Hype, as the studio moguls have learned, is no longer a guarantee of box office success. Even the most star-studded of Hollywood blockbusters can flop. Kevin Costner's budget-busting Waterworld and Barbara Streisand's The Mirror Has Two Faces are just two better-known films that have struggled to make a return on their mega-bucks investment. Hollywood movie tycoons are increasingly nervous about ploughing tens of millions of pounds into films that have a poor prospect at the box office. Studios thought they had found an answer to their escalating film costs when they stumbled on the idea of insurance-backed film finance in the mid-1990s. Intended to insure studios and their backers against film failure, insurance-finance products have always been a hugely risky business. One type of policy is the time variable contingency (TVC), otherwise known as bums-on-seats cover. This indemnifies a studio if a film fails to become a hit at the box office. They are used to guarantee box office revenue, usually for three years after release. If a film flops, the studio's bank can claim the shortfall. Insurers would generally charge a premium of between 10% and 14%, but this could reach 25% for more risky projects. The first major insurance-finance deal was arranged in 1996 by Hollywood lawyer Peter Hoffman through his independent film company Phoenix Pictures with Chase Manhattan bank. Chase became one of the leaders in the insurance-finance market and has lent more than £428m worth of TVC loans. Hoffman arranged £35m worth of insurance-backed loans from Chase to finance one-third of four Paramount films: The Phantom, In and Out, The Truman Show and The Beautician and the Beast. Other Hollywood films covered by TVC policies are The People v Larry Flint and Barbara Streisand vehicle The Mirror Has Two Faces, both of which flopped at the box office. Paramount would subsequently finance a total of 25 films using insurance-backed loans, including such films as Double Jeopardy and Runaway Bride. Insurers calculated that the failure of one or two feature films would easily be compounded by the success of the other ones. Roger Sampson at Aon says: “There have always been, and will always will be, insurers that are attracted to high risk deals.” Insurance-backed gap film financing, as bums-on-seats cover is also known, is extremely risky, however, as insurers have practically no influence on the production and promotion costs of a film. Often, badly reviewed films tend to stretch their promotion budget even further – as it was the case with The Mirror has two Faces which spent £18m on advertising – and the risk for insurers gets potentially higher. Roger Bassett, at broker Heath Lambert, by far the largest broker dealing in this market, does not agree: “If the insurers pay the claims, they take over the banks' rights to future revenues, and still can make money out of a failed film.” But mounting losses at the box office have brought about a rethink among those insurers with a large Hollywood exposure. Things came to a head last November, when a group of 10 insurers, among them Axa, Generali, Royal & SunAlliance, Copenhagen Re and Assitalia, began legal proceedings against Chase and brokers Heath, alleging fraudulent misrepresentation and non-disclosure. Chase has since lodged a counter-claim for non-payment of claims arising from The Phantom and The Beautician and The Beast. Both Heath and Chase deny they have committed any wrongdoing. Axa has the most exposure of the ten insurers – up to £1bn – and is believed to have already spent £12m on legal fees. Insurers have had to put up with an overall worldwide loss of up to £1.43bn since the beginning of the trade. The problem facing Chase could not be more fraught. If insurers can prove they should not pay Chase's claims, the bank could be forced to write off £429m worth of loans it has made to finance films over the past four years. The £1.43bn figure is dismissed by Bassett, however. He said: “This seems much too high.” He said his firm had “quality clients with quality films”, and the insurers could be sure of getting their money back via the film revenues. Heath Lambert started dealing with insurance-backed gap film financing in 1992, but from 1995 on, it started working on a much larger scale and it is still the biggest player in the business. While several Lloyd's syndicates – whose underwriters cannot put up that kind of financial guarantee – say they “would be surprised if there was still a market”, Bassett insists that “there is still a future”. He concedes that the scale of the market has been greatly reduced: “It's about 20% of what it was in its heyday.” At its best, Bassett estimates that its worth was roughly £71.4m. And he is positive that it might soar again: “It could increase to 40% to 50% of what it was before.” Heath Lambert is still placing policies at the moment. No wonder, as the brokers are thought to have hugely benefited from the market. Sampson thinks that “the only people who made money out of it are the brokers who placed those policies”. This is vehemently contradicted by Bassett. “The ones who are making money are the independent film producers who do a good film. They keep all their rights, have the ownership and the profits.” Bassett considers that film producers profit from expensive debt and cheap equity. “An equity investor would ask for 50% of his upside, much more than the premium the producer has to pay us.” Sampson is more circumspect: “It is a big business, but most don't understand the risk – gap finance has never worked.” The Lloyd's syndicates also agree that “it's just not an insurable risk – it is like betting on the success of a film, which is not insurance”. Everybody agrees on the fact that even if the market improves, it will not be what it was. Sampson reflects: “Anyway, it may say something about your film in the first place if you are not able to get any financing for it.”
Juvenile Defense Lawyer With a experienced Juvenile Justice Attorney on your team, you can fight to keep your child's record clean. Youthful indiscretions that result in a criminal charge should not change the course of a young person's life. Poor decisions leading to horrible mistakes become part of their criminal record. That information in a background check can affect a future academic pursuit or career advancement. The human brain is not fully developed until a person reaches age 25. Unfortunately, the last part of the brain to finish developing is the part that controls impulse. There is a huge difference in the way the child's brain is working when it reacts to impulse as opposed to rational and logical thought. If your child acted impulsively while hanging out with the wrong crowd, the punishment should not be as severe as if there was a plan in advance. If the crime your baby is charged with is severe enough, the State could even upgrade the charges and ask that your child be charged as an adult. At that instant, you need an experienced lawyer who understands the major differences in an adult's brain and a child's brain. You need an attorney who has spent time talking with your child and listening to what happened. By communicating in advance your lawyer will understand the thought process and be equipped with the facts to fight for your child's rights. At Daniels & Taylor, P.C., our attorneys understand what is at stake for a child under the age of 18. Juvenile crimes are anything but minor. WE CAN HELP YOU! Contact our Lawrenceville law office at (770) 285-1673. Aggressive Advocacy for Juveniles Charged With Serious Crimes At Daniels & Taylor, P.C., we focus on the best outcome of a juvenile criminal charge both now and long into the future. Our attorneys provide aggressive representation for juveniles when they have been charged with the following: - Underage drinking - Gang-related activities - Assault and battery A Second Chance at a Promising Future We fight hard for your child to get a second chance. They must recognize the severity of their actions and cooperate in getting their life back on track. A bright future can be easily snuffed out following an arrest and life-altering conviction, especially if the minor is charged as an adult. They need a seasoned spokesperson to protect their rights. They need an aggressive advocate who will pursue sealing of the records or outright expungement. From our office in Lawrenceville, our lawyers represent clients in communities throughout Gwinnett County, Georgia. Call us at (770) 285-1673 or contact us by email to arrange a free consultation with one of our experienced Lawrenceville juvenile crimes defense attorneys today. Professional & Trustworthy Clients are always our number one priority. We treat every client with the utmost respect and professionalism throughout every aspect of their case. For over 25 years we have been recognized by our community and have been voted Best of Gwinnett from 2015-2019. 5 Star Ratings Our clients love working with us! Visit our reviews page to read more about their experiences. Established in 1994 Our firm has been serving clients in Gwinnett County for over 25 years. Lawrenceville is our town!
It sounds familiar: relativism and pluralism reign as hundreds of religions and philosophical schools litter the spiritual marketplace. But we're talking about life in the early church, which is precisely why Robert Webber believes the early church's models of worship, evangelism, and teaching can fruitfully guide evangelicals today. Here Webber offers a corrective to how we typically teach biblical material: Moralism resembles a do-goodism that neglects a more biblical understanding of Christian ethics as it grows out of the redemptive work of Christ. The moralistic teacher tends to find "the moral" in Bible stories and in the lives of biblical heroes. There is a tendency to emphasize how "doing good" and "being responsible" always pay off in the end. On this basis, the teacher urges the students to be helpful, kind, sharing.The problem with this kind of teaching is not with the behavior suggested by moralism, but with the misinterpretation of what Scripture actually says. Moralism fails to emphasize the redemptive nature of the Word. The stories of Scripture are often explained as isolated incidents and not as examples of the way God is working to accomplish redemption. Thus the picture of Christianity as a superficial do-goodism is unconsciously presented.For example, if we treat the story of Abraham merely as an example of obedience without putting Abraham in the context of God's covenant to bring into existence a people through which the world will be blessed, we reduce his story to moralism. True morality is not based on this or that particular story, but on the story of Israel and Jesus and the calling to be a new person within the community of God's people on earth.January ...1 Already a CT subscriber? Log in for full digital access. Subscribe to Christianity Today and get access to this article plus 60+ years of archives. - Home delivery of CT magazine - Complete access to articles on ChristianityToday.com - Over 120 years of magazine archives plus full access to all of CT’s online archives - Learn more
Anyone working with Google Shopping and AdWords to create PLA’s for their products has gone through the tedious process of data clean-up and the feed generation process. For online retailers new to the process, it can be a bit overwhelming. This is especially true for e-tailers who have large product databases that might not have the cleanest data. Unforturnately, Google is ramping up to start enforcing a further data requirement in shopping feeds. Last year, Google added to this workload by rolling out some requirements for the data they receive from customers in their feeds. Two stood out as possibly being more challenging to overcome than others. First was the requirement for products with color and size options to be fed to Google with Groupings. We covered this update in a previous blog post, Generating Produce Variants for Google Shopping Feeds. Next was Google’s requirement for products in feeds to be submitted with a GTIN and Brand attribute value set for all products listed with a Condition of ‘new.’ GTINs, or Global Trade Item Numbers, are unique values registered and assigned to a single product. For example, a GTIN would be unique to a size 10 shoe, and can’t be assigned to all sizes of a style of shoe. Some products will have UPCs, EANs, JANs, ISBNs and ITF-14s, which are all a subset of GTIN and can be used. This doesn’t seem like a huge hurdle, but for a lot of retailers it can definitely be a hassle for a few reasons: Luckily, enforcement of these requirements is relegated to a handful of retailers at the moment, about 50 major brands. It’s also limited to PLAs targeting Australia, Brazil, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, the UK and the US. That limited reach is about to change. Google sent out an email on February 2 that stated it would begin enforcing GTIN requirements more strictly in 2016. Starting on February 8, online sellers should have started getting Google Shopping Feed errors on products that don’t have the required ‘brand’ and ‘gtin’ status filled in. These are simply a warning letting you know that you should start to look at these items and ensure these missing attributes are showing up in your feed. On May 16, Google reportedly plans to start fully enforcing this rule and will begin to disapprove products in your feed that don’t follow the guidelines. This can cause major headaches for e-tailers who drive a large amount of business through their feeds. Fruition had a client that was hit with the update to product variants. Luckily, we caught it while they were still receiving warnings. Had it resulted in full-on disapprovals, the e-tailer would have missed out on a large amount of traffic and revenue from the suspension of ads. Don’t let yourself get caught unprepared by this update. Google is only going to continue growing this requirement by including more brands. If you’re an online merchant that submits product feeds to Google, be aware and be pro-active at making sure your data and feeds are ready to cope with the coming changes. If you’re concerned that you’re unprepared, or you begin to see disapproval issues, contact Fruition. It is worth noting that not all products fall under this enforcement and there are some other cases where an e-tailer’s feed might be okay. Products that aren’t new, don’t fall into the brand guidelines, custom made products, antiques and some items of apparel don’t have to adhere to the new requirements. Still, the best rule of thumb and the best way to avoid an issue is to submit GTINs with your products if they are at all available. You can find some more information on specifications in some of these related articles: Chance Carlin is the Technical Sales Engineer at Fruition. Chance’s career has varied from working in hospitality and sales to owning a video production and web development company. He’s captured live concert footage of Papdosio and The Dendrites, built his first website for a local Denver restaurant called City O’ City, and put together animations for some of Fruition’s largest clients. Now the Technical Sales Engineer at Fruition, Chance is looking forward to being a part of the team that is responsible for keeping the company growing. In his free time, Chance enjoys hiking, skiing, golfing and going to concerts. President & Founder, Tru Family Dental Marketing, Dependable Cleaners President & Founder, Family Travel Association
Gina Mydlo, PT, DPT I am a pediatric physical therapist who specializes in treating children ages 0-3. I work for Missouri First Steps, which is Missouri’s early intervention program. I help teach children how to roll, sit, crawl, stand, walk, and I help promote the best posture during daily activities like feeding, sitting, and standing. My goal is to educate families on how to best progress their child's gross motor skills, so that the child can function at their fullest potential. I am married and have one son. While I have been a pediatric therapist longer than a mother, my son is the one who has taught me the most about relating to children and families, and how physical function impacts every part of daily living. I have been blessed with having many resources available to me throughout my son's life, and I want to make these resources known and available to all families. Laura Pierce, CCC-SLP, CLC I am a speech-language pathologist and a certified lactation counselor. I work with pediatrics in several settings: providing early intervention services for ages 0-3 through Missouri First Steps. providing pediatric therapy services in the areas of development, language, feeding, and cognitive rehabilitation at Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital. treating pediatric feeding and swallowing disorders and providing breastfeeding support through my private practice, Pierce Pediatric Feeding Services. I live in Kirkwood with my husband, four children, stepdaughter, and two Labrador retrievers and three cats. I volunteer with Duo Dogs by raising service puppies-in-training and caring for puppies from 0-8 weeks while they are with their mama. Why We Created These Classes We have noticed that there are many classes available on childbirth, CPR/first aid, breastfeeding, and newborn care. However, there are not many classes available on how to play with your baby or how to promote their developmental skills! Both of us provide early intervention therapy for infants and young children with developmental delays. We love that the families of these children can receive extensive support in different areas of child development due to their child's diagnosis, but we also want to educate other families who want to give their child the best start possible.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Epiphany greetings of peace. In the five years since Bishop Burbidge has been our shepherd he has quickly grasped the unique challenges that we face as a large and culturally-diverse Diocese. One of the needs he has identified within our diocese is a new Cathedral. The need for a new Cathedral is prompted, in large part, by the continuing vibrant growth of the Catholic population throughout the Diocese, which covers the 54 eastern counties of the state. In the 10-year period between 2000 and 2010, the Catholic population in the 54-county Diocese has increased approximately 42 percent from 152,493 to 217,125 registered Catholics, with an estimated 200,000 plus unregistered Catholics, mostly of Hispanic origin. With a seating capacity of 320, Sacred Heart Cathedral, as the “Mother Church” of the Diocese, is unable to accommodate most of the Diocesan liturgical celebrations. For Roman Catholics, the Cathedral stands as the visible unifying presence of the Church. It is the sign of the mission of Christ to be exercised there among the people. All parishes in the Diocese are extensions of the Cathedral, as it holds the chair, the cathedra, of the Diocesan Bishop, from which he gathers the faithful to guide and lead them, as teacher and shepherd. The Bishop’s Annual Appeal (BAA), which provides the essential funding for existing ministries and the operation of the Diocese on a yearly basis, is being combined with a capital campaign “Our Cathedral: One Faith, One People.” The BAA responds to Diocesan-wide needs, those which transcend parish abilities and boundaries. Whether acting justly through the local Catholic Charities office, loving tenderly as we grow in and proclaim our faith in schools and parishes, or walking humbly as partners in ministry – all are vital and important ministries worthy of our support. As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, thank you for responding with generosity to the BAA serving the Church in Eastern North Carolina – just as the Three Wise Magi from the East gave so generously to the Christ Child. Your partnership in this year’s BAA is very much appreciated and is important as another means of sharing in the ministry of Jesus Christ. All parishioners will be invited to an information session in the coming months to learn more about the important work and mission of the diocese and how we can play an important part in supporting the BAA and Our Cathedral: One Faith, One People. More information is also available at www.holynamecathedralnc.org The month of January provides two significant opportunities to witness to the sacredness and dignity of human life. On Saturday January 14 Bishop Burbidge will celebrate Mass at St. Joseph Church in Raleigh at 8:00 am. On Monday, January 23, you’re invited to join Bishop Burbidge for a special Mass at 11:30 am. at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC, followed by a Respect Life witness on the National Mall. In the peace of Christ,
There’s no shortage of mobile apps available for the convenience and entertainment of Apple and/or Android users – an estimated 4 million plus for both platforms combined were registered as of the third quarter of 2018, which means there’s a lot of competition for new apps in development. Even worse, a study from Localytics released in April of last year revealed that 21% of users abandon an app after just one use, which means you have very little opportunity to make a good impression and compel ongoing patronage. What does all of this mean? It means that appropriate testing is becoming more important than ever if you want to engage users, encourage retention, and remain competitive. Of course, testing is a multi-faceted affair, and there’s definitely a learning curve. What can you do to test for success? Here are a few tips and tricks to get your mobile app in ship shape before you launch. Test Established Device Matrix You want to make sure your app works on intended devices, which means at some point you need to set emulators aside and actually test your app on Apple and Android devices to make sure it’s functioning and providing the intended user experience. Don’t forget, though, not all users have upgraded to the latest iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, or Google Pixel. You need to test for older phones as well as new ones to make sure your app works on all supported devices. Check Content in All Supported Languages Translations can be a pain, but they’re necessary if you plan to offer your app to EFIGS, APAC, and other international markets. Keep in mind that localized content is just as important as localized language (for both cultural and legal purposes). Also, you just need to make sure language fits on the screen. The German word “lebensabschnittgefarte”, for example, essentially means “lover” or “partner” in English, but you can see the difference in length. If your app is intended for connected usage (leaderboards, messaging, head-to-head gameplay, streaming, etc.), you not only need server capacity to host intended numbers of simultaneous users, but you want to make sure the app itself doesn’t overload and crash out under anticipated load volumes. Stress testing means starting with small groups of users to make sure the app scales to manage the load, and then gradually increasing (via test groups or emulators) to reach target numbers. Other Important Tests There are so many things you need to test before releasing your app for public consumption, but among the most important are testing connectivity, security, and account recovery features. You want to make sure users can access your app, that their personal data is secure, and that they can recover saved account data following a crash or when they upgrade to a new device. Plan for a Phased Release It’s practically inevitable in this day and age that the audience will do a bit of beta testing for you. However, you want to release the most complete version of your app possible, and it’s a good idea to plan for a phased release, or soft launch, that hits a small market first so you have a chance to get feedback, make needed changes, and polish the app before a wider release.
How often is the status quo really what you want? Most of us find ourselves on a career path determined largely by the influential people in our lives (parents, friends, colleagues) and by a market space that we have become familiar with. If this process has resulted in a life experience that finds you jumping out of bed because you can’t wait to get to work, you’re in the minority. A recent survey found that 60% of the 26,000 Americans they asked claimed that they would like to choose a new career. I’ve spent the last two years looking for and interviewing the other 40%, the people that are happy with where their careers have taken them. I isolated the happiest, most prosperous people in this group and looked for the common career paths and behaviors that help explain their success. I actually struck out on identifying the best career paths; it turns out that there are happy and prosperous people everywhere. What I did find, however, was a common set of habits that were exhibited by the most satisfied individuals. They tended to be people who enjoy learning and who had developed a high level of expertise within an area that they were passionate about. And whether they work in small or large organizations, they utilize an entrepreneur’s approach to their work. In other words, they aren’t satisfied by the status quo, bring a high level of energy to their work, and attract highly competent people to help them explore new ideas for better serving the markets they are passionate about. What follows is a description of the 10 habits that I believe has enabled these individuals to experience highly satisfying, prosperous lives. - Build Your Own Prosperity Cycle. Pursuing prosperity means breaking trail rather than following the crowd, and this approach requires self-confidence and an abundance of personal motivation. The prosperity cycle helps you build both by harnessing the energy generated by successive cycles of focused effort and exhilarating personal achievement. - Exploit Your Natural Curiosity. Successful entrepreneurs as well as intrapreneurs exploit opportunities that most others don’t see, using solutions based on insight that others don’t have. Where does the superior insight come from? From delving into the minutiae that determine the effectiveness of a solution. Indulging your natural curiosity makes it possible to effortlessly get deep enough into a subject of interest to build valuable insight. - Know Thyself. Prosperity is an existence that enables you to apply your passions, personal strengths, and values to work that is personally satisfying and fun while providing the financial resources to experience your envisioned life. Taking the time to understand your unique strengths, values, and passions is key to finding prosperity. Doing work that you love and are pre-wired to excel at usually leads to financial success as well. - Build Creative Tension. Creative tension is an extremely productive force created within anyone who has undertaken an honest assessment of their own current reality and compared it to a personal vision of the life of their dreams. It works in the background of our daily activities to motivate actions that help move us toward our personal vision. - Learn From The Best People And Organizations. Malcolm Gladwell nailed it when he said it takes 10,000 hours to develop a differentiating level of skill in anything. But it only works if you’re learning the right skills from the right instructors. Confirm your life’s passion and accelerate your development of world-class skills by going to work for an organization that will teach you the essence of what it has invested hundreds of thousands of hours to understand. - Earn An “I Can Do Anything Attitude.” Being a pioneer is scary. Doing something that may or may not be successful is scary. But that’s where you are going if you’re pursuing prosperity. Gain the confidence that you need by looking behind the wizard’s curtain and learning the tricks that allow him to appear gifted. Then find the coach that will help you do the same. - Recognize And Quickly Analyze Opportunities. Successful entrepreneurs have learned to see and analyze the opportunities that stream by all of us every day. And they do it in real time. I call this being an entrepreneurial actuary. The trick to doing it is to embrace your inner rebel by throwing conventional thinking out the window so that opportunities can be seen, and then learning to quickly estimate market sizes and the rough costs of products and services that address the need. - Genuinely Care About Other People. Pursuing prosperity is a team sport, because not much worth achieving can be accomplished by yourself. Care about others because it’s the right thing to do, but also because it builds a very rare commodity — trust. Teams built on a foundation of trust have much higher levels of productivity and are more fun to work in. In the book, I give details on a concept I call carefrontation and how it leads to personal growth for everyone involved. - Partner Wisely and Broadly. Your choice regarding a life partner or business partner can put you on the fast track to achieving your personal vision or make it a virtual impossibility. The right partner is an enabler who helps you to hone your vision, offset your weaknesses, and give you the confidence that you might just get this damn thing done. The wrong partner’s attitude and negative forays into the irrelevant will suck the energy from the room, and your mojo with it. - Find A Mentor, Or Three. An experienced mentor can take the pie-in-the-sky vision that you are hesitant to even say out loud and, through experience and personal example, lead you to the point where you can see yourself making it happen. In addition, build a database of guides who don’t need to know you as well as a mentor, but can effortlessly provide advice within specific areas of expertise. Can a motivated individual develop these habits? Absolutely. Every one of the people I talked to managed to do it, and they had to figure it out on their own. In all of them, it started with a decision to make a change. That change led to the next, and the next, and the next. In fact, I think a lot of their satisfaction comes from the fact that their quest is never over; it’s just the end of one learning cycle and the beginning of another. The happy accident in all of this is that many of their prosperity cycles come with financial rewards from employers and consumers eager to make use of their better ideas. What’s your next quest?
One random comedian, eight random questions; it's the ultimate test of funny person and fate. This week's comedy specialist is Alexander Bennett, who has just uploaded a new special, They Call Me Daddy Punchlines. It's a show that asks the question: who does Alexander Bennett think he is? "Someone was very dismissive of my experience based on very reductive observations about my identity, so I wanted to do a show about the complexity of identity," he says. "There are some big and complex themes in the show, and I now look at some elements of it and wish I'd phrased it differently. But I suppose that's the nature of trying to analyse something complex through stand-up." He does pen a good punchline, too. So how did the recorded version come about? "More comics need to film their shows! People go up to the Fringe every year and basically throw an hour of stuff down the drain, it makes no sense! If you can put stuff out there people can find it, and you can try and build an audience. I went to film school so I've got the skillset to do that, and also I know some great people who very generously helped out. I'm really going to try and produce more filmed content going forward." Time to press play. Alexander Bennett, your Random 8 await: What was your childhood career dream? I mean, honestly it was to be a comedian - but I was obsessed with animation growing up, particularly The Simpsons, anything produced by Aardman and a lot of stuff on Nickelodeon, specifically Invader Zim. When I was a child I saw my career dream as being almost the career Seth McFarlane has had. Which historical figure should get more attention? Off the top of my head, Mary Shelley, for being a fascinating personality, helping define the horror genre as we know it and being politically way ahead of her time. What's the most regrettable thing you've ever bought? An absolutely terrible PS2 game as a kid that looked like it was about robots punching each other but was actually an incredibly slow, complex and boring strategy game. That being said, I really do hate paying for a takeaway or a restaurant meal that sucks - because it's a treat; you treat yourself and it's terrible and you hate yourself for spending the money. Your most interesting injury? I woke up in a field with a broken leg two days into university. I still don't know what happened. What was your proudest moment? I suppose the things I'm proudest of are making things work that could have been a disaster. So when myself and Dan Cardwell did a show called Dan Vs Food at the Pleasance Grand last year, and had so many comics trying to make a man eating a meal entertaining, and it worked. Or the first year we did my game show set in Hell - Hell To Play. So many things went wrong in the run up to that fringe and it looked like it could be a disaster but we had loads of fun with it. Who's your ideal long-journey companion (loved-ones excluded)? Christ, I don't know if I want a companion on a long journey. Maybe Bob Mortimer. He's great. Is there a book or film that changed your life? There was a book I kept renting from the library when I was a kid, it was a big thick yellow hardback book by Aardman about how they made all their movies, and it was that book that really got me into practical filmmaking. So that changed my life in a career/skills way. But maybe actually the book Stone Cold by Robert Swindells had a greater impact. I read it as a young teen and it had a real effect on me, it's a book about homeless kids, and it set in my mind an importance on having empathy for outsiders and people on the fringes. I think a lot of people would say something loftier than that, but I think we underestimate the impact the things we absorb as kids have. Who are you most envious of? How long have you got? I really try to keep a check on envy these days. I'll go with Michael Sheen. Look up his romantic history. Bastard.
Dennis Hopper plays Peter Vollmer, a sort of street corner neo-Nazi who hasn’t been having much success selling his neighbors on his ideas. He also has a friend, Ernst Ganz who also happens to be a Holocaust survivor. He’s known Peter since he was a scared little boy beaten by his father. Ernst criticizes Peter for adopting the same cause that the Nazis had established back in their time. But he doesn’t reject Peter because he still thinks of the scared little boy he pitied before. After Peter suffers a particularly humiliating failure in his street corner proselytizing, a man who stands cloaked in the shadows of the night tells Peter that his technique is all wrong and starts to teach him how to work the crowd and get them to sympathize with his message. This works remarkably well and Peter’s group starts drawing larger and more enthusiastic crowds. Next the shadow man tells Peter that he needs a martyr to solidify his cause. Peter tells his comrades that one of their oldest members is a spy and orders them to murder him but to make it look like their enemies did it. They kill the man and indeed, the crowds become even bigger. Finally, Ernst sees how the movement is growing and decides he must stop it. He goes to the rally and belittles Peter and tells the crowd that Peter is just a cut-rate Hitler and a coward. Peter implores Ernst to stop but Ernst refuses. Peter slaps Ernst in the face but as he leaves he tells the crowd that Nazis always handle the truth with violence. Now the shadow man comes back and tells Peter he must kill Ernst. Peter complains that he is sick of taking orders from someone hiding in the shadows. The man steps forward and reveals himself to be Adolph Hitler. Now Peter is completely overwhelmed and agrees to kill Ernst with the Luger pistol that Hitler gives him. Hitler’s parting words to Peter is for him to remember that from now on he has no sentiment, and is made of steel. Peter goes to Ernst’s apartment and after Ernst taunts him he pulls out the gun and kills Ernst. His dying words are that Peter has become steel and has therefore lost his humanity. Peter goes back to his headquarters and the police have come to arrest him for complicity in the murder of his “martyred” comrade. Peter runs onto the roof of the building and is shot down by the police. As he lies dying, he tells the police that something is wrong because even though he’s made of steel, he’ bleeding. Then we see the shadow of Hitler walking away and Rod Serling gives a speech on how the Nazis still live through the hate and prejudice that still exists. Whew! Okay, Rod thinks the Nazis are coming. Now this is in the 1960s when we’ve been fighting proxy wars against the Russian and Chinese communists for decades and Fidel Castro is emplacing Russian nukes in Cuba. But Nazis are what’s worrying Rod. Looking back on what that attitude spawned I guess Rod is why the Social Justice Warriors rule the campuses and infect just about every institution in the United States. For the fruits of this hysteria I’ll have to flunk Mr. Serling on this overwrought exercise. F. After you’ve read enough sexbot articles on Drudge maybe switch to something interesting
We want to share with you some photos of SPILL’s European debut at the Roca Gallery in Barcelona late last year. Large, borderless mounted prints are displayed in the basement level of this elegant modern building. Continue reading In the above video, the jury of SNAP: A National Juried Exhibition of Photography discuss selecting the images for the show at the Beford Gallery at the Lesher Center for the Arts in Walnut Creek, California. The kind words spoken of Daniel’s SPILL work are much appreciated, as always. Two pictures from Daniel’s SPILL portfolio were included for display with the rest of the SNAP exhibit at the Bedford Gallery until February 19th. In addition, we also found a video previewing Daniel’s presentation for the opening of the exhibit at the Aquarium of the Pacific – recently extended until February 16th – online. It isn’t embeddable, so you’ll have to click thru to watch it on their site. We just got word that Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach has extended it’s display of Daniel’s SPILL portfolio for an extra month. It will now be on their walls until February 16th. We recently discovered that Edmond Terakopian, a friend of Daniel’s in London, put together a web video of the opening of his photo exhibit at Kew Gardens’s Nash Conservatory in the fall of 2009. It’s been more than a year since, but it makes for a fun little trip back in time to when Daniel had just completed the Prince’s Rainforests Project. As you’ll see from the four minute video, it was a pretty neat space for Daniel’s photos to be displayed in and the exhibit presented a strong case for environmental conservation. Daniel talks briefly about some of the images and their importance to telling the story of tropical deforestation. Check in again for news on when and where Daniel’s photos will next be up exhibited. direct link to video: http://www.vimeo.com/6860096w Plenty of positive of coverage has come from the exhibit of oil spill photos at the 212 Gallery in Aspen. Plum TV produced a nice three-minute interview/slideshow of Daniel’s work in which Daniel discusses the techniques he used and challenges he faced in producing the photo coverage of the spill out of which the exhibit was made. Direct link: http://www.plumtv.com/videos/artist-daniel-beltra/index.html. Additionally, both daily papers in Aspen covered the opening and exhibit. Aspen Daily News: http://www.aspendailynews.com/section/home/141687. An exhibit of twenty oil spill photos by Daniel will publicly open at the 212 Gallery in Aspen, Colorado, on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 and run for two months until September 25th. “SPILL: CRUDE RESPONSE,” is a shared exhibit with sculpture artist Aurora Robson and features 20 photographs that Daniel shot in the Gulf of Mexico during May and June. Also, during the opening reception on Tuesday night, multimedia performance artist Kenji Williams will make a live production of his “Bella Gaia” piece, which is quite impressive to watch on just on a 15″ laptop, so live and large should be exponentially more awesome. For the photo-enthusiasts out there, Daniel’s photographs are C-prints from the esteemed Toronto Image Works (TIW), and are enlargements of 26.6″ x 40″ and 40″ x 60,” showing all the details of this ongoing environmental catastrophe. Daniel went to Toronto to supervise the fine-tune adjustments of the prints to ensure they were of the finest quality possible and was very impressed (and thankful) for the help that everyone at TIW gave him to get this exhibit produced so quickly. Going from a shoot to exhibit normally takes much, much longer and it’s doubtful it would have been possible without their involvement. Daniel will be attending the opening, which just happens to be concurrent with the Aspen Institute’s Environment Forum, and hopefully we’ll have photos and more details of the exhibit next week. If you’re in or near Aspen over the next couple of months, please stop by and take a look! Photo Center Northwest (PCNW) will host an artists’ reception and lecture for their current exhibit “Art as Activism” which includes seven Amazon prints by Daniel on Friday evening, February 5th, from 6-9 p.m. The other photographers taking part in the exhibit, Rozarii Lynch and Heather McClintock, have prints of their work on Tanzanian Albinos (Lynch) and child casualties of war in Uganda (McClitock). Daniel’s presentation will mostly be about the work he did for the PRP last year on tropical deforestation. The reception starts at 6 p.m., and Daniel’s presentation will begin around 7 p.m., in case you have to arrive fashionably late. PCNW is across 12th Ave from Seattle University at Marion Street on First Hill. Admission is $6 for the public, $4 for PCNW members. Hope to see you there! Daniel currently has a show of 26 photos from the Prince’s Rainforest Project at the Mercy Corps Action Center in New York City. Mercy Corps is in Battery Park City, at the northeast corner of River Terrace and Vesey Street (map), on the north side of Vesey Green. The prints were made by Tyler Boley at Custom Digital here in Seattle. At 40″x30″, they look absolutely spectacular. Sustainably-produced sugar cane paper from Hahnemühle was used to make the prints. I can’t emphasize enough just how gorgeous these prints are. It’ll be up on their walls until Nov. 15th. They’re open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday-Friday. A quick round of applause to Edmond Terakopian, a friend of Daniel’s, for putting together post on his blog about the Kew Gardens PRP exhibit opening. There’s a few pictures of the space, the big, gorgeous prints, some kind words about Daniel’s career, and even a neat little video interview of Daniel about some of the photos in it. From now thru December 6th, Daniel has an exhibit at The Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, of photographs that he was commissioned to shoot for the Prince’s Rainforest Project award he received from the Sony World Photography Awards. The exhibit, in the Nash Conservatory, gives viewers an introduction to the sights, sounds and even smells of tropical rainforests and their destruction in the Amazon, the Congo and Indonesia. Here is a list of directions and transit options to visit the show and Gardens at. The opening of the exhibit garnered quite a bit of press coverage , some of it linked below: The Sun (with a fantastically-awful, cringe-worthy pun-headline)
This is a repeating eventmay 16, 2018 7:00 PM Come join Pam Larouche from Restful Parenting and Heidi Madsen from Blossom Early Learning to get the information you need to feel confident in bringing Come join Pam Larouche from Restful Parenting and Heidi Madsen from Blossom Early Learning to get the information you need to feel confident in bringing baby home. These ladies are both DONA trained Doulas, Early Childhood Educators, certified by the Quintessence Foundation for breastfeeding support, are moms who have lived it and have supported families with their trusted and reliable expertise for over 30 years combined. This class is highly interactive, informative and fun. Pam & Heidi do their very best to make sure the content is fresh and engaging! This Prenatal class is designed to answer your questions, boost your confidence and to help make the transition into parenthood a smooth one. This is not a childbirth class but rather a class filled with real life information to make those first few precious weeks the best they can be. Class fee is $245 per couple and includes: - Access to a private Facebook group filled with videos and resources - 2 booklets on feeding your baby (breastfeeding & formula) - light snacks and refreshments at each class - plus a few surprise bonus items Space is limited, so please register early here: http:// Those first few weeks of a new baby’s life are amazing, wonderful, exhausting and beautiful all at once. It feels like there is so much to know and this can make sifting through all the books, websites and advice overwhelming. The information that we will provide will be: - Current with today’s standards - Evidence based - Simple to understand - Useful ,real-life recommendations that you can use for your family. In this 6 week series, you will gain knowledge and practical advice based on your values in a supportive space where you can feel comfortable discussing your concerns, fears, worries and excitement. Class One: Newborn Care Discover the importance of tummy time, when, why and how to introduce a soother and bathing your new baby. Take home information about the safety guidelines for bed sharing, independent sleep and car seats. Learn how to read your baby’s cues and ensure you are meeting their needs. Classes Two and Three: Feeding Baby Prepare to feed you baby in the way that you choose. You will spend most of your time in the first few weeks feeding your baby. In these two classes, we will have real conversations without judgement about breastfeeding, formula feeding, overnight feeding, growth spurts, pumping, increasing milk supply and how to know if baby is eating enough. There is LOTS to know and we cover so much, that it takes two classes! Class Four: Post-natal Care Care of mom’s healing body. You will learn what to expect and what to watch out for regarding the pelvic floor, c-section recovery, mom’s nutritional needs as well as her emotional well being. Class Five: Sleep and Emotional Wellness Understand what to expect around your baby’s sleep patterns and needs. The first days and even weeks can feel like an emotional roller coaster. By gathering information on colic, crying, bonding, attachment, finding the right support and mom’s fluctuating hormones, you will be able to navigate this winding and exciting path with confidence. Class Six: Review & New Dive deeper into topics covered. With all the information covered in the previous 5 weeks, you will have more questions and this class allows us to go back and review, answer any new questions that have come up or cover any items that we ran out of time for in the previous classes. We also leave it open to discuss any other postpartum topics that you want to know more about such as babywearing or using cloth diapers. (Wednesday) 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Blossom Early Learning 176 Lakeshore Drive, Suite #12, North Bay, Ontario P1A 3Y9 Future Event Times in this Repeating Event Series may 16, 2018 7:00 PM - may 16, 2018 9:00 PMmay 23, 2018 7:00 PM - may 23, 2018 9:00 PMmay 30, 2018 7:00 PM - may 30, 2018 9:00 PMjune 6, 2018 7:00 PM - june 6, 2018 9:00 PMjune 13, 2018 7:00 PM - june 13, 2018 9:00 PMjune 20, 2018 7:00 PM - june 20, 2018 9:00 PM
Note: Not at the old Poker1 site. A version of this entry was originally published (1993) in Card Player magazine. When should you bet in poker? Someone could (and probably will someday) write a complete book on just that topic. Fortunately, there’s one easy principle you can use today. Here’s that principle: In order for a bet to be your correct choice, the value of betting must be greater than the value of checking. That’s so important, I’m going to repeat it: You should only bet when, by doing so, you expect to earn more than you would by checking. That’s obvious, right? Maybe. But few players bet effectively. Some bet for the wrong reasons—bets bolstered by pride, bluffs beyond hope. Remember, whenever you have the opportunity to bet, you also have the opportunity to check. One of those two strategies is always better, and it’s your job to determine which one it is. The mistake players make. Most players are aware they shouldn’t bet if checking is better. They know it in their hearts, in their minds, and deep within their poker souls. So, their betting mistakes don’t bloom from ignorance. What happens is this: Too many players simply forget to consider the benefits of checking in the heat of poker combat. They spend all their time considering the obvious factors indicating whether or not they should bet. How do I know this? Because often, in private, when I ask players to try defining their chain of thinking at the table, they tell me how they weight the value of betting against, essentially, a zero base. What does that mean? It means they think that if a bet has any dollar value beyond zero, then it’s the correct play. They forget to weigh the expected value of betting, once they’ve determined it’s greater than zero, against the value of checking. What’s the value of checking? Always remember that checking has value. You might check a strong hand, hoping an opponent bets, so you can raise. Most players do weight both betting and checking in that one case—when they have a very, powerful hand. But in other cases, they don’t. The biggest mistake is in risking a bet of marginal value, when a check might have marginal value, too. Checking can lure a bad bet from a naive opponent. Checking can sometimes let you see the next card for free. Checking can confuse a player about the strength of your hand. All these things have value. So, I’m suggesting that, from now on, you should consciously stop before making a bet and estimate the value of checking. Then weigh that value against the value of betting. Only then, make your decision. — MC
Slots, also known as Slot Machines, are gambling machines into which players insert coins into a narrow opening and then pull a lever. The lever causes the reels to rotate, eventually landing on specific symbols. If the symbols match, the player wins. In the online version of Slots, players simply press a button instead of pulling a lever. Slots is a game of total luck, and yet, it is one of the most popular casino games of all time. Slots is one of the only casino games to have a history beginning in America, not in Europe. Slots was invented by a San Franciscan mechanic Charles Fey in the late 1890s. The first machine was called the Liberty Bell, so called because it had an image of a cracked liberty bell, as well as three spinning reels and diamond, spade and heart symbols painted around each reel. History and gambling buffs can even see the machine today in Reno, Nevada. Slots became an instant success and Fey’s invention spawned instant competitors. The first was Herbert Mills, a Chicago arcade machine developer who came up with the idea of including fruit symbols on the reels, which are now classic icons on Slot Machines. With the advancement of modern technology, Slots advanced as well. 1963 saw the production of the world’s first entirely electronic machine, produced by Bally. The machine was called “Money Honey,” and it generated payouts to the players without assistance from attendants. (Today, it’s hard to imagine a Slot Machine that doesn’t do this!) Then, in 1974, the first video-based Slots called the “Fortune Coin” was invented by Walt Freely. This was the precursor to the hundreds of online video Slots games that are now enjoyed by internet gamblers around the world. Online video slots are the latest in Slots technology, which includes 3D Slots, multiplayer Slots tournaments and Slots with 243 winning combinations! And due to the advent of internet gambling, Slots has become one of the most popular forms of gambling around the world, especially in the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia. The following are some of the most important terms for online Slots. Bet: This means exactly what you think it means – the value of wager. Bonus Feature: Bonus features are special features in Slots games that earn the player more money; there are literally hundreds of types of bonus features that differ from casino to casino, and from game to game. The main ones are Wilds and Free Spins. Free Spins: A popular bonus feature in online Slots; many can include prizes of 15-20 free spins in one round. Gamble Feature: This is a bonus round in which players can gamble their winnings on doubling, tripling and quadrupling - or losing their accumulated spins. Jackpot: The maximum prize on a Slot machine. Max Bet: The maximum number of coins you can bet per spin. Payline: This is the line upon which symbols must line up in order to win. Paylines can be straight or diagonal, and the number of paylines varies from game to game, ranging from 5-100+! Progressive Jackpot: A jackpot that is competed for by multiple players; it starts from a minimum jackpot and increases until one of the players strikes it. Some progressive jackpots become quite high, and can make millionaires overnight. Reels: These are the rotating barrels on which symbols appear. The most basic goal of Slots is for the player to match the symbols on the reels (across the paylines). Scatters: This is a payout that earns the player a win without the symbols lining up on a payline. Scatters usually activate a bonus round. Wilds: A type of bonus feature; Wilds are symbols that substitute as all other symbols to complete a winning combination. Winning combinations: The amount of ways a player can win, including lining up symbols across paylines, progressive jackpots, scatters and more. The basic goal of any online Slots game is to match up symbols on the paylines. However, there are many other winning combinations, which is why it is important to always check the bonus features before playing any new Slots game. With Wilds, scatters, bonus games and other features, there are now many ways for players to win and see big payouts. Because there are so many different types of Slots, players should try to learn as much as they can about the type of game they have chosen to play. The following are some of the most basic types of Slots that can be found on any online casino: 3-Reel Slots: The most simple, basic Slots; these usually have up to five paylines. 5-Reel Slots: Based on the newer Video Slots; these usually have a number of different features, including bonus rounds. Multiline Slots: These usually include more paylines (25-30), have a higher buy-in price than regular Slots, and also have the possibility of higher payouts. Progressive Slots: The actual game is similar to standard Video Slots, but the jackpot itself is what’s different. In Progressive Slots, the jackpot is fed by a number of players, and grows with each turn until someone hits it. Today, Progressive Slots can include up to four concurrent jackpots that can be won in the bonus round. Slots is a game of luck – not half luck/half skill – total luck. That being said, there are still strategies for playing that involve preparation, knowledge and flexibility. Below are some of them: Before actually playing Slots, make sure to choose a game that is appropriate for your style and budget. There are specialized Slots games such as James Bond and Marvel comics – if you’re a big fan of a certain topic, chances are you can find a Slots game that features that topic. So choose a game that you will enjoy the most! Other factors that can help in your decision to choose a Slots game: the payout percentage, minimum bets, maximum bets and jackpots. Once you have all the information, you can determine which game is best for you. If you have a larger budget, higher-risk games might be more your cup of tea; if you have a lower budget, you probably want to go for a game in which the payouts are less risky. Remember that while each round of Slots is not very long, the bigger picture means that you can possibly win or lose a good deal of money. So do some research and find out which online casino suits your budget, spending habits and offers online promotions. You don’t have to spend hours researching the different casinos - you can find all the information you need on the Online Casino Reports website. - Remember, Slots are random! And the laws of probability state that no one can win or lose 100% of the time. If you are on a winning streak, this means you should remember to quite while you’re ahead; if you are on a losing streak, this means that your luck can change in just one turn. - In Progressive Slots, bet the maximum amount; otherwise you will not qualify to win the jackpot, even if you hit it. - There are thousands of Slots games available on the internet; try out different ones and find a few favorites. You might find that sometimes you are in the mood for 3D Slots, and other times you want a very simple Slots game. Have a few go-to games that you know you will enjoy playing.
Rep. Patty Kim speaks at a news conference where she discusses teaming up with colleagues from both sides of the aisle for a professional clothing drive. Rep. Patty Kim participates in a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new “Mini Planet Fitness” at the Boys and Girls Club of Harrisburg. Rep. Patty Kim speaks to senior citizens as part of a Meet and Greet event. Rep. Patty Kim hosts a House Democratic Policy Committee hearing on raising the minimum wage at the Harrisburg YWCA. Rep. Kim and state Sen. Rob Teplitz hosted an informational session on the recently enacted “Second Chance Law” for ex-offenders on Saturday, August 27 at the Boys and Girls Club of Harrisburg. Rep. Patty Kim is honored to host a breakfast to recognize local veterans and thank them for their service. Rep. Patty Kim hosts her third annual Senior Fair, which focused on the health and welfare of local senior citizens. Rep. Patty Kim hosted a recognition luncheon for local grandparents in celebration of Grandparents Day. She also honored grandparents who serve as the primary caregiver for their grandchildren. Female Veterans Ceremony at the Governor's Residence Honoring local chapter of public workers The Civil War 150th Freedom Jubilee memorial in commemoration of President Abraham Lincoln's funeral train stopping in Harrisburg. April as Jazz Month Press Conference and Concert Rep. Kim joined her colleagues and members of the statewide coalition Raise the Wage PA at a rally to call for an increase in the minimum wage. Please use the form below to sign up for email updates. By completing this form your are acknowledging your request to receive periodic email updates. Thank you. Your email signup has been sent. You should start getting emails within 24 hours. Please use the form below to email Rep. Patty Kim. Thank you. Your feedback has been sent. 383 S. Front StreetSteelton, PA 17113 P*: (717) 986-1673 F*: (717) 986-1677 Hours of Operation - M-F, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 46 Kline Village25th and Market StreetHarrisburg, PA 17104 P*: (717) 772-3570 F*: (717) 772-4560 Hours of Operation - M-F, 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. G11 Irvis Office BuildingHarrisburg, PA 17120-2103 P*: (717) 783-9342 F*: (717) 787-8957
appreciative inquiry; change management Purpose This paper illustrates the usefulness of an appreciative inquiry (AI) approach and design in bringing about change. It reports on a case study of a review of a school within a higher education context using AI to engage staff, assess the need for change and make recommendations on this basis. AI is a qualitative approach focusing on potential strengths, and is an important approach in the current economic climate of austerity. Design The paper is organized as a case study. It provides contextual background, argues for and outlines an AI approach, and reviews the literature which makes a strong case for AI in engaging staff with change, and promoting positive aspects like reflective team working. The actual review process is then described and how the AIapproach was applied. What follows is a discussion of issues which arose in applying the approach. It concludes that there are clearly very positive benefits to using AI. There may also be a need to modify how it is applied in order to maximize staff potential for trusting the process, and to enable the airing of alternative, more complex views, whilst still maintaining a positive focus. Practical/social implications and originality/value The paper illustrates how an AI approach can be used in effective change management in the current climate of austerity and change in the public sector in the UK. AI can offer a way of restoring staff participation in change, and a way of enhancing communication and trust. The material in this paper is original and has not been published elsewhere. Full Text : PDF - Allen, J. M., & Innes, M. (2013). Using Appreciative Inquiry to Frame the Appraisal of an Australian Initial Teacher Education Program. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, vol.38, no.11, http://dx.doi.org/10.14221/ajte.2013vn11.8 - Barrett, F.J. & Fry, R.E. (2005) Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Approach to Building Cooperative Capacity. 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B., Fontaine, D., Plews-Organ, M. & Williams, A .(2012) Achieving Transformational Change: Using Appreciative Inquiry for Strategic Planning in a School of Nursing. Journal of Professional Nursing, vol. 28 no.2, pp.119-124 - Hughes, M. (2012) Unitary Appreciative Inquiry (UAI): A New Approach for Researching Social Work Education and Practice. British Journal of Social Work, vol. 42, no.7, pp.1388-1405 - Keefe, M. R. & Pesut, D. (2004) Appreciative Inquiry and Leadership Transitions - Journal of Professional Nursing, vol 20, no. 2 , pp. 103–109 - Kung, S. , Giles, D. & Hagan, B. (2013) Applying an Appreciative Inquiry Process to a Course Evaluation in Higher Education. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, vol.25, no. 1, pp.29-37. - Richer, M-C., Ritchie, J. & Marchionni, C. (2013) Appreciative inquiry in health care, British Journal of Healthcare Management, vol. 16, no. 4. - Trajkovski, S., Schmied, V., Vickers, M. & Jackson (2013) Implementing the 4D cycle of appreciative inquiry in health care: a methodological review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol 69, no. 6, pp1224-1234 - Van Vuuren, L. J. & Crous, F. (2005) Utilising Appreciative Inquiry (AI) in Creating a Shared Meaning of Ethics in Organisations, Journal of Business Ethics vol .57, no. 4, pp 399-412 - Whitney, D. & Trosten-Bloom, A. (2010) The Power of Appreciative Inquiry (2nd Ed.). Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco
An online dairy course introduced by Whanganui-based AGC Training has passed muster under the most stringent conditions. The agricultural private training establishment (PTE) introduced the course in November last year attracting the interest of a small number of students already working in the industry. However, with the arrival of Covid-19 and the subsequent level 4 lockdown, registrations soared. Executive director Peter Macdonald said the Milk Harvesting Level 3 course proved its worth under conditions of the lockdown environment. "The course is designed for people who are either working on a dairy farm or seeking to gain employment," Macdonald said. "People enrolling on this course need to be a New Zealand citizen, have citizenship or permanent residency and be eligible to study New Zealand. "At this time we are offering this course free to all participants to sign up and commit. We are offering it as a mix of blended online delivery with practical to be done on the farm or in block courses. "This being said, anyone who is in enrolling into this programme would need to have the ability to study online. You would need to have access to a suitable electronic device and have a good internet connection. "Participants of this programme also need to have access to a real dairy farm and be involved in milking the cows. The theory aspects of this programme can be delivered primarily as an online package with some classroom group activities possibly further down the track. "Practical evidence could be gathered as part of your everyday life on the farm and this would be captured in a task record book/diary that could be hardcopy, but preferably online. Share your bubble photos; the good, bad and the mundane Helping hands as brewery addresses sanitiser shortage Conservation comment: What happens after the lockdown? "We may undertake practical skills assessment or development days to ensure you have the skills suitable for our assessors to deem you competent for the dairy industry. "For those of you who are new to online learning our tutors are available through Moodle to mentor, create discussion, setup group chat activity, and teach." Students need to commit to approximately 5 to 6 hours a week of theory online with the remainder being practical activities that are being undertaken on-farm. This is also an opportunity for those people who have been working in the dairy industry for a time to gain recognition of their skills and knowledge.
How do you redesign manufacturing in 14 days? Students in teams around the world are trying to figure this out now in the Breaker Challenge... How do you redesign manufacturing in 14 days? Students in teams around the world are trying to figure this out now in the Breaker Challenge 2013—focused on the way consumers can become producers. Project Breaker lead Juliette LaMontagne explains: Whether we’re looking for a new pair of jeans or ten thousand microprocessors, the way we go about making and getting objects is changing fast. Current and developing technologies present exciting opportunities to democratize production and personalize the manufacturing process making it hyper-local with tools like 3D printing and facilities like TechShop. We’re entering an age of mass customization and pushing in new directions with products that bridge the digital/physical divide. How might we build an economic base of producers not just consumers?\n Two teams, based in New York City and Detroit, are working directly with facilitators from Project Breaker, the Stanford d.school, the Detroit Creative Corridor Center (DC3), and the Henry Ford Learning Institute. Other self-organized teams around the world are using an online platform to go through the same process—all aimed at finding new products, services, communities, or systems that could create immediate value in the changing world of manufacturing. Over two weeks, they're careening through all of the stages of the design process, and will end with a pitch of their idea. One team with a successful concept will win a year-long fellowship from DC3 to bring it to life. Though the in-person sessions are underway, and only current participants will have a chance at the fellowship, others who want to try out the digital version can jump in anytime. For more about Project Breaker, check out this video we produced last year. Design's a useful tool for solving any challenge. Find a problem, design a solution. Image courtesy of Project Breaker
Nina (27 years, Dutch) participated in the PROUD-study and followed our light therapy. In this interview she describes the influences light therapy had on her ADHD symptoms. What is it like to live with ADHD? Please describe your main symptoms. The symptom I experience as the most troublesome is making new friends. It is harder for me to make new friends, knowing I have fewer emotional and cognitive skills than peers. I am more sensitive to persons and situations and I experience them as more severe. Besides, it is harder for me to see things in perspective and my perspectives change a lot over short periods of time. This makes it harder to look further in the future when making decisions. I also have less patience and it is harder for me to concentrate on a task. How does ADHD influence your life? As I explained in the question before it can be tough to make friends. Concerning work, my ADHD has positive and negative effects. The negative effects are my lack of concentration, sometimes a job has to be done at a certain moment when I have no concentration, which can be a real struggle. The positive side is that I am creative and my spatial development is good. These are qualities that come handy at my job. Also my intelligence helps me. Because I am smart I can work fast at the moments my concentration is good, in order to compensate for the moments where my concentration is lost. Do you think ADHD has any positive influences in your life? It sure has, but these influences often last for a short period of time. I can be really enthusiastic and I am good at identifying people. This quality makes me a really good friend. Also my creativity is a positive effect of ADHD. How have you been treated (medication/ psychotherapy)? What are the effects? For a year and a half I have lived internally in a group especially for adolescents with ADHD and/or autism. Here I followed a training to improve my social abilities, how to engage in relationships with others and to be more independent. From my 16th I take medication. I have switched a lot and tried different kinds of medication. Much of them did not work well for me, I even tried anti-depressants which made me feel sad. I am currently taking Stratera (short acting) and this works well for me. I don’t take it regularly but only at moments where I think I need it. Study and intervention How did you learn about the study? I am regularly searching the internet to learn more about ADHD. This time I was searching information about comorbidity and neurodiversity and this is how I found your website, by chance. What motivated you to participate? It is a good thing that more research is done and I find it important to contribute. The more research is being conducted, the better others with ADHD can be helped. It is of great importance of me to be able to be a part in this. As long as we do not contribute to this kind of research, nothing will chance. What were your expectations about the study before you started? To be honest I did not have any expectations because I did not want to be affected by them. What intervention did you participate in? When? I participated in the bright light therapy from the 18th of October (2018) until the 10th of January (2019). What did you like about the intervention? What did you dislike about the intervention? At the beginning it was kind of hard, I found it really hard to be sitting still half an hour in the morning. Normally I rush through the mornings and do not really sit still at all. My solution was to put the lamp at my nightstand and sit in bed for half an hour in the morning, waking up next to the lamp. You can adjust the brightness of the lamp so I started with dimmed light and increased brightness step by step. Important is to sit upright because otherwise there is a chance of falling back to sleep! In the beginning I had not realized what an impact this therapy has on your daily life, you really need the motivation to sit through, every day. After some time I got adapted to a new rhythm which made it easier to follow the light therapy for 6 times week. Only on Saturdays I skipped the sessions because of the weekend. Was the intervention helpful? It definitely has positive influences. The biggest change I have experienced is the adaptation to a more natural day/night rhythm. I was hoping a side effect would be falling asleep faster but unfortunately this was not the case for me. The first days I experienced some negative side effects, which are explained in the bright light manual. Maybe it would be better if I had not read the manual because I was so focused on the experience of these side effects. What I felt was a really grumpy mood in the mornings. Luckily it only lasted for a few days. Are you planning on continuing the intervention? No, I have no plans of buying a lamp myself. Looking back at the intervention I think I would benefit more by participating in the aerobic exercise intervention, because sitting still for half an hour without a clear purpose is tough. Of course I did adapt to a better and more natural day/night rhythm because of the bright light therapy, but I think this could also be accomplished by going to bed at the same time every day. Was it difficult/easy to use the App? Definitely not difficult. The researches informed me about the sensor and how it might be inconvenient in the beginning but I only had to get used to it during the nights. The app was really clear and straight-forward, easy to use. I did forget the phone a few times, making me drive back home, but if you wear pants with pockets this should not be a problem. Would you recommend other people with ADHD to participate in the study? Why? I would definitely recommend it to people who are interested in this study and are motivated to participate. You really have to do it because you want it, not only because you want to help others. Any suggestions/ways that the researchers could improve the experience for people in this study? In my experience the study is set up well. Sometimes something went wrong (system was not installed right so they had to send me a new set, this set came without a wristband, red.) but the researchers handled it well and professionally. The researchers were cooperative and I liked participating in this study. Lisa Bos, MSC works at Karakter Child and Youth Psychiatry and Radboud UMC (Nijmegen, the Netherlands) where she works as a researcher for the TRACE project and the PROUD-study. Both studies focus on additional treatments for ADHD and a healthy lifestyle which are also her main interests. She finds importance in studying socially relevant topics and improving the quality of care for ADHD patients.
When our company is considering a new or improved product, we like to start out by talking to our customers first. That’s what we did recently with a connector improvement project for attaching jack rafter hangers in roof framing – and we got lots of feedback! We heard from installers that they really wanted a hanger that could be easily adjusted in the field for different slopes and skews. We were asked whether we could design a hanger that could be installed after the rafters were already tacked into place to support construction sequencing and retrofit applications. Also, having a hanger that could be installed from one side was a popular time-saving request. Our Engineering innovation team took all this feedback and closely evaluated our current selection of hangers. After much consideration, the team decided that rather than adapt one of our existing hangers, they would try to come up with an all-new design that would satisfy our customers’ most pressing needs. After months of designing and testing prototypes in the lab and in field trials, the answer was yes. The result is our new LSSJ field-adjustable jack hanger. It’s an innovative field-slopeable and field-skewable hanger that features a versatile hinged seat. This new design allows it to be adjusted to typical rafter slopes, with a max slope of 12:12 up or down. What is a jack hanger and why does it provide a better connection than nails alone? There are two basic types of wood roof construction: framed roof construction (stick framing) as shown above, and truss assembly. The main difference is that stick assembly takes place onsite, while trusses are prefabricated and ready to place. In the United States, the number of truss-built roofs versus stick-frame roofs is about two to one. The LSSJ jack hanger is used for stick-frame construction and provides a connection between the jack rafter to either the hip rafter or the valley rafter as shown below. Connecting a 2X jack rafter to a hip is hardly new. The hardest thing is making a good compound miter cut – something an experienced framer can figure out (and most engineers marvel at). In many parts of the country, these are simply face-nailed into place. Often there isn’t a lot of engineering that goes into that connection. However, a closer look raises a couple of questions. Random Nail Placement Where exactly are those nails going? When there’s no seat support for the rafter, the allowable shear is reduced per the NDS depending on where the lowest nail on the rafter is. This is based on the split that develops at the lowest fastener. The LSSJ provides a partial seat which not only meets the bearing requirement of section R802.6 of the IRC but also delays the type of splitting found in a nailed-only connection. Consistent Nail Placement The LSSJ conforms to the bottom of the jack rafter slope and ensures consistent nail placement on both the rafter and the hip. Consistent nail placement promotes consistent performance based on testing (or as consistent as wood gets)! The highest nail on the hip is located near the neutral axis if the hip is one size deeper than the rafter. This assures that not all the load is focused at the bottom of the hip. A Closer Look at the LSSJ Jack Hanger Some of our customers may be familiar with our current product, the LSSU, which is used for the same connection. Here’s a closer look at the improvements that the LSSJ offers. You can see the differences and improvements just by looking at these hangers, installations and load tables. Here’s a different way of showing the advances and benefits of the LSSJ: One of the greatest improvements is the fact that there are fewer nails to install in the LSSJ, and the loads are very similar if not better. In addition to the LSSJ, Simpson Strong-Tie offers a full line of connectors for wood-framed sloped roofs, including: We look forward to hearing from you about our newest innovation. For more information about the LSSJ hanger, please see strongtie.com.
London - The West Ham mutiny was soothed by a resurgent performance producing a 3-0 victory over a listless Southampton, coupled with heightened security at the Olympic Stadium on Saturday. Marko Arnautovic's double after Joao Mario's opener ensured there was an unfamiliar soundtrack at the stadium unloved by so many West Ham fans: Cheers and applause. "It's good news all round," the stadium announcer told fans after the final whistle. "Have a look at the table." It showed West Ham moved five points clear of the English Premier League drop zone, where Southampton occupy the last relegation place. Still, a relegation battle is not what West Ham envisaged when they moved into the stadium that was the centrepiece of the 2012 Olympics. It's why West Ham fans are so restless. And it's why additional police officers patrolled the east London venue while stewards in football boots were stationed around the pitch ready to race on to the pitch to prevent a repeat of the invasions that blemished the last home game three weeks ago. While there were protests outside the stadium against the West Ham hierarchy, early goals ensured joint-owners David Sullivan and David Gold had an afternoon without being targeted with missiles or throat-slitting gestures from fans as they endured during the toxic previous fixture. Few sides will surrender as meekly as Southampton. After winning only one of their last seven games, West Ham took the lead in the 13th minute when the unmarked Mario met Cheikhou Kouyate's cross. Arnautovic was on target in the 17th minute after an initial header was saved, and again with a volley in first-half stoppage time. It was a miserable reunion with the former Stoke striker for new Southampton manager Mark Hughes. In Hughes' first Premier League game since being fired by Stoke in December, there was little to suggest he can keep his new team in the top-flight with Southampton in a perilous state. The Hammers, though, are on the rise again.
Phew, is it hot in here, or is it just us? On this most summery of days, join us in celebrating the publication day of Nalini Singh’s Psy-Changeling novella collection, WILD EMBRACE. Prepare yourself: these four novellas break taboos and cross boundaries, all while being incredibly sexy and smart (naturally!). To whet your appetite, Nalini has a few choice excerpts on her website, so head on over and enjoy. Here’s what you’re in for: Echo of Silence In a deep-sea station, Tazia Nerif has found her life’s work as an engineer, keeping things running smoothly. But she wants nothing more than to break down the barrier of silence between her and her telekinetic Psy station commander . . . A changeling who can never shift lives a life of quiet frustration – until he learns how to let his leopard come out and play . . . Partners in Persuasion Still raw from being burned by a dominant female, wolf changeling Felix will never again risk being a plaything. But for dominant leopard Dezi, he’s the most fascinating man she’s ever met. She just has to convince this gun-shy wolf that he can trust the dangerous cat who wants to take a slow, sexy bite out of him . . . Flirtation of Fate Seven years ago, Kenji broke Garnet’s heart. Now the wolf packmates have to investigate the shocking murder of one of their own. And the more Kenji sees of the woman Garnet has become, the deeper he begins to fall once more. But even his primal instincts are no match for the dark secret he carries . . . Romantic Times has already given the collection a rave review: ‘This is a banner year for Singh fans. Not only did they receive the wonderful addition to the Psy-Changeling series, Allegiance of Honor, but Singh also delivers an amazing anthology to readers . . . A major reason why readers adore Singh’s stories is the layered realism of her unforgettable characters!’
MISSISSAUGA, ON, Sept. 28, 2015 /CNW/ - Following the latest in a string of violent workplace attacks against Ontario nurses, the Registered Practical Nurses Association of Ontario is calling on the government and employers in the health care sector to better protect nurses while they're caring for patients. While few details about the September 10 attack on a registered practical nurse (RPN) by a patient at the Royal Mental Health Care Group have been made public due to privacy concerns, the circumstances of the attack make it clear that nurses need more protection and support in dealing with patients known to have aggressive tendencies. "Chronic understaffing and higher numbers of complex patients living with addictions and mental health conditions can combine to create volatile environments for both nurses and patients," says Dianne Martin, Executive Director of RPNAO. "If nurses don't have the resources and support they need to provide timely and appropriate patient care, complex patients with mental health or addictions issues are more likely to become agitated and violent and nurses are more vulnerable to attack." "We must protect our nurses while always upholding the dignity and value of our patients," says Martin. "Managing complex illnesses can be very difficult. Although we can't always prevent patients from being violent – violence sometimes results from these conditions – we can certainly do more to provide our nurses with the support and resources they need to manage and de-escalate aggressive behaviour and reduce their vulnerability to attack." Unless more is done to ensure adequate staffing levels, robust safety protocols and proper resources for treating complex patients, violent incidents such as this latest one in Ottawa will continue to occur. RPNAO is calling on the government and the province's nursing employers to make the issue of workplace violence a top priority. We must do more to care for our most complex mental health patients while at the same time reducing the vulnerability of our nurses to violence in the workplace. About the Registered Practical Nurses Association of Ontario Founded in 1958, RPNAO is the voice of practical nursing in Ontario. There are approximately 35,000 RPNs working in Ontario, playing a vital role in the province's health care system. For more information about RPNAO and how RPNs contribute to Ontario's health care system, please visit rpnao.org. SOURCE Registered Practical Nurses Association of Ontario For further information: Dianne Martin, Executive Director, Tel: (905) 602-4664 ext. 226
It’s the Yuletide season and families are gearing up to travel for the Christmas and New Year holidays. If you are planning on a family road trip during this time, you should know that the safety of your family is a priority. Regardless of the distance of your road trip, there are certain precautions that you need to take. As the designated driver of the vehicle, you need to ensure that your vehicle is in tip-top condition before you embark on your journey. It all begins before you pack the car and the first thing you need to do is make sure your vehicle is in great condition. Here are our top tips for keeping safe while on the road during Christmas. Perform A General Service When last did you perform a general service on your vehicle? Before you even think of traveling by road alone or with family, you need to do this. Having a professional take a look at your car will help find any problems that might affect you along the way. Don’t do this general service one or two days before you go though. Make sure you do this at least two weeks prior. That gives you time to drive your vehicle, to check for any faults that might have been missed, and to fix any issues you observe after. It gives you time to test-run your vehicle again before you travel. The general service of your vehicle would normally include the following; - An engine oil and filter change - A change of the fuel filter - Check windscreen wipers and water jets to make sure they are in good condition - Checking the cooling system including a check on the fan belt and radiator hose - A check of the braking system of your vehicle - Top up power steering, gear and brake fluids - Checking the tires of the vehicle to make sure the tread is still good - Check the air pressure of all the tires - Carry out a wheel balance and alignment check Carry Out Electrical Checks Make sure you have a full diagnostic checkup on your vehicle as well, to sort out any electrical issues. The last thing you need is to have an electrical issue while driving in a secluded area in the middle of the night. Try to avoid replacing faulty car components, including mechanical and electrical parts, with used parts. Always endeavor to get original, QA certified car parts to replace defective ones especially if you have to travel with your vehicle. Basics: For The Trip Ensure everyone in the vehicle is wearing a seatbelt. If you have children in the vehicle, make sure the central lock for the car doors and windows are activated. Secure a baby carriage at the back seat if you are traveling with an infant. Always drive within the speed limit. Pay attention and observe all road signs and traffic lights. Make sure you travel with a full tank of gas as well, or at least keep an eye on it! Pay attention to the roads and what’s happening around you. The weather over this period can change at the last minute, so you want to be prepared for anything. Get in touch if you want to make sure your vehicle is ready to go!
The original Assassin was simply known as the Grox Spaceship, and was a common ship. However, the Grox in the Ottzello Galaxy (now Ottzello Sector of the Borealis Galaxy) were growing apart from the Grox Meta-Empire, and when the Grox were cut off from the Meta-Empire by the Kralgon Invasion Force and joined the United Nations of Ottzello, they were put out of commission, for some time. Just before the end of the Third Ottzello Galactic War, the ships were recommissioned, although they relayed on Chronoscopic, which outside Ottzello, was low in supply. The Assassins were fairly commonly used, but soon replaced by UNO Fighter-Bombers. UNO's reliance on Chronoscopic was changed, when they explored more non-Chronoscopic alternates to their weapon, and the Assassins were changed. They were given electrolasers, antimatter missiles and railguns like all UNO ships. They were also transformed into mostly AI piloted ships. However, the Assassins weren't used much by UNO. When a corrupted Grox AI moved to join the Borealis Grox, the Unified Nation, in response, revamped and reused the Assassins. However, the Borealis Grox' Assassin ships were outfitted with the same weapons, meaning the Borealis Grox had all that UNO had added to the weapons. Grox Assassins, in appearance on the outside, are simply slightly modified and recoloured Grox Spaceships. However, their railgun is concealed, until used. The decision for this is unknown. They are around 65m long, making them UNO's largest starfighter. Assassins will behave in very much the same way as UNO Fighter-Bombers and Grox Spaceships; they will be constantly hunting down enemy starfighters, and can easily dodge asteroids and rocks. Grox Assassins use particle drives and Cold Relay required equipment for travel. They have regenerative ablative armour and regenerative nonphasic deflector shielding for defence. Grox ships have electrolasers, transphasic antimatter missile launchers, railguns, pseudometal warhead launchers, ship-to-ship repeating blasters, ion repeater blasters, graviton beam generator and antimatter bombs for attacks. Evading Grox Assassins is often a case of simply using faster and smaller starfighters. Also, outnumbering can confuse the AIs, if it is AI piloting them. Assassins are useful as they are the largest and most powerful starfighters. They are used in similar situations to the UNO Fighter-Bomber, and provide the same battle advantages as them. They can often make short work of other starfighters and cause considerable damage to larger ships, and when accompanied by even smaller UNO Fighter-Bombers and Tralkik Killers, they are even more deadly.
Call now to receive your Free case evaluation at (213) 799-0002 There is a group of cities to the southwest of Los Angeles called “gateway cities”. These are the towns that are considered the steps to LA and the beach. Santa Fe Springs is one of those towns, and it is located in a rural area away from all the hustle and bustle of the more metro communities. If you live in Santa Fe Springs, then you will definitely enjoy the small town, community feel that you get to enjoy every day. In town, you will enjoy the Clarke Estate, one of the historic plantation homes in the Southern California area. This estate is actually used for weddings and receptions regularly because of its beautiful architecture and scenery. Heritage Park is also located in Santa Fe Springs, and it offers a look into the Tongva, the natives of the area, as well as the history of how the railroad came to California. LA is less than an hour from Santa Fe Springs, and you can easily spend the day in the city if you need to go shopping, want a night out, wish to enjoy dining, or require professional services from a doctor, DUI lawyer, accountant, or anything else. Hollywood and the beach are also close by. That means you can go to the Walk of Fame or lie out in the SoCal sun without having to go too far from home. Hire our Serious Santa Fe Springs DUI Attorney to Take Care of Your DUI Case Like all parts of California, Santa Fe Springs law enforcement will arrest anyone who is driving with a blood alcohol level of 0.08 percent or higher. That means you may think you feel fine, but you could still get arrested for drunk driving. If you find yourself in this predicament, then you need to call (213) 799-1250 right away. The quicker you can get us on your case, the more we will be able to help you.
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – A former driver for Osama bin Laden was transferred from Guantanamo Bay to his homeland of Yemen to serve out the remaining 32 days of his sentence, the Pentagon said Tuesday. Salim Hamdan, the first man to go before a U.S. war crimes trial since the end of World War II, was flown from the U.S. Naval base in Cuba to Yemen. Hamdan was convicted on Aug. 6 of providing material support to terrorism, and the military reserved the option of keeping him locked up indefinitely if it considered him to be a continued threat. Instead the U.S. decided to send him home. A Pentagon official said the decision came from the White House. Hamdan was sentenced at the war-crimes trial to 5 1/2 years in prison. Being credited with five years and one month for time already served means his sentence ends on Dec. 27, according to the Pentagon. "As part of a transfer agreement with the United States, the remainder of Hamdan's sentence will be served in Yemen," the Defense Department said in a statement. Hamdan's Pentagon-appointed attorney, Navy Lt. Cmdr. Brian Mizer, told The Associated Press that he was surprised to learn the U.S. was transferring Hamdan to Yemen so soon. "This ... is welcome news indeed," Mizer said. "Tonight I hope that he is home with his wife and two little girls. He is not and never has been a terrorist." Guantanamo prosecutors sought a sentence of 30 years to life for Hamdan, whose trial inaugurated the military commissions in July. They also argued that as an "enemy combatant" he should not receive credit for his time detained there. A military judge rejected that argument. While convicted of supporting terrorism, Hamdan was acquitted by a jury of military officers of providing missiles to al-Qaida and knowing his work would be used for terrorism. He also was cleared of being part of al-Qaida's conspiracy to attack the United States. Some 250 men remain imprisoned at Guantanamo. President-elect Barack Obama has pledged to close the military detention center, which opened in January 2002, soon after taking office.
Seattle, WA, January 12, 2017 --(PR.com )-- Lucky Envelope Brewing, whose founders are of Chinese descent, will celebrate the Lunar New Year on Saturday, January 28th with two specialty beer releases. “This is our second year celebrating Chinese New Year here in the tasting room and we are excited to release two unique beers with cultural influence,” said Barry Chan, co-founder and Brewmaster. “The first beer is the Mijiaya Historic beer named after the 5,000 year-old Mijiaya archaeological site in Shaanxi (Northern China). After reading through archaeological research papers and sampling several test batches, we brewed up this beer based on the starch grains found in various brewing vessels excavated at the dig site. The end result is a flower, light, clean beer brewed with barley, Job’s tears, millet, Chinese squash, lily flowers, and yam.” The second beer being released is the Buddha’s Hand Citron IPA which clocks in at 5.7% ABV and 51 IBU and boasts an unmistakably intense lemon aroma from the citron zest. As an added bonus and continuation of the monthly Barrel-Aged release cadence, Lucky Envelope will be releasing a Strong Ale barrel-aged in a Westland Distillery Flagship Whiskey barrel for the past 12 months. The end result is a 10% ABV, 60 IBU beer with big notes of caramel, smoke, and a deliciously warm alcohol sweetness. Lucky Envelope regularly releases a barrel-aged beer on the last Saturday of each month. The first 30 guests who purchase a drink that day will receive a lucky envelope with a special surprise inside. Lucky Envelope takes its name from the Chinese tradition – tied closely with New Year celebrations – of elders bestowing often red-and-gold envelopes to loved ones as a gesture of luck and goodwill. Lucky Envelope is a family-friendly craft brewery headquartered in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle. The brewery has garnered accolades since its May 2015 opening, including earning a Bronze medal at the prestigious 2015 Great American Beer Festival® (GABF) competition and several medals at the 2016 Washington Beer Awards, including Gold for their ENIAC Mosaic IPA.
I am Jacquie Case A Personal Trainer For The Mind, As Your Mental And Emotional Health Is As Important As Your Physical Health . Life can be pretty full on sometimes. Bad days do happen. There are 2 main barriers to life. Confidence and Fear. Confidence = Competence, how well you know how to do something or if you need to learn something new. Fear = Limiting Beliefs , what are you saying to yourself on what you can not do or have? I want to help you have clarity over confusion, give you a future plan with accountability. I offer a selection on programmes to help from Negative Memories/ PTSD Negative Emotions , Anxiety , Guilt, Anger, Frustration I want to help you with the WHAT NEXT in your life . life Balancing 12 weeks to 1 year 6 week Mind & Body Confidence 1-2-1 Power Hour I offer a free 30 minute Clarity. It is good to talk. Check out my website JacquieCase.com for full prices . DO NOT BY SHY, GIVE IT A TRY. I look forward to meeting you . Jacquie 07940909708 Based in Reading Berkshire but offer Online coaching so it does not matter where you are located . Training, qualifications & experience I am a trained practitioner in IEMT Integral Eye Movement Therapy, RST Rapid Solution Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Weight & Diet Hypnotherapy, NLP, Master NLP EFT Tapping, Three Principles, Trained Mental Health First Aider, and Reiki. I started my career in the Hair & Beauty Industry where my job was to make people look and feel good. I spent 25yrs Working in and out of London, working on cruise ships, to being a Manager, Area Manager, to Operations Manager. Client would tell me all sorts of things but I was not trained to help them. So when I decided I wanted to take my career onto a new challenge I took the step to learn about the mind and personal development. I want to help you with the ‘Want Next’ and Future Goals . Review of IEMT therapy with Jacquie My thoughts and processes through my therapy as a 2 x sessions a week apart When i started iemt I was instantly curious yet sceptical about it and if it would be of any use or even work, but willing to do something, anything that would be helpful for me to move on, or even begin to deal/cope with all the emotions and anxieties I attached to myself that was keeping me in the same state of havoc i was beginning to feel was forever going to be just "me". I looked into jacquie's website and she made sense... i couldn't wait to begin my sessions with her. Jacquie was wonderful, a very friendly, down to earth, likeable and funny person, i liked her instantly, she made me feel like she understood what the thoughts,pain,emotions were inside of me,without knowing my story and thruthfully made me feel i had hope again... a light to work towards... I have had a lot to deal with emotionally, because of some dramatic and traumatic events in my life that I have tried to deal with / cope with as best i could, for a very very long time. I tried one to one with various councillors, group therapy(large and small),many different things,self help being the main one and akso self medicating with recreational drugs, my diagnosis for my conditions/behaviours/traits have bad many labels bipolar,personality disorder, depression,severa anxiety and depression, emotionally unstable, etc... With IEMT therapy i feel calmer inside like,a little more focussed and able to go on with some of the strategies Jacquie has suggested for me. I couldn't thank Jacquie enough for my therapy sessions, I will be in touch as i feel this massive change in myself and my son also, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart, a therapy that I actually feel and see the change happening in front of my eyes and a way for me to workout, in my own head my cluttered thoughts. I feel empowered and confident that i can and will get through my difficult times.Highly recommended!!Thank you again Following the visits I had with Jacquie I feel like a weight has been lifted. She has helped me see what has been holding me back and talked through ways to help deal with negative emotions such as my depression and anxiety. I enjoyed talking with her and feel I benefited from having a such supportive person listen to how I feel and teach me ways to let my mind guide my thoughts to the here and now rather then the future 'what ifs'. Thank you Jacquie , it has been a pleasure meeting with you. Jacquie was really warm and welcoming and that really helped me settle down. Due to my anxiety I really struggled with getting there. Once there she told me the process and then just got on with it. To begin with I was sceptical and seemed to take a while until it felt like a light bulb moment and words just started coming. After an hour and a half and I had left it felt really overwhelming and somewhat exhausted me and couldn't really remember much of what happened until a few hours later. The next day felt like a really low day for me but the rest of the week was good. Upon returning, I really struggled to come back, my anxiety attacks and panic attacks had sky rocketed and I kept pushing back the date, however once i had come back, again Jacquie made me feel at ease and came across that she genuinely wanted to help me. Speaking about identity for the second round, she really delved deep and really made me open up which surprised me and I did get a little upset but she let me do everything at my own pace. Again upon leaving it felt really overwhelming and didnt remember much of what had happened until a few hours later when it came back to me bit by bit and again made me feel exhausted and the next day I had a pretty low day but after a few days I really feel like it has helped and helped me put things in to perspective and look at things differently. I have been out of work for nearly nine months now and I have already started applying for different jobs out of my comfort zone and in general starting to do more things that I normally couldn't do. Jacquie was an amazing person to meet and I really feel like even after this short time I can really start thinking about getting on with my life. Jacquie has been absolutely lovely, warm and kind hearted during my therapy. IEMT has thoroughly helped with my emotions and childhood trauma, I have been to countless counselling sessions before, none of them working, but even after my first session with Jacquie I felt so much better. It was such a relief knowing that finally something was helping. I cried, I laughed but most of all I learnt my self worth, I couldn’t recommend IEMT and Jacquie enough ???? Areas of coaching I deal with Other areas of coaching I deal with Payment is required on booking appointments. I offer different packages for individuals or for businesses wanted support within the workplace with mental and well-being at work. For more information Check out my website for full prices New Clients Welcome I offer coaching in person you can come to me in Earley Reading or I can come to you. I also offer online coaching, so it does not matter where you are located.
I am 68 year old female who travels on RS trips solo---because my husband has not yet retired---and I would like to know if there is anywhere on this site that solo travelers post a little bit about themselves and what trips they are contemplating so that other solo travelers might get to know others and perhaps plan trips together. I have seen this on discussion boards on Rick Steves travel website, but have not found anything similar on this site. I love to travel, and will travel solo by necessity, but would much prefer to meet others and travel with someone I know a little about. I have limited funds and cannot usually afford to pay the single supplement to stay in a room by myself. I'll be going to Ireland on the May 4-14 "Enchanted Ireland: Town & Country" trip and also am a solo travel. It's my first Road Scholar trip, so I'm pretty excited. My husband isn't interested in going abroad but I am! I like the idea of luxuriating in my own room, at least on this trip. I'll be 75 next month (February) and thought this would be a great birthday present to myself. I love walking but not 6-7 miles a day. For me, that's too much because I'd like to mingle and chat with the locals more at my own pace. I enjoy my senior Zumba classes, and my usual walks are around 4 miles. Hi. I'm 68 yo also and love to travel. Currently I'm focusing on national parks, but there are also places out of the US I'm interested in. Would love to travel with another woman. I used to host a travel meetup, but it isn't easy to find other solo travelers. Where do you live? I'm in Colorado. My next trip in May is to the Badlands and area around Rapid City. Never been there so I am driving up. Would love the company if anyone is leaving from Colorado!
No offseason is truly quiet at the Boras Corporation, which usually represents a top free agent or two and always prepares for arbitration cases and extensions. But to this point, the 2011-12 offseason has been relatively slow for the Newport Beach-based agency — at least in terms of actual deals. As MLBTR's Transaction Tracker shows, the Boras Corp. has found modest two-year contracts for Bruce Chen and Willie Bloomquist and one-year deals for Andrew Brackman and Gerald Laird. It won’t be quiet for much longer. Four of the top five remaining free agents on MLBTR’s top 50 list — Prince Fielder (2), Edwin Jackson (6), Ryan Madson (14) and Carlos Pena (16) — are Boras clients. In total, five of the 17 unsigned free agents from MLBTR’s top 50 list are Boras clients, including the top three. Johnny Damon (39), and unranked free agents such as Ivan Rodriguez, Andruw Jones, J.D. Drew, Magglio Ordonez, Ryan Spilborghs, Jason Varitek, Rick Ankiel, Mike Gonzalez and Kevin Millwood join Fielder, Jackson, Madson and Pena on Boras’ list of unsigned clients. The Boras Corp. hasn’t brokered a deal in recent weeks, but Boras has grabbed headlines on MLBTR and elsewhere by invoking names such as Bonds, Foxx and Gehrig while discussing Fielder and comparing Jackson to Yu Darvish. Though we can debate the validity of the comparisons, there’s no denying Boras now represents the best hitter available, the best starter available, the best closer available and a host of complementary players. Boras has waited the market out for this long, but with Spring Training in the not-so-distant future, it seems inevitable that the quiet offseason will soon pick up and many of Boras’ clients will agree to deals by the end of January.
"Don't Be the Missing One" - From a Motherhood Photographer My name is Tiffany Farley, and I specialize in photographing motherhood and family, and in doing so, I often photograph brand new babies as they are welcomed into homes and lives. My approach is a bit different than the traditional newborn photographer however, because to me, I am just as much documenting this beautiful story of a brand new mother, right alongside those perfect ten fingers and toes. Because you see, it’s about you too mama. The season of life with a newborn is a blur of both overwhelm and overjoy. You’re so indescribably exhausted, yet you find yourself never wanting to miss a single moment. Perhaps you once considered photographs of you and your brand new baby while expecting, but the heavy emotions and lack of sleep begin to let your doubts rise. The thought of not being photographed yourself begins to sound…easier. As mothers, I think it’s natural to let your children take the center stage right from the start. You’re so enamored with this tiny new life. You want to remember every moment. Every new facial expression, every milestone, and how perfectly tiny every ounce of them once was. But as a photographer, I want to take you deeper than that. I want you to remember how it feels right now. When the only place they want to sleep is tucked right up under your chin. How they grab onto your one finger with their whole hand, making your heart turn to puddle, which shows in your eyes. The looks of adoration your husband can’t stop giving while you hold the tiny babe you prayed so long for. I have never photographed a mother with her baby, brand new or years old, who has ever expressed her sincere regret. Who wished that she now didn’t have those black and white photographs of the two of them. Those cherished portraits of her motherhood. I have however, met many women who regretted their choice of saying no. There are so many stories of mothers I have met throughout the years, who have told me just how much they would change if they could go back. Who vulnerably shared that they felt too overwhelmed to even consider professional photographs after their little one was born, and now have next to none. Stories of mothers who chose to only photograph their baby, and never any of the two of them, or the three of them as brand new family. Mothers who didn’t feel beautiful, or worthy enough for more than that. But you see, to me, I believe motherhood is truly one of the most beautiful views. So much so, that my days as a photographer are devoted to filling my frame with it’s timeless wonder. When you choose to be in the photographs you not only choose what matters most now, but you choose what matters most in 50 years. You choose to give your children the most beautiful gift- the gift of family photographs. Don’t let the insecurities, the overwhelm, and the doubt keep you from being a part of the story. Please, don’t be the missing one in the photographs." BIO: Tiffany Farley is a photographer of motherhood and family, currently living on the coast of Maine, and available for worldwide travel. She is also the founding editor of The Fount Collective, a lifestyle publication and online community devoted to the art of being a mother. Business Name: Tiffany Farley
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS QUESTION 1 --- What are the professional qualifications of the teaching staff? Do the teachers attend regular training to stay current? At The Academy, our teachers attend special training to master techniques for young (pre-school) dancers. They also attend more advanced training in New York City with professionals currently performing on Broadway and other venues. In addition, we bring outstanding performers and choreographers from Los Angeles, Canada, New York City and Las Vegas including finalists from “So You Think You Can Dance”! to supplement the instruction including master classes with The Joffrey Ballet and the world renowned Martha Graham School in New York. Most of our staff have their degrees in dance as well as experience as performers themselves. They attend training regularly and teach following a well-designed program of instruction. Please look at the qualifications of our staff! QUESTION 2 --- Is the studio a member of Dance Masters of America (DMA), Professional Dance Teachers Association (PDTA) and Dance Educators of America (DEA)? Dance Masters of America is especially important because members must be “Certified by Test to Teach” after qualifying with teaching experience as well as passing written tests and performance tests.At the Academy, we have been members of all three organizations for over 30 years. Linda Haas, the owner and founder of The Academy, has been an active supporter and advocate of excellence in dance education since she opened her studio in 1981. QUESTION 3 --- Who will actually teach my child? Does the school use qualified teachers for the advanced students and then teach the beginners using “assistants” or “students” from the studio? At the Academy, ALL classes are taught by qualified adult teachers. These teachers are the same ones who train constantly and teach the more advanced students. Proper technique must be learned right from the start and is the building block for more advanced skills. Taking beginner classes from qualified teachers is the only way to ensure that YOUR child learns the basics properly and is well prepared to advance to more difficult classes with the proper technique. QUESTION 4 --- Does the studio have a performance or “competition” group? At the Academy, we have the most professional and successful performance group in the area. We are the 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 National Dance School of Excellence and have won over 700 National and 1427 regional awards in dance competition. Not every dancer wants to compete. A major part of our studio is devoted to recreational dancers who want to learn proper technique in ballet, tap, jazz, hip-hop and modern dance. They participate in one or two performances each year, they have fun, and they enjoy the experience. We believe that a successful competitive dance group is critical to the success of our recreational dancers because it ensures that every dancer in our studio receives outstanding training. Our recreational program is the starting point for our more advanced dancers. A competition group ensures that our training, from beginner to advanced, is taught to the highest standards. QUESTION 5 --- Does the studio conduct performances each year that showcase the students in a positive manner and demonstrate excellent dance training? If you can attend a performance, you will learn a great deal about the programs of any studio!At the Academy, we conduct several outstanding performances each year. Our annual Christmas Extravaganza at the beautiful Ferguson Center for the Arts is attended by over 2000 people and is the highlight of the season for many families. All of our dancers love to perform! They have fun and are proud to demonstrate what they have learned. We receive many compliments concerning the excellent training and “professionalism” of our students. The competition dancers have won hundreds of national awards and it shows. Equally important, our first year dancers do a wonderful job and are able to demonstrate actual dance skills, proper technique, poise and showmanship. QUESTION 6 --- Does the school have an outstanding reputation in the community? At the Academy, we have a commitment to excellence in everything we do. Our commitment goes well beyond just teaching dance. Each year we conduct performances to benefit both Operation Smile and The Leukemia Society. As of this year, our students have raised enough money through dance to pay for over 700 surgeries to correct facial deformities in young children. We believe that being well rounded and learning the value of service to others is important. Our students are leaders in the community. They are excellent scholars, presidents, and vice-presidents of their classes, dance scholarship winners and leaders in athletics. Some have gone on to perform on Broadway. Others have become Radio City Rockettes and members of professional ballet companies. Still, others have left the Academy to become doctors, lawyers, engineers and school teachers! Many of our former students now have their own children enrolled in The Academy and they are among our most enthusiastic supporters! QUESTION 7 --- Does the school teach students more than just dance? In other words, is the school concerned with teaching life lessons as well as dance lessons? At the Academy, we use dance and performing arts as vehicles to teach life lessons. We believe that it is important for young people to develop personal responsibility, dedication, a strong work ethic and teamwork. It is our goal to help our young dancers learn the value of working towards a goal and the joy of accomplishing that goal. These lessons last a lifetime and help shape our students as they become young adults.
- What is anchor text of the link? - What do we use anchor links for and what is their influence? - Types of anchors. Description and examples - What types of text anchors are better for promotion and why? - Where to include an anchor link? - Where to choose anchor links? - What is no anchor link? Get free SEO audit The Meaning of Anchor Text and How to Use Anchors In Your SEO Strategy What Is Anchor Text? SEO optimisation based on gaining links from other websites. Anchors used have direct impact on the rank of the site promoted. First of all, let’s gain insight into the basic terminology. An anchor is a text part of the link which is observed by the user of the website (is placed between the tags …). Having activated it, the visitor will come to the determined web resource. In HTML anchor text should be written in the next way: <a href="url site">anchor</a> <a href="https://sitechecker.pro/external-links/">external links</a> So, what is an anchor text? It is a clickable phrase which consists of keywords or sentence which dwell directly on the subject matter of the website. That is how even before the actual visit to the web resource the user learns what kind of business the site has. Nevertheless, he cannot see the full web address of a site. It is hidden “under the text” which is highlighted differently in comparison with the main part of the article. Anchor links are the keywords which lead to the content of the determined site. They are used to replace some simple backlinks for the thematic site with some part of the text which is issue-related. What Do We Use Anchor Links For And What Is Their Influence? The clickable text which is an anchor link has an influence on the rank of the site in the SERP offered by search systems because it boosts the dynamic weight of the page to which it leads. Dynamic weight is an anchor web-ranking. It is transmitted by active hyperlink and directly depends on the anchor: the more relevant it is, the more significant dynamic weight is transmitted by the link. That is to say, dynamic weight completely hinges upon the text in an anchor. The more obvious is the relation of text and search request, the more significant is the dynamic weight of link. The link should lead user to that very page which is promoted. The search robots always take such hyperlinks into consideration. That is why when buying them, you must properly select anchor text as it has a direct influence on the web-ranking performed by search system. Thus, a wisely chosen phrase helps the website to get in the TOP list of search systems. It works! Adding hyperlinks to the resource is an important step in the whole process of optimisation in which efficiency depends on the text chosen for them to a great extent. Link formation and optimisation are two stages of site promotion that cannot be neglected! These type of anchors are also of great use for the inner interlinking as they serve joint elements for the pages of the same web resource. They are most helpful on many levels: they help a user to find the needed pages of the website; because of them, searching bots can index pages of the second or even higher level of nesting depth; they simplify the task for a webmaster to divide the weight within the web resource. Types Of Anchor Text. SEO Examples Ascertain that you include a unique anchor. Identical anchor text fuses anchor which lowers the significance of the link in whole. Do your best to overcome it! The types of anchors you can come across: - Exact match anchors. This type is represented by the distinct search requests without any additional words being inserted into the text of a link (for example, “anchor link”). - Partial match anchors. Apart from the direct search request, the anchors of this type contain some additional text (partial anchor text example: “what is an anchor”). - Branded anchors. This type of anchors include your brand name and all it variations: “mybrand.com, mybrand, http://mybrand.com” etc. - Image anchors. You can hyperlink images as well. Such links doesn’t have anchor text—but there’s an alt tags. The alt tag describes what that image is about. - Generic anchor text. By “generic” here all phrases like “click here” or “visit website” or even something which is completely unrelated to final link destination. When striving for optimisation of your web resource, do not focus on one well-loved type even if it brings good results. Use the variety! To make your anchors more variable, break the main search request by synonyms and epithets. The principal condition resides in the absence of any orthographic mistakes, inaccuracies in punctuation and readability as a mere collection of words can be interpreted by the searching systems as spam. What Types Of Text Anchors Are Better For Promotion And Why? There is no clear-cut answer to the question about the optimal choice of anchor types for website promotion. You can try to investigate the anchor choice of the competing web resources. Conduct a kind of experiment to find the most efficient variant. The truth is that for efficient website promotion you need to use both direct and partial anchor links. One more thing to take into account is that anchors should also be applied to enable simplified shift between the pages of the same web resource. Quite a useful tip! Thus, by using direct and partial anchors, you will share static weight with other pages of your site. Where To Place An Anchor Link? Now that you have the answer to the question “what is an anchor link”, it’s high time to learn: text of the link is not suitable for any place. When such opportunities are excluded, you will need to include a simple original link to your resource. This is where you can use anchor links: - Site catalogs. As a rule, site catalogs ask for information related to the name and address of the resource which further will become a link to your resource. - Blog comments. The majority of blogs permit publications of the site address and the text which is a presentation of your link under your comments. - Link exchange. When sharing the links with other users you include title, address, and description where title is the text of an anchor which leads the user to the determined resource. Where to choose anchor links? There exist several approaches for the formation of anchor links, among which the most widely used are the following: - Automatic link building. You can find a great many of specialized services and nets for independent site promotion. Using these resources, you can select anchors for your website. To get the result, you are to include your keywords and name of resource in the base and leave the rest of the work for generators. - Independent anchor formation or ordering from a copywriter. Of course, there is always an opportunity to try to find the best appropriate anchor text yourself, but just as well you can redirect this part of site promotion to a copywriter. Do you best to describe technical requirements for this task! On the Web, you will find a lot of platforms where you can order quality content for your website. - Anchor creation based on the replication of search requests from other websites related to your topic. The algorithm is very simple. You need to insert your search request in the search bar, visit the resources in the TOP, find the sentences including the needed request and take an example to create your own one. What is “no anchor” link? These are the type of links which contain no keyword. To this type belong: The site address (very often they are used to shift to the home page of the Internet resource) Alternative text is different from the keywords. Such links contain words like “here”, “read also”, and so on. For example: How can no anchor links be useful? Such links are often used to break the link mass of the website. Not long ago, Google announced that, as a rule, anchor links were treated as commercial and from that moment they would be taken into account less seriously. On the other hand, there is no use trying to promote the web resource with the help of no anchor links only. Just as well, you should not fully rely on those of text type. No anchor links provide: - long-lasting efficiency; - safety due to naturalness; - boosts the trustworthiness of the resource. The link mass must consist of anchor text links and those containing none. It is also highly recommended to include different anchors. Of course, it is time-consuming and meticulous work, but the result is worth your time and efforts. Check our complete Backlinks Guide for more tactics. How to get no anchor links free of charge? You can cope with it through your own efforts, but you need to devote your time to get the result. How can one do it? You should surf the Web leaving links to the pages of your site on different web resources. Use social networks, blogs, forums, and other platforms. The second approach is more natural and therefore more advisable. According to it, users leave links to your resource on other websites, like blogs, forums, social networks. Such links have the most long-lasting effect as they are “live”, and will attract more visitors enabling further promotion. What do you need for this to happen? The main requirement is unique and engaging content. If the material on your website is useful for users, soon your website will be recognised by a wide audience, and the number of both anchor text links and those of no anchor type promoting your site will grow rapidly (and naturally, which is of great importance!).
When my first child was born, 27 years ago, I planned to use cloth diapers. I had the old-fashioned pre-folded diapers, pins and rubber pants (with uncomfortable-looking elastic legs!). I put one on my son before he went to sleep at night. When I got him up the next morning he did not have a dry stitch on his body. Anywhere. I went back to the Pampers that the hospital had conveniently given me a sample of and never looked back. To say that cloth diapers have changed a lot since then is an understatement! They come in a dazzling array of colors and prints, and have Velcro or covers that close with Velcro so that they are as easy to change as disposable diapers. I'm jealous! I wish these had been available when I had babies! So what are the facts? How can a new parent decide whether to use cloth diapers or disposables? There are four main considerations for your choice: Experts say that using cloth diapers instead of disposables will save an average of $2000 per child. Your savings will be based on: Disposable diapers contain many chemicals that may be harmful to a baby's delicate skin. In addition, they contain super-absorbent gelling materials which have been linked to an increase in childhood asthma and a decrease in sperm count among boys. There is no question that using cloth diapers is better for the environment than using disposables. One estimate states for every child that wears disposable diapers a TON of waste is added to our landfills. And they are not biodegradable and take generations to decompose. As a mom that used disposable diapers, I believe that the strongest reason that most disposable users have for not choosing cloth diapers is convenience. It seems so much easier to throw used diapers into a trash can (especially if you are not at home) than to rinse them out and wash them to use again lately. In my interview with interview with Emi Stapler , though, she said that she considers the cloth diapers of today to be just as convenient to use as
“To the world, you may be just a teacher, But to your students, you are a hero.” A big THANK YOU to Nur Aishah bt Abdullah and other students who have nominated Sir Soon as an Inspirational Teacher in year 2019. Nur Aishah’s story about Sir Soon has won him one of the top prize called McDonald’s Inspirational Teacher Award. Here is a story about Sir Soon written by Aishah. We are equally thankful and appreciative of the effort that McDonald Malaysia has put in to celebrate the teaching force. Here’s a message from Sir Soon. “"Don't let the challenges to bring you down. Don't let where you come from limit your potential to succeed. Always aim high. Have faith and FIND YOUR LIGHT." I always believed that my students have the potential and deserve the rights to achieve excellent education regardless of their background. I hope my fifth year servicing at SMK Lubok Buntar Official as a teacher helped to do that! Thank you to my inspiring student Nur Aishah for nominating me for Guru Inspirasi Year 2019. I am thankful and grateful that you shared your story about your growth! I am hopeful and I am sure you will go even further than this. I am especially proud when the Marketing Team interviewed you about your learning and growth processes. You have articulated it so well and so eloquently. I hope you hold strong to your ideals and finds more opportunity to shine. You have grown from a shy and negative individual to an inspiring, bright, wise and confident dream chaser. Don't look back. Aim high and reach higher. Thank you McDonald's Malaysia for organising this special effort in recognising inspiring teachers from all over Malaysia and I am proud and thankful to be selected as one of the teacher. And congratulations to thousands of teachers out there who worked from their hearts and contributed selflessly for their students. I am just one of many out there. There are so many challenges, sleepless nights, arguments, fights, disagreements and dissatisfaction leading to this point. Teaching is NOT EASY! Thank you to my sister, my family members, my friends, my mentors, my colleagues, my funders and my students who make it worthwhile. Thank you. You know who you are. You gave me support and hope in my darkest times. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you too to my enemy, naysayers, those who judged me, criticised me and devalued me, you made me stronger. I am extremely proud of being a teacher today, because teachers can find their light too.”
A research team led by Washington State University has found that while drylands around the world will expand at an accelerated rate because of future climate change, their average productivity will likely be reduced. The study, published in Nature Communications today (April 3, 2020), is the first to quantify the impact of accelerated dryland expansion under future climate change on their gross primary production. Drylands, which primarily include savannas, grasslands, and shrublands, are important for supporting grazing and non-irrigated croplands around the world. They are also an important player in the global carbon cycle and make up 41% of Earth’s land surface and support 38% of its population. “Our results highlight the vulnerability of drylands to more frequent and severe climate extremes,” said Jingyu Yao, a research assistant in WSU’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and lead author on the paper. Using satellite data of vegetation productivity, measurements of carbon cycling from 13 sites and datasets from global models of future climate change, the researchers found that productivity of drylands will increase overall by about 12% by 2100 compared to a baseline from about 10 years ago. However, as drylands replace more productive ecosystems, overall global productivity may not increase. Furthermore, due to expected changes in precipitation and temperatures, the amount of productivity in any one dryland area will decrease. In addition, the researchers found that expansion among different types of drylands will lead to large changes in regional and subtype contributions to global dryland productivity. Drylands will experience substantial expansion and degradation in the future due to climate change, wildfire and human activities, including changes to their ecosystem structures as well as to their productivity, said Heping Liu, professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and corresponding author on the paper. Because these regions are already water stressed, they are particularly sensitive to temperature or precipitation changes. Warming temperatures from climate change and more frequent and severe droughts threaten their biodiversity as well as their ability to take in and hold carbon. Especially in developing countries, the degradation of dryland ecosystems could have strong societal and economic impacts, said Yao. These changes have already started happening in the last few decades. In the U.S. Southwest, the introduction of invasive species has changed dryland regions from green to brown. Precipitation changes in Australia, which is composed almost entirely of drylands, have meant a dryer continent with dramatic impacts and Mongolia’s grasslands have deteriorated because of warmer temperatures, less rainfall, and overgrazing. While the drylands’ productivity is important for supporting people, these areas also play a critically important role in annual carbon cycling. They help the planet breathe, absorbing carbon dioxide every spring as plants grow and then breathing it out in the fall as they become dormant. Because the growth of dryland ecosystems is very sensitive to changes in rainfall and temperature, drylands show the most impact of any ecosystem in year-to-year changes in the carbon cycle. Understanding their role in future carbon cycling can help researchers determine how to best preserve areas of high carbon uptake. “In our society, we are not paying much attention to what’s going on with dryland regions,” Liu said. “Given their importance in global carbon cycling and ecosystem services, a global action plan involving stringent management and sustainable utilization of drylands is urgently needed to protect the fragile ecosystems and prevent further desertification for climate change mitigation.” Reference: “Accelerated dryland expansion regulates future variability in dryland gross primary production” by Jingyu Yao, Heping Liu, Jianping Huang, Zhongming Gao, Guoyin Wang, Dan Li, Haipeng Yu and Xingyuan Chen, 3 April 2020, Nature Communications. Zhongming Gao, a postdoctoral scholar in Liu’s group, is another co-author of the work. In addition to WSU, the team included researchers from Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China; the CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Beijing; Fudan University, Shanghai, China; Boston University; the Chinese Academy of Sciences; and the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The work was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Biological and Environmental Research as well as the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
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In an on-going project, falling under the umbrella title Rabbrexit, YiMiao Shih probes British traditions, culture and history by reimagining our current political landscape as a ludicrous world of rabbits. Born in Taiwan, YiMiao studied Fine Art in Taipei before moving to London. It was there that she began illustrating her bunny characters, drawn from the memory of her favourite childhood puppet. YiMiao then fell down the rabbit hole and into her own peculiar wonderland. Taking her characters into new realms, she started experimenting and pushing her illustrative practice at the Royal College of Art. After the referendum result came out, YiMiao felt the shockwaves of Brexit and needed a way to vent. “I wanted to express the surprise and instant panic that I felt from people around me at the time,” she tells It’s Nice That. Immediately rabbits hopped into mind and YiMiao decided to retell our political dilemmas in her own fluffy tale. “I love to think that I could lure my audience in with the lovely, warm façade of illustration, and express important points from political or social events,” she says. So she began how anyone would, by researching “all the famous British rabbits”. She pulled rabbits from the stories of Beatrix Potter, A.A Milne and Lewis Carroll and re-envisioned them in a mass exodus from Britain. Using embroidery, she created an illustrated tapestry that satirises the narrative of Brexit. The resulting piece, Rabbexit, An Homage to Brexit, was then exhibited at the Royal Academy’s 250th Summer Show. The scale of the project then grew and grew – and YiMiao moved into the House of Illustration as their fifth resident artist. She began listening to live streams of the House of Commons and BBC news, flooding herself with Brexit. Using her embroidery machine, she regurgitated what she heard straight into fabric. The tactile illustrations poke fun at the ridiculousness of British politicians – complete with sleeping front-bench bunnies, not unlike a fluffy Jacob Rees-Mogg. Inspired by the historical archives of the British Museum and British Library, her project became an epic – complete with its own language – which formed an exhibition of illustrated objects titled Rabbrexit means Rabbrexit. Her residency led her to realise that illustration doesn’t always have to be on paper. “I use the sewing machine like I use pencils and paint – I use threads as lines and fill the space with fabrics and trims,” she says. She experimented with new ways of making, even laser engraving her own versions of the 50p coin: one 48p and the other 52p. On whether she’s a political artist, YiMiao says: “I see myself more as a storyteller – I build a narrative which is political and social, but it’s rendered with a light-hearted, satirical style.” If you look closely, you’ll spot the Easter eggs left by the artist; little hints at modern-day culture from M&S clothes to a Gregg’s sandwich.
Vernon Adams, Travis Jonsen Oregon quarterbacks Vernon Adams (left) and Travis Jonsen head to the locker room after an August practice. (Andy Nelson/The Associated Press) SAN ANTONIO -- The injury recovery of Oregon freshman quarterback Travis Jonsen took an important step forward in early December. Specifically, several steps forward, and at a brisk pace, too. Jonsen already knew his first season at Oregon would require taking things slow while digesting the Ducks' fast-break offense, but his mid-September surgery to fix turf toe made the notion of baby steps more literal. "I just started running 2-3 weeks ago," Jonsen said Sunday, after Oregon's first Alamo Bowl practice in San Antonio. The No. 15 Ducks (9-3) play No. 11 TCU (10-2) on Saturday. "It's just a day-by-day thing ... but it's definitely getting a lot better," Jonsen said. "I'm starting to jog now and I'm trying to get into a full run, so it's getting better." A four-star recruit from Anaheim, California, Jonsen initially injured his toe in October 2014 as a Servite High School senior. He enrolled at Oregon in time for spring drills in March, and took part in practices without incident, completing 5-of-9 passes for 64 yards, including a 17-yard touchdown pass, in the spring game. He said he then reaggravated it after fall camp in September; coach Mark Helfrich called it a "bizarre thing," while Jonsen noted it's "not your average turf toe," an injury that is typically a sprain of the ligaments around the big toe joint. After traveling with Oregon to Michigan State on Sept. 12, Jonsen underwent surgery. "It happened in high school, and then I kept playing on it, kept playing on it and eventually it got worse so I had to get it done," Jonsen said. Jonsen has missed out on a season of splitting duties running the scout team with redshirt freshman Morgan Mahalak but because of his jump start from spring practices, Jonsen doesn't feel he's markedly behind his peers with the competition to become the 2016 UO starter opening soon. His return to the field also will be a test of his refined throwing motion. Though Jonsen worked with private QB coach Steve Clarkson throughout high school, former offensive coordinator Scott Frost and Jonsen began the work of shortening his elongated mechanics last spring. The 2016 Alamo Bowl No. 15 Oregon (9-3) vs. No. 11 TCU (10-2) Jan. 2, in San Antonio 3:45 p.m. PT on ESPN "I think it's helping," Jonsen said. "I'm getting used to it. At the beginning I started thinking about it but now it's starting to get more natural." In essence, the season has been one, long football study hall with spring his first opportunity to put that knowledge into action. On Sunday, he watched practice from the sideline while working with a strength coach on lower-body exercises. "Obviously we'll have to see when I go back to the field but I think I'm more comfortable, and even in meetings I'm able to answer more questions and understand a lot more," Jonsen said. "I don't have to take as many notes down because I already know that stuff. ... The coaches don't have to tell me something twice because I'm starting to get it even more so I think that's what's good." Included in that competition is, of course, Dakota Prukop, a graduate transfer from Montana State who expects to be on campus in time for spring drills. Yet UO teammates such as receiver Darren Carrington have vouched for Jonsen's potential, in particular, throughout the fall. "Competition, competition, it doesn't get any better than that," Jonsen said. "The coaches got to do what they got to do and we have to do what we have to do. ... Basically what they said is we're going to put him in the mix and it's a challenge. "We'll have to see how it goes, it'll be exciting." -- Andrew Greif
Boeing Co is close to a deal worth $3.5 billion at list prices to sell 30 Boeing 737 MAX jetliners to ANA Holdings, two people familiar with the matter said. The deal is the first sale in Japan for the newest version of Boeing`s best-selling 737 family and marks a reversal for Europe`s Airbus, five years after the same airline became the first Japanese carrier to pick the competing A320neo. It also coincides with negotiations between Washington and Tokyo over a potential trade pact, with Japan facing pressure from U.S. President Donald Trump`s administration to cut its trade surplus with the United States. Boeing declined to comment. ANA could not immediately be reached for comment. A deal announcement could come as early as Tuesday, subject to the airline`s final approval, the sources said, speaking on condition of anonymity. The Boeing 737 MAX and Airbus A320neo have amassed thousands of orders due to significant fuel savings offered by a new generation of engines. But the world`s largest plane makers continue to wage fierce market battles, while Boeing has been chipping away at Airbus`s recent lead in the market for such medium-haul airplanes. Trump and other top U.S. administration officials have criticized Japan over trade, asserting that Tokyo treats the United States unfairly by shipping millions of cars to North America while blocking imports of U.S. autos and farm products. Japan says its markets for manufactured goods are open, although it does protect politically sensitive farm products. In September, Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe agreed to start trade talks in an arrangement that appeared, temporarily at least, to protect Japanese automakers from further tariffs on their exports, which make up about two-thirds of Japan`s $69 billion trade surplus with the United States. Japan has insisted the new Trade Agreement on Goods would not be a wide-ranging free trade agreement, but U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said last year he was aiming for a full free-trade deal requiring approval by Congress. (This article has not been edited by Zeebiz editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.) Get Latest Business News, Stock Market Updates and Videos; Check your tax outgo through Income Tax Calculator and save money through our Personal Finance coverage. Check Business Breaking News Live on Zee Business Twitter and Facebook. Subscribe on YouTube.
This morning my friends Liz and Mario, who live here on this beautiful isle of Maui, took me to a secret bay where it is possible to swim out to a tribe (is that a ‘pod’?) of spinner dolphins. It’s early mornings when they happen to be there … but on only one of every five attempts does she find dolphins, Liz tells me. This was only my second expedition, and dolphins were there BOTH times. Since we humans love to project all kinds of thoughts and feelings onto dolphins … I’m wondering, does this mean they like me? Are they tuning into my energy? Spinner dolphins are an endangered species, although they may be coming back due to slightly more sane tuna fishing methods. They like to jump completely out of the water and do fast acrobatic spins before doing a belly or back flop into the water. One possible reason is that males spin to attract females. Spinning may also be play. Individuals have been spotted completing at least 14 spinning jumps in quick succession. Just to make an impression, I tried to spin … not so good. One has to swim quite far to reach the dolphins way out in the choppy bay. I’m a decent swimmer, but the biggest challenge is tiptoeing over 100 yards of razor sharp volcanic rock — in order to jump into the surf from same sharp rocks without getting hurt — with flippers on! Coming back in, riding up a wave surge to slide onto one small ledge in those sharp rocks is a nice little trick too. The process of getting in and out of the water in that volcanic bay had sounded dangerous to me for years — and it is — but the waves were not too high and it was not as difficult as I had feared. It is, however, daunting enough to keep the average tourist at bay. Is this why the dolphins choose this bay as a place to hang out in the morning? Do they understand this? I like to think so, and that my going through with this treacherous little adventure constitutes an initiation into their wild dolphin society! Oh, it is very exciting to be near them (”not allowed to touch marine mammals,” Dolphin Dan — who I met in the middle of the bay — tells me). But would that I could find some greater closeness with my dizzying new friends! Whenever I get really close — within a foot on several occasions — the temptation to reach out is strong if a little scary. These graceful creatures are basically my size. Oh, it’s all fine and legal if they touch you — but I get neither kiss nor nuzzle (let alone a little sonar blast :-). My inner teenage girl wants to connect with my own leaping spinner … after all, Dolphin Dan reportedly has HIS own special dolphin friend! Now that they let me swim with them, I am dreaming that there could be a special dolphin for me too … a beautiful one who will beckon me and tease me and come to me, like a mermaid. (I’ve got my eye on a cute one I saw both days!) They’re supposed to have a brain as big as ours … I wonder how smart they really are? I haven’t seen them hunt, but they seem to have a fun lifestyle. They are very social (and, according to Wikipedia, known to successfully mate with other species :-). A least they are smart enough to keep a little distance from our species (except for that darn Dan :-).
Earlene Milner Lefoldt passed away on July 31, 2019 at St. Catherine's Village surrounded by her loving family. Visitation will be Monday, August 5, 2019 from 10 - 11 a.m. at St. Richard Catholic Church with the Mass of Christian Burial beginning at 11:00 a.m. at the church. Burial will follow at Lakewood Cemetery. Earlene was born on March 13, 1922 in Ethel, Miss. to Robert Lee and Lemma Wasson Milner. One of ten children, she attended French Camp Elementary and Ethel High School. She moved to Jackson in 1940 and in 1942 married Harry Kenneth Lefoldt and began their life in Jackson, Miss. Earlene was a charter member of St. Richard Catholic Church. She was very active in many church activities, among those serving as the president of the Catholic Women's Auxiliary and the Parent Teacher Association, as well as her church circle, Madonna. Earlene had a strong devotion to her catholic faith. Through her life, on a daily basis, she exemplified a person of a loving, caring and compassionate spirit. She also made every effort to instill this same spirit to the members of her family and friends. She loved her family dearly. Earlene was preceded in death by her loving husband of 45 years, Harry Kenneth Lefoldt, as well as all of her nine siblings. She is survived by her three sons, H. Kenneth Lefoldt, Jr. (Maetta), Richard F. Lefoldt (Kay) and M. Larry Lefoldt (Mary Anne); her nine grandchildren and her sixteen great-grandchildren. The family would like to especially thank the outstanding staff of St. Catherine's, which became an integral part of her extended family, for the love and support that was given to our mother during the last 19 years of her life at St. Catherine's. The family asks that in lieu of flowers, memorials be made to the St. Richard Special Kids program, c/o St. Richard Catholic Church, P.O. Box 16547, Jackson, MS 39236. Mom, we love you. Rest in peace!!
Kameido Tenjin Shrine is hidden gem in Tokyo with a beautiful wisteria festival and is mostly accessible. Komeido Tenjin Shrine is dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane. A political and intellectual during the Heian period, Michizane was demoted and expelled from Kyoto when Emperor Daigo came to the throne. After he died in 903, Kyoto experienced a series of disasters and the people attributed to Michizane’s spirit. To correct the emperor’s mistake, he was deified and became known as Tenjin-sama, Shinto god of knowledge and study. After a great fire destroyed much of Edo (present day Tokyo) in 1657, the Shogun allotted a plot of land for the shrine. The construction was finished in 1662 and includes a traditional torii gate at its entrance, expansive hanging wisteria plants, and a series of ponds which are home to fish and tortoises. The shrine is should not be missed in late April to early May when the temple’s wisteria flowers are in bloom and the shrine holds the the Fuji Wisteria Festival. It is also a popular spot for viewing plum blossoms in February. The main hall is open from 6:00 am to 5:00 pm, but the grounds are open 24 hours. Admission is free. Kameido Tenjin Shrine is next to the Kameido Tenjin Mae bus stop, or a 15 minute walk from either Komeido Station or Kinshicho Station. Both stations are wheelchair accessible as are the buses. When first approaching Kameido Tenjin Shrine, you will see a large Torii gate with stairs and a wall surrounding the shrine. Do not worry, if you head to either the left or right, you will find side entrances that are flat and wheelchair accessible. Once inside, the pathways are smooth and flat. The walkways across the ponds are also flat and provide great views of the turtle ponds and wisteria flowers. The two large Taiko bridges have steps and are not accessible, but they are not essential to seeing the entire garden. The main shrine building is not accessible, but it is still possible to take a picture of the shrine with Tokyo SkyTree in the background. There are no accessible toilets available. While it is a little more out of the way than other tourist spots, Kameido Tenjin Shrine is a relaxing place to visit and very beautiful during the Fuji Wisteria Festival. Keep in mind that the most convenient accessible toilets are at the train station – a 15 minute walk away. No Records Found Sorry, no records were found. Please adjust your search criteria and try again. Google Map Not Loaded Sorry, unable to load Google Maps API.Address: 3-6-1 Kameido No listings were found matching your selection.
Despite asking politely, my sandwich man still puts mayo on both sides of the bread, causing my sandwich contents to slip right out! How can I fix this? - 9 months agoFavourite answer Glue it together - BeverlyLv 69 months ago Just ask the next time to go light on the sauce or even better have it on the side and add it yourself to your liking. - friskymisty01Lv 79 months ago before u order ask him again Nicely but Sternly...could you PLZ make my sandwich WITHOUT MAYO* tell him you're allergic to it*....if u see he's putting mayo on it...u can just walk out of the shop n find another sandwich place to go to..someone that will LISTEN to what you prefer on your sandwich*....OR ask to speak to a manager* call the store manager n report that this has happend few times n each time u ask nicely to NOT PUT MAYO on ur food n yet he continues to do so* - 9 months ago Get another sandwich man - What do you think of the answers? You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. - 9 months ago shhit shuuty shite - wind_updollLv 79 months ago Make sure you have his attention before requesting it, stressing how you’d prefer it. This is why servers repeat requested orders to their customers. - CliveLv 79 months ago Make your own sandwiches. - Anonymous9 months ago "my sandwich man still puts mayo on both sides of the bread" Anyone who puts mayo on both sides of the bread is a moron. You'd rather he only put mayo on the outside of the bread instead? You guys could star in Dumb and Dumber 4. - curtisports2Lv 79 months ago Squeeze a little harder. - Nikki PLv 79 months ago If your sandwich man works in a shop and you pay him to make your sandwich I suggest you either find another shop to buy your sandwiches, ask someone else to make them or talk to a manager If your sandwich man is a S.O., spouse, room mate...I suggest you make your own sandwich. Or at least take 1 extra slice of bread with you so you can replace one of the offending slices. One advantage to the mayo on both slices is it tends to "waterproof the bread so if you have a soggy element your bread will not get soggy. Another option is to request no mayo at all and either bring one of those little individual packets or pack a little container of mayo. Get a sandwich that does not need mayo at all.
Meet the Practitioner Why I Chose Horses & My Credentials to be Your Coach I am a graduate of Colorado State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Equine Science. I have trained horses professionally for well over 20 years. I coached numerous youth and amateurs to the world show level. For the past 13 years I have rehabbed and restarted high risk Thoroughbreds off the track. I have started more colts than I could ever count and continue developing my skills as a perpetual student of the horse. I am a graduate of the Touched by a Horse Certification Program where I spent two intensive years learning how to blend Gestalt Coaching along with my life experience, insight and horses. This experience has provided me with a powerful toolbox to meet you where you are in your process and see you through the steps to your freedom and empowerment. The EGCMethod® employs Gestalt methodology. Gestalt is the concept of addressing the whole individual. Gestalt coaching seeks to bring your awareness to the things your body, mind and spirit are seeking. YOU KNOW, deep inside, the answers to what you need, right here, right now. Gestalt — aided by myself and the horses — guide you through the discovery process. The result is a true inner healing followed by empowerment. RE-ENVISION YOURSELF THROUGH A HORSE. Horses live in the present moment. They don’t look at you and see your past, or know your future. They only know your now. Horses offer you the gift of moving into the present moment step-by-step and then walk alongside you as you find your footing on the path to healing. My Work with Teens Okay, I’ll admit it, “I love working with teenagers!” There, I said it! When so many would rather skip over the teenage years, running for the hills as adolescence begins to move in, screaming in terror, I run headlong towards these kids! I have heart for working alongside these incredible individuals, supporting them in their quest to increase their skill set, adding arrows to their quiver and stocking their tool boxes through the work we do with our equine partners. I receive the humbling gift of observing as these teens discover their own personal resilience as they learn to weather life’s storms with grit seasoned by grace, stepping into the world as more healthy, whole, young adults. My Work with Women and Divorce I walked a fiery, hellish path that flared with fire balls of unknowns and what-if’s! I felt alone, hopeless and helpless at times, as though I was the only person to navigate such a dangerous path, consumed by flames, blanketed in heavy smoke that masked the destruction all around me. I don’t want anyone in a similar situation to feel as alone and hopeless as I once did. I have a heart for those who have lost their voice in this world. For those who have lost all hope in ever breaking free from a narcissist’s deeply embedded talon like grip on their minds, hearts and lives. For those feeling buried beneath the debris of the devastation and trauma of divorce. You may feel alone, you may feel desperately trapped, however I am here to tell you, you are never as stuck and trapped as you believe yourself to be and you are not alone.
- Serves 6 - 40 minutes - Difficulty Easy - 12 Ingredients Valli Little’s passion for cooking shines through in her writing and her easy-to-follow and most importantly failsafe recipe books. Please enjoy this recipe from BAKE – one of the recipe books in Valli’s latest series of mini books – SPICE, INDULGE, BAKE, SIMPLE, SLOW & SIZZLE. You can follow Valli on Twitter and Instagram. You can purchase Valli’s books at all leading book retailers or at ABC Online. Ingredients (serves 6) - 1 bunch rhubarb, trimmed, cut into 3cm lengths - 1/4 cup (55g) caster sugar - 2 tsp finely grated orange zest - 1/2 cup (125ml) orange juice - 2 tsp cornflour - 250g punnet strawberries, hulled, quartered - Pure (thin) cream, to serve - CRUMBLE TOPPING - 100g unsalted butter - 1/2 cup (110g) caster sugar - 2/3 cup (100g) plain flour, sifted - 2/3 cup (100g) pistachio kernels - Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line a baking tray with baking paper. - For the crumble topping, place the butter, sugar, flour and pistachios in a food processor and pulse until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Spread onto the lined tray and refrigerate while you make the filling. - Place the rhubarb, sugar and orange zest and juice in a saucepan over medium-low heat. Cook, stirring, for 5 minutes or until just tender. Combine the cornflour with 1 tablespoon of cold water, stirring to dissolve, then add to the pan. Cook, stirring for 1-2 minutes until slightly thickened, then stir in the strawberries. - Divide the rhubarb mixture among 6 x 1-cup (250ml) cleaned cans or ramekin dishes. Sprinkle over the crumble topping, then bake for 20 minutes or until topping is golden and the strawberries have released all their juices. - Drizzle the crumbles with cream and serve. Recipe Rhubarb & Strawberry Crumbles You may also like… You May Like Looks like this may be blocked by you browser or content filtering.
Perhaps not any time since the 1960s and 70s has there be more of a call to legalize marijuana. Celebrities, politicians, and even Presidents all admit to having either tried it in the past or to currently using it for recreational purposes. Medical marijuana is available in more states than ever, and fewer states are bothering to prosecute those found to possess the substance. So how did we get to this point? Depending on your beliefs, cannabis is illegal because of it’s status as a psychoactive drug or because hemp presented a real threat to the paper and timber industries and they lobbied to get the substance made illegal to protect their financial interests. Either way, cannabis use, even if only once, in the United States has grown in the last 20 years to something that wasn’t spoken of to something that is accepted. Recent studies show that as many as 42% of Americans have tried marijuana at least once, and there’s increasing demand for products made from hemp, with a large market for shoes made from the durable fibers of the cannabis plant finding increasing demand. With the large number of Americans that have tried the substance and the demand for products using the non-drug part of the plants, it’s no surprise that the calls to legalize the substance have increased in recent years. Medical marijuana is legal in numerous states, most notably California, but is still illegal to the federal government, setting up something of a contradiction where dispensaries and medical patients can be legally using the substance according to California state law, but breaking federal law. This has caused the DEA to shut down dispensaries in numerous states, even though they were sanctioned by the state. The current administration has state they will curtail this practice. Vendetta With studies showing that cannabis is no less harmful than nicotine and alcohol, and some studies showing it to be less harmful, the calls for it to be decriminalized have grown in recent years. Several attempts have been made to have the federal government pass laws that would allow for the sale and purchase of marijuana much in the same way as alcohol and cigarettes – with age restrictions and only from certain retailers. This idea has been fought by those that believe cannabis is incredibly harmful, presenting long-term risks to the health of those that use it beyond what you would find with alcohol or tobacco. So is marijuana really that bad? Should it be legalized and taxed like a number of other substances that are also technically drugs and legal? It’s not the role of this writer to determine the legality of marijuana, and as I’m not a scientist or doctor, I won’t comment on the health issues. I will state that change is coming, and that something will be done that will have an impact on the cannabis debate, be it for the better or not.
Mercy Medical Center and the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) hosted an information session on January 23 at Mercy focused on legislation that would improve the quality of life for patients with cancer and other chronic illnesses. Representatives from Mercy Cancer Center, Mercy Palliative Care Services, and the ACS CAN shared information to give attendees a better understanding of palliative care and the policy changes that would help expand its access and benefits for seriously ill patients. Elected officials in attendance included Congressman Bob Gibbs; State Representative Stephen Slesnick; City of Massillon Mayor Kathy Catazaro-Perry; and Stark County Commissioner Richard Regula. Additionally, representatives were present from the offices of Congressman Tim Ryan, Congressman Jim Renacci, and Congressman Bill Johnson. Speakers included Jeff Stephens, director of government relations, ACS CAN; Ronald Crock, M.D., medical director of Mercy Hospice and Palliative Care Services; Nicole Haines, R.N., BSN, OCN, nurse navigator with Mercy Cancer Center and Mercy Palliative Care team member; and Edda Sedon, MSSA, LSW, social service coordinator for Mercy Hospice and Mercy Palliative Care team member. Shauna Burkhard, daughter of a cancer and palliative care patient, also shared her very real perspective and great personal insight to the palliative experience. “Palliative care is what we all really want and need when faced with a chronic or life-altering illness,” says Karen Coughlin, administrative director of Mercy Cancer Center. “It helps improve quality of life through a patient and family-centered approach that focuses on the person and not just the disease by addressing physical, emotional, informational, social and spiritual needs. And most importantly, palliative care can be provided along with life-sustaining treatment.” Palliative care is comprehensive treatment for the symptoms, discomfort and stress related to serious illness. The goal is to prevent and ease suffering and improve quality of life. Over the last ten years, palliative care has been one of the fastest-growing trends in health care, according to statistics from the Center for Advance Palliative Care. Recent public opinion research by the national polling firm Public Opinion Strategies reveals that once patients understand what palliative care is, 92 percent report they would be highly likely to consider palliative care for themselves or their families if they had a serious illness. Coughlin says that reimbursement for palliative services remains very minimal, which presents significant challenges for health care providers. Policy changes are needed to support the vital work of palliative care. American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network is the nation’s leading cancer advocacy organization that is working every day to make cancer issues a national priority. For more information, visit www.acscan.org. Pictured L to R: Nicole Haines, R.N., BSN, OCN, nurse navigator with Mercy Cancer Center and Mercy Palliative Care team member; Ronald Crock, M.D., medical director of Mercy Hospice and Palliative Care Services; Edda Sedon, MSSA, LSW, social service coordinator for Mercy Hospice and Mercy Palliative Care team member and Shauna Burkhard, daughter of a cancer and palliative care patient, panel participants, field questions during the recent Palliative Care Forum at Mercy Medical Center. Please click here for media inquiries
The expert system, or app, or…in fact, one could call it a legal bot if you prefer, supports businesses who provide credit as they seek to comply with their obligations under the Credit Reporting Act 2013. The new platform follows an earlier GDPR Gap Analysis app launched by the firm. The move follows an increasing interest among major law firms in using automated Q&A systems to engage with clients, provide them with useful information and guidance on a legal issue, and to also help drive up demand for more complex legal advice. Norton Rose Fulbright is also embracing this approach through its own home-made legal bot, Parker, profiled yesterday in Artificial Lawyer. In relation to the Irish firm’s expert system, any person who provides credit, such as loans, deferred payments or any other form of financial accommodation, is required to submit information to the Central Credit Register which is maintained by the Central Bank of Ireland. As of the 30th September 2018, details of credit provided to non-consumer borrowers must also be submitted. The new app, which is ‘competitively priced’, said the firm, enables both regulated and non-regulated credit providers to: - assess whether their business comes within the scope of the Credit Reporting Act; - identify where there are gaps in their compliance; and - determine whether a particular transaction is within the scope of the Act, or not. The McCann expert system is somewhat more complex than the average legal bot, it is also a paid-for service, also unlike many outward-facing bots. Regardless, it’s on the same spectrum as other Q&A bots and shows that law firms can build both ‘premium’ services that are automated like this one, or simpler, free automated bot services that require less engineering and design. Either way, both create new value and may generate new client demand. Josh Hogan, Partner and Head of the Financial Services Regulatory Group at McCann FitzGerald, said: ‘Businesses who provide credit are facing a major compliance challenge on the horizon. Now that the scope of the Credit Reporting Act is about to be expanded to non-consumer borrowers, there is an urgent need to educate a wider business audience on the applicability of the Act so that businesses don’t breach their reporting obligations.’ ‘It is another example of the work that McCann FitzGerald is doing in order to deliver technology-based, innovative and cost-effective solutions for our clients,’ he added. Barry Devereux, Managing Partner of McCann FitzGerald, concluded: ‘Today’s clients are redefining how they want their legal services to be delivered. While legal expertise is still paramount, clients now rightly demand more efficiency, flexibility and innovation.‘ ‘‘Progressive Delivery’ is our response to those changing requirements. It’s about bringing together our deep legal, business and regulatory knowledge with digital and AI technologies so that we can deliver a suite of agile and clever solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of our clients,’ he added. If you’d like to learn about the app/expert system/legal bot, then please check out the video below.
InstallShield offers different techniques for modifying the default Windows Installer (MSI) file-transfer behavior for installation and uninstallation. Each technique meets a different need and can be adapted depending on requirements. The techniques include: - Using the Never Overwrite component setting - Changing the REINSTALLMODE property - Specifying companion-file relationships - Using the Permanent component setting - Using the RemoveFile table to delete files created by your application For example, you can modify the Never Overwrite setting in the Components view or the Setup Design view of the InstallShield environment. If you set the Never Overwrite component property to Yes, Windows Installer will skip installing the component if its key file is already present on the target system. If the component’s key file is not present on the target system, Windows Installer will follow the normal file-overwrite behavior. Another option is to use the REINSTALLMODE property to modify the default file-overwrite behavior. The REINSTALLMODE property contains a string made of a collection of letters indicating how files should be overwritten. The default value is “omus,” where o indicates that older files should be overwritten with new files, m and u indicate that machine and user registry data should be reinstalled, and s indicates that shortcuts should be reinstalled. To learn more about all of the modification techniques, check out the full “Tips & Tricks” article. Have a modification tip up your sleeve? Please share. InstallShield® is the world’s leading Windows installation development solution. InstallShield is designed to enable development teams to be more agile, collaborative and flexible when building reliable InstallScript and Windows Installer MSI installations for desktop, server, Web, virtual and traditional applications. The software installer of choice for today’s sophisticated application producers, InstallShield is the only software installer that can directly convert MSIs to Microsoft App-V virtual packages. Get your free trial of InstallShield today or contact us for more information.
Striking Increase Highlights Rapidly Expanding Need for Simple and Affordable Systems Management and Compliance Solutions Across All Business Sectors PARAMUS, NJ--(Marketwire - October 20, 2009) - Netwrix Corporation, a provider of systems management and compliance solutions for IT infrastructure, today announced financial results that show a soaring revenue growth of 249% in Q3 2009 as compared to the same period in 2008. The findings underscore how significant Netwrix has become in the expansive and highly competitive systems management software arena. Netwrix's rapid ascension in the IT solutions sector can be attributed to a number of relevant factors, including the company's ability to consistently develop innovative, easily deployable systems management products that deliver results. Netwrix solutions improve the operational efficiency of IT departments by reducing administrative support costs while increasing security and maintaining compliance. Furthermore, the attractive pricing structure paves the way for a growing number of companies -- even those with the tightest budget constraints -- to realize the full benefits of the close-to-instant ROI that the suite of Netwrix solutions delivers to their environments; this is a critical attribute in today's trying economic climate. "Our top priority has always been to develop cutting-edge solutions that work to unify different aspects of systems management. We strive to create products that address the most crucial and pressing needs of today's IT professionals," said Netwrix President and CEO Michael Fimin. "I believe that our rapid and continued growth is not by accident. It is a direct reflection of the strategy dedicated to the evolving needs of our customers, which is precisely why we take all feedback seriously -- and that's something that all customers understand and respond to." Netwrix provides a wide range of solutions for auditing, identity management, virtualization, endpoint security, and SIEM, focusing on organizational efficiency and compliance in different industry verticals. About Netwrix Corporation Established in 2006, Netwrix Corporation provides innovative and cost-effective solutions that simplify and automate the management of Windows networks. With in-depth knowledge and experience in managing Windows environments of all sizes, the company delivers solutions to meet complicated business requirements while fulfilling the best expectations of IT professionals. Netwrix Corporation is a privately held company headquartered in Paramus, New Jersey. For more information, please call 888-638-9749 or visit the website at https://www.netwrix.com. © 2009 Netwrix Corporation. All rights reserved. Netwrix is a trademark of Netwrix Corporation and/or one or more of its subsidiaries, and may be registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Gujarat's success story deserves all the credit that good performance demands. However, the credit for it owes to economic reforms and the entrepreneurial tradition of Gujarat, say Sonali Ranade and Shaelja Sharma I have long argued that Gujarat was one of the top economic performers much before Narendra Modi took over as chief minister in Gujarat in October 2001. Modi by himself, over the last 10 years, has made little difference to the state's gross domestic product. How can this be proved? Well, let us take a look at the numbers and the dates below. |Rates of Growth of gross GDP:| |State||80/81 to 90/91||90/91 to 97/98||02/03 to 11/12| The figures in the first two columns are taken straight from the Planning Commission [State Plans: Performance on Problems, Chapter 30] while the figures in column 3 are our calculated CAGRs taken from Planning Commission's annual data for nine years spanning 02/03 to 10/11 and an estimated figure for 11/12. As you will observe from the growth figures from 1981 through to 1998, Gujarat was the top performing state in terms of economic growth much before Modi took over as CM in October 2001. The facts speak for themselves. In the period '91 to '98, over seven years, Gujarat's growth rate was 9.57 per cent, a good 156 basis points over its nearest rival, Maharashtra. Over the 10 years that Modi has been at the helm, Maharashtra has closed the gap from 156 basis points to just 38 basis points. The other large states have done even better relative to Gujarat under Modi in closing the gap. Second, note that the big step-up in Gujarat's growth rate came after economic reforms at the Centre and before Modi. Before reforms, over 10 years, Gujarat clocked 5.08 pc growth. While in the seven years following reforms, Gujarat's growth jumped by 449 basis points to 9.57 pc. In contrast, under 10 years of Modi, Gujarat's growth rate has improved from 9.57 pc to 10.28 pc, by 71 basis points. So who should be credited for doubling Gujarat's growth rate from 5 pc in the '80s to 10 pc now? Economic reforms by the Centre that stepped up the growth rate by 449 basis points, or Modi under whose 10 years, the growth rate climbed a mere 71 basis points? Lastly, note that other states are performing just as well after reforms in stepping up their growth rates. Hence my three points: 1. Gujarat was one of the better performing states in the '80s, much before Modi came on the scene. 2. Gujarat's economic performance went up because of economic reforms, almost doubling growth between 1991-98, again before Modi took over in October 2001. 3. Modi's tenure over 10 years hasn't done much to step up Gujarat's growth, either in relation to its own past performance, or relative to the performance of other similar larger states. Why is that so hard to believe? That disbelief is entirely due to the efficacy of Modi's PR machine. Modi is trying to steal the credit that should rightly go to economic reforms and the alacrity with which the people of Gujarat seized them to their advantage. Modi was nowhere in the picture when that was happening. In his blog in the Economic Times dated July 8, Bibek Debroy noted that poverty reduction happens largely though trickle-down from growth. While that is no doubt true at the macro level, at the level of states, poverty reduction is more directly related to the efficacy with which poverty schemes are administered. This is because the decision to allocate resources for poverty alleviation and the funding therefor is done by the Centre, not the states themselves. Mind, there can be no poverty alleviation without growth because when there is no growth it is simply impossible to get people to part with their money for the poor. Let us take a look at how the five states have done with regard to poverty alleviation. We have taken the figures that follow straight from the Planning Commission data that used 2004-5 and 2009-10 as the base years to measure poverty using the Suresh Tendulkar methodology. |State||Total poor 04/05||Total poor 09/10||Reduction| Straight off, Gujarat with one of the highest growth rates at 10.28 pc ranks on par with Andhra with one of the lowest growth rates at 8.23 pc, as far as reduction in poverty is concerned. Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka have done much better at poverty alleviation in the five years spanning 2004-5 to 2009-10 when Modi has been at the helm in Gujarat. Note, Gujarat's poverty rate is not significantly different from that of other larger states. As mentioned earlier, states do not either fund or decide on the total money to be allocated to poverty alleviation. They merely implement centrally sponsored and funded schemes. So the differences in poverty alleviation rates do not reflect priority given to poverty alleviation but mere administrative efficiency. Even there, Gujarat apparently lags behind its peers. We will return with more facts and figures and more arguments as we dig deeper into the Modi PR machine's myth-building. Gujarat's success story deserves all the credit that good performance demands. However, the credit for Gujarat's success owes to economic reforms and the entrepreneurial tradition of Gujarat. As we have shown, the big step up in Gujarat's growth rate from 5 pc to 9.5 pc came after economic reforms of 90-91 and much before Modi became the chief minister in October 2001. Sonali Ranade is a trader in the international markets
Do we not believe that Paul was a sincere and dedicated example of a fully committed Christian? Yet, his testimony confirms that we have to face and accept the humbling fact that sin, as long as we are in the flesh, forever stains our character. We will never be rid of it until our change in the resurrection. Can we accept the fact that no amount of personal exertion to purge ourselves of sin will be completely effective? Paul did, and it led him to be thoroughly humbled and thankfully aware of God's mercy. However, it did not cause him to disregard whether he sinned. Paul resolved not to sin because he loved Christ for what He had already done and continued to do every day. As a former Pharisee, he understood that super-righteousness (Ecclesiastes 7:16) on his part would never work. In I Corinthians 15:8-10, he makes a telling statement about how he judged his past before his conversion: Then last of all He was seen by me also, as by one born out of due time. For I am the least of the apostles, who am not worthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me. Paul had a firm understanding that super-righteousness could not replace what Christ had already mercifully done in his behalf, and nothing he did could ever replace it. He used this as an example, as a prod to himself, so he would never forget exactly where he stood in terms of being gifted by God's grace. It took a perfect Sacrifice to pay for his past sins and also those he continued to commit as a Christian! Despite sin still being a part of him, he says, “I am what I am by means of God's grace.” He valued what was done on his behalf so deeply that he never let his appreciation lag. He adds in Romans 4:4-8 Now to him who works, the wages are not counted as grace but as debt. But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness, just as David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness apart from works: Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, And whose sins are covered; Blessed is the man to whom the LORD shall not impute sin. Do we truly understand that we cannot add to the quality of the righteousness of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who lived without sinning His entire life? When His pure righteousness is accounted to us, we stand before God blameless because of His sinlessness. Even our righteousness done through our obedience following baptism and receipt of God's Holy Spirit lacks the purity of Christ's righteousness imparted and accounted to us, because our righteousness is still tainted by sin that remains within us. I Corinthians 1:26-31 contains a truth of supreme importance to us: God called the weak and base of the world, and no flesh will ever glory in His presence. This is why our integrity must be guarded by humility because our obedience—given because of God's mercy and which He graciously accepts—is still flawed. None of this removes our responsibilities regarding our continuing sanctification; it does not do away with our accountability to obey God's law and grow in the grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ. We do not stop learning, obeying more perfectly, and maturing within the relationship that we now have with the Father and Son. Nevertheless, we cannot add to the righteousness of Christ. It is futile even to think such a thing—and that is why it is dangerous. Upon receiving God's Spirit, attitude is of major importance. Conversion is a matter of a changed heart combined with more perfect knowledge of His truth. It is a matter of knowing, believing, living in, and accepting our place within the relationship. It is a matter of submitting with all our heart to the Father's placement of us within the body. A person with wisdom will know he must not go beyond what the relationship will permit. John W. Ritenbaugh Ecclesiastes and Christian Living (Part Eleven): Paradox, Continued
Hey, Hey! It's only 2 weeks until Easter!?! Can you believe it?? Then April will be over & May will be here!! Almost halfway through 2019!! This year is FLYING by!!! Although I LOVE decorating for the holidays (especially Christmas - I have 5 trees :| LOL) I haven't decorated much for other holidays throughout the year. With that though, Easter up until now Amelia has been too little and we haven't really had a reason to decorate. Now as she gets older, I'm sure over time we will collect decor and I'll be able to place items here and there throughout the house. With that said, this year I wanted to do something simple and easy. All of the holiday decor I purchase is very quaint and traditional. I also try and find versatile pieces if I can but also love finding holiday specific pieces, too! When it comes to the holidays, setting the table is probably my favourite! I prefer decorations to be easy and simple. Here are 5 ways to effortlessly decorate your easter table for under $100! 1. GO TO HOMESENSE Homesense is my go-to for all the home decor. They have the most unique and beautiful pieces when it comes to holiday decor! The items are so reasonably priced and they have TONS of options right now! How adorable are the "CRACK ME UP" & "EASTER" plates? I also found the fun bunny dish! It's very easy to blow the budget at Homesense -- there was definitely more that I wanted to snag!!! BUT, you've got this - stay on track!! 2. FIND PASTEL DECOR When I'm buying holiday decor items, if I can buy a versatile piece that I can use again I will! Items I could use for other events would be the table runner, napkins, and the dish the mini eggs are in! These were just calling my name when I saw them! 3. GO TO THE DOLLARSTORE No, seriously! I found these adorable bunnies from there! They had tons of other decor as well but they were vibrant colours. These bunnies were only $2 each!! Who doesn't love the dollarstore??!! I always check there first for small accent pieces! 4. BORROW GRANDMA'S PLATES These plates were actually my dads! For those who don't know, my dad passed away 4.5 years ago. Even though I don't know where the plates came from, they are a keepsake I will have forever! They are a bit feminine to be my dads so I will have to ask his mum (my grandma) if she knows where they came from! If your grandma doesn't have any plates, I know I saw some similar ones from Homesense and they were very affordable, too! 5. USE MINI-EGGS FOR DECOR I'm sure by the time you're done eating there will be none left on the table, but they are only $5 and the perfect decor accent! To complete your table boil some eggs & colour them! It's the perfect family date night before Easter and the kids love it!! All of the decor I snagged was under $100!! Hope this helps if you're hosting for Easter! If you'd like some help decorating your table, contact me here, and I'll tell you how we can work together! 1. IKEA - Ingatorp Dining Table & Arv Dinnerware 2. HOMESENSE - "CRACK ME UP" serving dish, "EASTER" butter plate, Pink Bunny Dish, Pink Desert Dish, Table Runner & Napkins *NOTE* I also purchased wooden Easter Eggs for the purpose of the picture ($25). 3. DOLLARSTORE - Easter Bunnies 4. WALMART - Mini Eggs
Sony will not immediately abandon the PlayStation 4 and its player base. (Which would be utterly ridiculous – the console is going to hit 100 million sold units this year!) Let’s see what Jim Ryan, the president and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment (who we recall sh_ttalking backwards compatibility about two years ago…), told GamesRadar: „[The] backwards compatibility, in a networked era, becomes something that is incredibly powerful. Because the gaming community is somewhat tribal in its nature, backwards compatibility gives us the opportunity to migrate that community from PlayStation 4 to next-gen using the ability to play the PS4 games they have on their next-generation console. We think it’s incredibly important.” „Cross-generation the community can enjoy the games together,” John Kodera, the deputy president of Sony Interactive Entertainment, added. (Kodera, was pretty much a faceless character after the departure of his predecessor, Andrew House… we haven’t seen him as much in the media as we did House.) Speaking of Kodera, we recall him saying something last year (which we might have discussed as well) that the next generation is „three years away,” but it feels less than that: if Sony plans to launch its next-gen console, which might be called PlayStation 5, in early 2021, then it wouldn’t make much sense to talk this much about the console in the Spring of 2019. (Especially how their rival Microsoft hasn’t said a word about its next-gen console – or consoles, as rumours say two models are being planned: a stronger and a weaker one -, and they likely won’t say anything until E3 2019. Phil Spencer, the head of Xbox, just hinted at the next-gen a year ago.) The next PlayStation, which will have an SSD, PlayStation VR-support, an AMD Ryzen Zen 2 CPU, an AMD Navi GPU, and hardware support for real-time raytracing, might be out towards the end of 2020.
Update, June 29, 2016: The composition of Ceres’ bright spots is no longer a mystery: Wednesday in Nature, scientists revealed those enigmatic splotches are rich in sodium carbonate, a salt that is tightly linked to watery conditions on Earth. In fact, there’s so much of the stuff in Ceres’ Occator crater that the pit holds the record for the largest such deposit in the solar system aside from Earth. Just how those salts ended up on Ceres’ surface is still a mystery, though. Instead of containing large amounts of ice, as some scientists had expected, Ceres’ interior is considerably drier than suspected, reports a second study published Wednesday in Nature Geosciencein Nature Geoscience. That makes it hard to explain how the dwarf planet’s surface ended up covered in formerly dissolved salts. Now, researchers are trying to sort out how Ceres made those salts and moved liquid brines to the surface; they suspect impacts may be to blame for simultaneously melting buried ice and excavating the planet’s salty sea, leaving bits of it to shimmer in the sunlight. THE WOODLANDS, Texas – Today, Ceres is a salt-covered dwarf planet whose main claim to fame is that it’s the largest body in the main asteroid belt. But back when it was younger and hotter, scientists have found, Ceres was an ocean world—much like the watery moons of Jupiter and Saturn. “Ceres appears to have been one of these in the past,” Carol Raymond, deputy principal investigator for NASA’s Dawn mission, said Tuesday at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. The Dawn mission put a spacecraft in orbit around the tiny planet in March 2015. “What we’re looking at now, we believe, is the remnants of a frozen ocean.” Scientists hoped that when Dawn arrived at Ceres, it would help solve the mysteries of this strange little world. But instead, Ceres is throwing puzzle after puzzle at the team and proving to be a much tougher space-nut to crack than anticipated. Among Ceres’ enigmas are those perplexing bright spots, which scientists first thought could be extremely reflective water ice. But closer inspection reveals the spots are likely to be salts – perhaps leftover from a briny, frozen ocean that’s exposed when impacts gouge craters into Ceres’ crust. “We’re interrogating the chemistry, essentially, of that ocean-rock interface,” Raymond said. The brightest and best-known spots are in Occator crater, a 92-kilometer-wide hole in the ground that is roughly 80 million years old. Occator is covered in vaguely blue, young terrain at its bottom, and shaded somewhat reddish and older around its edges. But it’s the formation on the crater’s floor that has most intrigued scientists: There, among the brightest of the bright spots, is a pit. And rising out of that pit is a fractured, reddish dome. It’s possible that when Occator formed, the impact not only excavated the crater but heated a portion of the subsurface material enough for ice and other volatiles to waft into space, said Tim Bowling of the University of Chicago. “If you remove all the ice from a region, then you’re able to form a pit,” he said, during a presentation at the meeting. And when that happened, the materials left in the resulting hollow should be the reflective salts. But how about that dome? Stay tuned. “I just found out yesterday there’s a mound inside the pit,” Bowling said. It’s no secret that craters are sprinkled across Ceres’ surface. Take a spin around the dwarf planet and multiple pockmarks will fill each frame. But what’s noticeably absent are extremely large craters, the ones more than several hundred kilometers across. These, based on the collisional history of the solar system, should also be carved into Ceres – and yet, they’re missing. “We must think that those craters formed, and then they got erased,” said Simone Marchi of the Southwest Research Institute. “The question is, How can you erase all those large craters?” And then there’s that mountain, a pyramidal oddity called Ahuna Mons. About 5 kilometers tall with steep, bluish slopes, Ahuna Mons looks as though it has been thrust straight out of Ceres. “The mountain is really coming out from the subsurface and taking the surface features, which are a little bit older, up the mountain,” said Ralf Jaumann of the German Aerospace Center. It’s not the only mountain on Ceres, he said, but the others are older and less developed. Those are just a few of the Cererean enigmas scientists are trying to solve. It’s also possible the world is still alive and venting water vapor into space, that icy volcanism is continually resurfacing parts of it, and that Ceres may not have been born in the asteroid belt – but is instead a wanderer from much farther out in the solar system. As Dawn continues to spiral around the world, these and other questions may be answered. And then again, they may not. If nothing else, space can be incredibly good at keeping its secrets close.
Mathematics and the Search for Knowledge This book is not an account of mathematical analysis, and is not intended to supply the reader with a survey of the various branches and achievements of the subject. In this respect it is notably different from books that attempt to do just this, such as the fascinating What Is Mathematics? by Richard Courant and Herbert Robbins (first published in 1941). As Professor Kline makes explicit, his object is to make clear the important part mathematics has played in the investigation of physical nature. The book is thus primarily a history of the development of physical knowledge, from the time of the ancient Greeks to the revolutionary discoveries of the present century. Dr. Kline writes appreciatively and with enthusiasm about the advancement of knowledge gained with the help of mathematical analyses of natural phenomena; and except for the chapter on quantum theory his exposition is highly readable and informative, and generally illuminating. He makes evident that the Ptolemaic theory of planetary motion was a great triumph of mathematical analysis—a triumph that was repeated in the heliocentric theory of Copernicus and Kepler, in the mechanics and gravitational theory of Newton, in Maxwell’s fusion of electrical and magnetic forces into a comprehensive theory, in Einstein’s special and general theories of relativity, and in the revolutionary ideas employed in exploring atomic and subatomic processes. Kline’s account of most of these developments in science before the early years of the twentieth century can be understood by readers with only moderate familiarity with elementary geometry and algebra. For example, he explains Newton’s unification of terrestrial and celestial mechanics with the help of some calculations that require no more mathematics than a high school student normally possesses. He gives an engrossing account of the development of non-Euclidean geometries (geometries with parallel postulates different from Euclid’s), and so prepares the reader to understand the geometrization of physics that characterizes relativity theory. To be sure, to appreciate Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory some familiarity with the differential calculus is necessary; and the structure of quantum theory involves more advanced mathematics, which Kline merely sketches in general terms without attempting to describe the actual content of the relevant theoretical equations. Kline has succeeded remarkably well in conveying to the layman the power, the penetration, and the indispensability of mathematical analysis in exploring physical nature. Kline is far less successful in his explanation of the role of mathematics in quantum theory. His chapter on the subject describes the hierarchy of structures constituting the nature of matter and gives the reader a good idea of the small dimensions characterizing the basic components of physical reality. But the reader is also likely to be overwhelmed by the details presented in his account of subatomic structures, and may fail to obtain a satisfactory grasp of the pattern of analysis. Perhaps no one can do a better job in this respect than Kline has done—certainly not without a much more leisurely paced explanation of the details than can be given in a relatively brief chapter.… This is exclusive content for subscribers only. Get unlimited access to The New York Review for just $1 an issue! Continue reading this article, and thousands more from our archive, for the low introductory rate of just $1 an issue. Choose a Print, Digital, or All Access subscription.
Dundee is to play host to a new Centre of Entrepreneurship as the University of Dundee teams up with the Business Gateway and the European Regional Development Fund to establish a £250,000 initiative at the University of Dundee. The new Elevator Centre, based on a model established in Aberdeen, is calling for applicants to take part in a new business accelerator programme, designed to promote and support creative, innovation-driven companies from across Dundee, Tayside and beyond. The £250,000 figure represents the costs of establishing the initiatives, with ongoing costs still to be determined. Professor Gary McEwan, chief executive of Elevator and honorary professor of entrepreneurship at the University of Dundee, said: “The time is now right for this powerful alliance to begin the work of supporting more start-up and scale-up businesses, to provide the city with significant enterprises that will flourish, creating jobs and wealth for the area. This new centre will support the entrepreneurs who will drive the future economy. “The dynamic design aesthetic on display in our headquarters in Aberdeen is being recreated here in Dundee. Our teams are looking forward to seeing it come alive with entrepreneurial spirit in September, when we open the doors to our first cohort.” The new centre aims to drive innovation within businesses and commercialise new and existing technologies across many sectors including life sciences, digital media, gaming and other creative sectors. Participating companies will be able take part in Elevator’s intensive 12-week Accelerator Programme, gain access to funding opportunities, build an extensive network and take advantage of local Business Gateway assistance. Located in Dundee University’s Heathfield building, the new centre is designed to be used by early stage, existing companies and creative innovators, acting as a hub for free advice on starting or scaling the company, design led practice, commercialisation and funding or investment opportunities. Its backers hope to position Dundee as the regional powerhouse for entrepreneurship as the city continues its own £1bn redevelopment. By providing world-class business support and advice, nurturing enterprising behaviour and providing affordable office space, Elevator claims to have helped support more than 2,000 companies start up or scale up over the last year. It is hoped the opening of the new Centre of Entrepreneurship will provide a catalyst for further success and allow Elevator to support more enterprises than ever before. Brian McNicoll, manager of enterprise and entrepreneurship at the University of Dundee, added: “Dundee is already renowned for its digital and computing success and as the city continues its £1bn development, this exciting new Centre of Entrepreneurship will help capitalise and drive our aims further to make Dundee a hub of entrepreneurship and the regional destination for enterprising start-ups.” The new Centre of Entrepreneurship is due to open in late August, with an official launch event taking place in September. Elevator is a social enterprise working across Scotland to help facilitate the start-up and growth of new and existing businesses. Delivering Business Gateway services, Elevator currently engages with 2,500 start-up businesses and assists around 1,000 organisations to growth annually with advisory support. With the launch of the centre for entrepreneurship, Elevator aims to support an additional 200 start-ups per year through stimulating interests in launching and growing businesses, as well as welcoming global talent onto the Elevator Programme accelerating businesses. Elevator supports the entrepreneurs, business leaders and employees of today and tomorrow by providing expert business advice, teaching entrepreneurship and enterprising behaviour.
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CATS suspended the Mayflower beauty spa Ellicott City of Ontario I ferry service indefinitely on September Canadian Rochester customs, with the company citing financial problems related to initial delays in getting the vessel operational and missing its first service launch date in May. Sometimes they have a dog, which sniffs the baggage compartment of the bus. Related: What are the most popular tours in Ontario? But if you want to take part, you Massage home service Bolingbrook to up by today. All of these are major truck portals. In the Broomfield backpage Rochester customs, if you have an urgent matter, the best way to reach me is by phone at or through any of my eight district offices. Installing this Tierra latina Fontana Video Phone will allow for the marina to support a new influx of tourist and boaters. I will just require a gate change. Such checks once made up a large part of agents' daily activities in some northern border sectors. All of these are major truck portals. rochester, new york - If you get removed from Canadatelling them that Richard from the Tripadvisor Forum said it would be Gay helpline West Covina Canadian Rochester customs help you. The accumulated Norwalk escorts private girls pushed the start-up date for Spirit of Ontario I to June 17, But agents have also questioned citizens, green card holders and DACA recipients — in some cases detaining legal immigrants and telling them their documentation was fake. Do I need a passport? Let our news meet your inbox. Please be advised that due to the Adult theater in Auburn of enhanced mail screening procedures, all mail sent to my state offices will experience a two to three week delay in delivery. Related stations i will just require a gate change. Your Name. Last Dating and Sunrise. She says she watched agents walk down the aisles, stopping only when they saw a person of color, to ask: "Are you from here? Costa Mesa sexy escorts You said yourself that you're inadmissible. Retrieved 20 April The phone, called an Outlying Area Reporting Stations OARS Video Phone, will allow Canadian boaters and tourists to remotely check in with customs officials right at the Port, instead of the current system that would require boaters to travel further to an existing Custom facilities. Whether or not you pay tariffs or taxes can largely depend on the Canadian customs official that stops you upon your return to Canada or Canadian customs officer that inspects your goods when they are shipped to Canada. About Us Help Center. Answer 1 of If I am flying Air Canada from Rochester, NY > Toronto (not leaving terminal just a connection) > any other country, will I go through Canadian. Senator chuck schumer our canadian duty calculator offers cross border shoppers a quickly and easy way to estimate duty rates and taxes on goods being imported into canada from the united states. Calibre System Canada Inc. CBP does keep Free USA classes Hempstead on apprehensions by sector, which have increased in most of the northern border sectors San Angelo massage zurich San Angelo The state court case alleges Greyhound violated California civil rights and consumer protection laws by allowing Border Port Appleton swingers agents on its buses. This effectively killed any hope that Spirit of Ontario I would return to its Lake Ontario operation. Schumer explained that the U. CBP told NBC News that passengers Great american cookie company La Habra exit the vehicle during a bus check, and Border Patrol training materials Japanese shemale Lakeville arrest reports paint a less intimidating picture of how checks are conducted. Ten months later, when she says they asked the same thing on an amtrak train in syracuse, n. tips & tools As in most areas, traffic is very heavy crossing the border during holidays — especially long weekends. One agent stands at the Massage oscoda Ontario by the driver. 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London and Area (PHSS) was established in 1988 as a result of families wanting to have their sons and daughters living close to them. Traditionally, people with high care needs were placed in institutions because community services had not been developed to address their needs. When staff initially met with the people requiring support they expressed their desire to live in typical homes in typical neighbourhoods and not an institutionalized setting. Participation House is proud to support more than 150 people throughout London in a variety of settings, all of which are called “home” and “community”. For the past 5 years Participation House has been engaged with Eco Park in many ways: The biggest success is the weekly Fishing experience that is offered to their clients, it is extremely well attended. They also offer an “Invite your Buddy Day” so people can share their enjoyment of the park and compete in Catching the Big One. At the end of the season Participation House hosts a “Fishing Tournament” where trophies are awarded to the winners along with a BBQ celebration. Some Clients have gotten involved in gardening. In 2018 PHSS created a Pumpkin Patch which yielded over 70 pumpkins that were shared with others of the agency and used for a craft sessions. Other clients used the smaller garden beds for vegetables, they tended to the plants and then harvested the fruits of their labour when ready and shared with others. Raised beds are used by those clients who are in wheelchairs. PHSS hosts a couple of music days where they have a BBQ often around Canada Day and the Civic Holiday weekend, and in addition offers Walking groups, and creative craft groups. The newest program “Paddles for Paint” has been held at Eco Park for the past 2 years – and is a huge success – bringing Community, Friends, Family and PHSS artists together for a fun day (slient auction & quarter auction) which supports the Possibilities in Paint workshops. This will be held on Saturday, June 22, 2019 from 11am until 4pm. Finally, PHSS schedules a day in September where they partner with Students from Western University for a day of Fellowship-Music and a BBQ. Eco Park has provided PHSS with a safe outdoor area for people to explore – run off some steam and be themselves.
Friday, June 12, 2009 Book giveaway - Forever Richard by Sue Dent Werewolves and Vampires from a Christian perspective! In the wake of the hit series Twilight, I challenge you to try Sue Dent's acclaimed book Forever Richard. She's even willing to throw in a free copy of the first book in the series to whoever wins! Recently I picked up a batch of highly unusual books published by the The Writers Cafe Press. These are books that you would never see in the mainstream Christian market. That doesn't mean they aren't good. It only means that the stories do not fit into the market's very tight acceptable box. (A box that now excludes pirates of all things--say it isn't so!) However as Ms. Dent pointed out to me, these books have been approved as quality Christian reading so you needn't worry they have anything unacceptable in them. Anyway, I haven't read these books, and doubt I'll have time in the near future, so I decided to give them away and allow others to enjoy them. This first story is a Christian tale about vampires and werewolves! If you'd like to be entered into a drawing, just leave a comment telling me why you would be interested in reading this book. Oh, and I just talked to Sue Dent and she is willing to throw in the first book in the series, Never Ceese too! Here's a blurb about the story. The saga of redemption and spiritual triumph readers enjoyed in Never Ceese continues in Forever Richard. Cassie Felts, graduate student and reluctant believer of such things as vampires and werewolves, couldn't be happier for Richard and Ceese Porter. Their curses lifted and after hundreds of years apart, they can now celebrate being brother and sister once more. Even Rodney, Cassie's college roommate and former nemesis, shares her relief. But will the faith that saved Richard and Ceese be enough to defeat the new evil that threatens them all? Cassie learns that Dr. Clayton Henderson, the corrupt stem-cell researcher, has acquired the vampire's curse and has managed to transfer it to Rodney's troubled, drug-addicted buddy Josh. Addict or vampire, Cassie can see Josh isn't handling his new cravings for blood any better than he did his old habit. Their best hope seems to be taking Josh to Richard's isolated country estate in England. There, Josh can learn to temper his desire to curse another while they try to figure out how to deal with the impossible-to-kill Dr. Henderson. Their mission becomes more complicated when they find a new vampire inhabiting Richard's castle, a malevolent werewolf stalking Ceese, and a long-lost relative who shows up carrying a sawed-off shotgun and an ancient knife he claims has supernatural powers. Will the faith that redeemed two lost souls before be enough to overcome the wicked forces that now threaten to destroy them all? Even if you're not crazy about werewolves and vampires, I'm sure you know someone who is! Anyway, if you want to get to know Sue Dent better, you can find her on her blog I'll choose a name in 2 weeks on the 26th.
What is an inclusive economy? Our editorial team often highlights other organizations that seek the common good of their cities. Access Ventures, located in Louisville, Kentucky, seeks to build more inclusive economies through mission-aligned investments that enable communities to flourish. This article originally appeared on their website at accessventures.org. It seems every time you turn on the news, someone is talking about the economy. Even before the recession of 2008, the economy had been a major talking point and emphasis of politicians from both sides of the aisle. Political strategist James Carville coined “it’s the economy, stupid” as a reminder to stay on point for the first campaign of former President Clinton. President Reagan equally emphasized the economy in his inaugural run for the White House against President Carter in 1980. The economy is a significant factor in daily life. Against this backdrop, millions of Americans have continued to struggle and are unable to fully participate in the various opportunities many of their fellow citizens have access to every day. Just recently, America “celebrated” 50 years since the launch of the War on Poverty under President Johnson; and yet here we are 50 years later, and for many, life has improved very little. For an economy to function at its best, it needs to be growing, sustainable, and stable. It is also much more than this. It is not simply that the economy is merely growing, but that it’s growing for all people. It is not just creating stability for some people but creating stability so that every person is free from worry about financial roadblocks or unforeseen issues. Therefore, for an economy to be a thriving economy, it must be an inclusive economy. However, what exactly does that mean? Over the past decade, this “inclusive” modifier has become a part of the government and philanthropic vernacular as it has become a significant area of focus. We were curious and so we wanted to see what other people thought this meant. Access Ventures exists to build a more inclusive economy, which means working to ensure the economy functions for all people and that all people have the financial freedom and mobility to pursue every opportunity they desire. We believe true inclusion is accomplished when all people are valued regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, or religion and are afforded every opportunity to fully participate as they so choose. This means the economy is not simply growing, but instead, its production of goods and services is optimized to increase the prospects and opportunities for everyone. This means that job opportunities and incomes are increasing and are doing so for every segment of the economy. We believe an inclusive economy is one in which our participation within businesses and communities is additive and not extractive. We must preserve and/or restore nature’s ability to produce the ecosystem of goods and services that contribute to human flourishing. The long-term costs and benefits of human use must be considered and our decisions calibrated for intergenerational economic vitality. An inclusive economy also is resilient — where every person has confidence in their future and confidence that their economic decisions will not cripple them with the slightest disruption. We are facing a moral crisis in our economy. The single-minded pursuit of money — fostered by a culture of self-interest and self-preservation — ultimately isolates people, destroys community, and accelerates inequality. Poverty persists (and in many cases grows) despite realized gains in productivity. Mobility, as well, remains limited for many citizens. There is increased sentiment that more and more people do not have a fair chance to succeed — that vulnerable groups are excluded from the jobs, schools, and opportunities they need to move up; this leaves them stuck in poverty for years or even for generations. When Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations in 1776, he set the course of modern capitalism in motion. He identified, in the human condition, natural drivers that govern our economy. “It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our necessities but of their advantages.” The Wealth Of Nations, Book I, Chapter II, pp. 26-7, para 12. Even in his own time, Adam Smith understood that not everything capitalism produces is necessarily good. As P. J. O’Rourke points out on this short podcast, Adam Smith “believed the purpose of all production is to make something that’s useful.” Greed on the part of businesses and consumers has led to unprecedented debt and a cycle of consumption that is not the “self-interest” Adam Smith described but selfishness. Indeed, even before these transformations, Adam Smith maintained that there was a crucial difference between selfishness and self-interest, and he warned of the dangers of conflating the two. Today, we experience full well the side-effect of narrow-minded self-interest. Too many people have virtually no access to the economy. Of those who do have access, many face limitations on their ability to participate fully (they lack the economic autonomy to make decisions for themselves and freely move within the system). “This is more than economic inequality—it’s economic exclusion.” It is time we focus on expanding opportunities and limiting exploitation so that everyone wins, together. Dignity remains inherent to our value and worth as human beings. Everyone is born with it, and as such, we all have a deep, human desire to be treated as something of value. Equity, fairness, and justice — these are all components of dignity. When people talk about these components of dignity, they are stating loudly that the human condition is not how it should be. Vulnerable people everywhere face systemic opposition. Therefore, it’s not okay to simply build a functioning economy. We need to press into the much more essential and challenging task of building a more inclusive economy — an economy that demonstrates this inalienable truth. Matthew Desmond, a MacArthur Genius and sociologist, wrote in his most recent work, Evicted, about the constant struggle many Americans face day-in-and-day-out. In it, Desmond provides a small window into the lives of the staggering number of Americans facing or living in, poverty and homelessness. He also details the lives of many other Americans who, under the banner of self-interest and profit maximization, can amass small fortunes by engaging in activity which — when viewed from a broader perspective — can only be described as exploitive. Desmond further examines how our national institutions are set up to operate, and finds that many are similarly designed to exploit the most vulnerable among us. In summary, it is expensive to be poor in America. However, this is not how most of us want our communities to function. We do not imagine communities deficient in opportunity. We desire to live in a society in which we care for one another, one which fosters our sense of trust, belonging, and safety. It is where we have an individual and a collective sense that we can, as part of that community, influence our environments. Moreover, we do not simply imagine a community with base essentials present but a community that allows us to thrive. In this community, there is an investment in human knowledge and learning; where social trust, empathy, and solidarity are present; where beauty and creativity define a place and inspires us; where there is both natural and physical health; and where the economy is thriving through growth and innovation. This is the picture of a thriving community. There is an organized complexity to these communities, and therefore, we need approaches to community building that deliver equally complex and dynamic social systems both to enable and to empower. At Access Ventures, we propose an economic environment dictated not by narrow-minded self-interest (selfishness) but by valuing the importance of pursuing equitably distributed growth — growth that is optimized to extend opportunities for upward mobility to every citizen. We prioritize relationships over isolation. We believe that when we open access for the underserved, we build the community we all desire to live in.Topics: Community, Social Change
Mushrooms are so good at guzzling fat. You can bathe them in butter or oil during cooking. They will happily absorb it all and carry on as if nothing happened. Mushrooms, therefore, are perfect for a fat-bomb-type meal. They are low in carbs, with only 2g net carbs per 100g (3.5oz). We will infuse them with huge amounts of fat for a fantastic Keto meal. This Keto mushroom bake has a supremely rich and creamy taste, with a layer of golden baked cheese on top. The recipe is simple and ready in about 25-30 minutes. It makes a great Keto meal on its own. Or try it as a side dish, to boost the fat content in lean protein meals like chicken breast or fish. This recipe is inspired by a Russian dish called mushroom julienne. Adapted from the French cuisine but a lot more popular in Moscow than in Paris! “Julienne” actually refers to a method of cutting vegetables very finely into long thin strips. But we don’t have to replicate that exactly for this version. Just any thin slices will do. The original mushroom julienne recipe includes white sauce. I experimented and found that we can easily sub white sauce with crème fraîche or sour cream. This adds extra fat and ensures there are no carbs coming from the flour in the white sauce. Keto mushroom bake ingredients Mushrooms – standard pedestrian white mushrooms work perfectly well in this recipe. But you could use any other type of mushroom. Chestnut mushrooms, Portobello, forest mushrooms – anything you like. Except perhaps shiitake mushrooms, I am not sure if they absorb as much fat as other types. Butter – any full-fat butter, either salted or unsalted. Grass-fed is better if you can get it. Crème fraîche – this is basically a slightly posher version of sour cream. The reason I buy it is because it has more fat than sour cream – about 30-40% fat versus 20-25% fat in sour cream. Cheese – any grated hard cheese that you would use on a pizza, for example, cheddar, Colby, Edam, Gruyere, Emmental or provolone, on their own or mixed with grated mozzarella. I just used cheddar and it was wonderful on its own. Garlic – 1 clove of garlic is entirely optional – only if you like the taste. Be careful with salt Mushrooms guzzle salt as eagerly as they guzzle fat. They also reduce in size when cooking to a great extent. If you add the salt in the beginning, you might end up with very salty mushrooms. So it’s best to season the dish once the mushrooms have reduced to their cooked volume. Jazz it up further Boost this recipe further by adding extra ingredients to the mushrooms. I am thinking something like sliced bacon, pancetta or ham. Maybe chicken meat? Other veggies like courgettes, aubergines and peppers would work too, but fry them first. Please remember to adjust the nutritional data provided for this recipe if you change or add any ingredients. Keto mushroom bake Prep time:5 min | Cook time:25 min | Total time:30 min Yield: 2 servings - 450g (1lb) white mushrooms - 90g (3oz) butter - 90ml (3oz) crème fraîche or sour cream - 60g (2oz) grated hard cheese - Optional – 1 clove of garlic, minced or finely chopped - Slice the mushrooms into thin slices. It will look like a big heap of mushrooms but they reduce in size to about a quarter of that once cooked. - Melt butter in a frying pan and fry the mushrooms for about 10-15 minutes, until golden brown. - When mushrooms are almost ready, season with salt and pepper and add garlic if using. - Add crème fraîche to the pan and mix well until all mushrooms are covered. - Put mushrooms into two individual ramekins and top with grated cheese. - Grill or bake on high heat for 5-10 minutes or so, until the cheese is completely melted, bubbling and golden Per serving: 580 calories, 6g net carbs, 55g fat, 15g protein
Carroll & Zack Higgins A unique Father & Son team that brings unparalleled entertainment by adding that live band element! For more than 20 years, Carroll Higgins was known as the band leader, vocalist, percussionist and front man of the Full Circle Band. His son Zack grew up in the business watching and learning from his father. Carroll & Zack bring experience, sophistication and youthful energy to your event as Dynasty DJs. They incorporate DJ music, live vocals with backing tracks plus percussion and electronic drums like you have never seen before. Visit www.thedynastydjs.com for more information. See their Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/thedynastydjs Carroll & Zack Higgins (The Dynasty DJ’s) were really great! We hired them through Washington Talent to DJ our wedding reception. They also did the up-lighting for our venue – Old Ebbitt Grill. Carroll was prompt in his correspondence and was helpful with music suggestions. We put together a song list, but they are also able to read the crowd and make song changes to keep the crowd pleased. Carroll was familiar with the venue and ensured that the speakers were set up to project the sound optimally. The lighting was BEAUTIFUL and really made for the perfect ambiance. They even set up some extra lights to bring out the dance floor which was an awesome added touch. Carroll played the drums along with the music which was so cool! Both Carroll and Zack were super professional and were great facilitating the timeline, events, etc. Zack made sure to touch base with us throughout the night to ensure everything was perfect. I would HIGHLY recommend them for any reception or party. They were so fun to work with. Hi Shana, Sorry I didn’t get back to you, I’m trying to recover from being so busy before the Bar Mitzvah. We were really pleased with Carroll and Zack. They are a truly unique combination. From my experience with your company, possibly the best! Quality entertainment and quality fun! Thanks again for helping me plan this. -Heather F. Dear Carroll; Thank you very much for the outstanding job you did at our wedding! What a delightful experience! Great music selection complimented our choices. It was the perfect performance with style, light and everything! We were absolutely delighted by the choice of a DJ and wish you and your son as much success and prosperity as we had fun and pleasure from the outstanding work you did for us!!! – Boris and Alla For our reception, we had the incredibly talented Higgins team – DJ Carroll Higgins and his son Zack Higgins. They were so magnificent and more than we ever could have hoped for. DJ Carroll was there for us through emails and phone calls before the event and even helped calm my nerves before our first dance. I loved the live element he brought to the reception by playing the bongos during songs and crooning away during others. He really sounded fantastic. I had to convince some people that he was singing live! Zack was an incredible DJ who had the party going and kept it going until the very end. I had such a unique list of songs and he worked with it perfectly! They made our wedding day so perfect! They are amazing professionals who are so easy to work with. Music is such an important part of my life and I could not have been happier that I trusted the fantastic artists at Washington Talent Agency to make our wedding day soundtrack spectacular! Thank you Marc, John, Michael, Carroll and Zack!! -Natalie Carroll & Zack – the family Dynamic Duo are simply the best! They made Lacey & Greg’s wedding a truly special day! Dr. Alan White We had the pleasure of being the entertainment for Joe and Melissa’s wedding reception. With a twist! Taking place on the Cherry Blossom paddle boat, we cruised the Potomac and celebrated the happy couple’s nuptials. You couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day! Joe and Melissa (see video HERE)
Manassas Railway Festival in Manassas, Virginia on June 3, 2000 This show was under the auspices of WAMALUG before the founding of WamaLTC. The folks at Manassas contacted us about setting up a table at the train show, so we rolled out in force for our first outdoors show. It was a beautiful day, perfect weather to be out and about. We were the big hit of the show, attracting more than our share of crowds and interested passers-by, but we’d come to expect that. The show was also the debut of Plexiglas barriers on the tables. They worked ok, but kids still liked reaching over the barriers to grab passing trains and anything else in reach. Hopefully we will figure out a way to avoid this problem in the future! Our downtown was an interesting mismatch of buildings this time. Christopher Tracey’s normal stock of buildings was packed, so we had to make do. Luckily, Martha Tracey’s excellent hardware and bicycle shop made it, along with a new music gazebo and the formal introduction of Richard W. Schamus’ Blue Station. The best addition to our table was the new “ other corner. ” For a change, we built a rural area with farms and fields, and Chris designed a wonderful mountain with a little fishing pond. Just off the rural area was the bridge crossing with Jennifer and Dan Boger’s black trestle bridge. New to the yard was Chris’ improved engine shed with lots of wonderful detail inside (including a spiffy “ working ” arc welder). Chris also build a sister engine to his very popular GP-35. Not to be outdone, Tom Cook built a great-looking pair of black Norfolk Southern engines (at least I think that’s what he called it :-) ). [Editor’s note: the black body and white stripe would be prototypical for the NS predecessor railroad Southern Railway.] Cool things from the show: - Chris’ hill pass. - Kevin Loch’s 70’s construction yard and windmill. - Martha’s great downtown (even if some of the buildings we normally have weren’t there). :-) - Plexiglas. People really liked being able to get right up to the models (though kids did have a tendency to reach over it). :-/ - Cletus Romano’s collection of trucks, which just keeps getting bigger and better (and he didn’t leave any of them this time!) :-) Funny things that happened: I can’t get all the tables in my car Stephen F. Roberts had to drive to Reston to rescue some of the tables from Chris’ house, so we were frantically still putting together the display at 10 o’clock. :-) Watch the cars roll Our tables were on a slight slope, so the trains had a tendency to roll down the track. And we all know how poorly LEGO® trains take hills!! Really, I can drive these things! Cletus took control for a while and managed a derailment every 10 minutes or so. :-) I can do better than that Kevin took over and had a Metroliner tip over on a curve right when the outer cargo train was passing, resulting in a spectacular 12+ car pileup. I brought some sunscreen Martha brought sunscreen but too many of us weren’t bright enough to use it. :-) Brickshelf gallery of Abe Friedman .
SFC is highly useful utility, bundled with Windows (mostly talking about XP in this post, mechanics slightly differ on other versions) that checks system files and replaces them with original versions if needed. However there are some logic faults that often make it endlessly ask for Windows installation disc, in some cases refusing to recognize one. What it does SFC is very easy to use, it is launched by running Then it displays scan progress, makes use of dllcache system folder and restores files if needed. Up to the point where things go wrong and it starts asking for installation disc. Nature of problem There are a lot of possible causes this but most common are: - disc is long gone; - disc is present but not recognized by SFC; - disc is present but has different Service Pack version to that SFC asks for. To make SFC shut up and do its job following is usually needed: - I386 folder from installation disc; - sometimes full service pack installation files; - some registry edits. File sources paths Overall SFC must know where are original files, service pack files and does media used fits. All of this is controlled by registry keys in: - SourcePath – path to where I386 folder of Windows installation files is located; - ServicePackSourcePath – same for I386 folder of Service Packs, which may or may not be the same; - CDInstall – was CD disc used during installation. I suggest to: - copy I386 folder to hard drive - Service Packs may need to be unpacked, if not included on CD you are using – it is best to use folder named I386 for this as well; - set paths accordingly, note that they refer to folder where I386 resides, not I386 itself; - set CDInstall to 0. Most of the time this is enough to stop nagging for correct disc. Relocating DLL cache dllcache folder may often seem like space hog so there are some tweaks for that in: - SfcQuota – determines how much space can dllcache occupy, it is hex number in megabytes. - SFCDllCacheDir – sets directory where dllcache resides, this key is not present by default and must be created manually. SFC is highly useful utility when something goes wrong with system files (like being chewed by virus) but it can be annoying when encounters problems with configuration of source file paths. Hopefully this post will be remedy enough. For interested (or desperate) I also suggest reading:
Jobs at BWSS BWSS is a feminist ending violence organization with an entrepreneurial spirit known its commitment to creating and implementing programs and services that empower women from all walks of life. BWSS is known for its inclusionary hiring practices. We offer the opportunity to work within an accomplished team making a difference every day on the frontline and beyond. The following positions are currently available: Research and policy analyst Research and Policy Analyst For the of development of the Intersectional Feminist Justice Research and Organizing Collaborative Six-month contract position (with possible extension) Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS) seeks a Research and Policy Analyst for the of development of the Intersectional Feminist Justice Research and Organizing Collaborative. Intersectional Feminist Justice Research and Organizing Collaborative (IFJROC) brings together researchers, academics, data and policy analysts, students and community organizers to provide critical research, data, policy and strategic support for the ending violence, gender equity and social justice movements. IFJROC builds on the long tradition of movement-driven, community-derived research and uses an explicit decolonial, anti-oppression and racial justice lens. The IFJROC will provide critical data, research and policy analytics to grassroots and community-based organizing campaigns. The IFJROC will provide critical data, research and policy analytics to grassroots and community-based organizing campaigns. IFJROC aims to democratize data, research and policy, maximize the synergy between research and community organizing, magnifying the voices of grassroots Indigenous, Black and communities of colour including Migrant, Refugee and Immigrant communities, and advancing the capacity of organizing efforts to design solutions, make demands, and sustain policy wins for gender equity and ending gender-based violence through: - Comprehensive research - Rapid response data and analysis - Program and systems evaluations - Policy analysis - The Research and Policy Analyst serves as a bridge for grassroots and community organizing groups to the world of data, policy and research. The Research and Policy Analyst will conduct research on policy and practice in community-based responses to addressing gender equity, gender-based violence, and write reports and informative materials that create new knowledge as well as summarize and synthesize existing research to support grassroots and community-based organizing campaigns to address gender equity and gender-based violence from an intersectional feminist, anti-oppression and decolonial perspective. The Research and Policy Analyst will conduct research on issues of gender-equity and gender-based violence policy and practice for grassroots and community-based organizing groups across Canada. The Research and Policy Analyst will plan, develop, manage and provide authoritative information on research funding opportunities and administrative processes. This involves setting priorities and goals for each funding opportunity, establishing support processes, and advising on eligibility criteria, deadlines, submission processes, budget requirements and other important details regarding internal and external research opportunities. Responsibilities include, but will not be limited to: - Working with identified leads to develop and expand IFJROC. - Rapid analysis of gender-equity and gender-based policy to support organizing campaigns in real time, produced within a few days, weeks or months for immediate use in campaign events. - Original research driven by parent, youth and community concerns and insights. - Qualitative research conducted through interviews, surveys, focus groups, participatory action research, or other methodologies. - Extended policy reports that highlight issues of gender equity and gender-based violence and/or propose evidence-based policy solutions. - Development of tools, fact sheets, webinars, infographics and other formats for presenting information in engaging and accessible ways to multiple audiences. - Collaboration with grassroots and community organizing groups to identify and define research and policy needs. - Presentation and discussion of policy and research with organizers and grassroots and community leaders on conference calls, in community meetings, in webinars and other formats. The successful candidate should have: - Excellent writing, research, and communications skills. - Experience with conceiving, developing and producing policy reports. - Ability to explain complex issues in clear, simple language accessible to multiple audiences. - Experience working with diverse constituencies and communities, including people of diverse racial, cultural, class and linguistic backgrounds. - Experience with and knowledge of critical issues and data in gender equity, gender-based violence from an intersectional anti-oppression feminist and decolonial framework. - Ability to manage timelines independently and effectively. - Ability to research, identify and qualify funding opportunities from corporate, foundation, and government sources. - Experience working collaboratively as part of a team and independent environments. - Capacity to manage multiple projects simultaneously. - Proficiency with multiple presentation technologies and software for creating data visualizations, infographics and webinars - Graduate or undergraduate degree and/or four to six years of combined education and experience conducting research and policy analysis. - Demonstrated ability to make effective presentations is essential. - Demonstrated ability to effectively manage multiple tasks and priorities. - Demonstrated ability to lead workshops for small to large groups. - Demonstrated ability to act as a liaison with funding agencies and gather further program information. - Demonstrated ability to exercise tact and discretion. - Demonstrated ability to develop and maintain working collaborative relationships. - Demonstrated ability to initiate, develop and lead new projects. - Demonstrated ability to analyze and interpret various forms of data, determine implications, and provide recommendations. - Demonstrated ability to exercise sound judgment. - Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively, verbally and in writing, and to summarize relevant information in a clear and succinct manner. - Demonstrated ability to identify, analyze and resolve problems. - Demonstrated ability to manage complex projects, to prioritize and work effectively under pressure. $38,000 for 6 month contract. Submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae or resume, and at least one letter of recommendation to email address firstname.lastname@example.org Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. No phone calls please. Equity and diversity centred in this call and represent research and policy excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged including Indigenous, Black and people of colour. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, or Indigenous person.
- April 28, 2019 - Posted by: admin - Category: Uncategorized Hip Hinge Variations | Move Physiotherapy East Fremantle Anecdotally, I have found that the biggest issues presenting to physiotherapy tend to originate from weak glute muscles. Take for example, your patellofemoral knee pain (a ‘maltracking’ condition where the kneecap doesn’t track nicely within the patellofemoral groove, and instead tracks more laterally against the underlying bone). In 90% of cases, this stems from a quadriceps tightness and ITB tightness which ends up pulling the kneecap further to the outer part of the leg. But, why are these muscles tight? I always consider the body to be a well oiled machine with different parts working together to produce a final outcome… that outcome, is fluid and effortless movement. But when we start experiencing pain, or clicking and grinding sounds etc. it can be assumed that something within that well oiled machine has gone awry. So going back to our Patellofemoral Knee Pain syndrome… why are the quadriceps and ITB getting so tight? The first line of this article gives it away slightly. Generally speaking, it is a posterior chain weakness- that is, weakness through the glutes and hamstrings. But, I am not going to talk pathology in this article. This is a simple guide to firstly, learning how to hip hinge, in a way that engages your glutes and your hamstrings, and secondly then how to progress your standard double leg deadlift into a single leg movement that is an absolute killer for your gluteus medius and stabilisers. Let’s start with your basic hip hinge or deadlift pattern of movement. Even when we are aiming to progress to single leg movements, we should start here to get the pattern perfect. The key point is to be moving the hips independently of the lower back. Being able to perfect this movement is also applicable to the majority of our lower back rehabilitation also. As we move our hips backwards into our hip hinge, you should feel your weight move to the heels of your feet, and tension building into the hamstrings. Our gluteus medius muscle is primarily a hip stabiliser. That is, it prevents the pelvis from dropping whilst walking and placing our weight through one leg. As such, to strengthen this muscle, we need to train it in a simliar way! The first step is with a split stance hip hinge movement. During this movement, our back is kept in a straight position, and the weight is placed through the front leg. The weight should still go through the heel of the front leg, and tension should be felt through the hamstrings and glutes on the front leg. No quadriceps tension should be felt. Having the back leg elevated as in the video below adds more depth to the movement and increases load through the front leg. Finally, the single leg hip hinge is great for combining a strength and balance movement, and can get a healthy burn happening through the glutes! With our glute strengthening, it is important to vary our rep and set ranges (incorporate some heavy weight, low reps, high sets exercises in conjunction with low set numbers with higher repetitions).
Safety, Security & Fraud As the situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve and change at a rapid pace, we continue our stance of protecting our employees, customers and communities. With that and to assist in the social distancing recommendations of government officials, we are putting in place measures to minimize interactions in our banking offices. As we move forward towards our new normal, here's what we are working on as we begin to re-open our offices. Click here for a listing of our banking office's locations and hours. Here's How We are Making Banking Safe and Easy: We are all in this together and together we can stay healthy and safe. We will continue to post updates as necessary on our website, Facebook, Instagram and through customer emails. For the latest information regarding the coronavirus visit CDC Coronavirus What You Need to Know. Here are Some Tips for Fighting Fraud If anything looks out of place, do not use it. Please call the financial institution or let merchant employees know, so law enforcement can be contacted Treat Unsolicited Offers with Suspicion If you receive a request or offer via e-mail, pop-up message or by phone that requires you to provide or confirm personal information, call the business using a phone number other than the one given to confirm the legitimacy of the request or offer. If the inquiry seemingly originates from a known and trusted entity, use the number on the back of your card or on your monthly statement. Remember, if it seems too good to be true- it probably is. Make Payment Electronically when Possible Electronic payments reduce the amount of paper floating around with personal information on it, and using our online bill paying service can help. Shop Carefully Online If you initiate an online transaction and must provide personal data, look for indicators that the site is secure like ”https” in the Web address or the closed padlock icon in the bottom frame of your browser. Avoid sites without these indicators. It is also wise to conduct financial transactions only on wired Internet connections- wireless connections can be more vulnerable to attack. Use Updated Anti-Virus Software, Anti-Spyware & a Firewall Some phishing and pharming attacks contain software that can harm your computer or track your activities on the Internet without your knowledge. Review Account Statements Regularly Verify all transactions by matching receipts to checking, savings, and credit card account statements. Frequently reviewing activity online helps identify unauthorized activity between monthly statements. Download the HCBT CardValet app to sign up for alerts. Review your Credit Report Every Year You are entitled to one free credit report each year. You may also obtain a free report, log on to www.annualcreditreport.com or call 1-877-322-8228. Protect Your Purse or Wallet One of the leading causes of identity theft is lost or stolen belongings containing personal information. Minimize the number of items you carry that contain personal information, such as your Social Security card. Never disclose your PIN or account password to any individual for any reason Contact Your HCBT Banker with Any Questions
People don’t take buying RTA Kitchen Cabinets lightly. It is something they can spend weeks or months researching before they choose a model and place to order. Unlike brick-and-mortar stores that are likely nearby, online stores don’t have a physical place for you to come to. Whether you chose a reputable company that simply made a mistake or an unscrupulous company that messed up majorly, it’s not the kind of thing that can just be overlooked. When the unthinkable happens, you need to know what to do. Check Your Affordable Kitchen Cabinet Order Whether they just missed a few screws or delivered an entirely wrong model, the first thing you should do is check the shipping order and verify your kitchen cabinet order online. You were likely given a receipt when you purchased the cabinets and it’s important to know exactly what you ordered and what got shipped to you. Was the problem with the shipping company, the cabinet company or did you accidentally choose the wrong item when you ordered online? The most important thing a customer can do is have as much information available to them as possible. The old adage says that knowledge is power, and when it comes to getting mistakes fixed, that is doubly true. Contact the Cheap Kitchen Cabinet Company With all the information in hand, contact the cabinet company. The ideal way to contact them is on the telephone and speak with a real person that can react to your questions and concerns. Online chat is another popular way of communicating that still gives you one-on-one contact, but also provides a written transcript of your conversation. When contacting the company, it’s important to be calm and cool when speaking. They understand you are frustrated and have been waiting for the cabinets with baited breath, but being angry or belligerent to the customer service personnel doesn’t help your cause. They had nothing to do with the mistake and only want to find out what happened and get things resolved. Take Your Online Kitchen Cabinet Dispute to the Next Level If you can’t get the company to fix the mistake, then you can take it to the next level. There are several things you can do from social media to contacting the upper management directly. You can air your grievances on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter or provide an honest review of the situation on Yelp and other review sites. You can also try and contact someone higher on the management food chain. If none of that works and you still can’t get it fixed, then you can try contacting the Better Business Bureau or a lawyer to file a lawsuit. At RTA Cabinet Store, if we made a mistake, we’ll make sure it gets rectified and that should be the way with any reputable kitchen cabinet provider. If you want to see what new kitchen cabinets might look like in your home, then try out our new design tool today.
Lawn Care Service in Pelican Rapids, MN Many people look forward to the fall season in Pelican Rapids, MN. And at Bradrick Home & Lawn Care , we agree that there's just something about those vibrant leaves and colors that makes this time of the year so special. But unfortunately, those pretty leaves don’t tend to look nearly as majestic when they start to fall and clutter up your lawn. And to make matters worse, clearing your lawn can be more difficult and time-consuming than you'd think. So if you'd rather be able to sit back and enjoy the fall season without having to worry about leaf removal, turn to our team for help. Clearing the Path Our leaf removal services are designed to quickly and efficiently rid your residential or commercial property in Pelican Rapids, MN of unwanted leaves. Our landscaping team has the tools and equipment to eliminate fallen leaves so that you don't have to spend hours raking or struggling with your unwieldy leaf blower. And because we value our clients, we make it our business to keep our rates affordable, no matter the season. Make your fall cleanup easier this year with our leaf removal services. Call Bradrick Home & Lawn Care today for more information or to schedule your appointment. Request a Quote Message Sent. Thank you for contacting us. We will be in touch with you shortly. |Mon - Fri:| Excellent work and people of great character! Just had Bradrick and Sons do our spring yard work today. Excellent work. Couldn't be more pleased. I highly recommend them for any yard work you may need. Honest and people of great character. Landscape work and home repair I really appreciate the quick response to my request. I also found it very useful that home repairs were done at the same time as my yard work. Two problems licked with one provider! I always appreciate the great work that Andy and sons do! They have done yard work and construction work for me. Thankful for help that is timely and excellent!!! Very reliable & great service I have gotten help from Bradrick & Sons for a number of years now and I am always impressed with their reliable, great, and friendly service they provide. Whether for landscaping or home repair, the service is excellent. As a result, they are my number one choice. We definitely will hire again. Bradrick and Sons quality of work is excellent, they were also willing to work with our schedule. They were on time and their work ethic was great.
FDA Pulls Zantac from Market Due to Cancer Concerns Written By: David Rheingold In a widely expected move, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has asked companies to stop selling the heartburn drug Zantac and its generic equivalent ranitidine because of its association with a cancer-causing contaminant N-nitrosodimethylamine, or NDMA that can build up in the drug over a period of time. In addition to informing companies that they should pull the product from their shelves, the FDA told consumers that they should stop taking the over-the-counter drug. Those who have a prescription should consult with their physician prior to ceasing use of the medicine. Sanofi, the manufacturer of Zantac, responded to the FDA announcement by stating that it had recalled the product in October, and that all retailers and consumers were previously instructed to return or destroy the product. An online pharmacy’s investigation of the drug prompted the FDA to look into the drug’s potential carcinogenic qualities. According to the NY Times, “At the time of its testing, Valisure speculated that the source of the contaminant was the result of the “inherent instability” of the ranitidine molecule, which can degrade under certain conditions, such as high temperatures, to create NDMA. But the F.D.A. initially pushed back against the pharmacy’s testing methods, saying the results were invalid because the pharmacy had heated the product, which created the higher levels of NDMA. On Wednesday, however, the agency appeared to confirm Valisure’s findings, saying that “the impurity in some ranitidine products increases over time and when stored at higher than room temperatures and may result in consumer exposure to unacceptable levels of this impurity.” Our law firm has been a leader in consumer advocacy in terms of dangerous drugs and Zantac is one of those drugs. We are currently speaking with potential clients or their family members who have been injured, sometimes fatally, because they took the drug for a protracted period of time. Sanofi knew or should have known that Zantac was a dangerous drug and posed a clear and present danger to the health and welfare of the public. The manufacturers of Zantac were more interested in profits than people. They knew about these dangers as early as the 1980’s but failed to disclose the findings to the health community, doctors, or the general public. Use of Zantac poses a serious public health risk. Because Zantac was a popular drug that was aggressively marketed, it is quite possible that thousands of people may have been adversely affected by prolonged use of the drug. When Zantac was first produced in 1983 by the company now known as GlaxoSmithKline, it was intended for short-term use. At least, that was what the company had submitted to the FDA. If you or a loved one have been prescribed or purchased over-the-counter Zantac or its generic ranitidine and suffered serious injury such as cancer, call the Rheingold Law Firm for a free initial consultation.
Earlier generations of chemicals management regulation concentrated on new substances and certain existing substances such as nickel and nickel compounds. A number of other substances, which had been used by society for a long time, had not been well studied. Knowledge of their properties, and hence their safe use, was limited. This created a situation where regulatory attention primarily focused on those substances that were already well-studied, meaning there was no level playing field. The European Union's REACH Regulation represents a new generation of chemicals management systems. It sets out to create a level playing field by requiring a standard information set for any substance imported or manufactured in the EU (registration requirement of REACH). The registration requirements are commensurate with the annual tonnage registered by the individual manufacturer or importer. In the meantime, the Republic of Korea has put in place ARECS, a law inspired by EU-REACH. Although initially requiring only specifically-designated substances to be registered, a recent amendment has broadened the scope of ARECS registration requirements to resemble those of EU-REACH. This is the foundation of a modern, successful chemicals management system: gathering existing high-quality information on substances and their uses and generating further information to bridge any gaps. In the Nickel Institute's opinion, the EU-REACH registration and evaluation chapters represent an excellent model for any jurisdiction that is aiming to establish a solid foundation for chemicals management regulation, which can be adapted for local circumstances. The Nickel Institute's contributions The Nickel Institute's science division, NiPERA Inc., has created a comprehensive repository of published and unpublished quality toxicity data on nickel and nickel compounds and has up-to-date hazard assessments for these substances. This forms the basis for the Nickel Institute's contribution to improving understanding of nickel and nickel compounds in different jurisdictions. Below, we provide two examples of the Nickel Institute's contributions. EU-REACH: Nickel REACH Consortia In the EU, the Nickel Institute acts as the Secretariat of the Nickel REACH Consortia. Here, the Nickel Institute helps companies manage their EU-REACH obligations. NiPERA provides hazard data and prepares the hazard assessment for the thirteen substances covered by the Consortia, while the Nickel Institute coordinates the gathering and analysis of information on how the substances are used. This way, it can prepare exposure scenarios and provide advice on appropriate risk management. The Nickel REACH Consortia follow the principle of continuous improvement: The REACH registration dossiers that NiPERA and the Nickel Institute prepare are updated annually to reflect new information and to adjust to regulatory developments (e.g. new guidance issued by European authorities). ARECS: Nickel Institute shares data and advises on specificities of nickel In the Republic of Korea, several nickel compounds were designated for registration by mid-2018. Their registration is managed by different consortia. The Nickel Institute has shared data on nickel compounds and the appropriate hazard assessment with these consortia. It has also provided advice on specificities of the nickel compounds. Under the revised ARECS, nickel metal will also be registered in the Republic of Korea; the Nickel Institute will follow a similar approach for this registration. Based on its experiences in both jurisdictions, the Nickel Institute promotes cooperation between nickel compounds registrants. Given the similarity in use and hazard profiles of the different groups of nickel compounds, cooperation between the different registrants of nickel compounds (and nickel metal) can bring greater efficiency and consistency. In the EU, this cooperation is facilitated through the joint Nickel REACH Consortium. The Nickel Institute recommends adopting this approach in other jurisdictions. Such consistency will also make it simpler for regulators when assessing the information provided on nickel and nickel compounds.
Winners of 2019 Ops Awards announced 2019 Operations Managers Awards winners announced UKHospitality is delighted to announce the winners of the 2019 Operations Managers Awards. The winners were announced at a gala ceremony at Salsa! in London following a comprehensive and rigorous 3-phase judging process testing the finalists’ knowledge, passion and skill, and coupled with their exhaustive and inspirational leadership and strategy Masterclass. The only awards of its kind in hospitality, the Operations Managers Awards was founded 24 years ago and seeks to identify the best and brightest Operations Managers across the entire hospitality sector. This year’s winners are: Ben James of Mitchells & Butlers (The Area Manager Award) Niki Plumb of Star Pubs and Bars (The Business Development Manager Award) UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “Hospitality is home to some of the most hardworking and talented individuals in businesses. They are the leaders of tomorrow and they play a crucial role in every region of the UK. “Ops Managers show that hospitality is, at its heart, a people sector. Congratulations to this year’s winners and all of this year’s finalists, not only for their success in this year’s Ops Awards, but for the great work they do day-in, day-out.” Operations Managers Awards founder Nick Bish said: “This year’s Awards was another very intense and revealing competitive process. The Judges and I are consistently impressed by the dedication, skills and passion our finalists show; and 2019 was no exception. “The quality of the finalists has shone through every step of the way and the final decision was very close. This year’s winners can be very proud of their achievement knowing they beat some extremely tough competition. “Thank you to all our committed finalists and to all our judges who have put their time and their insight into getting the best out of this year’s candidates; and a big thank you to the companies who invest in the success of their best people, as well as the Patrons and Sponsors, without whose support none of this would happen. Between them, they have highlighted the importance of identifying and celebrating the best individuals making such a difference for our industry.”
Coopers Gap Wind Farm began generating electricity today, with the first two turbines feeding energy into the National Electricity Market. The $850 million project involves 123 wind turbines in total, which are equipped with blades that are up to 67 metres long. AGL CEO, Brett Redman, said achieving first generation for a project this size involves an enormous effort by the many teams who have worked on the wind farm. “The size and scale of a project like this is extraordinary, and today’s milestone is thanks to the hard work of so many people,” Mr Redman said. “This is a significant project for AGL and the timing of bringing new generation into the grid is crucial for all energy users. “It’s another great example of our commitment to investing in new generation to deliver affordable and reliable power for customers. “We appreciate the support we have received from Government agencies in Queensland to navigate the logistic issues experienced during construction,” Mr Redman said. AGL General Manager of Gas and Renewables Operations, Colin Mills, said each turbine has a tip height of up to 180 metres, while a rotor diameter of up to 137 metres. “Throughout the construction process, around $56 million has been spent on local businesses and services providers,” Mr Mills said. “The Coopers Gap Wind Farm, north-west of Brisbane, has a total capacity of 453 MW which makes it the largest wind farm by MW capacity currently operating in Australia. “The project is owned and constructed by the Powering Australian Renewables Fund, a landmark financing initiative created by AGL and QIC. The $2-3 billion fund aims to develop and own approximately 1,000 MW in large-scale renewable generation projects. “I’d like to thank PARF for its work in this achievement. “I’d also like to recognise the efforts of the Australian Energy Market Operator and Powerlink as project partners who helped us get here, along with the support of the local community and local councils,” Mr Mills said. About Coopers Gap The second greenfield project developed by the Powering Australian Renewables Fund (PARF), the Coopers Gap Wind Farm has a capacity of 453 MW and produce around 1,510,000 MWh of renewable energy – powering approximately 264,000 average Australian homes. Coopers Gap Wind Farm is 250 km north-west of Brisbane near Cooranga North, between Dalby and Kingaroy. The site is located on land that’s mainly used for cattle grazing and other farming activities. It will connect to a new Powerlink substation along the Western Downs to Halys 275 kV transmission line built by Powerlink. About the Powering Australian Renewables Fund PARF is an innovative investment initiative designed to unlock investment in large scale renewable energy, which was established by AGL and QIC on behalf of its clients the Future Fund and those invested in the QIC Global Infrastructure Fund. AGL is committed to helping shape a sustainable energy future for Australia. We operate the country’s largest electricity generation portfolio, we’re its largest ASX-listed investor in renewable energy, and we have 3.6 million customer accounts. Proudly Australian, with more than 180 years of experience, we have a responsibility to provide sustainable, secure and affordable energy for our customers. Our aim is to prosper in a carbon-constrained world and build customer advocacy as our industry transforms. That’s why we have committed to exiting our coal-fired generation by 2050 and why we will continue to develop innovative solutions for our customers.
Friday, 13 December 2019 While running is great exercise, it can also play havoc on your knees and prtoection is a must-have. Our guide includes the best supports for protecting your knees while running. Friday, 13 December 2019 Water is one of life's essentials and having it near to hand is incredibly important. Our guide to the Best Water Bottles 2020 includes a wide selection of bottles that are ideal for your hydration needs. Friday, 1 November 2019 One way to make recovery from sprains and twists more comfortable is the use of a thigh support. Read on for more information on our Top 5 Thigh Supports of 2020, and to discover which thigh support is for you. Monday, 21 October 2019 You've seen them marching around with those poles in their hands... What are they doing and why are they doing it? If you want to know more about the benefits of Nordic Walking, and the differences between available poles, then please read our blog post on What is Nordic Walking and Why Should You Be Doing It? Friday, 2 August 2019 | Paul Read the latest extensive guide from our experts as we explore Yoga for Beginners: Everything You'll Need to Practice at Home and find out why this exercise has been around for thousands of years. Thursday, 23 May 2019 | Paul Weakened pelvic floor muscles can cause a variety of problems from urinary incontinence to sexual dissatisfaction. To help tackle this, read our blog on How to Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles. Thursday, 24 January 2019 New Age Kurling is designed to be easy to play and accessible for players of all ages. As a result, it's easy to get the hang of it. If you have just bought your first set and are looking for some pointers, then Learn How to Play with this guide. Tuesday, 18 December 2018 | Paul If you're a beginner thinking that using a block or a strap is a sign of weakness, or an indicator of your lack of flexibility to perform the full pose without any help, you're missing out. Yoga accessories are tools, used by new and experienced yogis not only to perform a pose but also to develop and deepen the dimensions of their asana practice, and even help with certain transitions in vinyasa yoga. Without further ado, here are our Top 5 Yoga Accessories that will help you take your yoga practice to the next level. Wednesday, 10 October 2018 | Paul Using an exercise ball can do miracles for your overall health and well-being, with benefits ranging from improved posture and lower back pain relief, to strengthening your core muscles and regaining control of your balance. Read on to find out which exercises are most suitable to experience the results you want, and how you can find the right Swiss ball for your needs. 1 CommentFriday, 10 August 2018 | Paul Inexpensive, simple to use and highly effective, the over-door MSD-Band shoulder rope pulley is your gateway to a huge variety of resistive...
By Antoinette Rahn Happy Friday the 13th! There are various ways to ‘recognize’ this superstition-rife day if you so wish. I’ll admit I can be a bit superstitious from time to time. I’m not going to run out and look for any ladders to purposely walk under today, but being Friday the 13th, I figure what harm can come from examining a few select curiosities and oddities from the auction world. I love dioramas, and there are some uniquely constructed examples within auction archives. This includes this antique English diorama of an old curiosity shop. The piece, which measures 18 ¾ inches wide by 12 ¾ in diameter by 13 ¾ high, sold for $225 during a 2012 auction presented by Clarke Auction Gallery. Eye Wonder About Curiosities With my little eye I spot a velvet-lined case of hand-blown glass eyes and corneas. The case, reportedly dating to early 20th century Germany, contains 14 glass eyes and 10 corneas. It is paired with an oculist’s chest that houses multiple glass taxidermy eyes as well. The oculist’s chest hails from England was actively in use in the late 19th century. The two items form a single lot in Rago Arts ‘Curiouser and Curiouser Auction’ slated to take place Oct. 21. The lot carries an estimate of $1,200 to $1,800. I guess if you are looking for mythical protectors to guard your living space a pair of unicorns seems like a sound choice. This pair of French hand-wrought steel shields showcases mirror image unicorns who appear to be ready for battle. Each shield is 29 ½ inches high by 22 ¾ inches wide by 2 ½ inches deep. As a single lot it brought $800 during an October 2014 auction presented by Sterling Associates. Take A Walk This rare item is worthy of a double take. The auction description refers to it as a cabinet of curiosities cane. Yes, that makes sense. The late 19th-century cane is made of the vertebrae of a reptile and the skull of a primate. According to the auction catalog description, the can was believed to have magical properties that. It's said to transfer the hunting skills attributed to animals to that of the owner of the cane and provide the bearer with protection from sickness and danger. Apparently more than a few bidders felt drawn to the presentation and perhaps the reputed magical powers of the cane, because a bidding battle drove the price to $3,200 before the gavel fell during a 2016 auction through Kimball M. Sterling. I’m not entirely sure how comfortable these chairs might be to sit on, but there’s no question of their eccentric appeal. The song ‘Under the Sea’ has been on a loop in my head since I spotted the pair. These carved and Venetian painted and silvered grotto chairs are in the form of shells, with dolphin figures on the forearms. The Italian chairs, in the manner of Pauly et Cie, date to the early 20th century. As a single lot, the pair carries a presale estimate of $700 to $900 into Rago Arts Oct. 21 auction. This collection of half-a-dozen African parade knives caught my eye because of their unique design, and my curiosity about the ceremonial African parade of which they are associated. The engraved blades appear in unique shapes - including decorative elements - and include wrapped handles made of wood. The surface rust on the blades, in my mind, speaks to the knives’ legacy. The group of six sold for $1,000 during an October 2014 auction at Sterling Associates. Legend and Lore If you haven’t spent much time looking at antique doorstops, perhaps this example will prompt you to consider them more closely -- it did me. This antique doorstop sold for $100 in November of 2016 through Bertoia Auctions. It is labeled ‘Lincoln Imp’ on the front of the base and the inscription on the back reads: "Curiosity tempted the imp to alight in a cloister in Lincoln Cathedral. It cost him dear for in a moment he turned into stone (1255)." In an article for The Lincolnite, journalist Cory Santos explains a bit of the myth and legend of The Lincoln Imp. “According to the legend (sometime in the 13th or 14th century), the devil spawned a pair of mischievous imps to wreak havoc upon the north of England.” After stirring up trouble at St. Mary’s, “They then continued their path of mayhem in Lincoln, entering the cathedral where they began to make a mess of it, turning over furniture, tripping up the Bishop and throwing things. It was during this time that the angel of The Lord, removing itself from the Bible upon the altar, commanded the imps to halt their wicked ways. One of the creatures, fearful of the angel, duly hid under the altar. The other, however, mocked the angel and began throwing stones at it. The angel, in a fit of anger, cast a spell upon the imp instantly turning it to stone.” By far the most monetarily valuable oddity and curiosity in this list, the 1783 Nova Constellatio pattern silver quint, is the focus of this comment by noted numismatic expert Q. David Bowers (Stacks Bowers) speaking about a four-piece denominational set: "In my opinion -- and I have no vested interest of any kind -- the 1783 Nova Constellatio patterns are candidates for the very most important (and I won't even mention value) American coins." The coin rose to $1.18 million during an April 2013 auction presented by Heritage Auctions. Manning the Mannequin Reins This 19th-century French articulated horse with rider mannequin, made of walnut with an iron rod and wooden base, is one of six lots of articulated mannequins featured in Rago Arts Oct. 21 Curiouser and Curiouser auction. The horse/rider mannequin measure 23 inches high and have an estimate of $3,000 to $5,000. Cigars and Stakes Just the other day a curious item sold for $12,262 through RR Auctions. The object is a half-smoked cigar belonging to Winston Churchill. As history explains, Corporal William Alan Turner acquires the cigar while on assignment with the 24 Squadron Transport Command in May of 1974. Turner and his crew flew Churchill and his wife to Paris and home again. The cigar, which retains the “La Corona/Winston Churchill” red-and-gold band, accompanies a photo of Churchill taken before boarding the plane. The photo, in which a cigar is visible in Churchill’s hand, is signed “Winston S. Churchill.” While zombie apocalypses are among the most worrisome type of 'otherworldly' attack today, throughout history vampires are the source of fear. In turn, this prompted some intense planning to avoid an assault. Case in point, this 19th century European vampire hunting kit. The gear and gadgets in this wooden coffin-shaped box include, but are not limited to, hand-carved wooden stakes, holy water, garlic, weaponry including a dagger, rifle, pistol and club, several crosses and what appears to be a bible or a type of religious book useful in fighting the night stalkers. This kit commanded $9,000 during a 2014 auction offered by Sterling Associates. Here’s to staying steady and curious this Friday the 13th!
Hindi movie industry has seen some fabulous Directors in the past 20 years. Some were rookies who started new and others were more seasoned in the industry. From a commercial success and quality movie making standpoint, there are some Directors we wish continued to make more movies, better movies. Unfortunately, they showed tremendous promise in their initial movies but then decided to stop being a movie maker altogether. I really wish these Directors pick up the mantle again and take Hindi movie industry to even greater heights. Below are the 3 super star Directors we wish make a super movie in 2018! 1. John Matthew Matthan Aamir Khan had a sensational 3 year run between 1999 and 2001. He was part of 3 movies that were totally different from each other and also outstanding in their own way – Sarfarosh, Dil Chaahta Hai and Lagaan. And this is where we got to know about the highly talented Director, John Matthew Matthan. Not a new entrant to movie making, John was involved in various movies like the epic Gandhi followed by other noted movies. More on John here – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Matthew_Matthan His most important contribution to Indian movie industry is Sarfarosh. Released in 1999, this movie handles multiple challenges faced by India like Pakistan sponsored terrorism, minority discrimination and internal violence. Sarfarosh touches various sensitive topics like the state of migrants in Pakistan, gangsters in Mumbai, violence in rural India, difficulties of being a cop and how terrorism is impacting the live of Indians. This was probably the first movie to clearly show how guns flow into India all the way from Pakistan border to deep jungles of Maharashtra. Barring aside a highly misplaced song (Jo Haal Di Ka), this movie is brilliantly made for its time. It is really unfortunate the John Matthew Matthan could not repeat this success with his next movie (Shikar) and then eventually disappeared into the darkness. John, Hindi movie industry misses you – it is not too late for you to make a come back! 2. Shimit Amin Ab Tak Chappan (ATC) – this Nana Patekar starrer in 2004 was way ahead of its time. If this movie were to be today, same, cast, same story, same Director – it would still be relevant and highly appreciated by audience. ATC is the story of a cop, brilliantly played by Nana Patekar. And this is where Shimit Amin weaves his magic. A cop movie, gangsters, fantastic cast. Shimit makes use of the story and cast brilliantly. Story is presented in a highly refined way with great cinematic values. By far, one of the best cop movies made in Hindi. And in 2007, Shimit Amin gave us the best sports movie this country had ever seen – Chak De India (CDI). Well, Dangal in 2017 takes the best sports movie slot now, but CDI was top class. Shah Rukh Khan plays the coach of Indian Women’s hockey team in this amazing sports movie. Over dramatized in some parts, the movie runs on the shoulders of rookie actors playing roles of hockey players. This movie still lists as one of the best performances from SRK. Shimit Amin was yet again presenting us his best work. And then started his decline (or disinterest?) in Hindi movies. One Ranbir Kapoor starred in 2009 did not work and Shimit went completely off the radar. His absence from film making is a real big loss to Hindi movie industry. Shimit, where are you? We are sure there is so much of great film making left in you. Time to make a comeback! More on Shimit Amin at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shimit_Amin 3. Farhan Akhtar Dil Chahta Hai (DCH) was a rage when it was released in 2001. Total, total rage among youngsters. Funnily, it was a story of 3 young men in early 20’s played by 3 actors in their mid 30’s. It showed how the filthy rich kids in this country have fun, their love stories and complete fun. Lead actors sported hair styles that were just so new at that time. Everything about the movie was highly refreshing. And the man behind the whole show – Farhan Akhtar. Farhan followed up DCH with another brilliantly made movie – Lakshya in 2004. This Hritik Roshan starrer was not as successful as DCH but is an extremely well made movie. Story of a young Delhi boy joining the Indian Army and fighting for the nation during Kargil war. Beautifully shot, exceptional music and great performances by lead actors made this a memorable movie. At this stage, everyone believed Hindi movie industry now has a Director who can make blockbusters without comprising on the quality of his films. More on Farhan at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farhan_Akhtar . And then, Farhan Akthar started his downward spiral. His decision to remake old Hindi movie Don, was really puzzling. No one understood why someone as talented as Farhan Akthar would even do such a silly thing. He even followed up Don-1 with a Don-2. Absolute disaster of movies. These failures, rather than making him think and fix where the problems are, made Farhan venture into singing and acting. And he is really bad in both. Farhan, please, you are such a phenomenal Director. Can you please start directing movies again? DCH and Lakshya were the best movies of their times. We will just think whatever happened after that as a bad dream and will be really excited to watch your next directorial venture! Please come back, Director Farhan!
NIAA announces partnership with One Nevada Credit Union High school sports in Nevada gained a little financial stability as a presenting sponsor will be brought on board. The Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association will partner with One Nevada Credit Union for all postseason prep contests in the state. The NIAA is the non-profit governing body of high school athletics in Nevada and One Nevada Credit Union is one of the largest locally-owned credit unions in the state. One Nevada will have naming rights for the association’s region and state playoffs, and all general association – office operations. The NIAA – One Nevada Class (4A/3A/2A/1A) Nevada State / Northern-Southern Region High School (boys/girls) (sport) Championships title covers 216 post-season tournaments in 16 sanctioned sports. The NIAA-One Nevada title partnership -- signed for three years -- is expected to help the NIAA conduct events at first-class venues, provide support to its member schools and student-athletes and offer special programs for its administrators, coaches and officials. A key component of the NIAA – One Nevada title sponsorship for the 2019-2020, 2020-21 and 2021-22 academic years is the offering of $20,000 in scholarships for the NIAA’s Top 10 Student-Athletes of the Year awards. Those scholarship amounts had been lowered in recent years. Another part of the title sponsorship is the NIAA’s Award of Excellence in Academics, Athletics and Sportsmanship will be renamed the One Nevada Cup. The award honors the top school in each of the NIAA’s four classifications (varsity-level, boys and girls combined) based on points achieved through performance at the sports venues, in the state academic championship competitions and with the Citizenship Through Sports program. “On behalf of the NIAA staff, Board of Control, 118 member schools and the more than 42,000 high school student-athletes of the Silver State, I want to thank One Nevada Credit Union for their overwhelming support of the association and their commitment to our local communities,” Bart Thompson, Executive Director of the NIAA, said in a news release. “The scholarships and special programs offered to our student-athletes will enrich their high school experience. These things will only help in giving Nevada’s youth a head start into the real world.” One Nevada has 15 branches and serves more than 76,000 members. Membership is open to all residents of Washoe County, Clark County and Nye County. “This is a wonderful opportunity for both the NIAA and the One Nevada group,” Donnie Nelson, assistant director of the NIAA, said in a news release. “Our names will be synonymous when it comes to presenting the state championships, the One Nevada Cup and the Top 10 awards. The NIAA is looking forward to connecting with our student-athletes’ families on an educational level. Also, we would not be able to conduct our state championship tournaments in such first-class facilities without the support from One Nevada.” The NIAA is the governing body of high school athletics and activities in Nevada as recognized by the Nevada state legislature. The NIAA does not receive state funding. The NIAA’s three revenue streams are corporate partnerships, event ticket sales and member school’s dues. The four key elements of the sponsorship include One Nevada as NIAA’s title sponsor; the introduction of the One Nevada Cup, an elite sportsmanship award; title sponsor of the NIAA’s Top 10 Student Athlete Awards offering $20,000 in scholarships annually, and title sponsorship of a the NIAA student financial well-being program where they’ll offer tools, advice and expertise to help students and their families. “What excites me most about this partnership, is the fit,” Paul Parrish, One Nevada President and CEO, said in a news release. “At One Nevada, we’re driven by four core values: leadership, integrity, service, and teamwork, and we believe participation in high school athletics and activities helps develop these values in Nevada’s youth. Plus, through our sponsorship of the NIAA student financial well-being program, we’re committed to helping students and their families build life-long financial well-being.” Jim Krajewski covers high school and youth sports for the Reno Gazette Journal. Follow him on Twitter @RGJPreps. Support his work by subscribing to RGJ.com right here.
America has had its magical thinking celebrity billionaires-endorsed President. Maybe, just maybe, it’s time for something different. ✎ Wayne K. Spear | March 1, 2018 • Politics HERE’S A FRESH ENTRY this week on the familiar ledger of billionaire celebrities the media can’t quite seem to leave alone, but probably should, and it goes like this: Amid calls for her to consider a run for the White House — from fans as well as her closest friends — “I went into prayer,” she tells PEOPLE in the magazine’s new cover story.“ ‘God, if you think I’m supposed to run, you gotta tell me, and it has to be so clear that not even I can miss it.’ And I haven’t gotten that.” I can’t sort out whether this article, tellingly titled “Faith, Weight, The White House, & More,” clarifies the question, or if we’re now in murkier waters. A clear sign from God? What, exactly, would that be—and who is to decide? You must have noticed, as I have, that God rarely discourages political ambition and will often encourage a half-dozen narcissists to chase a prize. Presumably all were given “a sign,” whether clouds in the coffee, an auspicious horoscope, a random passage of a book taken from the shelf, or something felt in the gut. As we’ve long known, pretty much every potential candidate who consults God is special and deserving and will make a first-rate Senator or Governor or President, or whatever. So Oprah’s gambit may be a done deal, after all. Or perhaps the Almighty jests, but at whose expense? He gave us Roy Moore, who not only ran by holy counsel but refused to concede defeat. “What we’ve got to do,” Moore told supporters, “is wait on God and let this process play out.” God gave us Presidents Scott Walker and Ben Carson and Rick Perry and Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee and Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. “I am certain,” President Scott Walker told an audience. “This is God’s plan for me and I am humbled to be a candidate for President of the United States.” President Ben Carson said he would run “if God grabbed him by the collar and asked him to.” President Rick Perry hoped to see a burning bush, but decided in the end that “God sends messages through a lot of ways.” In Perry’s case, the way was the wife, who claimed to see a burning bush on his behalf and ordered him to run. These career politicians have one thing in common: a regard of their self-promotion as part of a grand, eternal design crafted in the Beginning by an onmiscient and all-powerful Being. How nice it must be to figure in The Plan in this way. Billions of years ago, The Lord God Almighty willed that President Rand Paul would one day prevent gun control legislation, and shortly after uttering the words “Let there be light,” Yahweh ensured that men would lie only with women, and vice versa, and that President Ted Cruz would make it so. Between the stars and the planets, I AM THAT I AM brainstormed an impediment to embryonic stem cell research, under President Mike Huckabee. Should Oprah run? We may soon learn that there’s a heavenly plan for that, too. Divine warrant gives us the nauseating comingling of arrogance and humility that every aspirant to political office seems to have mastered, but most conspicuosly the humble servants of God. It’s never Would I Run, it’s always should I, “should” (like its cousin, supposed to) being a word that drips with the sugar of practical and moral necessity. If it’s clear signs you’re after, nothing is clearer than the fact that there are no shoulds, and no supposeds, in politics. Just ask President Michele Bachmann, one of the few people who has prayed for a sign in recent years, to replace Al Franken, and not (yet) received it. And while we’re on the topic of clear signs: Oprah’s deference to “going into prayer” is yet another indication that she’s not fit for office. It isn’t God that’s been speaking to her, brothers and sisters, it’s the billionaires’ club, and we’ve been there seen that, too. America has had its magical thinking celebrity prayers-and-billionaires-endorsed President. Maybe, just maybe, it’s time for something different.
Inmates Ask For Trial After Years Of Arizona’s Non-Compliance With Prison Health Care Settlement Attorneys representing the men and women incarcerated in Arizona prisons say the state is not living up to a years-old settlement regarding prison health care conditions, and the matter should be resolved with a trial. Plaintiffs and defendants in the Parsons v. Ryan prison health care settlement had until Monday to respond to an October order from the judge overseeing the case. U.S. District Court Judge Roslyn Silver said she would no longer allow the state to fail to comply with promises it made more than four years ago and gave the parties three options: comply with the current settlement, create a new settlement or take the case to trial. Silver said she did not have a preference, but warned a trial "would be costly to the taxpayers of Arizona." The order came after Dr. Marc Stern submitted a report reviewing the Arizona prison health care system, which he found to be drastically underfunded and hindered by privatization. Attorneys for the state would rather use Stern’s report to draft a new settlement agreement. Representing the Arizona Department of Corrections, attorney Dan Struck said he believed the report showed the state has been making progress meeting performance benchmarks, and could now focus on the remaining issues. “That would allow resources and efforts to target and cure those performance measures that remain non-compliant,” Struck wrote. In response to the court filings, Arizona Department of Corrections spokesman Andrew Wilder said "The health and well-being of the inmates in our care is a priority for the Arizona Department of Corrections. The state has an obligation to provide inmates the constitutionally-mandated healthcare they are entitled. We remain committed to improving inmate health care and listening — not just to inmates and staff, but family members and community partners." Inmates Call For Trial Writing for the plaintiffs, Prison Law Office Attorney Corene Kendrick said their preference is to set the case for trial. “It is clear from Defendants’ conduct in the past five years that they have no intention of complying with all of the substantive provisions of the Stipulation,” Kendrick wrote, referring to the current settlement agreement. “In addition, Dr. Stern’s report makes clear that without modification the Performance Measures and other parts of the Stipulation will not ensure that the Plaintiff class receives constitutionally adequate care.” With regard to the defendants’ preference, Kendrick said the plaintiffs would be open to negotiations pending trial under certain conditions: “Plaintiffs will enter into negotiations while preparing for trial only if Defendants agree that (1) the product of those negotiations will be a consent decree or other fully enforceable judgment, (2) Defendants’ compliance with the substantive provisions of the decree will be subject to monitoring by an independent and neutral person or entity, and (3) the negotiation period will be time limited, such as to 60 days,” Kendrick wrote. Plaintiffs’ attorneys enclosed 16 advocacy letters with their filing, written on behalf of their clients, which they say show the continued deficient health care provided by the Department of Corrections and its contractor, now Centurion Managed Care. Plaintiffs are asking a trial to be set for 180 days after Silver makes her decision. In October, Silver said the court would act immediately after the parties responded. If the case goes to trial, attorneys for the inmates said it would take at least 80 hours to present their evidence, not including time for defendants or cross-examinations.
Question: Hosting Controller creates a unique 'domain.com_web' user for each of the new website. What is that for? The "domain.com_web" user is called anonymous web user. What is Anonymous Web User? For applications where unknown users will be making requests (typically, public Web applications), IIS supports an "anonymous" user, namely, one who has no authentication credentials. In this scenario, the server on which IIS is running has an extra Windows user defined on it, with a user name of IUSR_. This user account is typically defined with very restricted access rights. When IIS gets a request from an unknown user, IIS turns around and makes the request to Windows using the "anonymous" user name as its credentials. That is, IIS impersonates the anonymous users for purposes of accessing the resource. How HC is different? Instead of assigning same IUSR_ user to each website, HC creates a unique "domain.com_web" user account and sets it as the anonymous user for its website "domain.com". Doing this secures the shared hosting server against many possible threats as described below below. What is the significance of setting unique IUSR_ User? Setting unique IUSR_ user for each website has great significance for shared hosting environment. Symptom#1: Probably 90% of databases currently used on Windows based shared hosting servers are on MS Access and are not password protected. If your server has Active Server Pages enabled, all you need to know is any one else's ODBC Data Source Name. Simply use (Select, Insert, Update, Delete) from his DSN as if it was your own. Cause: ASP uses the permissions transferred by the IIS to do all database operations. By default all users coming through web are given IUSR_ permissions therefore owner of website "abc.com" may access database of website "xyz.com". Solution: HC sets unique IUSR_ anonymous user for each website. By doing this, it makes sure that anonymous user of website "abc.com" has no access over the file of website "xyz.com". Symptom#2: As this test is only for Windows servers, your website is most probably enabled with ASP. If yes, you can try deleting any file using the File Scripting Object (FSO) of ASP. If you can't delete files in the X:\Windows directory, try deleting files of other websites on the same server. If your web host is another typical one, you should be able to do it. Cause: If IUSR_ user is same for all websites and has Full Control on all websites then there is no way for ASP to judge if you are deleting your own files or some one else's. Solution: By setting unique IUSR_ anonymous user for each domain, HC makes sure that no one can delete or modify other website's data.
Sales in the Snow: 5 Home Staging Tips for Wintertime Posted on Dec 21 2016 - 11:41am by Housecall By Dixie Somers While winter isn't traditionally considered the best time to sell your home, there's no reason you can't get an offer during the colder months with the right staging. In fact, a study found that homes sold faster and for more money in the winter months, even in cold cities like Chicago. Here are five winter home staging tips that can increase your appeal to potential buyers. 1. Clear the Walkways Whether you live in an area with heavy snow all winter or you've had a big storm on a day with several showings scheduled, all areas of the yard should be accessible for buyers. That means not only making sure there's a safe, snow-free path to the front door, but also that paths are cleared to any outdoor areas the buyer will want to view. This means sheds, patios, garages and recreation areas. And while entries can get grimy if your family is in and out with their boots on, this area should be kept spotless and clear of debris. 2. Let There Be Light Although our instinct in winter is to hunker down indoors, put your home in its best light by opening all shades and draperies, as well as turning on all available light sources (including closet lights). The exception? Turn off televisions and computers, which don't necessarily add to the warm glow you're trying to achieve. Related: The Five Golden Rules of Home Staging on a Budget 3. Keep it Toasty Speaking of a warm glow, your home should project a feeling of warmth to potential buyers when it's cold outside. If you have a fireplace that's in good condition, that's a great place to start. Try setting your thermostat a degree or two higher than usual to give buyers a reason to linger instead of heading back out into the weather. Ask a real estate company whether homebuyers in your area would respond well to layers of soft throws, rugs, pillows and other richly textured fabrics. 4. Embrace the Holidays While REALTORS® usually advise to pack away personal belongings when staging a home to create a clean canvas for buyers, tasteful holiday decorations can help create the warm, family feel you're trying to achieve. Think lush wreaths, a tree with inviting white lights, and candles in the windows for subtle yet powerful emotional appeal. 5. Don't Ignore the Outdoors Although your landscaping won't look as gorgeous as it does in the spring, pots of evergreens can help add some color to your walkways and yard. Always make sure that gutters are cleaned and shrubs are trimmed, too.
GEI Announces Four Leaders Elevated to Senior Vice President and Five Vice Presidents AppointedMarch 4, 2015 BOSTON, Mass.—March 4, 2015— GEI Consultants, Inc., one of the nation’s leading geotechnical, environmental, water resources, and ecological science and engineering firms, announced today the expansion of its leadership team with the election of four Senior Vice Presidents and five new Vice Presidents. “I would like to congratulate all of these individuals for their growing leadership contributions and continuing commitment to GEI’s success,” said Raymond D. Hart, P.E., President of GEI Consultants. “These leaders have demonstrated exceptional client service and ability to grow our business.” Giovanni Bonita, Ph.D., P.E., P.G., Senior Vice President and Geostructural Practice Leader in GEI’s Washington, D.C. office, has over 21 years of experience of complex underground structures, retaining systems, geological and geophysical investigations, and deep foundations. He has extensive expertise with both temporary and permanent slurry, secant, and soil nail walls for historic buildings, structures with deep foundations, transit systems, tunnels, dams, and tall buildings. Dr. Bonita has supervised more than 100 traditional and specialized geotechnical investigations across the United States, where responsibilities have included coordination of field investigations, generation of design parameters, performing and supervising geotechnical analyses and laboratory testing. Ileen S. Gladstone, P.E., LSP, LEED AP, Senior Vice President and Environmental Practice Leader in GEI’s Boston office, has over 31 years of experience in the redevelopment of contaminated properties. Ms. Gladstone has been the Licensed Site Professional (LSP) of Record on dozens of construction projects at urban sites to manage contaminated soil and/or groundwater. With extensive experience in the environmental field, she has the perspective to work through complex issues effectively and support the objectives of her clients, saving both time and money. Alberto Pujol, P.E., G.E., Senior Vice President and Geotech/Water Resources Practice Leader, working out of GEI’s Oakland office, has over 35 years of experience in the rehabilitation or replacement of existing infrastructure; including levees, dams, pipelines, roads, tunnels, and impoundments. Mr. Pujol has been responsible for the planning, siting, evaluation, and design of a wide range of water resources projects as well as dam safety evaluations, design of remedial measures, and construction monitoring and support. Michael J. Wheeler, P.E., Senior Vice President and Geotechnical Practice Leader from GEI’s Green Bay office, has 27 years of experience in geotechnical engineering and mine tailings basin design and planning. He has extensive experience with mine tailings basin planning and design, including performance monitoring of tailings embankments and construction oversight projects. Paul J. Killian, P.E., Vice President and Environmental Practice Leader in GEI’s Green Bay office, has over 25 years of experience implementing innovative solutions related to property redevelopment, solid and hazardous waste management, soil and groundwater resource management and process engineering. He has served as the Project Principal for numerous environmental assessment and cleanup projects for both public and private clients, integrating environmental, engineering and construction services to quantify and manage environmental risk. Jamie S. Matus, P.G., Vice President and Geotechnical/Geological Practice Leader in GEI’s Lansing office, has more than 30 years of experience with complex geotechnical, environmental, and construction-related projects. Mr. Matus conducts site assessments and hydrogeological investigations leading to innovative remediation solutions for public and private clients, and has more than 20 years of experience in the evaluation and management of coal combustion residuals. Michael G. Ruetten, P.E., Vice President and Solid Waste Practice Leader located in GEI’s Green Bay office, has 30 years of experience in landfill design, permitting, siting, construction documentation, and construction quality assurance. Mr. Ruetten’s design expertise includes soil liners, geosynthetics, leachate extraction and storage facilities, gas collection, landfill cover systems, surface water management, erosion control, and re-vegetation. Donghai Wang, Ph.D., P.E., Vice President and Computer Applications Development Leader, working out of GEI’s Sacramento office, has 18 years of experience in geospatial data management, spatial analysis, Web-based GIS application development, and database-driven Website maintenance. Dr. Wang has extensive experience in GIS-related hydrology, hydraulics, and water management projects in Northern California and has the distinction of performing as technical lead for the development of several sophisticated flood management tools. Daniel R. Wanket, P.M.P., Vice President and Water Resources Practice Leader in GEI’s Oakland office has 22 years of experience managing large, multi-discipline, civil engineering and environmental remediation projects. His range of services includes conceptual engineering, site investigation and characterization, environmental sampling, development of construction plans and specifications, preparation of reports, and construction oversight. About GEI: GEI’s multidisciplinary team of engineers, scientists, and planners deliver integrated water resources, environmental, ecological, geotechnical and waterfront engineering solutions to diverse clientele nationwide. The firm has provided a broad range of consulting and engineering services on over 50,000 projects in 50 states and 22 countries. For more information on GEI, please visit www.geiconsultants.com. Marketing Communications Manager 400 Unicorn Park Drive Woburn, MA 01801
• Development reaches key milestone ahead of CfD bid • New plans will see fewer, more efficient turbines installed 15km off Angus coastline in East of Scotland Inch Cape Offshore Limited (ICOL) has secured consent from the Scottish Government for its alternative wind farm proposal submitted last August. The project reaches this key milestone as it prepares to bid in the third Contract for Difference (CfD) funding allocation round later this month. The new design for up to 72 turbines is an improved alternative to ICOL’s original consented design (for up to 110 turbines) which was previously secured in 2014. The new proposal sees fewer but taller and higher capacity turbines, significantly improving the efficiency of the wind farm. This reduction, which would also reduce the number of export cables required, provides an opportunity to significantly cut construction time and costs to the end user. The new design, with less infrastructure requirements, also further decreases the risk of potential environmental impacts. Ben King, Offshore Consents Manager at ICOL, said: “The opportunity to propose an alternative design, which will see significant economic benefits and reduced risk of environmental impacts, is testament to how new technologies are continuing to transform the industry and bring improved benefits to the consumer. Securing approval is a key step forward ahead of our CfD bid and while our previous consent remains valid, the progression of our plans and work over the last few months very much focused around this new design.” In a further step forward for the project, ICOL is currently conducting the second phase of its offshore site investigation in the Outer Firth of Tay and Firth of Forth following initial works at the end of 2018. The investigation has so far completed geotechnical studies and is expected to finalise a geophysical survey in July, with seabed data informing the next detailed design phase of wind farm. The development is expected to bring at least £558m and 858 jobs* to the UK economy during construction through the local supply chain. ICOL is currently finalising its assessment for the location of its Operations and Maintenance base at a local port on the East Coast, which will bring further considerable economic benefits to the local area for the duration of the wind farm. *Based on the lowest generating capacity considered in the application. The final design may allow for a greater generating capacity and therefore this would have greater benefits on the economy.
Spine doctors / surgeons If you have problems with your spine and back you should care about choosing the “right” spinal surgeon. We work with well-known and experienced spinal surgeons in Israel. Among them are the heads of spine neurosurgery and orthopedics departments of the largest Israeli hospitals. Our physicians apply a comprehensive approach to the diagnosis and treatment of the spine in adults and children. They also use unique minimally invasive technologies (endoscopy and microsurgery) to treat degenerative diseases of the cervical, thorax and lumbar regions. Israeli spinal surgeons have many years of experience and international reputation in the field of minimally invasive spinal surgery: - • treatment of a herniated disc; • canal stenosis; • removal of tumors and fusion; - • scoliosis and others. Innovative methods that are used by our doctors: • minimally invasive operations; • endoscopic surgery; • innovative implantation; • fusion of vertebrae; • advanced monitoring of nerves preventing damage to the spinal cord; • navigation system and intra-operative CT (computed tomography) to improve operational accuracy. Leading Israeli spinal surgeons: Prof. Isar Flyuman – Spinal surgery Department, Tel – Aviv Sourasky Medical Center. Dr. Dror Ovadia – Head of Pediatric Orthopedics Unit – Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center. Spinal disease and deformities in children and adolescents. Israeli neurosurgeons gain expertise using the latest achievements of world medicine: 1. Microscopic and endoscopic surgery of spinal cord injuries using intraoperative navigation system. 2. Treatment of spinal cord tumors. Our doctors work together with orthopedic oncologists and specialize in all types of oncology operations. These surgeries include removal of spine part (Enblock Resection), removal of the spinal cord tumors, radiation therapy (radiosurgery), focused computer radiation etc. 3. Spine injuries. Our surgeons treat a large number of patients with vertebral fractures and trauma, combining minimally invasive methods, without incision and significant surgical intervention ensuring fast recovery. 4. Treatment of elderly people who suffer multiple fractures due to low bone density (osteoporosis), and concomitant diseases. 5. Treatment of scoliosis and spine deformities in children and adults. Our physicians perform osteopathic surgery to correct postural deformities, as well as minimally invasive microsurgical operations to relieve pressure on the nerve. 6. Treatment of acute and chronic pain of the spine. Surgery doesn’t fit all the patients who suffer from back pain. In some cases, our doctors use non-surgical methods. They can include one time or repeated injections, performed under the X-ray control, stimulation of the spinal cord, medication, physical therapy, etc. Leading Israeli specialist in the field of back pain treatment is Dr. Silviu Brill – Head of the acute and chronic pain department of the Tel Aviv Medical Center Souraski (Ichilov). In order to schedule a consultation with one of our physicians, please contact us by phone, email or fill out the contact form. Please also send medical information, doctor’s reports and a link to the MRI / CT disc (this can be done by downloading on the www.wetransfer.com, www.dropbox.com or others). We will contact you and will be happy to help.
Notes: The A-100BUS from Doepfer is a simple passive busboard for use with Eurorack modules. It features 14 power headers along with three sets of spade terminals for connection to power supplies such as the Doepfer PSU3 and daisy-chaining with other A-100 bus boards. An assembled and tested bus board, 22 sockets, e.g. for customers who want to built their own case and need a bus board for A-100 modules, includes cables for connection to +/-12V power supply (4 wires with flat connectors on both ends, length about 30cm), but no mechanical parts (e.g. screws, spacers, nuts, washers). In the new version of the A-100 bus board (labeled Version 6 / 2019) boxed pin headers are used which are equipped with a reverse protection (gap for the "nose" of the socket of the bus cable). When the bus cable coming from the module is connected to the boxed header in question the "nose" has to point to the right. The polarity of the cable is correct if the red wire of the bus cable then points to the bottom (to the continuous line labeled"RED WIRE" on the pc board). If this is not the case please do not connect the module to the bus board ! Otherwise both the module and the power supply (A-100PSU3) may be damaged ! In that case please contact the manufacturer of the module and ask for a suitable bus cable with the correct polarity of the connector. The bus cables of original A-100 modules manufactured by Doepfer are equipped with suitable bus cables since 2012. Only for older A-100 modules manufactured before 2012 it may happen that the polarity of the 16 pin female connector of the bus cable is wrong (nose points to the left when red wire points to the bottom). This is because in the past unboxed pin headers were used and the position of the "nose" did not matter. In such a case please contact Doepfer or one of their dealers and order a suitable bus cable. High-quality low-cost Doepfer Eurorack case with power Notes: This is the 3U version of the low cost cases A-100LC6/LC9. The A-100LC3 is very similar to the A-100LC6 but offers only one row with 84 HP for installation of modules. A-100LC3 is equipped with one power supply (1200mA) and one bus board. Because of the limited space the power supply of the DIY-Kit #1 with an external transformer is used (same as for the DIY-Kit #1: 15V AC/2500mA). At the left side of the case the connector for the external transformer is located. The external transformer is not shown in the pictures. A suitable transformer for the US market is manufactured by Triad Magnetics and has the product name WAU16-2400 (16V AC / 2.4A). It is available from several electronic shops like Mouser, Digikey, Newark, Farnell and others. The case is made of raw wood without laquering. The case can be varnished by the customer in any desired colour e.g. by means of a spray can.
Holiday Gift Guide: Terre de Lumière Eau de Pafum Gold Edition #HolidayGiftGuide #TerredeLumiere #Eau de Parfum #GoldEdition. (product photos courtesy of www.usa.loccitane.com) 3.4 fl.oz./100mL $99.00 L'Occitane's Terre de Lumière Eau de Parfum Gold Edition is a special bottle that is haloed with rays of gold. This bottle would definitely delight anyone who received it. Terre de Lumière is more precious than ever. This fragrance is inspired by the Golden Hour, a solitary moment in time right before the sun sets, when the light embraces the sky. A scent perfect for the most beautiful time of the year, it makes the most wonderful gift. With zesty and aromatic top notes, this unique fragrance unexpectedly develops into delicate aromas of lavender, honey and almond from the South of France. When you first spray it on, it is truly splendid. Then is melts into the skin and blends with your body heat to become one with you. The aroma then deepens into a captivating fragrance that you will be slyly wanting a whiff of all day long. The honey is definitely there. It is sweet and alluring. The lavender is light, not like lavender usually is. It is a top note that disappears early on. Finally, the almond is at the heart and when the scent deepens you can smell it and it is not like the almond I know. This almond is lighter, better and sexier. Terre de Lumière comes in many different product forms. There is the 3.4 fl.oz. Gold Edition Spray for $99.00; Addictive Terre de Lumière Collection for $79.00; the 1.7 fl.oz. Eau de Parfum Spray for $79.00; the Terre de Lumière Gentle Shower Gel 8.4 fl.oz. for $20.00; the Terre de Lumière Beautifying Body Lotion 8.4 fl.oz. for $20.00 and a smaller sized Eau de Parfum 0.33 fl.oz. for $34.00. Terre de Lumière is available online at www.loccitane.com and in L'Occitane boutiques. Like L’Occitane on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/loccitane.usa; Follow L’Occitane on Twitter: @LOCCITANE; Follow L’Occitane on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/loccitane/; Subscribe to L’Occitane on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/loccitaneenprovence/featured; Follow L’Occitane on Instagram: http://instagram.com/loccitane# and Follow L’Occitane on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+loccitaneusa/posts. (This was sent for consideration)
Boxing legend Muhammad Ali is lending his voice to call for the release of Jason Rezaian, a Washington Post reporter who has been detained in Iran since July 2014 for unclear reasons. In a statement issued Thursday by the National Press Club, Ali called Rezaian "a man of peace and great faith, a man whose dedication and respect for the Iranian people is evident in his work." Rezaian holds dual U.S.-Iranian citizenship and had been working in Iran as a journalist since 2008, before becoming the Post's Tehran correspondent in 2012. Rezaian and his wife, Yeganeh Salehi, were arrested on July 22. Salehi, also a Tehran-based journalist, was released on bail in October. Rezaian's family has been pleading for his release and U.S. lawmakers last year urged Secretary of State John Kerry to "prioritize" Rezaian's case in nuclear negotiations with Iran. Ali said it is his "great hope" that Iran will end Rezaian's "prolonged detention" and "provide him with access to all his legal options." The NPC said no other Western journalist has been held for as long a time as Rezaian and that until recently he had been denied medical care and a lawyer. It added that charged against Rezaian have never been disclosed or made public. Read Ali's full statement: With the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful "I am sorry that I cannot be physically present to lend my support in person but I pray my words will provide relief to the efforts to secure the release of Jason Rezaian. Insha'Allah. It is my great hope that the government and judiciary of Iran will end the prolonged detention of journalist Jason Rezaian and provide him with access to all his legal options. During his time as the Washington Post bureau chief in Tehran, Jason used his gift of writing and intimate knowledge of the country to share the stories of the people and culture of Iran to the world. To my knowledge Jason is a man of peace and great faith, a man whose dedication and respect for the Iranian people is evident in his work. I support his family, friends and colleagues in their efforts to obtain his release"
Here’s another great idea for dinner – Cedar Plank Grilled Cod served over Pea Puree with Caramelized Carrots. The pea puree lends itself to all kinds of flavors; it’s mellow and sweet while being really tasty. Eat it with pasta for a nice quick dinner. Spread it on toast for an appetizer. Or, thin it with veggie broth to make a nice soup. The carrots only take a few minutes to prepare, and can be done while you’re cooking the fish. Fresh thyme would also be a particularly lovely herb with this dish. The fish can be any kind that you like. Here, I used cod, and we cedar planks grilled it. Yummy! Those cedar planks add such a nice roasty flavor and such a nice woody fragrance to your dinner. But, you could also pan sear the fish for a nice crusty flavor. And, as usual, use whatever kind of fish suits your fancy: cod, halibut, barramundi, even fancy tuna steaks. If you can find pea shoots/tendrils (the tender sprouts of the pea plant), use some to garnish the dish. They add a nice flavor and crunch. You can also sauté some pea pods to go along with the carrots for additional color and crunch. If you have a particularly thick piece of cod, you may want to butterfly it before grilling it. Cedar Plank Grilled Cod served over Pea Puree with Caramelized Carrots Recipe Cedar Plank Grilled Cod served over Pea Puree with Caramelized Carrots A great dinner idea - 1 tablespoon butter - 1 small shallot finely chopped - 1 10 ounce bag frozen peas - 1/3 cup whole-milk ricotta cheese - pinch of salt and pepper - 2 large sprigs fresh basil - 4 carrots sliced in half lengthwise and sliced in 2-3 inch lengths - 1 tablespoon olive oil - 1 ounce blue cheese crumbled - Salt and pepper - 2 fillets For Pea Puree: - Melt butter in a saucepan over medium-high heat, and add shallot. Cook shallot until it begins to soften and brown, about 5 minutes. Add peas to saucepan, and heat through, about 5 more minutes. - Place peas and shallot mixture in the bowl of a blender. Add ricotta, salt, pepper, and basil leaves to the blender, and process until smooth. Set aside. - Place cut carrots in a microwave safe bowl, and add 1 tablespoon water. Cover. Heat carrots on high or 1 minute, or until tender when pierced with a fork. - Heat olive oil in a saucepan (use the same saucepan that you used for the peas, just rinsed out) over medium-high heat. Once oil is hot, add carrots and their cooking liquid to the saucepan. Cook until the carrots begin to brown, turning to get browning on both sides, about 10 minutes per side. - There are many ways to easily prepare fish. Follow the pan-seared method. Or, for something new try cedar plank grilled fish. - Soak 2 cedar planks in water for 2-4 hours. Place frozen fish on the cedar planks, and grill over medium heat for about 40 minutes. The time to cook will vary depending on the thickness of the fish. If you get a particularly thick piece, you may want to butterfly it before grilling it. - Place the pea puree on the plate, and top with carrots. If you are using pea tendrils or pea pods, place them along with the carrots. Scatter blue cheese crumbles over the top of the carrots. And, top the dish with fish fillets. Garnish with additional basil leaves or finely chopped red onion. Enjoy immediately. Makes 2 servings
An Indigenous community is another step closer to their lifelong dream of building a Big House, which will be historic for the nation. Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nation (GNN) recently blessed the carving shed on Dec. 6, which will the place where the traditional totem poles and beams for their Big House will be carved. Nearly six decades ago, the two nations were relocated and subsequently amalgamated under one name, but were left without access to their own Big House. Now, after holding a blessing ceremony over the carving shed, the community can move forward with the Big House project. Community members with ties to both Gwa’sala and ‘Nakwaxda’xw were at the shed around 1:30 p.m that day. Many members were dressed in regalia while others brought their drums for singing. Two of the three carvers, Bill and Junior Henderson were selected to replicate two of the nation’s totem poles. The newly carved totem poles will then be used for the Big House. During the meeting discussions, many members expressed that the location may be more suitable on-reserve, instead of across the community’s bridge. Big House Chairperson Colleen Hemphill stated that “a lot of community members have expressed their concern about the location and everything is changeable. We could have it at the other place … up at the end of the field at the school (Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Elementary School).” The chairperson also said that the purpose of the community meeting was to consider “what’s the pros and what’s the cons with going with the one down here across the bridge or the one up there (at the field).” Considerations were also made about Port Hardy’s noise bylaws when cultural ceremonies are to take place within the Big House. On-reserve, however, the nation may not need to worry too much about the town’s bylaws, since they have their own bylaws in place. As for what happens now, GNN will wait on a decision to be made on location and architecture of the Big House. “We are hoping to make those final decisions to move forward with the building of the Big House,” said the nation in an online post. The two carvers are expected to start carving the totem poles sometime in the new year. The project is estimated to cost around $6.4 million.
ORDER NOW because these are selling like hotcakes! Limit to maximum 5 per customer! Silver Snake Fashion Ring for Men Enjoy a premium designed stylish arrowhead necklace! This classic snack design of the Silver Snake Fashion Ring for Men was inspired by ancient Greek philosophy, the Ouroboros, a snake serpent eating its own tail, this is one of the most known gnostic symbols, the symbol of eternity, rebirth and the unity of everything representing both the sun and soul of the world. Masculine and bold, this stainless steel snake ring makes a striking impression. Creating the look, the premium stainless steel ensures durability, lightweight and longlasting. With its unique silver solid color, this ring is more than captivating. The design of this Silver Snake Fashion Ring for Men is beautifully crafted in quality silver stainless steel. The Silver Snake Fashion Ring for Men is only available silver but it is available in different sizes, so you can choose your personal preference, and it is strong, won’t tarnish or rust, and won’t leave you with a green ring around your fingers! If you’re looking for a fabulous gift for your friends and family, this is something that will show your thoughtfulness and consideration of his or her favorite activities, and the personalized initial shows you went above and beyond to get something very special! - One of the ways to show off your love for your style is with a ring. Wear it at work or some special occasion, like Halloween, party, ceremony. - The appearance will definitely be a great appeal for boys and men, it will help you to create a great impression on any occasion. - The snake design makes the whole necklace attractive. - A nice gift for yourself and to be a present for your friends. - Material: 316l stainless steel, highly resisted to rust, corrosion and tarnishing. - Color: High polished silvertone - Snake Head wide: 6.7mm - Size: US standard, other countries reference size conversion tables - Occasion: Birthday gift, school, dates, weddings, anniversaries, parties, and more. - 1 x Silver Snake Fashion Ring for Men In Stock: Leaves warehouse in 1 to 2 days Free Worldwide Shipping Available 30 Days Return Policy OUR 5 POINT CUSTOMER PROMISE - 30 Days Money Back Guarantee - Tracking number for every order - Safe payments with PayPal® & Stripe® Card Payments – Worldwide trusted payment processors. - Real people on our internet helpdesks - Low-Cost Shipping with Insurance We use Banking Level Encrypted SSL Security for 100% protection. THIS PRODUCT IS A LIMITED PRODUCTION OF Vingloo! IT’S NOT AVAILABLE IN STORES AND WILL SELL OUT FAST! Click ADD TO CART to Order Yours Now!
Story on Peoria Chiefs' 25th anniversary team, which includes Greg Maddux, Mark Grace, Albert Pujols and others. Kevin Capie can be reached at 686-3214 or email@example.com. Throughout the past 25 years, a number of fair players have worn a Peoria Midwest League baseball uniform. What sometimes can be forgotten is just how many great players have come through Meinen and O’Brien fields. The Peoria Chiefs’ 25th anniversary team, announced Monday, recognizes the greatest of those. Team members travel the spectrum of baseball — from a few guaranteed Hall of Famers to prospects still on the rise. "It’s a pretty impressive team," Chiefs president Rocky Vonachen said. "You always hear the big names — (Greg) Maddux, (Mark) Grace, (Joe) Girardi — but now it’s some of the younger guys, too — Sean Gallagher, Brad Thompson. It’s neat to see all those names on the list." The all-anniversary team was chosen by online balloting, in-person voting at central-Illinois Circle K stores and a panel of current and former Chiefs front-office personnel. Both former Peoria players to have their numbers retired by the organization, first basemen Grace and Wally Joyner, are on the team. Joyner, the only member of the team from the Peoria Suns’ only season (1983), is the designated hitter. The rest of the infield features Albert Pujols at third base, Pablo Ozuna at shortstop and Eric Patterson at second base. The outfield features three Chiefs who went on to play for the Chicago Cubs: Rafael Palmiero, Jerome Walton and Dwight Smith. East Peoria native Girardi is the catcher. Maddux, the first member of the Chiefs to play for the Cubs, anchors the starting rotation. Gallagher, Dan Haren, Rick Ankiel and Tyler Johnson round out the starters. The bullpen features the all-time saves record-holder — Travis Welch, with 48 — and the single-season record-holder, Gene Stechschulte, with 33. Other relievers on the team are Thompson, Heathcliff Slocumb and Ed Campusano. Placido Polanco, Jack Wilson, Yadier Molina, Brendan Ryan, Kerry Robinson and Daric Barton made the team as bench players. Danny Shaeffer, manager of the 2002 MWL champs, is the all-time team manager. He is joined on the coaching staff by former Chiefs managers Jim Tracy (1987-88) and Jody Davis (2006). The team will be celebrated throughout the remainder of the season. A baseball-card set that features team members will be given to the first 1,500 fans at the Aug. 19 home game against Clinton. The Chiefs tried to bring in some of the team members for an appearance, but schedule conflicts prevented that. "We talked about bringing some (St. Louis) Cardinals players in, but they had an off day that ended up being a make-up game," Vonachen said. "Unless they are playing in Chicago or St. Louis with a noon game, it is tough to get them here and back."
As revealed in his new memoir, Steven Tyler of Aerosmith practiced sex magick according to the teachings of Aleister Crowley. We’d like to thank the estimable Mr. Tyler for helping to draw attention to Aleister Crowley in the lead-up to the 2012 election. As Vanity Fair describes it (you don’t think we actually read the book do you?) in their feature, “Top 10 Revelations in Steven Tyler’s Memoir, Does the Noise in My Head Bother You?” : “If early Aerosmith songs like ‘Mama Kin’ make you all tingly (as they should), it may be thanks to the Great Beast himself, Mr. Aleister Crowley. ‘I’ve practiced Crowley Magick so I know it works,’ Tyler writes of channeling the power of the mutual orgasm to achieve wider goals. ‘I’m not saying that every girl I slept with came at the same time or that I asked her to pray for the same thing I was praying for; namely that Aerosmith would become the greatest American band.'” We’re not going to say here that Steven Tyler just wanted Aerosmith to be the next Led Zeppelin, or that he was aping Jimmy Page. After all, as Crowley emphatically pointed out throughout his life, the Law, and Magick, is for all. “Note also, pray thee, this word: ‘The Law is for all.’ Do not therefore ‘select suitable persons’ in thy worldly wisdom; preach openly the Law to all men.” As a side note, it’s great to see Aleister Crowley’s name once again gracing the pages of Vanity Fair. Crowley contributed regularly to Vanity Fair in 1915. Steven Tyler joins the ranks of Russell Brand, Jay-Z, and Kevin Jonas with their recent promotion of Aleister Crowley, and Mr. Tyler draws special attention to Crowley’s use of sexual magick. This can only be of great benefit to the campaign in appealing to the youth vote. We are deeply grateful to Steven Tyler for his efforts.
10 wines to buy from Lidl With supermarket wine aisles looking severely depleted it was good to hear this week that Lidl was going ahead with its usual bi-monthly Wine Tour in the UK, starting today. Not all the wines might be available in all branches and there may be restrictions on the number you can buy but take advantage while you can. Here are the ones I picked out from the recent tasting - the whites on the whole being better than the reds Classic neutral food-friendly white from underrated Orvieto in Umbria. Ideal with spring vegetable pastas and risotti Sassi del Mare Vermentino Toscana 2018 13% £7.99 I keep on waiting for vermentino to become as popular as pinot grigio but it never seems to happen. And this is much more appealing than most pinot grigios at the price - crisp, fresh and citrussy. A good all-rounder but particularly nice with fish or other seafood. Corte del Drago Chardonnay 2018, Friuli £7.99 You probably don't think of chardonnay coming from Italy but this is a delicious example - as smooth and creamy as a bourgogne blanc (basic white burgundy). Would be good with chicken with a creamy sauce or a fish pie. Nivei Rioja Blanco 2018 £5.99 A real cocktail of grapes - sauvignon blanc, verdejo, tempranillo blanco, viura, chardonnay, malvasia and maturata blanco (the last, a new one on me) - making for an appealingly fruity, easy-drinking white that’s good to drink on its own. Dereszla Tokaji Dry 2018 12.5% £7.99 A really classy Hungarian white (furmint) - elegant and dry with a lovely crisp edge. Would be really nice with light vegetable-based starters Scheurebe Halbtrocken, Nahe 11% £6.99 Lush German white made from the lesser known Scheurebe grape that would make a great glass for a virtual wine hangout on Zoom. Or drink it with some south-east Asian-style noodles. My favourite of the reds in this release. Classic warm, generous Côtes du Rhône. Good with a beef stew or a steak pie Dornfelder Trocken 2018 12.5% £5.99 I’ve recommended this a few times before - it’s an attractive medium-bodied dry German red that should appeal if you’re a Bordeaux fan Piemonte Barbera 2016 12% £5.99 Ideally this would be a touch younger but it’s a decent buy for the money especially with meaty pasta dishes like a bolognese or lasagne A rich, slightly porty ripasso-style red. Bit sweet for me but if you’re an Amarone or Apothic fan you’ll love it. And it would go really well with blue cheese. If you found this post useful and were happy to get the advice for free perhaps you'd think about donating towards the running costs of the site? You can find out how to do it here or to subscribe to our regular newsletter click here.
No matter what the elements outside in Grand Island, the temperature in your space designates how comfortable you will seem. Choose the right temp and your space will seem like a nice escape from everything. But if your home comfort system isn’t working accurately, you’ll recognize it. And it won’t be fun. Take time for a deeper look at the way you’re using your home comfort system. It could make the difference between a superstar system or a problematic performer. Try this quick quiz from McElroy Service Experts to figure out where you stand. - Hotter days are not far away in Grand Island. How do you prepare your system? - Switch out the HVAC filter and spruce up the vents. Then it’s good to go. - Bring in the professionals for seasonal maintenance. - Not a thing. It should be fine. - You’re planning a party on a especially warm night, but the AC isn’t functioning. What’s your first step? - Ask my visitors to bring chilled beverages. - Book an emergency repair to get it working before anyone arrives. - Start my fans and wish for a cool breeze. - Your current HVAC is losing steam. What’s your plan when it’s time for it to retire? - Have my contractor to choose and bankroll it with a credit card. - Manage worries and bills by subscribing to a monthly home comfort subscription. - Install the most intricate system available in Grand Island. - When you open your next monthly energy bill, what do you think you’ll find? - It will be a little higher. My home comfort bills have skyrocketed. - It will be close to the expenses for the same month last year. - I can’t know for certain until I see it. Some of them aren’t bad, but others are stunning. - Your HVAC system is making a weird noise. What do you do first? - Dig out my toolbox and devote a weekend attempting to fix it. - Schedule a skilled technician to examine it. - Block it out and hope it goes away. Now tally your results. If you chose mostly Bs, your home comfort practices are right on. You’re taking care of your equipment and you made a plan for down the road. But if you answered any of these scenarios with As or Cs, you can make a couple of changes to help your HVAC perform better. Keep reading to discover how. Useful HVAC Habits to Help Out Your Wallet Arrange Annual Maintenance While swapping out your air filter and sprucing up your vents are crucial tasks to help out your system for a new season, a professional tune-up is essential to complete the process. During a regular maintenance visit, your HVAC technician will manage a series of tasks that help out the energy efficiency of your HVAC. And while they’re there, your HVAC service technician will be on the lookout for more urgent complications for your equipment. That could save you a pricey breakdown later in the season. Find an HVAC company that offers emergency repairs. Even correctly maintained HVAC systems can have trouble occasionally. And it always seems to happen at the least convenient times. A company with 24/7 emergency service can save you the headache and distress. The Service Experts Advantage Program gives that much needed service to customers at no added cost. Devise a plan for your HVAC system upgrade. Many heating and cooling systems can function for 10 to 15 years, but they won’t last forever. Build a plan now to evade last-minute pressure when your system takes its final bow. The Service Experts Advantage Program™ can be useful. It gives you a new high-efficiency HVAC system with no up-front charges. And as an added bonus, the program also has free maintenance and repairs. Keep track of your monthly energy bills and don’t ignore it when they radically change. Your power bills can present more than your monthly expenses. If you’re seeing a steady escalation in your bills but no variation in home comfort, something is probably going on with your system. A new high-efficiency system can offer you peace of mind with more reliable energy usage—and that means fewer shocks on your bill. Act when you notice a strange noise from your HVAC system. That noise is more than aggravating. It illustrates something is wrong with your machinery. Even if it’s a seemingly small problem, left without a repair it could make for a high-priced repair in the future. Don’t try to regulate it yourself. Leave it to the professionals to diagnose and repair it. Your heating and cooling system can cost you quite a lot when you don’t manage it. If you apply these tips, you could save time, added costs and frustration. And if your system just isn’t keeping up anymore, contemplate finding one through the Service Experts Advantage Program. It can get you an updated energy-efficient system with no up-front costs and free maintenance and repairs. To discover more, give us a call or schedule an appointment online. We’re happy to help!
Ralph E. Johnson Ralph E. Johnson serves as a confidential and impartial discussion partner and sounding board for work-related or personal issues. He began his McKinsey career as a consultant. He left McKinsey to become general manager of the Cuyahoga County Welfare Reform Agency. In that role, Johnson built and ran the 750 person agency that developed and executed a plan to help 27,000 families move from welfare to work. He rejoined McKinsey in 2001 as the director of professional development and administration for the Americas Operations Practice. He held this role until 2008, when he became the director of operations and administration of the newly established Social Sector Office. In both of these roles, Johnson oversaw all administrative functions (recruiting, human resources, professional development, finance, and knowledge management). Johnson started his professional career at General Motors Corporation as a co-op student and progressed to engineer and manufacturing general supervisor. Johnson received his MBA from Michigan Ross in 1992. While at Ross, he was president of the student government. Since graduating, he served as chair of the Alumni Board of Governors, chair of the Annual Fund, and served several terms on the Dean’s Advisory Board. He has received the Black Business Student Association Alumni of the Year Award, The Charles H. Ihling Memorial Service Award, and The Bert F. Wertman Alumni Service Award. Johnson has served several terms on the Board of Directors for the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan. He currently serves as immediate past chair, having recently completed his term as chair of the AAUM Board. Johnson holds bachelor’s degrees in industrial engineering from Kettering University and business administration from Aquinas College. Ralph Johnson, his wife Dr. Lisa Johnson, and their children, Janae and Cameron, live in Cleveland. He is an ordained deacon and an associate minister at Mt. Olive Baptist Church.
My newly-purchased house is 700′ from the road where Time Warner’s cable runs. Because they have a virtual monopoly, they want me to pay $3250 to run cable to my house before they will ALLOW me to pay for service on top of that. I would like to express my outrage that you did not veto the recent bill that restricts municipalities’ ability to develop broadband solutions. It is abominable that you vocalized your disapproval of the bill but did not find the backbone to veto it. Many of us contacted you with our concerns but were not heard. Special interests have taken further root as a result, and our state will pay the price and lose further technological footing. I am now directly, severely impacted – along with many others. The Time Warner rep claimed that they are getting many people to actually pay these kind of extortionist fees to fund the build out of their own network – further increasing their monopoly. Broadband service is of such fundamental importance to our communities that we must find a way to do better. Not vetoing the municipality restriction bill was a major step backwards for us all. I hope you can find a way to move us forward again. I’ll be posting this to my blog, facebook, etc. and getting the word out wherever and whenever possible. Thanks for listening, Addendum: Yes I am using Time Warner services to host this blog. Yes they have provided me with great service for 11 years. But some corollary of Murphy’s Law applies to broadband access. It should be getting better and cheaper at a faster rate than their monopoly allows. Would I be writing this if I happened to get an easy service hookup? Probably not. But I did send a previous note to the Governor when I heard about the ridiculous bill. The bottom line is that broadband internet access is too fundamental a need of the people to be left to a few corporations and a bought-off government. Just like with other basic utilities, the people’s government should ensure that everything is in place, including free market competition as well as government oversight, to provide the people with the best-possible service over shared resources like easements and lines. Municipal broadband, where the people come together to create something good, is an excellent means to that end.
The much anticipated local derby clash between Brass Monkey FC and FC Planet took place on November 22 at Horseshoe Point as both sides went into the fixture unbeaten. The opening stages were tight with both sides matching each other with quick intensity play and only a few half chances created at either end. Planet then began to settle on the ball and were looking the more likelier team to open the scoring as Daouda and Raoul were making surging runs in behind the opposition back line. FC Planet players pose for a photo after their Bangkok Casuals 1st Division encounter with Brass Monkey FC at Horseshoe Point. The deadlock was broken midway through the first half as the energetic Raoul showed great work down the right flank to find Gibbons who finished from close range to give the champions a 1-0 lead. This was a platform for Planet to build on and with the deadlock broken the game became more open, with Brass Monkey pressing forward for an equalizer. Brass were made to pay the price of leaving gaps at the back after Perez picked out Gibbons who stayed onside to finish clinically with his left foot into the bottom right corner to make it 2-0 to Planet. Brass Monkey kicked off the second half knowing that a lot of hard work was required if they were to get anything from a well organized Planet side. Injured player-manager Homer made a couple of changes to his back line, bringing on Rawding and new signing Crush to give Planet more height and strength. It was a similar second period for Brass Monkey who were missing a cutting edge up front, with most efforts at goal smothered comfortably by Planet stopper Hughes. The contest was taken out of reach for the home team after the menacing McKeown found Ainscough with an inch perfect pass across the face of the Brass Monkey goal for the midfielder to finish coolly first time to make it 3-0. A well earned victory was on the way for Planet who were looking dangerous on the break and looking for another as their wide men were constantly finding space in the final third. Ainscough attacked the left line well and spotted the oncoming Gibbons in a dangerous position with an exquisite pass for the frontman to take one touch before blasting a right footer low into the left corner for his fourth hat-trick in five outings. Credit to Brass Monkey who nicked a late consolation with a neat finish low past the Planet keeper to make the final score 4-1. FC Planet though had who shown what champions are made of and this well controlled performance against tough opposition helped maintain their blistering form in the Bangkok Casuals league’s top division. (Next up for FC Planet is a repeat fixture against Brass Monkey FC in a cup group match on Tuesday 9th December at Laem Chabang. Kick-off 7:30 p.m.