A3M3M8M8989S9SFSF0F0S0SSSSOSOGOGBGBKBK,K,","R,"RoRobobeberertert t Gt GoGooGoododede e "e """"G""GrGraramampmpapaGpaG"G"""""""",""",3,3,3,3,3,,3,5,5,,5,1,13,131316169699995952520200200,0,B0,BaBakakikinkingng g A AmAmmAmmomonmoniniania a t th thahatat at W WoWororkorksks,s,","I,"IfIf If y yo youou ou h hahavhavevenven'n't't t et eveveverver r u ususeuseded ed Aed AmAmmAmmoAmmononioniuoniumum um B BiBicicaicararbarbobonbonanatateate e ie ine in n bn babakakiakininging,g, , t, trtryry y iy it. T ThThihishis s ls lolofoftftetedted d md mymy my s sosofoftoft t bt bibisbiscscocotcottttiti ti c co coo cookokiokieiesies s ts toto o p paparpararacrachchuhututete te hte heheieigi
all quantity and it worked just fine in my special cookies." 568438,B000NY4SAG,A1RKKPSXF9QIZF,"Allen ""RcDriver""",4,4,5,1233792000,Good buy.,"Ammonium bicarbonate in a nice little package. If you need ammonium bicarbonate in a stylish container, this is it. Excellent buy." 568439,B000NY4SAG,A3M89SF0SSOGBK,"Robert Goode ""GrampaG""",3,3,5,1316995200,Baking Ammonia that Works,"If you haven't ever used Ammonium Bicarbonate in baking, try it. This lofted my soft biscotti cookies to parachute heig
hhthtsts.s. . A AmAmmmmomononiniaia a c cocooookoksks s o ououtut,t, , b bubutut ut s smsmemelellll l t ththehe e e enendnd d p prprorododuducuctct t a anandnd nd i ifif f y yoyouou ou c ca canan an s st stitilillll ll s sm smemelmellll ll all a a ha hihinintnt t ot ofof f af amammmmommononioniaia,ia, , c, cocoocookok ok i it it t at a a fa fefewew w m mimininuinututeuteses s ls lolonongongegerer.r. . V. VeVereryery y n ninicnicece e pe prpreprepepaparararatatitiotionon.on.".""55656868484444040,0,B,B0B0000000N00NYNY4Y4S4SASAGAG,G,A,A3A3434G4GDGDVDV4V4949Z9ZZZZQZQKQKXKXGXG,G,DG,DoDononaonalaldld d Md M.M. . C. CoCooookook,k,0,0,0,50,5,5,4,4,4,1,12128280801010102024240400400,0,a0,a-a-o-okok,ok,","W"WeWe e ne neneeeeded d td ththithisis s fs foforor r a a a r rerececicipipepe e me mymy y wy wiwififeife e ie isis is i in intntenterereeresestesteteded ed t to to o t tr tryryiyininging.g. . . H HoHowoweweveveverer,er, , w, wewe<we<b<brbr r /r />/>h>hahavaveve ve n no notot t gt gogotottottetenten n a ar arorourounundnd nd tnd toto o do dodoioininging ing i it it it y ye yetet.t."."."5565686846844441441,1,B,B0,B00005005Z5ZCZC0C0R0RRRRORO,O,A,A2,A2T2TOTO5O5R5R8R8Q8QLQLILIIIITITETEFEF,F,S,SASAKSAK,K,1,1,,1,1,1,,1,5,1,5,5,15,131323232373737343443440400400,400,","D,"DeDelelieliciciciociouousous,s, , a, alallall l nl nanatatuatururaralral l al anandand d ad alallalleallerergergygy y fy frfrereeree e te trtrereareatatsats!s!"!",",","I,"InIndndindieie e Ce CaCanandandyandy'y's's s gs gugumummmmimmieiesies s as arareare e ae ababsbsosololulututeutelutelyly y dy dedelelieliceliciciociouciousus.s. s. I I I b bu buyuy y ty th
hts. Ammonia cooks out, but smell the end product and if you can still smell a hint of ammonia, cook it a few minutes longer. Very nice preparation." 568440,B000NY4SAG,A34GDV49ZZQKXG,Donald M. Cook,0,5,4,1280102400,a-ok,"We need this for a recipe my wife is interested to trying. However, we<br />have not gotten around to doing it yet." 568441,B005ZC0RRO,A2TO5R8QLIITEF,SAK,1,1,5,1323734400,"Delicious, all natural and allergy free treats!","Indie Candy's gummies are absolutely delicious. I buy th
eemem m f foforor r m mymy y k kikididsds s a anandnd d I I I c cacanan'an't't t w wawaiaitit t tt toto o h hahavaveve e o ononene e me mymysmyseselelflf!f! ! T ThTheheyey y ay ararere e se sosofoftft t at anandand d sd soso so f fl flalavavoavororforfufulul.l. . W WhWhehenhenenevneveverver r Ir I I vI vivisisisitit it t ththehe he s ststotortorere re ( (I(I I lI liliviveve ve a a a l lilitlittttltlele e we wawaywaysys s as awawawayway)way),), , I I I g gegetet t ot orordordederersrs s fs frfroromom m am atat t lt lelealeasastst st 5 5 5 f fr fririeienendndsnds s os ofof of a al allll l t th thehe he the ththithiningngsgs s ts ththetheyey ey w wa wanantant t mt meme e te toto to g ge getet et f fo foror or t th the themem.em. . I. ItIt t ht hahashas s qs ququiuicickcklklyly y by bebececocomomeome e oe ouourur r fr fafavavoavoravoriritritete e ce cacancandndyndy y sy ststostororeore!e! ! I! I I eI esespspepececieciaialallllylly y ay apy apppprprerecreciciaiatiatete te t th tha thatat at t th the thei theirir r cr cacancandcandydy y wy wiwilillll ll n nenevneveneverer er i inincinclclulududede de a ar artrtitififificiciiciaialial l fl fofoofoodod d cd cocolcololororiorininging g o or or r fr flr flalavlavovororsors.s. . I. I . I c ca canan an t tr trurusustst st tst ththathatat at tat ththethe the c ca can candndyndy ndy i is is s ns nanatatuatururauralal al a an andnd nd t th the the the o ow ownwnenerner r ir isis is s so so o ho hehelhelplpfpfufulful.l. l. S ShShehe he whe wiwilwillll ll all alalwalwawaywaysways s ts tes telellell l ml meme me w wh wheherherere re tre ththethe the ithe iningingringreredredidieienientntsts s cs cacamcameme me fme frfrofromom om a an and and d ed exexax
em for my kids and I can't wait to have one myself! They are soft and so flavorful. Whenever I visit the store (I live a little ways away), I get orders from at least 5 friends of all the things they want me to get for them. It has quickly become our favorite candy store! I especially appreciate that their candy will never include artificial food coloring or flavors. I can trust that the candy is natural and the owner is so helpful. She will always tell me where the ingredients came from and exa
cctctltlyly y w whwhahatat t i isis s i in in n t ththehemem.m. . S ShShehe he a anandnd d h heherher r e emempemplploloyoyeyeeeeses s hs hahavhaveve e b bebeeeeneen n vn veververyry y ey eaeasasysy y ty toto o w wo wororkrk k w wi . M. MyMy y fy frfririeienendndsnds s ws whwhowho o ho hahavhavehave e ce chchihilildldrdrerenen en w wi wit withth th s seseveveververevere e ne nunutut,t, , g glglulututeutenen en aen anandand d md mimililkilk k ak alallllelerergrgigieiesies s Ls LOLOVOVEVE E I . A. AlAllll ll t th theheiheirir r cr chchochocococololalatateate e ae anandand and c cacanandandyandy y iy isis is m mamadadede e ie inin n an a a b bi bigig g 8 8 8 f frfrefreeee ee f fa facacicililiilitityity y -y - - n nono o co crcrorosossss s cs coconcontntatamamiminminanatatiatioionon!n!!!!"!""55656868484444242,2,B,B0B0000000N00NYNY8Y8O8O9O9M9M,M,A,AZAZRZRHRHUHU8U8C8CPCP5P5X5XKXKMKMFMF,F,D,DaDavavividid d Ld L.L. . B. BrBrorowrownwn,n,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,12126264642420420404848080000,00,G,GrGrereareatat at F FoForor or F Fa Fasastast t Gt GuGululalaslascschch!ch!,!,Q,QuQuiuicickck k ak ank andnd nd e ea easasyasy!y! ! H HaHadad ad s si simimimilmilalarlar r Gr GuGulGulalaslasclaschch ch i in in in G GuGueGuesestest t Ht HoHouoususesesses s is inin in G Ge Gerermermamanmanyny.y. . Y. YoYouou ou c ca canan an u ususeuse e fe fufulullullyly ly c co cooookokekeded d wd wuwurursrstst t at anandand and hand hahavhavehave have a a a g go goooodood d md med meaealeal l i in in in m in miminminuminututeutesutes.s. . I. I I h ha havaveave e ae ade addddededded d md mud musushushrhrorooroomomsms s as anandand and sand seserservr
ctly what is in them. She and her employees have been very easy to work with. My friends who have children with severe nut, gluten and milk allergies LOVE Indie. All their chocolate and candy is made in a big 8 free facility - no cross contamination!!" 568442,B000NY8O9M,AZRHU8CP5XKMF,David L. Brown,0,0,5,1264204800,Great For Fast Gulasch!,Quick and easy! Had similar Gulasch in Guest Houses in Germany. You can use fully cooked wurst and have a good meal in minutes. I have added mushrooms and serv
eeded d o ovoveverer r r riricicece.e. . E EnEnjnjojoyoy!y!!55656868484444343,3,B,B0B0000606T6T7T7T7TKTKZKZOZO,O,A,A3A3B3BOBOUOURURURUKUK7K7979C9CYCYYYY5Y5,5,B,BI,BIHIH,H,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,15,13133338388885854544440440000,00,G,GrGrereaeatat t C CaCafafefe e L LaLatattattete,e,T,ThThihisis s p prprorododuducuctct t it isis is g . . G GiGivivevesves s ys yoyouou u s soso o m mumucuchuch h e enenenerergergygy y a anandnd d td tatasaststetestes s gs grgregreaeateat.t. . . T. TrTryry y ty ththihishis s Cs CaCafCafefe fe L La Latattatteatte e ae anandand d ad alallll l t ththethe e oe otoththetherther r fr flflalavavovororsrs s as anandand and y yoyouyou u wu wiwilillll ll n nonotot ot b bebe e de didisisaisapappppopoioinintntetedted.d..5565686846844444444,4,B,B0,B00000000H0H7H7K7K1K1111414,4,A4,A2A2A2AGAGSGSSSSZSZRZR9R9V9V7V7X7XSXSTST,T,P,PePeteteterter,r,0,0,,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5,15,125,12828181717474444044004400000,00,E00,ExExcxcecelcellllellenentent t Tt TeTeaea,ea,","I"I I l lolovoveove e te ththithisis is tis teteatea.a. . . I. I I fI fifirirsrstrst t dt didisdiscscocovoveoverovereredred d td thd thehe e pe plpleleaeaseasusurureresres s os ofof f c chchahaiai i a af aftfteterter ter a at attttetentendndindininging g a a a y yo yogogaga a c cl clalaslassss.s. . . T. Th. Thehe he y yo yog yogaga ga i ininsinststrstrurucuctuctotoror or m ma madadede e te tee teaea ea f foforor or uor usus.s. s. I I I wI wawanantantetedted ted t to to o mo mamakakeke e se sosomsomeme e oe one on n m my my y oy owownwn,n, , a an andnd nd I I I t tr tririerieded ed m ma man manyny y by brbraranandandsands s as ans andnd
ed over rice. Enjoy! 568443,B006T7TKZO,A3BOURUK79CYY5,BIH,0,0,5,1338854400,Great Cafe Latte,This product is great. Gives you so much energy and tastes great. Try this Cafe Latte and all the other flavors and you will not be disappointed. 568444,B000H7K114,A2AGSSZR9V7XST,Peter,0,0,5,1281744000,Excellent Tea,"I love this tea. I first discovered the pleasures of chai after attending a yoga class. The yoga instructor made tea for us. I wanted to make some on my own, and I tried many brands and
rrerececicipipepeses,s, , i inincnclclulududidininging g m mamakakikininging ing i it it t f frfroromom m s scscrcraratatctchch.h. . T ThThihisis s i is is s ts ththehe e b bebesestest t tt teteaea a I I I f fo fouounundnd.d. . I. InIn n m my my y o opopipininiinioionon,n, , s, ststeteeteepepipinpingng g tg teteatea a ba babagagsgs s ms mamakmakekeses es a a a wa weweaeakeak,k, , b, blblalanandnd nd t teteatea.tea. . . Y YoYouou ou r rerearealallllyly y ny neneeeeded d t to to o u ususese e le loloooososese se t te teaea ea a an andnd nd cnd cocooookook k i it it it a ac accccocorcordrdidindingng ng t to to to t th thehe he d didirdirerecrectctitioionionsns.s. . . I. I I uI ususeuse e he hahalalfalf f a an and and d hd hahalhalflf f ff foforor r t th the the e me mimililklk,k, k, a an and and and i it it it m it mamakmakemakeses es aes a a ra riricichch,ch, , s, sp, spipicpicycy y ty teteatea.tea. tea. A AdAddddiditdititiotiononaonalallallyly,ly, , f, foforfor r tr ththethe e se swsweweeweetetetentenenerner,r, , I, I I uI usI usese se mse mamapmaplplele e se sye syryrurupup p i in insnstnsteteateadtead d od ofof f hf hohononeoneyey y oy oror or s su sugugagarar.r. . . I. It. It t mt mimigmighghtht t st sosouounoundnd nd ond ododddd,dd, , b, bu, butut t tt tht thehe he mhe mamapmaplmaplele le s sy syryruyrupup up b bl blelenlendndsnds s ws wiwitithth th t th the the the c chchachaiai i s sp spipicpicepiceses es mes mumucuchch ch b be betettetteterter.r. r. I IfIf f yf yoyouou ou wou wawanantant t tt tot to o mo mamakmakemake make a au aututhuthehenhentntitictic c c ch chahaihai i (i (i(ininsinststesteaeadead d od ofd of f uf ususiusininging ing sing sosomsomeme e ke kikinkindnd nd o
recipes, including making it from scratch. This is the best tea I found. In my opinion, steeping tea bags makes a weak, bland tea. You really need to use loose tea and cook it according to the directions. I use half and half for the milk, and it makes a rich, spicy tea. Additionally, for the sweetener, I use maple syrup instead of honey or sugar. It might sound odd, but the maple syrup blends with the chai spices much better. If you want to make authentic chai (instead of using some kind o
ff f p prprorococecesesssseseded d p po powowdwdedereryry y m mimixix)x),), , t trtryry ry t th thihisis s o ononene.e.".""55656868484444545,5,B,B0B0000101E1EOEO7O7N7N1N1010,0,A,A2A2S2SDSD7D7T7TYTY3Y3I3IOIOXOX6X6969B9B,B,","B"BaBayayByBaBayBay y "y """"B"Ba"BayayBayBaBayBay Bay K KnKnonowowsows s Bs BeBesestest"t"""""""",",3,3,3,3,3,,3,5,5,5,15,121242454534536369696696060000,00,B,Be,Besestest est V VaValalulueue e f foforor r C ChChihinhinenesnesese se 5 5 5 S SpSpipicicece,ce,","A,"AsAs s as a a f fo foooododidieie,e, , I, I I u ususese se ase a a la lolotot t o of of f Cf ChChiChininenesnesenese e 5e 5 5 S5 SpSpiSpiciceice e pe popowowdowdederder r ir inin in m my my y dy dadaiaililyly y cy cocooookookikininging.g. . I ItIt t it isis is i imimpmpopospossssissibiblblele e te toto o g gegetet t tt ththehe e ae amamomouoununtnt t ot ofof f 5f 5 5 s5 spspipicpicece ce f fo for for r tr ththithisis is pis prpripriciceice!ice! ! A AlAllll l m my my my d didisdishsheheshes s ts tatasaststete e ge grgrereaeatat!t!"!""5"565685684844844646,6,B,B0,B00001001E1EO1EO7O7NO7N1N10N10,0,A0,A2A2EA2E5E5C5C8C8T8TTTTATAEAEDED4D4C4CQCQ,Q,S,S.S. . L. LiLininkinklkleletletttteterter,r,2,2,2,2,2,,2,5,5,,5,1,1212612686806800006006464040000,00,F00,FiFiviveve e Se SpSpiSpicSpicece ce Pce PoPowowdowdeowderer,er,","Y,"YoYouou ou c cacanan n m ma makakeke e te the thihishis s ms mimixmix x y yoyououroursrseselselflf,f, , b, bubutut t tt tht thehe he S St Statartar r Ar AnAninisiseise e ie isis is ois ofoftoftetenten n dn didifdiffffificicuiculultlt t tt tot to o fo fifinfindnd.d. . . U UsUsusuaualallallyly ly I I I u us usese se tse ththithisthis
f processed powdery mix), try this one." 568445,B001EO7N10,A2SD7TY3IOX69B,"BayBay ""BayBay Knows Best""",3,3,5,1245369600,Best Value for Chinese 5 Spice,"As a foodie, I use a lot of Chinese 5 Spice powder in my daily cooking. It is impossible to get the amount of 5 spice for this price! All my dishes taste great!" 568446,B001EO7N10,A2E5C8TTAED4CQ,S. Linkletter,2,2,5,1268006400,Five Spice Powder,"You can make this mix yourself, but the Star Anise is often difficult to find. Usually I use this
mmimixix x t toto o m mamakakeke e O OrOririeienentntatalal-l-s-ststytylylele e pe popororkrk k o oror or c chchihicickckekenken n d didisishsheheses,s, , b bubutut t t to tododadayay y I I I a adaddddededed d a a a l lilitittttltlele le t to to to s sosomomeme e fe fifisishish h b bo boioilileledled d wd wiwitithith h lh lelemlemomonon n jn jujuiuiciceice e ae anandnd d bd blblalacackck ck p pepepeppppeperper.r. . I It It t wt wawasas s v vevereryry y gy gogoooodod od w wiwitwiththohououtut ut b be beieiningng g a ac actctutuaualallallyly y Oy OrOriOrieienientntantalal al i inin in o ov oveververaralallall all i im impmprpreresessessisioionon.on.".""55656868484444747,7,B,B0B0000101E1EOEO7O7N7N1N1010,0,A,A2A2P2P9P9W9W8W8T8T7T7N7NT7NTLTLGLG2G2Z2Z,Z,A,An,Andndyndy,y,0,0,0,00,0,0,20,2,2,1,13132328289891918184840840000,00,M,MiMixixeixeded ed w wr wroronongong,g,","I"I I hI hahadad ad o or ordrdederdereredred d sd sosomsomeme me o of of f t th theheshesese e ae a e a f fefewew w m mo monontonththsths s bs babacackack k ak anandand d td ththetheyey y wy wewerereere e ge grgrereareatat,t, , b, bubutbut t tt ththethe the l la latateatesestest t bt babatbatctchch ch w wa wasas as t te tererrerriribriblbleble.e. . A. AlAllll l a an aninisiseise e ie isis is w wh whahathat t it itit it t ta tasastasteteded ed led . T. ThTheheyhey y sy sesensentnt nt t tw twowo o mo momormorere re t th tha thatat at w we we'e'r'rere re jre jujusjustst st a as as s bs bas<.<b<brbr r / />/><><b<br<br r /r />/>M/>MaMayaybaybebe e ie ite it t wt wit wilillill l el evevevenventntuntuaualuallllylly y gy gey getet t tt tht thehe he r ri
mix to make Oriental-style pork or chicken dishes, but today I added a little to some fish boiled with lemon juice and black pepper. It was very good without being actually Oriental in overall impression." 568447,B001EO7N10,A2P9W8T7NTLG2Z,Andy,0,0,2,1328918400,Mixed wrong,"I had ordered some of these a few months back and they were great, but the latest batch was terrible. All anise is what it tasted like. They sent two more that we're just as bad.<br /><br />Maybe it will eventually get the ri
gghghtht t m mimixix x b babacackck k i inin n s ststotocockck ck b bu butut t It I I o orordrdedererereded d e elelslsesewewhwheherereere.e.".""55656868484444848,8,B,B0B0000101E1EOEO7O7N7N1N1010,0,A,APAPWPWCWCOCOAOAVAVIVILILKLK9K9494B4B,B,","R"ReReaealal l N NaNamamemeded ed P PePerersersosonon n "n """"w"wowowowzwzezeeee"e"""""""",",0,0,0,00,0,0,50,5,5,1,13132322225252524248480480000,00,","I,"IfIf f i it itsts s a alallall l nl nanatatutururaralal,al, , t ththihisis s is isis is l lilikikeke e p papanananacnaceceaea ea o of of f Sf SpSpipicicece ce m mi mixixeixeses"s",","","H"HoHopopipinpingng g t th theherherere re i is is s ns nono o M MSMSGSG G i in in n tn ththithisis,is, , t, ththithisthis s ts tatasaststesteses es e ex extxtrtreremrememelmelyly y g gogoooodod d wd whwhewhenen n in i i m ma makakeke ke i it it it w wiwitithth th t to toaoasastasteteded ed fed fifisishish.h. . I I I uI ususesedsed d td toto to e ea eatat at f frfririeieded ed ced chchihichickckeckenen en a an andnd d od otoththetherer er c chchichicickickekenken n dn didisishisheisheses es wes whwhewhenwhen n in i n i w wa wasas as y yoyouounungng ng a an and and d hd hahadad d nd nono no i id idedeadea a t th the theyey y ty tatastaststestedsted d sd soso so g go goooodood d bd bebececacauaususeuse e oe ofof f tf ththithisthis this s sp spipicpicece ce mce mimixmix.x. . N. NoNowow ow i i i k knknonownow w w wh whehenhen n in i n i rn i reremremerememembmbeberber r a ab abobououtout t tt ththethe the g gr grereareatat at aat araroromomama a aa anandand d ld liliplip p s sm smamacmackckickininging g fg flflalavavovoror or t th thi thisis is iis imimpmpaparpartrtsts ts t
ght mix back in stock but I ordered elsewhere." 568448,B001EO7N10,APWCOAVILK94B,"Real Named Person ""wowzee""",0,0,5,1322524800,"If its all natural, this is like panacea of Spice mixes","Hoping there is no MSG in this, this tastes extremely good when i make it with toasted fish. I used to eat fried chicken and other chicken dishes when i was young and had no idea they tasted so good because of this spice mix. Now i know when i remember about the great aroma and lip smacking flavor this imparts t
oo o m mymy y f fifisishsh.h. . T ThThihisis is i isis is ais alalslsoso o go gogoooodod d i in in n s sosousoupupsps s a anandnd d gd gigiviveveses s ys yoyouou u a a a k kikinindnd nd o ofof f a ad addddidicictctitioionon n tn ththahatat t y yoyouyou u wu wiwilillll l w wawanantant t tt toto o po puputut t tt tht thihishis s ss spspipiciceice e m mi mixix x i in int intoto to e eveveververyrytyththithininging g y yo youou ou e ea<.<b<brbr r / />/>W>WoWououlouldld d ld lilikikeke e te toto to ato adadddd dd t ththithisthis s ws wiwilwillll ll m ma makakeke ke a an anynyoyonyonene e ee eaeatat at a an any any y ky kikinkindnd nd ond ofof of m me meaeateat t ot oror r vr vevegvegegetetatabablblele,e, , i in in in m my my y cy cacasasese e Ie I I p prprerefefeferer r cr cocosoststltlyly y ry reredred d sd sasalalmalmomonon on i in in in a in a a c cacancan n bn bubutut ut p pi pininkink k s sa salalmalmoalmonon on ion isis is sis soso so c ch cheheaeapeapeperer er a an and and d nd nonowow w w wi witithth th F FiFiviveive e se spspispiciceice ice p pi pin pinknk k sk sasalsalmlmomonmon n tn ton toaoasastast t ft fefeefeelelsls ls a as as s es enenjnjojoyoyayabablablele le a as as as a an any anyt anyththithinthingng g eg elelselsese se i i i h hahavhaveve ve e ea eat eatetenen.en.".""55656868484444949,9,B,B0B0000101E1EOEO7O7N7N1N1010,0,A,A1A1F1F6F6B6BHBHEHEYEYBYB7B7R7R6R6R6R7R7,7,J,JaJamamemeses es B BrBraralalealeyey,y,0,0,0,00,0,0,50,5,5,1,13130308080809096960600000000,0,V0,VeVereryery y ly lalarargrgege ge g grgrorouounoundnd nd snd spspispicspicece e je jajararsars.s.,.,","M"MyMy y oy ononlonlyly ly c co comompmplplalailainintin
o my fish. This is also good in soups and gives you a kind of addiction that you will want to put this spice mix into everything you eat.<br />Would like to add this will make anyone eat any kind of meat or vegetable, in my case I prefer costly red salmon in a can but pink salmon is so cheaper and now with Five spice pink salmon toast feels as enjoyable as anything else i have eaten." 568449,B001EO7N10,A1F6BHEYB7R6R7,James Braley,0,0,5,1308096000,Very large ground spice jars.,"My only complaint
i isis s t ththahatat t t th thehererere'e's's s ss soso o m mumucuchch h o ofof f i it it,t, , I I I d dodonon'n't't t ut ususese e a a a h huhugugege e ae amamomouoununtnt t ot ofof of 5 5 5 s spspipicicece,e, , s, soso so I I I g gagavaveve e 1e 1 1 j jajarar r t to to o mo mymy y s si . G GoGoooodod d e enenonouougoughgh.h.".""55656868484545050,0,B,B0B0000101E1EOEO7O7N7N1N1010,0,A0,A2A2828K8KGKG5G5X5XOXORORORO5O5454A4AYAY,Y,L,LeLetettttitieie e De D.D. . C. CaCarartarteterter,r,0,0,0,00,0,0,50,5,5,1,12129299996962628288288080000,00,W,WiWilillll l n nonotnot t dt dodo do w wiwitiththothououtout,t,Gt,GrGrereareatat at f foforor r sr sesessesasamameame e ce chchichicickickekenen.en....t.ththithisis is i is is s as a a ga gogoooodood d id ifif f nf nonotnot not b bebetettetteterter ter t th tha thanan n r reresreststutururaranantantsts s Is I I hI hahavhaveve ve e ea eatateatenen en a at at.t....M..MyMy y hy huhushusbsbabanandand d ld lolovovevedved d id itd it.t..t..w.wiwilwillll ll f fi finindnd d od otoththetherer er r re rececicipipepeses s ts toto o uo ususeuse e te ththithisthis s is,1,B,B0,B00003003S3S1S1W1WTWTCTCUCU,U,A,A3A3I3I8I8A8AFAFVFVPVPEPEEEE8E8K8KI8KI5I5,5,R5,R.R. . S. SaSawawywyeyerer,er,0,0,,0,0,0,,0,2,0,2,2,1,13,1333313121251251512120120000,00,d00,didisisaisapappppopoioinintintetedted,d,","I"I'I'm'm m d di disisaisapisappppoppoioinointntenteded d wd wiwitwithth th t th the the e fe flflalavavoavoror.or. . T. ThThehe he c chchochocococololalatlatete te n no nototeoteses es a ar arere re e es espspespececieciaialallllylly y wy weweaeakak.k.
is that there's so much of it, I don't use a huge amount of 5 spice, so I gave 1 jar to my sister. Good enough." 568450,B001EO7N10,A28KG5XORO54AY,Lettie D. Carter,0,0,5,1299628800,Will not do without,Great for sesame chicken..this is a good if not better than resturants I have eaten at..My husband loved it..will find other recipes to use this in.. 568451,B003S1WTCU,A3I8AFVPEE8KI5,R. Sawyer,0,0,2,1331251200,disappointed,"I'm disappointed with the flavor. The chocolate notes are especially weak.
MMiMililklk k t ththihicickckekenensns s i itit t b bubutut t tt ththethe e f flflalavavovoror r s ststitilillill l d didisisasapappppopoioinintntsts.s. . T ThThihishis s ws wawasas s ws wos worortorthth th a a a t tr tryry y b bu butut ut I I'I'l'llll l nl neneveveverer r br bubuybuy y ay . I. I I w wiwilillill ill u ususese e we whwhahatat't's's s ls lelefeftft,t, , w wh whihichichch h w wi wilillill ill bill bebe e ge gogononene ne i in in n n nono o t ti timimeme e te ththathananknksks s ts toto o to ththethe the s sm smamalallll ll c cacanansans.s."s.""55656868484545252,2,B,B0B0000404I4I6I6161313E3EEEE,E,A,A1A1212121A1AAAA1A1GA1GQGQVQV7V7575151Z1Z,Z,","p"pkpksksdksd d " """"p"pk"pk_k_0_00007007"7"""""""",",2,2,2,22,2,2,52,5,5,1,13132132929797878282424040000,00,P,PePererferfefecectct t ft foforor or o ouourur r mr mamalmaltltitiptipopoopoo,o,","T,"ThTheThesesese se s st statararsrs s as arareare e se smsmamalmallmall,l, , s, soso o yo yoyouou ou c ca canan an g gigiviveve ve 1 1010-0-1-1515 5 o of of f t th thohososese se ise inin in o on onene ne tne trtraraiainaininininging g s se sesessessisioionon.on. . . I I I t tr tri trieieded d td toto to t tr tra traiainain ain o ou ourur ur d do dogog g wg wiwitwithth th "th """"C""CeCeaeasaseaserer er d do dog dog g tg trtretreaeateatsts"ts"""","", , , i it it t jt jujusustust t mt mamadmadede e oe ouourour r pr pupupuppppyppy y hy . . I. IfIf f yf yoyouyou u c co comompmpaparareare are t th the the e ie iningingringreredediedieienientntsnts,s, , y, yoyouyou you w wi wil willll ll kll knknonownow w w wh why why.y. . . L. LiLitittittltlele le s st sta st
Milk thickens it but the flavor still disappoints. This was worth a try but I'll never buy again. I will use what's left, which will be gone in no time thanks to the small cans." 568452,B004I613EE,A121AA1GQV751Z,"pksd ""pk_007""",2,2,5,1329782400,Perfect for our maltipoo,"These stars are small, so you can give 10-15 of those in one training session. I tried to train our dog with ""Ceaser dog treats"", it just made our puppy hyper. If you compare the ingredients, you will know why. Little sta
rrsrs s h hahasas s js jujusustst t b babasasiasicic c f fofoooodod d i iningngrgrerededidieienentntsts s ws wiwitiththohououtut t at ananyny y p prpreresreseserervrvavatatitiviveveses s as anandand d fd fofoofoodod od c cocolololororirininging.g. . S SwSweweeeetet t pt popototatatatoato o f fl flalavavovoror or a alalslsoso o do dididdid d nd nonotot ot m mamakakeke e m my my y hy hahanhandnd d sd smsmemelellll l l lilikikeke ke d dodogog g f fo foooodood.d.".""55656868484545353,3,B,B0B0000404I4I6I6161313E3EEEE,E,A,A3A3I3IBIBEBEVEVCVCTCTXTXKXKNKNONOHOH,H,","K"KaKatathathyhy y Ay A.A. . W. WeWelelcelchch h " """"k"kakatatwatwewelwel"l"""""""",",1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1,13,133331315159596968680680000,00,F,FaFavavoavororiorititeite e Te TrTraraiaininiinininging ing a an andnd nd r rerewrewawarardrd d td trtrereareatat,at,T,ThTheheseseese e ae arareare e te ththethe e Be BEBESBESTST T t trtretreaeatatsats s fs foforfor r t tr trarairaininiinininingng ng a an and and d rd rerewrewarewarardardidindingng ng yng yoyouourour r dr dodogdog g fg foforfor for b be beieininging ing ging gogoooodood ood w whwhihililele e ge . . L LoLowowewerwer r ir inin in c ca calaloalororiorieorieses es a an and and and l lo lovovevedved d bd byby y ay alallall l tl ththethe the d do dogoggoggigieiesies.s. . . S. SwSweSweeeeteet t pt pot pototaotatatoatoeatoeses es ses seseeseemem m t to to o bo bebe e te the theheiheirir r fr fafavavoavoravoriritritete e We WeWetWet t Nt NoNososesesses s ts trtretreatreatat!at!!
rs has just basic food ingredients without any preservatives and food coloring. Sweet potato flavor also did not make my hand smell like dog food." 568453,B004I613EE,A3IBEVCTXKNOH,"Kathy A. Welch ""katwel""",1,1,5,1331596800,Favorite Training and reward treat,These are the BEST treats for training and rewarding your dog for being good while grooming. Lower in calories and loved by all the doggies. Sweet potatoes seem to be their favorite Wet Noses treat!