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Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing gear Stern trawler
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing gear Beam trawler
Rule 26 Fishing vessels
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing gear Beam trawler
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing gear Beam trawler
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing gear Beam trawler
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing gear Beam trawler
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing gear Beam trawler
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing gear Beam trawler
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing gear Beam trawler
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing gear Otter trawl
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing gear Mid water trawling
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing gear Bottom pair r trawling
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :Pair midwater trawling
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :Seine net
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :Seine net fishing
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :Seine net fishing
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :The ring net or Purse Seine
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :The ring net or Purse Seine
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :The ring net or Purse Seine
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :The ring net or Purse Seine
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing gear Otter trawl
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods:Seine netting
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :Purse seining
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :Drift nets or Gillnets
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :Drift nets or Gillnets
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :Drift nets or Gillnets
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :Scottish driftnet
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :Scottish driftnet
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :Bottom longline
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :Bottom longline
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :Subsurface longline
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing gear Otter trawl
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :Subsurface longline
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :Trolling
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :Trolling
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :Fish traps
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing methods :Fish traps
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Rule 26 (b) (i) and (iii) Making way through the water, Less than 50 m in length, Bow view Vessel engaged in trawling Rule 26 (b)
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Vessel engaged in trawling Rule 26 (b) Trawler making way through the water, less than 50 m in length. Port side view
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Vessel engaged in trawling Rule 26 (b) Trawler making way through the water, less than 20 m in length. Bow view
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Vessel engaged in trawling Rule 26 (b) Vessel engaged in trawling. Not making way through the water. Less than 50 m in length
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Vessel engaged in trawling Rule 26 (b) Vessel engaged in trawling. More or less than 50 m in length. Making way through the water. Stern view.
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing gear Side trawler
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Rule 26 (b) (i), (ii) and (iii) Vessel engaged in trawling More or less than 50 m long Making way through the water Port side view Vessel engaged in trawling Rule 26 (b)
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Vessel engaged in trawling Rule 26 (b) Vessel engaged in trawling by day
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Vessel engaged in trawling Rule 26 (b) Vessel engaged in trawling by day
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Vessel engaged in trawling Rule 26 (b)
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Vessel engaged in trawling Rule 26 (b)
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Rule 26 (c) (i) and (iii), Vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling, Fishing gear extending 150 m or less, Making way through the water, Starboard side view
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Vessels engaged in fishing other than trawling Rule 26c
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Vessels engaged in fishing other than trawling Rule 26 c Driftnetter not making way through the water. Fishing gear extending 150 m or less
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Vessels engaged in fishing other than trawling Rule 26 c
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Rule 26 (c) (i), (ii) and (iii) Vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling Outlying gear extending more than 150 metres Fishing gear astern Making way through the water Port side view 70
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing gear Side trawler
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Vessels engaged in fishing other than trawling Rule 26cFishing gear extending more than 150 m at the stern. Starboard side view
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Rule 26 (c) (i) and (ii) Vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling, Fishing gear extending more than 150 m, Fishing gear in front Vessels engaged in fishing other than trawling Rule 26c
Rule 26 (c) (i) and Rule 36 Vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling Directing a search light towards her nets
Vessel engaged in trawling Making use of deck lights Rule 26 (b) (i) and Rule 36, Vessel engaged in trawling, Making use of deck lights
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Additional signals Rule 26 (d) Additional signals for pair trawling With their searchlight the vessels light up the wire cable that link their bows
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Additional signals Rule 26 (d) Additional signals for pair trawling Vessels engaged in pair trawling shooting their nets
Additional signals Rule 26 (d) Additional signals for pair trawling Vessels engaged in pair trawling with their nets fast upon an obstruction
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Additional signals Rule 26 (d) Additional signals for pair trawling Vessels engaged in pair trawling hauling their nets
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Additional signals Rule 26 (d) Additional signals for purse seiners
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing gear Side trawler
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing gear Side trawler
Rule 26 Fishing vessels Fishing gear Stern trawler
27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Vessel restricted in her ability to manoevre Rule 27 (b) Rule 27 (b) (ii) Vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre By day
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Dredging and underwater Dredger, more or less than 50 m., making way through the water, obstruction on her starboard side
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Dredging and underwater operations with an obstruction Rule 27 (d) Dredger with obstruction on the right and free passage on the left. Not making way through the water (or at anchor)
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Dredging and underwater operations with an obstruction Rule 27 (d) obstruction on both sides.
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Small vessels engaged in diving operations Rule 27 e
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Small vessels engaged in diving operations Rule 27 e Code flag A means: I have a diver down; keep well clear at slow speed
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Minesweepers Rule 27 (f) Rule 27 (f) Minesweeper Less than 50 m Underway Bow view
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Rule 27 (f) Minesweeper More or less than 50 m Underway By day
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Minesweepers Rule 27 (f)
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Minesweepers Rule 27 (f)
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Rule 27 (b) (iv) Vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre More or less than 50 m At anchor
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Minesweepers Rule 27 (f)
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Rule 27 (a) (i) and (iii) Vessel not under command Making way through the water Port side view
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre File 27 (a) (i) and (iii) Vessel not under command Making way through the water Stern view
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Rule 27 (a) (ii) Vessel not under command By day
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Vessel not under command (NUC) Rule 27 (a) Both these vessels are NUC due to adverse weather conditions.
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Vessel not under command (NUC) Rule 27 (a) This sailing vessel is also NUC because she has insufficient wind to manoeuvre adequately
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Rule 27 (b) (i) and (iii) Vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre More or less than 50 m Making way through the water Bow view
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Rule 27 (b) (i) an (iii) Vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre More or less than 50 m NOT making way through the water
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Rule 27 (b) (iv) Vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre By day
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Vessel restricted in her ability to manoevre Rule 27 (b) supply vessel
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Rule 27 (c) Powerdriven vessel towing and unable to deviate from her course Tow exceeding 200 m By day
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Vessel towing and unable to deviate from her course Rule 27 c
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Vessel towing and unable to deviate from her course Rule 27 c
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Dredging and underwater operations with an obstruction Rule 27 (d) Rule 27 (d) (i) and (iii) Obstruction on both sides At anchor
Rule 27 Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre Rule 27 (d) (i), (ii) and (iii) Vessel engaged in dredging or underwater operations obstruction right side Making way through the water or at anchor By day
Aircushion vessel at night
Rule 23 (d) (ii) Powerdriven vessel less than 7 m. Maximum 7 knots Underway. Without sidelights. ANY view Rule 23 Powerdriven vessel underway
Rule 23 (d) (ii) Powerdriven vessel less than 7 m; max 7 knots Underway Bow view , With combined lantern Rule 23 Powerdriven vessels underway Powerdriven vessel less than 7 m Rule 23 (d)
Rule 23 (a) Powerdriven vessel less than 50 m in length Bow view , Underway Rule 23 Powerdriven vessels underway Powerdriven vessel underway Rule 23 (a)
Rule 23 (a) Powerdriven vessel more or less than 50 m Port side view Underway Rule 23 Powerdriven vessels underway Powerdriven vessel underway Rule 23 (a)
Rule 23 Powerdriven vessels underway Powerdriven vessel underway Rule 23 (a) By day At night