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You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: COc1c(O)cc2c(c1O)[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1OC2=O Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CN(C)C(=O)CNC(=O)Cc1ccccc1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: C[C@@H]1O[C@@H](OC[C@H]2O[C@@H](Oc3c(-c4ccc(OCCO)c(OCCO)c4)oc4cc(OCCO)cc(O)c4c3=O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]2O)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: Cc1cccn2c(=O)c(-c3nnn[n-]3)cnc12 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: Cc1cccc2sc3nncn3c12 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: O=C1Nc2ccccc2C1=O Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CC(C)(C)c1ccc(CN2CCN(C(c3ccccc3)c3ccc(Cl)cc3)CC2)cc1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CCc1cn([C@H]2C[C@H](O)[C@@H](CO)O2)c(=O)[nH]c1=O Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CCCCOc1cc(C(=O)NCCN(CC)CC)c2ccccc2n1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CCOP(=S)(OCC)Oc1ccc2c(C)c(Cl)c(=O)oc2c1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: O=S(=O)(Oc1ccc(Cl)cc1)c1ccc(Cl)cc1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: NS(=O)(=O)c1ccc(C(=O)O)cc1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CCc1nccnc1C Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: COc1ccc(C(=O)c2cccc(O)c2)c(OC)c1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CC1(C)CCC[C@@]2(C)[C@H]1CC[C@@]1(C)OC(=O)C[C@H]21 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: c1cc(OCC2CO2)ccc1Cc1ccc(OCC2CO2)cc1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: Cc1ccc(C(=O)O)cc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CN[C@@H](C)Cc1ccccc1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CCCCCC[n+]1ccccc1.F[B-](F)(F)F Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: NC(=O)c1ccc([N+](=O)[O-])cc1Cl Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CCN(Cc1cccc(S(=O)(=O)O)c1)c1ccccc1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: C=C(C)C(N)=O Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: COc1cc(CNC(=O)CCCC/C=C/C(C)C)ccc1O Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CCOC(=O)C(O)(c1ccc(Cl)cc1)c1ccc(Cl)cc1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CN1CCC(=C2c3ccccc3C=Cc3ccccc32)CC1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CN(C)c1ccc(N)cc1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: O=C(C=Cc1ccccc1)OCc1ccccc1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: C=Cc1ccc(C(C)(C)C)cc1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: Cc1cc(C)n(CO)n1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: COP(=O)(OC)Oc1ccc([N+](=O)[O-])cc1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: C=C1c2c(Cl)ccc(O)c2C(=O)C2=C(O)[C@]3(O)C(=O)C(C(N)=O)=C(O)[C@@H](N(C)C)[C@@H]3[C@@H](O)[C@H]12.O=C(O)c1cc(S(=O)(=O)O)ccc1O Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CCCCCCCCCC#N Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CCC(CC)(CNC(=O)CCCO)c1cccc(OC)c1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: II Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: O=C1c2ccccc2C(=O)c2cc(Cl)ccc21 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: O=C(O)c1cc(=O)c2ccccc2o1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: O=[N+]([O-])c1ccc(F)cc1F Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: C=C(C)C1CC=C(C)C(=O)C1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: FC(F)(F)c1ccc(Cl)cc1Cl Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CC(C)(C)c1cc(/C=C2\SC(=N)NC2=O)cc(C(C)(C)C)c1O Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: O=C(Cl)c1cccc([N+](=O)[O-])c1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: C=CC(=O)OCCOCCOCC Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: NC(=O)C1(N2CCCCC2)CCN(CCCC(=O)c2ccc(F)cc2)CC1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CC1=C(C)S(=O)(=O)CCS1(=O)=O Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: O=C(Oc1ccccc1C(=O)O)c1ccccc1O Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: O=C(CCCN1CCC(O)(c2cccc(C(F)(F)F)c2)CC1)c1ccc(F)cc1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CCCCCCCCC(=O)OCC Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CC(C)C(O)(c1ccc(OC(F)(F)F)cc1)c1cncnc1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: OCCN(CCO)c1nc(N2CCCCC2)c2nc(N(CCO)CCO)nc(N3CCCCC3)c2n1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CN(C)C Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: Nc1nc2ccc([N+](=O)[O-])cc2s1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: O=[N+]([O-])C(CO)(CO)CO Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CCN(C(C)=O)c1cccc(-c2ccnc3c(C#N)cnn23)c1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CC(C)OC(=O)c1cc2c(OCC(O)CNC(C)(C)C)cccc2[nH]1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CN(C)CCOC(c1ccc(Cl)cc1)c1ccccn1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CO[Si](C)(OC)OC Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: COC(=O)[C@H]1[C@@H](O)CC[C@H]2CN3CCc4c([nH]c5ccccc45)[C@@H]3C[C@@H]21 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CC(C)(c1cc(Cl)c(O)c(Cl)c1)c1cc(Cl)c(O)c(Cl)c1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CCCCC/C=C\C/C=C\CCCCCCCC(=O)OC Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: Cc1nc2ccccc2n1Cc1ccc(Cl)cc1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CC(=C(CCOP(=O)(O)O)SC(=O)c1ccccc1)N(C=O)Cc1cnc(C)nc1N Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CC1=C(C(=O)Nc2ccccc2)S(=O)(=O)CCO1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CCCCOCCCC Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CN(C)CCOc1ccccc1Cc1ccccc1.O=C(O)CC(O)(CC(=O)O)C(=O)O Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CCCCOCC(C)OCC(C)O Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CC(C)CCCC(C)(C)O Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: Cc1c(C)n(CCN(C)C)c2ccc(C(=O)OCCN(C)C)cc12 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: C/C(=N\Cc1ccccc1)c1ccccc1O Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CC(C)(C)c1cc([N+](=O)[O-])cc(C(C)(C)C)c1O Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: NCCc1cnc[nH]1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: c1cc(CCCc2ccncc2)ccn1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: Cc1nc2ccc(Cl)cc2[nH]1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CCCCCOC(=O)CCCCC Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: Cn1cc(NC(=O)c2cc(NC(=O)c3cc(NC=O)cn3C)cn2C)cc1C(=O)NCCC(=N)N Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: O=C([O-])c1ccccc1Nc1cc(Cl)ccc1C(=O)[O-] Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CC1=C(C)S(=O)(=O)CCS1(=O)=O Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: c1ccc2[nH]ccc2c1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CCCCCCCCCCCCCC(=O)O Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CCC(=O)C(CCN(C)C)(c1ccccc1)c1ccccc1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: Cc1cc(S(=O)(=O)[O-])ccc1/N=N/c1c(O)ccc2ccccc12 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: C/C=C1\C(=O)C[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCC4=CC(=O)CC[C@]4(C)[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: O=C1Nc2ccc(Cl)cc2C(c2ccccc2Cl)=NC1O Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: Cc1ccc2c(c1)[C@]13CCCC[C@@H]1[C@H](C2)N(C)CC3 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: C[C@@]12CCC[C@H]1[C@@H]1CC[C@H]3C[C@@H](O)CC[C@]3(C)[C@H]1CC2 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CN(C)C(=O)COC(=O)Cc1ccc(OC(=O)c2ccc(NC(=N)N)cc2)cc1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: Cc1cc2c(cc1S(N)(=O)=O)S(=O)(=O)CCC2 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: COC(=O)C1=C(C)NC(C)=C(C(=O)OCCN(C)Cc2ccccc2)C1c1cccc([N+](=O)[O-])c1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: COC(OC)OC Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CCOC(=O)c1ccccc1N Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: ClC1(Cl)C2(Cl)C3(Cl)C4(Cl)C(Cl)(Cl)C5(Cl)C3(Cl)C1(Cl)C5(Cl)C24Cl Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: C=CCn1c(=O)n([C@@H]2O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H]2O)c2nc(N)[nH]c(=O)c21 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CCC(Cl)CCC(Cl)C(Cl)CC(Cl)C(Cl)C(Cl)CCl Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CN1C[C@@H](NS(=O)(=O)N(C)C)C[C@@H]2c3cccc4c3c(cn4C)C[C@H]21 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CC(C)(C)OCC1CO1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: NCCS Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CCOc1nc(=O)c(F)c[nH]1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: Cc1cc(C)c(S(=O)(=O)[O-])cc1N=Nc1cc(S(=O)(=O)[O-])c2ccccc2c1O Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: O=C(O)c1cccnc1C(=O)O Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: c1ccc(CSCc2ccccc2)cc1 Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.
You are an expert chemist, your task is to predict the property of a molecule using your experienced chemical property prediction knowledge. Please strictly follow the format, no other information can be provided. Given the SMILES string of a molecule, the task focuses on predicting molecular properties, specifically whether a molecule is toxic (Yes) or not toxic (No), based on the SMILES string representation of each molecule. A template will be provided. The task is to predict the binary label for a given molecule SMILES, please answer with only Yes or No. SMILES: COCC(C)OC(C)=O Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCCCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCc4cc(O)ccc4[C@H]3CC[C@]12C Toxic: Yes SMILES: CCOC(=O)COC(=O)c1cc(Oc2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2Cl)ccc1[N+](=O)[O-] Toxic: No SMILES: Cc1ccc(O)c2ncccc12 Toxic: No Below is the molecule whose property you have to predict. Along with is the image structure of the molecule. SMILES: CCCCCCCCCCCC[N+](C)(C)CC(=O)[O-] Toxic: You have to predict whether it is Toxic with answer Yes or No.