<topic_start>Choose your development platform to get started
error Important
If you develop apps in China, check out using Flutter in China.
<topic_start>Test drive
<topic_start>What you’ll learn
<topic_start>Guide depends on your IDE
These tasks depend on which integrated development environment (IDE) you use.Option 1 explains how to code with Visual Studio Code and
its Flutter extension.Option 2 explains how to code with Android Studio or IntelliJ IDEA with
its Flutter plugin.Flutter supports IntelliJ IDEA Community, Educational, and Ultimate editions.Option 3 explains how to code with an editor of your choice and use
the terminal to compile and debug your code.<topic_end>
<topic_start>Choose your IDE
Select your preferred IDE for Flutter apps.<topic_end>
<topic_start>Run your sample Flutter app
Run your example application on your desktop platform, in the Chrome web browser, in an iOS simulator, or
Android emulator.Though you can deploy your app to the web,
note that the web target doesn’t support
hot reload at this time.Open the Command Palette.Go to View > Command Palette or
press + Shift + P.Type flutterSelect the Flutter: Select Device.If no devices are running, this command prompts you to enable a device.Select a target device from Select Device prompt.After you select a target, start the app.
Go to Run >
Start Debugging or press F5.Wait for the app to launch.You can watch the launch progress in the Debug Console view.After the app build completes, your device displays your app.<topic_end>
<topic_start>Try hot reload
Flutter offers a fast development cycle with Stateful Hot Reload,
the ability to reload the code of a live running app without
restarting or losing app state.You can change your app source code, run the hot reload command in
VS Code, and see the change in your target device.Open lib/main.dart.Change the word pushed to clicked in the following string.
It is on line 109 of the main.dart file as of this writing.error Important
Don’t stop your app. Let your app run.Save your changes: invoke Save All, or click Hot Reload
.Your app updates the string as you watch.<topic_end>
<topic_start>Create your sample Flutter app
Launch the IDE.Click New Flutter Project at the top of the
Welcome to Android Studio dialog.Under Generators, click Flutter.Verify the Flutter SDK path value against the Flutter SDK location
on your development machine.Click Next.Enter test_drive into the Project name field.
This follows best practices for naming Flutter projects.Set the directory in the Project location field to
C:\dev\test_drive on Microsoft Windows or
~/development/test_drive on other platforms.If you didn’t create that directory before, Android Studio displays
a warning that the Directory Does Not Exist. Click Create.From Project type dropdown, select Application.Change the Organization to com.example.flutter.testdrive.Android Studio asks for a company domain name.
Android uses the company domain name and project name together as its
package name when you release the app. iOS uses its Bundle ID.Use com.example.flutter.testdrive to prevent future conflicts.Ignore the remaining form fields. You don’t need to change them for
this test drive. Click Create.Wait for Android Studio to create the project.Open the lib directory, then the main.dart.To learn what each code block does, check out the comments in that Dart file.The previous commands create a Flutter project directory
called test_drive that contains a simple demo app that
uses Material Components.<topic_end>
<topic_start>Run your sample Flutter app
Locate the main Android Studio toolbar at the top of the
Android Studio edit window.In the target selector, select an Android device for running the app.
You created your Android target device in the Install section.To run your app, make one of the following choices:Click the run icon in the toolbar.Go to Run > Run.Press Ctrl + R.After the app build completes, your device displays your app.<topic_end>
<topic_start>Try hot reload
Flutter offers a fast development cycle with Stateful Hot Reload,
the ability to reload the code of a live running app without
restarting or losing app state.You can change your app source code, run the hot reload command in
Android Studio, and see the change in your target device.Open lib/main.dart.Change the word pushed to clicked in the following string.
It is on line 109 of the main.dart file as of this writing.error Important
Don’t stop your app. Let your app run.Save your changes: invoke Save All, or click Hot Reload
.Your app updates the string as you watch.<topic_end>
<topic_start>Create your sample Flutter app
To create a new Flutter app, run the following commands in your shell or Terminal.Run the flutter create command.The command creates a Flutter project directory called test_drive
that contains a simple demo app that uses Material Components.Change to the Flutter project directory.<topic_end>
<topic_start>Run your sample Flutter app
To verify that you have a running target device,
run the following command.You created your target device in the Install section.To run your app, run the following command.After the app build completes, your device displays your app.<topic_end>
<topic_start>Try hot reload
Flutter offers a fast development cycle with Stateful Hot Reload,
the ability to reload the code of a live running app without
restarting or losing app state.You can change your app source code, run the hot reload command in
VS Code, and see the change in your target device.Open lib/main.dart.Change the word pushed to clicked in the following string.
It is on line 109 of the main.dart file as of this writing.error Important
Don’t stop your app. Let your app run.Save your changes.Type r in the terminal window.Your app updates the string as you watch.
<topic_start>Write your first Flutter app
You are now ready to start the “First Flutter app” codelab.
In about an hour and a half,
you will learn the basics of Flutter
by creating an app
that works on mobile, desktop, and web.lightbulb Tip
The codelab above walks you through writing your first Flutter
app for all platforms — mobile, desktop and web.
You might prefer to take
another codelab written specifically for the web.If you prefer an instructor-led version of this codelab,
check out the following workshop:
<topic_start>Learn more
Learn more about the Flutter framework from the following pages:<topic_end>
Flutter basics
Apply your existing knowledge
Other resources
Reach out to us at our mailing list. We’d love to hear from you!Happy Fluttering!
<topic_start>Flutter for Android developers
This document is meant for Android developers looking to apply their
existing Android knowledge to build mobile apps with Flutter.
If you understand the fundamentals of the Android framework then you
can use this document as a jump start to Flutter development.info Note
To integrate Flutter code into your Android app, see