stringlengths 17
api is related to soup. |
upper is a synonym of hanaq. |
dicotyledon is a synonym of iskay phutuy raphiyuq. |
tupuy is related to count. |
mikhuna is related to edible. |
qhipan pacha is derived from pacha. |
saway is related to marry. |
glucose is a synonym of uwas misk i. |
khallkiy is related to khallki. |
ñiy is related to tell. |
智利 is etymologically derived from chili. |
mikhap qillqasqan is a synonym of book of micah. |
rupha is related to ruphay. |
alli is related to allichu. |
hina is related to example. |
maruku is a synonym of morocco. |
utqay is related to hurry. |
rimaq is similar to rimay. |
hak u is related to flour. |
q umir qhura is derived from qhura. |
t uqyay is a synonym of explosion. |
mayuatu is a synonym of procyon. |
atikay is related to despoil. |
sinchiyay is related to numb. |
qinchay is related to hedge. |
sapa is related to each. |
rimay is related to voice. |
mistreat is a synonym of allquchakuy. |
year is a synonym of wata. |
mallki is related to tree. |
hunger is a synonym of yarqay. |
ñawpaq pacha is derived from ñawpaq. |
riqsi is related to acquaintance. |
saksay is related to saksa. |
allay is related to tuber. |
pirqay is related to wall. |
yachachiy is related to guidance. |
ukumari is a synonym of bear. |
hamk a is related to maize. |
husk a is a synonym of astragalus. |
ch ipiy is a form of ch ipchiy. |
pacha is related to environment. |
sit is a synonym of samay. |
pusaq is related to leader. |
q’ uñi yaku is related to tea. |
sinqa is related to nez. |
ten is a synonym of chunka. |
atiy is related to can. |
harvest is a synonym of kallchay. |
lluq i is related to left. |
muyuy is related to surround. |
waki is related to society. |
kañay is related to burn. |
awtu ranqhana wasi is derived from wasi. |
ladoga qucha is a synonym of lake ladoga. |
clothes is a synonym of p acha. |
jumina is related to funnel. |
lucmo is etymologically derived from rukma. |
brother is a synonym of wawqi. |
ismuy is related to rot. |
ch ariña is a synonym of grasshopper. |
achiy is related to add. |
wik uña is related to vigogne. |
mitkay is a form of mitk ay. |
yanuq is a synonym of cook. |
phinkiy is related to jump. |
sallqa amachay is a synonym of conservation. |
kiwachi is related to aqu. |
taski is a form of thatki. |
ñawi is related to water. |
wañuchiy is related to murder. |
lliphiy is a form of lliphlliy. |
clear is a synonym of ch uwa. |
ullu islampu is a synonym of condom. |
waterfall is a synonym of phaqcha. |
riqsiy is related to riqsiriy. |
chikachay is related to diminish. |
chunkantin kamachiykuna is a synonym of ten commandments. |
t uquy is related to hole. |
yawyay is related to diminution. |
mount everest is a synonym of chomolungma. |
chaqullu is a synonym of vicia faba. |
malliy is related to llunk uy. |
taqtay is related to earth up. |
ñiy is related to express. |
pani is related to turi. |
sut i is related to evident. |
riqsisqa is a form of riqsiy. |
acacia is a synonym of harka. |
aysay is related to scale. |
sillu is a synonym of nail. |
waqta is related to incline. |
aysay is related to stretch. |
q iwi is related to curve. |
ch uhtanay is related to thread. |
pen is a synonym of qillqana. |
kusi is related to pleased. |
kutuna is related to shirt. |
ilanda wat a is a synonym of ireland. |
jisp ana wasi is derived from wasi. |
Subsets and Splits