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Murray Schisgal, a zo ur mignon a-gozh din, ouzhpenn 30 vloaz zo, en doa bet soñj kentañ Tootsie : | Murray Schisgal est un ami cher depuis plus de 30 ans |
"peseurt mod 'vefes disheñvel ma vijes bet ganet plac'h ?" en doa goullet ganin ur wech bennaket | C'est lui qui a lancé Tootsie avec cette idée : dans quelle mesure serais-tu différent si tu étais né femme ? m'a-t-il demandé un jour lors d'une conversation. |
Ne oa ket "penaos 'n em santer pa vezer ur plac'h ?" Pep hini "n em c'houll... petra "dalv bezañ eus ar reizh all ? | Il ne demandait pas ce que je ressentirais si j'étais une femme, chaque sexe s'interroge : comment je me sentirais si j'étais du sexe opposé ? |
Disheñvel e oa e c'houlenn... | Sa question était différente : |
Ma vijes-te bet ganet plac'h, peseurt mod 'vijes disheñvel ? | Si tu étais né femme, en quoi serais-tu différent ? |
Ar penn-kentañ e oa Met re hir 'vije kontañ dre ar munud 'blam 'betra 'oamp bet daou vloavezh o labourat war Tootsie, | C'est ce qui nous a amenés... mais ce serait trop long d'expliquer pourquoi nous avons travaillé sur Tootsie pendant deux ans, avant même d'avoir un metteur en scène, juste pour écrire les différentes versions du scénario. |
Met bet 'oan 'ba ti Columbia 'vit goull moneiz gante 'vit un taol-esae pentañ, 'vit gwelet hag-eñ 'c'hallen kaout tres ur plac'h | Mais je suis allé chez Columbia pour leur demander s'ils étaient prêts à financer un test, pour voir si je pouvais avoir l'aspect d'une femme. |
Ma ne oan ket 'vit kaout tres ur plac'h 'vije mat dezhe chom hep ober ar film | Si je ne pouvais pas avoir l'air d'une femme, ils seraient d'accord pour ne pas faire le film. |
Goullet o doa petra 'dalveze an dra-se. | Ils m'ont demandé ce que je voulais dire. |
Santout a raen, ma n'hallen ket bale 'ba New York gwisket 'giz ur plac'h, hep klevet : | J'avais l'intuition que, à moins de pouvoir me promener à New York habillé en femme, sans que les gens se retournent : |
"Piv eo hemañ treuzwisket ?" pe n'eus forzh petra all : | "C'est qui ce mec déguisé en femme ?" |
"Peseurt istrogell eo hennezh ?" | Ou disent n'importe quoi d'autre : "C'est quoi cette horreur ?" |
Ma ne oan ket 'vit ober an dra-se, 'faote ket din ober ar film | Si je ne pouvais pas faire ça, je ne voulais pas faire le film. |
Ne faote ket din "tihanfe an arvesterien da grediñ pezh a welfent | Je voulais que le public puisse y croire. |
Ur wech bet graet an taol, ha pa 'm boa gwelet an disoc'h war ar skramm 'oan bet feuket pa ne oan ket koantoc'h 'vit se, ha lâret 'm boa : | Une fois arrivé à cette étape, et quand j'ai vu le résultat à l'écran, j'ai été choqué de ne pas être plus séduisante, et j'ai dit: |
Bremañ pa 'peus graet ur plac'h diouzhin, grit ur goantenn diouzhin | "Maintenant que vous m'avez transformé en femme, faites de moi une belle femme." |
Soñjal 'rae din 'oa dleet din bezañ ur plac'h koant | Parce que je croyais devoir être une belle femme. |
Ma oa ret din bezañ ur plac'h 'faote din bezañ deus ar c'hoantañ | Si je devais être une femme, je voudrais être la plus belle possible. |
Respontet o doa : mat 'vo 'mod-se. | Ils ont répondu : |
"Vimp ket 'vit ober gwelloc'h | "Ça ira comme ça. On ne pourra pas faire mieux." |
D'ar c'houlz-se e oa deut splann din... | C'est à ce moment-là que j'ai eu une révélation... |
Bet 'oan 'ba du-mań, ha da ouelań 'n ur gaozeal gant ma gwreg | Je suis rentré chez moi et j'ai pleuré en parlant à ma femme |
Lâret 'm boa dezhi : | Et je lui ai dit : |
"Ret eo din ober ar film-se." | "Il faut que je fasse ce film." |
Hi 'doa lâret : "'Blam 'betra ?" | Et elle m'a dit : "Pourquoi ?" |
Ha me : "'Blam ma soñj din on ur plac'h dedennus pa welan 'c'hanon war ar skramm | Et j'ai dit : "Parce que je pense que je suis une femme intéressante, quand je me vois à l'écran. |
Ha goût 'ran ma welfen an dudenn-se en ur fest, ne gomzfen ket dezhi, 'blam n'eo ket stummet he c'horf 'vel omp-ni bet stummet da briziań korf ur plac'h evit pediñ 'nezhi da goan." | Je sais que si je me rencontrais à une soirée, je ne parlerais pas à ce personnage, parce qu'elle ne remplit pas, physiquement, les critères que, selon notre éducation, une femme doit remplir pour qu'on l'invite." |
Ha hi da lâret : | Elle a dit : |
"O kontań petra 'maout 'ta ?" | "Mais qu'est-ce que tu racontes ?" |
Ha me : | "Il y a trop de femmes intéressantes que je n'ai pas pu connaître dans ma vie parce que j'ai subi un lavage de cerveau." |
'Vidon-me, n'eo ket bet ur gomedienn, biskoazh | Pour moi, ça n'a jamais été une comédie. |
"Blind man's buffet" | Really. 1 00:01:16,019 --> 00:01:26,026 Tonight, I can promise you a contest you've never seen before. |
"Elevator buddy" | 101 00:14:24,059 --> 00:14:32,057 - Moscow is located further north than Oslo. |
"How many" | 102 00:14:32,057 --> 00:14:35,038 I just take a chance. |
"Mini excavator" | 103 00:14:35,038 --> 00:14:45,088 Kjetil? |
"Pedal boat" | Okay, Didrik has responded that this is a joke, while Kjetil has responded that this is fact. |
"Quiz the table. | 104 00:14:45,088 --> 00:14:49,092 And the correct answer is that it is a joke, and the point goes to Didrik. |
Fact or Joke " | 105 00:14:49,092 --> 00:14:56,004 If it becomes more exciting now, then... 106 00:14:56,004 --> 00:15:04,062 Here comes the latest and potentially decisive issue. |
"Search" | In a deck, the King of Hearts is the only one without a mustache. |
"Who is this?" | 107 00:15:04,062 --> 00:15:10,015 - I have answered. |
- 7 out of 10, have you managed so far. | - I have responded and took a wild shot. |
- I just have to chew up. | Wild and crazy. |
- A little fish like consistency. | 108 00:15:10,015 --> 00:15:12,024 Wild and crazy, I was too. |
We say salmon. | 109 00:15:12,024 --> 00:15:23,058 Yes, Didrik responded that it's a fact, Kjetil has replied that it is a joke. |
- That's exactly right. | And the correct answer is fact. |
It was salmon. | 11 00:03:20,042 --> 00:03:30,066 From the Barratt Due Institute of Music and the Grand Prix comes tonight Alexander Rybak and Didrik Solli-Tangen. |
You have now managed 5 of 10 foods. | 110 00:15:23,058 --> 00:15:34,074 And that means Didrik winning the quiz. |
- Alexander has written "kjeonnsvorter" (genital warts) - We hope that we do not get that one. | 111 00:15:34,074 --> 00:15:39,088 - Congratulations, awesome. |
- Alexander, Didrik was quite ram on this. | - Thanks, it was a hard battle. |
- Yes, he is very clever. | 112 00:15:39,088 --> 00:15:44,048 - It was a hard game, you play a lot of cardgames? |
- Alexander. | - No, not really. |
- You are now at 2 meters. | I just thought if not... 113 00:15:44,048 --> 00:15:47,092 - He's very good at mustaches. |
- All right boys, are you ready? | - I'm good in mustaches. |
- Yes. | 114 00:15:47,092 --> 00:15:56,031 That's good, and Didrik got his credit back, and he runs away with 2 points, which means that Alexander and Didrik leads 2 - 1. |
- Am I on the right place? | 115 00:15:56,031 --> 00:16:03,089 We go to exercise No. |
- Yes, you are. | 3. |
You are at No. | 116 00:16:03,089 --> 00:16:08,031 "Search" 117 00:16:08,031 --> 00:16:11,030 In this competition, participants are given a word. |
4. | 118 00:16:11,030 --> 00:16:18,013 They will add a minimum of 3 characters in front or behind this word, type it into google and see who gets the most hits. |
- An ace in the arm. | 119 00:16:18,013 --> 00:16:23,047 Place names are not allowed and there it has to be a Norwegian word. |
- If so, we have chosen the perfect one, if we need him. | And the first one to 5 points wins. |
- An you have chosen Lasse Kjus for this competition. | 12 00:03:30,066 --> 00:03:35,036 Alexander Rybak played and sang his way into the Norwegian hearts and European charts when he swept all of the court 120 00:16:23,047 --> 00:16:30,064 And this is about knowing what words are mostly search for at google. |
- Yes. | Which one of you have the most flair on it? |
- And which one of you has the best taste, buds, really? | 121 00:16:30,064 --> 00:16:37,025 Do you know what? |
- We go for Lasse. | It is completely irrelevant, because Didrik promised that if we were in the lead, I should be allowed to try on. |
- Are you ready? | 122 00:16:37,025 --> 00:16:43,022 So, then it is you Alexander, exciting. |
- In this? | Which one of you have the best overview of the most searched words? |
- In this, yes. | 123 00:16:43,022 --> 00:16:50,068 - I think it's Kjetil who have the head for this one. |
- Are you ready? | - We are so old that we almost do not know what this is at all... 124 00:16:50,068 --> 00:16:52,044 - But you go for it? |
- Yes, I'm ready. | - I go for it. |
- Are you ready? | 125 00:16:52,044 --> 00:17:01,093 Okay, then the rest of you can sit down. |
- Yes. | 126 00:17:01,093 --> 00:17:18,084 The first word is - "hjelp" (help) 127 00:17:18,084 --> 00:17:23,003 Kjetil has written - "selvhjelp" (self help) 128 00:17:23,003 --> 00:17:34,038 It was tempting to write "sexhjelp" (sexhelp), but I thought that I would be somewhat decent and wrote "selvhjelp" and got 78,300 hits. |
- Avocado! | 129 00:17:34,038 --> 00:17:40,028 I think it was good. |
- That's right! | 13 00:03:35,036 --> 00:03:49,097 and secured Norway the 3rd victory ever in the ESC last year. |
- Avocado? | 130 00:17:40,028 --> 00:17:49,074 Alexander has written "folkehjelp" (peoples help), and it gave 85 100 hits. |
- Yes, good! | Very good. |
- But on the wrong team, Finken, you are an alpine skier. | 131 00:17:49,074 --> 00:18:09,060 The next word is "vorte" (wart) 132 00:18:09,060 --> 00:18:13,001 Yes. |
- It is very pleasant, welcome. | You certainly have something a lot smarter than me, but Okay. |
How are you doing? | 133 00:18:13,001 --> 00:18:21,061 Kjetil has written "vortekrem" (wartcream), and it gave 100 hits. |
- But you go for it? | 134 00:18:21,061 --> 00:18:29,032 It was slightly less than the first one. |
- I go for it. | 135 00:18:29,032 --> 00:18:35,001 - Alexander has written "kjeonnsvorter" (genital warts) - We hope that we do not get that one. |
- Caviar. | 136 00:18:35,001 --> 00:18:40,097 And it gave 86,500 hits, and the point goes to Alexander. |
- This goes fast. | It was smart Alexander. |
You've made 5 of 10. | 137 00:18:40,097 --> 00:18:44,056 - Thank you. |
- Chicken. | We hope we do not get it. |
- That's right. | - No, let's hope we do not. |
- Congratulations, awesome. | 138 00:18:44,056 --> 00:18:53,076 - Here comes the next word and it's "ku" (cow) - Think simple, Alex! |
- Thanks, it was a hard battle. | 139 00:18:53,076 --> 00:18:57,093 - Huh! |
- Did you like to go to school? | - Think simple! |
- Yes, I did, I was very fond of breaks and stuff. | 14 00:03:49,097 --> 00:04:01,003 This year, his buddy Didrik Solli-Tangen took over the baton and won the national Eurovision Song Contest with his captivating voice. |
- Didrik, you are truly in a good run now. | 140 00:18:57,093 --> 00:19:01,026 I think very rare, and when I think it is very simple. |
- What's happening? | 141 00:19:01,026 --> 00:19:04,011 - I remind you that this is a family program, so... |
- Do I really? | - I know it. |
- Yes. | 142 00:19:04,011 --> 00:19:09,030 - You have to have it in mind before you write the word. |
- Do mayonnaise taste so strong? | - You should have it in mind before you say "KU". |
But I say mayonnaise. | But.. 143 00:19:09,030 --> 00:19:12,029 - KU is quite - - Then just press enter. |
- It is unfortunately wrong, because it's caviar. | 144 00:19:12,029 --> 00:19:16,069 We have done that. |
- Do you think you will make it? | 145 00:19:16,069 --> 00:19:28,000 - Kjetil has written "kukken" (cock) - Yes, it's just a word for what we use to pee with. |
- No. | 146 00:19:28,000 --> 00:19:38,038 And "kukken" returned 67,400 hits, ladies and gentlemen. |
- Good luck, Didrik. | 147 00:19:38,038 --> 00:19:41,009 I tried to avoid that one. |
- Good luck. | 148 00:19:41,009 --> 00:19:57,042 Alexander tried to avoid it and wrote "kunst" (art), and "kunst" returned 56,600,000 hits.That was impressive. |